Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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I net Travon




compete with all (be world on flavor,
and with the sGriet rales In force and
fully lived U|> tp. the futore ol this re­
gion is assured. There are millions
Of trull trees that have been planted
In Hie last few years and they will
soon be lu bearing and the maritets
must U- planned for and carefully ar­
say bow well be wlU suPtdy tbU great
One of the nxwt lni|«rtaot factors
lu tbe successful marketing ol
fruit wonld be the adiuaUng V
freight rates which tau only be dune
by a ctmeerted. barmonloos action of
<Mlv first clam stock prof. all tbe growers, backed by a firm <
ganlutlon. It can be done, aud
ttoveniem-hkmg these lines should be
taken np at once




Htph Fr««siH RatM Plae« a Handicap
en SMppafa as TtiH SUta is
by RailivatfA
iTiat Uie Grand TrevwM re»i<in can
sad dMa rats# trait ttet 1» supertor
#afor and soaUif to aonblns, that
«SB bo |>rodaeod anywhere in ib«
«o«Bti7 is a tact that has bet.n dera; MPtrated time and asala. There are
conaln eoodllkiQa, however.
before this (ndt can be siKcea»
fbllr pnt into, the ready ntarkew or
wbere it will Md a price that Is cou' _*M«mrale wMfa Its Qoailty. Over and
oner baa the grower Ixoo told that
beneaty la the IwyaoU of success. W
hoMot to the aoll. boBcat'<to the
bcMBt in (be pack and taseest to blmself.
ToMliUiogoodsiaUie«exiluiportmat iUbs. . nnd a market other than
tbh one when the great bulk U cooBigBod. or there will he an overstock
. ud the i>rtc)«a will be lowert<d and the
eutditlona worse than betorc. ThU
Okh be done by going Into other Selds.
ThU country Is largo and there are
1 thptHands of people who like to eat
trhlt who never tee the Mod pr>'diicts
Of oar orchgrda. It will take n Uuie
tinM and caretol attaotlan'to the locs'
Ddn. bat U can ne done.
•—Is. r.TMRett'hgp bewRSooktng Into
the matter tor aoiue tine and has
ai>eiit much time and money to create
a new market and ho has i^lvc.l It to
S great extent. He haa }usi returned
trout an eight witska' trip, rlsttlng the
gnsit land showa In.ChlcagD ami 8t.
fUnl, and the marfceU of .New York.
Buffalo. Dnfnth and the northwest. All
tbpoe loeatlooa hare never yet been
' ' with the best quality nd
Ue dMnand Is groat. Tbe important
qoeptlon and onh of the btrdMt things
to ovoroome Is the freight rates.
t Is wniog. You
con oand Iriilt from Buflsio to the
mrthwcoi for ti cents, while from
Tnrerse City It U » conts. rnmi
B4>ton it is U O^ts, from Phllsdel’ Phis » ceou and Mher cities in ptv.
' pi^rUoD. Bni even With this gnat'dlf.
tetwiK-e be found h ready rale (Or ail
- be could buy . and be has boU over
'tfiw barrels from here tliat be )>u^
Wased bImseU, and :.ow bamU that
]M bad la conslgntimt
■ |He then went Ihto the New York
B^eu and bought T.fHM barrels
Me. bat not
bt bad bought all
l4e brat stock that ‘ wiis avalUble
■ bore. He would have been glad to
bipve nsod m^Trom IbU section.
*»e facts wero that m>« of the grow,
•rs were too asgloos (b tell and weiv
, M careful In iha pack, which
«fi ta his retasai af a large quantity.
%T>y do the trovers petwlsi in tliU
^Ubouest packing
The Nev York apph* oofd readlUv.
liut tbe great call was for tbe Mlcbl.
M stock. The Ibntr was »bal erery^ ranted awl Ulehi^n does sund
a tbe boU of that at aU tii
The demand was for the standard
v^rlettes, BaMwlas. Wagner*^ North-




s and Advertising are Doing
proat Work Along Develop.

iiclier than u-o tbouxand iwoplc


I Note by the Editor t—Thls paper
kome wraks since repos^ the tar;
CARNEGIE INSTITUTibNS (bat among the snbpvts NQ be co'iTIED UP BY STRIKE
tldered ai the fall tneetmg of Uk’
Grand Traverse County Grange w
iha: of "The N<'ed of a Honlculmral
S<Kiety III Nu.-tb«<-steru Uichlgau."
AtU-ntiim waa called to (he taet that
•very- ofhrar. every director and lh«halraien of .every roamiiiee of the
prenen; ao.-tetr was a iwaiseDt »r
Grand RapUa'or some point to the
ooutb of Gn£d Rapids, and tins d.'
tpiie tbe tact that Northwestern Yin
Cevnpany Agreed to Wage Eealc. But igan is on the evo of becoadiig ll
piost impurtaiu'.iruit see.ion of :a-*
Refused to Reinstau Three Em.
AUertL'n was funh<T called
ployes Who Cireulstad Peti­
the shabby iiuenrioB given the sevi n I
tions in Ptanta. ^
i'lvitatioos from Traverse CKy regard­
ing the annual honigultaral meeUngw
i’lUsburg. .Nco.
the khlgor Thompson idam and Uome- of IflJ and l»]". It waa pointed out
that should a Northwestern Michigan
.usiii plant of»lhc Cvucsic Steel
»ny are’ still tii-d up by the strike of •oriety be formed, said society rould
tralnuicu. but serious trouble la not bonestly a» fo' one half of sach
lied. However, tbe rompoliy Is tuie approprtatioas as are made, it
Tonilying the ptanis in prcparaihin BOW appears that the regular stair
for rioting Charge* that suifcebreak- appropriation -haa been discoeticued
advice of the atiiirr.ey general, tbers arc Is-ing imioned arc vcbemeniLy-Jenicl by ofliiials. Tlie ivtupsoy last such appropriatioo was In the
agreed tu increase the traiinneas iipcal year IfU. when
by the officers and workers of
wages equal to the pay of nalon rallread employe*, but refused to rela-' tbe preseo: soeiety. The onnoal
state three emmoyes who were dls- port of the Honlraltural Society is
-iiaraed for rlrrulaiing pciitions in still printed and distributed at state
expense, and if a Newthwestem Mh-h<s*nm—lien with the trouble.
lean •oclety is formed the state
ubtedl.c bo a« genrraas in lU
Imtoieni of the new society os of ibe

tted the. YVestern MlchUmn Ainile COMPMIT
in-Detroit. .November iD



cation at Acme.


Shortly A«ttr They Were Recalled
and Compallod to Give Bail o
- Other Charges. Jellifica.
tion Meeting Held.
Salnu. Mass. .Vo». s-.,—Kitor. .Vnurn (tiuvuDitii and Jom.s>U faruso, labor leaders charged with the
murder of Annie loipizxu. a lAw-r>-nev
girt striker, were this uiurung acquit­
ted alter a i«o months’ trial. They
were Immediately lyleased from the
(fou barred cage where tbe>
conliued and they toartnlly Jcdind the
hysterical crowd awaiting them,
er fire minutes freedom, the trk
recalled and bail demanded' tc
against ilit'Ui,
charging them with rioting. Caruso’i. ball was fixed at jlm>. and tlic
otbera at IbiK*. All was proiupU.v
furnisbed. (t was made plain that
Iho oulsUndiug indk-iinenlH will i>t
be tried, but dismissed later uu
formal motion. iiuudreiU of lialians
and I. W. W. syiuiuithiEcni held
Jolliflcation meeting after the verdlil
was oahouiiced

and (he gmier number of these peo­
ple Were loud iu their pnives of Hie
fancy apples on display and the good
The i!lu*traied Itwlurc.
• Western Michigan, the iamd of Fruit
and Fortune. " was gi\en afternoons
evenings-an.l many
those who
admired tbe display of farm |>roJucts
sfaytm to heor the iceiurc and see the
lrtcture> of the orchards and farms
from which Hie produce eapie.
Magazines and folders describing
the -western .Michiguti fruit growing
and general fartiilng linds are being
distributed aiuolig tbe Wh. agriimllural
stU'k'UtK at the rniverslty of Illinois.
liopt^l tliat a rcasouabiy I4rge
number of Hicse studentv'ean be in-,
trrested'iii the western Michltmh ter­
ritory and that they will decide to Its
catc in this part of the world.
Heller ibnn Iff' men. women and
girls are kept busy in Ibe raniilog
factories at Traverse City coiitertingthe stiyall uj'pies tiul wer^ not worth
being markeletl iiilu rider. ai>ple jelly
and apple butter Tin- total output of
those products tor the carrcmi year
will amount to 20 or. mote carl>xiJs.
Ati'aiipli- s'liow aud fanu prtxlucc cx
losiiioc is t'l Inat T'rankfori on
Friday- and Sdluntay. Ih-ceiubcr li and
lance ball Inis l>ei'ii weured and
farmers ai\> urged icytrliu: lu the
■} best Ibal they liav<< lliut airUa>
know w bat the Frankfort, sec^on of
w'esleru Michigan ran produce wWn it
. doing its host.
Tlie office of i'Uldic roads in ^ddoctkin with the ITnlled Stales
itifint of agiKuUurr has sej^dred l(t
road views fruiii tlie Western Mh-hi
DcvelopaH’Qt linrv.wu for (he pur­
pose of prejaring lanlcni slides to b>used iu tile gocsl roads lectures wliich
this dcporlmcpt puts on oceasiouallyXll of the 16 ereucs are of improved
roads ill the westcni Mirhigap ternlory.
MisB .Mice Il.-tries of Ludington Is
connecled with the office of public
roads In eoiinectlon with the agricul­
tural (IciiariQient at YVo-xhington' in
the eajacliy of lectuivr. \ few weeks
-«ince she dejlvertsl her lecture'on­
road building before the member* of
IVre Marquette grauge in Mason

thing of the past Betlrt think this
tuaitw over cirefoMy before makiod
the mistake of dividing (he (rail
teresis of the state. . *



Hon. Louts H. Kead. the newly eth<ed judeo of the eleventh Judlciai i lrcult, to flU the vacancy caused by
appointment to the snpreme bench of
Judge Bteere. of SauU 8te. Marie. Is
a faithful member e( the grand lodge
of Masons of Michigan. Judgis Fead
rceides in Newberry, where he has
been practlcini; law for a nuwbcT of
yean. He left bU home yesterda>
morning at )> o'clock and arrited in
At the mcw-tlr.g «f Hie old sneicty !n
Acme last eveninl. and bis train being
Grrod UapJCs a few seeks slii-c,
Utile late, the Judge did not wall (or
Northwestern Mlcblgan'waa given one
back at the depot but started up
place out of alz on the i-xeeiulve
the railroad track for the .Masonic hull
rommiUce. The bokilng of the 1SIJ
In the village, where he was supposed
aonuaJ meeting at some point in this
have taken nan in the dedicatory
BoereUry BosscR Thinks Grand Trac­ part of the Hate will very likely, help
ceremonies of the new ball.
ers* Should Stick to (Arand
in delaying the orraniaior conrse in due'time the judge ae
Rapids Organization
tiun of a new society
rirod at Ills deallnaUon. and be did
tahe port in the ererriaes. bat Ms
Ttie following u-rier was roceHeJ
brother otncen now smite upon him
from «'. E. UuFscU, scs-rcury of the
when he relates the story of Ills mlW
Michigan State llorihuliural uucItK)
(rf (ravel getting to ilu> Masonic gailiKfpullfi Mich..
ering at Acme. U anyone has etei
.No'/ J.-.. ijti;.
Croft Broke From Her M
walked from tbe "deiot" at Acme, up FrofiUbIc Evening Was Spent After
Editoi .|(••:-.■l.l.
the «illagv tliey will reallxe what it
Ing Storm.
Ofheera and-Members Had
Dear 8ir—Thrungii the courtcay of
most have bM for an entire siranFully Recovered
hls way. and all that
ti-ccipi of a Traverse <'ity , paper, ad*
with a grip that contained all hit Ma­
The 'teaiui-r l’i-to-»e-Ba which has
'Ocatiiig Che
(oiaiaiion oi tUMHber (Mw-n at the Carter dock, broke from
sonic regalia that he was to wear at
spcL-lal s«-sslul; of Tra'.state uorii'-uluiral. sociciy for (he
tile cen-monies. but Mr. -Fead is a
iooring> during tbe nvent storm
etae City lodg.. No. ;L': F. a a. m
m>nJ]."twUTn ]<art of the state, with and drilled ^eral hundred feet dowu
great scout and must have scented
last evviilng. The -iKs-iing was talhd
S'view of s.'curing.oiKs-ualf of tb« (he shore. She is at present aground
the good thiugs thst were in store tor
e ‘j'c'locl: anti the first aeciien wea
taate appri>]>riation. The artid* in- in sboal water ihi-i s^te of the do«''.
him and so would not have missed Hie
iferred and then the members were
(Jicaicd th.v; this move is ty. be mafic
gatbering for,a fortune^
The boat had been tied to a vpiic
called to tbe dining room for a bounit
l-iH-.iuse (he aniiuzl meeting of the in the dock. sbUh was evidently rot­
ful supper, wblcb bad been prepved
suite society was not held at Trai; ten, for ill the slorm_ the sfdle was
by «be stewtrda This t-tUled out Vue
. TBO City this year. «c
broken off and the boat wai loosened.'
of the lirgeet gathcrlugs that hrs Iweii
If Traverse city wants a socl«v>
ancherJo which she was fasieued
In .the lodge rooms thi'jear.and that
Ibis office stands ready to do all In- was^^ggf^l with H«e host snd was
state Bkak ^ruit Created a Favorable
is baying n great deal, (ui the tuceiita power to help organize ong, as ineffeeraat in siopidng ih- craft until
igs are very well attended
:t has done in uiosl of (he m ighbor- she Went asfiore. - Slie is now well |mAt T:SV the evn-namies were renig coumi.-* around Uii-rc. .\s to tbm: iKtlded In the aaod and her hold D
ttnirttv.. sl.vte appropriation—It doer twrtlallr filled with water so that It
Uu> Tippltt. Wbu sent away oume of burned and while in tbe nridsl of the
not exist. Under the new consUtu will W uo email task to rdeaM- the
he One apidca from (be dlspUy that ^rorit on alanii.was M>imded at Hh;
.>>n of Mi.-Mgnii no appropriation for craft
was in the State bank? lias received door aud it was aiisouni-^-d ilmi UkNew York. No'
‘.Iiw-erd from the different paroles and effleers ol Ibe .Michigan .\lH8iat:>' hriHcs and an colleclui's, in. al-cui •uch u imrpose can be niiidc^and the
they all w-cm to voire tUo one tart grand lodge were at lUe door and <*iuul Dtimbers thronged AnderMU's ri~-em Stall Honlrtiltunj Society b
(hat they are surpi-hied at the beauty 'Ifhed tc be admllied. It was on-' gallery this afternoon at the o|vji’DK ■ondurtiag its Uusiiicss with its own
of (be aptdok aud the remarkable fln- of tbe greatest eurpris-s that has be"ii of fbe amiion sale of the Auciislin :uud*. In view- of the fact ihzt'lhr:
l.T'Ottghl to the niembere. for Very tef
(innual iie*->iiig was h'-ld at I.MdillgoV. Kierybody falls Into that
Dsly collection of pCrtrairs of ciiiicailzeii tha: they wtiuld etill cti t'lu't
Insi tyei-efiibcr. has the nortbwcothabit of ulking «d«ut tbe "flavor.
aciors nnd actr.-ss. s. The .-piTbe pariics suj that they |hii the lodge l> was known that (hey wvp.- lection contains nut only lortraits ol cm'pan of Jhc suto any complalct
apiden on exhlbiition and they were :.t .\Ctl-.e to dcOicale i||.it lodge hall, ihe nienil'eni of ihe eoniiiany which 1 (v-ause thi* executive board though'
thought that they 'neiid
ii wi>e^(ti iK^d this year's uieetlT'
the admiration of all wlw saw them.
.Mr lialy ke|>t loan her m) niauy .yea:s.
One man closes bis letter in this man- t;et here In time (or tb<Acereinonl'*s in.-tuding Ada Reliaii arfd othiTi.. tmi V the sanp- pIh'x' as tbe Apple Show,
Tbe result of the Vote at the last
It may be said that on aciYmm of
"It is nwll> loo bad that wp ran
also mauy other players eonvh-uous which was a Norihwratern Michigan Koneral eWcilon for tbe randldate' lor
npi have aomc of your spletidid a|s
in Iho earlier TiUlbry of lhe>tege. The I.Sow* Then- nas already'been some
sroatdT- fs eonraltted* & Hu fol­
*alk amor* tlie officers ol holding the
pies for our reguUr eating, but the but two of tile regular ofOeera
gem of l/ie collWlion is Sit' Joshua
••■■xl annual tje-etiiig at*Traiersc CUy.i lowing tableexpresa and freight rates are prohlb chairs, but William Motheraiil. who IlcynolOs' loriaii of l»a»ld Harnck
auliig as worsTiipfuI marier. <w1
it suitable •arfsngeuicnts c.-n bi- mafic.
Itlve. If your iteople rauld overcome
During the past throe years IhC;
that, wi- an- eeruin that you would larted bimsHf and the honmaiil.- viitors
.'late so-'icty 'jas assisted m organ
dud one of the largest markets In the
country. They make oiir luoutba »a- form.
iiig seven local societies in 11
Those who couipo»<wl this, notable
o look at them
• icinity of Traverse <^iy and neigh­
l>any were Lou B \V«osor |ot lU-e-b
boring <ounti<-s, and tlic»e loral uocHt- .................................. i.S
YhlW tbo otbw varieties that are woU
at}, right wvirsbtidiil grand scireiar.%
lie* are doing good work as auzil- Detzio .
ttewn bora «an be sold, yet you lut.'c
iarn-s Of the st.itl* soci.-iy YYiat more Gd, TraversSulk tbHi uaUl the unceriaint} Is
r.-yt i-r.«
shipfurgiand eliaplaln; (bo. 1-. I.usl:
could lh«.y gpiii by
throwing ill Kalkaska
of Bay- City, right wondiipful yuuior
;TbU roar Mlnsoarl ao|>plU-d nil tbe
Sai'TiiiiKiiio. I’.ihl .No'
—EMmi their ta:v «;iii A n. w |.r al society
l..e--1kuai> .
Pratty Event Celebraud at Mapletoi jrwnd warden; .> tV. Hawks. I.aitsius. figures in all cottniics today
I' .Ys'it )• they arc liaving their anniu'. Missauke^.|is«»— Baa DavU and Hlpplni. and
TMs k^orning
Iglit worshipful seritor grand d«».-«p- ecriuJti that lio- ('allloniia c-hetoral reports printed (or nothing. wUh -• Wexford .
tu great malketa of Memphis and
imuts H. Poad of Ne»bi rry.-wori»hlpMew Ortaas bought all th«^y wanted
- will 1h.> divided between lb^<o- U^d'<\d>>- for each of tbvir meW
Junloi grand dcacoii; J F «•.and YVilsf U. YValla.v. Hu- bigliest bers. they hatv tlie privil.^.- of bur
ttoin New York. Michigan apidra
t»Cl i'.iz ll« 5T*:
MapUdoB. Noi. UT.—A ler.v pretl Cn-gor of Detroit, grand lykr
UoOS'-velt epwior. ha^ a pluraiitv of log tlu-u »-ippii'S u: *w. and stlJ
aJwM be P« into (heee center* and
Tho roiBainder o' the work of iha
Over (Sriffin. the hichWi Wilson other Impro'enivnfs are i>ow_ being
M a good .sale, but the IleH ihst is Wedding was.dbTcuioiZvd in St. JosrpU
thurrh this morning when Miss Itutb evening was turned over
ol.vTor Till* other dyiuo. raU • electors Idaimed for. What •■wti iJ;is prdposcl
«PM isjAp Croat oortbwest. and
emi with the excessive Hawkins bocauie tbe bride of
aud it was Indewd
hiaher th«it.^tii<pr-grw^ rew sockdy give iu ida.-..- of liiesv.I'mVw, w» ef Mr. and Mrs Eugene only for (be candidate but tbe luany
indotu-nunts’ .Not all of the preset*.
ratsa as a baMUeap
tlYbUe Mr. fbrhott paid ibe growers fmkw. Father htiucuer o. Elk Kapids mesabm who were present to lisieu
auxilUri'-s van be iatiuced to-give up
this splendid n ndering'of this most
this certalm.'- fora hard stfuggle (or
h^ »5.W# for tbe apples that lie linn officluUng. using Ibe nujiUal mass and
exlslfucc. At the roent Grand Ra.;beautiful w<wk.
Rltd. lio doubt a better price can b« the ling aenlie. The bride
Alter Qie ceremoutgs Mr. Moihi-rsid
for next season, provided tbe trait beautiful gown of white net o
ida mcoting Paul, Kos«c of Bebzii
county was selected as a aiember ;(
Mb win comply with the new regnU with a idctore bat. and was attwided introduced Mr. lawk, wiw-acted
and the How of wU and
the executive board of -Hie state go. Moas. for the Sniaer bill wUI be In op- by MissKutbZoulek.whuse gown was
ciey and anoHi-r aieuilwr from the eral control of food pricca. in an ad
humor made tlie eveutng one (oug
'•iatton by that Ume and Ih^t di- prettily laahhmi’d of piid^sOkbe rcmeiubetvd by titose wtto were
jTraverae Lay »• rtioa mlgiu have been dress before tbe fonrUi aannal meeriuz
ssaods that the pack be uniform all groomanian waa Uwter Schaii
. Iwjwir, Mo. Nor rt.--.Y niati- added to the board, hud the delegate* of the -Voieriean Specialty Mannti;
ton'unmc enough to be pttwcm
'ritroagb the barrel, that «ieh must
I im-ubator. capsbh- of hatcfaL”- un u-d on a :»ac ;uxl nomiuao-d him. tnrers'
brar the name of the grower and the before a lH>kutitully Uecoqfted altar,
Each of Ue grand ofheera rvspuadeggs pi a tnne is oa dlspta'
Varlet}, and tbe grade. Sboold an> which bad a* tu backgronnd palma d' to Uie humorous Iqirodnctions li­
Admitting that the suie toei«^ ii
He also spoke of tbe limited opbe told that were not as represented and other greens, while jaatlly
the ;o»st|mmter. and among them was at :he Mnusl St. I>xuis Pouhry Sho*- cot perfecL wbai ii<ore ran be ex ponmiitles for young tm-n at thia time
tee grower Is Eaed one dollar a bsrrd. ranged ak>ug the chancel rail w
Hon 'Judae Ma.vne. pho Jollied tb-t which'opcned in the C«3>i»eutc today. ported from a new sectional aocteiy. because of “big huriness."
isost pay all the cosu of {nosecutloa.
d:e> bad -.rrlvied
vojyiou* deparunenta tbe show starting withou' funds, without expeir' tuuitles are becoming so drcamserlL.
h chance of
c-uibriHes aa «dao«nte exhlMiion ■'i t-nce and with a divided tacmbora^lp’led by big business," he -«o<. "that
Mr. and Mrs (tmloe sriirmako their
viriL As h la now be can be iiroae.
FTom haiw the grand otAcera win a» i*orr brad riiiefeeaa. turkeys. 5ve*e, TwoBtT-avs joars Aco MbUlgaa ra-iue silly opening iefi for a yttuag «mb
baam «tdt tbe luHer'a panota lar tbe
to Maalatee w MKcala tbo ducks, plgsoas and pet mock (roh> all perteoced (hi* mue thing, bai BwJls to beeome a tkmer, sermt or reIteatUUJK^;
Uanoir Tt
of Ue UiasMppi Valley.
-W« Mk^igan
gUU bm


Kom WITH am









IS ded:gateb

Membdra of




Ledges Stai^ HA^ «a
Masonic OrdM

ifYom Tuesday's Kecerd-fiaUr I
Traveraa City todge sf Maauat mad
tu sister lodge M Acne haa beta teKs
ored by a visit from the Oraud Lodge
of Free and Accepted MasuBt of the
sute of Mlehlgas.
) tbe lodgs hall at Aeatn
the foBowlng Grand Imdgo o
fomed the ceretaoay:
Lou fi. WiQBon. light wronhlRtBl
graad seerKair;
U- CaUagber, B.
YV. G. ehapUin: Gwge u hmk. R.
YV. Juator grand wazdea; 3. IL Haahs.
YV. senior grand deacon; Lnula'il
Pood. W. Jr. G. deacon: J. r MiGregor. grand tyler. EAmor M. WhHe
of Traverse City Aodge. Msistad Aa Iho
'tnoolos by RlUac (ho
Htatioo of right vorahipful arakit
graad warden.
The ceroiDoaies Wore attaadiri --by
the meubera <ff-Aevo lodgm asd arv- ■
era! visitors were prwooat tm T»'
City. Tbe evoalag waa IB ohJoywble one and tho UaDroasIro eiercites were followed by a 6 o'clock dia
bt tbo
Easteni Star, lo wbMl ShanDra .com­
pany did ample Juatloe.
Tbe graad lodgo oMoera aai ffMIMra
returned later In the ovobA^ by aAO'
moblie to this cHy.
^ '
.The officers of AcMO lodBO -Whi
for the oeoaLaras.
YVorsbipful master. DoanAg^r. lljyxiV; M-aior warden. Moora C^ampun.
Juator warden. Chaa, SdUrk; uoiikir
d-aoM. Walter U. Baird; Joalor do*Mm
Hoxie; treosurir. Joaepb Tartor: ijlor,
Guy Champuey.
After dinner speochoa wera mads
by all the grand lodge officen. one
homtFtaied that to his kaowtedgop- or the offioers of thte lodge
rowld upon a raonMl's mioe. take
tb# station of any other orBetr. 'st>
profirteu is Iho Ma^c Work ia
Acao lodge
The dinner. prv«ared sad served b..
the ladies of Anno Kwiafu Star
lodge, was voted by Tb* grand AodE*
orfWerw to be the best of wUcb 'Dler
had partaken. The onewa ct tb*
Star, whlch'fs second to aoaa ta tbstate, except lo tha namber of mamLer*. are.
Worthy matron. Johaie lloiie:
worthy prtroo. D. F. Hoale: asaodbU
matron, EUzabett SUtw:
Moses Champoey:
Wait-r Baird: cosdacUBos. Berth z
A'elsb; associate rooduMraas. Mrs
Guy rbampoer; chaplfB. Anna Xes
organisL Ethel CBaSDOor; Ada.
loiuio Stitfs: Rurti. RoM Haxie; £«Hier. Aiunisia Chaatpav. Martha.
Mrs Mosher; Ueetra. Mra parlor.

$25,000 OAMAOE
Fire, sunod Whan FUae An MbpAiig
Picture Show Eapl«M; 'Many
•ton Harbor. .Nor.
outglaatlBg from an cxpiouioa la a mb'
ing picture show did Ki.W) damM*
oloma. hear here. U« night. Tw*
hundred peraons w.-ro aMeadIng H"show and- fougbi each other in a ru in
ruuh to the exit*. Mr* women wrr
ntsheO, but «m live. A,kUsxardwss
laglng and tha vQlage Sre dffpartmoet Benton Harbor son.'

Wa.'hiCgion. .Nor. :;7.—E. E. Clark
Of lows was rrappolatod on tbo tnier. commerce conmtlgiloe by Preol






EAQLE. I miiiimy. NOT. 9B, ins

' Tfflit'ho\fi'vrr. oiiiy tlirowa the lo« bark uikhi Rfiil. tiid'ufTt npini
the ariginal i»aeker». Hut the fta^un- 1 wish to ^riht Wof»'that
afe now h*w about'«event?-fivf fauiilic* to whom th.-se anpUsi
wci* dvlivrr.-<! who will never buy another Northern
ipjdv^if tlM-y know ll. Suoh practie.-* ar*- parlieulnrly««lrou»
UifAifau mark«..4» the>>.al appka that eome from
ifwIngHb are Hkdv to He aoW hen' a» New Tork state
becawk- of the better rejwtation eueh ai^lea have awjuired.
In ihia leUer is Kiven an accurate pictun' of what has hn^TUrd
U> oeois-a <rf other people whi» have «4-iil here for aohie of the fatuous
uf the Orand Traverse region. It also shows how diaaatrwas
the practice of dishonest packing proves tp-lhe region, on-aoeount
of 111.' bad repulalibn that the Wit is given in th<- plarra'*flie»
l>eu^^>h^ haw been nniJeted in this manner. It always pays to In­
decent, and it also pays U. k- hou.wt. With this iudkinu-ut staring
.. .fl-M la Adraaca the loari growem in the fae.- is it not about tiine to wake
........Mela Advaao(
la Atfwica furnisli thc (Hs.ple who buy appT^ in g«*od faith with llh- vhIio- of


■ tkl Tnivene Bay Eigle
Twm • weak
MIhW TirfMte^ aad nmridar at Tn



llsllp^ kurertw, tae '-o««W*r!'''1^Bfc
tlwlr afic«tia> we<BingEsani«nkasir>y
l>l«ai>ani evaaiaa wa^
sad musk, niter
preeaoted .«r. aad
with MMWe besMIitul ^HV^DIS
U>k«a o( iJwlr estwjia. ;-A'
sbd at a »• boot- -aH 4»-lamcd lor tlteir Mmua.
Ur. Slk^BO of Uiaud
MUiu'lo aiS'Otl a-fcw
in thb MK-aUiy.
Peter Mulb Slid a |i^> tirW tSrand
H«-M» ii8\e N-n htituW for ihe i«8r
te* «a»B.


fiMgiiiss & Kellogg
Cmrn nboa Stora.
CofMT Cam ana From VMt% Travatra egjr, Mieh.

stop cucMlng and let u» fit you oat
with Ahoet fof every day wear that
are right. We are daln^ oiir^ best
every day to give yoa
You will always find our prtcea rea*"'

• lira Wahar Tbomra«t f*«l eWU
m k Poaataa are v*ildai.t»«r owl
MnL Woi-aci. aWl broib'-r. . Ia«
Word.w '
K, K Itowmau. S t>. Bafke and •
k A 1*M. at lha poatoOea B IWi
•anvil rviuh*e<J Tuwday Iroui t
r tha Act at Coacnak o( March 2. in>MORTGAGE 8AU&
Maiilalec RUer. s licrr • iheV
iK-n.-ral uieirlinucll-..-.
IHfanlt ha'it,^ Imxui iiiaBr in tfa.
The Michigan S|)ortsmens .Vasociatiou U going befon- the next fas da.v*' bunilBi:.
and bou*.'. liK'utc.l_ u
.•oiidltiou* I'l u (•••iiaiu it'i.rismae inndi
City, to ev.haucc f.’K
Waller licMer wa* tu Haiwr ou ObsI'V F. A. WjIi-ox au.l Uulila Wite^
Uai of the legislamre with- a request for U-tter law f«*r the
liiislatnd al:.| uiiv. of Old' Aliwlotr.
- . ?
proti-cliou of ganic tnrds and animalf. The association will n-c.m- ilncBs Trfwda..
MIdUnn. m tavorof
F. Urdu-;
• inlau.) .iraaae- wtH-Aa'
meml the eonsolUlaii.m of the fish commwsiou and game warden s ThauksalviUK diatner al the l.raiis. Tecfh Extracted Ahsolaftc- oi Ikimntr jda.-.'. .Ufe.i Mafv* ;
li.,__l:‘ll. and rn-oided In (In- otire
■departments-into a new sute biwrd of five members, which k to tiatl 'Hiuniday.
ihe'Ti.-gisier of tVed“ lor f.raii.l Trav
«y III.- -Ka-olur- imil-sl 1 ..m rt- . i>e»4nBtgMi>»U*er .M> or-Mi>ngageB
Tlie or>-rre«-r. Ccotae Bartou.
be Bohitarlisim ainl uou-Kaluri*d. This boant woulil appoint the
iiioic ilioM' arlilns hl'tL 'aliM.iuu-h on |«ae*
and .--'Til on Ibe ;.',ih dsv
wwnlcn and have the pr.-seul tniwer of the fish commismou. still baulliiy yravcl Thej are puttltOK wiiLoui iwi'i. ail.I wiiluiin ilu- Us.- «il
MalVh. .t. It. Il'll. ou whi.-!i iisirloil i!..Ill ibe vlHaae.
H iii 'a tttrter of wowlerm.-u( to uiuai people who are familiar
<I^Ia^ 10 {ipod^— uueou*. k.u»i>.-«»
tiien- i-^ >-Ulim->l lo ti- .Ini- al ill.Pn»i>ng#ti«ii of ..........birds, siu-h as quail.
P.ulde of Ii.-rw.iii- u immaui. lu and
• ef iliis holi.e the Kiiiu of Ktgl.tyThe leaclMT* here WHI aUe a
' wfai tat«nih] cwiditioiia in Awitria why that ^nation is so anxiout
eo nnd IddOn <tS2.1ii» dnlMi>. ai»l
be fortend- The as«icialion would have tracts of stat<
r f...- impUs and Uictr narem*
to pH»wy« into war with 8^n-ia. when sueh a move would result in
-Ka-olar" jwibod.of iwinices .'Lir:i<|.TvM-t-ediiK:s at taw diatii.g
aside .for preservi-s for tbew birds. .\notlu-r rei-bmiuendation that n.'sdaj erctiinjs « the IttUoB .-bnrrh iloB.
j. luLudjo mwe
aueh'^ra^l^ €soDse<iuenc«*. A earofol study of eliathig oondiF |in, \v
4’ha*. Kcunvy and aOn Beginald
will b.' made k tlh* establishing of a iiuuter s liccuso fee of *1 for
ciirtnJ by said lUi gage or any |«ii
lions politically giv«-s an inkling as to why Uiis MIigiTi-nt spirit
:ba-:;iis.\villle)m Phn-k. win. Iir Mj.M..rh.ll
a Michigan r.-si.K'iit and
for a uoii-rcsideiit. There is some
Now, ilH-r.-i ■re. bx vilMle of til*'
Ilio bale aiK-ni ooine tUne in BWlVh
is ahown. jAl the pr«-Hent time the rouutiy is t«ni l«y iiilemal
doubt about the wisdom of establishing the boanl a; m'ommended.
linwer Of sale
■olimiMa aud Hk- 11ak.«a:
strifb. a|d M hr all cIToroi «rf the govmuneut to bring the rarion
gage and
. alatiiie in rii'h eae>Imt th.' measures adv.K-atcl for tlie protection of game bird* anDefault haxliig been made in tlie
liiovidi-d. Duut-e IK licreli'
.faoKhoa togriher have failed of rerolt. In order to take the atten*
good, and tlic' slate would pn*fit if lbc> are cuael«l into law. Thcr.rondiiiona of a <i-rtaln mortgage made clv«n.|bai on ibt- IHh dav of lAi-em
tioD of the pj.*i»ple away from their lyal or supposed grierahcc it i* Pw inueli ruthless slaugtber «*f game birds and animals at tinAnbur IllusdiU and lau Hinsdill. U-r. -A. I'.. M'lr. u it» odlo^-k In
ihci'iwill be »i>fai at |•llhlkis nc'itriwirT tn hiin- a new i»«ue of gnraler «;oi»Boiiuwice tlian any
TLe Hillside Grove sctmol wlH cW*«
preaent lime, and if action k not taken s.wu to pn.t.-.'l and
fllfa dav pf*Ottober. .K. H..
rion to the higlH-xt bidder al Ifae
.r Thaaksalvliu: da.v.
that are at prawet before the public umiw. Ih the paat war baa
nnd r«HV>r<liil iii llic offln- of Ihe regis­
It drmr of th.- Court Houm- mi
propagate their sjHwics lh.‘ atate will soon fi«‘ .Iraiimtc «*f thk class
iu I'lie riiy t>f Travbeoi a groat and effective method of reiuvnling the national fhe- of birds and animals. Then- is loo much lawl.'ssmsw exhibited ««■
f> (Tty. .Mlvfaigau. that being tti.The rariv at* Henry Knchtlelkn'* Traverse, and Mate of Michigan, on
tioM. and in thrir last exiivmit>- the advkors of the emperor sec the part of Imntera. and in many* lo.'oli(ies .*f th.- stiUe the game Saiiirday evening fcri* Well ait.-nded the I Ufa iliiv of October. A. I). r.‘<lT. In lilaoc where the Cin-Ull Court for Ifae
ol mortgage*. «m i®ge 0-11. on Couuiv of Grand Traven*e Ik ln4d, llnin thw time t<*l«l method a way uut of lUeir present difficullJra. laws are wt at naught by the residenU of thwo- .•ojimiuniti.'s. with and all reiwrt n line lime '
which munsage tlu-re i* i-Uinicd to l>i liromiKi-s descrSietl In *ald inurtgugo.
Misa Uly Gearing Ik anUrilnK with dne at the duir of thi* notice, for iirlnWith this object in view they hair gras|ksh the Ualkaii tnuridk the ri-Biilt. that the rianghter k .•.mtinuwl <*ut of season as w.-ll as
<mii-b ihereof as may t>e nec"-- *
ellRil nntl- Inierefl IheniW. the auiii ol
lo nay ifae amuuni due on aid
felon on her right hap.I.
aa m exeime for darting war talk dial in the.4-ourMe uf a abori
scasmi. The laws are .-ufoni'd pnqa-rly in ihk dislrlc!.. but
Six linndrt-d and Ktfiy-Six and lil'Hi
InvIudlliK ititeiesc ull'l all
Cleon Chaniimey haa a vei y
letl.llM Dollai*. and an attoniey'M
line may develop into a real clnsh^pf arms. For scvtrrni years ther.' arc .ohew wHcre they an-' not. undniu- n-sult is tb.- 1-apid.
eOBiH. «ii|i. an iitii-rnry fee of
. Of T«»enly-Five
n ifl.'.t IDotinr*
the Hocialists have be<-i> grawing in strength until at Uic;l>reseut dceiiuatiqn nf the flocks of tjuail. ducks and other birds. Pr.qk'riy
lx>tik- Clees.l* .ialting |fer sis­
l<rovl(led for In said iiiorigage: iinyi
The l.reiiiii.eK fa.-ijig d-ie-rllH-d In
.. suit or |>r<M'eedlng* at Utw' lisvliiC said inKtrnni.-iit a* follow*' That |iarnum^ they hold the bahiiwe of power, and if their idoaa ar* pot ^tcclo.1 gam.' pr.'s.TVcs on stale lands would be tin- proper ter Ml*. Krceuian'. for a fe.? lUys. '
C E. Mallory- ha* gone to il* u|s been InsUtuted fo recoviT the moneys i-et of laU-1 loraled in Ibe towushln of
into cffwrt the gow^rninem'^w'es a rapid waning «T iU intiuonce metbod of Having the game of th.- state.' and the sooner this sug­
seeured by said niurigaRv. ‘w an>
t Fouinsuki. pouDiy of Grand TravorM l<er |«nln<u1u on » bunting iH>>.
'mill Ktatpof MIcliIgsn. tit: A start of
ovwr the pi<op}e. ''In order to kit-p the nw’l intenml condition of gestion is euaeted into law the Is-lter it will bi‘ for th.- Iiuuters of
Mr*. Orlrn l»ay k‘ vWIIng tier sis­
Notice I* heri'liy given that l>y v
lot two. ktinmn a-, a |>art of do.k fail, f
■ tkgf- tUpira a'Aivret from other nations, a strict ecuHorship of all iHo future. ■ iliclngaii cannot afford Ui have h.T varieties of liinls ter in Chicago.
tup uf til.- iK)w«-r of tiale fontalmil
Ix-twepn lol i-r.-xl.Hisly mold tu K. J('has TilUon is kill B|* with rheu- aald muilgnge. niul the Malute In stiHi Itriiikinan and tfa.- Iilghway iiorlli of
news has been e<;tnhlisbed. and in iU pUi-e an acliic war Campaign killed dff in the ruthless maimer that th.‘ pigeon wa« in wnnigwic bv>
• made an.l jiroy
iiroyMcil. on Krk'av it .TU-! of Ihe *.-iii-e «(dlh. vlt ill It-Pl
in order, to araum- the waning patriotism of the |i«opIc, »*
the mill day <if .lami
liaro. 1 uf land la-lng L'l' leei wide .•a>l „
Miss Adellue Jlaitory s|s'Ul Sumtay
-lock In till- afternoon, ih
and w.wl amt a|i|>n>vinialelv ie leei
m'mkm <rf centering their attention on outside iniiiw. in the hope Help Still Sekree
tbc court lioitM- in tong norili ana m»ui1i. Im-aua. In Ifaid«r«lRiK-d will,
at home.
thnl-lhey win speedily forget them real traublcs at home, ft bai
Clly\ Hiat N-iiig •-otunmnl.x known as Ufd Mu­
tile city of Tra»
The general prosperity experiem-ed ^uring tlie summer ami
Miss Uly Gearing visited at «
slim. .'ilchigan.
dlTrlop.^ that itts plan has not worked in the iiuimmr in whicB iTalt inauths is evidently going to ennliiiuc through the i^nq-r. if JUillory s otic day last week.
.the lonm
1'iate.i Seineniu-r IT. A. H-. 11*12.
ha pron»oVc» expected, for ycirterda}- Hcveral large dcmowitra the rcp»*rts that are sent out from the lumls-r .'HnipK of the uorlh
I^>m;il F I.AI1UIF
tioms were held that were of a deeidtdly ai^li-govjTnwcnt-ch
are true. 'At pr.iwnt it is impossible I.. s.i-ur.- .-nougli men to niHii
•ll III.CAini <• GIUIKKT
imy Hk- :■
and amne of them were of such magnitmle that the poliiv wer.- put the cuni|w. aud 'unless relief coni.-s s.s.n it will be ii.i-eviju-y for
.MiiitTK-- l>-r .Muilgagei'.
Mr 'Hiler was a Tniy. rsc City .-all
a said niortgago. w .ili
-said dm
lUialn.-** aildivfia. Travci»b City,
10 thgir^ ertroniiy- in order to cope with ^he trouble.
Foatf of them to shut down for the season. They ctutuol b<- rut
eroKl. and .alt b-ciil MitlUgan.
- on .Monday. *
with Mild nltorn.'-'i
Mrs. Hayes is sick at this wrUlng
scfal 111- thursdiv IS
'profit sh.iri hnnib-.!. and .-ill the aiijieak that have been sent out
tba* repoBs that have siiwHHded hi getting Wd th#
.1* iwelitj three (M
.T. TUarp w.'iu to Traverse City
emi^,>it is to bi- iirfcrr.d that in case Atwtria really rushea inti for help hnv.' not met willi iiiiy favorable rcwpinise. Fon-igners
and twenty rfunr Gill of blinl: four
Ht 111 l'.-n . fiaiinali'.- Tiiliil iir.i
searee as the irativ.' born' workers, wbieh in swiie l.H'aliti.'s
War Nl^tAr govenuneiH will be’ kept ev<-n Hinder in trj-hig tb keep
Mrs. Hiler is aide to be al her work .Addition to i le Clii of Tniver.xe Ctt:
'he great exodms that has taken place on ae.iuinl of the again.
■«l»r dptOttw* th^die will in taking care of the enemy on ihq

& SJhte.' Thei>- arc immy reforms that th»- eorammi i>«-oj>h! Balian war. but in most instimA-s tbc cmploy.-rs arc at a loss to
Mr* t.anil>cn La* Kone to Grand SMKHIFV, UX^KY & IJl.UK.
lornei-.i for Nam-y Hiaedlll
Wn».^ hgati claumriog fur for man.v years, and it would be a matter
i'-uilding. Grand
•4 woot jadpniun w well as diplomacy to aettle them before trying >'4-ar. 'vlu-n busint-ss as a rub- is stow and-iKwitious Mm*'.|ucntly
Not .
i« fara 4s twuade enemy. Aside from the intcmal conditions that few. A piTisiKTOUK winl.T is alwai-s follownl by a gi>^ s.-a-son
oct 111, i:,
- 1.4,
:•(. 111
::i. nov T. 14,I. :i, 2V, dec
Deliveries Each Wedn^ay
Ti, I- IS. 2«.
faoe the gtw*fWment thera » the financial factor to Is- reckono.1 diJing the spring and sumiper. s.. if there is ary thiug in ^luging
Gel ilur -'liutriii tnin* t.-r Kiliiiig and
with, for the ra»ntr>- k in no iwailion to carry on an extended
thd fotun- from the past, the emuilry is in for a priHluvtive Husinew
Tiu- larmcrs have )ust nnl.-liiil
|ir..»»liiK, ‘ aud inn*-* tN-foie Irtnnglir,
l.i niiitke-tbetr ihresliing around Holmee Siding
ahusd, fw her funds ate low <md the |»eopk> are already taxed
that nothing is now in sight. .*r proliable can prevent. laieal
and liad a good yield ot grain
. to'tiM limit m order to rarr>- on the regular expenses of govenuncBt, busimsH is in a veiy satisfactory .'ondition and slead.v e'm'piqjrmcnt
-ri, O C. Holmos g(H-* to Kiugeloaod'titnai' thk. are not regular. In fact. Austria may find herself OBB be de|>endti^ upon during the etiming year in thiH..riehiiiy. -It
1 |I7 pill.IK* IKlie.- )l-'- I'.'KtJenee IGII
itcniav.ou a'buidnrks iri|>.
■a a T«9 e^^muMiug potiitiou within a week if she eontiimcs to w eridcul when all things
.-oiisidered that a great st«-p in
- Wjselln lias gone to .alii|. i.
cfj^ imi tlw prgparalions for war and rrall>- -sUris in to whip ad^iiee will be made by th.r «-jty and thcr'viitire region wbib- work fqi the winter »
GeO Ysil.- .-Blhil on Mr Tyler Siiii
liUle Merria, whom she claims haa taken undne advantage of the these pheuoiuimil busiuey twmliti.nis pr.wail. It k a gissl
to ksisi for the .-ommun^y and bring about s.mie of th.- inqirov.•• larger tiouirtry in the war with Tnrkey.
A. U*llarlleli of Alaniou oi,
meiits that have lieen wailing for b.-tter times to arrive,
■Mr. Tyirr's la-opte the last Af tin
Have the iHust itnprovod maMr* Kd Merrill went to Wultot:
, WaAiag a market for the apple* of the (Irgnd Travers.- r.;|p«n
"ruirv and nianufactm
uivto-dstc deaurns
• k ib raay matter on arennnt of the superior flavor and apiwarance
Mrs. Hk-wV. ,Mr> WiseHn iciirt Mr*
.....KPrompt attention
leh *1
the holding of the market when once found' has
given all ..rders no matter how
\Vil»on ratted ou Mt> Skiver anil Mrs.
Call , or write for prices.
lirore^^o.hc • hum*- of another color, on acrouul of the rank dlsMrs. Mc-Manm. .-ailed .lO Mrw Co»
huM.v practic'd by the gniwers in grading iiud packing. With
732 E: Fioot S(. Both PW*.
.Mr. aii-1 Mr*. Vale xlni.-ci m Hi,iut.,;faTnUT?a'‘,S?."‘*^
. «B'lm^-««-iitcm in thk line strictly adhered to all mmid h.- iksy
honip of
Mprrlit last Sundax
Akilmg. Inrt np to the pn-muit lime thousands .>f dollars in money
Hw peopk of Kiaghley and the tnrroimdiBg .
. .Mr*. George Al. Manus drove to Wul
conttry sn sU istoreftod is thii Deparbsest.
ifffi p^lhf^ss TT'putatlons have Iweii lost througli this lack of wmton Monday
Wo ohidl be ^ te bsve isdividasU, jdrarcbM,
Mr*. ;-:n8lgn of Kingsley n.ll.H ..n
g^’hon.^-.wli the pan of those who hav.- the n'j.uiation of Ih-'
Uw Ootafe, fraternal lodetiw and aU other orMr*. Clark Sanisuii Saturday
4g[tr iB..tbsrr fcoepiiig. .Not oul> bns this lausc method uf dealing
awrtnitViirt baad is itoau of/'sewi, persoiali,
, Mr* •.ManigoM oi Kingsley rail.-I "r.
eo-.*trangct». but in niauy iualancw old Um.- frie^
aaaoaBotaMBti <ff. aoetista, notices of enttttslBMrs. Fisli mod Mr* O V Holm.-* .'i.
Aar iHadBMa asM>emt>» have bc.n Hunc.K‘d when tlnre wan O'!
miab, Uadseco Assfcs, psbUc teproTemesti
hiT w-ay bottle from Maiilon
o d
bitag doe* or oostempUted, talei of real eitite
for being aceorded such treatment! Barrrift of apples have
Miss halzell »f H.dniP* Siding will
Is town or eenstiy, asd asy othv itesu of gesThe “Chloride Acciimulalor' elMte«- tlK old
go faonii- Wedoeiulay ev.-iiing '« -fw-ml
tipr*-onlwr.'d fn»w Kupposedb' reputable grtiwers and . no limit
•csUBtaeact. 8esd sU items to Mta^dsaW^
of runiiini! yoatT^B^. et. nighl
the -pnoe ao long
the fruit rame up to the standard
diatgo of the Depo^ut.-i£te
and obviates the danger of lireakJoiw.M V#|J mo­
)f^ctyd..liul aft.'T Ih.- good ni.mcy had been )wid and the apples
ments—it makes your light instantly. *aiMHt, and
. had,raa--hod their .l.-stmation tin- harrel* when opened were found
always dependable.

•Mi*s l-3Uta Moebllng returned to . fruni Cadillac Monfla. evenlna
^ • In be imly faced with gissl friiil, while the remainder of the barr.d
. very niui-h ini|>rove.i.
Our interesting liook, -Light YdgrOMinapHorac
traa walitaiaad'uT a iwadtvo-ript •■■■lleetion that could only !*<; reobg- Grind Rapids last Wednesday.
by Electricity.'- will l>e mailed you. Write for a ropy,
Andre*- Siirr went lo Rig Rhidds ro i Manlgold and Harry Stirais,
as apple*. froBi tin- fset that they w.-rc found in an apple
tbc hos|>Rat last Wednraday for H>«d- {wbo weqt u Graml Harids a few
‘ blWTiI. In orih-r l» show to wlial extent thk deeepHon hits been
pinion ai-coTu- : week* and einidonuent. i>-i»rn NEW YORK GIANTS- PRESIDENT
■ letter which was r.-e»iv«l from R:
ed bone FYldav.
iBTited fain.
Jackaun. a ifarWar tiraiid Travt^s** county Isjy who k now bs'shsl
........ ................
Air iftti Mr*. Auios lb»x | return^
Muehllug ...................................
and wife ritarncA
in WHsHuTg, and who has b«s'ii s.'iidmg ha.-k home for |H.uiocs,tfnd
TratWoc City 'niemUy evening. .Friday eycnlng Imiii Fllift. where
for kii^'ir and fcMbw- cmphiycs. .\s t.*. hk treatt..ent.^v
:«itendiog Ike funeral of bulthey were vislUiit friends^' (While in H« Was Cnroutc te Califamia When
Flint.Mr. Box purehascl
auni..7dr* Cootoon
Siezed WHb Attack of Lmoloral gppii-h.-hmi the Mlpwing.lo >.^.v:
motor AUa.a
Mja-CowsoB's son and dauahier re- nobae. ■
• “I ootj- with qtpiwrval your recent .■diktrial in' ref.-mi.-v to
Miss Ivab Hogait retunii-d
the paiAbtf of frail and .' Mor.- Ilomuty N.iileri.’ 1 am i.-Thva to Clilrasn Wednesday Th.-y
bail .bg.# beie lo attend (heir -nMith- Flint l-Viday' cvanlag
conAerted vriffi a mautifaeturing emiiiwiiy wher.' there ate a Ul*i:
Uiw. Claude Moaro 'raaat a few da.w
laiaiK N.iv Ik—.4 prliate <i;ir's lUUHBl.
mngtfcr of- ..fflrc employra. aud last year a nnmbi'r ,if iis jtlaii'd
Sefaell returned front BucUey In AlmitoQ last week rtflUnr friend* l-earing The body ol John T Brusf
............... Xi.iir bpm
• millionaire i*re»ident Of the New Voj 1.
dh «der whh a dealer hi the Grand Traverse ivghm for part of a Moq^'. .where be has bout vUlUn*
Mrs Katie Mt»hliu*
L I 1 , \;.;.tl.'* *1 .| It ;i«e Iwiuriful ahd
K-Klsk 1NaiioBOl I.* ainie club, wfau died las;
tar of pntsloes
Tfi«- )s.tatoes enwe aud w.-re satklgctory. and Tiien^ and relaiUcs for the last few ei-c Cll> ^on<
nr x.nir frn-ud*.
son Harry
right pnrpiR. to California, sreixed in
•fforded « nuteoal saving onr equal stock ivullod Here. This tey«.
MIf.v Clara BoblAn.ler afid !>r. G
Cbartes Weaver wUl oneu his store
1. lAulB today.
j'ii. ur veni.'al. inuwii. or gray.
gear a nintjUfir rliiii was tri.ii aitd an ottlcr placed with the same laaMrrew and a tre. luAch will be Falling were united la atfrrlace at
The tiody will be takan direct lo
denl^ l^ahoni-SOO Hwihels of potfton. and IW barrel* of apfOra, _.-r«d ,to all 'lalicra- Mtw l>ab Bo- home o: tnaude .Moure Aloiulay- e<
>r uvhI opening. Yip sure oimI sm
IndUnapoli*. where- tbr funeral will
inx. Nov. ii. Only imnedlitt- r
^wo .-arioads. The potatoes weix' again verx- aatkfactors- tan «rtn etark ihera.
t>p Jipid (ron ibe home of hla siKer.
i..rv 10c Mid ISc «w(&
Ivma YoBMB* is isurb Iwitroyed at tpe* and friends ware iirMcsi.' I
•3 <15 Wh in diniM'1 a pr<>judicc against Miobigao pOUtori.. The
itarry Newton of HemwnWi-i
Bmiih'of Howard City. lai^stff.of
!.iK-oioo*or auxU canoed bis death.
mmdea. h^evcr,*wen- a disap)tohitmcnt. • Some of the barrels were Ibis wrtUnc
mioceUaBOOBs ahowor was *iv« Loibenm chunh. oBiriatad' Tbey*
_^b*t g»a«r were lucrriy fat-ed with good fruit and the rr- ijjaa Civ* Bohleadw S^rdaj eran- have a bast of rUnds who wish ihen FOR SALE—so IraiM torkcra. youRE
• O^tkp Harrel was fllltd with a mkeAMr eollection. mudk IK to- h«r frtrads She r*c«tved tes-hwl-* i t
■lock of good qualUr at S3.») per
■A nnmbv of the friend* of -Uantel
^ * jou UAle. • would not pkaa m^i at a eidtr milk’ ^^hMatVal a Wll as naeltri 'mtmnragmHur m« at hk home Moada
evoikw. Not . ». bb4 xara them

To ^krfgcf (j«m<

acedhboBtUi wed 2.950

Atahii 'BMi m



------- ^



« mf-ittw SdUmtfU

- Will Pay Hlgbest
Pritara for


Kingsley Department
Conducted by Miss Edna Wall.

^ w. RicirriRp,




Amateur Photographers





cuh. AboQt »s:
loot. *ad tfce w*cUoo of o titor* imOAloc «1U b*
liBiMd(atrt7 to hr ocrapM
•houi March 1 hr Pnok Prtmlerick

Kthy. Who haa been
91. tsuc* Cor orren]
apebdiBf ‘rnnkaslrlac vorh Id t
with hit famllr.
C. P. Arery. who hat been eaten•Irely euMced In «ro*in|. ^ peat
under contract with Uo famert here
a^u for two or three Mtaont pan.
leave early wi*t wpek for Xe»
York mate. whei» he wlU «>ead eonj.
ilmr, and Ui« RO oouth to Oeorgia
for the winter. Mr. Atctt wrJ|J relnri
in the tprio*.

At My ExpmM.


nitlr—Some «no« at Uat. and mo.le wanted to anake Rood aleiihln*.
A. Gardner haa rKomed from
hit trip to Ohio, aad iXra. DovniDs.
Mrt. S. A. Gardner'i mother,
with him.
The tteck-Ue party hold at A. Sim- a M«w BSoomry TriwI and
Frown tn Mundrods
merman'B wka wnaH. lor the weaCmol_C——«
waa bod. but ail pmaent apedlt
plMaanl erealnc.
Bunda)- tcbool bat died o« at laat.
The laat meetlnt for the aettoo baliu
held oe the leth.
leOTt: Tcpurwsrii
erntm^hTsuSeriu. >l-------------Mra. SandOa^ mnnied from het Saeal^le
bin to fOm s ceanpiM
trip to Canada.
3. M. Samoa haa aotd hit twtn to te tare am 1 ttot fjr
umac <
a' Mr. i>iwit of IndiRBR tor t&GM.
L. O. Beckett baa hia houte ap and
TakM frwi Omod Travem HarM af
Thera will be a prnlae seetiaR in
Thirty Veare Apo.
• ' IB achom bouae, .dlatrict Mo. ?.
Dori*; tond Monoy.
‘RLankiRlrlDR erenroR. Jtor. G.
Youker win coodnet the meettOR.
Nevemher M.
The' nett B. B. R Club dance will
I BK- rouraame
be beU Wedneeday evealnf at IJbrary
cent. 1 sill Mtdtbe
The new mall route le aapeeted be­
ir ecee^ie roc.
hail. !
tween Northport and Glea Aritor by
way of I.«laad and Good Harbor.
Thero are rumora in the a!r o'
MR Wml Hals as. Fad Went. tiiAm.
or th^ baodaome brick biocka (or
Fronts alraet nan rear.

Echoes From The
Olden Times


Mr. and Mrt. Joseph Taomiu. dro\.bore in their auto Baturday to vlalt
.\noD Tonipklna and iokb Tompkiis
t family
Mr. and Mrt. John Marahall
Travenae City callert luat week
Mr. .ind Mra. John Tompklna ealleil
in Traverse Citj- Friday.
Mlaa Doria HJntdale ivni^ed k»a»^
laat week to Trsh-rao Clly'
aurprise party waa Riven Ger­
trude and Huold iHrdie Inm Friday
!;lgbll A goodly number attended.
Schotd WUI Cloae Tnurnday and FriUy at Old Mlwlon for Tbaukaglvlng
Bloaaom PaUer visited CertniAe
Lnrdle and Mae Tompklna iM 8un-

mlU on the Uke UichloiL ahore. fire
If this anow auya. Grand Traverae
jBilea aonthweat of Notthpon.
eill ^are a prooperoiu winter aa IV
a protperoua an
Dnrld Blumar of Chun lAke
bees arretted charred with airauK
AlTRadr a larca amouat of bnlldiBR
with Intent to MU.
ii Tnirerw OUy U baiag planned and
MRtfwted'tor the aeneoc of lUS.
aevotwl hundred
At the requeat of the W. C. T. V.. from Cedar, and
XI’. L. Mcitanua of rTtoakey bai been buahela or beana came In from Dep.
OiwUr to the aaUafamiOB of the pnytng hN help tor t^' UM y-ear on don and Cedar. Very few larmert
eOBgrecatkin and the citlaene Renei Uemday Inatend of Batnrda)’. but coo- were at the.grist mlUa.
Rev. W. R. Beaber of the Con- clndioR that It did not make dlReraace
The wholeilale poultry' market waa
gracaUooal church baa compiled to <i enonch to make up lor the IncoDVon- (Tvlet; the baUc of the atack was aold
‘iiBRnlmdte repueot-of the eburoh and iesee to hlmiclf, baa remuaed the lat-. loonllg for Thanksgiving.
rMlRuaUon aa the
ter day payday.
fRSUr nod will ramala la Travoroe
A amall nebooner loaded wMb salt, Pricea conweted erery ter. went nthore at iVtodtoy that Friday
X Tte'.MBlual mre laannuice Company and waa totally wrecked.
at Xew York haa.written $00,000 In
SteroToB City throuRb lu aceau.
A buslnets man at Petoakey baa s
•tcolo * Tlina. dorint the lam year. card posted In hia oSlee. hewded. -A
niR It an averace of U.OOt^per
Hm of the dead benU In n»d arouti0|a»**P
■ atd apeate well for the eompnay aitd Petotkey." ntid contRdntng tke naaea Chlckesa. IItr
for the enterprite of the aReato <ir of meb who hare nagleeied or refuaed Chickena. ditened
thfai plaee.
to pay tbolr Mile,
I, all of
ot which
la In- UiMks. Hve .
tereatinc reading to0 the D.
r B.'a.
'Will Fowle of thla ^nee. who roMMly graduated from
A daughter of Mr. Oreonwood of
ftenmcreial Collese. Grand Rapidm Enat Jorteo c^ght her Sager In the
Ipltk a oUBdlDi of lOO'.Y. now haa i hlage of the deek while at school and
poaHlon aa bookkeeper In th pinched It to faedly that nmputaiion
ttapida NaUnal Bank. WiH'a waa neceBBary:
TnmM city frtenda will be Riad ot



Pefoakey nod Fairy'Spring* ferry
boat u UId up (o'r (be aeatofl.
1 Ifrn Frietleric* baa purchaaed
AraoRh the Sb'ele A Tltna asency the
Mlaa Lottie iUnalee waa married to
'-'ChRhVka vacaet lot on Front mrM
Fred W; Mnyne of ChnHevols on th^
•enilT oppoBlie llanaab, Lay A Co.’e Sfteentb. The bride waa formerly a
MW block. St feet front, for IS.OSfl
Traverae City girl. 1

MUet Otarh
OwlBtt laaef hr “

Trmim tv chateB,

>Uac GUbm of BhTbbr Spring* bad
thrae flogerw naared off In the handle
Creamery Butter ................................ 37e
fnctory a few day* since.
A Crota Village (Itberamn look nine
tont of whltefiib from hit neu tn one inraw ..................................................
day- recently-. Aad the paP«r friu»
ORAIN..-Hgfiiwh A Lay Cm
which we copy thla atory mra It la no
Prlcoa eortertod every day.
tUh aton'.
Wheat ...................
.................... ...........................
Mra. Geo. Irwin of Mancolona was
aeverely Injnrod hy talllog down Oita ....................................................

Rye .........................
Backwheol ........................... .iOeSSc
It 1* cUlmed that a ralnable coal
mlno haa been diaooroted In Advance.
ChRTlevols county.

The Markets
fee sound managemtiR and lair
dealing haa been gained through
ftfty«is yeara e( strict adheranee to nft mrthedt and con-



Pricea corraeted each day. by wire
from ChteaCD, Detroit, Toledo and
BnHalo throoRb L'alied Preaa tele­
graph eervice.
Buffalo. NOV. i:.-^*lUe: raceipi*.
:i0; active, ateady, tMTSAP. Calvea.

ilog^ raraim*. :.S». amlve. r:. higher.


Mm W Buyer- and dauRbier Alice
hare been vialilae frlenda dur|nfi. fte
paai weHc.
‘ !
Grandpa and Grandma Sarpeant
martnl (or Valdoau. Cm. where they
Will apend the winter. Mra J. L
Gfbba. toelr daughter, treat with them
aa far na ChinaRe.
Mra. X. Jaueaon went to Chicago
lam Tueaday. where she will spend a
}-w weeka vialtiiiR her daughter. Mrc.
Jeaaie Knalgu
' |
Mayfleld rrienda wUl be glad to beer
that Mm Pr«d Tobherar el Freeport
MU-hlgan, is mml. betu-r.


Xb. I horsa hMen ,...ll.&0 and nr


irom a two weeks' vlalt In CliloiKO.
K. Xd^-maa la on tb# tick list.
Mrs. Boro Is borne min after
■f>eD>ftiiR some time witli hrr c-ii-nlrrn
and reUlIvce at Port OneMa
Mrs. J. 1’ \Milie l« bHi-m i«-'»

Our Closing Out Sale of
Dry Goods
is vmy satisfactory to us, also tothe thousands of our CustomeS.''
It is the biggest event Traverse Gly ever had.
$15,000 wonh of dean Dry Goods'^put on sale at cost and way be­
low cost; t^ means that our customers will be benefited Thousands of
Many a lady has saved $10.00 to $15.00^ a suit: $10.00 to $15 00 on
a coat: $3.00 to $10.00 on a skirt.
We still have a good assortment on hand. Come and get a bargain.
All the Furs are going the s^e way^hich means_
thing you look at is cheap. I>r^ Goods, SUk^ Linm^^Trimnun^^^^tt
in the dry goods line.
We still have a few more ni^s—some of the beet ones. Then w'e have.
Lace Curtains. Window Shades, and Oil Cloths.
A few more words about the Suits, Coats and Skirts: Just think of it'
For $5 00 you get a gannent that sold as high as $20.00: for $7.50 to $10.00
garment tthat sold as high as $25.00.
you get .a gannent
Come and buy your Christmas Presents at our store, Little money
will bay big packages.-



SooOi ^de
Corner Union and Eiabtli Sis.

R. Flaber spent Sa:<ird;>: aitil Funday with hia daughter.. Mr*, .den
Rnigb In Traverae City.
Mr«. Claveiie entertained lier^sl*
T. Mlaa Teseie Maillot, Ibki week
Joe Tmnaln has gone to tAbp.
All>en. Kyaelka of Trmverao ' City
as In the village Saiurda'-.




1^1 IP
Sale Starts Saturday, Nov. 30tli
Once eneh year at this ttne we hold an **Analversary
Sale** laaUoi

AiuHted Cotor<
Set Ttaem on Display
In Our Window,

We bought the entire outpuT,of SWEATER COATS from one of the largett
Knitting Mills in the U. S. and in order to make our Annivoruty Silo bl 1912
a. memorable event, we are going to give them away ABSOLUTELY FREJl with
every Suit or Overcoat order placed during this sale. TThere are no strings tied
to this offer. Don't wait! Don't hesitate! You lose if you don't get your order
in early. Sale ends just as soon as supply of Sweaters is exhausted.

Men's Sweater Coats—Made with Latest Style Byron Collar
FREE with Every Snit or Overcoat Order Placed During this Sale
We have made a good many remarkable offers during our Tailoring career, but this is the climax of
thtmall/' Right in the heart of the season comes this extraordinary proposiUon. Right when you need youi.
Xmas clothes. Here's your chance to get a- fine hand-tailored Suit or Overcoat, made to your order from se­
lection of over SOO of the newest patterns and designs. Anil Besides All That, You Qet a *5.00 Sweater
Coat Freel You may have it in.any color you desire, and the style is suitable for either men or women. They
OOM^iTaNd’i'nWSTIGATE. It's just like ftnding a *5,00 bill Learn to be a TAILORED mao.
Wear "KING" clothes and you'll be well dressed—and you'll save money at the same time

$5.00 All Wool
Sweater Coat

Suit or
Made to Order

“Uncalled lot” Overcoats Will Be Sold Very Cheap!
' Your Raving* eeeouRt la wcleema and epprwclMad hera. You
tan atari on* aey Oualneta day
wHh Rl.oe or more.


AteeluH aofaty for dapoHta
•tomyg em- fim conaWeratton.

fTileago. xr^^T.I^atoea «5«»5c.

Local Markets
yeateiday- waa another quiet day
with potaioea. The reoda ara oot la
good eoodltieo and the (armen
hnay otherwtee. Betwocm c«0 and ;»i
oRtela won recedrod. Tte ;prlce ia

▲ .onr.lteR'of-ntete


Stattmica show that the
beat paying Inreotment oi
when given proper core am
]f <roa want to got the best reaulu
foed .vour ehirkees a llule of H.kR
coek^ly. It
hnaa lay.
Ko'-TM maff mixed with It tom
R Janm paekare: nothing bat |

We have about a dozen or fifteen Overcoats on hand which we will dispose of at ' balance
due ' prices, and even less. Made to order garments from $17.59 to $27.50 will be sold at $9.
$11, $13 and $14. Ifs a rare* opportunity to secure a fine Overcoat at a very low price. Thw
arc not many, «o we would advise haste.

NolteFtMick-*Sbec Store.


Trevere CMy. Meli.


‘ >i<^E,POUR,:F

OrsLnd Tray^r^e fitegiow

« « « #
♦ ♦ ♦
PrtHl Arcry^-nn/B^'orlfiport'vliiw
)«n «r^
DUB <K-rw,
twit fU
Ur* A. K>«pi« ba«
«i^, v«r
1. but U « utt»r tAldr;
Mm JntiP ThBrtjor in milnic foFhir*
Our tl«>r bUDK^r* roium«>d »*frl>
l*M iM-rk. 8. n. 0«ln and <'Ulro
OlrotlrsnlTiK •«*<-b <Tiptnr*><l a iilf^onr.
A fsrrwfll wrpTlae party vb* hrtiT
)a*r Ttninuls> for Mm. UnmBnp A^Tilt
tK>v. »bo iMPt^ iJilK wprk (®r Drifoli. Tbft Ir.dlM Hiok their r rrk nu<^
I Bupper and i very «t>o>*«tfe Htne «ii«
Upeni 1.}- all prwiont. Ur, M'hltor'
nlBO Irnvve. Hr will rWt a.wlillr
i«R 8utxla> nixbi a fire ataiird -<
d*r the On'iilare In the hotnr of Knjnirtt Krofletd. Belna awakrnrd with
the BDMkr. ,lh<- 8rr was aoCHi dlsrot
emt by Mr. SroflrM and I'XIlDBUlKbnl
batkre narb daatdfe was doi
Mm. MotUr ItoyiJ and son.
brrn carinx for Mr*. ISamir tiooper
m Trareraeflty. vhlied here a roupto
uf dat a last week before laUna b-'r
flnri drparlore for firaiid I^dpe
^In bar biiabatid.
Mrs. V. K White it bavi^ her b
.mn ed bark in order to mtflse room for
the’new J. O. O. K. ball to be bullt
In (fie near futtiiv..
Mr and Mrs. F. E. fiiiiea apeni
ronple of flnv* ni Northpon last wecl:
on Jmalaeaa sad pleasure.



Cedar City. Xov.
l’. J V>iemaii
of Traverse City bomIK up tpHle a
latK* qnaniity of far* bere thii week.
Mr. aed Mi*. J. t Mark *lid Mr.
fcul Mm. IVm.riitse of jpolon were
U> Traverae City ami iitieiidixl -Pe pt»
■ dunien of •‘F*u»r .Monuay .teiilm;^
'Married, ai Lrlaiid, on. W^oeMay.
:<oX. 2tHh. K*ri Cunnfht'hstn of thU
idabe and Mias Kllen UvoDiiire of

Sehomlter*. A reception was held In
the «w*las lof rhe rrtaiHwx aRd ••
fav eloae frieod*. They «1Q-b» at
MWie' to tb^l( many friend* In .Cedlf
at ihe home of Mr. nnd -Mm, Norm»B
IbUaer. wHh ritem they wUI
tWs dinler. Clyde Ondf
of tbe 0«om, *<iad
DRil Mias Marie, alstpr
the bride, was hrldesmald. Oedar
annex In wlihinj; them a lone and
bam- married |lfe.
.Mrs. 'net I: u’ KetllBa nlonn nieely
to be allowed (o alt up
this w^i,
Mr. aad Mrs, Kd Culver spent Sun­
day with relailve* at Travers fliy.
Oreai prepanillobK
iRltinfi d
wtilrh the Odd Fellow* Intend citinit
in niefr hall on ThaHlcsRlvinfi day for
ihemselte*. their wive* and tammee.
Three larfie liirUet*. nclbnitmuied by
all tbe Other Rood ihinn wbMi tbe
Olid Fellows 'nlve* know, so well l>ow
to prepare will mee the honr»l. The
dinner will Im- prmnptiy at 12 o'eiock
and the affmuxm and evenlnis will he
spent In hat Inc a sorlal time and
ly J. AMlver 1* at Manistee takinfi
the aalt baths.
A. f’tilvtrr. who for Ihe i«si two
weeks liu been wiib bis wife at a ho*“
“■ . wns In town for
plinl■ In Traverse
a oonple of days and reitorts his wife
as hclnjt well
the mad to roeoyery.
The ladles' Aid l^aarand mmmase
aale was « firest suceees and netted
tbe lndi<*s &K
and .Mrs Fre-i l)a*o last Satur­
day erenltiB eniertiriiird llie ’jfriClub and a fm' Invited cuesis
rani |>any In the Odd Fallows fmll
Aere. Seven table* were played. The
prlte winner*
Mr*. J C. Tiark
and Norn-nn f’itltfier foi-firxi, nn-l .Mrs.
Frank Crow- and Joim.fl'urker the
datkin*. iterrenbmetit.x of rye and
white Handuiches, onfire. assorted
enkes and lee cream were
Mr*, .lolm ,Tnrker axnlxl^l with the
vervlnfi. The otitv>f-Town cuexix

nnd.lavued bo- to.tkeli

^ ^nTy^r^'Tftrtaht^ SI;'

a: -it/jl

tnira'iOM inaak.
• foie-.«otf «n*ll5. tl^uiL ViA r«
rtselMW *a^r a!
loot* nth ‘ateicmn? for tSinttksjavlB'r? trtbed 'to
|M» «r Mra. U

« brlor^ Urihm-.

work, fiat < n apleodld aeraoo le
agnail but
ireh here Sunday moriflne. lle%
the aneat oter Sunday of the M
and Mr*. Dewen.


f %

Marab *p^t iVuraday atj
the rity
R-ft vm week
Fnfartt AatAll^kient UMRr (a beh*| IRae L
tBBlxfSfd'lUtoSnwiT by rha*e-nra»^ W*.1V1IWC rtW?
dolac afOae wark.
The man.v frlMa Df MrA' M
rin*»r -wni be Aae to know or be.«ncee«srn! openimn uta’BbUual
Mr. and Mrs. Fted AVare* and Mmi
Taaor'wen “Trararae CUy. ^wppe.'w
Mr. und Mr*. W j. (imBe apent
few ita^vB In .May City last week.
The CJntitMmln Social .Hnlurday
evenlnfi filven b) tbe teacher. Ur. KSIiwtrirk. rvaUsed IS6J.S. braldos Mr
of fun and aocUbUhy. We ttnderUjuid this 1* to be used for a

Mtan CUKMlnal>e
. . for lv+T«i. wbstw «M> '4hpf
io dpewl (be rflater.
Mias Jones of rM«ma rmnied
her kbiae Tburada.v at tet wradr. aRer
wtth her frieod. Mias
Marlil Wriale.v.
l_ O T. M. M. bald a kpeclal
meetlpK at their hall Friday. After
ueetlac Hfibt refreshloesta were asrved.
Mr. Ttaoma* and Mr. Kellsw. wbn
have purrhaaed tb^ old evebanjie
hundlns trom l». H Sroii.
the lower atory off. and are tnovina
the real on the lot by tbe old creamwhere they will tiae It a* a bUeksmith and fieneral *repalr abep
i that aaotber dma
store will be atarted In -KorthpoTi.
Miss I. Sthffen*. Oerman leaeh-r
tbe Sorthport hl'fih aehool. I* fiotefi
> Bta 1 a I^ln claas neat we»*. ThU
claw will recite throe afternoon*
week. It will U- n arent Imprar.tbe bifib school, and the
istudenis are firateful to Mis* Steffena

i«tillnM’fi«Tn a «Nh>k'B
Corn Clnb wilt be poatposed treat
which la to be held In
hu;;ilne trip at n’iiiiarntbunc SatiiMny
The Kaason Outer C.iwrAe will Itec. in-Ik to aom* tim* t/i
have a ThaakafiMlM disaer a: the and will he held In <
«lr. and lilrt. James .n. Ileaeb
tbe taroHr* la«tt.aie at Trarare*
hall Dracrae wbrit «1U be filven
lumiM to Uioir hoRM> in .Ttsverre la*-,
week .dfter tpendl&k the patt ttma
The foUaalafi aimed baUrtlaa bsra
moathti with fhHr daafiliicr. Mr*. Kora
been n-eetred (ram tbe state ddfoileat 01 pablle taatrartloa:
Nov. z:..
There will l>e ;i Tli-nk.-ivlTbe Fonaty Tearber-a KstmiMH«o* lor Jt>i:t.' AritfcMMir la U •
•am at the aeboolUoui* Wedoeadny
afternoon. Kterybody 1* welconie.
Tbftli. Hrmde;
ArtUMUe la tbu
Fbnrth Grade: .krlthmeiic la tb« Rtt'i
Mr. and Mr*. Henry Dohn, Jr. anti '♦ ' * ■* ElR UKfc. '
tirade. Fontaatou* Diaeaar* and'BaalMr. and Mr*. TIim. Lamln ntlcad.'J
la tbe Iteral
the dance at Horaf* academy la*t«ss' * Elk'Uke. KoF. R.*l9l;.l-flrif Mary
By Le* Hornsby
MorriaoB of Rnnli Ste. Marie Is vlsliBebool*. Jnveniie t'ortj Growlaa ■
iirday nifiHt at Travene City.
Tubs: Bouraiwna (or l'h)*ira1 TralajAdle*' Aid Soeteiy tneeU thl* week laa reiaiH’e* in ibe
Seott Miiaro and famOy relnrnetl
Wedneaday with Mrs. Kora Rlnan.
Besoota; Miw
Tltere Is n Very atrooc feelluR that Inc ill the thibik
.Mra. ttobrn i jrkey returned kThlay; .Mofd^y from a two week*' vUlt tii
the feral .trbilOU ahouM do better Tralniiie In the Publlr flrtSciol*
TheS4- buTlrttn* are aeai tn SBldfrom n • vlaP with friends' In Oranl
work‘d penmaiialilp. and lor the pm

all aebboU
ttoab Of improvlns the penmanahlp oi
Joe Tb'Mu::* ami family drove down rpeni {an of laki week on hh* farm.
the rural artiooU a eontesi was i-eu and tearhiT* sbonM neeure tbem at .
Hockin visited her sUier.
Saturday in their auto and vinUeJ
durtrtl. last year In aboai Jx artioola the wrileal pnnalble date.
It mar h.- well to call aUentlOB of '
Witt relMite*. reitimlnfi Sunday after- Mr*. Will flee, the tlr*! of the week
of tbe county
Tbe naulla were
Bhe with her husband leii Titwdaj
utisfylnfi that it has been dertded teachera to the Tt-aeber*' reading rip
(or bet'rolt. where they ejtpeci' to
for this yrar. Tbe OM la
to hold aiKKher eontoM this year
spend tbe winter.
lEt« year* the Keedbam Business itade up of four books;
.Mr, an.l Ur*. Frank Soui>. and son
Collefir cdlered a prise of fS week*' ■Satberlaad -Tbe Toaeblag of C>«ogcUy•

Mr. anil Mr*. l,ore,u Canter wJI Ivan are ipraiMac the da» In Trav­
free tuition to the rblld maklnfi U<‘ rapbr.
T*K- d.-.iii ji Orao'i Clark's mill wt-s- beat Improvemeat. Thl* prise wa* wou
Bagley—Crartananililp tn Tetcblag.
h'iive tbi* week to Kpeod TbonkaEl*- erse City.
Mrs. John Bitter »i>eiii a part of last
at iasi Thursday
Wyebe-8«md Qreai BiorlM and
with relatives at Hariella. aud
by' BratHee MeManu* of the Slonv
Robert lUid Fred Wilson drove up Beach aehool. The Needham ralleiw llnw to Toll TbeiB.
fntm Utcre they will ro on to Dollar
to-Traverae City Urn Thnradar with ha* dertded to double. Its offer thl* Siepheas—Pbalbs and BU TeaebMw.
»llle to spend tbe, winter
load M rbidken* and tnrfeeya. also t year, and will *lve 2J aeeka' free
The Lady Mm-rabei * will hold their .Mice nre Traverse City M*H<*a today
The hooka may be SMTrd tn asia
r' rl'-i'lioti «if offlrera Thurtniay,
the rWld maklnj; the UeA aTlhe Fay Book Stoie'lnr »t.
tiUe fat ho*.
Mr. and Mr* Hoy Chase were Ibe
ni (he ball ai Old Mlstlna.
For the tswbOTB' ex^blnatton one:
lui-k dinner will tm nerved -♦
guests of Mr. and Mra. R. IL lUlea'j^prtliS. Thl* ronleat will be limltod half tbh qneaUM tn dkwaptiv wOl
-P... -I'oi
noon. All Lady Macrahee* ate r?
Biindoy .Vfternoon nnd erenitiit.
!,(, papjls io the aevenih and elchth 1.e based a Sotbcrli
Earaesi Voice will ooon baVe hi*
Perry neihfieh of Toledo.' Ohla I* grades. Earh teacher i^onld Uke
quested »o lx- present at thl* nwi'l
new bnaae n-ady to move In.
UMilnc with hia anm aad uaele. .Mr «,nii>le *pertm<-n of tbe writing of grammar nueatioa* wii; tdatr tu tim
Mis* Layana nuffman waa tafceii sud­
ear* rlilld wisbiag to enter the ron- pedvfioay c f atoryrin'. -.a.
denly ill one day laai week. We hop**
tMt at ocre and another sample, epee I■rl.....!. U.d«.see her oni nfialn soon.
mm between. April 1 and April U oKk the next seaston of Ae
Mr* .1 W Dorda vlaltM from Sal
kasben center
1 (he foMiBg named i
Tbe trarber should then select ib<
h •'« « ♦
tirday until Monday at the home
ory towtudtlp t
' Alum Uev-rtUda baa
A U'\ soebi was held at lito Kas- .IMpors of the Uifoe that have madi
A MU prttvIdiiiK tor madlrat Inapecw
’.umt*er >b on the Wni, Welb.' prop Mra. John Peritall.
and sc-od tbeoi
son Center . oefaDol bmue Ssturday'tbp best
Hr fiemv Metre Is heller at this
lion nud tarJtailPB.
night, wblrti was well attended Th - to the aobooi
A mlnluium wage tor nacbei*
III Varnoe. Sr., has moved ot
M, fi9.
'ftertde oo the live best and send ibem
.Mr* I'. A. Vo>re wa* a Tn.ver.-?e
far.u for the winter tn Balah cntUr.i:
Noi-nwh .S'ewmon Is home from'his. to .'Ir. Inme* I-; C<ad. president of p whirh will be adi'wi rcqulremtff.f*
aotvl heultb and a Ibed minimum
whin limlM-r 1* on ii (nr the Wile,. City caller «>e day last week.
|ih- y
A. Sayer* wns down iiwn File lak
pri-ti-osional Ir.imloi; before rartl*
IsimiMT ('ll. ai Kmplre.
Walter Allen was home bat week, will <
t.eaip* are Issoed.
Malt Snllivaii of Maple fnai Wednesday, reiurnln* Tliurad.v
and (tuiiliy. Otto **.■
ifei-'suggect tlini
;be Falnier. m.-ib<al ;
riwiis.iuHM;*, soa
— .......................
A hill proridlufi lor a teartterf pM>
(Sly attended the POk aoelal ar 'Kell
lock and Mr. and Mr*. Oaear Han't naod In thi* eoniert ns much a* pox-.
Rucer im Mondar last lor ilartaiL
Doran's Salnpiy Blfiht.
Traverae City Saiartay- In alble. There .s tm l«‘sl penmanahn Men or retlrenirtBl fund.
A Mil providing (or state aM »
.method, bat the Palmer melUod ha*
Jeai ph Paymem. Jr..beili] the lurity wbetie the boya expert tn work fer IhelrMWtoB
erttool* whlrb iotrodnre Its ,
tjiinilier thr.i drew Ibe nalll at the
Wm; Mrtcer had
Thoao that vtalted at V. A. Vdee *
dnatrbU agrlruUoral .r roeailo«*l
aortal Batiirday eroatafi.
tbe IMh pitd expert* 0 mote to Trav-iof this raur.ty and alto In the Tra
IMV city aehool*. One of ihe atraair iraiiwe*.
Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Vincent Df-erlni:
I hb ^mp'lealur.* <>f ihr Palmer method ho»k
of •'hthdra -were Bmplre culleni Fr'- two <diiMren. Mra. J. W. Ilarda nnd
NKW YORK —l{.it.3min Samn***. a
Miss nefthn Viral, alah MH* flerile and hL Upia^'ruUlng the Oewins'is the very cxceTleni set of Inatrue
UflV afiernooii.
nalitf of Itulsaris. with three UoAers

now nghiittg Turkey, was married
Nov. SS.
her mother nnd famHy two
Mr and Mra. U T Rail wore olec'-'prtie* will be filven lor the
Mlaa Alcgra Rrinarit. who Vaa
e.1 delegate* at tbe ia«-Pomoca to,of the second aad UtW pUcea
Mrs. Frrd Iieennan and danrtier ate ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
the slate oraiute at Bmrtt (Ha Marte.j The mertlBB* of the Boy. Count lorn In Con*UBllno»l*.
vIbIHde wUh relative.* nt iil<*n llavoe.
at thl* wrltliuf
Sooth MWon. Nov. 2S.-How*rd
( natles Oie*-n returned io Bm|>i.v
PYitl.ay from Grand Rnpld*. where Ue raib* came home last Thtnnday fram
Mini, for a short visit wRh his parha* brer, uorklnfi for ibr pnai

Rural Scltool-Note*



All winter l<»g—on tbe Zero
and tiie
windy, biustering days—the PMfecOon Smoke­
less OD Heater gives them real solid comfort
.. javea them many a cold and sickneas for it easDjf
warms tbe TOOnu iwt reached by tbe ordinary beaL
The Perfection Heater' is made with nickel trimmiiv (jSldii steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums).
Inexperisive. Lasts, for years. Easily
moved from place to,place.


Pretty ttofe
|j«ji4ay Gifts
Notjiin| (Min ptease a .child as much ,bs a.>d(
Toys ina)^(»me an(l go hut a doll is a\wnys most <
Buy your dolls early end then take irfenty of
time* to (Iress them and your effo^ will'be dp^iy
re^rd^bythe pleasure givep the young^er' on
Chii^Bs morning.
A most delightful showing is now riwdy for
lotion. We have g<^ ones from ^ to 50.

9m Storg

mouths. ■
Ce. T.llhh*m.-h»Cl hwJYl

Tfankafitvinfi wlU soon .be kith «x
ajmln and many home* are lookinc
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « for their abseiy- one* to co
■pend tbe ttaiy with' them.
Mr. and .Mr*. Harry Palmer *|>rnt
Sunday with Frank Wilson and wife
long lAke. N*bv. 2S.—Jltme* M
■loKilx Hlekia liaa.houirtit a four h p
liim lost a cOw last week.
Mr Seeor is very bnay ahr^dtnj: enclne and cutting box.
Mr. Hentelt Is making exienrice
irn (or tbe fariurrs at this pbee.
Genr Ixiuck* Is bntxlnc wcS>d Tor.
James Coffleld.,
Mr and Mr*. Arthur lAird of TravNCMTHPORT
-rae City Ttalted their parents. Mr.
lYatik Uonrlaaau, who has spent tl.o
Ixce Hontsb.vs couDiy school com- past tew wec»s at -Charlevoix. «
mbisoner. visited (h- sehdots in this turned home Mewday evening for
lew day*' -riait.
township list week
C E Sorterv of the- Fcmg eg*Mr*. Coffleld luel with <iull» .... —
vlrtem bM week; whUe fioftlng bat sf tionai church «ave a reception to the,
wwgoti she fell and broke two rib*.' hoBoran members Prtday-ev-nln'a .-.t
Franrla Mrtftfl has iwab to OM MIs- Ft— rtrareh pKriora.
r. M iMfoe. wmi has spe-ut ilie l-:>xi
kioii t« work. He.expme'Tb
VO wee-k* up north dc?vr hniiting.
all winter.
ibrn«d' bontc! Friday 'noon t« apeiid
MIS.X Ixena llvllrich. one
with hi* family
taachers at N'o. (. vUiled her eouMn.
Mr and Mni, R. Prob^ Weie Tra
Mrw Arihnr KHmurry. over Snntoy.
Miw Ray ReMRig •txl two ohBdren. era*- City visirori Msi Friday
Krtiool etosed Wedooaday afternoon
also Mrs. Reno Coltiv of Trareme
City, irprtit Friday with Mr*. B«dlng'« for TlianksfifTtnc vacatiou
Patrteke Coaroy. who ha*
Ttironta Mr. and Mr*. W. p. Keimey
h) Prank t'albmin 4he |uun f»r
Among the hunters who have ^ne
from thl* ylelnl '•»re'Hlr.'«OlB:e.'»eft wowha.1eli Tara^y t
Mr*. Fred Beiiin.'who ha* beem v
nar.l ItlritaNaop. Will Ka»t. J5ora and
blag Mr amber. M». I- lk>-jrtoaa.jj
Cart (Mr.
’'i Satarday wa* certainly a h«- 'twktrraed to her hoiiw i
nrt‘'dny for hlrtbdav suritrisc* parties. CHy Tktiredar
The music <-wua»(itrt? 01 tbo WomIn tbe afiernoon Alva Cpx celebrated
birthday, a ntfoOlH' gt hBf gffirclbb Wd ■ timrirel «nd aeflilJl
evening at the home ^f Mr and J
little srlioolinatcys T>eiBB pn*eiii
freahmetp* were serve.! at 1 o'rlook, n. H ScfHt on Tuesday evening I
member inriii-d one guest
and the little folk*
lime. Then In the eveatoc. Alra'Xj ' The Ladies* -AM tmitirty of the M.
main. George Fox. was the viefim of E. cburrtif wlU give a baar at Fbc
Wrtineeday. Ihw. IV
birihday surprise. At the same time
ir, and Mrs. AhkeTWih 'ami 'Bring Phney wortr. apreoa
rated in tIm same mmier. It bBBm ralMv will be woM.
will Ae held at thf
Mr*. Ar.kerson'* hlrthdkV, Tbe gaesi*
arrived jfm ** Ifaeyw-ere retiriag and M. F- eburch Tharaday monlng. Rev:
A, Dentall conducting theta.
made thnm.selces at home
T<e jUren
The creBlug passed awiT In a aortal
mahder ;KeIrwbiBRR» were
and ihp friends pteueat •
wHti*'a ^ntini ‘'Bihh.
U«R‘ Nia «utmraaa ptraim ft>
Joy (he (cotmtles. ■< R araa her h^ihdaj aim. - Mra .\tterafa ts'Jnst S6
year* her srttior and (be-4«o aregrea


.1. M dxa> ' «.***«■ «i^ iMxc «.rc«;TsWx“




Wh, do w. do thi. tl tlu. tiioe of
do yoo mAI Beao»
madi bn^ »nd w« •« coinc to drt^ U»««
conoentme oar efforta on Jeww ua«
-koowia* Uut we ooold be« do thi. now. we here pot Ihe P"“ *>•;» “ "I?"! “ ^
.ppeU » eoetyooe, u the ywiee » low end the ,oUtty w bKk of il. It will be . looj ti«w,
before yon ^ have Another inc6 a chance to btty nnderwear.



]Lqo1( at tbe t0nowHi0 values
gcMtcl r^iiin- ef sires.- ex. viz.-.
i. .‘lean itj> prii-e .

.. .Jlgp ,

Women-I Wool Dmwen; >irs-s ;U. 40. 42. ihm
is an extm
Jiuinh-r; elean
sizes e-fl. ; rt'tr ■‘ike*.
ii}> iiri.-.-j ••


Chadren's Onion SidU—Sp>ncU.I s»<»d -vuloc
Women't Vd^ And PAntt—t'citan. , g.x..l
tv.-ttfbl, .'dk- X^lue w-veryn-Ii.-rt-: vei->'*p0(v1
afte*. ex. *im*x. 6Ue.
resrtihr mZ?k. elenn Up price............

Wod 0»io.rawu-Ks.-..|l,„t « ..iel„.
regtrinr 'klies dlWayS. '*»fM at
ex mz.-'
^2,"ff; vuii wiJl liud ihif. tin rixcw41ein tin«tbcn-r
Cl.-nn up 5>ri.'-.'..ex,.*i*ig
rejjular sizes '....................................•
riraew :M. 40. 42. d4.l

for ium ihan iR.75 and i
Mft-*.'S4r»J.-4n. •« ; rtean up pri.-


r-eiit*i ............. .. fl »«':
e IL’, HI;
lip I'rii-i-............
drildren * Silk and Wool Onion S^-Kx.-ell.-iii miiul'c-r. «uly ili<- rcillowiiiB
X.. 10, 1-4; .-lean up pri. v
©lihlren'* Onion Snita
ih- following a|p. 4, 'i.

K'. M. g '5^

'•!' I"’*''*’ ...............................
^ c

PA«t nvE







. (



I am Thankful for one of the best business years I have'ever enjoyed in Traverse City; THANKFUL to know that my easy
paying (without extra cost) way of selling goods has made it
possible for people to have their homos furnished in a cozy,
comfortable manner; THANKFUL for the tfright out-look for a
good Holiday business; and I want to thank the people of
Grand Traverse Region for their patronage and assure them
that I will continue in the future as in the past to sell only de'pendable goods. Every article of house-furnishing goods I sell
is guaranteed.


Home of the Quick
Meal Kaogc. .


120 E. Front

Every article of house fumisbtag sold by J. W. Sla*
ter is guai^meed to be just as represented or your money
will be cheerfully refunded.

Chiistmas k only twenty-two .shopping days at^ay and
what are you going to buy for Christmas presents? There is
nothing more acceptable and appropriate than a nice piece of
furniture that used every day in the year arid is a con


stant reminder of the giver. Our stock of Holiday fnmiture


Bring in your catologiies and^ compare prices and
quality. ComparisoB cheerfully made whether you con­
template pui^asing or not.

is the largest we have ever shown. Come in and make your
selection early. All goods sold for Christmas delivay will be
stored free of charge.

It makes no difference at J. W. Slater's whether your
salary is large or small. We can make terms to suit

Ranges and Heaters
We have several use<l rouges and healers that we have taken in excliang*-tuw’urds new stoves that we are elosiqgout ai extraonlinary low prices, ly you
are in need of a siove. coire in and look them over and save from $5.00 it* $25.00
on your purchase.




.PAGE aix

The Gorman ChHatmaa.
So aooB aa the atnsiurr hoUdv • are
over, tie Cenaan fancy loma tn
thAmbta of ' Wdliaacbian" iChiHtiMUi). It la iMX «lti lie GcrDians. a*
blch. Joyfully -ontic-lisucd by tiu- youos. i>. althbuch
sDbifwtMi shamrdly m>. uudoubiKlIy
dreaded as a luW by uidev members of
the coumuniiy. in Ut-nuBV H I
^tluie of somewhat telcmn toyouvonuOn Christmas Eve Itself, when the fesaiviiie* nwlly begin, then- K the tuingrirUt.m. Horn, «.«. .Ill
A Sunch of Good Reeipoa.
Tho Oaya
, chriKHnas
— ' ■
' “
I- biettA’
iipettiy four-elded ahadc
shade can hroatilnK. It wlU n(d be burned/on ling of religions md'a
Celery Salad In TtKuato Jt-Uy i'tm—
Tho-man who live* In yeau-rday
handke-rehMs so popular for fancy be' nmdc ^D^he "Wwlng fashlonl
>-0Uom. and will be moist and which is sc!.loni,found I
HiDiiner todetber for flfiea-n or t» rniy lkl^w^s'’of
Jdaai eat iU victuate cold:
Make iwch of tbe foor.ianrt* tflve
■Dlnatca t«'o cups of canoed lomutora. dler. Tbe tollowins are taken from werk.^ Seji <he srriter:
He does not see the moralajt rise
The fki u au iblld finds ium :i com
These anicles. abne usviuiand utii- and one-fouRh inches bottom edge:
AIh> put j un <>i thy batter in little
a aprid of t«r«)ey, a allce of onion, the Motbeni' Msfazlnes
Bathed In new atrank* of cold: •
IM»lniiy-Two and one-hall flips of ply made, aiw alao »ei» Iftespeualve- ©tie and aeveo-eighlh inches top edge; Iniilvi.lual tuisior'ramekin*, and first tort during the aulunm mouth* in ihA
half a KUIk of edeiV. and a idece of
Tbima Ae«t cod'd}Inc In' the dusk
joyw of its Chrittiaa*
red iiepper. Strain throuab a Sue >-ugar. one-half eup corn avru|>. tao Theae five iileees are made of Ovc j-ve inches’deep) of tale pink china sieatn. then bake thru 1^ ihotuAn ail Ms bands con bold.
sieve, add one-fourth of a iwovuui'e e« «blle^ one-half cup aater. Cook Uandkerehiefg.«oaiiitf ion hoofs each, silk on a fouudatl-n of whiu- pa|>er. a»ai till CliriMmas. itien «eaui them liresvnis. It tonipilcs an cxiiaaslivr
|iacltas<- of Kelatlne. noflened in oiii> suga'v. syrup apd water to a gcxvl.Jinit They are iery mn'cb In demand for ba- Join vttb glU passi-punoui and od again, and you'sill have dciitious Ill- list of ii< nqulremenis lu ihU dire,
Aod be who in toummw )lvea
fourth cup of cold water, salt aa need­ ball, liien'b<H oR the flrv and let stand zaara and for reuinUtRanK's. The one panel apply Itf cameo fashion a fly il<- ladlvi.iual tdum iniddlugb. lastly tioa. dallv altering an.l adding: to the
ttwetlr te n' lalfiy lauA'*''
-e^ of
«1th sbapos too racM for eea u> noe, ed, and sol to eliUl oUabtly in eoM to cool a little, while }ou biwt ibe a)>roD.'rar and »le«vel«4s an'made of ure which has been cut from a post- beitvi than any you can make^W-pur- catatogue until within
two hahdkrtchlefs. These arv Sfl v*rd. Tbe court beakties of Galnsbor MtOM-."
So say* the Voiiug, Kouw-;^ the f«tivaJ Then, bchig comidete lu
atiter. [\*ur into ooiline molds, and eggs- When b^ten stlB. tour this
Oi bearim ic noderstaad:
•ot awa) to ItardMi. At sortinK lime. »'ru|i owr tliem i« a fine stnani. laches atfuirc. Rtwe colored with fig- ougB and Remolds are fascinating if keejier who lcaTn<>d th« trick froto her overy irarti.-ular, including g* It'will
Tho Jewels that tie noebea for
used and *-oulcl make a dellglitfal niotiii-r. and the Voting Itouaekeeper requcris for tbe ImioartHc. the i«o*i
oniaoM, and fill the depretalon with baring all the time. Continue the are* and bor.ler of light green, black
. Hay-torn to heaps of asod.
crinp ecler)'. <‘Ut due. and ml* wlib. beating until it Is ettff enough to end white and atvreally very dalnU'. I'brjionus gift for a girl's CrMiSla.<: declatvs that a liui-r enok nt-».T Ined. bit- and Ibe jnobable. a n--ai copy U
Genuine Knirtisli I'ium |•udd^uc- n<ad«- tbi-reof. and It Is i«d<M.>-d iu an
HeaKhy aid n^hy, tnw and vlae. t^-onnalae drcaidag. Uaniiah a1th a drop out. and. while Itetting It. flavor Of the center of one handUn-hlef table. The hunting scene cards make
The itaan-*^ trasia today.
tdi of everrwn. or raniky. and eeno wlih ruilla and add a few Uocly shape your ai>ron. Uc careful to allow imy )ntk> shade* tor a den if bound Suak uuv-hulf )<ouuc!' stale ivew'd, ciiv.-lui« addressed to iho •Cbriii
And sees la^mry I^Ho liloc
Innuedlatcb'. Arramte individual aerv- chopped nuts. Otop U out In (be fob a little i-lrtfn border acrosii one end «itfa ted. As they are almost alwaj's crumbs in ooe cup liof. scslded n'lilk Hmi' ifliriitrlindl, and maybe U i*
Akma lifoi aphiBmi • way.
dlah« in a rini: of preesed auWnin towing manner: Take a lanre s|>oou- for tbe bottom ot the ruffle. >'runt jdacej itorizontally on the ran^. It re- When eo«I. add ont^bali' tup sugar tiaiii|*Hl ultough with a caacHcl
ful: th«. with tbe handle of n (wp (liv.oppaoKr sA cut Inside the cor- gutres some IngeRUlly ip adaix them and tbe yolks of four eggs beaten un. rtaiui-t and l.-ft near a totivcaleiu win
U alur where bit nml may kneel
Tp laugli, lo ttos, to
Oyater DremilBi: for Turkey—Ftour spoon, push off a smalt amount and ners, the tiorder fur ibt' liand. The to shades. It I- potaiblc to do to. how- tj] tjifck and b-motvcolored: then add .low to vanish myaterlously wlihli. ,

. '
' —GacbasKc. «|uarta of stale bread < broken I. one scrape this off on to the back of the pocket and strings fall off tbe other ..ycr. by making a square tdiade which {Mu-balf pound o(^'lslns (*e.-d«d and iv..-m>-fout hour*.
tbtee tableapocnfula urge spoon, and ibi-n with the lian- handkercMefs. IlcAtow (he apron out |a a minUiuro model of many of the cut In pU-ers). nod <nic-(uurth i<ouud
Tlivtv is snyli a qu.-er mlvtufe of .
die of tbe UWi-pcon Jua tooth this a liule at ibe front and
sewing |«puUr electruHor sliades. t-Uch aide (,{ curranu Jft^ged with two tal>l<- fact aud latic.-. of'i^iry and proue lu
’ of butter. <
band. pi mqde in two sections: tbe tower sixtons flour, om-founb t*>ui;<l of Ass these prvciw.sliiigs that otic' i« lezuplsd
' "If we loako .Uie.lMK of today. •’ one esc. one-fourth i-.vsuoor lo iltry portlon enough to push ft loose from oo Ibe rsffie. gather to tbe
f\>r the cap cot a paiwr pattern Mectlou bclap cut ironi a post-card flnoiy choppcsl. t«<> ouar.-s citron cut to try aud induco Hie rliild to tell
wad only rezDOOihfr tha hesi of '' seaMwlnc. one-balf email ookm chop­ the bach of tbe spoon- b ttlnc I* drop
yoateeihri *o sbaU ^*ays have - ped flue, one teaapooatui elioppod OD to sraxed paper. If it should fiat- round, mrasurlng lx loebcs across, placed horUotitaliy and nioasurtag five {q d,in strip*, ami oiie-Uall cuj> Biut- wiKthi-r tlic whole thing Is merely n
ouo-founh inches by three inches. Hsu uslnui im ais broken In }tl»wc-s. <VDccs--ioii to the matctul tcaobtag*
tho boat of oveirthlng.—T. T. 0.
paretey. one doten Unto oyaten chop­ len out. boat .tlic batch until stlffcr Uy your paUeni well to a ooracr. alped coan ely. After ojakinc the lirend beforv dfopplhS ®flf hh>‘“ f’’vy towing one inch above the border and tii„ up|»er section 1* a quadHUutral croatu om -half cup suet, uslug ibe or is a mauer of g«nnln« beiluf. Out
In cold water, pms it dh'-and atlr It should stand up In small puff:;.' The cut. The smaller portion of the re- -hiiu Us top and bottom edges paralUH pand. and add half a mftmeR Krat«>d. tile, wise little TcnioB retuaea to ImIn the bailor twbicb has oecn heatc^l oonditlon of the attnosplien-.CTeatly mainlnp border should mea^ura about <tup measuring onf and seven-dgbths (hm-fourths teaspoon ctnnamoa. um- •drawn." and one's ttonbts are ncT.-r
In a fn-inc pani unlU al. of tbe fat Is nffKts such caudles a* these, and three Inches, using this as the width iiu-trcs, bottom.five anil oao-fourtU ,(,jrd teasixHHi clove, ©oe^lhlnj lya laid
absorlwd. Add seasonlnK. ■.•ia and on- ao^Imea It wUI take niudi longer to, of tho raffle, cut to the nexl comer, inches) and Us side edges diagonals, spoon maiv. and ono and one-half
Tbe girl* of the- liousohold will, vach
MUfa.than It will at other tUiic*. If liirtcad of cutting Ihrougb the border, jp putting together, first bind the top uwapooa salt- Combine mixtures, and In turn, organiae periodical "tea par­

Orange Bponeo Cake—Beat tbe yog abould wUh to make these choeo- round off at the comer aai cominue edge of upper section and lower edge when thoroughly blended, add one- ties" 'during the three montha iirecedlate flfTor. add a little mclied-choeo- cutting Ik inches up (be side. From gf -{oaer se<-tion and then Jolfl the (earth cu}i gni|>c juice and the wblie* lag .Chrlstuus. At theae gaiheRag*
ibiwo cut yoUts. one al a tlnte. l»at- late to the batch w hen rtsdy to drop (he ttsrllng point <rat lli inches up (irg, leaving tlie side seams uoill latL g< (ggp ^,ggK hcaieii until stiff. Turn t-ai b of lb0H*<s KUMts wilt bring tht. tlineauurwthumlihtln trotb be
betweenTto additions: then add «nt.
that side. Tou uow hove a border the \Mioo .fluisbiag these wide seams It is into a buttered mold, cover closely. |ircM>ms siie Is making or woHtlng.
ohnaked to
"Brer}' <U}' U every- craduaUy 'one cop of sugar, tbe
Penocho—Two aud om-half cu|m> entire l^h of one side .iacluding
tu'use two Be|«Taie stri|<s of
liours. newr allowing nod tongues and itc-rdlra will vie srltli
bcidy'e beniday."
water to fall 'IrIow tli- bolting one acoiher for three or four boorr
grated rtnd of one orans” acc ono- brown sugar, ibree-quanera cup com .two roroera and IS Incbes beyond binding—ono for the straight edge of
Hinaks^rtng Is Just over,-the thMU ^up of orange Juice. Pvtlnone syrup, one pint mam. or JiaU cmani _cacb roraer. ThU fortps the ruffle for ,|,g
„ section* aad-ooe tor -Ihe pjint.
dr else, by airaageoieui. each Will
thciikftiWi dH' In the year cChrUt- cup of flour, mlfed anl slite.1 v.m. Ud half milk, with .v teaspoonfnl of the cap. 8blr the cap and attach tbe diaBoaal edee of the upiwr aectlons,
Sauc—Cream Om-half cup work only for the lioatraa: abc. In her
aaa-u aa nmr that if wji luuuj we ©ns leaapoonfol of Uiklv i»» vdir oml butter. Put all this on the fire aud stir ruffle, having the corner poinu fall joUUng ^e diagonal edge last.
gmdoaUy while m at- inm, doing the t>ame thing (or her
•SMB hear tte boUs JlgMo'oc the rein- onofonrth learpoonfnl Tn^ coiwunily and cook w a aolt ball, on each aide of the face, and the seam
The dimensions ipvcu above will jg-goi,R.g,„iy one tup browHi sugar: friend*, wben heraelf a guesiAbsr,—the ^orMUm dgy ot the rear, lu'io „ muet^ shallo v iian and bah? then set off on the Are and put Into U at the center back. The |«inia -may
ordinary ahaila
,i,^. tablespoons' crvwm.
On these occashwia kU other ni«*i
Amb thOiHow y«r -win eoBj#.-<he m a moderate oven. Reorave froi- far, a Piece or tondanl about tbe site of a be left drooping or may be caught
^j,g ^ purehaaA In any
p,- drop to prevent a aeparaitoii.
bers of the family will Hther atnwat
dky of D«»; iipad(er;<ho bopertlieat
frost with white Icing,
teacup, breaking It up into small with a few sUKdigs to ih« cap. aa pro- jpp,ruuent store or staiionqry shop i}<*i nniM verv light, and add ibr«- thcmaelvoa altogether, ©r else dis­
day of ,t^ ;rgar. And It'aeesw as
Oalc Elfins—One-half pound of pleees and kni-^ng it soft before put- terred Uetwel.n tho mp and ruffle
yhese shades arc so (pgrtha tcasjwon vanilla.
creetly make a brief appcamoc*i at .
^tho«h cvnry'laatiljr^.k'firil oooU uales flnri}- chopped, ohe-fourtb cup oi Um It in. aa this must U- thoroughly run a narrow elastic. inoxpenstvo and so easily mmto that p„rit Caki—Thl* b. an old-fashioned the beginalng or end of tbe |ait}'.
of btrthda>-id»rti9UiemawiDi«r:aca- bujter. one egg well bewten. one cui emamod tUW the batch. Continue
Of ibo remaning two comers ml
„ Juke all old-time cookThe "Muiu-r." wo I er pen.
0 the comer for
ddfs Ilieause ibey if niUk. Ae plot of flour.
r ___
_______ _ .. until It comnicnces
harmoDlzo exactly with the Ing it i* good to cat. One cupful of
j do, .many' glfu t
Bara broniii ojp«.. ^ava.
‘ UASHOonfaU of baking teyrdor. Creaui grain or stiffen around the edges Ai«n the top imlnt. fiiRke them a* Jong
scheme-of d.«cnraiion for any llule brown sugar, one cupful of mol&saes.
purchase. All tbe^oor and tone!}' re
buUir and egg and beat in tba dates Odd a ceueroufl quaaUiy ot broken nut wide a* your material wUl allow. ui iuhcbeou or dinner.
ou« cupful of all-fat salt l*ork chopped lations wrlll gather la tbs house on the
.ya bave a gradually.' Add aliernaie', ihu i.ilU meats and <Irop out in small imff* as the pieces left form the pocked and
t»e If
A girl who Is'naturally d«li with her ogg ggg copful of elightly aour milk. f.-sial evening. tirandmoiher*. aunt*.
i)revious n-cliio.
r.-cti»o. Keoii
Keoit tie*
ties ot
of yoor apron,
apron. utie
IJne uie
the sj.-evetev*
Often give and flour u> winch the 'bakhit powder directed In the previous
daeper aMa^ing than »
„„ rtiwu-oiiv in raak. V / .
om- half cutdul ruuilDK. traugers ID a stnuiie laad.'
attodeplace. baa been added. Beal tKromtii'y am! working-from around the cigi- ot the with while muslin and either flnlah
tBom. .iWai-ocS. fb«ii
..and!.- h i l.t but 1 wont to
*'** "
cupful <>l Klif'-d alt Will K- loll'.tcd'snd Riven a wtrm
buotdrum. TVby. bake for tweoiy 'inlnutc.^.
neatoraa and
grated rind of om-lialf l.iimn- welcome and apprejpriaio gift*.
") niaily'ih«F-’arh' ihtl'fo overflowing
Ooroaont Cream Cookies—Beat uu- ecepstoD^ stir the haich to keep It elastic.
ca»«ftil woi
cMcmial If ogg tggsiuoDlul each of
, cinnaTill- rmim cKcscii ami act ^«irt for
good. gUw. pma«d - down and Ul-Ugbu-three eggs and .ooe .cup of fram. bfugmlBg too atiff U-foro you
the ire-e-B beouillul exorgreen reach
iWSSlng over: Joy. tbgakfn^esa. hope s^r; to this add ihrewfourtha of a ^ol It all d(Oin»vd out. You may. If
'^ndkenhief no the selvedge Is
an accurate ruler, .^upfuto of flour Bake In a uiodemte tm; from the floor to the cellteg—l*
cad-tone. 'AiH t^ pnatosi oi^'Uieee rap of eooeaiidt. udd one^ of awwt pmi TMt, uue half maple sngar and
t the chouMer end cut the front. C«
P«ClU. some good ll- gveu. This cake w HI keeii (or month* kept locked during the days beforeft lore, tho'loito that U exeapOflcd la cr«ub and one t^poonfol of salt julf wiilte. hot If you get the medium
- the abouWer end cut the front. Cot
^o^ pkate
Chrtetma*. 8.-al«l pored* an- entrusi
throe cups of flour, sifted with three dark brown sugar It'la very hard to the aocood haodkerchicl in half, almade at home, a brush to /^t It on
fruit fake—Oat- cupful ot while 4,-d u> the miient*. and Uiosr ap* s. ..J—tcaai)oouTuU of baking jwder. liu toll it
nu^le after it is made up., lowing for the opening In the back,
with and a sharp |>air of i^aKin sugar, on.- cui»mi of brown »ugar. «.ne
very valBahle reci|>e. easily also lay the aelvedgc at the sfamader
cure from all observation cieeiK
•: ‘ ^Hae' Wloitfilg fclUl' Healpea.
well, set away about an hour. Jotl.oui
.M c,. Th.k,ns.r
tonger W«™.ra
i.U M.k. .» .I»
i, . ^
capful of tnolasses. one cupful ol bui- th^iiw. A -mall tvble Is dudlcaied t<>
Pai^^ M mkoB afw^ch unfver- and «^kie alth sugar and cocoanut
IB deltotona and Is liked by everyone: off the beck. L'se these for lengthen- “f.
ter. one cupful of vvffe.-. oae-ball.cuis each memtor ..r the party. It la oov
laartartMtus at those contaming nuts, to about one-fourth Inrts thick.
e.-e<l wltli a'datety doth on which feChiaonltoHrBnowned'notoilij rorlu ' Cotfoe Marshmallow Jelb—Make a
pcee nutnlx-rlcss packages, and lor
imta and feuJU. but foi its good cooks, plain ooBee Jell}-; not too stilt, and
each i^i rsoii t!;<- pot or boquol of.flow­
agd the fHtowdof recipes revived when it baa set serve in «iemiOo<l
er; which Is invariablr a feaiaru to
pdaM ig 1b«’ ItopemW,
of the fflkaa^ with ^ted marshniallow-s
g^fgp gj,d water to a hard hall, dv-eves and belt
1 too tbick. they imn often of siloed dates ud citron.
poaredoverlt DecMte aitfa a whtrio have the egg white* beaten - "
every' Oennan annlverwary. Tho ir»-e
e them neatly in
i Dic-als. grated rinds of iurii la hriUlaatly lighted with caunnd swy e.
ItoOdhtMi VWBBl Cnhw-Cream to- morshmallow
dlM 01 cleciric lamps, and is bmpr
’ leduv 6u eap ^ogar and ooedulf cup
. Win. .wmtar Mddinga.
IU «. kMU... Tour the ..vrup orrif luiu lu uaiub Hr prtaomlo.Uo.
.W.tiil ot k«1. iluolvnl In . tin
•1th ttoseF and orsauiroul »wedbttfbr. JW
ot fonr egg* and
Every aeoapn ot the year ban lia
.0111-.hllJ .luifc ot Hr IM. Thr lOoJrt
v. r-—
»i „.i ,n.i n«t .
OBwhalf e^p^Want alik which have speclaliies. oA puddings seem to be- iheM alowly, beating constantly whnp’ shade of >uc m.
doing ao. tb» conlloue beating until old blue, navy blao nod white, tbwa ®

^ 'of
cinnamon and cloves, one-half
The room is docoraitd with braodi
ima thorongklr mixed and one ton* leas .to wlpter.- Tbe foltowlug pude* of ptec and fir dotted with flokea of
apooB.vnflpln. Add two ipd Aedalf dings wju be sure to “touch the right
cotton wool «o trjirtaeol^sooa'. Ver.‘
mpe Jtour. bad two tanepeons baklog spot ' on a cUU Mcemfler day :
IhUe holly 1* imed.' mad unless the
powder, .ioBt of All *dd wWies ot tbe
ornbani Pnddlng—Two nnd a half
household has roteB aadw BrttU.i to
four 'ecsBlbnatea wy nUff. Bake in capaVr iraham flourv one cup of moeUca off as deaired.
plait. Lay this over one slde ol thnot 1* suctessful.
nhem-.-. no mistletoe.
three layera t« oto-tUrd of cake Usse*. one cup of aw'eet milk, half a
Peanut BrItUe—Mere Is the recipe toop and svw fan to it. Rejirot for ,
Cranborry Hinta
ffMlicr the dry .Ingredients ud add to
UD Cbristmas-Eve the party asset).
dough edd two . IfWfppeooa grated cup of batter, one egg, one cup of
for making a very flue IB.-CC of peanut ibe opjwl.e side and hoop. Leave
^ v^-ar ago Home rheers editor the «« “Ixrore. Mix ID fruit aud fold lb.- adJoHung room and. olal)-<dtoc«Jate.dlneoIvp4 Ip.botllng.water, mlslna. a little aalt. one u-nsiioonful
foitowiug «ogge«lo^ her
“ ...'THe and Mibicwhai lormaJ greetings
To ono-thlrd.of dough.-Odd enouiA of cassia and one of Msla. Bieam candy. It Is very easily made, but ti* inches ou each »Jd« for the open!ou ao,t uu u.- Smttl. luHui., lot U.r H" nuu.lolu« i»niOn ,,I H«
.low orru.
having b.-.-)) 4-xcbanBcd.- Ii.nius are- •
trell eototjng to pink as de- three boars:
Tribune'* Good ru-er dtionBollwJ Fruit requir.-s no suag. During tA.
the bun and l.o*’'
aired. Leave rpomialag ooo-thlrd the
indtan Paddiog—One quart of milk, Which art! the very finall shelled hind sides together and plait. Sew firmly
sold by many fancy grocers.' and are together on the under side. The irooi*
ggg, gg.j gpu; inprredlenis: One cuji
will t^xHngulsh all llgh'*vauaatoral oeior; PTUlng: One cup cboi>- bring It to tbe bolting point and add
to th- "trev roopi
AH bdiut «
ped wolanta. twmUjiida enp sugar and one cn]i of com meaL.oue-half cup of
pr.-iared the t'hrlsimaa 'er. onediall Vui. rkortunlng. lard o; PWdin.-s th. r-. ihi-y iln-i a bt-ll ihr.*eoouidi Bilk to atolaton. L«t boll till molasses and onc-ha'if cup of sugar. course you can uac any klud of raw the lag tftid also liaiigers when, ll la
i,»eK till- sl.rtlag door*
I Tltc wrii.UdQfc. tbpn add the beaten wfalie. of two eggs, .©nv teaspoonful of ginger, abellud peanuts, or you .an use even not tKdng used.
always comumairate to
Tbe following uv" tmd pre-iiy *i
uiilUe th.- whole c«0- wlL ««'•
‘Innamon. on.-baU
floeegg;-vanilU toflaror. Beat Ull it one of cassia and one of aalt. Adda tbe roasted kind, but if .vou abould
b.-rry aad ___
th.- ______
more dl- leosiwoh clov.->. a liitto nutmeg. Boll ibi* way in'wany. aort revoaJ u
begins to hndren and put between U>- cap of cold milk, beat the eggs aud use them the}' must not bd put into gbstions for iibing j»si cards *
gestiUIe I Crst'ruu the berries ibrOugb togcllu r
era and over top of ooka
stir ail .t^ether. butter the dUh and
The tn-e Ustil « r.-gsrded with
the Are. By using Hie raw tH^a- Honiv Companion:
^ iheat
meat grinder. la fact, I bav'e a sort ««ol.
««ol "
*' b-n .oW add oue
- Nat 1^ Cnltp—Oy^^plyUff. teke^^
Serve hot with a bird froW
nau aad roibUiig jbem la the randy.
A new and v.-o *-ltarmlng u*c has
soda and tu., .up* flour; bake In a M,mevhlng Ilk- aw.- I" H.lldnn ami
•An and oM-bw eppn' stvir- ^brec- sauce. ^
w «« aptekj-on
postgrlnd.-r that 1 want to be broken n»odcrai- ov. i. In a bar im. and fiv-« ' erown-..i»' alike it
•norttaa aap milk, -thfoe egg*, two and . Suet Pudding—One cup of cbopi>eJ
-.en tbn.tiKh a 11.: • of tore and iradl
Make the batch aa follows: Two enpa -card* white can now be obtained in
aw;l.-- before stewing with choc.!*'.- irosiiriR
ooohalt. oap*- Il9nr. one had oac-half'euet. one of seeded ralstn*. three of
ibai tn.n V.'-)into vtometblng
..aslyr than putting
fruit Itodding—On.* pint flou’ ontnatpoonn b«k)flg powder, one tea- floor, one o( sugar, half's cup of mo- BB^r. .oiiu cup corn syrup, two ctips such variety Th.-y come vrlth picalmost
Bhdled peaaui*. one-half cop of water, turre of dainty Watteau shepherd- ,^^0'
a sieve afterward.
lotirih .ui' rsigar or iitolas^es. :our
r. dpBDO each olloplce and rtasomon. one lasses, a cup and a half of sw eet milk.
one leaBpooBlul bolter, one-half tenelghleemli century' court beauorlgteal hint: To level t. sti-ooi,* baking i*.wd.,r. <01- gu-si o; Hi- )«r«>- be.abe uevev ao
'CBU> cbooplkte,
one cup coaraely a heaping teaspoontnl of aoda and one
spoonful vanilla, two generons loa- »t«. «r Jaianese girls palmed upon
,„g, ,iri,,|,iog 6a the »®unh ..a*;*~u nmm.-i; oiu-iourh wMl hav h-M- own llule tree a*
W«ad walhuia. Grenn butter and of salt, it thu -baUCT is not stiff add
tpoonrtils baking soda. Cook sugar. ,hem. and what could bo mgr.-attract^ grinding juicy' things, teaspoon s-li, on'-half .up .•urrani*. hoij.-- hud tt.d in ll a comfon and
on^, add mitt and aggs, then flour a little more flour. It must not be so
grir.Ur on in a Gpped-for ooe-liali ■ «P '«e<-t sU"' ‘‘hopped Oiu-j, cnu)i«iR.»ii u‘i‘ tJtol
WMA boklim powder awl Wice*. then thin ar to run off tbe aiKxm. Boll (our com aypup aad water until If com- Pe than to make them Into candle
b, -tfarv—four-bs
c;.m»j: 'luc-'stand.—Esckangcto thicken and bubble, then ^bades Thev ar.-made of a Ane qualg„Dn.i' by Inserting a hit of oneJiall
Aooolale. and last ooor*^- ground hours, steadily .
the'richi thicknesa and milk If «ugar b- um-O. one-half <'UP K
watonu floarod. Uaka alowly iblrt)'
Apple Taivoca Pudding—To halt a add tho butter and peanut* and siir -it.- cardiioard. »o that the light pen|e'a California Rsclp*nateB'.bcm aud show* ap the pictur** e.rcwlng
® down on that.
ii-olatse* I um-«J. Mix w.-!l and i»t
Binntew. Id«g> To m and oae-balf cup of tapioca add ibre« cup* of cold constantly axtd-coniiuue .ooklog aatil
No-'areod. made BGoording to 0)'
relief. There U only one
,gj„ ,g,,i, ,
wfourihs cup tnillr water, let it stand over the flrv until the nuts beglo to brown. At this stage 1 dcllrauMpa sugar ti
r>,i!*,w*.ug rt«-i{>e. U delicioa*. Bek'
tuiitw-to^-ohrm^ iO Mki^a^.,.^^^^^
„ half boora.
butter BlMofwnug- Let It boll cooked eleor. sUrrlag (o prevent buru- the'aKlus of the nut* begin u> t<T ------------------------------- ----------------roi.
Odd one cop rw»rt mJIkloiind
opeii, and hr this iia.V tbe rauJy Is 'ueilon and that 1» to choose picture* proportion o; cropherrW. you have a
.'liBCc .Meat-tintOl it will thtaod Itte a balg then add teg; rqmovv from tbe fire anU sweet
_ _
vound lay.-r lal* ' ir.<,:e later H ucce*sary. Sift laCn thl'
cooked »ahlcK'ntly' to b.- a'«oM<-n with raiber simple motlrc*. Eadi caAd sauce that i* tolly
the equal, ami w pounds api-l-* >-U‘:
oxtnet and bant lUl 'eronmy Spread en aad flavor to taale. jtour the lopTour cu-.i« ot white Roar, one cop of
- . Hemov-e
- - from tbe fire at ace
HHK mVb'b„5V;
h7ii.« ,r.n»«- »"» ■ »«"'■ "">■
ond cover with vateuts. h is better toua over six or eight appla- w hich brown.
in the vanitla. then add the
aj^iv in the fore-ground Is large or
,gg,a_ gn,.
cama3)on. or,.- >«?ar, three rounded WMPooa* tasking
'' if It stands one day.
hare- lieen pared and cored and placed
*ttr throngh quickly until it foams up. i-omplicau-d, it* beauty is liable to Iw
ground raisins added .gt'c half pound .'iiron; on- t. a
mar-e puwlcr, one ti:aai>uon bolt. Add a
Kni CokW-8ognp. one nod one-half ^ » Ukltig di*b. Bake unUl the apVI uKuvcIy ihopped w-ateuis.fEngUsh
then pour out onto well greased slab tcarred by the catling. ,
another nice flavor We mix apple one nutmeg .m-t-di. 0B..-UI!
caps, onwhnlf «P butlar. kbnto egg*.
are done and serve cold with
»■ pUU.r H
I.H.. «««. noBt
Sb-J- ™
\ lb
.10.., JH- • ere osodi and mb. Well, ^uer two
two and oowhalf cvpa Hour, one and ervam.
kc-ep pouring It in one spot, bm *caf- shape*—lour, five and six iidad. All
*^,1, just as satisfaitor' results.” *ad rted of two orabg.-.v one pojd-) breOd }«ns. pot tn (be mixture, wliich
oaoAair teaspoeu baking powder.
.Plugcrbivad Pnddlng-^PHl a baking ter It oat a little and be sure to keep the panels tear be umde o( cords or________________'
beef snet. yaice and rind of i«o l‘-»; fbotild Iw vet;- stiff let rise for iwmity
gng cup nMts of
A little nwre-than half full ot apIt an ia_onc piece. Whatever ycu do. only have ine or two i>ostal pancle '
Cleaning-BaRlea '
om, oni-footnb pound n.ndi‘-.i lemon mliintes «ud l-akc te *tow oveh fon.any n«a preCnmd or,ni hand. Hub Plu* cut in thick sHcm. scatter over
never spread thl* out any with a and faslbon the others Of whit.-or c«To cJoan water bottles, pickle jars. peeL one pmt ooilt-d ..ri-i.-r. Cover nteute*.
bolter and «W»r to light white cream; «bem a llule >ugar. salt. cassU and
knife, aa pracrirally aU cheap randy ored4iapcr. l*a*3e-panoot 1* Ideal tor
am gU*s that U stained, when on- mrai with :>oilins water ap-l ..'imoier
, add OSES beatan a MUto. th«> tbe Hour -"Oliue* aud pour In-toaU a cup of vaCoen Aoop.
mHter* do this, and thl* U jusi mb<-rv binding the panels and Jotning them.
,j,, jiagj |e to wash v«P' Sanjly. until tender. _ Allow n :o 1 ool
•lined with tba baking iwwder: mix '»• Wake the glngeihread of on«-half
One ran t>i corn, a I'lni vl boUtof
the}' spoil tbclr peanut brittle.
that and a Uhteg of colored tissue taper—.
prnxh.thc sheH of aft egg small tn the water in which i’
oiib the ttUk and »«» Into niber
rooUiaes. half a cap of tn»r. ■breaks tbe rori* and make* the candy cerise, green or yellow—sofu-n* tbo gg,iuj,i, t^ f-ei through the neck of chop sueu jwre-and clioi-»W-le*. *.hop water, one pint of milk, a slice of on
Am baiter ud bake In paper lined tin
• ‘•“I' ®f fhortenlng. om- cuj> of
.boUd. .The batch will Batten out light becomingly.
the boUK. add a htU- warm water, nittet asd mix all dp'toi-'i*-Hc-nis with ton. two tublesioonialb of butter, tw.o
Ip. meady ovu tWitr-flys
tWrtx-flW mteuies.
*««vl ooe tem.poonfui eavh of
a ua-poomul of sail and to
vfTT quKIcly. and a* *
t post twrd meas
find lu Then add j
shake well, and y n will
-, 11. )iai:i; in a Uepewer. Chop the corn, or mssh I'
run a bag knife under it’to too»en it. and one-^f Incbe* by Bv e and onepiggg
he bottle Blcel.v Ohs and orange;
e ba*le-l cider to a ps«rte add water aad sln)m*-r
Liit It to two in the middle and as soon baH tacl^. »1ve inch** deep makte' pgtjshed
jar aad
tweflty mteot*;.-; rub tbroogb a sieve:
'“V ^ pr«i
i It is cool aroond tho edges, take
pretty shade. 10 in even' case It'h
with any good s
scald milk with onion, remove the lat­
Te Keep Alankcti Kelt.
wRb the’ beotea white of as egg and
■ liair
bold of it with both hpnd* ao
.. 'cot
... off
the c
Pouts Mud^Removse.
Py.,. veur blankets with * bamboo ter aad add the milk to the com: bind
■ of powdered sugar.
Camphor (or AAver.
each half over as you would v
i^ieh. m*. of couree. appUca tOdiHIk, -All trav« ot mod can be removed
-------A lump of eampbor kept 1
noec bmwoea thr laywni of av fw
cako: CoBiUeuoe at the edgK and on which the plctore,!* placed ver- trom skins and gonTlemi-n * black gar- carpet b**P-r when nearty- dry. on tbe with butter and Aoor cooked togetberadd
rail and pepper aad serve pildog
voriie todtor cakp- Cat tb© cak« wttb when not te ose .wni iwev««i It tar- stretch oni a Uttle. as it hardear there- tkoUs- The bottom width I* not al- monta by .rnbblag (be suln* with’ a clothes line; It make* them light
firwL Tb»yp flop ■•ach piece bod. over verrd. W th* tof most be narrowed
^u) potssc
sort and *bcy took Hk” new
p t«t sttetP kalf*'.. .

ms. mm. uns wauuB; UhT



^ ^
Cb'lstoia* «ouH not be Oiriatmaa
•1U.OU1 cand^ It la the one time of
ieatri<4lciia are
tlic }ear wUwi t
I'laocU on lie talulj' ho*, and even lie
I-- iwi ■>
-.ui.ttcv..u eat 4<-»
his ••••
a^ooi aas^ ^riMiie
^'clreumaU^'^Uan ibVehew
Cfides wo'bii}- Between now and

ajBiJii *ntl stmcb out verj- thJ». This
e^r httaeBXW
W «HM«
i»oib«- urttlcciH a laliiuie after It U
poui^d- art or It »tU «W« b«<ore^
>oo can set It" MrMclicd. ThU, of
courac. U a txild aeatier caad.v. aa It
toaeo lu cdswca« In warm aeaiher.

la prodaec the ot^ess#r> 8*rc otthc
*h^. rio* tnit*. depMtfia upoa the
aijic. A bexasoutl chade •boaM b«
made «th «*o laf*c panda mb<1 foor
auoll i»nels. lie Ur*e one bdns
oiadc of ear.U and the four asall oaea
of plain white 4aper The lueasurriBonti- sUoald be: Ijinre pan^. hot♦ ♦ ♦♦
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tom edfu-. three and one-half Inchce;
laches Sball paacU.
♦ ♦♦♦
♦♦•♦♦♦♦ bottom edee. three Inthos: top edge.
A writer in Succcsaful FlarmlBK teUs aeTeo-eichtha of ao inch. .U1 arc five


h U tlaie to tuake the Chrtauoaa
fn«l> cake, pluiu poddlnc and mine*
lucat, «a tbeae all need • ripeninR ' •
brioK oot th
Of the
api'-t - and I
Home Cheer hint: .Make
Here la
your fruit cake by your favorite pbcJ|»e. but steam It for the Oral tbre«>


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