Grand Traverse Herald, May 09, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 09, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Makes kis position plain

in message

Sewage l)ls|iosal Plnnl —I IxHii-’
le time has come wlirn *e shoii.insiall a sewage dkiiosal i>Iant. I nOlattenUon of ihe <x*unill ui ibis


I'pon the molloe of AldermaD Coes',
rich the salaries of the'members of
tbr cviunrll and members of tbc board
of iHiblic works wer^ placed back oi
the same basis as they were two yts!.
ago. that Is, doubled over wla* (be:
have been during the admlnlalralioi
the post two yearn. *Thls aoiiot;
carried by a vole of 7-3. Alds-men
Simpson, t'mlor and Dyer, voting
against the plan.
- SUfUtIng Cocnm
Ways and Means—l-Soule. Smllfa,
Sltupsuii. ■
Stcyis and Walkav Slnuaoa, Ccw


The regular incetlug of tlie Gncnd
TrBVerse-i.eelanau -ocmnly Mcslicul
rleiy was held Tuoaday eveulug in ihc
fflcya of Dr. K. B. Minor.
The' commlttoe on public h. aliU
»ve a m>ort of th*- work dune
ir this year.
Hr W. D. Mueller wis elecled delegale to the sjaie HH>dlriil uicwHUig BOTH ARMIES h2tB ABOUT THE
to be held In Muskegon. July In
Hr. G. tv FTalhk was dei-tc-d




The caw of Fraiin. G Rlier
Adah F. laytun. Kitti.- r Rotter'mund. Frank Alleu and KUea S.’ Alook up Ihe greater part of.the
alieruoon III clicult eviuri Tuc^y
■Sotiie trae ago Guy U t'hainpney. lioUoasie and John Hovsie were ap
Itoinled as ttjijrmlashtnn* to divide
tbs property and l>ok .vfier details. 6W-EPT STATE IN MANNCR^THAT
They now- reiNirt that they wert
able In make a lalisfaiiort division of
■ piwrly. The emirt made a de
Ob the Success of tba Siege Will De­
■e tnj sell the proi>erty and appoint
pend Urgely tha Outcoote of
Llreult rourt Oonimissltiner Geonw
the Revelution in
Majority U
• Mexico.
lUlllmure, Hay 7.—Roooeralt
d among the above paiiM-d parties.
Flacle Pass, May t - Heavy cannontbd
Maryla^ atats coowMCkWl
(Wrt adjourned uqlU Monday Ifierdding marked Ihe o|H-aingof the siege non at 3 »>'i lo<*
narv.j> margin of om rcta, toof Ton-eon by one tliobsaud rebels un
c Mai<!siu;'t 1$ d«'-e;ji« toCklder Ccneial Orozco, aixardlng to relor him TbU U tba rronlt of
imrts reaching here On the outcome
yesterday's primarlaa arconUng to
of the nleffp -leis-nds Ihe auecess of
mctleally completo- rotoroa today. ‘
the revolution. Get}. Huerta baa with­
RonoeveU roiHoroff $f delagataa cad
drawn Ihe federal fuiees Into town
Tali C. fUrfc swept the staU^aa daIlls force equala that of Oroico.. ThiuKu-i-atk- ehoioe-receiving 10 *oCM to :
fedeta|a are surroonded oq the east,
Wilson's tS. Reeeevelt'a ■taJorUy to '
w-gst anti aorth. and retreat talng
Ibe-preference v
pracUeally Imitoaslble. they must 6ghi< Mgfiy)e4vate iRteresU are Working
Federala Defeatod.
of «UU.
It between the rebels
and federals near Moclova is l-eporled
The rauiiiaign Jor the dev-Iupmeat
and resulted in a crushing defeat tor
of wcsiero MIehigao that is iiuw lielng
the federals. The lossos on both aldaa carried on. Is remarkable bt-i-iuee of
were tbe beavlest of the reroluUon. it* briadne-ir aii-l rouijireheiislyi-ness.
The reU-U admit a toss of 600 mad •Many tnstryiiiieiiialilW are Ih'Iuc utilthe federal luas Is much mors. The'c one uiid. I'oUllcai uplBlons.
tedenU relresied to Moclova. where rellgtout iDcllnalhins. or eoeUJ eoiidl- Good RcepOMoa are BaifiB Reoattrod
they are now besieged. In Abe qjegn tloiis are of lliilv coosequence In the
From.Pcepla Who are WHL
at Torreon the rebels bare ilrtvan the.
ing to Aaatat
h toward the desfred-goal, wbleh
federal skirmish lines bi^ into tbc la tbe making of the western .Mlcbl
•---- . The government Ireopp are preThe
advisory board of tbe T W. C.
country one of IIm- tiuet pro*i«r
ig (or a long siege.
oua. progTexsIve. .etillgl>lct"-d aud In- A. elrrle held a bwinaw laiittng'dt
fluenllal seetions of ^e entire Amert- hr home yesterday atterooea to dlapUns and make amngeMMa tor
conllnenL Tbe natural advan­
tage* are at band for (bf realixalkm tbp oiienlDg of tbe booae. Tbe b^
of Bitch an ideal The developmenl Is very inurh pleased with (be pntI made by tbe ymRMf »««aa sad ’
wUllng to do aH to (bob' peww ftr
la^on-e of pulille o|>lnion. The
peopje Of Ihe w-riiern Mlrhlgan terri­ Ibe support of tba mgromaa, It
tory are liaAk of the movemejit aad been celd that It ia one orthwMf
I tor Traveroe City aceomplMdd
Called fer the Rurpess ef Eat
are inishlns it along through board* of
supervisor*. Itxards of Iroile. agricul- tbit year by womaa and tbereforo |IW
lural sot-lieita. fniil growers' Bswotia. reason of Iti sucoML Tha board
. granges, ell The develoi.ment elded to hold a baked goods mAs ig
are MiiWedlng hm-xu*.- Iheie ;hr very near futore and etkar ptUi
II the iirellinlnary .
furiilslilngs (or Urn home were sd#o fnanyTorv-e' and *•> many |iea»
the Boys' ronfqrpnre to be held in this
gesie.1ity hViday aflgntoon and evening and pin lark of tlfMii.
spd-lsl liiKlam e of liow private
Satuiday morning. May 10 and II. the
Tbe'flrst room to be ceopletai ft b
Intended program will be as follows; Intereats are •■antrllTuiliig lu the gen- bedroom furnlsbed by Mra. K. PoMtod.
l>ida) aflerTMwn-Metllng of dele­ eral.Tilao Ihe work of the Ciitron# who Is very muck istcrostod .to tb»
iKtuk ot Big Rapids can l>e • lleil. movement Mra Beraea seleetad tba
gates by reception roiiimlttee and en­
lank lui* arrangis] for a i-ontimi
blngs tor tha eatiro room, be<
FrHa.v evetiing. « .30 o'clock—Boyfc' ous agrirultural exhibit for ibe season bedding, erf whkb thero ore tbm
of tP13. Tbe display Is to l» n.^the'
baoqueL '

Salurday morning—The mortllng
the plciurea for tba waU. a pig
will be given overto tbe discussion of ini-lude s-veryihlng from sirawiierrlex
topics ot v-iial thlerest. To J-ounglnen tn piinipkiu*. Freiiiliims of tl far rite nisblon. two pretty ragi aad datoty
Mieeliiicn; in each clast will «>e enrUlna (or tbo wtsdewo. Hr*. J. T.
Scc?hUry Van -Dla will preside and
several numbers are In the process of awarded on Ihe liist and nfieenlb of Hannah Is furolabtof a badroon. tba
preparation. The conference will close each month, and at Um; end of the sea- ladle* of the Coagro^Uanal obwdh
Saturday in time so that all who find sqii. Novenrtier tr>, Ibe iiereon wiio hat will Uke care of aaotber and tb#
ladiro of (he BapUol cboroh aaotber.
irneeessary may gel the noon tram* lieen awsnled the highest numlo-r
premiums during the »'ra*on will P«»
provides lor fo«r well funlabad
in a Craliil pri>mium.
sleeidng rooms, brt tbero STO a«li
This Boys' ranfercD'-o will be on* of
he em-niiraaeim-ul of WrlculfurHl several olbera. baaldea tbe MtUil
the largest events .of lu hind ever
Md here. Tbe nain object in view effort* l>v the tanks of western Mhiil rootUa. p( wbleh there arc two. OM
I.- an old Kiory. For a nunilor ot (or the iMiblle and eoa for the girls at
lir>yqHlng this ronfarenca Is lor the
* the First Nsttonal hank ofTrav- the home, and the dintog room, wbleb
fnsieriltg of a ln<al Y. M (' A. spirit
rily. the nr»t N>Moiial lank of needs linen, dishes aad all that goes
Traverf-p I'liy is hadly in need ot m
make up a dining room. In fact
y. M. V, A., and alKiu. the only wy Boyne niy, ami Ihe tlld Sian- bank
have been hol.’iP- snialt there-I* iisrdly a limit to the tbinga
to ohiain saiisfanory results In p(jrneeded for the comfort of tbo borne,
agrlculli'ral fairs
tiHilIng such an orgahiZhiion Is to com
wl|h file spirit already manlfeotad
menre in a sy-ntematic manner and
by the (leople In geoeral there la M
work together
fear bni what It will aoceoed.
AH (he ni't-iingv during the confer

Hr^. U. Jidinimn read a papa
vaivlafe Ulcritpy.
Hr. Huldswurih
epldemii- cm aeiount of
of llio water
rcadTpaper roportlng a raae ..f.i-cb
■SI mc'llcal a
InPfu of Ihe orbital rvgkm.'^nalms'^'an.l Aecounts-Kllhourt
liee say. Is Mirc to come unlesi
It was derided to hoM a spe-cisl
ingwi■orthy. Flic
thing is done to keep the lay
\titer-8iHllb. langwophy. Good- uieettog on Uh- evening of May -•! at
whicA Utne all lapcna whi,-h have rml
Privy Vsulls—All eiirfaet! taults 'rich.
Fire and -l■oli^e—Goodrich, Smith,
beyeo presented will be read.
Divide fiUlDANCC ASKED FOR slKtiiUI l>» counocic-d allli the wwc lungwort by.
It is Iiossilile. Many are not k
Pounds'-l-'licdi: l»y«r. ^-mlor. .
rted, even In Ihe down town dli \ Seweew-Dyer.
Goodrlchirlclc ‘The ordinance provides they
Ordinanres — yioBtagtie. KHbourne
shall make tlie connection within a
speriOed time. No aUetitloii has liceii ^^^hllng-Sniiih. Soule, finlor.
paid to this by many, ami the oi>ei
BrhlgM—Goodrich. Kllc-h, Dyer.
ptlvy vault remains, in iiiany iilaCes
Idcvnsea -lanpworth:.. Goodrich,
and a menace- to health
MmIImi «r Mambwi of Psilcc Fer«e unsightly
This oriflnaoec ehoelO be rigidly on Smith.ntlng—Eltell;
tagne. I’lul
' Wm Utt Over Until Utcr
forced and when rannectfons are not
RUe. Fitch.
Parks—I'nilor. :
Tim«-<0. C. Tabor Naw
made by the owner, within n reason
Dyer. Blnqoon.
a.Iilc time, they sbouLI be made by lh>
City Enginty.
city and costs taxed to the |>rei>eny
Dock Une—The dock line has been
Tba coOBdl dimnilMrr preaenl<<<! ai pslabllshed and If anould be seen to at C. Tabor.
Welghmastcr—A. Pohornl.
MllMtaid M«o« MoPday aveolDs u|ioi once tliat it be imlh at the earliest
Meat and Milk Jiispe<ior-H- J. Uct4«aslfale
The joiut orchard demouaUwtJoua
tbe occMlon of the laaDfcsratioD or
fpnslce matter can-pau out the river
by- the Wealcrn Michigan Deceiopmenl
Mayor W. p. C. Oenalaoc. a largo «ml not collect uinn the banks, mak
r—I). (’. Talar.
Bul-eau and Ilje Michigan Agrlnilturr-«. A. Mollblay.
aamber of cKlieDi being iireicnt to Ing It un|i1«wsanl to look ■ii>oo nud del
flly Altorney- F. C Gilbert
illegc. In Manisteo and Benzie
wluaaa ibe eeremony aixltto find out rltneiilal to health.
Hoard of KlecHou Couiwlsslnuer
iviuDtiea. last week, were aurccastnl
wbo the new appolnteea wore (o be.
•- T. Bales. H- C- H-u*is. W. I*. CrotI a marked degree.
Btrerythlng -norad oE like elorkwork.
here this sl-rlBg, unless greater care Is er.
Thqp^crc a largo nuinbc-r present
Ud tba iDdlqatloiia are that bit ad taken than In the |«st. fatal arridents
Chief of Fire Hoiarnucol -Tlioniaa
: the denicnalrstl'us ct Bear Lake
mlnlitratloB wIU prore one of the beet arc sure to occur and I give thu no­ C.^>
i AssUunt Chicf-Jullus John- whicdi consisted of lectures upon
tice to all owners'or drivers of aoto
the dty hai e«er «iUe>«d.
lies (bst the U«'S regulstihg speed
Sueoud Assislsnt -Chief—Jaiuirs J. pruning and spraying. A goodly UbmTba nayor'a (able was decorated
the projier poslllon on thiv'hlghvci-G alM> lu attendance at the
with a husa bonqeet of Atnericas way will be siricUy ootoreed, without Baker.
Flremeu-Johu Sullivan. Wilbur I.
nstrstlon at Arcadia which wtai
Beauty lueaa and Easter Ullea wbkn tear or favor.
Saloon Onfinance—The ordinanre Holmes. John Haggard, Joe ItalK-l
Boipe BokaowB Mend had went the
Kl«elal »•ollee WHIioiit Ihi' -Adam, in the orchard of E J. l.ord Tbe.Ar^gulaltng the saloons is the one most
MW uaentlre with (heir ooropIfmenK. frequently violated and the hardest to rum, tor Oial Wood Dixh Co.: H. cadia section of Western .Michigan baa
letx. for Greillck factory; Geo. klei- only comiiieoced lu develop aaN-.fniil
TUa mUa token of approefaUon gave enforce and I want to pot mvscilf on
■If. Basket factory; It. It^uros, 1>. region, bui the poopla show great In­
alf to tba oeeaalon that was par- record that, during my term of offlec,
terest and tako ndraniage ot every
Ucnlarty. pleaalns, asd was apprecbi*- Uils ordlnsne- will 1« eofoned to Ihe
letter an-l any violator will be pun­ xnw^ JM Wy eMfrwiAsIhleX
ad by Ute nambera of the ■counrii as ished hy-.fliir for the flrsp-tHIense and It 8. ttneh. C. V::aBterdav. - W. J. opportunity to get accuraie Informawell as tba mayor.
second offense their Ifeense will he Welley. F- C. I*ark; Hnlon Street lon regarding phiises of the fruit
growing loduilry.
The. meeting waa oiwocd altb revoked. I will organise Ihe pollen
Blxly were in atlendante at the de
prayer by Bar. W. W. MrKee. which force with ibis end In view.'and any uan Avenue sc-hcail. e
|K)lleenisii who dees not see to II Ihat
..... .
at Beulah which demon.
tact added graaUy to the Inipmaalve. the
law Is enforced will Is* rcinoved Jamieson; KImwood A
MM of the oceaahm. Rev. McKee aodwnolher Uke hit pla-'c.
one year, A. Thocii|t-‘oi>:
held in the W. O. Sests
Fire lieiarttnenl—Our lire dr|arl school. on«i year. John HeWiit.
the village. Mr. O- K
made a taw iwinarka in which be mUIluililing iDsiieclors- KMwuj-cl Kus White, the denioustrator from Ibe An
ad attmiUon to the fact that condoet- ment Is worthy, of special luemlon. ser.
Cbas MiAIlchucl. /
have iMieu on the alert, prompt
lag a dty adtnto1st ration waaJii a way They
answered many,
Idbrary- Triistees ^-K.
in answering calls, and light fire m,.a rallgtaii athtr, and that 'mvokloe demotis. I have not bran] a single
Inspectors of iilmion-Flesi want questhins and thos>- present w-eni;
Wood; .S-i-Oii'l home feeling Hat Ihe) were niueh.
Olrlne aadaUnce In the work, while
iplainl tor Ihe last year, ami 1 do W. J. Hohbe, G.
believe Ihcwe l« a letter Ore dcs
aomewhat hhiuual. waa enUrcIy in
latter poaii-J ui«>n this subject which
partnienl In the state. No exceptions. F. Nc»-hooi-o'; Fourth, ward, Ab-c
place ^ an act to be commended.
doUats alid eeiils iiitereet to
Cilv Bnglneer and SniK-rinlendent Kuellmaiitel. (ieo. Tarboek: F'lfili
FWtowlSg this came the Inaugural yf Water Works—It ‘Is wiih regrel
Ihcin. lhan they'were iK-lor© tho de
address la which the policy ot the net
1 have to aoiiounre that t'ii> Kn
inniisiralton was IiHd. Ky an almost
-r and SniVrinlendeni of Wkter
admIniBttmIloo was so clearly outlined
uiiauliiioUB loin of Ibose present It
OL. Mr. Caldwell, will not a<-<-e|it
_ that Uteris U no need of anyone nakwas do-lded to Iiold picking and pack­
Hiialninient auolher yeWr cm n<s
iw where the new mayor aunds iiiwn
ing d-niisisiraii^iis the latter part of
I WT his enraging In busittess for
the icreat queatloiia Involved In Use himself His will be a hard place to
Tiio demnnslralor exon
eondnet of Um oRy bnabseea. flavor
plainetl b-iw to head trees, advised
and superintendent of wsi.T
Ocnnalne wlU try and give the people neer
ihMi the old orchaids where the ireci
works will be delayed tor tin- iwesenl.
of the city an
high can be beaded low by eonIn cMnrluslon I wish to say I w itt bo
.to confer with any memher of itio
prood of la lai .
(inuai pntning for * number of years.
iclt. at any (tote. In rcumrd to puii- will Bagin Opeeationa Next Week—
along the lines of law entorMnMDt. tor
4r.. White in ape-uking of bla (rip
pcrtalnlng to Ihp wcUare of the
Lather Has Erected Many
which be epoke in very emphatk- tily and.
uss •''.iiiitrv Imui Arc-.tdia aa1d lha:
also, would l«> aUil to eon
Public Buildings.
teems. The test or the mcMaiCC la as fer and have- the acltiev ofAny eitlxen
imfay-orable placi-s, penrhes and
regard to public matters. Wr wain
*«e<-t fterrtea seemed to be datnai:to
approTo Ibe Honorable, ihe CAmmon Coun
> a <onalderab1e rxteiii aud la a
elate the advice of all good c liiteoh
a City. Mirbisan:
At a Joint meeting of tbe building
iiitlaii.-ea the yohng trees hsd
Youra respectfully ,
(tonuoman: A«ailo I Itave been
Fenowtog-lhe reading of the Insugtro/eii down to Ibe snow line. In
d npon by (be electors of Trat
Ky to preside over your .lellberailons uial message, Mayor German
<-ayes, -lio sdvlsed cutlliig tbi1 M. K. church last evening, b-ld
rt two
for (he ‘next
la years and
Ibe parsonage, the eoniraci !oi trunk 1»-low ihe branchia and leav
hU appolnlraenis. eieonl tbow In the
Bsrty rooi>eralb>i
tor ,__
your faeai'
stump to guide the farmer In
matlers pertalnlne to the b
ilmaster. both being held up until Gee. lAtber of Ibis cily-;
esU of the cll5W»hl<-h I feel
will begitny give me.
Hr. lather's work whi-berer he has’ The fourth denHiuslratinn wa
nnancM—As to the nnanctal condi­
been chosen .has laen of she best lie the It. n. Reynolds farm in Inland
tion of the rlly 1 will not go Into deplaces. ■
erected the htasonlc temple in Mmils township. Many good pointers were
ull. bol refer you to otir eBIcleot
It WHH the Intention of Slayor Ger­
clerk, who keeps the l>ooks and
the Elks temple and school ImlW- obtained by those who took tho
enee anT the hanqiiei will he held In
erda of the city la such a thorough maine to alM> hold up the ai>|io)pliDent
in CadIHar, and many other pub­ ble to Im< on hand, and take ndraniage the Kai’ti-i ehureh. It Is expeeied
Wd systetnaUc manner that be ra
■IMTlntendent of-the water aerks lic buildings Ihat have boon entirely of the opportunities of gelling tho
that there wiil la apWlher IS.', yonne
glra you. ggeo a monienfs notice, tli
The ^•entral church
datsllg of Ua anances of ib»city an
men in atiendanee. of~whleh alsnii
be decidcsl at the last minute to make comniltteo f<‘ci that they are fortunate log at firei band.
the apitoluiment as be serared a
in having Mr lather takg thypropoiltowns The feature of thli
who !»' thoronghly experienced In the
This will also b^lhe means of
la the l-atiquel for Friday?
program outlined to he given* at Ihe
to we roor^t judgment and work iQ the iterson of ll! C. Tabor, laving the money retain in Travei-y.It as small as good business Judgment who was at one time asslsunt city en­ <iiy that would enberwise have goav
eoneluvloii of the spread Includes an
wui allow and. In no enso -to exceed gineer In Grand Rapids and later city oufside had the rontract been let t<
sildri-ss by Jesse B. Davie, principal
the legal limit'
engineer in Muskegon. He appears ouulde parties. Mr. lather expect LOUIS GONVER’S FLACE BURNED of til- Grao.l Rapids Central High
While our watdi-wotd should be
WITH $3,500 lyOSB
"eeoMBiy." we do not want to prac­ to be Ibe right man tor tbc |>(ace and to begin oi>cmiuua by.the flmt of next
S'hool. known a« one of the rery be»t
iwaclltice falae economy. J do not eontider
eilueaiot< in the state, and an addri
H^eod- bwlneaa^dgment or econ­ ealJr everybody in Traverse CityInsurance Only $1,500, and Norm of i.v J. A. Van ins. state secroury
omy to anew any liuiuwvemeota that lire departmenu waa left unaisturbc.d.
Ihe Furniture Saved, Except
y M. C A. who needs no further
nr* demanded, nud abodid be mad.
being re«.p<
(imroductlnn to the toys of (hit eltv
be lift imdaw in order
(»th‘T numbers
in* left to assist him. James J. Rai'cr
Fife lake. )lay 7.—The haiidsmiie be lift- address of welcome by Will
wqs made second assistant chief in
(arm home of Mr. uud M.* Ikruls Gon- Siraub -and a repon on the Torch'
Taka our nppavad atreeta for example. order that there may be someoDp^lo
y,er. tour mHet souiheavt of Fife lake, lokq Gonferenee to be given by SunMany of them have boon woefnlly artleetod and are In such condlUoo that authority in the engine noues at ail
lofeeiber wiiii all Its contents, was to­ ley- Sny der. Sui>erlnteivdent U. U Ty
. they are a disgrace to the city and times. Mr. Biker baa had a long and
Some .time ago the county tier!. tally- destroyed by flre Moiidsv iusl at
service In the department made appHcaiiou to the .<iuariejma«er
. Mr Gqnyer was i:i Ihe field,
and bis promotion will meet with the geneipH^f Ih,. r, g. aruiy at Waah:i' ;• plowing and just happcti-d to see
approval of the people of the rlT'- at ’T
^■•‘'“onvs fox soldierv sniokc pounhg from the upis;+ jirl of
large. The other appointees In the cle- grivei to be 1'laceJ in Oakwi^ toe;
. t right
bouse On arrivlug at the bouse
to the resldenti partmeot are mea with eatabllehcd teryX The name of William Bni
Ije found his wlte-Vusih engaged with
.. itegl.
ibam. to become, and re­ records as fire fighters who' can al- Blesan. a iirlyaie In Daliallou ... her housework and quite unaware that
I be depended upon to do their Fliwt Sew Yoik Ughi Anlllerv, is re- the hon*e wa* on fire. Before they
condition when, tor less
duty In the face of danger.
poned as not foind.- Possibly the
1 do auything towards outtlng it
There was some routine busloesa wroag state or the wrong oumtar of out the wbo1e-"hoos« w-as in flame*,
Carton City. Nev. May 7—The it:.dene at (be meeting, all of w blrb was the regiment has been given or
and nothing with the exeeidloc at an :,A0 acres of land eliminated from tbe
accepted and teTerred to the differ­ soldier toa) -hate served nnder'an
organ was saved. Tbe lumber and. N'oapa national forest by Prwldent
ent committees under whicA bead It sumed name. ,lf the , s^dleri are wood piles near the bouse were only Taft last Defcmber. was opened to
«lffamt rqaorta sad he will teU you
pensloaerw. the deianment desire* saved by the hardest work, while the settlement today. Tbe land la In UtAlderman FTaak Goodrich -na elect­ the Bomber of fhe peasloo cenlflcaie barn o4ao aarrowly escaped dostrne- coin county, this atau. and sMUemeiit
Mtenld not be so. and imit you wiU ed mayor pro tern, the aaiae poaltkm If possible, so qa to avoid delay an-I Hon. The property deatro^ la raised it to be under the sepervlaloB'of the
gm It u corrected.
^----which be held last year.
at $3,500. with but ll£00 iimnacc.
VnM Sutao land' otloe la tbit dty.

’ uiBlini lUSU SlURIES













While out In East lUy ioW,nehlp
Tuesday . C A. Edgreoiub fount
iKsly ot a'game bird which had to-i-ii
killed hy flying against the wire*
along Ibe roadside, aud on anouni
r u*
II* uiiu-iial aiipearanee he bro':ghi
10 the eliv, Irtiere Ir was ideniifled
daugi-r »r drowning lullef booU
one ihsl 1* unkuowo by the huulire burned to Uks off tbe marao%
tn thi* section. Ml' Is eviuniion in il
vloim. uf the flood. Fire thonsoad
southern jan ,«<r the slate. The li
re're«aed from 'the path of tba
seriptlon and habi'- of ih>- bird itre .
tu6ak in (he Torraa latees. Baportfl
follow a -.
from Torrez d'-v-lan that na loot tbair
Horida GaUiPul,--la-hgvh. twelv.
to fourteen luche*. 'Mai* and feniale
a bare, bright rt-I *he-id on loreliead
same color as bill: iduniuxc iintforn;
dart t'lulsh or grayish i>laik. darke-'
on head and neek; wasl.e ' «;rii oHv-brown on back and shoulders, and lad
log to whitbh underneath: fianki
ronn.lruousiy B.lreaknd whh white;
►,are under tail white; toil slion.
g and Party Did Not Cealutf
liUrk. w Itb four white outer ull fealb



A roarah.blrii. WadM aad swlma
Makes a large part of Us' migrations
: walking. AwkTbKd flying A wild,
shv. timid bird.
Very common In aouthern Michigan,
brooding to Hllledale county. Kalama­
zoo county, and'm eoasmon at Sagl
naw. Has nerar been seen in Alt

region by bontora.

Xnncteeail. May • ttdrtdirai TBU
will roouB to Ohm next Wedaaatey
and eawipatgn tbe staia for tov teye
In an effort *o uke the Ohio Bet«atmai et tbc primarteo. Tbe Taft pang
■ot eoaeoal their *Ynigii|MiM


Grand .Twverae Herald
and Tiavose Bay Elagle

ateordity of many of theM ao-alled laaa. Ah a hrhole. the Mayor’s
ifm ia a good one. He has made ^dedgea that «s beliere be viU
earry out to the very best of his ability and he ahuuld have the
hearty support of all our citimia.
“ • '

The appointoeirta of the Mayor are good. ' There is ouly ouc
vacancy yet to be filled: that* of the ,(%ief of Police. It is op to the
.Mayor to make an appointment in (hat d<-i>artnietit that'will be natiicfaetory to himsdf and to our eitir<-ua. It k an iiuporlant offiee,
ThA« ahould lie perfect harmony betwr^n the klayor and the offi­
cials in Uiat department. AVbat w« want iaa good man who will enthe laWB. ka the eity affaire it is not so luii^ iudividuala. as
...EDITOR VnD HANAOER what is done.
shall look for and expect an active, energetic,
........'....Both FboM 1^. a
Bucecssful admiuistra'tion under Mayor Germaine.

tSrSSU::"'-"-”...,;........ ........

Off the ^Platform
It is unfortunate that Will Levingtna Comfort, who Ima made
aneb a reputation as a writer ami a tic«'Mps|>>T war <-orreK]K>mii'nl.
must go U]>on till' platfonu as a bvtiirer. We have mit very inuel'i
fur Mr. Comftwl aaa writer. We sluvuld have Mill Ii-mc use fur
him as a plaifunu orator.

The SfttsM Parasol
It is said summer .iwrasohi this year w ill Ih- a dr>-ain
Xow if there wen- soUie way to prevmt tin- sharp isuiils Mieknig
into the eyes of i-vi-rj' luckless iiiBlK-that |»as»» on the jiin-t ih.-y
would alwi Ih- a dn'aui of lilhC

star* lleivnai*. .
■.anslDR. A|-rll I. 1*11
KOTICK U bereb. Rhea Ibal ntin lane* »ltiut*.l tp tbc roeDlr of
<>raod Traierw bkt oC to (be Male for
tavei Ot IMS aiul
>*ars- aaS
ahk-h Bill br
to tbe .offKv of tbe Trea*
M count), and may be seen
Uhc anrtiof
Tax Kale. H mi

Democraiic T>emoaats

....Me In'Adranee
Is Advance

Vm Marylao^Ttesolt


The rt'tunis from the Maiyland primari.-s s.>.-m to indieiile that
Mr. Kuosevelt will have the state <-ouveutioii by a l«are majiwity of
biMd aa itccrs-«4.M meiier uarcb i. IMS. at the pottoffice at Trav^
vole. The el«w. ne>» "of this vote is ex.-.'.'diiigly unfortnuate.
Mdar Ih. Art ol Coagresi o( Uarcb 2, isr».
It will give rise to truiibb- in Maryland and at Cliiiwgo. If this
iHsjority is clear and straight, no nialler if it ja bul one vole. Mr.
Qrcala^ Ait wetA Z900
Taft should let it alone. As waa stall'd in these euluiniis a few days
ago. if a prioiary is worth au.vthing. majurily must rule. That ma­
jority mu- l>c one vole or a hundred votes the one vote is jiwtas giMsl
as the li^dred. But let us bear in mind dwliiietly that a primary
elrt'lion should be govcnied eut.irejy, not b.v disiriets. not by weliims or cities, not by i»wiislii|iK. but by tlie whole stale. If Jlr.
nr Masage/ff 9Uyor Gtritudat
Rooacvdt has a majority of llie {sipular vole,->j>r the.state, he is
The meamge of Mayor Germaine to tin- Coimcil Monday • vening entitled to the 16 dclegab's from Maiyland- If.fie has n«l a imjioh ahort and right t6 the liint. His rccommcudatmns are wiihin teadh lar majority orthe stale wide vote, he is jiot ei^illisl to tlu-s.- dele. «f the <dty's flnancld condition, and it is now tip to tin- council t« gaUsL This is where the trouble eoim-s in wiHflhe |)rimar>' syst.-m
!. aae *»■«* tbeae rceommendatious arc carrii-d out. The taximyers of as it now cxista throughout Hie •'outitry. Tlo-r.- is iio unifontiil.v. It
tfi* «!ty irtU anpport them to an>- rcammalilc degt^ in the exiH-ndi- is crude in fta system, it is badly managitl. it is liable to abusw. in
|»B M money to accomplish desired nwilla. As the Mayor points fact, it
almost universally. alHUninably .wrong. If the primary is
h^tl»c« it k fa» peonomy that is an cxpinsivc ptopoaition to any going toXrule aif it surely will, every stale in-theTiiion must g.-t
eMiUBUnity. The people of Traverse City ere willing to s|»cud money busy and lliert' must Is- laws enacted that will b^i-fair and liomwt
lorUrtitiffasd anbaUptial improvemenU but tlfry do iioi want their and juslA® all eoui-cmed. . This is a time of uphektal in politi.-al
auBey thrown atpay. 'ihcrc has been somelbing of this in t ears past'
ayateiiiH. ^
•U' tlim need be no more of it. The qm-stion of paving is one of
If-you will rt'inemlH-r we hwl the same trouhle when th'e •> call­
^'iiost important problems that ,we will have lu luin-t. Must of
•igr paving hat been well done and it is a raluablt- asM-t to the city. ed Awdralian ballot was iiilr.Hlue.-d io the I’lnt.-il Stales. As the
llaxe iwamHl the Auslraliaii ballot bas liceoine better under­
t1^4 arant aitfe of tt. Travenw Cityit nri-cts are stn-tchrtl out to
stood. has been uiudifi<-d until it is a fairly Bei-e|Uuhle system t«s
' •over ihkoy miles, nuressonably so. but this' is tnu- of any growing
IwriL The paving should be done s.vstcmntically and rt.nnectcdly. day. Wc must now go through th<- jiaim- |M-ri<Hl of ehange and r<-Vi Bean is there ahould be no little stretebes of uiiiwrctl organization of the iioiuiiiating system of the csiunlr^'. It will »ork
felween long attetehes of wi ll i>av.>d stweta. WcJj^vc now out all right in the end hut it is uiifortiuiale that two sueli disI'mMcnl.trank line atrccta well |>avcd. buf Ih'Iwccii these slrccts tiuguishi-d men as Mr. R«ioscvrlt and Mr. Taft, than then- are non-^Vere.'aie too niany single Jilocks left nnitaved.. This is a malic' better. Jfnwter. abler, imin- |«.pu1ar iu tin- cunlry. slouild U- eomwe believe should now be given first attention in the matter of pfllcd to sulnuit to all the emdities and ineousisleneii-K of the pn-s. The paving of streets in any city works some banlstiip to eiit veiy im|M'rfi-el aiid very iiinuiijili-ti- so ealh-d priiiiuiy s>-steoi.
I, but that is one of the pcnaltii'S that itnist In- ]>aid liy There is but one way to estalilisU. this sjstem to^e satisfaction of
’ those who own property on down-town atre-ts., Then' lidji the pcHipIc and tliM tve have pointrtl out before. It must he ahso\
By the paving now of a few cross blocks. hcr<- and thcr<-. it lutely and pnaitively-majority rule. In presidential matters it must
. Vwli increase the eontiuuons |wving of our eity by several lailvs. ifht be coufined to eitH-s or distriets or <-«iunnuuities. It must he
4lm'eZpmiBe of keeping a paved street' clcati and in good condition stale wide, and four yi-ars from now it umsi be not only state wKI*^
. 1l isredy noticeable eooi|iared with the ueccssaty up-keep of thc hut it must lie eoulitiy wkld. This is i>ure demoeraey. This is the
street! thataro now allowed to remain in the cundition tliat has ouly way ill which the wiiole people can Is- heanl as individuals. Kvvtite must lie «siuilti-d. If a majority of the popular vole in Mary­
eodUed for many yetni. If wc must still have thew- nmd nmds. let
baek to the old saw-<l«ist dajw when at least tiic strvi'ts could land was for Mr. Kinisevelt the state belongs to him. n-ganlh-ss of.
state conventions and uulioiial fs'Kveiitious as far as the iioininalioii
M iSept riean.
laud primaiy will be euuntiHl by counties rather than stale wid--.
Tke qi^iou of the sewage diaptwal plant is a big one but it should
We return to our origiifal statenienlt Iiow-vit: H.-n-after if a tiri- ^ given the moat, careful altinlion. tVe doubt if our city is rcad^'
maty is to he binding in any way uism any candidate, it must Ih.Itirt now to take np this matfbr, but wc have gut to cumc to it some
iiy a impolar majority of the entire stale and in the years .to eoiioindict tB be retdy to act when that day comes.
a |>opular majority of the eutiri- counliy. Tliis will do away with
' ’'One maUtt the Mayor refers to, seemingly a small and immatcrstate conveotioiia and.naliui^l eonvenlion as far as liu- iiomiiiaiion
^ ttf nutter, is of the greateat importance. That is the nucstion of
of candidates is eoiirt-nu'd^ We know this hi ad'voeatiug a rajieat
g^iy vaolta. Within a very feV rods of where the writer sits he
change in onr iKilitieal sj'stew, but if the ix-ople will hive the jiri“ ‘ • tWe nre^veral of theae ■unsightly and nnaanitoiy' obj.'cts.
iiiury. then they iuust«iil>mil to tin- first principles of that primary,
I ffigM SB Front street I>t us begin right on Front street and clean
which is really pure and true ilemiK-rai-y. mujorily rule.
r Art jfflfKir iMfiinntinni There is an ordinance strictly prohibiting
I^^MtUngt'^t has not been enforced. - We arc glad to know that
' Qeruaiue will sec that this urdiuauev is enforced and eU'
The Potato Qaestion
A little apace in tliis tsdimm can Im put to no l\t.-r ns<- limit
’ 'Tbe^och line matter is an important one ahto and a good stari
a talk aiHUit the }H>tato. Michigan b-ads the stat<-s in the .(^lity
Kftliee^'made in this direeliou. Tb'p c*!?}' should, at the very earliest
. pMniUa Bosat. follow up the work that has tieeu .begun li>- build- of its iH>!ato.-s. But then- 5s dangi-r Ihn-atcuing. Two or iLn-c
ing k nbstkstial, solid, permanent, cement dock line from South things are voiy ueecasaiy to a giusl crop of isitatoin.. and a i-ro|»
ITniOb'atrect to the'mouth of tho-river, and when this » done, with of good poialoes. ^e soil inusf be suitable, the s.-c.! must l-c of the
into the ground
i reiy little additional expe^. the work can be made not oul.v |ht- best, and the man who preimres and puts the
must know, his biisiiicscs. Grand Traverse should md only siNumodianvwnt hut attnetire. Do nut leave it rough and utwightly uii
ndgea and eomcra. Fiaisb it handsomely, smoothly, and in a mau- cally get a yield of 2(ili or IKH r>r more btshels to jl.e aen- hut .-very
barring aeeitlental had years, should give sueli a yield.
r that will attract favorable attention and eouiuieut from straug-


Nobody knows better 1
. fifctwld be handled on luir streets. There is an or«iinauce regulating
tth tjpeed tad the care of these machines within the eity limits.
fkkpnHnanee » unfatr or is any way not what it should be,'ehange
tha o^isBiice. But whatever the ordinance is. euforev it regardless
afindividuab.. And right in this connection please tlo nut forg«'t the
r cyde, the amst dangerous vehicle that can l>e run u|>on our
dty itreeta. TBe only safety to m-dwlriaus and ebildn-n is that the
, motor cycle makes aoeh a racket that it can be heard fur half a
Wtolm, aa the ilayor saj-s, greatlv- n-grrUed that the serr .Viees of our capable City Engineer and Su)i«ruiteudeut of the Water
‘ I, Mr. Caldwell, can no loug.r lie held by the . ity. .Mr. Caldwell
•.fkjligniHg to engage in private business. This isIhe most im|Hirtant
{’ .gM^intineDt the Mayor has to make and we take-it for granted that
li%w neiertioD af Mr. D. C. Tabor he has found the right man.
TtfoT Miriainly comes v^h the highest rerommendatiomi and wc
luveall eonfldenee in hiiability to varry on the work that baa been
• aa well done for several years past.


We believe all onr people will be gratified t«. know that the fir.. Kpartment, one of the moat important in the dt;r. will not be dutBrbcd. Mr. Murray’s work, with that of his-aaiwtants has been
-IdfUr ntbfactor?', and his reappointment will meet wiih general
Mayor Germaine says that the ordinance regulating the uloons
wflibi kHriaiy mforeed. Oiir people will expect-this and the owners
ti the saloons thrinselv.a will be entirely satisfied with the strictest
- aafoicemcBt of the law. There must be Ut> vidation of this law. or
#ay idbd law, luSfirr <vur city onliuauecs, and we believe the Mayor
trill aee'thkt this oidinaucc is enfomd.
In this ennneetion w« want to aay we believe there arc a good
jfeyliii^Bdulwa oh our records that an- obsolete, that are uoueecsare perhaps incapable of rnforei-mcnt. If so. cat them
, 4C
^ve. an i^dinanec in exislcorv that is obsolete or
IfBatBB^. Oive^afiSeieBt time for chsngvs in these ordinances, but
; tirf^nTOBcbe’kiort. and when it expires, rnforcc ewry ordinane-i
«■ the beoka .legardleaa of ronseqaences. .'Wc ahail thus note tbc

Among some r«H-eiit hiitletins issui-il by tin- l iiiled Slatea ex­
perimental stations is a valuable one on this sul.ji-et. It .-..mes by
authority and we feel juslificti iu making souk- extracts. A lute
bulletin saj-B:
“To grow a fiiii' crop of polat«»-s every fanio-r should ^il«serve
two very'iiH]Mtrlant things, viz: dipidug ifie s.-«-d |>otato.-s to d.-sin-y
any scab genus that may be on tliem and keej. the soil fre- fn-iii
seal). ]‘otafv> scab is a disease and the disease is usually worse in
Wet than dry years.
“In regard to the dipping of the jioiat<s-» for se«l», the
moat desirable niMli.d is to soak the tubersbef«rt- eutting for two
Lours iu a solution made uj» lijyuixitig one pint of 4i' je-r .-ent
formaldehyde with 30 g« or water. This ].rei»aratioti eaii Ikplat^ ill an orxliiiary -V) ^lloii barrel. The b.-st way to dip tbe
tubers in it fat to first place tlierit iu a sSej:. After they have lK-.-n
soaked for two hours tlie,\- must U' and ent and planted
rigid away or spread out to dry. W'ith tiiWrs which are iH-is.miug
fairly well sprouted it is tlesirabh-. altbuiigh not n-'cesaary. to-uip
them a week or two before planting. One :<0 gallon mixture will
treat about 3U busliels-of |H>tatues. after whieh it sbould-U' diiiiipeii
and a Dew mixture piv|*ar.-d, Th> dip larg.- <|iiautrties of i"datoes In this manner m many bam-U may l*e k.-pt going , as n.-eded,
"Tbe relation of the wiii to s<-ab is this: If a scabby crop has
■ b.-eu grown i>n the laud then any eri*i> of iwUtocs whieh is
grown on that same phn-e of laud w ithin the next six yeai> is likely
to be more or less scabby, even though the se>-d is five from this
disease. Of.-«<iurse. if lhi'S<*ed is srabby and has not iK-.-n dlp|>e<l
tbe eru]> ifui be mtjeh more s.-aliV}' than if-the method of dipping
baa.beeu fiHJoWed- Manure from annuals which have been fed mit^ik.-d s.-abby |MdatiK-s should nut In- spn-ad U|H»n laud k-faicb is
imeud<-\l for this crop or.lhe disease will tlieri-lw U- ititnHlucod int-*
the soil.
'■-Vs said before, all s.vlion of the .-miidiy wheis- rio- Irish pve
tato is gruwn to any extent, arc aubj<-ct to ibis If the disease.
I the soil tbe crop is likely to be more m Ina seahby. regardlea
■of tbc seed plant<sl. If tbe soil is fn-e from diwaae a crs>p just as
free from aeab van heigrown frnm i^ahby seetl as from clean seed,
providrti the seed is fimulippod aa hervio suggested."

Judson Hannon s]n-alis of tbc
whoiii does he n-ferT

i.rryioualT re-

s. 2-. mar 2-

•Demoenilii; DcnuK-rais.”

. aeaskib of aald nMirw -Wl at
uUt Iiavtnc beeb madu In tbe
litwbat* offk-e. IU (be « n> ot Ts»».
loirs ul a cs-nain iiK>n*a*e ouulc
1. to said <siaei>. on Uu tiih
il ttorse a ■t Sarab J.
S'fslar. R F. 1). N’o- 2. Ma« S — JhsJ .Morw-.
wife, ioinilv o< Trateri-c
City. .Mhliisan. lo> RIclia d llulll.ul ot
.aa Cate aad James While. Jr . iBade County: Floe
III tbc luatier of tb* eitale of Mary
Frida.v cvrslnz tor Orca^n.
Ii, iwm.
.■••hnaon. deresMsl
A pany fioia Trsictse «'U.r ti
and recorded In tbe oltev of tbe R*(Ilirbard J J.ihnaoii bavloK BM Jn
iKiuSbt Hi* .S. W Itcrrlnston farm
'.ter ol Ibssls'tor tlie I'ounl) of lid roan bis pelliltm praties tbal^
.MU-hlAlbert 'Kadiuvacti and «UI take pussn.

scsiloo this seek.
of n:onMr. and Mrs. A. SI. White
alihli tnonsase
s ordered.
llU.kax of
.. U, 1*12,
parents of a lllOc buy. who 1» nauied
rloek in tbe
ini ol rk'ieuieen f«iT.-l «. at aabl 'pmhsi*e offter. be
John Thiel, bora Suuday e»«Uaa
d Flf/v-TImH- fent-'. mill ai.
Sfr*. E J. Iliekcrman aho r>->
fee of Tmeiiii n«ee IXilUis'.
saiir.iiioiijleas*, aijil un
It is tiniber ordered, Ibal .putdlc
iui! ber sister. Mrs. Sohica is «x|wrt-....... l.OM-aedlliE* at ias hat Ji.e U-cii IKrtii-e tluireof be Rtven b) publiratSoU
ed home today.
instituted l«
e mono a »e of a rr'py of this order. f"V tjmrr au<-Miss Esther SJoisl vtsiied rvUtlons
e.-s.i>.. merks pre.iims to afifnay Of
St Soloa -Saturday and SuDday.
heaniis. in the (iaod Trarera* ilbrald
a tie^saaper pHoteS
Richard Bayne ta in very is
Xo*-. Ihcivinre. be ilrtiie
saiu tiiubi)
r of tale 'S.maiiied in ki>.
health this apilna.. Mna ewuSued
nud (he sUiiute 1
'll lase ina'Ia aud
bis.bcd most of tbc time.
proUd.-d. nolUe
er-bv Kiven that
Mr. and Mrs..Frankfatfacr and fain- on Satiirdav, the Fi(i»-mhh da) ol
iU are visltiiic in l-ake Aiiit ltida<
June. A. !>.. 1912. at 101
w'k iu llxPester Wluomlskl-k«t a \aluablc foreuooii. T slial! sell at nublb: auriiou
Ib* liiElii-il bl.lder,. at the
horse last seek of tun* fet.
>nt doer ntuh< ('oiin ilanse
EJsa Bertha t.'amlibcll
Cite of Tfate.TMBy the "RaoUr- aseihod I caa ra
throuRb Solon’Thursday on. her *ky Clalid T.-W>er»e. S.............................
i. Mliai U-iDz.
ov* tboae aebint teeth aheelutely
piaVs: trtgxy the Circalt I't.bri
liboui iialn. apd YUhaat the as* ef
- Cedar.
t'oiiDtv hf^tlrand, Traverw t- druRS to prodoea linrnnkrilBMBB
Mrs- Briahl has r.-tura.-d
;iicld', the l.ret;os.-r rt..^.rUvd Id said
1‘coids of Dcrroas umperaMk sad
boiue after a visit »i:h her damthler. mortsaze. or *0 niuHi tliensil a<
Itb weak hearu will appredmto the
be neeesaary to (lat tbc amount .Iui- ‘Xa-olar* loctbod of palalan azU-^
JllW Zalc
said mongaK-, with seven |>-r
Mr. and Mr* Will I'base wilti guesla
and all h-pai encis, tocelber
from Traverse City sprtll the first of Iniert-Sl.
. . aitorlieyV ire ot TwcBIJ Five
a> at Honor.
milarv'as piiK.Jrd by Ip*
worth. TraTtne City. Hlehlsaa.
•-oveuanted for therein, the j-remtseMrs l-eltie mil of JUple t'itv
In said uiortiuze
ed trieuds In Aulou Tu^ay and Wedfollows, loilt: -The Till .
Three and Oni-Thlid Fe.-1 ot Izil
Mrs. WoUe bas a praiidaua with ber, Fort'-Thn-e < i:.< of Oak MeUbts Addi
liidh to the Ciii of Tm««nw- ni), a<
assislius in the farm work.
u the reiurdH pUI Ihefeoi
Clcir Brook school i-lt..._ —.
iiniv of tiruml Trau-iac and
'Tliurada.v. AV. O OickeroiaD look^lii*
sehtsil on a iilcasnre rid*, returiilif*
■ I Tra'erse Ci'c. MIriilaaii
to the school hoiise found' dinii'-r .Marcli
liAltl) III-UI.I1I T
Vt'e web«Bie )ou Tralliiis Ai'buta%
rxBKRWtNm A ruum.
To tell 08 of nmiitia Spring,
Ailonie's fur tTu'-tBsaec.
I -turn.
With pleasure sllj pluck }-«Htr Uloaaoms.
Have the
Bui will Icate reots to. bloom attalu
chincry sndi
in gp-l«Mtste detigTU from tbe
♦•♦♦♦••♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦a It you want an AiMiioneer' that n-iU
rough stone. Prosapt atlenlna
all orders do ainltar hew
t tbe prtccs call B^d tee tb
smsU. Call or sraU for prirca.
Will J„k*>h UKKcU into Ihrtr n.-s,
their taru)
B.ith phones Ki
Cilizens phona No. ilea. DeU 151.
Tl/eaaw mill shut dowu
May iu order t u let the ui
enju) tbc
comnieniviii'-ut <if the trout vase
and s-ni start up acaiti yionda.t. Hh
The snuller school cbildrcii Wei
very busy after school hanKiog dai)p
little Ms> baskets on ibe doors «f il
diffen-ni huua<^, ilieti kooik at U
door, then hide their stuall persons lu
see-tbc BUrprts.- »1 the ladb-s. when!
the) -atiK- to look for a'a-alUr and
found a pretty basket nf H>rtnz Is-au
Mayfii-ld was well represented with
Will have an easy time
llehcrnien fruui out of «uwii (leople
Ihia wer-k.
buyitMl their low shoes
^ Arbor Bay waa obserred her* and
and slippers at Douglass
the time was sell spent In setting out
trees and uiaklng (lower Ivds at the
& Kellogg s this summer.
scl)-uol bouse croumis and. also (he
If s not very often you
church i^unds was set out to irr-cd.
have so large an assort­
many diffcrhNjkiuds were idaoied and,
U ia hoped tbaTihcy s ill prow and do
ment to select fjtmL
Miss Walter, the st^bwd loac-Uer iia-l
H nice propram preisircd to enlensiu
Ihopc ibsl were working that day o
the school grounds and lacu HdlladaJohn liBW'tliorae. Wayne .Manigoil.
and Nesn Jamison was Uie oicti ib^
A 2/2 A p. Caaelino Enfina
dune the work, so the) were tnvlK-d
io Ihe'sOiool htuse ic. bear the ffto,
Cylinder 4 inches; atrokn 4%
gram aud ei.j.iyed it i-o.
inches. -Good design, best materlaL
Hsrr.r lire' and w.fe leiuriieD Irom
Hopper tooled. Weight. Sod lbs BtartJ
the weai FtiJay and sill rusid ’
easily, runs stesdily; 1* econo»l“h
Mayfield for a while
reliable, durable and complete with
-Mrs- Kaste:-da> of Traterse
pullc). ga-Mjline tank. Lailery. coll and
fpenl the week euo wtih Ut-r SLsie-.
iwllcb. wired ready to nm yoor aep
Mrs 1.** HolUds!arator. wood saw or piimp -r do aw
Mfss V:tbel (iibba \tsiled fii.-udi,
other duty wiib.a
here Saiurda) and r- lurued 6uuda.
h. p : oc-upics cxrti feet IHee
Manufariurcd by
Mr. Ulrk Marsb'ail bas niott-d
WH. JACKSON, Travetie city,
lamily from <:--»tid Rapids onto

CEDAR R. F. 0. NO. 2.

Douglass & Kellogg


The Unic Wonder

farm near heri. sbJ lfrs,i>rneUa
Marshall I* giopptng with Mrs G:

Wort#* Qiod TMofi For AIL
Atom all our pathways sw*«t fie<
era are blessosilnz. U we win on
stop to pluck there and saell the
traaranre In ererr aeadow birds ai
warbling calling to their maies2ht
soartng-lnto the blue, H w* only stop
our grurebllax long enough to
there —Minot J. Savage. D D.
On a Dark NrgM
It IS »erj distressing to hate so
e In the family awake wiib an
rk of Cholera Morbus. Oraniirr
.sentecy and It 1» worse when ;
have to iravelarellr ortwo for medlrlne A bonle of RKNNI-rS F,
house saves a world of trouble
qukU) c-berka IHarrbora. rt-Ueves
rrampu and rases twin. Efletvlie also
for rbeunretlom. lanw bark.
or woands. Price 2-' rt
Ue. Sold by American Dta»atora.


II It j-’aO)-i-JiiE lb rao;' -. Va-n'-i.e-. l"aib^Isbew. we bare
1 an) ucabt--'
’■"’»’*»■»' '■»“ '«
Uraert. , Let os figon jour |ia.b( 01 'arm»l. >vb »Jib
Tbrs< l•a-'>t- a'c it. a • lasa by lbeuis>-Jrvs lur tostre and wennog
llt> Slid iv-t ’
bo tix>re than Jnanj far iufertor brands. .






lAY. MAT •. Jttl


Kingsley Department

Bbc aelecUona. wbUh'li always
appreciated by tbe public.
what Injured.
(Proa 1
C.W. Ws
Lewla Oeoayera auBered terere hwa
Cart OleaoB bu foae to Crasd Rap
ilBg. wbaralHfttBai
Maoday about Mba wbon their dwellml days virtttag Mate! g
lag bnraed to the ppoad.
At pM^ tf Kia(ri9 utf
Mr. Oonyer wu la tbe field ploogbeotoUr ftrt iS taUniMd is tUi DeputaeBt.
lag when amoke aacendlng
J. -e. Oritt wft hara ana n .
in ttOB mm to bsre tamfiAaOk, ebvchN,
apper rooM attracted hie nHemloo.
for Mneae Jaw. fluhBtebomtt.«
Frank Sheridan ha* retired flotu
Uh Onat*, frBtensi weietiM ud «D «Qi«r or.
kevlBg the teem be aterted for tbe
HtlUboro. O- May T—UecUring (hat the salooo baslnews. and Bd'wanl Flah- ever the geaeral enttfi*
rntMailkm bud te tt«ai of newt, pmowtli,
beoea bat on eedng them atart up
Hew lo-toeariBC thers.
Harmon U tbe fint chmee of Wall
vr hu opened oae at Sberldaa'e Md
lHWnmuBMiti at mmOat^, iwbe« of .oBUrUinand fearing tome accident cetaraed
ttreet for tbe
MMa Baaaia TMa vosm ta 1
suad. IBMti, bBilBMi 0lBa(M, poUio iaproreatBU
and took them up wlib him, upon eaand (hat his a
wood this gmealvu
bUv doao or eostoaplatod, taiu of reol wttt*
The lIHooia ralM at FUker s deck
lerlng tbe boou be found Mra. OonBrraa started
acted in to make^
ateft tlua.
ib tewB or eoastoy, tad osy^te iuni ofjttyer bnsfly engaged la bw '
Bgalost Ohio’s
yhlo-s gbsetBOT usday. “Detno- Friday oa the first trip of the eewsoti.
A D. Kamlifi msM 1
mlinurwt. Bond oIHtcmi to MOa Bdea Wall,
dwltee anf not aware of 1
•-ratlc voters
>fers hate the power to put t.rlaglBg a large smonat of freight for where be expecu ta
tlamea bad-got anrh headway that It
who baa cbaifo :ot V
an end to) tbe-H^rmon
meaare on May this port.
wu dlffleully they ufed the organ
The three new^smobnes r
;i.“ said Brysn. -Hsrmon'a defeat
-Woltar Laitfs Is a
and a few -cknbet. The i
Ohio win end his candidacy." Bryac porrhaaed by ge^men m Empire ! Kingsley.
Flgswed That Ho Wm Receive v
GoverW Woodrow wnson.
Botomar oiftit (b« plar. *On> <ae
C R. Latoia <«tU ta Kiterilr 4
VotM of An the UninaliveteO
SK^luf tor the flay.
ItohwM.- *111 be glrcB ia Bo»'» ball
OHcfiates Giving Him
eni» in Trareru City the laai cM the and Mn. they aianaged to ure tbe
Mr and Mra Samuel BmL
M Dhagmaa of CaBv' B
by the rooB« people of Qrava.
Total of 401.
t«ra. the bouse and eoaieei.
vent tbe winter'In Toledo.'O.. return- ihroagh the city today sbAIs n
Un. At VtxoB weDt to Travene week.
Mr. Brudy made a busineaa trip to lou of about 1.1.yKl. With only
1 to tbeir home h«*» today.
b* expaets t* a
Clir iloBOar OB bofiaeu.
insarsnee. Mr and Mra %i«rrr hire
Dallas. Texas, May S—Prat-lirally
Keor? Hoeflla aod wife aod wd Traverac City Monday.
Eugene Fisher'* gasoline boat, the bis fntare i- c .-.-i -e.
Ccirena Boilth ipenl a few daya o’ nuay friends who eatead tl
E-KarR a-vs 1— tt7)MklA r
rcomplele yetortia from’ yeBerdal's
Vtata weot 10 Travenw CUy la« WedTeal, wintered In Carp Uke pear


rning •• i"
■eoAty pa biulBoa.
Lut Sunday be took it to
of Hannab.
'and Roosevelt' won a sweeping
land and Modday 'iwt It Into Igke wedding.
Harold Oihb. or MarlleM
Joaei>b Burner wenl to Delphaa 0-.
Miaa a,.; * s..ttaa At the borne of Mr. and Mra A. J. lory. Woodrow Wilton's lead h
tawB OB boalBCM Tue~lty.
Michigan and came home. Tuesday
Boyne cuy thu moraiagl
en larger than was expecied ty hisi
Sira. Vaaderron or MayBeU *ai in At Wedneaday to attend the rnngral Tolburn near Sontb %<ttrdman a
»B WROUGHT HAVOC WITH morning be went la tbe Tral to South
of tale mother.
ty home wadding took place oo Wed- sn'ppertert.. He will have 3s: totes in
te*a Saiurday.
Manitou i: o’chkcfc that night vlalt here
Hr. Beela of Backley Bnndeyed here needay. Mar iai. al high nooB. when the state cooventlon sgalnn i:« for
Mlaa Ully Xm*B mba hu hnaM.||
It flabhu Slay l»t.
took u|i his work at the life saving
with bit cnuiiln. <5, s. Fenton and
vltlilag friends for tbe p
daiigblcr, Misa .Lllllsa was unit­ liannoD and it for nark. The
statloD. Friday was fab. day og
ed, la roaniage to Ray a. Fuller. The «j»-es Wilson the entire forty dele.
line home ia ih> Teal sod that luroed this Doramg la bar 1
« of the day.
Mr. Han and ton Backley pf Hall
w-aa prenlly decorated la
Hie lliile MU of a J. Caae are «be'
lea to the natlcMal cuiirention.
onltevl la marriage to UODOf.
C. C. Knmrttao wmM ta Mb I
green iad arbutus. The ceremony was .. oseveli won the eUbt state c-oexespreoH poeaeubn of a pony and phae- W-ere in (own on busineu Tuetday.
Bun try I. F. SberhUy
-Mra Rante 'aiddia wenl to Trnv-; performed by Rev. A. -W. Baker t
IM preecBled Ibem by tbeir talher.
totes aofl Tsfl Ik. ^ut s^ the
They left lor South MaaHon Satord^ M thb tuwBlnt to vli
Mra. Edith Rarbar i
n«r are rery goBoroui ip ihariBg
prtiienre of about SS relatives and '^Dliea seodlug uiHqstrurled dr
Their many frienda. w|ab
The Cltlten’a .latepbone eonatrac- frienda Id front of an arrh corered gates It Is rom-eded that all ntr
Lake Aea tbte amrolag an neanoM-^
tbeir rMM •rich their tnany Utile
i.mi a life of haiipiaaas.
on crew 1> here rhanaing iiolef by -wilb evergreen and trailing arbutus.
Mr. Pelersea whb hu nsollnehoat. te aerlou IDwHa ef ber a
& W. Ceepe left bace tWa m
lA«t Satorday cbe Royal Kelabbeni oMer'of the roundU
The bride wore a gown of white Swiss
-ooffl|«nied hr 'Charles Efale. wenl
t. B. giiDMD and Ralph Caae
OB an'extend. ‘
igu Mp tn >
embroidery and rarried pink r
■ er to Xorib Manitou today-Ao-v
Respoftte le Caiis For Help Fra
Arcadia Tueoday iui to trarainrt
Utee. Fraakf.
Mrt^y.' The ariernoob vae »peot io
the lightship that is there.
Red Crass Sdeiety Hava SfM
M. D. Bryant leettt ti
taarlBi a royal good time In varione buainaaa
May «.
Met With the Usual HesHy
o( Chit fl
way*. «ri. Ranmaanh wu tbe roelprr of the groom waa best man
Traverw Anlo cattiMV.
^ Both young pMpIe have a large rirICBt of Mine pretty lUUe remem- over 8uBda>.
EAST BAY.Miu juHi -Ciaaar sun
Raymond Hackman of
bnann. Bnpper waa aerred, to wbirh
e of friends who wiih them a
Elmer Harroll has moved oa the C.
BD this morning te vem
In town 'Baiardar and Bun- and proapcrout life. .
an did Jutiee owing to tbe cullniDX- M'esi Urm tor the aeaatm.
W. A. UeCaat u apwMin
aUll of the rarlont memberB.
Mr.'and Mrs Fuller are ai boo
Mrs. Alice Sanger vUIlcd a fe«
,W4»hinttriB, May 8_nfiy millions
.Volhiag u yet bu bMa
Beeenil yoong ladiu In town are
their frienda on the fanti Owned by
of dollars damafce to agriialtural pro^ Jays Uki Week with Mrs. C. C. Prouty . Kalrra.
Former President Has a Large Ms-' perty and crops, sad millions -morP
giving a Imp fmt daau In tbe Mon­ reganl to the saloons, and
L 9mtifr leR tom «
Mra. Ella Mlihe in SprlagGald.
and Mr*. John Miller are riding ffklbB
jority of Dsicgates Who Will
for Berlin.
•rim. ?oA,.ieiicre ba
roe hall Friday night. Hrim'e orrhee- .a week we have had a dry
are in presperi sccordlag to tbe vies in a new ptatform wagon.
Flaefaer now bu Qualave Barrett a*
tin otll rnreiib tbe nnalc.
Xlrk Miller, a clerk In the bcaaaha ■me nine the guast <d tl
that ihe.gDveramem expects to take
and Mra H. A.. RIoHi gff i
Ray Taylor, wbe wu Mrloody inlAunbi-r Co's store at Ebekaabs. visitof the Missiaalppi flood danW.
JinM Mine Unic ago. Ii now able to
few days with hia parents. Mr. trait. retntBed home laday. I
fepondene-e. Kss.. May
A de­ iiay poihing of itie toll of homan I
Pbillii Scblchlel returned Item Al­
extoadid bualaen trip ta dUa
bo among bla frioidt again.
rided predominance of Riwtevelt aeo- Tbe damage to tbe cqnoD' wp alone and Mrs. John Miller.
Boaalo Nlrkcraon. wbe bad hU'Teot legan county Tuesdav. wh-'re he went
F. vma. af Kalantaaoa. ia «
Xora Fono} visited raUtives la
n was In eridence when the Re-xpected to be stupendona. 'Tbe
attend the funeral of bla moth
a few days isokiag «eae tarn I
taken off. i« able to be about tbe
puUIican State ronvemkm • assembled
depanmem bu spent Seno ooo to Traverse Cily laat week. .
NORTHPORT SROWER8 TRY OUT here today to select four delegates-alhoMa add tbiakx be kin aeon be able
ertaoB is vliltlDg in ABegaa with the expectatles at |
furnish foqd to the destitute, and if 111
lASt Saiurday BtleraooB Mtu Kate
aad kxallug facrat
to rtile to town.
Urge to the national ronvenlhm tit need more beforx- coediiloDs’ county.
Bob DeFranee haa Jut flnlebed imt- Wood and Myron Cunaingham were
Mathew Rich's famtty horse U sick
Mlu Ethat HaUy taWR fa H
rUicMO. Since the Roosevelt c-andl- become normal. roo{TeM hat already
tlng oat «M dierry ireea Tbit make* united la marriage In Traverse City
The nedUnd toys viillcd a few ^ Ibis mornlag, «h*re abe vBifi
*rfy first launched, and in the chrUt- appropriated oae and one ' quarts
a full orchard oa bU fam oae mile by Her. MrKee. They were attended Work Carried Out on Cooperative filing of which Governor Stubbs play- millioni fur relief wmk and two mil- days last week with Mr and Mrs. Har­
north ot die eiliage. He alM pal ont
- Flan Brought Very Good
Mra E. 'Turiaa. nf
mispii'tous part. It has hgen ex|.
be tmeesnry -by *tb>- vey Martin.
or reidoeed inasy of the peach u«ee aieter ot tbe bHde. Tbe >ride wu
B*hen near the Fire Mile Coroers sppBt the day In this rily.
dent that the majority of Kanus Rethat wore killed by the eitre-. -'--Id, prettily gowned In (an silk and tbe
while returning from fishing at Artne.,^ Mra W. E. Wabatu wm
ptibllcaus favored the iiomlnalk
groom la the eoarentloasl black. They
Friday eveaiag. Kroshaw and
liamabuig tbia i
Laai aeaaon tho Nurthp>iri Fruit
■ former pn-sidcixi. .Ml doubt as
Bari Cbm aiade a bnalbew
lAtnpkln were startled by a light foot- expetia to spend aesasM ita»B
Orowera Asonciatlon ol Leelanaa
the result of the ronn-st 'was reKlagaley and t
Big Baiddi Monday.
on tunilng beheld two
,gu.-st of friends.
county tried a cooperative plan of Inovcd When the rccenl cewnty eontry. Mias Wood being one of the
like lmili ot lire In the darkness. They
Mr. aad Mra John Uttram. U
marketing their applet and with guile renilons.and piininries gave Roosevelt
ber beme la CadlUac Monday after a reiuCtul country learbers aad^Mr. Coa- good surceaa. roDaidertag tbeir lack .u a safe majcirli! of tbe delegates to
we^moi pnrsuetL however.
i’eioskey this arteranon. wbri* t
niagbam a i>rosi>«nmt young tarroar.
•wo week!' vleit with trienda
Otto West and Joe Pieatt are
experleace, Here are tbeir parkin; day's convention and a.ssiireti the
aouihBrant Dnffey retoroed to JackMn
(be firbins buslncsa al
ralet; •'Every member eblpping un­ lecilbo of a Roosevelt delegation
Toeodayafter a ■bon vleit with bit
C I. fhvmtoe made a trtp from Hie WiUtamsbuTg on buiaua.
der the naoociatloB name and label, cbU-ata
They havea hoKt ot friend*
pareati and other fricodt.
city to His farm one dgv Iasi week. Al
Jamu Maeft of Baglanta ft
mus^ sign in dupUrate.the agreement
WUl Abanka who haa been in north­ who wish them many years of wedded attached 10 tbeoe rules and file one
thouab U rear* oH he Is a lively pe- da.v to his home at that t
Tiil.-d«. Max y.'—\Vllliam J. Brynnfi'
ern Sllchlgtn for MDe time, ranie hapidneas.
Mrs. En.-si Colicm di-d al Mrs. visit to T-iIh1c> tonight wu marked by destrian^Tbe hard always sioits at the an exiMded bualneu trip hs M
copy with tbe arcretary of the assnThayer idace for a drink of mineral
Hard.x's iKXKpiish Sunday. April JS.
prolxubiy the largest trawd to greet 'waler fr^ their s-e1l.
l;3l> p. n
Ihe w a« operated on Xfi
nger family hare moved
slrtce*hls entrsm-e into Ohio on
IS of the alomacb.' M
' (A. FaBry)
/tbit grade all va
Ibis trip ffulon<-l llry-air^mlnued bis ibelr guods from the Reeve* Hare to
bom *Iarrh S. 1*73.
rietiea masi be a halt im* larger in
lUradlso. Grand Traverse i-otintv. aitai-k upon the candidacy of Uox<7- Kart Head and .have gone to Tbomidiameter
Conducted by MIm Mae Dewey.
JiKlson Harmon lor the preslden- soiivllle tor (lie summer.
Site Irax-es to mourn her
every ai>i>le.of .good color, and abso­
We ate sorry to >tni that Mr*.
He <-labu--uii d ill severt^l ioaumher buaUind. Ernest t'ollon. Sir and
lutely perfect.
- We «BBt to Buke tUi I
tipon his iiseenbHiB at various John Xerlloger. who U bring cared
Jciues-Riley, ber parents and
(B .Vo. It Snow apples aad like
fmtost pogUUe TSloe to bU coacemed sad to
for'at Mrs- Cook's bondlal. Is not
during (be day.
alxed varieties At least two and n
ttk end reqitet that aU ttoau of. penoBs! aad
much toppoved.
quarter iacbea in dionefer. .Ouebeas, Ilarland. Mli-h.. als>i one bn-ther anl
fBBfint interest be teat to Min Dewey to be
Mrs. M J Rich and Mrs. ,Wnltom
Baldwin and like slaed varieties two three sisters all of Traverse ('If.iBeenorstod la the Dt^artment. We eepec^Uy
Mr. Thomimon. the mail eariler. of Clanry of Traverse Cjty were callera
and a half Inches la diameter. Alex-: Durlal look place April -M. U Oak■di Oat AsrcAn, fraUrsal cocietiee sad the
M. R Thayer's la« Saturday while
South Manitou.
inliou. 1with six p^sMOgeiv.
andera Spies, Greenings. Kings and wood cemetery
Oram fanleh tteau of latereet ia their reepecfisMug 1a AIHrheBa ereek.
visitors here toda
like aired varieties at least two and
tlTe emahuttoat. Hewi of eodal ereata tad «•
One of our cateemed towosmen sras
Tba flenver garden at lh« Beard of '\ P. E. nsher ft Son exi-ect to Mart
fire-eighth larbes In diameter, la evtaliniiti, tBprereauntP beiaf made or ooaton.
Trade olTice at the foot of Cast street heir mvmlll tomorrow. Fre>l Karl recently rieeted gorernor of the wta'te
plated, and badaen chufet, sad timaifeii ia
of matrlTTonv. We are glad to note
scene of epiini beauty lodsy
lU he engiBwtr.
from l*ilset. wo I hole and acuh.
real estate ia towa aad coaatiy are cqiecitlly
rowbell serenade 1* toeomlng ont leiive,: Rapid* «7|li
The tulips :>Uhiod aume seeks ax>
X n. Sheridan, who wu wv very
and of good rotor.
atiirtahli, The aben ap^ not oaly to tbe
of date
(C No S) These may he Trom one by Frank ^•aln<• ar.- now in^fiiii bloor.i i<k last winter. Is quite well ayain-.
eouBvflkceef Fife Uto.batto^I fiurToiuidhi|
Charley She
Sheridan has enoc to CadU- Wedding bells Ting on the air.
quarter to one half Inch smaller than Red. xelliiw. pink and white aiiersingle frleiMs are bow a T*lr.
try.- Iditer Herald
in roxxs with the yellow in Ih
1C In work,
arietles ia mimber ~one..
With music tin the springtime breeie.
r and the others aa borders or
color, and with not
« forget last wteter’s freeae.
Mr. aad Mra lamaa were in TravA. iT SbJIaon araa In
• than five• per rent with worm inside rows.
m City OB boalBaas Bauiiday.
er Sunday.
bote or acsb.
Aimor PiBUd raturBed trom MaelQ. a Dcherty waa I Cedniac <
D. Do not pack say early fall ap­
UtM ogalB Satnday and U much Itn- bualaeaa Tuesday.
ples sa number twos.
groTtd In health.
Mra H. C. Place of Manistee vlall* Other fruit moat be Mriclly first
P. Nallor left bare Monday
ciaa In qoaliiy. Puck no second
ed leUUvet here fiora Wedoetday
Grand BaiMa to Uke a bus
111 Monday on her way- froni Acme.
rlsss stock.
ooorae In the Fcra losttiuie.
Tbe growers mnal In erery case be
Prof. Hillard was In Traverse City
Mra. VlB«Bt raurnad to ber home
Saturday on board of ai^iool examlo- guided In packing by aucb Inatructloii
IB Detroit Tburedey,
as may be given by the execuirve com '
CUftoa KeweU bn rented tbe Rldmiiiee. or anyone who may be author
Henry l.ouka retorned to his work
RtaBitgb farm to work ibU i
ed to give such iDSlructRA.
Mra ■Bnr<' Bertaoi* nad daoghter, at BurgUad. upper Michigan,
The grower mutt delirer his fruit |
Oena were 1a Maatoa Friday alghi. week.
; the- time sperifled by the officers'
1* Morrlt of Travme (Tty w
Mra Baimore attended the O. B. 8.
' the sasoclation. Jill wttlcmem^i
town Tuesday.
lodge et that place.
will be made throort the association
Mra Stafford waa la Travene CHy
Miau lAda Brewer was Uken veay
Tbe number on/every package it
Batorday aad Saaday.
,JII Tueoday.
the growers name, and tbe growir
Harrte aad Morris Loake were la ■Mlaa Treaaa Downey U aerloualy HI agrees to take the returns coming, t-r
at ber home near Hodge.
CbdlUac OB baaUteaB HMay.
bit nnraber. s1k> be agrees to mik"
C FraMck has taU barn Umbers
Mra Quackenbuata and graadaon of good any toss complained of by thel
Mamon visit ber son. Eugene and wife
reedy to ralaa.
inmar of his fralL
on Saaday.
agree to pack in eonferatty with
Mra Mattie U^hmsa of Big Raabox.e mies. nad to use every en­
pida arrives here Simday.
deavor to help bnlU np a r^atatlon
Long Costa, wera «1230 to t»JO. ^ .....
SI 19ft. «14 JM
Mr. and Mra Oliver Carotbers ar- for honest packtog. Signe<% by memCleadeBBlasn have moved into tbe
$15 and $16.50 Sdjts at
aired bne Wednesday eveolair from sr. to whom a abipriog number is
RMkben^ booM in Uaioe.
$12 and $14.50 Suits at $&80 Spring Buitt irarih up te SU.O0, at........ ........fill. $1490, ti*
Mra Jaa. Bumhea riailed ber Mater Portland. Oregon, where they hare ten giren.
$20 and $22.00 Suits at 916.M Spsclal tot of Lamas' Suita, from last aauon. vura $1S ta ftas. «t.. .flFJB
Mra McKee et CadUUr'trom Frlde; spent the ;iaai year, they ape^
In each package of apples waa ptacGood $10 Suits at.............
favorable of tl» we«.
Long Coats and Jackcu: one lot from loat snaon '.wer# Sr.Sft. ^
nntll Moadey.
I a circular which stated; This i“
Good Work Shirts at$5c each
mil aad Butt CwroB ot Deben were
Mra Wed Villa waa assisted in
(Fancy—No. l,—No. M package ntl
and $U. at ............................................................................................ ««J»
reiebrsting her fiOtta birthday at
la onr village Saturday.
10c Black andTaD$5icks
apples of the................. variety grown'
Jimior Costs that were $790 te $1590. at .,.........«$. $8.5«. $f0 oNd «« ,
of ber sen. E. P. Quackenl
Mr. aad Mra Atll# Steel were In
b^-member of the Xorthport Fruit
■ at — .............6c pr
Sootb Boardaan Satnrday between on MondAl- bj aeventeen frleads and Gfowers Astocialion. Xorthport. Mich
Summer Oreaeea $o*ne big valou at $1.«S, $295. $49A MA S79R dte
Sununer Shirts. 73c value
and la packed nadef tliUr direction
at.............................................:S9e Children's preeua. worth from 7Se ta $190, at.-• 4$c, $$«, $$C andSblt .
Mrs. A. a Dobmy left here Wod
JTe are desirous of establishing a rep
•brailar Jar Uaiapua RhodeA Tirginla.
MiloB for honest packing, and we
Tbe ‘BpringSeU CmbroMetr
aoclal way. Mra Mills wa
Boys' all wool Serge Suits
cordially Invite and. ask tbe eonsum- r
met with Mra a Blarl^, Wedara redpleat ot several pretty and nsefol of ttaeae apples, to write us hto candid
preoMta. .
opiolon. retming to tbe growers num
Boys'Wash Suits at 509
Fred Milla went to Traverse
The drama. “Down in Dlile.7
(Note) We pack ibrae grades
to ...................................... $1.56
MMdar on towashJp busUtraa.
seated to tbe p^bUc by tbe Fite Lake Fancy. No. 1 and No. T. Growers numDen HiUon was borne froir over high arbool Tburaday night at Graage
STUnfOOIBBS Men's Hats, reduced...........16%
Traverse CUy
BnSday rriurelng by way of
Good Cotton Socks at.. .4c pr
OV Mcmdaitv

Conducted by Mlu Edna Wall.

msraT uso i winEii






Fife Mike Department



&U ta



Not only Helping “To Make BoOi Ends MeeT
Bui to Oveilap and Tie Themt
Ladies' and Misses*
Coals. Snils. Skirts, DttEBBes


Grand Traverse Region

em inipmrements wd will
pied b> Hr. Wonbarg and famUy aa
aoon as completed.

a W. Porter and Prtink StaKerd
l<Uy slcbt. all rrport a very pleauuU
spent Monday at Snttou Bay.
ifcE. »**«(• Cl«~ «Jtoi <* M™. t!mp.
John Ackerl n-as tn town Usi week
I fruv arunopii.
Ur. and- Mn. Rekaa and aoo Frank
t«<to and bar paplla want to'and ilr. rrenk Kubaall were call*™ at on the log Arbutus. He isored his
to gatbor aiiwtn allcr Jthd^Kubrarha Sandar eRniBa
3U. and Mn. Course SachtlolwD
*Hl M Frtdtf. Tb«r Tetonied wltli
ru a nward Tor tbeir took supper at their son Henry. ,8nnday eveulnfc.
May T. ;
Mn. J. Bobima of Trarara* C
IM tba E«Mt «r AdrUM klallorr o


ParklDg romiianv.


L. R. Peck drove his car
erne City Sunday.
Me wai

iranled by Mm . Geo. tMnie.
; Mrs. Schiffineder and hls son, George

Strainer rrousf is bore Ihta p. «. Peck.



loadlns alili slabs..

' ,i
C. Guhtaff. «ho ha* spent the win­
Mrs. Wltllam Good btiTe ter’in fhicaso. returned home Mon­

mored hem.

iolla GUatrr reinrnod


houseboU goods bsrk lo Charletolx
and will work there Inr the Booth

day eueninx.
The Woman* cliib held their last
regular mectlns for this year at the

Hr. sod Urn. Gray am
fatM U Traran* Cits Uil Wedotw
!Ur vlaltiBc'ber■ ■lator. Mn: frienda at l.ake Ann.A. i. Wblie’B nilll baa abut'down home of Mm. Beery.
tie* for aeraral dara
The l«»eball boys give a rolpstrel
for a week lor mpnin.
•flM Hatb scrreu took aupprr
James White. Jr., has gw west on show ai-tlie lothu! hail last Tbumday
mn. mal«B-B la« Thnradarerenlti*. A Ont^program was given
•dii Bntii Btcrraa sprat Sunday >t business.
the Itoys and a Urge auoience
Quite s minber of our dtlscns warn
M In Trarorse I'lty and walkshowed that It was a »u<t
bt back Monday neralns In Umr for to Uland on'f'>iday.
f'.n. which will
Mm. U. Jordan were ris!:|>el|i pay for the new
IU« Uly Osailnt was a eatler at In* Urn- McKerrtier and jdaucbier
has pOK-haHed. They
e ■. Malloirs Sunday snrmoon.
lair w^.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. SachtIrbeB and
Horn to'Mr. and Mm. Alrle Payne, ready to i>Uy an> high school base­



An Kwvb. tte Foveras aOstutA
tive ingredieela entering the most
.................................................. in (he
wortd have been made known i
tbapuMlc. Tbiamaansanewea

Bd llatMi and family have mored

Miss Norcomb Is teaebiog tbe east
aide adiool.

S’^rs..“'aSL?r. sa
.SW&'Raturt Fdutusd (I«)
r XMM: On


iH: O tbe Sewth"ysi,'S


erse City Monilay.
.Mm. Uerrili and Mm. Pritr wef
out attor arboius Uii week.
Mm. Tyldr and.Mra. Pi.h eaUwl

tbe alpnn wan again given, bat be­
fore tbe Are could be got under conK broke out In different parU of

Cd^hs, valuable In nasal alarrh
and affections of the kidneys and
btedder. Stone root, valuabia lor
the nerves, mucous membana
asBwell as in

dropsy and Indi-



-Ma}' K.—Wheat, »l ir.Si,

Oats. fiSc.

Slay 8.—Wheal. SI.I9%.
Corn. SI i-c. .oats, Stic.
Walker and brother stayev)
Sunday with Ibe forojer'* cousin, .Mrs.

liUago. .May k. —Potato.-*


Local Markets



J.4V. iMilliken


'Tratint CH/$ Bnl Sto't


frienda gathered at the home of her
graadmothor Saturday afiemoon to do

Ilcxekiah Maren and datikhter Ul
» wejvi io-Thous|M«n.viUc on iuisines*
Mrs. Ira ta*e it on li..- *l.-k iist.
Mm. Flora Rhemian wctii Jo Ci
lord Tu.-sday lor a vUli wKb li

V of fruit trees here last, wctdi ici
Byron llii- a Grand Rgplds nursery. ' .

P. Btaflord of Cmwn srrlved Sntur-

The Kortirport rramery. which
under the t^tanagemeni of Mr. McOormlck. It living .new machinery In­
stalled foij the nAufactnie of
kirn. B. A. Doniser of Bast Jordan
arrived llonday erentng tor a v
with her sister. Mnt Roy EllU.
Mrs. Warren of



rived laist week to «pend the summer
here with her slstrr, Mr*. W. H. Hop

Hulett oQ rmreme City

red lau week to.take are of Mn
Thomas, who is til.
Mary Buttars rwas a Trgveme rjtv
Tipltur Saturday..
Mrs. Sidnlcy H a«1tlna;le(t last week
for a few days' y.Uli with her bitstian.!
Mis*|, t^teni. who has been
Tlaltlng at W hf,, rmoo ,he iwst
Week, returned

home Saturday .


Giantfnm Campbell of Bailey U h^re.
vUltIng her granddaughter. Mm./w.
11. Smith and family, hut she expects
I go to Travenve City this week (o

............................ ..........................^t


rd.'MAan Arbor last week lor
tmfftment. <*
MlM Fern Rosa' visited a/few da>w
rkh HtenBaoltoe Byt whad.norowta

•fonr choice at
50 cents each
The Hannah & Lay Merc- Co.

T«„ H... S.l


Eagle I'as*. M>S v
Kighirng Is it:
|*s b.-lw.-i-u He- fiMl.w.ils uud re

Ready-to-Wear Dept.

Ud* in n.e vi,-li,nii-.hf Torrei and Ciu
lor r'ieliegiis.

(ten .AukCi'.

iug the fedemls h.« .........

k-1 1-

ibe r,.|i. 1*. ami .............I;..-;
iltf.iliuat.ini tile ledel..l»


--IjP. r.H] ln.;H'-B.



p wlih one aJ>-

Books thaV sold up to SI 25 Included
Ip* this assorlment.

fered Heavy Letaea >o the



Better tafte a look. Night be somethiog
;■ yoowont.


Xlr*. sick Nelson and Peart

Mar cm.


Telephone orde^ receive pronipl alienllon.


gUesU of Jits. Liura llai.-s lie I

Deo e.rav am! Willie N'elson
Isll her daughter. Mra. I-Hull.
at Traverse CJtv Saturday;
:WaUer Wlggers, wbo biu been In
•en Wilson. Ml*. Roy Case,
Iowa.the past winter, ha* returned
Wilson and Vr*. R. K. Hates.
home to help on hta father's farm.
Earl Cray is init.rnving n-rv mpid
ilr. and 'Mrs. Allen Bplilstooe rehoiw to see him Oui Aor
turne.r last Thursday from a two
Susan Shun wltt give an
weeks' visit with relatives an.1 friend*
tenalnincnt next Friday evening'.
: Fremont. Ramona and Baldwin.
I> dl.e last day of school the ehllThe Helping Hand society will
len are all leiolcliig to ihiuk they
>eei (Ids weak with Mr*. A. J. PranHI sonn-bave.a varation
PanI Thoiiiiwon came hopie from
Sociallat aociable met last
Traverse t'iry Saturday lo see hi* |«tRaiindny ewenlng
Mr. and Mi>,
eni'». returning frundav evening on ih<
Chs*. .y.'^eC.oWrlcXk''^
ex. urslon.
ttevesaj anildates we^ given dif­
Virs L E Bate* |* the gue»t o!
ferent ileerea in tbe I. O. O. F. lodge
Mrs Ficra lake today,
KthIsv evening, alter which the faille*
W. H Beies and son IVlfO drove to
boive.) ledreahmenl* at Ibe borne of
Traverse Ciiv on huainess U.i T^iur*
s. Xel* Bye.
ligurtl Baveit has taeved hit family

Ur. and Um.b' a Betvy and danghler. wbo havej spent the winter tn.
the farm which was formerty the
CMo^ arrtv.^1 home Monday eteo- Blanchard idace.
f XoStvk*

-eter W» d >urg Is -buUdlng
H-room bo-iM on Ida term aouUr


■No. 1 -horse bides .......;.$l-eO and

The iJiibema society mei last Vt'ciinesdsy with Mr*. Art Carter.

In Reaiy lo-Wtar Dept
l^lTARTED iliis iiioniinii. Splenditl, chance
L^J for moiliers* lo fiei things for. ihc youiift
mis.s at a U>% tliscoiini. Some verx-goiKl
things are here in ail lines for girls f»f uH ages
ill dresseslaiiil Inns, also mmr»er.s for'hoth Uiys
and girls.'

Biing in your furs to ire repaired


ild an.l Rti-lia Heiiiinn vi..iic.l th-H.
as bis goods get here from rtie kouUi.
iMer. Xlrs. John Myers, at MoarO.Mra. Bertto
erliD mn& dangbter of ‘huvEpworth lague neat Bundnv • ven- Center Sanday.
»* aty arrtsett Friday evening for Ing. Begone Invited to come.and
Mrs. Klyira Huxley has leii
few ireks- rfilt
bring eomeoae with (hem.
frem Hattie CrecU, where she
Mm. L.
Infant son of Cbaa. Box. who' ■ he wipier.,
The h
The Rev. W. ri. Herbert of Tmvemip b^.bee
>usly 111 wlih pnv
Edgar Hurt. who.ha* Innilmred here
City occvi>led (be pulpit In the J
nionla. U Improving at this writing.
tor the jiaxi two year-, wiill h:
church Sunday atoralng and evening.
May 7.'
ly to spend a f.-w days wlih J. Kim­

aUdren’s Week

10% discount for one week

Mrs. James Could nnd dauglio r
Ulali 'were in CavIlUa.; W.-.lru-.Hday.

letfa farm and wiU movd Jum a* soon


•tXId. dosing at Sd.TXfig«2.

nil Ills laivnl:

Mm. John Taylov. Sunof


Ward B. Coniitae___________________________ Man N.Conuljxw

c Dino of Cl

Mary Taylor and family ailed
. and



weeks from Wednaday.
Mr. Ronse ha* rente.1

cum 3.

^ Owneral L »w f>r«cttcc. InclutUna CoU««Hnn.


honor to her eleventh UlrHiday, After .laughter. She was acmn.]>anled
an afternoon plasanH)' sient in play- (ar-as TiaverM- Cpv by lu-r daitglit._ ...jmes Mrs. Wall served U< cream Mrs
BDU died Wedneaday morning. Tbe and cake to the little (Mts. Clara re­
Rev. Ellis of SIdulh Iknrdman hel.l
funeral was held Tburaday
ceived many presents and pat tard*. nicetlngs in the. Cnion church
CllSord Jacobatm Is aertouslr m at At a teU hour tbe children leli, wUh
this srrltlng wltbi appendicltla.
Ing tbeir hosteu many ha|i]>y reiiinis
.Mm. Wyi. Oexier and son
Mias Joule EMuorUkttmehta- of tte of the dsy.
.were in Traversefi'iiy on biisinc-r
Bight school, left (or her home
The Ladies- Aid have
insiitoned Thursday.
Empire after a aneceuful term
tbeir meeting and will meet In two
Henry I’anerson made ii larce.deliv



C. A. Hammond

yiect upon the tnucoua mem­
Cedron seed, a ram

The infant son.ot Mr. and Hr*. Roy

U. 1*^




Hemie Raftery mumed home ftoin
Ur. MoaHd&el. an old renident who Flih last Tliumday. Then Mrs. O,
Fenwick Saturday
baa been 111 (or a long
time went
Holmes, win. Fish and Mr*. Tyler all
Misses Goldie and Blia'i.ighiheiser
Ann Arbor, where li
he baa been foi
went*10 Kingsley. This is the nr*i of Tiav.rae tiij visited over Suti.lay
wa^ he U morti
lorti belter and will time Mm. O. V. Holmes ha* been able
with their inrcnts..
he borne.
to go out this Bitrlnn.
Mr. and .Mr*.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler called on
chiUren al>ejii
HIcka and Mrs. Samson.
with Mr. and Mrs. John llotienfield.
XIra. Enalgn of .Kingsley visited Jr. '
Mr. and ^ .A. Bordanz left (or Hrs.'Samson last week and Mm. .Mary
each day tliereafler II market vari.-s
Bom to Mr. and Mr*. Alger liaueu
Pentwater Bonday mornlni. where
fleM, April i-y.'h ilaughier.'
they win apend tbe summer. Mr. Bor>e Mrs. Samson last
Mm. A. n. Hobetiv'. Jr.-r rciiiriied
dnanx U in the employ of Itoacb and
Mm- Samson's health is very i-oor. her home In Virginia after si-i-ndlnx
Bents oompnnr.
Rye ...;........................................... ..............-btR
O. %■. Holme* goes to the cltj today Hie wrlntei with her iiaient*.
Mrs. W. B. KteboU Uft UMiday
We had A fine rain here Sunday a
Mrs. C. Kmlirk.
nnrnlng (or a (ew weeks- visit with everything is linking green and t
Jacob Bsilenfietd *l>ent
reUUvM at Mendon and Grand Rap- weather make* the farniem hustle.
with hU daughter. Mrs. Dan -n'ninions.
lb• . r' • May 9th.
Albert Wheeler is wrrUlng
MUs Roth Craker U aerioualy lU kt
iiciulQS Fratick.
thU writing/ She has been attendii
On Monday. Mav *1, Xir. ami Mr*. L
talgh school nnm sbont a monib a«o.
Mra. Mary Taylor
ntoving lo
iConycr had the mistonime t<
when ahe had to leave on acconat of Buckley ihls week
'tbeir bouK bv. fire, wiviug.
poor heaUh.
Mr. and Mr*. Gus Barratt moved to
iNiusIl iKirtlon of'llie furnliure.
1/swto UcKlUip ot Detroit arrived Kingsley yastenlay. .
nelglibonv gssliued as soon a* it
PHday for a (ew wa^' vliU with relGus Lick, wife km! sou Ekuembl yiv
WB* .liBcovered and an alariiiI Biveii.
Ited ilth Mr. and Mr*. Bogan Sunday.
Lost Thursday morning abont aeven , Mm. Kite Fliigerald Is aiwn-lliig luit it had such a-»
o'clock the village was aronsed by tbe aome time with XIr. and Mrs. Will could lac done.

be out. but about an bonr.anerward



llymadicin«.-Pafv«a leads.
-Peeuns contains among othsr
things, golden seal, powerful tn.its'

ra. McMnut Tburaday..
Mm.'Tyler had dinner with

die alarm; fin was discovered In (be HMI,
iwaldenM of CapL W. P. Robertaott.
By hard work the Ere was snpposed to


The Markets

in the advertising of pepularfam-

Bert Holler,and husband while
ball leant in northern MIcblBan.
called at Fmoeli rieeoe'i Bu.iiciri; May Emu
J* R. Peck left Monday for Ann Ar­ their was- from Iron River to Perry.
a A. Harvie te rialiing frienda at
XIrs. Nelt Bye ante near lieing hurl
bor for a abort vlall with his wife,
•bsUm’ irtan OiU
nuiie tierlously.
"fir '‘as driving
Sind tba daseo at Ea« Bay^SatorMm Robert Dener Is Uking are of
Isa name took a number of men low'aril Thoniiwonvitle she m-t an
Mm. A. Payne.
,-er to High isUnd-Sunday morning
at which tier horse
~ I The surprlae given for Miss I
frlgbtelied aniTthreW he
1 the launch Dorothy K.
'Oronvenes was a Mg nnecesa.
buggy. She escat>ed trtih smut linilKv*
May c.
‘The hop given by (be Mlsaa Viol,
and a ahaklng ui'.
and Bnllu UUoer wag fine, tbe lew
Edna Rledermaii. who
ho ha* si"-ni il
friends ibai were iovUed bad a
The farmirs here are very busy
isi winter altejullnc
c mIiooI .in lui
Ice time.
>me are pikniiDE i»iaio«. oiher*
ana. returned home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra Neufer. have returned
breaking up new ground and aomc are
home from Traverne City.
Rosannd llillvert tWiuU-iMn
sowing ais.
MUa Norcomb U vUiting Mr. O. M.i
from Drlmlt to (brlr holiie III ('•-lilKil
Wsllace FHsKsIs working for f).
latke, stoH»sl over here a ituy to
Holmes this aumimr.
George Grouvepes has gone to De­
ibnli sieier. M|s* l.u.rctla
Tyler baa been helping Mr.
troit to rlalt Ala son w)io went tbeir
IMmes for. a few days.
in (be arly spring.
Mrs. G.
Mc.Manns went to Trav­
back to Crescent, he has (be'Job of
pearing the Inmber for Smith and


Ilje icgu!..t
Jlonrd n;

iiii'l.'t i-.


ihg Iture..-,:
Tuesday ..atr-mruyn.


Employtiieni IVp.irrnent:
help »-jp;.ljed.



Charity IVpartmvcr ut-l! -^

supplied food,iron, it,.- Il-.vd ,
Tra.b- lUmiurt. On* ord.-r .d
cm whe-* Ibe.'c ua* ■,-ri.l.c,.- .r

of'el(«b;ng given away.

f^^TIS ilfpartineiit is exceptiunally strung on
1*1 values in Coals, Suits iin«l I)
_____ Many of the styles and iiiiiny ..f the garety ofTers
|iieiils.are exclusive. Our gVeal variety
• you aii exceptionally
oiipfirtunity for choos­
illy fnie
fine ganiH
ng among
ytni will agree with us lliat no one sliows such
hamlsoiiiegannents.or better valiies.


follnwing rtpon »a» *rilm.itr/-.i
g*n*ral,sup.-ru..'.-bdcuill* lor help wanted, ’rttv

Splendid Values

Co.,IS................................... SJ0K,3*.«0
S„i,s............ ................... 12.S0<o45.S»
Lingerie 2 50 to 22.50
Silk ond Wool Dresses.. 10.50 to35.00


Bing in your furs for repairs NOW

Forty seven

1 mio by m*mb*r* of tb* board
.vrnlng summer work, and it was d*^
r Ueiancss Jsl>
rjdad to t

J. W. Milliken


Th* new llalth OVircr wa* preaem

Si tb* baard moctlng. and;
t komsB. without ceneedU.
with ih«|
4 deal which wa abeuM varr bu<* wflllngtiea to ce-op*mt*
Bvaa IB ovMr -pQSalble way.
' I


Q&AkD T&4VBB8B w»AT.n

IMssands of Votes Deluge
Prize Campaign Department
Not CoBfined to JUs SecUon ol State
Scotes ol Letter! Received DaQr.
Over Six Weeks Still Remain
Time lor EnACaMMate to Become lalerested
la Her C^apalBa-Frleads Provlag LoyaL
Salerday eve^s marks (he nloae
Vt the aec0B4
Id the creal prltc
campaiSD near ||ki)i condurted hy the
Herald and lU^rd nNopany., Thout earl
day and thla
It is DOW demandlna
' the tfttmtioii
One yonne I& who called at the
Henord-Bacla oflM yeaierday
iwMiad how aba^|id about decided
Id thla ceoiesi
t elTe It a fair
trial Consequ^Vy. on the way
otnee to have Her name withdrawn.
Bbe iDlerrlewedj^al live Ol be» rrleodt
refine luta&ldna to the R*<Dn]- Basle. Out of-^e. three, who were
■Irendy taklns'&e Rreaid<Basle pmalaed to pay l^adcancc and one or
the remaining fro save her a year's

teas. I am.

Vouni very truly.

The ballot haa been Issoed and «
ed to thla lad) a credlL. iUie wlU
lice'her Incppaae In.this eveiilns's
and she abould -be euruurased
pM forth her own 'efforts In behall
' her nwn t-aiupsljcD.
iVgW Is the lime belore an.rune hi
atuInVl a lead or an.i i>teportioo> '
ipoak of^ ror every candidate lo eni<
Ihis'eieut In diadly eariieat and lea>
DO rhaoie for aomeone to defeet her
because shi- hss not hsd the enersy f>
atsned st the fish Uine The
prizes are the dneat ewer offered l»
newapaper In thla oection or tlir
etale. the rules are haaad on tajmesi.
air and then Is no chance Tor
candidate to loee.
Thonaanda of voles have been
reached the IteeordT
ins Into the ballot Hot all day and
was a f^n fled«ad candidale dBef. donbtedly aome, idanHits chanses will
her. name m ihadlat and aak«d grUo be enacted In tomomw'a published
*»r«lpl books. This ladytias
into the spirit flt the event and red tbii
d lo
lo' be an escepllonal op
portimltr. One thins la certain, ahe Iirlvlbsed to Bi'cept wymenu on
knows ahe 4a *re to win. ')
siwiplioBp and In order that they may
Mmuld ahe low oat of one ot the
Ipt^for such paynienta we
prlMi she will receive the-five per
fide' them with a rwelpt book If
cent or ha^ci
they wllblnfami the oampajsu departBome-of Uu
-If there are aay randidatea iha'
you ronlder the tnat nnmber
-e not DOW settlns the Renird-fhuilWDtee that leave the Reeord-BasM of- we win be very gUd-to aeod It in
flee every day . Eanh Msaa ooalalM than fne of Warge during tbe cam
thirty-five rotea- Multiply thia by the palsn if they will aotlfy tbe departdrcnlaUon of (he Rerord-Bagle and
the Herald and you set eeme Idea of
the larse somber of cotw that leavi
the office dally to wy nothlss «f votes
fllren os aubecvlpth^ fryneou. The
ludi^aTI terrlte^ry IneMe tha-elty
wmpalSD maaaser 4s wosderias why Ilmrta-Of'rw
. aere of tbeee votw do not come back BTANOING
CANDIDATES ACko the ballot box. when they belons *
The prlte eampalga U new bemm4*75
bu the aU.abeerblns twic of coAver•atlon amens the Record-Basle and Beryl Parka 2231 W. 16th. . . 3195
Mra Doty. 116 Monroe ---------- 2*65
the Herald reedera and If you wouM Mra Fred Elmdorf. S5< E. ffth.. 21BS
«Uoy any of the valuable prixee et- Rena Webeter. 12B N. Cedar___sm~
terad H lenow lime for you to locate Mrs- Markham. 219 E. 11th......... 1b«
Bleder. Vine and Randolph 1M
aabacribera In your territory and te­
csre their roles.
’ 8(UI. this loierest Is not toollsed
wholly to this Immediate territory.
Carroll. Sa 8. Union___
Masy letters are tayw bssitmlss to be Thiraa
Mai^ret FIfarak. 611 2nd............
reoetred eadi day Trom sobscrlbera Mattie Smith, eS4 E. From.........
Hvins aren out of the atale. These fthaa Lothiriua 205 S. Elmwood
Hendershet. 22S Waeh .
letters ceatain roupost and auUct-li>Baatrlce Bebel. 224 Randolph .
tJoe paymenu «sd tf^early evel-y In Mary
Mellchar. 724 Randolph.. .
■laoce the reqoest Is inade to credit Rachel Herrington. 337 W. 11th 1250
the rotea. We wnot publish all let­ Mrs. W. H. Brown. S02 W. Front 1125
ters recelred. ftt ibe toHowins one Uey Btrfy, *46 E. Sth...............
Jahrsua Waeh St.............
fseelved yesteidar nwrslns la a fair Edna
Mrs. Lewie Culman. 87* E. Blh.
Mra C. A. MfUlton. 629 W. 9th.
Mrs. Geo. Behd. Wynkoep Tor.. 665
Cosawea N. D.
Klinkner. 413 E. tth.... Si?
71>e Herald and Record Co..
Vera Oabern. 206 W. 12th ....... —
Mra Shirloy HInoe. 853 E. «h .
Oenilemen—frricieed pitase flu M^ T. Temple. Wymkeop Ter..
rtSLT Week for ooo la payaont ^ oi Edna Burnt .
' year’a eubacrlptioa to tbe Rccord- FleaaJe Campbell. 509 W. 11th
Mra R. E. Weaver. i '
Mra Chaa Decker.'. 2233 Bay.
' I am entitled to is your prise ram Mabel Ursen. 911 St
palgp you may cndit to—----- , giv- Mra M. E. Kchoe. 440 W. lOth..
Us her a booM toward winatns oar
Nellie Coyna 203 E. 12lh.........
. of tkoae pianos. .
Grace McMichael, 807 W. 11th..
I Am pnndlng' ln this suberyipiiqn, Katherine Paffhouccn. W'h'm 81k
not beconae I ras;( set along whbnot Florence Rattenbury. W. lltR ,.
Ulllan Neteon. 914 Wash...........
your,paper, but bycause i'ian't
Mist Hungerterd. 316 Wellington
slang with my wife, anless I Jo
Graee Peheral. 411 W. »th ........
aertbe. WUhli« you conlini^d auc
Roblneen. 413 W 11th




TriiD on black line.

..An s csndHiatc


he Truth About “Dry lime
and Sulphur’*


The R-, J. MacDouald Company



Glad to -give an csiimate


Great May Bargains

Mr*. M. Apttip. C

Date............................. 15112.

Lucy Wanzy. 8. Boardm
Grace Tavlor. T. C. R. 4..
Claea Duffey. Ktngaley ____

AddroR ..

Each Ri>minnlii>n/«i)t in ivill .>onnt 25 vol«*s if ;
Herald 8ikI Rcc^ f.'o. Tbe Ki-rald end Riviml
aervea the .rightt to rcjcit any olijci-iionahlc names. S>nni
ling mmiinatioiia
will not be divulged.
of persona maki-.„
raw of tie )>riB>w of cqiisl valne will l*c given.

r b.-for»- Miiy Ulh.
GOOD h’Wtt-lu VOTRS.,

Fill in till' nnuu- of thr ladv for wliom vnn di-siro in
vote anil prw'til ic. Tin- U.-rnl.I und Hrmr.! offi.-.- ou or li<
fort- May 14 Tbe Judy iiamni wiirUitii n-cciv.- 10 vote* t

Yrim BreBmUteek-HBE.

Mstie Meokin*. Mayfield
- ( Scofield. V


;T::: SI

Emma McManus. T. C.......................—
Grace Soauioing. T. C., R. 4. ... <2$ |
Mrc. C. Richardson. T. C. R. 2.. 4501
Marie Smiley. T. C, R. 2.............
Mr*. A.Stewart. Orawm.............
Mrs. G. A, Shearer. T. C. R, 2..
Alice Schell. Kingsley.................
Mary Green. Acme .....................
Mr*.-Marry Wileon. Bendon....
Mrr. Hsxel Ives. Ksikaska.. .

TIte HeraU 80d Record Co. Piiao OoBtcflL


»Am TITi;^ '

Good Roads Department

in The Herald snd Record Ctmpiiffn.
Signed.................... ..................... v-............


Snnda) wt h Ur. and Ura Ua.
Mr. and Mra Joseph Hfrtisgh cuO-.
Riley and faDilly.
^ OB Mr. sM Mra Bltey Baad*y aflVictaHa Hsnslevsky, OMsIen... 886
Utile r.uta.d and OlnUMi Ctis bare lernuoa.
Mra Will Oedfrsy. 601 W. *th..^S
bnili been tick last seek.
Mioa Lena Pepper is at notnr agala ‘
Florence Winters, 61* Webster.. 878
Uiss Kia Mallnr.v aprot Salurdsl after speading a few days la Travarw
Letta Green. 1029 Webeter........ 855
night and Sunday with her parenta
Cavern Cook. 733 W. 7th............. 325
Sir. and Mrs. ('lidd Dodd and family
Mias Aaua Gherlag
Mra Phil Frieman, 730 E. Front, 310
County Road’ Commisaonq
Mra Mark Craw. 225 Waah........ 295
er a Bata
viallnl her pan-pia. Mr. aud Mrs.
Mra Harrtaen Vinton. Wynkoop.
Ware* Suada.v.
3lyg, Kelrt| -raae
Dorothy Maeeenleh. 429 8th ....
Ur. aod Mra. lleeman l'«x purdiat-j birthday last Honday with her atsUB
. For (he taai fUieen yesra or more. tween the Jlirhe., weU drained, with a
Allco Spevacek. 716 Randolph...
I' VI...
'/-...U. U.Mlb.M
* seperaior last week.
Minnie Winell. WebcUr St.........
■ be adkorsiM of food roads bavr ajr wason way or road track not b-s* than
Fley Ottinger. *25 State...........
nraled (o rongress for nalloDal aid. iwel.e feet wMe. roiatooed of bltuIrene Pearce. 818 Waeh.............
Theae apl'eali have tome from manu. omraJam.
sourrec. Good Mads orpanlzai lonr dam. not leas than tlx Ib.hes
Hanklnaen. S2S Stale ___
trom neeii) ever)- aialr. aulomoblllsu, rolliHl. bonded, and nutlmaloed
w^b aa
ined wftb
Stella Ludka. 3lf Vina_____
fartuers. and inan> i-ersonal ai.imab
I. slajui-icr. •
Mra. A. D. Carty. U7 E. Slh...
l^>e been tuade to bmh M-i-Jtor* sn1
Mra. A. Walt, 129 E. 12th..............
i-onamsmeo to aid li> i:<is mov-emrui
Maria SmalU. 220 W. 7th...........
Mra.-Anna Kern. 1104 E. tth ..
MabylAnd varied reason, have been
Why We Stopped Pushing a Product of Great
aaMEnoi lor to doing. At>i>ro|irlartoaMerit lor Thl. Seawm _
by Ibe Datlooal go>crnmrni have been luwnt sod vilUgM of noi leaa ihatt
made on caoalH aud Waterua).
mile in length. ii|ioa w-hk-h
Traveree City and wett and north of aiiiouailug lu luunj nni'
of del .tee|«wi Iii.-llne .hall' not exceed live R .1 ro. Tniverae fitv. Mlrh.
the Fere MarQUMe R. R.
, <;--iiilenieii- ’ \Vp Vn-K lo hen-bt ailviM-that.-th-ougb error, we offered fof
Hc{en Richardeon. T. C, R. 1... 2m lars .......................................... and all l-er iwniuiii sbeievet ; prarU>-abl.-. sale
Nlayara Sprat iug inaterial. whi, hae leme-l Niagara Itry Uiua Sulphur
Margaret W<lsen. T. C. R. 1... '. 2W ul our aearbj »««.ra»loaa liave bad t*reiil).(ive feel wide lietwecO the
lioluiion. Th.- fa.-t of the 11,alter te that thl. dry preiaratton does not con-Cisrt Beurla. Buttons Bay. R. 1 2TCS larae grams tof road building, bin no ■Htrhe*. w<4| drained, with a wkgan tatn lime.
thl. mgredtent hss been snpplaPied la the preparatloa^ etb--:Hattie Swaney. Old MItaion....... 199B a|>priaik>n. for iviniiaurnt. tioiuo
k iwc)v.- feef wide. er iRgredIcMs sblrh the manufactueera ilstai are snin-rtor to the romblna-'
Mra. Lesnder'Buea Leland.......... 1976 lilgh«a>wTiave lieea made by thl« gov
e *u1|-hur heretofore fiimlsbad.
Lena Htllreeh. Old Mlaslen . . 1B9» aud insisted ui«>d Ihto'opray-’.
gravel, hot le»b 'lhan eigH
Flerenee Ritter. Elk Rapida R. 1 18SS emiuent. At the matter hm. sluod.
lal We theielore;
Verna Kedbedy. Kewadin ........ 172S many oT-our rei-resebiaiive. ha>i- iK-eii iochi-v. thick, comimunirb
i request yon >o a-lv l»e your < u*V‘-"er
d Imme-llately the”
Mrs. Roy Pease, Leland............. 1715 In favor of esiwndllores (or iln. imi cT>roi<sried, and with a tinii. aaieoib ----- - liaUire OI tins |>re|araiion and
done-aiiv advcrtfiUng ln._
Mrs. C. Stelnrll. Buttons Bsy .
1625 l*;e. but n'b unlied aviiun hae tmeii
adveiiielnc you should Irumediaiely
lrumed<aiel> rreirdru
'. slih roa'ilwav Well and |p»l>cr
Mabel Mshn, T. C. RFC................15B5 taken The )uMl«- of ibl. demaml
b- crowned, so as to <|uirkl> sbol *-oBarah Wllaon. Empire R. 1........ 1545
>«luble siili-luir sflouM
M nnd.lersian,! iliai It vioe* zk>( cob-.^
Gladys Shugg. Williamsburg. R I 143$ will undOHbii-dly^u time result In hsr • »r Inlo Ihe' side diicbew
weT'.iuvt insist ilist yon a<lvl»r
-mall that y«>uf
Mrs. Lois Ennia Elk Rapida R- 1 1425 monloiis .ouHbugjkl npop tbe naltonsl
riaes (- nhall.'cmurgrc toads out.ide
•rsisml this uiorougUly 3. the rei reytinls'lon Hist has gone forward1 ou*
Mra. Robert Lackey. Old Mission 1225 in-o.urv (or tP)»ro|«lalkMi. lo build
r ftiiy>ri«ralcd cities, town-, an-l vil­ (111* .inayiiig uiateruJ i<1a>ee-u« *i>biee( lu proseeuiJOa uador lb* law* air,
John Dechow, Mspis City..- 1165 main hlgha-avjt^wllhln our own Iwr
of Mh nigate
lages uf lint lem'ihan one mile In tbe Stale
Mra IEthel Storey. Batts .......... 1070
r-l.n.i«ie<ti':e rieelH of tlu se Imintriffrs an-l obliga.
Kindly arl.n.
Certruude Lsrdic. Old Mission___-1015 dem.
length, upon which the slee|>c*t In
Nora Rayle. Ukc Ann HFB ... 995
Unrlng ilie |•^esont ses.ton of ron
shall not exceed nie |wr reatutu
Christine Blacifsn, S. Bay. R. 1.. ' 9*6 greas iwenty-ninr goml rou-1* bllt>
wherever prartbwble. wlii.h shall Im
a Mary Keetier. T. C. R. 6. . 9S5
P R-Tho Slate Aoihorliie. Ir
aFred Wiisen. LakeAnn RFO «5 were lutnMliK-eil fur Dational al4. bui kelH sell grailed. cruwm-d and drain- advertisiiii,'run an a-lyeiiliieni.-iii f , .. leaei-Tfui-e------- ~...
Leila Copeland. WiMiamtbucg Ri *" the one whirl, baa gained (he tdosI fa
width of zioi lc»> than dgliteer -•per rlyfng the inii- tuitiire of ll-V Iiiaieflsl In order lhai we may reiraea
Mr*. J. Sti^. Jr.. Buttone Bay..
vor la one Inlrodun-iUty ('anen-.sinsn 'eel. Willi e|>)fi Icgi drag cir other elti
ur stepH l-i lorTv, I ihe Irseeiiials 1 I me g|yen oriyinally aod Ihe DiUandereft. Cedar Run...........
• aOdlne lelnllve to the •-•uil.-m- »l .obihle sulphur.
Rbaebl'-roM from
Thl. bll’ lar mean*, im as III Iw leaMvaabh la'
Iden, Old Mitaion ....
Is ebon, i-um-bu-. and aiim, ai th< able for wheeled vehi.I.-s >al al
Charlotte MOnre. Elk Raplde..
w.-ak«si iHilot lit the appouents of ni ilBieR.
Ida Veller, CeBar..........................
Mra E. O. Winnie. Elk Rapida R
riooal BPi>ru|irlallon. At the aaob
Bee. : That wheo'vvr ilte rtiliec
Jtseie Newman, Maple CHy fl 2
time II le t•rs■'■llsl and will KOrve a. .States eluill cuhtliiuoualy use an<
Traverse Cily, Mich,
entering vedge lur further appro bighway of any state, nr rlvil-subdl
John Heckine. Kewadln..,,
prUtlon.. Tills bill was iDlroduond vision ibereuf. or of any eonipah)
Jennie Fairant. Empire. R. 1. ..

Apd 23-25
Mre. Rey Caec. Lake Ann, R. 1..
3larrh ». 1912. and the subsunce o! corporaied under Ibe laws <4 any
Mra Frod Warea, Cedar No. 2..
It was pasfusl April SO by the bout.- slate, which (ail within clawoea A'. H.
Mrs. E. Ray .GIcnmers .............
liT a vote of 122 lo *9,. The cost ts f»"
-lajle CC. (ur the purpose of transporting
timaled at from slgtnen to eighteen free rural-delivery mall-coniaensatlon
Mra Kelderhouoe. Maple City..
Luclle Perry. Suttene Bay........... i
mllUoBt per year. Several amendsuch use shall be inaile at the rale
Alice - tiund. Old Mlaalon.......
is were made to this bill, bowhlrty dollara per annum |*r mil-L Alkinaen. Burdiekville
Mra 0. A. Mency.
Money. Cedar.........
highways'of clasx A.,twenty do)
y-Bve dolLuelle Goodman,
CKy R 1 4*0 egpendln
. I>er aniiuni per mile tor highwa)>
Uu/a Betea U
nance of cU»s B. and tea dollars |ier annun
lars i»r year iu>r mile for i
Mra F. R. PurkI
i will
of ix>st roads. Theae
mile for highways of claxs C, Th.
I. Elk
.a Gee.
" Raplde RFO..
aid materially jp^A^rlng up a good
le Green.
R. 7..
_ T.
-- C.
led Stales ahall not (wy any olhi
road after It Isjmllt. and will be an
Mra Will BetUor. Empire R. 1
ijieDxatloD or loll'for auch use ot
Cerellne DaUell. Cedar RFO 2.. „ adde.1 Incentive to the further bulldsuch
highways than that provided f»
Evelyn Haynea
22’ing of sood hlgbways.
in this sectioo. and shall |iay no com
Marta Burflend. Maple
- IT cQQgreismeii should tm congTSt- penxailoD whatever for the use of any
Mra Oeaaie
Oeaeie Glbbltn. Cedar Run.
Vtmey, Suttons Bay
ulated ii|«n Ibe stand they have highway not failing w iihin i laace* A.
! Slagle. Lake Ann RFO..
B.'or -V.
Donataon. Empire .............
The followllig dispatcb has been re­
Nellie Lewla, Maple CKy R. 2 ..
Sec. That the director of road* In
is tbe only durable
celred from Washington:
Mrs. Ruby Peck. Maple C'tv R 2
the deiiaiimebl of jt^rJeubure ahall
Vote for Good Roads.
Mra M. G. Cllmere. Old Mlaslen
finish for bath rooms
l-nilDe the ela-s. If
Mra Warren Price. Ltlind ....
WBBliIngtuii. Ma\
All MMiicah
roail shali lall. and hl«..le'.-m
Bessie Lake. Bendon R. 1.........
and kitchens. You
Rake Birdsey. Empire.................
;mi upon 'hat »ui.,'t-.t shi ll I-5 'ir.iT
it with soap
Sarah Down. BurdicVvIlle .........
Se.. 4 Thai the con;|e-i:«i-:or lier.
Hazel Dillon, T. C. RFO 5......... 210 1 rta and Young, who were aOsWil,'
and water aud it is
t l-rovliled .hall In- ia,d ai i"<- '-ftl <•
Mrs. Minnie Clark. 7. C. R. 5.. . J86
Th. Latest Bill.
Mra O. Keever. Empire.............
as new
Mr. Shscki.'Ioitl imnuhii.-.l H'o lol
Rena GsHsnd. T. C. R. 1.............
lowing bill whl.i. ws- ri-!- it.-J i« 'l>.
M.S* Olie Fri
In fact it is the best
ra»n niou ht-n hy tb.' |K>-tpie.-i< r
conituiiim- on ugii.nliu'e niid
Charlotte Thict. T. Ci. R. 6___
Maple City R 2 2
25 priplcl:
Jett-e BrighL Maple
'**'4City............. /«• A Bm providing- thai ih.- rnlicc
Ib-ll In the lUMptly of tl'eHibil* C
the back so prepared
edar Run.................
te tl-sl-n-tlve hlgiiwayr* entilhnl |,<
8uie« shall m ce.lalu •-um-.- ii%k<
•ioge, Kewadln...........
that it sticks lo your
eompenaatloo fnr il.i^ ii»<- ol liuh c■omJ-cn^atlon nu-ler ik.s .4cn
Cay. Elk Rapidal R. 1
r.. Thai this A<1 .hall go In'-'
waj* for carrying f::-» niraLMiven
walls aS'ordiiiury oil doth will not do.
Mrs. N. Shiatler, 1
effvH-t on the hrst day of Jui>, tilm
Mrs. Mar
humlred and Ihirleeli.

Mildred k
Ilonne ol *«e|ir.'s<-niali»v5 ol 'iii-VnIi
e.1 Stale, of .Amerbs in ('obxrcs. g'
M'lubit.l, TIml lor Ihc pnriio.c of tb...
An .-ciiatn highways ol the M-veral
lamp lathe. Hi.! N-> 4, Ma,DISTRICT S3. 3 tb.-reof
in.-or,»rat.-d under .be
Includes all territory outride ot I
Traverse C'ty and stoth and east of b»'. ol l'>e several stales are ela.nthe Pere Msrquette
l.cil as follows:
Boeart- KingzleyW..............
Class .4 shall embrace wel|.grBde<t
Ac-Cl.n* MsMery. T. C.. R.
Mr* Khner and 'l.-s ‘
road* outkiilc of InroriioralM riiles.
Magg.e Oomioe, T. C-A. 4. ...
lon-BR. and vUbgni of not Irak than
Myrtle Wyckoff. Summit City
Grace Riley. T. C. R. 2 ..
one mile in length, upon which (be
iry sachtlebcn. T,-C, R
*ieo;n-.t Inrlinr shall hot exceed five
iwr renuiiu wherever iitpCTlcable,
lens Iti.-in tw.-niv-fivc feet wide beMra James Smiley.
Dors Davis. T. C. R. 4. .......... 1600
Mrs. Gilbert Pray. Williamsburg 160*
Florence Scott. T. C. R. 2.
Met. Frank Bayers. Mayfield.. .
Mrw- HobL Barney. T. C- R. 3...
Mrs. Lewis Briggs. Acme.....
Mra Julia Estes. Bales ...
Mra Ledn Wolf. Mayfield .........
Louii Dexter. Bendon
Mfsl Geo. C ip. Willlamtburg .
Mr*. E. Tor . Grawn...............
Etta Barrett. KIngaley. R. F. D .
Helen Whitaon. Bates.................
Minnie Sarjent. SuiTWnIt City .
Dewey. Fife Lake..
MinnieI Pankop. IS. 8
Mra T.'. Sebright.
Bales .
Mrs. Earl Gilmore.
Fife Lake..
Mary Jacuish.
Mra Wm. Btewan 818 E. 8th.. 395
CCS Chervtnka. 630 Be.......... US

Mra T. Sebc.ght. Grown . . .
Cerent SmKh. K.ngsley . .
Eva Hayward. S.^ R. 2
Minnie Hotme^--^. Boardman .
Emily SannefiT Acme
Came Failer.,Fi(e Lake
Clara Arnold. Bpte*
Oeldie Holliday. Mayfield
Mr*. Libbic Arnold. Bates
Edith Csrtback. KingMey
Deity Wood. SummK CKy............
Mrs- Peti
tsH M.
try Me

re. Eiixa Newell, Fife Uke. R. 1 29
ra Grace Perryman. Acme - . 25
l^el Eaton. Wllliamcburg.........
(fty TaylO^. T. C., R. 4.......................25
Minnie ZIck. Elk Rapida R/1......... 29'
EUtn MadiaPA. Klngaley

Warp nor Split
Hne, Mr, BuikteT. is » Shinrie
lh« •■fills Ibe bill” Hxrj'.m.
ddyrng —«ire-resi«mg—oever
peed* paint and look* as good an
best quam-slate.
Twenty years atier laying

5ieJ& Shinies
rsavnod ikew staiwrT«s*b)c.»«me

we'd >0 ciBfSsw<c ■:; I at

L m. BeywaM* I
1*4 —iiSi

One Dollar Hat Sale
See Window

Fnjlisb Soft Hhts, wortli Il.ZS and il.SO
Men’! Soil Bats, sold for $I.$o. I2.C0, S2JI) aod^3.00
All Sizes, Blacks aod Colors.
Greatest Values Ever Ollered




The Hannah 4 Lay Merc. Co.




' If you wanifyoui", home furnished up attractiVely and inviting with gotwf dependable furnishings at the low­
est possible cost, come to the J. W. S ater store. Twenty years of practicahand up-to-date home furnishing ehables
us to take your home in hand and furnisn it up beautifully at a price that cannot be under bid.
We believe we have furnished 75 per Cent, of the homes in Traverse City and surrounding country and
this is evidence iri itself that we know how and our prices are right. Our large and beautiful sprmg stbck is here
and we want you to come in and see the .

Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Ranges, Dishes

and everything else that helps make the home beautiful and inviting. "There’s no place like home” when property
■furnished and well kept. Let us do the furnishing and we know you will see that it is kept well.
Dining Ctiaips


Runvlfbur Aim In As

Far As^ou Like

Only One-Motion
■ ^ ' ' Bed
U from a

HtlOMfe rarlsr Unvenport U> a full ■isc Sani*
Uiy M (7Sx<7 inehem. with Ib-lh. f.-lleUa.ttmi
femovsblem»tlr«.'«. VerycnmrorUbii-. ^oodo
notsloopootbcupiioUtering. J’lciityefrooin (<>r
vonfilauM. It U m«-h»nic»lly perfect-ronV
WU1_ wMr a lif^g No
AU ctylcf-low
rlc«—low pricr

^ Pull open thyl
“Staadard Examioa- I
tion Cfasp" and iowngatt’die
tenor of_“Stcndard” Cortoo Felt Mat- f
tresses for joursdf. You will find nodi- /
ing but tlie purex and Le* quaUty of w. /
levied cotton fclL Built layer by layer, *
thisVmon fek nct-cr
‘cr becomes hard of j
lumpy and.retains all its elasticity and
buoyancy. Non-abeorbent,‘*Standard'*
Mattresses are healthful and sanitaiy.

Can and jw ima

the J. W. Slater Store. We are .exclusive aiients in Travepe City for tliis wondprful
Davenport Bed. They have Ijeauliful oak frames and are- exceptional strong, durable
and ^mfortable.


New Beds

Come iifand see the new‘styles in Couches. Some
Another big shipment of
iron, brass and wood ^eds have the tufted tops, while others are plain leather. We
makes this one of the' b^t show a nice collection of these and we’ll save you money
assortments' of bed»ia North­ on any style you would like to‘have.
ern Michigan. They begin
as low as $1.95 rfor a good
vaTsable iron bed. fall Bize
IVIall Youp OpUcp
an^ choice of colors, and
If you cannot come to Traverse City, mail us your
^>range up’to our most beauti­
ful, massive Brass Beds at order. We guarantee all mail onlers to be satisfactory.

Baby Out
In ere of our handsome Go-Carts or


Big May Sale of Dishes

Carriages. We carry a large assort­
ment of different styles and can sell
you one at just the price you want to
pay. They conrisi of the newest and
most up-to-date styles of semi-cullapsible. collapsible and fulding GoCarts and Carriages. Don’t buy
anything in this line until you see
what the J. W. Slater store has toof-fer you. They
in price at $3.90
and range right-along up to $25.

(The Nation’s Choice)
AwenUnl. graiiil
miiI gnM
hi thi'
-fjiir. TIik i<
Wiacncp tbat it is th>' Ix-sl Si<v| Unug-' mmU'. \V.- iinM-lient-in Trnv. nti’ I'ity of ibi-si- ^im..iis niiii;»^utii1 w.uiia iikx tsliutr >•<!« hnw tlK-y nr<‘ nuiiK'nii*! tvlin't lln-y nn- mmU- «r I’pU-<-s
VKry fu-riip»lin*r Ik slyli- nii<l

Parlor Stands
Special prices during this monthof
Parlor Stands and a big variety to choose
$4.00 Mahogany stands now............^75
$3.50 oak stands now.......................$2 50
Then we have others at $1.75. $1.50 and
others as low as 75c each.

Xome In and look them over.
Our low price, make our aoods eaiy 10
buy and our pasy gayment plan makes
them easy to pay for.

We have about thirty new styles to choose
from. A set of six fine aroerican quarted oak
-chairs, golden oak color, fine flaky grain, brace<i posts, solid saddle $eat for the extremely
!<iw price of $1.25 each. Then vi have some
for less and some for more. The assortment
is so large and complete that you (a i find just
wlm you want at the price you wish to pay
We want to show you six solid oak. leather Ifox
seat chairs we are selling for $14.75.

We are exclusive sellers in Traverse City of the fa­
mous Standard Guaranteed Every one sold
on trial and you assume no risk whatever when you buy
these magresses. We carry' the largest and best line of
mattresses in Traverse City and can furnish anything
vou want in the Hue: Colton Top Mattresses up Crmn
2.50. All eptton Mattresses up from 5.75.

Look over our line of Exprtss . Wagons. Go-Carts.
Sulkies. Velod])e(les. and other things for the children.
Expres.s Wagons up from........$ .75
VcliM ii*e<les uji from...............$1.45
Sulkies up from......................$1.25
Hand Cars up from....... —$3^50
Go-rart.s ami Carrii.ges. atiout thirty styles to choose
from—$3.90 up to $25.00.
Now js the time to buy you a nice set of Dishes at a deap
cut in1 price.
nrice. Our special
soecial Dish Sale this month will save y»>u 25
ig yom w
■ ■ Is line,
$ 6.50 Sets now only
tly $3 4.7f>
10.00 Sets now only
nly ' 7,7.8.90
13.00 Sets now only
18.00 Sets now only

We Sell

Black Silk stove PoUrt.
Two Sizes 1$ and tS Coits


T«.. ’.ie •i.ii'Uirr.t. of
wtirt fttiK* ao<1 I.UioWini. h»v» alrra'lT
.•>.■.-11 S..lrf !>' <1.
snrlnc. *m1 tbr <Hnt enr Ij hrfv. If ron wwd •artblu
II. ililh lit.- it
yon 19 «>!«• riKbl ber* 11111 «rl ih. Br«MI lailwii.
on tbr n»rkn. W> hav. ib. nisi In all sni-k' a»4 all .landard
<-Oo« iii4 tiiak. raira .itoa lo oMer.
KvrryitalDS wIK l.e lotiiid to incralD and IImii-m-I, «‘an»i« <™>in
i«<ard ui> 10 ir.'xi.
is Unolrunii vr kIio. Ix>auiifiil liaiirmi and rohirlns. In all sredta. ao
BO Biaicpr ahai >ou aani 10 rov.i «c,br floonCa.ih yo.ill find
ai iba
J W...Slatar aioro nod at
ihat non'i b. aml.rldd

Let us show you our
refrigerators. We can
save you monqr on them
and sell you some of the
voy besL nureal felt in­
sulated, sanitaiy refiiger
ators on the market at
the same pices of infer­
ior goods. Prices range

ImlR'I.r M..-I.iy. «»„. l,a« lUW.-Vii- .-.Tlirii-iii.-. wiih .'O-ry iKir.-hx- ..f i
Kiiii ..avK iiKKi.-v on ovi'iv tliiiif

- •!? Kv. r hikI
U;i> ..f h»us.'

Tell Your Friends
1.. imy their btmitnrr. carpels, r mts. si-i-x. .-i. .. ai di. J W. SlatI will Ihfe-*
-r St..,-., nnd give Arirc-nHIrat-' to y..,, onH
ailii <-%-.-ry
Ixautiti.i hurl.
Ar.'M.. . hTK I’l.VSo YV
W- k ot..l 1.11 y.«r fri-n.K -f onr mnny !..rgaine, .n’:.! Ia lilthgii - you th«r .-TtitirM.-K. The ..ian"
lim; UI..I
arr iiaMe to «, t it ( .’.'••u hu-eh-. .

Yoor ReUaMe Ho


The original, largest and only exciuhive home outfitter la Traverse City. Let
US furnish YOUR home.





The undisputed leadership of the Globe Department ^ore was never before so easily shown as at this Sale.
The values offered are so great; the goods offered in such demand; and the special coupon and douWe'stamp
days so advantageous to you, that we feel sure you will buy all your summer needs now while we can save you
nipney. Read every page—read carefully—you will be, weU repaid.
Astounding Values in .Ladled Coats and Suits. High (jrade. Stylish
Oarments at Very Low l>rices.

SDkjuid Wool Dresses
TaUu» oot to be Ob­
tained Elsewhere

Come Early Wtille.ttte fejelectiona arc Good.

.^11 W.K.1 Tau anil Navy S. rge Dmwwi.
SoiiK' witL Jti-'' yoke*, wunr «ilh
rn>d Lnint«,.ijA«Ti. Ur«iil«l on yokes suit cuffs.
yvry i-bniji «t

Ixmp Navy Uliir Serge i'*>alK. liiig,- shiiivl ■•.itlar, lniimi,<l wllli
bluek anil nk*fe. siHihsI mI1
silk {liiiing. rxlraordiiiary


: 6^ and 4.95

laidiva- ami .Mbw-s’ (^mt« in ..-rg.- miMm.’ mid <liag.,UHU;
S..MI.. u itli large Hliswl ...liar and wi.le n.v. r^gHrm. nis

......... 7.89

.Ladles Silk Dresses at


Liidi.Ai' Miss,.* ami dHni..r «-lafs in scrg.A., . ..verts, fan.-y .„ixluri^S. Isrg,. .A.lls^mnl n-ver,. .............
«lm.l..s. large„gels..«lur,.,d
/x >4 Q
♦l.-..tiy. Our l.m pri.A- I........................................ '• 9*40 »r faiii-y sflk f uilsnis ami ia>-()iiardi
ail sliHil>-s ill hiiihH figures ami 8(ri|Mtl cffccli
Vrr)' unit aild i*n-tly.

Our BiH-.-ial pric- ...........................

I.ndini' ])nmt« of ciuugcaMr taffeta silks.
MIX! t>Uiii eolored ami. |iui stri(H-s. Entirely
W <]i-sigiis, ej;jJiisive wilL us. Tli<-y arc
a-y strong values at


. I'hrtty Draaws for Aveddimts or evening
wear, in J’eau-ck-(>gae. uie>«aliiir. silk imj.Iio. aJKl ciuhroidercd uet Gome in Un. Nile,
li^t blue, ruse and lavendiT shmb-s. Smno
Iwve lundsouie Tsce yokes and euffs, some
braidml mid eiiibniidend.. Dn-sscs of eslmiic
bcautv and Verv low prio'd at

Ih-miliriil <.x.-ltisiv.' Klyl<.s in Whip (’..nU, fin., all •■"■Isml mixltin.s in tin- »i»nle.| eolcirs. n.jirly all ..f Htrmonly one of a kiml. Tii.. 1m-sI value y..ii ever saw

This Goqim and


II 95

lai,li,s.- While^-ne Iir.-s.-i.'i. with Mil iiml
eliiny Irimiiiing. einbpoiib-ri'il di'.igiiH ou

llell.T snris in \vbi|'-or<f'. i« tvi<|e uiil... anil sl.ira’
N.rg..s. having He ^am.■ s:;|.- aial apj-aiaii.-e of suits M'lling
4i|> lo <i.'ai.iai. Vi-iy s|ie.iai valilis. at •

U.Ii.-s’ White llri'sN.s.. uiiisl of all ov.-r <u»l,roi.leiy. pMin l from sf heavy elmiy laee,
-111,-,, uis.-i'lioii in steev.s. a»rt '

1448, 16 48 up to 20
l.aili,'- Ibiiiieoiiis in .raveneiies ...... riibbei-iz.'.l silks, gniv.
ami iaiM.l.s.|.s. .-.•guli.r pri. e
' llii’iri mil ,prK'kly. ein li ....................

ami kliss.s.' Kim- While Ori'W'i. all
i.viT •'MibroNlery uaist and puiel in skirl.
IITrtp. |s-|.|mii of eliiny bi. i-. Imiks like a ♦.'i
dr.«. Our
“I 07
price....................................................... J.7<


Lillie CoatK for giels. a to (i y«irs, nbite s..rgi.s. nl
el.e..ks, blue serg.^ i.n.l llai.i.els, S(ss-ial at


iai,li,-s' Wliiti- 4>r,w<-s „f i-x^ra tine elolli, Hilisou eff.-.-f. •_* iiieh eliiny iiiKeniou ill skirt,
Y'-' ‘'t
• nilmnili ry.

1098, 11 48, 1248 and

Young Girls r.iaU ii|, I.. It yeais in all wi..t, rtminels. mixhiriA.. .mi.l el,e. ks. ......... .... .............ip.- or salin
.'.liars, some tUvui.ei e..|l»,-s in eoniiasling., ffe.-is. An .-legm.l

>Vi. have wA'iir.Al lln- i.geiny for.......... . Hie i>est inak.v «r
eoHls for llie liirgiT voiiien. \V..i....n taking .-uals np h. 4.', or
47 iiii-li bus! iiii.iisiir.., W.-li ma.I.' giinm-ni' in ulii;.... r.l, >e|-e,.s
HU.I iN^liHll liii.vHii'i'. You vill !>■' siir|,|'i>.'d .K ilie val.|..s w,liavc at

5-98. 4.48, 3.75, 248.
and 1.98

Eine While OriASHvi ill all over •■uiliruidi.ty.
• y..l..| .iiiliroidi-ry lini-iis. ui-lls and voiles.
IrimiioAl nilli sliadovr la,-,-, eliiny. turelif'ii and
viil In'-'-H. Iiri-ssi'i vtorili uj, i<> fL'i.lMi. Extra
>;o.h1 GumlM-n at-

Il.-il-v I o.ils Jii . iisl.imTi s an.l l!--.lroe,l .....'.Is. .slii.irl an,I
l.uge e.iiii-. iniiinii il ami iioi. ij . i.llaiv Exirn gomi values at

5.98, 6.98, r.48 and

14.48, 16.50, 18 7.98, 1248. 13 75 up
to 17.50
> ^3-4>7

l.aidii'i' While Lingerie |lr,'»ieM. triimucd witli
Vsl Uiie. very g.sslAi.luc at

Till'liii,'enilirjiin^ »
II all v.iMHi! MTgr-s. iiiiiiiiii'li iiiixliiri.s.
lrimoi,'l uilb e.riili;,s1tng siiiid.-s... Iiio'l
Iiiii'l \iiili
\iilli Siisi|ni-li.niiiiii
silks- Some Mor,-s g..i reoiii irl.'i |o iflT for lii.'ii





........ ..

willi :i im-li silk Imui.I Irinniiiiig. otb.-rs villi lila. L liengaline .^iltar an.l . iiffs. Extra
8|H-eial value ;.............................

8.75 and 12.48
Eiik I’uplin ])r<-SKiti in ('o(H-iiliagi-ii ami ti.ivy
' .blue, luavjly braided designs ou wnial. laeo
. yok(« aud

l.niii..s’ unil
SniK. |>!aui ,I..Ui< i<n,l f«ii.-y miXIuriAi.'
\v..|l .iill..,re,l.;iii,l g.HHl lining gm-i,i,'
Wl,rtll ifl.'l Hill|,M,'e..................

We i-.,iisi,li-r iiiir line of LmIii-s' ninl Mbgirs‘
Whit.- Dneisi-s ...... »f the 1ie«t ever (rini.Wli in
Slyio. til. imil uorbliinlisliip ar>> I'lni.
Iiin.'l to a rviiiarknble degrvA- of |KTfixli«iL
Voli iiiiisl

TtUs Coupon and

1.75, 2.25, 2.75 and 2.98

2 Stamps for one 1 2


Friday May-1
I 17. we will give
I two Stamps inI stead of one.

Entities you to a Mens
Eutitles you to a Per­
or young Mens' Blue
Serge Suit, all sizes, ea!^ Wrapper all sizes.
Good aoy sale Friday.
Good any Sale Day.

Stamps for one


^ !■ riday M a y i
:Qq 24. wd will give
J of one

This Coupon and

11lls Coapon and



Emilies you to"* any
Girls’ Hal worth from 69i:
to $1.00 G(mk1 any Frid.iy during sole.

Entities you to a Boys’
all Wool Blue Serge Suit
iij) to 17 years. Good
any sale Tucstlay.

ScMaaonal Prices on Mea’s aaU Boys’ Clothing. New High Grade Fabrics .at Low Grade Cost
W’e have Isiught aoiu,- loU of suits under i>rie«-. aud intend our
rustonivm to g,'t the benefit. Just 70 men’s suits.'made of
ftriplly all wm.l black clayi wursled aud ail wool blue
-w-rg**. abh, iii<-liidi« some dark hotnespun ami raasinior.
Wc.lbiiik them good values at 912.50.
7 00
, Sale price iwr suh.......................................................... ( ,70
Itii.VB a Man-8 Spring
iiig Suit timi has all the style
astd BpiK-aruiu-.. of a 4910.00 suit, and lias just as
giH»d clolli and serviee. t<N,. Six.* t<, 4li tin- Kiiiall nraii. the
average umn. and the large niuii up to 4U inch breast mcasm\-.

The Celebrated Kirschbaum Clothes tor Men
and 'Young Men at

.\li,lli.-i'. !m\.- l..iig-r,-Hli/,;d ll..........
of Hic suits
for II,. ,I- I...VS
the li-lot--. They klloH tllc.g.-Mlh np- right US

.$15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00

liovs- ami cliibU' siiiis: doiilil,. hrcnsic.l f.,r1hc Imys anil Itiis^
Man style for the little fcllov.
1 10
\, «."tl value ................................. ............•...•..,.,...1,17

Caiinoi lie excelled. The Strongest Guarantee gites with every Suit. En.
^ tire Satisfaction to the wearer, or a New Suit Free is the fuircsl kind of u deal.
You owe t to yourself to seeone. Call at the “Glolie ’.

Yonng Mens’ Suits at 12.48
At thia i*ricc wc avll yt>u suits that tAi'iml those for which
yon i>ay 91.'> to 91s. Tlie fabrics are strictly all wm,|. fam-y
worstfds.and aergn with aerge linings. Th,-y liave the snap
and style the yourfg man n'ljuiivs.
We haveuO^uita and V placing them on sale. Ikich
suit taas bargain at 910.(NI. The
lot evinists
.. ..
of light and
dark cawiiocres. and strictly all wool him' tu-rges. Slyl.-s
aiv es|wcuillv adapted to young mVC-f^m 15 to If years



The well Ijimwii lJ..'i llr,». iiiakc of men-'
gii.l yoiiij.g lu-li-s jwlil'. |M..iliv..l\ till- hcsl iiiwd.-

ihn\ Kaklii |■«nl8. p.i.dc ,.f gmni niuiig. hemy

IT..?.'!”.'".':' ....... ..........,...T.98

UuiU for young n
agi'l 1.1 to 111. Made of g
auituigi. dark and light pattenw. Will <v»u]>arc favonbly
wiih auy #750auit in thee »■
- -city.
For this sale


If you havci/t received our Circular with sample of the Cloth, write us and
wc will mail you one. Tliey come in Blue Serge, fancy Brown Worsletl. all Wool
Cassiinere and light tan pure Wool Worsted.

imr Juiir-— ............................................ /VC

pniits-oii llicmarkcl. They >mil,rii,-v all Hi,- ii,-rf
ivi-iivs ;m,l -vlyl.-,. W.- hav- « '|>lciidiil slixuing
of * rg.-*. Jill wiH.l woi-sic.K Slid lr<,|>irdl
III, rt'i; 'ciiii 1“ g. full |« i:. sn',1 ihc in«r,. ■h>ii»tvu
liv'i- Biyl.'v. K:.ira„rdiiiarv valu-'. nt. i^ r |,air.

Wc offer^K s«l... an !„ng «, ih.-y Ia»t.


2.48; 2.98, 2.$l

The Globe Department Store

S|.... Ml"-- for Imi.vs. mzi* :: to 17 .vears.
Why |,»v 92 .’i" in'9;| iai ,.|s..«h, re f..r no In-tl.-r
suits lliHii the nil.', w«. nffer-at.........................


ll.i>s‘ suits with two pair of |Kiiits. six, s up to 17 Mars. Ynii
all kiiixv that the Ihivh wear out ....... ........ tliuii eiuits.
This is your • hane.- t,, biiy the Ih.v a lasliiig suit. Others
s.-tl tlii-iN foi 94.01'.
Our j-ricc............................. .... ,t................


Ilen- S y..iiP eliHliis. to buy MU all «o»l navy blue wrge suit
.N'lii folk or Itiis-sian siyb-s l-.r Ha- lillie f.-jlovia. aloiiMe
hp’asieil eoiil.H.anil kiitek'T'oH k'T jr.-uils for fh' larg,-r </iies
Wi guuriint.'.' tlii-ia |., atami tla- all ^lail guarsiilis’ I<-h1. I.........(loll warp. Imi,- alc.ays jKiid 9.7 6I>


............ ..... 369

Alfout 100 pair of mens’ dress jiaiiu this seasons
make. The Seiiii-Peg-Top. including home outing
1 OR
Sale price per pair...................................Ii70

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