Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Travarso ^ Bay






Prededrii, Ud. Sept. U.-Tod*.'

sHUi muE IT nsi

eery of tV vuy of tba Coafederaiee
rrederfak City, when occorred
Uie toddeat of Bartmta Prietchle and
IV fU< aa rdated fa WUttier * im­
mortal poem. ' Thooxh eoiDe later hfatorfana We been Inelfaed to doubt
S atOD t
bara'. pa

hiri. rilelrble. wbe died within a few
Mr OMkad rtoM* Had« Evtm
mootha atur the event which made
MttMcalar Omt; Afurneon Wm
W famoaa.
OMi«d w $pmt mi
•Mt lUM*.

<r>«a Tbendar'd KMOrtasto.)
LMt «TWlac eeoBfnd tha formal
opMtv of «ko t^tn MictiKu
JikoeabbM itRUttCA. wb« • reoep;
tkm and daaoo vm Rivea fa boocT
d (be vtettUc^lMXM. Tte altendUKc «a* UiM «• aeeoeot of (be (act
that the hfa dap «a* not icbedaled
BBtU (Ddar. BiMt of the eUlton plaa
aliK to <MM vith the cxa»d and
•pmi out day fa the dir. belierta^
that ther eeoM tea aU there traa rfIble ia that tlBe aad M kwe aty
« to ebane of the 0
a Bwtoa) Mtee to take place beter;
the daaoa. The ptocrut waa opeaed
with k ohstt aMnae of velooae br
Major W. D. C. dmaiae. who _
the kar to the dtj to the viaiton aad
pnotoad beatoa to aee that the late
waa kept t^lpeketf aUt and dar
while (bar ware bare.
The toatratoaatal paH of tU prowhlifa iBve anaOtot aaefafacdoB aod
rapaatad eeeacfp fWtod araQr aam
bar that toar care. A oocal ado waa

AD dortot
( tbara vto a faellnc ol
r»d taOowdto that alwaja marka a
latbertof of WacaMaa Th«a wara Una ABfabar of lodr Maecabaeo
praaant at the tac^Ooo. .BMraMi-

Official Program



uoo. kllrh.. Vpt. i;-WVa
tV Z.o<X‘ delecaies tfrom Michigan
comeftosl^maxoo 10 atcend IV anBualisiat^ cosvenlion-of the Good
. B^S nifamVIoB to V Vld Vre
her n aod IS. they will V

Grand Traverse Region Fair

SepL 23c i24. 2$, 26,27.1912

Monday, Slept-23
General preparation of exhibits Ki ul) departments.



Tuesday, Sept. 24
In the forenoon, formaltipening of the Fair.
Band concert at noon.

ecrub oat the'hank aa
V d rood time. DO one befac around
moleat Vr la the performance
bar dntlaa. He war fa tV Vnk
Ufa tlOM ud bad the vWt open a*
V waa workfaR <« IV books,
woman Salsbed her work as
ud toft tv bolldliic. and wVc be
war thnmfh with hie work the bankefaaed tv Tsalt and thousbt
erthinc waa all risht^ Nothinc wa»:
mfaaed the next dar. bw m Wednesdar K wma doand tVt tba bank wat
Kbr a fiiltoRi of carraaer amoantinx to isoe. It could Dot V loeatad.
VI aaapid<B polatad to tV wootan
tv me who was eoaaected with
' atranre dtaappearance. In order
to bed eat whether she would take
mooer the bankw hired her asaln
and left a pocket boV with a
mcmer fa K where abe could Had it.
tfalokinc If she .war Rulltr she ^ould
take this aa waU aa tV paekaia of
bllU. TV Vlt failed to work, aa ehe
phAad ao tv book and ratarBed tl
to the otlcfala of tha bank. This diearmad taapldoa forVV time bat did
not aolve 'the myaten' of the diaappaaranoe of the drat mooer. ..
TMerdar tolh the backer and the
woman came here to attend tV Hact omTentlOB. ^Va the banker
tVt abe waa fa IV cit)' he
ptooed Autoeop ColiUeb and W. J.
Bannle fa pomesaien of tV toei« and
asked iVm to shadow her to aee If
aV apent tnmey Vyond Vr means.
Thar followed her to sevaral ^ace*
and temV that abe bad a Are and
aral ten dMIar bUls
tv time the was sboppiilR. This
idrmed tV suspicion tVt she
' oae that took tV money
SherlD Sbuter was asked to make
arreaL The woman was tWn
to poUco beadquaitera wbera'W confeas^d to Uklne tV m
promlsad to return'it. ai
ptsctlcally all In her posi


TV Sulzer apple iwckaxe and sredc
• 2;30 P. M.—Series of exciting hone rmeee—Biuining. trolUiig ud pacing: for liberal pmce.
- Between neeal-GopeUiid & Smith, great free shows of vrial, trapese, horizontal bar and greet one dollar (dr erer) parkase that hto
isn. promieea to revofattoaV
scrobfltic ncto; six perfonnen.
pavkJoR oI trait thrmisbouAtV
I'bdrr Ibfa law (nili loual
12:00 Noon to 6 P. M.
op to Ibe wiabdard deafauaied by the
Rne conceit pn^ram by Campbell’s Concert Band.
v y
label oD Ibe i«<-kske. aod U
Ml the |«rker fa Ifable to a Ifae of
Ible state, becanae there has bees aabeeu Diisbraoded. Tfaie will RiTe a
year (or the Rrower* asd i»eken to
BGchigan Day and Good Boadf meeting, under the direction of Hon. 1
aVpe to coBtorm to
ninioner of Orud Travene OoBnty. ^
ry . wh
ahoald V
I will leave Poetoffice 8q^ with visiUng highway coimi
Rased IB Ibe f(y)(>baali
I A m. oe a trip byer «tone Ugbwayi, ^env to the Fair Orounds.
All |«eKaRre 01 apples arc to V o(
^dma^O^^Roa^^Hon. Phil T. Colgrova,
As«a. oae Rrade aod o( three eliea. aad IV
mile d the apples mtut V pfalaly
.rked oa the ouwldv o( tV barrel so
12:30 P. H.—Parade of pedigreed lire stock on race, toack.
It tbrre eaa V m mfauke. U they
' l!90 P. M.-^4<ldreas on Socialism ^ Lulu Twining of New Toi^
1 tea per rent Vlow iV afae mai
ed Ibe packlBR U fa vtolaUoa of the
SdX) P. H.—Addrecs on the National ProgreisiTe Party by Hon. John W. Patchin,
law and the packer Ifable to the penrrets on Progressive ticket in the Beventh district.
ally. Tbe ob)erl of (be law ie fa
bo&eet park aad eaaUe tbe
^(80 P. H—Series of horse races-^-Trottiiig, pacing and ninningv for liberal portei.
(•eople 10 buy exarily wVl they want
Copeland & Smith—Pree shows between the races.
Itb the kbeolute sesurani-e that (bey
4:00 P. M.—Motorcycle race—Over a codne of five miles.
III Ret »VI the} paj lor. Band Concerts—Campbell’s Band. 10:30 a m. to 5 p. m.
IVI will be VBilled
here und^rTlie law will V. No. I.
which apples most aol V learn ihaa
Inches in diameter, (me (ran ao
lenl of anriacc.
brafae or lireakiaR of mkle. aVH V
baad picked Ironi a'tree, a brtRht aad
IS] color aod shapdty formed. No.
2 aball BOl V le.e tVa 214 fachea fa
dfatneter. of fair color (or tV i-arietT.
not be broken nor the apple
bruised. a»d musi be praeticmlly free
Irom t<ab and otbrr defects. Thfa
Rrade must V faced and laclied with
i Diiicb care aa So. 1 trull.
Concerto by Campbell’s Band. 10 a m. to Sip. m.
TbCM are tbe apeclBcatfaos which
11:00 A. M.—Address on Good Bonds, by Hon. Phil T. Cotgrove. president SUte Good
tuiiBl be lived up to after IV faw
Into effect or Ibe |«cker will V liable
l>roec< iitlon In the meantitDe
19:80 P. H.—Parade of live stock on race track.
RoicroiiK-ui bar ruled Hut anjOBc
1 ;30 P. M—Address on Womans Suffrage by Dr. Alfred B Wisdiut of Grand Bapids.
pm-kn wd sells tolcDor a|ip|c
9:16 P. M.—Address on National Progressive pac^ b}- Hon. bucius Whitncy'Watkins,
Is liable lo+roBccotlou under the pure
for governor on national Progresstve ticket.
art ll-you pack In IV
9:80 P. M—Horse races—Pacing trotting and nmning.
in^ the barrel wllb Rood
SKW P. M.—Exhibition drill by Traverse City division Michigan Sh
sppb-k on (be ta(> and bottom and BH
middle wlib.rulls and laVI them
Between races—Free exhibitions by Copeland A Smith.
.'f> I. }ou <ok^ sqaarely under ihe
rood aud ilruK ad aod must expect '
iR- proifcuted If fV boyer cbooen
Hon. Amoe S. Muyelman. BepubUcan candidr-ve for sov.-mot, will be on the grounds citiier on itlst iVl be Ruta wbat be buys
Tills SuUer bilk *111 prove a Rood
Wednesday or Thnrsday to meet the people personally and give an informal talk. •
line fnr the RTOwers and |u(-kerx

■ Wednesday, Sept. 25

Traverse City Day
Thursday; Sept. 26

TV toto tralaa bftn^t to a aam
bee of atottara. hat tha bulk bacM
to arrli[p thfa' momlm aod dattod
the eatto (WaMoa ararr trato aoattat
toto too dtj anlaadad Ita 400U of
dalavtoaaad etoHata.
Tbraa oautda baada VIped oto amtt«B br farpfahlat ^e la ooa
ttoaoaa aaaaUtr darfac the dar. aapadalir batea iba parmda.
TV parade wad fate fa 100108
atortod cm aooooat cd the late arrival
of aaeae Of the lead^ paraooacea
A fraad pa«oaM of narchfaR Uarembeea, aamaroae baantUallr trimmed
floata. Bae boraaa aad carrfacet. with
a kwt atrtai ctf aatooiobllaa brittfas
op the nar. made the parade, uider
direet ebarae of tV lecal lodsea. oae
of the baat ever beU to- the titr la
maar raara. aad peadblp the preateai
in is poor and nothlnr would V
aver baU tor a dlatrlat oOBveatioa of
. (be order. The fadlw of the ^oeal ■alned. as he mw has bis raoney
hlvae aad the mea of the teofa worked Vck. wbleb was all tVt V asked.
Arrangements are being made for an address by Hon. Woodbridge N Perris. Democratic candibard to makaenrarr detaU of the pa­
dato for governor, on Wednesday or Thursday.
rade a aaoaeai. aad ther did aot faU.
It ia doe

Every day will bs a BIG DAY, but this will be.the



..p,tK-d Ibe Vbit of poitinc anylblnc
ihi- barrel that looked like ae ap. piovtdlng there were a f.w Rood
n. bn lop to make a sbowloR It Is
Broadfoet SrMVra-Taka Over Wright
. faDieotabie tact iRat people isast
Vie honesty li-Rfalated Into ihem. buf
It sceuis that It must V In thU case.
Slipshod metbods In lurklns snd laBand Concerts by Campbell's Concert Band morning and aitemoon.
bellBK can beier ^urt- a |H-rnianeoi
Oiariee H. Broadlool and h
Free exhibitions by Copeland A Smith Company.
market, and the sooner the i-*iiple
brother J.
Broadfoot We pi
Ite adopt the nieibod» of 1
rhaaed IV WrirV Vundry from t
and laVlinE 'be f..
Bicycle^ces for boys under 16 years of age. Numerous games and sporte of all kindA
MU fa lurkinc
M. Wrisbt and will 1
ill V for all <-oni-ero.-d. Ttls
' It win
kloniUy. SepiemVr 16
All echoo) children in the region wUl be admitted to the grounds free of diarge. l%kets will
acUve and enterprlsinr • yo
be provided by the teachers.
and alao proilrte, ihs..ihe loan wbc
and an>oy a li
far bees bom fa Traverse Clt}- wncrctbey Vve always resided. Charles
Broadfoot has for a nnmVr of yean
with A W. Jahemuc.
while his brother Jack was <
with thfa lanndrr tof a numVr of
yean, and wV for the past seven
Cheaa Offmera tor tv Praaent School
yean, has Ven trsA-elliif
Kohnsiamm fl Co. tV fameat launaop^ house fa the world,
Tbe junior da** of the Tfaverse
faundrr will be flnt cfaas and..wiii
have the honor of
cater fa all classes of fauadcr work,
befac the first efau to elect officers.
asfar the best and latest mathods for
PoUowlnR are tbe officera elected at
tumlnr owt anrii srork. Sew aaaipthetr meeUBR held recoeUy:
wlU V added whkdi wlD freatly
facTlltata tV handlfai of Ifaeea. Om
leatare wiu V that all elotbaa wfU
V waabed fa startlised water and
K«bui% C. S. Ul«s,dnr.
pure snaprwiil V used.


vtotof the work, aad it u'doe
■atlHai atoru toat avemkfai west
>M wttboot a hlUA.
TV enwdi Vra aot heea all that
wera aipaetad. but there fa a tatrlj
aad tba paaple of the rstt, «,re totareelad. ao aifafetbar hr the time the
parade reached IVoat etreet the side­
walk OB ahbar aide of the sUaet eae
ailed with apetoatorv The parade was
led hr Cbaa Umprtcht cm a tae beroe
aad earrrlaf the tear to the city. Ncu
emme Maror W. -4J. C. Oaromloe aaH
Ue mathar. Ura. Carler Garmafae. oc
haraebadt.. Mra Gattoafae I* the oldaat BOtbar of a Haoeabae to the
aortbara MatricL 0be ridat bar borae
witb MbM aad aaaa and while she
n raara d ace one wooM aot <ue
bar aia fa V that at aV rode aiooR
wtthbareosattVbaadof tba pa­
rade. Rdlowfac tlmto eame Chief of
Polloe Jobimoo aad PatroimBD Bea
CaraoB ao borealmdc. aad ib«t CampbaH% Oemoart baad. UreeUr tolfaw.
toR waa tv llafar Barmao Hamortai
float drawn br toar wbita Vtaaa aad
with iaar «blM ditosm watotof at
tv aidr of tba banaa. TV toap Bae
|i)fle eiz.i


O prtaourr* ie road bulldfac
AmukemetKa were made today for
fa autoaiohiW fa uk« :h^ driemtea <n a tour o( road lupenbM
fa poaalbfa
wml V aac AaaodMleti Will Caaw Saak A|ato
T. Wbea IV
Nan Vaar On Aaaw d'.
l««va Kafamawo for ibe trip
. Goad flhawtati Offlaas* '
« of tV 1
Wara ElaataC

Traverse City, Mich.



Friday, Sept. 27

General Admission to Grounds, - - - 25 cento rsit’s.xrrrs




\rjom Priday'a toMiwd-RaRtoj y cooventkw of iV NetChan
rVbee aauKfatloe eama to a atoaa
: alfht fa a bfaaa d tfarr. wttk me
Isrseat crowBa oa tha atratoa
fast tv
U> dtr Vi seen tor a taM tfaaa.
FMr bands
(umlabad maale tor tha
iiertafaBMBt of Uic thraac aad aa as
attractloB tV Travena Otx
dlTteKm of naval ressfrea ^va aa
aahfaitkm fill (hat was RiaaUr'm- '
predated TV toUor hORS wars aa
pped (or room that thar ware
to aVw «R to tv haat adwantaRe. IV pecfafa crowdfaf to apea
with Ihoir ovoMlaaa
Vriy fa iV erMlDR tV haada wars
uantoalled and —sp aad dews
rraat atieet. eadi ^ajfaR to lasgit
afaa for the enfaffatoaiaat d tha
TV afteraoaa was oeeaptod hr atV
leUc wports. one d tV taodlBR tov
turee befaR (be saourhoat naa. whldh
bad been ortaalsad hr W. S. Aadar.
aoo. yil was ezpectad tVt at toast
tweaty boaU woald V aatarad to thto
eoouat. tat oalr aerto jiRtarad to
take part, five of tham —Ma
coarse. Plrpt .prise inta iWirdd ia
-HelcB a; aeeond to Plrata, ami'lhM
to Patbflnder. Thoaa' 9b1«br'«M
Vder. Helaa G, Pinto a
Thera waa a farce oowd at tV Ww
auetoOR ciV booao and j
loeaa tV ncoa
IB iV aTfamooB tV baad onataat
M held oa
Btroat. tV (hna
vfaitfac ha^ lakfarkafV Pint pr^
was swardad fa tV Ca&Dae Vad;
r.'cond fa Ucliafa. aad third to Tsaalt (vod asatoeal arC<nirjiii'.Ds and tre'r week added a
RTFat deal to tv pn^oasa of tV aaalo'dock-tv recalar haatowa
meaifac of the aaaocfatfai Was
tons 4
(V pfaoa of Bskt raar'a 'o
TraveraatCtir kUecaVaa
loos to bars U mme <
accoont of U VriaR 1

auy tVi iber eeuM snt aa# any athar
place (or VHIbr It. an U was -flaaSr '
bSLk. here sRafa. Cadfllae was
(specially Inslstrni npoo Vvfaf It fa
Traverae CUy. and earrtod tV day. U
would Vve beer a battar pfaa to
bsve takao It to tWdlOac or sdbm
otber town. Vl as the Vfafatas coaid
K«e It that way tV loea] netoVrs screed to eotertafa acafa.
The lollowfac officers of tV aswv
daUon were eleded (or tha cottfaR
I're«ldvnt. dVid P. thnltA TV*,
ae riDT vice prcaldeat. Oaotsa B.
Han>-y. Traverse fJly: saovUrr. It.
Holley. Traverse nty; traaaorac.
II I inior, Trsvetwe Chy. Vloa
presidents sere also ejected from tV
■o tenu and hlvia in tV ettrTlit iDliulofy work was set pot oa
. the I'adillor learn as achadalad no
-eouui of tbe faabltlty '(o aecsre a
osd lor inside work, lbs balk d
lie tUHtub-rs VrefeTrio* to Star oo
the -street until II was too fata to
iriy out ibe proRrsfa hadora intto
There sere fully XOW »latt-ir* to
>c Uly durlBR tV day, toto 12W
link bmuRfct In os IV moraiv
trains from all pofau fa Uo dfatriet.

Grand Traverse Region Fair Association JUiOR CUSS OfCTIOI
Officers and Heads of Departments

General Superintendent, Robert Barney /

Livt Block, 1. W. gaiomm.

otr RTwat tody connaader. d Onad
Rapida. aad a nambee of yomg firfa,
profouBd' (act. Tb«« fa aavar a
biR event tVi fa as snccoasfal wbos
tbena are no womes to do IV thfaRS
I eoold not V as weU. Of cewraa.
men helped on this oceasloa. hot
so far as a Rraat aoeou of tV work
as coneersad. It was tV womaa whfl
imc to tv frost.
Last oresfaR fa tV Mactohaa hal
(bars ware budrads of wstoso pvM.'
(Casitfaaad M face fatki-____




Grand Tiav«se Herald
and Ttaveoe Bay
Twice a week ^

There it etidefltl.v a greet fnturr in ainre f«>r the arrofOase.
IWit k a iinntioo in tfie niwkrrf the rtmI majwt^ ■* to wtwtker
not, with the preaent imperfeetion of the parts that enter into
,tbe construction of the machines', whether it k worth the price.
Lotted upon i» a ptejn matter of fact way aviation a~t present v
lerely a method of gratUyiag the apeed mania of the faawan raM
and wili.'hc continued aa long as the price for aviatora’ services
nagf HO bigli and men can* be fonnd to take the rkka. If football
rsanited in a fraction of the easuallieN as aviatioo there would l*e
I'ban placed upon it in every aUte in the rni'm. but football k
mw mrnmonfdsee.wline the work oftl* avklor k new. and as tiie
publir demand cimtinura death will reap a bountifol reward as a


X=Si:::.. --===:::=::'^.=
WM atjr. lUeh. uter Um Act of CtMiaraf ol Uardi :

Cke^iiahiyi week 3.050

New York sUtc has pmhased 821 aens of improved land
will be turned into an* induatrial farm for trampa, and great
th(Bga are expected as a mult of this syatem of deding with Iboac
who haaaadopted the road to eke out an existence without having
to go through the painftil experience of hard Work. According to
tlm provkions of the act under which this farm waH-fHUliIiKlie<I. at
of ISOO.OOO, it k designed *‘tor the education ami rctoriuatipit of trampa and vagranU." l^e inmdira an- to Im> sentenced
^ not more thao eighteen'moiilbs for their first oi^nse, and not
■ /toorc than'two years inr otlier offensca. Thu It the first iiutitution
hf ilB kind in the eoontry and is modeled along the liues of similar
tetttntioni'in Sn^and.


Ulua looks like a large aum <ff money to put into an atti-mpt
kind, but if the results can be ohUined the,fund will he well
aitaMt The %amp haa become aa Amcrirau instilutiun which has
ko etonoraio warrant for existing and in the face of Uik fact hr
■tkt.aoooer or later be abolished imrmauently. In a land IHce the
U^tad StaW there k no reauh;*lAy an able bodied pereori should
Miverk for what he getasn'thh world, especially at the
ymi vbea ^tlojrmect k plenty aild many industries arc ciyVug for
MB to eury on their bunneaB. The heydey of the tramp is during
jftc aataon when work k plentiful, and in apite of the demand fpr
1& aarriM he ignore* the' call and eontinnes his parasitical oxIntauad, by begging what he jcan and stealing the rat from honest

• ■ '.r'

------- . . _

Gfttt Pa/art ^hni .
Satn^, Felton, the new rej^iver of the Pere klarquette rail­
road, has Imi-ii makiiiR an im|H>ction of the n«d, and as a result
of what h<' saw on his travels gax'c out a statement to the effect
that Uicre is a great future allead for the 8.>-HteB, and that the new
will go hhead and put the istad in ^pc and get it
on its feet financially. Thk k cheerful news, but the people of the
state will take it with a little salt, because they, have heard hUIcmenta just like, that liefore and t^u> promised rasulu have never
been discovered. There^ k n'o reason why the Pore Marquette
should not become
•come a grat system, so far as natural advantages
I. bol.\ji the new rc<-elven perakt in using the saao
tarticH that have been in vogue in the past, there vnll be no hope
of it ever romiug into its owu amouA the gn»t systems uf the


It will Im> ipiiHiKsililo to liiiih^up the syKtem by plai-iiig liew
debts on tup of the huge burden that k alre^ too heavy fur auy
mad 111 wslk off imder. Mure money must l>e raised iu order tv
pul tlie lines and mlliug atitek in shape, but what is raised should
- ' ■
at least uu 'equaly'amoufit uf the watered
oMigatiumijhM am now outHtandiug. If thk is dune there will be
bop«‘ of a real Tejuvenation of the system, but it cau, never be doue
by piling up new debta dh top of the old ones, which are already
tm large to ever be liquidated under ordinary busincM conditions.
If the water U squeesed out oMhe road and the valuation placed at
its real worth it eaii be matle oiw of the finest and best paying lines
in the country, but nothing eau bu gihiiHl by'floating new bonds in
the millinnm-of water that at present has the entire outfit sub­
merged beyond the reaeli of the fiiiaui;ial divera. Michigan.wants
«>e tbc road rehabilitated, but licfore the {leople become cnsiastic over the work they must be shown that the new receivers
acting in giKtd faith, and nnl'exdusively in tlie. intcresU of tbc
finnneiera of the easp who have been using the system os their
8]tecial prey in frensied fluance.

9{€w dSppU SiU

ll 'k evident that Uie Sul»T mei^rv. whwh wsk jwHsed by
teiigraa and sigu^ by Pmideul Tafijon Augwl 3. will work n
rtvolntion in the appii Lustoess of^thu atalc. Tlie measure pro­
vides fur Mil holiest pack and laliel that is true to the eoutenta. It
8pf>Ui‘s to the eoimlry in general so that there will be a uhiform
grade of apples on the market, no matter from what sn-tion they
come. TIk- w«^. togelher with New York Klale. have oliKi-rved tbu
ruli* set forth in ihk bill for some lime, ami km a rranlt have praethe markets of tlie cukiitry. Michigan groweni
fisve clung to the idea tbat uiiylltiug that loukH like au apple k
good ejiougb for the eenter of the barrehif there k a good row
so on top to lead the purchaser to believe that be k getting
what he pays for. For Ihk roasiin the Michigan apple bas bn-ii
kepi out of high apple mH-iety. hut whou the Sulser bill goi-s into
effect it will come iOIu its ow'u, became the grower or paeker can­
- ■ ' Thk brings the t]ueatioQ right home to Traverse City and
not afford to ruu against the law fur the sake of a cbauce of paltry
Orand Traverse county, for under the order isshed by the mansgegain, through disbonesi methods. .
4ltot of the Detroit Uwsc of Correction last spring, no more
It has often been saul that it k wtpoasible to make roeu honest
• priaoMTs will be received at thjit institution from most of the
by law, but it is evident that Kueh a residt will be gained through
aMBrtim% the atate after September 1. (Irand Traverao wai
the ojieralioii of Ihk bill. Nut only does the lifw provide s penally
doded in the Ikt that was forbidden to send any more, so H is'tfae o^dals of the county and city to provide some nies^ for when it goes inlo effrot. but a ruling by tbs department of justiee
twfag Ggre of thoae who may in the future be sentenced for several makes it partially'effective thk year, by brintiog under tbc foml
Maths for smne crime oommitted within the limits .of the county. and drng act all^bo mislabel apples aotf sell inferior grades under
ion lhat they are a finirirlaas article. By living u|>
SWs <are'bo itutitutioos outside of Detroit that will take short
to the. provkioiiK of the new inesKurv. Michigan will gain siwli
tom priaohen of thk character.
prestigi* llmt it will be known the world over as the Ivadiug ap)de
T)m, gueation now reverU back to tbc resolutiun' passed about
produeiug state.
.two years ago by the board of supervkon permitting jail prkuuers
to ha aaed to build oounty roads, under the direeiion uf the sheriff CiWes Are Luble
or tome qualified officer. There arc plenty of roads to be built and
The killing of a ImiiKiuK Klreet Mweejn-r by an sutomobile lias
■ fcw We^’ work at thk kind of employment would go a great way. brinight <Hil tlie information that citicH as well as cMporatious
toward lemoning the number of petty offeoders in the city and mnler the iirovkioiiM of the new Htnie workingmen’m eom|H-usatioii
county. Aa.some means must Ih> found to kn-p thk eimCreiiijtluycd
. iuikmmI by ilie last Irgkliiturv. So far eitiro-Jmve imid too liltir
it would be the proper thing to Uy this melhtNi out oh the firat lot nllenlion to tlik law and have crraletl no take care of cssiw
tbM4stoat to jail to serve linn- at lli<> expeiise of the taxpsyers.
nrking'from its o|>erntiuD. 4'ud<T the law the city uf LanMing will

■ .One of the greatest proWems that the country haa t«» face at
PtosoBt k the dkpoaition of the hobo and petty offender agaiiut
the laws of the land. Many sy-steiiis have been tried, but all bav-:>
MM, btH the New York farm project appeara ui>on the face of it
■ to'kya iM merit 'With this cUas of people work is a liabit from
ttgg have wtoned themselves by constant sud )>emicious
. ajUance.. To awaken.the apark anew k the miaaion of the re' focmar alo^g thk Ibe, and there is' no better method tliaii eu^n'
' ptHotf Irtw. APitbin the tiaie eomprised in the legal aeutcnce there
ilfi V i^le opportnnity to develop the wocking habit, and if
’aljlfctty directed after thg time has expired by the free wjll of the
tramp himself hur enre will be permsrtent Anyway it is an experij
Mm wall worth trying, not only in New York but in other sUtes.

have to |iay to the family or any one dei>e»dent upnn Jami-s t’ouky.
the dead empline. one-half of hk we<-kly wagex for lh<- uext 3lNi
weeks. In orib-r ioink'- earo of Mich eases eilicH will have lo hcI
HHidc a fond for the pur|>uHe to order to tw fully prot/-cte«l in the
futim-. A eily has Ihe same rights under Ihc law- ax a ouriMiratioii
of any kiml. alid the romimiUHilioii acl. makes it |H»»jlile for muni•il»al coriNiratioiiH to i-scaiH- eX|>eiisive damage suit« and save fees of
lawyei-K by eoniing under the openUiuu of the law. It k belic^etl
that it k more jinit and satisfaetor>' to )>ay a certain indemnity to
injured employes than to run the rkk of litigstion. which may run
Uirmigli the 1-01111* fur year* and in the end result in no ttoam-ial
benefit lo the iH-rsoux who dciH-rve to ^-el;ivc reuiuueration.

< dl k a well-known fart that th(«e who play the game iuuNt
pay the price. Thk k msde iiainfully cvkleril by the toll <«f human
life that k being exacU-d in. the new art of aviation, as tl-cre k
scar^ a day paasm iu 'which a life or two arc not aacxilired in
tO'iui to wrest from nature Uo, snereto that pervade the higher
p:>toa. In 1910 the <lcath liil in Ihk puniiit aggregate«l
Ifll h reached 82. and so far thk year 57 have pai»l the iv.-ii.iliy
for ttring to go above the spherr- alloll.-d Uiem by nature. Some
beneSto have, of courae. b.i-ri immM by this perkal uf uArtyrdmii
to arkBoe and mammou. but thg gqcstiuu naturally arises, have tbmulta gaiaed been in prqporthm to the cost. Man. in hk aiixiety
toiearn the aeereta of nature, often takes loug ehstira. knowing loV Ltd Jo Ctptmrt
to hk own heart that hk carver will be short and kk end a riulviil
Two ^ore ......I eliarp-tl with a capital < rim have I....... traibsl
one. It k the love of glory
well as the finan.-ial n-wanl Umt dow n 1^ offl.-.Ts and IbiiiIihI In-biud bars through'the medium of ;;
BTgea the navigator of the aie to' Uke the ehau<-vs. tliat loo often winuaiA-bo was in love with ouc of them. Sidua Alien aud Wesley
rMt toUlly.
fMwards. the: last of the iioU^rluiw Alkii gang of Virginia, who
Deaths in thk calling have tmeome so Anumon that the w<irld xta>le<) It riot mid jiiurticrvd the whole eunri force when one of their
paaoes them by as a matter of fad. aud no questiun is raknl as niiudmr was snileni-eil last Hpriiig, haw been laiuled iu the toils and
to Ihs right of the individual, to sarriticc himself in this manner. will be taken Iwck to IlillKville to aoswtT to a charge of niurtier.
Uwa have been enacted reguUtjng the dangerous callings on the Kver Kin.-c they roi^miiltisl Ihe crinie Ibcy Lave Uccu at larp-. aud
aarft, but nothing has as yet Wn done to ivfcrenee to protecting fifty deitrelivin have lievii looking ft>r them. All clue* that Were
the nun who gora up into the air in an airship. Present experi- found failed to lead the sJcutbs to their lair until a woman interueota are regarded os a sekuUKe iieeessity and the slaughter » veiietl and litl the offici-rs dirt-et to their hiding place. Tht-y were
fOBtton^ The imperfection of the gasoline engine is one of the tound in a boarding bouse in Dcs Moines aud am-sted without auy
eanooi eff the fatalities, mod a still greater proportion arq due to trouble.
<Ure-derfl tactics, engaged in to thrill the crowds who have paid
On.- peeulisr fact connected with trimiual hktory k that, aa a
.their nooe.r to see the exbibitioos.
rule, some avend^ is left o{»on by the fugitives that fitially leads to'
U the aviatota were conteut to manipulate their maebinea on their arrest. No matter how eunning they arc there is always som-.-aa atAtaary eourse it would not be so bad. but too bmv attempt thing lacking in the manner in whieh they cover ut> their trail, ami
to^ toe optral ^ide ^ other tricks of the busiuen that un7 -o.^er or later Uey land totoe elathcbes of toe Uw.' Thk time it
lIsMIipiy eiqKMw their live* by inrittog a fall the minnle «im«a lovedorn «mp|ef thai opened the way to the offi^ an.l made
thiac gosB wrong ta they lose control of the aity thing which' tHMsihle ilh- apprelri'naton of the eriminak Mand Irolee waa Ihe
nemeak of the uicu iu thk tostau^ She k a VirgioU giri, raked
thi^aranwiitog. \

to the mooBtains and
tu aimai* BMaan. Mde np her uind that abe
..Mq 01* «• ae latar aM the
trai-aa. and nmrry him to bk
*jr Tefl «MNa«v. «heM aecadw k tiiaw
e« le tb* BMee Trsaseriia. -Wen.
Hillaville aii^ took a train fm Dn Uotoca, where she went direet otr.the eeodMMr; -|b* trala
to the boarding place of U^e men, followed by deteetivea. Tbe rest to Meat was behlBA. as4 the tttia *W
is.-well known, and now toe two men must answer tor the erime of
which,tbry arc accused bsck in the south.
iiad not the coarse of lovc turned ia their dlreetleu they would
sdU be'free mei^ beeauae they no tor baffled all attempU of
officer* to lo<-al<- tlirm. sad were s<-cure in their quarters. With tbe
prewul iwrfcrtioii of the deimive system of tbc oooutry a man ha«
little chooce to raea|>e. and mon- s<i if be k bandioapped with a love
affair, which sumer or later must land tbe eeuplo together si an.
toopportane time, bove sud Ihe inevitable letter writing which
alwav* follows, has led luauy a man P> prkoo who might have evade.1
tbe offieets bad be been left lo hk osto devWsa.. Tbe shrewdest
criminal k always weak at'some jiotot and escape k only pomible so
are BiM con ot Travlong as the vulnerable s|tot k kcpl't-oocealed.
me lltr. tor oBljTaMa. Kte* So
acre taroi. tae tmlUlBn. wv
Fete «.
KlBlBiU-v. aoDd fcarawood laod.
banola ai ttjm;
At the November elvoliauJJtort^ wiU'l^ubiuitted to the people
isnok Iu riabi riVnIw ACdiroa K.
au amendment to the eonstitutiun allowiug municipalitir* to atnetrl
r. RasMlI. :-o» Uogaii BkMlas, Oetheir charters under the home rule act without first niakiug a general
*ep( lotacstbure^r
revkiou. Thk k a provisiou that should receive the sopport of the
voters in every city in the state, as it k a step in advaiiee iu thd
goveruincut of citioi. whom' vutera should know their own ueoda
betto- than the memben of the legklature do. The provkioni of
proBfsed auieudment k as follows:
•iS^iou 21—ruder such georraTlawB the i-lcctura of each cily
and village shall have |>owcr and authority t<i fraui.-. adopt awl amend its charter and lo amend an exktiog eharter of Ihc city or
village, heretofore granted or |msaed by the lefkUtore for the gov
eromeut of the city or village and through ito r^vlariy ocmatltutod
authority to
all laws aud orduauen relating to ha municipal
nincerua, auliject t.^he cymtitutimi and general lawa of the mate ”


Hot ComistenL/
It k said that every member of the (’hicogo police ioreo may
bave to uke a thirty-«Uy furlough oa acoeaat of lack of funds.
Things are far different to New York, where a number of toe mem­
bers of the force had to ukc a still longer layoff on account «if
gettiug too much money. Tiiiugs somehow or other do not equalize
Ihcniselvca iu thk world A they should.
01:441 t:<l
Vatostoe ...........
TMaa airlve at Tfewwae CUy tiST
a. to. U:M a «..!!» ». to. aa4 «:M

Fia to Look Bodtwtfd
The recent discovery that a political progreaaive k a new
K|M-ci<-s leads*c>nr to wouder what would havrhreome of^e eouDtry
during the i>ast century or more <f the'old poiitiqal parlies had nut
U-eu progrtoaivc. The sudden discover}- of aomethtog that bas
existed sioec the foriuation of the government k eauaing mauy
|K>liticiana trouble to show where they really found Um goods whidi
they arc |tarading aud claimi^ to be o^ their owa mauntoeture.

*■ ""

IX. imT. ONF. *.

MOffTOAOt- tAbC.
1Mb«H hsTtme bMB toato la the
"tiau of a ewtala 1

rln O. ■


Ids* !iank. a ronMIea of toittaaa
tor. Mkbleaai. tUtei the fepwtb uar
April. A. D. im. ahd wbpM is
(ho otlce ot Ihe SaalBlar «f Detoa for
the rouBiy ot Oraait Trareree sad
Slate or MlcblfSB. OD toe tlxtb Oar ot
April, A. p . llM. in lllwr M er towtaaase OB rear UM. oa wbirfa mertasae
there U claiOKMl l«i he dse at (he date
id tbU noilce. tor prtariml and mter>
eat. '5e sum o(,pl»e Ma«r*d fonreiabt sad «a-io* dirflara. tod as auei«er‘s lee ot iwaatr-Svc ddihu*, aa pro­
dded for ta eaid mutgaas. sad to
>aU or |>n>ce«<llan at U* -jia'fto
men lutlloted to t*eorer tbe moeaya
seeerod by aaM tnorttoun. er any pan
(hereto, oiroM that a bUt e( eomplatot

Grett on Animals
f'aiididate Woodrow .Wilson has received a Jeraey cow as a
eaiU]ia'.gu eoutribution, whieh he will sell at auclton next Satunlsy.
It IK now up tn Roosevelt to dk|KMC of hk Bull Mo«Be to a Ukc

The recent greot rainfall has done mure damage to the highwa>-8. It will cost Ulonsatids of doUara to |mt them to former

•tape. .



iherela; aa<l by and la ao
« llh a iiniTlaleB ia (be aatd n
beee made In <i

Till- I.MM w.iiild have K-eii immeasurrably IraFliad these roads
hei-ii proiM-rly built under stale s|HTifii-alions. Our couut>- aud
t.rwushiii roads havT stisHl the test. wilJj the exception of two unfinkbed roads tbeoKsm to the ounty will imt exceed g2U.W-«toe
K«t» on Ihe unfinkb’Hl roads may reach goO.

. .
abide or the prtaclpal ato
Interesi pa tbe mpnaafe (MX dee.
Kedro Is hereby jiM that hy vto
tae; nt U* paver pf stoe mtalaid ta
said moiifaae. and the fUtata ta each
caeca made and
on Thnre4ay. tbe imh day to Oeftoer. A. D-.
I»I2. B( tvo dtoaek ta the afteraop*a uadaratanad via at ths treat dov
the coat^wiiee. In the city e( Trarse City, nal bctai (be place where
Ihe cireolt rond for (be eoenty ot
Grand Trarerro Is beta, sell at pahtle
n. to I........................................
___ >cs des<
so murh ttoreot as n
sary (o |iay tftr amount so as afore­
said d»» f<n M)d tuortaaM. wlih sevea
per tent lalrresl and atl tesal cstos.
....................................... W’s fro. toa m to the
of sertlon

Why » as the loss
ahiall! Rerausc Uir roads were built high,
with a gOo<l crown, well coven-d with abuudaiicc of gravel—beeaus.- the gutters w«-re
l« v«'ry the water from the roads
and not into the road. It coKts mnuey to build gissl rnadsy^t It <-<isls more tn pateh
tlieiu aud lose bedh patch and IhmIv when a goisl duwu|siur of raiu
i.-s lhaii l./huilil them right on the slar\.
Why I1..1 bond your lovvii»hip! A gm.^t lime to th'iuk about
Kverv- township in the eouiity will he mo'hey ahead to ten yeaiM
to Isiiiil from
to $5<>.iNji) amj hiiihl all tV- roads in Ihc next

of lanae aiao i
0 at-rro to land, more <>r
It aurIre*, accoraias ti
vey ihcrrCT.
THK-fJtKijtKAr ronvTTaAViKOS
BA.NK. .Mortaaaee.
By G. B. M’bitmarc-. Caahter.
J. O m .vrA.V,
Attorney for tTortgaace.
Jely td-taea le ect t

Can't afford it? Ymeanl A g2".4lOU Ismd ima can to can• etol ami all. itilercsl Ibereviti pai.l lU ivveol.v yeaiw Vy selliug asid ■
ainiusi sinking fund of l.-ss ilum gU4iKI each y.-ar coiu|Miuiidcd
aiiinmlly at -I'; l«T cent.
.Many of our iownNhiis. rsise in ex.-.-ss of this auniunl lu th.ei''
n-|>air las alone, and in l>otli liigliuay improvemeut sud rcjsiir fuud
ne have raised tlirv-e tinier tins siuoiiiil.
tiel roads tmlay while He- ouiuly s.vstom k in o|.erati»n Add
its eftieiciK-y by Asi-ojK-raliiig aud building r<>aiis eiuiueetitig
with it.

the ’Vatoar” toattad I ere re
iboae aehu* loath ahrelMtoy
whhoat pala. aad vtthoai the rea el
vtth weak brerta vui appeidaia the
tar- mathad to poMne aMe-

The eouiily aysteui will uot huihl all Ihe roods ju llie ev.unty—
It may build less if tbe tuwiuhi|H do out oMiperalr. Talk it over,
bold meeliiigs, dkciiss it, put K up to the voters to bt>nd for totter
rikda in tbc sum from 890.000 to g.’W.OOO.
FRANK HAJIILTON. County Road Cominkaioner.

'to tbe bank wlU a charge to aUreH
gtreerlae. Deputy ShtolC MeKensf.
Who dtseoeeced the robbem at *erk.
waa dHvM tafo hta own here* ai (he
pelat to a gwa. The t








T. lT. ltol ^

TALKED OF EiOffiTS .mmm mm

• Ulil —.n. hli MlcUos *U^« lixttltatloB of the ln)«etor.. vhlcb
H* attll
Ybm. bMo p« ia. WhMh«r tbta
farm, but bu[l»« ur tUac to «o wHh tbo al
I* (or (to PV-;«t
PV- M (to boat wig ao( be appaeei
■WTed to Qrand Rapid*
N pMMa at honor bt
SWIM Warbma^^ fSaWmia at
poae ot dolBC OB a U( scale what be di eb* 1* raieed. M i* irae, however. aRANaCAS TMOROUSHkY AIHIO
Wm. Mormon iM
has ^erotolora doae oa a aiaall acak that tbe boat la la am data eoodlWoR MavTtom drwto
__ .
He U to roeeiv* a eaUir «f tUM tloB mat It la quite probable that tbe
Batvdar. iwturstat MdR^ir. a c. Bmx. «.--ito
a rear aod to have aa aJIowaaee of actMaat waa dae to aone trlflias
Jako Lanen. wbita MU#,' (A*
late»uLc«i^jAMu( imtcrreo tm (oroapeasea. He U e(ao provided >uae that doe* not ea any way aBeet
stack at (to taraaoo to Mb
wkb aa aaloBMblle (bat be taar cel tbe eafety or^taMlUy of (to cmft Mpay Beltavto Jlud Nan Itottoto
M Cbtadto, DatMiL Taiada ad Bat- wn* oTcrotmc by tto pan and taB .tt
territory to Ibe beet adran- and Ikat eb* wtll la a abort tine be Were H« DwlmMm Ottpra I
the prauad. a dlataMe el 1« lAi.' M
tata thtovb Caitod Prma tm*
asmaP Wttb Thpea,
ttto Oae (toasaad doHara of hi* asaio la
band Mm tot rota ted. EW tahaf*#
•alary romee horn the to
to doea aocaeem to to hurt. He *«
toy wiia aa attaadaace of about i
ot the ITaltei SUtea. sad
rwMved to hb bOM* at AbEtal tod#.
lat portloa sad eifi
niteARutoa and Oaimto.
Wmekins Co. but waa uaabl* to pet
■nnicatkn wttb that coaipn
In eprakloK of (be work that be til tato tbU aftemooa. Iho woib wiU Ira of red lyx debate* la which tbe
naaecutod aa mpldy aa pwMlble bone of eontenibn was lb* valae ot
has la mind Hr. Sklaaer nri)
orawm BM- Jte-mb. .DbOfite#
IV-Tobodls made ready for ualep expert lafomatloo la connec­
toeaaioB to tbe folMwiac tfaoacbuof surer Uka tpwt tto EwbtaM
“U la air deaire to iaailiuie eiperi- •aloeea.
with Mr*. Uelaieab.
tion wllb Uralap operaUoaa. 'll bad
W. S. Cook, maaaper of ibe Boar^
mMial (anaa la erery towi^ip |a
Hr. aad Mra o. A. JohoaaB mta BE.
ansBeatod that Ibe fartaerv ot
and Mr*, c. A. Clatb dtoto 10 Ite#
(be eoamy. If poealble (wo or Utree aa River Oeetrlc IJfcfat b Power
earh tana* la each townahlp would Co', atated'(hit Boralap .that i
toebon. gotag from tb«» ^
lie better, for the aoll of on> fann ofdaloa tbe reeton for (be tiaktep
tee aad retnrtate ta (to ivtoWl
nay be totally diiremt from (hat of
Mra Mills bat^nttod botae iltof
T« Eatortoin the Thauaanto
•bon auy In Traverae Oiy,
anotber a Bile away. %ad tbe tre:
mliunl (Wlepe and by tbe federal
ifi.M«l9. cloainp at |«e*.
Tto uaiM’ Aid m*«ta (M tarl
meat that mltot brias aaod reaoHv
deparlment of aprlralture.
Dand CampbeB la Travaroe Miy (Ala
wo«td be aa utter tailare oa ly associated wljh tbe (omer owner A number of «M time pitaiipera took
WUnlpep, Man. Sept, id.—The
tbe Mher. Tberefore, K two o* Hired and knows (be boat tboroupbty.
of the octotkm to aay that
erelpB praad Mpe ladepeodeot Order
Jaa. Btattoa of Travofto att>to
la dlCvreal mated (bat abe 1* a well-built, aub- (to fieM aaperto.'tba a
la town 08 bottaeH HoMtf.
parta of etch townabip are ukco < atantlal erarj. tbe llaaK inatortal pad lepe^ aad all the profeaaors of apri- or Odd Feiiowa aammliled la (be OeaMbs Praacee Wmtam*. «to M tt>
It will be pontlble to eeeurieulture did not know as mocta aboat tra! (JoaprepatloMl ebureb (bit m
tetoiag school ta TtwtENa CMA. dBM
better reeulla.
ntlmctloB. alao that ber ma- faradnp as the man now oceupylap lag for tbe formal opealap of Its
totuTday aad Bonday ta btaBb.
‘T will bate at ny rommaM
cblnevy equipment ia brat claat la tbe farms. One Oranprr atatod that Bual cnmmuBleatlon. D, C. Oametoa.
KlMM Ttaa uta MuD» M*D
wooreap of (be Ualted Sutee d*mpecL -Sr. Oato said ^ao tbe beet farmer «n tto pealaeulq It
eon mra ruttteg trttoda ta Ro
psrtiaem of pprlaOMre. ato Jf It le that tbere was probably aatblnp in a man who aever Uiendt tannen- In- acted as maater of c
RobllB dellrerod
neeeaaary to have a toil eurrey nade the cause ot the atnklap (bat woaU '■Utme*. done not belonp to (be
Chickens .
..........I to lOe tbla week.
Dr. C. A. Oai* «(«( ta «l
drw of welaoroe ea behalf of tbe
of U>* (onatr (tblnk It wgi bd doae. la any way affm (be aateiy of tbe Granpe. bat heard bat Ittfle of
BpurtiM oo a peofomMta qBD'
proHnce and Mayor (Eaupb spoke for FARM DROPUCB Baphy Mam
If It la totired to rail upon tbe bii boat when sbe It apaln in commlsakm. apiiculiural eollepe. aad does
day. He was wi
Ibe cHy of Wlnalptc. Otbm pr«e(
reaa of cbmlatr) (o.teat out tbe adii
Ifo matter whal may ha>e bee
mlpbiy little readiap. This :
I tar na DMAIM,
iBpB were exteaded la behalf of tto •Mb dair ibattortar It mtatol
. aaea la d I afteare aa tbe conase we ma be aure of hariac it toae. By Mae (be owner* wOl aae to It tbai was held forth as the model mai
WDww Mra C3ark vMM b» taMtov«h
ihua betas la (puc-b wRb tbe tUBer ■ be Pie-TOSe«a I* abMlutely aafe la tbe pealneiita.ibe man ot all Ue i
Manlioba praad Mpe. (to. Pairtarehs
...................................................................................... ■■
umiant and tto Rebekab aaaembly
Tbe aneleat cuelom of four eperlally eat depnrtmenu of tto'toraPB of asdreepect. The boat will probab­ OB (be <3raad Traverae pealnaula.
aeThe response (o (be pceetlnps
0K>eeo oaen drawlof (he raeket of tb»
ly be ralaad Wttale a taw boura
baf^de a i«al contrllMtlaB to c
left WsAoeeday maeolto tao MM#,
by Graad
of la.toad raler. wbicb was obeerred la rnre<PaBd reanlii can be obtained in tbe dlSIoiUy dettfmiaed.
wtove to will ramata ooma DME-.te#
b eborter apace of time than It Tbe TV-To-BwOa waa acbeduled to
At tto
p of (be
Tok.vo at the public fuaera]' oeren
Fortunately botb aidea of tbe ar
ire to trope la (be dark as
lea'. WM dtapMed with hare aad
run fNm RIk Bapidt (^ Suttons Bay pumeot were preaented.
otoBor of the aolle we hav«
atoad’Afgr Hase Tlllaaera bm
next wswk. darinp (to LeeUnau ooua- Oraaper* insisted that it was as toaleee. Mlaa Mary Mdatadh. (MHi
relpn praod lodpe went Into aeabody *M ttoir toouldev Rartad (be work wKb.”
ly (air. but It It not cectola-«ow (bat tlrable tor the farmere to take ad
Tueeday nitol <ra> « M NtegUM
stoB behind rWd doors Tbe pathBardi of Mrty aa hour to la laal
•be will be ready, aHbonto ^ery ef­ vantape of tbe laleei diacoverir
trip to-DeUoli Wd vaplBM pfHta ta
tepllat pipee oa
fort will be made to put 'tor lo abapc pardlap bla work at It It for (be man erlap will cDBilnoe throaph tto en­
l( waa almoet T o'elock when (be
b) (ime » iKHBible.
nfacturer to do to. It waa pointed ure wet*. Uriah prtourattoai
Mra Nellla-«ra.'«to DM vUM#
cortape reached Jdomayaaa Hill <
that bualneat men are cenBtaaUy been made to eaiertala the vlaltoin
Mda. rsttimed la ataB«.NMM
•. tbe"cr<w.of wbMb, aad ooly half
and every minnte of tae Use allottad
aaeklap to learn ot the moot nppi
Mra. P. I* Bird apatalM#iB#'ta ,
: Wile from (be (bouMUtd year old domU,
to (to coovemtem la (o bn ^ke
TTtvtaae CHy.
ofrtbe Em^todr'KwaBDu UauahUy TH^ STEAMER PS-TO«fc«A NOW
orped that (be rarmers ahouU with Mpe dlactlsal<mt.Vdrint di
Mrw. Joba EebrUbI tea a Tratdrta
toad*any oppoKualtr to pet new
Clly eallw Wadoaodoy.
Arrlvod it tbe toaib no •time wv»
Idvnt repardlap (hat wbicb I* ao vlul
Mr. Md Hia. tateoE Ittta ta «#•
toM. While
and Prti
> them, namely, their daily work.
ctty toita ■nteay Mtb tai.
ale. repreaeauMm of Bmpe^ Timb Reaeen Per Aecltont It UnkMton.
Tbe BuUect of farm experu it t<
Harr-a paratoq.
unto, aad Priareaa - fllsaablfnphlBil
. Will S* Relead and Mad*
be further tooaldered at tbe raeeUni
who reproeeelod tto Bmperar-rAiwDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDIA4
to be told on tbe 2»(b Inat. M. J.
Tbomimotu tto ftcM expert, repraaeat
tbe federal toporanest of apriThe atoimcb little tteamer Pe-To(Tmm Tbwadoy'a tao«fiM#tb^
be praaeat to explain
SMlB. (be craf( that Judpe W. H.
btaradatt Ftott aod
tto ««rk (tot to U dolap ^
•tretebed far out laio the aUtbt rc Umlor planned lo have ply Craad
OM HMata Mt two iRtas'Eirtab
aerImlalni troia a .aU«le word.
Traverae bay ibe remainder of tbe 9t Paul. Mina.. Sept. U.—Mlnnea vloe wbicb the •ovornmeat otoi
ma whet* they «M1 oteoE MMA*
On the eyriaaleli af tbe Rhlaio
a. la now rMitas os tbe boitom ■UY dlraa( prUaary Uw.wbleh baa
dtaMita !
ila that there will
of tbe bay at the Hanaab S Wv Co. •aooad eboloe provltioo as its duttaf> tbeir borne at Orabd -*pAl A. *
tcDdaaoe el tbla
took. The boat conk early (hit mnm■Ottaap after a waeTa vdMtrta ttt
Amarillo. Tex.. Sepc U.—A ietler
bet (be Jomb va* doted and «ilh tnp and up to tbla afteraoun khe UlshlBp feature. wiU be plveo Iw (Nat
try-out tomprrDW. «bea (be
prepoains a second elopmeDt la said
city wNA (mode smd iMIMtai, »,
-p^jculy CtddMd taird of ataae buadre-l laae baa remained a myatcry.
' pane* will name their caadldates tp
have beee the real esuve of (brk{
: men remainlne by tbe vault the jreti
Shortly before t o'clock this mornwnal. leplalt
killlag of Al 'Boyce by John a aaeed.
' ; »aih?=lb*' tHitoraed «atMiy «.d t
tap when (kptain Brown, who alqM life and county-tickets at tbe peneral
who w'aa reeenfly irled for tbe klOlQf
tbe day with fiiaada la
.. body «l lie toppoMT MatnMty «
11 In November,
of the young man'e father. Ceptain
tarm Obria Lwtee ta OteNtab. IMB
the bast, discovered (bat abe wrat
mala sute-wide eonirat *o far NEW YORK POLICE (M FOR AN Boyce.
has be«i TtaMtap tor da#H» 'MM.
No. I bora* hldea..........fl-M and op
•taUnp. Tbe ateemer waa moored
imeexubeniatorlal a'omlnee
Jobe A. Wado rmor*ta
at tt* lend of the dock tn deep wpter.
•■etrt.d a letter In which Boyce asked
U between Oovernor
Mra M. A. Haaami ta taBdtataii Eg
but a* Boon as her eoadltion was dis­ Eberhan. who la seekiap r<
Mr*. Sneed lo repeal her elopueat
rlvod tataEeotrtnp-io oWWifiMto Mats
covered CaptAo Bro-m bad her haul­ tJoB. and a deld of five rlvaU In tbe
ot last wlPtar. wbicb led to killing
ed fartber la toward tbore. where Republican camp. C. U, Andiiat af Believed They Knew Wberaatotrt* of of tbe father by Sneed. Autborllle*
the aooB etaded eo tbe bottom and HlDpeapolls and P. M. Rinpal af
iTe taKIbg tPccUl precaulioa bare toHr. ofM Met. W- L- tolMl-tata Hh
Were Mad*.
retted careened apataat tbe pier.
lay to preveai an ootbroak. as tbe ♦ ,
CrookatoQ are aapIraDta for tbe
Judpe Unkw wma noUfled of (be
-tans of the Sneeda aod Boyces ar*
> for povemor.
tbe ball I
Coxa Cornw*. Sept,. 11.—Panxmra
Werfc .Will •* OoM-ty
re Improrlnpetbe
aoopfal to diacovcr ibe cauA.
quiry latq whether (be New YoA
day* la leetirlnt ibelr oau.' Urmhlnp eveBtop (or OtanevRI*. I
bat*nnUI tbe craft U rataed^ tbla «a- tioe and la oppoeed by Jaioe* A ito- police were eopalunt of tbe wberw
CWtopo to apead tto «tp«r. «lM
and prepartag for fall aoadlng.
no( be determined. At Aral it waa
I of UleaeaiKdit on the RepuHIC- abouu of Lefty Louie Roeenbeip aod
William Cox demoDMratea his ... baa aceopted a potatM M gfiltaita*
tboupbt by aoine that tbe boat had an side. Ttie Democratic choice lor, Qyp the Blood, arretted Saturday for
Rent oounty now baa.a farai «
fidence la (be eomlap eora crop by la tto wiiuama (amity (tard. '
nalldoualy tompered witbi'.but
who I* glviag bit time aod ener.
•enalorsblp is Dan. W. I.awler tto^actual morder of Roaeutbal. will
^ Hrm* A. R. Miitam ta CWtaBi. Mil
buildlnp a new ertb.
^ to the work ot advlalac aiieh of tbe
belli before Justice QoB. Tbe
Mra. Ooorpe flammona ta ia Dowap- itt beea vWaap la tbo eftp taMte
V Keat eouBly faraera aa deeire adapateri aod their wirea were arpoat week, left (JOe moftaRB Air Md^
lac attending a '
ralpaed today.
.^Tlce. Tbe eapert. who ti J, H. Skin­
Canton. 0.. Sept. l< —Tbe eleventh
Mra. Conrtade la tpandtag i___ IBM* where abe wfO VUM tOT'p Ik*
ner, wma bom on a farm aear Kala- tion of « aeaoock'or other cause.
They eecured delay lo pleadlap and aanlveraary ot the death of the late
plaoea on tbe state ticket. Other eon.
daya before reiaralap to bar bom*.
awtao. wa praduated from tbe KalaTbe boat was preiiared to lake aa testa ara embraced In aeveral of (he ere remaaded to iaR It la believed President .McKinley was quietly ob- weeks at ber' old borne ta Wyandott*
Will roate ta iMtatafiB tto #ir
county. OMo.
c maaoo Rlth. erbool. tbe Mlrbftaa excortleo iiarty to Bower* Harbor
Bweepinp iDvealipailoii intonfae ar- served here today. Several
reaslonal dlstHcts. Tbe Prehi.
at Otted Ratads tbi* ««#,
Moyer, who retonUy nadm
Aifitoultani) collate, tod Ibee
Ian Btpbt, but did not leave owlap HtioDlat* have pracllcatly an entire
(oral pirwea were' received from New a turpicnl operMloa at Travmwe City,
FWter Wertowrt ta NbMtatat <*■
back to the tarn aod earned Boaey to an apparent temporary defect la elate Ucbet In tbe field aad (he PnbYork. Chicago and Cleveland and
tuned to bto home then «tata 0m
■tally improving.
were taken to the M,cKiaky mauaoMc Own^tp and Soclallat Labor perfew day* la the etty da tmtblitar
Ralph Krelaer U Tialllag ber
the day.
tlea bsv^ selected caadldates for
J. E. Riley, ttee toe'baeo vtatUH
datisbter noer GrMd aRpfda.
mar. Tbe'Prapreatlvra Have aol
Betax^ la ibe HUI *tree( diatrict I* la tto city (or the poet wank, rotwfdetermloed tbe suad they will take
making {good progreei nader tbe able ed to tala borne at Roanoke. Va, t#
wlUt reparto to tbe RepubUran can
directloa of Cfaarlee Wood of Summit. ■oralag.
dMatot. A toflaite decisiou aa to
a M. Rebinaefi and wtfk, tato tidfd
Rota ‘(Tbrk Is 1a Grawa (or a few
wbelher aa indepeadeat aute (Icket
•Penny Fair ' held by tbe Phibeen vlslUap tu Tbe dty with fhebAfi
trala TrouMa.
will be put In (be field Is expeeled lathee pIrU of Ibe Baptist church at
Miss Mtu t^pgett. who baa JuM aod rtaatlves for tto teat (aw
For the barn we have them boro SO cenu to to to reached at a roafereiMe lo( the tbe hornet ot Mradames Aotoa and Charleston. Sept to—Coal operators >B|de(sd Ibe aurwe's course at
returned to tbeir home at ItaRooB
Propreaslve pany lieader* at the end John Straub 00 West Elcfalb
Trarerae .City State toapMal.
(bu moralag.
I (he Kaliawaha district, bow u
$1-2S each, pie aaeoitment consists of Cold Blast, of
this we»*.
iaat evealnp was b blgper tuceess tuanlal Uw. refused fiaily tto arhlira- aimed a few day* here with her («r^ I. Stayer rmarned te kU
Pony Cold Blast, Search Light. Copper Fount, and
Umn tbe pirls could have antirlpated tlOB plan * tubtnlKed by Covaraor eata and latce Se to St. Paul, XI
HuskepoB ibu martans. dAar A
tony doilart srat clswred and two Glatscork which Ibr mlnera bad acexteaded course of iralnD^-boanLWa alao have burners and v.i.'As for them.
sk's vuit la tto tatr adtb ldN|»
ibronp^ with inienael.v oeiwed. It U freely predlned a strike
aad rvlaiivet.
iaterested toople dorlat the entire Ol all the
minert. valon'
O. Paullog and'vMte, mte Ht/t*
btorehartts who ere centemplatli
Amonp tbe most ootaMe non-union, would follow ihe action of
been vtiiitep here (er the pata (ftok.
maklap an exblHt at the eomii
featurea of the cniertolnmeBt
ihu operators.
twtaroed to tbeir tome U £Mqapfi
be lodlao. Japaneae and Cbluese
tbla moralBP.
Elk Lake. Sept. 13-George Muare
booths aod the museum In which
o. c. CMtad. Wto too «MR -ta tad
ForRie house we have Krooos Bamersthat can
and Colin Uunro and lamlly
Lher^ were relics and curio* whlrb
city tor aeaw Ome. MR Ihda dtodBtaft
tending tbe fair at Grand Kapids ibis (or Caillltac wbaee to w(U to tar d
be UBpd on 8uy,ltimp. Hiey produce a 50-candle
tbe yonnc women bad palbered iroo
powtf light T^e dl is generated to >ga8 and burns this year. U'ha( spaew Is left can ba all parts of the elly. and wblrb had Fifty Wee* ORevwd tol* Paaaoga by week.
tew dark aa I
Mrs John Caras end daughter. U>ls.
mqee or lews lateresiiag bistorr. Tbe
in the mantle, making a cheap, good, white light
tag *e bte bom* o
returaed to Traverse CUy Muuda). aft
iBdIaa booth
vhid) » oxoellent to read or sew by. A trial will
er Vlelllng la tb* ueigbliurbuud lur a
d (hat
------— if svhea
Wasblagton. SepL II -Solo pas
owned by, Mrs.
Kitty OWirBare‘i'b« generator sells at $1.50. the PuttiBg up fruit, boueewivee
will kind Cooper which she bad palbered while > Amerlran sou waa oEerad Bft.v couple of weeks
Frank and Ayer Sours siieni SslormaBPfr^nw cents, and the obimoey ai 20 cents,
bome- la .Oklaboma where abe Hv«d
ly reammber the V. W. C. A. borneW*ed lor Aaenesaa by Oroano at « Tlpta,
day and Sunday la TraverM City.
and put .up a
Which baa beea under Ire ai tbe
sometime Many of tbe Chine*
Sell Munro. Br.. returned 8atthem, they win find appreeUtlre ro- tlelet wero secarrd from Dev P.
The AxtorMnna have Ui|
I Lon/ Labe, i aim bed ta Me totad
rierera. On areount of only a llmli- Chapin who lor tome yrars wae'V ^eraets at El Elpre. The town (ell nrdaybfrom a three weeks' vlsll at t Deirelt tbla meraMp
Comer of Front and Cam StroeL
Baoaonls Her wm Fraak and bl* ertfe
rd number of bMpora at tto borne R mlaiMwry In China In the Jaaanada of tbe rebel* yeMrday. accomiuiilr-l her.borne, reinrnlag lo
Mra. C. Otortta Aeotad ta DMD
Is lonnd that there i* not much time
p a atobbora
ham la la tto taty vtatoaEWWRta:
UrnxoBia Uonday
leue. bnt «
tar fruit rannlnp. therefore (be owb rj uKMuais.
*d to BurreBde-.
Hessord Vatar. ates ta tar. MM-tate
IxiuIm' Pratt of OM Mtoton nailed
of poltlnp It up couat* quite as mneb rvni Japaacae____________________
Vader left fmuHar tad «MJohn Uews tbv Brat of tasd waeb.
Suoita Loomto at SmioM
aa Ibe traU Itself. Tto T. W. a A. aad wafers to (be poems More than
Jliu Cbeto} of Torch River tirtdp* otpo. where to vm awter tto Btatour
> wneral agent (or tbe Midilgau
{will pladly enu (or anytblap tbokraery Compaay. of Monroe. Michi- rislird (vu days taat waek wKk bit laeutnte.
pma. reports that ihtt has been aa eX- altter. Mra OoUa Utoto.
o. F. Bradtord. wto Ma Met tab—
... .._
r v—Mv, ,’alr. Tbere were diaptayed eepMoaally pood piwwiap iraaae wiib
Anbto Munro of Eta Raplda I* Itinp in tto citr lof a ta* totat to
bit Arm. Ttoir ttMo aM ptanu have
elan to tto poet oEko boUdlnp Is M'mticM that mlpbt prww a (al
aualM to a aUe and quality aaosoal apeadlng Ibe week at Mpnio Bros.' tnrned to bla tome at Harbor
to tto Northern .CoaattweUan Cota-jmocta more Importance and *
tor Mtbeigaa
"-Conw Prow A CBa Susets
tony of WUwmnkM. Wla. lar fMtoi wUl no dowat to viewto by via
w. H. Edveataa aod vtata tata «wd
CaiM family had amval re­
... _.jvy li-------------------(toe tot towpleUon of wot*. Doe IM at tto Qrato Trarereo Replon talr
do Twsetay they ma muito la tto eltp tar li^
(Cooitaaad 00 ta«a «irM.X
>io be bald ta tto very ntof (utur







"2“'..........-......... ”"2:



' r;!SS'4ys»£tlSIl”TiM









tfMkii^ a toial (tf$r§0.

1 ®BaS^®3E«


i" p.^; is;.!

«e ,«

- re, ^


ffluas Tumm

am> ikiMift’UT uolc,





Rdwardarllle. III., Bept. 13.—A rooO'
umrai was ereeted here today to tbe
memory oT MnlaB Uwards. Ihe lerri-

OrsMlMd Laiwr WIII-^
■■A* Kwwn TMBon«w Ttirm
WAtklr H*wt LMWr of


dedication ocraiTvd In euonenkin with
ril the eAtebltahmehl
■he Uni ttMiSUluiluaal pivemmeot
llllruds. The nietiumeni Is ol OeortU
tuarhle and (Ireek dr.'iRn.

Beverly. Mass. Kept. H —Presidenl

WAS wuia nuK Eu



Sum his

•A toaamv Id the warfcl}- nevs let

Ui* AnerlcDD rMbrslkw of
Doundi a Ubor


«QMl aUag Is dven the Denocntlr

life Salnnlay

taken on information


mU PrscreMif* Ubor nUoke. *T«(l

bay. mar tbe liome of Jaiues-Rulierta.



frulii liaitle I'tvs-k with hi> (ainih

r l.y sp

The Ai.hdc In

lug ..Iiliiil,

alve any waroinr. Kiktirr was an
orphan and worked for Old Mission

Sttrfi Action.

di-ral army

in the north.


car ferries. Uefnre RQlnK be ThODKbl

•e. Ko.vs
».:,vs tl
that another.revolutlou dehe would Uke a farewell dip In the siihie.1 tor i:


Mailcro Is brewing. Atcordlns m thirumor. General Huerta,

Oeed Effected by Bi

waa made and hW i«dy round near
the'apol where be was laat aoen. DurInc tbe Bommer be bad betn worjtlnc
long like. Sept II -Mr and Mr*
vacalloh before laklng up bln duilt*
Cart KIrhardaon have moved
Ihe rarnerry. He was highly retheir new houae.
K. Ihirvea Ion a tine Jeise* row
dralh U generally mourned In tlie

New York. Sept. 13.—That U>e Hnll


We’re going at things to Close Onl aU r
Seasonable Goods
We’re Making way tor the fnlure stock

speejed hr all who knew him and hi*

pee Crepe.


Yes! $16 and $17 Suits for 10.50
Here is a Splendid Opportunity
while our Sale Lasts, Come*

When Flaber was missed a aearch enee day.

awaiF from here and came Iwck

Even PelHIes Caenet 8iep the Great




the ariipiiv ol Hi-

tlons.-«f an anti Madt-ro nature, many
Tbe para- shore from
ben Ibi
they looked a«ala b|
arrests were made here lodny Troo|><
ptacnella do both oBloea «a« netted (Mt. \Vben
were called out lo iialrol the cli:. ami
not in Usbt and
li U believed
when coming preparations made to snWue any out
horw OB Monday, Mexkan Imleiieitd
.bark lo the aborc.



was furnlsbed

resta Made lo Forestall

Vlixirr, r:i«,
tp-iutfhened h

IDK them (or some time.

men see era of


ley and MuH orrbeairs

Anti-Madere Oemonttralien is Looked

maida employed there m/ly In d*« the federal army In the north, will
Tbe offl- afternoon while they were doiog the Join tbe rebels and become their head
I-Lllwer disbes. They watrbed him '
cee aUgl *re ronT>r Julius KoowldeiMet i1
time and tbe leu they rem
loB^wTHanseD ’.and NcCrorey
~ '
weak oMposItloD to the relw-lr sirength
rea bare been luvealiicat- ber was eeelDa him wwlmmlDc to
ens Ibe rejion.
Fearins ^enionnra


cMiri-nthin here, at


and hwt Jl In si«cuUtiiip.


mine llitoiiell

’ (or. on Monday and Many Ar-

rmpjter ibe eonlesaloD of J. S. bay and went 'W‘® i*** water at
pure. He was seen by




believed ibal be
aas taken
imps and aunk wliUuui U-lp)i able

gineer on one of the Here Mart(uelfe

Grand iRaidda Sej.t. 13.—Two biirk
1 Bbopa were raided by die police ai

wurnen. wbleh is I..-.-.J.-L U. th.- Arch
Malta Aiiliiiriuta
TIh- iv.iii
i» Uixid.-d
.a.h i.f ,which |. in-.-rld. .;

Ills body was mtivi reO eariy In Ibe

(smillet for niaBV years.


gsn Oavelupmein tsm' This artl• le It euiltled. -Tbe Wulvortse Stale
nifi-ni KxiviKhMial Uportanlilen m the
AmblUous Tanner' Tbe article H II
instrmied ullh picture* which tell the

etenliue in si'«’U feci i]j water

bItIuuH and by dlllseDt study bad Bt■irbiiimiil bU uKjutoBiem to the
OMToetlaa of ibo evil of alHue l^JaD^ J. E. JohMon It Charpad WHh Em- led blmaelf Tor a marine enslneer.
beaxHng MLOO^Whleli Ha,Lorn
mm wmmm:. while WUud' bM Homo:
He' bad auceeaafully passed hli exam.
Latar Throuph Hia Specm
TOU teT* IlMM rtforwu.
The He
InaUon and .waa tu'bave left this
UUnp Campaign.
- .
HDbUcM^lPwty bu totAUir UMred
mumini; to lake a (w'ldilon at en­
Ubon AMUBde.** wars tka letter.

tw.JeD April a»d (be piwdaBt lime.'

Ftorv ut Ihe iruli Indasiry. In
inaula Frw>l.
^h-hlgsn country
(W ol the
views shown le a picture In the Dr
' tFiotar^y's Recordrayl'
Fleming Carrow orefabrd to tbe aortbII »y4fawk\ manager ol the
west of ibU ctiy .
l\£t'1ijlerr*t» XvAia'ih- Creek, k atop(arwuN^ waa tandaead 6ta
ping III TrwveiM* fii, for a fi-w daya.
atlll- lie IK All>i~liVaUlir the .litlllUIld- nirieials. who aiii nded tbe Man-abe*


noon arblle baibini; In Crand Traverse

Battle CiWh Man Interested in Pea-


1*hU i» (be keyoole of (he

1*11 poUOeal pnicrua U> be aoDumir

Th-ir apiJeaiai.en I. ,


on Penuinaula.


ureas sgect conimfitee. An-bdurbeas
Sits has a eommlllee In ebarge ol decuraHons. whae tbe Archdueheos Maria tbe peaiasala la AiwII and ba aow.-4eValeria and the rvuvhes* Hoheoherg slres It* note Ihe piugnas made berlarh of the arebduebesaew vrill be a»Tbe S»:-ember Issse of the pere
»I*ied by a prevOdeOI. vl.e preaideot Marquelie- UagaxiDe •Wains an Inand a roonril of other pronaaeai wo­ lermtlng ank-letrom tbe pea of D H.
the'Austrian arbux-mey.
Hsf prwideai of Utm.WMtern Hicht-

known dow A.r. Taft las no en
Dents for the (xjming week that

iu the •x>a^-»>

Uiaaiun. 8e|il tc—Janie* Fish
er, aeed St. wbi. has rejhled at Old

CharleniU. Ha baa
haa v|
TlqM tba l|arm and
am eFekards, and
er 'tbe lodxtngs for the delegitea. ibe nnrsday aftetttooD
ArebdoeheM Maria Teresa bends tbe tbe |ienins«la.,lhat Aw might ane tbe

aw at the bead of other txiiuniTuees.
of Papa piua

will lake him away frotu hU summW
I BurgMs .UM.

Misslun fiir Hie Kceaier iiaK of hi"


U Be PHtHive Yean Old

and already congratulallens are being
rerxlved on that event. He wax Uort.
in Cint-lDDBU. Sept 13. U-'.;
So far


flfvt. .13-

tr.vo- **

Thft win he M years old tomorrow,

(orUI aovernor of llliiwls. aad thee*labllahniFet of Kon KussrII here. The

(umiHs jKiaiTiGisa


tdesdat. sift,

He-haa no.-rrlulivyK

known, allbuugb be hud at limes

ed Butaa Is eo the eve Of an
unpKceAiwied prosperity wi

g^Uontul Mm Jam that b« had a sU
i*k-rmiasl Thu^uy.
ler niid^Ajml living aom<-wh,re. Fun
Mr* John Callagner hm* Wii qiill*opllliun voiced by p dos^ blK hiuleral serrlce*
giek fur Ihe iokI Iwu wi-r-kK. SIm- Inmx men on their nrrlral
kr -«Hti«ie betwMM S6 m4 M per Krou Prinr Wllbeim, of ihe North Joaeidi church ui Mapletun lumurruW allghtjy Uiipruvedai this wiiilug.
P ti'. hrt. Father l aucher
‘ «HA •< SU the Vnreeter DDchlDe bu>- German Uuyd line; Amonc Ihem wAv. momliig
A little baby girl anlvod one day
ds ulTlelaling. I
' m (rf'Jlu couatry. 7& per cent * ReflDald
last week lu iiiake her home wlih Mr
Vand^llt. Julius KnEle at Uapletnn
». Mower baslMM. U per eeot
and Mrs. Will KaM

B^nitt. of the Harriman lines: ('has.
, Mrv \Vm'Ktri. k.r has gone lo fa
lx. tta Mirtv twlee boeUee*. Mrf M Per B. Klllotl of the Phlllpivlne commit
aMtotAPe MlM o( aH Hpeeof r
disiia l»r a visit with retaiHi-s am
rlbn. and BrnnUyr l«eorge ii. Hblibs:
ime A^uiitMuU ebaniBD la lift snli


of Maaaacbuoetl^
KnillsvIiDlU declared tliat reiiuna
Me A vinual be has received from olfti4|ls of
enure of all nairlman linen keve no doubt i

Mr. and Mrs. M

raiiecM gu(
r MX oel>-

Prices of other Suits are Re­
duced in ^uie proportipii.
Be Sure to get Your Sharey,, ^

H Kenney nre lb

priMid iDreiits of a leii-iquii.l 1s>y, «h)

$18 and $20 Suits now $13,^
$22 and $23 Suits now $16,50

arrivnl Monday monilng
Hen Jlaria uf Wlllinnisburg sis-iii i

Ibe couDiry Is certain lo iiave a nrasl
t.-w- days Wiih the Auk.'noii Isos ihl
tfeat the:«taDciee ter dUtribut^lbe pnwperoui year'bheause of IhF i
One of .(Im feature* at the Bullous
retail. iDipleMeat AMtUra aad othera. per crops. He denied the re|orl
ly Heblllig and two ehihlrel
are ntpUly ooBilivf tuAer the «o«i- Ibe tlarrlman ilnea pUnned to expend Hay fair whirb Is on Ibis weak. «il
■lYaversd-Oly are vlsllipg at W
paajr> aadUpated roatiol. The pov- tU>.MO.OOe In tunnellni: tbe Slem

Boys’ Goods same percentage
of reduction.

Nevada mooiUalns. as tbe .aaln. be by Ibe We<u-in Michigan llevrlup- I* Keune* slhls we*-k
Ml-B llarel Welhorn. win. iias beer
Tbe display will alsj
aald. would not be worth the ei|>oiid' meni
the guret of h.T uui.i. 'ir- Carl f.iv
liiiiude |*liiiiugraiu> »( lU'nie uf
llure. .
- a few weeks, le'iiriosl lo to r Iuiph
farm sreitev ihrxMigli
Ihe Western
r Rllioll AecUred l
Kalamazou Iasi P'rlday.
A Inige poniuii|
the Phlllpi'lnes are In excelleivl shape MichbtaD terrltury
and that tbe luulvee are for the nwel of the apples wbleh Itare been nsvsl
part Industrhwi and well coniented In the paal lo made np tbe exbibils
«ith Atpeiiena methods of

I .

xnvera- of fresh fruit made by the l>cve!op-


maht >Ur Ibe lait two years be ha< ment burnu In oome of (be Urge cb
bean maklay an extended atudy cf £>- tie*, for Ihe purpoee of ailvn-tlslng
arid will repoFThls
qunlUy of our (ruli. b's
a to 1‘iealdent Taft a
from l*>elaiiBU eviiniy, and


erly nborUy.




will give the

Capitol aiuebcs have

' aeewed that there U bo room od (be
«awa Boor (or more aeata for the oew
mibera. wbea the bonae membership

Jaekhem.' Mlrh.. Sepi. 16,—The rfllliry eourt of Inquiry InstUuied by'Ma­

. BDperlDleoiteot
BUea S^CMda o( tbe raidtol buildias
fern la ftrax^Bc alih the problem.


invastUate the

tbootlail will be matle.

There will



The eonri will make a m»rt i






fair next week.
The exhibit being
under tbe Jotnl' auapirw M the fveOly Hoard of Trade

Vaaacia an (ieeat tSkss Mual be Fully
Washitunon, Hepi. 16- Heginnlnx l(>dav every iwseiigerwariying sieanier
Ihe Great Ukes must have lifelnai





I and ber three rhildren are .an
lodictment for amnll with In'
to kill, the Charne cTowin.1 out
of-lbe'ahOMIliK <d a deputy when
*ne«a aUamK to arteot DUU.

In all

■aarr to pronde
tombata. BecauaPof the late ad- Tragic DiHx Cass Will Be Opened
HfehoBt reqmreueots. toUowiiig tbe
imaat ml eobTiei Uat month, 8u
wpevk of the Tllank. all aiean
MnAaat Woods ears it .U s ph.-eownera were given uoill Seiuenilw l.‘>
Kan riire.
Reiw, U-TUr
ImpnartMllfT to rearraose
ivmiply with the new pivvlrious,
I at,aba booao chamber before term et eentt whlefa opened here In
I r*' (s-r c-m Of Ihe had
r S. It day inwmWs to be made muable by
to InMalliwl by July 31
It is pro­
the trial of the wife and three «-hlld
vided. iHvwever. ihal In ras.- .vf lake
of Jolin IMetr. wlKMe rtefeniie of
aifamera. th^faurita* of *ihe


LADtES’ and
wlih Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters,
Shirts, Underwear, etc,

newaat novcltiri

and beat xlylet.


> board, lariudtng

ed wide Btleaxioo two years ako. Mra

Wc’rc Ready for Fall


fruits Id glass at the Grand, Traverse

whether the milltlaiiuii) was jusilRed equipment
In Um killinc.
a Phambar U Sammed with deeks
adlAlr totetber. Reerraiuw: o( the whole floor and aUlea U


there will tie a gopd

be DO whhewaahlne. onlv an attempt
lo fti Ihe mionslbiliiy.- salyl Cotonel
Westnedge, the offPer i>reeidinK. Tlir
beariusB.are to be oiwn lo the imMle.'

Hamiltoh Clo. Co.

Michigan no opportunity to

Tei opt^eoi bureau and tbe Traverse

k IBM-Baaed from SSI t(^4SS members. jor A'andercook
Maivh < iiaAer tbe reecnt
That U li Impoaitble to prorlde
4Mk room oa tbe Boor (or tbe


____ Tbe BpiJi
caal; •'Ind.'ed. rlr. 1 afn'e putblug O'
tba BortiLoBtlon Staudard.

metlmda that aiV uaad in advert Ising

almllar exhibit will be made at' ihe
WILL INVESTIGATE KILLING AT Klngaley fair, tbe latter |«rl of tbe
ffreseot week.
It Is expecled that

WbahtHEton. 8^. IS.—Camp etooU
tetead of maboteoy tmts- ehalra mar
HsaA^-WIII be Open te Public
be tbe oEt«Ml aeeta In the
Jf^uI] Details Will be
Sraae for tonrodd aew membeia e(
') the boaee.

Smions Hay

people of that portion

Datb Spwce aaA Time Laekinp to ProvlAe fee OreM llMreaaa


Whara tba Court trrad:
Complaining at Tower bridge of bar
kubiPd'B conduei with two otbet
*woman«lria.~ a wife waa told by tbs

The Real
Heavy Knit
writh Byron and Shawl Cellar*.
6r the mcbivun aed fm* weave*,
in all Ihe dificernt alylei of 'eellarw and weave*, in Mgroon.

Oviord. Tan.

li isn't -n liii too earh 'o think of F.ill wearables—liable
to get a spell of loi.'i weailier'aliiiost any day now—and
when it>omes. you want lo be prepared.

A Good Sweater

For ladies
For Misses
and Children

Meu’s Sweater Conis .
Boy’s Sweater C«»ais
Juvenile Sweaters
Men’s Jersey Sweaters
Boys’ Jersey Sweaters

mix. f •
Ituctfag ibe anmmm- oraann. May .16
I Sapumber li, the lltoboal rawrity
> lake wteamerw osiv ha* to be eqia!
, S« par eoat U aU pamcmi oa boa^.






heovy and fcNdfali «v«ol
arfge*. eaaaWr*i and fancy
<*«eatrda. worth HS.OO and
• 16«. at

HEN'S SUtTS-Wgh grad,
in every way—onAy the n«bbieat pattern* m Hi lh«*e

rKFd garn.rnts ti< now vOd Utv olv.


: life tWtn or apiwovrd call^ll^

All g«od. n'fly Myla* and


is just iJie rioiit i^iinnvm for almost continuous use from
now on We re siiowiiu; ;t -limdy as.sortment of :ilf kiiid.s
for Me*t^Boys uihJ ciiiMreii,


Na^. etc.'


Tr.f •«TOPt4





lou—worth up to SKOO aad
SMJ». at

$13.65, 16.50,




.r .v-'.-S'-'* :•

oiAiDSUTBnnauis urn luvnn mt smu. rrasDAX skpt. it, ins.
Ud poWlr alt*sllMi. Ttw ar« Pria^
Anhar af OeBBajwtii.
Ktu Oewse o( Or««t Brltala. and
Prinr* Haarr o(
ika 0«>rmaB amparar. . NrtUac Priae*Aniiur nor Print* Hanrr 1*
«»r .to Jam
bar* -aararal . .
Klnc Bdwart to tealov (K* iMloU
or tta« Order of Iba Oartar apoa (bai
Eoparor Mocanbito, wblU PHora
(leai? or PnuBla baa t*k« rtaliad Jam la hla «a|iMlty aa an oCtoK ot tb*
Oarstaa aarj.
in addiuoD to tboaa nanad
eun aoTora mandf dlaUnculabad rap^ rodxm iix wecK* of na- raaaouiivaii-or iba a*ar of Ri
««Dparor of Aiia'rta Hunury. Iba king
lialy. tha king of Btadn and itaa
iKMldaai of tba Franch rapublic.
.^Tba toraUn anvoya. ai «*U ni
lb die tnaaral
oaaaion. win mnreb on tooc Cnninged
I wni be uaed only to mvay Ibe ainprwu. ttfe dowager emprena nod the
liHnrroKea of Iba blond. Tuklo'a mil
llnna and great .rrowdu of vlnllora
from Ibe provlnraa will Una Ibe i
of Ibe prooeiaioB. which .will aun
from the main enimnca of tba palare
and proceed by waj of tbe new rand,
A vho «oit on Jnly ^0. tbenca lo the rigbt nlong ihe monl,
»0I bo­
ihroogh Iicbltalwaicbo and ihance
on tbe Aarna parado crotuid. Tbe In- ibrough Omoiemrhl atreei nnd into
tonDont inil loiloir ai Woiarama Ky- the-pnrnde ground, where n laiTr
' Ola. wbena an aaiaia baa boon pnr- buMding ba* beaai e«i>erUlly
rbanad ^ lb* Unportal bow^ld a*, Hirucl'ed in which .10 boU Ibe fonernl
tbe alio of (bo Inportal
Tbo royal oboagalea will ba a
, atagolfteMi iribnip from ibe propla of
Unela Cara tiya '
Jbpan airi tbe powar* of tlio world lo "II dost uke mere'D a gill nr eCort
. tbo naiwry of tbo' Into ^nporor. It to git ftrika into a peck of treobto.*'
wUI bo tbe BKMl numaront ataom and a little^ DeglM of cona^Hoa.
' bUc* of. omloooi ronraoanintlraa of
ml mil d< ■ ba same. If
' ferrtgn iolora erer brpngtai togotber ailing, uka......................
a Dr Kini Na^ Ule iqtit
' IB thla eoantry. Tbe United Stateo lor qnii'k reaului. Rcav. aafa, awe.
baa aaot PblUndar Knox, aolcrotary of end only IS cento al all drufglaiita ol
Traveroe City.
' Kata, ibd aandlok of wbonwa inch a
BUalon ta nndBatooA U> ba wliboat
procudent In Iba falatory of tbe graat
ABorlcad republic. That Jam oop
dhll) apprecutao tba nauaual au^
uay baa>ooD crldaiim by tbo inarliWhen V««i aro Oowbled Up
With crnmiio. pbolant morbu*. rlienod oordWIty with which SMraury
Knox and bU party bar* boon every- atlam or plearla>. mhi na«-d a bollle
wbero rotselved olnco Mr an(vg| in Oil.,.' II give# reHaf. Ii-1« a powerful
l•JD•IUIIer. Banea rfaenmallam. nenTwo olber foreign envoya of note ralgla.aiMWIn* and all inlaraal aii,1 e*na.
lUTo atiared equally wlib Seerotary idCoal achea and mlnu. Price
^r bottle. Sold by American l>n«
Kuk aa redplenta ot oineld


|i imitTic JwiMrM



^ ^ To Our Gniomen.-—
' We wish to convey to yon in theee ftw
worts QUi; appiecintion ot YOUR
apprpeiabon- of onr oameet effort to futnlib you,., the PAST, YEAR, a near,


Gonverllble bito Cash
! One of the email iavestors' pitblls is
{ Um difficulty of realizing in cash prompt­
ly. or indeed at all, on many of the invertment pro||cte offered him.
A oertUlcatt of depoat means just
. whet It says when it promises to repay
; on demand. It will be received ps cash
par by any bank or businese bouse.
As.a good every day investment for
large or small sums, this method has
the double advantage of safety and con• vertiblUty.



^ UDdoCootrolofiiwaS.Tre«w,

Gel RM oi Your Stamps. Use

To Do It

“AJAX"i ike most powerful dyna­
mite on the miuket today, and the bestand
chcapert way lo get rid of slumps is by
using it.


■daalcw bad no my taak betorv tben*.
Saearol leeaUitaa ted bats rtaliad and
In each Ittataaec iba midenu of ttei
UHnity eenM aae if ao-otber war than
ibai tberc waa~lba Ideal toentbia for
Ibe permaaent camp of the Kiel


tu '%nal report wonld do no wttboui
fror nor favor. Tbe locoUooa preamt
ad ted many commandable faainrei
and TraTeroe City was tadeed a teou
UM dty.
Ctpc. H. A. RM* of UitalU apoke
t -nw IdanI Camp ate From a Saul
tary Btandpuuii' |i maat have good
dsataag*. The aurroondlngi miu
beMihful. Here wa taml. be Ml
bmliby rllmaie. tavlgnratlng air and
a beautiful roupity. Thta-ani
every Inch of Available TerrHary Waa Oral vlalt to Traverse City. Ur Icnnd
It aU It bad ba«M pictvM. Tte b'ca
Oena 0*«r In MinMo Detail
ttan pmenied a*e«-d to maer all or
by Ante and ea

mt mn m m




At Ibe Prices we now


tiled U|M>S Cbi

■rtmni. tel (
make aome apt remarfca.
CapI ,Per«> f^Uerron.of Soull Ate
Marie loM wbai ce«allcgte4 an “1^1
Range for Rtte. gad Aani*ry.~ It wa*
a vary able prraentation of the aubJect.,

■It* for tte Micbiatn National Onnrd
left on lb* 10:40 O. R. A I. trnln to
Inypoci n •lie In Raacommon eottniy.
Ttey nc*B much pl*«a*d wMb Trsr*nw City nnd feel itet 111 bn
Qepti* 11. Ct«* tH the local naral
and rlimM AT* iBtarMtUd. Th*«p ^rWpdSMIMStfaqRlbe relo^a of tbe
•ppraciaikta of tte boripItnUiy nbewn
I who had *pokm calling
I daring lb*lr vlcli Imro mi bant- auenilon
lly «iprMMd by nil of tb»mi
City oSered
Ideal place for a camp alt# and mai
I* morniag tefor* tanvlng, tb* ver ground from tbe aiaDdiMlat ot tbe
_._bm wot* very klndb *bown vartou* need* a* |>re*eatad by Ibe
Airougb lb* NofttaMw Mlcblgan tao*plUI by aop*riol*bd*BI J«B>** D. MnnR Floyd Citacb. who waa preaent.
■OD b*for* thrir dnwrtnr*. Gi
wa* aiked la make a tew remaVk* and
.MeUnrrin, who Iwtb* rommandj
railed aitenllon te Ihe teneKlt te be
ih* Mlcbicin Soldier*' flout* >i Umrfd darlvtd from a aley in iht* ^on. clt
Rapid*, bopc* to hat* InslalM In tte
boat* ronm of ih« Iniproremcaii of
which. onr inailiotloB bond*. They
tlllule* Ihe vacation of many ol
w*r« very faroribly Irapmiard wlib
yonng men tl l« very dealraPbIhal tbeir work |iq Moac In a <vu
mnnity with tte brnctag Mr ami
a nicuibt-r of lb* itta* m*dknl board. henllbfifl ritnule offered by onr <
Til* CDunilmlon looked over iMd ■y<
aralUblr for mnaeutera and illte
Tte UMttanaier in dosing thanked
soutbwe*i of the city. A «ood Idan of tte Udla* for the ffne aprted of (te
tte ment lay of tte tend conld te evening, and .Mr. IVnalngton. the
hnd from auio*. which
I of tte bQ«lne*e men lor ib.
to epT^ eolwirfernbi* ground. In ad­ evening, foi th*^ very enjoyable neon
dition aoiue
bout agent by fbe roniniiaolon and
Innneb and tte party pkktd op b>
ulnae at the Hotel Inlerioebee
anio after eoreriog *oBie of the terri­ Pollowtag tgla all preaent reiwlred in
tory op foot.
Ue ball aboje and mei ibe mllliarv
It wa* » bungty crowd that Snally
e itmiriilwalon left the IniprewRlon
touted it* way Ibrougb the virgin -pine
aurroundloR tbe Inleriocben reoort that Itey-wfe very lavorsbly tnciincwi
towards Traverse CHy a* a Incatioii
tor lb* alaia ramp.
exctoitmiona of delight at tte plenatag prqiPWA froitatte vwnndn ot tte
tante and eomlortabla -tetet. teeUlng
wtei I* pnciicallr tbe only tract of
Nuptial Event.. Waa Calabrnud at
■•toe left In lb* eoulbem penli


nWi Ctewdar
Brooed tete,Trout, LaoMta Butter
Potato** a ta PnriilaaBe
Roan Spring Chleken BtoRad
Loteter m ta Newterg on ToaK
Cdni Pihurt. ktapla Syrup
Tomnloe* With Maymintae
Mashed Potaioe*
BeUad Potato)
Bultared Beau. Wax Banu
Steamed Pnili Puddtag, Lemon 8«m
Apple Pie
Biuabenr Pie
New Cngtaad Pntapkln Pie
Vanllta lee Creea
Whipped Cr««a Cate
Amerkan Cheeaa
Cottage Chaw
U»k . .
Bererni Of tboae preeant nia alnady'
punning to vtalt the hotel with their
tamUlea nest nenaon.
Poltewlnrihe meal, aome of ihe buaInea* men would have preferred iios«i) have amoked their cigar* in Ihe
ea*y chair* under the plnei. bui the
waa limited and away the |uirl>
wa» whirled- ,
A living example of the reiuti of
living In tbe (imnd Travene region
teen In Mr. C. P. fuller, the
l-anager men found it hard lo follow.
_Th* banquet aerved hy Ihe ladle* at
tbe r. 8. P. 8, ball In the evenlag
r tbe htad for which they are tamou*. Cenatn li U that ihetamptlog
array of food wa* baartlly pqrukn
liygboeeaoaembled. It wa* a r«q<rvweatatlve galbering ol
the bn*lne*> men of Traverse Ciiv. An
■tn furolahed music during the
Following the hanqnet. John R
Santo, who had been arlecled a* loaalr, itreilded. dWayor \V. ». C.
line wa* to have been (here lo
deliver an addrea* of welcome, but
uiuhle lo te |>re*epi, lo hi* ab
*eoce. Jndge Wm, H Cmlor extemled
a fEreetlng on bebaU of (be dty. In
■be conr*a of hb rMasrk* he idetured
of ite things that nature baa,
don* for our regton.
Joseph Rleder. pretideni of Ibe Bus
Inea* Men'* awtclsllon. weliomed Ih*.
gultbed gueala In bebnlf of.ite
teamen. He meailnned Mtae el!
tte dealrnhto feteHret of tte gli«e rieHad dating tte day.
W. r. OtlklM, pretideni of tbe
^rd ot trade, apok* on batelf ol that

Omena. Sept, i:.—One of the nota
le weddlnga of Ib* rurrenl arwaon
aa lhai which occurred ai tb* North
At collag* y**terday at Wgb onon,
when Mia* Amy XUen .^rthcott.
■tar or M-Ri*ul. Gnrarnor Wm
A. Northedt -ed SprtngSrtd. 111., becbe brtda at WMtar George Alpnngb of WiUlainaotl^ Com
RdT. O. P. agTgebi of-Bartle Crwk
pniMMng Iba eerealtaay Tb^corelo tbe beautiful gar­
den at tte eoiinge. ReUtivea and
frionda from .Ml over the rouniry
were In aiieudsttce. smong them bdliig
Ite brtde'a «
r fm Smuh AW.W
B’addltig tRoamiu i
aerved at
tte OAa. nnd'ta
snit'ta the late afiernoos
Ite bridal eouiae iefl for a kbon wed­
ding trip, atlrr which they wlU return
moetb'a honeymoon
before returning to tbeir aoutbera

Cbariavela Wilt Hava Balante
la Tnaamy.
Tte Weaiern MletHgan Deveinptnent bnreau' ha* oecured four pboloffnpblc view* of tte CliBrieroIx
county fair, which tdoaed It* galea
Ka*i Jordan la*i nlfbl 'Tbe**
vlewa ibow iba mriona phaaes of
the talr which ba* proved to be die
•Bccroatnl ^ the hldory of Ihe
roaniy. ^(er than S.o>ni people
on the'ground* on the i;ih and. the
total gate reretpi* were *o large that
agricultural neclety win teve
I with which to erroi new build
Ing* for Belt year.
What Wa Navar Perpat
according to adeat-e, are the ll
-iated whh onr early bouiv IIP-,
each aa Hurkllti'i Arnlra Salve. i>i*i
burna. ImlU, iK-nld* eorvw.
erppilnnt. ruta. apralna ur b-til-r*
ly year* otVurec prove na merit
ivaled for pile* ...roa or i„>d«. Only U cvoia ai all dniggln*
'raveroe Chy

RM* cf irawteltag Um i
oMwWhltebMw^ Bew
•am*.'la omR g bnabtel

♦rolHa le Pooltry.
People wbo lunke money out of
lb* tlualnig da>« of the war .of 'SI to chickeo*. diK-fc* and other fowls *|wak
highly of Ibe condlilonlng and faiien•«5: moke Of tbeir .pppUcniioa'io pree- tag
eunlltles of HARVBU.'S COMtltet day luedb nnd walooated tte' JION POWDER. It makes youag
CMM or the-evnntag.
, jj
Oen. Wjm. T. kteOnrrtn apoko ea;
“Tte Idem Slta for Mnnenreih.'
'“JuM It. Price » m. per p
bta remaiha te ainied that '
by AJOerieai Drug '



Hainilton Clottiing Co.
MOTir*P • On accouDE oT Hebrew Holidays, this store will cIom
iNkJ 1 IVaC • Frjday.Sep20.at5pmandopenSaturday.Sep.21.al6p.m.

comma to the fair ?
Of coarse yoa are'. Yoa uoaUa’t miss it for a lit. Yot
tetter combine batiaest with pleosare, and plaa lo io.yoar FoH
Tra£ag al ike same Imt. Oar Fall stocks are largdb Ika eter
before, and prices are most attractive. SPECIAL PRICI^ ALL

You must see our great display of Ladies', Miaaea' on^ Children’s R^y-toWear Apparel. Dur Remodelled Depertroenu and the Aacondnuing of our
Millinery Department has given us added space. We'noir have on di^lay one
of the best assortments shown in Northern Mkbigan.



Jaunty new styles in 'Chinchillas,
A complete showing of the newest
'Caracul. Plush. Boti^e. Mixtures, etc. styles in separate Skirts, in Cheviot.
More stylish Garments, and better Serge. Panama and Mixtures, and
wearing garments cannot tie had at our popularly priced at—
prices. Ladies' Coats—

$2.48, $2 9S. S3.48 ap to $648

$5 98 to S35
Plain tailored and fancy cut models,
in blue Serges, Cheviots and Mixtures,
the Season's best offerings. Spedally
priced at—


Velvet. Corduroy. Cbarmeuse, Serges,
all in the very newest creations well
,made, perfect fitting dresses.
special values at

$12.48, $15,517.95(0 27.50

$5.95, $7.50 up lo $18

Better prepared than ever to ht you out
Complete line of Men’s,WtHnen*f
and Children's Shoes, in the new
with ii Dandy Suit.
Kali Styles; in tan and black, but­
Men s winter weight suits, well made, ton and lace, that are not only at­
serk'iceable suits Special value at . fSW tractive in appearance, serviceable
and comfortable, but tbe bek
All-Woo! Blue Serge Suit, good tailoring, values to be had in the city. Come
new styles. You can't beat tnein at. ,$8»8 and get fitted here once and you
Wr|-arry ilie <el-'b:ated A.B. Kirsclibmiii will always return.
CloLiies. the highly advertised nnd most depemlable ciotlung made. Every suit guar­
Join our Hoosler Club. It willanteed to give satisfactory servire, or your lie started next week. Full pfirtimoney^back ; prices from......... ttSlot28 riilnrs later.
See our H ^ ier
Cabinet Display at the>Fair. Our
Boys' Winter Weight School Suit, gooil make Furniture Department will make
and wear................
. _.............. 91.39 special prices next week to Fair
visitors. We ask you to inspect
Boys' Heavy School Suits, with two pairs of our
well-assorted stock, whether
pants...................................................92.89 you purchase
or not

----------------- _____________________________




ef pure wWle for pcaee aert jiarttr.
h<ti voTk wm arleBaM. cearTtaa
Mt "jii
ihxl srent leH-et: «rMe!i rxnn <<*•

....................... ......



Ootta. mbst of ahleh «ere deaerlbsd
ia fall a fe» dafs a«a. la th> •oats
aere uMnkrn «f Ualliiae Ul«e Xo
I-.e •■r'
»S, a sood lUed de>e*aiicn; Cadillae
Iron ittan to flntoh
Kite Xe: set. Deantian Hive No 4IC
I pan er the woik. klia.^OeiUe HodSe*
ef lOBKAay. TraeanaO'y Udle« No
!-ar tUnpater a*ve a lonrhlnr. treaioHal
Tl'. Hive No. iJi, Jeanlnx* Hlre*.Vu
]aMr*vi. Wa>l<- for the aervlev tn>
TT7. betl.les the Amertean Ileuuti
^ ■ fanOaM b> a quartet of slrir.
tlcal. carrMnc the drill drls, ami the
Holden Bee float ailit little clrls. Tbo
'] luHad p( Mi»- rraneem Hiiri*.
ilsltir.x ?lr Knixhis walked. There
I meat eoroBiftaO^. vho exi>ertea
were fonr bamU. Iraverme riiy. fadbar*. Ike U4lM*'aruer ol the MaWa«aa mpraeanteil bv jlr. laabolle
mar. TtistiD and klrttain The tUv
depart mam made • AoM ahowlai. and
. Huldanv lodie i>hnMaii. of i‘orl Ru: ron in ntaklaa an aaniae for her
quite nolloeabU- »-aa Hie "Vdles lot
VVuno^" acloinfMI" tuiil.r di-eurats.l
laalead 5e»,tW Oreat l^v
a lien she raid. 'The iromcu <
•ai.fthai »he •as
}ello« and wWte. '«• «a* the I'r-v-1:
t>r. HoldatB -4
- r
r i!\e vote so the> ran Iielp
The iwll doM the work of reIoadm< «pdjgecttn<
aitiboioHle. alib
IVulaha\> ,II
es, fill..alter.
71,0. wetaan ci>uW do jurlhlue aitioammie.
toul.l not »«<
Th.yJoB't want .ID hold •itriee. driiiua. E
want to belietbe men. be- Haiuabn ii^rs!ials of the das
ttid l^tnu jm when i tTtime to
illae Hie loMi iiewl tbam”
The lore part of the attmiooii «
You can never <ct in a ti<ht pw«c—.-c •
rce.:, Mr* llarrtal -M^laniaoo. aho ha*' ilevoiea to alblellr siatl* ami .the
do<>. EKh shot strikes a one ton blow.
- - entv«la-tu;. inlet
jBP ki the elt.v Sr the |a..t four «atla on llte say. The W* Idikln.-vs
Simple a;tiea—«b
mted in the work and ba-.ftovetl
heliiinB In the work ol ilie <«B-,meeMn« was held af « ..'cloil.,
okiri eaptelaial Um
Travsere City that Mrs. Uiirns moh! j seBtAtn. la a tea noil .-hosen words! This altenioon at three oVIoek the
ijE RiSc-. biiiwinti.
net do heller ikatt elalm Ifi aa ai,han!<e.i the rliy for the eoimeK) ex- band eoniest was beid on the street.
ffOTibirton-L^C'MaUBic Cartridr* ‘ conAme the
^.-r sinee she has been
'wbep three rash prizes W'ere awarddd
durtV Ijte
■' * • vriodty.widi die polea iKrahog aeosacj-.
the wtoneni
save uevetwl
Maie in aS caSbfes for every tubdard Erearm.
eonvetiilon. .’lie fraee me I.isi eveu- thank the little rills who car:- Ihe
AI K eVloek winotvurthetneelhiR ill
Whea Htmit^on-UMC caitridee* *« usedsaUitWT drill, the said that never tn Macaebee hall, where addrettSe* wlR'
'die ana m eueruteed to the fufi extent of Ae
her I xperfenee bad she *eeti rleer be niaile by the itreat (Mtnp offleerv
I who heerd her.‘81ie said that the Mhrs wcrli and theeredll w-as doe the llllle and local offleem. fDlloweff by Ihe exmtai^uref'i euwsBlee.'
caber ladle* wefo the lirst order »o, lIvlA rim Rl^*eicbiren In miniber. rtiiidlfliaiion of the rilnallsjle work by
intanite a uon«n’a Order for the pnv nrr-tbroe drlHfc. eae ai Z oVlork and Ihe IMdlllsr degree team.
Ry^onAfwUawn MetaUk
iwktn of women. “Manj of oui'jnetn OBe at 7. on ib« -elrteC and ibea tq
Tiie foHowlne Rrand officer* are in
bars do not Hand by the order *«- siwtlal reqrwm xhey reirealed the altendanee at tbe toaVvnih:':; f.ieiil,
<»ou.H« rnouRh,- she aald. ■'Tbey work In the hall at the eonrlrulM Ol Oonimander f II. Thurias. HariAj*.
ttrand Krtiftr s fl. Vfti.-itns el
ibe .|troKi«nl. It Is nm rfiea yoniix
ways. They aiieec^ed tn caHurln*
wboih ihni* know will do ii IkJD'l peqdle entry a'lhlar om as. well a- IlelJxilt.
■Iwui all the pilte* offered, in ih.
lorrel ihoi iheonler i-annot lt\r ati-l they did. Their work was iwifet
<Ob^miaHm pan one.)
Ibrhe imleK* we wbrk In unison. H
nlthimcb tiiere v.<-re fourteen dll
'■'♦nt to memorlnl drill l>tif hMl float lo the imrade. amt the Is-oi ran oiiK exHt l» iiTiilrlnt wort:, whli It fereiii iMilenp-uts ftiev lu-ver niiee fo(
.on bv Klossley ludusirlal Hire No. •howlDK. In (he atteiiiuon In a mi-i sunds for ii.miial Ueueftl.'' hire pi" ccl <8 eioti and all worketl loseihrr
41«. and to heat the prosrutn whirh IwtlUu- fancy drill they took the prlie. dieted the .oiulns year n's-the bi«e- IniiHPUse VTOWds on the slreei
koowii In the MaeeaW.urikr
and their work last'evenirdr In thon-e She merely tom lied on the siKIffrap. wali hed theta, sendlnr up frequent
maital drill wotilrt |iare taken tlv qqesUoir. yet o|>ened a biK Held ol rherr* for !h* . adlicleni worli. -Mrs
tliielah. MIeb.. Hei*.
WllUai<i*on..assiaied hy ladles «f th>
priie anAihnre. A.^faet that abows
in favor of the vote for.wo liKwl lilvew. Iiad eharre of the wtK^k.
I'untinue* to flow
ttial they are rroVea^lve and eaitmtltUiW ■(ftvtd rrom Ham*.’-,
Hty at ftowd's
Brtrt-yftr. la loaio pnru of tk« aslle Is when U is known that those
1 Tht Man WAo ffuecavff.
lIuwliKc well wai
vas-edl-enil.v drove. ;■
''eONBITr. tbcunindi are drlien rnnii whn eomimsed the drill teani*.
a* head*'of lurite enler|iri»* an> met
feet tleep’ and wiili fnrm eitoiikh
Umtr bqniea by i-nuxhs ami Iiiiik dli- IhouRh they Hie miles nimn. h
Ilf rreal em ryv. S.uc.rns. totIay. de
1.1 throw water 17 f.wt the
mands heahli To all 1* to ^ It's
trootlawed from nave ehe 1
(Mthered tor the (ntniose of iierf-Tt
litter folly for ■ man tn ofnlite 1. was carrl^ out ) altoul as riren Kroutid Twi> liarrels, one for wai.their
a.lwam sure. A hots
weak, niii-dow-u. Iialt ulive ounditii ::
wlih (iverflow. and the oiImt fur rwtai im-e-th» war of mintUiideM' u to show n , last evenlijs. The when EhcrU' npltrii will pi.t nl;e c:i in the offltdal prouram primed tester storace. fiirnlslies ample livht I >r Ih . iim Or. KUis'a New Ulsrorery .and drill Is vef] linprMxIve. It Iwin honor
ordtH., -l our iwttb't da.v. Caha went ocropled by Brand
' em -yMrarit M nwoo. dtsiy rlshi of the dead sitters of llte t filer. In
I B»ad'ui-.>n any o:K^^ i>meer*-of the Blr Knlrhis. rrand offi hwllriiiu;. ,The cas Is i^ lt *> and ua
ibMW 'wiUr roiir (rtmds, and mice ibis
r write# .'Tuis
l^dy Marcalieeii. aud loeal of
. sale Mdtdne. Thrtmt and Ians ttni tbeir niemorr a .ihrine Is arranted In
"After .'-ears
llelUK Biul Slterbnmk Itave l«uahi
bleaI uouautties
fliuUqulek rr
toller und bealtli rie Ihe pcnier of the linil. und «IMi w'onls
siifr.-rlliE r.iili cheii:ua‘l»;ii. Hvw Si-^n. A ffeature was Par’ {'omniand a Im near bi and arc dilitJziRa ihrts
h.Ui lo' of lore', and reverenee ntmii It. ate troiihle, vtoiunrh disorder* and de
....Aa.-e4isA<df>tn-----sons In Btireeoiif
CTPOP. .wboopins-eoiuih i
raiiyed Sidneys, I uni a.i.'iin. li.rnks ndie*. ear'vinc the foer hniinelW. "As inrh shaft In ho|iea ol securiUE a larct
........................‘-lie bleu
lu Kleeti.e lltpeis somid ami •.v.y;i'
e." 1 tit »U|ipI> of iiaiuml EOS. They are also
acaiiei-foT lore. Mne for HioiikIii nnd Try.tbeoi. Oqly .’A reins at alt drfil .e., rwMn-. and
st.ldlers and Mne No. S weie ^n hursc’ about to oi>eAa hardware More In the
rra¥«.-.e fJh*.
or*. rIMet for aomw nml lilies rlsu bi Trav«ne Cii'a
‘ii!lMin.4 .they iturehS'e.!.

Scott’s Emulsion

, SSWSriJ.^aL*




BREAD and Pastry
Geater Value lor tbe
Same Price. i
Surely it's worth while Ip cboose
Credent Flour for your ■
bread and psslry. ■

It’S Guaranteed.

: ^ PlEttEB Viri SIIW»6 MUE

601118 tfliiiS •

■acb Ki'“i-.Kar.-;.'ic:

. •

Voigt MllUna Company

Money to Loan on Fa^s
w. p. crotSer. E
Scr9.lmo Wlinelra Bdo, Traverse aty, Mlea.
Let the Herald and Record Co
do vmir'Joh Work.

1 "W* '.


k This
1st Over


•lit! Cheek items yoa
jftrt lolcrcsted lo 00
yoa «voBl iMvci—


Gloves and Milts
fur Coats

Oil Ctoltalng
Rata Coats
Snll Cases
Sweaters '
r. i,-. •' •


or attend t/h^.

—your-ciQithes ^ould be right. And you may be thankful that
there is a Store in your midst where you can get clothes with all
the snap and dash you want—rin the most refined, becoming form.
The fact that our clothes are ^urirtll Sranh QIlotl|e2 insures diis.



Traverse Qiy. Sept. 23 to 27ih



AVM BDuaj)'imj«AVM «JT UI^
Use. reitaned to her botoe la KaV tamed bOM todar altar atteallin
baaka udap.
tha Maceabea teerneUc!;. .
a O. J>attl(b aM «lMk Whn have] Mo. PMar WwiMi of Martbpi
(OonltaMd Iroa pace Ura».i
bcM riidtla* wRb mtaUree la Um eUr attendad tba Mnocnkee eesraKloB
ihM «1U friend*. Ml lU* iwnlBC for the paat two waaka, ratacnad U cMoander of the Morthpott htdca
for PMqnknr '^>4 ^ «u>
tbalr boo. at Hichin. CH, todar.
t. ihm and wMa. who ha'e.
R. P. lid—a -Mo Ma bean ta the bm rWUnc la tba cHr for tbe pad
tlNlr>an/d>i|bee.Ciwedt. .
city f$r tba M «aek ea baatnaa. weak ratomed to their benw at New
■iMw'lM M aiflnc «• rawmad la bM Home at UaaM totbU
a vMk’a Mm ttlp uCMUIae and
L '
I C. if Nltaa rMumad to hla bant
OfMd ItppMt.
T. K. r,
i>r*aaoB and fatOjr.-who ,t Maakacoa thl. oomloB after
C. 14
aM wMe. M hare twee Mwadlac lb. aamser -i-^ew daj, fa the ettj on b«lr«hare ha«» r-Mlolt In ^ aH; for awn« ’ Omena. rettned ~ tbalr b«u»r
------ ^ M. BaM and oMhar left tbb
tla. «Mh Mnad. and relailre.. r<v
uomtw for Mro.1*. -here be ha*
turned 10 lhalf beae a Oireao toiar.
burned u> ht* home In a podtloB a( the aiwleny m tench
W. 0: *e»n rewrnia » Me home M.fltaad Baolda toda) afiw a abort Use Mia Rowom Brown bawa pan
few daya
dara fa
la the
ihall",** e»t»*.oo Ifaetaow.
UMoia lullllaar} and wlU
' ntai today after a faw
----bora onUI KereMr.
tFrom Krldaj’a Record i:aclr.>
FfnMi ffl*—la-i, llnitnia aaar
,•44 <F/bayohn. wba'baabaat|
a^anCfac tba anaunar fa ttao dty aad a JaabaUa Haldain of Port "
tba l^alnit New* ol Petooke}' 1* bere
at tba aaarby mworta. ratnmad to hit aod Urn. Harriet wnaanuoD of Grand rUltto* hi* anal. Mr*, a Cmfa. oi
Eapb*;, Bare coo* to Not#*-porl to Ponrieaalb atreat.
hoOM to Chteac* today.
| d. o. Palmer and wll*
Mel vlau) Idra.. Claranca' been af i
noRtinx far MU—roi
, -bare Ibev will ititt lor a few nr«kf
in tbe oMy
I -trieada and relt^.baa beep apeadfac a. few dai*
d ralatirea.
w whe ha| baan
fare. L. r taamfeed. wha Baa bean]
tlota. left tbia
bbt« vfth frlaoda for aona^Mra. O. M. Oaipa all of
t. rt-^ tbe dtr far m

The Qppeslle
Hotel WUliiig

Traverse CHy,






Mter Offering Extraordinary
Fall Suits $16,35, $19.75
and $24.75


tii|^inax in vnloes of the better grades

Navy aod Blacki Men's
Corduroys, Cheviots and
all have guaranteed Skinner satin or the new Belding lining.
' The Ooats are semi-Nocfolk or plain tailored 32 inch—the skirts slightly
ir axMl niim highly tailored Uian usual evan for Suits at tne regular price

cildicis wliUe they last, $24.75
Vaihes up to I244M wlU be - $19.75
$iitts iipto$20.00wUlbe • $16.35
. -




Nearly a case o( coats
pot aride from Wednes­
day to Saturday last on
our offer of 20X savings
—a payment down—we
boM tUl October 1st if
you wl^.

ShcUinis. ZMliMg
WrTrtrtt* «■«

the sellers
^ posted—look around
then make your seldctiog
i^ere the Stort Cut Is
right aalectioD of a Fall
Coattosd the short cut
is MHiiu d^ndsble
goodRjrles are undeni­
ably liii|gd^ Prices I
iBc 1*w«M i»r

qBWniF* employe*

All Um let® Ma in
!l*f*‘*l’.*"* IPy**' UncUnawi, New Uireo^iuarter Norfolk*, io Red, Tan. Copen.
wwi 19^ CM Plaids.

Ttie BARNEY Co?•

IDS for wiu be tor
A few dB)i ou banfaca before (rtomfac to bl* boBM at GfMd mpMi
S C. KMr tall «Mb oomfat oa
few dor* bBofaaw Ulp «o MaalBtoB.
F. S SprfaiM Mta wifa. abn boro
been vtalUac fa tbe'eMy lor tbo im*t
week, retwnod to tbeir borne at LeverfaC tbl. nerwtDs.
e. F. HpM retumod to Mo bom« «l
Albav.S'. Y. iblH Bomfas after
few day* lo ibr ciiy oa buslaoat.
J. S Spnai rotoraod to M* 'bat
tl Toronlo tbbi lUomlOB after a week *
Walt at Ibe boBe of X T. Wile)
0. R. Cart, who baa baaa vttttl^
wHh rrteDdK abd rolalira* fa ibe elty
for (orae iluae. tgtnraed le kta bootc
at Cadilalc thla stoniBs.
T. C. Phelpo eeturVM* M Ml honw
at Norihporl ihl* morolu aflor a few
daya.lo tbe i-ii> .
W. H. Snow tafi thia me
Uraod Rapid*, where hp wlU be for
Ibe maalader of the weak.
E. S. Stair, who hao boon ppandinp
the aunaier at Day View, arrired In
ibo cIL' tbin nwrtilaK and will viall
boae far • nbort time before retaml
fa bl* beae at Itatrolt.
K i. Haao rplumod tbta iMmi
from a week* vfali with meads
F. O. FeRen, who ha* been vfaiting
lo the city for aoaw tiaie. returaed to
I* home at <*barlevoli thl*
Or. and Mra. J. a Miuaoo taft thl*
x>D for t-adtllar where the?
apobd aereral 'daya.
Mr*. M. a Haaaen retomad l
>me In UBBtatee tbl* aileraoa after
•pradfas Bcveraj daye «ttb bar d*<ishV. Friedrtah and non Spaulding
will leave UMil|el)l far Itatrolt. where
they will be for a few day* oa liusl-


it. iki

pwHta arp (be toembera of ifa> Toe*-]
day .Vfabi Bndtc aob. nbicb ttmtifay
of Mr. aod Mm. Ralt* Hadtiasdl Di.
aad Mm T. >V. Thlrlby. Dr. aad Mr^
E, U Thlriby. Mr. aad Um F. O
.Mcbotaoa aad Mr. aad Um. E t\.
Mm F. Baliwaed rafaraM .. .
boaie St Manistee today al^ a abort
V tail'in tbe rtly with frieo^a
Oral) and wIT* rstumed ti
their buiifa at Cmtid Rapids todtv
after tome (iiuetapeni fa tb.. elij ti,
Kills •«h friend* un4 r,-!«l..V

C0SF«T ’ ^





beea wall'
*“* '

Thlnpi feed


'•“•‘dta* wU heralu te^lMraM fah^' The Hluatmltae glva a HUM *t»w*
fa MaaUtee todsy
* (. * day* fa eipwlenc*.
| *Hb gulie a drgaay air. yet ag|»lac
0- d.f 00 ’.WMOew.
KlirUa knew at one* wbea
<>• aimpler thaa tbta rnddMl.
C. O. BeKman and wH*. who have| troaied by a bouiUoe tpaoo that
biFle. with lU Bat editor to
beeo at Omena for the past two was not a cresm scoop aad she had
aectloBf. Ibe ahor:, wide alcdve* '
week*, passed tbroneb Ibe city lodt I * ifrnat scorn lor a youBf man who »■<
.rmlrahiid skirt trimon their way borne to Detroit.
j walked oa tba wroag tU* of oa* ""a* W’«.|te percale Bgumd witb plak .

T. G. Reed and wife taft tbta *se^ fully iitoced oa tbe but tyltobfa
adapiahlr mttierltit for a dainty and
lag for OrlroU. wbere they will-ipriiii So'Sf-u rrtlly realUed ibai tieeB*.-l. and If th* drem I* C»
a few itoyn with Irienila before cun- mmtfaui mlt^ntrel -a* renulred oa
ilaaw ttto moralag after a week S*»« ‘0’
R*»«' Order of llrotbem
ta *4** tbe collar aad
at Baglai
[ol Sometblnc-or-Oiher la kaioo (tar-i
to Ufa c
* Bert, wbere th* was vitltta* aom*
»**“ aad alarkiBTt **< a
R.^ e. Sharp taft this a
, hltbeno ubkoowB obtains
I «ak hair eHbboo ao wlik^ ibta pretty
' grtHtp. wblck. all laid. c^U b* sad*
Wdekt baaiaew trip lo Craad Rapid.

>" “lego.




ft waa a prelty ,
... ™■
Kverybody seemed fa know even bod.
elw fa tbit town and she ronld aol
gel used to sucL a siiueiian.
There was sotnetbliic lamiltot
about the youug aua's (ace aa tftfrlda stared at him. but when tbe
full sweep of recollection rolled srrott
her and tbe recalled virMIy (hat sb*
l»>om Moadsy 'iJHecord-Btagta I
tad seen him fa Resioo's buteber
MIm Kiingsnmnlth
llngsnmilfth of Hiiiidsi*.
sbc|. tgrrida almost choked He
a sice looking yontm-inaB. Dimly
Mictu 1* vitUlng MIm RuUi Ri
ah* recalled ttal hit lather was ReaAlbert KyMika lotumad teat Mght <}• WsshlBKlnn aireel.
toB. who owaed ibc shop. fVrbap*
Troei a moatbs trip tbroneb tbe aonth. Jaks Vogl for semetlme a elertt In Ibis young luaa eul oEt steaks
steak* and
H. F. Bright, who ha* boon vIMUns ■e shoe deiunmcBl of tbe lisBoab sliced bacon:
t l«y Mrrranlilf Company's store,
with frlpiiiln nd relarlves lu*lbr e
-I ihiDk not.- Elfridt aald_faintly
hat banded In hit rmlKnallciB and when young Rrslon atked If sbe would
li.r the lust two weeks, returned
will Icdre Mwn for Flint where hv etnt-e ttal wain.
roDM’ at Ihilulb today.
•All right; (he next one. iben.- he
H. AshMnd and family, who has accepted a tiiDitor
Harry and Watt Hansen hive gen* tald et a matter of course. Then
been (peodtaK Ibe ouaiaer
be went lo bunt for another imnoer.
'.merloeben. paaard ibrouRh tbe cHr 1 a two weeks’ varsUon trip
Elfrtaa'* rottetoa Rtteecd wonderlodar OB their way hone
leDer- mco where Ijiey will attend i
logiy n tnoment later le ber.ftre of
'le tall games.
ion I’ll}-, Mis*.
quwtlobs and bar tale of woe.
RobSrtCams. formerly of this city.
H. 0. Mysr* and wife, wha bar*
-Why oa earth sbeulde'l Ned Rea.
been vtaiUsc' with trieDd* hern fj^r BOW of Chicago arrived ycstctiUy ton ask you to dkocar they loDAlred.
-He goea with every one. and we'ee
' tlwe. returned to tbeir home at morning for a tea days'
friends la the <ity and with M* par­ grown up with him! He went lo the
tnucaco loday .
e across tbe rivrf and it g«M
ents. Mr. aad Mrt. George Carat
L. Waiintan rolumed to i
ig! U'by shouldn't be go to lbs
Elk Rapids.
• St HaDccloaa lodaj after
partlew at weT"
A. V. Friedrtah and aad BpanWlaa
. Id lb* rity on btfaln
Her sense of belag wronged was
». Wall and Id. T. King alum- went lo Petrait last eveulag for
hard to malntato. because ^ag Rrsf
ed to tbeir bomM at AIUob today aft­ few days. Mm A. V. Frtadrkb will l-tn had proved hlmtcK a goTd daarec
er a abort tfalt lo tbo cUy -Hb lb tbom tolar In the
whe* be bad come hack and take* bta
Mr*. F. a Batah and daaghtar Vir- wBita. Etlrtda bad (oacbed bta arm
Edwin Roman, v^ ha* been vlolt- gials with BnrsF returned to Cbirasn with the tftsi at her ffapwm and bad
B ill (be-<lt> far the t>a.t few days, last evenliiE. faavfag sprat the sura- tried not lo br«alh* ax rbe-'Vcit
through Ibe ordeal.
here niin her nxxher Um l>-i
returned Ho bU home at Javkwio
The ti.-xt night Ned Rrstmi ca led
Rol-erta. Lnrin will remsfa berv
aiiH her rnuslnt rremr-l to ar..'jtie
Mr. and Mm. Chaa Hcrbeet have lew ttoyt'lonper plib bis grand mnili- Ibkl the rail W.IS nirau- lor tbrlr
COB* tu MIssfNirl In ajiepd l>
guest, lor they prsdiiallr dlappea-ed Hfhtt* Feeuata Flpurod WKh pita
Roesbuda ta th* HatariaUpf Thl*
Th# Osh Farit taachem .
and left her the bt-rdeo of enlertalnBbapta and Vet Smart Ultfa Fttab.
beach party at East Bay to lb* arw lai^ him. Only a strict sena of duty
MIm MaHe HanMovsky it taking
to a guest iipder tme's'nof p-eeentoti
two weeks' vscsiiod vliitlng frleiuta leacbem of that ytaboel’aad tbe
pervltort. There were about twenty
. nouibera Mlrbixao.
-.lpnr-^ Sbe reaolTod fji a kind of
I all.
cold fury to have It out with her
Then It la far more aenaihta to IwsdMr. and Mm Henry Van Holt of cooalB* aftnr be left, end It wm wbea
(From Saturday's Rerord-Eaxle
dtr (be frocks without storch. (hs stif.
Omena. .have' been rUltlng
R. M. Sroeka left this memtag
ahe was taking out bcr balrpiea later feolng. even >.f lb* aUghtest. adding
t'hicafto. where be nill In- far a I
dangbler Mrs. Ullton Gore of
Ibat abe realized wPb a sfan that fa warmth, aa-1 as to this petal (ssbfhe bs-1 fordtplen tn dr. ee. Kbe had loB rallt far, soft tauaderlag. AR of
Mission and also Mm W. . S.
on hiiwiee,-...
Keen thlDklng abmK a wettera story
0. O. Chaplain, wim baa Imen in
llama. Ihrir daughter resMIttg lii
strnit frocks worn by smart cBlIthat R.-elon h*tf-iold her It. angry
• li> fur aofae lltuc. left this oinmlna cllj. They returned home today
I ire don* op wltheui atarch.
I’lrgutt she admliied ttal fa> could
lor HltarlmioB. S. t'.. wben- hr rkiw-rtn
Mm F. T. Fool* and daughtar Bcr- tklk *ell SHU. Ibe ttlai ol tbe glngbama. r^* and the beavfast
lo make hit butue far tbe nfater.
Birr returoei ft> (heir bom* at Jack bu-ber shop bung ovec it ell.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Ludha lift this
morning alter a week's iImi wrllbed (be neit day when
■ikOi16c far BalUBore. Md. They Id the rIty wUh friend*.
her rn .Iris fraaklv faked be' about
a-IU afao Tlalt iB Itatrolt.
0. R. Beebe ratuenad to Kit hem* bet 'cateb.- Sbe felt dlagracel.r
rodfs thoold be dropped to hot WdatbFred Oilman, llnetyp* oparator .
When (here were pirnie* and othta er and blnmnert cr «!ds drawer* to '
Manlsiee ibis uoral&i after a fe’
Ufa Ct eufac .New* of ItatoMie} It here days' visit in Ihe vity wtib friend* fenl.lilet to wbirb every one went •he drew nalrrial wora. Some little
vUltloc hit suoi. Jpn. S Cralii
Chas. Itand taft this merning (e fa crowd! Ned Reston singled out El- bloomer* for rblldreos’ hot weather
frlda as a matler of courae and no­
re In white cheeked dimlly. and
FouneeBlb street.
Washingias. D C w-bere be will visl body
aned at (bough It war In tbe pongee and china aRk In ua and
H. Cllawerth returned laat-lught
short lillfa with (ricnita and re lewst ettrnordlnary .Nobody tried to VI.eW
(rout Bast Joidau there be altemicd alive*.
help her evade him. It waa Itnpos
r weStkl of fb* ebBd's hat esrtbe CHiatletofa cuuniy fair.
.Paisrtyl taft last night tor tible Ip make ber cooslna regllxe (be
Mr. mnd Mn. Chari**. Umpneht Easton. Pa. where he ,bat aivrptcd ine^e of dlslinctlaa wbieb medc
I right for ber lo evade bim
nil ton Hanihl left tbiK tuoroius <o
swianer rblldren wtw’
posit k)B.
rifrtd* felt her brain toiierlBg. etpe very slmpte headgear with their aftiwl tbeir dsusbier. Mrt
HouIIob at NeaOeM. New York.
' Katomaron today atier a lew days rtally ai It gre* harder and harder eenoeo and fOay frorka ta* mlllttiefT
her 4 reallu fa Ned
•eema ralhee mil of ptae* at thla aeoL. 0. Otaon and wtf*. nwhe have islt ID Ibe city with friends aad rnl
eompany Ibai
Ibil tbe tliua'lloti
«OR Borne eharmiag and ^rap'hata
beco vtBltias In Ibr rIty for a let athes
poeelUe fV > welt brought . youi«
• fhe drenler a
ils>a. returweU to tbeir bouie at .Man
Mm O. Nelson rctwmad lo her girl. Floa'ly the young pan van- made of ahirred potot-d-enprlt. a bit
falee tlifa tuorBlos.
thc-1 iheaell brought up section yt ribbon or a wreath of flny flewees
home at Ifaland yesterday kfu-r a
f. Bethman, who hat been m th*j Short Tlsll Is Ihe elty
Elftlitay^ nature and with a little going abont (be crown For prneHcal
clu for Koiuo time ou Inmlnett. reiiirnMra. BartlCempbell of Felisten. It Ibmi tf etgutolle bo.'ror she retUred ae-vlce maay melbeto buy tbe BM
bit buofa at Ucaud lUl>lds (bl* vltillng far s fe* ds'« wiTb Miss Jes that Ned Retton was mahing love to
ber end that sbe liked It
sir Fouth of ibl* Hiv
nirida'a tape, marblae aewed Tw* er three
0. I. Oardnar arriee* In th« *lty thit
mother wsa told that her daughter btndi of Ibe atme Bnitbed wlib Bat
owralos Irooi Cbleago. aad after a
wat (Oleg to marry .Ned. whoae father hews at Ihe tide .ra pot around the
fet day*' xltlt.lo ibeeliy with Irteodt
buying him a half Interest fa (TOWS Of Ufa bat.
win leave far Nwthport. whet* be win or, returned to her home it Goaben. tbe taoding nsrdwere store In hnioo
Dd. thl* morning.
mArv OtAN.
nitll for some time
F. D. Owfan. orhe has been at Omnc Corners, that tBe dlteoveced the dtik
W. E. Andmta of Cheboyfaik who
fact that IbU affluanl iwreol owted
Orow Ffotactee.
hat been In Ihr vliy on butlnett lor Rapids on basinets far tbe paat t
the Tlltag* meat market.
The wnmae who betteTss It dCtal«*t few day*, relarned lo bit reeks gburapd to bl. bune bare t
”tV*ll never, never eimak of If
abe Faeped to Klfrlda In wngulsbed «* In lltile (btog* •«! otlllM old
borne there tbl* tuoralBg.
E. CNsll and wife, whe ht
dtamay. Thr 'routtetu was nearly
Mra. O. T. Ray ratnened t* her ham*
nalabed and the really co illn't brak worn oni. by cuftlng tbea arralgM
I Fe*a*ke> tbta moraiss after a abort beeta vtalUag In the <Ky far thr p
malrb ’My pour child! How aeroa* under tbe arm*, tbu* rwmnHnf
few days returned to tbeir borne
mil la (be eily tilb IrtcBda.
(be woln yoke and afaevri. aad atiteheould you. bow could yna'"
B. klantaii. wta ha* been her* vfa, Cadlltor thl« moraine
tag HI arroa lb* loB. teselag a aiwn
Rlfrida regarded ber mother ta Bfad- opening In th* center, throngh wblefc
E. Campbtil. whs hat tatn
iliac tllb frlendt nod iwtalive* far
Itetlvw curlntlty as though rwallln*
book OB a eosl hsnger way ta
tbe past wtwb. fv-nmed tu fat bdm ■ spending tome time In the rity r>■e when tbe. too. bad felt tbal
turaed to bl. home st Hot SpringI Roft Hurea ibU inorafac.
Then tbe Ihugbcd—not a well ps**ed ft I. (bed ured fa protect n
Mr. and Mm. T, L. Aiwa, who Imvt rk. tbit taoralng.
broogbi up laugh, but aa amused Itgbi dree* handne Is tbe wardrotaWarhed
but seldem. Ii ta wore eo»
tea la tbe elty far a lew day*, left
A. B. DavM and wife mturned U chuckle.
Tedieei than a bag. as ft allpa im ever
tbta moralac far Petodkev. where (bey Ri^r borne at Gmnd Rapids thi^
tbe decs* iBd 1* too wide I* crash th*
a II! be^ ftw a tbark time before reiuni- moratog after a week's visit In thr
dr«M aaierlal to say way.
« to tbeir bom* al^hduib.
cHy nitb friends and rglatiye*
F. A. Newman retatned U hi* heme
B. G. Srtdsn. whs has been in th* Chicago Dally Ncwa
Wataiunc fee Tot.
Pi. lotto* thit mordlaK. after a few elty far s tew day* on btuioesk re
fcpif* aad French wnistttoei am
Cfifaf End of TravM.
dayd ia tba city oa bnfaeu.
tnrned to hU bmiM at Muskegon this
*B»a'!y fartitaeabta far the ttoy maid,
’’We mom go to Sttattord.**
C. E. Bdvta, wha ha* bead •
and CO* ta as attractlre aa tbe dtber.
tbe fumBfar la asda fans* tbe city,
C. M. Nagtar rotarnsa u hi* heme
' Wl« French drwte* are wora aaebea,
tgtnraed to hi* baea at Columbpi. O.. t Fan UUIOB (hto moratag tfter a BtraUord post cards to lTmrttm~
b*d aaabes alwaya prost^oPF—»'•
“My Mead, on* traealB tor «
tbta morafag.
for attnctlTo color sSeet*.
few days visit lb tbe city with (rlendt. thlag moro thaa p«at cards.. I i
Chaa. N. Tracy, who has
ank C. Bsrttstt. vthe.ha been in
writ* ay a*a* cm 8h*h*apa
IttBt With Ihead* aod iglallra la tfa- the efty (or tbe i«s( week oa tawiness.
clt.v (or (be past BMBlh. reiaraed to
tamed to bis tavw^i Itay Cuy toU* borne In Lo* AbBeta* laday.
LMlng Thole Fendim. ..
Oh. That Acesot.
and Mra K. «. Matigae an
Mm T. L. Miller relyafd ta her
AH mat* BttUdB aahtoeta ata bo
'How do yc-u knew ab* ta an AmercaiertainiM a we.'fc ead boua pan
MM bl ISwiisc l.ida) jMtktL-A^'taui
caar ^ heard bar talUta
at tbeir cMtage at OU Mtaakw. Thaa Tlalt been with (Head*.
Me, aiM Mr*. ChaW Helm ha** gone
iadlana -here tbe.v will tswad
few week* with friends nnd reUtftrs.
Mr. and Mm Z. Rlchsrdt of
kakee. Ill. are Bpeadlag a few days
noon with Ufa lieMe*
Arthur Lardlc, U( Eatt
»«mt street.

iraiooiR ^


T.’IT, UB.

*kM <0 omry Ihrtai UlBS.’ i

r olghtod mothur. “ood'he* coo bo do «taoeo aill at
Mto Irtw booMo eote a^' aUod tiMH «o otnttbi Iw '
that wtibom bio bookor
bio pteu. ‘
tho eeroor imata. tnth the oatlo. tac
'TM eewao bo ooedo tboa." Mcbad
M Joe* woo to too croot taato to too hmr other mU oetaao tbo torn of
Tito Ototoo.^
Bdorarda. 'Bto «ouU It aot pram o uko allool htou of ihb ktod. and. tbeoo poou to hoU Hbca upotbor
tt-hoe obiai naa'bo made to tool
bouor took tor bla «aok meoKwr If bo oHb a plaaaaat '(ood-b)." bo i»»ed Tboa imko a pototod roof «ltb cov.
The odttotoo Imb.tor (be cniol 0001? *oro to bo ooot bm* UaaoUT Ho Jate tbo ball
■ enj
mbo aod III to tho aido
AodtotoodtbodaFVbaoratootaaBt koo«* that* If ho ootfocto to brto*
-©h. Uro. Sbrad aobod mo yrator- »*«• »itb coho of the touRk jm
lt> mt la hto toomh tho traopa hH! Ibooi. Itoolol U «oai lor them, aod bo day to toll >«. that bor outer caa>o oa »*o<ll’»o ab«t raho m oorh aSdo of

** !*• oparod all trooblo. Xo«. » boit* Mrly morotu traia." ho caow
•pare that 1* left for tbo
♦ *••**
^ 8m or elood. rviriv «f Wt*.
TIa him ap wboB tho amtohoi.
torceu bU hooka today, nako him «o
u, ay. 'Why. I acwly forfot doorm ahd oladeaa. A Uttlo -f't~la

I «ttl try Mmr U «mry « « >>'■ tko Mi* mood rnkm jro«r «m
And Ibora iuT a ohoaco for a .dudy bock for tboa."
^ jy - ho oaht. aa ho eucht <»“ »•
•»«l «»>1» «oa bare pOlar.'
♦ lr«k akMI MTUllag.
'♦ ■ tor yw.'>

. -Ifa a pretty kmc vralk, ' ro|rikd al^t of It.
o» raracoba, and a tiny carocob raih
And tbo tool iboogbL U.t^.l
I «tn try to M M hM»y •• I
Aod doat
foramotoeatlooao tbr *1,^ Frcoob oiioauatlapLv.
have booo had." mdlod »«A Ah oH. a b«* poreb. a aifa atooK
Z mm m»4 «oko omrytoto taftw * bmobtoy of oil. boyi ood cM>. U| •
To bo aoro It la. and. coBacquoairi bloard.haadltd U to blm. “for It t
■ W »todo* cm bo added to tbo
r M for M I wm
7^ ♦ •wr ta • l»* wwOo. coUod *Tio for
will pravo-^bo bettor hmoa If ho wry toi^rtaol."
• »“«**
I «>tll try to bo lovloo, boloM * Bod ol tbo AuobooB. '
Orailo Clra>«a<.
had oaly to rroaa ‘***
tbo atroM. It aould
aoi-rr yoa --dU aot
-------------------- giro
— too
^ »~««« OM kM to rnmrhmir M to I
a Uttk Olri »mo Ptorloo 01 bor to\\*btl o deor li(tW twvni. Old >« Laavo him Ibora UU tho at,

can bo drosaod Ilk* dollA
———^ >«

IMo« •
foot wttli _ opoi or obbfltM'M
!«« U to oebool?


tr I ovor foil hi Irytoo to bo • tbo corpoi.
Api DUMqoitooo put oU thr fM* i
matter. Too wilt have to pocket all oaiy oac dav aed I i----- -—■ to nU ■“**
l^thlnip I wUI “Try, V^m
-Kitber" ob« oold. “loot It fuoorr
Fitr Uko. Ulrb^ R. K. O. No.
your (OBdor-hoartediMm. and ihlak aad aoe her. -’
oa .tome fluffy coroailk hair With •
*• ;
♦ • l.ol «4ioi fmoy, my child?"
Srit lu. l»l
only of tbo oDd. I ramombor wboa bo
-That a too l»H-and Jack looked *“'’
ptaatala lmi<M
Ibrlr 8JI
• loot u foaoy w thloii ihr ouo Jo oi Roor Prookteothad tbo acariol fever bow yon bud to really____
olab luoplo wonlitm
Bklrt..ahd aao yolk>»
. Tho' bli otamp of o UU b Fvir
ioa by mo amOoaor or rod poppy potato to Inak.'
acbool youraolf wbou you gave tbo aond much
really Tory Import- *
-Yoo. to.lood. I bad. It waa only the ant?" Mrr i>onch aakrd. aftor Jack
'® '**“
of what might bappon that car- bad poao -Botabao, If ao It would ‘“L Sot a Mrlol uaatoitlkB h* - , FIrot Vleo FrooldMlt Mro. .dfobol it ti fmay."
«IU tic oc our olace 1 have in-t to.
mo tbrougb."
bettor to aond Daulol w|tb '
white paraaol of 'yuroo Aanc'a liare"
k'jU. my good utotbor. >ou mu« p-. ) -\
*• 'f*“* 'ubo (ildod her armo aouhd'bli hock ooory day.
at H to tbo Kamo light ao«. Say —^01,. mo^ 1............ .V imiortaut.
«>« ...
Fdtohwif Moida.
and oiU. -Ahd, toa't it Dloe. tatbor. to aod am aevoo yraru old.
iro good,' aud go ahead Wboa- m> mueb ao. that I Intoi.d io follow
**“'*• “ *•
t. A. L.
Tbolr uamoa ..v
___ _____________________________
flloeblng. ni lay my cloady
to tbo uakr of my >mug *»•» t row of Iboao odd ootacob dob.
Boaotr, Dutoy. and Spot. Wo bam
haod ovor my bmri. by -ay of-todl- brother to aoe wbotbor or not bo for---- -----------------iwpyoarltoga, thrmeglToa.olgbi piga..
““ rating the etrougtb you need to that goto It. I wrote to aak wiu if ho - >»on» “‘nihoo ran ho made of ora
"* ^
W bonra. aud I have a pot rat. I
.a,.. u,vo«bhu out- !•«*«•••' <llf«tlOo. '
• would wewo two good achta for Rirb- huaka Arrange Uto banka to heal
lomhbr. »U, P,1t1.
btovcaarlUe. MoBtoua.
»tojcl at iu> hr"t*;rr-« bouno four

And EJwurd rHuruo.1 to hU patwr. ,cd HI, If Jack fergota to leaw tbo tdlra. and tboa oolloct amll Sowora___________
89PI. 10. IflIS.
»*l‘e P»l* •“d >»SPtua «ero
."I 'o Jual ihoughi bow jou ll do the note. I ohall got but one.”
»hlie rtovor. forgM-tooWta. tollirr
e»^ Uuar Proaldtotla Trurerao City and lathe Ann. 1 like
iLlag." bo prowmly looked up to ray.
-ob. Edward! that* rather kmid oa cuto and bollotropa. aad mme potato
r 1. IflU, Mil.
oh* lollor 1» ««> "»•' «"? •hrolbor lUy. but I
wbon’aball a change of hoart take
»' »>''
the poof boy. He begged me wo ram o' l»n:or flowora, aueh aa poppira. IIP
with ibe Suaahtoe cord and plu I ••• d»iwl «bea papa and immiaa got
loU Jack you ll give him flvo emtr K e«iy ,o jot bim go; but I did not fool ‘ra •ad aunflowora. Oatbor aln naam
conldD I lit up. for I bad an ugly brace «»»•. ' *«“» W
l*!- ““O
boll go bark for bla boobi. ^ That i ought to afford ll. Ho t ao aazloua tooniory graaa topn. Ucy little firm
I. »to a to.— —, a. i-e... V. . “
•'!> lollcr tolohs
wouMut bo of the lem, aorvle. '
. to wee tho fencing ««l long btodm of AM grma. —to ^ i NgM Ml by Loujo Uae
baaa taken off and I am ao thank- enough. lo I will ray good bye.
-Ho may not forgot them today.'
-y,,. , know ho to. and If ho «- iktof tuatortal. you ran aot op a
ii!Li _____ » “J®.'*!* •h'- Poatol rardu from
»o»cl* raw. Influlloly bopiog ho memboru to giro Wll the note, ho mHltoory abop. WHb the help .. _
mmry. rrararnov,ny. auca, ,h*,*|*rtto« glrto ao aneb. aod haru
Uttlo .Mao Fuller.
' »ould not ' li wii Ut bo fair to com.- ,haii .oo k."
few plaa. yon cm plait tho liuaka Juto
*'*“• •^‘■*' **^ IHnltrt them In ibougbt many tlmnn.
1 ahouW Ilho_ to be with you at tho
dowa on btm ao auddraly . who
AUa lor Jack that ho did not! ft all aorta of ttay loqnra and haia, and
anrat aamou
. to Be a Buaabtoe girl
Snubino partleo, loo. lor 1 know that
ibonghi adding aloud; "111 glioyfinu ««. not often tbolFHiile towa atoird- ihoa tHm them vHb wroathi of tor«.,w,e7Znm!T^

God ai»ml the dav wben to imatnrr.
*«•'“' '»'fWo."
«| wurh a rara treat, md Ulaalag it ket-me-ooto: yon M kUko ptomee

Kthelyn Cranaton,
* .
God^^ toe da.. when to paaiurra
-ah right." laugbed ^rd. • Her..
aortouw Indood,
from euriy fnrna. aM erUp graen bow.
WUNaa NUnoB Rgaaota. age iwen_ _
_ _
_ ibai
Vib «ra
all gtad.
Btbelyn dear,
Grawn. Mira
ho «»«nr- new.'
hi. brother, knowing the note ba.i ^ «™“ 'on ran make bonneta from
lydw. mth* Tibverno City. Ulch. yon .to bolter, and are rory anra toat
8cpl. 11. 1H:.
To hi. nmihor. dlmomtort. Jack been forgotten, made no rafer;nro to O'® •»««•< *»*•«. md toe atrtog. ot
D Wliboui bla booka.
U until the nmralng alter the ptoy.
ribbon graaa,
la. a fine looking lad. and a.
-pid Will give you an' anAm^ng the corn bnnfca are bnautP
Uaaton. MIeb.
« (imt. In tho lawl Snyblno page
bono-yanl lor Ihoo. O.
«'««d «t hU frank, winning ,w,r ,o the note I aont Mmr Edward lul nblumratag-akoton of nUk. pal.
' lace, bo ararcolv woadon-d at bto ibr«i naked
green.-ovd aad —--g- |t
I saw a totter from oao of my arhool^
It to UflyraA Swi^iw fling.
^ molbor'a i«rtlallly for bor youagrwl
ja.-k clapiwd bto baud to bto aide.
l^rPimldoBimatea. aad would like-to have you _ .
.mmUwn l>rowident to
O, Mtorfcto Ami and Orwry UraA
I karml wriuen yon beraoae I have kmd ae ber addreaa. Her flame la
countyTIumane Sodoo
-If I didn't forgot all about It! You
0 arrange
ago toe AMM
Ara lira mu* m hUMbUckt
been belplng BoUur la the garden. Elta ktauon. or UBalag. Uictalgan. I
-Ool ahead to walling lo know It 1 aoe. I alopiiod to aev Del Starad'a dog. on a long hoard
rAl otl'^ ay booao rra driven nad dinhlng rdndy for nebool. My «fii daw no*.
sunshine stories.
may go around there to dlnocrUtal. t tbeugbi about tbo note lo acbooL khndkeUton otoer ebUdrm ran eoao
................. — --------- “™‘Froa yniir flunahlaer.
-------------------------Peer Memory.
cvoalag. May 1. manmiar
and I took It out nod put Jt la my and aeioet what they «iah to aaicb
Ant,PMBebow'they MOl eonm bw*.' teneber^ name U Mr. W. Foxworthy.
Haael Moaroo.
ano* what I .hall do to
“® oWoctlo^. if your lowaon. de.k. ao that I .bould aoe It when I eoruh. Oowera or toavot '
TSw elnAtoar np to tbo hnby n mouth. He to ran alee. I am in the nlith
asdrora to 4« North trashing. „„aphoo Jack'a memoryand yin.
" •
took out o.ybooka. But h muat have
There an many eora i----- r that
And pnU too
-grade. My aiudlea are arithmotle. tw ndwswt Unalog. Ulcblgaa.
Freach lookod up at her won b>l**rd.
"ni »cc to ihat."
»« tmahed nnOor mymo pa|»r. nod 1 are iBieramlng. One of them to'hke
Tbay piito aloft «a toe boby-i brow, raadl^ grammar, deograpby and
now home forb two nwmha'r«« from
And inch ratuabod.
never thought of it agaTh. I'm nwtuUy ,ho gamo-of -Bnuoo. brntm!" Tbo
. And tvM U tnto.a (t**a.
apoUliig. 1 have a mile to walk to
ClarklaVe. JMcto
hualnW "Hla forgoifulnora baa bt• •';®w » Jw rime.'' raid Edward «,rry. Ed. I. It too late now?chlldrm nh In a raw. w|di tbnir handn
acbool. It baa ralwd all toe foreaooh.
*<H" l=come alarming.'
"Hla coming plee.uro will make U
-111 loeve you w judge ot toai.togeihoraadibocbtolwboto-HJAd mo nflra. -Vtolir-nad t'«ber and lighieaed quite a good deal. Tbe Dwr Fratidrai-\vh.. ^mwdio. mve vou tried*'
“ k®***«« rand Unnlel elae- Jack. Vou.mny rwd It when you got goe. lo web toUd la tom aad pieoara. •■Uat!: ..
llsh,«lag airw* at a tnrta.a mile from
I go to ocbool aliwwt every day. aud
T .
' where, too." he flnlahed.
- lo icbooU 4nd If you ihlak it will do tend, to drop a kocgel of eora lata bto
toia. •■Mato!" and t'otoor « and killed two pige. two chlckea*. gtn la'ibc alxth grade. I -did not go to
.. T

good now. leave It wlib wm on rlowod haada At too____ itma. all
^-cwi't?aad flra tarkeye. ll tore nom. of to. «fcool'today boraura-o are gelng to
•'Vb^l>rwn mother. . .rtflr
,, .1,,
your way homo:U^STraJL^hTtotto^Z
O. matola Pmt •*> OredSn Craoi.
board, off tb. coracrib, too. Uy wl.- a.v. thranbora. Our tonehor'. aamo
«hto direct
of look1 into rai Wff.lram my boara liaop im- and I liavo a pUyhonw up la too i. u„. Mwre. Have you an; flower.? ‘“s •'
* ""V
MgnlflraiK* ww lb*«!
bank 1 loft my doR la tbo ptayboura j bara ewo« pew. aamortlnim. tour '
‘ yon will have to go back jouraelf. piiw. and lor ouoo hi. memory prarad
md It got raiaod on. It got dry again, oelockn. axlera. vaarira. pink* aod
“ ‘■lin a grw| deal atomt
And after tblw, my mia. If you .etlve. Tbe momoui he raecfaod bto
V*:,,.... ....
M.Baaratl Ba^ aad-Immael Uagb tooagh. Did yon uaed to have a play ■ uaaha. They are very ptetiy. I am “•
ramebow. U maket^ no laating ,orgei your Ux>kw. you miui return do*k be wetood toe note. Ho gave one
^ Ara twa-Httto Mrira Itgbt;
haaw whoa you were • little girt? I glUliig out of doom on too front stop.
toi them."
draMlrtag groan aa b# read it. then
TWnr>a'l««ari rgady-lor tm aad aaigolng Uxopy a iluie poem for you. „iuag. I can aoe iteCn-ady Uke
'OU. talking *o»i'i do a boy of hla- “Dm Ha an a«fui long walk." ob- toro It Into rragmenu. throwing tbe
m.irn!.w ni.
• Chaff. •
I iblak ytni will be pl«a.ed. Tbe mine- from tere. aod feel the hreeie Irom ago any good." reinruod Edward.,wlto Jotted Ja<*. "Caa'i Dan manage it piece, toto bU debt. HU mind was
. flad iSbifllae to tobr dbi^
cf « to The Founiala." Here ll to:
gklff lAba. and ii I* very pleaBaat and au older hroihor air, -Suppowe >«. juat today ?"
far lera upon bla wcboel books that

-------------------- —^ I wont to Skiff Lake bathing leevo him to me while I am at homo?"
"No, It ;ou Irate tb-m. you muat morning than upon thone bit, of ua- .7?" .
ASdtohto’ ------- k:.—-to babyto
to. other day . Two of my «booP ho added, .. bla motoer'a toco took go for toon, "
. per. AnAw
Amt. w hen at recra.
recess bla ctmpm“TT.!-!.^
maten, my eoualn Howl*, and Inn on a ........ iracortalnty.
------------._ ......---------------------r»,
loos gavekbim
glowing aroouau
of (he of «t>rn. aad to H for toe aaxt time.
aad'I were together, aad i
. Itok.lH^wr ftotoi towr sM tor.
of (be prove toosevere, and Idon't believe ed for bis liook*. wbUtllog along the framir Mr-«>ucb bealad wrath noon
good lime. I wonder If a
A Little SpeiiiiM fl^toatolatoi tbe moonlight.
iberryiBg. I Ibat w
ould reaUy benefit a boy of walk a* merril; as If bio erraod wore oxm-nds itself, and before noon ho
toonblMra e
" aad t'otbor
went day befoi* yesterday and picked Jack', loniporatneat."
of toe
It coDgenlal nainro.
akwl t«* fluna. They grow on llllle
-aoyoro? In ybal wayr
In loss Iban
ban ton
ten minutes
mloutow he was loatter In a now llgbl.
older brothers
brotberw are soiuiaoiui- bark
'rinaalnaamrab. They were ao tolck
"Woll. elder
After all. It was hit iKior memory Bounced a word to tpMI. aad VllHr
we c«fl)d gather them by tbe handful timer a llltle ooreaaoaable—at lewnl
"I met
Ralph Doxiater. aad, be uf- that bad emt him (be coveted ple*s-Nexi." nald-Hadga.
tflw too nurtlfhi.
Mamma aad I picked about throe min* wero-fault-lliK
fer<-d to lend me Us.” bo luld. Us un-~ Edward had eadHtored to tat"P-a-r-e " sMilad Ctarila.

It was
_ about ten o'elock Hoot., ft*
■«« lastanro.f
Imndsome race
face an
all wgiow
wglow witu
with picesplena- iwras
the iQiiortaaee
wbou we reached tbe mnrah. pad we
“Oh. HI promlso ool lo And n word uro. Wnaa'i that Iqrky r'
bim. and he
Happy l
etayed uoril flve o'clock The cran- of lauli. I bate being nagged at in,- And bo betook bimiK-ll lo bit room aa warnlug
osk« was
warnlug ibai
that bU
bU hardest
hardest Ilos-on
berry marab Is about four mile, from self, ni ntMoUv try toe rautowndoffor mud;.

yet to come.
btrm and *c drove to It. It Is righi f«l rurr.-ffe you give me leaver
-a boinoeopalbii dosv," laughed Ibe' Thai evening Jack took his brollwr
-Si •ifcnX"
cried WIlMe.
WlUla. ll.
li t »«-l r!
A aetay crowd ratoa toitniflag:
by the side ot tbe railroad irwk and
Mra French hesitated. She was wry ei.ier brother.
into bis room, and imlnted lo a paper
Hknl cried
na tom of bmlto. aad Btodnesa ffwoet.
ere could »ee toe' Iraln, My ulster tender conooaolng Jack, who was her . -The other will rouenoonAough.
pinned up on tbe wall Hehad wrll- 1 had that In my toaaoo toe other flay."
"You’re both wrong." raid Cbarile
To orary toot btfpnglag.
Inex and 1 went cranberry lag todey . youngeat eblld. aad the only one now replied hU mother.
ten over It. "A ReinUider For My
Amg tboa Btrado a HlUe lad.
My UBCle. Stoddard Roowa. H going living at home, and abe was not quite of course this lenson uiade iiu lui- .Metoory "
Who HMoaad 10 aaMbor. .
Glad of ail wcniben.
to Colorado to vIsH Ua duughter, Mon sure of Edward's ludgtnent being wt-ll prewslou uion a boy olJack's r«»>
"nvar WIII-l w|sli you would
sc- _/."•
pewi-r." sald'Undgo. and tor) crowded .
Ami MlUly raM. haU gravo. hglf 'md,
Stni aeomlag beat,
day. He is at grandma's now. Inet. balanced.
going ways, and toe next day Us cure two good seal* for Richard
“I eaaX-f pramtoed motoor."
t'pwnrd or downward,
Vie and I have thrvs- llHle trees that "It's a great misfortune for n nuiu to booka Were again forgoiu-n.
Jnckl. anxious la ser toe (earing. Gri
^1^ IrouWe?" M Big
A Uottonorrmt: '
uur leacber gave us. Tliey are ca- have a jmor memory." tbe son went
"You will hev;e to get thi-u your- ibem orar tto stage, please, where he
Siaier, at abe rame oni to tbe Utito .
Ulpa Itwaadare very iieelt) . When on. "and ll la ee|*elaUy important lluil .eir ' Us moth.-r raid, bravplv.
mav imve lAe full beneflt. Yours,
school with a dlab of frail. Aad then
Kntl ol a OBlure.
they got hlf they «1R btoaaont 1 mii a boy who has hla own w.y to make
„f Ed-, ,ork. i know. "
"Edward. "
'tom toot OM noami toft to dobht
Nothing ran lanw.
c'loae for ibis time
in toe world should rnlilvate a good muiiered Jack, u he i*M*d dows (lie
"I tore It up ^ Drwt. then I imlrhcd each began u, tell bar how wrong (be
oiben were.
•me manly, towra dantotoa.
Changed e>ery moiueuL
From your loving Sunabioer.
v»ne- Mine was no baiter Ihau Jack sM^p., •Jlamma never
(bought of Ibe pieces together. 8eo If It doein'l
up wllb
'• ritolt-toey Clamor.
-Go vAara ym pltaae; do what yon
Ever the same:
Agnes Roosa.
when 1 left home, bui I'd nmtoh ll»uch a thing belore "
help me. " and jack
wauI have not been In a cranberry against any man's ul tuy acqualniance
once again Jack bad to n-iurn for tbe air of vonXucrlng faei.
y. gj^„
for a I.-w
. Ho cMnly
too Mber;
' I'kmralraa aaidring.
isarab since I was a Rule girl. How now."
Ins lorgoilea boots aod then hla memTbe out* brother was touched b,
then .be ^^1:
“BM 1 Bhall koed toy word. twya.
Peaselees oonteai.
ptetty the bright revl berries ere oa
"Ye*, your memory Isremarkably
ory seemed to hav‘e received sufficient
|.™, of
if Jti-kM
J., .» e
^ ..........
atlllItorknest or auaahine.
(be vine*.
good now."
dlrecllau In (hal i-hannel. for the
"You re ill right UOW-. Jack, aud about bccstii-e Cbarile Is rigbt. Willie
t cag't—I ptomlaad motbert"
"You don t know what a help It Is to books were as surj- lo appear as Ihe
.. Thy elmicBl:
well ify ll again"
’ riEht and .Madge and Nellie are
.Northpori. Mlvli.
me. inoiber. and Jack will And bis of boy himse lf But in other tblnfla he
•You 11 L-v!" cried Ja<k. irniiuph. right
WTlIle was thinking Of a lattr
AA? wtw ConW dMM tbe ratare ct
Gloriout toualala.
Sept. H. «li
rarvlre Do you 0ve him over
careless, and here his brolli- antly.
of shoes. Charlie was i.‘iiDking of toi*
'df tma «bo,ton bad agoken?
Let my bean be
Dear Prraldeni—
l® *®1 charge?"
ers assisianee ume into play.
Even Us mother
morning when he heliH-d me pare ,i-> •
raws, cnaageiui.
changeful, cob
I now have a Rule time, no Imve dv"Vou oin; see what yon ran do^ve Jack several leraons In the the les^n was a w
tauK-F. and Nellie and Madge *•->.
Upward, like thee!
eldod to B-rile lo you Tbe flowers In that la." Mrs Freneh.added. "If I And mauer. but the boy s careless nature
"You .j*,,critlc,d c.i|^^ oei-d .«weri^,. ,.„r. that I bought a, '
.OouM Wth Hkn toU be broken?
Jitwr .vour Ihtle Suebeam.
my »rdes arc In blossom no*, ("hnol-bno- yon. are doing him ao barm
barn, la olhei
not greatly impn-ssed by ihetti
tul remertlc*." eiplailted y>lw*t.i V....
..esterday. Now. I'il |«r.- •
Ood'e btoagtog Ol that neadlaat will.
Geeirnde Clemeat.
tine Howell
<iv~c.i. my
u./ sebeoiraale.
>vuuu,u,siv. wUhe..
wiihe.> u «aya'
I do tbil Idr your owa-good. Jack. vr,n pnd s do.-.e of tKAt ehars- ter
r. Jor you but Done of 'c,
_ (0.1, 'of |f
VnytoMtoffto watoar. • • Well, yon are aot lo Interfere will his brother explained, one evenitif tu(.e a lasting effect.
Tton Js a non benolKW imem. aod new Suasbiae button, a* Jhc
single piece I
X^XBat bean aH toan aad laughter atm. v«u« dme*
i meanage lor ceeb
bera. Wa have niueh inn nooits a« “» melUod.. you know. For lostanee. -a|,en he rebelled. "And some day I isii. the cjr.- ha* w-ougU.
d c-prrectl) : —Keleeted.
Becamn'be toomliad mother:
our nebool U sliuaiud on Grand Trav- when I nsk bini lo do wnytomg. you ,htll give you a m)M 4mrder le**uiv. hsw Js.-s contc- oi.w u n, tb.- diy t,
a Uaye. '» ,
Mantoa. Hleli. erae bay. and *c go down to ibc aT»® toff hi* memory by remindWhy, a boy wiihoul a mcmoiy esn •«*. v.h,-n he *h»ll *.-c lit.listd
Bepl. b.1»I2. share aad play. Near toe buy U n >»■ hi” ^'®® hnu* H's nu your memg^uoi to an.vihlng "
lu aavnnUKe He II ihaak ..... m
re.,* tree seems lo be
flVflt^tNff FREflIDENVfl uear F«.Meniwaoda,- aad *e go Ihera to cw our Ofy. but Jack's. Ibnl I'm going to take
But all he could say made bo,....................................................... *apiile*." obM-rved the Wa
I barea'i wrilteo to you la n long lugeb. We bavT a visiter at arhool m band.'
InipresalOD U|,oii the Iboagbllcss
I'Hlit-aiing a yarllrularly
Aad (t to to Ana wowUay Vl*l< ^t ume. Oor K-bool began toe Ant of aonitv ovah- dav. aad whai do you
"Tery well!" acquiesceo
Mrs. good-hconed lad. and every day
vaak.'B«abMmg; tost a few tbontota geptnnber. I am to to* fonrtb grad*. .uppoM It Is? A llille black kluj''
Freaeh “Yon may try your method. ,«t>v*d to l-ilward ibai the task he
v-s. sir assented to. IHOe glri:
ttat rmtr pratldflgl *»W yon to read Onr teaebeFs aamr Is Mr. Foiwortby.
flfeur Buaablaor. .
1 *®n'f koo* a* Jack's memory It
nndertaken was difficult indeed
^ tmi (or
M*to. and (If you | ifke him very well. I bars .a pel
Mildred MartinsotL
moto worae-thnn Ibai of other hoy*."
"Jack. I d like to have you le.**-this
' . ,nd ,1... apples
VtUI a (tord UflM.
borte. (brae Rule pigs, a
I .Wbbl a (U&ny Utile visitor! To *h-ad<l«l-le»®®rty,-CblMren have so
„ coosln will's on your way ,o >hln«s to 1.
am glad to h«r tlmt." a^toe
They ara gU
fluasbine oog. Hera It a imie poem
wbaa flees M belong?
much gtdag on Bowadiys."
schooL Done forge, i, for It Isvery i>e.M ol tor
a* foB of
tAOflgbU. aM toe flrft la in ibc form
"Toull wotg with me?- Edaard import^" And Edward laid a note from wbH-b
,Kp aw-lew aa (Ab oner
of a huay. eoutog raclpe.
suddenly naked. That la. wben yon
bls'T.roiber * plate, and seated slmplefi U nd of i-orncolsir." Vptotaod lbo girt, -igi^y
Tako two pan* of aaselflthbeai
When tbe State Harnane Aarocla. glre-gn ord/i-. aod It slips bismind,blmseif at tbe table, adding; "Onvour
those that look like log • cabins, or
e apple-tre*^- -Tb* ioteitor.
and AM part of pattoac*. and work toHob held It* yearlv meeltag lo Trav- jomi atteod lo that It woa'i flo tor
acbool. remember!"
ihoae that lie i.ulll up la,- a ibwrr.
CMbw. Add toaaiy of laduwry. Ugbierae Oty a few areeka ago. yonr Pres- me lo come down on him in every
-ah right!"
'^iihoui do.
An IntarWiefl Baetam.
M Vito »0d
awoatoa wlUi
Meat *aa asked to read a |ioem called thing, aad audcniy Inalllnte a aerie*
And Jack <wm hi* eyes arvunl to
lAy flowi I wo cobs opiAwile each '
daddy Bays W to the flays
ktotnaa* Fat <• amltot as tbkfl a*
"Tbe Horra." It was a sad poem, but of leymeala Per one tfalag. I notice ^
^q, gf bit favorite disbet otber. and
tooM to ptoto PflAdtog. gad bako by
ir wat wriune to make peopletotok be babltnally oeglecu to bring tala erac-ed
(be table
aeroas then You can keep repeatiag
iquare lower t* *o tall
Wben be «
~ to* vflrmth vMch coom* from • torebo« Aotog ktod
oritoelbooks home, aad you aJwavw
-wa,i be excused.*nmma'
Every oaeofyoo boy. and glrta who aead Daniel tor tbem Don't yon tblak ,.ked. ,a he Bnl.hed bla breaklaat "I that it almosr .opplra over.
me. be ua
tog Aflgn."
Tbo Rflgt togoiAt to g mu* van*.
to^igpMftoeivor who help Uke cere that la belptoff to weakee rather toao promised Dell d sup and »e# hU new
With the help of floe wire nalU. FUy wKb a hav
8*0 mw ootokly yen cog ■amgriag It!
of to* borae. flg lb* tana, wm agre. gtraagibea hi. memoryr
irt^i ra(ier-e regular tboronghbred." *hlcb e*. be eaaily preaaml toto ib«
“Vat «r ffry. jato or aAhMh
.(bat (be paato U a troo on*, aad
'Bat A* MaiN toara U* toanoat (or
••>•*., Jack."
«rfi coto. a rrally Im^ng maaatoa
Moat prapto toeoght
wga a
I- l••llll fVk mu (our tone rornU-. to IW bran .ruaiw
makes os .g v'ani ro be "terteg agd tbe aou toiy,'" aaswere.1 i
Aad bis I,

: Jts.irsi: • -i—i

ci."-: :-sr

-- ----








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