Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travai^sa




' -










Kentucky Sute-ConventlAn In
•i«n today.


IxmifTille. Kr- May 28.—Many
M^nK the delemira to
ale roDvemton ol thedCenlucky Pr>
fatbiuon party, n-blch was cnile
order here thla niomlnjE (or the pnrpoee of nomlnaUsR de]««al-» (o
National Problbltioo conrmtioD t
held at Atlantic City on July 10. nnJ






Washington. .Ms>
There is no
offirbi ^tomVQi couilns fiuiu tb<whiie house on the New Jrr* v rcsulHolttliel visitors said ihe president -s
stili full of enurage. aesertiiig that be
has enough dclegaii-a t» inrure hi;



The namij: reunion ol the snrrivors
’ tlie l-ounh Mirfalgao cavalry
be'lield at Ihin lluroo. June 1». IStJ.
Owing M Ihe death ot H A Itackuo.


the nialliag liii of auVvlv<
ind Ihe prraeai officera
o sei-ure another rosirr ol tuvnn
Any member of the regimeni living
Ibis iocnlliv la irqueati^ to.mead
bU addrv-ab to ll FranETioodlng. i
eretary, Ann Arbor. Mk-h. at t
Wilton Wot the Democratic FavorlU. eorlteat convesieore
Winning Alt Bvt Four Deleft
After Long snd Strenu-









snd prcsldemial eleetora. For ibe firs'
time in the falatory of tbia slate mem- MEMENTOES WERE PRESENTED
•lx C«m|/OliHMr Wat Peliowad •/ hers o( the Womeu'a CbHatlan TemBY THOSE ffiSCL^O
Praonm «f Oratory and Muai:
[tee t'Dlod enjoyed the Msbt lu
at a aute conrenlkm.
When Vessel Came into Harbor She
Was Saluted by Every Vessel
Within Ranpe—Presenta­
Mott of the Reome Have Been Fur­
Toodday niabt the -PytUana" dined
tion Made at Pier.
nished by Public Spirited
at the expMae ot the "DaBwni'' aad
Xtsnrk. .May a*. —with la-neilraliy
ll Ocean Trams.
there were orer one hundred that eat
New York. .Ma> 3*.—'I merely tiird'
ronii-|.ie reiurns i.i
down (e a rNniat aU eouru dinner,
- lio- py duty, and cUim qo jT.-dit
There were -aiany guests at lh> niaiies (he lriuu:|ib
in. May 2t.-Raiilau wttb
aemd by Bert Ward and bla ^la
(hat is not due as much to each iiimii opening of tbe Y. W. i'. A. liuaie Mita- emidinsUed ms be ewci.f every disirirt
dramatic InH.lenta nnd detail Um
■ eoriM ofx^alpere from the LUUe
r of the rarMsihUa ere*.- This
lu (In- state, winuliig !•> a cwoifonable
, mean, Slid evening,
Waome reriiaU in the official Rory
vvtt- Think of dlwlnc down for
a (be sialeuK-m of Capi Roilrou ihough
kci'I nW
a'nuttilH-r l'li:rai;t.c every wheie .-xeept in yie-|'^
Ae rainstoro
rainstorm kept
ough .^e
the TiUDl. dltaaiar went la tba
hJiw From Oeflaoee.
0- Lar
aueh a epread.' bet the end JoaUWed Forectry Movement In Thle Vicinity
re»i«nte to the
lay. lae hoiiee Ian evening Wins lliel'**'*' dlriiki, where he von euljiy Csima■ H^ra
>eaaiy today, when Soattor BmHb
Year sryl LocalcU at EaR
the BMaae-'here'a the atory. Last
of Prederleh K. 8t< warf- in iircsemlng
le Being Planned By
enc- Wgay
lesiivlil- in lionor of tbejfts* 'lura e'"*' A« a resuU'ibe wild
ly lesiivlil-,
|v|e<tlie invextigatioB oommluea'a raBay.
Jamiary. the Oraad Chancellor sent
tbe captain with a silver loving eup
>t-Tumal iiuhllr
l•ullUr ; tbe delegation cf kN votes alii be for (he
The principal findings ora;
eet weed that there naa to be a memommeiDOrale the resi-ue ol
Colou-i at Chicago. The Roosevelt
peoide ol traverse (Tiy. and the
the Tlunh- waaasdig Maapaad
A.. Homan, aged -9 Ssars.
Tbe Weetem Michigan Developmem TUanie.aurtivora. and uiedalt
bntdy coataet la each Pythian lodse
prclett-ctbil pUrality; with many pro
e; rng lu of a home lor girts and
of 2(4 milea |»r hour; ail RiflU
dropiicd dead While sL work
in the eiata. and Ttarerae Clij-,Lodce Bureu baa* had
given lo offirers and members of (be tupo which will, as lime-goes-on. lake ducts Vet to hi-oi from. Wgs
aaeed but for the taUgiM
cess of i'MMa*.
No. 72 wat ip have lu tan vKh the throntb the ort-hard of the Buckley
. Rotlron blushing like a school- a tire a»;K',-t of a cliy organization
inodeslly Insftled be had done
leeL The Mm membemblp waa • Douslaa Lnuiber Co.. Id Maniwee
Wilson won ten ul ll.e twelve con­ day iromlng. organic heart trouble iDdifiereii.e of the aiaamablp CatKarThc-i<v>|.lc have liken kindly to the
Ha Blgnala: ‘ka
WOeaUr^dtaMad and Chasoelior Oem- rouDly getUni news of the apple, nothing unusual. As the ranuiihta en­ Idea and a^fer many w.-eks of preparb- gressional dis'ricis and he.gets the l-Hng the diioei cause d death,
shead- waiulas. war* (gnorsd by tk«
tered the liarbor sbe was saluted hy (ton and anTlriiwHon. the ouilooh as it
auBder It O. Lewla led (he -Prthtaiia'’ cherry and pescb tteiem which are
JerabrdU bi.inl Uidhi dlntoaloi waa shortly after i-r-cn c.'Hcck and
Tllanlr’* .-rcw, that tbe ship had a
Ur. Homan had gone lo the fieM>
bloom. Thle orchard U the lergeei evefy...veesct. At the filer a eomrull- really rlaiida iuda> is very bright.
lour delcgaie>«t-Urge:
and Vice Chawi^r Ed B. Bartak.
vf the mm working wlion <-Tc* which srn* poorly drCOad:
Western Uichlcan at the preeenl tee of aun-ivor* hoarded the shifi and
KUsthe '‘Oemou.' tad the tan bema.
iSb^en bedrooms slid a prtvsie sit­
v-iili him had lef| fur tbe l<arti Miini oaly lanlally manned boata bad aoRS
prefumted the cup and medals.
Mata were to b- Kirea ihoae who lime. It coDslatinK of
ting room on llu- second door sic all alM-ih. .Newark, ratterson. Ailanilc
raed he lound Ur. Homan Iv­ of Ihe dlMiairr was sappraHOd.
Wwinhi In the moat candidate* tar :.tM apple trees. C.I*» pear)^
nicely luralsheil and ren-ly to' oi-cu- Clly and^olhei large elites.
With ih^ fact, daarty abonw. tbw
ina face lie Is survlvod l-y
Knoaeicli carik-d fienton and Mer­
InlUathm. (or the amber on each aide and 1.S43 cherry trees, besides pear,
|iSDC}. icsring bui one )v<droaai Mill
cer Annlla-3, InsMrtnx 'hiin the fourth his w«(?Niw^ sunt. KramM and livin.
tweeeu at each meettac durlnc the •ad plum trees, ceoseberry and
C Ulnae* AIu and llic aavinii
disirlci. lluos-vi-U i-arrled (he firat and two' dam
ooaieel. (or the ireatect number ot ram busbea and crape vinca. To tlie
TIW'c luinUUng l>edrooui>i
rcgulaiinn of wirelesa latefraphy; r»Iddua.
districi b> 1.3'ie. Uarly ibis
B and (or the duet obi- aoutb of the Buckley d Ooufriat orKImWKOd Aveooo Muthcra' Hu
The llomaos rame hero from De- wiririhHiN in manalug vaaagli. aoai^
Ruosereli'i- filuralliv tn ihe s
lectad. LM BiCht ended the con­ ebard la the trait Yanji bclongii
tut lAdies- .Aid. Aclniry Udies. Mrs.
liaiite. Ohio a year ago lost spring llchia an.l levotutloMzy relota tb
Fred Schoedel on whirfa farm (here
test. and to make It aa enjoyable
Sarah Uarnca. Cocgregxtloiial L.illcs
*Iil|. conalruclioa. Tba onoRS Of (ha
purchnsed Ihe.rarai
U to be found two of the flnesi bcarWilson
RtV-fTVasbinron. -May ?f>.—A gold tnvdJ. T. Hannah. On the- fi:-t
They have moile tnaoy iini-nivementi faniforwian are hlllerly critlriaad Iv
Ins'petr orebardt in the entire Weet- al and thanks -of cougresa was
floor iVic la the large living room, rcitiial vote and won .-ill hut fo
place, and allmi- last ilav Ur. ih.'ir failure to rush lo (he rn1rtai~i
Mlcfalmn country. Both these or ilored by tbe eenau- as a (Iiting m-og- wbicli Is very |iFelt>. The rug wa> !i<- disirirt deleg>l'es.
1 ChanoeBor, Fred C. Wetaoiv.
the Tlianlc. Umay is net psnnnHuruan bimeU h«> set out three
1 it Satiafied.
of CadObie. and Oraad Ke«er of Ree- rfaardc are In bhram al the preoAD' nilloa tar the bravery diriilayed by I re»eatr«! by Mia II. S- Hell ycalei
c,liici«ed. nor CtpUin Smith.
G;>Ker II
ly •k.-'
•!.. I have nolh- thousand fniu trees.* They spent the
erde aad Beni, wm B. Jlamptoa. of Ume and photographs bare been 'se- Captain Roniroii of tbe Ohrpathb. •lay aflcrnoon. Tlicre are lap d.:iwinter at their benie lo IVftanre lUablpraloe ll given Gsguti Raauo
Seuaror Sniiih liiirodiiccKl n restiut|f>n jug rooiuvobv for *be girls at the
Charteviriz wee* present, and It goes nired tar use In the advertising
whcii nskiil (or a siuletnbni sboOt ami rHurm-iI i<i take up the »ummri's of Ihe I'arpaibls. PunlahmsR toe the
thle effect which'Was unaninioesly •kiiiic atnfgiie tar iraiivieuic.: ihe iiiai.
-"mstm ■OBWtbat they nlvnya atlr ter being itsned in behalf of Wetiern Michigan.
faiui here. Mr Itamau ■leosisiAp cotnpsny or oRicen u left
'%P a'cnnd tbne.
adopted. The niedaT
V eontaln n-ii's lii-.liuoih. office klrchen. store the New Jersey r.-siill, Allhougb tbe
Ihe hand* of (be Britlsb eniboriUsa.
bulleflu board hu been Installed ti.noti wonh of gold.
rvaiiii and liathionm. Nearly all hav.. t'oTonel refnte.1 to make a slileiuenl. was a pnw-i-mos. wHI lo do farmer
Another (aauire of the oreolns bad
lie office of the Weeteru MU-hinan
believed he will iiriw turn Ids ai- and owns cuiisideraMe jmipeny Hi hl>
i.een fnrnisheil »1lh llie exi-e|iiion
Wen noised obnod. they were coins Uevelc^unent Bureau that firrubre an I
teulkdi to tbc'iunh-nal eoinmlllee an<l home town m lihiu,ilie office, and nnyonc wishinx i" '
b confer the third rank on Ue Urc- notes o( apeebi inieresl ma.v be dis­
lo bailie with Ihe Tati leaders for con
Fiineral servli-e* were held froiu
an office desk will find i
otoM that had wren t«ken played ao aa to attract Imbiedtaie
invl of lUe leniiorary organlaaKoa at the H. t. farter undertaking pailora
preclaiive recipient in •-ho Y, W
tkat daciwa at ene Ume In a nasK. tentloo.
Thiiraday sHeraoon al ( o'clock. Kei
home. The dining roomi. are very ITiltago.
her Of yean, aeren oaiAldatee pre­
Never Doubted RcawH.
The addreaa by romtard A. Tyler of
lieiiuia Coctilln orclaling.
sented (Oie—lree.
The ritualistle
j Trenton. Msy l’:i. --"l never douhinl
the Agricultural college at the grange
the funeral
style wllli chairs to rontch.
potfc waa herer presented In better
[tng Saturday afteraaon under
Mrs. A- F. Xerlingcr giresenled a aide I Ilie rcmli nnd ihe
Tbo Biily-Berenth robTMtlOB of tki
■ennsr. whMh MMwa the Intereet
np|>roval makes tn^liappv." wi
«f I'l-llance whcce
aoeplceeoMhe Western MU-Wmii IV- Route Covered Extendo For. IMO ■able f ifae Mg dinliie room and ii
thu tias been taken la tbla esnteet
ong like osd Garfield Sunday Seboo)
valotnoeot Bureau, was of great v.xliie.
mad.- (u^the family
very atfraHlve and usetal
Mlloe. .No Cemractert to bo
tWwn the itart Tk're are aererel Prof.lTj ler hns recently been a-ldcd
iBoclatloa waa held at iha Fllata
ernaniem. Mra. J. W. Milltkcn |>re Ihe New Jiwser result.
. Employed.
chnnh. Lone Uke, May 20, UI2.
more apfrileatlfme that have been act­ the fbeunv of the agricultural coiic.r-»
rented B set of silver spoons of three
Tbe meeting waa caDod » ordtr By
ed upon bnt the fBtlee coutd ac
nnd bb doty b to encourage forebtry
ToumleM things have been
London. May 2ft.-Tbe Aral practi­
ITeddeat Robert BanMy.
preewt, m the «ood work win
In WeRera Michigan '
Hi by Individuals, aoHettes and
8oug- l.«d by Arthur ZltaRtHR.
tlBBo, caO Ike Indioatloni are that entry on the tarma It la hb belief cal oiep towards’ the connraction of
firms, all of whieh hot beien gratef-jlly
Prayer by Her. P. H. PoMy.
thle wm b* the most aaeeattal year
every farmer should have a fo way was taken tnday. whrta hide for arrepted by (he management of the
Bong by the memben of SOtW
In the history ot tbs locol lod^
eet pM of nfflcleni size to prodni
Mark Craw JuatTy Proud e( H>a lAke SuatUy acbeol.
home, but still there nre-mecesaarlos
For SMrty an Door ike KnlchU the wood, fence poet*, and repair luip- 137.006 tons of steel rails wera reFlock. which nmv be eontrlbuted by those
ReHiatlon—Bertha LMinna.
tlnparud aro^ the handoet tablei. bw needed to keep the farm up to cwiVbd at the High Comraissioner's
• inieretted. Among them U
Addr«M-Rev. Curt HlUer, fcaomd
there ww« ao my cond thlnai to high aundnrt of efficiency. Polio*, office In this city. The railaay U lo
bedding ol all kinds, dishes, and espe­
A. I'. Cray, "f ilie p>'nItisuLi hsa an­
he partita at, aad'then came the log the addreea the subject was dla- be tbe blggeei entcriirlse of Its kind
M.irk lYa* remea foitb wlih
cially klichen uieaatla. In fart, as nounced blinaelf as a randl-lali; f<w irundertaken
crowning mmt ofbe ovenlnc the rnsaed by tbe grangers and m
Ihc Bcfompliiihmrm*. of three of bla
line will be koown aa the Federal one of (he eomraiitee women exfitein- DOinlBaitop of T-preoeni-'lve to th.A nomimaioa ceoiiatttea 'van appncria. and that took nearly three Qneoilona asked «nd answered.
TranMonilneuiarKallwv' and win ex ed, "We can use and are In need of legislBiurv from Grand Traverse <v'|<i- b- I S uf tbe Hh>-de Tkland Ib-d carle- imitt'ted as follows: Cedar Rah, Mra.
hom. Borne eplmtdid talent was "diethat tbe state '
whiita Is enouah to make many bfi
lend from Port Augusta In South anything from a stove bolder to a
Ixmg l^ko. Alma RlUle: No. 4.
thta occaalon and for the reedy to help out on a amaH aFred Klngdon. Howard Orral
Australia to Mblgoorlla in Weetem piano."
aanr that are to follow.
foraetry movement In the vlelniiy nf
Three piece* of Ihe New Theatre
Page; Ume Tree. Mfsa Greean; OnaVhaBOOlMr Oommaader LewU cafe raveeae City If the peoirie of this Auntralta. Tbe route is more than rchestra (nrnUhed rntmlc (or the known furmera ir. f
UnUy Buell: Silver Ube. Hlaa
l.noo miles in length and a conalderUj
a reoame of the wdrk that bad bhen aectiM are snfflclently Interested
ablo portion of It extends across a openihg last evening wltb the pluno hat been z.iive]•ly id-mifled w;llb Uie hens tozetfaer wIiH ocv.-ral ether
doDA mad tta Inuodneed the toastbera of tb- ume hatch Brat saw tbe
I'look after the local end
loaned by Grinnell Bros, for tbe occa grauge, and :atin-r* 'nstiinie
tbe dinner and aeelal bear wte wad
mdater of the evealoc. and while be of (be enterprise.
The home will be open to .the
light of day Five montbt later or on attended..
mema .n this s-c i<-n at il,.- state. Fo,
»aa-<me of the neweet members or The committee appointed
general public for Inapeoloa during
fhii^fflBs day, Ihey -sianed to lay
Aftaraeea ■imlia.
the Mbs. (a brave twndldate by the Grangers ef Kalknaka cpuoiy (or the
and nn-'Jnued lo provide -Uaik with
the remainder ol this -week. KvprvBong xcrvlce.
way) he provW that he was an adept
body Is wch-otne and all tie Invili-d
< zs> foi his breaklaai all w inter long,
of working out o plan for the
iMvoiioaal-Led by Rev. P. M.
tn (ha art of faoU loastmaaier and advertlsemenl of the agricultural
■ come lu and look the bouse
evt-n tbroBBli tbe «>IdeM perloda. Tbit Pohly. followed by prayers and lead'ToaR" maeur, and bU beinx uafa- lands bi that county, conatota
Meals were served to the tneipbers
spring etch beu was (Hared on a setmonlalt.
■Ular WIU many of the partiee who S. Palmer, one of the Kalkaska coontv
tiog al 17 of her own eggs, and In each
In tbe private dining room cominencSeng by tbe Long Lake Stmdny
appeaiwd onB the pr
moemm did not de- directors in the IVvelopmeDl Bureau;
whilc the fiublii
• use liie suimlaied number uf i-blcks
•chool claa*
U-r'-f 7W:-;i;: T,avers.- grang. .
tar Urn Dm the e
la* room.witl not be o|>ca iinill June
vw-re hslcbc-f Todsy rgny
e. N. Phelps, and J. Grant Getty. IccKecliaMon. "Show Year Oatora'ra;Uv.
with a^b ha prtaated each
ion nuriMscs
newer* for dei-or»llnn
;li* f-iTiy five ihi.ks are hviug. airocig Fred Fall.
iBlaar. Words are weak to tally deink, M. Paiqe -n:oi..- x-shge Mr ma:;v year* and h»* end b.allby . Tli- ml—li.g
nlttee especu
Watertown. S I' r May 39 -WaterKcwding. “Tbe InflocBee ot tbe
aerlba this ponioa of the ereolnc. tbb week lor the purpose of getting town baa never enu-rialned a larger yrewterday. t«eiher wiih Us cumpli- Btterd.d »< -crat me-iina* n? the alaf-1 killed when but a amall cbirk. the
Mother in the Sunday SrhoeT—Mia- eafOoe It to oay that each party knew phni under way.
re|>rc»entatlve gathering Biaeu and best wishes tar contlnncdj gijng- as a -l-l--tale f.-otn tie founly mother having atepped on it tVbea
nie Fbll. , ,
Mr r.r,:.
one ..f the tlrwi farmthat he was addla* hts tall share
than Is now asseml>led here (or the sdrci-**.
the rhlrka were ooly twenty daya old.
Weetern Michigan orrbard vjewi
Song—MlBses Daisy ohd Poart
.r. I- r.ud' u:.d -pplv vienrih, mv .
the ereelBK^ enJayiaeiiL
the mnibers started layhig
bebg shown at the TaUce Theatre In Joint conveoiion ol bnslnmsnrgaolta
Whan KalfhU Wetmora mad Hamp- conoertloB with ihe ragular program
fritw hts 1x1. .steer bens o!
ihst win hold forth here duriasr
Of the MUe. uud .. hiu. la-e Ixrac;-. vsticv. eacB OB a setting of nfi-cQ
tna are both oa the same pros
at ibawplace ot amtuemenl. These tbe greater part of ibis week. The
U worth BOlDC allea to llaton
Tieu-e are of some of the brger trull prgaolutlons la aessloK Include ibc
-so high as a '-ui< zrdwiag loeall'v.
etorlea they tell oa each etbw. The growing propoeltiims tn the icrriiory South Dakota Traveling Meo'e anao
}w to Held «ba Scholars la tte
Moca of O. Lota BOver. the plaao so- and are attracting atteotion.
cialMn. tbe Unlled rombiereial Trav
fiutiday ficboo!'—OUdvB.
>»• of Mr. Bomahser. and the
lm« of South Dakota. an-I tbe
l)l-cu**ioa kd hy MlW. Btom Am- Of Heam.
and Kina, (who ere
Assoclatton of ttelail Merchaot/ii
•Bpwrlac at Dreamland this week)
imet—nmer Yuukcr aad Prad PU.'
**»a«bl forth ronnds of applauee.
Addreas-C. M. Estoa
tor many
Two ef the wreoiBc'e class. otSord
Song-Rev. P. H. Pbbiy.
a model, xf Aloe a Sarum to Counttrset Fi
Moll srith vIollBwolos and llariy IlaaColl caU-Ung lAka. 40;- La«c
real farm shnnid t-c If c|ert.
opera bouse.
In Vocal nnmberv proved that
,.r d-allv. ih- ahelU utid cartrldgi-.*, ’
(; Stiver Imke, 14: Cedar Ran.
Gray un M- depended upon i >
An old fashioned plrnic comhinej
New York. May
-1-\ di>^.-ov<ry r.: Giimon.
. <ha Mce hM oonulred eome excellent
used hy Ihe AMnlanU tu/lheir war
Howard. 2. VMtan, X
t.>ok ati.-r ihv- iMepedts of tbe cnnaiv
»» Ulent (or thU j»d (u
with e (niin ontlag
Indulged in by
w.ih'lhe Cmicd AU.;, kfe whow„.'»>«
which promise* «o free iFie Amcriran Total attendaoce. 7(1.
ah intc':.e-M and bntlneaa like
Bi'Wt Otto ^weed never sane la sixty people ^peid^Hroni Treveree
Amoi.g .Hbi-r flings ar- n .Wi.m.
e raising mduxio o' the dreaded
OfficcrB for (be romlgg year ware
form, and while Chartea Bkel- City and (he anrra^tag country at
* .Smnhdi'ln
ot slipper* woni .1
tool and mouth diseose I* reported iccied aa rollowa:
Ihe henm of KMcr^M Mra. M
<*er was the last number, the
(Wbu Berlh. by Prof. Wit)u-Im Gnuu-J.
Prff^dcB'-Robert Barney.
Will Eitct Eight OalegXM lo Natioo- tboiH' daya. a raro-en taken (mm a. BanlUgu—A body of Insurgenta
• pear made mod aae of him and recall- tiullrt on Ihc -Overtook' fruit fa
Fp.inl*b offinvai ihc liWr of the war. da.v bUfWd a ih' iBvr.d loos of aui
d«iji of tbe hygienic ir.-aiiu e of
Vice iwesFJ-Dl-Jehn Clatk.
-ad him acala and acaln. It posalbly
literary, program was given and
fii'tvcTvrty of Rootock
ami proiwl.1v the non in’ci--.:Mng 1* .-one many car* and other property
Bciretary—Hmer Youfccr.
M not wiM to state Juat the hoar that varloha-gamea were ployed while the
Prof- Cnigel announ'rw lhal he
a piece of wwod liikm from Ihc pwa« ,ue pixniau' <4 Uarcoa (Unrfirt
maar of the witertata(d u
cfalldrea enjoyed climbing the apple
Uangp tree under which pcoi-e w»«l,!,^ vi.lnliv
Guantanamo and be- not only found tbe Urliius which panmeni—R -. J. Ztm
aiBht keys.
treet ana pUyii% In tbe broiks. fb«
M Xent and'mouth ^disease,
today to name eight d.degale* decUred m Cuba, when the Spanlsk,
o Ihc American Fidelity c
tragraace of the bloewnna nnd the and an equal number of aliernmtrs to tare<« surrendered » C-neral Shafieri
has aim to>nd a serum for ImmunU- Rev. Cart Miller.
Ulm, MldL-T-yemrold frMMlom of enuntry IKe was espeebL
Ing cauie aoisat (be malady.
renthm. Owing to n of the foiled Fiaie* army. Atnongi. •'
Johnny PMer waa latUaUy killed bv ly gratetal to tboae who spend ta-n'
D la not curative. Sut preceuHTe
,i.ion of aemlBeoi in h* •he Tclica shewn of tbe fbUieaw Oot-| CALTWEI.L. X. J.—Mra. John Mar
Uchtala* ta afcht mar Caairml lAk*. of their time In Ue cli.r Thev re- gnrd to tbe cboiee for ibe preal^rat
Ofirloiug are spears, cartridges, car- un fainted and feU from a thW floor aad can Uiaraisra be admlnlai
Me lay aale« aad Uehtnln* coh>* luraed to their homes, expressing sominarton it Is tbougbt likely an ■
nidge teHta. bayonet* okd odd ephia win^w when she aaw a amall bey hit only to beaUV animala
themoelros oa havtag spent
K can be prodoeed at aa expense
inatnseted delegailoe will be tent 0 pipes. Tbo retie* an» loaaed by Kra- by aa antoeoWe.
•n wlU 1
1 Wednesday.
joynbi* Ume.
of about 7S ttau pet animal treated
«M SolMiaky god C. E. KlpUtar.
wim saved her from Injury.











^'3 ■T'"








from the country. Now a few acattcrii^ membera only
remain in in<st of the }‘<>*ts and Mei^heranD'K rankK are thinning

Grand T|:|iVer«e Herald
and Tiavoie Bay Eagle

“-^r ami


Ti«t«w atr. lUeUCBB. by




................................ "iSSiSSS
VIS? t!yA5*y^wrw oi‘u^v ui!!”®'”**
CreukticBtfaii weak 2.900
M ibtt Be yhwatd

tot^ yewa aito Pmident Qnnt atronfly adrot^tcd the anamtioB of rnba. Our people at that time were ae afraW that they
«;ght become a world power among nationa. that they would iioi
" .ia morc than ten or •fteen fert from our ertenaive eoaat line on
bath aoeaaa. to aen»dre new territory. Preaident Grant waa right
have bera annexed to the.Vnited Statea at that time
If it had been all the trouble and turmoil, all the ivyolutiona.
aU tht a^?»«ti«t of life, all the dealruetion of property of both
fniir— and forrifn«B,-aod the Spanwh-Ameriran War would have
bate avoidM. The nhimate annexation of Cuba by the I'nited
iKaM to teat at aupe to come aa tomorrow’s aun will rise. It is only
A gocftkn of a little more time, a little more forbearanee. which
1^ itTimdr oaaaed to be a virtue, a little mor<- auuoyanoe'. n few
mM ominal ttnrisinfa, that cannot be dignitlvd hy the term revu.Hilpai, tb« e ...^ led interference by the Cubana with the rights of
iMtlfh BAtiOM vhea it will be the duty of the I'niteil Stales to
laiA&d under the aliaolate and positive control of the

Not all that tnRWered to the roH call laM yeir will atiawer this
year. But a few jvafa ago Jli-l’henu*n PoRt turiM^oul Ktrong ami
hearfj-. and their atep waa firm and trm-; The tnaoeh to the ^metery waa ootbing to these boys in blue. wht> bait marched for four
.v|ara through auniimra’ rains, and winters' Knows.’ who hgd faced
the enemy fn field, and forest, and oir mountain side, whose march
by daj- or night had hs-on over and through trackliws wilds, to face
the enemy with limbs wcm>-. with e>'esight dimmed bfcanae of
alecpicaa.honn—to face and ultimately conquer the-tmemy who had
ame blood Running in their veins, the amoe enthuKtaara. thdetermindtioo. making them «. foe on equal terms with them­
selves. But niariy a half eeatury has passed, and noi^their step
to alow and feeble and the line of march would aec-in very, yry
long. Tbi- uiarcbing days of the bc'.va in blue are luut. aud ao with
thenka they ac*-ept the t«s»d'T. so fn-ely made of the aiitoinobileii of
Again we pay tribute to the dead, again we do honor to the
living.' l<et the dail le- held in ueml rciiienibren<v. It to nOl a
day of fcastiug and iu<Triinent; ngt a day of spiirt and noise; n«rt a
day of fun and frolic. We bow the head in grateful rt-membranee
at'the gravi-aof the dead, and give wo%ls of prawe ami appreciation
(u the living few who arc with us yet for a little wliile.
It is a day asered t<> beautiful memoriea, a day of ennobling
tboughts. of patriotic impulses, a day when wo renew our ph-dgos
,to the I-'niun and .for the aafetj-of the flag that must aud shall be
respected iu sU jdaces and at all times.
Let Memorial day be as no other day in tlfe year. _A day fi>r
the memory of tin- dead and honor for t^ few yet living who earriM (he start and atripte on^aiiy a stricken field, and saved the
nation and the nation’s tla« for onr ehildr.'U, and our ehildr.n\

tiine to paat when the people of this country are afraid of
and the anuetution of Cuba will be no more
pent MtoOB than would .the acquirement of Marion lalaml. a few
■te wk ill the Bay. be to Tnverae City, to l>c used as a ]>ark and
" -WHbWt American capital CuImi woiPld die tomorrow. If the
expect that the I'nitrd States business men are going to
' iipMliiw te pour their milUona' into the enterprises of the Island.
to Ha only life, and then be sAleeted to the eo^tant and
npriaiaga in l^t little spot of land, they are_

own Government must pr«>teet iu eitirens. their righu and
' rtUrpiiilwiirfT.rvrTTThm This little toUnd, not muib bigger than
AtedutftothuBib. wi^in two bouts of our own coast, to iiisultiug ns
' •jflte-'«vn7 rtofDg suh. The Amo condiUon exiata along the MexiAlto Itee. Tbafe«ldKSon.‘Tvs we have alaterl in theae otilmnns repfs(eil|y tntMrt !m» rhsiigi-d. With Cubs it to a IKtIe dilfeiNmI. We
hm atodotAkca a duty (hat never should have been assumed, bm
f|g iqqiearanee take, wc told the Cubans we would not annex them at
' 'ibe dose of the Spanish American war, bnt that we would be glad
tbliaip teen sa a friendly neighboring nation, in any way we could,
liie CubAna have impoted upon onr good nature, have ahnsed
tesdit, fcSTc broken every pledge they ever riude, and agaiirand
tetete, and yet again, our OovMBmcnl hi|B tried to interfere to save
iClifr and preperty, not only of our own eitisens. who are interest
ai tbere,,bat even to save the Cubans from themselves. Just now there
to another nprtoing. Life to aacrificed, property destroyed, and the
tolaad to again in tonnoil. The interests and righto of American
' gtiicnt are in danger.
V To be prepared for emergeneies the President ordered a portkn (d onz own navy to Key West, within a few hoars dtotanee of
tkl toMid Tbit waa m«ely a precautionary measure. At
the PreaidAnt of the aUeged Cuban Xepnblic notified the !*resident
^ <d the United States that hto ao^alled Oo\-cmrnent oljjected t« 1
; eill^ehtration of any portion of our navy onr own navy yards,
''nnrnws territory, where it would seem we have a perfect right to
ga and do what are ^eaae. yet tfaU man. over on this little islahd
take hBaoiM an authority that bo cannot enforce, trito us that they
«fl) ttte it aa an affront if any portion of our nav>- should happen
ta tame within tight of hto little pie<-c of land.
Isn't it time that the United States ataerled its own right to
tlto protgetion of iU own intercsta wherever (hose intervsto are
ftanDdt Isn't it time that wc abonld stop fooling with Cuba, or al­
ii*^ Cuba .to fOol with Ofit The time must «uri-ly come when
auMtetioa will be a pciaitivc necessity. The longer annexatiuo to
Mllgad, tbe greater the necessity will be. the more diifiouliy iberi^ be in aeeompliahing a result that l*resident Grant clearly foreaatr Ibrty yeate ago. Thto result isincvitoblc, and must surdy
•aae, and the quicker It cornea the better for the Tuilcd States and
tiu better for Cuhu itself.

, tfe tdmrtimes bear it amid that Repnblica arc ungrateful. The
^aitej tetea has paid billioiu of dollart in penaiona to the veter^ nl.the Ovil War. Tbto year the pension ndl wit] roach $17.1,
tBB,0Q0, and it it 47 yean ainee the war eloeed. These hundn^ <>f
lafim are well invested. No man questions the justice of the
' 4Mpa^
the old soldier has upon the guv««iment. thst he
skvedTron destnetion. Bat there to anothiT'claim that <annoi he
Sitm^ ID dollars and casta and H to
elsim that for msny
paars has been neognuad in the setting apart of «vne day hi the
pair aH a Uemorial day for the dead who died in Imttlc and during
the keg yean ainee thfTt great day that tried men'* souls. .
. . As the pMn paas this one day has become mare' and
•acred. It acema to carry with it a deeper meaning. More'and
note do we realtoe the great work done by these mra. Jilore and
nore te we recognise the aacrifiee that they ami these whi> loved
them, piade to save the rnion. More and more do vn- rcalio* thst
afi wg-have of national life sad national pnaperilp aud smtioual
Than men are rapidly psaaing away. Tbonnndi upon t
tMiitea^dying every year. It eannot he for logg that we ran honor
O, S,Kt
U. de.d.
XI to a^1^BP^0PI|lrniat MePberaon Post. N«. lA. gav»
09 Hast'd hanar in the Memorial day pande to vtoiting post.

The Markets
PHcaa' eorrectad aaeh day by wlra
frqm CblWo. Datrolt. Toledo and Butfalo tbiouffa Vnitad l*ress telafiyph
Bufialo. May Xt—Caule-Recelrts.
M 'tm: activa, ataady. }S.«0(iS.90.
CalvaafAMlva., steadv, IS.JOei‘75.
8bee|>—Receipts, S.OOO; active.
«»; No. 2. MP8.2t. Hogs—Recelpis.
2.040: (slrt yaetlve, 20c lover. tTgUti
,S. eloslBg at |
Cbkaco. Slay
tVbaal. »Lt0H.
rortx. 'SHC. Oats. SOc.
,’»eumu May W.-Wheat. *U«H
Corn. T9c. -Otta. 68i4e.
Toledo. May 29—Wbest. Il.ia Cora.

79>ac. OUK Mtoe;

Cbliase. Slay 2».-Poiaioed quoted

Local Matkels

Hop ............... A.....................Sc I

c- .......... ;.......

rwmtw.: Orta Patvw. eemnist:
N. JeOeaDA. aoonno; Vrs. W.
BovrtCi. alto; J. Wflaeo. cenor; I
. Uan bsaw. Tbw «bo atuod'ctnwHi
sr exam a mat la tba maaietf
Mra. Flan E. Han ot UsrahalU oreaMsDt of tba Rebakah Maembtr
bar# last «eek to tba toUraat of tba
locwl lodge.
C. Vtorfc baa toatsUad a oaa
aaca naebtoe that n»s witb a gaaoItoa fSSlDe. atoo a force pamp for

BoiitfUiss & Kellogg
Cash Shoe atsn.'
*Sf^ Csas ■«« FMt Srasia, Tmn


Is dit bmtorr si our Befr ks«e we Less lUs m fhsv ae
Stiba Btajaaiefa has aoM hi* farm
•say GOOD SHOES » now. NoAsscraa.
10 J. C. Viaek. , /
Tony U'isfencbll of Traversa City
on Hmlm thst test sMtera good TsW. t 4»r
itansactsd bnstncaa here Twradsy.
\ poor Ike Isdcry gelt dwm back. That's only wlwaw
Mr. Corkovafcl to putting, a nev
trade ii menssint 10 law.
ceMU block toandsUoB ander I
W. J. t'elver tnutoacta)) buslnem
Traversa City Wednmday.
Rar. V. C. Boartoa meat lyadaC'
WANTED—Competrni girl for general
; Lelana
iKniM-acrk Kit,- .lolltrs tier week.
DefaBll U«Ug be«> made to ' lb*
Sira. F J. Brtgbt aprat-Aibday s<
Thr« in tarfll) I'boar MV. or rail onditions of a reruia mortgag* m^
b> Jarob A J.pufi and Myra H. Jonra
tu. John Jones, uid mortgue betag
Cbaa. Johnson. Claud n>rk. are at
dated May 3. i»M. and tbs same br­
tending Y. P. S C. E convention
ing rNorded in the olflc# of -the Rw
Traverse Oly Friday and Bttorda’
glslrr 111 T>Mda.for lbs (kwnt) ui
Wesley Lemrick has moved n
llrasd Tra«sf*e. 8laie-t>f MIrhIgaa «a '
1>ay blgbesi |wjrtw tot veol Ihs 2»th day of Us). A U. 1*11. to
Write or call ua liy •.litM-r phone.
llbey 39 of mortgages cn psge 2*1.
Ihc Inlerrsl upua said mortgage for
732 K. From Si . Traverao City, .\tlrii one jear at T per tent per saaam In
S!a> 21. :v, iJ—Jane 4, «. II. 13. 1» anuupt of Etobty-loor Doltora ilgIM)
inie do* upon May i. 1*12, and
not brSB ptM and by reason uf
-AUCTIONEERS,Roy W. aiu* and Mtoa Mabsi Ben1 default in payment of adla lanett vers nnlu-d to maAiage iatl Sa'.- If yon vant aa Anettoseer that at terrai aald raprtaaaee Uaalborlzad un­
urday evening, by Justin George W. gel tfa* prlrea tall and aee tba
der the ternit uf said mortgage t(^
piopeny thereto dsacribsd
Curtto. Tb> (ouple all! mike tbeir
tbe aiMum so doe and nllpald. borne to tills
r7 8. I nlOB 8L. Traverse City. Ulcl ■•ttofy
Ao.l to. pnK'eedUigs at lav- or to
In spite of ttie many raceiR arreeu nuiena pbooa No. R232, BaU 161.
been toslilMed la rrtrh
raenred tbsseby or an>
of Vtulatora of the State Itohlng tovs,
dRUKhter Jos
Pan Uereet noUev to hereby Cites
, certain parties are making a practice
tbelrlnev I
that b> tinue of tbe power of sate
ling a gasoline torch aud spear- Tedh EztraelcG ADaolalc tonialned in sold mnngage and In
Damon iSeeley moved tmmedilog OB Carp lake. These indlvldua’s'
ii»>'*i'h the atoints la *e<4i
r>v into tog-'bouw they racated.
ly WIthDst PBta
■<to and provided ihea vlll be
be "Ka-clar' inecbod I <
Sir*. Cryital Lane aod trlend from had better lake heed le*t they tmi,
-pubUc anctloQ to the btshaat
ibes of the tov.
move (bose aching teeth abaolotol: oldder on bturday (be 24lfa-^4ay pf
Rum «peni Bunds) vlib Mra. Hazel
will have a ragutor without lain, and vlihout tns aia e> Aop,,t A.
dnigi to produce nn,’oiisrtoti*nera.
ihr forrawm at
x.etb fraal door
Sir*. A. W. Eaton has bach spend- post oglre service after Juse, Ik. diuPeople of nervous temperamast aad of JketVuH House to tbe fuyof Tf*.
ig lb* toft ten dS)v at Bate*.
lug ibv ratire'rescst sesaoo. J. Cum- 1th weak hearts vlll anprsciau tbs
rse nt.,. Mtebisan uhst btong tbe
-Kkotor- method of palsisos setrao . ai-c wh>-re the rtmiit court for
Mr. and Sira. Empire Blitas of I’bsrof the reson
Grand Tratcrae Couniv Is beldl. tbe
ierols spent Bunday here vltb rela­ X^uvanu will dUeharge tbe duties
pretntoes de*. rlbed to saM-tuertgare
of postmaster.
SSS-MI Wilhelm Block, vltb Dr. HeUa- ur so much thereof sa tua) be t
Charles Apersoo entartslned t
vortb. Tnvsraa Cttf. Hlebtoaa.
Ray Seising rcetivsd word Wadi
ury to aallsfy the anioai
parenta of Kalkaska last Sunday.
together with the costa o
day of the death of C- U Johaaon.
clusu.-e and aaje and tbe attorney'a .
.Memorial Day services vlll be held uore famlllary krwwn In this riiy a>
Default bavlng been made In tbe
(or l-v tow. SaM sale
t the toan ball nen Thursday af­ 'Black Croai ' Johnaon. Mlesmon Yor conditions of a certain -mort«e made fee on»lded
prsmlara vlll be made bore.
ternoon. A speaker from Traverse the Bltc’k I'lOK* Coffee Co, Mr. J
bv Oacar -jTXMorae and Rarab JMorse, hl« wflfeT'Jointly, of Traverse
City vin’Se to attendance, as veil
c:led at bto borne la Ann Arlior CItv.
Mb-hlgan. to Rlrhatd Hurl'iut of
the band, and tbe acbool vni fujnUb yeiierday. l>urlng hto lllnest Mr. UcUK Dade Cuaut}. norld*. dated It* elev- become due In amount «"IWelTe
Htutdred Uoltari tll20fi.M). Tbo preshort program.
tog haa been taking bit'place to thto enib day of BeiiKonber, i
iitoe* to be sold are descHbsd to lbs
and recorded In the offUe
aald motgags as tbe Weal caobslf
toter of De-da for the
• H* of the WesSoB
bbbb M. C. Ovlatt captured and brought Grand
Traverse and Stale of Michi­ Northsaat oaequen,
I the ilty Wednesday, om- of (be gan. oil the eleventh dar^f 8eii|,
Thlrtyuiz tSfii and the BoutbraM omv
BBBBBBBBBB»BBBBBBB largest blai'k owb. w-m Iu thto region her. A. Ji.. Itvs*. in »■ of m
<iua.-1er IV < of ibe Boulbvsut oneThompson's Comera. Slay 27.— lor a long time. The bird measure Rtgea. on rage 7». on wbl.b moiigage ;uariir ,1»> of Section Tveniy-nte
to cUiroed 4o b.- due ul the .to"
2", Toan Twelitv-n,e (jr.i North
There are aome reiioru that Allyn
five feet from ii|> to iTp of Its wlngi >fi.ere
thto nufli'e tile »Rln of Setentre-U Unge Nine ’<9, Weal and tbe IMst
iDieiidilig to ha^ a depot. It Is fovt' Mr. and -Mr*. Onati have bean *|>»-ni!. DoUara and KHi.'- 'ihrec Centr. and at. one-liair 14) of the West oneBaU
alforeey's f« of Jw>tt)-F.'c Dollar* <Sj „t (be, \<.!*ljeasl ooeqoanrr
vbat to neetiee here at the most of log a feu day* at the Uailerruaiiti
.ided for In said ttivtistce. aijl un
if SpetAm Tlilnywii i3b> and th* ,
the freight that ibU road could ban- west of tile <’lt.< and only recenil.r the
or proceedingt at U» having been
nne-bair (HI of tbe BovUMUt
die* iuvta* veil as not to left at Lake bl^ bird aactveded In carrying teay ___Itot.-d to nraver the money* ac
nirth 4K> of Soetton Twentyseveral chicken for Mr. Lindcrman.
Ann and other near bj tovnt.
cured by said mortgage or say imrt fl«e <2i» all In Town Twenty-five
WMla eoislng out of Douglas* A thereof.
Tba Epwonb league met at
Kellogg's shoo store, .Mrs. J. Raaignol'ai^ore.hv vlrtceofthepov
Pratt school bOQSa last nigbt.
er of sale contamed In said luortgagc.
Dated May 28. 1M2.
The KasaoD Center Fitblng club had tbe mlsroHiinte to catch tbe beet and the statute la autb ra»e made sad
■pent. Tuetdty nigbt and Wednesday of her right shoe to auch a'lnaoner. provbled. notice is hereby given that
> tvtat her foot, breaking a bone on Saturday, the Hfteenth day of W. I' rROTSER.
fishing at Platte River, but tbe moat
AttortM-^for Hortgaime.
and badly laartr.g the ligaments. -Hie
they got va* a fine soaking
1 ah^ M-ll at iKihlic aucitoB
Traverse Oty. MtclilgBB.
Navum and Win Stock of Aabley « injury to a painful one and one that
Tfaurs. Hay 30-Aag. 22.
camp* ^nt Saturday evantog and will lay her up for a numbeLOf aeeks.
City of Trave;*,- iTiy. Ooant)
Sunday flatalng at Bronson* Lake.
Grand Traverse. Mtohlaan. itbat be
Mtoa Bessie SIsgsl to able to be o
the iilare where the flrcuit TotirT
to (bureb again after having aa ataald County of Gl^nd Traveni* I*
in tbe family awake with an »
beldl. the rreml.^ described to
lat'k of tbe quint.v.
tack of Cholera Morbus. Cramps
ll.vaeniery ami it to worae alu-D ye mortgage, or ao murB thereof at
O. K. Clark called on Mrs. M
be neceaaary to pay The amount
Brook* and family Saturday evening. bate to travel a nilie or two-for medi­ cn aald mongake. with seven per cent
cine. A bottle r.f BENNB-S PAINRosa Barth of Tnverae and KllJ.TNr; UAUIC Oi;. kn-t in the Inleresu and all legaj coat*, together
an attorney * fee ol Tweoty-Hv
Sir*. Hnby Peck of Kasson -Center, houae save* n world of trouble. '~li
fMllBra. aa provided by tow and a
called on Sirs. Pedc's mother tod quickly checks Diarrhoea, relii
-rati;|>s anJ ease* pain. Ktfective atoo eovenanied for therein. tl>e premlnt
family FHday.
or rlieumatUm. tome back, arratna, being deaczlbcd In said u«rtgage a*
Sira. Laura Bales and Mra. Viola •ute or wound*. Price 2S ct*. per Uu- followa. lo-wit: The East TnlrtyTbree and Ooe^Tblrd Feet of lot
Lake of Almira, called A Mra Brooks le. Sold D) American Drag Storm
Forty-Three <4Ji of Oak Helghli AddI
on buamess FHday.

Grant Brottos has gone to Kaason
Center vlih the imentlor to b
yoke of steers of .Mr. Peck.
EUa Brook* has gons to vork for
le summer for bis brotber-lmlav. Mr
Price* corrected each Monday and p. SI. Petk at Kaason Center.
each day iheraafia^n market varle*.
Siabel Burke of Staple City
. . .
gnasl of Hazel Boarle* a fe» day*
tbto veck.
Her. C. H. Harger of Benzonto spent
fev days bare this week. .
W. N. Sweat' or aldington
bought ~lv. H. Corks'store and
denca. Ur. SweK baa removed
family here
taken poaoes
Rya .....................................................80c of the store.' We wish every surtass
Id him businaa* hare.
W. H^Cork ha* moved hi* family
Into tbe Cedar bote: for the summer.
Slrt. Slooey and family are vtoiling
Cedar Run.
Ura. rh*a Bellman.spent Thursday
Traverse CKy.
i-hn>r-h Dahl bat gone, to.
Ba> to aork for the summer.
Dick Utbrcto retunied from’ North
StanUoo Tueaday.
Ear! paiford vbo has been atlasdiag ochool bare mnraed borne t
HW« ............
Nonhport Wednesday.
Prvarbtog aervlra* in Congr^atio'
• buri'b next Sunday. ll;2<i a! m.. I
le pastor. Cbrltttoa Endeavor '
No. 1 bona hides ..........81.S0 and
S:3.I p B. lead hr Arlle Jobnaoo.
SI in Alice Tamer of Creseant va
a visitor bare this vaek. '
Mtoa Arlfa J^naoo cloocd a *u
•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦a cassful term of acbool near Lolan
krhliamsbtnx. May, 27.-Tha Band tad .returned to her home for tbe
boy*- concert and aoAal at the U
tasU la>t Friday nlgbt va* veil
'. and Mra. F. A.
Hoaed a
traded and tte .boys daared about tncceatlul acbool year bare tou veak
U as a jjadlL
Picwlc dlnaraa vara held to aaito
Mr. sad Mts. Wsll«r Rector o( Tra\ ■be rooBZB.
MAC cay sgam Ba^sy at tba Va
Tba CoegragxtWal ebareb has or-,
lanited a nav choir, vbb Mr*. P. J.
.Mr. sad Mra H. A. Laadoa
Bagbu otgantot: Lavranee SbaUi.'



in the rour'v of Grand Traverse and
Slate of Michigan
_ Dated at Traverse I'liy. Michigan.
tmalL Call or.writ* frrgtka*.
In purauanre of a decree of-lbe CIr; March tbe nlaeieenih.
jlt i'ourt''1or the county of Grand
raverse .In chancery, made and en
tered on the 7tb day of .May. A. D
ISir. wherein Franrl* G. Rlter to eon.
mch 2)—tbura to June 13
plalttooi and Ada F. Payton. Kitty •
Rotierniunfl. Flrank Allen and Uh-r
S. Allen arc defendams.
Nolitc Is hereby gl'cn. that !. tl,.
ibfccriber, a circuit court coninii»>ioi.
er of tbe aadd couniv of Grand Tra>
erae. absU sell at |•Hbtie auction < vendue 'Tb.Jhe highest i
A 2% h. p. Gaaslin* EitplM
front door M^e court
city of Traveiju.- Oiiy. I nald c«:
‘ CyUnder bore. 4 Incfaei: sirak*
of Grand Tra\r*e. that
Good design, bes.t matarUL
place of lioI.iitiK the cir.-ui' roim
said county, on Saturday, the 2«n day 1
Hopper cooled. WelgbC 2« »>*■ Bttrt*
A. D.. 18(2. st ten e'zleek Ir.;
naallr. ran*' steadily; to seooumkvL
the forenoon of said day. all ihoac rereliable, darabto and eonplet* vub
iBDdt in said count,: and In i
puUey. gasolto* tank, Uiisrr, a>H
twenty-eight, imrth uf range ten '
and deacrihed m said Ic-ree a,
awiteb. wired ready to run your aep
low*. lo wil:
Begipaine at a point north ti'
grees'Idi minut-s east 4.9:* (hatot
from the viuaner i,ort belVim setlon« 2-7 and 21. town 2‘. 0<frUi.raa*«
a Citr. Hleh.
10 veat. and ninning thence ao-Jib 4’i
degree* 1» lulnute* ,e**t. to the'snat ^
«n.i line. 2 and Liuu —
chala*; Ihcp.e east akmg said quqVuih —
line 13 and
chains to a stake IT
aad 25-I*ii-chain« wrwt of'the center
quarter jom of section 24: thence
north 4" chains to the line Uctceen
oectloos 17 and 24. st a mint IT atJ
rs-lhf chattiv we«t of the qcaner posthence »e*t oi. the section line about
2:-lu0 •kalna to the rueandc
a-.arc -lo
l" ti_ikp our goods and.acrvjr* tbe Terr
n Grted Traverse hay : tbeor r
p:»■- -'O' *» high or Do'hlgbar tbga
«•) decree* west, along the
shore to a fmlni in and
rhsii' j
a,uflka>' •t-T inferior good*. Wc have the BEST SO• .«r drscrlls-' •
i.k to irtWlt' the Bert IJne of Cigar*, fk-pt In tbo ptok .if
thence sooih about 21 chain* to cent,'
•onaitv...: th- Eusiman-Kbdak Agasn: the^Arma Q«tov
of the blgtivEv; thence south 42 d,(4iBl Ag'«. V. Dtir llns ol drugs and our drag service are
grae* an,1 m rolntne* west. 12 and
' ••
hundr-'dths clvair
crt*-:!vd any *1w«“*'^1 >«ur confidence, and on
a the r
the *1«'>c aboslng •' vtoh some of -your patronags—ntsy
Grand Trasme and
we have it*
Foote. CItz. phone 1141.


^ w. &zaaEZBUDs

Tbe litOe Wonder

Where Quality Counts

"V c«,.CEV

Circsil Coon Cot
SoUritors f " . Traverae Ctty.

taar 1*- 7t—than.

WAirS DRUG .^ZmswssCitg



OEAiiDniinEinnuiftubiuimiUTuau. THoniuT.iuTao, inx.
Ibe Bwetlng ot tbe OeBgrwBthwal'
ebureb at Maple Ctty Wedneoday.
. Styfce BOM snbMlcnted for klc
father on tbe K. F. D. a tew days last


Mrs. 0. Keevar,
Mrs. La»n Huff.

Gny Welcb la mpotted «alte^
low wttb cancer ot tbe stoBach. Dr.,
Cbaae ot TraewM City lo atuodlng

Mrs E. Ray. Gis

Local Pride WiD Take a Hand in the Avoid­ L«ll.
ing rf IW Elegant Prizea

Mrs. Beaais Griffith. Cedar Rwi. 5878$
Chriatlru Blaeken. S^y R. ’
Mrs. John Mochina. Xeuradln...41385
Mre. J. Send. Jvm Suttena Bey..399re
Mrs. Mary Kessler. T. C. R. 6. .32745
hose Oenalaan. Empim ..................27410
Clara BsrwiA Suttona Bay R. i, .23715

• The nplrtt sf uwu rJ»mlrr la Mnr beraalBK to onrt ttarit In the dliirlct
•liUlde of TmTone CHr. wd uadoobtfcljr tlie Usn vin bo ao dravn that la Oorotby MaeaenI.......... .....................
•eryt Parka. 2231 15Ui..................tlHSS
tfeo neor fotnro aoeb oomanat
Grace MeMlebaal. 307 W. 1Uh.11M7b
tnra vrui |d(± oa* caadidato
Katharine Paffhouacn. When Bk.1te67S
ivtag ita aadlTldod aaptxn u
.Tlitna Cdrrell. «2S 8. Union.., .115736
Av ladr ao hoBorad «1U aaroly be Con Pearson. a»1 Wash..................IIS73S
Cecil Van Natter, 42S 2nd............115471
tbrtoaate bad aow ti tbe time for
Rhea Lothariua 205 Elmwood 11375:
aaUklate to place beneU ie aueb
Kate Brackan, Cor. Oak A 2<id.113421

Includsa all tarritPry outaida
Travarea City and South and. east of

we would Uke to keep tbem tbare.
Ur. and Mr*. Darid Borontfi via!’
ed ibeir grandson. Earnest Hopierk^

lha pam Marwuatte R. R.
Alice Schell. KIngelcy .................. 11896$
Jennie Laggrtt Grawn R. 1... 117375
Adeline Mallory.^. C. R. 8____ 116975

Lulu e. Themaa. 505 Wv, nth...112973


Front.. 112975
Tbare are oeorea of pwido vrllUof Mrs. W. M. Brown. ’.802
9th.............. 112737
and anzioua to bolptbe candidate «i»
_ tth........110395
ilaidara at least a UUle InteiMi la
>ar own caniHlfB. Aa tbe support
Wobater. 120 N. Codar. ..110375
tHa la to taeelTa la regnlatad entlrelj
na White. 519 5th..............109715
I' tbe atnoant of interest' ibe dla- _ j Green, 1029 Webeter..........1097SS
p'ara. It la tu> to tbe candidate to be^
«oaia Intaraated. A candidate asks a
Edwarda Ml W. 7lh....... 105975
•Mead to help bar and that friend. In Ethel
Mattie 8mih. 854 E. Front... .106975
tvra. Inform another friend that he Mrs. Lewis Culman, 576 E. 8th 104725
‘ now working and ao. When Mrs. Markham. 219 E. 11th..........103745
a candidate baa a few good trieade itabcl Larson. 911 8taU .......... 100375
Mra. Frod Elmdorf. 413 E. 8th 99365
Wktng Bbe baa placed berselt In


Ida Whitaon. Bates .. ............. 112365
Mrs. R. Van Da Bogart Bendon. Ilf —
Mary MeCMI. T. C. R*.
Mm. G. Pray. W.tllamaburg.. .
Mrs Carl Richardaon, T. C. R 2

MapleUML Mb/2L~Mre. John HoEan Is vwrr sick and baa a -nc
from Big Rapida caring for ber.
Mr. and Ur* Oscar Jobnaoa
CUy spent Snnday with. Mr.
I;. t™v
i;|h-SL Mr*. Wmiaa CarmlL
Mi Beck ot Tmveme City viaited
tbe borne ot Mr. and Mr*. -Lardle.
Oliver Lardie baa purchased
Mm. Cba^ Curtis and children
Of Traverse Uky are spending the
week w-tb her paroita. Mr.-and Mm.
Jul.u -iltllmaa.


Minnie Sargent 8m
CarrlaPailer. Fife L

.... :.S?a


Isude Wi
Mm. Fried Berlin.
Beatrice Babel,I. 624 Rai
Mra. L. Newberry. 713 E. tth... 93745
Tbea there U tbe candidate wbo
530 Bay...
iloea not tratt ber welfare, daring MsllMa Klinktr. 413 E. 8th.._____
. aueb aa opportaBli}', In tbe hands of Mrs. Harrison Vinton. Wynkoop 89365:
Bar trtenda hot Is colag after tbe eub- Mrs Chaa. Decker. 233 Bay....
Mark Craw. 225 Waah....
oerfbera berae^ ThU metbod ta all Mm.
Lillian Nelaon. 914 Waah............
rML but tbe campaiim maBager
Mm. M. E. Kehoe. 440 W. 10th.
that each InterMted candl^u abould Mrs. Geo. Bend. Wynkoop Ter. 689U
Bare a lew of ber friends taoldlng and Ella Hanblnoon. 438 State....... 65785
Mag receipt books. OIre a friend
receipt book and tell hla or her to
eoe that It la returned. fiUed from Mm. R. E. Weaver. W. 10th___ 51615

Grace Spaulding. T. C. R..4
Mrs. LewU Briggs Acme


Any RallcrF^rUlelng to Ecari/ Grand
Travema Region Kiatery

Alice Bpevseek. 716 Randolph. 43785
Uko the poUltdao. figure rour
Includes all terrilory outside
atrencth. If fou ^e a member
society or an orgntiliatlon see that U Tmvtme City arid west and nortl
tendets jron the proper amount of bb|v the Per* Marquette R. R.
porL ' To« would bMp mnottaer mem­ Goldie Chase. Levering. R. 1..117485
Garland. T. C. R. 1............... 117365
ber. now let the members belp yon. Rena
Jennie Fsmnt, Empire R 1____116975
TWO every wlreMo algfat Every on- Julia EsteA Bates ........................... 116475
#Mnle ta tbe lUt knows that abe Mre. AtkInaOn, Burdlekville... 115745
woBld help a frfead under Ilkp ooadi dary Jaquiah, Bendon..................116478
leaala Bright Maple City R. 2.114755
boas ao now give your-frienda the op- Charlotte
Munre. Elk Rapids.. .113975
portBDity of belpinc you. And tbe om- Carolina Daltall, Cedar RFD 2.113435
eoae la to be taken Into consIderaUoe. Helen WMtoon, Bates ..................113396
Tbe GiianeU Bros, (own inakel HatUe Swaney. Old Mlaeion.. .112476
Margaret Wilson. T. .C R. 1.. .1^2475
ptanea. tbe diamond riogs and sblld Chariotts
Thica. T. C. R. 6...........110975
BoM'Watcboa. AU of tbese valuable Mrs. Roht Lackey. Old Mission.109715
siwarda are tranaferable gnd a ready Mm. Frtdrickaon, Nevthpevt. .109485
F.-R. Purkits. NorthpoH. .109365
aalo can be found tot earb.
Old Miaslen___ 107465
. beb lady has tbe opponucliy of Ida Weller. Cedar
Mac for one of these elegant awwrda Mm. N. Shlaler. T. C. RFD...106725
and abooM aba not .be aucreaaful abe
. Copeland.' WJIIIamabuig.106475
............................... ~
I to be paU In caah for ber eBort.
_____ ____ ..106395
. fldBaoquantty each lady U to be paid
hUple City.. 106726
tar tbe Interest ^ displays and tbe Aima Gearing; T. C.
R. 3..... .10M75
Interest dlaplaved means a Alice Ostund. Old Mlsaldn
Ada Burkett Cedar Run.
Mjre desirable reward.
Tbo great campalga la now more Verna Kennedy. Kcwadln
Velma Gee. Elk Rspidt I
tBnn Balt ever. In Just three weeks Celia Scott Northport ..
man Belt Batnrdnr evening It closet Cecil Lafayette, T. C. R. 1 .. .101362
, nnd'lboae elegant prUes will be Laum Bates. Lake Am..100915
' iwnrded. U U now time for each Semh Wilson. Empire R.......... 98765
Susie Fergueon. Cedar............. 98745
Mdldate to become active
Gertrude Lardle. Old Mission. 88745

Mrs- ^
I. Fife Lai
d. 8. B
Dufley. Klngeley .
Mrs. Geo. Crisp. WElian Mad^aon. Kin


mbera of the Old Settlers
DO -are urged to aid tbe o>m
aiartlag the new museum.
D be a «>

scenes of early daya, and metuentos
of the old days ftat lading from mem-ry.’
These will be labelled, lodexed and
{■reserved in cablneU and filing cases
And aafely kept as a permanent ex­
hibition during the year in tbe City
Gmwu. May :g.—One of
library. All tbeoe will be so armnged
Mesaaot aorial evehte of tl
ucvprred at the borne of Ura Braek^ that tbe exhibit can be quickly packed
Saturday aflemoon: vrbeu abe eulW- up aud taken to eacb annual mee;-'
ig of tbe Aaeoclatlon. whenever held.
tamed lo iKmor of Ur. Uaigaret
Kcllir. An elabomte six o'clock dlu
Old SelUemI You' have photo­
ueV was served.
graphs and mementos that are of luM.r. and 3Irs. Wm. A. Jealrmffi are
' Interest toyouraelf and familyt.he imud pareou of a baby boy that
can be 3afie of Iniereat to hun­
aiiived ai tbclr hoBie 34ay 22.
dreds of oibers now and In tbe days
r»r. Covey of Houor asd Dr. Shanks
come by sending to tbe moat-um.
i:mplre caled on Dr. Clark laat
5'ou are keeping tbese aiored aw*>
are carelessly neglecttnl cf them
. C J. Garnett and Uiaa Ida at home, they can be carefully preserv­
'.Vaii'.pr of Tmverse City weroj
ed. mounted and exbiblled for the
.Mrs. McIntosh and fumUy
mefil of the preaeni and future genmtioni.
Such a muaeum will be of inesU-'
Hum to Mr. and Mr*. Ikey, a ba*y
mable biatorical value In the •■omlag
plrli -May IM.
Mm. Roy Casa. Lake Ann, R. 1. 98465
Mrs. Jones entertained tba onbrold- yearn.
Votes and the cnodldatea that ae- Sami
amh Dunn. Burdlekville ............ 98215
Inatnictlons: Write plalolv oi
club, Wednesday' afternoon.
:iala Stone.
______ Old
... ...
Miasien ............'974M
n tbalr fiVa will iwcelve a good big Eiala
.... .....................
RFO- . .9731
\ farewell party was given at tbe back of the photo tbe na'rae, addredk.
mat of totaa.
Helen Richardson. T. C. R. 1.. H7i
date of birth of each individual and
l all ’niuraday dvenlng
Mra. Kelderiteuae, Maple City. 95725
lame and address "f the.person
Edna Tromm. T. C. R. 5......... 93475
acadlug li. labri pholos of.old build
Norn Rayle. Lake Ann. RFC.. 91745 moved CO Suttona Say
Mrs. Mat Moaier, T. C. R. 1___ 91745 future borne.
Ig. scenee «lth description and naiL"
Mm. C. Richardeon. T. C. R. 2. 91375
of sender.
party cODKlMiDg uf .Mr* /). V.
Send all exhJblU imendvd for the
A. Shearer. T. C. R. 2. 8948$ Hughes. .Mrs. U'ulker and MIktn Pit
(fwludes all tarrltery Inside the dti89475 boral. Stennan, George and Hugbea inuaeuni —to Oeo. G. Bates. chaTrman.
Bailts af Teavaraa City.
Mrs. M. G. Gilmore. Old Hlasl»n.8Se45 of Traverse Oily were the guests of Tmverse CIt.v. Mich., wbo wlU peum
t___T. C. R. 4.....................................86715 Mra. Mrlnloah and famlly
receipt for aama
Wargaret’^lfar^ 511 2ntf..
Jessie Newman. Maple
. City
. . R. 2 S5715
Tb> next anmial meeting of the
Lrj. Batey la spending a (»«’ dale
• *-Xccok.WW.7th.......
Mrs. Roy Pease. Leland ............S341S
Mrs. Fred Wares. Cedar No. 2.. 81475 In 1 m>erae City. Ibe ftwat of kira. OM SeiUem Association'occum June
T OttInsaVrw*
OttIngaVrW «
Mr*. Myrtle Green. T. C. R. 7... .81365 Matbewa.
112. Hunt up your reUca. Do it
Ute Beodald. 1122 P
send at ooce. It take* tin
Ik-, Margaret MacKellar left for To­
ronto. Ont.. Monday from there she arrange aurii a niuseum.' The
will EdmoDlon. Alb . lo attend luiuee wants lo see a splendid atari
ade at the meeting June 26. at Truthe I’rcabyiertan asaembly and then
■rae City.
to Vancouver. B. C.. to Uie annual
.N'othing ao silnmlatea inMory of the W. F. M. 8.. where
she wlU address igg^egs.
- 7k8 Bonld sad Eeeord Oo. PiSBo OoBtBrt.
M'S. 'Dreseber and daughier. 3lias
lyiies. daguerreotypes' and
Mildird are visiting friends In Gmnd
brotypes of da‘a gone by.
To be vateB.aa ar bsfom June 4th.
With a liberal reaponac from e
Mr. and’ Mrs. Milton Harr ot Tmv­
erse Cltv were gueaU of Mr. Harr's member, the mubeum committee p
oops FOB 10 TOTES..
laea that ihia pan of the prograin will
parenU Sunday.
For ...............................
Tbe Gmwb schools closed Friday be of more Interest than the diooer



Address ...............................
RU ia the nsme of the lad.v for whom yon desire to
Jd jtnd I
▼ote ud present to 1TieHersld
I tb^ n
for June*. Tbe My m

for tbe autaner vacation. A plcnle
dinner was enloyed.
Mils Eva McManus left for her
homo naar Tmveme City Friday
spend ber vacation.
Mr. and Mm. Axel Anderson i
moving to DoUarrHle.
CEDAR. R. F. 0. NO. E

scaue of votes
« raten

tha Raeerd.Ea8la and luimber'of vetat shmn es
_____ 1.

As New
Ai Old
« norths tiM..................... LHW votM................ 900 votei
1 Yssr
AOOO voto.................24M votes
a Tata

«AOO .................... t&fiOO votes................... 6.7S0 votes

As New
As Old '
6 Itothi noo.................. 1.800 votes.................. 900 votes
1 T8sr
8190 ................. 4,600 vous...........2,280 vote*
a Tesn 8490 .................js.500 votes....'........... 6.760 votes
, ^
Ai New
^Ai Old
....................1900 votes..;........... 800 votei
a Tm ^.....................4.BOO votes.................8960 votes
Than the ammhtt ot votes given on sabscripHon psymenn
Md8 after Jnae 8th will be decreased aaotber one-tath.

Cedar. B. F. D N'p 2. May 2?—LouU
Petnakl met with a anull loc
UghtDing TbuTbday morning on hl^
Moe^ Cau and Walter Bujsf si
Saturday and Sunday at borne.
Fmok Uennan baa sold bis 80 acre
larm to Julloua and Herman Gantbler

Fife Lake Department
Cmutncted by Mlaa JHa^pewey.

Botbacfalld. WlsTOoils. ' TRsnAar.
arbere be baa beaa gglgid lo tbo
Mombeo ^per mllla. Bo «B
blc talher m tbe drug o^ tot tho

Mias Lada Browar eataattSTTS
Opportsatty dasf at ber'borne Mooday cvetung.

Wm. W^.rttanad boow tet^
Jay nlgbt from a larp weak'a viatt st
Alnmnl. Otuwa. asd etbm- pwrat. m
Canada. Including Bmfth'a Falla, tba
place of hla birth. vbkA be baa net
tees for the past SF'Mat*. He atariad for bottle from PsckeaaaB. May
21. tba birthday of tbe quean.
During tbe aevere electric uono
MotvdiL-algbt. Mrs O. McAley's teira
was struck by lightning and burned to
tbe ground One vnloabte home was
klUmL liH> buabete potatoea. a Ibratb. Mr* Elsie Eartiut was married to Ing ettglna and gmln repamtar alao
Frank A. llellvi.'I.a : Chicago, on horned up. The fire was kept from
May -.-uin. • Mr. and Mr*. Deltclaka apriodlng to the bout*: and otber
e atrenaoua <4oris Ot
WlU reside la Chtiago
Mr. and .'lr» Cheater VanFell of
Kjitialey. the tetler'a latber.
Ceo Kad-r. W'vxineadav
A8gUr <'aiu|.bell ntun ■I rroiu Kal
kavka. last wee'e. '
O. C. Hai.-liiB*. u-ho ha-. I
With fu'o.rcui<j^i» .for ib.- -•«<
I* very lew al prereni wnilng
Mr ami %hs liiu-r liulbetx and
son Frank leti betv Suiilay alu-raoun
Wednesday'B 1
for a three seek* varaltou They
Mm. M. A. Murray of 817 N. Ch»
will vi.,i In Grand IUphIs. and, Chi­
cago and flout ibt-re will go to Den wood avenue, iwurned Soturday from
raontba' vlalt vttta her aoo.
ver. CoU to arieml tbe June weddlrj!
WllUam of Portland..Oracno.
ot (heir'son lidgar.
Mr. and Mrm Jaraaa (*. Rtewfart,
MyroD I'lertv laiue boiae'.froni Chi
eaco SundB!. rpemding the atirnioon who have heoo TteUtag at tba hoaM
wttb bU {varenta before going to Tpv of U F. -ntna. iwijuud lo Flial to­
he ha< eiU|i|oymrat day.
J. H. SteiiAarg' arvttmg ysoterday
'-Ixe Sn liU ha.« I'anshi n tu arrr from Deutrii bringing him famUy wttb
(arm on Sec-. :. an3 la luottng tbert^ hi*.
Mlaa jtva Magao la apandliig tha
Mr*. U. tiarr,;. and Master Sianlc! day at Kalkaska on bualn$fia
Mr. and Mm- M. H. Briggs pif ttrawL
laBar returnM from Caill'.Hr. Tbur*.
passed through tba city ycatarday or
Mr. and Mrs Fred Bechiicitie sent tbalF'Vay to Klngaley. wttam tboy
to MSDcelona Monday, to be pr<-senl win tUii (or a (aw days, tbo gnaa^a
of W V. Hall. They aaka *Sb»
at the romuteoceaieiii exerriae*
\ormal 1
I which I
r Htugbler._ IbMr furore borne there.
.'Ms. Myrtle, graduated this
Mm. C. C. Ayma vaent to KalkaMia
.Mr. Hfiriier- who came here ibU
>1* moraing. where abe will apend a aprltig from khe .\l. 8. II. at Grand tevdayatbegneMetberpamoU.
- )
Rapids, dii .1. Tuedav- nwrning from
Fleyd Davit returned tbip
the efleiis >>Ha l>araletir stroke.
t lo'bet ‘pomoM. Everett (re*
Mist Kthel'lt«.-Ulr closel a anr- several dava wt'bere;k_ =■■ •
eessfiil term of school on Thuraday
damaa H. Millar rwurned U nvenin Boartiman DlMrio No 1.
ing from a abort bualneea trip to
Cbancev lallar came home (rem Grand Rapida

W« wsBt to Bato^ D^srtaMBt .ot tbe
Crastaft pouible vslot to ^^«gwaSi..Rad to
this ad reqvott thst sU iteos of penossl sad
reatrsl iaterat be test to Mia Drwev to be
iBoorpontod to tbe Depsrtinent. We espedsUj
sak thst diarcta, fntemal sodetiee sad the
Orssce fmish Hems of isterat is their respec­
tive argsoigstiosis Newi of locibl events end estainmeote, improve»«U beioff msde or CGBtemplstcd, sod bosiseat chsjiget, sod trsogfen to
resl hsute to town sod covotry ere espectelly
BcceptsUe. Tbe above eppba oot only to tbe
viOaceofFife Lske,l)Bttotiie sumoodioc oooatry.- Editor Benld.
.11. H. Stuart ol Si. Joseph, aecretary of ibv WelU-HUman CO., ana
(he guest of bis sister. Mrp. 11. E.
HUU. Tbumday night.
Uiiioo of Ca'dlllac,/vUlied
Mr*. John:
her *l*tcr, Mrs. Fred Bgcttan^e. Satuniaj and Sunday.
Boro, to Mr. and Mr i. BunvBcaU.
•n Monday. Ma}' rutb, a eon.
m’Im Myrtle l«uka and brother Har­
ry were yo Traverse City on bsklnesK
Mia* Vlonle \MnFelt of Big Rapldv.
G the guest of Mias Leda Groaer.
ErangcUsts .MiesBU and Ran>ba«
«erc guests of Km and Mr* A. W
Baker. Friday They vfleut tbe afternooti oa the lake oabing.
Ueo. Steel bar sold liG v-oud tunchlnc to bla »on Ed. v>bo baa gone
Into tbe wood-aaniut bustnerr
The Missn Ufila Urouei. Vliiuic.
Vaol’eli and Elbe] Slnriair. w-ere Kal
kanka callers. 2>lda.v.
Mra. TablM-rer la (nterialnlDg >liu
Mabel (Tialand of Klngale.v-.,
Edson Vane ol ITtlcago. ocui.led
the i>ulpii at tbe M. E. church. Sun­
day evening.
A..Finch visited fileiids a>
Tracerw CJl>. laf) week.
Revival services cloaad al South
Beardman Snndav bight. t-^anseUii-.
illetauAnd Banrhaw wenl fruni there
to Boyne City.
Mr*. J. J.' Xlehardt returned to her
home at SoutthBoardman. Mnmtay Mra Jas. Stmban. er.. is able to In.out again.
WlU Ives of Crofton. spent Monday
with her brother-in law.. Ueo. Sle'-I
and famlb-



Model 35


The Biggesi Little Car of the Year
Wheelbase 102' —Tires 32x3!*■—Motor 3?^x 35<-26 Home power.
Equipped with Mohair top ^iih curtains and slip cover—Clear vision wind
shield—Prest-O-Lite tank—51060 F. 0. B. Flint.

Has everything needed In a Motor Car with the TROUBLE
and EXPENSE left oaL '

5Ir. and Mra. Jefferuon irtdaev- of
WnUamsburg vlalted tbeir son here
Be dav Iasi WOTk.
James IVatsoo and Tom Fray wert
> Elk Rapids Sunday to the
John Kenady w-ent lo Trsvetee City
Sunday to the baU game.
O. S. Pray and L'rbln Betsmler
Traverse I'ity visitor Friday.
Saul looser of Kalkaska was a visi­
tor here Sunda;-,
Ashley and Anailn drove to Traxerae CUy Saturday mnraihg
Mr. and Mra Oavta of Barker Creek
vlaUed at Theodore Sberman's Sun-

•a DickennsQ and son. Warren
attended Memorial services at Maple
City Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Stabler, son John and
Mao GlendeBlBg went to Travera?
Eaihw Good of Tmveme City drove City Friday
.-m, in their auto Sunday, calling ni
aiSord Pray- and >11* Roth Ste­
T. II. Whitea
vens ri*lted at A. S. Praj-’a Tuesday.
MfT'and Mra McWllHring entertain­ Rob flow, and wife vlalted at C. C.
ed i-ampasy yesierdar from Traverae Hammon s Sunday.
George Cool of^ngbam came over
and bougbt.A-''1ine yearling coll of*
Frank BujtC:
Ur. gnd
8. B. Ceie auendedr^^

Model 29

A Happy Medium in Power, Price and Size
Wheelbase 108*—Tires 34x3h—Motor 4x4—30 Horse power,
Equipp^ with Mohair top with curtains and slip cov^_Demountable
rims an^ extra rim—Cleat vision wind shield—Prest-O-Lite tank—$1250.00 F. 0.
B. Flint.

WwR. Goode
Garage. Stale and Cass Sts.

Waiid TravfifSe Reildft

Rwr. A. BeetoU. Tbe ckrarcb
tasleniUy decorated with Sowers.
Stacy of Craad Rapldf. arrived


' M. B. church Snnday moratns.
C Thtoa iwoacbed the aermon.
and aon laa. loinniea ber aUler. Mrs. B. Ruaaell. last ^eek;
Erwin Robbert of VatolerUll. hm'
AL Otborm k «o«iac
borne trom Cbtoaco Sunday, in ibrir
4kf»' w cUTdt*.
liew ear, which they porcaa^ wlille ■beeptaff^ba poaUlon of aattoUni
druggist In tbe Xorthport Pbamiscy.
Hn. AaM^TBcUCT It mAtoS bef away.
Prof. F. O. Marvin and wife ol LawIM Tor U»e pwieni. wHb her couJamea R. Teilcard waa a Traveraa
renee. Kansas, arrived on Monday
L ifr. iiat Mri. M. H. Tluirer.
atr ytoiter Monday.
ei^^ and
• CMlB U
F. Stafford, who baa apent tbe paat' tor tba.snmmer.
Titvkiia Ar.
(ew dan riaUlni (ricnda here, toft
Bont to Mr. end Mra. L. BaaaeC on
for Sniiona Bay Monday mornlni Friday, a girl
a r. duk hu iM
wbere he wUI enaace in buaineta. .
pair •ark tor But Bar.
P. Gilbert, wbffbaa been vtoli'
A bop waa Blren In the town bal Ing bar parenu tbe peat we^ left
Porrwt Tortor *«• • T*»vo™« CiijeaOer taM •»«*. UUi .Or«c* Tajlcr Tbnraday evening by Quincy boalle. tVedneaday. for Traverse City, wberw
8. W. Porter left .Monday tnomlng she will make her (wurc heme.
to a eODdMala for tba pr^ of lb«
BaraU * Itooord Co. for -3w» -U. for Alma, hllefa., to attend the con-,
Mr- nnd Mrs. hlull of Toledo. Ohioj
i-entloa being held there by tte
Uv muv (neada with bar anecasi.
and Mrs. Ward of Grand Rapids,
Many Kodland and Umto toanta aonic lodge.
rited Monday evening and win oc>;
Wm. Voice and tomliy have iuovt.d copy tbelr cottage at tbe point.
•ara eaUen at H. B. Ttaj er'a laat
I Fok litand for tfa'e snramer.
Mrs. V. Hulel of Traverae City, who
Bom. to Mr. and Mr& W. Oagnoo. baa been«ere taking care of Mra. Jos.
na tolaaat BaU and Sllnii^ Flab
atottad vltk MUt Giace Tarlor ton igit weelciia irlil.
Tbouas. returned laat week.
Hector Slebbint left for Detroit last
Mrs., P. Griffin entertained
innie Pierre and family vUlted at
/H. B. Tbarar kaa tSa cara of the week, wbere be wUl be^miSoyed tor rr of tbe >ounger net. Wednesday
Mr. Volcer's Sunday.
tbe eommer.
k. to-hlUil* Wa.
evening in honor of her daughter. BesWm. RJley, gtoi .family rtolled at
Tnalk Bock, mutolntot (or tba P
totoa Florence Thomaa of Stockton.
Ice cream, aaaorted calces, and
r. A. Volier'Snbtfay.
M. B. R. conpanr. apent hii day't ra Cal, to vtolllng her iwrenta.
bonbons were served/ l
cation at Sandy Croak Urm. flabln«. Mra. J. Tbomaa.
Bruce Savirs visited at John Per
Mr. Brown, one of the managers of
A. B. ‘fttayar to a rary bnay nan
tbe hotel at Cedar Imdge. toft toil
-lara M'ClUn. ERa and Ida Beck
tanprorlw bto Bov tarn, vbam be tIslUng her etour. Mrs. W. nileon. week for a few daya vtolt at Grand
reinmed to her borne nt Charievoli: Rapids.
Itcd at Mra. Kmu's Sunday. Effle
laat week.
Koan was home over Sunday
May 2$.
Bail Adana, (mn tba PentBaata.
Mr. nod Mrs. Perkins en.1 lO. A.
Sa.ver baa ntoved bto. mill '«
Ward of'Grsnd Rapids, arrived last
MW a ranMont of
Ftfe^Uike when* be has ab all
Grandpa BandaU now Uvea In tba week and are occupying Jtr. Perkin's
mer'a Job.
eHy and delivon tba milk sent in at- cottage.
Mrs. Sayrrs and daughter. Heralcc
■ err day from -the tom.
Cent. W. P. Robertson and wife Icti
visited at Howard rlelanil'a Sunday
The I'nion Aid aocicR sold Icc
. Baat Bay to baoominc more
last week tor Mackinaw City,
Bdr*s Lintot ban nored onto bto
■ml* a dtorr townablp. with ,good eaptaln bas accepted a poailloo n -...I. at 8. D. Burke's. Saturday ew farm.
, _
eroiit of fra» and poutoea.
captain on the new car (erry between night,
Ted Sauon and family visited
Rev. Blllingtoo of Coiiemlsb. preach­
N. L«wt«, oor hlcbway comintotioa- klackiaaw City and St Ignace.
1, Darllnga Snnday.
ed In the Vnlon church. SuoSay momar. baa'porchaied a new road improve,
Mis. Don U Binders and ebud
imie Rily
Riley and
ud Joe’volra
morn lerelcr. Our motto la. “Cp-to- rived Tuesday evening and s1B be at lit.

BUa,’' keep abreu^ of the time with Cedar Lodge daring tbe summer.
Mn. Claude Worden's slater from
Mri Fcwler
to vlaKIng her brother.
•nod roada.
Rosa Budd left for klanistee, togt wnitbem Michigan, to vtolUng her.
Itar 28.
Mias Esther Duneb^ left Tuesday
week. He will work on tbe 8. 8.
Illlan Seeley U visiting her aiini,
I'o^ei nome near Honor,
.Mrs. George Bancroft for a few days.
Mtoa Ada Willtomaon. «bo baa been
and Mrs. Will I>. Carpenter and Mias Mina Seeley to vislUng Mallvn
▼totting in Grand.Rapids tbe past daugbi
daughter of Bensoi^a. apent Sunday In Grand Rapida a couple bf weeks.
month, returned boose Monday evenMay
friends here.
Utoi Mtonie Kahl left llonday
sad that Gene Cook will
. moralni (or CadUUc. wbore.abe will
> ship (roQi tUs pUce;
'moat bar alat^r Marlon, who to re- been rlatlng relatl
tanint bm from Itback. tor a abort past weak, retnraeil home Mon.Uy
Latter Day Salma Had a rally
the I'nton church, Thuniday.
Joste i'aynleiil has gone in Millet
WtUtom Ctork rIaUed at Traverae
ccatooresle. service was held in
C. K. Baldwin returncl'Wedneaday IJII to work.
Oty. Tnaaday.
from a months visit in Grand Rsidds.
WllUrd Berry of Lake Ann to stor­
Uemorto] aarvleea ware b^ In tbe
Allegan and etber iwlnu.
ing with W. K. Itoyne lur a wblle
Rev. J. W sumon went to South
Frank Payment waa a Traverse CHy
yardman. Tuesday, to attend r^tlval caller .Saturday
iiiaeilngv held there.
The two oldest daughters of Mark
M^a Ruth Baldwin was at faemc for Iksering of Empire vtolled Uielr
before going to Trav- Stas. Eva and Ruib otra
cw iiays vivit
JOran pan
e City , 10
to Uke a position as ateno- last week.
grapUcr >ti J. J. Tweddlc's otficc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Oabiirn vntertaiuev
May 2S.
Mr. and Mrs.’Floyd Huff and daugfa
Sunday (or dinner, alao Mr. bad
Fred Ralitz and rbildren and

BJ^He Soieliaer nnd Dan S. Ar
'iold'nil or Platte.
Mr*. Charles Strati of Traverse ('Ity
May :s.
ii vtolllng nt Ibe home of her people.
Will Gray and Umily. Mr. Strall
win fellow lu a tow da)-*.'
Joe Weldon la greeUng old friends
d Crand-ln which
through the beauty^f tbe cnee di
Mrs. Alward of Traverae lily vUll
nd acquaintances In thto nclgbl
It to (uratobad—lu pority and S'iweetneto of tone—Ha v
I a few days with Mra H. Heins.
a stiort. because
Mrs. Una Hagar who has been
teaching at Summllt for the-past yeai
Btmfflen to grade your borne.
is spending the aunimer vfcth bet
and Mrs. Howard Cleland Sunday.
DM't stop this Spring witb slDidy < > usual rr-decoMffTng and
Mrs. C. A. U'alson ol Bcym
Mtoa Mabel Cleland ipcni'a few
rdinary cha—a
____ ____________
tbrvwttiwit -.........
the boi e—but add to iho lw«uiy

days at tbe home of her brother. How- City.
and chanu of yoor bantiB « tduncr srbieb will endure (or years—
Born to Mr. and Mra E. Tharp last
urd Cleland last week
throush the purt^tosu wf WWdWme. dbpentobla Plano.
Mrs. E. A. Smith visited in Trav- Tburaday. a son
The Grinn^ Bitw. (own make) Ptoim U built in Midllnn: by
Mra. Heina and Mrs. Alward called
rae City a couple of days last week.
HIdiIgnn worienwn end wtth Micblgaii ^tnl.' ft ir backed by a
i Sfra. Wiillams age day this week
Mlm Myrtle Wyckoff closed a
guarani)' which never termbates: and la aoki at (artory-to-booic price.
Mra. Sloeum of Traverse City fasB
It U a Plano you can easily buy—and Bafsly buy ns well.
been vtslllng her son. U. Stonim tbe
Ay^lalt does not ot|igate yon In the illgblest. Catalog free.
lit week.
us another year.
Johu Spaeling or Mamon and grandMr. S«nr w-ho plarvd hit portable
la Spaeling . of UiU place, relumed IS .mill here- and did custom work,
last week from a aeveral weeks visit and is now dotag some work for Mr*
Canada. bringUig Ibe latter's sister Wilhelm.
Mrs. Cbarloue Davto back wKb themSebool eioaed last Friday afie
eight nitmlba lerm with. Mias Rennie
I spend Ibe sooimcr here.
We are gisd to report tbe srarlet as learher
Dr. Gefnan of Traverse City Is past­
fever patients are all on the road
uring bia Dock of sheep on (YUz Bellner's farm.
Mrs. Getman of Tisverse Chy ewHbe home of Ruby Nelsun'a f
♦d OB .Mn. WlllUms Saturday afterSeveral from this plate attended
May 28.
the graduaUng exerclsea to Rlngaley
laat Ttauraday evening,





The "GiiimeQ Brosl” (own make)



S4 Stores
Traverae City Store eor. Frcmt -A Cass Sl&i

Gradaatii^ Gfts

Thai are tbe moat accepuble are Books, tlliea you give a graduate
a book yon give something tbat lasts and to treasnrad a Hie Umc.
Xato'ywtr growing deirer to tbe bean ot tbe recipient. Other gifts
ar«' loot and (o'vo'ten but a book to always carefully- preserved and
Mrraa as an tupiratJoo to nober deeds and acts.

Thb SeasM^ Otl iMkt are hmliet
SpoeUl Sebool Day Record
Buoks with epeoe tor ^ btgb
•CMol eranta.

aubors. Spedal Tahms at 2
e coir btod■ to limp a
tty aeh
I greoie
autbcuo. SSe. The and 81.M.

Blbtoa are elwnyi fine for
commencement. Splendid valnea from Me to gS.OO. Yeetamoata. leather bobnd 2oc to ISc.
Addreea Books In newest
bindings are also mom accept­
able. as a little rv.aln<ler of
gradnatlng daya
Ruraordlnary large actr .iion
of popular copyright b>..on a<
Mc^ Books (onnerly i-i'diabe-l




Master Stanley SmHh is apeudlug
few days at Mayfield vlstUng h'
grandpa and grandma H<A>bs.
Mrs. Flora . Bpaellng who baa ool
been wo well tbfs spring. Is now feeV
tog much better.
Mrs. Iloollls Tabbner sod Mra. Miry
nie StorAab drove to Mayfield last
Wednetoay to rail on Mrs Fred Tab
barer. We are vtrr glad to Iwr that
Mrs. Taberer is feeling some belter
again, and we hope the Impiwvemcat
will rooUnne.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Tbe dance at John Galvins Stii
day night was well attended and
fine lime was bad by alL
IJttle Ida Moor is sick in bed with
scarlet fever, we hope to bear she will
be better soon.
Mys Reuben. Mltcbel came Satnr
day for an etteoded visit with her
parenu. Mr and Mrs. A. Sayers
Miss Anna Andersoo ot pToremon'
U TsUiing at the home of Mr*: jcMia
Pertaan (or a nxtple of weeks
Efflet Bomaa baa retaraed to De­
troit sphere be expeeu to srnrk this

We have been having nice
wewtber aod the farmera are al
Hag In their corn.
Mis ihicy ( lark Wat tbe guest of
her toother. Sunday..
Mr. Welkel of Traverse city eai
it sfier Bab Sunday, be carrlqd
Bl^ basket full baric
guest of thklF dangb■r. Mta Fred Wilson Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Ira Bare and Mrs.
Author Martin and Grare Wilson werth« gueat at R R. Bates Sunday aftePaul TbotUpsoB expecto to take i
IP west to ijM Angeles. Csllforula.
imetlme In June M'e do to bto svddlng trip or a plea»■e trtj..
Mrs. Viola l.ake and Itours Bair>
drove over to Mrs. M-K Dr^hs
Friday on bu.1oea»
Tbe granger had a big time *t l»ke
Ana BBinrday . evening. It beMg the
big Romona Grange
Nr and Mrs. Tom O'Brien .« Maf
ntotee -was the gna« of Mr. sad Mrs.
Sidney Bate* Snnday
aon lUroM acrompaBied him.
Mr arKi Mrs Alfonao llaellmantol
ntf Triivenw City and their daughter.

MIcbotaa and Lewis
MUto Lewis HuMamaM irUI
'Vttb hU aoat Bet
two weeks vtalu
'°-^tod Alitha Pratt wnt wter bomt
l^iurSby^pregtak to aaa bar tootbei
•bd atoteE.
The big atorm we bad last Wedaev
day moriung did dulte a Mt of damag.
ibraagh the ctrautn'. toe ball brok;
several wiadowa. blowtoc osar
sheds, etc.
covered wagon passed through
vicinity Sunday earoute
Mra. riqra itoke. Mn. Roy- Case and
Mr* R R. Bate* wer* to tbe rag be*
al Mra. Vlota Lake's laalJBnraday.
Even one la our vielDltr are lale.**tod in Ibe piano coatest at Traverse
Ernest Atuorger of SoIob wito the
gueattuf Mr. Hkrve,> HoBloe S«aday
Mr* U E Baler wmnWgaem «,
ra. George .Hoffin^Sunday afte.Mr. and Mra: Rcy Case were ocei
borne Sunday to see bU parenu. Maod Mrs H. Caae,
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ P P’P PPPPPPP*
Mr. and Mrs. 1-ioyd Hoil.r are il
prouJ parent* of an eight pUnd’gli
'The little daughter ol Mr. sad Mr
John Griffitb d(ed U*t Tuewlay eve
ing. ot scarlet fever. Ibli being (hr
first death out of Ibe many case
iwried ihU aprini:.
s, A. Jenkins was railed to Ohio.
Sunday.' by tbe seiiuus lllnea* of bet
Grover Fnller and Claud Heed-flMi
ed Cecil Amy. Snnday.
The beys.of tbe llarvealer'a Bible
last treated the girls io a fish at
per Tbnreday eveulai:. at the borne
tbe -^president. Mr. Crtiy Stork J
the study of the leanon the boya
verved the. supper, which they had
pTfl<ared Ibetiiselves.' A large crowd
was In aiiendanre and -the evening
wns- enjoy'ed by i^ll.
,Mr. and Mra. John Amy ralloi ofi
Kartiesl Kviuter's. Sunday eveningVI. tor G1i>e. who baa been vtolllng
I Faed Konzes for the . lasi two
weeks, relumed to'hU borne in Cad
lilac. SundayMr. and Mrs. H. Connlnr of.Buek<e>. visited in ibis neighborhood. Sun-


CA^lai^oiid 'ft
CONNINEBl connine

Kingsley Q&partment
CoDdacted by NUsf Edna WaB.

' W« thkU bt fkd to bhVe todividagl^5S3K

the Bnagt, tnXanul Mdettes sad sB 0Om «r.
fsatatiou h82rt it ttenf of a«wi, yirtiiaa
of bimUbp. aotioto eT S3S
menta, hakam ehgafeo, public tm|ii u^ntiuft
Ubat done or ooBloi^tod. «hlei ot rosl Mttto
fa tom or eoBtoy, «M 8BJ fthir ttMBi MP
oraliatorot SMd fill Ami to Va Idas Wad.
who bu Aargfi «d tha DvartauBt-Bdltor

School Clesad Friday.
Sebool closed Friday .'and K to itte
general opinion that each teacher baa
done tbelr utiuoal to make this school
ichool Tbe high
ai-bool room turned out ali gra.Iuale*.
yrar II all the juniors at­
tend tlirn- will be a i-laas of at least
. year agrleuliare was slu-!
small way. tail this year the'
etoaa branebe.! out, and showed a
rat Itenefit from tbe study, owing
the faet that moat of the atudi-nu
re. raised on farms. au<l from tbelr
liertmenia. tbe iwrenis found

eeJved maby very uaefnt and pretty
gift* from bef Utile frienda. as a *w
lue^rance of tbe ilay. bnd when they
departed they wished her i^y moro
happy blnhdayaIziftle Rewtoder sad .S'elll* BsOa
went to Traverae City Batnrday aftevnoon aod relumed with Mr. Case m
Ilia >«r. .
Misses Georgia Baker an^ HatuI ^

>-ss In Traverae ITIy. .Mooday.
Peter KSok) went to Travers* city
log Tbe 011 business -Monday
* held in
Mrs DmbIs Maalgold wcM tg
City on bualneM Monday.
the UairtlM chiin-h, Tburaday and F'rlevenlur The essays were all
Mr. and Mr* l)..fl. Power rsMrnui
rendered and showed murh Motiday from Sotiobs Bay.
ihouzbl and carelul preparation. Fri-| Mrs A. It. Harti and daughter Mar>
day evening .Mr. Tykr of Traverse kuerlle. went to Trsverae rily-ltotBrCity, gave tbe romiueneemetit address dav.
Vny^aqJUwho went ooi wv*. y*wbtcV.w^a gveotiy' aplirertoled bj ev- 1VI1J
ery ‘one preaeni.
The gianiiuar ......... ........... bit wttu
grades held a basket picnir In the who ^ m
Peter Roflo. and dangMen
wbere all
Izmiae and Mra. Dayton fidhen. went
y preimred lor the youngsiera
Mr. and Mra. Fred Konz enjoyed
Traverse City on bstlpws Satori
and Gua Mevil
IsH from her brother. Jtr. Cbaunri
iraosacled business In Ruricle) .'Tues ds'.
York ot Delroli. a few .lay. the*

j Mr*. John BaMwln spast 8i
ast week.
s John Mi-Carlliy w<mi to Trav- nlih frienda In Traverse CdrM -Jlra. (Tlfton Travlas of AnAdam Mans weoi I'
I bup-iuess Moixlay.
•aster V*. Kingsley:
Mira l.qitk Kowlader went I
Iwst FH-)ay Bfierooun ibe Itoxier
.. Joseph TUe glUbd- liall (earn met Kiogslv.v ,t(
Mr and
n tbe,hot* in r
ed .hurcb at Xease ii^Sunday. '
0 ipMto the s
great where she e
ground To say they
^siting I
s C. Kellner
inlng to pnillttg
daughters In hUnlsIee, Tor
- MUk Berger, tbe elgblb grad* laaAly. a* In the flrat few Innings
up several scores before Klngs- er. left Friday for ber bom* to aaottft to reiioned that the henvy thun­
gut any. but when Kingsley go m Mlritlgao. where she will spend
der storm did onite a Mi of.^mage Io
led, at uanal. they abowed Iheli tbe summer. She will return hem’ to
the idiones. tbe i>a*t' week. .
akIH In ever) way. The score wai taach next year
May 27. ,
, Mra. E. H. and Rosa Chanfty i
o 21, In (svor of Kingsley. PrI
aiferooon of this week. Buckley to Trarerto City on bnatoem. T
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP sill .agsin meet Kingsley.
hon.e ground. A good game. Is ei-. Ralph Wynkoop of Traverse CRT. f
lH-cie.1 as itih teams have had |rr*<-- was In town ou boslnaeu the fint
Mr. Wise Is the new foreman In the llce, and ab they are WHl matched Ibe week.
wood* ID ptove of
a pnckler ou
teams, a acire of I and <• will be look
Tile barge Peters loaded with lam­
the evening the home l>oy>
er Ht the diMk on Sunday and Mon- give a dance
M the Mooioe hall. Good
ay last.
It Is prom• Happy " G^rae to hrre for

days this week..
• •••-•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•to ,
Jladam Slort to her* telling forMrs F J Raker left for OHewfiO
ne» of her' frieiida.
(anger of Summit City, who bav Wn for a few weeks vlaU with frienda
Mrs O M. l«rour to vtolllng her
than a year, and w)k> and retollvea. *
pareulB. Mr. and Mn. I'ollint
bad an- operation at Ann Arbor about
e Mtssea PwsrJ »n*||swger aad
all months ago loi .sneer, died at bt. Clara Marvin of KaanOn visited at Alhome Sunday .-vlnlnz He has be.n •rt Prai^t tost wcA.
laiieut sufferer and ke|iV uji
A number of boy* and girto of lUa
until the last, when deg.h
ptore took the etgblb grade esamV
Mrs M. Hrowo'ia vtaillag vriih her came as a gnai i
nsttou at Emplr*.
m lu Traverse City for i few week- the do<ioi» ua'e
LlgtatBlnl airoek P. Behnm'a bsru
Dr A .M. {.etnur lost his cow last
le Itad gotten loo far for them
doing aior* or IcA daamge to Ike
any gixal He lived on bto (a
wboto bnlMIng.
Mrs 1-outo UK-kmao aod Mr Fra
Sunuiiil ‘'I'.' lor many yvara.
F, J. Baker to mOHag hi* wo* few
Berge are Traveisi’ City .laiiors tl
Iraves a wile and eight children
log done bv X Aleera.
mount hi* lora. britldea n bosl
J. Burfiend of Traverse CRT eaJtofi
• and Mil- M Jordan look -i
friends. The luneral arangements
os friend! and niailva* K this gUca
lade as ^et owing
with 1b.- Miaies Belne shd >
chlldren'ln the west last week.
Crosner on Suodav U»i
Mra. Angtmt Werwer Ito# bmS mhaven't been heard from.
lertalnlng b«r moibcr. Mr*. Haas pt
Ernest Power, aecompwnled hi
South Maollou
-.vta. Mr. and Sira- U- H Po?
Granae win bold next meat- ^
guitona Bay, Sainrday. wbere they
spent Sunday wlib friends, reiurnllig ing Junv I'db. Had nice crowd BaurTraverae City Monday In Ihrir .rar. day • venlng.
The nelgbl«ib<iod wa* shocked hr
Mrs- C. R. Snyder and sou. an-l
nieces. Cora and Edna Wall. »eot to a very aad detab, when Henry Ollvsr
niy OB boslness Saturday ■ an-vHd resldenii was klDed by ltght>
The totters -^pent Sunday with iheir nlng Thursdav morning'aarly.
Mr Miner has heeti living alow Ot
mother. Mrs (*has Irish.
John MtCaribv to again working m late until Iasi Toeaday when hla atoler-Eiia same to vtolt bUn. she beiag
Ibe hank, arirr his abort ...otton.
Mrs. Floyfi Itoridson returned to with him at Ibe time The fniierM
her borne In Elk Kapida. Saturday, serums was prearbed fay Mr. Tr*after a week* vtolt here with rttouds maioe. 'The Oneida Graafie o4 *Wch
abd relatives.
vice* I tbe grave. BgcB graager
s K d C*'Traverwe City. Saimdsy. on twine.*. wesrins the nsnal hedge ot bowor aad
•toteri 'arrviag wbfle llllee PsBSoepns* Parly.
Tnetutay slienioott *«*•«<
o' 'hv bearers being Pt«d AUthueu. PeMT
Itle friends'and s'-hool luates of lit­ Burfiend. Georg* lowr. Albert Prauaa.
tle Fern Rial, gatheted *' her boBie. vi.thr VtakorhH. end M VtokochB
............... ,. of Judge
help her relebrate her Bih birth- brother grangeta. Mr. Oliver was a
Grand Traverse county.
Au- _r . By the work ot her mother, abe kind neighbor and friend, belag a UM
Republican tirkei
wss kept in Ignorance.of the affair apir with all. even the children. He
go*i primaries
Mr. Ovtairbat boM n rraldcnt
until she arrived home from tbe oelgh- l/aves two tewhers aad fov tottaen,
county for UurtT-sU years, a
_ from where abe was called. The who have die aympeUiy dl the corn­
hd* arqualntopce to coUBiy wida.
ehararter beyond oneetion. *• are b|< afternoon was *i>eBl la ptoylag gat
Ibe towa. where they all bad lou
iToallficatiana for the office for which
ot fun. At five o'riork «» Rial aervhe aeeka nomination.
ed a dalatv- loach of toe ersem and WAMTEO-OM (or gMcral
' week, good wages, smell famflr. )
WANT£0_Girl for iQersI
ply to Mra A. Roeenibsl. elf SH
work Mra. U F. Titus. ti7
BtreeL Travefse city. May fifidf
*Uy 3


1ifcC. Ovtalt, Candidate
Jndge of Probate

Q&ASB TSATnu smu>. Avp Tuma bay bacle. tbub^t. mat ao. uiu.

0 Solid Month of Underprices on

aionable Hoiisefiirolshings AnthrouahJimc
M tbln^ft over: under price* on seasonable merctaiDdlM. all thrancb June ThU will appeal eipeclalir U tbe economical InetlncU of the newly married, and all Um: who
dildeii^ta liMiel^eeplog soon. Even U you don’t want to start housekeeping nnUI midsammer or Fall. It will pay yon to purebtm during the month of J doe We have been
for tbb Great June Sale; we bought he
ind carefully at the bMt factorici end mills In the country, and It's onr determination to make this Jnoc Sale
one hurt M he talked about for a long time to come. Get your pencil and paper rtebt now Md figure oiit what you need for your home, briog the fist with yon and lot us figure
wirh yon on the cost, oiir figure# will surprise you when compared with those of othdr omcems.' Then too. yon don’t ne^ntt^h at Slatet’s either, yon can biy at these nnder
hhd #>ay a little at a time. Look over this ad to-day. It’s merely an Index to the beautirhl flock and wonderful birtnlns here waiting your Inspection.

Dinner Sets
Lace CurUtas, Couch Covers usd PotUcts.

Walcb lor the .Green Tags

Candidates, Listen!
AU Under Priced for Jane
l^ry woma loves pretty dishes and we take
pride in odhriog some exceptionally fine pattms at
rare bargain prices.
$ll«n OBh>hMBCred piece set IwJhne.f 8.7S
1S.M OMBhudred piece setter Jose. 1S.M
8.7S OB^httBdredpiece setter Jono. S.8S
S.SS RHp-slzp!eeesetlor Jbm......... S.fO
SJS Ferly-two piece set for Jmm .... 4.S5
Smy others to chooee trem.





‘'.For June Sale Only
Tb^ swb^wrs are qrfencUd values at the regifiar
price aiul are fidly warranted. Tiy one and be
■ '
' ,
n ms
Each only............................ ................. I*#®

«Beldlno HaU”

gftr« iB • cUm br .1
to fuicT w am
Ithe; krep the eolil air U ud
itbc bo( air oai. tto>- ka,* rour
IpnvlBieu cUaa. para aad
laaraM and ih. ka bUla are praclucaOr BMUax. Thejr a». all
laanHaT}'. mr to d«aa and laBOlated « lth mineral fell npi
Mad air.
Ftor J«ie o»l>-:

■»WuBO WafrtBaratDfa
V»14SP R<frifle«atera

As there are now only 38 more days to cast votes for the S350.00 free Piano
i we are going to give double values in certificate? with every article in our
' store which is marked with a grem tag. Now candidates get busy and get
your frieuds to come to the J. W. Slater store and buy anything and every^^^Dg for their home and ask them to give their certificates to you and. help
^u win the Piano.

XJtils Great Contest

Look for Green Tags

Traverse aiy


Rockers and Chairs
We have |ttM. taken
over two dozen mi^re of
the Traverse City Chair.
Co.’s sample Chain and
Rockers. So if you want.
, one at factory prices,
come right away.
We have have the ex­
clusive safe in thisdty
of thes$ famous chairs—
they are tbe best chairs'
made in the country for
the prices. Every one
goes at factory prices.

is being watched with much interest by the people of Traverse City and the
entire Grand Traverse S^on; and who ever bustles the most and gets the
most certificates is going to be the proud possesor of this magnificent I^ano.
Remember we give thesneerfifibates with every purchase of 5c or over and
these cenificates cannot be secured at any other place but J. W. Slater'sstore..

Look for the Big Green Tags
Now hssUe. do yowtsest mrt doB*t get Idl with some of the riest

Beds, Dressers,


oming Chairs
A geRuioe leather frill box
seat. SoUd^ Oak Dinning
Chairs.. Regular value each.
$3.00, for June only each

$ CM woodbeBa for Jnc.........CC.TS

...... *.w


IXJO Oreuen lor......................... CM
CM Commodes............ ........... «.7C
We *>ave some beautiful suites andcan fumiab you
just what you want at a surprisingly low price. W.ealsa
have a large and complete line of ^rass. Iron and Steel
and our under-pricing for June will save you from
10% to 2p% on every bed in our store.

Ice Cream


A big line to select frwn. all priced
during June $1.45 to $6.00, depending
on the style and sizes.

Lawn Mowers

We can show you a good ^ower as low
as ^.75. These mowers^t this price
f Co^lt up
are sold universally Aot $3.50. but our
June Sale price is only $2.75. Then we
Ice Savingh ■*
have ethers at proportionate price sav­
La us^how you these and also
Come in and let i« Siow you the differmice in ings.
good garden Sose at Junepric^
Refrigerators. _

Th«se mean that we give. double values
in certificates lot the FRE^ Piano.
You’ll find some spedid vahia where
you see the Green Tags, too. Come in
and lodt them over.

Everything new and pretty in these lineSr- AU
prices specially
f the month
ally low for
of June. Be sure
and look them over.

per set of six



About thirty^ other styles
to choose from at proportion­
ate price saving from 7Sc
each. up.
Be sure arid see our chair
and Ubie bargains.

’ $18.00
For $14.50
Xop «June Only

This 14another Traverse City product and it's well
worth your while to look it over. We have several
other styles of the Traverse City Library Tables, and
Our new Hammocks are here and can sell you a beauty, worth $12 00 for June only.
we.are safe in saying the line is-the-,
largest in Traverse City, the asaortmeilt
the best and our June prices from
0>me in see the entire Uoe of Library Tables and
Parlor Stands. We can save you money on every one.'
We also have some splendid offerings in Pedestals.
Taborettes, etc.

10 to 25% Less

W. Slater
Toar Retidhle Homthamher

Mail Yonr Orders
If yon cannot come to our store, mail
yoin order. Tell us what you want and
we will fill yoin order and guarantee salirfactiaa.
A bill w31 onvinoe you.


r Mi


•hoQU be BO toather or. fabric pada.
Sach beat retalaen are oaaaaltafy
lead CoCa* With Oiaaco-To oo» iinen to BSeri<
toBaderod and the
Stood inai dtol«>H and te«« « ro- and
maary. Balter h««i retainqaart of otroas. eoU coaoe ad4 one vorldac MUr dona, no basr -roaua prodnead
« to alaae appcDprtoto to the era can b^ mad.

made of aafn matattoto.
cap ot oraase amp. aad oorre la tbto aoed traobto-berarU torther.
artltoea. bartoff tba pattarma~^1w awtA^psder aide of tba a
'mamm vltb a tal^pooa of pdvdercd
Of coorae. K voar ItaM ctooot aroda portotatsd and -------------aiaautcd —
matt aad tba whole latartor o
of the
■e* aad oao of whipped^craam to aaeb reptoalaUac, » to a alsiplo cooosti
Paper tourra arc naod t
Ctoaa. The eoabtaailoa of flarora will maltar to work now pteeoa aoeordlas teal oewadara^tbcao btoag
ba a rectoattoa to Bhey.
. to aoaie picraiUas (aabtoa. ao that to to permit the aettoto to pa
thronsb. ad witbhot water. Tbaotasrtlsab<«ld>W^dmlaactotatbat.Uontaoted.

nt lUft


tVla Mllap. tor Maaor. at tbo otee or la I I to BMd. aad Uc a
ih* erairr.' aad rallr. to tons m (b* oa 0>to to »nUa «UA


Iikiie Pniii Imritt

lecd Coeoa—I'M one taupooattil at tbto way yoor ttooa *ID aeror be too They are batoed Brajly to the raatertol. be
bMt oetolty to
la oaeh cop reqalrad. Place It maeb oat of data.
and tbn vorhed erer aad
1 be Stead with
............■Iiiiper- ia a cop and add a littlejold water;
Two Kood ralea for the bride-to-be
maifclnf cotton ontD tba letter U corate that can be locked
to a smootb pasta, tben add the
follow are. Brat of all. to atold e*- emlrely werod.
A Costly am.
Ito yon know yon bare ashed tor the four and onwtudf
> of raatoladar of tba waiar.
half a capful
iremoa. for tba startltoc todt la tba
......... ........................
------------------------------------------------------------------------- worUas
----------- ------------In
cooktom In which tedtators are
haktot powder. Add to fltto mlztore
o each speonfal to cocoa, and
tbs inarkltic of household Unao are rartoy rlety to the sUtrbary sboold be em- gsad tbe radiators aboold be to cut
Kiwr Bade by tbe«and ahoref
aUemattoy with one cnprnl of ipllk;
lama nmonnt to mDk and two tsaA wdMn'e bean and a woaan'a life tb« add ooe-half tcaspoontol of al-- Kpoonfnlt
. brlns
of soffar tor each cop;
And'WMton'a toMtof**** >mre.
mand extract and tbe whiles of flea ta tba boOlns point and keep bubbUns
oMi beaten until stiff. Turn into two ]asi Are tnlomea. Reioore from

in cood taaia wbM ona conaldate them
carcrDlly from all points to view; and.
aaooito. to mark all to
rf the linen to tbe
atoactias rllbar n laiffa
- way,
Do yon know you bare naked for this battered aad Soared cabe pans and fire, strain off and cool, add Ice and simple monosmm or a atosle. elabprioalaaa tbinc
I**’* I*> * noitnu oran. Cover erltta store. It*blpped crenm with a Iluia orate, bu small toidsL Partiaps tbe
As s ahUd Kl^l ask for a toy;
MM froRIn^ Sarored with almond ^ oom sprinkled orer the top may
K wbat Mbers bare died t^ nxtrnct.
ba added.
Vnb tbe racUasi dash of a boyT

Hera U anotbaf iDod Bride s LoafTwo cupfuls ai pulrarlxad aasnr. one
» cnpfni «f butter, one enpfiil to sweet

Too have written a r lesson to dnty milk, one cnplol to eortiitareh. two shower:

ptoyed na can be eonreiitonUy man- iron or seme metal that can be salaffed.
Wbarv three lettsra ai% naed. ranued or of a food oimlliy of wapthree different weya of matklnff will etooe. sod the tier «cka, Imakets.
sire a moet eUborata offpet to aren etc, uimI to suppjt the tutors to
tba simpiast to lettara.—Bsi^ansa.
baUns or roa.nlns should be welt sal■ ■


latter pUn> the beto. for tbe markCtoiU in Airship fee •Hda.-'^
lUy It to an aceapwff~^^thal
both bride
Ic and
and bHdecrOO^ are nnr U
e to tbe arveni bearen of

--------------- =----------------The SileM Partrwr.
Here to a dever Idea for a kitchen

— for marktos cotton, which yon may ob- lb 'be table deroratlons ibli abould

e tas
A aarprise to the form of a kJtel^Unhi matcarlted. thU.betos preferred
------- ----------------------------------------------------ntly irtven top by
_______ ________
___ ________ I shower It s norelty p
a tbU Bide, at
Fla- « woman who wa.r
ror with roM or almond.
rt**_ rotUa or
. ...........
<tonilas cotton may
Groom's Cake—One cupful of bocTbe torltattona ware obll^ to be bo naad for tba paddtos. Jvtt as you Hmi ausaest aerial ideaaurM and
ter. two miptoto of brown snsar. one Terbal. as they anxeetted contribu- choose:
asca are being carried out to vartoos

Itonllke hare yon qoetitonad me.



Cooktos without rndlstois depend
upon tbe cottserratlon of best to boil,
Ins water, and foods, started to tbe



surely as If over tbe
All veseiablea. meats, fnilts.


faf miU a, wtUr; t

shortnitox. wwnf
5x to
to a very St
Withdba miTk. TbernSrlba

Now stand al tba bar of my woman's of sods, tba whites of #lx etst.
Until I have qtiestloned tbae.


Ten nqalra ynor natton aban alwaya enpfol to motoasaa. ona cnptto of bat- ttoaa for tbe necaosary

articles ra_
ililojed for
ffulred for tba Silent Partner, whose
„ . ,,
crdlnarj satin aUtch
need* most ii - dcitoirly c-.n;l.:ercdwomen seem to Snd so
Tl,. ,«ul,
.. ... .f 1...
Ttp- skeleton .-‘i—-*«•—— UtoK. For this daroto oiltoD Is r^lwas found i>
a new broom. The
Iv prefcrahle i'
e markinR eonon.
And as pore as Us baaraa your iieond of reUlna. Itoe-half pound of bred, nia-/.- of rwT*er. was ti.-d .to.ihe i.Brt‘xbr rofier
Is ihe.bettei>
eurranu and one^oorib of a iwuud of top of the handle.
h—-------■" ---------------. long back ..Itch ius. Inaide
Ing fare drewn U|ioo It wiifa ;ien an<I
eltroD are the logredieois reqtonsi
the slaniptog. putting all tba Slltog on
Ink.- Below tbe head, to the |>toce
Too-rafftora n c«ek tot yonr mation make this delicious rake. ahen stitch underwhere abouldehi are exiweted to ap,o ...Id ,™bi.;.';ii
ffonabtoe tZaka-W-Uiea of set
a jileee of lath about one anil
the Blllchw In'
I itims a tor tranter thing.
,„u eggs, yolks of five eggs, one c_. p^r.
Aaaamn^yM'rawaBttogrorMeka ^nouiad sugar, twodblrds cn,. of
dIreeiloD front thi
ee. .e..e _______________________ j 'a*d“airtoeh'of Mlt.".8m7he fliwir

,-1, •l».b. Ob.




that • maw Aonid ha-


ra .a. .dtethtet fce, «fct- - 1.—n^-. nnt

bavitig Hand It with paiwr. K-p nnlele for kiicben uw

“ • f"'




drl,d l„l,.



man's World


r whip
'> "o">bl!«lH'*n
tbe bat^grouiirt ronaistiug
-MrK.iw ,otod the oulllne of satin or set^r where i«irtl.-I« of food,spatier
lor^ceding :


Inclodv- a nieaxuilns «np to the
Cutwork Initial, are moeh to vogue kiiehon rquipmeol.
now, the only atiteh required lor . Bay a Dnt elans rook book, and

magaxine toth edges, and surrotmdto by an out-

ment are « relnaWe aid In home rrtok-

article of

cooking only

the other



et^lng a very mnall quan-

require one cupful ttlDced ,-uplu1 n,ilk.oi.e egg.ane tew
siwoaful French raosunl one lasspoonful Dilnead imraley ona tablw
Whenever yoa happen ta
luave an o\cr-Mip|ily to stale bread snd
sniiir ei-ra|K nf eohl tolled ham >
will (emit Itoil'titsea- •
sloe dUb tor lanrbeuo
ban, should to mlhned qulir Sne. and
**“' M, boat iota the mwiard.
mineed |wr»ley. errant, and halt a
aalixpoontul to salt aboold to mixed
with It. Spread thin on aUera of •
l.rrad. Press a slice of bread on ooeh
ham-roveri4 allre. Brat the a







P.H,a ,b< niu.b,

mt oi ,uuu:.



r and tied with narrow

■ Wfif -."b. ■" f «»-.



The needle nmst to brought up from

serves and ji

wbi-n lukewanii stir iii about
silted floui aud half

leaving an end long enough l

ptoaoi U Ufa be tbelre. and may tl
borliag ba b


■m hratea solid

Turn Into a

moBM aad bnry In Ice and salt for

mma u M. I. ... -I»l. -teld W.IC. w,
D sadly

e Iwr. toing hoiiK-.
•< ‘I'*' oi>cni*« « "'c Iwc- On the brought from Imneaih
„bhe held tight!*: to ito left hand ot t.
I'lii,,-.! Stales Uopanment of Agrilaper elating when ihe ril.hon should

worker while The needle Is assin In-

Ttra makra the world Just that much
hauor. Aad no June, with Its Bowerv

plUow'rases. hui when so used <aie ,

To Remavt Brarabad Taale.
ivT,en any of your cooking becomes

er night; the baiter should be ,
niomenti. then empfr. ui K
i-onsisieney of rake ml- ire. In will nn' isste acorrbed.

The .,-oto-* .ooi. :
c'cu a gres'
»opng hous»k--per ihsu

•ders ot heniMltehlng or Hal- be .-onMniri.d at k ver> smsll ouiiuy.
euiwork. bin really ti Is so showy The h6a:e-..ia(l- tii-drss <ook-i cannot
Jocorstlon by iisell. It hake or roas*. t-ur it has Iwer. found

The brldc-lo-he is a

zr^ir^:. x«r ::rpS:

served currants, and one pound of preaervod praebew. Brat the yolka of the
eggs, add the w
»ni. .-A,.
hnmanuy nrarer to the graot goal, ,K- «w-.t
which Is Love eternal and all era- wtLv
-w-W-J? ,
wnen tog. irraxe. « nen trex.en. re-


problems to does not wear ns well as tbe solid em-'Cjj ratisfanory «heu used to
In aridltioB t.
KSInaturally broidery, but will h« found just a* durcereals. 'C-eiuhP-. lOupeand meats
bouse furnlsblug t
The -lisy box' i- ai^r tight box.
eonfroni those about to
t set Vup an rw niiie as benistliehing. »blcb i- used
It V'-V..
of'thelr u-A..
for all.househoM Imen.
„unk. IwH or old ire
Perhaps that departmen.
drpartnieni ol her
wph «,me articles there i. no dues- r-per. s>uO-l —» '>»y
Mim String that BIU her wirit/Tbe ,mn where the Initialing should go. tor receiving dishes .ontaini^ tood
,oweU. whirh shOoW be merh- If tlie'hox is large, several bolee-eao.

“^'■^‘“1^"'; *"<I "'f l^ xht preeageraess to the
have jn re-,
XIU well and In stand
erat yrara qnllc taken the plat* to[' for (WD hours.
,ni eatenaln her friends at dintbs hravy brankfast or dinner which
Pruit- Punch—One
0«p-bg]( nen and luncheons and perhaps even
e (be doten letnona. one dexen e ages, one
not so vevr
j, and. of rourae.
I quans of water. to do fblw as she has always dreameight eupfuls of sngar apd tbe juice ^
mem. she must not only
from one quart to canned raspberrUw. ^^ve dalmv china • and
glass, lint
Add the water aad .Heed bananas jost
i.blscloriia. naidiliis

lees, with doien bananaa. t

before aervlnk.

A few sirawtwniM goUj„. bud towela.


or eherrira may be added to elve the
and ao 00 and so
One ireira ns tired to the eonreo- ntftaaaty.color to t^ drink.
npariy marked with her

^ Jbm above the border, and pillow
imering an

he made in tbe hay to terelve cobking diAes of .Hlferent sixes.

meh herond the bera at tbe lower out- rooking dishes are put In the box romer. or jun almve the hemriitching. Bolster rases are itnost Invgrtably marked it, the reirTyf. while
sheets should Iw marked in tf.e .vnier
just above the hem.
m regard to table elotbs. the two


,be hay ,«cked Brmly aronnd them.
When the Oiah'v are removed the hay
reiualns as cnekvd; this provides iwtmanent -nreia- as they are railed, of
'he desired shape and sUe. A pad or
piuow of straw l.s made to lay over

,4,4.^ are right In the center, or the top of tbe nests.



tooh. aU jns* In front to the rarver. Perhaps .boiild jmd At the box.
fnitlal or me utter is preferable, as the other
Care U necesrary 10 Veep the insMe

tlooal mran at they do to the “roomdU Ptmcii-Mae a sJTa^ nainrwnoffram.
woold compel tbe honsekeeper either of tbe box from geiUng mofty. When
TMlIaaal bUck.- whkh was once the one enp ot walerkaad angar. two orit U becoming more and more the
dispense with U'r centerideee or to „ 1, not to use H thoald be left open
Broom'sproper attire.
Iba followingreelpetL with the

y eairl rake

>1 a IlKlr
-m water: .rorched while boiling, set It tanmadi1 uiixiug howl and allow it to xiriy Into a puful of coM Wfftcr tor

inltisls look itsrtuolaTly well .• ««>er of fiiel. foo<t-and itme ao,l .

«u bird aonga. and tu brMea. oagbt to
. ba a raoatb of dpecui nplifL fartoging

With coffee,
pretty maidens tisain a aide
toy aerro i
form to refreahlng
driiA to tba-ffoaou.

Ihdltyin .'..l^ln.-u-u.-tlons m'root.ius
Bun.TtK,^;-Bread aud :.rea.l nmV


—I —nol«l -olel*

needs new love, and''
.0. Hit
111. after
.1... its
II. win­
-Iters to cold and storm. Kvery bit ot
' lova. to happiness, to unaelSsh air-

,t,|ttire will supply ilie following

he drawn.
Holidays and
birthday serted.
were rapertally remembered.
These cuiwg,.'- Initiato are used
Any bride who Is going far from prineipally o6 lunch . loth*.-lollle* aod
home and trleod* would apprei-laie a remento-ees. They also look well on
hag like thU.


Fruit Ring Is a delicious deanart. Tn
make it. sund onethird package to

ti gelatine lo ooe-iblrd

mu, htelu IH.M.

priau Una tor the making of homes. I”! ^ .hTstoi toirs'tMeto- w—t—. — II,. —a w «e
beaten Whites Of three eggs.
Home Cbeer's tbootott this week U
tor ^ Jimh bridra. May every Imp-

,-ooked.’ii Tuust It^bronebi to a bolli-ain^betore repUclng In

Iho flrelesa c-ooker.
ru. Ol .nb .. .
„„ .i„,dj ^i,

r -yrara
- - - -ago.
— We asked
until it is perfectly ao
'“O"over the Sre long enoagb to be hot lo (ben place on the range uatl] It la sB
-d Ur u U.l, d. I.
Tb. — b,~ ...
time as the
letter, while (be outBulletin 41S—The care to sHk and
«"ba-----------------------------------------melted and cornea U> Ihe aealdtng
Is done aepsrately.
lu use In tb# home.
Alwavs trsniler the dl*h of cooking
lu coat
— —------'—.........
imint: add half capfol to angar. join
The bag was made to cretonnf and
The bars may to' cither button
nmietln S3J-Xnts and their nsea ot food from the stove ,o the Breless of Imir lemoD and onto. Blrnn it ba-ould
A. . l—dr: bdb ,-..,0 bob.1 .l.h . pK-. » tb.
wker at quickly a«.,^<.sslble that no” gins- to thicken poor It Into a ring
heat may to- lost
, mold and aeC/ to a eoM iSaee to be'New
The wedding oeeurred
,-ume Srm. When randy to aarre dip
Raised Cup Cakes.
Tear'# Day snd
the dish lo warm water a moment;
itnee. fastening it Brmly in the biitScald a pin, of milk m lb<
wrote a .......
latter, —..........
dated to
be drawn
out time.,
a dimed tfiata. nu
n iBven o
...... .—-• .s—J-III—
-rt— ,-<>okl|
boiler. a.Iding ihfee laMasf JBS of
on successive day# sfrer she reached tonhoUng of the
desired frail. e-_
ulleild VI—Sugar as a food.
her new home. Later be learned how- which the thread is woond over the
Liiller. a salui^O', to *•>'•
ned or fresh, and decorate with whlpBulletin I?".—Vse of fruit as food
Pinch to grated ^
they- rotnforied>- bomesirk
hti.le. three .panning stitches to make a firm
spoons of sugar
Canned fruit. I>re
• the Sre and

j tissue cord.
nil,meg: n-movi
VUch luickage was wrappe.!

each glass on a plate with > --.-u —- —- -


As Prtoty as M.

-------------- -----------Tto outline to both the iniiUl anil

These can glHi wanted something different. One

dooble^tyram. add one pint botbk of
antennenied grape juice, half a euiv
fnl of sugsr snd one teesixmaful to

lime juice. Freese as fee cream ami
whipped cream
fhe sprinkled with chowmd bunched pis-

Jons U.ihe time of new-1

anges and two lemons. Wbra
ex- ooghly cold, add one pint of cold

thcr- fashion to have one's llneo all marked roneeal her initial. '
India with the s^ letter or eomblnation
Saidiins or doUlra may be marked

................................... ira and one rnp to ftwlt Jnlre—a ran of iattajarM most women find U ei-. jb
keep u
tremely dlfflnilt i..................
For BrUa'i Cake cream on* asptol rtos will often yield a anfflclent enr­ variooi new styles that each ehanging
ol bMar and_^ sradnally. whUe pma-and water to make two qoana
BeaUes. boosekeepara

-------- -



j „m

thin an orange and a lem

auwu p,aau,-«-bu



„ty tonn^ng.ure a snrnJl fU a»a



H« M.O, te-IW-te

-Always place Ito slower

of te Ic. -Id ,b.


“ W harden the Sbres

boob .blob «,»«10. d.„

and length of visit as weU as the
, w i-r «. bm i
menus served lo feacb gnest is ot uerthe housekceiwr who-enler:
t. iutB IS 1 t'qijii tttIreqnontly.
Cover the new rook book with w hite
hr.tetoc Tw tlto^to "Tier
oil cloth and use a small pane to glara
X pound to n
|° bold it oik-b. ThJa proims both
If rooking iw- > foods at a 11
inaide and out of the Imbk $nd |

qranuty Of atron* lemonade, strain It

and stand tbe plum In the middle
over the edge put either a b.i of lemoi b. o-bb.-d

profwr Ulng. enkra
sailed nnts sad boa

them to riM again until double tbe(r

mtoutoti Ofls'Ml sire, baking to a moderato
M a tew B
fwaniy-Sve lalnniw
IrelcMi box.


n»r tbe Ire there Is something very
The Bride's Mystery Bex.
lEis being a narrow buuonholtog Spe- study H.

prattynndodd. Make i qua« to pUto
B»« a bride ran to homestiek if el.1 design, oflettering rome for this
Tto boHetlns which are rnntUbad
tomon tea first
That to-nmke this her new home l. to be to a far el,y. work, the IniiUl being tottonboled on free by tbe United Bute, govern-

•ddon .................... ..

..... „rtd


• -».»oo.

.-Sli ,1 “uiT

tjinto«lar the Srida.


evenly, or the effeet Is entirely losl.

’■ue -al.., .11 ,bo- .« I. .M, bpib,

• green erysuaUxed pinms.

- • Kr'n by ibmotbar,
• TBs etbar.lar on fbia nide ot tbe •



■ “I i”i*-i -™.i>.. -lib


«' t'g«I«r totenaU. aad,
»!■ A being Platf.1 bet.«n those to
row Stove, rira
------------------------------should to taken
„ jone regularly and

wHI keap moist and fraab- anin the ounnlnglj' Imstowed on the ivreon of
Ml piece U eal.-«; not a very lung ,t. sllant Ptartner
u*,. o,u,iiy.
the mtant tyrtner.

A writer In a Im.taebold

i i

and sweeten It with a cup to-.ugar telU how «te bride was givro a happy »"• which I. also tottonholed. Croae
tog. Apply to your neuator. represeoi
urger ones, iwrily
harw. either
ellhi-r wound or tottonholed. a.lve or delegate to eoffgreaa. T to
boiled With htof a cup of
,«^ung water.
obl M Otam tttoi t
while: then fry browD In a Utile b«--------------A
...Pte «.-n.
rser rWto and
Iilnd ih^ ----------------two logetlK-r.
ihi- aeereiary
Waaha.smooth synip. Cook and freeu
She writes: One of oar -Thirtero
ter. Brwi on one todc. tben on tbe otkTbe material toiwero tto hare is Ington. 1). r.
this. Have rrady as many tall, Sar- Clnh" was (o'to married and bir new
er. Serve-OB a hot dish.
I tto letTile following biilleHna 9
speelBed time. W by ehsnee any artl• Ing glaaaat as you have gaewta, and home was in tbe far west The usual then carefully
aaakeep|, t,j-eB out before being
, some candied chcirleg and amall wedding gifts were prepared, but we ter stands out vividly, in n aort of sirarilve and praetiral for

' An nenr < anla that way.

Tbe birds era tnpding itoii
flowera are bndSlng. and all

-niuei be.hrougbi to the l>olltog —
These-idaee «-aPls are In the form of ' bti.ierSy -mtoga. splasbeii with M'"’ •»''« kept there for lour or fh.


1. U.. b..d .»«, r... .mu.,

Tw-rf MB- Mrainpr. ».r. bun. “”f
* d«l«l~ oo,om,.t cu, U m...
...b .Id, ol lb. bed l.r
by tbe wcD-knowa ooortwodhree-Iour riaga. The'dMUni toc'hLiig’frini o7e
Seeding Is - arvother

• -ri.
..a ------------- of me.
•n> bart^ darannd or me.

_,,bib. i,

bii L .. «,lL. Zir,'“;

FUwr l.

la yavMWt an «esM go wrong and «»“■
‘ f'MtUr grated eocoanut.
,hllc in the pocket to the apron
Crack the cocoanat. and drain off tbe
« bar of sogp and a dial. doth.
milk: cut Ue meat in pl««. and nut Tb. apron string, were brought
. I mu ton*(4 my nil on Its Udat
■ B,t.,dwt whu.dBB.hthrough the food cbtjpper. or grate on Mouito I
. A tovtof woann Snda brndan or b
and tied, while OB the
a latge grater. Bake tbe cake In *‘ sndt
Veie fasleneil an egg beater.
On «to day tom la tonde a brida.
1 pan. icing It with a
and nutmeg graier.
, thick tclac well Mvarrd with the toAbove her head and pinned to tbe
I hack into

id^^ tti. .1 r .«u -.I- m

w,, ' home-n»d.-' rocker I. Used

s n,.per
Biiper * ‘
it tome, between tboM to the

iuV„n« ..a TCI I, IM -n * ■■»™~i«i, iu.i-r —r"

U— '-S IS. ISIlu U1'W:II'. w mir "1..I-

Jumna ‘mnu U» bbn. or S..T


Strang from the wheel I., aae>-*«"-.
• ji-blas idle hominy and Tracked
requires i lliile long

,d.« «,d „M,. ,sf ,.u™......-I''-'. ■<«4ib-h

iiialghi .lines to thread, laid from o
hm. a.d ihor. ■ ..Id builFtd. hCM.
Vb. Unor vpcet.bln .. rabbos.
, I..W r-.l.. of I. lulri,
the other at equal lUstanees
, toe
te . The
th,. litm
...II, ted,, -b l ...UU.—. omulr. . 1.. mb,~
b. Uxbil, dnwn ob -hiie
i h •" W«f'
I '
. ■I— ...b 1 -..If
Vh.. ,,,
b«'- b.
Ion... ov— tbp tel: hm. n. ol .......... , famko,.

very all*. Btlr to sugar llghtlj. then “ •®"* Wnsb*"' »P™t>
•“b a
beaten rolU iboronghlr then add
*■* ■-»»>*l’

I am fair and yooag. but (to ness

•►'«1 r«.-a


seigvwo. ■■igi BHCBKS oo not have
tbaprofcr asBoott to time to raise and

m.., ,b.. ,b„ wmm rb^'r,'l.^^i;

Boorhl.. 1. .te i™...,l, .mob,,.
If the Idler Is t

jolka of eggs tboroughh. than after
»«"’ «'’'
'‘»anna and these were covered with
washing -bewter and baring ------------,be. Ion. o,
i lately do. beat the wblles abonl half, tea-towels Pinned on In tl
ad.l cream tartar afld hrat until very.
The Silent ranne. wore

n«B lank «pm ni to did on Ii
And aay. nt It van good."

«<' «'

whlrh .ron Intend to embroider.

and auger Bve limes meisure and sat
to>l) -»» made, lo
„ for angel cake. Heal tbe snuhtsbouldSr was fastene.1 a pancake



Then «hb newspapers aud I

t>-nder meat or tbe podding may ba

.. t___ .._____ .
The direcilscs for cooking hy tbhi
have the central
. .
varelully Inllowed
.bid, bu bu.
Inied while
white .n<t
ihitfr Is no rni-h tblng ss lallcr-.
-----------. .u. (he
I""** ■I“‘c
cemer of the table.
tiprays of while l.ildal wreath or
The lu.-ihod of i.iocp-Iun- U the
sniitox are twined sliout the pIsBrs
'‘iu-lhi-t a sanitarv cookei nr s

ba hoc.
termllk. ih.-ea opcx. one leaspoonfto
Tonr nocka and yonr sbiru be of aoda. one tenspoonfnl to bAim
|».a« 1. B.. ™,.U|, .B
I foqolre yow *aa« to be tnw ns .one taaapoonful each of cloves, clnnaS, orange and vanilla, o :
Cod's atnrs


onuma to I. ta. TBIa

and the pillow pot in the sunsbine.
u one wuhes to buy a flre^ epok-

,be center or at the edge. Jiu-i a* er. it aboold he to good material and
d and ml together «
you ...................
prefer. b« the same obleclk
(be central position bolds good here, as lew joinu as jiosslble. If ol metal
Some brides like to mar* their r abetdd bo (I

ba vnriad by adding ore gwarallr cm bray to keep np whh blankets also, and la this ease a Mt of eovera sbeoM loek air tight. M if
Mix and out two eapfala to hnlrat torewberrira
a U U Imperfect. Tben
a to match Uw stripes ot tbe bUa- 1
chtorira. or a paaf'og fads, each as the marlclBg of

' '
kcvBold A»pnx
Inii n>.«JciJi«;> to boy seJ Uy ii rra. betonrf.y. tt
Duke a 1'’} Snf-lo-AiiiR tool- .Aud tkiidly. vt

Flexible Asphalt
Slate Shingles
SIV ra^rvpteof ar<* wim!-«;gbi.
ttortns »od fi«n
cr.7-6^o! v»» will hsrel,:tl»4p.« Meet on
Ibtm.brvsowthevarrgtstiite-Aortarcd sn^aScicni^
eU«t* to min ikswicg snd
ikiogk.lorteoooeiicaUwildm to buy. Have bads
ten-vest tw—00 lointingoi ie|ei'is>e etrraaramry.

to the wtsthet. Bewste of ira-tsnooi. We sbo
make bigk pad« fpanile toriaced reefing in xdls.


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