Grand Traverse Herald, August 27, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 27, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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lUB ^ciu
Harltn Aitto Narty WaM Ovar High






Jtocaoaa luck bappcnad to ba OH
..thatAbe candy mi
Ibalr wax vai about tbe only rswoa
HollaodTMIch.. Aug. «.-Whllo
the Stole bf-Rkhlgan Is pure to shown
)ARO OIL COMPANY HELFthat gra pebpla of Hania vara aarad
were working ue a tree at Jealaoo
by a report Just Isaoed by the Stole CEREMONIES HILO AT N^ OtN.
froB aerlotu Isiaiy
park yesteutay. dMiroying maple ber
Pure Fwxl DeparinieBt al Uaslng.
daaU) guDday vbaa U>« Roo 'touring
era. one of them Jammed bla chlaei
(be 2Tli aamplra of contecUenery any
ear to which tbay vara coBlng at
a knot bole In (he lop of the
Used by tba stale ehemlsL not one
good raU qf apaad down UcRae hill
tree. Uial aremed to have at ona
Inyunce of adulieratlon was foond
BucAley, vat thrown up lato the
beeo a sqolrrerj nesL Sloward aasv
were aay of the samples mis«na fav faat and erer
la tbe cavity be found a bandbUI weH
branded, aecordlng to the <stata oEI
neat of about is feat. Aa luck ASKCO FOR FURTHER FUNDS
-ryed in spile of tbe fart (hat
MANY OTHERS SUSTAINCODRUIS. dais.—Conferiloaers Revlow. Cladnwould hara It tbara vaa a
Iwen printed about It yearn ag->
nsaek and traa UiauBJaga on which
they allgbtod tiottoB aSda aide up.
ezcuraliBi on tbe old steamer Soo City,
praciaair as If the caacbloa and all «me loteraatlap History Was Urv whic-b waa later lost lb,8C lAWrenrc
NvafHa Of tba Nm* loBlMtom
Failure ef Air te WeiW en Passe age
had bean turned with a it
CMm RaM Maaa AgjaursMfit
(aldad ky Senator From FaiMwylChorah Wara rboMR OB ky
Train la Relisved to ba Raapeaa
-rMaat Cfollcitid UtiiaUon _ turner. Noaa of the people
vanla In Oafsndlng HimssH
hurt and the car vaa not In the leaat
la Amarleaa HIMary.
AgalnM Attack by tb#
danagdd. aogi after iuai a few minFrogreaslvaa
ntaa time In which the ,car vaa pul
b Aag. W.—A avaepltic hack on *iu feet” tbe ^riy of Are
fProot Halurdaj's'R^rdlCagle
invaatlgadae «( *U -tka <
s WIN OfRaalaa the
------back In tbe ear aa though nothWashington, Aug sr -»rnsti»r l*e»All kinds of reports have been i
Wllauu Notlanal (Vatrahalva
Ing had bappeoad. The emergency rosa mofed (hat tbe teaaie Instruct
dredi ol people, and eoe whM will
rat today In regard to tbe collision
RsFuMksfi Laofua.
brake thrown too quickly and too
amniluee on privileges io/ii%
(>r tong rememborod by tba poom ..f
that happened yceterday afiernoea.
battl U Buppeted to hare been tbe
nd examine the charges made
Trarerae CHy was th* toylag of the
•even miles north of Charlevoix uben
oaime of tbe aoddenC
Advance FIgurae Given Out et Grand
agalnti him. He said he would
dh* of th* sew CMrai
rblcago. Aug- 2!--Joseph B. Oavka
. No. (
Rapids Short for This
acUon on faU molhm Utc this afierof WlKouslB. seeretatr Of lb* Dame- Methodist Eptoeopsl Mraich PMoy
afiermieo at I o'elodL By eoaito.>
two engines nod injuring several
taa ta aadwtaka u axieaded pnilia
ert Mayer Oennsta* and the —rrB of
people. As near as can be ascertmlnw>a anaadad by Baed. Polsdaxtar and
city, all paasacs oa this dJriaiun
the senate yesterday Senator Pcai
(rom reports at division V hsod- ('allforuto and John J. Btolne of WlsPasnaa aad aiaptad on a vtva
GranS- Rapida, Aug. 22—Tralfic
forbWdw duriug
of PeBnayiranla replied to the charges
quartora this aneronoti tbrre were ronslD. suiiporters of Sonator LaFtelaw*. Tbla raRaaad <sa of tbe
tor too
FRUIT OROWERn OF COUNTY made regarding a certlBcate of de­ BODUi* of (be Perr >laniae(te raJIroeJ about eigltl who ^ere burl badly and lerte In bis rampalgn for (be Ropnb- ***'
*«Tlca. wluub
report that MIriilgan growers aloiiit
pormlt ^ tbs dla of uohktos
posit for SSS.AOO aeot to him by John
the Hues will ship by freight ove- lUiut a dozen more who sustained agreed to head an organUatloa
pssatog up and down the pavad Mrasi
tta iW wbM t
syvii-yii mure than l.duu carloada
Beforo tbs srhodutod hov ot (hs'omwork
prBpony to IIHH. Tlio ccrUBcaie
has died from tbe eEects
• and carrlhffto
Ideuilal campaign.
Seat FruH In County Needed (or Com- been UBd by Col Roosevelt apdAtber^ of Iriot wichm the next six or eight
but n If not known bow seri­
: Of the {‘aoraaa-Raadweeks. Tbeae ttgures. lo a certain
According to icntotlve plana of thr drew op before tbs ehmth sod tbsfr
ing txhibH at SUta
enemies of Seoator Penrose and of'
faDlaUoa. A raaols
exteut. llluitnue tbe eEcet of tbe nn- ously some of tbtiue air laiored who Democratic inaitogert the organisation occupsnU watched and Brnsnsd tram
(he RepubUcan administration l
taken (o (be hospital
lb tha naswrtal dMuglai
usuatb -heverv winter on the Mlrhlgaa
ofbgr «•*«*
xril be kh^wn ns tbe Wilson National
rile heller Ibst It was to bribe •
ngOM la tba alaet^ of Sanatan
orrtuiid«)as well .aa on trsfUc n' tuskey. Three of the trail
'Pragresslfe RepubilraB kngoe nnd ebatn aad beoeben had bsaa nr
Chfltan aid Wataea vat adoptad.
Ovtag to caaanee made Id (he meth­ ward (or eSurls in behalf of
soon be able'lo be will make an ncilve Agbi to auppon of
Michigan, rsiUays. for these alil^.
tiieiti^-irill Im. bsr<-]y a third of thAt *:» taa haoN raoaaaad lor aa
Wilson among Repubtlrsaa.
T^ laytoi or a oemarMOM Js si
Senator Peoiuse admitted rerciving
Mullen. Grand Rapids, mall cleric
for Ibu year l»lt. whi h
boor, tepiac a daOalta boar of ad- ivlaed In the dlBereui dame*
In reply to a telegram from Senator
Uicfalgan uUU fair this year. FVank that awn from Hr. Archbold, but as­ duted an abnormally bountiful crop. the southbound, budly .-ut aboai the Tbomaa P. Gore of Oklahoma, one o( ways more or tom a momratcoi oo&
JoaoMoM Bight ba agraad apoa.
Sion. It to atuidod 'Vy
bead and raoe; riauk WhtUBan.
WaihlagiBL. Aag. gg.—Afior (ralt- Smith of the. penlaiola. who baa cop- serted that it was pan of a contribu- Tbe Pere Marquette carried t
b« asTgr to this w inraminhtured the ellTer cup two years in
ttoo of tlU,ooe made by Arrbbuld
I P<T «-rnt of the
1 bxndled b} Grand kaolds. I
IM oaNlinM tha B«sau aad beata
«s to tbe torpor a oorhsoMM .^
OBMloB. N pnt at a dJsUiirt dlsad<
»ou(b1«unl. had (msb
___ ..
the'. Republican national campaign .lllnJMl.
. aat UW
is^haaga la iba
a ehnn^ ReriW. W. UoKm Or
tage on account of tbe fair managp- timd. tIODAW of vhlrfa amount be
The Traverae City dlstrix will sup head; Ovide Denlaoa. Grand RapMa, dost of (be proposed league.
ranged tor tbeWiOM to • aasipr
ment changing tha alie of tba difr
>• aew-ity carloxds of apples; Bfty brakeman oo the aouthbodnd.
tbst waa oatli^ huBiHiifc aol' Bs
trlcts oorsred by thia dispUy.
organise the weotero dlvtolon of tbe ptons ware earrtsd o« to Iba oaiu
carloada of peacbes will originate about tbe bead and lack
tbengh the cap baa been wem both
Pint reporta In Petoskey ha
leagnc at Ban Praaclseo, then coc
(roQi Xrtidiligtnn The PeOlwaier dlitotsDU detail. 'Daward. CMdas
b>- na IndlrldMl exhibit. tUt
that a numbor of people bad
^t had I
soldiera." plared ly CsmphMTa
ooadlllon li made impoulble tbit year Ised of the eonu-lbutlno,'' Senator irtct wUl yield IIS enttoadi of apples killed None ef the paaaangen « CbMogo and ergahlM the middle
division, and finally go (o New
pcaciies. Muskegon and White
by the chasglag to a eouAiy (hhlbii. PenroM declared. He aaJd that later
Senator LAfbOoUo mnde Cnevn
regiilkr train «er* Injurfd. Tbe Tork 10 OP.-0 an eastern beadqnarten. vicn. and
SaMinA tb*
vhleb not only makm It unjnn
frlanda today that ha would tnaUt
Cornetlui N. Bllae. thru treasi
AlIiefMUi Mr Sprorklea aad Ur.
and Bpplea. aud Grand Rapids and dummy had slowed down almost
I hM Mi«KEtMk-tbMr fftoM
Smith, but to many other exhibitors
a roeord uoto on (ba adoption et the
(he national committee, asked for an­ Whltccloud territory a aJmllar amount stop lo order to take tbe swlteb. but. BlaU^ lb his work will be Charies B. on tb* ptottorm. Tboafi wmo ■Mbbt'
who hare been competing (or other
rnsruM BMlnUou for ah tarectlgnother oonlribniioa of tlW.OOO from
prices at tbe Ur.
hundred aud fifty carloada -v! the other train was going al a good Crane of Chicago. oUo tormerly aeUye Earl Cranstoa. Bor. Dr. Ooa. VOm Of dnmWlBt eaurtbntloaa ol the
ArebboM aod Us asaoclates" Interest­ peaefae*. apples sod graps sre ex
of speed, owing to some mlson- to tbe Kepublieait party.
Stuart of BvaaotoB. OL,
In order tc bridk the cup back
Standard OU aoimny In 1>M and of
(CoDtlnued on imge four.j
ed In the Standard Oil company.~
Kendrick, district uopartotoadont. Be*
thU county again it will be ncoew
P<-cted from the Grand Rapids-Hentoo
the l^grM|Wlll^Bllt botveea Jobi
"The demand was urgent Inaisted- Harbor seclloo. The Buchanto vine,
W. W. HcKes. pnMor of tb* CMtrnl
Uc fniU growers ef tbe county
Arehbold, Oan. W. Porfctnu and n
H. E. church. B«T. W. B. Barto*.
te their forces and put op the may aay Impmotlve and U was rep- yards, along eighteen mile* of ihe Itoc.
ban ft oourgdL
Rev. W. J. Ctaatou *1 Asbory M. E
test and best possible abowlng tbai raoeated that it came direct from will yield sun earlbads.of gra|>es. while
What Man of Proaiw Art Otong For eburoh. aad Mayor Omotoa. - TIp-SMBtor Chamberlain, who led the
Bent Roowvelt" decla^ Sen­ tbe IloDlon Harbor and .Vi-w lIuBalo
they oan at tha oomtag tolr. aa t^ey
Develepnvmit of WcMern Michigan.
other eenala SUhwtar, the object of
Last RNsa Ware Reid at Farm Hem*
•ingm were Dr. oad Mra. t_L
will be In direct oumpetitioii srlth ator Penraee foiccfolly. .
section win yield 60l> .-arload*.
wakk vaa to tarea tha bouaa to
Friday. .
WbnelM. Mias Etta Miner and Bat*
Thresh eirl Veracity.
every other county In tbe itate, and
These eaRmates are more llkel)
President D. 11. Day oi tba W««- en E. ^wards.
a«(«t to tha paynwnt of tdM.oM of
Wasblngten. Aug.
It U believ­ be below, than above the antonnu.
In order to wiu out more than the efronlosuls township e*iwclally, and n Mirirtgan Development
old otata Balam. wfU hart tha auppon
foiu of one mac will be nereesary. ed the senate eommtttec iavesUgatBtobop CranMoa opiMd tha seme*
tt many oasato damoernu tf be rw
CrWBd Traverse county gencfblly. has
Aa It U tbe deeire of tbe county to tog the campaign funds will threafa lower than the irmlfle turned
rouBiy that be may become with s few Bpgropttato ttosGs sad r*
neva kla Inatotanea to bold oongreu
a respected farmer and geed climake the best possible shoving, the oot the issue of veracity between ils railway.
ntU theM dalma are paid. The
lien In the peraop of Roto-rt Garland, more familiar with tbe reaonreea Of quemed that oU JM to
matter has been taken up by the agri- Benatora Penrose and fortelyou,
' I >)AC of tbe Western Michigan Itf- doxotogy. Rev. Coat** ibMl oftsmd a
Tfaeoe flgurus do not tuke
booee landera an detanmned to Ight'
who jiassed away Wedm-sday momlag.
cnllunl commiuee of the Traveree raised by tbe former's spce<-h
.rf. Presideut Day hopes In Ume ■bon prayer sad wa* Mlewad br Bv».
August 21st, after an lllncis that had
the cdalma '%BlU DecoBber," if necjunt
niy board of trade, who bare Issurd aeoate alleging that coolribullont
Kendrick, contlautog to prayor. B>-v
the Traverae flly ceumry tunu-d over locapacluted him for some tlibe and tu have a Brut band knowledge of tbe
tbe following appeal to the trull growmade by tbe Standard Oil com In July, This waa for the moat par from which be was a great though pa­ entire region covered by (be bureau. McKee gave a abort SertptSM rsoding
ora of tbe county to help in the work
Rev. Kendrick cbts a sboet addrev'v.
BtpnMe (or aay plan of adJonrameuL of bolding y|U silver cup in this coun- pony In 1H4 to tbe RepubUcan cam­ cherries, aa waa the twenty i-wrloodi tient snSerer. '
D SeMtor IsPbaette titoald laabt on
seeking to UR la a fo» words the ,
Mr. Garland wa. one of Grand Trav­
similar Irafflc from the Muskegoi
A strong pull and all together will bold Siva 1126.00(1 to the camiwUn
cotiUneUL but t« dealree to bava In work of tbe new ebunh sad what tun rooMd vote It venld become neoee>ke tbe enp the penBaneqi-Tropcny fund, and that Ronseveli and Tor district fhmslderaWr fruit sisn wss erse's most resto-cted and successful IS possession the ezatl facta (O tpsefc
anry to oesnu a qwnua. In aoen an
It to ■«• to ttshipped by etprees frcmi Ihcwe points. farmers and so regardAl tbroughoul
of Grand Traveree oounly.
lelymi berth knew of ll. and thul
ofMt ha eonM boU tbe eenaie todedf'nili growers ibis' yesr have town tbe-rvglon. Me bad a very pleasing p all thr ila^uieRto hr may wUb
' Help Win the Silver Cup.
no addlUonal »as asked Cor- making use of precoolcd rdrlgerator
• u~- 111 deecHliIng the adtainagee
nltdly benanoe It weald be unvlUIng
'Prank Smith of Mapletoo baa ts irc tel ou
y to testifying before the
' tli“ ri-glon.
territory.- raid Mr. Kendrtcl
won for Grand Traverse county the mlttee swora there were no contribuwtih the booee.
-H.-Iicr Krodrt-- irilnres are being 'll shosld also be thn natval ralto
sula township and In Traverse I'll),
aUter aweeiatake cup for fruits al the Uona by the trusts and toda>’ rviier- plan more profitable despite the high
given ui I'harl.-vefix rount.v by repre lotto center. All over this port of thr
Tbe gonernl doftclency MU li agreed
COM. It delivers fruit on the market where he hs-l |r>r msny lung >
Michigan aUte fair. He proposes to
Bled hli sutemeni.
Western Mlrfalgan country the peoid* are -«ee»"g that'
beed very falghi) .regarded.
to on all polati oscept tbe |«iO.«N
a finer condition.
try for a third time, and It aoccesaUevelcpmeiit
bureau J<^n I. Clbeon. boys and girls, tbelr msa tad woM
ektaM dwimndod by VlrgBla. Mary­
nolsbbor he was congenial
ful. be can bring the cup back to
s>wretary of ih<- bureau. Is speaking to Traveike City. Thoy ar* toektog tt '
land. Orm and Texan, and i&e ezpoimlar: as a cKlsen be was k»i
Oraad Traverse to keep forever and
tn BaWjl’i ppy for bouae and aeoatc
tbe c-ounty to us to take care ef iboto. and maho'n
all the Inieresi* that his home
munlty represented, aa a farmer h< dnv and gives the Illustrated lecture safe place tor tbeeo bora Obd flrta.
The expense of lailtliig on a eoun"W.-sicra .Mirhixan Roads. Farms anj. This rburch Is betoff buRt tor tbstr
was one of ttic most progrcoilv'e.
ly exblibi such as is colled for Is be­
orrhards' at Hoyne I'ny tonight. Moo benefit, and th* Chur^ of Ood ongM
tween tISO and ttOO. Mr. Smith, bowsell known and rrra'I) evteeiued He » High' s rvad isik will be given at
' doing great (htogs tor Trawora*
expense. taking.
i-ry popular nicinl>er of 1
sel J'.Hati
cnr. We niy dqlag oU w* can ter
New York. Aug 2f-^•iiairinsn Mc­
The Ksika-ka <'..uhi.v Progrm* Clu'V Mcihodtom. and It Is s c«tlala tnet
Combs. of the Democratic nailoaal Travers.- Vily krtlee No.
•lalaan Ceuntrvea Arc Reprsaentad Oi coRiniitlee. may not resume control Eik*. and lor many year* won l
IS la-eii .yrgani/'-d with Wilbur
tbe Methodtots bsUev* to TravTrip That will Cenaunve Two
}ri" iidsli!p o' ili'c large lev's! Pslrii.-r a* pr.-»ld.'nl. E. N Phelps.
Cky. nofwithsuadtog tb* dothe Demoeiailc rsiii]«ign. It is ru
nd J .Grant Getty, ire
prcsiln* condltlens (brongh wUcto H
oiored that pbvsicians have (old him membesehip «( ihai orgaiiixalion He
to a county exhibit that U called
a nieniber ef Traverse City
«ing Ip a buMnsns way. Jwt St
obJ.-. r of this rlub to
lie ranuol return to his desk tor s
for by the dip. and Mr. Smith in or
hurry the d.vcl.qpmem of tbe Kalknsime. We bettors ttaM tt will h*
New York. Aug. 22.—Of a highly month. It Is believed be will yield lodge No 222. r * A M
der to win agslnst tbe eigbty-odd
Robert Garland was born May K ka c(iuh(ry and to see to the adjust- tbe key city of tb* aortb. nod w* sm
rouatles to tbe state, must have speci- NtlBgatahed and representative cbai- Ihe li-aderahlp to Vice ChBlrman Me
sU (he peeito wbo bMtoto to
ot the very brat rmlts grawa In cter waa the iiody of Icsinird men
rse City for
net only to
Grand Traverse. Here Is a chaoce for that started from .N>a York today on nines* I* more »erious than Brat'heto the lime of his death. Hls r«r- th- Tuskeeee Normal and Indnalrial
r. but for tbrir praycra and (bsdr
every loyal fruit grower to help spread
nKtmlinenul tour under the aus­
Itie'tluic. (z'led at Ihe offices of the sympathy to this graot work of boBd
•anal B* of the huge
of m.- tbe fame of bis county us a fruit seo pices of tbe American Geognpbiual
among the to-si e*tceia> d pioneers of
.Michigan llrielopment b'lgreat church, which Is tor the
GMAM. according to department of Hon.
aocleiy. Tbe aodeiy has arranged the
ils-Tu^. having come to Penlosul*
aeek and secured phot.* seltare of aU."
agrieBtnre axperu who have been In*t>raiid Traverse hopes to be knaam
In celebradon of the sUtleih
ransbl^^um ranada
graphs of various (rtuian of the 6rveotl^Ung Ue egg amashug business. I tbe great fruit eonoly of tbe slate. nlvatuarr of It* founding and of
The quartette saag -Prato* To tb*
On November 22, l*s.t he *a.- mar
rt Ind'isiry, ihc*e photographs to Father.' and Ber. Of. Stuart tedtownd
This oaorSKMU loss la due
We bdleva that U <an s|u'if our cempletloD of Its new home In <
ried to kTora Joiies His wido* and
u*»d la d'-s'riling the Mtcblgan with aa BddrsuB. U part. Or. Staort
eggs, cradmd and broken eggs, dirty. growers
i blldrer. l-Vaiil.. Fred. Flora. Renar,
utn 10 ih.; siudein* lu bis clasacBale and rattan eggs. The impropci a lift in
Please b-i
‘H'bere to aetbtog Store bwaTbe majority of the tourist* are i
New 1 Robert and Maigarei survive hue.
\ip>iii bo n-iurD fruen a (rip ibrougli titol and slgnlficaat tbaa a oooipany
a—Bhif to a leea^ farmera. mlddle- Mr. Smith have tamiiles of
menutlvM of (be uolversltleu
and other northern stoteu.
a alike, say tbe ex- as wlU help win tbe alivcr cup After
ol pmpU wbo find tt to tboir bwrts
----I one of whom U now Bring William
The Grand Traverae Boys' Corn club
pertx, end tbay urge everybody
tbe capture you s lU be glad Co have
boUd a chareh. Tbmw are (hr**
now has an eorollmeot of 276. This
■at boar and iaaUtate reforms which It known that >-ou live to Orand^rav.
*■« up what
Orett Britain. France. Germany. aorient mummy. It inches high,
is remarkable and to a much better
will do away wlU IL Here arc tome
and that yon helped make the'ex- Austria Italy. Belgium. Portugal and good *iBie of preservaUon. has been Wisconsin.
The fuaeral l<«k place at tl.c farm showing than has be«9 made by____ tb* (tonrota uUnds ter. r
of the pMaa nifaeted (or beUenneai hlblL
(be Netheriaods.
foond at the niff dwcUing* on tbe home mdav.and *a» la^ly allended M the counties |iurroundmg Graa-1 brotherly kindna** and *ptotlto**i,
Banpansa tto prodacUoa of tarn
veoe Ur. Smith, or tbe Inlor
The eborch stands for sJI ctossra. At
The trip acroas the conllnenl and upper Gila, near Silver City, and ili- by netetahors and fnends to tbe rl•Town by theae
malloo oSiee of tbe Traverae City raturn will oevupy two mbmlis. during stnictions have been received to for­
bottom of all rotigie* ft tba Uea
rlntty as wdl as a Urge niftB>er from bora will bo
Taka atepa to Umwa proper dlkpoai- beard of trade, at once, srbai you have which time tbe tourists will cover ap­
that a man was ben tor Oed.^ tbs
ward it to tbe Smlihtoolan inatltution Traverae rity. among who* was a
Uan a( tafaitlle eggs. Dirty eggs wiu In tbe fruit line that li rare or to ex- proximately 10.000 mllCB. Afier_ytSsi
ehier requtoii* (or ralntltosM to tot1 WashUtgton.
ba rideBad to a mlalmom if piwpar
doe. tlemember tbe beat from the tog tha oountry to Sealtlf-' Portland
lowsblp with Cod. Tbsehveh-Bato
Cnroful pxaminailoD shows Indlspst- and HamMia.

II be the buM of ils kind yto stand (or tbe commaalty at tons, aad
aoHre county Is needed to wis. Grand and San Pranctoetx vlstiJiig Yellow- able evidence and conffrss tbe Idra
Tbe memory of Sr. Garland will be
•tore tbaa tea par
a( oggsi Traverse has woe fruit benora In tbe atone .Vattonal Park <m tU way, Che
... ..
it I*
to VU.7
eoly wbea
«u*s tt •law
stands ojow
atone voo*
that n
•( many triemlsu that the Md cliff- cbertobed aa one who was not only n
yooafead B New Terfc dslag Ue year paat and tbe ehaaees are excellent on party will return through tba Grand men were a dwaK race.
W . H. Steato. the w*tt«a iii^lgsni to omtnoosly wnb.- DF. BtMrt «M
good ettUea. but a (altbfid Mead,
tote rotanad trcB .
■ta eUta. Thu is not aeCeanry if
that rnocti of th* aprtotof ef aoetoltom
Canyou and the aouibera autes. teach­ The most atriktog (entore of thefr ■ood htabond and tothw. and tbe beSM* are pramptty ceiterivd aod
Travarae ing NSW Y-ork obnui the middle of
HanlMM eoaaty. where be in- wss do* to th* lack at nUMaa aad
dwellings was very -small doorways rfoveisest of tbe tomOy wfU
•peeted th* orchard* at nn«(
Umiaillr phlJted lo siarkolrlghtooossaB* amaac tb* paapto a( tpOctober.
enurt) low ceiUngr
Bbarcd by their host of (rieodx.
and Bear Lake.
.(Onajlmiad aa

mm flump cuof

imtmT HEW DETUis

BCMi SRT m nsnrti











«uum nAVnn itoat.t) avd mTim bat baolb, russsBr. mubt it. ms

..Grand Tttifei^Se ^ Herald



held by tbe United States.
, -•
How mneb Itmger thall thmdi^ce redfi^oo nif

and Travene


. MMai TMMar and noBtar at TiaWM Otr. Mkhte kr


ii* .



•avTr*‘»v'^';**..................... •....................

Chie TItem liitfij
. .f io.»he hwrrr and rwli-af the ecri^ yean of the Twentieth
I ijilni. aneM aptte «n«et that we are makinK racial history that
a tUMabd wihre thonand yean from now will giro the atndent
of hiaUiy; i^ tke antiquarian, aome bnay hoan. For two or three
biutdred yean the world hu heard of the j>oor Indian «f the
;i1~tTf~rT jfaraata. It has been forfrotten, almoat, that this race
was »at am Indian aaiir at Bl, tmt tiiat was as good a ume as any.
g Bmt dhey had diadorered a new continent, hut
>WWfflnWt tifeylad reaeii^ the €ouU of Indig, the flnt diseoverera
of ABcdn cave the red man thia name, and it haa beea rued
.jiliyt, aaAmow it itrtoo late to ehdnge it
irei^-The. Mart hf Atneriea. ajr U wrtl hwwn. W a late fwodnetiot
“Xlf dhr <^rtnrt>t:' N<^ on*-hroe s jn4t wtierc he came from or
eiate, bm jtheK is eeeir eridenee to show that he drove
h of North America and took yoBcaaion by
Iprawa feBowed, fear hondred yews ago, and
f baiik
bm!kl3ie1bdianeTersiBee. They hare a perfeot
is no more than the Indian hhuaelf did to those
She hktory qf the world is the history of neea,
• nee haa.aueeeeded another, and another raee
hnt* ggWhdBWI^M.' tod iio -owr and over again baa been the
Bof taoea.
th> raee coming from Enrope, the
ded, tempoparily. the red
itaao Weame, «ame 'other race wOl aaeeeed the white man and
I* hack Jttt aa'We have driven back ^ red man.
3reCd irot expend any great amount of ayiqpathy
Be had his day, which is gone, or will be in a
c havi^ our day and we ahalt soon be gone,
tBiS gBu ai'Bl owa that we have ever lived or died T
oroo hfo'the teat tribal rriations.of the Indiana
We said aen that thb dosed the hbt^ of the
_ Jhlwlei: Zt did. The Indiaii he«mme, tits
AjM«ai,-am.A«tie»eaB eitiBeB. Many of them and
l4l<radvBtili^ that foUowod, but is 4t not prthamahle
tiMie todca-'^'tribes, who had lived for half
r^tiems, eared fpr by the United States.
tbamaeivaa paaaing beyond the meridian of li^, still
fkeJKadittMmefa hondred genentMna of their people 1
ippaeKMCe, in pm, the aadness of tiie passing of this
fnfl ttnamal raee of uncultivated peqple. The world
befv'iniB teotiter people just like the Indiana of America.
It imver ean aeq aaoh a race again. All ft needed was a touch of
vhpt ysa
civilintioD to make tbm one of the leading atrong
w«rid^ Those who are living today, and e^Kcially
■the^MMg^peaple who eare at all for the history of their country,
wm^^fcdWWfrli the years to come that they lived during this his.r r. -TbeiAiaadlatioe of tribal lines and relations of a year or two
riarbad the great change in the hidory of the races of the
• wahL- -dori BOW, She last act ol.the trag^ of a great race ia
«ilBiK"lhillmL The tvk tg «a wfto have passed middle age, will
■tht Wtte IMity years ago Oeronimo’a band of Apaebe
inih the ttrior dl the western pteins. Geronimo himself
al^4i«atcat waraora of any nation that ever lived,
'titelte «sae anti, hia oMtiMds of warfare wme not at all in ac^ WWiihW-tHtti aaeden BMhdlto. When he went <» the ^ar path,
priaoneta were not eonaidered priaoners of
teilded as imeh. Be was, in fact, making the test stand of
*nae ••aaat the soeroaehmsiit of invaders. We nay not approve
wartee; we «nay reaetat hia eratities; we may
‘liliht ^ aid was well deserved, but he did no more than
'BMlteSi of dthera Of so-called civilized white men, .who have made
ihclaM aland for what th^ couider their liberties and their rights,
timvtjdne. aesoaimo wUl. tiierrfore. live in hioory as a great
tor a patriot is one who does hit best for hia
tna rhec. Geronimo made his last stand for not only
^plc, bnt tor a wbdie raee of people. He wis defeated,
naJly a third of a oenluiy the remnant of bb band,
of aae «f the test hands iddndians in the United ,8talM
“ ■Miht'diii' iahW ad'attemid to save themselves and t
the 1’nfM 8ut« as ‘ prisoBm of war, the only
did- in the whole I'niU^ SUtea.
p—Those who have acted in the great

people allow the litt



In the new relationB that exist between man and woman on
tbe question of polHieal rights and pririlegea. some queetwos are
alraady armog that ate somewhat *ronfasiBg to both mm and
'^aae Addams, ,ndNse repotalten is wvrid-wide as a soekd
worker,' has been vriUtiaed because she accepted a posit iuii as
delegate in the Eooaevdt eqmvntion in Chicago. She felt that
sbe.had a,perfert right to-ally herwlf with a political imrty move.
aaeht She, had a right to do m. One may question the wisdom
and the discretion riwwn. but they ramiot question her right to
take the position she did.
Nowteoraes Miss Mabel T. Boaedman. nationalvlireclor of the
American Rod Croas society, who declined to take an active part
fayoring the candidacy' of Mr. Taft, criticizing Min Addams for
tbe positioD'she had taken. It u now reported that Miss Boardnum
has dons tRe same thing and » active in tim-election of Mr. Taft.
If this k true, wc believe that 1>oth women tmve made a mistake.
You cannot separate the Lead of a great movement from the imivom<mt hatif. You .cannot separate Mias Addahu fri>m the spb-ndid
work she is doing. Yon cannot'sepante Mias Buarduiau from the
great organization of which she is tbe head.
IVraonally, anybody has.a right to Iiis ^ her ptiitical con­
victions and they hare a right In advance the intereKts of th<- hcKd
of the party with which they ally thetiselvcs, whether that Ite
Progressive, or Republican, or Democratic or any other, but it is
a mistake when any one man or womau uses the iuflueiicu aud
the machinery of the organization to which they belong or the work
in which they arc engaged for the advancement or tiie interest of
any political party. Mias Addams has made a grave mistake. Miss
Boardman'has made a graw mktuke.

msm. ii£ilLTii


Win Have Mrwaf OppisWsa Erem
Eenowrers ef IteeeeveR^ ^
IMsal OeHef.


CmdDBBll. O.. Ads- XT—Coasrenaa “.Ntck" Loagworte. repabUcaa
caadldate for retiertloe. had hoped
that the ladi meaae woMd r*
troDi aturklDc a awiaber ot tbe temtlr. Rut lf« not. to be. Hr. A. O
Ra-lek. total wepeeSHe Itedw. has

It was ifiUmatH li
KltHcstro ae Arnumed That «pec ders for' a fkht on UdMfUfth
etraltei froai fl map itrm hm Zwite
sald -CkdMel Itoeaeveh wwaM
Deatial to tW (oMeal.
l.,^^rte u baewvi to he a Taft
DM roo kDow
tnaaJ taw Uie has hero seawwtiai sabiogloBl gardeat
Ymk whet*
^ _ eabteri Moor Us fatearteer have the
to t..
boiTk^. 'Nters " dMDO■ed from all larit. ot tea wor'.c eiaiir eppeoeel U Maote) Itowdle. a
ther have sito OD vibibitlte ajM* —
wtau devatas We
test DS ordlnar)-. roCnmna, aterrdt;
ire tlDte to' erwetdas I she;
such ts e*erj tsmir ho> ..
aswenh's l«M brad aad Iris iwl
.UIrbIcan n!lk* e\er> da). BDt if.r'
c to the oab Itctes es-maldeDi.
Is tes truth. S3d the ressoa Im ti >•
si.that U C

naH!T wffiu

flUK I. xsni

hors aad soaie crawe upe a%e have
Mr. VlBloD hai
oow aad eoqldD't tell
irand Tra'crae rosmy aU hia Ufe
whsl tort of sDlDUl ttiej received
ad baa
their milk (rom. Wbec that was die
republtcaa parif ever siBM •
covered, ibr keeper of tee soolustcsl
me a voter. At pmaSW^ M
cardeDs pronpUr bousht a eow aD<l
CUoaty Truant Otfleer aad Sma Sste
Pkcad her in the aar^eoa ehsil orerr of the Ainertcaii Apple (tlowers'
WCeHeal work la 'thla rapaicllr. Me
zn-ss from nanr slate* are alteoil haa beeu dr|>«t,v .heriff and tee exreatltes this tsar be cBtHalr poasthle iBx the amiual «ouveaUea of the
ssnlatloo. wweh bscaa IU aeosioes
today at the Planters hotel In this tee coDot) I
aecneaUr. at tbe tVeat Ulchlgaa SUU
Fair to be held at Grand Rsplds. 8e- ■ ctiy. The rworts of tee luiMte
a to It. hsDdaoDM priaee am aSer,. di*«te that tee apple ytoM «Me yvar tee lawa that are dp
for Soe oal'ie—tor Sne vowa.
wiU approach tccordPresklac Saarra books, Mr. \YoloD Is
Chanee to has Plat CaMa.
»rl} all serUona of the co
eoiara at She
Of routs*' this li imerasUas to .the
lirliuarlea in Auxual.
farmer frum tbe siaadpoiot of Iiuil
neu hot it Is ictereailBR to teousai.ds
The Triala of a Ti
of otevri Who desire to tea i
-1 ani ■ travelluc aale*
rullr nae cattle aad to aiadr
,. K YouBRs. K Berkahlrc. Vt, -and
Uefaalt bavins been made in the
dlEereat breeds,
breeds. In eoBaeousoce at wna oft«i traebied «
tDdlthui* of a certalB mertage «ad*
hi hsteo msde to pro and tndlscatlon till I
rapectal effort has
by Orin O latre. and Klttabeth IMoe.
vide means
eeeli« to the fat ast
l KIbr's New IJfe Pill
aae ter seeli«
Id Iha first place tbe stahlsa arr
une*)Baled. __ . . ..
_ ........ A. U, lM8..aBd neteiihg
all rarwroily
ly dralaed and can be aatlly
the office Of the RdSMter ot Deeds 1
cleaned. "The rales of the FWr pfo- dniecistt of Traverse,CHr.
dm eDBM> «f uraad Trawwte a
vide Ibii eacb eablbltor must keep
state of Mtoblsaa. oo tee aUte day
Ms etallf and pees riess sod must
to Ubte U ti tenrt—.......................

keep a e
ae cheap as almaet^ April. A. 1).. im.
• i full
---iiare fill, on which moHSSige
uU wbo owes tee eablbli and. What
make Urn CeeL ^
-talmed to he doe at ten MMo
D asliTial
at him merely mj a
Mioi. lor printipsl emd MUrThe same It tree of tfie tb*^
«s<. tec sum of pipe hoadped forty
pla eahihits so tbai ft wfil ha po»i.l t*!.l<Ki dollara. and-aa atUrtlble for everrhod.v to-weU throosh
Acs Ewer at War.
iMf iweeilyflve doRara, «• !■«the MsUlea aod amooz the peqs with
cr< are two ihiDRs eteiiasliasly
ont zettloR diny. and to examine anx
ir. io.v and piles But BoekWn'a tidni far to aald aortasoe. aad nn
ledlasa hi tow fmrtas
look over the ertIWla of raltle. aheef Arnica rialte will lianliih |ille» In any
and swine and frooi the card in froai form. It anon nilKtuef the Itebinc. Ir.. .iiaulerid to rrecover the moneys
ot bioj iclj a hat be u.looklnx
rUallaii. ItiflsiumallOD or sa-cIHnR. U seoiml b
but this la
U not alt- Is tbe show Sivea conrfort. IDvMee Joy. Qreateat Iberaot
fins, where all tnoat be broazbl
filed In Ihe drculi eoort Mr tito
healor or baraa, boUa. nkwra. nila.
brnlaee, KXema. aratda, pimples, akin
inade'‘^^'an''ampUlhtetr^'ro *teai ernplioiiK. Only tf. cents at all draspeople may alt Is epmf
infort and look Rlata of Traveree CHj.
down upoD the exhibits
brnoRhi. sU Dllcked
ihelr beat, belorc tbe Jodgea. Nqteand ti» and ta aeoirdaM
imeltesu Countr. Mitelsma.
InR bu heeo overlooked which wfi;
with a iroWrlon In ter asM mortgggt.
acrea. 3-’ cleared, balance In i
make ifpoaslble tor all at the fair id
timber. .*>M fruit treea. a vety sne default bavins .Iraen made In \ha
see all ezhitrtts m safety and
lorartTM bartns • »ae rtov ot Imke
■ Mlrhl^ Will make a npleodld
fruit farm. 1^ mllo fiwni "Schom.
. ral on
bcig" stalinn. For tiartirulare ad
diy glw
Nolliv Is
drosa Peter flwunMui. Jr. Maple
le of Ibr I )*rr of ajfle MtlUlned *B
,ft. and fhe ShUlrtwlB ateih
West Miehlgah State Fair Msra
made and rtW'Med. on TbnraWremlaifis la School- Chtldren.
he l«b day of Oeiober. A. D,
o'clock - •
The West Michinn Stale Fblr s1
frttet dgof
Grand Rapids. Srpi. 9 tn \S. is a fair
^;he reurt^OKlllllbc
sit.yB ID*? city
clt> of Iftv.
for the yoDDR a>r wHI as tor the oM
riiy. teal tolffrtee Ptooevrlteto
The bovf. and sirls will hate teat el
tee riresR to. k 4ir tee ooSNtr M
good s chance to eni«w ibclr kasdl
Graa*l Teavene bto held, eell al gsUie
work I
receive a premium for
and lull, to th.- )hicliral blddert tea
It as will the old folks.
preniiscs deerribed li
Oee OepaKmenl espeplallf It open
i>r so moeh ihereo
for tbe boys aoO RirU. Thai la tee
san' <e |ia> the anmuM no as •
11 of s»-hot'
said due nu aaM tnoriMSe- *ite »
iie flu............—............
per cent Inl'-rrat. aod all lesal eosU.
I trainliw depart
tmretbei witli said auorpek's fee. tosriiien care
Tlie aoolh half (8. Hi « tee
___ mst «mrua «*. K Rl of eertMo
dene flne ne*-dle a-orW. those who bavi
elshieeii tlX>, tes-eeUlp uasmuave
drawn well and all the rest
CM iiorib. of rasRc iuae tei west,
Thill year rwdeore* are an eves
«> s'-ren of Und, more or .
lirger rzhlbitlos of kchool work rrlll
less. a'ciirriiiiR to (be gorerwnt earbe made and IhouMndv of S'-hool ehll
dren will have a chanry for the prem
'HM IsKKUA.'aU <X>l'NTriiAMNC8
In order to encoeraoe tee
yoimcrlers to altend the lair and ee»
.what lhej_ha«i- preeenic*! fm ihe critl
J. O mtNCAN,
Weiloa .
Irlam ef the jodzer. Tneadaj bet
Roaley .
Aitortey for Uorisacsm
been made Ihe day for ihe aebodl
ebildren. when all iisrter It pesrii Of
Slcma ..
ape will Ik- sdnililed in the Rrounils
for i; eeni» n.s' du> He bn.vs
girls Wll! *iwn t|{e fair and apeeu
trwciMns will be presented tor ihflr


We Mast Control » All
The interest in Central‘Amerloa and tVnlral American affaira
litcoiue* moll- uupuruui aud jbe conditions become more acute
ov«y day. We have said seri-nn times that there is only one solu­
tion of this important question that jnvolvra not only the Unit«>d
Stateg, but tbe whole world. Fur a century, tin- United Sutra has
daimed something of a supenkioD Over the afteirs of the two con­
tinents and the Monroe doctrine, which hat now become an estate
liahed fact, declares Uiat no foreiga -natfun shall acquire territory
apod the American continents,
.lias 'b^ome so.well uuderBtood, and haa become tntii a wril'estahlisbod doctrine, that it k
regppuzcd by the whole world. We, hberefori-, have uothing to
fear in this direction, but more aud more ft. k beeomng apparent
that we have got to control the Centrti American rcpuhlict.
Mexico is doing juat what it fdeaaes. ft .is a great territory
with but’a half-eivilized people^ control'^.-At can never be coo­
trolled as a republic, except
pt a
as part of the Cnited
Rtates. Its people
do not know, what a republic uieani>, amiJf they did kuuw, it would
make no difference;
There arc two ways (u eoutrol Meziro. One is to nniiex the
territory to the United Sutes. The otU'-r is to rule it uk a iiiuiiareliy. troubling os just now moae.than.MeBiao>is Nicaraugua.
N^oarilugim fcnd^coritignous teirflory k little more ^an a feverridden, plague-inf^d coast line. Just
are having all
kio^k^eff ao-called ptiitical troublia. Ameriran livra, American interesu, American property can be rtfuoted as nothing. So serious
haa the aHnalicm become that the United States has already sent a
formidable array of battlesbiiK and thousands of troops toNicaraugua to protect American lives and interests, and while they are
doing ihk, Mexkan rogulare and Mexican rebels indiserimioately
stand upon the border and shoot over into the United Slates epute
Mexico today has mon- Amerieun'capital invoitod tlmu all the
countries of Europe and of Mexico itself combinod. Oue billion
doUsra will not make good the j'uneriean inveqmnnts in Mexico
as they stand today. Niesfraugua has hnndreds of millions of dollars
of American money invested; and so we go on down the line. Wc
have a little strip called tbe Panama zo^Hhrough which wc arc
digging this «M-alled emial. This water-way will have cost \w
half a billion dtilars before it k eompleted; and then we will begin
the expense of msintenanee.
The Panama sane k separated from our own territory liy brng
atretebes of pUgue-striken territory. We hiive <-l.-aiied ..ul tli.\
Panama «one. We have showw what the United Stiilra ean do iu
the santtary peoteetion of its own lerritoiy. but this ik a narrow
strip and on both sid't* arc slretchra for IbonKaiids i*f mile* ipf plague
What -k the United SUteji going to do with Central Amt-riea
by and by! When we say Central Aiueri<-a. we mean Meiieo a.s
wen. ThM- k only .me thing to do.
The United Sutra nmsi.
ultimately, own and eontrol the entire territory from the north liii-'
of Mexico to te.vonJ the south line of the I’ananiB zon*'. It is the
rieJiesI eountiy in the woriil. Thft k sliown hy the*^inndp-iis anil
Imndretls j.f luilUotn of dollars of American capital timt ady
invested in this territory. Billions more ma.v easily and profitably
be used in the c.xploitation of this wooderfni eountiy. If for no
other reason than this the United States should own it. hut there
are other reasons eqtkily gixti. We would then eoiitrol the traffic
of both otTaiiK. and ■we would i4angi'- tin- aanitarv condil ions of liic
entire terrrtoo- so that it wotid be habilablv'by «ub own iK-oj.le,
And the nations of the world wonW ap;^reeiate the value of the
aaniUry. well governed, and immenstiy rich territoty that we would
hove opcoed'ap for them and for us.-

jWlor raws ins lor the e^^vas of tin- I'lihed States. Uw it ean he
ttnadtioMplhirr-way. to rtieam-'tlwse Apache priMhcni dT
Wl» ife tiTlAifer dattgeromii they could all be put in a uua'U
ai he kilM in five minutraj thc.v an- moatly
4%en..ior the men among the Indian tribes, who did
•IjpIP Attiad of a oantary a«r>. arv all dead s the tribe s aholMied:
teAaMahaaAave hmen'-anhlUAted or haw died out by roason of
h qhe^rhfte'mah-ari the white man's whiskey. Only
-tbe of-Geronimo. who with
i <rf wactiare. was-«nc of
ititr few-better BwUuAs ot
d« briy whit he thought steviw tee aMmth of tee M.aoaqaa
Bcbool chtMteD tn te* I’aitkl Stetea,'
and defend the wonn-o and
tee CeSemI barswa of saaewUDB
aUsottoQ. la a drenUr just tM
tee «m teal ;s per cteit -msS s
(tea lo*w for fihvalcal dOaeU white
tee* btekfa Md


__________ fS

». AT!





West Michieon SWta Fair World Encourapo Sreedlfig Thefr.
To funner develop t\er-<rr. MirM
aan Is one of the Rreet oHect* ef the
Weal MitelcM Siaie Fair al Urasd
Rapida. »pi. S to n
specUi ef
forts are made io make the fair rtu
ef iMfrDctien and developneiit dn
tbe lew few letrs the draft. hnrasj
baa fsadually become lost sight of.
Pew persona in Western MlebijmD
made tay attempt to breed these tniR
SiSceat esimals In order tn eneeoraae tee breedms aad ihe exblbtuee
of tee beat there la. the Weal MlcbiRsn State Pair offers ih* B S. Hanrheu Draft Horse Trophy and ROoS
<«ab premiums besides for >h« beat
dran uam of any ape. selgLmt U>00
pousSssOr more, owned Is MletOsas
ad ezhthlted at tbe Wen mtekin
~uie Pair.
Tfe* trophy is a beaaiirnJ Srwie
Bteteo at a fine horse. Thi* trophy remalne tee property of tbe West IneV
iras State Pair, bat the wisaer ef H
It for ate ffaar.

rblldreo eager, the clreatar slatee Itul
4M.OOO have oresnit bean dlsesee.
l.ooqaw at least here M*' or hat
berralar'ajrknioa of the IOD«a. __
other miinqa haw siriul conalore
flat foot or some other defonoUy oerto« Ridbsli to laterferv with their
beallh.' A mfllloD have defeeilve heartas. fiVo mlUkras ksro dotectire «
aST ak otiaai Dumber are aOlcted
witbmnctorm of malontritkn, Thtrtr
t>sr cteU'cr brw'»,eo«. hara eofawnd toasiii sad over 60 per eetrt. or
■Urn mlllMs. have defective teeth
wMte Wib BNitMeUc with health. foUetrtac. aad perm!t^^U**w’ w
Several UllIiMrt of the telMteo
eate or two or oterc of tec fore■oiac atetedaeleete.
alsR firat place aad Sit ta the team
« ha MeeHra. futrament
eetlm aad ptamotloa of




a. m.. rO:SO a. m, SrSSp.N

D. BtBLT. B. P- i

mm& CITY


wHbent pain, and wlthoat the nan of
dross to prodoce nnco—eluiiiswe
Peopto of nerveni MBumrsmont aad
•Ite wMk k«a ns srili
-Ka-otor' method of ptiaMw Sfftzs*
ISS-m WiteMm Ssorh. wfte ». Ht**
•eeih. TMenran OMs. lltoMam


be in fall
Take advsnta^ of it;
come in the Forenora.
We U be with you at tfa<
Brouods for dinner.


ivi roe eeBOM SDOBM Dot
Ptinuag aat tee aHmufii teal tee^ oaiy be e teaimrr. healtetel tSaw for


«u!iD mnui Hsuis akd lumn bat

MS MU flmr



W1Md» ha4-be«B la poer baa
te BOM tima bat bar iMdtaoB
eun aartoui aalr tear dm prior
Mail!* Awv at
EinmMd dMlh. 8ba la aanrhrad bp bar parma. t«« alBtam Mra. NaDia Baa
KalaaMaop. Mm Joha Tu en«M
m mr«. Ora^ Rapids, and aaraa bretbara.
apcMarjtf Hr; u4 Hn. J««eb WHkka tyrattaS mcS Say bgr wto*
Haary J, Jaba A., airani. Joba. Patim «>•< 8atsr«ar Man at lb« taa- or. Xread and Alhort all ot wboa iwafteebtottotratl. TalBSa «1 aWtt bMM la Sbawoe« ton^p. JQu
Ma tbRM^ Dauai ftm liiigl
alda la tbla eeaoty.
Ponatal sarneaa »ara bdd
tbo boma ruasdv Boralac at laa
e-abcfc. Bar. Drmaa OocbUa of tba
Talate. ABp. PA—Wl
lap. iBtamaM was la Oakwood.
Cora. tiHc. Oats. S«e.
AT PCSyy VAMBS icua, Aap. PA—Wbaat PS»e.
' Tba Bar. Lawi
Oats. :i%c. Com, at14e.
tar ot AUaas Bodlac. wboaa daatb to
Drtrolt. Asp. lA-Wbaal. tl.MHBBBOBBesd. was kaowa throuphoot Cora. Me- Oau. PTc.
West Bmcx as tbs -boBUBp
saisek and Ull bat sad was a famOBaffalo. Aap. PA—Cattto—Rrcalpta,
lar Bpura at tbr laaau of tba E
benda, wbleh ba attaadad rmlarty APTi cars; aeUm ateadr. 4Se*A«.
tboupfa la bU BSTsDty-alchib yoar.-> Calrao—Roeaipts. 1.260: acUve. WO
Loadoa Broalap Staadard.
WtwMt to detamla^ to extend tbe
faBast iiuWiy • htmn of ptotecttoa to AMBtepa hie and pfopeny to
NkompaCMt Was
e aarsl rorres jm la tbat

Ihe Maikds

urn FM^ MioniE

ff yon filled them, AU‘8 well; it you didn’t, your
,Tival got the order and may get tho eustomers* entire
trade. Wake up and pnah the ’’BEST* flour made.
The manulactnre and sale of this flour helpe pay
your taxei. pave your streeta, buUd your achool
houaea. Doea forugn made flour do aa much?


In order to grow good wheat it must be led.
Wi r^mmend about 300 pounds of &«in
Glower Fertilizer to the acre. Every fanner
; wants more and better crops, and the only
way to get them is to put atunething in the
land that will bring this result Fertilizer
is Che . only thing known to do it If you
invest $3.7S to the acre in 300 pounds of
Fertilizer you are sure to reap a good profit
and have the satisCBCtitHi of raising good
crc^ Fertilizer increasee the size of tlM
karbd as dUEnent exp^ment atatites
have proven.
The grain ripwis more
evenly and makes better flow.
Try Fertilizer no your wheat this fall and
get it at fbe Comer of Front and Caas
street from


Como ftoBl A Cm SIn.t.

Second Annual August
Blanket Sale Beginn ing
Wednesday,^ Aug. aSth,
for Ten Days Only.
Thm pdnaee tala of bbiBkets an trade itimalaton
W* «pMt pwTde to buy UfokOp aew becAPM we mika
prtMi le» «Ben(h to make yo« wut to b«y tboo. ti
addttiw to oar rofular Itee we ore fortaaote enooch to
lH oblo to offer yon the Maqde line of one of the Wg.
geot hlo^M eoaeanp la tha ooaatiy hooght ot o nertflee OBd OKFBBKD DUSINO THD BALI AT A UO
BIDUOTHar; In foot, loi thoa tho rognlor coeL Srefy.
ttd^ la tha line from ehoop «ottoa to flaert wool.
la oBr.ngalor ptoek we AoU hove tome waloa tkot
«Q1 he worth white for yoa 4o boy.
. Mpmiiamo wsdsksdat, adoust a

J. W. MUliken



/ «-.

. nATXBzB cnT'S ran nou.

ADomi n. ini


aspeedat aa aaa KliPy wMh'aanli
hero k
-M. e. Binet^and wdta, wba havt »«■
bsM elaltlat te tba Mty JW.tba ^ ^
and wNb. «ba baea
TtslUap ta (ha ritr for tbe psM
totea tbto amratap.
wM mttraed to tbeU Mm# at Ka■a. Elton Bpw'af MataaUar. Var lamaMo Uto woralap.
mmi. to TtoUap at Ua F. 0. HarHa
«. H. Babeeah af Qrand Rapids, a
a Hn. Bpaa aad Hm Marria rirad la tba city today and espeeta i
I cU aeboolmataB aad Uli to (beir he bare for aoe time on bnilaasi,
•mt BMetias la 42 yaam
T. n. Oaaaett ef CMeapa. tabe hat
Mm R. Bamaa toft tM. .
la (be city tar tbe past
tor .Maatalee. OMm Hw wlU vtalt tor
toft toOy for

Orand BapUa.
A D. MeLawrto and wMe. who hava
brra Tiaftlap ham for tba pan m
mtarped to (heir borne at Detroit
UU Boralap.
HIM Evelyn Hammand toft this

P. F. Parmar wba baa baea In tba
dty;k» (ba putmoihtlap for Gmad Rapids, where
ne WlU vtaii for aoBw Ume>
taritiac to bis borne at Otlmite.
O. K Weateett and wife, whe Iwvc
'been rtoittM; la Ue dty for
tbeir borne at Muskewm tbto monitap.
O. C. Ceaper. whe has beatyin-Us
sereral boadred blaaiaekett m
dty for Ue past week left tHIs momto CoriatD oa tbe CaBfohitontad tbe lap for Petoakey. where be^wUI visit
Dearer, are dm aoVleleat to i
for a time belom reliiralBB
that pnxertloB. aiorc fertM win be beau at SBeaaahn.
f^^rded aam (hat end has bew
O. L. Fatten aito aao dtadea. left
tbto momlap for UaaeeloBa. where
Tbe’ state ilei«Hnient it still
they will vlali for a week with friends
nored by utleraoeee la reapreas rriy- and rrlailve*.
lap Implietily and coaCMentty upew tbe
Chlrkrn* ................................Rc to Ue loaf liee of preeedeats where Aa>rrim-FVIdkya Raeord-Baple-I
ean mllUarr aad namJ (areea bs*e

at Jtetibli lodns. aftei a week t
dty OB bBilaem''
i. A Gray and wife, who nave
la Ue city lor the paat moaU left
tbls moTBlap for Oraad Rapida. where
they will visit (or a time before returaiap'io tbeir home at l.ot Angeles,
Mrs. E. A Kimball and daughtar
Uary arrived la tbe dty today (mm
Peinskey. wbem they have fat
apeadlag tbe sumer. After a ab
Halt la Ue dty they wUI retura
tbdr home at OetrolL
Mia Srayley and
Mlaa Bmyler of Washlagtoa. D. C..
am TlsItlBg at tbe home ot Mm B.
J. ilorgBA
Miss Artli
been apeadlag ber vanttoo at Clare

ss....... ...... ■ ■


Mm Edward bheamtta aad dilWma left befe tost night for ftolmgo
after a twn months' visit with rela­
c her stsler tives and friends.
Hm Jamaa Muir and tan of Lana.
P. D. Paundera of Evansvillt. Ind, lag are visiting at tbe borne of D. H.
arrived la Ibe clly (bU momlap. He 'Allay for a fe.w days.
thauaJ Ttaltor hem
W. J. Garland of CMcaga, mtiimery year for reltef from tbe bay fever. ta borne after alteadlag the faaemi
Hr. and Hri. Tonia dahnaen of tM of bto nade flobL Oartoad.
Mra. A. H.i Nieheia and dawghtor
0. J. JobasoB Osar Co. Grand Rapids.
In tbe eliy as Ue puesu of HU> DoroUy of Oraad Rapida. who bare
Ceclle Bills OB Uakw street. Hr. aad bem apeadlag tome tiose whh ber
Hr*. Jan Oartoad. rmumed
Mm Jotaneee am viilllDf the Dortbcra rewns. mahini tbe irlp la their • tbeir boma i>ia mamlag.
Mtan Mary Rorkmana toft
Hltcbetl roadster.
Hiae Baaala Packard ef Uibana, momlap (or. Oraad Rapida after
m.. wbo baa beta TtoUtop her slater apaadlap * abort Uma wtth trtoads.
Mm H. A Rtfwng and daw^rtoe
Iftm. T. P. Vbm of U2 Waal Fraat
RMet. toft reeutday (Or Lake Oene him Hay Strong of Oraad Raidda.
am gneata of Um B W. Wall of
at Pfaitodelpbto for traaapertailOB oa •b, Vtt, Whem Oe will .attend tba
tba PralHe to Cotoa aad theore %y atudeat roafereare uf ibe Y. W
A. W. Hawker toft tMa
rail and wnar to Cortate are belhp A.
for Maalsled. after aeveral days la
masra bom tbe navy yards m Hoatea. ' Pfad E. pnattoek ef Muahepen,
Ibedly OB tmalaeoa.
Kaw Tork. FhUadelphU. Washlaptoa. toraed to his'bome Ult momlap:
aeTeral days la tbe city rtolilnp Mr. and,H(w John Ebnar and aone
Bn .'............................................ ;..«e D. C, Norfolk aad Cbarleatoo. 8 ''
Warren aad R£fteoad. who bam
WlU fHeads and mtotlvea.
and wQ] aaD bom Laapaa latond
A C. Oryden toft Ula meralt^ Mr Tuning at Ue home of C.' J. B
ORAIN—Travaras CRr btiniaa Co. Brday alrtt
Two Amerteau am reported to Maaixtee. wtem ha wUl'be for a few returned to tbeir.borne at Poattoc
.to momlap.
rarfa day rbrroaner If aailMt tstIm. ire been deilberatefy murdered la dan OB baslaeaa.
O. 0. Rail and wlfa of Hosvard CHy,
le mas.<iarre of Ntoaiapwaa loyal, T. A. Hydleman of Chicago, whe
troops by tbe rebels al Leon oa Au- baa been la Ue rtiy for some time arrived, la ibe city to^y (or a few
pust It. Oas was sa(d to be llarrey
Bomlnp (or Honor, where be dart- visU WlU frleads aSB iMaiives.
A H. Lagan mturnad ta Ms hama
Dodd of Koa
will spend a few days Befom retnm1 Rapid City this memlnp after
I PbOUpa.
« w bis home,
a A Parker and wWe and eon woek la tbe dty oa biaiaeaa.MaH of ML PtoasanL whe
• ♦ w ♦ ♦ ♦ Vp ♦ • « w ♦ « « ♦ ♦ Harold of Lnaalnp. arrived la' the
P oKt Ull momlap for a few days' tIs- baa been la tbe «Rr for anme tlale
...... .........“.........
PPWPPPPPPPPPP.PPPP H la tha dty befttm ooaUaaiac kieii left Ibis moraiag lor Haalaue. wbem
be will spend a tew days on buslai
<yma TbwadayY ttoMrd-^ie.)
befom relumlag to bU borne.
F. O. Snaw mtumed
rnmmr W. MoCair. wHe and eWiP
ChaHat EhraiUargar and wKt
at rbeboyaan today after a week la
rm hare returned borne
tnraed to Iron River Uto momli
wcOt'a Ttolt-wHh (hafr pamau aad tbe elly on boalaeu.
Reblneen of Orand Rapids, after a two weeks' vlsli in Ue «Hy
Crtoads la- tbe city. Hr. McCoy is
Witl, (rieods nod relatives.
arrived In tbe city, ibis tnoralBx
anprttotteadeoi of Wooddlff farm,
George R. Rotecar toft Ule s
few weeks- visit bere with rri«ada
Heletda dairy farm at Beeda l.«ke.
Ing for CadRIfe on boslness.
aad retotires.
Bast Oraad Rapids,
R. E. Evans and wlfs toft
aiairOar la tbs Michloan'’
Crow and wife, who have
A. F. Ptavana lafi WadnaWay
for Petoske^. where they will
for an exleaded visit 'with friends been vislliap la Hie rliy for some visit for a short time before reipmBoyne CHy 6. Catflltar 0.
Maskepon 1. UsBlslee <>
and reUttvea la Celomdo and Wash- time left Ule Demlay tor Chsrle- Itig to Urir borne at Chlcaso
TOix. whem tbe; will be for a tew
whs hna boon vitHing
Rsv. Srethar Beraard of Oe U daya before returaiax to their bnme In Ue dty for the psa^ week left
Salle Collepe. Toronto, la a paed
morning for Oi>n<l ^bplds, wber
R. Fiaher. who has brnn spending
few days of Miss Morphy aad Hr*.
some time oa bosl■me time at Silver j^ke. returaed
before returaiag*'io hu home
to bto bemo at Hllwsukee this momMiaa Cthar Qlbtaa hM mWMd rmw,


dlreetlon la twses where Amerksa
life Kbd property were la toopardy.
Tbo oSletolt daetore that that I
aeSa parpaM of tbe laadiap ot tbe nrlaes mad blueJaOceis la Nlearspaa.
Wbea tha relDfaeceaMata. wbieb
win be earoatr to Nlearapaa before
the end of tIUs week, bare arrlred
tbeir deatlaat^. (be nary will bare
asbore ta (bat country tbe nost aa>
iMrous foreb It bai eref toadod la aa
iMIc la Uwe of pmee.
It to said at the el-------- ----------- -—
tunber iscreaae (rf th'la force wlU be
tnadeapoaUe .
AiaerteBB alatour ol tba emtor oaiot



wham Hr. Bkd«n- wUI resaasa bto
Wiaiaadeat ef aaboato.
Hsrrtot Mlltoe at Grand
Ue guest di Oeaeoaess
Kbao yemerday.
Ray WaM has retwmod.rradt Hmwr
aad Ptotia lak% wbore be dpeM tbe
oakoad wKk frieada.
W. j..MoMtobaal and urtto of DaMR
la vtottlag hU aacla. A il. UeMIcRaaL
aad oUtr rriaUvaa.
Mm Frad A SMU of Lam
tiac arrived ysatorday (or a abort viaR
•saadtiiroda •
Mm J. W. KamMea froni Grand
Rapl^ Is vislilng bar parents Hr. aad
Um Uewy Akay of Haaaah avopM.
Hm A A Tennolior af SoMon Har­
bor la Ttoittag ber parents. Hr. aad
Hr*. W. A DeoA
Baal Btgktb
Rkhatd Evart who has bean tpand■ap Ue summer la the city, left Uta
Bioraiag for Grand Rapida where bo
has amepted a poaiikm (or tbe wintor.
Ren). Car^ la enjoying o ton doyo*
arotkw rn>o bto -dulleo at potrMA SL Rirdaali and wHa. who kmra
they will vUn for a f
leturnlng lo tbeir h<
F. C. Mttehsli of I
baa Iwen a guest at tbe Oetooary dob
wiih Ibe CraysoBa of DMmlt foe tbe
post olK WMdu. reinnied borne today.
bta hoote ai Ixwlsville. Ky., ofter o
Wedt s tisit in tbe elly wftb frtoods
and mlifivpo
RenJ. .Rutosil hoa returnod Irani a
seek's visit al KIk Rapids ond will
reauiue work on his dray Uoo al once.
A. A Hnnael af Ag Rapid* arrlvoi
In the rity tmlay and will be bare for
the next weak on buslnmn.
R. L. RIoepor returned m Mo' home
SI Port llnron today slim-o tew dayi
to Ike niy im businms
Rey Fract. .«vhe has boo* vtoKIng In
Ibe elly for the pn»« ("* dsyv retofaiConilniied oh pare flvn.1

tutoa. OkU.. Aog. 22.—Vlateg
tenet the stsu at etpiwM tyala
speed a suras of pratsho^ipen bos
swept dowo upos Tulss lodoy. . U
bere. The sppruoch of tbo buppora'^
was ollended wlU o oMso like o ''
hsltolnrm.. They drovo poopto from
tbo streets. Mfotd ftkK urpy. lato
dweUiaga sad mode Dfe'‘Maonbto
(or tbe estlra uwa. Tbe stmsU worn
lltoraUy pored wlU them. Uov F*fesrvied ambrallo (a preUet
tbetnselres from tbe flyiag pesu.



Hsrvoy K Tlmyor, agod M, died s*
hU home iBiMoaibe Center ycoterday
after a lingering lllneM'wlth tobsimilosls. Pnoeral nervleet wUI be beM
Friday morning at 10 o'ckiek from
Moaree Center nod burial Kill Uke
ptoee la Grawn reomtery.
Fred Boonnlag. aa omptoye of th*
Oval Wood Dish romi«B>. was Imdly
brulned and burned yesterday' when
the irsmway at ihe (snorr date way
aad be fell a disianm of abest ftftsea
feet to tbe ground. A stram pipe wus
brokob when the tram fell aad tKe
sleom was projerled .npoo (be ams's
body, I'lwn exatniostlou tt was
found tbsl alihongh be wan paiaftilly
bsraed and braised, ao hones were
broken There were several other meo
the (ranway when H felL bat
Boenniog was.ifae only oBe U> sontalD

Tlsll wllb friends 1a Wlscoasla. aadi
A M. PhleMa af Chicago, arrlvod
F. H. CmndalJ of ChsHeveis. rwafter atteadlap sumawr ■
In tbo dty today aad expeeu to speed
tanad to ble borne tbrre this nornCbhipo.
ext Bomb ID tbe city and at the
lap after a few ds>
ibatrvtr. aad ba to taps
■man reaeru In Ue vlrtnlty.
Htoa. Nargarpt, MtOarty of Prwvl- bustares.
UrMod to raliway maunrs.
daaca. JL t.. left (bis merpiap. aR«r
E. .F. Horrtt returned to hie heme
Ray. waiting wlU bin mo
A H. Holme* ef Ray City, errived
visit witb Mrs. H. R. Tonaeller r.'
at Oraad Rapida UU noraliig after
BTWarlatra»v'~hsU .w
la the rity this monlag aad expects
tt|s dty.
a fee days la the elty on business
spend several days In tbe nrlnliy
Mlaa MIUrM aad OsMiWda Atwalt ■poklag up land and ^irar-tlng -Mm F. 0. Tirikhant returned to her
Of Chl<^. who hare baea vislliiip trnli.
friends le the rity.
I Uie city for tbe pau few rtaaks.
C. L. Osker and wlfs sf Tsrm
Mrm Mao
'lamed borne tbit meralap.
Ilsote. ind. left tbls
Ue Wmten Mirblgan DevelopMr. and Mm WiUUm A Raneli
Craad Rapids, where they win spend
*t berteu left today for a two
KokoBM. lad., who bars bees spendtime before reiuruiag to (belt
Won. Lost. P«. inr a few weoks of tbe sui
!ks- viaii at Colomboa. O While
there abe will vtolt Ue Ohio state'
rrooBdiax raaorts are la Ue
A F. PmiU, wtie Dm been In Ua
fair and aeenm Idsaa la mgard to
diy today and'will leave this after
dty Mr tbe past week on bnsliieas. placiBg exhibits sad methods of d1.
returned lo his home at rtalcago (kla Playing fruits for exbibtttaa purpoeeo.
I tom L. miydar of Kala moraIat.~\
Hm Edward Pbeeratta and ehiWe Tlsltiap is tbe el^ for i
M. kOibelin baa ratwmed rm left hero Um aigbt for Chi.
few dam
ff» a rritoe wiU Ue Naval Reaervee after a two mooths' rlsU with retoMr. and Mm A. Witoan of Bay » tbe a^ taaiic.
tlvso aad (Heada.
cny. are tbe piwau of tiieada to Um
Dr Oma T. Cbaee has eatvmad (eem
Letly Msrvin. Ollie
c«y for a tew days.
taepa. where nW visaed retollves
nara Miner and On Kveretl
Mr. ^ Mm «. aapb^ te Hart, labuH weeks
today from a two weeks' vacaUen trta.
tofted Mtoda la tbe city ibis ws^
Hsn. Peter HorwHith returned leal
laths FarsaaenThey attended ib* alndmu' T. W. C.
Pfm r. D. HarwM in beam from a aipbt from a six weeka visi
coore.-e*«e nt Lake Oeanm. Wto,
ip to Iowa. Nekeaaha aad aontbew todraa la Vaaleek Hill. Obl
and also visited la CUragn.
Mrs. dWard E. Fray ef «mnd Raa(from HeMtors^edord^wla.)
■ to Titoitac mMttras aad Irtoada
Dr. a A. HoMiay ratumod this
1a Ue coy. Hm Fray was eoe af T. W. Bltebey aad Harrlaad of Nlatb
tea from a ramtloa (rip
VUmaa CHy% Heat gapa
aad tba ‘Soo.'
brMaa. fotmarty batv Htoa Boh
Take advantags of it;
S>MN W Itoa Celar ■
Howard W. Grailisk of OotroH to--Mira JonMo VertHon M ERi
apeadlag hit vacatuo in tba dty wHh
tUM ao
craw in the Forraora
a of Utos lido (
oMbw vfciu or prar aod dark
.relatireo and tiieada
rer RuMay.
V^e'll be witb you at tbe
- Aart pmy
aiiUt (mm netroit to osato a lew
Mlaa Hatow Rtmub ratumod ItM
Arthur Hlllikor of Wbralp,^ 'wh,
«iU a_____________
eM e
w.««. s»«... algbi from India at. where she has IS beca rtoUiag mtotlvea ond frkradi grounds for dinner.
tba met taat tba Urtt a
la tho rtty. retoTMd Bime loday.
Mra. Fiwd Crew aiM dangbMr Hbo.
Louo A UrOoH te4 wMo ortlwad
ba hm bam vMUdp at tte baow itotardor Mgh* far ■ etati witt Mr.
* eoMr. MM aa tbtru am
a a X BMbabam far oama Rm pp- BbdaalTo pomMa. Hr. and Mra. Fmak
to OvM.

... 2 - i





Our ••Sale’* Win
be In fail


' —rm.;:,;



paytne SO eenu a pound for totter.

The eoBranniiy axt«ds aymtotby
to Mr. and Mra. A. t. Thayer
mi beraavenesi In the death of tbdr
aon Hsrrey.
1 The Bell teieptooe ee^lrd haa fa^
the drtta e^., »r.
Ar no lime BbonH paopte
4on b ffae riew
eknrir «nuff (to to " '
Jofanaon of fl
her oiMber, Mrs.
*ayt to ca

.The aqjnrflt.pMk
offiiiaMtato tov* .sptotsa n aato
drawlBjr card.
tectad. Idada direetir
hto rsnrato and will to at hta W
'^en fatal dtaewe.
Kate MeCni. who baa toeo wofejas Some-people Mad that eertald frnUa *— *-T the remainder of Aafaac
have taxalive effect, but tbla «aaSM>
4toce of ^iewffo, ta a coest
IB town, la home for a lew data.
ar ito «eatonr.-t
work on Cari Rirhardm'a
at' ib^Prtoe eoHato. '
tonir that wlH art tentlf and poMtlre­
botUH b |irosr<«atne rapidly.
ly. wlfbotit Krlldai; or abork to the ««-' .Hoitoaui ft Wak* of dneianatl
Will Pierre b improving the ap- letn. b far i.refershb The rompound has retnmed to be a few weeks with srtbetaM all bad a taoai enJoyaUn
praranre ol hU' realdedre by palDtlna of simple laaxtlte kerbs with pepsin, kb tunurknown as Hr. faldwell'a Syrtm
a vtear wbile.
Mki TIrfiMs Ban and D. P. -Waottin. ta hUM.> recommended aa betas
Mra. Ada Hall, from the Traverac esay
and natural in action, pleaaant iey BfW Kneeta at tbe Oates eottatoCity atnie bnspltal. rbtied ber
-Mri. B. Q. Rnasea
to the titide. and certain in its effect.
Wr«. pofneld bat Sonday.
A dose of ttytdp Pepain at nithi will St. Patti; Ms. A. K. Dtritaon. Cblct
reeioie normal action In the montas. f«; Baler H. Lea and tamlly. Cineta
Jiilmron. auperiniei
wntk in Indiana yeslly Saits, |•«uw■■ive watr** and ctobar- natl; Irwin McDowell and fatally.
Prienda' tlcs should lie avoUlF-1. as-they M|»el CbicBffo: f'bks. Van Anstol. Hertota
tneetln*. pnmrhed a
(■harrb bet Sunday.
the eiillre ayaleni and-n(for itat'MM Tan Anadal and ^
' '
The Dunierona randldatea for the but temporary relief, liy etanasiaa Ifae Anadal of Dayton. O.
turwla* home. ■ '' ' '
buweb and reiDoving thefo reicn mat­
varioiia enuitty offfeea are iSaklnB ter
that Irriutea and Inflames Uie^ta- Mrs. W. i. Armed ta TlslOn* Mist
■friendly" rails on lli>- tanuera lu (lib ■tiesTi a^todfnl dnSymp Tt.pal( will
Grace Hiller at (he MlOer'cotUto cartoon work aad -ctolk talk, nh
qniekly efaet-l. the summer dkrrhoea
P. D. Dolaan of UarenworA, at the JL O. r. H. M. ball by Miw
i^er llalhawar. froin Cuba. Mn.. lliai Is so wiwkeutaff. Dr. ('wMweM'e Kaa.^has opened the Slien^ eoUag BarseH was a treat to
Peinln b aoU by druntats lor
an old tiend of Mr. attd Mfv. ^Vm Rynip
fitly cents a iHriile. the tarkei.TauH}- tiw tto roMladcr of tbe aeMD.
people as ber laleiu^waa^idalDly rte
Ptereo. su^ Ihein u vlalt laat Thuri- site rastiMl
p dollar.' A free hol- Tbe handicap Koinournameot .start­
lo all nd ^t^reetoted by everyto
poaipald. by Writday.
ile'toa to
I oMalned.
Tho I.amg 1..ake (lleaners are traly la* to,I
rup ffiven by Mra. Baker to wlnaer
» pi'iinky lot. They had* a jilrnlr all Inatoa'l’n-to.' MoniitoitarTlllaola
match, (tates cup alvea by Mra,
pbnned for laat Saturday, and how it
fkUiied. hut the pirnie eaibe off joat
for thoir hoaleaa and ?xi«eu Cates to lady naklan best score on . . Vicior. nsvei*ort. la.; L W. A»the Mme at tbe*'towa bkl.
lad a new dress -rained ' down •rat day. Hotel cup for wianer of drewa. bavenimH.' lil;' Itr.' had 1^
Mrs. Ilarry AmtoelT} of fhaboytan upon'bpr.' Sbe-waa v<wr»u<* pleased matrh. Qiuojaite prlcws. {p>lf P. Rtnwan FwKe. Grand Rapid*: Rph) beet Bedsl score on last days en EUolit and family. radtanapUls;
letter known nmons ua aa Inua iJine. to saj the Icaat.. A pot luck aqpper
former r-uildi-ni here, waa ralllin raa aiTved hy the oeU-InrUed suesta. play for tboae beaten la touraanent. Dr. and Mrs. MV L. Dayton. Utaa Hetist. Sto and 3rd beat acores. Enirtoa; eu Dayton. Mtaa Heiea Snyder. Lin­
t old friends ax Ibis plare last week. rnlcb waa enjoyed by ail
coln. Neb.; John Mooiw. Traverae
A RWiardstm badly reunion took Sebmertom baa Just meovered from
B. Bbodea. Mlsa
City: CMto Oatile. CInctaaBtl'; Mra.
pure at tile r«aldes><« of J. M. Blllott
l.-tat Tburadsy. The caeats of hono* friends took this way of abowtae bow;*<*. C- Wjekerabato Dr. Osta fni- n.M. Lang. ^ Lenta. Me.; Mra. Oeo.
Gambia 'and dawtour. «t Louta; Ifr.
eere Mr, and Mrs. Xowicm Richard­ thankfal they i
; tf see ber well
uro up for 300 feet. {wbRb oanbtoi tralnn t»»Rhta ttotf
nnd Mra. M. A. OUddtaft Mtaa mason and daonhier Marie from Omab«
eaa Ctaddiag. Mtaa Mary GtadAn.
K. E. .Miner.- Mr«.P. 8. Detorn
gamsMer trata wno^to# ropnira are eotafflaiaO ; fbo
Seb. A Jolly rompany of thirty sat
Uoyd East lefi Monday with hta
uaw'n to dinner at nnon. The taUea rbIMmi lor bia home In oaas count:’, WhllBaa SmUh. J. K. Roberta. Mor­ A A Laaeb. Indiaaapolta; W. W. }be one due here at t o'clock and l(|eBine to toe wre^-hnt not h
were set out iu the yard under tb.-i after havlna spent a lew weeks
bad to be made
n nna^b and arrived, talttoy •
e up
1 taUi U k toe I
ler.. B. l.nniat»n Rev. P. U FUnebtrees. Mr. and Mra. Rlcbardaon leave relallvee here
—. .. .:ii la the evening. The belief that tbe air bttad to voA Off'
and Mrs. R. W. Woodward. Ciactiinb- uiek Ismlll torn np and a iMiporary No. g. praTwdng Ua atopplBg bolH*
bsnU. A. Stoultze.
for the seat itaU week, alter bavin:
M; A T. ftollln. Tdtado; 0«0. T. offe haa.been MM ananf ibe wro^jll g—--------apent aome time rmone relatives bare.
OW WtaataB.
prides Trumbull of Cbkago.'re- Kendan. Oraad Rapid*; Mr. and Mra.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl MUler ezpea to

leave la abooi four weeks for their
iurned to Ub borne for a few days T. W. Hltebell. Traverae City; M. W.
new field o( tabor' to Illlnota. ntev
last week, bat ta back now.
Norrta. Grand RapWa; Mr. and Mra.
*Siin the rainy weather comipuea,
fdr the
It past
Ctohtort Adam*. Wlnooka; Mr. nnd
have bMn with uaa fSr
Otow B. StoHtonrnnd Wm H.
aad are learinc the ehnreb % to tbe dismay of farmm wb^Wi^ StfrtcRer west to CUrago. wl
Mrs. Wai H WblUlft -Kaaaaa Oty.
ondltkto yr*. ap ‘
cKey SNet Mr. Jobn BUrk. OeorffS He.; Mn. W. C. Hlbtord and Infant.
y see tbmn so.
Min Mary lx>ssrtl to* returned
ta](0(af to dare tbe oar to OM Mto Richmond. Ind.; Mra. 8. 8. anxten
a In their new honi« tbe city after atrading a few dayj
and tsre InUnta. Cktaago.
-Mrs. I'mnit Srhmerbom wis very, here with ber partots.
Tba assay Ifonbpan Ptont ball
Tbe Old Htaslon Yaebl clnb
niii.-h aurprlsed last Thursday after ^ir. and Mrs, Grelllck and children motile to hold Its weekly races be- am defeated the Latandlles In a
noon when eiitoteen ladles of the
Mias yoaephlnc of Traverse tiir ause of the aiorm on tbe bay. They •nappy game on Tuesday afierooon
udlshtortuiod wnlkol in tor a sorial visited-Mrs. Shields it Hill <>eet rill to IrM Ti’ednesday anenuMB oC by a score of K. to t.
time. They had plaimr% an i
taira ofB thurMy.
!kitaa Wiida Baiey of Orawn ta a'
of Urn Trave
Recordnest at HIU Great farm,
C» STNE II (np
dir. and Mrs. B. A. Slone Of HanHe torn ptaced It in the rUbt band
ah spent Sunday with trienda In
(Oonttnuto froa page one.)
fpoadalioB. a workJhe neighborhood.
-. He eipresaoil the klndeei wishatoaes with a bit of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox and daughfor the welfare of Traverse rity
•r left for Michigan. Dakota. Ibis BDd spoke feellogly of tbe great ad- mortar, ami It was over.
Bishop Craaaton offered prayer, and
week. All Join In wiablng them bealtb aaUgea tbe new church would gjve
diretoly ftolowlng. the asMmbled
and pinaperitj-.
tbe people of tbe
sang /DhwarJ. Cfartatiaa SelMist unian Horton' of Travtowe|
was tbe nexh
roniai by the hand.
li> Is visltlna her bmthers. War-'
________________ nedbUa
ren and Lynn, and their famillea.
tbanUng Mayor Germaine for
_______ ______ _ accept the' ia
Mra. I>. F. Wyncoop. Ralph and
"iHesy of the quiet hour for ilihi. lion To-JoSftVer Ihe' toildlng. T
Mlaare notlle and Vera, came op from service, p hicb. be anid tadjculejl
ycra'a' &hnbec of photograpbera
Tnverao Oily in' tbeir new auto t.>
ly lhat the city recognized s^i the eai
ina'piM'liVtdrea during the aervVee.
twtailreir and DIendt. returning'
toildlng of the new church bsi lo do '
by way of Inierlocken.
wiib the welfare <rf Triverae CIit knd
O. A. Shields, who baa been apendterriton'^ "Thera are
ig a few days at Hill (Test (arm.
other Ideati ttan ibose which
leturacd to Bay City on Tu.-sda:
(Continued from page one.)
reseated In hulldlog a church.' saU
indl'ng. n baa
the bliihoii. “and all Weals are alive.'
Ideal. American' ttiM tbetralaa dafenr by WByhr.lhe
nea Bmlley and family vtaMed at ai'bools are tenchtag inorata. lixclude
R. A I, aa tola
tbe only
fYiesler ('ox's Biinday.
God and there are no moral*. Tbe jitanaihle plan, it win be 1
Bei^ Mallo^T aid 1-eon Hammontree nation can never he stronger than Its
he wrecking taaohlnee to com<
took dinner :ii Cletln Ghampney'a Sun­ Itaof'le and It ta a fan thai ibould to here to aM lu'clearing Use traek>
well rcniembered. that raliglon bolds Tbe cai^of iioth iralna remained or
lanse crowd alteaded the uarab- lb* bMI that ta the rar> savor of ebarmtlkiv rnaal at Henry Sarhtlebeni
Ijvere Is a Judgment day for
track*. _biii tbnae of the suburban
Thiirnday eveulng. Vhe evpnlBg‘being every .recrennt potIGctaB; there
'were unroplded and ra^
siMtit b: ptaying aaiM. danctng'and JndKmcnl day for tbe business t
distance from tbe areck.
cveryyierr 4* a ^udfmrat day for every
The ehglnehr and firemen of both
Mr. Schmidt and family attended 1;^. but iliere I* that greal JtWgmrnt trains ]um|«d. escaping unhurt
■tay of *lhe 'trsi of hnman chararter, engine of No I ptaaed ks way ball
churdi la Traverse <Yiy"Sanday.
Mra. George Sachtlelren 'enfeMalned' and when It comes we should to able Ihrnogfa tbe rlnglnr to the dommy
meet J. rl|i.yg>.m1y and with a
conilwn: from Iboile CWek last Mnnand both were redneed in
character Our churches need cato
day and Tuesday.
V iron. The baggage ran on
•s C.
Mallory and Mrs. B. Mat other Just as mnA as a bumaa being
trains were badly demoUahed
lory visited Monday aftenmon at Mr. neeto another Vininan tolnik and In
this way we sbonid all work logetl^
Frard Reldel's.
V.lcrims to^'ro^<%*Mvefand kkl
^r. and Mrs. J. Got spent Sunday tor the best iWteresU of all ' con- irouides
Just like Othef people, t
ceraed." The affireta in lull was ina»
Francis Clerae.
tieiy. and tbe hlahop won a warm' We resuits to losi of anpetP*. hi
A e. )^1>orr and daughter. A. V
place In the hedvts of Traverse rtiy
run-down fetoing. Bui ibera'y
■■all and R. Sarhlleton took in
M oee.1 to (rd lilre^t ak T D Pee
excnraloo lo !.udlii«nB Sunday.
Wes. Henry. 1V« . proved, -Sii lotAug. :i.
lies of Etoctrto'^lliera." he wriici,
-dM more to give me aeweirength and
Blshbp Oranstoii. naalsled by
BDOd appetite than
:kan all other alomarb
la on* wbo
boHa (be Unea ever a KCBdHck and Rev. McKee. Tbe box.i rerfcllesl usejL' 86 Ibe.r help erar« ,
b«h. IlS
IlY Itoiy
ftot* to suffer wheh^bta
spirited- te
;earo. HARVEIA.S CO.M«- made of copiw mined from onr
will help
. .you from the
puts spirit lo a horse state and bMh and uroaented by the Mnai remedy wl
•rae dose. Try It Onl.v
(bat ta ran down and to poor ctmdl- ft J.' MBTcef Ol. to this city,
ail druggUts to Treveiwe City.
tlon. Put a iliile In toe tbed foTj
few deye and note toe Imptoremcai. brought forth and Rev. Herliert read,
The in me gradualiy iliis out whb the .following Bst to Wittclas wbJch
Ui^ PtttoywMa 8s|
Cra< fith. tbe coat becomed tmooA had bcM ptaced In the box;
cook gMerallym
and r*d*<y and tbe r«a dews iiH.xai
Hole Bible. Meibodut hymn book. nag ate <nrt pre^ ibc'i
aaoa abews tbe rigor aad aptrit qf 'a
<uii. Price 2:. cts. Sold by American Dtadidtok 4r toe Gbnrqh. «vr to the
Drug Stewc.
tntauiea to the tMI asantw of ibn

BWMPsif 1?^



‘ ' III**' It anr^ot mk
»tonka Younaj'to\«r
^ Ad'atook Itot tclli aU
tt>KBtfreeto>»*Q- Addrr*.
_____ -ft Co.. Biaittointon. V. Y.
■ ■HUng nUnoriliagttoKOO___M offer in thU paper. IXmH make
W iDistake, tot muonber tbe same,
OlfcBLi^. «tad ekon let a <l<bler t#U
- • - SacrrjJfiernmp-ltoot.


Surely it's worth while to dmoie ’
Crescent Flour for yodP
brrod andpestnr.





UH. l'-r~) mil and dausluar ik
^ enad Kapldi arrtrad Weetiinkaj’
tir TWe her fattor.
Dr. and Mrs. Clark qaest Sundar
Mr. and Mrs. C. aanm and 14*
XaKber of Tisrerae
spaw the'
Wak nih Mrs. MHatoah.
O. W. RersoldB and (aniil}- reuraeH
ttpm Orand- ^Vldt to take op tJielr
Uh JoHo toa laM tto (andailati
for ila new hank <b the propertr re
' p^a^ by blm Craoi Ur
The UdiM of the U. B. rhurrh are
to bare a ..
lar to'Friday. •:» p. si. to be addrsMto fay Dr. Katcaret MacKelUr
«(• Central India. A roUecUoo will
to>nsdf to aid rorlelEn mlukaa of
tbe -M. *£. Vbarch.
'YKe ajbbrolderr rlab md with Mn.
Melatyra Wadneaday
^ebrate her blrtbdsy. Refreshmi
tbucsoBUT, They ■








t 25.i00.00


umim amusiii

Is the h«»«rifc's
best friend, Ufftoenins be' bntleuA*
srdl as tbe food.


fUen ▼itball porefooi^Uws.
Anth^ttte «ad KatioiMl.


TK fillllltlis' iTMft

ojn yovR




rthe oHgini
the Rroeent decade tathe atrafto*
way ta wud> the Sight plople toee aA‘
to»wffwystto»riiilii AwIM





. . lUa«nl^U. & T,«m

'MriM hr -thc fast expeeaa: We ptod
loyws roralesoneas wjto. btaMfe^


Mfeovetf will etre toem aqd ■o.l^
TMi a dene

Oe You Knew'




seV of tbe burtaet by mbCf «me a.

der sed IrtmUr IfeWeli tod ifftki
yon feel frato. Yiguwto‘nM*ft»eHM
Frire totofc -Btoi br AtaiHton Peng






, > tmn i

«iib ajSgttfimb wM^«li1^v%5g:^^ Em¥. ®l"’



i.«M»«dtfrif.eMlmajlth, BM CMor, uid
Sweaters made of ^ue
Bne zephyr wonted, diekerhek. eztra .
#«ktolBiMI<^rdigaostkcb-ia the plain and a jnndier of fancy

*js ■


mat u«


•#'to’«M-'hdbe afCUdiSD ttb mSm-


W. a. OSnwr BMi wif, fchiraM to
tbair borne.«t Bor CU)- tbU moralax
• WMk-a etelt in tbe dv wlib
bbS reUlrao.

Wr. M«aro. A. W.:u«i

■ad TorcBie. Can. WbUe at ToruCtojcaiioo. vbkb be i<peM Id llliaeiaytw^
Fearce. Ml; '
--------- ---------- - -------------- ----■
poUM la Ukbina.
H. F. Stack* returned tatmUy
Mica Lucille Miller, who ha* batn
C. e. Wall* or Montatoo >• In the froia a iHp to Waatatajciaa. D. C. «sd irendluE lb* eoiutiier n the Ullle'
cltr tor a (ear 4a>'a oa buolMac
irtUK* at .VeabtawaDta. relumed <
Mu*, a. I. Woa and dMufMor, l|i«
Wit* Flo e»w ho* returned from a ber home ai fadlllac tbli mominis.
Uaad flw. retunied boat* Bauirda)- two WM-k.' with friend* lutlreeoClau/e.Herman returned to Codillac
from ChlcMO. wbere they vlalM (or flllo. 8b* rrtomed her duties at the ihle mon.ln« after opei^luj u (• w day*
a «*ok.
.MltUkea olore Uila muralaic.
ut- bbi bum* liiTc.
Fr*d iColi'er hm fdtumod t« hi*
Mr. and Mra. H. A. Aettln arrived
Thoo. Word of Detroit la opending
from Qmsd Aaplda lor I* vaeaikm ol bla boiue In the rliy.
(he 'Bis SUkTc.” altar a (wo weeks' ra- 1 weeb'a vioil at ihe buioo ul Mr. and
E. L. Ellloen and wife, who heve




Fat Men

'Slim Men





Lklle Men

Boys’ Suits

$m» am« $20A0 Suits at

will *1oil for a lew da> ■ before telum- Ibe elly thU tnomiiiK sad after a few '
days' vUlt here will reisrs to bla
Ini; to tbeir bnuie at Uioml Kapldo.
O. Cvmmlna. who hoe fe*er> in ttw borne'at flilnd ' I mds*.
eliy fcir aome tune Imyiaa fruit, rrC. H. Mathowa and wKo left thic
tumD.1 lu hi. hume at Kaslnow tbit laomiDt for Mostraal. Cab- sBere
they will Tialt for oono Umo wlUi
Mr. and Mra. J. Dempiry rotumed .frlead* and retetlvea.
l« Ibelr brroie pt fhieaao Jbla moriiT. R. Sallaro. wno has baen In tho
IDR oiler a few wm-ka' vl«U in the nu forth* past week, tefl'iWa uonlilt with frleaila and relative*.
■ Ina for Cbeboysu. wbore be wiu be
J. W. Smith, who hao boon at OeeV tor a Tea day s uo boalnm betSN if '
Ijifce fur the past inrhith. arrived In turmiut to hi* bnme at UrlrolL

This Great Sale will mark another Epoch of Clothes Selling in Traverse City not
soon tso be forgotten. Our Semi-Annual Sales have always been fnarked in charaoter: let. Genuine Reductions from regular sale prices; 2nd. high class of goods
offered; 3rd, matchless in money saving.

its, iSM 17.00 Suits at


been viaitinit In Ibe rlty fnr i
time. rstDrord iht* nxdiiiai: to (bcir
boiiie al Manistee.
County Humane Officer Ben Carson
left tbit monitnR for Fife lAk* la
the interv-'if ol tbe liunmn aoelety.
C. A. Billmg* of Ann ArbW 'elumnl to Ilia liiuuc ibeie ibis nioniim:
after a wce-k in
eily on bus'neas.
6. C. Aldrich and wife, who have
b-Tii in iJie .1ly Irr tlie paot uioDth,
this iiiuniliiK for KwJ City, where lbc.«

Traverse C ity, IVIictilgan
M2 13A0 14.00 Suits at




Ladles’ Sataeoats
New shipments just
ing go on specii'

fCBy«• e e♦ o

IDJO Iw all Wool Heal uilYinnrMea'aaaMB lkalnKrr«lC^ '
tixas lor aU Wool Hoi’oaMVOBogMMVSBitaUial were U8 and IM

Saturdsy was one ef the biggest “Suit’ clays in the history of our Clothing Oepattmeut. Men reeiise what
bargains were olfering the minute they get their eyes on these suits. Even if you don't need a suit just yet,
it’s worth your while to buy now while these savings may be had. and remember, this sale is all inclusive^
everything goes-plain Blue Serge Suits of Orst quality go at same reductions. Better investigate!
Men's Bata Coals and SUpoBs at MoSO.».» and $7.51—Any aUe yoa Bccd.
There's nothing so serviceable during (his sort of weather as a good Slipon: we have a mighty good water*
pro^Slipon m this sale at only $4.S9 and two spacials in double texture coats at $8.SD and $7.^ that, are
easily $8.50 and $10 values. Buy a Slipou—it's useful every day.

F« M-ttt Ste, Tfc, il. US, X *iipl0 n
9X U*.t. 9.90« ttploSS

4 ao e

IMen Can Buy Siiils at
That were $10.00,18 and $20 la sizea from S3 toJO


<Mlate in eH styles*- ^igh i^rnn collars,
-ttiVltsoHafs,^ cqBbis. Vsbepee. etc.
lew that they're irt! mighty

tHr lfay


$24.00 and I2&00 Suits at
tU«.*ttt.» lar $1H p;
$22J0 aud $28.00 Suits at


2.50 SRalnPaa'i.
Suits 1.85 Big lot on front
3.00 Suits 2.20
Pants 1.90
4 00 “
3.00 "

4.«0|5.00 “
I Boys’Wash
- Suits
SASi Sommer Hats
7.50f Two Pleec

>4 011


HaU Price

Hegtas Wednesday, August 2S

ireverse Ctfy Day—niursday, August 29
SiMje WMI Open nursday Forenoon

Everybody ts lusted to Take Advantage ot Ibis Sale

nm Tumn kbuod aid nMMi bat baou. tohdat. auoot ir, uu

" nx3* mx.

Iraenekw* tM tr««ork> m* m( of little sH.
thUk «' m
Amww Bpeer oetle u« eeS eklae. Whs vhe eMt their hipets wHhoM peeperot. no WMloM wi
ay. QoeeUeP—I OB loisc te Trea- ssa rr‘ittwhet. ,
M« tUA m_______
eli oyor
the !>»<. oM thk le
htf* ^ Vm>
t toe. Vhtl ebeU I do tbewT
A trM of eon *m dtt|u ib frost mey eaeeeed where the other* isUed*' day oa wbl<* toy* a>* sold. Oa the > e'H''o. rm a Unit
A—Wer' Take tea tolW Inraeiata of bar sower eottate with ■ amber aad ho paeoad the earolop* la hlaL
eveatag o( thle dar oeetTbady
'*<• ceraara.
A teu.)
of nutera. whoi a babr ortelc. tryiaa
There wae a loot teU to erase, thee light a paper laaicni aad waieh It •( h>f>- Tewhaban'*. Ura. Tewkabaiy
4If roa wore reallr«ith year Praatiu wtage la ebon fli^u. cam Bat- (we Bights of atalr* to -—rrl As 'all alght; for If the owwer laU It ■*
♦ PPPPP44P4PP4PPP4* doa'tat a 0am Party,
eh* w«Mld tarlag Bows aad *euM apoo her Joha walked atoeg. slowly sad oat. ho win meet with ■tafortaao. bat *Yea
dear ttule Sylry'- *he rried.
He aat eyetag her for aom ihonghtfoUy. be reaUied Ibw liule U the flam born* clearly, hi* Ilf* win #moBlagty. "I b eo glad yoo'te
I—a Mrd Bite with aa apology ehsocc he stood, and of what mmat be Terr happy dariag the eoaHng roD*! Tbey'Te begoa a gam bet yov
4 stiuyoawm
for a taO aad a bead carered with to him the *Ball failure weeU be. year.
‘hall play. too. onleaa yde'd-rather *K

I «*N try aevar to srerry or 4
mrM In the Neat
CoMMBtan I arm
downy, yellow fan—u apparcatly ua- Aad the prloei|ial-s word* tscorrod
«» K u» lOT lb. ««-. ton
to» Itok to
to. .
♦ BsalaWMaaptMiW.
la ardor to play-Bird* U th* Seet'
This B ho. they are -erred: A By- <»M*n.ed and coaMeat a little chap hlB-nbe 9oe>Uob* aad aaewer* are
^ ^ toamy.

j Bill tr, to b, a* happy a* I ♦
Wrd. B«t Br.1 be plekod oei
lerious bowl B OB the table, ailed wtth a* tboegh be were cuddled to hU *bel- here." “Aad eoeweis* Aad aaewmr fh,
puy ,ith dolU made out of
-Oh! yoe'Bi. yooTe woleom!”. f «aa Bto Bake eiieijhadj iappy ^ This I* doa* by aseaw of a ihyotem’iiAdi7rkTJa^Je^r
tBeae-poper leavow TbB bowl
««HU roei hem tim to tbo two wpide.
with Bag gfm« for «»rred ocarod BtUe SyKta. ranm
^ aa far M I cob
- *“
TOO mar* u ^ ------- ^
^ ^
,^ncw door. Tbere
paste for o
to be poUie.
I bW try to bo ld«il« Mpfsl I
PnntMei oWoet la
“ta^ one." The >«« eklT
"»iw. «atehed ibeir
answer. He opeMd the door ,
«ie boy have Image* of all
« rathar.It may be a door or wio- *
with- 4artag offsprtBg for
He eat down <
a prore to be illb* of p
kinds mde of imper with day In the
The players sat In two rw oppePOradag a circle, the childrra ' ____
oa rach. Then the mother Be* nearer with a
^Id the en
■0 they WUI stand iprlghL •»-each other. They weratUnghlag
rsToIre '
If I pnr faU la »ylap to^J*l»w«‘»P*wthe
.1—w .. .Kto, -to-, .K. rtoiito..., E^me^la turn rra.Is hi* sloud. an- ^
•>* -------------------------------------hllth# bote*. erldently sag^
-----------4 abtot thtopa, l wUI •Try. lif 4 dowly a* they reprat the foIBwiag
4 amto* ■
4 reraae.^ As the last word U epekea . - bU
Obtok.,1, b. lir>.
VWn. Db, — ,
4 iW -hah. and tlmt dilld staadtog la
*•** *® “*®

And. last of all In ibB Soashlae bi
** bu bibb,
wing* bbd
and Mto
tried «,
to r».b
reach ,b.
the ^etore the prindptl * btob.
deek. bbb
with tb.
44444444444444444 line with the marit. or Best oaarly eo. Party of onr*. we wlU have the fnaay ><>war branch of a nearby tree, but Idl
eo ouch depended.
“ ■ ....
B mMRA BAm. Iditor.
...................... .......................... oonundniB* to mke ue Bugh:
and atruggled he]plee»ly in the long open before him. The lenuiuiuon we*
Or^alHB DoeOBher B. 1MB.
rtym. ere repeaM thrra tlm,^
extricated be clung to
„pon him. Alreedi hu brawn looking up over the side. U*ben Ihe Clnla. ‘r'»'< «>• !!«•• «»y APP"*!* Vlrfriead-s exiradml
„iVhfd’ for the Hue
riue Ibe Uitle
Ultle .
«• ~‘-d ibe rat come* up; when
PreallisB MBi Ctars Bate*.
“»'• "Bh* a •>«•« •« •»« «« ">»»<
‘Tbe Biniaieri cal U a Trnid ml!"
Wbai ^
tim B It when the clock dur friead-e e*t«d«l finger, and eni
lowered, the cet spring* forwnrd
wtm via. PretMeatotoMra. BUbtl
• '»« ““*•
«>• — «,w held, but
piped a cUv Uttl* raica, and then
■trike* thliteea? Time tbe clock wac
Ko daintier abelBr ehall be foend
transferred to a tiny branch. HI* yr^
lawyer * r
^ and then nnd the i : run* away.
everybody Uughed lUre everrtUw—
k Iraaa
Than ihU one tor our blrdlea'
memorr, unlorgotten. eaered.
One of the girls' guny U aeera* everybody but Bylvla.
On what did Noah Hr* wbea be wasI eots watched doeely and fed him tinTbe last of the three having been
Tbe mlnUter'e cat U e -tann.v cai.^ A. U Mlfctcd. they tahe their pBoee Inelde la tbe arkf On water.
Tbe next' morning. Inatead of re- were
...tucked en-a5. flve-year.old word* as the board I* pUeed on top of
-The mlnlatarB cat B a toralCB ral.Bl’bat hey U .the hardest to tun?
the rUg of ehUdrea. They are then In
malalnt on tbe lower twig, we raw apohen by liy that would aiwak no rail of nu‘.i only two fern above
mlalater'a oat B a loolBh rat ^ 4b« -Mat.- aad at once baglo to alrug- Donkey.
him to higher and Ugfaer, aa the oora!
Door, there la not ao much daagAIf
Inp Aa> glc to gat out. As the ntbos brace
boeae. bow woeM be eet abont it? TB bcUk bird coaie.1 him from branch
•®nt 1 bop* my boy will bey a •1‘r’’
«'rl* •” ' Eyrjbody raid a
•Wt 1.
ibaniaelre* to witbeund the attadt
braacb. nnlil he aat aa-laglns up
gf bonor—in llllle tbinga anil In go on] Into tbe country and alt down .about tbe mlnUtrr^ rat Sylvia's Up
knot la hB lai: and oil it a vH*
there exclaim repravlogly
a (plgwtyl.
aUklBsl tbe blue, a fraiberad aioni.—
Common boamiy la oue thing. » a circle, after each baa gathered e began to tremble. She Mt n<taBil> in
1 tb* CrsdB • What, would yoe leave yur coay '
Why are tears like potatoes? Be- Selecled.
bo, bogor in little things B another big boneb of vBleu: and then. In- her throat 8UU they weal pa:
Ml, Aepapt 1. tilt dpOlA
cairn they spring from the eyes.
./ *
and rarer one—tbe aenae of boyer stead of taUng them bom. they hold 'The mlnlster'a cat B a flfihllng
O. nangbty blrda^
this rtf
keynote of good meeDendy.
ibsi wonld not allow one to_/r««atlie the flowers by tbe stem and atrlke raf
- Inatead of reatraii
Dandy wns a little tiUck dog. He al- letter ot another, or IBien.^ do any- iliein together till the brada fly oB.
Th* mlelster'a rat b a feDBe rat!"
SMa* dust Wbers Yew Are.
■•roof seem* only to exnspwsU them, Mist B natural. ‘
Wtol B tbe dIBerence between^* way a wean a while ahln front and thing ammll or menn."
JapaneM glrU phy (be sam game, and everybody •booted egaln.
Dm*! wssta you- tim te tonglng
and they attdravtw itUI harder to free
child aad aa envelojie? One you lick tour white allppera. He bat a tiny
yto grave voice of hi* father aeani- and call U "bana anmo,” or Bower
8>IvU aiu out ot Mr*. Tewksbun *
fhr hrtsbt. iaporalble Hriaga;
■rarr one else aoea nftar tbem Dell• **<*• ^ Ihe.olber you slirtt-raft of white on the Up of bU ailky ^ to ■■> Ibe worBs over agnta. clear- wraatllng.
lap and atnrtad toward th* Boor. Th*
iMBt BU Mpteslr yaarBlai
Vhr tha eirttiBaw of angel wlaga;
» •»« <“•"»«'>
«» Kora, only the boy. pBy Jack*» «»«»>
DwT apart te ha a nuhllghi.
■acaeaa yoo ara hot a atar:
BM hrIghMi tMM.blU of darkacas
.totob pu,.to i.n I. lb. flto to
"""» ““
Misk Beaalc doran't II
By ahlalat iaai whtn yoo are.
Itok. tb. Ibii entotobkV>to.
, voice behind him.
gg^y In tbe morning.
A runnlu game that mty be pByad' la whet month do men Ulk the ere good lor UtUe dogs to rat And
least? Id February, heranse It I* Ibe Dandy kndws .nlu well what abo..................................... .... .
. .u..
Thera b aeM of the tiniest candlo
by both boy* or girls U:
sbonrat montb.
think* e
Ibe lawyer's eyes w|tb bis own cBar to...., to... .pltor ,.to to— toi.
Aa wHJ as the garlab aen;

cap T*4
.Wbst was the BngeM day of Adam's
Dgc* didn't know about I
Th» hoBhleM Baad la ennoblad
un It Is covered Then In this they
^ abused:
nis ghPU! B doubtless a new form life? When tbere was no ISve.
day Dandy came Into l' '
Wh« B worthily dene.
gr;,^.fUto.u to..
of lbs old trick wbicta boys have of
Wtay-are fowls the memt eraabintcal visit ber. 6be was iuR roUIng
some gg-u have ihora nuratlons nnd an- ; .................................... ..................... to
■>"J' dear-Sylvy,
*^ ”'***-**
tb. rap from the brad of

„g to
to. toto. .t to“.“".v.-r.- T..tobbto btortoi uu. bto to ^
ru darfce^raglea. af^
comjmnlon and ihiowln, it frem one ereatnrra ”that a farmer keeps? Be- freshly f
grain they «, tb^ «g.r. , How good they smelwVS^ 'prr"^;o"?h^ bute ‘^envlj^^'a'i'
■a M
»« Bay. ywy bBsIob
,ggtb,v_ ng, p^vemlng the owner
BP ehliUM^ Where ymi era.
. CroB
r,„„ recovering
r*eov.ring It.
«. The gwn. of ran
tag Is practlenlly lb* nme scheme. cwaalstaat of peraons? Bccarae they uorae ermai Hi* big brown eyas Answer: 'No. I could not be trustad.
? J 1,
m-mlaBtar-# osL I
wUh a ODuple of rales to govern It. put out inba to ralcb .oft water when *«, ao wleiful Dora picked out oae
, h.v* read a K-tter not loiendad
« »'« Man
One boy la ctaeecn to be ”11“ and a it te rkiklAg bnrd.

of the nmnOrat and
myratf.'even If yon played with . raekm.
everyb^'d be unpoUl. to her. 1 Move
■wry oee who Bres/ou.
cap beld in tbe band ot anoUier boy
Vhm U batter like Irteb children? end give if lo him.
Stanley Granger' teugbed. and tore
" i
l«T« to no* yen amlB:
dealgnawa tbe oae whom be B expect­ When n B In llUle pat*.
Lore* to ae* yon cheerMed to tteee and tag. If the boy who
Why U t mlsi not as good aa a uiUted at It daimily. He poked It
,he re« my boy. though I rrad P™c«« “
»"• "•“»« P*»
She did not langb at a^ *« Mob By ItAal hapiT aU the white.
. baa 4b* rap In band B in danger of mlle? Beranse a miss baa only two wltb bis paw. He looked up at Dora, o,, uboleaome advice tbev contained I?- Two boy* stand stand opioMie vu up in her lap agala and wqiiatned.
■BiBinit ragtea 10 raayt
betas tagged, be may pass H to aome feet a»d a mile ha. S.SM. .
m U be wanted to as) aometfalng.
to the olbera. Ncliber of tbem conld «•<*
•“« *Acb strike. b> thigh,
tut', only a
dear! The Bla
De aattoWaoBB frgwn.
otbcw bey. who than beramra tbe ^
Wbal te Ihet wblcIrUao easily
Then be picked up tbe dougUnut look me lo the wye when I ram In. »1Di tb* palm of both bands. aliMl- Uier'a raf b lew tb* nam of ll. gad
U yen teal CM Mas. :
te be ebaaer. When a boy la tagged broken that th* mere memten of It .nd carrying It In bl. mouth, trotted
John-I believe your nnm I* inneooaly. then In the rame manner n 4>rae'i mean any apeiBtl rat In tbe
, Alwnya nBOe it Beam.
wub tbe rap In haite be becoara “lu" brwkalt? BlBnce.
aoberly away up the paU. which led to j^ho? Ve.? Well. I anppoa* I aeem hi. bream. Then each clap, bis world. Flrei. everybody IM to think
or It be ifepe U on tbe groned be t.
WheAs that word of three
aylUih* from door. eceetric lo you in tbe ‘ trot I have hands and .trikes hi* compaokm's oi something to say about It that be----‘ILbtea wbleb contains Ibe whole twenty
straight Into the fivtt.t slitln* room
And vet. it is not no. The boy left band altb hl« right; anocber glna wltb 'a.' tban 'b,' V 'd.' and ao
4f,gr eneb a race you probably want
elx lettew? AJ^bel.
went Dandy. Mias Bessie was read- g.,g, wUI make B* bis'life-work, does .dap. and t^e axtended right bond la on. It'a grant Inn. II lost bnppenad.
alt don (or.a little wblte: Old you
n n'man'a borae baa Ion bB ull. mg. Dandy dropped tbe doughnut at ^ .-nh i-tnee- peadMIltlra for m>od atraek with tbe Ian Then raca (hat aU tbe T thing* were 'uapoUte.
What alurtl U b* ttB week, boys and «rer play
why abouU be sdl him wholesale? II h*r feel, gave a ijuick little hark, and
III. Perhaps that ran-ba aaid of ctepa agate and threw, out hB hand, rweetbenrt. bra twbody
gMi? Haw «p«M yon like t
impoadhte to
to retail
retail mm.
moat tbings.'and
(be eat- Don't »w«
PP" a*^,.
I _ ..
—toUv —n
"• Traveling ...r-—••
|gU igipoasibie
leoKing up
up Into
ner face.
tbinga, and yet.
yet, Itit aeems
eeems to
to me
me eo
eo as
as lO
to ABp
A*ap tbem
tnem agamt toe
,T!toiZ. -i^u
The pByera alt te a row. and N». 1
u-g, m a button^mB like a ctoudy
-\vhy. Dandy.- aahS Mis. Bead*. ramenBriv ao of the law. Be strenr palm d tbe othw player; Ula B reSylvB aaw plalaiy.
her t»ra^
u-tokw.. “AnUon. tb* nam of tome dty ^
B«»u*e ll Is overcoat.
~*here did you get ibetr
,v do I feel oe tbe eobject. that I prated three Ume^ and whlcbevar. ble. vaoBbad te a flanb. Tbe lamp
S 'T^.rr
When may a man be coneldered to
when Dora rams In she told MB. .guw «« reach a finger out to belp boy mlaae* a eifoke or it too alow. «H«Ppea«d and ebe began to laugh.
W At M
____ 1. going, and aaks bB neighbor whet pe really nrer brad and rare In debt? Bessie all about it.
|„ ,hi. porsuli, were the aeirn of nu„ rarry the other on Us back n K'”’
a piky “OUng I ^
meke •“
an .
Mias B~‘A»->«h,M
earned ^gg^^
bopor mlaslng.
jJSji?’ S VnTSt V^aU be shall de there. No S mnet “•
"VouVe cerued
dlauncr. TT.B
TbB mitne
game BBCalBd
called *“««'
‘™«AhPeb do
I which all the verbe and , B’bich U heavier.' a half or full ,v,ur doughnut this lime.'' Dandy . " she
tbe sboutloc obUdran. Oa* vole* n
"I—I—don't know whether I have II. -p-gB.- gp “flotU.'
BMW tengbbra and make even
a and adverb* beglo moon? Tbe half, berauae the full is ^d. aa ahe tossed P lo him.
above all the rate, and vbat Be yoa
stammered John. “1 w.ntml to
acquateled. with
A. He mnet teen name a dty ^
g^,g „ ,i,g h,if.
ug^, wagged bis ull and ate the
naimoM It was aarteg?
Hen are tbe-Blraetlon*:
I prar-wooo •wi. »-u
tolnBtti'e Cal B g llrat-rau
bcglanteg with the letter B. and ask...
dougbaut—even to the Usi sugary
Tot:- nnswerod 'the other: "nny
“/r*" '
-half teebea. which he e,,.-_Annle HamUloa UnaMlI. te
- to
bU neighbor what Vhe
shall do
graeih Then-he
oul to
(liid Tabby.
me would
to. .The qnrarry with him. This I. yg„^.,
Ftnra ekfiln te a row. <me Baa tban ,gd tbe anawer niast be given 1a tbe
Uttta gr««ra Brahy Tall.
v„^nd tell her all about It.
.1,..!,., ... .,.U .r ■tamped with bla name, tbe ward «
tte* Bwnbra ct pneraas. with «u turn- mkc way . the prlndpnl aorda begla- uitte brown Boahy Tall Uved ti|> In a _t,cb,g—
would not. Now thb varatB. work
h* Uvea, and tim date
Emm n, Jtora.
Ad vm way. Um rabev In tbe oppetete mg, *Bb ,bg jguer B.
______________ _
gmctlea. Have «m rate ptay ■ i. QoMUon—I am gotec to Anutevv Aad moaav aad anuc was bis nest:
j gUNBHiNE gTOIllEa. •
“^^h^tior interrupts John.
a"** '*
Tom and Bobert war. aralkteg
■arob and tbs party wlU form te line gam. Wbat shall 1 ^o there?
Aooraa aad beech noia te plenty bad
a Sens* of Honer.
■Well Urge or aniall. no matter.
itrasury. »Tien be e» tbroogb tbe woods. They cam to a
aad amreb around tee ebalra. When Anawer—Admire all arttetoB.
riidrv were three beys in the Uu- Aftir !!lxh «boo, ,rL boimd lor
-AbooU be A^aagra tM.
tbt (aatee oeanea. an try to tet a chair • Quration—I am going on a JourAnd be ararrvly kurw wliivli he
high school, willing, nay. eager, college had vou not* "
of boxwood; wbea ^ oraliag wimt wai baH lo be doma.
—tbo persoa left B out. TbB gora on g^. to Baltimore. Wbst shaU I do
liked best.
to work the gulden dsys of vwcaiion
-I hiid wubed tu go,' answered
'bv aH II or tniman^^-imo grtag to Baptt.-said Tom,
tin tbora are but two persons. ■ chair tBare?
away—three to whom tbe offered op- Jgbg
tlona. he la given one of black bora.
gg^g lo work ay way over,
bates removed each time, eo there B Anawer—Be bothered by buga.
He was cbeeo of teoiper aad sgUe ut porinnliy seemed the etepidng-»ione
-Without much' ho,w?««<»• finally. .When be attain, first- «„□* by moae.- raid the more prabat oa* Mir Bn. When lb* mnstc ' g. Quwtion—I am going te Ctncteumb.
to tbe success 1a life upon w hich their
"Wltboui much bol». "echoed'John *r*de honorf one of Ivory.
4„,t Hobert.
eeasea. tb* peraoa oafortnimie enough g,,i. B*hgt ebnll I do tbere?
And bis own lliile win was his law; bearu were wet. To the other scbol-If we gel on as well together as I
By the Uw and rustom of Korea no
Tom leaped, and. mteeteg bU toolBot to gat It. baa totaU the company
Answer-Ctmuli clever rtlteras.
p^r wbat waa Ibc world and Its won an tbe notice bad not appealed at all. exi-Kl. I think I ran see m'y way elrar man or hoy I. allowrd lo go out -on mg. fell Inlo tbe middle ot tbe
a terar tether crigteal or not. aa be ^ My Journey b to Drceden. Wli*t
rtee to bim.
Indrad. it wa# ecarcely lovtilng. to help you In Ibla And afterword, tbe sireeU after' eight o'rloek at stream, whilst Robert, working Ms
Bball 1 do there?
when be h4d a plump uui in bb -Wanted:—During varaCBn. hoy lor If you llite. yon shall siudy law with night; HiU Is the exHuilvo right of way varefully from one atone to anAnetber telly game, sad quHe new Answer—Uenre dally detlghtfully.
tawrer'a office. Must roasras sense of me. Wben I was about your age. women and girls.'-and heavy penalllea other, landed aafe and dry on Ibe edbto yrair PresideaU B;
s. QueMten—l am gotag to Kdiua great drab" be expUteed. 'to tbe some one gave me Just the chance I provide agaltst this law being brok- er side.
Tb* PBur MarahaM.
burgh. Mini aball I do tbere?
As be cracked It he IwlnkBd lib sure, tbe princtpel. as be rrad the ao- am gl'ing you As I could. I have en

Boy*. Irani the lesson white yet
Oae who peraoaatot tbe Boor mer- Answer—Bntey every crenlag.
knov^g blerk eyes.
dec out., bad enlarged upon the mean liassed'thet helping hand along—eomeThe Korva'n Children s favorite pel young; the shorten way often appaare
(teat uiU try te *vary war to dls^ C. Qoratton-l aball visit Franre.
The k^el picked outby-ahdtiy;
ing of the terse words. 'It would mean
lues wltb. aodieintea wllhoot.jsuc i, g niookcy, w hidn Is given bright the longest. Do not try to Bap a^oas
'of hB Stock by aekteg qaestten* ortbe «-bat shall I do there?
Then he ate It and iooUug nnepm- *,great deal, be expUlned* "to the
I shall rtoihlng and often trained very high
difficulties that aepa: but I iblnk lo ti
otims. who mtmt te their ansaran be Answer—Pan Prrncbmen teriouMy. raggi,- wim.
boy wbuse ambition lira In ibat direc•1"
ly: bui llK-lr grralem spof are U»h rate, you from lb* shore* of sooeeea.
emrafar not to m tba Wds “flour."
'. 1 am going to Germany. Wbat
gald. “Polks may be worse off Uon. To be assoriated w ith Sunley
He reevhed oot Ms hand, and John .plnalng wnd kiteflying. Their top* Perweverance. dUlgenra. and deter•%’ Tea- ra-t
or “no.' Ppr-teataaed. the aball l do there?
than I.
Granger wonld Insure •uecesa And.
hla own in It. looking what he did
ju*t »ke your*, but they bsve sll nilostkin are all atone* rast setoa* the
Answer—Give (Brnians great
o say little. i not lay into Slaoley Granger's observ. ^,g^, g, fuggy ones—big lops tbsl •"■rani of life. A leap wUl Mog yw
though I am p
A Cjnesilon-l am going oa a tenrfm sure I'm content with my hard no doubt that from ibl. auall *m eyes. "Oh, sir" he faltered, and hum ,od bigger one* V«' reb-ase six
•‘Aw tear todayr
tiui conquer tbcak noon bgr
ney to Holland. Wbaf shall I do there? •
ponton of life.
begtaning. greet things may result "
•enmr* B Doo* raqatrad.then under bl> brea'h -Ob, f«t*>ri'" g^ gfght little cues as »oon as ilicy
nd ultimately you win reach
Anawgr-Haol bey bomeward
And of nuu I've a plentllul more;
sboMly before tbe end of the term.
„,g g^eei did not bear tbe begin to splo
_ Tot m pM'iBide yon
,f shore-tbe coveted Bad of
- »• <te**tton—I am going to lidl*. ^-,u, ^ m,y,
Ublra and lit- th, tbiec.boys who had algnlfied their jg,, ,grd, nor would be bar* underKite-riyteg aed fighting was la;:uii
Hemember. do not Bnp;
-That B ImpoesIMe."
Wbat ehall I do tbere?
tie brown wife.
intention ot responding to the greet g,gg^
Aleunder. ib Fam Joor- four hundred yrar* ago. when a K'yur way acrora Ibe atrraab
TPky aet It B axraflrat Bear.- ^ Aaswwr—Indulge to Mlenewi.
vo,g, gg «gnh could a eqnlrral tawyer's eceoiirr message, were toM gg, '
reau general defrated tbe J*|■*n^•^.e
TOB bare my awwer.'Id. Que*Hon.-l am going to Jersey.
waat more?*
that be would see tbem. seperately .
__________ _____
by rnesos of some kite*. Nowsdsy
Tlatra It TO yoa piras* repeat thTmt shall I do there?
upon g ggrtaln day.
Chiidrec of Koran.
the boys buy klies lor eboul ten
Anawer—Just iebip teyously.
He bad tota of near nelfbbon a*
one by- one ibe principal raUe.1
Seylnp* of ta* LMH* Oaea.
How would yon like to pick out y our cents tooli froin profestleui inskcr,-:
■ny aaewer waa Not any.'
11. Qnemten-t am gotag to Kenmerry a* be:
them Into tb* ball. Jimmie Bnsh- life work on your ven* first Inrih.
lissste, terra ypan pM. oe seeing a'
their strings cost tar more. fi>v !h«-.v tins bed of panstea te WooB. cried oat.
-8W tba prte* B raaaoaable.'
uirky. Wbat aball 1 do ihgre?
They ware cheery aoU pleylul racli gell was Aral After a short time in- day? It sound* funn», sure enough,
are all niade of pure silk, sml iti>: - S<-e de innny lltty tacas ‘oat say
-I win nra take any."
Answer—Kill kaagaroos.
returned. Boshed nod distressed. Den- but that Is 'hat every Hole bo> does
loy* save up for monih»--and rm.nihs beadar
Tbe fionr merebnat baringewenedit 9oe«lon—1 am goteg to lx»n,a,j. ,m»w it* thatUappy
tl* gi, cook w«n tenb next. He. too.
in Korea- whose proper nam* I* <'bo• mamma, does lb* arlad wbBUe for
ed lamaking her any “1.“proceed* on
doa. «*taat sAsIl I do tbere?
raay to
rame back. snUen. ensurecatmi. And sen. tee Land of Morcinc Calm Thl* u, buy a single string. These strings
are dipped In flsb^Iue and powdered • be Bavra to dsao* byT- asked UtUb
Ms way.
Aaawer-Ue Bxlb on tenages
. If good hum^ wc give with our tun? Uira. wltb a qnrar. choked feeling.
glass. »o teal when they retch across Min one day. as she ram* bouadteff
■HIca B norabra atoi
that B <U. OaaelBi-l am colng to Maine.
jn^n ,,g„,grj heard the principal rail
On the ^by-s flrai l.lrthdsy bla another string tbe prepared one cut*
imo the bouse.
ptxyed rametimes Iff tbe Boy Scoott. What shall I do there?
Content wltb tbe blm^tag. our Father w,
far« B toetmeUse *• well as amwAitewer- MmAar many meequHoea.
^ y, bim-more father and mollier inepare a gvrat right
- through
— It Bveryoo*.
A little girl te eebeol aaU deweri
big round table at home a
jmperor down, flies kites, end anyone
M Qorattoa—1 shall vlalt Niagara.
ban>y wwtlld
bB ot u* be!
,|„n ,g both the other* together Evr
It with bulled rlci-. money.
I* pemltted to cut any other etring gjj dgge eetlng.- And an older popil
roetieeiivi memerr.
«-bat ahaU I do (lierr?
u «re tried with onr friends and oar tgg -mmall compearatton" wea aoo
lug material., and other thing. Then
•egnrded as
g, ,
a* '* msn tbai
That* B a »me* where the oRe Anawer-Neirau imtoftera .narraaeiMibore w Hve
,ting to bim. more than
erite tb* kraaem siffbt aad beet mem- riona.
to—_ ------------------ain't ffot any meat on '
-«rr wtH win. A iny B braogbt la
is. - Quemtea—I am goieg to Ohio.
Bdaa apttoed that pap* did oot ktes
baby, ao she pot bef *(»
raateliln about twenty aRlel**. soch vhu ebaO 1 to there?
»y nerare mm. now cxm.n oe vs........................
^ .
asajteff.tott.WtPf rlbbo*.*aap- Aaswer-Onee oysters.
-« sadha*-hero-two of tee bright- “* .1*^^* "P
aroaad bB neck, and aalA craxtefftr.
determinef‘-hi. future lire.
The Mioitter'a CaC
“Kira h. paim It woo t bile.”
pie. Pto- TB* tray B ptoeed oa tb* ig. Qoeetloa-I am .Wag lo Parte
A Frteadly OriWe.
•« eeboltra bmJ felled: And bi.
--------------------------Dew dreas but•
___ -■* *f IhP table for fiftoee aeegmda,
shall 1 do there?
»w people wbo are not etera siaw dlrappoteted: teat was » ^ choose* tee yarn or tee nra be
uW then removed oot of ri^t. bch
Answer-Fare poiawra patleatD.
d«au of aetnre realise bow rrieadly tbe baidrai tbongbt of *11
Trained Beca.
OB* meet now give a Wet of ibe artP
it. Qaeacteo-I *m golog-to One- g,, rggamrod friends are natanUy.
m tbe cool wide hall tbe prinripal
ran** it took EUl* so tong to make
One day .i luncbeoo Mamie wns
cite oa th* tray, aad tbe tree glvteg bee. What aball 1 do there?
gr how m«ily ypaag Uids. espeglAlIy
, white envelope in bis hood, mercbeoi: If be play* with Ui^ writ ,h* great pink bow on on* side of ber- ven greatly deltebied w
ith some bom
tb* toaffrallBi ooted* ooe potet- TbB
Aaswpr-OuBUy ooli querreUng the meotbera of tbe oriole fdmlly. ran He fingered it *a be
mieaL teg materiate a great scholar. ------- brad stand op atralgbi enongta. was *y which had beenaent
ber tea
B ropaeted ate tteera itbe artIcBi
ig, Qaeattea l aball make a tow be. tamed. Tboee wbo sp^ at Baat watebteg tbe boy's toce.
Korraa children do nra have very ut*. it was ber first party—her very friend
baiOB ebagad each tlmol aad^ the oey- to RoMa. Ik’bat shall I to Ibms? a pan ot the warn moates near tor- he said, after that BoaieBi amay toys, aad tbry caa buy them ant.
Ufibeot wamber of point* wto*. Any _ Aaswer—Beceire rich Roman relies, rat or lake where the Wrd home* of *rart4teg scrnitey. -Mr. Graoger oo only one day m
OBMto aamed wbleb B not oa tbe
is. .QaaaUon-l am ^ag to SlberB. aboM marvel at the renfideara ol wfli are yoo ta my offie^: He wQi etektb day of the foorib mooib. Bod to tbe beloved «Ot oa the mtelster's Upler teach her
uay tekea two off the arore.
R'bst sbaU I do Ibere
ibera lltiB vrra<nr>-s in the biMuan ask yoe rame ituraimak arh^ I bare dbn's birthday, i- a Rival feslKal. .bsirwiei-, RvtvB'was ibe Wlaialvr's Imaey

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