Grand Traverse Herald, April 23, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 23, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Traiv^rso Bay Eag;l<a




I ^



fir Mto Cwnfae B«m«I


Will Go Down In History as Rie
Worst [Marine Disaster That
the World Has Ever Known.
Carelessness Given as Cause oi
flie Unpandleled Loss o( LUe.
iBr I'nitsd Pronn.)
N«w VviScMMI 19.—Whsn th* Tiunic mink. 1.S95 pmnt perlnhetl, be• MUbllnh a racsrO la Um '
aotnlan «( wntwr*. Ob* wan pnMIr proeaedint thfnwgh th« iee^d at top
tpaa«. .T1>0 «a«as iwmbw 745. Tha -•nlaslne- IneluM 1» «rat cabin, 195
aacand eaMi. MO alMnioa, 730 eftlcktn and crew.
OpM Madnaaa Cacaad W»Kk.
Now VofK April 19. .Opaod madnaaa and an exprcaa train aehodula let
ocean lloata caMtai the T1unl« traeady while dachlna at a rata ct 20 kneta
thro«|h on tec flHod ocean. Tha atmeapharc waa aa clear aa peliahad plaaa,
and the pioat llnar, tha aetna el liiaurieuanaan and the latt word in naval
oichHcehira waa hurled madly agalnat an immavabia motmtain el tea. Two
haute and twantp Ova mlnvtcc later ahe diaappaared Ircm eight Icravar.
Ivary aurvlvar who landed from the raacue chip Carpathla agreed that

\ Stock Exchange Sent Money.
Befcre (hn Can«thia dorkrd, Ibr
Sew York Stock Exchance-eeDt to Ibr
do6XW.UA0 In niinU billt
^illi to be dia(libul^d nnionc ibow nun
irtivore In Id■nedtate need. A srare er nme <«C taxlcaba were licnt over by the lVnn»>ltaala nllmad to euivoy (be lasscPto three KIWI lal iralni bcU wallat Ibe ataUona. Om- ct these
trains wss secured by Mre. John U.
Thayer, anotber by Mm. Ucorpe D.
WIdner.and a tbird waa arimnced for
by tbe rellroad to be placed at
disiKMal of any ol tbe survivors who
dtwired to leave lor the soulli Immedi­
ately. A half hundred black parbed
Sisters of Mercy were In fteinl ol the
crowd. There were alw a sroi
Onekt Were dammed.
As the biR hull of .the llarpalhia
moved sluwfy Into her sl(|i between
piers, tbe docks were Jsinined with
They crowded to (he rails
their bands to (ho wall­
ing hundreds on tbe pier. -The IiIr
ship 1was sloarly wanwd In Inch by
Inch a
niade fast. As she ground
against tbe aUe of the pier there came
tbe crowd a sigh, pertly of reend pertly of apiirebenak^
iSbMt the moving hundreds. Upe
S In client prayer. The gang
idank wna Vun out and officers oooM
bolding back tbe bundreda
waiting to leave (be ship.
Celllelen DeacHbed.

New York. April 19.-t”hylcs 8t. En-

ad there. Par a mamanl thlnga erara gulafand than tram their eabipa ruaha« man. an« wamah tn ihalr Olmaiatt night attire, aama'pante atHakan but
the alarm «W net hsl. Tha Titanic waa '■unalnkabia" and all ware aaaurad

Tttaalc wllb an iceberg waa Ibe reeult
of criminal earclMnPMS. The ablp
goiu at :: knou when she
stnirk." ekrialuied Stengel. He laid
(bat the Import was ao lerrlAe that
great blacks ol Ice were ibrovn on
deck and a number were killed,
stern rase in the nir and people
ru sbrtekint tram below. Woman

a* thla bdt Wilhite Ova mlnulaa 9apuin •mlih raaluad that hla rMt aharfa
waandad ante dttlh. .-Idan the baata." aama tha ardor teem tha bridge.
Tha treat aiaal plataa al tha hell had bean atartad and water waa ruahing
Inu the hull tram many waanda. Ai wiralaaa eparatar Jaak Phlillpa. praaaad dawn hla hay and from the wiralaaa tar aialt tha Iramlc appeal lar aM
haahad thraagh tha air tha beet erowi leaped u thair atatienc. Tha aig Ilia

the lUebMU as las as poealble. They
were lowered away and Ibe Hllen
took the womV end hurled them bod­
ily iBto the boats. iMring them away
from their husbands to whom Ibey

the apeod Waa net raOueed and all aatd the night waa perfaet Tha band waa
playini and many aawi"l«^« had retired, ethere weer en deck watching the
aiaieMIe aaaan. Than came a rinding craah, the veaael ataggered and aaamad ta raaavar. pluntad farward and a 'ahawer at tee tall an the forward daekt
aruahlng tt death the ataarate paaaangata and mambara ef the crew atetlan-

beata had bean ahadad araund ready ta ba put aver the aide. Wamen and
ahlMrnn ware badity threwn Inta them. J. Oruea lamay, managing dir
at tha ilna. tha aufvfvara atiagad Jumped wu the third beat, but gavi
piaaa ta a waman and baby, than dlmbad Inta the fourth ana altar tha ether
baata want aver tha aide. Than a cry waa eat up. Thera are no raera beau.'
and uneiam enable forrm- aeliad many.

They taught lar Ufa batta, and than

becMM they tried uj ptmb tbe
women s^d chlldfMi away from tbe
' mta.
Bt. Engel mU that 1.U0 nmn Iwped
into tbe sea when they saw there was
no chanea for escape. "There were not
enottch aallorB In tbe Utebenis to op­
erate them and women were com­
piled to puU the oara.

After the flm woman
sbs was feUowed by a i
Mown r«lB float and eott bat He was
followed by a woman wbo loohod
laat c# the TRaala ancvlvara Idt the Carpatfda.
U Martiod.. and then
ar^atted lata buytng partiaa aad parshaaid ci
— -Heap, help:"
themaelera al, ta cleHw the THaote aurvlvara. The landing af the Carpathla
then loOowod three other
WM the iMt aawta fo ana af the wartd*e srestpal tragedies. Peer hundred
Tbey w«at Mto a freight
ware all that wmw dllawod an the deck.
be towered to the etrei- ^
Me big aMp Mam aMMSMfl up tha bay, <
Peofde on the doeh aaited forward
antlia. the netad mii^Man waa tha Arm .
■ eoan as tko ptoAk
amuad ta Mg MdMHW"* Than caaw <
and tbe peUto were Htorally forced to
ar err Ma' WMr~T* «wward an the dock and fell In the arme ef an eWar Ogbt tbom hatk. Moot at the MMen•aman and wHtad Mta a haap an tha *oor. One after another el the aurgers who MM now were pWaly hyet*maa fan mm WW Mma af waiting reUOvew Phyaleiana and hamnal attorienL
msMaambearaad tMTCarpathU. Paar ehlMran wara earrtad a« the beat a.
It was ptolB from the
Mfetcberg. ThMI a«M the mirvlvora- Mra. Aater. dmpltl tha nimire af her of the sarTfran that they bad toet aO
artueal iiiMMm,milked dewu the gang plank. She aMH hapae her haaband
Chair ctotUac aad tad bee* fitted od|
ItaHva. iamaafMe aurvlvara ewaM lamay. wMle etharn mh the bMt la
by the ttorgnthto'e peiieoiefs. Their
wWeh he aataped wti net futb
dotbas did net m and in anny toee the womee srora ewantors.
Cramd Came tariy.
isaiw HMiT tbaarim ta aO vna
woMM Vtn apperuly vtotoatly
New Tott ApG Ih-Tha mowd ba-["“d at the mm time. “BrafytMM
I M tta TlBlalur c( Me]

• prepared the CarpniWa fer the tnWvupfo
pamaaiiri and crew af the CarpatMa are «

ifleetlenate Parewetie Ware Said
When Wivee and Hushande Were
Separated at the Rail ef
the TRante.

Claimed That Veaael Must Have »esn
Equipped Before It Could Hava
Left Any of the Brit• ish Parts. .

New York. ApriTis.—Bruce lamay
.Vow York. April l».—E.tward was the first witness 1u (beaenste in
Whooler, chief steward of the TUuic.
nllon that Is preblng ibe TlUnlc
I'n'lled f'rcss (be follbwing diaasier. After Ismay was sworn.
account today: “It was about II:tJ Chairman Smith questioned him. Is:
rtlon of her i«ssengers asleep
ar as I can tell, about 11:30. the
» rise. Tber.. b
bottom <d her bow dreve into a Urge
dancing and many
(be nloon. when
Oder and «
there was-a crash amldsbliw. hu( no
i^iDihotlon. Tbe lassen- in to sink at the bon. but
gers were somewhat sianled. but Ibey togers were not aware of (be
first realize the vuenl of elan as toe boat seemed %>
The offIcMW were
truss tbe top of ibe berg, Aa alarm
sured-as they thepu-elvea did not lully a. Imnicdjaiely given and the pa.
resUse the situation, and i was fuliy sengvrs hurriedly seized whatever
t an hour before a
y aald: "Klrst f want to express
great grief, and aay *e webvffle
Hborough Investigation.- ismay
n reviewed (he bnlMlag. history
-The ablp begM to fill and settled
by (be besM. Tbe wireleas operators
I lauwblng of toe TIUnte. tfo cmbegan Mubdlag ao alarm and ke|d ft __Md: "The accident took plaee oo
up>ad least two boure. The wlielcsf Sunday nigbi. I understind tbe ablp
go oot of
Dk at 2:30 Monday morning,
lust before the chip sank. When tbe
my berth at the time she bit toe
iceberg. Tbe sblp was not going
Tftasle began to settle we ibougbl
adrlsaUe to begin lowering tbe lUe- full speed M suied by some,
boats. as the nearest ship was serenty dressed and went on tbe toidge with
miles away and It wonld at least
cwixain and asgtyted to gening out
monilas before any rescuers would too me boau I auyed until wtat i
understood was (be*last boat iMvhgVVomen and ebtldreo were «nt ad
to Join theU slraa. On the port aide' order followed so far as 1 obrerved. I
o stragtflng or Jostling by men
only women and diUdren were allowed
to enter ibe boeta. and that ac«
to get iBio toe boau Tbe unfilled
■r.lhe tact that la aome tew (nstaaoes
In toe bow I got Into ad Just
icy were not aepareted.
before abe lowered 1 atepped In. Ttara
DO other noaoagere ta alfbt on
“The men on the port tide bade
ibelr wIVM good-bye Just as If they
wwe sepatotlng only for a abort time.
beard OetooM Asior tell bli wife
were no ralu
that be would most ber la New York.
They ogehawtod g vary aSeettotate aboard ibo Tliak.
tbo riunk WM
Whea naked
farewelli. but m Bora affectk
equipped *Hb
than (bat of a couple- aeparallni
boau be aaM K umI ha*t boM
1 week Instaad of euralty. I
Major Bulb He was very Mim and or ft enuMu-i have left a BriUto pert,
M*o ordera ttat tacIBcd Ue man wbo lamay tmpbaUMlIy dated toe boat
I iiicIlBdd to a paale. The tost was trying u make a speed record.
of him be was standing at th Hk also saM ta brard no e^pteotea.
ran tooklng Into the water. All the tUeboeto rMobed water aafiy. The ahlp'h
band-playM as the boats won towTbcM muslclaaa were real betoM and played eetoctlons fruin the
opeCM a«d tbe toteet popular melodiep. and only before tbe ftaial plunge
dM they dtange the ebaracur «f their
lOoBUened on page flraj



best hit the berg with a Urrlfk bump, fieneene said, -toe boot bH gn tee
berg." > 'ay In bed and diteussed wlU my ceutin whether u get ap and
view toe berg. Finally we deetecd U ge up aa we bed been waWM «e sae'
an teeberglsll (he way ever. We put en but few wrapt as toe Ma vMs etiB.
Aa tocre was a berg In sight we decided U go talew when an afflodr evBSfed us to,pa(enu a life bett. we went down and Uid oto. auit-aed uneta. •eerfe
and Mra.
but they laughed at ut. -The beatTt ail
That Is Che way everyone seemed to toll* but we were erdeied up agahi and
then crowds were standing all around. No one waa axcHad and use vuera
ordered then to the beat deck. Soibc time later the women wera ordered'nk
to the life beau The men were ordered U sUnd back and every ea obey­
ed. The people had %e be begged to get Into the lifo bedts. a a ane
thought tot Tiisnle wsw going to eink. When our boat touelud ttaltoatar
the sallora were ordered to pull away from the ship which aaddsHy began
It more Then the sank more swiftly. These in the llfp boato
to the vessel say toe orehcctra played until toe very latL -Nearar My
to Thee." I saw the water reach deck after deck. oxtingutebhH toe
lights, then the wstcr reached the port helec. wtieM one great eapteafen. and
another, and then the ship left the hortien. All sight teng eiir aaOera
rowed in the Iricbeau It was Urrlble. Some women had sesrcoly any cMtMnM
»ne had an evening dreea on. The cold ehlllod up to too bone, and we
t have any food or water but none complained. I guOM we wara tta
luckiest aurvivors. at women later said that all the ether beau laakaB, and
they were in Ice cold water up te their knees. Per nearly eight hourt Mstaas
mercy ef t^ eiementa Dawn diecleeed fresh danger as we v>



TomBun CMnOFT siil FHJHH

I'astilagton. April 19.—In a gtowtog
Ota to Major Butt, the preuldrat
la a.etatemeat MpreesM Ue Ugb eeloom lor He pereonal Ufa of tta tic
Um of the Tiunic diswier. ."The
Major WM Bke a moMbarofj^ fami­
ly. ta taavea the srUMt clrcto «(
la and hit maesery Is sweet to




afraid U mo4e. The men were exhausted and toe sromcn tried to n
m to each oar. but could scarcely awing thqm. then we aidinly mw
search ligU,' burning on the prow of a great ateamer. That wm the
wonderful tight I ever ca«>. We rawed fer as hour and at toe «H
ef that time wore alongside the Carpathla. Then wt were hsleUd aboard
IrTa imu swinging teal one at a time. The CarpMhia seen piebad up all tta
IHeboaU ahd a number ef men In lifeboats ware picked up wbHe awiiranlag
Far ef them died cn tha CarpathU from aupsamre dflar
being rescued.

Two were passengers and others part ef the craw, ata tooy

burled at tea Klonday. The CarpathU searched toe wrickags fer men
■tore but found none and then turned toward Ambrete UfH and bMU.
Aboard the CarpathU everything was oonfusten. Women tern with grtef
. fer loved ones and often fell on their ksata and pray­
ed for the safe rooovary ef loved ones. Every one a tta Cbrpsthte erne Undfteeff and gave up totir cMine and sutorsenm u tta Mrvtvera'mH
slept en tha tacr of Ihrxablne and to totnk.Natoa»te. my eeudte M|B I uBbfo
u ete an iceberg, all the way ever. •

as that has qvsr boM IrM Ml
bbyvtars is tta cNbuy.
• spstara VM MttgiBfil by
PrsaldMt W. P. CatUta bl tha Bcbl
board of trade. Wittebt bfiy ftqUBl-


aartea ta surtad U to MB at tta atfiber is truck tta Ida gpfiiBHB. Ua
suiad ttat IS years ago WStemaport
was aothliic bet a rniMMig -litMbir
I vhicfa tad r MvBHWtad akfflttar factories that BMMiad talely tipop tta pratabH of tbe torcM tor their maUrtsL Today aU b«
of these oriffUal bloH have
firapgod oat «< tta Bte q< tta tows,

yet U tta faee of tfck pnadtHng M
s taro hoM braoffta B H take
ttalr placta add ara Br aen vatMLocal lidMtflM WeHd he OranHy bla to tta citr ata emptaf A- laatsf
auabaref Bsa.
•ensBtad by Adeptla af Byatsm
Tta work e< MtOdBg op Wlilla»
and Naur FacMrtea WeHd


board of trade. WhM ttay stariaB
aU Lift BMp Before Bau Were
cat to get ae« ladostrlra u «10m1
(Pram BaUfday-s Haeord-&ste )
Filled M Mm Were BiHiu
of $Sta9 was rataad bp paUto
Tta qeraUea of bow to hHU a tta
•sHt by toe Mata
ripttee aad tote acMay WM Mad
BBusuteu of Traeerae City was esaptoy a paid aecnrUiy «k pat
Urriy dIsesMsd B tta City <
a laH algkt by Don M. Lara.
New Tock. AprU 19.—*Hst
nocretarr of tha WlBteasperi. Pa.. subscribed fer a
tiMfd of trade, wbo vgs broaskt ben rioe which taratebed thea wlto aO
beaetrapf the
the!ladMtilal wgrtd. Ode
bo boiBoB Bsa of tbe cHy tor
ivlas a «M e( U
MMm toed

Mrs. J. L Brawg of DMvsr. who
rawed a life boat froi toe Ttuate mtU tbe waa coMptstoty eztai

■1 of tta eeotry. Ttare vta
r sat la tpata wita tbMB.

New York. April 19.-AftM aa
< taitay to appear as a wmwsm be^
fora the soaalfl toeaetlgaltog on
BMiter Smith ef Mbtoiaw aaU:
New Verb. Aprfl 19.-Hta BoaneU
hta to. Asur HmM hte wfto
: TNi^MMPfi. Ohio. mM that tbe -toe wtn gtoe toe AmerfM paM
Ml taHp iOm


(CopynBbC 1912. by tftrtUd Preea.)
* f
New YerW. April U.—-Well thank poedncaa wt are ppins 9s an lasbirg.**
Ttut tlngts feellsh tenunce was what I said te my eeatin. M toe Tllaoto
was shivering beneath her death Wow. I was lying In my berto wfwa toe

k aad it te espeetod that R
wm ta pH »to mmoUm here wflhia
Hr. tmmbea te aet

eettastod and If os taed Mtte>sd-

d tta baata wm 1 III -Itartaa.

iMM wad ta tta Mta wBa BMBMakar, bat a Mala
tea tar. The Htokiiat tea wBh » oto- Who Mmm taw to B
sgty wsB hraiMid . Tta
Itaitas tta Mittai yaata mWtaata wotod taaM tta rtab Taataw Cbto
bIBbM. BatajtadMrabsMM
M ramaiag toto*a Tha
HIM to ram. ata atos mto
MMBtad M hte taraa tawa. ata WM
Mto. «• toM»ed M tor ttat not M Aalto 9to» to toadtoM
ta aMi WM raiy «aBftataB ata
............................ •iMMktaaBtta
to. itattakMw ttafi.Mtag


•USD lunat nuiA urn nivnn ut bmu. nanu, inn. a no.


Grand Tfetefte HisrkW

ah4 of importH stock bta mMm.-ifesA sramatbr to the VrMroA tom
AlMi«*o(tbecoriBJt»Wtriedy*-|JrL Mr. aaA Mre. Kko.:iiiaM l>-i
- Oallp'’««i«M. '
■am Irr rMwaltir'ili "l—-<-r lOr Laiamg aiA olD.btlag
«twT e»»el »a a tanleragt (hat
____a____________________________ ■
bcis tor buruO.
uabts. u.____
uvary- <be resaalna
thaacce wMi tbe wind tbat ewespe (be
sky, wi:h (be rtaada that man after
ming. to the Itabiing of tbe laapa amt
bu rrnl—11 W Dm
or «1UluapMl I
tbc ai^lag of tbs sBalBe. is cMibera Md ikcm ib> dUvu bov U U
to obuli
trolled from lbs seat. The oqiipiBcnt
. BrtaetnrMi taaostrtcs «ltbo« «a e«tv of m
InclBdua all the tolest
tte'cnttt «t Ibc MbMutlal aad mItmI dtl
la antoBMiblle e*mstnir- Aaed fteeiqent of Mabel Died fndjy
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. . oat for biulacM Inrtead of
ir. tolly agatoped. oast
tr oMatalBS • owrc ^ boou Tbc plu la aiatplr a boaiaeaa propo: and tboae vbo t>MM tbclr tndit auad to tear but a v«-r> mautl ptr
J. K Holland. ag»d ‘2 yyar*. dl*wl
or ptrbaM oMbtac at all la tbe toetarf^ - Tlw aarcoia of tbc plan 4elYMav Bltenn-OD at bit hoipe near
> ool; apoo tbe ollHapBcaB ol (b« rttUeac to take a eatable on tte fatare'
Mabck alter more tbkli'a ycora Ulel Traterac t-ilf. t^arr cttlMO iboaW be enlllM to 4u thU. aBd II the*
BCkS. Ur. lIoBsliLUil Lad lived uu tbe
ate ofUtaC tbe probioB laired and tbc ladactrial apbuUdiac of tbe tot
FalrtsBl.» tarni for.wotoe
lacdlate reitloa olU be aewreddurtag hjs rskidesre in>ibe vieinity'
itfdcr to aecuio aaalataace aadar tUa plan tbe mwbd.t aoeklBR
vad T on mnny fn.ndt.
oat prore tbat tber are adreal U naeUv tbe ubK saaaer that tbe>
to WByne Monty. Xorew-v. -.
oeold hare to do If they «ere obtalalae a kwn Rom a baak. No k>ae
Ite I- kurylved b} a wl lo*. twp|.._ ____________________ ~
haocea are taken b> eliber part; to tbe voatreet and ibe.reeulu art' to i
TRAVeftgE CITY WOaiEN LOST aaaghtert abl two ooBO. tkVKWt. ,wb« moTICE OF HEARfHG CLAIMS UEgnat BuXHity of ia»e* perfeetir eatlefanorr.l Tbe lirper tbe aaoiber
re«id«» at borne-nnd Orrts.-o! Harbor,
obe piedge tbelr credU lor tbe beneSt oi the plan, the amaller i
STA-re OK SllCUKJAX-Thc IVokiaaee erljl bd In nee any of be cowleraB so vroas. All «U1 But
I Funeral M-rviroe wee held from’tale <^Kt lor the fount, ol .Iraml
a ol rourie. a* tbe l.utlne It aortd1al» reeoSBljee the Inevitable
the ebor.* at WJ!«Br.i-'>urB Sunday
tbe ^3U!e o! 101
ibe best remilaled Omia vUI ocaasionally lose Mt
tuon M I oekK^k. It-V. dteake* of- J.
j ttaduivri
Uasiioft. •ic-caaMSaai«.yor rcosiiot Ihai aauut be rualroUed. sucta at paules, Brea and •Nbee
OetatlBV. Int'-nm-nt will -be In tVil- Notltf.ta hi-rctn airen thM four
Juojttba from il>r'':tod day of Maich.
allene-l for
i Tbe avemae man baa faith la tb>- fatiue. and It la Ibto X^ib that makea
creditor* iu |•rc»eal tbelr vtaia*
perwul eaterprtspe. All that ihU plat
Had Beeti Warned of Ttolr Darrger
aMUsi said d-'ro~-d to said cean (or
1 pledaa of thU lailh Ip help alMa the other feV
. ♦ OKaminkUoa and a-'.iusiment. and that
But Paid No Attention- The.r
aacb aasUiaare. One toad tealiire of tbe toad
Halt Companion pat R*»
belM tbe factuTv ibai la already lurated and arblcb eunda in need
cued In Time.
.bee stated tbat tally one ball of tbe kaoa n>ade
is Inn-ivviug sh-kly ai ibis »r.iiag jofTraverae (Ity. la said .ouaiy . o
nikde io flrai'a tbat sore alraod) etublltbed. b
April it.-Twu
■ Ai^le -kOaius uf VVolonl vis- befure (be SElh
needed more ntooe.r for extensions sad srorking apItaL
irdav lfl2.
ISIt. and ‘bat said .laim- will teyoung wvDjcu wbo plUed . tbalir
aiiu relatlM-k w Ovian
There are aoveral faituries located In tbe idty at present that are <
atrenglb and .-liaoloe U a Imil
and ttiiuda^, rettutitng buu-c^.tlond
W • Cood proBtaMe buameae. but they hare reached a point where ll
agaiut (be swollen rapid* <d firaud mornlus- •
osnlble or Ibadvisuble to se*ure more fundk for Inc-rcasina tbel
paM the price of tbe game with
Mr. and Mt>.
fnder ibis plan the} coUld sec^us. lb/ needed nwoe> and Inc-riMse tbelr Uve* today, while a young
Harry and Mr. aud Mis. Fred Iteeman
tbeir plants snd emphiyes to a point jbere the city wouM be srcstlT bene, after heroic eSone to
Wer<- PUitc calleik Saiitr-iay nlgbt to
aued. without eoaima the men abo Idetlpe ttietr credit a slople tent. They (ben), was rc-si ued as be sank (or the
atirud ilir -Hleauer DM-eiiBg. Bt the
nn- perfectly aolvent and could paj lark the loan on tbe dsy lliat it Is due. third time.
ioB-% hall.
Why MM esUbUah the BM-ans of helping tbem when It can he done wiifa eu. h
MirHtr.AK—Tbe I-I
e Kii huidsoo. aged :
John Witslus Is rleimng lend for
tbe Oounty pf Crnud
anisll edfort'r Tbe iron is hot now. *hy noi ttrihe a|id reap the r.-wards years, and her sister. Cecil, aged 21. Jobu .MeUairj thit-WeeK Kii early po-'
that are sure to lolloa T
bath of Travvrae^nty. with tYaak laUKw.
■ ■ Tt'^m^ilon of aabi MOH. beW at
mdniau. a louaUg elrll _eDglne<-r
Kiehard Ik-ran aud tteorge lu-erlng
'protore off kx l^Ttlreidty ■ of Tea v
ere (he prUcipals In the tragedy. of (Uls-ra ali'-nd':d ihv dan-x- at Will (-r*.- tllv, In aaul .-oonlT. on Ibe Mb
L$nding Of The CarptthU.
dBv of A|>nA> A. II.. I8U.
The young women bougbt Ui'e caom O l/ai;. s AV*slavsday 'ulght •
ProMit. Hon. Fn-d l: ' Walker.
.Vo event of recea* >t*ta ba> <ns>tc<I as uuicfa iHIcn-M as the Unaitig ol last week and iavltcd Hldmaa to av
i.iilg<- ol I'lotoie.
t'anwlhia la New Yorl toalsht aim the survivors ol tli.' Titanic disas- (om'piuiy tbem op (heir mai*u trip
fa tbi- Iiialler o' the estuu- ol Ik'-ssTbe.'abole'world i> on edac- to Wm aomeUiihg .leBulle of the iJelail* down the rapids Tbi-y e*i«'rido*-ed JoUii Karn- uad alfe w.-iv .allere at forl-it. Willie forbil and VUo forUii.
of that apialllna accident that carrt*^ hundreds to a preiuatnre grave. I'p but IKlIe tliffitUlly uiuR tbey neared Traverse fiiy Sviluida, aad Si;u
vW*inK niatives an-l fH-djdt.
■ W. HIHikrr having Bln] <n
lem BO word that can be relied uikMi baa been received In regard
n bU |H-(itl0P. nrajlag lor li
of aurvivors. even with ilis couatless wireless sUllons that h
The evim-nt was strong
:c sale the hitid
Kt. Mark lAcTliig's ' Sunday to
.nimuulrallon with the' sbl)i piacliially over slnre the »re<k
lat- III ivivalu real vstare
.Bint, and In spile of tbelr griatost
enrred. What woid has beeo revived has bevn ao oaen dlspulea tbat
efforts tbey were hurl<-d
. John lambkin au-l ii
_ -.-d itot ihi- flrM Uey ot
II is urdei
wbicb turned (He frsll craft. .Vellber were 0.-l«r^i»l!ers S
. 1312. at ier> .. rtork is |UMay.
p lrrespiM»iblc- operator
; tbe girl* *w*uld swim.
at saiil iirotoie offkre. onew amomftile.
of tbe sutloDK abere ilcIlnRh ol a'lrag.-neniBr.> nature have been rcvcivial.
ij mpitdote-l fo
Eldniau. worn with hU oBorts
Tbe luu'reaalen baa l>e< ii Ktolrliig during >lie laai lao *U.vp ibal llic losa the paddle, struck .oui frwn (he cm
l-eitilon. and that all peraons J
waiil estate aru-ear hr'n
of life iP larger ihoB ibe oHiciaU ul ilie Wblle Slat line are alUiug to admit,
u -plate where they bjul dlsappcajsaid lime and i-la'-and as a ^rauli rbarges anil •.oiinter charses have been tuad<- lUat the
The younger sisier was caught
Of Ibe nrcVleni has' tveu i-urisisely sappressed. This ie. of evurae. mainly 111 the dei*d’y. uuden-urreiil awlrllhs
conjecture. Imu II li la |>rovcd (hat the taw Ibees alll lie Uoulilc
about (he pier and did not rei
ib-r orrtMwd tbat pul.lh- no
folios Ibe ^iblicailOB of tbc rtsil laets. Tbow abo lost tbelr ot
Uie surfare.
*rf t«- given h, poMleetton *.f
are entllled lo know tbe soret. end if tbidr rigbik ar*- not iwik.vted k a
Kidman managed <" toln
tbis order, tor three rnive*
lead to an Investigailon }bai sill lauw sue for anyone abo ma> be pulily phine'a aide uud ulteinpied tc
nreto i^ixnii. to aaid toy of
' Traverae niy.'
fte Grand Tratenu- llei
such action.
~ .
(O the brldgi- buiVas can-led
ied>and clrcBThe Canalbla lx due lo land aiwut nine u'rlork lonlglit.
stream and turned toward tbe
{legible therrofUi ibe ness will be'kcnt broadcaki ever'tbe tvunir.v. glvliis aoBtiBg buUoiB np. tvslgbed b.r heavy
all the delallt. and a Hut of Iboae who were uted by the only afalji
elothlne aud ebllled by tbe ley wi
wilhin reaching distance of tbe Tlianli when kbc look her Jlii&l iHiingv. Tbi« be was eshaUBied when be reaebed
will relieve Ibe su.-|wB»e that baa been suffered over ibe •■aibe world
during ibt- laiat lour Ai'k and se.i ui real the ruiiiprs of ibiiuw riui Iwie
Ur was >iUHb|e to pull blniself up<iu
penel. and throga llait did not happin (bat have been eprim.l'ilie
H and krar.-ely aide to .cry for help
Ibe fragmentary rv|«ri« that ba>e been given (he pnblle Irou ufflLlal.and His feeble sliuiil was beard by
«ber sources.
nn (be bank. After. c«>sldora.ble db:.
Uy a rope was hxmd and Ibru.wu
ISO iu tbe water, now'rvith
InirffAiimtieuiu at a rapid puce.
Bven Ike flitoato bare tnmblsi.
Tbik is ndt tbe ordinary view el ilic sKiiation. but statUthw sbos timt 'Ai Kidman reached out to ralcb tb?
wouibn alipped In
in 1811 tbc rnllwny* olvrated S.UUV luore miles <if roads wHb Si.wo (ewer
bis anus and aank
emptoyaa than la me. TbU would iia
.His etnmgtb aonk- as a result uf I
deucy bad been brought lo a One point
alajosi suprrtaumin efforts to help t
Agnla. figurto nbow that these einployeB reesived AC.MlU.ialO
wagaa. aad the net returms showed almost an e*](>al deereow. as coniiiarod young wiNuun. Kidman w;as unable
..... Slit
tove himself. Tbe
with the lunal lucreane of IM.UMhMO or tbsreaboata.
( Uialde bla (
Bven worw. trade It csrtalnly not booming, nad yet edulimtMt da al­
ways boar.
DoBcna of jieople had'been i
day tbm wlU cams a boom, when tbete will bo an overwhelm­
ed to the e«ene by ibis time
ing demand for rail.waya and rate* will again be made on a aUding. ocal
boat was' sent old from shore. They
ThU U the InevlUbU result Of on indnstrlal boom.
TUI the raitway* are In a loon Aoaditioa .U sbowo by tU dlfftcall
Hnve the It
tbey Uve In BoaUng bonds, n condition /clearlr shown by tbe predUauenl MO In time, but dragged Eidman.
ebinerj-andmanufiicujre mytwrk
O-SSag^......'In wbicb the Pere Unrqnette. flnds Itself. Omplcd with thU ts tbe fad ikal biMv dead than aUve.
in up-to^U dutirns (rom tbc
while tbc ownerablp U prfralsv tbs waaaaemsBI is publle and wtlboul Dnan- as be was going down (or tbp (slal
rooffh stone. Prompt aUeoUem
given all orders no matter bo*
3t employes nnd tbc lenctb ol third Alme
OnebamB Jeto.
smalt Call or write for prices
toumpt reandUdoD work revived
r every thing Js recnUled by
Manlktee ...y.
Trains arrive at Tra*
Uw avespt tbe mainUBakce ot crediu and with tUi problem tbe roads are biBi on abore. alttabogb f<$T k time (be
Trekersk Cliy. Stkh. •
K.. I0;» a. m, l:SS
apark of life aefAied BlnMeL..exliaet.
V-Mb pbuaca No 6C0.
•can oitMse a railroad. W’bo can aive tUm a bit irf good ad- *■ Both the yoiing women \en enD. KELT, a Pbaa bis day. bat tbe raUrooda arc not ployed as steoograpbers at .> total
laelon-. Tbelr bodic* whlth w^re re­
covered within a abcMt Urn*.' will




xm Hunr FuiST tbip

BMt, ycM wiU be KBiciuWml b>- tbc "fulka Wdt
boBv." A triiblc ualiou fur all time to cuuK- will rfiueiukcr >’uu
^iMlTr tv&dertr. Pfotidlj ;'tbe man trbu did bia doty and di<M tbat
«nd diHdren miglit lire. Yea. yua trill be rememU-red "by
, tbe folks ba«k borne.”

A Mcmat ThMt Utde Wstofy
wireieaa uperslor on board tbe <‘ar|uitbia bad bad
-t(«rboiinbf<ft>aBrleaatrorkBnd .watebini;. It wa« ticariuK tuid'bdgbt. Jle traa finally preparing for a ffu- fauiira' sK-ep. but he alill
hkd'the ckT'piccc iifbai irirrle» spparatua altavhi-d wbeii tbe'fvdr*
fill naniinotw came from the Titauh-. llu ear was tbe only oue in
all-tbe ocMii Btretebes t» eatrb it. If bit preparations for xlivji
bad been eompletod one moment aooner. if he bad remove*! bis earone mbutcnf rnmner. tbc fald *.f liu- Titanic wouid ucv. r hav e
b^Auuan knd 70o mur*- lives would have been lost anil tlji rc
•raid have ben Ui added oceau mystery to an aln-ady b>ng lUl.
Wm it blinele. or fdte. or'luck. or deatinyT
Mannni himavlf devoutly aaya "iHiraele.” The ojieralor
ijooly ttys. -Oh' it juat hai.imoed so.” But minule or "bappeu. d
no” flat operator cau never forget that juat lataiuac tfaiuga wore
\gs ibty were, just beesuae be kept bis car-pi*-ee ui bis ears wbiLbe^TM prepariug for greatly needed aleep. wlirtluT tbs^..-was l>edbnac of utieonseioiu preeantiou, or beeouw of a aeiise of treim'ii'^ois'mpOnaibility n'ktiiig uimn him as the only wm-lew <i]a-rut<
br op ibe-Carpathia. 705 lives were aavutl auil Uie story *.f the biavdnt bo«r tbi; world ever knew has betuuie buloo-. .

’W'gMw Toy
1^’e aiy told uow tb« uo oc<»au liuera. uo lake veaaela. <-ver car­
ry wMtl lifeboals ami life aaviug appliauevs to aavr all the |ias•Mgara (bo-aSup.iaallowed to carry. Tbe law doesu’l nniuire it.
.tiwreforr it kaVdoiie. )Vr are also told few, even «if tbe larger
atMrfT kteaiurra. are provided wUb uiuiv than out- wirelem i>|H-raior.
'A fiup miist have ^me rest, bouc altvp. A wirriesa telegra|>b iu*
/*ln»ant is i«f no use without an ojioralor. Therefore for some
‘.JtpOt* 40 Xht twdnty-four tbe inatritmeul k uaelcss. Is this ali#» law 1
Than iH'a Jsake same aew lawa. Tbc Thaiue is two inilM deep
in vid-oeaaa a^td valuable Ijvea art) ioct. But there are other Titnin and- otbiT tim to be saved. Tbe lesson is a fasni one, but
it¥ifai>%d be learned quickly and well.

J.'bnue lampy is his Bauv. The whole world knows tt. .He
9arU it in tbe middle. He was ''saved with the women and ebUd-

mt ftu (M We Worship
. ' ^^. Oeo.'Ckslmer Bicbmoud. whoever be is, of New Hav-ra.
jN^.Wys, "tbe Hand of God slniuk down tbe Titanic betaiuae of
Uie wealtV amuera ou. boai^” We arc glad the God of Bev. Geo.
ClMluer Biebmund is not tbe^od. we wonhip.

Commisahn ‘{hvermiAt^
'Borne ftirm of eoimniaaion goveniiiieut is now. iu force, in two
Ili&dM ami aix cities iu Uiirty-four sui.-a. sud the rnults are aaitl
ts be very kiliidactory. Tbe siaq of the eiltes vary all tbc war from
> /ew thotnand to cme hundred aud fifty tbommud. Tbe- ezpcriant n beng earefully watebed. It prumipea wcIL

for Fbush
The Vldtfd Ststea hmi got about er^-thing cxm|^ elephants
■nd auoke^ And it wasn’t ao many, uuiuy utUion years ago tb-ct
we bad 'tbeae. but having no ii.iu.ediatc use tor them wc allowc-i
t)|'csea>e, Hkee‘nifed,lo be ebraper to import the few wj:
at(£^'tor cireus^and organ grindbrg. But wc were apesking of
palMh, W ysnr the Carmen of this eountrv- jiaid Germany flfteMiHioB-dollAR for ikrtaalL This didn’t look right. If Uncle
Sam wu big enough And neb enough to give ua aU a farm, it
w»mti 'he ought to farawb tm ill the potmih neded. also. Uf course
fibe fUteil mate« has worlds uf potssh. but it m€at be msde com-^
fil^reiaUy aviilable at. low coat, mud it is for Ifie goveromeut to
■Moot if ibia ^ be done, A cdngnwiional appropriation made
hH ymr ia being umd to exedleiyt idvweUge and good reanlta
•ra KpiUrted. Imnniae bodiea of 'jmtash. Iieyoud the whole world’s
ne«ds for A tbotoand year to eoiue. have been discovered and. ez-|
plored nnd the aite^ to malu ti»c enormous depooita available
Wil kordy
inrdy Ibe ouoooafnL The United BUtew bolda evorytfaing that
mm mn pornttly a
jnat sow it ar«wa to hold
X diililp that are not to a I’a advBUtige.
Tbewe we

by. m.™ we want a tfiing all we've girt to do it to lode

WSlt0ih0nffbn ‘





OpfOfUmits ^ Bmd. .


Tomorroer evealkg tbe ciUtens ot Traverse City will Uve (be «i*porcunity ot UstcBica to a man wbo represenu oae ol tbe llveet and mosi proe­
ms cities In tbe billed Stales today.
Wil1iantti«rt. Penp.. amnU where it doe* becatme (be eituau them­
selves pUoed ber (Ure. They evolvad the WlUiamepon Plan, tanioas-tar
tbe reealu It bde sgenrad for tbara.
Temorrow evenlna Um U. lambes, tbe men srbo looki after (be Inda*a wUt thta plan Is. I
trUl edveucwmsDt of Wliltamspon>«oinaB to
It U applied and what It baa atxomplUbed .in
lbs results bu s been marv elaas.
WllUamspoit bat been able to aeeare tbe very itronseet aad
Mi son of Indusdles: Ur. Urrabes will be eble to (ell oa rosily mo
than we can Icern from any other eoures. just bow Uds was done.
Bet we mast all rmnember that la applying tbe WlllUnuiwn Plan
Trarvwg.-ClG' we mast apply It In the WlUlamaport epint.—tbe spirtt lb
Bwved^ery cKlssB to work (oae^ber tor Ua toern.
-nib W-UUamaport Plan la tomoo* aU osar tU obontry. It baa made a
mlM'nliy oai pf vUi mlgbi Well have remained n derodem Umber u
Bnl II Is weU to poUt oat now. tlkl tm plan, ao melbod It U UAeif
oaaatnl,—ib«t,aoUlu mb m wUI mim trom anythin we himk tomonow
alsaa coeb aad envy one ol at Is randy r-'
------- —— -for oar (own. u devatop *Taaki work" in
cllr. and U pm forth eaerasde, conoaned and i e edlort to improve..»or
todgaUW wellsra.
Svary «m abould tun out to bam Mr. -Lombae. -m IwHea. capcctalLr.
abduM be tbwe u aad^ratand tbe Mtore of (be work that lUi

tbe two who met tbelr destfa yeeiefday in Grand river, a Uttle
Lanalag. aad Ura. UIIIoiMbI^em Nee Mias Grece R1
so makes her borne In (bis dty. Mtat

nty State boeplisL while Utas Cecil

T>e yoobg people enjoyed
(rlMdshtp of a targe drete o('|>eo|ilef
-whom they met dDring tbeir suy ta
Ue dty and who at tUs time w1

.. aerar m good ai tha aitMe U (mby Mn. Stall S. HaaBah,' ttttM. And so tt la with RSNKV8'
Cf&der. aUty
MMtr toavtoa ear amde V
UUor Cet wpdw V


toa(fataa'il, OI^ -feWto

lUeee 4oe<-phlac and Cedi lUchardson. dsugburo of Ur. aad Ura. 3.
A. Richardses, iia: UneW siruet were
well knowii in ibis city baring lived
here (or eereral yesra with tbelr parents. Tbe fanijly came to the dty
nlxmi seven or dglii ydars ago and
took Bp tBdr reeideBre- on Uncoln
street w*ere they have lived ever


•amdlT of tarn 0i«Vw>.tM^ ^


In our last ad We offered you Lime. Ceraent. Cal­
cine Plaster. Pulp, and BuUdiog Paper. We aote
witb pleasure tbat Uie call tor tbeae materials is' very
Now, we wish tpcall your attention to waiblntf
and scrubbing materials. Wadi-boaiUs from 7 to ll
inches wide sell from 15 cents to 50 cent* each.
Brooms made-of good, bright hrooih-com, idabi hard
wood handle at 32'cents. 'This is a baegein. -We
also have highie> priced brooms. ScrubMog jirss^
from 5 cents op. Sdaps,Sal Soda, ClothesPI|^ Wash
Tubs. Wash BoUecs wkh copper bottom M 91.36 up
to an All-Copper Boiler at $3.00.
Ail sold on "Mon^ Back" plan if net saUriactory





a Twoo gnw An> nAvnn bat mlb.

1^111819 IT wiiraiai

. tmfut pon TKiAL

Ml K mil H JM
All ^TMUeallr ArMd That CMW Wm

MlUftW* bf fvtnta^Whate
CHr AnwM Ovar
I WllUan WTti*

MTchiafr A tnw «Ml of tMtiaoBr
wb* ukm tron BUr
ib« eoD|^ were btHoid
rm ot rlrrult <t
d 4ollan bail earh aUaebed.
vlileii aelihcr ht«« ar rei rornUbMl
hm ihf «
eaamlfiatlOB »a» compteted
r allorae;
alloraer tor Ibc defenae cave
i-bcih uik to the packed eonnidOD.
and warn drowned eni by the nolae
t*ro*eeataf pFe<l K. Praii tbea an
itonaced the hall aad other la^ and
was cbeern^ acala aad a(ali
very hich and It waa doubltiil wbs<
■ be Immeeae crowd would do. Coon
was adlotmed aad the ctowd waited
at (he coiv' o< F'inm asd I'sloi
atreels for the detesdanta. hut Shafll


>Yank Shntar. wUblsx no deswaatra
Iloa ordered aa -astomoblle. whieii
came w tbe back of tbe teak bslldtoR
and Ibe Wittes were taken from tbi
bark door lo the foil b}' way ot Ba>
The Diet wlioen eumised saa
Allea Sallli. who lestlOed aa lo pbsi
he aaw at tbe boiiee wben-be waa ini.
lAbeiod aa one of (be eorooer's fory.
lie did not leli much more then b al­
ready knowB lo the people ot Tmrerse
City, allhoncb he save eome very *al
nable evUeaee. I>rohate Jndee Fred
R. Walker was nest calM npon and
toM whan be aent tbe Ihltte ebUdrea
away, lie aaU that temiifoiDU bad
teen made to him aa to tbe way la
which Wlite'a. children were betas,
rand for aad whan Witte waa brouebt
laio eoart ba said that If Harry, bfo.
aoa. waa aeot to tbe BL Jobn’e Orteaa
lloae In Orate Rapids that he would
take enre of the f wp glrfo under tbe
awTfofoa of tbe eoniL This was
asraad to ate Harry waa ae
OrwU Rapid!. Some time later. Jodge
Walk^ Mid tbai rather dotepb Bauer
tame to Urn and aaW ttet tbe notborM(m of tbe bene In Orate Rnplda
wished to rwtnm Ibe boy Harry; and
Judea VaUer mU be wonld bare ..
Bte ont mora aboM It
Tbe borne
fo ran by ChtboUea. Some time later
rather Baaer came to Jo^ Walker
ate said tbai the etafldna^^ere bare
ate to aotUy witto. Tbfo waa deae.
^ WItu aa« to (be Intel conrant
for ibote Tbfo waa not tbe Brat Bme
that dm Witto chOdraa bad been tmdte the MrvatltaBC* of the eoott and
Witte -----------* the boy Marrr tor all
of the tmMa.

4nath «l Uaefo WUto. tbs ali-ysvoto
teogbur tt Witto. MB
aUMC Ha 4ald aboM Ste
ts amA* bboot tbs stors « toe'
^ hoBW'AiU tola Of Uto og^fl MhB* ^ »*«- Wlfto M to -ilrf
■ M-UtUa Marie. Us teU that
m hsartba Move waa not avaa
I, ate ha fladaratote that the
k ita toa tvw wore Mt barted.
V wUag II aaam tbal ite Child
Utetely fee barbed to tba maanar
aa toU to tha Jury te« to»W;
_ Tha aury was Ibat Mrs.
^ WM^slM Ite <hlM a hath ate!
I^bar to BO to tha Mar. ate whM
* ' -» back (onnd the jcbiU JnnPwa wlib tba barn n»M
..e'lald that Vra. Wtto
« toot a« bKht wore racatete
w tobr waste haloib MMb ate
I ^ wants Steak «r

seen abodt (be beoae rerr Uttle '
aeswrdlac to HAl Perrla’a testimebj'.:
A rery Irnportam witoeoi waa Uni.
PaaaU t.aiDb. who mU (hai abe bad
Urad nril to ttra Witte is Rapid
aty, wbov name waa at ibe
Mrs. Bradford aad that her hsahaad
bad been killed In Chkaco. Bbe bad
two ehlMiee' at rbe time. Bra. I^mb
had rlsllfd Borb at their bouse when
they Uved on tbe farm southeast ot
the city aad also alaiw ll<ln« la Traverae ai>. Bbe loM on the aund bo*
She wns rlsliinc at the Witte
aad htnrd tbe other ditldres i«ai
little Marie arontul. The rbin’cried
and Urn. Witte west Islo tbe i%ddi
thraabed ber. lira. Lamb aald that
d to be f
piece ot h
B she re
to mind bar own liuslseas. Wit
tectlOed aUo ttet tbe cbiid-alep'
OB tbe floor wlib ao corertoR and
nimea wIltKfpi a bUnket nn
dar ber. Thai at one time a sort o:
corertBk waa made out doors Icr thi
Ctrl or sticks and tor paper for ber ti
sleep nnder. Bald also that it Imi
(lam ebe was at Wittes over nl^i;
ud that sbe wonld swear |«siilvri>
that Uarie cot no supiier ar.breaklaai
sod (hat at dlsser she was advent
bowl ot bread and milk ahlcli sb<
aaemsd lo enjoy sreatly. Will

Ctoyd NslaiHV atad two rtete
: Mr. aad Mrs. Vfte Kelaasr^
lair borne la Lake Aha ye«^.

Mlsa Belle UUer. ualnte
called to tbe state ate tbonsb abe
knew nothlBC ot tbe case she an
cblM ■( (he Hnghes uteertaklac .
bar buabste't story os to tbe afohi
iora asd (bontlst that tbe bivps wonld
that Wlua ao anfeellnily ate brutally
bM have bean so deep If the
ibrvw bis SOB Into ibe cold ate threw
fate been burned in the way that tbe
Further than
.WH'i* woman said sbe was. Mies Uilthis. Mrs Hoffmaater stated that (be
ier said that tbe botaa must have
children armamed after dark
bees cs'ute by tbe appllrailsa of hot
wonld take Harry and ber chil­
•tori or Iron ate that (he child could
dren down town ate lenro little Marie
net have been ao foolish as to stand st
ate ber younger aiaier lo tbe bouse
tbe sieve and bura ilaeir.,U^ Milter
would be eleven
alto stated that sbe had treated maay
ate twelve o'eloek at night before
ensee of bums ibat had bea aa ted.
eltber of (be Wittes would eomi
but wiib proper care ate treatment
Mrs. llolfniaater aim stated that one
they bad not reenlled aerloaaly.
IncldnBt she remembered very clearly
Mrs. Csrallae Graham, a neighbor and that wns one day when Mrs.
ben tbe Witte, lived on
Valle;- Witte left tbe bouse ioimediaiely after
street, testified that once whte Ham
and left little Marie In tbe
to tbe wood )-ard owned bj back yard aUUni: on a small box
the 'Beiiner lanory and -s.
was ^.na
cQOilnit ,0^ a Uraer one. At dHTen-nt t
back with an annrnl of rood, (be wo-1 do,
le and knock- .h.
ed him down and corned (be wood Ihe child waasim there and that at all
Into tbe bouse wbllc be. sen) back. times of ibc da; the poor youngster
\notber InsuDec waa a time when was seated on the box with her bead
.lira. Grabais was walking on the bill la.hcr arms balor* ber. Sbe natd
isdr tbe lierc Mprquelte (racks w hich m4s .tVilte was Bol at home all
mteraect Valley atrecl and abe teW
and Ibat the little girl bad nothing
Urs. WlUe pic* Harry-up and beat hb
sat. Tbe cblWren were torrml

Why We

Stooped Piufalof A Product of Great
rit for TIrio SeaMO

- _

Bnil. SO.VS COllPANt.

P. S.-The Stave Authorities Inslrt iliiu you. in ca^ yoTteJf'done
weeki is your local
toto*t •“ks
er lliki we niav letrarc
slew to rorrect the Inoc urate name eiien*or?^nau'v ^ tl the ml
mUjodertiling reUtlM- ip the comeni/- of soluble
' '
er ttlvtog^tl*


Tbe R. J. MacDonald Company
Traverae City, Mich,
AbJ 23-25 Mw7-9-M-l6

beail on (be rails of tbe track and.
I- about in cold weather without
when be got up bis face was coveced sboes or slockiags and
wltb blood aad bit b««d eras bleedlaa
leea Harr; in this eoadltlor
with hU skin sbowang ihrough the re­
Carflald Msdleon. an employe of ibt mainder ot bis scanty clothing. O:
Hoanlman Klier bUectric Ugbi ate day a cohmiollon was heard at ('
house.aa-l -Mrs. HolTmaster was at
to know- what It was all aliout
and upon
luoking aiross a1 tbe bouse
site s
the window'.
Intt she wa.s not the cause ni (his lime
of all the howling and crying, later
site saw Wllle In the woodshed, which
lltart from the house, and after
1 came to the conclusion that hi
uiiinorrlfun) boating
IlartT,-who then was made'to split
ali day long until his hands won
puriile and swollen, and lie was attire.:
cold day In the above i
Honed way.
At vr.riouV thnes It was btougbl
in Ibe testimony that the AVItlc <
dren Were badly trented while Ibe
chliditeof Mrs. Wide
clotbN'and cared for le cverv war.
Sh« look ibcm downt.own with
many timet and lit them play In, the
;ard and In ever} way did what toon
any mother would do for her rUndren
Util when It came to doing Ihlngw for
Ihe other children she was alw'ayn
verj- rough with them, and roncln
Ktons ma> be drawn that imu-hV ih,

vlsahle by the co{in and sherlD tlmi
•he bert way to .'take tbe aieused
i-oiiple to Ibc Jail was in a roundsboni

If you filled tbem.vUrB w^l; if you didn’t,
your rival got the order and may set the cub•lomeri’ entire trade. Wake up and pueta the
"BeST” flour made. Tlie manufacture and sale
of tbifl flour helps pay your taxes, pave your
streets, build your school houses. Doesforeifnmade flour do as much?



I «rc nelewortliy
tnm tte wMe vmMy nt
fo meet oU i
Over three tuuidrad tpic Man


drawn are hare

to pick from.

Thara war teas ■’ blggt'r ateertwiw





er a

breeoM lodalhfr Into eet dlvtoy.

prettitr M at Mytas



bate Court for tha County of Grand
In the mstter of the estate of Fred-Ick Allen, deceased.
Notice h< hereh; given that four
months from (he 25hd dav of April. AD.. Ikl2. have been allowed for credpresent their claims asainst
_.. ..
on and adjustment.____
rredliors of said deocaaed
.uulrte to present their claims to •
court, at the i>robate office. In (he t
of Travenw CU; . in aaid «-ount>. on
2Tih day of AnguaL A.
(hat aald. clsli

ifotte’AiSt 22nd7ArD, isi*.
Judge of Probata,
aprll 21. 10. may T. 14

Elksldn Sbocs

•.Low uid High Oita. ,,
Imrgest S'taowliif la 'J
Northera Michfowi.

Don^ FaU To 6el
AWatdiI "

A. V.FrieM;
Uadiag Shoe Store



The prteaa ar. as

^ .nere yo,
MiU aleaoe thcfli wJ
at llM oMttc HMie.
Tbeaa tjraiaet do mere than appeal to your puraa.
they appa^ to ygtir tasto.fec «yiiab darmnds th« are
wslldMUM oed Mlltollerad. They abeeld mtbecenfimad with tha many

Fcreak Drewes

.tiag Wytaa. th« thara 4a im «aM teaaaa tor maktad

white have tiethli^ to esmwand them ether than op-

Made to BMi (lattarea, fUbX
ate dark oMww. high er lew

the flirlk' dmss whan yeu can Wqr oadi cfovar ttytoa

.r,”’""...... i3

Is What We Hear Time
and Time A^am—And W«
Want You to Look Over Oar
Large Line Before Biiyinli k
Will Surely. Pay You.

With Every ^Ilar or Moie
Purchase Customer Can Ob­
tain One of These Stmn
and Stem Set G^rantacd
I. and ttet all
Watches for ONLY % CENTS.

warp lew tar aueh prwtty. wsB toileted aad parfact-M-

... 69c

I Ever itoo*’

- ----------good
(ii.jiioied Innas. H. r. ljaU», Sli
Stale Hank Bldg, Tra.ersc'CHy.
BUrtl 2- •Mii-h.

nt REN'S

> atj. ^3™

BUhrbe D. Laraben of tbfo idly,
nblted In
luarTtage Friday
by Jo.ilce of the Pnaee
M. CnrtU.

Souul ManTwil^SHrti.
ma<. June, jul;—iue««


sorfl nM*

-he funera! services white wateteMa
root tbe home this a

Hamy flehadb has rsaiened his poti­
on os baggageman tfi the M. A

On Hay 3 and 4 we will have one of our expert
repairmen at the Queen City Implement Co.'s store.
Travene City, with a full line'of repairs to repair all
Empire Machines brou^t in with no diarge except
for repairr^ised. All Uiat is necessary to bring is
the Head Bowl and Skim Milk Cover.
^ Dra't
I^Ace and da^ Friday and Sat- |

Hundreds <if newest
and rooet^ctical styles
just in. go on sale at
twenty to forty per cent
under value.

Tinilc anil Bean strelna. best v '
laHiftv_t»’‘-hlng egg*, il So |.-r

l>oth looked -fearfully ii|> I'nlon street
would dlilcov«-r
them before they v •c token to


Axe Ite
Vaises In

tucs-may. June. July*

. It may be said that fear
'.apiarent IB the facei.«r tbe
wife wbo bave'f.lIrTcd the beans
of Traverse Ciiy4csidenis by ih
humanity they hav>- sbown the
ilrca given them 10 bring u^ and
when they stcppcl Into the car they

STATE OF MKTfIGAN—The l*ro. E, depot, and will cnlbr Into bnsi- tiale Court for Ihe t'ouniv ot (iraml
nest partnership with his fatber at
In the mailer or the eslacc of John
Provomoni. His SDccessdl is fUarlcs Krougio, diicased.
'lUlams of Walton.
Notice Is hereby given Hist
»nth« from the JiJnd day of /
The funaral of £dward Laulner held
O.. HH2. have been allowed
the church of Inimariitatc Ooncep-'
creditors to present
their cl
Unn thU monilni
pgainsi said de<-eascd lo said cour
»r known lo the cltLevarolnatlon and a-iJuMUieni. and
of said >leiv:ased are
filled to cwpiclty with Wends
uulred to i.resenl iheli- cfolpi..'10 said
and the precession to tbe cemetery,
coon, aUim t-rnUaip olHce. In ihc .-In
rotighneas was iinnccesuiry most o1
extended many hlotes. whHe the flow- of Travel- City, in said count>, on
tbe time. Sbe was not by any meanr
era were magniflceni. Elx brothers. Iwfore Ihe 2bth day of Aiigusl. A.
fact the hooic
claims wUI
Stephen. Ferdinand,-John. Wentel. l»t:. and that aald
heard iij saU coun on Monday the
Frank and Anton acted as pallliearThe caae * very pMituI an-’ bv the
Fatber Sheeban eondneted the
testimony (
sken and man;
servltet ted Interment waa In Ibe
- iledAMrltfiSBd:A.D-. liH2.
other wltnewses may he called
Catholic cemeterr.
irial it acemi u though tbe Wlllee
JBilse ot Protete.
rll 22, Ztl.^y

Enqrtre Cream Separator €e.

•ntooB aner a tong IIIdms wjlh to- ]
bercultwfo. Tbe Uule chJUfo m|)A J
fatber. Wm. '.Vlkel o( tbfo «KF. 4^ |
for Lake Ann this marslng to

Alphonao H. tyror, a tarmac
:Al.n OO.. Traverse City. Mkh.
We beg lo hereby advise (bet. (hroegh error, we blfered for
tele Niagara SprsMag maierfol. wbirti we terme<l N'Agfun Ury Ume8ul,>bur
Bolmlon. The fsei j,^r1ir numer is (tisi this dry preparation doc. not conhas been euiudanted to the preparation by
, othSBlwrlor to tbe coinlUiiawblcli ik
sulphur heretofores Inrnlsh
The Stole Auth
esim and Instated U|«B th!
originally reqi
VI-. .1
tiKiieilal iM-irg:
r sprn
soluble aulidinr
spravinc ii-aierfoi.
letiuest ,-ou lo a-hii
ont ei
exceidtoa ate Immedfole)'' t
•xaci nature cf ifaU preparation
>u lit
our Imal taper, or ar; olber a>
. }Ou
your tiepa in tnefa a
Ibat those who have purchased or
toatem--------------------------Ji does norro
le DiiiM insist
1 advise us bj' early mall that >i
-....... .......... ..........Ihoiougkly as
n (hv has gone forward c
this spraying material placas
the State ol .Mlchlgau.
Kindly nc'KBowWge recciiu of these InsiruciloBs ate oblige,
lours very itulv.

Empire Cream Separator Users

aol taw Us sama atosy aboct the:
bi«h( .that Marl, dial (hat was toU oaj
tha atoad Mriag tha awaatf'* laateW.
WhM stead If thi hte Harry tateMi

parmt atraettvensM


several .mail lets of black
ccierad uffrtas and m<
V wary prtety ctyjae. 1
iptobla. worth (« to M40.
pe en apKisl esia at SfJS,
5 ate «
lack «a

dmaas on the mpNist

K Is the parti^r wteiatt who

teU be moM plaaMd wHh thsaa ofrts Oressas of eon.

EjammOa^ Special to 4Sc

Twe d»«Mt stito. to MO. WhM adjMtod for acheel


ano.lsMOrolycltoi»Md.a.t*e omowt poeket. are
Tlaw. OM to br .tod fer^MoclL ter.

fa's .ppaar-

broatet toto

Thato OombltoOoe Drito. era

Bade ot pretty «togbaiafrtor«l>fo C to Id. at oaly............. ................»L«
«trV DtetoW to wtaHe asd nteirad matrrtoto tor all ocasktas.

•UU Btettiar Otewe* of Otadhamate.ltatMlwW .......7slh
“ -•••••-■............................ ..................


\ J


A MotsI CMihtoMlM School Drw»
You muw aae tMs paw aevtRy Id a Cembiaatian Bchaef Dtesa-

^ in to. It. u oBiy...................
WflB slactesht-i.,.,;’..........

auJC ttep— la aS Mton



nloncs lepcatte this. HoSmaator
aald that be was home but lime darlas the day. bat ttet tbe chtldren
.erted ate acrsaincd maay Umea
Binbt when lelt aloae by (be at


Rower comimny. waa walking down
Wasfalagton street out- evening in
comioiay with Ditk Ik-long iia.i th,
•ivme tense aad both mt-e bearing
commotion and lerrible screaming,
looked up Into the window u|wtalr»
wid that Marie was ^ery scniitiLi
where the shade wns up and Mr, Mad
dressed at all times and dial the lime
Ison said that he could bear
alter tbe lieellsc ber IIsiIm
and scream a. Ibongh somen
-Idccd with bm! ter*.- ,
Iwsilnga child will, a book. He i-ould
Mrs. Laub-Hl lltil.. Hi,err.
see into Ihe room whicli was llgliitil
Urn. ITorence Ifoniiim wa*
l.y n lamji and
ailed 10 the stand and said III
Witte Imaling a rhiid. themgh he did
had tired artou <Iie street tniii'
not know wbo Heed there. This Ind
Witte's on Waakincton MrcH asd Ibat
dent occarred on necember IS, l:i|l.
thU wlster lbs ted seen.$ <4iIU. aiqv
H. C. lloirmsster. auoihte neighlmr
pcsedir little ktorie. at the trosl -np
when the accused rou|^ li^
suin wisdows at times wtien (be
ley street, was called lo Ihe aisnd and
must hare been cold,
gave some very damaging evidence.
child scraiied (he frost and Ire tioic
He cited an Instance which tiap|>eocd
wisdows to pel a ttllBlise ot the
on a night lu mldwlnli-r i
street. She tbouebt DOthinc
Witte lived on Valley street. One
ot (he scanty cloibinc <
night Mr. lloffumBtcr was awakents!
rhiid as sbe Ihoncbj that sb^tnikht be
hardy, tboush sbe could not tell from between twelve and one o'c-lock liy the
screams and cries of a lioy and the
Climiwcs amiu.« the alrcel
euraes of an older mao. .Mr. ilolfoias
Child's COBdltlOB.'
out of his window, wbirb
Hiram temb,
lastb. who leetiOed brtore,
ant lot between '
be bad lice's at (he Witte home sev­
about forty feel in width, amt aaw a
eral limes, nod tbouah be b
lupposedly Harry, thrown out ot
seen.(be child beaceorveltber bad he
the dedr onto tbe back porch with |>osever teen ber fed and be h
lllvely no elotblng niton bis body, and
eeen her when sbe waa not covered
with (kiraes the man wbo.'In all probabruises and cats aad Mrs. Witte
bllify was tVKte. threw a pall of eater.
always bad an exrnae tor th«

T- B. a Htbor was enMAbte Iha
idgt) fbrt bf his Itedmctby was'
. _M toa b«r^ wMt «biMl hy b hot;
^ *T •*>!.« ate that .tMy 'wsm
tobB twn or thtea 'wo^ eU. Mn.:
■Mate Mrta. a MtBhbor. laotlflad

tdimt. aw




New Wafoti ef bar^ «
«M to atripaa tea chatea S
embreWsrad co^ur. (pn '
duffs aad pNkst. Nev 6N
pidte whits ate atrip*, u
—' parcatoa wHb tba daw
tote evte editor ate ^

■ IS

Cairo nuLTiin bkbau>, asd niTnii bat xaq

I >pwi»L •tisnwo or

ll MMlac ef 'tbr Bovd ol au­
la bt -turn to MBTM* w tb«
00 oitr ot Tnt«rsr
MiV. April fill. A. O, im. *r

HamUa........... ...............
1. B. H. Barro**.
V. Oirttoi*. u K.
-- ... M«nu. ChM. H.
r, J. H-BmU. T. G. Sfellion.
«. Tto« B MUte. NeUoa


raaa and dedaraUoa at reaair be
beptad mad adopted.
Hbka. Buell,
Burrowa. Aadereoa.
Rludoa. KIckeratn. WrckoB. Otaj.
Broadtaot. Kaaiknrik.r. Deaa. HbUi
Oerelapd. UiUa, MerriU.
Tb* nlfiutee of ib« daj e aeu
were lead aad ai>pKi>e.L
On metba of Ur. Hlcka. >>u)i>oned
r Mr. Aadereon. Ibe boerd atUouraed.
r. li. .Hamlia. Gbaln
Bloer E. White. Clerk.

4 uf
UM oieeuBaa
road eoasMilea hectanlM wedneAuj
at 2 p. m. sod rioalot al noon Tbura-

s. that the proposition of bond
> .... . Travetao ‘
d DoUan

„ -JS’S'S: ...

DAT. AfUL B. ins. ,
tag tta awoe. as we think we have
wit R. Rulberrord and C .C. Haw for
NTT fine •'tanlldlBg^ to which
rh tbU>^he HoMsable Btart'^fV^e^ris the aervicew of ianitor J*r the «»bi.<
otan^-OST^ an of Grand Traverra Conwy:
house. kalMlngs and groond;.
sDle^'rb# Ubd^'A
- lAFjMfrGeutlemen;
We, your romtulllee
‘^°’l*soy tare not
t*. on Baaace, way# aad mraup, to w
Wc ha> V consldere.! aU Ibe peHtlons
tbrir par for this w«-k. and we was referivd tbr talanre due on


the propoeliloQ be
Ur. Gray that
submitted to the electors -______
. accepted aad that tbe
" ^aa?™raw rauwy'^rd'ra^lw
*!jta‘*“ta'' hi
bera of the beard attend ibeae'_____
ileadeniB of the |ioor bi
tnca wbaa apt latericriBE arlth tbe
d to driw orders on ibe conn
work Of the beam.
Whereas, the said election was beM
y. D. Marrio.
ty elerk for the ume. amouwlng
In- due

' Uw; due notice
•A. E. Pulver.
The elert called aueatloa to tbe been given aad
appearing fn
SapnIateadeBU of the Poor,
to pnrrhnte
nnual aearion of the State Aaeocls- as. of tbc vote, receir
e.1 ihei
HDD or founiy I'lcrka to »* held In that 2.331 votes or ballots were given
Traverae Cli>, June 2< aad 27. fil2. la fsvor Of borrowing aid _
Tta loUewdnj u a autemevil ahowifif tta sxptnee ef building the
ived by Mr. Cleveland and su|e lhat 1.992 votes or tallots were giveir
Ingnuory, writh water aystem and agwerage dispoul plaMt
against borrosrlug aid sum.
4 by Rr. Utils that tbe aaaoci
..........( 10.C93.WI
____ be alveo room In the conrt hum
Therefor* be It resolved. That
not othenriae tc use.
said duestiOD of borrowing Teh Thou­
'O' the pnrpoM afor^A
^ n.icc.M
The Board of Sui»rrliora of Grand
The chairman announced the fol^i
loah « l.ay MeiranU
Co.. plomblBg and bat* la hOTby declarcl'tn have lieeo
Tcararee Couatr met fa recular aaa- Inp reiDWiiteex;
t 2.VSS.W
aGm le tbr Court Hooae lo Trar
* Fiaame, Wara * athi Meant—i. II. carried, determined and authorised by
vote of the electors of Grand 1rav.
'Itv.-Ulcbiwo. on Tueadar. ApHl
Buell. W. W. Dan and Chas. II. Brood
•ae counfy voting ihereon under Aci
. J)_ Itif, at S o'cbck a. m.
fpot. whose duties It shall be to exam­
D. 22S Of (hr- Seaioa lows of ISM
The board trat called (p order br F. ine the accounts of the ctxioiy clerk
and of tbc county treasurer aad »eiBe It funherjresoht.l. That
Preeeai—Bu&erTfaorx Joha 'Hoxeb. lle wiih.ihe tatter, and 'o recommend
llanillD. o the lioard ihe amouiil of uxe* to be board of su|<erMiera and the eounly
Acme toiroablp: Praak
Uecrrlc pumpiBg outllt ...
i "i................................ .
clerk be and are hereby auiborlte<l to
• . Eaat ■ssesaed.»aebU>: Albert CarlUb.
Srweimt* dtsimsal ....................
Etn^Usatlen-ll8li.h Hl<W
bonds ol/'tbe couniy of tlrand
Bar lovoefaip; Kalpb
<.ooneellon. Horn i*w..r to oiaUi bulliimg
I. ake towaabip; J. H, Buell, Gai
Sarfbld lloxsie. Chsa K. Ilai.elorxky. K
Traverse to-The amount of Ten Thou
lovaeltlp: Bdv. II. BorroirA (_____ BunowA Wm. H. Cray, whose duties and Dollars in the denom
itfalp: Jobo .ADdemoa, Green l.ake It shall Ik- to uumlac the acveral as- One Thoiiund Dollars each,
Mercantile Co. on plumblehlp. Fred Hln*don, Uke sessnicm rolTu ol the county
of luiercst uol to exceeil 3 per ”^lta 'rarnraT”*^ *
U)«ni Ibe etinaliuilon
- annually . aiHf
lahlp: Eraeet A. .Vlckemon. Maycent per annum, laysble
■ hat aid bonds shall .t
........ lowiublp: Neban J. Wyckoff.
aims-an I Arcotmla—Bre.1 K. .\J111
Paradbe townehip: William B. Gray.
leaat ten years from the date thereof.
Peolecula lom-nekiii; Chae. II. Broad
................................................ Carllsl
and that ihe Ifull faBh
foot. let avd. Tfaveree CUy; Cbaa. whose duties It alutll be to examine Grand Traverse e^iimy is here!
.. lovekv. ..
aanl. Traverse and reirnrl ui>un all claims sMlnat-the reroCSl
ibly jdedged to tbe la;
II. Haaelorekv.
riiy; W. W. Uean. 3rd » ir*l. Travene county.
if. and enrh of aid tands.
county InOmiary..
Ctiy; Tboe. G. Stilleoa
Iwued. logeiKe:
t Ihe interest
cviimy Inflrmarv..
Tiaveree (Mtv;
J. K.
>ilnd. ;.ili rlon W. Merrill and hVncsl A. .NlckeT- thereon shall be
innary. February, March—l.umlH-r at couniv Intlrmary.'...
• Traverae

City; Fred E. '111U.. soD, wboee duties K shall lie
xlnsi the eoonl}

ol Ctgnd Traverae
inuary. February. March—SaUrr for Homan
Taton lowuehlpv Marloo W. ilerrJlL
tie .anmuni of taxes
HI laid in fuU.
jnuary. February. March-Groove* a'l count
Whttewatei townsblit
rviromiuejidsd by '
Moved by Mr. Dean and aupi>oned January. February. March-P——i— •—>—
laijce. ways
I flnaiTce.
waya and
a.. . _____
Uoved by Mr, Sblleon and RO|i|ioi
by Mr. lianslorsky that the reaoln January. i-Vbruary . Mareb—1
for^county inflrfaar.v!;
veral lownshiiit iand the oi
I by Mr. HIrka lhai the Ixtard j.r
Hon be adopted.
January, February . .March-f
Coumy Grounds
d Uulldlni
ceed to fbe election of a chairman.
February. .March—Bed and springs
K. aeveland. Chas. I: . Droailfoo
Queen C....................
.. IJght
■ larited.
and J*ower Co...
Cthaa. II. Hiuislovskv.
... _____—.
Milk furnished couniv InBrraao' ..
Move<tby Mr. Hoiale abd «Bpporte<l ceaeial suia-rtiaion-of the count
Iiy Mr. Hlcka that tbe I«ard iiroceed Rounds and Wlulufts and reitoi
ia-ele.1 a chairman by laltol.
ihereon lo this iKwrd.
Kcrtillier on county farm... .1............
Couniy Poor—Chas, H. Haaslovsk:
Uueen City Imidement Co, wood!].................
Ur. U^n aad Ur. Hanabrak:
Nelson J. WyrkoE and Wm. B. Grav,
Hannah A !.■> Menantlle-<'o.. •
I appeared before
to whom, shall br referred all mauers'
Hannah g- Uy .Mercantile t'o.. .
*TheaamVot I^Sik M. Ilaml
t power ll
relptinn to the manaaement of the boaid it> behalf of ilic Traverae CUy
hnson Drug Co., mwllcinf at countv ir.flr
lireaemed by Mr. Dean.
county iioor and retort ir
Baseball Assoclaiien.
*ad furnished county Intlrmary. vilipuaT y and kiarab!!
Whole number of totea catt for the
.Mo>ed by Mr. Dean, and supporte-l
lal furalshed couniy Indrmary ........................... ..
oBloc of chalrmao
for the eneulDB
Towns—Marion W,
>............................. by Mr.. Brosdfoo^rfi tbr Basetall
ippllea left In house. Janudhy 1st. and imld for by county..
year. IT. of which Prank M. Hamlin Clngdon, John Auderaon. whose duties Assorlailon be $TCnted ihe use of Hie
^ived Ki. J. H. Buell 1. W. W, Dean t shall be to re|»ii mion all iwtllkinH
muds fonhis .rear gratis.
A total of .
Carried by . ..
or the cbanalnt: of boufldaries or ■
iisselman Groc
. supplies...........................
Moved by Mr. I
lenibers iirew-ni voting yc.
iraaniuihm of new towns.
by Mr. Hlrke tba) the eleciioD of Mr'FrinllnB-W. W. Dean. Ernest
R II. Kiswonh, chief clerk of the
Hamlin be madr ii
ckerson. Fi
Westeni Michigan Development BuFred Klngdnn, whose
Properiy BelenBine to CraiHf Traverae CcuiSy. In ehar«e of «
tics It shall b
. cBlue liefore Ihe board and asl
be lo protnle for tbe p
___ matter of the pnrehaee .
tic prliiilnp
Inn of tbe rbumy and all n;
ilie TcconimendailoD of some i
Bnrrowa adJIni; machine for the .ofI> lortalnlng thereto.
for-a director on the bureau
County poor (ami rontaining 20 acres
flcM of the trcaaorer and clerk was
Roads and BridKes—U K
<'i•• w rvunry Inllrmary building .....................................................KOOtiji)
preaenied. and on mottos of Mr Clerr- Uml. Net.
- Wytkolf,
- Netsoa J,
Edw. II. Bur
ived by Mr. Cleveland and >
iwcr House and water kiipjily............... .................
laad, Bupported by Mr. Hanilovi
wliose duties It shall be to rea* made a apeclal order of bu
maiieni pertainiDe to
2s d^rH« rtaira**!..............
r 2'o'clork this atlernoon.
board a. a repiwniaiive
- rocking chairs ............................................................................................ |g«
.Moved by Mr. CarlUle and lu
fore this board.
vetopmrat Bureau.
tabic* tor dining room. 2 nep^...............................
ed by Mr. Clevelthd that the-boa
ed by
by .Mr. Cl
CleveUnd and
}oum until l;30 o'clnk for thi
irtevl by .Mr. Buell
Buell that Hie apt
The request r the Woman's lleJict 19 stands for. bedrooms, new..
IW Of pivlns
Coriis for i>erij
menis be conllnue<k
III a c
rariwi. malting
which to eelectI bla cominltteea.
let in the Post rooms In the Inucuicdi
wlih springs .
of thceouii house was presmied kii-l

2 o'clock [1. ni.
blankeia ...
l:3u o'clock p. m.
The hour having arrived at which 1
on motion of .Mr. Broadfooi. aitiuionBoard called to order by ifie chairyiulder the jiutchash ol the Burrows ^ hy Mr. Gray, ihe request was gram-



............... .

r, AprU Ml. A. D.. 1«I2.
2 o'dosic p. B.


■ ■

■aBbara vct« pr—eat at totBouie. Acm u«uhip.
k U. HaBllB. Sialr levBitilrtt OarKab. Baai Bay tcnnnhlp
.k Bleke. nta Lake uvaetilji.



OB. OrwiB Uke (o*B-

__ Lou Lake toirnibli>.
■ A. Klckertoo'. MajHeW lownWpckof, fbradUe toaaB a Grer,

Pmlanb town-

AaBrudfood. lai ward. Trav... HaatlorahT>



___• air.
W. Oau. 5rd ward.


...J, Q. SbDaea. 4tb ward. Trat-* a%CTobad. $lh


~9iot a Mine, UDioa towaabip.
Marlu W.
MerriU, WbRewaier
. Cbrelaad ud caplaulevtkr that Fnak
aleeted teiaporar}'
Hsrad br Ur. Shllaea
r Mr. Cbrebad that
rube be
_________ e of ton
made pemaaeai
______d br Ur. reilMr and aupponB tar Ur. Baall that the rbalrniaa apBat • ooBBlitoe of See 10 caeraae
• le^ OPUOB TDte.

II 4.:M o'clock for



Boll call; all membem preaci
Detroit. Mich_ Feb. 24tb.
Ttat MtowlBf report wu preeoetedi •o tbe Board ol Superriacra. Graad
B tba Boaorabb .Board of 8uiwr\l«
Traverae County. Mich.;
era «t Grand Trarerae Couatr:
Yen are hereby ni
QaUlaBee: Wa. roor apedal
led ibal a certain contract entered
itttaa, (o wbon waa rebrrwj ibe p on the 19th day of March. 1909. hy
Kb at cueaaalu lb* local opil
and between the Couaty of Grand
Abet bato'toreport aa folbwi;
Traverse and tbe CUy of DetroiU
Iboib lielnc represented by'duly authoriaed acents). for tb* keep and
^ tba yropoeUloo. Yea................ :.i
care In the^lrolt House of Correc­
' R tbc prepoaitton. No............S.i
tion of certiln priaonen convl
convlcie<! in
eenrta of—Id
, la lieiwhy an;
nulled, elfecilve Sejnember let. >912:
neitce betnit In accordasce with
U K. Oevalaftd.
cihuae In aid contract pemittilDy the
annulment of the afcreemenl ui<on ala
moBtba notice.
Kindly notify the courts aad maglaBalph Hlcka.
tralea In yMr county of this aitlon.
. Cemialuee.
Frisonen. ran be commlllcrl here un­
d by Mr. Kaaalovaky and aujv! der the present contract iftitlT Baplemby Mr Jlanl^l^t tbe report her 1. 1912. but not after that dote.
Please acfcnowledce receliA In ihd
CarUtle. encloaed aelf-nddreaaed envelope.
Burrowe, Aaderaon,
Tbe City of Detroit.
Wyckoff. Otar.
By J. U McDonell.
% Dean. Shlltoa.
Butrt. Detroit House of Correction.
I. MlUa. Merrill.
Vered by Mr. Httulorsky and a
orted by Mr. Merrill that the ra
innlcalloo be reewived and plare,!
t Ceevate end DeaUratlen et

Z'mfvSSo ?!.!?***

addlDf^ machine, it .was moved by Mr.
is udHI I1:2» o'clock for •'ammUtee work.
the comtnlitee on
1T;30 o'clcnk,
Can- .Moved 1^' Mr. Hanslnvskv and suiv
............. ...
polled by Mr. Gray tliai the Iwar.l adto preaent the matter of
Journ until 1: 3o o'rlork:
icilon of a rued between Ti
• City aad the Dunn school-house
1;2n o'clock p.
^th? .Nortbport and Newaygo Slate
Boa^ called to order by tbe etalp

-- sheets .......................................
pillow slip* .....................................
hai racks .............;......................
2 kitchen rahxes ........................
Pishes for kitchen and dining p
CaniM fruit. 2o« quarts .............
Pulaioea on hand ............. ........... ..
Beans on hand ............................. .
67 cbickena ...............
3 pigs .............................. .............. .

r. an-m*


•ervice*. r'

Cha.H, Broadtaot.-

1 amendment, n.oved hf Mr.
and aupiutiixl l.y Mr. tliu-ll.
siiltaen oui"!>r l4'‘*raUri*"M*d the
words, -with orniraci,". added: and
that th<- chalriran. clerk and p.oww,,i.

As an amendment to the amnndmeni, inorci t,y \ir. Dean .amt sup
liorted by Mr. t^ckuE Ihai the oiidv
-chalrtiian and.'ri.-rk.- t- stricken uur
■ hat the-' words, "cciinoiliiee on
ly luitidinga an.l groimds---

l^ml fdll6wr

atbcnJineni leanll-

Hlcka. BiH-n. BuiTows. Anilerwon!
Kingdon. NIrkeraon, tiiav. Bitadfool
Itanglnraki, Skl^. .......... ...
Nny.-Wyriioir. D«n-2.
. -.
Mr. Cleveland rehoed to vote.

origtnal motion as ameodrd
was -ihen duly
.luly carrioL
‘ __
Move.1 by M>. -■‘TTlh| ■ nri|
Mr. Merrill ihni tbe boarda^dl*.
n toriMrrowS:5u o'eJock,
HamlUt. Ohalrman.
Ktmer R^'whlte;



Boonl called to ord^by^'ta ctalrRoll call; all membera presral rxrei-Hng Ml. Nkkeraon,
The mtnoies of yesterday's session
were read and aiipuved as corie.ied.
To the Hcnoiable Board of Suix-rxls:; We, yotir committee on
trance. wa'>. anil means, to whom
a* r.-terred the comtmiiil.aiton from
le sh.Tlfl asking for go iwr cent of
s bills when prcseuie<I to the rouncl.-rk. your commlnee would re•ecifully recommend that adRon on
1C same be taken bv the wbolF taard
J. H. Biiea


OB the lalrle.
To the Honorahle Board of Bapenisgiounds and L
of the couniy fair ground*, would rx.
onimund that the conurenalion lor the
coBcesstoas at the tall grounda from
Ihe Traverse fir. Basr-liatl Assoclsion tor Hiis sHnon lie fiuj.fsj; sasre
) keep
J^'S'RO .to
kecji Hie
rhe grout
grounds l
n anrl isylice tbc grnniid
Ii*^s o -n expenre during the ball araJ.-K-Cleveland.
Clia*. Broadfoot.

! Sffidr'.:;:::::::::;-;;::


No action taken.
RoU call; all member, p
The chairman II
le exccjHon cit Mr. Hoxi
eceas until «;3(i o'clock for commit. Nickerson.
Moved by
Wyckofl and aupimrt»e work.
Mr. Hoxslc pxrnsed for the aftersd by 'di. Kliigdon
4:20 o'clock.
xcceiued ami adiiHcd.
On Irehalf of the (i. A. R. Mr. Clevelov.-d
d b....................
by Mr Hitks a
1 pair itraDing shara !
iBd extended an Invlialkm to tlx- by .Ml. Rru.ndlaol t___ .,
KuIh-m liarnr.'
I coal car. . . . . . .
lembera of iltc boar.MRo lUirilHiatc and clerk Im- aiKhertTe.! li
Ii C. Gi-mialiiitun or coal on hand ..
In an eurerlalnniem to ite given by
contract witti tbe lliirtxiws Ai
before the boa,,. _ ....
tbe Post this evening. In c-oniineinoraachiiie Compniiy for I till l>uj>lci
the Fair Asxxdaltoa and r>«inetied
■ hu. |iaranl|is .................
;kin of l«e's.auirender.
haectric Adding and Ustlng srarlilne.
the tmard to make Mimr pruxisfon lor
following rcwilall
was offered
Cairied by yea and nay vote, all
irjaiits and new
iiuilbMnxs al
range boiler .
by Mr. Cleveland:
members iireseni voting yea, exceirtmil ground.
rread mixer
lo Ibe
le HoBoraUe Boanl of Suiwrvis- ing Mr. Cletelaad-JJo.
(•D mofiba of Mr. DeiB. sui.iiorterl
1 Sideboard, old .
ora of ttrand Traverae Com
rh- aiipllcail
by Mr. Broadfoui. the <-ummlHee on
I* ruspldora
Gentlemen; Wbrrau. It has i-ecomc
the |■osiH<
liHon of ianltur <
buildings .and grouuds wa asked lo
apiiareni that a gunlon of ibv .Sewayso SUle mod bordering on Silver
Lake Is In tad condition and that the
-------------neceaary (or
mount or travel by reaorters. fanii.
■rred to the «
Movea by Mr. Han'itovsk:
work, and make report.
rs and business men makes h a hard- Ings and grounds
d lo dra\ ord
Tbc followtng report was prraeelblp to travel this road, tberefore be ll
fd and read by Mr. BroadfoM of Ibe
4* for t^ aar
Resolved. That we. tbe board of auI'pon the raoHorLOf Mr. Hanslovskv
aflIt of ell the Totee
pervlBora. would recommaat
npiiorted fy Mr. Mills; ll was ilie
Hoved by Mr. aevelaBd and rapW. W. Dean.
Trust Company at DMrolt retailve i
rty B •
ease of tbe board that the coatran
Cbaa. Broadfooi.
‘a at the cooaty of Grmad Trav- an audit of the counD books was pr
ith the Bnrrow* Adding Machine Dried by Jlr. Gray that tbe nmtter of
lalms a^nst ;he a
at the election held on U« let sented. and on motion of kir. Clev
be Ol_____ __
O. should be for cash ufioa delivcrv
_ Jt April. A. D. 1*12. oe the prop- land. supported by Mr. Dean. It wi
. superriaora.
r tbe machine subject to a dlseonai
rr Mr.
Hliaa or oonaty pidUUUob:
' the comnilllee on aasac
' Moved by Mr.
ef 2 per cent In ten dac*.

. aereiKcd and adopted.
L. K ClevelaAd.' ehalrmaa of coanf aU the naanlaetare of llqnon
Moveil by Mr. Haiuioraky and sup
Cvried'by yea and ur raU. aU

B«aer titfic be problblte.1
“r^aTerae Oty. Mk*, I-M2.
B adopted.
ported by Mr. aeratand that the Herk
Elmer While. Couniy Clerk. City:
Tbe matter of thi
e eoanty*
:BM of g- sembert present roUng yea. 17.
ntta Beard of Snpemaora of Grand
Moved by C. Hanslovsky and anpDear Sir:
When we looked on
ram of boTM* and i
s (or BM
Moved by Mr. Dago nod supported
mr account, tbowlnc narments mad by Hr. Hoxaie that the board atUoun
: (he county farm was prern
or the renUI by
and OB motion of Mr. Sbllson, asp.___
-—'• Mmorrow
------<Wlenm: Wa. ybar committee oe
•t the poor el Iota 4. I« and It
♦d by klr. Cleraland. tbe matter wa*
To the Honorable Boa rd of Superrle- '
Iteele A Spencer's ai'
tddlikin to Travp.. M
ed Id the tands of the comialltee
Moved by Mr. Hansloviky sod s
iratlon tbe fellewiag
ora of CranddFraven « Cennty:
■rse aty. we found
Inaoee. ways and mean
K. M. Hhmlla. Chairman.
>iied by Mr. Broadfeot jbal t
the Ooenir Fair
UenGemen: After raretol xonsIder-J
thirteen paymenta. made, beginning
ovad by Mr. Oereland
Elmar K. White. CSrt
embers be addad to the balldian
:IOO with tbe committee of the F
Kovember 1st. 1910. Tbe annual lease
ed by Mr. . Brvmdfooi
** .5?*^ Ammlttee and that eald
AaaoclailoD. w« beg to report I
ran for eoe yar. .Tbe thirteenth payWedneada.v, Aprtl^^b. 1912.
T-undi ataO I--------------------- ---amem
Deal, as you win sec. wonld run unn of the board of aupervUora.
tlU.M for reimlrtag graad at
01 tbe in day of D
Board called to order by tbe c'balp
2. Tta oommli
2M.90 for sblsgllag old main b
■mittee on eonnty granadt
Ttaereferc. we are onUlled al ibU time
aad bonding*
> Bhall
hare rimne aad
tor the aoiths of December. 1911. and
Tbe ehalrmaa spi
Roll call: all member* present with
«MA0 fm^nexM oe -ae
r the dIrecUoD of the
January. »lt malriiit two moaiht ib^exeeptloo of Mr. .NickcnoiL
dltional members
rvlaojr' Hkl
M>.«» (or hltrbiag J«su
I rant BOW dse of ttO.
Thursday, April lllh.
I ffliauia of yeaierday's-aesslen
toe ee for tocMeaUb.
I wMi you wenU kindly make me a
9 o'clock a..m.
read and approved.
amok for said amoont and oblige.
Bonrd called to order by the chair
..» foDewtu report was----------Touts traly.
To the HSnerable Board ol
Cbaa. Braadfoot.
• Phniiv______
4:30 o'clock.
Roll COB; ea n abrrs preeeel.
Chan H. HaaitontT.J
i.-a Bevd. J
A report aad
Tbe minniM e yeetcrdgy'e sees
Mot^ by Mr Ogan. enpportod /
. 1^-v^itea^'biiBdiiivI to
' whom wiper
were read and approved.
Mr. Ctareiasd. that tta
► wa refonwd tta propoalilon c.
To the Honorable Beard of Sopen
nuTow* adding
—--------------------------- --------------M. after
lin^tM tta rataraa of the
corefal roanldiTiUcc. would respectBaaU, Aadenea. Kfagdoa. BnaAfooi.
Vtank lo. Sbnfer. sheriE. preewted tolly report untevorable.
f printing r
the matter of advancing Urn oertaln
L. K. Clevelaad.
seo: We wish al thM t
lai *e have
Chw. U. Hanskivskr.
mnnert Aoe him tor f*w belwara aeoerU: HaaslovekT.
Ctaa. Braadfoet.
ttals bodM.
Hnved by Mr. «taUm and eappenOrv. MUla—S.
pa atoUos of Mr. Hotata npponed ed by klr. Gray (bat tta report be
lAMag tor tta cunlog yar, aod .i
-Carried. '
r Mr. Wyckoff. tbe matter wi
Moved by Mr. CarBSle aad sappertboUdlag was eommeoced and the (eao- Priattag ba awarded to tta above m
HanaloTskT. Bhilmia. Cbveiaad—S.
dailoa w*ra laid, lhat It could not be m a (otawe; Mr per folio aad ed by Mr. BaeU that tta :eport be
sera until
e'cleck. .
toted and edeptad.
aa apiaicatloo
Nays-Hoxeta, CartUle. Hickn. Aa- eomplated
Plata and

Wyckoff. Gray. - ..............- for tta ai
Moved by Hr. tea'ata twpporiqd
ROrtta that

Ooa. Mm# aad Merrill—11.
Beard. calM to order"by tta*'^[to.
by M^Mei^^ihat
koOdlap mE
meat (Tee)

Kid. . f

f^ \


H: BuriL


____“;‘S S

—r?. s u-



"“rs 0.00-,

a niwu uoii b. auiM i. ...


rat oat 0a ■adrteiTiii tar Hr. Wycki
I #1 BlMi iraBTr ilii-r (erred to the


-____ ’'."■TSffl

br tta anfeliM.

Merad by Mr MUs ata eapinrte
Mwnd by Mr. tea and aapported
kr Mr. irnndftnt that ttao —llii be

retecred to tta commbta oo bnMm twart at Abe IgunKiai
Tab. M, imtaSTpre


IWtMB Ttaoraand DoBsr* rated.and
.................. '
af this time Tor
_______ .. .__________ erect tta bolMtag which me bow have.
Tta enat of laataUlag a water lyv
laat lor aa tai tta lolUlag aad for

Hta^A ^Mr.- AndM^flkd i

draw etdnrs

Ml and graanAe aad
00 ttai. ooeaty far thp

nanli HifaBa, Hkta.


^ ________ 'MuTfijS
aBdwar ha atricheo o« tad iMot.


S^gSv Relief

bkkald, m nATssn bat saqlb. TtniDAT, ju*bil si. i«s.

( the. Br*( caUa iqiaeMen Oee
llnio . ariu mac. 1 beard wreral ahou
|ftrcd aad 1 ana Moracd (bat the aiaoaccr ol te.bMt bad Bred at Ibe nic«
«bo croeriM (be weoea oat of ibej

Whr itert a Fann


the ku aothlag b i«U. bat If then
U a low toch ibember Is notlSed th^
to te JatBtlr «Hh all tto otberT^
fortbcloaa. Tto leeM oe s^ of the
tand. ta «'liuaa»pan.
Boeated to orer 10 per ceot.
Several preaeat aMted Ur. Li
mtlou on tbe vorklac of tbe plan
to to uaa alwam ready with a
ear. Tto plan look, to to (to
laMbIc that n. ever offered (to
At Ito conHniieo of tto meellu tto
pnposlUoo for raiUns an
' lin
to Cb
Bark. «bo nated that fsoe «i
ed arllbla fire day. to laaare
renUiac of tbe reftok dur
ramiai .umiaer. Part of tkU
oaa rataed and a commlllee-wm. np
poloied to CO out and ralM $3.Mw for
c UM> of the board Ibla year. Joha
Sanio In Ibe rbalnnaa and Jobe
Straub and C. P. Bock a'ere cbeeen
Hr. Baato a. tto other

•a. performed by JMIce A. P.
.\erittoer Tto bride «ore a hecomloc
I ar vblle aOk ato carried «Uia
bridal TOM*. UlM Brnna Ctoevraka.
r or (to proem, acted a. maid 'of
boeor and vorr Hoe Mlk. Her Bowen
were white roM.. Ftaak Sladek. brotbor of tto bride, aiteoded tto cnem.

Khaad •rWe Ooad »ra.
iMel ieba Jaob Aner fclaaed h
bride BMd bfe aa be placed her la a
vanlBg Ufebeel. nea to drea MtMtkai aa to atood on the
to the bridal party and tto ii
y Sou** limaMBt lor n«r A
n derk of the ill iaied Tltaaan—don't nib—^ hjr it
k. aaepped hla band to hia b^ la a
jr. It foe» ftrai^ to the *
•iBsle laei aalau and au In that po-j|
Mr. *Dd Mn. Cbertee
quicken, the -blood, kaben op
elCloo aa tbe life bents <
mme to tbeir fri^. .
tbe m<»:Ie. and Joinb and ftop.
Iron) ito dooBwd craft. That was the
.(reel alter Mar I.
the pain.
e br e H. Steacel of
I Neaajt. K. J, nae of tbe nirrlron
tenllbt on tadlnc here. -Tbe nrieoel.- to said, -aeeaied Daniered br tbe
tact' that be *ai aboet to die." - '
■ byttoStaMpf
lamay Saved Himeclt.
l^iffanr. Z. Tarlbr ot Pbiladeipbla. one
wrrlvors Mated lbroe«b|
t ram. demonstrator
cripple «fU rtxpmha f« tvs vian soa I c-«L :
>e railed Prew that 3. Bruce tamar.
leUcMTMftMiidecxtoplKe. l<iMmn«>r>v>drauldin(p(lMMichigan under (to law inraetl by t
l«. apia I Uied SfceD'e Ueimcoi. One Uaik PuO o>e upto good ehuie
■airman of tbe Wbita Star Uae waa
prerant coogiwra wm be Mnitooed
Hd «>• I iUu7.h.n.UHlk la liwtaoMcfaraiyniUMddukkea.^
0 board and Jumped Into tbe tbltd
Haaistee. HI. nsms to M. J. Ttomplife boat Uaacbed. lie gave up bl.
aon nod be to a gradutc of tto Mtool
aeel to d'etomaa «lth a babr.
or agrtcuIiiiTe of (be I'nlvCrwliy
itoo,lamped Into ibe next boat ear-l
Mlnnraou. He wa* brooght op oi
■lie be wa. Kolag logman and bare|
m or iBTenioni in a Mrict h
UintMaota (arm and to well quallBed
chargV of that bnit.
Inea* aetoe.
farmer* of tbe Haaistee
Nothing la aUowed by Ibe
Captain Sunk WHh Ship,
sectiOB of wrateni Hlebigan 10 get
a Me TIUDic .oak. Captain B. i.l lAOenii. latent rights or any other
better return. Irom their toad..
r atood at bb kind of Johk that 1* generally oBered
Tbompran will .peud two day* at
Been Held in SeeUon By O. K.
poaiiioB oe tbe bridge nnUI tbe wu- to
H(cblcna Agr^tural coltofe on fat.
tbeir mooer agnlnat (be other
way to Mantotee ao as to get Into
and until to come* acroas with tto
tench with the
O. K. R’hite. Arid ageat (or the hor
r<|Bda or eellatefal there 1* nothing
cutiurnl department of the Htchtgan
doing between ibem. It 1.
Afrinikurnl oollece paraed tbrough
Beaaely raid, -ibe collisloii aeemed proposition from tint id
(he city Saturday on hla-way to tanI trar the whole bottom oat. it was Dothtag eloe.
la order to be able to handle lac- ilag from Nortbperi. where .be
n three.bourn before atae
been giving demonstrntioiu. tVednew
down. A* we rowed away Captala torle. when they
day there were thirty Leelanau couMy
which 1 can Tender b -M the M
Smltlr could to acea by tbe bright
fruit growera at the .Mark Raadall
ol^a Cnltad State*. Purtber
llgbu that silU abone atandlag on tbe coBUol of a tract of real estate ttof it
(arm. Miller.' HHl. Much ictere.1
At a meeting of tbe NcabiawaBU
tU. 1 prefer to uy ootblng. Tbe. Ti­ b.-idge dlrecilag the men at wot
.homo la the Mvernl pubjecu taken Resort Aaeaetotlon-beld yeoetday (be
rrendnued from
tanic after mrltiac tbe Iceberg Sot|->
le luomenl tbe bridge waa level aecetury in order to be able to boM
and toadlag <|iie«liTn. were aMe-l followlag dliectorn were aelened: H.
pneram; tbea they playto -Nearer day nicht roaaiaed above the water with (be water wtaeo to calmly cllmb- down (bone who bold propeny nor
■Dd anawered.
Uy Ood to thee.” 'K'e bad been to
A. ^Braelman: W. n V. GermaliM.
ver (be rail and dropped UUo tbe tually at a loi^nlne and then when
for two hoam."
tto water aboot two bdan at lean
At Suttooa Bay Tueadar It wa. Im- L. r. TRua. J. T. Miniken, F. 8there U a ciw^ of ralUng it to some
when we In Ibe life boats midJenl}
jraible to bold an orchard m««tifiC- Cuauniaca.
factory tbcT-rice It Jumped up to nl
Heary B. Harria LeM.
aaw tbe boat lure)r npwaid and Mnk.- tSK PEIISIEI fflEI
mott a iwohibllire figure- Wniiatn*- beranae' of the snow, ao tbe fhlt Tbe offloere elected lor tto en«"Henry B. Karri.; theatrical
port boarii of trade bought 9W acre, growera gathered In tto town toll ud tag year are as (oJlows:
TiTAIKPlUNaTDTKIOTW tv tried to get in a life boat
disruued tbe niaiiera (bat wee
PiBk-U. A Musariman.
Kew York, April I9..^n tbe cleemy.
is wife, but the second offlcor held wbicb they ate for factory alien. It
wtial interesL
Vlce-Pree.-W. I>. C. Germatae.
aomw Birieken pier where tbe irrief
iCouilnncd from lajie oiir.i
ill) bach ditb a gnn." raid one of the ' is near Ifanie railroads and bat toes
Friday forenoon at N'ortbport
Src.-Treaa.-J T. Mllliton.
bowed eumpany ot tto Carpttbla wa. cloibm were nrareM and immeaielely survjtora. ".A third cUu pauengci a creat factor in teniriog IndUKtrirn
Uanager—F. S. Cnoimtags.
unloaded, J. Knee iRsiiy.
tbe boat, were readie-l. t luard (hat
tried to climb in tbe boat wai
t£e lip of tbe l-eetonan penlnsnla. In. Tto proepecta fop (be eeolng reaon
director of the White Star line, who there w-Bs M>mc vboolW amonc the
1 b> the eteward. Tbl. wai
1 (Hiireiu the afternoon there'were 45 perwoni •eaaoo were nc^ brigbter (or ibto
wa* raved, almost a pbyilcal wreck
only (hooting on board ay far
on band lo prtriil by tbe practical Se- popular renori Tbe reltage.
lend ibor credit up to
declared that be and
:. Aator went to nnme of (or a iieriod of tbree
'iinn.iraUon. A meeting was^held tn brine rapidly Ico*^ ^ rewvistioos
will aid every effort to Inve.ticate
. laaranserv were marched officer* and told them who he
five year*, during which time ihcy arc the town hall In the erenlng
(or hotel aecomodatlMia are coming
tbedlNiatef. Wrimtlng bb hands witb
I. but found (tot iliTre were and asked to go In (he life boat with
wimn: lo stand an> 1d'> lliai m
ia with the result tliai the uto>o
b life boat, to rave ail. ’
. wife, the offli-er* told him he
tto mental ar>nT that he ba« endured
arise from (be iliseouminc of paper
fruit-growing inijorted.
capacity will be lau^
la four
on tbe Uilp of urrow,
not go. Astof then kltaed bis 'wife any concern to whivb nnney t> lent.
11)1* Saturday inoralag Hr. White
Plana are uoder way to inlereM r
laau.v made die followinc .lateraani:
the boat
Ttoy cleel a Imar-l of director, aod met in lU. elty Hndolph lAimia. who aoeten in tto dUikwal •( the remain*Uy teellim are too deep for exjire*. went down. 11/ Hint time the lilethree atlomPy-* iu tact, ibe Uiiei has a large Trait (am aiartrd near lag lot* whHb WHh tto'baUding of
far away sad the .nrvivorg
atoo. I ran .ay, however, that tto
Shorily before. II c'clork the
1 only a Jew faint .irnins aiorlal Intcsiiguilng tiimmlltra Irum
attractive bungalow atyl^ of cottage*
White sttf line officer, and employee
the bull, to aecnre tbe fond, ihat are lot two year oh) tree* wbli
will be an added and picturetuiue
Wasbingion boarded tbo (irpatbU loanwl to tbe taewrie*. Tlilic*bo*rd
will do evBO'iblnc.POHtble to alle- of the fUr.
1* pulled up aod broniit to the city trnetloD. It to pUaaed ibis win
Tialct tto ootreriBK relariven of Aio*e
we pulle-l away from tto Khl|i and bcean ciamlnlng'ibc aarviring of- of director, and *ilonw»
for euminatloo.
comptiahed by July IS.
who periabed. -The Tllsnie will be we noticed that tto vea*el wa. boa- flccrs of the Titanic.
resUeate tbe iimiosliloni and If they
Spaad Cawaod Oiaatur.
the laH wordtln Mlp bulldlnc a. ev- backed. abowlng that she tod already
are found to be all right
The Tlunic was golug at top apeod Judgment the money U lenneil and
d by tto Bri- broken fp two aaldahlp.
; the time of.the crash aud '
IS compieiely
-We were In Ito strjti! boat.
they .en-ior.'- lie laper. The attorthe real caum' -of tto dlaaMer accord- aev. have the right to veto the'ei
<T wWi. Tto offlceT* and crew (our hour* and a half iM-fore wr
ing to an BurriTora. Tto Carpatbla. dtHwemeiii of tbe been] of director*
o devote to the geaerat
wcew moat an in the Drirbh .orrice.
the Canwlbla. We
only received tbe fraDtic append (or Bfoesary. while la inni (be lank,
Undmtand tbai a commiuee fif'tbe
IJbIted States ran.te ba« been ap- the wrniber wn. cxiremely cold,
can. ol couiwe. refuie a ICnn if tbey
polaied to Inv.-Kilrale the caura of snffero*! Inlcniwly. but the men khot
are not nll.ned Hint the eondllton. fas Bora In AuMria and Cam* Hera
la tto Early Lamtor
tbo fccoldeat . I w^ounie tbe
rd .vtendi.1 heroUat. There wa. t and by ritanre picked np tbe appeal are not aU right, i-toch aef of
nxhsu.iite Inijulrlee n., Ilie comia
iwnlc among il\o Meerage and w-coe fur aid. Cainaln Roatron
ha* a check on ihe other so that it 1.
I Bo Arratosd Bp Dm
niahed hla aleamer-to the
has BothtiiK to
Any aid rUw lUUWeDgvis. but »
Impoanlbto to take any risk (hat wonld
riving la time to4ad thee life boats not to approved by any u>t of bnakers
Edward lAulaer. aged «S years, one
Baattog in a maat off wreckai
of the wealtbieei and mrat pro
la tto cliy.
L P. PrrkriL tto Crrad Travel
tovad LKtla Chlid.
lee larmere la tto Mate, and <
e ot tbe vzecattve^om.
O. U. Tucker ami Manaret Uaya.
tto rariy ploaeera of tto Grand
tee of tbe Weetera UleUgaa DMeloptto lauar of New York
era* regiOB. died at bto hon»e
year old child waaderlac *bo« os (to amotuil for which he ha. prombied to nOra west of (to rity Ute Friday mewt Borena to la Grand Rapidi lodi.
for (be torean. Ai
derk of tto TlunJc and aa th«y
brolbsUnd ItoUe for. The toan. are made
1 to tto life boal. they grabbed oB Ibe followtag syneni; If aa imlap- era. all of wbihn^eald*
la Grand Trav- etfaar (blags be will atlead beta
The banker of today comes in ihtimate
taralag a meeUBg of the apcctol
nad hH death to tto
(to child, and took him with ibeta
try waiM I loan of $10,000 tbey Ole
contact with his customers, meeting them
arttlae appointed to arrange for trait
to tbe Ufa boat Mira Hay. carried with Ibe board
an arpUspUon for tto break la tbe tnmOy el ^ild
daily man to man, and discussing with them
blm la her anas when -taken by tbe
«Ti.i • auKemenl I* obtnlBld brottora are Weasri, Joaeph, Aotoa.
the matters that concern their interests.
CarpatUa HU/deoUty 1* uakaown. of (be asseu and UabOHlea ot tht '
Ismay Witling to TaMlfyBra. ,
Ms OA tto toarth day ot November.
Aftor a brief iaterview with J. Brno by tto'
The man who has a problem about a busi­
iiatay and Vlee^rraideol Praaklia o
everything to rattotaetorr. refer 1*4$. and cam* viU Us tbmDy to tUs Oray of Cbtoaga. and Joaepb Gerher of
ness deal or investment need not heatate to
tto V,bfto Btar line Immedlalaly after
reqneat to tbe aitorpey* In fact, wmttrr at tto nc* at
approach the officers of the "FirA Natkmal’*
tto (Hrpathla laaded. Secalora. Ner- with tbeir apfireval. These me* then Tbay settled sear Beton la tbe tell of
for counsel, evM if it does not involve a
IM^ ato bare Uved there ever :
taaiU and Smith of (to aMiato
farther In.pectJaa ot-tbe
large amoirot.
Mr. lAstnar was martled to’
tbe dtaaater de- ditloBt aod If (bey
dared that Ito brarims wooM b^a
all rigbt tbey ask tto oomtony Tbarwa Zye. April 17. itTT. gy-tor
WaMort Hour Ibla
oSlrlato to go to tbe bank, ato U tto borne I* Allegna coanty, who aa hb Many BMtkra Carala« ts Tbto'BaettoB
In strict confidence such matters will be
widow with eleven cbfldn* aarrira,
a time lamay. Franklin and,toon 'Ennk approve* tbe loan tbe
gladly heard and our best judgment given.
Two daagbten, Loatoa, vlfa at
..rrlTia* OSIMFS will be called bf
raed by lb* (brae and tto money
Nktotos Knelper; Hrieaa. wife ot ’'Ri^e tedded JTboeUeu are be­
^ tto;raai*Mri. Setaatoo Keieod. R tto
gptlag by tto real
CerarilM Worm, and nine
lands and Smith vlslud Ismay In hi.
a mea et WoMera MlchlgB toe
trad. Edmund. Adolph, Edward. Jr,
enbia ob tto Cnrpntbia as
advertlaemrat of tbatr vartons
Stepbea. Jr, Joseph. Jr, WUUam and
and with them went CoL
Theodore, all of wb« Uv* In tto
VbankUa. FTnakUn told tbe newaiw
Grand Traverse r^ton. Two children
man that Isamy would talk to
died In infancy. This to a reeasrfcnbH aad cootalB te addJtton to Itots
I Just as aoea as bU pttyairal coatamDy
of ebUdran. and their tether toads tor gala, mach valaabto into-,
dlUoB WOOM permiL
befora tbcaa mstton regarding tto several aaettons.
Ns Survlvora on Ci
Daring tb* Inst trw days, there has
Ito tootaers
i. April It.—Tbne are- no b»
highly reepecied.familiea la this part bM received at (to eClec eff tto
orvlTora ea board (be Leyland
MlcUgaa Devetopmeat ba­
at the cooBirr and ttoir pregrara aad
aunraar CUltonibto .atiIcA
» Ik, Udiot )rpe .(
ataUHy aa (annert tore «m ter tb«
p boars ewrictod (to scene ot tto
Ito trissdsbip of a large ctrrto at peo- ato coanty. at Ccetral Lake, aranad
WireleM meiuar
pto who lota fa anaadtag aympatby Hotbted. to Miatota. coanty. n.
eetred at tto local office bran^i
Ink. and to Kant ct
at (bto Uma.
That if what yoa get from yonr
PutfUve informaOM tote tost tn
rice WBS beU from' (to effons batog arada b:
orchard if yon me
t e'dork
tto home Mooday 'moraine at t;30. <
w nS ffnarmatlDe.
attar erUeh tbe body wna breogbt '
Firm Offtear BtoeWed.
la tto Chard) et Immacatet* OoorepNew To^t.^ApriI i».-gnartermi_—
tloa. where
• Moody ot the Titanic said that tto
Brat oncer Wild *to was on tto
^ridpe wtoa tto VI
Siaiilest and otot powerful aprajrcr
berg kOtod htmaett.- HA raid that
«H tbe iBArlSet. WiU tyny tbetalkgt
WUd dfvw hla revolver and atot himirvmmd..
~ Deed withtgnk, bttrd, bo
neH a* BOOB as to rraUaad ttot tto
fim^yaar potato
m iao a> yoo cn wdfc. aod kc^
fmirimyardiapofectcotiditka. •

1^’ w


liicMt lit!

Hw«*« Proof





KUTiwun REsnr







Hie “Open-Door'’ Banker



Better Fndt
and More t>{ It

She Standard
Spre^ Pump



Bcejamia Newbalt wbn has a Mg
apple orchard on tb* North Uaaitoe
latoiul. left ibv tity Ibis mraalag fte
Inland sad (be laland. Y-oteeday <U
•^'1!. C Hawk, maaacer at
a reveal corngoar. Bailto
a trip arooad ito Grand
Traveras PeeiaaBla. that (be'era^ .aitnatloa of tbe (rail Jadustry In itol
acUQB'WHlIit be dtocovetwd.
Mr. Hawk haa become tateeratodda
tbe totter pan of last wato looh( orebarda and toads In' Benzt*.
aau and Grand TraveTeo oottallra If to Bud* anrh toads as to baa
la mind, to and bis araoetoiea wUi
remmeat and go lato
trait growing on.» iumm.MTtol b<m1«.
Mr. Hawk waa grratly pteiM ^
.the topographic beanlea of the peeibsola country and mad* many IbOnlriM .
as to tbe aucceas of tto dlSercni trau
•Hr. Newhall said that It had toan a
gtvwt t
years siace be bad >1sHed'tbe
asaU. aad be was grewly
surprised by tbe woaderful deve«p
meat that hu Ukea place. Ia years
goae by. be was a Jieavy buyer of
applM lo ttaat^^sectioa aad welt ac­
quainted with tto various orriurda.
but ao great baa been the ImpraveDicBt la rccrat yrars that I: waa with
dlfflralty tbat be rccogctoed tome of
tbe eld ptoeea.

HRS. ueajK niFQ
Passed A<*ay at Her Hoaw Bondar
Sttv. AageUne Kni7*r. aged TO yean,
died at her tome, ais East Elflnb
.irpci, |)un.iay ntght. She bad been lit
more than a year She to snrvived by
two son.. Uoyd. who to emideyed on
(be railroad and wbo nakee bto headqtianer. at Craa-i Rapid, aod Cbicage.
and ri>d*. wbo to'at tbe iwerast Uma
OB North Manitoo l.laad. There are
also three stensooi. nitUam. George
sod Dr. F. i. Kalfrv et taidaaa.


♦ •♦'♦♦•AAAArAA^AAAA
Grawn, April
Mrs. Hrackr-n ar­
rived home Thnredsy alter apeodlag
winter In Florida. ■
Ir. and Hn Frank Stafford and
•■hIMren are vlsitlag trieods at WitMlaa Hargaral Mclaloab ^ral Ban­
dar la Tratera* (Uy laa gram tff
Dcroods CraadaO tranaarted bnaltae in Traverae City tVedaeaday.
Dr. and Mr* r. A. Clark wmn Trnvere* (Uy csllen Tneaday.
Mrs. rbarira Kramm. wa. . Traverae CRj caller Thnraday.
Uiira Stafford wm q Travera. CKy
boslBcra caller Tatoday.
Tto revival maetlag rtoaed TnraAy
Mira Eva HcMaara spent Saaday
la Traverse aiy rtolt friends.
1 Mrs. H-iiUam ICnmm wera
Trarerra Clly caller Tnssday. '
Mr. end Mra. A. D Beymoar wto
have b*M vtolUag Mr. Seymoar-* bik­
er and atotor. retarned to Bt. Igaaea
Hr. and Mrs. Howard Anderaon wera
Travers* City callers Ttmaday.
Mra Holrin Anllp aad Aka PowqB
were Traverae Cky ealton Batnrday.
Ogdeasburg. April . i*. — Harry
Mma* toft Hotriay to go to work on
to ataniner UtoaeBri.
Mra itevM ktmaa murnad bom*
y too mTravetaa Cky.


Mm nAVj

;__ ^____

tttaji OBJ- iMv «or oM-be-b
that (he tuee jraM aot
low i
*o«l^olm> hard a r. 1(. C. A.
Many eaaoi were cMod •here' R
pellM or (he VMM ha«e aot 1

cbould ta rsrod



a aecretery baa temred word from
HrellaLk otnircex In Cnad Rajdde. that’
deacooms who «W All the bill la^
Hjlkavecae City wOl
arallahle tt

nh|» (he bef( of whM (hey hate.
oad hoe to
(ahe etmiffe.
fbd bao praren In fansdredi of other
placeo a tnad
(hlhi. 'Both


■ •M Ouar. htoddm.Msaaed. in new of (he U4 that the
^aaamrytiaitaftte work 0100* tUa.lioe la lar ike b«ed(

eould do' more (or Tnrerov
('liy la h ahotter apace of time
than the police or the women, who
hare beea dolnt all uAy could la (heir
tautil way aaa with the reaburcM
(bey bare werhed with.

UM tu« «nBtf WmI

vvij, u was m
g,jl^,(ho oeuadl beSmked u u
(uad for the support oad m
Of a deuareoa. or at !■«( » cxmiri-i
h«e to the fuat This was ohamtaooBly canted aad the (OHewla* fon•iffU.
ihOrirnmiwadidtor mUtee waamppdatMl to p» the pror____ you hevakldaer, liter „
poaltioa up (O the cMmcU: itAa
^We.ilirUl betoBoJiMt ^
iiauh. Re>. Oemaa I'orbUs aad Jnd**
yow weed. UhasbeaatliGCj^"
__ed ia letrata pnetkt,
---------------la the meaoUme It' was d«~

Supt of Boor F. ii. Morrin wax eaVI upon to alre bU rlew of the caM
t he Gada it la hla work. The CTMb
>1 catiie of poverty la the taomeo he
) Ib« CDBdIUCMU •• ti
„1. vartou*
___ _____^-l..l
Dad Lbeai la their
(liief of Police .JobiaeB expltloed
quUe tboroucbl} that ooe ot the
aerioUB bandirapi Id bla depanmen:
la rtcard to ilolatloaa of the U*' apt
Ibelr tallnre (c

(or Traretae

CRr *ai mecdrr'ih «

tUe (0 do aairthihc. the imto
•hoae vork It la to eo iplbt chMc
haueo had leech (he aaoiharo ‘hoe .(o

.Wrtbuted to driak ocr the part of
both of the

U. mar kart a eui^ bMUa

eTniant Officer Biuhaoi aloe stated
hU ibo cue ax be feuad It In bla

- a...

““ deacoaeax (or an
^ olonteera (o ao.udi mure jaembera
aaMwiailon were called
(or. aad r. ■ailed la the IvHewia* cornJahn Sira'ith.
tak S
Sbaaatm. hi. S. Saadera. U Cur
Ua O. R
Rowe. £. F. Barber. Care.v Mult
and- Wm.-Cbapmaa.
Notice of
tuoalas to lay out temtOQ (v e
will be clrea later.

work, oad eald that prohabl.r ^ aloe
«nlh* of the-rataa reported coold be
medr,.Uea la the fact that the rioU ittrUwted to iniemperaoce In
thtna are not reported. Tbc aolU> home, whtr^ la (ora caooes ooIt
th tbclr limited fnroe.
•oe. br to
«nloD of the uaa'a vocea to go
_______ ____
everywhere at oare. Thnmch a'faa.
malntenanoe of (he home, and MHghaaKD*,N.T.'
that perbapt they may be railed lab Inally reoulu In tUe aotb^ bercmin«
ronrt aod to pobUe ooiloe. people
BMeral/beallatc to r«porf caaea.wh^l oad (he reoull la a mloed home.
. Or. EOan^ &wac
abould be reported. o«d Uerefor* ^b<
Judxe I'mlor woo «ext called upoa' '
<1 C(unui« It o«- pollre ore blomed. and arcoaed ;«(ler
dhewB Many Views of Grand Traveeae
aaSd that while It r
tlmea of dm oUendlo* to tbeir datj
thine (o lay all the taa
f pererty
' arrofi BlDce hla reetdeare in the etty
ThCM vkilaUfins muol be reported be to dnak. It won not alwayi a
-WTiere (o Go Flabln*.- U tbc title
lual booHet tuet laaued by
(ore Ae police, can uke then, up
root of (be rase fb*
ihouid ha\c beea reportand it it not ali-a» neceaaary foe th. [Jrtnk It evil enouab be aaiC but he «d to the police and aablher to the


■ttiii ununiiiT

lotomer loeppear In court, ond ere^
er AKKtdutcd dikTlUrt i-alled r^tufwere4M the cate it iuatiiUbl.
^ trtrmnw In (hn~31rrrton
DO dUcrare. ( bieC Jobneou oal
■I ibr ll«DUbL»)'41crraiitlleCo.ttOre (bat he believed the womctj-ci^n u
to umtalB, ir poulblf. jstt wbtt tfar
for the sirli who bk t»
roedUlotu Id the rlt}' icre. to der4i>
r.n oa (be ttreeu at til«^
va]-t and iBMna to rtMipamv vllh
than ibe' police, aa.
lb* pollr* deptniDfOt and to n
^ ieaot they ran wort . .
Ih* anntlnVnt Id mctrd to r*»a_____ aioo'ey with then). Tlie police are *11!
a 4ran>nt«t to vork viih tba bureau,
la* to do ererylblua Ihej--poaelbl'
and other rorm (or tbr good at the
mb* of lb* rallr* rarrutlvr
and a number of otbert vbo an
If iDierened in tbc matter.
Rav. W. W. MrKre. jvceldei
Bided. In an effort to *et al th
bt^om •r.iUn*a aeferalcltif a


l« (he oor vho aaffer* the inlM>rf of
a bad ileer ' lie la rroat. dull and
In all aarh roaet ibe
littf. alomarh and boneU need a Ihoroailh rleecalUK of bile and other iniiwrltles, and for this |iur|>oae there la
nelhlD* more eRertIre than ntl. HKRmt;K«8liQAR-OOATED PlUA Tbef
|HU (he llrer la orrier. tffoe up the
aromaeli. and iwriry the bowela. Prii
“ - . &obl by Amerloaa


Pairolmao t^runn .wax railed bpo

did act believe It wax n,ht to lav faumane uffleer. The tim waa where
Ibe pure euaaedneaa of man. whleh the father w«i a^drunkanl and the

•**“1® Iw "»^.»» » R"We by the

le ofiea the ease, to that wirtlcuUr toofter was doln* ibe beat .be could *•“
e Dual go deeper. Drink la lor I r i..n.lly of Eve children. « far
dtoeaae woree this tmaU
and as aha knew_______________
bo* aad ao_____________
far aa she


miiBt be cured. -(be children are nexlected aad belnr.
brontht up la the realm of aorb a
taOBxr. tbey almuld be ukm away aq..
put la aa lastlnuloo where they wniiin
rweire the care that la tbeir H*ht.
Rev. Chapin died aet eial eae. - f

The book U- a verttaldc

U., cul
«,«■ .b.,
wucbc vjic
.iv rt«i.CTrt
. • ,

thins Chief Jobnoou had said aod ex-1
" Uy ties.
"Why tear the
preuinx a dealre cd hla part (o dal
"Why '
itanllnc eliani , from the inWher.” she said.
c Attar Crip.
anythlDK wltbia lila power to prodaee'
and why should v
iian. according
Ilea <^en
elfet live work In the I'll). In tuf
lareadon. Tea., Blit take their children away?"
awayr Weakness.
nervousoeM. Ii
Inc the Xlrldoa the riiy^ta making for effected j-esra a*o in bte brother. “He The greater and belter wav. she be- t»o, eoergy and ambltloa, with dlsotdcough."
■ »««. bbd H,„,r ii..b, b, b..rui. 1:“ ,•!<{
" he
-------------a .X to teach-the f.mlli;-, wha, a
. thought he
loo, but he began great thing lx life when It lx lived <n,e greatest need, then U Rleairtc
a»d aahl that he coaaidered U the to axe Dr. Klac'a New
V Discovery, and vnrrectly. leach (hem bow to make Waera. tbc glorious tonic, blood purtRrandesi* eVer formed In the
completely ci
I by ten boKlw.
be«i of what ihev have.
■'"> regulator of stqniarh. liver
well and
diy. It h. a movement.tlici abould be
kldaevA Thousands have prove
IIX pounds. For many yeari our fam- *“"<•*» hrtwght up —
supported by ever? cltlun. and he f,,. },„
baa used this wonderfol remed;- w-cold li not be n good thing
"eelr nerrex.
e xyateiB and :
rotterntutalod the women who have for Cooxba and Coldx/wllh exeelh
. auad the drinking futhrr to store it health
h ud good splrtlp afl
a up the work. Through the chan rexulta' It'....................................
I'e quick, safe, reliable
Grip. If aufferlng, I
~.i. ,.dBelt of this aaaorlatloB. he beBhved
SO ceelo. Sold aad i
free at all drugglsU of; cured of the curse.
y all
e and better work could be'd '*,Traverae niy.
^ rured.And came 1 ck a man. and *111 jgi,u of Ttwverue City.

‘■--t stri'Uibd ..d„d



b. ,u,d ^ ;t's “i;


‘^ou, Madame
Cjannot Afford to Take Chances
Vour bread and pas- listing upon Cres- try art responsible to cent flour, the brand
pour flour for their that is euarantced by
quality, and you can- us to makegood bread
not afford to be ifT^and pastry. !t costs no
doubt regarding its more than ordinary
flour, and it Will give
• Buying
flour you extraordinary prod^esn’t necessarily ^tion.
Mn that you must
Try one sack and see
|»y~^ higher price— forydhrs^wth^ttieaHy
but rather that you sec a half century of milU
to It that you get your ing experience has -acmoney’s worth.
complithed for particYou can^o this by ular housewives.
"Ypur grocer has Crescent Fhar


famUy was licin* In Glib aod dirt and
’or deacriptkm.
dM not aeeui to care, la Ibexe .aaea “ ‘'"M*"** “•»>' »l««
wculd It hare been adrisalile 10 l^e
Hex. plcihe
e rtiildrcn?
I in artloo. pleiuree
X point Mm. Randrrc made a
ipx. aod many views
plea (hat the law ubooM not later- ,
-----------------------------------------------------------------e with God t Kivst
scheme of tani-------------------------------------------------------,

i At (

■Deaofnr detail which be had cot


to (he (Ixherman'x grostcai dttlrw. It. by ihc W

: MlrtlyuJ. IVvAl.^bioeni

Bchrex ilK tHiri>OH>- well ax a guide tu' l•Mn■xn.
heal resorting places, aad th.- Iixhin:’


and haailu* regions «f Miaiigan In
•Htlnf an tha ■aacA.
snemnan tn
* fcotu,
tMrttt Soolad
BddlUon t.Mhv larornm-mu mtaghl hj iteroa* tbs AUasUc la a IIUU over
tesonenvM to lotwliiiea. acBmiodvi two yaara.
tiooe affarUed at the vailooa places.'*''
prl,wa and ao,oa. the book alao rot.
Ubu a cample man « the eiu.e
auie or klii-bU^n aod one of *be ao.xh
portion of the-tower pealoai.lA
book has as lu'. features a map of
Mblle roodg. direrging from T-aTii>; aa tto’ceatcr aad
tag wlm MkBbtee, Empire. Norvbpon
Polm. Old Mlttton. (tadfllac, r,;ycc'
Falla. Creoa VOlage. and Cheboygan
These books will In- fu.nlshrd to any
one. by the ticket agvnt. ca reuDexi or

Aad we can Imagiaa Ibero
aufllclaal patlem

It Leaks Lika a Crinva.
Is separuic a l«y from a box of Ra.klen'x Arnlni Salve Ilia piotplcs. boila.
scratches. Icnocka. apralna and brulies
demaod H. and ha qilM.
_ twIM
___ : lor
buniA scalds, or c
Keep II handy foi

. SU Ku

k. rnenual
K ai all dr



fraverse City Ogar Manufacturers
a i mm


The Otar of QuaBly

Smokew -

“Howard” Carl M
by aU 4cakn

5c each



Clow Fffeiory
Umon Volar
Slerl^, . lOcOtvt


iiaSa wi 00^





any of this siia. whara bm»yaim from dayllffht mts dark to got Wi
food* «»Ma up tor aalaa. hues
a Wh UM-lm tha tvanliis hMMhaa btoa M»
aoN ta bad whan tha Wfl«CDr«_
M •njeyini tha praaaada af ffl

PrittUt Blm»4$
.If, .bT.,

mryp at Mi
Wi favm^tlaA *r pplattol rsM- •
and e^p htlp, and.,aito AOair
odat^mrwng. Tta a

Jotiaophlp In a lantobM way.

ta^Fui biiM*; k





" Some. Smoke

die ix^ 5c cigar made

We cuaHunr to do u

V Weaver
AOiatiBCI awaUly don

. Try ooe for your
next amoke



211 •; sa Sl -DutheOlr

q* Ofl*

5 e«ts

Pb H.


nxeitoSL Miba.i8»

. uTO^sa
•ewer Jw(«y Smker

Smoke the xtriedy

10c Ggir‘
_ «“•*? “.

Swy d Be dAa Indi fA a


Dianiood J-IOc
;<5a|e Pag—l Oc
B^ool Havanae-5c

Better Tamorraw


QUI^ onroGAB





' Win Idre you aatid calbti aad «atiafi|^^lii bm tW apd taste
riffM. and win aprMd arwM yaa tbai
rteh. daUtfitfti aroma ot Haraoa that
aalr Me Hatau adgaia gamtm.

— cAowni
1 nxw«



<o4Jtt tuwii'itaau^

ftmm OF sppERv^softs


The BlBBtes bf Ihr j^irc Krsloa |

'uciTby Mr-Deep pad aptout-oa^V
S7: M Ur. Hsxaio ibdi tlx mloptca be aj>
S.S'. leored
md from tbe rer-^rd.



MkR/vr-HlcMpm. CeoMr of Unnd

ktoeed br Hr. lieprieraby aad mii'


its! Skm* **


Lee lionwbyl'npidiea.'tidlnd^MetelfW......... Uraoil TrtTtnr





O.UEri E. '\


End oi April


Recdy4b-Wear Specials
for Women

(Ml m tt0Tk be •Hboitu:* (a «n
afdtn «• llw wulf ircuBrcr tor i

■'------ -.-'V --•■.• - .iS^:--.. .. .
f ■ ’ .- HUo.




.■3 ! Its !S
fS 1 SE Its

*' * '2





! .1M»





> a rood a
-'rUilon of Buiten'h«ni, vbMi wai 1
1». tl
tbr 04
_______________ _________lai I».
(crMlIu aod laMrvrdve aaij was btooiid ian> aRreof to-kce|> Ihc rooms
murb apiiiTctalcd b} the 'uc|DbcrB of
an4i ildy. lake care of the '
lee iilaai aad alao keep ibc <
lOadlDS la the Omirt JUwae tlcai
OR reaolDtlon' van
free from onoa durioR Ihc a imer, aad
■. Ueaa. abo incit'd i
■ r nuimner seaaoa he la n> »»
no*’ Ibe laaa aad Ucri> h fa
Hmolved. .That Ibe ehalrmau aod
a coadllioD.
clerk be as(bo^beO to la>ue bondc of
la to coallBoe In loree
-|b% ronntr tn Ibe ameunl of Ten Tboo. .
of Jla>
ami enect from
il Dot
iBit. i6 Ibe ibinieib UffT of

pajabte «( Uin raic of »S.«ao.o«> oacb
rt»t Icithp iwrtod of Ore mani
Tha leaotollou aa« npponod b<'
Ui. Clerelaad.
The folhioUis
m oreaeiiled and readj
marandwn of Aarcynent.
Made and eaierol tnto ihle ISili d
of AliHUI. A.
- !>., IUt2. b.T aad bRt»e
Ibe Boa^
AtWMcr of Ibe Itoaai). panr of the
flpn Ban. a»l nieatcr C.
. T>a«M«( Wi. Miebiaab. lanj: of «bc



l*nia. All}.


Uorod by Hr. Deaa a
i'aiHed br >ea aad nay role, all
tnwabera proeent roUas rese-14.
Tbe report of tbo
(be o...............
mu was preacBled

^ Sho^w'ol^»i^4'fWMdtbob.

'e auled;


B MidlaM CbdBilcil Ob. dMBforu^l ud apreycr..
i E. Vjlbeln.-abpplfta. neaal^e Q^. eOae.............
Oolambla Traaafer Co., wood, c
Jacob r^rtich. (Tooerlea. onau
"-----r A. Steania. bnrUI of a


Is ■ Si

ns Geo. E Colcmaa. Rrooerlet
Ill^Or. F. P. ImaioB. servlM*.
Boberl 0 81ab<.. (rtM'erlsa.
Rroeerlsa. qiumtinr .
Ametican Uru* Co.. moJlelBe. quaiaaili
DruR Co. niMlIHne,.
onaranth .
the Quaite faniny.
Qualfc famlD'..

• *•«


e CoOBte of tinui'J

is hrirbt
lhai luv
lit HI
hi the TTiiiJ dav t>l Ai ri'. .'
IS lit

Wliu place 8tyU' and quality
as the first buying cousideration.
To, appreciate th^ prUxs
ST sec Uic gouds.
you MUST

For Ladles’ Sniis
$10, 11.75. 18 75 ,
A 25% reduction
Worth $12.50. $15.00 to $2.5

For ladles’CdatR
We ^ coutiuuc last week's
busy burguiii offer oi Qonis

$9.75, 13 75,18 00

IS. ba\4

to pres
••.4. deceased .» ...i
111x11011 and Bdiusii
16-Wlcrrthora of raH

1SS Fnnk 1.....................................

at tbe C«ua

for Ladles’Wool
$500 cai 10.75
Dividing in two fc>4 (he bal­
ance of the styliBli Custer
BhoWing. Values $8.75 to
$18 regularly.

Ixic Coori lor the fcun|v (■fiiimiii

Ibc pioblteoFivc. Ill Ibe idl> u( Trav
|a.fW.»B fi>c t ill. In Mild cnuiitt. on fix IPth 1
ila> 01 Ain-tL A. O.. 1912.
Prest-ni; lion. Krcd- It. Walkci
Juiier of Probate.
lu (be matter bl ...... c-IJte ti| An
iinic Usiiire. decoastsl.
•^(dt alloncd.
Kiaiik Saturn lisilni: la
••Ilaferred to poor eoiutnlsrloners.
etjrt In: jiclitiun I'rat-ian (bat saliJ
—'Kefcrrad haek
court aUjudlcaic and dolrnulix slm
•"•To be teimneil October sessJoci.
nrro at Ih.- ifnu- ol liM ilcsih Ih " IV
caldwiyt of «ald deresr.rd ami rmilld
Mutx.l bi Ml. Dean Md .aniipuiied itoperD Itemised Mils, sudlied and lo iabt-rll Ihr- rtsslVrjl.4 ol nhirh ,jl.i
illcir selisvl,
by Mr, tVvrland iliai liie rrpan Mi •rccoiiimcBdcd by ihc •tHimi'tict'on tle.i-sj>rJ
II is iid'-rcj i:u4i
■ 1. dn. .
nreeiilril and the clniia.s alhiwtsl. omiIi - buIldInR-i atad
Mb., a. tl., 1912. «1 I
m-V lu li
- IS Mils .No lOZbatl No.
J 11. Ittiell.
loieMoii. at sai-l inarlMle tiFlif.
I'BnIrd by yea and U} rule, al
W. \\. ilixii .
and Is bereby api-uluied Icr hiailn.
nxnilxrs prescht votlne ymi-i-'lC.
Chas. Uiua4|(ool.
aairt pelllloti.
~ 'le llonoriible Hoard of SuimnU:

Ct diiiiliiM
II Is furth.'i orilenxl (taal imlrll- ut
Jdnvol by >Hr.
M>d.wi> Ihv iM-reof uc ej.en try |ml>linitlon n
liiTnad by .Mr llRimlfooi ilxi ibi- rt' a •»!•' nf Uiis ort<r. lor ihr.H- stn
wa> s
IHiri be adiiinuJ.
tx salve «•«*» lo tnid •l»» o
the nmiller of liiiprovii
hcarlUR. lytln- tiivnd Tib.erst- Her
Till- i-hslruian Uicieupoa dix-laretl
aid a ijcEspaper prlnu-d and . tret
recces umU T;J0 o'clock. •
laid ill said conii. ' ■
I Ihc eever
- -_T:ma<jVlw1i,4. m.

Frc.l B. Mills.
T. II. Fhllmi
Albert W. Carlls
miimi.'c oa CUlmi

Giving you the i-hoieesl of this seaHiu’s stylfs
up lo $25.00 regularly.

or before the Sklh dav of AhKtoi. A
!>.. 1912. and IhaVaald elalnis sMI b.
besrd bi said eonri on WodntiiHla'.
:kib day of Atuiust. A. D.^di.;. ; i
o'clock in ihc loreiirwa
K.iv!' aid April rjail. A. 1>. IV12.
JedK. 01 I'lclpilcnil 2d. SP. uu> i. It



For Lodits’
White IFast Diestes
S3.7S. SS.M, $7.50. 510.00
and 914.88
Or y* to Vi less for the must dasb-y army of high
grade Lawns. Voiles. Swis-ses. Silk and Satin
Dresses ever collected here.

The Barney Co.

d eallod ip oiCk^ by (be ebair

T,is •:. .r.'

I'lll^TJ, 5

■crearea Imr

■Sj iSSSfiSltei'nfASJ’SJT ”

.-What ..

; sri4«if.riaE,r,,'-^.'si,a.T'

miln south or U IIIUi>D>slMR^<lriSI.
:« airrs Hoaird aod :
hiHise. tmo barns, oar
barn ami uenl> nnlil
rimmI oni»cU and
bnlMlKs. m
acv arlml IIlulll. All Mads uf inik
and ROKd looillly
BOillly lor
lor fruit.
fnili. Seven
acres of trbeei In Rraand


on prcs.-uiatlou of,uam

Trareree ni>. A|>ril l«b. A. D. IBIZ.
un^^d.^tooibera of tbe Board Of BaperrUora:
arlBR rnmlncd Ibe f
d that r

•■• •

______ ___ EEE:::'

UTB.iWT Bieatb dollar tbe monlba .
Jlay. JuBe. Jalr, Aacu» aad firpicni
■MiHod iunl «e utorfiipt*
•n.l. bdr: aad (be hid of 8lt(> ibsn.uo)
Ik.llan {>er nwdili for (be biouthe of
(h«t (bi> rtort be iBiUuctisd
----- - - -orcinber.
December, iaaoMdiM 4or ibe aaaie.
■IT. Marefa and Aprtl..aad
CurtMl br >M Md M> *0(r4 *11 ary. ^brsBiT.
to fornleh aaU aecoad laru llilos
aiembrro >oil«| j-e»—is.
bueaiilem It the ■
Umod >7 Ur. MevrUDd and MiP ryww iD^ibc
for oooklDR
prited 'br llr. Bnrfl that (be niinullIhi- aereaHrj Hahl
Ida on clalniB aad arrennla be ambor^
ited to bire»llmo Ibr •lierir* liltl
abd r«b«n al tbi- October aewlou-of
(bb board
Ibc aboic eonipcaaalloD llic hIiI ae<
oad^rL' aercra to do atl (be Jaalior

e ai ibc t>
bic; Kaiil b

Campbd] * Uoar;.*” •

Uavailelt. aiedIcaJ attcadBace, c
V. E. i-ur. bo»idtal fees.;. .
■ - Flih. hospital fee*...
F. P. Uatoe. m
1.0 J. H. McAmalcr.
JjrAWsier.^ilruRs. ouaramtac ..-.7^.......

: 3'- S:|
t.74« 7f


*•-“ l-olk^ oe .A I d r.. « ae.l t:. TPi!
IJ.Vt riaialoailoiJ « II opdi at K.S<I Sljud




E SjM#S=::ii;=5r

tcarbera' eta:

fits KSK £:■:::

•IMO Svtta go at.......
•lUO Eutts pa at.......
•2040 SulU pe a
82240 Suits go a
moo SuHs B« a



I. ,8l4.tO

» 82.00 Hau co al.......
Bast 8T.00
....... . ^
81.00 etilrts^'hU.V
One lal U.00
82.00 ShirU al.........
Ons lot 81.S0 '

Kaw Under.
l and ^
Ocod <98aralla
at ..SSc and «Bc
Fine Unlan 8vHa at... ,4Sc aad POc
Ona let Work Bblru b« at....86c
SOe and 78e 8Uk Hau ga at... ,45c

Bilk Punad Hau at.................Etc
All Jawelry at 20 par cant diacaimt



-Tlie Meii'ii FasUon Shop otMClkiool ne« Saturday iiiglit, April 27
Id Ura. C. (
17 ,F. H. VI

r, care
POB. dl

» o»e^SJ^iSSSSr..^::

Mra. UaiT Pewraoa. mualM.__ ,____________
.IbUac Sroa. * Brenosd. pntdRe-amn lecoid..
.poiMeUu;.Braa. dt Can-i>r»bme coon ataanaU..
Wed It walker, probate office aoppllea .............


I Tliie Men's Fashlc^ SKtqi 'fltrflig out of linslness—
Stock must be cl^d out at once—RedbeUdns on
hall Hnes vaning fiWn


<S Or. H. Tiart^l m
4t XU^. K. U Thlribr. I
« Dr. E. B. y■' F. H. V

S E»*"“

teOa lor -a




s at 15k atl-OarercMlsal Ohc-TbliB4 Oil
■ 55k laS5k OiLMaewgoa4a,sl,rtcUy

. PniWinindtETS aaau pa^diaacsdkrlaa mis sale.





nAvatn otALD. isi> tftATnn BAT >40



Tb« tevw^Mortaa u* both Am* aUM^urlM bnasse ther ve bel.n* tel M bam I (btak (bar anka at
* Ml l» be betpral *a« b*m. lao.

>prlwT W« b»e m Me «»« towtb ■»«•. I a» ekuii
• rear, that* la at least aM b4f4 trfeaae
1B^ tb; mv.wAkm si* bsMed. I s M Morstoc- I as* w
1 trip aacaeda tb* phteara'br
n« ww rM I ca la acfeoei ntrj Wf«. | anM Mt.
saTara] tboMaad DOaa. Tbs ArcUt
4ar. U D. SiaKli. AIvta. Stapbcn. Tnm roar 8«Mhtoar.
^ Beau (M Malar la vltbla alaht
CUIgM sat I are aolBS to gat a» a
» ^»)agaa. 48creet o( tbe North Poto. spaad It*
aaM to aM to Ber’g -teat cieb. la - tiaat
At* an tbe p

W* tava t*o a

Ml roa wfeai au^ eraty om Iom
bar m> aad b* «> fcM to bar? k
«at tmaai aba «at klad i
om. Tbe Ugbt tbai aboM dma
bar area aad tbnach bar aalle *

. , * MnM V«Mt

taririM « u. ou aa> .loM in U. b«»
br •IWl
>^ sad Laaser. M. Dam ol wm. *hb Ic*. aad at aaoa-a akm ilrta.
TantMa. Imlf.
♦ ln»a* *«•*■ u the liraai. Hit locba ••**«*■ “*fb»i siebaaga Tb* lea la wterad ap *lih aw»» ao*.
Soath Pole
trtll tty PM ta
ar ♦
teat art -bite «ith age:
»“* bom af tbe ***iw Baa- 1 hate a alia as4 a ball to so to
Mar. at. IPIS
u tta i*aa4 trip »
'♦ frai abaai siqtMai.

4 *aa boatUr dad la (*ra. for aao* asd •*I**tb.
go to acbaoi ear- Dear PreaMratanrhaa».e*tBUe*-oaarixaqaalio Sba aaM: -q. *
Malaxate war«ar. -Osa dar
I tMI try «e b* aa hMVM I ♦ **• •“» *v*r»*bar*. The «lBdt «*at
ao maar ehoarr paatala^ata
I cot tor Soirtiioe Ida. art lhaak fl»|*g aroart tb* world at the aqaa^ Plea o
. . imPP ••
------ - «"• *“«
..V >k. sooihlaa PratldeBl'b ttar ptctai* of the ertaiel boaae. Tbar* «* ''*rr omrb (or It. too I an la tar. U all {be rear the oeir lliae U ■» h*t a afoot aowr a
X «rt aad Ma ey*tyb*«y
I -HM .H—k
♦ M tar a* I «aiw
Z *■"
■boot tearcblBg la the deep
raeeallr. Those atadlag tbaen are iwaatrrfaUdreo la oar room- tbe aomd grade this rear. I bop* I expm ore* fall darkat** la durlag a Wideawake, tbe reporter.

l«rillifyt*b*t*atst.h*lptid I
*br pieaa* of wood lo heap up
Kathtoaa art AMhtf Pnttaaga. » teat ihrra
. ""■*
i« «b* a«gbbor. -Twelra tarlM. mUI.- i
i art -kirt ts *»iybad* art t* I “•
hdgr. Oaa dar he
“«»• “•bet' Ptoh. Agaei rty- 0«e *
“ ^
bood of tb* tropics, for lu aaamer pert small bor. a* be abc
aat «r
♦ aeary
btao aoeteasfal aBd,reUra*d *‘®~- °'*<w
Waoaeto ^rher. aiater, aad
"i» >" -J
»o .01 X .!,» n.„ „ii a,\.rab« ....t u» .loni, I-.K. j. .k k,.., i., .i».
I__ __

It I soar faU la tiylag la da • » bis hat. aKilng don by tt* fa* “"I
ci..d^ ,0.,. T«. .»! I ii™ to >.,« mu. Tb„ b... .. to H. n.i» .toto, to. totou ml. i. .« .1 to.
Mable. art a
^ to. mrtoto. I rtoto toto to tol to.^ toto tom..
^ IhU Is mucb
- ...
___ ^
« thaaa ttanga, I teni Try. My.»
caa tblak of. ao goolUirr.
« agala..
' ♦
eat loumar mad# hr aaj Mlrd H la aot auddeolr took a nip of milk tmm kis
• t^wB parlahlog. Juat tbaa tb* wtad
P*om jour goeahlorr.
CUtofd Cadarr
• •••♦••*<(*•««•*♦« blew opni the doer art ia eaiue ^
Joba UaroMaa.
Tea. Indert 1 hope rou will paa fa-aome wara aa remarliable aa ibo “l» «« •« « *»wa br Ua pkte^
plorer-» for iba tar* la a aaablrd art
'Mamn^" aald he, bla area wid*
- _________
Tba ice Is aU-goM sow. and manr
am eure l__
hai you will do ao.
«" ebeaht_
raa at *o> time dire late ibe water ■Wen. “I da beUeTs tbe mlikaua has
slid i«aa*; bar
< 'booght I would wHU art Ml jon ddrda bate come porth. I am tatc
Oraaillaad Dwaaibar A IMA
and feed oa tbe almodaat aupplr of *
eras war* arge
l and glowttg:
*b« •••*• Ow laacber told ua lo roa bate bappr Um all tbe rear
m Clara Rataa.
WsJIlD. Mllh.
e-k^t ,pd other aMrloe 'aslmala.
A ■“““
anuU •*»
bor '
«lr.k Vlea( Praaldtm ’Mrs. Mahal “[^““fbad the Boor a. aba VaUad;
to roa Ibr laaguage. roart,
Mar. •*. IJI- nur th*]^
iplover I. really a Urt bird. *<“> a
uaibralU cam* te irt ,
•alsa Wllllai^
la her hart were willow bud*, art “d that If we waated to send it we

bear PrmldrutiDoapaWc'of feeding at oeo. Bottba. WAP^r In grief.
•aoort Vka Traaldaid Mis Iram '**' Bb>ibing was of wild aweet gnaaei 'wM. I am ao glad that tomorrow
Wallin. MIrb.
| thought 1 wonM wrHo sou
up before lo.lag Ki Him“M^-na." he -aid. emplstle«l|..
Pastaray RMaMa.
“Po" bar teat M tbe Bret d*r of spriag. We have
Mar. ». l»ll. Hues to let ran kno» bow | a*’ wo
art make half of lia eoor- “f»ufiiiuH take me dowa at eooa art
•rtMitaa «rartm*ths(w«ira. A. 1.
blomoma; wbca aba wea manr Mgae of aprlag. I base seen Re*<prraldrotb,ee mored Into oor new houae aeri BHoa auiumii Jonreay wUlnmt food. *«■«»* mraanrad Mm ambrHla.
breetbod tbe sir of the lodge beatoe *Wil crowa art a lilne Mr The
W* had oor pk-tur. taheo at erhool. it dooa aot seem Uhc borne ret. ‘l .«
■ ■
Tbl* li-*«tli*Jy too tarSHhe m*." '
---------------------POjar wlllowi are la bud. aad the «> .pan down erery FWdar algbL I iathe aecoodgrade, art I hare a b*
was bnggliif a linia' about
Nairtar af mambara baleaging April
The <fldmao aald: “Mr daugtatm.
**“ber ia rerr warm. My icaefaer apelled don twje* when Rosaoll VoU- um about R
M aphinguia aad
Te Ovr Roys.
_gba-MW beoaa her papa was bulMlag.
1. Itl*, MN.
• nn dad to' sc« yea. Xly bet I* oolA ^
BCbolsr* la bor room, tbe
»•'- ***> . «1iea we apeH down it I. rerj bard. JI> loiAher ha. n . You are bos* now. but will “We are not going to bam kanmetw
^ ----------------------art ritecricai, but t *111 sbJald you'^*’*”
‘bird, and our <e». ler give, tu a •perfect- picture of both .rbnol
. -------soon be men. Tbeo >ou will have
«wrh." aha asld.
are goNMbar of nama* on tb* Cradt* Rail froni tb* lempeat of tbe nbthi Tell
TbU U my brotber a tlrbet I am in tbe aocond grrtc. ”
From yunr Sunablner.
b,, to bare gaa aU over tbe boas*. '
AprU t, 1PIA AML
mb Vho you are. I am HanKo I blithday . art we waolcd to have a hnither U la tba fourth grade. I
■'f"- ‘••rtiieao.
Ix. you meao to be Idk and fretful, art riianUcloara guapaaded from evt
• -!------------------blow my brestb asd tbe watera of the '•{I'brtac oa him. but i doa'l tblnk » Party on my birthday when I
' »«*
tbem « W Mllsg!NEW MEMRERA
rlter Hand aUtl.’
wVwwo. we have a big washing to do seren. I n. «.ee. ih., ib-.mL-. .1 . w- *f.
I?”'."' “•
to to. to,
to ,to7 o, to to. to,™,
Margaret Bauer, Wallin. Midi. Then tba maMea said' “I twealbo
** **"' “* *"
* '''■ *•
hrotber SunHiliia page t-‘"
to Vork, and art bravely art noTengoa Trtalar*.


2. sr;. rr



■ v.,

__ _
___ _
r FreUdMI ulked
• locka art
.. Sunshine

««cra nit the tea
te Ibr
page, but...........
I will
W*Mi-l ll fun to bare your pirlure. .prlng
« “•
try and write oflcto. l^m^wT Uh
Tba bpring Awakening.
‘I «hakcmy ^grta." rtWtbe milden. will have otaiulnatloi
Tba-UlUa gny aaalrrrl U nibMag hU
*arh> ralna Ml. from the baa the hard word, on tbe board: and
of IL, |oo It
. ■

we are Ming lo have (beui for apcllWallin. Jilt*.
and If
• For hia-Waap a*s kmg aad aoua*.-^ -When I walk aboot. me leaves fall 'ng tealght. We have but Utile enow
j,., ^0 Ul- Jwo uke « > arboot. y
AM the woodeburk peeps at the glow, fiem tbe ireea at my rommaad: the hero po*. it ia aloppr art soft. About bear Preaklint* ’
* wCU be glad 0 hrip }*u
bW* in Ihclr boles |a the throe weeks ago a man eama to the t bad my plclnr* ukan thi. .priog IL
ground, and the Wrd. Cy
school bouro te ukp o> 'i- Plnnre.. and alth ihc whole school. I am in the Everybody knowx sajw'tka article.'
lurnrd the old man.
we nt eae of him. It la almost time seteod^ltfd*. Today Jfua Dewing that moH blrda come north' U
_ tfiat
__ ______
The maiden said: -When I walk for recCM. no ? will elooe.
I had my lesaoii
iba beaL 1 neulng gr
ground. ID the .prlng and «0
Rllh a dazed aad stupid air,
. about the planu lUt Ihrir beads, thu Ftom your frtaoA
lew weeks. I got my «lb I. tbe fall. Maay JUarrar.
Art aoarWrda are flying back again, trees.............................
• with ibelr
• DUneb* (^noean.
’ A measar* ofr apriag to bear.
teatra. the birds com* back ami all
I hope roa will write often lo tbe From
to..-, ..
•n* butterfly «nwU from tU chrr- who ncc- m* sing'
SuMhlne page, beeanse your Bm letnimsall Vollmar
Thus they talked wbile Ibe air be- t^WB* aneb a nice one.
It Is worth worhlna bani to h..-. Tliii thr.r T.i-nirt. toi.ii.............

---------- -EHiHi— --

. Art blossomi awake at
wlrt'a kitt
Art tba rairtrop'a genii* up.
From tbatr ky fetter* the Hrcamh
All thtew^sro aaskblag. from
To wMfam* the merr

, 1 to- »«!... .ton.


tweast nod be HrR


jl,r. -o. ,ji:.

Mtrt « **■ <»o »« whisper,
he-old man slept on thomaWen Wbee we get five of Uen w* win gel
r him and a a perfect mark, and when we get four
' *“* * maaa of iboM!, Wf will get a prize. I have

ildrii. to.™,,™ toto ... „n.
-to. to, to ,.. ,

to, Vto«.


took from her
Tear Runshlner.
prerious Bowers and hid tbem ln-th«
Merle ^maey.
green karca and muaa. breathing softWhat Is your dew book. Merte? I
ly UPTO them and saying: -I glva am sure you arc a alee llllle scholar,
Jeg lini my Uzy way,
thee all my vlrtnca and my sweetest
, breath. 00 that all who bend the knee
1'ta a wnrld of work. wUeb 1 do not can pluck Uce from this lowly bed."
Then the maiden moved aws) Hear ITcsIdcgtIbftmgh the wood, and over Ae plHni
But *hkb I moat gtrtU dotbftmgh
I live In ihe coualry. I have u go
TU plBla to boaoaii. my house I maH and all the bird, amig for her. art two milea to school. Wc bar* . ,p*li


----------------- Perhaps U .tort
tbe Iswri, nshl In the from of Ifcc
porrb. and j-onr talbfr would ba> •
uked v
lnde«d to suslgbie'n
It aa. aimply Impoaalble to do m>
huadred boraes could not bavo
Ah"think of tbe tlase when tb.Urge tree w.. , m,ail MpUng:
child could hare alraigbtened It then.
and It would have grown properly and
haie admlrod It.
.. .v,. .
u .
By this 1 mesn thni boji an |


cat* one Ull.-only what Uiae the mTmralgbt pa'an arrow w
Mar. J«. 1S1-. blfda come to one raglaa.
, man. IfTt
W. W. Cook
an. nrTou.wsit.

time. I will b. gUd tomorrow beenw It will be the flint day of eprtng.
I have a new Simsblner lor you. She
k a little girl slz years <dd. Her

s, „.

u'.ton T%ZZ. toi”£. -ST—' "

unpaMlshe' '

;>rlntcd soma of .nd everybody else will have a
rtil lime of II.—OoUca ays
ed this
Rcaeu*. the Deg Here.
birds one of the truly dlKkalt aa waii
...... wbo led ibe
bera (Umciir.
aa deUghlfuI atrtka ia natere and Ofccly relief ezpedllloB
ezpedtiloo oter the Ice
aclence for
ag folks Md grown- hills of tbo frigid north, was a huge.
abaggy fellow and so lendcrhnrtad
camp hL b^ therTHI wimw! Tw^
------ of
-........ kagest -Jonrsars are Jbat all tbe children loved him. He
men own it wb.we same* aroJohn
John made
made by A
tbe iinieM bltd*. Tb* ham- •». bom in .Vewfeundlart and was

, ™, to,.. .,7fc to,


«,^«„.„„ -to..“totorv“

'Hy PIIM babkd too

n be washed 1

'I'*,,;' ”■‘““'r'"

blades, and there I maw two
tabes. ‘Ab. babes. Is
«b« you. babe, broldlng
babe.? if you braid any btrtM at all.
‘"'"•a- braid broad bladem- babes, or
braid n
sdnslall. bsbrti -

‘•‘•ro « wri"* tb* grouad. If be
«.u*cs ll he retarns te the *lrcle;
If be does not catt* It he eiebaagei
wfth the one in the centre art


A Loving Canary.
A ito.nd<« lamlJy has a eaaary >il
mere than avenge Inulllgeace. It
Hkes the baby of the kouae so *etl
that when the child goes U sleep ibitlay Mrd will perch oa Ihe cradle art
renialo c« guard uaUl baby wakea up.
K shows lU dlsapprovsl In a vary
MriUd maaaer U aaynes dMariit the
baby * (lumber.

toitoVsto.™ »n S'..,totolU., tod _.............

when «a get lour perfect i
s we think of.
to Hezlio arteven Bontb America The ezplaron choee him tor the
get a picture. ~ On tkorge Washinghlog- FTom your Snimhiner.
and hack everyyear. BtotAbdriai. gcrou. Journey bacaasa of hta
Iaat/£h.t a dsloly legert of bow- ton'* •WnhdaJ?wc had a good time I
le arbuiua came? And wouW you school. W* apob«^*cea and i
brot^ broui
-................ r aro trylag a,
nan this dowers til ahake. U Rst Print Uat about “MU* Uly MulA~ It we do noL *e wm,gat a tmrd. and
Wallin. MIc*.
atill larthcr nonh.
He wu aboard the Baer that
.bnl ah* does not know who wrote U. when we gel flv* of them wc will gn
Mar. »), tsi;. Som* birds, for reasons hard to Bttcd ont after (be uewa of the
Mlu Uly
surely a prize. Wc hud a pby about ('Irtw- Dear President—
^ and whan
___ Bulb thought
_ ___there_____
»"roe nmiag urc oft be Proteus,


■ shrieking snogBUr? If 8ai
»“lth ssw a shrieking
.bricking I .
my Sboenmlib saw?

Catch Rail.
IlcT* Is a Jolly game for school re. cess. The iilayen form a circle, with
, one In tbo mure, wbo throws tbe

tbmn gad In carofully Hodylag out tbe S,
.bobfo^ .u, ,b^ t.
faett of tbe mlgiauiin for aaek North noSlag In tbl. wbrid ao nobk a. do
Amcrtean bird-lu route, lu epeed lag tboir duty
srt a great many other tbingi that rii.— tnnm i
—» «■ , ,k—

— to, .to,.., ... „nfrom Indiana. Yewterday. and tbe day
before, the snow moiled, but
<iulte cbH lodiy. On WasbUplou v
hlribday we apeke, pkeos srt sang
SMSa. Our teacher gave u. a little
baidiet with Washington's picture on
IL Tlw Is a camp In the woods to,

Art kaaka dfttfeba tor my 'fabki Ir arbuttu.

....m ;s-.,

Take • re-now |. the time:'.. INd -‘■^‘•be-. lobs. “That la. ’ mi» Nobb.. •
fon ever uo.k*.alanT tree .bat grew -^r wome for Hobb.-,


Ihoa. wlU a a

r^to-sizr::;; 4..-s; *rr™.to.„to.=r.“to:r.2ri::'



cbarfol. soaay dlrtoalfallebarorter are aavtbe ^ MMumutly boUtavnus or dis

i™, ii: ^,"1;.;^;.... .

----- over
—.to good'kamina.
toMtoi ii-aBwis. Ilama
Dtiiiaaitt- Conucctlrai warbler, fairly comwm In »sa Pplthml with doga and -yip- amlla for every one.
* oo gocs-l
of fun
It -1 , ——
am -la —
(be third t• have
am a SunsblaThey never
Ilcerahc wa^ wrapped around vary gtwdt. I went homo win. my trachcr cr."! have my card and pin. I tlha
Sava one wbo •»« troubled, or wnrriad. thetr voiro

.............. “
■ •r »»«< October In the AUsa
AlUn Raacua
led th* oavA
' .-’ .toto. .to, totou, -,to .-toto:-;™;-i;;, .to :;-Stoi..;;;„-;,',™.s,»■“'»'»*uto
^ lad
------wn U tho kapw Rcaci

Abort ttyks I doa'l worry aefl get In ■k''
abc mirnt be «*ry ngly on to Uc. Her name I* Mbs Mary Dew- dost vfaUper We have spelling
• tom.
oultlde. aad no one ctmld Ml lug. Tbe Mace
dace ,wi
wber* we went
went <sa down.
down. I sra In the aomd grade. ToFar hut year’s paUens will do.
wbether rtie wnt ptauy or dot on ac- Cedar Ran. Our I
uma tr ddy Mim Dewtng »1 u. wa might
vMt n* tUi winter. She uthyed
IvAalp mami
-Maay laaaons yoo-R learn. If M N*: “’’br mother wU her lo be paUent teag Ume. and we were ao girt. To--care of the baby, aad'l help hw.wIU
fare ron-R tarn.
•»<> happy and aometlmc she would «orTnm> Ue Arm day of wring. I tbe dishes. W* have sa organ. I play
Art nm* how pat* doe. lu duty- be « pretty as a Illy,
wlH etoa* aow.
• papa pkys
tbe Mdle.
' Jam eOently kabaing end r*llbtully
promtly Hi* began to groar From
very aleepy. She forgot about her naMildreA Pritoa.
Elsie Johnson.
. C^nwlM waaU ta pcrfnme aad bapptoesn art uoly waaled U go tn I, wlW I cmaM have see* yoa ai . Youl'ai* a real__________
sleep. Bo ber mother pat^ la tbe 'XlrterolU.- What faa you mbm a^ saza. os weO we in aebeoL
—Wc* WIedom. *^L dark earth, andi she'went lo
U bare bad;
sleep and slept a kmg Umn, Ibr weeks
Mania. MliA.
FREBAENrR aad moBlhs.
Mar. M. ms
.One warm morning she awoke wRh

• «» ueiHw^OTu iwew ^ vise


m Brow iBSUr asw IBSUr,


nM«g«fslm that Rbeasria Alar- LOy Balb be^ pm *; a «sm g(
Braudl gtaria abnet them. MaT ft? oeR «roh. aad amm «rew «sty tmi

MDa MtZay.
Tga nr* eenabUy a troa BasUi
a .yw pro bsiptaL- I «m ■

apHnt lexariabiy maklag Ms north- “HI* *.(*011) and n.eiik proved be they pretty or npt-l* alway.
»zrd Journey webi of th* Alkfhahy InvalasUa. Ula iceol waa keen aad •*reC Tbe only troabi* thu the nm
..mautna. Mom mnall bird*
make throngh
the long
iU, and.
(Iix ....
... n>-tampered-girt has U th* <
_ ^ea
ana wants
tong Btghu at nl^t art feed hu Hreagth never ___
the ^ b«r popularity. Erery
art root daring U
dw. but the awpl- other do^ wet* almom drying ia“**‘k«i»'-“^'»i“‘M<
Ion, •wcroc
reveroe xae
the mie.
drewP«»r. Yoneg mm> ar* attroeUd to
re ^ ine
her without effort oa her pan. for
CriiersOy the aerthsrarl Bight b lag tbe bavy Hedge Ba
m- b«r character ebowr* luatf ao pMMIy
replA tsadensed aad tooB-e.vsr. bm trot art good sglrtu *
tbe rctnra movement beglai
. .. (of
^ some
suae spire them.In ber scUoet that yooag wm arc
bird* as arty i, the Foarth ef Jaly
Resene was oac of the flu: U ee- *> driigbted at th* *iirUam art
and It 1* IQ progreu utU A*sity_tba dlaUae-flag of the C.-e*iv Dsrtx ■rnjpsthv of bm astare that (hay ar*
Some bird* mere msr * art hi* Joyfal bark carried glrtnest
to her et o
wide *r«a. aprert naarD aenm the to tb* baaru of the survUg ezrior- «<» *cn. the girl with Ma enaay d
roaUaeau while other, hsv* a aar- an. Baron men ware foort
P-»ition. who amlla nway th# tre
row duaael o"- ................
-. /

Dor PtaMdrnt-.
«e AmRralla. WUh ihu bird It 1* th* ktrt bar. Tbe ■
I am ,^*ag w wriu t» paa todsy. nortb»aid trtp Ibat M -*Mw. art trt «asa at bar can. Tba n
--------- -“ar. Ktos Mary OaMng. haM F

ttv kill •
I «9S (*lk«rfKtv UV %*4 lul«
o( IWH I'lrr tt
I »ni In llu- ihird
•llj pl^ bablCB Um uusl be «ai*«nl «**»• »|«n
vlUi daw
llprr abr «a«. wramird arounil »ei.- (rstii. 1. nciil Im..iiim- «Hh ui>
And Mtiuui with a mind • haul btnr tlRWIy »ni> n hard, brown nkhi. and on ThtbkntlvlnK, M.v ttailipi is Kinn!'
] ahr knew abc uiuai lie very udy on t« luc. Her name is Miss Mary l>r»About stylM I 'don't worry and *et |u '
ihc outside, and nil one could tell In*.
The place where wc went ‘a
b Burry.
whether she was pretty or not on ar- Cedar Hun. Our Kraiidma iwhh
' 11
for last yoar'a patUTn will do:
rotat of that skin.
visit ,na this winter -Slic suyed a


-Mwt iMw»na *011^
«» to Jf«
SM happy aud si>»et.Mi oiw woohL ■«. rv* m the Ui;* day d: apitaa
«■« pmH toru.
be aa' pMVy M a Wy
wW rW ,Md
tot M
m AM peMoOt* al»
an pai^
Sm 4Mlr kM-MB Md lattWoMy

AI4" pdt oe ffcrtr *mm» b«|.

•cTfir «M a M«k aa'MtaM" M .iNi

I to M «a
* •
Ba ^ oauUsr 'p« ^ M «b- t.^BdataSa
o^^MBt as ba«w. tedi0tmm SM ail pi a imt nmm. far «mw«i

> as

tp^ fwu


. aw.^ wllb
» pa iM «»*< d^
I^it ^
divt Air I I ^ MMs «*d
MM. Ml M dto pM«t MfeM
MB m ^
Nm ^ wMte iBpk
pMn ape a( MB ra^ yoMa ^ a
MIB IB bar MidaB aPd IM iBo fawt■a*
«*B*Mb aad aPMdi^ that
iBap’ bMdo 10 the obp.
BV *mmm |ha ba* are ridln-iliii

•wUna hat t*mm abate
IsMd erw
aM Maa ht«sd
asPM- war Mhwa an «mM 'tmm
' *aBr ap. Uh Kalb, sorvaa baa «mm.
aM b P Mm fm yoa ta pat ap '
Ut' Mb dtd aot bapa aM U waa
4«Mm has. ba* I fldah.p aps »ua Bi
it* April raladiapB pattertn* m the
*wr*b abpee rpal ra«*

» aarlB. lao. aad Jaac« «BMM
MOl fM to laBr ber Maitt>>
MM 0mmrn aad tooB reuroiilar to
. . .
rBM« I waa Mri owlais «a a broaiA.
■I^PB Bta Bcart oat lo bia littio
M oprla* tb uiwa Ml Balt as
Bl«a aa aprtas ta tha touBtfr. aad aU
yoa boya had glrU have U Bnc opportBBlty to resHy oee what'rity <*II4-

Aa Mlsa Ub Mb bt«M ta atmeh.
aad rta^ aval lb* bard <«at braaad
. . .tao«
. . haw
. . .and
. . Bae
. IJIy Bulb
_ _
lofc ibea. She poabed^ber little bfwwa
feet dowb into ib* earth aad airetrhed ber head ao that «be could look at
the world above her. What a happy
world K was:
Ereirtblng was pattla* oh oew dreaaea. sad the aim-

A to

t«kr « 4*lf^ra«i <«««: ««m1m
rrw-»«* •««
»*• Mllr
«W» kb\« • pmrnm
I t«»r Ml vrltirii f«r a Umt itM- ■»•<«*« »»••* *»i»‘ eo^ mawh.
TlH* IW-ar aiaA. a taMM aM Tk»- !“•'*''> sBille for r»«#> «•*
Th«r M»*r
I iiair <ia>d IrkwNiB \ ant a Suiiabln- C'om»*n il««i narliJrr. falrl> i-omunm In »a* hniah«>4 aiui ilvsa ai».l alr4c»«
Vim MW trouWrd in- »ormd, ttoelf
1 ha%t> iny laid Miit .|»in. 1 lik
Sci*Join|aT ami OiIoIht Iu tin- Atlau Ucm u* l«nj tb* |nn k. Sa>»
is non BDti muaicml and tkelr ■atlr—
iny tuubfi. Wr wy a tlrkrA W wo tli- SuftSv.^ m v.-r »ii-n thvr- in lli.- knew ih-ppuc wi-1.
1 V they pretty or n»rt-la always
don't hIUhiwp. ^ We liave" a^liln; spriiiR. in»smbl> making Us north' Ills i«aBai»' o’xl m«*n|o pun
trouble' that th* a»n
«o. mu-i
The.only t
down- J auriii Un- Mgvnd Krade. To- «ai<l Journry west of the AUc*han> liivaluahSc. H;s M*-nt was keen. Md ^
has U the ooledine
dsr Miwi
Miss UrwlnB
Itcwins twil
<*rt .u«
.us we
we lulcht
lulBht uicuniiilus
mouniiilua Must
‘Must small
small birds,
birds, make
make thniiiRb
oub and
thnniRb the
tin.- IlouB
and ijreM-me
ijresonie drive* ^^*^***Kver» one waoU
help mkmaia ^ak.- tbeir Ions flishts fit nlRht and teed lik^trenrtb never isxB-l
WbM the
^ ^
ha ta IM co*»
write, to you.
, SIM) >i-«t dn'Mic the 1d'-ss ft- »*■
•io*pi»^na In
ear*- «.r the J>wln. and I b«-'|<
■ Mlaett-d I"
i..W ^e^e'»- -:it. 1-.i.
lire* -rw-b* with ab« iai>s**e -k'S-aw
thi k^br-f
»t I- hs«« wa ariaa < e
Ihwe-WU- flM latriWward a*oir
u ia« «<m *»■•” *V-da.- U»-w•-tfreh-as
ihe nraww and fop» ato>« tb* M41.


IO>w- tikiaxo.
• teal NaataaWr •< faiipa


iMia a* I



That* aOr
«w4. aM tbiaa
«**• m war I0M»*
tt a«ht atisv I
m bPMr tsasa ariaad i ha«.- la aa«w*pd apd Balp pal ta ibr rows
Mithda' P IBo tbWMaatb ol twMw .
«ad I *U! be ele«M ««wr» <dd'
havw a paalal «wtd aUtaai
Mw pat
wbtapMtu*. aad ba«e three mm* perfeet tUM*. t sai I* tb* third arada.

^•and. «M.daoM It sM toM r>«*r. MM tTW
the 'rtatW.tM*.-«;e«t
~«aw *«*•'
roa-t* «tf v»*i
• as
• **e «»> ^ :
.lapfciwi 'o4--<y'



«s- -Wmw.•

hM« aM fW I aa%«

•-■.as* «1.

..b.b.ppr U«i
fragrance. And w^-Oow- Prerident-

•'-■•V* •a—-:.,-.



•Aa* lx\tB


AHaa^ Im.««pb rhM aa»et
l ao«e 'mmi- <*—iii*’ * « •
■ MIM--'' •b«Maa Mtt. aai -MO*
aa« taPTw aen*- .
l^ *»- Maw la
«>. »•, tap**, tt-n. * T
the m.«o*. uM 4i « «•*« awn vtww A«*aM ;

- .
ua h f« l .«ald apse
1 tiwtr«i« i -<«f
. . \
the Par Stwtb
ba«e fbSvw aawaa la as«d sa ta .ai
*«d wr-wrfciia-r. PwBtBB «•(Tab.
J*«alp Manta
tooos biael*'" - '
PTOoa *0 WH.aiwi !«' HaUn
«V ppa baer a AaalMM>.rlb
»PoptWa heasM
|h*arr aba !t*ea ta laiiaaa. w# bay

^ iMba •»«,*«

p l|»
m tlww

ub *MW Mrii.
»> -




ImW» - .Mn. kir.-. M
PRTo- '*•* • •’ tia* .r*’--srC
••*. « *»» *. *» -w* f*

•*"** ^ ‘ ."T

-MI. •«*«
•'bow •-<« »'»•
-. *
■ a hiw im"- •*
lootwbaor^ ^Bo
bare ■•f«aawrd a < lab caUed
yw -r* r.r m^**m •• tBt Md
Aivat ilali
ir yoa Bod oay oanies ^'wv« Ar«-Ma and diew^PbaM a atop .
.or ...d
wbbr .PbPMl.
_-*•, nir
s’-'-aiUbi to Pwi b .Irad^rtMa. a pawrwet w l»Mti t»»ia he.l
piraat ecod tbria
over llfb’
««- •
- '*-*••• " 'rwVd . Xf**-/ -OMt aaw af the aldse
»>••» yw little SaariitBer.
aiiUw. Mae
rvem for aboor a b»e !*>• m • iws^r-y,*' *w*r.
u«K '•rot* «Ma nptatw eo
I. .1) Aadth.
‘be wccaa etthoot a^tUip
OO that brr nw*.-i* r,dentfoib »hs PrsJ'
Ves. d» n*uie and an* aie when you t«ri
On-thePacUk side the golden l>loi' angels have !.eeB k.«*ioc b.rAod
v mo* appspf to fV rrod
eau. I Hve at 113 Waablnptnn At. not
er leaves the AHstisa Ulsnds and
And when she gre*
,« ,h.-. that tbpt tBa*'that thai
Ur Irotn the twun heose
gore 2..VWI rnltea to ilawall without a ed her eyes like sunhs'we. airi aleaw
ob)e*/ed to «aa all rigbi. ai
rest, and wmtefs in the Soothern ed 00 her fiwebes'l like • star
M'allin. Mich.
from the Society Wands
All lovely tbisss thsi tevd Ueb*
Mar. Si*. 191STwo Wapa.
to «««■*»•
Australia M'Uli
this n*ro
bird «
it »
U me
the lovro
loved or,.
her The "“
Ih-ar rresldcnt«
««« ««»•

' {'4 ttkb to be a hornet.* aald Tom.
i anl golns to write to you todsy, northwsrd trip that is slow, and the came st her calf The
-apd tbet I could sUag eetiibsdy
Our teacher. Mtas Many Dewing, told ,Baat<

Jeafle la la the Bfik S'sde. sad
Orra is la the eipbtb sn^.
>^.>««<Ber‘a baaw t* Mis* Mary |tr«
.la*„ Miss tJewto* toM as we adsbt
write a letter lo y.»u An*as and.M'il
lUa are act *oiii« to school now As
soon as the apaw «oes o« lUaay is
fdmla* to-^ooL
M'e llv# h.» llw
rtvsr. aadV. the sneaoKr we s« AoA
In the rlrer'ond had elaxu abella.
Prom your Suaehiner.
beBma were calling all the little plants
nils McKay.
to grow faeter and faster,
You arc certainly a true I
Lily Bulb heiWU put on a
' you arc IWpfaL 1 api sure
oofi graen. and aoon 4srew vny; tall
... .Ul,ly. Sb. -« «. .... .h.'. rt. )« .rc ku.a to over, »v,« ,bl«.- o. « mi*i •«« '^"Z"
hare seen pussy willows, rrewa
could be beautiful
Preaaotly ahe
WaUln. Mich.
robin, and a catbird. U wlU soon be tic neoting grounds. »blla the West
hloaaoaifd into a lovely Illy, and

m can oaly read aboBt.
The little Bowen look eo tike ehlldrea tbainaelrea that It la easy to play*
pretcpd oterlea about theta. Un'i ur
IM m
1»T U. U..U. .««.
kif thBArbalos? A toagaxine called
’-M’oflUB'B World* printed It two or
a™. ,».™
«d r»r
...b, ...r,
tbOB«l|Mt was BO Ptwttz^sha has aar- broathed her

•e '.if* •■'■

.ITSt11,’itn'’-«J -b^
When she was older the light kept tweet beney for ereiTbody.

Mar. M.
20. ».i.
191i. .pri..sprisg.
We b.v.
have b.<
had »r
Wairtod a LKlI* Out.
thla wteter. Thera ar. nineteen and al^ the CblDCse and Siberian cban« Into a
^ ^bo kne»
happier. It brought
--Mother.* groaoed
PbH. “iBa't
oar school. 1 am la the seaboard.
Jour- oBBahiae into the tick
rooBi. aad there a khty-cBlom lor Bmatl boTB"?
Tbeiw are sl> chOdren
I This catechism ia too bard for ate.*
I bop* I will paas the *«?• of 12,*0«. to

•4 It »>0B. an this Ume. to rabd. It tboaght that there sever was * uy*
1 hare not written to you In a tong Stmahlners In
Ihfig that .made one no happy aa to time, ao 1 tbougbi I wo^-writ* now. fourth
fourth grade.
baglas tfelB way:
of la <eur elasa.
ago lA*a ttved b* able to glvo Bapplaeoa lo othora.
Hop away signs have you ae<


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