Grand Traverse Herald, August 22, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 22, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


amd Travorso







Slabep Cranitan Will Be Prraant and hi. mtod-fraquawly wiaderr. Phjsl.
clan, say hla death is a matiar of
Aaaitt in tha Dar'a

boua* praparad lo alOp aaallaa for ona
r*ar: iba aaaaia volad a laa-yaar aiop
or anlloc.

ir iirrhaiw hour.
Rooih'e last
E* lo the' Salvailonisis
■ Ills ■•miiiises are sure if you l>rlle«c •


VMhodlst clmrcb bulldioi: wilt ba
on Friday of ihlir'aaak and Ilia
>t will be a Doiabla one for Tiav-


araa rity. a« li inarke anolhar Map
forward In »hi» ganarwl Walferr.' Th«Beans oiueh lo any cliy and
ba a credit lo tl.a


with taenia. boaUng and batbtog.
«tSAM. wblab laaar bafiara U rar'
Bdraaca of iha na) wonb of tba aH*. and tneta oibar plaaaurae a*
pieau mar.wlab to Indulge In.
. wbao tba oaal or bxlai It op for
dob J* rarlad anougb In ila
part U labaa toto eowMaratioi. A
anlt the pleaaura of tbe ladlrMual.
la the afiarBKB the big areat will

I a ball g*B* at Uagae park wjih
dAfi tftlH towai^ to tb* rttr rlork. tba Weqaatoiig uaB oppoaad .
Tbe rot* to anbralt aiood
Alder- airoag aggragatton from Onana.
Baa Saal* and Valor rotlag againat Waqnatong llaa-up is as follow*: Hen­
tba apttOB.
ry Hull, a; Walt Hanson, p; Fred
> patittaa ror tba conatructhB of a Miner, lb;' Nick Miller. 2b; CBy Hall,
tottral aawar Imb tb* and of tba Bo- aa: "BaaB- Bberwood. 3h: Stan Bay
banto atroat omr aooHi to Blaiaaatb dar. If; Carey Hull, ef; l^n Baker.


la tba

*nw patiUoa froB



MKto* aaktog tb* aoaacll to make aa
M of tb* aaanal o
I* to b* b*U ber* the aetoud weab^a



there will be a program of music
fomlsbad by Ulas Hdith Bnabakam.
too Wequetong mal» quariatte comlioaed of Harry Henson. Cuy Hall.
Gerald Monugoa and



and s mixed quariatte. Mlaae* Btflih

SaptoBbar was raralrad aad fttsd.
Rbabakam and Bertha Miller. Messrs..
Tbe report'd riiy Rngtaaef Tabor
Hsrry Hanson' aad Coy Hall.
Ob Che (osdkioB of the North I’aloa
Al i^B* o'clo^ srill COB* the grand
atreot and Park Braai bridges ahewad
flaale when Halbarg'a orebaatra will
that tba two suwdurB art to bod
condttlOB aad are too lUbi for traSir |«to)' tbe grand marefa tollewad... by
program of gaaoaa.

This will eon

and BBBf*. Tb* Iron wort I* badl>
rvatod ao that ibe brUgaa are

Hade what tbe Hub has planned

ir weakened. Tbe report wt
ferred to tbe bridge eoBmlttee.

younger sal a* tbe honor guests.

Tbe plaae of Citr Ragtoear Tabor
ter tba addlUon to tb* eltr stale
■ bona* ao tha Barbat alta wan
MM*d te tbe couadl and sdopiad.
Aldatvaa Boat* aacarad aa addtilon
to tb* a^rofTtatlea satietoai to bare'
• pat, to *beo tba buUdlbg U

en tide at Thlrtadatb. aad'
tb* Bdrwal^aMMaied by A. J. Peter;,
tji oa tb aeorth side of lito lartorr

araatful day

with Cadillac's


Firat Year—Beveral Have
Made Application. '

Tba rounty

normal . arbool





len have made applU-ailon tor ad■iiissloii lo Ibe Ha*s Any

Small Beginniag Reaulted In WyttSU
Ip of One el OrrateB AeUvn

Is a giadusie of a grmted scbuol has: at least ten grades In its
any |a-r*on who holdw—w'
gra.Ie Cenllbuite or w^ ba* isugbl
siovessfully (or iw*_eiar» u eligible
The rUSH will be fully eqalMpiH and la ibe- Baesi ol
llnilled lo Sixieen tor Ihe Ural year. sbai-e. will Sian oa tbe mvaaon'a'ran
iHhing III enter llils year
They already have some
should make apjJIcaHoa lo Rupl. U >1M>le* on hand and with the enlarged

IsimioB. Aug.
ri.-Tbonaart* gf
telegram* «.f sympathy for (be iuaa gf
'heir leader. Geeeral Boolli. who dl*4
tost DlabL wrpe received by HalTalla«‘
loOay. Revbral mlefi aito

I- T<|er. If more iban slilfen make casacliv of Ihe mlU expert lo mahe •oorn of-psumlBesi men and woBtto
■d Iheir grief. It |. bBlevad
apidbwilfin Ihe preferraea will lie
I season* from the
wmeral's aoa. BrawwelL wID
giveu lo ihus*. who ap(>ear to have the very atari.
■uiveed hi* fatbrw as BalraUoalB
best qualWrailoiis fur doing ibe «prk.
It the atvpie* ran be oecured they
leader. The will of tbe dead toadar'
Tbe followink rtttirse.'of simlv
•p in -abape to take care of IhreU!
au&n. The body la to
U |iur*ue<| during Ihe flral ten w
tboinand boabel* of Biq.le* • toy. and
of Ibe year:
fiuriiig Ibe entire season dne bnndrMi lie to male at ib« Balvajioa Army
Bomb left
I'byslulogy. redding, xpelling. writ ■M t/ly ttoBSBD.I buahels of apple* tVilWreito ball.
ing. language. aHibniMic. a
will be eoaverted Into cider.
Two- 1‘tolterally no peraenal eBaie. u tb*
laal snni* earned by. him thro^ bl*
iralnlng. ol.s. nallon tem-blng
thirds ol the OUII.UI to boiled cider, of
four week*i. nature study am
which they will make dnrlng Die com­ wrlllop went toward the enpport ot

meniary agriculture. .
Army. Mramwell BdbUi to eipetoing season *.oan barret., and about
lo aorreed hla father. He la tbe
TvUHon ai lb* eouniy normal to 1.0M of wweol elder. This total ouleldest SOB and grew up In tbe Aray
free, and coimty ttormal*,
I'iBM barrela
m* Ibal
lha box waa llae<I with paper
He to IMty.*ti year* old.
%ar* ol tbe (iroduri* or
ib« apples graded so that each may is- iransferred to other coudIIm. hnndred
Kendrick is a aiHeatoto speaker and
mm WTU be-shipped fnm tbe'city
- Mlatery of tba Leater.
f^lnad sloHt Of uniform sire.
Iba oratorical ability of tlia other
I tbe nett few monlhi.
Bfev. wmiam Booth. foundM- and
andHlle atock was paiked in layers
require i
Thla yeare new apple amp wUI be head of Ihe Salvatk* Army, wia borm
u as IQ present an atlrarilrc appear
manufaclured by tbe company. It I*
NoHlnaham. April rt,'JI2S;*ad
ince. when the box wa* opened. I'urlo be need a* a fountain ayrap and
ed at a (trivato arbool la (l|gt town.
tbartnore. ibe dual waa nibbed off
mixed wlih earboi
He aiudled tbeology -rMh ibe Rev.
from Ilia apples os they were pUcail
ake* a detiHoe* drink.
William Cooke. U D. beraae * nUfr
n ihe box so ihai thay would sUlnc.
During tb* anminer a new boiler later of the lletbodtot New Conner
Aa tbeee AMle boxe* (eaula
Mr god Mts- Earl W Lee. of nint. has been pUred In the mill, glrto* Ion In iK.’m. and was agpolated Boatiy
sp. Btoaen W«l Laelore in baa a bnahel. satunH are batag ofa. who TlRiied the (irarhl Trarerae B^ them altogether about one bondrad
hold siHictal avaagBlatto aarvleaa.
alned-at a rata that Is better than
Charlevoix County.
and sereniy-flve horsepower. Tbe con­
which he fell ao strangiy drawn
tC par liarral as against iha fl that ikin of M'etlern Miihinn on the iCib.
II when Ihe ronfemnee of ISSl'rm
e partKtwe of finding a fmll and densing caiacity ha* alae been In­
I* being secured by the nld siylc
Illudtralcd lartiira, •\Vasiarn
creased by tbe insiatUtioe of a new qulred him lo aeiile to Us ordlHry
fruit grower.
RVchlgan Roads. Fariiii
nondenser. During ibe cld'er. aeaaoe chcuii work, be ivaigned. end bagaa
The doctor is now bringing In tan
(^arda,~ will ba gkaa la Charlevoix
abooKWaJ; men will be mptoyed at bi* laborsAs anw«|^*itot aooag Un
boxes of apple* a day and aliipplna Iheir qiie»i. and consltacipd for the
churchee whenever be Bad an oppots
Way farm. (|ve mile* cast of Men. he pUfrt.
He believes that
la Boyaa Ctiy on Saldrdaay avcuiug them by ex|>rass.
Tbe products of the Morgan Bin* lunlty. n>miug in thli capartiy to lb*
Mr, and Mr*. Lee .will move here In
August riih. by tba aeeraurv of
early spring and become perma- ire looked upou a* the bdel wherever htoat Bod of london he ^eervfd that
:arlaa ifagt ba to making regarding
W^aru .Mlcblgan DaTalopmcni
ibey are Bid. The demand tor their loe vast tnaiorlty of tb* people attMdneni
Stlctal. fruit buelnaas.. will soon make^
reau, John
•lock exeeeds ibe supply every year. e.1 no place ol worship, and be auned
country and will do iheic beei'to
county la about lo vote npon tha
lAd Ihe linn has won a reputation for ••The rbrinlan >tl*|ion" In July, ISSS.
help make ibis country
the most
of bonding lisalf for the
toeir Ihroughoul the Founlry as bejug To ihto inisslou. when 11 had berotne
pwperoue and iDtliBmial in Amer|.
Traverse country.
ImproTtng Its highways and
alway s up to a high flandartl of exreP a lame organlzalioB. for«ed opea bUlenci'.
laciure will ba given In ibe loieresis
iiary llnee. bv gave to IfTS Ue name
The Matlsiee Counlv Horticultural
of Iha bailer roads program This
of -The Ralvailon Army."under whUA
tVcIeiy liat a Mg •nePHni at B*^
ity Is rapidly dev eloping aa i
II Boon bKame widely known, aad
iJike OB Ihe I9ih InsL Thi* eociei;
agrlcullural sat iion and a
grew r^ildly nnlil It bad. at Ue'bvuii.lir the leadership of J. te MerrlM
amonni of. Imprqvad roads are going
of IPflC, ;.3lo poets, under lb*
Manistee, is making an enable re<
10 ba nacasaary to the ueu few y«trs
charge of 16.SO0 olftcera aad employe*.
Mto* Marion* Bird a
.kmung iheir speaker* tor ibe
lor the marketing of the farm
local offlrera. IS.OM braB
Monday meeting were Prof WllUai
haiiilsBieo Bud about GA.MO rauatrlana.
Un Kaiur.lav aflemg|to 'k
Thomas J. Whtiinery diA sud.lenly. T Rniitb. president of Hie Great-West
will give a talk in ibe |iark ai Boyne
Tbe Army w*. organised In 4» conn- .
District Buparlniandani

drirt win dalirrr aa

IbMand o( lb* barrel was i

\V. F.





City to lilt- fartnera. ihai they


know the advantage* of- Imprurliig
ibeir roadwavs.


era Canning com|<any. of Delphi,
Wblnuer} had and author of the liook. "H-« lo Oi
One Hundred JIushel* of Corn

bi* borne, dol North Kli.isood
»e Sunday night


>tosl Front ttrert waa tbe trie* and rolonle*. and from ihe lnl«- '
s<-eqe nf a .pretty wt-dding to« even- tuHoual beadtiuaner* la

•en uumble lo <h> heavy

was taken borne In an auutmoUlle. but liichen. the -<T-md I* u young cherry
In Noreiulu-r. A< the same Hnv
Uvar half ol Iba Michigan
when he reached tiikre lie was utiaUIe orcbuiU aiid.>lte->Oilrd l« the cherry
roads bare agrvad l<) advartlaa lha earlier rijiening Tsrleii'w
^w In ibair fall lima labia*, whicb *|>e<-l*d Ihai fruil might be secured to siieak. an.l death'tame a half liour harvest ,;.s tie taken on Hie J C, Mills
the exhRiltf 10 be made hv ihe bu later
The aiiendiBg phvsk;i*n diagill ba Usncil in,about 2U dsra
ii.-ji iilil Mission.
the case as aciiic .Ulalhin of
TtaTerae City 8isi* boapRal aakiag If
Both daily and wvakly aewapapar^
■• *ucu-t number of the Fruit
_jthe conaell woaM altow iba« aa*!- tbrudiiboui Iba enure aista faa«e srii Grand Rapids ami ihe Michigan Slate The heart.
•ouiahi. ail artleli- from
Tboniaa Whlntierv was
liopn In
It Uelrult.
«M*t dork TOOB Ob tke oM OB propiiiansci'meni of ibe abow
ha* P Ruck of (hi* ett
loomfngslwri. Ind.. M*v
jsr.t. and
ortg to unload coal aad otbar treigbi pledging ihalr support.
or the siiiilr I* -Marketing Hie
0*1 of bl* youth' w». s|..nt ther.that la rcrelTPd byewalar. It war
TM* ls an all Michlgaii ahow."
'Vl he atiicle is lllu.siraied with
his luirem*.
otorod and ralnred to iba cobbIh
said Asaiitam i^craiary lew
errv harvesi nrene on tbe W.
the Grand Tratet c region where he
OB wa^ aad means.
Bierce of «ba ‘Irxi.d Rapid* AsaorU
Tompkins farm near Did Mtsalon.
has msife his ho
Tb«M was a reai deal of lime eopof Conimetra. n.h.i U arttng as
la read from ibe


was nvarrie.1 March It. l"l, lo Mi»»

'li i* Intandad to

attract settler* lo Ml.-lrtgan. end noi
to any one aaclion ol iba siai*. .\allbar tha Wesiarn
Mit-huan lka>ak>pIf. 8 IfoU and wile. Pr Carl Hein«0T*r the letTltotT from lha reraar of mant bureau a«r tba Grand Rapid*
ban aad wife of Ovetond. W D C.
TalOB aad Ba; streets weeiward
AssoclataiB of Commarva
has a
the bills. Tb»«^ I* about two and sev. toad for aala. but boib are aiming
Ceter lAlce today
ewtMtbs Bdia* eoBprlard in this sye
»e darelcpmaat of iha ani:ra »taia,"
day the party makes
tea that wifi drain tb* low iwn of tha
Tbe Michigan Stole
H.^imltiiral Ihe resorts in Ibis reglea nlib ibe ob­
waat aid* aad wm* will be
sftvlaly will axWbIt al tbr appla sb<
ject la view of adTerttotag ibe C.iami
Bapccd at eaa* If putting down tha
Is axpaciad tbii the Mkhlesn
Traver** RecB* fair. *( wbirh
Agrirullural collage will' also |>t
Hull is a dlrecior
Oa each c
Uore Ub* vaa Btraa to bearing ob1 an exhibit and dam»n*:raiion* <
liberal amouei of a.lTenMaa'l* tak*w
toetloBt to tba faring of East Frooi
la care of I teas.
along and this i* dlstrtowte^ai tbe
street aad aararai of tba property
Exary tlavalopmasl bureau lo iba
farm bouse* along Ihe rowe^^teaser'
owaan were pteaeB and oterad ob state has baaa iniiiad lo ro<
-Mo ptoi-ed la Ibe inee* I?•'VlaHhmt to tb* earrytag out tbe work
• couniaiact iba oplnhm bald in pnblic
plar^ Ibal Ibe partv tofee*
ihlt year oa adreonl at already harlbg
quartan that ibe abow
sail ihp
Ip toaie.M Ihe <4bBs taw
lo pay h*at|. nearer and sidewalk tax- slrklly weal Mlablgaa proposi
Ibereby s|lr«ad over ib* regioa in a
ea to addlCloB to the parlag
Grand Rapids I* iba JibIcaJ place In
very eSecHre maaaer. Vr.yHan/cirtbe anmtloB of
the aiata 'for the boMlug of saefa a ried out the same plan lav|E ymr aad
grad* at tb* Q. B. B L eroBing
show. It 1* Iba mamtoHla-of ibartwli'.soBa excellent rpsoli* w^ ebtoiaed
again farougbi up and diecaased tboN belt. and.tba largest raRraad canter rtom
bto work Trip* wlB tw ai^e a*
Mlcblgan. both of wbkb lieas :
tor nortb aa IXoakey aad tor about
peruat - factor* to lb* aucc^



of Btate abd Itolaa atra

(OoBUanad on p*» b>ur.)



0* wlieny^lr son. Helnian Hugh
ore Iban a year and was eniploved Worn Out Soil - j-rttf. V. P. Hedrick.
The Western Michigan IVTaloiiiiieiii
oplan. w«* marrted l« Mlaa H*/>on»
bureau apple colbsuors, W II. Sicele
ligbl. easy work si ibe Weils Itlg hnriUiiliurisi ol the New York Slate da Ulrd. cLaughier of Mr. and Mrs
When be left liis home
VI StuUon, ilFnera.
and Clarence II Sailer, ma.le a trip man plam.
John Rirq of iFrvtnoni.
Mlih. .Hi '
tIA Grand Traverse |M«lnsiila for Ihe faclory vtofenUy tiioroltig be and-Merl>ert H Dow of II
Kahili Krowu ^f firaud HapId. per
apiuiremlv as well as ever. In Chemical iv.tniany. MidUnd.
yealerday, <lnsi>e<-ilng the larger slid
Mlchi- formed Ihe cefieiminy and addregs..
'lerrlli I.
and |■arHcu- good sidrit* and as eheerful as usual
lie viiung |•««pV■ as u> the eulemnli
On reluming borne he Iiecano- sud these Iiig tutis- the Western MIe.hl
>1 iiiarruge. us is Hie cuefuu will
Grand Hapldae Aug.'20.—-n.a mxn- larly these orchards b
growers wbo’have learned the liu|K>n donly wi-al. und bv ihe lion- he hail
lie Jewish pevipie’ .
■n is.iiHiry i-v means of his
tament of lha aaenud annual
reuHied Foi<l>-'s store on West FmiU
The hriiYc wulTait.-ml.-d Ig her sis
Tlirec GfaiiU Traverse view* aptwar
ran lAiid and Appla Binw axprass!
1 Ihe firai laad qI the New, y„rk et. Miss l.udle IViil. ami the gnsMii.
ssilatsi'iion wlib lha result ol
and Went lino ihe store. * requesilag Farmer ttl .AugiiM l^th
lid gel the apples lhat It need
Iiau wu Jowiih Cuulaii. buHlier -il
lha campaign lo sat-ura Iba ooopam
king the big show ai Grand Rapids Ibal a dmlor tu- called at on.she gneiiii, of Cliattaiiooga. Tenn
tba railroads and praB of tba
plciiire of wild latui near Inter

pubUHly manager



■en for regular work al » o'clock
Tuesday. 8a|it. 3, . The school will be
In rban^p «f Mias Hlancbe Fewila.


ol Ibe, on Ihe m,v
iwopriation l.lll providing for on.

Seraral young Ben and young wo-

arcbllactursl aiamltulni barauaa of its
Ball* Hla Prodoei lor 8I« Timet aa
baaoiy, and from Hie ralt«lou» aland
Much as Barrel Applee
It t* M* HP to ito. |wopl/o( tb» Tms Oraaniaatlon* Will Mauggla for
point l•acs«Fa of ita great lialp lo tba
rtly to toj- wtMtor or M ^ ».bi
•apnmJbr on •ataball Olamond
young people aa wall a» lo -olliera
to porcUto til* Johb r. Oil prot»ri>
FrtdarWhen complafM It will i^. cunduned
(«r ■ dir pork oU*. u > tho catmdi
along inslltmluna'l lloes and win
voto4 Mondv to ■abslt uw qu«>
Dr E'lenmiiia Carres who has been
open ararydav In iba year
\Vi.rk .
• apMld otoctloB 10 br rollrd
frtill grower only a tear and wbose
Prldar. AuguM 23. rrom nrir »on
building Is being pushed i
totar. ThS octioo
ukM bacauv
tarm U l.eoi<<1 in Hluiwoud townablp.
kg UDlll Ula al nlghl tb* W^oaor lb« noBbor or ptoimIi ibai harr loot club will ba a mace* for Cadil­
Lstelaiiaii touniy. lias made a record
bM «sdc to tbr aUnTiMs »tocr ib<> lac rtoltoto. Iba aiamban of iba Cadltwblcb be bellerew br%s many
and workmans]
s being ampioyad
purcbaM *w autboriiod b> ibfin
lac Boat club and tbalr frianda who Cotlrartor Ulbar li( pulHiig his basi records made by many of the old
tuc iMt regvlar bmmIbs. Flva |>eil.
lime growers, fellow* who lisve been
will Birlre br aaloniobllaii at Intor- alfurts into iha work
tloM With ov»r Ob* huadroq umr*
in tbe business for thirty, forty .......
rala Uiroughoul iba day. Tbara la a lure.
WMb ar«d>tad to tM coobTlI
atrong fna^adahip bdwaan the' two
Preparalliins have iieen r-omplolad fifty bears. This miirnlng ha raceiv
nlfW bJOiac that tte ftaopto b* rIvvb
town* wblcb (or ynara
have bean
4in check from his Chicago
r Iba d<-dlraloiy M-rtbsw whhb will
a cbaaco to nr »bdbar lb*j- »b«
^niatlva fur five bbxes of Red Aknown aa -alalara." and to weld lo< Impramlre and wall worth bmr(bia piotwnr or aoC bbd ibm.
fatbar tbla bond of friendahlp. ibr lag.
The apaakers who ,wlll take Ttncban apples, ihe Bine kind Ibsl
eoopM «Hb tb*
ire being told on iha Wal mai
Waqoaeoag ba* planned ibia CadUlac
ratolr 10 Masbat
dar Wlih hopaa of making It a a
Cfaarles Siawart. of lha (iarralt lilb It II a barrel. .The dIVerwiKa bewo tbe chiar nan oTtba c-b*a«(- oT
ual eranL
Hr. Carrow s apples ^d
Ileal iDRlllina. and Bishop Bari Cran
rroBt orih* bedr.
Tb* anUre d*r will ba elven
ston win be the iirtnclpal orators, and II apples. Is In the package
Thora ,ara b« (aw «bo oblm to
Iba dtr'ewblbf tha propanr. at it ia to tba ontartalnmant of iba rUliora
tba CfMral halM
Iba Uad wifi and Baar lotoroattac feati
ptanaed for tbalr plaaMira and
ralaabla to tba ioturt. but
ba varrr ralaabla
beaaftt Tb* forenoon will b4 takaa,

Class Will b* UmHad to BIxteefi

priavlijal. and

hiillding of no adlfi.» of Ihlx rtieractar

,Qra4« to tult WMw* •! Aldai


l-endon. Aiig r"-—Ifanerat Baolh'a
•ondtiloB-U worse. Ha Is weekar and

Waablnaioo. Auiu »,-To ato|>.ali
Eunitoa ol rur^«l» la AUaU lor Bv<
raan. wa^ tlie roropromlaa aareaaie'ui
raai'liad b> niafarar* oa Iba bill m

«. «. 4 I. OffieM* Williit to

aliMt. w*i iwtorrad


e Follewcrs.


I Smltb. tba
AJaw or tba daetloa I* to b* tabd to a


Uay Last But Few ^

Ibe aaanBK Inwiy air*<'m«^ Tba

SPRUI Btenn mvHiEii



1 M Rich at Rblon. Ipwtanau
IV. Alioui iweniv veara aso he
came lo TVaverse Citv to live
Passed Away at Derninican Convent
• ye«rw he followed his occuiw
Tuemi*, Morning.
Hon as carpenter, and
(wme nighi wairtiman. which ivositlen
Sister Idary Deten.-ia. aged about
eld tor'll years
During twelve 'io year*, lor a number of years a
qf t&e years a« such he neve
leather id the Carson Cuy Catholu
nlghl on .iviiv on hu own
wbool, and who has ' been'sp-'n-ltni:'
being ahaeoi only when aicknese in 'he summer In Travet
■be (amny deevande-l his attention
early Tuesday raornlsg at tbe convent
native Me ls aurv ived to his wife and
ol tbe Uomlntcan Sbiers on Tcn-h
two daughter*. Misses M*rv B. and
She ba-l not been well
Veeto M. WbtoneTT.
eom* time. Tbe remains we-e tj
Mr. Whlnoerv was a lileloDg E
to Grand Ra|>ld* B'ednesdayv where
■e of tbe Friends church, and
:uDer*l aervtces-will t>« held Thurs
funeral semioa will be preached be
lay moralng from ihe ’fiL. AM’hon*e
Ira r Johnaon of Indiana, wbo
church. Her i-eople are resjaenl*
twen a llfekra* friend of
'Jrand Rapids.
Htalunery family, and has preaebed



MreeL I-ondou. General &k>U direct-.ed ils affalni.
le Ue early rareer ol Ue gairatlOB
Arm.v itoneral Booth and hla follow- '
Ihe ohjecta of DUeb ridicule.
Th- streot mcettoga and U* mcUuida
of Ibe Army In general were lookmt
uiwyii as M'Dsatloiial abd often lb*
forces were hard preesed by peraeeuHoa or prejudi-e. Bat ibe orgaaUaHon iw-rseycred and when tie alms
and work'lM-wme betier known tebfie
senilmeni und>-rwent a rhaage.

.speiiding III-- siiuiiuer in Ho

General Huolb made leveral Ictpa
around Hie world, visiting America.

TIh- lusrrlage is iiie hsnpv ■-iiltiilu
at.«u ol . .v,i!-ve,..r..m.i,.. wMol,

AusirtilU. end mber |«ni. and ererywlir-re he was well reeetied.


started three yeur. ago when Mr ati-1


uplaii ins' Iiiei at M A .i' end
trom wliK h.*i h*«il Hiev are teeh grad
AlllKiiigh the miliiediBie Iain
;il-« have known some tinie lha’

Secretory Halley

:he vouog pe.p|.ie would wed. it has
i-een kepi ##« ret from even their mdkt



Full Diaptoy.

iniiiiieie frleie].. and the uews i
laiT H

-■-•leil n- ..itlege Irieiida with I
.A'l-r t.ue .-■-eiiioOv an elahoraie

lA rammeaced

shea "



He ha* a branch with

.'ir«e dinner wa. eer\.~l, to the hndat Are Traasparent apide* from lb* or­
arty and immediate -elallves of tbe chard of E J k^iiler. aoutb of Ue
A branch ot nine DurheB ap^
XV fsniille. woo
Ihe onlv
ue.isThe dmms ruoih was brtl- pie* Irem the Morgaa orchard,
an-:' llihied and d-corated for the Plale of Red Aiiraehans that A. B

and the tiewivweds were the -Iburden. wbiv iboqgb be t> a ttarel
fei::-!eM* of riiograiulirioDti and beet ling salesman, still Sods lime to bare
ewebard as "aide line". I. F
tnasta daring ttoTHUS has a piaie of Ftorly Trlnmph ' '

Mr* rqplan left this
honeymoon trip lo Chtoago

Ac*, the Aral of the aeasMi.


ot Ue many, fni'i gro«er* in ihl*

■ pfilni* of loieresl. after rewioa wishes to semi in sample* of
they will go,lo
their orchard*. Mr. Mulle- has asadu

IS . where Mr. Coplan baa accepted grrangrmenv- to take rare of surh.
P< as supertnindent of
They wlU be aj^l
Nov. I.

Iran ytor he

had a> one



plate* of frmt and :• «oa the Waeeat

IHpd of an adicnipemeBI tot tbere.
Jack Sweeney cuRered an acc%M
r out of town gueato wet*
hundred.* of aumnver rlaltora
VI his borne at Old Mtuioo Wedneeday J. Bird and dangbler Lortlle of Free- who culled there for Infortcatloa and
Baifd by Rev. Fred Carter and Rev .when be was kicked by one of tbe
:: Mr. and Mri. l-eo Adtomai
great display and were aii
n*. A. Coates of thi* rtiy. Service* borae* Bid had throe rib* of the left
and dan^Mer of Chatianoog:
to Ibl* regtOB later oA. who
tbe same dtotoar* Ui tbe other dlrec- will be held from the btreae at
«lde broken. He will be unable to Tenn, Leo Acfeenaan. Jr„ of tbe aaa
•r dreamed that Ue otebard* ,
o'clock Tboraday Ba«J*g.j; w^ for a tew dart.
r aueb frbtt wlU Oarur.''____


tnnerai wermona for twenty close rel.
aitr^ of Ihe fsmilv. He will be as-

o&Aiis nAvun hmuCld, ahd; nAvtsat in baols.

Grand Travers? Herald
M^ v
Twice a week




■t JwkTm............................... ........................................... T«w“

M KjreWtion jmt exari^as ke^teaM*. Ikr
^ itairea to
dianfo kia enmllment n>-xt Tanujmy
« ]wrf<
»» 4»w aad
vote the tk-ket of the
or'aii>^'*^r aecjutHr. bui that
aame man. at the November ele<tVm, ha* ’a
ri^ht to *-ie
any other tjeket he lileaHea or for ajjy dlwr eamlidateo he fdeaaeri.
lime we have an imperfeet ami miieh inutUI<-<] iwimaty law, »t
^am iwt foUoar that a man’a.risiiu ami privilex<« to <u> Amrriraa
ettisen «a]^ be taken from hhn at the general ek.'eiiun. In other
;wor*«. a man aan vote for a^hody he pieaaei to thp,K’»“>T- be
CM enroll under any party he pleaaee to the primary, and when
imea to the {rneral eh'diop. ^ ean vote aa he pUn'a .

71u Ssnu Old QMsfwtt"


—ere* m »eoad^lM»-inat&r ^>rci 1. tWW. at tae petiJIee t Try-





i^S 9hUtieaI Duty

Are the votera of (Jrand Traverse
to be as indifferent
thbyear as has been the ease the last few years? Tfe hartlylhiiik
Utoia tVne. beeanse we have the F^oirressives as a new party to siir
Bp an the old paiiies. Th» seems to be neeesMry uni-e ip a wlub-^to
get the rote nut. Ob the 27th of this month we have a atoto |ihnnary
4deetMn. thia is ofle W the «hAugrs that ehanghnr polilierl eomlitioDa have aeemed to neeessita'le. Today the primly
erudt; imparfert. oiitBtkfaetory and does not aeonmplish the re^it^that
were peomiaed. Tbii wjU not alwaya he an. The primary eleetjim
will, befoto many rea^B..he hroHieht into a aatkfaetory oondition.
faitonm the priaeiple ia eomto. 1|. U (miy because <mr lejrialsi
■ Itova not seemed to know bow to handle the luatter that 'we have
ytt bad 00 saliafartorj- rei^t#.
- Obo tMnt wa want to eaU attention to. It afre< ts not' onry the
paiaary hot the funeral eleetian. ^is » the uidiSeD'iioe of voters.
.The eotnjdaint snm«iiin<>s eonies triibu the wromeu havv a ehaoc<- to
v«te. they do nut avail. themaclrM of this oppi^unity. The laat
■ahool eleatiaii. held a few 4to»'a«a >" traverse t'ity. is a ;t«bBke
• this eharge. and the <iUt«f
-.litof of■ this
ta.evny max who'haa ever made
it rebt^a. One lntBd>^'«l snil t”*" voti-s Exeatirnv--ProttofiD Conrtad Oat la
Itoper is not exempt from iligt
Vlltsaas and To
<e eaat. thirty-four of them by women.- The women did (heic duly..|
erand Tiwi
Tha men ntteriy laih-d. 1| would a>*m thattbe i)ui«h«e we fi»e
ballot to thaArtoHen the )>etter.
' f .
SB axeentirr o
OruA Trsveme enunty has approximately 4800 voters. In Sondsy aebool otiem helDX I’resem.
IfW. whioh waa the liM irraeral elet-lion held, at the primary Hee- it was decided (hat a lour - of lb<
tow whiA was practii-ally a general eleetion, beeaufu- it was well eounoi be 'swwbrH as soon as post*
This was rlauBMl (hat (he oRI
kiwwti Asf (he Bepabliean candidates named at that ci>>etioii.would
ntiflu bytier learn tbe aerds of
baohoan at )he general el«clin«. jp Nos-ember. the total number the wo;l^ '
of votaa poUed by ail partioa was 1710. At the gi-nend eli>etivn is WMker po
Novftober. <he total nnmher of votiw polled by all paHiex was 1068. oeedea shlritiul aptltt Ifjiosolblr i
Benr in mind (hat this waa the general eiei'tion at whirh state. legU- alone (hr'tines.
K waa hoped that by this Bwaas I
as emutty offirera whto eb<^ii. Grand Traverse .BuDday aetool oOlcera and lenrbrrt
natoity, with Ms 48d) voteto. paiifd a little more than 18Q0.roles, ail polDU *«pld better uixiantaad
mat can you exfieet of a enaaty. or a atate. or a nation that pidla. the scope and dlcnity or their work;
(Mse lato elosrr louto viUs God.
per Mat of H» vote t
tbemselw. and laaUy, better prepare
If thia were .carried on throughout tber-halion. sixty per root t){
Hicinseliea as Sunday arhool tearhtie %w(e w*nU atoy at home gad foKv per rent of the voU would •s.
The toiir as planned was as follows,
itottnl thT aatioa. Taro years ago. forty per rent of the vote of
few ebaoees were made owlac to
Oraad Traveroe eoOirty aeleeted its eonuty offieers, and the ip*»enee
of the ooutily ia aoeb aBairs ..was forty pev cent of whal it abould nnforesecB elreumstanees
The iiragraD In fall -was aa follows:
It « diia iaiMerent, «toy-at-hm
OBT eoanttf. When a ivpB.Mie, 13(1 jyw ol‘h Ml" Hut forty i>er
oato of its tote, t^ot republic u
the decline. The sixty per, ('em
odAHlittofto totes viU be itoponsihle. if thu proportion is kep^ap.
for tbs dmtratowa of the repidie. The responsibility «f this sixty
per «Trt of iudlffetont votes ^s with each rummupity. It laay
vary in pe«o«.Uge, hgt not in principle; it may tory in pereentage.
k;i^emhHsrrmes-ltev. J. W
bat not in |wnks. If sixty per rent of the vote of Grand Tntx’erse Miller.
twaaiM away from the priamiy clcctious. which they Imvr
Our Opponnni’
ammanly naked tor: if sixty per eeni '»f ‘b»*
n'lnaina awajfriaa tbe gnteral eleetion. beeanse they think that the prinmrywlec
tkm baa aetUrd the <)u«stioa for'thnu. thi-ii thnt sixty per cent is .Mrs. B B Jobtisou: Hone IVinnHDI. .Mrs. C. lire. IHseusaloa.
■papniMihlii to that extent Tor t(e gcueral rcMult thcongbout thc


ff, bManae
per vent of the vote in this inmBt.v bss
I its eiwmly oflleers and has had Us part in iiorainating
the state, conjpvssioual ami (.'niicd Statex scnalnriHl cnndidntcH. and
Hhe sixty per cent of the stoy-at-hoiucs frou^the |>rimaVy Sections
boUove that the daty of the elo«t«»« baa b(S'4i cxuplicd with, ami
that the DombmtionB made by toia forty per Xenl will be rsUfied
|»y those who ^y attend the gfWral chvtion and that no further
rrapottaibility r^ts ujmii them as fh-etors. then it follows that th<forty per rent who attewled the primaricK lutvc choM-ji the roiiutr.
aute and ^eramenl (dbcials.
This is one of the danp-rs and the evils c»f. the primary eJeetiou.
• la eouBti«a.idi«n^y Dcm.HVwiic. in conniics strongly R('pul>lic«ti. in
aneh a state as .Michigan, the iwiiimri'-s pmeMeally elect the offi. wl'^
and at tbe general deetion. held IhKt. the luemlM rs of one party <
the other searisly. ta^'e the iroiddc to pi to tlie polls. TH'ik b*
aerions evil that must !«■ met in the ndar fnlure by.the mivocotesoA
the primary aystem. The fact U. speaking in a hmad sense, we
baKevc that the general yleeriiai slo.idd Im- done away with. The
prraisTy eleetimi shotdd take ita place, lit cfilu-r wonb,. there sliouhl
be but one elertiop. This is Irne demiHTaev. ami .vihi euiinol have
toiMi demoenry with the primary and the general clifii«n fiiHowing. Uo away, therefore, with your general elcrtion or do awny
with ynar primary eleetiml. They eiuinot tmth exist long in
This is hardly the point we In juak.% which was—
laag as ve have both the prunso* "»d the gemral eWtion. !m
Ml to both and uast^rour vote; hut wr erapliasire the fact fhat there
iaao arif nmilj for the tito elorlioiis in a denioeno y

•..Awidirr jWmplf-afcfthc unaatisfaehiry- workiaim <>f the law
regarding the di>«o1ution of ror|Kinuiaftii la ahown in the reeenb
auoWiral attein|it to pr< vetii the ,eotii>nnati(Ki of W‘veral of the
lartre newapajx'r "plate" homes. like the ,\nieriean Press aMo<-iation, the. TT-wli ni Newsiwper l'ni«»
nthwu. Th«- artrummita
afrahiKt eoriwrations are lh«t they eneuuraito rotphumtious for the
purpiac of imTea«iuir ike prieea i4 |>rodin'e. or if^toia n reaHy not
the inuntm. it ia liw nllimale result of auch rombiuaUoaa.
The government servil «n injuheiion upon ttu
the euai'pauies
It.. , Any t
by resMiii of deereoKod cost of iuvnIucIohi. following any great eom.liinatnui of elTurt, leascoing tlie everfaead eqieiwap. .hwacmitg the
coat of prodactinn in vian> enablea Hie producer to fumislr
bis prmlnct at a n'dnecd jirice. The goveriiineiii has slep|t|^ ia,
as ou aeveral oreaiiionH. and preventad this eambiiiation. The
results are appaiwgt nln-adlv. The nwl to Mw newspapers of thU
kind of nmUer, friim one inuipstiy. at least, lisx iiierea-<-d fifty per
ei'Bt sinee tJiis diyiaion of the goTeninient.
This i-H a practieal illnstratioii of the trorkiup of llu- law that
is heii^ forced to im|sii«n>le eomditsimis. This law cm step in and
prevent a l■olllhi^lslion of this kiud. Iiut it eaydioi prevent the
individual eoui{i4(ni«(s froiii ekargifig what ihe.v please. AVben^aK.
if there were a law lo enntnd eorporntioBa and not destroy them,
this would not be the ease. It fdllows. thee, that tbe government
I control, not destroy. Perhaps it.wonlj( l*e Well for the governtueiil to begiu with itself and thus pn^eiii natiougl drwttih-lion.

t:0d-rraise.*7rw^^(l prtmtlse
T:lt>—AdHresfc—,Rev r. H. Irtinc.

T-yit—Prayer, praUe' and




m Ttilolw »™.
jee. Prof, ftark
7;o0—Tiw>er. iiraise and proniiae
;,,_Addres»—Rev C. tV. Chase

Why? ftow-?-<Rev. D. CocliHii.
, Snepoehim: Our Opiwntiiiiileo tn
the Home DeTWrttnenl, Mrs. T. 0>e;
A. B. t*; OePBrtBM’at. C. J. Hetm:
Cradle Roll t^partaienl. Mrs. Chase.
svatlonala. iirayer. praise
and promlae aerriea. lodthy A. On-

Thu^y, Aws. 11
Aftmaef) iasslaii.
Sons service ud devoilonals.
led by E. Taylor.
Addresses. g»rward
Why? Rev. WaR; How? Rev. Week..
Sympomiara; (Mr Opportuattlea
(be MluWns. Hni. B. Johaaoa: Hoow
OepartBient. Mrs. C. Oye; Oem#'
Wortt. SIlMt E. Holeomb.
7:<M>--Pniver, praise and pn

; W-Addttose*, Mov
mem. Whv? Rev. Coeblin: H«s?
Rev. Coates.
Evanina kei
. 7:.«l-Pr.,praise and promise
sernee-l^ hy Mr. wmobee.
7:nO-A>ldrete. F. F. Hevelaiid. SnnJ.y sehool missionary,
diaaiHielmed ia
for (be hour. Oar presi­
dent. C. K. Estes, told that our dlsajH’oio'Dtests were tlwavs hiesnlnim
in tdismise. K-rtshtlv a<vepied. and
true we fonnd
Rev. Miller s
S)s the "old war-home of nonhem
MiebiEaa Euaday school •ork •
provad his title not otlspUred as
told ot'>he privations and sen ke
« tlniea. There is a m
HilereB>-e ta (he way most tif oo mtrlflre for ChwI and the iwple of enrly
ttaies Iw u»
out the «
paths.' I.ei us at leam da as w«U
roretetbers «od Mill boaors il
,spirit of iwlf^ncrifwv ihm aninusl
Ibnae of ewrliei imtes
Rev. Chase of UM Mlaatea saui pn
eat ihrmaaboiii the tour With voii
Violin or comet he nreatl. at-?-tstsd
the uiuawwl part of the prosram. Aad
s hea railed to
were gibred t.« ilw buraiaa Btessnae*
alone torward lines.
apnea Whlde quoting many anm
thimm. But -• leel (bat «e mm
q'lOle the loltewlm:
*God ennes to men when, (her rota.
to Htei. and ia His ikae."
-Vted chotees ns and WM we Hhn.
"Iteil uses evaa small talents.' a'
Moses' rod Mary's pot of otatmoai
David's aUnc. Uoreae' needle am
(brand, the widow's two mittw. Wbea
ia cateeeraied buds aamll
become aikhty for cood Is H
your tnleoi and mine? He iontw (o do
,m>. He must do ao If Santoy school
nxwk Is to n
Rer (Vvoland. Sundoy orhool misrionary in nortbem,Address. FoEward I
tn.y,? Rev
R- Chase How? F K. ClevelantC Buadav'scbittl mlssluoaiy.
-SympaslasD: Opi«nBBiilei-ta
ary U'ork. Mtes E. Holcomb:
wir.* -nus
' W« have hrea asked if the man. who was alvady enridicd in la .MtssiooA Mrs. B Johnson; In Pur­
ity and T^ueranee. Jeaoe KlIpstHck. b;otb>T " o about dolac c
giren partjf ami is, lkere.fore. entitled lh vote st the primary
7:0ft-pTmise. Prayer and Promise a* tbe Mnater would have as bM to do
[Iirt^rn neat Toimda.r. and who. imder tin- law. bas n right to
Whenever an eaerceocy ereanod.
Brother (Tm'etend had bm to be raB-.
7:3(1-Addreasesekaage that iBraamrat to any other party, could at the general
^ to the boor and the need was
elMtiao in Koreatber vote for any iniliridnal. <w for that matter tor Mra. D. F. WiUm.
mad . with (he spMi hUaoeK. ha.
' IJhKB.
’ aa entire t*rty- regawMe* of hh« artwm at the iirimary. Angwt 2T.
Ow aaawwr la enpbhtieaUy, “Tea.” The primary eleetion
hlM •••t Saw^« d«» yk tahg frum say
his right to vote

Bir *Wr <s jn ebon

thumdat, auoust ss,


•r. W oi^t^^veaHiw.hewuR
he (rusted
HID. all IhlBK* would sareb tom* oat
riabt. He aoired (hr sc«d ounriBalx.
Iravias to Cod the Increase. As h^
■asdasUy WU ot-toa work ai vsild^
DiBM Moto sod mors w» saw to
saM the powee-bt a spirit.ailed Ht^
n«. aiito Is tost bMaasr we ko mg
U have
The I
■ (ha Forks of the
........................o we give the partleaTk.
..a>. ... »o..
rr the nlalu Vlib ava
The rain rame down to
»o» we »tUI expected to
have fomtea w the Forks aa plBOaed.
al'lboLith toskaew as b«il«n«s were
r (ban a nlle. We had decided
re a short service In ibe wacon
and Iben randoae toward Vlfe Inke,
when. looDilax ^broach iha trees, was
a nr«
lo bonae. u If buili>xpreaal>
rs log
Ibrouch (he rain our astanlabed eyes btoeld eleven teams
qnlatly awalllac us Tbe owner of the
rablA 1welromed us all. 71 lo mumWr.
and' the
Ibe best scrvliv n( all waa held
Ikere la the alornr. God sent hla
showers oT Messipx until we said, like
Mosdt. -This is botfe oiUr^han tbe
hOBSe of God.- Pour cooverstons
lowed, it was a'sertlee oever It
forroiien by all. No one nitnded the
■aw xarmenfs as Brother Cleveland
■poke of God's XTMtoeaa It aas with
(eartnl tuma we separated
Kood-hye to our kindty host.
At Fite Ixke orcurre-l one Indieot
wortby of alt the world's no^
Ctrl of i: years became so In.teTtoted Id the lutrll.v work as
ni^ by Brother (Ttase In the eveninc
acAca. (hat she watke-l. or rather
taB.Meer a mfle. ia her haste lo hand
la ber snbarripttoo to the IJ(hl. a
ItoraaJ nimn parity wort. Would that
we had more like this Rlrl who wouM
tllse the Insemriit of every home,
eospy bainlei wWid slave acenls
are hnsy la their aeHartaas work of
cats for tni—ral
ai^ h hehaoves us all to sien its ravicn
Whsi are you Point aboot It? It
nay rearh yoor beoia aext
Oar yo«b need lastmetied. 'We are
Ito modest as jareats.
iotide as wWI as ooliJdc. and work aBainst sorlal evils
.needed far
(ban knowledRe of
ties or laupuaes
of ihl» voung nmn. so enthusiastic
;hieou8oeM In elrlc aSsIrs. later
l.arce aatiienr-ea created as at D
Ims. HosphalUy dhona fiaa kin
totca ami made us welcome. ‘ What ia
toe welrome of wealth te that of tlie
klndU- hmrl?
F.aai Garfteld and at Bates the
woe bad truly teved Cod's work wUb
"all Ibe Mul and all the wicht ' Ferno
e<l and with Rowerv
(0rtne>l a plcastnr sishi aroued, the ah
»r. It showed that beaulllul spirit
that gives “not crudclacly or of neceiult.v, " but with overhowina bean
Aa we calbered srouad (be anmpiuoas boards at dlEereoi i«lnis we
truly made to feel that we all wvrr
one family, worlilnx toward ont- <-omRDOd or the vtuuda.
ABSin. hearts. e.v
e.vew and li|>s <>i)r
flower in giatltud^
Rifts. I.CI us -'ehoBM that good pa
'hicb cannot. iJiall not be taken from
s. I.c( us 'seek first llu kingdom..
all nvedfiil shall be a-ld

OteMe CM Md Frato Bstota, Trtoww «». Hlito

Th. svic. U«A.«o»t tat .Ito r«. ^ Itaktatk.
ov« cwrfuU, Ik. pn« look, di^ toy-.
IB not K mm*. whM y«i pay aa'tea»yoS.ta
for what yon pay- We want you to aae aur aho«
before you tar. ‘
i « .

To thT &^»?^lera of tlraadTrarerse foutiy .
Augnst :7lh IF Priuao Uli-ctiua
tl thf |«lls inaka a cross before
. . name of William F. Gram lur
aag i3-toC ,


American league.


DefaaU ha* lax I
roadJOtoa afII a----• ^Wtaiw portmme IBI
by Okcgy-kL'
C -\Morse and Is rah
Morse. Ills Wifi
Wife, IciBtly, of Trarr
tHW. Mfrtatean.
mn. It
to lUrInrrd
........ . .._
Dade ('ottuir. Floridt. toted the elevrath day of eciHsmbor. A. I).. |p«s.
Md tecMM la the oCie* of tto'Bato
later of Dtaodi for
rmmiy «g '
Oram! Tratarse and Slsit of Mlchlgaa. on the wieveath toy of Bppleim
bm-. -A. r>, ms. to lltor to of mortrngea. ou page TK. an wbitoBBrtgw
here Is claimed to be due at (be date Of ?hU notice (he turn ot Ssveatoea
- ETimr-Eliin Ceafw. XM
fee of T%edty-rtre Hettoia. lawrUed tor U MU toMatot
and no salt or SBtrssdlg^ ni tow Igyrmg bef-n U^1IIU|^^^ teMver the
maaers smarm! Or 'did toOrtidteV
<fty iwn (horaar.
Now, (betstore, by vlrnm to -thn


e rwMiviMtoro
ten a'rloci
raaaa. I ahadi
aetl at public sankm to tbe highest w.
Mddcr. at Ue north Iroai door 6f ibe '
Court House. In (be I'pv ot Trave
- ....... roaaiy
........... .. Grand

A Newly Klarriad CaugM •
wtomTlba TlMi
Is imuallr v^^y bngpy- ton tbe ra-,sy of Grand Travtoae to b«di. (W •
varke to (be ease ^t^h people
peddle wbo'p'roRitoa
who prouftoa deacrflwd hi said Bmrtxm.
hare rtaeamatlsm. laiM tmrk.^ or so nrtirti tbeiobf as may be aeme
ffle bo
boteeto draen b^b
toe amannt dlw mi MH
tery, skk atomneb. Theov totter caB mortoUi
hare ahelr mlaory relieved by aatog est, and
H.k01l' aa atrornef's fee of Tweetv..Picc Itol.........
OIU ft it 8 most eflMent rrioedy Uf. as prdrWad by Ihw n>l to eoerWfor bet), latemal and axteruaf itoto. toated rap tberato. (he prteatoaa tod«
Irrstol -JD baviag the geawlne. Price .UocNltodlta aaid BartoMte as toUetra,
i cU. per bottle. Sold kjr Ai
Tbe East Thliiy Tlirm xud
nix Store.
0>:--Tb!r, FedI 'of Jirt FbrtvTTiire
I* lIrtShi- AddRtoa to tea
Am. FOR MLE—At Caad Hartmr,
rwvg^ae CNy, aoteFtltog to


timber.'SOO fruit treea, a tery fine
tocatinn hsvinx a fisa view of itoie
Dal5 ar Tnww City. SlWrttaa.' •
MteMgaa. Will umbo a apbmd1< July S. MIX
fnilt farm. J Iw mile from "Bebom
ir pankulara sdberx"^ staftoaC.foh
dress Peter' Swsnsti
■son. Jr- Maple- rxDEiiwonp'*
Allorne'S (nr Mn'irsgee.
Alty, Ml.h. n F II
July SiAt*
Jaly f Tbura. to ftept- K. .


county preoUlejii. who ha* lolled jo
OENM^ e. ALWARD____ ^
lone and -o talihluUy. and not only reThe Heptih'.ii pus ol ('lari- County
jelre hlw bean, bui in reality Aaaae i iBanfraoosly -iinw'rt shim. Focta an
tard iMVemeat' all alone
«Bdi-rsemeni initi. a lOaa's own ueiyh>rt:.utr. They vouch
aebool lines la our •ounii. And in bors I
for bit
yon to vole for bim.
the Bear fiuurc. when our county
rention is called, let us la> uide
> ael«hl " and eoaie lo (ha)
vcBIlon. This work ueeds eatja o.* ua
and all there Is of ns * -Rleesed a
ih->- that hunaer and * ihirwi aft
rtohieoiinaess. for tnrv sh.vll he fillrd
Mra I. l>. Hohm. Se-reiar;.

Train wUI tatore Trasatse Cllr
SI X:»i a. m.' -Katutom tenoo
UraaSltarHds ti 7 ic to.
HanM tng towam tog WaabMW
-aad Stand toiilto «-«(
a«c to-a


New Olm Sa'ched By Vndla'w H*rr
Century Age.
switch, wlted ready (a ran /pgr.
araior. wood «A« w naiia or- (
otbet duty wHhlt tee togneRy
b. p: ovvapieg ZxZlA fast. ~'
Uanwfa<vwr«d *r . .'
WM. JACK80M. Tmaarga CKx. totem

New- rim.* Au^7t -nnriilreds .
visilorj. atierilled mi- celi lmiion he
> i-i ibe Rlipi:, annl-.ersari

atoni ini-Tudud h sioriral add:ess.-> h
Cmrceatir Ebethnn and'others and
great street parade wbub b» part
.ilptoed te^by the Mmm-mHs utJiii
and rogular'-gfoops troa: fert 3eei

Wc Cany What


groiRt TBoniiiT
Ptea Attgsttela.
Pierre. 8 U. Aug -t -A state good
sads I iiinisn aeermbled here teduy
a diaruis the projev; (iw a I3es' higp
wav M be boMt north kdd ouoih
(bioagh aanlh Itekota and to'extend
taste Nonb Dahoia to the Booth, o<
«he dfellownicme. Tto pcogooed ros I
d open w a lay*e and pirtTt

You may not be a judge of drugs, but
we are. You can trust out jiRlgiteat and

■ ^^ ^

wAEyiw SIM.

oungimten nuin, .in aiYmny mam


iCinysley Department
Coartitfted by MIm Bd^a Wafl.
. ^HTbi yn|i» if Bi«a«y ud 'th« nmsBdiac i

loralng and after a *few days win

Hfe Lake Department

«ve tar Nankpen, -wbera O0 •»
E. U MgrMaa rotonmd to M
I Grand Rapids today, after



ggaiUj an aU inUrMtad U tU* Dtfurtamx. *
Wi *aU fai flail t« bar* ladivldiiBlt, ebarahaa.
- Oa Oraaffai-fratanial KdatiaaaAd all oUwr arnaiMlaas hand is ttaau of aewa, panoaala,
ailwaniwiTiti of aiaatlntB. aatleaa of aM««te.
S Mtir tminaM etefai, pabUe iaproremasU .
' baliif tea or ooBtaaplate^ ialaa of nal ealaU
te tewB or acaortir. ud aiQr other ilam of f«s. aniiatarte SfeDd all itaw to IQa Bte WaH.
«ba baa etaam «( tba OepartMM.-adtlar

. ^ wnt to ■STteDarntmat
entek poatei nha tc dVaMM udT
te te ntert that hll ttte ^ Maate te

«eer and tellertae Were Packs
Haar Him Eapiata Cam-


peliii OKI.

toor of tbe aeoate Seoetor Penroac
Jared be weald postpone -for
personal reasons" (be delivery of Ue
apeceb iB BOtwer to ebargsa th^l

bar hutband. ahlcb occurred
j'can apo. aad hai hired belli and
nanaoed as aUlIlallr aa anj
aai vaa ter
Kraat naay.


Aboot (fare* eroeba aco

Mr. and M... .Myron

«rd on Coiapeny, until lai«.tt
In antJelpatibh of hli •Bpepcli a b

Tnetday^rom fat-r vlali at Traierae

crowd gathered On both (be floor at

City and -Acme.

is tbe galleries. He refused lo d:
cs* bla reason for poitpoceuient.

L. J.
MR fltoto'te
iraad RkpUs ur taka ototoi to to*
»r a fen days will leave for Hooor.
fflc-T of tbe Ramlagteo Tr»e«te^
where they expM i to spend
CvsBHusy. liuarejw. be wlU eUU vtoR
flahlag on the Platte river.
ibb territory.
r. L. Chat*, urhe ha* baa. viaHteg
Mra Anaa Bwaboda and Mr*. Mars
u tbe city for some tUae. Wt thlVan* uf Cbkwgo arrived last night to
imciilag for Cadillac, ndtere be wUl
visit tbelr BUB. arfao lira* oa Cbe
apend a lew day* belore rwnnilnt
Tweetleth r«atnfy FriiR torto Mte
hi* heme at F«« Wayne.
I'bott aad Ismliralne to Oti^ toW. A. Crotory and wife af Octrott rived a< Ibe aame tiuM to be ffbeato to
triuraed lo tbelr home ihi-re
Meeara Rwotada aod^skk.

Wt toiniiiTlj

Hager retnnied bone



Mhuday lor Jarksen. where,(bey

Mr*. D. Blue was In CUiUae Wedr
Mlaa Franret Pierce’

weat to Wll-

tiamaburg to vUit friaada Tneaday.
Mf, and Mrs.


in tbe

Several of tbe local Moose members

' Wagner. l.«yie barn waa rate>
Wedpaaday and is nearty inrkiaad.

l>er( to make their fstura home. kin.
NHaon'a children. Doratby and Beo.
lab. *111 foltow la (WO weeka.

Mra. iloat harried to (be bow of
Ralph Case nude a bualaeaa trip
Ura. wni NlckeraoB at C o-doct-a. m, towTraranie City Monday.
aa.etae «•» frtcblcaed
Mr. Wlaaie of Trarerae City was a
■OBeaae barloa ealcred her bone baalnes* caller hire Monday.
yen' eerly (bat mortiin*, aod
Rer. Bridgewater it ealenalnlng a
tbii lime her heallb failed very
friend. Rer. Weeka. Irom the north.
dan^ given by Chat. Cook laat.
Boaldee Urv Will Kiekerwn. abe Prlday oenlng waa yell attended,
Iwoa t*o other daoiAteri. »tra. #><-ie and everyone reported'a line time

Mlak Roma


Oabera and

aitendad the luaerai of J. McKay at
Kalkaaka last Snn^'.
Mn. Ctaga. WeUman of Seath Beardman and Hr. and Mn. Cterenci^ Bor
ton of Big Kapids were guests vf Mr
and Mra A. T. Breed Tbpradav and
The Ftte
'll* Uke
lady Maeeabres

daughter Bernice weat (e tbs camp served dinnee
linnet to tbirty-eigbi ol ibr
meeting Saturday at Esal Boardmae.: Klngaley-ladle* at the CMy boiei.
Mra. Frederirit
Tburaday. After dinner (he) we«

>Ueh.. Aug. 21.—It

moriilng after a weA'a vlalt In the
Mito Lauite HaM MLretoffied ti«to
cfrpnilh frlenda.
Mt PleaaBai for the saauaer after a
jo.-A- Wells left this morniiig on .
' nae party at StevaasoB tAfc
’1iustneal(Jjip through uvuier Mlrtlgau aad anotbw neek at a gang at Ok
wll spend some lime In l*hi>euli<g Rartda
before morning lu the cliy,
Me. Atom- Oarr and wNa *# BtoHsr. H. WrtgM left this morning, for
bem. I’eun. are tbe gvmws to Hr.
Walton, where be *111 he. I
and Mra. Oliver Dacr of 5U Weto
day* os bualaeaa.
Seventh alrvet.
H. Lsnhart and urifa af ClevaF. C. DaLana and wHa. frta bmm
Isad. Ohm. are vUiilng
beea- vialilaa la tbe ctty tar aoma
han-a aunt Mra II. g. Hiill.
lima left thi* mortoag for amte.
J. D. Middleton lofi gunday n%M
• here they expect to apMd a tm
IT New York and oiber eastern
day* before reiaraiag to (Mr teg
point* in Ibe imereal-ol the ladies'
ieady((vwear department ol Ihe'Jlan
R. H, Richard raturnto tedajf tram

Kalkaaka Wedsasday after apendiny etwted to tbe lodge rooais. where
Cadiiise. where be baa beea tor toeto '
a week here with beraletar. Mrs. Geo. decree work «a* egempltfled by tbr
w eek OB boaraeas.

Kiiigaley lodge.
ol tbe Traverse City
lllgh aebool
N. E. wella retwaed «e Ma teb
Mr. and Mn. W. R. Fuller and
.Mr. and Mni. A. C. Clark ol
wiib the das* of H»2. and a fermv
hcie today. aftM- a tow weekr vBto
raise In valuation reaulUng from tbe. Traman-'drove to Traverae City Fri- stopiied off oa'tbeir wai>3wai^ Friday
resident of this city It hero for
Grand Rapids wtu frieadt aad atovlsU of Ibe atgle (ax camtnlaaioo.
dsj. ••here they visited Mr. PuUerV from Uougla* lake to te|>rnd a couple two weeks' aammer raraiioa.
in Ibe city, n is rlaioied valuation* brother, driving from there lo Lake of day* with thelr.jWier-lnd*w. Mn
Holdavorth-a family ha* bem enroi><
.UOar mad Mra. iteorr
Hlckeraoe: The aeeoad of tbe aeries will occur
have bean doubled and even iMiilcd
Ann. They spent a couple of day- Viola Cterk.
Umo iraadehUdren obI one gnat- Friday night bf tbU week.
cottage In the Grand Traverst
some enaes. Mayor Hnytw la luveatl- with Mrs. ihiller'a slater. Mra. UnMrs. Van Arsdale and slater uf To
ataadcblU to mourn ber
Uavid tVyokoop of Tiaverac
gating to see what steps caa beyOkeb bletter.
'edo. O.. arrived bare Friday u»ra have been enjoying (be reset* adran
The tuaenl wu bold from the Baji- «a> lu luwD on huafnees Monday.
< Macklaac Islaad and the te.
in the interests of (be properly ownlog to aa*lM la earing for tbelr aU tage* greatly Mr. Itoldsworlb gradua
Will Hlllon was in Tustin Tbur*
tlat eboteb Uomlu' at 1:30 p. ra.. the
Mr Hamlin of Citran wa» a UokIPrf4 R^fltorwy left ttdBf far fte
ter. Mra G W. Barnes, who Is telling Sled from the engineering deimriment
aenton boUa eoaduked by Rer. J. 8.'
MS caller here Monday.
Tort in compiete tbe parebaa* to la­
Knnke Us born. Mildred Brallab.
HaU. aMlaied by Rev. Orldceeier. toMr. (Irani of Traterae City, a |«lltof tbe ITBlversIty of MlcMgaa home dle*- ready-to-wear fall and totter
temiaat -a«a la (be RTerxreen
leal candidate, waa In town .Monday.
yean ago and Ik now employed as at styles tor (be Barter Po.Hedge*
log year.
imifey reiunn-d to Japkaoii
alsunt engineer in a large eteetrical
Mr. and Mr*. R. W. Brown, «rte
MoRli Ixjuka wae In t'adlUac Tuev Friday to aitrad tbe camptueeling ,
Monday alter a vtilt with friends an^.
Royal Neiohber P*«y.
(to truck plant In Chicago.
have beea speadlng their yncattoa
Mr. aad .Mrs. Will Nelaen n't l-eetssy.
TacBlay beloa Mra. Uablnier'a binb- ralatlTca here during hl> mcaiion.
R. I. .Bnieato, formerly of Grand
the home of Mrs. Brown's parte
J. K. Flliz pul dvub a well lo.' Mra. vllle and MU* Edna Clark of Venaoat Rapids, baa taken h pMttlon at
day, the Royal Nelftabon cethereil - John Wall. Jr., went lo Traieree
Port Uuelds. rMoraei to ite
were giieau of 8A W. Tborne and lamvieil
with bis
. Tabberei tbe llial ol tbe week.
oariy in the zuoralna and *erc taken City ttoiiday for a
I.lon barber abop. .Mr, Brurato was Ivoave la ibU Hty ttaii tooratac.
lly Tueaday.
.M. E. ArnoM baa added as ice crasiii
lo ber borne (o help eelebiate (be pr- BOIber. Mra. Chat. IrUb.
(be-F-agle bmrl abop In
''Ralem, Ore.. «Ug.
W. D. Atoaander potato Raae»
Mrs. Geo. Turk returned Irom Ca-IMra. W. W. Hall Is enterululug ber
•artor (6 %ls bakery and meat mart
Grand Rapids.
West's (breatened laraaMi of Redlilac Mopilay.
cUf tbi* moraiag oa Us wax lo
,-Mre. Mae Klmbell
and neira
Tbe noontime vna apeat In feestiox iWer. Ml*, noma*; and bnsband. of
Mrs. H. Beekwttiv and
daughter Sandusky, attar vislilag' at tba batot
md count) at tbe bead of r aquad
Mtjand Mr* >a*woriIi Snyder. Mr.
Boyne city are guests of Mr. aod Mra
la a roy^ vay. Tbe birthday cake Muskegon.
of mUmamcB ha* been nmde udi
id Mrs. John Battenfleld and rbll- Gladys- who have beeo visliliig In
his wife's (lareau at Bart OaeMa
Mias Winnie Rtal went to Traverse
Gao. KJmbalJ
- matalnMg a ring was
aary by 'ilic city couniira actepiaoce
-en were In Manlon Tueaday.
' a rouide of weeks.
Ur*. Boe Jons* It enterulbing Mrs.
Mr*. Oelaad yraa tbe lucky one who City Mooday for a abort visit with of tbe n-siguaiioB of Bedmond'a may
Frank Crall lost both of bU boTve* tbelr bo|ne at St. Paul tbit morning
her («Bsin. Mrv. Earl ToIumb.
eeeaied it.
Lewis ilmeons of Detroit.
P. B. Bail rwturoad U hi* home
or and tnarabal.
while out on (he iilaia* berryi^. Tine
Mra. OooiBe Abbott. Wbo has
The afternoon was epent in toamMr^'bsa. Siafford arcompanled bei
Grand Rapids this morning afler a
tlovenibr West had dcmandc.l tbai
fell ipio a creek and drowned,
lug aboot the anfien-and fleMa. after
•ek in Iba cliy on boslneaa.
Mayor 11. F. Jones'aed Marabal .Mc- gueCtT Mrs. Wm. Wilson, to Kalkaaku, other, a bay with white airlpe oi
whicb a nUacellanaouf program waa
Mito Balia Bleod ql
Cly ault their KwUlans because of Friday.
and Ibree white feet, strayed
afan. Oae number which was mpeCsit;| Campbell went lo Cadillac Sat ramp on Silver rreek and bas nut yet West Vlrgliila. and Mr*. IxmiIi Krieie
tbe cdnvktloD of Ibe mayor of gam
cirtly pleasing waa
the recIlaiioB
Of iDdUnapollt. Indiana, are visHIng
proved end It it ibonght abe will re-,**'"*■
aim b/ May. U. U BDstgn.
Mr. and Mra Cbas. Dean sad eon blind aod baa bean ^ne over a week
borne Mrs. FVed Baamith ^
Th*ro sra DOW mads cigar bsoato
I v
Mra. DabiLet waa ibe recipient of a cover coDn'lcl**l)'.
Elmer drove to Beulah Tuesday.
Mn. U 1. Mixam and children. In i-hvsi Eleventh street
cardboard la such atari ImitottoB of
,Roan) Keigbbor pin. wUA wa» given
Rev. anfl Mrs. Baker weat to Bast comiiany with ber broths, Harold
Ray Friuehs and wKa af Zaaland. dpanlsb ctoar boxes (hU tb*x MiCM
In lewu Tuesday
U token of the trloodeklp and eateen
SoardmaD W'odnesday to help with
VlDcebl. and' Mtss Rarab Partridge. who havo beet vMGng lor tba pati aaywbero bo uken -lor ttm
In vUcb abe it beM.
revival camp meeting.
»nt to tbe Ultle Maalaiee Monday
weeks at the brane of Mra Wm
Mist B^lma Wilson relunied to her ta't^' Boycott*
Utue Peika' Party.
Three Uyet* of a caHboard’toMit
Ruaeal CUrit li borne from Grand lA her aUter. Mrs. C. A. Dutton,
>r toad* ter tbe parpoM an HNM
Mfa ''>laiaer>- 'Brown
enterteioed home at Traverae City Tneada)-. after
r collage
Rapids Icr a couple of weeks va<-n
r, returned borne today.
together to prodace a baato to te
with a i*ny laai Thi
Itariftird. Conn.. Anp. 21.—Retrial ul
The gieller *(11001
C. A. Crmay and vwlf*. fontvarty of' clseiy (bo right tbtcfcaeaA asd tbda
• honor of ber lliile' friend. Mitt
Ufa with Miss Beryl Hanes of Kal
Claude Guuckenbush
raroe bomilst^lK^ow *1 Unslug. retunted
Ciiy Is visillog her Ditle play­ fbu Uauliury batters' tMiycull case.
upuu lba.«uieraide iher* I* prtaM4
AUm laBue RowUder. of Mt. Pleeahas been nine v«ara in lliig.v from Cadillac Munday
iska as isecher
mates here for a fe* days.
their home there'today. afler apend- from an engraved Hate aad wHb cartm. Vbe rclomed {o ber bone the
Dsn Kent Is visiting hie grnndaoD
Carl Nelson of Sansin. Ohio, was
time In tbe rity rMtiag rect roluring. a pbobograptli nptwdb^
laM of (be awek. The attenioen wsi
damagra against the defendants Lowell Tborne, and wife at l-eei* Tueaday on ibe hank* of the lake
Ho* of a ehaat of actaal RptoM
bnalneM c^ler in’town Taeaday.
with friends and relntlves.
Terr pkaeaotly.epem'ln playing mcedar; tbit reproduitfloa tbatou'IV'
awarded in tbe I’nlled Steles vine.
honor of her guests, (he Mlase* Goldie
Myron Brower and 0ot ilen-lgcs
Mias Baatriea Batoer. ' wt
.rtani geace on tbe Uwn. Thera were
gram of (be wood with aR tte
1 lant }ear. was called today la Ibe
Winifred Whlink'k of Almira.
an going to give a dancing party .in
Mr. and Mrs, George IGlnier anc
been aiwndlng her raenilon
atatoit thirty-flre preeeni. At 6 o'clock
tba* and cm the tlax IHila kaott*
t'nited Slslea
dialrirl court here daughter. Mist Clara, ul Toledo arv Y. and Miss Mary Tub* of Owosso.
ere any.
Mra. Brow* toured a dainty Inncbeon
Judge J. 1. Martin presiding. After a the guest* of Jlra. Palmer's nciic
bo 1.- Melting Mr* R laarn, There
Aug. 20.
her borne here lapt BtghL
Tim boiioffl and Iba tides for g ate
wMeh waa
aa etpedall}- pleaaing
ere twv^y present and a general
panel of 38 uieamen had reporied, Mra. Casllna Dewey, and famUy.
fa* are cut oat all la oag'pHA.
I. H. Btlnvpaon and wife rataniod
feadaraar.ibe arteraooa.' At C o'eloek
9od time was MGoyed hy a
until August
2i: was
Mlaa l.aiiru Haniillou of CadilU.
to tbelr home at Cadillac today, afl­ *0 that they raqaira wtoter f “
tbe nllla
iba folks
folka departed for (belr
Fife lake lo-tge No. 23V..I
Grand Traverae Uken. owing to a death' In the family
0 (he Voteri
nor tewiag. Tba aad PteM. adt Bto
the guroi uf Ibe Ml&ae* 1-eda am
er a week's visit In the riiy wli
k having
. nice
g Ihad 'a very
aeparaiely. pro wlea aiitebto |g |r
of John K. Beach of .\>w liavcu.
Mns BivWn.
friendg and refailve*.
to mes Hirgery la an Ueal eniertalnmarblae. and then ibo cover to pto an.
labor .lav. Stem 2, Tbe Tollowl
r counsel for ibe i
. « 10 tbf Int
Mlaa'Flora Eldridgc eaiue home
Ouarga SMelda of Bay City^rrl
being hiaged with (ba Bawl ptoe^pr
nmliiee ha- been app«(|i(e4f
llgcm Cof the voter* whoa* aupiiorl he
----------;------------ ------Tuemlay night Irom Traverae Cllj
d in the Hit Uat algbt aad^i
^aravsili for Mtea Anna KIrli.
la asking, a candidate (or office abouid
laxam. Janies Joaa*. C. Hodges,
Ust Sararday eveafng abMi (hirt]
where abe has been In a bospiltl for
spending a shun time in (he city will'
These cardboard bozeo laflda tt' ttlE Hills and W. w' Brower, w
«va af -die acboptetet and frleadi of
tbe past three weeks with a broker
au to the farm near Wexford. wbere| (MIOD to cedtr are Bnlsbto la f^bUP
>ures the usual good time.
I the volen
Gon mantier. paper lined and wM ttb
Anna Kirk gave "farewell jarty be­
Mp. caused by falliJig on a slipper
Sunday sen Ires at ibc M. E church Mr*. Shields U spending ihe aummer
I could t ve' The Equal Buffraae org.nla.tian
1 paper Bap to rover tbe atet.
fore learlug for ecbeot In Cht^.
Robt. M. Wildrieh of Dover. N. J.
Aug 2:.-.
outer edge* are paper bate*
The evening was plearamiy apam
Mlasee En.lly and Inman and li) A- W.
Baker, laslor. Sabbath arrived In tbe city today for a
aaael fashtoa. la Re BatoM
«> the k . W . C
|«rlor* nod
to tomes and m«dc. nntll nearly mid- aw. would benefll all cUssee, sud esbrother Ted went lo Big Rapid* las- school at irtl a. in. Epawnh leatae weeks' sD^ at the borne of W.
atate the bui costsla* cm mB, tfcw
lieeUlly tbe farmer. I can only briefly »*» vory well attended. There were
•itot. when ber mother, kirs. Klrk_
Frldav. where they were Joined
Ball aleays louad to tba CtoMr to tba
i>. m.: topic. "The Renuocia
allude to them, vis:
,gratifying raporta from the different
aarred a iwooonraa lunrtieon.
edge to Iba cigar box to bold
ihv-lr brother .Mfred. who went 1
Mitato Edna Matter and Gladya
Hon ot Ynlgar IMiqvUy aa * Means of
commlilecs and tbe
At a tete hour ber friends deiarted.
Tbeaa boia* *08
say bave retut^ed to their baffle here tbe rover dosa.
them lo Fremont to apend a couple Recognition:
'Medestv•1 tiill of inteiest.
The ne
fur aboiii go per cmt. leaa ihaa ba*«
wishing Ulsa Anna auccea. m her more rl
after *i>eudlag Sunday
of week* with relatHet and frlen-l.- Suwnglh." Matt, (rvin; Job 4
Hon of
l•ra(ccIl^* tneetlng will be at the Y W c.
nchMl work, but ibey all fell that the Ill'' teni'er
Hsrry Dean, who baa been assii'
Aug. 20.
wotfM. na aha Is of ■
a law almll
log bit uncle. Cbaa. Dean, on (be farn
Sandal; and wRa of Harter
.KUng tor a termer*' or-1 *• Raoanthal hu returned from
Ucruiaii.i piu>J
and atndloua cbaractei
SgiriDg-. reliiroed to tbelr borne
tbit turamer. returned to tala home In
The imdr Uaocabeea weal to File sanlzstlon iiv »Ulcti -they conld use Ihrco weeks- trip to New York, where
:oday. after a -««ek'K visit Id tbe
Brant Friday.
me of Ibe Idle fund* of tbe stale at be
* tbe greatest line of la­
Lake Friday, whara (hey a
rale of Imereal not 10 esceed wbal
city wiib'friepds and relailve*
Mlaa Franret Pierce and bretbei
Ulned by their Meter hlr*.
e etale now rM^ve* from U* deimafhlldi«.a readj;Ao-w
Ralph came home Saturday from tbr
I Id the banka
, menu the Globe Department store has
Bd Rawlins made a fattain
(Frotn Wednesday's Reaord Eagle
.Needham Uuslnes* college at Travers-'
Trarane CMy
N. MeHaii and Wife, who have
1 am in favor of remoJeUng our Kl- T'
Tbe longer t live bera tba better
Bd BrudveWM a TraTenc Ctty vlttry tew *n that . .oter of average “*•
dresses, suits
Gif iwsi
:i —By aa '
stolsfied 1 am In having pltebaT^
I It. As it eoots. cut In tbe new Dlreeiolra eiyle
to ''2 the hoDse
ewrihly reni)>nrc.
remiJlre. 1rypsyllke. an
voter* are «-||h or witboul the Robespierre eollie
passed the
e*e of a town, keeping ft db te
Ian. tbe new tlEree^iuarter leRgth
d bare last wwk with the InteaMIm Eife Meatier cl Saginaw
side, aad tbe areen Balds. Igneg Md
I am asking Ibe »uiu-ort ol voters "JolMiBy coals..etc. It Is. the Inieo- 'Wake: Jaquiok of Kelauvai
Uba of maklug ber borne with her
rived III 1.C .liv )?>t iJirlii oii-l
wtoJ* on Ihe other, Aidi. t* fart. H
rouse 1 have made
■ '
careful aludy tion. of tbe Globe w
WMber. Mra. n>« Thaior.
o dbeonHoue has been vltiting Dan Kent, left lor
lie Him- li.-.- a> Hi- *.icJi
f as a avarirt to Iba aswdM:
ifle loieaoiaa. an.
Cadillac Satuitlay.
—. A. H. CUrk, who has bean taking^
[ handling i
Guise lb* aredto to Wy teffe
' MIS,
measure.-. I aui alto asl.l
A. W'. TboNie and aun WiltM-r drui.• eourae lo agricnttnra In New York, pen. Iiccause. s.. tar a- luMsIlilr. I <>>«<» niiicb better faellliie* for bandidnla lu«*rds ihe cooniry. On (Bgt
0. C. Lyons of Batll*
10 l.ce(avlUo Friday, reiuruing
wtiiUd pm myself in touch .......
nturaed heme. Man-lay.
side Fverytbluf Is Imrtry. t -in||r
over Oeld anil forest. sBd IbreuM a*
Mr. CMlon and Vlfe of apuliern'
I, 'i;.-.
ould endeato: lu earrv oul hl>
rub* ■ tUd current of ree1lK'(St(n
A. B. Doheiiy and family of Ull-en
tHehigan are the gueaU of Ibe fet^ The tlDM' ha* arrive-l sht-u ibe peoi'le *
A cordial Invliatiun ii aalended lo the
T. 0 Osver>o:i. e Milwaukee. 1
ke a clear bruuk arroaa fbq teeadra*
visited Mr. and Mr* .V T Hre-d
te'a couiln. Mrs. Clmt CMk.
cal^^agd Inepert the
leaday's Rer
“>fough ladles
' May..

^klra. Arms CVrIliaek merutped'
lira. Wm. HttfHeh of
garments arriving dally fram
* mo-ning for MgnRt others (beiPeedte veer* bftel.
1 have a!«a,>. tried in maud for the
.MMs Kaibe.-ine Mclaerney ul
to tuflday dinner-hnr aieur. Ura.toert
been bi the riiy fhr (b.- pu-i
«sdBtry* greaieet tnabloo center
dd I go lo toVa-ie tba Mtolt
wr.lle.-a cf . onraquenre. and
bBaron ant ramtly. aed
inA one of Vm
babdis of the highest awfaml wMtertlnBe lo do to • hether von
^e ktanigoM and famny.
the nomlnailnn or ubi.' Hoq- nent iar ers of ibe ii-utnsula. died at ton a fesvda'S the laisi week
C. C. Wsliman and wife of Chicago nlbal. Tbsi war utoriy eWetrlblik M
J dkluner u again tearhUiz ihv utne Iwlore returning to her bom.f Rev- 8rMgMmtag-deft.-Tnatday for
noiic; s take 1- not hoa.nv, h|, horn
' n..-| .:i Ih- ■)! I-.'-.- :i.i.l will I... prose
I ran feel the prOM TWaB-H
Tki'isils' morning a: 7:2-i
which coh^iueu.ed
■C-, ill 11 ].>nz lime F'mieral .(Idrldte Iihool
g short visit with hu..wlfa wi Har-,
R..F. Drew of Chicago arrived
her- for * f-'W dPV* h-fore '—ailiiiiir; m« ss I St. p sloug. like hair oa (be
Mooday. Aug. tsib..
bark of a dog. long before Say othdr
bor Bprlnto.
le rtV Gita aioralgg aad expects
Ui»-r pi-irn-' in Mji kinsc Island
-iKrldavi I o'clock.
ddfe. are In right. Aad. tadogd. (he
Roy Perrigo, who has been apend be heir ?or amiie time ou business
E. L. Mason returned-lo hi* home
c*»e Is. much tlvto of a eouMfy dog
Ing-s month wilh his umle Frank, reW. M. Cowan lift this roerning
J- R.-jiWt. this luoriiing after
cotoe to Iowa, ao that growls axptt
lurneil 10 bis bomi-lD Ss. Ix>uis, Mkb . Manistee *he;y he wHi be tor a lea
week Cl vhe liiv oa hitslnro*.
order at everx eofiicr. Tba only »
■y* .'U business.
W. A. Shsmlin returrvto to Ms home ing la the salvrrte at wMeb I CM
'Political Aiivcrtiseuu-nt)
and Mn. SMngles of Souih
Mn. E. E. Athertaan and *0.
;.r Vonhi-ir; tou*,> ufi- r s weeedr saarkd. or wffh wblrt t Wb
Buarduian visited tbelr dsughlet. Mrs. Grand Kapids pissed vhrotigh the
the <1>-. 01: busiii-’-rote over fntb* mod aad fto*bt Hih
Exi»oricutv: Sir jnar* Pro^-eutor of 0*v.KJa Mieli.
Geo Ptalis. Tburada;
mi.rniug .lU ibeir way I.I U:i.
A. T. Puttc ond family, who hav«
Evel'n Beefavteine came home Wed­ where ib«L> will spend the reuisii
Icn vegps' fl.-tive praclii-e id iaw.
1-. »•: J' fimr-ii* I'Pt Ih- pash Dxmih
nesday Digbt from Baud lake.
:i*»M-d ih-migh the . itv thi« mornldi
■ rve povewlroadea Fi
Faoi Gonyrr was In Kalkaska
Ch.cjlge. V
Geo. W. Cerwell 1
on G.-ir uav home lo tlilcsgo
Aa Ottawa man brard I
busloets Tuesday
C J. Marshall, who ha* been in the ar' waatad to selJ a ayotc
Frank L'xiuiber* vialicd ber week, left Ibis nmrulivgTi.r iiti'-ii!,
rl-,; for tOfr.r lime left Ibis ibOiulu
sinef. Mra Darling, in Mantoii, this where he *i:i visi: wRb (Aend* for
for f-adllUc. wtiere he win visit lor,
aad bl* family becaura tbto '«*m
lavF lime.
, \
lime before lesviog for Columbu, 0
*bte to Part wifb lb* mtebiBo*l(lr
Hr. and Mr* ARwn Cook of near
K S. Painevferth itfl Wvie- nwniiog where he has aceepled a (jjglUon (c
teaetol rroton*. be >eltetgd. ^
Jemet. Cass (ouDD’. have beea visit­ for Cadillac, s here be wUi be ter' (be
Wtet oot to We fira to buy It Tli
the (omlDg winter.
ing Mr*. Cook-* alaier. Mr*. Bridgetansar was not at bow*, bet bto Bitolto
week on busiaesa.
H. White and family to Mlnnemdn. at Boardman Viiiey.
trr was tber*.
1 cama aot te tRV
E. 'C Dateman and tofb of Coluiiiter ear.- b* said.
-WUcb' imar
Pret W. G, Willard w*» la ^v- t*g ©hlo. airlved la (be ctty this expect* to^We*Jor#'uw”2ji*b^
•ted u* giri -Kaateg City iHar. «
poaalble that u mass lueetlng of |>r
«rty owaera *111 be callrc befora

week Is ojer lo protest acaluM tbe

nvisin ciuEB off

, »n:-




Craven. *«« 1* Mr*. Pritaoko’a amb-



1 think tut In toil







""I”---- “Itl—

a temon enr. to te.-^fate bsa*




RejmWicau Primai?- fUertiob. Auriwi 27.1SF2.


i Ttf e -






E. E. Mato ato vrifs ef CMt
rtv-ed la the cU> this morslng and-aft-.

rad *25.000 of Arehhakl. of -t
' Mr» «<tx»b«th Hunt 0«^
Koy Brawn of Baxter «ae la to*
•dtarday nwmlM Ur*. "eiixiImUi Taeaday oa boaUwet.
Hna. *a«<) Vo. died at (be bom* of ■'iot Jeor and aon-ta-Uw. Wm. Po
bort^Dabier. .xira. Will KiekeraoB.* lard, were Klogtley caliera Tueada:
MB. Hum baa bepo aUlnc for the |jul
Alice IJtKue Rowtader relumed I
rcer.lMit u Dotta*
abe tbonahi ber borne at kit.. Pleaaaut Saturday
to bo aniooaJy lu. 8b« bad Ihod after a few weeki' ylalt with her alsaloac^o* her lane alBoa the death of ler, Mr*. A.'H. Clark.

o. C Otoon a( PetolMlMM8»
bis boma tbero (bta asrateg aflar «
Ms days le Ibe ritji oa >aitoito.w

> the cKy oa bnaltoM


. fraternal
and ttaa
ten** fnM tea of interm in thair raoae.
«*• ergnnitntea. Ifewa of aedal erants and antaimanti, tainvuiwb bein* nado or oeatoBfMad. ftod buMto ctianrH, and tnaifcrt in
real Mlate in town and oonatry are aapaeteiiy
neoaptaM* Ae abort applies not coir to ^

- Aag. SI.E the packed gslleries asd crewded

iMtog to Petetoex. tee*
te MSI .tote tte.iBitolM

peod (ha iwaatoader of the -1



LD An> lunm ur uou. thdiodat, uotnr n uu

Gland Traverse Region ^

cfe, arvtvod MaMay tor a vtolt with
Tanra da«Mfeter. Mr* B. Qlng-

ateibaM, *aat eaaiptas cot to Dock
■Mt* Mr. aM Mn. M. ViagcraH. laka loM vMk. ntDraiaa Snadar.
Mr* Praak Strart of MarBoM
’ Mm t» Mr. w4 Mn.
Bn. paned tbrooab tba aaixhborbood teat
Tbarater earoou te PSfa Laka to ai«ai». Aac. U, • Mri. '
■ <■
'In ta Mr. utf Hi«. Ita Ckarek. taad a anatlac of tba Haeeabaet.
Ulat Batbar Cnaalacbam. *bo baa
liMiiy. ams- II. • bar
' Min SMi
«M iB UM Mlsh- baaa vwtiac at iba boiaa «
Boat. Hr* Howard ClalaBA ratorsad
lwi*n« 'iuttr«*k. .
te bar boma <n Wadaeadar latt.
. M». BB« |ln..D. ip. Ibrtar ar*fTMBUaeT Bwala of Chtaao apaot
MMi |rtf<i.npj rMuiTM fem lor •
Saadir araaiac aad Moadar at tba
b^ of bit cooMb. Mr* E. A. Bmitb.
-*%wM*rrBU oM Bar Bo»rt <..
Hr. aad UrsvRlebard gparlli
.Mnr at &P4f, witi. tiM taainr^
Spaaear ara TltHlai ratotlraa
tMr aacla. BOB Hate«a.
Mra. P. & Becan ratanoO lo bar rteodt te tbit vIclaHr.
A apobar froai tbit pteca aiti
tiam Bmb Chartnois WeOaeaOar.
AM Bo«bR *aa a TTarana CUr tba ball caaia at Mr. AatWtt't Baaday

Foul tonla. who baa baaa te Lodlagtoa aa tba Fere Marenetta .torTie* arrivad feoand Tnaeday ereatag.
MM -W. «ber«hni aM da^biar of
Detroit dMved pHdar' at ton week
ter a (WO wauhTwIott wUfe-Mr. and
Hr* C
Jotan Heoottn went lo Latoad daring
tba aaaaloD of tee cirodt cam had
took bU Baal aatoralteaUoB papa
Rafua GUI. irbo Mwat a weMi vtoltlag te UadBc. returned bone Frlday.
A Be* cenimi valk to being cou
■trncted Id tnal of O. M. L. SaUg't

Tbe pluee of eemeat walk te treat
of Vlatea meat raarket aad Itertaer'a
bolblteg to now compteted and to
quite SB improvement U tbe town.
Mr. and Mra.. Vera Van Wee have
muraed Iron a teng vtoH at :
Ptoareat. Mr* Van Wee', brother
(urate vllta teem.
Our-lwo acbool buuaea an- receiving
new coata of nalul. Hr. Kellogg ol
lolng tbe work.
___ Fred Vtoek and «>n.

- . .
dinoer Saturday ereatag
Rer. M. Rbodo* panor of 8l
Mark't Bvangallcal Ultberan cfaarcb.
8t Unto. Me., accepted (be pulpit
lo tee Congragnteoal eburrb Sunday
Tbe bridga aa UlU alrvet Ut JttH
baeu nplaaked. aDaklag a deeded '
A IKUa Indtoa girl about 11 year*
a iHrkad up n
■tee tbe railroad track laat Sunday.
She boarded the Irate at (be ramp
grouQda te cone to Nonbpon, and
*bcteer atac lumped or fell off oo
neanu le kau*. Dr. R. i;. Flood, vbo
*aa called, tbouibt at (m otap .bad
coociuaioii of tbe brain, but *hcn ube
ranted, be became bopeful -of bar r*


Mbert of Sandwteb. til.. «ere vuitig at .Mr. aad .Mr* J. C. Vte<-k'«>arl
I teto week.


The rcaoluilon calllug ter the grad
teg and puvteg ol -tec aircet
te.. but tee work will aot
meec«d naiU- next year ea
tee toiencM of tbc W»>n.
lyor Germffae bnmgn ,U|>'
tIoD of iiuri-haalDg a ntotuicjrk
ter tbe uae of Auiocop nolOtob and
■aid that be believed that ll w>ruld b.
a roui-b better plan ter (ha city to fur
ulch blui with an automolulv. a* i
wouM be cheaper and more <-Dcrtl>i
Tbe aldermen agreed wlih-ihto vie*
and then tbe uucatloD aroae a* tu ho*
mu^b be alioold !» allowed lor auii
hire i>er month. Alderniau Dyer wain favor of giving him $10 l>er nionil
for tbla Inirpnae. but aa (lilt would rn
abb- .him lo go cm only about om-e i
wcek-te eearcb of ai-ce.,! maniai-a. llioiber aldermen th.iugbl lhai tbe ant.
should be raised ao be could lake thtrail oflener. A conn.romUc wg'
Iteally reacb.vl atid he Wa* albiwcl
the *nii. of $:--. per niontU ter ili’-c
moDlbs ter automobile lure.

A largn anoant baa beea ptoete at ny dtopeoal to land ou raal uatau
■t $ par coot aad eSk par cant for SSW aad ovar. 7 par eapt undar «$M.

C A. Hammond

coivimine:& connine:

Gwiterml L*w ywpactlea*, lncHi«llna Collmctloa»«'■•-J
eia 9au M Bte.tox. rrererw Uy
A'orA a. ConntM

Supervisor F. M. Hamlin

A « 4 4 4 * «>.* 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 A
MayBeld. Aug. tP —Ur. and Mr*. 0*
of Blair Towusliip
ar Friterich auJ babv and .'Ura, Arch
Mr. aad Hr* Ben dalaad of Klac*
Gibb* aif reionteg at Arbutuc l^ke.
to-lie.i * III, 1;, i.iiPi.i
\,.i,-re ,n Grund Tr.iv,iM- .'iiunty bare a
Icy rltliad rriailrat oot (bla.war BaaA^ Gibb* cone* out and *i>cnda tec
«orfclat tor Mra. Ou Uek, rati
riiil.t |i- kill-* ».h.ii
;iii;l |innt:ipl.T. a ii-au a'and* lor. Whatday.
the week-end «ltb them.
' i-oiiuiiuoli.'
atwiiKi mu i|
MtA taka Tarler mwat Buadar arlth
ir ixii'iina to
The people of the aurroundliig t
Mr atMar. Mn. Jofaa BaMwie.
I alii ii III 111 iH .,-i,r )u
try upend a few da)> at the tok
Marab aeboot boata Ian Baterdar
'A BHibar ban bara aticeOrO ii
and uuu.-uy ,.l dun ..ii.l pi, i'.. , | !uDe>o Che eb-r.irnt of . liarii- i-f
they ran get away from lionic.
■miof. Tber reported a Baa tlaie.
Mr acAael ai Baiiar laai Saaday.
and .Miiiii.i >l,.iuM U- ,.|. It..... .. 1,1 .1 mall'* tUni-ea l» (Kr.ipy .,-i
Mia* Goldte HoIUiiay cDU-rtaint-d
baol tmamaaeat at tbU place
'mhtk 'tartar *at matatr. attornoffia- ..1 tr:i»l «1,U reaiwiieii.Jiiv !,|, the omniy, ai,d laalto 1 an, .,
frlCDda a ttbe couagv at (hr lake laat
fdaM kr Mr. «ad Ura. Daa Tartar.
Brui aiul loyal ,b:uiipi..u of lenim-ian.-- and ib.- .anllnal aad-undn
vMl BaMar iHtb reUtlrea la Burklying pnii.-iplre oi Wai opuuu. „
und ilwaya.
Mia* Ctoudto Mapitolt uf I'eltoteo
- Sbimld .be aliu... nualin- .i„..„ ter u «mn.. .df.rtol mete wUI.
to Titllteg frlonJ* here.'
.to.., .vmBdeoW. ...
Tba Lodfaa' AM witt seat tbit week
Mr*. Tbommon of Uucklry i
Maabington. Atig. :«.-.No-
over toll IVcdnodi) and wa* e
aui- of l*ananMi i-anal .lamda will bTkanidtir nib Hr* H. Ackannaa.
Ulned at the U>c lor a day aod iilghi made duHug the Tall
Bora u Hr. aM Hrt. BUai Hllka.
■mUk «ICb tba boM idka.
Aagast 27.
by Mr*. Addle UIbb* aud called
II waa slali-d at the ii.-a»tir>^.-|iahJoto Tatter aed Clara Crapo ware Anc. U. a pin.
frteDde bere U-lore the n'tiirued luelil. Thri.- la now'»IUo..>^'.-hh< I»
Mr* Bomb It aatertes a vlalt frooi
la Baekter'^oadar.
reah on hand and till*.
XmC Ttaradar
a bappr dar ta bar tlnar aad botboad of Waltea.
Ulat Bffle Keaa «aa boaia «
be aufflelcul 10 me.-l nii .-vi.eti.-.e>. TbCbarlea MaMsold to vcT)' 111 al
Mtlrbitt Aboat t«a baadred paoite
(otel roKi of Ibe canal to .•xi*'> ieil tBMbifU aM«Ciar<iartektai of tba Baadar.
Supervisor Blair Township, ('liairman County
Bruea Saytn rUliad at Traverae
and the lotal
flnto «taMr tMtaaad to a vary Baa
Hr*. John Hatch and Miu i-aveu U- about
Board of Su|iervisors.
CUr a to* dart la»t *tak.
cx|>cDdcd to date ha* to-i-t:
Audlull of .Mc.MlltoB wen- vtolting
aad Hi*. Boy Hlaat of TtavMr* JaniiKon'a to.t w,«k. They Icii
atr rltltad oTcr Baadar *lth
Konbpon for Kenton. Ohio U»t tVedncaJa}
Hr* Hlaea' eWar. Hrt. F. Fronaaa.
Nothing en Him.
vaa looklag after tea pea aad'bean .Mra. Hatch and Mra. Janilnoa are
Ur. aad Ur* Bnian Voice aad cUl- cropt anauiid Sutoa teat *aak.
Flrit Chicago Cblld-"My father ta
couateg and had not aecu each oitat-c connected with aome of the bc>l UfiAna ridted at tba borne of Joba IVr
Mr. and Mra. Eola Caanloghi
for telny yir*.
lltea te town." Second Chicago Cbltd
ball Baadar.
The Sunday aclioul coii'i-ntlon
—••Pooh! Tbaf* nothing. Mr fa­
■famm Bpnrud nit aad tAlMrtn . Mr. aad Mr* RJebard Bparilai »ere
laat Week waa not very well uiii-tid<'-l ther to reikvraicd fgom three Of
at IMiUalt anirod PHdar to nrft bit oalliBA oe frteada hm Baada.r.
on account of (be rate.
Bararal of tba roonp foikt from baa bca« apaadiag pan ol bar
BBriMte. |lr., aad Miv Mania Daraa,
hen drove oai u tba Uka BuadarlUd'^otkar roMtim aad Maadr.
Uou *IUi bar aUter. Mr* Keneedy. AAAA4444AAAAAA4AA
Ur. SUtaa of Ban Bay vbitod at reiunia Ibto weak to commaace ber
' 9ta rate feat aado tba bna crop
^dbKr'aol Torr proalriar Nr. MaorVa Baadar.
ocbool work.
Hr. Hoora-t t*o aoBt and dao«bter.
tfiar an Ml of btoaaoBM. bot to*
Hr. and Un. FrankfaUier
Mra. Ellen^Kanif aud i>oii of Ka
Mabel, wan bona over Baadar.
late baa* aot rat.'
l^be Ann today attendlag tbc mar Bmpire wentjlo Trav<-r*t- niy .Mo
Ur* Kooa and Clara Wellate aad riaga of bar tiner.
Itotr. AdaHaa aad CbarBa Parnaat
day to atlendjthe Sun Hroa.. rir<ua.
feaoo baa* aWUbcdfeair aaat, Mr*. Al- WUUa Rflay vtaitedtet Uni Jobo l>a^
Arthur McOuaer obd Caby
Mr. and.^n. Fred Itet-rniau at
fl*l BaatlM. at Haaam CUr. tba paat bbll't todar.
apeot a fe« days of toot weak vltb daughter of Ovtotl were ter giiitia Un. Bbsmb FOner aad ebUdrea of bar poraata oa Hiller HIIL
-W. ^ ratm to brlBBlBB bli m* KlDfalar are vtiUlac at tbo bone of -Mm Frank Bugil aad teUdreo Icfi teetr parents ai Oabore VVciliicteay
fete* te oa»|BatlM at taat aa pawibte. bor bratber. WteBla Plerea. iblt »adL Subday ter Maalotaa. *bera aba aUlI and Thuraday.
■Mra. \V. H. Be
Mr* Badrlefcar vitited at Un.
P»BBk Mrnaat wttb a ^ai of BMa
all rteattoaa for taro weaka.
Traverae Cily callers Wteneed/y. Iter!
M>« feM
«Mda 1* BmMn
Mra. Meicbaai to eaterutelug ber
left oh the IVre Maniucilc tori
---------^torfradar^ ...
motber and two alatert from Foaurla.
maxoo. whore she win Man
'■--a aad.vHa aad aoa riatiad
days bclore alanliig tor her boi
a U i. kiai aad laMlr
wbo ha* New York city, after an :.l..ein,
baaa apeadteg nme lime al Thre«
A Parnabl •■at to NaMoa CUr OOOOAOOOOOOOOOOOO Maplae ram,.teU tor Traveroe <nty year, vtolting will, retoitoes >■;
aa* Mlaoourl and Ml-blgau.
Mtet Alea Haaipecfe aad Clart^
* r aftar ^ ebiUraa. wba
Sunday erenlMCulling oiilkwceda and thlalli-*
MbawB. wbe have boea tba gueM of
Mr* Jenate Uiag aad daughter Ef acema to be tbejirder o. the day
Mr. aad Ur* O. B. Donaa at Fox
Be axpeei te mure to Ohio tbit «aek tee past two weeka.
Ulan tbc pan t*o *eek* ret
Mr* Mania Bugal'a btotbar from
Agate tee whittle of tlic atenm
bona Tteuodar.
Traverne City to vlalUag bor ood fom- teraaher to among ua. as .Mr Henry
ataanar Beaver Tion Cbarie- ny tbit *oek.
Caae la again in our vp-inliy ihr<-*hina
rotx broofbt aa azenrateo over BueFreak Bugat it
Bar to a»ead tbc ten dar M tba U- T. white will be built of canact. Tbe grain la a larger yl.-ld Uito yoat
tean It has tx-cn in four or Iim- years
eader a Kxbl additioD to bto bouae
Cla>k Dor of Flint arrived
&m Norte Walnut otreM UnaTaaadtr aad *111 apand a *eak harj
From New .York, llic Style Center, wliere our represoiilalive went this week
tag. Mkh, OB tbe Ktb. a tjfy -baby
vUHias trlaeda.
teaer tbe bone of Mr.
to complete Fall pirrrhases.
DeaaM CanpbaU of Cbartevolx
Hrt. Edvard WIddIBeld (nee Mtot
tpaat Boadar te tova vWttea trteadt
1 and a(a>_^
Hand HeaUagtoB . He baa blue ayea
Mr* Ida Bole*. »bo baa beeo
and walgko taven pouada.
Oetroli Ua pMt threa vea^ rataraad
cil requctlcd, but were In laior of m-ih
bona Ian waok.
aratiag tbe grade* rather i!iau i<i loa
Is iiH that we have plniiiicd to make it—with S|>eciul iiKJucetuents for all
' -nta Rav. Brut of Wllwlaploa. O..
the preaeni grade on ai-«Hi>il ol Hie
la'bondlaa a oottapa ben aoitb of
Aiiiiiist seicciioiis
For the young lady just preparing for school
B44««*4«*A4A»«AA» fact that there to a ••urve al ihi. iwlni
tba Beacfe hotel rula*
for those almiit to start on vacation; for tiie thrifty busiuess
Cedar. Aug- 1*.—Harmau Zemka, and that It to ao near llir bridge ihni
AtorUa Halltetid. *be baa beaa vteBUdden rise like' ibi- lowering uf iliiwho baa baea apeadiiig (be *ummer
woman wo offer two of the seusoii's most wanted fabrics
^SmO. r.MoiiMaBadaji
Uac tba auta V.
of W.
with Mr. Vtoc|. baa left lor hit home grade would nevoaaiiau- would to- a
an apriag. raternad boait ton Baek. at Ok Rapidt.
handicap to the trains In gelling u|«ni
UUa Cladra Danaa
Hr* Kboer BlUnaa and daughter. the bridge. A apci'lal i-oiiimiurc- on
annbar of tbc yonager aat at a..aBtd UlHIegarde. born murned from a
of the uiemliera ol the strwte
pany tan Tbaradey evanlag «
(Dtber values 212.00/lo 135.00 In Sails.)
rialt with rwtotivea te Traverae and vnlka commlKec aad eli; eiici
Miltor b
necr waa apinlnlcd lo meei with (be
tltUag (rf wafer* ka cradn aad cbocTbe Htooea Clbel Cork and Olci- officlali of tec ti. 1(. A 1. and agree u,.
data bndt »are aarved.
Lavoniure and Lawraacc Shalda an.l
Bav. A F. Wadga.of l«*aU. Hbm..
Ban CunalugluuBAlteBded'tbp itoacc
laHvered a lump tenure Friday
y evt
Mr. aad lfi* afeartar Joaktn aad rveaiag. Hit Bnb)ac( waa Tba In
MpBp vWted at Pruh Batter-a Boi Ito* Old ud N>*.'
uMBag Mr. Sweet * mother aad >teu-i
aaof-WllHamabutg tbto.waak.
lb<!•ipnni tow Iku vtelRUr an n
«re. Toay Mllrala and .aoa of Tr*»
teoch Bear Laatie'a cwuga Wadaea etoe City apeat one day, of thto week
* ntttaB^OMMba lUayruk.
wKb yir. and Mr*. Tony Swdboda.
Slack wd Mr toy cvaaltig.
Tbp nwaar Kaoblork of Old
■al Mr*
BoUar vtaUod rUaftrlai Altec Tueaer of Treveiwe City,
HtoMoe brought aa axcontea bare arbe (ondaclt a ctoaa te mueic here
''jtmp te AMMek Madar.
Ow ■ootteA -wktefe naa bald at teadar. On areouai of tba waalba. tpecu te glte a recita the :plb
Jaa enfeto PHdar iwUa *aa wall Aa had vbrr te* paaaenger*
Mr. aad Mra. Hill arrived Baturdar
The Uteaea Manha aad EUic Kin
and will apand (he ran of tea aam apeat tee pati week at the Ura bonu
vtolllBg rnaada here. Thar arr of Mr. and Ura. Victor Vlakochll at
naylag at tba bolae of Mr. aad Ufa. SbaUand.
I. Kabl.
Quite a few of off todka auandcil
Mr. aad Ur* Bun BcaioB. who tbe binhday pany Tueaday at (he
PW outer aad Alloa ItorTte vtelted
You’d belter make your plans this week lo get some ol the exceptionally good things
have iHwe vialUag te Crud Rapida Urn of Mr. and >lra. Balabory. It
fttnkiiMdnletJvaete tkU vIcteUr
we’re offering for your benefit; and if you’re wise yon won’t wait very long about 11 either.
ted Cadillar the paal *aek. 'returnort balM Mra. SaUbury't binbday. Tbe)
Mua Uoaday.
IPs a big out-clearing sale ol good clothes; al big price reductions; a clean-cul, slraigfalrepon a flae lime.
Mr* r. B. Kabl eatenaiaad
Un. Frank BHgtat and cblldiea arc
torward sale ol high grade goods
oar of her lady friaoda to a pkak TtolUag at GleugaiTv.
Hooar on her to*o Friday aooo. After
Mr. aad Ura. Frank Kin are entcrThat were $10. SI2,.^l) and $15. Mostly mcilium
dlaaer the gueatt were tevtiad
linlng frleuda from Milwaukee (hit
and light colors,-ill sizes .‘IS. •!<>.-f7. 40 uiiil 42.
MM LUo Cook, who bat beea vUlt- dock aad were ukee on a touacb rl'da. ete.
I>r. R. B. Flood left Sunday for
iW U tho VwM Of Howard ClatenI
John Kaaer of Trayerae CHy
ani.Joo IfoMU. rettiud to bar feont •bon Vtolt te Grand Bapid*
ti&SO Suits at SI0.M f13.50 Suits at $8 80 $18.00 Suits al $13.65 $22.00 Suits al $^6.50
Cedar vleltor Tburaday.
Mr* H. B. tebn of Grand Rapida
Some ealracaWmarly tone wor*.
Trcie are beautiful suiti for
( wuitt
iln. Frank Murpby made a abort
raraieing and •crvicaabl*. Fancy
Isv. p'lctBibcir
•a ban rtoltteg bar mother. Hr* F vtolt at Grand Rapid* one day laat
tedc. aerget.eaaa.mere* and tweedt
*"* buaintaa wear. ligM or
bi^wna. blue*, greys and Un* and $i7.b0 and Si:.*0. a
in (I.I. IM
M ^
color*. ptaiiN or fancie*. mean^ tbruMk^tka Mlcbbor BaonAarger.
-a th.a loL Swell pattern*, cut .n
-W.-ght,. All hand
■li-**eoi scr,* *uita abtelutcly aunwertb iL Every thread
fente Bt prwaL
Bore to Mr. and Ur* Fred Dago.
the very Utrit ityirv- Su-ta that
or*d and elegantly lined. Our
prwaf. Regular prieu of these suit* tailored in thr Cteai t
Mm. r-W. Mobba of HarBtM apwl
ara |t& awd $16.S0 and sbme wer* serges ef goop veightef,
were $1A03. Several young men'* regular $20 and 122 suit* and. wevXag :. a daughter. Tbe llute one
•2000, choice in this Clearance
teds and cne.icit
medeto that were $.'0. Chc-se .n erai lirei that mere even S2S. In ,
Bump ••BBteg an Moadar «uh B. toraad borne tbe Bm of Ibe week.
baa been uanod Nina.
Itoa Oui
Ourfea of Chicago to coadnrt
tod Camir.
Ur. and Mr* Fred latlgn of tba
Tto torkten an MefeUf Bto oaluw lag a Uo<
te tba Coagreex- DOWbern pan of tbf aute arete tows
1 efaurcb patter* cveiy norateg VlalUag eld frtead*
Howard Maater of
Coats Thread
Mra. LucU Cork and daughter. >ltoa
TldsSule Offers
c and Oar* Mc- Suato. have relureed from a Teek’e
jfewtoid opw Butor ^
In This A«
■a vlaJUag tbel< vtatt wiUi. rehoirca at Eaat ,3erdaa
; for men. for boys, for
brother her* eetamed to ibalr bone and Biy CUi.
. women, for girls.
spools to a customer.
Bvart. Micfe- the Bm of tbe *aek.
Mm; Howbkd Cletaad Bwtear.
UtUe Oelte Bowaa bat fully rwv3. a.Jarrr of. Big Baplda aad erad bom «a aUaefc of dl|Ateerto^
A Marrr.BUBT^ 7«9V
Moau irMr. tor^ urn* co»- Mktor. Hr* W.T. Coohar, of BaMlag. Mr. aad Mr* Cba* Hoteimdte have




Let the Herald and Record Co
do vou'r Job W»irk.

The B^ney Co.
New Fall Arrivals


Ladies’ and Misses’

Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Mackinaws and. Sweaters

KtriE an ira

The Early Suit Buying

IN SillTS-ExIra Special.-S16.20 and $21.75

iV -

Men-Takc Quick Action

One Lot of Men^'Suils at $5








I Ibe Bourwwi and Uiltpr


aner a abort vlalt vU


API TWog* to Thorn That Wan.
Ko road l» toe hma to the nati »bo
adninre* delfbentel, and wlibeot
doe harrt; and no hnnort are too dlf-

bln. Kill) D(wv led Salvrdt; loe
Tfa* ladtei- Aid 'aociny wlU meet
Osdeubtt^' Ail*. i*.-rt»d Cbiu-. Wedoraday aflmuoo of ibtf woeb vlalt wttb fileada la Chicaso.
nlBCt. «i(c ud >911 •ntved ThuiwUy wttb Un. Belle DKiray. Tbe ladle*
Miaa Ulth Balter aad Mlaa Ollvr
fnjin t*bi(«*o rw ■ two •e«k»- vlilt ate muened to oobo .early to Ur i^Aor «f Travarae Chy viatted a few
«IUi kl. ilRor. Mn Joba Boirfaaw. cDBfortm
dara'teai Woeli with Jdiaa BHaabeUi
and DMtkej-, -Mr*. oUvor Lar^e.
Mra. ChalJenor «ud two cblldren ol Htdowf.
Ula<«Gltw7 Motmea weat to TravUwiwaee lidwami o( Gntgi Rapldi CbkofD left tor tbelr borne Salurda:.
erae City Wodaraday to car* for a natleat or Or. SwaaCOD’a.

^ m__

daiartay. Amt. IT. a bob.
Mlaa Bdaa Eituab roluraed to b
liotuc al Elk Radid* Monda>. after
Sunday and plaA

a sane of ball

with'lbe local ai
: la favor of I

Tbe Bcore
ton Bay.
Ml returned borne

ra. Kleonor ^
weeka with her daugfater. Mrs. Ko>
Dunn, at Tnivcrae City.


I proved • great convemaice to aD
men of the

Ppopto Ot.^lSlSSSTSSt


^ ^ Of- w. o. BKTON
SH-M vnjbtio Block, with De. RATO'
at,. Hieuna.

W. E. Williams



Here, Mr. a ahittcle
that ••fills the l^”



Flexible AsphaK

Have the !aie*( iTproved cr»ehineryajtdmar.ufa^lijn' nivwerk
- • - A .
in up4o-daU____
rouEb alonePn>aii>l
mven all orders no matti
amalL Call or write for prte««.



Republican Primaries
Aug. 27. 1912

>. «eo.

lI’uIllKal .IdM-nlM'UN


County TrtasnreT

ataR S^SriBd twtot

•raiiil flu.
of' I'n.liat.-


It, i hu>c Iwll Id.-otifled



Loulae Hale aud Olive Hub



son of Traverse niy. Jeiiale >Tauner
Kanalr Bauaacy
tdary Baglry ..f old *1100108.

Uulfato. Auk. 21-CatUe.



ire tlHtodlue tuday at
l4ke niuie. lAUtih- Soura aad bln.
t^aa Gdbrao ataaiiupaiiyUiK tbeui
blr« Claiiiic Cay loiurned last week
ru^ a abort visit In Bellairc.


Olive Bouaou came Saturday ulsbl
oiu Traterae to aiwnd a sock *l
lAwell Soura.A
birtk ilenium Elarau and two diildt ba* lM+i5 a leM.lrut
tor fifty
( his laeinii
he uj-m a, clerk of tlarBekt■. has seried Jour year.' asil The iN’Sve and bs- served
w a* mwnslitii tr-anircr. hae
ne, tieeii a delvaave lioui Uar

■a of Beusouia raiuv luulsbl to vtalt


.Mildred «au|l IV iSIk Ra|>lds I. vUItiUK her dtler.
blra- Ceonte blunru.
paaled by


He was ai

Vjolul lleailiiK. MUs

June UeariaK aad Mra. Ora liaocl.
Lealcr and Will Inuls ' siwui 1

H^tniltpp Clothing Co.

tore iwrt vf Iasi jac-k al Husk b
U'ill iBBia r

0 Uls borne in

Chlck.^.................................... ^....Vtoldc
Mrs. J. B. lAwn cstvnainod Mr».
O. A. Wright aad dauKbter lilancbc
' Elk lUldda laM Thursday
Mrs. Alia li«?aii uf Travcr»' i‘lt> U
>cb day tbo^Ut U uarkat varto*.
vislilag J. H. JtcMD and laimly.


Traverae City
while there.

dro»e ins mr


blrs. Will Btoodawid
City caiiii- loiiiKhl
Ckmuer pk-nii .



aud sold


ha, seteral i‘tiie* heeu a
to the stare tviiveniloti.
nil!', -iliicalioB wb> seouretl
T.verwe, niv Mleh m-IkkiI and
«*nl>cra, lto»lne,N • .>11^,,. |„ «st*nd
He la'idK
lauclK ISO . ears lD Ui"
rural setmoU or ih
• • Mty.
He l»
.V farnN-i slih a hi
UaV' ned frnlt
farm' In Gtrlleld township
dairy herd of ten hew.l. a eviucurWocb
ntitl iN'Ilc-ves in tie <0 dale MeihHe ls,n nieiels-r
Claud Trjc
Cran:;.. «1. ei.(.re„0rnt of the
fH'niir.- Institute soeieiy, and xrefl
deni o' the Craii.l Traverse hairy
> aaeoclalluu.
He solicits vour



Wen-bfodE^plo now do not
^ont The- world, tbe flosb and lb«
dortl;- they apMb of tbe veavlrc*-

Cameron for Shaiff
■a a Bead Reeerd'as Uodcrsherlff
an< Sisods Wei> ss l}epreMMatlvs Citlxcn.

. .J.


* Ugbt .a a Footkor

SyMn./aofiMtk-rwzieHiU. KdHoref
the Sentom OtoiHt Scicci Mntmani


BaUng Powder Bmenita taade bv this
reape are so far ahead pf erdmaiy hskiBE powder bisenits that, if oare tried.
}v>B will DFTcr ore any other recipe.
Try It the next time voo rua abort ol
bread, fiavc this ndfe.

^ All Seasonable Goods
WUI close e«l entire let on troni
tables. Men's smlYoiiBg
Men's sines.

N. a-Wnldi lor oiu- Men's nnd
Boys' Sntt Snie

resr spesv

Joan M-»riaon a .-1 ftoiib drove


lu: •
au.. i know tha'
.• ... 'iij-i.-i,i..t:0

B C Bdtod Pwwdw BiMok*

Tit.vrrv.' f'ty in tbelr car to attend
tbe Elltlea.
Mrs. W. H. SniUb left Monday for
Traveree. wbere ahe will apead •
<Uys before nrturalBE W> ber huaie lu
E< ntUc
John Campbell reiunied to his hua
«i> Viliaaiove. lad. laat week.
■ Wllv and dauKhter will vUt a te

Thomas Kelly is ealettaluins hit
two tvatiias from Kansas. They are

AiA*7 atowf I n/ milA>r awlcr.- /
Sift^ree tm. the floor, toh and
laki^powder. Work ietothe flour the
ibortening. asine
osine lard or baiter (or
* - — .
_I_ A. . __ _______ - 1roartesiaE- Then mix to a nrr soft
doQcfc with the milk. Tbe softer tbe
tnsewit enters the oven, the liebter it
ceacsout. Never kaedd bsldnc powder
bbesits: prcM tbedooEh into shape and
roll UgtaOy. Cut ta taal! shape* and
bake ea a sheet or vrrr shallow paa in
abocovee. la placinc bbahs ia tbe

inisoN i; • \mi:im;


Tvi-emujr^M.T'cje.Es to stui

son and daucbler of Pat Doyle.
Clair .'iorrlsou lelt bloodal asoralae
for Fluil.
Harriet Farrell vlailed

John MefTl«» ,.

t.twai.l ilie si>i‘|>'n
•ei4lluiloiis. T'kiti m
IN I UK A tol.llltl. Ill
US a reiVlld I
The ..file.- of Judxe .d I'rubate I.
leally the meal iBiporlnni ntttie In tii.
louiity. A naiii uualKled tor seeh me
olltiv ebuuld not uiih bate a know]
edee . f the |j>. Iiul shouM U- a liual
He rlim-M lie a msnf kcyeii Judrn
Irmenl and iiuduuhied In
U'ltiiJy. us lUe pruliMe court not uuh
dlreecs ltd. cwt s and dlMmsIiUcii of ei•s. but la also a iiiteiiile
I'S lor the disposition ef
X-’Klecied ehildreo. Ire
re is no,n;>iv-i>t
-As to
ikwtiiilie roL^ this ontre. I
milled Id the liar In |sv|
years’ eai»-rleiire in Oir siudc
etU;e cit law.
Have had :•>
eiperieme- la diireirnt lines of
Inc-ss. shlch
i'k enindlv t
lb« ma
prohleni* that a
...............lly romt
up Isliwp III,. ]>n>hate ronit.
iitMv motto 1s c*
miv. erBclenc-y a
sirirt all-nilon
IhU Is the
I time I b iverv
Ciaid Trtiver
county'' to supjie
IV i not n-k V
r facorald" ce
illou at the H

In Bolteitinr your Milijmrt at the rornibllran prlruarlnc I li>rl
of Biy i^llty to ac-rve you wtdl as

Suadav j!


Mra. Pblllp TIbbha U <aH&diB«
tew da,, a, w» Giyi.
Mias Atk» Sours u ealertwialeK at

a hsnM.ronr tiui wtjA. new prm

{COBOT. Large biscuits do not bare
praper atooaat ol tiaK to niae aad
■* re. wre CUr MW X C Cork *


nsaieawtoavraDMito. TsuwociaaMlT
aarSecesw'far lak val.sWe baok. ret veAssU
PiiaSii. ryvre Wre. Co. Cto?«°


V ■

fm/ge of Pnb^t
promise If elerled icTtfiip tho ofluv niv entire tjtnr and heal aerctre.
Jbe-un-wrni Hi'...........
has had tbo
Utdie lb« past i-Ubl years-

M C. Orintl

'*■' '3

Ben A. Gannett


■.V ■ *-1

R pubWaa I'rktoin. Aupni ^7. 1912


I -h..'; a|-,.e.v-i...-

am) decoi- nr- .uiiro -nmk with tbe -vm*. I..,,
i;:r(),..<)isl s'|. tn;..ii ah
:* t

apett Wednesday. Au« T. In Trurersv

;i«re weeks at the Caaspbell borne.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

rut'T to t: V -e. .. .. i, lit.loi

■ V Is.:!.
IhiBcwn Marritoo and S»elt Jiurvl*


wbkk will ba doty apiirm^laled.


tbo Iris round tbo puplL

Baking Powder Biscuits

1150 Pants, S1.90
$3.00 Pants, $2.20
$3.75 Pants, $2.70
$4.00 Pants, $2.90
$5.00 Pants, $3.70
' $6.00 Pants, $4.40

B o.n oSkr of Joilte of
I'lolialv UmiuKhon' the etoir awd fals
1MNI offh-lBl riitird jiiaillliw hint la
a, the au|>rnrl. of hla poHy,

CTsy eye Is eoBfIdered to be a elga of
eelBshneas and cruelly, thoncb 1
denotes shrewdness sod isleat


!•'B. he H " *'
only askiUK of Hie waers that phleb T






niilUiiii dolls
louuiy Du.'

I ■

«m. 8tV4v: oata. 351ic.


at the

PrimaryElecUon. Ang ST

Scopi'?»tow"w*e''SS Si

Tbe New Perfection BroUer
: Tbe New Perfection Toaster
Tbe New Perfection Griddle

Judge ot Probate^

Jodge ol Pnibale


Warp DM- SkHt

Bolb pboof* No.

The Markets

feedtiu tbe poor. Half ibb ■


Bora to Mr. aad birv. Wm. Dobai.
laat b'rl'lay, Aaa U. a aon.
Bora 10 Mr. aad bln. Bert KrouiaL

New Perfection
Heating Plate



nectloB wricch will1 rr.-jciirs
il Bi'eDtkni.. . I Uiaks
1 view of t
■nts bate beee aiacto »
am fowadaikiB shtn,

1. SMI-Thai.

Aii'iiit Sdiohl Supplies. Best values io
new anti secuml {lund School Books. Big. thick,
g hkI fju.ility Tiiltleu and handsome Covers too! values too in Fountain Fens. A good
one wi'ii Miiitl ,it,ld pen at 75c. and, self fillers
at $I (Kl.
All the other school needs too you will find
such as School Bags. Rulers. Pencil Boxes.
Erasers. Ckitiipatcs. Dinner Boxes. Book Straps.



> lUTBiMiBus. -auiatv



mly EiglttMctc


Sate Positively Ends S

flay/Atigttst it
s- f


inb Money is 4iny object to you, pome to the dosing days of ou^
jja-Summer Sale. Hundreas qt peoplo tell us they havepnevferffiV
their t(vjBeseen such tremendous values as we are turning outL^dlirlng thlsr
Safe ior ycm M come

sale, ehd ivS lilie. come end oee (of rour^elfe remember thire are oo» only dthc dlys mon to eupply
Of-att what odd pieces yoa need. Tnis «IH be tiM Hoal aonoaocemeat of tbe Qreeteet M<d>Sumfner
Hemefumiailiat »ale ever held lo travei%c City.

Wonderful Values In
Willow Rockers



Dd Ydn Meld a
Kltctkeh tOhinef

Qitips, must see
ebr great offera Js
•Wot ty^try many
In order to make the end of our Great Mid-Summer Sale ItfhTliut what we
more iiitcresiiiig than ever, we've added our entire line of -have will oi«n your
Suit Cases.'Trunks, and hand Grips.
eyes when you see
thepriccs. One
lulilhtnow, wfee. y.a arc golBa ax ■
good unredeemed
cabinet base was $7
now only.......$3.75
you cannot possibly afibrd to let these Otiraoidinary values One unredeemed
cabinet base was $8
slip by you unheeded. '
Just Uuuk of a gonuinc leatheroid suit case, large size.' lin^ now.................$4 I
fS Barter a| $195. to a througbaut; %vith heavy iiound leather cornels, for only 95e They both hvae two 1
draws and mixing
line tocker worth «M It's well worth $1 35 andjlhat's what you'll pay regularly.
Then we have c<|ual valuc.s at $1.25. 1.87. 2.25. 3.75 nad One brand new $1G
al $7.50
Get your order iu. quick: they .4 75
cabinet, ,--txMoplctb
Id Trunks, they begin low as $7.75 for a $1.50 Trunk: and with tup: zinc Imed '
are going fast.
flourbms.u'jw 10.75

k Abou! 400 left, these will go
flat aoine iwice during the lost
■eight days of our August sale
f Th*« is a portion of the car­
load that was onlered iu
early Spring but could fwrt
be filled *10111 the season was
well over.
Come and get as many as
: you want; prices runge up
from a

Hah Orders
iBtted Promptly and




Our Rug, Carpet and Linoleum Bargains Keep Everybody Talking

iSimiin^lr Merchandise
^ At Prices Never Before Offered
.Coftriilfihg of Hammocks. Rcfrig^tora, Latfo Mowers. Garden
Hoea. -Ice CreeBn, Freezers and
I several other things you may not
realty need this apasoh. but you
wiU next aftason'and by buying
now^t^ can save about

Look These
$^ Belding Hall Cleauable Refrigerators how $18. Otham as
tew as 6 7$. $1.25 Croquet Sets at 80c. $3 Lawn Mower $$A5
$2 Freezers tl.$$ All Hammocks at 25% off. Bargains at 7$C

/tilgiiit iMy tv* 1(11. C((

o^r in.tarly if yott/wmt urn

ubbR Out,
or >'ou are gping to get left on some of ilmse
spkndhi table values. We re selling tables
every day: a1*oui six left at $5.50. 6 85 bad
Some of these were $8. $10. and $12 tables
DvnT Delay Aaothcrllay. Jut Uslea to
WlMl we Say.
U you wail much longer you'll not get one
uf these tattles ^nd you'll surely regret it.
flow 15 THE TIME

Two Coiiches billy for
Ihfe Fxirebteiy LoW Price
of Each
- $3.75
Sold originally for $10 each. These ait: good Couches
and will wear for a lung time.

B^ipOiiibv there are only 2 al t&ka ^rtee

$2 so BED ^INGS tl.OO
Altoiit I w'« doll'll of these, <!<>o<l maple ftame. woven
wire lied .sp^illg^ which have i>ceu used for holding
mutiTesji sarjiplcs. All regular sjz^i no more after
Now Is Your Chance.
these arc iak,^eii.

like Cut: Solid Oak Frame
only $4 75. others $$.75 up.

VViriciow Shades
Get your Window Sbadee during this aile.
We’ve about one hundred left, all sizes,
qualitiaa and Colors.


Id'c ^



J. w. siater
Traverse city’s Cr. atesi dome Outfitter

Wooden Beds
AboutTwcAosiOJefi. mostly 3llsojldoak.jii
good condition.
never have Ui'b
chance agata. Pr ces ra> ge up from

$1.75 to $7.50




FMftrTWfL try
Oartaf ^ Bar* to Wttob~uifl Un




Mten «h« IPM M M«^ NcNttii

lia atoaad ib* paiaton ttottotoglo
•nld.Mt *aU lor tba vatUaga '
tha aotabllabad tribunl to iaatln.
«n tn tigr to oali tton. .'(0 tot
tbor fiOMdttto n vobM ba -meftoaair or todtoat to-ba laih latontoBl -‘nyraric. who rnton-a
I* Ito Miar to tba lt«. Ba fbar aaniakily far tana auinnta.
nitdpft;: mJ4 u« .
ertad nt tn a apactal mrt i« I
cana n a aio# ato toatod
W (IW. I
akM tba trM to tba wttebaa,
toM* or bw ooickot
naMUr rialtoS.w
•M^waw^ tWrti it«rw,pr•^»^ Ooaamt.Pkton
tba daaer aad aanad aan* #
« koa>. M« Of n»

MVir !■ l»r«a*4» «ift«it pwr
»ji*A «tf»
PI’Inow BBd r»


tea»M4Mc^t» Mn;»
pqM.«k« «««w.#l«i».«r MW.

• “W, *• «

\-ww?i?U!S!n >1.^ f«i>

irMU^ Md M
fmc|. .M»0,.OT*«7.Mtl rw
cuu ui tbMI bcnlov ,Boa«. 1
lor ,rn, wmU
-~tm, MiiBt alR« Mrtr w Wr.
-Mat:. MM
BClkltlOOilr. -1
tooklac tua
I b«d
«d or ( «
mwi lt *M ]utt the BMd
tktn. *b4 1
fut to MBltoa It.
•• I •ittit fri^M .roq. Wliy *M'«
7o«tttT.BIb0l*0'«B<IMI*trOBr To»


» POB'4 m

■t -U «■ UP of tk«

i* «lw t«aMi «r yrlMM. 1 V«
M» mtL. u a«Mr» «r om mmt
tw*« 4wr> t» <«• JtiiM*. KM StMT

fotJI MM.Mi • iraeoUw."

9. tat ihar«,«ais-t4 hlAL

b«||k wMtlMM WtaiM. <.
01 a 8B>Ua IB bit erot.
. ,
........................ >-U«
pilM*, 4t
• Wall. I
Irniic lt.~ tbe ad
BiWad. “WbBB-*4blBh .ot aU O
BM«ar I'M amaad m MMtioBa*
tD*, ,««.tl^ . **jW!7 ^*Oifr, nr. tnakaa i«a.wlU*irty.iti 1 AatiuUr
prfBCMt «r pkapf. 1 «dvI4 fcm J07 eopU nai 4BMta«Boblla oB It!
WB'* »U. «*ll-l»r«. J. «Mt4 kBM
rRaaMM. wbW4o BaciUODB amotAt
b«* CiMwn »iwt> of h«m-el M- tor- waBl OB tba mua Mp«ira|iliar
t- l,«*«i.ktTrtlMo.«K¥MA "1 eaB go Id balbiBC hm at homi
Juat at *atl—tba watrr'a i«wt •* ftkrtM*'0 W* ofWtHttr.
riMbm I .raa aft a« tba amd
U «. MBUWMd Hi#
am«^,,TU Juat ai wall, aod it wfll M M «■
Moikor yl«l4 w Jmm, ailakr «od criaw. I raf^Falfe atuM
DDdar 4 t<i^«aMli4da «fd alt oa
tl>AJioroh Md ^ |o «ar baal rlotbM.
7«t-«B4 Ttt1-6 *tH. B ■ . .
aawMr 41 fraO.aM aa aaturactorar
taM»ffc*a*. »WP nM.hara^bbM aa i C4D Jipar off MBiavbara M (tT«t
«ihn«ai te .*aar ttmim.M «Matt!
tlv !«• at ItM. t««a tou« 4 Mb
wbaa It’a all oMr T eba loeb
ar >ha. Upaa «m1;; Mmt.
ta«aa«. tt -la
la M» tn air immo. «mM 4-mO «
>. foeUah •c«tt
*4«tt «( molting
haoaiit haaa w^mt aat-M
p UTa.toBtd
baT4,f«B«d 4ta(har,:«h»ir,«Ujfe«ahM«I
4 ta(har, «
)MMiMa«.>.4oHc« Ua

*T^3*m t^Fa*! af* bM tfifla*. i

:sMRsxsr.z. »135i5«rJ,-2S?

iSt tha mtia girl IB bar

“ “*1


bdi fuaiaiad «iU|.«iia'a rrta«4i, too. il

ISiien "" i

. *M |«na to.
. parhan br ifiMblag toora
' Sabi# Tba nnnat, WlU al
I. wab inutog far bito: iM
vat baaaWful, wed-baa am *0** «»
IV0 Uiga atan Bn b* dm at to*
forjl arudylDB. vbUa aba Wt—a pfl
tntmaw* »ln«r ba dacidad that aba vaa-aat la Ian trito
la Ida anl ba toead a powao

^ ananb to naka ptanaaa Ibm
<aana Stv bail boan paaaad galaklr n.
___ _ _______ __________ Tba iMa-br mat ta bit awithar-a dt**'
.4 1.4,
BoaMttoea it'a tba-frana. aad nn* tagmn
Vm Mwtatr dan
Jana Mta (ha pickir*; aad
^nna n nuM
Jadgaa o^re drrfmn. tvo *«rc par* itk -gaat—jn
draanbaca.‘ " '.rr“
.a. «»wi r .a
»« dtfoonr ibaa ton. ghlcl
alataaa and that* »«ra aurtonto- baait.-•
' -naatar ila.#-«aa tbnm aatto
-l-m toiald P*a
paa Mtolr
raanr *M
*m a crile.-,
bwm bn ^ «n
eouatry coauialag ea
a *1. avtdage* «na Isnrad, aad
0-l.drr.n, n niealoaa.
jadgaa aad JuHaa vara ietl a#r.™
for bit beBdar.
tabiandad br aar -guibWea to tto
>baa a dirtatioa. doBwUnn to took' aad *aua riaWag bta iieU tdlp bd
lair ntenov toair ova fatotap bM
MnaaB (0 uak for braablag a alaipla i^niro ibalI aha via n
tto nptoar.nSL.
Tba Btm lookad n(- gim lam. Ha Via giiUa cwtaiB artU-. "It ta an aU amr."
ba. Indlaal
Bart Waabbara la bit -judicial Hla.
nr! I« Mnmr tkm ■
r or kHar ba , to bintaU. wd triad ta tbiak to
to«7 of ktoaaacbuaaiu "; Tba trtalo
vnt* boa* baa bairt. Ha vMdbaya aii ok rara about bar.
aaa am bn nia ikaP
loatr •
^That.- togbad tba Crmic, 'dg tto
Tm. tba ibotagbli la bar
bwlly aa the I
alatgal trn#ato to Ufa.’
•*04f 4to,
iMd bto ttoa to )a*a bar bea- '
van Bovora. bui thay
'Ttoton aagt tenia?"
noarelag. M
(tan vRh (ha Iholiday
"Ka. rhal oaa alhvya la aara.labon*
tba <-aprlcioua aaiart to ihla nag
1 don't tea that Uaib Iragta." aba
It oaa can. ibat to tobaoaa Ndtoto piblealad.
Fraity aad brova glHa la tubardiba^UM^«m bor. •?*'—
'Ab. bat It la Tl
Bata panaoDi era ao ntad-t* bang to, (bat at (ha door tba veuld nato
Buy ba bllaa. abaaa It liaroM beta I
viu a abvwtr to lent repnato*
W^taapOB, "tha arcurra nitad
gmi ogrerr aad (hr jadgaa v
anj^iba SMa. rratoiaauian.
• -s
apparaoily ladlSaraai. vlih a good■owr hr tba clniBoT- Tto jtrj "It bapptBaaa.’oa
boa toak Mpa
am bark, muraad vNk « rad“A ptmaa." ha taaarad.^taagbi „ uol jUai valklog vlth a girl vbonr It
-Sba aaaar laaad an" to ewa tUtodiat ad riutr.
ebrarfal fuoli by glooBiy pUloaopbart. vaa anaimon gtualo ha raibar vaatad tag. vMb wnareaM la Ua aoeL
eraoitoeslr aBaoMei. Tkn proMlT Tha ealr vladOBi la chaartulaen
upn bit facabaad.
aad aCaatlralr dW <b* paniar MB iklag la what va tatak It,"
bar dart atiddtDiy bahtnd tba kladir aha uadamaod bln tad vaatad to dto
aoaaoad la batagtog alapi tto iadlaW
piwaoiin -to a badge wet. at -bt tract U» by cOBTartatoa.
datoaln k vamd^Moatn Htnid.
v<vd?-a*lgiBBtlnir aatt Ua Blm
■1 -Whal It (to oatltr vltb m t»
. - ______
a dM tbtek wet tBat pao- day? tba aatod bln vltb b#M>«at to
VoB're n dnp. tt'a Ukt lalUeg. hapa aba patgki yat utala tba 1*81-40. dlffai __
ytar roartatt vtU '
order eat tv look
TUra vat aUnca for a urn Wo-^*^
ttiua hr fouad bar dualtug at' an 1 avnr an you p aamn
.faa tdraadr dutHaaa rooai. a»d Baag a to^. n'todtaltoDatlarwlUyMr
baraat glraa
Da mr aaavar. ‘nrattaa am alwit bar. ab* nada bald TaUeta.rat," urged tha^a.
I -ladaad. 1 ton naar
>trrtirgDTfalBkertl.**aBavar*d{ "vatarad tt hm latatotoahemt
" vonaa.
.. | -foa mat a afik gam?" b* lagaat. algb.
vaak.- ramarkad a cartala coW
'df otu aaly fcaav vkar Ian wn!" ed afm bar. ■mbaiarar feed"
| "Bhow
orad mutaa taa ehaatrnadly irhimpbBba raload bar am to bla to bln
Ba looked dlrtdllr tbie
BBt tna. "iBub coat, leaea gaava aa raid (to Btm pMatHtlie. 'Don k
vhaa 1 ibtoki*- wknaaiBmi «n IcM to a aem to haarta vr a dunto, vara (bay ibai ba ibtwgbl to .vana ayaa. bat to Mad tbbre00 of marrlaga?"
iduM akUa.-; "Fur SuBdara." aka tab cuitatoV.
»' .
bada- I aaad tba hlaatto Hgkt. I «a*
••Naiihar." rapUad tba Cpiilc. "L**a[^rrad. "vbaij jlai lakaa na out."
1 “I aewt taH poa.fain to darLavd aad aatnia to nub
a fooipaU latdlag to ayaryvboM:
"Avd *ko mar JH» hr?" taavim tto
naa. tad wuh imiolarm
r. if rou tirafar it. Irta «v«


Snrrr.':: s.'”- “■ -i'" ■

aaa Ja u far iw a* aganAur «bat haaa ^ go oat aW aaa *hm. bat
abaaaa. .. Tbiak
vuoJd ba vlWag to-fW 7611 tto
I t»»
'jgOv Ma vhM.I rahlA aeeoiBpUab 14 tba BHT
diatmtlaup. rjtn uib erttb a _ I <uit Vltb ban. JiBitl
« W about OMret on vbicb tba daatlar to all tto '
dan (n doMato ro*
aatw thk>k%«( bar
jclMbaa. A*d tkara van'l a girt
vujld dapoDdtd.' ba nid wttk^aDO.
mb ban laair
roarab at l«o4r thrfa.Taaka!’'
'b*ra." to arptelaad.
"dlBoraU tba TlUaga vbo ovaad a tolk drraa'
------------ -----------tloB. "Bat rn will am batp ma.*
“Wr-^1. tab!—ro' kaeva bov,
rou kaowr
Cind da Uma la. daaa daya, aad-> Hut reipact from oUar actoaaaa. W*' Ha Uatrnad Irovalagly to fc.r uulck 'Horn>m do
vaN. aak. kata-* batar dollar, dat *ag^ ta aipana aad wtod ap aa vorda. Tba pretty Md^ima girt. It *> hn* tt ba

. '1 taemad. 1
uj iBlaattoa to bradklag dtapoilthu,
ebaractar; gib
rn..n» ro- so*, a^^
*Tau •
>. tbn." aato tto Bbto. brtbaan
bln. Mora, aba vnm. ban mt li
d or ta roar tan
i ato* torn ta bar, aba «04l« gattob rab aa* u» aigbia fb*t foB-aa aeaoi
to WMD Ion vao aa art pad tot d kakad 1*______ _

to nM4Mt*«.aak,
I A^'Mtarr ft«a toto^- la tor Into am toafa ba< (tan to Inh^t. aad rau aaa haai dan ito^dkbBa' --flaiti
Kioaaa. -that rov doat milr kaov aimraaramaa emMaolr tn <
"1 an nrr aeatoea BM dam hdi^
Um tato toarbto twaU atan toto.. tto goto aaaalt. faba loag odaa. g«
aarUlag about loaa.“
| _«ora. tor (ba Brat tlen a
to look isio---ay w—
araa. —»
aad -r-T
out. iaio. tba watoa^.iilok to*ora.. hata
And gaMtoMt *bn ab4««atib
tbooflu to totihd Bar. Ha lapmcbpa tbai voupd no ao emnr.laa bar.lraatom aMtoU a* Jtocir a>eak»-*b. tbara'a aa awab oo#
Had to Ha«8 Pla.
prlac tbem. for nr aw'a gUa kW 1
■ A New ToU voman. who tfalnki tha
an artlat. daeailng enda raluablM
'**nnt'a trhat tbar alt nr.'' adflad kaova tha public uaia bteauaa to bar
ttaetire of |to Joa^*4 miutlaa; tha-boakknaar- "Bol ,«hr eaan ron <rpai)aaaa la tba bondlwt hnnaa boatWau, lai a nba auntna.
a inraad fato
(a«<>* ^ ba.lionaat? Wbr doot roq tar rfcht
and aalbeiDBBBgar etB
atae baalilaa. I -ba lookad Into h« io«lBB b
bta; or a .Rtla. pg^laUiL bag^ ont that Ibare’a an oaa la nmr gMtoJ raaort botal. thlata that (ha at
*•' “
aye.-",«'.l g.ra up Jim "
•giB that IB ttoroml.tor^««M op to tto lato If Jinnr toil golag made br a Cblaaga tobar tto( ~pla !du took* ag u
Wtol. awpTBa tot rotor luar to bar rhaaka. tel bacauae ba la not aura to raer
I to loy< I•to Kho loobad at blai. tbaa^Avay. "Qb! teM Hit btan U brtaklag bannn
tor rawto bmto.gU,Tik;Jao- to ba tbarc. ifaat If be'a to bo la tova baa «aaaad la b* poputor vKh ja*
ito top an'* adla *111 to • antob rob'd gagt aa aoo* nar. tea? war maadao to tbl. ctMiai*; ' la "all vmg." i
but 1 coBlda'i. 1 (oulde'i," aba pn- of doubt. You voat an rack antb
A.. Santotnlalan. J wlU /totort
rou tail no trathfuQr that
marrlagt i
“It mar ba true for Cblcago, ' aba taU.I
P*opla aay- marrUd
Benta; reo wom do aarthtog: geran aerapiaai I «Ul atoM nacna-.-axnoi to alarp aa lau aa rou
-but in tbla port of-th* vorld pla la *•"“«
^ib and glrlBg
_ vomaa-mBld
_ fln Ion.
bta dlaeoBllDt. Ton abaU malt tba |lb Jut} gruingM la tlw to prm roar ttm popular. Tvo yaara ago va hat rL***'**— t—b jora aad doniln l,ia girl.-' ha luld bar. ■ DtHar lake tto
■o«M tto- paftoa-d
tar tea aarrlre; ron ibalt aaB It. aaa boat dmt.Worr jymmj arrMoa toi a llttla atHkvlB tea bHrh.a to oer|
#Hk gova*. mr dear; ihar win .am *otod pvt tor toed n hhla nnMn
orlat tbaraftfa pakpkMa. nanr lalg 700 dm? ^r dnt m atoril
...____tottar than a aouMrr alodbtippar.- »»d wkb dn word tottb ail hU on
paapblcta, to rafona.ti)0 Viekto piot*- ihit roaV Itbo le *pf«d roar annr
,l!*. • o“it
T fora Jim." tea .aid. etoWIr.
' Irrtto- Vn would aem do itot. Vn
i <m piranal aftiarlina aa laii» aa dan mtod ao pla. bat fumli•" -—I rrat.
. -Wiiv'rte IM to faiiM bo» to rrat
-------- -- -- -' -d tot# blaarlito alaad non aAnualM daaavrt
biMvga^aag. toBoAtla fmm- - ■
wood* voibad tha evra. Br ~
wabad a aegalar pla atrfto anoog
to —I.
maid uu
taka “»>■
toul. asd roa would rathar Da to loro
„„„ ... ..-------- ' .4. 4. —
4. W
baa#k too taar cawM*.#tarU
guaaia. aad #le va tod to ban
«i4.« W
you loiod
ivTm ataO.aiBO.^
bar to (ova. to tba gar lleiaa tbar »*.».» nM.. »*“*
tm nat bator* atoat. m. tgan to f»«“k aaanaUlM ta Mianattaia- vaa'i't
like anr nun'a
----- -- tnothar are?
,f. .i.*7.__~ “II VOBM
aara. to ib**tera,allitoliirtato
»e m* Itafanieg
— -......................
to him with atlae3m iMinkn I an antotog tkto '^t vo.ronit rata* •'Vto-wfar—a. barauta It vet amataur work.
"naaq. 1 ■ afrvM (her rv maallr
thm. Headbaator toe. raddraod- w
\ m IffTLE MMIK At 41W. .S' »~4~. 4. <•■ *; »un, wp4. !•! Hgrrr—■
,4-... 4,
loBgiM tbgt
ibgt a«4Ua
top far vhkk
mm i
Ir cap*.
'. “Tril. iTMt to rw Ihlakr
------------------------------- -- -------------- ■-—*
it of thla that T iball tall to^ fCD» tto (olopboa* boMh all
roa are taUlag a# Hennir.-*
U. 4A..1U k..A
anap-K'a juat a trap.1
an bin lar dramad to gatog-tefan kucaat. b«
mart ba fWt fm M
TJulia at oftea Ifa tto balu?!“*•
, hiB tm ran. aa ba plan r»a tot ta g* n too »tb to thla
o*o B«»(teJod. Parban
•""«« bit Beak. ThakakaOrel
raid totora no; taB aac n- »oto^ n««n't gat aar clotbnj
apptnctod Hd flan tto
pla do narryf”
toarto- Ato »n^«—
tnto- k bamX am got 4 itiU!
... .. . .
land lore U* ttoi a*Uaear.auddtoUr
tmobad bla balk, hla
b« bto bato torto,goUnllb,-(liato' "Qb. I traodar If tha Bm-U Ui a nraaac a rafaaka may ba Undly or llrm^rtrS.^,!iL^.fl!‘•
teruad .war,
burulag Mtebavd, bDkifctod am. aaS
dM. an xn ntr glad triu na Ikag to at that tim. ni bara to aeui
‘•te'Uld egmlD.
, «n»»fJolaHl kda Un la oev loag fctaa.
alara: an order may ba vOgiiglr or <0
U* bail enlt gtod^?)
Bums ito
to klr. Briira t^a aTTorgood. /Taat tt
?> bums
bov to
*. ”*' The too to ter boata va. a t|K>rt.. ‘ loioalcand aad bappr. to hapt tor
ta. aad »ai#7, Wka»
bam!W .graat? ,tp oa tba
_ ba bam!u9-- —_______
to ... •“
baatao. «»
aw, etorlag
daalrlag to
to prolmg to
to Vbn
ntt ba.taa.
It bee ban nO. Meag be’a .mu n h(.t..uiu. -------------- Ha■•»aafr to <^ra bat^atHen.
^ ^
(to aam oM plav*
ptov* va ahrara
almn #a! (onr la vUeb
H. nommed catetonly to tto dm. «»»•«» •“» «tormla, non-.
mrbMi to wjnHr ev
t* ®«. » .na bn«r. .vtoit .Dnt m a gutbfvl
^ha rnad- Wh« atorWtbAn
‘ ‘
.r!T.;_______ __
to mebn k to paaaad aad
Bha dim bar Upa fro* hto. baag n
of UBUilUagean end dlaloyalty
alfto bn? Ab.
bamn'tmrto *0*7 ■*? Tbiak to tto avlBMalna oiaed
ttoMaaiy. tba voata narrtoa toa»oii*A
*''• 4*ek. «od teoklag Dio hli aram
bMvuie. of tba cbnrllib mtouar ta .u.h.
,0 M
„„ ,,,,
^ >M»P"to vRb voadmni a
on totb kla aw
NHiktod. . • . aad <to ttnalM and tba.»aada ,M,



s^sr.:; E’SHsx

•nm BBhMva to

.’■Ow, r

. aidka,rmk0Do4dkr; ..
I tool ton «w 4
"Boa atout tbctaBaaec
aoaeania bar iwt. Patebuca aba m
mael ly Aad rat H to a daalrabto '»• ’—rkkltpar

.Quality. All tto tbtoga ikat t hkn
'^k. tpoftoni ad^Taeca 1
aha. n n.a toekt

^hkTCtoaadttaMBta. TVabM
an T«i too Mt ttoato tba

hiII Wtogm iw Biy tototoM

bar ^eddtef tbr*a
-Jto dtaptom barauta Mt aMton an doomed 10 dinppulD< ta a Im
d oidp ttouUag ed.kD ,
t aflarvardt.
• 'em
. -J
Wepulallen af_________
ttto m*a.^' A ofHktag proef of fha raataatt and
The TsHi at Pfaed.
'nriMT of tha pmviptloB *f t|^ aan
nr tm mte
M ________
The'Itia Ctart BtHmi. brad of tto
ApaMtn kaddrma.
hto BBRbar merv happfana thea #e
kaddrnaa. vn
wn a CtaMiton, »*tor
ran m epr meerdid t
bdSararfcmvB. fckeat.Dn.ptoC
la parban the beat tau*-lto pmta.1
^ ^a tern blB,~.
t tt tb* RrKlab
1 "-'<o(r Btr v.Hra toil
-nmfm r>k« 1* gin bto a ma- cU aad-------- -- laan
am teat to v«l n* dar bfiM Bn
-Nor; did yod aay?- ,
Uttto •
tontortn. I nlaidma-taNav •‘■rtn. —-------------------• tumiuBrjlog tba Ufa of Vao.
ran about ua dnameat botm lava.
* veana net aoMliaat
1 wm ttot,.aBp aoa M gto« «• rn Hd.BmidmD to^
... .. -........ —Hid oparira of mtm« tald loa reporter:
, )o*«. or nuiuiuiti mpaet-bar bnfiDa
STa.enar to<
-nd oeglarv rbsrrb. Td aaglart ra- knd. but ab* n«l to bdth. b tt
•llffoo to gat oar (Tfia ead ttawbel* ‘ veekbaa* v« tea*, atmngtb we *ny fora bad baae towd ta tbat Main M
a prayer U emra Jer
_jf 1in koMor. hantu*
alamt ail
all aurpt
aaipt amy."
•..i rttoiD. It to wie n tto
nta aiamt
B fPr rvoTf. Blaev.rM ^leago Qally Vt
and IT waaa
to* imnd. fba* *g«id:
tr-ngine m iW waebitag ‘
-We eegn eol t* antedar tba man' obouid lor*-tfvernLlDg la (b* gtoi 'uHralr oaw to ac«n
^tlag 'aa *0 tto oDar tada
a< “lifa-etrapt
llfa-nctpitea oaa iblag wont
kaow- wbito itonto ea **- ^untef. Tto auoag men aiay Into ”*'•' ^ tuaparted
nlDg probtodi no aaar A enioa. but am f ftnlly: atoy d*
feuf • tallBn baartbt. but aerar oee
Uar bealupa.ato vtote'ar b* qidwk » aad bnedr. ua emm and
Of bla om. To me. tha avaataai
«an bln.-eam appap ja Batoag Opd!. run. >r nlaln and gla nd
n prte*.
, gad n ta»w5niiaa gift. Tbr* rrn ■ lai do to danad nrafal aton
■a to gm
ml), forga tto terglag oovi t ceg. tea • yn ny aanayt
Tbaiv vtt Bllnoa for a
an tad rea; Itmet beer rear nice: Kck.
tot Fn got a aain
*Wtet ta yan a
1 Bo eet kem yen ten. Te en toy ,
bog nr.
aaa. -wiu rw» ■tawy »*r
liner iiiUk^ nal Dr been.
^ pnyen. m toan. (ton d bn'
-Berea yetrt! Don It take (bat
her em dewy *1i?^gra^
“to «f an laraatlgaHn do
a woou au»M

Hnawhito. » tea. top na.-Mn

’to nvapapoa. aartaualy
• efn taently taken by
(ataat and Marytaed tg


of auitag tekeoro nttmi tram tkto
»r*(r Impurtad aaad n rruala* HaVan aeg naryind. it canafair eeam
to to a prroaadlag of dublmu a.____
<nl nortiuy: aad tba aaauapttoe that
«*• poeoltor (aaetatotioa of a HaVau
I tot taaraly to tto fan that R to
CMWa from « nrtoD aaad. a*d aot

abto^"m^md **21m u rnTm

Mmim am------------• tWl aed mi tto proda*.

. ■..- .----- -

itrtH KeagvlQ D WnttoMUr On- tli3^ tbTmnf JStirM*m^
ar* wBMag ta wvw aJkiM tofwt?

ew ^



REcmo ca

•tekk^ MR. I

Blaehbarr, BaMiBla.
*o«tb cap* tdlted creoateted at^;
Koll paaie to oae^lcktb tack lb «m* ewp pasirr. Bear, atrtad: oawbaU

tblckaeaa ao4.cwt la ituadsof correct teaspoimlal cr^ ol larur. Blft tbe
e-«liiwa rebtaaset a^ oa A ah* to r
r iBverled <
uarbei. and tLox
coptul; ibaa ein aa«i
base OBlr^a. a wlsier
^vetvCMIe do prick several llawa. arraas* os a tia taeaaure tbe aacar.'add a piacb of
wbai ibe> are ultalaaabeei .aad hake oatib delkalely aalt to tbe wbttes of IBs..ARC* nod
New rabbaae. freab lion the car- farewaed. Pick over, wa^ aad dralo bsai sboal ball: add.tb* ersau of ur
deo.with tbr dew still caacbi between me aod ooetraK rma blartbenlea. tar aad bast tbeu to ** very, were
Ibe leave*. It at delldoai at fresh to- Blew aailldaon wiib eooneb water btlB froU; stir to ibe aacar aad flour or curonbere. and l> to prevent barolac. Add ^r to v*9 Hcbtl.v aad rarefully oaMI the.- vaetly taparior to wlpler eabbake. tstle aad a few cralas of salt. Fill socbl.v mixed. Tbca poor tbe mixture
Tp Hew rbeer * wa> of teitliiB It.
with stewed fruit aad arrmaae »■'«> •
bakT^4«-ulaaiea I
Bhred It In »er> flae alript. loss with lor ladifidual aspire on Ptatea
ptatea coV and babe
Be earctsl pot to jar tbe ratu
SaHy abredded oaloo sod a table- errd -Blih lace paper dollies,
spoon of cboiiped loreley ami terve.
---------------------II la set. and do avt open Hkvep COW. with Home Cheer tal.d
* o»
-. -eo - ...............
llll tbs
- reke ^as been la
ptare a . lean
dinviDK .No. I iclvee fa Iblt deion- ^
mlouiet Wbto
ima. tbelatt weekloJuI.rl. Tbe blta *
' Hdlac board luof abredded red pepiwr Id the «lrm.t-__^^...^.;^,
ten .be .aka tlD aa Ibta sad pla.e
iac and the deep creep of ihe lOreley
nKtraln* sbd put aside to
P"H»preio color comblnailoa ,,,,
ll. eo aa to allow a HrculalloP ol ali
dinoer hour is a
lb. Bot disturb uaiU sold.
Wllb the iFle preen of tbe .abbaae
and the while of Ihe ODiuo. it is ‘Bl
fornsiar.-h aod the Uiaiaotaaeoar'
»be meantime beat a cap
10 *rt before a kinc.
of rueam to i aliS froik. sweetea and add to it oneball cop t.f Msarbed
U.. i».~ o, ,h, ..hb..,. „ „i..«
■"» >
td almoodi and ode ts*
BPoooful of imtaline dissolved IP a
roreaiar.h and Onoce Jelly-MU \
shaped bwrt ^leav.
very link* water, t'ul tbe cake boil4if
Anoiber creat favorite In Home
sontally ibraBcb tbe middle, spread
nieer's bouaehuU Ik Mr* R 1 Dkk- With half of a pint ot coM
Poor Ibio a Mucepan oae |dpi of wa­ ■ be lower half with lb* wbippsd cream
ermaa'a r«rJ|ie In the CenlHry Took
ter, and brine It to ihe boll; reuitAe ■nd replace Ibe lop if the rrdam has
Book. Slice a amall bead of csbbace
a lendMiry M twB. pin a atIK piece of
very One. cover with water and let It Ibe aaarepan from ibe fire: Fair the wrlijnc paper around ibi. eak* and
rook and steam In a (4oai-ly covered
I *lbe
diati till done Sawwon with mh
Juk-e of
ornnire. and .he JuU»r.nd«A^..f
1““hall a cup ol vliwasr
lemoe. add three tableapoonluh
thick »our crealu. l.ei 11^1 up well ®‘
Kasplwrry Poddlac—On* eupdal for fOve minutes. Pour Jnio
t'abbage Wlih Frled.Onlon—t'ui the
told.turn iwl luaar. iwu see* well beaten, one c*F '
cabbace In flue shreds and rm iLdrlis aiMl serve wllb whipped c
r cream wllb oae^wll ti
a kettle wllb on* lable- eued aad llsvrwed wllb o
leaapooa t"'
-HI alirved la. a pineb of
spoontul of liuiier,
aali.-one and oae-halt copfuta floqr
ful Of oranee e^irare.
aod pepiier lo, rover sod lei V
Ma,b|,.d t
Mince— When Fell'iUxsd eUr la one ptnl of
cook inlieownttesm «-moiieonlcm p.„ one lableapoonmi of awcet gritiri r«l respbefrtsa Bake and
IB cube* an.1 fn In buiter.
when ^m^date into a saucepan wllb one-Hb say macFpreferred. TM* tallowbrowned add the r-abbage and tn to „tirepoonful of milk, allow to dl. kw «•
a widen brown.
rieiicteos Poddlac Saare-Oa* cof' '
t'reamed ftabbage—Chop fine a* three lahleapooufuta of cornsiatTh an-1 ful sunr. two capiuta water, two learaoeb cat’bagc aa needed and boll In ,hree talrlespoonrul. of sugir aod one apoonfiib floor. WHi one tabWapioaaalted water iinillVnder Drain and (Mg|u,iulul uf xaullla eitran. mutalen ful of batter aad alle ibe flour Into
add milk and.butler and lupper andmilk. Fui one and H- Bcdl lb* sucar and waiesK^
flour to make It rreamy. Reinra lo . half pint* of milk «a to boll and while bolllac mid ilta Ifour mUlure. ;
the Ore .and cook for a few seconds.
cornstarch mixture, atirrinit atlr well and cook a few qilauies. Re- 1
lioi Slaw—Shred a bead of rat.
,h.- „n,e. pour tbe whole bark Into move from tbe stove and beat tborbag* line, put Into a stew pno and aei
boil for five 'mlnuie*. oughly. Adlag on* idol or oaedmlf
on top of stove for half an boor bat,..,„rt1ag eduKiantly. Stir In ibe choro- Idnl of red rnapberrlsa.
do not boll, when heated tborop^ly
roughit to marble «: pour into
Almretd and Rhubarb Mold-Two
add one-half cup vinegar, two ibWf . ,,, ,„oId. When Dna ram ooi and lableefiooBrBUot btaarbod almimAa.
spoonfuU Innief and pepper Bud nit. „rr, with milk or cream.
ibr^uariera of a pound Of cal rbuand rook for flve mlauies.
Cornaiarch Fruit Pta—Fare sad rorc ba,b. graled rind and ,*tralBSd Juice
Cahhaiie Stew—rican and qoarier a two pound* of applet. Ikes Hew ibt-w of o
young cablage. wash well and ahred with four tabtasponofnls of suaar and ful. of augar.Jhra* nupfola of water,
all four Into sllcea. Pdel and slice half a cupful of water till lender, then.
of two egga. Utreo btaping
four medium onloos. Scrape four rer- put them into a buttered Fiddins
K and quarter them. reJecUOf hard dish. Mil In a b
ewatard aaace. DIaaelve the
Freisire a quart or more of bol luis of cucBstarri ibree heaping table gelailne In oae capful of water. Slew
with one ounce' butler. Ball to nioenfata of sugar and a talf i fable- <bc rhnbsrb to a pulp In tbe real of
and one luai|i of sugar. Pal in apoooful of butler, moisten with : the water: add the sugar, lamen and
______r of
.. eabhage.
of earroiA. ,iuta <-ol(I milk till atnooib. Foar ialo griailoe. and sHr over the Are ufllU
then ot ob/ons. using two-third* ot tbe . saucepan two pint* oC mUk. hrlui dtaaoltvd Rmovc from lbs Are aad
CBbIwge at Ihe bottom of tbe pel and to Itull^'polpt. stir In rornsurcb, boll add Ibe whiles of egff stiffly bialin.
All with cabbage. Corer llgbtlr and for e^^-menute*.. alirrlug all Hie Pour iBlct-h weTaj^ ChM baa baca
let ll all rook rapidly for ball an boar. ,|me. Itaor over tbe
stewsd frail, tbea aeeoiaiad with tb* aittaMs- TVbea
Then add six or eight good alxad pota-^ brawn In tbe oven.
set, tnra out aad serve wllb rostard
toe* cm lo half and let three cook to
the melilBR point. When 'laken off add
Rurprta* Apples,
rherry Poneb—Oae cupful of red
melted hniter. Tbe poialore will mHt
,cw <Ti-ain uxiuWcd In Irail fornix eherty Julee. two cqpfnlsmf pigoapple
sufftalenily lo make the liquid aalhlck pm, Bpriiikled with gruicd
ynlce. two orangre c« Into tbla ailcwa.
deUglti* ones goesis. *F
„raiprf Julcu of Are h . .
Tl.«w., .mi.a..i,i.».™w i~« "•
*“ "" ""w™ or.»»'ch-o,.-i..i. ™r
really made and alib.a riove
^ „B,er ale. twa qtmfU of
Itolmas ot Cobliage-Tbe "dolm*." plea
pit are taonlng to take deelaras that stnlnlnc the frnlt. than adding tbe
laMespoonfoU of boiled rice..
butter or etarifled drippIngK.
Ibta Is a latau ballaf; ibai ibougbl. s<tff*r to tbe Julre. The fruit aboald Qutak Turkish Soui>—Stir a tea- one cupful of S>* Orleans moUsses. of caUliage Is a di»h that I. both for a stem and u I- rder of leave. while graiw Julre aud sugar id uai*.
Sbd Creek Te'mMe ll. rv- arnund the serring dltb ar- yei •F**- Put Ibe white grap* Jake fold a larg#
nhUjiir Knnd or bad, Inspired or, tbe *>• sll«-ed to He covMwd with sugar tpcaonful of beel egiraci Into one quart
«gg, jglre. pulp aad grated rind
iwn. add tbe' tamon Jalre. ptarapidv
raran*. ta Mrgaly » matter of unla■ ““‘e
beforehand, to aid of balling araier. with a laWea^ful of one jmall orange, or hall of a move Ihe white leav-a freim a larc'e laih-.
----------------------Juice. cberTT Julra. Ib* orenges and
tug. Tbare are pons of m who do not <•»* e»Pif***c» of the Julre. ailrvlng of cmied onlon/kiid a sbIisikiodV ceVi,,,, .,„c. oue teaspooulul oi .wda db cahhaae. and hlaneb them fo boiling
Red Vegeubta Ralad.
euasr. Bring slowly to bHUog petm
wban w* try to llv* n year at a •« l»W
eream. and freexlnc Im- *ry seed. When this reache. ibFholl- ...ivcd In a acunt half cupml of aster for a lew minutes: thel refresh
One pint of cold boiled F.laloea.
,0„ ,ror tba grated rtad of Ibree
Um*. yM no on* It so tcail. eo weak, tnedlntely. To n quan ol cream allM me point, iwur it alowl. over the well- outer, two ( upfiil. of pssi'i flour and them In cold aster; drain them on a
lemons. When tool. Mrala. aad add
w (nil of belief la Imperfeeiion. ibai ■ fluart ol frnli aod a pound of aucar. b*a,ien yelk* of two eggx Have ready. . iitu* salt. Bake In a ahallo* pun.
be cannot bold bla Ihoucbt* lo the
B“« ««> wsbe Ire cream flavored whh drained, four UMe.i«onlu1. ot boi ,n a hot oveu. and when dime rul., the nteanilme. takes |«und of lljlet of of uncooked red caUwge. six ‘•W‘ the ginger ate.
rherry Thptora-Soah fOW ttbtabeet and blcbwi lor a few ulantsa al coreaDU. almonds or jdslacblo nnts. boUed rice, odd sod serve at once
„,.er with butter, and airew wIili i»w
chop the meal tert fine, eod mix with ilhal In wbicb beeia have „ '7'JJ s,.oiifuls y»r tapioca ta one ptM of wa­
a tima. The RoUm day U comlac. kb* hsI* given for vanilla Ire cream
Pniato Roup—Real oae quart ol po- ^^^d augsr
ter orer algbi. Melt MneRjag Moa* .
aad ptrbap* ta naarer at band itaaa »*> be followed The flavoMne lor ufoes and tioU ibam In four quarta
^ Pta-Bake a Mngle
s linie chopped oqlon. and a leaapoofftBI of pepper. Cut the po enougb cberrta* lo mtko oae plal of
wa flar* haUev*. wbaa we wiu all id the almond craam abould b* preparad ol water until tbty are tender. Skim
, pmklng It
r cbopF-.! l•■raley; eresoo with uiore la thin slices and tbe beeta fruit. Add lb* Juice of tbe cberrle*
taa» to He. la tbe prarnat mm by pouadli^lb. almpiKl. to a p.Me out tbe potato*, and mash fin. and
or’ rising To
e ll
moat, aad ta aa llvlac. to koep ihal wlib a umi
Uitta tote water. Pre-fSe
Pre-fSi cocoa- tmoolb:
umolb: season
aeatoo witb
with pepper and aalt.
one ao.' KBit and le-piter to lasM. When the One. and allre
«Mtaat potoed ai ll. blgbeat poUl,
nut tea
Ire cream tb*
tb. gruitd
eru.*d nut ta addad Add lo
to tbe poiaioe*
potatoes a bunch
hunch of nice *“
.^g^g,rof sU-^ a.M . ho„ rabbsKe taate* have been trimmed, poealble
.-old place on, hour,
spread each out flat and. In ibe center It *tsnd li
___ ___
Is ihe cream-wbita It it being Braided erirp celery, minced Ane. Pul Ihe
cook taar mlauire loas-r Rerva Ic*
ca^'ttMd mToM
jaltuie: no A* soon aa It to cHd add . Util* to#e cMery In the water in which the po-------;-------------^
_ji, M Ttald
tatoet were
were boiled
boiled and
and cook
cook inem
- PF ^ mlvinre. then wrap up the leaves.
-- to bright
bright —MFt.
—dire, snfl
and Irene
Ireeic immMUiei,
lininedtBiel> Any
Any tatoe*
them lor
for '"retened siul
whipped cream
Citarietie Roga* In Tall Olasa.
:bt for
of these
tbese creams
creams may
may W
W thlck.n-d
thickened with
wiih flneen
aad happy and irusiful ihougbt
lor of
gnren minute*.
mlautn. Also
Alw. rook
cook a ciipfnl
,nd when <«i I and put the., -dointas Into a slew
lair In row*. ,.re**lng them cloaoly
Hun i >.u llkp-io use preliy*
y li,,
Sluffsd Tomaioea.
jn« live ______
mluutas: __
m. _____
ths, smiw-rooi
foaieadofofcerecere- each of lender green |ieas and carlogelber with oni raw on ol the in Ihe «timiiie.% They kmk so .-.s.l
^rr*MwMf*~<llaMl' for lust a IlMta alsrch.
rot* chohited floe. In aeimraie waters
t*e|ve urge. amoOtb t.
huiH-b . other. Sreran re.h r..« »liH «a'l sort H-arllinx. rharloiie rasse served
vbOe It taI unUrlretlOO
---------------------'hn are lender, hut not. *olf.
I'anlsb J-tIv—'
pooDlul sslt
salt. llllta
Illlta peppre DDuUrlpatlOB lha/
Iba/ kill*.
^mer. on* iMilJttsrh,
T“7re- u W..X -ror«lnmre n«
Cream Pta
' Dralo iham and add to Ijta other ma l-reh .hubara m.o piece* .«te Inn and ,-P,wr. and. «het. «H are In In a tall gUtta Is a v-n lemming dell
pUce. I.... .
them lo slujiti Ihe lO|i csi v on s uartn dav Separate the
cupfal of bre».l
b»ni ..a. . «.ll
,ar l»l.. ™ .1.1.
« •>'
"n.! c"lT“" p« of
of oofc.n
■aod aUO a abort Dme ago that It fluted culier a irlfl* targer than ihr ""ge Bret n|. two nice fresh egge «-l*h
^p^ukta well ulth on
caUoT^ PMMlM H •‘W >« *M He Ptale. Une Iwo very aballow khd *«» 'bem sllh a cuplul ol sueei HgruaulsI-M
^ Ibe stew iwci ellh a piste, loeislng 11 Ihe kIss. with the halve* *. ' pile HR
dowD upon the •doltiisv•• SDd let them ..enter ,.f the glare full of ..eetene*! '
raok until thev ar- .lot.e When boll whip,.,! errem 1. Ibok. like a grret
„ mneb f lbway. and tbe editor wlobre that all bakequlrklv. When ready to serve inu brat
ed Kuffi. lenily «ervc the -dolma*-In a III* sI'li 'all <elh.» i-ial* and *h!te
dropped '
wi«tn hare beard him.
cold ^ked cream AliUig betwren the sarve .. once.
Into the
injurins thdr .hsp*. MU pulp wl ■.
which the* are .-ooked poured o*«r
the oritat ingyedleets nad fltl tom.
Rireh JaMintarea.
them a« a sauce. If deaired the U'with Ihta’miginre. Pat on toi .
rer mai tie tbirkcneil with Ihe yolk of
Itagin inw 10 BH l..f
a-ring.- m a baking pan Ibat baa be. a
IBS Vour frtead a III I
egg» aud Itav.ired »iib lemon Juke
‘ leitiefed apd baba slowly tbreequ-r Jardiniere. Thore ll.:'
.if an hour. Uft wUh rake nr
of the count* of *1.^ 1
A Wnnkle h
' er to platter, garatab wHb paraler b-M
|* , naii*e ire.
Have a large «iircpan three^ .^1,,.
r. and atlr it lain
en. full ot rapidl* lioilUig sal
beautiful Jardin
raided milk. Cook In double bHIec
I’er j'potted plants. The decsving
Knapeaek Clwma
Ml mlniitea. *1117101 Irequeatly. Beat
r mty Uran.-hra which are >..«ered v
little St a time. *0 ibai-lbe w
c.ce your boy a fcnapurk aad a
oe (Cf very light and atlr It Into
wsie- eua and moaee- iitake ’ the
no 4.qBinpped boiling If '
Jiiteen for bis Mrtbday; If Wa Wtlhn began again, aod the cream and remove from Ibe Are a*
r *1’’ ones. With an old tiand-s*
I* ke{uN^I1!ng rapidl* H<e
I.* doesB’l eom* pretty aotm, relJ
aira a Farbllng of flute-like note*, soon as the egg is set. When root. hall a doxeo bant boiled egg* BDtl add Bajre In .'hot oven until Che .-ritat not Ktick to the boiipm ui the pan lo*.* m the de*
...h so H- ^bem a rhrtatmaa premm. aad Rive
Mrd Boags. aneb trills have oel- flavor with one-balf ireapocm vaalll;: lo Ibe soup.
ieTellcalelt browned. Serve hot with and aill be rooked In alN.iit iweut* out the ro-'-d
doM bees heard fsom any human and ..drop of alaicnd
-r.. ™..C.
VI- —
--------a delkate tantoii sauce • H.r ta mipufw Itraip throiirh b . .iland^^nife. leaving •
or it-.wer pot Tte- *•• over'and Play d»*« have esme.
tbraat- He aiqppoJ. «ofl touked quitWhipped Cream and Fruit FllllngOtaeoverie* In Jelly Making
aanc*.'cream together hall s c.i.fnl n
rich* lencrii •"<! nothing lo life can make a aturMrally Ml Ib* boyra* much as to aay. Wblp oo, cup of thick rreatu' with
Wl,..., tl.:. 1.4. dralaed i,r,r..hea .ail* !-• ...t >
Tbe t-anee of 1 rvstallliing to Jelly u,ii«,r and four tahl.-apoonlul*
dier. Bsppta*. cleaner boy than Wnz
-o«.. «1». e n." '«•* "
'■*."■ >' ..
op. renrn t..
...u.epal. snd cover
tramp* jTver the hflle And while foil
• - tlimbaMisd. tbe boy looked at bim. one rex stiff with oofihlrd .-up of
■ 0 egg* and !«-a' all «el' ■ tid V. e'ai..l ."■I ’--k
«••»- UUIl!
A Faney •
are buying, bu*' for yosreeH aad go
w*b aomotklng Ilk* aeoru in his eyea. powdered regsr tkanblne wiM. the
like rnoked this
,f ihe »1.l ,1
dimmer the reute for a warme.1 ih...u*;,
Bkmg arenetiaare There's aMMse
IMtaad of praising the Bntabed effort cream sod beai In otie^half cup Freh
minute re two in a double holler, then
la never *11. k* ..t -. .ii.*
back alme.' to the .
.0. . .
. v. _ oftbewWaller.anttaaaMwm.:
frail. maMicd or cut flae. Hkv strawp„,t,
_____ ____ middle if .August wh-n the bot dry lfke.l»liig 'hums with your
sliould al remove fmm tbe Sre and whisk >n
“Wen. II yrei OOOM wktall* bel« berries, raapberrin
Plain «eid ^h».
reason ts .**ec, t'he pIsMk e-nd an

' .
ihs atiffi wbinped while* of Ihe egg*
me yrei wblfttad tael «<>*• '
Odc and one-half miSt of auga- tbe growth winch bear. One large
■»» VaesUoa.
PrHI for Jelly sbouM net l*e galhv
yow wblsita Hb*
Fblrttad before
.reamed with stnaU hkll..^ H bui„n.,t .old weatbre .reres, H
Dsnog raclon boy, raa rare moaRoopbarry ghrak.
-d Jnat after a-raJn.
ter .bra well .re4n.«l dr3t. <n on. ,h- ami ha. been enri.h-d
' ey b, gathering catalp and aMBM R
Take four qusru of ripe raepber- Too tong boiling chances sq^'
e« aad the reft of another-ivet-wat
---------------------t.t the <m.d-« of cats, says a wr*for la
add net. quart of vhtt«ar. tat gluroae aad turns tbe mlHiure Into
Us* tb* Rods. Success Do* boy of my arqualblaaee
MtahMM lo* Crssra.
Msod fosr ds.v*. eiralq,tbro*gh s Jell. ,yrap wbUb will
*trm *"fl»l Cak*.
The wwMtlag smlB sboold Dot he till It foams: add one cup rich ihllk.
qsMe a gnsdly asm by waahiMl
ll j* Ml msrb more work fo make ^ t«T rerh plat of Juice sdd ose
The nreeliv o! this la la tbe Alllae rams
should always be W- wi^ed at this sessoa of the year OS* aad ooe-kalf cans floor, atfted
Ire craam in tbess day* of new mHb- iKxiad of sugar, let faoU in prreervla; ibes added ta tbe Julre.
Give them to the rase biube* aad If' wllb two tcantoOBful* of bsklag pow. It make* a delkl..u. cake, where ose wlodowa. He turwlahe. hta OWU rags
wiplag rhMbs aad ekar«M •*.
od frweier* than It 1s le bake a W*. keitta. skim eaiwfullc. holl tweeiv
Over reoktag caaae* a Mrcmg. «l»- they do hot seed fbe week!v supply
a wiadow. AMiber b«ja <ber
aad tbp Ire cream ta d morb msre mlnoub. then bottle sad aral bot. a ■rsreWc taste
the dskitaa and ebryntubforam* ran
RmMV diet for bot Mn. Tbos* wbo spoontul la a glaas of water msfcre a
Always taav*
akla SR large ailltre trie remaiaAsr to 1^ advoF medium ovra la aqmr* pM: •** re- praper ta as follows; R'bites of slse rie* os tb* tr*.**. ptaks tbsm aafl rm
wfotwf wUU (re frosUkR
larg* or ua smtU egp; OM sad esw uUa tbsm fo kwiMniRMfltaff«rass> g tkU*
xfeb will *•- dslMdatM gawsr diUk.
trut|s te Jsity maklRg.


dratiiTurktor '


tie* velsti. Pol a fee al a Hue
is prooerrlng keltia and uaai etch a
eoodea poUto Uaaber. *im1 au <unllaao aatU oeeiaU lie bemea bare
bm oaed. Meol'aloFlr to the faolltBC
.polpt. asd let aluuer nrieea uleutn.
If ibe blackburte* are not Julrr >t mar
be BeooaaarT to add a amall puaplltr
of water. Rob tbroocb a fine wire
*tralaer.tdlaranUec *e*^» aod reaerrIna fol'e.
Maafa reualolriK berried.
add lUr* aod ancar labirb baa been
healed In Hie oreni. astnc Ibe same
welpht of aosar as cd berrlea- C<»>k
and store Same a* reaptn-nr Jam.
— i
— . ■
« '
'. oavc.

Tea aad ebffee are both iHnintapia
relber liian oouleaie. bol 10 tbe adult
a slacle cup of cotee at brcskfaei aod
a slncle cupx>r tea at luorbeou HeOloni
prove barintul. Ired fbe.v are deii-’

Reap for MipjerT Weft, iurtaiM ll
Rom loapd foiia.v; liol vIh-P (be ~«aU
n)<Mi%reiDM la fieu the ReU. wtfra
with a hot aflrriMep's *orfc, or bo»«
from (b« aboil or effloe or elore. loo
tired to eal ae>lhliis. hart of dice*tIoB. bF will be tore to rellab.a bowl
of aonrtiblns aoap. and will declare
(hat ll "BOro 10 Ibe rtchl *I«»|.“ Tbere
The Road to the MownUlna.
tor «ome of Ibe foHowloc eHpea.
a niaMn hark of IM* lioetDr* tell
Oot Of lb* strife and ibe turuioll.
wbirh are panir cuaUrd:
ua Ibat even a mp of bot water baa
Tfer O01 ftoB tb* bol dV'a atraai;
Vaollla Ire Cream—Take iwo ppara niarreloua ' rfcwperatiir lower. and
Qpeaa lb* road to tbe Mooauliii^ ' of Hrb Pew milk, and beat la bp .oat- soup la larceir bol water or wbk.
^<U*t aad poseefol and awa^tuaal boiler.' When at tbs
bollloi Fbirh la '.-ven Wiler se a RBlek toalc
potai. add two tablcspooafula of oorn- to ‘a wero-down srateu. Here are
Oatawsr of reck rlreta ranoe.
^ aur$b. wbldi.haa been ruM>ed aaioolb. aome «ood auuuer souiia:
Orado betwean rllff and abraa:
«tib a lilll* cold milk, Saparat* ibr . Graen Pea 80111.-A rstr delkaie
SauMH where aaew banka oirntsl
whKea aad .ralka of ifareo etc* aad warm waatber soup—Bbell ball a peck
fiaac o'er tba dark prertpire.
beat them v*fr Hchi. Stir tbree cof of creeo peai. aod tbrew la cold walata of ancar loio tbe bMlea jrolka. ter. Break the shelli. and pw them
Fncran wllb brmtk of tba wild and Ibro beat inlo ibeae the boi milk, wlib a baodful of sirinarh iesre* lina
addlac It HtHe br Ullle, sod atlrrlBC a kettle with a idBi of Block aad a
Oocded bj tba fresh niowBtaiB || aieadny all the wblle. Wblle tbe quart of belllna water, let over tbe
nlnure It ailll faoi l>est Into It tba Are to altnucr half an-hour, add a
BfHakM with Spray fropi tb* lonset. trotbed sbite* of the ec^ aad tbso head of sliced lettuce, bair a leaaitoea
d hr ratlpoy trass.
aei If aside 10 rwol. Wbea II ta quits mi of sail, and a leaapoooful of aucar,
De JnliD'a Irrd le« ii ae roullna aod
(uoi add to <1 aos quart of cream, let boll until ibe ■idoarb and leupc*
. ,1.™ ^
■■ » bevseace can be
Ram eomat tb* looilal an4 rsmp^,
prevloiialy whipped to a fhlrk fiwb are pulpy, take u|i aad run
un ibrwncb
tniwirn a
earthen or chlaa ie* poi. ].in
Rare rtaa* lb* apoks of tbs tralat and tbrao teaepoaorula of extract of wire sieve. BoU tbe peaia ami half a
* i, f^a
.< Bwn FbOa lb* vabtBreaoBi* aato,
TBblU*. aad tree**.
sliced cucumber in a llitl* sail water. ^
They paaa, bat allaacw remalaa. •
Cboctdste Ice rrrem—P» this taka “M*!tbrouch a alete.
^.^ver aod let stand on tbe
Ulree ploia of new Milk aad pm over ••‘f t**
tcasoa wlib tali, ^
Xvw tba road la tbe -IttniitalBa.
tbe Are in emoaiiaeal boiler. Wblle F«. •
ot lemon Jolre, and a
Laada up to Beanly^aad Pesrw;
H U beaHac^crel* alx ouacre
»l «»l-et.«. Serve
Brrve with
witb fried
k Ttae caimot aof^ defare it.
ckmolale Into a bml. beat six oui
of.bread-.libed freab
Of* wUMu c^IPna
IB feat
verrilcht. and then Mir toceiber Ihe- Craam Of Spinach Sou,.—-m* !■ mint leaves In each claap. Tea abould
rhoeolaie and eciu. with one pound oae of tbe vhrr wUiable aod atcbily alnay* be made of frreblt bolW waOn wber* each peak elde* bicker.
of cranoUted aucar When the milk craen aoupa. Pick the leave* frq^
Bollad. because below ibe boilOa vbare *a<* val* la mres btawaad 1 botiA nir It Into ib* .other lacre-two quarta of ipioach: waah: tb^aC mg point the ailintdailns preperty
fUlOW the road of tb* Uomtalcs
dleot*. puitlac la a little at a lime, iben Into a hoi kettle, and shake an l therein would ant be extracted. Fre*h___tip to tilo'e Baaimt. and Bast.
tbea pui all back iuo iba boiler aad loaa for Bve ulnuiec. Uralp ibem
boiled becaoae lonacookla* renders
—Waker lAWan wilder in teaver g,,r
„.g mjautea. or uatll It thick- aavtac tb* very amall amooul ol wa- u flat and inalpid to the taate. on ar, ***••,
eaa; thaa let ll aalde 10 cool, ahfl ter which baa beea formed la the kei- count of the escape of Iti aimeaplierlr
• _ _ _ _ “—;—:----------. ,
qulia cold, pm U Into tbe fTfOi- Ua. Chop the leave* very flae. and rasre. The flavor of Iced tea 1a alcr aad lure .the crank until tba con-.praa*them ihroucb a slave: rrtura ware nfuch flaer If Hie lafualon ta
» f* Mtm . It rasllr In >’ teqti tbareof are quite miff: ibeR.openthem lo tb* keiile; add a tablespnoD- chilled qnirkly.
•****' ^
^'ellt-'ey ired 1*0 in^y be a novel.y
It, wBO fBuinot oia Bigaeai
pimr la a pint of cream that
* o
.... together rwo
ol you. ....
Ihe freahly
• fur A ajnci* hour. Bui even H
well whipped with an eggbesier, clam. falf. of huiiar and iwo of Ifeiur.
hand, strain Into clasiea one• tbor* MooM be. if im is only In'
i^e freexer aad turn the crank till tbe ibam to tbe soup. ailrrlDe oonsi
____ full
_ ot crnabml
Fe. allowing
• asnaat In tala eodUvor, iben.
I It MIS again: ibeti opoa the umll araootb and thick. Preaa ihta
wiMlTclovra an.l
-half lea• tbnrach the law Ibal like hutid*' fnwxer, beat tbe c'ream and put li acaln tbroneb a sieve; add a tra- ,,,oonfiil of lemon Jolre
• like. ba^wrOl be able lo come a
Into a BKHild. aod pack In kw until epoonful of aall. a dsah of while peF ,,^,u with sugar to taste
• UtU* Marerlto H ibe next hour.
lima for aarvlng,
.par. abd aarye with .mail aquare. of
• Md MOi BMrer ibo^exl. and tbe
IMTaa Ire Crram—Oylhd the coBe* MMied brand.
a «>lcnF luncbeon. Simply dh
• McxL vatu eooosr or tatar enma*
aa eoaraely as yonr mlH will l*t yoa , Milk Soup—One trapW of-maihed
flUered coffee with
• the U«* wbM H beeomaa
and pni. wlib oae plat of cream. Into potaiosa. aaaaoned with salt and p*F acald^milk. sweeten totaste, and
boiler, aod let it acald lor per: tlm yolka of two hard-boiled
,„h rushed
mlatHea or more over the fire: egga. nearaed arlth a half mpfol of
tbeo lay a clean cloth over your Mere bullar: one quart of mjlk. biwngbl to
clunamoh cocoa ocai•nd atrein all through it; tbea Mir ibelbolllog imlnt inot bolledl. into ^
aurlns.the ..miner aeaimn.
into it hair a pooBd of sugar, and wblob ha. l-km stlrnM tmembleMunm
Mix three
When reM. .da another pint of cream, ful of flour: .Hr well, and strain. Heat
^ o„^,o„rtl, of
aad frecse ll in tbe nsual manuer,
tbe mp bowls, .ml mtic hot.
Plaeappl* and Other Ice t'reama—
Ra^ndla 8ooi—Put one tableciBuainon and a few gnlns of salt.
To make pineapple Ire cream, tbe ei^onlul of butter Into a kettle, add
.bree-lounh* ol a cui-lul ol bollrnm Cfmo- imrnemorlal we have iulce of-a large, ripe pineapple should „o oalou aliced. a amall- csmw ,q,.
.nd let boil two mlnoirs:
.kHB tntaed m balJeve ;thai only at be baaten Inio on* quart of riekuream chapped fine, aud half a mpful V ,^,0
into tbe Mwicled milk, aud
. VMT e«re tPiarval* can w* Jlv* bp lo »»«
quickly. Tbe creem abould chpppod .fiery. Cook slowly for Bf- ^*,1 two minute., ualtig a Dover e«gtbe tdgbMt there I* Id ua. We can ><« BrH araldad aad tbea allowed lo (^a mfntites. add a qusK of water, a
chlH iboronchly. and serve
beqalb* tba nrlftad atmoapbare of tb* cool: or a good rota to to oreM ball bay leaf, a daah of eayenne. a aalt»i,h nr without mtshed ice.
MOWtAlBs for but abort laterrata of the creem only., Boi In no fnili spoonful of white iwpper. a icaaimon-.pooafol of sweetened and flavored
•afl the-aalB imrl of oar lire* mtial rreama abonld tbe fnili Jnire be addod rnl of lali. a tahleapoonrul of cboi>i<ed vhipp.^ crcMo la a dealreble addition
ba epaat la tbs valley, of onr ibongbt. to tbe cream imiil the tater U qnita parsley, and thyme. Moisten a tea,h,. beverage.-Exehange.
amoog wtaewai auB worries and coW-, '
spoonfal of curry and add Ust. 81m--------------------- -xwtm
Rtrawbervy and raspberry Ire mer ten minutes and iben strain. Just
Oaod Tblnga ta Eat.

home cheer
Bt. uwi uns wnuuB, Mtor

. •


Tbpr. I. no-trnnbta m. hard Iba. we

‘.‘.rnr ™

rlr.r./rM.wK'. '!Z ^

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