Grand Traverse Herald, August 06, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 06, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Tr«v»rs» ■ Bay




mo RE6xm




Active Work

Aleng OevMO|

Urn Bcioo Deiw.

rrmldroj D. H. Day of thr Wenrra
thrtMigfa the rltr roaterdaf <
hoBie fron a trip lo' Oeltoli for (be


rammoB good
He i« well pleat
»Ub (he repaiailOB ibat ttaia pan
ibe alaia li gettiag la the world


Trareiee direnon of Ibe






Perkeu. one of the Oraad

WatM M Oar «a a>«m •—

UTTER ur suns



» founh aoana! reunion of
r Day Salaia
of wesieni. ce*


Ohiroao for Ibe uae of the iteople
will aYlend from all over tbia |ort of
number of

htoklag over a large orrtard pnpoal-


ineinbera^ the mlaalonary force who
pnwent during Ibe
the camp are S- W

to tbtr toihtoato. -T»e Vato


TtoM boAtd YABfd In vntiw froo
aavm to tvtlto dboMtand dollnta.
Ttoy am im^k th* tuteat of. (to
fananar boS«i In tto wntar today and
ttoir awtimn la tbia Hty to bonad
to emntn a ■—Men among en(baglMto ih tto ahtBr boat tmriA.
. Tto mtatin toU riom with a gmnd
♦miHnn aitti abA Abaw m um

ynu Taka AMM Ran la taewiat
lAAlMalllil ttot WUI BtoaM Rantom.

AwtMt OrAhr a< OlnnMrt.

Tto warh

M iiiMiliilAW tlii new lodge wa*
carrtoA oM h(r ItoCterer Fred K Map

Cbkago. Aitg. t—Tbe waraiag la
Mied that after ~Dlaaolutlan of necf
tnm." meat prfcea wooM be blgtaer,
haa been fulDlled.

iBA «TM a Biarayy pmcmtn win to


ynrda la blgtaer ever before aliatoed.
tbe lignrea repreaeetlag • new record
for altitude la beef prltwa. Scarcity
of caiUe. laereaalag poputolloo. and

brass polish which bad berome or
healed from the hot pipe

in putllni.

in the lorker to get ci

ekaairiaAgsd Ttist WeMsen Apple flerdiy pan
Hglit hand
' Valtoya Have Nothing on
sev-i>red aa
Wtaicrn Mkhigan.
fuaely that

of the ihlrd Unger on bi>
in such a depth that li
artery whK4i bled so pro
be was greatly weakened



Hava agricoltare in lAe high school ibt
Rroduead Uprlalna Afalntt
past year. Is at Praofcton today witl
RreeWM Dlta.
aevetol Chicago men who are study
Ing Ibe fruit growing sltnailou It

the orchestra again.
\l Ihe time of the accident the boa*

Rmc Ctmo and

Hard Times

eompletod i

of tbe plays.


and (nnctkxiB. tharo vlU- to ao g-rttlr
observaare of tto aanlvetwrr.
The fan ihatVoamive* PlM X. «ttl
enter upon tbe teolb ysv 0( bto Mia
aa a^ae pohUS partskra
Iloou itnponaaro •------- mrb aa It 4toprpvea tbe superaUtlOM fraltodlM
that Pope Ptaa. who,«ae aiae fmn
partob pHcot. alae ytara a MetoR
and ntae years A aatHaito. «o«M ^
oore Bun atae yrara. laBaP*
oMniag (to prabibli B—•
liOh of the reign «( pap., toto ^Bato
been quite eomatao. last atoiMt (avaP
inbly their faltocy waa atowa By tto

general that to *«dt Aes'to
kten Aiktd for ftatoe in Wagei si
Account e( High Cost of Liwtag.

■hliago. Aug.


. (weMHtoa
»nih. and eFtf«*;toyA
aot kmger ibaji St. Peter ra|

ttot to.

itabIMmeoi af tto papal aae

—Offtriala and Lsaders

Vet Pin. IX dtopratod tto
aoperstltlota tkeorr By raigalag 51
rare. 7 munths and ti days.


There bare been bat tbfoe Papoa
who have reigned anofe (baa tveaty*
five yeara. Tbe first *ae Bt. Peter,
wbo spent the first eevea yoM af bto

2fi rears; SM leea than oae yrar and
Mae lees (ban one amib.

Ot (be

first 30 Popes. 2S veto martyvA exDtociyalus. who was tto fitob.
I nnsber nf Papaa wto died
In view of the prerarioits raadlltaa

u|>-ratlons a> in ihc lasi uai
exiierimenUng wlih ilie growing of

■f Ibe Pope's health aad tto poaol
hllliy that he may PM survive bto
anniversary by more «a.» ^
roooiha. KpecMlation to Hpe Os to bto
probable luicreesor to tto poMIBcBta.
munu-. there to aaUIng BelBlia
form lb.- basis of a lenwMI. tot
- thing seems to be tolerably car

general thioa onions
lain—that tbe next Pope wiO M to
krown on low muck fand. bui Mr. Hu­
American., In fact It aeoBS to to
bert lias SCI Tour acres on ro|. of our
lerslly uDdersiood that the suecoa
III. Iiig bill-- to Ihla farm produci
of Miim X
I. to be an lisUaa.

a about three quarters of a mile

. Thci play on;,' the large cities
I summer re«or(s and slop off here


|vta to CapL Momy BaMwla. V. B.j

-aurasnane tn Mm oraoi

actual fan.
Dnrtng tto rriffa ef
Y^ua IX. Ibe aiOMrattUew totof ^

The perforniancra

- iremeudoua growth ood drrelopIt

Ihe growing iilanis to thinned

ihci bad toL-tio to trowd rach
Ihre.. dates, one .V ('adlllac and
> In Traverse ciiv on their way elher and more mom wa> needed
onion might to<ome of r
.Vai-kinaa islaod where they will
r a -enes o< pluis
From Mack
s Ihc' will rn lo Deiroii

.ire Mr Hilton esllniates
III harvest not |es« than

The appearance of tfic pla'crs her"
‘hotTiKdraw a large number of

nt Of tbe Roman Cntbetle rikorch
the l ulled States bad glvea rU* to
ho].e tbsi sooner or lairr one
Ihe AmeilciB cardlnato woaM be
selected foi tbe papacy. That tliio
mar eventually come, hwt ai prsaaal

{bushel, of onluu. to tlic acre
In the pa.t .Mr Hllliert has been

enraxem-n:, .md from ihcre

mnderfitlli •uccew.ful with siniwtor
.e. slid cherries and

BOrters alitbis clase of eniertalomeoi grower of the toller, although he lieippeals
sironaly to them.
There lit-ie. that more raooevinn to ole

bat hope Is uadoubtndty prvtoatun.


pattenace tamed from o’her empa than airaw■fom ihe people of the cliy as It la, to.'iie., aO'I 1- not taking ihe Interest
to this fruit that be has In tto pnal.
WashingtoB. Ang. I.—rnleag-eonleldom that a inw-n nf this ilze has
In Ian. be la plowing up some of Ms grnu takes aettao to provide (or tto
■D opponnniiy to see a troupe <
atriiwherry fields to ii'e the
(be Panama cswt .1 ito
rlass. The company carries
for other crope
sewston. Ihwsideni Tali and
»ers and Bea Greet appeava personMr Hilben Is a farmer of
illy In the cast.
ordinary enieriirlse, which (act
■htwild also he a


is teailAed to by (be purebnae of
army engtaeers to keep ttoir promise
auiontabile truck for (be traiupentag and opeo tbe big dllch to the ships of
hi* crops (rom (arm to market. He tto world aext year.
.a be seen altneat any day coming
Presideot Tad was much cooceraed
^F*>«'^ltato (he city wttb bto track benvtly
rer the proapert of a delay to tto

HnCE 11 W»UI


___ L,____



I In the bay and do one was ne
weslera Michigan. These men have lend Ibera any aailslsuce In fighting
WaablngioB, Aug. s—
largo amount of caidial which they the fire or in getting bai-k to shore.
tto growing anxiety of (be adtnlal- dealre to invest In a commercial or­
Btrattua la regard to tto
chard H they find the chances of suc-

Movement la Nlenrainia was shown ceedtag are takly good.
Him la Nevomber when a aute federtoda.v when orders were fasned to tbfoe Cbtcagb^mcn, under the direcailon mMtlM vni be b«M at Lai
tto gunboat Tacoma, at OunnUna- tioa of Mr. Brown, vUlied orrhsrds In
M Atocaaa gnblema and take
me. mbs. to proceed-foribwlih to Ibe vlelnlly of Traverse City.
mepo an win aoeare togtilatfea fi
John I. Qlhson. secreisrt
nf tbe
BinefleldA Ntearagua. on the Carl
abit to affttaltml UlereMa.
bt«B eOBSI. She Is doe to srrivs Weston Mirhlno Dereloptneni hoTto AtlPMB of tto new rouaty an.
them next Monday, and will Try lo non. aad 1. F. Perkeii. one of the
ooelaitoB am aa (oitowa:
commamlmte with Managua to allow Grand Traverse county directors, are
Doan. Bik RapidA
In CbIcaAO on buslneos for the bureau
V. C. O.^Pmak Witaoa. Bk Rapaad tto gloiT of western Mlcblgan
J. H. Bowles of Soithport. who was
Tbe gunboat Aonapolto on (he west
laeturto>-Mrt. Ptod Hale, eik Rak
Sea Girt, Ang. '.-^lovcraor Wilson
mat. has been getting only fragmem- one of Ibe llrsi peraeos to eiart a
Ary advices from Maaaeus.
These commeretol otrbard after the organ- Will not rnsLes general stumping lour
ItatMn of this bureau, was In tbe city hm sill proUaWi make a le» speech­
tore been suElcleallr alarming
today and expressed himself as well es Id dehalahle stales
The governor
—Wnupm Oee. »k Ra^
what his orchards are made the following anDOuncemeat: -|
Poor crops and a parolysis ot hn»ldoing. Mr. Bowles was one of the llrr' will Dot stump the coontry. hut soHti•aa wbirii
admlnlstratioB oElceTa
►-Mrt. Wei. Chw. Qk
to vlalt (he bureau aftrr It open­ pate making a lew speeches In places
here ascribe to tto failure of ihe
ed otk«o in Tnverse Oly and to selected b.v the campaign rommllice
Amertcan aenate to apBrove pendiag
aerie IntomatloB concernlag sdeutlflc I will assume charge of my campnign
L 0~-C. B.'lalOM. Blk RapMa.
troaty to retaabOltMe ibe Bnanrea of
frnlt iTOwlBg.

lemher - He said he couldn't
O. G.—Oaear TPbeatoa. Elk RapMa. Kicaragua. are deelartd to be powerdeflniielv say as yri what states be
that tlota he posted
Pntd- ful fartors la
of cherry raising and In ihe spcibi
cBig of would speak In.
toer. Ok BapMt: 8 B. Lewla. Blk voR ngalaai PmaMoat Diax. Another
>»ie set eni trees on fais liand to the
Rapito; Irila Om. Bk RapMa;
...------------ to the tosty de.
north of Knrthport village. He new
portum Rom Coau RSea aad other
baa iarte blorfcs of cherriN. applea BaWwta, aged S3, a CalHorato pioneer
Tto Udlaa' fBAMatlon Arbw Clr- nearby rwpufallrs for
■■ „
” V*
*»d ^tk b« few excop- aoJ a member of tbe penoeat staff
rit are Mm. RmA Bale. Ura. Prank Mrttoans 'of tto
•w amcredUM Ze- naaa itoat trees ate maktag a nmst of Oewral Lee daring -the Civil -wnr.'
WBaaa and Mm. Clyde HogMe of BOi toya govM«Beat
wbo see la tbe llbdta^hsre dodav
Bealdea a alater-lB-;
RapMa. aad Mm. Ralph Wotdea of eral aprioNiB
aalip to rcgmlB waaltb ftodne
tomato oaly relative ot ceSeral RaM-

^ f 1-t.tori to itoZSIa

It wnM announced the early
PooUScstc ai.ABiforii aad tbea eame
the greateet auibortiy on t6e loilng sas heaMly In favor of a strike
to Roofo where be rel«Bed aa atolto tvbher
drama, tto
of esder. A i-nmplete He up iN at
iknal twetiy-flre yeaia. two moatto
poriatton Hues to feared, aa Ihe
playing tolng fnltawed alonif
and eeven days brion to dtod a
I lenders slid ofailala me<
■ hat waa emplo>ed b> (hose wbo pre­
.Sexi lo him tame Ptae IX.
The men asked
sented Ibe plays lu ibe ds.vs ui
(blRy-ooe yean.
s. iluliMlbc the high met of llv
moutba and 21 day. aad tbea eamr
ins caused the demand
and his eonipan>
l.en XIII. Wbo waa Peps S3 yeet* ao4
woiMlIand players and eai-h iwriuros
••• moniha. BIX ponilRa bare relgaed
-e Is given.oui of doors
more than 23 years; elerea more than

_ Orial Travnrae to (be flftletb connty in tto itata to to organtwd.


platv se II Is cqii-reil
• Hilton.swiiu Is Ito
fainted away and wait pla<-ed an- gr.iwih Ilf
wUh-^' (be o6e
Ihe finest fruit landi
iged and the plays touBu county, is Irilog a new plan
diU- the care of a
Huger Is hadlv injured but Jr sill noon prnduied. The lot will to walled lu
.‘Cgr. He Is I arrj Ing forward
In condliloo lo iba< he raii-pisy

aep. Htotaey Rataedtafl AM*. ^


l> reached tbe sbon- «-heo Mr Kirch

E H. Brown, who was teacher In


rwwned J^iifei Haxtmm at tto
wrll as Ito news, directing the iiublic
I atbollc eburrii and tavemnd wMb ^
bright as one Hder. aad doing ottor
Inuignto of bu ofEm. la tto «ra«
thlngs of 10 eihkal and moral and
itoslllca of 8(. ivter. fllleA to Ha tameducational character that snggest
Hr> with Interested nfrtiinri tram
all parts of tOe gtoto. Owt« to tto
•The newspaper to really the uah
extremely delicate coadUtoa Of (to
versily of common people.' I do deiepI'ope's baalth. which
jj n I kto
ly regtyt my laaMllty to accept year
tavlUHon and hope yenr valuable
confereace s
he etien repeate.1 "

He even goes so far as
1 of having to take to ibe i
lie ghea bnih afieninoe and ctch
on ibe wooded to aexi to ih •
that be dM not see anything lo
I get lo shore Ihe best they <
Camoos western apple valleys ttoi To add to their troubles the steering residence dl Wlltorri
be considered the equal tn what can gear became deranged but they fiosl Riate sireel

ir orobanls ihai tto western
re now inking



ptnr of English player* are mnsld

life preservers with’ the exp.-.-ia

to predoced in weoierd' Mkblgati
when wo begin to uke the psln*



Rome. Aug iJITnil to aiaa mtg
tomorrow riDce the aiemwabl. Bbbpie's rlghis. srbltrstlDg public hues.
day on wklch Otaaepp. Bartm w*«
Hons, exposing offlrtol comipttan. dubad been Puirlarcb at Vmka. ma

again aad arrangcmcDts were made aalid empkiyea OI aurface. delated
aad eJeciH/i line are voting on
Ben Greet and bis

The two men fought the dames
Hob. G. M. Uanv-. Mkbigan dairy
la. Beef to aelliw |« gi per IW and (ood commissioner, baa reiunied b.--st they crwild with the msierlai
natural sellings ihai are.powlble
ioday, and m expected Is reach lia from bla mtoskmary tour lo briialt of hi>u<] and succeeded in putting It o
eollei-i in any one place
when they discovered
reMora Michigan through ibe Parifle
All beef mla^ retail
coast uaioa. espeetoliy Wj
In another, this was also Dnally put are natural ptoyera nfifl deligbi In
msHceta have rtoea froov "(vr to
close to nararw in tbs pnsluc
rente a pound In tbe past Dve tnnntba.
ucts of Ito wesiern


or mine I. for the good It
the way of defending the


Klrcbner cstne in rov
t wflb B piece
of gtaas or olhe:
sharp material which cui Into ibs

Beef at the alork

via aaA wIM a( Xtotrolt TI(b
•eMtet will to BAM at WllUamtoatg.
OB BwutabAr t. At noon a baaket
pteate Atoatr «BI to aerroA., foltow-.
oarTtaATw to tto eonaty toctamra.'
All Qtoaatm la tbe county are Invited
to nttoM nad tab* part la (to event.



^ Oiaad Tmaatoh PeAaratioa Arbor

^lA. n waa irttoAltiR >t Aatri by tto

The sovertHit’s presence WSi
red for \Vedi>e«dai evening, th

do huslneas to live, but It. gvea

II. «. tomtom.


>tae to .MadlsoD and si>eak lbformallv OB the si-hjeci. "Is the \es»papet a Rustaess Proinslilenr'

nkmc a biisiDess proposiilon

El Paao. Au*. 1 -Tbe too Ameri- Coldwater; K K Evana. firand Rap^
ina wbo were found baiiglDg Hina.: R. D, Weaver. Brown City; O.
ate of Sonora. >lexlrb, bavt




Grand Rapids Wednesday evenlag to
suses of Five Amccleant Were Hit could not accept, but sent the fellow.
By Mesican Bullris During tto
tag telegram:
Eneeuntee-Ne One W^-I do not think (to newspaper Is

The Anwl r«cat£B at tb* Wan*- lloo for Ibe Weaiem Mlrfalgaa DevelEl I'sso. Tex.. Ang
Xtexican neb
*8i to toM M FHdar. Av- opmeni bureau aad giriag adrire
els and Called Suies wMdIera
AS tto tttmf voi to enmiwhat fmlta aod- wbleh varlriloa Mentlded. Advieee aay ibev
tv. Bun. Beaverton, and Jaa. Darts of changed Hbms arenas the border toat
to ItoA to* Aar thk rmr tad cto
each raa to Atade to produre good Schutort. of nouRlaa. Arlt. and V South nbardmau.
Bight and Ibe bomes of five Aaert
■aaOMtoM toUana it li ih* bmi proAta wnh Ibe rllmalir and troll eonPresidrni F. a nrackenbury is
cans tn El Paso were sirut k by M«x1
Hmllog. tto Indlee Were feuod faany■toia r<M.
It ti mudi f«atM Car
I to round la that pan el
>c cliv induy making final arran
can bullets, although uo one s-as lu
> a tree by a party of American
Mar toat tua to apMA aa eailrr wmtem MIohIcta.
eats for the gathering.
Jared. The rebels ojiened
fire on
refugeea. AlUioiigb 'oot koown. It ..
dar at tto r«to(U ttan n M (or iboB
Tbe general public Is Invited lo at­
in soldiers ou
AtKlataat Berretary R. H. Elawortb believed tbe baogliig waa the work of
to cat awar (or torbaw aevoni da>^
of the n’ottem Mkblgaa
Develop- rebela. wbo are believed to have done tend i)iese services. Ii to also Ihe de- when the Anierlrana reluro^
*bU itor tora to 4o to wateh
of the leaders of this sen that
The affair was reponed to Col.
sail went to laidlngioa laat
provoke action by (to I'nlied
proeoASaa fran Mart to flalab.
Ibe public will not bold the
Pieerer who will nuke an oftictol ta­
night to apead a day looklok over the Slatea, and embarraaa Madero.
(oru at* tolac ato* to mato tto'reThis
ll iRtolleved Ihe trouble
eotisiy aertUoa of weateni
0tu Ito Mapto aoeoeaa of tto roar
Michigan and to gel aocae pbetoJuarei.
Hex.. Ang.
T.—fieaeral with tbe Vinh Mormons, who were
at (to ^Mh. Tto dab «iU bMd mm
iiioned by Hon. Prank C. Cannon
gr^bic tiewa tbai can to uaed lo the bioxoa chief of the rebeU. declared
toaao aa thla Aar ato tto pobltc la
]|f lerfore tore on the CtaauiauadvenlieinMR of that port of tbia fa­ today that he dM not seek to (wwvoke
tarttaA to watcb tto raeaa froM tto
vored regloa.
American Intervention
He said; 'If
rtali AtoMa toreral apoeA*boau of
(to railed Sutra wui throw down Che
Mta ba*a alnaAr toaa aaiorad aad
baniera sad let ut have oil tb.
RMTo am MBitac la fwr Aar. Aiaoo*
munition we <aa buy. i promise
tbooo alraaAr «a tto Itat whieb wlU
daye to have peace restored in Mex­
ooBtota lU- tto hanAtoiiM Mlror
ico and a stable gmerment la charge.
atornd br tto Beard of Trade,
If anybody wania Intervention. It
tto “UaTT lAo" owaad br Logaa
Uadetb aad bla family, who are woMli
a -af aadaaaU. «bo It remlUiooa wblrii they fear tbe revoln“Marr Loe'' la
itlfnlai* may coni-ert. '
a fartbfootoraft. right criiadM' aad
Rebels Lset Heraeo.
IM b. p.
Caaaa Orendea. Thlhuabtui. Aug.
Atag trill oatar tto wall kaotra "Tr—Rebel soMlera .luted many bomes
ede^' prlM viRtor of IbM aeaaoa: C.
Rare Opportunity Will Bt Afferded
near here yesterday,
S. Caae of Btaioaii wlU oator tto
Tburoday aGei >ooB wbtle Hermai
of tto Honnen families hsve fled
Levers at the Great English
TlmaHi- aad pobablr ao« br
KIrriioer and K. B. Horal were ou
BI Paso. Although Conaral Satoxar
tbia r««r
on the bar tn N ■
hflfl Tiro AT kla soldiers executed
they had ail exp rience that lhe> d,
iMday for robbing Mormons, he hsa
Jr..*- «toW toeord la »I
nl)«« per
to rvpest. They were speed
not mode any attempt to stop his men
Traicpw- riiy people will be given
li.B Up (be lioat and both Were In itai
MotlDg tbe luipretecleci homes
front end when the? happened u a rare iieui on Krldaj sod Balurday.
the Den Greet
look around and asw amoke pnurlBi August P anti in.
Laat Blgbt’a aad todai'a trains
Pto.vers Bp|u-ar here under ibe
Roar Man Will Have te Cut Meat ried many Atnerlrans from Pearson. from the locker thai Is touted net
pices of (he .Needtaam tlustaess
the exhaust pipe of the engine.
From Hla Bill of Raro>AltuaMadeira and other localKlea onisMc
This rroupe was hety- three
iDvestigstton revealed the fact
tton to Orava One la
gave aueb excellent,
(be locker had been set on lire prob
saitofartlon that they warned
ably by tbe exAoslon oi a boule
«M f.

• '

Governor Gsbora wired that on ae- OLD NINE VCAR
connt or tto wedding ot hia soin nl

Four aervlrea will to hrid dally dut« the ten day* the ateetlog laala.
conalKlIuR of |•ree^hlBA. prayar in>.liand normal work. Among the

G. H. Drowa. who bad eharge of tto
work given la agrlrnllure and bortlrultore la (be Trarerae City
ariiool laai year, la at Baldwin today


casioD tieiag the nailoBal newapaiier



work for weaiera Ukhlgaa.

cf^c OatoClT Dmlonates

IhnsiBg. Aug 1 -Ooverwor Oshoro
reeclied a lelearara yesierJay from
the I nlversllv of WTscoosIli. askiag

grove located nonh of the A. W. Wledoefi dairy on Monroe alreei
aerured tor ibe camp ground and.
aupply of tenta haa been ordered





aonhern WIcblaaB win be I
la thU .-iiy (roiB Angvw s to i».


yeaterdar for aeubera
where to li doiag a Jltlle mUrJoBary
•wMi Othw %pM4y CnUi Will CM

this wwt win to




Washington. Ang : —By
lo 4. Ihe aenaiR ibto

dopted tbe Lodge reMluth

loaded with (arm producta ready (or opchiag of (be cbbbL
sale or ablpaeaL Ho aays that It 1
Within the toll (ew days nembers
vote of more (lu raaalnc the amomobtto that of the boose have BOttfied bim that
drlvtag boraoa. and that H to' less <X i tto.r would eppoM any leglsIaHeB to

strata.. Fwnbermoro,


time aaved ea road trips la a most Us
portaat (actor ta maUag hu crop

regard to Panama that did not aetUo
aU tto matters tavolved. h was said
toot Bight that be Btltol daride to
sMd A apedal memeiB,


■ 11

oftAVfi mviuk BiftAts, Aim itAttMi iav lAau, natoAT, AooMt ^ lui i

Grand TraTeWe: Herald,

that th«- dnti««ahonM ha r*<1u<^ aiavlr «o u not to
iqjara or aratror IcritiMatr btuiD-«. if the proleetire ^rrinfiale i»
tW eomfittltMia *nM be ebnifM- W« 0>V
Deaboenla do not aak foi tA. They dmply mvkr a ffe*larr! mb
■sd thendhese *tickJan for the eawMit^fmn ahy lh£t they Wtt tr'nee the tariff alowly oo nobody will be hurt. Thb b eowa-ili.v.
MttiM TMaaarAM Tkaradar at TrarerM Otr. Mkhioa. hr
■« If it b wronp to proteet the manofaelnriop intereata of the
United .State*, then it b wronp to proteet the Amerieon tanner,
whether nionp the Canadbn bdODdiiy or in the aonthefn eoitdn
field*, or in the Neifle ^paat fruit intere«*. or in the preat wheal
of the northwest. If thb i% *0. then every emtoro hotbe ii»»
Muitry iboold he eloced, and with the eloainp of these enstpm
houRe*. every lefiftimate htblhe** in the T'nited StaW Wofild be
dead. Some iideresta pain more fhan uihehi. la not tBI* true of
any bnaineasT Modify tariff* t.. meet ehanpinp vonditioB*. but
never-Ioae sipht of the preat principle of proteetion that ha. made
da a nation.

and TrMeiK Ba3r.£a^: ' '



The PkopU Want <Pkmises FvlfOM
CkcdalioB dM week 3.^

A Cte$i 9^MpU
<e roMidwoK tlH> rattpaiim th» .vrarr whieh •• enmplieal^
and likely to be rery nnpleaaaaft, h abnuld he remenihered that
there b iminethiaa more to it than peraonal relatimu. peraonal in*
I friendahipa. inbre. rreo. than political intermta
■afl prefereneea. It abould not he fnriroite^that the I'nited ^itatcM
hit for half a eentUFy. to a creater or leaa exest. hcci; a nation of
fPvteeted indnalriea. both in ita airrlmlfiiral and naiinfacluriue inniwiU.
the RepnUiean party baa beer ealled the party of faifth protecti^. Thb waa true duriag thr e^^ yrara of ilaVxiateoee.- It »
eiaimM by it* eppooeata that this b afill trur. To a eertain extent,
tih t^ipmitkia niay be rip)^. but for aome yean peat there ha*
beeri ‘a arreonoo* effort on the part of the Repnbliean* to meet the
dnaauda of the oppcMition in thb matter and. therefore. ve,har<
hiN^ for aome year* of a "rerbion of the tariff downward,'* what
efitr that may nmm.
i>t » not forpet fop a moment that the Tnited State* has built
Up ita preatl(e, iia tremendoua huaineaa iiitereata. not only in laannfaetorinp hot in its apTienhnraJ development*. b>- mean* of thb
tariff that we bear no mneh about. When the I'niU-d State* almndoMjAe prtneip^ of proteetion to Ameriean intere«ta. both mannfa^rarihp and arfrieoltnral. then the Tnited State* will eeaae to exbrl hi Ae leading nation of the world.
l)o not (»e afroid of a proteetive tariff. Do not be too anxioiM
■ to “roriae the tariff downward.” Thb b merely a aeare term, naed
thb Oppooition who wbh to pain eontrol.
TWa b not a Repnbliean editorial, by any m
firm bejierer in the principle of a proieetire tariff. Time*
Huui^. eonditioDa ehanpe. prineifde* never.rbanpe. It iu«<l to Ite
' mAA that the Demoertto were a “free trade ” party. General llanWho. hatd that the tariff waa a '-loeal baue.” and it did more
^o^eii that ppeat and splendid man than all the other atloranee*
of Ant memorable eampaipn.


It ha* Innp been said that the offiee of nmyor of the eity of
New Torit b a political prare yard. It waa ihouphi that Mayor
the way he i« tile itrraenT mayor of X.-w York but baa forpotten it > would prove an exeeption to thb rule.
We all remember bow be started in with a preat flouriah. as a preat
ly other mayors do. but liflAany other mayor* we eould name,
he lias fallen fiat. The attack u|M>n him by a would-be aasaaain a
year or an apo. hroriphi him'aomewhai inU. the lime-lipht. but hb
renivery threw him back into iilackesi niphf.
H.- i* Spain hrmiphl to the front by reason of thh recent mur­
der of the parabicr. RtMn<nlhal.'and since that of James Verrella.
the proprietor of a aaloon. who was killed, it b claimed, liy the same
paiip who"killed the pamblcr. Rinenlhal. in' revenpe for informa­
tion piven by Vem-llt IcM.lliip 10 the arreat of *ome of Jhc Rosentiial innrdcrcm.
Rn«>athal waa in«rdci*ed in a most public manner. An auto­
mobile. drivinp up iii of the leadinp hotels, three or
four men jumpinp out and Aodtinp Roaentbal to death on the aide,
walk, coolly elimhinp apaln into the automobile and drivinp awa.v.
Thb upon one of the prinei}wl thoroupbfare* of the city of New
York. Mr. RoaenAal bad piven information implicatinp the police
in blaekmtilinp •eheme* on pamldinp ^e»* and aaloona throuphoul
the .-ity,
It ja now claimed that dnrinp the laal .vear the hipher offiebls
in the police departm.‘nt have rt*>ived over #2.400.000 blackmail
^oncy. Arrest* have Heen made and there will Im> aomeihinp of an
investipalion and Ma.vnr Ga.vnor will apainjvime to the front.
It will be remembered that XlaTorGaynor was eleeled npnn the
rtrenpth of hb pmmbes and the proinbe* of hb friend* to clean up
New York. Today New York b in a worse eondiliou than it was
under the old palmy of the Tammany repime. Ma.vor Gay-nor
mar not he to hlaibe. Irut he has utt^^- failed to carry oim the
pledpe* of himself and hb friends.
J*ledpe* amount to nothinp in a eampaipn. whether that earnpaipn'be for mayor of a pity oM2.00norof.'..0(10.000: whether it Ix'
for eonpreaaman, or the I'niled Stat.-a senate, or the presidential
chair. Whnt tlie country wants, from Traverse City to Wa-Oiinp.
Ion. b aomeihinp doinp. They want pledpe* fulfilled. They waiil
r-d whether those proinbe* be to clean up buck
all.^. nr clean ont the police department of New York city, or
ivenpe thr hanpinp of two American* thb week in .Mexico, op pro.
vent the Japanese from securinp a foothold in Magdalena bay. or
the jnainteiiance of our navy fop the prote.uion of the Panama
canal, or the careful and burineablikc reviaion of the Uriff. or the
control, hut not the destntetidii. of our preat hiurine** interests
wherever they may he and wlittever they may be; and if these
pledge* are not fulfilled men will be pot in anthorily alder,
man to president, who will keep their promise*.
A few week* ago. Mayor Gaynor, at a dinner where he wa*
the pne*t of honor, aaid. "What Icherbh mo«t in my mind b that
we hnve atopped graft and theft. I am almost proud of m.vnelf
that I. either by blunder or intnitibn. »<^t«-d the men who now
control the oily poremment. There bji.ii a breath of aiiapicion
among all thc.S,(WI.(ytO people in onr city that any member of the
city government is doing other Atn hb best or that there b a dis­
honest man among «*. Our work b an object tenaon to the whole
The work of Mayor Ga.roor b eejiainly an olijeel lesson to the
whole nation. It b a lesann that it b well for little towns and big
towns to heed.

b a way.'GateiwI Raneoek waa ripht. but it seemed )hal he
waa flOf able to enmprehend that, while in a limited way that histvrlM! mtmnee waa troe, yet thn<e waa a broader aenae in which
. if Wtb not true. 'Wha; benefiu Riehipan. benefit* Illinob. What
hhwfits Ohio. txWats New York. What benefit* Mbabaippi. beneflm-Maho. 'Wbai benefit* North Oarolin*. benefit* California. What
we m«ts ^ that we are one people. When we eoibider tlio biiaiikp mannfaelnriup, the aprieuhnral intereat* of one atale. we
iiM eon»ider the intereat* of the whole eonniry. What if Prtm
aylvnnb’* induatriM are benefited drreelly by a tariffT What If
Jlk apriealtural and manafarturinp prodnrta are henefitnd
iiy a larflft ..Tbe*e inter««t* are only incidental to the intere«ta of
the eiRIrc eoontry.
A little while apo. Miehipan objcet.-d «lreimon*ly-to the p.>cippaetty treaty, that had been planned hetwe<« the I'nited State*
Canada. Thb objeetinn was Ibaed upon a jmoterlive tariff to
flih tptwwhnral htteiwrt* of the rtate. I*mbiana am) Florid* and
Khw Ifexieo were not directly inteivated in thb reciprocity qne*.
(ku. It eould only affect, in a direct manner, the autea alonp the
CaaadisB boundary, and yet our peoi.le alonp thb lum^ry, RefMiklieMa aad Demoerata alike, applied the same arpuraent that the Control. Not Deatroy
DtaMciWtie eandtdaie for president-in I8H0 imed. that the tariff wa*
The best example of the futility of government demmeiion of
a "tniwJ i*ane.” and. riphtly or wronply. it wa* defeated.
tmaia is the Rtandard Oil Co, It will he remembered tliAl thb com.
Dnrinp the last year, the export of manufaelurini^ product* pany wa* broken up into S4 arparale organizations.
alone from tbeTniled Stale* to fopcipn eonntrie* reached the enorlicfore this was done, if the government bad adopted the plan
Puma «pnre of #l.<l21.7M:ftlfi. Theae flpure* are nstonndinp. almost that b now ao strongly advocaled by Mr. Roos.-velt. of the control
UeotoppelHmtihle. Thb qwa merely the
of <-orporatii>m rather tlmii the de*tn»etion. or breakinp np, of
the eotintry. The raw materbl for the immensely Upper propor­ them- great ao-.-albsT Iniats.'lhcy would have had one Standard Oil
tion of Ab preat amount wa* prodiieed from American mine* and Co. to watch, to eontrol; n..w they have 24 eorporstions.
Areata, atul the Uhnr was all paid for in American ninncT.
How did this affec-t the holders of stock ..f (he Standard Oil
if aome of thb preat tmnntjt rame
Cor The oM .SianilnDl Oil Co.. ha<l ihoiisands of stoekhobb-rs. lit­
wh* eareaf^The men who did the work were fed from Ameriean tle stm-kholdcrs. big sio,kliolder*. .Many of these held $.v»l or less
fAram. The men who did the work, apwif their money in Ameriean and when the corporation waa broken up Into these 34 companies,
atorea. The men who dM the work were, or were faat he<s>miug,
ifm-k had to be divided pro rata, and the resnlt wa* that imuiy
of these Ktoekholdcra r.-eciv.xl chbeks for three ei-nl*. five cents, ten
When one Comrideni that all ihk $1,022,000,000 worth of mann- ••etna ill dividends. S.-or.-s «.f cheeks like tbb. wen- scut to make
fnefurea during the lUeal year of 1012. waa more than douWe that goiMt the dividends in all the rompanies liial would, under the old
of IfiM. wmi more than three time* that of 10f«. was more than regime. havvAteen wnl in .me cheek. These small holder* got lire,!
leaa tiawa that of 10%. was mo^■ than five tim.-a that of 1«94.
of (hb and Ih.y W're ready to sell and they did sell, It was p-rmare than six lime* that of 1090. and mmwc than ten rimes that ol feetly natnnil and to he expeeted Ihst these small hobling* w.'r*
llBfi. who b there that darea. today, rabe hb.vou-e against the prin­ bought up by the larger slo.-khnlders. and thus the number .if
ciple of pmrmion to American indnsirie*r And let if not he for- st.x was rclu.-ed by many th»ii*aii<ts.
ptHtHi that in large proportion, ^hb tnunciulons increase hi ibe
And now what is the r.-*nll t IVhen the db*..liiti..n nf tli.' .|.:
value of foreign exports, wa* only pomiljc by a larp<- and .-..tBilaiH. eonipany t.x.k plar.-. the msrket value of t^e *to.-fc was $t;7-i p r
ly increasing demand for American food stoff* rawed by American share. Today it b aelling readily on MTifll street at fl.lWI pr
fanners. .
Aare. Who ha*-lost r The litUe stoekhold. r. Who has gain.d*
enonnaw* inerease in the value of Ameriean farm* and The big Morkholder; and he ought in gain. The government has
ffinerimn famr prodnrta during the last 10. 15 or SO years, prove* put it in hb-hands to gain. He eonjdn't H'-lp himself.
the truth of thb Aatement.
The little sto. kholder who was getting -30. 40. Sfi or a hnndre.)
. .la view of these farta. platform atalement* to the oontraiy ehek* for a few e.-nts ea.-h. pot tired «f it. aii.l yet the pereentuge
«W aot he cwmidered thb .vtwr by tbe Aumriean people. The W. of his dividend wa* enormondy heavy, hut be overlooked thb fi>. t
• -ealise hb elieefc* w.Te s.> small. He didn't stop to consider llm!
dt Om Uat few .v.;ara to "ivvbc the tariff downward.” Rerbion* 8 hundred cheeks amounted to Ibe same or more than he ns-,1 to
0# the tariff must be made. Condition* change ami theae •■ondilions rc-cive when he had one check. He didn't like to carvy hb cheeks
I^M* V met. But let it never I-* f<HWi>iren that as Imig
the to thr Imnk in a basket, a.^so he quietly sold to tbe jw-: wli..
ilkmHMai Tunkm aniids. as 1t cinitd* tmlay. at the head of the na- quiefTy bought, and the iban'whn quietly Ixiught $1.0««t of ibi« *t.-k
t^ikt of the woHd. it> first hnnn<*n prineirde lunst he proteetion tr has wade, in Ae lart Dw month*, forty per rent, and move.
hffprodttet* and its manufacturing Interest*.
We hare seen some eriliebm of J<*n D. Rockefeller Wau*
nie Deatoeratie piatfora. adopted at B*)thn<we, c •uiair,< the hiK interval m Jhe Standard Oil Co., ha* increased, on the hnai* of
naaemmi that pPMeetire duties are uneowtitutiiaMl. «sd the temo, SM/iM aharc*. $81.2^AI0. Who enn blame John D. S«e)ieMler
u* -

r tal^ f/k .dividend*
tbe ua^l increase of the Suiu
i stock which-be
held and which the povenimcnt ao kindly, a. .
matnaobi^Iy asibisd hiiJI to #«t#e* If bk'i Mr. ttoekofeUer'a j
fanlt Mtat -Ac value of hb holdkp4 in ^ ftnndani OQ Co. hsa
2nm«tA ^jBO.000 in the l«arfk*
'.<hie foVi^m^ did
it for>(B. He knew h would when they ordered the dbKdation of the oripinaPeompany. Any man who Imd had inv expet^
•twee in toA malten eoidd hw^ predicted thb and many did pee-

flnt iL
The amali atoekbolder Inal no money beewsr he pot the
market priee for hb stock, which waa probaMy mnrii more than
he paid for it. and if. a^ler hb sale, the stock inereaaed in ralne by
eoneratration of effort and boainem, from $675 to $lM0a. the amali
stockholder could not complain, lie had pot full' vifie received.
... .......................................
...-. -.or ko
arpument we make......
b thb:—The
mum not
break up eoriUwalion*. The povemm-nt mmt
destroy great
bnainesB inlereaia. Tbb u
.................. .. w. No poveniment in the wortd can de*trox_b»*1^esK
|i«. I>e,troT great
biuinesa interest* and enterppbe* and yon'tlialroy the pbrerement
itself. Tnwt* and corporation* must be controlled. Uwt
he made that will not destroy, hut rather hrip, great husinem in­
terests. but these laws luiM be fair and honest, as they d-mand
Imsinesa shall Iw. Then the taw* mnat Iw strictly enfo^.
Mr. Roosevelt is right when he aar* that great hnsmeas interesi* must l*e controlled, but not destroyml.

•UftBIM'l «««■.
PHM Strain 9.1


i ”
JAHtt P. tUftmCK
Sooth Manhoa, MM.
-■W.M*. jalr*

Which ShaU n Be}
We Iwve received an important comm
I from Chmi
asking u* whether we think Peking or Nanking should be the eapital of N.-w China. Now l^qll.v. (hb b a matler we hadn't given
much thmtght. hut it does seem to na that either Peking or Nanking
should be named.
It will be remenrt>epei( that the Manchn prineea abdicated, hut
are reliably iitfjjined that theae prince* still remain in Peking.
Thb b very uTonp. They ahmild have retired to Jehol. They are
still sending ont message* which frighten the ntmese leaden qdile
badly. Now Jehol was at one time a preat eit.v. Today it b a vil­
lage. Tbe magnificent palaces that were bnili at Jeh<g so long ago
that hiatory knows not to the enntrar>'. remaii\ idle and theae Manehnrian prineea and their families ahould have taken poaaemian of
rapaWIraD pant ever tlaca
fhear great palaces at Jehol Not having done so. th.-y are alill an
. . a a veitr. At araaeat be U
Coaniy TntaM USKwr aad ha* <kme
annoyance and something uf a lerror to the new ('bineac nilera.
czeelleBi work in thli raiiacliy. HThe question we are now asked b whether we think .Nanking has been <trpmy‘ sheriff .and rbe ex­
Peking should Is- the capital of .New China.
perience Wined fti Ibis iiM-Mpeeitllr
■ " > stPlm-which be
Nanking imed to be qnile a town. There was a time when the '
couat) a siroai
popnlalion within ita walla waa over 3.000.00ft. Today this populatsirattan and a sirtet enmnaaem or
tion b lea* than 300,000, We will not enter into the dbenmion of tbe htrs that ara npM -the atatate
•ok*. Mr. ViatMi U maUnx a rtahow thb depopulation oeeoired. Sufficient for lu that .it did.
rous campatn and aallriu tb* up­
Within the walls of this one-timeJt.OOO.OOq eity. there are Ihouaand*
on of tbe republlnati voters at the
r1 marie* la Aiure*l.
of home* and magnificent palace* that reiiiain idle because million*
who oreupied them have been killed off by the Chinese wan during
the last few centuries. Nanking, or Kin Ling, is not a very new
town. It b not like one of our wbrtern plain* town* that have been
hnill up within 10 or J.5 year*, nor does it resemble.Chiesgn that has bTorta'o.^jJIw!^
d aUabeth
Eauabeth iioee.
had a life of 70 years. The first that we dbtinelly remember of hb wife. (0 ibc Lewluaii Coo at) 8av.
Ina* 3nk. a corpentloa of Baitoas
.Nanking wa* almul 200 I). C. It probably existed long before that, Bay. Ulrhlsan. dated the feorih day
of April A n.. 1M«. and recorded to
our reeollertinn goe* no fnriherbaek.
(be olTlre of tl
the Rentier or Deed* tor
For about 2.«0n years, Nanking was the seal of (he Tang and
■ouni> ot Uraad
Oraad TrarerM___
TrarerM 1
of .XIIrblKSD. on tbr sixth day of
the Ming and .Manehii rtilers. They ealled the eity nil kinds of
April. A. P.. IBM. Id lllier M ofqiortnames at different tiini-s. bul Nanking is. good enough for ua, The
1 pat* iOt. 00 wbirti Bortnaire
rblme.l 10 be da# at the date
walb are .33 miles in eiraimferwtee. as we remenibrr it. and thotit
7ft feet bi|^. and bnr reeollectiob b.
rhiek. It will be at
on<v aeen that Nanking iMS anhafanfial nnS hbtorieal reamn* for
its claims to be again the capital of (hins.
t ided t
Hut. there comet Peking. Now Peking b better loeaterl than cull or
haen iaituated to recover the' fiioney*
Nanking. It command* Masehnrb and .Mongolia, which sliould secured -liT ubl oionsaae. or ady part
h.1 saved to China, bnl the (2jines<i/iile at thb time b merely worn- ibereot, axrept (hat a Mil ot cwBplalBl
■led Id tbe clrcuK eourt (pr the
inal over these privin.-es, For a pood many hnndrerf year*. Peking
ity of Grand Trsreru, IB chan
has Ireen naed_^ hy the Manchu prinee* as Iheir capital, and tbe ren. on the 2<tb day of JaauaiT. 1*>2.
for tbe fei»clo*ur* ot the aaid nertbniMimm are on a magnifieent pbtn. Tliey are aa murii as one atory me to'chaneery. 'atb BaN ■«( has
biph, they have all'tbe. dinp Angles that Chinese palaees peneraland by and ia
ly have and they could he burned np in Ifr mmntes if yon pm a
match to them, hut in Soing so. you would bnm up also, the aeenmiilatinn nf centuries of Chinese art, of Chinese manufaelurex. last doe. the
Clare the »ht
rholo of
that are highly prized and for which hip price* wonid be paid by
the mortcage ddbt
. ___________»■“'
New York’s four hundred.-



Peking has also a great number of foreign buildings, creeled
hy many nations to aceominodale (heir rep^nlntives. Thb would
not trouble (he I'nited Stale*, for whoevc#^heard nf Ctiiled Stales
amhasandors' residence* in any eimntrv- that-are worth more than
So it will he seen, all things consideTe.1. (lint wc really don’t
know whether we would favor Nanking or I’ckiqg. Wc n-gr-l very
mueh to he obliged to reach this cnnchision for wc would tx- glad
to advise China just whof it '^oiifd do in ihe matter, but. really,
we dnn't'know.



riy.lag. MSB Pall
10 stomtrh, fiver and kidtey
•f people, wllb
aitpcilie. barkarhe.and tired
rg Bui
3 seed ■<
C*. llrDi
rorj. TaodV.proved *1*
Mectric Hitter*." he write.,
>r»M)Bi«*me newaireiiatb and
Bood appetite ifaao all of
eacrrlK-s lo roerk the formal p
mite* I used."
•■•ea " 80
a they tolp e
UOD ^ areptaoce of The Oanlabfelly-|o safer t
AmeriraD Nsiloaai Park sere held Kreaf remedy will belj> you from 1
today Id the city ball of ropeohaeen arm do**. Try It. Only BO rent*
I dm*Bl»tt of Tracer** cii«
Tbe park tiseir u kxated at Reblld
HllU. ID the pmrlnrc of Aalbur*. It
m*a porrhased slih rooirihiiiloni- WANTED—PMItlOa U
reHahle flrl
from Danish ABiertran* la all iwrts of
B- NelMn. DaitBib. iflcb.. Roote ,
tbe l olled fliaie* and preuiued
aaf. I-«f
rht^^Dtah nation with the ohjeci
POP tALt-HouM an-l '
[irceeixiuf In l>* ulural heaul)
;raci of #nd for all aers lo come
I proof df I he love of emlamie-l
fboes for ihelf mother rouairy
(he *lJpnbtleDs of the (tft h
r ftiars and Sirtrxw shall bplayed ID Ibe park on all of (he Amerrairh. Hleb.. R. r D
bao holiday*.
Tbe addre** of preeeMalieh wa*
>de hr Dr. Mai HeBlo* •(
^■ortt and tb« allt wa* accepted la be­
l|r Wlitoal Fatal
half of the aaiion hy the Daatah
retarr of state. The ether epraken
tbe exerriset larluded Dr. Morrb
r. Raan. the rolled Sutea mtobter
at Copeahanee. aad CouBtIt Motug-tbe
Suae*. ^ jMk hMrt* ww irnMMMi (ki
naaUh BiBlalrr lo Ibe C(Blted

-1 nonaace. and (he aiaiuta to aueh
•a fa^and prerMed. M'Tham, the Wth day-of October, A. D,
!. at f«d-h’rtat« <o ibe atterDooDUBderaixoed will, at the frobt doer
he Chart houae. Id (be rtly of Tmr■ City, tlist beiBx the pbee ;sberc
the rtrmtt roort for (be eotniy of
(•rBDd Traverae M fceld. acll at- iwHIc
auction, to the blabesi blddV, the
preralte* described In aald msrtface.
or *0 much thereof a* may Ix^neowMfi' to pay (he amount ae as afor^
«ald doe OB nld moti«n*e. wlthwrvei
per erst Interest, and all lecMI vosta.
leceibec-With uid ai'otm-i’s fne. toThe souib haU lit <,i> of (he
. >a*t niianer ril. K. i oft^Ieo
diabteen ■li'i, lownahip >«eflly-nv*
iSSi north, of raose ntoe ipr.west.
copMlniDE Ml acres of bind, more ot
Wa. srtor.lln* to itar BOicrnm* *iirilicreof.
UK I.Kr.l.^^AIV rnrsTVRAlIxfi*
BA.N'K. -UbrfwB#.Hy G, tt tVhll:


J n, ur.sf

IP. M-tA. U.IA. 5JP. M.


- I t;»!

Cedar City. 2:SS! T;M(




-ahsAr methot «d fMMfM mtme

JfONCY TO LOAN o* rtwd and wan
Impeered fartha. H. C Oarla. Stf
•MM IhBk BHr, TravoTM Otiy.


mpta tut

tilt. w. o. RntToit

• WOMM tah^ *ttt Op. Rrita


41 R-*. •

TUVZBai BUAUI. um TUTnn BAY aiOLC, TDBDAT, AJinn •> uu.




- :



PW!p» to PtM.J^tuMir
mi^r ®f
*«re holdlBf «aacuan vbef tb* deurt
ot tbf CoUmub ob*D4d. Tie hfll
ailed ft>
nt bdl *M 4
Oaarae E. Baati Wgfi Fannto HdaM
^ Jb b»sUb« eijl pbo^ qr <
lag. It le tbe ekblMUoa of fruU
iofion Bad UdooIo adoraed Uie »i
at aneb BieeUagi (bat heepa tbe
A bl( pMore of Kooaevrit hoac jb CXtiiaiT ^LANNCO FOn INTEMNA- lenthra of tbc world oa tbu regloa.
Chriotlaaia. Ang S.-KIng Haakon
aad tbe oReaer tbeee dlajdays are
tbb n«r ol tbe ball, directly over tbc
AtolHMta. Nc»a dl
WlihlBfloQ. daaghter of Mra. 1
H. reo^ Ua fortieth Mrtbday
.baM atabd. Tbr Ne»’Tot« deleBB> the better It wIB be fur
niverrery today, havlag been 1
fruit (rowera. as It will (omajc
a alpmy caun» lutl befei*
death of Cenc^ 1^
AugWR S, (gt-. He It tbe ee<^
(be lieae or coBteni-os Ahiaka tha Stat «f Jail, atur a
o# the late Klag Frederick NTH
UoB beiBc a roaolmloa adapted
Tke -Srewigb
fleomartr Stare be was eiseled
with the (uperier Barer aad i
(be Male coatpodan dedariua ihat
NcBs naialBs a kag oWtaarr aaUw.
by (he
penea ehan be Bomlaated for
apeakJBg ta the Jtigtoat tftm of N'r.
enifperb from all nation*
IIW3 hs bat strodlly grown I
at^le etnoc ualea rexblarly earullSoul, from whl<h we rimMi
tsvor of hit adopted sebjectas
ed is tbe Prccrewlie party, tielcRinas lapuUrii.v among the Nor
sate Cnrraa vaated tbe
George .Bvxitl was B rMRaMhtallre
or. and the Misses Janet aad Bqia. ilan P<XH>lr Is shared to the mUeti
Hlecalen Win be Gathered In Grand
e lat-lude tbe ludUlary.
gfa^bftmood Wliblagton. of Clet.
Traverat Reflea by Men Cxe»le;p by the Qneen. who bet.
M HiH* Tiekri
but debate aaa j
who woa hto w |a Utov.
partenead la Putting Up
marriage waa Frtarres Hand of Wales, lovr and .reiaect
to »IW KHifi^ Buu.
of all ihg ng^e>»y
Cbanpig III early decUloD
The (WfeBiooy. whleb waa wlm.-ss daughter of ibe late King Edward
Fancy Olapiaya.
worth of character aad
tbe omleeliai colored delesaliuu fruni
«d by ^le families -aad iBlImair
Tb.- Wi-Bidru jiu tiiaaa iArieJupiucm
SalkOMi toUBtealiipl aad Klorlda, caai-eBUoa
niy. was read by Rev. W. H
Poole, recur ot «t Fhal g cbmreh. (he
bureau taai taken another nep U ad
If U> beMinc MBtf wltbout rated, tbe uatlooal .
•arts, he set a sundard « fig^y Mbbride being glten away by bar broth­
^ _ Ib (bt Mil)« freaalre ovuHimtee r«ed to Ibroa vauce. aad by «, dotoa mill |dace Ibt
ing that all yenng a»re.siMri * wfiU
er. rhlllp H. WlthlBgioa.
BoBiUifted cbc out both delecatlonf from Florida aad llicbican ai-pie bglure a Uriie auuibei
mony took ida.v before ■
that Btate *U1 aol be reprearbted.
of the leadlaf growerr and l•on»llllle^^
Ir Scott was
uaderstood the white deleMtea Of the world. It baa bei-u decided U - This Is tbe aeaoon of (he year when hire Jai«ueoe lilies la tbe drawing
»h. i«. mt. a., owven. 1
tuake aa etfaiblt
bIbIt (of ereea apj.le* al the fruit growers should be ou the »»-■' Tall palms, greenery anf
troni UpoiYla wlH be w'at.'d
to Brawley ta 1»M.
I1a«l BcUoD or Uic coumiltlee firm
'urctiui; of ilH Im. i-uailuual Ap 'waleb (or tbo codling moth which white aatln prledleu added lo Ibe
node a grw nacesae of hto'«*fe
will«cl» In Its flesinictlte wor* duHiis
qnlslle efecl. As t£e bridal party
aegroea neither ti-aU BOr rolea. The pie Sblppere' numUiion. nliiih
w3 held, oa to sena ^ Ua
lioM III xuuiiel ineetlUf la Ibe dber- the month -of Auguat. aad w hleb If eulered Nr. K. W. Foster played the
. . ..
vouiiuitivc Approved 1
quotatlua abore. la Iht tot ^Ifhbel
began bia tea V Rauaeirli tu Julian Uarrli up man house at flilcaao. Anguet ;.s not pioperly attended to will ruin BHdal Chorus from laihengrla.
reteeu ihrougboiH-ikat wh'oD r^wa.
wore a beautiful go«B of Ivory
on tbe aubleet ot while iradenbtp In Tills aasorlBlIou Is toniiwsed' of Ibe • bole unhsrds la a abort time. This
undsy alll lost
There survive hba. beat^M ,klf par
#WfUd «M allot.
be foulh. One of tbe beet fettnrcB leading nt<|.lr men of the world
sectlcu of the aUte Is coapanilvrly
:b pleasure
nts. three bRXbera. Arthug fk aeaU .
lOBctlier (or tlic puriHiec of Dud' fre« from Us ravagea on account »l fon and peart trtmmln^'ller tell ot
Jgl/tf Jgm toa party dboaM go i| wee the parade of SSS women Btarcli
l•rvel by all who allended the
of Seattle. John aad WtlUam hcBt>. of c:
rare Fleuiisfa »ac|r'^BS raugbl
Jooe to^a rarlout atatea aad
lag frosi the Art Ipetltule lu the udiw ing otii better wi.v, for pre.iurluK and the nieiiuer In whleb the fruit gr
• llh uraniic bloa^ma. and she carried vires at Asbnn Melhodl.i Bpisooiml Brawley. aad a slater, ifya: Bun
Maud tor r«floa la canpalgoe
greelei) by cheera all ■uBiU'tIuE tills kind of fruit, lor (Ind­
hate taken care of tbeir trees.
Foulkes of n Oeatnt CalUnnita
a shower bCKitiPi of orchids and Ulles
ie new llebls of iiroduigloD and new ..rder that no one may let It gel
dayV««gtoii «aa deroted to the per alooi the route. Aiuoug Uifui a<
carried out
((x-floa oT U»
nrkcls lor the produrt they Uandle. Mart this eeasou tbe lollowlni let of (be yplley . Tbe, amid of honor
tweoo regvleily elected delngalM
The sndleucc al the Bubds)
In lutKInc an exhibit of this usiure
a Tomorrow (be cooientiuii. At ir;4e (be coaven
from the tteld agent of tbe Agri- wore a gown of white net. band em- ing service taxed the seaUag capaclly
liroldere.1 over pink aatln. 8be car­
to-(be bto day.
Hub Wat called* to urder b> Hlaou. who the fame of the illelilKsn ipplt. which cuUuAl .xdlege Is imbllsbed iu


ried a I-eghorn hat flileil with idak of the cburcb. FoHowlag a »eey able
gaaihgtloc to pert
I. RaopereU will thea Inliodueed eecrelaiy U. K. Uavit Is alreadi greal. >111 be spread over a Mr. B. O. l*dd.
rosebuds and Ulles xif lbs valley, and sermon by Rev C. K. Bacoa. O. O. of
tddtrer bto -CBirfiwImi of faith.
who reail the ortrtal call Wben the larger area and tbe market thereby
The wafidlog ef Br. FtoMlaa Cori
fblrago. Robert Barney, as chairman
*hlcb u to expected (be plaUorm will
of Jofabeoa. Uodtey and OarDear Sir:—From nbal observations tulle. Tbe bridesmaids were gowned of Ibe boanl of trustees, gave the row el thu city aad Ml« Egig WMlk
be bailL
field eere read off by Ilarli freni nised fact that thehesi fruit lu (lie
Ingtoa. a promlaeat aoriety agann of '
alike la enibroldered jrink chlBon finatictal statement, and aasialed by J. Jackaoa. occarred U (ha h«M of Ua
entire woiU Is produced right here In’ e have been able to make at
CUeago. Aag. (.—Tbcodere Rooae- ofDeh*'
<-be«rln| foHuwed.
pink messallne. Nrs Wltblng- J. Shier. Everett Wbllney. W. W. Go­ bride ta (hat cut at f a’ctoak «'edrelt ead party airfred iu l:» thla IndUated no Ucfc of eerund plare Um- lIlchiitaD. and the oflener this fart to rollege and In several aeclions
nwiher of Ihe bride, wore a rtrta ble ana W. K. Wiiiiama. roasigoed the acaday alghL Dr. fU Hn. Ohrraa*;^
lupiessed ujmn the pul.lic mind Ibe poutbern Mii-falgan. we are of
A graat crowd fliled tbe

belter it U for the iieoiile of iheataie opinion that the spraying for the :
.-osiume of^black embroidered chlBon
ataitoo had atraau oataMe. Wild temporary (halrman.
arrived Angust i aad are at batM at
ond bnmd of codling moth should be
bn are enaaged lu the Indu
r white aatln and lace. Mrs. Phil­ friends have srorkA so fslihrully
dwaMBg gioetad tbe celeoel aad
liquidate, to (he flamoa. Ifhlle (bis the beautiful eduatn home of Or. Cal'
The exhibit Is being'collected by done this week or as toon thereafter ip H. Wliblngton. of Cleveland wore
GcaaaBtialtoa waa atarted *aa I
oa tbe weal hay otalh
bclag done the eoagrefaiioa
reaAad tbe aUewalli to get late
s re. Si III lead (be use of uoouue'- aertlODi of Maderla embroH-------- dlalrlel. I... K Perkell on tbe peuta““ uog -Pratae God. Prom
aaioaoWla. Anong tbe preailiieBi,
Whom All Blessings Flow.'’

NorthpiwaHirte at ibe Uala were Jaae
lutereai was not abated at the Sua- paviUoB al Carp take aad w|U bow h«
galloDS of water and m or 3 pounds .elvet rose* Mru. Wlatbrop WlthlngPon region. These apples
- AilHta Han>ld P. HcConalck. Col.:
.li:i school hour Besrdatoy
able to seat al icaat om haadred pt^
taken from the trees as they are In of lArecaaie of l«ad.
gowned In lavender ttbeny
C^aaaey Damr. George A. Perklae.
ilulls orchestra rendered five aelecBoutfa Mend. Ind. Aug. S.—Tbe ad
Tbe psTlHon to free u all who
(f possUile. It would no doubt be
Vtnaa KaUon- Qlford noeboi.AtPOf inie guard of delegaiea arrlrei^herc their present suge of development
(pieraiwreed with sOul-Mlmi
care lo use ll, and with (he aew aR«^'and dlspto.xed on plalre at i
B^^rmu bcncfli to your nelgBImrs If
Plaefaot. Cbaa. OartMd aad Preadc- today In reAdiiurM for tbe forty*
songs. Rev. W. F. Kendrick gave
abeald Bake ae t«aa) ||aa^-(ar
There >111 he five varMlet of
would call attention to tbia coi.- bouse win notably bMuiifaL Aa ar- slrong address. In which be relied the
graw ‘The cotoaei aroMed the big,
p of (be Ccltaotlt 1
aommer apples shown, teu of fall aad clnalon and ask your local paper to
Plrnlrs. The deM Ba* risa^Baea Bb
Beat part of the etvwd by hurryiag Abttlneace I'ukia of America, wblil.
Bfleeh of the winter kinds. Prlxes make a .■oneplruoua aanonneeweat pf yellow daiairs wa> aaed la tbe r«*p- prople to (be task of rearblog tor. l>roved aad (Ba'iiBrebbary eat avay
.tbMogb h aMe aotMco
be held next week et Ibe I’nlier- wlU br awarded for tbe best S|*claronndjt. BaUag a Baeb hatter oplion ball. The library waa done Id ward to even greater tbangi.
tte. At the Ctagreei hotel eatraace wlty of Xotre Uniue. ludlcatloDf potoi
An appreciative and enlbus
PMriag place of tt Uu It has arer
lens shown and It Is safe lo iiredict
you bappen to be one of the peis pink roao. and plak Jat«HeM lllln
a'largB crowd greeted (be oMooed.
large atteDdanoe <
beea bsfore.
• hat ihrwesrern Michigan disiilay will pic who are making an oboervatlun. ere uMd la tbe Itviag (bbrn.
evening service to agaia Itotea
wbo made a abort apeeefafipBi tbe laa- rUl.tore from all uvci
lion's ahare ot the tooA wedding su|.per to tony gvi
determine when «be .xidllhg moth
able preeealaHon by I>r. Baeoi
eblae ahylag: -Hy frieada. It to a
The btackaahWht and rmir‘^
Veto. Secretary John I. Gibson will Oiea In your vlelnlD. I dralre that (ollowod the ceremony. Tbe brid**’
Baron has made own) warm f
great pleaahrp to be here at the;
B. B. Hadtor haa been pw«kBaad
Jeave for Chicago Tuesday evening
mntinue to watch tbe cxperiueiit thble. at wblrb fbe famllle* wen
ig bU brief vUli to Traverre by H. J. BUby. Hr. Blgby has harkbbtfe or a new party, nit Bgbt will preaided orer by the V^o Bev. P with the (roll and will hare charge of
ed. wai adorned with a heavy silver
fHy. wbo have prolled by bis wade tor the people sad for tb«r J. OVallagben. (he noted Pauliat. wh'. the dlsjday at the meeting.
aaBber of ygm la-^ WaUvase filled with Americaa. beauty
salU aad repair deafiftBii^et A. J.
iRMTdiU. T>««ag of ibe'boaa. to tbe preaMeiu of the vweihUon. I It Is i.robable that a few branches
Field Agent. roi^. The other gueau were aealed
Whlle (hto aggressive i«o|de
.FetaiWI'B ahop ahd to veU augd U
at groui* of gniall tables. Oul-of■tett.anhe^ .ahbF of >Bto fcUd.
lowa guests were Mr. ai^ Mra Her- d»tlsta aease of pwdoaaUe pr
Ibis arblevemeai. they are not ronleiu
r shop win Itoke pare fit aar (toai
beri farrow, of Delroll: Dr. an<
esi OB laureU already «od- but
repair work, forge wark ft agy
Raymond Sleigbl. of BnUle Creek
turning Ibeir tares boiwrnliy to­ kind and will make a.^eelBMr fit
Dr. Oito Freer, of Cbkagoi 'Mi ___
ward tbe future. Now (bat Ibe
•Mrs. Philip H. Wlihlngion and daugbtfiiM
ters, of flevelaad.
Mrs. Ltagle Fehl. wife ef WHH
varsooage. tbis rongregal loo feels
Ilr. farrow and Mrs farrow
that (hey will tt( belter able lo do the . Pabl. of Haanah. died ai aa ea
direeily lor Traverse fliy. where they
ork la ibelr lm[«HaDt field
boor this Boralag al Ue boBt ef I
Tbrougbout Ihe ds.v tbc spirit oB-re- sister ID-Isw. Mrs. TheMore FBael.
Silver Bl
lolHog and appreciation was maolfest RM BobenU etrswt. She waa IT
Bumbes of beauillul wed
of age aad bad beea IB akea^
ding girts were rervl.ed. laelu&lDg
‘year, abe to aarrired tg her boa
eleeiric brougham from the bride's
bead and llUle daughter Leoaa. agp ,,
mother, a heavy slivA fnilt renterthree yeari. POaeral arrugiMiatt
pleee trom Mr and Mrs Philip H
WlihIngtOD. aad a silver afler.dlBner tn<t>aM9n and Fregrsm Were Enieyad have nu beea (ally ooBBtotatt. |pterment wiu occur la Kl«sler ombpcoffee set front Mr. and Mrs.
throw Wiiblogtoo. The Rhakesiware
Hub. of whleb (he bride has been
Were was reeetved tbIa niraiiM
member for several yttrs. gave
Ue andden deaU of Chsiito’ K.
lhai the present is^ very busy Greenfield nt Ceralag. N. T. ' Mr.
n ClUxea-Press'.
iltac of year for tbe grangers. Three Greenfield, who Ttoluf b(« coreto
£. M. BUUtra ot WaUlRfid*
readidaire weer given tbe work of
the first liad second d««rees aad nat­ street, waa qalu wnU kapv* hwB hhH
uy friend, dwiag hto Uwt'
ters tmportabt lo the' grange wei
aup la Ue cUy. Ifa had bold oCtae
with Ue New York Ceatral (or B3 The lecture hour was occupied by
scries of talks In which Ibe members cooaecaiJve ycera and was highly '
related inrcresilng iblag* that had oc­ respected by Ue coarSWcurred or bad been observed by (bem
Boston. Aug
• Kbln Ibe rest fe wweeks.
the millionaire, steel maghaie
rbe next meeting will be August 1*.
startle norih shore so. let y
ent and any who hare Ml reww
which time a |>roVam In honor of
'blllloo dollar town party" at bla
t copy rsa secare MB -hf apply'rostiDg estate (be night of, Ceres, the goddew.of grain, will be
to Becretary H. B. Meaugaa. th*
>rried out The Grange ball will be
Aug U Kvery mah present
cofltatas I
ervrsied for .^lie o"aelou and
ii 'luilllunalre. and (be affsir
premlBBa.aa d classes than b^et^orb.
■viidiicled on s stale of Plltaburg
bich wUl 1 xo'e very aureetlvc u>
magiiIO.-«n.e caU-ulated to nu
>re. A great Baay aeaurlghborlog rctugers gasp.
son Uefcets hsve been sMd aaf any
A .Vahaiit loalrartlng firm
oUcre vbo bate rex bora '■tephad
dw' sighed a cootrect which obliges
Uit soentary.
'ill Net he tdmtlllod WHh the B«U
iheui to Uy a soaKnta and. perfen
Wark as Ue aew epMWt hhil fit
Meeae Fariy.
dancing Soor of tbe Prick town be­
tween the hour* .rf T atMl 9 on I
Detroit. Ang. S-K to atatad on the: when completed. It wlU he.oop ef the
eveslug of Aug 1« sod to take It
best of aaihoriiy (bat Ti
roBBPdtoM U h*
again between tbe boure of I and :
Newberry, former secretary
ihd ta ua. pan ef the ttoU- WHh
tbe luornlaB tollowtag.
navy and reGent*«Bib«staa(i
sddiuob M other baUdlag aad
Tbe grounds are lo be Iransfonued; veil booster la Mlcbigaa. has growa lOBrovcaichu ea Ue pnee fipw «
tmo a veritable fairyland, regardle.s cold reward the third party noyemeBt
groands there eili be gtoaty ef
aad has deckled that be will MX Ireve
n tor all Che rUlMu iB (Ap vafSthe rei>obUcsB party aad
«ues thU taR.
IdealUtod with the 'Bull h
Jaeeh MBtea aM Ntop FtorBoeB
Buiih were qaieUy BarTled aalsh
Mr. .Sewberry's l<oslilie si4ta
fit Ua
has caused ainch eorpriar la view of
eaUuslastic aappori. pecaatory
This Waatu
aad otberwlae. of (he Rooseveli boom
Rey Zetotec, aped 9 V*Bre. ea.. fit
In MIcU^ darfag tbc earlier stages.
.nd Mrs Henry Zetr«r al Mid­
Deaver. fola.~Aug —Many fix
Newberry’s acUriit in behalf
dled at the taanr'BBBe Bthm-fv
Ineot members of the Knights
Rooserrh boom was e«|>ecialb
Pyihto*. from overy state «' the I'a- aodccable pracedJng the Bay Oty coa- Boralng.- He iBd beea •a'torUld (pr
lea .rasre. nuAn) dlAM*
snd hearty aH^of the raaadtoa vtwttoa. It was reported that be had
held rruB the efiareh U iBraD
luces, are arrivliig/la Denver for freriy given moacy to tbe reuse.
tbe meeting bee* this', week of (he
e e clock Monday sherMpa. tUr.
son. lorelly. would have bees
tweniy-sereaih bleealal ^esston of the
a CMhlln eClctotloE.' fMOnpreme lodge. Oaatreh to. the cji
wot ta BiraMy eaacteri*.
of the rest the eocampmenl of
Bylreater BuBis. few 'y«fir ^
He also auended (he anlioaal coa(be falfoim Kaak Is not to be held veattoi ta Chkaga.
' Mr. and Mrs. HbIS il^
this year la raajsacUon with
s. lied Bnure^ gliireSE
serrleee wffl he h^ Taps
rntog St • ercieU
ehwrh M Isedettt.

^ ' ■ W;--


m B uai iGnuTa





lamiUKE woMflis


lixiil limual Notion, Remnant and Clean Up Sale



H^'S An; BBiversal verdict oi ibose who patronize
jNde. Nomm prices appeal lo everybody, while ihe
on the clean up merchandise Is simply no price

ilo woman can afford to miss attending this sale.
So many excellent bargains that you’ll want your share

to be
UUU dWvalOlO
closed out at a price that will

BmiN Bomutnuin

moire th?m.^JL,PO|c for these.

SHlirt W&ttffi-__ *'■*' making some special

1 OHIIl IfBJoia
prices on Shirt Waists that will
prove very interesting, See these at 35c, 79c and 89c.
ChUdren’s White Dresses at 20 Per Cent Discount.

lafKBRt 9WIS

ffpectal lot of Children’s Colored Dresses 98c.

Special prices orutiigh grade Sheets
63x90 and 72x90.
Some exceptional
bargains in these in
-various lengths that it will pay you to look for.
Duty Hvh Date More, sale Ends Saturday Mahl.
Look lor Ihe Red Signs.
artmont—They are maUting some considerably
an all spring and summer merchandise.
------- lats and Dresses are being closed out at prices that

TiUe Unn RimMiits

-itr. Wi iVlILLIKEISi"-^

.'el,: .ir'‘-r-

iMiin If prTHus

t^nui nuio; m nATnti BAT xachb. TOIDA'
t^at. AvsnrA uu.'


l«*V. att If Ckicmto:


VrattoirTInic Ma<I( PlHHUt Pw VUtm Who
S«k NAtnra in AU Htr VnnitJ«H


defeat. Dwight S^dky.
pitcher to not wiU Uoai
bnateeaa. nnd Uey w|U to

[m>k H. BaMtrU wd faallr. Mi>
IV*. im>c. Ur. l4>raLSQ P. Baker, all
|af COlMlwa; Aaale !. HcCrca. H.
JloCraa. _Boaa» UaCiw. Waka*.
The .%oaMp


Batter ........C..1bU;..

The MaHteb

Hr. Wpbhrt GdoB of-JacAowa. Mkk.
It rUltteg hto
Meoda here
Wd te BU RapUs. for • lew daya. jtl
■mwt to to te SIk Rapida.
Mr. B. H. «Tkoi went tabh
Torch lake aad Uerwboau
>« wrroaag web Buy by wlro
week, la Ue 'OUa.' Ha nepons
traw'ChtoagftDoMU.Tiiiedo nd BnB.
lag Bth for erory meal tot tbo UU- (Uo Uiongh DHUi Pnma teteuMk
mea up Uat wray atoo reporta

Mte. i. V. noBiaa and daa^ter. T» : TheflwB tub tot now bbea fowialte'creua, Holtey In th« fanniaa of
l«4o; »r. and Un. b. U. httea a^ Jy otganltei all Ue aotlesrra torlngtufoiBaUoe la Jnat aa !«■} (beat dara etraaaheia.. Mra. J. Spietoan, Mta ^.'ato
Mr’jto J Bhtof
a:^ to ever vaa. and (n>ni the Indica- PhylUa aplehnai.. and Mia. DonKh, ^ Sk
loioed as well aa a nmntorirom TTarCity. The soir««i0wMi tow
U»«. k« .•1", .to kept ao for aereral On-th amred Th«toar to epaad *toe
. 7%. Nortfepen Mat baseball
Mra. Joaepb Better of BIk RspMs
*etoa 40 GWve. .The mhuhw tial
coosianGy imprvrcd aad now tannto
i the botoL
B.T- atifl eoMng avtb. aod .itof
Mlaa Vlr« BBtoley. Mtoa Kath to orcsnlted. aad win play aeieral couru Intuilcd oa the lower temee rs. tVainoa of Grand Rapida. and a
CRA1M— Hatooh A Lay Gn.
party from Bk RapWa. took dinner
oAklna when to to (or (totoonU . erioe Bdvarda and Hlaa C. Uaaaen of tottca la the near fmurv. With in front of tbe totoL
Ptouj of ataterial from which la pi'rt
Toeeday. returnlna
.tucaaL The ndlivade aBy that they MsiUetee. apaot P'rWar at the hotel
A ftoblog party. innMiilai of Dr.
ber* taraafiit ao tnanT north ««~o Aoiow the Dear arrlralt are the a lenm. and refalar ptactloe.
Rhodes. UVE. Hteer..V. H. Darts. K sRcr dlaner oa ibe ~Ulante 8."
a:o^ br'tr here, and 'thtoi the
Io!k>*la«; , llBCfa Oulley. ClevelaadE. Miller and T & OohramBn.-weni to- Mra. Uswla aod daughter. MUV
Totedu. Aug. t..-^'tonl. |l.oil4;
Braageilae Lewis, are sta) iai:
aoneta atsUer to tftf aaaUer placn Ml. eod Ura. llaldeiviaB aad Mlea Hne«p. Meaart. Bro«u aad Bandera Carp lake for a flahteg trip aad
con. T»; oata. Jito: UUlines' for a week or ao.
■ ol^nc to the Jafxcr ooa. liaJdenoan of Ullenakoe; F. 8. Uob- are baring the BoW cleared up and turned rePwrUag''large cnlrbea.
Oau ..............................2^
llanaco roiled, aad Ibo Point diamond Vlli
Into to to the beat la the reaort eoilo
v-uBVlalaliit at the Into «t travel. ba< Rath 8aven>. I
added UU week (or Ue
Mra. James E. UllUkea and ac
iLore are aiaie tab* iaboaM, arouad Maalelee: BentJe]- M. Plaher and J. C. T.
Uoo of tbe goeats.
Kaosaa aiy. Me., are at one of Ue
fl.ta rt«k>B Them lire a auiuber of Raoury of Oraad Haplda and A. k: The guaau of the Lodfle w;.-.. e>^
Dr. aad »n. I'alion and fomlD and Un to oottagw.
lc.-talned to Tneadiy evening, r>y a
the |itd^ (hat hare all ttef can
HoMeii and *lfe of Auttem. lad.
moonlight iBtocb rtde. on the “Dc.:o Vltoa Aflnep HuUon of LontoWUe. arUra J. V. PUzgerald and daughter.
lead to. aad aonc are luralag tht
Itedlcy H. aiddall -Mtoa Beaae Sourtred 'mnnday. Dr. Fplion wni to Ulu Marie.'-of SprtegfleU. III., are
Qiy K." wf Nwthport
ruaj. rte jpa^ ter Um lateaeat
ernile. Uauw 8. FUth. Uita BtaOa
Ue tome phyaidan for Ue mouU of here («- neme ilw.
traral ia b«nnae It toa auJ- Ovenmek. P. R.
Cart. F. A. Mil
Sira. Bobferi PlUgerald and m
fuHalr «ool U the larper dllea:'
cbell and C. H. Maaey of aaalatee.
, The gueala nf the Arbutus Laka Nest Buordey bai been dealsuated Bpriagteld are goeats of Mist Uwls.
The iteMokteiihlc ateuD that Sec- apent Buula)- at iba hotel.
■ -.Nmhtewaau Cte.r," at Traren-:
Mtoa Agnes Stuart of Spring
Bcana. per to ..............................|
rriarr HoMey baa'In hit ofAve. of the The etalldreu at tna hotel flare an bouM aad tb# cotiagera eulcyad
City, when Ue Hen Onset ptoyera will III., arrived yesterday end will r«
picnic giree by the hotel for i
d;ffehetit reaorth in tbit reiW It uot- rateitalnBeat Tneaday' crenint
guetta. Thundny.
SStb. Tbe party to^ tto city.
lor tome Ueae.
•<f the Aoeat ihliwf that haa ever the bctaDt of the "flrovn i*a^ rhlebi
A Bumher of gueafo wiU be
bad a Dae boat Hde to the upper cad
Ura Hinsdill of Grand Raplda.^bo
mwitred.. i(|r, .Horton, the of­
rwy niAch enjoyed liy aU Ved- of the -take, where dinner *aa aerv. Ulned du^ofl the week at Tbo haa beea risltlag Mlaa tonra-Abboii
ficial pbototrapber haa tolled oa
neaday emninfl they tod a mat
la true plctoe atyle. After dlaaer. Plaea" wMdb baa Mat been opeuei' for Home lime, returned: »May. to1to terw >wru and :
tnaltev ratal oa the beaeh
OeblBg aad toatlag waa Indul^ la by Mrs. WlUtem Wallam of Cklcnga.
Mra. Geo. R. Bacoa.-4Vto has bwo
ur ttote tore tad aatoc of the beasu
Mlta Atiflel BoulUy la cooflned
nnilJ a toto hour, whoa the party to- who arrlred pa Tuesday- Bbe wa> rtaltlag Mrs. Walklas for some llUe.
BirfU ij»kta; hod irkto the reaortera her rooto vhh a tevere nriA
tu.-ned to the betel. tamc«bat Utpd aecompaaied by her aialer. Mtoa Rood returned to Saginaw JYlday to attend
«me tf tbe
Or. B. A. Bmltb jutd family
Mrs. DenHby MlUrr puchwlt hm a famil)- rannlon.
aad full of pratoc for AtNo. 1 horao UAea ......fU
ato k^^\he atmci i>Ucet. thla al- Bprlni VaRey. Illlnola. and Ur.
buhu Ibkta. The Itohlog to atUI good. been entertaining Mra. Hcndrt*. To
boeXHwwa theot ato they can
Schuyler and tamlly. Ur. II. kicewea Mr. and Mra. C. F. "Adimi
tedo: Ralpb Janey. Hew Voik: Mra
IM-. HtKBBOlvto Jnai -the place they
Womaah Firat Woto In Fauwp;'
ranill!. and the Mlaaea Uatei flae tolcb of nlaa baaa aad one wall PcrrlB, Traverae City, and Mra. Fiat. BASEBKlCRCKILTA
It waa in Ue »sw.s»,^,y,
«aat to COi It to a «kn er piece of Mabatey. Nellie Bobelta.

to ♦’*♦♦♦♦ d-d d d d d
eyed pike, Wedneaday! The HyAshlog te.v of Madison. tVlt.. dprtng Ue
Utoo Uat womaa Brat appawto Ih to
adTerttodni .aM' apeak, veil (or the WOder aad Ifra tomea of
UlcMM" toate Laogm.
Stowe nnd -Mm.
la ouepUouUy good. Mr. Adam, ato . K
«otiT ontaUa et Ua homeuohiue hapa-that are telov ad<wted Ulluola. left ter tbdr
tmdtegtoD J. Traverae CHy S.
Pat mad. n taoeb of U creen baaa in. Clapp' Ipr Grand Rapid^ "arrlred FH
Hanlstre I. Iteyne Otv 0. \
by tMa'dmta'In tettlBk the auimier
linis after t*o week, .pent haK tour Friday cvcaiiy. with Uea. day. at Ue point.
CadUtec 7. Muskegoa j
vUHora't^toda- rrhat beautiful plaoae tore.
OUer Ulcfalgan guests resUtcred
and wllie eomlag home Pat tended
Amarlean Laagua.
there I^'lo tbia ^oq. The retort.
Ur. aad Mra. W. |{. JeCery ato
to totM are: G. A. Vager. Crand
four pound Uack baaa. oa a m
O-.oitaalrea arc feUinc the heaeBl of
Helen, left Tburada)Iteplds. Mra R. C. PerUaa. Hlaa De
HdA tolt
It tor they hare >thalr book, to too*
Froet. Bay Oiy; E. T. Oatora. FraakSir. fotan IHeflaa returned to
that the peotola bare aato the pbotoe
tomo-la Cbteagh-ou Huaday. White (ort; A. U'Darentort. Mtoa Hi
aU tbea oooM to theta.
bfpu Ur. Btoflu teokad over hia told- Cord. Mies Reobekain. Mr. and
• - jtootel tntaneohan.
ia* at the lake, lie haa one Bae II. 8. Hull. Dr. and
A part^ trtoi Chlcafeo ooDalaUac of
Ir fui Ml
SMMay te the Hiehlgae tut*
Mm. P. H. Olltod, Bern CUSoiS, ptoce of tend aolrdlrlded and baa ooM
if you filled Uwm, All's well; if you didn't, you
tdlanaflolla; Mra. Grappa. Hn. F. i. aereo lota la Ue teat el^t moatht J. W. Mttlken.___ _
rival iot tbe older and may get^tbe outomto' entirt
iWaa, Mtoa Ignore Btolne, Hint He also haa aoolhar piece whirt bu Trarerae; City.
Wtonbeih Blataa Ciaclaaati; Mra. B. la plowing oa Mihdlvldlag la the near
1Vake ttpond push tbe “BEST* flote made:'
a Hloneok. Bt Looto. Mo.: t. T; future, whieb will tore aome rery
OW MtootoA'.Manae.
Miw. Cnlrer aad sews of Saglaaw
Hn. Jamea Barseanl. CStaa. <toe Wla lu locatloii. deratiim aad
Hieraaaufactura^aDd sale of this flour Mpe pay
BBiseaat. B.- F. Baistoat, Hlaa Ctoa- fiao fttoUge. aandy beach. Mr. Ble- wto have been vlsIUag Mrs. E
yodr taxes, pave your str^ build your schoat
la. Mra. Edaniada. Wabaah. lad.
gap haa foticn <mt a neat folder, glv Brinkman, retunied tome WWnes
Mn- Jamaa Wltoon. Mra. Elyto WU- teg. forth the advaaUgea of Artotss day moralng. •
houses. Does foreUo made flour do as muehf
aw. Wflitom WiiMn. Praacea tViiwa. lake, as aa Ideal place to apead one-. - Tto 'Bony given ItyCMpw TJ«
Septrs EmuUion
R’nhatoL lad.; Mra. Bwuy. Hia. Bea- iUcatloB.
Rbm and Jackaua HRf.rwas a wery
Toledo, Ohio; 8. Wyi
AflgbtM aSate. Tli^te Vas'
la riniptrtoid farm aed dlttoed wlU'flnfls auB.|ai<(p In aucb
W. 8. Mller and wf/t. Grand
aS emr tto hadp
Hareo: WUUam Pittlet aad vUe. day. |o spend their racatloB •<
a tnqnaerea, to HitoAl P beautUol
out or iewa!-gueats wbleb
Oraad Haven; 0. Smith, k
ArbutM toko Hoow. The Rer. O o»*«. Tbe» oitt
Oeerpe T. Keudall. Crand RapUt: K Han. ateo of Uaylon. arrlred Moo attended were; Mlm llojt of Monroe.
Prank K. UsrtuB. lodlanapolto: Mr day. to occupy hia roiugt ua ibr Mlta Jaoepblae Oralllck. Jltii Cbarand Mra. O. W. Bro«n. Hia. Beulah
loUe lagrlf. Spaulding Friedricb. Mr. Detroit .
Brown.'Chloaio: 41ra. M. C.
Moouguc. Miss Joteptaloe Carrel Clevelaad .
of (be bouilBg pantea
Mtoa Franeea BrmflBon. Hiat Beatrice irUhienod by tbe wind etorai Buuda.r. and Miss Margaret ilolHdny of Trav •daw York
S.-a«don. Mra. Oua. R. Bn«dw, U. toi all got te aafe.
ne City.
C. Biafldon. it.. Branatoa.
Mr. Uarr has buushi Ue touauh.
Hbekerman. Cbleaio:' PraA M Bald­
wbhh formerly beknigod
Bihtef UUa tnn.
win. Ctdunibna: WOUam R. Jrrlae, L.
Mr. and Ura H. O. Wrt^t nnd Hear, (or hto iwp auia. Howard and PfRaburg
C Beker, Cotamtoa; Mr. and Un. r. and Mra B. B. Van. of_____ _ WinUrtip. who will oUer It luto Uc Fbltedelpl
Obaa. H. Btoart, Bwanston; Ante Hr- Mich., hare been ooeopytefl a cotuge eomliig races and bope to uhr tbe Clnrinaati
ua. fall. The
Crea, Howard C. McCren. Satan MeUe' tea lor tha laat (aw e
Th« mibWMUal men Iwhiiidlt.
Cran. Wabaah. lad.; loto Btepbenboat to a jphed craft.
Mr. Wtlghfa aeoond a
Jiapuito: Horrla a Thura-'
. Tha notoaU at (to Ruahuore the
saya that after rWUng
lu repuuUnii orpnigreaaiveiMn.
to: Mra. Henrr Held. OHve lx ercry lake la Ue region, aw
past wtA are; Mra'Ofpto aad ntoce
r* Fraud Man
lu spirit of accommodation.
wuo < Ue III
MelA Grand RapUa; C. P. BcbmJdl.
wMh BUrcr toko ter Ud and Ura- BtWbin and' nle« BUuheU .R
... - aplrUod team. IIARVKI
•KU.'B CO.VDIto: Hr. O. 1-rtfkto, Janet- •plendM Bahlto‘nONTOtVDER puts spli
riOe. la: Hits C. J. Dearton. Miss
Ur. John Booa and Fred May of •Mtoa
(hat to nm down aod la poo- coodl
OcUa Oaatinra. ladianapafto; Ura. 3. Grand Ru>Ua. have beea at Ue lake IVedoeaday.
tea. Pul a mile la tba food for a
U. Thomaa. Uarten Thouaa. Tolcdu: lor Rre ^1. apd itoy oeat back
The OM Mtoaloo Ytoir chib hUd few days.I
N. GhNOoe. J. MUBfler. Chlcaflo; V. Grand BAplda. mv two hundred: Its eemad ncatu Saturday. The re 'he fr. BM
I'tsh. the ,wat berotoes emoolb
H. Allen, wife and am. Mto 3. Diam. pouada of bteck bnea. forUclr Diesda Bull of the race was Ur. Xltoben a Arm
aad rtewry aad tbe rao down aal .itil
Kalamaaoo; lack DoUfl. St. Paal. They cialm that they never had sort boat. Brat, aad Ur. Reay’a next. Tbe
atoms U« vigor aad apfrit •
Pries »•- •• •
Alton tod trouble aad was eompelled
A large no'iutor of parttea.from Ue to wlUdrnw during Ue Uat Up. while Drag Stare.
Uere waa too mu« Wiw-iko-«Hte
near-by lowna have been atoppfng
Tttttte and Beta ai os. best wiBier
Ue Inn for <ihe etcelicni flab dlnncra Icnte.
II.M per ij.
I GeraMlne and Olirn. teFVidsy the Omeu baseball tesni I
are cerved here.
goher witoi their tva d
mtteg te play UM Mtotoa ato w»
lad.; and
are plaatdDg to arengo oursdret tor
ra ragtoterod at ■Goua«c IndJana'
K sei-oral aceks
ped at Cedar Lodgw darlag Uo week.
Scaue reiT Bnc catctica of toss arc Boating to very popalar at all Ur ba.r
being unde, tot ao for Mr. C. J.
' oa Ue eaai atoi
and wife of Wltehlte. Kam. haUa
Tbe rcfluter top occntreil at Ue
iho rwoerd ter baaa. they haring Lodge Satui^ evonlag. wbleb
_ . eatoUy
largely aueaded aod mueb wjored
by aU who wet* preaenC
The Brat ragtdar toll garni
•hteb tbete-are tira each year
morrow hetwoea NorUpoit
bate te the now Atwffl Uomotla: aBU.Nartbport Polat teams. The oat-'
Chapel M Sunday. Dr. Cbarlw Stnart MK to awaiiad wiu laureW
Is wbat OBC needs Ibese cool days
road the aerrlee. and Ztoaa Harry, of A part)- of four Babermen returned
Here's just the,Underwear you want—just a little heavier than the thio
the GUreraHr of OadnaUl. dattrwr- from Baas tekm'wiU it large
ed Ue addreas of the
gauzy kind-just right for. the cool days and Early Fall wear. And just
Thto laka to wiUta easy drtrteg dtoOa Bonday erentng a company waa tanoe «( Cedar tedge.
because we are clearing away stocks we are offering these seasonable
gaUerod at Ue toepItaWe tome of Nkbigaa people regUiered a
garme&ts in nearly all cases at reduced prices —
Dean aod Ura. LuUte. and fli>o>ed dee are: C. BoilU. Muakegoa. tv
aa tetotiual aong-eertlce and pracUe- 8. FUler aod wife. William PriUet aud
Mco’s Underwear
cd tbe mualc ter the
Graod Harea: George T. KcaLAOICr MEDIUM
.wn^ut. WEIGHT
MEN- UNDERWEAR In ecparale
ric«. which will be oa Ang. tPU.
Mra lleury Held aad Olive ilel-l.
wESTte wtth or wnthevi sleeves,
Nicpr «OWN8
at 29c. 3fc and 49c.
The pewi for Ue ctape). wbdb
high or tew neck, wsrlh 29c ■ gsr
tar., beeo glreu by Ur. Gw. V. I*erkmerit, at Itci
MEN’S UNION stllTA spaeialat
lot of Grand Rapida. will be put ia
S9c. 11.20. Hto. etc.
totora Ue dedteoUm.
VE8TS. wrenn 39e and Me. at 29c.
There to atlll a aeoal] deBcH to tbe
LADIES’ PANTS wttft Kgnt cuff
shiru and drawers. Ml Mylta and
tolldlu fuBA and any aabKhlpthia
or lace trimmad knee or ankle
r apart of Uo
sixea. at 23c.
For boya. apodal at 49c.
kogth, worth 3Se and 90c. at 29c.
toward Uut pmpoae will be rery wri Maay oftto «
and may to aent to Oeoim f.'. •kill u dirtag aad oUtr wanaUr teats
and 49e
Hytaa, worth 39c a pormenL et 23c.
Buuy. at Nenhpon PoteL
It to a ton Uat most of Uo oottagImagtec a tten taoM of yawr heigM
A torse Intox tf new---------and weigm parfoeUy Stud te a 8ne
•etecied Neakuwaata on aeeonat
nooBcl OverAtrts \itSim BlaBkela
eeraat. WowMdrt yow w«ar that cotv
SOc a garment, at 3te.
D<n*l Yon Let This debts baa BUed Cedar todge to caps- of lu baUteg advaaucca. The Beach
oet Vow'd know howt well ye«w «g.
etty. The toteat rcctoUnlioM are; to aacqaalted la Nortbera Uiehigaa.
wrw Iwoked.
CiALS in terpt Mxa s4
a. toudou. Marloa. Ohio: Mra F. aad to auch that womea and chOdrea
toehabla coUor mte Franck < ~
KA80. -tto U*w Model Corwot.Slankata at only toe and
St-29, at sec.
i'aaipan. Grand RapMa: Mra P. J“y rate? the water te ptw^te
wlH girt jreu aka«ly tMw rctvtt;
SI.IO pair.
TOE PIACECUtocd bnd eoD. Imitanapolto: Mra aafei}. ii u an ideal water raran
erory Oto of them, deaigned by eaPANTS, nrorih 15c. at Sc.
^ . ‘Dlliiti’ 'at »lto aim S2to.
P. r. Sargoant. Mr. and Mra fames tor UUdran. who actaaBy Opato half
>1 »A^L»
rr>A V,
F. Bargeant. Mrs. Bdmunda. Mtoa Ua Umo playing te and about Ue
a lire model.
•SCp $1.19 A 1.44
c. all of Omeaa; Ura. Jamea whtor. wfth tto uaiml accompaaymg
' A lira model Of yeur toigM tod
wam» aad tamlly. Wahaafa; James anilcty of Uo parwota.
eottan Riled and tted wRli'
^gM In wood ter tto eoraot pow
T. KendaJL Grand BwMa; Hr. Prank
Twaato ii a popotar
_____ __
E. itertoe. Mr. and Mra O. B. Brown, Rhoden. Whltaman SmlU aad W. fe.
and S1.44.
and Mlea Beutob ftvwn. ato H. Hack-' Minor of aaeiaaait and KaR Ji


BESX flour"

oruy Oi:j Age

..“T r i

!i si






Jrt <amT;s£ Sb'l&'s









•* Kabo ** .Corsets



52.STS??.'4.''SS2XS :


-.-------- — .rjte.-r




r**t **»A#*s*sArs

nriw»irt tarn VlUteMMuJ ^

Acw0 v^re pmaa^t
ayt Tb<r
s » ) oor. RimOar to
koi4 low vicelless
tbi ;*owv »'"««
ie*B CRDipiwlI aBd./atnU; n>oK>
Wr4«e«#v .|o TWt.O^r pwrou. M-.j
Ctiaiinu CaAl>bcll «Hd UmOf ttr <«
!d todajr to ■>«•< »
■ampbell tunxu TVr tar* 1««
las at Trararae Cltr «bS Ura



; .


Mn. Vtotct pariDs and tUusli
or. Barre oily the niebter nM
jRIlti, *fo Bpe%dlBC a few waoka

................. i.«udaacu
aUo«-tVr« matt wmiaai M^rtooa'a
.lyiuy KMaar had U.. wMXorW
to hare Ua Sasar rat oS hU riskt
band. whOe vorklus at a mill
Barker (’rack.
Archie MoniaoB retuised from
visit ai Rapid OUr. last Pridtr.
}ra Me -boaela reolore ■


JIlClL, *06. 8.-J

tUaeco flrlK spent the ercnlBS. Jal>
]<uC at (lie boine ot Mlocrva I{t>rr
AU S-rlx acre dresaed In buja ssr
Urs. Umita Taalur^clanied hooi.’
dw WIUIuuslHirE last hVMiy.
where she has tiueo raapberrjias. and

U. ChaoHniM U proparins U> hare
I pew bouao erected Ihia Mtinacr.
kira. 8,'Plucker went to Boctiey.
br- her frandttoUicr
* ** * * NMBd a trock vlaltliis relallraa
► Tomi nver brMse.
Cara UorTtaiMs lotuned to
b<mie nwr Rapid CItr. BaUrday. 3Jia.>
Charioue Mmro coiar with bar.
Rsde si Pontiac, esma Wedoeodar
Damhy and India «•
nlS^ (or a rialt vlih reUttres.
•pendlns a (ea weeka at the Innh
AIk» S^ Lndla Bonn retarrm: bome.
> traelt's vlalt
11w CKnnera' picnic will InT beU
baraday, Ancuat IS. in Uray'a cruve.
U Caa'apd (amUr aprot 8anda>
Taryene Isvltod U) aU«bd.
%'s la.Ncrtb Miluw.'
The W. P. M. a wimt to Trmvor^It Batnrdar in Trar
Oily. Thurada). nod haU a ineetiiu
vttb Mrs. John (*«a. a tuomber »f


Inc «t »U
Mr. and Nra. Porrr Hopperyca^^
at the heme ot Hr. and Hra. \\\

and <i«r. eenalftlBs ot AUie Tlbbiup.
.SeUe Brackett. AsUey ^y. Lllpi
Clark and II. Rodd}'. ara lUins Uw
Indian Klllad on T
Near Rochelle. III., an ln.lfaMi wei(t
>n alec|> on a lallrood track and war
killed by the law espreaa. He natl
ior hi.H carelearjieaa witb hU lUe. Oft.
_ when
en li'B
that way
and cold*. Don't ritk

li' 5^ Trfc

*’ rent a denserDDii tfaroat or .004
(rODbIC. “It comiileTelt cured nie <nT«
' E. Bwfcahlra. Vl.. -and
B. O. Wlanlr >oat,A vwtanMa
on Toaada} oMhia Foek.
Jj. a. WatU-na^dii: xTm. -VoTi
flittMaealhm till I hemn to nw
t Kl^a .Sew Ufc Pills, wbicb I hare
A weeUnK wai held hy Uw Gleanen resalnad 1« potwHa in wnirai ihat l
toand an exeaUaai remeily." Kor an; :edaewUy. at the Gmnse ball ft
rbfeb a Blpte orsanmer waa praaeft
t all UniRpltis ot Tmrerrc
and oicanised a «c«nty (Merdtion.

Watch for the new Cigar
|S>e ol *» dikeimA Me >



'TDUmoiid J-^lOc
Gate PoS-iOcI
Bmadiopt Hsranai45c
F. K. Smekas-^
TiaVene Belie- 5c


We^ Fbctory SiAtf

W.O. W;
W. O. W. ic

«Hh bin mashlna saada elptra. >pcnd
' the city annually, na campamd
ih Mb harnc mamrfactwmii,
•haut to amti wiin (anOilea. many of
mhm wpm ham in tba efty, awn thtir
hame* and buy all thtir naaaaaHli
MA harm aa wait as aardrilHd
aubrytnins that will make Tra<
OHy a *«aed teday and betted city ta>'

Cits. Ahm >«M

Tk« New ic agar


ne Onr V QmlHf


Sc each
Jiiifi MwAKd

P. He
the best 5c



IIIE.I-Uh. MrUel^ 212 tr. M St TmtOr

Wc bvlict unmgly ia the fall m a caml
paiziag trsMo a«J urgt yew am «o pvt dm
lab ei till next .ptiag.
W« aim faelim ia tbe tplra^ *alac af

and dmaktrr. UUh 'Mpl^ aMteS.
Uoada. from Omaha. Nab., to diwnd
tune with rclaUvei .at tUa,

Fred Carter and (amity o(
Tmrene City are onla.vInA’aa outtap
at VW Lobe. Ur. Cart«i'»aa a itirremedies and pamaUrwt mtf; tmstor ht-rc and bis niany fiimiU
arc fiad to bare him with M apala^
ni0B-«ra tea4-«o npoei the enite
aystaOL The eoaUaatkm of alnpfe
laxative herb, with pepain. kaowJ'S
Dr. CaWwWI a Syywp Pepain. and aoV
hr dmadaU far Buy ceau a botUe. »< o •♦•♦♦«« «♦♦#•»»♦♦
Cox'a Conii'rs. July XT—Mrs. Bertba
i feoerallr naed to correct
---------- Bbd bowel tnmble. It U mild Harrlastea and rhlldrra of Omt
e nelsbliorvIsHlas old Irlcu.1* la ibe'
naluralTy and easily, .vet mont.^ae- beod.
Urs. tin I'mse lajured btT ruol
nalte atwely by a (all 00 Uunday. ‘
and wenid tO.e a fnOB Moodat.
Mra. K B. r#Bl1. Mr. nod
smne t>rall and child an<l Mr. and
Mra. Wllilaui J lleanlc o( Traverse
City, aceomiupiicd by Ulss Umrodr
Spracoe of ijo» Antelt^ VpiC
eaaday with Mrs. 9bl^ ■and J.
Uatey at Hill Crcotta>m.
U'-DB MaoiinoB.. wUh
wiin Ur.
Mr. Haney
itaney and
olber (rleotl^ 1 ent over 10 the Manera. or tUa commanlt). eeinc one da, latec river Buatlay'
day^rier boekirberand brlnsU«'boiae (our buabcla.
riea. They report
•n iMod pk'kibs. and
Four or ia- youD« moai of Ac_ . l.ynn plckrd onet- and a baU iMubelt
ent cauutikc f« one weak, they be- aa cvklence.
ins Aaa,Roddy. WUIred lUnnv, Arto
Mrs. McHiide of Grand RapIJi fa
Reid aid! llarrf Dewey.
rlfltlnh her parent*. Mr. nnd
The .Mlaacs Georda Kcaon
lUipb Krelser. She la aceonif
by her huaband'a atawr.
Ulai Bditb Samroebi -U sUylny
ot Rate* aurted tor their
aDomer cacatloB a-bik mme wOl atoe with ber sUter, Jlra. I'eoae.'Ter
a* AUi-n. Lone TlW Pulnl. CInm Jif>- day*.
«r. Helena and will alao visit Maude Several (amlllcs. Ineladlng the HMini and Frank l.e660tt't. Warre^
. Mia. ayde liuscie haa sone to rialt Horloa's. Spanplera and Harrlnstons.
her mother. Mra. Iluibcn ot Han
Cropa arc looking well atnev Ibe re'Miao epnie Uchty and Cbaill*
ark ’attended
I at Trav- eal rain*.
The alOfiii on Sunday was •
eracpU)\ laat Saturday, ami reported
•cverc here as In many nearby loraiIt -Sitra .Otic.
Harry Murphy. Alik Ttbbi'ta. iot- itJes. Hall was reiartod from aome
but none rod lierc. There la
tlc and Man- StJtet, uUnoded drctts
BB abuadanev of red raspberric*
at Traverse Clc>-. July IS.
Mra.« Grace FionUc and dauebter jear.
The Indies' Aid suelHy enve a
Nadi, of Detroit, aro rWUne nda
oeasfDl luc ereani km-UI al the M. B.
VC* tt’Acnie sad lUba.
-Jack ' F'airbank* li worklae fur church OB Saturday evenlaa»
;cbarlea Smith «a ebauSenr.
Ura. U. Claraool and (fully a
vlsltlni In Baxter and Aooe ior
couple weeka.
There waa a aurprtee on Hair
Given. Saturday nlxfat. to cekriirate
ber alxtceotb birthday.
limcblnsoii. Kas. Aux. J —Al
Glen Silver made a flyitut trip
Trav-erpt city laat Saturday, return liminary ineetlra hero today plans
were (unued to l>old a staic-sidc coninx home In need aplHu.
(arracc ot tanuer* to aaBlil la ercat
OhidyB Brown baa fiuoe to UImI
lag lEimwM la the
(or the aanupcr.
Leonard Hckaic dluvd with Ruby Mk«n ifi- the IMAM
kw bbd the various (anuera\ orgaoBUtee laat Sumlay.
ixalktas to ini^av the prosljictl
Illy and Lum BaiiBOp nUepdel
J or the aoii.
chnr<*> Aone. laat Sunday.
Il^rr dlM Mo pnlplt (or Ucv
W. A. Ei). laat SoBday.
MUt Georgia Dobatm ia rtalUng
c riKtrtc bant to be uigd far
ber crandmotber. Mr. and Ura. J. Dobgpurposam
M and aiac uncle Gna.
The Udie*- AM aoclely win mpet
with Jlra. W. staata. Ur. Laanlii ••(
Travetae City win alao meet wub
■ha ladlcB and take Meir plcturra.



and oigc yeu fe am it tbN («11. Nehaoct
paiumade. Kabwrvviewiepdm..
Cense tn tad let vu tril yaw why •« be>
firm ia the iall aad «■ B[./.



There it « break in the price ot field feedfi
to it is ioposeible at this time to ^ve the price
that they will be later. cApeclatty^tlmoUiy achI.
Just at the present time the Timothy is 56a50
per bjshel. Medium and Mammoth Clover are
$15.00 per bushel each. AUsyke SI54W. Crimson
$1000, AlUlfs $13.50. Orchard Qras.$28$.
The chances arc thst by the time thls%d
reicbes you soipe of these seed* will ba lower,
w either write br atop at the corner of Front
and Cam streets.


Cornu Fronl k Cam BUeoU.


♦ ♦♦♦•AAA-A •««♦♦♦«•
Mapletitt. Aoly SI.—«|« RlTlretia
Mnor ot Grand RtpMa la aptadlng
■irw day* with Hr. and Ury. Joba
■dward HeUla of loola called on
UMbAgd4ieM«t weak.
OkkaiMb omO Vktor .HmUmti. who
hbve bee* ptcklbc cbarrilvt (or An­
drew and BMidKa CaraMk left (or
Itaelr home (a HaMoB Mtinday.
Uls* Aaaa Kreapa la werUax lor
Ura. A. P. Carroll.
Ura. MlOer waa called to Orawn
Sttnidny by Dm HlMaat ar her aoa.
All arc slU to know that Urs
CobMEC and
,Urdl# are on
the Ehta after I
KaWt nearly t
Mra. Charlea ImrAt- U on tbe nick

Smoke the itricdy

It Pays to Pamt '
in the- Fall

'jsAtttSB an,

MON. AUa 12


Me. Rabinovttch
M A PMt St.



Lora Lake. JaD M.-llr; a
Bart JeMlnax of Tram
ed at Wni flcrcb'a iaaa
Ura. Ualtle tVHbotn hud daugbier.
Oeatrlee. of Kalamptoo. bv vlrlllra
reiatfrea al tbla piam. Mr.nhd Mra. Jphn AdaiM drove rat
from Trarbrar City Uaf Saiordai Vo
TMt their daBgbiei-. Mra. Benmid
Ura. Adaui ruualaed

me WlMMs”

Oa Van l^nw
K yen feaili.- bees (beHna Un«

Tb< il«d’*ht£ia^

^taat repana from the Belds <
barta are to the effect that Wheat.
Oat*. Barley and Flax give pnitnlae or an abundant ylald. Kaliv*
have beea aoficleM and aff groins
nar# advaaced rapidly. There ore

tf niUlN kem IMtf Crsp
KaHroada are iiaH] and
ia all aetlled poRloaa.
portaue time lor getting
till* geuereus pradUrloc

Thr <ip
suiim- 'of
laud Is

CanraUn u> Inspect tbe
laads- Apply for Setikr's onlScat* lo'rbe undersigned fanodtsu
Corerament .kgeni:
'C A. I iiwlsr. btorqoaae. Mich.

Am and Irr^lus'^ainThd' ___
yra taelTnah. vMBrona and chaarfhi.
Prtoo a eta. SoB br AmoHran Dira

Sts* ‘ -----------


. ft


,ifo tnr ot WOT.
nra two thxnga overUeFaHly
at war. lor a>« pHea. Bm Bncktaa'a
rttatbu. Uflammailon wr swdUhxg. U
give* eomtirt. Invites Joy. Creatcet
hewler ot bams, b«|b. nIcOTa. rata.
seam, arakn idniplse. nbti
M aM d*ne-1


re thd lat^ hrararad mntyaadmaitg£nrair» Bgywafk




smira aU TbiHig
Flit EiklUtiw


llial uw




Oxfords and strapless
PSn%7.5ui>|‘ .v«ty-


per pair.

's ttio nod KeoTanRuaaiaCeir
pv^e* Strapleaa Pump $1.69 Mm
Oxiotda. Gooditaar wek, rope Mitch,
uid COM,, .
nobby 1912 footwear. You
can t help amilliit when you m fi'o
only pay. per pair..................tCwIN)
Men'«« Ton guaela Calf Oifonh. '
DreesyttylN,joodaerviceable9 »
Askipr TbCM.
footwear, sale prfce; per pair.<fo>w4
Men’a 12.90 Tan Oxforda, new, MyliMi
modela. good wearing aoles. Special
while they laet,
. no
j T»'«ia
per pair................................ J.e90
Nickle plated Safety Pins, size
Men;a black or tan Elkakin ahoes with
2, 2)i and 3.
Three cards tor....... ...W
*2S0vSue,now.................... lo98 Large ttze 200 count cabinet
Men% black Elkakin Shoes with leather
of assorted size Hair pins,
plain and crimpled.
'. per pair. $1.25 and j
per box.......................J VC
Akin«liiiNlwUlcSlMe Ocucr REE
Four-strap, front pad, military
etyle Hoae Snppmtdrk. Uadt.
white and colors,
25c value...:..........
Manufacturer's sample line of
Hand Brushes, mostly solid
backs, natural and ebonized
2Qr* *“*■
two-ply Carpet,
backs, values up to 25c.
regular 40c grtde.
4-9r p®** yvd for atrfcUy AH Wool
“Crown” Wire Hair Pins,
strai^t or crimped, ebort.'
medium and kmg.
perpabkage............... JC
Manufacturer's sarairfe line of
Tooth Brushes, good f
1 7 85
“ <25.00, Axminsttf
fine bristles.................iVC
I i^GsJ ^ made in beautiful
Floralpatfcrna clich,high pile fabric, Fish-eye Peari Button. 16.16.
that gives excellent wear.
20 and 22 aizes, suitable for
shirt waists and chiWren's
Conqdete line of housefumtahings
dresses, 10c value.
Cof ail kindsat apeeial prices during this H>er
card......................... OC
“Hropy WeA” sale. A viat to our
FoiMture departmMt, second floor, will 50c Gloves, sUk. and lisle . .2»e
you, if in
ofany himiturei 25c Gloves.... .11c




Mtn Sirias 1M Mte

“^|IW»y Week’ Fuj^ture Bargains


32t tSSJiS^



•nistiN tm^hvEAK at
. Hitfi Priced. Lace and EmbrcHdery Floance, MnsHn Petti­
coats. the finest prodott rf one
of the largest manufocturers in
the country. We have too many
and must move them quickly.




“Happy Week*' Dry Goods Specials
Po»i ive.S.T
n8* Iihrt will bring Sdrilw
ywr F. c .B;djQ
a J' jo / to yow ______
Punes. Reap
Smi’irJ your *M^ieg
* now.
Smi^'ng aid-* do
Tine Lawns and Batistes, in stripes, 36 inch full Bleached Mnsltn. 10c vaJne
figures, dots, ctCT^ 15c and l6c values.
the yard............. ........• -7}C
• Happy W«k ' only.
pet yard ............ ...................... WZ
Ught Shirting and Dretts Cailcota. in
Silk Stripe Voiles,___,
fancy Jacquard,
grey. Black and Pine
barred and crepe dbets insllkmlxPer yard.......
tures, regularly aeUiagdtt 50c to 65c. .Tine Floral Curtain ^rnlne: Bine aSil
^Ppy Week" special
Tan color combinations for Dtnss
at, the yard ................
and Curtains. 12Hc value
Per yard......
Light grounds Madras, in stripe, dot
and barred patterns, suitable for Big lot of Ribbons in Black, White and
shirts, shirt waists, etc.; 1.5c
folors, widths 22 to 100: make nfoe
quality.i>er yard................. aVsC
Hair Ribbons, trimmings, etc.
. “Happy Week" S^al the yard
Choice of oiir 16c Galatea, in light and
dark colors,
a A1 ^ Bwtifal Ribbon in Dresdshs. Strides,
per yard ..............................



Y|^ hM snl MB


Underuie^ and Hoalery $peclab
Children's Black IBbbed Child's colored knit Pants,
Hose. 2 thread heel and solid and striped colors,
toe. sizes SH to 914 Aj« Botton-holed waist band,
"Happy Week "sp^alVC to fit children about 4 or
infonts Socks, plain and
10c value^U
cofflbinaUon colors 4 4
15 and 16c value.. 2.2.C (Limit 4 to a customer)
Per Suit............ZlC
Manufacturer's sample Big Une of Ladies’ fine
line of children's colored Lisle .iGbbed Vests, low Children'. Knk UnderHo&e in pink. ligM blue, neck and no sleeves. la« wulnafoil taped, double
white and red, fine silk and embroidery trimmed. button at wa^baod, coni
lisle, regular25c 469^
and ceniteitSfo. ufantbretaileiB, per pair.. I9C
to 12 reure. etch .TTrWe

SfafSr* -fop


“Happy Week” Offerings you Cannot Afford to fllss
Lots of other Bargains not listed here.

For Sntt Case


ih steel frame
Brass tripimmg

Jackets wocth

You’ll Smile at th ;se Savings


_iy 50 or 65i
■$ and B(^’
the Store.


$1>98 |19c


For $7 Sidfs
For $8 Suits
LFor $9 SAits
F,i(bt!:?.d diS’sienr'"’'

ForAlO Suits
For $11 Soils
For $12 Salts
Ofood an
M»a MM«(c

Mil wllorwa.
MM'a M Yawng



llor it.S« Sails
Nor 14 »8 Salts
Por 16.50 Sails
^ Bare are AU-Woel


I —nkT

«.“ t


' latr r.. int bMu htote i

1 tb* kxM
I dar
•nrcurr. M«r enuc. IBM wUc* be had pack- Moae lata tha (
a tha
tfea SaaBr^iV. ta
aaai raa a rapan
rrpan tha
tba ad fba afiaraaaa
aftfniGH batara Thai a«aM
A^l Maa'aat vrtttaa ta
ia aaad
abooi. Wa ■
'< ata« a aiaila •
♦ aUha Ooh (ar a la«c Ua». I aid •» <* 'I*** B»oihT Wa totad w hara aaka a tea aaaaarl Ahonhar. lUa
Thay h*.. ._
__________ _____
^ Dmr ITaaiatai—

tha t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦44444 # 4 -ri»a w*.


**k*« hold aCka far iba whot.

Palai Baaeh «m tha abai bamthU MiTtat tavard atvoaiia aSdaa af Ua

iolaad U-. Snaablaa CTah. b«i
-cbool «,™o,aara. .a
ilM. aad aa ^baaai toWBaa —— -——
f do am <
aner a raacteailu bec ar tve. My •»* > »▼• ■<
RabtB toppad laautirair am tba
to efta.
.................... .. .
pSa«a at haaa that uptiUad iba rtjw •••'• ■ *«•»•
«•» "*
I »«» «» «ha
4 .md abMt Mrtblah.
•**« Tbaadar to Saptambaa. It laenihtoi at ihb aato naattoc- My

I 'adM tf« ia to aa baaaa aa I ♦ !«■*•»•!•
♦ aaa
4 Olah« hi hit QlIBna
_ __________________________
yiw Tbatauh apd Froam t1torto«b. vtah
« aeboal. and ahoat
♦ to
oaarty tamhtod''Mkw^ aad toat bU «*
•»« ««>
fontme,. 1 W Wa tto Saublae^ wm yea

I «4 ttaa 4a JUehl^a

ha had ,« (aaad I. lha Soath. laaa. ,*ab»a apraad hi. «l>o. Tba
a*< ara«u to )»t Iba f
a tor mm I
th^ ••, bw
ywdto. oto«tototha.taa:«b,to-.thay
aboai tba hated
aald.ho waoU ai4to4a ibatr .toth am hia
"P to tba Cnsta P»aca vhirh
Ith hit Bad 00 a«ay. aad tba ladv bird «ooU
nt™ih thmh. bad toU to a,f,. I. ... tha a.»T tbtoc ba
hin »t rUltlac tba yaor batera. Poio- eoaU 4a.

t ^

. N«M Vawt ralha I

♦ «-«

•eald llba ta taa SobidIi City ahd
Plaaaa oand toa a hatto*a toat olaa. I vUI rtoaa.
4 —■-“
4 ^



4 Vutat nobto coald.raeaaar hlaaaif.
^ tall erar baad ba totoblad eC totojha
aa bla
ba tall. ptoMd thara
half a aaroad. tbaa top! ow! rlfhi-


a SahsUba Qab to ladtoaa.
Ballalra. Utoh, B F. D. No. t.

It vas to taaby that year PrMdaht


aiPtot-aato tor Botohtoar. Tha o«lw. of opr
-a." ha paac^ to aay. “Bight toto ar# aa Wtowa: I am rrarldcai. Wla


rid aad a k
ha 6aa*


toitoto taibar •■ Tha

mniUv^ ^

7. A

siJr.rr'. “er:"



tore tba Idrarrai matbar ,to

JAy t1, l»lt

Baar ba-kc!. „n
. „AAA.
. aA. „ C.. .A .T..A A
htotbar. ahatMa^ bad Baby Robta. torda aad choaght tba« ix^ pamy.

« 1. 1#lt 9.W.

ito toft Bad mrad oW mar or
^ ^


aoBatblai uDaxpadad cam up lo laa.rd auolhar traa. tar Itol -oaM
-aba biB rk.ato bto Blad. ba aouM bavr Wao aura da..h alrb ttoto poM>laai a parmaBaat rottaga tola ba- ar-toiaks tookJaa si bim—il___ _ __


•Ma^p acMB!

Btoft Vtoa

tsoaddiya. daarta.- b*

aaif had fallaa 4eh wtib rbaaaatei
«. SSU't
**" ** *"*
ariaelad aad Mt
IllfS mbtrUTa^S^ “toTtJ

*M hatm. -a. «rim «« «*«• thw
-<teft-,«iJr oatll tha paaartoteto n <0*711 ta^ ITftlr,
lias toarhy. aldrs. It «aa ibara hla eeosto had dla awv. ihaa harry t
Samk A
__ . ..

0 Bat My toaar U ■
■o I «U1 atoaa.

Raar y
aw. year Antuhlm.
Cryaul A Uha.
aadar tba torfc at rariato trcaa. Yaa. the
__ traa.
Ekaaer Snlth.
• tor# a rapott of your Palto Baach waa daeidadly tba right
Bat wbora do
bato tfM) yoa
ItMt ~o »~11« TIkt.™
An A .
bn*. a1
No.\„ nn

.44444444444444444 **

agnaatto eetod ba had tbaaa. aad ha

*•« af twlani Mada tod
------u!l^r^b!li ^

^ gatoTaa. to^JS^ mdT ton iCi «d, h^^^






tMfl aba OMtoimr to

^iBaalf Although uid
, yfar^. hr kwir all bI

' “ JAa. I. Vin FAM...,


tor Jark'a
i-k'a aoMrv
rvMrv bad
aad aa mU


. .1 .A AAtA^nr. :rrA«;'"“^

a Iba povar-atkka a

U AaAa4J~I,»HA. a „r» .i. Altk a. aa ,77a



*“"•«“« —A . A « A-

Aad. do yoa kpow. boys aad girl*;
' MCW glKHVKItt.

h«« Wadaaaday.

vhae yeor Praaldaoi raiaa to ihtok It


I *ni teaa mi-tookiug Blhdu urn ablah Aao ,b«ir ..a.*



aa. iuaai,

a flaraely

____ .


.. .a'


aa tooltbM toad..


Mtolto Ua. Baai# CUy. MtoiL. B. r.
____Na. t MBaa «n» by ~

fhVtoM Thrfplot, Abdray

Anal Iraiia bai poBatWbg to nay
Bi about birds. Khali oa lat bar uih
nora- powT

taaiad Ptpaa Themtea. Bapid CUy.
& F. D. Ko. C. Nainaa aaat by
“■ ^


n—r SuBahlaara—
qaa af a. A^a beard aad oibara

™ nm

' a rapan at tha Baatlag.


btoWto* ittoy raraly rtott aay b« tha


,b., b, n. I. ..s n.1 Am. A .m «m«M bAn.

to* up to tha top aad peatad do*p to- i,
|p ,
|^ob AfAn.

h^w htor*than
______ ___ BOLL.
_____ wortd,"bw*BtoW
—----------------- —----------------------

B. R A Mo. *. Matofa aaat by Cry*- *, j, rary bigh.

,1, bU ,n. .n

Graelp Dod)«ii.
are Had to kpo* *bo tba omWa a«
ran or 7««r Club are. and vtU ratoy

,m,b„ .bA


MA. Wh. aUra. Ha had parer aaao ting too thick, aad ibai ihalr il-a
hayataig, or toawd tfewtag oa wa. VooM am ootito,
•. f. t


**' ’*’*■


Tou toouid .Ihlek it Qiitta miaetora ®"'

.A, A A ... U» Kb...

ji^.T.zzLr.jr..:zz Lvtjs;™bSr£S

-Tbi. to tba qaaarBat go I arar ^ ,a
WTi.t dyoa aaka of IL BOir ^‘r»2r hu

Md ih«-d44aoi
Soddaolj thara *M «
.•:Oaaaft-stotoos tha htPd'a aloBb !Lr
«!«*». ««" »»‘>»r atoag to ehlrp aad toitar. aad tba dalattoto. araty.- auicgasad tba 'dttor- ‘‘im .^.rTT

_______ .

'ho »•" *•>« w* thlag. ware drop- .*aataac plumiitoto Unto tody roMa

.ad *lib ttUht. Ilka toika aoaw-

^ •• idahli



bl. a a,


to pay
pay «Tr
Stb ®r
er laa
wa dtdta
to haar Ut
5^*^. *• y*"” « ptog ..toan or otoa ttartlog toward ha bad arar saan drappad dawa hf“ tlma. daT
^ ^-------• ' -x^b. I doo't iblak .o.” aald tha
^ . graot
Carttoo a
or' hm.b..;. ------------------joo. I iboagbl I mW wrtta a ta* ,6# mib)for tba *lotar. But aw. to ahia blB.
Iblak to.__ss^ tlto whom ba bad aarto am. Thay *#»
* Htopk. aad.TK-bam Aay at* to V
«5'Chatoaa. my msto .j,,
RobiB-i aaoal roadt- toti bmb tboagbiMly. “Voa aaa. ba
baoi^lly WTfttoa aad oe 4a)l taito^
PM to a ooocm at «Udh thay ooly Crystal aad 1 ara .r. goteg attar haf- mtan-a^.' •• tha)'.......................
1 dasanad biBL Ha bad soap IK- haial bo Boch as glrao aa a arratrti:
grsdaid that Mtoa Pa-iioy was praad
«aaIL _a1 -a a
stag two or ihraa thoas aawy saai I*
Ba sto golhg to isba our dto
10 show In bar p^to aad Irlaads
WtoJSaTmdtowhW^to^t atdd iwd hubdrads who Jtoh tlekau m aod^wlU ,tay all ds.r. l so. rteU- tb*y oUared boar«-. tamuia .craaB. soy .Isiar of hi. awo: aad tbit daloty
1 goas. you'ra right.- with
pascoold to'ybBbtd hla owa
•> rto tom Ik harM mo
*“ "**
Bat do yoo arar
‘® •>♦»'
>^o rrasturw. ss crap hl> ubsccSMaiaad alad trewa.
Thao tba
bob-s tsca
adacwtloB. It ba waa oaly la Mr«W
-aad huagariag far kaewladga.
- A- 1


£HHH3i?£^ ES: HEH i~H2rSI Sr^—r^ S™


gtfi to tha main'


lllto MUSta. Liats
: tbsra aad wa bad

nirw it «tr Trgfi-t*^^


C5nr-rr,r" ■
yoa StadwltojldrIrla^^.



MdhAs totoie gVM^ kfUA talto
AB'Aa jratty btrda Adt atag
8pA« to cctatag.-taarty spHag?

I tbtofc n.g .WT pmty
But tba Aaaghi I vlA

to briag (DMt clariy u you liribgl we
AbuU akjoy aad appractoia tba bird


book- for t rtMi

itoid dftaf ta.Aa taontac afr

Ftora Crapo.

nub* I
^^y A aai oA to ba paid alghi
“■ thoanaad doUars for a coacm nor aaA tbtaga.
gay Mlaty gt atl. but only g gtta

to tba rafiws of iha totf. and Jart
*ss bototatad up
llnla. to order to
ba abla to rwd. It was iha only road-

Unantag to iba mndad on iba path baiow. -ibai’t its tag nattar.^ bbd ibai ws* ni A ba*.
la tha uakpowa davs iba tnsB aoBlag
ii wo.lda'i mit. na and ba bad sarad ooa tsluma ua

*«*. W-Babold bo« grata g fra a UtA
matter klidimb * Jack's adrartlsam««i sru Uto livA.- Mias Fpmarw


has barer yai saaa Jaeta bat wb«area ba Is mwikmid to bar. aba says':
arar did for him..far Ufa U brlghlar
staea 'My Boy JsA' aa-a lata

powar-silAs mu.i hava baae grAt •»<»
*< ><»« *« *" sight, it win kill tookad at
,bair half.or- >o" . Tha powar«l.-A ara tHiiilai A.r.

aad aalmaU -are about to «iy daoila. but efaekad hA-


for tfaai

moat thiags from
ba atkA tha wire

oihan:-bu( wbaa being bun. The powarsilA wit aftold birds, thay tl- *r a hawk or sonaihtng
Thay aevar

par aad rriand.fob tba h^pful

woTi aboek thair baods and tookad
I. hni oarer a
Aaw the qogfl. wore.............................

mam lato that
reading maitar

“Jack has dpae more for me tbaa I



fJ« L0M«b

A bfltolde daisy bad opsMd lu aye
paper for oaceod
OB a grmt gansbiar world aad bod
1 wiwdar what Ithall 1

barm rohiag'
do sitar I neish
nei.h tbit papar,"
papar." ibooght
- a.
••Ron'l >0.1 hall.r.
>1,.. any
..r Bora.
maa. Jack.
“ “**» HfS. AO Said tO
ballara >bat
bar aati aaighhor. 1 thlak U la par>
whlsiwra-j aamaatl)
Waaka anervato wbaa MIm Foma- !

lirtla bnBistag Mrd

toy. a gray-haln^ taarbar ;•. a waol-


had saaa wild gaaaa aad dsrka and
wOd. turkey, go to slarp to tba
naaaar. And ihaa eaa tarrlbla day. That’, bow i koaw. H'a Baa to bare boy
Hca Bald qpf
^ Bwitb CtoiioBa.
CtoiMoa. ararybody to iroobia coma to you
yen tor
'I bare a large auBbar of papar*
la tha rice
be had bean with a Bock of bto per- bal^ Joai Ilka iba old dan of Ai«- sad magaztaae for yooag people, aad
ilmlar frlaods. tba hoholloks. or rtca *>r>." an odd ladactton roatag tote l routd enewar that. If I knew h was


bar voica. Than faurriclly: "Bo. It to a real want.- said the lascbar.
Ins. a. I sar. \ir, Itoodfetow
The ■ o>otneoi's tbougbt -p *ni

• n’hat's cbto?" said Ao yeuag dairy
-rtn afraid my ruffle wOl ba oioilrd'
Boon a shadow ba^a to fslk and u.
prbtrh; wondering whether tbli JH^Ing—jus. s little, joa know, go l.r eiiwews she enclosed • kind
the ,lal.y tookad BP over Ao ktltlop
k wo. the wfirt gaeoa
or Ae quail 'O eee'X I cmild toora to like ii— note srklBg lor MBe account of tha


wbesa baaw is to Sooili Caroliaa Ur ibaFoonh of Jul> ie Boyaa City with
bad read about the bird’s both inh. », cousin. Us fVree. W«- hod a

oof wfalibai
Ha bad oarer

and weai out tote .Ao garden uy aca aplaadld use.

mir bU wanderings ibiongh

Wa want to tba dork

a. qnail
Tbarr are iboosaad. of a.
forgotten that tUv. beta «.». you know, and K made lue
dark cor- wild to think of .o tuasy betag

ue rottU get a gUmpse of lUe pato whao AaBiaal cime la witb Ae two erts sad aWsmp., uaiil be bad croatted

—-I autUlCbas-ttal bod baao saytag
Tltoa Ur. Robta. ebaktag oaa aya oa -Hoak: Hoak!" like Uuy ‘gmonamUa
Ao Amrhioo Prostdaot. and being at- bom an tnorolag. tTo dMH-i tea aay
auiad.Abltaka wua toodtag wrtetly m bMs. but be saw ,h* Bower*, aad


Biarr of grass shook, gad oeery datoy
aad buttarcup tossed her hood.

lire bill, .but gray-toUlag ap aad «p

‘!T*b' "Ik*"’

optooUag baA. wbtta Pape Robla oad
ttw tabtow waited d t reopacthU dto-

e^m if^

Jiui ihao a UtUe brecM A*BPd «P
and warn raotitag OTar As Bold.

Toot PraaMaBt had a rail Ala aeab so wa bod lo luwtpooa oor astlag for .joai mod Wrtto falling all shout them. tsM boib hotel, were roll, and that *t* at _
Ae cabin,
'ta 'ta. 1. took a -gfc,
frasi a oew duabaaB. Jack S.Uanar , {«« aiinalas. I .|>aB( iba weak of and ba bad Dert, lerrtded. he knew rebtok ntiai go oa the—Ae blUof-tara toag


a toOA'I always Aiaa.-

girt.’ paper lo Bod loma oa* aiory to'

help bito got bl. tall bar poplta .be ooUead . noi uaf .ba horrid apMar'a roBBon advartlsamaiii: -WsbiA. sac.waaihagrr
wab. an^l ba rall«
.rou__fJoodfoltow. obd-haod ratotog by a crippled ^

bad s lorair tln>e at our nk-slc. July their iSaa.'liad gradnkily enclosed l»*aM.lirk> are trul> after u>
I -as scad a lackage to that address
I wish yon rouW have heaa thaot. aul he bad watched the ap- to»rtas s mia»a nmr the hotel hi.eban
When she made up the paclbge to

How baaatlfuUy oqr Bemad Flea ibara. Wa found a rough table and
Prrotdaai bos axpraosod bar Iboagbt.! ooiiia board nasts out there sod Jnai

oaed •’rotas" lo gat bar own way!)
bod g
totejraly. fluttertog.


to iiimbo yeaiorday. am city. wa. looktag'^rar.a hoy.' and

RoblB, aad two gr«*»«P baby mb- lae't it atoa Itaal aba Ilka. Ip tiali OS tba girls got .eotad ibe boord they -era «ner
Tbee bod come a -hei. I b^td one of-tba i<ower-.ilrk hv>
Tlta hot llrad far (mm a rslltao. dacMad Aay would each toko a with u.7 Wa win aot totgai -bat aba broA to tha middle and they sU slid frl^tanad wstnlag front *s
carelaos »eo iHl another that thay um.t kin mad or expre*. odW. so ibaee *a<
'baih 'lB (A bottawad atooa on tba says.
do«g ta g UttIa baa^■ Wc all toogbed Kottoel. followart be tbuadertng axplo- ime ibotnaad robta. beiora algh.. lie. atu<b debr to tbe anIgwa.
First. MoBUna BUito twho

Aaaga of oMtata. too.

pirt asptinis. iLay bad man lo cart) f'hlP' to «laap ao* "
It ikowI to hr a mluma Alauara
tham aad tratoad dogs to foltoa
“Tbara. ibara." saM Rohla, aOMh- Iren 'rhuMhi.'^^a.klag for rgrtoua
Roabtlaias Rohla 'wandarad bo* togly. Tee ara airiiad, d—- lla was ibliun or Aarltig ihaaka to tba |a-

tbO« g«ardaot to hod mag such aualc m tA Cmdto Roll?
And also iba birds, as ihalr Anasi.
A toag haltopou earth."
aomee of NrtA and Victor Inna. Wa circle of tha power-sticks home bv

adotwtog for bar eonwo-waak rtott wlA
you BaaBbtam Papa RaUa. Mamma

bonds fro* Cbartorolx and Paltoloo. I tron the Carellnas .to ttoorgla. and
baUaro. Wo went up on a big hill, tboaoe Into Ftorida
And It bad
half a mlto bjgb. eoltod’ Old Bound cbnngad bU idaoa ncardiag tha po*Top. Wo want to tba part aod fed ertaick,. Hitlmpo bis .y mparhy bad


■ new on ■> u«n-.s *s . .owe.
sad have heat, warning our -peoHe
ever slaeo ’
R«Wi tookad st bar .tirMtHt
"And dM yoo conw bate re wan.



Ko. I thoa«k< b
Uttla Bpackla Ilka eaesMaa yoo keow. oo W ronaa
Bradsib urm. , , » .
tbay Uka Ranabtay beys nod taili?
Ptagllr Iba mooe was omiuy and
Albert Mkap bn,. dtot’CYtoM to
1A IbM roMa fM ta Aa odg. a( lA Aa etub ib'l. week, sad yoor PTOsl-

«M oat ot oor And.

e An at—a latuigJ


>; lae.
coosla. —aa. bat bad poU ao paftkwtar at- —I tried togta tbarc;
lae. Bat
Bat buah!"

€Aflf4 dA I wwi bsnylH Ala oft- i

. TW wild At wwrs ddUetadt.

-:rw htad’a A ta


for aha WM


»>«• 1
aau her
nee dally
uauy work w„
was so eshauatUic •*.
, ^
sure .l.e
site could not
aba wa* Hire
wrlta to a ,7?!:..- ,k.
- vT t ,il wHr
.traoger: «hne m> rather ••* too
.TTwJ."**JL' take u.
tired, but would wrtta M>»e day. be
alway* promtoed


t|NT onlf admit paopla we Tburadoya, »«cn-ae bad l**a 1-t atptattoo tor deatmaet be wn. m-leg
the Br.t toner ba bad aeor recelvad.
Sunday araatag we went to the a*r mme grrsier rrtme of tbelr own Kill- ' 'Ve.. I *«« you to the gum alimbo Of course the letter roU the siory of
ur B^mr.
rices ta tb. fUrattoe Army laH. I tog tba hoboHek* proved that.
aod triad to roll; hot |be powat-silck (ha (amilv. They hod game to Kaa- toe.., which
a«joeed lAi
lAt greatly.
This wtornlnc Ih- hed
tba heard
and axptodad
bIS sagat-----------------------------sas from an Ohla
bo—a. and..hsd. tskea
u >A
Bat ortoaaOy tt waa daat
daat wtahM
to taka this, way of thank- Wt hart t pat btaekhird tAi wfll loweeatk-A a—rtiw mm -wiA tbelr Tbe* yoe daw to Aa coceonat. and I op a boaeoitad A rortag or pro—I*-

ta^im Mimn m At Pmidow-a mg him.
-ttlA’ AA nta." Aftv moebi



bar on ncafrs. ,t*Ok bis tun ta tba your Prasldeat to quite rurc they oil ,be bear sad raw tba other,sbIMSTs ..oee wub ibaSa* «ctlB* of a ter- me. dearie?" be a*kad. too lotaat oe
At to.i Jack wm- made happy b#
iMnetag wqtoy, Mtag ooi. eU wet Mdad »« tbelr stem to watooma Tbeo oe Monday wa waoi ta the Beu rlM.- sttobk. ttai oow ba knew hat- the tragle pmelMlliles of the momook, kbewtag that a letter had beee iskao ^
and drilling, tovpawiaot wbon Baby mm Into iha Snasbtea nob. HtiWai* tab Hema, bet cooM eot'get ta. a* t,,. Whaterar puetobmani the. bad a. she wa*. to eoilce tbo teem Of ea- eight miles sway to Ball to asswer to

brtmmtac Asia

il2fM^sto to

“taoL otodytaf Car -hat ba hapat

Th. pBpar. as asoal. wa. plaaad ap

I—I bag your pordea

Aaat Iraaa SMaliU.

. jack.
My Bap

Tbara. ihti’s right." s. ReUa

Aldad his

howavar. and the hawks and pan- Tbeei. blushing.
rldga^ for ba hsd seen them fall ha- ' waa In iba .

Ba «m 4ts aMd tfll hto aall to was tat wry- toad of aU out-of-door lU.- to g» homo. I. too. think li woaU ba
'Yli Ao 014^. AM Otar* bs* bacmk ^
creaiuMa. and ha aald tUs. wbtol. sice to bar# yonr pictura at r
I tWak to o rw good aaartimaa. »r #, ,b. Bmhtae page, thara
rrtik I4M
ta «eam **«T cm » canmiit w snemory :
uuto atoea wbo -«ai bom July lOib
*^tal nnsir hast tbeu pro- and wboot «aA Is Alice Margaret
rJded for the aalMe to beoraa. wbaa laoe. WOJ yon please pw her os-a

, i.rrtbk Jusiaas.s about

Fer^A you bar# tewd of Isanr pigysC Wa bare a swiag out there fora tha powarwilck'a axptoslone of and beard ibsi
Waltoo. Ha waa a great BAASMa.oad aA had a swiag before they bad rage. Aad oa h1« Journey touib ba roma re. >

•*«r waa agg Boaas aaoibar n apiaadid Hm*- After tba maaitog
toaaOfm stoBor (braaxt ymr.
we aU weal out iaio tba twra and

..Whea year PresMaM was arraiif
M Lor trpawrttar os At port* this


raoeaniad ta that sleep .pall, lla wa» "rtf Ja tima. bacomtog ran' r*d ss bt saat
rary young yet. sod bad to Cnd om d*d so
"II wsi J^st so accldaot. yen
I wl.h l could *« «a adaaaita..

The i4MAa-«( taea-thrOb matiSy
YeatarM the 'nauAlog Kuosbli
. dto^
’laatHbar (bat arary iinte baby Wid Clab" matai iny boma and wa all hsd


4lTh 'hta' wSar b^M oto poltof bto

•» ta atola tore. tr«B tb. aipek of iha

rwrlhmltoa ihst oppaalad to iba «“'y ** gnitoe yooraair klUod. and
romaotlc sida of Robto'. aaiura sad »<>• “alp ma any. Tb# powar-aUck is
b. bad barer ilrA of going to ib. srsirtaUg no* . Hark." as a footstap

of tha birds


Perhaps aba did!

pM ta wb^.« bolM Aair •« Mt-

IB Aa twglgbt paaaw wbsa Iba day is
■' fdBM ■

•*'. *•

“I wUh. I bad Bora of your
frtopda Bod. It ggisibto
That broMt quail
rtltlto. By blrdla.-ba SOM-rftly.
^ua i. toudy to opodsThal.
tilio to bln.alf.
Robto wstebad Iba* forB.
V.lrarrity Bam•'41iy. ,oa
•'<" an•" huftV
^ aoBc ntoBaota la dgiad wandar. ^
p,, »ntlao pas alary
Jhaa widdaaly It all <&-« to blavsad ,,
, boy caa da'If ba irtas. aad
l■f^‘■ paSr
I to uadanteod.
l-rlekly paor grew
«< aa tada a friaad Uba
‘’‘•''•aaaar Iba path, aad with a qak* bto*
Ii baa (mud rwdr.
'■!'•» -How-aou don’t
or his hill ba brwiaad a leaf aad gathy daltebtad to
'Vrs.' la a tramutoui
•1. *ta awd s drop of tba tok». Tbaa ba 7
datifftai to
soaMhlag. lasiaod of otoays isUag.
« powar-rurk
- So. ao. ao!" a. ba Saw hark .n .
.................. ...............

agpraaaaa It.
•‘‘ou. lo .praod hi. -1m. you Praak II Kwaat
lb I.UI-' w„u.
b ,»* U .1 Iril
qqb, m>, ,q
raaltoed. oad ba ta la a UAalAl
iq^'a! nl-aa! my wlag Isa'i w»n


Dtof you ibtok aba kga* aha bad to
hs Ukaa away aad so eba waai aad

•■'^tar ib. fa*

Rapid Clip, Mtob.R. F. D.So. S.
_ BoxM. July:s. 1912.
tav g»aa( aa^ JAa 'a mWAmd ^ taaie ssl a Aanea to work for

AA board.
Dear ftaagtddat** -

twiwbtada Itotowa.

amr brek. iha toads tor
.i.b larnSc at^

a*d afurf dtoaar wa tookad all ovar
kUtY aad wa rould PM dud bar. irsdiilon

ta Aa Awa sad « tara ibam ba
,----------Iba comfort aad *------wajlgra
of tba-----birds.

A fMd flfgraM aad A lorar u*e
TWdA^ Ito ta«B. '

My iigtar bad

PaAapa ba bhi basd to Ctnads aad fro* Darts John's, tad wbaa Aa
Itaraad tba word tbara. ar parbspa it *skt bar* she wsi to lAa kitty
U .MOT* langicsl and pooadg battor ataog. At goon sba was at tba bousa

A dMbtl lSufcmA*a sSrf hta«

Tha spall bad •■varla.ltoa;
but ao Barca wa. iba .BOldarlag
Ibrla „„ *
atoop-bouBd ibal whan*• ta- „„ oBa^ Iba aaaay
draw aaar.

bit daybraak aaag and .tbaa oalls. tagralgg u ploy oa tba orgto. I hgira ^
’Chw op. eharta. ebMWr Tou kaow a tna nary to bt primad abom a cat.

WON mynair.

Tba »Wr of

But tba spall bad gsu would bar. droppsd tolpimty

ihaU bedlaa had abraak and bardanad oa ooa of bar wiug.

ta*a a bird’s
•* ***^ ‘ *»*
Wo hgra
ratay aad gloomy waothar: wbUo oa- Mdt ta froat of oor boms; ihp Utila »
otbar robta la tbs rary aaxi tn# atags wraas sra J«pi tooratog to Sy. I am

Aac It Iba Fraod) word tot •Maar.*'

ftlt Ad IttAails.

Hotoik and ttoo, faMo*. dM .1 Iba ^ „„ Book, ami phtpras aad
brid* aad tba otbar ptacaa. fra bad

In bar Vlgbi. tatelD .oough bf ibU Ihlag

into a somotb. barUaa* klad of stooa.
and atway. ihalr mouitw wara -Ida
open la prolasi aad daSaurc

4fal aov «t dgybrask aad aU A#
I Jigsa baao. down
«« - A. day b. atfU -Chair op. Joka's. gad had i.

nary .ad aol to

F®W«r=s Btok
• jj,. .oo," ssM Iha etkar
and graw doepar aad laor. mdy. aad bis pre-ptty., B«i ftiwi ba graapad BoHa

^ ^

Sowar, and yrah.

^1 thw *9 nry I Hitlf.
laaca. tbara ors two

Itor^pg—tohy royaga horns'

34 Ao toky gad ia too?
•taTMtaU m AMatat.


ItofStoltBO* tha bakgs'ofall m




I S|ir1l of dap|i «laei, U|ion ihaiu.


Stattost tm haad. La^ asabiaTibwa *2^* ■*?*

«ocrlg ra«'Ba»>'lW ti-a hdi cma

»'•» rro«>. ibsl Id lli. far Iwaadlog -era a|-|«raiii
iha-a bird, aod aut- nuirrmaa. of W .riu|, .

msis hart cooaptrad wlib iba n il j,. I»d.>.
ibar of allieatori sod .ukaK a

•♦•ry day Uy
nrtnmu ttna

Fnaaas Thatatoa.

aiefae is u ny. -'Am < stags Ufca s

TdU -s'lfahta^dhMfii daar ‘

Do As talHas’ir At ld*ara
ta AMP


Foorth of July and I aiayad lili Mon-

Ysa sod

Whm Ita-jMgis nttatoPfii
Do rn'idg* mr gwoatsat mg.—

Wih Iba batp tarsa by ' tbaaa
tdrd Iblak. it'a tba 1
friaaito. a Imta was balh at tba
Ik s Irytag 10 ssra
>Ma tar JmT*
psopla by laatlag It to Idaeaa Ub.^

Laa 'WBBts lb >oln tha KUBtbliia f

tto paotoBl
sbsw la'-lif
'J'"' .
tol ao Ihal tba
poorast shora
is iha 5“” f*"
id Ihaa. haaBlltal stogan. "ssM." aad If-a. do you Uk. it? I

Jt L-hTe
^ '
Mn. ______ gad Baby
of Ata laiarMUM IM
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