Grand Traverse Herald, June 18, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 18, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and T ra verso Bay Eagl^y





CeRdKIoM at WKte Hamtf (ton* Into

away." was the aniweK Aaked if he
Iboupbt Ibe child could become buroed In (hat manner by Betiinc aalnat
tbe stove. Dr. Thirlby said tbat be
did DOI tblnk it coald.
In the rroBsdjueslIontoc. Attorney
Olltrcrt for tbe iirosecuiion aaked Dr.
Thirlby. "Would It be'posalble (or a
child who waa Hlandlnx aiih Its back

third depree hurna

w ithool


come lo .dirett contact with an In­
tensely hot stove. This child was. in
ikened lODdlilon fron; illaess.
and It it-alleped. was siitfertoR with a
disease, an toliert-at disease, which
the defense *is endeavorine to prove
miphi hate tau'sed the .leath of the
child. Dr Holltday said thAi In thin
condition, ibxplher with
the Jutrns.
then had proiter ireiiu^i keen
plven. local ami coiieiliutkujBl. the
child could have been saved


y I’Dilor for the defense asked on
cross-question. "Docipr, a normal

deallnp with the Witte's and theli
children In Juvenile coun was ththird witness plvinp such icai niooy
as was recorded at tbe time
justice hearlox in April.

barna In fifteen nitontes by coiiitoi to


piled, "It could."

contact with a heatias aloveT'
.haa develoited In the tesilinon'
Thirlby aald he did not think irconid. ae far that the bums had been pivei
He also staled In answer to questions trealmem of linseed oil and oihei
oeceasllatlzis tbe answer, that he< remedies which the Wittes had be

Testimony Today Hlivged

in DMlai by WRnMMc Ptnend
en the 8Un«

could not laercelve.or a child danclnc
and ilowB

lleved aurficiem to (liU InsUnce. They
bad believed w ph.valeUn wonecei

tFrok Thursday's
Record l>agle.)


Bocb borne. a« Ihiv little xirl
hare been doiny wfaen Mra. Witte

and had been taktop care ol the

jW mae of .

<rnm Pridaye RM«r4-BMtle.>
Devnlopanau to (be Wltie iw
Bon selllu d«w« to no imereeline
Iiolot.' M ne-ila«n to be followed to
the ndmlMlon of (ra(lmoB>- have been
' elitbll} drana by Jo'dae Wayne and
ntui be adhered to by both aldea.
NolbiBf tbat don not nerlain direrlly


turned to her after s|i«aUnR will

Af.Il:3fi Dr. HoUidav teft the
caller at the door (or Olleen lainui
and Deputy name Warden Snillh. who
TbA ahock would l>e loo ereat. aald iwas a member of the coroner's jun
doctor, and do tbild would ordi Wo* railed. TITe testimony he savi
•.lanclnp up and
waa alonp the lines pf that already
niiaht cry out with loiin.

lo the iteoitle. In aakii
Sheris Rh'uier amln took the aland ^."b
Bitout the action of -Marie alter
and n-tnalned there froai ahoiil 4;3A;
iKtroed, Mr. Smith said

IMKH.Ie va M'll’llam

cUarged with mi
vlaughter is attra.iing more ait*
tloB lie farther it pwreaae*. and ■
ahole it is provuig one at i
I aenaatlbiial tnuU tliat tbU -coi,
as aym in r.-..-nt years. Oq t
It riL-Uir nature i.f Hie charges
has aroused the si-ntimeni of the peo
high pili-li. w-lii.-h la the r

that she Slated to him that ibe Itnlc iiiral .mlronie in a .see of tlini uaiiii
serious thing to »e<- a wnni:
aain S 6'clock ihla momlnn
plrl had not cried out.
When ahe
ch»ici.d wilh inhuiiiahi-ly- ireaiit.g
r breuxbt oiil by Mr. Shuler
line lutck from talklnp ir> caller*
llllle i hild as is alli-giil in this p.>ril.
that be bed where Ihli chlldi the door (he child was Uehliul I
In die manner Ibat la aliened by (hem Had been lyini: for the leo daya of her
iualanie. nnd .■*p>-i-iul1.v so
The bums, she said, were nto the ronplalDl. The eoni|>tatot.
women i* the untther <•[
flineaa or eonftncnieni lo the .iiiwialrx reived alumi four weka iir'icir
ever, waa drawa to cover canirlbuioo’
rlilldr.-n of her own. ami ••uitusi.-d
wad. on (he day vleiled by
of her death. Mr. Wllte
to (be denIb of Hide Marie Wide will
be aibmed, which uarrowe the aortc

nndl It. when (he court look .

of (be proaeculioB to ehowlos that die
death o( the efeRd «ae directly raiieed

a««llielMa on (be part of (be an
Shiiler, devoid of ctolliiny or Imldlna
e'tinte said that it waa is
aa weU aa aeveral olber phaaea of d.e
the exceldha
■•rior. Mr. and Mra. Wlile then had
caae. fto (nr only abont half of the< drhirb war fllle-I with ellher hay or
talk ahum (be date. The cut ou
wUmmm dabaed by (be iiroBeeulloo
■od hrdiu din iiloto the haad. Mr. Srollli denrrIW aa uthhave bene emalned, -arhich. If (he vhk-b. There aaa no alip on'ihe pll era have, which U to. lye; (oiiiul elseprtiarai rate at procedure bi
tualn- low and (here naa do atove In the whfre In this rc|iort.. The hip sore
tatoad. wia run the can over lute
there waa a rexlalet
on (he fool, ahe said, was U
nexl wedL I( U toleoded. however, la fliior. Tliere were no toilet ari|cl<-K
Of Harry hilltop Marie on
noKh the eaae by Saturddy nUhi. aiirh aa coiuh or hniah iliat Ut
slick. They had caretl tor the
whteb mid %i a weleome (ondlilon ter law In (he room. In repard
Mr. Wllte liad opened one with
for the Jurora who are practleally j.rlathe chllil'a forehead between hlf knife, waa told Mr Snillh
oaera (portae the trial, aatbey are c«n- the cyea. Mr. Shiiter waa aaked
ataady to the coatody of coart oSIHra. Wllle'a explanation :
Mr. Smith Was aaked to dear
cera who wateb tbem everr mlaute. tithe he waa at (he houae. lie aald
»m where Marie waa khpt durtnp
both alidit aad day. accompanytoc ahe told him the dkl not know Juat
her lllneaa
He said that the bed
(hem wheb (bey go to tbelr mealii. po- bow tbe eul came there .but ahe ant
which the Wittes had pointed
tos with ibeiB 00 (beir walki (or exer- poked that tbe child had climbe.1 u|k>i
him' as Marie's, was alwui three fe.-t
ciae and wateblas over them '
box Btandtox near the atok in order loop and !0 Inches wide. It lud no
(beraroaslMplittbeboteL The Jury
I roach the taucet to
a«ne wa­ elothtop or bedilinp except A (irk.
ter. and when reachinp bver the edpe "What kind of a tick waa iiT" queathe Bink (be box had allpi>ed and
(be child (ell. atrlklnp her bead on the
lOBS aa lladar SbertS Cameron and edpe of the aink. The sink waa « com­
•Court oncer Wtoale are to char*e of mon ordinary Iron aInk (Mtened to tbe
wall by nteana of hracketa. laid Mr.
The crowd to the coon
3Tili about
completed hla
dlmlBlfbed. (be room bHftg filled with
people frem (be Uae the
opened aatfi adjoanmeot H taken In

the day.
the evening Rrery word of tbe (eatlDr. G. A. HollWay. who was at tbe
tnoay la ahiorbed by the anxtona aodl- Wine home after the death of Marie,
enca^blcb Is compoaed of men. woone of the firal phyalclan*
mea and chlldree who are able tb
le. was thq first wi
leave their duties lor eliher a lenp or
thli momtop. and he waa
abort time. Tbe nature of tbe case la for orer two hours, from 9 i^lork
one tbat abanrbt public attention, as
l:3fl. before Ibe lawyers excuse.!
the people have their view ol the caie
Much teetltnoar waa plvea by
wbicb cannot beyhanxed eveo )>y the
Holliday which hai a favorable
varSift. DO matter what It happen* to
betrins (ol- the proet
be at (be cooelutloD of the trial. (too<l
which lays bare the fact (hal (heae
order baa beea malnulned hi the an
aa found on the body of the
dleaee. (be coon betoy called u|ion
MTtte child to question, aceordinp to
oBly oace to (ar to reprimand
medical knowledpe. could have caused
lookert. tbat beins yoaterday. when a
directly, or al least baatened
tbreot to elBAf the room after an ooldeath of the little plrl. In answer to
bnret of merriment after aa aniwrr
question, "Could not those bums
fiom tba wllaem had the desired ef­
have been Inflicied or produced by rafect.
dlallnp heat, that Is. beat polap from
Tito smt«r P*« of yeoterday alterMMM waa occupied la Uklas tbe te*
tlmoay of Bbert* Bhuter. who war
called to tbe yttaeoa eund to the

Inienaely hot stove to

the node

bod.v of the ehlldr Dr. Holliday said
tbat they could not. The radlatlnp'



those bojua on child not quite six year* old at Ibe
Its thestr Mr. fuderwood objetded to lime of her death, wlib Iniiirles as dequealion. calline it a >n|te. The acrlbed here, and the surface of thi
less aald It could not. The nexl haras were aa described, could yoi
qaeation by Mr. tlilben wa*. -Could swear that with idoper treatnieol T
Dr. wHollldav rc
the child have received all of (heae ^uld be curedr-

h-illi the- i-iire 111
lothetlewi .-hilih.'


Upon the

Treatment e( Children and Cedi''
ditiona Rcevailteg at (he .WJtte Heme.-


takeii up with iJie lealinMUiy of
who eoodheted Hi* coroner*
iliquewi -..v.-r ihe iudv
All IhPjlelaila wen- ;

>’ .loqr*.

,He said be

.iid not have he .i>pv it at ihittinie.
l~-caq*« he luid i>ui it u]. lor man.

(bat he wa* not at bomm The laawew
be did Do( waai her to eg«a, aha
said, was because be had havd that
she talked about klm. Shm In qoteiwny With bee daugh(er-to4aW. hro
the callers .\lr^ W/ie i* all«*d to
havejg^ to the day she all^H Hi.

R. R. Marn*li> a draymaa. wa* nett tle-Marie^miead tbe bariia by alMdrailed and said ihai he bad lived as a iQg Bear a Stove preparatory to tok*
neighlHir to the XViites
when they lag a b«(b. Tkis waa .on Mhiaft tl.
• holh famlliesi had lived on Valiev -Mra IJrtle (edllfted that aba did hM
He bad become s.quatoied BgalD go to th* Wide bomb natli tha
with the Isndly and several iio«
after Marie died. She row the
er that bad vi>tted.the Wiiie home on
on (be llttie girj'o band a* ah*
Waahingtoa aireel and when they. PBiied hackThe sheet over tha body,
Ihe Wittes, lived oa Ihe (atm
»lr but did Dot see BBT of Ibo- other
Ilornshy and til* wife had called si
She did- net kwk o»er the
the Witte home seveixl time* durias body.-Just the b«a4. Durtog the creoathe ■•St winter
The last time Mr examlnaiioB by Mr. d'Dbsrt. Mra. Lit.
Hurnshy reDembere.1 of having bees tie wa* asked the polatod qoasttoh.
iherch-B* a w.-ek or ten day* hefor*
the child die-l. He did nol see Marie
:hal day. "Did yon see her after (h(
children rrtnroed from the home la

IHd voa or did yon DM taO Hr. RIV
pker precious to the time (hot toa /
children were taken la JavahOe roan.

she appeared well clotbM. ha-l oi
dldB'l know what kind o
dtrss' wheiher wool or rollon, she

not tell Hr. HllUker tkM tbd cklldiwh

and stocking* and a stocking c»p
head. .'YVere there any «ore«

aay that?" -So. I eaht: I «mT UU."
Bhe had talked with Mr. Rlllttar whew

■y. • U uesauh an-l liaik-ry.' Tie-re
' .-viili-ni-p h.-ri- that allow- iiegliceti.^- or ahuae n> llarle VYlii.-


‘ Thi* i* not a i-rljnlnal rliarge
The |irOi«*-iiiiun hasTteep (lahlii^ nil

wcre^PtOWdtrtodr: “I emt Ufl"
-Yoq wouldcY'm tm' yoa did hM

tlien. anv a.-ar»r' -\ooe. exceid he rome to her bone, bet rin crosld
-w scab* iir aore* oa her head DM nmember wbetbM she ka^rdAM
whe-h Mrs Witte called hi* aMa-mion theae thinga to him or hoC After
Fre.1 Piatt l*r the |■roa(■culiou she bad staled la ahswer to fiMMtai
-d Ihe ( loa* A
that she had beea to the WHM *ama
(hank Klnn. gto.-er. was hext calkwl twice (be dag *ttet th* cfeBd diad Bhd
tu give an a.-.i>unl of grocerie* lu- de

asked to d^rfbe tbe aartwohdligii

liveied lo iJie (Vine home during
uid that tbMW were piMty of
Mary h and April The oiuei* coiilalB- prortslohi la (be hMHe. la the iBMh
ed eveivihliii; tliat UB or.linaiy bou**. ujwtolra wbicb ha* beea deosthed by
liul.l wvnild or,lcr lot a supply of wrvk
Iher* of the ceroaar’a Jary iu ha*.
li gtiK-eries, sut;h t* Gra|u'Suts.
ranuKied only tbe beda, Mra. Lit- '
Hake*. *h:e<i.Ied wh.-at l.te. nil.
He aald that sbe hoUced two bofeaaa.
tiM-aU canned *uu|e. tomatoes.
She had opened the diawera aad toaad
-n.iur, and all such sUide g
ibem abeeu had ptilew caMa aad
• occ-askinaily ihetc w.Te order* chlldrea's rlMblag. She eooM hot re­
member If tliere was a chair ia the
sitch qUAbr daliiliee.
On tbe bed Marto wae aap-

*l:p» uhether or not ih.-*e onleia
eii by Mfs Wllte rnnUloM aO)
how. We a*k to have the evl- iioiirishiiic fiKvds. such a* oiigtii Iw
brought out'hy Itie iiraaeeutl»D
liave not
i a sj'l child
Thc-flral or.ler
Those who are not famiiiar with th- d.-nce eliuilBated.
n c.yse of manslaughter,. It Is taken by M^. King from the Wluea
detalla of the case are rapidly lx*
hay or alraw." There were three oth­
on Maidh Mh and the .last oo
coming so hv attending every aesaiun merely- a cold blooded pro|>oMiiiun. a
er beds to ,the room, stated Mr. Smith.
of i-oiirt and hearing all the lesiimoai ndve! charge, a rase framed up to Aprjl filh.
of which Mr*. WHte aald her hu*the ilenvands eff the |e-up1e as
offered. The ftrat two days attracted
rs flortudiy wa* the next wliae**.
band alept la.
Inn an ordinary crowd, bui this baa they exist in'the conimutil'y.
-he told aMl Marie and bow sbe
Wlitea. it seeiA to me. hayerivad ibeli
Mr. Smllh waa aaked to tell wfaeth- increased until yeaterdJy
ap|.eare<! al rarioiit time* she had vis- pualshiueat in belag kept in Jail
■ or not he had seen or Ulked with vest to the court room was taken aod
Ihe Wllte*. She *aM tha
sixty day* under Imnd* of He.uCM
Harry, tbe brother of Marie, who It I* the overflow alandlng in the hxll ilea
w'our-l aay Hi.- .-hIM looked well
h.' After giving the matter proalleped alrark her oo tlie head with even went an far as to procure a lad­
iabe-I and well cloih*d. The last time
nipht of-her death. Mr. der whi. h w as pUi cd outside i he door, aenled t>,. Mr. fnderwood due conrid
■be ha>l- seen her was Just belore Efi*crallon. Judge Mavne overnile.1 ih.
Smith aald (hat be. had. and that
this Hic> climbed apd looked -o
rtktn; called the Jury to and orderad
Mra. Wllte arna aundinp talVInx to
the top of (he door atx»e the
Hfforls to cumideie (he Wllle.daae
■ rase in pfO>eed, The'Iclense-all
Ihe coroner's Jury when Marry came head* of the
hi- week failed thU uo^lug when
ixeir hr»t wiit.e»‘, Bert C Miller
Into tbe room, and he aald to him. fourth ds , men and women, whole
he alate.i. about'He
1 ot K K.-Mill.-r. .|Migai»i. aivrt^th"
"Hairy, who told you to say you hit ranillles iti fax. have hr.nigbt their
h>-< cn^ld not possibly
liresent all
f.T*e w,* on.
M-. Miller, stated
Marie on the head wilh a stlckr
lunch and stayed at the court houa.heir ie*t|iiii>i:>
,r\e was Dot a legislcred or even a
d." aald Harry, nnd then
all day loax so as not to tin** a w-prd
e*v lu the jury. Mr. raderwood aaM
licensed -ph»rniad»i
He tciified to
he (ell onto her. hineinq to her *klrta
the testimotiy brtng produced by
answer to que.iioa*. put by >lr. Viuloi
and cryhtc.*
iiiiefise* Tailed hy the prose, ntioit
Jury night be penniilcdl lo relor the rteleose. that on .lilfeernl date*
This niomlnp the rrowd was only
um tu 'b.-ir homes for over Sunday,
Kjriv thi* morning the rumor on
Manh and .\|-ril lu- im-i sold Mr*
ordinary, the court room was (i
le.wreel was that some people had
itie; whi.-h, a* sl.e »t«iee iie w ished -to requ.-st, however, thdl
crowded. This nfiemoon
hi-v le- murucied *;y the Judge and
vuyed at ui ne;
htm. Were used on ilie lltile Will.
room aeatlQK nearly twice aa mi
lai under resiri.-tioL* a* to cooterv
grouud^al! night. This was improb1 who was biirntsd. On March 2*
people would not comlartabie he
tu; no iht* suliject.
i-e of it. at;d wa* iounJ Ur*. WnTc came Into Ihe Mlll-i drus
It la a depkrrairle a
wiiltoc. and Inclruxed a* they
J^Sssrul asked for the Wi tlnnk
aoUceabie fact that
parents nllc
by Judge Mayne. U would lie
truy tbat people
tor liiirn.
Hewaid .h«- b<
their children to posh their way It
laid lor an booest Juryman to get
dvinc' at the court bouse at .-arly «
,y tkyea her il.e following lu-eMTip
tie court room—little children that
wav ireui the iaatructioB. "You inu*i
and ae^o o'clock this morain
-r Four o«ince* of carron b.l, a mix
the procee.1- Pom.- had their I-ihch -rhi down h
of hnsird oil an.r liti,cwa\r. tot.' aid tbe Judge, "under any ron
Inga and iherefore cannot en.Viy them
' .liildreti, while the
i|rh he. had mixed himself
This •Ideraiion dUcoa* tbi* case with a'n'
aa the older on»* seem lo
ich ;» fiiily Ihe niinorlTv. weni htin. ■
.* not a phveU an a i.i.-scm;-'ton. lun yne—not even yoor wife .or daughters
>r anv inenilier of your (amllv. i
Smith was
'linner ;.nd hnstled-hack in grt

heat produced from the stove could
tiarly aflerttoon ead Ibeo was excused
hare bamc.1 the body'In the de­
la order u let Dr. & U Thirlby give scribed condition wlihotit the body
bis tetolmony st ihst lime, aa he had havlnp come to
with the Bcathlnp . roaa examination this .jV
in M-Jt for ih.- .vii.'moqn session
lor burn*' <>n ihi* date he li*tcn to any diacnaHon road*- of t
by anyone. Those who wish
other baidaeoe wi
. Wonld the child he un.-enadoua lemoon by Ailomey 1'nderwood. h
Many women l-rm* their fancy work
4. ..iW,, her a |«.und of abfcorlK-nt
ailMlloB for the h
from the Imma or could It dance ii)> propoundtop iiueathm* ih:.l have no
TV.- uxe ol tbe people in c.»tion. whieh Mrs Witte said wa* to
Thirlby atleoded the poet mortem and dosmT II mlpht be overcome or
In order to catch this to ("
beartoB on thi* mae. Surii

ti.iehi to- Kiid to run
dreV* the hurt;*. Oh the JTili of
hdd over tbe body of little Warie. and preatly excited. It I* nxtuml to pre- nueetloiia a* aakinp hiii if he whs i
bale-* m arm*, lue year oW boys ati-l March-there -»as a We of lalve iq the G. R. A
to iht* mawer bad (i|n<oriunliy
de|»ji. Those who
(bat Ihe child wopld dance np
rlr of ti-n. eleven or tweh.- year* nt «'* Wine and on the nrrt of April a straight to '
candidate,for »heriir of the «-«ui
amUuL the b«f|w and wounds aa they and down or biHOiiic exclle.! it It wa<
■noon mill
e. lo y.miig.hien and,women, (ath.-r pin' of jKTOxi-l.’ and an oApee ot tine- must remalB over
Kl nihetw of like nature. itTf^m
wera on tbe body. 1a answer
nmnackms. All (hi* wprt hionehl
line lip.-k with eiifrii^iii "answ.
.1 iii.pTh.T* atm grandpa-, tit*, wo •tare of acoalie. The iiero^dfiju^ for stay at the hotel
lloaa laopennded for the porinee of. out In iheteatlioony. .- foupt officer, a. lefore, R-fUa proceedins did tiol last l.'il
•he hnni- and ihe aconi’e. sbe aai.i
(•tovtac whether or not such
.\<rt bavlDC |•^o|■er care under (!■<«<>
•a.i> a'ep*. Yet all are lnt>-res:e>1 •Hhe'woilM «ve |!-.e < hild because *he iiicmlier. the verdict to this ca>e mu**
w uiiuui.-a l»-fi>re ' Judge , May
have been docribed cmiW have lM«rti 'ondllton*. DO matter to what maimer atemly itviueaied that the muller
based OB the tesrin.oaf and not oo
t> alwnv* so. an.l ,-i real sensaten • MarLei had a fever. .Also on Ihl*
aasUlned by anyttoe mandiiUt near a
he fanma had Iteen prodnce.1, ih.- lack
•tueallmi U. sttcrid.ti
i-oun never (ail* t,o attract a erow.l .lay she had pun-liaie-d a pint of time the opinion of any people whom you
Store aa this llllle Kirt la allesed to >r ireaimeM Would tend to hasiea Wlihuui any |«’nwiial inferences I
might bear slate theyr verwioa. Ina*-,
Witneaa.-K .-alloL thi* an.iViing were water, Otr April in Mr*. Witte bought
have beea. Dr Thirlby was very de- death, Mr. GiUien naked If it would Smith said that e\eryihlUK he had
much a. the ca-e i« io.-aL and the Jur­
Or. J. M WHhelni. Dr-i B Marlin, a U.iile oT eud liter oil aad wine (or
ebdve la hit an*we|s lo (he contrary, nol affei-l Ihe <-hild. In Ibe burned
at* all from ouielJi- the city, you
ti-alilied t« was f.icl «* pT.e MIm Retie Mill-r. a ireined nurse olid the ctill.l lee-ause- her syaiein was nio
lie aald that he conM not poasiUP
may siK-nd Sunday at your homea onlion It was. If 11 moved ahom. dneed by evMeace at tbd time of Irs Xl.Kle Ri.h, on.; of the anmi-cr
down. On A|>rll II. tbe day the ehlld
roDcelve of aayoae. even a chiki of six . _ allowed to po to the l«aemenl
iieae coBdilion*. If you go tolo
Ihe Witte leuiie a* ..lie./ the vinMitutrd Ihe c-nioJT* Jsi.v
•lied, ahe bad come to ilie store (or a
' or aevea ywarn. auudlai near a dry and walk up mod down sEpira. and Dr eeronor's Jury.
ce to purrnaae anything before
esltmony pr.>din-e<l by the (irwi ihr—
heat aod actoally tel blmaelf or ber- Holliday said that It would because It
F. D. Marvin, another meiiilM-r ol T..ught oai .>Bly the 'fj.-cs alfeadv acid wtiich she got. All of these arti­ leaving the city, you mnat be acromaeir bara to the exteal of bu»s (euad wopld tend lo IrrUate the bum* and the corotiur a Jury a-u the aerand wllpaaled by a court offirer and mo*t not
n to tbe people, that It would cle* were charged and are eot yet
OB the body of tUa riilM. Attorney aorea.' which 4vmld caitae lain^spd
if anvthing to anytme aUwt this
Ills detailed
(•id.for. Th* .liarce ac.vnitu* aa writ­
there was not a spot hardly i
I'aderwDod tor tlie defenae asked
therefore produce a low restotaace on teoUraooy ctwreaponda exactly wlih
ten OB the Slii-S the dav they were
If a penn.c »n the Irrfy of lit
wiinsaa. -Coeldnt yoa boM your bands the bean. Ddtinp tbe takinp of his
Tire ca*e of the defease wa* coot to­
that of-tbe othera. so far a« i
bought Were produced by Mr. Miller.
Marie Witte lhat'waa ao: braised
over a red hot store and pet them bad­
rmny far said that it woold be Ihe of bums and anrroutidinp mot
la the croaa-qqestlontoiCeAtr Gilbert ned from tb* lime court opened ap
ly barnedr ’No. I wooldn't." said first impulse of the child lo Jerk away
aUl ifi.Sd. wbeo a r*T*a was taken
e hOlue hate been explain- called to give oot^ what hearing
got a atateinent from Mr. Miller that
the totplnr. -niiy mr quest
from that which was Injurlnp '(.'aad
.Monday at I:M.
> and hrulaes found oa tbe child'*
Underwood. -Vbr. 1 would take them that tbe child could not have received
Mrs. Uktie. ntoiher of lira. Witte.
Jadge F. IL'Walker, who hkd name
OB the UiUe alip of papsr wa* Mt a
tCohUoaed oa pace six.)


waa at heme. a»d (or (kds (wtaoh aba
never wem ihm ulaao

he July sn.l Mr. rB(I.TWou.l Blleuipl
»l i» explain why in hhi upinfun the
Ihwiiile teidiv had no xaae at all. ' The

The proian-atlon hais a large arra.v cxie llial would, find tlieae Trsiwnd
gviiliy Of nianslaiighier. Thi* i*
milv .-a*-' known in
e anyone has l*-en accused at
ard tu !h.‘ (re.-iiimmt of tlip .hlld
ten prior-to the death of the-Util - tiiBiislaugliier I*-. iiii*i-'vf allecMl lack
The defense is I'litliug up i.
e (iiiiily- The teslliyotiy »how*
sireng light to k.-|> the (eBtiioon;they di'l give certain treatmeiii
within .a certain line, making tounv
i> child, prolubiy the liesi tbev
objections to some of iht- poiilia that
:iai»iiy has iHi-n hraughi out ln,,n-

druggist lHX>k IB print

wa* the ftrat wiiaeas rallad. It aeMMS
Ihat Mrs. lAoie had hat btaa -p'—it
at the Wme-horne wheh Mr. Wttto

Ill order to allow -the deferi'e
-isi* ilieii i-a>e. Juilgc. Msynocuo used

Ihe .-use ill iliui tin- the w.-k Biel all that (hey hav.-.loitiul
aml Yi-ere -a.iliatanlially ihe aume a*
hal tile .-lilld ilirtl frui an ulror.
sere l.roiiEhl out at the examinailun.
•re i*' no evi.lence a* to lack ot
>r w-iiaesaes and mime iinporlaiii tee

AT 1:30

they were belag ■■dtoiftad aad
Grand Raplda. where they were »eiii abusedr "I doa't rtrocaber.* rta roor ireatuenir'
I mlor plied.
In hn*wer-ttr practlehlly tha
People V*. WitIUm ai*l tguro Wine
Ye*.' answered the wittieaa: "sliortly same question, put to dUt«awt fora*,
rested tlVeir rase aliout 4 e'rlock ye»after the., came liack. I calle.1 al ahe said timidly. "I can't iiwwnllir
terdav at'ennVD.. the la«t
Witte bouse one day aa.i while iher. U'hatever I aald. U I shM MytUhe.
cajh-d being .Mm. F. 11 Rarnum.
inquired about the .bildren
The. was what I bad beard.*’ “Will yoa
tewtimoBv wa* of no lonienUr Iw-aring
- upFiairs playing with
.Mr*. swear lhal yoo did hot day to Mra.
he cade one way or the other
(Vltte's Childrea aod Mrs. Wlite .-all l.oybm that Ibeae ' cUldr« of Mr.
Itamuni ha.l only observed i
I them down ao t might see them' Wliie-a were being sbtMad Bhd hagWkie rhlldren.nnd II....... Marie In y
'hen asked to de*.-rihe the apivear- Seetedr *1 dohY raiaaliliM- "tint I
Iciilar. i>v they bad been playlnc .
ve'of Marie. .Mr. Hornshy sai-l that aald that ' aald Mrs. Ldttto. “Ddl yo«

Ibe^ have |Ti(V^I." said llu. aiwax



o have beea to obe Mw Weakrt* across the loM of the bed.
Horaaby waa

called to (be

ir (be compietioo of (be tree*

Lediea' AW fieriety Will



the l.adt«' Aid eocteUaa will be baid
In (be BendoD M. E eburefi. Jaae I*.
MonlBg aeaaina btetoatog at
K-n o'clock. wKb prograia as (olkrwai
Inatrumsotal aflectioa by Hiro Ol;toger.
Openlag service hy Mr* fbaaloa.
Reeding of miireuo of last meeUag
by Secretary.
Heritailae by Hra. IL Z. OavlaThe purpose of tb* Ladlea’ Aid Bociety ronventlMi—Mr*. CoraML
icutalon led by Mra. Hciatyre.
riroic dinner and aoclal boar.
Too-Mualc by Readoa Soctoty.
Roll call <>( aorirtles.
Repon*. <M rommtnee* aad


ns mess.
Bob>—Mrs RaldwiB.
Reading—Ur*. Staatoo.
, SeiettloQs from ibe Crawa RocMy
The mod imponam wnfb to year
soclety-Urw Bkllleltec.
A oonveuticti thetne.
How to prosKrte apIrKBsl growth lb
-,'ir l.adiea Aid Roeielica.
1st Faper-Ho* Shall a Soctory ttoveiflp Growth



2nd Paper-Tfae Womeo of tho BMe
—Rev. Mra. Jouce.
24 Paper-Fertoaai RMlgtoa aad
Genera) H^llgioos Work-Hrs. PIAar.
Mki—Mrs. Abo Ranadera.
^uggseUaa* for Ladle* Aid floctoCy
wort by Mrs. MerToit. Mrs. Moora*.
Rbeohaa. Hr*. Bnory, Hra. Um­
ber. Mra. Eldredj
pss'ota are neat eordUBy iavMed to
Ladlee' Aid Socisy toerobeta aad


MS*. DTt Prea.
MBA omntjatt 8tey. .


Xirand 'l)ravei£e HeraU
and Tn^'Bay Eagle
l>n«e« we^


IB *d*»#0»

D Am week 3,050

A Angtrotts ttmopo^

^>Tsgi>My For Trapme Gtg
I>ctroit^haa just bw nfllicM with another “Tag Dny.” So
has Grand Rapids, but that there wRl new be'wno^
one. there, Tbk k a fad that haa not reached Tikverse City in any
marked degree yet. and we trust il-ncver will. Thicago has had so
many “Tag Days." and the ioog-auffering Chicago busiueas man
baa had aneh an ejtpertance that there k a *enom pnbitm eonfrontiug the city, even to the extent of a petition signed by thousanda. requesting the council to pM an ordinaiice prbhihHing thk

In the Urge cities there arc vny many charitable organUationa that are worthy of support and abonld receive it and when
“Tag Day" was first saggesied, it was eonaidm>d something of a
novelty and the men bugfaed at it and i‘ontribnte<l chcerfnll.v. just
M they wtmid have done if they had be<-n in their offices or stores
or factorfrt!. only, instead of giving a check for gai.OO or ♦100.00.
they got off easily on the street, by giving ten cents or a quartiT.
It was thought quite a joke by them and while the aggregate col­
lections on the street awminl to Iw quite satLrfactun.*. one-quarter
of the effort expended could have quadrupled the enotribution for
the eause solicited. But in the larger cities t^is soon became a
nuisance, and now the pedestrian, hurrj ing along the street -on imporUat business or to his ofiir^. or to catch a train, does not want
to be stopped every few rods to b<- solicited for a contribution to
some, prqbaWy. veiy good obje<;tr^m one that he knows nothing
alKiut directly.
The fae4; is all men are alike in thk rcsiM-ct. Th<-y do mil
want to be made a a]ieytaclc outbc street. Three or four attractive
giris will accost a perfect mraugrr on th<- streets of a great city.
They know not who thk man is. They knftw not what hk business.
They know not what hk associates or aiMnriations are. but tliey
hesitate not at all to ask him for mooM-.
dangerous ami miwarrantalile position for a woman to
be placed in. and thk k ea|meially true of ynuug uuiimrrieil women.
Simply beeaiue the question is one of. awl to a worthy charitable
object k do exeuw for allowing'our girls ^o acMt strangers on the
street and ask them for money. A man dojani like to |h' tagged
the street like an express package. Many men who contribute
when solicited in thk -way. stick the tag in jtheir poi kets he.-atise
th^y do not Irani to flaunt their Wiieroleijce^ before the public, tn
be made coasiiienons by a dangling tag fastened to their coals; and
these arwthe men who will contribute liberally to any worthy cause
if y<m will call upon them at their pUcca of businesa. The man
who 4ocs not. want U make himaelf eonspieooiis in this manner,
pushes the tag into his poc'ket out of Kight.'bnt before he has got a
block away, another bevy of attraelive young girls approach him
* contributimi to the same object tn which he has just
contributed. AVhat.can he dot Here are these pretty girk who
urging him for money. If he is a atrauger he contributes—not
to the canae. 'but to the jmjiortuniiy of the pretty girls.
Think of it! These delicate, pretty girls, our daughters and
sisters, accosting strangers upon the streets and asking for money,
matter what the object.
The iuclination k to gratify their pride and vanity in being
able to make the best report at night at headquarters and so he
makes another contrihulion, thinking that perhaps that will lie the


Who Was Bappf

There waa one man in (Veage who knew how to get away.
There ore a lot of other fellona there wfeu would like to bsU they
haven't got the money in hand. Thk mao. who knew what be waa
about, was from Iowa. The candidacy of^Schator t'ornmins waa not
worrj-ing him very much, and he thon^ hAwould run home and
aee fak family. He sUrted for thcThain but Wnaacd it. He. went
down the street and bought a ♦o.tKW automobile, pulled the ihouFy
out of hk vest pocket and paid for it. started off after the train,
caught up with it. paased it and went un tn hia home, attended .to a
lot of busineas. went back to Chicago and got there in time to find
that he hadn’t low any time, for iinbod.v on the National coromitte.bad had a thought of Senator CuiDmins while he waa gon•^ >
Tbk delei^te sas-s he was having the best time of hk life, uothii^ was worrying him. He was waiting fur Mr. Taft and Mr.
Roosevelt to-fight it out. Hr was quite sure that neithi-r of them
would win and he was absolutely sure.that his <-aiuli<Ul<- would get
the nomination. That certainly k a happy cuudiliou of mind for ;i
delegate to be in just now in tTu--ago.

MONev TO LOAN on good aod %eU
. Daria.'' i .
Tratens City,
oprit 3UI

South Maahou. Wle^
inee-mor. June. July

Gei^UsPiain En^isk^
There was a eonvenfton of inedieal^en held a f--w days ago in
Atlantic City. .Aft<-r-4ller had taken their bath, one uf the h-anied
gemlemen ri'ad a |>a|>cr of fmir hours <ir so on "The I'se of High
hVequeney Fulguratiun and Thennoidadiutherapy in Therapeutira."
The vote wws niianiuions ted the eoiiv<-iiticm wi-nt t-> Iwd.
Why eaii’t UKHlieal men, just like editors, talk in plain RngIkhT Theu one would know what ail<-<l them. We pay a physiiian
for telling w what'-s the matter, but bow wonld a man know what
troubled him after listening to a four hour pafs-r on the above

Cotm lu the rwuty ol Grand Trsvetae.
In the mailer of the esuie of Jamb
liefiry. dev-eased.
NotlJe J»~bgreh> given Itet foqr •
mouhs from the Tfd day of fuae. A.
n . 1815. have been allowed far cred­
itor* to im-sent their claims atitast
aid deceased to said n>«rr (dr exsmInatioa aad adjustunti. and
rtedltors of ssl-1 detesse.1 ^rr le-•jiilred to iiresem their •lalmsge said
lourt. at the juobale offk-e. m,qbe eUy
"f Traverse City. In said smqpty, oa
U«, rff
<M October.
^ WWI. «.

■ Vth day
aald (talms wilbjv
by said <wort on Taeq^.dfk
3 da.v of-trember. A D, l»lf of len
•loH. In thep torenoon.
Hated June .Ard. A. H. ..
Jnne 4. 11. !!i, 25

"TAb iBoat dastnvoB
f«r-reaehinR monopoly today ia «neomcBd by the (toremment. k made itafe by law and has held the
artmleeooBtry in H» power for many yeara paid. Thi* ia the patent
The public ban BolTert^ niorr. haa
ha» paid .more and
auc lost inoi^
>' or
^tfOQgli the patent lava than by au.v. other monopoly
< eombiutana «l mooopt^aa that the country has erer known.
^^spedfiiUy ^i/^erred To Otiea^
Tdday a man ibvenla nnme simple eontrivsnec that will be of
C-hieago is greatly worried wer its harbor, ll k io.> shallow,
immeoae ralne to the people of'thc whole country'. He secures
and yet, Chiesgo people want to drain Lake Miehigan* to a still
pRtettt on hk iuTeotion which bolds good for ■evcnti'on years, tritii
}i>int that they may turn its waters into the .Mississippi. If
prosp^ of renewal for another seventeen. It gives him the
this is done, whst lo-eomes nf the Chii-sigo harbor which is aln-ady
ateolnte atad entire mtiol of the maunfaclure of hk device.
1iN> shallow? R4sp<-i tfully referr'-d-hi the oljsideralhm of Chirago.
■ay WDufwtU!* or^not. Another man may have been following
along the nme line of thought and reached the
NOTICE OF HEARING CLAlkS BEfew bonra later than the first man, but those few hours are fatal
lioata for the second roan. He may have apedt more years in perCourt
for the t'ouniy ofenrayid Travle«tef-Mp deriee than tfae-first man. but that doesn't count Perdhenia not If the eeooad man has .a quicker mind,'
the maues-of the estate of JaivTlrtValdruff. dereSMsI.
qidcAtt iwmjbeiicnsion, be, perhaps, is entitlod to first conaidera.Noiire is beretiy'gtven that four
ibonihK from the 3rd day of Jupe. A.
ttoi; hot note the reaulU.
II- IMl. have been allowed for cred- •*«Tb» aeeand man who k a few hours Igtc in filing bis claim, is
'dim* agai
The -Mfehina' AgrtcaUural colleae
John Sraedlcy, a reterau of the Hvil
bartad eat. ^e would be glad to place hk device upon the marhel
fof ea
has iuM issueil a clrCBlar cnUlled, ar died suddenly at the home of bis Inailon and adjualinrnt. urt
andI tbsl all
TM'fint man does not care to do so, or is not able to do so. and be
"Sana.e SoiU.of Wesieni ami .S'ortb- aon-ln-law. George Oe* near Elk Rap- cnHlIlors of said dccoaied ro bereby.
to unable to convince hk; friends that heiias pd a good U^n:
em MlrtOtaa." The circolar ismuii
ida at I oVloi'k Monday moming. He required- to r-reseni ilu-lf (Halm* (otalonaaiioa'ihii Is of value to all i«r- was bora In PeBaBce. O.. April .ST. sald court. ai <he prolaie offlre. la
«wl t|wKt^ cannot get their money to push bis interesu. There
the city of Tvave'rs* I'ilj. in wbl rounsous who are interested la the devclawfmqypl to Grand TravitfewMpfor it. Nobody can do anything with that patent for
oi>nient of this inrtloo of the state. I86D. after'serving three years In the
dBMM'yeant'Witboat the consent of the patentee, and the world is
The cjrrular sa.vs. 'The soils of west­ Union army. He flrst located in Lee­ will be beard by said (oiirt 'on Mon­
day. Ihe Tib day o( Octol>er. A. 1>„
the use of a very important device that might mean
ern and Dorthern ^Uchlgan run from lanau county. His wife died
1812. or icti o'clock In the torenoon.
to the industrial progftwa of the country.
the coarser dune mods to the flne
uw ago. Besides hla broMkr Sam.
Dated June 2r-l, A. D- 1915
Miami saod.~ The arcater inrt of Che
r.iia) H. WA1.KKR.
leaves three sous. George sod How­
tiian that, and what haa brought this directly to '
Jadge of Probate.
soils offered for sale are projierT.v
ard of Wlillaaisbttrs a;d John
^ttenlMDrk the fact that the rnitnl Hiates Supreme Court has
Juno 4. li. IS. 35
braced uoder whal Is Vnosm as Mtazni Bariier Creek, asd four dangblers, all
ceotiy rendered s moat important deckinn which afTccts every
aaads. The dune sands possess Utile lltjRg near (bo old homestead.
He pa^es on down the- stre-d a few iwls, and be is again
lltor of 'ere^ |»atented micic in the rnii<-d Siati>s. This ruling0 sgriniliurBl \4lne. The illsnil
Tulile and Bean siralna. best winter
Praak dint In the PbilliipIneK
ilrblag eggs. Il.fdl |ier II..
in the aamn mioner. He gives hk ilime. or bis quarU-r,
nae Bandy soils are especially valuable and bis body mas brought home oad
B th? buyar of a patented article to pur
«.• ftUTXLBR.
fdiOi -far ha -ppeHltiao from the patentee, when the latter made bis dollar, but by that time he concludes that^iis modesty'is cost­ for aitriruliuial purposes ud require Wuried Id Okkvrood.
llUle aueatloa In this place.
Mtr>a'ooodkioB Af tbr tale. Note tbu faet-^hat the patentee ia ing him loo much and he pulls out the tag ft-bni hk pocket and fastMr. Smedkr waa
Miami sands tan* from soils iD%t |iosit
ever>-nnttAliged to sell. He can do as he pleases. He has entire control
Shas much lutrlasic ssflciUtursI value McFhemon Post, O. A. H. of this cUy.
who passrii is rommentiug; “I am glad 1 am not the only one. ’
touching the sale of this patented article.
soils that will never be made prof- PuDersI servlcM held from
gaCnaa to aall if he plcaaea. In the cane wc speak of, the buyer of
Thk is somewhat faneiful. but unforttmately; it k true, and it lubly ptoductlve under ordloao' meth­ the Coagregatlonal churdi Wedi
a aineiwaph had purchased inlc fitm another firm. The Snpremei will be but a abort time before all the great chieii of the country will
can be secured by addresslait IbC Aa- eraa* of the civil war and member*
em* Md that be eonl^ not do so. He must buy hk ink and all pass stringent ordinances touching ibk matter. Fortunately.
^ve«^ I
tural college and aaklng for elrMcPherson Post are requested
Mm needed' supplies fSfom the holder of the patent whether he Traverse Citj' does not have to adopt such measures as this. Our
« at A^raon's, nadertaking
irmted to or not If he does not do so. the law holds him guUty. business men arc willing to do what is needed in thk direction, but
rooms at i
snd escon the body

The patentee of any useful article k entiUed to all due enosid- they do not want to be Ugged on the street, nor do they want their
ta. Ill b.„. ...
aaaHaa. Be kMtitled. in a aniae, to a monopoly on the sale of his in- daughters to he asking for money from strangers in tbk way. .
ahBtiao. Thk k what the world pays'for inventive genius, but if it is
trip across the Atlantic was a i
•W Aat the user of a patented article, under an agreement made
The Coatt Erred
pleasaat one and ihat he expecti
lUtt ttie'patnttee beeauae he, the purchaser, must havein bis busiueaa
A peculiar case came before the Supreme fourt of Nebrask.i aall from l.lvertool on the return j
A PeeuMaV Wrench
or hk fartoiy. or on hk farm the patented article, must buy all a few days ago that might well attract the attention of the whole- ney oa July «th
Of tiie'foo^ or ankle may jirodure
very serleos s)iraHk A siHwin is moi
rnmiim Ifom the owner of the patent, who. perhaps, has purchased country. In a trial-in a fower court the jur>- reached a vwdiel
B. R. llendel. treasurer of ihe West painful than a break In nil sprains,
- thcaa inadental sappliea in th» open market at a low price and can after being shut up from Wednesday noon until Friday mdrtiing.
-a Developmenl hurean. and Rr-II cuts, burns.
Imii-es and scalds
l•AI.^'.KlI.l.t^<: MACK
adj thnn to the owner of fak device at any price he cares to name, the judge refusing to release them until they came to an ngn'cment. Eltworth. aaslstant aecreury. were
LudingtoB OD the I4tb last, io behsll Oil. is (he iM-st Ifalng to use. Kelloes
aafi the Sqatoie Court says that the owner of that device, an pur­
Waltoe .
This jury waa StarredJuto an agreement. Tliey wre kepi in of the advertisement and developmenl the lain, redmes swelling, is a perteci
Howler .
.miseptU- and heals raiddl'. Effectiv
led oMhe patent*^,
. .
- . ------------------- ---- ,-------- ----- ‘he jur>- room without proper attention, with only such sleep as of the wonderfol western >Mrhlgao also when taken lor choleia
» and dvsenier.v. Prl.-e r; nptia baying thcae incidental SUpfdica in the open market himself, tb.-y wiild catch helwemi times, with no i-onvenienees fnr sleeping country. Wlitle there they secured
y Americau DruA Store.
'lerside InrormatloD that will b<
Oen we say, there k a fundamental wrong in the pdtenl law, and
eatiug. fcJ as jtlrj'sm-n art- f.-d in sneh enacK. and those who have
ilue io forwarding the work
a aome of our aUeged statesmen down at Washington would Bay
t on jurim know whal tliat means, until after more than frrrly
band. A -number of phoiographir
STATE OK. WICHiiiAN*ttaoUoB to such quevtinns that vitally affect the cost of liv- bourn of this ooufinemeni. those who were holding out. perhaps for
^te Koiiri loi It..- t'ouni.' of CrsiiO
teg, «f whieh we bear so much complaiut just now. the>- would do justice to the accused, finally yk-ldeil the point and made tbc ver­
be .available I
.At a Bps«tmi of said loiirt. hcH at
tewiit ta themwdvctf and aen-e the interests of the people who send dict unaniraous. This is one of the serinus dang<iw of our jury
I phises of
le prohate oflire. In tttr city of TravD. RIBLT. O. P. A.
to there to take care of those inter«ts. Thei^- k no jurtii-e. nor systi-ni. The wltoh- jury' systeju is hnt a relic of medieval days.
-ui- Ciiy, In *ai-l .-onni>. on the I'-th
e TVvelopment bureau's trade
i.> of June, A . I)., i:*15.
L -a ____
nor raaaon in this deekiun of the Supreme fou« of thF-l mtcil ......
waa cstablklied tm
rcartion resulting from abuses in the so-call-<) mark, which la a diamond, with ibiPresehi: lion. Fred R. Walker,
Stoteo. These Judges arc only men after all and they arc liable to Kngiish eourta. many hundreds of yearn ago. It has ouUircl ite awiiics-oi Probate.
lettering. "Westera Michigan Oeveloithe matter of the estate of Rols
ante mistaksa, and thk is one of them. Thk k onlv • '
fulnens. it has become more of a terve than jiw.ti<v. No curt has
. Bureau: A Farmer for Every erlInbraxebridse.
•M asshole lot of othan.
John C Brighty baving Hied la said
riglil to abuse a liian Irccauao he is jtiror.
judge had a right Porty." has l>een claboraied bv the
to force a juror to a deciaiou contrary to his judgment, and this k
5 sun for a background. The ne»
Sf^U 9e Taken
whal t.K» often happens as is the ease wc refer to.
his death the legal
design peftiijts of hems prime.! in
said deceased and enOiled to
Wa UVe heard considerablo ulk this spring about checking
If a juryman whose vote may perhaps l>e tfieame dinsenliiig >-<>1 • hlack aii-l rad. which roloiing i>ro ittberitol Hie
leal csuie ot »*iicb said
tea^eed of antMaobiles oil the Streets. Noth^ seems to have in twelve, must be confined in tin- jury rrmni. aa was the Nebraska
ed seixesl.
« a plearing effect,
........... .-.-re,I :bat the '15th -lav of
baea dans yat in thk direction. The writer lives on Washington jury, until from pure pliyKieal cxhnnatioii. a vcmlict contrary.-per­
booklet lias been received ai the
tap-. A II.. I*!“. ai len o ckx 1. in Hie
•ktpmeat diureau offira. emiiled. forteoon.
idrect. the best pt^ street in the city, s strccl thst k used more haps. to hk beat judgnieut is given, mieh verdict poKsihly affc-ting
at said i.foliaie olfi«-. lie
Hsve the tatsat improred aqId Is hereby aiiioUiipit tor liearlnc
«W’any other for-sutoraobilcs. Last Sunday, more than ^ iar»
sentence of life imprisniimcnl or death, then the wlude s.vstein is
chinerysndmanafscturq my von
lid iM-tltlon.
nattsl hk bouse eomiog and going. Two-thirds of these cars were wrong. Sneh a muiwe persisted in by courts and judge*, will «ur*-ly the minister of interior. Oitasa. Can
It Is further ordered that i-u‘.lir no-'
in up-to-dste designs from the.
stone. Prompt attention
h- uiM-n.lii i-ubliniiion u(
llasamg, ter, very ter. beyond the speed Kmit.
com|>el a change in the whole R.vjitent and the qiiieker this ehaiige ada. and is beiag rirrulatMl among the • copy of Ibis order, lot yirec «ii-givra sli orders t» matter bow
people tn Ireland In the bo)>e that they lessive w.-cks luevioiis to said d*> of
Thk street hat often been called “Ohureh street" snd rightly k made the better for humanity.
small. Call or wriu for prMdo.
vHII move to (be rans-iisn. northwest hearing, in the t;-and Traverse Her­
». baeauK grouped ia two blocks, are five churches. iUny hunand help to settle op some <jf the vast ald. a new-*]ia|ier prtnte-l and
*ads of people are conaUntly pasaiiig to and fro; many hundreds A FdO> BpUhas
Roth pbonok 5o. tb.
area* of that portioa of thr-Amcrl
of diildren are coming and going from their Sunday schools. Some
Cold blooded murder of a partj-. thieves, rascals, liars, criminal
day aome one of these little ehijdpen will be killed. It will l>« uw agreementa. premeditated t^ft..^isin«Tity. diahonesty. had faith,
t a meeting of the publlr doW.sin
Jime Ik, 2'.. July 2
mission held at Innslag oo.'the. late then to aavr the Hfe of that 'child. Then speeding on the str«q ' ' ■ (ce, bolting, ten*, homely, humbug, premeditated villany,
15th last, the work now being carried
■•y he Cheteed. but some child's life has been taken, some farailv escaped luoaiies. candidates for,the penitentiaiy, tntlh erushere,
a number of different organiukte been bereaved.
betllsmites. These are « few of the icrmS applied by both factious tiOD's for the development of -MIrfai
• It k hard to pirovc over-limit s|iecd because when you come in (liicago to the members of the Notional Republican conimittec.
was considered In a program that
par bigbeat prices for *
into the courts, your stateiaent must he <m oath. Last Sunday the and yet there k-danger that Uic Rcpuhlieatia of the eonnliy^ay tasted all day and far into the
>r rail us by efth.-r phone.
tor ttmtad 43 m.ehiae. pmaing hk house. ThirtV-foiir of'these : be called upon to auptwrl one or the other of the wen who. for the lug. There wery many tpeiOiers from
I Si- Ttwverse filv. M
different parts of the stale so-) the
were far beyond the i^iecd Hmit. Thk teat k easily wade
last week, have been throwing these epithets back and forth like a
different phases of the enilrc
atrteU east of Park and west of Franklin. With one exceptioa on game of shuttle cock.
prsblem of development were consid­
TVont street wcat of Casa, every Uoek k exactly 38 rods, the at^
;rhesc term are mild to aome that have been used, whieh wo ered. One speaker said that if
«»- sucUy four rqda. with the exception of Boardman avenue would not esre to put in print in tbk eolnmn. Has the Repnblie«n work which the Development bare
Train will leave Traverse
he “Ka-olar*
Sr the
method i caa i»
of the state have b««B carTTlng
Itekh m BIX rods. Ij k. therefore, not diffieuit at all for a ;
pBrty eowe 10 thk poaat
abonld be stopped today, that (be good move those acbtng teeth absolmol) City at 6:10 a.m. Retorning.
*• on the ladk«nt. and haa hk watch in hk hand, to test the
result* from what they hare alread) wttboot pain, and without the oa* «> leave Grand Rapids at 7p. ro.
apeed of an auto or motor cycle.
been aceempUsfalng would contlnoe
Round Trip Fares—To
Peopla of narvoBs U_,---------- Mg
. Shan we stqp this speeding before aome one is killed or must
T yean it
vltta weak hearts will appraclata__
Wc have
in times pqgt, n bolting ticket in one party or the
^ ^skegon. S2; Grand Rapids.
aa DeveV
■Ka-olar method e( patal— agtn»
nMsttmtil am life is crashed out! Who k rraponiiiMe for thkt other, bul^^id^ evnr bev of a boliiRg presidential ticket' being
Whm doty klHo a« that our auto drivm oh^ttetew!
L w. a nKTos


VEiBui nssa mr





Sonday, Jane 23
Grand Rapids

0KA» tftftYBtn mw>,





If you fiiltd thorn, All's well; if you didn't^ your
rival tiot the order and may get the customers' entire
trade. WAe up and push the "BEST” flour made.
The manubcture aud sale of this flour helps pay
your taxes, pave your streeu. buUd your school
houses. Does foreign made flour do as much?




' To those that have to use Crates and Baskets,
we want to let you know that during the Fruit
Season we shall have a complete stock of these
goods at our store at the Comer of Front and Cass
Streets at Factory Prices. The price at present for
IB^uart Crates with covers is H cents. You had
better get your supply before the rush begins.


We also have Sprayers to spray everything that’
has to be sprayed, and Sifters to Sift land plaster
and paris green on potato bugs. You also get a
better crop of potatoes by using a little Land Plaster.
It iS to be had at the Comer of Front and Cass



i Grocer

Horner FVonl & Caiw'StnH-u

oon Itseed a a

lot by t:; votea.
Ne Cempromia
Cbltwgo. June 17 —All ulk of a roml^omlae candidate on whom Ibe tacOona could onlte to heal brooch in the
republican party la ahaitiTed.
Temporary Roll Call la Rook On Taft lertera have decided to stUI bold
W4>»ch the Party la Liable T?* control and accepted the asaui
Uamee. be bad enough votea to elect
Be Wrecked When SecRoot leuiporar) cbalrman. Two
elone Open.
convemiuna in the same ball
vventiable as the Ruuecveli AgbUug
der ided to go through «4ab
t'blcaso. June It.—The effm of tb**
bis KrjoaereK suBsa meetiug to IwJield theTt program and inaist they
ahead and nointnale Roosevelt
tOQlRbl is feared b> tbe Tan leader*.
accept the prugreaalve platfortn.
Tbev M} it Kill Wve lUllc «Si-o( uu
Taft delcgaleB' bat tbey etperl the ynSroleit Ihenwelvea Ironl -giroiig
" mrtboda. The naUunal cumuiltColouel't uttennc^ to Inflame bl>
l<4lurerf to make trouble at Ibe con- tee tnlornii-d KooseveK today that
teiitioii bail tomorrow. The Rooserelt will make the temporary roll' pr.
rank aud file ure altboul tirketa oT ed by the camailitee, the tempo
adulaahui. Blc delecationa of Rooee. roU of the-convention. ThU followed
volt ibouierB frum the weal and lootb- a'conrecencr- between Ruaewatcr and
woil d'Tlare Ibej will enter the ball Kooeevelt last night and Inani^
yuyway. It li elated by the Taft-Ilet fight •irom the drop of the hal.l^t Hoot willbecJoclcd with the aid of Many leaders fear bloodshed and brok­
Inelrurled Kuoeevell delegatee wbo en heada iu> the Rooeevelt men de­
free'to vote ae they eee III on Ibe clare they will never allow the tern
lomporary orgac lealion. Rooeevelt la porary -roll' to be read.
Taft-e Nemlnation Impesalble.
tenter o[ aellvIUea. lie held
•'The nomination of President Tab
confervuce all the maml&i; with deleL Ilia headquarters are jammed baa practically become ImpusalbleP
with delegatee and later the pabik re­ Thu Blalemeni of Ex-acnalor Uepew,
ception at licadqaartero waa jammed. a Tah delegate from .Vew York, was
given In an Interview- with a ciirrc*
pondent of a -livnduu paper today
This siatemfnt from Oepew is being
a out here. ’Taft Is of a jadicliil
imlnd." said Depew. -and will have
no rhanc-e In n rough and tumble rocvettUo^ fight."
- Will Lewrer the Tariff.
The tariff s-lll be revised duwnwarrl
by the republicans if they win. no'mat­
ter wbelher’Taft or Roosevelt con­
trols the convention. This was
made ceruiu when the learned-4eadera of each faction deiermtiied to decUre for a BciruliUc downwerd revis
(on uf the (ailff in fraiuliig their rialform.




you combine
business with

This Week

U' - .

. and FriencU

We’ll iqake your
call on us a
profitable one


»ia.80 £^:.*RirSpplng coat
tallwcd style.

‘ , . .. tiuMjCoifclk Snltt . .


......... ............... 500

Ttil! B^i^y Co.
1ST East rraal street.

PoHila Lett OuL
The Iniilatlvc refereDdum and recall
ae tederal propoaittoca dema
•peclflc platiorm declarabona
turned down by Kooketelu In i
talJie draft of the plaUonu. prepared
by ibe Roosevelt Torres, these pro’j|enu were left out giving ooly a
lion. In a geuni way they were
dotaed but the ondurgeiueDt <
Th5H.‘ltra progreealvea «m flgbi tor
Uie iBaenion of Uvese prindplee
the plalfonn.

TStiFF REyiSm IS USORQ Rooacvelt'i numlnatl


' rMB'-vauE. 1-,

I WkY MMLE, maDAT, tm It. it^-

Traverse aiy. lflcA.





Wffl. ,\>l,on of
of Ih.
Irm fl FTieuiau A Co. of this .c ity
-t to K. Sebomberger. i
first witness called by the defense this
aftenmon. He wald-that be had knowr
Mr. Wlite for fifteen years or mote
having ha-l dealicg with him wber
Mr wtiv Uvwd In Mllwaakee. pre
vion. ic, roming to this city to reside
.Mr, Nelson ti a'frequaot visitor to the
city and on sevreaJ orraatons ta.
been a goect In the Whie heme. He
leellfied ihel the last time be saw
Xtarle nicte was «a (he l«tli er l»Ui

The Markeb

bid the Wittes good-bye as be
Ins to the deiaM to return to Mllwanii««. He had known that there were
sores on klarie; on her ftce. hand*
and bead and said that he, policed
some pecnlUr velkow powder on the
aeree. He did not know what was the
matter, bat aaked Mrs. WHtr and she
hOfi K.3II. Sh«eik«-Kecelpia.
told him Che rpUd liad a disease and
• active, alow. $S.:.o|.S; No t. »
,tbr l«wder was some she bad
Ho*s-R«»lpU. 17.000. tr;
gotten from Hr. Moon for the purpose light. 1.H to 20c tower.
seen Mnw Witte
Cluslug SI |<77t.«.87.
klr. Witte’s cblidcen euy different
than her own.
It seems that lh<-re was
■he rejvan of the testimony given by
klrs. K If. liarnnm
larnnm for tbpH'rosecu- ___7Ck,c. Oats, i>
Mrs. Haravin
sravin teettflM that the
™.«.. J... i: -wi,™,.
only times she
lie ha^ aeen -Marie was
-s «l)f<low in the winter
when ib« llil'le girl bad scrai^ the
frost from the window- that she mlglii
She bs.1 seen the lltt
in the window and said that
peared thin and emarUted. In the re­
port It was staled that she hid only
her Idaying Indoors. She never
saw her ouiofeloors.

In three weeks from today
lunmrtani Bible Study coaiesL-staris
connection with the Herald.
Most. If Ml all. ol our readers
y of its ImionuCF. and .Its coudi
and thU Is rlmply ‘To stir up
pure mindt by way of renie'mbrance.The International iTeiis Dlhle Ques
lyn Club is Ctivided Into four cUssc-s.
roiiipose.l of Dew'f|«)>en> which join
the rliili flnring any given year. They
nown as Ctass A. Class H. CUss
C and Claaa l>. ‘hie classea are num
bered according to the quarter .of the
year. In which they . join. The
Herald local club belongs to Clnss
There will l»e given away as.priies -to
each nasr. to the first five coD|e.-.iani«, five sollcl gold meduU; to the
next five conicxlanis. five tuerling sil­
ver iBcvlals; to the nest five contestauis. five teachers’ Ulblep, prtew
each, and to Ihc next ibirly-fl> c-coiTteslsuls, thirty-five.coplc* Of llie book.
- Jiie Heart/rf Chrisilanliy.- price
(l.ldXacfa. A bc-aui
y engraved dlidoma win he glvei, .
Plete the course. The ■cOD.IlIlcfmv of
the contest are that, lommenclng with
the lesson for Sumlay. ktly 7: ill A
coupon should lie cut out .'of tbU luv1»T for
ronaec-utive wee-ks. conilyliig llml the leaaoD has been read, to­
gether with the "Suggesilve <}uestlODs" l«Becl on the sans-; ill Any
flve of the quesiions. that are Indlcal^
ed 10 be answered In writing, must be
answered i3i -Must il’eliver to this
office within one w^ek afier the close
. :.I weeks- iieriod all the c-oupons Which have been cut and slgnitl.
together w llb the five w ritten answers.
The priies will then lie In
order, to those who dellv.-r .to any
ncw>|4|er office In the ' class. Ihe
greatest number <ff couiions. The lice
e hrokdn by an Imivsctial examOefeopg Waa Taken
of the written answers, and
Up After Court Was Called
the prljes will go to those who have
he highest nun>l>er of marks.
Kaeh conlenant will nc-ed the ller,|.t. so as to read the qu-silons an-l
ide vs. William and l-aurn Witte weii- get the foui-on
coniluued today, when-«llne^sc^ ,iu;
the defense lestllled to the effev-t.ilia:
they had never vUited at ibe Witte
home when all the chlldn-n had nu!
been trotted ahk.-. Mrs. Wliie-s cbll
dren. Mr. Wine s chll.lren, all flu- oi M^>gan Livery Will Agaio Enwr the
them, alikd and in the aatne mannei

Neither ha<> any of these
ev.T taken a meal at the Witte 1kuu<
when the children were not dll allow­
ed to eome to the lableand were no:
served wlib the same food as Ihc lam
;lly iiartook of.
le irsln on wM.-h were s nuiubei
of the Jurymen, was abont a half houi
late and therefore court iHd not ge;
started until late In the afvemoon
Judge .Maym- said tbsl'Jie was la m
palby m-tib Ihe arikle-whlch api»arod
In the Rec-ordEaale l^turdsy to ih.
effect that children sboiii.l 1»- .-a
eluded from the c-ouet room during
this trial. While there is noihins
po^leubvily unfit for cbiHren to hear
dbore U nothing, on Ihe'other banc!
that can he of any great Icenefit tc
them, and aa the aealing rajiacity I.
not large, he iheretore believed |i
j best that the ehlldren be exrludec:
and allow the older persons the Iba'
they might ocini>y, rhUdren un-let
fifteen years of age and sol anon:
ivanled by ibetr parents

lie announced that Alirat bait
fW.«0U eudowznent hag ba«
Wotk win aooa be begtya
iba-beys'- .
dormitory and improrements made te
Barber baU.
The play. 'Hob aad the Kabpb. '
^QBi eonwetad each day by witw
tromttlcMo. Detroit. Toledo and Bnf- wrlii.-ii by Kntherine Uapes and Wayblo ^hi«n^ Dnltod PseM Uiogntpk land Harvey, members of the class of i
t^ir. was Klveii hy the Antors Wof i
ries^y eieniuc to a very- attoroclatlt^ *
andience. Mu Ic was ntrsUhed by
the UuDto ore icstra. Tbe autbern M
tbU Idav are to be congratatated n#dh
mcresa of their effotkL

The Morgan livery. whl<h la one of
Ibe laigest In the suie will again en
be butloeas of iiwnsferring j«a«sengers and baggage from the trains
boats coming Into and leaving
4r*e City. During the pa.«t five


« I

larng lavKe. JOce 12.—W.
is IS Trsverae (Tty tbit week, oortlug on the. jury.
. Nelson AnkctecMi baa retorned hi
train the penipsulo, after lanvlnE epMt '
three weeks with bto alatar at ttel j
. : \
ilr and Mrs l-al- WlllUmnon. frdto.
isitie Tree spj«t Sunday with Mr. I
and Mrs. Hsc-keu.
I.evi I'ox has reiorand borne fnBs |
Detroit he lias boon taking modlcaF |
Mrs. Manha (Hiinger and two AM•n from. Traverae fly Were Ae ,
aiuests uf Mis win Newataad «nr i

iut> their daughter.' Mrs. Bwward I
They mnnied hove j
Mr and Mrs.- Huy BeMlng Ud
rhllitreo frutn Traverae City rlshnd j
their ivarenis. Mr. aad Mrs. W. B. R
J .M. igiMt haa ptirdiaaM a
front Will Riley.
Victory Lias In Mm Wn.
Dent flinch. ftooMw. AD vwrnr.immm
Mdic. but grapple llkb l nan. a'hmiI
wbo wllli It can to anywbtow. and 4B 9
i*at be detennlnea to do.-XMn TotAM

Straw, par to* .




Beans, per bn .


-.rtrrE:::-::::No. 1 bone bldea..........Il.ruj and

Telegram Received at Bute Depariment COBfirmi''Rumor That Rcbeli
*Werc Defeated.
Washington. June 17.—Oeneral Rs
K-IIU2, l.-ader of (be I'nban rebelllcm
sas killed ifi battle according
auiement In leicqtram that mnfinns
rumoT> that rebels were badly de­


.-HIS have-changed they bare ^Id
Beulah. Mlc-h.. June 17.-|li,l*ft
-1 ii. late np the biistae.* agalnkul lic-vccll die.I at bis borne in Gllbioi
V,ll pvt r. complete equipmriH on lie lounsfalp last Tut^v. He was on
routes that will enable them to handle ' the pioneers of Benzie conntv
tbU class of hurtness with dispatch
rjavion Berry, a form-r n-sMein of
at all limea including trips u> and f>ankfott. died In Tole.lo and was
fnqn ali hotels and priva'e residences I.urled la Franfcion ls‘t mec^w
The comimn.v hd^ bad 'plenty of ei
Van DcMa^'s land, the iiopiiUr.
perienee In this llamas they former .>ort near UeoUb, Is seam ogveu to
ty had a bus line In the city and did many patrons.
While’s botd, which has twMr gr.
Iv remodeled duiltig the year. Vili
with boats and guides. Vften »m
lormaUy epencil June ;s. TMs he.
a weeks trip to the" suryOTt
(Bwag -with cummerelal men.
aad Is one of the ficevi In the nonbvrt.
•gentd will be placed cp tie j:
enteffng the city at this time
and .Mrs isrngyear and Mrs
■tralgit bus Use bnslnesa being the
V- of yiinneupoIU have t„-en at
ibjert of the new anaticemeai. Both
noete and regular busses will be
used In uk^g care of tie Urge sum
aver trsSlc that is just now beglnnI. B Wgten. recently re■ag to start in tils section of the'
1- I. a
rrcft of her woo. K, B.J. Water
(;e« Kl-e. .mho was so badly h-un
ffn«s a Bane of Life in Africa.
about the bead by piecea of the HrBouse flies sre preralent In Sooth cTiiar saw which broke tn bis n,iH
Afrlce during she taeaiha of October. sltoit two BOBths tio. Is again able to
s abooLFrank KtobaH of the rrysut tAke
dews are nnknown there, the bousM
Orchard coniwr arrived In time to
are filled with (Ilf ...
beinrttedoateeslrHtend tbe nrndeer coBB«see»c«-

I! Pays
At The
Shoe Store
City And
The Peo­
ple Have
Found It
Wemen'e KM. $1.75 and
$1.50 Ovforda. SpeeisL
$1.45 and $1-?9Mcn’a $2.00 Cun MaUI Osfords. Special. $2.45.
Boys’ $1-50 atulosUn BboM.
Special. $1.25.
Man s $1.75 MutcaUfl BteM.
fipecai. $1.45.
Aromen's $2i5. flZJM. fl1
Chcti Specrsl. $«.««. ttMl,
Men-a $3 Ofi and flZAO BtioM.
flpecia'. $2.55. tSM. V-lS.
(Diildren'a »boe*, SBfc «$a,
76s. $5e, $$c. *1.17.
Eoyc’ ShoeA Me. *1.11,
*t.?S. *1.66.'a And CrMHSig
C.rta’ Wfhda Canvas .latrap
Rumps. Only*1.25ajidS1.Sav
. MMsea' same. pMy-flM.
ChllerenV Only 73c and





Has tkan one week

t'lir or by man oatsMe « Trarer t Jeanie Bright. Maple City R. 2 thfiSTfi
oceaided by (be Nalluial tWI '
tCareline OaOell. Cedar RFO a.tfi0125 Begtoter coiuiianv. In all three-atore
•lUcfalDc s' caooos'to 0 roeel ,'Aliea Ostund. OW Hiotlen......... ITMTS
>s necessary to tear- (be Un oC
j tUrUnO, T. C. K. 1..........t7«45 the walls and celling In onler to rrmch
(he AOa BvrSMt. Cedar Run....... 1TSMS:
tbe tlamet with water Oarreit Meeborr suffered the least, the damsgt
Sse o( the roupoo vrttc the e
la plare awoui.tmg to approxi
Lells CopeUnd............................
wbirh it entirely covered
paipi msseger.
. 1. 17S42S
insurance. -He arose early >ester
RFC 174745
.173145 day nKirnlDg intendtog to go fishing'
*as op when AR Winnie notified
,HaUie Sweoey. Old Mtesien . .17*47S
•uUrriptiua sest In.
iRcuia SIssle. Lake Ann RF0..171S35 btui that fait plaie was on fire. On
If a eeupen It not oent. the eoi*dl-'“^ Fredrlekeon. NerUipoft.. 171«S
artlxal the Bremen had Just atuttlo use the hose, so he managed U
bis furui-hlngs and ilotblnc Jx
Rayle. Lake Ann R. .
un Utid uut ln,A:lue lo es.-ape lh(
Mrs- C- A. Slibafer. T. C. R.
Cecil Lafayette. T. C. Rf 3...
i^.ases of fire and water. .Mr. Mee
ho.-r Iiad the Insuran.e men come agd
liKiwdea all territory iiiaide the dty, Mrs.
tlitogs over as soon at icissible
mite of Trwveeee City.
and then spent the day cleaning and
Lele Scofield. 1122 Pcninaula 1M42S Clera Arnold. Bette
"Xing np. so Ibis motwinc
Cecil Van Natter. 42S 2nd.
teotgs Celia ScotL
■mdy for butlne.'s as id uuibmg bac
Cracc Riley.
Mr*. Doty, I
IS96t5 Mr*. - i;. Miller's lust will 111
Mrm Ann* K
Korn. 1194 E. «h
51.Mm. fiitly iutared. .
Idea Lethanut. 205 EKnweec
lent Web«ter.'l2e N. Cedar.
The greau si amount id da;_
Mra. W. H. Brown. fiU Front
nne to the i-ro{«riy ot- the Sxtioul
Dorothy Maeeenic^ 425*Bth.
CTub tt'-zlsler ioni|iau>. Water
TAlrza Cerrell. Igt 8. Union. .115145
im. T. C. R 5...
Ihe oiaHiioes and rusted the pai
Margaret FHarck. 511 2nd......... ISSCfiS
Mew A LaFonuec. 134 Front.. 131475
they tail to work prn|.erl> Tlie
Floy Ottlnger, 525 Bute..............1fi15«5 Mattie Hepkin*. i
is ra. h luarhllie w lit ha> e to !h- l^keh
Fleronco Winter*. 515 WIbator. 179625
ai«rt and then reutteml.led Iw'ure li
Cora Pearson. B91 Wash..............179375
<an he used The uiarhlnes. tuevther
Mrs. Lewis Culman. 876 E. t(h.. 179235
Cracc McMichacl. 597 W. 11th. .176325
with tbe offive fixtures damaeed I'litt
Ineiuec* a.i territory
Lulu E. Themaa. 695 W. 11th. .173495
and South 1
the lust at o\er,63.iMi'. This is «i»Lavem Cook. 733 W. 7th................. 171345
rii-.l l.v Insuranee. but there \.a- aV
the pere Ma^dtc R. R.
•n Cook. 7 t86170 ouirlghl loss of supplies worh alnui
Ida Whtaen. Bates .............
m345 iru> U J. O'KeHly ^rlved un Ibr
Beryl Ratoc. 2231 15th.
Mrs. RobL Ramey. T. C. R.
Mae Alward. 403 W- 9th..................143395 • - Bogart. Kingeley.
Mrs. T. Temple. Wilhelm Bk..1«013i
■n Whtaen. Crawn, f
Edwina White. 519 9th..............15799$
Beatrice Babel. 824 Randolph. .159745
'oed. Summit cfty........ 184155
Prey. Williarr.eburg-----182395
Lotto Oreon. .1029 Webster........147315Etbel Edwaida. SIO.W. 7th........14Sns Crate Taylor. T. C-R. 3
niost dtfll.'ull itui ih>'- tireHien
Mr*. Lei* Bleder. Randolph... 145116 Jenn.e Legect*- Crawn. R. 1... 18T945
Maude .Warner ........................... 142675 Minnie SargenL Summit City.. . 180315 h.-i»e Itad to rontenil will
'litiiy. Iweau-r- of the dento
Mrs. Markham, 219 E. 11th___141755 Mre. Van Oe pegert. Bender
Mr*. Fred Berlin. B3I E. ath..13t115 Mrs. Robt. Barney. T. C. R. 3
the .liffi'ritlt 'vork loeating the liuldeB
MatUe Smith. S54 E. Front.. . .129395 Mri. A StewnK. Crawn............ 176485 flafiH-s. II was neeestary lur ibei
Mrw Shirley Hintd. 853 E. 8th 12ir ' Florence Setfh. T. C- R. 2.............173176 to g.i.tuto the garref in wbi.-h there
Adeline MaMorv. T. C. R. 8...........173141
Mary MeCiil. T. C. R. 2 .... 171445 If uiil« siiBtrlent s|wee tor a
I'taul on lilt hnndf and kn-^
EtU Barrett. Kingsley. RFO
Maggie Demine.. T.. C.
-. R
Mrs Mrt'nII *at awakeno.!
Mr*. T. Toner. Crawn . .............171345
Genevieve Davi*. T. C.R. 4, .170435 smell ef anioU-. and barely su'i-eeeded
In iiiakini!. her •■ki-aim lielori- being
Ineiudoe all territory oirtsMe of Mrs. M. Artlip. Crawn....................169385
.X> tlie foul ut tin- tuirt
Ray Taylor. T. C. R. 4.................... 10745
Tynverae City and wew and north nf Alice Schell. Kmgtley................155475
tho PeraTAruuetto R. «.
Mr*. Eliza Newell. F. Uke R 1.160745
.1 153745
ChaHette -ntle*. T. C. R. S. .186415 Cerrlc Faiirr. Fife Uke
Mrw Atkinoen. Burdiekvllle.... 18632$
Eltia Stone. Old Alleelen......... 183895
Mr*. RobL Lackey. Old Mia*ien. 135525 Mr*. Carl Richardson. T C R 2 133675
Marganet Wllooii. T. C. R. 1 .. 185560 Cora Scofield. Williamsburg.
Susie Ferguson. Cedpr ..................184290 Mrs. Mary WJIaon. Benden__ 116766
Anna Gearing. T. C. R. 3.............184155 Mis. Cracc Perryman. Acme__ 117125
Mrw N. Shieler. T, C. RFC - 182565 Mr*. Leon Wolf. Mayticl
Jminie FarrauL Empire R. 1___180375 Mrs. LeuI* Dexter, Ben.
Julia Eate*. Bate*...................... 180495 Mr*. Henry Sachtteben. '

'MARKS THE CLQSIN6 OF ...........
iMIot Box Now Locked and Keys
'^^sited at First National Bank
■'•N#. More Votes Counted Until
■Next Saturday Night.

'5'- u±T“«“£!i“'' IS"

jBkcant Prizes Are Ready For Their
Owners—Absolute Fairness Has
And Will Prevail
■ WKk >ut flts days remslalai la the
Mse CRiiipaliii U bat beeooie tnt#«4«tve that each caadhtau abould
^ hdr bort to aecoro as Bsay Totat
as bOiidHe di«taf the reualalag days
tf tho caitalga. At I o'clech neat
Rahalay alcht the balW box will be
OpOMi ier the loot tlae aad the Aaal
'004MbO*.%.- Tllo.llotald tad RecotC ro. cordUUy
the Mtebdaoco ot 0*017 caadl4 her frieods at tba 4aal cm
I am botla dltocUR aftor
o'docb bad aaaoaacoBieat of thoae
Wouiiorai win be made at the earileat
«i there wth
b be *woaaded, at each
_ I VP'
a plaap. That la lafirtiaMa
to aad ao oA
on nraareu atore ihaa
Uwl^r^ and Betnrd t'e. Uiat c
Wir eapart «« <»•
bwo made tbo oampalaa sarely cw^
4P Id Aa itvaa to aoa.prlie wlaaers.
liM'mOB. U there ware pUooa am
jio, . aic. (or eritrybody.
k at oampelUkm weoM oot be de•a4.^4r K were set Tor that apirli
• StosM be ao de>ek>ptoeo( of
fea*e beta bitnaht oot ue.
Ifrvte oirose of worktag lor aa obU4 eoftala yooBf gtd who wurlti
jra^ pali Is bar spare Uo>e geti'lpM WMid sot be BiaUag tbl<
IgRiiil U oka were sore ot b'prtxe.
I ywac tody wbo -wtRos oo patbetttr 'itf bow Bocb good aocb a prue
tag bar, weuW probably aot
4 the etreogth to make wbal
g Ogbt. If sbe

aabecrlptktn to Ue to Ue Herald or
cldes I
laeoed upon tbe payaient
the neoind oubM-rlpUoo will amonol
to Ue difference between tbe number
of vutee glren at Ue lime-of the firs'.
Atmeot and the loul amouat nbied
would' bare been glren bad Ue anbsbrlber turned in n twu years aubeerlptloD to Ue beginning.
Por Inaunco: If a man aubecrll
tor Ue Re<enl4togle for one year
der (he Bret scale ot rotes, ro
would bare been tossed upon Ue pay
meat of that suberrlptlon
amounl ot S.OM new. by mall. Sbonll
be decide to uke' out another yoar^s
•ubacriptloD at Ult ttma. vote* would
be iBBOed to tbe atoount of the differ
enre between .Ue- 5.090 to which be
was entitled upon tbe fiini payinee',
and tbe atoouni to which he would be
aallUed by Ue paymeal of a t*
y««r'a eube«iplloa at Uat time—1
«00. or 10,000 vote*..
Always give Ue date of Bret paymeat when handing In s aecood pay­
ment aa' that gorema the amount ot
voica due. The scale to tore
Ue first paymeot' waa tWed
ent Ue ecale seed oo the second pay-

IStS^SS: 5S SSTiiL a™. «.

what Benona'from the aboefc.
Tb* tou- sustAioed by tbe JIcColto.
Mrs. Buzzell and Prof Hubbard in
uaaged ^srimld goods will |>tabdy gmouBtto over $1,503.


fhas Helm. -PP; Ed. KeHK-M; JgBHs
T. Uilltkeu. -Ul: Urw. Ed Kyaelka. '(•:
5>toa Olive BMaeU. 113; iQaa RobectR
Kehoe, VI; Mias MabH OWsprea. ipj;'
Mlasttoace JlvlHibaeL-OC; MlsaiTiar>«lv TTledrirb. OT; Mlya Peart WBbelu. 'v6; MU* Mar? Parr. V*<; Beth
A*hti*. 'IPs Aiaidiug Piiwirtih, '11Miaa JoaejiSlaa Urelllck. It

Plan* fM- me alumni bsuuuet I
held at the Park Flare on tbe eveatog
of 5Yiday, June 31. are well under
and it U expeiied that this event will
prove one of the must eii>u>able and
injxiRant in ibe bbtor. uf the Trai
rrweCIly High »chool. Competent rom
uUltee* have bees named at folluas •Wasl.i-.aioo. June IT-PteiMept
t. look after every deull of the eieot Tati hit vetoed (be arm. appr^stoud U It is not a aneceaa It will not b.
hlll wbirh cwrrieiT with it a
lecause they have faded in their duo clause funtog the high uStteV* ot 4h.I
n the least. The rwrepilon will be
Hi tpeud tM yoar* In line." Th.,j. ld at h o vlork aod the banquet serf- reaaun* the i.retldeot vie was ilu
bin would n-utgBiiUe tbe army ami
rynder In.-ligiblr tbe rbW of ataff and.
Exeiniiite—Mt»: Alma Thom
.1 other efflrirut ulfi.i-rg.


logs Foote.
Derorallona-AlbeR Kyselka. lawn
H»..« V«l„. >1,.. M.L-1

Roben NnrrbW-.
^Vniept4 iviiutmitee U ro
Vdufane member fr.« e.rh .I.m that
ttos graduated hem the high school

day evuotng. - Bight windows In the
rwstdeiioe of !W. Hoag wrm brwhen:
two windows to the Co* afttrmJUP*
bsokeo. one in the Drake meat mar
keL one la the 'U. B. rhurA as nrrll
aa M-ieral Jn tbe residemvw of AMcii.
Tbe ro^ buaioeM at thU tadat Is
mlng'. Th
1 Bear Alcb-n -Uk-. Lung

'Don'! tell me things ain't lattgrttad.' ezvlalmed th* fftognntad mmpesitor. -Just look at the' awkward
hoy orev there, ft's exaRly Uto tba
pl hla totber uaed to naka"


Labt Neale Ueerease

Wban-Msdlng to a aecood pnymenl
be sure to mark on otub. aecood pay:
ftnbscriptioo rates of the Beeord-Csgie and Btunher of
meat and Ue number ot voieo recolrrotes pveii oti each payme&t
e4 on tho first poymeoL
Coateauau will do well
As Hew
Ume to todoce oohecrlbeta who bare
6 Months $1.60 .................. 1,820 votes...-'.......... 810 votes
pnrehaord a BUbocrlptloo lor ooe. year
1 Year $3.00 .■................ 4.060 votes..................2,085 votes
earlier (n the
8 Yean $B00 ..................12,150 vt-tei..................6,075 votes
for a eecood year. Uereby Bering.
number ot rotes that wonld
the better phjakally
As New
1 secured hod the aubacrt|i'.«tbor way for the part
6 Months $1.00 .................. 1,620 votes................ 810 votes
tioo been for tw« years tbe first lime
to the coojpaigar
U was tuned la.
1 Year $2.00 ................. 4.050 votes................. 2,026 votes
2 Yem $100 ..................12,150 votes................. 6,076 votes
Yon wllL by naU or carrier boy. re• aetfl the» cloias o' eelrc the dUreranco to rotes on all oH
toe rots aeltlBg wni be nubscTlptioBi aa well aa new. under
As New
As Old*
Already aeTcral ot tbc Ue same procna. The ccmpon-'glB:
1 Year $1,00 .................. 1,620 votes............... 810 votes
alao be used 00 second' paymenu
2 Ye^ $2.00 .................. 4,060 votes.................. 2,028 votes
•wtog that tbeir aoluer-' Inraed to now ai well aa first payIn forcf np to and ZNCLUDINO the last day of the c
w woikJng falthtnlly and menu turned 'to now.
Pfiden, Ji
I7 to their iatereto.
Mpoa lor Ue tost days of tb«
Now. cnadMale. make tbli w<
Vdo wnracttog more Uaa or- whicbila Ue last at UU great ev.
-Mtaatka ameag the caadi- Ue ben <me of tbe whole eight,
WhenAhis coupon u yarned in with g snbscript;on payment
TSto to a *0(7 itoeral <xmo« eourse. some one wilt b«la to get dUit wiU esU for doable the number of votes of tb^ gnbecription
4too tbU will a
It soeoapaiues. Simply ettseh one of these coupons to each
rouraged. bnt she will not be Ue odd
to toooe who get oot sad hustle, will own one of OrInneU Broi.
reeaipt stub aent in and the namber of votes this coupon en­
lot Ue day* slip by and think make I plaaoe. after June
titles yon to wlU'be indnded in the regular ballot issued on tbe
lobscription. ne voU scale and value of thu coupon will
Ilo yoor«. Ibeu you will
k bat bnatle today have mo rauoe tor regreU. due to
POSITITELY remain unchanged throughout the balance of
this campaign. .
^~^t aow-oad oowtoow many roten
oaoh nndldate
^ ooa gat by the nberrlptteat
to paid fo^ taking adraoiage of ibir
JM-to. Too okeaM be able to
her own opportunity.
«M«h Unmgh Uta eoopoa to enable
roo to ooaily wto ooe o( these grand
;'nndMaiea may ton to subacrlp.
Good f«- .....................................................................votes
floaa and poll their reaerre rotes at
for ...................................................
any time Iroei i»w until fiaiutday
' IgdsiSay toewalag at • o'clock the ereniug.
By the way some of the candidates
rated Saturday the campaign man­
ager waa led to believe tba( they
Addrem ................................................................................
Ibougha it was ibe ctoalng day of Ihe
■e so dMlrooe of be- campaign While tbe rotee cast .rm-|
(CUp here)
tof ot tho hood ot tba lUls In their terday looks to be a rery large one.'
raisoetifa dtotdcu tor the ctoslag
ao big after all. when you
Am at Ue oompalga that Ue.r may lake into .OBBlderalloD the aumbci
fegpo'paned wlU ahnoot their eatlre of v«es that m gKea for a yearly
Inaiing In ihv mut- Diana'” onlv <
Stoorvo. who koowo? Oihcrn were snbtrrlpiloo and Ue ralae
the ar»t Boor. Tf.r fir.- Ihir -tiiiie'
l^Ms to watt, and Uene aro Ue one*
A doxen yearly subacrlptlear
Aninioaeil to have orizluxW '.rum il
Ibot wtn easae many Soiprtoea next or leas Uan fire aubacrlptluna for two
1-hlmney or a small beaiiog .lo,.•onMayalAL
would-put Ue lowcM .-andidates
the aparim-cts orxupied by Mis. i
Stosc the «wee were rooawd. the la any of the dlsirl.u In the t.^musi
M. tturrelL w bivL-X;e .lo>-ated IB fl
toek dt the htitot boa was aeatod and poaiilon.
ewBier of thr aeruud »:or;.
tks Im at (bo WBie sealed la aa eeUSE OF COURON.
Torougboui i..e grraier pan^of if
Candidates may send the
IC BUILDING DAMAGED biuldihg .ilie iuiertor Is flE:<*h.W i
to-««k nrat Katlonpl batik imUl Bat- (heir own totor or any peram
sheet iron. a-. Is al*o 'he exterior, ai
Adtor'nlgh* when Uey win be dellr
ipoB Is favor of a caadidate
Imcwuse of ihu coaililion the Ore tr*
ont fio tbo Jodgoa. wbo wiu
Clip out a coupon and lecate a aub.vied from one pan of.the buildint: i
fm, '**t tA fiasl- eouoi win begin Bcriptloo to go wllb k Send (he con.
aBothw. pot breaklDC .om
pen to with the subecrlptlun and the
■fiaaie* were viAlUe. but hllie; ;l
banekhox wot bo (ou
ballot you -errlre on Ibe subacrlpU»n
and stores'With *aK.i,e 'P:
<Aeo at Ue HecoU had Record Co. up will also conuln the retea due on (he
Cre had mbably been coiDz'ioc a b*
fig -4MI bo«r whao tba Judges break toupon Te explain. One new yewr>.< ON ACCOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION
hotir when dto.-overe.l hy Art Winni
tbo Of^ Rplock tito box and eoodact by mall at i:.m> calla lor t.n.'.o votex
and Ben Miller, who were.poii
•oligl osoat to toll sight of all AV according' lu tbe regular siale now to
UmA tho bnlM box wlu ^ locked lorce A coupon aeni in with tbir Second Time Thi* Block Hu Burned
and when the flrrnieo arrived
Mi l<0 loU asolA rote*
be d«yearly wooM call tor double (h<Same MenneiwTlmcly 0<*smoke was to .ieote !t »ar wi'h gre«!
at say time ap to 3 p. m. June
mt of (be BUbs<-rlpi>on -w »,twi>
dfSIrulty th*: ihev manaze-f to eoier
n. iMHih Uo opealag to Ihe up ot These (we amoonu iJ.tuo dae oirihe
and lorate P» tounv lo man/
uulierription by mail and the
tbe walls. .-eiUng aud f.oor were .hole'
3.100 Ibe aamnnt dae on the coupoa
Klre wfak-h V . diMv«er«S «
ped oped to iireoi a ho-' OB the hid
OWUpotat (hat the maaagemeDt
Ibe aiDuiRU due on (be rooponi
dee flamet.
•aeig fMfiljhe mAdg.ctoar b
loula. to 13.50 vote*. Tbl* amooni
by Mlo* Sirinlwrg *iHi lo
From the rtwaip of 'It*. Buzre;; the
4M0M la U* torn
to be rrcilled oa tie one ballot. raiM yurt wem .of Ibe Cnnd opera
imes euiered the aiwnrueutt
MdB Ueoai pormenA t«.Ue ReeordReal to miad the (set .that tbe coucwOMd beevy lore to threw ba»- and Mrs Angus M.rzvll. who i.r* in
AAofcr ROM by one peraoa. aod pon can be need cro every aabacrlptioi
Brm* and^rew families who the building yutC eam of tlw former
■■AEOtei are rmweated te note careIn between now aad June :: la- tK-CBpled ib^.a«6m.d rtury' This aam* nnd'over (be ^ore u>vupled'f-> -Mmfipar.]^ followtog: Fsu example. rliulvv The utmrriptton* tuv be bulMtoC bu^ed >o a uimitar maesrr Ihoer. the taaor; .MJUer *
J^BforosghoiAgNtoreoeyoariyioMoroow: by uarrtor bw u Tratoiae three yean a^ to May, tbe fire oelg- Mcebow'a uU^r abop aad Uto 'UtUe




FUEES miiB n cDiifioi:


Uiere is not an Irticle in this advertisement, or in the big list printed last
' week, but what represents an actual saving from the regular price. We simply
ask you to come and see for yourself tbe truth of our assertion. Rememljer. there
- are lots of other bargeioS we have not room to mention here,

We have determined to clean up ^le rack thismonth. Prices are no object to us. Every day sees
our stock reduced, but still we want them to go faster.
If you are thinking at ail of buying a Si^it or Coat,
come now while we have your size. -You- cannot beat
tbe i)ueliiies>and prices.
$10.00 Coats...........$ 5.69'
12.50 Coats......... 7.77
15.00 Coals.......... 8.89
16.00 Coats.......... 9.45
18.00 Coats.......... 11.45
20.0(r 'Coats......... 14.73


49c.............Two Yards lor tbe Price ol One............. 49C
Beautiful patteni.'- ia Messalines and Taffetas, ail the wanted shades, in pm
stripes, shadow stri|>es. changeable effects, aod figured patterns. Silks selling
everywhere at Si OU per yard. The Greatest Value in Silks that Traverse Qty
F are going fast.
eversaw. Come‘|ui<kly—they-—

po You Know?


that you can buy a Serge BOOKFOLD PERCALE
or Silk Dress for onlv Good patterns.
Do You Know? 2'4 yds. lengths. 50c.
That you can buy a White
Longerie Dress. Ladies'
' Size, as low a
TUBING. 20c.
quality, per yd,
If not. it will pav you to
call at the GLOBE STORE Se“*.‘,^-.98c
and ask to see the Pretty 3 2-INCH GINGHAM,
Dresses that can be bad all good color, ^1^
Per yard...........izC
at such Small Prices.



aE*n> lUvxuB bbiui, tm rwma ur xtaat, tdbmt. jun u, uu.' i


Vk'iib K C BtUoff Powder *ay
bouaewife cu caeily Bake bisCBhs, cakes ud pastries that sur­
pass the prodiKt cd the worki’s
grustest chefs. A trial will prove
that to yoar entire satisfactiou.
Send FM the



C«n crawtag comcms v« Mbs
bcM tbe prtmtmt Har la twelve of tbr
twealy rauatlM Mridag ap ibe We«.
«n Mlcblcaii tenltorr. .\eaHy tH)
eatrtcB are reparted In the. blaake.
sea eoaatr eoaleets. Kent canaty of.
fer» 17 cash prise* raaglns ia vtl«ifrom $S down to $1. In Antrim coonty the boy who allows the best yiaU
from oaoTourtb acre of laad is to
wive II*
la ISmmet ivmnty Ibe best busbri of
cwra of Beld com grown In.the ceuoLv
i receive a prise of tl«. ThU Is
fourth year lor a corn ronfett
lor Maulstee county sad lio entries
are reported. Last year To esbibiu
of corti were made at the runuera'
InsUtuto wben.lbe prises were award­
ed. la-Mason county there are conteau for both boxs and nen. Nearly
8* have Joined tbe Be>s' Com
OroBlBs club lor Mecoau couniY: a
first prise of $12 is being worked for.
An appropriation of $ton for prltre
baa been made lor Uic Newagu councom nmieai. Oceana county baa
first conte*! ibik year. Nearly r-*.
I»ya are striving for the premiums.
Urand Traversa county vrill Save Its
first boys’ cvMteat the prescat year.
prizes to be awarded at tbe Farm.
...‘ Instltale Beat winter For set
eral years tbe boys com groalng con
teau of Wexford ctnUO have brea at
tracing altentloB tram the aurround
lag territory. Tbe supervleora oi
Hentle coaaly made an apptopriatWu
for prizes to be offered at tbe com
growing coiHeot In conacettou with
' FAnnera* laetitute.

^ Your Eye’
on that ,

L Can J

» Powder S

I Vox tl is is ■
I tlio I.;ik;ut; I
f -^vxilcr that g
g tli« g
g Uikiiii; better." f

a iaffand trtuiesoim
A Kmenhrr.Caluio
rr.CsIutntt ■
_ —^gbctl
-p...... in quality, 1
your gmeer inr ■
§ Calumet. Uuo't lake 1
f a tubitiiaie.

Wo arc clo»lui: out a Hue (wtueriv
«o><] at $1.7.* fur $1.::; a nlluo. Suit
able lor Mlalde aa well as Inaldv

Expsr Bs nop


Barral Faelery OcMing Ready fer Ap\
pie Tline.



day to TWt frt»Bdi,
Tbe ttUMSd of Leonard R Anilp
was baM at tbe church ’ Satnrday.
|fier. Jones offleiatlag. Bartel
Maple Orove cometery.
D. B. Crenilal] ahlagW aaUI la e
tag to run today.
Mrs. Bracken went to Trav
Chy Monday to spend a few days
with Mrs U. H. Breckeo.
Mr. and Mra Tcomaas were-the
goeau of Jim CrandaU had Umll> at
Keystooe over Sonday.
Bore to Ur. and Mra. Sam Mv
Leon. June Id, a boy.
Mrs. Slnclcalr of Traverse City 1«
the gum of her sIHer Mrs Wlucbrmb.
. '
Ur and Mrs. B. J. Banacai have
teovad back to Grawa Ur U^aaon
goinc to work fOr U c. Creadall A
Son la the riiiii^ mill.
Winfred Boc«n kaa a new aaiomo
•A very pleaaaat sareriae was b^
the home of Mr. and MiwT'Elterr
test WedamUy oighi
honor -•


leas stares a
b* • a
Callare bereapu offtbarpoEated i


CoBlIaucil Irom page iw i
Witte, oa Valley stroeL ahe bad
. .c *e«a her patesh Ur. Whte’s
ehlUron.~ She^ had seen her pateh
bar own eblUrwa. She bad aeverAaoWB that Urs. RVUe locked tbe
WUlc cbIMron la Ibe baaae mad ^ ■
ing ber own rblldrca with bee ter a
drive ia comima) wra bar. - EhetaE.
oo vaiteas oereatoas. tefi all tha chll
drre at hoaw in Uns. HoRtrirp's care
rioas developatenc assocUiuos
goae down tewa. Mrw. Horwsbr
many others interested te tbe work of
jM^ee relea at Ibe Witte home
the puUk- dotuain cotamisploa
with that board, preached tbe gosiieL wbM the cfalldiWB were Dot all allow­
ed to come to tbe taWe at (be aaiae
of Conservation ami sugeesW i
r extending Ibe wort to all sections
C. M .tehnsoa was appaiaicd «o
Ibe state.
At the eloee of the moriing Chair give expert lesUmony for tbe dedeaae
main .l>edcrlck Uanladale and Sec (bis ffloreiBg by pemlsatea of Ibe
t. Witaeaies so tar wto have ,.
rotary A C. Carton were erf tbe 0|>laion that the gatbenng bad stimulate ti-stlfled for the defew are: Bnt
greater tnicrost in Ihc devdoiHUeai MllP-r. Praak King. u'r. and Mra. Rrvenlug was siwat In music aud work whh-h is beiug retried ou by thy^ •(. Hornsby and Mrs Little They still
liave severe! aiore *bo *111 treae oa
tes. after which reCresbovenls of Mate and tbe private institmioBs. a
mam and cake were served and It U their iulcullon to make Ihe rt
gueats deiarted at a tele hour, greka an aanaal affair.
lag many tin souvenirs and wubit was uBauimonsly agreed by i
lery iireuy chOdrea. well rlallM<d. .
lag Mr. and Mrs. Ilarr msay i
delegates Ihat Ihc motl effntive way
hreliby sad happy, and very ,wrtl be­
snt b bap].y oceastens.
10 sUmutoie Intrrvsl la the iwiaclides
haved for youagsters of their age.
.Mis. j L Rydlagaod infant •tetigb- of coaacrvailoD Is to iBaugurat.
r uf Tustln. who have hvea visiting renrae of Inatrueilott atoag this I
They Improve the Staeb
relatives in Elk Rapids, speul the la the iMJblic seboets of tbe Mate,
weekend with her .dsic. -Mrs. C. A. resolalloa was adoirted requesting the -loss not thrive or look well. O wRI
’ '
paUic domain renimUston to lake this lay vou to gri a SJei. yackage af
Freak Stafford of Suitoiu Bay .was proposition bp with tbe aaaoctetlon
Is no foodstaS la the paekaAin town OB botiaesv Tbnrsday .
school superintendeuis sM the School There
IS ail ntbdlriar. Every tagredlef
There w||| be a dance at Iteicy's Masters' club with a view le enllatlng
las rbosea lor Its benefidlal effect
hsH Saturday night.
‘ihetn In this service.
Ihc slomarb. blood and bawete.
Uravkeu U elerktug ia U X
To Jevetep tbe rirh agrieuliural Tbe animal improves right from ihp
Johaaon’s store during lila absence.
-tind's of norihern cvuuiles and tofor- surt and qaickly m-orera. fiesh.
- .
The ladiva- Aid wet with Mra vst some of the (neu that were de- siiirils and a bright g*
Riai-ken test Thurvday and dvcldvd to .astaled by rutbRss lunibennen years
bevc an Ice cienm -.i.-.: Saiurdsv. ige. are among the projects urged by
iraln Olftr te f
12. afternoon an devenlng It be rengroa. Particular stress Is
Daly te aaly irfcaoms.te him wb»
will be held at .Mrs. Baiey's bouse or teU on Ibe protecthin of aitndlug for­ ravas sum aelfiah enlenaeat or b«1 Ibe lawn if the weather intmlts.
ests against tbe ravages of fire.
Owing tmtbe illneas of Mr, Uayasrl
Ibe refrigerator has not bore installed
In Uie new meal niarkel. bat Mr .>a
Kdl assures us it will bv 0|icued as
»u as possible.
in Alaaka. Accordirtg
Jlr: Ybung-s family hev.: mured luEads Hunt far RIA Olri.'
> Mrs. Palmer's butldirzi
Often the hunt for a rich wife e
Mrs. Mat^l Batey is speudiiir tlie
Cordova. AUska. June i:.-Wirele*s when tbe nan lorels s woman i
ly at laleriocben.
Birs>agn>.Jx:relv(xl today Irow tha rev.
A. Slxel of Orirolt boogbl the stock ------catier^-Uauniag ln Kodiak bartawiwi
ad flxturva of Stafford Brea, at public
and Irom the Alaska Packers’ as- and
. . ruby
lips rwsiiU from hn- pare .
auctlop test 'niursday and expects to Boclaiion fishing statioas at Ksrtbk. blood: her bright e
open the more la the near future.
aatlc step
SI from finu. Jran
Cbignik and .N’aknrit say lhat there sleep; her eteatlc
rs. Hargraves of Monh>e l'•■l■lvr had >>een no report of loss of Hie on muscles, all lelUng of the health aad
atrwaglfa Elrctrlc llluera give a sew
bevn visiting Ulsx Graee Hand.
le istend.
raaa. and ib«- freisloni from Indlgd*.Neitriy all Ihe bousesrars ia xniai tloD. Imckacbe. headache. fatellnKaDd.
id those that aiv uoi. sre UBiahabt dlixy spalte they promow. Kvery'CiiHIvMa Cm
here they are aoiBan’s favorite ram-,
dy It weak or ailing trv them: 50e
.1 all druggists of Traverse City,
Will As Ctvea Spe


Tb« only i>reparalloii that you can
fauen your talvoa by mlas sklmmoS
or aeparator milk. WW abaolutaly
I kuC|i your ralrm in bcaltby eroaini
tnadltion. :r. lb. nrk forSt.Uu.
sleepy eye flour
Is tbo rreau of cboteo MlnncaoU
Sprlnic Wboat. Me soil It on a suaraiitoe: If not found tbo boat, your
nooey retnaded. Try lt.«« $tf.iv iwr

Large aud smaH. which perplex every­
one, can' best-be- amplified through an
assodatioQ with a good Bank like the
First NationaL
Builfluig a cush reserve Cur au eiuergeucy
or ^poitutiity; meeting and disposing of
busUess problems, and obtaining loans which
meah ^uch at c«tain times—Uiese are
aids ^mmerciat or savings depositors have
had here for twenty-seven years.

U»fa a«rolUU.S. Treui«,

Good Results In Painting
means longest wear, best appearance, greatest econ<»ny.
The Sherwin-Williams Palm wears longest, becaim it is made from best material; because the oil
and^e pigments are thoroughly combined, making
a perfect wfeather-resisUng paint film. It has the best
appearance because it is ground very fine, spreads
evenly, and the colors are clear and strong. It has
greatest economy, because being ground fine it
covers most surface, costing least in first cost, and
l^auw it wears longest, putting off. for the longest
time the need for repainting. Useit'and you’ll get
satisfaction. Come in and let us talk paint with you.

frank trude
Let the Herald and Rec6rd Co
do yolir Job Work.

liioc^- W. lardle A Son began Ibe
uaunfaAare of barrels <1 their local
plant ye*tarday. At tbe presmic time
they are turatag out iW barrels per
day witb live men on tbe working
foict, but Ihc output will bc'gmduall)
iDcrr-ased ualll the lull caiiacUy *1 Uie
plant la re*<^.
Throe yearn ago. a bicb was a
er apple spasoa. tbe eaUre output of
le fsclory was m.Ofifi barrels, all of
bleb were <JlH|iOKed of dnrlag the
rsson According to present indlcaexireried ihst this record will be
outdone by aewral ibousanj and perhsin. doubled, as there Is b greater orcliSKl acreage now iliaa there Was
lime. The outpai from this tac>
U entirely uken by local s
II the regioa wbict Is now one of
■he brut apple gtowing socUoU la the
l-aited mates.


hVicoda of Hr, Willard J. IIsuk
Uwls. lortucrly of this Hiy. u .
rcivUe all hutiorary degree ^foui the
NolloBal I'pIviTsily of Ann a
hi ionrc at kt. LouU. Fcdbwlug ..
the Idler signed by Jam* Moore
Hall. M. ».. and receded by Ur. lUns;
'1 bs'c pleasure in iiiioraiiiig ]
Ihsl tile board of ailiulnlsirators
the NallOBSl rDlvcnliy of An# aud
inicuce has decided to cooler tbe hon­
orary degree. Ad enadeui degree of
doctor of utedk-me upon you. because
of Ibe faithful service you have r
dered during the paat sewsloo-of
medical departuienr~
I>r. Haas Is to wT uoagraiulated
his siicress la tbe na.>dlcal world, and
when It is considered tbst be w*s only
two years ago a gradusic of tbe
onlverisly bis advance is highly
gratlfyag to trends In this city. Ur.
Hans is the non of Mr. and Mrs. K. J.
Hans. Ml Washington street.


Otpon 0. aMterlM Served Dunng tbe
Civil War.
Olson II. Salicrlm.. aged oti yc
II Cihl «.Mi,-r, died at bie home.......
West Soentb Blnw>l. abtutt S u'clm k
Friday cvcnlag. Mi. Sulleriet bad Ik-.-u
In |«or htmlih lor nearlv iwo '
l>ti( bad not ieeii tvmtimsl i.. I,,
ap until wlliilii the la-t bv<- win-ks. lie
had livcl iu ti:b- city >or a number »i
years and bad nUaed many friePds
-Mr. Saiierlce was g member of tlit
rith lleglmcnt, Or. E... New Tor?r Ic
tsiitry . He was » m. luber of a ti. A
If. I'J-.t In New Vork, but bad nevci
bcvvime affiliated v lib Ihe local poet.
Mr. Sauerlee U survived by bis
wife ami seven childrea. bur eons
C'lmtou of Uraud Rapids. Frank of
Honor. Fred of Detroit. William of
Tniverae Oiiy, and throe daughtor^.
Mrs. Jos Bash of Sagiaaw. Mrs. Tho>
Ougerald and .Mrs. Win. Lawrence of
this c ity. There sre also IP gramlchHdren sol three great-graudchil
dren. Fhr tOc first llmd In 2i yoa:
tbe family i, <n together.
Fiinerel services were held from
Ihe home Suuday atlenioon at 7
o'etovk. All remrades of 0. A. Il

Caramony CcMbratad at Aabury Par.
Kiacrt Strohni. SS years of ago.
dlc.1 shortly alter II o’clock Saturda:
oon at the borne of bis brother.
Henry Strobm. «l East FVoat ...
Stiohm bid ‘be«i HI only since
Wednesday moraing, when
an operailoa for appegfiP
A'parttcolsrly and fcwiure Is'the
that ]UB| four weeks ago be v
ned (o Miss Uuise Meniel
city. The young widow sun
aether with two broiDers. Heurv and
William Strohm of tbis cliy. la^ si».
rets. Mra. Louis Groesser and___
Mary iMrohm of HokiaaBi. W'a*.. aod
the Isiber. John Strebm. also of this
rtaeral services wlU be brU from
Ibe heme of Henry Strebm. Tuesday
at s o’rioek. after which tbe
remains will be taken to LeUaJ lor
burlaL Rev. ©emas Corbila of the
Oonareaaiioiml riinreb win eopdip-t
the errvlce*.

Miss Mable E Waliera o' UiU city
and *>1x1 A. McDonald of Uld M|ssloi>
were qulelly tnanded Wednesday after
noon at the Ausbury M. E. psrsunsge.
Rev, W. J t'oate* offlristlBg. Thbride wore a gown of white silk sad
carried liniea of Ibe valle.v. Misa Addie McMullen was maid of honor. He:
boqnet was also Ullie# of tbe valley
Ur. and Mrs. McDoasM will, make
their borne st OM Nlisslon

Grawa, June II.-Miss Beib Brackeo. who oBs beon aiteodiag high
I at AHzsaa. Mich., arrived
deaday ur spend her varetion.
1 A Jones is rislTtitg friends at
Bnno. Mi.-ii
and Mrs o R Jobns.>n and

How Many
Farmers Will
Need Haying
Cultivators or general farm machinery.
While our stock is badly broken, we still have
some of the best, bargains ever offered the
farmers of this region.

There Are Some Buggies
That are cheap enough to be picked up rapidly.
Any man who is thinking of buying a buggy
should look these bargains over.
There are a great many extra good values
throughout Ihe store that are 6f exceptional
value. An extra low price has been put on
these goods as we close our doors July 20th.

The Farmers’ Supply Company
Oddia state SL Traverst Cty, Mich.


Curins C^stipation

gM Klgbl ksTC «UeQ •««}' "to ittc «
■lovc wl.M abe «a> Immk t>nniul M j
aUlcd L.V W«. WIU* It *«l tw I
«neiiber«l that tar «pU»«fl« ot
«tai- Of the hum. wur that while
gtrlnc the chlM a t'oth she hsd hisen s

-------. .
!“?rr,nT^ynfn!^.’y 1^"
tat a («w «r ihoMJxU *ew-

'-■M|«Ci«a, KBd ii m «n>nky et lk*>r
QtiU the BOM atobti
(M hcaaOBt. er taeaiu ^ It taa not bm
iTs^-.. -uJi-ertltjt It IMS sold T»r}-



ner diresse. V
kitoy Ironhledi
0 ekiderr-T'tog.
«d b’ond will ol.
cK< organv. crorieg cclirrh cf
«»w.r. brict^nst or (cdintenl to
Mtoe. bead ache, tact acte. lean

a Ubo •stuw



JttheD iirm. Wine;
iiated puotf >»« " »• went to her. she suied that the child
wms bunied In the deicrlbctl inanner.'
iti? “ to toh hrongbt out in, the evv ■■
deuce. Sheriff Sbater «ai asked to
produce pieces i>( the. wall paper dews and wsstr any cell fy ceH.
*«>nj>les s;jro.tslwaysiw«M»
which he look (reni thee wall backL



elwaya Rleaaaat sad « _ .
and atone hto matriase t«» years ago.
she hat endeared bencif to ereryi
whom whe came la cenuet with.
Men. Martha Aaln CM was b<
on a (atm aaar toaatoe Zi yoari
She bad Ilvto in Maple
ramra ato «a(* ymar to tor atom rew;
etoTBCB hetwhld sMed |o the asteem;
a»d regard to ^Ich ahe was heU byj
aides the eortwwtoff kaatobd. abei
ieavea a tather. a heather and tws
rs.alstees to mourn their leas. Tbe tnae'i
services were held Saturday at IB a.1
t^ Cengresatieiua charctuthe'
buUdtos hetM filM with weeplnr,
friends and neighbors. Jhe children
from Baipire and Kasaon ocboolv
which Mra. Oaff had unsht tegether
with Maple CUy cbitoeea were fiower
bearers. Ttie W. R, C. of w'hWi the
marched to a body. The
floral offertoga■ were
were-----htohiriuid b -

Let This Week’s Baki^ Be
One of Good Resnlts

Which Marie wns alleged to
stood ttben she rocelved the
bed ups^lra. Eseb^dsy abe hsd aeni
>“*•" wSl fan-l
prove of gt^t Importanm^ h,.t^yra—
jtrepared (u«] up bj) the little girl’t
J. R. Whitee er^^cbed.
er^icbed. assisted
ass Loti by
brother Harry, hot unbeknown to ber for'they will abow la a meaaurr, thedar.aad toget temaartisiesdusm
UoBllDUed rroDi me one I
bM and imm^tc cflea Mr. a U'llUame.
»Uay beeuliful
tody ulgfat hire on the desiii of the (Ura. Witte) Harry had been eatins
fcidaev mcedy ibJnge being seM of ber whom we all
that food blDiaeir. She bad not fonnd
manner been horned
“.ehiirhestbe. loved. Shs was laid to ml In th-dUM.
tbU out until th« day. He described
Ilh restoring
„„iv I,
Inch and a qasr-lpropenka. AtrUlwilleoovioc
lie eaJd Uuit duth might'have
-aceanveoc. Zeisler cemetery.
the burns and bniise* as Is already
ki,.,l ..r «wr .h»i i,
take and is
■ntted aloDe from the nicer bn i
least an Inch In depth,
known h> tbe people. At IU:SU a reiy<«« and
tot. as there was a posslhUKi uf
Miss Miller testified (hat she «.un ™^,rai.SE:
ass taken by the court,
tealiy acJgptc.J to bread and makes y.m enj.w bake^iar besaaicwe seuins la. The bunts would
jndge tbe burns across ihe tips
san^rtoUk Sdnto«i””ttat
altemptlu a sketch of the per while on the witness sUnd
Itostry tnakint;—tlie brand that eausc yoa rr g]w,v* sure,
tod to hasten death were they
thoUit.botbsentlrcebvBsil. Address.
Illy of Mrs. Wlue It night he said
Dr. Kflmer& Co.. KnghaiMoR. K. 'V.
Snsperly cared for. Ulss Miller who
RIk Lake, tome ll.~Mra. Lowel
conuins the best part o/ the
Order , „cfc i^ '
Wlfen wntwgsnention todii
Souiw. daughter Alice, anc^ l«sp
■Uoaded the post tnorteiu of the Iwdv that she. ordluarily sprabhig. ta the
*hat and niiHed in «ich. Srocer and l«kc from i, ,hu
cTOBi offer la this paper. '
IkM 111 the Hashes tuiderlalUiif psr making of an aurscUre wotusn. iler
Dis wero Traverse CUy vtoitoiw
my Bhitokr. hut fewtemb
manner that color; flavor, and
swamj^Koot. and deal let a
lors was asked by the prosenalou M
texture a
dearrito the appesruiicw of (hr hodi
Mrs. August lieCiwuax and ttougU
ccrutn to be right.
if yon do yoa will to diasjipov
as she ssw n. She iiak) thsi it show haughty carriage. Her feet. eacaeo4
r .Marie and Mrs. John Morrtsoi
pair or n»d looking black sm-de WILL TAKE OLD SETTLERS ON
ad signs or gron Insttcntlou. It was
left Itolurday for a two weeks' visit
Crescent Flour cost* only IhiaVini.., t.K ,vUich wt -jiwV
really grimy In appearance, nut wril purnpa, are very atUnctltc.
with relatlvee to BobsobIi
ihlch tbe prcqirain will be inrrled eu'.
tfUai go.uJ flout slioulj cost lu u,li M,:V.
kept, mot as clean as It irilgbi he and bands are aell kept, well foruied and,
Miss Pearl Cbea^v returned y-ester
At Ibc loovluslou of the progi
that It was poor: the little ribs wera wonld be appreedated by one who ad
ly to hi
Ploneere at Their Anr
)Id Jkniple s lit be given an saioiiioblle
yWMe. Mr. Rich, gave some ven Imspending
pmportaat lenilmouy. Dealers descrlltlag
CeUn kluent.
pcwl Ueorgv Raff and Ralph .VuderUc tody. Us desenpilou Mm: aloiis
Mr. and. Mrs'. Juba Hockto aprn
M'heu Ull- Old Setth-re uf the Uraii l soi!^ pUu to liavc euw liumln-d suuv Sunday at WIUUm's.
u» lira .1 in, „u„. “'"'"•iZi raT..' and BOiiceable aoi
Traverse region galber here on June niolilles lined on West HIghtb
tram «i, h, „ld t.1.1 .1 n, itai, ?“*
Mrs. Johu Wealcii and IHIIe llaroh
rii.'far their eannal reunion they
n«ir the seboc:l grounds at
tl.e of Traverse UL' are spending n fee
of liiiii ra. ™u,5
1 not at 1 bed.' Sue elu bo gtven tbe time of their fives, as .'lOur. slilrii tbe (rip Is acbeduled ti days to ihe nelghboiitood.
tome he had 0
d both Ur. end
Mr* Wife,as t 7 whether the child cloee by her hueband ell during tbe nothing it being loft nndonr to mtl<< start. Aceordlug to leltPra and pron
Mrs. Alex Innls returned loJsy (rou
-dbo occhsiou dhe b> he reuifflbcrc l lack received this promises to bo th- a week's visit in Trsverae City.
tod been ill. Mre.
Mi Witte eaid that It trial mt hardly chao^ bee .
Uom ybat of hwklni etrmlgbt at the as long as they live. A srand recep torgest luectlng of the old residenit
. bad not tofa well for ten‘days
George Muaro and toailly spem
wlineaacs or the court from one hour tloa will to gheit thtaswRea they a-^held to (be regtoa. Many of the Sunday In Qk Rnfdds.
that la order to keep Marie away from
March of this year, and shtbaa been Ctoboni Sandav .v'eatog to iheir
followed by a pirnic dlnne
first settlers will be here and give
the BolM and coMaaloo made by the
Mr. Slid Mrs. Kynctt of WUItoms iu falhug iKwlIb since ifaat time Tl.e ngtomoWie
the trial ber children, a boy and
the Ceutnl acboul groonds
account of tbe earl.v days when pln^ l>urg were railing to the nrighbodiood toiieiwl was Wedneaday at (be KIk
•Uto chlldrw ahe bad put ber In the
girl, were preaant In the court, the
Prank PaymenL Jr., of Oqto^ was
forests covered lie ground where i
Lata ihurrh. Rev. Tboni|won offictatSunday.
s Traverwe CUy roller Snndsy.'
clly is loniled. Many oew facts
Man Ceofhe and. arwaka Ribs.
Mn. Jake Waldruff died Tuesday
connection miih the enrly set
• Mr. and Mrs. tv. 11. Basman risitod
Altar a fTtabtfol rongMns t-iwll. a the other. Sinee then they hare jioI
June nb. at tbe borne of her piece
Man in Keenab. WIs. fell terrible appeared In the room. Mr». Wlue
of the regtOD have been brought
w|tb>tlMlr (SfCbier. Mm, & K AtktoMrs. Colin Muaro. She was «U ytojv
pUae la hh> aide and bis doctor (oend wvineee not the ollshteti Inicrcsl in
aon. at MurdWkriSftlVi^y.
light tot UiU Dtcetlug and some aliiand lived to tUs eouniy for r
two ribs hail been hroken. What agony the people abonl her In either enter.
able papers bearing on the hislory of yean. Her husband passed eway h
hloyd Huff had tomUy of lake JaneDr. King's .New Dlecoverr would hive
or iMvlng ihe court room. Wllthe seitlfiucnt of the reglni wl
saved biBi. A few teesioonsful ends
Ilou were Osborn ealtors Sandav.
a late aough. while iierslnem
llBB wnte Is ber third tanshand.
read b> people who bavc spent mu- h
iwatr obstinate .eonghe. ex|iels stub­
Dr. WJIhelB was called to the witis. akaee aO ottor
time in going to tbe oHc'jsl sot

»•« O" Now!
born colds or beau week, sore lungsi. ess stand agnia this afternoun to busrourth of July staggers hntnsnl'Lv. Set
rtacily tor stdil;, waMtrf
•1 feol sore U'e a Oodaend to hnmanOsborn. Jane f.-Aunt- Meres Bow
• l«llfwnt«n to a streH crowd,
r against It. however, is the won
Ity." writea Mrs. b»le tonon.-Cotom- war a lew .queettooe along .the lines'
Arts. It aovnfes aaO UUs
and daughter ln Isw of llurdkkvlllr
to Ma. 'for I belief t would have of the deeth es r resuH froni.tiurns.;
big. harsli
ibi guests of Mr. and .Mm t-.-o | ,,n,.
sufferdonsumptlon today If I hod not nved Sheriff Shmer waa prat called to give!
Maple suffered so lriv||irabli- lue from bums, ruts, bruises, ballei Zelgler Suadsy.
i me foijoss. Dr KliuCs N'es I.Ke »nHs
this peal eetnody." Iia guataaieed
woiimls or rxtdostona. It's tbe quiet
to satisfy, and you lan net a free trial testiaway of the house and surround-l
They gi-uado
healer of boib. -ilrerr.‘ervema.v son
log as be (ooDd them on bdai «lled
totUe or C»««m jr tl.4H) site n
bn'^ssed away Thurads) ai he lips
■wtoaor piles,
Cts„ at all dnigglsU Udy friend nud Thomas iK-ering, Jr..
dtocfMs of Traverse City.
alter the deatb <ff tbe tltflc giri.
orae TtoSI of the trUiage. She »ai of Traverse City.
cf Empire were calling on frtond. to iJ^.'STaty ***' ** *" *’’**^*




-«k. n a Un-, '„,ra

b.,k .. m,rt S Ih



got scorrs.


Traverse City Cigar Manufactilreri^
“Howard” CarlM
P. Ho
5 ccacb
Tie Cgar of QooMf


. Qgar Factoiy

Havana Cigars

«K M
Vohn Yahr cigars
Sterlint, - 10c Cfore

the best 5c cigsf nude

Made oi auiecp carefnUy seleated Bavana

7W fU^ Prop,

Try one for. your
next sinoke

Stralokl Tes

For sale
l»y aU dealers

Factory 322 S. Unkm






U ccab or S lorK cents


S ecBls
WMver Factn; Sloker
8 ccata

Prkafe Bnmdi

li2E.ini.Sl. Bclpl«nlS9
llw Travertoc CUy Clasr
Box. Fschny

416 E.EqhaSl. Ccrlra 43>
Blskeley Bros. Props.

ManaUcture. practically all tba cigar
toxea uato-by the cigar manulaeturers
to tbe dty and to KorUcni Michigan,
and Tor aklU to daolgntog box eoTwa..
and l)^t9^ta work on box manufaotora ara onaxeelled. Ut lu figure on
»mir work If yon are not buying ot as
BOW. and be utlsfied. with scores of
Otbars who are using oar cigar boxes.

Mllf mpMli CnMQ

Now OB Sale


"Some Smoke ”

AtWUc d Oljccliral


F^Saleby AIDmkn



203 N.CadtoSL

IWsversc aty. Mich.
Smdbr. coeetaate borne
dgm MBBfactmi by cdbtkaflng

Peter HwmiiUi

^ Smoke
The Woods”
Drag One.

The Best 5c Clear In
tbe City.

212 W. M Sl txwcGlr

Story No. 11
The qtiality e( a cisar fiepenas apen ths mte« PfiU for maurtol and the
aapenae therete^to mamrfaettalrv» oeUlng aiMdtotribirtlng. itffeoewitlioiM
diaeatoton <that tore experaa af a man engiped in manufacturing a cigar
In a e«y ot thia sUe. wrtore be urerks from daylight until dark t» get Ms
seeds mads up ler wies. here and thsre in ths evsning and than hise Maw
acir te bed when the bigfacerty«wnor Is at his faverwd club, er palatial raat-

s-e K";,5S


Is a atranger to your tawm, te yeur leesi buaineas interests end aoetoi fellevrship. ...The pthcr a neighbor, a fellow husineoo man and worker and
loetty a^rtlcipaM and denatar te yem wsriewa aactoi danotWn ~
' Oe theoe tore Individualo took dlfferenUy to pM aaddholr b
totlonobip In o buokicM way.

The 6eat 10c Ggsi
mode in
Trsvetse Gty

TmumToi^ Hick.

Smoke the shriedy
high grade


Swe'U Ac <Um biwO Mdc ■
Tnccnc Ck; CK Ac brad.

Diamond ]—lOc
_ Gate Port-1 Oc
Bioedfoot Hayenas-5c
. F. K. Smoker»-5c
, Tmverse Belle- 5c

QUf£N errv OGAB


Better Tomorrow
nasT BUN
w. o. w.

Sill gire you oolld ootofert and aattotocUoB—will bnra right and taata
rIgkL and will apread aiowad yon that
rt^. dflitbttal aroau of Hacnna that
only truo Harua clgara |---------

W. RalHtiovitch
Cigar Mfs.

«« X rroat SL du. ptoM XM..


II =ass







Katbartee IBwla. hav* returoM
a woefe'a <wta« « too IHvbifeactas*
OB Carp iBfca. The yoimg lodlw
w*ro ebaprrosail by Ulas noocoM
. • i - >■ -*
On the Sunday School Lessoj by Rtev.'Dr. Linacott fir th9 Hr. and Ifita. m C. Cam* 8nl
toBily. who bare been apMAlng soma
International PresB BUoQiiflit^aulx
Udo to too «0B and who -have >s««
the fwoau of Mr. a»d Mra. Ain Cr«JUM IS, 1911k wma Joha mSM UifiD gpAphetf Ohit lea of tbto city Ibr nr<mc Utoa. will
lOopyrigbt. l»u. by Rev, T- & Un- to om cl tha ouea^a which may be 1. are tomorrow for their bogw to
acwit. D. n.l
anpwsfod In writtos by fnembero Of HtoDAptdU. HUa Catbarlbo Cnues
Chriat'a Wium to John the Banareomiiaiiy them ter
I ilLi What la toe ertoenA
_______ thatUrl
_ rlait to MhiBApolla.
Matt. z1::-l«
1 M 111:1. from which Jasus ‘oujIa.I Hrw. W! C. Hull Atornsd Sotordoy
_________________ Maiborn of wM»^.,ibere to'aon# grAiai'
»^tora toe hat hacs
than John. J'et be that to but little'
*• * "“‘i" o' '*« ho« did e.vitding a few daytin the kingdom of Cod to groaie^thaii
(Iti.l 'rrMH-'tthat
Verse II—What did JeaM been rl.lUng a
be. l.ukov1i:2S.
by aaytog that there bad wd
ned bant,
bant, returned
returned to
t their bomr to St.
il.i Versa 9—Wbai hod John done
, briaen one grcatA than Jubn ibe Uap- ixwb
to priann?
Hana laft SatuiSby nigW
»h^to««to>l"' kiagdoni| Or. W.
i:,l Verue S-Whal do } s think
for SC l«uto,
bad produced dooM to the mind m ,
toe Ho.
John concerulug the Meteitoahig^fl
great revival produced
»'•, Ma. Enuna Motao of Qnnd Rnp3.I Whac If anylhlnfc_pia thero to Preachlog ruacml,to aoldiera aiormli.*
i»S,lda spent Sunday with Ur. and Mrw.
Cbrist'a mooner of life tbal would be *
, H. W lUekpaaoa of Boath Urtoioa
liable U> mahe John doubt*
| “*•’
P°*e' ‘b hearcnlt,.......
fC. What are tbe caw^ which of- *"■
•»'’ '■‘‘•I “"'P * «*»'> ‘>-• '-1 “to- W. M. HiM<A Aturoad today
lA pradUA doubt In tba ratods
'loher borne at Tuitlo. after aprudlug
good men on matien of which at
>"> «toubt had •suBda>>Tr.-toe.^eat of frieuda. .
other times they have been caRain. aa
and power of BlUah and waaj ur. and Hro ChartA Siutteriy. W
in the ASA of EUlab and John?
1 P'""*** b> Uod to be tbe torcninner Detroit, reiurntrf borne Ihlt atUTMoa.
fM ereA,1-e—At wbsl potol did
‘'hrt« ''bat. if un>, evldeutv to from aeveral days bustotea: trip to
John need iuo« to be atrengtoened* l‘**"'“ **'•'
•,'bto City
lC.i What did Jesus consider l6 be
and givA him the pow.-r
j^tn Phseng. went to Grand
th,-aupreiiu- prow of bto mtooioo?
.«o do If
Mapldj today, where toe wlU uitmd a
if I M*bii today we toe proofs for)
week oMA days vtolting tel^wa.
the divinity w Chriw'a »■>-«*— andl***’'^”
understand spiritual
bii„ tuMato Esflte. of AaMabtila.
jo,, who baa baeu visiting frtcndtSn
'*® '
apiriinil hArint tbi, <ii,- and at Honor, for toe past
areiiA or demoualratlaus bad attend- •“*
‘•-f God and see him- ,,, WAka. recurned home lodaj. She
will wop off at Grand HapUU aad l>eed John's prest-hiog In tbe wildenieM possible for all*
f 1 1 VcM l«-l»-\Vby dbis tiod ,
relaliv A
19 ■ In what reapect wai John
like "a reed ahakA with toe wlodT'H dtfevi or a^ow.Aually |
hd Hra. O. T. LaBfltoy. of Ft
i!'U What sort of clotoing ’dld'*^'’'” •“'* different outwanl
, Wayne. Jud, «bO hare beeu vtaUtog
•John wAr?
. .
\^< "‘»ia ihi^vioially ter a■omo ttote. letnrnD (d liOtae today.
. Ungley wna -o
tlJ-l What alruiarante to there in' '**'*
the fact that Jesus and John were not ‘ *'*‘'''* '*“*«•
' ■• well imiweased with 4hto, country.
a!ik,. lu iheir uiauuA «I dP-ruf
.l-rAc-hlng i.f l..ih J.riia.aud JausT
libai he eipiwavd iuivtitlutut to return
(12.1 verae. *-lO-le wPat respect'
■ ■bw Beat si«riur li
TheTVnlteni Wv.nmn l-bke vi. to.> | Tj^ard Kiaatl. of Evarmrilte. totLi
------------------------------------------------ jaiTivad here today, and wIU siiend
of lights tdared on Ibe bualnesc' tbe summer wltb his bivitoer Itoutai
Ktreeis as n means of siieelal lllnmlpa 'KisseL manager of Klsoaea'a OoflhilOD for the ere«L and this will-add tug store.
greatly to tbe appearunre of tbe town. | j. e,rt rotemed to Ionia teSay, gfv
which basUhe reputation <rf being the
llvewt conreatloa rlly In the stole. The —.
•rogcut^Ja^merro* to aa follows': 1'w
Recepiloh'^vlsilara throughout the!i
day. ami regisinlion of
Board of Trade.Information Jiur. au. 1 Hr. and Hra. John Lloyd, of 1001*0
hTonl street.
ilarber. ithururd home today, aftor,
9:29 a. m.—RnsiiifSJt ae^vsloii at'uptlvdlns Sunday In this clip, too
Eagips- haU.
iguesu of frinda
2:0(1 p. m.-Buslneaa'’ sesaloa u Arthor C- Oasprsa toavsa UiM(Tte»
3:90 p. m.—Hlcblgaa Btote league ''weatlon At Quebec he will vlfll bH
HI game at new fair grounds -be- olster. This wlU be tbe flnt ORto to
tween Boyne City Boosters und Trav- -thirty yeara that bo haa vtaitod hi*
erse City Renners.
>Id home,' ,Hls aister. Mrs. Arikar
That No Rifle Balia. Banibs er^hells
Tbe Traverae City Eagles' ball team ;itognoD acooaspaaleo him adih too atShall Be Firad Aeren R
has Issued a challenge to meet any .'peetallon of making a much tangor
aerie ball tt-unt to tbeaUle during the!visit
Hr. and Mra. Frod Btuarl'toMM M '
S;6fi p. m—Open meeting IPrului- Empire Ibis morning lor a te« dayo
bly at opera boose.)
El Paso. Texas. June 17.—Muirau
Remarks by cbalrmau.
surrectos wonld' not heaiute to Are
Address c^Velrome by Mayor W
Card of Thanks.
ito AmericAB territory from Juarez n. C Genn^e. Trayerse Cliy srrii
r wish to thank our klnd^rtonda .
nelgbhora lor tbe Aowim sad
if any troops recruited by tbe Mexl- Vo SS2, - ■
aaalsiance to our offllcUon to to*
federal government oni American
RespMise—Staid President Robert
o1 our mile one
territory attempted lu c
Graham. Grand Ropida.
'll. and Mrs. Prank 1
Grande here.
Remarks—Grand Worthy President
ColonH Pascual Orozco. Sr., father Prank E. Hering.^to Bend. lud.
Music by Travers* City band.
, and.
OF MICHIOAS—Tha Probead of Juoiez sod bend of toe gai
liate (?ouH tor the fouaiy ol Grand
1 raveroi-.
eon. in tbto way replied today
AI a session of said exain, h«d at
of Colonel E- Z. Slewrer.
(be iirohatooRIce. In the city of Travcommander of the depanmeut of Tever»e Cliy. to said count,, oo Ibo Ifitorlle abots or brabs
day ol Jane. A Ii.. I»1S.
ITesem. Hon. Fred R. Walker.
cross into the Viiited
Judge Of tebaie.
'Suites from Juraz at any lime.
OhloBgo. June IT.-The Michigan
the A^stter of the oatate of Rob- Culonel Fascual Orotco atoied delegaiiDB has ornanlzrd. wUh J. R.
that whilehe would direct hli m
Ma<-kar of IVeiroli.'Ws chain
to avoid as far as i-aslUle.flring ;
(TmrIeK It. Warren ol^h-troli and
■e wbo
to El Paso in case of figbiing. yet
llonal Comiuitteeman T. W. AtWood.
11 the time of his death .e legal
any men recruited, as .bp alleges. In Caro, eredentiils rommiitec: j.eoi
of said deceased and eUJlIed to
El Paso by E r. Uirenlo. Jbe Mexi­ Freeman of C.ene»ee county as i
e of w hich said
can roosTn, here wmpoaed tbe
mliiee on iWrinaoenTorgaoiiation
I!.e i»b day of
lacking force he would feel Justified winiaiii Judson. < lialrman of the reso- Jnly; A I) 1912. at icu
ovlvc-k to lb*
In giving his men no Insirutlioas.
forritoOD. at said probate office, be
lullonv conimllleeand Is hereby appotoled for bearlag .
Mexican gorerumeni officials deny
that any force bas ber-n enisted hy
pabllc no•RSVITIES.
them on Anerlcau sol
•reof be given by publlfstkto Of
The arre-i of General Campa. who
.. Of this order, for three saeoeone of tbe few rebels whose aim Thiwsday evening about t:»g broken aKe weeks prerfoos to said' day of
ehvtrle light cord set fire to Ihc den heattng. In tbe (tosnd Traverse llor^
10 J^lp (he poorer claaes.
a newspaper printed Bad rlmlat■ be home of tl Krankc to aid.
ileved roSmte placed Oroccii In jeo
■■<1 in said county.
twrdy with ms troops. Sixty picked Cerfleld towntthfi and bad It not been
timely dlsroret? tbe boose
Judge of f'nibalc.
Juarez for Cbibuabua i->da}
1*. Si. jal> I.
a i>en>ooaI bodypiard.
'il^rervd by Waller Krupfi. who p*ii
i*oV7cE ~TO^'DESTRO'
t out bcfoic more than 93J worth of
damage had been done. A couch an !
To All Ow»crs.:|t,,M8-<jrs or f>cructtoMderable bedding was burned and pb-rs Of l^udb. or to any iieiBon or
be curtains at the wtodows were lust I»rriOtir. firm or coritoraiKm having
iba'Ei- ol ,ai,. IS'iUs In Ibis BUle:
before tl.c flames were |ut out. The
Noiire is her, !•> '-given iliat all DOStosees covered by inaurai
ions we-d- grosiiia >,ii anv lands anyThe 19 months ofd-ehHd of Mr. and slicrr wiiiiin ')>•- los-Dshli. of Eiiov-ood.
>ouCiy of le-elaaau. >tate of
Roy Pease of Intend, died Frf- vibhtcsn.
City Gayly Dccoratad t^-Raeaiva
or wiibm Hie linilta of any
s,-i vices bigl.wa} fosslnj! by or through sneb
I the Thoaaaivda of Eap«cte8
held at the home of Ms grand- lands. II.UST be cut down aM deloycd on Ol twfor- tbe firvt day -of
its.. Mr. and Mra J A. Pease,
Arid alM> again oo
rraithdlly everything ,U la readl of 70S Webster St.. SontUy afiernooO r V‘‘"c
flrst dsy "f S*-HctiiTier.
ness Jor the meeting of
5 O'clock. Rev. Cochlin oiriHWlne
I-. rJi:.

voik tbat baa been sm on ibia nine
hole link aad the oanB* of gatilag
and froB beta *111 ba the beet. Ba,aida tba ajrtBtdM road tor anioteg aad
VmbOob fim» JMkd»: PlcmMet For VMton Who
aad ^Ing ueUa are all to readtoaat drirbiA tfaare will ba tiro bay beau
Mk Nature la
Mer yorlirtleiM
aad poaaibly ibraa. ifeai *ill gire .
for tbaae *bo «a» i
8#«f®W HolWr«*'0»» RtMrt Mm. r%kniN bare ^kcn ana of tba l.««iB IK-aly black baaa. and then to bar? cban« for geiic <to*n to the morniag
and pUying batore dtonff and retnni
•aa for tha sMaon. Mra:'Wat- Ihant cooked. cUaoal while ibay
fcfai «M praaMaK of tba Dliaoto Hra. Herbert U iBpioving Baay tUngs
nlroady T><k
going ,do*D
State PadaratiOB of Woman'a Hubs. tor tba coBton of bar jtairuna.
nUcdp tl»» u.
n,n; ' Uin. H. <X Uarah. wife of tba Kupt
& P. Garwood, at "Cottage Indi- gainaa before aupper and rataning to
«TMl«»V<A «•<
W« or pabtlr aebodia of Jaekaon and bar ana" baa bean buay for navarm aaaiu tba erenliig. A larga nddlUon
«ra8tar acrotn
mnUn* Mb Ilf* »P to-.fS'HrMoi*- ton Ho*ard. ba*a baan hare tor aav- gaiitog ble piece ready for bia guaau diatog room »tll
»••'> of iMr pUcei. aral veeke. Mr. Uartb jiiat ratamlag *be are arrirlag Arl>. Re baa an- modatlona for tba dtoara. and the <u!
vat in^ Ub to bn
Md (mk baring bean raoeh improrad byHha m- larged tba nsmbar of alaeping rooma.|alsa *111. bo.toe beat. A three piccr
■wt ta tarn lo then* papnlar
cellam bradng mr.
new vagetablea, and be will bare asst tba gnasla. during the aarrtog of the
Mrs. J. f. Abbott antartainnd tha and butiar and flsh fresh erary day.' bmU and nlso assure moM delto'._a
ma but tbwi tbM U wna( h* Uken. at bar cottasa and
Ifc fau apne na* boau aad alll look music (or the dancing partiaa AU «1l'
nod itminer vUlton wUI nppreclair
earefully after all that to needed to ba siren twice a week all
KttVA Kl«
ibln B«» 14«B «*
fno ml tb« planked flab dlntiar. carrad by Mr«. have
bis patinas gat ...
to the van' baa ^
Into rloe ban.
Klnnuraa. It ira* aa wioyable ilaa
iMortn fi) tkin mUMi:
ftohlog grounds and bis fish dianan
Manager Peaningtun.
for all tba ladlaa.
. .
ba«B bas*ni ba n feaiura. Hiare ara soma
Tbere ara a noBber of rcaorta that
lar than S bad hire gelling this iioied
Mlaa Agnaa 4u>bott baa bean an*111 Mt opts tor a «poA ot am bacattac tarulnlng bar brother Gaoi^a Abbott, hit regular gueau who will be there rason In cooditlon to uke c*ra
or tb« Atenatra liiiproVemnnu that one of tba prominent baakera of Mae- early in Ibe weak.' ftrtles going o
gueau who are alroady coming. Many
sra bains Bad*. S'avvis the hlator> kegon.
changA hare been made, all for the
and ha will meat tbam at tba tralu. batter. Chat Sam Sllar.
at Grand TraraiM recloo baa Utore
going as (bay ctaoota allbaf by tragi ■ebarga of tbe cutolna and that means
baen aarb actlTlly in tbeaa Hum
or by aoma of bis little boau.
wbRO point to tb* fad tbal ibm *111
Wt Dotfalng will be
PounUin Point.
ba Bore rialtora than erar. Many-'
tha ''Inner man.' as
ilra. George Torrey. of Jaekaon baa
Albert Maafoy baa dona more tbto
(btonUioBl tb* mjddte *eat arc not v>bow to prepare the mowt appaitoing
inc nbraad tbU aaoaon bat uka ad- opened bar cottage for Ihe eeaioo for y«arMban aver to make it pleaaani things to tempt the bongo' appelius
tor the great number of guesu that of those who are here far the wplendid
vaottaa ot-tba attradloea ibat ara of- the flIlennUi conaacuUre year.
Amnseonnu hare bean nada n-li'h coma yearly u this delightful resort,
farad asd *1U aUr at baoa to anjoy
flahlng that 1s the prat attraction
tbam. Tbay hara aUaya been in «•
Graaci IJka and Dock laika abounc
and oil for the better, tbal will lie
istaBco..but for aoma raaaon th* In- r the eound trip
in the linnv tribe, and tbp biook trout
much enjoyed by bts pairens. Ha
iBbftanta imva oreriookad tba sold:
wene ne'er better. Mlaa Margate
R. Saint Julian, the geolal man
randy tor tbam now, and aoma i
•iaaa of r’l-------<Mt *ara rlthln
Brans sin furulsh the music during
tbWr raaeb aad toot *ay. fbr ibat of the Haul teetanM ni Omana .. already in their Onely furntohat roonu tbe season, and that means somattalag
. waaoB Nonbam Mtebigaa *111 te to Traverae ruy PrtiUy making taU Mr. Maafoy baa a number of
laal arrangamBiiK for tha opantog of botta and, a flee motor boat for dio Be tor tlie many gnAU.
naoded *itb tba vacatiODers.
Arbutus itoiecs.
his popular place the 30ttu
eamtort and pleasure of those vbo
. Edptwood.
The resort to receiving more atten
made aoma rarj- importanl chaagas
with him.
Edtawood it openios In all lu slorr
to pracand will hnra thia aa near perfect
“The Niehoias."
thwa daya aad tha attr of tba cooilns
it la poailble. Tha great ipaelalty
I.e1and. owned and. oparatad bt tic.-illj one^of the newAt reaqna, yet
and solbK paopto naka* It the typicm
there are-many who are building
hare will be the borne grown vegelareaort. ‘Hia eohasea ara fast fflUmc
toes that will be lerr ad on toe tabler.
op for the aeaton, and manj' ara al­
Tha garden to Ur. Saint Jt(ltanto pride.
capadiy. Stwctol dinners will irc season. Tbe hotel has been enlarged
ready bare who *111 ebjor tba baaoHa will ntoo have freab agga. new lintfeaiunr.of this popular place Ibat and now haa eleven rnoma. I’articular
ttaa or thb (amoiM plane tor Uia anlJrn
and ieraey milk. Tba raiiaees haa the beat of siiccaaa from the lime attentUm will be given fishing parties,
ind the risli tllnnera will atyroci many.
•by are all
it wsp opened a .'ear ago. Many
baa takan tba
This pbuT can be-reached by driving
y already booked h
cottagaa bare been tortll at Isdand
dlnlsK ball aad ia' slTlns the beat of
the todlcattona are tbat neyer In the out Ihc IloughUMi state ruail, folluwnam-ice. Many Of tba Traverae City tantlon. '*iie i
the Uell teieptanue line, or l>!
plaee'a hlslor>' will there ba. aorh
people are Ukln* advantasa of bt* cnuler will r
.Mayfield, and (i. i. Huey
rtiah 13c,^tha best of tbaae cotlagi
cood neali and autclns om
« tor tba plaaaure of tba sn«u.
—■* theta will be crowds hara all tba bna chaigu of this for tbe season will
partaka of tbam.
gUAis and drive them
m throagh.
■ Mra. Harry vandar Voort. and the be ready
Arrangemeott run he made tor this br
Ulsaea Anala and 8. Grace Nlebolt of Many altarationa In this traaon home'
of dollara have been Ailing him up liefore hand.
' Cblcaffo ara bulldins n fine cottasa on *111 ba fully appreelaled by tba yearb' speirt at tbto popular reaort and la
tha flie or tba bnnad "Sw
goeata when they arrive.
veekf thlt will be in full aarlnit.
Funeral of.Ernett Strohm.
tasa. which will ba a sraat additkn
I- H. Wbeeler. of “Suoaat Isidge' The bookings already point
• funeral of &me«i Sirohm.
to tha retort. Tlieae bdlaa are all
making ready for tha guaau who
■he opening which waa to hare bean held Tuesday
aroat aatUanast worbera of Cblraiso. will arrive early tbit year for tha
day will ade raany of tba cotiagac, it tnomlng at 9 o'clock, haa been post­
and Mra. Vandar Voon U vary ranch aoB. and Miat Ijicy Barr, of the “Inn”;
all of tbam occupied for a cartala poned until Friday morning
Imarentad in tba dblld* labor Queatlon, will Jook carefully ,.gner
son at Inat. nuiny of them tor the o'clock, so that a sister from Washand the Urea Udiea ara all good lacfull time. Tba attractions that are ngton ean be bare.' Mis body will ba
turara, appaarlng baftm tba.dUleram
FortunU* Pouch.
belag planned are the moat ei}ensire
ei}ansh taken to I-eland. wbarc his moihar
clnba of rUcaso at yariou tiraaa.
To hara Mra. A. J. Hariieri
Ibd and
MM., golf
e—* win -I
eu. There
• ueie uj
w uuui}
many ar-'and
OJ4U a
a MSLvr
sister iue
are tNjneu.
Imriad. und whore
Hr. and Ura- Gaorga Vatkina. of Hotel Wlaterta. mrai
that all thoaejdrat lovers of tola greaicai of all rnirn- hit home ^ formerly.


,-|tbe«ep« I, not or«*T«. thebotrt U



£408]tom Ttlntsi

Traverse CHy, MteUgan

With StiU Better Bargains

marks the closiu* period of aaeasop's selline-it marks
“ « minimum- aud (for yoa) it marks the time of dreatM bardains



"""‘"S' “

DflESSES AT 98c TO $7.50
Dresses of Serges and Panamas: Oitton

Lwifli* Walste at SSc to IS,

Dress Sktols
dsMA $1 far tUi la
thsiaelia PO SUasal
TbAe aWru are made of while and
cotor*d_ Uiiek. Unen. Shei.hertl Ch.-t-k
POIka Dot and K»vy Blue Beige with
hblT-HoB wrtpe. Skiruthai were $l.2i.
dl.50. t:.00 and U-SO go in this lot
only r.oe aaeh.
On* IM of Oass tklru at U.4fi and
I4J6 iMlMd of ty t« and tT.U. Made
to aU tha good aIots aad aiyko-of
llrM' grkde SergA and Panamsa Sale
lulcatlMSand |4,H-awAAl 8m VsUa Skirts Ibat
tf-iO to >IS.M SM MW priced ai S4JS
■nu pAttiaol White suite .in Ua
tUpp and Corduroy at 8l.d»
«IJi, OM am S2Ja

**• S*yl*s IncIndliiB mouses and Shirts.

Wonderfnl Savings la
Hosiery aad Underwear

Snmnier SUks
Bxfrenu-Iy low jiaicca oh an lines
where sssorttiients arc broken. Stmie
of the siMwlal iieniK at,-;

A 8ifi Bpaeui Purahaai dr LbWa Veate and Pants ihgi arc
lual :..catid iOc gradfs. all Urea, apcclal at 2Se.
C6e Feularda at 59c. All pure sllk
Uadiat* Union Suita, low; neck, almvclcsa. wiih lacAtrtimned Foularda. good rotors aud i«iteraa.
draw^ra. the famous ''Klcbailcu- make, in sUa t. and t aiwcial XowaiSte.
$1JWSilks such as fuiic.v-flgiiied and
an^ rlcevHcas wtih taiH'J neck aad biocaded Poulards anti :t(ii|«e yt«-tc*>
at-bnl' 9c. .
Silks, now M Tfie.
Cirts' Undanwam—Vau. low neck. hlervclAa or wing slmvc
Striped Moaaalinaa, all |«irc silk,
Pams, tooe trimmed. All M**,. np „ yAis. garment only.ioc.
were Mw a >a«d. at _«e.
at sec'"***
to al.2S.
• MH Stock Rajah Silk, r: luche*

worth l.-c a jialr.
at lie.
^ Sl.^'
Child,.--. Whtu KdM. Irt,
1.>c and Z--C. orarly all Mzi-a. rrlcw lo close oni at So.
, Udida''8ilk Hast. »iwKialv at 2*e. 3*e and 63*.


Liits’ Ls8( Csits

Heallbful Bed Coverings

Haar of Ika sAaona pre\ltoM atylA
‘hat are parfecciy tailored and
baamifotly irUnmad. Qarmeou worth

't'» -Id".
Cotton Blaokata. rcgtilai
flicctol now ai J*e. Stc. fringed or j^i!oi>eJ. worth from ll.iu ,to


Turkish Bath Tov

special ni'lu. 1»e and 8Se.

Steinberg ^os.

Dress Goods ^
One let of 50e Wool Oass CooM at
Oo« lot Of Fancy Poplina. HoAlty
«rt Stripes, etc.. w«e sSc nnd gl.oo.
t SSc.

42 inch Wool Surtings. shadow
,. herringbone wea
■" "■
: v'aluA.-ai tte.

Trmam O^,








,, .


f alluic to c(Hir|d.v With this noiirc
Cagles whirii convenes
bcfo.'e Itic date mewloaril or
. or b
here today. The decorations on
llbi'B t.
days ther-sfier, shall maka
the streets are vrell under way and by
tomorrow noon the city win be In
cats aiiirc lo receive lire 'tolling dele­
u l«er i-cniuto of such ■ osl.
, , . ieVH-d and Collected sgatoal (be
gates. rrowds ronnlBg well Into the
trip with Mr. |'|,roi«'l.v In ih>- aame manner as! Other
ibousands are looked for and arruuge- for A two weeks'
[ta.ves arp^levJed aad colle<i>-<'
menis are condadeB for taking care and Mrs W L Hammond of Lading
1, grow,
They will motor to Moaueal rirbt Of way of all liigliways
all who come. Tbe firm session will
Lake (Ttsmplato to Ur. Ham- tbrougb or alOBg si-le of raid tends,
held temomw tuorulng at 9
but SOI iariutUng any-ufaruba r^vsed
oV lock, at which time all tbe state of BKtod'a car.
Prof. M. W. Jarnegan. vsNo haa for or other |>u:iose*, Btest be
fleers are exfiected to he present and
Bd destroyed,
fhlags rnovlBg to the business been vMtiag at tbe borne of Mr. aad
s 19th day of Jnee, A- D,
Tbe first delegutloBs tdUi ar- Mrs. A. r. Cameroa. leturard today
rive' toDlidit and for tbe sen three to Cairago
ciiauea,s o) IS
Tha GMia' Scout cluh. eoaatotiat of
day* tbe red. while and bloe wlU
Alothca and ftorator Coebtto. Marga
visible to every dimctloB.
Mayor Oeraatoeba* Ordered atringi'*^ CUberL Hargoret Prsaklln. gad


‘ >A|BSI8Bf

the »1a4 Mfll happier. »hd o


ntlBK aow. ate thar
wild rooaa

Old Mlaataa. Mich.
Mar SO. I9I*.

* «*M* WM dwtr aad *bm the
^ «• toned aaxleui em toward the

f you. World. ...
4 ‘

' And yet. when I aaU ms prayera to♦ '
♦, My
‘ notber klaaed me. aod aald. <M«r
the wondertnl world la peat to

I adll try U be levla^ halpral
aad kind to everybedy aad U
eeaty IM«# tbie».
if I ever fall In Stytaf t» db
thaat thlnft. I will Try. try

iha ana It threw a deep aYtadOB-. The I will eloae.
rrom your Suoahlaer.
Uald oaee beeab 10 tear.
Rath Stanek.
-It It a atono!" aome aaid.
What kind
They called to the children from
their play. They made the wiodowa *»*“«pood they are to eat
fait BBd abut the doora
The wind came on. eaper to relieve
Mlmlon. Mich.
May SO, MIS,
Mltd CLARA RATCft. Bdltar.
R 1«t
lo’Fbther and Mother, too.
and the lipbl of the aky played
Preddentryi*T' TTTT-• Voo are more than the Barth, thouph .too* u,<ryaul edpee
•• '^'•ed th cardi-BBd button,
niet Vice ProaMeM^Mra. Mahal
jwi are aoeh a dot!
‘-Wbat vivid llphinliip--faltered «h. •»<>
X oy pIp almoat all the time.
r It. Our school waa 001
Vlea riaaldinl Mia IflBl
cannot!||ieir The rueh ot
April We bad Ice cream
----------- dhlal^
—W'ltUam Biisbty Raodi. (read from the vaae and baaieBlilk —
----- . .
----------------------ward the earth made
tuade a aharp report.
and cake, and played piuea- We had
wv, tbuodcr!.bnader!- cried the • “>«■ «>“'•- »> '»'"•«
-tviMt hrovy
frifhtened onea. and Ihev mn their
‘ *•<*• •»<> ^ ralnlnp todav.
The -lay after the Sanablne page la hands oner tbelr earo
l'®" Pleaae put my three
prloted your Prroldeot ha. to
The June
Jnae wind
w!-d r;d
r'd not
not withhoM
withhold ,p.
the stater ' name, on
"" the Cfmlle Roll1,
IToreoce. JosepblD',
tnc pare for the followinx week. Sa* di
trorauae sonm
the |ieb|>hiwbi.h- wei*
wero Tbelr |>siuea are .Jo-Thin’,
Ink bersuee
of the
It aeven
•mama on th. Crmll. there ba> been ro chance .0’ Imro f^lrtoJTTeTxh.
u |>«n
fearful of the light u
od IT*
the rryaial aod Saste Stanek. Florenro '*
what you boy. and pin.
pri. iblnk «f ibe
the anil of ','he"noi^"nf'”Thr
k. dro-to'’HJ
>«•" old, Joropblne la
Is Ove yesra
.vearo old.
Ren. Jtiae 1, 19K. Sjon.
the nolee of .the
-Tnd B'sle
Blalc U ten .iwmh.
iiiumha old. The>
Nelphbcrhood Suotbloe nub Idea that
,Mokiup of
„( The
,he <wrn,
.wro aari
aad shook
shook ■**'
« (blakluc
____ ___________
President talked to you almut lb _> vase ^
aa .•
Ibe xuore. The HiUii flashed
ia^ui far few
for them, to walk. We have
Hair Soohroda. Maple Oty, Mich, l"e Mat, she is eager to kno* ^1 the drops slionied ae they took. l./m.
V n Vo (
, Ift'-I
”' iheswib iduope downward. Thu eorn
will h. .h, nr,.
»,i. K , ...........
KtoU .Urto., Sonlpto. >11.1,.
“ 11,. «i»l f ylC. "" ^ut It.
.|„a.r I.W..
bU.. .a „,.h
but li rained,
■s r. a,Xa. 1. Da. ».
r .TT .

,1. .to -1. ^.a tor, I, tola. ,to Ruth
are polnp to i
-tow Blaatoa. n.rtto, eict.
“ -7"" ■
to,,. Tto, a|.a.a tor
a to lito iia...
to,.,to. ato.,to .aa- a„a>.
Hugh Paal aad Theodora norrih.
Dscaur. MM. Namea sent by Samany other thine tme-balf so poo-l i
thU sweet water from (be aouthern
Uos. Stanek
Itnaahxll'a' SlabhlBa.
*"'*• ’**“*
’•*■«'. >■>■! i
gulf. ^Ae sbrunken lltlle streama
/Htr visit ivhen
Tell na «
■NW. B. 4. ft. No. 1. .N.« .eat by’
swlled In welcome to Ihe ilroiw out


sSr 2r..“i^,'‘Ttor'.;s

hy Nanta Baaafe.
Bmma Boad. Gdlda DimtIb. U'artbi
Baad, Phd Vir. Rlrnro. iWur. MIA.
Namaa aani by Bertha Beai*.
Attca Urron. iiahaab Johnaon. aad
<Mta JohasM. Northport. Ukh.. R. P.'
>. No. 1. Names aent by Mi


=r r^Sa^Es;

r r3:r.z' rz

^ .urfaro eiaiirMi «i


«. -to. -to:

Vour letter la such a splendid
IVrlte apaln before long.


Klugaley. Mlth;
■ May SI. Ibli

N.wiTlpoH, Mich.. R F. ri No I.
May SJ. J»1J.
Dear rtroideat—
I received my card ned button
few days age, and win try aad lollow
tbe nilea. 1 am thirteen yeara old.
sad In the fifth grade. Jllas
Jllat Emmn

Froir your h Tins SonaLiiier.
Beaale A. Korarlk.
How thankfa) 1 am that none 01 tbr
**r* b«n;
‘ d the all about the Are.
*"‘‘oo» Bay. MIA
1:. »1S
** *P
written ’a
Sunahine Chib that 1 am polop 10
<>«r acbool Wll be oal
hutlon. and I have loap mine.
and bation ‘( •HI
aiH «•*<“
*,ve -Nellie
.Nellie IheraNellie I.ltlnpainn and -I both go to
“d are lu the fourth grade,
"*■ fradlnp. arithmetic,
abd I wll rkwe lor.
«uDshloer. '
Motile Hatietbo
‘ »“PP»- Tonf
** «»'

il.tUU,.. »11.>.H, f, n N.

on nar eanalaa.' Maoie aaU.
There,U n>ea atala; Beerrha^
la phcfalac Isto awder wh« the rahi
when 1 caa be iadepeadeaf
taf lato the hall, he took hla hat aad
Mcrch. aad niahed odt of th. a«—
throeah the vUUvthe rooBUT.
where ercrythlai ip
aeeer Rcdac boaw'
le hlMair. ,
keaaufal nwnltic. Tlw
Bl*ht ahowe, bad frertwwd the crowlap crop, h,
0*^ of the wap. ^
Even lire laMti Urk repaoiedT» never Mas borne apaln I'm
sever polap heme npaln.waa eo blladed Ay hta far?
that be rode for. two mllaa wltbo.i
B«lclBp the chama of the ceumrv
At U.L a bohoHnk alnlag ob a fearo-,
mi whiatled n aUnln of Mi4«oe|,,
that atiraned the bay', aiteniloa. lie
Juniped off hU wheel and walked
Mowly « ibai he nmld better Itsiea
»o ibe bird's aonp The bobolink hew
nt> <0 rail. wfaiaiUbn
"» wfli>been- aoar: the* It flea
^ over the IMda. Wha4 Jl w«.
. Dick meeated hla yheel. ilei
aomehow he lelt dlEertntly, He tried
» aay. -I'm never pmo* hone
but he could not a
Hde faaL hot hU ^eel sraaM bm i
>le dismounted aad olM it: Mill 11
Hr Mi aa jlma.
hr wa. Hdlap «p . m*ep hHlV


w.i . W,| „ . to,,.

Dick •
» ,b, .to M Ito
Juke* l»l> nhd mil down under a tree. All hie IndlpnsUon wa. pop,. He tried to mroose
rfUhleniI am ht uiy praodi B’a to Kay all * '^'hlBl apIrU by Ihlaklog over (be
uU.hti-golnp out to Ibe lake to- “t?* **
‘•“r; but the
am kolng to pkk buckle,
'*"««>>' « h, iba mors he
hrorlro tht, .action, ev-r, day uhlle
'» ***r wrong.
Ihey ate ripe My birthday will be
maiterTrith mer bn
June 6tb. 1 am plad II la ao anar I
*'«■'« P** a«Pn apala I
am mine to have a phonograph at"^*
Ihe bouse ON Biy blnbds}. Are you
Jwnped oa hla wheel aad
Eolnp to. celebrate, ibe Mb of Julv? ‘“d'‘ow«»d home. Il was anon wbsa
D polop I, the Clark's lake. «nr
PMdat. May SIm’. We
'“hdhta. where's my mothsr?" was
d it piclr .ni the lake : rhout bouse.
-Ihr-ltan as be eatsrod tbs
you Kxtuld ito«ne hero this summer
• ;
would have a good (Hue. My on
~llhe'« up la your room a tylu' a

~:z" "fL.z'4 - as

Hle.'vse send I
lard aad Inmon I roe aitd I will pltc
Dirk w
aod I have three mother, tell a
I can't pet aapry, even df I iry
flower Itrda. Me have Cutly-two liti'.0 hard!- be axdalamd,
cbl-kena. aad nve lltlle calves. This
Tbea DM laid his mKber of hto
to all I tan think 6f. ao I will rlroe.
rtetertaiiiaitea lo run away from hoaM.
loex u.-to»r
'"‘■ta be free BBd ladeprodI wish no with you OB r
be Udd her of Ihe toBg of Ibe
pl-'Ble at the lake
Inholiak asd ibe feeliag that came
tnio hto bean whA be bsard the bird
liopinp to see this in prioi ' I remalu.
The Maaaaga ef tha Saboilnk.
Ixiraina Avia.
There was a hard Aower In the
»•“ k**
It a-emed nhe to get a tsttor from DlpM. IMck Kirby beard It. yet be dhl <lfB*>Bg JHrfc vory rloa. to her. -ICs
'you again. Ignwine. Yon are a faith_
bestir himself to rloa* hla bed- bard to kero ib. «mg of a bird la our
to toM
'■“»«" " "to
aU'lBP to htmielf -Twill be too wet H"**- I'm.glad yea itoteaed le the
Decdlur, Mkh.
momlag.- With boboUnh's masiite. beeause It seni

day Ihe Sf.lli .)f May. la my btribday.
Cradle lloll. Onn to I'aullne Kadei.
'» '"“■‘rh
«« Boiaa of
and the olhar Vtuper Uader I also
tor tbe
Ar Bnashlne
‘“‘"••'ta-f -Pblte Wf h»t H ^
have two
Cluh. They are Norntan and Tracy
Sunahlue pape and I ihiak ifapi It
I will eloae, ao good-hy.arinld lie niiv. It la nine' weather
k>oin your fnia itonbeam.
ituw and I am plad (bat aprtng has
' Kva C. Wcldner
-me and h»pe ail the



>"■» ■ 8«i»lil».r. ‘


ventured Into the low plarop by the
to. ,to .U.l, totor I I,... to. m,
brook's roon<e.

by the atlU. giving them a push lo «I>ra»g alofi. heartap the drained cup
burry them forward to iheir imrit. aad hiph shove (he e
biBA streams that ponred not of
Northward lie carried I
greeu, darkly wooded |>lBloa. SorthiTte parted and tore Into ravelsd ward be carried It. over the i-y inola
where the wild fowl Ihai t I played

Mallle. t MaUeae Uneo. a
very atnalL
One day aonte doca were In the
yard and becaa botberlw Maltie
Carlo waa lylo* on the front atep
aaleep when Mahic waa drat bothere-i.
. ..
--------dog, for a while At Blwi it wmaUv.
Malue-brian pet
tint the woral or It. 80 Carlo walked
down the Btepe IllroV kina 10 take
Maltie-a aide and helper He la,
down on the walk and' spread his
ir»,m .paw. out. M^le
. at ooro
... . knew.
vnat that meant,
for the
— bad
— been
-----^ to
^ It. «i
^ she oeailed down ^
ipe other docs aa if to say -Come If
you dare- They knew than when
Carlo pot
poi vexed
. (Or them
l> w.> .....
to «»•
po. •»
ao "■►>
lbe> w.-m awa." Tba«
,bej came
cxn.c back
ba.k apata. but Carlo
„o„n ,boj
teemed prepared^
for them, ao
uo they
did not alay
.(ay lonp. and MalUe wac
Mved. This
Tbia I.
la a true atory and bap«ved.

have Dot wriltep to the Sanablne Club (or u long time I will now
8..n,mll 1-i.v vHch. ’.»•»*-‘he pleasure of wrUlap. lam
y„t to. ,n,, *-11 and hoije y-bn aad all ihe «uu
Hear Ib-Midem—
shiners are the usipe. Our acbool

ah... ,h, "*■
v‘-"''‘C,;;;! ,‘'to'a.r'',.r .to
with him. The slow ships he caught »'• rmptled It. The. .mce apala be

HMg, Katie Norma), and Haa
~it i, time for me to aes other wastes where Irtstoi cling to the earth
BauhnEa,Maple City. Midi, R. P.
I am ilrod of this dull round, as vines and where movlnp creatures
h Npma. BKM ny Mary Souhrada.
roldom route.
"Vou rauaot go bbIms you carry a
The rase Itetsa to pnihi-r frosi front
,blMtlng with'yon,- uM Tita moibar. tbe cold of this sironge n-pinn. hut
Map LMBra, act four yeara, Rapid .
^ "Yon are a June wiaiL and U to the etUI the June wind went on uniH the
Oty. Mtah. Name aaat b
' idIbbIob of all June winds to carry ground banroih was white and plistendrlak to tbe creatures aeeding It. l( tag with the snow ad Ire that
Bader aad Vp|Mr Rader. ^u^araTreadv^'o^^r'i^'vMi'muat raeu"uBrorThe*wl ^anHna"auBr'^'^

Joaa^ltM Staatk.
Btia Stpaak. aga
MMMcm, BiA. N


vtaa** acala. Aa the bora had aa
Oipeaa. Mkb.. R. r. D. N..
a«o(latk» bora. *• plarad
*•“«we had pan ttrh and pan bora, ao
. Mar :i. MIS.
aa to hare a ailxad tmm. The
~ De^JLPtealdeatwere called "Ca" aad “R'a.”
wr«e TOO a fe^ ttaea.
-R-e- beaL ARar the
we tate
to'the Sebeol tor the Deal, at
a box BOdal. We diaisad Are
(T« ewate-f^t. <V>ar SSad the aala balld-


.,;rLr»?.s 4"'.z -£rs';.r:rs.r.r ....-•"szznSirr*"”rrr:'zr.,:z;z,z™”;v.:ri.z“,;z‘*..zr.s

I amu hr ROKI

.^i one night. The d.v. of
aee a. It -a. lifted out of the warm many rold. guttering mon.ha i. called
waters. Tbe Wind took the vaae Summer. The nlpht to called Winter;
and aaM
» to wider tW the dav and ll Insts
This nlit« is bever
' On the wl9. gtaj and ^dowy ex-

‘'nTlnd v^n
WA^hro^ hto
Teevr^^ b^ n^ht?^k aJl
-in.- Usnha Seed
niultereB an MI-aalBrad *«oodher—Young people's WeekI*
Me Bine. Martha Seed, ntorolng,' then Segan eating hto oaib«f T<mng peoples weeai
Dick. If «ou want to become a pro.
Thp Duty aad tha Chwiea.
..P. .hto,to
.Ill to
toto., to.,.— m„.
™,, Bob was weedlag (be garden badsSha hflaaeed bar two little UmH feeL
h* .p,,#,. „p. „r ,bove the Bhlltlag tha long-anduring twiiiphi
next week, and then 1 will be plad.
Bertha neat*mence by getting up on time
I Jack rains aloag. and watched Mm
^ ____
s ,a.
bol-llBg high the crywl.l vaae
The wind out aif the gulf bad now Hy letter to gelUng tong eo I will
I nm very happy to have K> taaitv bteakfpat.' bit father loM blm.
over Hh- tsBce for a while. ThsK he
Ser.dHipled haada.
hoping to see this in print.
Sunie-uins in De.wtur.
- x„
K^ling up when it r.
driak oa (bin and clear as Ibe cup In kindred of ihe freien land a- he had
■''0*>r Suusfiliier.

-w.i i <ui th- gras^' IMck replied
-t'ooie OB flsbia' wtih ate. Bob.- -he
rraoed ta like a pIKure o babyhood.' ''which It was rorUed. He abook out felt to relieve the iblfsi of Hie dn' ‘
« Johtiaon.
Dei-atur. Mich.
• " 111. I t-dd y.Ki,^tn -i.-.s th- I
' MbI.
hto wing! )/iraaiiiarenl gauM and onea over whom he had shaken his
Do you and K.wsU-Ue-live near
M.i 2:., i;n: yesterday sfierronii. s».d in. fatlier
■ There ary lota of Bah la Ibe iioad.
‘ aped 'northward along ihe unyaeked generou. chalh-e. When he came near Ach other ao that you .*« play 10 Hear I'realdcntI wsiiic! i.i i>li» hall, so 1 ih.mxH We caa g« a big strlnf More noon "
ways of the sky. oo one knowing of the throne of the Ice Kliig the coui- gether during vacatioaT •
I am «..iir llllle ^iinahlna boy I Id d.. It y-edsy
1-'s .lai.irday. ai-l'
-Cbb'L" rold Boh. -dot to weed Ihto
'Round Ibe i HtaK rurli that e'er'' hto
paaslng save hto brother winds.
Hers whirled and sinm more raiiMly.
have 'some names' to seud In. Illlgh '«* liai- plenty of iiiii.',
Hi-k . ' whole garden, before aeon. Fhtber'a
Tba'm'Mal vase ahd Ita cr.vstal They damande.1 ol him.
Kltigaley. Mob.
Caul.-Me-I seven, and fueodore Dor |>1a-m-i
going to glve’nc a qtiarlor for li."
A jAm. -..nnS UU k,.
a iu.k '‘Hlb. wheB over the w-arni wave, to*
'Whal present brinp yon 10 our
IfS Hn, Me aii- I have broken my Imt
'•'» vf'’
didn't now it
' - -‘Whafs a quartrrT We rsB gd a
'*** baa«r aad light
humaa aorarelgn. coqipde from the south f»ear Crealdemton. Will y.,u please send Die one’ simUs the appraranie of tbe lawn «»
<,f Bsh and acU them______ AM hI2r'-JuL-t«-.-i II. V. "**■
•‘‘•I* »*•'“»' ‘br WB'rrtT'
• received the ivunabiBc pin ami I go to s^o.i] eieiy day Our ach.e.1 l-i C^e prsaa get too long before
ouariera. iwoer«aa aw iinodmarnia^. M aR the
backgrauiMl of (be earth Aa
The north winds rushed.uiuu him. card. ot. which I am very jwimd 1 -ill be out the .-ath of May.
■•m,-,* n. hto laiher said, rtolug ^ j,^,; tampUngly.
the June wiml carried tbcBi yet far- asking.
am seven years old and tbe ouly dbild
f—m the lalde
Bob paused In hla work, and eoaaW,aa - -a w
“bi"'* ‘bey- grew lo can A fatal
-Whal fllllng glfi have you for our ta our family. 1 have won a cUsa
itoniuel Uea. h
'H- Kiri.i went ouL of fie dlalag,j„ question. Thro be taraM to
'MM*ro»rWa& warH I and the great ahadow upon the ground.
king. O broihei from the Illy iield. the Pin ta onr^undsy School for not mlaswhai a deal liiHe Sun.inuer m-i
HIriiy foi .wd him p,,
.jib declako. "Oneea I'll
bad hsen
been runnlna
running .W»
above .he
(he Uwd
land hlrdllnaa
Urdltng'a .and
wotM heard;
bM --.n,
i.n.u of the tag a Sunds) for three monlha and
I wtoli I ronid see
-u and
'“ta'ilca Mm. KIrb) returned stick lo the wewdUig.’ be aaooiiDeed.
am trying to win . belter .me, I .ouTVtoi.-.s
'dldn i
,p„rt,r If I fln|ab
bed where the atalka droepe>1 and tlie
-Clfi'" aald Ihe June wiml "Sec. I have three jiHle cali.-c for |e-la. Thto
“ raining ta you. wlnddws
you're not sure that wc
withered. rwi
days an
all tiis
other imiiis
hrlng ivkui
rlghl iiiiiuie
tribute Irani
from iiiy
mv iiuiiie
home oiof to
juy iirai
11, ,-,ur
The clean kl-m-d miiallu
anv nsh. or aell them If *-■
cu|w• situer^i.
»ie« letter
ii-iici to
iv. oui
»u, iwper.
th.-,i„TTO tedat Bowora and the Bolds ot jun^ winds had loosed tbs llUea by. mdleta aummer to \he Isn.l of tositas'
Your ho tag friend.
Thetnia h. Hot.
|L .e..,;:,
” "
\ I'rrity pink ribbons are ap-dled "
' Oh. ify K. anvwav. You can nal>h

and the bol sun had caused (hem to Winter. Arropt. your nieleaiy. I boTh
Kaddad and worad at tha Uuie taro;
seech youI am ao glad ihat ymi are proud of
- ,,,, ........... ^
Hie weHiOg .onm-Toa." coaxed Jack.
s night.
Sostytag. hecast bis Htali-raat the Irtag a Siinsbtacr ' biiow you win .
...... ..
I go t<.
Dirk snappiKiIy relumed.
- m„,- >ouJI aei a dolUr oat ol Jhe
Aat the favo* hUU and the sky over- ’ ••DritiVr Oh. drink. llUea of Ihe foot of (he Irr KtagV (hnwe The tic a line luerota-t
,h.. grat grede M
«’‘h '
light!" he rolled, and shook Ilia. Vaae Iroetr.l crystal flew Into a million hits.

»iudie'« arv -.•j-liiig aiiihniciic and '‘i**’ ber min.
-I'antdoii. Father aald lo do tlie
IMfMM and hromad aa tha word wm nver (hem .
making a chiud of Ice iiarileieii nn-l
Rapid ciiv. Midi
Wc t.avc -me m-rae ihtee
’staing i«i hims--ir 'A
luig Hito moratag. an-l he nwalas
The cool dropa tell iipoB Irof and snow flakes. Then, camchi ui> by the
May -s. Il*i:
. |!y|, ,
win* namea
d«‘»u'i have aav peae,- h,-H,i. 1,
ibarway. Think 11! s'l-'k to
, .,
blomom: they aaak 'talo the dry. hut north winds, ilie bits of l.-e and snow Hear ITealdeot,'i„
t-iuhk itazel Dor •'"‘‘I’ A-ime one,to lltirilng liiiili wifi ,t„. ..pc ihtac and try the ftoh aaAnd Iha old Km lifted Ma head nhd
and made it blark and noD for wero made contiiers. and Hi- wiiirtN
I have isinie nam.-s Siinshim .
^,^^1 Itatoy K^r age Sen'
"«rotag HU i.iebt If li «n ..tiicr day.'' answered Ib.b, sb4 Jack
„,ik, i^n taught them fiow 10 dam-e liehwc the jiag.-.- They ate l.ariiie. age ,1 . j'to.-N,
f,,, 1 win /l.ue
*'“►»- I"'
ra'c » U|. In dlagiiat
, world!- Tlood-IBOCB- la lake on stronglh. Ih- leaves 10 lee King's throne; and there Ihe^ll! aeven. I'uivel Ijicutv. age cl.-vcti.
i’....,. v..,ir .«5 indiii.e girl \
diuitli.g (h- wiud.-ss' I ww.h Hi-.v
Vinod for you. Hub.' said I'octa
tag. ehndrgrow firm'and alossy. The beauiltul how and kneel, liwp anl^all.-'whirl laHiiu- Way, age Ulle-n: inaa- U.’ !
Netlto naoeh-^ w.wWn'i |,„i . uriaii., up at n» wm- vvil. who bad heard the whale ihtag
thine Iin.k -|mn'i n-glect the iwaatyBra cent
—RetaHad. Bowero.lifted up their graiehil. amlN and waver In Ihe chHI eevels of Ibe Ikivenp-n. age flfleeti. Also
Absi lor Hie
|j-f,ha >nd gim

iiiTiims duty fur Ibe dultor rhaado, this Raie
loig faeeStolo the wind
lead Whar* winler never'ends
..... ... ,.4.. _____ 1 —. '*'’l«ma
idti-ure. age
ag- 1,-ir
.'imll Moll Vina I.a-ure
With "
•» any lime It rtoriro't gay “
-Air to ntalieboare iVom Rapid rii’.fLeat. wide.
The maid . sni- mi» <1-diiong Hsnn
Aii-i of cout-e p doewa't. when v.,.i
Iiui she tiles at Hnce. Mbhlgao Slln.c
•n lake away Hosdisiies l.n kgo' >•■> r-^m- to think It over. The liHK
tmased nu. As he was flying over a
Old Mission. Midi
1 lasi WHUe y.iu'l have immed. I au>
-«-iyitoy dmlro. If they ore faiibfoilv
4 jmo forest he beard the ivy of a yoiiBg
May M. ISK ih Ihe -seventh grade. I Jive a Hi"'
May r». 19i: i,bK
isrlormcd. par heriaf la money, ithim whose ntolher waa delayed In Dear Prealdeni —
learb-r, whose name to Mr. J.. I>
“What's Jil.ii' y-N. M.iH-r H-h- str-ngHi aad ta UBlalog ta folihf..;t to she nestling. The
We got Ihe cards nlid btiiions and Masters, leai-hes’ihe ptaih. i>-tith, and Hear ITeaidetii —
shook hia vase again, and Ihs re- I thank you very' nuich for tliem. eleventh gtwdea. There are s-mI thouglif Hiai I w.sild wHic to the ardT-'Maggie rwinlosl
nes»^ The grow chanros lluf mtreahlK water aiwllered down open I take music lesaons from my ato> very nice vfaildron in town, and wcSuiiohlne tiub. .1 am gUd that the
"OU. eii-vybod.y's flndlng laatt with heldfuli heCoro our doxzM -yes l**»
leavea and boughs. One iMf weighted "iw Boa,. The eherrv iree* are have a nice s. b<*.l l.o^t Tall ihc girl. Bta"* “ *'«•'
’ 'ta'
m' Th*J cxpoci a felloo to think of often .Ictieod upon laaelMe Bah »H'l 'o
Tiro woaBarfal ^ |a
by drpita. rested upon (be edge nf the UnaanralM and ibev-took very pivHy. tanned a baskei lialt oaoo.datlon. an.l flowers It. the wiada ,WiU yun pl.aro a milliin ibinga all atunro,'
Dick tv caught, mad possible salea that may
AWU(K#Wtal 'B-lad to ahaktag aaal. amt from this ihe young WivLcWe went picking tnayflowera aud I Joined We girls Bra; plave.1 Alden. Htad me a .'xrd and button' I have «,„er..l
never matertaUid. .And w1ien we anttha^roewdrank. -------...........
irength came to ibe miea tbta aprtng. and we goi a lot ot and the gantc stood f.nir t,. HiTti- a “*»" “■‘•'Ms ihar would like to )ota . fiuro. ibafa Ino bdd now.- said leci the real duty for tha fsodble
water, aad whIrH ibe bird and a Ipwal gladness fllled them. I tove to read the SunKitae In their favor, Tli-o we placed BellTheir name* aro Hcrtie Mlkuto. Haggle,
cbaoce. wa arc iratalng tor unfaHhhlm: be raised blaieeU ta the Beai. lettroa. Itopa'. mamma, aad I arc go- airo nine to eighteen ta our favor. Wr I"*!* Ulknla, Mary KaI;^. Kate
Tbey don’t have any respect ta*- fultiewa, (or aimlcsA. half-hearted tdIbe top ef (bo and lifting up-hto head be sang hie lag ,0 rows Wedoeaday. I cannol played Jleltoire on mir own Boor'Bra'. Ndvroiiy. and Iran Souhrada.
nto 1 goeroaleltow has a few rtgbu fon. sod for every iicolaMe failure
Brat note, ll was a low. tender Both, thtak-efaaythlng moro ae I will,close and then «e played Kalkaska iBelvc
Your .BunahWev.
i, this worM.- Kck declared. dlvloA The wc<H>rrforaMd «taty, »v«a ihoogb
Tull of the Joy of living aa>i aweM with
As aver your Suathloer.
hto hands ioto hto pockets,
Mary C
k friarolly Banb, bow far do j 1 the iBceaae of cratllnde.
you card aaad buttons
"But il was too bad that yoo let bc^ h
jeoale Btanek.
for a Ibm game wa pUyed Deltolte
I bate----------------------the rata spoil tbe pretty Kok rlbtious Own.
Tbe-oeag of tW youv bird faada
gieK td the woodaAowera arc on BeUalre'e Boor, aad we were the lor you aad your fl'wadw

— — toto



„„ „ . „„

«''' hB"' 1 flve al.ter. and
belong lo the Sunshine Club. M>
•caiouie. Roasbetle Sieubins. would
'• tak the Sunshine Club Send
««»d buuon to me. and I will

VJZll '

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