Grand Traverse Herald, November 21, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 21, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xravorso







Haa No Sympathy for Theae Wha are
Trying to Defeat the

RtTE PRensa is si,ooo

twUMM .WM Trwma«S
MtHIWB S»l>XiA*E f«r Neict
MvHSty Evtalng.

lansing. Nov. IB.—Oovenwr Osborn,
today branded tbe attempts to'throw
tbe snSrnge vote as an outrage.
'Tbe people by a decisive vote aald
that women eball have the ballot,'
•aid the governor.


<PHia ToMdAT's Reeordaue.)
Tlw rcEidsr.Mscil mwtliic h*ld
tut sroaSas vu the tbeneet (hit hea
bw« haM thia fser, ovIbk to a Uck of
bualheM of ur Importance to be dla<
poaed at by the. aUcmen. iiniror
Oemalse (staMed to brips np the
qoemioa of raMns the Hcmsm of tbe
kMal aalMBB to SS.000 par lear. to be­
come a^lre nest Alar, bnt vai poetpeoed aa aeooBBt of (be abeeace o'f
Aldemea Emith and lAPSworihr.
vho are at'ittseeat bnntlnc deer In
tbe annb Roeda. Tfate wtll be an inereeee over tbe pPafont lioeaee.fee of
MM. and tf pot into effect .aronld
ettbrr'sreaUr Inmape the amount of
MpBcr.reoeiTed by 0>e cltr. or elie redope tbe aitmlMr of ealeont in tbe cUrTbe^bHet wU be Uken op and itcidi-d''lit-lome mare neetinc of tbe
A.rc9Q^ vaa-nbd from Sheriff
Frank' U nuter ^os for a rebate
oC tic OB accooBt at hie beins stopped
frm eBentlns h^ eboletale liquor
sure on eeeonat nf a tupreme conrt
Tbd Voaareb Cloctfieal companr


Takca Old Job.

Hots'l Sl George Wee Oeetreyed by
Fire Which Wee Drawn Up
Through Elevator ShaR
From geesAd Flebr.



be held nest Monday'erenlng
importto talR np eerUln mattera of Im
to'tte eUy.
anca to'

to conform ouh courac to that of olbaiwboola In order to get tbe credit-ao
that the stttdenta might flnlab In two
The aenaoii for catcblng whlieflsh
yeara, Hence I could not give a
coarse In agriculture niM ca|j It anch. Id lake iro-u In lake Michgmn and
3o i hit upon tbe plan to teach the alt roatlguo'ui waters ended inuti;'.
subject and at tbe aaaie time credit and all nets for •-aichlim ihvse
must 'le oct of the water at once.
atudenu with aouribing that
OMORN SUSTAINS would be accepted In other arbooU.
•rurt UtUTARv COURT.
During the monih Hist the seas-,n
heretofore, as far aa I know, no
clo»>d ti.e law sll' :< rlgJ.I’y
lool bad an acricultnral courae.
So 1 put in a year's courae In bio- enforced In regard to tbe kcoptn: lou
of the water, AH Oabermtu, who
log}'. I aUriod out with biology, giv­
ing only those piama and nalmala that are engaged In this line-of -work will
to the farm. After the ati:- take note of the law and o<^ acriurdisaslng. Nor. I.P.—iSie Rndlnga fit pertained
denta %ad a good working knowledge inglytbo mlHtarT.«Mrt which laveetlsated of biclog}. 1 used I'nited States buUethe thnodag at Jobs Biaer by Capt- Uaa in agricuture (cff wblrii we have
BladKmas Snriag tbe prtaon rtou.
ry works.
were awrored Mday by Governor Oa- inch as Vorbee a "First Priheiph
bom.' The COOK bald that the ahooi- Agriculture." Sbepsrd'i "Lit*
tag waa JnatiRable and /'be governor Farm." ' Primer of Fpreatr}-."
Event Teak Place In Grand Rapldo.
antbortaM tba birtog of twaattomeya two. by «5. Wnchot. and many other
Nevtmber If . . '
to (Mend the prisoner.
rortu. I also ha^ In my own library
maar of tbe works on agrlcultorc that
bad been coming oui tbe past three or
(Proa Tuesday's Record-Eaglet
four yara. Onr.clasa period In this
An Hem of news lhat will be inter­
work was BO mlDQtea s wsy. Are dgya esting to Traverse Oty |«eople, and a
wrda Mist Rcfm a week. abao( one-bsU of this Umc surprise as weir, came in the following
betag laboratory work.'
note received at the Krrord-Eagle thU
*'Al the end of the year I credited moralng: "Harvey Ransom, better
them with biology, but the}- really had
rn as Tied, "aii-l 'Has Eva Drill­
Upstag. Nor.
Today la the last bad agriedUnre good and strong. Last ing were quietly maTri«>d Nov. l« in
Oar nodar tbo taw for county boards rear many schools added agriculturnl Uraad Rapids. Rev. Bishop of the Concourses
church officiating. Only
nr «-w*aailfi to awd in tbelr returns
could call our course by lu right
few friends werepresent. Miss Car
to tha aoeretaiT of mate and national
ae the last half Of the year, as it ris Paul was bridesmaid and Alton
Oiectlcn. Bat M cotmtleo have.sent
ta thrir ropori* and without a single now apears In our
RoUnK» acted as best man.'
oaed Warren s "Bemenu in AgricuL
Red" Ransom waa for a number of
Mboptlea all of them have had '
lure" last year. This year I told the years a faroUlar.Agure on the streets
aont baek for eorrortloo. In
students that I wonld give another of TTarerse City. Hr will be rcnienvoihere had the total rote comidled course If they ao desired. I took a bered as the little lioj who sold, i>0|s
wrong, in one case the vote On preal- vote aad^.Bll bnt two out of :t voted corn, arbutus. |iai>err. ami later did
' deatial oieriora caoeeded the vote la for another coarse, so aladents md- qnlie a thriving business with a real
the eouMF hf over Id.oon. and varies oating from here thia year will hare popcore sund at the corner of Front
had on^ and one-half years of agrt- and t'nfoD streets. He is a fine young
other niataltee.
culture. l.aat anmmer 1 apeot la Cot- man now and all his Irieods here will
- la imar of' tbe ooanttaa rec
Sta bring bold Rbleh are bridtag back ambla I'nlretslty and took all of my wish tUm well In tbe future, and. pre­
tboratarna. Rotno eoontlee have onlj work Is agrienlrare. ao i feri better dict a proBperons. career (or him.'i Mr.
wot partlai retanw and It will be than ever prepared to learb the snb- and Mrs. Ransom are at. home aj* it
dVa^efoM tbo Ssal reanlt U kpowa. IscLBut FouatalB street. Grand Rapida.

mmA Mim



■ I’.--

Full Report

Milwaukee. Xov. ti>.—Jol u Schrank.
who plead guilty to aiiempUng to aUy
Roofevi-li. is Insane, and will be aen*
n uy|u;u where he will probabiv BOME or RANKING
apead his llir This woi the ni
.AinU) luoua verdif- of five aUentsta, who will
make a roriual report tomorrow.
BUndpattare bAar Try Te «Mk AbEvery Class of Industry Is Siruggllnp
tampt at AdmiwNtretlati Te Ra>
to Get a Share In tha Big,
Tranaactlena That Are
Being Made



Fight stirted as Seen ae Rebbers
Found They Had Been Found
Out by Officere Puieulng Them.
New Yoi l;. .\ov. 19.-.-Tliree sre dead
and two dying today ae the result of a
dcfiKTUie batiU- iwiween officer* an-t
fugilivcH here. The imllce atieinpicd
to arrest lllorto lUryesky. Hie allcge<l
leader of a roUlier gang. In llie KUboU-l- Itar.yesliy started the
shooting, killing two women, and siijs
po.-;cdl} Swift, a .lettwtlve himself.




Attereay'General Wykea Bchavu
Will be the Bust Way to Oil
pose of the Jaekaon Mur­
der Case.

Chli-ago. .Nov. jti. -Crop flgures in
Chicago have <-<'llpeed prilUca or lor
eign wars as a bnalnesa factor, ih.change 'of adnilniatratlon or the re­
flex of tbe European disquiet coocertitug theenalgaflati war belhg
whelmed In Iniportanre by the
farm wealth ao great that It will take
the railroads two years to move
The sutlsticlans have utH begun
g.v their final tnula-for the money
value of the corn, wheat and eats, tbe
rotton. flax, and fruit that baa been
thrown Inin I'ncle Bain's hopper. Some
defeated factions startril to gloom
1.:when -1..
tbe ..I,,.....,—___
t-lc<vion returiu were
in. hut nnw they wish they hadn't.
Busineaa ta again lugging at the har­
ness like a tire horwt with tbe gon-j
going. Orders an- pouring hi froii
nil direclluus wh.-re cautluua huylns
has "cleaned up" tbe nu-reiianta'
stocks to he great aaUalamon of con­
servative bankeni. Grain bouses and
linkers are feeling the "speeding np"
of crop money and tlic tonnage Ogurea of the ntllroads assure them of
earnings far into the fnmre lhat will
require big payrolls and cx;
and make the buirtter and baker and
cntoraobile maker amllc. whatever his
"On the’jump" Is lilt- sUllis at butti:eas. say the Jii-sds of many bl.i
lines. Coiiipiami frcni llie packc-a
!f bc-'aiise .-i.iiir are eg high and
Buyers .10^^ i>
all the big hoiisi-K Bosun Into Mexiro.
for even with freight and duty added
,ihp ratiu- are fur cheaper than those
from VnuTiran farina and ranchea.




then, bnt at last be found the rtgkt
•pot and the gun went off. He was
once disarmed by Officer Ooltileh
and placed In the lock-up In the
of the fire Btation. bui waa later re­
leased on promise of a well known
citizen to vouch-(or hla appearance
this morning
He failed to appenthis morning, iiowever. and it bia
yen found alnce iliii he punhaaei*
ticket lo r-alifornla and left.
Tbe shooting w as probably aJtofleth' arridenut ns the man could not
speak a word of Knglisb and was not
familiar with the use of the gun. HowliVa* a very dangerons proceed
Ing. and It Is only by chance that
e was not si rack by the bui-



.. -I'l. l, J-M „„:,in-.mlTOlon-dh.rC ,»-bra.. *.«.«■
ronu. .lir.n» -.1. n,
«n.r. •■I'. •»—«'
^ -!rM!way. the <"anadlan Nonbcni. aw
/■ 'leofi built as a result of the great
influx <>1 ^rtlers. One advantage' whi-h'
' aiiadu has over tbe-I'nited Siatea.
Mr Walker believes, la that (be fedEarth , Reeked Bri Lfttls
|lia* riurge of promoting Immigration.
: -To IHfsime how the fedoral govrernmem helps." Mr Walker said.
Mexico t'iiy. Nov.
-Foi four min- '
l~wben a fanner who, haa taken a
«u, .oa«. .... ..dulai.n.
.tar, o,
of an eenhquake rocked ,Uie city, but
wlihont doing damage. Tbe disitirb- tamUy. the goveniment auprll"*
resulted in the less of two live*. nnd tAea a Uen on the tand. If ihs'
iBstroments in the government .
selamological stailcn eontinued to recJ,,„^
OTt! Tlbretlons for Si minutes and aU. ^rnment generally relcMea the man
seconds, abewing that the center was
^ fcomeateriier'*
abyii nr. miles away, probably in thej^if..
huahand ba:i
state of.Guerrero.
,004, „
her to the bos
.Xodettllt have been received from p,„i me government doe* that., If
that region, however. |>o#*lbJy because* *pnd* the doctor tn tbe »»me anil
of (be fart that a large part of the nttraea for the children If tba farmer
•utioB la menared by rebels.
canUM affoid It"

Camgaitn Premlaaa.

Wasbington. Nov. s».-Hta»aiora toluroing to WaabTacioii- before eonHe Waa Loel^ Up By Follee but vention of eoBBresa prediet that oaa
of tbo moat bCtre taalaMt rlglus
Cm Away for Callbetween Democrau attar March 4
will i.e for roBtrol of tbe ataato flProm Wednesday* Record-Eagle)
ib* tariff, maktaa
A mile tame of real wild and wooly body of the upper brenrit at o
weat was preaenied to the reeidenta Upon (he selaeUoa of Atm ebairtaaaand pasoera by on From street last and I>emorratle paiuoanirf df tkU imevening, when s young man from
------„ ^ potatad out.
Cedar City start.-d to shoM up the
not oaly 'tbe (at* at aay rf«l,
tie had started for Caliloreia tariff rrsulatton or redttriAgA fit, Ifia
and dropped off here to purchase ttllaon admlBlstrailM. but olgia fitabuuiry cquippage for his Italy ttpoB tbe makbap of many otbar
mportant >
stories which be haS beard of thv.
Senator Htmmoga of Nortff Caroli­
liiwt purchase was a re^ na. u tbe "raakta|" Darned M-tb*
vulver. which be booked in a loop
Unanee conmiUee. wboo* ritalrggas
of his belt and strolled proudly do«
•ow Sen. .BoaAa Pearopa of; Fpa- -■
the street.
ni-slvaula. By rlgBt at qpBloc(tr.
Tbe abooliug atarted .when, after
which la jealoualy adbanad ia fr (by
the gun had dropped from bis belt
senate. Senatar Blmima ta
the ground be derided to cany It
wbaa tba .&*->
in bis band, and aa » ^Ume be oroslonally- pulled the trigger aa bi publican step down ktarcB i N
walked. Tbe weapbn waa an antIquBt- of the Deaorrailc majgrUF- ia lha
«d affair whkii only fired now and senate.

Jackson. Xov. "n.—It I* |>redlcti-d to­
day that Capi. Frunk Hlaekman will
plMd guilty to ntanKlaughier for kill­
ing John Kt*}'. providing the phoae' win ai-ct-pi tite pica of iesrei LeglalaUirM W.ll Be Aiked to Cure
Blut Sky Methods In degree munler Prosecutor Bally said
- (hat Attorney Oeneiwl Wykes waa In­
formed' lhat Blaekmiin would do this.
Wykea believes this t
disposiiinn 4>r the ease.
The bond forCapi. EXank Blarkraan imnitgrailon Congress as a resblt
condltfons which it detiured dnrlag
Eapeet* te Civs AuthMhlqa
the BC(oi.d anneal seastau in Gnicagg
Trouble Brier* He Will Be
Had serioual.v Hiecke.1 Oie aetUemcnl
of available land In the I'nited States.
State legislatures are to ^ asked
. curb the blue sky variety of land
Tonis River. N. J.. Xov. SOI-lHlatAssseiation
Opposed to Blue Bky deals. The plan in propooe (o the tog that he is entirely Innocent of tbe
kriiUtnrea la that a law he paased murder of Joseph JaeM>bs, age 7.
i^ulring the owner who lias land for ImHuw-atma.
X V.. Prank Hickn
Mile in register, a description of it aaldjoday be wuuld flgbt ektradlllon
New York. Xov. 2<*-IVlesatton* of
with proper autboilties in the atats. Hickey haa engaged an attorney and
ominent financiers have arrived iK-re
The ^rription must include tbe lo- won't dIeensB bia case. It will
from Chicago. Boston. Phlladeljada.
catl<^ of the land, what It will bfo- quire t*o daya to get the extradition
New Orleans and other < Hies to at- md
dure, anfl the qiialiiy uf-the soU. II papers.

the first an^ul convctitioti of the inthe owner rcgiaiers hie land ialsety
Indicted for Murder
vestatem Ban'sers*
AHaorlo'ioD of
be will be ‘tobjeri' If prosecatlon and
Buffalo. Xov. jli —The grand inr»
America, which will assemble toinoraleo he must .make redreaa to the In a apeclal reptyrt today retartv-ii
row for a two days'.session. This l-u
purchaser. This plan wa» derided np- an Indictment charging J. Prank lifehe aaroriatlnn which was (»rim-d here
on afii-r InvpsUgaiion of methods key. under arrest at Toma River. .N
last August, with the prinuny o!.j.c
which ralrgiiard land pnrebaaers In J . with murder in the first degry-e
of realricilng. if not entirely cliii.ina’
causing the death of Jdseph Josephs
gei-rU-h-fiulek *»-h« mci, and tanaila.
the spurious stocks and hon-is riie'^ J. Bruce Walk-r. irnmigratkm *^jjat lairkawanna
mis<ii*ti«T for Weatern
convention will ronchtde Kridayeven-i
j j ,, l.








Washington, .Nov, 5u.—Oarnd Thompi'reeident ' Taft's lerrelari
Coruuillv ai>polmcl 1'niiod UPWARD TREND IS NOTED IN
Stales treaiurer. suceeefllng 1-ee MeClung, lie astuntes bb* oflire tomor­
row. Charles Hllles again becomes
aecretar} to tbe president.


Accident Occurred In Reckrord. tH., dead, aaveral are dying and
Where He Held a Stwi•ertbiuly hurt as the result of a fire
-Vieai Poaitien
which destroyed the 8i. Oeonte bpiel
thU morning. The heroism-of em­
(From Tueaday'e Record-Bakle.)
ployes and firemen saved scores of
The aaddest ocquirwicc In a Trav- Urea. Tbref were killed In Jumpibg
nrae City home for a long Ume wm from the sistb Aoor and niUslog the
to Nr. and .Mra. Hermnn Hyman. 8IB fire nets.
Waahlngun street, late last night wheq
The Are started on. the second door
Mra. H>-man received a telegram Mat- and was drawn up through the ele­
Ini^ that her son Mc>-er. who left vator abaft. It spread so rapidly that
here luat two weeks ago 'ta acCMt those on tbe fifth and sixth ffoors who
position In a large
did not receive the warning In time,
at Rm-kford. IB., had fallen down were compelled to jump from the win
elevator ahafi through .aeverai down. These Identified who lost tbelr
•toriee and was Inatantlr killed.
lives jumped from the upper floors.
Hjmnr. ia iway on a buslneti trip,
Many had mIraculouK escapes from
and althoueb he U aomewbrre in death.,and perhaiw a store or mort
niinola. tbe mother does not know owe tbelr Uvea lo the ht-roUm of Os­
iaat where to reach him. She leaves car Jones, who nan the single elevator
lonigki for Chicago, where abe
of the hotel. uinUng irii» to the rlxth
pecU to meet him If he has recelTod floor with the small car iiarkcd with
word the baa aeni to eereral different
mity until tbe flames and smoke
kleycr Hyman was ne.-irlr 17 katre
of age. and when he left beti twn
we^s Bgo !t a-as «lth tbe brightest
hope* for encrets In tala flret poelUou.
In all bU lettera to tbe folk* at bom-t
oloetrie ba.baa toM-ef tbe •oad^lmaa he waq.
having and how well be waa getting
thair laape are aaUattcior}- and the along. Tiie nwther received k letter
price «aa eooaMered rigbt hy the ^bia attemoon written by bhn two or
three daya ago. In it were some for­
A Trdraldra' Inrarance pollry to eign and curious ataaipe for bis younrcorertte edtp (MO UdbUltr under the cr brother, who bas a large roUecaev «eu iav me received from tbe Uoti.
HesdasB lanrascesgener end placed
OB flle.
TbU «u (be neetiaa at which obleeUbna lllS to'be beard
Fbartb vard ae«er, bnt aa no-one ap­
Hew Superintendant Clark of KIngalay
peared to maka aar conteat tbe spelas. K Hay . c
otal.Seeeieore were ordered to lerr
defendaats In the dynai
It tor tha ednetructbe gpwlilu
acy trial, «
tkm of .the ■Ontk.
"Pour years ago I •aw
the need }f their bondsmen. Each s
Tbe rMMMU or tbe mHk and meat me
klitd of a ^rse
^rs In agrimlturg M,OM bail. Tbe move U a
Jnapector and oMy tremanrer. were re­ acme
In the Klagaley high acbool. as tha:
ceived pnd planed oa fUe.
tnosi of our papBa came from the fi
needed ther... as are all b
Aaagfte aa epeclal policeman at tbe
Bonth 6Me oompaay. ami hit appoint o(.ytbla. 1^00. , We had only ton
grades and onr atudenu had to go to
meat waa emBmed by the council.
aritaol to flniah hlM
An nijMnmd meaUag of the conne Ftehlng Will be
school. T^la bring tbe case. I UU



But Gen. filmmoM ta.rwaprdad as .


a pro
-lie baa eftaa't
ftepublinu on tariff
prerent radical tariff red)
laiion. He Is alip M tn' rioM OOM^ munioD wKh tbe iMdm of the W11>n movement.
Senatar Gore. Uw Bitad. seoator .
from Oklahoma, .'Nrigtaal’' Wllsoa
man aad stroa|||y Bragreealva;. i'a
licked as a poaaiMe oppOAcbt .IP
Bimmons tor tbe flaasc* c^lrmanahip
Bore is a glare (Heed of
KSorta to name seBatsrs‘aa 1
of the ffnape* «
real "prograwaiyes" as 'to tariff
eglkUtton will proroka a Urety (oaa.
t ia dadared. If tba oeatarity nla
abollaked and S
It U ptBhgkli that Gw
precedent may hr foOewed tb oGasr•etuue eommiuees and a atral<kL
square Issue of progreaatriam renwa
eonservattsm raised between tbe Dem­
ocratic majority factlOBa.
wi bum's friends are said to
be concerned orer Ow poantbtlfty that
reacUonary'' I
control of I be finance and oibrr repate leommKtee* and be In a poatttaa
to defeat (be Wllsoa tariff redneGon
plan and other progreasiva laglaia-'

Infiuarwa ri New Veeh Bankers an
Other Part* at CoaoUr
i>: r. Nov re.—Met

K>nry trust rounded up ta tbe cap­
Indiana Fellewcrs PIS" Permanent ital today iiuranant to tbe call at
rbalrtnsn Kujo. Tba taeettaff' U jo
map out plana for (be futare itfocedur*
ln-iUiiaiiOll». Iiol Xv'
le-a-lers of the inv.fstlgBtJng ctMBmmaa. Mnrii
of me l* |.s,-t^ in Indiana work remains 10 bo done tmTore tbe
taUng -of testimony can be reeumed.
are arranglog to l.ubl a »t«ie raffy
fhis city tonyororw Former Senator l*iider tbe dlretUM of flamual I'me*-'
myer. one of tbe ebirf sUorenpa of Ibe
»even-l*e and oibei
Diuee. experts bare been at wartt
will address the mertJng and i4an»
Munmer prernring an riaboraiA
will be made for maintaining a perma
compOatloB of statistics
n'-n't organizatlcm.'of the finny
practically everv- Ananrial end tndn*trlal Ittstltuiion In tbe coaatry. and
tracing the relation of eorb todiriduai
eoncern to other eoacerna. Before
Farmer Canadian Pramiar Wall Along, somlng the taking of (eritaMoy tbe
in Vaare.
committee will carefally ruvla* Uis
«ompllatk>B of fignraa wMcb wtU ta
Oltasa. Ont.. Xov! SO.—Sir Wilfrid,
as a basis tOf fke euawifiMkW of
l.aDnt-r. former Itomlnlon i>remier and wllneasre with a rlea I
lea-lrr of tbv iJberal party In Canada, tbe exact inflnenre eafirted hr Ndw
received many congrstulatlons today York banks and bankers nb Mber
on the seventy-first anaiv-erKary of bia
and bankera Ibrongboot tb*


Gll’ktul Tttftbfle J^eiald
and Tn^ Bay
MhOaM Tua«ar aM Thnradar bt Traretaa City. MloUgaa, by

..Vtea Pr«. and 8m.

^cfjf from the poekeU of the-people for eluriteble and ^o*l purpom, but K H m eonditioa tfast «m hare
be faoed vM the beat
fnee ooaaible tinder the eireiBBatancea. the eWea of people to
•he ]n«Vided for axe wipi oa, ^pd
-* there r-------:----------„y
u no
number and no'^n<
'^nee to turn them away^ from their
preaenl abodea. The Mily thin* to do >* f^r the leirislature to
provide the meant neeemaiT in order to lake prop«T care of the
aharfea. v
In the paat it hat been the rottora of legritlatnret and state
offieiali to cut dovn the bnd*et of thete inatitations to the Uat
in order to make a abowin* for political reaaona. and the
result it that thin*t have reached a point tehere more than the


original amount aaked for will have to be rawed in order to take
of tjie immediate needs of the iMtitotiona. i%ome of thete atate
asylums are altogether too amali or antiquated to'give^e proper
resulta and roqniro immediate attention in order to aeenr** the
for carrying on their »ork. Thia
ia one of the grebtest prohleina to be faced by the incomipp legit,
lature, and it is hop^ that the members will be ^oal to the
emergouey and provide the means that are atwolutely neomwarv.

iMTlw a«r«<
*sHv Uack th^ <-WM that rtabt
■las stwais br1nt» rfsanl and hapidaesd- and Ihsl an-ne airlon nevpr,
(aUa to lirlna )iiinUliui>-ri aii<i
oon lesma to rhoow the Msht '
fader all cirronwtatir». I.-1 the thll.l
faei that >00 hate ronOdsorr in hlm^
aad ar)i- ^und toW
)UM uvstmem. Bat lo l>v ahlt- u> ad '
mlBiner a aaiiahle vuHtshnM-nt. W Uie
n») . ar mu«t ftm rer(wate* ihv sood in Mcr> rliUd, and
trfliln* to ayairathia^ allh t^ vWld*

Douglass & Kellogg
OaM uhoa stom.
Csraat Caaa and Front Brastt, Trovaras City, MIsh.

Stop guMsiacMd let ue fit you out
with fhoea for every day wear that
are right. We are doing ahr 1*^. >.
every day to give you gootf values.*"''You will alwayi find our prices reaspnabie.

Does co.nioral itiDUhbicni I-rins the
clrolrcd rc»nli»? X« <>f«en Fesi- ms;
eomtiel a Mod of oW^tieoce tna H does 1
■M make (h* rUid self-so'cminE. I
Umd lantloe. •coWln* and naastru:;
are fHjiiallr laeffecthe.
X, l»n. at tht npatoBc* a
ot Marab X. ttT»r
Kxjiertenro irarhea ibai wlienev. r
l«a«lblp. It livslacr 10 make n >4-<iu«rt
In the form of a imKRestion rather
ortease loade
;iu.^e I
than a cotiniiaod. iinitiac iiainrx feKt:.i
5»<»p IbrriMgc of Unfit
V-U'dili.' date.l
Governor Osborn haa aunomieed tiiAt in liw exaugnral addr<‘«i sema enmi>iilw>r> OMShoda.
the I.Jh dll.
AVe are tralBlliB the chHd for rttand prrbrded da Ihh otlu... ol the reclshe viU urge the legislaton of The state to conatijiet Uvk for the
lUDship. and 1 lo>Heve that In the tinler of deed* for the ceBftu of <tra%l
l>een nail.' In the Tracer*... and Mafe of .'.•i‘iiton, uu
of preventing the marriage of the pbyaieally and mentally
demrteii -jad |.rimar» «ra>l<< he (OndtHOIU
ndtlioiu of a o-n
o-riain t-rnnKaC.r-. ti;ade
nHi.lay ori>cto»wr .V. I
unfit. In accordance with this plan he haa asked SeiTctar>* Robert should learu t.> r.-ajant tlie ristoa am!
libcr ”• or-u:o^U.'as.--. --ii law ".'I: on
I wile, ol, Olil
liropert.t oI liU |<la*n>aie*. He sliuuld
L. Dixon, of the sUte board of health, to pr«
thicli tnor: sr.Kd ft:. ; e Is rl*i.::.r|
also lea'ni that free‘on. ,-i> tn» nsht Mirtlirsn. In ia.M.r ol ivtcr i
toe c-t this ftotl' o. f.w i-rinodt the Stale are poming to see. that if along the line of eugtnirs pnd regulation of marriage for his last
I'Isie. lUle.I Mar' ll :
the effeige to the people of the state. As one of the first steps in If'he ruiidiKii. luuitcit ]>n.|H>rlv and
they are to get the best resulta out of their orchards th^ roast
l!ui-..|i.-d and Fitty:.-5ix an.l
does not Iks-oiiu- a dl^<<1rl•illS eli-im-iit ihe Keaister
ter oFJ' t.
-•lu'-' IWilisrv. ftfid nn'v
a^pt a «ertato mnner of packing that toU appeal to the trade. this direction the governor will recommend the ervatiou of a state
.. . County,
!ty/h MlH-r M
lio« often we Iteai tin- remark itial rrse
Cif Twetu-i+'i'e 'clrr.
r,2t mi l r.i: o
for the purpose of thoroughly studying the problem
o'a liases
It-fhaa bei'p fotind from experience that the box is the most satianT"i,i,-rt for.'la said reoi^age. nt.-l
the averase • liil-l of lo.lav is M>i »s n- ot .Marrh. A- l». IMI . .wbb-b
at lew having
w*y,in -whidi to pack applea, f« in thk kind of a package and recommending a method for putting the'idea into.prai-tieo at s|iecdrul to hla i«fems and el.lerh
h<«re is .-Uim-d to I-- dm- Ml t
instituted to teodver the meaex
can be shown off to excellent advabUge and khIhi can be the earliest possible nioinenl. In rt-gaivl to the Knhj.-ct the gov­ peoi(le as In foniier seneratlnns. Tills dal.' of iiii>- notl.-e the win. of Kigl.
may be true, hut Wfore are rondemii three an.t 1<..1>mi . J* l.l.ii-..toHai*. and iber»*if.
eibeted in s mueh easier manner than when the eumbenKiiDe barrel ernor has the following to say:
Mile or ■•rncf'e^inyK ui law liittma i« lue-elty »;hcn il-ftt by vif»n Initlltutcd to recv.ver il c p.oncv
The fact that our mentally defich'iit population w'iniTeasiug the eliUd lei tis lentehilM-r iliai •■it
h rtaorted to. When the applet are packed in a
the ousloiner
rtromuent Is Ursely re*i.ou»ihle. lo
-iiicd h.v said mortgage or.auy i«rl •aid tnpnsase. and tV
■< voiut.' tD'vuc-li
a«e just wkat ho is getting, and in the large sities where space twice aa fast as our normal is enough to show that some action miut
the dall> aill'hl.-K of the.‘mine diiea thereof.
made nti-l i«»vMe,l.
prorMed. „
cu Frllav,
Now: therefore.-I'V virtue of llie
be taken. Doubtless marrisge .between such persons will be pro­
lee the same .-ounesleK <i.tetile<l
n rt»v i.f .1nu"ar'. A. I)._i:>i3.
is Wited in the flats and retidonees a Ik>x is aboift all the ^plea
:>oWi-r of vale roiuaine-l m.^.cM won'
i<o-k in llu-'n'iern."<n, Hti- iin*
hibited if the legislature follows our reeomm<“ndstions. Isolation to the iiiemher* ot t'.i.- 'n'l.
aage and Hie sminie in eit-li «a-.- der«i; ncd w ill.’ »' lliv tv.i-n houi'e In
tbj* « faiilr oan find room for. The increated demand for apples
offered to the »r<-aslonal
of some of the cases will also be rceomnieudcd.” .
liuid.- oM-l -I'ronded, mill.-*- l-c
i-ltv of Trs\<‘r*e I'll', ibai iK-me
ia kozet bat kd several fruit growers' aatociationt throughnnt the
tbai'on the HiU .Isy of HcH-t-r.:
filace Where the eiiirii f.-url f.-r
A study of the inmates of the insane asyluins and dinrituble the iansuase uw.l «-aeh rta> (lee troiii given
lier. A D:. D'l:;. at Ui o'clo. fc in t‘
■tab to adopt this system of packing their goods, and they have
alanc? Every cbll.l la a ua"iral
ijic (liunti of (>rs:.i! Travi-i-ve l.< heki,
fotvnoon. there will l«- «jl-l M i-iil.Ui .*<-11 !i! I'ltMli- .iii.iiop. to tli:- 4itchc-*t
institutions of the state funiish abundant .evidence that such legis­ Utor. and sond habits arc )u*i a-^ i
tn[tnet with veiy satisfactory resplU. It is evident from the
auc-Hon -to Hie biKhfst bbldn at tU>
I r. II-..- iir-nr.*'*.-' de-.-rilH-d In void
lation is needed in order to curb the great increascin the uientnlly
lly fonne<l a* evil ones, attd «t.'
front door of Hie Coiiri llonee ..;
opiliffTis expressed by grower and consnmer'tbat the box
WuH-intion etr.-t. In liie c ity cl T.-av
deficient population of the state. At the present time there is no- lie If any ronsriotis efteru
oMins nankage jioT the apple. The bar^l is too cumbersome and
Cdic, yi;--hiasn.' iliat bems Hi. il.y-eKs'iI due on 'ahl n-oMraue. wl|b
restriction placed on the luarringe of this class of |>eople. they
In an ortlvle wriiien by a n-.w‘bere
tooihard to invaatigate to continue as a permanent method. Tllere
t lnd.-i>'*>, and all l-gal
was this reniartt: '-Jf-you tlii.l
t'niiiiiy ol
-1 lr,o--r.-.- is licl.l, H-being just as free to contract marriage and raise families as those
,'-thV-r with riii-r atlorncv'*
haaihe» too srodi fraud practiced in packing iqipltw in barrels, add
lls-d til MI1.I im.itpum■mine* (
irvwl!: IWoBl^-H<ree «S5l
who are mentally and physically competent. Some of the other have made a mlsiake. don't .lo- afraid
niui-h ther.-of a» pi«'
for|^ reason thi bulky syateni it coming to be looked upon with
ark-nowledse it to your child. " Slifand twenty-fonr <?4i .of blm-k four
[0 lay ti'c niiioiiiit due on said H'.Hn r.-rrv Hunnab'v-Tiiit-l «3r-!i
'states have taken up the question of throwing restraint around this related this Insianre: It »a* an uii
Mp^^ioa by the purthasing public. What is demanded now by
mcrigage. »n-lildll;K luieresl an-1 alt .\d.lii;->Ti to the Hit'- of Traver*e iWy,
unfortunate class, and the sooner Michigan takw a hand in the utoally busy <lny for her. and she «a- legal ixMts. wall iiii u;i..rney
tke iWomer .is an honest pack, and a guanintee that the fnrit
work the better it will be for the future of the state. At the pn'sent tired and irritable, when her Iwy .•am-- Fifte.-n
irUl tom out true to what it it represented to be. When a sjmtem
Tl'e I'reiliirtes being d.-r. rib.-il In ■tMEni.EY 1.1NSRY Ain
time the state institutions are crowded with inmates who are there
said Invinitivnl asfnllowr:
fi-i; X«n< v ninsdill.
of •baalnte guaiantee comes into vogne the sale of the apple from
nilna- She eiiii.hatlcall. told him l.o'd in tl;i- lomelt',
for no other reason than for lack of just such legislation. They arc
:3>i2l<> lloovemau ptilldlng. tSraud
- tbk part oS die atate will become an easy matter, for tlicn the purcourse lie resented It
Wliv Ponii.'iila. onuniv «t-t:raml Tisv. ivj.
ItBi-'d*. Mirliicati
a burden to the public and no good to themselves, and the sooner shouldn't h. f Instead of i.iinishint SR-I Mate of MIclilsKn. Hr:
I. 2L..eb.'>'c
-I 1" 1-. 8t. :'.l. iiovcW*r will he assured that he will get what he paid for, instead
the propagation of their kind is made impossible hV law. the sooner the lad, irtie hetan to »oii.l.-r ahai lot two. known MV u iwii «'l ii<w:
5, 12. 1>, 2d.
5>nnmBg a long chance that he wiU^get even a part of the value |>revkuivl« sold 11. I
I) *he had for denying him thi- Itrinkniaii ami 48* liivbna. met
will the great problem be satisfaetorily snivel.
of |im
as is too often the case at the present Jime.
■Kiire. Rhe found none excei'i her 't an.l of III-- s:in:e w i.Mi, x;„ US'
a weariness, so called her son. ev idrc-i I of lati.i Iw-ing 2" leel wl'le
plained to him and tokl him to Ii«*!eh and w-eri awl .Mipioilmaiely
Writ.- Ti(.- j-ou.' want*. Jamca !
ik 7hu8»iM Cvuf
itorih and vi.iiih. Imtit'-l in
Bui'In-k, tr.uth Muntim. .Mi.'h,
and overtake hi* coniiMtnlons. In Hil. long
iilBge rbiiininnly known nv Did M.v
' lAneording to the auoual report of Eugineer Goetfaals of the
life •* tte. manner *he won hi* re*i-M-i and
.Kt J:-isi
Sion. Mleliigan.
■rise from time to. time. She anked
Paimma Cnnal the big ditch will be eomplelcd and ready, for traffic
.l)ati‘d SJ«-l.ti'iiilv'r IT. .4 I'. flU
the molbere if It bad ever oe. urred lo
-------------It- - *k-------------------------the year. Ti
The cave-ins
There U n^ for !«rem
them bow far from ideal ihe condi- and leachers. to oo-operate in giviPL
lee than they were
Uie cBtt p^ed^t^be of Irn «
tions of the school are. bow very nioch to the child the purrot and bi-.- bbal*
Attorn.-' f.*r .Monesgoe.
be, and as a result the work
moBi be Kupolled and the vofsi never
•t iwt mght «
addrevs. rnn.-r-e (
■ Buslm
ew.. ..1.1
iWe extent from this sooroe. There are at
conute'l. She
said. "The little chilMlcbisai
- thnrsd.u
muM be tauKhi to sit sirolpht
9 men enqtidyed on the works, and everything Many ValMW* Facta Were Breupht
FJrst Congregational
and look orderly, and not dlitnrb his
OM In tUoard to Child
» ioving along in a satisfaetory manner. Now that the tolls to
neUttbor when bis little les* .lancle
Tceft Extracteg Absolatc ladles’ rammage sale
be i^'t^ haVa ben officially endorsed and will go into effect
In old Singer hullding.
all day from a seat too hlph for him
ly Wltboal P«la
H they were lAanned. it will give United SUtea shipping a great
He mu*'* ^ tanpht to write a'l-a desk
II' 111.- •Ksolsr*' mi-ili-d i i
Probablr.tb* most InteresUmf tue«t- loo htfh and too far away froln hi*
ni»'«- Ihrsi- iicirng i--i-iti Ml>v.'lui*-I
adi tntage ovw that of the other natii
willioui |«ln. and "iHo'i! t:.i u
iS ever held by the Central Jlolhefs' body, to fcay nothinjt of iKwr llaht.
i-lrnC' to |iro-li|.-.- miCoiiM-i'-ii-jn.ntMons will be diarged alike on the boats which pass tlirough the club was that of yesterday afternoon, lack of sunshine, bad air. excessive
I'coi-b- ol -Ji-rv.-n,' ti-iii|.i-i;.nF ii:
ci^ li, M there wiU be no reason for distorbances over this matter when it seemed tbu the membera hest or extreme cold, the loundinp of
•• 'lii v.ei.k')hi-:ii
la closer touch »1lb each otter, steam pipe* and the noises above an.l
of I'ainlesv
' Ka-olMf." ii
li .-ilioii
fature. The rates that have been fixed are the same as
(Aagged by the Soec canal authorities, and as the Panama Oanal aad were nrorer to the true under- below, inside and out. Truly. Provlof what the mothers' club 'lence take* rare of Inlam* and iii•W*t when comi^eted, cost nearly four times as mueh as the Suer Btandlna
was really for, than they have been rolid*."
iiS, there can be no reason for claiming that the levying of $1.20 since Its oraanlutloD. It would ^ni
Miss ra'ttiMon KBvu a ii>0*i exccK.-ii
<® the freight carried through is an eiccsaive figure. There tbCt the rent purpose was to brtn^ Hie paper on 'Suitable 4hintshn«em,' nnd
^ - wiBj, of' oooroe, be the olem^ of jealw which a great work of pareals of all the children who attend for the Mneht of those who w.-ie not
the dfffereni schools Into closer loach there it I* piven in full:
' ' tUi oatare would naturally create ainong the rival nations, who
^^11 Pay Hlohest
with the work as it 1* carried on in
- in BOM iaatanea will feel that they shfwld have had a part in ilie the school by the teacher and pupil, Suitable punishment, has. no doubt,
Have the laiert improved r
Prices lor
chincry and manufaclty^^my work
• fireM work inatead of leaviiig it entirely as an American project. nd not Just for the few moUiers who repeatedly been the eubJect of serlou*
ing Fran* Kotin by Tfil Votestbo^ht and diiicuxslon amonc both
in the Counties Already
Ko jmattar what the feeling may'be the canal will remain wholly ilRht consider It an a social club, a parents and teacbero. But It seenu-^to
.xrit^ the control of the United States, and all rates t
me. that closrtv relaie.1 to U aud of
smsll.' *('a“M"* *
MBS. * reciUtlon and a bit of so*Ki|i.
areater ;ai|«rtance. at least
■ tiotu will be made aa»d.eoforeed by this country alone.
•St and so hone. The mother*' club
Ijiiising. -Nov. U’n Seie^l i.-i-i:'
conrems the scliodl. is tbc iiroUlcm of
raverst « H> . Vllch. *
732 £. Front &. Both Phones.
is a good thins in the school If It i*
llciin Slain offi.-ials wierr given i.s.
h plionn Ko C60.
how to keeii every child iiroaisbiy em­
conducted aloos the lines for which it
scare*, while othei>'s.-eiited i«y»iMployed all ol the time. In other word*,
tiSemUry Oliver of the war dejiartiueiil has addressed
bow best to direct the natural a ':-.i
Mothers' club bare decided that in■iaV. Sixl>-tife .-oninies gi'.- Kerris i
i«ttm to aQ tb« governors of the different states, inviting Uicir stesd of IntrodDcina ihe rerresbrnent ties of the normal .-ttfid.
lead of T.Mf. over his ih-»u--i "HKj
A-i A. K. Wln*hlp expressp*, it. iM*nl. Kellow*. re|>nblii-an ran.lidai111 apciiatkm in the war college plana for the ^^niaatMm of the idea and (be Hocial boor ilonc. the.v
•1^ mflitia into twelve .taetk^ dirisipna. It haa been demon
■h and ever}' member do per­ T.iphiniiia ii.-vcr strikes when tlw-r.- for httornej general, lias a U-m.I o
i* ani'id.- priivlKloii for It to ;>lay aloiu S.n'.l. s«-reiary or 'SUile .MaillinlalstrMed that if the aUte mliffia is ever to he used in an effective sonal work antons the motber* who do
ituulatcHl rods. Rov* are ncv,.-r luallcA S'/; h. p. GasotlRO Englna
while. Kalwai'
luwr.'it will have to be done by gronping the regiments of the Ml attend the meetillBA and the one*, loiis or vlriou* *:-en their in-ii'.tics U leaiilng I.'
whom they wish most lo meei. The
l-von of l«t- .Itilm'. |.rnare>MV<- e.iud:
jjfifiBant atatos togetbm-, ao that they can b( moUirod ^ moved mothers' club i* for every mother In hav.« op]wmtniilt.> for safe and «ar.e date for fUl-relue iilvli.e. i* b-ii.lii.U
CyllLder b'-re, 4 Iti'Iie*: str-k* 44*
1 a certain point with sfieed *aDd eerfainty. The gronping of the ward, ati-i if they will all coni.inckc*. Good Heiizn. l*-rt material.
Jiislire Ktibn by T.U,
When, we have Kaii>ract«cily p-a.'
e Bieetlno they «BD do a
lbs. Suru
two! or more of these division* would form field armies, and. in
tere-l this difflruUy. we havi- larpel; runs vt.-adil;- : Is «<»Dotalfal.
i{ manner the fuddiero could Ik> kept in better coudiliou. so Mr power or pood in the school life of
reliable, durable a'-o foii.jdeto with
md equipping, tlian than if the present s>-sleqi of their
Ol course we all agree that we tanst
p.db-y. gasoJlne took, battery, cod and
state organizations kept in vogue. In case of war
have not only abi^lute. but proSii*
swlu-h. vMired ready to run your sep­
cheerful obedience. AnyTblnp
he oecemary fOr the atate' grouping
ling of the present to lose nmnui si any meetinx* exee|d the fa
arator, wood vaw'or pump or do aof
other .luiv w.tli.n ike capacity ot
and this jdan trie»l out in time? of peace woul.l accustom (her*' n>eeUBss. held, one^ or twice short of this is a iwiilve injiisllre
h. 'p: .-.•-•oi-je.r 2i:‘t f«eu Price »T5.
ilaifl- fr-r'--. No' 2 - - To inaito the netf order of things that would exist in cake of durlni: the school year. They have
.Van lia-Hiivd by
So freduenlly in deallnp with the Hattie Cloek l^untlT.ll ir ihe ..'u-- :
(^nped their day of afiernoon mt*iWM. JACKSON. Traversa CMy. Mich.
war with some other nalinn. Anotlmr atroug feature of the
ln«s from the third Tneeday of each -Mid who,Ik subnormal eliber|rot-new boBli.iiKural -o-iet'. t.-» ■ i. ‘
. we bear thh par o'gnn'.ze.l here -jcde' the jn-i-:---.- <■
it tlie prtH>oaal to rombine aome of the divmons of mililia ■lonih to the fourtb.
lalle e
the Chamte-r j!, tine j-l.,the divisions of the regular ann.v. in o^rder that the eiliron^ , Yesterday the iwsram for the after­
noon waa opened ity a recitation b. U afni.'ted. be or »he has alw:
i* lo start i.lants and flowerr
may b.‘come familiar with the detail* of ^e field ab.l eajiip
little Dorothy Morris. There were favored, and never made to m^nd. the i.rini-IiBtl ‘ :reet- a. 'U- •• '
more thorou^ fimnner tliin if they were Icfl to their
tao sons* by (he entire third prade, How natural this attitude acem« Y« IV.-,-en the vldpwslks and
.r-u. un-,
at the separate state eneainpiAem*. The, plan look* like a which were very ideasinp to th.- nioih- Isn't It a nilRdtrected klud-iesR If there anotfier ir to tr»n*l<»r--i --C' :ir ai-l
api'arently n-eleav lot-o «!■»'':
one and there ia no reason why it should n.U w.wk ont ers; a rociution by Master Albou it anyoiie ia the w:orM who needs
•eedrding to the idea* of its promoters.
ly hep<-t]ilent Some w-nrkiltB rp*n. The
'Mother's Ideal." by Miss BroadfooL one who is so largely
of it.-n-r- itliat clilldNrIllI M force!
given by the president. Mrs. E. E.
ar.reK-latlen will have Hi- ad nntag'- <.(
Ki-iik y-tii.
White. It was won.ierfuJlv insplrinp ognUe the risht* of others, snd often bu>ind hortic.uilurai s'ln uicsat
pretty secere struggle The sub. saie and" of e'.<l.*n«lnB i.nll.r.. oot-.
tn'-vpen»i'to their present estimalea the charitable and penal aad .Mrs. While urged the'^ssotter*
il child who Is ihoaghtrul of otb
of the state of Michigan will ask the next legislature to all procure the book and pursue a erw. re<-eives s hundred little kindness, seed*, etc:
_____ 4Sf study aloag the line* laid
the sum of $1,581,432.28 for apeoial purposes, such as
ew and attention*, which help
down b> Mtaa Btoaliroot.
SUUstlca show that the
improvements and repairs, which are conaidered . The llrtt imper of the afternoon was brighten hU llitle life, while Ihe rtilld
who baa been allowed tats own Way. best paying Invwimenl m
r during tlw next two >-ears. Mkny of the i
given by Uisa Nettle Hray
uu uueiiuoii
when given proper care and
cttention ,
Problems." Mls« Gray said that uncorrected, is only too often consid­
best-resMltj I
SraU ^ore the*^ last l^atnre, but for the sake of supposed
(he gteateot problem before all con- ered a great burden to those who are feed vour chlrk»nv. » little of HAK '
or other reasons. they. Were eliminated from the hills
cened today was how best to fit the
caalooallv'. it makes the hena U'
mmai by «*■»* body. For this reason the amount asked for this ctaid to help himaelf. She oattined
l>et -na consider wbai we mea
So. feed stuff mixed with it to .makI, HWek hanvier than H would have been had the last legia- the Btndy of child ii^ from (he time soKable pMlshment:
a large parkaye: nothing but purUasoDlc Block
Travero* Oly .
Pirot. it moat tend to cqrrect the medicine. Price
J«fop«' •mown f« haprovaBrnts that «re be was a babe 4a molber's arm tun
cents per pack*
rose, Of It U a cwnpirte failnro; and aeff. Bold by all drvgglsta.
th8l time. Ika looks like a large amonnl of money to the grodoaUea from'the high adiooV


1$ Most BofU^hU



FBIRIS l» LEM BY 7,165


A. W.


The Little Wonder


BEAUTI'FYilie cin

Amateur Photographers






Some PaIoU of Vital linporUnce Brought Out by
Rev. A. Bentafl olNorthport.
K* oar CM kvrreed lii «u; (liter- let* ui>. And >h<-n your o'-lebbor.
prtae mileM be flim h»» Uiili lo tt If, *iio tie* au orchard twtiBTam. fe' makrm do not believe jour yrtbard ^ ing hl^deiKWlt. you an- lamemlnR.tlic
t -ap|de» doni i»y. anVlsoa ,"
be made lo lay. Krali |i oiit.
Hit. ' A* * niaiter of fact. It |.rolabl> ean be inaije a
vayibS pnqaiaUlon. Hut If you haw
them only when you felt
not faith la Uk- propot^iiiou. It cauuut
lit. Have a Ppntraiu ftir caring for
lielli but full.
No one rail
in aiiytlilUR lyour o^iarri. and >ou will win
aiUtuat |>cniev-<!ran«x;. Vou iiaao Iiennl ' Nu bii^uat aoi;tveds wiiiiout lotullialKMl cQliiiatkiu anil aiiraying. Tbtr- K< ui co^jH-ratlon' with like lotcre
yon bate <5oou oute or i»ice and ilieii nod o'labere :a lOoperutl'Ui luore i
MO|iL>eil becatne ii did not niakv at» < iwgiry than ssiib ibe fruit
V<H| bite beard tbal ibe >tanu>-i
Of couree not. be<ouae yoii did not ranuot be or(uuiiied.~ I tell .you "hit
<iin. and he must." Otln-r
k««i> at H tone enoueli. Your neluliIlex are doing it; no <sn yi-i
IMT did. end br nflo voi.
gelber. Buy yunr spraying material
No tme can rurreed In anyitiine and your pa< kagei> by tlie <-aj:b
nbont «hic^ be doek not iietonie Int'Kd together and adopt a xu
lolUgeailr IbfoniH^. ahd. ihlK In nofor your Kuuda. Get a lala-l (or
viifre truer tlian in the uintter of'or- ilnetIuD mark of Mine Lind for your
rhard caliure. -Vor la there an^ exproduce, and then isoii.I tHiiimoue'out
cuae for IgDonnce ibeac daya#
to sell yonr Bluff.
Larae ciuantltiea of helpful litera,
Kc« p ayny from the big. ov.-ntrot%:i
lore, bcarltu on every iihaae of Ibe and oven iottded niarSelK Kiud .vim
Volt ore ol fmiu are to be had for the cuKiomer* In the mcdluu alicd idai es;
aaklDd. Wi^le to the MiehiRan Aarl- iben ship your cars to iheae iilacea.
trvlUiral eoilree. I.unsina, yilcblitan, or
Trial the jieuple to such an lionexi
driuu-liueut of aftrh-i-ulmre. pack that tlK will euiiM.- back Itrr
WaahInjttoD. II. C- for bulkllfta.^iK-m)
some Uuii- Htudylds Uieui. Uetler |>h>
li^can Isc-doae: fi la Wing deme .(»
Mttuvone to do yainr cliurea fur
otlieix. anil yuit should ihi into llil•■.
vroek* tlila vHotee while you p« i*» Tl'ii-re are tbousauda of people
iMrlos for a slwrt course la Iwnl-n. w-uDi good IrpU. and who do not mind


If you have lu acrea of orcV;>.-<:. it
trill be the l>eal Investuient you < ver
Btade: in abort, ael iioaied or quit.
No one can eiiciocd in auy jiarl of
hU biialnaM unlewi be alvea that |utn
a dcffiiile idace in the resutar prosrain
or hia buaiocsB oiK-rallona;.
Ho yon sire Ibe ortrberd a place In
yonr fanuint; |>roitraiu? Probably iiol.
You plan ft the yeans that you haiipeu
to be-caufihl up a liule .witli the

the jirice*.
].aaily. use your Inlluenee to gel. at
the earliest |HKalble niomeoi, a law
through the stale legislature making
ibordugh s|>raylug
also maklug it a lulodeDicanor to of­
fer for m1« donuy. Msliby. s.>ilebi^lSMi fruit.
Then pul if)> II co-o|h>{4&'
orator to dsc up the aecodd claxs-stock
work." Vtiu spray when Ihr ntber work

:Nfttloaal Woman Suffrage Association Will Ceic*
brs|e Keceot Victories at Their Aimiial Sest ion*

Campaign Waa Clean .and Honorable
and-Profeioor Feerla Haa Hii
Beat Wiahea for Hia

Grand itapids. .\oV. 2U-.
1} llie'.yilchigan Kh-Cturale:
Altlioiicli Ibe offUiai cautara of t
votes t«.-t .Novciuber :• is not yet uv; ilatik-. it ix {tcoerally uiid«-i>t'x>l I i».f.
WooJhridse -V. Kerris has .
til governor of Michi^n.
Il aeeiuK entirely giioper lo at this
ime cxprcfr tnj iTrofiinoil grallindc l
those citizens ol Miclilpjin who
nobly In thl> elitiion Tlu-te
tviiihiitallini of <ircuiii’-tau<es
b.'yiiiil my cnuinj] and for *ia<ii I
ivsisuisiblc. that imxle victory
foriiieseeuiincly ImiHiatdble Ourpaiiy
libpelessly divided tin.I with in
a man win. stipinried the entire repulc
Ih-ufl ticket was raniiiilittng an uii|>ardonable olleiiv. Y'ct it Is geip-i-aMy adiidtied a gootl fight was made, uml I
assure you 1 come out of H
without atiy MiviiCHK or biuomess. I
toughi lairiy and ibcTiest J knew how.
and liave no regrets nr mioltsriee to of­
fer for my fwirae dtirtim Hie
i>aigu. 1 wastreaictJ talrty b,' almost
everyone and lune only the kliiditsl
fii-ling laward my suvcessiel rival. He
is fUlilW lo Ihe shpi.uil of all gno.1
eltueus in ev><ry eff'irf iie -iitay make
ilint is-for the la-st inu-revta of the
At |liis time I wish iKirliealurty
Xlire*.. uiv gialitiiile for lUe unlfonii
<iiurii-sy stKiwn llw newst«j|»-t>
of (he state- With few exceialoiis they
ere "fair." Tlic iiispiiathm of lliesc
vv was not dilTiciiU lo disiern.
WTill- our panvwas dlviilKl iu lliis
eamiolgn aJid wliUe Hie insitiiiu I oc­
cupied was cifteii irisrei-re'emed.
IN-rsoii who beard ’me s|ieak eould
have lutsihly misuiideratuod liie. 1
Iwk my stand for the whole repuls
linn ifeket. and held it to tbo end.
aud while I aui not to be your ggveriior. I am d's-ply imen-sUil in Hie
gi-erl work Hull awaiU the new adniitiislrution. and as a private cfiirA
Will serve oitr statu lo Ibe extent of

Pblladelithia, Pa.. Nov. SO—Bbited iiii-etliig ev.-i- held in Ibis Miiiiiliy. The
over the recent addliUm of lour stars luit'kgii.iiiicl of tbe blage will 1>e
lo ibelr flag, hundreds of delegaiett lo huge world tuap, sbow'iug, the |>rogthe foru-founb annual convcuiion of reaa ul ,llie suffrage inoeenient up to
Um Naiiona] American Woman Suf- dale. AH, the aaffrage territory will
fmge aaaociallon. which meets lonior- W i«tn1ei! in tirlght r«il. .\Tiand tif
niw (or a five days' session, are here sixty musicians will furnish llie'tmisle
I today prejiariDg to give to "the utuse "
Ibe meeting.. Kev. .Anna VIowanI
tSe must nolnble iiu|>ctua sinee the inw- will iircside and* among
copUoD of the equalVranshlse niovo- s]H4keiw will be Miss Jane Addnms
Tbe women have coine Ironi and .Mias Julia lothro]i. the latter the
section of the conniiy and are
twiy aji]K>>ntcd head of the i hlidn-iis' oiiglily pma-esslee. end this elemeiil
Monglbo leaden In tboir resi>oitlve bureau.
lias bee* lu jouirol In oiir Icgialaluresj
a. The botela are filled with
of dvuitiiie work wil W dir- for tite post eight years, even if not
tbem. and many otbora of ihc^dcle l>OMil of at tile dally husim-ss sessions in our iimientlinis. 1 am imiv fiiceil It
galea an bciaif onterUlned In private of the ciitlvenilon. lieiions will W- re­
duty ol tlmse who lov
*Tbe iirogram iireiiared for llie gatb ceived from tbe vorfuilg uaMutuil oTTi- grand old i«arl' ,|o s<.i-k by every bonerittg provides for many novel and aiand comutiteea aitd (roiii delis omblo tmans to unite the lev el beadul
uactlve fealurci. Wlihcrai>oon ball.
representing nil ixf ibe stales. .......of botli wings, aud to tliut vud i
Wborv the moai of the acaaioin will be TboM- rt.-jiortK viS e.iibudy a narration am rlsadv and w iniiig lo lend yvhalcver
1 believe
be)d. baa been handaomcly decoraind of Ihe progress iiiade during Hie i«st influence I i«>ssess, Iwcm
(or (he oecaalon. Ttao slx-sur flag, year, the plans of eaiiiiuiign fouivd Hie woi-k of Hie n-pnbUi-ati^
ivariy Is
eoiirplcuoua at Ibe former eunvcuUous
effecllve aud an exehungv a*
finished It iiaiv ever )l«iii tiic
of the omnUation. gives
this !d<«s through delvale.
i.;ir«y of progre.'s. and the fiuui.- will
>Bkr to the ten-star Dag. the four
situw that Its fmidaruc-uial prlnHpk-s
.^he-siKakers >lio will Iw Imard
■tan rtgnaeBtlng tbe states of kllcb- the night sessions will include niaiiy
xouuil-otld their epplhnlion to the
Iffan. Kanaaa, Oregon nnd Arizona, prisons (it iiatloual or Inuiruaiional affairs of oiir nation esEentlal to Us
wbicta adopted woman snffrage amend- promlneuce. in ndditlon to ihose al- lM-«l dovtdopnicnt.
IMbU at tbe rereni elections.
Tile lost campaign was « r.-Uiarkrtadr iiunifd they will include Mrs.
A fine array of talent has t
Harriot Htaulon lllutch of New York. able one. H.-rtaJn1y uulik- any pm-edIt. wiiiiiinq.' rvixdlcclioti IW.<au!w
latawd to addreai tbe vgR^ weet- Uias Harriet Taylor I'l-ioii of Ohio.
man icottld not feel as many of his
ta^i. rptudatlBg of f:^«:^nenl nmq .Mrs. Susan Kltzgi-rahl «I Hoston, .Mrs
•ad women who liave $uune (aniuut Kolss-I SI. IJiK.aU-lie *of Wiseotmiii. irh-nds dirt towwd the lued «rt his
for Iheh- devotion ^d UYor alulii: dlf- ttorni„.sw Vi.u SulHier. tlic eclchtwlnl Ih'kei, b*j was fiiinklj K irt . supisin
fe^Ektl linis of biinwp' aetivlly.
jadvtyaie ul tufernaihmsl peufe. and would Is- vvitliliciil. • So It I'o-aiiii- iv
Tbo luoeUnga wlH vary iu chancier i STre farrte rhapmaii Hail. presWetit irjiMcr ot ii»uscivii'v “ith the maiorjgirty ami
u * gr«H outdoor rwlly In Inde- of Hie Inieniailonol Woman Siiffraa.a tl>e o|>enlng day umunie. »ho lias just returned front lu-rtight disaster to «fm«: *'f
rrv lre on Sunday an eighieeu iiiunitas' trip around the imild 1m- f^isb to say 1 am
apK'luteil. as I vovt-led Hic oi-ii-rtim
Riniiolltan oiwra I world.
to..w,i)rk («»l tunny reforms. 1 l>«All of the evening s**»8liHisj The eleilioii oT otlieers ol.lbe assn
cialiou foi Ihe euauiiig year is a hUis lievc iiossihbc 1 Bboulih like lo have
Win bo open to the itubllilaeii your governor, hut ft ..was not to
At tbe tt^mal openMg of tbo run- j«l that is already exciting lively disveaiion loworroir night Mias JdS»e rusildn among the delegnlcs. Bev; iM-. and I ar<i-|.l the y.-rdi< t of Ibe ihi>
I-le ihc-rfully. Only om- ol the ihiee
Addoiua of Vbicago will iroalde aud Anna Howard Shaw of PhlUdelpbla
(pn.Hibft«-s cotivi Ite eleaed. and 1 re
U- a ratidldate for ce-rlcriJ^
tbo national pnoldeuu Rev.^ Anua
■Itshlenr.- and will 1>e serioneTy jofri. In.the fact Hiai the .nimpaUn on
'Howard 8baw. will deUver her nnnial
|iatl ot (he eandldales Hit-iu-elves
'addrcM. Another feature of tbe even- oiilHu.fl fur the thwt lime dbrlnc t
a 1 bx'.ii. holioiahle one. with l-ef
elgbl years she lias’bold the omi
Ifig's propam will
lokdcra who aided the edbse to victory Ttie otifosiilou .Ivaa eeaiered ti|<on. seflalitic;-nlUuftWlcd.
I have hc.-tpilv .i.iisraru
In At^na. Mlcblgau. -Oregon and
laicd I'rof. KcvTis aml ascUK'i bl.ii ot
cjtndulatc. Thv- stipiiorteni • of
earnest w'kslips n»i a spleuilld nil^
The tiHHg enllsied in Hie equal ouf- Shaw prufi-ss lo Teel no fear'O'pr the

fngv caui^ wUl have tbelr Imtlnga reeub *'f iIh' eonicst.
A.'ltrS !? .Ml-StSKl-'IAN
Priday evening, -nie seHiini will l«-

In tltc entire charge of the NaHoual
KAI^YMAZO** — 1-fHlc JoUir Krvw
Steal's l-caguc for Woman Ruffntge kilehen fire ToeMlay morning. '•Cou
'giitfd In a borst

of'(lanes rotiu itie au oniire rat blecult and will
and .men •mly wiii api^r vm ibe prv- Showers
which t.«k off liHt hair. and Hve. The hah> came here fn.m Ihrt
Crani as apmkera.
Tbe irotram (or (he Saturday even­ wbUkers. and cost bitn tbe alglit <>( land with hTs parrou for a visit
He will recover.
U'hllc playing al-oiii Hh- kiiclien li
ing seWion will be condurted entirely
ehlM disrovered H. • ^Ison aud be
by tbc'Nalional College hhtual SufOVm.MIib.-Ovid'a fire bug. wbu (ore .‘•ivv^ed ate the entU'. anwuni
-ftmte iMigue. of whieh Hr. Jl Carey
few weeks ago set fire to bunSlii Toniirit vUe baby was said to bo et
dent of Bry-n Mawr eolla tbe bead. Two debating after building, dmt- whose activlHe* tlrely out of dauge-'I "'Wite np of young women eol seemed to- have ceased for a time,has
KKW Y.ORK—The birgest
|«e etndeaU wilt engage In a debat- returned. HU' latest atu-miH a
son was made on ihe village lockqp. .ubes In the wivtld arc to Ig* SnrtallcOB tbe auliject of equal suffrage
b«we-n Ihe Grand Central and tb.
A aiwelal program haa Iweu pre- and. nUbongb Sheriff Scborley
iDdependenee Square been working since the occurance IVansjlvaola stations In tbU city.
nfiy tomomyw. Tbe original Woman's Sonda.v plght. be has been unable ««
HOU-AXH- Harry McNamara,
Dodantlon of Rlghu will be read, end j find a trace of Ibe Incecdiarv'.
re-ied (or HoHand offfeers In Chicacr.
Mrs. Charlotte Pierce, tbe only living
EUMOt,STON. Alber«L-^A . rural, iliarged with reeeivtng tnon^r .u.nde
■tgner. wHl be preaenl. and !>« !"r—% preMDied wlih a boqoM of ffuw- mail (wrrler will Jonmey many bund- false preu-tttes. I; also wanted It
reds ot laltei aitbln tbe Arctic cir­ .Manistee for alleged theft (roiu
Sunday afimtw'n thankogiving cle and will sot r«nm nntll tbe ticket office till., andI Is also tmild
inTtexzlemeoy lit
terrtet fs tbe opera honoe will proba­ spring thaw. He will otry Boiblng larolf for alleged einh
but IrUen.
Grand Bapldnbly Se »be larswi »P*»f

New Fall Gamenis, Furs,
Table Linens and pousefurnishings
at a Saving oi 10 to 30 per cent.
—starUDg to-morrow and continuing 2.weeks V
2. 2>/j and 3-yard sires, at $1.^ $1-36 and
wide, worth $1.75 a yard, it................. $1.38
NAPKINS—AU linen satin damaak, worth $3,
a das., at................................................. $2.15

very pretty patterns, 72 inch« «Tdc, worth
$lil5 s j-ard, at ...................................... ..97c

Napkins to match above at special prices, per | BEEBCERIZED table linen, in beantifal
quality and design, at, per yard, ,48c and 69c
dozen ......................................$4.50 and $3.15 ;
PATTEKN table CLOTHS; aU linen thread ' FANCY HCCK T0WEL1NQ8. 20 and 22-inobu
wide, for ............. ...................... 60c and 60c
Satin'Damask quality, dew bleached, beautiful patterns, including napkins to match,
15, 16 anil 18 inches wide at per yard SSc,
at .......... . ..$6.75, $7.50, $9.60 and $10.00
45c and 80c.

PLAIN HUCK TOWELINQ, at per yard, 30c
and 50c.

PATTEEN CLOTHS, without napkins, are
specially priced at . .$3.16, $338 and $4.00


TURKISH TOWELS, double thread, ex­
tra large size, worth 25c and 35c, at
19c and 25c.
and place for initial, also hemsUtebed
towels, extra values, in Hnck and
Damask, are specially priced at . .25c
SCRIMS and nets at per yard 18c, 20c.
35c, 45c and 50c.
big assortment, worth 8c and 10c, a
yard, go on sale at, per yard, 3c and 5c
25c, 30c and 35c.
at per yard 12V^. 15c, 18c
and 32c.

LONG CLOTH SPECIALS; the real Prin­ TABLE SPREADS, in round andi squ
cess quality ; pieces contidning 12 yds.
stjdes. at ......................... .29c and 79o
each, for............. $1-35, $1.62 and $235 HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES with
ity em^idered patterns, at only
choice quality, 2 yards wide, worth
$1.75 a yard, at .................
$1.48 BEDSPREADS, extra large. gt>od weigfat,
special at ........... .........$1.10 and $135
art linen, round thread, a beautiful
BEDSPREADS, fringed or scalloped,
quality, 64 ^inches wide, worth $1B5,
large slie. cut corners, marked special
at 98c; 45 inchM wide. worUi 75c. at
at . $1.66, $1.80, $235, $2.60 and $2.88
63c; 36 inches wide, worth 65c at 58c; LUNCH CLOTHS at 86c, 96c, $135, $1.60,
20 inches wide, worth 45c, at 39c.
$1.75, $2 and up to $3.80.
hemstitched, scalloped and baV
tenbnrg. at 10c, 15c, 18c, 86c. 35c, 50c,
^ yard .................................... —3^
76c, 85c. $1.00. $136, $130 and $2.00.
COVERS, in pl^ bsmsUtehed
special at............................................ 18c
or edged with lace, at .... 50c and 65e
IM. MEXICAN DRAWN WORK, a splen­ TABLE COVERS in bemstitebed or teal-'
Above two itemb at ten per
with Mexican drawnwnrk.
CENT discount
fnl patterns
bedspreads at $1.75,
at......................... ........$2.50 and $3.00
INDIA LINONS—Noted Pride of tbe
$1.98 and $2.20.
West quality; at. per yard 9c, Uc. 13c.
SHAMS AND SCARFS to match, at 29c
16c and 22c.

An Unparalled Opportnnlly to Prepnre tor Winter ■
The Newest and Lal^t Styles In Coals Salts and Furs at Viunalchable Prices
MANY LONG COATS for ladies and HUNDREDS OF COATS for misses and
misses, made of chinchillas, seal plushes
cl^dren, for aget 6 to 14 years, made
and heavy novelty cloakings, worth
of’' chinchillas, cheviots, velours and
SI 8.00, $20.00 and $22.50. go down for
raraculs. worth $6.50 to $10.00, are in
the Thanksgiving Sale to ..........$16.50
this sale at ... $4.95. $6.00 and $7.50
FORTY COATS. . made of chinchillas. . COATS FOR LITTLE GIRLS. 2 to 8
cheviots, caraculs, etc., worth $8.50, j
years, made of plashes, velonrs, c&t-'t$10.00. $12.50 and $15.00, are in this
culs, chinchillas, cheviots, etc., worth
. $6.60,
sale at
..$9.50 and $12.00
$2.50 to $6.00, are $1.95. $2.60, $330
and $4.50.
also Persian lamb textile and boucle CURLY BEARSKIN COATS for Uttle
gamenu. are $22.50, $25. $29.50 and
folks 1 to 6 years, lined throughout
wor|h $2.50- to $3.00 at . -............ $1.95

Special Fur
and Sale
Friday and Saturday,
November 22 and 23
On the atoae dxya wt.arill have, -n
,-ddittUn to oar own stock, a bin d-splay of Fura from ode of the largest
lines >n this country, and you can se
Icct whateycr pleases you. at msf:
reasonable prices. Whethbr it Is o
fur coat, or a set. or ». separate (u'
piece. we' urge you to con e in at. H'-:

LADIES' TAILORED SUITS in widewale' cbeviote, serges, whipcords, nov.
' 1 black, I
elty mixtures, etc., in
brown and gray; the ne^west sMet; tSe
most wonderful values, worth $16.00 to
$30.00. are in this sale at $9.00. $13.50,
$16.50 and $2230.
made of wool serges, panamas, whip, also silk,
ends, etc.,____
_ . eordtmiy, velvet
and poplin, at S6.». $7.60, $10. $12.60,
$15. $18 and $20.

Furs for tbe Thanksgiving Sale
FUR SETS—Muffs and Scarfs, of Grey Fox, Red Fox, Cross Fox, Natural Lynx,
erican Mink, Hudson Seal, BUck and Isabella Fox, Natural Opposum. Plucked Beaver.
Russian Marten. Bine Wlof, Brook Bliiik. Isabella Opposum, Jap Mink, Persian Paw,
Natural Raccoon, etc., also Marmots and Imitation Lynx.
FUR SETS FROM $4.50 to $125.00.

Sweaters tor Men, Women and Cbildren
Hundreds of these* popular garments, inclnding Jereeys. Shaker Knit, and tbe real
, Rope Stitch Sweaters—go in this Tbank^vmg Sale at cut prices.
Union Suits and Separate Oannents in Underwear, for men. women and children—
the "White Cat." "Superior, " •Richelieu,"*nd other makes noted for their fit. oosnfort,
wear and warmth. Special values at tbe prices.

The Crealest Value* in Men’s Clothing
irs your duty to invesiigau; and make the best of the
opportunity b y buyin'g now.
. Men's end Voung Men *s Suit* and Overcoata
Werth $25.00 and $28.00


Worth 115^.00 and $1600. | Q

MEN'S SUITS, worth
SI2.50 .ind $13.50. at

Q Ofk
. .O.OV

ft gft
Worth J12-50 and $13.5097 .OU

Boys' Knlckw
Belted Overcoats
worth 7.5U at
worth 6 00 at fCM
worth 5.00 at 9S.9S
worth 3.50 at S2.45

Blfiakels aiId Comlorlcrs at Great Savings
ndw. ■ Here are e.eep-

wotJl piaid blank
quR’ity in
e oiore pink.



, 'FreeZ'ng weather may ■





low prices en '


gratfea of blanketa and


eta. a

tracHve lthan U..I>: in
plaida. 71’xW in..
/ F»'_r .-

.......... '•






©pod bfanltett In pir

fleeced blankets In ton
i colors, aott and
and gray;
a wprtny ! elcventquarter




;*“*■’•'• "ir," “li-iiu
well, very^^
74«80 >n_ I fie'eey.per

per pair........................ $1.55 1 '46c.




Our S-lvepware Pre-.iitimt are very popular. Strictly, beautiful pattema. and guaranteed
for 10 ycara. Silver kn.vea anp ferka. table apoone. abup apone. tea appendcPffIb < apopnb and
-xrange apeone. fruit kni/fs. celd meat feika. gravy ladica. berry apeona. pyater forka. sugar ariell
and butter knife ecte. •'-id chileren'e 3-picee ecta Theae gc free with SO. 75 end 100 cf Pur premium
t.ckcts. pr if yPu prefer, ypu. can buy them at very reaaenable prieeaWe also give
Dinner Snx,
Rciklng Craira. and pl^er artielea I'lth cur .-wem-um tickcta
A ticket with every iOc purchase.



• jf.40F.TOnt

vi,4 prwIdoBL Mh». Di0»> K«l*oo
•MrM*T.'inM'Glf4cs'Kle&!; m«rar«.*,
Uiaa ilBrtel »'rI4rv.
•HrlW Johsuton cntertafDcd b«r
Sniwlmy'sebool claaa at her bopie W«due»d*r oveaini;.
iln. W. R. JoliiutOD and <Uusbter
Mi Thurada}' morDini
Detroit. wh«T^ sbe expecu to make
her f(Uure bone.

Children _
^ust Have Good Light for Studying
A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may
lor life. An oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo
Lfamp b soft and mellow. You can read or work under it
lor-hours without hurtine your eyes.


Ea«7 te clc«n Mad rewicA. Made >n VMiieiu
•bade. Eat;
njrlea and for all purpoae*.


iGrand Traverse Region
:.l tliv fouRieRatlonal thiircJ* Frida
ProUt. wbo has spent tbe put i-veiitop The pbonuicrapb uiuaic uae<I
in WiKODBin on a dairy farm, vaa ttie entire Faust oi>era. whlcli
Inti-rpivted by readinpi l>et«een 1
fatefaad tone Friday.'
Plorenn Jones of. Coleaian bers.
Mrs. \y JI. Sl«-le Is spendlup
3149.. I* here aa the pueat of Mtsi
week at tJrand Kaplds.
Mnrlel Wrlaley.
MIss-AQa tVillUmsoD. who la
^n. W. li. JobDBCon sold all of her
kcilt*bold Kooda lui .^urday aftv- l»!p>ed by Mrs. Horst at Trav^se
at auctJoCL «■- Ji. Pofier »wr Oily, arrived bome lYIday evcniu*
lur a viali with her parents.
Mlu Dorotby Sle<-le si>out last
^s younc^lkt nnldyud a private
week vlsIiliiK at Hrand Itapids.
dan^ at the kali Friday evenJiip.
The U O. rr, M. M. Btive u Ped­
Mra Fred l^re of Cast Jordan ar
Parade at tb'e hall Saturday
Titled'here Friday et^htp for a tiiU
eyeuinxy A very interestloK proj^n
irSa relaUvdi of Mrt and Mra. W was rendered, after wbU-h a niunber
r.fslMle met ai ibnStbi-le home Kri of "peddlers" sold tbe followini;:
Candy, ice cream, pop tom. cakes,
d^r Vrenloc. tbe ocoaMon Ix-iuR
s^cn seddlnr Tbs oconple were wuer kraut, baked tHuma. plckJes.
saicb' praaented. «-Uh a ti llold piece. sand«-ithi-s and coffee. Ttie pioce^*
to about »:4.
Hpper Unitt UidiaBdly .entered the
Rev. f. U Steadman drove Ho l.s!difuaf rocm. There a luunilful sup
land Sunday anemoon. where
par wu aerved. .
-birt and Mrs. MVH. Howies left last preached In the evenlaj:
Rev. BurdRe occupied the pulpit in
vMjor Detndt. There they expect to
npailB several tseeks.
weekP. and then to Ind- le ConureKational cliiirch Sunday
where U») Will apeud the winAn Baslern Star lodite was orpn»ar. A. BenUlt secretary of the taed here Jlondar eventofL
W. V. Gill is morlDf! into hts
Nhrttport PVult Groaen' AasoHsUon.
■Sd^Chas. Day have returned home ^me, formerly owned by -Mrs. W. R.
tronlorand Ripidt. where they dpent Johnston.
MIm Vlvisn Dame eniertnint-d
week at Ue Mlcblpan l,and
ai^!]L»pIe Show. Northport drew five numlter of her frietidn at a card party
Vtedlie'sduy •■veulmr. foitva. sajidprise
ntid cream cake wen- served.
kpendl.Pd tl
'E. -Swietr of the CongreRational rtmrvh nat .Monday, (wenlnit
— troaOBptf ,
lesaor f. O'. MtrvW and wife sud.eiM'ted Officers for the next six
very Iniereslinr etilertalnweut muniliB. Presldeui. Miss Mluiilc K«r1:


If we dimply made unsupported siatcmenis of the qual­
ity of our school you might have room to doubt our asser­
tions. W« want to mail you unqualified evidence that we
do more (or our students than any other busine-u school in
Michigan. Facts speak louder than idle boasting. .Satisfied
•tudents'in positions of trust tell the story.
Yoa Should Have Our Free Catalog
a p--------------------pesitioat Irare nma.
.WawantyiMWimvaeurltaiaf____•aw oiaesd ia
liltnadtare Mlcwed.^ Oppcrtuain
They win b* mailed free m reqaen. Rail
Id tnKk for bnard. p

Kl^n'ifhai bofh'FillsiQnd Gleans

Qiuilmk. I 1
U Self-Filling

W Fountain Pen

^ilk and cleans, itself in just 4 seconds by
abnidy- a dipt in any ink4xttle that's
handy and a thumb-pressure on the little
?Cresceht-Filier^--that’s alll
^ it absoMy .torn not kak 'vn pocket
when writ*--nij^.ar!

hone In Gn&d Rapids to Florida tv
bw taealUi. but she lived only a shun
,Um« after roachiu'* there..
Mra. Wm. Dexter, son Walter and
granddaughter, Ikjrothy.Dexter. vta
lied relatives lu IJeiironla over Sun
The Epworth U-ague held a very
pleasant aocial evening at iiic lioni’
of Mr, and Mrs. Claude W«rrd.-u Fri­
day nlRht. __

Nov. 1*."

Cram Decker and Mra. Mattie Lake
are tbe
of Hr. and Mra. Flora
tiake .todar
Dap Wf^skt <of Traverae Cttr !■ iu
UilB vlrluU.v 04 ji duntlng trip.
Mr. and Mr* Eddie Lake have
moved In with J'wro Rates for the
Mr. and Mrc. 4'art J. Batea of
liuiuino'DVine «us viaitinK with his
parenu last w*?ek.
3lisR Part Buablow and I,^ura Bates
were Ruesls .of Mra. Gmce Wilsou
’Mr and Mrs. Frank HueUmani..
'raverse <'ily warn viflUlUR with bis
cousins. Mr. and .Mrs. l,ewis HueUi-ahtel.
Tbe box social at the <-emeut acboo!
house was a fine anecew. They took
in' f3C.;<i.
Tbe j.e« Ras'!
au<I «^:!l l>e put u|> ;bi.{ week in tl.
tor *ite prayer mecUiic.
Mra. D.
Tbompsoti bus returned
oui her trip ihcouRh liKUnna.
*jia. Ira Bari- and Jake White '.e(>
for ;'cn Wayne. Ind.. Iasi Wednes !ry
I i-n extended trip
Sirs. Will Scbuti baa been -oi
extended trip tbrouirti Indiana to-see
her daughter and relatives.

E. I. LAke lost a raltuUe horse Sat­
urday night.
nober! Wilson look dinner ulib.hii
brother Fred Sunday.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. I>wis liacllmantcl
were the guests of her pareiirg. Mr.
ami Mrs. Frank Sinclair, of Uke Ami.
Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd. Bates dro'i-er to inland Suaday to see her
parenu, Mr. and Mrs. John Fewlns.
Nov. 18.
Mr. aud Mrs. Mills wpeni Sunday
w1th .Mr. Hiler and faniily.
Mrs. Hiler and dilldren are gaining
ilr. and Mrs. Bence were vlsitlug
bar people Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. FioreBce vIsRed her
brother. Grover Hiler. Sunday.
Mr. Harvey went to Traverae Ciiy
Monday a iih a load of laAaioes.
Bill}' .VeUerry took a load .of i4
tatoe* to Traverae fily Monday.
MADle Green was In ‘rraverse Cit}
Airs. Helm waa a Traverse
caHor Saturday.
Mr Harrny'a hrotber-bas retuined
> his bome In Baldwin after a sbori
Mrs. Townson was in Traverse CIt:

Oeburn. .Nov. !».—Joiin Miggltih
has uiovi.Hi Ills boureliold roinIs in (lxJames Rafferty bouse and will kLV|>
barb-this wlDter.
Mrs. Ellen Gilbert rvtunii'd to Iter
home nt West Kasson after rilsiilng
with MiT Asher .ttkineun for a w.Vk
i.hke resort.
« nod Martin Donin of D>lioru sere Emiilrr callers Mun.lay aft­
Wr H. Ileetnan'and dauchterY
sere the guest of her youngest dutigli.Mr* Ralph .Ktklnson, of Burdickvile. Sunday.
LVaiik WiggiiiK- has tbe cemeni
Idocka hauled for itie'roiindailon of his
Dew bouse which he will huUd lu the
near future.
Mr. and Mr*. John Dunn of Empire
ilsiici! at the home of Air and_Mrs.
Fred Fonino Sunday.
Giilte a number fruui thia vlciuiD
attended the sale at Mr. Meteer's t>i.
Mrs Will Kriderbouse sod son Ku<
reiurnc<l to Xlieir home at I'dm Oneida
Alonday after a weeks rliit wlrti
relnlives at Empire and liurdickt llle


♦♦ 4 4

Cedar City. Nov. IS.—There are lu
mon of a tseddlng iu the air.
>lr«. Trcfly Pclky visited at Trtv
rse City tliU week
The Mlaaes Marie and Ellen Uvouture were In town vitillug relatives a
loiiple of .lay* lhi!i week
Miss Fhhel Cork ha* taken The iv
BltiOD of hello girl at tin- lotui tele
phone office here.
-Mr*. Bock has,the IMihoid fevci.
Her mauy fAciids wish her a speed.,
recorerv. MUa Kate Sullivan is the
aitejidlug nurse.
Mr*. J- C. Alack enterialmsl to r
motber. Mrs. H. SEeiuke.-of Elk Uap1. tost week.
InMialious lire gut for a Tlipiiks |
giving card luitiy iu the Odd F.'lluw.-.
hall on Satiirdiiv . veiiliig. Noi ltdrd
'Mr. Cork has wkeii hi* iii.-n and
atoned work on the Buckle} K Ikiuglak timber near Cedar Hun Airs, Cork
will be with Mr. Cork il,i- wlntfr
Billy Culver a|»eni LTidoy and Sat­
urday at Traverse City.
The l.adle*' -Aid society are giving
bazaar and rummage sale in • .'lu-oii s
the laiieivpBri of thi* week
Einning AA'ednwday .Saturday there
will be home hakt-d good* for sal.'.
Everyone front ihe lawn.bud coutnnInvited lo come tvhetlier lh.->
wlsh to bu.v or not
Chna- Hochradle. Chus. Killmau and
Joe Sltonek. -L-.. are 1a AA'lscoindn lU- r
hiiniing. Wv hear iliai J»c ulicmi.v
lias one-Alrs. Nuniian I^luier spin! the i.ig
ge*l itart of lasi with relatives
Traverae City.
.Mr and Mrs. John Nolan of I’rov.ont dfove 'over aut} vislied old
irlcin<la here Sundu'
r* M.A. Ctilv.r is at the hosidt.l
in Traverae City undergolug .-in operlUon. We' hoiie soon to have h. r

Mis. o. N Undsav- made a brnti'
Ip to Traverae C‘t.v the IH •
Mri 'irn, llunkf-i v;.1 ’’an'!y •ejsRcil
in this vi. :i:li i ver Suuday.
Mr and .Mi.» filirord ITa.v
illoyae City after a two weeks',
with bis parents.
Xbo Swastika dub met with Mrs.
Hattie tvorden lost Thursday.
Clair (Jleiidenulog has gone deer
Tbe Darker Creek .Lid met with
Mr>. H, Watson last Wednesday
The Helping Hand society met wkI;
Marv Glendcnning test Tbuivday. . .\r
rangi-uieni* were made for a Tbauksgiving *u|)|ier at the Mabel hall.
day from a moniirs vi-lt with li.-r wti
Mrs. Helen GlendeiintnK; i* vlaliliK
. Gladstone. Mich.
her sons.
Tbe i.adie*' .Aid im-l at Mftf Eliii.’i
.Mr. Uaruee ramily bav«,uiuved
Hillman'K to*t WtwIneMlay. 'nn- wu>
esjH'ciatly interesting meetini: as
Nov. l«i.
.Mrs. .Mt<'onnalian of . Beur.ouia was
there aud «lsjke «.f her .laugliiei s
tv. Payne of Cedar Run spent work as a mlsslunar' in China. Tli<Friday and Saturday with relatives Indies were, all yerv much
txiNS't to |Ud Ihe bvMJk. "New
Mr-and Sira. J. Osborn were guests China.■■ ilurlug Iheli iiu-e'ltxa this
winter. Mrs IMlIman »trv«.-d delicious
of Floyii Huff and faiiiily Suuday.
sream add rake*
Joe Payment. Sr . left laat wwek fur
r. aud Mrs. Henry , (*ork ha'c
FVankfort' for a visit while on bU
ay to t'htcago and Keniuckv. where move<l into town loi the winter.
The .tllsives Irena Murph} iii.d Man.S' exiv.'« t* to spend the winter.
Hovhradlc were Traverse Clli visii
O. Keever and tTaude SleAer ■
'• Thursday. They made the trip
I Traverse i*iiy. on busineas
1 boraalMck.
days lost week.
Mr* fhas.' Ulllnian is at Kalev4 vl>Alarie Wiggins, wbo bus been on the
lllni' her son Ellsworth
, ,
sick list to be out again.
There will be Thanksgiving <toy exFrank Wilson of Oviatl and Miss
AViggins were gucift* of Mr. Porter cr. Ise* In the Utile sclmlbouse'tlie
lay before Thanksgiving .Miss iJaul
aud family Sunday.
In; teacher, cordially invRe* the i«:..Vo-.. Ik

to come.
.Mr. Frleburg. wbo is worklos-ouebe
Isl&nd*. Is bo^te
bopie Ifor u
S l>. Burke and family have moved
to their farm north of town.
A. Aodciaon and family w{]'. live
ill Uie.Buike bouse this winter.
K. H tTw.k was in Traverse City
I businow AVednesdav.
.Mr. and .Mrs A. .\Ilen are moving
Southern Appalachian te
to-Traverse cilv for the winter.
Otaeusa Problems.
Mra. &at^ BirScklcr left l-Yiday for
eliolt! where sbe will.visit her sot:
Brtey Keonev and faniltv.
.Mr. and Airs. AV E. Huff were in
Ailanti..Ga.. .Nov. :'i.-Thc
Traverse City Thursday.
tbe beu thrasher ip alii! buay iu
the neighborhood.
Air. and Mra. AVm. Jlarris received
the news of the death of their daugli
Ain. Gertrude Abel, laat week Rh- bama TJ».««nvepn«B «aU c«D«iadc




♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ ♦ ♦ • « •
Wi!IU>nni>urL. .\gv i ^ -^'ler Store}
lias moved iiiio ilie li.orgc Crisp
hoiihc for the wini. r
.Mr*. .Alien Nivqii •>! Itrllaire' kIwdI
tfic day with .McsdainO''Ageraoo aad
Eaiou laM Saluida}.
- and.Mr*. Mei'vrhel HoMi’- of
Traverse <Tly st-cni Siinda* wltfa'lhiir
Mr.^und All-. IVn lll--m‘’ »
|iroud'*|mie'uis of a liahv t:iri.-borti last
Siindav.Nov i:‘.


li. Gain I. n

TIiii>>-Ib.‘ ni>:h> ’"V Slroiio. I' I’,
w'liciv they will huut. tor a wet-k «i
ten «ta>*. tiBcar Dubendurf «t I'uli
wnti r Joined the i<ony here and AValicr Wai.-uii^and Clara Gleudeuiiluc
I>rr<'e«|.'.l them to tbe caii;p.
AHs- Coiii S<y>0i-hl iuo :< ftlx- giauc.
Mr-and .Mrs, Rob Frink of Cieveland, bill (nriner lesidentr here.
the dav hi town, last Thursday. Mr.
and .Ml*. -MUc Fiiuk of Ki-wadiu alao
Vitiie.1 at K.
'Grandma 1V|>U<. wlsi );is' r,-cenll}
broke her arm. Ii-Il aanln Tiiuraday
niKhi and hnikc her oili'er arm
Janies Mi'.Maiiaii'jili was calUst tn
.Muiini Pleasant last Satiuda> b.> the
serk'ii- illni'ss.ol hi- bi-oilier.
AlissAdilif .Merrill ;a vcr.v_ HI.



Man N. Connlne
’,U11-1 1

CEDAR R, F. D. NO- 2pr.- . ,i..,! iiinj^tix yonrs a^
• • T ♦ ♦ ♦-« ♦♦♦♦♦«♦«
■U- and Mr*, .\nion Thiel leave
V ,4.|. '.IV Fliiii. where thi-y will *i*-nd
111.' wint.'.-. stopping III Aliegao over .
.A cloth.-,dn *'H-sal \H1 In- h^ at
rae\«i.o61b.u,e in dl-tth-t Ntv'
■ liibh.-i.
• V. :i u ; 1\
Vi;v«.r tt»'lon,ou Fridn.v ei.mlng oi ihbi w«—k.
nine lou «( tish wa- IranAirs. S.>i'lii4 Ga’iu- v.j,1;,.
at Gidon nation tf.nur.inv morn .
to her son 111. !ia;ii- Mundd.
A. J. Whilei'dlliiis np..viT ih,. ing irom the I’rovciiio/i bratc h '.o li;.A S. E. going souih.
Udisdigne fiom .-biloii S.ii-iiddv a.^in.
IMwartl I'.^ihie! ba- eolnij,. i,, .-.i
vvoi-k tor K^nsl'
biuuglit fVom'i'-aveis<-.t'ii> i.nUv a:i :

' Where HoiixMr *t Werthless.
Uany a man v ould baire turae<
rogue i; be knew bow.—ACQlnun llw


Christmas Presents

Going Oat of Dry Goods Susiness^i
Avant to close out the en▼ ▼
tire Stock as soon as- we
can. The Stock is in good, shape.
Everything is marked down to sell.
We will mention a few things :

1 Ladies’ Rivernimk Fur Coat, size 36. Av'as S45. now ?:iO,
. 1 Russian Pony Coat, size 38. Avas $37.50.1 now .$25.
1 Pony Coat, size 36. w-as $32 50. how $22.
Near Seal, size. 34. irimmefl with Beaver, was $32.50.’now $22
Now is llic time to buy your wife a Fur Coal cheap.

Then we have FhftN^k Pieces, Muffs, marked down sambas Fur
We dividefi th,e Lmlies* Cloth Coats in two to;s at $3 aud $10. Ihe
prices were from $12 to $23.
Ladies' Splits are in two lots—S5 ami SS. Amoi'if* theDi,ore many that
were $25.
One lot of L'jdies’ Skirls, hio^eil dt-wii to $2.50. Prices were up to $10.
Another lot of Ladies'Skirts Prices almost cut in two.
We still have a good assortmeiil of Dress Good?. Silks. Trimmings.
"Ladies' Waists. Domestics. Underwear. Hose.,Gloves. Notions. Sweaters.
Rugs. Mattings. Lace Certains. Window Shades, and many other things.
Thousands of people are coming this way. where they can get most
fortheir money. Folhiw the crowd. .

Our Clothing Department
Will cor.liime same us in liie past. We helieve in good goofls ami >1
low prices. We Sell the Cloihcrafi Suits and Overcoats. The best clothiiv^
made'. You can save from $2 to S5-if yoii buy Clotbcraft Suit or Overcoat.
• Then we have the .McMillan Hea\w All-Wool Pants. They art* the .
best. 'Also the C-o^tper Underwear Go. Union Suits, with closed crotch. You
.will be delighted if you get one of these, they are so comfortahle.


0ook Store

bad «gaa «kh *ar Awbaad trom tbeu

A. «J. 'Willielm
Cor. 8lh and Union Sf., Soulli Side








With Thanksgiving but one week away, is
your dining room furnished as you wish it? If
not, come to J. W. SLATER’S and buy a new
dining room set and give it the proper setting
for Thanksgiving dinner, or if you want a few
pieces to tone it up, you can find just what you
want. Our stock 0f furnishings.for this particular room has never been more complete than it
j^^t the present time.

120 E. Front


Home of the Quick
Meal Kaoge.
u. Eve^ article of boose furnishing sold by J. W.-Sla­
ter is guaranteed to be just as represented or your
yo money
will be cheorfully refunded.

Bring in your catologues and compare prices and
iQuality. Comparison cheerfully made whether you conlleniplate purchasing or not

Pre-Thanksgiviiig sale of Dining Room
Tables, Dining Room Chairs, Sideboards,
Buffets, China Closets, Silverware and Dish­
$50 buys 6 beautiful G. O. dining chairs.
One 6 ft. round table with square or round
pedestal.'One well made buffet with 10x36 French
plate mirror.
One 100 piece decorated set of dishes.
Ore 21 pieecsetof Roger Bros.’ guaran­
teed silverware. Regular price $59.50.



It makhs no difference at J. W. Slater’s whether your
salary is large or small. We can make terms to suit:

Ranges and Heaters
We liave several used ranges and heaters that we have taken in exchange
towards new stoves that we are closing out at extrao^ma/y low prices, ly you
are in need of a stove, coire in and look thenvover and save from $5.00 to $25.00
on your purchase.



* >40E.SIX _

Cynstipation pnd Catarrh

e > Here me? ; Well, ^briber you noold be. Ilm-ofm- pr not li l« lb»- truth.
• l-Vir mahu ytarr X liaye been wreet»
’line with* til- prubirm of funleUng
tO»e public an intmiaUcaiarrh lemedy.
IP.rona bar bewi'tbe rtmUT tiiat 1.
have <lcvia<<i end it.baa certainty twjllcvrd meav tbmtiwad pootde. yes h«D>
ciredx ot tdauaandi of pMrple. «d chnmto
uaiarrti. {
I'onatipaUpB waa my chief dlfflcaUjr
. in tnatiai' three eaaea. 1 often f«tt
'bat It wfuld bi- belter If a Unatlve
-buicnt ware added lo Pmuna. 1 leafed
to «lo B0.1 boar Tcr, Aral becauae Of
:lb'- numlear oC catarrtial patlonla who
needed noilamilve. and imecd 1 wai
iafruld of mwl.Cig aucli a radlosl cltange

Echoes From The
Olden Times
Taken from Qrmnd TraverM Herald of
Thiftx V'ears Age.

Mre. A. W. Gonoo rclaraed lo bor
.Iwme TneeUayIn Glovewrille. N. V.
Hie ecoond etarr of tbe Stevena
kiiUdlOd U being llniabed off and in.
Sirtan win occup;' a iwrUon of IL
- br. a« Mra. .ll.^D. Anbtou iclt Moo?tkT nwnlng forr a'nis veeke or a loug19 Tlxlt wKh trlonde la the amth.
Sdltor Spragoe, of tbe Bagle. U hav. Iqg Uk Gennalne bansc. coraer of
- rrau elreat and UoardtBan avenue.
Bhsrir mied ui> for a nuridenoc.

eax t:
prescribe \wltb the 1
!of yianalfn 1
who weeded a tax'■, Olive.
ntlve. At law. under ilrcnmalancea
leivlalnnl tn liny booklet, 1 wax oeoUiniliied to rhd il.e laxauve element to
‘l*erui’a. Thip conrillutex what la now
■ krtown na itt: rrvlaed Penma.
Now lhor«i who take Peruna will
Aral, ftrwl Uwmaelvcs promptly relieved
- thefc- amatlpolhm.
aocoad. tbe
dteppear. And
Ton are conellpatcd-Tou have taken [once ibe ceiiirvh la cursd
tesallvex a great many ;ea»- T-J
«• Perroneirtly. 'n»ea*«
■glvrei. tn my
have tried lo.adect n dlit tluU W*tdiV®» ftdlow
,-nlII nevvr haiw tn take pltla
keep your bocel.* mrolar. In Ihlx P*u
cro L'athartica ami laxatlvea
have faUed ami were '
11 f.Btiore. Tou will lat permaback to yojr UiAtlvra
•nily relieved of both your catarrh
y, hei been golnR on 1
ten also have a allBht caUrrh.ln t^ t«oR 6J<LH AT ALl. UBUG
brad and ibroni. Tnu never inrnntnfd
that the catarrh liad
wtih the conMlpal’nii.
lo tell y«u thet
catarrh you
at your

lay dc ('oiuiaoy have Iingiadlng and mvellug around wbirli season tickets «wn bo secured will be usi-d. .Mr. la sHi will ut
sew block, wfck-li completes ibe for three dollars uf ilie nianagers or at proeecl to preparo ibe ground ami
set tbu plants, aud will s|ieiid considwork on and about the build- Haskelfs.
'money In starting the enicrThe following' gro the bujlas ^s prise. Tbn location la an excellent
We hare been aakod by a subserfber of Traverse City dealers: Wheat, per one'for ablimrat. being at ibo jane’
Iowa tbe preaenl popalaUon of buebel. tiv and 9Sc; oat*, per bushel, don of ibo C. R. ft I. and tbe T. C.
40c; corn. T«c; iioUloes. 55c; buitw. railroads. Walton wll bo benvOted.
per lb..
to :5c: eggs. 15c.
l^ousand. an Increaae of twelve b
Tbe following Is a full uud complete
- «red in eighteen inenUia.
November 2C.
■ report of Uiea oolecled-npoo ibe bustK. P. Imdd bna contracted to (urWe rogrci to nnuounve iliat Uougli- laess of maiiuracturing uiid selling »r
riktt D. U. Perry ft Co. of Detroit six ton t^West of this placi- bav^ been bteidng for sale, dlallllod or malt
4iu«Mnd bwbeU oT seed iiotaloM obUged by force of circuuisuuces, to liquors In Grand Trawrae county dur­
iiext year at CO oenU per bnabel. fie- nuke an aasignuient for the bem lii of ing Ibo year ending Nov. ku. ISh::
O. H. Kills. Traverse <'lty. 5500.
dvorad in Detroit.
tbeir credlton. IJabUlUca are aboiK
K. KrWtoebvIl. Traverse ('iiy.' $500.
$2^000. naseta about
51. Win­
A. .Vivoiny. Traverso City. KiUO.
•• ■ Bgbt hundred bnrreia of npplflo nie Is ibe assignee. We slnrerely ho|>c
Mrs. Jim. SebmlOi.' Traverse City.
irero yet on tbe dock nt Old Ulaaton llial the firm tUU soon recover from
tm Monday nwaJIlng sbipnient to Bnf- tbeir Bnanctal uuibarrasmuceit.
Geo. >reXUnas', Tracers*’ City,
‘telo. They wen tbe property of a
('oniRiings. Traverse City,
^ In that dty.
Tbu biarriagc ut aiiss Hattie, eldest


i The anew Satnrday and .■’■•nday war
wary geoeral all over the nortkjni
. ^taa. Grand Traverae had oniy an
,1^ or two. which dJaapiiearod coUro'y In tweaty-foor hoore.
5 The nan that deserves iho moid ui
c *■»—1* of Uiu Iteiuocrala ot Gnnd
rareno ts Pref. T. 8. Hansle.v. and
• Henld bopea to aoc him teoelvcA
g allco in Um DeiimcraUc lont.

daughter of tbe lion. Ferry llauuab of
O. II>rrblua. Fife lake. »5«o.
this idace. to Hon. Jas. K. Keeney of
Jas. dn^lh. >Tfc lAke. S3V0.
Cbirago takes plaeo at seven ibis
H. A. Ferris, Walton, laio.
evenbig at
the tiraec KpUcoiial
.tialeolni Winnie.
ebureli. S|weial eoacbes lirougbi ilnCnpnly Tfcasurcr.
guexls from aliroml last evening. And
toniglii a s]>et'ial iroln will convey
tbcni on tbeir reiurii liuim*. Tin- bride
and gruoui hill U«*o at Uiv suiue liuie
for an extended tour tbroogh the west.
The bearticst good wishes of a large When Seaboard Express Trains Como'
circle of friends of Uie family will fol­
low tbeui Into tbeir new life.


?Tber»- are Iweniy.fite ilrmiicand np
I on the ticainiAln in a dix'BaMgb. N. C . .Nov, 10.—Two SeaA grsnd iiiatxiuernde ball is to be
e ot a«T«n mUes north of Mapleuoanl fast express iraiiix ernsbed loB and taoro an bWng »et every given In l.ibrary ball on Tltankagivlng getber near GraniU' this nwrnlog and
November. Mth
This In addition to aft Immcuiru eve. WedBesday\
flvu were killed and a doaon injared.
Maos- full band wll fomhih tuuaic and
ir ot an other Idnds of IrwlL
snpiier wU be served at Ixreust Grove
I or Flra.
! A necUie iMity for tbe beoolJt of cottage.
Pnt tUnga In the tananlae or beiorw
a Are btWoro wrapping Ibem up. It
^ Rev. Oeo. W. Tookcr. will be
Hon. IK C. l^Mcli Ima U-eii prasia-ci- poaalble, not only for airing, bnt also
^«a at the reoidoMe oM. A. Zimmor- hMB on tba Campbell farm at Sitrer Ugfor sonic time wiiU Hie view or.-n- to ireabon them and make tbem small
• on Friday evening of next week. gaging guile exlcn-ively In craniieiTj
culture. He lias SnsUy selected Wal­
ty-8Tc ceoU a Ue. All Im licd.
Well Expreatsd.
ton as a locsHou uud has luughi
*Tha( nuiB is noi a veryr gpod loUlM Ana BUaa Totmg wilt ddlvcr a acres o^ Haunah. Ia> ft Co. This iu«lclan. bnt he Is n moat Hi
« In thU place on Dcconibor act ' eJudes Ibe swaui|< near lUc railroad talker." "W-s." replied Benarbr Sond under the mnangemeDi of Davis ft track, just soiiih of town, and this is gbum: "hr is wbst the maslcians re­
one -61 the bext swamps in nortbei-n fer to as a performer wiib more ier»
Micbigaa for the ^inrposo for which it pomanent than teeiinlqne.'

Ladies’ Suits $9 & $15




Fall Suits
1« TO 4t SIZES

$15 Beginnlba Tonlgbt
ror ValBCS tram SIAM op Is NAN

Your choice ot the SerSec and Cheviots, Coiduroyi and
Mixtures, values up to $18 inclusive.
No approvals, exchangas or charjes at these prices. Alterations Tree.

Tlie Barney COo

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Mlw Mae Dewey.
Wc wftat to Bftin thk DopattatM .«( the
I to ftD ooftocrftdd tad to
tl^ OBd
thftt ftU ttWi of pmofttl ftU
fOftMil tdtmt bd MBt t« Um Oimtj to be
Otmai# fiTBiih ilMl I*•

voS!tfne Uke.bettft
Clifton Newell baa rated tbe J.
M.-8aflord tann for another year.
Carl Campbell was home from CadlUae Sunday.
Mrs. J. LelghioB Is vtalUng n few
days 1a Travefne City.
kntta Dolce was in Cadillac fnRu
Toeaday oaHl SatHMoy.
George Hbbba has rctnraed frou
Mr. and Mrs. llnrleton rotumed to
tbeir home In Grand lUidda Thnm
day after vialliug their daughter. Mrs.
Hodges, who IB UL
Floor of the Ptfe Lake Lady Mac­
cabees went lo KIngaIc.v .Saiardiiy tn
take the Kxcctalor degree la that or-

,;ure. icctinaict with a act of aUrcr loitay (or JlanlsiM wbere etae o«
kohrea atul forkv la bobnU of tha. vloll (Or n few days belore reM»
friend* an J .MarcaVeea preoeni. Urn. log (• bor borne at CoInmOu.. O.
Motebet laiUcd tbe jiUvcsbrea
T. -i. Davoe. who has been In CMto her place In two weeks
tgo for sonn- Hue visiting with rH•S'-'-, ilk . . .
oilvcs and fricads retomed ip his
borne bore rh's monilns.
♦ ♦ ft
♦ ft ♦ ♦ ft ♦ ft • ft ft ft
^ eerxhar and srH# rstornod to
♦ ftftftftftftftftftftftftftdiftft tbeir borne at Grand - Itatwdi today
iftcr a abort visit in iho cky srtth
iFroni Taesday's Itecord-Ea^. i
Mra. Jeo. Blaakt and da«tbt%r left
tblH nmewing for Detroit, whers tbey
wIU make tbeir teim-. Tbe .^llaalM
bavo IHod tn Tiav’crso City for
end yadra and hava tmuiy friea-Ja
here. IThlle tbeir removal ic Uic city
wbMO -flU la «nMh living- lx a promoUod lor Mr. Blwskc. tbe family wlU
u> mlsFcd la the aortal eirric of
Traverse CU.' .
Oeo. •hackIsMfl
Grand Rapids
wa> in tosx> Satarday on bis way to
Petoskoy. .Mr. Sbaukirtoa was former­
ly a reehient of Traverse CU.'- being
employed b} tbe llahijllon
lahijllon Clothing

W. F. Hbckcr has catornod to Mo
Mac at IVitairy afUr sevoal dn^
tbe tH> . • '
F. L. •»
and today fiwm
*ccn viaItlug tor Ibe last moanr-M
-m ithe home
of his failMT.
A. R. Mann and sslfo of ^inow.
arrii-ed la tbe elly today and expect
to Bpend tbe remainder of tbe weok
risltiag with friends liere.

Mrs. Ella M'bite returned from
Cadillac last Moeday.
Rotiert Walter of Traterso City Is
spcodlng/a few days with bis family
tProm Wednesda.’V Record-EagiA)
at the home of bis purats. Ur. and
Lleyd Cleveland returned tost itigM
Mrs. U 8. Walter.
from a trip to OlHci and Lansing.
Mr. and Mrs. CbSA Dean and wo
Mfw. C. H. Wilcox,
at. mho Ihas bean
F. O. Karlin left'for his benw at
Elawr west to beotsville Suarday to rtsRIng [Hoods berc. returned to her
Sayrinaw this moruing. »it.-r a few
visit her alstcr, 51r. and Mca i«we! liomo in Grand lUpids >-esterday
days in the city on imsioexs.
Mr.airt Hra.DcGraaf And two tons
Mra. T. McNauchton. who has bseiv
Mr. Ucynolda' family
. ora
—----------, dr Kalainasoo are at tbe bon>e of Mrs.
imrtt to Soolb Doordman from tbo jpu* l*arhet. called ht-ra by tbe m^-'-"****

Borkholder farm, and Mr. and Mn. rloos illae:-. of ihvlr daughter and
Burkholder arc taking poooeaaloa.
mitor, Mbs HeC.ruat. «fo fc one of
WuL Caagruve of Saginaw was here the tcachco. In tbe Uuk I'arii hcbool.
demvustrating coffee
^ Masel and Mrs. Robert
n-uwlhdi-r of Ue week on.biuioraa.
os Saturday.
lAckey of Old MIhkIou left ihi> muniF. G. Gariow. Who baa bwn in CMHun COJH.TU. Alfred Carotbera, l*aal lag for Grand Bnpld». .tfur speudiug
lOgu aud tiraud^itapldx fur the past
A. V. Hodges is ill wilh luusiUUn
Campbell ami Carl HaiUmllold wero
tew days In Graud Rapid*. Mrs. Hiitwo
we«.-k> on busluusa, retunnxl UN
Jlrjt. W. *V. Urower vlslU’d In Trav botue Suuday from Fisher, where Utcy xel will »> to Cbbago. where sbe will
rs<- City over Sunday.
are vmployed un Uio tclemph Une.
spend the winter. Mrs. l^ukcy wilt
H. H. Powell and wits have raturwMrs. Uerric of Iburleita woa ib.- irturn home Stturda:
(Tarcnce Vt'bitc has emplo) mout iu
e.1 to tbeir home si Ue Soo sfter a
Gnihd Rapids for the O. K. ft 1. Com guest of her daugblw, Miss Nor.i.
Delaney Longurpll ot Wadsworth. week's 'i-it In ih.- city with friends
from Saturday unUI Tuosday. golm;
Tr xas. left lUls noon tor Toledo. O, and relatives.
Miss Fclus Tiffany w:is home Sun­ [rooi b«re^ to Traverse Clty.‘.
after aiwadlog a few days with bis
Waltsr E. Engle returned to his
Cunsidenible eviitetuent prevailed nicec. Mlu Jennie lUggs of i:< Cass
day. acedmitanied fry Misa Catherine
homo at Wtqncloosing Uls morning
lYiday momlug about S o'clock wltcu
Nlckereon of Kalkaska.
after a short vlsli tn the city with relJai-k Smith of Cadillac was tranc- the souU'bouod togging train
C K Harrison roturned
Uit Rla- atlves and friends,
wrecked Just oppobitc Stnlt's potato
atling buBinciiB be)e Monday.
from Drirolt. wbei* be has been lor. j ^ WoHy left this morning for
Mrs, Fred MlUa la not any batter warvbonae. a broken stake causing
the past few days on bgalai-ss.
Ann.4rbor. where be will spend a few
the WTOck. One log wss landed
It Ihl# writing.
C. F. Bunscy and wife, who
'George. Steel lias completed a new the top of the warehouse, cousing i
been visiting with rrienOa In lb eby, j ^ p,o,wtelc. who has b*en vlsHvlderable damage to Ue building. All
stone cellar under bis residence.
for the past week, rtun-.-l to tbi.r^
»ev,-cal ds.'x. loft
Roy Walu-r baa vinploynicnt at trq^c -* as blocked on ibo track until
Muaialoe U ^ n;i i:-iu
n^rnlag for Honor, wbero be will
abtiiiil ::5a In Ue aft
L- L. Ryan relumed to his horns at
before reiuraITayvr meeting Wednesday t-tenlng
Ik-on May nud daughter Margaret o'
ReM City- UU mondug. after a abotj
,,,, ^ome at Kalanofoo.
('adillur were guesU of Mn. Anna ut M. E. ohurefa at 7:30; Sunday eer- visit in the dty with relallyesMlM Esther ClarK who Tvas been
CamplM-ll Suiido).
Oeo. H. Spoor left this mowing lor ytsHlag
with friuodx In tin- rliy for
by Rev. A. W. Tustlu. wln-rv be will vlidi for n
Mrs. A. liivbUHiud is tbu gu*-st »l idmrcb at H‘:30 a.
some tluir, returned lo Imr borne at
•r sister, Mrs, fbas, Huiioii. at Cad Uaker, pastor; SubUKh sdboul «i 11:15 days betore leaviug lor iH-troli. wber.- ^
1. m.: preniblng In Uio ITvobyterian be bus accepted a posltiuu with the idlllac lUa axtraing.
a 8. NNkcr left this meniing ter
Mtsa Wlnafiied Hodges Is 111 wlib ebureb at 3 o'clvek. by Rev. Long of Ford Motor t'omiiany.
______ where be wjll visit torn few
M. O. Oryonforth teft for hia home
League at 0:30 p. m.: •at Gniiid Uuidcis iliie iiwiRliie -i:t r The finWp's bull bus a new add!
Taperi rrturned t
ii<m built on for tbu bosc depart topic, "EnrlehkiK (Rbers Tltroogb Self
evk's visit w itb frit-nda ar I
, »eek. In
Givbig; the l'nee.-n .ArcbltoeL" Jobu rclalHt.v Iu Ut- « il>.
Un> rily oii-bu»liu-*s.
Mrs. lols boup arrived homo Mon l5;l.Ui; 1 Sam. :y;I-16.
Mrs. F. T. EdwardA who has been
E. W. Knapp end wife have retiwn-’
Nov. It*.
ly fyom Rice I^e. WIs,
tlsIUng with rcIuUtvK at Charlcvoiv
ttiHr home at Tuxtln, after e
tor the pabl few days, arrived iu lb-:
trtenJx aud relatlvs*
city yestird.iy for a short visit b.r.
U-turc returnlug to her home at Ca+J Ykllllam F. Haraha left today fee
winter home In St. Pcterabnrfc
Wm. Haney returned te hie home at
rJ(-*worili Ihi* luomlnK after a-fex. ^
Carter left this mocnln|'for
da.vs In the city cn buslne**Itcixub10 spood Ibu winter.
L. K. Rrincf retwrned thN mornl«>_ ^ ^ Oisgel left this morning for
from Groenvillf. wb.-ro lie baa kven
*herc be will siwiid wveml
The peoptd of Kingtldj ud the gnrrotuidiiir
for tbo past wv>ek i* UuslnesA
Jdays as the gnosi of frleads before ,
eoantry are all iaterestad in thia Departawnt.
H. J. Aldls and wife,-who have be#n ^<^,.iug for Jackson l» wake bla home,
' Wfl gbaU be ^ad to have iotuvniuoia, ouwwms,
of Manistea arrived
the Orange, mtemal Bodetiei and all other or-,
with rrtmive. and Irlende. r.-torncd to
,-nj- thN'-morning tor a few
ganiaatioiu baad in iteau of mows, pertOBali,
tbeir borne at Ca-JIllac this inomiug
wjU relatives.
BimoaaeemeaU of meeiin^ soticea of eotertaiswalur Putnam left thte morning forj ^ j cook. who hae been visiting
manti, biuiDesi changes, pvblio improreoMsiti
Ktuagoi where be wttl be for some
we<-k. left for
bafag done or contemplated, salec of real eitato
tittw. on buslncsA
|ij1, mmio at Iroowood. upper penloin town or coontry, and anj other itenu offon8. A. Holmea has returned to
•cnnntereat Behd tU items to BUa Sdiujwan,
bouio at Petoskoy. after a xhuri visit
T. F. W-tbber left far Fort. Wayne.
d^o hai chargd of tbo lkpartmaat.-Utor
ht the borne of J«^u llolnu-b of ihl* Ind-.-thla moruing. where be will rUH
tyn-Ullvos fo- aUml a wedt.
E. O. Lyford and %vHs. who have
Mrs. C. L. Schoeffier, who has been
lUlph Case one day last | rooms iu‘iiu- Saybir Wock. Mrs..SaypoOB—vlslting In the city for some Viaillue at th home of C. Kent ot this
week trout Margueite witb a line d«vr. lor Jmeuds lo go to Ann .\rbor la a
Hue. left UiU uoralng lor Eaum Ea^>- cly for some Umm left for her hem'’
K. R Chnufiv. who has been Ino
‘‘‘Fb with ber son Morris for med*' ida. wtere they, will visit for a few
Newaygo B>N noting.
Ing potatoes iu Mancelont. lauK- “•*> trcaimenL He bos carraiaro of days before re uralng to ihcir bom-s
W. W. Parr Nft this morning for
boiueMJaturiUy evening.
at Durand.
Talln. where he w1H be for a few d»>^
' Mhx sum MuclHIng of GratHl Iwip-j - -'‘J”*" Hornby meut to Detroit
Wellman R. Hollister
Id. arrived Monday i-venlne to «..ud *‘>cre be expert, to work Ul* win- . onto at GtoDd Rapids this aorninj
Supt. L. L. Tyler left this morning
after severs! days In. the elly
Ibe faneral of In-r disier >lrx. Carrie
I«W I'artllUr. wb.-«.- Iu sill lix'l thacboolATomorn>wb.:WlllB«i''UkiCuwson.
1 Hr Failing will *>ceuj-y tin- hou.o
Ole Larson of Suttons Bey «s in the
a Uwvbcrs'' iuhtiluto luv^
Mr,.. IV. I. ivila,., J,.. -Lo ...
M' *"
4,^.^ ,,,pumi.-d by be
«ery low at tbe last wriiiug is re-1 Tl(v Sewing circle met with Miss vlty f..r a fjs d:-ys on business. .
H. w. Thayer, eupertntoodent
q,-p»mnent to roadurt. woi be
iwrted much Improved
Marilm -Sorenacn Tuesday.
eaastnKtKm at the new pmtofSti: 4,^,^. -niurada} and PWtb.J.
A numli-r of f'Tfe l-Bkc ladies ilsoj l'riie»»f«ir tbe Helen and Madison
building, le.'t this moruing for
MIse Reby Russell Neues teelght
re Hall from Tntvarse CtO' met• masgueroe bull. wbleh^wtU l» given
IctA v.h'ro he la iu charge of
for PariA TexsA to viaR raletivae—
wljb Uo L?idy Maccabees bt-rc and Hi tbe Monroe ball. Nov.
dlflon to Gii i-oatofflce. Hu 1
N. y. Ehertnan returned to hit heme
werv- initialed Into Uio laysteries of exhibition In tbe winft.w of KeBtop'a tenipUUnfi s*u>vbMf to tbl» oily wli.i
Toledo tills mornlag after sctoral
the exceUior degree, after which ibe drug >t^re.
hit fsialty shout tlie flrsl of Januar,-. Jaix In the rll' on boslnt**
bidicK served a lap supper.
j M. J. Tbompsou of Jlaalstee. dlsFrancis O- BwRhrarv, who has charge
H. O. warn and wHs, who have been
Horn to Hr. otid Mrs. Welllugiou. trict manager of tbe govcrninent'K ot .he mwy order
cnler department
departmeui at
ot Hiu
p, jvirult lor the
educalii iial work in agriailturt. was ixjstofncc. left
aoo.'NorciDber 12.
ft ' this tMjrtrtng
tMjrtrtag ou
on a
tliclr borne tliore I’jd.*}'.
IJrowuBuu and her sUter Mra here Tuesday and't-xptelned ibe work- Otree moBtlts'.‘'vacatloa trip to Jk>iii chaA A. Beelby el Bap C:t/a-riyed
lAUderdale. Fla. .
Mirrc tiNlay uinl »IH ain.-o'l f ■ r.’matnKctmrdy. who has been here for U6 lupi of ilu.' Hoys' and Girls' club
Patrolman Joseph C. Beeor
lu the ci*.. vlritUix
lui*t slx^onibh will leave Wednes­ the EcboolH here. ITof. Clark also
day soon for Florida, where tbey ex- takes kindly to this blanch of tbo leave UOa oveblug for Rochbator.l
Undner left fer his homo at .
pet I to spt-nd the winter with the Ni­ educational movement and uo doubt Mltu.. where Ula broiber Exam will
ter's son..
(flnuHl Rapid* io.lay after a I* * d«x
club win lie fonned here. If Ibis undergo an operation.
AlfiBd/«Aooro end wife of Oetrolt. ,j„ ,4,^ dty ou bnslnexs.
done a section of the exhibit ball
Enin Yuutuaiii-. wlio waa linnUng
Mrs. e: Lmrti of Chariwi-iA v*r
m Rennie lAkc was'takea soddenl}
tbo fair gronnds will be reserved w-'oo arrived last week lo eUend tbv
III last J'riday und was oii^tcd on tor the chlldten at the next annual funeral of Hltle Robert Houston,
lia-. NhSI vUlHtlK In I'>c
past wrt-k. 1.-II tmUv tor rierWr..
fair. Till- fcUif win also awanl prises lufaed bowk’ y<^terd*y.
-rt Gnio
Dbn. B. NIcheN. ssh, for the past *h.-r.. Khe V.I1I Vi-ii fur J
III Ibv-xr cvntosir.
l.illU tij lu'f !x*.U ■'
Mr Adam Muebltng. wlm-kaa ««ea
Cbsrle* Weaver, who purchaivd Ibe two year* baa been ot Uenloa Hsrlxir
te HI* hem* at
llviug in Cbirago. died very j xaddea- huff stun- some Hmo a.<u. Is karittg' baa returned to bts farm In East Ho;
' idiOrt
ly Sunday evening sad was brought It remodeled Inside aud will place a tobnablp.
Oeerga Acker, who for the past vikll wMli frti-nil* In tliv <<'•
hero Tuosday fbr barisL The foaeril large stock of shoes and dry good*
John Hs«".
hton vlalUng
: will take plai-c at Uo borne of
as soon M completed. 'tVili Howard stunner has been a» Vilut N vlsilluB
'broUiy. Dalztr Maekllag. Hedo^yi lb doing Uip carpenter wdrk
parentA Mr. and Mrs. wUlard a, lb, bomc Of r. S Haren Of ihN
rity for a f-fw da>» left for bis borne
1st two o'clock.
Carl Case and Glen Klml. wbo air Acker, of 1M2 Barlos' stn-ei
Mr*. Joy'flrowavii went to Trav- atteading high scbool to Trarene
T. O. McKay left tor hN homo at at Chicago today.
F. -V. MelUrs sad wif^ hava rsturnday after a few day* In
ertr ('ll*- ?a'uidaT tn 'uosli
Cl^. spent Sunday altb tbdr parala.
I to tbeir borne at Teeomseb today
Mr. gn'l 5lr*. Fcicr Muiii st<ent Sun­
Afoul sixty of tbe l.«dy Naccabews tbe ciu- on boslnes*.
a week's rlsU, In tbe city.
day with 5lr Muih'x rorruts at Bax- and frienda Met at the bcute of Mra
C. C. Jesaey retorned to hia horns alter
B. Bayman left tor bts home at
lAdJtoi SeefnUler last Saturday eren- - 8u Fool today a.*ier a week la tbe
Cbeboygaa today after a abort time
-Mr and Mrs. Rabke GlOdl* vikiied ing. Norember 1C. Tbe evealsg eras dty on tuslness.
Chao. A. Miller *f Oetuth. Minn, Ito tbe city on baslness.
reUtIvM. In Grown a let,- days last pleasantly bpeni In playing pregreiweek. ^ sire pfdro and m«Mc. Misa Oladys Is iJi the Hly for a few da»a on buai- ^ Mra. W. H. Umler left today tor
from tbe local
Mr*. Ada Hler cf Traverse Clt>-, N Nlekeraen received tbe Aral prise for
F. Catktos Nft today tW Oro«d|Womaa"a ctob to tbe Forairr ««■.rla'lllag ber parents .Mr. and Jfrs tbe ladle* and Joe Keadg«« first
Tbay er.
prise lor tbe mea. Hra. Joe Headgex Rapids sfbere he wjll be for aer'pral venUon which N in aessNli tbBre.
• ,1 "■ S XMK -*• »•
I- »»■'
mn. Say kw. who baa been living and Ralph Wed^ber raertwd tbe booby UM, „
Mm. F. t: OdRbit vri* *•
fW a few days on Vatoest
in tbe boose owned by Mr. Brown, has prises. A Np aupper waa set red after
iNWpk In the city tnr soisa.OuiaUfi^today.
jiUfived her boasebnM goAds into tbe,srblch Mr* Lena •'

Kingsley Department
Conducted by MUa Edoa Wall.


-That Is dlSsfobi a«r •oaraa.*’ he
aal.1 quletl.r. "Oo yen mean ur
.Micla Dodded. Before she recov­
ered her voice the room was empty
Id gulet. but for the little French
clock OB the nastel.
Miss cure Beaioa bad the pony
The next afcereoon dhe dressed for
and phaeton brought around tn ifac
the DiatiDec with a reckles abandon,
door or her lather's house in-
la Sidle or ber effwis i« fontec Oeorge
vtlie that she might take a dr
Everion's serious face would come be­
down Ibe Shady Reech road
tween her and the mirror.
topped Into tbe vehicle, gathered
Alicia Coborer. at an afie'rni
simply put him oot of my I
ih* lines and gave ibe imuy g cut
fenaaBce «C a popalar play.
•*> “*« bwle.'
f." ibc aaM tTaglcany. plnctnc a
e whip and was or
ber pt.-ei.U> Uat we^
H'hat weald Geerge Ererten thlak biice bouquet of eloletR on her ter
lers a cluck to atari- a horse *' 'compUlned.Miss Joaea at tlw rburrh
Jflat Myrl Mt'yekoff went lo Tmv of a BirtatlOD with a matinee Mol?"
>at as she Joined Leltv BUIr.
I always gives
•lottri sea >
i-r-c . it; i...t Satordir.
~t tioa'i care." responded ASeta.
Toa are rimply wSonalnK.'' aaM her
r a drive of t hree miles >dlsa
'why ihe'iuloUter matfr^ sai U a pubU Yinalii.f: • »ft to Ik-trell *iih i •'Belnx eng^ed Uni like belns mar- friend, enrlonaly.
“I- don’t LlaTii*
imed out of the lood
IBlgtit -hava
' am not going to lose my Indeeartoad of lire aftw* last wee*.
? Kamond for being In lore with gold threads In iba woof of hu life.
filed tbe pony and then ••rolled j
a have to hortow dishrs .
Rirbaid Sparllne went m Alba la*i l>eBdeqce sHogeiber. and besidas. ^tgrove to sit dnv. n and think as .
For years be bad lived the life of
Alicia lancbed.
doubt whether be
Hittimcr bieeae slrjiiti Ihronsb tbai
4londay tn And -work for the winter tr. yoa (iifef I am not fllrtlBK with
10 smart youny man about lown. Ue
id.* suoHiiwl Mra liurtban yoi
IS ever reallj seen me." Hut a note bad done the aamv thing tu the usual
inches above taershcad.
Xra. RlfhanI SparllnR la taklni
l chatr>,.mio tbe vtrii'oa
Her chum shoot ber head protestThe girl ihouglil snd thought and, , '
iv, he had '•een ludiher very good
ram of Mra, Willie Wilaon. who ha- Jngly. .She was too fbad or Alida to that sms delivered to her after the
iwhile glanclug eompUtheater compcHe-l ber to think other>r bad; In his own words, the favor- ihongbi' 8h“ bad got It about settled
been very seriously ill for the p»r' argue, but facta were facts.
It s about tuna
wire It read'
» words u{ BrltUh yosib. be bad a!- 111 ber mind that ber hero wnul)l never •'
week or BO.
-Ob. ni admit " sbe said, -that I
-Oear Ijidv of the Vloleti:—
come along, when a chipmunk ran
ays "fried to play the game."
Mr. and Mra. ioe Weldin ejjter- am Just as enibuslaatic as you. bet
*-WtI1 you not meet me at ibe stage
It was because be ieli it iucunilient aloiiE the ground befo^ ber and dived «nc of Hie iftbles "1
illy dun I think
'alnei! Mr. and Mra. Howard Clellaod ti‘s aa plain at ifae nose on my fs'^ .eniiAD<e.«s soon as tbit performance
M>u him to pUy tbe gam^ tlut be Into his burrow.
Ibese flowers ar«» I
b riKTugb, AO
that be Isn't altrartad 10 me tu the'- la over.and allow sue the pic
and -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sparlint;
"I'oor tiling—lie sli^ not smotber
decided to tell tbe woman be was go)Oii7"slie iis'sed of a
one whotulght
least. Ita. to you that be tbio»» iho.e tVlIlug you Wliat an insplrailinn you
dinner Sunday.
certnln newly closed down the-.- betausc be fears tm-: " ex- choose to answer a
uisa.Hl overned the t
Cabin Sparllna is harloe hla slk> wonderful glanoes. I sboiildn'i be t>rr> ere to me- Snruetblng tell*
prised If be addressed bis lines lo ]mi hehlad your beautiful eye* a that perhaps li would be at well forlHvse
niled this weekt
'Aorisi i.iiuiised famitull) tlut bud
before long.''
aoulabiD 10 mine.
E. A. Smith spent Safurday and
pick on: iw-MeclIy lirsU 0I11-; - hut I
-Ob. l-etty. f should die with moRl“HARRY raMOND."
luuid. Usuad of embiuidered with lies 1 tl.rouitb the vm.u
kbrs w.' couldn't trust him?' '
Sunday with hts family, ivtumlnc t rcailon. Ho you really tbink be would
A'kia nnd l^lty hurried Into a near­
j a foiindailoa of trulli, as sh- might beard the roir.-s t
t -Ob. di.! joii bit.i tbe fluwcisr aomo
hU work near Cbeboyfcan Monday.
date? ‘ ui go out after Ibis aet.“ by learotim 10 dedife upon a r«m!WO
:ai it from some oOe else, may bare Hglil about iliai. > e hadn't -aken a -ons Inquired polllelr.
"And miss tbe moat exciting a<t of
- Walter. Stockflah. Earl SparliDR, M'
nmted for someiiiinK. loo.
.hundred nc;»* «h.
".Vn they didn't pul nie o
end Mrs.'Joe
flrace Lf- Ibe play’ N«t for worlds. I was only
leaped up
But the reason be gave bimself as Iv»>e hidfloti lu a
1 Jinnw’ ilial rtorUj of oid.
.d Donald Milks aU were Tmv‘-“k be s making love lo Ibe
I'.r Th«y
he knotted tats Ue carefully before tbr
so 1 iuH caliad him up Ibis afiernoon
mirror on the fateful moming of conrioHtes: tn
erae (^Ity callen last Batordny.
tol.1 him that I wouldn't lolento
H.vrc now.................. f.miic bar..' ^be two,»lrls watched the pUy wllh
reaaion wai ibat be "must *il-iy the tb.-ir whiskers wc
Hairy Dosner and family bat.
tin mav.-t.iitm
|®^ I'P-idOs and ins ^ed' w?ih*ic^‘“^ ***>
posed from Mr. Pierces farm to tbo
lufstuatlon wnliing for
»'«• LO iHvr.,.!" shmited
Wurxlturg farm.
» most tranflnory one. She was 'imicb padded
n overcoat with a
idmc ‘be leadei
Grace Kigiires of Uie Boner nelghi « eoaOrmed ilieater-goer. and bad.eollar.
oorhond is keeping houae for >fr. fallea In love and but again with rr-1 -“The gods are good." he said Jovial- hearthrug ll
It's so dlOi‘iorce and non Ben.
cry actor she had seen. . Alicia was ly. "Bball v-e walk down tbe avenue
t to sj-eak I
Arthur Spjyllng and family ale Sua- di^al. ^toe s-jut tha'-miogly pit tty ihls-p'easBW afternoonIlka you—about '
tblng.-. hut
and' that ■
TI10 girls foend ibettirelvea'swinging
lay dinner wlifl Mr. and Mrs. M. Ciiii and lercl-beuled. “■*
fart of tbe matter is. I’ve been an
hwful rotter, kVIyn. and I feef It'a up
to me to own It. You're no: marrying
nelaurt and Richard 8f«r.

eW ws. yu.ho
small ri.uiul
[.All'la's suspicions under ordinary conbrigaifiis shnmed:
ing drove to Fife latke last Mondav ,
bosrdlufe school nlic hud ken dlllnns. As li was she was trying to a saint, you know."
I be lair-halred woman in the big
' , Ibiiik Utitinriiiliy Is much betterr. Didat .
Oscar MIIU and family have moved b*, pUce in society. Thn only liUd n-sllzr ifaut she was actually lalking
big armchair looked tip at blm swirtof im
o Kingsley-for'tbe winter.
of a well-ttcdo couple, she wac con- to » nmn wbnae name wax on the bill
Hist R I don lake
In hnge MUr*.
Mrs. l.'Knlgbj of Minnesota ram»
I do know." sbe said geuily.
i uolliinK ever gele
fteforc teavinc be bent liver Alicia. ' He iiiorifd iiuconiTortiibly. 'iitit it's
•sek 10 Micbigan last Hatiirdny f.
"Tn-ranm.H. ' be said in n iftw. lotie. Jiit't wbal you don i know." be told i:id Miss <’l:;i
husthsl fitrihcr.
:peifd the Winter with relatl.vis.
She dari/l over lo a far corntir. as
“you musi lake dinner wiib me ali>ne. her. -that I'm worrying abou.. tTu Tb:
leader lunnnied bln cS'- she t.Ii-d ibci niiniaier approacblitg.
• Nov. It'.
not thinking hi canls and racing, and use and sIu was grshtx-d and hoisted "Hli. I ui so glad you've come! " '
Rbe marmur«-d assent and sped things like that. It’s abom wimea uP b» h'
id the bensi staried off on claimed 'Vn: sure I don't know who A* the rode down'pwn next I waul to speak to you
for life
charge—Iml Hirre ouEhl lo be
dry she renienibcre.! that be bad for­ use woman." He paused, and bit bis
'.kficr 'rni. boya"’
Mvmc hied, that s sure? XVbu la go­
AvsrWan to Being Ordered Is Ons of
gotten to appoint a tneeilnR place or Up nervously.
'Slioot 'em down like doE^!*
ing to take Hie Hekets? XVe oitgbl
the Most Prominent Tralte of an
at-b had forgottiw It
.iiian.-i10 brigatid;-:"Ah:" said the woman aaftly. b>okto aimion some cue at the door. Pro"1 will go behind the aoenes."
ing down.
T'lc are jiu; ihropglng In. and yea
,aitd. "It will do no harm for of
parily 1
• She was a nice Utile ihidg. rent
know that some iieopW can't be iruatTbe Chlneae it a poor soldier. Not
“Tes. lulia.' raid Ibe men at
l.idy. you welouaiiesi. It was aa wild ride
up and
.1t*or -He is In hlx dressing-room bin
that be ll lacking to courage, for 00
it that, down hills—arvoss iticadoss apd
rery iire
preuy t
s be liimed V leav*
>'(>u muH wait here uniil I send In a
oeeaalooe be cbeerfally aelle falmieir
he ran ’brorigh thickelx. and rbe pra)-nd
r lather
as anbatliute and gnee wUlingly i«
iway from home, Ha.iii't a fiicnd In Him the aherift's party wovld not fail.
■fo escapr'tbe ciirio'.i* glances of the ■ be world i4hcn I plc-ked her ap Only U wa* wonderful how very quleklv iiiiig 111 the dliinn that eventMidy must <
■the execuUoner's ax In order to pro­
for vvcNe got
gl.ipe luirih- she Stlrl>ed frto s recess the streets In from of brr. A good that subering chipmunk was forgotvide hit parcels with the small num
bbof Ibe vltigx. and waa waning quietl; wuiuuu like you. Kvelyii. can't reullie icn.
BC'essary to tuport them through life,
tide,;, all the dixhr.t huve tn be waobwh.ii nngry voices on tbe o'ber sld< what the honor of ihai means................... At length JiisHre prevailed as ll alwrites ll. II. Windsor In Popular Ma |
;iic Thin i«rlliion atkrtled her. Tbe 1 took a flat lor her."
lb <'
of an army la 1
rbanici. The airength
ways abould. hut nev.-r does when Hie
••\U.ut!" slie cried a little later, at
III: ii'x tone was cold and Mreeiiag. Ihi
In teamwork, and here
ere It where be
'.\h- said tbe soman soflly. look- ‘'"‘ct man baa the most tnooc, to she waMivd the aeivb-c, "Are you
.Worua.iV btsii -ii>d shrill.
fafla OB account of hla
iB aversion to bt- ^
liig down
spend on iasyers. The two brigands putting all that ni. one jdamr"
rs.inS la
In hl«
-You babr aii«tam-.“ m* utter
hla S
doIng ordered.' HUs U fbund
"1 lived wfih ber more or less for
the retn-at were killed 08 llci K-pc wa, Luunr sinuk.
Oli. of
crteil. "I wilt write to her father.
meillc and indukiriat work. A gener­
three vea...->,ciu on a*'.-r li. Ir.E sirwcl. i.i vlul parts
ih.-y-tu b.uigrj, but cbuich la
“You bed lM>iler confuia your draal line of policy or desired resuHs can
about thirty llntc* apiece and
Jio pl...c lu: ih.-m to .ouic' lu xtiiff
ninflfs lo Ibc luvards', rictti,” !be man ing courage fTom ber ivtssivei.. - . , ,
be laid down and he will faithfully
horse ga ve 11 rliiiiiblt' and ihemselves’ l'« J„ai pui ahoui baif
rci'll.-d coldly. "They woi;lJ be better 'She was very grateful for all I had
work in accordance tberewilb. but be
groan and fell ,10 lircatlie bix last, au mt <L meat on eac bplaie—you'll.
Bpi.rcciatcd Ibe^. I am going 10 «J' done ft»r bei: she was really quite
dlsltkea to be followed up .tbrongh tbe
he fall—niercJv never butc cnuugli at that rale Oli.
Nobody hurl In
Iblug. liul..ofccourse. Him
as 1 please. The'gni'a a i»eaeb and !
letalls of the work with frequent ortmuiiccd some more. I’.ehind lh<- egr- »r tmni-c.yougknow whalyoD're doing.
don't loiend to have my fun siMiled.'
Jere. He win produce excellent recaws kiult ibc last and the nuist dcs- j,; I ll wairatil that you'll rcjtrei It?” ,
.M Hie coarse words the scale'
tulta—but they mutt be accomplUbril
pemte of th- bngundx and cmpit-d |
iway huffily lu OM hiiv
drooped from Alicia's eyes.
-n hts ow.n way. Hence thn essenre
Ills gi:n* nt ih- advaocbie f<w and ' (he
• ublcE w< ; progreakli
looked for a way to escape, hut see
Of good lunitarism -prompl And un
■ hen difd with the sa(.*»d name'
ig. .Mr-, Gii
lug none, .turned dladainfiillv 10 meet
rfuesltonea obedience—comes In diAngry Vuleet Startled Her.
inoihi-r on bis ukIicD lips. Tlieii '' -l.slrard. ben!:
this, vulgar loafer whose friendship
.-act eonnict wiih hla nature., and

"Wbai has I
1 of the girl?"
she tvcH STTddenlT ashamed of.
makes him a poor soldier. However,
>1111 softly and uill whooii* of vlclnry
H-- came up on her suddenly, hut
this, iratk Is not enilryl>- wanUng in
MUs^rialrc Hi-tison Inv aprawled eolng to take .barr.e of g table but
hla MiuBnlmlly wfts tmdlsiiiriied. looking away.
other nationalilies, as every bosiuess
giuccTuI uad'plHi
in a' RiuccTuI
und jdHurcaque po- , b„p,k,m- you wera tou busy with your
The man .shrugged' bix ahoiilders.
After two winlerx of teas, dances
la bera.' imte girl?" He
man knows to bis sorrow, and lb.
"Sim h) live flat.' 1 jMesume." be w!d
I borne diiHe<
I really oughi to faav#
_____ of _____
„ employes
____ .. do" a f
ferlltrirtes of evcr.v desrripricu Vaid Ini-olenily. taking her asm.
.- and bow did you :a>ed at borne ihix #venlug—|’v#
carelessly. “The rent U laid up Ull
thing tn Hie prescribed -.^ay Is one of
hof* »« Haorye I.-rerton and b;.d ,dt.1-*"
iiiex or uendlug 1
etas consUnt anxlenes.
eftsrod Into ber Cn-t jt*aHy serious I
’the Ordered. *T have mad# December." His voice iJecame lursua
gmwing falriy strange.
. lore affair. It wu Hie scriemene-js of >a mlxlake. 1 'was to nieci a eentle- Klve.
•r who
r (be <-ollt of falr'balr brigand leader
■■•Idon lerailn there long enouj
II that was poor Alicia's ^nuoliig. ' man. Jle l.c nni he:'e.': Daxhiiig by was very
a.:.-viii to life
look around!
lim ihen. ainx
K'erton bad bewme absorbed Idm she found tbe street door and. wound amooibly round ber bead.
frhurch really needa my help, ii'i

lit Mb father's buslncis after retura-1 liuillPE a laxlt-ub. gave the chauffeur "Don't lef* talk uboui her aiiy todre.' and dlH
En#l«h - Hotela g#*in to Hava Qwaer ti g from mlU-ge luiMii mum proriog an uddrexw.
Tli'iv 1. ihi- girl nv'-r tht iv <ge t , «ei any Biipftr :il all, I'm lucky.
Idea as to ths Popularity of
capable of being made a | George Kverinn. goin? over bli
I'niild havc'vurrt.'d off. but
voti sKn
Iiwvk artC)!
a Haarac.
Jittlur lartMr.
1 books after the remlar biicincxt of me. and gjy you lurglve mo.'
late In getitiiK Ivem. Nice aori! -a'ou wjiit
"X'ou ie a ve;y iiauRhlv boy. Jack."
mure rream?" ah#
ply In 2ov« t.'itb AUria ,ibe <1i<y. was surprised by .-i swixb of
thing you’ve d..u.-:"
j |.,q„ire,i
mid the woman reprovingly, but.xhe
------ -............... J'lut the wa a pars-'
Some of tbe hotelkeeife™ “ob tb# All of bix ih nighix and ambtuons re- 'dnipeHeaandHicprwaur#' of
rerivvered her tllgnity. ing
oa her
way U) new fields, -Wall.
let him nlttfl ber smooth white arms ; Miss ■laire -----------other side" have peculiar ways of ad- toivcd aro-md b-r and l.uir future, .hands on llx eyes,
id ns Ibe "ahi-ritr ateptved forward ni nee what I can do for yoti. Her#,”
vertlaliig their bonaea. add one of (be /-Hclb'waa proud of bis ahlUty ai:d,| ".Mlria." be eteWimed. and as fa# iotiiid ItU ne<-k. as lie knelt beside her
Id raised bis hat.she demanded
^ Jve called to a girl who wax hastenliK
■Dost alagular of these methods Is the riorted in bis pRyHcsl arbtevenvhtx. (was released a (ear splashed on bit on the floor. "Tlicn If g6u promise
by wit*) a tray of b#i fvoiaioes. "«oti>
siaiemeni In their advertisements *“• ■» the novelty of their .mx.gc-jbnnd. and he looked Into a very re- never, never it again. I'll forgive
'Sir. will you explain this outrage? ' you fill this plP'1>er7 Tbey waiu moni '
you," she said prettily.
that tbe hotel Is equipped with a mrat wore off, be had aeuled into a pentant face.
He caught ber. flushed and smiling |
I'll try to. mist, and beg your gar- ■ ream. Th-y've bod only one rap of cof­
bearae! Inasmuch as (be American U-ke-lt-for-granted state that tbe r» | "I don't see why yon want to marry
fee aitlete so far, but their tream Is
hotelkeeper la oolv looking for "live (mted with all of tbe wtrengtu of her tsuch a little idiot, ax I am. George.”
j moving picture sciotw. and are out ail gone! Cream is so expensive, too:
eaM conlrilel^"l.ut'll you do. I od upon.her mouth.
ll la not of record that bearaei
roroonOc lempriaincnl
ill're acting a play fnr a reel The girl ni see that you get It 1b a mliitite.have been used as aitcactiont in ibis
If her bead bad not l•e«ll r.i;.-<l w'th
sbe added to tbe Ubie awaiting ih#
/'PnrkU was never in it with me.
coontry as yet. One of the BnglUb ouuxenie Alirja woi;ld .have .vpj.itcatering Joumali tn speaking of this s« ded CioorgcKTcHon « love a; ilu full AUrh." her lover replied, bis arm la flj; -lu Queen's Club Gardens, a brigandx is a fanner's daugbt'er, but rr«*m. as tbe girt aped away with
vomaii lay dead iiiKtn tiie b'-d with an ihroiigb some blunder sbe didn't rest It :he pltciier.
custom, recently said; "\Ve have on ra’ue. His expressive dark eves al- clofirg eroiind her.
'fi-pty phiiil lu liaoil. There were her ;*i-»lcned place in lime It seems
’Tni glaii T.edon't bay# ibeao cbuicb
teveml occasions commented upoa *•’«''» abone with tenderness as h#
ii.i-e:i ofMears uiion he.- white, cold yoo were there, and (be brigands '•ipiterx V
ked to
s V/iPing.
tbe uncanny mlUng up of tbe funeral groe'ed her. snd bis touch was aliaoH
•heek»: ber Hof's! eyelid, were swotl- j (hmighl I' was al! right to go ahead.
xonian t-iitlns near hrr r.bqn tb#>traAc business witb hotel keeping— sacred. Tonight 'le kisred ber aofily
■ne of llu- >
•JI. Her lover lu.l H ied her. Th'ire j Isn't It so. Mr Aldrlchf
re lyirenilile.l after dinner for tb#
an unholy combination to be met wltt M her braided hair,
le of their ii
lolhlng h'-Io:e iicr h.i! the Mrvei... ( The btic-md Itiarter had doffed l*al.
;ri-h i..eermg, "If we did I'd lie Iti
tn some nortbera parts ot Ireland.,
"Such a pre*ty little sweetUearf.”

;^P!a>' d I've gjrue."
whitk'-r» aiid laid axple his
grav' —Im iwrteclly aaie of tbuf?
Apropos, bera la aa enticing adrer^ be murmured But tbe Kvciions bad
-Cod w-il
who r!.}etl h beau;guns and bandolier, and be now ap■I ^e.und lb* motion,' .hi, r.Ped
tiaement from a SUgo paper calcaUt* levrr been demonstrative )>cople! and l;‘> Icgx. iWgb b:
ai'i ji;«r»ni 1b!<t a.x she causlit Ut#
■ ■■ ■ '
j j>cat<-d as a fine looking young man.
ed to bring quite a rush of goeata ank- th'lr son wn> i-onfcnt to allow big af- [motiK. iilx chest was o -h's for
worCj of the sj,enk..r. "Wihxt ol«

tons to test ibe aecommodatian: 'Mra. lection a brief ext resston
{'brad, il.ougb he wore A.<-i
•y vtrting on'"' she toqulrod of her
"It's iny fault, and 1 can't hopw to
"I brout.-bi ; ju ever a'took fbr yoiir , hats
Dr. Howard of . the departiDcnl of lie forgiven. I think ton tried to
I think »e ought to shotT
shelf. Tbmgb! you would r.lber have j He was like a St Bernard pup. but BEticullu.e, wbo pro.uihly knows as
hj- voting, don't you?
make an explanation, but It wss too
to her establlsbraent a glass hoara#.' * R itan a sllrer gimeraek or fiowerA"Han any young
ink'll'ol'tbe. iuoexp.ilu and lU babUs
In. Ei-d .tv over. r« »!! woM,.
then. Oir cue was out and «
"Md yon?” rather roolly.
j Jt, had never been at « regular
- and her*- I m the las: to lewv*. a«
•Itam fe
I gather flowersr'
' . t;-ul,"-.he raid, wcuri'y to the jahlloa
( ran change It." he exclitimed. jvua- fdelic.Me flowers 10 him and bethardly'' uo»» tun ti*<e*iai11y j.eiixh with tie }
For a year or tw
His «iuer>- reminded Miss Clair# of
»al'"d patiently as she put 4b
sled at ber wauner.
jliarMl ;o.i>jiK-b one of them, it look-.
cf winter. On tbe contrary. I that poor rfalpmutik. aod she ( ‘ ‘ • '■“• »"<1 ‘ <'at
of tomatoes, c
' You'll be sure (»
“I wouldn't thtrk of .treubllng yoo etf ic Ibe girls like a new idea—and iiiosq.tUoes htive I,cel, obxerred to
lar vegetables forjbe London market
all else temporarily and crjed out. . ,everything good and tighl,
• jthry hoped be d arrive. He did. nfter
heve l>eefl lujecHog eteam Into (he epU for autiJ. a trifling mauer."
] -Some one mutt come with me at wont v'.j? -Chicago fiall.r.;He r»»*f4 the formallly of the i»tninute or two He w»dil’de at nvaa
with a view- 10 destroying Insects and
slugs, ll is reported that the plan mark unnotn ed, latent upon a moia 'k# ffonr. made a stand In fiontjof tie An.n -r w -i.t -n .ki,
Same Old Vam.
| lUtlest gin, and said, more or le.v> vinurlmpal r<-d. .Ubo'tgh ihrirj 'wfth herhnud in Mr Aldrich s they ’ "Tb'-y icH me that your 1
sorks verv well (or thal purpose, but tmponant «obiecl.
atiiviiv <9 rusiieoded in wirt-r. Ibe
Don't you Uflt.
Ufltk. AllrU. that we gs-BUmiMi'wlly:
:be op>‘railon brought to llgbt ar
hastened back to the. woods wi'h •
y rle»ei
wedding? | "•'an 1 dance wilt youT"
n.o-.q-rUo n-.i-Js but !uile :oud. snd scarcely a word between them. and . 'Ye., yes. Did you h«r bix latestr
I Blgbl set the dai
expected fact—namely, that the
-!e tfcat thirst' for bloo-l.
*»• ralHed. but she answeiwd 1-.
:hui u>ealea incmaed greatly In fer­. Father innd mother want to see ut !
presently arrived at ibe tragic spt^r , ''Sure-.
1’ t -i'-s •'tV-u.llug themselves with
with a ^ile;
tility: so grrally. Indeed, that the ordi- ourrted before they go .. fallfomia.”
-------------•■•'“jVVhen tbechipmunk business had; "" by. y»i never mat him "
.4 j "I don
don'tt know. M I like rm -weR water and vegetable fl<ilds.
“lYf moJw. - urtly. “your father ni-'l
Ibeen nplgiued Hie yonng msn sat: 'Tm. Hut I've iw4 a lot of doting
The fail thi: mo»q-..iloe:
en-mgh to Irt^ you 'try?"—Cleveland
aotber are ti ' be considered flrst "
down on a log aod laughed
fs'h«r.' who Invariably te'l tb# mun#
found upoi; dry pralriex raan mile*
tbe flfst coosMeratiow. Pltladealer.
I B.eHh>d
,K ____ !

"O"'*** la''-'' when Mr. oid slily iaW*."-ClevelaBd ndg
Ing due to the aleriUtaHon produced uainriilly." be reyliwl gmvelr. "but I
, —————
evl.y of. the adults of certain >pe<les
by the steam, which klils the phage<>”< think you baff any reason for
Abnormal BoFI could ifever give ray eon- j
eoabies them to survli
cytes or protoxoa which In ordinary
delnjlng ll. have yoo?"
Tm worried about my boy.”
>iir marTTtng an actor"
• She'd Had Her Torw.
xiu. of dfoagit. Raiiroidx bsie been "“I!,' '
rlrvutnsiances keep down tbe number
«*“ afraid. I doti'i hive yoa." aha -w’nat's the m-vtter withbiiaTI expect one to ask for ny Dollle—That's a perfectly be
of bacieria in the soli wbos- oper:*-••W. bealtatingly. in her heart »1#
"When I l-It home vevterdav mor«- tc-poEilble for tbe iraosmlaaloB of’"^' *
the reply.
engagemei.t ring Jack gav,
Ilona are henefleeot In tiiralftc orrantr
»ot afraid, but the words g*v# tug I told him to clean up our lawn, n.-rulu-e* t.r'o reglona where they
tx-ihls Mr - —
Mollle—I didn't know j bod sbovgS
nitrogen li^io idgnt food.—Harper's
• dram*iie ibi'Il wbUh ws« enwhen I got home last evenlug I **re pravlogsly mro.—HarpeCa W#dp I
"Ob. he went Into tb* ooCa# trwt
tembte. George Bvortoa gut up from (ound that be had doM 1L~
DutUe-Yoa dlddX-Jadgn


Thi* rMlowlDit lMI#r «-ai r««l«
by ilie Kim N»U«1»1 bank (ron:
OoiitiB^nial-Conmw^Hal Naitosal hank
«f Chk»*». bkhkai Kcna «oi fbow the
Ursa iBtpmi ih«c liaakan al»1 bulliMU mra or ihr oountn ar» taklDK in
arrlcultuml dfraloMCBrat. Ttir movo-

bukera' rlub asd a rvwiuiloD '
• iibmliird to Ilia roiimt boaril or
l•arviBora at that ilata. nbich «hati
adoptad and raniad (brouab will r1t«
an annual ai>pro|irlalion for aarlcul
total a«uraiton; hi fhl» roitmr o
*C.«»'Vl a «at to tho tounty or boi
t for HiRiappa rJralK
and la-tdanau. a riinri of 112.
UHi |»-«u)d .ba proi'lded which foult
oiaiilor a oortn of biah arada inkimn
ora and ax|a*na who could damon
atiaif ticbi in the field and tbarab>
ahe Um* faruiara
i»to two oountle
cxtWlea' adtaniaJtea for tbi Rrowlnr
of.larowand belter trope.
Tbr hill iv(arr^ to. provides enioa
otlicr ihliun. for labirurUon and deni
uiutration to aKrtmIture to i>enoB.
D»i UieDdfDK an aitrieuliiiral colles'
.(o' tltwniiniiioni In ihe coDimuniiiet
ll provlile^'the fmaiiclal auH>on. i>n
Tides wlien the inoaeii aball lie iiaii
and for a iarwrt ahowioK how it i
BMwl. and altosether la a iiioKi dealn
hie an or Hclatatloa. ^
TlM> text of the leltt^U a* rolinw*

ChlraRO, NoV. Hlli. hH2.
Tiie encloiad iNUtirthiol refardln'
iJie Irf'xer Aartiuiliuial Kxienalos bl
doaerv A carerul rtodiUE. The liat o
oTlcora and tuernhm of the artvlaor;
committee, on !««« two, alvea th
nanM« or lonie of the leading inen^wh
are eodeavorin* ihrODKli the provlt
loni of tble lueaiare to improve am;,
o«hura. In our Jadmiteni ii l» one o
the most hnponani piecea or lealiia

linn in
( oiled.Siatea ii not keei
InR.pare with the iurreaae In i<opalr
tion; and tbie ta almo»t altopeiher dui
to look of i.rainlna. U> cannot expec*
the bwi reaulta pnlflaa il»e farmer hai
ki.e*-ie<lBe or anil «ondltion>‘ and th, uae hnt>it>r«d farm meih
oda. He now K«4i|qh.»»«»> -“''^ ‘
ertr per cent leaa j>er am than tb<
of Bnropa. Krery
taea. and ew|*cl»y»\
abt-uld he vllailv imerreled in
liilt eoBoirv on a i>ar wiih an\ in thi
worW In per nc:re yield^ .There har,
ll -nwe or I
fenive alfon.t to accoiwUlah thia, hn
IMA rewulie have. bpen. ba^ltward. am
tbe. niasDltade of tfif .DadenaklnK i
mI.v beRlooIncfo 1>« malirad. Aevord
Inr to tbo,iiet«. i>«U‘rt atiidtmia on ih.
eahl.a^, the |«xa«e of tiiU bill will W
a blK Men In the riitht. dtrecUon.
\Vf boi>o you will utse upon youi
t’nfied 8uie« eonaiore the Importanci
Of eiiauiaa thf meaaurejnto law. and
aMi your InflaenlUt wtonier* and
nclehltora to 4o Iik«wu«. It jwase.1 ih>
bnufcf o( rapreaenuiivaa.
aeKuton without a dtoaentini: vote. A<,
tion Mtoulid l^r.taken now. I.tocauee V
lux' iiKOaure It placed uiuu) the* autuM
hooks Id ibe twrly juiri of the shori

I Banking
We give especial and careful
t attention to buaineta received
by malt and our aynem of hand­
ling eut-of-tawn buainett makes
.t safe and eaay for jou to do
your banking-with
V«ur businaat. whether large
or small, will be ap^r^ated.

Over haw a oaMory c
. safe banking.




.h«£ht roMUnUr brfojf b«-cMdmt
wi«M pOr «p. Ptof 0#H li. U. JwtJc* M! »mT
• AJek«i U > ccrrrr* tor a Im hmmn: tmt mm u, Mwn
Boa »he viH rw *Vr
»B HT«« tt coHtrl} ovrr«todo*m*
por HiUr
slVm good «lfu to hi* V»*t.
pon or to « Dmrti «v«b fiw« *ri»*lw lM»feh m* lojtto. »Mrii. •»»
h>. «nm >Mr rhormetota to "'-*«« (nnblc> or eifoft onr Wc «•««.“
-AikI m. rr* Ibe wJttw •tail rtUra onr-h»ir bov le ibrrr hooia. BPeort- ihrm. «Uh tta frrta «ir frmi imuUf

«vU •• ntUIUw toto ttam • drop
lorBM o( *r»UUiii€- to ttalr ta«TFolr
Patbor at all lltnra.
Tta taUarM ahonld
k ■and .temid ta J^^ri^r




«.» .1.

tuolOMTu pw-Ueal ntr.~
r b*r FT** wowtag ''•'*>

»'»«*•“ *■'



to war Thankagivlog
. k
. e •;

tta Kffk m4 tor tbe galWb
• Ata Ike'tbreafa artrdtor WOL

ttal£21 SaSe^JS
• .ruMhabtoOto h^etbepatt,

* ffropt and dew pad frost again—
-> Itor (h*
the atom, tbe tldk
• 'MttaiW.1
HitoiW.tfB tap ewu beside.
Por Ae ^ M wVfb ^ •!>*»«•




.. ....I .k.

ceptioo of Ch.istma.. none of oar naUonal H'fiirsis
f.Mlrsls stanos
stand. at
a« pre-emineni
<hBti uonal

" •booM -*
be remembewd. too, that

ibe non^ah.i sooth, to hattaer onre
a»re in tbe old fsmilj circle. To. the
little folk* the dinner U the piomL^em
teaiare of the da', and the rareful
bsoscmoiber doe- her best to satisfy
their claims

aivtn* day U apt to have rather sad»in®«
dentoE aaradationa A. fonna man
fw*® bla boae. nt work in a
strange cH» or Wwa. or a girl who haa
"o*n from ibe benw roof to itewnK of
edocalioB or oeonpatton, to «ftM a do-

ila!i parted'tba-niriains of nipl-:.
awakes v1iH I'-* l.opc-

.______________ _
ffraiwfmaWisr't Thi--------- - ■— '
rocoanm Pie—Oae Hot of mnk.
three egint. half a ewp of a
draskated coenaaut onl tea.
spoonful of lemon uttrwrt aad a Ptorh
,,^1 one etwal.
Me-BoP one tan ad of setaed nl-lns an hour In watfrcneimh to
Jnst cover ibem:
e lemon. «M

__ _____________ •'"■=

""■ *

The term is tbe foundation atone of
, the national atwetnre. aid an aht-m
• dant harvest aaaures the nation's cot•
_______________ _
. New Engtond Thankagiving Menu,
---------_ -----b
Here Is. a
rved In New England In tCTP.

Tb. n.mur ™»™

llebn, .n- bbnibb M lutb.

.•♦•♦♦•♦•••♦*•♦♦ II... i!brr.»».„™',b.i.r ““
bbb ™u.


Kven If the frost ta nigh.

Hfe • raaaWny .le.r^. .

... -........

rery tar wlA their additions to thefr
card-todea took books, ind tbe fluffy
was------------having the
very--------best time



CUIbfUl of
Of butter,

UW*W"- with handle.- comidete,

of us pampered life as It
N.i oven.
Cover and 1 k.- in -vt Hit
basting '
,A Thankegiving WWeefna.
I one-foanb of *
It's conila' erlong—Tbankj-gitin'.
-gemebow." said tbe Back Door
• feast are dtadl
An' weloome Ae hearty day;
tiT U*re«o.»
lapDvaflons f

Pigeon ne dianer. but when it comes right down
1 Clam Cbowitor


ph,..™ wm


Indian p,.ddiwg
Mnshed Turnips
EcU with Wine aud flplce.
Pork Sanaago
Raked Beona
. Johnny Ctae
ITcU«<i Cuenmbera
Sweet Peppan
Pickled Bnttenuu
■ WhU Vtald nor puritan anoectora
^ MaagoM
aar ortWrt,,«tb*y F«rv to be audbsv
' dcatr inMffWtfld to Ua areraga borne
BubocTT Jam
Apple Bottar
M TteakgUftai te*. to the year of
Oamat Jetl.v
onr t«a«. .mtt They wooW see Ae Trenoberof Apples Note aad C.rajitoI
day oomnMCod wlA a burry «d a
flnrry, Ao hohtatodlber abrarbed to pnm^to'Pie Qulnoe Tarts Mtoeo Pie
the prapm^ «f ta anormons din­
ner. tta fotbgr rwktog down to tbe ofr Pool
flea, or Otar lo Ao (hop to get to a
few boon of itoogy-tortong work, andt
Preserved Roota of Bee
tbe taUAtoo m ot oaffrr antlrtpatlon
Candied Cherries
- for. At a«*r*om'« toottall or other
aportfl. Tborote aotbtof wrong in any
of ttasa Alags- Tbo only gneatlon
Taoebing ChiMeoo to ta'Thaakful.
which comas te Hatno Cbcer U at to
A mother cannot begin too oaHy to
whcAw la «w TM»tagl»‘o« pr»l»»- tocuVmto in her children tbe habit not,
tloni t«a «oqM apt ta to«* taaefltted
for their hteaaif wawera to gllff to" a
iwA. of jtereeivjng and lealitlng Asm.


»»»..* ^

™„rt™uher seems
seems to
to dominate
dominate my
nxing, aad Ao faiuily gel the reguUt|pa meal *Weh has b»«i served on
Thaolmflvlng day is our family tor
orer fwa hundred years. We can eat
-Jancy fliln's' any old lime, and Aey
.flu taale Jnst as good. But when
Thanhagivliig day arrivea. my Inher
IM tradencioe call for a big chicken


i,n, „



«/buiier. oa. cup ot sweet
I-‘*«rP«e Pta'cd; beat Inii-

, yolks or Sva aggi, AM the P
>0 and erram. and toaOr the
whites whlpt«d ta UgbUy. B
^« «'m


a .*twig
done wb
rrwvv te made bv aiding to As fat r*. aaod.
“»“■ .overed with moss,_ Place

«* tl
* “"* =
in the'nan oue-foarth ot s
*'• lahteapotafate ,gf« Ae
Snt^f flour wliUng Si well •*"* Pwtc*»urd fom a mlnteiure p«npkjft
bctaM agg, half
Then nour on graduaUv
outbuilding^: cover tbe , «.„p
^ cp of fldv milk.

I'm thankful atUl for the breakia'
O' day. wtar 1 now an* reap:.
Per night, with tbe shadows maklo'
A place fer Ae world ter s^ce^

SLS li!r™iSISr«rre r.. Jor.


»<e. .in
r.~wv Tb.
i. made bv aiding to As fat r*.

Good to the lieid an town.
We Elii. bm Ae Lorxl's forglvtn'.
An' abowers tbe bleasln's down.

«r E-hib-w-i .lock .nd etram and
’® represeot boat frost. In
A, .'wri,tave.real«taw pile, sugar
#.K. S ^
. animals, and toy wagons, etc.
fried- I hlckcn—Tlcaa. atogc, and
xh^ «oman wbo lives in Ae conniCT

tb. .trewb W rerrew. ■*«.... Pl.w. .

rasate and anuaeg to
wlA ota enmt.
Lemon Pio-Ptaor og»a aad twu cups
sugar, the'Jnlto aad Had gf two

a.,„ lo, >b. bx, .-rettb otore bW-

uMrepretJ.l. ol fc«r,

drain, but do not wlfM-. Bprtokle wUb
,he nrart.y wood* with which ___ __ _____ ________ __________
-Ik and «tai AIckly wlA flta^
ber T^krglring table,
boiler, 'wban «*»«
lag a. much flour to adbefo to,tta jiponds of fruit grown on the farm ^^0 -ith i«o cru«ta TWa- ,matam
cblcVeu a. ,«s.sible. fat oaa POOart
g*,b„ed from a nearty 1^7,.1^

brt.Ub .re «
Mlbre'n—Ore-reb o| rtwreJ
IMi chicken to tet. aod cook slowly
hrifllanl pnnridge berry or -Mjuaw
one and a half expe of Aistes.
‘*®***^bon-J " a* » is known to eome locaU»nd * half Ml* of .rieaned curfrc<toen«ly «h»« ^ilcken may hrpwn
.^vee forming a
____ ^
... ........... bagniKul
barl ground for ibo^ ^rlet
^j^e sotaPaad half
Thanksgiving Cbkken Pl«—Cut lao
wiDiergri'cn berries and foUagv- ^ cop of
-------ArM cop* of
Chickens into amall pleoek ta for frlcmake a dellgntlul decoration ^p^d applaa and one fop ot hoef
assee. cover the bottom of the plc dish
they can 1h> secured.
iraspoonfgla of aait. f«» of
with layers of teal and bam ptecad alroyal i-unde <oWjred oak leave*
, icaspoonful of gnmud
..m. of grosud riovea.
.oniateu, ten^-i.o
anung^ 1In a m-reath wUl also prove
. of these leave*.
, unaner of a pmuid
Jordlfectai. aod yet bow alike folks When Ae bird no.^ are nil vflet. in
e centerpl-.->- to „f ,.1,^0. oae cupful of rwfranl Jelly.
at*. Sow you know my o«n anceatbe field tad In the wold:
,h« add a little gra . , atai p^ I Bm.v . y.end 1
TbU amount uill make lour ptea. Bake

the wtoln- an' Ao May;
!!>.T. urere...... (bnre- „ThePerla>rd—he's
“! tomorrow.

‘TL'l': ”L7“ "" ”“"'1« “.•« “«

«' “

Lite ptelaa touiaintDE irlanElH ot
An' ail I want Is today;
n^imo. pumpkin, lemon and appie pie.
and )an but by no means leant.
r bis amlle has found i
1 of absolutely dettcloas ‘
An Ae daH. like tbo UghtH shine.
IndJaa pudding, full of plums' aad htta ,
annle made bv my gt^i'l’
®>' *'»'‘Wren's arms air round
*:;^?«nd«?L'! reSe^
And the dear wife's
^jS^^JShirmerfT teniA of the
wlfPa bond to miner
--k‘ .re d.smoa.
Toting Ilonataccper bubbled up. and

abo asked, with a rtrnggle to be sc­
Ttankagiviog in tha Country.
rim*.. why tbe pie was not sern-d
mom'"' Thanksgiving in tbe counto'. when tbe
fliot. “IWl lo be sore there
air U
U crisp
crisp and
and coM.
Au *ald. musingly. -It's funny


... .-1.»».«......

“rr:r;-r:: rei.

cream Ple-Po«r a jdai of'ecoam

two good atsta pwte brushes wUhln
u.sJr “>'
**'‘^*‘ '* "■‘'"‘“f
orer.a ettp and a talf ef Ptadered
rraoh bat th*v had been so abaorbed
for thankfulnw*:
or a i-reity basket of cbohe fruit. ^
,hUe the wbhea
ui raitltog and discussing the vartoup
,h„ i^^
itoulbern Baked ChJckta-Dreaa.
^ * of
aW hHng taatra^o a
cUppIng. which were scaUered ovw rh^?
2r n^ ‘•K« wd cut up two eblckeas to >*«'■•
•‘tllf froth: add tM. to tta erra* ata
,h-taw* that Am had not iwogreesed That God baa meant to Alne for all
' RnHukle with salt «twm end cut off. tbe contents «ooped brat up AowngWy. flavor aad bake

Tbrakful all and ^d. we are."
- - .


I Day.

TT,^ ^

iL!„b.».d. K,,uBi..
se to ose hopefiiUv, Ttaubfot-Pav. to the evening. Ae artUtlc .Cect »Ul
Out of the tmthfol tomb!he much enhanced if parlors and dinare Itehted by was candles
n brass nicks sod with yellow shade*.
. fSod is watcblnE forever and aye— ■
I i>e fnnber do-orated
F.en in the daAest gloom.
a tbln layer of crjntal.
wtod bad a saUen n Lc. and Ac wares
And tbe floaters, of life are rare
-wm Csrieum. «Jih «*•««”’»
»"<« hlttee-swcei
Tbe roadwaya are hard and rnwb vdw rolUng in with n steady crash.
'tony and varied arc Ac combinaTHE THANKSGIVING WHO. ♦ "o"« for 'he T^k-gUlng center*'**^*“*
r rosee r great Ooffy.
cwckllng flames. ThWhy not save tbe mrkey until
Young Housekeeper and tbe Hack . ,
__ Chrinmar?
Too much of a good tblag chryaambcniums In their tall .r .stal
l»S toto
*“10 her
her wdMeaerred
welMeaerved rest.
rest. .
And.-ifwt we forget." tbe naflon appotote a nnlvermal dav of ttankaglrtof. labln wlA name pot and sclSBora and
ramc good ways of propaHng chicken, of ferns, flowers, and autnam leates.

S:iSr£'» wJT“«JT '•
FOMta mid tong flh<lf«»«f...


frfc&d wbp has been a Joy and a comrnj.
.MrkMi *vcr t, «il<rhH» bbA a linlF
*» aborr all tbtojs a Forial
fort and a t^acF-bringFr. for ki. »be»F Ouc brtnKina u» uiFaaure of famlaF. thlckFo Fvrr «. sHirtrtb. and a llnle occa»loij. WWhooi lighi. eheeo. ••many .rrara.
Tta.k«glr,ai day.
«c «■«
lb. wbplF thtog |a a fall-

............ r.bTr.'t'‘r^,“;,z

lce*Cw WMd^im. tow and

“ol. iwa or taurr ran
toat^ of “»•
^ oihFarv, «td mUtar aoun
'• “V----“■
>. rlAidy tfaF oU frois knocked clw oat e( U* otd-tlM rterr.

” '“•


Soap «haar a drtra «d tbongbw

*» ««««■

ihlnga this nlnntF that I caa’i ktop

Tb. ml. b.™ t-n. bblbbreb.
* TH« »»CK OQDII NE10H«0«-S ♦
The last blown leaves are batof ♦

cwnehed under the feet of man and #«•♦♦♦<>♦•♦♦••♦#«♦

Vm A wv •am good tortane eome.

• ... •

»». »»•

nnn of the sertice, and menilon
t;u: the Civer foieter antl cv
.^onW be made of any espertel cause
keep to bU rare and bis ti

BtEtonln* ita bfe of anUes and tear^
-^-bartes VT.’llte
TbU habit of ihaakfutoe^ U n
wi,h the new-tari moralnr. lUtbt-'
RrowteK one and one which I* easily
Tta"ka9teif.p Oay.
,stilted In Iha chlldfciys almla Eren Tbno are cbecKul beeru and lives
^Tiir’Sbia n».». .b. b«
--■“ ”•
»«b«,n*t #rc stod. -------------------............. . .................... ...
w. „r k.,


But wp.*Tw»d any ampto board.





A onib. n<Mt
tbnI Aa4 *«M that aball pnas away.



and plied toto tbe erlta.
i Seeoa >mteier as it passes by.
The roey eheek«l appl« tara bew
. had
one alow h»«k. weerred. atone.
CuU Wa bSad aweep aeioai tbe P’***^,
are tined with cider.
Tbe potaioee have ^been dus and

the OOterta
oolorad drttot.
-"«« nob
rtoh «d
and raw..
.The ^
cbtaae. and beets and celerr

___ _


r___ 1 lo« la aooa ta w ponJWv To tliF Glw ot rate aad o( *aa*bteF terd or tatter. To ibu add aom* chop.* flag o« tron baaltbtol team o»*r tta
^^rtid iLXtTtata a te»SdlR
®r W- »» ib*
i*ralF.r. PFPPFf. aau. tat- coffr* at .oA a dtetao a. tbl.: AM
a Lito to The totaito Patfarr ^ a^ror tot- fr ata t*o .-nte. al*o a lt;,U ntoc«l al.Fr tta rtofy toUto. ata tta teagte


Maker and itaUlltoE
pralar and ttanklntoFar.
Per FVJtb that iwtota lo rFalm* abor*
uwher alway* boKloR the daj‘nre KlBDlaj; and forsiree;
•^Tadar ora take •‘Itta* frotn »n
Ml ;•
hnd aWFCteat still,—for bumaa Lore!
'! Aa4 hi (be tadtel SnaMe nrai
nakes tbe world a taovee!
as bo hear* It until all are ttoElnc bappioihla* ahaB ««• bur ptacF to'anolf
* L. SUntOB
At «• the aaanal r«aat raprat
rblldren sboulrt aUo be tangbl that
I^a Harvaat Ftatt
The feast of the TabemartFs. ^
tom of graUtodF amt arknovl
Itow ca)B the Ipilten auiumer baae
TbF feaUral of the tarvFst is upon
\ta«e the dtetaai noaiitalo Uaa!
ll doM petHloos.
The a#tfrrel dans from ptooe u
Tbe caitb baa yielded at ber to­
» traeb ber cblldren i
, fw* tbenaFlve* to Ktailiude in tbU
. The Ftav arroaa the raller Otea.
Tbe Ktaln has been tbraabed and ^j.
fgmji} worship, loo. the piv.



tta rteta are fllted: the (teU« are



.taontoa. I>malu—Mti ran* broad rl6»kta adv«»tmr> agate baler ita
»•' *•“'
>>rro coaked te vairr .aad toof. for dtenFr—a Wb. plFailfol.

cooW was incartebly o>*ter re«r.

«. rrr.r;!;.”';.!'bS;,r;

k paste
Thaiikfcirtving r dtnncra are »«HI
n hour and a half, taougb. '.m the trouble is ib«- fday 7‘rerai*"-'.^ < ne »' ginger. KoO out

Where lb.
i.™ c...... i*...—«u. . .m.. 'V 7*“
ihroucb ... .mm-.
Prisoned In He Iron eofflti. bablos Kauce by Mending together la a doable' vaJ.
vd: and f^aim Ae 01.1 j"*’”- m-Ae »dua»h, liicn the aggs WMI neat
tour *hcn
crackers aad apKc. m
boner ^ toblespoon*
cakes and pics.
— of biittcr.tad they are given place a
A.. m:ik U.t. Bake -lA under cn.There are pleamirea In tlu- city Ae same
amount of flour,______
add a dainty- lunAeon
rnch of milk and white stock ncta. after having breaktosiedlaie. to
j,., ^.1^,^.
to daizle and allure:
rrent-ii'T Pte—Ota pint of ehopm-l
Theaters, dancer gay abop windows. «,r all stock or .11 milk can be u«-d< a
church- ranbirrie*. one eup of sugar, obe,oy* ableh money can
toto ...................................
cube. W
The good
w'— prorurc;
vui «ouah chicken •—.. kold
„„iv fashion
—- - - •
fcut tbec^ty youth andmaJde* fetl » nuke a Mm and add to sanec. aeaMo- «»>»* ®“
"*‘T™, “ ,,^^1 1“=*”"
!!!Lf M rem

TbHw *‘w re*. ~T.-i ....„re;;;„;,7'„
rere-vi.....nave neen o.eivomc
...c nrty flrit ii;,'V7M"
mme a Wild Hirtcy. roaeied
to per-

e of the
Gtooco aad tailgaflM p*"^"• ir Ae mother bad token pains to lutm faeUon. nnd Ac heavy course of the
rwJoUte tkai ta togU*r pitot hai come
her chib ^nae, w not remplite toltbbut a.
t» w •Mots or gam. of sorrow or Joy.
^ave made ham. home cured, and baked by an old
durtag Ae ggai ro*r.
^ *" • Awn far plcaaanier personalities In *«ubarn recipe. Or roursf there wei-5
surrounded by
;^;h‘ 'the world ai to7u“r^reWe Mdc dishV^'and the dcsfriend*
our tovta
one.large and U would have t>een ©t in«- acA instead of conisMlng ot piosano
P,„ and
ineno* lAflakd
--------aronad «. nta ttou btat of all. that
hulldlng ^ddlnga was composed ot syltobubs


?s.-u'r!SsrTr;?,r ?!irb'rr.!!t,''..;^s.7rs...i'


of oiidtata." mnA D-'^tonW. It Xhf BKrther w'ho Wiaue* to ImpreM
-|'suiteose." said the Back Door
city streets and city wars
Mrlkaa As kaptato of a new Thankschildren wlA a'^Vre fi^ttato NalMte^''mtaitTmely “t hm” If'yo^ To go'roaming In Ae countr these mg dj^ ahereste Uyers of

,««:-tta ta ta ttanktol ^ >05TU Ae grratost importance.
wtfld wnack h.s lip* and
magic imAeir tac*
and tataW, tacw Of niercles still
a spirit of Aankfdlness. of ajTre- ^. •'ismsua and sweet'taters.'"
As Ae sheif in grandma'# paatry filledalAriATbanfcagIvIngptet.
atata tbe peat .
elation fbr dally bresslngs. I* easily Inbroke in the Young House—Helen M. Bichanlvoo.
culcated by thus taking every good keeper, with another dellclou* giggle,
ThtakagtelMf •» tMo country ronnd
gift as direct from tbe FWber's hand -and while the nesiern bomeswoder
Tta Fat
Fat Yaoe.
- OB Otery'a klgbwnya aecand.mMiionlng it espectellr to the Atoka himself lucky H he has a hocbTta
jiot tor ttaf lor IBat» hove found.
children, as.
pjor dinner of fried Jack rabbit, the There's a wteard at work on Ae JiHi.Brtj^^fapoalrtroi: .
.-How good Qod te to give us sueh a AJaakaa miner 1* thankful for baked
toi«. there a tanlaWng gbow In
bright, hetatunl day!"
beana. sour dough brsBd and fri*d
the vale.
-How'AankTul we Arnold be to God pg(*tac«, w|A a ali.-e of boiled «aln» And red U tta floor ik the forest. a-J
». rerererere
.. from
,™, that
..., danger;'
..™.- Lhrewn
TL. to.
. If
be lives
................... .. re-. Bot tor «be Hfl|te4bta «ks ^»
“How kind God l» to make Aoao
"After ail. " ssi-l Ibe good Back There's a desolate waste to the wbcat
field..a whirpeving tone .in the
jLU gfito'iim —ifi r
taeaffiitul flowers for us aad to send na ■ Door Neighbor, wiijj oae of the rat*.
re m.1 I0.HJ .m.® Ire ore law. iTp «nllh rti.> 1... t.r tart in i.r
Uad area. It is tb^ Ypint and not the uut here by tbo barn.'lo; Ae ,full year


ktodare*.1liitb^ wplrit aadBre, ^

Itotalntaffl «>••>*:
jtaff to ta tatar taf

a-iMtttete ,-r .a.

E« .re. .rev,....

„'-re."Sj-r^r rjm
d-. .,

r r^..
bread governors each yrar.


'raj,. pepper and a little i.reley. When
J" is nearly lull. po«r over preia-'e. tbe assen>We-l h..usehcta

;7ourt 'wWte"*auce to moimm it weU, guests Aould-scatter.''
^ver with crumb, and fits ot hotter.
The young peopl*—and many of to*
Put to the oven ami i-roa-n.
oMsters-will make a 'be^I'"*^"'’
chick- the football
»moinf-rv« Ctickco-Prepare
v u» *.-u—. .r,—-re...........................
— '||*W^_^or
^ v '^o
fryingptore rePtoP- not
en as for fry
ing- Roll each p^
,»«. rriM.*^ of auiumB
aretely in flour, and rut into Hot Iron brisk walk
^ ^
'•7 sno* enough
lable.poonfnU of toMtad buoer. Mt. coontr; • or »
„„ .E. —fl.X.
rich sweet cream. Cover tlgbUy and tta ve
place in a moderately hot oven. Ilako noon.
U.ll ..M.r,
Ac chicken, and let brew* foe a tow aad talk o. da. s reu .,
n armchair sod

Cortord Me-For s ‘*'f“
erm' ..ui, 'nvl.k^ IKite before put
, ..........................
m tbe rustsrd pnek Ibe crust
a^e Ind th-ve-Utore pmiteg H to ^
„„„ „ prevent Ml^Bg. »maja.
,he crr« firm keeps h ^
_„ras,,r-s Magtatoe.
.Latnea Jwtoa.
i,: sanTlafcg bow mack more
you can gel fNta
banted l«mI'lace the lemon in a banted ovm,
L-b -H, rW4
Jutee Am Ota
. that is roueexed wbM cold.


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