Grand Traverse Herald, June 27, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 27, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



and Travarsa








. lale la dirertla'* (he Parker
cTA aa Uorphy Parter and Auminl
IMiaoet held a conference wKh Hyan

•Wk o« Mfsfias

.right Will

ms RwlOMBt Armorr. B*lUinor»,
Jahf SS.g-MMil eaioe to W. J. Br)ru>
(b* nbiR tmporum Iwnio
in the blBtorr of hb poUiieal earwr.
' Um. NabwkM toot Ha atakad hU
aaiaa aad re^itoa asalaM Dial of
Fbrtar. «bo «aa backed br tba bl*
MBaarrathre leaders, asd loeL Parker
vat aiaeiad tempotary ebaimiL Beib

R' V

aMaa. hoarerer. realltad that the
today didn't mark the end of the

tbia moraiac.
Wllaan Banher Anilaudad.

pm tba matiar np to tba conreotlan.
Ha apoba at bit alxteaa rmn of lead-

■PBliaii toUovad.


crepe. I>eaii(irnlly embroidered
siih hodlae and Irimtiiltiga of
• rnme lace.

Her hat sax sbltn la.-c


aad chiffon trimmed vlth*iio(t shite



vaa vUnceaed.fay only ibe imtnpdlaie

will be Bpent at ftirchvood
In the Mltllkea coiuge.


Men MilUkeo is well known aa the



w.-ddlug march

illxa ilrwce Wilaon

In Oie eveiilng.

The rtuiple sjll be

boDie at lake Ann. wlo-rc ih'ry hate
a home alreud.i pr. I'aied.

Mr. and

Mrs. Ed Topperwein


. July S.
The Travei-ae City Rod and Oun
club haa secured .Hr. and Mrs. Ad
of th'jlr faiicj ahintlng with rlBe and
revolver at the club grtwinda on July
The evhlhltlnn will begin at 3:30
and everybody Is Inviteil lo rome and
the wonderful work of tbew ex-'
aMl- and
have been here lielore and (be
hlhltlon waa greatly appreciate

region famooa
^ '•

Suggeationa and Idoox.
Jenka. MarqiieMo.
niaciiaalou led liy

lie dia-



use Straight




he sat always glad to-welcome .
convention to Traverxe t'iiy aud thn

School at Mt. Ptoaeanu

the iMpa—nim» 1 auBd rvndy to a<

be warned ibe ckrkx to fml iliat ih>

fcaa'a winning personality baa
tumeroua prominent speakers achedul
hw boetkor friends wbwvrer abe baa

Mrs. Mtlll- Ing from the elaborate program,


Mn.’i.r Cermnli

if sel.-.>me.


rhoaen by the eoBBlttee tw PMWaeot organtoatlon to be ptrwmmmt
chairman of itae caareattoa. Ms
forced an a
rale is tkP
otiona eoMMittoe by feartof the
Platform adopted aftar tba

« w

nomiuied. The mtoo eomalitoe
decided to racommeiM the rotnwtt to






ihr nnlt rule waa adwMad.

ikc y'1
'li.txiiieas of fancy ahontlng
I'liBse of the an to demoo-

Tbe rail was read by Secretary ttiey

Moore, of Su Lnuix. Will fulit^her r>•—
The rest of the (ivalon will be
-'I lo the read^ of
mmmiiiee reporta Mrs. O. -Shepard

Waodtea and the temporary
made op by the remmlttee tbea call­
ed. there being no ngbt over tbe mil.


Tbe «

Conssrvativaa Have CwitmL
F. June tl.—Tba m
the deroocniic panr raa ho daelaraE
Jlke Its lomporary rtalmara by tV
Murphy. Sulliran. Taggart factlM as
they have tbe votes. It to beUaead.
however, that they will try to pat


one of tbeir maa but raeogolto $be
Bryan's defeat y«
nilnailoo of tbe a


Tbm to rawwed Uilk of ^

Kem aa a caadidale. aa Harmoa. Dp-,
dersnod spd Qsynor are now betlPvod
> lie eliminated.
Bryan fUmatot OutsMe.
Tbe auempi of tbe nmaerrailrra to
aslng Bryan Into Itoa by MSktoff btol



lliicl.-ng'-r. ag-d (■■
iiiwrl M-f., x’iddcniy

iiiiiiii-- liom-, "K»-ig;ecn' He
l/'iig lake at I

«d Ibe romrelltee waa parked agalBM
The leaders are plainly Bto-


conrenrd orcr HrytD't actlona. fCWb
as elet-ted and (be committee wept

.uilv ar-!i,i.. ihiiiax in the range of the tml
Ffn'i P-tx, ye: coming away imxi-athed. Fin*
xc'ctol'al»ay-v appealx i" I
American leople and the r-xid>nis

Waa Celebrated at Wilao'o^Hw at

.Traverse fp-. j,nrt >*■■
will have an ••iiihjpuiii’.t n.

plaiik. ftompera aad Morrlaao
aptHtored before tbe coRwnlUee wRb
labor plank urgUig Its adepUap.

thld eHy for a number or aeasoni

I vaa caned hr the
ocrarrd at Ibe St. Pranrto church a
chalrauathlp by etatea. In moat In- Bine o'etorfc Tuee^y shea
suncao the uh rule vni prevaU. tbe Nellie Cayne. daughter, of Mr. and
Ohio delecatca vfll lead fhe Aghl Ihla
Michael Coyne, Eleventh atr^t
united to John C. Quigley,
Tmela Back Up Parker.
ager oT (be City N>« stand. Father
The Mtuatton at the opealag of the Hauer offlclatbig. It was a tcpi&l
eoBveaikm here la ooaetMrd slmlUr June wedding with Its many attendlolnia arttollrally carried

Want Pregraaatva Rtotfonp.
By a vote ol 41 to 11. (be PMtlM
hy Bryaa to adopt a ptstforB aflrr
not tiefore tba nasdldatos wars
l amrd saa adopted by tbo maetayommiiteo.
Thto new ffmcram


be ratified by the reeveMioP
"immlitee sbicb rtcaaiad nbtU two

lock when (he tub raoiaKUa will,
la named to draft a ptoiXaraL Kara
One of the pretty seddinga of .hejMr,. Maqq.e Scor.eid Nearly Lost Her
: educailon am read a paper.
will be rhalrtnaa aad Bryaa. O*orThe election of oDi.vra and 'dire*- Sault Ste Mara. .Treater Michigaq aeaxon oo-urred at tbe country home'
aad Raynor will prababty Re
Mr. and Mr* James Wilson at Ovt____
Aotcciation of Coitty Clerks
tora of Ibe E'ederation sill he held on
Wednesday afteranon. July 3. and lit
. shra their daughter Mlaa Sarah,
.tune r'.-The horn.'
Tbe (onTemloe was elow to aaaeaiblielng given thix a
I■eca■e tbe bride of I7e,mge Itorm-r',.,
lime .a great deal of ranillng becauae it waa rertala
palga sort Sill tu. done by Hie canof Lake Ann. The ceremony wax Pe<-;
,^0.11 i.-o'clock yea- sqtsid be Ito boMoen on haad. Cbate
rather xfieak Jhix ••veniiig
dMaiao for ih.- principal ulTicea and
formed by Her. William Hatkina '•f,„.-dxv a:,..rnnon. bn. l.y the aid of
Bell of the credemUls eowktheir friends
Itortlrularly Iniereet Ablioll gave a eherl aclilreax In wluch TEnpRe. The full ring service wax-,^.
lee reported that ba eeuldaT poaNhIy
tog to the cimieM for the preaideni y. be ioiich.>ct- nn many poiinx of inter used and little Marlon Herman octed
qijl. kly auromnned. sod
through before aljBL Hasy laad.Among them was
With two candidatex in the Held. Mr«. rat ii> the clerk-.
toe. Itoarer The house was pietkci lirir-tdc"- atlipxxl the fire
are ruaeeraad oeor Bryaa'a aa»
Philip ttarpemer, a nutrd New Y.wk llidl he tM-lieVe<t it Woni'd Ice a PxmI t‘ly decorated (or tlie event.
(ore ft great deal Of damage bad been ccaa to Itolag ap the rranlBlMai coaaHub woman and Mrx IVn-y V. Penny- dea for MirlilgJn <-ierks ii. Inter ,1’ride sure a looming down of blue
Aa it to tbe wood shed sat mlttee. Bryaa to tbe
1^ roem
Haraum, chairman of the departnieu’.

One of the prettiest weddings to


chairman of the rraolatleea eommU- '
failed. Bryaa mfiued the dialrmanalilp aad made It plain he beOrr*

lu to exccxillve aesslOD. Bryaa plead­
ed si(|] the committee to prepare a
had n c
Ibe day .xlJCrack Revolver Shot- Who Appears atreng progreaalre platfonn that la
and conclte.
They will prob­
h w lu-i, he xiiffercd. a lienii- !
Hera July^.
ably be unable to report to tbe OOPChe »t..-liarl|
T-h- ll-HleSiN.-F ■ -- ----------------------------------------------------------■
Itverereeu' Hotel and
; irdy t.. th- steady nerve and akill vcntlon until tomorres Dtabl. The Mg '
w III be over the meoey. (ntot aa I ‘
I. xpi-ndj„f thenixelica. doing almoai Impoaei
Iliii1<-rcer had Imw-d

V '..X'

bnalnesa aeuiou

lomotToa- .morning, when the presi­
dent of (be Kederatlen. Mrs. Hhlllp .V.

The Harmw toraao «w

victory In the rules miaMlIlit wl

a hall In iTie

other officials and a number
oimea sill be made by leading dcbe held at the Sutter Street ravlUibu


“ of «6e atiirtH hgVWtoo'a oro-

F-jiik F

Nomlnatton of Kara, BryM

Xiead. Ollie James, a precrtoilra. waa

He sal

He said llt.vt
hd«pt- tba MwMatioa tor chairman.
would not apeak long at this timTbiiEiM K. BMl of Calltemla then gone .but none are more loyal than
lefer Uls remarks until to
took tbe Bear and announoed that al those Id her firat heme.
■nine and flntoli up af’e
tbmih a pamonal frlead of Bryan and
Mr. MllUkeo to one of Ibe progreethe banquet which lx to l>e held li
Kara, bo couldn't agree sHb tbom ■ive young botloea 'men of the clt.r. portance all previous gatberiogs i
the r. S. P S. hall
He mid the vif
and mM ba tbangbt Parter tbe b«t a graduate of tbe Traverse City faiga Ibe federation.
that there wax a Itall game Ilei.
chairman. Tbe convention vaa in can icbool. of Olivet College and of Yale.
Today's program does not Include
Ihlf afternoon and at three o'clock at
Btant tasaH during Bell's speecb I'poo fata lather-a death be came
uslneaa aeaalon. The aftemoon r
imoinle would lie .In wailing i.
d of N'es York tvctly froni bla gradoatloo at Yale
fptioD was phuined to give tbe del-^
take all those who -wished to go itbea sat tba boar.
take an active pan In tbe manage- gatea an opportunity to become
the gam'e.
hit tathrr'a m«
quainted with one another aad with
Judge May
Bbooted the del- manoftrturtng Intereeta.
(be general offirers of (he federation
Dpted to make
««atM Shan be a
made good lo everything be haa nn- In the evening meeting at tbe Suiter
apeeck In tarqr of Parker. Paade- denakrn to do. and today to recog Street Pavilion the visiting delegates
uoainm reigned, aad Hack here di­ oiled aa one of the )-eunge'r rUlog an'd
be welcomed by JIrs. E. C. I>en'
rected a vote. Lea and Bryaa protest- tncceMful buaineea mro of tbe cit.--. niaion. president of (be-local board
cordial greeting,
both Mr. and Mra. Milllkeo
return to Trtveree City.


fegpaetod ThM rnimaiin Waaa-WM
Uhha Party aad Pama Way Fae

■nniL, Tb^flrai Tietory was tks re-

.Auto rule iiiiil nii.ii.r Imaliug
lijliiiuH 71. C, S


subside after yoatardayt daBmL U
progreaalvea to tbo o
succeeded lo gafnlBg U|ifk —.a |ppt '

Quarnairom. Iron Mountain.
niamxainn le.1 h^Jirel I.. IbiiTeir. airated !•> ili.-m, (rum the xtmpicat
' Cadillac. Secretary Miehipan Atao- rhehoyeaii.
dificuli cloaa of martauu
eiatlen of* County Clerks.
■ Htiw the New Fee Ijis Works. I.«vm ahlp known iu nian. ltolli.or them ap
1i;ir.-iil1i i.-ile. gn-ai rixl-i;, trusting
Johnson. Coidwaier.
■nighi have the use of Iho mu
How to Simplify Vnlernllrail,.n
dining the cunvemien. and •
Work. Uirtiert 1'. It.-nvy. Cai-o •
Ban EYanrlacii. Cal, June 2:i.—Sev- today "hlx hoiii.f lx. holding forth i
lllxcuasinn led li>- Fted \V. I'.xik
rral-lhoiiaatHl cliih n-<m>en, repreaen--; llte RUiu-rviaors qiiarierx. The jur
Ing someii's dubii of eWry deacrlpllui
■at Inn hot roniliicicd '^•y S.xHt
and in every neciiun of the <v>un(r> fkivera and ihexe adorn : X d.-xk.
t'llloy. Slanilixli
Iwquel on either xide.
are gathered
to attend ilic
Huailiexs aexxPui for re|«n> of of
enth biennial CMvenilon of tin- (leu
The flixi acxxioii sa- callnl to or lii.-rx, elcciioti ami ■liouxilig ol i.cxt
eial Federutlon of. Women's Clubs der at l»i> o'clock ihw aKernoon bj I-lace of inor-lliig.


«»■ Wlloon.


Sliimld r'ouiuy flerks Favor or Op


Baltimore. Juno


Many of the clcrka'amm.-companlert
hy (heir wives.



Topperwein to gixe ,, demoiiairatloa

Tlie vlxltora will be

Grand TraveiVc
world over



ed to tbe hiidal party, which num­
bered forty, A rexvHion saa gtxeo

(he grtising fiiiii which haa made Hie

W. den .Ahtet. ..f Siaiitan

barker. of Austin. Tex. who hex many
It to o
frlralramng the Suuibera and Weal
F. Ryan, tbe iraat'ea vtib ferae aad potted ptonta bank- crCdelcBatea,

aad bwMaaaa latereets.


icnu-ln or 111,, i.riile, Tminnllaiely fol­
lowing :hc <-.TcuK.r.y dinner Sax serv­

flower and fruit garden of Mich;

add now bolds the poaithm of preal- the largest that ever attended one
deat of tba Central Miebigaa .Sormal theae biennial reaventlona and. Judo

la each of Ibe 7* ruaiteated
commHtae tanovod

supply of booklets for distrlliutlon.

taken lo'lhe (leninsula to view

Bryan tbea atappe* to tbe treat and
aaM. n atand rwdy to topport any
pracmaalTa, mk U none viil naanm

maa Nonau- E. Mack and Cardinal
ntbkoas dolievored the invoratloo.


was Hayed

irpe*-fi>r evliili|l)..ii

Igan, and given'an opportunity to see

mH Kn. n vlU'vithdmv go b nnn dangbter of Pmf. and Mrs.
■IWhrtwy to both can be selected " OravB. whose home tor many yearn which formall.v opened here today a
Partar at aDac Then Keen ainted
cUr. at vhlch time JVof will continue. In aesaion until Jnly
^ VMM withdraw m favor of Bryaa. Gravn vaa anpvrlnieBdeBi of acboola Tbr gathering of delegates to by I

VM called ta order at aooo by Chair-

Ilii-ir fruit




Cil>- by way of (be great taken Tbe

tion and a vote vaa ordmd by etatra.
BaltUtaiv, Jane ZS.—Tbe coerraUtm

The Western Ml. lihSfTTfc-i .-li.|.niciti'
iMvnxvii wnt a iiiJilier of miix


t. Mllllken. at t£« borne of the Many Prominent People Will Give Adbride at Mi. Pleasant. The wedding
vaa chsrmiug In lu almpllcliy.

reUtIvea Mr. and-Mrs. Mllllken left
« mbiWilv by tba totaraau back of in an antompbllc tor a week's honey
Mm." nairtlMad Biyaa. “Wa kaav moon, and vni return to Travetue

ad and Boeoaed tbe ebalrman of gag


poxes, a uumiier of pbutograiRis

The fnUow'ing -topics VIII
ciixatil tomoros;

“Yon mnat indge

rate. Maefc atated that Delesato HIneb
of IBlaali bad put tbe prerteua mo­


this evening sbeti a short m-xxIoii sill
held in the eoun room ^



aixtaaa yeaTa «r aerrtoa to (be party."

. lapprai
tbla nootiy obb ba true to tbe people.
1 oBOot be Mgbtened b>' Ryaaa or
heaght by Belmoeu." An oaiburst of


effeel In

Ibrnughout the country-. Tlie remaind
er of jhe luvignim was pm uv.-r iiiiill


doobtful. members for
pink flosera.
Joa. Quigley, bmthc- Circuit Court Room Has Been Given
sad tbe Srsi resi appUuse came when
of tbe groom of Oraaa,Uke saa beal
Over to Them. Pleasant Feature
tbe Texaa de)ettaclona eaiered bear, -an.
• Will Be Trip on the
baaaer. "Tetaa haa «l|£i
Wedding breakfaxt saa tened lo
. Peninsula.
for Wilton." rardlul Qlbl___
the bridal party and vcr>- near friends
vaa meted vltb a domt of applauae.
and relativea directly after the cereBryan Nanea Kem.
Wc.lticxdav'x Il<>cord.Ragle. ■
eleven o'clock the blia- iFroin
Hany bellered that Bryao'a randP al couple left lor a hnneymoon trip:
Kvery train today lirmigbt coiinty
date for temporary chairman wool*
atwr which they sill be at home on rlerks from some aecilon of (be state
John W, Kem of Indiana. It ta Twelfth street.
attend ibe -fourth annual meeting
believed that Bryan
tlie Mirhieun Asxo<tnilc.n of Coun­
Mra. Quigley ta a young soman of
put the
aenator’a name before the
and during her ty Clertx which to holding a
■D, raakinc tbe speech of bit
dani! convention at the court bona,.
rveral years of clerking
At 12:l7 Mack rapped fiir
Ia| and Thureday. ,in all there
Store she haa come In c
order and directed that the alalet be
hundreds or people.who.have alsay*
■laared and it waa reported
bald her in esteem aa a friend as sell mep^li
time that 300 delesatea vere atand.
the many ronvenliona
aa competent busineas soman.
Inp outalde utMble n pet Into (be ba'I
be held In Traverae City this aumm
Tfqua to taking np her work i
Abe mtaerable arrangementa
Hannah A lay Mercantile store Mra. Count!' Clerk E. E. White sa* Inairu
for handling tbe crowda The gilQuigley saa with tbe
in bringing thto convent!
lerlM vere only half full at the apec>
for a number of yeart. She enjoys the th«t dry and by say of allowing the
Utora were salting outside to get In
friendship of a large circle of peo­ appreriatlon of the people eve^Tbe eear'entlen vaa read by AMlaian'.
C^ly Clerk. Ann Arbor. Mich. Wl
ple. ThU vaa never more clearly
fort Is li>elng made to abos them
Secreury Smith. Cardinal Olbbona
'Spoke 'on "Why County Clerks
-monalrated then when they
time while thev are h.-e Judge
then deilerered tbe Invocation. Mack
Should Be Retained Mere
imed the church on the ocevtion of
t kindly offered to transfer the
then made another
Than 2 Years."
her wedding tbla momln;. Mr. Quig­
aeasioBa to
tempt to clear the alalet. He then:
ley baa been in tbs dty a long tin
Just acToas the hall from the
aneoiiaW Judge Parker aAtbe aelec■morrow afieruooti will-be devoted
and he too baa son many friends, all
room. In oi^er that iho clerks
tion of the committee for
trip about the city and
whom Join In extending
The eaatem
surrounding country for the clerks.
Bryan then came to (be front plat­
form and a vi(d yell greeted bit ap­
others wtio prefer may take the t

erablp, aad aaM be bad tried lo obialn Jamea T. Mllltken and Mita Hlldebarmtav. *n was noable lo do no: '1
•ard Omwn Wed Veeterday at
taara baaa aUtUni erery day of tbe
Ml Pitatam.
aaM Bryaa. *7 caa contraai both randldataa vltbam iBpaacfaliic Parter'e


nre in

the a<rfl ligbi ri.e<t fnmi candles ol
yell..S(|ti^liUc t<. luiilier rair.v o,il_
the color hSth.

featbera. She'carrted sbiteaseetpeat
Mlaa Uda Coyne, slater of /heLbride
As tbe ddesaten palbered, repreaa maid of honor, sore shite vii'i

debt Tba vote broaicbt ont the break
betwaan dart and Bryan. It
Clart*a rotes that defeated
Bryan. pearance'.
Bryan tried to restore
TW ebta, oEtebUly. vaa: Br.ran. 510;
quiet but the cheering
fkrtar, 87*: OSemMi. S; Kem. 1; New York. Indlmm and llllnolg didn't
abeeac E Jllchlaav'a vote waa; Par­
the rbeerlnr
ker, W; Bryaa. »; (ve abaent.
aaM Bryan, "J rite to nomlsate -tohn
At 1:4* QaagreaeTiRii PltSKefsId
Kem at temporary
*a-*ad ^ afenulaa adietmi antH «
KemV name ataned (be applaaae
o'eleek lMl(bL Tbe moiloD carried i>>
again. Bryan then liegan iiU Bpeech
a TNa vaea rota.
Bryaa avid rtat ta dbaenllee fren
(he aatloaa] CDianinee be vlahed lo


ed the alter shl<h saa agios

wlili (l»- ch-rka 4>r uiber .luo-xlln. trimi-d with w-hir^ lore

.oinpletely.'Bamed with a

tiaenev.n and lairicd sblie rureo The alxuii iw-i hundred dullara.
grounxmao was Gar Witooa. brother DO aiaurante.


There saj

apeerb Hid bto plaa dHipa to
raodMate raa OP tbe

(CoattoMd «g pace



itMim nunoot mltB, i

Grand T!)^averse Herald “
UKlI^vtae B4y Eagte '
1\K« 1 we*



er MRS. miiiTLEr rds^

...... .................

concimC manner.

CMMidR tivi week 3.050




Tbe acene ahifU la Battimore. 'fYnm thia diatance. it aectns as
Thr scene sliifler has run

County Organizstlen Wat Formed for
Grand Trovoroo eoufity sni‘

the women, there was no such
tnre. as she cenid not change her ■

BaltHhani.- The eonarrratire Demoo-aU.and the proRivsxive I)e-'

oe«t(ri(d last week in Chicago.
Mr. Biyao objected strenuously to the seleetion of Jtidge Park■ eir aa'-ftraporiuT chaimah of the eonvention.

He carried the fight

isto the coDTcntioD and upon the floor was defeated by a vote of
Tbit would seem to put the conaervalives. the reaction-'

This is deceptive.- It will be remembered that the

DeHwerat^.reguire two-thirds of the vote of the i-onvention f«r a
•nMbiBStioD and this two-thirds, no'randidatc named can get.
harrMTcrlfted the idea of a two-tbirds vote in a National conveotka, not oowiderjng it true demoeraey. where the majority ahouhi

f«lR bat we eonldhave wiabca that last week in rbicagJ. that rule
111 pii lilnd

Then would then have been iio RcMwvelt

; TiNW-wodd hare been no Taft nomination,
would have been effected upon some









>-;-A<gi>e<tfl|^t is nn at Baltimore.

Mr. Clark, who largely leads

la thCBRmbcr ofVotaa in the wnrention. Mr. Wilson who follows.
Irni'Mt very closely and the other eandJdal<« who struggle along
wlMi a f^w vot<«, «’il) all he disappointed.
the Dorq^ two-thirds.

None of them can n-ach

Keep your eye on W. J. Bryan.

aim t9 S^a


t ''ta aMItfii^he Roosevelt party in Miehigan. it k well to refer
to lbe.pri»aR Igw and to car general eleelwn laws.

It is the eawi-st

nihil in the^riL under our lava, to start a new party.

It can be

ihV back yard tnd all you would have to do would be to
a the bliey to get enough votes to put your eandi-

. X be rmembered. however, that in order to plaee a state
a-the pniuary bali^it will be neeesaary that the required
P be Bled by July 27.

In order to gM tbe name of state and

s provided for on the printary ticket, to be voted upon
It 27. it will he ahatdutcl}- noecMai?' that the petitions be fiktl

nmoral vote very llille.

Yesieitlay afternoon
queriloD about it. she stated
and ehrecM-taoed audience of women that the same percentage of women as
in tbe Presbyterlaa church to per■ men cast ikelr vote at the iioUs.
a plan of oiMniuUon -for a
For a good raanv years the won
"voles for womsa" campaign.

have taken a great deal of inieresi

Tbo CUy Fodemtfoa ot Women's and accomWIsbed n great deal
aobs had Invited Mra. HimUay Rus- matter of clvk Improremenl a
soU. first vice president and rhalr- tbe smiled Suies,'lmt. ske queries.

d party.. This matter does not come into the primaries at
kk-Aiaaliveatioa ean be called by anybody and held a long etiongh
9lh» befhre the Norembw electiont to st^enre the placing of the
upon the gnieral ballot.

This is all that k neeessar>- to se-

place for preaidenUal electors upon the general ballot to bi*
\ „tmd,io-Marcnb«.

It srfll, therefore, be seen thst if the Re^li-

■—sat M,iebigm so desire, they need not split upon state or e^ty

tailing to file petitimu for state offieert before July

WTUrt emid nil] hold their convention and nominate presidential
i^tes that would go upon the'general ballot, voting in Novembar for these geaml eleetma of any new party, at the same time

tMnt ^ regular aUte and county tidtcL

This, of course, applies

IbaB paitiea.
r IMk-Ue was a memaor ot He

OOB tast G. A. R. Of Trave




A short service was held

Lllo Cnr- tbe'boDoe Wedaeedas morning, after
which they took the body to Trarerse


CUy for'bnrlal.
I ago.

Bnffak). June
IW cara, alow, low^, tSit SAe. Calve*
—Active, tefi 10. Sbegp — Receipts.

HU wUe died «ve'

He leevee three ms



She made a strong i<lea for the chll


young improved.

She also staled that

the working women had the
sire for improved working TonditionK
that men have and that they wanted

the ballot M murb, If not more, than
MichWo wus being conducted
qnlet. orderly, ioiellitent msaner. Her the happy mothers an-I wives, it Is
remarlmywere deer and rtehi to the not given to sll women to have homes
liolni, anVdt was nnaDUnously deHdy those present to peKect an or-

and children, an-I it is for ■
men tbe woman suffiage association

ganitathm In Grand Trarerse eWbuty.

[, working.


She agreed with the man' that the
Mra. I... Soule, who for many years
IB lleeti an ardent advocate of suf­ pUee for a woman is at home,
frage. was called to the chair by Mrs. d^lored the necessity which
Martin to i>reslde over the business aftsen for women to go outside of
mOTlIag. and the toliowtng election ol home into the factory, the sliop and
the office, but since rondlilons
offleers look placet
County rhalrman. Mrs. M. 8. Ban­ tbey must bg tpct.iiijh ii>'*UiS«'
war. and that is through the bslloi.
Vice Chairman. Mra. 1-oren Roberts
8ecr«sry. Mrs. Alice Bartholomew

In by-gone times when women did re­
main -at bom«%nA did (he splonlDg.

Treasurer. Mra. Carey HolL
It was decided to leave the appoint-

the weaving, tbe sewing and sundry
other things.which are constantly

roenl of various committees la the
bands of the above boaid of managers.

being told


modem woman,

man did stay •< bonie. hot, she asked,
if the women of today should do I
same thing, bow many of the m
would wear the products of ber ban

charmlnglr. "1 Koow a Lane
Springtime.' by Edwin Greene. Ml



Hannen played a violin obligato, a
Mlsa Montague, who haa Just taken

M'ben the qneatlon is presented
the voters In November, it will be i


MlM Bronson's j>lace In the depart

And lime in 3F years, and if It is ■
meat of mnslc of the Needham Burl- passed (hen. it will be at jean three
college. was at the pipe organ. years before another ol'ioriuniiy

............................................................ I!c

'*i!Rn«a sad Non Unam. Nr. and


Bom. Clair MoRtem mad Co
ilnatn aad Rmllr were Trarerair
^ Tlslbn Uat week.
IRC wn

Mrs. Fred Laag

am Ufa. Oia Hanoi with ibolr ehIMIda. an from Ohumt ate Ttsittag relstlvet R Re uAghborbood.
IRa. r. J. Oams ot Traveieo Cftr.

'tern hgsoo Daw oC Chicago spoilt
Ism: weak wUh *v htetbor John paw.
~Daaaaa llonlmn woet to Treveroe
qiqr jRwraar remniac Moadar.

Oeesge Mnare sod lamlly spent Sonla Bk Boplda.
. lioM Beer of Elk Rapids, visited
OR^HeMl over Saodiiy.

un. WWmm HerrUpa Ml Hoedey

to-AltwM the giadaaUoB eserdM ja
AM Mor.

Her eon brl
by her doigbter Via.

J..,. ir.",,;;,;;;; w.!




Ji of Elgh^- lour
oe due upon Hay 1. isix. and
wt been paid and by reojon of
default in psymeut ot said inI said mongagee UantborisM nu(he i^rma...^ aaid tuungoge to
Seiretary—Mrs T. Uooe.
M-ll the property aefein diwcrlbed to
Treasurer-Mrs. E Wells,
.itrfy thv siuuuot W due and unpaid.
.And no proce«d!ngs at law or in
flower Commlttc*. V,
Slrie -Mro.
equity having been Inailtuied'lo reWells, Mrs. Mills.

No. 1 bbrae bides ............. tlio and dr

ITes—Mrs tico. Ihiwns,
V'.-.- i'ces - Mrs J Jamesni

IV itiid S, .Sid.--Mrs Cnulkctt. Mra.
that by virtue of the power of'asle
■oDiainrd in aaM mortgage and
Mcn'e Classvumplianc* with tbe statute In'su<-h
Pre-^—D F. Wlli -n
mse made and protlded fhtve will U
Vice I’res,.
H Kelly.
sold at puhlle aurtlon to tbe bighiwt
S<-r, ;i:-' Tr.-a»
It S >;iyres.
bidder on Saturday the'24UI day
.August, A. II Ihir. at (en o'cloiA In
;lin lorenoon at the North ftAwi door
s Wsaltto
• >I the Court llonre m the City of Tr.Constant nnd iwi
'erne City. Mlrtilgsa (that being the
anre prefudo i. wealth.—StepbM
oil Oiuri
lelill. tbe
. be aecfw
Id satisfy tbe amount Iken due
I'ursuanre of a decree of tbe ClrCourt for the cirenty of Grand ,lot:eiher with the r«att of sndi loreji lostire and sale and (b«*AUersey s
'■-e provided for by Uw. SiU sale
..f said premlsee-will be made here,
waipr dubjei-t to tbe prmclpsl a
secured b- saUi morigagr
e ond-yet in
•>ecome due in ameum ot Twelve
Hundred Itollert < 11 ;oo r*'■. The pret I. the ■niees i«> be sold ere desnlbed la tbe
said mcrigejm os the West OBe-tair
. of Gmtid Trav <i») of the West one half iSI of the
ehsll sell at j.uMlc auiilon ot Nortbeest one-quaner (M> of S<
aendoe .loVie highest bidder si ihr
Id tbe 8
from dcNir ol the .vurt bouse.lii tL
tbe So
cltv of Tra><-r»- i'ilj, it. salt! couniof <Jran*''Tt^i>.e. liiai l^ng ihT^mn '♦wwttys^^g^^North
pla-e of hot.llur riie rfrmit coii't-fo
raid •nmiiv. on Saturday, (he nth da
'.'I?ehllf^'*'’ui'’’<lf'ihT Aivft^ue^l .
of June A. D.. 19IL at ten o'cleefc'ir
'it' Ol III*
the forenoon of edid day, all rh>»e n
A. I of Section TJilrty-six tsdi euditba
tain lsn.:>' in
,!.! •oui.ty. Bi ■
'.at o;i-lialf (S> «( tlie Southeast
irih cr rsiigf
.or fourtMteNteof Gbetloo r Twawty.
and ueeiril..- in .-qua deer
■»w (S3> all U T«m Tweaty-ilve
Beginning a' n i«'lnt nnrrh 4S de,
gree* iO Dilnui- s esei
4.1-77- t-hnim
Iroai tbe quan-r i«»et berweeo n-r
tious 23 and 24. lown 2S. norib rangHi west, and mnning thence eonth dSegreei, H- minute* eari. to the eas'
and w eat quarter line, i and w-10
chainr; thence «.aM alone seld quarts
tine 17- and
< lialn* to a stake I
and 23.100 ebaias
of tbe eeniw
-bains wee:
quaritr T-osII of unicn
24; tfcetic
norili 4« elAlns
ns to
(u the line
sections 13 a: i-l ;i. at a point l
•j-ion chains thence west o D the eeellon Use
4 end L'T-H-u enaina to me meanoe. I-ost on Granf Tra'erse bay; theoc.
south -;u drfree*
al.-'Ug thshore to aja-lrt H- and .'-dim- chatr.r
weei of the oast line aUoie deecrllw-il
ibenee south.nliouj 24 eh3;as lo cent."
of the highway; thepee south 43 de
gre-es an-1 7.u luioiAe. west. 13 slid 7.;
and >- oue hiindiAjdiht chalor lo :hpla<e of lu-glnnina. i= the co-ant t o
fiian-l Traver'e an^ state ol -Alirl.l

Utan VUtUma of Bk Rapids.
ory's arrived ea the Rrtday boat and Oitna. they aeet a letegram respert,^4^ SReAey died very saddeaiy arewt tbs nlgbt at the beteL fttllv asking that they send a few mlsat-:ids................................................................
Hra. O. H. Day. Him Eva
ateamrisa to the l*Dned Sutes.
BstoUa Day and David Day
lit. •(
She deehiTed that now women were
khbWIr’ •" Onnd-Traverse Mmday to Travetee .C«r. Miopplag.
rtyad with chUdren. idloti and ertm-



Nnrtk Range Nine i9l


Altorngy for Mortgagee,
Traverse City, Mtrblctn.
Thnra.. May 30—Aug. 22.

Have the bidsi imptovsd mucbinc-ryarstmansfacture 09 work
in uf-to-dale (JustEda (tUK Uw
ruoch stone.
Preiapi attontJon


IDe LttQe Wonder

Tecih Extraelc4 Ataolate*

tour da^tera to moora a kind (other.

ttta. LovaU aout. Hr.

Default hating been made In the
icadiflons ct e certobt mortgage maOe
',1-.' Je>-ob A J.mea aad Myra II. Jonra


Old Friends art me Best^
Because they liaie stood ihe >•»:
ttui are known to l>e UMe. I>K. HKIi
RICK S Sl'G.kR I'GATKD •pll.l.s rid'been used l>> luc.:.- tlwn three- genera
wbo was in splendid voice.
qnesilon about its iissaing
She de­
tious for relie'iiis biliouBne»s. -lisor
TercM del Rieio's "Harmony." accom­ clared that women were InieUlgem dered stomach and roBsHimtlou- They
panied on tbe l>il'e organ by ;
and os fully Informed upon imhllc
an- to this day 'lie main dr|>cDileni(
in thousands U!«:* Thousand*
lera aa the ipentbod lhai (here
h edulls tr
Evening Meeting.
CO reason why she snoueln t I«e given Hies for keei
dren lu-alihy and t.Loe
”r.;.tcu M,<A. D. -I-::
Hra. liOran floberu presl.lrf at
tlie ballot-allowed to vote.
Sold hj Ai.icnean
GKtllKitVW I'l'IlTI.e.
meeting in tbe evening, wbl^
She asrured • iho^e
i-re-ijai il
r;r.'- • ••"-tri f, n'-nH.«:i«e.-.
opened by a solo by Mrs. C H. Irving, their work would all be along <iu
roVV:i.t, i <•||l-.'.•-.
followed by a duet by Dv. 8. S. Smith lines and that It was being found
you want on Auctioneer that will
ad-;;-'-.. Tr:i'-:..- t'-t'
and Mra. l. F. Tims Mrs. Roberts be effectives there would l>e no df
get the prices call and see tbe
the speaker in a bref. well
mav i«- Tt—ihnrs.
IJT S. Union Sl. Trivers* Cltv, Mich
chosen way.
Sbe Bnished her Ulk with "I>-’
CItlxens phone No Rj::. Bell l&l.
Mrs. Rnsseir preanted ber imWect
oie.' by R6> K Moulton, which
ieb llethura-tf
' a clear and concise manner, it
right to the Iiolm and presenttwi the
qAei. forceful way. She aald that
whole qnesiion in a nulsbell.
lly woman, enjoyed
Mrs. Russell then ralle.t uimn
Just before tbe adjourameot of tbe given. .Mrs. Russell, howe'er. Is optl
. Mra. U F. Tin
mistlc and devfaires that there is

the publicity attendant upon the wo- gentlemen present for eipiesflom
0 auffrage movemem nor the ■
O Cha'niUer was present and she rail
im and ridicule with which abe
ed uiwn him. saying that she km
to contend. Bnt ffit the aake of
In favor of the movenrem
NUsee BlUabeth end Alms Shank
good (0 be wrought for the preseot that he had voted for It in the legls
ot Baplre. and
their guests,
and future generaileoa. she Is wllling tatofc. Be declloed to talk
sa Wyee and Case of Hgnor. visit
aarriflee her natural resene to gain
bad vote.1 that wav and would
ed In town Ust FYiday.
the end sought.
do so again. Mrs. Russell staled
The Woseott celled here for a' carShe empbatirally declared
If the vote of .Mr. ('handler and
go of slsba on Saturday, this beias women of Michigan had no thought
alor Walter was any criterion. Grand
ber flrat trip this season. Capt. Tboa of polltiral preferment nor aspirations
Traverse county would give
Oleson. who has been eomliig hentbe way of office notding. hut sim­ jority for the gosnait suffrake amendtor fourteen years, baa aold ot
ply that they wanted a voice in elect­
ent when submitted in November.
Capt. Jenson.
ing the men who shall carry on the
An informal reception was held a
Samuel Holden and daughter. NUa functions of government. •
the close of the meeting. gi«ha all
Nary Holden, of BurdlcktlUe. visitni
She said she beUeve.1 that the wo­
1 opportunllv to meet Mrs. Russell.
reUUree In town On Sunday.
man.suffrage mo'-enient was the o
Nr. Owens of Traverae 'City, tn
of the great wave of ChrtstU
sorted hualnest in town last week.
ity which was sweeping the world, as
MUa Eva Day bai returned trim tbe thought of "doing unto others
Nary's Academy at Notre Dame. we would be done by * Is the leaefalng
id. She visited m-lth relailvet in of Christ, and such U the .iesire of tbe rather tbsn have tbe pUtfurm used f
boom any particular candWiie.
Chicago enroute.
Michigan womett.
i;:I5 Parker called the convpntior
A Sunday school has been reortCBnShe cited manrcoBStrles where
Ex-Ooreninr Bisnrhsrd "I
ited and the yonna people arc'iaktuf:
len had the ballol. In Finland, thp.
a lively ioleresl in the work. Abont
omen vote on the same tMtns
adjourn until eight, but not reces*
(octy avbolara are enrolled aad ft ‘s tbe men; In almost all the ^ropean
(his aftentoon. Folk was the speake
Ixmed to Increaoe the ailendmuce by ceuotriea. women have tonje vok-e
getting the ^renta OUL Nlss Alire the matter of government. She plead .md, pleaded few a progress;«e pi*form. 'With great eh>quen--e SetisioDay. orgulH. aoalsted by Nia. I
that the rnlted States at leaat keep
Ravoor. tbe next speaker plewded for
up with China, where.the women vote
progressive candidate and pUtforre
(be same terms as the men. When
by Htaa Eva Day. violintst.
the women of New Orleans heard of;
A party of dve reoortera- for Greg­

Mori. h*.

, (« yes wUe tbr ha-.

Women's Cista..

ren. for tBn generation of tomorrow, Straw, per um .
.......... tis.vo
declaring th :l their welfare was
stake, as « ib the women
Nra. RusmH. wbo Ims i moral cotditioos wouM be better, aad
of tb* each tey thereafter tf market vi
•utallon as a leader in tbe therelorethe entironiuents

•votes for,women" movement.

A».n ubi. ciuu.

peas IllV-dlOg el..<!ed-

Un- i B- Martin, flrat vice presi­

best work was done by the mMl
manly Voffian. and tba^ the campaign

awteck.weese Raodns
p6ct ft <m >330

l»li. end the some be
jlug retted'iJ.'ibe’offk^'of'Tte
Jbe ReR
, ....
'**“'> '
.j.i, im,i. ci.o™
- - . ttiatr Id Mlchigen <ui
Chicago, June 2».—Potatoes quoted C. ntral .M E fliuri-h h
rn-.the rsih day of Mat. a. U. isil. lu
t ll JflfM.40.
s.ih pli-nlc supper cl'llbcr
of mortgagee
mortga^ on
page £«»,.
the church Monday night. At the busi r*'f* inlerttt u^a eoU e

dent of the Cixg Federation, was ir
tbo chair, and in a tew fitting aardi

Rnasell gave the impressioa lh<t



they hoi>e to aecompl

tnge kueotlon.

ete ItoeM Sraetti Treverae CHy, Mleto


thing when they cannot hel|>
NicbiMi Equal Sagrage AssoeUi
!to come to Traverse CHy aad Ulk to the men who must t-arey out the wUlithe women ot thU plare on tire suf- es and-idcas of the peot-lef

During tbe afternooD mnslc was furnbhed bj Mitt Ruebekam. who aang
Tbit, however, is not neeetsary in the organisation of .a new

and "unSmge"
She declared that with wo­

men voting. It ^uld Increase tbe edu
cited vote to a great extent and the

Mi«, aad all the oi^KwitioD to the limgreaaives. in safe control of
> Mr (MirantidD.


d «acb ter by wtra

Toledo. June M.—IVheaL
Cum. T7e. Oaia. S-H»r, men tol^. locidenully. she sal-i
Chleaga 4un> SS.—WheaL
that the assocUtion were v,
Com. 73\r. Oats. tSISc.
use tbe word "vote" enlirely
Detroit. June
t\*heat. (I
speaking with the n
Coni. 7«c. Oau. 7.;\e.
great many of them Hid aM know

whether or not the women really want
the ballot. Judging from other states
w^re women have the ballot, then

The'DeraoertUe National eonvention is in aemion this week at

lIMntk IM fi(htiB«r along the same old lines that the Repuhlieans



lllnslrations. were given from
i.100: itow. itM, lower. we»JS; :
nates where the^ wouteh hare tbe bai- • ttnuo.
Hoge—Receipts. S.A
aod showed that the worn
alow, tt lower. tT.Mfi 7A*. ctaatag
^as alasys on tbe moral side of every T.MffT.TS.

Tbe question has been raised as <e

Offleors Eloettd to Hood

oat a /ev other caarMM.bat that is about all that has been done.

579 to 506.

agd rMlored to their rtghttol pMlllon
in society, andTbfldren grow up. but


if tbe vtd ha^«iot»d aras ^inir nsed.

question: that In ihoac suies
leceesory to pul
up good,
moral men tor office, as no other kind
il.i bo|>e to be elected where the

h t IMI. at tte peaMBe* a
n oS Uateh S. m*.


■' •'

Tbe Markets

CLEAII iBBla Id the mailer ot tbe ballot,
with tbe help ot scleDoe. Mkrts and
criminals may .now be operated upon




By tba -*^<Iar~ method I caa rw ,
move those aching teeth abeoluMlyl
•Itbout pain, and without tne oea of
drugs (0 produce unoonsciousoese.
People ot nervous lenpera.neot and
with weak bears will appreciate the
'Raolar* method of peinieM •suae

h. p. Gatellfw EbbIiw

Cyl^er bore. 4 Iccbea; strok* (H
Ibeheu. Good dewlsn. brrt materiaL
Hopper cooled- Weight, 3M Its SUrta
easily, rani aieaOlly: Is •eoDomlcal.
reilsbie. durable and coEplete with

tOe-NI Wilbeim Bto.k, with Dr. Holds
wneth. Tmveme City. Hlrhlgaa-

pt-lley. gasoline Unk. battery, coll and
switch, wrimd ready te run your aepor pump or do any
arator. w.
Within (be of r«*
h. p.: orcnplrr 2oy<d feet. Prlcw m.
■ Mamtanured 1.

l-a'iJ*'our ;o
A, .

tr- -■-'•'ri!

of Grand

...S ...rC


S- "v




e rostt-' of the estate
Senme; Brighiy. deepooed •• -rigV.-v ha'tng filed In '»a'-)

eovrt adjadlcate and dete^noif who
------1 at tbe tim- of bis -jeath tbe/lcgal
M...S of oald deceased and entiikM to
•eberil the real eeiat- of mhlrh\»aid
^ died wUerl.
> onlered that the l:rh day
.A. D. l;-i3. at let ocKw-k in
fo.-rnoon. at said i-rol-a-e office
31 K ben-liy ai-iointed (or beat
i;d i-etltkon.
Il is furiber ordered that public
tbeieot be ei'en b> loihlicatioi
a copy of tblr order, for three 1
resslve weeks previous 10 said tel Oi [1
ararlnc. la the G-and Traverse Her-;
-I" a oew«iaper i-rinted and cireo..!
I in said roanty.have been state by a Belgian blackfkI':d r. wai.kkr.
amlth es-w-d Hullos. who lived tn tM
Judge of Proiwte
xrntaga «e Ptongfoux. nter
JS, 27. JsJy ♦.

Pure Paris Green
Pare Lead Arsenate
Lotvesi Prices for Highest Quality.
Get Our Figures Before Buying.


Cor. FfMl



lairo ^VDW HttiiR tmttM

iiATtAm rKana^jaaB^WL


tather of E. O- Ladd. aecreUry of tbl* thimpbeU. N. a Pair. Jeha (tomphefl wrigbi
haV bd lilUe
anodatloa. the late E. P. Ladd.
Meander Panl and M. 8. Walt
Prank Hannah. brMhmtof
toU oan of Us w to mlik. Bo Hr*
lOer aare that he. veU teaei
Bee. fMw Dnoibeny. the Preeby Parry RannaC; A Ttmey Lay. Ur.
solas to e^erd to Mr Ladd atny terlan mtoahmary u»d their tomlUea WlllJa* Balney. farenaa for the Pratt frote a large goahUly of milk: vtD bM Agbt with H
to peat urhJrk'totber peeked to a bag. ttoto to* ptooe a(X
yearc ako. One niabt- wbea be
f which e-ere very wU. Ale* lombee tamn; Cny Uermalae. father
boiae froan icbool hi* father aaked ander Panl and Lewi, Miller, nnf of Ua.vor Gvmalae waa to be luded It oa a amall haad *M an aorngod oUhaos lAi^ «( A
b!m bov be rM alonc..and be aaH Cowlea and CampbeU each had aiorei the geoenl foieman. and Mrn^ Ires- h seven miles arrou l>e Ice In
the ba.v to Bk Rapids Although
and who waa at the bead af ol cenerwl merchandlae. Ur. Miller
wullam Voice and nbl^ lather gav. »p * #»* poriUoa a* cky
the daa*. he aaM he waa. Some few often told Ur. Wait that the ilirtit of
glrU. one now Ma.;,/^'iibai> ^eyor of Graad Rapids, all tbe
n*Mto»lBC *U«Drt<»l t
“ BMdad MV the A»yJua> creek. dart after ibU Mr. Ladd went to the ^ Unto soil boat comtot loto
Bteeto. she being tbe oldest and the isinr vtoed mom eieeUeat health
Ik* Mdjr dvs «u (ires Kt Ik* OM Henry dnlme to be the Ann vliltr UlOer borne for dtnaer and Hr. Mil­ harbor that day wai aomeibtoa cr
only one of the (aaDy now living.
by toe chaage.
WedM^dw br w. s. ck'M born la Trarerae CUr. He ur> ler anU that Bddie teeraed to he «elWe hare oftea hevd the aartoc
Mr. SUwMn. Mr*. Craw* father,
be doe* not yenember the day bat bw
nleely at ecSooI
belac ftuva oql. hot here is o
to a maa that sever got eielted
Hr. Pr«»MeDt. Vtitait ud Pioiinr.
ten heard bU father larthal there
at the bead id
Mr. Wan we me aevemi other Aovt being (rosea to. and why
, The PreWent haa IlmUed me to a!»«f* «»«> or ‘bree ti
re*. Ur. Udd taid be naa. bet there Morto* bat lime wit; not feimlt me party became a pioneer of this re One Boralag to the early BRie* be
fbuud hi. boom **i oo Are. he mart
(ew Blaulet to
o aajt
vhat I vlab to .
wa* only one to tbe tiaae Time will
Suffice to say that Eton. Capt Dncry. tatber of the pt«w ed to one m toa .m
sr help,
Uila anbiecl: A^^Oid SetUer: no
penult orto dwell tso lonx
The two otd«M plooean now lirtoc
Mr. Ladd, the arfaool teacher, waa •ot Capt Emery. Bailed Into Bowen
the aearem.
wni eoaOBe myaetf brieflr to only _ to tbls resloa are Lutetoda Bectwlib any one old eetUer to pnnlnilar. *1- HI part of the time and Mr. Walt ftlled Hart-or late to November. Ig54, and George E Steele hvln*
knocked. Mr Steele opened the
Tory few of the olden OM Selller. of Grand Trareree county to Lons fcouab Mr UUier haa plven me
bla place many a day. before be
jefore be was able to get out. tbe door aad let him to. they were
«hd U> eoMe (eer thlnn that happen­ Lake tcwMhlp, «-bo «1R be ts to Oely Interetflna atorie* that
iweniy-yeata old.
bay frote up tolH.and therefore, he
ed In thb. ear heauUMI Omnd Travti Well and
refra-n from telUn* a few of On May let. Ui: the Sebooner Ac was frosea la. Tbe next spring be hteaktom. Mr. Steele asked him
*H down aad have bceaktam. be did
orae Retteo 10, SO. so and
btarty and I* at apry and active a* a i them,
tl-e of Crees Bay. nrrived at OM Uli- ■ok up a bomestead near Bower* Kv to aad after a few mtontaa be aaM
year* a«o. alnoat t*o4hlrda of n eea- rood many of SO and so, and Peterj He lald I’let they never locked their ton. cut anchor In the tia.-iior
or that has been tbe Bnorr borne -W 8----- . Mt 8----- iw• tary. What i* there that It jawty In- Sbeilcr of Loelaniu conoLv. Elmwood tnrn'es. and that It wm no unco
tbe ladtana. ler since, almost atny

• w Are aad I taiae over to
teresllac or beaatltnl <The Political inenihto Mr SheBer came to thtore- 'lhln): tor them to p-t up to tbe
M S. Wall a* deputy aberlS with Dr.
When • Mr*. Frank Ecoteb. one of
ladder.<hMpal«a that la wnr tolu
f ;n »M and took ai. a^ and bed three or four Indiana on Bibcock and John Peuntala weat on
f early actllera.-lear^ that I wa>
haa been tor aoMe Urn*, perhap* U
i^elanau ctknty. If be Mre. nnUI tbo V.l-chen floor aound asleep. 8ev- board to *rre« the captain. Tbe
laternsUw, bat tbve ii
to flciober he will be 9* year* old.
jenl reain aso an Indian can
Min beinc free from shore and
oldem^tlen. ahe tovHed me
H that »e -can «kU beaotlhil. bot -on
Tbe three eddert tattler* of ibis re- he.a from Peed city.tor aome dm** of tbe lurUdletlon cd tbe officer, pro^
owr to ber borne and tolatcd
the oosttarr ^ to a ehanto and a «■- kloQ how Ilrlns and a
eeeded under vtoifous protest to np cMenU ot toe early days of Nonbem
o tbta. our beautiful latol. the
and au-.-' u! rnd sailed iway. Some day* Mlcblgaa ibat proved very totereat Mrs. M. M. WaWi Was Fortiwr Trav
,the PloBeer'dmsRUu
hOtoe Of th* (rea and the
of tbl* city, and, asked ...___
later Lewi* Miller arrived with tbe
U 1854 «bea ber father and
Ut me repeat what la there that fc cl
arte Ctty ReeMeM.
clolhta* merchant Archie Miller. ;dlao lanstiaae.
.tfier be ___
bad _
been new, that the Active wat to Green
mother. Mr. aad Mrs. Codirey Crri
Inlereattoc to a* that ar*-^ E. Miller bold* tbe dlcttoctton of^watted on. Mr. Miller aaVed htm bow
with Its eaputo. and they weald lick, came to Ttaverse CKy from New
bere today, or will ba to
r chlldS the oMcet settler, and as welllhc happened i
Word haa been received of the
arrive borne by flr*( ch.nce from York City »lth a»e little bor*. Jtotem.
ren-g cdilMrea
toll one tbe oldest white child bom The itidinn reptiMl be bsd been told there.
death of Mrs M H. WaUb. a former
Joeepb. John Eddie and
than tor n number of OM Ptoneere Ip Grand Traverse, bis^ldcr brother In Heed Gllv .thst there was s while
i be i»tb day of April was a wet dl* little gin. aow Mrs «ro*rii. tbia re­ resident of Traverse City, she having
to get losetber end ewnp stortae and lleory beatinc him out by about
Indisn druggist in ‘haverse niy. On­ agreeaWe day. a lltlle saw mill tben gion uat Dotbtog but a vast vllder- passed away .i her touaga on toe
tell of the hardship* and privations
ly B short time seo a little tocident owned by Silas Boanlmaa. wbom our
I tblak I am aafe to aa>lng that Faunileroy Park >emrb near Seattle.
and the >oy* and aorrowi that some
happened that was semewtaae'amus rlter was named after, and bU mb.
For one newk wa wUI Ml
■other family to tou lagton ba* Wash, on Juae 11. from pemlvh
of you hat« espcrtonced to those ear­
Ingtss most of y^ know Mr. Miller then foreman of tbe mill saM to the duo* more In boUdtog It up ttaaa baa
nnuauatly id* price* for
Mrs. Watah w.. hom
ly daya. 40. W and S« yean as«. In some one asked him bow Inns Uh bsd speaks ifae InilUa language fluenil.v.
Wavy Rwlirhes ms4e«<rom toe
lead sawyer, k-t us shut down tbe the Grellkfc family. Tbe name has Mspletom WIs, January 1C. is;;, aad best
refined hair. Haodrmla (• ai
ay eatlmaUon there It nothiac quite been here, and be Mid ever store be A young Indian was going by Mr Mil
came to Traverse City with ber par­
an totoTMtlas. and tor a number of came. Xovamber *4. 1S4T. The flrM tor's store, dressed
a baSehslI they did. and after tbe game bad been ration and today aome ol our huatl ents In ISTT. where she resUed
: m ri lach, S« 5e value, at
yaan I have Always tooked forward ^offlre ever located to Ibis north­
over tvecly-reiea fears, gotog v
:H Ol » lacb. (TJi* value, at %
Mr. Miller *top|«d bim and be­ started one of tbe mill hands aaM lag young boslnea
A the OM Setttora Day of tbo Cnad ern regioo was at Old Misflon.
os SB loch. *ie« vala*.ai 8
et Q Ulklng to btm to the Indian lsng> that U* Boardman mill would net run tbe Crelllek family Mrs. Bmeefe said to tS"'4. In Febraarr. ISSn. ibe wa,
3 OX a* lacb. *i:ae value, at I
rrnwas B«Ma « sm of tbe ffimnde was Ctnnd Traverse. Mr. .. tmge. He answered "no~ be nas s
thst If »e did not g^ t«o or three parried to MIcUel H. Walsh. a*d
2 32-34 loch. Slake
eet days of ^11 the year. It has been tor * fother. (he Ule Uwls Miller was
* Laj romi«n. bought Mr. mall* a day no» *e make a kick Of­ be.M«a ber husband, leaves Jbree ehjl.BRING
thivwn up to me that
tbe ffral fOitraastrr. and be VeM oat
. tbe pioneer druegist^ Iloardmaa out that dav, ThU I might ten they bad no mall to ,1s weeks drenno moura her. Cbarie* M . M^ry
ConiluaBs iPtolr into Swllchat. P_
rtls Old Settlers taatoees. oerertbe
Irsi mone.v that tbU Bovemtneni nonbt-m Michigan Utided at OM Mis- aay wa* tbe beginning of Traver«e
Floreac* and Catbertoe Theresa. .Tr.e or TraasdormatloBS. Flaaat welt fl
Tbe mall »as carried toes by OM
ieet I am phood of that dtottoctloa and
paid oat In tbs Grand TraTcry sioE with bU tother. Ur. M. S. Wstt. City, and for almost noe hall of a
otoer Immediate relaUres are ber alsIndian
wlU keep tbe crank colni as Ions region. TbU money waa paid l
Kovember :o, T«0 when S Ud of 1C century the Haonab « Lay rumpaoy's the coatract. la I8SS or US«. Mr ter*. Mr*. D. M. McCartney. Hn 8.
*■ I am peralttod to meet wllb
P. Rrowa and Isabelle Dorsn. of of
friend and Pioneer A. Tracy
ye-iri. Coming around tbe bartior
mill was the leading Industry
HItobrock bought a large Mastiff dog Seattle. Other relative* to'~^ large
.Chtterias like ihb tme today.
Mr. Uy baring tbe continct to ^rry Old Mlsslpn tbai evening Mr. Walt Grand Traverse region.
2V torh. t« 5u value. *1 Sl.;5.
from Mr Grellick who carried tbe mall aumher resMe to Mfchlgan. WlsconslaAn< aa far hack as U47. tbren«b tbe mall from Traverse City to^OM sayj ihat It was the most beauUfn'l
22 tovh. *;.» vtioe. al ttP5,
Jtor I5th, 1851. a little, seboon'er
the eoarteay of a tew OU SeOtor*
24 larti. *10.5* vah>*. at S4M.
HUslon. This t i tarried on fool spot bp ever «sw. and an Meal placv advd at Traverse CHy and bad Oft on a band sled for pome time. After ala and Texas.
the dog came in from one of bl* long
28 lo.h.
value, at H IS.
Hviaf. 1 ^ve been able to gather toWalsh's
to land There bad been no frost
board be.Mea tbe boiler, and ma trips with his feet sore and bleeding,
2* vatu*, at SSM.
BPtbv some facto that
dlsiotltlqo aad opea-heaned say*
baviu anyibtog. and the Indian c
30 toefa. Slk-oe vain*, at S>
to me. and I in»t wm Inieiwct yon. tie Tillane sprang np at tbe bead of tcre«. all white washed.-with the beauStep in and kml. over -my
new law mill, several of tbe old pio­ borne for sympatoy aad Mr* Broscb made frleads of all with wbom she
« you wUI Uadly give me your atten the bay and It was named The Trar- Ur I green forest for s back ground,
BBiBci and there are many tie convinced that my prices i
neer, of Grand Tiat-erse. all of whom
{ton fOT last a few minutes.
*bo will sincerely mourn ber loss than lb.'.V ran be tomaA vdiaL____,
erae m.v po*lofflc<>, Vnd the Grand msile a beautiful picture. AH tbe have passed away, but two Mrs.
Henry Rntberford now lirlog in Traverse postoffice wss change
^he was a devont Catbollr. and the' J>o* t lorget toe <tole and ptoco. j
white people that were here at that Rtet-le was tben eight yean old
Vemwood was ton October itih, Old UltslOB.
freurred Friday mornlime were I<wl* Miller. J. M. Pratt. Among those that were on board that of'toe family aad then It would be
IK] to what was kMwa to early days
S oVIock. wa* beM at tbe ra
T&T'Arst school teacher wss the W. B. Slone. H. K. Cowto*. Robert:
James K. Cunioa. tbe mill- passed arouad to tbe aelghbors. One ihedisl to Seattle.
La Mode Millinery S
spring navigation ,bb late to open
tog and -they had run out m provisions
<■ et^at
they had to eat was uU and -pau
toe*. Onl.v a few days alter toU Mr*.
Ed Greilirk told me Ihat sbe could
go 5Ii>. Broach one better as sbe re­
member* When the.r did nol^have the








223 fe FRONT I

The Last Week Before
the ^FOURTH”

We*pc Wladlng-np Jane wHh the Best Bargains of tbe Year
Her.-, BrtclM«.«oa

ttaf TAlMg tm bfW ever been
aUe to offer: “
Bir Let of Z«di«’ Yrnm and
Piste Qiu of nnlor S6o aad SOe
gn4«. (0 U tfak nle ipe^
Late* Teati'
tuM aedt
and am btdeA at only...........9c
foAMmi EiebeUen Utfoa
ffotte, eae lot worth 80e a garI.*

ohoto (ron. « oil. ............ sio
UdlM* Vnkirffmtg, aever be­
fore hm we ihown rach a larrc
And nried aMortaaat utd
cneeBaat nloai at 90o. Tfte, 91.00
....................... 9198
----------- Veata and PanU
worth ItHe and IBe at osly. 10c
■ IHmi’ And OtaOdru’t Whtte
■eor At fle Abd Te't p>ir—then
Ateitafi wore 18c ABd 26c a pair.


la PonUBAtioi) IbIU mad tbe m.
•nto {inM&tt. An mrM
OmWMtfm Mu at
Tie. ILOO, ete.
UIIM' «Bhric Drawm. hen■tttehed or triBBUd with laee. ex1 (Aeiot, WAUJBAde goraistt at
\y .......................................15c
OIrb’ Oaaihrie Snwon. beinititohod, drt feed aad tan for
■rao 4 to 12 yedn at oaly. .Il2^c


^^c®nBins5Soii3TBr A»j
iW fete At SSe, 99e abdi .Wc
«Ato Site in feitar end
ttmmm «r46e, Me.m. n
Ofl ................................... .9L26


Ready-lo-wear Garments
Ladiei' T^etr Ooati new ihinment iiut In nade'of wnni

S?!.1o“p3'eS *.±*X


• uiuiM wuni


Tbe new Dimities. La»-ns and
Batiste* all go in-this sale at
special prices. Here are tlree of
the biggest snaps ever offered in
thin, cool summer materials so
early in the season. Beautiful
colors and patterns in a splendid
varietv. worth 12Vac, 16c and 18o
go on tale at »>4c, 12i jc
Extra Choice Oinghams toecial
at 7c, 9c. lie and............
Yard wide Percales in neat
dark patterns at only

forJ^U IS, 16 I
OoaU for' 0

Ladies StuBiner Drones made of the highest oagiity pereale, hareoiaare neck and tbree-qnarter sleeve, neck, front
and itoM neatly triminad with embroidery ineertioa. All
liaes. Worth 93A0 in thii sale at................................. $1.80
Dretsce worth 91-00 sew go at..................... /... .69e
Dressee worth 91-80 now go at ................... ^... .96e
Drenea worth9SA0Bowgoat .............................. 92.46
preasei worth 98.60 aow go at ............................ 94.W
One lot of Silk Droaan that were 98.80 now go at. 93.46
One lot of Cloth Dresses that were 912.60 now ^

Pretfy Waists

Stew liai always been
hadqumm tor Ih. pr,ttiMt
wauU, Never have we shown a
prettier line than now. Q« where
yon will, you won t And the equal
of these waifU at the June Sale

Waists worth up to 92.00
.......... 48c
Wgisu worth
(o 91.60
Ladte- SoitL onr oatire stock of cloth'goits-m^e of.
WaigU worth up
Sorgee, SerfoUa and Scotch ICixtores. worth $16 to 926$2 00
are ^ di^ into four ioU at 97, 90, 911 and...........«16
Wgitto worth up to 93.00
Horfdk BniU madt of real natnnl linen.
i***"*?^^ lAdies and miuoi aian at only .. .96.00 «......................................... 91.96
notoU OoaU in Oolf red, navy, ton. etc, the ncweit
aev^ of the leaMm. at only 96.06, 98.46. and.......... 9S:00
An excollKit asMrtnant in a
Ladies’ SktrU.mmmof oar best styles of cloth akirU.
nrgea. paneiiiai, whipoortU. etc, that were 96 and 9%50 go splendid variety of colon and all
at popular pricos, 98e. 9196, 91.60
Bee Our Suit Case Umbrella, has
C.-50 detachable tip and haudle. spec....................... IMS
Mteea ParaaoU, good pleasing
style* at only 80ci^........... 65c
TOtofCiS mmM IJiawsss
Turidih Towels worth fre«n
12Hc to 86c an in this nle at 9c,
18c and........... ............
ToweUng, an extra good quality
at, per yard............................ lOe
Table Lmctto aarttod at spec­
ial prices. Howhere can yon
match the quality, width and desigu toat w» an offering at 88c
j Clt^Mlctifgan
Md............................. ^....I9c



I Frank FvledNcb it^s me a good mie
ithat happened wben bo waa a liule!
; boy Fbx and Roto aome ol yen will
iremember at general merv-banta *•
I.e'and In tbe early dsys, and one
ithem u>uallv sent to Chicago In tfcv
sirring lo buy goods Mr. Fox went
for goods one spring and took Mr*
Fox with bim. after he had done all
bis buying and waa already to auri
for home be fuilbd be bad only a few
mtxneniB to make the boat. He gt»
a move on bim and got aboard to.
boat s» sbe was pulling out. After
they bsd got out In the Uke. some­
one asked bim where Mr*.' Fox wa,
P’>'-------- V*
be forgot her and
’ bad left her at tbe hotfil
James Dunn came to Traveree CHy
with III, father and mother. Mr, and
-Mrs Homlnlc Dotin to the fall or
IS-'-t At Hull time there wa, onl'
three frame house* In Traverre Cllj
Perry Haobsh, .Morgan Hate*, ami
Godfrey Crelllek broke and wbeelevi
the first dirt for Ifae C R. A I tsll
road beiweeo Traverse Otj. aid Wal
ton May j.
Tbe Urn'rati mat
told .Vovember 15 of tbe same year
It was called Traverse CHy da>
of Ifae woods. W. W. Smith was
first Traverse City man that evdi
r on tbe G. R. A I, R R. from
Then -Mr* Craw * father decided
> come to Graad Traverse to searcli
f better healto. he mode arrange
tMts with Hho Northern Bros,
alnet and Samuel to go with ibeat
ver tbs trail to Elk Rapid* At that
time me,bsd s nice cow with a very
young calf at ber side wbl^b^to^her
tbougbl would be a great romfort
hit faully. at be Inieaded to me
hi. famllv and bouiebold goods a«
toon as be conld wepare a place fo
tbem. The mlUc aiao would be very
acceptable on t^r long tramp, bat
matlera dM notl^m ool at pUnaed
Tbe calf could noT
Uugbt fo fol
low. to after Tatbev bat nearly worn
out la body aad comMsiely ao to p*
Hence, to be decided to^irndon tbe
ealf The first alghi the cow broke
ber halter and went hack lo ber c*lr
Father wouM «ot ffa hack after ber
#0 sbe was kwi to u* forever, and
great waa to* loss. Utsr ihe com
and-calf came out to tbe bead waters
of tbe Maalaiee and wa* uken care
or by a farmer. Tbe farmer wrote
father of gbe cow tiering him a cook
tipve to exchange The cook more
was one he toft when he awved from
EJk Rapid*. It was badly broken aad
minus tear toga As a aegoal-to tbl*;
I Will aay thai tome years laier falb
er was aurTeytag torjlr. Frail of OM
Hitsloa. who kepi aeferal cows
KhOtstog the detlgbt It w<mM fire his'

PUno* beariag IbU celebrated a^e
have been before ibe puUlc fer awre
than Sixty Yean—and tbey are nm
atanllv gruwtog In popularily. You.
of courto. know that lo make aato a
revord possible, one feature must
stand prwemtoem-SCPlMIIOR HER- '
■T- Thto I, tbe fouodsiloo of toe
• sad blah slaadlng


From Ibe first step to Ibe hulMlng o
Uirel work of Ibe prement. VOSE capll
b.-^ directed whollv to this one en
wosid repreaem. In their quality. «
to skill and equipment a; the comm

I VOSB ftcllitto* a

VOSE Tone l* rich and puie—VOSE case desigas are wmka ^ J
hrt—NOSE reliabllliy and durability are of Ibe htgbaat ordar Yoa -I

Traverse City Store: 159 E. Front St.

‘For Real Summer
Pleasure Rive
Me a Hammock’
For real Good Ua
price Me the

I at a inoderate i

aiy Book Stan.
TliU year we Uiow a variety ol pratiy. yet J
durable color., good etroog .ubstantlal woSves. ]
and all at a price that I. abMiutaly correct. Sc*
lor youreolr.
. Croquet if very popular thia aestea
aud a good eupply of eeU are bar*. .Ail
prlcei front 75c to S3AO.
Lawn Tcnnli and Baae Balt Oopde—
“Spalding's make’’ of every etylc.

aiy Book


rnuui, uo TUTnn ut <MU^’nt«ubAT. jmn ti, ini.

fkpnd Traverse Reg^cm

Kingfsley Department


Mr. and Sira. George Lyeoa have
A larfa aBOOB^as boon pbnai at my dbaoMl tn taai aa raol uattb
to visit
soae 40 tbe Vpt
at ( pw cnat aiHb pw cat tar SMt aadW, T par eMt umtar |MA
Condneted by HUs Edna Wan.
m \blrt7 aad laaraa at oao Ibiity. kta parenu aftv rUftlag
' A »*U *f
wfco >r. *t irp.^ Tbo rctalar irala'leat'n at <:S* a. a. Mr. and Mra. W'arrep Oepcv
lev 4aye' ^
th« MUtP Of 'CbtrlM RB( aad artlfM at di30 p. ai.
Adiwple of Kifltddr ud ttu t
Mra Martha ('by aad' daugbirMra. HV-O. KobcrtaoB or Bt tgaace
0m «r
kSTB k«M CU>plM
ooBBMjr an sU iatwcftad in thli Pipsifwit
Pearl. vlaUed bcr aunt.. Mra Rob
. aw ite «MUV' Tter ted tut «e«k arrirad-Baturday oraaiuf for a
Wd gbsUbd (Ud 10 hSTo indipidulg, efancha,
Payve Suada.c.
■trcomu Md Inm tber* tb«r viH wttb (rteada.
QrsBt^ fntansl todettag and all other or*
Mr. and Mra. f'red Tucker ind oon
go w
Protaaaar C. M. Buvart ot BvaagsaiattoM^ud is fteau of bowi. penoBStt.
O. V. Mm hM' hU puatlw all oB. m, arrived laat «e«k aad vltl rUreneo and daagbter. Carrie. visUSBBOBBCOBeBti of BOOttafg, SOtiCM of OBtdrtateed Mr. sod Mra CUM Uodd aad
apead tbe aanaier at tbe palat.
ttoati, bodBOM duBCM. psUie imprordBOBU
deugbter. lb aad Beubb Sunday. Rrmatlam. bactugltraa O
TjBTPrki^ ■*» nUW «t Ed Mr. Eunieta aad vile of 8L LooH Doy .Vevaan caae over troni Char
done or coBtomplstod, ttlot of resl ottsto
4t$ Som M MiNg, TimmmQlr
arrived last week aad vUl apeei
UWlttt’B >M( •*!«■>.'
is towB or eoBBtiT. sad sajr other item of renlevola Saturday to viall Mr. aad Mra.
M«n N.ConssIn*
awBier at/tbe cottage cm Chill
irsliBtawt SoBd sU itemi to Min BdBs Wad.
WtUua n«t«^ OMm-McHuu
^ttaM U« «*«»fw'rdiilf Udt Edd- aoA
who hsichsrgo ot tho DepsrtBWBL-Sditor
Maple nty. bb vlte aod eon r
Mr.-aad Mra. P. Gilbert aad daagbHarsld.
t bome vltb bim.
stelne and cblldres will remain here
Tbe Beviy clerted offlccn dl Ue
ter of Traverac City arrived
WallM Flab la rajoldot «'ei
Mra Mary Caulieftoar la able
durlas tbe summer.
ifi- Imke I. O. U. F bidge. Jta. ZeS
ifoek. Mr. Cdbert baa cbarge o
aw hMorr
iba gnat Tliute. pre(night deptH Tuesday. la» Ria:
around aome after oulle a bad apell
Supen-bur Ralph Hicks of tVallou. e aa lollova; Xobb Grand. W. O.
papertac of
strained a tendon In one o' bis legs
•Mtad M bltp br hla graadioo ‘
T a few dajs.
aa tn tovu un buslneu Saturday
Wilbrd. Vice GraoA U L. Maaam; .
He b very bwe. hut Us uiaueR<sl to
Mn. M. S. nab.
Mra l.»U Bodgera b Just about tbe
Mlsa l*cda Brower aud Mrs Bbnrbr Recording SeereUry. A. C Uodgeu:
BUDley Havfctae of Fraaklort
keep at work.
Mem TyliP *aa raM (• Bo»a«
ryant were In Traverae City Wed Trcaaum. H. I. ImUar. .
Ura. tVarreii live* vaa In Trav­
ram w aat bla Botbar vbo la rair ere lor a vlait with bit vile.
Geo Hodaes Irft,(or 'luiilaua Wr-i erenday afternom.
. Kcnlun bu an vipert at ihc
Mrs. Hogb SemtWBd aoa are vielt- erse City bn buslneea one day b«i
Tbe Arbniua Hebekah todge No. ST
n. Sht vtn ha'M yeara old tbe mb
! insUlllng bb nev coda fuun- neaday and exiiects to return lii.*botrr
Mlaa Keubh Hove of Boyne Fall*, elected the (oIlovin« ofEMTs: .NiAle
lo» Iheodi at Menton.
two V4»ks vHli a varioa.l otflii-m-s u be<u a guest at tbe Rc«. Baker
•C Jaly.
Grand. Ada CIbba: Vice Grand. Mar*
Miseea Abdb Kell and -Grace' Kebl
for tbe local market
Jeaaup bad. a llae xull die
Hr. m* lira. Wiaella aaat to tbe
home tbe past v«vk.
!(g. Hecardiag Sec-relaiT. Edilh
re taoBc Iron OberJIn, vbere they day laat veek.
R Ibuuiganh and kui-si F Conrad
akjr Uat vaab.
Mra Bei-blel of Grand lUplda-la
have beea atteadleg ediool.
Frank Moonuan vaa in Traverse iBg-^rebllves.
ver# Traverae City Usltors Tburaday
Mn. O. V. HolBaa aada a boa
biting ber staler. Hre J I'eoder.
City on bualnois Saturday
Auoa Raager arrived boiue
Ma aa Etagalay todarCbml
a bevd very sick
liltb >’eni
Lava Party.
Mr. and Mra. Cbalker and Mr.
Hr. aad Hn. 0. C. MeUaaa^ rlaii- OUvet college Ittt veek.
ter Mra J J Nribardl at South
to -MantOD WednesMiy.
during (be p.
IJItie Mlaa G<e«ldUg t»( AaWa rii- .
A. P. Merab dad really of Claclnn. George Povell hare returned
al at a V. HoiBca’ SaadarMrs Maud Puinian aud Mra. I. Ha Bcaidman. a loupb of dayv
Mra. H. c. Sparling relurnvd Mon­
tenataed aix of bhr Mule frienda at
from Ueirolt and Durand and are gatbweek,
ipr. OoMita tad alto of Klanity. utl arrived Uit Tuea^' and a
llday of Jennings are gueais of Mr
day. to ber iMinic lo Spemer.
bat Saturday afli-rnooB
Meadowa and laiuUy of Si
Mr. TrUr*# baopte Saaday.
Fred llalllday. .
I honor of ber third birthday Tbr
IVlItvx bas Ji'si bad 1
Hr. AlWigbt aad >Ua. Flah bad Cedar Lodge.
ail are guests ul J. A S
Adam Seeguillh-r an.l tauilly liave
bvn was decorated (n evercreeai
mill erected ^on ber form. Julius
Mra. C. Joeel pf Chicago. 111., orttaaar «Kb Mr. aad Mn. Tylar Baa.
ner lor a lev days.
■gold butterttira. lAkbt refreab
Pelts did the vork.
rived Wedeeoday of laat veek and
Ida Fulkcrauti of Fibre,
ed 1.) (’has .Merritt,
Mrs. Sarah and Helba \Vi
Wesley Sparling reinrned TImrs.
vbltbg ber peivnla. Mr. aud 'Mri mrnla of lie cream, rake aod.guH
aad Mra. Coorsa Tala caUrd i viU ep^ the auaaier vitta
Measra. .A. U. SlInaoo^llcBelli. M<
and while eandlea vere served. Sou
eat to Traveree City tbe 3:nd.
daagbter. Mra. r. B. Scott.
ly rnTu Cobell. Causda.
Barney Kugera.
il^ HMbm' Saadaf.
era aud bbri Caae drtivr to Mesivk
gold buUOTffies s:rru given
T. Bbeymon drove lo South BoeHRayal - Begltov vbo baa bees
D. II. Povera. vile nod son Krnext.
■ Mn. TaW «Uitad bar BMXbar U
Ibe tatter’, vai on 'bu.lues.,
irh guest. Ullle Garaldlna re-^
BPent Saturday in tovu.before going
Were lalllug un Iriendt
Urt at tba veak aad tbea *001 1 teailBg the M. A C. eeUege at laoi- man Saturday, rcturatag Munda;
Mr. and Mrs Frank Conrad
>«l«ed many very liniWHal preoenu
Ashby Pray drove to Traverse I Cadlllpc. Suodav. lo tbeir <ar.
leg ai^ved borne Uat veek.
here t-YIday
fawymrnat orcr-Madar.
al tbr M K. cburril Jane
Rev. F. Sveet aad ratnlly arrived City Seturdai'' night.
Mlaa Jeaab Iluvden venl lu Baxter
Uarvld Dewey was in South Board,
I. Premfalog at I0:3b a. m. tbbMia Tonob Broombead aod Mies SatnrdiBy. where die spent Sunday ter. .Mra. K liani-igarth aini rauiily man oa buaineaa Tuntday afiernuOii.
last veek and vill occopy tbeir
Ir. Conrad will take a lev lesaonbatb arhuol al 10:30 a. m. Epnonh
ontgomery of Wiaconsln are vUlt- with her bruliui.
tage daring the auaiiner.
J.-R. Peltx'lvaa In Kingsley
l.eagur al li;30 p. m.
and MiJ. Will Itovden of Jbxe»ple of days' ihla w-rek.
-- OeonoBaiberaadMlaaVajiabi'i:. Oaear aod l.oult Aadenoa ot Oac- tag Mrs. E. T. Pray.
The Royal Xelghlxirs bad a ('
Urn A. B. Pairbauka b apeudlng
>vo on bue'loeas Salur dre’ii's day prograni Jasj Saiu-.lay. It
Mrs. Grace Wood was In Nalkasku
•aa •«• Baited la MrrlaBO be Jaae aa vere la tova Moaday.
Or. Harvey and faally of miiago
fev dait in this vlrlnby.
It. mt All viab Ibeat «ch toy
hud been idaum-d tv entertain the IK Thuradav.
Mra. Eugene Green ot Trarer«>•ad bapptaiai. lie folks at (be gruie. I>ui the shaver
working at tbe Rbl hoim-. veol pmenieit tusiead they vere
Cli> visited ber parents. Mr. abd Mrs
MMe .AlU HoMm pad Cora Com
Min EUiabetb Molten vbo baa beee
Mauer Ty Pray returned to Trav
Summit City Saturday, vbere she lo the lodt.c rooms In the Brovnson J. Codd from Tbiiraday until Sstor.
arm taavo far Mr. fMBtonb'a
tteMlni colleged at Hart. Micb.. ar­ •ae City after a veek vltb bb fraud will spend the summer vltb ber par
Caiqbratod by Univerrity ol HtaMpu
0A atrawbtrrtod. Wadaoaday.
building, vhrrv Tiiey vere al'en tlic day.
parents. .
Jas . Lyle baa been III tbe past
Mr. aad Mra. k 'A Bataa drove rived boae Saturday eveaing.
son of dinner ibat young isriiple like.
Jadge Btecapr C. Oarthc vbo baa
Mlae Ethel Pray vent to Tra
Cora and Edna Vt'all are aivodlng aflVfvardr the freedom of the hall
over to tbair eoB Cari a Saaday.
Ann Arbor. Mieb, June
City tbe S4th to ipend a week vltb tbe week ai Arbutus lake.
Mr. dad Mra. Will ptark. Mra. D ten III for tome Uaa paaaed
Jllas Edna Tiffany returned' (ram
Mra. Cal Pease of Eureka. Montana.
the Mt Pleasant aunual. Wedneaday.
C tbewtiiB aad Alotba Pratt drov^ Sunday aoniliig. Tbe tuaeral
Mra. Myra Hammond vaa abb
ap> Trararat CR T Moaday oa bMt- be beU froB tbe Congragai
Jobed Mr. Posse laat week and Ibey annual 1
Fred Beckateine sold bb nev
u of hla regiment.
i ont riding Sunday.
ebardi Tnwday afienMon at
esperi 10 spend the sumaier here
*111 visit bis alsier and other rrla- tp W. M. Bipver.
L. TOaore of. Traverae qty
Mlsa Vida 8buUer el Jaekson was fives In Wlsevoaln while abaeui
P. II. Deraatelne and son Siegfried
Alva BrooM M ahlo4o be oat .A thlny. Parllculara vHI be gUea aeM
apendlof a fev days here vltb rela- Ibe gneol of Bernlrb Stinson, (be
vblted Mr^nspaugb at Cadilbr,
UM Ml oa Mb.
return In alioul two weeks.
of Ul. inaliturt, .
Mra. B. D. Parson of Orandvillc. tlvee. '
of tbe veek.
■AtraaboHitef M Ihc ardar of tbr
Early home grown atravbrriU* Wedneada»r>-r
Obio. errivod laat veek. and has op-^ Ebe Chase vas called to Traverae
Mr. aod Mra. Pltla of Pioneer.
Joe Madioon of Traverse Ciiy spen' have been on Ibe market rlmx (be
yean of Its exMlanee. The aaalver.
nty by tbe Ulnesc of bU mother and Sunday vKh frienda here.
• Ifr. aad
Cooler left Cor Buck- seed up her cottage 01 the' poIbl
Mich, were guesU of tbeir daughter.
first of the week
aary eierrlaes vere baU 1a a aiaar
Bora to -Mr. aod Mra. LoaU McCel- atator.
Min Winnie insl. vbo bna beeu
tey 'KNiW. '
.Mrs. Clias Millard and sisief. Goldie Mra. Geo. Filkina. 'Friday
moth teat oa (be campus Tbe addroos
Mlw Madde Wiloaa left for Leaaleaching at Iron Bell, reianted I
Trenily. vi-m to Traverse City
of the day vva dellrerad by imv.
Mra. J. V. Van Natter Jo viaUlat Traverae City cal^ Frida).
-srerr gucaU of Ke>. aiTd Mrs. Baker
tbe flrat of the week:
te tHmday. ea ab osteMod vWl
last ot the vesk on business
-remc Maxarll of Cincinnati.
Tbe Helping lAnd .eorlety v|I|
Monday'; leavlug 011 the ol(bi paasen.
Mr. avd Mra. M. C. Lavte drove ti trleadd-al Peetvater.
Cart Tedman of Trairrae Cliy.
Blq Day at Arbutwa Lake.
with Mrs. Mary Cbadealag Tburaday In town Saturday evbnlag.
Juba 21.
ta-Vraam City ^Taaa^y. oa boat. *:
Sunday, c. N' Snyilni s rnieiuineil ger for Ctalcago. (aklug Ibelr daugb
Among the graduates at the uUU
ttt eev carpet rage.
ter. .Mbs lleolah wttb tbrni.
Frank Conrad aod wife of fiandisb a of 11 tends and lebilM-s
unheially U one of the nuns of Res.

' Porter. Bbermon and ilaaea Pny are vbltlng the biter's sister. Mra. R: llieir •Ottagv. 'Dev Drop Iim. " at j
Mr. and -Mrs. Culver ^uT
A. A. Wall ot Old Mbataa. Fradk BrStnvberries aiy rlpaaim aad tbere vbeeled to Traverae City Sunday.
vbo reeeirtf Ua degree from
proabea to be anlu a crop.
Juoe Si.
sl^ in raring (or ber brother. O. W tbe arcblleclhral civU oMfiPOTTlai do
Joyed al the noon hour, after
Bora to Mr. aad Mra. Loon Oraka.
'.'Brad. tmaoB aad aMar drora
Msltlng at the
tbe ccnUeuien of the 1‘any vent ^b- Barns and vlfe.
partineat on Tburaday.
Jane If. a tea.
^w^a-qty laat rriday.
iDg-and the ladles vent boat ridlnc.
Fred Otevena ol Rariow MraM had
Mra. R. Fbber U oa a trip to OeveMra. Prank Wiggins called on M
couple of days the bat of the week
Ben E. liayes )iss einplny<4l
. iHw* MU be <blMrea-a
Auiong lUosv |■rcf‘eBl voie Dr. G
(be a>-cond fioger of tbe right band
J. Ooboih Monday afternoon.
Mra. C. C. Dunran of ’ SrhoolcralU badly cut while at work ta tba Oval
VM at the Boatb Alatra edwtd beaoe bad. Bafftlo and other pelata.'
from Grand Rapids to assist blni In Fenton, wife aad aon. I.aue. Mr. and
Mra Sayder of Uko Ana vaa in
Ur. and Mra. l.eoB Huff vlilted
«a-My Tib. la the avaaiag. All
(be Office.
Mrs R Baumgaith and c-hudrvn. b vbltlng ber daughter. Mrs.
Utah taciorj Tuesday. Tbe
tovB Friday.
OvUtt Sunday.
tMMaay tavttad to autM.
Mbs Jane finydedr. who bos been ircnr and Rus-e-ll. Mr. and Mr> Frank Hilb.
votimj b not aerlous aad.Ur. Steve
Mbs Bibel Ryfcer attebdod a v<
Frank 'Payment end e. Payne v<
Cool.r Csmpbel! of Traverse CIL''. vlU be back tg>
Than la *""*t aeboet every Boo.
icacblugal Manielluue. Is vlsliliig ber Conrad of Sundtsb. Mra AI l-’erd of
^av day*.
ding at Traverae qiy bat Tuesday.
Traverae City rallera bat veek.
Aay.Bt tbe Alatra ecbW booee at to
'•intber. C. R. Snyder, and (anilly. he Traicra- city. Jatiq Sny.let ot Man- is B guest of W.^tV Brower
A baby arrived at the boae of Mr.
Mba Sarah -Doran of Chicago came fcv returning to !iei home lo Calc Istlgiie, i...*is Kbpbail ot aoulliyrn
A'Medt. *'laa: Uaa.' .
Prof. Cbaut^sln of Homer, was
and Mra. Qarpenter Joae n.
boae Hoo&ay on a visit to ber par- Joab.
Dbmond Cut Dbmend.
MlvhlgaD. Henry Rramlgau.
Mr. aad Mra.. Chaa. Aekenaap^of enu, Mr. eod Ura. Thomai Dorau
n learned -wmetbliig new tbe olber
Mr. and kfra. W. G. Willard and
I.evls Ke'pbari of soutbern Mlitil- I'ora and Iklna Wall.
.day.” oaid tba (athw of n boy vbo b
Glen Harea made a abort call ia'wva
kira. Kate O’Brien vaa the gur
Mrs. 1. G Sevey lit here Rararda-* prone t» playing book
in Is the guest of C R*Su .ler
Csfiip McH-ncs Ended.
one day .bet veek.
of her sum, Mra. Martin Doran Sanfur Cellar Springs. | From
..Mm L*dMa' AM vHI aeet viib
Mrs. Calvin Pease of Eureka, Mom .
Sunda' e'enjus closed the
•The letter carrier 1
0. Kellogg baa aoved hb famUy In
and Mra. M'lllard vHI go to Kabma. dellretr about the Uiae ve gre ell at
Mm MMIdt tbla 'veA Tbaraday.
anived .Monday and will be the guest iiievllugs vblrh were held In
to tbo Asbby boaso.
Jnoe iZ.
too. where lie will atteud tbe Weal brMkfast. i noUred (bm vhea the
- iMv to Mr. aad Mra. Jeaee Moore.
of tnenda here until the return of ber groie. There mere about '•
Warren Dull baa quit ’ vork at tbe
beli rang my boy vou)^ aomcMiaea
ere State nurn
TAaae tS. a boy..
husband In (be (all. Mi IVa.c vent ivi-l>e iiilnlaters preseiit. n-pr«-s»
drug aiora.
The ladles ot-tbe Doardnian Prayer b'lrry dovn before say one ebe could
' : UtUe tnolol Claih baa tbe acarlei
Miss Alli-e Cook bu reiuroeAlrom
get ahead of bis. although be vee
Band met with .Mrs. c. Reynolds
fovB-. atao oae of Mr. Hayee' cfeBdrea
vbit vltb Irienib In Benunii.
Aaturally so bry that Muallr yon
k-BOMa MM vltb tka fever.
..]i Ms grandiuoiber at Sumdirii yrs- to the Halits and the nuiiwroiTs M’edneodB.v aftcraoun.
A. G. Aotleraon made a business
couldn’t get Lfm to go at aU.
small tents l:i Vhndi most ot the It
There veie i:5 present at A.
Witter .Mayero aT PIfa Lake
A 'very pretty vaddiog vaa sMeani. iifp to Graad Rapids bat
•Tbli set me thinking- I aeon (oiisd
’Tborn's barn raising. Wedneaday
•rMUag rWaUtee «aro Batatday aad bed at tbe home of Mr. and Mra Geo.
Carl Case. Claud Mooic Mr BI..I lieople stayed during the iiievtlag
out that he ran dovngtaln to tbe let­
Temperance prograat
Hoy Brown of Baxter was In u
Mr and Nlrv Wm Lyon* of Mo-»- terbox only when tbe prerioiw day
. p:.lm|n CbS'lft' and Mi-s llosn
DaCtoal at noon yesterday vhea tbeir : (be Bendon and lobod Sunday
I »0H#ve< ktai
wn, W(.re here on liualnraa
■ra. >la ;^ay etiUad ber a
Chaufiy attended ib>- liall came a; ou business W.sineidsv ntahr.
daughtw. Mbs Betsle. vas uniled
Bcbools Sunday.
and.-a-ighi him la the act oT deatpoyneada' ami Thursday
. Mra. Sam MUkt. a lev daya
Ernest Storr- cd auiriiiU City sr
aairage 10 Nathaniel Qrody of tVU. and Mrs. lUilry Kenney left Trairrve •'lly ThtirsOay.
poatal card bis teacher bad neat
Wm Wells' h»ni wse Jf*i.-i-Wo*. .
While hwdlng a luuibsivuv at. ib- Saturday In lovn.
Ibmsburg. Tbe ceremony was
Satorday (or a week's visli vUb rebon hr,, alicui m :n ,S*iori!a. iilg.*' '» ta* sisilng that tbo boy bad beea
’ Ura. BUae MlUa ^ aa Cari at foinMd by/Rev. B. Douglaa of Rapid
al Cadllbe before rcluralcg
absent from school.
fJraad BwMa are ^Uog her par- qcy. The bride vss given away by tbeir borne In Tleiroii
mile trick, but f
Vita Mrs llsriii 'Ih.- a:
•ata. Mr. aad Mrs. A. BoBaa.
ber father and they were attended by
managed to checkmate him all rigbt
Mra. Greeamaa of Burdickil'le U
tlr.. d..;Ki;l
Those vbo rbRed at, John Per^ ^la Vlob Qrody. Bluer of the groom, bero for a visit vlib her da"^!or.'j
by baring the leacber send tbe card lo
;,hcj ■.ilinjiujshed tbr my pbce.or bustaeis dovatovs-”
balTa SnAay oraaioc vers V.
rand Albert DeCroal. bihtber of the Mrs. 8. 0. Burke.
flanj.-F bt.fur,. :nu. L .Iviiiage waidooc
Talaa aad laaltr. Bneat Voice mad bride. The brUal party stood before
Mr ScAuben lost ^liorse laat v#eV ,
Conducted by Miss Mae Dewey.
'b- hrv IS unknown,
taatly. WaaMy MBka. Broee and Wal- a bank of foraa and saovbalU.
The fovrtb quanerly meetin/; lor !
Talleri Tree In tbe Werid.
r. jiid'M': William Hutrhius and
tor Bayen.. Mra.'farhaU awed ice bride was becomingly dreuod
Tbe tallest tree In (be world b tbo
tbe lobnd circuit vlU be held it the''
c.;;.|rcn of niul.
cesaa. •white and carried a ahover bouquet of lobod rfaurrb Tburaday. June v:. Dis­
An*tralbn eucalyptus, reaching a total
Mr. and Mra. Wm ahliude of 4bh feet. The blggoet me
Mba Uabai Moor rMaraed I
I. Only tbe immedble frienda trict Superintendeol Kendrie'.- will
tbe mammotb trees of Callforab eoiiie
presenl. among them being have charge of the serricee
(bneml intereit be wot to BSiss Dewey to l>e
- bleb are JTg to JU feet ta boigbl
haa.Wi wBrtlm »f ai
Tbe lodles' Aid coaveotloB held
. iBOOrpomled in the Department. We especially
lOS feel In rlrcaDfereBeo ar tbe
illiaiii IfulrUins. with Ore 01
here Wodoeaday vas a sneess. l«tb ta
From meoaoremeau cT tbo
aik that cbnrchet, fralemnl societies and the
aenileioen rame from Flint to apenJ
attendaace aod 'eajo.vmeol lAdies
It Is believed (bat some of tbeae
Onuife furnish items of interest in tbeir respec•RDATHPDrr.
-ir laiaiioii fbblng and buollng
id. Mr wd Mrs. Grody bft oa from Crasra. Traverve City, lateriorli.
sre from, t Mb to
yeors oH
- ttre orftnitations. News of social events and ea. Maabte*. -tier After an abaenre
mto. M.
ot Tobdo. Ohio, a^ tbe evening train for wiiibmsburg.
tree In tbe world la eald lo
aod Inbnd were present nod i«r>
tninments, improTemeoU being made or contem^esa
rlvod BoaWay pvaalag to epead tbe where the groom bas a fine Unn and iributed 10 the program
be on tbe iHand of Koa. off the coept
- aaaair vRk her aelcc. Mbs E
borne prepared for his bride Tbere
A nuaber of nev cottage* are belon
retl esUte in town and country are especially
old. but Just bev many no ooa
tons, -lulbes and ever.vtbla
a receptlOD for them at n'llilams- Dill at DbmoBd Park ibis season aod
' ncccpUble. The above applies not only to tbe
has dared to say Tbe (rue b carofnfly
a loss of bIkiui MUO «»
The Domhy K. loek an eicarUea bnrg bat evening. Tbe bride bas been rvsorters from southern points are
ret'imed i« Flint, taking ib* remains
taXhariaviob Sunday. The NorU
promlaeai in eburrh rliv-les and cerning aooB. Among those ereciiag
toy.- Sditor Berald.
h,.jr euns with them a* vni'enir* ft. and tbe L-unk U ta feet ta circum­
has tmm pWed the Cbarbeolt tbe beet vitbes of a Urge circle ol' oouages are Oeoe Cook, A. C, Aoderference.
team. The seora vaa fourteea to friends go virb ibea.
r> IiBM. (lenaon and little dauati
eon. 8. O. Burke. A Allen aod Carl
Di.rotni. returned ii> Kalamazoo.
four ta mvar.«t:Nerthport.
Mrs. Ottlnger end daugbiera. Mieses WMrIg.
H Full-r and .Isuglurr loi
Too Many In tho Party,
Oa aeooBBt of tbe repair work bc- Carrie and Ploy, of Traverae City,
Monda>. alter a three’ week's visV
one I.’iriii' surf T"ieiiui’
Rerival services will begin,
certain knight of Spain at high
bg 4oaa in tbe
CoagragaUoaal spent (be sreek end with friemls at bod church Tuesday evening. EvanpafeDta. Mr. and Mr* Geo
yjaWI Sunday. ut-:.uiiu
Ink at a king, aa Caibellc oa tho
eburtlh, tbera vere mo eerricei there tbe Canter.
lellet E. E. Mbrat Ind sUter of Grand ^Cue-^*'*
pope, and equal to Job in posOTty.
iMt Sniday. Bor. A.' BenuU 1
The many friends of Mrs. Moyer Rapids will be In cbarge.
Win. Itesii an-i two son-. Hyrr
arriving one nigbt at ' as tag ta j*od the pulpit ta the U. E. cborrb fli be pbMed to bant that Ma -is diaUy Invited.
brv iKiapItal tUigrday ny bl* au--. France, knocked a long time at tbe
and Gi-uigr. ol (iraot. are ,|>t r.:tas 1
la the dvealag. Bov. C. Tklee tbe better at thb vritlag.
.1 luriis of J^iks'in. and Dr. D.
UH be bad aUrmed tba bodrek i*ith .Mr. and Mia Cba:.. I>rt.r.
June’ :f<.
9^ M tbo M E. charck vest 10
•Who la there 1- said (bo boat,
any wjli lemaln ihiougb-la.aitoc
Bo.-T: I-i Mr and Mrv Frank Par- looking ont of tba vtodov. -Uoyi
Mrs John Whiro.orv of Watvnu
Mba OpM Migtav who baa bean aiMr*. Beats »is ill Maiiiou '<-•
••• .go. on irusday June 21. a daughter, Juan Pedro.” rrplled tbo BpOOUrd.
Mra. Kata RIckels of Baaltm Har­
inie Monday to Ukc can. Of Mr*, t;
"HerBandet. Rodrigua da VlUasova.
tcaMag Ottvet «naga arrived I
Abram Sllvernall and gri
bor rrinratO boajc after atiending
. Barnes.
ThaM oewtag.
Miaa Pansy Steel, returned (ram Count of Mabfra. Knight Saa’Oago
U>. fii.^1 .1 W s™»«.
Dent Blur ha* Iieen iiuiiirg roni.
and Alcantara' ~t am very aorr-.”
Piulewr tdtUai sad vlfc of Brantfi. Tn^.v
biirblng po-ia M troai of bl* moi*
rophed tba UndJord. ahuulng tbe
and Wabs.
' atao arrived taut weak to epead tbr
Aovny. who baS been spead- window - but t have not reetaa
THa Cedar Ran ball team pbrvd
Sayerv Is entenaliunK he- G,.*r Dolber* Friday aud-S.,urdaaaaaa la tbMc oouaga at Cedar ban at Hupb qty Suadag. Tbe acore
keek V,tb Mrs c. .B. Heudle.v, a*eugb In
tv.lbur Jobnvm of Man.-loaa. -a,
EUa Peib.-il.
leadon. June K.—Tbe bng astirl- gran-ldaogbter.
beoao for all tbe gea>
Ibe guest o! G C. Cburrii ditiiiday returned to be: home In Maaton. Oemen y u'ba.e
sod I and a. ta (aver of Cedar. Run. pated'Tlall of tbeir majesties 10 the KlngakTburaday
Rot. Clddlasa qf Bmpira vfil preat-h vest ot BngbnJ aad Wales was Inaug
Horace Flan-krt and
trail arrived HoWay eraiMng ter
I’ral Baker lost a laluable row
at the fiiajlri.ncxt Snnday night.
nra^today, when (be king offtcUied . . ___ .. . here Wedor-Ja- In’
utatt vtth iMatlTes.
reeeutly. polsou**] by llekiug part*
Tbe Yeuni Fnlka Saaday StAoal
(% byiag of tbe
Srnwoo-I and Cemerftlle and to at
Tbe tbougbio that come ofted naMra. Bart Beaua aad Katberiee Cbat Bet at l^abn.Aaysrood's bat,lor.tbe Museum of Wales at Cardiff. tend a lauiliy. reunion, to '» gone a
green off the Mioni of a barrel vbl' h •ought. aod. at U Were, drop Isto iho
bad been lefi ataadiag alare last mind, are cewmeply tbe vrori sgluabb
Wodaaoday ni^t. Ice. cream and Oa.Fridar tbe king aod queen wOl veek(aka vas served and a imod Uma *u- proceed U> Brtat«rt>r tbe tonnal opea•ar. on noe of tbe aalgbborlna (arms | of any ve bare, aad tberefon.ahooM
Orange Fuller vent tb Mabel Tu.-#
The apaetal eaaawr trab made Hi turad by aa
Mba (Tors Aldridge uf BuerdBiaL.I be secured, because Ibey acldou nj
|la«.or tbe Ktar^v.ra meamrbi in day to Iv tobv until alter tbe 4tl.
ATM trip Nesday. R dMrM u elev
M. E. AnoU baa a new pddiuen Cotaabos. Ohio, PiiiUy.
Ma«la F«wq« and Pay McCoaaha Bnvr In ital etty. . _______
fbitod ta SprtafflcM over Saaday. 'tan agkta.--imckav
. '- e .

C.A.-flanunoiid ^


Fife Lake Department

un Gwiai triK

mini Tunu hSialb. amo tut)

t BAT lASL^ TBOliSAT, Jim IT. ilU


4o(* thiB dkg. aad BO potol H
ih* Oread Travma («Ma H
malMe to a large wnaher e
Ciwreotlaa Halla art He
Tha fadUUaa wttUa the cUy for
Dtary RevMto Some latemtlaf HMerv of Mg mcfUBgaare good. TWrearet
TravormCtty Wbealt Wu Bata ScatteriaK^
Vaattloa Time Ml^ PleBiaat For Vleitora Who
two opera hoaees on Fnrnt aireei tea:
avaUabl* (or atete —letlagi where
ViHago lo tiM Ptae Wood*.
Seek Natan in AH Her Vertatlone
attfdiace la BkHy to orarraa the
There are ar
la ctasctac ihrouch as oU diary re- croaad tor wc chlldrea. Mr. Haaaah
Om of Ue Bri«l*al aVODba^ tlia •ad Ui«- sMttf AUjr appndpM hi*
ioAf, kMlUtM tho bm
Jfeeon' Hhaacde- dsopolatloB. baa UBdiAM in ttflag (bM aw delicbt- order. The fruit aad repetable car* cmtly. 8. E Wiillcsme wms the foi- turned Us horses eot te Mare Umre part af the cltMhat can ho am
with the cuttle. The Rice meeiiaga. where Icaa thva five boadred
fal <k>BCM of Mac tka radoa aa
-amoos tbe Isrcaat la tbe
:u«t with laataat fator with aU the ve aloan kaew lu
Clrts aad airself used to catch Ihe
are la shape to tuwrty the table
SaaW. Joly.U. tl34-Tbls after- horses aad ride without saddle or Vrt- will he prreeat »m4 for ccramlUoe pw
ncfbeira aad there are a Miatber of aever la better ooodtOoa aad ibe orHberally with a crest rarlety of fresh
Fartbcramrc. *everal of lb.
the aaiallar rooorw that are aailoni «banU are voaderfnl la aU Ualr
aooB e: II.' Oauie. I. E W. Babbitt dlc. aad CO calhUdBc orcr the u hole
food. The orchards, too. promise
rtmrb buHdlag are well adopted lor
lu U repreeeried. ao that they may beautr.
OOP of a rariety of larcer aad 1 weal oat to the Cmapany's car- catdec. iumplac over Iona and brook
meeUags of a rellgloui
vpo* M ViW
aw** all
fruits and later la the emeoa
dcB, about a hsU a aille boo tbe tIilira mat; cava aa enjorab
mPrellgloua aatare.
•be phS^oi waaement tor the earnsupply rupee and meloaa The table lace. and catberrd ah^ two quaria seK nard t pb after burfcleberrieA
Tha hotel acvouaodatk
Btr etaltora. Secretarr Holley te la er to tbe cUMU at Mn. Klai
M Bay toed, and also
■la hotel Is under (be direct so- of raspberrlea. On our retnrn we
thourt exUMivc. are not what they
iwdam loach with alt the verteus diaias ball. Tbarada^ eTeaSacstopped at'Walter Whilaey'a place, weot bersebark .ridiac oa Mr. HanparTiskm of tbe proi>rle(or's wile,
likely te be la tha early hunre
ptaeae aad be will be kept busy
K^mr f»»Wvrr gntot Hod *f t
aad bouebt «wo quarts ol milk. We aah's faereea. ' Ah. well, those «i
der whose eSoru that depanateac
teinlpaeot. each aa the atord
CatbartBc and dUtrlboUac this laterthen west oa our way. aad Btoi<pe<l "coldea day> " of chlUbood. never
H fair, aad the otaadard of aereira ii
, »aum. jaen ore «rre laqulrleo a(^Gir*ood'a f.loaaaat re»rt
be their Florida bouae la that stale, haa
Mr. Rice's and die onr berrie* aad come bat ooee la a lUclIme. Hew good
high bne lb« pumber of tbe iwKela
tbto titaa tbaa laat >-ear. and from fcaowB br la the fatwe. aad be has
'Cloven' are sure to be pleased
■ Brel the tegor late the com add tha
•et aa great aa tha Jewaade aee
OMTo of the dUtant lUtea aad dUea. baea refltUnc bii piaee for
UelBS OB old poteloea, fried pork, aad back to BA acala la memory: they
iBodaUoB or hie coeata. aad Uw »IH aad aailsfted.
mat Bor la the copadty of tbe temoe riod. thea tha fcmr. atiUd three
hrichten up our beans as we begla
bread and molaasea.
with tec laH nod baklah pDVd«:
surelr be well t^ea care
aeveral hootelriea as gimt aa aaaav liiBca
te lou over the k>nc Waste of time.
and. IreHy. tba mllfc. BahafashmMr. Wall co^ tbe above oB
On OreCB LaU will be e bumy
lira J. V. Newt^o. of Toledo. Ohio,
qre not
place tUs eeasoo. for H. H. Olde the card, and mallrd it lo Mrs. 1). Wllfature promise* us moch aloog these
Tbe cwau at Ible popular lOacc are w well pleased with the aurroaad. Ilcbi-kecper it Harbor Bprimn.
owner, hae already twenty eotusea
aad lara over aad over Into
are a happy ortooy. al»-aya endins
Thomas Hitchcock. AgatsJ^' Goodale. llaea.
"i wbfla stOI wmm. pradge the top
now bdldbic are more t^at wbo was one of the “Wblluey clrb.Bunoe pleeaiet way of paaela* the time a Aae fottmise aad are at It already.
Opportoxitln for Bid* Trtp*
Williams has al- Mi*. Henry ruiapbelC Edward Orel
IB be ready for occupancy.
Many iicaple vie* aurndahco upon
aad this last wedt there hare Iteea TUa will be a crest addliloa
uek. Mra. Frank BroM-b, and youroeU.
oted la tec itVr roll coSome peritee from Columbue. Ohio,
Wrtacaatthe reaort.
a ceaventioe la (hr aslarr of a vaca- aUes it te be rotted wiiboot daoger of
are about all tbat I kouw of that
and Mrs. B. P. Haklap. o( la- are here for the aeaioB. Tbe boai
iMPereat eouaces. and1 the erealap
will be rememiH-red as Itir ai-Hior of there la ISM. And I think the Orel Ubo and. they plan lu da as much cncUaf. Hare tea oulkscddiachor.
polls. lad, at* reclatcrcd aad ead the hotnee are at the dUpoul of
aldht.acaias la eomtettloa v't*i their also be careW-te hare the cggB aod
l■Bsad wtU eard partlea. aad
pI tho licki (lU not come uaiii ISM.
beaten together *otil rery Ugfat
_ __________ _
(be cueets aad there la a dally msil
There ei» a aumbec of »«>
Our people Went tbecr la Auguai. oBMal detl*a as passible. To people
ly. ■skcUanMdcnteovso.
good___ _
aaonc the rttitore
Mr. and Hr*. E. J. Obmer. of \Vlch-,eemcc aad Mlepbone .commualca- 8ca." Ic^•|■oJ»^ Mr. Wall received iht- ISiS. about three weeks after oor bal ao laeliBcd. Traierse Clly ti ao Ideal
K C JeOy Roll is illastntvd oa prao
wlm ai» rary wUUa» to add their lia, Kaa.. will arrlTod July 1st, for a Uoa.
followisc Irti.which lx herewith
Itb tbe Mormoas al Charlevoix pUi« for a samaKT meeting. The op- teirty4wq of the new aod huidsomdy
it of the crowd. month.
ponueitles (or aide trips i
i-occnrred oa tbe I3lh of
ClvcD la fifll. at a rhari
D. K. Conley: of Cbleaco. HI.. wUl
There are beaatltul toadwnya for a«i
Mina KlBC. of AppMoa. Wla, aad
Uoa to the reulBlsceacea of the early 1U3. Oar people left Immediately.
___________ nertrf BieveJyJSmo
her aUter. from Oilcaco and Hlaa arrive’ this week aad remain a cood mwniac more aitiaetire each year days of this regioB. It is most Uauly.
tbe Caefield fi<hlac grouad driving, there are boats upon the Bny ran of K C irtte Fowte te tk
and ihU season the Ina will be Ip;
He ---dellcbu
.....a u.
-----------------Tripleu. of Bt. Loma. wUt arrtv* aa,»hare
sad^or peetHlar latcrett because of oaisldc ul Noribpori do the point half for the krt-era of water, there are trout Jaflint KM. GB..J
the (uwte of Mias bawta. aad remain la
' 'flsbiBc and tho bass are Use at Cberce of Mra E A. Van Here. There
of Tiuverxe City
way out lo Cathead Ugbu Mr Byron BirvalliS neaity fur lbus>- who wlah to
anmmodstlona ter iwraty'eueaa
thia IMIty. The Bah dinners that
iheir luck and there arc
for soma time.
welcema the Old Settlers' Asmp Utlou Strvkei bad a little liookcr. and he
e hotel and tbe manacement
Hr.'Garwood serves are well worth
Mra. Behryer. of •■Ocayatoao'
Hartmr Sprtiws, Mti-li.
moled my peoide from Cliarle-olx. HTeailBg town* and viiragea wlthla
thstithey are ready to serre
golnc that distance for.
Ml*. AUce.BeBieB Beror passed
Hay K. ISi:.
we fished three weeha. doing a fifty tulles.
Uca Is amkiBc
special flab dloners at aay Ume. and My Dar Fricnd:m ^U1 he the laataUlac of
Tba elgbleen milva from Trarene vay oa tbe afUTuooo of June 11.
good fishing. wM our fish al Norihthe
Hotel Uelanan. has tfae-tollowtni;
I»I2. at her farm bsuic. ~l«nty.
Your card came la Joe ilme. and
r. Burb(«E and lima Mr.
M eeitae to pump water tram a deep
WUe*.~ OM MlAsloa. Sbe wa* borii
well on ae promlaea. to aU of the CaelanaU cnetu already for this addreaa then R. F. D. No. S. WaU was much {^crested la your llule his­ Blroke* look us to Howera Harbor,
lausburg. Jefieraon county. New .
. three cottace* that are laeteded In week, wb will rcmalii some line, eyed pike, black bass and Wue cUU tory of tbe fM days la Traverse City where wc vialied three days with Mr.
Mra. U. Mack and son. Mrs. B. J. Fox are Utllis nrmly. hoata aafi tackle is That oia-Jdarnal of yours must bring
Bowen. They were oar Hlchlgaa. The aernic benaty of tela Torti. rt March 4lh‘ I^. haini tec
Uls croup. The water Is eoaveyad
danghter of Charlei nad Mary’^lmacii
back maay plestaat scenes of your ataoneb frleada at tbe laland. aad strip of BMther eanh. with tee
different parts of tbe eottapea a*d and non. H. L, Mayor, and G. M. Dltt- ......................the hotel, and nolblac
U overiooM to make the cueau feel younger days. 1 so
When ahe. wao^jpur'i-rare
Graad Trarerae Bay on eibw^ aide,
Will be smethlBC that la not uoally
and desire to ea)oy a
maho aomo- Important
tbat 'Ceaipany's Gardee." where the
eaioyk at such placaa.
Mr. Savage tort ** from there with with Ha SIMP hiUa. lu rolliag ptetaa. of age tbe family movevi to iotnyoa .
eoqtitr. Wlmxramo, Op .am. lTIh pf
the polot.
bla cottace
wild raspbeiTles grew, and
Us niUve woods, lu large
Mrs. Walter Dewm and tMOy of
bla l|tUc Iwrter te Trareraa City
ries were bidden amoag the tail bright day when ve eonlid aee ibe chards. lu well kept farms. Dodern Mareh. HUB, Abe was oaUed
niltlcu(te.*lil, M at on* (d these been a ymrly visitor here for many
la aiready fof the summer cuesU grass. aaJ tbe ruaning brook with tbe .white steam and amokc from the big farm bouses and *aat sttraedva rings to Tbomaa Tbompaon Eeete'
year* aad say* that tbU Is tho finest
eottaCM for the aaaaon.
and many beva written for their
They moved to Old Mtaekm to'iOatewhite tbe bottom, making saw mill.. Oh. hpw happy I fc'
and cborcbes make
ttf. >W. Taaaer. of Saclaaw. drove place in the'werid.
aceomamdaitona. This has always that sweet gurgllnK souad. *berc '
reglOB. tbe vIcIHng of wbieh li fall «t twr. 1ST2.
atood on the deck of tbat> little
throuch in bte w. tiHiisiBc hU fami­ Tbe hotel never was la beUar eonBraids the busbaad abe I* gantved
ly. who have ^wned the family eot- dltloB to take care of lu gueata then proven h. moat popular place, aad often weal after tbe eleur spring wt- for DOW we were going to live where ^earant earpriees.
Use for the season. They had as
.ful In its -history. It Is hlthla spniBaf Ibe brook la many plate* tor aaythlBg else, where «e would be aate
t teat ukcB a atroag
ndoae tor the contort of the
Kuaste OB tbe trip Dr. Wood, of Sasleasy
bold oa ih« Tiallor from tha (aterlor
from the Mormoait
saw and Herbert Kenlstoh. of New people.
Ves. how weU I remember our cow,
Chaa Ronaer. wbo la tho leolal pie take thU dellchtful ride. The ear­
The first peoitle wbo aiei
of Ibe Bt£5a..„The Bar «1te Ha rag­
York City, aad thb leatlemaa. who
coBsldered one of the fainny. dock at Undine were Mr. and Mrs ged abore.'lte grand lateada, lu bill
lanacer of the new **WolverlBe' at ly moreiafs are the dailsht of tho
fa aa extended tntvaller from i
TisUore aad the}' .onjoy the walk to and her name was Nellie. Tbe neigh­ James K. Cnaton w lib her -firiit lillle punctured boriioa line, aad Us water
to coast, says of the trip down the Boyne Cit.r. and who
bors often called her Nellie WTiliney girl baby in ber anus.' Wa knew ber (hat Is almost rersul pure. Is
pealnaala, that be has seen notblnc with Mr. Saint Julled Iq the Hotel the bay at the sun rise lime.
deceased kaew abe was aot w*ll.'b
At tbe time yon speap of. Nellie was
her mother. Mr" Baxter.
thing te be long remembered.
that oemparoa with It la any -of hU
ber dretb ««* a *«n>rl** aad shock
OpMo Taho Tima to Harden.
the only cow la Traverse City.
Alvin Rmllb was *!ih her. Tlicy had
There are treat etrc-imr. la
IravMs. tho acenery Isauperh and the
WhM opala are first takan from the Thomas Cutter had one tbe yee
to tee whole community, la whkk dl^ ;
Ibe lUlle veael coming, aafi had every' dlrecUoa from dm cH.
cUmaUc condttloaa are UaaL Hr.
, minothey arose aeft that tbay eaaho fore, but she waade/ed away with the Alrolled down to ihe dock lo leara beee stresme are the tunes of the was highly raiecajad. The cane of
Taaaer U maklnc r»d um ot'Ma nor.
1 « ibb
!• UM u, UM .n a. an, aui Comilaay'e <utGe. and was never
was peraiclous anaemia.
who bad tome to help swell tbeir lit­ lamcat trout kaovro to man. Train
Tbe tuaeral rarvlcee were held to
found. Nellie was brought from Au­ tle selllewrnt al 'fidgdad.' that being eorvlee Is right to preniit oollngi of a
the Cpagrmtioael ehureh. o( which
rora. I!!, hr Jdi. and Mr*. .\BBlla. who the name of the dMrlct anmnd the alagte day on tet*e
moved bac^^lo Aurot*. and father mill pond.
Elk Rspida to Ibe northeast and U- sbe was a moat ceaalstesl Otomber tor
bonght Nollle. She proved a noble
Guatoa lived In a-little house toad, w ith the Maaltoa lalaada beyond over 20 yshr*. iier pastor. fUy. A. A.
cow. and every body loval Nellie tbat But acioa* the lllHe bridge. ‘%e
to tec aortbwesl, are polnu to which Wall, preached a mrat 'ooHsMe aarliked milk, for she prodnoed great, traeli ted dow® from ihe llitle *aw aide trip Journeyc can prolltebly be moa frem tbe words of the Pralmtot.
‘1 will make thy name to be reeaeaquaatitlea of milk, and all tbe nelgb- mm to tbe dock where Inmber
breed la dU gnparattoos: tbarefora
the Oartands, the Ricci, l-mas.
idy for loadlllf. Mr*. Smith
A Pubik Spirited Paeplaand other*, saved aod her tausbaBd kindly laataud (hat
ID cboaelag a coareallon city, th? Bball tbe people praise teM forever
and eVer.~ fie spoke of-bar a*'poeaU them ak* feed f«r Krillc and we should go home with them, which public aplritcdaeoa of tbe people la
brought It over to oor booae every
•llrl and remained a week uaill
factor tbat couaU. Here Traveree eeralag 'a good nama' aod ga—rai
tha large congregalJoB tbet abe wp^
Gnoton moved erer lo Ibe apol where Clly Bcores ld» per
Nellie's good rich milk. Mother he evealually built hU Be* -boma be admlttedTi; all who stop for a mo- ba miembered for tbe ualfonnlir of
Phooe 171
PhoDe 400.
I wry lartlcnlaf abont her feed, Tbes we oven pled for « time the mem and recall tee cveoU of the paal ber Cbrlaiton charmetar. for bm riipaaad cleuu pail* to drtnfc from, and bouae Mr Cuutoo left. ATlerward we week. Net only was the bn*lae*a set' w'lHy and for bar grrat kladaaaa In
tee horara where there was skkaera.
Nellie noon luraed lo'he no very par- bought a bouse from Mr. Hilary be>lda tios of tee city * ’ ■
' -----'■■■
Sbe was at several rimra the' preslilcular herself that ahe would ral only Ibe mill pond on ihe road lo the CoBi- for tee Eagles aad,'*lth Ibrlr o-a cotore
dent of Ibe Imdks' AM seeiely. At
the dalnikxt foml. and Ix-r driaklng j*ny'A gardeo. in IMG we moved over but the vtoHora
made to trel by
ber foDreal tweaiy of ibe laeailmn
■Iwaya Iwd to be aplck aad m«o lo (trelll.-k'A mill and reaialoed fhere
of a'hundred lillle things tbs' were prrsenl. Ttie floral oterlB0
nnUl August S». 1*57. w.hep we re; they were la a rU»* Vherr
Clager as
an liiiaglnt- jouraelf aud "Kebi' lurnei to Beaver laland the year alter well SB blood roiinuN through Ibe from this BorlHr from the rbarrfa and
IBrir needs kcTC at ICBS cost than elsewhere.
from the K. O. T. M . ol wbkh the
naiim. HA we alwaj* called him. I Klag StnaTa deatt.
reins of Ibe people Tb> service read aen la a mamber. betodra ether*, braehad foreoliea Mr. Babbitt. 1ml when
Large Assortmeob, Low Piices, and libetal Terms
reading your card retailed the
memory, and moH *11 pleaaure. lor played tu amount of eaterpriae tbat liful as ibey were, were bat aiUM esand rvtueiiihrrcd the mao. No doubt rtOdrM weaU Ihtags beautllol In pa­ would br a <T<Hm to a clly of twice prraaloBS of ihe refarit and Wjve the
■eke the Globe Store aaMealpUeeioryonlotayjoalnaielnrlor her.
Ihoxr dcIicloOA red rafpberrtai
tera. and I waa a very happy cJdid. Hu- sire of this.
Tbe eburefa has Ukea aaiUU* ac-.
good Aweet mlfk wtTO a relish te you
t the moat of everything
Our People art Heaprte
" '^Ta%Kne wbo wUl be employlBii extra hmCs lor ibe Iron seasos
V-W to wpreed noon lu mtooteo He apMr- Blee’a Wide wefa
Tea. there are only a few of u*
Aa final cvldrare tha( Traverse City
or barvcsliag, we also wish lo sta'c Ibal we have a e impicte Uoe al
;Bro<aUob R her.______________
lotelv neighbor*, also the OarteDda left of that Ume in Traverse City
I* a good city in wbicb to brti a oonaad smith*.
I am. your alacere frien-l.
venilon we rile Ibe fact teat tbe peoLow Pliced Spiiniis, Mattresses asd Steel Couches,
That ComiMtay't garden was a idayMrs. I) Williams.
piv are hospllable That they ar*
At prices that 4efy 1
warm brarled. that they lov-e ibeir fellowmeB sad teat they desire lo do
Wt soUell BsU orders and i
tbrir part toward promoting happlqraa and proAperity. Il U much betRESOURCES AND ADVANTAGES OF
■er (O' bold a coaveatlon to a clly
where Ibrv are mercctury. greedy aaJ
where tee people are boepliable. than
aelfiab. The opeatag of-(hs Traveree
CUy bone* te the granger* of tee
ExscUy like cut
when tbe big oseetilkgs were
This is one of a scries of artides being published by eute
held la 1H.>» and 1«10 waa ao mliuke
tiie Herald and which go lo shew that Traverse Il fnrnlAhed the fiasl protf tbat oor
City offers to him who will cast his lot with her opportun­ people have tbeir bearta la tbe right
place, juid wbai better argnmeat
ities tbat are exceptional
Sbingla aeither epid. warp
be made than tbla la snpport of
All MeUl Sanitary Bed or Couch, drop sides, angle-iron frame with casters.
aorrol. TheyMaAbeUmO
malD propoalUon of this trtlrleT
•BOW.wind and rai*. reartoaad
Xhc porpose of the aeries of artklet test Is srreASlble to s Isrg.- nuiubcr
The liidi f^ric top U supported with two rows of coil springs.
Trsverse ntv Is s good coavenilon
rear out. tone after higb-pilcad
la which this la tee seventh la to point of '.busc wbo are Ilkvty to be In atlend- rtty because It la accrealbk. becausBetter grades in Davenport style with arms, up to................... $8.7$
cedar ahinglra arc leakruatogw.
avrrac t'lty la lo>aied about
oat that Traverse Clly la a goud city
It hx* xood cosvemlM balls sad good
be related to. la abort teat it is a mldwsv between Lktrolt and Be*ae hotels, because there are many o
good city Ih which to be bora, to live, mer and bence ■* lairty aUnaled
tnnille* for sMe trips, beesnae
die and to be buried. The Imtaedlpremie arc public spirited, and
: purpooe of this article is to make bership from the upperjit^weli as k»w- inae they a.-e boapluhlr All of the
pcDlnsuU of the sute. Tbe e-lty 1<
plain teat It la a good city la »-hlch
tee very center of tse Cregd Trsv- above belBg true II beboove* ns to be­
to bold a conventloa.
te region and i* tee kgled Place stir ourselves aod acod oni tea "bids'
tom mom Ow tom* re ai esm
An eaay way in wbidi to prove tee
tbat ewveatlonltra auy kto* that
Cur Price
Iron Bed. any color, worth $2.00.
would be to oecore later- fur tbe hokllhg of all regloa meeriiixi;
latch string it awilitng tbeir puD
Suel Wire Spring to fit bed. worth $2.25.
tiews with those who only thu week such as the gathering af old srttlen
Cotton Top J
were bet* aa delegate* to the at
ktddta ol Sts bpblsim
Tbe transportatloa fadittle* for getmg of Ihe Frateroal Order
lPr.(2).PUlL[owe. all feather.wonh $1 SO.
Uag Into aad oat of Travena Uty
Kagle* or to obtala teoUaoolaU fr
■ ■nil I III • a riddle to
Table, 22x^ in. t(9.abelfbelow.wortb$2.
the thousand* of people in aJl paru of excellent- Three dlfierent ralltoad pragto ol Tbabaa. H U taU. aad mar
Rug. floral or oriental granite.worth $4.50.
tec cuuBtry who one lime or asoilter :»umt malaula pateeager serrke 4ar«d afl wha eeuM aot aaewor H
t%iffonier,9diraws,bevel plate mirror.worth$12..
fcava bees wlteln our gates atlendiag ito and out of tbe city, commencing Oadtpos fisallT aelved H and la ea»
crlB tbe Sphtox pM beraetf to drate
some general meena*. How/vec. it tit week. 17. paaaeeger irelu *HI Tbe riddle wae ea foltows: 'Wkai
Wbet others ask Total $28.00
Ouf Price......
la the writer's porpoae lo make bis arrive eate day qad 17 iralns kav gara ao loor fsM to tee meratog
ino nnaraa.
m i
rase b) polaUBg to a few atrlklag Four of tl)e trsies to aad lour ef'tee feet to tee aftiraeao aad terse at
Here is a saying to you of M141 on tbe fumishingof one bedroom.
oigbtr The answer given by Oedlpra
^Eriabliahad tmjt T, •
and skepera tbat reach to dtouat woe this: 'Man. bseanae ha crawls a*
AeeaaalbIMty a Fsetar.
Any one article can be bought se^rately at the'^ame price quoted in the
dllea and thus bring teoea clilM rioee a rtUd. walks aprigbt to Us taU
to ui Only ter very large ctUra of otrsagte.aad wolka wtU ^ «aC vheo
reavemlou to teat «d ratoolag a cHy the


meau that will add twry moch t*
the oomfort and pleoeare «< 0»
m. The beat laaUo >nmMa«
has hoea laata^led ai won os doeulb
IlCbSac. Tho poi^ bars baem
ermUy ealarfead. Mach of tbs laterlawly decorated aad turaiahiBsa





The Globe Dep t store,



Steel Couch


e. Tntettt Giyas a Coaoeatioa Oly.


Slate Shinies


mto. un miraw »4tr iiwik ffi^iMiii. JPiiig.^

. ..isrw

Cat* week*. rMraed bone tbU «fi- tbew seDUnea cuirnKd t»n—oltw,
H itm$.r»n well pkB>*d wlli ««nL .n^biiii U iMn ilMo. BBd
wM« tor A *«*
doha RMBle r
tadv (ion B short bOslhaaB trip to
tUn ckr.
Mm. C. 7. FoRor «W e^ lo Cad.
To uach s coV to drtok, M R gA
gAi* haa«*Y Arm. taaen two lagsra
Iltae IW» Bftcraoo...............................
late lU mouth and Iowa IU bead Into

iCM o( her BtetrT.
WatM where he cipecta ■'Z"i
tks p«L «atr (eoden caa be bevght
IWGBlB0,ac4lM I iBIctciitlr lo hsTo ■ ObMt Harding •»
ht ih, «uaa,er.
aM aw Ukad hr aatoo. It will b^
h the ooUide vocR las B few dara hero.
lan at Bnt to fAaa (Itohoekct A
tO«Y «r AWOCli
■pr^oe of RaoH Ota. ftaria
(tiHi TModnirii I
.. 4b>-« of s«(ilwc In Uk wucfa sefAad
Malvina atgbad aad amae from her wa.WUe call, U gosaiU* NevA
IL <m
In wooden paBa, says t
Hr. jiM Mrs. Oearga HAHowand, typewriter. 1 might have known Ihgt
nippIM Be«dcd In tbr eTcir 4«r il(«H at (ha firpi
Buout* B
They aooe sour
—y. wn bA tn Ih* r^nlag with
Thr .iiytdar ot pbototraphi of Ow
'with friends in the city kft today to.- from nmentah baardiag honaaa." she wash aad scald the palla at k
T»m TcAtoua. Toto bad (aran aad «
old sctUen wu ooe of. Ihr rtvoi bI- hla tBtnre bone.
their htpiic la Kalamano. The Ur- Mk herseir ae eha awept. a hand
_________ hand* and
Irnrtloiu on «h# cteQixb. Oi*i imti »(
hotbA with sick cAvea.
« iMianus ramr In their autoinoWlr
bar wide, tatanigaag apes,
waaftmirsttactatoSMy. Aad rnrla
thP KTosBil* which »M 4«vtrt«l to B
>oai tp - teed Aba Joa aaM Tsto Ta«i«as wm too Ulagy
sad • taking a trip to the wortbreii!
belaw whlrt was
dlki<U>' o( them beia^ erarded b( bU
fA Ike firai three
called . ............ ..... ...................
- irriA aad that ho was the
»•»»*» of......
“Oh.. WAka; hardy, stroag
She wUI lipMd sot leaoru beferc rcearaing. They wetel?''*^
ui la a ttoi* ha had known
iToa Bcauiifei Dodd:* then. 'Rverr
enl dart there with her sea Lewis. former raaldemts of Traverae Cl
at^oM Roc was a pap. BA I kMV
, Utile Movemeal.'- The tone from the sued tbe (Baage to whole milk
Him Nome Lptia"of 4M Weet
Wehater Heck and dawthtar OeHy!pUea Itself was llks tbr Jaagie of two weeka. At Irat Avo It frooi i
eight peneds |t«o aad enebaU
Klslb street, who baa been away froa for c-hitwgu. after vismns'Btanr dts^aai Uu. but tbe muBle—
Fbr wbaa I was fc amdR. aMsB tap.
thlwe aad oneBolf quarial. acrord- tab TorroBca kooght my a*A a^
reUllscs here for a few days.
I Mtlrioa Mopped her ears, then, wHh iag to the slie A tbe coU. twice dally,^
her alaCer
John Owna af UnMng. a farmar m^rmenu slipped Into her At (be end of three -WAka li whAld tharsafiA I wot hla leyA dtoaa onto
, . .•***• HliTORY
Hr*. Wioksall aad daughter sldmt ot Traverse City. Is here for a *>'''•
*« ‘»<o ‘k* «»o» get from eight lo tea pond*. The caK U* dying day. Whem thto paKbas*
was ude Teto Torrenea was a yeant
Rath of tVhltocloud. who will he here
mouatala air. Her aervaa ware ta should alway* gel tbe celwlrun <1
boehelA wUh laoghlag hla* ey*a aad
oa an ezteaded vIsIl
■ i7rr. —. » R.sid
Of c*lm Bad gulat.
nllkl. which I* very Uxailve and
a smile that mad* a .saull hoy fool
I Mlia Leonora Wtieman of
t*aded by aunre to deanaa the bow­
all OVA. Bad he haeght Bto la
pteaaant left yecterday for Bar View,
Mlaa Hiaal Canfkld and Mka BaaL ^
A coir at Ibros moathe oM shooM
whore ibe will tpead the aaniBer rice Bdtiin of Detroit ar. Awndlas a
tho lak^^aaothod
it was tbe day 1 had gradaAed fraa
SA get OTA eight gaarta A milk per piab
sRer TWUac Hr. and Mra. V
-sHpe” tat* tbe dear gtory ot a
few weeks with relatlycs and friend*. | site approavhad a te^camp with day; at fmr mtetkt It caaBA aaaka
Hahart and other frteiids of this dir.
H. 8. Knaaland ratwmad u Cbleago eager steps. Hew^had this }evH la nse of more than tea guarta. With plaM btoorn ooit. W* mmw at the
eeoaty fair aad Tbm Torroaw cams
I Henry Hall, aon of Hr.,and Mrs.
week with hls'tbe forest esraped bar befow?
this It ahould have iwq qoarta
sad abaAi hands Aih fatliA and
W.'C Hall came Imne from CMIvM
Tbe yoBhf antbor did not stop to mixed rniabed grate Ar day. aad At
bar. aad sAE "Wy; i aia-i oom
cdlw laat evealng and will epend
iped lu the brokersge bnalu.-sv «•"»» «*>»« 'k'* »aa her flrst veatnre
e hay H eaa ei
At (It meaiha oM Tom for tlx r««nT Got whla{ Whatb
Phi. !hlo the deAhi of ibe weeds.
•maker vacation in the dty. *e milk allowa
Buy be draped this j-n CA. a girl or a boyr Aad
and baa
• with the writer's loagtag for me
before ihsi Itme If the aiUk they an tosgked and Tom aaya. oara
HIM Cva Thaehtr srrivod from Bt.
'Malvina pictured herself rnscoa.
Paul last etenlDg and will apeud Uio
Mrs. F. M. Paine la vitHMg her
this ymidtvtA wwto
milk ahould be slowly doBe by suboU- bo. *10**0 Itake
Boaunerhero. Miss Thadior has been motber aiMl sister la YjssUsntl.
trail srottnd and to* iho
tuUng water gradnally Catvra should
tcncUag at Si. Panl. '
Mrs. HuMky Rusotl. who was In
fsH hioom and that her
have fresh, eleaa weier to driuk frem dlopiar ta iha Agrtrafttoal Hail.” Aad
Hr. and Hre. William Minderaan. Uic t-lly yesterday
(ma WotoBBdBr-B Bocotd-Bnglo.)/
esiHwa? BDu
anti specispeki- apun.
apunjiroeld appear In many of .the msga- babyhood (e nutnrlly. Do net forgri Ta* Ieoh B* bodBy. aad ta the nstt
TbsM who belpM to anko Um^
of Patoskey. rotamed homo today the'^tVaman1 Batioge
rites. Rren under
poallloa the atrpply of salt fA Ibe calVA V)c- - Mr he heagbl *y aeoL
Batiwge movruieul.
niuvruieu;. loft .rites.
nader ths
tbs trying
Bays ha. *T fA bom *aaoy that f
Ihnvena nstoo UMorr look the <-A> Oeneral ^Hadler for OW ftgttlera Ae- from oevaral days bualnesa trip to Ibis araralag for UcUalrc
........ abem thr «f YlHng in bearding bennes MatvlDas rasleoally t«t ■ lamp pi fresh sod la
n't knew what to do with. -ta*. (
Mbs bstltrinA bad rotmd favor with two er the pea. Tbe tolves seem to enjoy
br aim todv aaar bodrod BlroBB.
thU city.
wHl Icrm
^ead R qa a a*Al boy ” And I anM. .
taste of eenh. Wbee meklas il
and Ibo
hns mbb om which will
John H. Foatar, retar^ thla aftar' been working tn the Dortliem muntim
*nav* yoQ raosgh Botivy to boy a
be loDi Tmai«Bib'<roa hr thoee.who
ear* bexT They got dbd,' end
♦hbm hr people eager to gel a cUmpac' 30D to hit home at Grand Ranida af­ (or some Umc mgaaiutloat ha'lnt^roTAalorlm- Sba*bopad. holw loag. apoonfu! of oilcake may be added to
.........__ 1 <_ %i___ 1....
_ _
mtpln* and foM doRato ta
of the fares of the men nad women ter vfaltliig friends here for the lost bera perfected* tn Uaalatec. Nmawt >0 mert him.
tbe n-Ilk. If taxseed U used, aad ihAS
(hey oast lea teats'” Aad Tom
and Antrim nmniles.
help to her.
*t nntfalng bettA, it ehooM be weS
who Inllt np the region.
aasteted hm am aad griaaod and
Mr. and Mra. Nkhela of Oweaat Th* girl's loaglntnii had trreught
Fhllowing the program eanie the
-R-a *r tmt.” and bonghi tb*
Howard City ‘jiday. by Ihu Mlnesi >cu ,sn- hrte tu Bll'-nd the i-uoniy hwr to Ibr door of tbr ramp. Her eye*
fhee-ay* hoo. aad tn U w»t candy / ;
rlcrli fonvcntloii are tbr gneat ol,npetied wMe In surprise. The-plare
.lay of her brother.
e great i-leasurcs of i
aBdAhrasshr*aHpla.bntBOCaUda|.\^ :
Mlaa Ida Oitaway. of. SL Jeoeph. Mr. and Mm. V. A. Rurlnskam.
*“ OFH>
wlodows and
^ and
.... Mm J.
. .............
paaaed through tho city today enronic _J»r.
Miller of Ann Arheo| was spparnttly withoal as inhaWUnt.
To* aaM. "Nbw wall take la
heart gnlAeaad Its beat,
to Charlevoix, where ahe wil ep..nd -r brm to altMd Ibe ccainty Ueffct iHalrina'a
(he show?* Aad we wont ta and *aw
portal* sbr could run away from the
iw sammer.
(ha tel wwBBB ahd^ta Kriag skAmoa bearding hnnso with her little typoand th# OMB WHb (he India rahhA
L. B. eels of Oelwin U vitKing hU writer and worAhera In tbU woadA
Mra. W. H. Hammer and grandson
akta And w* OBw a llva alltaaMr a rd
William, of ClevcUnd. O.. are apeud- brother, II. U. Cek at Ti: Webster bnoA*
\ tbraa ■ookeyt aad a Httl* ceonl* that
iBBlde all wa* i^gb. hrt nA
Ing a few- woeka as the guests of Mrs street.
coUad Oaaaral and Mrs. Tn*
_ Nina Greening returned to her n a aensa at (ha arilatk. Malvina
fTrom Thnraday's Rccord-tSagle.)
H. 8. Hull.
tbe goirk coarlualee that
I bira J. W. FateMn and dai^httr,
Rev. A. A. Wall, of Old hfTMion home iu < brUra this niortiiug alirr afThsB he aalE ’L*'* go toe ths ni»
BIteshetb kit this morning for Manthe day In tlic city,
ger mlnttrela. They slog nnd dsaea
Mrs. Albert-Hrsbak left laat cverv■ Chester for a visit with -Mra PaKblu's
and Mrs. A. Rosenthal raUirndoable shuffle and p)ck tbe baajo.
during (he huntieg seaaon.
parciita Mr. and Urs. tVaUlna
ed ycatrrday from a vlsl^ to Saull 8t. >S fuc.ber home In I'h-vrland .viler WIfh Joyoot (At ahe hurried back
BvfTbearabaBjer t nevor bh«. -la
alilug'ber imrcuts, Ur. and ilrr. J. 0 fht btordlng houte aod_ from there
It somAhtiig Uk* a mscerdoo^r 1
Hr. and- Mra F. 0.*Balclt and Hra Marie and UanlAkne.
a^. .

Mllat J. Gllmora and wife with hia X. MrrtlnclL
o the Tinaxe atore. It was Inpera|,eoD F. Tllua arrl.d btmir- last cvvij^dbo ABtarwrdoamr oaU To*,
Jee. Quigley left teday for hia heme Ive to MaWaa that when writing ahe
lag from n visit In Chicago Mr. Ti­ ntoUirr Mrs. M. J. Gilmore and slater
-h's bA(A—a'^ba
tad ymi
tus met the pun. at Uraud Rapids Mrs. HL U Russell. sR of Old MIsaioB. In Durand after nticadlog Hic Coyno- have pink flowered rurtAna and a
obi that It don't put the davR
and accompanied llicm Ibe remainder are In town today with their new
The pink enrtaina which ahn
William Ceyna, wt» atUnded the
Ford B-paasGoger cor.
ot the way.
a radi
A. V. r...i.tMICH
Mlm Lucy Kelley la heme frem cel- wedding ot Ulas .Grille Co>ne and purcbaird at the one village atore.
ugp to »*—a peraaBog* with
Mra James MeOsrrr left today for
John Quigley yeaierday will return ii
FraaMent Grand Traveraa OM Betticra
rad Mg tuek* aad a claven foA
and other noiUeni kdnu kse and will apead tbe anmnier here.
(he followlag if bofora aha
To make the
his home lo Muakegon In tbe OMi-nlnr arrived at the little houte. Sbe wA
- Aaaoelatlon.
mad ha tot *B his lav tall dhat bad B
on an extended
Mlaa Lola Thaekev left this morning aden with ber typewriter, her pink •hole Baaseed
tUageroD Uw and.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Curry raUtmc Ml Plmnnt. where tbe will at­ roruint. bA tea etjApment aad hw tor. add a Ihu* aaiu soak ovor adghg
-Aw. 00*0 on.” oald To*. *I was
^are torlnnate enoagh Co be on band ed Ibis uoratne to their home pt Mattaad beU (A one bow ncK
tend anranier aebool at the normaL
iasifooUB'. t»eaatbaa)o*asiemM
'nk Amoao.
A the vnrlDUf evonta planned for tatee. after several days' visit here.
■ae It Bikea yec want to BH ap aad
iheir eniertalnmcnL Tbia meeting
Allowing TAnato to Ruru
Mr. and Mra. Chat. KHcher of Belu
it is beat to allow Isle tAaaio rl:
was fesJnred by the presence of morr diag relumed home thla morning from
B. Parker, of Oral
*«o we weal ta aad twsrd tha-tolS'
where bU daiigtater. Miss Minnie re­ couch for a momral's real- Tbe eamP to lie on the grouad aad spread
of the real -old BeiUere than lias evm a abort visit here with frtenda.
d borne today, from several dart
bad been turned Into a tev.-er A Aak will, eUluis one raiser. Each pUut atrels. They crackod lota* I erveli not
ceives her degree.
been ksewe before, and also by added
Mlaa Agnea Marvin la vlaHing icalaew trip'to this city.
and odd dIthM ot wild Bowen ware (bus slloncd iroedom to vtn* will nnde-staad. though Tom laathBl at
Bontey ReynoUa left for Haner this
otHarUoUB which have not been hert~ friends ao.l n-Utivea at ('-bhrlcvoix
. Bat tboT eaag Arongn. «rtrd
COV A msay sqiMrs (ca A loU. hat U
momlag on business.
tatera-vtbered locather A a meeting JhU week.
OAsIdef I the edge of the fotvaL will bear more frpU A better Bsvor
Mr. and Mm. B. H. MeMichael take
rung along with ea old ibsn tomatp vibe* Ualned to stakes. _____ _
Mre. Ora Bmith ratunwd thla mem. iwll vUli friends over Sunday.
gone to Ann .Arbor to atmod ibocoin- handiag la eae band and hla fiahHig
Barly thla
atagtag oxoept (be kn *Aer
tg to hm- home at Sanlt 8ie. Marie,
Mra. John BmHh. of Onawsy, r«
nenemuent exerclsos. 'Hielr dau#i- panpberaAla In the olbA.
gaa to gather and by noon
groued take root at many pAnIs lor | *»»«
Baadsys when they had
after a week’s visit In (bU city and at bd borne Uib momlag. Aier a week's
When he dhvw near an lodefleiblo ^•upplj Uig grenter amount of nourtib-(rr«*ehtag ta (to n^lhooto. It---r. Maud, is a graduate this year.
aebool grtranila were well filled b>- Intcrlocbct.
visit here, with rcIaUvea and friendK.
. And ('A haarmethlag-stirred
meoy The greaier SBonat A lollsga [F***^*
thoae wbe canio from far nod near tu
Howard Owen of Oetreltl
T. 8. Wau. of OetroK. la apandirig evenlag from the I'ort Huroa state before, during the nuny-aununera h* s lamaU) I-Unt bears, the more fruit'
:t day whea I aslMd a
eajoy a iiikaant ootlng liencalh the in the city this morning to
lew days here visiting friends
iiupiueitl. wlioie she waa seul n* a had tpmt la th* monstAns, bad bis jria aUt to produA. Tomatoes rlp*n-jfi“'<
treea of the siwcloiis Caminis. All few da‘ys wHh friends.,
■ beet Shoo
wap r Amed lO dealrow.
E. a- Hsrriaan wM called to Big delegate by tbe. W. SL C.
tng In tbo sbsdc of (oltagc arc
tbiBA had'been anpplied for their
MMs Hanie Bryai
nitke quickened hi* pac# and good coloF
d flavor as those ripca- Arings. mother exelsimed. "Forth#
ItapMs this momlng by the death t f
comfort In the way of leau. Ubleo^
He Aop.
load sakecr sod tboa sat down aad
lids icday ua scconul of the a • dative.
teau and-Mhcr thlags that go lowar.l aeriotu
of her elsler.
mu lllneiM
Mrs. Oaerge Roby aiM daugMer.
of letilat that hey trail around with
k at the wlndowl.
naklag gn evrat of thla kind a real
Uto ef Bpreador Boat.
O. Fullcf weA . U KalkMka thii I.neillc. of Cbirago. arr rtslUag Mr>\ nrer ot Uie Cvnniv Clerks asaoclatlou
,, To* Torroooo!*
................ . . -ke removed hU *c
Tbe Allnc,of msaure 1a sms
momlag for Ibe day.
arrived In tbe city today to attend
U. U. Ilatea. i» WaAlagtoa atre
before going Inside. He caught
• it.U baulcd aflrld ma.v h»r
Mr. and Mrs. John Ateaander re­
the county clerks convenlloo to b quirk brestbmnd stood aa It anddanly
Mr. and Mra. F. L Vaahorg
M ' wore mod*. Only tlmy raltod (Br*
turned this luoming to their home at Voorheesvllk. K.-Y-. in Ibe guests of
-gems” -Want ywar pirtcra loakr
here tomorrow and Thurads)
ft to kla sarionndlags.
nrand Rapids, after vlslilng friends tn the Utter s sister. Dr. Sara .Chsse. ami John Walt ot Crystaf PAD. who Is i
„ I onofM TO*. "Tea.” I asid. *1 aovew
Bv all the laws A propriety Blake
bnd «*• took slae* Ts a bay I got'
tUs city for the pnat two weka.
member of the cBterUlnmcnt coa: iheuld have turned aad left hta own
other rdatlves In the cHy tor a
wbea Ts a Ultla girt aad wore
H. Wheeler wtA to Maneelona IWa days.
ramp nut he rould not move with mr'hyl ihsn scnlieriag frura
omlng on a lew dass’ vlall.
the tight of Malriaa pirtured bAore spreader
The Mlaaas Myrtle LaFraaUr. MlldeTb«i TAB ^heugbi ** gripes aad
Hspdied « this wsy. (be soluble
She was la ^ seuad alatp aad
Mrs. J. E. Henderson wtM to Bagl- ganlc and Ghmiu Uwlag. JoaepblBe Ih Iu the eiu' lo attend the ruunty
— rip*, rosywbaehed. flae
msbA taeeki were flaitaed. Her gloriout
Carver, Margsm -IIoIIMb.v. Mhrfart-l Clerks convention.
smelltag peachea. full ot }alce sad
hair was * mats of spun copper that Bure contslBi aoak
Mary and Dorothy MaQalt left tbU
Mra. M. Kehoe returrved Saturday trailed Asr tbe cwahloa.
If (be msbure is pjJt ia «*»wr yhad be hoaght peanuts-the
iMfon on the atratunr Lena Kaoti- night from Saginsw wliere she spent The power of his eyes dHliMaa piles there Is a toe* by cbomlcsl «"« 1 wvor tasted. And be asked me
(what eta* I waaied and I asld: *T
OM MUaion. where they will
few days with her Aater.
A and she Alrred. Blaka. spell- ebsaxet sad tb* ostop* of Moea.
Inever tasted bologa* ssaaage.' It
Ur vMltlnc relatlvea, rcMmed borne attend a boosepany u the Motfkti
Or. and Mrs. Kirgan of
wstched the hnaev IssbM flatleek* mlghiy good * Be be bought betoday.
cottage for a week. They vrill be ebn- who have been tbe gov>t> of Hr. aud tAv then rise aiowly np i
logos and eracken sad they rawed
Him .F. Attiey netumad home to l•e^cHled by Miss Jails tmtlogs.
Clean Power for nearly
ey« ^
(bea better thsa (he fried eblrken Bod
'Toledo. U.. ctaU morning from twi
hlrs. J.M. GauRtlett and da>
s. bate returned borne, boriag
(her hod hreught ta a hatavL
eeks' visit In ibis rlly and at llonoi Gertnidc letl this uiurnliig for Isiaalat 1he visit ten day* were apeat rauiplng
k our way Mck to the family
Law HoUMay arrived laat evtning Detroit and Milan on s month's visit aud fishlug oo'Ooardman
tried to eapreos ay amwrta.
from Olivet lo apepd tbe sumoK
Mr. and Mra. William Dell, ef fomr lime was spent at (be Baruna
Itoa aad aaM: *T*a Bast ha mighty
cation at hM home in this city.
Tha cow that ts aered (or sal* to rich. To*.* aad the iwlahto weat owt
ancelona. ratnraod bom* Uiis after- cottage al*Vbrp Lake.
1 auppoee Too *
Him Ullian Farr ratumad frem sea. Ater several ds.vs visit berv.
a. Ben Jehnaen and daughter.
____ . - - iied waff*""
Pea eem* groand com. but do aot
Notre Dame last e«-enlng to spend the
would be If 1 hsd ■
campr ahe ashed wKh
Mra! Lmtie Themaa
Haul are vlaliint at Ibe borne of Mra
ask* It tbe sole cooceairsied railoB. yow—who U* s m*-Uk* FOB hSU*;*
liner vocatloa wttb her poranta.
eratag to her heme ni Grand Rap- WAfeL H4 Lake areue.
be toned *• over agsta
Mr. and Mra W. W. Parr.
**Vid you ara the wayfarAr Rlale
Ma. (RHB aa extended visit la tbU
Mra., F. B. Foaui and daawMer. Ge-. rAu^
bASuae be rould thUk A sboru should eupplement tb* ctover to *y rather and aether sad aetber
Venell Lwdka la hama from OatroH
city and at Honor.
eva A Evan are vlaltlng ber nek^ noihlng Aa fA tbe momtoL
osM : *T know ttel hoy ha* heoe a
Warn skim milk for feeding ptir- wbeU tot of hethor to yoa. Tm.“ To*
Idr. and Mre. 0. U Radkay, of Mil­ Mra. C, A. Ward.
•uppoted tbe hunttng aeaden did
C. E. Ltnafterger ot Chleage owner ... Agiu until laiA- MAriim toaflM po*e* soon pays tb* coet of a form Itughed sal ostd: ”Ko *lra«* bspi!
-e the has waukee. Wii.. passed tbroogb
Sta'I ha os MDCh IBB slat^ Hsc wot
city today on their way to Harbcr of Dlreherofl at Lelaud eanie in on half wistfully.
Good psMurige tor (he rsDe*
-It doe. not. But Ashing sulia me
. la demsstk- eclenee at the Uichlw Spriaga. where they will spend the the ream aperial this morning aei-i almett a* well, and atnre th* Otanvt meODf s ssricx of milk, flner calves^
left this nfiecnoon fA the resor.
r State Xormal.
leeds me »n th* IML—*
The btol dsiryman Is riesn not heMra. John Cbnoe and MQa hloy Eh. Oaeor WaAhera want, ts MUnto.r which wGt open Saturday of tbii
-And yon need your own eamP
’ M and bring oleng their InaMi boa- ner of Fraser. UlrA.. mother and sla- bU morning (or the day.
jow - Malriaa totemspud. It M tfM* rauie be hss to be but beesue* It to
to OanevMva Eimonderf ratvrood for me to depart.”
eecoed aaturs for bim to bc.'
Mias Anna Brinkman. a( OM Mtaketo. and by tbe time dinur wna ter «l C J. Bbner, are vUIUng at bta
Saturday evening frem 8oMb Haven,
Fbr* fartuttera are vatosbla *a
ready there wore several hoadtod w»M borne.
days In tbe dty with friends, retarn- where the ha* bcAi visiting ai (be „oard'ng plae* notWii-wher# I shall ImportOBL bflt (be dairy cow shaald
iMd their taarhes repdy to sparod ea
Mrs. & M. Beem weA to A
cd home today. Miss Briafcman has home of Hf- •«< »*™- Leonard Cham net hsvaio hotbA Aot^ wlth My own aot be kept (or fertOUcr aloaa.
Ob Bioaairb LMi Of JahiasrL
the loiqi lablw bennalb the irvto.
bor this morolng as a gees
Tt'here a farmer to •tsnlag OB a aew
maagA tare.”
raoeaUy retairied from a ^ to
ChupbeU'i band famltbed the mti-'rtmptoa&e A a baaoe party
Mlaa Katherine Blaake left teday for But MAvha wooM aoi, reMrt^ •'* (arm wbve there are ouly sfo* acTo*
gic and tbeD playing daring tbs dln-_ Avon by tbe Beta TheU PL of whicb Arbor. Bagiaaw aad' MSer pi
(^dlllar. w here sbe will spend aeveral fAt that Oka m 1 go. aad-YnZEBIsk* ''broken nothing pny* bettor thoa
regsrda ta bto owb St* as a clssslt
where she rlalted frleada.
ner bonr added much to the obAi)- fraternity Jullns

he preferreB *0 nlnr • *nd hags
aa ts oura as a ooapaatoa! To r*Mra B. H. Arrick left for hoc heme days os tbe geest A Mlaa Grace LeaU
meat of the dteero. The real need' r O. BmRh ef Cadlllae returned
Mr. aad Mra. LsAsr Fartof and t>*e
cete* fro* hta aSBtoaporartw (bW
wKMViA «r set be Hked
’ majority of tb* dsiry herd*
thtMi of the day foUowi^ when {fie home this afternoon from neveml la New York rUy chte aorolag affnll bomoga whia smb togcMat la*B
.oampanled by her nMc*. MIm DollU little dkngbtera. who have been apc«d-jf®
« carried oat. «s nnmMons days' bBslaeat trip to thU citx.
In general rooMva ohlr fra* peaur>
Inc a week a ao In the dty wHb; tb. tsbto ^runtsin boardlag
d italks were Av«« tlini w
japan and
Ry: to he aora tatlwafnly kBOwfl ta
today to their borne A Bneklei after .there. Mbs DelHe wiu eaaUnue ber
he vMuable coutributtoas to tho
povierltr (baa ether aaa are kaawB
'moalcA stadiea while III the Aly.
M tha rogton. Tbe material pro- a (ew days' visit here.
to tbolr «oBU^arartoa.-Tho*M >.
aOBtod was tantriy new, net imvlng, Hm aa MVo. John Rahtasoo. wha| Lo*
Intarh^ made pabllc nntO this occaatoa. have been vlfUiui frionds-ta ibto cltv|by. of Richmond, lad. after aeraral
btahy now Vtorles In rcovJ to tbe for tbe past wewk. returned thl|. alt-.weeks! vistt here, in whkh Unto Iberj
.Btaly ptaaoex* shed new'Ugbt uflon'etaooa to their hone it Cndglac.
have mado a gaowol tour ef laipee. . . ...
TYlilB HijiMiii *»» Prinhtoe# that'- Mr^ Chortoo Btwart of FL WsrBo..ttoB ot tho ter* taBdo ta Ihta thdat-l .tom
raac ta she i«rlr linM-s In i who ba>. Ih-«-u viMiiag retaflv.-s ,ly. with tbr Idea la vtow of tocoasc'
™ ffT' Si
ha to BB thcliugb hotorc the cwnatt.r and triendd 1a thU city (or the im*tjhore. retoraed home today. iMb <4 -*•••••

: mvEs






wnDBruYBit FarufiE








For Job Work Come to the Herald aiidleconi Oo.

.QK&HS rkkvam



bat eagle,


Qie litonth of WeMings

This is the month of all months when Mr. and Mrs. Newly Wed start out’s journey hand in hand. The
first fcnportant occasion after the wedding certemony is the New Home. Have it alffurniehed c implete. altractiveiy and inviting, so you can begin housekeeping at once. Come to our GREAT—JUNE UNDERPRICING SALEl
and secure the newest and most up-to-date House Furnishings at a marked saving in price. Our business is fur­
nishing homes, and we devote ail our time to this one business exclusively. Consequently we are able to help
you make proper selections for your home and can save you many dollars in thejbargain. Come in today and
look over our large and complete line of Housefurnishings. Get Our prices and talk, the matter over with us. We'
are always glad to give you all the info*-mation you desire, and the benefit of our many years of experience is
surely worth something to you, although its FREE. This advertisement is only an index to the many hundreds
of wonderful values to be found in our immense stpck during this great June Underprcing Sale.

let Us Hel|l You Start Housekeeping Duritig Our June Sale

■We are {^viag canificates with every purdtase made
at oor store and the pereon, lodge^ church, school or
' society collecting the greatest value in oertificaths, will
get this beautiful, high grade $350 COTE PIANO FREE
Candidates aliould bustle hard ifow and get their
friends to take advantage of our June under prices and
save their certiGcates for you.
^ The piano will be given away July 15th, and in order
to have sufficient time to count the votes, all contretaotsabould have thdr votes in by July T2th. In orjer
IWU ,«ig.

atav uuu

Only One-Motion
Bed Made


_________________ - .port to .-fuU
tary M (72x47 iocbcs), wttb IS-lb. felted coUon
rcBonUemattms. VerycafoforUble. Youdo
nel*lMe<n^uplwI»teriTw. Plenty of trwn for
vottilatwe. It u iiiM^iaineaUy. peHcet—«xm’r

cjSdi;"All etylo-low priou*.

Hand your votes !n by July 12



ofH." *■

Our Store the first time'you ore down town. We also carry a big assortment of Steel
Davenports and Couchra, which begin in.priceat........................................ 83.SO ■
and range right along up to $10.00


RuxlYour Arm In
Far As You Like

^ the green tegs are exceptioBally rare bargains and are
‘prroably ivst the things you ne^ the miML

Traverse Cily Samples.

We are exclusive sellers in Travel e City of the Traverse CSty ^str
.Oo s samphs. These arc made sir nger and belter than the regular
Slock'and cost less, becaufe they h ve bSen used for exhlbitiw^-If
you want some of the biggest bargaii s you ever saw come in now, ns
we havp a large nuantilT for our June Sale
_____ .


Fine Dinner Sets
e beauuful Dinner Sets, in all
the newest . designs and dtcoraUons. For the June Sale
tba $12.00 100Piece Set wUI be sold at $ 9.00
the $11.00 100Piece Set wUI be sold at $ 8.00
the $16.00 100Piece Set will be sold at $12.00
the SlO.qO 100Piece Set wUl be sold at $ 7.00




tk>n Clasp” and investigate the in- ]
1 tefior of “Standard” Cotton Felt Mat- j
[ tresses for yoursili. .Y.-i j will find noth- J
ing but cIjo pi:rc_t and Ijct quality of se1 ledcd cotton felt. Built layer by layer, j
j tins cotton fcljf'ncvcr bccomcr. hard or
( lumpy and retains all its cla.<!ticity and ,
buoyancy. Kon-abwbent, “Standard” |
Mattresses are healthful and sanitary.

^Ve have from twenty to thirty different styles of mat­
tresses end can furnish you any kind you want at a big
saving in price. For mir June Sale you'll find them as
low as $2,93 for a $3.95 mattress up to $21 00 for a S^OO
mattress. Ail sizes.

Dining Room Fnrnllure


At thls-aeaaon of the year much
^e is spent out doors, and to
rest yourself and keep cool and
comfortable you shoujTd have one
ofourhammocka '
We -nave the largest and best
assortment in Traverse City and
our June prices will enable you
to get a much better hammock
than you antitipate for the price.
They range from ?5c for a ham­
mock tiror^ $1.00. up to $8.00
for a hammock worth $10.00.
Be sure end see them.

Regular S1800 Couches, or Jure................... $1S.M


*9taLrd” XsttrttMS Ars Grrrtth'i •


^ 1 i l^=E


We have just what you
need in C^k stoves for
the hot summer weather
With these you can cook
and bake perfectly at a
reduced fuel expense,
and besides you can
work in a nicecool. com­
fortable kitchen all the
Prices for June range
right along up from 2.50
The Dining Tables. Chairs and Buffets
that we are now showing are positively
the finest lot for the prices ever placed
on exhibition. Wewould ' like
opinion on theiR.
A big line of Lawn Mow­
ers up from $i75

Tables op from ....................$$.$•
Ballets ap from /...........fl«,00
Chairs ep frcKn.......................... 7Sc



Th s

•CS«r i:i-

i.areai-t -r



On •necnDret of LVxry Tabki mi
P«tler T*bkt k Wc* ukI c<wplcM. aMd wt
•re oAflODg *«ne •p'coAd bn|iiM <kri-f c«
«rr»l Jane S»leTbey «re (bso-B in •! ihe new abape*.
nyle* and dze* « balk oak •• d mabe|Mgr.

Parlor Tables, 7.3c up to $10.00.
Library .. $8.75,. .. $25,00

Remember Your Credit is Good at SLATER’S
Abont Mall Orders
IF YOU ;caimot visit our store write and tell ns
* what you want and we will fill your order. All
mail orders are sold with a guarantee of satisfactira. Send us a trial order> today.

J. W. Slater
Your ReUableJinmeinrnistaer

We Are Exclusive this city for Quick Meal and UniverLA su) Stoves and Ranges. Standard Sewing Ma­
chines. Gl(d)e Wernicke Book Cases and Favonlc
Go-Carts and Carriages.

Ito IottW>
<vlkB l» mrrm »mt elWr
Om* «MIr, Bltn** ceMUstlr. n- S«krr. n»r
ikra W «MM leak tb« fBM*OTrtee eoer (ke 4«r^
to tkaiitmre tkkkiiia: roM** tt»m !«•
Hwam. attnUf ell «lw «kde.fora. »■<
tke are W
ttog *Mf<> at *■ ear ^
>WI» ««e» ere —M toirre* totktoff
n—r* sreWl ftHMfle m4 end
U>* nklr* mew to cooked see"la the
Notokber. "we Hke eMw. PMtod.
IS kaee rPosercds OaeeebwTtoB-Wfk ecBr.
Menwed .aed |wt la. a d««v crock,
soaked ta ibree wMeayeMlato W ec^H «Mh. «wto aad ecea kacTtoa. ibwi 'wMk water aad aacar. aad baked tni
water. Wbea tka wluara bectos to «elck. tlahe threwloartba oftbeiberaradarhred. Adtahat
thIehM add <0N half coptbl o( baarr wei(bt ed-Cbe trwk to oacar. a« la a with cream, is a bteakfasi dish dt for

^■Mr. rwih—Siitoyawattrwtt elia of aha arIgM Talk. M M aM]
eadaa«artoagtaaitoww«M.cwtor. to aech htft ao.-Mtot om awAI at ]
r*t ckwrlw.
mad orcr
e( b tba «mk aad ea* -rMirintttafal at bottre 1
ta teeboi
frah tote a tooswitog thlchoM wHh eat tahlsapaeafto of ■
ototor.Beck Dow
aad wH
to the boB- Mr, Baltto taau aad tara tote ««» 9
*HJ**y- ***
tee tola-, tor of ptottor. Bob polka at aoa ?
aiiC^ BkM eat tM harrMa aad toy tbra^ storo aeor alt Set to area
thbmobptoturm. Ba« eyrap let tola- aats «e ww Kat aad awee at.
ak(B aad pear erar tM borrtoa.
----------------------Coeer pHiters with paMo at
PM to be eoa. aad kero tor three
wwto 1.
-rao alaoei make ne wlsb^tor wto- dark wbea tM ayraa etoau he ..
,*• •
aad tras* racdM. I
diraettoao are aaiatoHy tol- 1
toocbed tbe
Hwtoikee»er. thick me Meey Hwfte baOtoa nolM
tbeoih eree on a dar liba this, aoetenoogh tor waf «*bat a
^ wortd tbb K aad aawrtoew I waa
,aishtog. beCora you rase that It was uea. im. —I-.,.—*-w.-.... ww. at toiiB. aag whM rally die- ■

whitas of the three scp boatra oatU Mth eo^ of water to each twoad
atW. Oeeetato a^oM with hatea* at «< M»r. brtaa to tbk baOtac patot.
caodkad rksntoa aad ttr^ «t a^- aad IM boO Iticao Klaaui. Add frwR.
tea. aad «m to the wIBara. CMII
Mg to the baOtog geiai. aad
iboreoiMr. ramawe rgpa amid, aad
boll oatll tbe berrtoa are traaapargsralsh or m. sa dealred. with
nu the Jate to arcrdowlag aad
twoMf, frilf mpafutd tole pImm. dbltad tbe eoeen s. dtoeded Toe oth
^^rtpe. as U ooato

PMCh aoatSa oolag ran- B
Siravbetn Utoe will be ore
o*«r hU toe I
yrtth stoidT kiadaeof bmi
nto-BoMh a —mo— dafton, aad-"^ atntogth-ftviag - MaUtognUg
a plaor of caaasd plae- BBWWBBBBBBB yooa. lboog| there to aiwaya
MmT M a oMi.-«*rhaaia.
<!“»»«»«■ « tk* Pttaappte. It to (or^ 4,^
u, tbe eoatoau at
“Ob. ibtt
like aa area!" lioa to
a iMt so delirloiH <n.,, u .....
» j;;
lloaaekeeper. a Mrry as the raitoberry toUowf.-Icae ■ore sagsr Is ased Ibaa would be tml. sM corer with Mtt a ^ •# «wh t

^etilil- tbs^^oaithlrdofatapfolof aagar. aifhod Am
la toto yaara that tM price to cooki&g oatll tbe frail la reiY aoti. *«oaM«btoK baa wae wroag with the oa..........
iu track.
_ . M slresdy
—*• '• —•
wttbbi the r«A(k at erery oaa. Ha- (Majerctag li through a atralaer.
gas siote. aad I bad plabaed i» cook |iui op MTawberrirK tor
liceh. Tbto qasaUiy Is aboot oae ruj,
waltoa barapptoa are raoMdered
iHMapPto OebWcr—Four 4irea of a roast, aad do a lot of other tbiogs ibeioUowlagret-lpe^^Tfrooi well kaowa fal of aogar aad oaa captal at water
graaf dsHcaetoo. and tba norUa plaw ,toaap^ cat to dice, om Wm aad today. m> 1 Joai weai ahead, aad
»UI be oC help:
to a oaart at Joky trwh. 'tM water
Waab aad siHag two oaato
Suawberrlea—Take See
to two coptala far dry , irtog beoaa. haO aatS teadw. drafa j
e to h. e
wall bat ripe wwberttoa. frulu like paara aid apptoa.
. -St Faal DtopBtB. White tM tta^'rartccy to by ae .
■iMW to M dawMad. CM aarcr Mir iMd ,sw and oaa cop ot shared Ice. It!'
cold water
-la mmim
caanlai. ..
as 1^:.*.
the arraa .
to - „
V 1
^ ^ appraciaua pleeaftplw oatll thoy
,b, fnih In a hcwl. otew with
TM nach Door .Neighbor tookad and set tbeo to cook to s ataa aa tor satoicteai strength to*
^ alsh WHh freak paratoy sad awee wMb !
^ ^ hara acqolred tbe MMt of waalag |M aagar aad a Ititle ice. aad to tea aytopatbetlc. 8M has tbe laraltr. «o >Uy. Pour to a ielly hag aad bare growth of microbes, ae ratoa
" ^ thcto for theawelraa. Kttber alidad stoataa add the Iced Bator. Stir wre aad ao ooBtontog. of belag able la a warn ptore orar alght to driplo 1.—
--"" •rr ”
la rooadA or la anall Uta. or ghrad- •sM aad poor toto r<**-*- half fan of to eater toto tbe teeliagi ot her Add 10 ibis lake tore pouada et
e-e -------------------------*bss
Witt rtpe her- <rieo*,.
brakea toaf sugar aai half a heoiU of
-lodeed. h to too bad that yoo had siralaed hoae.r; brii It dowa to a
•*•‘1- riea
with tow tihlwpsw
Ptot_.,.. ____ ^ ,^jhe roa*t.aad fell that you must cook-tery ibkk syroD. late ptot cobs pul
Mad eheooe. CMfe tnUI iM
TMy are 1
__a biscall Mogh dielde to “
Sotaacinao we get caoghi three aad a half pouada of freab water, npea the hart ol t
(amliy eg.
where there are ehildrw. A apooatal ahosl om aad lay ^V’ nto tto- •“
but as a rale Itry to plaa Nstrawbenles. ibe fatoai that eaa be STieo the frah to cooked,
____ _____
of tM Me. hw beea kMwa to arert iaeod^doogb^b boner M la^‘
*"» •“
M able to aa. fooad. Whea a raa to Ml tcrew oa water from the tore aad All
<lay. tbe lU lightly. Set la coU water lo
to overOow with frail and syrap.
a. t—I
—r- "!*•»—. ir H~l.. tm <b—< ^
.1— I. im m».
til.: “•
have SB electrir isrge kettle and tel Ir cone le a boll, WMB Ibe trail to eeefced ta the Jars.
BMbarh MHp.
ml— 1. — «««. -b. ran. ———I I".« »—btm. !■ a
ml* b« .m.. 0... m.l.
boors hotore wrvtog Uam take . «». apd troalag day ba. kw lie ter- then opeo tbe raa. aad pour over tbe
thto Btothod consersee' tM tsver
M atSI to a
Ihroat trooblc.takaa toaddiiloBtothe
have etoclrlr i„,h the thick syrap. M Perledly ----- r- 7...........
. -«t the Mrs Witt tbe
teeiwred fruit. SeV them oa a heovy
alee ways of oarrhigll. TUB a
ww 10 prapara H M a .
loM of cloth. lApcr or oo s perforalod
S? McDoogal to a
^ aprtahla with sucar aM thir lakerf
thtokiag rap pa. aad ,0acc.
sen '■*'' («toBeoa or dtoMC; WaM
bosid. la a saocetan half Ailed with **"
wsrm wster. Pill to overMw wUb bet " «‘won^». bat 4e aot poH aalew II
bottled, tbe wke to'done aplK the pleeW
fron ooe ooart of wsier ei
deUctooaaee. of
.g,. wUto^meo. do yoor Aa.1 Hie laagbra pouad. of granutairf sugar. Boll lUI syrup, adjust new robber, sad screw >• *“ ^
»“** (amw •»« «tew
hi. k^SCS w tow Sae *"■ •"
"• -cUclooto....
■<*«»« aogar wbea
Ibe lay*

ti will spto a thread, add one quart of dowa Ibe covers lightly. Bring tba *“ • '*“*•
OtoW rlifffi I'r’i The ■rTtur ot a »>«M»ads or trait pMcb to the wlo- whh tM
aM eooogh
of.the rake. If whip“IBoot see.woere >ou save any op MtawborTy lulce and boll tor-tbree- water to tbe saacepsa to iM bolttn^** **
WM'of Ao who BIW like rabtoo.
(toe ot the heat eotnbtoattoM eH
and o

______ Wm Cheer erer nsde «s. when
craorn to deeliwd thto may M atreoith. fboogb.- aaW the Toona quarter. o( an boar. Bottle aad seal
la ooM waleri lo ..
_ _ s a day. ««»«»-•»< pteoapple lime cam to- j^aaed wKh the cake.
Hooeekeeper. “wbea you lali cooking while hot.
whole. Fhor.n tela a
^ eadsavor to
Bf*WnI botttoa ware tolsd
Prewrra Pio^>ples-^Tske plnW' and asshlag. I eertalul) would ttlak Strawbeiry Jam—Four half a rap ot syrai. to Oil the Jan lo eraiBow. or
tme oae tor to All tM others. 'Screw
“* •••» *• ■•••
...................................(or wlater a^m qolle rtji. Foel them core- toy hands were Ml. laaf srlth tbe rad currant Juke orer one pound of
ir and allow it to suad Ibe coeera on tightly, let cool la wa•• •
tnUy. cot them to siloes: then weigh, warhing for IM two of as. while to
-------------------- -twenty mluatro while you -boll ter. tighten the covers oooe mere, and
the frah. and allow ihree^bariora of yohr idace—“ And she gasped •»
.OwrlhUtt tM edIMk- toaroed
a plow Ore one iieund . of ripe. set aside to s cool, dark cdoeccNeftocL
Vos Ibe a.pound of beat whke sorar to evety
Md Btoppad Ftota agohYaad
^--------------------- U-iMroatet raaaoo w«p s gM
•AVkr. m>' rblld, there are too of mashed sttawberrles,': sllPrtag raorsi not Mad of frail. Putt be fruit aad aug-'KMs CMsr's Fsemll. Pto.
should, whar r-im ofgteras wttt
S howl
boBi to laywrs.
layers. Set It aside ___
that requlro such. .a trite of atanily with a wooden siioan. Add the
wgm «°F>Mne
Mpiblne wttt
wttt ««|Rto.
Biltotoe. TMre U aotoe or tote a
OMl'M'ia this wotU-s goodA wM
.- the
- Mca which dtosotvea oatU tM aexi da>: theo set IM betUt time to tbeu proimratloA and wheo •«aar ao.1 rarraai Ink*, tbro
. I>ta aaBlp to mM of a bh sf hwHlag to Home Chesr’a Mea. to a frasb. iberw aoy raaaoa why a giri ahteM » A
. toMMto- A wt beBWB MM Qih^ le demn tote evor a auMy Are uoiil the frail to they ara bore pto>ped toto tbe oten. «>r imU >b Mur. recnoriag eeery par uneoeked airawberry pto Hake a rich dowa towa wttt -Bto coMr. flvM |
hardettaa scaMlag hot. but out tong caongh ot -thqra they arc and there yoo aia t.- rivk of .ram that risra Wbea cold.
m'» WsMtoii^A BrawM and idrab- ‘■ •“
'* *»«••'* <»(
piecrasi Sbefl and bake It. Jote be- crooked, her Mir anttoy. ter A* ^
fMib. P»F»HyIB <»■•• »here gwlaUne Is aofl* Uiam. Take out ibo trait with ss'aa eM colored wotusn used to say real to tnmWera with paraSlae.
.ratted for. alwara Usececdted plaw a pertoraled ladle, and rarcrally to)' whom I knew years ago. For loStrawberry in-lictous-Cover' four fore serving time. AH li wHb large, aapeltehed. Mr Mger -«ite ateM
.... •
It IB a rwUndee to drain. Bell the manrA n»» famllv took forward to poonds of B»e ripe sirawherrles with • weei bfCTles. and >|>r*od over ibem her peilksmt below Mr dreos skin o
ike Jug. foor pound, of graatitoled sugar and sweetened and Mvored Whipped wllb tbe botloM Off her raoif Alto
gaup sMow it to stan^ over aigbt to s cool rrawiu. the thicker Ibe beltra. tJlile three sigbto BWy be neeo to aa
kw rream, but an Ire with nll'tM la pesasfw"What to the world Is that? Sound. Idace. Kiraln off ihe mke pour It In- ladividonl l•les. tbe c-r
toB> whUeueaa of a nram. but with- sjruii,
---------------------like potrad .lirsu «w ItdOtod hare tfr to a Btanlie saw-eian wud tot li boll deep saarerit. are even
aM au
ou tM rioj'tog Hchnera
Hchneaa of CM
the tetter
Bseraharry RccMw
otheriMaga out ot an sncleot cook for Afteen Biinmet. removing nil Ibe Ike rat oUega. Thto «
•Am Qm •Btea -nan ^ **
dlBcreat traa IM ordlaary
frak Prtlar will not be quHe Mob.' oaM tbe Vouag Housekeeper, nram. Add tbe berries, boll tor two teioaBy good wbea red n
Rviot datecr giri hgs a partletear
U .wHhoul a few ran. of gonae-Qa tM contrarT. I goi It tost yew ■ three mlnotea. ihM M* laio hot
■ark for bar Hngsate. U now M ter
I gnd half a doieo lumbiera of frnn a very modera amgasln*. this raw or bMjMs and oral Immediately.
IB Hw palate wa to tM aye.
a es e teIs tM way I make It." said the Bark
^Om OHFteto^ - g. tarn li rwqolred for thto tee. agg
la June ptek over the leaves of
niems and rarrmily piek over eigbi
a Aewsr. (tee «rl «
^S. ^ ^
AgL.- „ ggg whKra glvlag K body aa well ns lit OaaashrnT Catmip—Mmove the noor Neighbor.
ten do sot wash Um
-j«ggM 8oap-SH« sii imtaioM quarts of fruit: wash under a stmaai Ihern Ibrongh the
wbai yog maMad te
la «•••» •kliteteoA
stem a»d
and bloaoom irom «ne poonds
f hr iha
fm one cupful of white sugar aM
gaaiebmlM. watt them and veey.ttin. and toy la
•to «ha Jtqo af VtlfTT- dtto'i
ftera wHk an
rnpful of ran- Ful iwu qaarts of the fruit to a doable IM Aarat kaifa
hoHatM ailifc tedA Mvar ,
if aagar. Boll, tolrrtog
^ to tM oorwsr. TM haHraty Man
Let root'tteT^l^n »»*<• Bcald BBd rub tbroagb a rolaa- aM peas, a ttalni) toteed luraip. a rap- holler whh one piBl of augaf. and heal
•w. n a baop nthar Aimg to i
sew men ura atir in
______________ __fat. of_ Btewed
“te- ^eiaas m km- mriK cowan aM so dm
lomlora. a sihed oaloa. alowly uaill the berries are soft;
and a qtarter cupful of raw rke Sea- ihroogb cberaerioth. aad mum tM MM. For each plat of Ibe Jaa. mke rafftea of bar skina. la teM. oa oB
U mo aiM oae and oawMlf each of all- soa to lActe with iiaU sad pepper aad toW to the preserrlag kettle, srtik a rieh ayrap‘vUb a ragtnl sr-araar gsr ki‘narMi Aaotter gtet mrha
Mtee and ftevra. Bell Wteen mtouleo. » puu* or allsidce. Pour over all one one quart of sngar; atlr ovw iM fro and half a cMfnl of water. BM gaa- g,r nirarattwltt a arattymbNMwo raw to AtlpHtto atj, and com n- bagiiia lo ihtekssi oHghtly;
Thto ptoo to mro n«to-‘ '
--- then add one qnart of cold vinegar: g,un of rich beet brolh. put on Ihe untU Ihe aagar to rerapteieir dto- tly for iwend minutes, ib^n odd the ^
teBpIte' aM 1 haahiA' ap te your door CM wen-healaa whltea of
battle Mutedlaiety.
iu.and rover tbe edge, with naair lo rolved; hoil Ave mlBoira aad ikim. rone tom. When K hoOs ap P>t h laM ifc ,mo iM coMaaptera Hum.
ind «gg OH awarlAr gad arad up a aUr up w*U aM beat until fraten.
OegaahirTy Janr-Btew IM berrlee keep to Ihe aieain. Set iM Jar in a then ad.1 tbe rematolag fruit: beat Bierlltoed lumhlten aad rover iMaam
<ted wtth Hta. -late a. MeOgogal cm Park aM Wt auM a few temra li
la a warr little water, rub them hot oven and cook three hour.. Serve slp*ly to tbe holllng potet and cook
Cetwris and Tfiete U«ae.
h Item gat w two gain of toeboo-ripon.
For the asn^wtehes rat oocae bread
ibraoigh a tntonder and lillaee them in «nh cri.i- crackers.
nilantes. FUl each Jnr le orerBesides Bs use lor rtoteg aM MtrTM4 (koo i^avay Pineapple Bbonraki^iti
Into exreedtog^- thto alteew- BpiwM ,
' tag porpom tM ll.teptogtelM Arabn
wco 4.
______ __________ «, a— —
__________ _ A '(•«*•:
®» • P'"‘
"1 have another nchcoie." .he con- Aowlng and tuwl
lightly with Bofiened butter aad tbeo deprado
^ tr 7
•««« “
P*"* Pf
**“ "B"'*'AOABds harder than It
PraH Cbntney-Bqual parts ol
10 keep tey Milts
made tim M ramu .......
._.TZ ^ 'AT-^hr^ f
three^uariera or an boor, allrring con- .,«aiy to. I have tooraed two thing, craahed red raspberttoa. rM rarranu. sprsM with tM ibianeot eoaUng ®(
twee tom Imaginable- Preoa two elteee
^ faMM'lto irfuto
-•^ p^ '*»
(A f«*«‘ »«"• (!»»«*' “
TTT." <w
dto- with three-fourths Ibwir weight ta together aad rat late thin atripa. reThat k And tey graad~
________ .
the white of so egg. . cowar ihera (tee to thst Hoaday gtanulsied sugar. Boll slowly uatll moving all of the raust. You wUI And
drilriri.. '..r
Kou u. spread
Jelly—Allow ^ „o, k,ve le be ww«h day. I al- thick. Seal hot to ptoc gUas Jara. - .U ,1— __ I ..wri.ll,
^mes ■ua oaui wvnpmtmg aravas
. sad receiptitoa..
only a hard, chatky
Sns. .. ibw ... MB era* - » ' ,Vr. .ir
<>*“'• «
T»«w^r- •"«! *»d that
Fannie Herrili Farmer glvea the
UH 0« ^ ^^ „„. ^ow Mo.g,y „ ,raol«toy oeedrt to put, dlrectteos to the Woman .
g tM Aaaan a
. rabbtog ttia I
wwIL .nr,‘Ite
‘"a folks Home romionlon:
Three rulffoU of bnlled strat
.vwwrae oeewesa me two jvers ana M top. broken or wm mnah ensHy. Turn i^ve been home nil day Suodsy, 1
Csnned Sirswberrtos-Ptck over,
. hands It rwdaeas to powder, and when
riea. one cupful of engar. one
three-eoraeped Jelly bu like lo uke my iMe on Monday, too. wash" and thorougbly drain, touail. sioonful o> Boor, one ufileapoeafnl of
ctspanded ovex an enrihenware bowl, m banting «i> and sorting all the ripe Btrawbeirtea. then hull and weigh, butter, one sglupooninl of raM. ooe (reHtlng drink highly oaieeMd amoM
and let dfBiMbver night. In the mrn- aasM cieibes. aad to sewing on mtot- Te eeeh iwund of frail allow ihree- lablespeoBful of lemon juire Uoe a
“Merram^. m H to
..V ra mretor Ymir folk. -h»«w .~t
___ _
»f«ura Ihe Jnlr,, and to every
buttons, or raiwliing lesra In fourths of s ioun.1 of sugar Put to IJ Plele with rich pa-e. i inkle a
win keep la good coMMta tor
oar te mneti. ttmr roisa stmpye ano oauty Oeoaert to mM«
gnautoted sag- .Wlf. or other thlais that eyed s altenuie toyera of fniH and sogar to
h.tle Boar to Brit end vbeu cum to '•«'
'‘'•te* «»•*• *>»■
ain't avor foaked yet. aM y I kaap with ptoeappte, fresb ‘or esaoed. that
tog kettle.
the herriee. MU tltf flour, salt and
" »•»'*• •». aM to prtsM
yiaar hand whan «M Lord pot It- He hat brao weU drained from, tbe Julcr. «iBo^f sdVtM*^^™in7.
- uigbi. In Ihe mertitoA beet sugar together and tUrn over tbe bee- •»«»* «h«
^ra oateo
•« B OA. I amrtdaY laora to ^ «• oit la smaU pieces aM bmieo ap ,oiT,g. sad boll again fci*ien minutes. | g, ,<,1 like to Mndte soiled cloibe« graduall* to the boiltog l•olnl- nod let net. iMtIy add the butter to hits •nach.of sweet dates. Fraab. war*
the glaaar. Ihaugh I’m clean crasy wmh whipped crauB.-ai mud> as rouailog from tbe ar.t mluure H. belutoates Skim berrtei aad Ibe temon Juice. Before iHiniug '*mel mitt to also IM food m many
than Boyooe else, but I bare stninicr
about angle. I oouMnY team noM ewa be oaed aM keep It e»l«. It
,o hou. sklni rarefolly white
Ding ge late tbe tub wUh a fro&r-^vrop toto sieiilhed tors, All Jars on IM top crust be sure to set. the vnlnable horses owned bp- desert
•r tte tttega I ranmed ter taalM n barn be nerved very cuM. to gtoeeea. bolltag. Hera tbe Jelly gtoasea bested „o, rente end eome oat sbooloiely <o overBbwtng wtth boiltog syrup, M- lower crust iboroughl r. and pres- .o -bclks
r.aaM to gigaelt. Too Wan to toMh.
Ptnespide Ple-rwt a ptarapple to sag
oo a folded doth wrung not of ruine.! Well. tbsl's one reason why lost robbers aul x-rew oa rovera Do
getbev Armli
. ^1901 caravan to oa tM
la«^ hgany.' An' ramebow It's small ptecea, Wt Stand over aigbt boi water. PHI tq overttowtog. es the j m-, ,o pot off wash day tUI T
Tura- b<A attempt to cook toe msay at a
----- ..
march IM very young raaalt ara onh^lf. a Ml. teoffkto' has. Thera's wkb ooe rapfn! of sugar powrM over jelly win settte as It raoU. sml let g.r Another, which sppKes. not •
ea (ted OB the becks a( tte ■other
wmf a urns V.Mac It to keep the it: to the asurnlag chop tte plnesp- rool; itoce for J4 hours where It will „ ,b, snmnuw. but nnv time In
San-('ooke<t S'ra«berries—Fin three
Neerlv one coi-ful of sour mitk. •
. .
- ...............................
I nae rap- b, „gl„orbed. then .
to Ibsi I -Mve .Itocotered that pounds of floeh s'analaicd eagar and IHIIe salt, two lablcspoonfuls of mel> BBimato. since they eaaaat eadnre tbe
with two
oeeoeMm- Fool—O
<te> ranaiag <«n be suceestullt done bv two capfato of Wiling waur to s e.1 tauter, one i»aten egg. a small lea (atigae of'a leoff gwch. ValoaUe
docs and Arab desert boondo. ratted
there to a
* BW* the baking method. So I like smooth granlte»are woservteg ksnle. apOooful of s«la. flour as tor fried
slugeya.' otow ride la
tbe raoM
'Bfb saltotoctory thsa gooeeberry tooL a ,p ,>roitore the Irait lor aay ball a Stir nntU'sogar is dtoeolvsd, be*i to rakes Roll verr thin Cat to aqoares ^
'*-•« ao.l iCgaT feM miM back nay raletr. three bsnasaa. one cob oltced gisb whteb is aurpHstoglv little used jpg, ^ ,^^1 ton. Ailing them-Mfling iviat and let
boll, rapidly, or oMongs and fry} 1In hot lard. Tbe;
tewpsr I gMto to the woodtewoe nad pineapple, ten rents worth raadled jg this Itort ol the worll Tbe regu- „ directed for cooking b» sleamtog without stlrrtof. until scrap wll aptn will puA up Serie hoi with a aauif
d lotMa
tocM tM door nM baa It OOL Bn: ebarrieo and Jiugllah watowtA one ^r rattpe li: Oneqnaceof ripe gooee „r la a boiler, seittog the Jara te a a thrvad. abea droi>M<L from tip of l«ored over them aa loHows
ttam wbM i Bi ibM aad there doo'l a»to. All alleed to emelt cubes. Mis berrlea. one cupful ol angnr. one table- g,^ rondter. Ullng tt *rifb water sod mwop or itnes of fork, ftek ov.-r. One iHBI of hot water, ooe ropfol of »
“ **,
mam nottlB' aksM. I teD tM Uort wdU ukdlbor and oae toHowlng draas- sMoafnI of bnlter aM (our egK Tbe .Hppup, j, jg ,b,
While Ibe wash, dials sad hull sMad. rtt- •ugar. OD«
rivera (bey driok iwtoa a day. TbfV
ahoMto . TpH Him IberewtoY Mttto- tag: ttayoBMtoe Dreas—To cm cqp mogilinTtoT afaeuhl beXioiipM and eHiUitware MUlag ea top of the stove, strawberriea:
re shouW^jJiree ,
feed largriy oo IM taaffb. scrubby
fanmaa (hr halp. Jnat HtaL And if elder vinegar add ooeMIt rap wacer. stomawd and atewol whh a plot of ^
j, ggjgg gecble' duty by uk poandt Heat ■ IM bnlUiic -poiai. )
piece' verdure known docaOy ss esmrl
He dnX I'm d ooe lor. Alai om cop sugar. amaU piece
«gter oatti they are tender. TM aktos
nre of all my fralt By prei«r- and let almraer twenty mtouira. Poor
ever bora a time yoi that when t M boll a lew mtoules aM place oa s^ rawved by passtog iMm tbrongb
g, fg^
,swalbte tbe oo large plaileta. raver with mes of tamer sire of aa •■gg. .
(hora. which grows thrpogbiooi kleso- .
peumto. esceid aa IM oiireae «W
oiara right down ta R an' aayn. -Lord, bock of atove. Disaolve one teoapooa g cotaadar: tbe butter, auaar and
before I am not burned or tired of gtoas. aM tei stand to IM aoa two
Cgg DsiMwa.
ert wasue. TboIrhaMs are poraltor;
I mat* ram- that fM tedp ain't MM-. ceraainrrb to a Uute waer and add kaatra yolbs are added, tbe mlxtBre ^
gg, ug .mnebow mv fruit days. turte^iV fruit over two or
Hod six egs twenty mtoMon. AClee unlike horsey they seM to (eel he
ad tg^ .1 m«M help to take hold tbrM wall beatea eggs Poor alowly i, well bralea aM iM whole poured
g^ f,n ^n»oei-wliboot my three timew eacb day. The platiers

p oo^toaghto'. I AMI IMo the hot vinegar, and gUr ran- IRlo a glass dbb. Cover wHb the kggwjgg g Tkere are varteltea of abevM W otoved fra* ilBse to tto», reMvlng from sbeito. sites a Ibta foMneos lar tteir bnmna nmeriatea.
aak IM AwioMbltoi
piece fnra the eMs of enrh. ae ibsi ibomtt ihpy Will setdets ossder Ur
hltoo and a brick temm> aiaatly: add oaN and pepper in mate wklua of tbs qggs hwaiew -with two
rnawsd aa mom that the
aM fir caaia wM
lie' I. aM tel aU rook
A togetter until H hollt. uWraim
• as they are pn-pdrvd. but il le I leave (all npoo the fralt If pot wsi of doors, eggs will Sisnd nprtglit: Item ewi to away from iMOnrsvna leair if toft a»-----------------------. . eool. Wbea c
aM tot
tr>hlff will staM alone, ffw itene- ^ g
K eearae ttey -MoM be broagbi ta bedate iM hahes. remove the yotka, nM arrange tied orer aiffhc H to ao nansaMiim
arouM the edge of a plaiier. s«hi <o she (wo or three llinnusd
UM of aqpity hnstorwo. Bwi wMa 1 ready to nse add oae-baU rap creafc ta a
abom soa Beu. and pot u a cooL dry ptore.
aaya. Tmt pa' He ffai^ kght tkto whipgitd-Biiff.
to temala waill the nevi morstog. Cook ooe^lhird rupfnl of soft breed rameb ea tM deem wnme wafaMs
cmaabs to onedhird coidwl ol mlto Bagdad-a waBa.. .They laprsacat ttn
tttoc-.raff.‘ He atok mw gone hack a PiarappH aoufAe is srodda^M may M made. After tM aktos Mve
■1 abeold think ibai would M Usal When cM proreo i
ontB a «>oth (Wste. Add oae*. upfal romblasd hards of ranraaa which
m tttpgra- Tatto. ttooa McolaHc-iNdyooererMarofanttaoaehs- Mea takoa off. iMora iM AooBSbsr w piaeapplea** eirialomd tM Toaag glass Jsts to ovetdowing. and staL
of Aaefy minced haw pr chiefcea aM hat- Burt gi BagdM. fartaglnff to waota.
I waa thankfol fere; Sspara^ iM yofts ftora the rle« *o 'be Are. beat tbe yolk.- of Ibh
TMr .need te staM
Fn-ierved fbravrtierTiss Web
.waa.ia tM boaaa tor mm wku*a of three e
era aihrr earaa iw
............... ..... ....... niciH. and I waa •atog to P»i -tark orer. waab. dratei^toM haO eae ellghtiy braiew saA Ssaaaa whh h<.. nad:
• pat «iL t aiwaya waa techy. Htfdlr. aM Md iM grated rted aM halt afiM hoc bervtek dmiag iM Maiap asxi .sek. I'M tryibem drat- large, ateected. ripe otrawderTtee. sab aM MM*. aM wne« ' raoi digereoB pnta ef -Mi i jgaiawto-—
met at oae tomwa. a trw gntad of tadFod'^lhat thoy wOl wot cardie and. g^
igugv wni| mrawBetry grw- Weigh traU «M laM an aamd wtegte r—f te haalls. term toto baJU (be WeabirOMOotar aM Trade Bspsrta.
Thai la
Ibae few
gam ithe UHb*al l» taal M «
if that
_ • atoktof .Bla worth wWto.
TkM caato «ha laaat aad 4«ea the
«Bf|t is Jaai a gldataat aadto.
♦ A DWM or ftM£AI»t«. ♦
no aMe tkat bitbbtoa tiow i
that toraa Ks toUowwea
There aaed to M a thsarr tbai aay^toithatwascoodtoroswMr,----------------------- aagato.
•M. That area
Jfc- foB Of worth aad ModaMA tao.

ts .


»rCSo^m r-ofb,^ ^ TJrjr«:n,


t k .



i™; ?*




“* i

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