Grand Traverse Herald, July 04, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 04, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Bkhlmra. July 2.—Woodrow
■BO. •oronior of New Jener. recei.
Ibe doooertUe

said I’nderwood didn't enter the rat


Queatioh of Painting Poles Owned By
-ubHc Utility companies Agt

to defeat any candidate, but to eradi­

l■rMUeae]r oa ibc fony-mxib talloi.
Tto Bomlnatloa mme w tbe climax or
a drainaUe boor and tbe

rertalnliy, a lien West Vlrgtnls* cast

of dan o( anxietr and wrangUns. The
coBTeBUoD for dramatic aceoee and

her entire 1C for WiUoo. 4'lark le«dera. Hell. -Stone sod fVaaris. are work­ vice president.

doubt that Wilson cate Ibe Mason aad Ulxqn line,
Tills ws* almost
asid I'nderwuud s-ishetl only fur

to Und^e«*»ed.

BalUamre, Mr S.^FVtlloa'InE i
tea of cobrerencM tartldpated i_____
all tbe aatl-Bmiii forces. It was de­
cided that a aupraate elTort be taade
to BonlDate todar- Tbe rboire of the
naiorltr uf tbe aOlMtiTaiiUe^ is I'o
derwoqd. lU will aei all of flark'a
StrcBStb irit'U found
,bope for the aPMker.


VBcaa aa atleai^ lo retain llie dele■atea lost to Wilson.
era are aware of tbe wpositiuos plans
sad are taking active stem to lliwart
tbem. urging all Ibeir delegsTea
ataad Brm. Tbeiv U much hitler f<
Here that Wilaoa’a maximum s^rengih
baa beon roaobed and be will ioae
(ram Dfw <M.

The Wllaonltos

■raMi Cornea to Wlleoa.
Chairmaa tbmsa caBed tbe cooeeadtob te ueitar bt U:0T. The wiIhou
iMdera claimed they
Itad pk-dged
Totee to rntpe hla flitare above COO.
. It will be “WUmm day" aald Martine
Tbo goTaraar will be aomlnait.d here

lurtsf for tbe
lievehBimeat Bureau, ppaaad thraaBh
tbe city today oa bis way aeatbwarB.
la thU aeasM ia charge et the


“.Vo man wbo baa the

make It one of the blgxrat (ralt
a in this of tba aUla.

alun of the demcM-ralic naitonal c»hvenllim. The nomlnaHon of a vice

l-resIdenHal raodidsle and the adop Thera are 33.uwv currant buabra (tat
I ao_w 00. year old and bafflniaff
of the platform framed by tbe,
Bryan b
chairman. V
lu-rformed by the

bear,''tod-*.ita apple traea that
have bean set a yrar. Tba curraat
patch u bettered to be tbe toiBsai la



tbe auie of Mickdaa. kat wtaa It
comes Into fall beartag aeraral ncora
of .people wUI ba required to hanraal

The delegates, tired of The dull


iiie of tour days of baltoliag f<
presidential candidate, were on hand
eurlv, auxkMia to dlsfmae of the work
was atm lo he done. The choice

The report of tbe Cos
Ranking for Miebitaa tor t£h yoar
1911 has beea sdd4<d to tbo rafarsaea

BlatisUcal library' bakmgtag to
vice prrwidenlial csndidaie
that have either been negleft
bsmn delegallon to vote for Wilson
d delegatea Senator Slone,
Ihe firai problem rontroniinc Ibe con-; lha Weatera Mleblgaa Davatopaaltt
to the aiieniloQ of
but the delegallon refused to take
Burean. Tbe library Aa aloe tbs rich­
riark leader then look the floor, and ed or'but brought
er because of iba Otmd Roads yrartine. The otflcial I3rd I
suld: "Speaklug dor.Clark. 1 will rer aggressiveneo that marked
Delegates Were All Clad That tlrug.
raxuyers on Fourteenth
lot was:
Claiic. SSP; Wilsar Co:- leaae the delegates Viuni wiy oblignfor Ibe yaor 1912. which baa
the iirevloua se«Uin* waa gone and
gle Wa» Fl^iahed—Anneuneement
i|(i<>n’-d the council for a
I'nderwood, SKVi: lUrainn. JS; Kern! :ion lo Clark. If another Is nominalbeen recelvad (rota Wtabiagloa.
the delegatea were in a mood lo Oniah
of Vice Prealdential Neminaa
tin w'l.|.-h they want laid east and
1; Fobs, 27; Hrjan, l;,Bbsent. 1. The >d. I need not say Uiat Clark will
Ended Hikerie Event.
Maryland delegation
loyulB; aupport bini."
Mayor Pita- west of Cass street for a disiaiirr of
Generally, Ihe aDti-Bryaa delaimiaa
le. block.
It was referred to 1
poll on llie-tJfd, Btraal 34 (or Wilson Cerald, of Ikiaton then withdrew FkMa'
ilalllnuiie. Jviiy
Wearied, blit
ere Inclined lo support Marahall.
liter <x>ni|ulitee.
and 9 for flaik. (Ju tlw. Tany-founh, i|Biiie and asked that l-'uaa' votes go
Averse aeetloa of Weatara MlcBAixiulldcui of ylcKirv Tn'November. Hie
HI tbe line* were not sliarply diav
The risjuesl-vif Stephen MiCarry
I'olorado. wHh rai-k rlblied
for Wilson. Congreaamau KltzgeraUra
Tlie Indianlaa look Hie lead, bow- gan. baa been imeured. ths Tlewa har­
e* broke, giving nine vol
motion lo make WIImih's iHiininallon
n'are h-aving for their, homes coler from Ibe sUri and many of the ing bees ukea ta eoaaactloa wtth
n. giHng him leu In all Indiana
'hlu.-(..-<I l.y S.T. propeny kzf the Queen City l-3e. i'rif dav. -Tliev iKimlnaied a Hike! which Wllacn-Kryan stales cast their
the WitllaiD II
l.iKhi and IVwer plant was referred
then came nnlidly Into the Wllaon
is hellevnl repicsi-iili-d
ir hint.
> the mniniilCee on ways and ne-ans
isrop a-llh ihlrt.v.
lo the lakt for Clark.
Ibe i-uiiy and uiio|>le,l a plalforiB
The straight Wlliion TOte generatly
Tile busrd of pulilic works
gelned 54. getting IS. Hennsylvanli
Riperimenla ara belaff
XI |v Hie must ulvanreU ever tahen
As Ibe t.iiih mil rail was ealled
ent «p Burke or (^tamberlaln.
n-i-uiiinieiidalioii ibsi the <1
>ra voted solidly, Wilson, gluing him sas a •mainly that Wilson wmild Is*
New York gave Marshall 9V Tolea: by (be Weriera Mleblgaa Derahipsit owned by the city be e\cliunee<1
.Buraan tor tba porpnaa of dta
anilualed. Alt ibi- stal'-e except
liti^ :.vl on ibii tm»o» wrar lo BW
Wiscensln Falls In Line,
iHusIng voted iheir entire tP'legaler'^Ntolrsl. a naHveHoB. Misaourl covering^ avdSMcff taifftag acrwwabmil turn. They
t'lah and ll' followed 14111
tlon lor Wilson:
Florida. «'Lirk
gave Mayor I'rcsIoB of llalHmure a berriea for exhibtiSahpafFaaaa. «ltb>
I that n-|iulrs lu> 1
aylvanU's pxani>>le In voting noli.! ti
rotor. A largo M«bar «d
Isiuisiana, Wllsuii Ix. Clark
vole of 3>'..
Wllaon. A'hot srkuioenl ensued ok. h; Missouri. Clark 34; District of Co
Ibe first tiattoi on Ibe. vice presi different rfaemIraU nre ba^ asad ia
demand for a i*ill by l&e Washing luDibla.' Clark C: California. Clark 34;
ibe hopea that evaaioalty a ehstalcal
pelttlon signed by W. K. Foote
.n delegalkin. One delegate ai>|>ealed .Nevada. Clark v;; Ohio. Clark I. Wlldiarovarad wbk-b Will aat tba .
and otherx. asking that the .-l|i
(rdm James- ruling that any delegat- Bon 33. HaroKtn 2. tw-o ahsent.
( the berry an tafoly
nismbertaln. IC; 4fnrtt of IHInols,
prove the ready leading lo the clir
could demand a iwll
Amid laughter
(ada With lima or trwa
77; l^ton, 27: Met'
At S:I1 Wilson was
Was n-aJ. It asked that inipr«!veiii,.iii»
and applause tbe apia'Sl motion pas elected by the following, vole:
lioriie. 9; Sulzer. 3; Wade. 2<; abaent (he rhemiraU used la praaotTlBg lha
the table. The Washington'lull
»n 99V. Clark t>4. ll:iruion 13. gbsenl
reaulted: Wiliam 14. rlark hS. The
Before Hie rail call was begun a
4yi^ue. In order that farmer.
unit rule prevented and
Mls-eiiirl delrcaie tried fo move lu
tieualur Stone muted
i-iNjIdJiave eitsier banting for
for tTark. On ih.. fortysiis|s-ii,l till- ruli-s and uomlnale Mar


: tfu

today. fllOifnra Kern and l«a also
fourth Clark received 3tW. Wilson 6«a,
made cool^la favorable lo Wllaod’a
Underwood 99. Harmon Z7. Kuna 57.
orders for tbe Lorty-lhird iianoL

C. E. Smith, wbo last year tnn«a4
over Wevern Ulrhltaa aa bortlenh

lixii ol a prealib-nUal randldate—had big John Weatera (arm la MOUp
iM-en doiwise.1 of, floor and galleries (••wnahlp. Antrim county. TbU (arm
were filled laid night for the final sea- conalsi* of over 3M arrea. Tba ptoa

been in aenalon since last

ing rranlk-ally now to turn the tide, Iniereat of the country at lieun wnuH
ur bold togelhw <iM> third, lo prevent u^eti this great man fuV vl<-e prral Tlte feature of the session wt
large iiutdlmr of petlihms that
Wllson'i nonilnalton. Tom Hellln. the drat." aaM Bankhead,
last Bight's flaht. became a potent far-' Alsliaina znanagermf the 1'nderwood wbei* he la. "Rankliexd iheii said be
In by citizens in different
e city who wanted many things
boom siletnpted to Induenre tbe Ala- rould releaae the Vnderwijod intiruci

lip-xs of the convention—the nomlna-

partya aurcess in November.
New Jersey delegates then yelled;

poliUeal ceiwralahip exceeded
em hoM la tbe Hailed Staiea. Wir



Only 9* voles were ofinled by
WllBonllMi after (he forty-fourth.

toads of |inidu,-e lle-y brine ;,i
i-tly. U wan n-feiml to Hie stre,-l,.

Ibe molion carrbsl.


peedlctad braak came whee BulllvaD
leadere began proselyting, ami Hie
autod that forty delegatea bad voiClark leaders followed the Wilson
ed tor WUaeo aad olght for nark and
men frying to straighten out the dents
nader the uatt rale the eotira
and working desperately tr.ving lo get
wenid be f«M tor Wlbma. Michigan
n comhlnatf? to prevent
eaaght the cootaglao and cast only
two tor Clark, and » for Wiiaao. New .nomHiaitan.
Underwood and Clark Withdraw.
Terit (ailed W Milfi her poolttoa.
Forty-llfth 101101 was; Clark. 50C:
When Tirctala was railed It ws
for Wlleoa,'amidet wild
cheerinc. Wilson 633; I'nderwoirf. 97; Itarni.m,


and walks •ommiilee lo Investlgaic

shall by aci-luiuaiion. Hivan was oa
his f!s.| in a UK>ment. d-maodlBE aa
opinrtiiiilly for all.' He made hla way

Taxpavers residing on hates sirei
ualieii that a wnier m.iin l>e Uild frusi

toward the idaiJurm. but before he
cuiild tiegin li> sfwak the motion had

Kighth slroei to Iloyil avenue,

lisen wfthdrawH aud ihe
therrsund ■•llol was begun
Theof H- •baltol•

itnciunl of water if



lime. Tbe w-ater .-uniiiulle.' sill l.w>k
IP the ailuatlon.
1. Heminatetf By Dem<
a for Vice Prew<4lcoL

City Clerk CdilE was jiiithorlted
adVi'Tiise for bids'on :.i>v f*<et of 34

Miss Hrten Hatinen. violinist. Miss
Tire hose 10 lu> ased by the I
Mary Kellogg, pianlsl and W. Ogden depaniii>-nl. He wus also re<i>iesi
SS: KOna. 27. Kensior Itankbead of
Kaowlag that Bryaa'a bait vote
Johnaon. celloisi of Huffalo. left yea- to'ask for bids on 4i«si (eei of
beeo east tor tbe new JetMlta, the Alabamn, tbe linderamsl lender then
tetfay for krahlawama, where they Inch iron water pipe to l»- used d
Clattt leadsra started tbe ebaat: obUlned permlaalun
le present year.
will furnish music at t^e hotel ftw
the anmmer.

(ronlinned on Page Two )

This —

e of the best three piece orrbeairas

make up

he combination In this Instance,
goes wthoiu saying that Neahuwanta
resorters may lonk forward
good music.

Misses Hnnneii^and Kel­

logg are both Traverse City girls and
work is too well known to
quire comment, while Nr. Johnson,
student of the Michigan rniversiiy.
Is well quBllflesI to make
number of IHP orclieeira.



The Neah-

t'hamberUJil. 12
Kcliresetitalive Hughe* of New .ferTlu- ' haHle" iurite,j to
- feast during Ihe closing liouiN aey moved Ih* Marshall le uoml
ed by acclaanilViu. bul a clmrus of dlathe delivery of Bryan's "valedi«nr>
Iw-;ng the inoM dramlir locldeiiL Fo: —nt lollyw.-d. '*
Cliairman Jmiie* ordered Ihe roll
lowing hla H>ee(fa the Dialrirt of l\
lumbia ilelegBH* put him In-nomina- railed. Before The roll rail eeni’d be
"greatest living Ameriran."

The wil.l.

id most hislork-ul outburst of Ihv

Fife Ijke.

Mich, July


lawanla hotel opened July first, and

Rapids and Indiana Euglne .Vo.
notth bound from Cadillac to P
class summer boine, there Is no doubt key. crashed Inlo Ibe rear of a double
■ will be tilted to.rapaciiy l>ei,nc header atra freight. Inside Hit

Wijs.l out hv III

.No one beard the motion ic
I or -James' anoouncement
Kvnveiiikin was

fielil'The .-on 1:

hut Ihe moUon was deelared

before. I am
selfish Jmer-st

Inge I.tuics at i.Zi yr.u-rda)

G. W. Baraca Rekided i



Tbe engine niiiniiig. alone wai
>E taken'to IVt.wkey lor the "dime
nTy run" between bnd llarli

Coiiiitig arcimd, : a


>e Ju«t Uorlli of the village de|sil
File l.Ake.

Mich, July 3-«

llaroes, uue of the best ktiown
dUge. died in It
pllal at Cadillac at ;‘:ih> u'H-,

it dsefied into the rear ol Hie 1
whi-h wu* Jusi g,-I1;ng under
alier swiiehlng
N'o l■1r|w'dl>>•a
•w-u pU'-ed to wj-n opi'roucfaiiig


- aituaiing my coorar.


•crMy<B Cbatoa Fm- FrabMaM.

- real c.-vmivalgn will not l>a oi-en-

vTkor. ever- leader l»fi saying
imm Weil.l i>e reualied during
the cuniiiig vamiiaigo.
Marthali Had Big Lead.
.,.i„.r-. Jo:. 3 -f\,r president
Wu.s<iew tvflson. ol -New Jersey.
.'or VI. e pr--Id- n'. .toveTiHir Them

past wlnuw he baa soled h*gs dur he makra his hone-.
.•aaiiv in the lead, revvert^ Barke't
Ing the daviime-aad <-ared for hi!.
Tills was his-first trip nuiih
name wa< wubdrawn aud
wir« wibo hss been HI tor mcinih.!. Cadillac and the lii-vi nun- he I
l-t<>-isime4^ tbe BomiBee ,by schis health waa undePniined. She paaaed over the Manlun hill, where cUmatiqu. Amiaulelalerthe
aurrivea him; but It Is fe«ed not lor bis lather, an old railroad man.
ad .dtonra«l aine die. The dele,
tong, ronfined 10 ber bed now.
killed nearty twenty yean ago.
gates, worn and weary, made Ibetr
aa no hopes for recovery. Funeral
Two weeks ago Coedui-tor Osborn
xut .tf the big eonremuvn hall,
'Taafemenis have ncM as yK been of the extra was la a wreck at Suulb wittglng aud hapi.y to be Marled (or
lade but it is expected It will be Boardman. Ibe next tows above here. home.
held tmdeg. the nusplcea of Iba Odd
w hich hia flraaum was aesMed

Bureau Working


far Wcaterei

i-d lor -ix
neapite the di?
Saji-l I'iiterti!--! daring Ihe battlet

IJe has be,-n


Offlctala, and by (he pabUe ta geaeral.

der to 'secure greater and mere pap
apptoii-.e tol

ft Mui'liall of ludialia.
trains. Th.« t"h« of the wa.<
fl.l. wa« Ibe ii.ket .wmfiVried bv
iiiiaehed and the front d.-ni.disbed the d--nes->3ii. iialioi^I >-otiventH>n si
dent here lor a great many y.-ars. jud Ttie calwmse of the extra Was pul
• III.- n,..riling.
for a IvQg lime v'llage marshall
•jinimissl.m and a.-v,Tal i. <-ipaui.
The hoiiimaupn of r,i.vyrnor \!arde|>uty sheriff.
•henff. lie
He has p^or
vd a narntw e>.ape.
vall fe''»•-i-'esideni
ieut work as/str^'.v
ed ven 4-lfieieut
Tile hrakeiiiali wh- w >s riitiRC Hie
.y -'ttfii.-e.
plh-1 Juuilw-d us did the Sremuii
ij-hi'- tixlkuiiig io' vliw
vtiw |ir--«idept
beUge and township ofti>t^ lielng high' ftmilh. Whose leg WJS hrokeu a
ah it srs-n-ei Hut the Jtrvan Wilson
cumnussiuner. village siteei voiu- life kuee. Tbe frwiture wax rvslui-e-j .-umlneen, In the cmveniton had .lefinilaokmer and aasessor si the time
ph’Sirian. 'Hioush seterely
nltely settled
Ooveraor John E
his death.
hired, bis entire i-oncern aremed
Burke of Sortti Carolina. Tlirre war
He had membMwhip In the. Odd Fel­
• keep Hh> klh-ale^e from
lows and
Ma.-. al>e.-s.
Hu* mother in Hrand Rapida with wh
n iw,. ballot*.di«-lo,«d kfarxhall
lerday afternoon.

been accorded It by county aad city

Tbe board rracbed tba eoacIaalsB to
Tied at 1:3< a. m and the democratic the spring that 'the aeepe of the omronveollon waa over.
terpriae muai be ealarged. aad to «f>

and ho|s- to d •

with tbe advantages It lias a> a first

the nrason

Tbo freasurer reportad WtoMa «B ,
band July fltm.

Since, tha organixatloa of Iba Bg-.
IrtHcun Hie North IMkota delecatl
reau lha work o(^ charity mad amwithdrew the name of Governor
Burke and nmved that the aomlnatiOB

iiiion toliowed and a.- the clieer- of yiar*h»U be made uasn
Before the motion cool
ing xweiM bavk and forth, Ur.van look
Bgerw. Tba naefnlasaa'of -tbe eriaahe i-Uiforni. In a voice that ele<-in-. ihere was a chonis,of 'Wye*' sod Ihe liattoB has bcaa tboraugUy deawto
he fioor ainl gulleriev, Kryaii delegates began to crowd out of t}ie strated. aad baarty coopwatloa ta
raid: . "He who lisliis miiri hear iln-

I Rear End ColPtion Which Hap

pened Withn Limita e( Fife

Plana far Futura Warn Wara OatHaaB
was aa-

.Marshall, i'.434.
Burke. 3x7^.

by any i«rty.

for the vice prerldraiiv as



manrat results, a
aboold be idaced at tbe band of af­
MlH Leah E. Knae, a drama—
from tbe Aldrirh Daamneaa Hotoanad

case of extra line ♦trawheiriet
donated to the cause oY -levelo|v^ieni
liy Wmiam ilsimfortb uf F.linwood
towoabiii. I.eelanau roun'v. has been

Ing yesterday afienooa.

brief and rocHse manaer o
In glass by the TVorern MIrfa'i )-lan* for future work, all o
can Deveiopmeni burean. There will reived the brarfy endoraea
be k' ln until Hie fruit shows this fall
then IWH vimn display that

t*j6tde of Hie world at laige may know
•^lai wondertullv fine fruit prodvici*
ire grown in the w-n.irra
A're|*re*entalive of Ihe


venting the entorgai*
and ayauas;
allied order of work. Will ba praaeat-

ed to Iba public by Mias Kara to a
Weatera tea daya

Mh-higaa Iwvelopmeni l.iireau re
yulted n.umv am

The report et (be work lor Jaae waa
rendered the board by Mtra Isabel U
cured Hew* far u-u- In rarTving 01
Payaon. wbo. for a merely aomlaal
of advertising Ibe agrb-uliurwl 'fee. baa been rarrytng oa tba work
inee of the western. Ml>-hlgai until the arrival of tbe diarnama Bar ■
•port was as foltowt;
group of we-iern MP-hlcan 01
chard scenes is on dUplay In Ibe
lobby of the First National bank ol
i i;v. Half of the photograpb* exb.bu'ed are one* that have beea se­ riora. Oae-tood of wood a*u. Bast
cured thi* year and have never before and^food tor wmaaa aappBad rrevy
been shown to Ibe public.
day from the time tba 4»ao was ra>
TheWegtern Michigan IVveloptneol ported natll Jaae 21M. Alao tevoaUinireau made a display of fruit la glam
ited by tbe Couaty OemmUoaar aad
tbe court bouaa last week gi the HaaNb Officer. Oamptate larstfe farMI of the visit of tbe, cooaty clerks ilolwd by tba Imdtos' Aid Sectoiy oC
Ukhlgaa that Ibeae official* might the CoBffrigifhmal cfearch. Tkrea
r what vcHgra Mlchlggs tralu took Ian of fruit a—, aad' tbe eaaa tboei
ongbly tokea rare «t to ftary VIZ,^



1v Icnown-as the ••weiy^progT- «ivea.'’ for the

and Trav^^Baor Ea^ -

. irm

and irho. a de<'adr from i


Grand Traverse Herald

. mT i 1913



Douglass & KeUogg

«l»rt not stmi.l

ITie Maikrts

The iHvrwwive of today «m be far in the ten jvars

froin nyw.

Cub Bhoe Btora.' ^
eoraor emo aad Froad Bceeti, Tra»«‘CRy. Mloto •

VcHHlmw Wilson » the stronjt^S man th.- Den.oerats coold
sililv have BBined.


AMTU..............r..............f.1%................................ ™*
p2u K.I •am.

He i-ommamU the

aixl tb»- high te-

^rd of alt Mwa of all jwrtiea throughout the eulire .-.mnlir.


geotleman. and the preauWt of the Tniie*! States sliouhl be a

bnt ire must n'lnember that hf has tahen

........'.Both Phoeaa No. S»

B.lvantagr of every opportunity that hns !x-. n idfers^ him and he
Las hiade ?.smI.

It h one thiii? to he president of Priueetou and

Bovem-r of N'ew Jerw-y.

It is.another tliiiiB

the prreaident

of the United Stat.-s ,imd to m-enpy the m<«t antwrati? ppaitioo
la Adianea
... *1B

..MctaAdrawa of anv niler ui thi- aorid.
If Mr. Wjl«m sJmtild Ih> eleete« ilrt“ prt*uleney. ire must
..iic la Adranca
haw faith in his aldlily end ae believe the'country at. lar^ is
pMtoCiea at Trar. a illinr to eon.......
IfMlBH tuck, aadar tba Act ot CoaitraM


what nil those who'know him best demand f-*r

The Demfe ratie parly' hns nam.-.l the .mly.piau ahi> eould

by any.iniasilMUty w eleel.-d.

GrqdklioDtlm week 3,050

Prleaa eometed each day by wlra
Ihio'throng Catted Pioaa UUgnpb

light. *iea-!r.
celpta I.S'-n slow. ITf.T ?.u: Xo. !. »!

gone time ago. in tlieae eoliimna. we Mated tlmf the time \woul.l

be Uhen h»to the enurta

This liaa now fin-ii «lone



" lie F^oeh eourta will have to decide liiis qm-stbui. .alnblisltiag • praeadeot for all othtr nations.

When n maii buys a.pieet-

HoBMt. Bystemstte Pack

of pwper^.'imlw tome apeoial rraervalion is made. Inthat ia braeath him and all that is above him.
vhAtqvcr on this poiut.



In Order to

Hold It.

There ea» «■- ....

An aviator has no uinr<‘ ri>fht to

r the V'est'

drire h» machine in the air ovej your lend than has the owner of
^kdtoioowil hr other wheeled vebi.le. toalrive aeross your prop- Is reci-lpt «>f a repoM ironi J.-liii I
erty OT ahUd groijhd. Areiy niee question is goiiiR t» m ttUiMO. secreiarj- of lie- hur,au retifPran'A conVla aid the whole witrid will wateh the result with

aardioc Abe cLiBCet



tn-m one to isn hundred ■ iirhisds
liera'^n be no questio| mileMi the eotirts eonjiue their choice sppW ill llrt^.41 JJriisln .the
preaent »«-aiion.
I'resldenl Iwy

dadaioD to the fact of acthal damage done.

•Hie ok^ of a piece of projK-rt}- ean aurt-ly elo*’ it to what slJ«i this a most rorluiiote alreak
They way have ihme no ot lock -and he de»ire» lhai over> ap

m eall tretpaaa by needed vehidea.

pie grower In the Weaiern.
mtleri»f^»W»9c, hnt the rights of the individual have been interrlterj ahall partUipaie In vi- pre
Tlie report fnnii Set-tetary Gib
If-tb* courta decida that air vehicles may pass and re|«,ss over son after considering the qusilly ol
TiW.'Uie rijhti of ownership of propertj- have been imp<Till.-d.

.yaw property, the owner of aueh vehicle would have the right to tbe Diiples luirkeled ia Nnghmd (ron:
tikVel at any height he pleased. That might be three f«s-t. ot fivi- Canada .Nova Scotia, TasuiuBla and
AiutniUi, whk-b consldemtlon loinls
or five thousand feet. The priiieiide is
ent that'tbe apples from those
courts cannot regulate the height at which tlmy Ilona are not the equal of .the Westonlecii^^’ base it upon the same prim ijih- as the s|h -sI
I'l^an produi'i. takep

feet or fl* hAdred

tbit may be tsaveUed along the highway; hut along the higliway nutter orWllpniema for this
^ eo 4tir city atreeta. wheeled vehiel™ are. by l^w. allowed only tt relda aa followa;
-If Wealern Michigan ran
the jireaeDl jutii iare with
tbit fleM
a brenh
botiwtly p»<ked.
right to the use •>! snulf-d anil of yoivl qunllr:
S eilipba.
tbe kh aimeea above ns, the eourt must also rule that lhi-se uir csiitnre the inurkvi.
riahl h-ro that ti.ilcM this ran
Ip certain lines of travel, similar to the
be done. It were Inf.Dix-ly better (ur
TCfT^liri^^i^ coiilrql our-street and highway travel. .
never to make a shipment ot ap-

o^ftin l&i^ ^The pedestrain baa his rights and'they eamiot Ikup<m.

lithe ooortt decide that air vehicles have



^f^ere'are tome pretty points of law,to <Hime up in this mutter pira (o.Ihe BrUiab Islea
-Kxeepi in Ibe caw of very fatuy

and aaybodj- vrlft is interested at all tnU follow ihweli- the deeis-

*ly yrani^h oourtg,4h«e deeiaiuus affonling a pn-is-dent fiw apple* • ii »ill not be beat for our
ilkwert VO puck In bosca for-ili:-!

Aa <i

tuyere In

Gffn Discovered

Another aurgwn in that Public llcallh an.l Marine Ilnspitnl
Serriee of the government aV^'ashiiigtou hna lumU- i ilisciivcry
It send nut hillttsf tbe depArtment thinks * itn
letioi tm.

He aays that msny planta grown mil of .I.mipr.



April snd etjioB^ to the natural conditions aa to Ihi- soil.-sunshiny
{UQ fklL yield the ha;-cilu8 t>-phomis. as long as :ll da.vs afi.-r
oi the soU.

The soil remahin infi-rlcd 35 thiya.

lb- rt--

fan BipeeikUy to lettuce snd rsdish.
iBVery day that department of PuUlir lli-atlh and MnriiivTIiw.
^tsl flervjee is diaeovering nome sm-h monliliott nk th'i*.

W.- shuulil

^Vfce onr readers to go'right on eating Irttm-i- und radish and

. _
v.-ar at t i- r .m.i per anaim In
.uaeuii.t of Plishi} :.xir Hollar* (U4.«»
May i. )»12. al-l
.am Miiiouiulinc .
retiK-red or rlosni ap.
aud b> reaauB of
Chief cf Vuli.v Johnson was gtieii
' default hi pavnieoi ot lald to­
HlM'hrsIcr. Utl'll.
_ leavi- of abseiiie from Wcdq.-t-Ia'
il said muncacee UamboriiedMUVESTOCK.
tbe tern.* of utd niortgate to
dnT|. Saiuiday.
Prlcee corrected each Monday.
TEAMS WANTED lo work on .vuii:
the proi-rtv therein dewribed to
toail toa.- th.' .I|«. Tlmiulre at
Aldeiiiiati rmU.r hri.iiglii up the Koss .................................................... 6c to 6c
I b.'. rueuijtsu due and uupald.
I Haii.llioli tPli^lnr fo.
el ln> pfiec^^rttEr'al law OT ^1 '.
queslii-n of TMiMiiiti-. Ihe-diullillns at Steen ................................................Be to 5He
Jul. 34.
equitv baviiiR l»-en instituted to rp• rorner of fui-m and Teiiih «ire-is. Ckleea...................................................................
<ovrr the debt r.'wtrd Ibereliv or ^ny
noihlng has I>.--ii dene toward fa- - Cuwa .............................................,...*c to
Iiart thereof nwi.e M berehv, glveit
lat llombi................
...........;.............. 4c to 6c
;iuan -p of a .iocree ol
: ll ati-uud «•« Tejitli sirvef so that
that b) tlrliie of the power of aaP:rt fur the ivudiv of liresd
nd'Chicken. ..........................................................UK
pned lo wald iSHirtciM and lu
- L'loiiiidK a .■!) l-e iuiproic-I and
Tta\.-r*r- .In ibalxclT. liiede atxl »
mile will the *iaiu|e in suih
,rd| WARM PRODUCE—Buying Pries,
made iiiui a Bniall i*ark. Tlie board on i:.' T'h du of Ma>,
lade and provided ■
Id i-iiUj.- worki
I!.|J. Bh.-i.lii FroioW 11. Kitvr I.Voi
:*»ld at publlr. apctloti
I.Uiiiatn Bill Alta K. Ilyton. Kltt«
see.tliat Ibe Wi«
Ider on Saturday Ithe 34Uv day of
I i’utalocs .................... .......................
Aupast. A. It. 1913. at ten o'eto. kto
Alien are .li-X'ii.isiiiw'
tbe fureiiw.D at tbe .Xiu^b-fTunt daack
Alilrrman S-.iilo was • aiiiioiia lojU““vr
Nulhe is h. r.-h. uiti-n. Hiai ^th« Ur the « uun Ji.Miae In Ihes'liy of Trw*
sub*. flb-r. u . .r. uii .,.1111 coiuiuWon
ire thc'ioiupal'le* owning pole line* | ***• •••••
roe fit', MirhiEwn HhlC brtIUI tbe
emof tbe said .iounu of Oiand Tra»
the Illy palm tbelii aa they bad
a. e Bhcr.
.diaH e~ll at putil.c auctkin. ot
vendue .<u tli»|bish.-«l bSdd.T at Ibe iireiijlse* dea..ribed I
triev ailuwod lo wall utitll
tcoflT'dtotr ol «!ii- iiiurt ho-Jte In ibv
iicb tb.-r. ■
illy of Traver'o- City, in lald-counl)
yet nothing hi a been done ab
Prices corrected* osch MoDday sad
Mitlsfy l_. ________ ______ __
lit Grand Traverse, tint Ik-Uie the
mailer; TlieJ-lerk waa Inairn
eseb day Ihsresflsr .If maraet varies place of hol.llnE Hie «-;irult roort loi lo*elher With the roit* of idch f«e'Jte iod sale and the aUeriPy'i
Potsioee ...........................................
said louutv. on Saturday, the 2dth day
provided for br la». Raid laic
ef June A. 0- 1912. it ten e'cleok Ir
aid premlsei wfU br -aidr Sere,
the foroneon ef laid day. all thus.
E>n ..........................................................
und.r FUhJc\-i tu the iirlneUwI a
' ti. sai.l r.-,rni«, aud In
seruhed- Ihy said
Mtr lupriEaEr aud yet lo
Hay. per ton ...............................
iht. noiiti .-t raiiEe i.n
e In aniouiil of Twely#
I’osl In said decree aa ful lluodred Dollare tfisni'.noi. The pt.s
BUS* ....................... ..........................
miaea to he euM are desrribed to tbe
QRAIN—Hannah « Lay Ce..
utid lUortMe aa Ito' West uDehalf
minutes cast f*Ti itairMoca esjtrected -each Monday, i
ct^l of the tVest nifkhalt Itr* of <he
qaaricr post between
N'oriheact one-,iB*rl*r t'^t of Bert hut
!b ^y thereafter if market rar
iwn 3k. north rana.
S 31 utid 3
Tbirlvalt .361 and th.‘ BtnitheiM oneItiK th.-nCe wuih 4
Other Oemoeratie Leaders Bay They Tbeat ..............................................-........... r
luartcr 11, i tg tbe Suiibweel OBece* to iqlnut<-» e&. t. to the easCorn
liisrt.e 1
I nf Sectl-in Tw.-uty.flve /f
WJII Support Ticket in Earnest
west quarter line, 6 and o-|o
.3M Town Tweul'li.e 13-p North
r.s; Ih.-iice east aloOK iiald qaarte-_
llaoyc N'loe te) Wewt and the ^st
ui>' 3,—*'!omp <*lnrk
.Behalf <U)V«CikB!i^[M J«e.balf
the lull.iwiiiK ii-l-arauj
’.•< or Ih..
Northcatfi*~*^i dluirt.j
■raurler 1-st of .c.liolt 31; thenc
GRAtN-.Traverie City Milling
i>. < ol stcricii Thiriv ,H (H;ra>td tin
to' Onetne.r Wilson;
Prirei corrected each.Monday, and t«>rlh 40 .i'ain. to tho line b.-i»eei'oiicbjlf (>il >d the Southeast
-Ui.lijniore, July 3, !;<13.
s—tloa* M II.'I 3l.-at a |«.:nl l. B’)U.
.uefourih lt«l of BeillOR Twetuieach day tbereafler U markrt varlei. 33.1110 chaii'S west of the quarler v«>*l.
"Govertior Wllaoc, Si.varrt N- J-.
ffve (*61 all In Town
itacLce west OB the tectibn line ahou.
"Just li-arina for IVosiiinati.n, I .-on Wheat ............................................................ Il-M
1*61 North RaBEe Ntoe i9)
4 and 3T l-i” chains to the inraude;
Cora ................................................................
Grand Treveree Pounty. Mbhigu.
arstulute >ou on jour hardsstriied
tiost on Greed Traveriie tay; thelto
Data ..................................................................
Dated May », 1913.
victory. I will do all 1 ran to vle.;(
Mi-alb fill 'd.-cr.-.i**aloii* ttw
shore to a i«.lm to and i9-l»o chuim

hinsonl for uud^rahle


•t llAMl* fl.AKK."
Senator Stone of Missouri,
I.- primiiKiLJ<<.d.-rK of the th.-

There M not rooeli demand here
|or anythim: but a n-il apple.




Waeoer. Kins, and


Kornx.r Seimior l)ub.-ls, »h
x- ni tlie tiiaoiiEer of ibe I’lar
palun, was in the Name iixhmI.
.1 Btrona fishl.’ be said,



tiist tbe Lord hhs pforidrtl for na.

the srade apd qualiu: he rlSht
tbe barreta muil hb ,Ti|*11y Vrtced

10 ll.'ket."
fliarl.'s f.. Jtiiriiliy. ctiuirmnn
le New York di-li'Eatioli. saUI:
"f!me*nor Wilson will hare the
i.islas'.i- nnd h.-’al sup]*in ^of tlxm-m.srni v ot .V.-u A'ork. I am

tBere will be no aliakUiR ot the
diaira out DefioeraUc oonvenlior. now in aeraitm at Bahitunre. but pies whntfTcr. W.-,should hav- an

;ldetil lx- w ill Iht.’l pr.'s'nl.'
Williuni llan.bdph llearst. who has

BOW Boaea tbit department of Public Hcnlth and Marine Hnspitui atiranlvc luhel
fle^fee'afiS finds that we cannot oatjettuee and nnlish. This-fad the bureou'i piurantre lo pn •-iriiof 'ftft and other rimllar departmeuls of the government, and in

in' feeie4 security is wc have been doing for generations past.

Bfe more people in (l« world tislay'lhau evi-r before.

They are ^ing more letiuee ami radish and other atufi than ever


puK-d on Ibe miiaide of the be.d.


or X. X.X and .>aCX. .
"Sbould »c ED lino
trade, it will W m-resaary ..xcnlini;have sppk *-q^ atoram- anoLi
iiioilallors at aonie ix-iiirjHy b.rnie.’

If thetheorieaadvaoeisl hy Uiese nllogetl wiciitbila are eori point.

t*ct,1»hera do all the people emne frmnf
Ilye^ Vhj

Why do ihi-y continue l<

population nf mir ghiW omitiime to iju-n-asiiy!

ia (heir party for thb pomtiuu.

Mr. Uiyan. the most doiiiimitidg

figure in the Democratic part,-*, mined iiis eliaiie>« in the enrUatmfii of the convention and nrar its clrvo' was his«is1 and. hiMiteil
^oimands of those who liad alm^-a been Ids stauneh supiu'rters.
. B^.yet, kLr, Bryan retains hB position ss the domiuaiil luun of ih>jmity.

Do Mrtorgel this.

Woodrow Wilscm is a remarkshlc man.

As president


nnirentity he made a notshle record. ' lie resigned to iH-eoni-'
.gov^l^ <i Kew dcraey aud'Lfe made a ntyord there.
tbe^ k to the piiUio record of Woodrow Wilson.

This 5

We must take

Hni'^ow aa a eandidate of one of the lending !>ani<>s of the cooutH''and as a possibly president of the I'nititl Stnt<-a. solely u|«on
tbe nkt^ he" tiag me^e as govi-rnor of New Jeivcy.*

His experi-

Miee M B ooU^ president > not a fit traiains ftw a pn-sidgut of
tbe IWtsd 8ta(tBB.*-Wv know nothiiig of his eaecutiw abilit.v.
|mw that Iw

laktal p foremust stand among thime

-We' have mail.- a msd aphi nnd
I Bill *UP|«o-l tho til

Im.I.'.i r-nd e\|»'.l lo SI— i



Mr. and Mm. Vlment lie.—ins i.”'
.lUiliy Were tlx- ni>-.>t of frlrinl ..
i«*t Kwi-ir.-. Siiml..'.
Will, i.' rirctin and



Teetli Exlrmeted Absolale
ly Wllbdot Palm
By tbo -Kas'lar-'trelhod I rad r*
<ni-ve Ihos* a.-lnnit, teeth abai-lutely
illhnul |iam. end with
droifs lo i'-od*e iin,x»n
>.iUS II#
rts will

'a'lllno Kr,.^cr last ttumla...
itlrawk-i r) jiiikluK M-.-m. t.. I •' ll.'
order Of the day ol Ibra w rulny 1 h.
asd lar.'.- ! .r Bill! o'l.'v
ul VaruoK Jr., of Kj.i
I* .iiiiiiis hit..






Have thd lateat improTdd ma
rhinerv andmaliufarlurc my w ort,
in uistuvlate dnigna fron lha
rough stone.
Prompt attOiti 'n
given all ntdere 00 fOOUer h.p«
•mall. Call or wiHr i'-r pri-..*.


if West K.isnui. w.'re yu-»ts ..I WT*

Mr. aixl.'trs



llsisim. MHi..tiil« 3.- Sufrjli Kora:
r i‘lii.upo. is vUiliiiE with hci
ll. at tist>.rn for the past

hlioiney f..r MotlESEce,
TraTcree Pllv. UiH.iSBB.
Thar*. Max 3B-W tt.

i-iriiiii fo-.xi I'omnuiwioner.
«'OVn.f. 4 CRti.-.i.
Sell, iioi<*uni|ihitnaH.
iliisi-i- s. U'!4r<-ss. Travers.- riiv
j*mav Ifi. TlTlkurl.




worth. TreverM <Tty. WIebiB

Tbe UtUe Wonder
Cylloder, I iB.hes; htroko
Ik-..l ..Irueu. be.1 iMlerlaL
Hopiwr C001..1

M . id t. SuO lha. Btarta

eatlly. runs -t. .ei:ly ;■ Is ecoDoinlraL
and ...mpleto with
pi ll'v. E.. ‘'mi' tanh. tuHiery. coll OOd
iwiiib. wired ready le run your aeF
BovarsI Tewnt Report That Flames
Have Broken Out in


ST.VTlfrtil 'lH'lil

.vtaii'i'.i'ruri'd hy
I. Treveree
City. Mleh.

Alpcn. July 3.—lluiulrial.- t-r
pie ate llshlliiE lon-*t lire* thropiJioot

Ali-'iia ixiuuiy iisiu).
old wondsnicB rain only will prevent ■U' oV.1i!r'.-‘ a''1i' ! ■■
a a hea^v Io«*. R“lorts from the Wolf
I'reek setileitient and IhaiTiT Lake.
10 th.- matter of ;
Cl.ydwin ccuniT, nay the flrei ari- ?aii;nei Brtshi... dt—ca
si rcadlBE. Crew* from Imulier aiilU
John i:. IXtuhiv .ha'.:
un.I catiiiw are flahiliw Ores Uear Au 'Oitrr'hl* i-.'ticn - ,i
tronilaurd front Pase One.)
Rtttilc. Ih.- scene of last year* dl-as- court odJufilvBte ar l
wore at the tmu- of h:.ter.
Slayor Gei'inaliw appoinl.fl gpecial
helra of said d.-c-a-e.!
Isle and Inlierii ll'.” real e.»ai.
pollv-e without (ler a* fellows; H. J. over in Xipeinu
di-reareJ di<-d Heir. 1.
■Mnnltnoreni'i connile*.
Panto, Ceniral erhool; van Gory.
11 is o;.l.-r*.l that tl
Ttacsv>rou* fires are reported, in thr
qwtoas .club; Fred D. Cur^ Iftr.ii:l:., A. !>.. i;-’3. at 'ei , eh- K to treaor sad water trooL Hert^n Ade- aouthem part of A!i>ena eouaty. fYre forenooo. .at -aW I'lv. le r-rie.'.
Matl-hal Blswonh left to tmiervlae ard, ia ber.-hy ai''<'i:.: , lor r.-aiinstnlre.
Phy KoEineer Tabor asked for ad- the wtJfk arainst them and win .not said iwUtioB.
lai ; :/iUc ft>
it Is further onl'-re.!
dllional b.-lM during the- aUBimer reiurv CBtll late toaiEhi. Aliwna baa
‘.Mwaiion el
ti'C theteof he ti.icn !■,
(Rontbs and he was laatrurted to hire ha.l BO heavy rata sin.-e.JuBe i:-.' A
i.r ihr.-e sio
light shower fell June 33. Thirviiontb
re.iiiU* to kaiJ dav of
eonieooe to insist bitn.
H«rAlderman Goodrich rilled iltentUm -was tbe dryest Jane to forty yeare.
an.f eircou. tbe omdlCon of tht- old biilkllnK FIrea are reimncd In.the vielnlfy of
d .-oabty,
HiUmaB an,i Otiaway. and EUsworth toted
torated at the comer ot Cypreia ai
l> K. W
i|--nt most of Saturday. Suudav au.I
:uike b
UivtotuB streeta. The place la In
Moottoi near iheae ptoce*.
daBseruui condiUoti and to atoo
If tbe bualBe«

*^he liemocrata have named the strougest msn they have i.sby

No. 1 hone hldei ............. |1 id and .op

refrlscrator ra»* lo Ibe s.-atMsjr.I.

long and hitter contest in the Demoi-ratie N'Hiioiiiil e«>nven. ia uraiiiE e\er» frnU sroser
Wralern Ml.hlaan re*km to tuke tlx
tioB ifaa ended yos^rday afternoon wheti Wisnlrow Wilson
utmost pain*.with his,raaluniip
of the it)8d votes eompoaing the miiveiiiioit.
pie vrep that we niu> supp’.J th.- ii
right votes were ^eattered among the other ’ eniidiilnl<-s
the order, namely
samri bad beeii before the com'eutioii for llu- w. i-k.

Calf ...............................................................
Til)ow ..............................................................^

We ran make ..or Inifl.-il sh:

ITesIden* Dny 1* anxtoua lo ael


Wool ...........................................................
ReJecU ............................................................ISr

wesl cf the cast line almv e d..*rMl»-d;
thence south .v'-iut 34 chains In crqtci
of the hirhwav; thctji-e soii'b 43 dc
•s all'!
t..ic.-Jie* west. 13 and r.;
lurn’r-slih* chains
ptal e oM-'rinninr. la the .oonty o!
llraix! Traverse and-stale of Hlebl

niein' wlilinui eold atmae. by uslns

eaport irad* atnrted for oor apples,
partlcolarty the fam-y aradc and he

Tie Damoenik UonUnee

lie<-n one of the prlixipal pT>inin«rs
ot t'lnrk's .aiidldai'.. nmlEht wild:

inside llMi bead-of the barrel or lo t

orJlfH— and acboola, aoemt tu ns lo be ^-aeliing a limit.
-The apples wilt rc.|ulre In he se
Tic BBB t>« na aomething that will Ih- a dealli.hh.w to these gi-gkis aralcd liiloflirec EVadea, \ir.. I. J. and
that'Biw BO dangerooa all of a audde-n. they hiul better let ti« go on


lleliiiunt l..iiid: a

with cushloua on Ibe' cnda. so thni

' “llVeema as though the coi^itry were aufforing enough frimi the
reeent Chicago eonveiitiiui, and the equally hmg


ib> will U- ch-.'t.-d.'

h UKsl 1.. 111.' Wllmiii Juhik
"I ;ii:i a lk.|iMHTat. i shall sU|i|sir1


(bat ill n few yenni would w-ll llurll
dag*t be afraid, of new iiotatoea and athiw-lHTri.-a ninl tin- chc-tTies and (otiimaiiJ ih- ' Ulsh-st market
To this ifnil mu only elK.uhl
tbit Bn -Jiiit coming into market and a hundevtl other g.»ml things


Prices corrected ii mark.-t varies.

yood ran.lidai-. H- Jon
pIcdElns siipiN.n lo U.sHlros

IT aim to cal.-ibllsh a slnsle bra'ii-I
,r l!ie whok- at Wesn rn

Beui. per be...........................................K


ikB, i-rtnert with tbe iiK-ak-T toiiiyl.
in «i|iisitt l« Uo.cinor Wil

ml a ri-ady sale.
“The llrilUb buyer tuts Kroal slot
1 purtiriilur brands,
it should b

Local MaiW

nan.pnlsti f.iTth.- pr.-sidential noiiiln.-

Tnr* Sell fairly well, bat in only «n<
Phiif. Bunih-y. lii Yorkalilre. did 1
1 any demand si all tor tiritner
dcii. Spies are a prime fatorit.-



iiinlU-r i>f taei. l!ie



.poli'v ..■iiiuiittee waa Inane leil
uke uvllon lu Uic natter of k.ivliin ii


to forbid the flying of Boroplniies over their property


you want an Aurttoneer that »ni'
Default bavtag iwen made. In -the
the prices .»'! aud see the
•, omditioua of a .■ertain mortSMc made
hy Jaixib -t Joura and Myra K Joo-e
-IWloea. IIOOO in 8, Vnlon Si. Tra.erae Cily.,lllch. lo JoSm-Jimea. said iuirlaa»e Ix-iog
^ ' CllUens pbyiiie No. HK8. UeU tU.
dated Way
I»n and tbe aaiw beoEhe of Ibe i
frb ILlbura-U
lug rei^rdi-d It
_____________ ________________________*_ elster of Uiedi
Used- tor
State of M:

:i. in.
<ftl.-ugo. July

Thr L)em..erBtM hjive made a str-ni: hid for tlx-


(hnien of property in the vicinity of I’aria have askerj for a

^ #Unf-


-iIltHr ;s of .

2|f JSa^tA



Totado. July n.- u'Umi. >l.i« ■»;


nmly «nne when the qn«U.m of the ownerahip of the air kotild



cwo. 7C; asia.

T- eleel 8 Deuiorrutie pnakleiit this

ian parlwand Mr. Wilson is th.’ only man who e.uild
draw these voli«.


arm. S^MCt.TO. dosing si IT.ri


We have too mamr W
Aoca in mra rad to Rtbee
ownockaraaM radii:^
tho. price e( o« $}.50
odorda to $lSa ,
M«toL -h'aaiate d»MC
In yw vshfe they W.


BuSalo. July 5.—Catile.r-RereiW?.
m rare; alow. $<Ud(-k Cihes—Trade

vear.'tens of thousands of v.t-« must !*-• *e<-Mr.d fr-.w the R-piihli.



tram Chlcsco, Detroit. Toledo and BM-

We tiiusl'ulte it for rpaiii*m tbat.hehaa onli.h.-d



Hlj at'ilfty to do whal lie hsa nti- iiifted to do is «n-



Jane^. :T. loir i-

Pure Paris Green
Pure Lead Arsenate
'Lowest Prices for Highest Quality.
Get Our Figures Before Buying.

Cor. Fromi and Ualoa Sla,


Traverac CMy




Prvp«r >■ New Ineluded I
OrMt Femlljr of


WeihleeioiC l>, C, Jgir 3.-T*o
Mere wUl be added to Uie national
flic tomorrow. denoUnK the addition
of ArUooa and New Mexico to U.e
aiatertood of tUtea. It baa been some
Ume alB« ibe two territoriea became
aUtw. bat under ibe taw tbe dunce
la tbe flas could not be made nntll
todar. wbldi U tbe ladepend
Day next toUowlo* tbdr admiaalon to


tliat more than om atar baa been add
ed at a time, la that year aUn were
added tor tbe dre new ataiea of tdaHontaaa and A'ortb
and Boalb Dakota.
8<aee July 4. im. Uie official ai^
uisefflenr of Uu atarn la> tbe blue
Seld. ot Uu fU« baa been aneb aa
pennU Uie addlUoa of more au
WHboot deairoyinx tbe aymetry of tbe
approred dealen. In none of Uie acte
the Oac baa
the manner of arrassinc tbe alara
been .deaeribed. Belore tbe date
named there waa a lack of nalformliy
In tbe matter.’ After July A, las-C. KooiwicU to oppoae Taft, prartlcall*
when Utah wu admlued to ihe_ declared blmaeU for Wllaon In a »utrUnkm, tbe forty-flve aura in tbe flac mem toda>. He said h^aaw no reason
were arranced In tie ran. tbe drat, now for the procrMsIve larty and
Iblrd and firtb rowa bavloc elsbl hoped Ibat Roosevelt would abandon
. .. each, and the aecond. fourth his plan to hold a convention and
and aixib rowa. a'even aura each.
make an independent fisbtr 'BetwbFbur jeara aso a re-arrancement of llcana can vote for Wilsdn without
the aura waa made by a Joint board leaving ibHr party or boliioi.'' said
of army and navy offlccra to meet 'be covenior. -The real .repuWlraa
Under that ar l«rt> baa no candidate ami the Issue
nmceinent. which has prevailed unclearly drawn, -fis Wall street
til today, there wei« cisht aura In awilnst Witoon.. Wiiaon l. not owncl
Srat. third fourth and alxth *’> an>hody. He will lead the people
. and eeven’ atara In Ue aecond *«»'''« “** "““'I*' overlords In an
orderly fashion." Osborn praised \\ 11n blehly. Sfieaklng of Miebican |>
e of Arizona and New

Swt Sanfard Far Stiariff af Orand
wtob to aBOOBcc to tba voM
Craad Travetaa eoasty that I am a
caadMata tor the aamlaaUoa tor xbrrtS im the repoblkan ticket at Uie Au-

guM iirimertee. If elected to that ofI proDihte lo give It my iwrMmal
etlcnlloo and perform the duticd la a
oianaer sat|i-factor> to tbe people.
I have b^ a rcrkleut of .\la>Bc|d
lewmdilp for about twelve yean aud
ax there bax never been a ehcriff
elected from Ihlx aeclloii Of the couoy. believe that It to entitled to recogillion.
Your support will be duly aiqircclat-

Mlcblsan should onanIzc. The democratic machine in Mtrb^ lean U for Wall atreet. Ulchlgaa re-.
I'ubllcaiia arc |>roercssive and shou^
stars each. Since tbe'admisalon dl win. I am a proareaslvc rcjiublkai
Tbe Uw covemlnc tbe aubjec-t la any of the territorial poascssluns to and expect to remain one."
a matter of tbe distant
coDUtned In tbe act of onsreoi
future the present enaneement of the'
ptotei April ,L W18. Tbat act
in the OBtloiial flax la likely tu j
Tidea aa tdiowar
tbe admiaalon of a new atate In­ remain unchanged lor a lung Ume to ■
to tbe Dnkm. one atar aball be added
to tbe natop oT tbe flac and aoeb adXtoverae CHy can ehow eoma prod•vn ct Hedera LHa.
dIUon ataaU take eSect on tbe tth
:tx of the eoll as well aa the murbThera
day of inly then next aneeeedlac aucb
laadcd and famous pcnluxula and sur­
«f today, for mulUtudea of people
Tbe borne of Mr. and 4i™. l.afay. rounding couairy. Herman Yorxa.
apaad tbsdr Uma la making a Uvlng
Tbla la tbe drat Ume ainoe 1S90.
-lie Clover at 87 Prosiwrt street was
Hvex at Hi-' Webster slreel. dug
lihe scene of a very pretty wedding
■ new poutoee today, one of
Wednesday • evening, when
their which meaxured 7>i toobea la eirdaniOiter. Ui«s ConaUnce. was unit­ imfcrenc4 The poiatoea were planted in matrimony with Mr. William 1 on Majj S.
Betta. Rev. Mr. Falrbahk*. •pastor
of the Wood Avcuue H. E. rburcb
performed the ceremony.
The farmers are busy baying aud
I Daisies -formed tbe de<«ratlon of Boue are ploughing for buckwheet.
In which the marriage took
klrs. O. V. Holmes w»i at Kiugs
ptocat. Tbe bride was daintily at­ y. the bm of the week.
tired in baby blue marqueslteMr. and Mra-'Tyier and Mr. Holmei
Afier tbe ceremony the gtxsis aa- and Mlxa lAi^to Sur. waa at Mantou
If Your Summer Home is to
sltled'-ibe bride and groom' lo coa- last week.
Afford Full Measure of Recre­
sumlngHounUful and delicious
Mr. uDd Mrs. E. J. Ilciiiirtl of Chi­
ation and Enjoyment
cago and daughter, ore here on e
Among those prcMBt Mrs.' Wil­
liam Slocum of Traverse City and
Euiinel Prkv and wife, also Ed.
Mra! George Clover of Whitecloud,
both grandmothera of the bride. Steele and family sud Mrs. Fred
Only tbe Immediate relatives and Hammond, vleltod Mm. John ITice
friends were prewni at the wedding. last Sunday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Tyler called un Mr.
eltber by month or aeoaon: pboe It In yc r Summer Homd. n
china, culglaas W. M. Saxton. Uat Sunday.
tor In what .part. of the
the State o: Canada >1 Is localed.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and WalUcc
end silver. The bride waa tbe rerental period we will attend to ev^ry deull cunoected with Ita
of Ibe1 renUI
took diuncr at the h»iiic <>I Mary
relurn-I—you an- relieved of all anm
ooyance at
c lplent recently of a shower glveu by
E. W*b.
(he liislniment
liistrumem ln
after the
. . irtlcular.
Becaoae of our many yeara experience in fiirnlshlnc Planns for
Mr. Mays people of Calllornla.
■ » fact jlhat throogb our Twenty-four Stores and
have been vialtlng Mr. and Mra.
we are In imattloo to handle ibla buslnves as is
unequalledand the groom
Frank Sii^.
no other House In the countrv; and our
ployed by the Black AnlosaobUe
Ur. Tjl^B uiothcr waa buried nl
have lonxheen caUbliafaed as rental bead
comiW of KUnt, Mich., la which Maoua toal WL-ck. Mrs Tyloi wa"
Call or write; Don't Be Without Metle Thle Summer!
city Mr. and Urm Betu wSt maka utmost >4 years of age.
their home after tbe termlaatloo of
July 3.
their bone.vmooB. wbi^ Uiey


Music Must Be
Provided For
We Witt Rent
You a Piano


Why Few Han Da.
Tbe deelre to mak* good to oelp am
aaUoaatly keen enough lo mat
man work overtime
Card of Thanks.:

A Few Coats left—Just Half Price
. store closes Friday Altcmooos dnrlnB July and AngnsI

July Clearance Sale
l-Adles’ Suits,


and aU Summer Apparel and Fumistiings
All values *27.50 to W5.

lingerie Dresses,
Special $3.75. 7.50,9.75

Suits,y - - $10.00

Worth $5 to $15 regularly. The pretti­
est line of wash gowns we've ever

Suits, - - $15.00
AU values to $25.

Suits, - - $7.50
For all values $1.5 down.

Suits, - -

Muslin Underwear
We are closing out the "Jackson" and
"Queen" at one-taall price for any
and all garments.

$5.98 Long SUk Gloves Va 90^

One-half dozen plain tailored fall
styles. Suple shades.

For colors in «zes 6 only.
98c for colors in $1.50 quality,
size 6s only. .

Skirts,^ - - $5^ Silk Dresses, -


W e continue the sale of these at­ - We reserve nothing of this spring's
tractive white and colored serge skirts
nohby styles.

\Vi- wivli lu thank uiir Kinrl frien-le
anil tit-lghborx cr the fl
their xeM'lBiirr In oiigaffllctlau In
lull- of <iiir (tear wife snd xlxler.
wmis souihwick.
Ml, and Mrs. Prank Bencdlc
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Sinclair.
Mr.-and Mrs. Judd Sinclair.
.Xlrv Kdlili Reed.
1«I> 4-U*

Ihtfault haMoa l>een made In the
-undkione of a certain mortgage made
t>> ()Mar-M. Morse and Sarah J.
.Morse, his wife. Jomtly. of Traverxe
I'ii'. MItlilKxn. to Rkbard Hurlbnl ol
ita-lc County. Floilda. dated the elevenlh day of September. A. D.. IK";',
and reeonled In Ibe office of the Reg:sier of Deeds tor the county of
Crand Traverse acid State of .Mi<higan. on the eleventh day of SeiKetn-

Fife LAke Department
CoBdocted by Mlw 8Uc Dcw«y.
Wb WBBt to BBtoTuTotlHlIaMBt .Of th*
fnBtoit pai^l* vbIm to ill coacoraod oad to
tUB OBd reguMt tktt all tumi of poncsol Bad
gaatnl tstcroat bt ooat to IQn
to bo
iBOoepontod la tha DepartBUDL Wo oraoetBlljr
BBk ^ cfcBnboB, frataraal aockttaa Bad ttio
OiBBCo fBTBkb ttomi of iatoiAtt is Uuir retpoe.
tlvt orgBBiBBttaB. Htm of Boei^>,trat> oad «btalBBeatg, t
* bci«r made or oootcaplatod, BBd baimoa
real oouto io towa and coostry «ra oopeeiBUy
BccopUble. no oboTO applicf not o&ly to tho
vfiUfoofCifc Lak^battottw gornmadiiic oooatiy—Sdttor Honld.
. Mrs. K I'. Mills of Hudi
guewt uf hiT (Uugbler. Mr
Hodare f'T a lew weeks.
Joe MrTaggm came borne from
Kalkaska. Saturday.
A. CIbba of Traverse City,
town uu boaliKM. Monday.
Mrs I. Pffefcr of Chicago, .-.nlv^
here Monday to viall her parenlt.
Mr. and Mr*. F. Hi 'liernateine.
' liernateine.
Mias Treesa Dowacy
cy relupoeo-f^
MantoD. Tbaraday.
Mrs. Wm. Osbornp half
WrtJ daagbtrrs
Eunice and Benlce. were Cadll'ar
callcra Tburaday.
Born, to Mr. and Mt*. E. WcmMI.
1 June SC. a daughter.
W. A. White of Traverse I'ily.
ed W'. W. Browera. Friday.
Ur. Culver-returned to hto borne- lu
aeon. Tueaday.
W. It. Harria was in Traverse City
1 bualacse. Tuesday.
Mre. O. U Doymonaod IluledBUgbor. came bouie-lrom Clair. Saturday.
MIob Edna Clark to vtoiUng ivUtU-ea In Grand Rapids, for a et»ple
Mra R. Learn leturned TueeJay
uigfat frou Aleato. Ohio.
Miea Houle Grant risltvd In Cpd.
lae. the Aral of the we,
Claud Mill of'Petoekry a.:a hrre
la the intcFexts of Ihe railroad, re­
pairing elgnala
Tbe UUaee Qto mad GoUle Leigbtbetoer came hpme Tueaday
Tracer^ City.
Joe Myera returned fniu - Acme
Rev. A. tv, Baker anducted acrIces at Cedar Creek achool bouse.
Wednesday evening.
Geo. Weaver. C. I'ecA aud. Will
Glide returned from Ti'aversc City.
Saturday, where they have been
the Jury Ihe paat three weeka
Mrn. S. MilU of U'aitou. was
town Wedneaday.
Mra. John Abbott of SMth Uoardan. wax Hie gueal of Mra. II. JavuU.
Saturday allemoon.
d Mrs. Vern ItlrbardMnn
Grand Rqpids Saturday
visit until over the Fourth. .
Miss Eva Cob-burn of Kaal. Boardan. relumed holue Saturday,
HH-iiding the week with bcr.alucr.
‘■rs. Ray Fuller.

Mrs. Ida Ratoy returned
visit In .tciiie and Travcrac City. Sat­
Viola Clark waa In Traverse
■ er Sunday to alieud the
funeral of Mrs. Gthi. Boll.
P. .N'allur to home on a week'p vaix
un from the Ferns lusillulc III:
Iludgo* and
daughter Mloa Emms were lu Trav
■se aty. Wedneedty.
MIsa Maggie Arnett was in Manton
last Soadar.
Miss Hattie Grant was' in Cu-lilUe
the first of Ihe wjn-k
Mra. U Looks, dsiishter Mtos"M>rlle. and sow Clair, were CadiUai tsll•s Wednesday.
Mrs. O. C. Duncan returned i'> Ix-r
bonie In SchooIrrefL alter a few
wi-eks vl«|t with her daugbler. Mrs.
D K Hills.
Ingerwall. the Iiierrbant st Pio-. auS three friends, were btiel
I callers here Frida;


visited III Grand Rapids

Ice the sum of Seientecn
Dollars and Eighty-Eight
Cents, and
y's tee
ce. of- Twenty-Five
.led' for
fl III said mortgage,
at tow hav: or pr


recover the

iiioiiey> secured by said mortgase (
any p


Hrower lelt here on
o . l«h train Saturday lor Manlsi—.
here vhe will spend a we^ wuh
Uxx Ethel SlncUir. at tbe bum,Irs. Fred ThoiupKtn.
Mra JidiiiaoD of Kochexter a
Irs .Mterw of Flint, who have been
r brother. Jas. Eldndge

xage. and the sutute In . ivieb case
made and pravided. noUee Is hereby
given-that on Saturday, the tweniyl.uhlic aneilon lo the higbevt
blddei. Bi tbe north fiom do^ of the
CoSrt House. In the Ciiy of Traverse
city, County of Grand Traverse.
Mkhigan. ilbat
bat being tbe p
where the Circuit
eUJl Coun
lor said o
of Grand Traveiee Is held

s c Van'amp of Newaygo, ha,
been spending a week with her pareou. Mr aud Mrs l-e*ls
Mrs Geo McKee and dauxbier
.Margaret of Cadlllar. spent a few
dais tost week with her sister, Mrs
l«v the amount due on said
s Henry Tsbberer> left here
mortgage, with seven tier cent loiernesdsy to visit her sot
J /.George
ert. and all legal costs, together with
an attorney's tee of Twenty-Five Dollari. es provided by tow and as roven
ahied for iherelo. the premtoee being
Mlsa Vera Darling ol Manttte'TT
.lewcribed In aald mortgage as follow,, ed retoUvrs here a fewr days, on I
to-wli. The Vtoai Thirty-Three and
bntne from South Boardmae
One-Third Feet of I.ot Forty-Tbree
C. Smith of South Boardm
<43> of Oak Heights Addition to tbe
Cltv of Traverse City, according to
tows on buslneoa Monday.
the recorded plat thereof, in fbe Coun­
, A. C. Hodges.
ty of Craad Traverse and-«tate of
callers. Mooday.
Dated at Traverse City. Mleblgan.
Eldrtdge AMridie of South Board
July S. ISIS.
men. was a bnaineai caller here, Iloe
U E. Green aiM Geo. Uodget re­
Ailoraeya lor Uongagec.

turned tram MootoOB Tuesday,
a car Ivaid of horses.
Mrs. Jas. Btranaa. or, was taken
tu Cadillac hoaplial Friday. ai>d bad
oev.-rsl taiuori removed Balurduy
morning. Her condition is reportiil
<iune favorable tor recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rlvbards of
lilac, are visiting Mrs Rictuvds pat­
ents. Mr. snd Mrs Tibbiis
Kubi. Wallers and family vlslieil
over Sunday at bis parent',. I>r and
Mra. Waher.
Jen Ctompbrll went to CadiUav tv,
stay until arter the Fbnrth. "
Master Herbie Crego psssed away
on Thursday morning after a long
Rev. Mrs. C. VsnCamp of Newsy g..^
dcUyeivd a fine sermon at tbe M. E
cliurtli Sunday eveoing.
Mrs. B. Ramis Is enleflalnliig her
granddaughter. little Geraldine Hawk
of l-analng. wAu arrived ber^ Sunday
In tbe'BUlu with Mr. aud Mra. C. ttutlon. Henry CanKhenv and MU, Mil­
dred Caiol'bera uf CadllUe.
G. W. Dsraa died sV Ibe I'adiltov
bosptul on Snaday. where be was
taken fur treameni. and tbe remaias
broujAt home Monday by hix
M of JacLaon ; Mra. Baraa' bealib
to Btfll tn a critical condillon.
Tbe Springfield EmbroMrry eluli
met on Wednesday with Mrs. Cbas
Lewis, who Mrved pink lew c-reain
uf South:
Miss Hotel '
Dosrdnian to spending the week with;
Mias Treses Downey.
Mrs. F. D. Hager went to Big Rap­
ids Friday, refurtilng Satnrday even­
ing aeroupanied by her son Mark,
wbo will remain at borne for a few
week's vMvslioii front tbe Ferris
s. .Jgv^unai
box becir a g
her Bon. Jas. Joaaa. for the paat three
w eeks, went to .Detroit Friday, for a
lew days vtxll before relnralng bamc
Master Eugene M'oodtord of Uetroii
to spendlag fals aumi'oer yacalloo with
ills grand parenu. Mrrand Mra. Evl
Mra. D. II. BMdlecome to crilli-ally
ill and la atoedlly getUng we^r.
Ilerbefi Cregn. eoti ol Mr. ami
Mrs, Will Crego. was born at Flic
l.akc April ZHb. ISk7. paased eway.
June- 37. lai;. at tbe age of 13 years,
two uvonths and three days. Hr
•-ouverted April Uth. IMI. allerward
Joining tbe M. E. church. He bax
bevn a patient sufferer for m
mcHiihi. BcaMes many rdatUew.
leave, a bgl$ vtf friead, to atourn
Serv-lrcx si tito M K. church on
8imday. July 7tH. Sabbath acbcml s<
11:3" a. m. EpTurtb l,eagne at K:l
p. m
lOoodl, Cldienahlpi, Tl
Earth Rereivea Her King, latke 3;
3". 34-37: Mate Shl-13: Isa ».«.
Preaching XC 7 3" p. m.. by pastor,
llev A. W. Uakec



tFiom Wedneoday', Kecord-Bagle
-Mias 0<^ Smith*>tft this nve<
ing tor a few weeks visit with frtentlK
In Grand Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ounton toft this
morning for Manistee, whfyre they
will attend Ibe annual Boldler, and
Sailors reunloB, held there today, to­
morrow’ and Friday.
Ea-marer E. Wilhelm returned last
evening from Manistee, where he has
been uking the sail baths fur iLv
past week.
Mrs. Cnas. Blanchard laavas tonight
for Canada lo make an extended vuu
with friends aud relatives.
MIm Ells Green of Katamaue. M
tbe guest uf Irleuds lo the tiiy tor a
tpw days
Mrs. Frank glsby and two children
have goue to Chicago for a visit.
Alfred Wilhelm went to Chicago
U,i night, where he will attend the
nntlooal convestou ot the Phi Della
fraternity. If wblfA he l» a roember"
H. C. Curtto. F. Dv Marvin end A. F.
Hopkins went to Manistee this mora
lag. where they will attgnd the O. A.
R reunion.
Mra.- L. B. Sawyer retvirned to
home at Itbaen thle morning, nfier vi,
Itlng here for s lew days with Mrs
L M. Beonet*.
Rev. F H PeMv went to Fomens
today, where be will attUid a taber
nacle meeting.
Mrs. L. B. Ftanta end family, who
bare been la tbe rity for the past
ib'rea monibs left ihU morning for
PraaktarL where tbey wUl nuke ibeir
boiM for tbn lUBMer.

Have acMBMbiBC to heap lua enliaati
beaHhy. TboM who ose HARVBU.'B
POWqBR have lA
iRMble U keeps wortting borva
ad. pwlfiee the blood. poU oa Besb
I makes the eoat smooth and

ABtortcaa Drug Store.
■ssMim Tsbra «> Kssw Nr Ns Pssvtira
Towaty Nor Bsoiw.
-aMsd lasMjst^^fa^BsreH kp a. B.

lasf J>sr. ne





IKedluM utf Palnlri
Psychological Powers of Na
tore—e gilt from the. Great
If doubt aasalto you aad yuo
krai# M whk;^ way to turn.
If all B^t dailHkgdJItr cam

PraL LaPitrree
Aehnewladged Warid’e Greatcat Ufe Reader, Intarpretar of
OrsamsPROF. UPlerre. tkr origloal
and dply gdenlne Prench-lndton
Prophet, ts a child uf nature,
coming from a ra<e of peopl*
wbo are -naltunll)" gifted with
the "lUgbcst Degrae of Pro­
phecy." Born with a nripple"
veil. From tb« aarty age of six
years bs has been a “Leader"
and “Adytoer ' of his own rai-at People.
You have the graiid oppraiiia
Hy -to conauir a natnral boru
Medium and Seer, inaiend .d
the -hot house deveiopod mvdlume." Drawing from naiorr's
own powerful nod ever-rellable
eourcea. be to "enabled- to mo
ctcafly witb "aiuaalng" accur­
acy your enure Ilfe-IU Joys
tbe "Powrer" to direct, advise
and help you to aocumpllsfa
your “Every Deelre. " He telle
y<A Just wbst you want to
know, ptoraa you In the .doorw-a) of Sucrese, gives you Ibe
cRey" to the development of
U>e “Inner' Forces.'' Tenches
you the -Powerful Bocrel Sys­
tem of Persooal
-Tells you bow to win tbe man
or woman you love, and bow

He bax vstisfaciorlly reavl for
Kings end gucenx. PrewMenix
and SlBli-smen The Rich. Poor.
Exalted and Humble have au
t^ual opponuniiy to seek the
advice of tbis wonderful man,
who to 'Master of the Rlraoc'
Fortes Wild Puwen o' .Nature "
He will lift you from the pllfalls of "Poverty." “Failure,"
and "Mlivery.- and ptlre you
upon the steps which lead In
• Praspe'niy," - durcest "
-Happlneto "
All buslnews aarred and codfidentiwl. 'Siveeltl this week
ONLYi Full Life RrodlDg >
cwDla. Hours fet"' s. ni
p. m. Open Rondsva. Rrina
Ibl, srv for Special Fell Ufa



duTO TSATsuc muu), AHs ratbxse'ut eacojs, •nmuDir, na

Traverse Region
Bosart., Mrs. Taylor rerelved
»*autllul an.) useful firesenu. A |wt
luck aupl^ was served iiy the lalBea
wbleb alt enjoyed. Tlic Rnests de­
parted at a late hour wisbloi; Mrs.

niu. Rlrtmrit* has retoiiieil
r^PHMBXtcndnl vIkU Id (lie south
leni pan or (he sute. Sb« wu ac- ' r^paoM bmie l,j- Blr. Rlfh*r«Vi._
^ him. Jeaeuc Covey ati<l U]» Mauil
^ Hall have both cone lo Ml. >lca»anl
^\o aueod the Normal there.
Mrs. Rarl Sanford spent Sutirla.'
^ 'VrismDE relstives at Iturkley.
Un. Fred Walter and ebiidren of
IVarcnic Oily are vismas at BTerltt
IMesla. DOrtb of loan.
Mrs. Kor nmmonH of CaditUc.
apeni the week with Mr. and Mn..
Alndi peck.
July 1.



CIRCUS ™SS|glSA^-.>~>y »»•
nilCE DULY, 2 & 8 P.H., RUN OR SHIRE.

2 STAt^S

XHeGrieat **So DIflepent** Stiows

Indofin tbe Msaate Paetmlm Taueb* saJ Drivra bv a Woman.

24 GHINPIOR RIBlflS. mAeWeiia.

Never Bderc Such aa Amy. iadad.;
iag the 4 LLOYDS.

Aad Raima Bdki

Tbe Rean-m GoMen Troeoe.

50 CtOWNS Whh . Mmyy
New and Upto-DsN PanloDiw Newhiei.
A'oodeitul Tnmed Wdd Ania*].. mdudiop the ^Ac>oul Leouidt




Cream CaKe.

. ^
Uconte lv<es la saioloa aluwly.
»n. Ben Beawm IcL alonday
Mra. .Vibert Olin tIsHed her daa^h.
lur at the bosidtal at Cadillac. Sat liiK lor.CadBlae. to, spend the Fourth
jnlay. Shr reporls her belter but with her mother.
not well etiouRb lo tome hone.
Miss IMla Smith of Fan Wayne.
Chaa. MrCasllDa and'family spent Ind.. Ik here vIsilJnR retallvo.
Sunday at the home of bvr alcicr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Same and
Mra. Sylvia Sharpe.
-children Beiilnh and Gflman. who have
Sunday vlsllors ui Cco. IVes v.ere . .. the wloCei In Lanslny:. rciurnU. A- Clark and Ur. and Sira. Joe ud home Wednesday Wternoon'
spend the summer.
Hn. W. B. Nicholes, mall clerk
Ueonsu Eddy of Rorklanl. tvbn bar
been here lor the pa*{ two momur. le G. R. ic I. Is enjoying a i
loDiiinR niter Mr. Sgiiires' inliuid* weeks' vscstlon.
Sir. and Mrs. D. H Power and fami­
here, went hon» Tiicsday for a couple
weeks' vaTalloB.
i ly arrived Monday Uomins. and will
Mrs. Bctelle nrlto vUled li.-r r..n, spend the suuiiper in their coiCsce.
1‘hsrlcs Pbi'n SI South .lb.srdman| Miss -Mary lluttaia. who has born
vtal'UiR friends and relatives la Trav.
Krtd*y and .Saitinlay.
vctlirned home Wednesday.
Ilus. Pulikupr birrre
MUs .lUve-sia Tbumas. who basyC
It of laini.
line with it.r t

tended the Old Seulen' picvle
Tlwverae C«y Wednesday.
Hr. and Mrn. Claud Kalrrean rtf Chi
rs«o. vlstled with Mr. and *^n>. Clins.
Sierra a few dais last week. Thc.v
were on their wpT to OM hWsalon.
-Bev. hlr. and Mrs. U>0K wete pi
tteirrta at Malelicli Snnday.
Mr. Iloisn asd wife •allod on Mr.
Md Mra. Frank Box Siinda;.
Ur. and Mrs. John Taylor Ir
per witk Myron Taylor and family Ada Plevnon and lady friend visiied
Snn^y eveniBs.
l»c<Tti» Olln and »ife of Bvclr-ior Sun
Un. Ari Stirr and ^r imillier Mrs day.
July i..
Clark went to CuUan, Friday, rclum-j---------------------- ,
Inp home today.
Mrn. Will Taylor called oh Mrs.
-Ana H. I^tnier and .Mia. Amanda
da Wall Sunday- eveninR.
Yamelt of Alma, Midi., wei.;'nutted
Bldo Crapo la helplny her anm. in raarriacc. June ZX. IPi:. by Asiicr
Win. John Wall for a few duya.—. Atkinson. Jn»tlcc cif the pna.o. at llur.
Hesdames .Vmoa Box. Cue l.lHt and dlekvllle. All vUli them luurb )o>
Bdmnod Bonn apent -a iileasunt isay and bappliua».
• wKh tboln molber. lira: I*. It Hosan.! Autbur Ansorse ami Miss Alice
' W«dDcadf(y.
HoBlne were united in mnrrluRe at
A larcc ointcrcQitj-rn sn-cted flcv. Travcri*e City, on June S«lh. IPi:. All
Mr. Drldfiewaler yiatcrclay and all wiidi them mnek joy uod bapiiineaa.
mjdyod a fine nennun.
| The box social held at In Bares
Bhoda. Kdwiii and Enrin llulell. Batiirday eveninR. was
well alrislled their (xMiitna Iva and Uuy Hu- tended. It was for the ball team.
.They raised-$12. They will cive a
Clan itniM apoit last week will) shadow and box so. lal al Lake Ann
TAykw* ,
on July 12.
HatUc Taylor returned to her home • Cedar liun went tiver to jilny Cartn, Buckley Wednenday; aTlcr'siteml- ter SIdinc Simday.
tag a few days'willi her srandtnr-.l Mrs. Flora I.ake. Mrs. Craec tVlIJits. Geo. Tnylor.
pmn. Mra Linda Hales and Mliia MlnAboul thirty-flvo of the friends of Me Baus were ibc sticsia of Hn. It.
Mrs. Ssrah Taylor met al her,home B. Rates fatal Friday.
on last Monday to help-her celebrate! Ed l.akc went to Traverse Ciiy
har Tint birthday. The aSalr was a Monday un bnrlncss.
aanplote aurprUc .(ouen up by Mr».| There will be a Sunday Sebool cont

Teuton Wen « the Rfim «
honse on Joly 7th. Atl are *ete«ae
MahanT—Miia< ytaUakol*
to attaad. Aa it hrlll .be a* kll day
meetlnabasMtnaAeswlH be Wousbi ByMn.Jnel XleKrasvHiU. F-dUertt
iir Sottom Ceoiiax Sckoa! Uagaiimt
by tboac who attend.
^When ccenpany
Visa lihither But^. who has
tearfalnx schoolI In Cadillac, rcurmed



a* D E

I ■c*M*«CMRlrw«BRA^W^i«WTt^taM*Sale am StowOmyat
S. K. WAir A
I Al Cxmetty the Sm« Me«s CMio«« mm iHc SHmw Ormmml

<oAt water;
Utites iifJ-rgji, teatrmSy.
Cream tbe bMtm; add the suRur.

r; Ustiy-dmwbfteseleegs. Bahetn

CeAv8ii«ttiiil ^
■ Cs»^



♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦AAA

ivasborE. Mich.. Jnly 3.—Mbs
EllssbMh Holmes* arrived from fhP
tsgo last Mitnrda'y fur a vMt with
rriends and reUllvca. Ml* UoroCh}
LliaBmer of Chlragn srqompaBicN

Kingsley Department
CMdacUd by Mlw »aa Watr.
tbd pmto
Xinpter ud tha gmrTiMilfil
AooabT art all istarattAd ia Mbit _ .
ihaU ba flHl Wi hara iuUTidBala. c.
tha tkuia, fiatanal aedMla aad aU othar ar-

emp si/M Jhmr: « fraJjMmt/i/ icU; I ra/ AW tmU; I fxe.
AwA-a /<>*/.- !i re/ lagur; I A aiitem/a! familU fitratl; / omur ththuicU.
Mix Aoitr and salt vrilh a verv little
CPid milk; stir inlo the hot milk snd
cook ten miinRia: sibl the ebocnlate
and stir until it u tnrlieti snd evenly
Uroded with the flour mixture, then
teat in the m mixed with the angsr,
and lastly the vanilU.
Y'on need the KC Cook's Bonk. con.
lininB thii end 89 oilier rielicioas
yviday of Iasi week and will s|H-nd *ipe*—sent /rrr upon revwii* of the
eol<ir«l certifiQiic jisvkeil in rverv 25the summer wHh Mrs. W. J. Thomas
M CM nl K C Bakintf I^«v.ler. %cnd
Mrs. K. E. c'smiilK-ll and daushtc.
the JasjL'iUi iU-o. Cu.. Ctifaago
yiarjerfe. wlto have been vMlinR In
Clevelaiid, tlhio. the- past two weekt,
ir but after spending tbe winter
Calllorina. where they are uslns
lluaboe. were married at the bild.'s the lemenbcoorttr: be derided to make
e i-hsuRe.
home Ual Wednesday al 2:30.' Rev.
Mis. .V. Edna und rbildren <
r. R. Thies imHornKd the corctnonv
er fihm .Sorch Manilou mid '
Uie bride waa dresaed In an embroid­
Burdiekvllli- to slwad Sunday
ered Swiss RKWii and carrietl oransc
blor-sciBS. e:M O WoddlaR sil|i|«i her brniier Tbos. Sullivan.
NUs/Esiner Voiee bus reiOTO-d to
was served under the super
her graiidniirtbera borne in Em­
Mrs Geo. McCroy. who was assisted
Mfnaes liaitle Probst and Mac pire. after apeiidiug tuiloe time with
her psrnota here.
Miss dare Thomas, who baa
Mias UUdyc Laird Is vialilpg her
in‘tavveland. Colo" foE the Jmst lew rundtairenia at Hurdii-kvlllc.
cars arrived home Monday and
Miss Winifred BssTiimn nl IK-treit.
spc]^ the summer with her m
baa arrived io spend the sumnur with
Mr^oyl Mra. W. J Tftbmaa.
Mra Robert ii. Day at Lorelie Lodge.
Kaymond Corman. who
Chaa. Khhf o( Glen Arbor, treosartiKcn spendinB a month vIsiltOR in ed biialwbs In town last Thursday.
town left law Thursday pnr PlUsbure.
Jlr. itaker of Fort Oncldu was
•b take charge of the tent work amon<
»u on Sunday.
IlH- loreleners.
H. Mdllkcn and son Baail. who
have been visitlUR retatlvea In Vnn
Mae vis­
•fayno. Ind-. returned liomc Sunday
ed Willi 'Mis. Ilertba lllem IssI
‘.'iss Myrta John, who Is worklns
Miss Ella SiH-mVi tnim .M.iriou. vis
Grand Rapids arrived Sunday, and
cd a Jew days with .M«rv W.lllaii.s
win s|«nd her varation with
Albert Robbins. wUo lives uoar Key.
Slone has been quite sick, also his
Mri>. A S. Carmen'and children
Nt-wion and Blcamir. Mrs. Carmona daiiRbier^wemlolyne. but are lietter
[ ihtifSrUing.
mother Mra Haa,l«ombe, arrived
Mrs" L Holliday from Jennings, is
Tuesday evening, and will apend '
vlsltins her brother 11. Helm and oth­
summer fn ihcir toitagc.
bliss Nellie Yoke, who has spent er relatives.
Miss Margaret MeCarry. wIki
le winter la Ia>»lston. wlili her
t-een teaching Id Indiana ihi- |wsi
r Mrs. E'. iiankom. reiuriicd huuie
Monday eveninR She was Hi-otuiutn- year, is amndlng her varuiiun
Icd by her iib-ce Jani.e lUinsom.
U. ‘ .M. Uamc returned to Ijtnslne
.tiiilMlsT cif |*eoi>le frvmi l!
iirishlsirhov’d -iiiendeil the rnUInc
r ed RoIhtI oil's'klouday
• social jit the Marsh s>-bo<
James Slovens and Frank Saidlon
bonse. Thiiradny evening was a Hi
spent riatunlay eveiiinc ai the Kuliesh
xe. It waa In honor of the liaU Iwv
Ernest Voice lias moved hla family
Mr. and .Mrs .V M. iHlNirn of Gland
Into Edmun Clark's bonse lor the
Rapids, are vlsillug at ibc Imiue
V. E. Mallory fur a few days
Frank h-rocman und family visited
Mr. .-Hid Mrs. J<ihii KHhesh did sbo|s
Mr. JItrals Supdad'.
pirn; In Traverre City Saturday.
tho Toang folks wont
A number of th
Mr.-and ?.lr.«. Cbas SvUlel*eii and
out to the liik'o £Snnday and enjoyed
family Mr. and Mrs. C. E. .Mallory
Rood time.
John l*erltall and family called
E. Volee'a Sunday evenlag:
kecplns some of the people
bosv flchtlng Arc now days as
hoi and dry.
Lenord Wilke is quite sick,
liope to bear that be Is belter »t
Mrs. Eldi^Torks of Ansel, visited
her iwrents n tew days Usl wcekJuly I.

Good ^

•. and Mrs.A. E. Willard and
dsusbter Miss Elva of Effllilrc. were
I town on tiunday to meet Miss Hel-|
It Crane of Kansas City, Mo. whu,
111 be tlicir guest lor some tim<
n. H. Day and Jamily attended tiicj
plrnle given by the Old Settlers' astalKin of Traurjie .Cily last .Wed­
Mlu Lillian Rernard and .\uguM
lomoadoD of Froveraont are ‘lii',R al tbe borne of Gcimati Cody .
Dr. Fralick and daughter MIm «>rpha and Mias Oora Billinger of Maple
CiLv. wereJn town on Sunday.
Thirty-live people arriwvo y the
dock on tbe Mtssoait BuojJbv' and
eni 10 the various r^ri hmels
Wm. Fowler has mrapleled bvs
work detoratlag Cedar Stwittlts laydge
sod has returned to hla work with D.
IL Day.
Wm. Laird spent last week, mak­
ing bar on D. II. Uay'a farm
the ramivs at.BurAiokvine.
Mrs. F. J HcCaaley took bev
Roe to Travene CU.v for iPcAica
lemion on Saoday.
Oeo T, nsker Is pwring in a
remeul teeals conrt at tbe Oaals. Hr.
Baker had a very good ccun

M>ss Adeline Manory and RoSert
lachUeben apent Bnndky at Hinlstee.
Cieea firupDev and ftmtfy. jnMes
Smiley and wue. tooi flBdsv at Long
Lake Sunday.
Mimes Lily and Anna Cearliig and
Jasam CnEWd dtteMed tbn Ice c
BocUI at Ln^ Lake FrlMy erealng.
Mrs. E. B. Aittar retmed to
luMBe In ScotvIUe. Saturday , aftet
titng aevenl weeka with her daughter
Mrs. Mallory.
July t

for. Fine

Rej-nolds- AsphaU SHtifita
combine /ony service with good
looks. -They nroutiastolherroalinn and ri ve a lastinf: touch of distiaction 10 a buildiM. UadtaE
lecls teconunciiaaad^petfy


Slate. Sbinc^

Zema lodd arrived brae Sat­
urday from Aoo Arbor
hnlabed High avinol this year.
home S^rda.
Fete Ayers arrived borne
______________ I tt Staafl of____ _ „—
plp-ws4<im visit
aufluoiBcaU of Baatiaa, aattna of oitartatBiiom netitdL fer a couph
Mist Jessie Bright dt Cedar Run.
maou, bBsiMM cfcaBC•i^ PRt^ taapeoraB^
s;>e«t last week *(111/ Mis# Uelrn
baisc dose or oontaaplatad, aaba of foal aaUla
U tows or ooipitiy, aid aay other ttani oMnaWlIkAee.
oraliBtaraO. Bead «D ttaai to Ka XdM iAh,
Miss Edith Krlng vlsited'over 8im
who bu charct of tha DaportMt-Sditor
day with friends in Traverse tliy,
W. Golden und Mrs. Ida Huge'
spent a tew dsys ia Tiwverae City.
Ust week.
a busbieas -trip Utters brother, John Tobias, al I
The next ladles' Aid soriety will to Traverse City Tuesday.
mem Juh ivtb with Mrs. BeRe ItcMiss Dorothy Raamea rottirard to
Mrs tiridgwatar wtu iMwa lo Kiar
-aw of .Mapl’-ton.
IcadUlse, Tuesday, after apendlng a slev if ber cuodltkia tmprosaa ao that
Mlsa Flossie Ghertsg gave b abow- ■V weeks at
abe can tuad the trip.
- for Miss BessU- Sloue last «VI-|
MHa Hable Uoeoe ramb home from
nerduy alteriiuhn.
received I Miss Bbie Brown is ex|iecled home
Harrietu. Saturday: wbare abe boa many useful urilt-b
been worUag.
' -s'

her of brr friends here wbeb she Rets has been t
Nelaoa speot Saturday
settled at Benton Harbor.
Mr. and Mra. Loi^ Yingllag. Mrs.
John Holmes is guile poorty
Joseph SpsrIIng and sister Hrs. Cbsr- Bight and Sonday vlalUtig ber motb
Wm. Brady and Cbsrlcs Fhil
lolU Davis. vUlted over BaadSir with
Mr. Tyler was apia called lo Boyne
Benioii Harbor arrived Tbursdqj:
aalj^ Xis. Albert Burat of WUCity. U aee bU molber. wtd U nW4night for a few days vIsIL
ly UtnaE.
Mrs. O. r. Stevens of WilliamiMr. and Mrs. Ralph Case, and non (d^rew Starr 1^ Tuesday for New
Imrg and 5lrs W. A. Reed and daugh- Carl, and Mrs. NellU fMI and
Vbrk. New Jersey aad Peansylvanla.
Vera of Marion. Kansas, visited
daugblera. Beats aad Doirttby. left
few days laal week wiUi Joe Stevmis in Mr. Case's ev for tha MOtbeni where tie wUl vitic-elf Iriends mt
smi family
part of the aUU.
. JSdward BpsnMlag left for Oread
Fred Hobera. arrived borne Monly night from Chicago, to spend the J. A. MiCaithy. enabler of the Ktng^ Rapids last week, where he latenda
sy bank, teft last Friday for hU ao- to get a postUoB as ch^ear.
limner here.
Mra Burgess of Glen Arbor re- nnal varaikm. After attcsdlag a re­ Rev. Atcfalsoa of ChsrIeroU. was
iriivd to her borne Friday after visit. union of hla rlaaa at Aan Arbor, be tbe gaeet of Rev. Bridgwater duriag
ig her daughter. 5Its. Dudley CrlfBn. will join hla wife In Big Rapids aad tbe Baptist coaveailoB last weak.
lemalB tberw a tew daya visiting retfew weeks.
Mias Mattie Sparling left WMm|P
llves^aad friends.
.L very pretty wedding occurred
day for Did Mtaelm. wlrare abe'erO!
le bcoie of Frank -Stone 'last Sun­ Miss Nellie Gray it now MvJng at work for Hn. Porter.
day evening at » orloek. when their oolOtUt'ber mother.
Mrs. 'Mum Safefja onJbe Hrk Bm.
daughter. Miss Bessie, mat nnhed in
Peter Mutb lApaft^ R. CaM*B
Eido Crapo U at her anrit'K Ur,
■iiarriage to Wm. Brady of Benton John Wait
boei at Arbalus Lake.
Harbor. ' ciiurles Fuller of Beni
Mr. aod Mrs John Riley.of Wetlos .Mckeraen aad .(aillly spcol
Harbor, ailed aa best man, while
ford ci>eal Sundey with Rose Taylor.
Miss Floosie GbeilDg of Ibis, plate Sunday at UBea KiekarseAs*
WBber n»c and mile dhi«fater
bridesmaid. The bride
l-uclle are both elck with tbe fever.
dressed la wh|t». embrolden*
John Uokmsn diMl at the home of Mr. Horn wes tekea Sends) with IL
und carried white ruses. Tbe bridee- bis friend. Mr. I^wery last Baiurday
Tbe dance at John Newmereb'e laat
dres^ in while and
evening. Mr. Bokman has been all- Batnrday night, waa welt tftsnflsil M
ried pink roses. The,ring cerei
lag for a leag time but snEered a all reported a food tlms.
used. Rev. C. W CliAc perform­ alixike of paralyals a few weeks ago.
Dr.iWebM and wifa of lUg Ray.
ed tbe ceremaay and Mrs. Chauln-c Derehaed waa fifty years of age. bad visiiad at C PHcber'a one day Hot
IVrkiiMi played the w^Ag mtrili. always worked la tbe lumber camps. week.
Mefreahmants of Ire -ream Sod eakc When he was taken III be came to bis
Mra. n l> Ullka U vislllag la Flfa
served. Miss .Marie Stone, sia- friend Mr. Lsywery. wbo took bim in
Lake at her daugbter’a Hra. J. «.
of the bride, taught the brld.
Ixmuei During the evenink Mii
IGeiuia iadd gave her rumnieutwmeut the bouse Monday. Rev. Bridgwater
.iddresa that she gave in Ann Arbor. cooductlnf Ibe services.
-Familu! UgeiiUs," whtib was
Cbaajtammet. who has been loar- A'AAAAAA#AAA
murii apiu-eilatcd by Ibe guests. FlosCEDAR, R. F. D. NO. t.
«ie Ghering favored wiih a few solos iBg the plalas of Arbutus Lake, made
and Mrs Brady received many a business tplp to Kingsley Friday. AAAAAAA'AAAA
H. PowA and son Ernest are at­ Cedar. MIcK. Jnly 3.-i gaud rata
is-'.iuiiHil and useful presents. They
leave Wsdnesday morulng h>r tending to the buslaeiis al tbe bank.
Ibe abaeoke of tbe csablrr, J. A. ert^ aad siraerherrics
boine In Benton Harbor,
Arthur Ansorgb. ddast son of W.
is already tunilslied Tbe best wishes MiCarthy.
8. Ansorge aad Mira Alice Hoffin
o{ ibelr many friends go with iben.
Prank,Conpad and wife, who have Were married ia Traverae City, Wedbeen vlsUlag
BsumArib the paat
■y. Coagrautolkma from UMr
-eek. went to Boyne City today, friendf
where they will remala a few days
e pUnu. iGrlaaeH'c <rwa makd.
Harry Gray, who bought the Bchuae
•litvc I'enlcr. Mich.. Jul.v 2.—Mis*
shingle tall has moved the macfalneMarguerite Spangl'-r has returned
her borne at Monroe Center after
lending tbe Vandim-Horiim wedding ruoniBg la a ebon time.
Miss Bdna WaiT. who has been
and siiending a low days at Carp
spending the past week at Arbutus
akk aeveral
1th.Mr. and -Mrs. Lynn lloriuu.
Hsrn Vjiidsni.. who has been lake. U ouw at home with her moUt- days of U»i wc<-k. but U better at
spending a few days at Carp'lake er Hra. Chat. Irish of Traverse City. tbit writing.
Mira Winnie KtaL Inatrnetor In voeSeveral /ro« Soki* stieodad the
Ih'-JIr. and Mrs. Lynn ilonoo.
uiusl< SI liie Iron Belt public pioneer meeting In Traverse City.
-neii hiHin- Sunday night.
Wednesday, it wsa in Ideal day aod
Mr. and Mrs. Lyiiu Hurtivn returned sihools, is spending
from Carp lake last evening, being' eojlon «iih her paretus. Mr. a^ Hra. mach -waa dune aod sold for the «>mSbs has been Agsga
fort and pleasure of vMUgg gUbiMa
illvd home on aceoum of the aickMredsmee W J. end
Bess of her mother. Mrs. John Van- return iliera aeit year.
Maudle Osiher loft >ieoday
left Wedueeday for Greud RaplA to
and .Mrs Vandani sod family. Uraod KapUa. where the will stay aileod tbe funeral uf lludr oepbew.
They reterned borne Saurday.
Mrs. Albert Carlisle sod diugMcrs Ith her brother RTB Plaeber.
Mr* Jc*n Tager apeot aeveral days
iTiTdasnd Horen, e. si«-nt Sunday
Birthday Party.
Csni^e as guests of Mr. and 51
last Sonday evealiif abeai twenty of laet waA vieitiag relaUvee pear
Lynn ilurtiyn.
five of the friends and relatives of Travene ciiyM. J. While returied to Creraaet
Hsrgaret Komcrirb ^thered si bar
a A A A a A-A A A A A A A A A A> A
boma to help celebrate her eighteenth Tberaday mornlag. atcompdkied by
hla nephew. Kkhard'Murae.
blribdiy. Tbe evealng mas
Again S^rloa was mUed lo wiitteaa
games. At a late hour light
May Held, Mich. Jul.v I.—Mlaa Gol
a fire which waa beycAd rsotrol aad
die HaltMay enierislaed tbe Mi
had to go down la aibea. Tbe borne
crrwm aad cgke. after which
Wise at the Halladay isrtlagr at
of Mrs K J. DIrhArmaa was hAfned
gueeu, wlabtar her maay morg such
■butu* lake, the week end.
Ip the groaad EAOday morning. A
Mist Hasel Kidder went lo Tusllu happy Mrtbdaya. departed all report­ smudge for moagultoes. used oo Sat­
ing a good rime.
Monday to visit herveareuls
urday evening !■ thought to be the
I.ouisa Headges apent Sunday at raone Water bad bees pet BA bm
Miss Callle Wise retu|oed K
Will HetUe-e
toskgy Tueedsy evening, i
there might have been oAC epnlb left,
John WeBlen loel s valuable Oiree aad faaaed by tbe mld-aigbi bregxe.
Mrs. Gibbs made a basiteM.n
yobr old eolt last Thursday,
cBugfat la Ibc light material under
Traverse City Tueaday.
. Vtetor Hardy lisked al (be Gibbs' colt broke Its leg sad had to be sbov ■he porch aad the fire got its Siart
home last week, reisralag borne Grace L9dell aad Donald Milks betwrea tbe walla, laearad t» tha.
Farmers Mutual.
Tbe etresberry <rop Is about O'
(lie VaaOei-TOtt was beAe ^aaday.
A IKtlc Arty of girts weAded their
nleai rata falls iDoa
wsy to Maple Valley farm Friday afImsi Sunday Cblldres'i ^y wi
Mrs S E Milks sod sun Carl <jl lenvoon. to make merry a few bOTra
served and tbe program was tp« and
a very pleasing part was a rote drill Grand Rapids sre speading the
With cudys Densmore. Tbe table
girea by tbe young girls, that showed mer with ber pareats Mr. sad Hra. was set under tbe Mapbia. ’ Cerers
much note snd Ubor bestond ee A. 'ik. Bowman.
w^re laid for (wefte. HtR. WbUa
Mrs. Geo Yale and daagbier Jon- aad Hioa Aaaa Cata saw that all
•hen by Ibe older yoaag ladies. ThU
enlenstBBeat was so gond ibal too ale rloiied in Kingsley Sunday.
were well aepplled. after wblA (bey
Hr. and Mrs Chat. Welts, of ftaa- departed to thetr aevend bcAra. a
muih praise reunot be girea lo ihigae
Ufigs arc vlsltlsf at the borne of tbe happy band.
ibst helped to mske it a success.


.Another Great Sale of
■ We'no^ have the entire "line of the famous Traverse City Chair Co.’s samples which were used for ^hibition purposes at the January Eixhibilion in
Chicago. They go on sale to-morrow mocning at FACTORY PRICES, which means you can almost buy two chairs for regular price of one. The Traverse
City CIrars, are so well known at home and abroad that nothing need be said regarding their appearance, durability and construction, for they, rank with the
best cludis in the country and ate nice enough for the finest homes. There's only about one hundr^ of these chairs, and when they are gone there will be no
mote, at least for a long time, so you had better stock up now while you have the chance. Remember, these sample chairs and rockets can be bought at no

$350.00 FREE PIANO.
Should gras
pporlunlly ol boosUng Iheir voles up lo Ihc top. ss we are
going lo giv
! voles wllb e\ery Traverse Clly Chair or Rocker sold up
to the evening olJnly 131b. Tlieri'are


double votes
We merely show in this adr the
CbafrSale. -Read over the descrip­
tions of a few of the many bargains
ijicUid^ in the lot. Among tlie
many tudre are .scarcely two alike,
.80 you will have a splendid assort­
ment t) d oisc from.

So every conteslaul should hnst^ around and Inform yonr friends ol this
grcai Chair Sai^. and have thdm deposit their votes to yodr credit. This
Handsome Upright Grand Plano will poslUvely be given away absolutely
F R E £ to the perstm, lothie, school or church having the greatest value In
voles hy Saturday Evening. July 13th. The voles will then be counted, and
the standings made known at our Store at Noon. July 15th.

This big line -of sample chairs
consists of Turkiili Rwkefs. Monis
Chairs, large Silling Room Chairs,
and large Massive RockerT^d
Chairs of manX-Other d^rrjptions.
You will do yourself a great injusiice
if you don't take advantage of this
great Factory Chair Sale which be­
gins tomorrow.


NotetheseExamples Note these Examples

i "I

A large, massive solid Oak Rocker, high back-and
arms; back coveretlwith genuine black.Chase Leather
with Leather covered, spring cushion seat sells reg­
ularly at $8.00
Am Qm

Fafctory Sale Price


Factory Sale Price



Morris Rockers

AH over stuffed with l)est Chase Leather: large mas­
sive design, very comfortable and roomy. This
Rocker is a splendid bargain at ^0- at tlie^ _

Here is a womit-rfiil bargain :it tiu.- regular retail
price .S9.75. It has a tine s>di«l Oak frame with Itack
and seat covered, with l>esi <|iialily Chase Leallier
and tile Imck is full recliiiiug- Vuu ought at least
to sefe this chair ami trv it


Factory Sale Price

$7.50 Morris Chair
for-only . . . . ^
The back and seat of this chair is covered with ster­
ling Chase Leather, while the frame is made of solid
Oak. the back is full reaming ami together with the
spring cushion seat, makes it oiie of the strongest
and tnost comfortable chairs on the inarket^^



A^20 Turkish Rocker
Factoi^ Sale Price

A hanitsfime iiviii-: niom rocker with letiiluTroveretl
lini-k aiui s]>ring ciisiiioii seot. all dx{iost.(l wood is
(iiiishcil ill a rich Golden Oak' ami it's not
only a handsome lotiking rocker, hut is. strong and
(winfurtuble >ts well ami worth ^.00 ^ M nO

Factory Price ....


$25 Three Piece Siilfe
consisting of chair, rocker and settee: mahoganv
frame, covered back and seats with deep red Verona
This suit must be seen to be appreciate!!. *# 0*7^

Factory Sale Price . .

Cash or Credit
rjESPlTE the fact that these chairs are being sold
^ at factory prices, you may pay for them on our
"Easy Way to Pay" plan if you wish.



As these chairs arc sum*
pies they are made stronger
and better Iban the regular
stock ebairs, and Ihc price is
^5Mo50t.. less.

■ 1

$12.00 SEHEES $8.90
If you want a nice Settee now is the time to get
one at a big saving. Among the many chaire and
Rockers, there are a number of line Settees, which
are .also made by the Traverse City Chair Ca.'and
which are the biggest bargains on the market. They
are also furnished in the Mission Styles. Be sure
and look these over when you buy your Chairs and

Purchase Early
By purchasing early yon have the advantage of
selecting irom the entire slock and the choicest bar­
gains. Besureand get your double votes for the
Free Piano with your chairs. >

J, Wg Slater
Your Reliable Bomeiurnisber

Big Ciearanee Sale
^UR Big July Ctearnnee is now on in full blast and
” is held HI connection with oiir Factory Chair
Sale. Furnish up your home now at u saving o'
20% to 50%.

, if



♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« laanba of a cupful o( water. Cover feat caafear. Ha bail ataa dbeta* la
« FOR YOUR EMTEIITAINMCMT. • kettfe and cook tan mlaeiea: tbca do la a tacaway Md. and no time la
OOOOOOOO'oOOaddtvo eapfalf of aa^. Cook Are come baib-ia tba bouae la took aad.
moor* the eeaten. *•« flU the *■«.
Church aU aoetoUce or lodsca will miantea more, raotova from Sra and. eat dinnar. Bo. while rooklag braakPrMerTlac fruit br drrlu baa la il«a (has made «lih fTwb rMpbcfrIfa. welcome this bint for a baotb al a add aloviy two velMwatea sees. Re- taai. be pat la aa etuunalware gal
advanucaa la tbal aa eiccat of fralt thea cover vlth wbiiiped cream BammOT baxaar. It it waethiag aew lara to- tbe Are aad cook oae mlnete. aome tbla riba of lamb, potaioat. a
mar be tftred far . la aeaaoa whea (ewaefeMd aad laTerml with Ta»ina) to take the place of a Aak pe^ grab Poar lato a pretty dlab aad vbea cold slice or two of oahw. m>me rMe aad
there U helther time oor room' for forced throafth a pa«rr-ha« aad roae. bag. etc. A Cblaeae feandry baa had idace tn tefrigmtor to hardea. Can- aaaaoabu: thee AUed tbe pall wka
eookliit lL Alao lt« lUeor belac dtf- »be. Anoace oo a »er»la« diab. aad gnat Boceaa and la eaay to prepare, ned gpoaibtrriea may be ased in mak- water. Tbla wma cooked over tbe Are .
fereet from that of raaiud fruit, dt laaeit haadlea made from atripa of as- Put up aome cough ahelvea la any IngllBlt dcaaert.
'until be was ready to atart lor the ‘
atorda aa acreeahle rbaave fratn raa- icfica. After nntlac the aaRellru ta- comer that can be apared. with a
Rbntaalhi Tutll FruRt (^ke-Make a #eW.lbaaUw«..*tabia cookard or idlied fralii. Aad aome peocounter In front Drape ibe counto^rtfericakAby My recipe desired. Split ««>
«»• l^N *hb paper aad
cavliy. AH Ibe air poaelUe la wortted' pte Bad Ibat frulla drle.1 prevlona to i
In Tnrkey ted ralleo. Oa tbe abHvea apj butted qaickly. and spread at staffed with hay. Tbla was Iqaded laWeat Vlad aad auachlae
out from arooBd tbe atdea witb a nwklac bare l««a aridity aad are i bowl of bot water, that they may bare aay number of packages wrap- onto vlth a BiUag
a* lollova: 'u the vagoa. aad vbea diaaer time
BraUad uvetber;
apoon baodla. lato a acalded eaa-iop more Mslly dlfteated.
i e made e«flldeBt].v {.liable to lieDd ped and tied, mad of vnriooaou-lce., couk together for Are minute, imo «««• there was a aavory aad hot 41aWhat la the oae aim
il of Btoety-flve
Only aound. ripe fruit abotiM Ije . tally. I ofleo have Ibeae Utile Laa- Are. ten. Bfteen and fwenly Bve cema mpfals of rich, thick, stewed rhubarb, uec ready to be eaten, while jbe bacua
Bat pleaaaat veoiber?
Ttie prices are marked la bU. k .fig. ,nd ^ne cuirful of mixed ste^ dates mum-hed Ua oaia
per cecn alcohol; ihla la rlaaed around uaed for dryla*. and tbe piocma
and poured lato the allcbt rooravlty br performed either by tbe aun or ar- p)r flit with whipped rreain. and aerve urea on alljo of pink paper, to look and raUlna chopped fine. Si>t«ad each
----------------------BIrda to tbe cherry ireea.
at top of iar and aet on flee. Cover la tlBclal beat. Ittiere It ^ be aceoio- aitb a bot < ho>olate aam-t^Juai tbe like a laundry ticket. Similar ilckeia i^ver while both <oke and Blllag are
Oeen Caaalii§.
acrcwed oa while blaaiait. Do not be pUaed vlibout roatarolDailoa by dual kind you have with mallla h'e rrcam. are purrhaaed hy Ibe cunoiaera Irom tot. and pm a ibiu layer of whipped
Beaa la tbe dever;
apokwtutbev ladeSaiKWho half ao cay aa ibaae
afraid the jar will break. Jart are aet or fllea, aun drylni: aeenta to perfect------------------- —
those who bare rhe ihlags In charge, cream on top of each Uyer of fruit >■ let*)? of iba desirabOhy of uWag
All tbe world over?
■away for aJx week* la tbe ice box tor tbe flavor of the product. On the oih- •«♦♦♦♦•«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ and a maa or hoy. dreaaed a. a China- before rotering with the next Uyer of'thr oven for canning while tbe stove
. tbe ancar to tboroachly permeate the er band, fruit quickly ‘dried In' an • WHEN CURRANTS ARE RIPE. ♦ maa. reerivea tbe ilrkeia and hand* the aboncake This desfn abouU be U heated for uaab day. Here la a rule
VMeU amoM tbe maa. '
evaporator or over a Are better reout the packages. It adds lA the In- served at once with plenty of good (or inreastnl canning by IkU medibd.
Don't apm alcoiml oa your Bacere ***’“ *“
Curtania are la their beat coodltloa lerest to nae Chinese or Jaimneae whipped rreani. or with pUIn, thick, taken from the Farm JouTual:
I How attoTa
TbU method of cMUtag fruit Is i-re.
for It leaves a bad bunt. Move alowi •» «uB>n»-Hke *0 apearaace. 8ua- for tbe maklnc of .ununt Jell? be- goods for the contents, and Ibase may awtwi cream aad sugar
Green Pea* With Mlni-Sbell the ferred by many, aa It U Iheagbi to
ly. keep cool, and set a^ llule air aa
»t tween June 2*th and July 3rd. aava he boagbi in Urge or .mall quantities standing thirty mlaaie* In Is- easier (ban other metbods and tbe
lamalble Into tbe fruit la matblac and
«*«■ "‘*'>1. fur dew will retard the Wonau a Home ('oruiwnlon. They at very low priem.
Bwbat craalc In the wind.
foldinc In thdisacar
'**'* P**r**» **'•'
advantaite to the ahouM he^IrVed a little underriiw
--------------------- ibeir hulls In coM water. pUce In a Iruli reulns Ita color, shape and flavor
Son fa the abovera;
and not directly after a rain. Cherry
Rhubarb in
siewfian with half doxen pea |ioda aad better than wbea tbe fruit b cooked
Canoed Cormnla-Plrtil and atem
to prepare appie*. i»ar*. pearhea, rurrania make the hen 'jelly, pick
AH tbaae va'ra sure to AM
It 1. hy no means^ Uieto get aevenl aprtg. of mint. Cover with with the sugar oOtaU* tbe ran
tr bom
ripe currana. After wasblxis. prick
,f,r drvlnc. pare the fnill.,wa*h- over n.rrunia. but do not remove ibe young, render atalkS-^f rhubarb. 1. water and rook nntll tender.-uncov.
, j^pplM pan.
—Mary N. Preacoll. ««cb oba with A fork. If ooe It left
them previously if oeceaary. stem*: wash. ao.| drain. .Math a few July. Here are «,me excrtleni re^ ered In order to hare Ibetn rrialn ctmtaluing aboui two iaebca «( boiling

whole. K will ferment and tpoU tbe Spread on eanben piaiea or wooden In tb. bottom of a prewnltic kettle, Ipea for using It. taken from blalUce. thelr gre«. amwarance. Drain, add
,^01 and jara far be*-,
eeaeaaaasaee* r««. Then rvil them*1i> aiiear and All
fhc riin-lrrlnt; and on a 'wlrt nalna . wooden {iMalo matWr. and an l-anner:
half a leaapooBful of powdered au»r,
eannlnR. Pill tbe hot tana with
• Jalyl' Tbaqaaaa of aU tbe royal •
putting In a Uyer of siisar ,r,e]i „ In an etni-oraicr If it 1- to be continue uatU all berries are u«sl.
Preserved Rhulwrh-Rhubarti U ao a lUlle salt, and inouien with mixed
,h* fnii bolllag
r every mm
layer of fruit.
fruit, When Jars


o,er a fire Per eun-dnlns, a Mrine aradualU to the l■o■llnR point. healthful and itiextwn.lve that the ntelied huiTer and cream: aerve hot. .yj,,,.
,|^ bUde of B Marfllaed
• Whoa farrU aamee Alla tbe al- *> are
■''* AUed. aeal and aet away in ■ <'®°' tin roof on the auncy tl.lh of the and let simmer until ihe fruit ba> a ulae bonseaife will M-rte a. much of
Pfoxen Raapberry Pudding—Sweetknife aronad tbe iaafe* of tb#
___ ______
. dark place lor winter. Canned
■ In this bouse anaweru admirably, fifr the heat white apitcarame Strain IhiouRb a it a* she can during Ita eeaMtn. and •" to taste one and one half cup.
hubWtw to tome
• Tbe earth Um taint and stlU be- •
ibetbod. they are a mo.It .^ell- r,.iutlnc therefrom battens the pro- coarse ' airulner rhea allow the will also preiwn'e a quantity
_______ lor
_ __
to- vuapbeiTj juice and juice
Juice of
of nuw
m _
tbe top. Set the Jars ot fruit la

aeatb tbo glow
• «•*«• winter, .lelleacy. Once yno have
Cover. e plates wim lane* of Juice fo drop through a double
To do this, ilea- andWeei- ou. Beat until atlc ooe pUt heavy.
water and cook U a mod• ‘nmt aown iha aiMdow tanda with •
®''«lH>d. yo« will want to try
I St a jelly en It Just as II
It dual and It Ihlykne** .
golDg to creani. a-ld
. eup powdered
.. .
flllen mluuie.. pwslhly.
tjWl. Mnauie. hrlna

dam MOW.
> no
aeciA When dry. the fniii ma
. and aeal light sugar, and one leaspoon 'vanllU .
g oa tb; fruit h
Ins lalni. and let boll five ralatitet;
• la (be bot BOOB few droepa (be *
Canaad AtrawberTfea With .Natural placed In mualln hast and hunx
urn the fruit Juice, lato a
Remo*, and All to evr^wa.Id aa equal meeKurc of heaiad Ane
I then mi mold wl.h^e beat^

HiMBlv gtmla;
- S Pfevor-Seleci the Urgeat an.I Ireah- dot plaec.
. Cover with butierad iwper
• Tba ranaer bona, tala com. nnd • ati barrleii. Wath and hull I>err1e«.
Cherries, hertiea and other imall iranulated .yuftar, -boll lour ratautes.
cvaimnlleo aklpi. and pour into glaaeex. Place In

pnbu lor ralB,
■ * tprend 00 pUtea aad sprinkle iralver- fruits -are prepand
of. mold, and pack in
’ ^ eannlat Hlwt.
I Hook- Cb»-r prefers to can rhu- and the
ibeiii tn iiroportleii of tbut; I'ae one pound of suRar to aacb a aininy mlmlow. and b-i siamt iwctiiy bath wlibout aweetcnl'ng It Whn
Has II ever occurred u you lo
lound for iKiund. I^eve 00 Ice or In pound of -fruit Sprinkle over Ihe four huttn-. Cover with nieUleil luir oiwnni In the winter add augar and l«na k-e and oae part salt is a good place Ihe preserving kettle IB a t«a
t blgb,
bo tbaadar. baadi Ua white • n cool, dark place over night. In tba- frull enough augar to cover It. and let atfln. atibtsi the cover, and kee|i In a rook Just king enough lo diaaolve^b 'proimnlM to use. it the meld doee ot holllng water? This does away
ling, dip fruit curefnlly Into jars, ataml over night. Add a lllile water cool, clr.l' place.
agalM tba aky*
It seems to taste niore like /iWh riiu- not BlaiU looser than three hours. It with the danger ot burulng aad iha
aeal and store <0 a cool, dark celUr. *10 the lemainde)- of the*augar so
Cumi^ mini aaiice 1
of the barb than wbau canned any ether oae aishea la use the irndding in kwa boulekeeirr ti not lun-vd to Mead ^
equal i«rls ot salt and Ice will
Ulien you o|ieo them fur a ChrlKimaa the morning lioll the fruit In It
I tno.riH>|KiUr I
l» needevl. Wiien ready lo serve. {lUiw
ahortcake, you will easUy linaglne miaui<-a. IJti it out and dialo. Re- ruaat lamb or a saddle of luallon. SlinAnoibmLJMy U anggeuiIbey were freably plcke<l. and you will duce l6e syrup unlll II la quite thick. p|y w-iwrute a tumbler of cumint jelly
' ed h> an exebange: ~«ima praaer*resolve net to sweat and steam over return ibe
to It and let II aim-mio plecea. iioi-heal U.Stir
conaiBiit ailTriBg aad
canning anolber year. BUckberrIea. m^ at Ibe
of Ibe range for halfm two lahleapooafuU
chop-.ugar. another layar “> ^he co.nh.natk.n ol au Ice a«l-^,„j|
' alaadlng over the hoi range, aprtakfe
I only pretty but good.
mapberrlea and nearly eveiy kind of an ^nr. Lay ib^ fruit 00 greeted
rr<ish mint leaves, and thin ahav- of crumtni. then rhubarb until Ibe, '
, and. as no water Is uaed. tbe trull
. vbeaa books amall tmlt ekn be prenerved in tbla platters, and Iri
It dn In the bot ann.iogs from the rind of one tonnhof an
dish Is full. Bake slowly lor thirty |
juk-e I. very rich ao llavot.
1. peen and {leocbew may also orange.
In this a
•ITN diraetloBa tor termuUting a
e gathered
llhuharh Pie With
Praaervinp Without Supar.
^ ________
(HM. whiefa.'if adopted by everyone.
the «m, a. any rhulwrb pte. and we
to lye^-rve wl.bou. mrgar. ,.ck
voald make tba world a butter, hapTo can taapbivriea have your aymp
rumove tbe core of -hardJiesd" or
iul Pic—One cuiiful ot cur- otu-half cupful Of rairin. with fte .,„,„aed Jars with tbe fr«h l.ult, adpdar placa than wa
a oltaa
tblak « to
boiling boi and bav^ready preserving cliron meloa. Cut tbe Aesb
rushed. one cupful sugar, yolks rbut-rl.-T'hefiavorof.rtulmtb^l^ jom
the i*n» «.-ri«rie the eye. ami l-rmv Cat.
a kettle of bolUng water. Rinse the *“® couvenienl plecea. Add Ihreeeggs, two lablealiunnfuls Aour. in pm or sauce I. much Improved by „iih'<^t^ler or fruit ^uire; idare
ntn »r shred
jari In hot water and All with berrlea. fourths pound sugar 10 one pound of
water. Bake .ooklng with tbe akin on.
„„ ,i„ cover*, hul do not fasten mTo eaeb
MyCCaad. '
Tnrii boiling ayrup over them nnd put
'ei eund over night under
Ploeappln and RhuUrb Ple-One surely doao; sland lu a kettle on a
^ -reiwred frull hithe
■» li paaaHili lo lormulate a very on tbe covers; aet l^ra In a large pail
*® wress the Juice.
’• e one crust. This niako cue small ruj.lul of fresh pineapple chopped .mall block of wood. or. It a number
ooMouMb of , V^fi ot sugar
ptiw[4« tnoi In IbeM tswaa; Tbe or wash boiler and pour in boiling bot noming drain off this ayrup. and boll
fine, one eu{dul of rbuborh. two cop- of Jarg are lo be cooked, a tin or coje
or It a richer
'9Mor toewa vblthor He would have water uulll the lopa bf lets are eov- » »« Tea Caies-Cream on.fuU of sagai. iwodhird* cupful- of p^,
boiler lK.beai. Have a frame ^
^ desired use ihrtrtourtbi ot
M*u. uid baa mad* all poaalble pro- ered. r-over tbe paH and let aland ^ » t^ '"‘^Lt^iiCTruli
•'*" flour, and a email piece of hulier. Pul made to fit Inside the boiler trom ,
vMloa tor my Mtara. The guldane. ubUl morning. The heat of the ayrup fXe^d .h^.t^ ve« titTkT
•“"c l-.Hng rv.nMBnil». together as an ortlnarv rhubarb pie „pip. „f imr.lwo«l;*^oo (bi; la.j. a
tab. tb. oreaervfe barm Tb. Beaded power tmida to and wafer will cook the fruit, hut tbe
'g g!: w
of a ci.rful of sugar: .ben wlth two crust-, ewed pineapple may
of gnlvanUed wiro eetling the ,
Jba a.g.rmdfe
aanr no forvgid. It make, lor the alxa wHI be tboae of uncooked berrlea.
add one eg* well l.e..en. Mix and alfi
ft.^mlnuleeshim If neerattl»aaa«ttbahlgbaMld«!larme. A idnt ot berrlea AlU a plot jar.
ihr^ dw. in a bm aun. WTien d >
o„^,h,rd cupfuls of Am.r,
ot two cupfuls of sugar 1. required,
,he iKtilev and pul In as ^
bring .lowly
Mr mmaelotm part 1. to await tba
Bakmi Baapb.rrlm.-Mra. W. N.
.o^simonful of salt, and four Pineapple and rhubarb cann^ Vr „„.„y
bold wl.hou.
,, gently for l.e.praaptlW that »PrU* from that Meal Ferrta. wife of Profeaaor W. N, Perrta
Canninn Mad. ^'av
leaslwumCtl- of liking is.wOer. Thewe gather make d-ll. io... sauce and pie* ,o„ph,ng each other. Surround tbe
Part j.
Ufa wUbta ma. tbab mora In line with of Fetri. Insiltute. IHg Raidds. MlcUmeas^ are all level Add 10 first
for winler.
Jar* with cold water: .over riosely: H,„illied fere and seal.
tkam. If I fMlly baliave thl. simple gan. up receiving a glfi from o friend.
mixture aliemaiHv with one cupful
Ithulmrb l>-mona.le-Cook a amall bring slowly to a boil, and boll gently
i«ed. I-mil torwrer dlamlm all twre. a pint jar of mapberria^ u*tlo« tlTem
u r^ e^Illd Tun" ir’l of milk: then stir lu twtHhlrd. of a bunch of rliuliarli with one loiiu.l of until the frull is sufficieBtly cooked:
Camvad tr^-ir"
Ml faar. M) worrimmit. all rifort to. exctalmed. -How did you ever put
TyTsuT^fT Farming
®oi-f»' «*f
«-“rrant. n.ixed *1.1. sugar and three pima of wnler until ,or Ihe Juicy, or small froll. ten to
over thTapOMb BBd wash U
ahapa oranu In my own war. all en- them up so nicely? They taste so
ooe-ihlrJ ot a cupful of fiot.r. lUke,
tender. Strain and add two cuiduls of
mibulea. n longer time being ^refuliy In thtee or four wmmu. that,
™ ™... U-.
........... - ■
pineapple Juice and a few ttropa of reunited for Ihe firmer (ritll. a* apor dirt may be left U It lick
eaten. ^ „ ..............
fe Pfec. at urn -aal t»»Pfex..m. ot were
the beat that I1 have ever eaten."
«>- ^

lemon Jnlee. Serve very cold. OriK ,,1^*. |lin«apple and quince. Remove ,b^
discarding all lough
tbe paoMa
Uve Immeraed in «n- Tbe friend replied aa folfewa: “We
........ ..
Currant Pie—Wash currants,
juice mav be uvedm place of the plu.- ,be Jar, Am tbe boiler, one .1 a
,nd wilted tan.#.. Put over the
aefemmaaa of tbe life ptoceat. 1 ahall gaibered the cboiceat onea. waabed
renmve .terns. There shduH be
rime. sn<se.! quickly without lifting
boiling «Hed water and cook.
, pal tbe simple UeM of Bdellty to tbe and pnekad them lo a jar. A cup of
.„d one cupful. Mix one ci|.ful of sugar
Rhubarb ronserve-^ne quart of ,i,e cqvers.-Iodlea' World.
„ ,or the able, for about twenty mlufeadlna f tb. fplrlL Tboae leadl.,. mmar wa. uifted orer .benrTbnd the
« "r, t
u»d onV-fourth of a cupful of flour:
cubed rhuhurb. ooe plfft red ru.pber
^ 1 . . o lL
“'«■ "■
I brifeve to b. alMndnalra. If I ruM-, warm Jar *.. set In a bot over. The
“i ^e work Tir.!!. then add the yolk.-of two eg*. Wt- tier, oae imuad raisins, one pound
For the July Srld*.
^,1., it out with a fork or skimmer
Ita tbalr deep algnlBmace 1 at once jari was filled aa tbe fruit lowered.
nrighbor- cn and dllmcl with two lablespoon. English walnut., two orange, and two
Invitation* Jo a pin al««er were
aae that they apply as moeh to the They wm baked In twenty mlnulet.

soman f«1a of cold water. Add mixture to cur- lemons sliced ven thin, and one written on a .^.gle sheet of heavy, uip
attalnment at baaltta a. (or ibe pro- Any kind of small fruit «»» •- Pr*- ^
"»»• «"<»

■'rfi»': «»l. <«und sugar tor each i«und of IruH, ruled ,o,*r. folded once and pinned
crerflow Ibe I0|*. und
rook until thick as Iqll.r I*ui fnio with an orrlinarV* pm. Pins of every
^ ^
Rlaftse* and covet with paraffin.
de*cr1i>tloh wete hrouchi hv the
h«»ted chooned aad seawhiles

berrlea—We bad always found can- dlarugardlng the iiiylb tha^ they must l^r
Mined av the. fresh apluscb.
• • « ♦ • ♦ « « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ned red raspberries lo be rather dia- he canned a
tray* filled > iih i-lns. I>e*ides 1*1. veil
'™» Invariably »• „ *ben .he get. the next meal, start- while Ircaitnc coiisiamly. two table{■ow-dereil sntar; then
and scarf i-in*. rollar and cuff pins,
^ ^ ^ ^ ^^
"voked. says the mg the fire a MiUe^eariier for the rur.
htack and wbiieheade.1 pin. and
_____________ :........... .. .w- *- Farm Journal. A few years ago we
add oncfo-ih of a tc.i^onful of
five plnta of Jam.
Mfei« pile- of all sire* in hoih Mark
fiavw of the ^11 cuuM UUeovered the followlog way: For
gome fruit is finer IfWi over tileht vanilla,
Fite boxes of curraota will ylM
and white fme glrl^whoae father
Ihreeouari cans take three cupfuls of with the sugar and sealed In Its own ‘Spiced Cuirums-Pirl; over seven
"" Djlie tlsaae* of Jrily.
one to voader why U la not
Wash., drum and
nght 1
Six iioundg or iicaches win yMd
tng Iba hot, trying «ay In common
I le-arl.. The plate <ard> at th>
T»i« rollowlna rule. are''7akeo
1'“' ‘fl** over the fire Jo Imll.
Auni l.ury Is always seallnc some remove Kiems Ibil In a preserving
. eight |ilni jar* of preservea.
o . lock, dinner lio're the Hues:
Mne little file.
u*ui.e »--m.r.rinea''ans and fill With the thing, a Jar al a rime, often whatever kettle, and add five imunds brown
Seven pounds of peacbaa Will yl-ld
and (dn., iieetlle- and idoa.
t>f Inib M-diiie .
dSd^lSTTf^^baToer- '«“«■ ••’'vb »•« 1* .olid and not ,h, happen, to have.
-kkr. two cu,a vinegar, and three
fifteen* of marwialade.
-n a Ki'l niarrii-. her trouble beI.icki^ig their <hnps.ahTw^wt^ii feav he nut nw'b* over rl|ie. When Ihe ayrup ha* hoUed
when she puts up a ciaie or two. taUle*i«ons. each, ciimamon and dove
Swai' There were ••
the Hoi In ■ I'lere oT muslin. Meal gcadutba cold c Ming rn-||- and will 1’“' " on the fruit, filling the cam to no one knows unless she exhibits
>f her lalwr. ally lo the l>oiHhg iioim. and let simfeanp perfectly, rwolnlng the flavor the brim. Adjust the rubhers. and i
Eight little files
. the stove -Aoni I-ucy ha. put up truH for mcr one and on-half hour*. Store In
_d color of trash trull. I know from
■ tired after euiting small. wlH yhM
llalslnu *01111- niore. ,
there are only manv yaarw. It never spoils and she a stone >r and kedp In a cool, drv
ten glesnes of jelly.
panonal axparianoe. The process is ■ '"•'o'’
Swst' S»*t' Swat'
She place, A d.-ll. ioi.* acromianlmew to
y'our |■DllOds of pluma will yield five
Tary simple, and tbe conserve of (rult *
Then ihetc wete •
s de«|. as Ibe r-aosr'wm do. rinsea the Jars, latts the mbhers on *Uc.-il meal. iwnicuUrty roast
pint isr* of prewerres—Rxebange
Tba Mining dlrecllcms If cleaely
remo«* fro® 'be afove ud places them on the kitchen able,
Currant Ic—rurraiils used with
feifewad. will give very astlataclory •"*
“ t®'' "D luiev fruit, whee color v "
An tionr l-tore ihev ate lo I- um~i.
Hungarian Carrets.
IS until cold, when main the table, sbe places Ibe Jars on ras|d.errie* make a most aaristaetory
,,.*1 and ..... . ihinlv three or t-;..R« rat- and Mired In pbee. one
one and one hsif
Vncookad Jam and JMIy—Prmis the
• • Plate. The Irult is imured In direci
f.eeh. .oung . ..cumber,, pn-f bv rh. n, fourth of an lacb thick and two InebuM the
.e.- e—cupful* of'rasplierrles. sprinkle with
frash tnilt UiToagb a Irult pceae or a B>' «*''•
fr"l' 1» kepi wlmle rroru the bubbling ketlle on
l„ l.e water Ju.i l-fore M-c'f.a - br.g. one quart of esrrota. Haro
. -_s flavor of Ihe fresh line Wore. The jar* are then wt|»d- one-ihird of a e.ipliU of *ugar. cover.
Im colander that will take (
drain them t..ld In a .o«el. and i-ut "■« rarroa bb n sauce pan.
off. the .-overs aloily adjusted ui.ill «nd let stand two hour* Ma.h and
trtrtna and aeeda. Add an equnl quan- f''""X..II ice while maklnr .he .|.evm„g For «d-l oti- quart of water aad one lea--------------------*me lemiieralurw as the Jars, aq.i-ere Ihi.nigh a double ihlckn-*I«odr-ii the •ivilia'itlty of aagar aad nilr for half an boor
ihis m.. into a small t-.«l a .e«. ..|dul ' l*«'nrul of salt and boU until lender,
Iben screwed down tightly by hand of t heese cloth; there should be two
wUb a wooden spoon. Be sure that
of rich thick crean. either sweei or Tte-i. drain .asd add one-balf rap of
tba Bl»r b wril dbaolved aa that Is
A number of delirious beverage* and left on the table iinifl tool, before ..... .-Bullaln y - *our and into It whip a M».nde.t tea nnega, and thme^o^srtb. of a cup of
tba aaerat of taeoeai. Then pour ibe nar be made from iruii Julcw. and being carried to the cellar No spoon fi -k
.l«ontul ..I salt and a -«hlesi..oi,tul butter Cook antll tran.parant and
from three cupfuls
■luoiw into glanaa and set away in when carefully sealed In sli tight -hot- In the Jar. no wet cloth wound around,. from
Unusual Summer Oeleoeie*.
,ng , h,|j „r vinegar halt a *ali.i«»B t-erve.
a tool, dry puca nntll a ibln. angary ties win keep from one yaar to the or any other trapping When *he Sprinkle with one cupful ot *am>. ■ tkvod Housekee,.,:.*
a nouMe au. .r.«ll onion
I'.,1____ V~
erwat b formed over the top. Tb«i next. Prejare the fruit as lor iwe cmena them. Instead ot In erirng a nnd iwoceed a* with the raspberries, thori.i on cooking E'eK rec.i* given
Ta-ue. .nd a-t' u—e *ea«.n
eoear and kesp In a c«el place.
‘ serving; put into ihe double holler knife between Ihe br apd cover and there should t* one and one third cuf l„ .t*t magarlrie is
the Good
The ttaior of the dress
•'"c Individual Werusg. slice one beand
arrange oa a amall plate
Bltawbarrie. Preaerved Without with one cupful of sugar lo each quart «) rendering-the latter Insc-ure lor ful* of curmnt Mice. Mix the fruit lluusekeei-lnx -cienilflc kfi.heo Im i-ionoun.-ed In ^
og torm. or nae snv fresh frull la
0»klaf-"PYeth.atrawherTlea fo FWe of fruit and heat until the frull l» soft future use, she turns them, ^er Juices and add lour cuptub of •rater, lore it I* ac-epied and
.he c.i.umliep,
rtary! And not caokadT" Wall, at and bn*;.. Turn Into a Jelly hag down, for a lew minute*, m oJt wa- and freexe. using three i.rts ol fine .
The tollo*lng r-n-es are {VqbuJi^i over-nhlch should i- tmni-ed at the .eason. Siwlnkle with chopped nuta
any tala iba lee<-r«m usted ai IT It sad drain until the Juice ha* oomi ter. when they uns.rew>a«n>.
crushed lee to one |*r1 of ro.-k aali
igaitne and are Iwih unusual.and
minute i.
wars Mde xrtth tba fresh fruit. And plexely ocued out Do not aqueexe Ra- She hat Just finished » lot ol ripe Ice prepared In Ibis wav reiainr the
It nit verv wluile- »oxr-iber. Garulsb with whola ralalna.
« dainty
......... c ■ which i
(tab tn tib way' (bey were praaerred. tnra the Juice to the (ire and beat ua- etirranta and blueberries, which are a -nainral color of tbe fruit
JZ" is TZZZ the Penn“
wUbont cswfclng: Firm slrawbeiTlas HI bolllag hot. Stand aierlllted hot- Abe eoqiblnaUon
Ch-rrv Pie With Rose la-avea-l.lne „.,,,nla Du'ch
(ol«B and prMafaMy not needing (lea In a i*n of bot waier. and fill:
A Dallriem Sh^^ke.
ofTmemggs with • deep pie d.‘h wliti a good crusl.
. •--------- —
waablngl are caiwfuDy picked over ln»n the cork, firmly, then ImmediThe member* of my own fainilv are
.«r,»ur over rm .M rl,, .».■««, non-l,
and (be berrie. noMbd with a silver alely dip (he tor of rtch bottle in
r.*,.herrle. served ml Jlf a
hot, Jrong ev.f
IBI* im each one U tboroagbty meUed aaallng wax- The same meib- ,
e momlug eereal. wliltc ras!this over hot water until
»f ™..r
*J"" r.«.. .. ........... .......... ..
,b. „h.n«ni«. «i
hnfcaa. Ptmnd toe inwiid of atumr od may be emidoyed (or raspberry.' berry uborirake lnvlic> equal -#I>- ,|,mk and In Hand overnight Tbe tahle«.inonful
of Hour, and Just before ^ ,,,, ^vins xie-s. and develo|i into
trinta of curraiM
• IB added and tbomnghly folded (not Wackberrr or grape Juice.'
t«oUs. Here it a novel |dan "le- . ^
.phuaa (0 Ihe strnwlierry variety, aaya
morning whip one pint of cream baking spread oTer the lop the petals
Btirrad I la and (be (nut aet away In a
---------------------a wcHer (a ihe Woman'* Home Commaard To freexe, of two efr three rosea, cover with (be ,eloimd l.y one young farmer. It is a
naol piBoe tor isranty-fonr boni^
• CanamBB.
rds raaiiberriea mixed
,be eaulde to upper CTusJ and hake. Serve Co14 gootj augeaiiOD (or ear localUy. For
— Uaaoa jam are Utorengbly acnldConaei-ves or rwbdled frulta are alt»M'«(ih oaedbtrd ci nnu U a most agree- piwvent the water from running In. seme day as made.
pinir nartles It would he exreb-ni.
^er tan»
----- ---------------- j to nae la a abort- pm-k'ihe mold In tee and sail and let
Gooi»*efTr enstard-To one qoari
* man who keeps bacbetor's hall *.? ,
H^rctiMkH for bV
q» tba brim, bnrtiv a very aUght cbb- aad roUad In s^.
cake. Try » lor yoorsall. Aa rtwrg
rtraa boma. '
of claaMd gooseberriaa add three^ bis expertanee with tbs fire- rtHdrsBY wbringiag -BxebaagB.


Mtt, untMns vniuwstUte

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