Grand Traverse Herald, May 21, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 21, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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arid ’Travarsa







Fife Lake Ueet LMdifs Induatry Laat
Night .



rife Uke. Uar 18.—The
At rife Lake, propertr of the CiUieDt
FORMED bank, boned at I0:t« laat nfebt. pot- OREAT MARKET AWAIT*^m/shI•WDiNCSt ORGANIZATION.
tins about Si men out of emplomeot.
Tbej were, aawlac tamber ter Archie
Olbbf of Trareree Otr. who baa
7SO.OWI feet cuL About half had been
coapleled. The fire depaitnent did
enelaat •work, aarlnc tbe bolldti


Raasad Away at Her Home Thun


600 iubloa^are mm











if •


A eollectlOQ of Weslem Michigan
Mary 8. Slewari. wife of-eknhor
photograph* of fsnn snd orchard
Stewart of :•! *4,1 E!*»*ptb slrert
ereoes to being made by the Western
Thursdsy evening at > orlock.
Michigan Development bureau,
She w*» M j„rs of age and had
laagement* have been completed for
her home in the rliy f.w the paat eight
patting the pictures on dtopisy dur­
• ear* Khe leaves to mourn her lows.
ing tbe month rd September, and be
mmher and father, fi.e brothers and
ween ino* and then
t*0 sister. Who n.e near Solon. ^I«>
Into each of the twent.v HARD TO TELL WHO I* THE FA­
> children The faneral was beld BOOD TIME ENJOYED RV asH ff
mtles for tbe purpose of sect
oday morning at n-© rlork j{«in
snrb views ss will show op the
Frnnria • faurch. Bnrlsl »a» li
ClMNHf H«UM for li
Henect Pack and Guaranteed Qu
I'aibollr cemeterv
ersi sections to tbe best advantage.
setlMii Will RrebaUf
The work of gathering photograph*
* Raftlmere Convenwill begla with the appearance of tbe
9 be Or•soins on the fruit trees
dsrty Oatesring.
ue during the summer. It 1* hoped
On May 12, SecreUry John I. Clb"I** BootUc to porioct the orcnlst- TEN THOUSAND ACRE* SHOULD
tlevelthm or A RoHrt ud Hotel M«M«era’
Bay riiy, MIefa.. Msr IS.—A hard
It Is hard to rMlIie that It was few. j
It fill be suitable for telling ibe
AMOCioUtM of tU Orud Trarme
opment bureau beld a conference in
day of Ogbtlog. in which every poiiil-Ll)n6 back on
toea yean ago Tbnrsday last that '
Heftoo WM bald in the porton of Um •oil of Wottara Mldhlgan li Eepaelai- Boston with represeclatvies of a large Weste^ Mit^lgan story of oppcuinol- cal iHck koowa waa rusoned to wlib
Cpmpany kl of Ihe J4fh Mlrhlgaa VsEly Adaptad ler Growing
' Bngltoh Arm which makes a speclaliv ty>ir socceti nod prosperity.
Pork Pinoe Wednaodnr ntienaoon ud
fnteer Infantry toft TnrerM Oty tot
the conveorion being nearly evenly
TWi Crop.
of exporting apple* from ibU country
• food rawMUw of the tmon
-t'amp EtoioB at tsland lake by ^edivided for aod against Gorerw
to Qwt Britain. They nUted that
I trelB. That e'relif wU| prstaabty
Woodrow Wilson. tharsrierUed the Faderel Troops are R
Petoakey. Slick. May 1«.—U. M. they had beard a great deal abont the
largest sod most embaslasUc demotoog rtmtmbered. AlUMregfc th*
Dmham. prealdent of tbe Petoskey pxeetleet flavor and appearance of
ID waa scheduM to i„,* „rty.
creiie gathering held In Michigan In
rta thia reskn In the set- Itp oa the growing of alfalfa U
many a year—since \Sf<6 in Ucl
here were there preereit tkat mernlgg
to lake any quantllv up to CM <*.
. Uos ta eteoar taoeb with (wob other
who bad driven as far a* twsoly
tbe result of tbto coocrntlon has
•m Mtehlgan. baa toeued tbe tellewlng load* per year If they could be as
or tbea« wbo are U look after the
(o see the boy* Ireve. The eUy and
left aU parties feeling good, notwith­
etatement that |e of Iniereet to alfalfa sifM ot be qualil)' and grading
Ei Paso. Tex. May 30,-A. nonb.
thouaasde of wumtr people who tome growers:
the Grand Traverse reglea was well
standing bard perennal combaU. Wu- ward retreat of tbe rebel, wod.y
the fhill. Thia opens a new Held for
into thia aectlM of tbe Mate. A plan
represented la the throng that gath­
son might have won out hsd bU cause
"Not less than tetf thousand
tbe Grand Tmverse spple..ahd if the FROM EATING TOADSTOOLS FOR been bandied a little belter aod been the (aee of the slowly advanring f
that waa nnaatMaualy ad^tad waa
at Ibe Pere Marquette dejjoL
abooM be eown to alfalfa In western growers are capable of handling the
wsl kssembly removed by at least
that aatk Thaniar dnrliis the leeort
was Ibe dele- iwo day. tbe exiwned enjuarment li
The Itonnah'Rifle* bad votagueied
Michigan this spring. Good Slonia
proponhIoD In n sntltfactorr mni
•eaaoa, tbe aamee ot (be arrlrMe and
gate* to tbe Bailonal convention
aa an oegahlxallee and had been ge>
««ed to being edd by local dealers
Ihe„s9»;tnlly of Kellano.;
they win be assured of a permanent
aU the attnaiWM and
unlnstrorted. and tbe unit rulere|Hed.'-*FrewteKpd l>h» they «««
810.(0 per butbel-aboui two-lhlrda
AdvTce* from -Ihe rebels at lh<
that are to be held the teiiowiat weeh tb* price of Mamnoib clover. Thoee market for the Bnest product they
being applied ibe .delegates are
soon iranaferred to iVtop Alger Mtr
ran raise.
- win be aent to Saemair Htriiey, wbo
l•ermilled to vote tbeir personal from at Ernalon said the insuire<-lo Wasbiugton. ami were then rm kg Iked
wbo intend liming or fertUliing tbe
were falling-lark on their strongholi at Newpori .Vewi (or Cnb* -and taek
With the present methods of sorting
to to aet aa tbe “Ctaailas Hooae 8ee- noli for alfalfa efaonld make tbe appllchoice for the presideollel nominee.
nurr’ o< the aaeoriitloo. and be will cation teereof at as early a date aa and packing in vogue among the
Row these rielegatre line up to at KclUno. It miles north, burulng - - la the Cohan rempalBB. Th* mm- * '
eoawUa tbia Infotoation and ft win tba condlUon of the soil will admit growers It would be futile to try and
somewliat probletiiallcal. a*, nose'who bridge* and otherwlM--hiodering iImwas ten Baste, they teeV ta tiM
enter and tkoid auch a market, as only
be stinted ta tb# "RaMrt Section"
ere opposed to.Wilson, except the gdtance of the fedcrato. Today the they bad (be opportnatty m *** geUse
R. aa It win add to lu
ibe best eelened stock Is wanted and
Detroit men, are anxious to nellle main coluinna of tKe federeU moved
ice. when so many of the mtm
to get tbe fertlliter iliorAn tbto wni be oent to each neort; onghly Incorporated with tbe *oU‘ be­ tbe Arm to willing to pay the price
where they *u^, From the best In­ up closer to the vanguard of Zavalaia. leerc did not reach (he fraU.
With the adoptloD of a proper Father Gathered the Taedetoole's formation possible to secure. Wilson Ihe first statloD south of Esrolon
tber U tnn will aee that ft la poil- fore eowing tbe alfalfa. To gel ibe
Tlie ttonlUgo campnlga was sheet
Tbe Juarex garrison to reiddly
•d la 4ba elriea of tba botal whera greateat good from liming, espedatly standard of lortlng and parking and
icrobebly will have nlae of the dele,
tvino the Children Were Unsnd drtielv^. Tbe eetcom* at. ike
It would be
each sneM aur aee faat wbat ti t>
wlfle to Tell- What Mush.
gale*. HariiuiQ has six. Marshal one Ing n-lBrorrr<l by troo|r* from the
1 llmeatone to naed. tbe lime mtT aalllug for the grower*. It 1*
. -r >.d
ins to happan pt aU tba raaona for abeuld be eown a year in advance ot
of Ed Shield*, chsirmsn
the stole
■>e marveled at whM R ta'
The federal colunios wbli-h are su|.
be beped that, the local apple men
tba awnins woek, and «nd out when tbe teed.
rentrel coromlitee ha* a’ehance to
known ilul Major GeMrel KetaM A.
will wake np to their opportunity and
tbeir Mead* / are located who are
vote tor his choice, am! the fa^nce— imiw^l to be Ihreslenlng Jnarez bsve Mllrw. f 8. A., reiwrti ggaU had to
"It It to propoeed to Jnecnlate tb* try to secure this reliable market to
radlllac, May 2ti.—Two children, n 4—sre probably for ruric. with Bryamoas tbe dIBtrsat reaerta. Teaai* aeed before eowing. the material ter
the Island In roiyod aambm at the
Ibe Grand Travers* producL
•r racea, Sitoias oo»
> can be proenred from tbe
liere. sent out seouting partiin to with. ■aglnnlng ot bostimic, 174.M*
r«i br tbe
«r Pred OigUsb are dead, and liUT- them.
I mile* of Juarex, opiwrslie CJitit.
I Bl the dlf- ton. D. (X. at any Um*. and It will be loss* thbt are handled yearly by the hope.for recoveej' I* held for three
. .
The Wilson men claim to hare
flna eon* from the Oregoo and Wash other children s. a result of esiine half of Ibe delegates, but tbsy are T«-xa*. IJere an American offl<-er In
farenl reaorta. e»erjthla* of Interee* mailed free to aU appileaou
l>reytoce of Saniiage (hr ontaflmberd*
r.fdji.- Imr.ler imirol
ington orrharde, and have to be ship
will be stran.
Btinis for mushroom*. The girl wilbont doubt too optimistic of the
the Ameriran army abont tl**fl to
reptbyrd to Colonel K
A angnattoa that met wUb inatant "Son to be aowB this spring should T»ed clear arrest the rounlry. They died last night and the Iwy this
restill of the eonvenlloa. Tbto to juet
numW. It was Ihe aggrorelTeaMM at
tew waa that tbeae reaort* aid the be plowed nt once (U adl" already would be perfectly Mtisfied to eecure
•The father of the four rhildren what Wilson ran cewt on for b commsDd of the deiartment of Texas ■ be American Iraopa that nnaitid
0^lers were «ien to let Is
Trawsa CMs'boai* of trade is the plowed) and It nhould' be eultlvnted tbeir fruit )n Mlrhlean, If the quality gathered the loadstools Saturday
Comianv M gave a soed eceeaat of
!•*• froju either sUe.
to gutranteed equal to tbe western
work of advarttolas thU t^ioa,
l«-liev«.d the rhildren -were unstile
weekly dbUI June 1st. when tbe seed
itseir. The memben were always
they Immadtotaly anhaertbed nearly sbcrald (preferably) be town. It this Ptuduct. ak it would save the present
Edwin O. Wood. Genesee (CUik).
<ea>lv to obey order* and to reagwA
freight tale* bj- rutting off the thou
S8M. and mot* will be added
Edmond r. Shield*. I.eniwee (Mar­
thorough couw ot eoUlTatlen li fol­
when volnateers were caltod tor aay
Urt aa aona aa the rest are Interrlew* lowed and BO •nor**' crop' to aowp, sands of miles that the apples have
eeri i<
ed. nils will CO Uto tha Honor Roll ot with It Utere will be bo danger of dein a critics] conditloa. i’bytlcitni
I-awton T. Hemans.- Ingham (Hartonlle roast.
The (ropirat climate ioM oa the
(he teada that the hwal board of
say there to no hope for the chlWreo^ moB).
ot tbe bot
Tbto to h market tbat to worth
nre ralalnc to carry on of t%e work and dry weather. Tborough asd long
V. H. 03rielf: noagfaloB fWllaon). CAUGHT ILLtOAU FISHERMEN. men trom the north. Forteast* tor
them tiu- poor Spsalah marhsMHRiP.'
tbU me. Tb* Sottona Bay board ot eoBtlaoed tnililTatloB of tbe aeed bed while to the Michigan growers and it
Ford F .Rowe (Cunto-Wllsont
i>oib of the artillery aod toteatry.
be hoped that flier will rl
t^ sad tbe
Wellington R. Burt. Saginaw (Har- Nine Have Been Arrested and Fined
to ImpetatlM
They could not. bowevor. esoap* tbe
the occasion and try to eecuee .. „
Uoo beaded the
Fur Taking Fish
« list wUb •« each and ceat In thle aectlon."
Ills of camialgalag ta a nmlaita
Bent thins for the future. The
MW MiM awtrlbot^ dquaUy aa geD-.
ridden country on scanty rqtlsM. Tbe
been opened for them by Mr.
«Pm Sams Uaay other plana were
First-ta Henderson. Jamei D,
e imposMbl* the oaS* far
Glbetm. AU that remdln* to be don* IHI8TORIC HOSTELRY DISMAN­ Bums (Harmon).
take* sp «n deull and wUI b* wwkM'llto'ker.
tons aad the xaal* gnA
•d (mil as the occasion require*.
Second—Or. D U Trent. UnaSee:
KIpen. weiv ..rested by Ward­ (rain* could'not lor seme Um aappAy
to an benest manner that wilt bold
Boyet Dansard. Monroe iWiUoni.
Seeratary Holley Reedy to ’Anewer
en C. Allen Siullb and glv.-n
Iwth annmaltloB aad faod.
li Located In Mem Arfstocratie Sec­
Third-E I- Markley. Calhounvjt.
lug Thursday In Jusiire Nerllngei's
Four of Company M wore toft ••
tion of Washingua. Past
E. Miller. Eaton (Clark*.
. on a ebaege uf nsing hooptyke CMbaii aofl. sereral died hdtore hetog
I. Isterkx^:
. Knaak. f ■rrieo; A,
PlatterlB* . flaga. bloomtog Sow<
mustered out of tb* campeay. aad
In taking and catching and
Id aa ^tptn door at the lltUe bouse Uek of Indenting Make* Naluialixsshorijy after a namber of etbres aaleniptiiig
beard ot trade
Flfib-E. J. Doyle. Keai; AIMe TopWashington. I). C.. May rw,—The
ioeatod at tbe foot of Caaa street «otlen Record* Prseticslly Worthc-onetiintliig the ouilH of tang lake. twered lb* death asmmoas at a reaaK
There ar* U naotta with S3 boteit day aBBOBBcea tbe fact that Secre­
en. Ottawa (Wltoonl.
rep of the auctioneers hammer
of their service.
lees to County.
that wm be laetnded la tbe orsaatoa- tary Htdicy bad opened his
Sixth—George NewDian, Uvingslou; They all pb-ad gulltv and
sounde.! today through the corridors,
> iadMiMr tm
Uoa. and tell dasertptlon* of tbe alts- home ter the eeaaoa. In thia little
' assessed a flae (d 87 and
parlors and chambers of the Arling- Aaron Perry. Oakland eWItoonJ.
pressed on tb* mem ries ot ear tot(touoly Clerk White to in receipt of
aUM of each, how to get to theto. bouee there were more visitor* last
Seventh—A E. Stevenson. St Clair: 83 7:- Of isent.v day*-. In Jail. They
hotel, marking the. beginning of
. Tb* young n n whe tod toft
letter from the Cbsrlevoiz county
paid up This makes bIm pSenders
tbo attraetlen*^^ they bar*. *<- summer than any otbar plaec tour
end of that famoni old hostelry. John I-ougbnsB. lapeer i Clark I.
II a few ebewt laoBtto hetare redork requesting inrormntioD concent
rorwodaUgaa B raiaa and all otbEighth—CharlM K. l-ewne. Bast- CsUH) Warden .Smiiil has arresled this
: iu slxe la tb* efty. Onestloai Ins tbe naturaliutlon i«per* of one The entire furetohlngs of the hotel
tbe same chance, go prub- turtied. most of (hern ba( stodowa of
ee saattaif itt dnterast win b« compii.
being sold at auction and when awNl^Urie Brown, riiniou iCIarfci
by the buadreds ot aU
Goodman Cohen. fHe.f in this court
other flsbermee, who are tbeir former selves, fever-riddea. many
ed aad sent to met reeort and will
Mnth^C. A. Waal. Manistee; Cor­
sale ie Bnixhed the old building,
uwered la tb<s
too wegk to walk wltboot aastotaaca.
lhlrt> jears. ago. Through nr*
he kept bp Smetarr Holley ta tbe lo­
be dtomamted and out of the de­ nelius Gerber. Newaygo iCtorkl.
>mc little bouse, and the
That Ihe service was streaooiu to Alor faulty ioatientioD to detail.:
cal bareaa o( tetermailon.
Tenth-John E. KUmaoe. Bay; Jar Mr. Smith stated that sboold another
that tbe same work to to be earned i or ter some other reason, no Index to bris will arise the New- Arlington, exdefeodants will l>e dealt tested by (be Bomber wto tow* an­
[■ected to be one of the fine.t hotel, io F. Molone.v. rheboygan (Clart).
seaaoo at tbe aarae place wi
swered Anal mnsier:
allmlon itapers halt
Iteen ibe rountry.
Eleevnih—Woodbridge X. Ferris. oltense of this kind dome under hie
tbe came man In charge, make* it
1 tbto court, alihongb there are
Mecosta: C. II (lemeDt. Menicalm with more eeverely.
■me one to tbe hundreds of toor- books for ibe purivse wttb not the ' Washington hotels iws.e.. at
Fr^ Cover
— •
I Wilson).
lerest of Ihelr own. To tbe’i
tots wbo come up late thU part„of tbe
Frank M. Fan**
. '
Twrinii-Jatiie. F. fonoran. Iron;
MB Raadp ^ Woleeme the Vet- rounlry every year. The telephone ecratcb ol s pen in them. In order te reveling public they are more than
(too. H CslmBa
give the Charlevoix olfirtol the desln-I roiunier. lal Insiitutions—they Inve.t John J ciearv. Drlia (tlarmnn).
>ert are the same ntUena 946
Floyd Daludl
'7------would be necessary for hemselve* with an btotoric Inlerest "" Prcstdcntial Eleelc----- —
aad Bell 6S and Secretory Holley or Mr. While 10 read back through nuni' fllram A. DickfasOR
Macos. Mo. Map IE—Uacoe - le 111 Slenogrmpher is alwaya there
vhich hardly attaches wo i.ubllc hosBert Dunbam
'■"■ ' •■*
berlesi hundreds of patters In search elrle* In other great .iile.. For m*ri>
John 8l>eehaa. War!
dretaad in tba RSttosal color* in bon­ luwer Uie bell when it rlnga.
Wm. R. Baieaoa
^ • *
of the cerreri, oui
recent mt ei- esrw tbe Arlington ha. been one of
Charles K. Sllgh. Kent. /
er of'tbe meMbMa 9t tbe G. A. R. deCtoud
lag of tbe *Ri>ei
landmark, of the national cafiial
' Elmers by Diatric^
c-aMsDilBople. May |s-The pmristrtmaat of MtoMurL wboae thlnyWm. n. Henry
' .nrt
noted the fsft of the ||
-Fire -Henry- llto( kwell.
-------- .
hotel 1. .itiiaied on Veriuoni at
Im anRaa> eaaampmmt was opened
ha*-offirtatly anDounivd tbe re-.ii»n.
Robert Brown
ords*. but no dellBUe tWrve ws. de. roue, almost on tbe lorner of It
Seiond—Ed Frensdorf. I>-naw>4>.
Ing of (be trelflc of the Dardanb«« today with a big parade ol
Chas. B. ScoBeld
" "—
elded 0|ton n* a remedy: it i. an Ini- ‘trc't. opjimne l.ara>elte square
Anneal Meeting Held snd OftlGcr*
Han* FapiBson
rtant item lu kee|> n iierfect Index l>&goiialIy aryou to the famaus hon.e'' Four:h—Janie* W. Helry. St. J*. warships engaged in the present i..»
7.M. tktable to to be tb* gaeet of
last night fonr ,of tbeir eemndre
nil liapers flle<l io this roun. and >r IlnUr MsdiMW. Three stalely resi- weiili.
(Hides, turned their attenil<>.> t.. il..- gstbered la anneal hoaqaet to review failure to do BO »HI cause more or le*« Jetf'es forniesly ocni|ijed ^he' ground
FIfili—Toih A farton. Ionia.
Turkitb Ittondt'
a meeting of the Michigan Ali__ trouble a* tbe year* come snd go
tdcncliihliHi of Ihe iwrrtce aad to
w-herw tbe main Ixi-Iy of ibP hotel oow
Sivit;—Prank R Street, C«.ne*ee.
talk over old limes
a^beU Friday evening at Mr. Alway s
.und«. One wa. occupied l.t WlHiatn
Seventh—A. A Grave)- SI Osir.
tbe tellowiBg officers were elec;After a (ee.1 soavewhat diffenof
Marry, sc-ivtary of .rate un-ler
Eighib-John T Winship. Saginaw.
ed for Uie ensnlng year:
(>«n hariltork. h*roe ato boaM, prw
Krenklin Pierre: another l.y
Ninib—D. W Goodeoougb. Mason.
Pm.—1. Gage.
lartol under Ihe able dlreeUea of Com­
of Grand Trseeree Heglen
"aM. Bnehanan's aecmary of sute.
Teiitb-Beittomlo Jl. Ilatotead. En- Cheering -Neva to (n* Uverq e( rade Robert llerkner. erith ehtokea.
Mce Pres —Dr. O K. rbaee.
Residence et Wiii tom Breech Hsd N*r. xnd a third by Reverdy .tnhnson. min^
Shrtp Veer. Age.
See. aad Treaa.—Mrs. C D. Alwty.
niasbed’ potatoes aad gravy and aarow Escape.
to Eagtoud. The H street front
meruiu other gomj. (blaci. (to tellewDeiegate to Uw commeacenent. to,
A" toteraatlag ^rp of tbinga that
9f the hotel consist* of a union of tbe
Waehlngtnn. 'Ms -y2* —T>-m|e-is<«r) lag tirogrsm was readered. with CapC
Tbe residence ot Wlllisni Brooch si orni4r residence* of Cbartes Snmbappeaed in Trarera* City and the JuBe-A. 8. HetaerL
near i.r alaui the normal will pjeval! J V MciDiosh. (he preesat oomMto.
6S» Washliigton street, caught lire
Grand Trsrersa Regton *« pears ago
and Samuel C. Pomeroy, wbo wg*
In ibe'souibern sute* hod generally rr of tbe Deianmeal of Mtrtl^a. artSunday
ihto being prewed by W. 8. Anderson
L'alted State* seimtor from Kansas,
throughout the wvatern ills'rl'-t durloi Ing aa uestmaster:
exient ofAbout «.«> The btoxe. wW.h
fwlb* oM settlere mestiag that to to
• uiuing week, aci-ordlng to lb
Tomredesblp "—Hna. Farm C. OOstaned'from the rear chimney in the
be bald la Trarctee Chp tbe «tb of
weeklv hulledn of the wca'her huroii bert.
crept atong tbe attic and
President Will Net Civ* Up the Fight l*»«ed today. ' Cool weather will pre­
Remark*-"B<r Aasrla.
way ihyou^ tbe roof, bunting the
Mr. Anderm wmud like to comnw
Until Last Sall^ at Chieage.
vail." (be hnllelln continue* "in (he
-Tbe Cuban OamyatoBr—W. tL
shingles. WTiat might have resulted
alrat* wtU aay <4d Moaeer. now li».
•t hhit of (he week In (he nonhera Kntth.
ored All of the Ddogato* Frem
WUkesbam. May lE—Tbo mtoert' In a very severe conflagTslion was
ins ta tkli redoa. who came here In
IgHaiB. O.. Ma.v 17,—President Taft
Ite, east.of (he Rocky tno(in(
fewm '
delegate* to tbe antbradte coaler- .verted by tbe quick work of the fire
Rttading of teller* from ibsiat eatoIts: or hefor*. Ha to to correepond
( It will give way to wsiine^ westh- radew-Roben B. Walter.
resumed bia Bsht ter tbe Ohio delegatbe tentattv*
depanmeeL Another call was made
in rhlr regkyo .atoul Wednesday",
made duHng the eegDtlatiofls by tbe Monday at 9 oclock to tbe resi­ Bnrttiigtoa. I*..-M*y 17 -Tbe Clart (loo refreshed from a day's rest
forces are iubOant today over tbe'de­ Oevetond. Beaten or aet. Taft's
ring the we^ w UKbecla (air weatbdence •( M. M. Keith at 4M Webster feat ot tbe Wilson force* to yester- fraead* uy tbe preeident will be ta
torts Iff this beamitel Grsad Treverae
exeeiu uatenled and local sbowere
street. No damage was dene io tbto Eer’s conveBtion. Clark sectnim tte
rsflaa «f sixty yean age.
the vaBBlng aatll the last ballet a
some loraHUes In tbe flrst half od
<S^ a belag but a bad cblmne.v Are entire 36 Eelecaies.
the week In tb* sonbera statex.

mi MM E. I. R.





RtHtffil BY FIRE







Grand TraVftrse ‘herald
and TmwiK B»y Eigle •
Twice « week

•'v '





rJh>.« W «fc
| > Mg. Awoesalttawspt tbe primarier of California by a two to
J'iiiw eoto ever Mr: Taft' 'ifisvcr;' evident-that Mr. Boosevelt has
msjw^ w^h him. If he sbodld succeed in aecuring tbs
from Ohb';^ Wfek. the primaries being held the 21st.
anui^. There is a largeE south
EmM^ KaU^ e^vention, which upon'the face of itt wo
^ tn be for Mc,TafC ~
This vote is utterly worthlew exeept in a
B as not
* d^e eUte from wbieh these votes come, ooi^d
jp the l^publican party a sin^ electoral vote
roA; upon
npod which the Bepublican party
10jMseeotgii|;g,the change
is made this year in the Xstionnl
_ that has been
een at
aftempted before but has failed,
of reprenenUtion 'in the convention upon tbe Bepnbliin ^e diffeivnt states. This vote is entirely unreliable
Tbe writer, who was secretaiy of
s ddegation in tbe National convenrion. of 1892, and
^ly wdenSood the sitnatioo at that time, then urged
ihiMll tetne Natltnal eonventions of the Republican parly the
(M'be tbe BepnMican vote cast in the'different states. This
llt^t^e ^publicans and not tbe Democrats should napte tbe
JA piwudeatial nominee. In 1892 Mr. Harrison was nomi&pnhliean tirket aolely becansC he had the vote of
tack of him. a vote whieh jras offered for thoiiey
itAlfW. who wns then consiSered a |MibIc nominee by the
dt'^Tbe writer knows'iwsitively tw this vote was offered
nd tm deeliiied, not yorjvor>- respe^fully.
respenfull: by the friends of
who refused to boy thtaoufliero vote, largely a negro
^nj|^ph;!^Dnsid^UoD. Before, and after that convention of
lan ^ii'the'soiilhem vote in the Republican National
____^ beea an uncertain and largely a poKbaseahle vote,
fdf 6tih then for office. Twenty years have passed since the
id iPfWeapuIU eonveution. a I'onvention that renominated
h&xrisoD. who was defestM in November, add yet the
|l^ Mds to the-antequated. IH.- onf-ur, to the unreasonable
i iHinrhic tbe Demorr^s to iarffcly dieUte throng southern
B driegates the nomination of the Republican candidate.
Lipuat tbe Bepublican party submit to this min-'
a wi^ has ao often forced upon the party a nomination
deea not wantl We have ahid this vote is
’ It k, and at the Chicago convention next mpnth
a na. likely to be atampeded for aome candidate other-than
jijwkieh it waa awppoaed to be choeen. If tBe R«i»nblican
4hia year at the Ifovember election it will be be1 haa been dkUted by the Democrata of Uie
B^iMtean, the writer protests against the longer coniglMW et >hk rotten system. He has a right to protest. lie has
ixdittcal battles of the party from the days of
* h te hM wHacned the (fortunate and disastrous resuIU of
etktn period,
tbe evil effects^ wbieh tbe connf
entering, and will anffer, Tor a generation to eome. If
p. BoB^Tttt.aeenrw the driegate vote of Ohio, and it looks tonif
bad mare thin a fightmg''’ehaoee to do so, bis nominat aaro^ed, beeanie that nncerlain and unreliable vote
oonid be eaaOy stampeded to his support. Mr. BooseAV.BMaination at the Cbidigo convention would mean hia elecha, .lie state of New York, now^trongly opposing Mr. Roosevelt.
■Awhasa elaatoial vote U very necessary to the suerrss of any
eandidate, could almost be depended upon to gire-Mr.
its vote in tbe eleetoral college. This is the only nneereat affecting the election of Mr. Roosevelt should he be
L.. No man the Democrata can place against him could
aUrtid ovar him. The result depends, therefore, very largely
tka note in Ohio on Hay 21st.

^boflon of Sdoniific and Bconomkal Farming

AT, MAT 21.'1912.

er ntiitacta^ to the d«an of the ^Ate coUace of acriniltare. Thk
fn shall be responsible only to the local eomnittM, ud the con:
mittee ahall bare power to ^trol his actions, or dischfr^ bin, aeeordiitf to the terms of hir contract.
‘This insti shall be emploTcd for not lew than two yean, and
rabiy for tbree ynn.
be bis doty to aid'farmcn in every way and to eatabiish seed ^oW, both on the county farm and in vanoos parts of the*
eonnty on private Urwx to bleed np to the highest ef^cieney the
varied of frain which may be best adapted to the soil and climate
of the comtliyi so that eventually a aintle uniform variety wWch
nay Ae frecJrinn miitm* or other grains and needs of aoakms
os crop improvement will be retired in each
cittee wni set ex-officio as chaircounty and members of t
men of enbeoamlUees < .wa>*s and raeana.
ia schools, dairy inspection and
marketing, good i
landlord and tenant.
An effort will be made to have eoidmireial clubs provide for an
at a oominal fee per year, in order to ob­
tain a widespread special membership, plaeing the farmer upon
ainen basis, esUbHshiDg him ^ a bnsinera man among business
This is the first suggestion of a practical nse of sn<* a fnnd and
may be modified to meet conditions that may arise in the future.
•nie great fact re urns, however, that there is no question today
e to this, and there is no qoesbefore the public of I .
tion that can be of graater importance to North ‘Wtotern Michigan
than the application of. belter business methods, of a better stnAv
of soil fertility, the roUtion of crops, the prodnetivity of tbe soil,
than this.- It is of great interest to know Ihat'dnr Granges are
taking up this particular question, that talk in our'Farmers’ Clubs,
that coiKeraation among fanners and hnsiness
on the streets,
BO ofUn relate to this importont question, and i(k odly a matter of
a little time when this problem that is now arousing so much inlerest wiH be the leading question of the day, when all who prodnee, and ijl who eat, which will mean the whole people, will want
to know bow the mosfr'Md beat crops can be prcsduced in the most
economical manner from the smallest tract of ground. Tlie proper
soIntioD of t&k important qu^ion meana prosperity to Ibe farmer,
while giving lower cost prices to the-consumer.

itch^an^^kmocrats and the Natimal Convention
The Demoowtic SUte convention held st Bsy CiO', was a good
deal of a contrast to that of tbe Republican convention held a short
time ago. While there was a strong factional feeling that mauifested.itaelf at tiroes, yet the convention as a whole was orderly and
apparently, though not really, harmooions. There was a strong
feeling thronghont the stale for Mr. Wilson, bnt be did not seenre
the ponvention and will probab4',have in tlie Democratic National
convention not to exceed nine or ten votes from the delegstes from
this sUle. Jtr. Oark will no doubt have a larg^ajority of th«
dclegatra, although E. 0. Wood,'Demoeratic Nauraal eommitleeand one of tbe strongest Democrats in tbe state today, and one
of the most available candidates for the Democratic nomination for
governor, declares that Gov. Harmon will have a large msjority of
the Michigan delegates. If it were not for the fai-t that the Demoeratie National convention requirra a two-thirds vote for nomina­
tion, Speaker Champ Clark wonld surely be the democratic nominee
on the presidential ticket. It looks now as if, in any event. Gnv.
Wilaon has lost the Domination.
Mr. Bryan has quietly been waiting in the back-ground for an
opportunity. He will lie in the Democratic National convention an
active, working element. Three times Mr. Bryan has Iteen nominat­
ed by the Democrats and three times defeated. He bclieres that this
is his opportunity, lie is not talking much hnt he keeiw right on
sawing wood. Mr: Brjtn would not be an unacceptable- man tullie
Democrats of Michigan, and be^d many friends in the rci-ent Sla^e
convention who were quietly doing pomi work for him. The .Mich­
igan delegation goes to the Democratic National eonvciition uninstrueled. It can pul its vote where it pleases. There is no unit
rule affecting the Michigan vote. It can be divided or go in'a body
aa it may choose.' Champ (laric is to-day ih the lead, hut do not
forget that Mr. Brj-an will lie in the National Democratic conven-'
fion as an active figure in the result.

Keep This In Mind
It is probably welLundrtnliMtd by the voters of all parties, hut it
will do no ham to cHl attention again to the fact that there is still
an opportunity to enroll, that one may vote at the primarim' to he
held Aug. 27. If you are not already eiipollc-d as rwjuiriHl by law
nothing further need be' done, hut if for any reason you were not
enrolled before the spring ele«dions. there is still an opportunity any
time up to Juno 27. The,law reads as follows:
“Any qualified elector may become enrolled am] he eligible to
vote at any primary election if he shall deli\vT to the city or town­
ship clerk or other officer in' charge of the enrollment Imok a writ­
ten Kqueat for said enrollment aeoomiwnied by an affidavit setting
forth that hn is a qualified elector of said toi^ship. ward or precinct,
and that it is bona fide hia intention to affiliate with the ptditieal
pirty in which he aw-ks to enisjl: provklwl that no enrotlinent by
notice of affidavit shall entitle any elector to vote at any primary
that shall ocenr within two months from the date of said .•nr.illment.”
Keep this in miiid. Do not forg.d that your name must lie npihe enrollment book Ander the liHe of the party to which yon
belong or yiiu can notA-otc a/llie-.Xtigusi primary. Your
I be in a.-eor.lanee*
ehaneo will be on June 27 SB

-Btfernng again to the matta of aeientific farming and edneat, linea|we note that the great gift of Sears, Roebuck
Oo. of hl,00(l,b06 for the purpose of jiromoting this work is re, a great deal of aUenlkm all over the country. This gift
■ made diredtly to the National Soil Fertility League as inutee'
the fnnd. Beqneata for information regarding' the particulars
and the aae to which it may be devou-d. have already
i reoerred Trom Kaiiaai. Nebraska. Michigan,- Missouri, klinIt'Karth Dakota, New York, Ohio, 'WiseoBain and other states. with the extract of the law given almve.
' ■ nf, distribatkm has not been fnlly deeid<Ml upon. It it
e'ttt ^e'dWributjon will be made among those who are Taming Sadt the Qack
gulao to hdp thomaalree and not to Uioee who are merely
It does not seem posaibl.. that the Treasury department of the
g to receive the benefita to be derived from it without Uking I'niled States is still s<i antiquated, is still working along the lines
ywfito part:- It k ptobable tlie first dktribntion will be made. of the early part of tbe last wilury that they should re<-ommend. and
0 tte'eosBtiea of niinois from wbieh state the great gift comes. it does not seem possible that in this first part of the 20th
*' I —of the crop improrCipent committee, of Grain Kx- c-mniy should adopt, the suggestion of the recoinsge of the old
plyiagto inquiries from DliBois coiiuiiess ^
half cCfit pi.-cc and the old three which fraetional eointgi'
obtain ita abare, each county must have a ecr^in fuml
siirh an anuoyane.e to our fathers and grandfathers and gri-a!
Tbk anm k to be eolleetcd by the strongest organixa- grandfathers. But such actually se.-nis to Iw the ease and we are
each eonnty and mnat equal annually 1 per <!ent per aero told that we snoi^ill W n>mpell..<l to return to Ihe us<‘ of this in­
f^afi tSSafile soQ in the county, w a minimum of (100 from each convenient apduiH]ec<.sKary iff coin. Those who remember
wanbaertbed by the farmers. An equsl amonnt must the old half cent piere'and the annoyam-c it gave us all. and those
I by thejeommereiai clnh. merchants, mannfaetnrert, who remember the little three cent piece originally of silver so
__________ maioeaa interesta of the eonnty, whirh shall not be less
ill that one could hide several hundred in hia vest pocket, and a
#100 from each township. This divides the fin- liUle later the three cent amalgamated piece that was />f as much
it H|p«a|9^ equitably.
annoyance aa tbe little three cent sfiver piece, will wonder what the
f 4(AAMinad afrinnltatiat of bnaioem tact and jodgment ahall be foverement is thinking abogt to inlliet this fractional coinage upon
4 by the aeveni coBWittMa, who ahall be rceommeBded by
gain. 'We are told that one of these eotot will have a hole in


the eentor so toat one may readdy k«A».what'jt ia ik.jhBjlach.and RasM^ .where she will stlnig tto fer'
Ihe other piece will have a notched edge ao that they may alae be
Oeortc HarrcB Is Ktoa'tos M d&tt '
dmtingniahed in the dark. Ton aee you would be able to pay joup
Is bars and rut a bosemMl saOar H.
debts if yon had enough of these little pieces with a hole, bnt to
Mrs. b. Best )• qall* slcX.
Tying to find this hole, in the pocket, yon would tear your fingers
Mr. U'vova ralsad hl» SO* ban
o pieces on the notched e<lge of the other coin. The whole plan i* ■nmrsda,v. May Itth.
Tbcrc ihll be g sarlal at tbe tova
a moat brilliant one and tbe Secretary of the Treasury must have
hall (or the beoefit o( the chsreh ant
jwn reading up on the coinage of aneient Cliina. hnt even China
Tharsday eventB*. Mar '*3- A' POtlidn't give it 's plodSing ]w-ople the notched edge niin.* They did lark supper aad a short pregtasb
give the coin with .the hole and thus enahW the ancient nitoeses
to string the <‘oms upon a cord and liang it around their necks. We
shall expect before tong to see these neekla<‘<'s of little cou» nsed
as {fiyBdauu l».u the long-suffering men .and women of the eoimtry.
It will be a oonvenience to the eliildreii who can buy a half a stiek
of candy for half a pemiy and the fivf'ci-nt cigar can be eiit in tw«.
and five half pemii.-s will pnV flirltT And th'iiik what a <v.iivenien.»this will be to the .-liureh got^bo now has to put a whole penny in
the box or a niekle. He ,-an Iheii put in a half <*ejit or a three cent
piece and fed that lie is doing Lis full duty. Yes, Ibis is a hriUwnt
idea of the Secretary of the Tr.asnry who will be kiiown in history
the hsifo-eni Tre*KUf.T with ll..1.-ho.Lo.lg..K,


%!as.‘WE;>s5Ksa:s. ■

A SaggeslUm for Traverse City
The iniMWtatc i'onimpree eoinniksinn. whil-h we have nothad very much twe in lim.-s |msi. i, r.-ally brcm.iiis « live figjtrethe business world, aifd it lias devclopwl what n.ielii l«- r.-gar.le.l
almost as a new liar in the rniie.1 Sini.». A f.« y.wrs ago the men
who nnderstomi railroad Jaw were f<-\v and cominaiiibd high prices
... they were i»i the employ lam-ly of n. 'roads, hnd oihi-r great
corporations, but the |K.pula'riaiiig of rtie -cork of the iiitepauie
comnieree comuiasion, and the praeiieal w k thaVlthey have l>ecn
doing for the last few yearn, has opcncl U[ .. new line ..f work for
hundreds of attorneys^ all through ihe e.iimiiy-. Th.-se jHiorneva Ik-.
iiig in the employ largely of miuiiciiialitii-s ii is the duly of the*-•tlornej-s to get as traffic managrrs and sp.-.-ial uttoNi-ys to jo-e
that the railroads give mmiicijialilies a fair deal. It has l>ceome
quite e»immon.'«s.j>e.-ially in the West, for eiti.-s ami lowns to employ
sueh men who keep in eoiistant tom-li with the ini.-ts.ijii.- .-omim-n-.'
eouimission for the piirjHtse of helping ami pritiuoiing the IniKiuess
and vommi-rce'of the eommjinity. It lus bi-..|i fouiHl litat this is a
paying invt«tmem for any tsMiiinuiitty. In many ..asi-s the munii-i
paliti'-s employ simli an all.irm-y. paying him fr.uq .the-piiblie ...... ...
the same na Ihe.eiiy allornev. hut jiiakiug his iluly sol.-lr that of aspei-ial attorney for the piinnise naniol. It i:>>a\jiljin Well worth
sj.rioiis i.onsid'‘r.Etion.

Take Me." I-' Ikkjiu WiUes. I .
ai Jaeksoo's Slorr, Traverse I'llj, ih
Miss t^pa Elites, rbarlevoix. Mii-b.
BMir SMt*

We par hlsheat-orWsa (or-««.l
Write or Call us by ellber idinae.
TS: K. From Si.. Travrrae riiy. uirli

yu1dd}e •gbd - Woman
st^e. a plarr
plare ottfa rldfiry cfirtMiai,
PMple.. M
t'Uy. Mlcti
WANTgJfc^b.OiKi iKinnHa Of Wool, |>ay
hlEhiM markrl |iri«-r. iobb s
Koolr. Cllz. Iibunr IU1. may'H-dt*
■id ISt-aii Ktmlna. Ik-vi. «
i. haohma nati. »»
i»h I
South Manilou. Mint. ,
Jutir, July—turn*
lURDfOKt cBoce.
r iruln W.'4‘. lto^i||a. »JM.
I lility Slock aun.-|Sto:igrr

The Value of an Edacaiion
. It hns soinelHues bi-in said llmf edncsii»n is .-osiing trto win-h.
Tliev is no yloiibl jilmiit this, jiml our gi-neriil sj-sl.-in of ediiriitiou
will, in the iieHr fiiliirl-. he miKlifiet} «ih1 to m.'et the
changed conditions, in .file ■■UMiiiesti w..rlcl.
<lisJingtii>die.l .-.lueator
and Ktntihlieian st.Ttes thafji pr<tf(«sioi<nUy indiieil muii is worth t.i
the world (21.KOO, On tfie hiisis _tliat‘the average laiK.per earns
(l.'rO a day Gir averjig.- UlH>rerq|-rmsi<j. r.><i as .-apitiil w.iiild be
worth'lo the sl.H"
wln-re as-a pr»if..*<joniilly lrai».-i1 man h"
would be worth .*21:>.'*". the vj.lin- b.-ing d. i.-Piiiim-.l by eojiM.lering
Ihe cuniiiig esjia.-iiv ..f liie man a- a .-ent reiiini ii|mii ili.- iii.
vestment. This is soineiliiug, to ke-coi>>-<l. e*|e-.'ially by the
yonjigtuao ur woiiiiiii atartiiig out iii life.'

South Manllou. MMi.
•-may. June. July*



hmuiira Jem..


lirnti c;4«


A. M.


A few days .ign we had someihing to say in this et^umn of the
rer to the corn crop' this year by the iis«t of s|H>ile<l] weil.; The
nnw from .Mmin-snla that a large pnriiitii
farmers' si-ed w.-is s)<l In that slat.-. ThoiKnmU^r farm­
ers who puped th.-ir .-orir hy the air-drying pn»er-ss Jiave^fliiiul that
fully olie-biilf of ihe se.-il will n..t g<-rmiiiate. Tims.- fnyio-rs who
usid the ki!ii-drii-il pr.u-.'ss r.-jeiri iT.i ]»<«>«.
Tberv'vtll 1^ Memorial day cxer
• OUTM grant:
b else# at the Grant,rhurrli ilay f
Mr. Slid .MH. nave Clark to'c le-m
Soaib nnm. May i:.—s l„ Htare- vialUns friei,.!. at Summit C'li. t.,,
liri.lae has returned from Ilatilr few dliys.
Creek, shere h.' ha« lu-eii .tiMiiui;
Atjfe-I Winrhi-othb entertained
friends anil relatives.
bo.ii^uf her birthday laat PrUin.
Caleb Morga^ has his house near- -ernoon All report a flnetime.
Ix- ready for orru|«ni->.
The elshth srailo examination ia
T-he Grant ladles' AM me\ slth takiiiE idaic .nl the .I'anad-j s.-hoolMrs rtiampion Iasi week W.-diieMls). hmis.-.' Miss* lliTK.; < ik ••rmdm-tins it.
All,had a fine time and the l»d;-s
Miss Hallie Seh.-ll »ll epend Wlllses'eil nenrlx thirteen i.ound'. of .ar- duy uiii, Mr aii.l 'It- m-ri ttai.aall
Hay *i,.I a., fre.i, there U

The 2. 4. 8. and 16 q^rt measures are for measur­
ing dry things such as^ajis. com. potatoes, etc. Tin
measures run from I pint to I gallon and are for
measuring vinegar, cider. kWs^ne. etc. Let us show
you these measures.
We'have also arranged lor a quantity of

Oak Bushel Baskefs

H «.
CrayUb* ...........

|a. m e.

D. RIEI-T, O. H A. ,


Sunday, May 26

Train will leave Traverse
City at 8 a. m. Returning,
leave Peioskey at 6 p. m.
Round Trip Fares — To
Elk Rapids, 40 cents: to Petoskey, $1. . .may 21-23
We would like to contract
for twenty acres of string
lieans. We have se^ beans
at the canning factory and
iwant same planted this
month.' Call and get con! tracts at old prices. Trav-.
‘erse City Canning Co. 5-21-23

to stand hard usage. They are especially adapted
for handling potatoes. We would-be pleased to fur­
nish you w]th some of these.'
We made a rednetton oa PRUNES of 1 eenl per


Aa, you „y ««, k the

i (m&J
Ikirner Front ft' Cnm Streets.


in up-to-date doigM from tbe
rough etw IVwBpt attentfam
given all enSen bo
anall. Call or vritofforgriem.


Hit Sr«t'>MtontB was ta lUa Ticlhi a^ool te IWT when -the Ihef how hot on^weteoat of the aplritaal drhtr. oe«r Acme «od aflerward at Tra church was opened.
cleaclea of the ptooeera,' hut becsose
eiwe air, for adne Uma. althouch he
Mn. C. 8. Vader save dome ex­ the etwntry was wHd and exteMlve
traa oever the reffular paacor here.
tremely lolcreBUoE remlnlaccDcea of territory had to be covered by-one
The noBDclal remsoeratloo tbal
I proaldMc elder of dfUi
Ibe early days of the local rAorch, Biaa. Thru. toe. fonda were lacklas:
RutniiiUceot Program Was carried Out In Central M. E.
preacher recelred la the early day* teUlBC of the part the womaa playe-l Pot the a^rlt of God was UM only up
r. JohM mwbe hla h^ h
set forth la the. sUtemeai .
the face ol the waters, but In the OMlHsaloD aMh'eM aerr^m to Building Wan Dedicated Forty
tu bnlldlDS and Uter la belpias to
by Ker. Miller to the eBect chat daHaf

.every other Stmday. It ta
re for the varknii expeasee Ida:
Five Years Ago. Modern Building Will
hla Brat year oo hla aorttaera cbarxi had to he Ukea «wre of sa they artme. era of the Word were many times led told that Ibe priTatloos and awKertsa .
band tbruuEh daBRen
liBcfl In wbkii it aaa baodlcapped In be received the mualBcleat *un
She toM iow the wuaea raised the
PIT for hU work, and part of (bU
Ute old a'.rutiure.
la the stshiBc of the
■iry to pay for the ball by meDev. J. \V. Ulller. ooe of the old paid him la coraatallu wbicb bad.lald
carnraloiiB. atippen sad other wind IbroURb tbe lonely rlnea. tbe to abandon the Beta. But wi& Uwa
nSe (.-Id ('ontral Modiodtot E|>l(cor.i1 Uudcduate to actonaiMl
mild and' |-brieiun aplHi tbe eowlemce rath*time pre^r.-B of the deoonilnation oat all wlBler io the Belda. lie funb
SIX that are remrted to by the aid aafr}- rowr of waters o
dortiig Ue |»si for«>-‘>™
«Uo«Mated that he preached fur three aucleties of the preaeai day. She pic
the wlnlrr
desert Ibe UUle A*e(y la thta .
Ino >M>ni baa lurrcd m the worships
yeera before hie total lacoue (or the tured the Berrlcea as they wer» held blasu of tie. auBerlac often from nurtbem BiideRtaaa. ahd appotatoB
eoUre three yean period ainoaBI- la the old acbool bouse a»d later la IttlRue. liuoRer sad cold, there was the Uev. Sokmm Bw^ to eoBtlhW '
lof 'ldaw for U;c deooiiilotlioii
look ap hla twiolce
tereatliic fo the pn-aeni seneraxiou.
diitoax as they exiaird tbmi aid a
roMDaUr abaiidcut-d Buntla>Traverse Oily there were only four
a these wen wrut with (harmed sHlrm-e 1 Ihla rity la the (an at
proie hotf Ihlnsa b
*111 If ton<dora at ome, la drdc.-™ld .l5r. Tl,™« .to'"*
.to ..J>
regular aiembeH of the Me rbansed the atale^al she wall
thf bUiory „t .to
.to, uillilatry

(bat the atallaUe naterial t un b« iw
_ m^Uhodial (hurch In the vlvlaliy. but the our lullea to the aervlcei In the
ed U the aeir atruclnre *hJcb will early data were tircscal to plve thRr a Uayer with a i>roiul»ia<
loeiolMnblp steadily tkew until at tbo -hurcb. while today she came to
;iFMifDce> In the work. , These Mlk>
b<r liBlIc 00 the old Aabloo projirn)'
, ahead of him. but becauio
__ ' Preaenl tla>e It is otie of the
last sertlie la an automobile.
*'-aM ■‘.reet. At t-arbiut tlmea dur- K-re Very- Ijiapliios aod lot)nlrUi!_^(a.:d iwiehed a oil to Ibe^lnlfc proaperpae roogregatloaa
Rev. K. U Thuraloa of Klaraley. oac
ins ita,hU(or) Uu old biUlJiae baa
of the pioneer preacben of ihla refloa
work in-l!.,. | d.iv, and at ibi-''*•
*'i. earl) .-areer ........
hecn rm^etled end added to
Tbos T. ilaiM. the only
Siw.',un--.mMc ««* ai.'““
"“I* vk-isaiiudea com
abort talk Io which he ooiUacr to take can- of ihc needs
ler of the efaarrh now livlns. who <.<d the vhsBset that have ukea place
t.rt>vU.J lor lb,- o. . :ielon.
srowjog ronjrejrallqii. until It l-et-amc
ti<- oicrfoiiie (bv oUstaclvr look au aciite part la the bulldlBE of
In tM.gluainj; ibc imisi-am I
frellasB between the dlBcreal
Ihr old WaahlnEioD atreet . ediDce.
how they had
wa« tueBeut and irave a ahdrl ulk In Improved oter the old days.
which be touched upuu the aeatlmeB
■e session, io the Sunday aihool
tal aide »f leavlac the old bulldlas
also Rhea w»er to a reu>laisce«t
ibe church aruw proRrdai. a talk beloR Rltra by Mr.
I few me
nd -feels a RroA iaiereal is
e pi.iurrd ib« town at the’ « a,ja chat weW luieoe
time the church was Brat bolli. when .-fase ailentlon and deep latoreat by
there^werc not over half a doaen ,h, children ami 4»thera prraeau Mr.
houaea^ WaablnRIoa street and whe.i Juies oiH-nrd the brat Sunday bHhmI
fleld rtteodrd servUr beld In the bulldln*'ln IMT.
.ihe ftviit of the church lo'ibr and 'yesterday dlsmlasrd. la
When the cbildreB
word! of braedictioa aacl prayer, the
day school early In those days (hey last aervkw held in tbe same place.
speut Ue time white waltiSR fur the
ft was with many resreu that the
services to lieiRlb l.y picklnR hu.-kle- ■viaRreRatliin Rate up the oM bulldliiR
lierTlra winirixreen an.l arbutus whirb but ID pariiliR they were cheered by
RTCW C^n up to tbe t ery walla of the tiu- itaouRbi of tbe Rreater tbiaca that
chnr«*: ,
lie lu store, (or them la the
The iaik by Mr. Hale* was parti- hat la belns bmlt. •
lularly iotereatlns on account of hi* ' A brief bislor.v of Ibe church la
IKb. la a Utile abaaly ou tbe weat Md*
Rreal fanillarlty with tbe early
Traverse t'lly la rIvco as follow^:
known as “Rtabtowk,-'; Tbo
lory of tbe city aod reRiuu. and the
le I'eatral MeibodUl Kpiseepal
absnuv contlMrd of threa room*. Md
active purl which he took In (.TRanl cburcb'bears the dlMlactluu of belnc
ffkit* Md^ww nosed br BtoTtoMi
ilUE and buildliiR up the church. Ilia
‘Ke^r Mr. lAlhtm was a IIcmbBrat Prolealant churrb ontaalxa,
Mrs. P^'lUDAh.,,-^Uae •baMff.'*
for tbe (huich bcRan In the old
,10 eatablUh Itself la Traverse ed local prewih>+ whit iam« to
school bouse which was located » flty. a claaa coualsUac of seveo par­ (ouniry In aean-h of braUb. When
The society beie waa now pM hpOC
be comer of i^rk and State aireeis sons bavlBR been orsanlud by the be arrlied'here, and obareved the
a auaod basla. At Ihla tlam-Mr. J.
rbere tbe-aunrx of tbe Bark Hace ho­ Rev. IJ. K Latham, •.April IJ. JSSS. spiritual deatiiuikta of the people, he W. Miller was a yetiiit auamay ta
tel is now located. Mr. Bates
Like all the early rellRloos mm rtbeau tell It bli duty to remalu. in tbe fall Peeiwater. Uurlaf tbs wtatar al
t of Ibe '
the work wa> frauRfat with difficulties. •of IKS be was stilted Io Ibe con
W. McKee ita^ that the day marked
epoch la idethodlam in BORbern
Mlahlsaa. That the leariag down ul
! the old church did
eocgrecatloB «aa Aolof out of Wtlu<». but tbal it wai Sui aelUiK
busioeM. aa .Xbe he^ church w
(Ite ah o|>portUBlly too cilrud the ac-





All Ready for Their Owners
Over $1,500 in Valuable Awards and No One to Lose
Three GrinnellBros.’--0wn lUake-Piandi

l-rom Ibe orRaalsl of St. Joseph's
t'bunb, liottvlt; Direflor of the foncordia Aocietj.
"la nil elBbteeu yearn' etperlencc
as orRanisi. cboinnaater aod musical
dtreew I have never met with a plaOb Ibat appi^aiefl to ray soul
'the Crinnell Broihers-the 'bilutlfS
* tnsimnieni
are bulldins St your
own factory.
-■toui Piani. excels ID all the Bne
l-i-li.t* that an artist appreciates and
.1* ri-cards tone aDil ai-tloo it I* simp­
ly Mipcrb. 1 thank yuo fur tie ialalnable aerU.e ycu have readered
the •piufesslon In the production of ibi*
ideal Instriimeot."
A. V. MEfliR

First Prizes-Orte to Each District.

Harold Jarvl*, JlichlRao'i favorite
(ientlemen;-' Permit uie to thaok
you (or the beauUful lOaed laslruseot
(Urinaell Broihersi you plaied at my
dikpoasi at the coniert on tbe 4lb
last. It wa« a Rreal jnspirslloa to
alDX to a plauo with su.b a apleodid
alURlns qiulliy as Grlnaelt Brother*
Ire puttlUR before (be public 1 bop-'
I msy be fortunate eooURh to slway*
have your Plano at U' conien*.
"WliblDf you cODiiaued *ui ce«. b- .

I.illiHu Xonlica, Aiuerics'ii gresi- sl
slojer. write*:
.Mesi-ra-.i'.riDDell Bao*.
Ooileuieii -'ll Rite* Ine Rreat
pleasure to ackoowledRe yosr ooort
e«> lu •endliiR Be »uih a aliw iBMmmeut (the GriifbHl Bros ■ to tbe bo(M.
fur my priiste use. Pur mte slaRlaC
iiiial:iy of toae snd smootboess of aellofi It rerialnly rank* smonc the heat
rpriRhts I hate ever used "
' Very truly yours,

tleattemen;—-I waM Io tbaak yob
for Ihs Grlaaell Pisae ^Icb you pat
At my disposal durtBR «y stay ta Ow
iroK. 1 was aRreeable sarprtoad to
find so niaay eiielleal quallUea la aa
lasimnieiit of DetroR Baavfwdara
with which I had bliberw bM nasw
uualntedJUHA.N.VA OAMKL .

Call arcrinneU Dros.' m Front Street, TraverAe aty, and Inspect Oese BeanUlnl Flanon.

The Three Diamond Rings

Three Solid Gold Watches

to be given as second prizes, have been purchased
of Barnum & Earl and will soon be exhibited in the
display window of their jewelry store. These dia­
monds are perfect white stones set in ^^ h^avy Tif­
fany mountings. Each diamond is worth $80,
valuation guaranteed.

to be awarded as third prizes, have been pur­
chased of Barnum & Earl. These watches are,.) 5
jewel, Hampton movements. The cases are solid
gold, and the winners have their choice as to style
of cases. Call at the Barnum & Earl jewelry store
and see these watches. They are beauties.

Ahy-^contestant not winnin g one of the above nine prizes will receive 5 per cent of the money she collects
Remember, this contest i§, just starting, and there still re­
mains plenty of time'for any contestant to\vin one of these ele­
gant awards, as June 22, 1912, i§^e closing day.
^ Through this offer you have the opportunity of winning an
elegant piano ahd are sure of at least being paid (or any effort
you put forth.
. to

This is the
500 Coupon
To toe voted^oa or Be>
tore May lS. im.
Locate as many as you
mn, as each one will
count you an additional

500 Vole Couptm
The Herald and Record Prize Campaign
To be voted on or Before May 25.1912
rOT ........................................CtototoMtoM
District.............................. ...................
Each*one af these eaupena sant wi 'will aesta eatra iratii They
bUnke tad rfoitt esupeas.


, Braadr. W. U I.BDlBaB.' T*br
Coi. Jaaeph Ihitlua. R. 8. UcOn-afor.

Featuring: the Famous

Forty Junlw Coals

La Heine Corsets

At $4.95, fS.95 and $8 95

for girls 13.15 and 17

-Tfce OMCB”


11 ahMW M.
U IU»na Cae^ata

I IrlvDda bM-rt.


d«nial <>r a l.-w
ir, and


While Dresses at Special Prices

Ralna Ca«»ata. La
banln« la tba baat that can
ba aMalnad. guarantaad nat
ta mat and ta Inaura parmanant ratliiancr . and tha origl-

Whtte Orcwca Idr Oraduatton er Cenfirmatien. ,\n
t-xii-llrui lint- or .lili. drraaes.. bpti>:i of iK-ttrr
uialebtlaL ti'-nt-f' niiiap b> Tar ihau iliv atrrapr ahlic
.iit-aava aol.l a Wtilar iTltert., Our'.MAY S.Al.K 1.
valued at *1.25, S1.9&. S2JS. S2.95.«aj$,
Dffellnr «l"-t'i
H«t. M.K .

There ore styles for young, girls and slender women, and
May Sal^ of Ladles Coats
hMvier models for the large and matronly. Prices $1.00 to $3.00. 56, $9 and 911.56 for Long Coats, new­
est styles, worth $7:50 to $16.00.
See window display for some of the latest improved styles.

I mbrulU* »I »5e. n.40
I uilir.lU- » •-*1.00 a
.«<h (irlc.

to a meeUiu:.


i br atparttaeed mUflon and waa
» praacb.


man and after a lerm of three year, tbe Rev. M. J!. fallen took rbarar

Mr.' Steele morad to Dy-

bo save pUce to the Rev. V. U. Bojn- .After p piaturate of three y

tioil aad Mr. MHIer b««an to ^d aer-iton.

In IWT the Rev. G. C. Draper fallen »aa aoct-eeded by the

jo ibe acbool bouaa here, aad] took up tbe work.-In U6b the Rev. J

After .h continued until the Rev. J. W. R<Aln-'W. Retd and ta

IU9 the Rev.





enhes. inuSns and hun­


rburt-b *ai .-.lUijdvIrtd aDd r<«dy f.

dreds of other inviting
dishes—cYxrt-thing ju-t

lory arrticr wa, .-oodutted 7i> tb. Rr
C. K AlMd ol Jaik«SB. Ittirtos lh«
pucorala of Ib. Rrv ll II. C'baM tbr
buHdlup waa onUtKed .t . .-vjn cf »'..Uotf

,l'(jwder the results arc
sure 'and

Tbeo Jatrr inli.r cbiuts.* «r.-.

» Mr. Miller received aaataryled In I8S3 by tbe Rev.

J. E. McAUUt-ltbe Rev. David Kagle.

mad. ehlDk ua Uie bulldioi

You Know beforehand
the famUy will be pleased


with your efforts.

rrera IkSd to IbW the

Mr. Wonblnii-' Short. W. Hannom. K. f. W. G. D

The Great
iBeckward Season Sale

sHas saved thousands of dollars to the people of Traverse City,
f and vicinity. Hundreds of satisfied customers have shown
g their appreciation of the values we offer. Some lines are being
[ Closed out, buttye have added other specieils to replace them. .

Only to 'more Days-.Grasp the Chance
Uneqoaled vaioes in Clotiiiog

Huoae Uiwnw peUit>9 elaewlicTc qp tu
«S.OO. bere at


liMys" .<tiils. -wilh tw.i jMiir ..f

ud L15



when vou use


count'. UhhiRan bate oraalr
couoiy buiarti of tradd fur lh>- puriwe
of advcTtlala* lb. re^nr.-.-- of

lakcdav tfonblcs .iisai-fwar like magic—and tihat wrs
{prtnetlv a day of douU i> now one of plcasare.
Powder safeguardn the' health of yuur family )»> io-tiMti^

cuiiiify. The cooBt' boaid ultra
DOI a DC* Idea. ,arh anaociaitoB*
lai: already beec fotui.-d la Hp»cu and
.t'barlevoii ruuntle* In abeaiem Mutu

light, digestible food.

.\nd the price is fight—dS onueci.

tor Z3 cenL-;

-Kurtberuion;. Kalkaska <.-uuul>
ibuut to'oreanize a .inilUr m-

Send for theKC CoetTs Veok—ift FREE.

I fur ibe puri>u>e of -bi iURktiii Kb!


Jecfues Mfg. Co.. ChiCMfo

John P. Sean and family 6f Oatreil
have arrive.' ami taken ii|> their buiue
Is the cliy. Mr. 8<-ott imrvbaiMrtl the
BUKl>ee and alU

IMll Cba.e

inttioit a ,huj; lir-.- aao to take H-i

U ierina ' T-

■•f 1.-.1 ttiadiBiisi »ttti til.I'.raiid "fia'crM- .k-iu cnijmii'.

iiwthe.ii here Ui,- »e<k

coQ.luet tbe bu.lm-M a| the old scum).
Mr.'S'V'l i« a prartteal Jru* man and
l> murh plraand wiih Uw proapevls Is




. llulfUciil ban r>-(uri!ed

Mm Lilian e. Ohman of Elk Rap-'
,[l(U jmssMl (brouab th- ruy io<la> on
* V'-i
her. way Ui Chicago on an rvt*mde.l

•‘ jutr^nm trip t« K:r.e>:.->.

JuM-pb iMiraB hja hr.isbed
ul aawIbK here and wiirmu.c
Rabt. F. Bamay Wadnaaday Mte a fleld l,ake.
M.aa Ada l~ WMcra left here today '
liale of beat to Joa ZtmtuerinaD. of
Ivarl C.aruileB jyd the ridsloriim- to
rity which broukbt him rn rousd have one of hie bo^o* »e«eret' kick. lor l>..irult iti a'lerti) a nic-llng of ll, iiurM-s Btatc u<.M><ialK>{i.
ripuies 8*<3>. Thera were 1C bead ol
> tbe otber_J^»e luaklnt It 'eT.'
Hen. Fredenek'
Ciurcattle Is tL> lot. whtip siakn a trifle
jjb-'oiv left I.rtja> Tor Pon^*B|^d"
I'er 4---S per bead.
Ida f'ba»e-'of la-ve'ina ii
a;t«-c.i the grand esraiaptarnl ol tl.V
C. Emaat Thatcher and M^ra. Mary

Trav«r»e City.

Fusderlaiid, were United in luarciaeo
K. E. Herat (Ia apandlns the day at
, ■ iluitor.
F; R. OlMH of Arcadia returned

\Vedliee.lB> alternuos l>> Juell'ia of* the





I, iiic-rnlnR lo hi* boiuc al thai j.ia'v
.m'n ,lwn IhuIoct.' inj. to tb>> ni';
Maple'('ll 1. .SH. L }la» yj.-.V nki-l!'
H. Blon*h.e« went te Cepemich tMa
J. B. Boyd, wheaa farm la located deliKbll'd Mp-iat look plate laat Wed.'
.nui'iiiug on htui«ie« for .k. tV. Ulck«o mile* went of the < ||-, sa>j
nemiav. 'ila> K.. «' the b«
!• ha« i'!o»|>e«'la lor thereat rrop of
: .M*.. Flid AikiUMin at Tracers^:'
Deli OlMH v-^ ta ThempaonvlUa
fruit that he lias had In the uaal llirw,
the event l-einir a kit.-b-y
ears Jle broualil M-'eral braochea
abu.vr 'fur \lli-.' Carsii. 11b
Jehn OK. Frank
Clark. Jeaeph
riiiii' ( he! rv aU'1 peach u-e. to thla w ho,.; iiitic mar/lHi;* lo I
i'nnker. Jir Milb-r''and J. I- irun.ui
ufliceiuda' lo prove that bU lh«o:> 1,
, I'heaiie lia, been r.*..iil>
“ of Sutton, lla> dio'e la Iblk vli. In
They are all heaHliy and neuD.-d
Tb- unique tirauBer o;
^ |lheir for.! tnloneU-ile. yestetda) lo
aolUlus Ihe pills, .which were nut:
,naitnnd tiu- leciurr piten by *'atber
, -MacCorr' Us» erealnp.
rhuiiiilnp brid<-'0’.H-'as.l the '
t Berahaw returned thla men.
Min Leu'iae apiead. art luad- ij|*''atternoon Im*, ,
bia home at Klnp,lr> . ain't H.
Menzel were quietly united In mar- too qalckl'. .Sota'Od amt
frlvixU in thU «-«} lor the imt
riaae Tbutw.Iav arten»pii b> Jqatire
BWeelda'-ed pianuunr. .le.
loaded with buds, more ao In fact thas

that bate been brought Is fhia

Ernaat Btrehm

An.II K. NerUniter at 7M West VUe.renlb Mreet. which place they have
filled up lor iheln future home.
Cemfert A. Tyler, who ha, recently
,1-en aMW»iDte.l a Bold woiker for
for.-Bir-. degiartaient of tbe MivtriEan

.Ml», Balwr. who had

lmi«rilna Intomiaiion r-earains


-laple < 11)^_____^
" ■


Speriail.v pried ditriiiK
sale at



$J6 L6l L4S op to LM

4 s]H>ubi tu eustumer.
U'mmI t’aiirwets. light .bimI dark p.nt.'rii<.‘

in noh inillar. tailured and tingerie
«ffeeU, wurtb
Sn|e pri*v.

...................... :---------4e

P'T yard

l.ailii-,' t'omet t'dvens. «tlisiz«>. Worth

. 4>NK LOT LAl»lb>5- SHIHT W.MttTS SiiiiK fi.r U-tx.:: J.. 17.

............ ...........................................................laVsc

Imdi'-rt' Shin Waiala. all ki&ti, light and


- sailor collars
speeUllv priced at





ap to 2A8


hen- fur yuti.

her home at:B(-re C-v

faflDK. AlthoiiKb a -all "at
(enil> made for If"' nicn.-there.i, »tlH

lila n.-,t ThurnJa>. where ih-.wiB le-!.|. -4-r th- lature. and u luakiiip a

►honase nmlji
lurt-omint: imiwrave that eonietMsc OKire .-tretiuthia

!au-.ell «All :(«■ h-:i tiu-nd*.
Mre. Jod Cameron left' here th.e
i..ortnne -t AdiIm. ' *f‘. 'I'-* l!('--'

1-- done at on< e to yi the n.<


Mfles Rod leading shades, well tailored end perfect

e_||A tor Coats

sold npto. ....1546

Including the mostpopular styles and
colors of the season: coats of extreme beauty and
ioog service, ^

. iilirtrtiii.

There U an oniupplyahie demand
for laborer* foe the ilratid Trj'


CcoTBe ^a’ke. of O^.o I ar-l td tn
his > i(r-..'-'Sietde' III hi. bix 014kui»

uey ii loeiaiiinp to 1-a'e •pr.Cul!l-i

,iV w-i,eii p"-'-tiaer •>.jriug ‘ el


s -ak.lin a : :.'j,uie trip Ibruupb thr
Mr. and.Mra Latric ManlgeW



r '*■' Min*, h^rl and Alben bn
'.lay ,'<r tVul'eXiue after apeaiiinr


e'»i.-I-d...'n In the cllj 'UH fhe cur*i
Mr, Maorpi'ld'a slater. Mr, Sup-'


ami Well iiiii.l.-. .IS

Mra. H. Merttague who haa beea
!,l.ii»x Mi» O R for tbe butt
• o week, wa, railed to I'adlllar b>


as j.ui r-v-t-

S7..'i«l f.'r. Mile pri.. .


Other SuiU^iFoUows:



3mr^ at
ic Sun-



9*45 Garments that mere description cannot dn justice to. In the wanted shades and styles, all sizes
including coats for large women

4 4~4C lor Coals sold op to.............. 18.06

XX«*XV Values you cannot possibly duplicate else­
where. Serges and Mannish mixtures with large col­
lar and sleeves, garments that cannot fait to please.
4 M 7C lor Coats sold up to............ . .22.66
XXa i «F jh^ limit of perfection in style and tailor­
ing. Whipcords, ^rges and^ mixtures in ail sizes
and colorsJncIuding our best numbers in stout coats
for large women.



Mr, S~'\ l:-.«!.
buildini: ;

be ll'.ne.s of'Mr,

IteD Mustapu*-.

W. C. Kapniek. returned Hila aflerjoon tq CadilUe.alter alrt attlBg Sunlillv.

' ul tbe in- e<l to her

Hex'y Ssc'brs Wert

a..rk ui. Fiiil r-ii.'-c if

Kmgalcy return t-.u,- at I hat

plai e ibi<

afte;n'a<n after su'eral day, visit

H.i -•-lie; oiuiginy.

with friend, and relail'e*.
j. Meiwic returned ta her home
iu ihe'' b’>:iie at bmia.
r SB eaieii.)'*l_.
or .-i™.
here lakmp (are ■•! her sjsler.
Charles Otto.

Mre *C. SU>dCy re



S. F. Saeten went te CmtiHaC thiaiMm' Frank Ri k-3,
tut,1 the (lay.
1 Cart M.lbrr, left here thla after
Miea Lottia Hocn returned te hirit.ooi, f(H

. Podtively the best chance o( the year to get your new spring coabr B^iopt at OOT ow'’
frice from two Queam Manufacturers, we live placed them on sale with our ow”
regular stock, at the fdlow' I pnees:

"P ................
Mixtures in the .seasons'


I'rtla.' to

r.andMri F.cesrfl Beynddf.were
M-tl's Suits.

Our Great Chicago Purchase ol CloaKs


$ Serges



"h.-r- at s:*.u.' _Si.i.: i.n,,.... .$1.19

I'ume and save luuney.

Navy Blue. Aloire
Silk Reveres and Cuffs trimmt with red Messaline..

on an-eateeded viwi.

iFrora .Muiiilir>'» lii-cord-ljielr.l
Ki'nncy, alter apend-n
Mr*, c:


hq-iM- tor dam. ■ a
' A -^prav -HKt <<r- lb

M» C^'i^Vortan went

Mrinry Sredhagen w apendInB a few

.............................. ♦♦!/:* .T: rwo.^*rThir"motr^‘‘

-•I da?

r.d..iw. .vnrd ................,.....................................6c
Th.->e are u..t nil—many ulh.r snaps

Barrett of KloBtley re-

!|)Mn,!i nxls*
. - - - i

S..],i -Is. .-

each ...................... ............etc

Bandaouie WniaU SC higfa ur low uecl:.
long .and abort 'sleeve*, wnue with'


'•••••* d.v, of this week at Bia RapWa

estry. He will give an addre»a to the
KeiB at their nie>-uiig to Inr held
Saturday afternoon.

Jn..,da. .iood' H.i>lrihetlai,d «' ^

Amnuluinil colle«e. ta to he in TravI'lt' Kihlav and Satuftlay of
week lo:- ihe |iur|»Mf of wenring aU'l


pri.rt. ............ ;.S2.79
pervab'. and lineiivw. new atyltnh
signs and Mkadm. m>rtb ii{> tu $8.00.

urtijiutie pexktd iu JJ.


it Iv^J .


dnia -lure from C.

“< UsieJ. easilx.mttjf ifxi/v..

A' rcwk
CC<vk ’ A\vt.
Hivt. i.’Ktai

ka fouiity to the front

Rev. W. H. farlUle aa* the paatoi-.

Then c«nie tbe Bev. O. W. Sber.l ton waa tba next paator. and in UTd <'haae. c. \V. she-

fllMit Spedii Vaioes in


''TTiere is ho gucss-wvrk.

Peace lieorge \V. furll*
The yoqns
In 187l the Rev. Jauiea Ro- and after bint came itpt Her. K H. couple let' os a Bkun tiuneymoua
, ji Ihwa ke ably atalatad Hr.
In tbe tnll of Utt tba Rev. Wa.'baru waa appointed and remained
there tbe mork fell tu.ih« folto*- reium scon and make their home
kaSathe «ork ot hU dlitrletTbefRork became paator. aad wni ancoaedtwo y^aiw. being followed In UTS by lug mlaUiera In tbe order named; K
lU rit.v.
• ,
^•MOfiklch beiMt «a fain wav-er.


right. WitfaKCE^ing

I, ten waa app«loced to Trararaa City. Prouty.



tetit MKS.

Umbrella Specials

unauHS n ai oiiia



as a feather—dcdicioQa. free

a good raincoat is more than a rain shedder—otherwise it would hot be much
than an
ymhppiu A good raincoat answers for light overcoat and rain pio|;eetor. See our specials in the MAY
SALE at $3.96, M.S0. $9.60. $12 and genuine Gabardines at $18 50. '

itChettBaad fma P«a Utm )

Out ther come!

Tbe HouuraMr

dtfdicdlivo Octubrr 13 I'aC. Tl»d«dtr:

Wentber Never Worries me Man In a Good Raincoat

. .

W. Sfarnuau to r»dT.

Girls Coate for ages 4 to 14. instead of
S3.50 to $7.50 are no^l.t5, $2.65, $$.65 and $4.95.


carraetitaaa af m and appaar.

Tbr qu-.ijuo ol bu|ldlDS a b'rtJW uf
Bvjrablp «aa apliainl by iha Rrr
Prrrr llatiiMli tuti- Ik. allr.
ibruucb ib. ubiirtiis .-Surta-aBd ar'

!>. dtffarrtBi ideas ol rK-'.i
ary rt-«r^. *
Ilo-I t.f tbeai. aaTiiirois arv tm '
ittiliHrtt rail..
ratRhl lii.-, * mi., an- ulhi-re loo»r Is
. _
Iiijda Id nat>. aald andean as-rp.
IslUir-. lK)iue*i'Uns. el., Tkfi art- all Di
St,id. la-'di. JHi.nv. $!:,'.•> aod eoni. rts.
«o UD >al«- at «43S. UM and S&9S.

fashl^'s e*wlc« b*e»«M thty ^


a '■Salmaan.sin'—ana
a: at#ecl li> th. rapular i
lit thaM "JaDiar" Coa

IC luoa a


ruliy Mil* th*

! thr paopk and all of Urm Rare harm

Redaoed In price from $7.56
5ir.OO and $12.56

Your Coreett are by ter the most important part of yourclothInf wtthout tood Coraeta you simply cannot get stylish results.


Tba work ot Ihr laat rlsU or tm
• W, I B»til! frr»b iu thr memurk. ot

.x-ecd.*! bu.ln-« trip u.

‘tioBu-w; Ke'shrue -oJ,-. lioui a short! Cadilbi>. (£--d City and o-bef notjlu-iu
'i>!f here.
Mr*. L. Bagnel ef Keyatene return-'
Mrs. O. H. Fewer. M Kingsley spent
-d Lome 11,„ moruiue after Mrltinp ] the (is- here on baMueaa.


ir.-nd. hei- o'er Sua-lair.
Mr,. P. M. ChHWen.en. a former r,- .
H. J. Hagetrem went te ManeWena ■ *.•). i,i -r tM, uty t,u, no* r.-id«ip .i
tbi>. morning, where he w,U
»U e :i;..e

, K.iiksk—. 1:1. retr:L-d fr-me ftafay.
an! s:-er an esiei d.-d vi,.-'. "it-. l«-r h^t,.

Nell Kiown I



-.lif. ii.cTn-m: to M-i;

, , • d
Rev. W. H. Herbert left »wrc tn.,*
Mr. and Mr,. Rete' L.eberg..of Oe-

lamp lake, I* «i


1. Ma-.


iuort..rj; ivr
;3- w,;;

Th, weather It ooi liupro.Muy

,er. tyitllsn. laxwe, ,'.‘W.r CKrand,

tteibcut we-t te Reteakey; with Mta. G-^Pe K-l'-ouro* of thU

Ro;t Huron, where be.t-..p. rrluri.ed i!,,. ariernoon. after a .
sran-l et,-'ami.UiVnt olit.o week,'
:n ;K;» vb-hll', Tlj-'

iDe 1 o' (1. K
He ws- a.-...ii,iomedSi:i N>-n<l
be 'ir,: tirr.-e-t' who ..!! *0 tu 41.:. | «r«..! K.p: „

dsy, wHb friend, at

planted >et>eeau'»e of'thw ae>ere .oaF ''.‘lU -o. »I,;; lea'i'e*..
Hrt. A. Svndquist o( Seyne City reMr,. SUM. HeU.mb went W Oetrort: turned to her boipe today, alter idTbuuoa 8klver ia buildioctbe found
tirtla.-. Wbe.-e'.be w:ll the I ten,Hug, tU- convention of the. ehb.f
ation tor a barn.
aao.->a-j telephone .,;-:aitr, brid in ibi. cii'
Cmma Clark of Ttaverte Cii.c epea- mee.irp of U« ii-ir-s'
Sa-.urday and SooUay with-^er par- lien.
A. B. Jeurdah <
Joaepb <'ha«e baa reiunied treia a



te Lud.ngtenFrank Fnedrich and sen Wil.


ilardaic M-ndinplbndji. at Ko-a.rh.. • .
M,. ee, pfB-e-l. .Cne. 1.
L-; .W hem- a: M-bk tr-lav fm.c iwv-

trip ihroupfa the'aoiith and
.MIto Grace Riley *peut Fqndav Uv

,es-erday tn tb-M,';

w4th her paresu. at thu plaoe.

teaband. Mr. Sprague wae ^ fromjerai da.c y,,!'. her, «a (mine,,. '

ti e


This Is



2. What Tht SarroBndmg Rtaorti Mtaa
To Travtrte Ctf.


.This is one of a series of articles being publi^ed by
the Herald and which go to show ihatj Traverse
•City offers to him who will cast his lot >vith her opportun­
ities that are exceptional.


Our lake* and *tre*iur. tbo no.*" «wmcy get for thorn the tblusi they
Iccl Ibey «anl. Tbcy «ro ■i.xusUkii

,d harbor* of our
b».v. oyr pica
our sreai
iMitb ii<II-y
sant rotd* ibui Al
upon mile* of orchard and f<jr«t
for'rit and
ipenlns Held*, the Bab In our brook,

'<1 lu l>*r '*'cn for tbcM ibiBx*.

A. V. Friedrich

Leadiiii* Shoe Store of Trav­
erse City and Nortbera

eru. Field Commander. '

I |h»o two



passed Oiroush Torreoii
Wirt to Join
Huerta. Ilic l< J

Cral cuniiiMinder durlnc ibc past l*'u
The eovemneat U prciMiilop
»"<» owlueloa that tbc'r jto follow up iU vlciorle* acainat Ct-ii

luru nonb




Miuib wbere |]

very diflnitn c

a heavy drain upon the UuTlty of their ‘-'tion

Wllb every dollar or
more purchase custom­
er can 6btain one of
these gnaranteed
watches for only SO

fnrcemrnu lo General Ho-

they expeot
onnient that ViII keep t^ni in nhap

■ud rlrer* a&d lake*. Ibc very br«ic» lor Ue dircnuou* bu*!oi
Uiit keep our .unniicr aiuiwipbeix- thvir money for Ibnoi.

Haven’t Yon
Had One Yet?
Here's How Yon
Can Get One

; i« Prepariop «
Up ViGteri«*^x Sendinp Rcin-




The«i people live in an eu •«'' ‘“o
irooipeot of eoDiiant
ttmlu, life demand*.
_... nerruu*
-------------- ---------leral Orurro. wboai- army I* rcport-d to
and arUvlly tbal make. ..-riou. in-* They bring with thorn the nuke a «t«nd at Jin.
road, upon Ihclr remric .irength, .pending habit, the Ingrained
ldc-i^^_ I, u „*iln.aled Ikni Ororo.
During the (all and wlirtcr bualoeas that wilb money (bo <sn get wba'.
drive* tbo ii..-u at a h.-ar> pace- They ever the}- -want And »Ub mouc-y lUev,
are i.royrding the work «t years Into espect lu boy their suiunier * ,resi-l
iio-bth. and week*.

The women are They vfti.c cipectiog to live »cU.



In a-coMtant round of .otial dull.-.
They do not eome to .tint th.-m-Xf flWO
tb.l are a heavy tax ou them- The eelve*. They do not atop to rcckoirj •
ff O





rblldreii of the well todo of the dtl*-* the coat of the plea.un. they antlci j
mod similar omdltlont iu ibeir seboul pate. .Bot thev are shrewd enough
and eollese life.
I to keep tbelr mom v If they do not I MINNESOTA )hAS ONE RARE CEOABd , «« d.y in aummer. awd,

gelwb.lU.ey wm..-,




from the waliT. with no ch4pce of
For Just sut* people'as Uie»c wrrestful green or esnipe frt>m tiie ter- of Grand. Traverse bare a aummer
rifle ucrer ceasing heal of suu-bakr.i paradise.

Just as fast aa they Icaru

1st XendTlTon of the Country Makes
This Reversing of Nature

pav. nirnt and tolrering building, of- of our beautiful tend tbey
fert little cham-e of recuiterallon.
' and costs lo stay for tbelr snmmcr

Washington. May
1C.- Miiii»-.<>l:i
ThcM- jreople must etrape fOr tbe year after year; Tbey- will build—
irasesse* one of the rarest geologhfrom .the-THilse and dust and tbey are building—summer bonies Uiai euriosiiie* In tlie world. This si.ilr
not dry wbidtt. and the killing par. rrflert Uicir Idrai of romfort.
haa at least oiie .stream that (low..
of their rdtniar lifu. They must giv. iiier buifiW that buve every convee two wayt. Jn norihem
judi-d overridden nervea a rest. Oi lence of the homes they are neruv- there is an ana of land so flat that
hrenk down..
tomed In tbelr cit}' life. Tbey tgaku IIS waters uometlmes flow Into the
Thry must ke.-p ,ni. Tb.-y are wgh work for our carpenters, our masonr. Hudson Bay, and somellme* Buw into
off as money goes.
our ptumbers.
Tbey bring business the Gulf of Mexifo.
Somewhere on
ytnj will, they know how to Buke for Oie hardwire mcrchanu the lum­ this flat area Is Ibe exact watersheil
ber dealer aod the fumitblng goods between the great bay to the north
mao. Tbeir bills are big bills, ar. 1 of this ronllnent and tbe great gulf to
paid promptly. Thej- gel.ihe Iblng*
lUIh. but It has never been exthey w-anl, and pay the price.
The headwaters of
aetly iloealed.
These people live well. .They live
river are located In

Proclamation by Iht Gdsernor

The Grand Army of the Dead continues to
grew. Ths Grand
Army of the Living it in the aftermath. The evening thadewt of life
. art falling abotrt them. They are as brave In confronting the great
enemy of mankind that hat never been vangulshcd a* they were en
the battiefielde t^t aaved the nation.

Love, reverence and patriot-

as well as they do at borne. Tbeir tills area. There Is a eontlnnous water­
tables are well eq'ulpi>ed. and wliii way from Hudson Bsy to the Gulf of
aJiUPdanee of Just the sort of food Mexlro.' The waterway divides Xorlh
they get at honie, with the .atldilluo America Into two rontiuvnts not iuiu
of tbs fresh trim, butler, eggs and e<l by Und at My |K,lni
poultO’. and Eteub »«k and cream
Ah InvesttMtleo of the water su|s
that o|ir farmers produre.
ply of the rivers that cross tbc inlerIt I* such people aa abuse Uiat uiaK • nallonal boundao' Huo has Just Ik- r
Alalne's sunim^ resorts worth ovrr i»mjilcled by Ibe geokiginl survey.
ttae people of Uiat slate; II U Jus'

a of a grateful people.
Therefore, I. Chaee S. Oebera. Govemer ef the Con
Mtchlgen. do ioauo thio proclamation and jeamettly i
aneo of Thuroday, May 30, 1912, at Decoration and Memorial Day,
Giv^n under my hand and the Croat Gcal ef the State, thie four,
tecnlh day ef May. In the year ef Our Lord one thoueand nine bpiv
• drod and twelve, and of the Commonwealth the ^tventy-eixth.

thirty pillllunt of dollsrs a .vesr lo
such people that bring Uie bank rlc.ircloakey and rharlevolt



CK.v-s Btofea and
of London bas bocu paying »l.«:n<
year as reut for house* which forine-

three tiuancrs i

. allies lb

The heavy increase io the dcimsits of
die First National Bai^. during recent
months means two tl^gs:
It means that a constant^ slrcuni of
new depositors have .opened business rc-.
)ali(His with this bank.
And that our old deiwsitors are nmkiug gaim^ liiiandally.
Ungueslioiially YOU will profit by be­
ing u depositor here.
Deposits over $

Uada control oi U. & Tresraiy

ly stood OB London bridge- Those
s remi
bouse* were'dcnK)llshed over a r-ii
tiy dii
IrecUoa lbs trade of
tury ago when a ni-w
bridge was

City , eiores and lianki ’and wjiolestle built, but the I'onioraiiuii has bad I .
coulluue the pai nieiils as euBipelitkihputes. Tbit every dollar left in tWs
To (lose Ibe account the Cogreat region ani'Wfaere Is going to go
IKirBUon propOBrr paytns a hmip sum
ihrougb our Imnds eventually.
of Jl<ir..»0o. and Uuiiilde taxpayers ni.And let u» remember tou that fur
Charlevoix aud Puluskey tbe hand of asklnx why such a suin eliould 1paid, and why the reul ha* U-en. jiail
«:<id has diHiv but lillle.
That the
liHiid of Ilian aud the energy and for-.'- ior s
slxhi of mail has done all.
Maine lia* eapitiilUed



The Dement of ti

ll.iis and her li.-liened roi
In all her miles *od
Milli-H nr alKii'd wild fonmt.gbe no iiam-’

alim-Ilte ni.e. and the
-lieiigih tails, also iiialarla often
I ban matches tbe ^MUty ws have In paves tile way (or deadiv iv|ibold. !:<■'
niir Im> aud uur tiike* und atrnuux Kh-eliic IHlIers.................
and j.
umUila gciuis
1 the
ntid n-ooiJv.
. a-jd .........
>, e ran mukv tbem- things wurlli
-.Mier long auflcitng.'
iiilllhin* III n». to »*y lim six or seven
■ Will. FreiweTl.of laieama. N. c
iiilllious if lo ebrsi our own <ip]Hinuni- •'three
c bolt^e^llu\e all the miiUirla
••y>t"ni. and I t.- bail. aocA
(V. Wr ran have an <air guest* evefy from

...u a,S"!;,

and weallh.
Me have Ibe niinral all diugglslr ui
means to rnlerlaln Iheui more royal­
ly. .more plcuslnglj, thau thry llirmM-IvKs have dreamed.
Before Ibe ■
It Is worth while lu a. cold. hart. t»n«. » moiber if r.
OiillaiWnd-ceut* way to invite 1hr*r cWldrgn-# U
mviple to I'ome.

It 1* worth while u-

A Sueeetaful Farmer
‘lix-r a> Imii'li alleli'ioii to hi< ei.vl.
.4 hr iloe> lo hi» eroi» .til ►uwl; Iom-s
I* worth wblle to condition at ilmef and it If the son.l
that aliphes the ri-inedy Insee that they are Wi41 Uken rare <■'.
i 1» nny serioii» loxs of tlunIliai they find Ibe uieatis to Itie pleasenalu! iiu-u In Hie Xew- Euc
lire they seek.

land States u*..-H.MtVHI.I.'S CuXPI
tyTl ON FUWDFit lor sinck and tmultry.
package KfH-» a long way
'■ouir III u. .Ill .a way lilting rt ll
all iih-.lii iiie. not n inoJ. It imtK
ii-ii iKHlllon. ami In keeping <rlth
woikitig aiiimale in goo-l fpiriift ai>.|
lieauty and worth n( tbe
country flcfhl Kce|>» |<oultr> tree from d:sariiuud uf. And'tbey will «urely not uaara a1>d lucrcsres the yhdd ol eggs.
fi-nnie unless they know, and kmi«' Frirc i-'. Cl.. Sold h> AUKTlcan lirug
antiripate Ifaetr desire*, to pnivldv
[Ihr means for thelf summer pleaBurc


Screens on your doors and windows will go a
long ways towar^rs more sanitary condition of the
home and help in tbe hght of extennination- of this
household pest. We have a screen door that wiji
not sag. it has metal braces and a patent tightener
in the center that prevents it from sagging. It is a
good, durable door in oil finish add- sells (complete
with trimmings for $1.50. We have a good, door tor
$1.00. Wc have a good slock of wire cloth; window
screens, door springs, etc. Come in and see our
screen doors.


'»nd romfon



While^or^ales have been good, we still
have more goods than wa want at this time
and are offering some great inducements to
quickly dispose of this stock.

Can find something in .this stock that he
can use and will need before the season is
over, and he can buy iit now at a saving of from

25^” to^SO^ Under Price
If you expect to need (and you do) any­
thing in Im^emenls, Farm Machinery, Ve­
hicles or Any of the many lines of merchan­
dise'we carry by nitineans see ns at (mce^ior
at the prices we are now making these gboSs
move quickly.

The Farmers’ Supply Company
I14-II8 State St. Traverse City, Mich.


three months.
It Is the i.rpe of sumnier resorier



banks to over three millions of dol­
lars in ibe short summer aesson of

that brought



w-ll. of what beauty 'our country U
The money th*t this <o»t* it but
a lutgairlie rcmipared to the Immense

Why It IS •* OftM Don*
It it s vsry sway thing to lavcb s|
sMntbody wbe it Urlng to do an al»
not drop our effort—we must keep gothor new thing.
It n^ ■i-BBOB after *-as.iD. we mast

Hosiery Week
: atMilllken’s

Beginning Monday morning and continuing all the week we
will hold a special demonstration of hosiery,
featuring the splendid

Pony Hose tor Children
We want every mollier to know the splendid wearing
qualities of Pony Hose. ' ft’s been on the verdict of so many
motheix that has led us to place this, hose as our leading chil­
dren's hose. This hose has become known as one of the best
ina^s on the market because of its dependability. Then, too,
it has been proven that it’s not necessary to have coarse, heavy
yarn in children’s hose. Pony hose give more wear and feel
better than the coarse kinds. Price.......... ..................25c
Wc sliiill stii.w hi ciiiiiici'licm with PONY WISi:
Otic of the niosi ('Diiiplcte assoriiiieiiis uf hobicry
fur wouteii and children to he found aiiywnerc. Wf shiiil have several lahles' devoted to Inrsicry
and will lie found lo l>e of inoie
than ordinary value.

Tlic showing wiK-comprise everything from the cheapest at
rOc per pair up to the best silk at $2 50.

Pony Hose Stick Pins Free

reiom iheir visit will bring. We must,

Iiiakr 11 more elfei'Uvr. more farrearii:ng year after year Only Iti tbla way
ageMalDe bas done, and pnorida ami
I'altfomla. <an w* realize the splen­
did. immense opponinlty that Xaturr
lias laid at our leel.
K Bu.k.
Dss^ly RsMd Idssa.
It la true that a ««maa inggatu
Beef Us a* a nsiverwal pauaesa for
I all Ills. It Is certain, on lbs other
hand, that a man nlwavt bsUeres that
a woman always feels Letter far lying
idoFA.—8- lUCMUgiilpi.

Eaeapet an Awful FaU.
’liuusand tongue* eouM i
reef the gralitude of Mr*. J I Cox.
t Jollel. Ill . loi her wende:;rul deliiul !*ie -Typhoid
raui-e im'in
me with t .iread~Souieiiuie> I
Siml's I
iboiigh! 1 woul-l .lie
I <-011111 get on
belp.rmni doruir*. treaitiieni or ether
niedielner till ■ u*e<1 Dr. Kingf .Ne*
But 1 owe my life t. thix
woDderXtl remedy (or I sx^'reel) .oogb
at. all now *' Guii-k and safe. It. <he
most reliahlf of all throa' ami Inns
niediiiue.Erery t«ltle guaianieeil.,
-■•<«• and *1
free a: all
druggiete of Tns'ri»»

■ - .
Traverse City's Best Store.

Housekeepers’ Week Next Week In
connection with Hosiery Week

A Pehnariwit Ciii« For
Iconic Comtipatfon

r MM wUhMit *Mk M

U« uSriMiiM tto i

bowM BUKl«B m» that la tli
ef aU ktad> caa tm «Up«M
aaivra !• acMa Malf ralMd «•
AaNSf Uw Iwtooi atM tmXUf U tkMi
laeu ar* Mr. B. KMC 11: W. Mb •!

-iKIjaW„”Tf.* tS'ASi

_________ ;S!K2K'ij:

spiniiG WEODifies
AH the IrMo Ware TravarM Cttf
OIrta. Wall KBeWB I" »a/ dal Circtaa.
tar a tone*11^ baa tharc bae«i
ao May wrtjdlniw in ibi- luoiitli of
nvi. Ji«aa haB,Bjrayr bHd iho bonor
of twlaK Ibr loiriiBS umnlb (or-aaddton bta fair blay. II amUd ami
h*M Id (bla rMdou. tbia aeamn
airii»ad In aad qulm oaiinwd her
Idac* . for
raMoa oany brldaa
»ke to rhooar Wadnaadav. -ihe bad
*»f cl all.” for (ba paaieat day In
tbelr Uvea, nod reatenUy ihU was
deawiiKlratod aa ibe cbolre ot Ihrae
yoov VDBian of tbia .cKy. Mica Ida
Saaafooa Mlaa Bcrslca Rebmaon and
Uita Ratb Jachaon. These Ibroa «ed
4lB«l occatM al about the tana ilDir
IB (braa different twmea, wlifa tbrec
Traverae CU/ glrb acnrlitc aa tbr
Stepla. ret cbaralacly eba

iNpb an *k paapk.


5cott*t Emulsion
H r*** *i|«r

viulit; ta

war or a tfrtmUt ai ertr eeata ar aa<
dollar a lam boiiJa ifanilr aiw) car

trio ot weddloBa. that of Mlat Ida Bea■low to lleorfa Nord of Bkbart. indat ibe SeaaloBS -boina. 4ST West Tantb
atreel. at J-o’cloeb, Rev. II. W. Lay.
or iba Olaclplei cbnrcta offictatin*
Tba color acbaina employed waa pie:
aad while, wilb of vourae tbe Inevlu
ble loocb of ffreeo farnlahed by lb
blaau. luma aod tiaHlas viaa c
amUax wlilrb were used ibroucbou
the boUMi. A ceuopy of anillax la lb
lIviBK room, wlifa fema and treat Ir
aoeia ot pink earoatloiu aa a ba>i
craun.l foniied an anlalic anmraoc
iae roc ibo bridal lairty aa ihry ei
lorrd the room Mm. NonI wore
l«tx>miBK lirldal down of enilnoltlerv
Ic pvcT Willie and rarrie
while rosea. Hlu* waa allefide.1 by Ix'
Kitler. Ulas Neia Bcaalobs. wtou wor.
broidery over nUk and cai
Tied pink. nnea. Carl Nord. bioihei
or tbe ffroooi. acted aa beat nail.
Followlaa Ibo eerenuay a fou.
>urao woddlac auj>|«r was nerved In
Ibe dlniaf room to-the bridal iiari.
and tturaia. MMuprialne only (be Im
.■nedlatr (afuilles of Ibp ennlraellni
parties ami a few inilntalo alrl Irirn.b
of tbe bride. 8»-ee1 |ieaa formed Ui.
eemter boqu^ for Jhc dioinc table
while Ibe olber appolDlntenls were
carried out is the pink and white col
or acbeme aa far aa poaaiMe.
Mr. and Hra. Nord left laal evrniBR
(or Elkhart, where they will be ei
home allor Jane
The only ost-of-iown EHeeta were
Mr«. F.'W. JobnaoD of Elktorl. ilater
of the CTOom. and Mrs. Frederick
M'ade of DetrolL
Of the Daily weddlnjii'thU anaon.
one ha* proved or more Interest lo
lantc circle e( friend* than that of
MU* Bernice Robeitnon, daushtor of
»lr. aad Mra. A. Robertaon. Fifth


I. urn TEMmSBAY BAnjE. 1



•‘ciMk resiarday afU«M«. It w*»
.oarred al tbe ItoberiMa home at
diet, yrt-ven sllrarllve borne wcK
ine. with none hut the ranlly nl tbride in altendanoF. Pink roses an.
aroatton* figured a*
fcwul bdad Ibe CdreDoay waa i«rtormed,b
lev. W. W. MeKet of Ibe Ceatral M
1 churcb. MUel Edlih Riirbekar
dayed the cberaa from Ixibeasria'
eaddlna Irarrb .and laler aweeU;
mac “O rtomlae Me.’ idayln*; be
■am aeeompanlBenL The bride *•■,
and dlreetl:
tBer tbe ceremeiiy a cbarmlnsly bi
nnlat^ iaoebeon waa served In tbdlalac room. •
Mra. Bnaot !■ * gmduaie of Ik
rruvarea Oly llUh acbool and Iw
Ived bera nearly an her life Ur Ijn
ant ii a partner In the Orand Trat.
srea AuD company, and tbelr boin
win be U tbU city. Tliry left las
e^alKK ou a abort weddlna ifi
throucta Cbicaso. Mllwaukc*: and olT.
er polBU.

Good J

The heme of Mr. ami Mm. (iri.te.
l*ck«on al Boiiimlt fiiv was lli.
x«ne of ibe third seddlus^oaterda.
rteo at S o'clork Ihelr dapkbler. Mb. .
IMh, became tbe bride of louts Kyr
■Ika. son of Mr and..Mm. Jolirr Kyr
Mkn. of Ibis elly. The |.rc-lt> homd o
be Jarkabos w«s a Itower nl siirinr
iMBty wlih lilies, ferns and oHic
■wfUy Ruucsilous of M>rlnE conihlr
' W to.imhr.Itic backRrouod one o'
le allrarlhennas (or lha yoiin-

k f.

I lu Hap

rraaCorw. ma|.ns. Itarssr C«lksn tipM.
MMsis. Ksw or flchl «b«w. Alien'. PocS'liMr.'
Ihr saliMpItr posdrr loin- Oakm Into th.
AotB.wmcIrr lamnnt mlirf. tl I. tin- cmal
satcnaforl dtxscrrrr ol Ibr n#r. Rokl rrrry
Irbtrr. *3r. OoB'l Mir.TV«By.als>ltoln. PW
PUR.MBP> addraw. .Vilas R.ulsulcd.U

d«hn Aiaucf who **a a uwDbm of
lb* Royal Veal Kest Raalweni ot Ihr


Boer war. bad Diaar iDicreatlK ibhiBa
to teU of the (arsiga aervics.
Oyru. J DoIidL V. B- A- ruHred Ut
iatrvaKy.rD.lky the ace ot IS > baa a luid of atwcdiatf£i»D hl> long Bta-vice begaa m cuiy.
I-eiiera Irom i .a touewlas raairatln,
were very ■Biemlihg end wurii an
w of itae

and need atteetion.
There is coofort in the koowledfe to
often cspresMtl. Uwt Dr. Rilmer's.
rhentBalisD, pain in tbe back, fciduevs.
liver. nUdder aedev erv pan of the nrvaary
paMace. Corrects iaibilitv to bold water
and scaidiog pain in pasuBC it. er twd
effects loUowteg nw of liquor, wine er
brer, and orcrcomea that wnplcaual aecesaity of being compelled to go oRea
thoMcb tbe dyr.'aad lo get up sany
during the n^bt^ fte


ausd* tbebigb^l

farsic Cariia and daustaler fora of medicine voti

Very uiurh apprsclst^ hr ih-s-'
|.rescm_w^ n word ot‘ grevtluR and
Kood ^wlnBbr~-(n>w Uarto ItriUM-r
Webb. Iter efforts aad itowe ul b. ■
alster to do boBOr lo the wewban ot
fonintny U when ihu; w«u mus
Iv-rpil out ot Ihr aervli-e.wIII alwavs
Iw held In gnurul relneuibrwnce l->
Ibe boys
Cowradv Hobrn E. Waller brviiRbl
up tbe Riatlrr ot a nitlDa uteaKiiial lot
tbe flrsl man rroiu-Gmnd Tnk.-rse
county 10 alvr up his lltr in the fitM
snJ*8paulsb warn, and that suitable
honor be doue tbe Ant luau to cullid
from Ibis (ounty at ibe tnitiMrwk cif
Ibe Civil war. He is ll.-iag ta the
•■ouiuy (via... Un iwytlon ihr lollun. .

IVarl and UU funy spent Bund.y^ Veu mavhiTeaDtntdebollU sentfrea
at home TI.eIr falb.-r la Uwllnn qulle »«
Jld-tfcwIV. Kilmrt&Co .BingbsBitcn.^:. V- Mrnliun Ib.t paper aod
poorly nl On- pivncul. They rt.-tu*ed remcmWUicnimc. I>r. Ktisirr's Swamm
10 Traveme .Mtimlsy.
Root, and I'lc addrraa, »n-gW—i»~-_
Mrs. .Mhen l«vi-> Irli ttalunls;
with the <i. A. II and tuhei
viin Arliur. whcir rbi-'lioin-s iiiohlain
UHilutlon. tr Iboojbf^t to mum.
fll.-I Irom a vauccr. whh-U has bet-n
Iflish this:
ruublliiR her |o.- 'cars. Mrs. FTaiik
Atmivde. R.>bert E Walter. fa|H J
lavry of Ellswunli intaaitianied lo-r -- iCotitiaued tram |«*e one t
•M. lniosb. iJeut. Joseph,Klasaen
Mfs M'ni. dec and dsasbinr Mi: ,b.-r waa very niuc.i opiird.Ute.1 Tbe
Inter of V.-ondolem-e lo CtMiirmle
'red spent ^tuidsy l:i Trn-.i-rsf rily. 1h»s are alwav# rUO to bi-ar -parw.'
i; (Tone
prtnHiial of tlw.
who was one ol Ibe lurnbera of tbe
Mra.‘ Nell Slunro. Ijr. !'• • Aal'irdii;. .diet cnmiuinee which wns'v
MesiUi. wbm- lliilp dausb
• u ahur. iltm- iu Travi-rac tumli aaslslauiv durliu! ami lollowtas
oiienn'-d un for ap|M-nil|i 1H». w#» Bmborbe.r
FulIowlBK the banquet ll.e' wi.s
low.'ll i-imis euhrlalu.-d a siluill
arly ul* rvlullvcs list. Msturday
Cuba. The leeHnit a: ton.iwdesbip talked wet qld Ihues.
IU! In honor of his «lb hlrthdAy
.iraurii^uapmitction with tbe old Han
Mr. and Mrs lli-orsc Gee apvni
nab llilles and bfl work lor tfiv ix
irday lu Trav.-ma fUy.
lialiy nwkea tbeoi look upon blui
II An'nnin.'
our of lUelr-nuniber.
I>r. KItip's N
"Ed" AusUn, wbo was In the eav
n.-w Bfe ami
Ite and I Ull
airy aervlce, they, uc always Rlad to
•d.-- El.-ell
nee and hear.
iJldlt-a' .U<l aorifly will luwl Wed■Dill.- Btidih has a warn', .poi lu
St all ■
newday afl.-moon at Itie <liur<h.
tbelr.hearts and tbey wish him every
Airs. Joale lln'water lefl Friday for Bttcceaa.
Tbe leller* (rutn the absenl com
her boiuv III Dciroll «fler a week'a
fcclA Extraeird AbMidtce
radei brouRbt bark rliMly rci
vlall with her sUler. Mm. E 11.
WithMil Paid
-brance* of the taat..
By tbs ’Ka-oUr’ niMbod I ran r*
K n. VauRbt aent a Doc Rome her*
■ora ihose tehlng teeth ahaolotelr
:o be naed on hia (arur
and without tne ua* »t
la a prett.v hard tbtuK lu s.-.-umplls'
Milton Vore la havliiR a flne,n<-w when voii're blue.'' bilious and on ■rugs 10 praduc* u
Peoiile of a
of aorls - There la a sure relief to
house built and will soou bv in it
.-lib weak h«
all stonwch and liver eoiiiiilslni. < m
Mrv. Frank Stevens is ou (be sb-k sHljalloii and d.HV|«la. I’ll. IIEIi
KaoUr’ tnelbod of palalaa* extrar
RirK'ti SniAllfOATEIt l•II.I..! ar.
luUd. tboruuRl
: school bad I
■Ot-flOt Wllbelm Block, with Dr. RoMs
eases Tb w I
VMtb. Trsvan* Oty. Hlebiaaa.
by Ameriran I


' ihlit or (>loaHt Bskiap ^

Tl^.rlds wore • •reuy pown m
plnli allk with ereani Uee IrimiiilnRr
and rgcr^ while tones, tier maid oi
bonor'bas MUn I«ura Kywdks. slsiei
of Ibe sreom. She was attired In
cream allk and alao tarried while
rose*. The aroomanian was Paul Jack
•on, brother of the hrtde.
A wcffdlei: impper was acrrrd to (h<Euerla and hridat tarty In llin .tinin*
room. Ihe tehlps iieliiE cffodtively ar
tanped with flowers U carry om Ibe
l•rcramlUI color Dole.
Mr. and Mr*. Kyaelk* will make
tbelr home el ’The Maples.’ tbelt


Etgbib DivUtML coDwaBdad by 8it
TMkhadlwsSaiKlL, Laalle
Handle, and aarred Ibrnach the '

llilr ^ llh

yoBlI bs delifhlsd wilb lbs rc

partloa and i

Ua and l^atw wbeeder. daunkter at
Mr*. Oeonte Gee. wpre quletn' *Mrried hi:-: Wedneaday. May nth at Uw
home or (be bride. A bouBtlluI din­
ner was served, allrr wbicb Uw hrUsl
ysriy loek tbe trwle tor Uraod i
ptds. TbcF will .niske Uielr boWo
a imn c.r tbu I'urUi uumc.
Iwsi Ttiarsdoy o.ejred tb.- m.-dOltie
v( Miss llUnciic Drsu. dauahtrr ..I
Mr. and Mr*. S 1*. iK-an tir Yulis and
Mr. Henry llaldwln of Tratvrse CKy.
Tbey were lusrrisd at Uie boDe u( tbe
-riUi-'s slMer. .Mrs Joba U«w. A three
ourse weddlnp t'liiiier waa spsse.
\hoal lllty aiKvia wiTr^rnradol an
(be weddlnx iireai-uts wbn.- many aa
>M-aullfoI. They U1*-xb the eveiiiiic
uwlii for Tmveru t‘tty wbt^ ibet
sill iiiak- tbelr Itonie
Ohve lluhauu s|K-iit .itoturday la
Traverse Cliy.
Cecrne finis weet to TrarorSv ffr
iridiy'. reiuinin: Baturdav.
bruuylil with him iwu burses whi.b
shkb be
purebssetf while hi fbiraco. .a few
n-eeks aco.
Alt-ble Mvrrlsun
: Batuevisv

DO ^L heavy. M(|y biicaitt.
I oaks, or pawry.
I Jssi lbs Ivbissi. daiaiissl. meat
naiioroly r^Kd aad most deU- ^
dee* feed yaw svar aia.

Msy IS.—Mabel Enberl
cr .Voilji .Milton In worklUE lor Mrs.
John Uaw ansiii this auninier.
Mr^ Ivusrll Sours drove
Traverae til.v t.rdmaday.
naude (lay la Ibe proud poaaeiu
I a new Ilulik tourlnx car.
IkT McManua .if Traverae City
spent a part oT Ual week pap>-.rins

Traverse City Cigar Manufacturers

Factory 322 S. Union



wnm puiTEius

Tkt C^or of Qoolity

“Howard” Carl M
Strslght Tea

For sale
by aU dealers

Havana Cigars

5c each




.|l2E.I4(bSt BgHpfanel89

7* ctais

* cents

WNver fnetory Smker
s' cents

Prittfe Branit
iMMi A—fiiann
A PtfiBct Hh^ lad Tebbceo

TIm Traverse City Cigar
Box Factory
416 £ Ei^SLCkpfaflM43l
Blohclcygroo. Props.
Manstseture. practically all lb* rignr
boxM oted by the cigar manufactaran
in tbe city and In NoRbon HJehigna.
and tor skill in dMigalng box ravora.
Bad up-to^t* work on box tnannfaotara ai« uBexcetiod. Lai n* Bgore on
your work If yon nro not buying of ua
BOW. aad be MlUSad. wiib acnrM ot
Olbon wbo are nslng our mgnr bezat.



ForSdeby AlDtnWi

Mb4c oi choice, corehilly sdccled Hav^ua

ftffid Qffitt)'

. PtrftdSmokt

Cigar Factory







OL pBobc 4T4
Foetary. Oil. Teatti 8L

Smoke the sirictly
high grade •-

Pa Ha

Blat Bell
Union Valor Clears
Slerlittg, • 10c Ggars

the best .5c cigar made

Thof. Fileh^rop.

Try one for your
next smoke

203 N. C«kr bL

Traverse aty, Mleh.
Ml. Ggar Snrakar. eocouiage hnene
ogv manuUcluriog by rilling lot tba*

Story No. 8
The qu^y of a cigar depends upon the price peld for maurisi and th*
•apeim tMrate in manufacturing, celling and dratribotinf. It gee* with —t
dtseyUen that th* expene* of a man cn—gad In manufneturing a cigar
bi ■ city of Ihle elze. where he work* (roA daylight until dark te get hi*
geode made up for e^lce. here and there in the evening and then hiee himBelt in bed when the big fecarty-mvner la at hi* (avered club, or palatial reildenca enieying Ihe proceed* Of hi* machine and cheep help, and gate ready
•» b( in hit cigar, making BOrly next memlpg. The ot‘- '----------..............
a atranger to
te your tm
town, te your local beeinc*I interests and social
ally a p<
tiaa, ote.
Do these two Individuals leek differently te you and thalr buslnaa* rolatienthlp in a buaincai way.

La Frlzene

Now OB Sale
Tfce New te Ogsr ^




The Best 10c Cigar
made in
Traverse City
CHz. Fhan* CIOS*.



Peter Hormulh

“BuU ol
The Woods”
Drag One.
The ISest Sc Cigor In
the City.

212 W. 9d> St TnnmGir




Diamond J-IOc
Gat* Pott—lOc
Btoadf(x>t Havanas-Sc
F. KL Smoket*-5c
Tiavene Belle- 5c

Better Tomorrow


. W. 0. w.
Will X^.e yon *olid comfort «nd aatlafaitloti—will burn right and uau
rixbL aad wRl epread around you that
rich, dcllgbifql aroma of Hevant that
only true Hatane clgara r~mii

M. Rabinovitch
•M E. Front BL Clu. pboM B4U



Prizes Given in Canipaig:n
Are Best Money Can Buy

Htiht a Judo* In a Bod Fit.
J retire Mil cbetTr. ot tnmu HUia.
---- *'':TeOB; wo* juaisi' oerilew A Lwu
...sae'Kue oo bio N-s bad twtlej •
uo<.(o:e and Imc r wl.ied •

The Mtflffeb

All Hare Been Puichased ^ Are !>%w on
DUpliy at Stores'of Local Merchants

, • I thousli

Pnte ooTWeted tech doy by *iro'
m>rn Cblcese. DeubiL Toledo ead Baftslo tlnoii^ CBtted^Pr«ao Utoempb

a Mlfmle.CUrfc.T

Mrs M. C-.Oilmore, 0

Bailot boxfiooded with Votes

Irtcludcs all territory -outalds of
Tfseeree City and south and ca

See IbcIH Vote .Coupon Located In the Display

Mwa Scott, T C. R. 2..
^ra. Gilbert F
arrie Failer. Fife L
M WhKaeti. Batet .

Adverllseinent in Tills

Extras Sold


• urday. the campaign
• ftallMa.

TtM rpgular

Include all voK-a
ear Tuei

nt batlneae In the campaign dapartmeni Satwat unable to make the regular cewni of '
g A • a.
rcaumed thle morning

fore. T...

e *be tblok that Ibn Lillian Neleon, »14 Wash......... 17S65
Mrs. A Lafootsee. 1« Front, ITMS^
Lulu C^Thomas. 60S W. ntn...167SS
palCB of tbla rhatarter are <4ieap Mabel Larson. 611 State............. 16S7S
Tfaal dnpepda. Ctrenp pa|>ere Kive
elnap price* The lleraltl and Record
T. C.
Co. baa piiTcbnicd the beat It roulil Mrs. Fred Elmderf, 4t3 E. Sth. .1S6SS
Lay to the sradea it U ppulble to
irlYe BCay in tbla price rauipalaru
Ibe fonr Crintn-ll liroi. plabOC are
enland at ItU) eaidi'and were pnrcbaIncludes all territory outside of Grace Taylor, 1
, ed frota Orlnnell llro». of Tra»««» Traverse City and west _and north ot Mrs. Grace Pen
Mrs. E
City, nbert- they may be Inepecied an^
Mrs. C
linn. If yon are iotoresied cull tm
'thla Arm and they »UI be unly »'•
. (tad to abi>w them.,
dar Run..
ro^!.;;; ::w5 “'»■
Tbe dlanmnda ioA wairhea afaklr
Mrs. Lewis Briggs. Acme..........16763
•hies, T. C. R.
Etis BarrelL Kingsley, R. F. 0...173S6
are glren aa jfMndipnd tkir^ prUi-*
Myrtle Wyekbfl, 8i.mmlt City 17"'
in naeb dlatrin m A pnrcbanml of
. Mirwile Sargent. Summit CHy.. -i:
harnnn. r Ba»of iH^ly. The rtlui Mrs. Lebn Wolf, Msyfleld '___1:
aintida are Vr^t irEltP tioiieii and
i Mrs. Geo Cr.sp. Wdliamsburg . 17S1!.
Mary Cree-n, Acme ................... 17715
earb ealucd ai tsn. The wau-bes ur<Toner.'.Grawn........... .17685
aywanf. 8. Bcardman. R 2 16765
1 In aoTMI 1.-................
KoldAcnd I . MSlrlloH.
e Majiory, T. C R. 2......... 1
proud in own


Pbotball In Oermany.

CIbrs Beuric, Suttens Bay,
wbo are local tMople. weU known, and Eltie Stone.'Old Mleaien..
Mrs. R. e. Atkinson. Burdick
they -mfy raet aasurod that Obey are Mary Jagulsh. Bcndan
tbaAnrt that mooey could buy ao fa Mrs. Mat Hosier. T. C. R. 1..-.21Je5
Jessiee Newman, Maple City R 2.21S10'
aa tKTa^aper la coneerDed.
T C. R. 2. .2038$ ,
Iletidea belnit iba best the' vnlUe of JJ™-• reuer.
- Empire..............
three i^Ues ocanot be dupikated for! Mrs. Myrtit Green, T. C. R. 7....
lag ceaes to bint whs
Bfteen bim4i«tf- doH|trs.-Mrs. Lil
Libble Arnold, Bi
wmlts, I ioppose.” saU tbs Twuurmm
- F,
- . Lake Ann RF0.1S875 dInW fisUenlly. “Tea. sub." answered
sfciatbis the __________________
sreatest ii«
Ue oegre waller, “bat lb#
. tMa. «*<)«> <rf ^ atAter
Mrs. J. Bond, Jr. Suttons Bay..18765
Hattie Swaney, Old Mission... 1S765i
Helen Riehardao^ idi^e "city! "iTMsl
Nmu Peesarva^ far Wood.
A single ^anre at the standing
.BolnUoB of tM pw euL boms
BetgleI Slagle. Lake Ann, RFO.17385
8to per cent, resia U driven Into
Northpqrt ............. 17315

that there It net s' lady wbo baa j ct Celia
fay eledricliy to FTsBce te pi»
Mrs. Uls
Lois Ennis Elk Rapids R 1.16785
•r cured sorb s lead as woi
brr to the belief.ifast.tAe
was over as larA
Tbere It no
Isd^wbo A** '»
Bubtcrlptien mtas of the Record-Eagle and number
votes given on
yet placM berSflf In t ^sltlon from
each payment:
wh1<^ abe
-Tast and lonk down
Tlic fiillnvtinfr Ki-alr nf vnii->. ix in fnri-<' fmm .Miiy IS
upon'tie olberi.” 'Xny one of these
«|| lo nml im'-liuUnn June S.-^"
yuung ladles near the hotiom of the
Uat (olgbi by eerurlng a few yearly
As New
> As Old
aubae^ptlons pot bereelf at the top.
6 Moaths $1.60 .............
1.800 .•'nei................ 900 votes
Whin candidates swid snbscTipilons
1 Year $3.00 _________ 4,600 votes.................2.250 votes
fay idalL ibey «ni reedira in return a
«.780 votes
ballot of voles to cover each subterip
- -UaB.'Uao a receipt Candidate* are to
As New
A8 Old <
. retain tbe yellow rioelpL but wben
900 votes
•hey want tbelr Btaadlag in (be paper
1 Tear 32.00 .................. 4,500 votes.................2,260 votes
Ini-rsisaed ibey are toFelurp the vhitn
2 Years $4.00 .................. 13,500 votes.................6.750 voles
luillof of votes and tbAr atabdiiig hlTI
be Increased art^ing to tbe number,
As New
As Old
of rote* out ^member Ibe while
$1.00 ..................... 1,800 votes................... 900 votes
imVoita may be voted any lin
$2,00 ....'............ 1600 votes...........................2,280votes
June' S3, anil esrb will couoi
fult-swoaaKwriuen on It-

..... ,’Sg ,

w.r.. »“”,tTK‘'rssL’'.:.:sis

made after Jnne 8th will be d^ased another one-tenth.


Trinj on Wnck line.
I nominnlc ............................. ................................................................
Address ............. ............................................................. '.................
CamjmiRn Diwtrirt X«.......................................... .Vt a raiHliiiatr

mm. Lnula Sledar, Randolph'.
Mae Alward, 403 W. Mi ..........3S87S
Rena Webdier. 180 N. CetUr... .36M5

The Hrnilil anil'llcmiHl ('nmiuiifni.

.................... ........................................................................

Mrs. Dety. 116 Menres ..T......... 358«

Kau Bmoksn. Cor. Oak A 2nd.384fS
................. nrewn.802W. Ffoot-30755
lus. 205 8. Elmweed.30325
>, Lawerti
, 8B8 VIA 12th......... .........
Mrs. R. E. Wtavsr. W, ItMh....28788
Franees Chervenka. 830 Bay....27888
Msrgarst Flfatek. 611 2nd......... 278M
Graos McMIehaal. 307 W. 1Hh. .38678
Mrs. ONaa. Oeektr. 233 Bay....8*76
Jennie Champaign. 1126 C. Bth..24675
FUy OtUngsr, 628 State.............24175
Mi%. Wm. Stewart 838 e 8th.. .23785
Oofcthy Maeaenleh. 428 8th....28875
Mra- Fred Benin. 838 E. tth...28678
Mrs. L. Newberry. 713 E. Sth... .23675
Mrs. Harrieee Vinton. Wynkeep.234K
Mm. Lewis Culmsn. S7t E. Sth. .23476
Thirta Carrell. 626 8. Umen... .23475
LetU Oreeh. 1826 Webster ..^<22885
Mrs. M. C. Kches. 440 W. 10ur.224B5
66rs. htefhham. 218 E. tith... .2238$
Lavsrn Ceek. 783 W. Tth ......... 22176
Lucy Barry, 843 E. Mh ............. 2it6S
Mm. SMHey Hines. 853 E. 8th. .21875
Edwins White, 618 Sth ............. 21875
Edna jahraua. Weah. 8L-...
MatUs Smith. 864 E. Frant.
HaMMa Kllnker. 413 E. BIh

D*te.............................ItllS. ,


Eec-li noininalinn .sent in will mmni ‘2:> voteu if soul lo
The Herald and Record Co. The ll. ml.l ,m.l ll.-,...r.l I... r
servi-s the right lo rej.-.-i «ny ii.nin-s. Nann-k
uf pernoiiK ninkiiig tunuinatii.iiK will iioi In- d
case of li.- prises of itiunl vain.- will Jh- piveti.

The Herald sad Becord Co. Bisao Contest.
To bo voted on or before May 28tR


Fill ip ihe neme of the Indy for wlmia y..« drein- 1
vote and present
The Iltrald ui'id'ite.H.rd ofTi.-e u
lor Uoy 3S. Tbn lady a
1 will fben rereive 1

Trim aronod Ueek line.






^IVUtOre ................. .....................tins

llmier .......................................................,..3S<-

3lo> 3f.--Whem. sjaf. r«a .............................................. IK.

H }ou niled them, Alfa Veil; if you
your rival ^ot the order and may get the £Ua>
^tomeni’entire trade. Wake up and psieh the
"BEST” flour made. The manufecture and sale
of tills flour helps pay your taxe«, pnve your
etrcetB. buHd your ochobl hmiBes. Does torrign
made flour do as much? .


era a^ bWag more. parllcuUr hltl
tbnM prlie^rauac they will be teal


. .I2e
12.. MONEY TO LOAN ea sMd had well
Imnroved larat* II C Uovl*. SI2
, . Biaio. BobV ItMs, Tmverae ritv.........siAeoBd «F

oprll n-if

I, T-«ir.-

tumod in rriday dnd Saturday attd raeuitt wl^l

flO. 1
lea all tar
tsrritory inside Uis city
limns of Travsr*.
Mrs. Anna Kern, 1104 E. Bih;...44755
Lois Scoflaid, 1122 Peninsula. ...43675
Cecil Van Natter. 426 2nd......... 42675
Mrs. T. Tampit. W’h'm Bik___40615
Com Paamon, B01 Wash........... 403as
Florence Wlntarm. 208 W. 12th..38765

FARM PROOUCEr-Am'lpi Price. .
Prices corrected cub Haoday. sad
each tey iberoelur U Mrket vartoa.
J'outoea . . .......................... ?....»iv



On ace»unt ef tht




•lo*ia: ai 'Stl'drr;.

oult. .-.IHr



Local M ‘Hcf s

lliiffalt.. Mavf“ii I'aitlu -ftm-eliii'-.







The Barney

Now^at it's best, is daily increasing a long list of sali«tied
buyers of Women’s Apparel. -SUPERIOR GRADES al MAY
SALUNEUUCTIONS far exceed the expectations of Ihe most crflfcaf. -fn fact the ‘'HIGH QUALIHES” rather than the LOW PRICES
at which they are selling will long be remembered bj* maay
discriminating women. SUITS of Quality; COATS ol QnalMy;
Sirrei, Evening. Class and Business Dresses. Skirls, Waists,
and Pellicoals—All High Qaaliiy Goods./'


White and Colored Serge Dresses
Tliey grebertsiiiily liemitim.

.$4.75 for values up.lo^7.50
$5.75 for values up lo $ 10 00
$7.50 for values up lo $12.50
$10.50 for values up lo $18.00


toadies’ Silk Costumes

For values $30 la $40

Str«;et Dresses, Calling Gowns


*4 0 *7ff For Crepe ami Sfitin Gowns, worth $22.50', $2.5 to
•IXObIO $30 Only one of each style—Ihe In^ styles of
1912 to select from. ,

For All $25 Suits


For AH $22.50 Suits

*»7 ffH

<><'wns worth np to $18.00.

For plain, neat Foulards that sell ordinarily nt $10
to $12. We charge for alterations on these.


$f8 SUITS NOW $13.75
All other Suits
$7.50 and $10.00

In the modish i
plain mannish diagonals.

$3.88, $5.98, $7.25, $9.50
All New Spring

At One-Third Off
SclUng In This Sale


A..S1 ‘

The finest line of Voile, Silk. Lingerie and fine embroidery
Lawn Waists ever seen here, with Dutch neck and three-quarter
sleeve, high neck and long sleeve, worth regularly $1.25 to $5..50.

At % to % OR Regular Prices
A Discount of 10 Per Cent
Off during thb .May. Sale for any Lawn Dress the regular
iiriccs of which are $3.75, $5. $7^. $12, $15 lo $22^.
Muslin Uoderwear al Hall Prlct.
^Corset Covers* Skirls* Drawers* Slips



’ rAM tlOBT.


<rr<-lu. I luir* nrr
«f>4 ImUoj
pinnitt rur.
It t dp •« Mon. thto
vMtr teaheC HoplU (b*
* l»*Br
Suasbloeri »/♦ rojorlBC •pthi*
I tuiT«.a Ira BaoM for tbr i^uB- *r. I wtn rbia>. tioptBK to mMIi la
* akliio <1aii. Th<><r arr rrpnria Br>-- prtac.
, ,, ....................• s,iMli.
fo«r SooaMiHT.
MIm ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ ta»e. Joe Bmaoae. J«ho Kodec

1 BatAlt. toioeafarmerabooe.
• 0«,r,e Rod*,. Toor Rode^ Paul
1 ^
: "» «^ ~--r, I.:».d ^
Wba. a rpal 8d.b««
r-..--, j are ao*e naiuee for the Cradle Roll: He! I hopa'n><> **l' *»“» *“ Tra»•
I irilt Ur <ie»ar ta wacfy or ♦
WhUmore. and AlPeoa Bre- era* Oly tbta aamBcr. and -r cmb
• ffot aaow anythin#.
*''*••* «hana» Edna Jlulh's bar* awKhee aloe rlalt•UN#HIMe
, ^
I tain try to bt aa happy ■> • .
aee lo Are moaihaMnitead of SV).
■ '
* can and make evtQrbody hMPy «
And pleoM aead laaballe. Ua.'empire. Mich.
For (be eery Brgt tine tbla apring '
. aa far
>ar aa I. ean.
« ••SoBaUiie Day" la warm enouch for ®‘” «•»«»»•’■ bmwn. be<wnBe abe bu
' Apr. I«. l»W
I arill try ta ba lavla#, halpfal «
preaidom to bare bar riali wHb
*'''*' ' ■“ *"
srnde. Dear Prealdeni—
y and ta « ’
^ and kind U a
! readiDS. arltfalnetic.
I tbongbt I «oaU wrlie a few Iteea
mur. geography, and oa there oi\.inlte a number around
here Diat ace going (o write. I bare
luahlner girl.
not wiiueti before Hy name waa
* **^- *^'^ '
®" “'e ^b™ waaa. la
Ada .SVIron.
aeni in by Wlnrte Creenhoe. I bnTc
under, the'tall liter ireca.
IHd jniur frt.-nda like tbelr mrd» Iwo xiaien. and one broiber who
You would duile forget, in ihhi aliel
and biiKuna? I have .-banged i:doa'a would like n> Join Ibe "Happy Kiinaanv ’■d*'- ■* I'"* cuggeale.1
' 'ablne ,f?loh." Will yon plenae aeu-I
(belli a .-ard and buKim? Their
wild floweret here.
4rppidpnt.-MMa Clara •ataa
,,.41,^^ h™,.. ..........
Flr« Vleo Pfaaldant-ldrg. Mtbal
.•Ohi gprlng

Ap. ;. 191? CialKrt. I g.. to ibe lleenun a.hool
•atpp WUItema.
Hear fVesidencand ilte ii tery well. My *
beautlea, bellwurt.
< li. Uirhard Sullivan.
' bypalirai. blood ew>T. and many klndi
' received tbe cardn and Uillitea.
Ptenamy SbteMg.
:. one Bile and a half from lh<
of ferna
am in ifae fifik grade and have i
u A. L.
; Hue.
Tm you wonder ihal-tbe liiHe Urdc **"<"*^
b*bguage. read>6^^ *■ bool. Will .W for
hme ihemaelvaB. mb.-n they enter ibe arKhlDHlr. wrlilng, geography, and remain,
~TT—garden, and feel ibai they are oui In
thirteen ye.rn old. Will
Your lovmg Hunablner.
a Mian#.n# may
you please cend me ranU and bniOlady* tlillH-rt
1, itll,
____________ __
Yea. indeed, there at* ever so many
Are y. i and lUroM coualn*? III.
. nice tbai you are t h SuouWlnera.
NtMtar gr Pgmaa *n the Cradle blrda in the court, robing wren^ and


W* were wairbtaK aMW Meat khlen* tmllHctna and tnmMint ahrat on
artnuaeing thU aftrrMOA, and got the towd. -And. by the way." be eoanulte a pumber. ot towera. I hare tinned. ~baee yon ever eeen a Mau
«Ml toy buiiea and woaU Uke to bate cal try lo n» aronad a comer? Toa
aaothcr, The now la cone bow. be: aee. h haaa'I etea ibe apoh«y lor
U atJII cmtber coM. It i loed teat lalt ptbe ull arta aa a Taddw w|tb
night. 1 *111 may loodby.
tte VnnVr> ea( ta bay ni* peeProDi .conr duDabloer,
—lie^n.e ^t*Jba( «eera B aately.
eila Spen.
Mam eat
aaldiKB try this 'atnw.'
I wtfb I mictal EBiher arbutea a tnaiinct telling It that Ifa aa almoel
the pine woodawear Interleebea. How Impoealble fept; b«i occaatottally aa.b
pretty It te there!
a ibing bappeoA and It usagHy end«
ill a ludl.-raus tumble ~
Simone Itey. Mlrb

Tb. Pnnger blfeaL
Playamiee e»er atnec-ibey ca«u romember bad beea Jimmy Mrtm, and
•Ved riJee Tbeir motbem ipM ibat
i^elr trlead*hlp began wbea (bey
crept OB Ibe Soor. Ibal h neat on
dnrteg the age when tbey played
l^ocba logetber. and band te hand
they bait gone to tbe a
tb* Erwt day of aebooL
It te needles* lo say Ihgl they Were
mends, and'ibsi there werw
many tUagi that they did not bate lo
^«o eart other to he pertnejly am
derstood. They kag . great many
word* of tfaair owa making to denote
certain things or taetteg.; they bad
n.VK>d many aocreu and many ptejs
of imaglMtlea. But the thing wblrh
no one else nndermood was the sig
nail. Someilme* when there seemed
lo be no reatoa for It Jimny w«uM
*udd.-nly Irare the room, when no
one else knew that Ned was ni the
dam. and ft was gnlie Inimmlhte to
Itol oui bow Jimmy knew, ofiea
when Jimmy came aloag tbe rmte on
bis way id school he wonid aay. ".Ned
ha* gone aloBg" None of ibe Is...
were uW. lu End out bow be ka.-w

»*«- channteg Ut.
iV peta. One aeee (taeai ererywhenA. I dW D,B go in mdiool today I
thoughM iould wriie ,ou a letter. I
hope ym. and jill ibe
„,king ,be „>eet, ol the
—e. ... .
• go (O Si i„,i,
,own». or »tretcbed la..
Mlebael'* m-lmol. and
(be Bixtb I,,, m ,i,e euD bnulde Ibe liny wbUegrade. U) te*.ti^(
Slaler waab^d rcuagea. or In the beautiful
Mary -tVlllian... and my atndie*
garden* of tim niore pmientlnua r lllaa.
SomeUm.-a one eouei n|ioD an odd
reading, I'. H. Ulnlory
ory. gnunnarT i>h>looking gioup a* I did one rUy when
■b>. fi^^nnhip.
lautlug a t'banniDg borne alnn»f
i»iag/ 1 have imo
miles lu g.. lu wbvvol. I read Helen ■•lined m a glory of row. and fai-bvia
Kuvarlk'H letter In (be Sunshine pag- liU'be*. TW* group eomiwIW n fierre
this week and enjoy reading ihe |h. hiuklug black .ai wiih a foil ieiigita
lerg'and aluries .My *J*ter and I ar..
a IttlUKeed i: with no I:
getting ready to make a Sower garden
tt-ben there were a numl«r of hoys
W« bad some nl<* Sower* test sum
logeiber. and i.tens were being made
mer. ihe different kinds were asters,
about tbe games. Jimmy alwars could
marigold*, .plnk^. rweet pen*. Ular».
tell Just what .Ned was going le do alfbloeiie pink*, zinnias, panslea and
RMl May 1. ««. 2JBU.
•««« apatrowg. tbe oriole In hie Oa^c
. weeks. Aa I am going r. .-hlirrl. I
two kind* of whbh I da uM kmiw the
• »»>*ller haad, -ibongb the boy* could not we that
KIk lU.tda. Mich . II. I
colored Ceatbera. and (he Hide
___ ______
name*. My «i*ter nnd I were given
'^o/ter U«ly tbey had lookod at each mber. Tbe
bird. __
hi.__coat just
the will have (o cbiae.
»an organ for Cbrirtma. from mamma.
They ton and mysten'gbout tbit was of'interest to
DgTM Ovdoar Bmplre.’Mich, IL y.’ii^e'i iba nw g'cddei>-gre»i"’lUv«
Joui Suha\ilnei.
erery one la the acheial.
I have no papx He died two year"T"
™**'"'*D. No. 1. Bog *1.
in which be irlea to conceal blDMir.
Kritia #!elfcon.
Dear Preaidepi—
*«>“»* ««

HaraU OObdrt. Empir*. Mich, a* For tbe pait two week* your PreaS**•*
Mr *Uter aent my name In n long ago the ISth of December, ll U ao “
One signal, bewover, was at tea^dis'boustn*.
F. O. No. J. *W ».
dent bag been Interented la waieblag
*>*“**^ ®“
“<• Mme ago. but i bare never written lonetome without lilm. I have Sve “
rovered.'and this by Jimmy's mother.
■ * believe there ate at wan« Mans Th.- beys bad bora plains te tbe
Ida MarvlB and MaWe Marvin. Sum- a cunning ovenbird. wbo baa receive ratda and button*,
bef.^ I have aotue namea for tbr brothers and one alsley. >ly oldest
f'levotend. Ohio, or Rpn !■>** taro and they wanted some ideces of
■RCIty, krteb. Namea pent by Bnna hHnaelf eompleiel) at home. Did j-on
Sunahloe Club. They are Marjory. brother te twenty-four and my yeunx- ■**»
ever know of on* nretJDg in town?
Traverae City. MIrti.
item. Tboroo Da*-. Zote TjTell. and eat broiber will be ibiwc tbe 13Ui of vi»ro. *»,dn the 1-ten.I," said one 'of old fell to coTsr a box. Mrs. Brows
IvtaiKirr- K> me, Imnte numbera told Jimmy that in the attic, la aa old
jMnea MeOary. EmMre. Mlcb, R. WouldnT if be funny If be abrald de
M«>tlr Dffraocy. Wai you please June I was twelr* tbe i:tb of Febbrought to these cities, chey were some heavy strip* of feU.
F. D. So. I. Nam* sent by David nd* to auy and make fate uneer Ui*M*r Pr«ald*nt—.
send ih*^ card* and button* to m--, rnaiy. How glad I am that spring
lie oveo Bbaped aea( In rour l*realWe hav* only ihnie more weeks of nnd l..-wdl give them to my friends. te here again, hut we have aboil Iw.i Many are also' biought lo England a* jnstf what be needed, nnd to open tbe
» vrowt Is often charged big box under the same and feel la
'liTln Dllbgrt and Bertha Qilbert, deni'a garden!
atiiool. The baby Is playing ou* I will close now. hoping to see thi* iBche, of snow faera today. lyeR I ««*’'
mutt dote hoping to we* this In print
romet|me* a much very rorefnlly. and HaXTbe would aol
to^ra. MIotL, R. r. D. No. 1. Names
Oh. ten t spring a happy time, boy*
«»»• 8b* likes lo be out door*, in print.
From your Suoahlner.
The cat show* of Ihe
■ant by Harold Gilbert
and girl*! It te vacatkm- Ume for ’
»»““* «*>l*
From your Sunshine girl,
Bite \-|rtorto Agaes Siimel.
f»^n» » "«*» •bowing
RtMelmd Olllprt. Beade Ollben. and most of y ou. too. but that doean i
• '""“O «“«*• •
r»ora ts.«e.
Have ymr .SowFra conimeered lo
l-ong ago. when ibr tele of Man was
■ 1. Iinpii*. Midi, R. F. n. mean a time when you slop taarolDC.
mayHower. Sunday. We have
First lettera nle awteys Intereailng.
Ray OUbert,
Nr.1 sat down oa Ibe cricket iwnr
y. helpful Sunbeam*.
boraes in our barn, and
I hope ibis 1
F but the teglnnlnj grow In your gnrdeb? They must be ruled hv the Cambrian primre. ib«
No I. Names sent by Otadya. Gil- or atop b
lieaiitifnl wbep In bloom.
value of a cat was art by tew. One where uts. Brown waa .aewlag, and
t lltteea of nmny. t
e'all very well, and
bavo two csKea.
• •
of Ihe did Man* laws reads as Col Jimmy hurried off lo 'flad tbe fell.
lirowB waa asklag Ned about
Traverse ritv, Mirb.. R. F 0. .No,
low*.- "Tlie ptlce of a kitten before
Fife I.ake. y
. F. I) So.
r jemtiiy, and Zola Tyrrll. Elk Kap- aebool room.
Apr. IP. 1P1=. *' can aro te a |.eBUy. Attei it .su aebool. and they were teugbias'leMb. Mlcb, R. F. V. No 1. N.mea
,he.,prt„ time we learn, numl '’»•
A'”-- '*■
Hear President—
-ec an.l before it roK-bes a mouse. getber. when there came tbe aonbd'of
Your loving friend, Prealdeni—
aggt by Flora Oeo
the great leason that • MWher
It Is anowlng today, and I 'did noi <»« l«me; and -after li rotebp* a three quick raiw and the* eae sbori
Elldi WllMin.
- Tills I* ilte.Urnt lime that I have
F(*Bcb Breunae. Jo« Bretange. x^tor*- never waste* aorfhlng. Even
one. Shqjmd «agt asked Ned what
All tb* birds liave .«me oonb now. written lo tbe Sunshine Club. I bav.- go to school sc 1 ibougbt 1 would oiouser1b«tJL,l--nce •'
John Rode*. George Rodea. Tony
(tbt- mom wonb^ and bow bappMy ibev sing, thew a lltih- broiber wbo ti a year old. on I wrile to our dear FreslUeoi I senl a
Wr are also loM'lhat If the kitten Ihe rtess was doimNat^flilw atndy.
Reda*. Pnnl Rodn. and Johnny «1UI,|,|q„ .
to Albe Drorlng a few day* proved nol i^rfen In sight or hMiiag. Instead of soKweriag her. hs stared
M*. 8*BBll-Cliy. Midi. --------• turned Into food fur the etarubs and •'*H«
' ’'““‘0 '‘br
»lu tbe Sunshine Club
with wide eye*.
■ent by Ada Neteon.
treoo And biiw busy Molber Nature

* '
' ago. Tb«e ar* tweniy-fniir in aebool oi If dull of elaws. ibe teller most
I*, every moment, rove. lug np aadEmpire. Mteh, H. P. D. No. 1.
,o ari.ool now. 1 am In Hie flr.i The games we play at aebool are- forfeit to the hnyer' one-tbird of Its
"Eicuae me. Mrs. ttrowa," be asid.
ioektu place* with motaeo and vlnen
»«« «•
*v»de I like i.iy leadier. I*., "Rmi. Sbeep. Run." "Bliod, MaA's raloc.
at'd away he Be*, up Ibe atalrs three
lAura Fltisarau. age two year*. aoA-'rfagnni dower*
. Apr. K ini.. .even year, old the first of April
Duff." ' Anti Over," and 'ixindo-i m Fierre l*.il * • ll^k of pli> and step* at a time, wad (ben op the sillridg*. - I go to aebool nearly even' lyealb" w.- a.e
told of .tbes.iprroieilr siairs. fairly lumbdag over bliuPir* Uke. Mh*. Name sent by
••Nothing most ever be loaf." we
ITraWenlG.iod-l.y troui. •
day ,1 am glad 11^1* spring now. be- trunliiliiek* wlib-b s rat |.Ia«-ew ....... . self. .Mr*. Brown laid down ber work,
fMIlb om.
can imagine ber «ylng. "And «K
« bav^ mver written ... {be Sun- i
l-Wlb- Fnll.-r
Hoben Nelaon. nge two week*. Rnm ihinga al.all Iw ma.le bea.illful,"
w. pb-aae send me n rarO
Tnnuan 1* J.iaf ihe tiglil afie lor raiise 1 ran aee the birds roaie bark p love*. Tbteis esi>reteH« true of and loUowod fTfiai eartoalty. Sosue
mu etty. Mich. Name nem hy Krma
Tbit la oomethlng that w* can
button My brmber and ateter ly riaaifyK.ili. Wlib a H.iuWam again. A few days ago Lsa'w a tent- ibe Man* cal. II 1. Oiore siwpleious ihitig loU ber there wga (rouble, and
(blnk about. Isn't ll? Somvtblng lo *0’^)d like lo join, loo. Their namiv i«t a oUan b<- will Iw a happy llllle llot-k of gee*.' going to tbe north. 1 ibnn uiUer cats, but once k becomes she. lOQ raa'ap tbe aialr*.
guv-s* I win cioac DOW.
aiiai'hed lo a person, its whole heart
Tntmu Uator-'FiiIter. *#v ®b« rwnMnber and try lo ropy. Why. “y' *i'''i and Ueriba. may sen'l u.y.
When abe was uaif-way up abe
From j-onr Hunshlner.
|» given unroaeterdlv.
year. Flfa lAka. Ulefe. R. F. D. No. i. limber Nature, berself. must be a »>• <*rda imd butirnia to me and I
Nam arat by Uttl* Fulter.
son of grown-up member pf our Rffnnl'c ifaem to the . Ulldrui. l goFife istke. ♦Mbl...
II. F. 1). .Na :.
Rusk. Mar irolil.
The Isle of Mao. like all rounlrles heard Ned nigging at the cbenl. in Ing
' Hag* WUUooro and Albena Bret- shine Club!
•“ •‘•b'wl every day. We have a mile
a|u- U, iw?
Have you ever met Alke, or te rte with an anrieiu htelory. atmuads In to open It. "Ob. rome. please!" ta*
cried, when tae board her atep. "I
ansa. BuBRnit City. Ulcb. Namesnenl Amoog ibe cllpiilugH tlial
.x.iir and a half to go. I aii) In the kUlh Ibur I'n-wU.-iiiluRdeUi? Iki you laM-inallng leceiids ^Tbrre aie aevcan't manage ifa* lock!"
by Ada .Neteon.
FmMenl baa pm by for you to read ““d arvenlh grad.-a. I bad a happy
Au I have iwriwrlneu
for a Im.*'
1 ibh f'orreapnnd ,rsl legend* In lewril lo Ibe origin
Mrs. Brown hurried Into the aiik.
....................... on the Huowblne page, te u dear llllle
Iteacer. and iin|». you and all Ihe Hun time I will w-ril- iniw. Yealerday w.ol ll>e Mauv . at. One of Ihi-ae I have
.snd when mUc heard from tbe laaUe uf
jstein abnut this very Ihlag- Did >Q4 sbiorra did, foe. Fur liei* we have bad u Kuiisliiiie. meellng and
woven lull, p little rhyme:
chest Ibe repeated oao—iwoFrad-a Choie*.,
ever knoa ••Whai iha Iturd.H-kwas “ d.« ihai draw* u* all ov.t in the pi.i.l.-. We ba.i a g.>.d liiue, t.*. I Traveriie fliv. Ml. U.. R F l»>o S.
•fwa* lil^Vo .-tn*r Ihe nrk'a sreal
Ihroc-fruio ifae Inside, and Ibe'a Ibe
.Fatbar anya that n boy of my alie
a.xid For?"
aimer. Wehave great tun with him go i.. *.-b.*>l and Uav.. misled i-nl}
,A|.., I'J.. 191? , . dtior.*
khort knock, sbe aelxed
GnEU to hav«|,the foundalloB aid.
-Good for linlbli.g," iho terdmr said, My <^der broiber* >..lued tbe (dut. la,. day* ibU lerm. 1 am lu (h.- l>Car l‘tesideiil t

And Nuab rate. "Now lei me see?
flap of the lock, raised 11 wUk a tecL.
On wbUt lo bnUd. aa ibe year* go on. As be made a sweep ai the bordm li-* »•»-" 'b'y were y.vung There a..- f.mnb grade. My aiudiea are ariib . I Oiutigbl I wiriilit write >» the Huo Are they ail liif--ihe ilger. bear.
and .llmniy rose up. pate sad trlgbf
Hte tmuro pTotesabm or trade.
<iulta a numjier ..I Hun*bluera .in •mi niHl.-, reading, langiiage. |<bi*ub«>. sl.itie'roday. . Marie and I faav.
The renilo-r.^ui and eblmfianree- im.-d
He bml gone 10 the wrong
ThU A* mual adon mako a aedoetto*- Bm then, he ibuughi ll was beu. no aebool.
My leariivia name te
Mr geagra|.li>. and npelllug. We bsv.• best, (he une with a sfiring Itsck,
klngl know wbtt be wanU to do,
I like him very WHI. nod bee burnes. four o.wa, slid ■«•> val* tbey are very pretty. My birthday U
and as It *8* deep, he bad stel>|ie<l lu
Tbeo glT* hi* energlew lo it.
To rom* anoe day and root It <uit.
I iblnk ullibe rest do, i.m U 1 wee whMi 1 t*e let. well. Tl.i* *111 i.- April the ruth. A few days ng.r I
|ov>|Ard and fjyj Are they alt In? and knelt ilowB to feel about The
• ew I.. N, h.KjI will, my staler Hu.le.
nrj.ui UTe dour al tesi
'«'«• *» l>'l"‘- • •»'
And hard wort will carry hito Ho bo lowered bU acyibe. and peni
x.ver bail drv.pp.'vl ujaa him
and I had a g.«d lime, i will rinse
bU way.
l reaualii;
g,„| ,„,r |„ng iourn.-y vrell iuitln ••
"Oh.. h..w did you kaowT" she
how. lumliig to see my letter lu~PTin.
To aro bte rora. la gather bbi hay;
V..ur Huimbiner,
Ilnn-artl I'uller.
riM nlvn she bad Jimmy out. "How
1‘Bl SOI BtraM of wort. I’m aure.
And the weed grew safe and-stronx
.Harold Ullle-n.
I wlab we might all have gone i»
From your Hunsblne girl.
ll.iiajusi a- N..ah slamm.-d Ibe dmm. dirt you Liiowr
And .Ibare'a^lote of II I Ond.
and tall.
indeed ytuir leii«)f wan well worth ib* Muusbiue pn*b' Weie .ml. hu-i
Roalr iluiil.
tor (be orean-HOll.
The Ituys lookcl al each oilier a
But aboiH a life ocropailon
t'kme by ibe aide of the garden Wall, prli.ilox and w.-' all U.>|«e yiiu will sblnerw ib.rrT
IHd V.KI have a nice birlMay’ The cat Troiii iiuitislhg came In late
iiilmiie. and fhea .Ned aald. "It wax
I eon bnMiy aiabe up my mind.
wiile agliiy
Jline d,H'*i>'i .oiue until winter
ihe ,lui.r cut off btw tali!
our signal for danger. Thraa lapa 1*
And 1 have been thinking and think- Hood tor a home.'' cried the llirte
danger, bill whan tb« short rap romra
Empire. Mlcb, R. F. I». No. i:
Gllls.'riet. MIrh
Vii*, from th.- window Juiii|ied and after, ibal mraps com* ml oare."'
- int
wlkix 21.
Hear I’resi.leDI —
AR the n« month Uirongh.'
Ax bef hopped up out of ihe diiaty
Apr IK. 19i:.
•What If—began Mr* Brwoa. ba>
h*.s( an
' Apr. id. 1912.
1 tltvuigbl 1 would write a lelicr lu' Hear ITexid.'nt—
Wa* re*cite.l. Intidiv pui’red her she could Ml aay more. Tbe hoys
lie bad }n« been baring a dreadful Dror Prealdeni—
tbe Sniistaim- Club, i have three smaU
I thoiight 1 would Writ* to you. vj
Jeaew Ibal abe ronld hardly rteep
i would like lu Jote the Sunsblae ea1v.>*. Their oatnes ar* Resxk-. Puke. am In-^honl. I Ilko to go tu school Rhc teorii-d on ibe. Isle of Man
down (he wufri for tremhlUis. And
A^ yon .know there
oroupotioB* The boy who gave ft was yet in sighi. Hub I go lo achocri every- day. I and Doltio. Here I* a little poem My studies are reading, nnmbera. and
,\n.l ever aitei was raRed Manx'
thaf was bow one of the atgaais came
Herr It was root and dart and green, am la the sevemb grade I like my- I nm sending to the Suasbinr <lah:
spelling 1 like my tescher. Her

to be kaown.—Yoaih'f Compaaloa.
And a boy last baa bis banda full
•The safe*: kind of a leafy screen.
leacber very iffich I will try (6 be
name is Miss Ruth MeCanv She
A Queer Nett,
good to me. I have one brother Hi.
Rack of the desk of the foreman of Around the Worid In Feriy MinaHk.
The toad wa* bappy: "for." said he. happy and make everyone boppy. and 1 saw the Bowerlng’dafrodlte
•The burdock was plainly meant for be kind to everyone, wni you send High on the wlnd-swepi irembNns name te Arthur, an.l be Is iiloe yeais a i.rlnting office ai Council r'yffs. In
To |uei«re for this game you have a
Pmbspa aa well a* I.
me a vsrd and button and also a card _
old. I am srteii- years old Fletse lows, te a Ins lull of ."plgN.a holes." aum>N-r of pieces of cardboard fold cal­
How often our taacbera tell ns,
and button for my srbooimaie James Uke gold <»hc yellow sunlight spills send us each a new <<rd and butroa one day text rummer' the loreaian endar-. i«sleliotrd boxes, etc., win .lol.
-Aim high, my boy*, aim high!"
Your HuHshiner.
i.olled off hte ruffs, rolled them ii|.. Ou these paM* pieiu'rM, letters, .etc.
"G^ for a prop." tbe spider tbougbl. HrCary? Send his esid and Inmen
in the light April weather.
And to and fro with care he wrought, m me and I will give It lo him
-Anill HoUdek
an.l snirk iheni Imo one of the hole*. rrj.resentlai geogrwphlrol names. You
Now, as a doctor or a lawyer
Till he fastened It weH to an everYnura inily.
And I thought of your-long ahliiing
1 hav>-sr:<' !•“ «'■'* Arihiir *a< h a Soon a Utile w ren flew In at one 'of I'Sii .ill fbem all out of ibe roiwr
. WoqM I do my very beat?
new <ard and huiron. Vmi Jolued the windows ol the offh e.-ln whi. li no aii,l magazine* and (he whole ihinx
David Gardner,
_ btlr, '
A* an omtar or antean.
one was stirring The blid ho|.|M] win <0*1 you eoihlBg huf lime,
And spun his cable* line heiween.
Vou venalnly undersund what !t-Hidden beneath Ibe .hun-h yard Just alUHii s .esr ax... •IHn't you?
CoaU I kasp up with the rmit
- ■
■\aiouiKl. and l.y aiid-hv iilekrd om rii'- thought smi s llllle iisste For InTwaa a beaul|mi bridge^ a irtampb meana lo hr a Siibahiner. and t be-there.—
Aa a aaldter or alitor.
Wsllln. Mirh
>uB» ta Just the nwi lor a nest. Su- xisnee. Koaie piriures of chin* tea
of skill;
llevp you will lie a apU-mlld Or were Its bright beams everywber.'
Wonid I ■tralght'my course purane* The flies came rouo.l a* Mlers will; ol .«r Hub.
Apr Zi. IM? she .ailed her mate, aod they Wgsii .el. win irpre-eni "Chios,' a plclure
il April WFBiter:
Heat Ff.-.Mleiit'
ikai very ihOrDola 10 bull,! a Itoiue lor of s flsgstsff Siiggeite ''Flagstaff’’
A* a teacher or a pieacher.
The spider lurked in hi* rocoer dim.
I have the iisnies Of suiiM- Huoahin their hrood. The fereiiian >aw the . A.ironii The letter A. Ihe idciure
- Coold I bravely go right through? The more ihnt came, the beilny fo­
Maple niv. Miib. ,
i.nlu Tlmtk-k.
Apr in.
What a. sweet little poem, lailu’ • r* who have lost their HimihliH-pins, wren* at woik ' asd UerMed noi •■• o' a :trl and two s'lylf letiers. k aOrt
What would you think of a
Dear Fretldeat—
-Oie sliiiUiig guUl of tl.V .la»r..Hls i* Sieiiheji Carter, Jol.imi# Johnron. and tomb the ruff*, tllho.igh he i.wlle a' will siiagcei -AlaaSa' The picture
iiiysi-lf. Will voo seti'lj us new pins needed the l.uitolj* wlili «lii. :. iUe< of a'n Inrtlan sod sn simle and tbe

-Good for play-. ' asl.l a child perplexi
As I have not written to the Son- gra<-ef<illy des.-rtbed.
The k>oys In this were Ia>ivne<l HeilldnuidiM>itl..<l." sorrt is ' will sugrsi ' lartlaiiaiiotls."
For a boy abbot like tae?
' To koow wbai frtili.- waa cvmlag next, ahlne page lor aucb a Jong time.' r

M'liool have made ni> a club rolled the birds, ami a tanill' of llirie wrens Th- piciiir.- of a Jay. Hie letter a aad
1* gay ealllBg more heahhfot.
Ho she gathered the horrs thai all de- win take a led moiimius this evening
Fife Uk*. Mii-Ji
a lien, wm make "Jaian.' and to oa
Or more ladepepdaai and free?
We are baring Just splendid w.wHce-.
.Apr H-. i?l? Hoys' Hcv'ur (1iil. Tom Tvdd and weis tal-e<l lu rite ciffs
Halph MrKav have }usi nskrij me to

' Inrteflnfleii Fiepare from Iwealy-Bve
A* I ton thnse qnorilOBi oyer
.And ber Vlty playmates w-re quite tbe sun shine* so warn asV I'vAcan* fVir I'lesidemlo flfiv of ihesi- iar.|s and puf Iheni
A Lsvmg Deg.
la my miad from day to day.
• to wake the flowers, in rte morning
| have a icamc for the I’radle KoM have 'uu een-l them lards doil' j.ln*'.
a ilt'l' Biil usi.e-.! Msrv, «l,.. live. •(. aroiinrt the rooua. on the manileFatlR-lire rises before me.
To see' wjlsi s lieamlfitl ba<ke| r; and evening when I go add ••ume from (i J* l.aura Jltzgerald. Hh- 1* a Ii<- loo They said ih-y hsve losi their*.
Aad teams beartoBlng me tbM way.
aebool. I ran bear the llllle bird* sine- ilex.ver two years uJH We ha.I a .As I am preltv busy with my work. J a«ay off m 'he n.'iitirv. leii down ploe. iaUe«. plnaed lo curtains, etc
' aud 1-roke l>e- aim su. ..f rrorae. sb* lo-t the rords be aumhered sad giie
Could he unde with a Utiletime aiiJ Ing. I have a little bird la Ihe house Huoslilne partv .Saturtlsv. Will you will have lo close.
From your .Hunshlner,
had to ll- m I-hI ||.. s-liooli.llows each pteyei a penril and paper os
And t aee like a paMnaa
and Uav.- had hlnr tinre last Ociolwr. please send me another bufion? An I
Alvin Fted Wlgger*.
used often u. rome to t» see her. an.l which to writ* down lbs answevw
Tba field of wheat and roro.
Tbey ranged theli iveaaures alioui
lie bad his wing broken imi I think he you may send louira's canfltn me 1
Write ns- about jour Boy's Hrout generally hrouxbt her some flower-, Then atlew tariy minnie* lor ihe
And caule-aad tbe %«•**. wHh pride.
win be aMe lo fly by the tluc it <s am eteveu years oM. and go lo
because ih-y kn.-w *'ie wa. very too.I guessiag sad 'la the OB* wbo gueane*
And tb* Write at early morn.
And played all 4a«-by ihe burdp-k's Uee aad warm,- He U better Hutnevery day.
the largest apmWr of Mates give a
Thea I feel I could do my best
f side.
he was I hare bad him in a rage.
Pn>m year Siintblner.
, Owl wader the broad, blue why ;
®®*‘ smarprixe.
He has got aa that when he bam spill
. F^litb Ctll.
And la fa* a model farmer
Ttu Cat* of Manaland.
no', srn. sUowe.1 to go up and visit
Nolblng is lost in tbtemorM of ours; bU water or thinks It te time to got
-Whot did you dn al vonr Huashibc
•a IgnoraM.
i la aimiag pretty bigb!.
. * lloaey. roaie* from tbe Ml* flowers; hi* food, be chirps and is very nol«T. pari.r? Write again and tell u* ate.iii
• You see. there's one plate In tbe ber ** sell as h-i .<hoolfellowi. and
—A fivo-yeateoM. roiuroed from hte
woriu, at leoat. where the tnaR bov one day before goiax ti|»taira be went
The weeii wbl.-h Me luu* In ulleg.-The other day when a Hunshlner and it.
And 1 boltetss |!U can it oetiied
doron'i often have the fan of pulUnc-inio the garden, took a moaihfni of first, day at achool dlagastod wiib Ue
I were going to aebool we found a

Thu a tanner I shall
the caC* laH." laughed on* iff the laurel leaves, and. rorryln* them fo ignotnaro of hte tracber.
May save a life l.y aaoiher tihiro.
little gray- Wrd whose wing was
inrertoeben. Mirh
"Why." Re Mtd. wliJi iremeadoM’
Aad plow aad BOW aiy aerea.
Woadelb BWaH .u* al every lorn.
briikea but n-e did not hare time lo
Apr IT. I'>i; Islandeiw In tbe little Bfieecto'-ltalrty- hi- mistress, wagged hte tall, abowlaf
wm. a aplrtt glad and free
mne Isle uf Man la the Irish Be*. Ii. r a. well a- be could, that be want- fndignatloa. "oh* kepi ' asklag mo
Wo must lu. sllenl, and gladly learn bring aMs-T& the bouse becaiue we pear rie.M-iuUt Oiben live 1a cittea,
bu win lo be approciaied. Uio- •juestloM all the lime. Hhe even askw_
—_w.----------------- ■
aebool Our
1 go lo acfanal even' day. snd *m wTtte* AH9 Jesa Clegtor la Farm
as how much two aad two war*',"
Wboi* laacy can* lUm ib*M,
Fuhhc Udgar.
Since evea ■ burdock kas u
Bthool wUI cooa be oul lust two We ia the fourth grade. Tb* teacbet * •ad FltesM*






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