Grand Traverse Herald, September 24, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 24, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and . Travarsa








snp cuKfli nuns
H*m Location.


Chargee to Be Hade by Next Legie-


BeOL 20.—Michigan
OrrtB Soot aod Malar Robenaoa.
e tows will come hi for twvlle tvo popBlar rooas baabeia vtao
the'next session of tbe legisTHOmr AWAROa RCIUti^tNT- for about a rear bare oir.ratad-a ibop
latnre. aocordlng to a
OB L’Bton ctreet }atl aosth of the E.
by Ueallb Ofileer Gay L. Ktofer of
«Hb«B itore. hare cli-reJ a deal
Detrcto at tte meeting of the Ajoert-'
aberebr ther become t!-e owuera and
Health Msoclation.
ivoprtetore of .the Tenant A ^blejcel
abop, which la one of the oldest estaMlsbed barber abopa ia the Hty. >lr.
urged uniform marriage laws prohibit.
Teaa« baa decided to Uke op bit ree
Ing the marriage of persons who safIdeaee ta the smuir land of Callforiila
rith diseases of any kind,
aad.l(r. Schiedel wl| go to Kalamaioo.
declared that oontractlng partita
Ther hare beaa la builoeaa at the oUl
stand for a Ions Ume aad vi:l
Seale Adopted Seate Time A^ Was
AMmm*I> Nwtharti Fr«M !• W«Mu
ise of partaen U).?re Is no Seitster Ssys His Present Work
Repodlattd By Mliteet Whe A
Oigantie in Compsrieen wnh • ally and pbysiealiy fit
■ anuij nwitlittti MleM»aii Oto- donbt that the sbap win eoloy the
ed For Double the Origlnaj
pl«r Wm FIm« Smr ««ot ^
old tine patroaase. Uaasra Soot aad
. .
at 9M* Fair.
RobertaoB wUl oombtae the two shop*.:
tahliis .charse of the aer oua
Btegham. Ctah. Se*iL 19.—Two
atand eas week from Satarday.
Tba «7S tfrar cn oSai«d tir &•
Los Angeles, Cal.. SepL 19.—A»
bundred sboto were fired te a battle
Mlrttgaa Btaia A«rkalt«ral SodoOr
aistont U. 8. Altxjmey Dudley W. Eob- WAfi THOROUGHLY EKFLAMED between a posse of 25 deputy
ttoaa mn uq «mmb to Otmad T»*»taaoB was snmmoaed before the s^wbo started up the mountaltr
«ne «MnQr ts aur ter kaapa. Tb«
totlsl probers of <he Mexican reroluexUngulsh fires In the bol|«ra of copeon^ axklhU inaAa br Fraak :
what be knows about toe friret Meeting of the Year Was ReBilncs affecM by (ke^rlke
«f ^ aataaala at tba'auta «tfr Uiia
Plate WKh lirUfustlng Edoi-elebrated Morton esse sad otber'pro
Icrov'l <if strikers wbo bad torUflcd
Taar waa aa rood that the talr mancational Features.
secuUoiu relative to tbe Mexican sit­
themselves on tbe c^poslte side
ataMBt AadAad thCt la aU telrMas
uation to Los Angeles.
the canyon. Tbe depuUes were dj
to tUa covMF the ea» aboiiM be
Tbe Oak Park Mothers' club had < cn back. Aooiber train toad ef of­
Places In State Previsions
Tbe peace pact existing between
awarM ip'OtaaA Tiararae. aad tlite
a Ignored by Those In
Madera and Dlar factions in Los An­ very Interesting meeting al the seboe ficers was ordered out.
Aaapfta tha teat that th« Mt or
geles since tbe rtsic to tbis dtr of
From behind breastworks they had
eonttaa o( .noatfeoTB
were srpoinled to attend tbe FcdenMinister Hemandex. a’ member
wManead cuatac t« Ua tatr wlib
Tyler has received
Uon of Mothers' Clubs, also two were thrown up since morning striking
btnar atiUMla tbaa Baaa aaar been the loilowins drealar from the deappolnii>4 to meet the fair rammli- miners wbo quit work today
paitnieet of labor, lonsins. It is pt«barrange for "school day" dur­ the rtab Coi.jwr company andWvna4ata tha vaaL
eral other concerns refused them
ing tbe (air.
Oraad TnaafW aeaetr waat tato ably tnu that Ha some parts of the
-The following program waa given:. Increase in wages, ^red upon the of­
tb* thraaraar aaataat oa the bada BUte this Uw Is belBc Ifnored. bet
ducir-Ceorgla Hans, I'earl ficer* and drove them (ram tbe mine
tkat Ua alMa waa Atrldad lato two
a matter of geaerml latereeL however.
tftatJiGtt. a aonbara diartet and
Song-Fooi- girl*. '
i Only one of ihe copper mines here,
aoatim diattM. a^ that It waa to -Dear Bin
VidllDS— Beatrioe and Reed Cba- cat of tbe I'lah Apex Mining
ooBPoto aalr'Nitf^laadtioe te the and torestlgaUea 1 Sad It to be true
that to many dtiea and coanUei of who are rested with authority to con- n: piano aecompanlmeni. MUs pany. conUnued operation, tbe com­
aMthm tQMrtet. ae ft .la bat CaSr
oor state the tow whieb iriaoes to tbe duct the toveatlgatlons here.
pany. baring signed a contract wiflb
Onad Tanno aootfte the n
-Mn. W. R. Korn.
tbe tolnera a few days ago.
Ckarsei and counterchargea of vlacaaMBt to awaM the cap te thia hands of the snpertotendaus of
>—Miss [
‘Hic Great Utah Copper, one of the
eeaatr- na .«9 wlQ be reoalred In schools and county eommlssioDm the >latlon of tbe neultrallty law qf coalr
Tiaiaiae Otjr wtthia a lev dare aad
tog permits- to ehydren under 16 years i ofllciaU In tbe Amcriun dllet along
Plano solo—Miss Montague.
world, the Utah Omsolidated. United
«U1 be ea OfclMtiea ttat aD aaar ador
tbe border are flying thick and fast.
States. Gingham-New. Haven-ftoio
tan Ua
which shoDld he given to ft TbCounty -NoRiial. ^ve n brief outline Copper. Bingham mines and a score
Senator Smith aatd that
I^en hse'Vlaa eoaatr ashlblta
thoefty conferred on sepertoteU
yuod Lob Angelea a -most fertile of tbe siwk carried on la County Nor- of leaser ratoes. tbe Bingham and
th, aM* Mr thk jwar and mmt i
tor dlecusalon
fleld^tor the senatoElal probe.- and
Garfield Railway and tbe wo traffic
aMAjaHmibw tester thaa hat Is emrmsedaad
lit seetten l«. Act *S6. of
■•Our County Normal.'
on the Copper Belt branite of tbe Rio
tbe Pnblk Acts of 1909, at foUows:
pleased to note that tbe subject was Grande r^lway, are closed tl^tJy.
B^Tfea tMBlT. whM coBttty was
-No ^Id under fourteen years of
-our" Instead of 'tbe.'' Sbe ho|>ed
Four ibousanii men, mostly (nrelgnawardad ttat pkos'ta th« eonaty ex- age shall be employed, permuted
U something dotog <
erii, were idle and almost every idle
htetta. has agrranmaMy its trays eullered to srork In or to connection
one waa tbelr County Normal.
momeoL” be declared. “New sc
weapon of some eorL
witb any
NorUons are revtoled to tbe committee
Tbey gathered te sulky IliUe groups'
OaMaad osaatka art bat Uttk behind oSlee. boteL'toandry, i
mats were organized In eight counties Iscuaslng "their grievances.
wlib ovary intervles.BtfrteatBfaaatUr. ThetraUa
bowling alley.
in tbto state,
year there wei
minera made a formal
Utealer, paaaenger or freltot eievator.
tortyHhree and this year forty-five.
t ftiita ahowB by the toetofy or workabop. telegraph
The aim of this iniUtuUon to to gain demand several weeks ago for a flat
acwaam oogattea. la tact, U is Im- meaaesger aerdee wlUito this state, it
better teoebers (or rural schools aod increase of wages te all depanmeni
paalblo tor the aeethm and toothen Shan be unlawful for arty sneb esubof SO cents a day. On September
keep out poor ones.
oMBtiaa to meet « an eqaal basis Ushment or person to tore or employ
The twsult ef tbe work has been the Utah Ct
dartBf tha acath at. Bsptambar, be- or permit to be hired or employed or
borixontal tneresM of 23 eenu a
better prepared teachers. beUer pro­
caasa the fttUta la the soothara pan sufisr^ to work, any ehUd under tbe
fessional spirit and beuer methods day for all laborers and the other
A sreok or no of fair, sunahtny
at the state rlp« ao much aoaaor. age of sixteen years wiibout there >■
adopted the same scale.
Tbe motto la -.Vot bow much, but bow
to cadar that the northera eoeatles first mvlded and placed oa file to the weother wtU ripen tbe corn crop in well."
This was not
got a ttlP deal ft woBM be aaesMarr bnatoMS office thereof a permit Issued tbto coonty and make possible a fair
The number to each class to not to jorlty of the i
to hoM tho.MUa tair some time dnip by tbe ■uperloteadeat of sebeols of field to MBSt of tbe fields^ U U geo. exceed twenty, unless by special per- tbe full 50 cen
ing the lattar part a( Oet^. after the school dUtftet to which cndi child erally coaceded that the crop is
mlsalou brw County Normal beard,
oor wtntar tmts hpva attelaed thdr rasIdcB. or somsooe duly astborttsd bebind vriiat It would be la an ordin­ aod eacb'class must have not less
ary season, due
tan aim aad hara takaa on their tail by him to wrlUng, or. wbere there
tba nten. Tbere are eighteen at preseater.
of ecbeiris. by tbt- weatber and poor seed. Many field
Itoa awards te e^ty dltplsya were eounty commissioner of aebools. or bad to be piaatad over as many as
as lonowa: rtT«t BctTtim. aaraas
by blm in three ttones before a stand was se­
Ooeaaa: third, Oraac Travmae. writtog. aity of whom shall1 have pow- cured and this makes It tote In matur- composed of a principal wbo bas gen
toarth. OAtaad: Afth. iadnn; Math. m to administer oaths in rwlsiion tog. Tbe severe cold Isst winter klllcil erwl charge and a erltle leacfaer wbo
Koat; aaeaath. Waahteasw; eUbu., tberete or by the fudge of probate of much of tbe seed and as the tami- bas charge of a room of children,
did not nuke tbe proper cesu be­ composed Of first, third nnd filth Farmers Can Sceare Valuable Informa­
(thmra oat); alalh, Cbartorolx; the oouaty wheccln such child retion Direct From a FracUsal
fore planting they solferede consider­ grades.
taath. aaaltac.
sldea.General Farmer.
U U further provided, to speHen 11 able ioas- F. J. Blover brought some
In Uie -Normal class all Ibe common
Ftaak tatth
awardad the first
prototom baeaaaa c( ths most aurac- of the same AcL that boya past tbe Samples from bta field to town yester­ subjects are tborongbly reviewed, also
3 TbompBoo. field agent for Uuork to done In psychol­
tlva dhplay la the harttealtiual ball, age ef It and not yet 16 year* of age day and they were well advanoed and
and «rU under SI years of age. ahall ready ter enklng. eepecially that of ogy. music and drawing. Melbods are department of agriculture. Washing
aad he aapecU to get first oe
ton. D. C. was to the city tbto tnoraeoaaty atoMt at vagetaUea aod be privileged to demand from tbe su- the Yellow Ohio dent variety. There presented In MCb subiet-t as Ungbl.
perlolendeat of scbMli'a certificate bas been a great deal said about
Tbe critic room to te charge of an Ing making arrangementa to be at Uiv
showing tbelr. age. This latter certiB- falhiro of tbe crop this year but It
excellent teacher, wbo losirurts tbe Grand Traverse (air on A'Yiday of next
At ths IFaft HteUsmi Fatrat Qiaad
cate is sometimes required becanee erldeni that a few days o^snnsbli
children tbe first half of the year week.” for the purpose of answering
Bapida last weak. Grand Tiwverse
of the fact that em|4oyera of labor are •ill put tbe crop In tbU vicinity be­ and tbe training teachers observe ami sue b questions relating farm woA
' coaaiy, baeaaaa at ths exhibit toadc
b<- put to blm at that time, l
forbidden to employ boys under IS
by Ftaak Semh. was awatdsd first years and girls under SI years of age yond tbe danger of frost and In'snrw become familiar witb her m- ihods and
on his way ibia morning to i
yield of a fair nop. Com on the know (be cbildren before taking utto Ute'trot display had firm at certain lines of employmeot. There­
at Suiions Bay. aad tomorr
toiMaa to ths TutoabW had grata fore.wbee factory Inspectors find boys lowtonda tbroiuBiaut tbe county baa ihc practln of teaching. In ibv prac goes to the fair al Kingsley. He baa
dltolay. Jhass b«a» the aB» tw a^ gills at work about whose age
It belDg drowned out by the heavy lines the work and earelully looks a irrriiary ranslatteg of ten cOUDtlc
ptmOm that Mr. SiBftk trtod tor.
and tar is doing tato best to taelp the
there may be doubt, be reqalrea of
«t emlth expeoU to pull down _ them to secure a certificate sbowtog ratal and overflow ot creeks aod over tbe dally plans before they arc larnicrs uf ttaese rouailes to solrr
allowed to prci-eui ttic work. Nacli
aambar of atogto plate aad tmahel tneir
and the person sutbcvlzed
student teacher ir olh.cned b> Jhc
- mwlama at the Stale (atr before the to Issue such a certificate Is the sueniic and |irincli«l to see that all
ctoaa at the ptwm week.
of schools.
work Is |>resented i>n>|-erl>. B> these
I havd learned labt to some elttes
m<-ili'o(to the cbildren get much more arrragedNwlita one large-scale farmr:
tbe supertotendents of schooli have
to viii; bis tarn: next wr«4 and ic
Individual help.
paid no attention to tbe autborltv
Tbe state l-ars »:.<Khi of rt„. cx- help solve a problem uf dralaaggiven them and the reqniremeni made
iwnsc. She balanie being e<iusi!.v di­ w-bicb problem Is causing the loss ol
CMit tohakta UaatoS Leather Grip of them tonehlng tbe matter of lasulng
the oSe of some valviabie land at ttac.
Bates. MhA, Sept. 19 —A farewell vided by tie city and county. Th^s.
TWUHl Ftom
tabor permits, and that Uf tome other
wben apiiTOxlniately figured, costs thc prese nt Ume.
dues the privilege of tseuing such party was given last night for Rev cii.v only alwot %'••< to have one room
Mr. Thompson Is a general fvro-er.
OM of the two grips, wbirb wer permlU has been given over to ;)ii«
well Tsuel t. Tl'e Norma! t--ar':*-rs do he having grown up on a
teat some ttom ago by N. L. Ackermai and boys wbe made no pretense of ex- of the totinst ever given to this lit a great deal of substitute work, thus Mluneaota and comes to Hictalgaa from
at the Pam Baiwaatte depot, ha erdstog tbe diacri
b tbe tow Ue hamlet, everybody- waa present
lag the expense of blriug a snbsti Ike depbv»<°i o' agriculture to help
and all reported a good Ume. Rev tute.
baaa recovered by Chtor of Police gives to tbe one <
(boee destflhg bis aid. He expecta
Beers bas been pastor of thr T. B
Johasoa. k mas tonad by aocM ebU- ■neb permits.
Tbe State .Norxnals give a credit for Lbe coming winter to help with the
diaa who wars playlBg to the woods
Inssmnch as many fanliy and niefaU efanrcAi here tor the past two yean the work done in tbe County SormaL l>oyt' com growing cinbs te the var­
p«r Hoba patoL aad tbs pollee
parmlu'have been foemd to the poe.- and he to considered one of the aoiest so that they can complete the life cer­ ious counties, anff believes ibu It wto
at «0M aattfied ai^ FatrotoiaB Car. leasioB of tbe employers ef cbildren mtototers to the Htoblgan oonfeiesee tificate course te one rear and two be well to orgastoo Uemto growtr
aoB. wha w«t aftar tka aatt cast. it woald be well for the superiatend- Mr. Been and (arally an people who' summer terms. There are at present clubs lor the girls. Me expecu that
riM^diail It aa ana at Aitosr- «nt of s^oola, or other petsons U- live every day tbe mme and hare thirteen i«o|de In the class whose te tbe course of e few yesi* there
-omaW. AB vatambtoa. U Uiere were ntog wetktog psrmlta. to earetnUy made beats of frieuds to this place bomes are In Trav erse City. Coonllng
be a farm agent te each ooe Of
oar to too tosa, had boss ramovad, as note thr condltloas retoUng to tbetr
short Stay hen. Mr. that each person will save 63iKl by
tea coumles te hto dtotricl and
tosue as Indicated oy the face <d the Been wiu not leave (or some Ume getting ibis advance credit berev we that he will then he b^
tog aad a haabto or totter* aad cards. pmsitt blanks and as further detailed yet but when be goes be wiu carry (ted that It amounts u t5MC saved to their operations
Na ttoos was toaad of the other vftl to aeedoa 10 o< Act No. 265. printed tbe good WUl ef everybodr (or mllee the tomlties te our city. Tbe C. of M.
It win be well for fartoets havtog
which dMnfril at the aase ttma to fuU eu ths bacA of tbe appUmUo
cake gives credit amoonUng to nearly one- difficult problems to solve tost/aow
tor osrtlfieate of age.
was served after which a frwe will half year- Tbe canlfleate given to for locate Hr. Tbotnpsm oe tow (air
Vary truly yoon.
oBMfng was token to wfak^
three ysara in rural setox^ noewal grounds Friday, next week, ^d-toa
Pmry F. Paweira.
■wns iktoad and presented to Bder.ior
for three rsars B toaasr to sucoeas- their dlfficBlttes baforo .hlffl anl get
J^paaBMoatg tf tehor.
MMh aid u h« <am stvft











ae» w«eut« >


nuiGE M stRaatE
will Go Into Effset On Per* Mar.
■ quetto Sunday.


Marqf^^ rmiraad on Sunday. Sept,
n. Vbva'are some decided chaagw.
-eapt^lly iVjIte time of tbe me
irate that geca aoulh.
Traina golug sonih-Leave at 6:M
m. instead of E a. m.; I1:U a. m.:
:20 p. m. Arrivtaf from scroti
rive at 1:13 p. m, C;W p. m, U:IS
. Tratoa gates oorth—Lear* at
1:50 te stead of 8 a. m.; Elfc.Sapite.
Bapld Oty aad Kalkaaka. leave at
1:25 p. BL, C;50 p m. tor all paints
north. Arriving from north—Airive
Be reaettomed (er Loas Tltoa
at U;f0 a. m.. 5:15 p. m..-i:S5 p. m.
AftOT the change of sritedule thetb
wni be a special resort train soul
bound, arriving at Traverse CHy 6:t
aktagteo. Bap*. Ifff-U )*at U
p. m. and o«t at 6:«X on SepL 24. n
moutoa a veroal wtn gp
and 29. Twn resort apsriili aotthlaatic
Vwbound. arvtrlsg here *:» a. ■
cauaL accordllff to too aov j»
SepL 27 and 26.
tlmatea of too Pakama cooal OMOitoatoo. Octebsr 15. 1916, bMog (bo tmtatlve data set tor tos poaingi o( too
first vesseL
Tbe -christeotof' wtn Bs dooo by
naviU rsaoeL Tbe lamM Opstoag
wiu oecor Jam L' UU. OmmmOa
vcoeela wOt be givso turaMrltoai «g*
eember. 191L TBs eawd vfflBo



Thnrsda.v. 8ept. 26. wUl be a Mg
day in Traverse City lor many
As -Traverse Cits D«r ft wtU
be a baaner day of tbe Grand Traverwe Begteu Fair.
Tbere wUl be
many great evente crowded into
one day, a^ It te expected ooe o( tbe
>lgg«at crowds ever gntoerwd oo the
air groanda wfu be there to wttnaas
he various events. One e( toe big
gest features of tbe day and to (act ct
the enure week wiU be the wedding
of aqme couple of tbe Grand Traverae
regloB wbo will conant to bq
n and write oo a ptottom eroeted
the fair grounda for the purpose.
Tbere te ooasidersble enihni
being worked op over the event And
one teems to be enteriug into Uu
spirit of \be occaalon with all their
couple applying who aignlty their wllIlngneM to be the Grand Trarersa
Fair bride aad groom. He win atoe
provide Uie service of a clergyman
crmagliinus. according to tos cdiolee
of the couple. Tbe onefBOd only
dIUoa is that the ceremony be pertermed et such boor as the tair av
socUUoo may dJrecL
In add! Uon to tbe free marriage II:nse and marriaigc ceremony,
set of dishes to offered by Boss A
Monroe. It to expected others will
I line, and there to not mneh
that tbe luAy couple will havo
r to order i

tedxprot. SepL «.—Tbe new Han­
nan franrhise ^orm bill, which
be introduced b; Uie government
itaonly. will. It Is understood, oonler
liin.-' d uieasurv of woman's sufr,
Is .‘-'•'-ed tbxl Ibv iranrblcy
be extcnilrd 10 women wbo have
passed certain state examinatteoa
wbo manage tbelr own ceUCes or bual»as<-s .w wbo are otherwise todepend.
ni. From
to fw.OOO women
III be afl<-ivd.

The presIdMt-e appmal o( the ptop

formal opcnlag. AU VUtod Btotos
naval vaMeis wUI be acbOtesd tomo.
Tbs total amount axpeodsd go tor te
9262.765.900. Owteg to «0B^ OMb
Uons afBnanos only imdMBW'wto
6^.000,009 bonds ontoortoid hm
«n sold, fiu predicted too
u be btolt witoout 0 fiffthto bead
Issue. Hondrods of tooMUdg «■ M

OLnd to totorost promtoM Ikto W.

Probehle TNm •sea Be Fet^’SMl
Atorem tooffa.


(From Tharsday'B RoosrddtogSA)
Assistant State Firs MoRtool Orntr
A. Wott to to toe dv tor tos I SIMM
of InvestlgaOng the ill iiiMiliii ii'la
Witt Uw neeat toe to tot
eecoad hand store owned by Mi*.
Agam Fierro. U to very *rldMt toot
a« NM oftocendtoo- nriffto. hat
while the offiem* have strong droomlUal erMeiwe *• to the toenOt}' of
the party wbo set tos firs no arreoto
have been made. This fil* was o fsry
peculiar one and woald have «ia*fto
great damage -had it act heaa dtoaov
ered to tbe nick o( Ume by PatratDuBus, wbe was pamteg ihs
bulMlug Jaet as (he fiamee were g-ing a good euTL Hto Uaaly dieeov.
7 saved the Mock te vhito toe
ore to located.
Hr. Wolf totende to croUaae hto (to
be to I
that be
has toe right party to view alto (hM
meaaures wiu be Ukso to affect an
arrest Hto depaitmsnt to ddsg paat
woto ID irrreUng out these whe set
tire to buildings throoghoot the
few more arrsets wtO r»^
suit Id leaaealog toll dies of Crimea.
Tbto case to a parilcatorty gtoria^
one. fer srbes toe ffraowa oaletad the
bulldlrg toe deon ware opao. abeam
who had eeattmed toe
bil and applied toe matto had hero
tbrve but a few mtoutea abend of


Wolf to atoe paytag eoaridor
able ouenika to some of the ««B
known firrtraps ta too dty Bad owa>
era will have to fix them «p or atoo
action wiu be taken by the aUta. B
Is a serious qaesUca to >eo«a(«toa
life to toe way ft to te eoM
alto Rove ‘vimnacv, and a milltonaire, instances, right In this dty. sad the '
kil!.«l v.-sterday at Bald.
tbto regard will be atiteUy sowiD while bunting on bis (arm with forced.
Trank Aurebscb, hto foreman. Owing
e fact that Auerbach’s back
uiroc-d to Fiseber wben tho gun
iloded Ib puuJing the corooer to
tonmne whether Flstosr was the vto
of an accident or whether he
ended bis own life. Flstosr wi
yeera old and unmarrlad. He bad
Pblladelphia. Pa, SepL U.-A tab»
chased a tract ot toad oear Baldwin
>d waa making ft tote a large fruit culto tested cattle show, said to be
rm. Fischer was to Travmue Qiy the first durw o( im btod ever hsli la
short Ume ago gUtttog pototen . this country, epeosd at Xtovaa today
frolt cultaro (ram tbs Westeni Hlebi- and will mnunas obOI the Mt af tba
week. Tbe parpoee «d toe sriiWtlea
point toe way ef Impravtog dalir
cet and bad a good start toward mak­
a rrastdmt TsfFa prtaa iM’« ing hto (arm ooe nf ths beet to that ‘'ftaltaa WayW la emsoB too «Ur
toctlofi of tbs evaurr. _
a«nctkm| « Ikff


mir.i> AMD

Grand TrivMse Werald


desperate of Ac coOTietteoM W gan^Aria^MAr ouka*'
A pavFcnt Aeir eaeape and atfegoard the ........ ..
A wUth
Aer WM^k. Road work is aboofi Aa
eonriet labor problem, and the sooner it ■ pot *iA ©iLration m
UiAigan Ae better it will be for Ae prisoners and tbc public. If
llw mn were wotUag in iulated aqnodi ^ere would bo no danger
of oatbreaka, like Ae one Aat reon^ oeeurfed la daefcmm prmoa,
as boA convicts and keepers would be be^ aatkfied wiA Aeir
lots and would not have the time or opportunity A haAh np plots
agcnM the eonstrtntM authorities.

..f III
n»UmlMK ni 0^1 At'h. .i~
ar. ay ml]
m .< Ml-lMnC m a. wn
IplM tw aOtalhl »

Am m our opportunity. Let mi remember that tW opportonita
are not prvwnted to us uAn every J-ear or two. Thb qnestwa, voted
downnnw, wff) he voted dowa for many years to eoM.
lira ef Michigan, thb is y«v rqiportaoity. Do not tad to
avail yourselves of it.
Forget Govenwr Johnson; terfei hb
inueBdos; forget hb indiffethoro; forget hb poKtteol cmdeaver A
bring mto hb new |i^ AbinflueoK ef the great mass ef Amer­
ican wenen eviTTwheir._ Orye the women a little credit for good,
TBbi. t. B
sound. co)nmon sens^as b shown in Arir statemeat given ebewhere.
Give Ac women the ballot Ab year.
'*riie Orsbd Traverse hVnit Coamiasiou.k'fia. oi'plMwtka Aat*
is workmg quietly ih'furtberiiar Ac inle/esU of the fruit industry
hirtx to Ktr frst tM.
throughout Ae equnty, and alr^y gaod res^U-have been ob­ ^take It a Region ffa^ ~
WiA tke opening et the Grand Troverse Rrgkm Fair today
tained from Ae efforts of Ais body. It was orgarnoed for the purp«c of securing for this connty Ae greaAst poasible good from Ae Ae BceeMty b bcpo for umkiug it a «uAr fur exhAitmg the
m. mure, cbi
a. P. D. t«o. X box JX sept S«t*
Aat 4s being done by Ae WesArn
producA of the cnAv rvgioa. aa its obm impfiM. Tsavstsc Utg
>4«lMa mtlOT ManA i. im. at Um awtoOea a
Bureau, and works And m.hand wiA the bvreavA earryiag oat b tbe ceutcr of evvcral cuuaties tvbsee iatiirinta are ifiBliiil and
« ^ Act ^ OMurcM oC Uanta X 18TS.
iu geneiml jwogram. The eoamissioa is eompooed of membm of whose efforts should be pooled in order to
> tbe best
. .
.i; ao ANtomr esa 4sr>
the past efforts have l>cvn made to hring all Ac counlu the
Ac several Uranges in the county and repnsentatives of the ^v- results, 'lu
Blah Ihe brei of rvArcores. A«Orcd.lia>&iiWat3.(»0
M. UcTsIL flare Vordaa. Ukh.
Jib seeti
aeetioB into tbe amoemiioB,^ noUuag tbfiniA bm ever
Oily Board of Trade. In fact, it is a’represenUtivc bcdjCof ties in Ab
eoBM from
attempt. Vfc* Pnaideat >>mih
^____ Frbdtsek hm mm■om the atAmpt.
mu who Ave for Arir prime ^jeet the Attarment'ef
that b deserring ofjrtteafibm.
^ if carried om wouM gad «M«-Havo M arem rtai^
Aroughont (he ebunty as applied A the arehard mdwtry. Th^ gested a plan
frsH mad me mUos oore or TtsvW counties that have a
■nt good for aff tW
year the commiasioD will make an exABaive-exhifait at the QraM rvanlt in great and permanent
erso CItr. for eafr iMs xkw Sw
id Traverse. Ub
Traverse Region Fam, consisting of fnvt in its naAral sAA and
To btpiiax Ut Drficthie tr
in glam. Modern, methods in packing and Ubeling wiR be demon­ eoimtiro of Lcelaosu. Benab, .kntrim. Katkooko owl psmAly othms
Dr. Wooda Untebinsoo, of Nc4-.-V«rk. pointa oat'the fact that strated and model packages will be shown, ao that visitors can see
lermi to right partbs. AMivm r.
into tiie OBweiatiou and have boiMmpi eoBstroelcd m ihe
P. BasiriL sat MoflsK BalUtag. Dw Am tm acat of thoM born oir maiiBMo, wh^ an
what Ae modern requireraenhi an in Ae IBh of fruit growing aad groonda in which to house Aeir . dbplays of farm produrta, live
troH. Utehlm.
an>4efe««iTe. -Hr forOrr aaaerta tfiA’t ffwAwa
marketing. Excellen^rcsults have already been obtaia^ Aroogh stock aad whatevm rioc Aey generally exhibit Thb would fisee
tbemHrw, whfle there b a atronf t^deney on the part of defec- Ao efforts of Ae eommission. aiuf, it is expeeled that tire exhibit
all the eoBBtie^ oa an equal haab and onahic them to Mke a larger
tifea to brin^ forth their kind. This eoudition makra it imiXTativc at the coming fair will prove effective aloeg the Imn Aat it w inand better dbplsy and secure a much larger crosrd daring tbe euo^t aodety do aJI it can to eliuuiatc the defective features of the Anded. The time has come when the grewm of Ais region must
Imuance of tbe fair than they «*uuld secure whUc Ae pteaent plau
henM nee and make the Jadividnals nonaal. The country «ao appl>- advanroa meAods U the eenduct of their business, and the
of going it alone b w eff^
alEard to aeglact the Keniurea, but it cannot afford to allow tbc; paauge of Ac Sidxer WU has made Ab imperative. The comWi ll
S;fl ^
The pooling of Ae interests of Am coanties woiM uoUe Ae
OBpMite elaoi to go along witboot making an
ta check its mmrioD has aUrted a good work and it is the duty of alt fruit
AaAMBCjr and hnng it op to the stao^rd of Uie oonuiil individiiaL growers to co-operate wiA the membeni in bringpig about better region and do away wiA any anAfoaiaa that way sxml A Mm
fWi view of Df. RotchinaoD is a humanitarian one and should be conditions-in packing and griding of fr^ and especially Ac
« a beallhjLrirohy Aat ia (be fotare would reauH m
aeCad ea by legislatnrea and reform bodies ^ben arekiag to hrUrr apple, upon which Ae-reputation of this scctioa m largely built.
the greatest pessAlejgood to the whole ngioa. Tnited effort ob
wokind and make it poaaible ior all to have an equal dmnee in the
the part of Ae residents of these counties would AH Ab territory
V^lkA. Tbs fKNMssioB of a healthy body is becoming mure of
Gdl>emer /ohtson and Woman Suffrage
wHh nea* settlers in a Aort time and bring about a period 6f preawmmmUj every day, aa the old doetrhm of the suniral of the
^Yc commend heartity th<- gwese tbe Michigan Equal Sulfrage perity never before equalled ia Ae stole, and tbe pnil'g^ of iutre. Meal is ae mneh in force today as it was during the eariy rpoclis
Bssocimion has uken in the li'iatWr of aUisitee wiA any party. A esto m a regioo fair would be Ae most effective way ef stofling Am
The otrong man do<« not slay the weak by force of
order that Ais luatler may be fully understood, we publmh in an­ great work along Aa road to JOMCM.
aiHa as be did in the past, but crushes tbc life out of him by means
other eoluion an official sUAment issued by this association.
Tkb greater regieB fair would be laid out aloog tbe plan pa^
ci the igdapt rial ^rstem which makes leas noise in the work and
It apjieant Uiat Governor Johnson of California, vice pnsidea- sued at world expesitiomi. where every atate hw its awn bnikteg
neeompliabea even better results. For this reason a stroug mind and
lial candidsA ou Ac Progremive ticket, was m Miehigan a few dayj in which to make a sbowing of its psodwrta. Tbe eountbs wooM
bodty ia fhe best aadrt that a child can have tv combat the conditfuns
age.’ He avoided, as far as possibA, any-reference A Ae woman have their own buildings aM could ose them to tbe best advantage
of the future.
suffrage quistion. This was a little surprising, as Governor John­ iu showing w hat they produce in every line of horticnltusal aad
This qaeation of correcting defects in the bunun race has bcson is the head of tbe sAA g:ovcre£ent in Caliluwia, where wMnan agricultural endeavor. It wo«ld be a cheaper method af Assriog
(MM a gjlal nne hnd partieular attrition m beiag paid to the woric
si^ge takes a prominAit position, and is a caodidaA of a party off Aeir rcaourceo thaa m at present panned ia hasiov bimU tm
in Ike iwmi., ■, Med»^ tnqieclion is proving to be one of
whose platforin contains a strong plank on the subject.
m each county, which from the nature of their loeatieh and geseral
the beet artkode/ff flndng out tSe defects of the child while it is
BoA in Detroit and GrsM Rapids Ae «ovenu>r escaped any sire must also have s. limited atteudsncc. The secret of good adverand as soon as this system of inspection is
iprcssion of his upiuiun A Ae matter, further *1—» to say Aat If
re the Urgent number of people at Ac least
Im^'wto Uorougb o'peration throu^tout the country eouditioas
tbc women of Michigan expected Ae su^rt of Ae Progreaaivea
> DU reasun why Am UwuU aat ap|dy to AWitt bo greatty d^sged and maay of the diseases that are common
Agy must support Ae Progressive party. ^One would cuppuse that advertisiug of a euuaty as well as to aa imlkidaat bminma. The
today wffl bo ^vciy e{imiaated from the list that affect cbildrt-n.
the Progressive party was'made up of mss' who bad had experience plan is worth trying, and if once adsptetl none of the nnmtie.i
Au ex^wililuyas'hg the chy and stale for this purpose is money
enough in oA«t partips to afford tlicm eximrieoee in political mat. wonW feel like poiBg hock to the present plan of each holding iU
wen sfiwt, as the future generations will be
At* XJbvenjor Joluisun docs not appear to be oa* of these. Perhsps own fair under adverse eenJitioua and cBtcrtaming limited crowA.
lOT the aafegnardsllmt are thrown ammAthuKMf the preoeBt.
Women Aould not have asked Govenwr Johnoon to express bimsdf Let Ae Grand Traverse region anile in a graad effort to Mke it Ae
upon this point; but Aey did so. This was hardly good politics, most desirable {dace in Ac middU srvst to lire, ami prove that it-'
fWMii S^aggie CoitJig
and is a lewon tK- women will learn as they progress iu their work. M Ae moat dcabaUs by abawiag Ae prednrts at a eentrs! point,
It is reported by Ue ^etor geaesal.of the Pan American The woman »f Miehtgan were mformed by Governur Johnson m Uiat b mtHy serfamkli! to all who want to see what b being doiw
who has just ^Hpleted a trip abroad for the put^Kwe of Detg^ that they moat ally themselves wiA’Ae Progressive party iu the effort to create new weaWi for Ac most favored seetisO of
Ipcddqg.ioto commercial conditiona on the ivt of the opening of and UEke up the other planks of tbe party platform bearmg upon the state. There b ample room for all Ae buMiiiga Aat wooU W
Ac Panama qnal. that every port of .the commercial nations of the belArmeut of working coudilioDS of women. Thb, of course, necessary for the different eunnties, so no one will be crowded if
Europe is beiw fitted up for tbc purpose of pushing to tha limit .every pedilician will understand waa a mere evasion of the whole Ae plan b put mto effect, so from now on let aD who art- intcrits OTRsea CAmmerce when the big ditch is opened to the vemds of sabject. .
est«>d in the future of Ae region lead A€ir..efforto toward bringiag
the WWM. Latin Amsiiea is to be mode Ae goal of their efforts in
Tlie fact M the women just now arc afAr,OBe thiug only, Ae ■bout tkb dq<inMe eoaw>Kdstioa of aU the fairs into eoe gtsA
Ae aaiB, dtbongfa a doe amount of attention will be paid to the ballot, and that one thing is whatilwy want. - BOme Arty years ago exbiliitKiu Ast
cause the entire state to take aoriec ef the
OrieaX which will become nearer th^uf^ thb new'wator route. It Ac Prohibition {tarty was organized, and woman suffrage waa one posaihililirs that lie at .Us doors.
» epdeat from this report Aat there will be enomous eompetitiou of the first {.lauks ado{.Ad. Did the womau adopt Prohihitionf A
frr the trade of the South Anwricen..conntries, and the nation tliat little laAr. aii<l the naly other platform until thb year >*»■»« baa
an pal ap Ae goods ia the Mat fdtnetive manner and sell them adopted woman salTrsge entire, sroa tbe Sochabta.Have the womea
It might he wrtl for 'on
w nsliticisaa who are seskiog
As skeapeot wiU be Ae one to gaUfrr in Ae bulk of Ae businegs- adopted the ]<latforni! Thw year tbe Progressives have high office to remember Aat Ac real need of the people of the
Att mieh competition in sight tha Dh)ted SUtes is facing a sitiu- adopted a woman suffngt- platform. Is there any more reason why eouiitrj- M better conditi.^. A daily enwos of Kars taken from Ae
tioB Oat must be dealt with in a'SkiUful manner if we are to the advoeatew uf.sronun suffrage Aould nojr adopt m its entirety stump u-iU not iiuproVc Up-ic r^iou or doAe Aem in any belter
•are dro- tbe'awrtMw electa to Be■AiaUiB our ooaunereial prestige m Ae sister republics. To begin or in part the Progressive platform, than Aat Aey should have raimeax
rtere the whato al «ha prtaoiab Ad
we are bandMopped fay a lack of a mesdmnt marine, and still more adopted the platform that has stood for its esM for forty yean,
ktorsu OQ (A Mtafle Mt 4aa
Mottos m tar^
U« by vtr.
•a ly Ae inferior manner in wkieh' 'Aineriean goods are parked for pr that of tbe SariaKat platform ever mnee (hat party waa or- c4n Erpenaive Game
•00 or a* |M*«r or asm eomalM te
n^nent A Aeoe coun^ca. The Bngltsb. French and otfiur nations gaiiiztxlT The {kitqMKition b absurd, and is verj- poor {wiitics.
Four avmtun were killed Saturday whUe making fiighla before
------------------- A provbtol. aa ThM
phoe Aeir goods in more altraeti>-e psekages than do the manuNot only the women, but the mei^ too. are aaking Ab year in large crowds. Thb torrihta tott of human life aiakiw one wonder if Say.
tbe itU day or Ortahre. A.J3.
foatonn in thia country, and AF result is liiat our wauufactuten Michigan for womsu auffrage. Tliere b not a party iu Michigan
Av rerebto Atomed fnmi thb <kaagrr»us sport arc in any measw mx at two o-rtoct la the aJIHOBA
• andershmed will, at (bv WM flaw
get Ae eamU cod of Ae trode.
from Ac smaUi-M to the gr.atest that docs not in geacnl approve worth the pri,-e that w bemg poM. It b p^i)4e thot Ac pnbfie
Ae msfl Asimta AvsBa '
WiA the opening of the esna]^ American manufacturers will
Buflrage. Wheu the Progroaxives ask the wnnreD of Michi­ must be entertained, hut why not find a safdr rnct^nl of gratifying
« City, that tMtot Aa Ml
! etremr eoert tor the
Uve A leam this packing game in a more A«pu^ manner if they gan that they endorse tJie Progreaiive party with all its platform, this ujurbid d(wire to see oomelhiug out of the ordinary t
■to A bold Aeir own in Ae struggle for 'business that -<lll take espeemlly Aat part relatiag to the eooditions of women, Aey are
floea oadm- Ae new eondilioas Itf^fat about by Ais Aort ent asking more than the PrnhihitioniEts have asked for man.r. many Record Beiimi Them
frSM coaat io coast- There is no reasou why this cannot be done, >i-ars. Tlihy are asking more than Ac Soeislbts have asked. They
It has been found that 12 {Ka- .---nt of the .\c« York
oa greit pngrea has been made in this direcliim durmg Ae {last
asking more Aon any parly has.aaked. They are asking more
is uomposed of men with cruuiuat rrewnk hehusd (hM. It b evifew years When Ac gnat eonteat for buaincm opuis the United than Aey have ,niiy right to ask and nmre than Aey wiH receive.
do.) tb.l Ih, dom.-»d.r, b,li.„ i. ,w Md U^.- Ital it Uh.
be there wiA Ac goods done iq> in pwfwr chape to meet The rondidate
i-andidaA for vice i.p
president. Governor Johnson of California.
a thief to catchm thief. R#<-«b( dcvckqinenfs. however, prove Aat
m.iiw.'mMsWa xnmaan
Aa^pmsal of Ac oonth^ euatomer. In the mranthne no time ■ wt>man suffrsgeTrtafc.^caine to Michigan and asked Ae ^om....
there hm hero a iwriM bitA m fh.- cffcctivi- working of Ae.idan.
fl aaaoa to «>h.M
Aai^ be last in getting ready for the tttanie strugfije that » thw a|ate that tiiej- adopt the platform of the rrogremive party
*«md A ^ne between the great commercial nations ^ Ac earth they would nut receive Ac 8U{>purt of the men of that party fur
fbr Ac SouA American trade.
woman suffrage.
re r>
Ikst sit of these wort
re win attead tbe »—trsrm------'-t
Govenot^JohnsoB b mbtaken. Govenwr Johnson made a
HoMv Good •Jtoxis
t Uc tair craurfw tf. ablA Dr. Wto
great politics! blunder for hb part.d. The amn of MieUgaa are
^ *111 aMrem the nirmisu
•KT.Uiy rf (Lo Ohio Go«i ltad< Co>un>»io.L su|>|>ortiug woman suffrage, not as a part>' issne. It has never been
^.Mtgcated at Ae MiAigan road convention at Kalamasoy that an i-ousidered. It is not so eoBsidcred this yedr Democrats, Rc^Idiets of Ae regular army be .•mployed daring m<mt of the day puUieana I’rogressives. Prohib'itionisU, Soeialbu, Socialbt Labor,
i. *, ThsrJder. Sept. K.
ia work^ on Ae roads, ai^ also that prboam should 1m' comvote this year for woman suffrag*.
oresnM by sctiool dto
paUod.U da the drudgery of eonatnieiion. The latter suggestion h
Thc-oftieml statement, published ekewbere, by the women, b
■tsBA aaiqee ts
m aighg hut it» not dear that Ae first « either Agieal or praelicai: di^ified. elwand I'oticlusive. It will be remembered that it b the tftcti. A report retetrof tioui Hr.-.
Onmt of GaracM rtres tbe fonowtox
fcAe-firot-pboe it is now a difficult matter to secure enou^ n-n onlj- who can vole on this question in November, and oe wy :M or orscres:
ertiW to keep the regular army up A iu rmjuircd strength aad if
the nma of Miehqi*fi. rv^rdiem of party. Ab k your opporOarAcM tewMq>.'Hra. *Wb. Gnat. nuetles Uey cm* ere each <mh-aa,
lotdbuilding.was added td Ae dWM of the aulmted man there tiiuHy. if thb qaeotion b voted down thb.ycar it wiU b- many
iwirBM: schreii omcflct No. X Hrw
U VlSlM*"
would aeoa ha an aehiug void m Ae rogokr army ranks, in this years before the ,nt>;tos;ihn. as a coustit itioual amendment and Geo. UsnrU. chalrMa: artrert aistnec Uomw. er anmn
tbai (Ue spedeltssUoD os
DOOBtry a aoldier and a road-buildtT are two different Adividoals Am b li e (mb' "ny >n whiA it can be admted in MiAigan' win No X Mrs. B. L.------— Asir
■taoersgjrertcf Ma «. Mrs. W». Aro- (nr nakea hm to ot Ute hlsbeai
aad it wpuld be a difficult task A intenain^ Ae two iKeui
l>e submitied again
olX Aatrmaa: trtMol OMrlet N‘a %,
the klmw.ol the r«iilar aoldier is already weU filled wiA os
Let ua BOX then, take Oovetmor Johason; Ae ProgrRaive eaa- Mis. C. V. BBrtL chBlrmro: •
da^ and Am woold be no profit in adding A his botden along didote for vice |>r«sident. as onr gibde; Governor jokaaou. who
a Unq A 4»l^Ivy A tradiUoQ aiKl tninmg.
comes from a woman suffrage state, into a state Aat b slrugglmg
,p*t Ae oUur |mad Ae employment of prisoners in road making up into Ac high poaition Aat such states must take in Ae next
Am. Mm. Wm. PMrea MWt
k.a gnaUssi idea aad would he Ae most pro&uhle wav to employ (kvade. but let us rsAer remember'that Ae women of MiAigan
I Bemu No. I. Mrs. a. On
tka Aotfm
«ko olaA By hoilding roads they would not epme are cniitJed to the Imliot aa nmek as Ac men. Ut m imaemhcr
Bsa: sAreM MBit flo. X •ra­
Mb «klt«titiM wlA free labor and would be doing wort Aat lies that there b but one way tbvy can secure .the balM' and thb b
Ae'domaai of A| sute that would be of benefit to all. The through, (he vote of the mA of Miehiftn. We^ therefore, appeal
of eopags wuld he largely, dimiaaied hy Ac honor system to Ae men of liltehigan. regar^eas ot party afffliatttn..Tegardleas
Aat has Hina to saeeesafal ia ooom of Ae wcsteni sOkUa The
im's’alur at MiAigan womea let os forget Ab'
Twice a week

.- Pi^MrttU TMdar JUM Tkondar at Travarae atr, MkUcaa. bjr

— ...








- y"



Bnnsmoii A modein necksity


fcliiw MM tMMtn M4 MfeV «- 1 U

guii. ft* a .
Mi Ti||i~^ « giMt tOMmv; tm
WtiMMW tk*
Ml ywm
i IMIM* to tkc M* «t iCMUM.
to to* «(MkT K
to r— -*■ito-fif tMcUoc, to tk« tor «<


wofM totttor to a jlitillMi 1%to Ufa m iwld la Mta la SapuailNr, IMl.
taBb«,nadaaa attar It

rrr;?:: STANNijifoiL







WashtoftOB. D. C, SapC tU-Hon
that MM M tha wartd'a HBat BStad
axptna to brglOM aad
Ooapaaa a( HrgtoaoBBd Oamagraphr.
mhtoh la to spaa han 08 dbmdarokd
«n ramato to' aasatoa thrcM
aaitoa wssk. This arm ba tko Srat
tlma that tba eoagoasa moaU apoa
Amacican atdi. aad (ban to atary l4dtoatloo that tba gatbariog MXt

Hoaatoo. Tex, Bapt 23.—The WUttoma M. Rico inatllula, laid to ba tba
aanntb rtebeat eoUace to Amartca,
a to Blaar Tratfle.' opened IU doors today for tba racapUoB ot stndaots. Tba toatltuta was
tonsdad with' an aadewmant ol tie,:Alr PoltotiaB.- ‘■Hrctoae of Btreat OM.OOO toft by «-mtom Usnh Rico,
TtatBe.'' "Htata aad Maalcipa] Hy- tha aged caplullat. tor whose altoged
gtoaa.** Tba Baal(ary Aspect ot Pnb- morder in New York twelre yean ago
Be Watar Beppltea.’* Xlty Ptoaatog. Albert T. Patrick was tried and
Ttaral Battarawat.’ *«Uta Isaarasea elctad. The formal toanguratioa
to Rrtatloa to Pobllc Haattb.** bad dadkatloB ot the Inatliloc .win ttka
aeorea of oibar iwnblaati ot aa
ptoco next omith.
aomle aad bygtaaic aatara.
Oao whole oaetloa ot tba eoagran
wm bo dantod to “Stale asd Mnalctpol Hygiaoe** asd aympeatams :


^ % raar*B oaagradi to bald andv tba asMicas ot tba Uattad -Btataa gootoaMl aad^ PrasUaat Taft la achedam tortoasy to opmi tha oeaignM. <
SB* ha to tba boBoiarr pnsIdaaL
irwT eoBBCir ot Mm*, pracilealip OonsiBrti. Jmm nad ctbar rtaiaiitii.
Wnshiagioa. Sept. *i.—A fathartaaa
OtaiT drlllaad ceuatiT ot tM iMt ot Oaa e( tba OMst totarastlag tapara
tr^ to a ontaua exhibit ot artlfletal
tbo wartd. toctadtog tba tlMu« Statn
lUa ot tba lataraatlonal Myglna
asd Oaaada ssd tba natb aad CaatraJ
hr dataCBtoa asd nmay ot tba ptto
ctpal coaaOtaa an alw repr^ti
tba aabMttoka <d UtiM ^ d
gnpbr which wag Maaad a wad
Md win eoattosa tor two am a
' taMlatraayhiMBgnaa. Tbo

Mitoada aad Itaaalto Obtslsad to tba
Cual Zoae."
Is addlUoe to ibaoa asd other gar.aral anbleeU tbMc wUlba dlaoaai
anabar ot apacdSe aablacta. Ufa
intaatUa paralrala. tba hortewon dtotaharertosto. hal^ piagoe Paaaad Awar Wat^r

ot tha graataat aatbortttoa asd ex­
perts oa thaaa aabtseta kaowa to tba
wertd. to rlaw ot Uo tonsw great
of toaaa hygleaie
coOM^^tooVilta*«tatoo asd <tosa it to heHerad that the praooo'.
ada.aBwaWaawioi6rarta«ittllc bodtoa.
■at win lead to erea graatai
Hr. ^rr P. Wakatt. chaltma
ramachteg raaakt toaa ka pao- <ho fltsta board of hoaUb of Mi
fr-“' — ------ rndilai H___
TWn codgraaa aaa caBai toto toMc
^•o'daMon ot tbo coegran. wkto IB Ittt to dtoat-too pwhlMB
lka «M^ to asdar to. cMD«
dtno^ K ». jmtk W.-Hdh
«ha««hi; di tha Thdtad fltalM g


died at bta hM Mi Waat TwaMh
street at as early boor MMdar.
Ba had taaaa fli bw aboot two yaara
with paralyali and to aacitrad by bto
wtia aad two chBdraa. Altnd aad
OpaL raiiiial awTtoea will be

t wm taka flan


. r-

Naw Ortaaaa. Uu Bapt. 21.—For-


Mm D. RoebatoUarto »oaada to WILL NOT FLT WHEN
Claeatoad was aakad ot tba oO M
to totoor wTitan br tba yonag sad ot
Ibamaa Daaaa ot tola rtty. Da
saod Mto to tha Ptoaot City, the
rtrttad toe RoefcaMter a
tkars Md I6aad the eopmer. Ba aah
------ ----ot eoom^ ter daMaltar of a part ot bir

imua FHEs mta:;

ttOB tba bJSa with hto
Maa Mt Itoa. ba
«*beltoT»dg wtoioa M nraM to tha gnaad.
kOMg Itoei M was M to tlw MCea Tegautaa.
Ob tba.tobar baad. the oaa with as
to « pctottd book, to towoaa Ungbt
aahaaad ntod aar ba ooatpaBad to
Bto -m iMcta br praaagt m br vte bard aad comnoa work, boi ba
■tsatoa Bpt^ hr ChllMto*. to ahUlir to work with tb«
bto uak Hka a aaa. flaflsda
ha^ M weU aa to thtok with the
tor to hto work, tor be aerraa. Ha to
baM. to ifrrrttoM that Mkaa 1^ 1- — ^.„*.i..*wnb aS «
. WashtofUa. Bape 21—Aboai ITS.larga and kwelr.
tonaa..HatolDU a with tba Uitota.
•MAM to tha aaaanl
1 baUara la baaotr to tha \aMoal- Bala awake.
tram ckUdrae wto die aaM yaar from
rooM to tba boBta, to daily Hto aai
'bare a pania bU awakasiag to
K »> to
Id ooMf-doora.
the blgb prtvnega of tba taacfaw. 8oa?
I btotoaa -to -toaghtaf. to ton. to
hai said that tha
ttUti. to all Baato aad dlitagt bwei ouat riBi tba ^lag ball la tba dermlby Or. B. A. .Kaopt ot .Saw York.
that tan aa oe.
torr o( tba soal. This, is what tba
“Fifty -Umanad children die aat baltoaa'to tba pniant'aad tta ep: taaebara of all Umea bare deoe
aasUy from tabanmlaato.* aaSd
partitBlttoa. to tha MtoM aad M
asd wfll doattow to do. It to tba bast
Knopf. Their nnraga nga to ?H
aai to tba dlrtoa tor of HtIbs. aad Mggest thing which the achMl
yaan, aad flgnrtog tba mt to tbetr
—Bdwto Oacaod Grarar.
pgnam and tba coumimJtr-nt only
With aacb a ptotfora. edocattoa lag Howerer. (t it
$3M par pansm. (ba fUiaadal loai rapTaft to nrged to raopan the Bta
faaaatad to yrt.OMidM. Tbar ban
Oil case to the sapremo ceart-hL. .
ba kept om of the aeboolt o
loo. baiora (bey ware able
lalgB the ofltoan for aUeged udeUlloB
be takaa oot of aebool to aaHy at the dtoMtatiaa order. Tlio plea gin any return U tbelr pareots ar
tba coBuanaily. AU this aaalaaa nertahtoad to tba toiid. wmad- with hto adotoaceaca. Tba blgb adwot parted was made by Samnel UBtamyer.
prtoHr. Tba tblaf work or tba re- to tba UiM when tba awakaali
New Tork lawyer aod aiiomar for Bea or Boaar and U'ta to beeanai *a
psbUe to tbo graparatlOB of iia
Ike Waturt Plarco Company, oow do net take care of tha child at tba
right time. Three par cast ot all
rOBife te IttooBtblp.
suing the tnigt.
TMn to Botbtog ao tavoRaat-in the
was ciooMad with tba praaldani eblldraa of ^bool age an tnbereular.
, lUi ot a child aa this tzatelag:' It to
Tban an 20.00«AM cbiidrM attaadter artaon mlnnt^ bat nfosed
tog aebool. aad therefora man ba at
r ot tba Ideali aod tba aar- cute wbatber he'recalrod aay ai
• toiptrattos. It glna -powaT. haowl- rowlng of tha i
ancaa that arlioo would be Iwfua least <00.000 obadren to need of openair toatncUon.’
loM yoath t
adgik thlU aad am Imgartaat od aU.
against the Buodsrd.
TlatoB. Hera to tha ^teT dlSeraaea rich aad eomprshi
It wai learned that Oalarorw*- On. John F. Andaraoe and Jaaapb
r of the pttolie baaltb ■
tare abbofa abort cats.*' Borne aay they briady ontllnad iba artdeoee ad
aSerd to keep tboir chtUraa la
■chooL To soeh it mar ha aafd, yoo
iSord to ka*e ihaai oot. Tha attar the dtoMhUloa decree.
tha paMtog abow. Ha to net MMnlwit loea of a few days may mean deprlr*.
told. **1101 br tba serttog oC ot dried
et iu Mantag.
ttoa tor a
pnrttelas'of akin, bat by inaaitog
‘HawtoftoMitaa to tba
tba nattont dortog tba aartr ntngaa
Hto.- HBaa Ura mm to a dar than Ufa abd chaapaa paraoeal wonb for
a^dtoM. Nose and amlh see
otom In a noath. it to atatoa.
ttou eoceer tba Banna. A Aaa tpny
powar to aaa' tbtoga aa tbar an aad
to thrown out In coa^nc or
at tha aaise Um m ttpr atenM ba.
and nay CUI4 wbo baa not bad
Titaaatli hsUar wbaa tooktoi at the
las wbo braatoaa tbto opnr win ho­
tot tba old boaao do tor aaotbar oaowona .'To Baa tba paaalhto
aoB. Tbaoo an tblngt asd tbtoga caa Both Man VtoHad Qraitd Tiavaraa and lme tofeeud. Ika Tins or cam of
ttona .UdblM at tba aoCaal bad.
■eaalaa has navsr baas faaad aad to
- The dItIMl who Is daprtnd od aahoot- wait Bat doan !et Uba nor Jaaa
Uakad Over Frait
. aaaU Itjcan pan ttarangb the poraa
tor Bdt.Vatr toM M r-*—
r a porastoto Bter.-.
— - .........
bat to- earr
Dr. Oaorga Raid, ot BUtord. Engoae and wooma. aiaa and woaMe
From tba
M. Anarba^ amugar of too tond. toia tbs ceagraaa that fba new
tbo dapoBdaet who are ready
Ftoebar fruit tom near Big Bur
set to OnM Brit­
a Urtog la a rttal wertd atapa asida: to aoeb aS doors laka. Uka eeantr. hM basa amatol
ain would ba tha moot poUat tor axuwoka with tba death ot K. W. tanalon ot putole health.
toBril ia'^'B iatr; to aarra tba
Ptotoer. toa capltaltot wbo owaad tba
-AH toannd penoas." aald Dr. Raid,
farni, Hr. Ftortiar pas Ullad on tha -and tbelr dapasdanu. aball ba |ut>baaltb and mnrtoe Mmpltnl narvlea. 1* tost while bnattog with bis farm rtdpd'wlto madkal treatment Tha.
gar and ihq consar** J«T *an tow nine jnridm tor pnraatittra.
Tba eoagnaa will ba dlrUad teto atoa
a virdlct to the atom that.
BBB aaefa of which arlU ban Its
Dr. Irn & Wild at New T«rb at
prwwn. The azhfMtlon to said Ptocher'-canrt lo bto dnatb from
to a Bumbar of pnrtaltr coastrucisd vend toUrand hr a rtda to Iba haada atoad tba Impcetam Ot bagtoatog
brtMlngi in -Pouiame Park aad di at- ot Aanbneh. - Both MMora. FisMai tba hreiaale toatraottoa ot artieol
and Aaertnch are kMwa to this aoe ehUdrea to tba alamaatorr grndea and
traettag groat faicaart.
non. they bartng vtoitad tba tofge aanTlBf it twwaid to gradBattoa.
Tbo gaatrai satalost of brgtoM to
toms auTToondlng Tntaiae qitr
aS Ifa MhHTtoleM wffl ba dtoeassod
at Ibd aaiMyai at tM eoagnaa aan
wpeks ago.
weak hr aipatta tma aS parts of tba
Ptfchcr bad porahaaad n targa
rtrOaad globa. Amcac tba aablaote
Douct ot Laka ceaaty tonda and was
ot practkal latereat to ba dlaciMad
spaading mosay tfaaiy la an start to WH.L BE DltCUSBtO AT CATHO
an-^waga Dispoaai by Oltotloa.
wKb Rafarecea to CoMiUooa w Tidal abow that tbeae lands whan ^partv
traatad caa ha made to ratarn totaraai
Watora aad Large Btreama.'* “Watpr
tba laveatiuenL
riMT Tim McmiM »
Aim at MaaOag to u BacaPB Viawe rt
Icatlca to Europe by BMogleal
PaM EapwHaaaad in
oda." ’‘Btoposal of Warts " The
^ Work.
Caatoalgn Agatoat Notoa.'' -Ilygtoee of
City Babtaa.'' **80011017 Aape.ta «d
Waabtogtoa. Sept 2L—Tba National
Mir 9km ar Mbjaet Wm Ha Ol
tog ProMaao." ''Sewage PnrUcedBtoad hr Hast'Talant That Can
coofaranca of Catholic cbarlUea win
open ban teiDorrow at tba CaUwlic
. Ha Ohttonadi havorto Cao-

mM iliiiiM ntna

•m WooU t^ ^ Batoaglag Ta






OHIetola At Haato Ara HMHaaairi
Wha Kaaw NaCMag at Baalaaaa
mb WMdiaaMy Rtofc
Maa-a Livaa.

biaago.\ Sept. 21 —Artatara
tbia^ ^ Iba meet at Cicero Sold,
nimd totL-aa agraameat ai
riy wbaa tha eoadlttoB of tba air to

tham kaon tba trwt ibiag aboai nvtaCLEARED THE RAILWAY.
tioB. Tbar Ttolau ar^ rale to safeguard the llraa of Ua aTtours *
Rabaio Hava '^umad Upan Malplaaa tba dadarattoa of William Ptekaas.
manager ot Artstor Huara Kaaraay.
wbo laatldcd at the toqoest of How­
ard W. Gill of BalUmera! Md, *to
was klltad at tba artotlcN mat
Ctoara SaU laet Batorday wbaa bto
Wuhingtoa. Sept
:i. — BaeaVa Uplaoa crtllded to tba air with
by Gaorgu Maataeh.
dgfaUng batwaaa AmertcaB n^al
Pranrti aviator.
forrae aad .\leanguaa ravplutia^
-om toM me before ha waat
is belleead to ba*a oecumd la
past fa* days easr .^^rraacu. si- tha air on tba doy ot bto daatt tbu
ba was dtopMed with tba way tba
tbougb raporu froal Iba acana a
being ooadaeud.^ at
meager that otOriala ben bare ao
daftoite Idea ot wbu baa taappoaad.
Ufco this Idea at tlytog
Rear Admiral BaUtarlaod to to tha
told me.
•rid. prabaMy with upwards «f 2.000
“OtU was narvoas bafota be aurtaad U ptaas bare not mtoearriod
by tbto Uma he baa rttorad tba roMe L Ho only waat ap nttar tba otot tba auiaeal raBway ot opposing thtob IMtod tha moat wooU ba
robato and rallarad tba tomlnMbrau- tnttora If dm caowd worn dtoniroli
Masurti to not to btoma tor tba
soad dtr ot Otnoadh.
Tba nbrta. wlU unporaltod faro- accldaaL In tact, 1 doat- britova
aitber aviator wsa.
cliy. ban taraad dpea belplan
-I protoatad to tba Am «lab of
tog darkaeaa.
abooM tlr bacnaaa tha crowd would
• dianppototad It 1 did
WUUnm^arM ot Dnrtoa. Ohk(
who aarvod as OlU'e
uotlSad that 001 had prouatod that
U was too dark to race and
toor that an aeddant wm


ai UNBsnB
BsaralMy R & Moaugaa of tba
taad Tianaiaa Bogina Fair Aonortarina raealvad a tilngiU this aeaa
tram the stau agriealtBral coBaga ta
tha aCOet that (he tostHattaa wartd
oamd fair horsoE sixtaaa eauto. aightaw aheep aad ntoa hogs tn ’ha «hiUtsd at tha fair Sfxt waak. tbto
dUpUy will be all of (be hot MsMed
alack and wol prava n valoaMa »*qatotUda to the exhlbitE. This stock
w(D not eaa.pete for pramlamE ^MOlr
batog aeet as a auu agblHL


Wsahtogton. Beta. ».-Btatamaam
Mriiig tbs expaadlure at
or drtlara by coBgraaBiBaa ta aa aMon
to rocaptaru tba nomlaattob at Iba
prlmariaa for reolc(lh» to tha hoaaa
was made pabUc. RapraoMttgUva
Haald ot DalBwara haada >ba IM of
heavy expaadlUea with gUAE A
noBgraasM-a oatorr la bat gTAM
Ktostaoa apsei over oaa thawaad.
whoa Uadsrwood opaai t2Cd. OMik
fSC aad Cbnnoa |1»7.
rartlflad that thatf prtmaty
■ «mt them aoUiag.




One Hlllitoman that aad FaUlly
Wounded By (toardsmsn Wha
Mistook Him for Mombor ot
Marauding Party.

Miaa Baeoto Blagai and Frank Batae
ware married last wank and nra Itvin.t
1 thair ptoea In Almira wwnaklpFrank ^yaoMa to catting eltoga tor
John Fewaas aad In Bora..
« IL * N. K. bridge crew -baa
IC tha.aaighborheod Rxtog an
the railroad bridgaa.
Tbo township of Almln to tnaktog a
DCh Beaded imprarameot ot the mad
lanlag from Bare'a (oraara w
Tbompann raraar. <t to being cat oat
aa^lmproTad two rod^.wlde and bilto
Craat Brooks has coma borne frooi
BmpIri'Snd win work for Mr. Doync.
Brbool la dlHriet three of Inlaa-I
to being uogbt by Miss Duashae.
wBile Miss Edith Sawyer to tea
le BouU Almira arbooL
J. T. Rirhardona and aoa I
re hsuliag gravel on’the Aadra
Tfaerv 1a no oae wbo remade
■orb wet weather for so long s lime.
II heals all rprorda
Bept. JO./


ToaaMag Bara BpalE

arrivad in Detroit today. Ha adCbartaiioo. W, . Va.. 8eptdressed tba chairmen of tba romy
MiUtiameu palroltog tba t'abln Creek
gationa lo tba rapoUtcaa nUW
atrika dtotrit-t airly (bti morning
rantloa to tw held bare UMorraw
otianed Ore 00 marauders wbo
and dlscdased camgalgn plans wkb
attempdng to nre (be Carlw Coal
tbam. iVbila not n
C-ompaay-i tipple at SouU Ttorboo.
s. ba Mated that ba batlavod
One man ta dying and seraraJ are
Taft wUI ba twrtactad. Ha aaU neatlbcllared to have been wounded.
tba coontry la raptrty
The manodara escaped, carrying
fiTor of Tan. *«•tbelr wouDdad.'
ports from Mleblgan are very aaeoan111 coattoaa null Sept H.
plaaad oa tbalr trait tbis Dorntog and
aglag." mid HDtos. Aecordisg to claao
Tba alma ot tbto caatenaca a
two bundred sJIlilanico suned to
frieodt of former Ueaunaat Goveraor
bring abou exebanga of rtaws a
MtraulL This la (be fourth ittempi
Kelley, tamporary chalrmaa of the
axperteoced Catholic man nad woman to burn tipples li ib- dlslrirt.
coovaotloo. bto speech will not tooeh
are nctira to tba work at -bar
Al Cherokee. Charles ^'ampbcH. 1 4-*444*«0«««*444d« on tba Rooaaeail-Taft cooireearay. ns

to collect aad pabttob toform
lilittomaa. was shot aad pcrbapi
ba be)lares there to a bartar chsaea
coDcerain organtoatlona. probtems fatalty wounded b> another guards ♦♦♦♦♦♦0444444444
Bcbool opeoed Taesday. Sape 2. lor barmoay If tha ImbragUo to net
and resulu to Oatoalle rtiactty;
with 30 enrelled la the grammar
bring to exprualen a general policy
loward dtstlnctlTa modarr. oa ations
learbers. Mfu.
aad Ethel FUter.
In raliat and prerentioa and towa.*d!
Mrs Adsely. Mrs. Brbryer ol Travmatbodi aad teadanctas to ibam;
rrse <1ty aod MtiA flars Lapbam >.•
CteriDoatl were ibc aebool
on Monday. Bape t.
a Pawtoos. oammtosfcmer of Baa
Wasblagtoo. 8M>L tl.'-On tha Mat
xle coanty. vtoUed our nebool WodTba nbletU to ba dtocuaaad 1
tag or a -bike- around ikn wartd.
aaoday mernlag. SapL IE
daoaitloa- and noa-suppon. tba e
Vienna. Sept M—A laagtby notice .Lockeu Sboamakeri, wbo baa bees Dora RodrlgnaE s lEyasrold AMUrTtct sad bis taaflr. panatoalng
appears to the OfOclal Gaiatta calUag atuoding arbnei here, has geaa to bar daft girl, ranchad tba capital FMday.
widows and tbelr tamlUaB. tkod
upon (be belra of tbo tote Cbokt Prant ima la DetralL
She walks slOBE canruc s bags ramaotally and pbyaiealty dafac- Palffy, wbo died eo Noeembar
velrer oa bar hip nad mya aba was
Aa addliMn of sixteen feet with
ebUdraa. canaea and pfamUoc 1U2. to wilbitn* a-deposit from the
aever oreoMed by any maa axtapt la
baaemsat baa bees added to tb- p
of dallaoaMcy.
w__ ..
nry.,of the rtrll court of }astice
wbkh baa been lying ibera oenr 3«
Bapt. IE
yoain. The aoa to oae beUcr. ooe#♦♦♦♦•♦♦444400000
Vth ot a cent. I'nlaaa wKltonwa

noder Anstrian raatom. It wlU be ap­
that sboalA axtoL plied u paying off tba national debL
« oegaatoad aoclatles.
Am CoUtoE a former-reatdaat
St wbo now realdea to lodtona. to win nddresn tba mambara of Grand
railing oa old frteoda at tbto ptoea. Travana Groage at tba smatlag to
Mr. aad Mrs. J 8. Hortoa tram tbs bo held Butvday sfuraaea to tha
mtoaoto vialied tbMr dao^Ur. Mrs. Ornaoa halL He will uu how tha
poopla ot twatva aenthera autas are
. P. Kaanay. Inst WadTubdny.
Mrs. Joha Adanw ot Trnvena Oty paoEttog bacanaa of the work at tho .
few days barn toot weak vto- tl< farm ogoaU to that larrUarr.
Watertown. N.'T. SepL II—Tba
New York Stole Waterways aaaodabar daaghur. Mra & Rlehnrd- •nHhyd
today to clmlt eourt
Allto y
tlna began Iu annual ennranihm to­
Wk-blu. Kaa, gopt 10.-Tbs new day. Tba meattag was called to cooFViTd Hammood of Traversa atr Braatigam ot Ktagalay vs. M
lasdar. NIcboUs Krtaer. iohs
halt mOUm deUar cathedral bm« was atdar mnuern relating to tba water- vtokad at Ur. Aakarana'a over
Wya of thU aute, ambradag canals, day.
dadicatad today br Cudim Gib)
toy D. Craaaman aad Tba M
MMop (Baaaaa pfaaohad tlwdad-. enao] tormtoato aad tolaad aartgable
Ur. and Mte EDaworib Cox nai
watarwayi. uda waura, rtear aad bar- two eblldraa tram ■lafiaaa ara vtolttog tbalr pacaotE Mr. aad Hra. Jnba
.R. OaL (nra ia* waakE






■ u



. ?A«B POUB. '


mean bMM^r Mfk.
Un. Uie Wirw

■ and MM m cha 4
Vonr other

I mk:Sc t


,S5 rs.?5Sl

mt Wer«ar. t«e OMR dbW
mkt Hr w
11 *0
daahed down iha inafc toward
bridge ewaue the Wequetaag
ctnb growht 'A’hen tba hone
fd opM thP trtdgr Ita Ub* Aat
pad devrn betweew ite tit» and threw
“? the animal opoo Om UBCk. Sererat

for an orswtoadon that a
them politically.
N>a» cl


w» onantoaitona.

^a V


A maabera at
o( Ihe
iha MichIcBii






lb fea mm
___,----- ---------- -s^aHWlncf the bcffti <loo ii^


__ io»mMejw«Jy.t«k_.
IW ttv « iul Mt Ik imtal ammi
Tav 4«lcr ki «M.


tMied by the xllchiaen Equal Suffrasc
AeMleiien Cenoerntng the Oi
meiid for An AllUnce WHh
the Pr^reeslvc Pany.
OoreRier Hinm JobBton'e fljins
Ut» ibrongb MlcblBUi rectaiily waa
4wUr«d by a low nevapaper beadHqM to lurk an open rupture beraaeo <bh ProgrrMlre pany. wUrii
baa wAorwd veiuap euffrage. ah« Ibe
Bquai SaKrpte AaaorlatloD.
the OMHnbers ot »Urb are vnrklac
bgcd to «<cure tha tiaaalBR of a
tor VMBen.
An vbo bno* tbn real CatU of
a AttratazHl that there baa baef;
BO raplnn batvoen the t
tmf tbe VlebttBD -Bqat Snffrase At. aeeiaiton. beeaaae ao alUahee between
4hem baa.«Ter.a^e(e!a, heare there a
o rdailona to aet«r.


I Scotes Emulsion


■ «w Mv

bat kupl atoot Crooi pollUral
enuuliDK allianeea. It U an
tloa *iib but a alnale aim—v«ea to.«.umeD. >A roBatil
til that effort viM be roled upoB by
<he people of ^lirhUan TiMaday. Nor.
3. I'ntM thia la paaae<i\tb'e rronoJ
koo«- pHther republlcao.' democm
prosreaalre. aociallat or pToblbltlep
party. Tbelr membera are recrolted
rron all rHiiloaa deaoalnatl
tbe onouiualloti la abaolutelr
urtan and.noD-partlaan.
Ueriirn Ooveraor Jobliaoa eiaitn:
.(Iranit Kaptda. RepL T, be aeceptiil an
iit.'iln ion i<> adiireta'lbe loesbera of
ibe I^dtea' UleraiT olab and l.vM-a.
coefaa. bu dlaappoint^
■r It had Wiiiled ever a
dia breofcB uddn-ea no allualon
' made to :h" a;.fr;re pUnk
praffreaalre party, and. before ad>onmbn nat aaked to sire the uoiiieD
r audlenre
ihln plank. The laaue waa exuded,
lotrerer. and the a
The name pvaalon tnarked t^•'
addreas of Ooverbor Jofataon al
Sir all other laanei were rar
Many OHvan From Hama.
Everj '■•ar. in matij' pana of i
oounUT. 'houaanda are driven fiom
their hooree br ruURba and loDf dtw
tea. FTIenda nid bualMaa ar '
bind for. ether dilute^ biu
la rostry and not alvafa aure. i
icr way—the way of rnttltliodea—la to
Dr. Kfnrt Sew DkeereiT end
e >-oaradt at noaao. duty ritbi
there, e-ilh yonr friaada. and take ihia
awfo D^cloe. Throat and Inng ttiu
a find qnick reUet and heAth rena lla help in rousha. raMa
W. whocsilBgH^eush and aoee
kr it a poaUlve bkaalna. 3(k nod
Trial bottle f-ee. fln.iV.inl-ed ly
dnissfsta in Tmrerae Hty.

to chc
Oeanat FW <m yam



m imE BHSf


Traverse Ofy
Unittd Doctau

The man who provides best for his family
is not'tiie one spends his ^ upon them.
His Wt semoc wiU.J^ to save a litUe
out of each ehA
He will thus serve two purposes: pro­
tect them agamst want, and set an example
thrift v^idi is a most vital influence in
shajflnfl yonr character.
Tbe First National Bank wants moresaving accounts with heads of femiUes. '


and tn a few ntbutea (Sere *U quHV
a force ot men bam uylng to get the
animal bac« eeto aolid gronaA. Thto
■by toyldS a
of larffa ptaalM
taeadqiurter*. Brery tolr minded p«
cm which the bom
BOB win asrea that the tMkrwiiis la
the bridca.
-perfectly fair and tosical poalilon. and
Aside bom a few aU^t aoatnhaa
the only aund which ran be taken by
^ ihe.Dmr demoUahlag of tb« harSm^ofad-oMlf jrao have k
latioa at thla^laia.
- 'dm tnwble. llnitiaa tk
tbe faerae was uahart. though It
to aa toUova:
a wtU^ to Dr. Bflnier
fortnaste that. the animal did
tmMMTK. V. {tost mAt
Grand Rapldi. Mich, Sept. IS. !»!::.
mt break iu-'lm wbaa
Tbe Michigan Equal Soffrage
Aoet, and don't tel a itoator mU yaw hec<
rtotioa imiat reapanfany correct tbe
that (hen haa bam
break harreeB the w
of Michigan and i
tried to help them.
monopoly on (he Ideaa or methoda ot
There nev^ waa i r alliance be­
iTiduttrtal. ^uermeni. We cannot be
the ‘Micbli
ta abd i be
blamed. I
'. for being i
third paru-. for.tba MIebIsaB auffrj>baB it to linidled that
gitla wan m the fleid tong before the
becauae we'do bM Mb tha third paiw
progresaire party waa beard Af. Bo
Theaq, Who Hava AtfeptM CslMer«U
we hare no Intareat to the
there coald be no break.
for Heme Itoeaiwff Happy
Moreover. It la not tiwe ibat./tK^
Days Hers. ^
Miehlgan auBragtota at any time oon- It to true that we are bow Aghting
demawl either the third party or any Juat «ar tbe l«»o(. bet we want Che
The Grand Trareraa SocMy. organwe
other party, tor our caitar to aou-pi
■e «dTe<qlTe rtiiaene and lied a year age by fMiner rraMeota
tlaan. The atguamt that berauae
ffOK Bh

eSeetlrely tor the aoetol ot the Grand Traratae ragiaa bald Its
Womaa Suffrage plaak appMtra la the
of onr second annual meeting In niKlaka
party. uplift.- - That
PatMto al* barrstotoff early p»
ibroogbcwt the state—that Park. Loa Angelea. on Labor day.
iKragtoU ahooM gup- VaBkera.lbr
latoes aad pmilag la Ml rreps m
oor argument before Ibepe was Tbe Brat part ol the day. peaged
port that party, baa no mrrlL
Ulh of the third party. No more- gstekly to reatteg old trtotode aad
U n not .-ue that In tbe alz auiea
It can entirely rontml
wbem women vote, th^ haltot waa ok
•oon a pleaie diaaor waa amed.
tailed without tbe aM of the third
ikier which the pnaidaBt of tte aoVto. PMUV uu«t aa* Keff L«p
party, which waa not then In ea- rtdnal may tmtpreag opinions of which dety. D. 8. Nlckeraon. piBaidfd at a Mttol HatoftaiRa *HdW 6M
-lartoa wnnid not approrc.
eeodr >rM Mr# WHI
hi Lhto.
iKm al Ttor«*ao <3cp .omt iifftoOM A
la It not true that I jflhe six glatoa Whatever indlrlduato may hare aald.
OfAcerB tor tbe enaalng year
Mg toy.
PVry has had a woman tnffrage plank we. as-an assoelatlcni. tollnwlsg the eleeied aa MIows;
k D.>
In lu ptotfonn tor years and that it policy e^retnlly planned, bare dr- Mtoeraon: ffnt rlta pr«gtdne.-C:
-Mm. N. Ktolaar haa iwnBto Mm
.-CW. Osantp 'rimli & R M%lu baa :
lermftied not to snack to# leaders o'
aambur at iMalHsa ^boal ibg troe tor daft at Oihato btoHto '•
or to become Invcdred to Brett: seeoBd vice' pireMegt. S. T. Oil>('the Meek for b
aecreUry. 'E. tf. Pope: tteasar
amtose Uamm tbac to lu bo issued W*. CMitato. who haa bee* ^0^
d In tbe progrmire put
f 'aom* yeeto with OUb
Mias Eifalyn PHt: btoioriaa. C.
» toe room wbo wlH bo marrti
the fair graanda weay Thwadar. Trar- U Btolb at HbtoA
Vouag U rtaUisg eM
dtp day. la addlMoo to'U
Hifuld all become eoclallataf
Mends In ihe'Betgkbotoead ihitsrtok.
toon a d
>f the marriage IKenae and
The aoclaltolic part) has been fail
d'bara also on p
T Ibe dfrectlOB of Mrs.
> by tbe rterti and the Boe set rf
». Win. CIriM
Mngb act to demaad that, ot tbe
Brett. Met. Brett eotRkd her
« by Hnss A Monroe. J. W.
pNdrau "Prem Michigan to caUfonilB StoCer has offared a ftne Iraa bed.
W* etill
etil maintain that no party bar
by Baay Rtagee.O. Simto dt toe ffm ef S
a run >
toursey was Rartded-------• Amletta. baa uffmadia
nan's aaffrage. the
Iowa: -Wy ChtlAaod In MUMgag.’
women ahedid renonnee their right
I (be Btotaribg of toe rerg erap^-bd
A. W. B^efc; •'iVhT I Left WcMgaa.'
private opinion and as a nnited
iHRm a mem ««b.
C. W. Br««t; *ntoe Pitot 8U^ of toe' wM ^ *
gmp tofm that party.
amrto. gildlii aM ^ dm*
JoBTBey," Mr* 3. W. Hfttoa: “Tb.
decidedly ofatoei to belBK
lead. meiTH^'fffSr'^ og
Moat Amnalnr taeMen." 3. P. tt»a toe anIHes ngetod oMkOW mm
Cbaraclerited aa enemies of tbe progSaturday
to aaaW yeaoph Baley to
-The B«w Stage of. the JewraaT." Ura. piBcea Of tottoam esur tadm
reaalres or any other party. We are
hU SOU MrthMj. ^ 0m
Lewu Atom "Ttio Veet Atenatog dartBR Mr Week. Otom- boas.
glad Mr. RooBevell and Oorenior
inofntoK.* Mr*. L. O. Brett; •Toety*
•at ttoo toa gmo fa
Jobnaon have adopted
R-bea to arttlad (Wa to tdfS three
ru Acreaa.- P. F. Heddrq; pteytu say artkUa itoiraM aad
trage. bnt w« want to point out that
was aa otoor atottar batwaaa blm aad
-The Worto Stage ot tbe Jeuraey.' help to hoart toa toR.ft waa oor caiiae hug before it was
Mantetaa riser to the soatb. dtaar toMt*. C. W. BtolU TW LaK Stage of Tbo ooaatr cdrrk waals It i
tbelm. Tbe.v are
«f BldM«
toe Amtoey." »^r*. B. Jtclfeajnir; ■toad tost. tbe BiW CDopto m
Stoll ha at Iha
plao want to point jt thafn.
-Why I Retoetn to CaMfoto^'D 8.
to pataoa lor toe Beeaar wet* routed end a tut pltaMbt eF
a and dc
waa aajo^ by alL XUHcUa*

wtH b* t
aa eha toara
r. 8. Storking was caned upon I
UnquBs and political meetings in
after ihileb toey ■■HAHIiMhH H<!(
one of bti poems. and'U ^ Pox fi
and other .Btatea In which they have
ntb e-kn
ored wtth a mo.
advoted Woman'aoSrace.
B of l8e n
At the ronclnaUa «(Iba paegtom
0 » p. m.
In view of these Ms we Inslat that
adjojimed to tbe r-'lu-r' to enjoy
ft Is Idle to ladi trf giwtliude tc
Bamarksblf Stweasa of These Taleitoed feaol of laacloaa CalUarala waternieiIMkh tin Says
PhyWeUns in the Treatment
one party, when oor friends a
-It doaT ffSoMtoMtotos* to
of Chronic Diseases.
be found In all parties and whew we
About were present rjio
reapect the right of Indlvldnal OFFAR THEIR BERVICES FREE an united it e/Hmng the day to l-aye
opinion when it comes to lelectli
■dlffdeOda or oibar Urto
The I'nltml Koelore. Ucensed by Ihe been an unuanally pleasant ,one.
. win . do toe MtoB. V
of Michigan for the tiwatmaat
Dr. nag-gmea UfrHili
Now as to tbe other important 6uie
of deiorniUlee and all nervous aad
point—that' women have not
1. women and ff
<• ^^1^^
tioned 'the other bareanitarlin p
Bebooi toffM Sapf- 3. ^th the same
irpt of tmtiera as last' year: 8. M.
Perry, prlnclpto: Tera SeboSeldrtBlee*
•red a xyitem mqdtate teaeger. and Noe* Hftsia'.
en. viOioQi iwgard to any party, baro
Acquired'Out-TerrlMy- «» RrsT
«is that are
worked side by aide with'men for the
>sbi> sure aad erriain lu ibtor primary teacher; There Is a total <*- paper. -Oar Ttoitoea Ortgbto* CdRfBweltar^ of (he masses Ixtng before
; roltnebt of W. ft of these hrtng bow1.
;bc progressive party cam Into the
se doctorgare nmong Amertca'K reMdeitta There are S« pwpRa I* *0- Us.' was elearir
g Mutnaeb aBd nerve speetoTlsts. bish school depanmewt. ftF ciMe ^ bmiffled br »b. ft C. BMffrea.
Add the adx-ocaesB (d womai
• expert* in la this and other states were urglnt
ronaiatj of II metoher*. There TerrltotT Argaftffd ItoMT.’ was
aMMd to MS*. PMtoft O. 1
weipaa suWnge as a BMans nl help! .
taaiscb. IntesUna*. akin,
A 0*0 evMeBee af mash nasarrh
women to work more effectlrely tor bean, spleen, kidney* or bladder, nther raoma There a*a if MtoO
rheimisiiam. aelalica. .Itabeles. bedthe Iniprovemeai of tbe condltlent
A change haa been, made la
ibiiuma tbsUs. ba«e sWag dufftof
ialior. Our periodirala and Ibe ivr weiilDa. Ur uiccee. weak.laaga. aad tob* to too DHlgo toMbrhy
lhaae atokted wftb long ttoBtoagi
m (bo yUU of eapv, Tffj.
n*! illeratsre wbich we hare been isrp seated ehfdnlc dimaea. ibat Hyatr reetord aaclaM MMary.
WtobWgtoa IrrtBK tod Ame
iMfal poaltri raison asmriy aR
dtotrtbatlag ihtwngh the ranntrv
gtohOP Whoeo wrWagt wrr* oor
I. Prtce S rts. W padkagr. Satd
have baflTed the skill of othar phjai- hoped that tome dm la tbe nei
yeare peeves the correctoesa of
«d mh too satoset of tor day. «to bv Aitortsa* onto B
Inre ll'IUlamaiiuTg may boaal of a
mem. Many of our eampt
to Ml*. Wiebeuea. aad fhrr* re
aa tbe old c
leaders are nHed all over the cdunir .toaiA uiatora, softer, piles, to
e tbe number WfUffa from hlO aartra were gtren
m HaMtoaeff gi AM.
loo amall to ami
lor their piqpeer work !ii aoctel rc ■leir lueihoU pll’K imeoroplIialF
a. They have Cougfht for ■•erter •ire.1 withoci oi«-raitoti or lirpod«r
A lueedag of tbe teachers of Ihe
Baallary cauHttona la faetory aai' uie inJanUn in CMM acwrmed tor iownshlp was bek) Monday. S«L >1.
riawtirat. They weiY amng ibe iiim
ledemenL they hare langht ayains* a America U> ears the uaxue ot
Bates read "The AdmIrabU Ci|ffo«b
the call of Couaty romndas
child labor: ibeF have ibnaM tor tbe -Bloodim Surgeon!.,- by dotes away ler Hornsby. All tbe leacbera of the of Peter the Hshdsitoag.iBtpmxeteeaf of tbe wagm of women. aTh Ibe knife and with pain In the
Barlag the program two mortial
ireaimeat of Ibeae «
The Irier^s of-woman aaffrage are to
was roudarted by Mto
nind In ererj- faetory to tbe Uhd
too cMb members. Mias f
• kidney
berauae they kaoM the wc
ounce hcille of >o
to. ■>»
c&emical aaalysU and mic
Krttogg. ptoyed two e*q«toHe rttM
mpft .exhtoMUlbn.'
Tha Bea Miha. Suom
r<3fuqp; faato ofhai Im* cu.‘«l to pniaory sebool Uw, the Mportai . aelna. gad Mrs X M. Holfldar, who eraptfn^ nut*. Sffralaa «
ae buade of Mrffe Vnurgrtto ■ are m
yedra eC ^tosa Freer
■wading, writ&g. arlthmrtlr and Bag- was to BpieMtd raft*. »*** two aedxty <avg.
of great energy. Siieeea*. today. .
rttoavauff Mr pto* cum
WottoobrNd niMowa
msnds faeahh To ail it ti
Hah. tha noniao of mady.
Urttoai. ataa acsoapaslrd by MUs Mb.
an, ae amiiar wfcai .'Oor ailmeni
otter follv for a man to
' ~rastoB* CMrmy be, nn matter wlrnt you have
weak, rviu-down. half alive
when Blectrlr Blners wtn put nlm on ' imi told, or tbe gaggerlenee .vpu ba
Whoa yaw ato ttMtoirifif
hfs fert Insbon order. “Foor botfUa lad with other pbysirtaiia. eeltle
dM me more real good tbsa aay other /orerer tn year mtod If your mm
dMw I eaec toak." vrtm v-h« ■ocurto^ they will teU you oo. .O
Alton. Sylraala. Ga. ' After yea<V Mull them msB-tblt vtaii. It no
OtU It gtrn_rnlUf.
OI suaecus wiin twmnausui, liver
___ ■aibsr nu fteo offer to tor
trooble. stomach dladnlet* and de
(*ank spntos aitotol
riBpelt kMneya. I am mW ihanto ithU vlaft oaB>.
AUrrtod tedips aim aom with tootr Itvml abtoo and gtoao. PhUmB <s»
U EtoemU Iffttraa mimt nA-WepTry tomn. Only se esftto
dnie ftnaiuadi end mtoore with (heir par- ^a^^tU. Sold by AmsSf^ Brag


Vl^nng Hotel,



Tl^ »MK»S’ StMB
Before you biiy your be
in and see ihe

j^crtroli aJewel


FmmI Mvloa n«e Bast dMiRCThe handsomest and most econMnical wood
e made^ We also have the combinatioa wood
coal stoves, and that g^ heater. Cole's Origin­
al Hot Blast, t^ stove that barae any kind of
without dyats dirt or smoke, the stove that holds fire
alt night sriA year hatfiri of cmI and 38 hpuys with
one ho^.of coal.
Come m mid see our line of stoves and get our




W^fixe to Ttoreraa Oty,'


Mracy tai Loin Rtt Eifi^

TA^ pfm'*




nt UK sm iMi

BtMialMoa IN^tmdar mt Tbtf*^
« tar It* Inft rtiiMU tm k» Pf «tM verk. Tkv

tacT^ip wk ttw «M (I

r.;:sd MmiAtEMti

(rti bao'baee ertn la tbta rttr
ws ta ea bawA.
•MMdMsil la the' otaRe la foe

■Beta m SB aav Mart. **ra
atae wi^ir deylac w •
^ "l
laM Hiriim ■ foot latt tla* wHi be
•lactaod i> oH tke tare*. Tke local
irecb ta tbe ben balfwil* track ia

er te laoarc amt a

lac of tie tatataurs of foe cRr-flitta^
.day ^ternrea at the Part ^e! so do- '
fftik rtart of ptariii aHmnWea. Aft-

*«» Prseidsot eftaerte Is ii tja
Bnadaj. Sept. fo. a

loidroas day In Ibr various cbnrebSB
A E.'Osfld at Cvd Aatrii*. stale lb tbe dty. The pasior* nffl ptaeeat
pretMewt of tke ddiOks CTwtatlau for Work of the Oldesw aad tbsfr k»
Commrrctal Travelere' JUMClalkui of isi Bible work. Ae oCrrlax w« be
Asserfea. esaraased tbo boteb of (rtro to per lor the BWie'art be#
Treveree Or tlan srert and received I ibt> sorfcakjia M r. UeaH rt«e esrr
a te ptare >•* BiMm in the | lasMriac addrresre at t
doret reoma Mr. Gool.l valied a n.e«- foe rtnrehes Ian Auaday.

•ta lUlintar Ck* a
ir V^UMML Tb*«i
w*.: n» ^Mttas «M «-or Ik*
thr crutaUBi. The •
wn,*pMi*l of BoreUy oMiedr bort-,
wort br (6* CepelMd
ikmicfB, start’Wire wort by n*oI
(IMI tata «BM» «««
c«Iu (sp« oaid wire Bctii ta tb« air br
0«r «M mM ta UaOm
ainir Oop^wid. • tl«bt Wlr« <lo«i.1e
rw**ita C..T. Calffiri ^ Pnak bx ^ SU»e twm. B JsfuCM h<Mer
b^Bj wt br iiie 8IOM. Md
fjlB« irafwze
ttmmiv Mi Thmiu «t V ^ ad.^r Cbaa. BtoDs.
nere wn bo a simbpr of eoarrotbe talr in«(iDdi. AstM *H1 b*
. .#» .ertie* to^v .vUUon w^MUOfind
»iTi»twh CDOiilr 1* dPtaf iB boOdlw aarar beea taboioeed before aa4
wfefeb «ffl alta ttmttr » tbe cwaitert
orpilhmt. *n spoeebea win be Bade
wfcirb U prortded witb
tor Ibe aodleaee. Wat 8. Marided a teat for tbe old

Vi»- :• »—
tanei^ wurt wfO be
a new to tbe »Btorf
of tbe oMb people wbo attend tbe
tafr. TbroBdb tbe ktndaeae of 8bertt» ta
A Hnncar. beorte* wfil br fonad
abotft tbe fiDands. tber barlns for
; aUfced flfty contfonaUe aeat*. Pbr tbe
ronatdP P«opta there wBl'be a F«..wbeieL an otM ware and a minj-toload, berfrtei eofored
caadr bad other tMata
nabe tbe fair loob ■oed to


mrk FHIed Art

The Maneta
irnim UoBda» * Bceurd-Easle.I
Tbe forapl apoalai et the third wonaal fair of the Geart Trerctse Rw
Ctoa Fair aaeeciaikia wUi lake . _
tOMRow. aad tbe cates Urewa open
to the psUlc ea wbat wlU be
fair etar beM la rtls tmrt o<
tbe eule. It will
tbe week, ctoelac aett rtidar aftep

Now In Foil


We have on sale in 3iichant &. Ro*coe<s
o^ld shoe store (next to Hamilton Clotbing
most complete display of odd kinds of
goods from the .various stocks in the store
Nothing fdd and sbofi worn but the odds
and ends from tbe season's selling. .
This lot of merchandise is marked m
extremely low (bat its only a-case of getting*
is Ifirst. . . . These goods will be in
this building all this week. Prices are talk­
ing loud this week.

Chlcsao. Scpi. 2J.-\Vhrel. ta'Hc;

Today marled a eem <of acUrUy corn. :«c; oatk. 5**.t tbe poMlls. with the acoree
of *sklbkeci cetttac tbeir dlaplare late
ice. All day a coatiaaal precealoa
vahldea baarlac eiUUta strsamod
Into tbe tronada With tbe esceptloa
few or tbe ceocceaioB teela all
olber tetfU and buUdlacs arc in readiaeas. and by tomorrow morelax It le
that awet ot tbe ublbUs wUl
be ia ptece.
Fine grtibto ef Stock.
Tbe exbfbiu of Ucretaek will be tke
Beeet ever sees here, wiib ealamb
Irom the Boe herds et tbe Traverse
City Stale ^plui and tbe MlcWcan
colleca as "bcadUo**
MS. Tbe Acriculiural ooUen exblblt wUl not be eaiered io competia Haa mm odpt^ iloe with other stock, hut Is shown to
Ctre the pnbllc ae Idea of what baa
been arcompUsbed at tbe collert -ARM FHOOUC8 Ro»><fo Price.
rarms In (he brcedlax of line stock.
Prices corrected each Hoaday si
Tbe entile exUUu et the State each day ibeieaner 11 market varte
hospital tsd AcrienUatml collec* eca part et tbe stall* ia tbe flae,
new start bnlMIac to the sontbwen'Hny .................
ot tbe AtlrsDee to tbs srouDda. On Straw, per ton
accowat of tbe tartn number ot eala the dUteienl classee. the eM
■tack bniMInc wil also be preseed Into

■ arsr-E."’



Ib^, aw wotbln* WMstial wa» fboofbt
wbrt ka atbrted oat wHb it reatardar«e Ian the siMre fa (bo boat batweea


P.ta^ Lm

iasrs^-s'.rr. ^
<faa awrafa*. It w a# tbort*
tita boat and naa bad boea Ute«lly
utaAovad by tie wwrea. and R le
teafM tiot tie rxmax na bwe mm
hta death S the watere of Omd
Titaware Wr.
Hr. Jobaaoa’a iMber naidee at

da part et


aort' harw aMeelp aa a etale aabUdc
to create latereet- In
fbo ■■ wain at of I
naaie ia mwlaa iblo sleek. wHrt
adMd & the tar«o taiptay eiaored
b}- people from this ndnlty wiu make
a 4»«ta« wbH worth while laopeetlag.. Pkiasera are eoaitrt to aee tbe
aioiwHy e( Kredkid ap tkefr stock
and aartblBi that wtn
IdaaX*^ ^
«kJMO Mi0 BUM*A MVh br
«*re wbo are» latercsted in tbe


Rtaw (ha. fort That Waap cUm»
CawdHtana ta Ibe Nwr

in n ontma

•taa, iiim- lA-Ttaa »ra
dlrtdaa el Raada betwoM >
Maamer Redo«*«a Took Rart WreM
Brittaa aad Rifarti aa»aar. a
lad ae a rawdi otiba rialaeiarea.
Wbtrt aer^ taaadU tao fM
The steamer PetMega. wbieb was
tetic ibo laadbw bere.
ta adalattt. taa tart WHb tarttlab
by Joha Moat
Wta AMIhaaawaaaairot
ta rt« ataaata taart witb tbe anla la MiamlMtaii aad left FHda.r
BlCfct for CharteToIx, lowfos tbe f
driver aad wreetla* oatflt whj. .
ralaod her (roai ber inslilon ai U>e
, Conaal Anaad;
ir dock. Mr. Uoare
c wa« verr mneh
prtaad wbea be made aa esaeslMikm
of ike beat da be foaad that ebe is as
kmf. as new. ber bdU belac made of
tbe ben andDtr of oak aad able
stud aar kind of a *«• that she niar
^ ia ike cMfor ot ber tripe oe tbe
rar.aad on Ae liAe. n Is aet Ebown
Tbeae bam«a.»>«

: mmm


A lane tent has.bren erecici
•reea tbe new clock bulldinc and tbe
lam bone exhibit tarn to be nsed
exclusively' for poultry.
^Haj. per ton ................... ..........III.*'
Ueaf HcKbanu Welt Represe
r .......................................
AR et tie spice io both of the tarpe
art bnndlass has been taken and lo­
cal mesektnu are weR repi«nemed.
SoiM very aurecOre dliptaya
belBS blade, tdentplag^ tbe nMo\Vbcal ..................................90CG91.
date methods A leeiS-focrcbeata. The
DovdmBent bnreaa aad Bbard of
Trade wfn bare tbeir fine exMhlU on
dtsptay In tbe bid art Imfldlna. an.L
tbe public acbooU exhlbUs win be
tbe an bolMrt
Between foe two art bulldlBin Is
lane tent tor vegetaUe and other
farm produce dieptay*. and back ot
tbls lent Is anotber for Isrni
Tke iraiwaen to be need by (br
■ertil entertalaere In (brir tree
1 tbe horse races were en
Prieen corrrelfd as market varies.
imtnc.' In front ot (be pnodsued. Tbe lodres' stand was moved
tbe track into its oM pwHton
and tbe Ms slcnboarJs and »
boards In Ibe field Uken down to
vMe an unbroken view of every
So. 1 borne bides ___ >I ipi> aud up
lion ot foe track. Tbe raeea will i

c«^ loTdT, a^d

1.9»rii tbecci abd
Sa^b'Tk^ a2a»^

d«ct. bnt It is ktart* trtt 4b ismiurr
wdb fcae fbB,'Tessef hr tier frtiporar}'
Mbtaeraien la the water, ‘the boat
w4l le Oi^ oa tlid Sir for tCe retaafoder of the i!enea is I paaoeacer

We bane (Dod titings of the pnrnt qwlity. We etU.u «xcaUest qnalitj oI ooffM at 40 qpaU per ponad, aaaely OkxM
and Saabom Beal Brand. Tbit ooffee should be sold is evety
boot is tbe cctfouy. Obtaper brasdifon 3ft, SB, tt asd »
cants per ponnL





Tbe pcica of omr tern ranges Iran (b to 7b ents per poaad.
ne 10 cent tea is a natural nscolored smalt leaf i it makes donr
Bqtiid. -Our SO^xnl tea is the Cbabe aad Baaban Baal Brant
pnt np in Vc-poiuid packages at SO e«aU per paekaga.' Jtist a
trial of this tea will coaTince yo^qf itt SBpwior qvaUty.

You Cinnot Neglect Your Kitdien j
That most be kept up, and* it is worth watching as far aa yonr
system of buying is concerned. A little leakage in tba Utcbei
wiU make a big riwarof expenditwe. Belacttag
grooenea ta a
matter of importance. When yon porjdi
V yo« will ksTt
ttaO'Sfeat.the maricct affords.




—- - -

Saataai tbe powen



('orocT FVnut A Caa Streeia.

Visitors £ Fair Should See
At Steinberg Bros..
_ int areptccs eutherlng ol Sweater Coals In

Mil MHliii

^^nK'straSw CMts (Hal people waat-and

• pirllleri aea>vo
Sl'la*. .
THE FINE EWEATERS lor ihorc' o aant •< luclhlii? o»a1 -a
warmth Plthom weisbt
JEltaCV SWEATERS >hat St .Bos-il- rrel ' (ipMrtdlD* -•***«» (bet
can't be beat fw •W and •snuth. cwuiort and rinstuvi.'-a! l;uu. Ir.-"


, m



ijfelLAY C6.

Blttae sabmltied a forttby r

«M that Irtwen
are lattu famine prices for r«w
Of tbo
AfoP'fcahta* barter
arwr art foe f
«•» ta ert 4


tafortHbrt.iiiintafoH dorrtorbaramm for ih» birtta ot dba
Tla aeaHr.»rt.rtrtttaA-

A-aadtare bm*

wbilUB to «v«ry ai»
tooer ihttisg Fair Weak.

Here are
plenty ef bMaroen Sweaters, plenty of Oxferd* and Cardinal^
atae WMrt Ta*. Rovy. •
Ladles* Sweaters. speUaRy priced fi Fair Urek. at S1-4S. tZ. 4S. sp to 8ES0
me*-, Sirenler*. »;wd*Il> priced lor Fair \t'cek at
.SOt. S1J0. up to 87J0
Cirts* fwesters. specially priced for Fair Week st .. .S1A0. S1JS. up to EIJO
•sys' awester*. specUIly priced tor Fair Week st......... SOt. TSe. up to 8U0
Jvrenile Swesttr*. apecUlry priced for Fair Week at . .45e. SOe. up to 8135
. . Wrtteter you do. doo't miaa tbe Surater Shou. ud take' advanune ot
tbe spteodid reluM Is *11 lines-

as ttsaal with every
5fc ptmdiBse.
the new piRmiuma

I —Mj.

u— »■
. «■Uotf «!«•• woctk at
tM (er • fa* 4«y« tke tfsBr «ra*
*U1 tw tali of It. Mb lo ckU 4or
aid a«a. yat theo. or* Uila» «l *wat
and nul lm»ortuea to «hick bat lit-

mtABa, Tmatr. anti, m>
k M bM « tta «Hf»
Baa •mm mmfa BM.
lOoa Ml Mlaaad tka liUnkMill
Tka liaiUae" Mat ear'ii
at tba onar. and a mbtr an
noof «oo«a »at a m
«bea Ben atap#ad on tfco't. .
that «aa *a kanr Ua aetnoa tka ili^' ka. In Ua
*No*. Bob.- aha aaU. M aka hnc
to tba tear* of PaoBatn Hahad (oada
•And aio M Mr. Dmcamr bo rtad o« ta tka Mtom ante. *doa\
kwe ibat aota I »aa yoo: Aekt-ta^
VodUt at aU.of bU been aaBnaT of «i*n. from tba mU oyatar ,!.».«
T koTo haaa in- “Jio**.” said tba Uttia nan. Mtw
•h- boot to the proad ceoak- ataamar.
»|*bi yoo rm oar trIM »tttfnllr afior bla aolbar aa tba OMS," oaodr-aali^V. *blla tba awtt. walWam tartyMt
i Bod'yon am In a fair «ay doctor poltad tba mof..
!. Babr aafcad n taK«t tti» MM tka «Mter'a Croat.
Wm ka vattiac lor tka
of dka kMM fOoM? . A-------of ooaatti faaatlB« wara M. ho«atar.


I £r=.-=iir
^a-irS ““■===."


______________ _

I «UI «ry *a ba aa ham an * Z

And of aril

SSa^o “lha
obKbar of fratna or fn.Ua. foUaaa cr had not an old

”-3rr~l:r:!rr.:r: =£ri=.^

. 2 ^ MM to

M ¥♦

Arnakaa—Mlaa Clara Batan.
BM -Vloa Bmalda*-4lm. tdnbal


STlnc*od -itb

Ufa *111 aoon



„ ^o-

^ -ft

«t-tant hack to tba rooat h leada. •* **« M* *® V*r*. the chief cauaa
ABothw moment, and hla w
«*'»»* back to tba rooat h Jaada.
dea.n.ctlr,oa« ^tr«ld




w. had waned
Ab^ Ml becaoee of a Ml of orabd.’w.tL, f^^S real? Xo; rather, le, » aay. bacnoaa

ila. "l.«t na aae It.*
-I tanX" eaid Robert CoUeo Daaom.
HI rir.
Hra yo.
yen tU.
tUa paaeh
-Hera. Bob. I'M

.. barome quiat. that ha mldbt
your ttaakat aa dolUraA..Iand ,
tba bit or ormatrdo*nalalr( tofllr, aod rechlroal.r anca-of a^
Tba boy did not reply, bnt ooao of
<*«“• «■ «> • '“t the bird* are dolbc
opinnln* lato the middle ^rlke out Into the wide norld. atone; Dw*I
tba oldw paoplt tookad'anfry.
Tb-old fantleBan atood
^■ of tbr itraei- Th-old
toe old eantlantn-t wamio* *orda
-I aay. ebom. Ill dra yon thta
»«*ar the birds
bWfa KHtann.
■ stai. -dJutUd bla apacuclea. oad
echoed pertlaleoUy.
looked ot iha tad scmUoIttoflT.
and *boo the lim«-a«alt*d aUaofa Tba cblldmo In a mrtato booad na
Moruatly Iheie Is fully o
laat. II had only found falia kno* nil Ilka to bear a alory bofora tcBiKer. The eblld tnread a*ay. aa
birds lor each acre ol atea. Thean
aoynay." addlof. *Ub a ,(ji, , ____________
raatlaas heart______
and a veakanad they fo to alrep at DlfbL Tbelr tie- ,It ha did not vtah tj
birda coma and roar their youus and pomplete chance of tone. “Bttt do itw purpoae. that aent him aenril) to bad orlia aiortas are about i
■ but tba y
ns obooi four
and onebalf ..........................................
you have doner
fopgpi PI* ireublaa In alaap.
ful UiHa kittens that bohovo rary
^ cnH
Tba JdncMno Thnt Brlndo Kvonto. our
aur with
- —. «^
You enn't niwaya mrita
or IW dayn «eh year Each -soihi„ e«ry bad. 1 hope, air." tba
After the Utltd am-mpt and lu ir- • moch
Boch like
Ilka UtUe
UtUe folki
folkn do.
do. SotMlmoi ^
ipietooo tniiu
Bot oLiai they hare >—rpwiiiil. my
birda with their youoc *1.1 |^y , jiwared. modatlly.
reoointa aodln*. be bad decided to they are -Yan-. rary food, and tame
a look of dlstraos ~~ Into tbo
4PP,,cooauma .u^ v«c «i^-.
-jppj., , ^„pp „f ppUtoli. I St.?- p,pd ,p, M feoU^sns adrleo. and Umes they are "horrid- Ilka the II.Rpp *„
WM to Baed.
, Voo 'can fire tbem a t*tet that *UI ^ day. Three
ri«,v„„ p*,* probably saved m. a ,p*pdo.. all UwMhu of ronnloc away, tie firi In the rhyme. Maybe yoo
•nWRat to ronl foodr I naked In
t»n tbes
*“*“ *M»*“*‘ •'*
add fort, i.^ppp ,i„p „ perhaps a broken Tharefoi*. ha was oo* oo his way would like to hear one of ihetto atorto*.
p,p,p ^
■naiu toPod.
latoTatoo or to horta. thafa riear.
’** Mves u» the amaxlQR toin „ppp
„j. enemlea woold ou doubt
u,.qulra .ha an of • ai-ldlM! two avuM jouf If you do we shall tell
,pp jm,p p,,. jip,.pj •
*(Mor,- mid tbo to*
of neariy Jb.tiOO.OOO otfocca. or to )ie
, ppy
p„ pand at
of iron and actJln* horaeaboea-- jou about as escKIti* adventure tba.
|pn ip, tampUttoa ha-7vort*>adiO.“ nM tbo nebeoL
-eueud-^MO *0“ conaunied by ip* p,pp pf ,|p,p.
pnpw po weU
The loltowlnc day bis dtataaieful oe- Fluty and BoBy, the two IlUla kit^p jpp Tpeant
The matbioa that crlnda
•^riNb.* nU tbo «lim *^!!!!r!
la Ufa bla ter nw or fo.- yon.
Inoec-a pp,remove a Wt of oranfa-PoeL mpatton bacaa. and Id the evanlnt bo- feos. had ooa nl^t atuf the honas
Ttooaorn.* mU tbo fool;
Bat «a can
them In taiUnc
^ *** ““*•
damap^ gp, *-paf, yoor namer
fpp *1*0 Us eonrao of aiody. Ha da- waa all qnlac
**»: aoH. frav
A fir of iwritUr ftokad hands be:
*Ure.* arid tbo maidae
And naa them rrib Instinct tme.
•** Mtfwnriy te> esUmstei tM-r
^ snswered the tad 514*^ to five a week to each parygK^abby. the mother ofr Itba little kit- ____
noeonsctonsly to rtap. and
"Bonny.' naM tbo ptfo;
M»7A«. er almoat a half million, .s ppu,p)y r,j,in, pu bat.
ur brand., u In ibta rw he/(ioufht tans, put them to bedd last
Joat ns osusl
.vprybody cUppad
cUpnad and npptoodwhat they saw or 1216 for mc^fatpi
pleasant tame: Bot, what J> pe would batter keep iba__^iwctioi ibri mriit. She purred over them and ^
p,ra ntarmnd Boh.
B'a «SB i
yon wantr
m eoch study. At Brat be loond It tucked them Into their uule while ,j ^ y.^, 1,4, sittinc by had not '
a.a ...Iin rh« ..d trim iham fair
“ would
-----Aod ha bafOD tuuibltos ID Us pock- difficult ifi ooncentrau his mind upon beds and aaldi -.Vo». fo rlfht to stoap ..iipped her arm aronnd him. and with
Ana cup tnam aao mm mob la*
mw tnrti
.. ......_
. pace sftar
j-_._a toll;
_—*™ —.to.a
n srbo —wonM
tun in this* mncj
™“vj j4jpj^4ectdi
TUI tbo dark ones an ton utoraly.• proBt
for bis attuimar-s work
nlir said iMit by latthfol parnaveranea be ac frit wbao abe carried tba <«nd!a
-xril ypun mamma that waaUeoaAnd tho brt^ <
blOMOU and do tba *orb for nMnA ^ Tahemeotly. hta face firowloc ,ulrrt ibe power To drop all thoofbis away that Fluty and Bnty toobad ,,p,TtotaTTr fiM^rinf nllttto
Tbeoa tbiafs most be tauffai ud ,^*,101.
of bis work the nKunaoi
nKunaol hi was
Was atena too food, slihoueb
slinoufs they
iney maid
asm “Blowa.-ow- ^rpp,
uroof ______ to
- natal
known, —____
and there_Iq ~ belter
. -------------- the oW fan- fp bis room, and to bacoma wholly- oW vary olcaly. which meaau "Vaa.
,jp, ,pp^ to ma awnj treto It.”
80 tot tba mariUna fo griadlnc
Ptaco to do thistbaa thronfh- ih* „p^p_ p, * (ppppf ,,^11
surprise sbeoihad la bis lasibook. Ha ntoo mother." In coi taacosce. and they tor.
, 4p„p, |f ,pp, )ppg. pprd nmasafa
PhM's boons or Its wont abnaa.
bnt no
Vl'halaver falls lj» onr toe dear.
TO ftinbar thta prap^luM And
pf pptbinf? ,p,rp he should surely bare carried sutrs. But ibey ware not a bit „^,tpr. the note fot to bta frabdWall.uim to baauii' and use.
awaken an Iniaraai. to why Mr
Rmlly. you're a w-oDderfol .chap."
to a tasrber. bad one baea nasr blm, sleapy and they did not want,to be aoiber wfibout eror oomlBC ont of bto
Tba Utitod.
birds,dodonrdenllover of the
B,p_tba sesriat jp„|4 pe untwisted be psUeat and good and fo oB to dreamland.
Hiar pocket.—BUsabelh P. Allan, la ttoolh's
tba baauUfuI medals to tbr t<aenemi.f. "notbiug that yon esn five peroevariiic pondarihf upon. Tbn rie- frit Just Ilka bainc nauriit}- >« spllo comionton.
Tba oonquerors lira not atona In ^a t. ^^^pp,
pf jitchltan.
loriai thus cnined were of untold of wbst thalf motbar bad mW.
in ^totoriw in meinolfn. and to
^ diiidmn to know aid
Fluty arid. "I bear
A T«Ma Twitoar.
"llumpbl" muttered the old Ecntlu- value to him.
--------- ---wblla
-Akd WaMber kddf Uo to om
bad bernat his uew dutir* aom<- , mouaeT" and Butty said. "I amell The followinf lonfM twMac,-tb%
And'tba oomfortln* tboMts *a'»»
And BAT Mdi M.onri nt tbo net of
r eklrirana a

.«z.-rjrs;;r;ai:s»; =;-------.*

«... ^
Aoo IB a Bare m gion s mw«ui«'
1k« BMTM mmd Jb.a mtaal atrtte
_______ ________ .
Tfll tMt tblnTMiy «W kbOWA w* lad
tata » M inastoM V batof "Ml m who - Ura. lu quite a
shabby place.
nak-M ay Sttlo abd y«V ««cb
Who mnllaa ibi^ imto.-and porany s detent;
twotBROlbar. and no Uay
Hate's « *k®
*>!• '«*» WU
And tarlna a ^omph. alleat but e
« of torinc wtll—
any a
to UL

... _______ .%..




. .isi"—

____ V.I.M.C l« (hMllnw afOBOO

**** •»'»■* lustlDct
Judge- thc depth of - mad'; ,,,, ,iu. a pair «.r fine btark holwas
'l^n's cairh It.’ aald Fluty.
•' i(ir rountry craditad to half
k,™. 1.
____ ^. _ . l . _ _ , .
pisad follty:
atUl ..
In „*.
Is.rUMl I
hIV i,uihtirw,
rjloolu u>r bis elOlheS. 11
•e brni'Sb'. Ii
HoBorabla William B. .Mershon. nt ^
sblntnc I tba Betty Bottar booth aost bnttsr:
Bafinaw. will civa medaU’ to - the
mat• But." abe aalA *nbto buttor'a Mtwr;
l_.«uaan“—Btammetad |
,pp„4,„, ppbllc.
0: Inc fnsc for
they bad naraf yet k i put'It In my batiac.
owblf more and 1
Me- taut, uaiurally Inqulrud the nai
nantchial and otherwlae. for tba best fused.* "What 1 want moat no one can ,he owner.
csofbi a mouse. Sore aooufh. a U* It will make tba batlsr b^: .
.piJiued on WrdA ns follows; give n»-*I must cat It for niyseU. and
of He mouse was titling andcr tba bed But a bit of bettor bottar ^
-They briunc to Mr. Danes
best assay on -Bathe
couma." aald bit mptoyer.
looUnc around to see if It dired cook- Will make my battor britar."
1 buy II."
„c ,nd‘Bdw*tlonri Value of Souf and - ^
"Why do you nav of eourocr asked cut aoo hum
lor lu supper.
80 she bought a Ml o' britar
jnsectlrbrous Blnto."
iniritlug bis apcrtaclas doner to hta Bao.
FldBy sad Butty lay quite still for Britar than the bltur butter.
Medal for bast essay '
oven aod aiudyiog Baus face alUl Beesusa."

was the reply, "be Is tba a few mtnutee. then they aat up la And made her bUwr butter battri.
_ Ifnlue
_ _ _ of_ Birds."
„„,y ,hu
xbptown, r u had. Bo quiet wars they Hut tba Ur- 80 'twas batter Batty Bottar
, _Medal,
_ _ _ for_ assay
_ abow'lng
n,„„^ ,f,er him. and be owns He mouse did not bear them nt aH. Boncbi a Nt of batter briter.
AMther l^u his way from ifooranea
tmm rmwobbI obaarva. _
bslf of It. He lives out os and be came further oot of tea hola.
And ^
nupmstlUon of bis backward tip„ p, ula and habits of o
___ . .
getting the Haddonfleld road Just at tba edge Slowly Fluffy and Butty crept to the
,1^ P, course, aa fast as possible:" pf ,he town.- Perhaps you hara-no- ude of the bed and tookid over its
Ulgmtory Mrda tmrri
> mas whom thralUac rir
Uednl to school v parom mak^^p, ,pp
riegant maualoor- edge,
■n, mr, wm rt.1 .ii Pn*
dbn dfonmad tori nlghL 8ba tboofbt _ «u»*
deeds uanoted. rat *“
aBccuMtuI ettorl In fe^lA. ^
g^p admlued that h.- md.
"Hiares Ifsttll." purred rtutty.
Chat tba poriaan tnam to bar door
,„p ,„pp
,p pifpcdlugly mourn
The blscksmlch. *h . desriy loved
-Whsi s very tong tali:" arid BoRy.
from deaui nanoiau. yet ^PP,, p, pg^ birds dunng the wlnunoUlme.
a sMta pMk of toUnta tieai you
of 1*12-14.
. .
tel Hut the old gamlamin look-d good-oatnred goeslp. than told, Beu -u mm-l be a ral!"
........................ ' much about the Danesm family. They
“Mother would be very proud
spool their wlntote In the clly. and .u, if wc canitel a rat.* added Fluttv- Mi"t to oritM^r^r
did not reiuiD to their suburban borne
Notr if Ihese kittens had been a
... ___________
until May.
llttla older they would teave kuoan
■a dan. t^«»hu lo
PTOtwOm ““>»l 8ucca6stully
believer lu wliJt
To all Ihls Beu Itatenad indiffer that ktUeus must not tate If they' Wrial line. aa^.MT^*°om
-bopraaerv- bartacrud ^^.Irt^PUPP.
much acboolln, ' .the
thinking ,he' Deuc«» fmnUy mem. .0 catch mice and rate At tee 1, rita-erwd <Sa bMn-a. «t tea tomMriwilnf hoari ft achoai. and an tea
Medal for Ihe iwo ue*l pbol^
^ proposed m„ter but lllile to blm; yet. before verr Ural word Mooslc tumbled baa-1 IDfln aad froUe of bw-and-flrMlate.
trowtecn’ and Infamy dtpholopu^A taken
Updfelf). and now ibal Ben ,be spring came, he seemed to. know
tuck Into the brie in ibe flooc.
Tha Haw
- ,l waa wtm- .fc«L
-- --------------- j
“> miy
»"2 pan of I
*" *
slrioew. and well grown for hta ,1,^^ well, for they were tec pride allbough he wsant very mote scared.
------- ------- l_ ^a


trwitai U.-UU M ui^

r r'j * ^..«...»- j..


s - - ....... .

Han't yoa thlak ta would be tun to
***1^8 condlllurs are'that cute pciaon ***'' Ij*.
reMhciT** '**'
eat bad baas eblafly lu dotte Wbao
hrip aoha te*t dream mok trap?
Beu even came to fwl ibsl he sirald of The next moment PIuRr tela teal Bra briir was put trio bar
One «( the 8anablM letters that
I'*'' should know Mr, Uencam tee momeoi end BoBy had bounded out ol bed anna, tea flra^saroid avrarad 11
has taatrily arrirad ton’t raaUy
twyvhy mid begin to earn the bread be aaw him A ull. aiately feoHe- md grubbed tee l<»g tall of tee -rnt.criUcallyUUte Are y« aabUme. and aurriy such ar
pf «,«. ouulde
eawblaa latur at all U to
he ate. He was to the btack
wite white locks snd flowing The la.l .sn.e through a crack id tea
-iMi't that a ni« babyr ertod tea
boaktot of poomi that waia copied
^p,^ ,p |,pp^ smu ora not lo be amtte's trade, and In a few days s-as beard, and clsd Id the lloeai ol brand- wal.. and as the kittens polled lt grew
jari tor you to load, fn* -teM of ^ *«•*« "fv «•*«! «“ng tea 4,,„,rtp4 t„ any- luatanea.
tba neighboring own
was the Mr. Ueucam of bis ;<mger snd 'opfler. They said "Ml-ow-Tttte. by a vary 6aari.i.y
MMluriote. _
xbe «ai. win
pf Dancam. .here to outer the .ho,, .r
ecHans—Ipper penlnsute tee is
...v-. The hov'e
pamaa. tors. Hynla Boon Cberryman.
,hr Unties •" ®“
mi. fBiniMi mU aw- -Saatetne
Which Way.
up her osb______________
.y. "'..'bed mmrn
aad ________________
hi. wraa- nesved .. ________
bpuc -.
for -________
. tbr« _______
d.,s i»»- »“d.
bortb of iboae to tee tower pentoauln. ‘ told hta doom In senten- compnrttig noies with bta classmates, die and came baik to aee what bar
Bor. Sr„“ test be mlfhl dmeae cor- Wblcb *n> are >ou cutug. friend:
A Lesaan frem Nriuri.
Thera will be dwo seta of priaas. oo.> ‘ U.
tola poems mad aba wouN permit tbeir uriug up or dow n?
be found. 10 h|f amsiemeBt, that be naogbty children; were dotng.' Just
tor grammar sebooU aod oua tor high < -Well, well,- eJscuUted tee old ge.' bsd outelripped them In bta Kudles. ss she tsme In-gha door tea rsfs
pubHeritoa Jdri 4m you boys bad firls Cp the stora aad atenly path,
acbooto to tea atnies. Braidra a medal emsD. when the siorr ws. ended, tfeaplle their advantage of claa^drtH tall broke and Oia^ kittens tumbled
of tea Oraad Traroraa raftoo. Waaa'i Or of w Brny-Towo* .
,ppyj4 * gppj
*ni be glvaa to the teachers to eset. '“tblB to Indeed too bad. But keep up gou insiructlou
teat rieaf Aad of codrae they sbnll Klad o' touaaome oa ahead
<-ver rigbi at her faec
ha flrea a rary t^adri place, right h>- For ao many tun.
seatloo baring the tai«est number
iraga: you ire oure to come on:
yiuch encour«ed Ay ihta discover.',
"Wbst sre yoo dilngT’ asked Tsbby
p„,,. ^.if jo old or young
par Tlstt" Ibis wate. -It wUi be.ri' Mn the side patea-raadt iau ac •M scholsm with accepted ewa^rlgbl at Iasi. AuU whatever you dc i,, reiuru<-d to Itaucam with a 4)gh; in Just that tone that little kitten*
On-rogh Uia eyes or bar
'moat lUta barl^ terra vtoJte. wW*! Anther l^rd to spurn.
*» 8>'** ®“
' .
That's what dlacou- hesn.
snd Hula cbildreb dmi't like to bear
reach you.
ttS Ptom Mrm. Ckarrymaa. from Sun
-and Bird dny. i*l3. w-tlcb now cornea tented
‘ » bo's olten come to. It Is a
»c ,, once dlpcvmed a ebange iu very often.
to >Hy. All eaaaya and photographs
_ 10 tee ,b* ____
mm Bor. Brj-'mi Born yoar ton Bot the ktud of folks thsi go
learn ^
to submit
omiuier ol bta employer. Allbo4h
• Were, caught a fat'" aald Floffy.
wimt Was Itf
ova BbbMk rraaldaat. aa srea
I'p the hsrdar wav
and got It:
to^Jtebl^ And. bythe^ay. tell me iV bad e'er been
ud conridir
• »-. aa Mg a. an elephant: ' arid
y' .

Seem a etraagar. better sort;
' . Twtektota
Tblufs they do aad say
?tm“Tf,~“to'^te'^ ^^m^ raTuc^m w'riv“The“hoy"u “■■I'-m.t i« ,0 .0.^ Into^.b.- njxIraked
TBara'a a twtekla oa tba aa^
Beam to couat more: and they took
V - Aa it pbtaas la monlafta fto«.
blare/alive, awaka:
Irier tern. Ajr^
^ ’Lt'da"^ m“S “
*1te°t^ )^^i2er'*^.‘‘ L tne kitleae mw-. 'Krause 1 vould not tod It. «-hat —
-'Va a rirtoUa to tea rtppto ^ tea 80. m> friend. I'm totolng teem-^
The committee to compomM of Je;_____ .„™ri.lns
lerad mto be nest room, and the e
a all'er
Butler nrealdent Mlcblgnu Uve up jour books. It la aurprialm. rtalng infteriion
Which road do you taka:
k»g. Im.-^
---------------------BnUer. prerident
one can Irarn dunng odd
Beu also frra.
Aa< la an tba riav wboaa light
----------------------itare tail was only an old shoe, with o
■fl^ Ilk* MUlag of .x
tea mwmaltet.
•unbhinc rvwieavisw
humane VWW.IWI
Ti.e teneber was triUag obori tee
UUlimy. Mie. VI
H.H»mh.r mV oanin;: „• mtuelMl wofrier
leU !l» lares pccplig through the cratl
tea day is well to the spring your Prraldeot print- sconto. Oneodn^'aPd Ben O. Bnah. »"•
Kememtor my partiue
n,,ngiod wooder
mnaleal toriiumriit
to tea
. mean:
wonli: Obey your father
ad lu
In IM.
tela n...
page uumuihiu..
aomriblag .iw.ui
about ti.e ____________
anyiWnc by teat to the V*g ran. wcliDcd ,0 i 1C opinion that be ess allowed the real mouse 'o g<l a«s'. „rlier yesn of tbs wwid.

pritaa-ottered 10 school cblldran by Oumprittera must rive tbelr fuU admade the v.cUmof a This house will be o'errun »Mh mi'-e
-Whoi do yon rail a man who playp
Bot tka twlnkta teat 1 to*b
Mr. Mershoc of
Saginaw. In order 4raa
joke, to which tbe Utack- if you to not learn better bow to bout- e„ , Mppr ha askad.
^ o... ™»«-1-- ■-»
Britdr tkaa the ngUa abO'w.
that yea may aU be sura to obdatotand traeber and the sriraol with grade
Toomrraw I
sIk.* -,ou ho*, bnt
Altar a brief pause, a
I burseBatter, too. than iRaikltog aao* or U. tee to going to copy tor one Hu- they attend. All communications ;o weld two places oC Iron or aei
A week r-1—" Ibu»
tonight 1 «® rc-rily very much „toad hta band snd nnswartei.
mane Society an anlcle written nbout be forwarded toMr. Memhoo or any
he bnstled 00 bis wkyto tea 4tot of fBuoarprira
the blida. and tba prisra ottered yni member of the conituitlec.
‘^pT'nutty and Butty: They fe-t
jlTer'and Pri-ta totote to a
______________ _
Ben tooknd after Mm doletollytu tea mtotelat-gkaclag Avra
beya and clrta. teat wua written not
*1 suppose" he's right." he thought to' •ru..g iSintar paiU be sal down le «> ayrry that I rather surperi Motecr ^agb. after white a new topic
Of n UtUe touSblartorlng boy ot girt, tang ugo by Ben O. Bute. Aak yoo^o4y
Tabby forga'e them ullcfshe lockv-d troduced.
A Bit of Orange toai.
-'cn tmd mnda up my mtud to nn
fatbars aod moteers to read It. tou.
He had scarcely read a doswi -uord- them '.iito bed again
The stout greeu rilutter. teat coo- away this very day "
itor teat spark llgkla other Bros.
teraablnara. so they will underston.
_ taka
__ U i; i-e*i«d tba teotesome nriiclee held i*
The caudy-stUer now appear'd, an when a tesdew' darkened tbe door-\
d desires.
it as wall as yoo do. Thra
stood tee
rmTT-- and CSabtoE Wight with rahooi ate latarast yoai uasbar to store by tea randy-riaH at XluU m."i Ben stood a few momrai. tdl, *a,cn- way. He looked
The Only Way.
------- toinb.
Ibe matter.
Cbsatnut ttraate were atlU unopanad. Ini him as he uncorerad bto wares old gaatlamaa of the orungel>aal adD you divide foonaefi np- 1
MV Itoaa twtoHra oaaer Iteu.
Why tbs Blr«s tosnW Ba tavte.
tor tba boor waa aariy. and UK whaeU snd sat team to a rampting array, venture.
-Ob. sir;- was all be oteld say. sa pies eeually betwf^a aine boya If four .
BM to srsry Ite or msto
To us of tba preoant there must be of labor ware oot >« In moUom 0-. 'grarioualy Ctont^ no* and tbau
irarri-witeAgtostoteri light, sematetog Of ri-« import mew. teke tea UtD. cra.tec of tel. oufdoor ^ aa^bto euritemr. ^
“* “'sTtSl i^b'Sp^Sk
•««. ^ >« flowteto, oteW tkri tektitoksp rat s gtosn flfuto. 4to- boys teoiEkto wort aot « gwteto..e«ftrttcbte bsBfl.

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