Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Prepare far the Big Grand Traverse Region Fair



Mra. H. R. Riaingae Owwnad While
aa an owing.


b^aofi\la Ciewd On This Game


Mr. aad' Mr». V. «, Roland,
It has JuBi beee fonnd out that the
Steta atrort. anaonnerd thr toarrlaar
special seaaton of tbe leglalslurw beM
The frlaada of Mra. H. R. RialaRer,
•TATC MILITARY BOARD COMN Of their daoshier. Rwh. to Royal Iao ELECT GOVERNOR AND THE ENof CWc*«o. who vlallad Mrs. Geo. G. QUIET 18 GRADUALLY BEING RI- last silting passed a Uw prMecilqg PROGRESSIVES IN BOTH BAKnn
quail 10 this state until teir. TbU
Bales laat aommer wlU he shocked
idmeni Is ora In the published
or her death by drowolaj! U
laws, but it being sent out
Saturday, The deiaHs of tbe ar
rial poaiers from the *iat«v _
Jlra. RlKoOMte lived ia Ttaverar
den s oHlre. Deputy Game B'ardfa C.
Hr.-and Hn. Blslaicer weal
Cltr aloee her birth. Sba l« a younc
Smith has told some toqulma
Round lake Satarday for a few day*
vomaa of chartaiiv penonallt:
iberw was an open aeaaoa ox.
outlns. They were accompanied by
naay fHeadi aiw^ tbe yo
this year, as h* could aot-Sad
tbeir S year old daoshier. They
■«. In whieh abe r-ae alES6eraI favoraaylbing to the cootrarv in bis books.
>ni In a boat to bathe to deep water.
iter tnuilrat talem. both aa
He. however, retracts whai ha ‘to'd
Met. RlsIoRcr Jumped Into tbe water,
aad iiUnlit. niakee her a welraHt their atienih
LoMtiwi of R«rmn«tt State Camp It.
meat at many foartlona. and Split in Old Part, Will Occur at Once then screamed for help, and aelied
l*My Campaign. Waa Carried On hr
aew law. which stales that It la ar
Travafsa CRr Woi»W Oivt BoaL
ahe »in DO doubt ala maBy frienda
TKnaa Whe Fntmrad toe Haw
pnd Many Speakers Will Fol.
Raw An Impatoa During
yonns Mlroa of CkiralM.
ilolem siniRBie followed and Ibe treat
Wwaa la NaUattol
law Reeaevelt During the
•ummar Mmiths
Were Unarmed Wh||* Mak­
Bi|»oeaae la a c^iula of Alra.
was upset, while I>r. Rlslacer foueht
quail and wild turkey uatU 1»15.
Kenneth Smith, rho vaa a rinae
ing the ZiVntIL
10 save the life of his wife.
friaad of the Roianda.
The Utter beeaUe frenxied
Drarar. Colo.. Betk. tl.-Prap^
(PYoM ToMSar'a Rawrd-Baste.)
a»«pt rrSaraSn
Portland. Me,. Sept. lo.—Wlth-te
t hnnge la the law.
TfersoBb tea eflorta of Beuter Wa)-.
111 the prtoiartes, and alihongk thn TW
WaahtogioD. Sept, tl —PeccJlsslon
vote from 3C aaull towna alill rnlU- lertoR him almott powericas.
Mr tba «uDatsak« oc psraaiMint «aera iBcoBtotou. It to nTtotBt ttat
givea to niuve 1.300 Hexlcig Hoop*
Ins. It la eaiimated that the vote for Bnall.v reUied and vent down.
nototonUd te
Mrn RlKlneer was SO years old and ihrouph Fulled Stales lerrliory i.t tlcovemor will lie Wro. T. Haloea. Re
for tSa MleliifBB Naikmal Quanl. rill
governor on the ranuMlraA, and Btoa
pobllcaa T1.5<in; Frederick \V. Plain- had lived in Oileaso a number ..f l.-•^k Ibe Hevicnn li bel* in' Ibe slate:
Vtak Trs»a«»a car on Thuraday of
U. Kmmoas m the daatonraUe rnkil Feiiitra aud the repunrd lepulae:
Uila a^aok.
Frogresalte randldaua for nU *Wte*e
I leiieai rnutt tbe Irerder <
elected their aiale Uckel,. reeaiaed
Th« laat
• ere nomtoaiad with tbato. TBn
rebel h-adcr. li.-oenl Salaxarisi
concreaamati and vill coettol tbe
dalaad Shortly Aftar Order Wae
Mooteveli forona tolled to got 8u»ait
It of aud> a
niea. coiiiblntd today lu bring
ntos leclsuture. thereby niaklne
Panned and it Still Aetlva
- withdraw from tba nU gnrty. an
tba Boranur. Tbalr doUw aa daflaad
It irractlcaJly certain that Ohadial
a Bull Mooao ewwdc^gte Edward
tak lb« act «ra to *-hirwUcate la aurfa
The I*•mission to mote iroopa waa
Cardner alii not l>e reiurped
B. CkMIgaa. to ton «Md ky sMOob.
Maaaar aa aball ba daamad advlaali^
granliHt Mevu-o wlihunt besliaiion and
aebate. ronsrv««mns Hinda. Uepulr
(Praia Tueaday'e Rerord-Raple.)
Governor BhaSroth and CharMa R
and datemiaa spaa tba b««t arallablr
ev.-ryihliic will
done to tosurv Hi
ma. wera aoatoatod by tb* ffatonPita or altca for tba pamaoaat ea-'
cun-fjl iraDeponatton of the troops.
la comtoK convention of the .Vorl|i- were returned.
a for aeaatora. Undany was TwWhrie a iwnain amount or uarto!
The aiTOKKle between the Demo
ItlrliiimD Ma<«abf«
loated for Juvanlla Mgs by thn
. for the Nlrfalgaa NaAlooal Qnard.'' to
E. J.^l'arreo, i.resl.lem of the Grand
ocrau. Helea Ring RnMtoon waa
“report to tbe next lestalatnre tbe r» irlll be Calvin S. Vader. who If no| ala anil RepuUllcaaa fur <a>iiind nl Tfaversi Fruit
coiiij^uy. pxs^d ar> hue as long ju the trouble In «eV-'
lasted for lb* stats aanau.
ault of tbalr UvaaUsMioaa aad la rec- the oldeal. Is oae of the oldest mem­ the exeruilve and lepialatlve depart IliruUKliJtlie .'liy Iislat on Ills Way in
>nilnue*. uriicials bere are-tleeply
Mveraipeot. the Ktnpirt-^wli.-re the irempuiiv lias liitgc
the ba« alte or aiiea avail- bers of the order today. havlBK Jolaheld in the coart bouse yeatetdaj
abta aad repoit Aa amonat neceaaary ed a,lev nunlhs after tbe charter four ODOitres.v!unat dlatrMs and cu
aderwreu with all the delegates to at
holdnigs While In the .Ity he e*.
■ved from th"
ty offices vaa oae lif the chwoi
Cor iha pordkaaa of tbe aame.'tendance
Plaluetl the plans which bU couiiaoy burder With a cuDSlderable
order by <-bairmaa-elect FVed R.
Tba eoiaiBlBaloa conaMs of Era
have evolved for the puriwee of adThe DeiuocralH aeni Into the stale tenlslng the fniilsahkh they are raJs fedcrala atroady garrisoalug straieglc YValker. vlio rboae FroaHVUag At
na to Sonora. « l* eipevled the
Bt^gle laat fail aa tbe defeaaive. Ing to llieir Shupire orchard*. Th<toroey F. II. Frau to prosldo at tor MROEST IN HISTORY OP COUN.
lhavlUf von coairui of Ibg aUie pev wc.riT rJiicyfiotit ' lig* Wn udopled u~
looHlug. Rtoior K While van elected
elihw to *iif* tbe malcuutem*
eenmeot ia ibe ele.tioo uf i»io.
temporary chalruian. Durlag the teg
troopa," OM “aknied In the aele4.tlui>
3 trade mark ami will a|i|>ear ai-r.i*- fiirvc ibrm furiLei a»uib. I They baaed their cainua.lKn altnoM Ibe face ofa large apple. lu addlhou.
ness meettog the fullovtoi!
ot'Maa rsuaa.- one “aUlled In medll^he - MexPhn iroopa will be
|wbMte on nalhmal iriauea. allhooth each la)>el l>ear* the lettering, "Miclii
«a) oorb and aasAary oondUiona." one
trained at K1 Faso, Texas, a-.d »«■
I defen^B their ixiuree In the stale ad gSD Plavor, Grand Traverse Fruit
a ■^a^saM SMU" aad oaa “aUlled i
•redemlsls -F H. Walker. E.
lran*|iort»d to Nogales. Arli. Tbeir
tba bRMBlW «l rwl asUte."
f'oinpaiiy.'' Mr Warren exp<-ci<. to de
J Tedman.
uiuniunltlun will be rare lAdd.
Tba Rapiibllmns uaed
velop a big ira.le lu Delroli for the fully seiged In express csra.-a<i tber
Tlie soratBor to appetaUns thi eoi
Fuinmliiee on penuaurot- organUa
eatlrely aa the veaiaioa uf aiiack l>rodm-is of tbe •-uiiiiKiii)'< orchard*
I .U>* torgrai to ton kMntr g( ton
mtaaloB has feltovad the noalremem
wUI go ihrtiugb Ainemiin territory
un gjHi order ol buslntaa—Win. F
IIT. 4touto Bna'a Bnsuaato on
S4id refused to he dravo Into any
Some flue pliulugraphs were secured armed
of tbp BH sad tba Miovinc a
In addiiioa they vll|
Wray. \Villr«eiklrk. fYank liamlltoa. crop, aecordlng to%*RggrM ^ tb*
diarvaalan of nailunal atlalrs.
ia ilie (leoeb orctiard of C W. Ixteffier giisnled by a delachiuelil of Frilled
Delegates eletied to represent elate
Profreaslvea element of the Repiib- at Soluo. last week, by the Western State* regulars. Tbe dale fur the roiivenilun In Detroit, tiepl. Si—R. K. government experts, will atotoat rwA
haw tbe i
the threw blllioa boabM mariL Thn
lirant were in full <i>niiol of pa
Michigan Developmeul bureau Tbeiu- muvenieni has not been ,aet
tba ordar baaad:
Walter. Jaa. Ji. Monroe. Farm C Gil­ estimate annouacMl «aa
machinery, bin with the apiiroval
view* sliov'the tree* In the lateffler
iimisry obwi^era are Inclined to bert. Karl J. <Mae. Ralph Fas*. MwlQea. Was. T. Ucaarrln. Oraad Rap-'
Colonel Aoosevelt. a apllt vaa |m
orchard a* being heavilv loaded with believe the rel4"l leader Inlendk <0 colm Winnie. Elmer K WhHe. Albert busheU. If tbM* Rgaraa boU igDOff
lb* crop wUl b* over 4H.060,0M bMbpoaed mull after today'a s«rusi
peaehes and Ibey funher show that either gain the Mexican fenlral rail F.'liray.
Oapt. Pw**Pattaraoii. Saalt We.
1* la execaa of tost yang.
Uaay of the leading state speakers there la but lllllf*de«d wood as the re­ road and tnierrept Ibe federsli be.
A reaoiatloa was adopted requealiiig
The Mgsast crop la tba btotory wp
In the campalsn. which e^ded aiib sult of tbe severe weather last winter.
they can get Ao El Paso or tber the dclegairo to use tbeir efforts to 1 ibU lime was la tflOS,' wbea tbn
Cape R. A. Rase, tanalas.
big apple dUinay Is belag made comemplate escape from the federal
tbe election today, announced toniirhi
the notninailOB at Grant Pei- Bgnre* wera 2.Sr7.4JS.«ne.
B. O. AppMbr. Swlaar.
that they were no tenaer la the Re- this week by the Western Michigan vvrdun seeking to surrodad jbem aivd
Iowa o( Hudfun lor attorney general.
H. H. Han. Port Hntoa.
DepartmeaLof agrteallura oBtotolff
Uevelopmm Itureau at the M'est ire planning a fighting retreat
publlrant ranks but would
Gu-etlngs from aeveraJ prospective
0«a. MtQsrrto. .«aa tonnerly at the
lor Colonel Roose- Michiggii fair In (iraad Rapids. Many he mountains until they cvAjoln the candidates alau read to t* e um- saM ib^ they wera conflMaM IbU tte
big crop would mean aa ipprirlabM
bead of the aute Iroopa aod ia aor
:>eople from all |ians uf western
I for iiteKldent.
Eramed tbe grand lodge and
topkUUsus to tbe Bomb ^
la tbe prte* of Mwt wert
OoMtoasdau at tbe Oraad Raplda M- rontinued bis metabenhlp ever alfice.
Igsn will see tbe fnills dlsplsyed aad
Frealdeat Taft today authorlied
M l my committee for tbe ealavcirably
Tbe order was founded oa Juab IV able to hrloR ont a crwier voi
rifles. sniDg tw. ;<ars Is a* iollows. Arm* ;
hUh quality of the s
IMl and Mr. Vsder Joined at North Halaca In today * contest than war
sbotguna. pistols tad revolvers amt Dentil* F Hoxle; Blair. Fahle Spwag
r. E. Smith, who wa* employed is::,pee cartridges and shell* from New
UuskegoB. December S.t. ISSI. belna given for Pertmld. the party candi­
a*t Bay. Joo X Counide: Fife
■l Oeaaral. Hajor Vandereook
by Ibe Wesiera Michigan l>evelo|e York to Mexico by water. The ship
date who w;>* defeated two yean
hiirrau last vear a* irsvellng nii-iii* are desUned for <li*turbcd pnr take. iUIMi Hicks: Garfield. Jos.
uvjuf.. auu upuu vhlrb be is while tbe lleniocrallc tote fur PlaiaTUomas; ufaot. E. B- Champloi«,
bortlcullurl»l, paaaed through tbe cllv tion* cf the rciuibllc.
■ »««.
Jrceo ijike. K A Fisher; lx>ag
oi .a. a»,a Ot t™.,, B..I t**®* ...^fAYlns out Of the order accordfew day s since on his vay to Grand
lake, (tens A Shearer; Mayfield,
Haplils. to assist in packing the
* hsTlag
passed the seventiyTcar perwin Kawlmg*. ' Paradise. Oa. Wyj tbs artillery aervice
pie* rhai are lo bemused In the w
-UA lb AU U.
Wl... lb
t™. -I.M
rkofrandRsIpbiCase: Fenlnsuls. M'n.
11 Michigan display* this fall.
B Gray; Union, Jo*. H. Myera. Wblte Uichigaa for tbe parpeot of mktog
Ob WUIW.O Bom"”
Iteesldcnt D H Day of the West.
au exblMi at Ibe Amerlaaa Land and
>« 1—r.l. -Ill .!«. b , o-iob,
• .—.lorml to D.,1. IbUo
«ai.-r. Andrew'1S Prav, Drat
V Michigan Development bnr.-au
George G Bates i gecontl wsrd. Frank Imgallon UxpaattKio to be b«M to
selecting the lilrch trees that are
Rladelc. thjrd wW George H. Fro**, New Turk this fail Tbe coattoittee
r^rtar army. w;« has l;rea aasigned i;"'J®"®' Amertean Yeomen Start Out Wit be used la decorating the roliaeum
Oeed Mcmbertl^p.
to the H. K. O, wiD acMrapaay them
Traverae City. Tent No. IJC
foorih ward, Ward B ConDloe; flfih It beaded by Hon. B'mtom J.
Grand Rapid* for the Und and Apple
of Saginaw aad lodada* O. H. RbF
aa vMt
A* present flnance keet>ward. Geo. F. BmTih
show In Noveinlicr. The** i
|er. vhlrb office he has held for tbe (Prom Wedaesdsys Record-Eagle
Gtea lEsvcu. ptmMoM of (ba WetoTbe suoteMloB of these seMlemen.r'’’
from (he Day foiesi. wbich U CLARENCE COLLINS AGREES TO
Offlierw—Fred R Walker, chair
n Mirhigao Deveiepaaat Bnranu.
» year*. He was also com- Traverae City Homestead. No nua: coming to have a repniavbowe art<i.(te are an a-•-ely :dvn
man. Kalph .u HaRiIng*. secretary;
d Juba r Glbaon. aecraury*
tiled vub the mlliUry service, mill
Flnier F. White, treasurer.
bureao. It also loclodaa tb* otflcdra
r was Instituted In Korratera' hall last
be very vahiabU li
Some hoe hranrhe* of PoRisen
be evoDlag by State Manager Mark T. Piutii* have Ireen sei iired from the K.
u( (be .Nortbcaatera MICbIgBa.Devekity. — - - - ...
- vhea
— -e
ai -at
of aralUile la Just as great as u was
meiit Bureau and the DaraloBQWBl
alMs to tbe Tidally of the clt.v. With I*** roenger. and Jhe success of tbe j McKee Of Dotmlt. assisted by Dis- J. McMullen fanti on the Grand TravBdrean uf tbe Upper PenlBsato of
•wr pure trat^, bMithy climate »mll-l‘“^*“'”’
l«rge»y due'trict Manager J. \V. Hannea.
l•eninsula ami have been put Into It is t xpecud that a taeei._rimd faclllUta aad land adopted ‘o**®cRorts in secuHsg new'bomeatfwd siaii* out viih a good pre-cnlne solulioaa lor di>-|<lay sa
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Martinek Enter­ lag of tbe cotaaiiltee wilt be held ia
maaetivcn and Meal for temp an«i|“®“**'*
keeiUng up the inter-1 repreaentoilve tuenii»r*hi|. and bright
of ihc evhllci* made by (he Wevltained Yeung Ladm.
Deirmt at an early date fnr tb* pnrErta groundt u mn-ji.i seem to us
aocial aad business waya
'prospects. Temirernry officers
Michigan lb-velo|imciit bureau
aaelog what can b* daw
till* fall.
eleclod as foKnws
I need h»k^a
toward advenislcg
the peopl*
mtiMP.Foreman—E. E While.
Frank Smllb ol the Grand Traverse
Tba pcotod la Of latereM to oc
Master of CMrrooDle*—T. A. Tem le-nluMiIa I* ai Grand Kaplds this Anorney PellMier Ha* EWdene* I (FYom Wednesday. Record Eagle
Present le Jury That Will Crest*
-Mr* sad Ur*'. J
Martinek caterreek with a big showjng «f rniiis and
baatoaaa bms from tbe fact that yho
de. •
«i page nr tb* MkblgM
a Senast.aty Whgo th« Css*
tain-d a compsny o( 'ouag ladles last Farmer for SaiBfday. Sept. X to fltod
•Mertkm of .*• Mto ia aar vlclnitv
egetatih-* He hniie* lo Kpread the
Corresnondeot—Orville Skelcher.
•s Brought Up.
ev. piug at Ib-ir home on State atreri wiiH MX pinoraa lllu.iraU*g to*
lame ul the Grand Traver*e i>eniD<ulB
voBid mean that at W Ifi.lw.
Matter of Aeeouni*—K E. Horwi
■o announre the engagepient of tbeir indaatry. All of tbe als views ora
will be pUrel'lB rln.xbiioa ta
id wUe and Inridemalli in pull
rbaplslB—Helen' llaaaen
ktlM< Honen*e Martlpek. lo from tbe Grand Traverae ragie*. Tbe
ot, acu-.ully.
Oteraeer—Harry IlnlUday.
.Msyuar.l S Sorenson, ihr aeddtog lu editors of the Mlcbiga* Farmer eritor
tills |«rt uf the work. AiihecloBc
to addllhm to fbe fond tor
Waiehntan-i’has. A. Bdgecomh.
place WediieMla) evening, Urlu deatly bHtera tost the orchard* of
of the week he will tmive from Grand
mea and feed and forage for
Senlinel-Jos Kopp
still In Doubt.
caenbr and artlUer,. vUcta are
Kapiil* to Ip-irolt. where he boi>e* to leme aprm-d to tell all he knows
Hlciilgaa worth notictog era ihoae to
Utile Rock. Ark.. Sept, in—The re­ Roweua—Besae Hannen.
the plot at the irUI Aasorlete*
The youog ladles were lavlied to this ptn of Ibe siki*. an-l ia toto
1 locally.
The Yeoman auna with a very wiu-ihe silver cup for the largest and
call of oRIctola amendment was defeal■>r ColUoa ctoUu they i
Ihv oeedlewuYk. aad alter a reepect toe editors ar' abont correct.
to bring tbeir
yeetertUy a state and s|wclal ,•>*^*>>1 prospect and Urge member- l>esi couDIv display ai Ibe siat.e fair.
ft all the bldiBe on bim. Accon
I evening tbo ba
,rd- J-Ieasanl
The Bee Keepera' Review for Sepship.
elerllon. a
Ibe miertog r>^
rniateci Scan, aged It years/ana of
11,. IM the w,
: to the story told Froxeculor Pellethe dlBlag room, where i««nber ba* a* s fremtoplera a pleIk-kei iteediog |70.<MK| to ibkty-eighl stale* My. aad Mr**e Bcoit. former^
luncheon was served. An effective
r by ( Ollins and Breen, tbe
major and prmlbres la the Foiled State* resident* of this city, died at Ihelt '■■I ahom was Bned $iuo tor planting volor Dole ut piak aad white was uaed inra of Henry Diteabaii* of Tbotop
ataa Man's AaaocUUoa aad the Naval i,,rule gathering honey la bis aplarr.
and CABada. and 4,'ks> Hudl*«iead>. home in Detroit tSundar. failing to
the dynamite, they wen
with »weet pea* M tbe flowers. Tbe Tbe original pbotograph wad ttkra by
two hundred uf wbich are located la
n opcnliOB (or apiieadlriils. The dynamite by Krueat W.
crDieridrce for the table waa a fans- Mr. Frank P. -Wrlgbl of tkfa ett,
T" ."’■ll'*'’'* ^iura. show that alatevlde pr» MIdUgaw.
remains arrived on Ibe Fere Mar Bovton. PHtmaa recently •owrallted
be dainty flowers with Hay
tba eRMStAtomeat of our dtattogulalted hlbltkm wa* dafaelail hr aham ar lure
gives a jvred Idra a* to lb* bw
Orta Root, of this city. lYank Vii. •ineitee resort speilal this morning -uiclde rather than tora tbe grand
while taper hidden amoag ralalag -iDdaatry to BesMo cowatr.
SMSt. aad to naatot toem ia the to*
loa of WlUlaaiahorg. and Fbas. A.
rere tskea lo Wimamsbarg. jury, rollint. II is said. Maced Ibe
them. From the little rolls to eneb This pttolicsUoo baa beta aoppltod by
apeeUMi of avallMtIe aftr*.
,Rmermoa of Oarfleld lowoibip hate vbere tbe family lived after leavtog J.lotive where Breeo toM blifl to i
plate were pink ribbons with Uvelr ter tbe WeMera Hirhlgaa Doreiopcaent
Jsha B. Baau vaa dtairmaa of the ^ubt. The democrats cUtoi the elec- been appointed as Scld depulle*. Traverse City Foneral service* vlll whete it was later found byvib* po­ miBBlion a aamB boquet of sweet peat, bureau with a aamb«r of pbMc«rapb*
memlag aad M. R Hirily aecretsi
of their Btaie ticket by TO.Owo. I Besides tba prWeetioB ^erw4 tFe
Ptona wei* coomleUd for a bumoct n# nmeodroent designed to dlaealraB-., lodge aad aocUl feature* g? tbe order be held from Ibe home of Mr. and Mra. lice. PeUetler Mated be srill'y*a5tB3 w bee.the ribbons «m dnsra aad tbe
St tba C. R P. R baU on Tburmlt, cbioe T1 |ier eeat of the negro voicn nr* ver, nttlmcllte and fell of special nie Brova at wmtgatsbv*. B'edaea. evidenew to lb* Jury abowiag that papers UDfolded. Ibey dtocloaed tbe
day afleiTnoB at t o'clock, nod toter loany Uwrenr* officlato knew
ton of Mia* Marttoek s approadiliig
(OosUaued os Pass Two.)
was dedsTved, deetoied.
marriage. Coven wera told tor ato.
ttaat viU be to tb* cetaetefy there. dynatotu had bc«n ptoaiod.

wen gsw oi swwik




un&y wj^KMiniB










Grand TraVersfc H«ra1d
.nd Tmyfee B» &iae
TJSalda!® nSoRDcbr'^r*' ^
............ ...................................................... xmanwr


»;■' • ■ ■



Irom a boontiful barvcat Thii gr^at problem of dimribiitiOD » one
of the mart impmiant qoe^m that vHI Imre to be
oAt br
tbe brbe men of the future, jwd nnlD it i* liolved neithw-the irrower
tbt eomomer trill rerefre ibe bMefita tbe.v are entulad In nuder

Carar Cm and Pro« Brats. Trvmra Mr.

Ita^l Is LsdUv
There is one thioK that should be indiuled itrthe reeall trhirh
is being voW upon in many of the slates, and that it that it nhnuld
ipply to randidsteq for offiee aa Well as office hchler^ There should
be nome means dnvented ^ prohibit ••eriain nndidatea for lil|{b
bffioa going ahout the country with o|»n tnoiith and empty h< dH.
all who do liut agree with their’fiolitical views-as
____ ^gugues and lian. Mm iu high office are entitled to certau
i-diirtesies that are no longer acc-orded them by seir-st>d^'popular

PT,. uu^;

What kind of aatifliaction thw
tins & biiyinS their aboes of wiBUH «
KeHogg. Step in and take a look lot
youraelf. • Yonirtll^ IntensBtBd.

c4 Horse Apiece

• LILT,! '

^ (4c*lio.KMv^ 3,050 ,

Tf»ai€ to 9Bddgm

E<£tonJ .


The Ropubtieaiis have carried Maine, much to their aatisfaeiion.
and tile Demia-rsls have liceii victorious in .Arknimas. As eneh
party elaiins Ihsl the results in these states arc political Ipanuiietera
which fortells victory in N'oyendier. the chances -for a ^eadloi k on
the pri^idenlial Kitiiatioii is now alnitMl a fure^ne coneluaiuu.

&W Their Votes
A firorgia grand jiuy has diseoverwl that in n eertflin county
t of 2.n0fi viiieisj then- a
.'•tHi who arc on the marki t aiid insist
lull after all, Oorgia is not alone in her jmlitical affliction. It is
just as* inii'-h a crime to ^•ure a vote by pronibiiig to jiroviile a
piwilioii after elect ion as to |>ay the aetiisl iiuniey for it on the K|H>t.
In tiib resjs i-t P grand jury w*uld dig up auiiievmharaiuiiiig evidem-e
Tight hen-ill'the north. •

I, of the United Statei^ Deparltnent of
the great agricultural awakening in
c active, iutcitigent interest
lliehigan reeeotlj', aaid: Th
in ajpieallural matters in your state than in any other. There is
Ao a grater d(s|re shown in Michl^ti than in any other state to
oo^iparate with the departpiect of a^culture and to take advan­
tage of the farm fmprorement tjeork." This is a tribute that tbe
of the Mate can feel ^rOud of, but it is also more than just
leaeblDK sdenUBe laroiliix to have an
^^itie'ra) aiape dt that great twakAing be known, so that the
axent for every coaoty. Any couniy
that s ill arraoxe for the emiiloyinenl
credit may go where it rightfully
^ Inrg'- projKrrtioif of
of an asricultural adrtaor occepiable
tiiii activity is doe to the efforU of tlie Westeni Sliehigaii Deveiopto the Axrlenliorkl nalleae of the tiaie
BMt’AirMa, which br^nixation for the past thi4e years hgs l>een
ran draw 11.000 from a fond already
ot development far and near through this and
lie wot4 of the hnreaii has been directeti toward
Tl.e crangers Saturday will talk the
f'lhi ataiidard of efficiency hmong farmers and fruit growers
mtiiT up and a«« If ibey think that
Tlie fruit xrowere aod farmera could
twenty counties eorapriavd wi^in iU jvrisdictiuu,
learn aoyihloK from an arrlcnlldral
BIffWqrta have brought fortii gi^d reluma. Through iw
expert, and It so. whether It Is worth
'he '^ue of farm properly has more thin douli1<-<l in WesI
while to tn' and ^ore one for Grand
and the value of the jtrodnets of the soil have been
Traveroe county.
a trailed, merely through applying th? methods that haw fProm WeanetdM’s RecortJSsxle.
Before Election day (n N'orembw.
nes turn was ukeu lodsy la the
by tbe erperta of the baran,
^hsse of the |iro|iert)- o( tbe Jobs Grand Tr*Verse Brange proposea tt
Tffc lftfeftkb of the major'part of the world has been called P. Oil l.umber conipsby tor bark |iur. devote an entire program hour to tht
ibjeci of ■ Equal Suffrage. " An elteWf^tAci ^ tbe fruit and farm product dispUj-s that have l«ses by the city for tbe sum of 12*,rt sill be made to have all the lexat
ai land i^owa and fairs during the part three years. Tim (hsi. when an Iniunclioo was s^ed
voters of the crange ta.alteadaoce la
' Ipnit of thene exhibits has been'to niimuiate farming and fruit today k»' Anton W. Banak on* the
tnaroC, eily clerk and aldermen ul dliujer with iliat end In .view will prole
to'neh an extent that the boasted orcha - a of- the
be planneai, and iheo tbe ar.
the city, aafclBt that they be restrain­
an *
aelsUd to die fruit areas of Michigan, The flavor and ed from earryliu; out tbe deal aod gnment'a srill be set forth In a way
aekr of t&* Vi^igian apple has been made fanion in three abort m-IIIdx the bands. The complstiiaat that will make tbe said legal voters
'presented by Covell £ Cross. ■to a lot of l^lnklng and some resoiv*j|^^roM'MlS^frat ^honest advertising, to such an extent
SfTc^cti^Mim'tVics are clamoring for large aliipnients.
n^OMMantiy widening/oarket his sUmuiated the growers to raise
I has been taken In n less)
(fM>|W^,to plant larger areas in order to be abl.: to uk«
III ^>revent llie rarrylnK out
Michigan 8t«U League.
s at present pending.
Mn*of the dsms^ ih the future. Tfafoilgh the'effu'rts of the burpai
yianietee-Traverte City. rain.
Liidtngton T. Mnakegun 4.ihMbods of rafsing aTl kinds of eropa have been taught the
Boyne Cily 2. fajlilbu: o.
pimai,' fi$dKi,b^g hired for the purpose, and by going from
to plra tfronghout tbe. counties thi^ -hare brought the
IVIrollI S. Piflladelp
pUladelpbia C.
- tesiara t« a realic|tion of tbe opportunities that lie before them and
fiStt them t« graxp them aa they come. It » a fact that the future
"» teilA for Miehifcan. «nd the ataternent of Mr. Wilson is
Ant. It is another proof that the efforts of t^e
One of the Interesting eniertnlri.
_ k often debried at hwne, are beeominr famous atno
enis' to be given fay a church soig.whii.ara beat able to judge from a disinterested sUudpoiut.
|rleiy during the summer la the "PeUn'
»<the Westeni Michigan Devdofpeut Bureau is the original de- Pair ' to be held hVIday evening v
TAs^sdrt bdi^aa of the atate, all the others being organ'izcd after the himip pt Mrs. John Straub. W.S
Weal Etghib aireei. and Mn. Anton
^ wonderfiil raimlU were brought to the notice of the other see- Strirab. Mo'Weat Eighth since'
jbe ataiu. 4t biased a broad trail that made pomihle for Uie I>btlathea class of the First BapHat church. This etaaa of gfrla,
. ^ o£ienI tto MIow in its wake and ~rat
■faMlan *ia dMtiaed to become the great agricultural state of tbe berlng about 30. Is one of the mot.i
Wftifc kBa the work of tlie bureau u making po*iilile the renehuig .pnwH'saive Sunday school riaae
the cIuTrch. and Iu order to raise tbclr'
it quarter of a century in advance of nhat it would bad pledge on the church debt, they are rttte^pfe bM left to work out their own destiny with the melhodi wa>a ihlnklsg up snnv* pretty schenic
■t hud. The people are ready and willing to take pride in the shereby those who auend may pronv
as much aa thefliseirm anfl 'the efaureh
rLSt^ Of their state, but while so doing it will b.- well
tie source whieii has made piwsihle this gr<-al progreiw TbIt'iM'nny fait, to which one eei
mils anjone. is nniniie In'lhouglu and
dsrinx the past yihra. jrara,.in which.ngrlcnHnre and horlicnhure will no donbl result In a neat sum
hiara home onl pf, tlic twilight into the pure siinlight of advmo < the tumeflt of the chiirrti There
be numerous bombs ihronsbout Hie
ment ud uUimaie perfection.
Blraub bnnie*. where articles,may It* flcvelstul ............... :•$
piuehased for a penny. The giris Xuw A'.-rk
made anme wry allracllve posti Aair OsU^Mos, iiciM
' .'-^ratAptiHMpii'ind - financial circles an- agilati-d ov/^lhe era sdveriiitnR the fair, mhlcli a
a number of atore windows. If the
bthtj^ CKipi tlflifafe rJiportcd frnlh sjl over the coimtry and
New York ..
plan la not a a'orwess |( wiU m
tm^l'to devise means for hamllitig tlisan in -a satiafseioiy iiiamier. beeause Ibey have not done
riapnrts abow that wliile the wln-at crop is light iu MieTiignn. ii
ahare Tickela are aiow selllni; and
tbdfAutt largeM «n record tlirougltom the iruuiitry; the euru crop mat be noM-iijeil from the girls
vO tefich’the three billion bushil mark, while ]>oUtui-s esen-d all at Hie door on the -pviubds'
,ja3ber c«l», with a predict^ yield-of approximately 4tW.tKW.0(W
^Amk. O^r oropa are repon<-d as promishik resnlts in proportiwk aad ^l^'qnestiDn of getting then to ma^t and fumhdimg
lOontinued from pocaone.)
flMOgh ftindi to pay4or them has Ixwomr a serioiiK pndilciu. The
-vmiii'K ami Hu- ueces>ort •omsiiltees
UfiltM 8tAes govemmeiit will, for ihe Arat time in iiiaiiy years, aid
the khnla in handling this gceoi ntHrement of prodpn-. iisiiig for Traverse City has a very envialde
part of the surplus of f»0,000.l»0 whieli is now in the repuialhiii (er hwpitallty throughout
ition for apiiendlcills
Sunilny and Ik doing ns well at rouM
txeytny. All figures availalde go'to siiow that during the coming the state, nml she will maintain It
ynnr thia will be a land of.plcnty, at least for those who can scritro UiU oer^lon. Tbe laoquet should be be.eti>ected.
targel) attended by our business
Many of the eider rcaldenu of Trav­
dfrTNffehaae prieer TTiere wilb l«- no cr>- of a crop shortage
WHUs Poinlnglon will serve s
erse City Will be grieved to learn of
nK^Be^ktlra, and under orditiniy edhditions flien* shonid not 1h- dinner tn the rommiaaKUi on Thurs- tbe death of James Lewis, ra fanner
on account of hung'-r when the cold weatli^ sets in.
resident and one who was associated
with tbe businera Interests of tbe
Tw epbditiOD will not lie pndiuble, however, on aenmnl of the
Mr. Lewis died at bis borne
la^of a proper ajratem for the dirtribuliou of nature's Jiouiiiii's.
SeatUe one day last week. For
yfkn It coMca ahipping time the railroads find that they are'not
number of yroVs he was with the Han­
•UTr to furnish anffierent cars to carry away the crops to market,
nah & lay Mercantile cotuiany store.
n^aa' a ranlt a aearcity at the distributiug jioints oreurs. whhli
the J. W. Mllllkre fore
and then went to I’etoskey,. The Jim
WM0 .great hardship on tbe consumer by rabing the price wb<'o «
*♦♦««•♦*♦«♦♦♦♦*♦♦ l.^wls Pishing knJ Hunting club was
thm is DO economic reason for so doing. Other conditions alsonaiDc<rTor
mMt to iriae in order to hold the crops in the hands of the proThera has ba«n much trouble, late­
dhESi diifih'g the winter a<-ason, which b' as much detriment aud graaxe meeting to be heU SatnrdU ly by blcyrla riders colliding with
hflernoon of thli week la "‘Agrlcaltorai
k^^ lhe Irrdweras it i« to tfic runsunier. Thus by means of new Agentrt" An effort will be mndn pedastrtaoa The Uw nays that every
opnditiom brought abouk for the financial gain of eertain
dlaeover how tbe work of thesw hirycle shall be Btted with a b
which can he beard at a dlsunce
-TgoaMBStMOi the real benefits of a humper crop w not enjoyol l^v ageuu can be made to count tbe'
xrtio are by the lan-s of nature rnlitlcd 1<> them. The for The farmers. There nre nlrendy 'fifty feet, and that II aball be noohdwhen passIlLB a pnaoc. If the Maeveial
such ngraits nt irork in UiehiWb iyltCT|i of tbe country has not kept paw with Uie pf.^
gnn-aad-mbre nn> being neat late the cyede ridera weald be moro carafnl
tatll there is an equalisation of three two features
about tbe vMatlon of tbln Uw there
woaU be tawtk addMfir
• Wfil W m^aring i 1 lU shouM be enjoying equal beoeflu






Bojal and JIassell Johneoo leave Jake Stover and chl|dr^ chll'
M<id«v morning for. li. iroll. w here >lr. and Sira. Cook #«»ks.
TtyVlirav CIU": Nf-»Ml
they expect to work this winter.
Mr, ap^-Mra. Fred Wsraer and Miss irooka from Frankfort, and Mrs. Ate
Nellie ^neEatlended th« Fumoaa trooks and dioghtcr Ida from Itoaor.
hey all wept apgy rrjeteipg over tko
Orange^ Sloiira Center luC week.
time i* alRar* havr .Bnd took
l^enry f^Mr-tcuirued bootg laal
oraard to the next reunloo Wfik
Tueada^' from a visit with friends
lileasuro. They will meet next year
Blk Rapids.
Fred llofaerg left Saturday for a he flrtt Saturday la September.
Prim corrected each Stooday.
Vtalt in Ilenton Harl<or and from thero
SepL I.
he will go on to bis work In Cfalcagu.
Alwaya BoaHn ra Chaaff. ,
Ladles' Aid aociely met with Sirs.
It U a mlstUe that 'our KMa in
Jena Chriaii.ptier last Wednesday, airt
elected the following offlcera: 1‘rei- arder and taou SandiM MaAnat«(
tdML Nora Biiun: vice presidciu. ur graadfaibera- Every age U W
osU aa aga of buaiU and gbiaga .
Horance Wlllob^: aecretary. All.-e
Warner; naslsiuat secreiarj-, IjiIu
A Baautitui Woman
Hunter: treasurer. l>-uella Johnson;
Always has a Bne riedV edmpletlDa
work rommlHix-. Anui kianv more women would be bfoaiiful
If they rould only get rid of,sallow.HelfrlcJi,
ness, pimples and blotches. These are
iyiiiplums of a torpid liver and Hie
fight remeily for a bad liter la Di(.
^*** .............
straw, per too ..................
they pat .tbe llvw li
The fourth aiintiai Urooka' reunion the breath anA citar
k>wneu and UenTtahrs.
Uenr '
BMdro lb'-)
a» held Saiurduv. Sept. 1. at Hie oM make ,v«u feet bright aad tdinerful.
each day tberrofter U mariiet rarlea. omesteail. n->w iKV-cupled .by Fil<’>
:i llr^ 8lore.
Btookt. one uf the o!d<»( mtan ot tb-t
Brel aetller of the family, Thomas I
^«dts There »* re T4 partook of the
mortcaoe bale.
dinner, whir* was greatly enjoyed by
nll. There were several came (rota
tnihe a distance u> be with na amom: ly Oscar M. Mora* and "'M
Jlorae. bli wife. Jointly, of T _
the outalde vlaliora were Mr. aad
City. Uichlsin. to lUehArd iinribm of


^ ;ss U,,


______________________________and revDHled Iti the office bf tbe Begfigulre laromlH o Sution. liny 1ms Isler of_ Heeds for ibe" rmjwy of
from h<csl to general Grand
ecn 1'ic'iroie.l fro
gan. oii, the eleventh day of 8ep(M>
“ • 1Mic!
gem In this locality for-The
van Ntiraer'- i’omminy of Monroe, her. A.Ml . 1M9. in llhv M ot ffwriUIcblgazL This relUble firm of over gages. on page Tk.m which foortkags
slxi> years siaudlng has dlsirljiui<4 there U elaluird to be due at tbe Ate
hla uuMMraba «Mk «r BevMMeea
stmie of Ihe-ibesi itualHy Slock thnt
this lerrilnt'
:>rs aud hUibty-Eicttt OnbU- and
ttomey'K fee of Twenty-Five IMUmniis rei<oi
proxidcd for tn said BwnA<r.
no ^III ur |•nH'•■edlIll!s at law Ihovl>^n tiiKiiiiiti-tl Id reiuVof Iba
Iiicney:! secured by saM nmrtxag'- c.r
ally navi Ihcreot,
Now. thf •
l«wer of at
grtra'and (
lad provioeo.
- Adei. notice
given that
hat on Ralurday.
Raturdav. the Ptwpniyeighth day ot September. A. D. 1»I2.
tan u"ulock In
h Hie lurelibon. > aball
Kn-olkr taethod «
to Uu- hlgluwl
.11 nt I

at the Mirth front door of tba
Tallow ................................................. S*
.-Og-wi WUkalm IBock. wub Dr. 1
1 horse bides ..........ll.M and nr
ivtb. Trovarse Cffy. Hlchlm

S”'.......... ........r.'



damage by storm


High winds Sweep Over Sea- Walla
Stopping All Kindc ‘of .
Tampti. Fig. Sept II.—Damage
Hmaled at n-veral t|»hdred thousand
dollars ulread> lias Msuilcd from t
iiu-rcnlial rains which liave fallen
section sltict- U»t tiauiciiav. The
damage here ly estimated at »7i,dally. The pfecli'liathm In Tam
KiU'c noun Satiirilay !• Hild'lneb
liVeuking all re.ords lor twtJoiy
TamiU xnburtUT are nooded and
high tides omHliUe sst-epiiig »'V.the eeawatlK. Suburban siren car
traSio has been lotally ahanihuie:;
2.000 iflephooM arc not of ^cbii
Sion and full> fiftj Ijuusck lave U.k-h
uode'rmlned Rains ‘oonllmied,
le steamer Brunswick fn»ra"N.-K
Orleans, eucouqtered a terilfllc gale
one hundred miles out and re|K>ii<-d
Heelng many sailing M-srts in
Iress. All shipping. Is tiej up in
local >ards abd harlmr.

Miss Ethel Thomas of Traverse
sKnt 8 few da.vs with Grace Thuuip
kins last wes-k.
Mra. John Drew retorned home last
week from a two wePks" lisit with
Irienda in ChUwpo sad UeBlun lUr
.Mrs. Ralph , ■ru reiuroed bonic
aiordaysarier a l<lew da)x" visit wpl.
denda In^^ven
The next ladies" Aid society meets
with Mra W. Golden. SepL It
Mrs Flora Toiupklna spent, a few
days In Traverse City Ust week.
Mra. John Helfrich returnetl
borne Isst Toetday from a viait with
fi lends in MaaUtee.
Mr nod Mra. Eugene Rnsnel visited
last Rundav with Thom Gbering and
famiry south of Traverse <3l.r.
UavM Rimsn Is st Ci^e
week oB a bwlara irip.N- '

___ __ •

tv of tbsnd'Travtlra^ l^n. "tbe
p'lemUes described In "saM*aBrlgBB*.
/tr so iiiui-h Ihureof as may tta necbaV.rv It. fwv the amount due on said
Ilk wevsn per eent tpter
MS. togetbM wttk
r’st''sDd rtl legal
an alu>roey"a
"a fee
foe of Twenu-rtve Dob
rtded by law ami aa coreslar... as provf"
tile<l• tor
"5r tillereln. the promtaes Mi9
rsrrllied. - SOU mortgage ns lufinwa.
WL io-w«. Tbe fcief Thltty-TBrog aad
» One-Third. Feel of lot Fqtly-Thrre
i 1421 of Oak Keightv AddUlon Co tbe
ntv of Traveriw City, atconlldg to
tUivc the
the recordAI plal Un-reef, in tkh C-oun»U>vc
... laiiM
._ .- improved mar;.clure mywork
ly of Grand Trawrue and Wale of
in uD-to-datc de-Jigns ..
'*1^13"^ Ttaw-rae Cily, .Michigan.'rough etooe. Prompt alUmUeni
givsn all orders no putter bow
July 2. ISI?
small, '"sll or write, for pricet.
tnoiiARn !ii;«L»LX
A. '77.
TTWTcrev l:rvyi RacW.'
Ailornevs for Mt>tfea*--e.
both phones No. «60.
July 4 Tbura. to Sept. tt.



CyUnder boro, 4 Inches; «rpk!» 41b
laches. Good design. b«t malr —
Hopper cooled. W« Ighl. »«» H-«I; 9
aaslly. runi< stesdilv; 1
reliable, durable aud, eompmro .
pulley, gasoline tank, ballpry.
ssiicb, wired ready »o rwn yuqr ^
ataliir. wood saw orr pump'or
pump qr do
du %
a duU wiinifl I"
b I ; ocru|des 2x2'
WM. jACRfiON. TrawM**

111 prescription work bring your doctor’s orders
to us
All products used In our pr^rlption
deparmieul are those ot PAiSfce OXVIS i CO.
whose meibods of ^ndardizing and a^ylng their
preparations insures the result your doctor wisheB.
fcut often cannot get.


c«r. veMO ieii iiiiss sik

_ Tessyswe COa

lot ol preepou. noMly dtilM ud
table Ham. 8be left Sunday (or her
boBie la Ceatrai Lake, wbcre abe win
be natil the banpy evew takae place.
The srooD'a name «iU be aaamiaced
Week before laat (rieoda o( ttlUe
Slcaard Nettrlek nre bln a aerieiae
party doc aneroboa. He ree^red aevent KltU alao aonte plecea o( money,
of vblCt tbc UKk {allow, who U 'a
cripple. U very srateraL
Week before laat Mra. HOll of Traverae Ot> aad tlelerdn law. Mr» Co­
bum. aod ulece. of Bailey, vlalied a
few daya here with the former’!
danicbicr. lire. W. H. Smith and tarnWb» d>er‘i« «( to
rt up doK. Jip B •
ScaBerioKiJ Ml nakerour choke boR


(Prom Tueiday'a Record-Bagle.)
Krw. dee Ceurtade laft far PrankArrowknd-NuroOubMelbed
foR today, called by the death of her
-----------------k op« n> your ptohn n mdy tbit
d CM Milba pet loo Bo^ nor loo kle.
T. A. Kino. **•*• ft" ft""
city for a tew daya oa bualneaa, ra­
id to tala heme at karquelte. VP„ tbla morning.
P. O. OeKenlg Atunied_ to hla
Tiy Am « 4 M«
r» *U tock pB
home at Petoekey tbla morning after
aereral daya' vlali to the city with
R«nup^ Aimi.Uiikm Metellk CArtridfe ^
frlendt and relatlraa.
N.» Yeefc09
O. H. BrMman raturaed to lila
home at Orwnd Rapidt tbla morning
attar a wwok Is the dly oa bualneaa.
lek, win vliited her the lamr week or
and dra. A. P. Camaren left

tbla momhig (or Cenirei l^e t.
(ood iihare of Ibe
ibe Walllnltea were
und the faneidl of Archibald CamerWaUla. HtdL. SepL II.—HIm Ed­ Uklu In Ibe vilfbta
Ilfbte a
at Tbo^iwonville
am Bledarmaa left laat week fdr Bo- laat Tueaday ntohi.
Mra. O. C. Meffatt left yeeterday
due. Berrtoa cMBiy. where ebe will
Mra. Allen Spllutone end Mlaa Bammmy with her aiaier ant) attand acbool line Bi-e eltended-lbe Uleener meel- for Ceatrai Lake to attead thetfuoeral
of Areblbald Cameron.
Ike contoi yaer. '
Ine and pknk at Beulah Tuesday.
C. L. dohneen returned te hit hei^
Ur. Wlciiu and family of Platte Ura. Barker, wbo waa vlaliinr bete.
at Phlladel^to tbit tnomlag after
rfrer kilaa vfilted hla bibtber aad accompanied them.
’family here Saturday aad Sunday.
Mlaa Georgia Henderson left for her few daya In the clly on butlneea.
0. H. Evane and wife, who have

School besaa here lail Taea^y heme In Central lake lait SeiurOay.
..with Ur. Traw of Homeatend aa prinMra. Wm. Wlgglna la very aick at been apehding the ananaer at Old
Mlaaion. relumed to their home at
ctfBl and Mlaa Sylvia Klhf to the pri- tbla writing.
O.. thla noralag.
oary room.
• John O. Johpaon of Jlanlioiroc A
E. F. Sauoh, srhe haa baen at hie
Mra. Geo- Barker, who vlriied here rlslling frlendc here.
(ke peal three week! with her eoailn. . Laat Wedaeaday evealng kllaa Baro- oottaga at Dock L«ke for tha paat
D. 8. KlaK. and wife, left Saturday llae Bye gave a partv aad abower at maath. ratuised to bis home at De­
montot lor her borne In New London, her bame In honor of Mlaa LucreiU troit tbla momtog.
A. k. Drayten. who hat been vieltOdor
fieoderaon. who la to be mertied Sept,
; Ura. Ben Holler drore to Bmplre la.'wblch la her metber'a tUb wed­ tog with frieada aad relative! to the
toat week, aeoonpanled by Mra. Wln- ding aBDiveraery. She received a alee city for the peat two weeka. return-

PLEASE NOTE—This sisrc wUI he eloseA aU day la-i
_____________________ "May. Open-Samreayami




time. rMumed to their bone at
Chicago Ula ammlag.
d. PWlIppe left thie mm-hlns for
MaakegoB after a week's vlaU to (be
city writb frieada.
O. S. Owsna ef Orand Raptda. who
baa been to the cU>' for aomc time
bualneaa. left thto morwtog te
Cadillac whem be wUl be te a Ow
daya before ^turning to Ua borne.
M««. •. Dvorok, wRe hae been dtolUng at the borne of Ura.'d. Croat
aome time, returned to her hooee
at Chicago tbla momtog.
Mra. d. H. Petorwam wfie haa boon
lilting in the rily tor tbe post (o«
days, retomed to her home at Cadil
lac today.
otmaatar Barnhart of Manlatee.

C V. Macklln afto'olfc. who have
becn 'vlUtlDg wUb (rienda and rate-


SQme Sj^dal Bargains tar Men and Boys
Men's Socks
Beya' WmA Safn. One Ut of Hea’s M-Wotl Snlti at $5.00

in black & colors, all 7_
sizes,worth 10c & 12H. / C

In both buster and blouse ' One lot of medium and light colored
ea Buiu,
suits, sizes
stylet, worth up to $1.50 JM. 85. 36 and 37.
Absolutely all — ----At $$c, 4Sc aad Me. ^ool and wdrth up to $12.50, for
Saturday only..........



Men's Suits

Men's Outing Hals
in all the good colors, or.
worth 50c and

Boys* Suits

Knicler StyleaworOi qCup to 75c. at .. ....OOC Worth up to *f A AA Regular $2.50 #J AC
Men's Shirts $16.50, at . .. . .JlWeJW values at __
With the^w detachable
Beyi’ Rttwipm
SoftcollarandFrench turn*
and Play suits, sizes 2 to8
back cuffs, excellent AC
Regu lar $6.00
pattems.worth 75cal^wC
Men s Underwear
Styi’ ffiUnf Bok
All styles and sizes, shirts
Heavy Ribbed Hose f v.
& drawers, best 25c f a^worth 15c a potr, at $ iC
and 3^ qualities


Men’s Suits
Men’s Pants

Boys’ Snlts

Boys’ Sdiool Suit!
Worth up to 5.50 #9 JC
at only........

Coming To


r (Friday), owtoa le Bebmv


0»aa to tka cHy far (be MM WMk. for MaMatoe. where ke will ipeod
ewbamed to tMr bbmo u OeiioR (A daye before retemlag (o Ua bom
qua morwtog.
W. d. Eamtkh and nHO, oM M. D.
eyaat drove to Fnaktort to Mr.
BOMkk'a Ford today.
Potodkey FOR SALE-Havc 40 acred ciaared
Ml« Beaale Weibem of Laalagtoa,
aero torta, flae bolMtoga.----D. R. Morphy laft tMe morwiag for
Ktogalo. good
hardwood Und.
B. U. Playtu of tbla eliy.
Cadillac wb««o bo will rUJt (or abMi
yoang orchard, bargato at
worth. Kangaa. who have been to a week wUta frieada and raUtlvea.
term to ricbi iwritfa Addm" P.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Tulledk ef Laev
Cte A. Footer, whe te b"n
P. RbssML sot HoEatt Building. De­
troit. Mlcblgaa.
eoworth. Kaatea. wbo have been to mediae tbc nmmer wltk bli famUy
aept Id-lBfe-tbura-U
the city (or Ibe paat few wecki, re­ t Carp Lake, retureed to Ua I
turned home todiay.
L Gtud^ Rapidi tbi! motMkg. Hi!
Mile MarigMd Lyneh returned te famtl)' wm reamto here te a
Ana Arbor today, after apeadiag a day!
M. E. DcBarr returned U hU I
week or ao ai the gaeel of Ulaa Ula
I Uanoetoaa after a tew da)a to Ur
Me Votruha of SUlh sireeL
Geerpt GunnafI, who hat been vIeH- city on binlaera.
L. Cunningham and wife, who have
tog here for the past week, relumed
to bit home at Laaatog tbU momtog. been vlalllag vlifa frieada-la IbO ciiy
(or afTFw dtji rriurtMd to tbelr
F. T. Mead sad wWc. srhe have been
?Wt Branch tbla mertilng
apesdlag tbc aamraer to the city aad

Mm’s Silk Hose
One lot of regular OA_
50c values at ... . 49C

at the oeigbborfng reaortA returned to
tbelr home at Detroit tbla momlag.
B. L. Oertan left today on a week^
lalaeat trip to Cbkogo aad UUwanhoe.
R. A. Flttgerald returned today from
a two weeka' vlalt with (rienda aad
relatlvei at Huakecoa.
W. F. Caraten and urifa. who have
bees apcadlBC (he eammer at Weauetonatog. arrived in tbe city today (or a
abort vlalt with frieods before iSiumlag to tbelr borne at Saginaw.
M. N. Tartln. who has bean to the
rity for a few days on bualaeei, re­
timed to bli borne at Cbarievoto to-

K. Gibta Mft thie moming for
Grand Rapid! where be wilt be (or
few daya on baaiaeaa.
Joe Oberiin to taking a bmlnoi
trip lo Gmad Rapid! aad polau la
•olbem Ulcblgaa.
Frank Ehrenbarger rotumad
Mgbt from Abb Arbor wbero bo
called by tbe oerion Ulneaa of
F. B. Green and wife, who te ten
apeadtog oome Umo to Ibo cliy left
tbU momlag (or Cfaeboygaa where
they wlU vUll for a (aw daya baforr
retamlag to Ualr borne at UllwauC. 0. Blllinpe laft leda> ofTaMmblaed buatocM and' plee^ trip to kee.
A. H. Onibar ralumad yaatarday
tbe Soo. Uacktoac (alW and Uarpm a bdelaeta trip to Cbkpgo.
queile. He wlU be gone aboal two
LHo't Haalinga.
a P. Servlaa returned to hit heme
Of aU tbe aaaxiag forcu ef utew
: Bay nty today, after a few daya’
visit to tbe city witb friends and iwla- —bor tbeader and eataraeta oeoaaa to
wild eurm and veleaeoM to flood! of
Mm. e. Patrel, vvhe Imt been viaHIng to the city for tbe past few daya, and ehsale aaadUoa—tba
reinmed to her home at Elk RdpUi dorfal ef all It her baallag power. b«
ttaif momtog.
abmty to got orar aaytblag. bar toD. L. Pmtt. mho te baen vlalting lalU roaoBFcaa of roeevary.
Havast yea oft" woodarad why
In the city far a ehM time, returned
te hie heme at Owoaaa today............... tba whola world did sot dM of tha
ebelorat And iboM other ptagau ao
<ma BMmaaMoto auy.fbo typbo, tba
(Pipm Wedaetday’a Racord-Bagle. amallpex. tba bwboale plagua, boMl" Floaa Campball left Monday aldw tbo awM poata of hlotery. tba
ir Kalamaioe. wbaro abo will takd rod dMtb and tba black
two yaard’ cogrM la ait aad muilc Aave any at them eeaaed_____
One rcaaOk of tbla to that tba (oar
at tbe Weetera State Normal.
Ml" Bertha Miltor left teday far haga rooms to ware's hooaa are fall
of hoaltb aappty- Tbo" rooma
Orand Rapida to' ipead a few da>i, Baathtoe. water, air aad oeith.
tba (air.
For Nature's ether aapa to Tba
*. F. Bandera, whe haa been In tha Healar. She to Ibe orlglwl and
oely emwelL
dly for a few day! oa bull
Aad all thto to golto u true to Urn
turned to bli borne at UelroK thto
raalm of mtod aad seal so It to to
tba teMm of body.-Womaa'a WorU.
A. L. Hill rdtumad te Mi Kona at
radlllK ibU momlag a/ler a waek'a
Noma Up a Traa.
vtolt to tbe city wUb relatlraa.
Vtoftora to Ferry Bar ware mw
Harold Grant toft thlo moming for Mrpriaad ^yaaterday aoemtog to aaa
Graad Rapida. where be will attead beroa up ameog tba braaebue of •
tba (air. He will go op to Oeitplt free. Tba aalmal bad get to iu.eabefore retumlag.
comtenaOe Mtitton by (allieg tea
laat from a tek (hat erarieppad tbe
Mra. C. A. Her
arcoool trek TU tree probebly aered tbe
er U
Blocka aad fail ware fastaned to
Alice Dlagmaa. wbo (all. cauilaK
tree atump oa top ef tbo bill aad
brokea arm aod other lojurtea. Ur. leather balto were wrepped tbeat the
aad Urv. Hammoad bad Juat mtum- beru. When tbe we^ of bitching
ed from a (rip to Uackinaw.
the belu wu eoraploied it war foobd
that tbo aalmal coaM bet bo roacuod
f. L. Cady f
uatll eevaral of tbo Umba of (be tree
tumad to tbelr borne to Jacki
•bort vUlt wllb »lr. aad Mra. worn cut oB. Thi! took coatldarablo
Umo. dBriag which tbo her" rmtod
B. L. Edwerda.
sad watclwd tbc work ef tbe score or
C. M. Jaeabi and wife, whe have -lie of moB wbo wore trying to rebeen vlaltlag la (he illy for tke l«!t
loa him. With tba remoral ot tba
aeek returned to tbelr borne a( De- laat tlmb tba beru wu slowly drown
te tbo (op of Ibo btok from which ho
UpH tUi morelDg.
bad (alien. A clou osamiBaitoe roTulad that outfldo of a
oeratebas ba was obbart—Baltimore
F. a ToMn rwturrwd 10 hto homo
; Petoakey tbU .morplna oiler a
days' Tiitt In tbo dty wItb (rleojl! and
mo wpmoe eaat bear the odor of
a E. Qlltott. who has boon >n
•aaoltos will they got u ai
city (or oomo Umo left tbii momlag Jadga.

: Interesting
>Wall Paper Sale

Saturday Sale

Some Special Bargatais tar Ladles and ChOdren
ILadles’ Dress Skirls at 85c

Ladles* WalsiB

tmiV Wate and awrta to
whUa and cdtera. worth up te
StM. « ..........46c and tse.

Ladtes* Side Hose ^
Fine silk Mmc to Wet* aad eM•m, wwtb We and 60c e pair,

I Mitirft* SMmmpp ItowMBM at SSi>

OdldrCB's Dr

Lsi« KM Cloves
A few pair ef Lang KM Oieve!
that war* WO anASUO a pair.

Low SUk Cloves
kaa« WBc Qlevee to brwwn, un.

f good Cinghem

Ladles* lOd^evM
Ladlw- TWclaap KM Olevet.
dtooMllnued itoea that were
•1W and Slje. Saturday at.Ok

Witlumf sarrifirinif the iwual <)UBlit.v bikI af.vlr wt- alwav-a show, you cuu buy wall |*p*T uo«: at a rca! aaviiig.
Th«-M- arc not oUr bop •■•liiidJ.v'pnpcni—thcy'r>- u*-w. Wc are
BvlIifiK wo« of them «t a aa.-rifiw n1tu|«Jy to .-l.-au-up our stock
for the acanou and get ready for Uckt ycar'n busiuca*. This
Mil’ will coutiDiK’ for our month, duriug which tiiuc »c will
show many cxi-^-lh-at bargaiov.


SSc, 4Se aiM IBe

96e a ram. at ....Se.Se«nd 16s

10 psttenu of 60c Pirior Pattenu................................... ,36c roU
JO pstteru of S5c sad 88c Oflt Pspen............................... 30c roU

10^)4tmof 36etad80ePtrl«rkadMro(nPsiKn.l6c roU
10 ^^isTBi od 18e Bsd 16c psttenu...................... 12 Vgc roU
Otbv good dMifu froo 7e per drabl* rod, up.

to SSJO and S6J6. at . . . ................................................. SlJ6aitoS1J6

Ladles’ Dress Sldrls st $L»$
Ladles* SUk and Wo

tea at S6.M, aad t&M

Tarldsh Towds
The" towela are entra large erM
heavy, apeeial at.....................iSe

A lot of Drcnce worth up te SI2J0 and SI6J0. Saturday at S6J0 and fSJO

fiteDreas Goods Sfc

Coals lor Oris at $1.M. tM aad $$.$•

Fancy Mohaire to bnnm, b^
cardinal, ray- ate. S< and 42
toete wide, worth 60c a yard.

will ba M the

WblUng Hotel,
totorday, SepL 28

ira. U<
State of MIrbIgaa (or t
of deformlileo aod all Berveas aad
efaronlc tileeMcv of uea. wobm* aad
eblldren. offer lo all wb« rail CO thto
vtolt. coaniUaiioa. essoitaatioa aad
advice free, making no charge wbet■pt Ibe arltial oo« Of tre«tbe puniooe of |WD«tog that
ibcy bare at toil dtocwvaiW a system
aod method of ireataiaBta itaoi are
>b1y a^ aad oertala la Ibsto
Tbeea dociora are amoa
leadtog atooiach aad aorrr
and are CMwru In tbe u
heart, apleea. kldaeya or Madder.
rhcnmalleiB. edailca. diabataa. badwailing, leg ulerr!. weak lenw. and
tboea afflicted aiih tong atahdlw
deep eeaied chroalc dliewees. that
have balSe

stoaea. tomora. goRtf. pHaa. «
cured without operaUoa or kygedar
talc totoettoa to caeca acoopcad te
treatmani. They were among tba Srwt
In Aiaerics to asm tbe aama of
-BloodlaM Sarsmwa.- ky jetag wway
u-ib tba kallc abd with pato to Ua .
saccaasfo) traavDnot of thMS dabger
Our dtoaaaes.
If you bare kidacy or Madder Irowblc bring a tao ouarc bottle of yoor
urine for chemkal naalmto aad aGcmMopir eumiaalMn.
reafnea baa often been ea-al tb
alitv da>a
Womoul and rundown mcoi or wo­
men. DO matter wbat jwar aUmete
ma> be. no mtiter what you bar*
beeo told, or the axperleaeo yoa bare
had alih Mber ntedctanR wmla It
(oretar lo your mtodi'*’1(9iM>r <wa la
laciiiablr Ibcy will tall >ou ao. Cuusuit Ibem upon thto vlalL It roaU
you Dotblag.
Rememher ifaii Iraa offer to lor
tblh tlill only.
> -Married Udin must conic with tbelr
husbandt and mlaon witb tbelr |wf.

Safety for
aiwaya has - bean and ahuaya
wHi ba KtM aa of (bwi a<M wtmeot Importaiiea In conducting
tnia Boftra aBairm
. It la iMs policy that nio boM
mspinotola (or owe Bftywto
yoors* of micciaafwi bialonr. sod
It la only by odOFtlng aad
rigMly follewlog aueh a policy
that spy bank can ound tba
tost a( tuna.

IL- aurv'in do your ]>a{teriu$ thk Call ktid aavc (miiuc real

City Book Store

mtodton or taney mownmd haw
dfm, worth up to SI on opoeUI
•alt at..........SSe.Sl-»o*d StJO

Traverse Qly
Vmted Doctors

Btripod. wmrtn Si aiM S1A i


Trav^ne-aiy* Mldb




dasa TravfiEse Region


nr. latalRg tdWRBa

jqrt f

lor a law waaka- rtolL


daya beto(« rataVABk to'lft Utfila
Aasabon. C^.
“lA'BMd b tfaltlag Maada at TtaTMr. 'bad kCil' Job Har
Mn. BtucM SeBMter «t lUr- arM ettr tkla waek. '
tetlto »u TldUu fiVM* W« 1m
R. B—Kbay ot ■mvaraa City 4eat'
«fl«t (o Qia»4: R^rta fran BUHlay in town.
hM teurtar Md aKt .lHc
Uonal WriafcT la TtaUla* her broam% tfeM ther
to Aie«co»nd lhar Uoyd at Oohaaa. llldt.
Un. tvm Chaae eniartaiaad her ale-;
k«M Uwr by beoL
Mra. R. B. Flood, who haa boon rla- ter. Mra; Graeii. aad cbOdr—'of TnvOoUU HaOaday «Ml |wt of hat lUax rrlenda and rwlatlvaa In Orasd i«f«a City hut week.
«oek vtotUac triowlo
Mlaa Aana CaaWetl kaa retoroad
RboMi ^a paat two woaka. rowmod
borne after apeodtac tba —atawr «C
bona Saturday.
Sot—Iff tadtes «—t out to tbe
~ '
C. UrtlaDe. wbo baa bean TitIUog RlToralde Ina. Letaad.
Uo toot Tbondoy aad i^d « lo—b klB lamlly tba t>aat wook. lett 8—day Mtaa Betaiab Mtaar.'wko It att<^^ NSoruliii « »— .<»*'• —Oisi. MtiL lor Laoalag.
las Msh school la Ttwreroa City, ap—t
Tba Wlaara Jaonle and Maraarrt Satarday and Sanday wttb her aOTt
Ik • iMlclow «w-r «(—Urs-r
ot TraToraa City, who hava Miy. A. M. While.
«b»-f to BokMnmo to B—tiw. Of- koM the guaata of Mlaa E»nim WH- '•Mra. Atnll Lhnocr and alater, Mra.
ScMOlWlkd ««ra Ml*. 4HM— wool —tf4fca part weak, mttroad home SatMra. W’m.. Wells was la flrardma
and Mahaad from Datratt.
d—tT Nn. JoB)m.^Tlc« Ri—M—i: ■fdayt • •
were eanias on fiMds last we—: Trtday aa\lMrvm,WHiA t.
Mn. Kirkpatrick. tiiiMMikr. aad-Mra.
P. Warebtfrs —eat laat waak U
The alOtta icaeoae bobwneni til at the
Qra^. kii—my.
^'ller «e aow emtMvcd at mto. MbadwHi to holftlBg.s aew
lias: the
Mri X. Bowman called on Mra.
air: aod Mra. It e! lillla. who bars
oa»e-fec4B»>to o—ra*. —*
iha Trarerke City—nRarlein.
Jantaoa Uat T1
bean vWUn* here the pM two '
M.:X. AraoM has a new dritW
iier uyie visitod friends to Atta
Mtea Bn and brother. tlanlT
Tbere waa no o(ttlrc at Uw churcb Telancd laat Prlday to their
BK. wp—t luu weekTlatthirlo Tnr.
Snndar oraniaB. Ike Ra>. Ur. Hall la Mawam Ohio. '
Mn. Fred MIRs -has ba— ill wKhr -totA'F. D. Hmot k— a oaw
^ •
aertca of BooUaca In
S. C. 'jabeU; wife and aoo ot De- — City.
la hotdlBS
plceriay tbc.pasi weok.
— the sdbtk sUaaf ba* •
Sept. ».
---------------------------- 1 aad (tsetfahad t.-oH. am«ad hare Wadaaeday —
Tba tabu cUU of Ret. aad Mrs. for ber w—viag room.
of the lady'a biolber. Keasotb StUe*.
Utobe isataad of SUlaf bla ai^olDt liaoKh Ptoreacw M. of Tninw— City
yaw-m Hin ca—e hoc— from HU . W. Baker bas bcea fli fur a few -Hr*. A- V.'Otaa—a of TfaToiwe C«y
( The lannab Oeniihy K Bade a trip
antvad here Friday to keep hooM far.^
RapUa test weak far '*« lew days- •Jays.
, The U41M' Aid socMy wiU pwet .to Ckaricroix Wedaeaday.
s Mrers retaroed from Ptoaedr.
itor. Mn. L. A. to—aeiL.^
with Ain. Chaar al-har boBO nex'j *«,. a. Ben tan —d C. A. NsImm
wbo Icit OB Saturday |br a c—ple of
Mr. aad Mrs. IXarles V>ton ^nd
Thonday, and she iarltad aa to <omr ap—i Krtday d last woek In 7«bp
Ur*. D.-Wcer— b vlrhiait la Grand -weMte’ v>*ti «lik rotottvaa la Craad
Mn. .Sell Brows took la the-Antrtai
«— 'toft .—MBt tof torn. •«.'€. 1
■eoaaty toir at Bstlalre Um week.
ot ckHEkia that wore folas to p
I Jessie WoHe Is toarblag (he "ne Gleaners

toe Am al Aha waak.
^ u. a**V
gl** «
Mr. aad'Mrs. rhams Asers— a—ot
a part la (hat dlnaer. On tba m*i i
Imt Satarday cv—lag abou’ alxtyCtotk dbt^ adool.
dance oa tan
Celto Zamr aad Saala Nktaf
8—day witk'relaRf— ta^MOtkaaka.
of tok —nth tho Udiea hra torlted.aad Mra. 1
dve ef the Meada of Mr. sad Mr*. Hanato are staytog wltt ItoB. C
raal Brawn had the-Bistort—a: to 'Mr. liMdr h— maned from his at-pioapett^ArbOroot to Mn. Patrok'a oa a aliallar db- dnaa BRhar Sultan \retnnied i
fpkMl V-i 4oiiaa Rap­ Will Shaaka —thered at the hcase
Paal OaaipkWl
and m attsodlag the hlB
dlalo—tw'lila ethow laat weak arhito' vWt at Sparta.
OadlHac• tost weak, wbera. ska wl
Mra. Otbba li barUx aosaa r—atrlas t—di arbopl this winter.
—gnnuttoa of tke yeaag e
MIBO Bethel KaUebt of Ceotnl Uke sMlsUhg Iffst Jas. Strabaa. Sr. rw Bburg. Neb.
wrowd tke store aad mw loofi
Uae. LaUiode. who baa been rlallJoba BattoodeU bad two ralaaUa pie who were eo rec—tly mrried.
speat 8—y with -Mlaa Haryeb luroad to her Mbme in 8—tta BoardInc fwlailraa hare tbe-past two we*a. Clow.
dVN the Tliad ptota.
■ •
cows hOM by llghtalhg Saaday dar­ The eveotog was pi—rnatly —Ml In
. • . 1- -an Bainrtay.
auas Vfda Vhodervort Mt bep^ ratoracd to Detroit Saaday.
n—t Bide has b—xbt the property ing the elecirie storm.
playlhg —to— or TUtoaa kinds and
Oeonie Crisp left Saturday for One
Headay to taka «p har sAooi work Qtra. Fred Boadsaas talaniad to her
Brarat E. Tlmier and Har—ret at state hokr dainty reft—ha
ba. Neb., where he baa aveepled a-po- owned by the' late C. W. Baracs.
M tho^tefw to Wo. wkaro sbo as- home In Muakas— attar rlsitlas reT 'g.'MoRm'leri bere 8—day to A. Boaner were aaUeJ iB.mairiago at
ere —rred. which all eator^'
Soeta to giBdunto the —adas year.
UUtss here.
Mr. sad Mr*. Sbagka we— to
Rn. rrod Tohberer la ropoiM very .-Mr. «ad Mn. J. Billldo. wbo Uve Sept. 9.
J. A Bodgeb bf 'Fl^d Uke 1* st the M'edneeday ev—Ing at 8 o'rtork by etpl—u of aotoe Tpry 'eMfn! p—a—to.
ID at the home of her pai—U a—r ba— vlstUn* relatliWi kere. tavd ro
romc '6f Dr. George Burleocr
Rev. A. W. Baker. SIm NaneyVSonner cdOMating of Tartoas yWc— of MtrarTaMta. whara she h— ha— -aWtlnd tayaed to their haaa in Bmn lb>y. •
Mte Tlrive. elhtoo he te nwrem» acted as bHdeatnaid. wad Fhrrftt wa—. cUaawa—. Ha— a^ a b«
■HIHb -Clan Ttaeaias ntorndd to
rom ltfJa»«e*’>h<4Wed' when he lefTh ATeeler, brolber ot the grooto. as
Raat 8—day ereainc wUI he the Roabbod. Moot., after v.wttitx frlent*
imd -BapHe aad lodtoea train el fsau. After the fdroa—y a w«
Royal NMgbborv with theft i
Hot. Mr. Bndfowatar'a last appoW- aad relatlTM here eke paat two waakt
Cedar Sprlno Hodges slepped M sapper vraa eerved- Mr. and Wto.
The Udi—' AM aocletr of tba U. JC.
toaai hare hefora cealer—ra atta.
ir bae.kward .while'the trsda was Wbeeler left Tbara^-—on tor OftoM
^bwdi aoiwad wappar at the par—ato. nmttoa wad -w— thrown-to the Rdpidk..
a. Oaene Abkau to — IhaAk*
aae Tknnday aroolDK.
d. -He was tojored ah—I the
Elmer Bence celabrated bto Mtta
—Ilece at Tta*ar— Oty.
.f.S«S^Sh«h4-SS««h«h™. .Bfobakar wad -lldr-.
b—d. but serious results arc net •<- birthday Wedaeedfy ‘—tog. Sept
Harry SrbmHI. who has be—
♦ • T . N .BATES.’- - ■-♦.haTa ba- •ribflilis her -pareau.
strk for the -paR few w—ka. la atHI
B444^«44«B4444P44 ^ Mrs. G. Karhe. thia —r.
bto friends wad n
aader tba -doetar'a
H i- l*ab «
-■WM mt:
liai'w—k tor tbelr hoM la Craad! 'Frank LAldtow \taltail at dotaa Kxt- rived bdre Saiurdiii.and are now UvMi Xera Ihte weak, alaiilas toalskL Raplda.
f'ur. RlsrtTs Tottee.
baah-s Ssadur.
aaOsttOBTlre tbeir tbftd aaaosl fOM
W# ka— It win pro** —eea—tul.
u. l. Llaton of
BtoBies 'AmbeRw of Detroit aad
L- Meal—M
--tbairlnc hasl—M ii bMiii: ear- Aaa^ter bipoala. loft Friday jacnilnx
P. MedalU ot Maaoelona wer.- g
■oda giVfthtor
tolo-lwn se< ttocs.-tvn^iMg toft'
Mkm m.
rM-ka hr tho kotos aad Mltlnc of to, tbelr —na.Alter a abort ria’c • ' SB eatoyaUa tloe Sahlac at Poart of theft Bister. Mrs.-P..B. Baraal
iftm—t. la whk-k part toe«x-, .Box hall
Mn i. O. -Biwwit.
WodaeMlav and TbunuUy
lake a coeple of days last week.
Earl C—c and tstoUy drers to MobIMU of produir. slock, p—Itry ahd
t Roafcy. tooralac dortas the
-Mn Albert IkKhnn of Maaton.
Jas,- Joaas has be— appoiate
Tba tea—er. MF ThIr**. epeni Sun­
aayiking perUlclog Icf toe farm. Is atek FriaaB b w -W
"WmcManA Mr.'OtoWTT—kpr hat who has;hera Tlaitlac ber brother. U day at bis home In .OreUiatMUc.
M of the trostees of the I. O. O. .F.
and ink— care of by tola Jos Madia—«f «ya—*— Cttr to«4
«-<tUAataii Tor— wkleli «a teaared A. BarnoA left last week for kerbore.
lodge to AU the vacaacy ram
irfaHTtkedUicrwcctm to ■adHb«t»«
Ito a cartala aaidaBL Stem th- he fehe'W— aeooBP—led by her niece,
the death'of G. W. Ba—ea.
■ywm Mkrior — gMla*<l-A,MV
-ebafkc of*4y ika%iMfea-k
kM iiTckaiid h *—mRm Mr. Win MaiV earaaa. who wUI spaad tba wlaMr, and Mr*. Ray Baaeiofl have re«f tbe 1^9*.
c—tly moved back on tbeir farm
tar there.
Ran- OMdto. who aored Uato«l
—tcnilrmeBta are arTia|ad ^ary
Mra. C; M. Dame eatartalsaiVa
UMTS are wdlo a anaker of ladenfrom Traverse Oly.
tioto tba Box bulMJag a
Uoyd Waller has returaed to Trav­ l:4S: Lokest-.r.
tite— toman la tka odBBuaty who
o 'hasia Agto kaa raa^ too B«rlto
w« ksIMias Mtosj,"
Dam Ward— OatM Calls Attantien erse City to attend the high sobool.
Sept. 9.
owing lo ibr tact that cTefT
err part,
part. iw
kira. Tom Aldridge and cbildr— of
"TM acheol bdcaa laat Moaday with and-Mn 6 J Saaia
Htoer evory i
OadllUc w—t to Ktogsley — WMliie*SCNOON.
litoa TarakaU of Taw- City as
U—rge Bowman, who llv— w—t of
-B ♦ 4-4
♦ 4« ♦
♦4 4 ♦ ♦
ven- m the town, to bwtldJarw how tosM f«M to ldr*T—«y Mr toe-Ahfbtta
lABaing. SepI- 11.—Nest week the %ratomet haa'b
that bis dipBi—t MR —pga— tbi
t Friday, ro- 4
else. ........ . ■»
Y>— orW«d \Ttolrs oaHa Js rarr
44444444444444444 ^a season for ducks wDl begin and - MIto MatolifTMidUaa'dC Cadillac
Mra. -O. E. a*W«lD h— b—B away otbtira
miBf benm;.Tuooday iTiadat
• Mrs. 9. -'W. Mek^rtoan hpeot Satur­
- —pettolendrots ut the varlouJ alek. altodsA tt 1* ■Birafht it am
be gucdl of Mr*. B»-t Plirber.
for several daH'VMHtog friends
Mra. B— Btoa. Mr*. J. S.-B—n

departments ate'U follows: E. P recover.
—d Mn. ied Whltaoa aikde a ftyiu day and Sunday In TTaver— Clty._
laws. The following nrc
Jofta Wall. Ar.. want to ^soi—
School commenced at a«ar Biook
stoe bsa 4hen lbPto»*i of Mfto-Mep
hir, and *lm. Roll* Amid— and 'caver, meckankal exhibit; faacS
tiif IB Trarpna City «— day laM
thia toornlfiy with Mlaa Mary B. Dor- the open seas—s and ibe moat taperLoii^ left {ortolngdMy^ltalBea- children arrtrrif test week from Per­ ftork.Mra'8. f. Tedmn: —llury aa^ cuy Moaday — a AaM—to Aft tftft
taut laws pertaining to each kind ot
«ey. ClcBBierwe teackor.
ris. Cal . wbera they have been Hb*
- Mn. M—M Mro—M Arothar-oC ladlMt«b Edna BUI waTtkkMa aodl—
HIM Nellie Waacett of Gtoaa At- gam:
agrtdtottolaP aad MonicoHural.
Air*.*Wm. Alcott and *— ot Boyne
•—>>UitlBs iSdr for a waak ei
Mooac. lak apd CarlUw—I’ulawful Cfty a- vismns her —rwat*. Mr. sad lat twh .V—r*
ly IK Tfaaraday eight nrRh —
actraol in distriri .No.
Wr;, wni 1'arpeiHer aol daaghter ^VHiMr borne de—nareot. tea D.-Ua''^^BA'Ia iiBlf^a bow
sie— Her —adfUamral -Tito —rad
to .kin BBtll I91A
“T-8 Hrt*
Mr* L—nart-BaWT '
J—ba ol B>-nr—to vtolted fneodc here iuo: dairy aad apiary. Joba BadtJ
to slowly tapravJag.
Schonl In dtetrin No. -i T
Mr* «'rn. Hlehard* end daughter.
f-aby HMft. Wra IVbl U 4«dbd
- Mr. pad Mr*. Roy Park ware Tnr
TooBdax. flielr teacher Is Mr No. SO. Inclualve. RraUent b*nlen' l-ne.oTThdmar, visited ber pareot..
^ ,
Radi deftorim—t will have a specif wBofo. - Mr. •oadMm.'ThM WaBft
■Btoh bellrcnac. Il-M; o—rraW—t htmters' Mr and Mrs. Tlbblt*. from Friday av.;^
prixe towdrM to toe bakt la V*««4 a-fthf. Soadv. B-L'd
-rh-Rof speelsl
- Mto* MaUlo W-Tcr ap-t Saadaj
c—se. $93.
tU Monday.. tbc Vaton ctarch M—da
RatWta—Ol>cn aeae— from Oct
wbo arc BUeaillnc acbool la Tnrerse
u HstUc Bcrnstcinc relanied
xv.UerlVtter made a
ne ^ Ibe special enlertalam—ta wiib bor —twato at Haaash.
Hlr—At Elk Raplda atarted to Grand City. atxA Satarday and Sunday et to March 1. taclualyr. I'nlawful to
Miar I iili ImT had Mba toMbefram Detroit Friday.
B-tonla Friday.
or tbe drtwc dart at«-lbe —arpAhtoju
kapidi wharwtkoy ex»el to aUoM* Ueir
terreii or guinea pigs to luatlog.
>Ira. 0-. Borer and daughter. Ml^
g*, era three men f—to MeSent UiaM|.< taoe lo rat to*"«ad of herlftwah oC
»o Oto^rBtoito bir.
•kite attsodkt — aom of ft—>■■■
Ueacbam'a molb^-who has I'armcra and mitt growers may
Stea; of-Bey oe City, v—ie gnevils of I piMd* to rpUnd. lad..
1 wftb bis
antes will give flae
- Clato iito. «-ted a beatnaM aMetlas apcol acverdi weeks w
-riTt* In ■killing raWrtt* — Bttdr-lb- bar iiareni*. Mr jumI Mi». U fttk.-r.
ftAld'd-toa. I
•r and fatawith her
lly Intel LiRog
fBaiil; will Iravc next
it M kiBtoa -of HIM Mn WkliaEdlUi Kingsley ot Bosiato OH* to
Med land*
Sftnday and Monday.
ry—and win faf
place, where be to lo attend scbool.
pA yAlplir .OTaaing.
suytos at Howanl-Baaa'a-—d —toC
sJqalmT—I'nUwlul to hunt tos. kin-. Gt*«or> 41 Bent— liarbbr Is
Tbe b—t wtoft— of the p—pie *—*
f I—< Mlly Mghl elaas No. 4 beM
to aehool unlit 'Reatoy O—A &d atp
black or gray mnll 19I4.
tbe guest
fo with them.
4Belr rlM-tooMlaE at tba boan at
aearer-Pblawfa! lo kill until Jan
-toern » Mr. ond Mra. W. Clark. —
Tbt- sehudi ut the
MU S^l"^
•too UIIdHiF' Barak.' Aft— tfeebWedn—Aay.' Sept. 4ib. a daughter.
Ibltlopa' Tbe Iraop 1
-ork MoniUy. except to *B—ddn.
)iBliiair Bsiiiag' tlwy had
B GrasB. sprat Saaday with h*k
'Vlalr l.uucks 'madc a butlh—s trip where the ne« building will delay tke
tbre^ men. oar boy and i
hoar, tba rafreakB—U being toda sod Sktah—Talawfal to Cadillac Iasi week ,
Two ot tbe m— f—tsred li
work- tor some time .Ml— Plary Ja'shsBk* Wl Taaaday for IM
tad roatoad annb maUaw.^
take, trap or kill from April I
-nay ton Campbell ba* a iwlHou lu q«Bi l*—rs IB the Amid— acb—1. iUB^tog Brotbeta' bis elrcsa. wbllv
tofttkwaat. otoa— ha k
the table faotoo s' OMIDac.
" BtoAlMA* aol>Mbr tobPe
Hofttlna ot Haoor toTfo ir«rdo iodk iip>h liilwita
Maaknt or B—ver Hoasra—I'nla’
Mrs. VWto Clafh-lenkiere Wednes­
ftfA BaflSp. BMAaaIbWe
usacn—AMd him — tar a>
lu! todestrof.^Hatarb ore—lest at aar day for an exialilM Vtolt with Wr
tab* 4ta— vtan-ha'W?
ttoe or Ml ai4 'tra» wltoln aix fcM —mgbier to lAitolng.
HsmeR—I— IneorrigiM—c—dun
R. ItoSTO w-i to Aldcn Satur­
: a muskrat b—te.'
ed'ftytMMto^)—t Mkftto-wdUiwit-:
r- Mlag onria Bae— la worlctag for
QuBll-VaUwtol to kill ontll 19i:-.
day for a —uplc or week*' vtott.
evfpf tooi4lBD''Tb'—' fta"^dfta_itra. J. & Ae-s dartag t^AnauM
Prairie Chldten-L’Blawful to k1
■*lr. and Mr*. Frank Bedell left lor
r\ ^
lulu Slidg.- wbicfa will be a new tea- 4 4 4 4 -4.4 4.4 4.-4 4 f4
PUS. toalra d»y.
«earan«B 4«k.- ' I
r rapture at any time.
Grand Rapids SatunUy. where Mr
^,e of fl---IS-*er*.*4aev. toeb rnr*. h—M— ' TBriBoa atoali rs--ra.
“ Jay Bracket wbo k- bou aick fPartridge and Spruce Hen—Op— Bodcll h—posHRm
(brostimg ail'd—e.-aad —oie bavetott n«naer tUowi aad gam— of that ■44-4'44'4'4M<4N|tt4 4-44-4 4#
•a—B from 0«. 16 to Nov. so, taklanto of Belk-vlcs. Mich,
4oaM um had 1 aeriobs operhU—
ftot theft —ta Ary —onok to haul d<kt.
itaftliig dakdr-wii-aiH- «*4M -sfMAorft.'^afPfMW-h-llr.s ailwMli
ga—t of bla ii—tbvr. Huraaas
it hla-koBM. Beoday BonOag.
tram the leM.■Mueath’biftBto M- -said aboi • ih>- Htaij’Msukii-of DaidkkTWIftaab (Ita
I'nlawful to taka ktortliw o—r-Sitoda^.
" Mra. May KnUe of Traverse City,
ttx to . e MV.
Mr* Yale's sister ol Beldtog to bere
gurata of BMart Abyaa -sod- fatod^
la fteHlag the hem of W'lninB AabTbo Udto* AI4 MKdeu
1 a visit.
ifciirtoM. *"
*■— ""
■ "
«b ^ink nto
Mra'Flab to oa toe sick itot'Faatm-Tbna-I. Jr.-of 1—*—
than Vie— tn'Mi at om tim. ‘
Rntb Bartlelt pf C—tral take and »ai — —htbttlon'to briP arak^ this nry-cJled-uATatotlixa bt "ItahMA
• ^4444*44
Ducks. 0nlpe. ' n—. Woodcock.:
teaalete dA.ltoUlag SBl Ml**
—. Braat. SbMwbtodB. RaHa aa« UBto Sl»«« or DaidiTtHe. wHh (Mir
fttolting their grand par—ir bere, 14- ta -.ka-towB •
Mlaa Kau JMM*aa ot «APto Cttr
^4444 4»4<4to4'444444
Coola—Open seas— from Oct- IJ
wtoras »we«k.» HtoKtot; were g*«*
ttoe. 31. lau—toe.
I w. W. toWw-r* «TWM*totoy.Jay
tha Meithport Ugh acbool Ian yeax.
leMil. can*—back. iwdbeaA wl4
Wt. and Mr*. Ja*. Stradden
let) Skiver and ber sister ealltd CltT
WW* bhsta-s «•»**" •>«'
>tl H—day for Alma, wbera ha wB'
geoa. ptoiall. wblBler. apo—blU. bat- —gheix are—-to lofto
i4t orihe wo—
fSimi ttoUage.
Bora — Mr. and Mra. itas.-8t—ban. on Mra. fPtor mat To—day.
terbsll BBd aavrWV docks fkky a1
Floe Grov* aeb—I -to--progr—atog
I* U MnSUb‘WSS * Tisverse.CUf
« «ISB Mlaale Kakl. who ku baIniatOd fit— HMck • to AprfI W. to­ Jc. M—day. asi't-Ah -a —n.
iruHlM Bc-OraDd Ba»Ha tke paM
Miu Hefta Baker came home Irom aely Ml—DeU—8 to «ha aew.|aa<to> isUor Mto<toai of the
re. Teal aad —aHBd —ito
S D Feastemseber. «bo rciaroed
toeok. retaroed bom Mday —-U4
be killed Item Sept.
te Dec :
n Kapito. noatoy.
Mr. and Mr* Otobam of Hodge tI*. am bto trip ta
Immer Hteoaun
Beo. Banfron «tod W—ley sparilag
t MJto Ida Btaole left Wedaeaday tf
I'BUwfnl to take to oae dtv maf* —ssed rhroMgb here Monday enroou Ited Mr, and Mra Tyler last Friday. sbowleg tbe rattle* which
, tor-ratoU-AMv -*deh*ha
hut weak tor a risK to Grand Rapift -ac-isc
(tu-u :j ducks, ge—e or brton: C
tor Cobalt.
a«baDi.--BBd --— -Mm -C
Mr*. 9411a Carter ot Brie vtaRed
^ other poiBta.
cock. 10 plover. 19 antpe or e;b«,
' 8. d. -Mb— aad toHRy. -wbe ka—
t—m Balardayvanril Tuesday wHh ker Sanday «ry—tagMimer dr. dM on WMte—
—ece. Mrs. Chas D—b. — bef way
«p-riW*»tnHrgrWde toorft'
4-tth Oritur.
RartAg 'dito Wi~glbAAaiiiiaii. ssra
Jaalc Halladay .
* Mka atta Kaiaey. •
it'TtobHx at Ntath—vt la ar
(oaTim to all bVv ih— 9^ tcv«'.
ntoAtor-baakrtto * 4— dd—. .
brant or dm-ia. N liloTer. wo—co*
-|taa-MAacha'8Ay«ar.wt«| 1
WMSipb M'dilkcr aborpklrdg.
gMir,-aiwT» m 4P-*im»-4 I






*»j m m






musD njma anuLP

awp teavpsi bay



gpr. H iw2.

PACT pot;

spooled Sate of

, ;;;^AOj


« te

ti-l, i!

Our tail
• leek-'of
mwe com*
picie Ibis
year thi
cvfer be­

Ruxvlfbizr Am In, As ms
P«u* As You Lilte COUPONS


iQ. Pull opm the
‘'Stiudsid Ev
tkin .C!a:p” arj invesdgiitc the ir.- J
tenor cf
Cotton 1 Jt M:.t. |
tresses for yoarjoE. Y. a will fi:; j jyjtJiiog but the pcr. t --nj loJt-qaulii V i.fs;Icilud cotton l.-lt. Eui-t i'vcr by hyc-r,
this cotton fck never becomes hurd or
lumpy and retains ail its ela.'ticity iiid
buoyancy. Nen-dMorbent. “StajiJard’ ’
Mattresses arc healthful and sanitary.

We' give'
coupons with
Theie coupons
apply towards
a beauti{uI
French China
Se^ consisting
of beny sets,
hsh set, game
set. hnit set and
ale set


"SMuTHaUtesKtAreCanDkef .

Floor Coverings
tir qwM ittu


-tilitt e^cli to purchase s Range this fall

aoTommo wiox stoh whoh



_______ '

Brussel Rugs $12.50 up to $35.00
Axmioster Rugs 18.75 up to 30,00
Velvet Rugs
13.50 up'to 28.00
Wilton Rugs
28.00 up to 40.00

Ingrain, Cashmere. Bungalow .‘ind Fibre Rugs from $3.7.') up to $1.T
Ingrain Cur)iets' life per yani up to 90c.
Brussels Cari»eis G5c per y:ml ujt to S2.

cared lor
We make a spec­
ialty of. fi9 1 i n g
end correcll y
handling ait mail
OTders arid we

of goads may be
returned at our

.. ...____ - . .



.'M) Pound Cotton Top MaUress $2.30 value
.'W Pound Cotton Top MnUretts $3.30 values,

Pound Cotton top M ittress $4.!i0 value
We would like to have you call and 1.30for...............!..........................................
inspect our lUrge line of Floor Coverings. SO.Pouud Cotton Mattr^. Cotton on both
$4.50 value for
.......................... $3.03
They consist of the largest variety of 43sides.
Pound Cotton ami .lute Muttressr'^.30
grades and patterns we haveever shown. value,
50 Pound Cotton and Jute Mattreiw. $8 value
Look these over:

I«l tai lllMli A.„b.i£ W,wa,„,


Here are a lew Val­
ues you can get H
you come qubek

43 Pound Kdtetf. Colton Mattress. $8 value.
for................................................................, .$5.93,'
30 PiHind Felted. Cotton Mattress, $9 vaine,

'for.......... .....................

Several Others at
Proportionate Prices

A Few
How do you
If yoa CSV a prar (Iran. mtM.
U Mka res Uccy.—7UU bcbI a

KeM-Eiuy Bed Sprind

BM make y.or bod, a^ real taaia
dccMc u> k>T» (hr apitaa.
aaideeaa,aach plaa ai (bl>. Tty iL

We have about
75 Traverse City
Morris Chairs
and Rockers.
yo;i have not sel­
ected any ofjthese
splendid values,
come at once . as
you may neve,
have a II 0 l h e r

A Long nbre.j White Cotton Felt Maltr»:ss wllh Spring Center; the very
best matircss^ ever made; will Inst
you a Hie finic; sold for $25.00, prfee
now...... ............................................


supply of Bed junkets now and be prepared for the chilly Fall Nights.
lirie of Bed Blankets we have ever shown—ranging
tfQru 45e
to the best all wool at $8.50. Our WoolnafD Blanket that we are
StTOMrilJg at $ 1.95 is a value that is surprising the.mest careful buyer.
IM East


Home Fnrttlstier



*B»t »h*« ewT wowmt
~KK~ PiiM1>K—Tto «e« ««« tbor♦
‘Nq naM vk«l "-rr" '-' WvM
It do« ■« reqalM penpMl tmdilj Wim 1b iuUUc bowl, adj ♦

• bad nte thtt m
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦ aUMdaBM to via tbM» pTMtoiM. for tbra^ootthm or a ceiEa) of dack aoworTT ahoaU bo bMUht n tbo nMa.
• «bo «aBB0t aitoBd tbo Coacrowi iaaao*. eao latH t«aai>ooD(al ot bo | baro had ortaaka ta watrb bbot NmUbi aapHaaaai «aa om spiaw
wai« o»or tbo Imlt mad lot ataad ua- of Fam UWe to bo boM durlajt ibat aoda dtoaoKod la thraodtwitha ot a aioa cooba aad bato ofloa aoiod that t»f. Bat iboro »aa boBOtblaf aoca
111 tbo aklaa will ailp; nt epaa .aad «aak Bar aaad iboir aaStoa, oipraBa capful of htdljaic wator. a pUy4i of tboir Botboda aarpaaa tboao of bom ihaa tWa Noaltlino «aa tbo on»
roBOTo tbo bard ooaior. Pol etor tbo or ftolcbi prepaid, to tbo oamtarr. ■*!<■ oao-balf toaapooeful of olibor da- vobm cooks la aeoBOBT of metl^ atoa tor all ibo ptoataai bapixolBBto
«ra aad oeaM aall. To aaoh qaart of Mta. Joba T. Baraa. who will dre tbo S»r or HoBamoa; aad <bo and a half aay» a atodoot. Tbta to apparoat la bo told,
toM.aaad ail tbo lollT. toaap iblac>
frail, add obeUlf teaapooo aalt aad aaao pom»al attoatloe aad iator«« cupfula«f floar. airiod li
It aai'oao bad kaowa. oKbrntd
a aaicar. Caa boUlap bot to tbon aa ico tbo oAlbllor 1
» tbo orla bft eaaa.
la Lotbbrldce aet later ihaa October the baklua dtob while aifOBlaa to two^ pioeoa a« hte talfo will atrifco. aad pooad except the bab>. AwKhor ttiw
Toiaaio (too
pood ripe lomatoee aad lot iben ataml- ’*•
dlatanre aad the 'oat noaai from maklu the poddths slice, tbrotticb tbeai all la a iwlakUait. ibe -motber aakod tor the bob loiob
for tweair-four boon well aprlaklod
are coaald-red il wui too Bolai -Cood l]oDaekoopiiK
Mon rooks hav* a dotf waj of rbop- eatla* tblac ewb had 'ftnad that daj
Amt (ba auB of waarrov la jot to Paro rorj tbla aii karso aad rmb cuCoW
Chill Sauoo.
>''*0^ 'ood. AaTtblai aot colwaKied lo ‘a tbo
booba road, or the «-------------with «n: oett .sook tboB-^tho

tweoa October l aad 10.
^ ^ oacoJIeat roclooa
'bopplat loachlao llhoj aovor use or the ctolu UBdo.
tl^ilo womea are oUciblo to comp„„,^ ,p uacookod roltotam. 5^ • ' boppiap ttuyi. thoj placo oa tboir' -That suit hate bee« latoroetlu.
■laaae. for ^t.
foilowla, wiu board, aad. boidlag tbo palm of lb- but ho- about lu bola« kept apT'
■P*®*** 1,0 fotiad aaitofaciory:
baad llrhilv over tbo oad of the
-That wa« the be« of If. The cheerWa tfeat would ooBe to tbe coal i
>0 teaspobiiful white pepper. ;
« amtaitod fc tbeto are Burner>(. dDBanob. ear ouaep of
reoulro no cooklait. Peel bl«de. ibey work tbo kaifo like a (u| babli waa kept upk Tbo ptoa had
bold la high oe- booa practiced till It fjad bocoBo a
t aaiall or chop o • peck ripe lever. Pitebora
btaaT^I BOI ta dcMB hMlda'tl^ wall ucethor ‘LriTiT wkdl'lLltht!!
suffldont viaocar to cover
m. too. Try BlilBg ,habk. aad I ootked thai if there waa
•bottle, aad at^alalMlfbt aad lot ata^
ttMaatoea. spnaa.e whb one amati
• TiBr. to hop, 1. ikofaum aad help at loaat a mo.cb before uala*. Any
“_______________' “P
'*•' »«»<« ^or a while aad
;idicbor of tbo bellboy a riood the atae of a Baa'a baod la
«ti In ae> oaos sky. n'aoemed to vaatoh aa
' wbea an tut dowa
■-BtK tar work ilBro U Mtj today.
ibla If alr^toht li will keep for jo«™.-*'
aeod aad color> sfie<l.
toad or ladhaa the bailor or -turaed Inside oat to ahow tbo Itolag.'Aa
I think I aovor
Aad 1b« abora of loBomw wfco can awtds aad lot ihoui staad la aaH water
Tomato Chuloey-Bako wioio perThe -laovltaWo *ei.i«ubor fre.1.
A«»ber re Ipe ra«s lor oao pock
Mackhnard eraser is- -saw a boiler aot-of dlgoetloBa than la
•‘'•bt. la .ho morala, drala aad
>b*« BaV^aur;;!^, toStlTs^n oaTb^
. tljr ary
Otlj today Bay we look to Sad
|«l late preaervlac kettle. To oao "*b ‘brtu tbrou«h a roarao alovo. To
Fonuaatolv tor tbe thdftr
ovoralehl. Add two cups
I kee,. Beer the kitchen that fatally, aad as they wore all U
using It to wipe ot the - the cbeorlag-up bulBeaa ai Boalllme.
• Bito wlmr* oarr boat
boa. ahall
.hall qaart
oimr. of sharp
.harp viaogar
vtoogar add oao plat
,da. ~‘b ,« or thl. pul,, alio- ooe plat
bot water, three cup. auiear. Add
'tocitar.■ half
aa oumw'oarb of aar- prepa lap ibom tor- .b.
rttf »h«e BU.«ard seed, t
tbo -to.-,
winter tobu
table. *“«
We Ban trla oar aoll for the aaddoa whole cleeaa. atirfc ciauiiKm aad cook "*'■ **"
prpprr. ooo ouoeo ^ ,aMeod
a week. Tbeeo eraaer.
.UBlII Iho ciminbort caa bo plorcod **
"> reoll a uin
tail _ por ti
Atoi watch tbe beaeaa. aloog our. with . fork.
. Boll thr-c all lopMher tm-.he
.^ Plckl^ae pock of *1«epper. one i
c ,
eroen toms.-es SWJ St* Uce —to—
'‘“•■P*''A iioputar diah la eefiala loaOlitoo


(MB tbe paat.
B« tor work U tBir lodav.

7^ .
/"•■«»'>»*« ••->'*■ •'*
ntoee. l«.o.h-..-color, la thr«larb plocos: soak
and cd
Toatorday'a tbruad w I aaed at eve.
ery la coM itoelerably l^i water
. .Aad tbe thread of lOBorrew not yet
four hours. Uae the outalde
Only to^ awy oar ebuitlo weave

.... : xr.

:........ r.rr.„.,

,,,,0 It. .ddtoa to it as you do k> a
T..L T . ! Is to >»• » Hnehslf ,-ek rl|w. lonmtoo.
epoobful of an.-hovy ,l,e
“a °
•»«' H-v'-MeJ -1.1. yal,, ...^^100 to por-on.1
^ s “1 »* 1"'“ ■*«' ''O'*™
'*o *«»■»
„„„ No».hoU It all toaothor again
grated borsoradUli. on-half^no
„„ „ „
of thick
thick I'p^dtoln^rto «d "to. “to
c^nslMouc, of
-It. c«., white audllXna.,(U cold, .bon hot

at CMUl*ed la tbo foltowtag ftorr ta ■« wow. but It to ao
on that it la waU
__ s«-m
wm rMdag.
'■Anoffad. wuMTdoAlM mcmeu.
«Rb A bMvy baaket apoa her arm. oa4 tbo trtla at tmo of tbo way tta,
ttoaa. CArtTlfcborbBrdoBwlthai
Tifcbt------ ------dUleiflty down tht aisle, abe found
;y aoai. of wbkb abe took poaPMiloa. faataad df plaetag her bur-

•‘cslrrs food lo almoior: tboro to tbon
»« tear of Mlckln* or burning oh a

onllaare -Isto -k.

1 -H, m- -i- r; r„™.r

- nou H .bd hood It along llfo-a -ay:
*- »“'«•*'* *«o "f ol«B.n-.n and oar
Tbora h hope la Ibe future and help ^ Tomato Marmalodt—Pour l■olling
^venoo. and Iwil fitItoBtbepaaC
of vlaegar..
water oter ..-tea ,«ubda of ri,» to—
Bat for work there la only today.
mitoe*. rootovc the skins and hahe.
fUcHm-nMethod in the Heme.
Sliced Urcen Tomato Ptcklo-ObcThree Pall balada.
half l>ock erocD tomatoes sltcod tub^ ,o,.mIum »1ih the busy
apaaUb Salad-Arraage letiuct:
„ ,»rhu|io a low hints and
, leave* on ptotr. and over them «)i<» ,hlulv. Hell logolher cfgb. |»unds cl pededi^ one r*tol augar. oao pad. oao-r“a peppers, lomaloea and d|«nUh
_» eaiorbolps in that lino -111 bo boaoO^ t<
. —.aa. Drtos with Preach drosslag
^““Tng^IlMrJrcirto link out others.
vvith ontv one pblr of bands to work
, of oil. vlaodar. pepper aad aalL
tomaiooe and Irmoaa and bring II nil
TO Sene Cucumber Salad-Pool Uo
««>««««rd. t.o or ihroo for aovon. I have to o- my bbad a.
• oucuBboto. tot .bom la thib ,wcb
[ wHboni cutting the sTicoa off. thus


»«' o" «»«• «»«' «<• *“»l' «•>' vootonts rmoa affair -a. a rhocolate Btoao
o' •
-'•«>«» etor toko. aay. Oood Kou^.

cumher. loaort ia tocb oponlag Ibln
alk« of radlsboa with tbe ^ oa.
aUced to ibo ogazlatoeoftbecucum.
her. Tbe o^
bp foamd very offocilve. ChlU ibor
onghlT aa-ff SOTTO trtlb Pr«eb dro«
Rod Cabbaga nalad-Romovc tbo
twtslde touvoa from a ainall tod cabbago. cat out 1 o in:^ldo carofnUv. loavlag a tawl-sbapnd cavity. Sllis- ibis
reamvod portma nnmy. let.. at..» tor
aa hour In rory cold water. Take of





tircen Tonoto Chill Snuco-A* .he
*‘l*- ««»•'■ «w«n -»a. lomotoo.
-ere m*.J out ta.e and toey did
riprb.-fk-ihrlf.y bo»-kooper. We
* P"™«-r>tug-pan -nd tall ,ro voo>omlol chill s.uce.aud as an
®»* »i»««cs. atirring all tbo ilmoi ox,»rfmeni 1 tried uilng grooa lostoart
then l« it drain ihrongh a napkin
Hpe tumatoos with splendid suslretCbod out as for Jolly Ktraialng. .-eae We liked ibe chill toU.e quite
It lomalns on the napkin. „ »,.n. „ not Iteiter. than -tien made
-oteb a
and for each pound oif pulp alio— uni- ul the llpe U>mal«»e-. 1 used lUe lol
pound of sugar
- i-ork green I
' U>»lhK.'recipe;
Tonmto .Jant-Cboom.

rMchor S3C degrees or the

r=s--ss^^ in=~ ~ ~

'^o Blaae N.age-Btold two top.
milk Jitb oao iruapooe of bailer
‘•’’7*^ and a'dwS^-aalt; add .wo tablemesbea ol the screen. iMtoed. or
^ amtwroe. or contatartk die.
ctowtwr. as It U i
r moiiod cbotolaio. <
*>' “•*' .
T^'j.^ f Tli

late two yolki misod with half a
vooloatly utilized lor ktndilaga la Ibo
»?Bo-la« way. I gako tbo boy. a pile


w.shl« I .^r the clothe -l* In- hc In dlamotor Thom- little
evening ah,I pt.l the c^rso imrkago., wore coavonloat to handle
it U apmad apoo .be la soparuTe'nffd ~<l-) • bratidle In Ihe hattomon.
juke-arm One of them-a. l-« oaougb to ...R 'T '''
nater 1a wbkb some -aHi po-dors a Bro. Wo like tbom ao well Oisl aiv
have been dbnolvod. Tuoaday nornlag hushaad saves all tbo oxccliiior at ll
For th* LUiWh Riskst
the noe ■■luibos are wrung 001 and store for this inirpoao.
A MBdwIcb dtor'-fT^Alldhood n
hollo*! In KUds -aior while I am
--------------- ;-----slinplv broody butler aud augar. -lib
kiRilgliienItia op the bouse. Xeit the
Laving va. •Making.
spnnkllBf of powdered Hebollod while Ibe
From whore I sat I could s
colored .mes are token through the Ibo klicboa of my aolgbbor. The litTrff Uto tar the acboollOBca
n,s. mids. the flrsi whiioi are ptaced tie motbor waa trying to ffnUh Ibo
la rinsrng waier, and qo oa. until fbo> weekly Iroaint tat woe baby rtMT *

r addliloa to tbe hMcb bMbat; atao aa
,s fretful and Ihreo-yoar-old h


~s==s; =^3-—£=ss'-

a ftwH prsas

hroiber “close ibe acreen' dobr.
«andrlchita-Uae Hlbar Ita
and gel out and stay away." Jnst at preiu'v'd peanut baiter, ar takp treePAfter supper 1 get the table. BII up this iwlot I saw someihlng I felt to be l> shelled and Baelr rboppad |
a direct result oT a recent Bothers- n"**- ““ a little a

—11- ,.,.1...t,'™;;
..................... ... ..................
laatres with loag shreds of sweet i
l>. ..ul TO .
W..., .1
Urt TO.., ... II T.r.1.. ... lb, TO ...,, lb. 1—
M« -. »-■ TO..kbTO-T.
Tba tdUowlog MaBihtu -imom has pepper. Tae with ibis the oM son
Tomato Reltoh-Take one. ink k of pouod of suet cbopi-d fine, one pint
gave sister a drink of cool wsier. cold bcM (ban la Mcelleat, pat
baan flvoa befose U Home Cboer. but e« recipe for aalad dresslag.
carried her out of doors .ta Uid her thtou«, the meat grioder. add tto.
to fopriatod
by r*q««t
reqoeal. «
it «l«
flia «««*
old B«
Southern q.tod
Salad Drmwlo.-n.ur
_.., chopped flne. six whl.e oatoos rhop,wsl *,f .-InnaiiiM. i.m.e an.l nu.
nula Bototoo wUk bofl
la apwin* 1 <
tat wHb tbe atory told abovm
eggs Ughily beaiea. onokalf a cupful. ftae. two red pepiwrs cbo|.|-ul fine, meg TW/Is celled, and will keep
^ «
„ ^ralgbt *woms shady spot on tbe veranda. Then go- aalad ^eaalilg mod apread.
garment- and
Tha taurdoK of the Heur.
of cream, either ewoet or seui
■ wen-covere.1 jar all winter.
e bubce of mtistord see-ls.
F lime
-PM to tkroagb
without cutting off tbe tbrM.l. then lag ven sofily <
■<W bn*, mt —r. «. So.™ ..a Of b«t.,
all toffllag Ihrongh the^emmer hrotber stood looklag through the Beat gnodsr. Motatao wKb cnoB aw. t«P0«>»*“l ®f
Chop colory. lonmtoes. goo-1 rrttoh for moats
.nd pteiwre sleeves, skin*, and ruf- fence at toine paserb,. she pt. ked him til It forwn a thick paB*. Spread oa
Thai boar by boar.
rik. to taste, three ito.iKwmluls of dry
To toch .u-ck allow two larwo
fles for the gatherer, saving the time op and with a |4a*lul -boo' cafrted bread. This la aa egcaDaU aaadAad day by day.
rnnaur^. five UWeepot^uta ®f »'»»
twenty-four boors. Heat doe areea iwi.|»r*. lour small onions, all ol changing alia, hmeots so ofiqn. B, lilm to Ibe low rocking chair Bear wirb.
Jttat goiu oa a Mitle way.
«ar. tVmk ia a double taller aud si t
the wa* The sewing luachlb. saves hahy sister, and holding him close.
If you hare graham or wboie wkeatWe Btgbt be able, all aloag.
toottau. I.v untl smooth and thick
one tolde.,«.n, ot n,us.,r.l. nwiiv b* i.tue .n piecing quilts. Juai “Ice*! - 't-c sullen, angry, hurt bread ase oae riice of white and one'
Ta boep qilta atrongTbia will keep lor weeks la a cool
„,u«tord seeds and fwmr on vlB— c!o,e«. clnnatuon and Mark |e-pper iwt.hing darning, etc, and mbmild re looi from
<ace Together they of brown ia Baktag the above t»cAShoold ail the weight* of Bf*
place. When read.
wlih vinegar enough to covyr the
generall. rocked fmf'sonie minuies. then he was wtofata. Dates or needed rsisim* mar'
Be tald acToa*
hnshelof -hole fbO|. the tomatoes, ao.l
rtod, lorpla. again Bui bow differ- be aubMIiuted lor figs
fatuto. rife
or aoar cream, a little
fer Pei-I»rs.
lomgtoes Into halves,
halves, boll
boll genii,
geail, 'tor
pepliers. and
aud i«i
|«i them
them with
with the
the mil.
aalt in
,o keyp-lhe feed pUie eal ihe eipre-fion and alttlnde now.
---------------------With woe aad tqn«ie. meet a. face ..h. eugar and ,«prlka to <i.te.
haw an hour aad premi throngb ^a ,a colandw
tolaud*w to
to dt.m
gver night
night In
li. >1ihw.wklag twns -ell Tbe whipped i-.p air -a. gnn- He
Two Ifneookod Pickle Radpeo.
toing ad*l
luce Ibis liquid by , boiling morning
ad.1 the other tngre«nen...
mschlne .-uas hard and wa. moiherV 4-*
Ripe 1
%' •
.^ ..
I.. ..—.li ■TO.
. .I.I. —
At tatot one ploaa.
a gallon'aod
a .balf.
then add
halt and stew stowl,
aaiil ihoroughi,
aaioto. prkta them
r-lery ReUsb—Wi,ie dgbtoeo rtpe > gallon of vinegar, boil again until and well Mended. Then |ia* k In
Wo coaM aot go;
glaat or stoue tars,
carrier a tew tlroiu* of coal oil, run a sleep.
temsloes. Remove leaves and root reduced lo a gallon and threediuac and cover ilgl.lly.
Oar foot wBrtd stequ aiad ao
bleb add two or three dotea autunum
1— se*-on,to. wi|e off clean and apply too. felt the chaatae In ibe aru
aads froai «ve hunches of celery.
Ood tara a Utilo oa os every day.
rbich seeds to sacb quarf of loataioea. rover
lersi-ihen qdd half a |u>uad of sugar.
----------------------luaehloe oil. using none but the best now held. Iter.^nd tbe i
Wlim iwo rad peppers. Chop vegel
A»d aevor. I beUera. oa all the way
I half a imubd or sail, an t^bnee and -a
Poddtogs foe OesscR.
tollows a |.UU lo Ihelr boose- S..D1, "-rooned a lullaby wa-' wee. an.l with good cold elder vla-gsr. They
Will baideiw Imar ao deep.
Wes.mlx. poi In prescyiag ke.ile ami
,u ounce an-l a
A Puff faMe nhoR.-.kev'lake imff work n slniplificH Iiwiicrs g-great calm llctore long she »
a«liwp. will be tesd, for use ta about
Or patbwaya Uo ao atevp.
h cupfuls of sug
allspice, two ounces of Kng- paste or oear-puB |«sic ia ao ubtoag deal Voi sn I'oo-cta.l rule ilmi bro'n.- sHII quietly amiislnig himvcit. weeks and -ill keep all winter.
ar. pae-and-oae-liair cuiifols of vlne«av.
Bat we eaa ^ If. by Ood’a power
---Binslard one oonco of gtocer. balf -beat about half an Iticb ibick. spraa.l nu-ao-* ssshtpg. ram or shine, on a so*l the mile mother tack a
Aller'OD PU-kle-—This la
W. Miy bear tb* ba^of tta taar.
ouac of clove.. a level teoapooB- -l-b bu.t.r.nd cover with uaolber lay cei-iatn d*> though I very Open pre- mg
rooked pickle recipe that mm . .
-Oaorra KllMle. apooaful each of doves, allspice, cinpepper.- Boll stowly. er. pet It la a pan apd take. While bot imre lioihe* tor toe line la Inclraeot
W.tIi ihe h-ssoa of self-con'rol uu a a*-ek helore oalag. but mar be kepi
, ,%
,h« drv. for I learned. doobtlCM tbia nmiher sould a ,'e.r Ml* throe MaU of rlpa to-.
stirring all ,i e while, for thiny mio- tpUi the two Uyeraapan and ill With
Tba LmI tetatsBbar CwcumbacB.
%rtac ■radually to ifae hMIlag point
apple sauce or any fre-h or cunned
n.ore -onl. -have done again wltk. I had sec. her n,aioes. t-eled aad cboppad. one cuj* ■
CucuBtar ata Oaloa Oil Pldtlaw- and let alioBer oaewnd-oae^U bourn,hou-ro aod .•on-idcr P do uodfr even lees trying ...uu. •„i *,f . hoid-d celery, foar ttWeapo.*A Rediw for rhlll Sai .^Peel half fruii and cover with tailed tm.-ilos ,p,u
Balact freta. medlumwUed toewnbeoi. dlrrldg orca.iooally. mitaliW and
.hen. in- aud M*rinkie this geneiv.uslv , w|.l.
es—aiunke-l li'ile broih- - sfi t..i. -.r - hoH*d red pepper, tear UM.a iwck of solid toiuaioes
Cat off the ends and rajact them, saal while bol.
rbop rwbtagc. tlrv vbr tUeo speai'an hour or more ,o ;-e', si-.r-ul- of rimpped onkm. four
to halves, prass oul tbi seeds, chop blaoc’.c*! almonds which have been
Snub tba curuBber* srllh a Tagetablc
Stnffad Tomato Pickle—Select green Ibe flesh fine aad turn
col browned in a bot ovea an.l min-cd
ip.i, ,ablTO;«;nfoI. of Bit. sis t*We*,«*m* brwah ta iaaara psHen cleaaUqeas toamioes of uBifottn she.
I sugar,
o a flaa. Serve with or witbuiil whipiwd
, .cgetables to cook Rest- oi,c rest calmly When toe-aru.. «
- _
, sla caMe-pooafuls of
aader to dralo. Then
aad am.them la i
Micea. Cover ftem tba atem eta ata remove tbe
grated cream. The apple sauce Is mad.
TO. .M .b. bM, .,Ub>l -bi. « to«.«
~ u----------- tag Uaa a ,n*.™.o»l b, ... TOwith. ..ton, brine ata let
ata Inner pnlp. 1^. the. mmk
quivering wtlh graid uulmeg. OOa->a!f leaapooMul of
e foUDwiag recipe;
salt, half a
, keeiiers.
tbem stand tweaty-topr bom. Sliver m aaped water over algbt. Prepare
He r|ov-es. oae-balt tomapeoaful of ri«mmumard
Apple Rauc-Mabr a rich syrup of
^ capful of Mack and
tataata oaleas maat ta peeled, sliced g stafftag ia the proponloa of two
one cup-Of sugar to half a cup of^ua.
tbla and pm la biiao for foriy-elgbt tableepooarult of chopped cabbage to
ler ata ~ok apple quarier. in this
«s,«q.!l, 11 the u
bom. Tbaae Bust be prepared a day paa
A doui<n*-s ll
uaMl they, are tender lTjv*w with
.|U*tur, ataui coihiug in
abaad at the tmeoBbera to be ready to bmeradliib ata mlacta ontoo vine erv'ieed. oae 'coptul oi brown siKar. 'toib lemon juice ata voailla The apa for tta tetaM LmcO
_.y,„ [, I iln*c <Jcvelop 111’.! a I 'I
ttaO witb llMB. When tba
gvoota Iltaplce. pies abottU absorb all toe s.rup
s.u-c,vful Fflimin*
Ing ol .leflaie c. I
bava baea In tha Iwloa tba required pepper
g ata olive ,—* ..TO.TOTOM.TO TO mace, ata one
r hlile mw'hcr .be s*‘t>unl leo. b
Btea.l and fugioid FruH Pudding
<-oinr«*l.-lil|> !■' s
- lulkrwiag plan- Procure a bU
Mh tba riufflug ttaioocbl.v. nil
To4i two Urge, thick, .iund star. o.
craam Pi«.
lOBBlo tbMU.
abMU. ria
Ha on tba lopa.
oagUy la COM water aad drata again. ,a, ,oBBto
m^ ttollcatol'y. Vprmd
aito'rr^JaaU take mJT'the’T.'!!''’ !l.?.-h*t*;
lag pow*ler boa wito B light Blllag
ter A pound site cub is tta bew
hta la Mtari ^***
** ataavwate park A aa eanhea Jar. and pour over
each slice with * little tan HI,, on
, ^*.1 oven When >l*>iie cover tbe o,,ui.i never i-- !•■tnTO<1 - Jlo'lw-f'
x.-e a pHce of thick coitoo ta tbv
tatoas- boOlagelaegar Drala off the vIb*mv
A Clmaea Par Farm Woman.
le** the fruit to ta used Uver, tori. bottom »lth thin slice, ol taaana. cu\M*ga«ae
apMakllBg earn lajee with a level .ag rstaut It every morolag for three
Uk-hlab Fonn Women should write then cover each -41ce. pladn* ooe on .Ta o,rrmll are
---------------------l>4<ijtE of tbe caa fWeet a JeUr
lablMpooarul of while Bustard aata gay*. Thea.set aWay la * cool place. ai oace to Mr*. John T Bum*, aecre- lap of ihe other, wi.h Iruli. either ^aough lor ooe i.te , Tbea BU toe
CheeHutoea* *« “»»'*rlksa with a light fltilag cover aad
Md a aalttpooafa)of calcrr s^ and Theae will be ready to eat la a weeb. ,ar> of tbe InieraaiiOBal CoaKreu of fretb or rabiied. an.l cover all uiih a pea with a *u-iar*l made ia tbe fol
How l.ngM vou ta.fc
i I With tat water. Let Ibis maad
U of Mlvo oil
but win hsep laietoliely.
Fbrm Women, whlcb wlU ta held this- rich boiled cvmtanl ihk-keoed alight uwlag maBaer 1 ao gtasaes of milk.
• Well, I ve haA >u. b a pl-asaal vUii ,
'■ *“
--------------------yuur at Lethbridge, Albma. (Aasds. ly %-Rb geUim or eortaiarcb Serve ,,,, tgMe»iaa>uful* *sf curnatarcb dl.
m a fnead'. laroll, '
Tbea pojr out tba water, dry the
A Oaufftinut HM.
for tbe ptemJaiB list prepared by tbe eery cold wltb whipped cream. Tbe ^j^ed In a little milk yolks, of two
-Tbe. must bare fed oa
y well.- for eUs# and BU II iBBedJatelr with hot
. .
pBt€Ba4oonhteM|iMUrfBlorgrtata CoBgreas.
c„,,„d abould ta flavotta to smt the
,m.pu,4ul of vaaflla you hmk snoBitoinelv ,dump..reamud potatnaa. baked bMBA baked
a tta
ulMCar aBd>«mtlBW untn
tbe Jar
Jar 1.
H glager ta eoeb balcb of dougbanto
The farm womee are cspeciallv well fruit used. For Instance. If tbe fruit extract Bull ta a dootilwjwller uulll
-I think the taUP- is lonly Ihe r»a- . h*sb or any other hot dlab that l«
•Uta I
► The tpk* will never be detected ata provMed tor at ibe InieraailoBal Dr,- be pearbea. ad*t a verv' small aavount j, ,i,k-aens; then i«ur It into the pH bob lor ibm. bat "o' ■« ""wh «bat desired forthe lamb.Coter Ibe gHao
Mvar aad bM ia a dry. cool place. Two> ibe
tba .1doBCfemsis win Bot aoab (at. If Farmed Products SapaaHloe. i^-ta of bluer alutood lo cOMsrd. or a half rrost Cover tbe top with tta whites was oe It. as Ibe wa< tbe mpt immedUici,.place la tta bo« ao4
4aaea cucaratatw will require
require el
etgbl cblckeu fbt Is added to tbe lard la held at IddbbrUgc Alla/Oc.r'll.K cup ol -bredded. bHacbcI almoBds
.m- eggs beaiea stiff awd\id)ahtlTabout n H was a rer-laimB to me" j*,* ,,i ,„«ag*, .^ea aad Bi top.
•taDta ata «M piKl of oUve OIL
w droptad. tta ta' BeaL and the prMuluBs.r'offered for For a mild CiwR add vaami ata melt- .weataptd.
Place la the ovea dust
“la what wa>? How wu t
This wOl keep want (eraavt^ taura.
a Jor ibea are Boat a>- ^ ttaculaia or atibcr. » ita cwsiard. jp,,
„ bf«w» akuly.

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,T.V. „

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