Grand Traverse Herald, November 26, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 26, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Travarsa




XQ,. 95.



Great Implement-Wade In
lake Townehip.



Unv n( tbi' new <xtuut.> uiada. en­
titled Hood .No. 7. auil the tinit'onc
•timpleu-d ill tiroen lAke townshi|i.
has JuEi been flnUhitl b) CommtwfonUuvld Swaltifcton. KesInhinK tliro<lourtbs of a mile Wivt of Crawji. it
cxiende wort ihree-fourtbs of a^llr,
and MUlh Ohi-rourtb. inakinK In ail
mile of aonie of the l>eM,of the good
roads of Grand Traveix- count);. Es­
timates for cost of the building i>T
this mile of road were placed i.y dlf
fereni ones at not less than tl.d"V PriaOBtr-Was Not Affected by Verdict
•ICgatM Arc Scing Entertcined In
The actual exiicuse baa been sitC.iTi.
and Stead ' Quietly
HwnM of Local Sunraglau;
Surae^of the sand 'htlU were heavy
All Att JuWlant Over Reand hard to work tiirouKli. .
.ovK* of the Election
Hie practio- of hauling gravel in
ililw-aukii. .Nov. r:: —The nv.. :i
flUladeIpbla. .Nov. :i.—Tbc <viivt-a- the winter will be continued tbrotiRbIlK- good roads district this-]
UoQ of ibe Nulonat Woman Buffmsp
ists who <cxali>infd Julin tti-hivnk
lAuodathm, vbloU convened In tbie
sailani of CninncI Itoos'-u-li. uflicially
tvpoHfd today lhai Schrauk is In
ritr todar- vee tbo greaieal Raiberlm:
of advocateO^of wrtee for women
held In Ibis countr)'- U le not the
'Judge Backus (omiuiltd tt< trraiik
' flrat nathpaal convention tiio suBrcEtlii^state hospital for criminal iusauo
. ieU have held. U le Uu- ftlh. But. i(
at Oshkosh. Me fc-ill be taken then.: waa tar the gn«U>cl. both in t*oln(
' of attendance and Ixnportanco. tt war
The |irison< r waa apiiatently ii«« af
the high-water mark of womaua' entr>'fet-U-d bj the verdict, as he atoiwl
' a* a rocogBlied factor In the national TURKEY WILL-NOT ACCEPT THE uuivlly U'tw-eeu'the deimiies. The n^EACE TERMS OF ALLIES.
; poUtlcal field.
port was pu-senleU by l»r ^V. K
^ai» for tile cunvciiiloD. which
Becker, vbalnnaii of tbu iirtuuilM.ion
' txdiiR held under Uu.- uuEpla* of (hr
The report said: "Flrsi. Scbr.uik iv
. I'enna.vlvaola Woman Suffrage ^aaty
suffering from iusatie illuklons. Set
oud. he la insane at.thc prewHii lime
Third, Schmnk Is unable t'» ocufer ;i;
K-lligeuty with, bis \vUUs<-llor to run
I detail c>r the live <Uya' confurenet
lieca thorDUXUr threahed ikt. . every
duct a,defense."




DOW FOR WILSON Nox. 21 WiUialii CalloWa.. uf Waii-rlob. la.. aiinouiii-x-<l his
intention to |.r<.seoi President elect
Wiisuii with a <-ow. In llulhg so 1:0
Hill follow ilK. i-\atn|.le of Seuatur
Sli-idieosbn of Wisexinsiii. wliu made
(■resWeiit Tatt a ipresi-m ut Pauline
tVaync'diix- ol bi> Wisrousiu henl l*reiii<Jeiii-eltHt Wilson's «'OW will »«•
Nona of Axon, a regist>-red auiniai,








• u rx-su!t lit, Ac recent official
as* It was discovered that a dx-iu1 liad fn-v-|] eleclx-d on the eouniy


lueky niBn

WOULO DEFEAT S0FFRA6E naj-siuui-rw 1o



eleclxrd. but there:
only onin the irpubliean
-rs-nod had laid but
tirhet. Mr. f
little atti-niioii ix> tiu- uislter hx>Wx-x<-r.
and 'iiaturwily il-ouchi tlial lie had
down with the real .-f ilu- .ieiiiocralie (ounix xanxltdetev. He waa
Under Presont fiyaum Maag Good
Governor Says Question Seems to Be Iherx-lure/rewind tu a wurpilse wbi-ti
Stretebca gro Allowod to' Go
wnciher Liquor Interests Own.
x-x-ej^hd a eertilirale from the
to Pieeos lor Lgck t*
Conirel and Run the State
rouiiiy rix-rk and found that hi-, had
Propor Ropoir.
rxwll.v bex-n eU-rled. 11<- wa* ibe only
of the demxM-ralic ivuoiy candl« to ri-c-ixe. x-nhUKb xole* to laud
laiuMiig. Nox 21—Gx'x. Oal-on: to­
day i-sux-d a vbarp ix-buke to the iwr- him ill olltx-e
Ijinsiiut. Muh. Sox. 22—Hlfhiray
•xiuv uj-iKjiiMble for the delay ,iu re'oiuiiil*sioui-r Toxvnueod By ha* soot ROLLMENT FRAUD CASES.
iviniiig the xoiiipivie vole on Ihc
li* rxH-umiuoUilalious fur no« leghiiaKDlfiage .iiucndmeni. H. said -com
iuD to ikivemor Osborn for l*con»plaint has iioeii made tu me that Hie
ration in Ibe exeevtlxe* mMaage. Ho
ituend* Bonie Unporunt Inneva'returns nn tlie*suffrago
tn tbo highway- Usra of tho sate.
fri-ui Ki-B' :ind Wayne
Tiixi moit imponau U Ue om aaking
i.eing wiihUeld until li -i-t known liow
the siati- department be glvMi .
many votes jir.- m-eded tu d.,.Viii tluautborlty to maintain the mads after
tiuu-iuliueiii. tl is further ehaiged
built by the sUle.
that a Iwid' aKem, of the liquor ini
AdvisabNity Of Establithing an Agri­
l-nrt is k.-«q.itig a 'abiilatluU of Hie
The eom^l»*MM»^ says many mad*
cultural School Furnished Some
if They Do Not Comply >Vilh 'Or(le> r--liiiiis at ,.7tid reiviititig to
built under Hm- peescrti syBlem of
'Lively Debating.
Removal Pioceedihgs Will Be
Ik-lrx-ii fi-isiuiiiilly.- ,\II r<-lurils sliuuld
e rewards an- allowed U> dArriorCommenced id Couits at
da. sf III . in iiiiiiK-dlntely. The tyuoby- the (ouaty official* who boxe
1'h- luixantuges and dir.-Hliaiiiagcs
iii.ii veeuis to b(- Whether ib<- liquor
a oiimtx aKrii-uliui-al si-buul wm- dharge of their upkxsvp. He ndrucateo
ii;i«-n-«i own. <onm)l and ttiu Muhieoii-iderx-d by the grangers at their that the aiaie pay a small amotini per
tm—ling Saiunhiy afk-moon It was mile for the upkeep of the raafis and
lailiwiDg. Nuy. 21. Gm i->
pointed out that ijix- tarim-r of the lu- Uke charm- of the srork. fitoU toly detnaiiilei] the res'ignuiieii of
lure in order to rmeeed must be a stieeiora often find otaio reward road*
olglii iioiaries |.ul.]ii- In W'.xyne munwhen-the «onvepttos waa called to ob
tmini-d man. Tin- i-M-nre of sueh a that are nx-glecu-d. blit they can do
fui- alk'ged lutilicipalion in tinder.todgy the prosnuu proceeded
sebool was ui-gi-d ag-ulnst It and some nothing.
onrollim.-nt friyuds prior to, the August
without a hitch.
of the faniuTa wx-re of the opinion
primary.r He also nrdered .tiiorip-y
TUi- col
Fleet May Attempt to Force
ITgutJcally every eluio
lliai,ii!i-y know more al-out agrlrul
Inereaae the mads la ‘
(ieuerul Wxkx-s tu inxe.stigale Ihe
that the
UaloB was n-prtmented. hlont Uum
tun- than any school faculiy that can width. At present the sute altosm thn
Ponibie Date.
400 delecat^ anavered the roll cal!
be afbi-mbled. The dlbcussion be eounUcB *Siiu per mUo for gravid
unk-es the rrsigiiatluus of tlie.mcn iuwhen' Anna Howard 6&aw, -preaident
tween Hie progP-s»lxcfc and the con roads, nine feet wide, and ll.OM per
She Alao Adheres *R>gidiy tu Visiting xolxcd are lecvixed iuituediau-ly that
of tlM national orgaalsa^ou, (ailed for
aenallxes wused liut at iiiut>s.. Many mile fur macadam of the sam« width
Only Persons of the
removal proceedings xxould In- started. Dealers Who SeM Them at Liable at
order An Ote WitlieraitKm building
1‘uris. .Nov. ::2.—The Itulgui-iau cabvaluable ideas wen- brought but. Great He adrocatou that tho departnMPt be
Those Who Send
JnnIpoi*juid Walnnt airev-ts.
»in-ix* was Uid ujion the failiirtel met hurriedly today to-ronslder
allowed to build tho raada aa tfiib at
j The itaBPliatsty oomnUlae. of which modifying yieaoe lertns to Turkey-.
many of the graduates from the Mich- 1C feet- wide and aliow: ;ttaa..««ifiUk
I Mrs. Geonsn A. Pelraol is chalnuao. This news indlcuics that the .^sultan
igaii .Vgrictiliural college to make flVO for each adtUtIpB*] toot, over
of royal npha Jii Kiigluiid and Sn/
jaade «0. arraagemeiiU for the
. Kx-iiding .of oltnei-iie poi.1 xmrd: good at actual farming. Some of the
is les.s lomplctely beaten than i
iaiii] has only sened to eiup'ansia- ibe
leruiumcut ol the delegates durl.ig Mipiiosed. Tile sulUin may tvfUMilimugh till- mliU* lla^ i-eached a point grangers xxere of the ojilnion Hiat the
luauncr In whieb Qin-eu Mary Is idd^ MUST PAY ROACH ESTATE FOR locally xxbir.- soiiu-lliing i* going to
Th.- .-oi5tiil.tloner say* tho bIbo- ,
Uirir aur In PhUadelpbla. It has de­ re«l>cD negiitialious. Thq Creek i
' education ah individual has the
parted fi«m «bo traditApBoI method of crnmeni tod.ny ordered nu.iHMt troops •-leiiiug American iKjstesrt*'-. tVlieri-sv.
di-ep unle*» the i>rax-t)ee i^ dis onttu. »x«ss likely he is to be on the farm foot road to too narrow on ttis ibbIb
w hera Uisi* 1* BBSaiBB
caring for «Bt«f-town dtdegatee. who to help the Bulsariatis at Cliatalja.
Uxd Siri-riil liax.-./ieii ln-ld nUt of Other grangers eti'r-aned a desire U
ore oxually crowded Into the local '17. It is believed the Ciwk fleet will at iiis vitlta to bannital hallh. Ihi- 'lutiu
■h.- lariuer as xx.-ll edui-au-il as bis of rigs
tlie inaits and M-nt to \Va>.liiiiKum by
nas alone when lie accepted a •.boot­
lelji. tempt to'force the Uardenelles.
SUying Over One Kcr.iix Made Them l>u-iuaavi. r Kriedrix-h and the gorern
ing JaviuUon from t'or.i. <'ouiiti-i-B of
CBtertalROd In the tooea of local auf
the nx-xt iiii-x-tiug of Grand Trax
lueni will t.ike a baud in the matter
Prince Arseoe Wounded.
Strafford, formei i.v Mi,;. Coiesjue o:
; fragists. Mfnntm of the Pennsyl­
erso grange offU-erK will be electx-d for
111 a uencr Huii will
Vskub. Nov, 22.—That Prince Ar- New T'brk. .Nor did she ace-mipan;
vania aHaalatioti rolnateered to’tbrun
sear IP13- An effort wijl be made
for b«h the i^iidcrs and the mcr
senc was badly woiindcd in Ibe baUlc the monarch «lu-n she x iaiu-d bii> fax': open theit boons to fellow-delegates
•t x«aV a large attenilancc. as thenhutii-s
whldi preteded the cfliuuro of -Moua- •rile on-j.*rry. lion. John \V inl .vt
and oo-warkcra from.other atates.
will lie Uaraitclea In'sexeral Iminjrt- EVERYBODY IS HELPING OUT THE
.fudge F. W. Mayue today handl?! m Hnir racks or under their
Kiir was lennied today.. Arsene Is 'bllton. Mis. Ward la the UauHbi.r
The primary purpose of tlie eonvenofflci-s to nil. I’art of the uffli crs
u brother of Kink Bcier of Servia.
of Ambaaiadur Wlittelaw Koid A5 .11; dywii a decision in the com- of J. F. rers'-for sale. Some of Uicse Cards
: lion I* to arouse Inlereet in the -naiJoy.l, admlnirtrator of the estate of ire scandalous as to illustralkiii am lieesiuse of gooil ri'Cur-ls w ill Is
Peace Terms Rejected.
tlon-mfie woman turfraga movemiiit.
colni>lalnConsiaotinoiilL-. Nt-x. 2.' —The foi™- ericuiK. QutH-ii Mar.x iKxer visits uc ant .--iix-d Hie supx-riutendi-iils uf .the
. which haa -galBed anrb luoiuentu .1
Special Programs Will be GIVM by
i- IM: darlRE the -papt yoar and played so tti sUMpcuslou «f the eastern war tilled persons
Several ef ths L«cai
ihor fur rx-iit on the old Kims piop-. x*r jH-rxvrts
ITotnineBt a-ffart in this year's ca : proved only for a day. Turkey roLodgaa.
. n> which xx’a> 6<-i-opieiras- a i-ounty of deieliVy woilid stoop to nujliilg
jc^cted tbc.Bulksii tennh of
liiflrmnry b*-forv the new- buil-llng wav -ueh baruilnl lliitip-. It xxould be
Thb reauUa aceomliUahod during tin- 1 irtf arpnrently titfoiv the plenipotcn■ (rtliidvli-d. The »niH rillle1idx-urs Ix-aM-d ix<-ll for Hie.lCii':il xk-ali-rs to lxK>k
Oir~f^i*aiOB and Elk Rapids
I past ffcar will he rovtowed during tlu-luarles had time to come together
'■.he pn>lH.-ny I->r .•in- y-ar atnl at li. - ili. ir Slocks and wi-x-d out all such
, Sentenced.
1 Hadekeiil.
The •■xecuilvo coiamUiee of th«
Well Known Resident Passed Away x-n.l of the h-a.-e did iixil , notirx th. nfleiisl'e c.nrxl* U-fore -.oine of thx-m
plans tor vuehing the emsade durinu
KlamU I’aidiA^ the grand vixier. de­
•rs «I jlii-ii- fiiti*:itlon to im>-.a-'iiu- :iie tmiipbi by t..-in i M-rvixv men and
Maccabee fair met to the Ptrlora of
Last Night
tho comleg reer wUl bo mapped o^ clared iliai the allies* o'ertures were
■ i| alliliw- they haii ox-cupii-d ilie-plax7- rough! Into Hie federal eouru
ikwlfrex <iitbei-t*ou of Kik Rapids, the Huii-r Whiting last nigbt, and the
At noon today eui outdoor meciln-t -Impossible." He ordered tb<- (vbitiioiuu CIl th- lu-v.t ‘year. xixh-ntx- Art ion along this line at
day V
npi-ared before JtpUe riulor urfay'. rejori* of the various commlticef
wna held In Independence Square, tnaiidor-in-ehief to continue figlitlii:;.
-yy flattering, Tbo greatest
M-ars; Itatiiitfr hi-lJ that oxxtug to ii)«- fa.-t >niv will save .~uincx>liV lioubkboth charged wlili drunk and disor­
wliere wWelr kfiown woman oratorr. "With the help of the Alroiphty until
no liotH-e liail b«^n gixx-n ns, m lii- fultirv as Hix- jaisioffice authurisuccess has attended their offorU;xrife of C. E. Cl«pi, M7 list From ■
derly conduct
espoim'M tho doctrines of -equal sttf e:.8oiiab1e and moderate coudiUqus
iiiteliiioii oi' ti'.e exniiity lo-al-aii ics are Hionniglily ttn-d i»f walling
Tiie dopations have been v«o’ gener- '
i-treel, died last idgiit. For Mtei^l
ous fn every riue: BoUce*0>ly so aro
.ears past s'.u- h.vd Jh-cii in' faiUii;: don the bitildlnc at il ••'t-nS. of-Hie for the puliMe eonMiem-e to axcaken
^ Chut of Ihilix-*The rtmvwttkm wa* offlelally bpiry-x-nr Hix- fa'I Hiat ib.-y • reniuiiin in along this line and will take actixe
The aluiatlon came as an uttiv sor- health, uud ilurir.g the ttrsv
*ga»- of Uii- largtbt maunfactUTliiC
JohnsoB. wi:h a (me w-|iich wiu. much
ed at MS o’cock thia etterawm by prise and diplomats un> not wholly
i-oiicerus In Hie country who have,
months had Ih-i-ii x-xailmd to hi-r Ix-d l>osi--s>ioii for atluilK-r nKmib madx- meosun-ioto have it jarred into worky the worse'for wear, ♦specially'a
Maror ataBkeBhurg. who delivered <. conUiired ihpt the Oitouian troops
rosponacd to the requosU of the comfor sex-pral wex-ks ui n liiii.-. aail tliun ihi-m n-s-om-ilxlx- for Hi- 'r.-nl Pt the iiig order by drastic luetboda
addraa MtwHcono to the-delegatea. will take up anns again in the e:
niluoc. Tin- local nterchanW and tho
xiould be abb- in be up and 'nmun-l (qll year. The court-npUilil this i-onlap iron scx-nil lime-s. xva^ senii-nc- private Indlxidual* arc Uklng a lively
.Mra. Wen H. N. Price, proaidenl j' eni-ptrli-ken trenelies of Tctiatalja.
again, Weaki-iu-d by long suffttving, lent-oh In the following opiiiieii'
jii jiay a Rm- «>f two dollar
the Pensaylvani* aaeoclation. followe-'
Inu-rcst dud want to ip-o the fair tho
rlie waa urxiT strong, nml tuily a 'V-''
e dollar cost, or take live ih
fdaysr Blankenhurg and U>e retpoiuo
sui-crw! xUilx-h it wilt surely be.
days ago while .vIkhii bur household
I- iiiunty jail -As he deilarcd blut.
wax osde by Mrs. Jamea I<ee Inldlav.
the iUd of the term lie lu-ld oxvr lor Bay Front Shipping Facilities Badly
The cnti-rtiiinuicnl w^mUteo have
duties, abe aiunibli-d and fell dow;ii
Si-Tf baiii ririv. ^jx- "as takx-u to H
of New York. anorUccrot the naliomil
tov-a liu*y and tin- reauli wHI be hoW-v
■tvxc steps going frxeu the kitehen t-> .-oiiu-'Hmo without tioiicP and witlK>u;
Hiiag that will be entertalRlng and
tile woodshed. Her tup was btxykei aux agiv-emfr.t u> ,lo the tenancy
AioiN-r was To'iuil ytaliirilay afle aniusing for every” aftoraooB Mod
aiid jo'her laiiiiig xx>tidli.ix>n site xvai
Till- »tx>nii* xi-sti-nlax adxalicud
in by I•alr••lma»^.«■!lr-«n in a hkh cxining. The Loyal Order of Moose
strong enough ixj wiibstand iV- was.renewed for the terjii of on- year woek ul baxui- ati-iig the bay winch
ks* lnlox.«it"d ixindiilon, acting will iun.toh the progi»m far .Wednes­
injury, and last liipUt doath x-atm- r and plaliaitr Is eufiilx-i le n-exner tlu- was klartx-d in the ime xil last »ex-l.
a.-. pix-iM-lxci-.-n frotn a i'aiid.of w|uaws day nigh- This wOI bo tinder th*
halaui-o of the lenn "
Decision AffecU Over a Million 'Mem­
txdlcT to tier Ktiffx-ring
The -Nonbem MirilUaa- Tran*j-o;tasalooii'. .tiw it was his ftrst •lurgc or Clifford Mail. Tho Corapaabers Scattered All Over
Mrs. t iapp « a;ne to Hn- iiunbxTii
tmi' lies k. w.iivh was weakened iu the
olf'-r-a.-*l;!i»--x-r. on!-- the i-hai-ge of t.m Fiiri-sfr... will pot on their fa*C5
the Country.
iiiti-T stum;, had :.>or-- -f the <-f»bbii.g
part Of Michigiih with her liusjumd
drinik and dt-i.Vdcrly was pr.-lerred drill, for .Thursday aftareoon wtlh *
Tii.xlvr the xf8r'li>'lis'- washed aw;x/
and tomity .-ibi-ut '2: yvii*-ago. Fe. I
agninid him.and hr wa* M-nienied to
tirxygraoi. In the evonlag the
Kpriliglield. Ul.. ' Nx>x, :: —The cir-.
ngmber of ye-ats tliey operai^ h |
•r days ill <tir lyiiiirty L:'"
a Sm- Foresters ihi-mselv** will be the ceoJli court lu» Planted ai\ inlunrUon
rm on I'nu peniiirula and iln-u ni'ou-Jj
’ me itnllars and two dollar* colt*, t-j of atinic-i«n Priday *vealng ih'
I 'the ini-iirgi-nt .MiHix-rn tVox>dni<-u ©I
nu-ok- it rate, ill x-um--atiuthcr »'
IxiwiL wiiere they j;ix-‘siiHV r- s
Reph—entotipn In Electoral College
will hold the boards aad RstAmerica. rx-Mraitfliig the uniceiw frimi sided.. She was ludovx-xl by- the neigh-, ..
.. XX- IJ
t.i ..y .iun
fuHow the WO wbkV
' Win Probably Be Split. Between
uniiy aficrutxin the Lwdy Maccabe' s
l>utttig into effex-l Hu- rale Uicrx^nPi- borhuod in xxhifit s'ne llxe.1 lor
the Candidates
w-ili entertain the groat crowd* and le
The declnkHi hfli-ets ©vx-r a niilllpn nuni.r years, ami tu hi-r-iVlenilS Iw-U
kUow in tx^nd Rai-id* last
ht «-xening the Msscabeee of Cadillac
inemi-crw ihrouglmni ih»- lountry
Vt: for and wwirk witi- etart on tbyoung and old. ehe xi«s •'.Amiix*.
will clo*<- the week's enjoyment la-a
Tlu- x-oun fouiiil lb-- .xicHli-m Woiyd CUpp.x Her syinpaHiy wa* warn and- had sixlirtt b-J-het*, ’«x-n«>- xarix-tiu”,
i-ihibliiim at Hie Eittplrv lair and
Ran rranctaev. Nox 21.—KxmM-x ell -.
btor- of glory
x-n etyoltlaatlxiu in u pruaperua* suitx
( and tliere are hiany who' '.-aal
The t; R <
plnramr over WUmo in raltfoinla Ta floauri-illy' nud said that an;, ruii
ikiwide the regularly pfopsrwl pro
jons ibc U,. t»i twillx washed out!
;ify'lo her kimlnx-ss and who
STi. aoecetllr>s to orapleu; mums froi:i
rnma iheri- wDI be all muinef ol
sbiNild be iiaile gradually, the cherish her sm-ti;ory a» that i-f ".”;'l.s«.l.v’.xx- .'Xlrt.A H. ~W ‘X. «' .x-!ar the im.-N-nser di>;-k. making it fit
jlire disi'iaws^e t';\i-u«;o pai --i. U«- t<Tx»x-:<' aim--*t. uiisolf- tor train* tj
fft out of SS coaniies. -The elcctorxl decision eetabllsbe* a t>r«>rx-dent
funny' things introdncoiJ to keep the
tm-x-d M“V‘bu»iH-ls ef luari.ctable
yx-ar* as Ui'- cheiry king of tho auention of the crowds w that no on*,
Tolo will probably be ^plit.
all futarx- Inaurapoe. uxaiety cn$»
1-aiC* (IV. r. A new- criubiug is bi-ttig
.■hie husband, xnir >t*ii Ueorgx- of
apple* on eight mre-- atid m.idx- fow, : I't m asons .t'-ic. hay. end jbe
Graiid Tn-xx-ree r-gioii. hv purchaw-J will lack for umu*emcni. and tb.-n the
of the TVllsco okHiurw are rxmninz rolvlog rate Inmwsea..
KrieUud. MIeh.. and-a daiiRbter. Mrs.
diffe.tvnt shii'iric*atK which iiettcd him will »K-- In aUa;'c In a ehor*. if:uc.
th.--o!d Norris fat;jii near Grclik kvill? pnblU- will be waited upon'by the »aab^
U, J. Perry of Toledo. Ohio, twclh. r
a tritle ov«r twp' a d-liars u hitslicT
louiiiiilti-e* to purchase ms*> of
;:.i<i ta-*|ili-s making l valuable addlwith a number of; graudchiblrx-tt. snrabove u!I xApx ti'-x--i-olne , sold
llEiAiSA. '.Lrk.-TlKr bulk: liat lAiti ti oj* th'ny .orxhards be will the article* that will be Just thp
iiigh a* 12.7“ pi r b-J-diel on thx- Cjii niorially wounded Milum EU idougl.- ;'ii the fotur- uiake bis home on tbu things' that they w ill w-ani for tho gKu—
««n/on that will be so eloae a»
Baltimore Man Bacomea Miniater
hand. Prepare lo »o i»w- and remem­
li» on an xsi;Ix tnomtug Ure at the hi* four seaiujii. x»ut 2 . Chari-* Nuriiiaa. i-aOsing hi* ln*»ant Ir-fi-r loc'iioii than the broseni
Pamw Land
Toe hf*uxrx- whk-h ts nox* on th^ ber that no article to to* small to pet
Cudahy Facklng lomian? s hoK-kUhug—H. Jruit tree* mostly iTathe* and death at Manoi, .Ark., jewterdsy Eli,
Kmwn in State.
In the hand* of the e
— Preuideitt, botoe la South twuaiu. had a uarrow »iH soon begin to rejxp hi* reward iiroprieinr of a voolrooin where the plsi-x- M being rased,and bx- will
ipe frou: di-aih when they iere an* show Hw> people what u preacher shooting oceurrei. died later In th*]ttruct an entirely new aad icode:n they call, and-If It rtould happen that
Taft today
1 Tb(xnlurt!-Mar,|
its site, the new residei.r anvone i« not seem Just haad the
.lalong the line of fruit raH- day. Robert Oaxlitoon to nnder arresL
p jnihistee i
tl.—h-bmier l^d buig of *
caiigbi by a falling' wail. n\e of thciu
iTi- has also boi.ght, and sbipi-ed aeeM*ed of the tnunlert, No esplana- uill be birlii of. Mono and wood ami good* to M. a Honor *t uto utfi*
■ Wnilian H. Rose diei! at glum. Siartmrg snKcieed* Unit As reoctved SFriou* iujivle* and
—Tcra! oar load* of Ureeiock to the tloo i* uaul-- of the < luse nr the shoob will be one of the finest farm homes Tavern and tbuj' WiU be gArsR
Ilia IwBe is Bath. OABUib caunty. last derson. who was r^iH-ntly txunsfertvd Jacob Horn n>a.x th- fatally bun
rrx-xiii for the same.
in the nortbere i«n of the awtemarket - Heutoh Recoid
to ToWo..
jloanctol low* eg.*--i* »l-»*.
slflit^ ■nm fBBenl triU be Rubdaj













insurgeTts win







t'' i


U te -






Grand Tiatetse Hetald
and '^ftvate


Twioe a week
PaMiaM Taeadv sad nsnAar st TrsTarse Cltr, UieUasa, kr



maiiBer. In unirr to «
t the work of the eulle«e it has
4j«en found
ioi>)aab^ braurti wboois-in Ika awtowties in.utxler that ttii' Iwtmes vf iilfonuatipn lusy hi‘'u>*Sn»r-1t»'
tbe^fanners aii<l tlic rt«uib> l>e uunte i-orr«!S|H>ml>nftly irreal. One
of theso wrhooU liiui Already ix-rn cHtatiliKhed in the Kta|e. and tbr
e da. now ripe for the atartiui; of another in Uraiid Traverse
county, or'periu^ to tvi^en the lield and take iu Ledauau eoanty.
whieh haa evcr>nhiu(t iu romiuun with (irand Traverw. The uwl

kinds of danger, and it nsjiiire* a man oT the most intrepid nature

making a m-w factor to Ik- tx-ckou«l with in miKlem warfare. Many

um s CWtant w*

for stieh an institation at lh«- present time i» not only advisable.
tt-jB imwi^iive on arrount of the importanee of the a»rrh-ultura1 aiul

ch.ang-^ will ne.-.->«prily Ik- uuuie in the hniidling of armies'on
•. for tbe
aceount t-r this diM-otviy. ^Hll what they will be fvi

___ L'HUtYT a c
*TT Ball r fCidtj HU. fc

..vice Prw. sad See.

to aewhipPiah Hw w.irR; 'Such 'men ara to be found in any drniy

raAsa i. enssT BiakM cat* that


thsl'is fighting for a-jiist 1-ausersb lt kill not be a difficult, nutter
to s.-«-im' v*ilnu!eers f*ir *nch worj: in the futuiv.
of the airshrj* in tin.--*

The iKcfulness

war far localiug the different |>o*itious

of the enemy J.a.< lieeud.-moaslnitr.l to the satisfaction of the world,
iak.a miiTaatly mS

military geniuses i>f the fulutv to work out.
ll'ai»is'iin. that .the only dra«-baok to tW eatalilishiueut of a

VSt m »K»i&yaaLV.

•ol at this time is tbe lack of funds, something like ^.ik)U
g m*ccsaar>' to place the imtitution pru|>erly u)m>ii its feet and
give a sufficient acrcap- whew the experiments could Ik- carried
in order 1o secure the eons«-ut «f the {KW|ik- to such a hirgi-

Bod for Trusts

lappcqiriatioi} it will be u.-.H-a*anr to cany <ui a campaign of educa­
tion ill wUicIi all the advantage* of such a school can b.- shown
op fnHu all angles, and'when this is dune there is uo reuMin wb.v a
Buflicient aiDotmt should not be fortbeuniiog for tbe fOarting nud
muintaining of the sehoiil. The farmers of the «.-ounty ari' the t..Ms
who would receive the mum beOefii. from .such an institution, but

out b.v the laumakers of that Dsijon.


Marad at aaedad-daat natter Marcdi 2. IMS.
Maaottanca a
dpvaOW.H^nadvths ActatConEreaBof UanO 2. XS7S.

Circulation dnt weiA 2.950

what n of ^efit to them is <d equa^ beuelit to every citken of thi-

Jasiifie b «4iamei
afkfter Ionic and eareful iuveatifatioD the Koveruiiue
decided to make an cffoid to rid the <«untry of illpRal medicine
daiieni Who prey upon the ercdnlotti pnbliv, in^-atly to the harm
of the latter, and mtieJi to the profit of the quacks who play their
nefariona trade. The faet that Unde Sifm Itaa taken tq- the prose­
cution of thia elawi of fakirs aasures the public that the ones
arrested will, if pr/v. n guilt.r, receive their jiwi deseiia, for the

euuiity: f*tr the gencnil w»-lfarc always lakes pn-c«-deuee over the
persoiial faetor in working out any developoa-nt problem. In ordpr
to Kcriire an institution of this kind a eoucerted movement will be
oeee.swiry <ui the {Hirt of iL- farmers mnl Imsincss ineu. The kcIhwI
is ueedc«l al the presi'iit lime and its neeessit.v will he shown as th<years go by. Its iwtsblisfament would b<- the koysloue in the arch
of tip' <s>UDiy 'K Hupn-mae.v us an agrieultural i*ouRnunit>' and sliow
tc. tin- world that Uiis sinteess was brought ulwui by the uiiil.-d
ami int-'lligent <-v-operutioii -Of tlx- eitlzcus of Imth rural districts
ami city. For the good of the eouut.v. uiid for tbe sake of it*
agricultural liiid horfieultiiral future, let every patriotic eitixi-n'
do their part in bringing about the .smditiom that will* muki-

foMtmtfcut plays no favorites when dealinR witii violatoht of the
hnr. It ha* long been a recogniwd faet that ntatiy of tin- much
touted pdtent medichies an- a inomce. to the health and live* of ptsisible the seeuring of this s<-boul. It will not only be a er.-tlit
the poblir, hnl until Uie present there ha* been no aj-ateniatie plan to the eount.v but an invtsttmenl from wlik-h every i-itizen will
draw dividends during its eqntiuuance in tJic eonmiuiiily.
evolved with the object in view of imttiiiK this dass of inanufi
tnran ont of bneim«a for lh<> protection of the public at large.

The kafd-eamed dollars of Ibc- people have been taken by these Uttst Psy
The eonvU-liftD of the four giun Ml t»f New York who wmmanulMtnrera. and they have given in return clieai. pre|wratioi»
which would not affect ibe'disease for which they were rve-oin liirt-il to kill goxnlH-t; H<-rnian Kosent :•! makes five incn w)iu will
mendod. but by mean* of iw»-in» ami drugs that they .•oiitaiji lot«l have to pay the ih-nalty with their lit s for putting ont of the way
to croate babila that prove far wonW to the iudividonl afflicted
inuu who sUKKi in the way of Lieutenant Becker and hi* graft
the mabdy' with which they suffered when -they look thej s^-stem. • Iuiwles*m-ss had Iweii eameti tti such extremes in the

tenderloin distriet of the im-tro|M>Iis that Ib-eker believed that be

It is a regrvUable fact tfiat the .tmerican p»*oj>le are ao easily
g^fed by games of this kind, but their en^ulity >s so gr<-al that
it ii St iiw« nccasaary for the government to atep in ami protoct
tkia elan of people from the swarm of aliarks who are comUntly

could have any kind of criliie «-ommiltetl ftir tin- purpose of uphold­
ing his graft sVKlem. which he had worked up to a perfecT tundtlBi!.
which none of ihoM- u|Hin whom be leviesl tribnie dared to aqtpfiM.
Like all other erimiunls be workml his gnim- oiu-e t«Ki often, and
bluff was eall«l by the eourt.s and he being unuhle to nyiie a
• for himself, lost out. and together with his four hirwl assassins,
will have
pn.v emn|>onnd interest upon his ift-golu-n gains with
Lh( own! life. There is n gtvat moral iu this ease, that thoM- wim
a position to exact t?rafl from their fellow men should lake

keying tb^ir money.

Eduealiqn ha* 1hi-ii nuablc to diminnte this

emving to take up with the patent niedidue man from the minds of
people, so Ae strong hand of the law baa to Iw evokwl b
op the ttlegal buaim-aK.

These noatmiua liave been advertised

tfam^ tbe United Btates maiij(. and it is doc to this fact that the

■bvomment hu a hold upon the promotura and mauufuclarers of hi-csl of find jK-ofit ther<-by. No matter how sevnre one um;> feel
working a game of this kind there is alwa.vs the chabo- of being
i^e goodk Ylivo an individual of thn kind becomea sg greed;
found out. and when the diwtovery i-om.-s the ixmalty that is in­
to make money that bo n-sortsito the mails to aprt'ad the news of
is luiiiiy tiini-M greater than the pleiisur<-s that an- enjoyed
’bttsfhiw 1u>. is takifig a risk that sooner or later will laud him
while the picking is good ami yietims an* willing. Tln-*v is m
af fhe tofla -of the law. Not oily are the patent medicine m»n in
limit to which a campaign of this naturc^ean be carried on. and
fir.a bad aessiou, but the dm-toH and inidwives who ply an illegal
when the one who is operating il/overste|is the Imuntbiry he is gi
tkk* through the medium of ^he mails will be- givcA a toatb of
for a bad s«-ssion. ami even the best lawyers, with all their knowlMr «wn medicine*before the igoverumeut i* through with them,
eitge' of te<-lmieatiliett. eannoi eleiir the offender when he is finally
jfeueli of the litcraimv that the^ send through the mail* is of such
a nature that H is not fit to be read by young people into whose

ealb-d before the bar of justice: i "ases of tliis nature all gniw »tit
of the miseoneeptiou that public office is a meau* for fuathering

H ^lls. and ^»r this n«sqn they Uk> must answer before the

op-n Di-st at tbe •■xpense of the ones who pay the bills. This
wa* the old current belief and in some plaei-s still ha* a following,
It is to U’ hoia^ that en9Ugli convietioBS will be but the change iu ideas along this line is .making this class of work
Mcaired ictm the arresta made ,yesterday to effvctivel.v break up low c-erlain and pn»fitaWe than it wioi in da.vs gone 1»>'. Then- -ir..
thia gs»c of practitioners and forever prevent other* of their ilk
many gnmd juries making investigations-ti.iw da.vs to ipsii-'
from getting a fm.tliold thn>ugb the medium of the .government safety for the nm-s who an- plying this kind i*f trad.' at the public

Imr'of the-^^lritetl State* courts for passing thi* matter throu^
the portoffiee.


' mm.


: 9&MJ Drtxm of WetUh

Zoke Shore Road


There i* a moveiueat .ni foot in W.-stern .Michigan to ronstmet
a gravel n.a.l from rhicaga to .Mackinaw-. «ud if the plan i* carried
ont it will mean a great deal to this part .if the state, .wp.i-ially
dumg the aunmu-r time. It would bring thousands of tourists
info ibwK- jMirls from <’hi.-ag>i and other |K>ints that .lo got gei
hm' now owing lo the bad iiUidition of liu- roads over whi.-li tlu-ir
autoiiiphilea have to travel. The original roul.-. and the .wily
feasible one is aloug the shore of Uk.- Miebigan. all'the way,as

The diaeov’ery of oil in the eaMleru.}MUt of the slate ha* raised
high hopu in the mind «>f Se<-retur}‘^Caiton of the public domain
I riliniwlfm This k due to the fact that the eefeumiaHtou and the
i Koftem Drvolc!i»aient Company of Bay City haw reached an
»|pFlnaent relative to driliing for oil on state Inud*. The eontract
-pro^!i«» that the eompan,v ahsil drill al least one well ©u each
thouMud-aere tnh’t belonging to the state, which means that if thn
I WMk is isarriud out and-oil is found, at least eighty wHls will be
; loehtod-ou state land* in that jurt <f tbe state. The leases run
: tor g period-pf three yeats. «t the end of which time the company
haw h^rpduelng well on the iwoperty or the- lease will revert
i baeh.'to Sc state. E'or every well which is fiifishod and producing
: oil it-thal'tine the company has the right to locate one thoasand
nefn aironnd alh'h well, anti take out u similar contract for prqs^
pecBng. TKe state has atmut om- laillion acres which may contatn
, otl.' and if the fluid should U- discowiVd in sufficient «pisUtity to
[ •tahg.' it a psyiug bnsiucMs the- state umiiUI realice enough from
: rojBtibs to'imy the state taxes durihg the tim - the wells .•on»inue«i
tp ktiw. This i*. however, merd\- a supimsiliou, for iinlew the oil
1pm *nt betliT iu Uie 8aglt»s« country than it dal in Southern
iMwdrif" tjboptilwenly-flve years ago, the state will re«-eive but
|a slAUty smoum to dpply on ,ifk numiug expenses,

It may be

UoddMe thlt oH in paying qunntities exists in thi* state, but
ifgr all the drilling that has b<s'n 'dono uevt-r resulted in tbe dis{oowty ol but one well, which wws promptly purchaAst hy the
StlMsrd on Company and cl«*.-d uj» rauu.-diateb-. t» he used in
Helds failed st some dale tii tlie future. It is hu)>c<l that
^ wm la- found, but hofoiv we begin paving ^tr expenses with
Ue proceeds of the fuyaltioa it will b<^ well to wait and sec what
«ally lies hcn.«th th- soil on th.«« stim- lands on the eastern side

Kwry dollar spent in acquaiuling the farmriM with the most
tffotfrru Hwthoda in afTicnlturc is njouey well-invested. Tlif farmer
^ egpccts to keep up with the titaic* has to he informed on all
ihr Utast idea* and methods for serurifig the best ivliirn* from the
^ vrUok ^c cultivate*. It fs iin^ible for him to pick tip this
iyimBaiiao by himself, so tbe state has stepped iu and volunteered
gothe nedod uifbnuatiud at a very moderate com
iMA iff the tftte ajrrtcBllurat epHrge has beeti a great faetor m
6pB^ die aUidbld of the farmer u|> to what \\ is at tbe present
tlm tiim* hm now arrived whan the aoope of the parent
.|rli»dl-u Bot wi^'aoMth to cover the ewtire atate in a satisfactorv-


far ilk M w |Kissil»b-T« tf"- '*’*’’’* f»*utv u-'.uhl take in Traverse fity
and other town* in this vieiiiity. ami would be by far the most
pieturaa.iuc cuunlry that Uic road could trav.-l tjdiiugb. This ii
tin- route which has It.-eii <-u.ior>u*d by this eoiiiity. and the.only
um; that eoiild otituiu the KU|>port «f the tiotpay.-n. uf this and
othVK'Iiike sillin' eountiiw. Th^ route lii-s thnnqrh the
iM'lt of the stale, and *oiue..-f lli»- fin.-Kt iWeliaills ill the Kllll-' w ould
b.' lUiKsfli by the tourists while, making the joiim.-y.
.\iti>Hi<*r niiife has Im-cu proposiil, going Around by tin- way
nf X'aiiiUai-. but.the only om-s lo be b.-iiefiltiit by such a niifitdfibiim
mail would b.- the iKi.ide «>f that town. .\ road built that way
W«mbl paas thnuigh'iiolhing tint *and eountr* ami w.mhl hav., m.i..of the'lK-autiful scj-neri- that would be found on the rontr along
ill.' lake Khor.'. ToitriMs a* a rtib- aim to avoi.i a trip where long
rcavheif of sand .iwintt^' hav.- to Is- travelled over, and f«w thst
reason ulom' the t'adiilae mute will pn>ve a vety iin}>opular nwr to
thow- who an- int.T.-sied in tile wouk. The.only mtiti- ov.-r tjthieh
th.! nmd should h.- built is that fmm .Muskegon to Traverse.'t’ity.
along the lake fmm. and fmm hi-n- north thmugh the pietn^qu.;,
a.i-ut ry that lines the path to Maekinaw. This is the .mly mute that
will fttnl favor. eith«-r iu the .-yew .if tourists .»r the eitiz-iis who
liMVe to pm up th-' public'ey for its .-onstruetion.


The way of • Aiio-ricaii trust* in tienuBii.v will no loug<-r Ikthe priiupK-e )uitli. if eeltiiiD pUss nuiterializ<' whirh hav-' la-en laid


-.K bdl Itas aln-ady be<-a

dniw-i wlii.-li wb.ii pul ilile elTi-ei by ilte n-iehslag «U1 eliminate
• .staiidanl Oil t'.mfpaiiy fr.mi that rtmntry-.
Is ..... ..


Not content with

the giiverument br tiow coUiK-tiug «liitu for i|o- puriKwe

putting a ■•riiiip iu th- tobacco trust, wnieli has aumfitt a <-«»mpb'te
mon»|K-ly ..f the ioImi«k-*» fiiwiHi-** in that couulry.-

ItKjhis latter

eas.- lb-: motive of the slate is-iiot eiilin-ly nllrnisto'. for in putting
this gn-at trust .ml of busiuiws a stale will ts- created in
the tobacco .bnstlh-ss wllleh Will help tbe Ib-namis out .«f their
pn-s. iit rtiiuneial euibarrasameiit. The n-vemu-s to bi- from
a momqiol.v of the btusiiiess will U- the nusms of en-aiing
(he gn-ati-st navy in the worlil and bring ik a n-alLzatb.ii the war
di-eiims of tb.' empeyor. Tliw plan, if in^s'riy util. wiU
pni ihe .Vniei'ieaii tnist. which hms a firm gftpon the of tjofaihei-laiui. oiR of biisiiiiiis. iind lurn dinclly into the gov.-miueiii
eoflr.^rs the reecipis fn.tu the inuiM-nse trafti.- in the w«-*il. 'While the
old eoiuitr.v may be beliiud in mau;i- wn.vs. its |.roposed no-tloKl in
dealing wttb fun-ign trusts is wiwlli.v .d eoiisi.l.-ratioii by the
iimiiopoiy tigliters of our own .nuiitiy.

A Sac^ssfttl Exfdbit
tine of the most profitable uiov«-» V.-I- Iiiud'- b.v ibe W.-sb rn
taking of the ap|de show
.Mie'higun Deve.lopimni Hun-uu was tl
'xhibits t<i Uctroit for llie pur|s-se o ibowing the ixiiple on the'
'astern siile of the si«|e what this n-gii
is capable of raising iu tli<•as ii. awaken iii'vv iirten-sl
fruit line. The eff.s-l of the eshlbitiol
.ill the-Wesieril |Hirt of the state, fur I pn.v.Kl to .■•verviine who
saw the fniq tbsi'ih.-n- an- opfiiirtiiiiities Ijiiig at tin- v.ry
if the nieinqMilis that'w.'f*' uever or even dn-aiiie.1 of
ln-fore. The n-siilis of the Dein-it exhibit w.-re far nion- n-aelniig
than the disj.lay umde al tJraud IJapids. for it o|s iie.l np
Ji.'bl w-Jiieh has been tteglu-led In tbe past, and which will i«ro\-prmluetive in the future. Kriiii growing is not indulged
extent as a -oi>niuu*ri:iiil eiiter|iris.' in the eastern and
southern parts of tlie state on iK-eoiiiit of ihe great variations in
■liiiiate. whi.-li unike it too inueli of a gaiiilde for tin- fai'iio-i-s l»
go into oil a large scale. Many sab-sof fruit lami iu this n-gion w ill
n-snh from the enterprise, for the residents there know now
that the claims that luive in the literature sent out fn.i.i
the distriet are ail true. Tii.-y liav.‘ sa-eii ihi- fruii that was raised
e. have haudl.'d it niid tastnl it. which is all the proof 1h:it .s
.b-.!. If the n-ai estate ...... will now f..Mow up ilo- a.Ivaiilag"
that has l>e<-n gaitie.1 by lh>' slu-wiiig of this fruit, iliei-e will lie
huiidnHls of sah-K of fruit lands made in this section during tinn.-xl few months. Uninlrt-il* wh'« visit.-.! the show, wairt to seeiire
in-hanis in W.-stern Micliigan, foe tln-.v an- <-l•llvi^|e••.| be.vomi tli-'
shudow of a .Unibl t^inl there is inon.-.v and lieallh in store for those
hard owners in this fav..n-d loealily.

Tl.e liraiiiler* «l' Ul.' «uie uie IR-IU.-! With a .laileM Ih-ik.-.h t»i.
I>r .'.oulO-ti.' lii.iti^e ofii.v hcUli-rs.
whk'li e.'iileet uialei.' ihe Uou*e\eU
Tall i>rt"ariniai> laaiiiuiui. silli all
tts triuer puraonaliilcs appear llk» a
Suiidu. m Ii.sU .OiosuUoii II, .olnpor-BOit Jii*« al ptiM'iil ilie 1. ai.'s, oil .
t«eli ride' arntied lu wsr-paliii« hues an. out ice' bM.0 ai.J
whit.' w.iiiiLK ftir that
m flow.
•jin- piereilig Ihe linuaUK’nl will, viii-s
>1 lies, thief, vltliiui. seouiiOrel. They
.n- .loins luor.'. the.v an- i-iiniu;-, tio-i.- .
i*-iultuenis ill .s>ld irp*- rtiat-'imui'; «U'.j;iions Iiijir re;..l ai:.^ W * -c.
The sMiuhhle 1* all oVCr
I.IC<‘ of oftlce kqr .erT* th. tiraiW”.
•was fa. IHSK- ihat II tuul lu soli ■'
«u]<is.r. fnm: utl who would give ->!
tirsIiiH or time. To<la^ u Is a |*>«v '
111 iiie taud and tlU' Use uMfals is.w.r
IH the Ikmi.' of eunleulcm 'Kiirlherl.HJ,'.- tile alala- .irtmiiiSolioii L„>. Iki>*
noublrtl for SOUK' titiu- wjlh
wick. who merit* SiH-clal K
Is urs'sl that the (iraiiKcr* should rise
lu tli.-lr mlKlU and iliiow tlie.uouhh'
wrap, iican ukI at ,
tiliM- elcef num- tn ofllcc 111 ••
•grange Um those who ca'i ^
n'bou' wi.hout fattr.'fi
Travers.■iieniliers ol llraod
.sc iihve alfvi.d>- Taken a sUnd
, .lei-u up The. have .loniiuat-t ')
of their oso nidubei-s for tl]'> .
- inaslerslitii. naiuclr Pklward J. ^
lulleu. Iinuher McMDlh-n U-ii.-v. i
eluni. and ill lliruwiug Iho *
the < psar-- out ^
mu. the .-onilnR *.-n. we«m.-f^«ser. i:raiiR.-r in ttl* part ... 'tti^»i«o- ‘
-•h.iuhi sni.|H>rt Unsher MeVafi^ fo,tiral riml.v. .Vnd fiM- wnond ctm.-e
they enii do no betier (lia»-<iu> ilu-'r t
jiitloeie <■ Ow the lion. John -<' K< 'm
of-* HaBlliip.. Itrogier K. i111 lias tsK-ii ill the <;rand^w'ork for;
ll> .ve.i,» lie Is Ilgglessltl-. !««•
M.e. hohegt. Will! hl^ 4llenls nod
Slioiil.1 .tie win «m In Hi* twvsouf
whi.Oi -Will Ik* tonriiidsd s(
■ meeting to L- held utSanlt
site. Mori.- nest Bionlii. aim he i* rer.
likely U> win. he will gi.e the firaiis- ■ tlui tluy wtll
siKstk .g with prl.le. «oiae olio
ly wi iiioeti puhtiHlf alsml

om-e. Inn Uffh two a-iWill h Be Permanent ?
t l.-presenHlig
Yolk bin- ol ■jiniz.'.l a ebil.
Setcriil .v.iung millioim
rairioiiH. the I
li that th- w.-altfiy Sew
for the pur{HiN<- of proviii
I lie w.irl.i
her iiow than forttn-rl>. Bol r«s ■
Vork.-r really l.-v.-s ins imiu.- iiiUlI .l.iiii-sV Sp.'llll ill mllell tiliM- ns
h-K* of whelticr tb. )i>r May in
uf bis wir •itn.l .-hildr..i
|sejsilib- al. bis own fin-sid.- in tlie
h- Kill* p'l roiitn.1 of file Klaie
mschtn* afiil «l.e lli-lr ..u.f.iiio.i. a
.puilioii ti'-w
,Tli.- orgi)ninitioii Iiiik .iff i
t-oofcj. II..' Wenioerr of io.m..l trjiersj
III.- public is wlietlier lb.- iiioveim-iit w ill I'l.iitiii
a.-.- goiin: lo .-.ul.iiiie t.. *aW
i.fn oil
It is Imp. I tbal it will iK-.-.MM.'
novelty h,
wood.ami l.i 3ild lo ih-lJ- repulstlto SS
will sprea.l to .llilel
of tb" line ol th.' mil' |.rriKr*i.*ive Kanoea
ud. ibitt i
i-e is great of^Knrtrill s.iej.-ly Ilirt.llgbi.ill the of the Male. Il win pi- ir<«th III'.
whlK- of ei.ry .awnier bol atrvad
It ..nee 1h'.'.uii.-s po|4bir1ilj‘lv will b.' li gr.'Bt .b-climmember uf thlw subordliiaU! ,ti> wii.!
f til.' ilivori'i' an.l otli.T ct.ints. au.i the Am.ri.-nn
1 Ills dpplhonnn In a hum ITuiuer V
,funiil,v will I*, ruis.-.! np lo'lh.- plane uIut.- it. wm pbu-.-d b.v «.ur
ire* i-aii <lo'llkewis.'. jiK llie 'treun.riwefathi-l-K. Slating nl l■.•me i-an be ma.b- a liabtl tile Hame as
. an .spia'I rictil* liiMl.mion,
g. .ing I.. II club ur-soiu.-. otlu-r plae.- wh. ie fai.iilv ti--» an- s.-v.-r.-.!
lind troiibb- (iroiigbi
tb- le.iiie. Tin- sial.iliiy of the r.-pntdi.FOR
SALE—an hrou/- lUTKey*. P.UOK
tle|H-nds u|K.ti th.- .'lass of hom-s that ar.- ntaitita'MKil. If cv.-rylhing
«t.Nk of giKKl .iimlity *1 »:!-.« l»'f
is liiinnoiii.ius ili. r.- tie- fiitni'.' «.f iIk- niiii.'.ii js as.siir.'sl. bat if ib|nU; '►ici.-l.' I'lrk.'S* - »1
ni- you.- w
-a.l of tin- liuiise is Hway every niglii-an.l Ins family is ]ilb,w.-<l
lllllditd.. Smnl. .M il
. 11-aKoii |i> f.'jir b-r
I. th.'ii
to grow up the Imm.1 way lluy-.
ml .
the fimtte. Slri'llglbeii tile b>
l.slOp 111ml .
l.r.'.)n 1(0' FARM WANTED
udvaii.-e of III.' .-oiuHry. Inn v
eoniposiiioii is w.akeii.-d eorn-s
km-wniL' bo« s.m.11 th.- Ktriudu
place ou earth to stay b at lu'
1,ut III.
moth.-rs-^e.iiiU' to p-uli:
.b-slii.y •
eiwiiolis ill wll>.s.=rhaTl<

ml ih-r-b1. jiml fnll. The b.-i
s^.i-iM-r tin- failii'iv an
' II wiN i.i' for the «.'i
iialion'M.ill l•'"p^i^.....1 t

the l.itiir.' ■

Those European War Goods

Tie- leading luili-lls of th. .-oji: lle nl ar. gl'..wiiug ol ea.'h otii. Inii.l pr.-|Mriiig- on pup. r nl b ust ^f-r a struggle ..v.-r llie dit isl.oi
of th.' siK.ib. of tietory w..ti fairly i.y llo- Ikilkuii suites, Th.s"
so-enil.-.l enut jkIw. is. w.-ri*p.-i1.-. ily willing i.. su.tid ..n th. si.b. and s.'.' Iheif siualJ.-r ti. ight«rs n.k.- tb> li.-bl an.l .U.ip ih.niu.'li t..m.'.l Turk, (.nl ulo n b .'.-n.i.' i- b-mi.g tie s.........ii.lri''. .Iivi.i"
fK-tw.i-n ti*'iii'«-lv.-s th- l.i'i'Uor.t th.-il then- j.r.-t»esH w.>n it was
an..lher .rtU'sTl.Ki Th-»s! was iam! ami .i.ium-fiul pr.-si.g.- ,.i si.-.k.
ami in ..iilei to tq.h--l.l U.- ir iibi. ..f -lignity m lb.- maif. r ih-.v
had t.» deman.l tbal th-y. fs-giv. ii .-i-iij.i.i right, tbal UA-ubl
theAMdpin War
• - iisnll ill t1i.''ir.p"'l ly lolii in th- fiiHir.:.. VSiMr.a i> .......... .
Then- ba* lK-.-n a gn-»t d.-al of .s|m-ulatiou-Hiiriug the irfit-i^w* dTeml.r III ill- issue, and at the pr.,-s.-ni im..' iK tlireal.-miig war
yearn sis t.i whether the lime would .-oBie when the heavier than hir uitfr Russia oil los'oiiiil i-f tb.' aimn.le of S.r.i;. in Ul" vdll.'iii.-Jit
--n pap-r -oily, f .r a war at
machine wonbl really he of value to nations in-time i»f war. 1’ Tins lbp.-nt. im.l tr..uWf .s Jinbb- i-.
has been the fortune of tin' Uulgar'iaii leader* t« prove iliift th.' prft*icnt liiiie «..rf!d iiiv.dv.. all Knnipe in th- .s.fiiliei. an.l uoih■f
mp-Ii a drain iip.m thyir
i* the das>'. and that in the fntwrc much of the planning of battband campaigns will il.-p<-nd up<»n the information that i* brought, pnblii- iwasitry, A iw-'nli.-th i-entbry w*r .i.sts inonev. an.l if all
-' '■“nt'**l "f *•>'’< magnilu.b' it
back by these ainueii. The^ work of Licofenant Taraxtieff befm*' tt- nalious wer.- i.. I*uiM K.- mi iiu|K"«i»'iiit.v
vVnri- th- *jti.-ws ..f war after IhAdranople will go down in 'histori' a* one of the moat hrOliant
acbirvcttctita of the war. for it was through the information that pn-w-m supplies fire -•xhaust.-il. Th- »nr talk -was evidently slurtcil
iiiflucni-v dipluins.y. »ud mrt u- t*- bmu^l t- a Mittiax iu n
he broii^t io General Savoff that tlx- attacking army wa*
to'mnnAu^tc it*'baiteric* on thenuokt vnlnerable part* of the clash ..f arm». Talk i* dmap. but war is cxprtiwve. an.l the ex|»-ns"
enemiea ^fens>-. Tke work oh-the sky mikh i< fraught with'all »i.l.. is alwpvK lookiwl t*. ••arrfnll,* Ivfoiv « fatal st*q* n takcu.

Will Pay Highest
Prices lor

7)2 C Ftooi S(. Both PImw*.

Have the lst««t
ehincr}- and maRofs
hS np-UMlaU deai.__ ’rom the
rongli at^ Fnaapt-------mUan
given all order* no matter how
nuolL Call or writ* for priees





Carl Andersen Who Was Shot
MIgtaks lor Dear Owd 'This
GRAIN-Haaaah A Lay C«
Prifes corrected every day.
Com ..

You’ll find the quoliUes, styles and prices right. Securing tme value in buying
is at all times the truest kind of economy.
________The lollowtou vlaes emphMlze Uienwelves—_______

Unlimited Choice ol Clothing
for IVlens and Boys

CRAIN-Travem. 6tty MBins CA
Frlcm corrected every day.

The valncs we oMer ineaB a savtag oi from IS to tS oa every
Soil or OvereoaL
Men's and Boys* Overcoats
Mea aad Yoong Mea’s Hae Sails

Sdl VJeei we offer el


Onr Sliof neitaninent olTprs dfw


very loe

Udlrg- Siorm Rqbbora al. pr..4re
Mill'd Storm Ruhbera at. pr-----aSe
Udlwi’ I4)uckl« Arties at.
Man's I.Buekig Aretica at pr .t1.44
•Men's b-ineb Iseather Top (iuiu
Rubbers, at
‘Men's l-Iliiekle Arrtirs al. pr.t2.43
Men's tC-Iilrh Iseathtf Top.
Bnaic-proor Robbein. with


rncm corrvrted as HMrket varies.

I'iiicimiai.. t>, X-«
1u pur.uance i-f The .-atlii' ft ..niwIldaUen
miippetl out U.' tbc.Xew York Central
linew, ihf siockboldcrs of the t'lrveland. <*loeinnatl. Chlraso a"d 8i.
Louis Railway met here today and
TSetitf-^ lave approval io the plan of the di.......... 02-Wff‘‘**®|reciorH for the piirrha>e and coDM>ii
daUog of I nunil>er of ' sub-^idiary
> Ip.-vwed »•}' tie
ihe*liO*’b 40 be consolidated
itniioruitit is tbe Cairo. Vln
cennea and fhlcuR»>. ahich has 1C:
miles of road euctidlnp Jmm Terre
Cldtr apples, per IM Iba.................. SOe Haute to I'isnviUe on Ihe north.
Cairo on the south, and ib Kavi S:'
U»ul* on the west.
Unued ill bcalth. Fred Hpure. used 1*9.
on emidoyee of the .Mma Want of tlie
All the banka In the city will be
.Mlrhiitan SuBir eonipanj. eommlttel
all day Thiir.e.Uy <Hi mitohhi ’d
suicide her«- yesterdal’. So reason
outside of 111 httilih ran be SKslsued. .rt...wt,.wK ini'

CoMpiMi Aswnf 'dBo,.' Ommou. d mote,

Two speeJal baimlna at 4»e ami
Tbooe bats open'
pir-<v s’jrncieml iW one contforier.
ProM-m ihls Mupon with
your name and addresa. and
we'll sive Tou


An Utd Christmas Present

t borte bides ....|l.&0 aad np

iilRSCHBAUM CLOTHES. Grealcsl Valoe la Sails anS Overcoats al
tM,H8.M.maBdt»_______________ ____



FREE—With even oee ef ibea Swli we wB indul u txtn peir
PeM free


Guaranteed Fresh andT*uteT^’^ •

lron,MounialD. Mlcb. Sov
rttiiy w’onaded by a bullef from hit
own mm and carried b>’ buDiicu rowpanlor.t thirty miW lo-hlt home af]^
Wlcan throBsh ihn worw Mirurd injA
ymra. Tony Masrot 1» near dea'U in «
ithe faoapUai here, and <an't reeover ♦
Carl Anderson. wSto «a» sbot when
ralsiakon for a deor three week*
died 'hit tnominc

A Urte stock to dKMwfrea end every OwKon a
reel bargiiaMaa'i Orercaati ® Mack afld Uaci^



Don’t forget to include in your order for J ^
BEST flour, a sack o( our

SiCRB .....................................................

Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Cloaks and Furs,
Furniture, Carpets, etc.


Next Time :


This «6re wonld not be what it pretenda to be ifit were not equipped
♦ith just the sort of merchwdise that you buy at this season of the year.
You’D find the lines most Complete-

Ever Mil dl wool
TbcMMOs'.iual erixadUn,.


««e«.d erery day.

The Coastganieat Sale
ol Coals aad Salts—
A Great Saceess

W-.. . .ss:

You rb(W tn>m a Rtaud. sitaor
mem or Rjimiema oodaianed u> us.
loRethi-r with our res-Jlai- a'tx’h; ah
u snbMantial aavius

N'o pgrrhaHo required. CoiiitoD
honored only c e to a custoin-


rtriled edie. pair.................. .t2.U

. tlo26
Extra sise
and qua*
llty... Me

A Splendid Opportunity to Save

If .

ff/fe 3Cc{!'^.%e0a,'itme!itr^tcie
nt yd. die.

Come .0 the momifrgs it you cai. but by all msan. be aurr to come—
fioiitid ihe Tli.v iiMrket. It iookb
sell our apples b> tome
oiher uecnej —onanltc
Don't tell nil your hard luefc stories
of aelUns oonimlasion
to the
si:i.n^r at your door. He may want
to l"i> j’oor farm.
Dy thar simple pretteBs of dunj*liij: our winter crop Into home and from Chlcafo, Deiroff. ToleJo and
llty marheU at one fell swoop >.e Buffalo throurt Cnlied Frets teledestroy prices now and destroy our Krapb servliK.
BbUlty to fill orders in January and
A Cleveland Ann advertiaee in kU*February when prices advunee.
BOnri as fidlowa; -We want yonr bl(
An, r cnltlns up half a dozen (rowred apples, and'lota of them, tn
nurmio. Nov. r,-C-.,.e-Recelpt*.
. laity .lonaihana. Rome Oeautlea. Ben era to set prieea on UMea apples in C.TTC: acme, stmdy.
Darts. Ganot. Wineaapa i-ud Spya. dozen herrel kna we got one tii ltdriu -Aciivc.
nnawer. “What will you pay?" ^A
ettber boxes. barreU or in b
eeipta. SP.noO; slow. |C.9ftfiT; .Vo. J.
query, why Cj ih’*.v rr -awav from other example of the faet that
22.IW: M-Y''
tiame to And stuff we ousht to pack trowers we are a succeat but a* arlrloslDC ac |T.8u‘.T.33.
riebt beie. Doaena of buyers are lera only failures.
Does an}’ oae know the net
- saareaxiB). flio lounto' Tor iw^ •*!'
turn* p^r' ahre on BnjtliMi Mofello
•rstfed lable apples.
Chlcaso. xoi. r:..-Wheai. k.-,x,c.
. Boxins apples is not a icreal mys- cherry on a larfte or aznall apaK? Com. A-\i. Oais. SlHc
■tsrr after ail coat of buabel box U 1.«t us look up the mnhnd of parkins
- 13 <waU. ahd manllla paper Mn. tweet cherries In lO-poun-t boxes and
square 14<cr nrare. Cost of wrepplua, bwe your boxes ready early )n the
rhieaco. Nov. 54 —IV>iatoe*—Rein paper and placloit in box -l eenU a year.
Even Missouri szovers are learninq eclpia <r> ears: quoied :<i Gdr
box. Total IT\ ‘renta
Wbm the Rrower la moat in peed| to Qlrt with the consumer aiyi adopt
of some friendSy e/iee aboui s.'llinci ibc a modem parkins. The show me
bis crop there is ; painful siUiiec spirit will reueh oUr dear old .MichiThe iioiiltry market is alow bei'au>e
Itan toon. '
. many of ibe raUers arc holdlug
Organize a UI>or bnreau in T'rsv
M. Aa
thelr pouliryfortbe iTivate individual
erse City and then you only hue
r Ttst. CSly.
phone for your piHieni u w’eek In
adtanee of your wants
prJ.-e hKrtier. A shipment will be
Snow apples bear welt and brim;,
made WednesAty for eterythiv that
good pflee about Thantesivini; time. ran be bonpfat in.
Our rrop did not show up as well
The fartnera from all quarters
taal this year owinx to some seab. with whmi. buckwheat .ind bean*.
Thai chronic hike. Ben Davis, will Both mm* never bad bu-sier da
reaily sell late in the winter, but mrioad-of wheat mme from Cedar
mw KTDwera wont even try
and oib« r smaller shipments were re
a ua a boxed apple.
celved from Kinpde.v. Summit Cl.}
Experimem with keeping
JnterlCK-hen. Rendon and oth.r i«lDt»
bnsbeU of Wapiers. Grimes. Spies
The potato market remained ilrni
and find out If ibe wet aeasb;i at 3SC and 4«c. One thousand hush
hurl .ibem.
Lw were u.-lEhed, also a earluad of
>.ess aptayinc marbines were sold
w. Zimemnnan that
•I* year in The neighhortood than
___--------------for several ae.vsoiis ram
ilon’i le*'io BuSalo. Several loa-T* of hay and
l.'^iialalhs came in.
When we have
laniniaKt to arouse /hose indolent fetPrirc coriSS*!^ 4x7lo«s who pack rarehwsly. we shall
publish a roll of honor to eneoaraac HOM
........ ........................ 3
hoocti parhets* in (be strsight and
|1*:06| B:51
Tntns arrive at Traverse City 9:57
Ihe list
W:»0 A. »- »:» *•’
Kieht here let ua say that any fru '
iirower who desires to -market bis
raek of apple* and will subodl a bar
le) of properly narked graded table
tpples. *c shall be glad to brins
eustomer.- and cdvenlae hla brand
of rest. Who will start oil ?

Fruit Stems
Clipped Short

the Mvings are worth while.
LADIES' LONG COATS, ulrailuiiT*' *ii;eii. of (liluchllltw,
Flushes- cte.. ;i lol Thnt x^ere $IN
35U wul
an- in :hi* lale

The Markets

jrofiTY COATS — f'biiiOilllas.
cbeUols. rjra, ills, •de,; »orih »v.
.n *6.90. *9.90 and'*12.00.
COATS for MISSES al.d • bfldren.
for ages •. to II years, or i-hiiii-hil
U*. «Nc\i<4*, 1 clours, iric,; •«or;;i
Sd.r.O to SlH'iii. ai *4.99, *600 and


.r- ».00. SU.M. •„.»


«4en’A anM Youna Men’s Suits an<l Overcosts
Worth *2900 and S2S.OO
Wdrth *15.00 and *16.00. JQ


'Traverse City

Local Markets



Oellvaries Each Wednesday

Enes me a qnaner whan 1 cut a
. .Cel our "Iniirurtiona for KIlHnc and tozner's face. But 1 don't cars todv»'
’ IkrMsinjt." and prices before briocins 1 Jut won U!'--4iidgs.
to market.
FOR BALE—Rarred Rocks and Rhode
laland Reda; pnlletB will lay eariy
r at Jail. »iw. F. L. Shatter
-til phowrwtee
mr 2GU



ALL LINEN NAPKINS: S.tliii Uui’ili
a dozen.
PATTERN CLOTH*, wlihout uap1.II1K. ape. i:ill> prn-.d :a *3,19. *L3*
. i.d *4AC.
PRETTY GUEST TOWEL*, scjliopi'd .iTiil plai,' for inllial. albo he.nLiii'b>-d TTOk'-i,;. ex,r,i values, in faiK-l:
arid Tliirii.ri^k, are »|MM-inll> prli-cd -it
W.qit ’ '(cialily. at per yal
9e. lie. lie. i*e and 22e.
BEDSPREADS, exim litm. good
wei-rit. ip<-<lal at *1.10 rtid *1J5.
SCARFS and ahnina. »|>e.’tLi al 29c.
mairh. a tde khaortnu-iii. aonb Kc aad
;iic .1 v.-r.l, on talc. ap-i ,.'i1, at 3c and
9c. ’
viiri pr.'tiv cmbmlder<d psilema, ut
only 49c.

l.imcti Clrilha. Tabic Cmers. rtr.
alho toacls. lowcIiikK and scarliui
carliugs not
DISmariiTd spcrtal. subj,<t i 10


We’re Supplying Lots
oi Hen. Yonng Men and Boys
Daring Onr Thanksgiving Sale
We’ve a splendid variety of Underwear in any
style you like best—,n wool. Peece lined, tnediuip and
heavy ribbed, etc.. ■« both the separate garmeou
and union suits.
a bTg tale on them—and you'll Rnfl ut ready to serve
..................a values. Wool shirts and

................. s

unyl—*^e boas

l.-rti*. u.inl.
a >ar«. al *1J6.
a yard at 97c.

Did you ever have an undershirt thit w»nMa*t
stay_dova?. We show undershirts diat will stay down*
being skimped in the'making, they continue to fit you Alter
because tbey^re made long enough for comfort Not
*’ ............
they come from the laundry tub.



1010 80%

Warm Winter Undcrwcar"”';5;»«,r''



You Can Save

Great Valaes la lUs AbbobI ThanksglvlBg
OD Table Uaeas.
Sale ol New Fall GarmeBU for Men, Women, aBonaelnralalilBBa, etc.
Boy* and Girls, and CUIdren.

vantages It hai
you want a Union Suit to fit. Sires for every n
Prieea arc

Special Valoe to Men's

fLWLS*.2.U,X.S4, X.Mand $3S«

'Superioi ”


Union Soils
Another popular cnake
^ that's noted for .I's com^ fort srd wear: those wtio
^ have tried these garments
always aa» for them again.
Our prices for regular and
'^m extra sizes, per awil. are


51.00. 1.50. 2.00.
5.00 nnd $5.00
Boys' Union Suita. aN
sizes, at
..90c wM *1
Separate garments —
Irta and drawers. « 2Sc
and 990c.


Big apevisi lot of Mvs and gray
fleeced underwear; all sizes
for men. at

4^ 59c and 75c
Traverse aty

lt»» and rather in 1»06. Mr*. Mtoy
horn here and bad aJwaya Ut^

here. She Rraduated from I
blgh aeteoi ta mi. a
I bla llatH' left 34An<uv t
to <1. J Kelley Jane H. Ma udt
with frleods lu Rrand lUpitU.
KeUcy wtu a charter wuMbar of the
s.nd rmn there she will fo ou to
Oool'Templar todye and waa It* Am
cace and ipend the winter.
Teiuptar. The todee raearna ohe
Mr. and Mrs K. U. UMtd a
cd Ita oM«t total -and ettthulaitfc
the lAitd and A|vpje aSow At tliMid
xorkera. Rbe wa* alao a member 9t
•• SlA»..vr».
sr« K. SI,
Rnplda .t lew days last week,
the lAdica' .Aid Socety of tbia piK*.
.Mrs. Kobert lAcfey left Monday tor
Tbe mniHy moans a kind nod fff
f-w days vlidk with fri«»d« la
A M-.iirr«n vho hncJ
<*m- l-r.-itj*! uf tli.iir f‘-r tiiaiiy y.ars
rcettonale wife and mother She «ai
Grand Rapids
SCOtPs jtMVLSION \mmiti iboujtbs if lm<i
«',is ijt.iilly
l<y !i< r
lie andly niUwed by a hori of frient*
Ilenty Fov law moved m Bob Anproves the quality ot Arnst niB
«<m »o irrt Uly Whit.\
rbe tanerat was u
delwoo's honse fur the winter.
_it auppliei the niaierial for bone
hOBSa'JMwO?. -aei, Chaae or ib.
Will hewU iiaa m^ed «U to far:
Sow «hi‘ w\niil>Tw li»'W slip.ymilil ••v*t Iiiivp Iti-fti >«• filiml
and niusrte—if scanlv or dun,
peoliMla olGi-iininB:iaieriDem wa* |n
l.ake for the winter. ,
'ntJi thf oiliir liraiitcl tif flmir.
it makes it rich and aWudaat.
\Vord vaa received last week that
For liotfW K-d.ics a few dropi
i—i'u- Acik-ui u. I
Rlu> KiiVK lirr lirc.-iil is »<>w inin-k wbit'V tluil it iui^ s
Mbs Wlniii- Itoner. one of Old SH*
a»4 »; l»c iM IB* 1 cae
monllnvi.r tmtl liiMf-ii*r
ik vimjily cnmd.
siot,'s ]<opuLar' y«iu ki4iea. nnd'-r
pro<iuceti marveloua effects—
an opciMldB lii'<%1rMn (Or -a>
wli« l^ivc in>f yot
Iitfp fintbiifily nrc
make* new. fin* flesh and ruddy

an- a f<'W wim <1dll ljl»t HH1liKlU. W** *110
.Mr and kira BVank Atkiaana am
Tbe Sir KolRlils of Old Mlaakw
SCOTrS ettULSION is the
Ihe proud parents »f a baby boy.
-III aerved an A< M«r supjiev to
cream of tbe purest cod liver ofl
k'ldieii' lavt Saliudny
at il
Mr* .Anna JUdridRe died at t^
delicately emuisibed isto tiny
111. .About fill enjo ed the trtyai.
home of ber aoo, John ('ratnehoro. las:
particles reseuiRling matemid
Mrs Seilt •ntomptlns Is VWHbe beTbvraday. Koneral aerrlee* were heU
milk and earh paHiele i< coated
daupbter. Miw Row T'daon, In Trat^
at the home Interment wa* made in
with glycerine—no alcohol or
sc City foi a f'-w tlnys.
Lake Ann cemoterr
stimulant—a whole.some. nourish
Wm. .A.n>n<. RaipB acd Ajpiet all
ing. strength-inaking food.
The elaa* party beid m the boom
ent to WilliamarA in Utst Snturday
of Tan rarmleB'a waa'larseiy atte4> spend a few d»v-- with the faallv
ed by the youn« people All had %
of John lioyil.
'tee lime.
TlifV nr<- siiic«TP in lln ir
llmt tvli;it tiny «ri' iio'.v
Mfa. Eleanor Kl.tiln has cone to
j Ml»» Kmnm Clarv wee has beM
OBinp ca’miol kc
l>iit tlioy «i;<> iniKiahi-ii.
Traverse 4'ity to vUii her dauithicr,
Iworkluc in town, to apendids a aboa
Ray Hnn. up.ill after ThanktSonii-ftUKfi. or MtnrHO. ivom-ii whn nr- tiS"«l lo anoilict,*
time BC bomb before SOlOR on a trip
, hlfiitaer. who « * operated on for
hranil d«i nok n.'t thn host r.'siillK fanm Lily Whin- on tli<- first
jt weoi.

The yotms folks enjoyed a coo web
Iriiil lii-i-HiiM' lliey 'nn* init fatnilisir willi fin- Inst-imtlioii of
S.vm I)i.rc.i has Rooe dear huntins.
ami box
-lal at Ui« home of .MIsc
Mra. Vanee i* vicK with lotnUit*.
non: tceoHifer. K. L Edwarda.
h-nmllint; it.
Jess AikirAon relurned to the IMM
.losie Jmtc. hist Friday utihi. anl
Jame* Duns. Is workluK -tor Dr.
lint nffor lltiy mli li on tiny ari- oiitimKinslir Lily \Vliito
of hi* eon Prank Monday.
they made a neat llUie gnin of money riarh.
J. Jlaynar.1, .Mrs. W. C. Hull. ilrs. Oeo.

There Vas no school in the iirimar?
Perry Goorce baa *one to work in
llaics. Sts- WiiL imve. Mrs J
School RopPrt
It is
iti 8AWITARY. s.'w-o<1 s«.k.s. wilh utir tiin«<‘
camp at Uuekley
Santo. Mrs. J. it .Munson. I'.d«aid
Repon of the RparllBR oehool. dlPon fa<-li. Your (li-itlor frlailly sells' it.
AViUlam HqndRp* of Travetae fiiy 1ci No 3. Paradiee lownahlp. for Ihb
Payson. R C- Rillintti. ,
Finance Coiumliiee—U K Tyler, .\,
visitinR hi* father and oinibi-r u tomb enrtlnK Nov. la. 191*; Numbdr
i Maynard. Mrs. fleo. Uate.. Mrs.
-V. day a thi* week.
of days tauRht. ;h: number pupUs
.Mr JoM'phaim it craaaactlnR bu*i- enrolled. 2t; number bo.v* ettmlled.
Win. l.ove. Mrs. ;I. It. Santo. Mrsneti in Traverae <Tty today
Frank EUianuoa.
pnmber Rlrls enrollod. 13; avop
ItisiTict Supcrlnieinlents—First. Rev.
The mile of Rood road betwevn
Qrand Rapld», Mich.
■ W. W. McKee, .Mrs. \V. F. Rowen; verMra- lUrt Jonuiaka drove out frt
OrawD and Inlertochen i« heiiiR
of attendance, xTS^Myrtie Wyelna.
W onJ. Rer. W P. foates. Mrs. fhas.
TcBverae fitj las' Tuesday to eall
pleied loday
_ Irish and Mrs IViwns; third. Ilcv
Mra. Will fierce.
Johti .\nderrnn irantaried liueine**
aud -Mrs. II. J Ptirlis: fmirlli, rendy lo t.nswer any duestjons-which
M1»b l>oroib> Duren is eiperrinR
in Tr.norte City Toeaday
Clias. Frvipc ond .Mrs. F. Shoe- antoue Wishes to know. Inlresiid
have an eniertalamt^i at the ■ebool
TTic ioral potato huyera are payinjt
lyyrtf of n wonderful new disoovei
fifih. Uev, Chaoir anil Mrs. the work; All cases'Of ebartty Ran
|house Ihe day before .ThasksRivinR in > rent* u buahrl for Rood poutoea
thtri la believed will vaMly benefit the
Hose: sixth. Mr*. rampSeti tHoon- tefened to her. ibiis Tellevlns ihi
liKiri.t No. 2.
- *
people. F.aBon T. Marchait. of narco
niet; setenih. .Mm. RUtler and Mrs.
Mrs. Lennox, the nurse who has
loneu. write*: "nr Kina's Sew WaIKTsorally aueciliui: any <-hailiy
Cldrcd tPcrntrooii.
Wvii lahioR care of .Mary .McGill,
Mvery U doinR splendid work here.
Scope of the OrranlBstton—^What It Has Done, ond. Um the jiablic -sUWld not eonsidcr unless tl^-y m du so! wlijcli In turned t« her honi.- lu Traverse riiy
U cur.-d me atwut five tlmca of ter­
that kJiCHf iKHtple rorapose the Mireatt. ,the end is eheapei for the] donor.
kisT .Munilny.
Field That It Will Cover In Future WHh
-tt'ill Hickaoo. maoaar of the Trav rible coualik and colds, also my brnrbyf * severe cold la his cheat aud
Itelnw is a l>ricl antiiim nl last
Mr. and Mra. Thomas Foster from :*e Itay Telephone rxiinpntiy . rltilcd
Proper Support#
-e than SO whera. who used it on
or herself a lari of il- It Is an ediira- year's w^rk and the burMu hiipes till- MnnHoit islands ar« vlalUns Uielr hi* porcuta here tb.s week.
tnv adviee. We hope this irMut medl
Mra. Andrw .Xucotnoe of Travers dne will vet bo sold In «n*ry dnts
d.-tUKhter. Mrs. James Mlknln.
Altheucb the 11, A. C. lias been or- tries to inwyliiuiK- tlioroukhlv all llon for hoys and sfrl- In sehool to each year to do their
in Pono Rico.' For threat aud
l>eo(anUeii otyr two years, many iiun-s
limit trouble* It ht* no equal. A i^l
•n it< all woikfor ihc^oinnioa Rood, from Old Mitsioii last Thtiradky to nee l*^k». for n few dayt
The moi
thd tttiesiloD la sUl! asked. "Whni l.s (Ije are helpless and unable to set
will ronvinoe you of H* merit. !►
Annual Report.
their sister. Wary .MfODl. who hn* _JJIa» Gladys ('bitbb save a liouae and »l f>«. Trisl bottle free. Ouaran
*the ». A. P.. and who lielont to li” fond oi fiiH. Iieip is civcu them In that voik'of 1
1 sollclieii, or committees have had
Work done by the 11. A ,<* f«ir the 1 pen quite slek. They relumed home panv Satuirtny. So« ic, to
immNr tecl tiy.kll .IniRClsts ot Traverse CUj.
The liareaii maont only omanlaed Wiiy If they need work, an effon Is'
;o Monnd we.inlKht uaj. to l-fS f»r
her youDC lady frietina in honor
«r eudhiR October
charily or oi«a«izt>d friendliness, to made lo cel llml. If It Is adviee. ptiWIt is desiied to eet this part of the
On Toor.
EmployTiient stippli'-d
drs Anna EldridRe visaed away
h.-r 20th birthda:
htfp llie l*ior of Traverne < Hv. Kver> tuiec and discipline lit order to make
Tba Actor—"What Is potirr of ■»IjdbV
: Tliursday at tlu- iioaie oi
man and woman and even the t*o«s ilii'DiseUes sp!r-re*!wriec and self-'
Uca?" The Poet-"The kind thkfo'O'liiI.-iiLas cheer siiep to m fam1. John Setuanbaru. of Utis place Hooper lbi» wi-ek Tliur»diiy
-niHl Bin* Klwnld feel ihemaelves mnn- sniiOMhK: lhe,> are liefiieiine.l in lUu.' uud if every' oi-rahlrailtm of ilie cliy
idllur lo editor."—
;r individiuil would feel them­ ili<^: loyi. <-andir-s and Rills
Fhe was pari ko years of .iRc and bos
Mynle Itkkeil U sl-eiuliiw
Wrsofli. If all lUirs join iwethei-in i.ianitPr- Ami all this work Is
Womau'B Home Coapanlou.
Iteen an mvatv: li..' a number of yeara. few day^ at Rapid City.
Ihl. work.ratber Iban do li acparaiely as ijuiet a manner as jrassIMi; There selves responsllile tor a eerinin 4 clilldren. .

A W90>W’s

Lily White


“ T he Flour the Best Cooks Use.”

• ork of a rtaiiinc aorw.'whirii in no
tiM- d<woD>-»'' «ork.
V* nfrvr tlM- foUowtni: Inier »i>Urui4ion: She tnre* for aevenil |•lienl^
al the tame time, tiv vlattlBC ih^ni in
•h^lr hooiea aad tSoinK tor tbeni aa
aba wobW for aev««r*l pailcntu lo a
ho»i>liiil. Roinr from ,mow to room.
Alter all i» done for a poiieiii that U
qet-eararj- al the llnie rhr Soes to anoUw home to tfare for eomeone•
and Is altrars anhject to e»l1 whenever
aho Is nr-Hleil Her work ts eollrelv
aeinrate from that of the deaeones*.
eaeept as ahe rail* for lielj. » here the
tanUly needs maleriat relief, or sii[v
piles must be sent lo make the patient
more ronifortable. Tbe aaiar>' of the
vialiiOK nur^ U tmarantoed hv, the
rtit. Tlie.bureau .loea aot State to
l«>k after this. The wioty |ionr eomluiaslonor and the MetropoJlian Ufe
iMiiranee toinpanv jtaT for servlrea, aiil all fees that «h.- reri ives for said aervieek are laid Ue> k
lo the rlly to help lav iter salary
i.ten DOW the niinn- U nearly aelf-stipj iwnlBC.. And yei the tdelt iioor who
do. not eome tinder cither the /-are of
the eoimiy or the insurtotee eomiaity
are lieiiia eared foi. free of < tinnre
The other dttieeri of the l.nre.ati «4io
iiil Itite ilieir senlers free'aie;
I*(-eslilenl. Ilev. w
SfeKee; first
th>- presWen*. .ludee I nilor; «e<oni1
vlre presideiii, 1- I.. T.'ier; reeor
sen^tart-. .Mrs. W. .‘f. giiortert; e.



Voigt City Milling Company,


aa It hta heretofore been done h> in- lan- many aidemild. heroic iieojili* maV\ litnve flRlit acalnst hnrrt and redfvldBab and aoeleiles. it w ill prevent.
e rlrimnslanees. which would pni
harmfnl .Inidlcaitoo of hel|i to swue'
avemce w.-li-n«l« man and wppoor, while other neAv iieiMtns atiffer
lo slumic. Ami these are the i>eofrom totnl netleef. the work-caimol
.•nl.v he tarried on In a more eronom. ple that 111*' liiiie.iii tries lo reacli.
bill, but fa a morLaysicmatle manner.
• MUs Knee, wtm 4s n cradiiate of the
fan ft ahould serve a» n cle.iilnE <k«eoni»s home in ilniDd Rapids. I>a<
htmae for all rharity woilt in the ctiy. liPMJ seenreil to iienionafly look after
Alt ebnrehra, eaelelies and Imlirl.hinU lilts ( tuiiliy work and idvrs her entitv
ahould n.irk Ja-hnnitony with ihe R. time to li. She will make \ Isi!
and bejp to keep (be iHirenn
•. slrV nn4 sufferitic people
poaieit on all ejiarliy iiinlterk eo who uiv n'inited to her. and
|hn tintlctH.‘rvUili do not retvivte more Is nl lilieny to .-utk .her all •i>lCMilPHh
than they ahoiiM.' The humtii In regaril 'o the work. Hi t work iuclndes every kind of chnriinlile work.
She nlse n. is In the caiuielty of ps«v
FlaMCO Train With Shirt .
Tcarlns bis ahln from bif baeh an ballon olfirer. irjinK .to help 'he
(Milo man BaxBed a (rain aud saved yonne boy antl^clri just on the verjie
It from a wreck. b« II. T. Alstim, of heeomiuK wbyword nnrt save them
Kalelsh. X. O.. onre prevented a
wreek with ineiHrie Oitteis. "I was fittm hitter (^periences lhal .would
In n lenlhlp pliahi when I lieRs
teiiye piilolde marks «m them in after
use U^icni." he wrllea. “mv stnn^Ch. life. She (s (he only iialil c.lTlcer of
hmid.'fcuk and kidneys wore nil Badp- the Iriireati. ReMdes Miss Knee, howaOei-led .viid'iii) liver was In bud (Yindilloii. but four boillna of Kterrtr Ri’ i ver. >• visiUnc ntirtie has Imh-u teeenllees omde me feel like n new man.' Iv SKiired. Miss I'earl W
A trial will eonvlm-e jtjii of Ihiir U-i|r»iK. Ohio She has l<een esi<eelak
moiehlesa merit for any stomarli. Ij trained in this work. Vor the hene
^iver or kldnev troiiWe. 1‘riee *0 e«mt
fit of those who <lt> not imilerstand ihi
at all diuaRlsis of Traverse ftly.

The Selection of
Christni^s Gifts
In China Ware we have a splendid assortment
of plates, cups and queers, su^r and cream dishes
and pitchers. These beautiful dishes would make
the best kind of presents for anybody, even for
Grandma. The children are not forgotten. We have
a lot of nice trinkets at from 1 cent to 5 cents each
with which to decorate their Christmas Trees, that
cannot help'but please them. They are trumpets,
flutes, rooters, rattlers, linger rings, crickets, balls,
eta OoUs at from 12 to 50 cents are the best selec­
tion we ever had. You will make no mistake by ex­
amining our stock- It looks so g^ and the price is
right. See for yourself at the corner of Front and

amounr. li would do away with this
R'llc-f flven in 1^7 i>erahn8.
The fiinerpl aervlees were held last
Potato i'tiy er» are offertnk 3a eeiu*
A Great Buildlne Falls
iienEinf: for donaiions. and place the
dis Earni(-nis.
hiishel fo; polMof* al Aldcn, They when II* loundattou la undemlDod,
liureuu on a firm ImKliies foundatibii
eceivfn* manx nt that prlrx-. and if the toundatloB of health—
raps. •
Sonio clubs hate already siarttsl lo
llenn I’ortts of Traverse Flly rood d^Uon-U atUck.d. quick C^
annual Imid for it-i siipimri.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
•* ♦
Tito Womans flub pave »":. bed yetir
her hnabandV parents. Mr, and Mr*
iw laicn to tone’ the stsidaim have (tiven
aialn this year
Will Parka
Inch and resulate liver. kWneya aM
The Citv Federation hare subscribed
The xonnR people of South Stilton' loweb. Ilesaanl. eaaj. safe and 0^.’'
Mis* Kdia Datro is viaitlnR in Trax$lf oarh .vear. The Klks veil'd «lbb to
m Ri^e a muairol enten.lumen. in ?•' "«>«•
-so fiiy Mih her
the servU-es last year. The ladles' IJ1 Hliidkt crib,:
the rbun-h next Tueadn.v. niRbi tor tb
Iiniry voted »l" last year, aud there
n rtiRs.
An ojk-n ineetinR of the p.uvrc will
Jutt AbdwL'
hiiRe Individual donations.
i.*i sheet* and pillow castw.
be beki ih Ibe Glen Arbo' ball Fri­
The man who. for fear ot baidg odOItiii the iiiosi Were sni.'ili douiitlnos
Ctti'cans fnili.
are UklDR advaniORe of thi* ed a Ufkiwad. deprives tkechtldrbn At
day. nlRbt. A pttxmom i* .-dOR pri«
Jl.bit or Cten
le«« n
nnd these anioitnte.1
n less
1"d rpiartu of milk.
Sne weather lo do tlielr biiskijiR out in their TttbU is about the most dHpte
pblc apMlmea ot humaaliy that «m
i:> loads of WOO.I.
wm Pratt oC »«tm>Ke w.v* a hi *ln»
tha fields
is lH-lievc.I lUai every Muieiy, If
i loiis of coal
Joe MelAln wok a kmd of potaioee dan ateaUou off-hand.'
.-alli-r .n town Tueaday.
nn<lei>iood the maiieri wm help
4" luisliels of iirovjsion*.
I Elk Rapld».yesierd«y
tetutt ot Geo#(ie Da.
Tlie delivcry
III Mil* ►yRieiuaile manner jtod that inIll lOSkets of food.
Grandpa Wood we* '.■•i y.-urs old a
rau awe Tiieaday. No one wa* huri
as. with
•IdujiH^ will do the saittc. Vou cam
Other RTOcei-ies and meats aitmimi- and the only daiiBRe consisfed of Hje- Ww, day* ago. lie i* a* suppl* *”> burned hand*, ha held «pP a small
Rfve .votir doiialiaii lo nnv ctne of ibe
ip to »30.O»; -M.i> »w. Ilmtr. nn-.-iI. ele. breakoRe of aome of the piod* thV.
half hi* .IRC. He never round box. "lipnowir- ho a
•this Iliicklen'* Arnica ttolve
itU.ti- llnaoria! i-ommiiiiH-*, lo
Niivse fur serxjee n-uilerwl. Jd.ubSunday
the wjRon contained.
Kuee. or to ilie trcAftiror. E. I» Ed
Tcan*lKiri«tion lor untoriimates.
testify to itod's Roodnea* to hint.
Mr. .nnd Mrs. Peter Hnnpen are
wards. I'eople’B Savinsu UanW. and re­
IjwIsIdRs rur'hnfortunali-s.
s to Glen Haven and xvill ,run the
------- -----------r '
. pimples, eeaem*. eula. apralns. bru>ceive a rew-liu. The hooks are iilSL-nibhini: iiiid ehsinliiE some of lUe hotel there. Mr. lionaeii will eontlnue ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ sea. Surest pile <nre. U subdue*
lnfl.xmmallon. hill* pain Only 2
w.iy s oi«pli tor lliRlHK tIoti.
the RtC.Ri' bejween Gl-il
al all druRRtsU ot Traverae t liy.
Aiioitt tnlew n vv>nr II will be neecsease*. were investiaaied for naven ai;d Cedar
eall tot old eliuhi-s. l-a*l 0<- ptolKite roiin, hnipane wn-icty and
Mr* S J. KeUey died ai her hoqje MONEY TO) LOAN OB Rood ai^ StoU
rims. Khle and riunllv have moved
tolx-r a call w*» made and over S»n i-ounty i«oor depaniurm.
ov. ,ir- «t 9 oVIoclC p. TO. of roi
H. G. DavJs. ill
Improved farm*.
iiiio tbeir new bdiiae parchascil of
were received Slid 3"fl have alroady
iumpiloiw hixiiiE Ju*i reinrited fro'
Slate Diink Bldg. Traverse CUT.
Volunteer workers looked alter the Sam Oral.
bad )>een aliout
M-en RUeii oiii. 'mostly to school rick and -needv prior »n the arrival of
MiM Marie Andenoo it home from
hildren, who sliotilil always Im> heli- d iho deaconesst-'
:len Jlaxen.
in matter whether the imretu
Solh-itors' eredentlals InvestlRated. ^oo TremaiD of Maple Hty preache-l 10 lonscf on account of the hicU
uonhv or not. -A l•1lllcl lhal i»
.liliiide Mr* Krilov
ijtyeues and inuny more
the ehureh her*' Sonda;
Ity the
fo.1 and partly eloUted csnnoi dexelop services-rendepwt tor the i-omron of
Old [b>- 14tli of last October, and had
. or she should. At Christmas the iii.iorttiBaieB of Tfurerse City
1^*0 a pattont ■ufferwr tor about
wqtboul I«lu. and wHboW the t
Resides her bnaband and four dniR* to pro-lace uncooaclou.nes*
aiiothei tali will be mode fo
Tile nv.-rb-si.i cvrs-iise lor the |
l>askt-ls of Cbrlstma.-i cheer, l-nsr yea yeor was!
People OI ii.-nou. teBHmj-ament and
fStivill children, ralvlir. Afire. Alouchildron of the bcIiooIb and Sun­ Salarx tof aoiK-ral suis-nniondtapie and Spnoel. Jr., she leaves >i with weak iieari. will sMwwe4»N* the
Mrs u, W. Reyuoida Is apepdinK
• Ka-riar' ii:.-tliod of palBtoas e»rrac.
day sehpol* uiiended to most of this
■'mother. Mr*. A. K. Moouitue. and tw »
p,„' /..........
.......... *24
-w- days in T-yiverse nty. the ruobi
ad pioltabiy will lie plad to assist In o’trice rent tor i nioui'lis........ .. •
Votbers. r^aries and Ralph, all
lilt W <1. KINVOS;
’ her daxiKhter. Mr*. N i*. Stamp.
Wilb-lm Block, with Ur. ^ioWsiii» asain Stmpic outfits will be need- ■ Telei-lione,
this placA Her father and oue broth­ .... .
'ear ...................
Mr*. Aland Batey apeni the ■week
*octh. Tiaxtfse flty. Mk-hlpan.
d lor xotiuR babes, also lH>ddiiiR and OfiiiT. saiiidles.'ety. .
er bavlDR Rone before, her brother In
artleles for nihwe'a chisel, such as
Total Teeelpis tor y.jr en-liOR
. It Jones, -MlBse* May '
pillow slips, toxvels. oM t:1nih ,-r. 1:'12.
MarRpret Melntosh aud Mionie Jolm
lor ImnilaAes. nlRht row ns of all sires,
•ere Traverae rilx caller* Sa'
.some soeleiie*. may jiHi clad-in look
You must have-Rood
.ifler these neeessilles.
Tbe MUoK-* Mary and Winona 'Ta:
i> have Rood health If
if your
For Ibe ovorliead .-siH-ji>e.s
>W km :
dall of Keystone are x1*ilioR I* VI duty. Slow
1 jHilnc It*
.liarUy exiwnse*. besideoi the i..«^.e.
ninv I.- eolUE
Orandall'und fatmly.
:.boui eitht ItundK'ii dollars ni le-^i
eb eoi.diiion* lieeaiisA > blHftu* in
Joe Sannder* is serio>i*Jy HI
mtudlP- blood. O'
Mitt he needed. This imlud.-s *-l:.--s
Kd Monroe of Trav.-r-' fity »* vU
tUt-roxTEH rilJJt
Knee s ullo'ran. e. w liieh Is »4" I-r -DERRICK'S Sl'riVI
Have you private papers containing
m the Hrcr in < l.-r. j purify tae
ma lln. aunt. Mr- J Wmchcoin''.
raonlh. Ibe rent td her oflhe »:. <«• per ptotnaefa
atsi trow , aii'l met a# :i and buntinc.
business secrets or prized articles you
laouik and telephone »:•«'•« month tori' oa the entire -stem, price 2*
RolK-:l Crtima. «ml fam>l> »>»'*
mn a lev. Ol'xe,- lj;*> ev|>eliars
. tL.1-' I- '-'I
never part with?
movi-d to lomsins. *h.Te they hax«»t to he used tor eharilv TbesHar Eaptrianco.
l^xuRhi ■ home.
How to keep them is well answered by
he *<-ltJil need* ol the 4>urea

—1-—on* eaa
mo'■airy on the work suts e*sfully. and it
a First National Safe Deposit Box. which
•very organization, business ftriu and pBoBOKt»r.:.V .Mrs. Ebert — "Wen; 105 on the H K |•rnndal1 lann se.-r
is accessible <Hily to yourself or your ap­
•lUien wtll feel H-their .liiiy .io help, alofe t.u.- nsishUf Rot'hl* 1 know my ilotiroe renter,
Mr Vanastrum bR* rented the 't
lo matter bow ebiall the donation bulhand ha- ,:..d-iatauase 1 n*v«
pointed agent.
fnimm farm .
nay be, Ihi* lari will Iw easily ar- beard him use U.
Our vault custodian will be glad to
Rineed l,el /-very oue consider 4thuteodin: hi> mother', funeral. re:unxed'
sili a commlttxs- of one to help
Toe Micao F?e*
show yon how secure and private your ef­
as It xsu lisii onR ^acr- too to lanslnc Monday
this work. Ail Btoneja can Ih' i-ahl
fects willlieln the vaults of this bank.
11 Hobbs of Traverse City
i'.e members trt the tltunee .•oiuiuiM-* miibv wfceii -.s,n have neiiraleta. don't
Save Ji- f»«v. yoo-niay need‘t Rucft of Hr Hark Ttitedty
r and .Misa Kl^e..■ iiU'
£>■; rid »'f t'oe i.e'it.ilRia by apThe Cleaners will «lte a box social
oa wo have befo^ mated, and every' |dyin««R.V.NP S PAI^-Kimsn
officer aland* reaoy to ejqilaiu,
M.AtlH' OH. naesi llrib* lb «he Friday evemloi:. Nov. •*. at IlaietVorlJ for Tb.-.iinaiism.
neuralRta. ball. to whi<^ too puhlle are eordURj
maiien that V* >><”
U»ia CoUwl oi M U S. Tm«.t
Mh» Knee* t^ite i* in the Inirpa. eat*, mmp eolle. fflarrhooa. invited to attend
sort throat and. pleijri*y
Pvlee »
Mr. Yeoman was called to Kiagsto.e
Stiiberland hlpck, *oeond noor. opiio'
. pi'r bottle. all drn«- m aeeoani of the nertous Ulbeta of
olte' Sielnbert Brow. (tore, r^m j*.





Exhoes From The
. Oldar Times
TaMn from Qniai TrmvM* Hftraitf «f
Thirty Y«*r. Ag«.

front U Improved In tbe same Vay
new fences aihf iddc^aikS 'lta«o
been bnili. greatly to tbe ImproveMent
of that part,of the town.
Lymaa Siuilb. an old nwldeni of
(Irand Travi-rae, died at lila home In
.Monroe Coaler tbe first of tbe Veek.
Mark Cnrtiss has left a Lhirlivas of
Uldenberg apple at tbe Herald ,wbfch
tnoasnles X3 Inc-bes In rircututerencc.

' Traverse Gly
' lo the Making

The relation of

ImprovcmcnU Which Hava Been
Mad^ During Fast Twelve


Thw*d«y. *«#y. 21.
A few Travel c CIO friends of Rev.
' AhiHbvr taim of >ton« for the aay.
B.-U. Bwnetl base piYaented him
'mb wbk n.-cHtnI ibis week.
wat)-b, Biul
with a handao
On.- of the biggest lujprvvemcUU t
chain, to giako good that stolen from 1-YoDl sll«ei baa been lb erection o:
Tbottsends or boshojK or ai>|4va are bb bouse by Uorsl-Js lani week.
the SuJ^i £ Price bull 'irt. ;it uo jx
Mbs BUppeil from «hu point.
peudliuie of aev. ra' lh‘.<'s:iii-Ja of d-il
tars., replacing a building Uuit liuJ
The lot-n/employed In llsunah.
' J.*8icliiWr2 lAs isTi up an oleian] ft Co.'s store have porciiased a beau­ becri in cuaUmioos use for iu-ail> inow siKn lUt w«<ek. ibe wo^ of Mr. tiful ysebi for their osji use hn Jlie venrs. Ail Uu- ih‘rt-c slun.-a on Hn
. - . « •
bay. Iter dituenshms ar<- tT feet Over grcniud floor wcr.- u<-cqpied -vs soon
all. 12
three Inelics beau. 3k fool as tbe buikliuK was coiupU-U-d uiui
W. V. Ilaraba has sold flu: W. K. keel, cabin kxlT feci. It Is cialiiic-d
ver) short time all oflh-va oli
HMlfieo house and lot, aouib side. i ahe has never l>oen l-riaien In s)>ee-l. the Bccood floor bad occupants I'p
Old Miaaloii for »I,5W.
It Is a very i>reity additloa
the sail- to-date buUdiugs an- alsajs allrn<tiv.
Ins crafi of the bay.
,1b uuj- clij
Krt<obort) OarUnc-r has 0(wd<nI hU
Steele £ Tlliis luve sold to Jos.
Itua £ MourcH.-. <>.1 accuuiii uC-lbcir
Slorer, of .tuy <-oimiy. Imllsna. the old Im-n-uslns bualiK-r, had :j. Imild a
coaniy fsmi owned by Judge Camp­ tiOfooi addllioii to Uu-lr i.llHuid parbell. for
Tills Is another sale iors. making it one of tbe luusi mod
by this lirni of one of the flnesl fami^
tbta part of the sUli- Tlic>
isyiniu, baa Moved, his ain<-e
in tbe couui.', about three aniI'UDe' ____ . an cvim-iiim; of several huii
liSBet'h buiMins to the axyluiii bair tulles from Traverse City, isw dred dolta^ hme- relllU-d th.1i liowl
arrt-». M acn-s Improiol. InilldinKs Ii.r alleys and now- tlf ri- aic i.oin
fair. The entire fanii Ik lit excel­ liuer anywbc-rc-. 8ur-h luiprovVui.-iilK
U. Uwruiler left Monday tuurniiiK lent sliape BUd char of KtutiiiM and allract the uttculiun of the- visliori.
or a vWl to hl> old hon>o In Mon- the Hiu acres of lluilt^r left Ik of Ihc
to uur Hty; and cull toitb utsii.v nuidr
tmal, wberv be has nut been In six- ver> liesi grade of sugar maple, bcecli.
of praise
elm and basswood. The land b Ict el
Wlieu ihk. addlikm was (vmu'h-l'-l
and easily toltlvateU. It Is a fln.- I0U gave- the ritlxcns' Tokiilibiii- C-m
i. Kins and «He of Aldro are rtoli- rslion anil .Mr.’Stover has secured
puny an opporlpHlty to Ukv jtir- . :
. kiic Mr. Klns's brother. J. It. Kins, good bargain. business, and tb.-y bavit. sih-hi.
and will pcrbaiis loeaie here |>eriii
{.'■.(HU 111 iHi'ilpiu.-iit and arc no".
Tbe Heiild Is compelled by the f
acUveiy at work on sllll llion- Im.
gueney with wbicli the request
obk-li ibd iMiroUK wi '
Aarnoe wfshins to take a boy to do made to decline allug<-tlier the use
srcntly apprcclat.-.
- aorrs and no to srhool will tdeaeo bi>-; pWhtarr pocltr- , No one but a fti
10 l*ror. ItnrkbeaJ. wliu van recoin- baher has any 1^ of the giivount (if
As great an iui)irovcui.-iit ok cuuh!
ubildary poetry written. Some of i'
It very rrcdlUhle Indeed, 'hut tic- Ih.- made 011 lb.- sli-ccl vkus ib<- r<One of Ibe Ahm eraininn jobx
great mass Is only a Jingle of rliynie. iiiuvlng of Ibe unsightly usning of
■Insie In tbmn has Jual l>een <x»ii|>^-leil sometimes not even worth)- of that till- Uliigbaui projK-riy. occupied bMf. J. Hobbs tor bis meal umrkvl. It
for Ur. CannlnBii. at the IVoiit Streel distinction. . Tlie only c-oonw that <
is U-ii.K replaced vilUi modern awii
boiM by L. Babin.■
be adopted is to deellne the^iite
iligs. and lu kccplug with Hu- n-si .>f
sneb comniunIcalloDs entirely. '
liofic our readers will ix4r thb In the sirwt. giving the store bulldiu:
unifoi'-iu aiipeunUKv.
mlud and iioi compel us to fefuhc |>ei-


was Never
more Forcibly
than Now-


sonat npidbwiious.

Friday, No*. 22.
I'nWu Thanksslvlne aervicos
be held In Iho BapUsl ehun-h
eleven Vriock a. ni. Tharsda.'. Novesiber SOtb. Rev. W. K. Seabi-r of
Ibe CoBSmVitional rburch will preaoh.


Or. Join B. K’bke. tvcenily froiu
CalboBB cboBir. box locM In Traveiae Oly and oiienMl an olTlo' «ti tbe
liotdswonh bulldinK. I'tiiou eircvi.
Hortb of the bridge. »
Joha A. rorry A fo. Uke the in.1
pasa In today's licraU aiul I
■naHUitiMl to say In regard to
hor*Mboolng and blsckaailih work

. U couilna and ('. 0 .Mo<-e
Cs golM to give aiwtbtr.on« of lib bln
4bm«b In iibtWT hall on CTirlMouis
■Iglft. Everything «I1 be ronducted
as nsttal. r. <\ bdng asalsiod by bb
nrwt class mnslelan and *«ls dark'
hb Bsital place. „ Qai of the bc«t
dances of the n^(er' tuay bo exiiecn-d.
Ptor rurtber i^lcnlarw see bllli n.

Tim many fricads uf J. II.
or Blair, will be pained to learn o> a
vapr serums aorldeet which bs-c!l
I blui on Wednesday. While working
I Uie bay press bis right arm UtsaiiKI raqgM'ilg tbe machinery and
Imdly naagisd that ampuUUon bcivaat^ Brecssar)’. and tbe arm was
talHM oir Just below the elbow by Ur
Is a sad uilsfurtuae to so
ac«8& inaii In tite prime of lire, and
Mr.'Mtakw will tiave the b'ratty synipalhy OC all wbo know bhu.

One uf^fhe finest dlslrh-l M-bool
muses in this l«rl of the stale bas
DM been eornplHcd In fraciioiial db
trirt nuruber one. l-:imwood. it Is lo
rated.on the gevgraidiiral conicr of
the four towns of Garfield, lain;;
laike. Elmwood and Solon, and on the
county line between Grand Traverse
and I,eelanau. The building Ik 2lx3fi.
Willi II fei-t etdlliie. bSK a stone four
datloD uiid Ik flnUhe>l IhrougliuUI in
the very best manner, and with tbibest material. Tbe eutrati<e
eeiiler with a cloak and liai
each side. The main room Ik watnacoied and tbe eiilire building Is lath­
ed and plastered. Tlie bitlldlDc is scal­
ed with the iwteiiled Vlelor dedt. Tincost aboiil »S«0.
iCuaitp of this idncc has -done 1
eelleni Job of lalnting Inside and out
There arc two btaeklioardK. carl' 3x<l*
feet, and the Iniilding U provided with
a fine bell. Tbe lotion is a fine om
the lot Is nicely ’graded /ind seedcl
and early in Ibe spring b fence wlU
be built. U Kroupa Is moderator of
the dthlrlrf. J. 1-: Cainpbi-II dlreehir
and.I, W. Shane qKKcwaor. J. K Camiiliell. John Hoxle and Prank All
form the bullilli* comiulttec. and .il"!
entire'dlKirici Is nmeh pleased with
cBe work of Ike contnilllee. There
about GS sehotars In the dislrpt aud
,lbe average allemlanre Ik nlxmt 4".
School opened last wyek with MIf
IJrrie lies as teacher. There are man'
of ihiK eharacier no'
scallpj**! through norilvern Mlcblgaii
wrhere ten years ago were but tli.
rudest aud roughest loe bulldinp
and where li{ many cases no s<-hot.l
bouacs Were uvoded These all riM-at
well tor the growih of the eonntry
and tbe InttiUgenre of the settlers.

•- w ■

Tbi- lluuillton I'loUiiug rompaii).
believing that uiodcm show window;
orv one of tbe best lu.tans of aUv.-r
Using, dficr InvestigBiliig aotue of ih
best In tlx- eouiilry. ■dciiiled lu rullu"
original Ibics. viltb tbe ivsult
lliul Ibey now baVe us ullruillve a
froni wiGi show windows un.l
ICC as .vuu will find. Increase.!
trade from the start shows them 1I1..1
Ibey did not spend the sef'erat i-ui,«ir<-d dollars In vain. Tbi-y have ali.’.ill.slall.-d Mume of the newest ..oi'i"
(till for Ibe display uf'llicir puu/
Tbe J. W. Millikcii I'oiiipany are al
ways uu the lookout tor Ibe iH-lte
of their store and for ibe <-arot Uieir pulruns
This scasun th.-;
have' repainuxi and r.nleturate.: ili yntirc (niorUrt- .-.ini moved il..- .,ni(. .
ear of the store, giving mui li
additional -|.ai.- lor ihedispla.v .>■
t-v>- lines tbnl they liuve pul in.
Tlie ekutk and suit dii'anui-':t
the iMw-iU'lil hut veivlv.-d as 1..1
i.lU*ntion as any part of tl.<- >>l.
New- racks hun- liceu addeiy a 'i
llglillng sysleiii iiiKtalled. and Hie
tKralloD dopanmiiil lhal fterclof
ill the iiotlh end 01
the cloak room, and tin- old altera
Hon mom liaH been ebaligcd lu <1 re
an.l dining room for t':- lu.:i'
o1 tbe store. Tl..- employes-> an 1.
main in re dnrlpg their meal liouiih.-y all CAB find -i .oi
plate for restiug. If il siionhi I.
•-tonny i.iere Is a gas pljle.^i.d oisli.-i
ifieli- iiKc in serving luii.-hevui. .Ml
the late maraziii.-K iir<- here fur tbci
pleaimre. Tills .firm will uImi i
wall pa|KS> lu addiiloD lo the 11
hold ftirnlahlugs Ui:it they have, an.l
building modern ratits for I'.i
display ot this line.
Mitllken nl'vuy,-. .|i-J*like fliK
»rs and f.-rAe ami plants, -ind m> Im
bad built at the rear of the builtlln.;
one of the bandiesi little er.-eii honsc'
a person cuUld liubelm- Tlr.
be used faf growing flow.-rs fo
her osh ph-asuri- and tor the decor;'
liopK In the store at various times
Kotlowiiig out the tires al.v-aiiy
down for Ihe Bliracirdneta. of'lU.
store ihty hav( divided to u-mpura.
lly change the show windows, and »;
have -loked Ih. li.vor tbit ojK-iud iu<<.
the Douglas * Kellogg shoe wore. diH
have -xtinded Ihc windows luck si>
Hint they ate flow Keren fe«t '.leer
instead of the old narrow siyj. ni,
(ilsplays niroadv nisdc iIi. h.,
provomeni and tbe window trimuiers
in use :belr artistic skill to tb.
ViiHlors v.ho hav.- come h.-rall rhrts ef the eimtllrv’ elain.
Travcrac city has ihe.tnosi attractive
window displays of any cHv in wbieb
they ever slopped.
■ (To be eoBtinued >

The rlllsee of PUe l.ake Is located
A new btaidismlih shop bus been
ba Oraad Ttaverae ooanty biwr life opened by W. if bMmonds In lix- alle--*
Un« or KalkAska on ibe U. H. £
In the rear of tbe Herald ofllee. and
rallraM about I2e udles aonb of two or tlif'e dor* east Mr. l-Mmoads,
0f»Bd' Rapids. Tbe town Is sUiatted has long been known Iq all ow ners of
oa Ike iMtitirul banka of Fife l.ake. horsew lu Grand Travi-rae anil now
osteadlug along the banks-of Hie take
to work for bluiself lesicad
fur the Blstanoe or BoreVtan a tulle.' of Komtwnc else. A m w hnlMiuB 1ms
Tba (aoo of the oongtr)' is grnerai<«'
d and Mr. kkltnonds will
raDlBg. The puputatlon U cstlmaU-d tie glad to see his friends who lime
frem I.MO to livu. The business In work In bis line
part euBBislB of fire general stores,
two drugstores, four hotels, three mllV, I'rlertyl £ (>. hav,- a lol of liand! Ilnaty atorra. tfarae sbeostaoiw. two to-.
iie cutters of rarions styles whlpli
i baeoo and liquor stores, a dry poods •
rasautactniV-l at their shops dur­
! and glaChlBB store, furniture
ing the snninier an.) fall season. And
I prtntiBg on«e. -Jewelry store, rssuu- for quslii) of material and exretlem
I rant, barber abop. two targe saw milla a-ortmansblp cannot U- excrfled. The
‘ one gtvtag MB^ymMit to a bnndtvd uivboUterink l» done at Beadle’s and
|haMa. plsBlng mUI. shintle mill, two for taste and beanty of- flnUb 1< sn|waaug and blackreiltb sboi>s.
jierior Traverse Ciij is doing -wme
igiiMC railroad ts in process of coonruc- flee work in this line.
tloR tor tbe imrvoae af brtnging a
John T Cram.'brothel of Jessie
targe guaaUty of tdne logs for raoou- Cram of ibta place, arrived wltb his
faetare. pBOUries for manufactnrtng family on FWday and will bmafter
the vast qnaattttas of hardwood b> make Grand Traverse his home .Mr.
wbkh Ua town Is surTouaded aRaxon- Gram came from Monroe conniy. S'ew
d and doubUaaa will bbeTaop- York, where he has been a resident
G08HE.V. N. Y.-Buton W Gllwon
entlon era long The village has
for nearlv .Ofi) vewrx. He has rented siudi«l ilm Bible Sunday and .legood school bouses and two Vhurrbes tbe farm of P Conlon In Blair town­ etared himself of I.Ik fate 'Hie jury
^re BOW being ereeted
ship and will buy at soon as be can whieh will determine his Innocuce or
plaVe that Jnst suits bbu.
guilt of Ibe rbarge of murdering bU
cUant. Mrs, Ron Mensehlq Sntlw. on
Tte UaptlR church lot and that ut
Greenwood lake, last July, will nyire
And Hla______ __
ktra. Ctbv adjolatec. t» WBablngtm
n» wk W%0 MItHB tor MMg *>*f* W»eiwm Gibson rays il wilt to.
^ i«ro« have BM grade* The rtre« In ^ tollbe'rty.-ProTwb.
;qui( Urn.

-r -

You’d look a long^
while before finding an?
overcoat with the style
and “balance’;’ of this.
There’s a knack in
obtaining the combina­
tion of qualities that
this garment possesses
which is hard to mas­
ter. But it’s such an
important factor in an
overcoat that we insist
upon our coats being
exactly right in this ^
essential feature.
You’ll find all our
overcoats perfectly
styled and “balanced.”
'N^hen you put one on,
it feels luxuriously com­
fortable; the “drape”,
and “hang” are perfect
Thcx'rc the faiiimia.

9orirt0 Vranft

make. Abk for Uie
*1?loriu fa ir** o vcrcrti t


find it Impos­
sible to Keep
Pace with Or­
ders on the
Better Grade
of Goods, and
it is therefore
the part of
Wisdom for
those in Need
of Wearing
Apparel to
Make Early
Selections, as
it will be Im­
possible to
many of our
early purchas­
es at any such
prices as before
This is partic­
ularly true of
heavy Sweater
Coats, Mack­
inaw Coatsand
other woolen
goods-rWhat’s the
Answer? Just
this: Get what
you want as
Early as Pos­
sible No one likes to
be dissapointed-

Sherman & Hunter


winter MxaJto- ti« icM cnTdr- “Tw* uM tlrffc « Uf^ ««u'c vote* »»l-! rto««J lb • oxw* ce the gnu ptat tor
Grtutr nx ,tiw ewxwb bad ctmi bMkn of prorbloo* bi ibe
tkWM \«i kno« becaoM yea “Jfk •» U*w« «•.
'<*9t tMttn. Uie first fr« raoks stul Cbrtstle Ua »ld cbongti u> aotk. tuc fir tnucji pfe- Cradjs ilUlr bouse.'bad cblef *moa»
t..a—. _ 1
■ ,v_ ------------ ■ - ... I.
* W.BH w _ _
/'►..j., I...
... ...
used w
«»t tb., PCSS and cel«T.
Tr> a taler, and Man Timmy Tl givethem re*uUrl). Tta Utae hen «as
frrred loafinr abool the
I anaobu v<« m baaerr )wttbs ?^ Me-|mUj a»»k.-«-Bo-ao*. «aa). wy fierce indeed * ben an>-00e came the more flumUonabh- slelalty of the There .uas a«t«i n-Welna wnow the
came*' The snaiU baW nolhlnt. Iai Itkea aood Rlrl! Doctor said .'e anwi near ber abode, and Dab;. Hnib, aho *lUa»e ia«em. Ills father bad died rotin*er children at the iUle rvii^ne.
ihe^ mere grateful,
eat. else
aouldat nercT gil aejl.' -ugsed" alter Ol.rlstlo almost ever?- four yean, belore. lust ifier the baby bu, Jin. said hat lliile.
ind VjtScd o-er
■»»«« Coualii Sarah open abere. was a good deal alrald ol the
I"™; ind Sirs. UraJy. poor, weak a hnn>/io get oni of algkt of the cood
It she was. had Ion* doev ^Ings so kindly given them, and took
‘*'\rrTi? T#o
ed .he door, and Itbod boWiur up U.O anxious inoibor. tbongh she lot.,1 to »Wn
I an* WbfMlatlbiia «f Mb ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
:t? Ing to control Jim He* Wong tramp In the woods
; NbfbM Yb«*f rrthb tvnahlw ^ A\'fao alveii
fighting for an apple, out in i.
111 bravel' with bis iso diabes.
* Wltb her other >Iutle«—and ihriv *"as *mo all sorts of nii«-blef and sa*
The .lav botore ne had (duektd the
wtroei. ud presently the bikger ho;
Tbaakftglvlng die- *»*
^or her lo do aboni the r*I'ldly becoming known tbrougbout uine turkeys and carried thrmto mar♦
I 1*111 try rwvbr t« awrry ae ♦
got R naray from ti» aiuaner one", aid ■ "llw Is
as a neVrdo-welL
where h» bad been paid a dollar
♦ frM bhout bfiytMiw.
•' •
^The wirai.
Dm .Mrs Umdy
Urndy waaa
wa*.a Imrd
liard working
worhinc and ten cents hplere lor Ibem. This

I win try tb bb M hwpy M I ^
bowever. was not yei. When the woiuah wlio. when health alk.w'ed bVr,
like beapinp eoaU ot Rrv on
whole the apple. •Wait a minute:" Horan »«>«nd tl*e bare table. - “Vou mu.
. bM bad mbkb •veryhady Mffiy ^
Tour-PreBldeni bu chosen
chicks were so large that <otb tlwy drived to kee|. ber brood dotlteil un.l |„» bead a^J^^-QjLwwiulottaJ.i.
^ W* “f ThsbksglvlnR
______ _____
B and to the kitchen, and brought back a r«'e thanks, jou know, even why
far •• I MIX

inlv soli fish but I thiiughl vou ““J
thollicr had to In* allowed fed. The collage ihoj' weu|led-lii- He felt a grw di'alWi
will try to ha iovtnfi hMpful ^ „oriea for you. finobedms. and hop»i great lound. roay apple, three times If
Kobn'ds la the woST-hraitm:
lOUld give
•ad Mad u avaryhady aad to ^
*,u ^joy them o« much at ahe oa Wg at the one for which tb>
ml w«rh of looking ooi for them b.- noihlUK for rent, and ihe ueigbboHug
, {urtber •-mlMixor i.. distpx
'♦ bwy Hvli»« Ihlao.

of mi. for the Visit.
lipd lN«b fishtlng.
!!i!d.i*T.?se?7^i.d*mrihr'n^Ti u* wn -'nycn.- who has ral«d torkejr fartuers were klhd t<. b. r.,1,^ ^at tdrds Don i.dd him all
H I «esr fall la trytag M «b «
-thsulcful,- and coftr
•Take •hlsV > *»iJ t'. lUe i.'.il- in ihelr lU^ li-’JawWna ch'Idren **»
chrlstl.-'* l•lau^ in r.-gard i«'-|he
# those thlftfik I will Try, try ♦
•iunshlni.': poems.
U»)-. -Are you hungry?"
<>fd fill'.- timuks’
They ran hither and thither. cha»- smak sud bring all hi* .efirhluB* Itome
begun to m-i- iHivnuaii
♦ agtl*."
A ChlWs Thanhoglvla*.
. "Xei. I her said he boy. «h.. wst. —Laura lx. ilkbanls. iu Vuutb's t'o.ii- ing the griiMlKipi* rs in the adkiinlng
he bad ticcu and i»>s giib.1 t'brlsiic
, I thanh^cc. lather In thi- skies.
meadows, or ravaging iIh- iNwy beds
Along lu Nuti-iubcr "Mr* tirady wa* was lu Mill *lviug her u-utb." as sh*''
very ragged and very dirty.,
^ •
r tVs do
uhl. b w en-bid out between the froui yviiflned lit h.-r bed w ith rh>-umatitm. ha.1 iiroiulsed.
“Out you will bate your Thanksgiv­
Iiorch and the road. An-1 because the but although sh.- .■ouhl "hm rise she
h,. burried awn> from Han'* vh-lbing dinner soon, won't you?" aak'-d
d Dwbwihsr fi, Ifibt.
Chriatla'a Ona-Tanth.
I thank tlu« for the sunny dsy
•'Tuf-kc.vb are a nulKance," .lecUr.-.! iHotber turkey r.» lame you must' not managed to wt up In lM^.(^nd knit h« aud It stx-uid to him as tbongh the
Rroaldbirt—lilba Clara SaUs.
And for the sleepy. lUrry nighl.
that she was slow of moveiuest- soi-ks and iiifiien.H f.'r l*u»y houseoKyuhlul he .-at of ilmt Thanks
' The Other nodded. "Halt fish and. t'amicr Ronnda. one moniing In early
First VIos FrssidbM—Mra. Mahal
ihu dinner. muM choke him. ik-lor.v
Varch. “Seems to lue I didn't doa:.y1 ibank thee ior toy faiher a anas, •"utemr be aald.
-and with what fun called a "boi*aU|* find tlm.- to |•e^tor:Il
such uecessar. (hr rejast was ivad.
fio big aud airon* to hold me.near
and-iuuj|.~ tisjil.m sUv W her hungry lask^. She hsd K ii
doing tome w.irk ^.vbion. whl. h. he had
turkey?" he aak.-d.
after 'em. I shan't let any set this
. , I Uisbk thee for my motbor'a taco;
brood Into all roria of uiihcbt.-f.
o( thi- kind for good
Mrs Kouud*. and him from .-liokitig ov.-r
"Well, guess not: - said the mbesr. year. Yon <ai. If you want to. moitk thaik thee for my dolly dear.
Ucforeib.-suniUierwasovt-rChrisilc ChriMh- was seat a
Tew days iH-foritIuii evening, just
whuae name was Tlnimy Jawklua..
«t. but )ou must look out for 'em
was ilr.-d tnde.>d of .basing about aft- TimiiksgUtng to get th.- work and lav
,am«- a low kno^ at the kii.-h
________ ___________ ___ ___
-Tlaiik iC" be .M,!. cuBr.- rm vo»r«,lIl,
, No- I
>‘Hlo birds
cr the butbcrsoiu.-birds, ilui she had Mrs. tindy for It.
m dtwr of the Rounds'hovM^ It was
That ehl my cnimba upoo'tbo aW;
^ Sit She cant i-W
vrve cnoort to wJo In the bouse pronilsisl |.i look out for them herjj,,. |«,.,.riyA>f the abode touched so light at fltst no one PHdieJ Then
wpmbar 1, Ifilg, t,»L
1 thank ih^for the preto snow
nah fitti."
nitbout Uklng rare of lurk.-js," wiiHtney sbe cxiwet- (;hris|,. gnafij'. The chlldr..n t'Urlstle went In afiswer to the sum
Of, tb. C™«. Tb.l'. ,,oolbC booD K.«.« ooi ,UU.
Aod be oem oS, robUifj il,; bin,!- „u,J bH.b Mr,. Boou,!.: -,ooM bef,o„„, „
She was so long in ciHilug the
iJ al- door opened that she did uoi hear ih.*
................................................. ,
....... -..»..u.u.0.o„rs..,. .....v„..b.
.0,0 .. ...........
'. Fhibcr, tip th.-re In the aklea,'
“I guess I will." said the fanner
hcaaon'a expert- ,i,„ugh lli. r.- wa* fu. l in abundance lu raiW fo..*i
cireallug down tho
Hear tub on this Thanksgiving Daj. *«wWtd fate, lie knew tUai thlr .I-.-- ,i,cmijtfully. "Thoro's only'Old tSob' ince of turki-v raising was all aba
about the ctdiage. tb. re lau.-.
Whs OlvM Ut Oue Thaitkaglslng And ple^ n-ad la mj- lliile heart
»''«» «» » Hlttc y.dlow cottage down
waut.-,l and that Mi*in«ii Turkey aa
||n|c or no provisloD* in th.So om- wu^ umsldc. but on ibe sloi>
Thn "thank Voua" I fontol to aay.
»»*e «*Wi Unc. and that h.- hv know as 1 con sell anywav. TIk- lame well BH her growing rbicks slioiild bv no„s.-. A few .|uc*ilons t-lleiied the was a -mall i«.-kage wrapiwdin white
On Thakn^lTlag OM Httlo Itoroihj
—Kale tVhltlng Patch,
hroihcra and elstero. ani (that ione. JOU know, mother.'
rarrilic.wl at Thanksgiving
the • blldr^i that in all i^ob- rluih. She carried It wond.-rtn^y la••

nioUier was ver?' iiooi-. l-ut he Iw.
' Kill ber.' Dan* i>rou|<tly.
\nd those turkeys did grow. They ability Tlutnksgtviag day would be but -.ide and oiieaed It on the acoured
a nod of Vr wise curly
Grace far Thankagivlng
never apiSven to him o.-i..rc. He ww. ftau was the only aon,of the farall: were all fine.large birds by August. ^ garcastu to ibem.
dn-sser. with her nuilh.-r. and father.
bead. •
Kor all Thy care and loving kln^- '“J” Oilnklng abou, tli-u when Hi, anO.dike all healthy boys, warn blessed and Christie was prBud of them. Two
..j ,y^w. what to do with mj tenth and Uui tHtndjng . urkHislv
The cook la aa bnaj- at bu»' oau bo.
aesa. I*»rd.
with a good a|>|>etllc. 'She won't mike of the eleven bad iis-t with aieldents.
.. ,-brUUe doeld.-d, as she walked fell a iw-rfe.t shower of silver and
And eorr •«*>. too—tor 'tla oa«}' to Accept onr thanka who gather ronud
hand .u-haud with fou very bad eailn'."
so there wer.- but nine of the young
,h,. copper colas, and. last vl all. a slip of
**“ Barslk and they aat side by sld."There. Dan's always ibinkiBg 01 his oneis left, and the nuMher.
Crad.*, "Tliose ebUdren sludl have lAper addn-ss
Cbrlrtl.8ke gtraa oa
Tbanluglvl&g Ulo-!\Vo see
Tby' goodopaa
in oadi perbocanse
they thought
it wotUd
me: -Unclr
’ declared
his b.father
But as they grew they det'elo|«l an- on.- gvo.! .Ilnner
^ The fa-w wcnl. the note con
anyway. They ------shall Bonn*/'
feet thing;
Ing. "I don’t know but 11 hav.'to kill other very exasperating trslL Oecamv tnrke. and i know fah.-r wUl lined (wjrsesas follows:
The r<y. tbs sea. the Wrd.,on
'Then Mary brought iti the lutktT hrr. She's only a yoar oi-] and will slonaily ibey would not come up from
...• ttve vegetables to go with It."
This is the Monv I Kol for Ih.*t>h. aa. IHUa Dorothyauwered Uu>
'happy wing.
looked alnic».t big enougli to cr-r.-v be ns leuder as half the poultry lo the woodlut at dark and CbrisUe
Turk's. Inn. borrv 1 took urn.
h;.6.asen in t
Aud otel?- Madclhat makes the velinstead. It was HkV-'.V l.-.,wt uiark.)t."
would be in a f.wer Of anxiedy tintU
There was no signsiarr anil the
-dadt totah of
tffioWe pour 4otp, ,1
mountoln. all smoking hot.
"Lei tuo keep her and raise
riling slvowed a lack od the auUtor’s
totoher took
yonng torkey A-«IJ rhrlrii.-. who bad think ihemselv.-s quite as safe retestm riTpipg Ao dlnaer. and golUng with hearts and lips lu woodcrful nc- «•
*‘s arms end legs
with Baby ing m the trees as at home under the
but the Hounds were v«^. well con
So The Ume turkey hen forthwith be­
cord »
ck»o to tu side*, and looked aa prouct
-ni take all the care df them shed.,
rlueed that they knew the wTller.
ttie toiaih ttoi I cook: ao 'Ua moth- u,
leeoimi the Wesainga on mi •• « it
«>“ atroUlng abo«t U:.- „
going tn do with the ’came Miw. Grady’s iwviwrtJ lu inosTho racket eontaloed ---------------ten doUars
or, iMi aap,
-Why. y.-s. you can have her It you money yon get for the turkeys. '*f‘”
Uchlng on.-dime and Jim Grady went
Who, «I«M M oar Thankwglvlns
And,lift pur voice* hymts of praise
ChrUr demand.-d Dan, one day, with
i..'cbrt>-tie'. tor- *‘Mout his new chithes until be earn
oth.*r jdans In regard t«> Christie'
Jim Grady. during one ol vlln
bis war- noiir.-nblr. how.-v.-r. Uifi be''hu.
For all Thy care.
Ac brc&et *
This was s f.ainr.-of the matter



I.,* »,, 1 »«ll



.... ............. .


tiafa kaowa.”
Help «■ to help the neitly aud ig- UlUe-Imprewsloo ou the great turke.-.
assured hfm. '
fore. »h.- had look.-d aUi-ad t , f,,.. dl!-covei;.*l
I blessing iaticad of i
.1, and at Cn-i liad thought
Bald Oofotoy. tkah. In a uattoeed looo.
The boy was elleui lor a malic, for
,h„ s.-tUa' of t.-r than th. s.-IIlng of th.- lurko.
*riw. ti.inii.r instiDit curse >v lo* motlier Blid the Jouuger
flat tocAtf aalW MaBIng: “You arc TcaM as idcpb richt* no true potsc
ws*. hungry *n.l .the drumstick*
for that Ume hen wants to set I what sb.' shouM do with the money
aroused in him and he d.^ children.
a« righi yai;
•'were very gaod. I*rescnily. howevyr.
Bjig* ,he jt«ip f«>o vou'U need obtained .from thdr sale bad never
. j|4> u tasting inllueace for good.
teniilned to trap th'
4to ffiAar-Hto BHroa.nto the toOM.v
And irraui to oaehtoat hc-nuy often *»*
for 'em. and you can have all th.- - nirred
however, she
• Of course Uis coveted mug and tip.
to^ •

"Jlusl people give thanks wh. a
to ihlnV.
- .. . .posalto wxko
wvr.- s.K>B In Oh.fs.le’s losstosloa
. The «<r‘T' *»
Some to Tbeo of Uanyihlny to ylv. jbrr.k.-Tiank '..u, saM I'hriMi-. delight
tl.-ano-d Miai
and I J. c5 Min- that -l.c enjo'ed them
Tor s.vv.-x.i soason-t'l.rUtU-lad
all (Ik- Diiiic li.-. uusc ol tl).- .■nc-I.Vilh
niucs worked
To prove, 0 Guardtah: a worthy ward.
•‘^^'hr. wttot do joa laeai.. dear ba.v '
..„uh; Vou'll gel sl.-k ot it. l-hri*.' ,-rMlv lonx.-d for a muff aud fw tip»® ebccrlulli given -Our Bun
Bat Atbff ka«: "i adru too anitor.
all Thy care.
Ever?-one ha* eomeUtlus to be tham i„n. wTowa nttle dhw>but finanfes-w.-re low with fkm- ‘ff
^®®‘ “

grci imlnuil In the protvpeci of lo4ng an ,t Hounds, for «» «|« •«
^Uae: ,
-Edward U\ Barnard, in the CHlerioo. <«*•/"•
®i very *"“*
n. iJShf “i tbL- turkey.
the Wtoowr’a Hidtocy Nuts
deal." .
oppotttmlty to gel bL fill of mrkey (Aid tor and hi* .-xis-naet were h.av
iht 4»or Aieae sot a groat deal o
j the harder ft seemed for him to give
"Vea, I know 1 have?" said the bo. ..j,
'roun-l aft.-.- 'om last
would hav.- U.H-a usel^s for her
._e lr»v.-* of the biokoiy tr«fS had
"1 have papa ud maAu*. and you
to. you
ig.'^Now, bowevv.,
the battoRT. too frooar. whoto OUuiPi
Tbe orchard and vineyard.
* “ turned a deep gold when Be* and
------- hero he nn his eye over the ;^nid;.’i want to nb-o 'em"
',|ih th.-turkey money added to what
warn .lothlng.
The gaiden and field.
, Uertk- Orc-n went nutting The very
ttbla—"Utkey aod cranberry sauce ju, Rounds latiidied again at ihl.'.
-he Ud already *av.-d trom her mod- and easy
fibaai< not be forgottea, for they
-Hare given their taarviato.
finest nuts sn-w on «itae tree* ttol
and 'niasbad pouioes and rice and
-jf .-ou don't haw to chase ’em any ,-j,i allowan..-. it was possible that the *"bat “c wanted,
And great la the ytdd.
. pato tftgg I. '
soon knew the verj tew in the
„«rt*ide halt way- u|. a.
grwry, and celery, and whsi we arc
i),n dm youll b.- all rlglH. .oveud niuff and ilpiw-t would be
Win 0ve «• oar Thtaksgirlag INogoing to have for dcasen. and "jj rbrUlIc. Come, son s'posc you go out j,trs.
i '
All thanka to the rain
•imisnb-ible for Christie u
everybody. WIveti Ih.guinea pig*
«d eha.-e round after soaie stove
nut oue thiug iroo'jlcl h.-r greeiif • “
And the geuUe auiisklnc.
"But must people be th;-nkyul fo'
J see vou didn't fill up th,-box-sUe .w-as an liom i.i little girl and she kw «h.-m,
-Oh. I»V K ftiaayr. told . Dorothy.
That ripens the grain
sell fish and, poutoew, when tbey
^^ur mother last night.’
.-oirtd not i.illle the fact of oue duty i^neb .«ch tore
loud chtilering of squirrels up m '
.toto: bsven'l
^ABd 80V.-I stuipoto. if I aaked.tfatoe
Courin Sarah thought they mnsv. b.i.j^
ami reavhcl for h^
Her tstber snd motber^ wwe
iva am.
All thanks to the dew.
tu ftootr, toe btttoer. about It.
The wind and the aod.
lop bninriw>-, The rest of the
thaffV aay
And, above a)l. and lu all.
Vu.Md^ his d. u.ustlcka. fiuirited Ibe
i , „«t me lo h.l,. y..u take
and ,mi ot this amount toe th- house to fe- f-d. b®« ri''b.
ft gnihir i« -aoBfbadir ehm uM Mi
pov ivountlful God.
lote.'^tiH >'cld-d 1.. tcli.i-ralVM’
II the MmU 'They eafi
tog far o
•-liSdreii lui.l Ix-i-ii taught tv gtw Iheli
varo of tlu-iu. Chris, for I w-on'i do tl
—Selccicij Uwl and ifgan on the ee-vod,
was) a luooiiUKlH ntgl.i and Jim break. yoL
“ a||d
, Ben. "tbey a
aiid with that warning he d.n«n.-l.
tube to charily or to sonic CbrlsHaw
PreaegUy he said. "M ill : o..
Who ffltto «■ w ThaukaglviDg Dln«o sirong lags so lough." W'hfle they were np to a
But Christie was not *o easily dis- obk.t. One-tenth of all she had hert- s^lwl
»«»« »“•« »V*«- <'«u»ln Sarah
A Tha
nine o'clock an-1 'oun reached tree they saw; a pale^aced old lady In
'faiher. we thank Thee for the night:
Tou' I have had heartened and she niw out with Huth .ofore receiv.-d had btvn used to this a^"'
where the tnrkeys rooaled.
fottag.- acroto the next field w»ubroty-poly liitle midget of w^y: ivuld she spare such a ptvpor- toe
AmI gooe IHUa Oorotoy board with And fwr the pleasant mornlug Il^t:.
For rr*t. and food .and loving care,
The boy drew a lorn:
long in g-tiing up atnoog them
.fler ot she had m-kon.-l on il.p«r
•eiough to isu*.-?
hare ihc rAst of 'ai* turh.y" ' i^.y tad Uvn uufortui
That hor gveas about grocer and And all that makes the world so fait
• he s-;red the sMontsnea saW Bertie 'hlaybc sbes very i«Of.
vou who have plenty rnhy not tuMy mter i
batcher «M right.
IMn us. dcur Lord, lo lc"« Thee uoi te' told, in a tone of totisfartlon. "be brtxik her leg »hi-u sb- was a cblck
.uaa mamma told Mary- ah? mlKht
an.i ,h,- fractured bone had knit in. r-aliro bow -irong
.-irong a lewpUllou
tempUllou thU
thi. bird*
mro* ou.i
njlt'l^ trfTlw'tof and <an’t get enough to rat when Ike
The groore aald ha only hept in hit Than we hav e ev.-r lov ed brfon--.
•-now is d'Vp. It's a long »«' fr»>«u
, u.Btfuer ..
as to n«k« her -'k
walk -----------t„ Christie.
With-all the Uirk-y
lo 01OI..I- »liu 1.™ «: -I after
4lt.,r wv
Kind to all others may we be.
uelghbori." “O pshaw. Bertie.; said
»he w-ould bareU' have a suffl- they all m-t ;h- aov untidy
miytblog but graectuU).
What AUtor Mfl tanner bad brought Thus gn wiug dally mo--.- like The- w-era done.”
' the lk-n.''ouareeiwftysso«oH-h^*d—
lar up among
Coiuiu »*r-b looked at Li u In-,hb, a^f^rmity she had thrived wonder- ,-iei.t sum Worn
like » giii:" ".Uiywa;'. 1 wrant.a
.My dior myc boy." riu derfuily aud wt* larger ilian th'-oth.-r »iK.le teSith to gl»tos—it waa hardTo balp for toe Thankagivlng Din
could nn r.«?h bi-r.
drink" uid Bertie, "and 1 am jBOlng
Hid, “wha do-you innn? Ti..- rsW*. tun* and aluio't aa Mj: lu-ibP old But .luty prcvaile-I In to.
A Dally ThanksC'vtog
II,lie lo««- loi 1'"..vri»l,.o uid.,«o.|vr,
When each doar child
but her Wind nation th.xt tnorntog pt tov.iy aobrr. “Stv
die: and .ny*.-.y you couldn’t eat lu!. .Sevetol day* tai.-r . uelshbo.-lng ,he wufi
"•'J””.- w„,;^,eM when only the
The Xtty oM-buttoar laughed loug
I* kind and gv.
'That woman
ol tC"
farmi-r. who perbaps lad had no ev a-ould h.- trer-on itl* r«toi at least, toun
a,„p,ranco at
tad lanthcd toad.
TwlU be Tbatiksgvving
.htld to do an.'hasn't a husband
“By Tlitakaglring turkeya do mah -I toll W„, 1, men: ■ la- *>, p,rt.i„v-i.i. imkov. oi-,i»
‘‘'if',..ikiM.»«r sh,--i. .i m....«
Kvery day.
ibiug for tor, at
me leal proud.
did hoir to W-' '
Jawfciiiani. because they have nothin.; Bound*, imn-fia^^.-d the gobbler and
turkey, sliouH W hc-r iltoe. A I
And one% tor-your dinner: but tbeii
but- Silt fish and poWtoeA and 1 am ,hc ofber tour hens, itavlog lUe tome ,h,- ihxnksg.v.nK .vcw-on approached rt
nii'stop sin- Bu* «o im *hi- eouW *--1 •«
Tha Soy'a Tha
The tWMM S»
U was Thpnkagivlug Day. and the afraid they may not IraoW that they one tor Christie. Hc-i- fath.-r ba-l M «-as very wldvm ibai the motoer lur- ^
fc,a dlsai-i. -r- Uw-ni for her. la­
els; wv«»ngi-i
er. asd an.
boy was sundlng to Iho daorw-ay. ought lo give thanks for that.'
ready obtpinc-d the setting of
hFy was growing a* well a* toe yoMg ara
romal.-ed. bor and tor th. squli
».-lh-r on
'And Ubt
»le glm yw JW Thanksglvia,; wwttolng papa and nvamiui get loiu
Couiiu Satah thought it very pro> snd MlstrcscTurkcy took up h.-r quar- oiu-*. ami *Ue »a* lar Urs.r than

ili-y did. Ti.ey look then.
DtoWr." ■

'thc carruge. They were going away. „w«. fvoB. wlu: too knew of the Jaw-u-r* to an old box in th. 1 hc-l, there of ti.- oth.-r»
. ,. . _
,nd .v.-n Kan did tio, have
• :>ii souian. aod siwe«d
though they dW uot want to go at kins faaHy. but she lisi.-ced with 111 10 brood upon fifttvn egg*.
Fan.vr K.ium.* devUr^ that sw 0
b‘d-1 • r tor h-r .-srx.
in ti.T attic, and «er*«>. Jio. Vi Af Armor. Al teat t'vo ^IL and the boy had to stay at home, lerest to the boy's gtory c-I^out Tluim;
Hunvan nature j* prone to Ipok lor- ^oul l i!p Uic scai-^ feathers ^d aii. toe
bj..-said b-r to
r tor doing It
(oOBd OBL*'
though be wanted lo'go. Things aom- Jawkins. the apple, and the- salt •'**. ward to posibk- .■vent*'and therefore at not au ouw.o le.» than olg ^
, un-..lingly. “iliouili i... »t>uW
aLij OOfoAr. A«I W'lA a glad Unto ttnic* happea sol
Then ahe roso and said. "Yoj t ...II jj was noVstrauge that Cbristid *hould pound.-. K'cry morning sue led
_ »,ca»P
_ . h*» stolen
Statue'a Silent Sani»e»>
Tapa and mamnia had u> diue with take the turkey to theai. dear tv.: -.yunt bbr ihkiun* Uforo thA WeXe adcauce upon t’>e .-bwuiot im-»
»n ^
mi'.e got tb- old hen aa' I '
1.^-1, the- U a »i«oe erettod for
•hriii Bailormu*tgo to toofarmer for
Auui Briggs, bec-ause ahe wae ulneiy I am aur»-it is just whst yoar u .-i.;!.* hat. bed.'
Kiiteen .-eg* m*wt. of ;i.,, tijgv of tb.- timber, an ! t
w - ,!»uldnt woodvr if
t.rtaga Rood
..mus^e purpo*. ol deoooming
5'*'"’ "•'*
A’*®' '““'d like.
U:d?. I thii.l. y
. ".d .^urs.-. fifteen young farLc-y'^ bnd fit- gmi fyau had to 1- eariy vi
Sot dMla- au-l a half “ murk-''
rU- lerrible tnije. used by fanners and
The kutTfftbtt blm goto the ' ur- Briggs dW not Ifte boya- 80 papa aod have lo let me eirry U for yvu. tor veen turkc-y* would bring at least -hcv- th, > would pick up any ot thv

in order to .ateh wild animal*.
e Wtore e gnidy blrjl* a
mamun looked v.-ry sad u tory It U almost
as big as .'ou ar.-.' enty-fivc .-ents aplotv aiThtoikiglv
kaya wp eat:
I'hrUti-'. in a broken voice: 'Ait
-n,.. „iato- d. p>. i» a Urge molir with
t kissed their bands for good-by. an-J
80 Cousin Sarah took it.-turkc? >ii- ing tin--. roayW
: Yea-ha glroa ua our Tb*
, I,..,.*
s-cn lec-o v;for Mr*. Gradyon.r foot caught inspring trap Thwhen the boy saw- Aat. he tried to Its great 'aluc i^att-r, an Ithe boyWe
But. aliboUKh the lame
O' A.- lime h.-n wl* Lv lar Ac Urgr«t-Soncen*c:' exvUttUVd Ae turm-r.
,„e laQe of tlwlook 08 If he liked to be left bchlad, A« grauberry cause ir. oe. baud. anJ toientlo;is were undoubl
which SuTW bc-HB Atook abo-ut to,decide "111 takr her o'or
h“ "rr"o;’Iv.!!fr^'i^
*«ut yet an Ao oAen had someAtox and smllod and kissed hu Ivaml to a dish of apples in Ac other, aud off best, still circunuuno-w
Arm very cheerfully,
*he had onK partWl control Ca.used bow Ibc ieaih sliouM
TTk avIUer aad-Tmtcher aud gro-er
But alte." Aey.weje goue. he IkH
The people whom they met lookc-J Christie's exuviattoa* 10 diminish i.-*t alvaciag. Chyo! W** going A Keal Ac oAer*. If M Jl.du; nave
jisey who Weve m iL- IvahH of
bOpad. top.
very aoUtaxy. *0 be thought he would vety out* aurprisod .to see a y-ouna along wiih the egg- .k hem with a
The Sueday
discardedpected to s,.uj B itox of .'lorhiTigrio some poor bi^vH linger in the- pie
, «>lng siring trspx
ksS then there wutaAerand mother go and feed his-guinea pigs. He tool, lady carrying -a huge turkey tbrougu broken'tog <an bardi;
thrm ax a re.uH of tfie staftM's sitont
and root
‘"“b****® leaves aud th.-v the street, bd t'ousin Sarah didn’' cover fifteen «iss a carvfuly as a .m-opI- out w„r. and she ha.? about But Chrl'tie wojiW n
and the “trapped wolf," as If
her mon-.-y In tW* , 'It U my
■ovir Salsra knew' how »at}y «t ate till their-eye* aiood out. *o Ae care in to- k-asr for t' ut. but only hen wiA sound leg* and « as Ac
ran off,
has set oa foot a movemebt
spproaYbed for
for —---------Ac- youp; tur ccay vh,-n
hoy Aought they' ou^t not to bav-y ihau^.bow preay he boy lookod. time approatbed
_ _ by
. • hsne-*hc dBco'vred
u. ;:.duUv; 4a a »blch-«Bl have lar-reachtng affvrt*. ’
Ta at*, as our Tfcaakagltiag Wn any more, and loiA away the reel of trudgiag alnug betote her Itoldtcg hi. k-?'* to break their shell*. Aero were u,.w channel for tc-r. t»nih to ^ good- m nev -w
Ae leave*, which mode them squeak crauberrr Mure K-eenefuliy, and took- hot ciec-n whole eggs.
. About half a wile irom her hotuc. ;n good
RootuJider^titod b-i if .two'•
A Useful Mark,
as piUtolly’ as it Aey were rtarvias, log rouud ever;, pow and Arti to e.-e
Dan toughed sc-orufully when at Ibr ^
lotioge fai'l.' s'arroufidi-d
u an' h-r taAcf did ttot. -wd wiicfre The teacher bad Deed Mptotuing
So said IKUe tWoAr. WU ®f •urpripe. Guiuew pigs are like that;
If she wa* all rtgh:
Ac i.roud mother brought forth hcv ihe.Aick wood.
Bies »*• Chri-ti- api«-ar.->l a' dicoeT-tlu;-. wiA the use of tb- hj'pheB A her claas.
And foallM that now she had gro«B
He gaw the west of the cabbog- So 'ihw reached tUc poor liiijc -cot- smjU brood of downy JtiUe fellow*, named Grad;
ni.c-x o:--»ri5 :n »"’>•
yirx. R
Rounds when work
leaves to the nails that lived down Uge where Ae Jsw-kins.-e lived, end But Chriatlc
dtri»ri»v^- -vsteJ -'Irw. at Ihe ilm *’rt. rftl- noTto-nx «a* *uid alsju- -.or murk between "birds' and 'neat' In
T«r wl*
tiK. fonee: bo w-as sure they must thar stopped *moment outride., tac Eleven'Ut turkeys would bring her u fanutou*.- »s« vstromc-ly pressUu,'- ■eiling A. iBrtvey.
bird «-n«ii?' Itot rafter thinking, a
But whM «i pon Alnk?
. iH heulA aod had
' fetna It all <mt?
cMest being
Ur this thiiTi aUU more she lutgh' they used to eat were all withorwd an-1 walking Ur.
had ever osrped al due time hetorec
.everal chlldta
*0 mart*- »cf. »
Rnup-*Wift----' gdne “Hero IS vrmr Thankstlvlpa
TM-y hrtir.1 s rhiM .ninsli»«W-.
iltvtre*. Tarkrg »»d hw hrp»l weje of moreeffi

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