Grand Traverse Herald, July 16, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 16, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


aind Travormo




▼oLMn. .





Tba Past Nobb Oraod Hub of the
Orand Trarma Rabarca lo-lita .'to.
mat at tba boma of Mrv. W. |)
HtdlMar, Sir Waal Gljihtb ' airaat
TTtoraday aftaroaoB for a aorbi aflar
DOOB and Mactloo of oSleara. Tba (o|.
loviDS oSleara vara alactad:
PraBldenl—Mra. W. D. Htrillslar.
Ttca praaMant—Mra. I-a-a Horaaby.
Sacraury and traaaurar —.Mr». OUTLWS HIS PRINCIPLES FOR
emma CtaSpnmn.
Tba boataoi aarvad
cnauts vlth
dainty foomraraa lunebaon and at
•sUevaa RapubUeant Can Saltia Thtir
WhM One* OMMd Up Th«y Will
DEHcoltiaa WlAin Ae Party
Hav* to — iMiMalfNd Thai Way
Without Taking Any Oraan.
•r PrpprtMwp Will Hava
vaa ena of Iba moat anie.vabla
Boana apaol by tba idub tor
tlma. Tba bait maatlnc vlll ba haU

nrsnii imte 'iifliE


<Fmb Triter'a Baeord-Ba«la.)
rntTwae City vU is a ^rt tJiiia
W a BBcb ciaaMT aad baalihlar rliy
ttaa It baa baaa la tba pan. A boaaadaitiilac aMremaat haa ban atanad
by atata efficlala vhirta
ba earrlaa
out U a Balab. ao mauar vlip la
aautbt lo tba naabaa of tba lav. , ONE OF EIO EVENTS IN ORAND
Oaputy loapacwr W. T. Hulacbar,
' ar tba dairy aad food dapartiMBt. la
la Iba^lpr aad baa aurtad laraailsaiaaiNd Crop la Raportad From AM
Uoaa* tfcat faava ravadlad condlHooa
tbo Uading Waatarn (BleMwbleb tba paopla it tba alty vara aot
•an Orcharda.
awaro of la tba
Maae-». U P. Tlit«a and HaroW
Of tba dalriaa, naai narbata aad r»
.tanraaU'Of Iba city aad vbao Imar- Tltoa. u-companled by rapraacniaUna ol tba Wntarn kllchlsan C
Tlawad today, aald; “I hava aaan
opmanl bureau. vlaUad (ba PunI Roaa
plaoca la tba atat
frslt (urui near Frankfort on tba 12tb
« batler, and ^ou
. for aw tb^t I as aoins to atay bare lut and aacurad a niunbar of orchard
'uaiU tblata ary otaanod ap aaeordlng ecosia vlavi lllnuiratinx tba yartooa
to lav. aad whoa oara rUaatd op pbaaaa of tba trait laduit^ aa rarrlad
by Ur. Rote. At the tlma-of tba
tbay moM bt kapt clean, or tba ofrlalt Mr. Roaa vas praparloit a ablpfoadbra vlll ba paoaarolad
Oaa sOk randor haa Koea oai of bua- malit of- faacy rbarrlrv In len pooad
Cbicsso for tba Satur­
' iatpa. <WiMlM It cMapar to do that
than to paoTida hU dally vlth tba day irada. Thara vara about oea faunBMttabry csarMlaaeat for baadliag drad pirkara and paekara on tba frait
Ma milk aWNdy. Sarapil olbara hava
tata «a«M do Cbaane thair metbeda vera larse And ’ of food Savor and
'inad to lia a aplendld crop
Vltb^ Ibo' praaeribad IIbw or taka tba
cabaaqobacaa. tba city raaiaoranla upon the (reca. The (amoui KcHb
peach (vchanlx were In aood
hav* baaa follAad to Haan booaa
vbdt* U la Modad vltbln four da>v or condition, allfaouitb the .-top a( prachabida br tbb rtooli. Tbraa ouartar* ea la not aa larne aa haa been the
Bcnaona. Hera and'ibara
* bad WMB eoadamnad aad davara to ba aaan treen which had been
by tba taapoaior oa
ooai of btfbt In a dacayvd coodUlea. damased by cold weather laat vlniar.
of auch irera vu* not
Atnr tUBff bara boon aloanad np
■Rvot aa vaa fo be ex<ierted. contnibo jntttCbcUaa of Mr. Hulacbar ba
trIR iMvn lb dawnar of kaaptns Ihaaa alderlns the aevertly of the vipier.
John I. nibaoB. aecrelary of tbe
piacH la ptopw cendiikio la iba
baada of Ibo alty nwai aad njik In. Wealern Mlcttlmn DeveloiiBiem Iniwbo baa been lo IretoDd and
apadtor. oad nay rapon ibai iboy aib>
aot natat np lo the lav will ba clan Raflaad for the paat two monthii.
IwmadUia attaatioa. A parioAeal la- rmebad New Turk on the return trip
aad expecta A arrive In
npMdte by n auw offlctaj vUI alao
ba jMdn at aarknia tlmaa to imra rnvane City on Wedneaday nex
A maftlBf of (ba execoUre commlltbo*«of1MolBt oafTlad out aa It
abould iS Tba maon that iblniEa tan of tbe derelopmearf^reau haa
bSM ralW for Tbnriday. July Atb.
’ haft wmH,m tbk paaa la not doe
lM«e vba niB tba poattlon of kmtl at the oElce of tbe bnrean A Ihl* city.
laapocior. na bla rapom have baaa aa At that time rdani for tbe land abov
ba bald at Omnd-Raplda in .VovMatbay d9ld ba. bat tba
««— aad ntnta lav bat bar will ba made.
A Sna aet of pbMoitrapha lllu>
a by'thoaa tiihar op tor
eberry barvaatlaf bai been ae. Jr olbar raoaoaa. 'Sbia oondln ba MSPOd and any rtolatlon rnrad to tba Morsnn orchard on the
J )iE-vll] ba attandad to diracUy ouuklru of Iba rlty. Theae picii
illuatrata tba orchard Induarry and
, y tba atatt.
jmnjnn^etm vitb thia, voHt vii) abov tbe malboda for the barreattnf
^^•l^tba asniy anrvay that haa of tbe etop. Areordlns to (be preoent
^aanordarad by tba atata hoard ol •atlmau. ten l)ioumBd cnaea of cberbeakh. and vbn tba vork of both rlM vlll be picked the cortvat aeoaon.
dwortmaau la oondodod. (ondtilou aiAl thaaa bare been eontr^ed t. o.
Traverae City at $1.50 a caaa. Tba
vflt ba tar dtEoront than tbay faava
ban U tba poaL Tba nazt tbiw need- net returne from tbli crop will ba to
ad la tba nppoIntatoM of a Anltnry >e nelfbberbood of $8,000. Thla flvea
ttood Idea of vhat Ae (ralt Induatry
pobennan. vboaa doty viU ba to aea
meant to Ae people of Ae Grand
that tba lava nloor tboea Itnao
pnptrty brad np to m tba foinre. Travetae reitoa.
Tbia mauar vin ba prnoantad to tba
eoonefl la n Ann tima aad tba nppotatmant of aoM mon vbo bna tba
Rood of Aa atty at bann vUI ba
Haavy Drop in PHce Is Loaksd
Mr. Ratocbar mada aavarat aadlmant laata mm aamplaa of- milk
tnkoe from vaaooa and tba roanlta
vara avrprHlnc vtaan tba roaUoa
Chkafo. July ir._"Tbera will bb
axamiaA oadar a mlcraaeopa. A look > blB break In the price of puuioea
al Iba roanlta-dradt oaa to vondar ir 30 dare. - uid Wimapi a. W«*t
why tbm nra not nwra raaai of ahi- beat, sacraury of tbe Cbiiafo Po­
naaa raoiad from Ab mrra than tato company, in dUruuinx the potaibaranraatpraaani. Ha racommaMa
ootlook today. He daClhred Aa
tba porehaaa of a aHimni taaer by crop would ba plantitnl, hui
tba Htyto bp oiad m axan.miug
aSact on pricaa viwld nni ba fell imPlaa of milk la tba rutnra.
AnoUar onaa vbara tba uv vlll ba
OAer promloaot prodoea deaiare
anIWtod b In tba aiorar vhara
vara more optlmUtlc trad look for
rtan amd fivlu nra axi«aKi (or uia
ik .la the marfcat durln* Aa oaxt
The mnarbniiti vtU ba ramilrad to
day*. “By next weak there .will
kaap tbo frvU oovarad ba that tba (liai
I drop In prtcae of at teaei st
rannot «M to M y alaa proMda tfaebt cents "a busbcL" dactared l>an .'oyna
naaa for It. Thara ara otim- linaa of
Coyna BroAera. Sooth Watw
lumlnaaa that vtO coma oadar iha ryr aireet (oamtmkm men.
of tba Mmaanar and tba arork vlli ba
UinaeapolA new pMaioes
hapi op iinUI Utssa nra lo tba aendlf for 55 canti a huabrt. while
Uoo Um the lav ‘raquUw. It b dm Ae old oora are briwiBS m 18 c
tba Maotloo of Ur. HnlaMiar to proa- and evao lass.' Tbace vaea few
aeoto nayoM oaboa tbay rvfnaa
era from Chk-aim prodoaa mee for old
okay bta ordatn, bat it tbay do rafuaa
bra from HiniNMU. aa a majMto SM4 ks tba lav ba vIU aac that
tbay nn main asnwHm of u abort



’ It-.:!'”


m TUBERS uuiiur

TR.WEBSE COt^TT. 31CHia.\N. Tl'ESDAY. JI LY 16. 1012.

Meass Party.


Oyster Ray. X, y„ July 11.—Immedlata downward revisbm of Iba tarliT
la likely to ba opa of tbe demands ROOF BLOWR FROM BAU. PARK
by tbe new party beaded by
t'Moaal Rocnarelt. While tbe former
praaMant vaa non^xwimlUal tuuay
ratpudlDf ibe coorae ba voiild ui
tba niitafo cohvaotkm to adoirt.
I from (ba talk of a nu
bar of leodars who hava confarved
with r^teaal Roosavall In tba but MARKET WAS CROWOE^-mVITH
few days (hat tbe party douUlaat
vlll decUra for ImsadUla ravUion
AcordlBf (0 tba praoaai provram
la damand for bciIob will ba ra- Bevoral injurad By I
etrlcted A iboaa scbadnlas vbich la
Ball Park. PiwttleM Spot In CKy
oplnloB of the parly beads are
Was Wreekad By tha
obviously blfb. Tbe woolen
Big Storm.


lierliaiis the best exam|4ra.


hb year baa daetdad to atick by
Aa Taft ilrkat. alihooidi ba (aala aad
Aa ouirarae of Iba natloaal
vantloB at ('hlraso. ila baa voiced htf
.MBtimanta In raaard tovha altuatlon
in Aa folio* Inf latter vhlrb ba I
nada public.
Queaten Will So Brought to a Vote
at tha Hast Sprirq
~8o many iDijulriat hava coma
ir baadimartara rasardlnf my a
Ada on aoina ouaallona of public inAnJ
Mkh.. JJuly 11,—Local
taraoL t deem It propar at thU tlma
epilool forces are preparing A make
make a brief atataoialit'Whirb
not A any aeoaa aand out aa a plat- aaattira aSort to pm Waabtenav coondry column, and lookA* to
slnit of a rampaln for^ local
option in this country, a meaUni has
The' Brat quetUon Baked rand!
which it vas voted
dalaa Araa doM A 'Are you a pro ^rctlUle a petlileo calliBg upon tba
submit tbe queatloo of
froaalvar Moat asnrcdly; and my
roDord provea that ! am' not a roepot local option to the vMera of the coua
^ni;m to proyivaafra prlDciplaa. Aa
spring. A temporary commit
far back aa ISM. Govaraor Pidcrea t5a has been named, with Rev. Dr. 5t.
basan bb rampaAn for equal uuUon. H. Prult of Ypellantl aa chalnnan, A
by Bddraaains an open letter to me af- perfeet an eisaniaulon for the dren
ronfaranca oo tfaU anbiact. In
Lboae daya. It manat aoraetbln
vast tbe rouaty by Avsthlpe for
Ukaly members of a paraMkot eetn
mltiee. A special meeting of the lorqualnuncra. From that tlma lo Ale rul option for.-es will be held July
barn been tdenimed vlA Aat ele- M, at which time a permanent orlent of, arrayed In oppnei. gaoiulion will be effected.
on A the old time mnchlna meAoda.
b could be nolhliif clae .than a pro
sreaalve, ahd there le no rapobUcaa
Mlebifcan. who rejoices more ni Aa
raraot unoieroua accetatoOB to


“After the Sleoma. Rlis. Ferry eoo
VI In IWW. I 'pnbhahrd an open lei
•r. over tuy signature, Iq wbh-h I
Slid; nr the specurie iireaented dur
Ink that coniesi sfacwld result In A.rtmeni of a prlman lav whiru
lid prevent ‘a re|M-itiM» of that dlagrara. Ae price paid would not be loo
frnat,' .
"That fM-ts are that we. as •
tkm, arq passing from a representa­
tive democracy to u pure democracy.
bis Fvoluiloo to aa Irresiatablc
at Ae Hdra of Ae ocean. The man
or party standlog In its way. will sure­
ly ba swept aside byW ewer increas­
ing force of ihr people seeking a larg­
er share In the responsibility of
Mil. This Is a goverament of.
by and for tbe people, and It to theirs
lo direct as (hey deslr<-.
“Tbai our party has eerioua problema lo solve, and that we are face
face with whatuany conalder a crlala. to apparent. I am one of tboee
• bn believe, bowrier. that republi
cans can and *111 get their own house
A order without calling In (heir
tur*. Vou^lll probablys Inter from
Ala that I do not see any oeceasiiy
for a AIrd party. The moat eueb a
movemem could hope to accompUih.
would be to eelct a democratic prealddPU which would, from my view
point, be a raUmtiy. Woodrtra Wil­
son la Ae moat perfect type of
democrat Aat haa t
people of America alnce tbe <
of Andrew Jackson He saya the
Uf will be Ae Issue of this campaign.
With 'biBi. and when hr
•ays Arther: ianklng Into Ae I
of Ae high cost of living, you wm
And there tbe tariff.' he furalafara ab­
solute rredentUIs that he to a true
does not lielleve in the
prArtple of protection. "I camr'from the Bay City coqven(too p very thoughtful man. J. came
from Ae rbirago ronvenrion.(^ sad and
tt,'l did Bcr
tieve fn my beort (bat oiy pany
and will throw overboard the weights
that threaten to aink the grand old
rran. I would do as my father did
18U. when be left the »kl Whig pai
and cast bla lot with the new bum
repoWIraa party.
“It mast be apparent to every
prejadlerd olmerver. that ciMivralkma
iucuaea. have outlived
la. aod I do tm brallate


iHvi it IIWil. president and gen­
eral ananagi-r of the ruiled Weekly
Preaa aaa»clalluti. eos lu Travehee
flty on the iwh Inal. gathering ma­
terial to tM- used in tbe ready-prlnl
Bi'rtitv wIiMh bia aaaoi'toltati to (urntohlng lu thirteen Michigan nrwapaHe anpehred greatly AIM*
In facta and flguret regarding Ibe de
relapnient that in now gning nn It
Wealern hllchigan roumry.
4'beater C. rampbell. clrcnlatkm
manager of the Fruit Hell. Grand Raplda. vialied at Ae offlcea of 1h*
Weatern Michigan Uevekpmeni butoday lo search ofioformatlo
gardlog the derelopmetu imw taking
place A Ae Grand Traverae sect:
Wealern Michigan. Mr. Campbel!
to on bla honeymoon trip and be c
!hink of BO liner part of the world
:ry. He will probably spend a wr
.toll than the wratern hlicbigan cot
In making excuralons from TraverM
nty into Ae nearby fruit orchards
R. H. tnawonb. aAlatant aecretar
of the Weatern MirbTgan Development
bureau, returned last night fror
> to Kay nty and Grand Rapida
Bay City he esamlned the eshlbn
of rnili lo glaat wbu-h la belpg pre­
pared by the Nonheaalern Michigan
Develogoiem bureau lor Ae adveniae.
ment of their territory. Wblld Ae
It contains aome g.utd specimens
there was nothing in It that was
periur ttv the exhibit mamlaned b\
'A'esiern MAIgan Development
and taken as a wivole. it did
average up nearly ea well.
leaatern people were leund to be
Preparing an cxbibu ol gralna and
grai-aea for the fall fairs, and in
matter Ibey aro sllghtlv- In advance
«t bureau. Tbe Vnnheastern peoexpert fh exhibit at IMroit
Chicago Ala year In addition m
fair to be held at Saginaw, They atoo
ranaidrring mAipg a abowiag
Sew Vork >*fty. At tbe present time
Aeir traveling exhibit and public kc.
are is Iowa. Ary havnlg rroaaed
fit* ataie of Ohk). IllinoU. and India
aa. This foreiA lotoavonarv work oo
part of the Nnnheaaiern people
started after the .Indiana rnmn. put on by the WeMerk Mkfalgan Devekoimem bureau inthe’wtiler
had provrtl that Ato kind of work
couM be rarried forward with a
fit. Tbe iravellDg 'eAlMl with tbe
llliMrat«d lertorera aeeRis to be aa
easy aray of Intereatiag people to
UlebJgaD ooontry.

Grand Rapids. Mich. July 12—A
rycloBe vislied Onuid RaiMi ibis
morning, rauslng 850.000 ^ damage.
The roof was lorn from tbe baseball
park and esnied into the midat or
rnwnlug tradera at city market,
causing a panic. Several were hurt
by ranawaya. John Ball parlt. tbe
prettiest spot in tbe city was dam­
aged irreparably, rommunicotloa to
crippled all over (he fill}' and vUh.
outside poinu.
Forty were bort, nine sertouslyMosi of tbe Injured were farmera and
tradera at the market Many were
(ramjded on when (be borsra n
away, wblle others were hit by flyii
tiuibera. The rerideace weeilon aul(ered. many homes being damaged
reea ui>roOte<l.

Qutot Wadding Porformad at Ctntral
M. E pofoonago.
UI.J darall.l.riana.'uedgbldr .:<»».
Heleo U-land, buT Wral (h'renA
street and FMmund W. Dray of De­
troit were quietly married tfaia aRernoon at the Oniral M. E. gorsonage.
Hcv. W. W. JIcKee offlrtotlnt The
wcilding ronies as atourprlse to (he
mnny friends of Mra. I^y la'tbla
city, for Ae has aurreedA In keep-'
ing (be date a secret. Mri Ikay reF
reaenU Ibo Boydetl Sroa. ^lal Co..
Of Detroit, and Bill make bit bead
quarters in Ato city after be and bla
bride return from a honeymoon trip,
Chicago and other polots for which
they leave early next week. Con
gralulallons and beat wtotaet of »
boat of (rienda are extended.

the vnian of Grand Traverse
V In announcing my eandMac..
(or the nffite of reataier of deeds It la
air that I should stale bow 1
on rom.' of the quettlooi per.
tainliiK to pulilU •iSk-v. 1 beilevt
people arc eniilled to the beat Bervire
ev-ery offlrer and hit entire time
during office hours. In handling publiinda the people abouM get a dol. worth of lahoh for ever) OMlar
exi«vpdc<1 and every dollar received
ahoiil-l 1- laid n.'o the treaaurv
rc-.ird on the la.ard of aupervtothe |>aat ten ve.xts will prove
•and 1 have lAen lo aoch matI nave nt. apollflet to make (or
riiirac on the board of supervis'"Ks.toied 'or Aliraham Unrnln while
a anmUF in the ru il war and have >oi
>• eierv preaMent
alnre that imie
It to dear tt. the heart of every Iquc
Amerii-ao viiir.-n to be preferred far
bto fellownieu, ! want Ae Office of
register ot d-eda Not ao much for
the rompenaatlon it yielda. aa (or tbe
honor of Itoins vlevte.1 by your voiea.
hoi*e there to merit enopgh In my
candidarv to plare D|v name o|iob tbe
republican li. Xet at Ac. election next
Walter\W. Dean.

Mraneapnlia. July it.—Threw drad,
many Injured and a property lora ^
$IMJM« to tbe reooli of one of Ae
worst,atortaa In (be btotory of tbe
weather bureau here. It awegd over
aapolM and Ft. PanI wKb baavy
rabto to tbo somiMdlaf «ooauy



A. H. Franklin baa opened up
ladder factory whleb promtora lo
»e of the thriving lnd0zlri.-a for Tra- McCOMBB IB HIS CHOICE FDR $$A>
icrwe t'ltv. The ladders have i>roven
■ncta a auerraa i mong Ibe fnilt _
and farmers that the (actqry to
working over time in an endiaVor
keep-up with the orders. Mr. Frank. a young man mod the Udders are
bla own laveuilon. There are
kinds, one an extenakm step ladder,
and the other a ladder (or side
work, which romra in fonr Iraigtba.
Hr. Fraaklia Otoanfanarea Gtoo
blnaelf at bto shop at tbe rear of til No Far WaoMra Mm Has Rm BBWehater street, aod baa aeveral
toetad •• Membae. Tmm CMom
Lira Cieaa ta NattoMi



Seagirt. X. J. Jaly h.—Ipdktoons at Bragin, gathered frora BdtV
Tradera «1A whora OorarMT WRHR
haa bewB to eoosuM rrmaiiltatliiB racmib . are (hat Wllltom M. McOmIp.
rk. to bto rbol
of Ae Democratic a
It Only Survivor o( Claat That Oradmhtoe; WiOtom O. MeAdwi. of Now
leraay. bollder of the Botem rttir
tuaoMA or BMmtor Jowo A. CFOgr-'
MU. Of New York, tar etoe rbatrmM . «
and Joaepb B. Dartom wtloMl oa» (
Orange. b‘. J-. July ]5.-Rlght Rev.
WtoeooMB. tar aaeroT. Tbomaa Bowman, tbe aenlor bish­
op of (be Metbodtoi Cptorapal OeDorn-;
Tbera viewa, aod Jha MIovIbs hot*
Inatlcra. today quietly celebrated
been btoaoad from o wmaa «T tbp
ntnetySfib birthday annlvrawarr
Ibe resldenrc of bto aon totov, Bnoto- «>vernor'a 'HooaM ponoral Wiitoi
O. Caldwell, of Alt place. Tba ven­
I to (be ceotento «t tba togaaBBO
erable blabop was tbe rertpleat of an whkh Robert KodipMK ttor. lyDalmoui counileaa number of congrat•OB'S apobcamaa. to aoiatoB «a (ba »
utoAry mesaagee (rt>m prcmlaent lay­
I rowmiltao al Cbtoosa Icr tto
men and tiergymen Ai«agto>ut ih •cUim. Oovaroor Witoso Bw awatotini(r. DesMte bto advaared agr entty deHload A»apaok tat -pBUMeo
he la to fair bralA and may be araa tion. Hto pbjMRtoo to baaod <m A*
oa Ae BtroMs of Orange almoat any fac< ttei ba to.arttoc by oaonaoy «d
day ia-wnitoble weather.
BUbop Bowman It the o!
btobop. .bMb In yeora sad' to pMat
NerarthMara tb«B to BB BBUtaUEf
•ervke. He la llkeerlae tto only
aarvivor of the ctoae tluu graduated of opiakto aoMOB tbo giimliiffli
ctaoa frieoda. that tbo
from Dickinson College
ita to BddHtoo to tto tMovJ«
June In which heRaeeived bla diplo­
ma. aeventy-Bve >
lo wfalc-fa-Vkunrto became Queen of Thai tto MtloMi eitopiUfB Booftitod
Great llrilaln.
be fixed at Xew York. VIA o brasA
The btobop was horn at BerwirX at C^leago'spd awotbar to B waoun
Fa., oad wai a trail and dellcwte dey city, nniiatord la tto i
mil taken lo HaaaaFbinetta, wbefw
That there will
I wo apMfiBe safr
iU to
daily walk of three ullea to aehooto gestloBs eooneralBi
ralBB tto idoatlA i
1 Wllbrabam. lald-ao to Ihlhka. Ae Ae treasurer of tto ttMtoittop or th»
foondatlOB of a heallhfol Ufe.
litohop Bowman bai been a I
waalAy rato oMata oo
preacher for nearly aeveniy-llve years. Morgeoibsu. a wealthy raal aataW Ofir
He waa elected hlabop forty years place on ibe eommlttem Ur. Harago •n^'ilurlng hto aellva
geathan eoniribotad torgely A tbe
iiemtod at least two coot
WHsoB nomlastkia faad.
every- stale of (he union,
That the ratopalM eammUra W
circled ibe ^lobe twice and has (dflwbp kara fiteod IT
-laled at relkMoa gatberioga to
a hto
far ilw to
)- ever)' part of tto world.
After bto giadnaileB be was a teach■r at DIckiDMp Collcse
from New Jeraey; prabaMy ra ctowyesri. and ibpo *'■>( to Wllllamaport.
Josepbns Doatoto. aaitatosl oa*Fa. where he„(ounded the Dkklnaon
aliteeman frara NorA CarallM:
Reralnary. ot whir
Joaepb' E Oavtoa. MtlOMl eatorfpresident. He wss at Ibe bead of (to
leemaa fro* Wlscaaato: BeaBionO'
Inal Itutlon
Gorman of New Ter* aad Oere of Okof Ibe Indiana Asbury ITolversliv in 1859. boldlug the |«et foi
thirteen yearn. Ttoring the Uat two
veart of PrealdeoT Uncolna life, Dr
Delewarg:/ W'luum O. HcAdoe. aad

was chaplain of the liiTied
Wllltom ff. MrCotobt.
Sutra genate.
It to onderateod that there to wM a
tan In (ha list (ten a tor wcdirra
stale This. Ae goreraors advlaetB
Is due ro Ibe fscl Aat Ae aomlaee wishes bj* csBpalco comtoRfaa
.'a* close 10 tba aattonal bawdqurters as [sMntlUe, ae that a fal
eenng of members may to oMalacd.
needed, wit., tba !•••( posalWa daHe Flnda a Ooto VlaW of Ouenera and
Winter Appisa at*





1.. F Perkeit. one of 'he Grand
Traverse Hlrectora of the \Ve.ieni
Michigan Drvelopnjeni burean. is <x»n
durting a can-fiil Invesiia'IuD into <wildiM Utaai^ CBfit Ufa of WBN*
tbe |.ro*|*-ci, (or a good apple crop
ear. He to s|»n.liag a Urge j«ri
Wm Adams, agto ri of White Claad.
tba vanout orchard aeciiona -of the aato af Hr. aad Mra. W'lUtom DOI.
Grand Traverse region lor the
who ara apaadtog tha aammar at M
pose o( dtofoverihg whKh oiyhardi
Bay. toaariy kwt hto Ufa la tto watara
are in branug ajid the quality aad
of (ha hay whOa raaeelag Boadav
ananiliv of fruit to each. He r-poru
foreaeoto. Mr Adatos want am ta *ba
good crop of Doehews apples \bd
dse crop of winter applet. He leeto eaaea abam eighi o'rtaek atom, aad
wen oot to tto graeo Itaa wtora
sure Ibai the Grand Traverae reglog
m coBirihute Its share of apples to- Ibe waiera ara eery deap. wbaa tba
ar-I the one bnodred carloads peed ftan Httla arati espatoad. aad aJ:baagb
to to a tolrty Bead awlmmai
I to fill tbe Oigllfh order K tbe De■lopment borean decides to oader- to ctnag A Gm boac Ur. DR! waa
Uke Ibe task. Mr. Perkett hai been •at at tto camp aad help tod A ba
ad from Maada moottf a mOa
la Ibe apple baalneia a grrat I
iL Wbaa tba raaeaa toat reafUstM kwowa the lu and outs of
(to trade as well aa (to varieties of ad^. Adamt bawM aMrty aitoralid.
.pplra that do wen la this aectloo. He b* aooo rerararad aad aaeapt far
1 a good jRiBa of frait and bto etper- tto aback aad bad arara «aa toW tba ^
lence to tto baslneas to of great vmlne warra for tba igfitilrfLa, Ba via
to Iba waiar avw aa bagr.
-----to Ae borcoo to the pettat raao.


> nin nAntn mauu). ud tut:



I BIT luai. TOBBAT, mr u, uu. ^

bdlhthes**ifirtki'to place the qaearifiCniMa a bMiona baak. bot it
ae«m to drift back hievitably insida tl# iiariy Ifewa. and when oar
party imrtin k to their platfomyotbeia maa^'mecemBrOy. do'an.
The RepabWean party has always been a party •f-'protertkm
to Mtive prodnrts. agrieuUiiral and iuechmnieal. and. necessarily,
to labor. The Demm-ratir party has often been called tbe "Free
Trade party.” but ungHlly an raltod because that party has never
advocated free trade. The fact k there k no abaoIntcHfree trade
conatry in nxkieoeo. t^y. Tbe question becomes one of degrees,
the Orptoei^ will afilvoeatr. in tlp^eampaign. a tariff
for revenue only- Buck rttmff can never^ siW«aaful. nor will
tbe Democrats be united in this waltefT't'hey neWlmve been in
the past, and tbey iH-ver can be in the future.
The lYogressive KepabliesBB.'as welt as the old line BepnbliI. are prateetionkts as in th- |wsi. Therefore, when the RepaWieali vutcK are |>nlled ill .SoicidImt. whellier they are for klr.
1kft-« far Hr. Roosevcltythey will be along the Ikmi of protection
as heretofore, and when the I>emocrali«- vole is polled for Mr. W3^n. it will be torA >«riff f«r revenue, as heretofore.
ilr. Roosevelt has always been s pniteetioiiiirt and he still ad­
vocates rather ladieal view* on Uik qoeation. derlaring that a Uriff
for revenue only would min Aiiieriean industries and that the farm­
ers of the couDlrj' aould b»* the first lo feel its eff«-eu. Mr. Taft is
iy oat^tokea. Mr. Wilson de«-lsrea for a tariff fur rt-venuo
*We shall all-watch Mr. Post's experiment wi^h a good deal of only, whatever that niay i^^n. Xfibisly yet baa been able to de1 nobody' ever will be able to do
fine a tariff for revenue c
intereat, but with no faith in ivaultt.

< traffWferaitrt-tV th»
htolpric»l rwopdii of thn» «t«n»|».

->« prnmt, tie pt-.t tn> ttat .re «iU «odii« i. tie Cmor.
dU'Tm^ *rt Mkinf
of«^ pmdd a*d Ikis iNTiod .hM
eiWo4ed, «t we know, ovw 400 ye»rm. and pcaaiblr niork lonjier.
T«ioe •««<*.
For aome yean. rfforU ba»«* b<^n madr lo "make rain” but
tboe clisatk Aanc«« BM‘m beyond tb» power of bwnu eontiwl.
^^atM TaMiv ua Ttaral«r«t TnTm Cttr. WMOM. *T
Mr. Port, of Battle Creek, bw made aiperimeota with dynamite
and rariooi other exptortm on hit Tttm raaahea and he elaima
I'.V.ViM PtiL B>4 B«e. with aome degree of aocoewi. Tbii mon^ he propoae* to carry on
.-------- ^ hi, borne eity. Battta ^k. nmiig ima.4anritec7 of two ntilcs or
Inre .01,10 sliRlteot i. tie ,e«ultemm lo.,. We if
to bom iaHhis way and if itnmi^bimaiidattrapl*
Foot lu noil; M
aott^ kUentioa'to hm bombllawn and iu producU, well and good, but
hatara oannrt be forced in tfau Ta>'.
. Ififc
'orM be kept for the next few thonaand year*
tht'wtMv Tnited Siatea. It wonld probably be found that
ir«d terrttofy'would again boeoM produrtire under nature a
mmon and inflexible Uwa, and if three grent forcei tretw of C that were ahruba.a thousand yeure before Chriat. ean he let
alone to lire another H.flOO year*, they will make the aame record of
wet and dry, wet and dry. just a* they have during the last 3.000



tSDls ibeas aebiat 1
wltboal pals. as4 v“

•WSKScSwith «sak baarts vBI a
'Kaolar' motsee rt salaisaa mim,
m. W. 0. KIKTON


sLusl MMilU rt tSe tsanibers;
or the OM MtsBioB Beaeb RMon A»scK'ktloB for rhe oUrttes of trmtee*
It k an easy matter'To'ssy
erTo^aa; just now that the high cost of living
r in the fed- k atlribuUWe to the protective tariff as it exkts todsy. If thk idJudge Sessions it doing a
—il bo b •• '
creased cost of living applied only lo the Unit«-d Statiw. it would be
luao k
oral court for the ^Y<»lera Dktricl'bf Mlehigan. Other judgm may
F >•('!
up to the advmates of a protwlive tariff to prove that thk state
be doing eipially good worit in othw parts of the country, hut we
happen to know what Judge Session k doing. He has jmt isnied an ment was not true, but uufculunately for the advoeatea of a uriff
order disposing summarily- of J48 etaet that had been on the docket,'
countries in as.greslTslio as it has in the United fttatea. Thk argu­
lome of them for 2.5 years.
We Americans are apt to make a point of the alow, work done ment. therefore, fails to eoiivine«t. It k claimed that the uriff. as
STXTii OF wu-HJuas-Tae IW
by tho Sn^kh courts, and we all remember the great story of it now exkU. teisU to strengthen the so-ealled UusU. but we fail U> bsu Court tor ilir 4-«srt) of OiBnUthat a tariff for n-venue only or a praelteal free trade tariff Traverse.
mekewt touching npon this point, but if-other eourts in the I'nited
Ai a nessleb of lald coitri. held at .
mid help l in thk waller. The tfn^'would then he able to (he prolaie ofTIre ia the rli> ol Tiaw
State ure in the eondition that thk court is. our rxitieisms of our
liMud Ofrtmie flf «W pelfhbiMng Urger towns.
•rae Cay. la said coaaiy, oa ibe lags,
ntifaeltiring plants to other eoimtrii-a. import their
the ocean are unfair If there van be ap -U> of Jul>. A. H, ISII .
thill wat4b yMir tiv^ this month, you will find that
PreBeH. ffon. Pred R. WsUter,
lation of 74fl cases in any federal.eourt of.the Tmted Sutr*. these goods into the United States, and the I'nited Stale* would W’
'-^mnl^aoth k not there. We merely speak of ibis to show bow
lodge of Probate.
cates running over a period of a quarter of a century, then wc need the high pri'i-d late.r these truaU eomp.-lled to pay. There
la the matter ol the eoUte <if Mara
W «irn« areMmetimH over matters that need not worry
Pegs, deveased.
more judges like Judge riessiona or we need fea-er federal attorneys.
Hstan hi the kmg run Ukea eurcM henelf. If
tovlag flied 1
The jodieiary. from justiee oourt to anpr^e eoart, in the changes and we'have, therefore, advoeM«rfS«Kl still a»Uolulntoiraltoo-a.
tot be Te*T ’W«U ‘sken care of.
United States k an expensive-proposition and; the results are far cate, some form of Isrrtf eommkkion. whose sole duty it would be and hiB {leUilen praytag for ihe allo<^
■T^'tisSrriter sdopted a rtmple expedient to rid his own trees of from aatisfactory to the people. The publieTias to pay the bill. to investigsle thiwe eondtiions and rei'imiiiiend I* eongroasional sBce the/euf aitd for the amUmiseoF
' 'iBUtbuttoB of the rwUue ol asM
«is th*" eonkderad a peat, hot that worried him very little Thk k a good place to begin retrenchment.
action BUeh changes as iT.nditions might seem to warrant. This
“h M orderod that tbe rffh"iU.v of
fcdrrtl When along towards evening, he would turn a strong
These 7W eases abonld have been dkposed of years and yearn ahould he a w.n.partiuu eommksiop, and hceaitiie aneh commimion
' a^wa ol wut« from the hose into the trees, washing down the moUw ago if toey had any merit at all in them. If they had no merit, as pro- invertigation as has been iqade along these lines has not been entire­
hs was toughed at soaetimrs by pameru-by and haWy was the case wiki most of them, then they never should have ly salkfaeiory is no rt'sson why it cannot be made so. Tbe theory aad U hereby .antwtkhd tor examUIbg mod allotring said arronsi- asd
H^Md that lie was shaply wsiliini down Uw moths to the ground, been Ukeirtnto the conn. The attorneys should never have slowed kabsolutely .-orreet and the'prseti.-<- can lie made so. It is the onl.v
. Md (but they wonl^ reappear shortly a hondrad fold strong. He thm to/be taken there and the judges should nefo- have allowed s way to handle th<- tariff question.
............ a-ordiuoL
lire tbereol l>e glveo by -|ni .. .
; i^ ipHksxpsrimwt instthjssme. Hk trees are in as good
them to wlnain there after the attwueys had secured their entry upcopy of' Ibt
Ibis order, tor three e
: #to-«0 if moths had never invaded them. The water was cheap
ceeslTC aeds |>fevto
thc docket. Every one of these cases costa somebody something.
yoo (eel wbeh hearing, to the Orat
DescMbea the
’ MdUda^ hot-a tehr miontea to do the wwk.. Perimpa this work
Somebody Joat, somebody got what somebody lost.
. ]B are Biraggln with SB attack of
ty, bat it had the aame effect as the more expensive
Cramp Colic,
Cholera .(ldrbu>~or
We congratulate Judge Sessions upon the drastic measures he
« Flaures on Coat ef ____
,__TAvijnijJNGMACio on
ESVs'the trees by a good many others. Sometimes a has taken to clean these cases off from the books. It teems lo be a
sties the knot end quR-kly gbes reK . RHBrt^MaedT'k the beat. Somrtimea no remedy at aU k needed. wholesale slaughter of tbe iunoeema because if these cases hxd
U(f It dees Ibe aaioe sorb wbati
rbeuk was not in thk ease. At auy rate let m oot worry any been good for anything, they would have b.-en taken care of long
WeahlagteD. July IS.-FanoepB'jof maUiu. Bpralu*. lime bock or
infonned that there
lU coomn were beisg paid more by seek. It's a B'onderful remedy ft
0^. TbercTore, the parties interested must be innocent parti,-s sud
aor danrr that the Baphidion ViUoMim will do greater damage their slaughter something noticeable but oomniendable.
17 per coat tor tieir pcodueu oa Jub' teraal or exieroal use. Price ia
Sold tq JUMflrWB Drag StOto.

fit -wna done ig the lamack nM>th.aBd'many eitiet to the oonntry
Uls year Usd they ivoelved last
rear ot that Uaie. aceordlag to Victor
i’-l fti»milnff.torta aiumMirttoiw to kOl thk terrible pert, let iu The VeUti Sltlts Hint eantml Tie Ctrul
Whdn WoFiiap ts AdmifiiA
IhMted. duet of Uw bureau of *u■ ' m mamriovar,^ StophMtoa vatowun. If you find it almolutely
.. itoBBa Is slway* a MHO atoi
A very interesting diplomatic question has been raked by^ho tktiea. deportBeat of agrtoaluira.
rt «bo baabaad d( wbtm tos daaaet bo
geeamary. tarn the deadly watm of tbe bay upon thk feaifal obTbii iaeroase Id prtees was the av*
Canadian premier as to the management aqd Mutrol of the Panama
jirtt fli dmtraettoa awl go to bed aad dream uf admrtbiag eke.
erag* of erope which repreoeot i
canal. It was inevitable that some diplomatic question would be
raked by other nations as the time approached for the o|x-tiing of
Fisbcl siram V.- ?. Pock Egga. tS-W
>er IS: rouiy Stock Eggs. $J.« pe
■the eanaL Great Britain has taken the lead in thk matter and
,s: «. B. Tailiey EggA »*c each. MA
llo’qiwMtoDVdry'maon and wet eeaeon k one tfait baa rakes the question of whether l^k country- may dkeriminate in-frvper le.
ginBl wtrtarted tanaece of tbe wMe worid as long si farming baa or of Ameriesn veasets. giving eoast-wiiu- trading .tmerican vessel*
South USBlUO, Mich,
.. mm
H k weU kvnm tlmt tbe arid and aoni-arid portions of free pamage through the canal. Back in 183D. Great Britain bad
tuee-may, Joae, toljr*
’ <■» fv'treatera Malea, eeperiaUy in the aouth western portion of established a iHotectoratr over certain p€»rtions at Nicaraugua. Ink
nwvirb ISLAND
ivhMrfiv REDS
. m 9wtttT>
the Buet prodnetire sectiona of the
afurwarda abrogale<l under what was known as the tlaytoBr
Ad Usa
suwlas. beet «b
Tunic and
etmotzy. with a large afriealtoral population. Thk was not Bnlwer treaty which provkled that neither the United State* nor
; ^AiWTtoNt^Mtker, aa we eomrt rime hy periods A tbomond Great Britain would aasume exflnsive control over wieh ship canal.
! ' or eo yean may ebaage the mart productive sol! to a dwert.
Thk was very unsatisfactory to the United SUtes and ih 1902. the
mtf brtcrerting tovestigatioia have been made during the tort Hay-Pauncefolc treaty was inHile. pvtog sole responsibility of msinDefault IiavlDR IkeD made In tbe
•fck yelrb to ffiffenmt parte of the worid bearing upon thk subjeet. laining tbe neuUality of Uie canal to tbe Unhed Slates, permitting
con.lliloni of a eertktn mortgase made
ti) Orio O., Luce. aadfUiabath Laco.
'ftlbft Veil proven that much
the desert regions of eertein por- the United States to construct fortifications and lake such other
hU wife, to the Iwdaaau ('oaaiy batBm of Asia were at one time exeeedingly prodaetive, and could aleps as wereneeemary tb^intain such neutrality.
loss 3aok. a corporailun of Sutluiu
rs at----------------at Traverae cUr
Tralat arrtTa
At the same time.Thk Iresty slalml there should be no dkorimiBa>, Mlehlgan, daietf ilie fourth day
ftTT--^ an aiain if the proUaip of irrigation were not at present too
of April A. D.. IW*. and recorded Id A Bi, 10;S# a m. I:» P. »•
aamyttoeted to aeeomfdkb thk mult. Thk would also apply to luUiou between the i-oaimerec of different nqtioiw in the management
the office of the Kegtslar of Deads for
D. WEl.T. 0. P. A.
tha county ot Utaod Traverae aad
eCMda porttoM of Africa, and H applies esperially to a large area of the canal. The United States does not intend to Violate the terms
filate ot Mlt-higan. oo tha slslb day
of thk treaty. There k no dkerimination made agamat Orest bite of mb ItiBecI 1*0 years before. 1 lAprll,
to’the aeato wertem-portioa of tbe United Sutee.
A. D.. IMS. In liber r.K of mo
gages oil lUge dM, on which mortgage
PoUdi^ tbe experiroeato that were made, npeeially in Asia, Britain in favor of the ships of other nations. Thk k really what
e prominlv to kill the poison and there is clstmed to be dne at tbe dale
the Hay-Pauneefole treaty means, hut th'erc can be nu question that
toterttoalioaa have been made along tbe aame lines in
tbU noilre. for prtoc(>a’ *>4 Inter-eDt mnamniitloD. swrlltog and of
sum of nioe huDdred fonyi, rtgrtem-MalM and tbemetwd perioda ofywbat we term diy times
nalB. Heels burns, holl*. iilrers. i>"
elgbt oiiJ (k-l'Ni dollars, and ah attor­
fcaema. cat*, braise* Only s-', r.
^tttorttoned'withott^WBy quertiOtt of donbt. Thk has been dona V ita own eanal free if it chooses to do so.
ney* lee of i«eiiiy-liTe dollars, at “
Trmerse City.
Thk clause in the bill now pending in the sensle relates only
VfWed for In aa>d martgage.* and
¥ btfrtnl eximnxtioo of the xtompa of what are e
run or lUfK-eadlngs ai tow having
to tbe free ptMage of eoMl-wke American rewelt. The fact is.
M tbe great treea of California. / It will l>e rememi
been tohimiied lo reroier ibe moaey*
(Poliilral Advi-nlsenient >
secured by saPI mortgace. or ar.j jort
W 4hme Ireee have a dtometer of from 20 to 30 feet. 'The yearly there are no coaaNwise trading vesw-ls of other nftions that wonbi
thereof, except Ihat a MM of eomphtnl
»M tha rtvnpa of the tma that have he«a felled a^ dearly use thk privilegw'if they had it. All the trading^esaek on the
was filed In Ilia drculi eawrt lor tbe
American coast are American veiwelt. but whether this k-so nr not.
rauniy of crasd Travwae. la rbaaeer>. on ihe ;-(ih .lay of Jaanary. 1912.
tbe United Slates has |wt hundreds of milUnns of dollars into the
for the forecloaure of Ihe said
D has proven conelotively that diiring the
-fWanUfle exai
gate Is •hanecry, and said sull
Panama eanal. It k going to*eost other hundreds of millions of
hlBery-andtbanBUrture rags ....
iSe gfaome of these laiger treea, whaae atumpa a
by Ibe ertuptolnaDi
dollars to maintain it. Sobcnly suppuses tlmt it'is (wssible for such
in ap-tn-datp dasiffos from tbe
. jlft flart to dtomauc. th^ have lived through asvacal periods that
rnogh stiifto. Prwmj* aUstiffmi
an enterprise as thk to pay for itsrtf. or pay for iu up-keep. manage,
gnen all onlerb oa maUW how
ig.tena wet and dry, alternating through hnadretls of years
smsll. Call or write for pricM,
t and an inten-st on the investmrtt.
to each period.
The United Sute* had a perfect rigM In enf thk hole between
' ‘
There k not room to enter into a seientifle explanation of how
the two oceans. It assumed all the responsibility after the great
Moth pitoaea ffd. *to.
1 thk fact has been dolennined. but in a word or two we would say
Voilre 1* hereby given
that I
Preach failare to dig the eanal and for ten year* has been pouring
t that during the wrt periods, the growth of the-tree wa*. of eouiae.
uehf the imwer off bale csmislBcd in
money into the great dheh. and it will have to eootinae pouring
(latoi,- ii> fiU'
ru- h
aid moUgase. asd the Wstol,much'more rapid'than during the dry seaaen. each year putting
_ .
ded. oo Thuiinto that ditch until some esrlhrluake fills it up. It k only_^toh its oxm ring. During a wet
dsv, the IMh dayT Of
right and jmrt that if any adva'ntages can be given our own merchant
:»i:. at two o'dark
aevml hundred'yean, the rings would be elear^* martced and mneh
me underaignad will, si il
larger, while during the period of a few hundred years of dry- time, marine, the I'nited Stales should be st liberty to do so.
af ibe ctauri house. In Ibe
.e cll> of
We cannot let England or any other nation interfere with our
•rse n-,y. that betoR C l-lSCithem rtoga would be mneh smaller but'
•he ctn-oll eonn for
rights in thk matter, and when the qnwtion k tborougbly under­
. We «art understand that thk exi
iran.l Traverse to beM. sell
niriloo.'to the hlxlirai M
atocatiAe mnr' with a view to deUrmine if there was any eon- stood. wc believe there Will be fnll agreement between the United
>;renaU« described to said mortgage,
States and Great Britain, and alt ^er nattona. but let it he dktinclwmaUm brtsreen tbe dry aad wet periods of America and of Ask
or »o much thereof i» niay be necce
Mr. Vlnlon hst been s resident
agn to pay the amount so a* sforeand Africa, and see wiH my right here that thk eareful inveatigs- ly understomt the Uniu>d Stot«a4inrt control the Patuma canal.
<aid doe OB said mortgage, wiib seven
Hm haa been aude at tbe expenm of the CarMgto inatitnu from
cent laiareoi. an.l all legal
«ilh Ibe republican |•rt.v ever slur*
wllb said auorney s I
h Jhto4 (uovided for thk poipose, and nader tha dirortion of tbe The Tsfiff Question
he became a volet At preeeix be !► logciher
Wtr: The soulb half IS kl .
mart noted oetonttot of one of qar great eastern colleges who made
mfiHbeosi dwariOT <6. E. to« of aectlaa
iWw.bTMi,Mioa a JftU tmi Alrin uA-u i, d.pnHlnl ap- be made a prominrat feature in the campaign thk yeaiy t^k ,k « ha* beeo •iepwiv kherlff aad Ihe es dgbteen iISl. lowaabip IweBty-Avc
22> north, of range Bias I>1 w
aih-Vhto tovertigatioB oovered a conaiderahle extent of territory matter that ahould be bandied entirely ouUtde of polUiia. It wrver perience gatoed In Ihit line cviKwlaLj ■oniatotog M acres ef Uod. more gualide* him. for i.he offire *hleh be
lid have beea there. It is rtricUy and purely a matter of bnsi- aecke He promtoe* If elected, lo gke ees. according w the govenifflaat gurMd m ^po-al eemething more than 200 of
ve« thereof___
Mrti omiklly mapped and wetr foond. moat of them, U be over aeaa. and politieal parties should not he allowed to eontrol it or tbe oouatr a airooa b«toe» admto rHE-UEELAHAC CCH.INTTSAXINCS
UtratioD and a .trict enforromeal o»
BA\K. .ktortgigao,
oU, a 4ew laaching the age of 2J0O year*, while one handle it. Iwt unfortunately, it has been the slogan, pro or eon. for Ibe U»-> ihat are man the atoiuts
Bv C. 8. VkltiMre. Cashier.
totoatototd «p a«i of 3,150 yews. During the average life of tbeoe
onms camiwlga and aoWHls the sop
Atutav tor'Mertcitee.
Mtoft ahatynn paara, amral deariy maihed periods, extending
port of the tspohUtoa voters at the
AatnwgeffarthaiiNcaBude, durii^ the tort few yean, by prtamrtM la AWbrt.
rmm each wetod he the met pertods aad theee

■P,IU Wen

y rtat* that the tnsa of the 0
noek moth, that threaten^ aneh great derthietion to the maples and
aOut ^de tree* a few yean ago, has alnort entirely disappear.
flM.nddf>m wiU nmsmhar that far aereral year* part a good
deal af-tmrmln— hat boen felt in Trareite City became of tbw
Iwge amouaU of money were spent in the
■' tffe«nr*ed dmtnction of the moth and Ua nerta. to prevent a return
,t to be a good debt at ldlCDe>
'.y* "^▼rtia'tsty had some oxperiroce alimg these lineu except
neoef.aod it is, therefore, that mneb

Good Work



]%• a* Abf sife Ml








RAffl^ TOMDAY, JSLY l«, 1



lenge Clearance
The Sale of the Year,
the Big Event long
awaited; The Sale
that means sMnpthiiig

A Rfiglify CKaHei^e
of Prices and Values
and a Leitepn in
Practical Ectmomy


The Biggest Money Saver of them all

Sale Begins Tuesday, July 16th, at 8 ajik
WHY THIS MIGHTY SALE? Because we always stick to our policy to carry no
■goods from one season to another; we always sacrifice broken lots; we wiH soon
need the roonj for Fall goods. All Summer stocks must be converted into
cash, no mattSr what the loss. Prices good ahile stocks last.
Double Fold Percales

2c each

Suitable for Dresses and Wr^ipers
Challenge Sale Price.......................

Best OmOIty lax and isa 9c

Wcaen’s Foil Dmlirella-Slupe

Fercales full yard wide, per yard

Sever beAAOQ Buys a $4.00 Steel
ibiC ROM of. ttegMar 7c Aproa Gtagui. lo » 20
Couch Exactly Uhe CdL
All Wlal salary Couch or Bed, Angle Iron

fyead about


frame, with casters. The link-fabric top will not
tear bedding, and issupported by 2 rows of coil springs

Gauze Pants, wide lace triouned
25c value, Challengr'Sale price

Double Trad­
ing Stamp
Look for the
Be Sure and ask
tbem, none
Issued unless
you do.

16c ilor

Pillows 32c each
All feathers with fancy ^green tick.

Double Roll iVali Paper, Snilable for SllUng Room, 12c value, per rod
■ 3c Look for ’em
covered bar­
Br. Our Kitchen Ware ChaUeuge Table Damask
Buys a dandy Iron Bed. fuH or 54
gain tables.
<^reeo. Blue and White.
^eniy all Granite
Malleable Iron joints^ and heavy
In (ablr iloth IrnfUit.

I'i yarp lengtht ..................................4<a
8 yard lengthi .........................................6le
8',, yard Ungtha ....................................TEc


Dripping Pam.
ataw Kattl»


atew Pana.
BdUhar Knlvea
Uneh Beaaa.

Boys’ Knee Paal^ . dnrk colored
union pants cloth, blopmer style, all
sizes to 15. Challenge
Sale price, per pair .................Aery.

_ this
___ Rocker, New Horal
Smyrna Rugfi. triage ends.
Efnctly like
30x60 inches, each-...................
roomy Rocker
heavy conEmboawd.
Shirts selling regularly at 31.00 and
$1.25. “Lion Brand.” and “Princely
Special” shins, all sizes, neat
' Lace Curtain Ends^ patterns. Challenge Sfle price.wyv

Men’s Dress Skrts, S9c

Angle Iron sides. ■

Wait for ’em

for Uea’s Khaki

Rrsiilarly wUIdc al 11.83. Just rlsbt
lor vorklog and fiihisg.

Ilea’s Ught color

Work Sblrts
Kolckerlrockcr panii. most all dnrk
color,. .Ml h!ic« ap 10 16.-


Boy’s Percale Blouse


21c 12lc

Beautiful Premiums

»iUi Gk)b* Orem TraillDC Stamp*. Urauiifv >,«jr buuie al Bo eiL-a ex
peu»e fnuu Uie (olleviuc lie. A Clikre ilamp wub riery IK purcliue.
Save tbem and obialB aater *eU, Ui« ennatoa. decorated I'bina bet.-'
•e’.*. baautifBl foM plaied clock*, uoelul carpet aweeper*. d* lorated par.
lor lamp*. loldlBs doll go-cart* velvet nigs. Hob Bible*, reed rocker*.
jmliM/laied Durrora. l>o>*' v<*ucH>edr*, rope portiere*, mabogany fiaiaii
■pedeKUla. French plate ball mirrora. maPdoLua. book-racka. oil heater,,
parlor rbaira. oak rvxAen. acts ol dlahea. Iroo beda. Utchec eahlaeti,
dreaa dolU. 8 d*y docka. baby bomp. folding bed .ourhe*. JlorrU . U,r^.
oak dmaer*. Iibrarv taUeo. book caae* aud aea-log luaeblne*.

For this day only—This will be a Suit
Day long to be rememl>ered.
Buys thisJarge,
Neat' Business and Dress Suits, some
jsive I
Blue Serges. Dark and Liglit patterns,
all ^is Season's make. No Shoddy- like cut 24 X 24 inch top.
all 'strictly first-class Suits, regularly Finished in American Ou.
selliug.aL.$9. $10 and $12.50.
Money cheerfully refunded if not

Vacovered Saturday, July 2R, 9 a. Ub

Double SlauiR Days.

Tlie OL0BE Department Store
ailZEN'S PHONE 400



BtiL ihuME 17|



To make a eliy iwAiaSAAinin

dWercBt Sacnta et trait
from itote »ho M«»er to ih* "lood


se£ window display of*

Ufertinc. mad «kr. to bmtc duU Sr

2aaBfy. Garments

BO opintBal bomrtmc
• 14.1 Vrrara IMl—Why dM J«»u»
•prak lo pmrmU«> that he ,>*e« aumr
or would mU
115.1 What U the tmly may L>
which we may nderauod the teach.
Iqk or Jeaaar
nS.i Vwrae




thia tea becB made paalMW IhroX
the work of tke Board ot Trade. ^


*rept wayBr

10, Trepene Cijt As A Cnmi Gty .

At July Clearance •Prices-ThftliUber tirades of ladies' wear offered at the figures of very ordinary
As long as
is the magnet witp Articular
& >
wonaen our aeml-uiBnBl elearasee will continue to set
the pace for vbIoc glvlao and for

Real Economy^.;

■QV. Last yraf^^bey l«ld <Mit
in ItW there Were I.6ZI

with 'gtadaeai'' and aftermard tall er. tome ritlea lake toagrr lime to
away, actmlly idl coneetted? Give brine about renalo reaulia. ,
Tbe cttlaen takem a aatural lulde In
yoor reaeona.

•ho receive for tbetr labor o»er 140.iw. and e'ery bta«ch of the atbool

Il> l

tba doUtsa of hU

Verae :v—What reward

they who are

oma bom* lowj,'

-food ittMiod " hearerm and all (bat baiipeni there, bnl a pood
»ban'. of ibem forprl to mmieb tht
Sunday. July 21. I!-!: amalier erawth. that

Growth bt the Ktnaduni


erlaalln<ly at lt.,tlie ateady. vlod

dine merrhani. the loyal ciiiaen mho
l»:S«2; Matt. »I1I:S2
i certain tbli(y
I have read the Sucaestlve r«,g^l*iitB
then quietly aru
' Queatlona on the Sunday School tfaouia be do:
'Uaaea pnblUhed -In the Her-' about to »ee that tt Is. It mas Ukr
. aid. aln leaon llaelr fr Sii
day. July Zl. IMZ. and ptend
read the evle* ot ^2.

^ariiey Co.


Hba. perhai* year*, but be i
Ibe aplendld reeulla Ibat »houU
and then

build* avvordlnaly.


culilfu have ic be o'ero
iwoi'le ptoce obatai lea Ui
ferae crttlt-uui build* moi _
removed, but he knomw hr i* rinhi. be

achoito; todaj ther*
LI.;:, uken care of by 63 icscken,

ITator' that baa caurad to paay lo
tnveml tbelr-teosoy In Ihla omrthMV
.11 into dreotoltoa iwt eoHn

of Iimoc) for the beaeat of every fiaaa
>y*ie« faa* been Improved until aow of rttlaen. In till, work we are yet la
d wtaad* at. the bead ot all atboola la the very 6r*t *tagem. and the growlb
luea bt thU atie.
of the aeki tem irara mill be aa ««■
One of the (a<-tore Is the m.-ifare ot markaWc aa tot been the t«at yeans
rraveiwe <'ll> that Is very lliile appreTbepopolaltoa ha. Imreaagd lo the
iaied ia tbe I'nit*d Commercial Trav last tea yean over :.v>>0. Tao baanticlera. that baa
ful suae efcaroface have bceo built.
few year., but It ha* grom« dar- Tbe newty completed btlck Calbullr
lag tboM year* uiml

cohveot U one ol IhO «ne*t'

tbe sreat future, be i-olnt* oui
Ilea, the k»a1 ones an
hen mori. rboulder

It me Kboold ni-cred In m

>r blmuer, and they are Ibe best band

that many, are endeavoiliia i
of booster, that wc hare. Tbey rei*
e'eiy line of maenfattured
abaHow eepted from^ all membera of Grand
To prove that Tra«rc*e twy I* * product* that tbeaverage sior. *e||».
minded people hear the cuapel and Traverae Kraoae at the nieellnc tu be cromlna cU>. Bauie. mre Iicr.-Vhat and ,lacldenully tt may be.said.that
are moved by tt are they or not aa held Saturday afternoon. Ever} Bran*- can not be gainsaid. Ttes;
ibrs'e turn who arc living among ns
likely to develop into atrons Chrtav
that baa dlaravered a abort cut
month* of work ot comidllng and aiMOdingtbelr good money abould
laiu aa-^hoae under like Influrarea
a belter method tor barTretlns the them, aad ibej are as near torrern
rocctve llic llrat aitcniKRi of itie »ner'
who ate net ao eaally moved and think .
i>. ot the farm It oried lo be
It 1> lioaallde to oUalo at ibl* time obacu. The reaion I hat t^eiM. wen
d^ly? Give your reaauna .
baud and to let all have Hie benelU
live lo Traverae City i*
Most Of them are taken from
13.1 Verae Z.->Wbat
\%rse T-M'hat
eSect doea Lit knowledBe. The tlalcra will
becsiue it U a growing city
aUle. county and elt>
ext>e.ned to -advanre ideal resardlns
teach in porabie and what are the ad.1 iuvci|tiai
(be Cr*i loi«ee Ibe advantage.. It
ea>ea from pereonal
of the bouae dnrln< Conaervailve
la'^trall) tociied for geitlng in and
1 are «lv«
eantawa or dlaadvataico ot tiiat me- who'
the ruahinB d^yi of the harveat.
la ever ao
even- iBOUnce. Tbe dlffercn<-e in the out to tbrlr rarlou. cuitotucra. Ibe cd
Ibod of toaehlBs!
Influ^ced by the «oapeI. bni
growth of IMI year* d. the ba*ti upon ucaltonal facllliira'are tbe best for
<4.1 Verwo 3.—In wtet ((Bopeci le
W. H. Jdfraaon. ««6Reaa atreet. amchildren. ThI. wondcrTnl growth
bold! on to aomc ain or aloe, how
which theme Dgurc« are giv^
plo.ved In the .team
the leacfainf ot reUston like the
ChiiaMan trait ia be likely
IB the metnberabip sbowc that all tbe
The iDiere.i luru. uaiutally •
advantage* that wc have to off< aeedt
iDdu.trlBl line, and the cea.o. bullr
<&.i Verae 4—How woold yem remay It bt pot(11.) .Varaa
• in at Wa»hlDBti.n give* the f«llow1ng peal to those who are living lo other
. draw
•ard a fardener who deliberately aow- albla tor, every peraen «he
clliea and they naturally
figure.; Tbe number of mage
eed on the hlfhway?
•d to h ythe .oepel
iu ISOO were huH. and tbe value oi upco-dale. prosperou. city.
The iniury U very painful
.) ShotAd* a Chrlatlaa
•routtd* beaeerT (TWa ta erte of the house.
produm wcre.|1.9il.:i»- Tiwiay new member, have been added Ibis
OveatlMr\^leh may bt aivewti^dn and will take tome time to beat as m^ have Z.t«i wage earner, and iht
of the foapel to tt
both akin aud carillace mere Inlured.
0 recelro tt?
writing by wemitere e
produrf* are ■worth If.r-utijn'u, wblcl.
<:.) Veraea 3-d—What claaa o( twotlM How do you
added l«y roll oT the
.bom. that they ba>e
than sou and the a-



& Kellogg’s

f r

SfNBdal Sale of Suininer Shoes


Secret ^

VOI oor SDcces lo Ibis &st special zommer sboe
sale is tbat not one pair bas been tooglit
e^edally lor . ttds sale; Erery palris Iroin
our rejoiai stock. Tbe st]1e ant^^nality is tbe
Jbest, bat tbe sizes are broken. U yon ore
to need anotber pair oi sbqps oi any
bind dlls soniBer this is year cbaoce to save
some money. Get in ns early as possible, as
every day will see a lot o! then going. .

In ColoiiUs and Pomps

ptojer pnd emjiio)-ee la ahuo.l
im 0. Tfle borne* of the wage earn
■Ve lu Hie beat totidttion ol an>
of ll* eite in Ibe >Ute, I
uy (a*ri. of Ibe whole rouotrv
There are more home, owned by ibl*
the Illy IhaD ran be founu
elaemhere: more Improveuievu have
yn made in the la*t two year* Ihai
the prevlou* live year*.

H I* th«

;e|rtloD to nud home, now mliXom
ctric kghi*. ga* an.l mater and all
other mo-lertl eou'coleom-.. The Kaol
iai> •'outllnon* are lo-Ing i-ouataiill}
imllroied and a movement la no* otfoot to make It romu^lror.v ro nut)..
• erutlu liiiii.edlaie ImiWoteinem*. The

. .. : .............................

^ ••

secret • ioeiHira





gramtb tk the 011} U the number of
aURHBoblIra (bat are rowopi. ta (te
city. There are at preaeal aa star as
can b^aac-nalned-lST. and Ibete af«
kOtaoreibaibetaag'ioiheaeart) vUlagra and the praqwvooa tarwara.
I'-tn^o different
There are (<sny-«n*o
There I. not a city la i.hh coontry
lal raa ramiarc with twr retail
store.. It 1. the dally commeat of vUllor* that they bare never anew

luaatra. In IMZ there
inmaira and

ind the number of
and the) mere paid tnj.3»u.44.

for th- summer people U to
'ulk up ami down




health). INI'* hl> hill, 'and
ll«.-» a* blah a* an.i la the land. Th.

trees arching over the atn-eta.
lo I'h- NimV length ut time nearly


bleot It above^li other ellira la,4^

land In It* natural advanlagra. 'and
Travel*- <Tt> ha* also been noted
Hliuatic tondttlasq. aad It rwmala* for
.'oV Ibe liesuilful home. Ibat It ha*.
(be loyal ciltsep to lake advaalage nf
lOj these ha'- lnrrra*ed lonstanUy
ibeee sod compIHe the worh of thl.
n the U*i ten )iqirs More Ibaii tour
remarkable growth.
lunilrod ba»c lieen biilli. uearly alt ol
M. B. UOU^X.
■ hem with all Ibe most •modern con.enleoeeOne ut the great ailrac-

tirecif and note the home* with tbe
onuilTuI grrMTlawns. and tbe great


mmhod. for doing boattrag^ Ihe
tplendM men vAn are back ol aU

and tt re­ thrae enterpriira are «te tees who
quired 333 BUradant. lo Ukc care of are making all this wontiefful deretopthem, for mbu b they .received US.- meat not onlj possible but en actual
m.4K.- la l»l: there were TS2 male fart.
Trmvecre City a:a« never le a m^
aad 616 female or a totali of ijKk.


wage earner l.

.'oor miles of pa'edi.irrels have been

Tlivri’ are 11-'- digev-rut aiUvIe. man

hnllt -oud fllty lullep of crtucni mldewalk*. II I* tram aliiHwi as -niiirh a

iiltil'iiv.i 111 til.- eily that Bnd a read;
ule lu the luval and bul.ldc maiUt<' to are a tterd tademalk aa tt
used to be to ice th^ llrat* cement.

The loyal flliien will »ec that these
KIJO-I* are asked for lb iitvJerenc* lo

state tiat faa* »o many mile, ot this

as *humu b. fbe deiKislI* in-llir loi-ai
bank* Indhai.' 'h* reiuaiKal.le arowti.
bt tht cily- III lasv the d*i*.nl* oi


vBlibcs redacedto
values rcdnecdllo..... 3.00
values reOueedlo
values rqNi^ lo .... 1.05

values redueefto......3140
values reduced to.......... M
,values reduced to . . .75
fl4f SMd M45WMle Caavus OxKfrds


Hg Redictions

We have now :-2

with a rombUHd memborahip of ovor

There la no city o^hls size In the

vragfe tag tek teipk.-TW
Itak Tiia^lxnl niMn PM.

Scott’s &nukion
il fitea «i(*r aiti ntafity ta
srwt a aem-ad, **>*•*.*< K J


moderu walk.

The Inrreaae In the tinai.. lal world

Gun Metal. Patent Colt and, Kid Oxfords

^ Patent apd Gun Metal Colonials and Pumpt

h oonulna
oonuln. 1".T7»
1k.T7» Mft sod
ibeir ai« 6i>6i
61>6I pairows.'
patrons.' wA;

out Uil year Sa,l6» bnoka.

rirt-ulailun ot money among tba

Gins’ aodTUIdren’s



ployee* and ;he <-ousequeti lacreaaed

Cdo Metal. Patent Colt and Tan Oxfords

hraWlfuI I'arbcffle -OlirarT I* the areal siiractloDS o*

in lorre tor taking cate of the unfor-

We are oiit.lde the lalvr

circle., tbe dlfferenre. between

othera. ami In *o doing mill loereaev
the nianufaeiiur. the n>iu.l>r of eni


Meat Bncber Odords and Pomps


to 76 today.

the then lm» lnuk. mere gJ
In IW: the tteople'. Sav.I.K- iMitik'-ma.orgatiUe-l. and ai the la-i re|«.r'. J'lti'
ISI2. the toli;blU'-d dejKolIs of ththriH- baiiVi- mt;.. »2.14i.'.|6 if. au i"

5 Cents,
10 Cents

creo-e ot o'er -In" jnt <em.
The re<-el|it. at the keal lAjstoffh v
are on* ot Ihr *i»re.l lurthal
the rtiiillnual gnimili of the iii!)■;>» ihe> mere SUfjt.t. end e<
veer *bow« a .iead> Itimw..-- uiitll
the last reiVQ >be:
and the aiouibs ol .Apnl.


•tevcB wOee'
of aaa malha.

fiaverse ITI.J S
buapilal 1* au
dirailoti that ihr >uie wutbortttr* rec*. such well kept alopka. Mich bcauUrol
dtoiday wiodoir;
ogniat thtT»^«c^r taclllilea that

Climated iwv loll of the laetorlea !►


last year there mere pompyd tZZtet.000 galtona H »W«.

Jouliled. The mage wale luda’
II.:." to lit'..* Tbe number.of HKfU*have ai.resaed trom 36 in

jj;;2;,i>ut' annually.


U'e a.qulred tbe c4ty water works

etDOtioDal on

B the Sunday School Leston by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the
Intematlonal Press Bible Question Club.

a church


factory that mould pmy out Ih
•0«iein. aad tt has paid from the vray
amount of moaer. wc monJd Indeed sun. netting the city an a>mce ct
-ongralulaie ouraelvem. and here tbla' II2.WH> a vrar; ihmtp arc IJ'IZ water
irgsnluiloD of aplendld men baa been tape. »i nre''1.)Tri»a«s^lC0,7!sti feet of .
O'uied In our mid.i without any btom mater mala, ot varlon. mldlhs.- and



aertos. lou abould
.late, sBd win brlag boadrada o< nek
here arc now IIV meuiWr* and-tbey iwolile to aor clly. 8ii new elote
arc among the be.i paid' ot ibu..^mho , buildings have braa boUl mad two
jTo living atnang n*. and tbe amoui '
hat Ibey. re<eive Jn aslarle* I* ox
There la not a varaat Wore buUdlag
UJe.W'O a }«ar. and eight) Ovy. ila the cUy, which can not be said of
>f this is spent right h~re i
cute, many timea tba alta of this. »*•

}boiilder. all Joluine lu the one united
effort and (he rouila are aniareni
Traverae City ta In tbe lend, retting

11 pie-arc tboae who reaemble’Uie atony

meet'usIgBe maaser, aad the coaI thtil are belB« brooshl
t to keep the great «>t*lde people

trait ln{o the markets aad t
peoplt rat It, and that la the bewl
proof of the apleadld TVwU With

la Ibla asc ol |>n>i:rera. quick acGon
(fl.l Verae li—What daaa at perand sreot iblnaa a<comi>IUhad ta a
aosa are “wayaide" bearera?
aeemintfy abort time. Ibe tact la Ivsi
118.1 Vera« KIT—Do ihoae
rroaad -hearera. who receive word alsbt ot that wme evenu come atom


hefora ta. whole woru ta

This is one of a series of articles being publi^ed by
the Herald and which go todiow that Tra’---City offers to him who will cast his lot with her
ities that are exertional.

word' which ail 4*brtailaBa unal auw'

Dresses^U^. V^tsfniratdiiiios


^rroua it muat oeeda have the
cnlinrai and bortlcnlural barhi^^|A


snsBd" a tfcif pmUc!
<l&| Verae >—U it ■ tault

month O'er U-l
ot nioue. that |N.v*-d

The •i.e.i.i. thro j'

r' »rdrr <Je|»ri:>..-n'
Ul as'lof* »a.

■' •

.) roll bt thf'ee* .»* »

he Bern
aJ-lUhsU *.ll ''
ua •ftiun. p'skiiig the is.'i «>n;.'
oe ot the fti*-.'

Did you ever'consider the ImporUmce of ex­
amining our 5 and 10 cent counters? There
arc many exceptional good values on them that
you want and need every dey: composed vf curry
comb^ hammers, mucilage, frying pans, mouse
traps, beef pounders, matches, hammer haodlcs,
stove lifters, drinking cups, etc. A purchase
from there counters will be nlbney well ex­


The cite ba* l-u- a.'"


thtouBb .be different llt.ra
Ibe ffre deianment. the *;r*.
mem. the m.ler m„r-.- th- cit* Ht'
bra.y, the.,-la- and -U* -uiarH-* o;
Ibe.nffirer, O'er ir..'."". U-; .'ear. .
in lavv .her. —re
d.flerrm r.



,11 .tote*, office, aad i-lmrs ot bu..

Ccffoer Proot A Cm Streets





Greatest Price



IS _WITHIN• REACH MamBkni'Iirr''
Man k ea-Iat
AutomobUe Manafacturlac and Eoflae Conpany
Would Like To LocaU io Traverw-CMfi
ISaclMerlDf Ca of Detroit. Utdi.. 1
rbirti R. H. geasa la 'aeerMarr. are
a«U>T7 elt« a>d If
ther net the proper cooperatton of
(be Ttarerae CKy people aad bailacM
>« a faclon-. fOtJuu f*«‘
The “Bx-ana Umlt•d CoBserclal Car.' alae Tbc -BrUMr Uodri D.- wUdt ba« 32
2-l« borae power. The carrjrln* t»i*dt)- of tbic car la oo* lou aod wUI
sHI for I12VU. Tbc <.«mpauy i
rertlaed Is the aulo loumala
eztatU ot t9vO.W. and baf? receiv­
ed O'er
over a.wv
J.OOti cuguioo
cngulrl(w for
lo- uu—sse—

Udiei'^ (?.S0 Patent and Gun Hetal
Oxfords and Pumps. Now__
$3.50 aud $100 Oxfords in Patent tf A MC
and Gun Metal. Now............ ,..........
Ladira'^$4.00Pat|nt. Tan Gun Metal ■


Ladta' «.25 and $1.50 Housa Slippers

“iCUWmfe Shoe, and Oxfords
at Big Reductions.

Xlie Place

A. U Friedrich’S
Leadioe Shoe store of Traverse City
and Northern Michigan.


The New Perfection Blue Flame
Oil Cook Stove
No kitchen appliance gives such active saUsfaction and rearhome comfort as the New PerfecUon
Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove. This wonderful stove
will do the work better and cheaper than wood, coal
or gasoUnel Your kitchen is always cool and com­
fortable, they bake perfectly, there is no smoke nor
odor and no possible chance of an explosion. An
ortfinary sized family can do all the cooking on
New Perfection with about three gallons of oil per
wedk. ■ Come In and see thei<lew Perfection in opera-

Let^the Herald and Record'Co
do your Job Work.

-."IWU.of Ibe Circus',

p. m.-<5rand MiUlary Coo.en.................................

bUdda UMhl,. SMiioojW. M

....... ....... .................... -^ora »
Ei-Senslor Prank J. Cannon.

the iism^
take, bat rrmemlwr
R^. and don'



Wsdrmaday Eesiting. July Mtfi.
.........................■--n.. ClMliil Md UM^S


7;». I. M.-Oivd

a».d 0|i.M <».»,.

!XB 1-. l.,-...r.i.,d.-lM
-'STuoV m.—Idcrlnre ....


. •lUtonr Dips-

Rebert Parker Ullea.
Friday Cveninp. My Jkb.
A Jidy rtb.



........ Mmmm. MWI,

Saturday Cvsnlno. July 27th.
i':« 1. rn^-m^ted la^ura
Sunday AfUrnoon. July SSih.

was weH knuwu. au.l her luvabkinadu for Icaa than IfC.tW and a 3« estera. Sbe Is survived bA ber busH. P.'eella for t3O«.O0. A esah depuwTt band. snd five children, nil of whom charn.icr (rndcurLHl Ucr , all her ack;0# p. t»..^Da Sacred Ckmcert.............................. 8e>nWM». W»lrtU ^
ie alwaya aent with eacb order both are married but one. who Is U borne. qaalntsoLoa.
carv and inotore aod a draft at­ A nad coliicidcnie was that ot Ihc
tached to bllla of lading for Ik Unco death of h
s. Slls'
Mall Carriers Will Fly.
Thi>. Uno age oi grest (Mscuicrli'p-.
which la alt recclrrt by the company] Page. 6l Uelnut. uiioc ibe da.' of Jlrw
within 3i) days or leaa. allowing camei BuUaon'a funeral, July Id. -Mra. BuU. I'rogruM Titles on ilic air. iioou wc
ms« sw I'nrlc Ssiii's mall "rarric!'.
(lying III all dirediions. iraaaiiorilna
mall. I’ tiike a. wond.-ilul Interc»l In a clmcviiers Ihsl bmiefM-- them
Tbsl's «h> Ur. KlugA
fA New INxcovcry
for Coughs. Colds and oihrr.
other, throat
and tune dUesses > the mowMMAUr
aiedivloc In Afflerb 1. "it eaMim..ot
r This strong bank is orgaoirad-under
writes kffs J F
llallA Sctel2^f'''Corner. M0«.|aflrr
^National laws, and conducts ^ savings
■hn-tor's ireotmeiit snd all other r.rM
••.Hex had lallc.l." Fur .oiiRli.. .-old-’
department under the same protection.
(ir anv iriuii.hlal affcr'lnti ii's iiii
.•.liinled. I'lirc :..W ati.l Ills. Trial
Thus it is tbe ideal Depomtory for the
Iwille five at alt druggistr. uf Trnisv city______________


Nswrto Her. , .
■No* Tork Bank Rotffmi^^piU
aa eld Udy. "And I nevar knew that
ens of them bid bean nlostag.* sbs




I. July 2t«.
S;#4. m.- Urand daerrU t'oocerl.
............. Tbe llapSrs. Singing Road
(XiBu male vcdccs. I
- VrelMd.- ....................................................... Tbe Hoa»rh:ou pm -I.Mtore ...............-.................................-Tbe l■.lrioU«n of Ponce'
Kh4A>v. J. k>ank Uanloy.
- ^ is^.t

me esses. U TOO Deed s med tone yoa
Aoold bare tbe best.
Sold by drnnists in
fifty^ent and one^olhr sixes. You msy
hsve B sampls bottle;
by msil free, slso s _



If you filled them. All's well; if you didn't, your
rival got the order and may get the customers' entire
trade. Wake up and push the ’’BEST" flour made.
The manulachire and rale of this floor helps pay
your taxae, pave your streets, build your school
hotts^ Doeg foreign made flour do as much?


_______________ ______. July SI. snd close on tVitiMf^reSft. Job
M. AU programs will be beW In (be Vlg ChentnmiOs lent, wblch Vll^ Idxwted on ibr Wsdswortb strort side of tbe glands. Tbe series of eniertalR<
that tma
over ueen
been iwvmis
pto'ided la ibu part of tbc sUle for
nts la
tbC ibest laai
nas ever
' IbU aaiure. of uuuibvrs ’bad (be Uiae
.. ocesjAou (it
The compleic list
rnMn^iey are\J<l-l«e given Is as^f^to^:^

- • lee* aad

Mr. and Mtw. A. Jonei occupied ihi
a,,rii,M MeMer temedr. I



School QissikU, Aisle.

■ood caiub or «all eyti plk« w«*
Ulta Roae Canfteld ti t>o« clerfclaf
RouudiDK «em to cSlcape
ther do meet and
Bboold bare aUca^
Wra P I. lUrd aaa a Traterae OHr
caller Tuesday. '
Mr. Joeepbaoo. merchant ti,. bod. b .SKtri MU t«w
as'lllns out the .io<k fonuerty ownby tke Stafford Blui.' He baa bad
the boDdliia ttiurcustil> rrOcoiatcd Kitaer'f Swaap.RooC A tnalwulcoSand ripecta (o add an Bp (u dale Mock

tbe last pan of tbe week and abler-,
lamduB. Ebsland. Aumralla. Rome. Ja-ulned Mr. sod Un. Mlliea Harr of.
pan and oibcr foreign couniriei at
Trscene flty.
well ai all over AmerlA Tbeee Mr.
El ana will abow on regteatr
jMiny alio will maDufscttire a truck
lira. Josepli Rulsaon of Ibis city
of m> Iba. lapacUy wbicb will sell paaxed away June 2Vtb. after a pa>I for about IboO.Al and will have
longed lliBe>.s.<^I two years and a baUboree power motor.
Mrs. Bulwson was a daugbKT. of tl«o.
There la B waltln'g marke} for tUeae Urdle of Old Mission, aod was bom
Bixee ot Cotnmcrclal Trucks, gin at that place sUty-two years ago. Xlrs.
met tbe demand
Hulsson was a member of St. PraocU
t preaeDl.
' / t^ur
active in the work af tbe
Tbere la aleo a good proBi In the itadilies' Altar aoclety. Stm was a
uelueaa. Tbc Bvani Motor tan be member of the Companlofl of (be For-

We Can List Here But A
Few of the Many Sensational
Savings. Act Promptly.

. $1.9$

iursat Cssns Hss Bess PrsvWsd Psr PstnSs This
ScsMil. WIBBe HsM satbsCsntrsl.

lB«d tbM to kl> tawuii ufl

■Shoe Store



t .


The Choice el a Husband
lx loo ImiKirUoi s iiiBn-r (or a ut>
man to lie Uaudlcanpi-I li> ttca^ii--».
bad blood or ( l.r.ath A.uW >lu»«
I IIHMipni hr taking Ur. RIngk Pd(c
r.lls. New idretigih, (ln«
Ion. pore brealb. ch"crfiil spirits —
tilings itial wu. men—Toliow rm-ir uw
Fast. safe. sure. T’>. .hll dniKKi-if
o! Traverse CliyD be returned over nt least
per year, wbicb acTDunts for
large proSis In tbe auto and
gas engine bosloecs. Detroit Is an II
r Ibis, as well as nu
which have been built op
by this Dost proffuble Industry.
Traverse City ow;ns ebouc isr. cars,
moat of (bat moRby -bas gone to De
sbunld be kepi lieie as well
as drawing from other places., and
there la no reason wliy this cll>
should not enjoy a ilart in (bis oust
Tbe Commercial Car Is tmlv it:
lu ioceptlen and If good sense, com
shop praetice. Iniegriiy and but­
tle is applied. Trn.ersc Cii.v esn bf
4be map iu a niiicb larger wa.<
than at present.

Grswo. July 1(1.—Mis. Ethel U>ve
aud two children spent the week end
Itb Dr. snd Mrs C. A. Clark.
Tbere will be a Bower service at Sundai eyening and*all auend
mgt'are reguesed Iu bring Bowen.
Mre McHllla son-ln-law has,bO^'
out the meat market and
bis. family Into tbe rooms'^O'ff tb.drug store.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Penrod
Jul> C. a s(».
Mr. Yeoman's family bav* moved
to tbe Ceu. Green realdeoem
Dr. Franklin and Or. Lewis of Chi
(go. who are Hotel Inter'sMben were guests ol Dr C. A. Clark
Teesday. The part}- enjoyed a trip
.Silver iAke where Mr. Joues «n


funds of wage earners and others havidle funds awaiting future investtnent anddemring tbe very highest type
of safety.
'-I Your account is invited.



Unda eoetrel of U. S. Treuwy

To Gear Ibe Racks Quickly of all SniRnier Ganaents!

Ladies’ Long Silk Coats, Pongee
Coats and Linen Coats
All this Season’s Neioest Styles go on Sale at Greatly Redacei Prices

Ladles’ Long Bikek Silk Coats,
Now Priced at S6.95,
Silk Coats that are beautifully tailored with pew
large revers or with large shawl collars, some trim­
med with braid, others with embroidery or fringe—
coats that are rich looking and at the same time
practical—coats that were
$10.00 and $12.50 are now. .*..................... WaW

Long Black Satin Coats


Ladies’ Long Black Coats
These Coats are Made with large Shawl Collar,
beaudfully braided and fringed
worth $12.50. now at................................. 0«Fo 19
TAN COATS* of Pongee and Poplin, with
large fancy collars, worth $7.50 at W^»90
UNEN COATS, that were $5.00 aod $6.00 at St.tS
LONG COATS, a few that were $3 and $4 will go
at $!.»$ and $$.»$

Linen Dresses in Norlolk Coat Style
Oat tbey Gal
rkSMo* Staff saw M

0^ 4 iHtOcsBsA THSU HAAts

Special at $4.50


Colarti ParoMoU


ng *«T»


■ M B^y CUT *«• »B MJ •
}' lnW)lw- A* aa tanuee of tke
methods mvatlU|W at that wcTenllon.
I wi? rHs-Bf ein Cmom^sI Dls
Met did
'M p».«IWtM « I
«u>. Md at tth sM>MM«d turn ^
pbug Mr. Pigd J. Msum. «(llor of
the PortlsBd Revls*. «as rttosM me

, l/x


Why Hesitate?
If you w-am better bread
and pa.stnpastr>-‘ without addiliopai
. il ex|>cnsc, make' ta|i
your mind to tr>' one sack
of Crescent Flour—and
sec to it that the grocer
gels >our order that way.
You can't imagine the
satisfaction that cpmes.
fn)m using
you've made
..... ..........imtil
bread and l>astry
i>astry from
.Bctt^ lake a look and
if the mour bin is_ nearly
empty, tell the grocer now
so you'll Iw snre about your
next bake day.

When the proccr asks:
-\\’hat kind”—that's the
time to be sure by sayint;
Crescent Floor.
^Jl's a simple thine to do.
but the results will prove
that wonderful Micre-ss will
come from this beginning.
Like plenty of. other
hoiLsewives you. have n<»
doubt become inle.restcd ip
the claims wc make for
Crescent Flour and prob­
ably have meant to see
wMt the little blue guar*
Vtec' tag that's in each
mk can du for yon.

Voigt Sdllllng Co.

(lire oomlnatloDa for preaMent of (bo
( Biled Sutea. abouK) be made by
rirrt priman- vote.
(rtmllliued from t^RC One.)
«M RMMl coming riviu Uie Hay ('ity
The Coming State Convention.
•nd Cbicngo (vsvci>lioi» will b<' (be
•The coming aldU' winicnlJou will
iMVtnn-crUble evidence that tube Dmile np of representativea. H«ia«j3
by deiegatea. elrv-tcd « Ibe .\uguat
BlB Head
firiniariea. and nf acreaaily will. 4s
. ________ nde. Tbc ..._......... ..
as uur ayateiu aBorda. rciirenoel
^jaa (ram airk badache. lon>id
aver nod blUouancn*. hon.-ver. fa enr- the acntimpnl of (be rank and file
chlgan rcpublicana. Knowing Ulk
nt^e. Itoen roar,head fuel dUiy at
than wita apeRk or b^nd ftnucra
be trae. i bclicv.- that ihe Stale
tuii rimnoc MUmi III tke ram? Th<*c
nra aj-miilenn of n dlaenipil liver and f'eaUBi Commitlee aboold bo roorga■ ^00*4 Male or (ho bosula. The nlMd at the approaebing elate r
raanedy is pH. HlUUUrK-S Sir.AR- veathiD, dna if It ta poaalble totdci
They' are mtlrt. 1 vould go farther and reeiinimcnd
i^my to lake bDiI ciren 'o» out beaiii- that new presidential elw-tora be
(tmny. Try them. iViee c; eta. iiold
Icvt^ (or these dlslrlcU where Ui«
l>r_ABM*icali Drag Store.

fit inn IT noET



t B4T SAOLE^-rSimAX,

11^ IttL ■
I tte



I gofcnier s< isy

___rcra win be used
e raajoriy gew wha:
r pitauc;



nmi I(r
In teed
. nu,*dut»
d dri

.. ..reign U> uiy theory why —r-|-—T «M tSarrtwu M so' -l think a law aliuUar to the Kana -’suture dnil- ths Vrrralcot la aumuier. and thore la no
ao«allad 'b|im aky" laa:. abo-ali
. .>pl<- atioiuu luaiT cai^ . _
r Ml land a bm«i c»
a« • •I •bowel dlotiirbaiireB. aa °f. rnacted. wbicfa in autetaa<-r
Ucuteble citiaen In eicry
diaeaae U dUfiily irairc- *!<»«■
baikalera of booita asl
c«cry way
way)i wak »nt*
llcwa. We
ur«d all1 alodia of foreign c
suMItaud (or that of Ur. Uaurvn. ft afelo.M Ibete I’OixUlliwa.
wiihalaud the «nfa^aoeb
aiKii nieuiMea
metboda p.
pf pollUcal manlpir «'
. *
teUun that baa oo arauaed Ibe PUbU-'i^To Jiiiute the bTaeU and gtilcklv •«*
«*»“* "'■'“‘t.
rannelenee. If muh error, mtd lrra-‘rrtto.^^U?LiS
i-l «o
l«»l»»..ln MUbUan. 6mh
galaiiUea are nirrected. together wlit |ot eonstlpailon. the comblnsIloB of a law would aunttally keep tnimona
tba aetecUon of a new Stale Centnl •I'nP'e
Caqwlttee. It will t^ove the cload S^^a bteWy re^o^nded% i5l
ad title that is now hanging over the hare ever used It. I'nllke raibarttes!
• ^gld corrupi i.rarth* i
y*ny organiiatlon aa chorntn at Bay and viuteni purgatlrei. Dr. Caldweii'a i boald be enactoJ. which wouM
cm . No eomnutW. U-greater th«
«•««"' W ,*»*d|.


.l».« P»,y. .«! i- r .ll"


tbere ckikn the allgbtcat doubt aa to fo an e«ay. natural raanimr. it can ■■•Isb■tending, aa was iDillLSletl ?t be used allli perlert safety bgr lbs I -I am also a Orm believer in Ihe
aesalon the vomnilttec Itscll ““*i delkate woman or Child, and yet *^ell cerrlre. mfn<-lr>le. ami should like
selecting our nUIe
sibte UlBl.
land loespenslve.
■ e. It-b
it- the Ideal tamlly emidoyees.
.. .....
rleariy aetUng forth Ugalhs. By eieanalug- (he bowel, -I am an eathuslasOc
so i>roIbe duties Of the State Central t om.' “;;ari^t^''ai.d“ r '
nounved In our nate, and any uw
mlttec ngaollns any future conlwiu^ ufTind teton.e It wilt uuirkly
(eiraded apoa law and equU^"•
iuaueba incident to Uic prellml'
prellml- aumm^'
eanm^ dj^rhun
dlVAora and rratore'noruial
have my raraebt pumiort/
lUaUou of cottvenitons rondllkma.
nafy organb
•1 am opposed lo a^hanpe in our
thould lie adcrL-pted by the convemion. I . n™gfW. w’ll Dr. C.IdweH’. Syrup
present aysieoi of taxation aniU
. osts one
can be dcmonalrsiol ihnl onr prwacnt
uUl represent the progressive senil
Itoltie and keep it in the
machinery is Inadequate toaceem
-a its com
tnent ol the party in Ulrhlgaa. aniT^' it will rave
ilanr.: Umn
A free trial iMttU-. postpaid. il£ puriusea.
sbonld be so deBnlte In its utteranrea
writing to Dr. W.
be obtal
and so plain in ita provlaioni tbit there
am a nmi believer In Ihe i
bs M room btr donbt reganlla l'celIo..iaj9S!t-------■ervatlOD of our fuoral resourrea
»i^i( BS our —■<-■4-1 resourrea.
Ihe positkiB of UIcblgsD repnbllea:i
duty •
ihia I mean tbs enaeinient of siicb
so enUed. fart]' per cMt dnune'.
any rudldale of tbc party elected
IscMatien as «iu l-esi u-ad lo
ed tbei'e. by the enemlea of the
•or executive or le'gUtetlve oflice
uplift of our jisple
for the xpurvora.of dlgcrwdlUng
the .Kovember election.
T Shall not (aver any backward
Primary fisferm.
If and making it more diaieun to get atepa is tagUlatiOB governing
-As'evldeore of niy slneefity tu the awmy frora..the. .conrration aystem. Uquor iraSk; the koera of emiiloyratise of primary reforoi. aod proof This provision reqnUwd that the land­ oeni of women,and rblMreti;
ing. candWate ahonkl receive a nlur- shark, the quack doctor, or any of tiie
illty and'at irasi'tony per
of ooraaltea that prey ugpn the wraknesa *r gulllUJity of the human
an autboriied Intentew In the Ofand the votes c«a( at Ibe primarr. ]i
Rpplda Herald In IH4..I suisd.tbal event tiiat np candidate revekod the for iheli own.iMMnoasl enrii-fament
1 w ould not be a connate Tor govet; Icrlj per cent, the nomlnatloB wi
and (be IminwtoluDMX of our man­
nor In the primaries oo gocount o*'-*- be "■s<b.| by the coaveollon system.' .It hood. womanhood or childhood.
"As chief executive, I weald seek lo
wiU he-icen that the sole purpose and
intent of the law couM he defeated b; erarute the laws of the state with Jus­
tice mot talraoM to all. imiirtled by
fc lees, of bono and ninacie. a mulUplicsUuu of iwudldutaa. M
don't make a wonu. It's a aood foun­ ____I to be • randU|ete wu bnaeJ my otneW dattra rather than my
dation. Pm into it health anti purely atpl.almply.upan my desire to Bonal leaUtute.
aln-ngtli aod she may rule a ‘‘ ~ sec the Uw given a (sir trial.
-I iielicve that a man who bai
Hut' that's Just wlint Etertrl
eeited a fair (rtnt and lias l>een
give her. Thousands bless
ovorvoniing falmins and dli
'•Progreralve measurea are in the vioted by a Jqry of hla i«eera amt aenud'^ dispelling weakness, nervous air. and they should b* studied by the lem-ed 10 a term of Imprisenraei
neea. ackarhe and tired. listless
the irlal Judge, should not recelv
people tbemgeiTM. Voder the
■nary ayntem. iney can uu longer blame (-cuibe clenieurv. If a rondltlon
Ibe caui-osw or ronvenllons if they i-buuld arise sulwquenl to his liupftsKllia Pool. I»C|»'
««ia»ent.'abl.-h aould uiak.- dxuvutive
yuu. wUU all my heart, for maklni are not properly represonied at I
rm li n pood ■ niedicine." t'lilv :.U(. ing. if they desire these urs
dentehcy' ck-slralde. uo st-UoD would
Utuiauietal by all druggiati of Trat tare* enacted into law. ihi-y
by me ••mil after billeet publ-lty.


«■ “ sirt-ss su:::: “rs »«* “

to bake
now ame out of the oxt
•-dlght, ^4^nty and deli­
cious. It fairly makes
yon hungry to look at



la the beoeewiie's
best friend, lightening her buniena as V_'
well aa the food.
W-herever K C t» used
jwi will find healthy,
happy- familka and a cantent^ houewife. CompUes with aULpnn food Uwt
both Sute gad Kationnl.

lirlty was given and after a romplete
public beariug. I do not bebe>e In
i«r,ionlng attd imratt'.og convlcied
except aloiig the lines laid down
by our ladeierminaie acnienrc lew.
syrtem’ should be inaugurated
whereby eonvk-ted men might be so
employed as to maintain thrmaeives
at the name tlme'ieavc a margin
of iirollt from their aervtcea viiieb
1 be used towards the support
of thelr'ifaniillra. In mv io.lgnieot.
the a|>|>li-a(len of pracUcal baslscaa
prfucipU-s to (he manacemeut of our
priMins, would relieve the taximyen
of the burden of their a-alo(ciiaBcc.
The unfortunate and ueJccttiv rlasaei
ranuot be exisM’ted lo
seU-S'.ip|ionIng. but that able-bodieu .-idiilt priaooers aboald require auiqiori from (hf
■tele treasury is certainly ont com
enl with the vieuw of the average buaineaa man.
-I shall enlarge u|wn these varioos
subjects during tJie <«urae of the tauipaign. ^ir thr.v apj^eai *o the repotiIICBII wxvrs u( XUchlgan. I sball. boi>e
for lt)(Niv£>il'>^'i
almidy my amblUOn to be governor

shall be satisfied, but-that there mar
ran improvod londiilon in lUe uioral
Id maieriai welfare cf our stau
"In my Judgment, there can bo no
better .^ra^ay «r exieriertee tor eBIcteni aervlee la the execiuive offfrw ol * '
the etaV liiaB that aequirad In an art- '
Ive bualnees llfe'aad in meetuSNand
solving (be iirobk-ma that come betoiw
Ibose « ho det elep and btiUd np a comciunlly or sUte. It la mmi anvh a
record, rather than an oSiv.-boldIng
record in tensing, (bat my randldarylusloD. let me say. I aii> nut
a -Taft reimblkan: 1 am not a Bo-ko- riv: leiHitilhun. and wuraly' imt a Wil­
son republkan. but I am a repul>U>a*
iBarauae of tVe princlplra upon which
my iiarty was founded, and which I
aru copBdeui la aeon again lo hare
fliU (mllkm In appliratlon to the
Jullon of the great. fndoslrial prole,
lems confronting our iiailon.


W 3b1v 11.


Factory 322 S. Union
atpSoM M8-Sr.

wrtiiFii BfOiriii

Tie Cgar of QuaB^

“Howard” CarlM
by aU dealers

5 e each

Stralobt Tea

Havana Ogars

Ogar Flcfc^
MsBBlactere -

Mflf full



Sterling, - 10c Cgare

Made of choice, caretally avifrifd Havana

■ Tin. Filch, Prop.
203 N. Cedar St.

Traverse aty. lUch.

IS eents or S lor tS crals




.mia PANTaiAs •


S cents


5 e«b

Weayer F&ctory Smoker
9 cents

Private BrmJs
a ^dnliy

iMU ReMgrCMw
A Polnl


Manulacture, pracUcally all the dgar
boxea uaed by tbe cigar manufarturwra
Is Um city and In Nonhera Michigan,
and for nUR in destgning box eovora,
and nieti>-date weft oa bos manula»
twe are onexcellad. Lai ua Bgure os
your work U ran are not buying ot ua
BOW. and be eatiafied. with ncoret of
Athara who MW n^ng eoi cl»r boxes.

Nowon Sale

*‘Some Smoke”
The New fe Cifler



The Traverse aty agar,
bwr Fhelery
4I6E Ei^Sl CStplnM433
Blelceley Bros. Preps.

For Sale br AhOsakn


NlddcHovewieBlt...... 8c
SsMkers* dab
gLahesc 474
Faetory* Hi £. TeaOi St

the best 5c cigar made


Tty 6ne for your
next smoke

Peter Hormotb

"Boll ol
Tbe Woods"
Drag One.
Tbe Best 5c Cigar la
the City.

. Sfednlactarer


yi2 W. 9i St T,»oicCilr


' Smoke the strictly
high grade

story No.-15
Cigar factory owners, dlgar makers and aaleamen are all fwMesr cootrlbwtera to Trracrac City's industrial prosperity. Civie Improvement Circi« amt ite tratAmal WcMinga. They unite in one btg eenttwt tc make
Traveroe Oty -rilood Today and Better Tomorrow." Why note<^ smok­
ers patronise their parlous lines of cigars manufactured, by calling (or
“home made cigars." and Increase their output locally.

The Best 10c Qgai
msde in
Traverse Gty

W 4 dc oUol brkidi oefc is
TrsnosClTsre Ike boob

Diamond J-IOc
Gate Post—10c
BfoaiRoot Havanas-5c
F. K. Smokera-5c
, Traverse Beile-5c


Watch for tbe new Ci^r


WeniUI maheWeldkraaes.

Qaeca Oty Claw 18e
W. 0. W. Se

W. Rabinovltch

m a. Fnmt at. oig. SBIm a«K

PAGE £eV£3f.;


%[ iitst
3i Me Itie ^ig Sigoiflcancc
M sew luai'SeasoH Ticket
ii Iffi CflMTAUQUA
Sixteen Admissions lai Cents Each. Save Half. Use
. V
Them As You Like.

' forailir|it<fonnalice.
forahir Rttformahce.
«d i^eK No Difficulty. No Wasted Nuni^rs.
- -'I

sixteen adinwions that cost yoa bat a Wiling
UM them as you like,
the door-no inconvenience of any kind You have
ther^no delay
at t_..
... ._ a BO bother^no
in handy fonn on which you may take anyone to any
no loss.
loss. You do'
do not have to lake
take in every number on the program to
ticket. The ticket is good for any number. If you skip one numlier you
bdn take two people to the next

Arrange at once to buy your Season Tickets.


I -2 I


I‘a r 8 t

7 1 a

U latcmrftaMMM-lS Ihr«l*iw

Not Good Unless Couotefsigned by Secretary
9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I l4 t AS I 16

Arrange Neighborhood Chautauqua l^arties
Among Your Friends
The New Ticket makeelt pweible with a emvla j ol oae-VV.
On a New Form Season Ticket you can arrange fof a CbauUuqua Party of uxteen
for any aumber on the program you choose. This is one of tbe most enjoyable featuwa
^ the Chautauqua. Many have already begun planning affairs of thU kind.
If yop have friends you are entertaining this summer you can arrange to give them
a most enjoyable evening.

FamilieS^Form Chautauqua Clubs.
Many families are forming Chautauqua Clubs among themselves. The new tteketi
adn its tl e men folks to the evening numbers in company with their wives and children.!
your family can arrange a club like ehis in your neighborhood or among the rocM*
hers of your own family.
ChUdrcB’s Tickets ( 7 to » years ) only SI for IS admissions.
TMs New Form Season ifekdt Sale Closes «atard«r NJ^t
YMCasaot Get Season Tkkels After tM Ouwiaiiqtia.^ls.

After theChautauqua Starts you must pay 25c admission to
b ail cases Ihe rearvei cluin art. 5<; extra, u they tote iieen m olber staMBt

Tickets on Sale at Bureau pf Information and of Solicitors.
Out-of-town people write to M. B. HOLLEY, Secretary of the Board of Trade, Traverse City, htichigan,
enclosing $2.00 for adult and* LOO for children for each ticket,desired.

, ;


Tlw 4sgrmte admission prices of these attra^ons on die concert stage is ever Ten Dollars.
Tim new tann season ticket brings them to ydtr for 12ic a nundier.
- Mms Md etrlfelng In Lyeevm
' C—certA
B -U eat:«d Tbe
iMWTi" Bad^ to cBBtamwl aa ncA 1b
rAawhM to Uie poputor dBrnaad for
Uobb of a HllUarr «a-


Bbma WBIhlTi. •( tbto eompan; alao
tam • braaa aeuet. and Uie reottUiiBStliree a dnuB corpa. Tbe praffssi
^■UeaeBa. b eerles of aeWkrr
eM -.iwmiOD wo*bb
10% »«hW^hT. dtotoeae bcOobb. trampat.
drun'aiid aooc. Tbia company Wee
.y • ab».api>Bta*-BBmber of tbe CbaataeqbIl a net«d eoBcen SoBday efterBBBB aad (be «n«d nUHHT f«w«n
* Uoadt]' Blglu. Bad the prrinde Sobdar eveBitq; and Moodar anerneoB.
Far Faur Vbbib Oeesiwr «t Indl
Hto iBMaBT—aata are TtoBto; Hto,
proeanktta .aib tot harmony with hto'
alx feet ot berpie maDbeed. When
apeaktac be aaeaia a atalvan gtont
flt (or. any Ti«r. »» towki etralcbt
Bad ateadlly lato the eyes of hia «adlttra aa It aeannhlBg (or ibeir htober
aatam. Ke is aArerr dramatic, t
l^lateetltr to

that of a mera mimic. She to a thorangh atadCBt of Ser an. and from the
felUc't point ot view, her every ,et(on Is complete and aattofyUg. A
voice ol rema^ble atreegtb ^ richaeaa, .tocetbor vltli an nnUmlted caparity for study and work, bare alde.1
a charming personality and made of
her one of (be Great' Reodera of to.
Hr*, qate* wUl.give her very best
ta "Polly of tbe Cti^s," Hoedav «fteraooa. Jnly SXad. Those who know
tbe story will be aare .tn warn u> bear
Hra. Oiua tell ibta in her own cfcamtag way. and K will appeal to ebr
bcona of all .rf>r the alory to a aiost
bathetic oqc, with ^ epleodld asoral
aad a OtUng dtmax.
Tlw FatMr Craftaman.
SubfecU: "Tbe Poller and tbe
Many preai aollcea and letter mleb:
be prhiled beibwltb cooeemhig He.
Damroeto auceeaa dt tbe L^team
platform, bot when papera like Ute
iBdUaapoIla Star prlot an eatlre co>aaa.artkde ander trig beadliaea about

Speaker at Rig Meeting Finda Many

^ Btrooc tall aad clear, sritb a tone
ef BoaOBcted and deep batoan tympai.SiHRh Damron
Workman's Apron
Tjie Trawae City
Trai Chawaqua
' Board or Trade
Itoled aad eaitaced la a great caoae.
He to fment «od to^earul Ib tpeeeb.
«ith the altar* and polWa of an or­
ator, the todc of A akUM advocate
aad a refonsee.
ripe tetoafarakip aad ^«Me range o(
lafertnattoB. tagMW .with hii tbdv
«UsMe will. DM^e peoiltoriy potent
tor goadt^^ bto poUto attHadea.
BMetaaaaa atod -actlvKica.
. .. That be baa -ooM «e tbe klngdam
.Jhv aacb a- um aa tbto’- maat be
{ maaltoat taal|>a«o baoa. la the llgbi
W bta MfaUe'Vwmed. dol.v (oaiMerol
«r chtof HiilfcTadi o(-a great Amerlcaa rom.BK)ea«*lth.
Tbe SeonRiilgM. Lee Aagelea. Cal.
“Tbe Patriotism or |>aer.“ Saaday
•eobbs. My tut.
■Sagaea^ ao* baad. Of iheaa leadeh
U tbe weecb arta. ttiere are aoae
■or* tbatoa^ deligMfnl In tb«lr
lBtai*r*uUoaB af the anUllc pbaaee
-to Wd .ttM Um. Obkb. Her mimaUc appratoatlH to •aeb that ahe Ina Ibf
y aetor'a ebaractef.
- HUr patbltoNttoa
ttoa «r tika f
her aalactloaa. Thto raaulta U a rtvaHty abd raaltaai *bleb goea far

Jaiy Ord.
Cornea to tbe Chsounxios aadleare
Tueaday evealag. Jaly 23rd- Sabyert.
-Modern Hormolilam.- He was th'
Orto r. B aenaur from ruh-OrganUer AeiiabllcaB party la Ftab-Edi
tor Rodcr Htnautn New*—world
The entire coaetry la atirred at the
Prreent time over the dUckwotea
which are belifg made by Bs-Ualied
Sutee Senator Fnnk J. CaaiieB ta
his series of anfc-les la Everybody's
Hagaxioe—a aerie* on preannt liar
autni or Mormontom aad tbe part U'
playa in the AmerIcaB Ufe aa a
whole and to Ukyly to play la the
faUre. Theme artiries are written by
to Waahlagion In IS«S and 1»9«. the
aon of tbe flnt counaelor of the )lor.
mon elroreb. These artldea are of*
even more Ur reaching Imponance
and lateaM bileeeat than those of
Tbot. Itowaon and thoae dr Jadge
Rea Undaey which appdared la the
same magatoae is the recent past and
cauaed almoat world-wide comowst.
A;mute CbOd. A Kiowa Captive,
Pile race Savage. Reeaptared by Can­
ter. Aa ladhCa Soldier. Cenn-Martlaled Deamer. bacaped Altilury Piteia-

er. A Hunted Wanderer. A Conrened
Savage, Salvation Army Captain, A
Celebrnted CtargymaB. Widely Read
Ototlagntohed Lecurer.
In the dreat of an MUa Chief
wUch be wean aa a trophy of war.
Tahan I Rev. Joaeph K. Crlms* preaenls to l.yceom audlencea In his leeturr on -Tbings 1 Saw and Did While
a Savage, one of the beat If not al­
together the moat thrliliag and Ictenaely intereallng. and at tbe same
Hate InatracUve, life atorie* ever
udd by a fan m
an being.
carries a moral and religloaa mresage
<s well.
Mr. Gtlfflt csrrles a large number
of the curios gut he has coUeried
while he was among tbeee Indians,
aad they comblaed with tbe story
dF*t be lella makes a tertore that al­
ways bedds the cloeeet attention.
Ur. Crisis cornea to the Chantaqns
Wednesday aftentooa. Jjily 2fth.
Fermeriy Judge of the Municipal
Court of Chleagev

age. it stands primarily for instractloB Imparted in an. b a way as Ip af­
ford talgbclaaa eaieriaiamcBt.* It has
draws to ha ranks the atoat dlatiDguitbed men la every walk of life
Jadge Frank P. Sadler of Chhagn.
has braagbf to the rbsuuuqaa n
great tnesaage
Tbe Crininai in the Maklng."
To know man at hie beet It is ne­
cessary tn know him at his worst,
since both aeand the depths of his
■ameMlalllies sod teat the rsng» of


rsted as one of the leadin; led orer*
M the Chantaonna pUtfoim. * '
For the Uterm you have In your
chHdren't'weKaie. for your iaterett In
your fetlowmen. yon slioald bear this
great lectare. which comes Wedheeday evening. Jnty 2lib. ■"
PERSONALITY IN THE THING. It to the salt yiihoDi whose saver
the greatest talent is ^nslpld. PersODsllty marU tbe dlSeraace beiweea
genins and talent, ^eo tbe singer
must have personalltf. Hto method
be the p^eetkm reqalred by
hto tones may
the world's
have egRalaite
phrasing may meet all demands ot
expression. Bot Krihis singer have not
a stmog xteraB^Hty. tbe great and
impartial pobllc will praooaare his
tfona "riaaoical music.- That medns
cbllvioa- On tbe other, hand. ^Ole
Ban was more or tost cmaand by tbe
crltlca. »aat of that* Pethaps be
did Tltriaie SOM rok* of lectalc. The
people came by thoaaanda to hwthat rioiiB cry the aonowa and laugh
the ioys «r a great aooL Bo It to with

er. reciter, actor, alnser. author or
even painter. Hapeclally do^ this
fact apply to the leetarer.
Ernest Wray Oneal
has this
atreogtb ^ personality in a marked
degree His remarkable reception by
aadlences everywhere and Inrarlsbly
prove tbe fact. He Is unutiallBedly
endorted by the Redpath SMytna f.>ream Bureau.
Mr. O'Nears crest lenure ' Popnlar PaUselea." will be g1t«i Thursday
afteraoen. July 2-Mh.
* ■ COMP
The le^Bnin Grapd Opera I'ompany
Is without any exception, the finest
musical ontsBlmtlCR ol lu kind ever
ntfered to (he l.yceuin and Chantannuaa every member hsvlBg appeared
In Grand Opera and three of them In
leading ro)f?a. ti is utierh mu of the
<ta««tiaa to nay all that I* important
to any ab«u(.thle company.
-The l.eRruB Grand Opera I'umpan;
Is composed of Msdsiuc I>-Bian. sc
prano; I'jiura Baer. ccDtralto: Frrtr
Huumacti.. tenor: and Arthur Dean*,
Madame LaBmn.
Usdame i-Anin. one of the world's.
greatest* sttpranoa. BFgan h-T niiitictil
Mita Baae.
Misi LAura Baer, the contralto, is a
mat coBacfentlous snlst. She is i
graceful wpmati witti's noble voice ac
readily show* ahe won her biuii
silion front no (avorUiain.
Friiz Hutimann. tenor, was a <111(0
pr^Igy on fhe tfcilln and tatired with
several nrgnnitalloii at the age or ihir
teen. Mr. Hutttnann r < ..................
reer N gan with the old .Aiidr. w- Op
era I'ompany whkh touovf thisLouuprandaenl Binging orgsnlraimn. ii.
Mr. qcane.
Arthur Deane U a nallr%of Sidn"-.
Australia. For aeven yea^.be ws*
the leading hsritooe of the Roys! Car!
Rosa Optra i'ompany of RagUr.d
Each mejuber cf this tampany .-an
ting in three language*—Italian. Or
man and English. .
The fTiaaisnqus nianagetaeni con
gratuUie ibetnaelves ths: they’
able to secuie this
andc^ol <
tad they
pnny tor this eonrae. and
appear for tbe prelnde Thtiraday sf
Ipmooo aod for rhe granA coocen
Thuradsr evening. The tec: should
be packed for both eeierislnmenis.
B-Okea awe than a mere literary
sbOky to betomc a soecwsful lector«g. It tegwiras.^akote all thing.-, cx
perience. TWe* are b«l few mru up
a the ^tform today who have.ha!
the peculiar training far the platform
of Mr. .Miles. SeboM for tbe mlalatry. be beenng at oeee an'etatoc.
an.t was beraldni u ~Tbe Boy.
PKhcber.';irDm.U>iHlA. Lotto, serv­

This gives all (be reed and wind ef­
ing upon a grto| metrorotitfa daily as
fects of a large oreheatn aad CMba Itaiure writer, be wgptohrown Into
bined With tbe mnslr.of abe-ptoae
many pedlar and rtarHlng eitwe
andtoriags gives a result g* aallM^^
ieneca. He t^s gltrn a£''^HdW<anh>'
!on as It to anlgue,
in study all phases of life from that cf
The Sehunaan Qaiatet to a camthe -loar haadred' dosra to that of
joay proud of lu |•ervu^B^ a group
(be 'aabmeraed tenth.- Ad.l to all
of ariisferevcry uoc cf whom has al­
(heto opportunities the <iuiclten!ng ex
iH-rlence of unicioe travel, and you. ready made lor himself a preatlaami
hs»e vrejisred a min« from which na- ^litoee la the anialcal life a| this OUBMiles is as unique and eMonlrlc In
bis personalltv as be Is excepHdnsI In
he plaffcrm work. Warm hearted.
<are|e*c bf self, hut apprertsting every
gDO.1 ward that comes u Ms ears; a
hale fe|l$w well met with every one.
■waardlem Of |gMlUon.-lhat Is Mile*,
off the putform. With enough e*oilsiu to uphold bis work. an<l enough
modesry lo liiake him compantoaable.
rotund an<j eniiling. not etfnsive but
o'crflowiag. .In spite of hi* rise.
Miles Isa big. good aalared
poi at eriark It N a dtStoAt story
when be t«U» gets toito action, bowDeo t eM<ect Mtles to make a (••IHiral si<ee>h. u reriDon or a hamoito
This great ii;*al rarnes lo Tratew
riiy Friday affotoou. >rc. Mllc» wlft
bold the attention to the very list
Mr. Day has beea poi«Urly si-oken
of e* a -cl.aracterisi. Ulteening that
Joseph JcBcrson. Heco Itvlng and
RultaM Mansfield used -igs and
niake-lji. for the fortberanee of charhe rwoW see no
u-asor. why lh>-:r amstic
a- gerniaoe to'-the plaifomi a> the
I heater. He ha* boneslly tried to
tsise (he use of wig* from a novelty
to an an. and we l•ellete that the
uitai Kceura.iuihlle will.agree wHh us be Has acconi'Jbihed his »«r|jose
It' should lie liorcc ill tvlnd, howeier.
that hl» an m the u,e-of them acre*sonn Is used only in l«tHdlitg ap that
liroader aa.1 higher an—the deliaea
iiOB of character.
Mr Day is tbe oaly iwnon on the
cotire ghsuuugua nrocram who has
ever appeared before a Traveiae City
audience. Five cars ago he wg« one
of the great aiiia>ik>ns on the High
School Itoture Coarse.. Since then he
has lisen in bU imofession mull no.
he stands at the head, an attl.t in

Is coarf^cing the peoi<le that they
reallv enfoyrlto. very' bevi insirumeatal raavic'wben ivoperty i<reseni
e‘ They have a genulaeir new ides:
that of preseofliig' -symphonic cos
ccn» " with a company cf only five
nustclsna—each an artist, foar of
them fome^ m«inbers of (be great
Thomas Oretoeait* To aocutw tbe
STBuihoak- eSect a rpartoliy luosiraned reed orgaai s 'carried ifor ase
where nine gfffyf
iw av^hte).

the nmnaiiqia ntanageineai he .
Iteres la gitlag (he very beat sad so
hate be-n tuoi fortunate to aecartsg
ibeae ulesied aiea for (oar awsaraaees. Saturday sllcraMn eoaotot.
Saiarday evening aad Snaday after­
noon pteln-lea. anJ Ibe clesiag the sm
ries of eBTertalameatt Sunday e»caing with a grand concert.
Who o mes to Traitose City for RstuiGsy evealag. to a letlarer in every
sense of tb«- word, aad he ceraMasa
this with me of bis own deilgbtfaJ
niuelc. sod bis Areenitmatols alU beIbe ether meotheia Of the Srtanmaaa
Uolnlette. tor be Is oae el these
sidendia slagers.
Mr Ijimpen to a lectore-story tellto. an.l then with tbe brautlfal cofered strreoisicoa slides that be has
and the plcoalng TRanaer'ln which H
Is given slamia him as aa arfist from
Igrewt pleasnre lo |>reaeatiag Uib taL
IMled artist to (be Traveiae City *adteoce. and fgtoi '^sme ibai^ It will
meet whh hearty a|>proval.
To the Ihihlir. My Jadae aa-l Jury:
What 1.^ lu) meiuiaBe? An earnest
•l.-sire to attract aneaiii.u to the most
sai-ie.1 tfbligailoas of IJIe. luting *«-r
vi>» to t:od. Home and Country, n,
awaken conseleiiee. a'mi’te anUdiloa.
strengthen lutnmse for tbe fulfUllng
of l:fe. uoldesi dune*, lo help the
wtali and faltering- 'f> eaiourage the
ftroag and peracreilc: to oyea op
urm der lOuslhiUttes l»f,rc the minds
or those wuadiito tufleti'-led on lUes
threshold, to try aad uiake every one
gUd that Ihey-Ilte in this the BttsI
woaderful nf all the age*, la the most
beanlirnl of all to hcl<. aR. lo
Hurt none. cxeeRi (hat OCe of whom I'
toight l» said ' Tls only the isoaaded
Wrd whH-h fioiiers.In those pioneer days there were
lirtle or DO. t hsreh or schooi advan­
tages But I ^ thsak,. Cod. that
wbk-h saMdied ao far os poasihle the
need of botb.'a wt*«. prodent. InteUl
ge&(. devoot CatBoUc mother, lo
whose leachlags gad rharaeier-lMilMiog I owe all that is good In me, and
to wbem I am indebted for tbe Mol
rnotber. home. asd'beasc4ife forwUA
I ao torwevtiy pkraJ uday.
•Hotber lAko.- aa abe la Jovtadr
colM by her toaoy friemto,' Speaks
oa tbe *DlvMa Oigb^ d tit CHd.Saaday afterMco. Utr tHK

Qiuai» nAvniii sbald. Aas isatbub m



_ .,

\ JVLW lA M±

awB.'^(•fTtes to a m»rla hhi ku«. oro—Un kr-proas laAard *hh aa
♦ a. hrpao-rodMore oar 6( «t.-rij'!. iTi+rlas -Oh. Pldl, aoa'i; ,CW*



paor No« tba Uoa hod M thoa bh a

01 prtda.

♦ aun.»a»<—>«»»>wbo—odtsoMa

th. thil,

llilaasiii Hasslatliaa arn# !•♦♦ ♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
i MmM Va«lt ran* •satfllM * aro »!« «« ulk aiMt bahaui!i to tbr
• onlor OdoMU.


eto»P of «»«. tb« ptcked a|.
H^ eyr. 0aah«.1
aasrtly; but ia o«fc»- ,
-rt>k8 iw,k. |,
---------- ,------------ rasa
U pothap- beat .■»*<'• « «•>« nomlaiakaWo
tasr iba
-Bpeetami of *bair ba aakrd. Oar. bla faro taddaalaa

^ • kbon by tba ralbrr enmtV aaam of eooatooaooe of PUIIp Popi.
Papi. tba hot oahAM
orhAu «ha
ibr aaroad
n<mt spactotaa
sporlSM altar
atlar tba
«■"-“-lad -him obasmr 8allm-« Brat ^
■•kitoka dociw." "saaka raador. "boraa ...........
' ♦
aMUOK ovar bU abooUar
4 Ml
MlBsar,-- damlBS aaadla.- aad Tty^ , A
I will in'to ba.aa.hapsy
yoo ba » toaoar
• las addar.Ooao i« bla ahoafc.
« eaooMi
datooodod Oay. lMtlsaaeUy, -I foottd
Allbooxh tbroa Ulda. raatalllr-blaa
Btay la a hroi
♦ oa tar as
• . 4.tB«H-Vy
S fMohoMoi

twill trytabataytaftInIpM I bad fraaa loaaeta are a« of tobtiadrad la half a-«»d. aod I dea'i koow wbai It It. I roll it
• sad kind
d to averybady sad ta « <V «>> •«>«» «>» •*»"• «"■»• •«* *» ‘ abooMot woadar it old Uaier Tim- denrtffat Maoa to yoa to tbraw a»
♦ evaryHvtattMv.
* taadara and phyatotoa. to anakaa. ■“•••««« Jtoo ihoaaaad tor a good wtnaa awa> ♦

If I avw MU is trylod to da * kniae able to saw ap iba aon of bod

•«" <* U>a

writias at


»T............. rj:::“r;...............................
uaarol. bacanaa ibay dasiroy oa natty
noaqutieas and fllaa.*

CrgioUad Oasambar A im
RiW^iiil Sdba Clara Ratat.


*------ ----------------

-Ptwiiy flery brvtaa for youasnara.
abooH aay." busbad iba auoiisar.
•««•» aartaea op tote Hub celb or______.
farvanily raiolaad
a«noret. Tba-e tama
wiaga naka tto, ...wi—lra baln'l no Paget
ibab owoara about ‘

-| cao i bain b

dama tba- peffaet b hb flijtht that wodaro aaiaa-

. ■


tbm on

ibi» have .uaaasiad that iha oyla*


i .... .

Thu aaarUd ’aad


nan. m

*9tof,l«R«e SSBOto diwa—- Ibal'a bow

Uroson Ilia, are



iRe atarta tba atory B0tas~
vtou. faadara. but ia.arUbh aa|Maro>
And Bab diraada lUiBlac-aedlM and their i»ay <n> tba miof. sad nan. Um
too lakpa ap aosa aawlag.
*ad wiata «ra nruuiunl by




-Ba ytnmlf. my hoy: doa i t

ba Uka any oaa aba. Ba boaon aad Than ba hooeraUa to your o«n aaiaral way.
-Vo. ,.11
b.1, oi.
: V '

Bat took o«< took at toolbar ond ait IM h«» •«» thww no qakkly a^ on
'frtadlJ- «««* ibalr oa.a.pwn•


tber-re T»at

ins vtoitin hafora It U avaa —are of
lima Aanger. saitliis li with
h their anna bod


wbaa obAwas jtiM A little girt
With Iflaalonw aad anabomiM

dlalng upon li a, they fly away. The)


PoHonn tbeae prey -mtrhins fatia ao

To OO..UU .h, Ito.-.

Tba BBhappy bao oBMa oo mdy.
aad (lama Uot-k, «bo «aa reaUr vaar

, «,T

•” “

kind, a^arylbfn^ about rorka
"Oel a (dare of brink

s m,'.„b

rut^ty. than dropped hi. bao.t. oltb
tow WUnny. lo lean li asalo.i

■"—5 “™“” »

•aainr tba da(^k<^ oU MbUtoi —«■

ba.a." ra,died Ouy.-bl. At toti two baUtad soaqu appear^
“J"' “
ralllas at
ihU abniid Ad Iba lien', dae.
tonalyi^-my boraa sa.l ride ooi ibera ,
abaasa of >iib)ack
.Thar* wa.' nethtog for II list te Imo
and Bod anolher oian-. I .
Plan.,- of It to a „Uy y^tarday. If
ealy I can Snd It, batore It U tee ...





. -Mhi. wL.
hneV e.1 *.«
“1^ “f f**' 'W'®"! aenaned
•»n«Hd with ^
-Uon'i uka on al»ui tba boraa. tiiy


araiild. I


^ ln»eatisatloB aad atody
*“• Pm'-'-l) -V-d IbA
»«»>" i»»>-itj. for.yoo have d


way from bU home.
ti« «. Thmiw



tall tooinlni


z-' '"r ■


fcBowa'bli'a to' i

g.|gnto' at hiie - sromt

^ sack
Ml gugra nonec aa ba aaia

♦«« « t-namll) urge, not tOMay, of ,* ge groua'. ar boniia' rorka, too."

•■(Yhai--« he did’

. 'gbtoiBB to bar fare.



wbrw batrbed aui the joungatem ai

e ™
for bartog
bartog aa
aa edursiknt.'
educaitou.' Jastlaglv
Jastlagly re^
re^ oelv
oely m>e~i
konad -u
bU haad
nn 1.1.
begla a very artiva life under mgA^-tba bu.lnem maa
-Thta I. witUii

MB W. am glad wbM tba ateekldg

‘■"'-‘““C "



k—... *
l/ronn eyre

' ''®*“''


10 bJiD. for ha bad bad graai a.pert

. ih.
■"»“ ■' :
............ ............................


ume ' of


llUii lilV ■■
-•* * —
afcto nplli. down iba back
Rlmt ef «U I baaaaaa your President aad
gorsMo. By amancaa. Atlar a
^ caoi help vyittog with yyil). fa* mlaatat of apinatog fai.
b«a to a triM aiorr. all a___
«ag- ha toJI. awg, u, bagla hi. Ilf*.
Tba ^wgon Ply.
to (o I-. sptoi to the air more
. Emry year ytmr Praakdaci (. da- than opoa tl
. Ustatad whan dragoa fly tlma comaThough n
tar tbo boaatKol. brigfat-colorad to paopla t.
® **®^

i. critoson. gaM, siartliag to tbolr vilua to aa.
ablalpg baaoty. they dart bare and
^ or.baag polaod to the sir. or
dtaop paadant trap, a tor, hot «e


-g,up« coy."

■Ot'a.b-Aw that
rh., there are
... good
.1 to- .t l_.
, oaeiA aad ibtme that are harmfol. 1 .


the callla ed hi. daalra 10 ,to fbrthar mtorhlaf



to always tnUa,






-Biupid 0«iy like, li." Philip weald down the whip, Philip -nlkad oa, ol
atj. half coaiamidooudy. and ,
,|,elr father -a. won, to Ungh a(
youagar mb', a
4,^^. looeuaia region

tbd piSEU halow.

roHa toy Iliad la a dkiiaot MHHhem *ud iwidoui vUiiad Ibaai:
hkby. good-BBlnrad aa an aagal," ba lade
It wpa only .urgam bu.lnee*
eo,il. I. mild _ -

: would daclarr. rooiiuiwloaalcly. Hoy that
UBIdeauat name- „u,t have the poor .Ida of ibr Placet




were yoopser.

::« ~rer.r,„srr:;„rr.t


■leiKh. ol a Innile gto’le.

old and staid,

as iroMlag dmind.

Thera was an gnida to The Vluior.


It wa. a «abla « the
to tba ta.ertor




Bad ih.« “®»»»"

Imag h.r dmd IwolbacK pater.
Rmhlns lai.. iha




Mgbloeklag ot bto 4MMi»-onlr a


“Tbto 1. SeUto-HlAppl. gray. alxt^iJ^SZd la enm. ____________ '‘“1.^.^"
There are hundreda of mamban af taae baada btobi arito
taari old.'r tuMm Ml brother to Ml a

tta dragaa fly UmiU. bag tba o>a va sIWy md a oaMwhK r


V®r «'“A'-Ur daody Iton was ha:


aOKto laiarMttog tacu abon. aliy atahl,. wiib .,.11. lor i-e.^^
^dragon Bto. aad roar Prmui.« 1, Ibe lata folonel
•Mag to prtat party Kltore for yog bomek. w^aLu^

. -------------

He «pldanly lound

A ptwU. mirror' Ha gaia . tannd
''I- •*>





Ibma Ourl!*

faiktiT ae'

o«-( old falloI. Diana was yellow,
ni, : mr -Ba .gen'Ia. ,bto

d-wmw, .boot her. and poto up- m bagtoV'mo^y’-TU?
Ta*''l'«r'® "«■tailing lisbt. .0
- (to baa htoid. h«a ahoulder. bar hair. Iag.^h vta^.^T.^ro^ . »y tba lime ha had qul.ihd the k,able ,«,urr hinwell ita, he ba.l made no


Thai -111 be . fine traot. .................. .... .


-ghaU wa ao


• ‘



1 wasdar. 1

^ •“ *kara I wIB Pra a

^ iwmyar/l a«'ani. you juai p..
<el,e Iha, you belong to a vary dlf-

i lo ilka 10 ga amoog tbam to o
to walfb ihoB doaely. They

visitor. t„ urb como-r.^,

'If voa will ,

man on, oi the m Indow lor rabbl.b:' logaihar, Nalghlor Hparklar
Tba dabiK -are told -Ithout aacrlMr.
Mr*. Sie->kla.
SjT’kla. who <wa. a ban ot

r„:-„xr. ;

hung over iba bpu«-hold. nually Jaagsaga.



high (aniily, draw bamelf op.
e,ar quin railed
Paget', and uld. h.iighilly. "1 caenot altow ,
youngaM .on "SiopM Guy ' alihoogh. a» rhikirai, to 'walk wlib dwto. *
whan ai home from milage, ba atlll Thongli I .lah to Iw rlvll to lacy oaa

• am ai all afraid of bar. aad

sowna. ware nopog bid-fr>ad.

An«*®nwn. w... if po..lbla.

ushl him 10 the Paaac |d.--a

bright aye. pad beauitlnl while iralb. wa. really .in the llbmry -kh I'nrla


I or the par- b^

Up tba mk'a tail op ^ Mka hM

U yi^^ B-t tbem^toe, (g^ Fm a. Mg aM

bli mother. She ny'cr lidlcolad bla tba ground.
Sunshine I|,io,ane Smlaty. *n-i . non_
• aby ways, or Ihongbi U atmafa that
Tba ibk-kei ,ol llcCariiev
maea .eaw Hot, ». -ell
ba disliked lo hunt or ride with bla (a- aaemed JmiM-aetrahle. He iried t, ou
A Fcand in Noad.

pad aba fan MB .aa ibougfa har oM 1^ Cr aad i“an dlvtolJ^ iJ!
drum, or falT had roou tma. It^icTT-Jl"' ItaVl^hT
aM that tba imia ,«>,da of the ,lr. Ilgen. eya. u^

I roDple tba b

bfokaa my !«. I sbouM
aad gal some.>'Tba white
anaUn at.*ib«>it .eader and J

Im- Speckle 10 bar rbildran,

xuliPT Ole miTi, hab (liar.
- Tba fan^lUr t<
« ravivad Cuy a da- ,
i> done stood -quara c
a gain aotua iDlonuaiiOB sl«nt
bead ail her II
Sba don't sit ihing.
So they had ronte 10 Ihiak ".lapld tbe myMarloua .irata
I0|> .Ida dowo*
Quy- far ioterlor lo Pblll|,. with.hi.
FIrai asKurtog hImuK lliai inimii
_______________ _______

l_^llrtp,.loB forjhe artral of

kod'l rock tba was BMtoa aoteap u
(beir bsda

Oa a l«i«t''aiaBl half a Blla froia Herr

(loB. -ihai I pit,bad old Gay', .pad- -marked

ran. earefally-i
lareating thing, a
How iitoaani It S to tom Itaai Ihew Hare to a
. r- m
•-"“‘•“-I «» (bar anH.Phm„
arary ,«e. Hark green la«ie. guH- ,mw,
gtnra. are a
boat toaeci frirnd. for «h.v
““c* 'Mo twaoiy yur.
Xgw, bowavar. n.toloriunaa.had fall- ered In Iba hreeia.. twc. nodded In Then



mg (ba laU imoa till (bar bn* down
Ibalr baada.

Si ssiss ' ■7^ -leiT-e lU. ™,..
”tr.r"r.r.r.r.s:.H. -rratxt^'cbi—

(raglle little c

•at toag ark tha.

"TottHtnow." be nald. "hi Ite day
-bet, the saalU cocne oat of Ihelr
bunaea forAba yaariy bMUe«laanlBS

and 1

ir o'er tba

I sweep oar ibo toad. I

a raaswar

a.-? Tu™

comes broad and fstlenad. and cmwto

This to tba rtwrilt'^
do JOB tta It. ^ B Man

OuaaMito Saao.

entreaty la
la bh
bU a
"P •>'»
g idrca of real Torkay <oll<to.

Tba Iron comiony


die. Than abedObnod her work-aproa. Wba. grown and rmdy .0 emerge to-

aflaaiw aad SDod OS tho p

aod daUrtooa.

-Aod SaUmr- broke to Ooy. breathfowls to'tba Rpertla. taa'am. bar
bam yard ware gaibared togMbar. lo
for your ooi
; and twBiibar
-And Sellm.' added
I'jule Roy. dlacuw ibe a.eol. ol the day. and iba ,hg, .nlT^l r
■ay ba oomo
.lailluu are icala
If AU.ooal
proipactt for iba morrow.
Qoanll.lae. (bar. la galoM
|g ibe middle wood the oM SbOM gat-'-ianTl
I B. Rtohatda.
,,,y „„ iba^ aMe. bal cock, aad all lUlened raapenfuUy

miad aic. la. „r^y I ,:rSbed“


beard the

Ml. Il wm. a Wf-laakor: aa^ m wu
Bllad with while anofli. frMb, plump

Carmy a lYalU.

llll^“T‘rI^'‘h Tp ll« m

And tbaa iba.ltaat tote bah store tog pray, (hay aaalcb eg tbalr^^


Tbr.aS)|^M altalgbleord one

«-orab and brui

“WaILf Btod ytmr Praudaat » bar oT



Maw Two Lookatf-at a

-Cncla Roy. dn you ibtek,
has li taU ba k eaa be.
the wu^. eailas aa maay <Mb<k lauat of ih- fanrv horww
Wa ll
-Pertmn, ancle -an tell u. bo.
Ibay know, ihat ihey
-111 alway*
------------------------Jig. d<wt “«•
^ -1
to^g,,hedmush.borKe.bow.omke w,me moaey
y„, ^4 Mapl.rflu>?yoTM?
ptto Iibraagb
aavanl melllbs
The »«i
lo aaolbar
aiahla 1 kne> *h.i o do,"-usieaied.fluy.
roas aevem
1 oe woM.
.. ...
he’V'krf? In'
wlatb'I (oaa.
-HaitM Crocker Lmoy.
tM Utvae are taU-UrdS-d
hiwat m»n tl.elr own again,
"Hake tnooay banllag Mona.,
-hi<-h abowad how (be -fay. nantlrlve
Borlea Ogy—all e.rapt iha gloom.-who
aneared 11,11. "ii woa'l autiar
e rtdii-ule from
.0 yon that I am,. Iona 8e«m. and
^ .7?!^
"*•*«» »p T®' P*®”ro- crii- morbor wUI Hava no boraa. for
------------------------ ----------tar balat ion*
“ **"
Thl. l(uto"ina.^
aooB. 'raJotoad FocU toy.

^^MvawmU..rp...oftoorto.tbto «^-.J>MaMom^


SaW. ' Ktodly alto- toe in land yea wbtab aaaoonced tba raUfw efvtba

y aataly .aay

------ Ilia taririM -III nui

ICa all notbla*to you'" be roarladed


And tbV sini'B eboriu stowed wbh a iloo. Mm
hapi*y floeh
,> A......i...
be A. ha Ihaakad ku


a rtitllp.
• Father
owed aaKwai.
.aad we rag I
^ p,, „ .

p,y., h„„g.


Sparkle aud bar (otoily rmrhed Iba
And said. ■"Pmy paftoh Ba to oUar bam yoH at taat. sod look rofaga la
tbair oon aoep. too towb vaMd aad
While I
■i who'd ran an Iha dUireaaod lo opaok to aay eae.


„ ' .fniaiaB hi.,

;«^dipi.’JL“obde',Hw-e“ ,g»ch.,lnr,”i“,’
H a VOMMBgaa paea.

eoeld awia a Mtwka.

a rooslar Ware uabafod to. 'f “«■


oa. r<n boondad op wlt^)u_,C»oM.

j"”™ ■“


i-aao tboB and the medboak. whan
they had tba fwtbM tooniScaitoo of

"I vobdrr If tbay -III lei nia li

<to»vata looklas
« cvldantlyih, and «maillve p

tbayTb ^bou kia^ •ww lull* aa easily aa out of It. Mrs.

Is fact, poor Mtm. Sparkto woa daa-

take.^ (iay'i voira fallarad auaidr- .

face of Oor Pagal. wbd badlmth a

a»a QoaaM who ilrad |p h»|[ aga Dmtom Ply make, baraall a |«rack<Me
*• W
hlw dfOi,pfl •». and « "
I Bo baUaoo.Utot'B so.
, tbto mdsaa toto a poad. once well

tayrtbla nowd.

lined 10 hata no MaUAnnt that day.
- whan tba tato atoppad. as U «M
iwro away wii« an abaenl-Mtodad Was alavn ODoosh to oaraTbl tba aliat a tlma. Aa wa. m batter et.
for Aa had not lad bai wmebed. dripleek, ninstad -lib
larpHaa. van'
' ProB Iba -inaUab -nail to tha 'hlssaat irlBS rUakea. tnera ibaa a b^reS
yards ferword. bafera tbay tsma le a
broad, twin .trasto. wMrb Sewed ba"Parbapa-Cuy. you oa. have beard
Tbay all atood Ibara

d a> hlK uoclf'i

Aad sowwipu

and nanralsta: to DoM Dock. (wUtas
10 bar rbildran. Wnddlad. tbeerfly ea.

. "“V
of nertham capjtalbis
With da)artad air.
are aboai lo aaiabllab Imn fan..v.i. AmA RS|a ■—
___ *_______________ •-

>.,o.„, ,™„.

ftal the baa abook bar haol m*-

wm.' t riad


ed by day. but to akmdy weatbAr 'liey
I don-l slsiilfy one --- ......................
. ™„.
... u,
»,.™i.. .””
have been known to kill qiiantliia. of
na,u ,b, brtol.i
h> Iba Kama Monr or Boi If takaii*"
Indlotoi toaasnUoe. where
they .................... ir. soan.1
so ami hunt
h,.t.t loMi.
lor ti. and a.
,.„y ,hat 1 1
e^'-^h^TVnre.TT' ------------- atot^rm I. en-i enmi-.™
«"■' *»

»&S»a, betot aUa to braaiha |g tba

to tba feat. I aaaara ^so-

-It IBUBI ba la quDllliaa. aarla. ba- (Ybaa Iba. prorbn

'*“* '

tba his baaa-JB lito banu

Uka that>%ted tba bfst.

tba«.ll-book. MoawTtbWwiwtharl.
aarr to hriac tba Malls oM by tbeo>

(or Iba ariar aad M K

rdp^ll.v In a deep sally all Of aooioa II draw .
edly tolo a ehalr. oulia awav from the
' aloas tba .Ida el Hoay Kldga aad Boi oooa of iba fe
Bbapy Creak." Iia atphtoad., rapidly


*hd Ted pUys «1tb tba etbaora. bot daily. They are able to rhaasa ihalr “ *"
I Oea'i da a'lhlag
dlrecUoa toataaUy ami i«rf*nly. dart.


* ak^erT-

as ba MMrad rloaar to Ua tioala.



atosty blaA. aU
works well la baraeea.

ntaablaaa nlKhi «al! ba iiwd.lad afiay



a tbtot tor tba

waibrftd ayaa fellowaid ti

predoui bit of rock uatil iffall la ik
ibickai of ibsa*. thaa ha aaak
a dai«f.

Bway eroaa vaiaa. whk4i nit tba |

~ - '•»'

feafca and

•aeka and talb ua taho that day.
I Ibtob .yoo'd l»a-to


aba ... .ha.H .a —.

li'a all rob *2^"-““'“'”

Wbao ■dtbor Takas tba ttoefclo> Bas moat trocMalfl.vera la all iha bad of daob. Hit. too hod to bar >ia oil ao’

««oa Motbar'tobw tba atocklas-tns toaaatdom.
‘Too naito dabu. TAa avaryihras
rma- and I did want to abow ..
wa cUbtraa ntbar roaad.
(Thlia tba dtoaon flv maka. no prato pay 'amr brUkly
raiertad tha''io rncla Roy tbit avaatoa. Ha -ill
"Lai na
flba aits aod

> karderk toaf. aad
tm^obad l^aad.

“«» *»a ——ft- ooteiat ot do
f* >«‘Wab tbla d»«dfU Satasr-Ui

k« failowa.



»ba H-ad Mro. BpaaUa

aad bar breed biuldtod lecMbar oodrr


Tba a>—a-i-d WlUfl Of drOSOO SlOB




prorao that yea ara sot sibpU.'' bla
ooaia said, tomlii^ba woaa orar to Tla tto-ihlma l.ataa h—a

ABMM an tba

«*dof tba

tuooratol tiorklas

all iw^iaoda to OaltrlM Iba uaslaa
tblak «i.
-o. Krrryhody ihUin aw ■loniS )
attjodd._____ ■Bot tli,j,.,«Uod ,
ao bard tbal ba ab
-Too may ba dl>araei la
laataa. bot yoor Coodnaiw for saolotty
lan ba akUalmad. -Wall .pM. o,,


Mrs. IrtM «<» • rtw IHa baa immeiiaa pap ayn coat. “Yaa. aab: .at ha. oaa noala, juai batW I faal naan,
marvalOMly atmtAiaws. Oa kb 'JUo. lotcH ap de^ooiia. ao'a da bays ««h. ai aay rota "

----------------------------------- -


bit haad. aad tbea broaktos a frasnaot ua tba iron lotaM^

Tbay ara
sMas le sail ool tatbera auWa. aad
taka Selin. I -ay I deal rara If I an
naoo. If tba erana«^ bada'i baao
*orh a aWadUr. aad iba |ioor sMa »
tbaaahilty poor 1 mtotai bava kant
Salin. Hara soaa- ni thro- aaotbar

Tba draswi fly baa a rarr abwdar• r -fM«
kai a vary Urge brwd. wbidi ha to' bis

‘ tor bln to Uaraa Phil
«baa ba'a ao aio> a
FlfU Vies Praaldane-Mrs. Mabal <»» «»n> romplataly arouad at-bto tbra*»Mb aoU,- axptoioaa iha
Iba aldarly
■ataa wnilama.
idaaaara as iboush it wera bltriud sraMO. aa. ha alrokad Sallm’a glooay
SoMod VJet PraddiU
Adtoawy BWaldd.

tena itork. a.

Aad IIS looaM coMHbio ba aao diad atoos
with pata.


ratonad. urasaiy


.ftaa her Philip tarn,

wbod eat of tba aialL


___ ly

or fcu baodMODt Mooa.

-------------- ---- -----------------------L.!T.Z^

Ita . a>M-r


•—<«h «a sot. to. Was tbaaa
•h a baaattral dayr ami ibas
shoot la- Mch dailBbt.

Aod ba Mt ascoodtoaty Marti
Ha m »ary <ralo.

f vhat «f thMr t

- ^ *"■
**—tbar. I i
I 1 toagb at. and m-ada
1 groat:
B In tba oMuRry. rm namod

rrani iba one in which I

and rlur king Jo her brood
she -.lke.1 off. laaillfK lioor Haine

•II (ba world over oitagda

Ihirk ,0 raecar Iron, bar mortiftc,
iloi, ». Iwai al.e mlgbi.

>'»®wn*®' *M trbo ena I I

The darkling. ,ware m.har laiy the
•1, mornios. .ml by tba llnw the,,

®‘*f tta load aad a

,i,e at|w-llilon for .nalb .he found
«,»ek|. ,„rt
i.mti, I-.,

•aforo «ia Flag.
In a rortsla New Tor* totostoa U a
hrigb, .IrcM,fallow, who. If Ihl. Inrl-

■leiwned an Irnar Iralnn-Oh" .rirt
ibe durklii.g.,

•'ao. aiar bo (akae aa aa ladlcatloa.
Wd. lair (o doaeBap tba brain, and tba
«< a good AmmL

' I im., 001." reiilied 111,
"The old Sbaaghal uid ,


tbouunds of mails, .nd. lortanateiy.
„i ihalr bills

I'.M' fimmg oa alt*.

mtosion. a p

,ta, ol one “Irn'r:*«e t
-Q„ek,V .w,d ,h,-dnrkllaw. -tlul
“ ■»(Mt If the
M .» hum, dear n»,her. «ir we ate
•" '-n hunar,.- aod .„ey w.ddtod
.tog a. fa., as .'hay r^M so
drL^^h ^
.the dark. M,Ber-d

mm I

-iih a Thai be muld |we-. a looktoMlas.


would egart ao I

moM be sivaa op.



amall hoy. bo^

neat but alter . while .
whom and tba apmluw i (rtod,
ship lioA deveigpgg g, ,4,
““ ^****'
bmvew. ,
■ aolved ita dlEhtohy by aa lagaatoo.
And be Bmanad bl. reB«lto agato ..d iba min Itosa to fall, lo dr.
‘ -------- dlani.
»M taster. ,
(HI you wMI-(a dA’taU W
Bn. he .npa oburred. lo hto groM tomb 1.
down to ,«re«A u •

a* tba
that Iba road wa.
cof«ed with -let
k tartible

;' qoaeki q«ck^- cried tba Bu





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