Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Died Yesterday

After s

sn$tL nsHPS TO retire


ubllahed In .Grand Raulds. that a gorrran marked an Imfortant eni la the
Miss Myrtle MtlTlB. ased 27. dauabThe glu.WKi bonds voted for the pur­ enuttebt expert te aent here to
tilator)' ol tba cUy. a* manr ioponaai. ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Alarvin. H2
by d ecti ba
chase of (he 'driving park for a county in the work, that tjie value of
Ijke avenue, died late Monday aftTsir’ grounds have been sobl tc
Jack pine plains be rarefully looked
____ ,.
. 'ni, ■
ernooti. Mls.1 Marvin had been 111 all
First, National bank at par. to
Into, that (be uniform package be
allllna to retire at tbe requeit of tbe' winter, tlesldw her lurenisr alie
five per cent Interest. 'Tbe bonds dre adopted, that a barn ptlnUng
rolen of tbe dtr. nlilch requeat wai
ves one sister. Mrs. fYank IMnaee. Esubliahmsnt of Suprems Court for
payable each ys«r, and are In one paign twT carried out all through tbe
nude at Uie iiollv on April 1. In »peak- of SentoA Harbor. Funeral servl^
he'teurch is Anethar Ouestl.en
ibouiand dollar amounii. Each yrar
stiirt. W'hls report waa lltUned
iDC of the n-ork of the past lao year* were held from the home Wedn^
Which Uymeii are Vi-'
tends, or two thousand dolUrw.
ha ul<l:
lih the closet attention.
ay nficmoon at 2 o'clock. Elder
will be ukea. up. thus bringing the
•■fa loekina hark ^the past vork. Colld officlailne. Inw'rtnent was
The tteasufer'a report waa given by
tells,,Mlira, Aiirll
of the counrll’l And nut luurh baa Oakweod.
. R. lleiudel of Manistee and was
ODS are completed for the The deal for the transfer ot tbe prop­ detail, showing a balanre In tbe hank
been done of a roniniendable natara.
general <-onfereaee of the lletbodiHt erty will be completed tomorrow,
Each man haa done Ills duiv and tbe
which time tbe deed will be banded
church which begins
Torlous departments are all In aood
to the county.
tomorrow Its iwentyulxth quadrennisl
eondlllon. The flrr and police departse-slob
nenii are in eipcrially fine conilltlon
leaaihs and visitors to the e
and n er^it to tbe city. There U har­
ference a p arrlvlna in ttie city.
mony on the board of education a'ml
nattons. races and longues are qeprediouls of the riiy have profited
ibe visitors. From Eu­
by tbU condition. We have aone
the past two yean without OVER PROSPECT OF SETTLING rope. Asia. Africa and South America
have rome men bringing greetings
'Iba to borrow any money Vo run
Ibe conference either as delegates or
city, and noiwlthsundlna this fact
fraiernal vlsllort. Today the variotia
all the departments have been well
committees were busy comiiletli
rane $M0 tteind ReenmraW AnMMr
taken care of and at the present time
p^Mirt Md Made
arTangemeofs for the gathering or put­
Over SteOWCCeit
in CoittsM lor Senat»-Tte-Tteth. .'
le of the funds ape very much overI at Tamperarr
ting the final touches to the reports
nand Toft Vetan Was*
diBwn. I would also like lo
rteaai Aeura Rathat they will present lo the confer­
the work done by the water works de- i
ence. Bishop H. W. Warren of Denlarfment, which has been exceptional­
Ihe senior bjsbop in point of
Boston. May l.-Wlth the M
ly''well managed. In e
to say Hut I appreciate the confldence Eapeetad By That Time .Cendltlen rice, will preside at the opening
. Mina.. May L—Inter- tetes from the Bay StaU iiunllr HAvice tomorrow.
tlded between PtmIHwi Taft and Oeb
Will Be Graatly Chanfed and
Hti ttaieot^ Dock, Halifax. A|>ril yoo have reposed in me nnd 1 sbkil
onel Rooeevalt. tte Taft mm ara
Dmieumea Be Settled by
deifies are looking forward
SA—iiOfdeH Wlli IM bodies of victims look back at the lust two years witli
treat deal of pleasure, as I iielleve
qusilrennial general eoDference ol the pared ^ coaWt thn eJteUte Ot niffc
to the ossH^lnteresting nnd Important
of tbe Ttt»»c dlonmw. the iiackny
that they were the most nrofliablc piMetbotllst E|>lseopal chuirh, which delecatee-at-largeu 0«MraI OteMSlNt.
eonfereiice the church has held in
runutf |Mde port this momlna. after
rlod of my life."
was begun in this city today. At tbo the Taft leader. anteuMnd ttot tte
Sew YoEk. May 1.—ElBled over the; years. During the .three or four weeks Eatisfaetory Missionary tArk
haviai' kbM lie bodles nE eea, some
Been Dene In Other fltalca
flrM sitting, which began at 10 o'clock fart that. Ibe prwMsBl a«waH '» mm
fAcl that Uielr demands will be ar­ that the sessions will continue a vas'i
of wUek «H« tdenUBed. Captain
and lasted at noon; the formal c«r«- Jority of the profornntial Totaa SMt
Thirteen CeumiSS Rsprebitrated the comnilllce of the Broth­ amount of rootlne business wiil be
Lardoor ^tarof be eonU not brins petition
mooles of the opening were gone will be tbe grovtid on whick tn nfc
all tbo dMd raeovored to abore as the the street be paved with tarvla mac­ erhood of Locomotive Entlneera which
nnd organiiatloii was effected, (he coatesL The Taft (oreee vns BtM
< ndmt^m dUnt think they would adam. Tbelr requeat was received and has bora preparint fw seven weeks
fourteen dlAricta ealy to teee U»r
leaving everything In rendiwna tor
jnposals calling for radical refor a teneral ntrike on the Eastern
kow tb«T von •>> badly nmUlated by adopted by tbe aMermen.
the vast amount of buslnent to <«me
i^n Ihe methods of church adtbo too «M vnobwe. “Horn of those
The tollowint bonds were received roods left for their homes today- Both
before thejfrody for dls|iotlllon Bishop candldste for dMcBflU M tte
gsatinn win be considered an-i
t yuvrao
ire saUsfled wlUi Ue agreement
bnrtod OA am were memben of the and abeepted at tbe meetlnt: Tbe
not epdoiflgd fly tte —efl^u
Henry \T. M'arrem of Colorado, the
being held Wednesday In
. arowe-nUdbo captain.-We only had bond o fUie People’s SsvlngB bank la wUtA nuken Uie life of arbitration acted upon.
Hentor Msbop of the church, called the Nearly ten tteaaoad VotM oncMM
The overabadowing quesUop
ell rooms, thirteen of ths connUss
Bold for aeveoty. tbe sum ot.fSO.OOO tor tbe ;pasiody of boards one year. By thla U»e It 1s
namM inatapd of at^L ttoa »
’rr.ler and delivered the
assert^ condlUoni will be ebanged >me before the conference will be the ,bnreso represented.
TUty4*a« the fdenUfted bodies were tbe city fnadh fqr the cotnii
ailng their votM SUd psnMtttRff
tmrtpdat aoa. Many were crashed by drnttlst bond of S. E. Wait A Sons, and the rallroada and enflneera will
President D. H. Day. ot Olen Hav­
0 tbe coD^^ace upwards ot too Rooeevelt's delegataa to sria oW ••Ice eak« onrecofabable palp bond of -Aoiof V. Knapp, bulldlac reneb on asreement witboot aialst- of government. Within
en In calling the meeUng to order delegates, who/.witb tbe rraternal vis­ si>lte Tatt'i aucoMS la (te pSrtoraBan the question has been debated stated that he. was well pleaaad with
mover, and the tend of tbe Johason
•nB itors. come (ram all iiarts of the tui fight. With Mly a
the aandal conferehoes and by tbe the number present and aa the
Drat company.
Uymen's associations. Briefly stated, thing in order wu reading tbe pres! world'and. repr^sTut more (hau 3.0A0.- towns miisii.g. tte >r«ter«Btial teteN;
Saloon licenses were tmnted to tbe
000 commuolcanU. Two ol the dele- Hewn vote stood: Taft. SUIT; Baste
-Insurgents’ ask for four radical dent's annual m'esaage and at
only M that Hay. On Toeeday the
tollowint; Rich A Halbert. Louie
ktes that attrecred much atlenllon at veil. «3.ut; teFoUotto. ttefl. DmM»- .
changes: the ahoUllon ot ghe office of work was practicaily tovsrnd'by
tee were.moro nomerons and we re- luutner, Odie McGarry. Charles A.
le Initial session wore Miss Italia »ls: CUrk, 3M»l} »FUioMM?*.
district tuperiniendcBt, fonnerly
ooreted n». bat tonnd no two bodies Klusak. John Thacker. Patrick Bar­
serretary'a report be would ask that Garibaldi, a granddaughter of the Ital- Defeat for flaoMee Craom
Big Land Project Haa Been Launched sidlng elder, as now constlinted: the they listen to tbau instend.
tocether, Ihtf heist ecetu
den. John and Vencel Knuer. Sbermsr
llhbrator. and Dr. II B1 Cu. a faAt Ite Taft' haadEOArtors ttera h
tbs onrUee nke e flock of tea calls, A RaE. William Dill. Joseph Toplnkn.
>me doubt wbetbar tte peiMIMt
her to allow each .bishop to hi
tbe while ends of thetr life belU (left Harvey W. Pierce. John HooUhno. JoibeveDlIre
two delegates la Ue elgkU «il^rm of resident office, about
pine la-(Ke wind. All that were picked aeph Kletuc. Kniey A Bitter. Albert
■t year and ahowed, a wonderful
ict. Hs It knows to tero ehtalAsfl
years, id a dirtrict: restoration of the
Tbe B«r Valley Farms company
up wore life belU and rode optlthi on and Prank Novotny. Prank D. Nay.
loom of good work done. Me went
one. but the oUer U ta douflL D
the wsvea tbo belts carrylnt iheqi Oretv-Uarst, Aston Hnbkn. Andrew tbe name of an oitaalzation fhat bat {•astoral time limit, and rules lor
into detail giving tbe extent and .earl
evelt grts OBA ft vffl flvo tte
ulatlng the transfer of members.
recenUy been perfected for
hltfe abm tbe wmter.*
Sleder. tenis W. Sleder.
ed nature of this great work. He hai
colonel Tl delmtstes (o it lor Taft.
Manistee county lands near CopcThe clergymen and Uyinen
It wae A tnieoome acent
travelled 33.<>00 miles. lectured lo (obr
The llcenee committee recommend
Rootevrtt rarried tte fearth. fifth, se*want a modification of tbe eplacoiacy
mlah. The company has Us roalc
de«* of tbo Madtnr Bennett ns abe
dlffereffl, italcs. to over 3.1M p^ple
ed UiM the nppUentlon of lYnnk
alotb and foortoaulh teflgrara
IK>inC out that the conditions that
entered fort. F11os«( hodiee «««/««
'fice In Detroit and ita promoters
In tbit (our splendid misslODary work
Brooktnyer be placed on file and be
Idnal districts, while Taft orttod tte
the deck anidahlps, wine were cov­
principally Dett^ll men. H. F. Moel­ qulred the organlzalloB of the present
was doBe and S.vOO . beokleU given
first, second, third, olllh. ^STSAlh,
ered and oibera were not OoCfiu ... iranted. Tbelr,j
ler, formerly gtoenl paasenger agent system, which In the imat has been
out. many words of commendation
was adopted by the eonncll by a vote
twelfth and lUrtaenth.
were piled htth on deck. BelaUvee
of tbe Fere .Marquette railroad 1 ' - most efficient, no longer eilsl. New had bet-ii beard from the best soui
Politicians espi'saaud an DpIatM
tdenUBed the deed at a temporary of nine to one. Alderman Tmlor
coadluons require the church leaders,
president nnd fhan. T. Mannl
(hat the (act that Bsaator Craad.
or hlshops, lo be famliur with the aaylng that this bureau was to
mortw lo town. CnpUln Roberu ol lot atninst.
Manistee it g^ral cnahager.
Washlnrtoo. D. C.. yray l —Kmlneel heading the Taft detegataotetaiteiinree«nna*»lh» compdliy U capitalized at
The cor .
the Astor ynehl Mealtfled the body of
fit the various conference cimgraiulated im 'the frank msnne
which they stated the case and the prelates and laymen ot the Kpiscopel ran votes behind Baxtas; thS
recommended that the r«iue« of tbe
clergyCHonel John Jacob Astor.
boMi ti.Sto acres of unimproved
church (breugbout tbe country ai
Roosevelt leader, spelto ths soAdtor’a
Boardnun Avenoo Moibers' club to land.
and initiate methods of work. truth that waa manifested at i
bled In Wasbington to.lay for (he (orihat'^o.uid be depended upoBhave traffic auapended during cepnln
According to nonouncemeDt Ihc Nearly all of tbe ebunh leaders
They h?b worked in connection with ! mat opening of the Beih^bem ('hapei
hours on Webster street be not rfnnt land Is to be divided Into iweniyuciv cede that there ia dome foundation (or
Complete returns from 1.A40 at 1A«
ed. The report was accepted
_____ which are to be fenied ami this argument in favor of tbe pro­ (he atari roads motement, with great which win continue the entire week, eincllen dtslrlru at noon giva Toft
otherwise improved and offered for posed changes. At the same Ume, it is results, and that l» toming lo be n na- were opened with a aertnon this morn: gf.sts. ReoMvelt T*Mt sad tefflUrtU
1.960 la the prefereatui race. Th*
iwintcd out ,tbe general conference is :ional movement, la all different man'
Alderman Qreen brought
sale. But
s. r.-a of laud
by Bishop Tuttle of Missouri, the democratic roanlu ara: Clark, tt.^2:
l2b.‘.‘i>o biiokicis had been given
veiy-conservative body, and U Is
nutter of building a new emokeatack be sold during 1912, the rest of the
presiding bishop of the church.
Wilson. 14.639.
at the water works aqd moved that
It in be improved lor the future, likely iliat very few of tbe proposed out. and over S.3P0 letters written. OntThe Bethlehem Chapel of (he Holy
o( the biggest things that was done
Mr. iTorgsn be' requested to kubnilt
Reeaeveft Will Not laaiM.
t the end of five yearrthe laud reforms will be adopted.
u to be a i«rt of Ibe Nathe
Oyster Bay. May 1.—la a aUiMNAt
RItINOVOTE OF THANKS EXTEND­ another price to inclnde the tttrslshhave n value of <2M‘ an a>-re'
Another subject on wUch there U
Ing ot everything, including tbe specl- The'plan of operation roniemplMcs
today Rooseveli aaneuoete that te
diversfTy of sentiment Is whether was given in Grand Rapida lO
Arntiona for a toundalion 17 feet the setting of one half of each l«enl« there shall l>e a supreme court of Mclion with (be Grand Rapids' Press Paul, the great Kplscoi«l church odi- win not tnslM that tte deUBataoAIsquare and one foot thicker than the to trull. The other half Is to b.- rulti Methodism. It U't'olnled out Ibst It and was attended Py [,U.r.79 people firo whirti IS rislhg on Mount 8t, Al- large for Mssaacbosatta vota (or him.
. in one of (be suburbi of the naler small eilillnts hsa~bro« given
one now proinsed In order that the vsted to allalfa. cultivated m'p*. poul
He stated that laaamach as Taft wen
inuongruous tor the general confer­
IVtroit. .Kalamazoo andf t’ndllli'' iinnal capital. The cornerstone of the the prefereatui rote hs will vUbdra«
stack may l<e built higher tbtn was at tty. pigs, gsrdenlt
ee to be both a legtoUtlve and Ju­
edifice was laid several years ago by
first proiKued. The matter will be
(be coatest no far oa deiocato^
dicial iKMly. A commission baa been Fourteea out of the twenty \|
lie Bishop of tendon. When ec
at 'Urge are conccraed. This will gtes
Dumber cut down to twenty
'working on tlie cdnstlintlon of tlie
work of the bureau. lg>st criUcIsm’bad ■leted Ihe cathedral Is expected
Roosevelt only ten Maaaacfanaettt dat-..
Ntjcr YEAR
I Judn-ial tribunal since t
been heard thia year then
time and Ihe general fecUnk similar eillfice in America.'with i
CtUtMU nf WeH BevMlh Strert Want
__ lat It was the test thing that ezeeption Of the Cathedral of
ite proposed court to Inlen-yel the »“»
Tarvta MacaiMm Pavemsntever happened to Nlcblgmn. every piiB- John tbe DHlne 'in New' York city.
Traverse City Hat <
All AnmMd Reperta Ware
Ur spirited, prtvgresilve citizen was
Raad «n« Filed.
Jacob Henry, aged *:•. died nl
Will ta.Given Hsra -on Eatartef
.lx niinisieni and six Isynien. Wliilr
o’clock Tuesday roornlns at the Bt
& i retary, in cloeinr'^. report of
^ .
the retort ot tlils-commlrrioa will b.Monday nlkhl occurred the last mectBank hospital. Mr Henry war Ipiri
fered some sngnestions for
lis Of the oU rnmncll and all of tbe
.while at work In a lumber camp nlar I.larrd l>e(ore the general confvrence. Ing yeai;e work. That the teresu
OnF Cjf the most tavortAht Tsetarae
Tbe following is an extract from
It is telieved doubttiil It action at this
reports *1 the vnfteos city depart
Kalkaska ateut five weeks ago. and
hold another Apple show in Grand Ri Local Market Dropped Twenty Points iven in tbe eliy In a aombot ot mm
lime will be taken to create such
menu were raenlTed and placed on letter received from Don M. I.Arg- was brought to the hospital for
>ns and one which should flrtag a
pids. with the aid of the AsaoeUtioa
me. They were five* In detail that bee who exptalned the Willlamsp
• rowded boose of listaaera win te (te• The church rule a«ain-t­ of Commerce, and the Slste.Hortliul
of City Clerk OOHa beins a whole vol- plan here a abert''tlme age:
lecture given by Dr. A. S. Wartbln.
• I wish to talB this opiHWtunily
tending theaters, play log cards and (u-al society meei at the same lime
nme by ItaoU. In wfakb nil the flnanessor of Paiboloffy la tte U. of M.
I indulging in variouK other forms of
cU denlMte of tbe city during tbe extend, my beaniest thanks for i
executive aecretary flor the Stata
- UndneatM received at your
lusement will again be brought up avbiUble vegetables. That this same With a crash Wednesdav.
year wicn Itamlsed. atewlas what the
d will doubtless preripllaie the ust- exhibit be taken to DetrolL Chicago price was dropped from tl iwr liusbel Society for the Pfevaatlga sad Cara
aaosay appropriated was apeut for and band! In conneelhra with my recent
10 73 and <vu k-ris on the local market. of TubemlosU. at tte CUy opoca
and to several rides In tndlaoa.
tor what ftuA It Is worthy of tbe visit to your city. T enjoyed the trip r. S^ruT^MeKcag Hcada <^its
al spirited discuzrloQ.
That the lecture lour be extrtlded The change was nuide on advices from bouse Saturday evealag at t:M. Tte
careful perasnl of every taxpayer who and vlsft with jour people very much
There ave lo be probably four bish­
In other temtorr. add more citlet be the market centers wbkfa are today fublect wui be ’*Tnberca)asls.- a*d 11la latorastod la^Asowfai bow the city Indeed, and I think the pc
ops elected to Dil vacnocics.^lihough
tiiocked with stock and «o vuible out lustrailMU will be abewa. Dr. Warthia
reached in Ohio. Indiana, nunola t
yonr end tbe suie are the beat.
fnnda are orpaHaE
in this the general conference hai the
let In slghC It U believed that the in akpleadid speaker sad laaoBaeh as
That the annnai booklet be
As It was ths taat meeUng ovei
•'When tbe (rail develot
Chaiabenburg. Pa..'May I.—In the power to inersase the number of new
<0 tbe large importations tbe iiBmltston Is free thoM la ao <nrr
irhleh Mayor WUbelm wlU presWs as voor secbon comes to ita full fruitage presence of a nouhle gathering of blsboi<s as circuD>«faoces may require. sued in a amaller style and peosibly flump U
of stock from EuroteNwbirb baa flood­ good reatea.wby there shoaU not te
chM oxecuilve of the city, a rlalna yon will have a source of wtelth that Amerirea edoraiora Dr. Anna J- -Me- Among those talked of most promi­ twice or three Omes a year
ed the markets iff the east. The drop a good atteadanea Tte expswo ef
vote ot thasks was extended him by many other cities do not p
Kaag. fonnerly of the tVelleily college nently are President Francis'j. - la dlsasironi to many ol tbe tool buy­ procarlag Dr. Warthia for this data
tbe aMaraon for hb splendid and ef tart I wiah we had a aurt la the same faculty, waa InstalleJ today as presi- Connell of DePauw university. Rev. |d««^
of the work. That ers who are In many eases well stock­ wfU be taken earn ot bjr the Oemad
adeat Mrvteoa «arla< the' coat twe direction equally aa.far alone w dqfil el Wilson college. The prlael- Dr. David C. Downer, head of the Sun- » U>* cwn-ylng
yq» Mayor Wnholm ave a short yours. Euefa a deTelopmenl if ftorti pal addrees at theilaaugurailon exer- day school board; Rev. Dr. Homer C. the real esute dealers form an or­ ed with tubers that they hare paid Trarene Medical aodMy. Sr. Worn
um baton iha sou waa takw Ja a doxen (acterlen to any city, and they dees was dellvered^y Prudent Ell<« Stunts, ttsordlnaie secrettr^ ot tbe ganization lor the betterment ef -the from SLM to S1.S3 per busbeS for with- tun Is tbe hlgbeat ahtharlty la «h«
^ ^
sute os the aubject ot a
weteswork. That a braatft cHc« be e»; is tte PAM
whiti ho ntttod that iho past two ate ta^ more Mating and au
Flu PeadletM of WMRwIey.
(COBtlBIWd OB peg* twoj

"*” ^ S





both sides



RH mftt

miEsnoi toIe tRemuTBi


Twan icRE earns









OfAiB TUVBUI BBtAW-iun) mmij »AT iUM.

yfT «, iM

Declass & Kellogg

■aartMd aiaiaat tba ladiaw ia w«at■a Raam.
lira—Chartwrtoa b
W Dt TFm Vlrtkabb
irr—Bailaad prodainad hi>r mmtrallty la U>» war MtwM RaaaU aad On the Sunday School Leaaon by Rev. Dr. Unixrtt for the
InterMtkmal Prew Bible Quesura Club.
Kcaa. tba trat ta aB^
, aod nanday at f»w • citr. MkMiaa. kr
cawfally pradnea ataadatd apam
Bnallah. died la Parta. Bora la Hi
(IE) Why Ad the poor mao go to
liUy E 1«1A
bora Hard! U. tlC.
baaren and the rich man to beU*
Will have an easy timeTtoTMiy and Rlcbea. 1 a Tl: Jal»«-Dedk«Joa *rf iba l®alaUAt
(17.) Why ia there no neceaaary
fiapoalttoa at It. Loala.
buying thtir low shoes
her rte^
rice or Ttrtne Is helac elfber
im-rtra to Baaaar. Ua, daatw- Oolden Teat—A tnanra life
and slippers at Douglass
ad pipparty valuad at ti.bDr.MM.
&.Kellogg's this summer.
wblrfa he poMceartb. UkexUtlE
fl.l Verae JO—Wherein cooalau the «ory teach concertilna any allertatlon
tOfr-Flrat CotoalaJ cooima Wt to
It’s not very often you
blev^eaa of poreriy?
Kaw lork etty.
have so la^, an assort­
(IS.l Vetaea ST.Jl-lf Wealer and
1700—Jotaa Drydea. taoMat
DM Jeena mean that Jt wa»
ment to select Trom;—
paat. died. Bora Id ICSl.
1 to be poor or la the fact that Knoa were to come back to the aarth
1707—Laclalatlea ddIob ot Scotland the poor were to be dellrered from and prea^ would they win more propie forChrtai than they dW when here
with Gntland.
tbelr poterty?
ItOt-Chartat TV ot Spain abdleatad
(S.1 Why abouM ibe poor be more
teeaoB tor Suuday. May IS. l»IS.
in taw of Bonaimita.
BTATK.OP MICHIUAN—AudIKir OeuomlileJ to tb^ UaKdem of Ood than
ms—Qaoifatewn eoUata. loiDdad the rich?
7T»e Law of lA»e. lAke >l;STJk:
. Wittrttucoi.
'lAUKina. Aiirll 1. isi!,
In iTt*. chartarad ai a onlvaralty.
tt.) Verae SI—Wbra a food maa 1» RomirK ii iiereh. Kiven that cei'
Gfcnkticm iKi week 2.900
IMS—Matbodlat Epiaeopal chnreh. bunary orWhen he woepa. Ii ha ^otar
tain lalld^ sicuainl la the rtfunt) ef
SoDlh. onaabad at LonUTtlla.
Ihrouah, tor the time beln*. the bee JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL PRESS STATE DEPARTMENT HAS h Orund Traverse bid off to the state lor ,
mi-Conaaratona laid tor tM poaalble eiperienre Tor him and I
previous yswra. aad
Uies of I9«v a
me.nis shtcb will be
described Id
BHbaOBlaB Initltntlon In Waabint- tborefore Weaaed* Cite your raaaona.
The old-taabloued preacher waa
of (be TrtOB.
rarde.1 tt .... office
15.) If bunaer U neceiaary In ordei treat ethorter. for no matter- wbai
• of said coumt. and may he
mt-Oeneral Baajamln F. Bntlar to aettin* and eajoylna food, and
(be aufajeci ot hU aermon. be alwaya Suument Made In Reply to Lodge R*took poaawlon of Xew Ortcana.
win be aetd at public aurtlea by
weepinjc la as ^ential preparatlOB wound up with a fervid esbertadon
im-Lmd Stanler of Piotton ap
lauabter. wbi are not theoe
On SuhiecL
tor Inatant conpllaace oa the pan of
the Drst Tuesday ot May neat, at Ibe
^ S^^lSa^wSwrtSSAlftn. Hm are aome 8sn«a from painted r»ro™OT *««»> Canadn. tor
periencet bletaedi?
time and (date (ieslgusied lor ibe An­
jhia hraruri. The prewent writer wlehim—iiDMtaan aquadrea nnder («,» With t}m-«rld and human
Washington. May l.-nenlii is made nual Tax *le. If not irrevtoosly re­
Covmedera Dewey dwtreyed
ire conetltuted aa at pMsenl. would bon all the readers of the Record- by Ibe aute department that It bts deemed nr'eaocelWd accortUug to law.
Said suieiueni* ronuin a fu^Jeactlp.
SpanlUi Seel In Manila bay.
.. be a bleialna or a cur^. and why. eagle to loin the InteraailonM Btble
evidence whatever tending to
■a iMreel of aaM Uad.
_i: MblUWLHWS; Grand
If all bunaer. weeplna
other i*lu Question Club. No matter whether show that the Japanese are attempt­
l}‘BSUuSir*M>W; Antrim,
Welford, *2,905;
were linpoaaibl#7
dealring to land In Mexico In
you are old or young. Protestant or
••.♦S—Wherein eonalitt
Leelanau. *20A2; Grand
CaiboHc. or an ouiaWer. it win he an an answer sent to the senate by Pre­
Of belaa ‘
toBnUe beneBt to you to road and laSp- sident Taft to Senator IxMgra reaolu- TATK OF MlCHldAN. Ihe Probate
I* MnkMe,*8LT6 Kialkaalca. *16.15;. Antrim.
Jesua' take*
der the Suggeatlte QoesUoos on the ri«b of Inquiry. The reply la a lensCourt tor tbe fountj of, Ora»l
_ 'i, ^8.79; Benak, *20.71 i Emmel, ■*17.13; Charle(S.) VnUer palntur rlrcniuaiancee.
rmeW algnod by Sensior Tra»erse.
PRIMARY t'^^TEM TO BE ADOPT- even when recopnlted aa bleaaed. l« Ennday School lAtson. now Yunnlng
At a aeaaloo of saM court, held at
to this paper, reodlag
tbe probate otitce. In the fUy of Trav­
It alwaya imaalble to he ioyfu' *»« tion with the Interaatlonkl Sunday
erse t'ilv. in said ccuiut. OB the 17lb
happyt Wby or why not?
School lAsson- 7he*e quest Iona frlp_
i9.1 If. for eaample. we are now auf- everybody; ihey are as varied as U
II you wann^uctloneer thal-will
RMomKiPeraaa Oamand That All ferlna areat pain, which la to reauU
udse of rrohaiJ^ •
bunan exi»rlence. aod whBe they gel the prices rtlTJnd tee the
Omcaa ta Included in One
In Ibe matter of the esUle dndsry
by and by In ln«nlie pleaaure. why learb nothing direct, they draw from
: JohRa»n. deteaaed
would not a realliailon of the troth every reader the best to him.
Richard J JobnaviD havtot Ued is
le lAoleeonnt^
wuwirvwuu.t... Theaoil.the
...........---- water, the
1ST 8. I'nion SL. Traeerne City. Mich, .old
make our bearta dlad*
tourt hU peiltlon praying that'
i markets areR important
farm abaeta in
lUeoa phone '■
(10.) Verne tl—What Is the c
be adralnlstrallon of mM eaiale be
is iwMlble by direct teavhliiB* or
b 15-tfaura-tf
to W. M. KeUagg or to some
Harriabiira. M.V l.-WUh tbe*R^ treat penalty of rlc*ea?
dogma. Try them lor yourself.
jiher suitable peraon.
(11.) What can you aay for
elt forces In complete control 8enMORTCACE SALEF
You become a member of our IacsI
K ia ordered, that Ihe ISih toy of
against the atttemert that tt ia wielted
Punraae absent, ainle coove:
DefSuU hiving Wn made in the ilky. A. U, tl-l?. at ten o’clock U the
__ .
mm takina. near towns. schooU, water transporta- Is belDC
mdltion* of a .-< rt«la monaage mad* forenoon, si said probate affleit be
■">* noo»«»®b forces to be rich and virtuoua to be poerT
ttk aood Ttmda, fine buildin«a and all the advantagea of an dCmind that primary elecriooa for all (TWa ia one of the queationa which reodlng with our Issue ^or July IE r OFcsr M-. Monle and Sarah J.
hereby appoL
ecttimnnftr, all are here, and a man who ae- offices, auu and loral be one plunk may be anawered.ln wrrtlno by mem-, 191!. and cutting a coupon out of vW* JIOTse. hi* wife, Jolnlly. of Traverse
lignn. 10 Rkbsrd Hurlbut ot
,ai«r each week, from that time up .to
ordered, that fQMlc
jmS am in Grand Ttaveiw today, and knowa hia bnaithe plalfonn. Tbla win probaMy beru of the elufel/C
ntv. Klorlda, .Isled (be elev­ notice thereof toe given by ffuMlt^n
die fttture for himself and hn family.
(1!.) Verse S5-Whal la the areat 52 weeks, certifying tiint the reading enth day of Jleplember. A. n, 1»M. of B copy of this order. foT.-ihresPsuebe the laat aute coarentlon to Peanand recorded In the office ot the Re*- cesstye weeks prevtou# to said MT of
oe to thoae that, having plenty of
Ister ot Iieed* for Ihe founiy of
Tbdre are Ave solid gold
foOd anti worldly amnaen U have DO
flve ste'illng silver medsla Bve'learh- Oraixl Tr»v*r*e and Bute of Mlclilwire tor s;.lrttual Joys?
can on ihe eleventh (tav of Septem
Norttiwootem Bankera Club promiaea-to
era' Bible*, and thlrty-flve 'mtosble her A n, liM**. In IU'er
(i;.! Verae !6—Is It possible for
of mottrnro
■ ■iini .... ........- to the derelopmeni of the Grand Tiwrae ^
. Jiirise i>f PrngMs
man wbo U well pleasing to r.od
k'aBtoWMeetotton of men whoae bnainem will profit by the
our cUs* of lapera as previonsly
Apr. 2 9.
have nil men speak well of him?
of this notice the sum ot Kevemeen

«f tba wwrtry. and its memberahip n composed
plalned. to those wbo send In ihe tno« Dollar*
(11.) XVl:J9-a-How Is It that
nri^ whffiHU lesTc DO Mium usUiraed to bnnff addi*' •ttoroej’*
•II lime aome hare been veiy rleb coupons out of the S2 - The ties
• fee
-*e of^iVenty-Flve UoUar*. Tcclli Cxtraeteft ftftylle*
■ tepHal fato the lection which they TcpreIKBge. aurt ne
be broken by ihc best answers
provided lor '
and some very poor?
law batlns b-en
d hen last week was a very enthm^ic
,n»»fer®l[iro.- l*lUtK»
f tbs -Ki-oUt-’taelbod I eaf to
.(15 I Which, and why. tends moat
T 4be money*
■Record- instiiuied i ri-<-over
who attoided went home with a far difle^ AmBt-f'j' Nertlifer Jias decided
ujuto tbon achlDg loeth abrotMT
to goodness, great imveriy or great in WTiUng. You will netui tbe-R
igito or any i
iraneb oul iuio
into tbi
the rial
raul esuto
cured by
______otireee than they had when they came.
without paiA and wliboog IM nto of
Eagle tor youraelf or a frlertd.
drugs to prodneo onixwsclousnas.
i mir-jT——^ that H « an elceUent thing for mm m BOSS In ronnecUiM with hla law prace. bv virtue of tbe (
Peopio of nervoBs t«npera«to and
italned Ifi said mortgage.
ft atm M lirtiiriii t» get together and talk over the things Ut*. He has haa'aeveral yonru ex^
.- of sale
..., ____ le in such case made aad with Mk bedrta will appractata IbO
prteMs and Urmen took ptrt In the and the
"v that are of eoaimon interest. One piimsing cir- perionce In this line of work and
vided. noUve Is herv*y given that -Ka-otar- mnthod U palaUan atoroo
celebrallolPtoday of (be sliver Jubilee provided.
te fee—«"T and good fellowship that was mani- bnosrt All the deUlU that are connect­
Re^-. J' J. OBrIen. pa«nr' of Rt June.
iffdoiim aad the resolve on the i»art of the memStock. wlU
Msrgartt’s church ot (his city. Tbe forenoon.
snoon. I shall
sell atmubllc auction MC-tOd- Wllbtam
Mke% MM Retire part in the general wrifare-than they thuplaBUc believer in the future oLtbe
Travarto City. MKfldtoaNorih
of Traverse City and Ihe OVund
program opened this mo'rning with sol- to the highest blilder. si t
Wtt ttffm. It ™ coi^rfrt tk.t the bM pl.t, for ejr. elty
region and as tbla is a qual­
high mass at tbe cburAi In the Front door ot the Court Hoi
ft'k-fiafthufti WM hr moans of an oiRsniution and this Trarerae
City of Traverse Cil.v, t.’«um« of
that goes a graai ways in making
.nee of a Urge audience. Bishop Grand Traverse. Mlrhigan. ithal Itelng
MIL AR^g pai^ to the prdiminar}- work with a seal ity
aalea ot property U U safe to predict
TIhea of Uncoln. Neb, a llta-lotfr tbe place where the Circuit Conn tor
.«< wh fMnn.
It fact that Was brooght out waa Ihe immeniie in- that he will make a sacoeas alopg this Largs Quantity of Brown Variety Wst friend of Father OBrien. preached the
Une.Jubilee sermon.
■ hi
~~ depoaito in the.twenty eight hanks that
■ ao much tbefeof as nuy
----------the put deeade. PignrM showed a net inr to pay tbe amount Joe!
American War.
(gage, with aeven p*^ cent'
within ten years, a wcorfl that would be
t all Jcgal costs, together <
a ■wkiH to BBF Mher uetitai of the eoniitry. A large araonnt
wKban attoroey’s fee ot Twenn^Uve
ktokntoe hat oatOTed rinee the derelt^ment campaign wu
DoUar*. as iirovlded by Uw and as
Washington. May l.-Msny hun­
rtor^ ffdVB Bto BBd the increase is expected to he far great*
tor therein.- the premise*
dreds of yHra ago the adrocaie* of Jbeerved by'tto Dedlerttan •» New being dewTlUid
lu aaiu luottgage
^ .aru^to ntot toB pur ?eirlod, if the'Vork of keeping the •‘tmtion
e advised ttast swords be turoed
followa. lo-wlt: The Ea«t Tbii
^ofttoetotolB to toft ngtoB ii eimtinaed in the fntnre with the
of l-ot
Into pronlng books, but It hss remain­
Three and One-Third
SSS^SSkSm^^*^ ben carried out in the past few
y-Three («l
(4Ji of Oak Height* A ldled for rncle Sam’s ordnance depart­
Cairo. Ill, May 1.—The MMstaatwil ment «T hit upon tbe plan of u»tag
Cambridge. Mass, ilay i.-Todsi’s tlon to the ntv
irdln* to the reroi
rirer has aaaln paased tbe flood gunpowder for fertllUer.
•elebraildn ot Founder’s day at the cordin*
in up-UMtata
, tbe roomy of Gr
stage at thU point and water Is flow­
... Prompt UtaMian
During the wnr with Speta Urge EpUcopsI Theotogiral school wa*
rough swt^
ing over lowundi which only last qusntitle* ot brown gunpowder were made notable by the dediratloo of the
nty, MMttaan.
... orders
po matter bow
given all
CUU arsrrita forprieas.
week had tbe wstera of tbe most dls- purchased. The explosive it now of new Bbrarv presedied to the school
•vh (he R»’HAKD il^W.Br
Utjsjohn Gordon Wright of
no vatae for mflltary purpose* and tor
drainage district north of the city U several v^hs the. ordnance detwrt- Boston. The pflbcrpsl spraker. at the
I’S’DERWOOD A l'MlilK. .
Boih ^Jjrtfofaae."
imder four feet of water. Tbe river, menl har-been trying to And aome dedlcaliot. exercises were President
Attorney* for Morimee.
mfh tl-tburs to Jane 15
mage registerod 4S.S feet and Is ex­ method of gelttng back pert of tbe lAwell of Harvard university. Bishop
pected to record 48 feel -before the nmney expended In tbU purvbaae. lAwrence.a fonuerdein of the school,
has arisen in Paris, or rather be hu present rise commences to snbslde- Small qoanililea qf powder wlH be and Professor Bliss Penr.
d himself to Paris, as that
•nbmergbd nnin It Is soft enongb
_ _
many rich Americans there,
■preqd over Beld* sad experiments
Report of Ihe McKinley school for
in the Pacific of a great new continent.
will be conducted to see If It really
A *>4 h. p. CsMlii*# Cnglna
itoAam hur of an American syndicate to take posseaaion
tbe mooth ending April 29:
aids in the growt^ef crops. It It
StiniBbr of days tsu*bt. 21aton thto
eaob off. Toung Ur. Adgar. of India, wbo is
I’niie Sam wai dispose of tbe
Cyfladet bora, 4 lacbes; atroka 4«*
ILEBmaU. says the aewly formed voleanie islands of Bogoloff in Wide PUn of ChrMian AetIvHy Con- gunpowder to fannera at a bargain !U»s aueadanre. "«
inches. Good dc«i«n. best rotiarisL
Boys eorolled. 9: mrU enioltad.;^
Bl Partin an Bncleni of thia new continent. Mr. Adgar, of Inprice. If It talla the powder w
Hopper raoted, Wright. X*0 lba.-Biarts
Average dally Bueadanre. i:.9 /
SL aged U run, still retatoa some interest in his new eemttoent
taken out to sea-s’bd dumped overPercentage ot aiien-lanre. Mt,.\
easily, nma steadily: Is econ^mleaL
«BAe ■ wUUng to dvpoee ot at a reasonable flgnre. If neeesjfiikrd.
reUsbta. durable sod complete with
anr toe ^gnloffh can be entoff from the AdgaroS which roold
lADden. Unr 1.—A party of otare
Great quantilie* et bUck powder,
puller, gnsollne tank, betlery. coll and
ha. BimH*yand lure the praooter welloff and the . sviulicate than-one hundred noted cleitomen purchased In IS98 have been iw
switch, wired ready to nm T<mr oapounce
•atfoAS and that is where they would getoff^
nod rellglotis wortcen of tbe rolled firing tallies and as ignition eharge*.
Kingdom tailed from Bristol today But the Ifrowt powder U dtad stock, Hausdlng. Dewey Itatisdlos. Melha
for Canada. They are offlcera and experts say. unless U proves * suc<-esa i.ew I* Eiien Wilson. lJUUn W ilsoa.
b p.: oc«i|.to* 2*:i4 feec Prim 176.
Neither sbsenL nor tardy tor the
of tbe Federated Brotherfertiliser. ^
* Thea. V. lEwaon wants to bet *200.000 on the presidential membeca
vear. UllUn Wilson.
Wm“jVc“«On; Travers. CHy. Mtoh.
of the Old lAod. which baa a
•tiptifm Be dount ny ^ich side he wants to bet his money on. lioodt
■ Number of viMt’or. tor the year.
emberabip of TSQ.OOO. and the priBe topntihbly waittog tn^ what magacine will pay him the bigNumber promoted as end of the
object of their trip Is to attend
’ ^ftt prieto tor a neriu ot articles on the subject. But two or three _ arr
raoetlnt noon to be beU In Toronto
year. 12_ .
caught in this way once before by My. tor Ibe orgaoltarton of a almilar brothl.mian Horton. Teaeber.
«f ^ 1L. W
toe artielca for which they paid him erboorf'to embrace all of tbe eilatlbg
atoili they fc__id
idrertia- evangelical brolberbooda and sorieflee
tato of thoBsaatlB of dollars, were adroitly
tog aranlan paid for and mafled at the expimae df the magasinea, In ibaAlomtalon.
Sm to Mr. Lbwbwi intended. 1)iit aged by him to explfiit certain
TUria May l.-The Freneh govemOtAb, wbrtolm. or otherwise, toat he was largely inferested in
I.ut tbe eoierprtslng
raenl ba» decided not to tolerate
replied the sage coonwlor. "1 ib^
f afid from toe tale of which he realised millions.
May day procession which had 1
**: 1^-feome new ganre, Mr. Lawton, this one is woin out
arranged for tomorrow-by tbe Gen- ImmedUMlr start a roatreversy eoneral-Poderatlon of labor to start from eerotag It. Thea so many tbeortra
' fCMtiuiStf^m page one.)
I. a .« .......i--”■ "t
wiU be advaared that (be tads will
borne mlMloa bonril: .Rev. Dr.
Vbe Place IVndome, Tbe atrictesl orute OB «our jalm o: taroUb Job with

Bever become pubUt-tbew Hngbes..ot Paaadeea. Cal,: ^
dera have bton Issued to the troop.
> 'tMto ORTl
Andrew QllUek. ot UtaneaqielU. end not to permit the formation of tbe proOn a Dnrii Nigbd' .
The*^- wtot. are in a riara h, ,hem«*lers for idatre and wraring
Rev. WlUlam O. Shepard, district su- ceaataa.
_____ _
Affrtt to.

lendeat ot Chicago.
tack of Cholera yiorbus. Cramiu or
tam—Prunete Xarler 4e lAval-Moul- farette. at Ka^skta. m.
Tba bUhops wbo may retire are
toMto torn R. c Msheg ta cua- Ittl—OoT. &rtln uMietnsd
BUbto Heary T. Wartto of Denvar.
(^Mra. OM‘ ta QtMWe. May % etmiylrnnln Ittoslatnre ta special wbo to elriity yean old. aad Btobopa
I. kept,
■sssten to make mlUtary preperatloto David Moore of CtarinsaU aot Bari
. Of Iroc
(br the coming wnr. .
Crantum of Waibtaitaau bath ot Father (PSrien Hanerad by CathoUea
irrhoee. relievos
ltS5—A. a lAtU, taventor ot (he 4kam an more than aavtoty years
l«jn. EfleriivesUo

Grand Traverse Mer|l


and TitvoK Bay EasJe









t“iSErolSraf Laudin* wiB be of intemt










b Went oet

The UtUe Wonder





„ „ I.



' jg^ibBlMS PHS.H to am as-


earn am engtae. «led to Ltotou-, ot ata. Tka qaaattoa ot todr roiB*y. Boro ta itoL
■MM. Bowevar. depandt Rtarily atw*
ta*7—Oenerila Hancock and Cuwer the aettoe ot tbe gumral ceatart


SC UMto. Mo, May t—A taro' «»*itlto «r Romaa , CaiheUc protales.

tt or woe
. 8oU b



<S*|B im«™« HBUED, nm ruma Ur uoK rmitMBa. tar

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by MIm Btoe Dewey.
W» to wSTSSrOtvaitoaX .of the


crwM yaMfUe nlae to ell o
mA M«e«t ttwt eU ttom of penoael end
—’ bdereet■ leat
HBt to
t IBee Dewejr to be
Pefrtiinit We oqwdeUr
_______________ _ IntotBel eodetiM end the
Orac* fhnilh tteau of toterert to tbdr mptc.
Uve OTfeataettoae. Kewi of eoctol ereau.ead eeUtaMito, InreraBneU bdef node or contempitted, Mdl^eM cheapei; ud tnufen to
tett iiltte to town end eondy ere eepectolly
■oneiitehle, The- ebore eppUee sot mly to the
fllb«ecf»e leke,lmttotoe fvnasdtof eosntoy^ IdUer Benld. ,

Kingsley Department
CMidncted by Mias Edna Wall,
The pwpla of Ktopldy
totoratod in thu
Wo (httl be ctod to hsTo tof
the Oruco,>, ffntonil aodetto
ad to iUBi of
weirt. of Boettaft, flotkM of mtMtoto-

miBtemt. ,5 ai ItS* «» Kto_w.ll.
.wh> to ctoci of tl» Dtorttot-ato*

Hoa-anl Duua abd wire.w^cat to dnties ax brakeman on tbe nilroad.
Mra. K R. SuUb. wlu»..haa been
MIm tear InlixMi mumed tnm. C»rl («»i*on ««■ Ja Cadlilac S*t- Tturene <Tty. Mcoday* (of i abort Ul (or over a year with dropsy, paiw-d
Blg Rapid*, 8uBd*r._
• I ardaj mod SuBdaj, vtaltlng LU Hurt. visit with tbe Utter * pareata. Hr. Bwar Mat WednewUy. Death came
aad Mrs. N. Albrtaht.
Bert Solder baa bU new bam all
aa a reliel. after'aot b a Iobc time
Iran Gore spent Suaday with bis
lo atiemitodoaed and la abteeUns Ibe root
MUa Jeaklaa. the <
auBerinit. although alie bore Ibe
here lor parvDtK la Traverse Clly.
naln with little complaini. She
Wm. debora waa U CadiUac
Meary Knapp went' ti
Tiareiae t'Uy. Soaday.
re* a bu>band. and ope'son Kd. at
bnrieiib Theradar.
^mln Biiides ib^ abe leave* A
riiUtf wetic to Trarerae City Monday, oa buslaea
Mica Etbel Slodalr Was lo Kal
Lea- Ylnsllas weat to Traverse boat of friendh to mourti ^ loss.
ka. Satarda.>.
< ilv \VcsIbe*d*} on b
Ben JeBrlea o( Mt. Phrasant. who
Mra. Lou Loop came borne I—
Grant DuBey . wbo iias been work­ baa been rlalUng old (rlends and
W. W. Brewer made a Iniabu^
veeli. fiW Graad Rapid*, vbcre aba
ing In Jackaun all winter.
nelf^bot* and rvlatlves at Summll
trip to Trarene t'lly, Tueaday.
baa biND alace laat tall.
Mr. aad «ra. Armor I'rallcfc're-j Mn. Vlacent o( Detroit U vultini; Fitday. (or a abort vacation and rest. City, wax lo town rlaltlng. Tuesday.
Fred Wllcoi at Uralcfc. canie bo
luiee^fTom MuiUtee. Balardar| her dauBtatvr. Mia. LeRo.v Mbaam.
Mr. and Mra. Kd. Geiger ol Baaler.
Friday, (or a abor\ vUll with
Mrk. Jobs Biubboldcr of SouUs
«»a la town on baaiaeoa Tneaftar.
Dr. T. Y.. Kimball ttwk Ulw Ger­
Doarduao, va* tb« eaeat of Mr«. Uoo. tie Blake to Cadillac- bosplul. >l<,^- nioliier.
dim Woodard and family ol 8uBh
Stxel. Satordar.r
Pairi Jackson, wbo recently went
day. wbere ahe .alll be operated
Diii I'lty. transacted buaineaa In i
Oeo Wearer U UtIbb Ibc ccmcnl lor appeadldUa.
Jac-kaoD. teiui^ned ■ bome Friday.
remdaUoa (or a acv bm (or iobn
Mrs. Jobu WaH. wbo ba* been
Grorer Kuller itopped at borne Fri­
U muefa Impioved at this writing.
day and Sat^y 6n bU A-ay toc-k
Mra. a A. Ctarfc o( <>dlUac. baa
e|ra D. Unten made a butinea* trip
Burtiley. (rom Travrree Clly. when-betn aiMidliis tb* paal reek with
to Travorae i:ilj. Monday.
bc look tke . teacber'e examloalloii
Mr. Seefuim-r of Snmuiit Ol.'. was
Kdwln.rbaud} iransacted buiUiese
Ufa. Tabarw.
(or Scroad pade.
Id town Tuesday on buxlneae.
era. darn Creeo U eery lU oltb ao
In IVaverse T'lty. Monday.
There, was a box aotial beld la
Tn^ay night about 11 oclock. af­
attarb at appeodicUlA
Several from town went out to
nidu.ter aiTlvlng at Ibe various eteeks.
. UlM Tmea OowdoT «aa la Cadbulu* lake Sunda.'. la search of
nishi, tor the beaedt of the erhi'.-* ‘^lut. Tbe froal'bSK hurt (be most nearly every man in topn. that possi­
ilUc OB iHwibco*. Ttauntey.
bly could, got hU bsblug uekle In
Alex LdU TUlted tneoda u Alba Proceeda beiweva tlU and til dellarc of the arbutus, as It seems to
readiness, ao tbnt they might bring
Funeral dirertor W., W. Brower browp. .
awl Maoceloaa Ute laat ol tbe
home a nice baakel of fieh fur breakMike Umai «aa io Cadillac eb bual- took ti*r*e ol tbe fuaer^ at Waloi:
D 1..' Knslgn sod »i(e went
Friday artemoou.
Moa. Monday.
Travel*# City. Wedlleeday. ou ImaiFrank Rari'-k. wbo ha* Ireen living
G. B. XIoberty baa a ae* lob debr. Smith, wire o( KMward K. !
in CndlUac;^ baa moved iii* tolly
arlaa talU wood.
Adam Seeamlller And wife went
back to Kaiinab. Ins former borne. .
-dMra^neiiaet aad (wo cblldren re- the ase o( Cl yean. Tbe services Traveme I'lty. Wedneaday.
Mr. 'Fotter. wbn ba* been ill. Is
taaaeeeuai Beodoa aad Trarene were ceoducteB by RIdw Buikboldei
Herbert Fee. wbo has been ber-r
or South Boardmao.
Tbe reualas le* past two week. vUllIng bl. moih uliuU ■•elier H'. ibi* wrUing.
etir. ^Pftaday alsbt
^.e> S- nodcce.weoi to Trarerae City
to ralbouii couaiy; their
Mr*. Guy Uasiim of KaUuakai lux
and other relotfvca. retnmed
''on bualm^ Tueaday.
.,-j former bome. tor iatermeoU
WIsco&ain.Saturday, reauiui- bU been

stock Has Been Moved

iWctoUrc stock ol -THE MEN^S FASHION SHOP” has been
iiovcM lo this store. The donbting stocks has made things


Up-stairs and Down Stairs
^totahoaldyoaUndaiiyconlosIfm In finding tbe goods yon
Clor.yoa’UlicnMweUinnrepnIdbyaie snvIng hi price. New''cks—donMem size-donble bi vnriety—end nhnosi everyr»,x lo MX lower tai price. The* CHEAT MAY SALE of Ln''' ' h-Wenr nnd Dry Goods bi eonInncUon.


ils^f ■

'M: m

5”',sssS^^nS‘at:;::.;: m'w

B'iS Lot of MEN'S DRESS SfflRTS. worth J1.S0 and *2. to go at.......... 7»e and »8e
New Soft-Collar Shirts worth from 75c to $2. go at................... SSc. Me and *t.45
Boys' Suits, ftnir big specials, worth to $6.50. go at tLIS, *2.6$. $$.45 and *4.**

t*dhli-.6oBU. worth\('lt.-.. at................. ts w and Il'm.
Ladloa' SuKa. worth lo Us, at..........i .III W and $t4.-Mi
Lpdle* . Dreaanxi worth to tl-So. ai........... i .SStBod ustlAdias' Dresses, worth lo U.UO. at..........$1^. aud Us:,
lAdlea- UreMcwT worth to gli'. ni ... ; . .fflw. nod »:.»•'
Girl*' Drewae*. wonb te'»l.«n. at ...............I?r anii
GlHs, Dreasea. -worth lo t: <'V. in..-T...aud gi t:,
Udiea- «l.W KM Glove*, on? tot at. . .....................
Lddmi- KlmoniA Borth *I..Hi.-«<............
Udlex' WnlxU wonh »l.w at..........................

Wool llrer* tioo.l*. wonli ftor. at
Taffeu Silks, worth T-V. at............. -Windsor' Fettwle* worth i:‘-t . at ■.
Dves* liiBghaui*. worhl U*c and U's<- a'
Callcoe* aod.Chalilea. wort!: ;.caua'lK ,
Coat*' ThtyadV.=-*in»l lltmf at,...........
LaiUv.' rD.lei'>e.»B..*l>eclal at. .

Boys' .and Girls' Howe, worm i:-i ' ai
Inaenlonr aud Kdelngc wortb '.f Kh. *
lu.lia Ubou. worth ::<* ,'ai'd. ai • -


. £JaitorietoMwitom7 50<P«Gkm«. Comi kn Rnnkm. Walcto*.-Sif«(WMB. SManf DiAc*.«c.

S’al^ before golac to Bdtding. where
t» Mpoew to mnho her..tntai« bi
Mrs. Wm. PSaU, wbo bM beeo
«bB- ai U reported much .Maproved
: thU wrlUBf.
Sayaa MsnigoM of Haytold. wi
tewB Saurday. <m (malBcaa.
fioBi^ NVAetaoB U Bainias Mi
Bfsntigaai boys have moved from
p over tbe store. ». tbe Patkar'


the Many Question Asked tbe Ctmtest
Are Answertd-4tead Tbem CuefiiUy.

meetlag of the Oeseurp Imnoeni aaaodatloB baa beao dated
lor Arbor day. AU aumben are reTHE NOMINA'nON BLANK,
naMcd to be prMeot m.Mkc Bver•eve all nemliwtien blank* at
Teea cemetery, a^ Ibe^ay wUI be
laeti aad cvwry oao adll ceimt S
pml la iMeutif.vlto the gioeada.
retee ler yourself or your faverfts
-foe Miller and^lte relied on Uw
saadMetm After yw camlidate
lomrich and/wife Sanday Ubl
bhnll Schraap baa aotd bU farm
sary U iiimt* only iMr name an
and intmds to move to Kingsley. Mr.
(he nomination blonh. Cemploto
Dobson will move ueto tb« farm io
filbng out lo ae( norooiair.
»hort time.
Mr*. Le* Jtomrlch U asaiating
friend* and relatives at llanaab. (or candidate net winaiag ano of tho •
abort lime.
pelaoa wriJl raeolvo in eaoh S per *
Mrs J 0 Croiaer of Tieverae CUr. 'eent at the money ah* coiieetA *
spent Monday attemaoa here. In ralb
ig on old toad* and neighbors.
Walter a^ Abble S«rgmlller of
1, Wbat lx Ibe total raluo of (be
CBdlllav, wrre tbe guralx of Mr*. MiCarlh) over Sunday. Waller return­ prixea! Abs. SLiiMHow h Ibe territory covered by
ed Monday, but Abble aUl spend tbe
tbe Record-Kagle aad Graad Traverae
week here with frteoda.
Id divided? Anx. Yolo three dix
•- e. Clrta or* RotartalMd.
tor (be imrpoee of tbe rampalgn
lAst Wednesday evening the Ml
How many eabdidate* win regu­
Benilre Stlnami and Ivab-Bogart en­
ed Ibe IB. U. club. Tbe gilts lar prUa*? Anx. .Vine,
11 attired
Irest la cuatiuaew much out
t. Do Don-i-riie wloBlag cahdldatee
of the ordinary, which ranted much rl Bometbtug? Aml. Yea.
aninxBfueni daring . tl
i. What Hit? An*. Five per ccBl
Maslc nd aiagIBf waa the main tt*- of tbe money they collect.
------ture of (he evening' At a late hour
How many dlaUlct Snt prlie*
chicken supper, with ' a will be given? Anx. Three Urtnaell
other delirious eatable* were served.
Bra*, (own maiei upright planoo.
A* yet we baven'l beard of
How many dirtrirt serand prUex
being If] from ^Ing too much, but
several bad aympiums to that eSec*. will be given? AnA Tbreo beauti
(ulv diamond rings.
Ray Taylor Seriously Hurt.
How OBBy eibcr. dittrirt prise*
I'rlday momlng Mat
wjl|^Bi«*a'? An*. Threwenlld goU
and Blate'r alartei
gof caught In tbe rain storm. ‘At
Hos' miy vote* be aecnred
were near lo Giles -Vlckeraoo *
. By Hipplag couiiOB* tram Ibe
home, they alopped there to wall
Record-Kigle sad Grand Travi
III the rain waa otw- When Ibe
or by aecuilag aidMcHptioBs
flopped Rey Taylor wont ont to help
either of these papen.
hUsdied .up. xi-bile at
lu. Wbo will bgawarded the planoH?
the bam a colt came ninning op to
ifaem. and tbe old borae bit tbe coIl An*. Tbe todies receiving (be blghumber of vote*—0»« lo e«cb dl»wbIcA made,tbp colt kirk and tnatead'
of kicking the horse., be kicked Ray
r B (BBdbtote o
forehead. toBviag blm^seote
aubscrlpUon and Inter a looser
le was carried Into tbe' bow
and a ptaynidan wax anmiDOned im- one (ram Ibe aame party will she
dtterrnce la volea? A
medlBlel). to dyeax th< wound,
took nine slItcbfB In lir. TA'IOI
Mutt vottw be published at I
ira It w(oreheud. For sereral hours
lime that anbscrlptloBs ar* a<
thought that be would
An*. No. they may he held
tbe bloa. but at Ibli data be la doibg
reaerve and voted nl any Ume before
Ibe camfialcB ctoeea.
IS.y'Jlay candidates secure a
ibdfrtber to sun or be renewed a(
ler tbe campaign cloaes? An*
Wi^ vote* be given-tor
a on I renewal.? An*. Yei>. all


■ wbat day
tna.' Jan* 2

that date.
NomiBattoaa wfll ba ae
this date, but a «re*t a
gaIBM~Jm_bavlBg your i

No candldBie I* barred biebi
Bol at |.re**»t or pever hgg ^
RMOrd-Bagle or Grand Trarans 1

friends wilt do tbt r<aL
Tbo BtoMUoao tody wbo to «
tealUo tbe advantngo of tbla «

iwcalvo tbo tofQHt a
of voles. Bccordiag lo tbo e
of tbe rampolgn.
cal Mb

interest all your (rleads asd by
(rmixed aad eaergMle airtloa tail
aa many a* posalbto, nM oad/tn «
tbeir «oiei for yon. bat to I
tbelr redpeeOve (rtebdi bi yoar I
easiert and smwat waj.lo 1
i> for caadldstw to ask tbatr t
not imly to save them tbd a
blanks amt ooopmuL bM ta m
wragas or le prepay tbalt a
Year friends wlU be glad l» •
modaie you ax tbU coaU tha «
r aothlag esira.
n* XbttlelDcat of thneo I
oos eatltlM yoa 10 a apirtal SalptJ
wbicb can be voted aay t
« camjmlga.
\ .
Aay penon wbo dealrae to a
tbto campaign, may do ea by.pi
Blllag ont and voting tb* amMi
Bomiaattoa blanks that appMt I
latua of the Rmord-M* m4
Trbverae Herald. M tbaa* ai
good only np to a eartali
Tbey win net be cooaiad aUsr t
date prtofad on iheoL

Tbe apectol baOot voted. a*U
Isaued tor every aabecHiitlaB
date be iraMferred u anolber? Anx.
may he (wxt any Uag 4
lag Ibe ramimiga. and tbey wtll Q
. 1«. - May one anbacribei
tbelr full value (or
(erred tram'one member of a family wbdSc aamo they bear.
another and be counted as new?
People livtog la one dtolrtolM'
X. No.
T. Who may enter thl* rampelftD? vote tor a caadUal* that Utm B|||
other: tbey ara not comf
Ana. Aoy tody of good repute.
partlcator dtotrteL.
' What doe* it coat to enter?
At tbe eloae of tbe cdiapdli
Nothing, n
How may I enter? Ana.. Clip successful one* Will raceiva '
- - -m
tbe nomination blank frotn the Kecord- (ram the HeraW aad I
tbelr respecflve prtsce. and slpki^l
>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Kagle'or Grand Traverse Herald
xeml tame to the cam|«lgn manager priu winners wiu raeaiee esab (g t^J
(Fioto T^iekdnV's Record-Eagle.)
amonnt da* tbaa.
^r*. M. E. Kthec returned la o( ibU paper.
:ht irom a vlxll to Detroit, Saglu and Toledo.
I that idace. after a hMM rtMi bM 4
W. 0. C. Germaine returned last .look up acme teacher* lo 1111 vi
n bustnea*.
ries in (be total achools for
;&l from a sburt butloesi, trip
Mr. amd Mra. C. W. Davit at WB 'I
maxliarg arrived to l& efty tUs. ]
p of MeiwwL g
Charfe* Oyraer of Matci
Charle* Con
ed through the city today oa bU way tornlng lor the day.
(Tosatng. relumed lUla morning
MtoM Ruby aM Raart BtRaa |
, Kecaokbathis city.
Walter Dsan was called to Kalkaa- Acme relurned home tbla 1
:lyd* Wolf returned thle momlng
T an ex-i-Jka tbla morning lo attend tbe'funeral from a abort visit here.
hlo borne at fopemlab,
Mr. and Mra. A E. Witoea aaB aaf j
tendc-J vixli to thi* clly.
■ %f a brother.
Mia* Haeel Sty* of Bcllslre I* spendEsri Akey went to Kalkaska tbla Uoyd returned ibU afternoon to Hto^
honie at Detroit alter Bve waeks' TiaM
Ig a lew'days In tbla city vfbUlng luoiniiig for a few daya
They will stop ot at Omad BM, f
Carl HalbcTB left here thle
fuiph Richerdaen left hem thle tog tor t'beboygkn and other poloia Ids lo UaU (rtaad* tor a
MIBB EIH* Collier, mhe ba* I
momlhg for Milwaukee, lor several (or a week.
Mrs. W. A. Shelly urent to CelatMr here vlxllla* for two or throe ml
V. Surgett Is spending the day at lit moraina, where abe will apead _ Ibe guest of ber anau Mra. W. a
Foote, returoed Ibis afUTMM U bet .
Bmplre ou bnslneas lor. B. J. Mer­ reveral daja vialllng tflenda and
borne at Manton.
tollve* before joining brr busb.nd
cer aud company.']
Mr An* Mrs. LeuU ArcMe aS-W* !
Mr. and Mrs. JahiQ Moor* of Adri- Three Rivera.
qurioBila* rrlnnied bome tbla gtUm' |
an. relurned this morning after vlallA f. LndertA principal ef i
ing frlendx In tbla cii.^ tor tbe past oafdBaa achool. boa been .elected' MB Irani several dart’ vlalt h—
principal Of a ward acbool at Hlvcrj Mr*, e. McRill ef Oraam |

Macon. Ga.. May I.—Knlghu Ternar from all parts of Georgia a
posxraston of Macon and the il
seciiuB of the cHy 4x a sea of
bunting and Maamilc emblems Tbe
Sir KnlghU are here for the annual
conclave of tbe grand common
which began today and will con
over tomorrow.

Mit* Julia Claxsr.
has been
here visiting for the JMI «* dayx.
returned tbis morning U^er bqiae at
Cedar Run
Mr*. O. Can*, left ehf* (hi#
morning lor Butfalo, N, Y, where
the.' expect to reside tor the summer.
Claud Let* of Muskegen returned
to bi- home at ibsi plate, from »
era! days batlnea* trip to lAI* city
Funk end J. O. Cratacr and Bsiph
fate and party, drove to Arcadia toJav lo Mr. Case a new aniomobilc.
E Black IS viaitiag (rtonda at May.
a»ld f<w a few days Ibis week
Mrs. E- T. Shaw «t Bbadew «*he has
been vtam'ng frimids beie (or tbe
past week, returned bom# today.
Mlea Elixabeth Rswe went
i Frankfurt this. fflOnilBg. wbere ■
j spend a few ^s;s. the guest
' Irtendx.
Mra. J. H. HanebefB^. ef Empire
paaaed tbrangh the city tods:
sav to Petoekey. wbere ehe expert*
to make ber fetnre raeMearcU U Tytor >s*M to Fife Lake thi*
I morgiBg. to vtob tb* Kbnoto tbcfe and

Ro.„ ,1 U


H, -111
«1. ...IH,
place at itie beginning o( '.
t morning
C. J. HeMii left her*
B an extended buxine)
dlilac and Sauk Ste Marie
Mr. and Mr*. 0. B. Taylor went
tenaan tbis nwraiog tor a lew dr
Mr*. Charlea Oornaey voeni to Mantga Ibis morning lu visit (rieu'is
abort rtme.
Mr. and Mr*. Edvein Mcnenate
lieirult. wbo b*»e l>een here fu
pact seek or IvfO'd.v-*. looking UP
farm lands, sllli a view to, IcxUns
section of the *i*t*. relurned
borne ihi» morniog 'They
at I'sutillac and Grand JUp.ds to visit
Robert Edward* left her* thi* afteVnoo nior Bellalrc and Central Lake
qu bBsieeM for tbe Hamilton OcdblBg
Mart WlnniaTa^nRned U hi* horn#
for a (ew day* with the grippe.
Men. 6m HemiHofi ef Eaat Jeedae
retaraad Ula aUanooa to her boM


t .1

Jlw gnrxi of reletlre*.
Miaa K. C. Frater It tpsadll
*v at Kingxle.v with frldad*.
te*^rry Revelvera. VlatniS er
Noii-e I- lieieby «1vea. (tael by elm
ueoi A" No :t4 el (be Pnbtlc Acig
f mil
amended by Act No . ", Bb
rs HexMon Of IMr, the pad^gnaB
>m meet at the •■«*# aC (be CpMtJf
Clerk at (be Conn Haami to (be eiu
ot Traverive «'li> on Monday, May 4
«:u(i o'clork^p.m.. and^Mjbefctl
1 'wa'iDe hour, (or the pnrpS'
a.'ing stmlkniton* tor Hcenee*
carry revwleer*. piatoU and paAm

“ ink npplkwtioe* may be MCi
■e oSIc* of ih# coMtr clan.

Dated. TnveiB* ^y. Hay I^^IML

borhood; Mr. and Mrs. a. asrhtUhss.
tn» Ottvi 'Wotoee. tab
tlclee;»»yr*d by Miaa *- .Canha, (aaisoM OifhflMitai, 9r. Bobsit Sseb- and Friday of last w^
tlebsn «nd MUs AdeUne HaOotr stCtayse CalTor baa retansd frqm.M|
asd Mrs.
tended the play at tbs Oraad, Satsr- satAdef vlrtt wftb relaUvM Indtaaa.
JIlM EBsloe FrUeaB whs has be«>
Tbe bud boys gave a dance In Meacbool at Uable, Hick, re- day, April Seib.
bees MsUe to rao ior the past few
Mias Ueisn MotsveU of Traverse
ia'B ball. Tuuday eveoiac, April ».
^ to her bette Wednesday «v«f
L LPOto StMckar
City waa vlsIUng
stater, Mrs. F.
HIM Stana Hauaeo waa a Trai
Mr. and Mrs. I^snk Kiit-spent
liM tum4v. AprO ». d>e MMiaeea 1-wl.a and Uaiy Jacksot Kubesb s few daks last werii.
couple of days last week at Traverse
« »-«f
UrtMAf. A larse
Mrs. L. Blrleker was a caller at C. City.
left laM week tor a few days
Hr. Bdwarta of TrarerM City
I «tt»M
ail n»ort«d a
(an . rtow Uat week with a. Use with friend. 4U. Charlevtdx..
Qalle a number from here pitr>
» tim, UM •venliif «at UMSl in
UlM Both Slevent and Mtai Eunice Dized the suction sale at iRonard Her
men-a asd boy.' dolWn*; He reMr. Cdwarda tlf Tisrearse City *ave
prtwoted the HaniilW* Ctothlsg Co.
Mveral vocal inaimpllon. In the M. B. Prim lorta supper at Mis. Champney'a rtngton's Saturday.
HIM Xwlc* PHB*a ®f NorUiPOrt.
ebnreh on Sunday morning. U the taat Friday evening.
^ G«ocr-i
Om Bott Steves asd Mr. iamet StcMr. H. 2emke of Qk lUplda hae
Master Edwin SaebUeben baa fub
Ssnday vSlh Iriendi sud lad «s esioyable «>clal evest at their nfiemoon ncoo^ndied by Eev. - C.
ime to spend the wmmer with Mr.
'WRgR B. ConaUtan
_____________________ M«« M.CcuinlM
baU Tueaday evenlo*. M wnnbcr or TWi land ilr. Snd Mtn. i. SchiBecd- ly rccorcred after *4erioua atuek of and Mrs. J. C. \*laek.
iWliM ta Beloa.
er he drove to t.^d where be Msg
M KsbaA'e have sdM a Ose gtcM from Oa«oa( Lelaod. and Sutibe evening.;
Mrs. E. Mallory and eon. Ben and
tooa Bay wete there.
P* flwo to thair boos.
Mrs. O. C. Itapipm returned home dshgfater. Adeline. Mtaa E Stevi
the guesU of bis parent*, W. I
C. Jacobaon anived hei» Wcdsca
CJelaa jrtorticd tome
Cbas. Pankop and wife spent SonBates Sunday.
M Iteradar. aceoopanlad by--bar <Jay evcoins for a visit with relative. from Uanion Sst^lIdny^cvenlng. wb^ nnd her brother. James were callera day st tbe home of Cbaa. McCaslln.
Dan ITatl of Traverae lily ta i
BfA Bari Frawnao. wbom abc
O Sclaoa arrived Wodneeday and
Cbai. MeCaalla had tbe mlslortunt
Mclnltyfor a day-or two.
illaa Ully Searing went to Whalen's to get a horse bun uulte badly.M bM TUiOnl for tba past week.
111 nah wiUi.-C. A. XcUon ihla aca^
April S9.
Many Anveriean'SehotariM 4d Notre
Sunday, where abe expects to remain
Mr. asd His. JcAs OoaU ate dlsocr
Little Delta <Mln U a little better
M ObM. SacAtlabes'a Sssday.
'sira. Clark who Jiaa apcni the laet
tor tbe summer.
at tbis writing.
Ira Itardwull ta wurklag
. ____ __
______ ^ll_l
called .1
gianibi vlalUsg her son.
Robert SaebUeben. Mr. Ben Mallory
W. C. May and family vWted SiroStaiuphfler.jlh Ih-ii-l. in.i. May I Maay iv^
Word was received hetv talc fast
day st tbe bomv of Tom Scafe.
E. Clsrit. reumed
and Adeline MaUoo' attended
nigbr of tbe death of Mrs. Eameat
\S. K. Siiydvr relnnied huiuc Tburt son* of .proitiincuce were-in alteadMrs. Eatella PhUo w«.i lu U
need.}- morning. i
dance nt Sllverfinn Saturday night,
day Horn the aoullt-with bis now aarv tods* when the Americau Irish
Arthur Bordeaux returned to Duluth Colton of Traverae City. 'She la - they report n vory'nloe Umm
on bosinesa. Thursday.'
iiutoriral Mwiety oivnev] Ka aanual
ASM M s trew Of tnsn «id teami MlnnesoU Tueeda}. he has been viait. StoCoCof Wm. Rlicya of this plafce.
April 30.
Cbaa McCaslln twiight ^a horse,
eoBventtoii at Ibcvrnix-olty of Noliv:
liiikliil on the State Reward road.
brother the
e niB proini*!
i»<» past
i-..®. Jew daj-a.
Itainc. Tliomas sN««e t.f Providcsce.
aUsM UaacI and Edna Mcnill of
MlM Mary- Mclklld rciumcf from place fortoertr known as the H. Tah^
Mra W- C. Ives was at the ctuialy
R. I.. prcMdentatrn.-i'. l ef the auctoty.
_Wirtir vlalted tbelr alaier,' Mrs. l>avU CblrnSO*la*t week.
Joe nurkeri la just about -the lamc aeat. Saturday.
rolled the gaUtarInt: lo ordw qnd
Mrs. John Periwll snd danghler. BlJM a Siw daya last week.
\V T. Sorton of CJevctand arrived
Uco. Holroes was at South tbiard'^
Will l.iou and «ii» have moved
PnaMent Chvaaaugh of thr unlveraBy
‘ P,Hsvla baa been helping bis broth
last week to spend a few days with la returned In«n Traverse City Sat­
to &' M Snyder * huuse and. he w in
Mr. and Mis. D. G. Shorter have re­ iitaR. Saiurdayi
IM. O. le Darla of flights for aiew
la parents. Mr. and Mm. Spencer, urday. where they were vlitUng for turned from their. MUthers trip bad
Coo. ives waa a taller at tbe bomv wmk tor them
will cbalinoc aeverol dayi.
id Siaicra. Ure. Bur/ and Mrs. Ma» a few daya..
t Albert Olln. ^unday.
they had a ^ Unie while In
Sunday gueats it. S. E. Snyder'*
*j5r. EMdrick delivered ■ ®ne serHomer' Aekermu tau moved bia
G«o. AnusiroUR. Is to work for Gp>,
Florida and Toaaa. Mr. and Mis. Will
-Ire Mr; »iid Mi*. ,Ja<k Kelley and
M Sssasy. April r. to a large eonfamily onto Mrs. Keffere farm for the
The members of the 1. 0. O. F.
Andermw brou^kbem out from Tra­ Ivea ■
. •
cliildrec. Mrs. KliuilM-tB Aldridge and
IMMtos at the Boat Oarflsld^. E- ibrlr wives and friend. enJo.ved a very summer. ’
T« the llairaitMr Beard et Saperviars
verse CUy In tbelr, nulu Wedn
kcu Whburc and Hyille UalteaBeU ■ 4 Manistre CvHiDU’. MldUcan.
E Koan and family visited at Mrs.
anjoyable evening si Utelr ball on Frl~v
id. son lilemi.
Asm wm bs s sopper st tbe'Esat
dny evening.
Mra A. C. Wynkoop and eon TomHODGE.
Mia. a. K. .'-iiyilL-r s|>ent Smiday M.Ih-TBIi; COMPANY. .mtaxOfu'b' prrid X. K. Omrcii Friday evening.
x'^yer'bM a sick cow.
Basil Bradley is taking Earl BushiilMns f.g-Iawve and permgyn
le vUtted in Traverse City from- Fri­
Mr. and Mrs. IMm Mutrhl.T /
wUb her dausUicr, Mr*. Myitic Dai
•tiurt vbun sceoan Bear Creek and Ibe
Stc. Bvsrybody Invited.
John Per^l and family also A.
r's puce on tbe tnln during Earl's
day cveulug until .Monday- evening
called to CsdlUsc!. Balurday. ou
Muiireiee Itiver in MaaUire CMintr, ler
tcntli'ld,-last week.
. . ^ April so.
Sawyer vtal^d at W, A. Volcea Sun­
lie . iHitpoM. at the ka-allaaa. <a the
lUUI of tbe low condition of Mr. sud
George Clay ta buying and sclilna
Snyder and laiuily
visited In-lKbC* a,Hl d<-M-rtpU<a<n aa hireafwv net '
Ml*. Huber of Omona wa
fonb. Ihl, prillivn beloa' auppinannial
borses. He sold onsflo Dave Jeuklns
ra. Bert Itencroas b^y.
Sunday- wiUi Mr. and Mrs. W. W
to MM. mnde br (Ills
T--r ^■«d
A number of Ihe young folks vWt»r a few days last week.
and to Arthur Zlgler laat week.
Bennie MUson. 1-csler Johiison and
Mir.-h 54. lw>. and Bled with JWur
''IIM. Ua “Bndd «it«t.lPad '
liruwer ol Kile Ixikc. ^
ed Mita FlorSkce Vrdee Sunday nfiertaiaid. on wt,u-ii i*rn.U ww* wiaBi^tar
Mr. and Mis. F. 8
Green Itartr School eliiscd Friday Ralph Piero-, attended the leacber's
^ Of iwr lady.trie^da FriW
uI yoor^tamnl adupted OMoI ii&Ca mooting In the evenEsrl GlUmiH-e has rented Ihc.huus,- rrwduUun
been tbe «uetU of Mrs. Swanson’s Mr.
■e-r Zt. IWK. eis- h prcnm wma amriuled
MM. At snpifr tliM they were InQwued by Mr*. WanpeU. 'iu South ji^^rroduii.m aC-Y-ud Oeulier ta, «».
snU tbe past tew weeks, reutned •>'
■Renolds bsck for our nest tenna He w-eek.
MH So tha
room where the
4-owu. aud will nmvu his lamlly
' !•'TIk- I un-fe <4 rcnrtn.1(hdr home at Cadinae Monday.
ta a good teacher and look a great In.
Born, to Mr. ainf Mrs. Jamiw White.
■E- -B* MMS was .served:
:-lni nald dam* ta to mrutatv. ouil-id mad
I ta gull
A. A.'Ldseb Of Unetdn. Nrttsaka
iitilin, iho n->w uLdeaSl tWlRSau Jor
Sunday. April 2». a ion. The Infant
terest in bis scbolsra
a. onsnMd pouiaas. hot rolla
rived Wednesday svsalng. to look afMr. Chalker of Detroit la expected only lived 12 hours.
« -fT- moeawl *«« ebeese,
Tbe Long t-»k« -district No. 2 adiool
and Mrr. Armor Fralick
lIKETmtyLV U.VM: On Bear Crw*
a his tmlt farm.
hw today to took after bta farm.
A surprise party- will be given
I. fnilt Mlad. ateorted eakes.
IIh luieiMctloii u( llie eeniter <rf llie dam
Tbe Woman's club met Uat week will clooe .Wsdnendny. followed by
mill, tin- Uiread id lilt- rtiaruMi twlng eo ,
Mr. and Mra. John C>rmean and fum- (be home of David Johuiun.'lor their tuiBcd irera Manistee.. Saturday
or wiu.ln llvr bmii* uf tlie SuuUwaaH
S- E Snyder waa a Kiilkaaka
with Mrs. 3. P. Mathews. Membera program and light refreahmcDta.
lly aud Mr. and Mra Flay l*oircII vtall- son Lceter. on Tuesday. evening.
~ito MW mill of the Frstt Belt ParkThe following people of ibla neighnsspooded to RiU call by quota '
cr Monday.
ed Mr. and Mra Cariucau of Long
Mrs. E. H. Smith CloC at her bu
On broke *>wn TJisrsday and baa
eaat UuarVvT. >d Beetlan Elphleni Vltl.
Miss Geanide llUke went lo Cad­ Tevn^p^-TwTtoy^roo («) Nufth. Baaca
April 24th, after being
Uke Sunday-.
illac Monday, her father golfti with
Mr. and Mra. Frank Rodgers
dropsy two years. She was a patleut
’danrn prtllionol (er are aB
She will be opernted on for apakv Ann ekUera this morning.
Deceased was an
Mr. and >rta. H. E. Baker visited Cbrlsttan. uniting with f^e
Baptist prndlUells.
Den Wheeler has his cellar and
Ilia sifter. Mra Will Satllen of Kae- church when a girl.
BCfiinm and Bubdivtaiuaa as benotter
vlcea were held at tbe Gleaner hsllf foundmlon done and wHl start bta
' » Sunday.
George Newman and Mtas FajApril 2C. conducted by Rev. T. Burk- boush Monday.

id^raverse Region


£i, C. A. Haminond




ffl 5saa

The Itadies- Aid met with Mra.


Conoba vtaUed bit uncle fbailey New- bolder. _ The remains were tab.
Van Buren county for
an and wife Sunday.
Mr, and Mra Will Griffith and soiu former borne.
Wilbur and George eaUed on Mr and
Jlra Henry Wares of Ovtatt Sunday-.

Blake Thursday.
There was
work done and a pleasant aftetnoon


was spent. After the bwdnems meet­
ing. a lunch waa served. They will ;;
meet with Mrs. M ill Slnxia. May


Mr. and Mra Cloy d Dodd drove


ij-fis S2’3-'

Mr. and Mr*. Fred Dago wero shop­ Evtrvbodv invited.
Mr. and Mrs SMlI Martin »|>cnt
Prauk Moorman and Arthur Zlgler ping at Traverse City Esturday
-mo i;ii. T..WT1 TW.-IPI.V two iSJy Nurtli.
Mra. Rnby Billiiian and danghirr.' Sunday wlih bur l«i
visited ber mulbcr.;.Mr*. Mrs WeartiU. , - '
Miss Carrie Wagoner of Lake Ann
Mrs- Fred Case ta vlafliug her auiil. ,
Kinh. at Traverse City pan of .last
vtaUed her pareou Sunday.
Mra. Ell*abelb White,
Mr. and Mra Omer Skiver -and week.
Mias Dauh-lwm of (Tiiivgu is doing Mich.
children drove to Traverse City Sun­
Mrs- K. riotson weih
day evening returning last evenlng. sewing in Cedar. She Is al proacnl
Beardman. Sunday, lor av^rcc weeks
Jlra. Edd Culvera.
They vtalted ber parenia Mr. and MraW^.
or a dam on oaM
Some of pur young peopln enter- Ua, with yira.' 4Tpcnro>BfudBon.
Warren Neal.
Ml. and Mrs. Bardw^fl ap-nl SunBndwe wtr. if conmyvi^
Mia G. Crlffllb returned to Mauls- lalnod liie wedding dancc'at Sbalda't
. aril! render ImprstYMihle c
viM HUPe BrldS*
r. Mich., alter rlalUng her sun. ^‘111 Monday crenlns.
1-tail Chaimian formally of Cedar
and family.
Win Glllmore, and Ollde Ml
' Ihm *U» •> deocTlbe^ab^
uw nf Kalevii la spending a few days
Mr. 8. A. Pike. Mra a F. Altman
,2 5»''Tmeri,rSin
II Cedar. A itatty »a# given In hi* Flic loike. apekt. Sunday
and John Shorter attended
will! tk-nrnde Blaki. .
al of their sunt. Mrs. AngcUnc.Ncifer honor at the borne of Charlie John1-y. Glllmoro was in Kalkaska M""on .Monday- evening
; TraTerar City Wednesday.
cleiK-rn-d b*TetB..II rooThere will be atf lUiisiraU-d atoreopErcfcti
Russ Branyon called on
Mln l>iuiin- Ilutrhius ot Hie loikc.
tiran ioclurc at Ihe Cuagregational
(-raiu Monday evening.
SIH.-IU Sunday nt H.vlTy WhccliCa.
„ d*mwlb«d to y-our pvrmU ot
Haicn and Wlllanl lU-rry ol laike huri-h-tVedm-odBy evi uiug. entlUcd
--------------=-------------ftw a d.m al t^oioAnil vtalted tbelr auni. Mra
Koh •Tlie Coiinahlp <»f .Miles Slpdrltah."

Traverse taiy on business Mooday
drove to Traverse City today.

- “'lli&SSi



, sr/.-isr-a'-iJ-af

Barney Co.
Annual I


Itavnc over" Sunday.
.Miss Tbuiws Wrighi nnd llaael l,cw
ta of Kiisson was eiHU.Iu our midsi

lar Ix«lge.N
They assembled In their




tuan-licd to the ebun-b headed by i«i
Uedar (^>i-nrt baud
Itev. BoweJv alwi


AiwUfiU. ,

jS FOTILE^gg^l


an fWd F'l.low preat-bed tin- aiiulvur.|


Of Ladles'and Misses’

Coats, Costumes
Salts, Dresses, Skirts and Famtshings

Begins Today
continues this month. Shaip. reductions throuShout the store.


^ Fop Styles
In Qualities

Doobl»4exture Worsteds

and exclusive fabrics—Silk, Saliu, Two-tone and

These Special Offerings
cC our Annual May Sale appeal to your personal pride ds well as your purse.

Xlie BaTney Co.

H. Anna Billmsii *|H-Bt |>ail of last


«fc«-k with her hustand al Kslcva.
e glad to say tbat Mrh. Wil

Sulllvau tornierly of

Siturtien Cengrmed by W.rclcaa From

phoc. now of Sun inegn. Cal.-wblh
aitriidliig »

Caputn ol the Searoh-

bad. bis pocket pldt-


i'hamplnc.w-ho has been In vetV pon

The thlri^urt |a« In cavb dad
l.eallb for the pa*v two moutba, l- iiolea lor t»o andT'-u respectively.
iiueh iHUter-and was able to be .
Preaching servile* Sondav at 7:30

.hat -he
p ni.. subject "My .V.-lglipors Doty sud • ItalUax. Mav l.-iv.r,
.-n.,*e^ .he Mlnta hi
I.Ing fut ’
My Own. " I’aalor. W'. ltow, i,a.
l«diw of the Tilanh * vktluis will ‘ *aty i,te

o ebureb Sunday.
Ml'- J. f. Alack spent « 'ouivte '•
uB>s uf last week on buslucsa at Tr«


• niy-f

he almoM fuillc ta

The faimerw are all very
days, plowing ami ticsripg

ni to Mr. ni,d Mr*. Frank ItaUi
lupe Sdnday uigbl. a habr glri.

. miieb.
Mjy,1, (Goorgr lAivulTv of Essl Jordan
t th
the latter part of ihe week w ith

The wh.-at and


* Orphn Itaic*
City Saturday I




jt,r.n....i Dam
!3S S5»


C i.v,k* iim- 'iiort set-ing any.

She turned MuU- al work doiicMr. ,-tu.l Mr*. Alhmro lluethi.anlel
wi'li Uictr ihki*. Nn-kota*
r. anl Mrs. Geo Mason and
.md, Mr*. j' f. Mack allend.-d Hi- and lAtari* lor a whilcMr*. John Fewlns ' ai.d .daitahu-r
4play. -The Kilning rriucess."
• mother here.

tei»«. City Tu^ay evening.

eonaniied by a |

Wlrelrrs from Captain DeCarUTtl. *bo!«<> ;«> f-t.
>aiM .Ilflicult

spring crop*.

Kriuik Ktrt ta having hta hevse re
nhliigled and also added a few
whk-li Improve* the looks


ere vtaluiig ni Mr. 'and Mrg c




licbl. .Yprll 2-',-Mr* smith and ;
d near Kiug*le>
vi*il<*1l rii
. John Hobl.* audjti:;.
ry Thayer a wecl:;,
I. aif(] Mrs. dicury
:o Sunitay.
>ll*» .'IniMfl Waller acromionlea a ■
friend lo Walton a wei-k ago.
Will Gran returned (o bta worl

1th a v-f4- Bates Sunday.
Mrs r. Sheetlrk ta sick with
Earl Cray i* imiirnylni qnll-had cold.
Olivci rollogc UM Monday.
Mr. aud Mra. Trelley IVIky wftv raphlta. hoim be luay toniiaoe «o.
Eriu. GrwR Sboetile sj.-nt
Mr. and Mr». Wlli.e X.-l^ wen: up
oalh-d to Traverse City Monday
wekkond with her i«rcm» ta-lori- lnhon by Ibe srrtou* illness of-Mrs- i« Travt-rai- City for .v !ew tlay*.
The aunirlae lan,' on . Mrs.
Will Ibg for her HeW boiw at J-uuii.KWest Jol>n..a rctallro
Jspif* Wl*e kbJ .VllM H«rl :
b-T^n prar.>d "tar to .
Mr. Olid Mrs M. A
Culver are
Kidder tia-ni one e«,
,pendlH8 a lew; day's in Travx'roe City atlended. All report a good
Utile Reonte and Harry Valm.T Kmgkley.'
ihl*. wc^k.
Fred Tahlterer and chiiaron
walked over to .Burdic kv llie la»i
".in of wtip.* 1, r—I
s. Chapman and children have
lal.,1 „l M.nbt'W
and Ml.-« Kld-ler returned from tb-;i
day. returnlag home Sunday
moved bark to their old home ' "
In .the same way. making M mile* vtait a: Tu.’in a week agn Sunday .
Guy Vaadervon spent Sunday with
'Or. Frank Brlghl of Brtghiiu. Mich, walk for tiem. Age* 12 and R year*.
hta nioiher.
- I
They went to aev their father.
ipent Sunday with hia family here.
of Ce.tar Kun Is. in >lay-,
Mr. and Mro. Will Clark v,ere
Miss Bella Popo of Bodus ta work|g«.t ol Mr. and Mra. D C. Tbomp- Cei.1' tooktng after hi* farm, -whleh
big for. Mra J. C. Vlaek.'
Mr. Gonder 1* ^ttaA
«c Sunday.
baby boy arrived '
to ‘
b'S; irolftbf oU5
liir-d relativ’'* h
I. U Gibb* Vviriii
Mr and Mrs. Cal Brook's have
and Mrs
Traverse City dm-ing the week
>d o<er to Mr. E Brook's.
day mortiing
Mr*. Hopkin.
,>15-*. Crwce wiboo was the gvlest
Me Wlll'Johnston left tor hta
lister*. Mr*. Carlyle of Wauslppe
of Mr* Vtels Uk* Sunday.
,er'a work to Canada Tue<>da> ulgM
: j M.V.Y1;
Waller Lake drit es a new borse be sad Mrs. Johnson of
Mr. Fred Dago acrompanied by hta
two puplla. the Hlaaes Jennie Berk piirehaaed. in Traverse City recently.
85, W2,«, U


asd Mary Odol. attesded tbe isacRm




Detra^t. alM called by HN. Ham
ODd'a lUsMa.
MIet EtbelrB KmeU apeat Stmda}-


SolOM. Miclu April n.-Ov Jian
cmrriw. Fnat Bofaa speai BvtOK
4a Tr»»«»e City rtall frieod*.
Mrs. Slarim Greeemr. nee Ftoch. waa
structure Over Bij Manistte River Will Be Made Safe tor Mr. and Mrm.
aad J
born in Cerauy. October lb. 1S».
tbnr McQueer and wife rialted at 1
Heavy TrafBc of Pere Marquette Systent
nnd died la Keswick, klleb. Ainit T7
UMdiaait Soadarring « the stpnd
One «f the Ule Ednrard Laatix
fi mentbs end »
aou. wiMj nhoMht ao much «t :
canie'th Amerlcn »B 1U7 and
father, that be has sriwed hlaaeW
a imdlUOB that H waa oeeee- ed In marrMge with LewU Groeaaer
». ihSV^t Harollt.
«.ir« him ta the N. M. L UoaThis UBIOD wee ble«d with ti
pltal ter tiaatmeat.
ttwvened and lolned the
WTilU U puiilBB la Onw aaaeabnWWUH
^vangellral church aboul 4U yean
ting and Insuring.
Ibc accomiunleil her husband
A dance waa given el Kr
Kra-lrk, Mlcb. .U. the fall Of ISC.
era -at BoJon whlcb waa l
an'd Aared tbc toll end labor.
ding dance.
aorrow and gladneu'l
A party of young people
d piooeer Hie wifb mhera
> Solon for Arbutus and none came
ivened the wlld.-roess - -a tManii

BPty handed.
Zote- Cuimingfaani waa bad; ustM
last Wednesday night by one of bis ceded her In demh IS years ago.
which she Uyed wit
with her sou. John
a bid) W| tbe tip' of bit
Croeuer. uniill draih. Itfc^acd aofoff and Uched him and trampled
|iaral>»li> Jkmiar>
doum. Tbe dottor fered a jyroke
ISWi.'ind never onllrcl} recover^
sewed tbe piece of hla tar ou but d^d
.,„m tbe aatur. dbe waa a charier
1 hardlyMlng it wuuld heal uigvibnicDibfT Qf tbc Evingellcal church and
dhl mach tor Its prograaa. She wa«
CloarlDnwk kt'hool dosea this week true to Cod. and faithful to thibut* It IIt not known whether
church, and died wUh a hrtdfct hope ol
will be auy excrclsoe on tbe uvcaalon eternal life. Sim leaves l«o aou^.
• not.’
nlue grandchlldrAi and a host of oibW. O. Uickerman nnd hU n^ber er relatives an^lends to mtoum ber
expect to attend Leelanau Oounty Pvr
Anxms the moat important tmprore Che heavy reooft traine as well as tbo
|>assoo town hall
The funeral aervlces were held
- meats Uiat.ahe U-las made ob th> relabta in accordance wUh. thU the suih.
Ilian the manaeement decided
Blllnian and'acna arc doing grafi- Monday. Atiril SMh. at the KcKWlck
Prre UarnueUe svatcni this year h A-tntcr to rcbbild tbe* brldae and Uiv
k^-mngelUal cbBirb. and tbc- wciualua
Ing on wbm was the Bdme farm.
the rebuildlaB of the lliab uridsh ov ontraci was kd. to the Wlaconalu
interred to the cemelerj north
iMOoani i^wrlnpQn'a sale was well
«r the Dljt UajilatiD > rirur. Thl. ilrldBC ronijianj. afa coat of JaO.OOo. attended and be got wellI paid lor of the church/Bev. K H. J-obly of
Traveme City offlctoUng.
Shis comma <-alls fur tbc puttlna in what he ooM.
0 U oa«
lira piers. Imn ikwis and e«ta
sacra’ i«
Ic the northhpund tralut
r roda and aifdere. that will yer Sunday.
olaaya watch for. both on acrocul ol
abeii put In poaldou he capable of
Aunle fate suru KrUay -for On.the Iiclaht of the elVurtuR* and tbr
aiaodlnp any atraln (bat tbe bravlcal on to take a dalui.
hcaatirnl eceaerj la the midst
which It U located. U I* lot-at^ ?.• train tan put upon-tbem.
Tbe work Is now In proarcas and
Bilea norU of Baldwin. U I.ITV teci
win he computed ao that tbe hrldae
in.lenath and hfi feet In bolabt.
the past this brfdee baa preTcnicd Ibc will be ready for the hiary traffic hy ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A
Long Lake. April 58.—Tommy AnkJune 1.. This ImprpTcnicw will be
«ae of the Ma onalnee on tbc
areat benefit to the whole jwrthcm
■ortb of Oraad llaptdi on acoount of
art of tbc stall-, aa It will prcatly
: tU llabt coDStrartioo. It bi Ina f«crfoo'
ly mfo for tfie'paaaaae'of the amaU- facilitate flit handllnR of tbe basaeu:«r enalnoi atilcii the road has been rr and fbJlght bualneaa of the road
Hra. AA Hall from the Trar.
compelled- to^uac on all lu Dorihcm and render the etitire line safe.
irallB on this divlalon are hcevj City.■State'Hoepliel vtoiicd her moth
enough to boar up under this Iniprov- cr. Mtw. Uondd at this place las;
With the iap^ac of traffic w
Bonhero dlrMOD It bocame necesaary
Mr and Mra. Bart Jennings from
. to atreeathen ihle brldae eo that the ahmtly after the bridge la oompiw
Traverae «ty visited their eliter.
bury eealBee'eoald 1m -dse to draw
Mn. Will rit-rce last SnoAy.
tluby Jhdd is working for Mrs. Akv
Wednewlay. May Ibl school
cloee In DlaL .No. 2. A nice llillr
pnograni has been prepared, aod light
relreabinoou Of toe cream and cake
will l« aerved. It It hoped that the
pareots wlU taake an ellon
tend. Tbe oterciaoa will take plate
In the aflernooa.
Mr. and Mf*. John Adaitm from
Traveme Clly vialied their daugbloi
Tliec A gcnuiisF tAlitlactloa In livioe tmder a tool of
Reynoldi A>|>lralt Hhiagict. la the hiti place it cma
Mrs. Bernard RIchmidaon at this place
bni nodeiairit to buy and by them. Secondly, they
make a cr-y l':nt-lookjoc roof. And ibirdl;, once
Jllas Chriatene Thompson
friend of bera from Travi
visited at Mr. Ankeraond last Sun­
day. '
>lr. and Mrs. Zora Holdmen and bis
buya. Uanest end Ardia from sonib
of town vlsllcd at Zora Coxe’a last
M'ra.'Laurlin frolu Monnl Ploataat
areieln-iwoofandwlndJight- The .rormi
liaa been hero at Umg lu<ke tor
few Aya drilUng the Gleaner.degn-e
tciun. that they may be bctti-r fitted
. r-arry out the work of the order
Mr*. Krank Scbtiierborn whn undcroiit Quite a ecrioua—'cipcraiion n
to the wtether. Bewaie of imitationi. We aIk)
lort tliuo ajm. Is rcicivcrtng ulccly.
make hich trade prinlte wHaved roofinc in ledla
11 •mdhmlAWC-.CMU'ihvMhMIeik faMIMMI




The Markets
*«<• •••/.......... ........’•* “ s!
}>r1cc* correoed each day by wire
from Chicago. IViroll. Toledo and Buf­
falo through Vmied ITcM lelcgra|*

•alvra-Auitc. II.UO higher. «.>♦. ,

CRAIN-Alamuh « Lay Ce.'


O.i,«o. Mas l-tt-huaL fl.lfa.
Kro .................................................... i*c

right of cUlrea and alien alike to hare
and to hold property Tbe alien rCw
Idem in the rnlted States may "
pose of bli priiperty by will wia
Mmefociing of sccui'iy as thr AmeriThis U e<r>a'.ly true of
alien who hM taken tleps to tn
hlae^ A eliuen ol Uo cousuy.

Toiiulu, Has l.-\Vhcal. fom.





Local Markels

Thorciu to Lonofeflow.
As t love naiui-c. as I love singing
birds, and irtcawting stnblilc. and flow
Ing. riven, an-1 inomltig. and rvenlog.

PrirtW Cincilrd each Monday.

........ti.M end OR


M Saturday, M 4

i Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats


Go on sale at

i The Bij Store

Flexible Asphalt
^ Slate. Shingles



Greatest Money-Saving
Proposition of the Year.

A big eastern flrni closed out Iheir balance ol Ibis season’s
stock to ns. Oor Department Manager, who has fust reinrn.ed
from bis semi-annual eastern trip, says

The Ladles' Al.l soHely of Ui<- li.»i
GarAld M. K-rhurch will bold a Utsar and sene su|i|>or aeu l-'rida;
evening. May S, In the basement of
thn church. *. ,


Wall Papers

Are the “boon" of our line. You cau conie here
and depend upon geuing Wall Papers that 'are right
up to the minute.

ArUsUc and ‘‘Unepmmon’’
Th(^ are highly appreciated by t^iose of good
tastes. You'll like these Papers we know.

Specials for Next Saturday
2 pettems eff 7e and be taper.................. .........................Sc Auble rcdl
2 pAterns good 1«K and 12c Kitchen Panrr.................#c AoUe roll
1 good pattern cm Paper. IB to. border to mattb... .lIHc double roU
1 sood VarnUhedtJotd I>iMr with W In. iwrder, at...lie dodUe roU
, Stood I5e pepera wlthh tohorAr, at ............. .......10c double rtdl


raurned toda> (rom bis lrt|i to
(uto bringiBg «lib him a Cue
driving bor»c and ntblier tire bugg>.
Mrs. r. K. Wbilc Hwoi Suudv :
Work bas been well etuue.l on luc
new rraideDce and office for l>r. K^>
Hunce-on the varani Iota bctw^c-n
Win s store and the blarkamlrti ^bo|.
Andrew Pray has charge ol tbe <ai
IMDier work.
i Air. am! Mrs. Am Seeley and chllIdreo drove over from Elk Aidd:, Sun: A}-, spending tbe Ar at Will Amel'a
j June Warner has a ver; tick korae
Mrs. Swartoul, who has-been
iltng here lor the iiwst two wccKr. re­
turned To Kalkaska AtorAy.
Avery Is alowly .inipruvlng
froiu ^ recent lllnees.
s A. W. Aton celebrated her
SSid blrtbAy last Tuesday , «t
borne of her son. CharU-a. by i
ner peri; of ladleS;^ post caM show.
■ wsis alto g|s«£bcr by her friends.
Mrs. Graog^ tk-hltneyJ* back
her wintera atAy In Chicago
B. J. Hoyt. Avid Rolf* and George
Church Ave earii received a large
shipment of tteea tor aprlng planUng
In thl* vicinity.
Uto* iMta Clow came from Central
lake Wedoceda)' to help In Ar brothwhile Mr*. Clow
mother^ Mrs. Chat.
Vto to.dulie ill wlib
lira. MlA royea


This is the Best Thing Ever Offered to the
Ladies of Traverse City.

This Spring’s Models
One-Third to One-tlalf
In all tbe beautUui fabrics and patterns
at a positive saving oilrom


Don’t Miss Ttiis


g«ua> mAnxm igE«miUD> n*mnij»y.i»m.i, .TmgmtT, »tt


Cai^ts, Rugs and UAQdieuills

,{:,§op)elhing in this line
Wn would like to have yob sso c u great profusic n of floor covers: we know yc
rtey on these floor covand we want to figure with you; We want to prove to ybu that We posaively^ave y|
ibh to buy these things
era as well as on furniture and stoves; Twenty years of actual buying places us in
a^the right rnms .knd factories at lower pric^th^^^^
sell them at challenge prices, and too, we are satisfied with a smaller percentage of bi —

Brighten tip the Home this Spring. Come to our Store
We back up all claims on our premises.


......... ... ^

Wash Day tJtenslks

J.W Slater


<ii't wbal yu.i «-aul In-rr and aav>m»iH‘y''on~tli.'iM in Ihi- liari.’aiii.


rarry tivr^- thing you nani for *aah
4ual iriH. days. a>trb as va»l.' laacbiui-s.

Your Reliable Homrfarnisber

wriiig>-i>. •-iiillKa)

' '


liura.- aaj^

iniiia. inuiiiig InucrtK wid y<M will fimf''


all iIk-si- things.

TO Date
Easy weekly or laoiithly paymenu will ftfrnisTi
your whole house.

Axminster Rugs

and thr
M«.-. si-h.a,!. .htlirk or .H-i.-fy nl.V. baa Ih.. larcra. v« m- ...
,rrlili.-;U.,ln-.l.dy ] .C.-l II.W l«:an!.f,.l lurh ffn..1a |W
FllKK. -\Kk fri. mh, t.. afi Ih-tr h,..e«-L..ld ...‘.ala hm-. and «ivo
ll«‘ir v.rtili.« to you WJd Uil| irin fl.a

y Bedroom Suites


tVr.libvi- MiiiK- l••-an)llnl Dn-'.a.-n>. B.ils. Cl^nm.'ii-rK au.l


iiKalrs am! « ai|^ r.iniisli you a I w o.
thriT nr four nir.-i- auif at a fniarkaldy.luw^pT.
Hrtls up fp«m:.»...................$2«
linwuTH ii|> fi‘oni....-..............$8.75
UsIltefFsiu R«i*»........................................ ..........................$16.00 to 1.7.75
ALL WOOL OAMTO, ONE YARD WIDE..................................06c
i«r yunl u|> t.. Wr.
I'art Wool r«n«-u. 78c \Kr }-»r»l 1................................................... • 45c
Or«iiW btfesia
..................................40c to ^


|•lliff<ln■■rx .i|> fr.Mii.................. $6.76

lhv^'''K" itll'mhl*.'...' Hlfe Kav
ii. .Mirii"! .7" T . -

U.TfnKl.- .M.-n-Uaiid

itn.ili.TlH.H! uf |{ailr.u.d Train- ,


jsT .varilMo Khv \NV««rr>- « iHsiMliful awawlifn m .rf L«w>l
'rans and osn furnish anythiug you Wimf in this lint- st wy
you fwl like i>syiiig.

Lace Curtains and
A iBnrr. Vhoico ooHrrthm «f- thV ».-s»..ns nrwfsf patloms

4pirril«'II Srloai!


.M. K. Stnidai Mk iiai.i.U.
•MH......................................... ;

yt.'aT’nl .. ......... .


!SZ'l niri -Ailar Z^-u^y'.'Kik



. Greuiest Sleet


!^=:= I
l).,ria .an.l lJ..r...l.y .M-

Klk ....................................
.‘Wpaj;» .............................

55. NajKTlski ......... ..



Wv slw- parry>nM«in polw.

liraw rxtvMhin curtain roda and Wiiidinv shndi-s of sll kinds.




Ut?: Curlaius aud rnrtictu. Any tiling you novd in this linr will
l>r fguml lnTr jil th.- lowrsf ppic.'s.

■ Wr nl-.*' .-uiry ii* - .•ri- ‘iim- liii>

(Ira Kv-nti .......................U«
( Vniral S. I..N.1 Kiinb-rCTri.-..; Klk
. UapidK. .\Ii.-h, .~.....................

lJJI^f.Jl.Tl^ ln--V liik iul-ida'!


('■■luiuiNi.'K It]> rnnii........... ,. .$5.00

.Vli«- ll..y,.

-.Miiri.- S.-bm id. r....................
«.-Ikv.« laalK.‘. Klk Ib.i.hU
(Jrarr M. Moharl

iiS iSSfSr.77son



anifs. «r<- »mi

t» at b-a’rt look Ih."*.- owr.

\V.‘ n..nld lik- to Iiav.' von- •oiuiuu on thru. <■
Thnn- lUiW'iTan- liuilt for ■wrviiT, n-oiioiuy and ronPPhknri'
if you dou t buy on.*.
It yon ni'vrrijsw n t^uipW .Moal llBU*<'; if will i»y you to «S)iw in
th-Hi- womlt-rful ranK'-s am 'milt. AVr liavr mda fh^*^..-hmg-« fur »l giMHl luany yoars ami never kad a diwafi*fir»1 vushuiwtr.
Tliat BjiNikK im tly well fop'thc t^nii-k M.-alu, dopatiT itf Kvrrjv,
<iu»T! Jl,i-al Kahp' nr wll. s*-U« another onr for W. 'AVv rarry a
iarg<> Bsmtrtinnil of tho>jnirk Mrals in *11 llu> «liffc>r«ut ai&i and
This' is Ihv atorv f.U- thr litll.- f.ilka (0 g.‘l tlvir
alylra. Hnn*t buy a mng>'of any kiml unlil y.a« iiiv.-»fi|tali- fh»iii'TitK id thr fauiuiiM (^uiekllnU*. Tbi-y wvrr awardMl Ihv irranil
mpmt waguua. aulkit-a. vtc. Wr rarty^s larp.- liiu rff th«r in
prizr at tbr Wurld'a Katf. . Wi- alao w-ll thi- Vuivrraal SaaiUry
all 'siara aud slylm aiml can aril yon a guiKi aulky tor $1J5. upIlauihwwbHi an-abogummonl. Th.y rome in many diffamrt
VrloriiMHira $146 up. and th*- rgprraa fr.mi 75e uj..
wxm and Klyl^ and arr worthy of yonr moalVriliral i»ap.-rtioii.




Carpel Sweepers 82.25
■ g y.Mi Art-d a
wr U»\r . aou)“
gtiad uu-a.aa lua
aaWAj. Tk.-yarfuanataud In d<>
Duwl n..rk and
arr aatmfaclory
ia ei. rj- way W.luvr utbiTv at
♦2-7.-. an.i
ap ai high «•.

Klk llai‘.da ..

nra iwitmw
oml Collaptiblr (to I'arta, alwni •Inrly iiea
f.n1!'12 |.» rh.NW from. tV.' I.av.- »hi*i l-ld that w.- rarry tin,t and U-al uaaortni'-ni "f
fart!, in Surtkom


Furniture (mltsirwill make
your old furniture look
and weariike new.




..f I.ra» and rTon !b-.K. a.» mI.bI.•v.-r yon ..•■•hI i‘i ili“ way »f !h<I«.


. If «H> you want a., .-asy nn.iiiMf
bUnit. alrang and nliaM<
rbiur. The

an- lh<- im».t -s«tisfn‘-i*'ry me
.him- m. the- nmrk.f. W.- hav
M-v.-ral diff«T.‘nt sf.vli-s .if

Chtldireifs mtcles

■yimr » hi-rr aiwl if.yon'hav.- a iy idrturra wtiirh fraiii bring th.-..; iir^idmil frame (bn* ujijo iK-autiful frames
at a wry r.‘a".naWe ‘leur'S|H.|‘ial aab- now. .in fratne<ipirtare>.~





toy Raiama-


'BlmpUdty li'daiBH.drd In diamlag
tba batr at iroaaiit Tbli la ta areaa.
taau Ua ctmtoar of Ua baad. Hatr
aroamtota mpal foUow Ula nma

-Wkoeba toda'r gaeriad Ua mail
boy ante paarad aaatloaaly oat of Ua
■ Vary oftn to an at a tom to too* baek^ tan tto mlW . *bbn m
<t WShhti tt -wbiM htT^ bCw ••
gtn aa a b|rUday
kfaHM w bmaea or to a Hand vbo U iaartag
^rmall boyb abimii
for as astaodad trip.
Soma amall trtda mada by yeeraaU ta
*B «!■ u U«al fftt laratuBnr^
Ua boaIra.«M 9mn «■ <Mbm «M krte%Mlto. (ba Jaaitor, looted aU arotod
MM.M ft-«a k'IMB M «MPI* W
MiB tMr »«U.MM4i^Mn4« .»s4
Han Alo gtra i
M> tiBM «• whin may proTa-bal
ntoa I -Wbat
gaapad tba amyl W
»«A «Mt M ttv Mott «M op U tb«
Tbay ara r
«Mfn A b iberaul
Afur aad tba ■•toady wemaa~ *U1 oiLpart- at lia UptaaA bunadly oot aad toload
Ulka OD Ua Medward alda of Ua
•Mrty wquinnc bnia fern tnlac to area IKtIa dUenlly ta dopUe
ttpM' tkMr iwwrtiMli Vbmt tM than.
1^ wttimt tenet ttelr bom* look
Pamonal UaU aad arlgleaUty
-Ifa a emybntioB. of mine.'
M thewh U «M akoat to' tboko to ba eeaaidarad wbaa daatiatag year Jannor mtotadL ‘Enry waaca la
«oath ea a aaparOaltr of fanltnra aad awnolRawhtlt I cp.tbrauch Ua Htaa."
kWte^laiiaoai-oaraa tboy ga*o ap aoA
Tba #rat aaggaatlea k for a lattar•^bai Htnr lb aa awad whUpar.
basA Tbara an alwayi aoma faw latftlka pokad In a racalcliraat wad of
a«ealalor aad, afirr antuag tba blaaa
arooad tba adgaa. pat eoa Cat ee bit
bip. “Tou dldnt toow.-ba ramarked.
-Moftr!- «n. •Wladl» eriot «u
-that I wa» cbkf of tba Dliadi
ooaalat jbat bate* bar atat out aodo
nanaa b«f«a I caaa to (hit couatry,
«at» AM far
did yoB» Wan. I tot!
kav* to m tbat -cbitM o4k-Wli ebon
«f bar* batoi* Asat Ooroaba arrim
I tba bltM aod ■
or aball aarar torefro M! K coat a
Oball fortniM anA aha voet Mdar•taaa ohr—"
Tba mt of Vra. Wladlar^ Moar
voro IrraroealftT lA ta tba -toBall
oka toah'of tba Wiatlat* to tba boao
ItBllor. "li a toariRbliif
MM. '
tba onld eoBBtry tbat baa comawateaKra. Wlatlarb |«la reoa cm
aoOo bMiaaeir aelMl aaC WtsClarb
toaipar vaa ndoad for tba obolo <
a fairy
tas. to «r BOthiac of Ua ««ta. Tba
yi ha tuia to da to buUd a nitgle baotel obaat «w baralr tbtaapad lato
fir* on a'wpntoO'br tba ilgbt af tba
full moan for dra nlaaiaa aa a
tba balj> or Uo aabOMlaad
teltar aad tba Wladlara ««ra atlU
Choa^. ’^S^gpU-:. Thafa toit fai.bHMbSat hard wbaa Aaat CoraaUa
aai 7aela Jaboi antaad. Tba fomer Urn wa daalra U kaap. A dynty lab to^ay ^tba flrat atlcto pototlag to­
90arM A^ratbartW.
ward Uo north!"
larbaad tooid ba a. wakamb gltL
AB otU of eardboBrd la earofyty aad
Tba n&all bn pearad at tba bat# of
•«aMB«9 mo yoa don't do saeh
... boBlra.
but Ua janitor atgbad.
dattlaf ifTiM iftlif aba mU. rab- aeatiy eovated wiu allfc or aatlB. Tba , tba
Tbay Mbt any apota
tba light
. Hac a laa»p5a teM aad latT- adgb to gyabod wiU toa aOk cord.
A pretty Bowar daalgo deaa ta w» | of tba mboa .Ufa ab a Cbuaaday
temlon daearmiaa Ua top. Narrow in tbiritelcbborbood'
* te tba I
yaatle to uunad U Ua otol ‘Vbat H,-1tclpt aoma that to eccaptod
room. .riHa;.a m foa doa'txara
baach ikiiilili <Wh|'T|iiilli'~ Wbaa Bad flnaly bolda Ua teuara ia a oaat bf Iralldbigi and cxharwlM aagagad.
Rot 1 aOy Ua macle worda orar my
Aaat OgaflRWSWI -«» la tbat
aad praUad li'a a gUda I'm la
pink roan, makca as attmeUn lattor- and uy than an tyrtaa pamag
oot—k-nd Toa-dM yw mr truly ana
Thn may ba seatly Icttared. -pyd
Btni,- “Old Lattara,- -ooaaawarod Wry. tolkar Ua aaiall boy alaott
Latten - or aa year taaey daalrao.
obtapdteTba ftoitor lanbad coodaaeaadlacA pyr of natty baagara tar a blooBa
ly, -Wd 1 toaraaa a fairy, aow!" ha
oomiac thoJHadtata haac ap tba pie. eold ba apyraelatad by nay oot.
acomfully. "WaU. Itotaa
tan «t (bb Lombardy ptean aad tba
•a ayteaaa artu oot parmJt t.woc tba that! Alot I telling, yon hew 1 wu
Ua ebiy ot Ua ZHmdammorlaa aad
1 pbt (a
wooM Uay ba maklag me
d by tb«
niaf tt»I eouHn't tea more fmlrtaa
aboalac tba jbr^ aeaaa. undarod btenm. wbl
than aby other man In tba etninty*
'Too mrkad an ri«ht «8tn Bm Baa- ad wttbem ntaiite
one fairy
darn. Mw coaid alaraya ba dapaadad
Two Mpa of aamw aatla rlbboo yooH ba IB tba Ira. bow!—who uaad
apoa to aar tba «rea* thlac. barat oat
pop op Juit aa aoclabla aa' aaoka
la tba pmaaaoadt id tba Aimpaoaa: tH laebat toog are ytnebad laparata- to
a pipa Witt me l»ery time t Ut a Bra
-Ob. yi<b« «fea^ yoar ptetaroat
« to daecratod MU - a for kiml Waaoa ha aald: 'llika.
BTby. yoa te«o a oav ooal Wbat dU
you—ycM-ra a Baa lad. an' you
yaada vkh tba eata CM of tba abaap aaiallar datlga dona wKb wntareolon. Uka
may bate two wltfaaaaad pepUra tbat >aa atvaya boa Apy^tlBt li loTtly otad for Urn ‘^aag- aakabaObagraatad!itel ban tm bowr
wtat rd ban aakad for!emarr
Ibat tbmr a ooldBM apee tba PbOpratty mada from allk aad daeoraUd braaun Ua-Bmall boy. “An alrablp
ISpte tbatwatW M oradleatad.
-Thar aemd.- ctolMd Mn. Wladlor wiu tiay Bawara.
Idba ropdalad la dtaIt ta man Bwto dalaty aad attnebidplamy afiar tbay wa coaa. *u
tWd»«traa^<ai)t ^ «o dfdak n tpBB-Ua aaonotloay -red atraw- guit. -That BbowB your boadlaaa dlepoatoUto! A rail aaaaibla panoa
' bMaOfawanalatkiammttMaadot barer'Omary.
Tba Boat daalga to a bodkla boldar.
I hau tbair «W idem, aar
A plaot of awrew ribboo to Mdad togeUar aad Mtnad ap M Ua rldai. ,
■Bbt-oeidt lira
Tba top to tarood down and fialibad ararytk^*t)h. of rowia'" agracd tba ataan
by two rewi BAatltniag. Tteoagb
boy. moch ombarrataad. "Of courda
Brdaidr. aSr kaaa'tb»y a«n aa- tm to raa a ^aea of baby ribbed ba
would! But wbat did yuu do with
, lattbovreactaaapaeM tWUcbttbt wbleb drawa togoUar, tormlBg a tfay
year noo^. Ulkel If I <
AMtba dtaud wqb'ONdb kk tba paete
A feeanrito polatad wlU watar- rieb aa that l wouMtot work.”
toaltor ceagbad aad wmi vary
Mora adomt Uto taiTyHka bag.
Tba laat aagpndoo to for a bag to twiy attrrlBg tba Bra. “Wbat did I
nay raaltaad'Ibat tbay bod t
) miTar mod coatalB Ua powdar png. It ta taab- do MU Itr ba ropaatad, aeowllag
horribly, -ni toU yar-i«ucb aa I
beta to do It I ttuffad It Isu old
te«hod vbe bad gtraa tbam tba plBto
atockiBga. it cooraa. and tuk h board
ttel tb» prafarrad to hta gUt. H
ok Ua waU and cbuckad -am Into Ua
aoM bo tod bepad trbao ba darotad _
cirity.- Tbay waa
•tatetd Hdaencit tbat ba bad plobod
iBta aad atca ala 'am up. r abenid
ola aaibbUlBK'ttto MBy apald Bka.
htra wtohad for a teak Uat cudBl
. Alitetbar. m ihamn hM a ttrtffall, tor my aaeead wlah. an- than rd
bare baaa a rin ama today. laataad
'iDay tomtet It odd tbte ebb men
of Maklag aa I '
•bnr f^ntottn bad tm laon aaailr
•■FW whatr
apd toaHy Ma laallafa«on talarad.
or- Wbaa oar «( tba cirta toterrd « oaan of aatia ribboo. Ua oeroara
"Ctady." coBfaaaad tba Janitor, aorbar boan la tba aftaraooD dor oardi oundad.
lira. Wladlar otnrly leat bar mlad. U
jt nalga of Iowan dona
waters rpataDy. -| couldnt Ulak ot aaythlBgT wanted ae much ai plaaty of
Bba aaad Badla-a Ua cMb laitaad td
ready aad.l got It aod ata It all «p
AWyb «baa Amy «aa prwaat On litaad Uat waa Ua and ef it!‘
nr «aa n bait that tt «u patatoL
< ad V Aaialtao didat an Lat «< OrthlBfTba mall
awallewed appro-OMb ran Bayima aboat bar ay
Tbar may ba fbtbloaed from “Jdda
brawa apaitny iniiiwoad tba jam.
Rd aadt" ef rilk aad ribboo mod. too eUUrafy. "8UU. you had lt“’’b*
aald pbltosopblcBlly. ■^tot waoT ao
. *1t iaat a bomr Urn. WladMr nRsU tor nrUUg aUa.
awful bad. Did you get cboeelato an'
traUad aea alcbL *ltb tba laaida of
cartorit aad lemon adeka*a halildoiwpal tW ao aarma for
A PtriUng Oown.
laar IH cat tba vtoag tblag oM vbaaUM to mamoraMa lor tta
ttb'rtOtt pmaa cama 'or tor taar
ooJor aCact bad a louadacloo aUt of
Tcry pm paari gray aatla. aad orar et aoimtd m to Uat fairy to* i nn
Ula wara nad two layart of csrogift ta « «ltl,A*d ttd Mtek Int Bower bine nitoo. Ua undar cu A blm tba cold cbealdar afiar Uat but
It dldB-t matter baconsa right away
ttad r».
rm a tail
nada darker that tba kpp« tot Tba Ua pnttlaat fairy I arar aaw began
*«bMr apt* ^ tba<
ootalda rUCoB gowa wns a bri-'iaat coming oat of a raaa bnab that----- "
my. trto mw tetfW
Tba eyy trimming *«r 'an
-Ob. toll ma all about li!- BaA Borya Boa. tba On- greao.
odga of ftnt Eatnllle Uua nnd g<oan maad4!l Ua amaU bey ocatatlnny.
- tbat araalac. -It dropariot. ate
“W!U.|Ma4a!- came down f„. tba
t BstoA , Tba trdaa-' tanaorct of oaa of Ua Bata.
play y Ugbto an' Ua waa
^idttag banad i
morad romtadod one o^tto abtmi
M ^ WaM^TWo at tba
— - battoriya wtog.
all bmn ooualar and tPikiPtmadt.



-Wan." aald Mrt. Wladiar, atmgaagtorotcMlyU eeoeay bar toppitogtoa*ntaa.«to



•MCM UATHtH THB POUNCbto‘ TMM rtR nUt coLOinttM.


OrtaMsI OoaiMia Ua I

I jlnterfo^


It tk« WtMMHT AM hU
■«innt* U.ff irttk tb* Wts4lm'

to-’kltrirtlra for
the Ucatnr.Baocaor raitaorui. It to
■aka ef Baa cUgbo.tbrDOgb wblebtte
tetrttoay ptotaly ba aean. A bead at
platac tba c«p. Tbto to • atyto bor-

^JMa MaL

-Brmy mltot of ktotoir kaowi

'“WaU. wtel Ad you Utok of
waddiB-r eriad UUa ceooaiiy^
bouaead into tba car. “Bag W
Btall. for stappiB' on yoa.--m
teat aad tawtog tow a aaat a
Uat yenag paraea.
Utoa Latsob opaaad oaa alaapr aya.
-Ob. did yen slap on mar aha droned,
yawBiag widely ao
dldal know tt."toir^ I did.- raapondad MIu Ctooriiy. -I tboogbl i d batter wake
ap aod tail you about tt. Too cm
to alaap agalD aow. Uies UnoB opened tba oibar aya.
-I waaaT aUaep. Kail Bonneily.- aba
laid, ladIgBaailr. "l guaaa a paraoa a
got a rigbl to abut 'tbalr aysa If Uay
want to. My'eyas ato't nry atroag
and the light bum am.“Doa’t let'* wane o
good lima agbUB- MU each oibar
Uto moralBg.- said Mlaa Cenoally.
-If wa do we wont ba«a Urae to
knock the weddto'. '

Om M Ua richast atacU to a bag
la tan auada Icatbtr wlU aa ertaatal
aerbll dcslga lato which to mt
banarBy sUfbt
btoaaoNB. The eoloriag li a rwmarkabla combliiaiioB of old bluaa. greeat.
naa aad tiolat abadas. wiu a looata
of wkMa to ouiUalBg. aad these show
througa the scroll work, rasaallag the
"plcurt" Jail ai eoa gaiot at s Undatepa throogh faaUary tree bneebas
la orly apriag time or Urough t»*h
pastes wbaa walking to Ua meadow
afur a shower. Thto bag Is llaad MU
a rteMatbla allk to bluish green, and
Uaellbaa cords to match thr auada to
colorings hare Iba same natm toopa
used OB nil Uaot bags, from-wblcb
cuspaod omaamata. Is ibis raaa tt
a mascot of pwen Jade capped Mtb
brasa and aptotebe* of blue and groan
lalay—a tree oriental pandaBt.
AaOtber aucb)bag was aaeo In knot
dailsc Inset to a stroll. Itoad wlU
allk. aud with tloy Cbla-

cheruRtad «1U jAcla. pfoat
waa (akeii-ltifthaTtgaaalbJ*of
baaoUrnl baad ersimaata.
Pbr the debutante tbara Inuat ba
laaadlaptoy. Bba mpTr**? A BteterJoUat cab of pearl mcebwork or dalaty
cape of palMOlorad naja.. Tbp aaab
baadaiu will 'prebabt^ dppMl to bar.
Tblc BiatCbac the bait of (ba crenltig
dreaa and U fcaotiad
the Deck.
Tba rerlrad taataiOB of weariag the
faalr dr*nad pbaaaai atylc. with Ua
liraidt coflad c^r tba aara. to much
farorad. I
clad nail ■
way Maaia't hair wa* fliadr
of.Ua b«ad.
to goodneat. wbaa I gat marriee
biva a teir drraarr ax m* bair
d Mtb (hb
irory el^
at an timaa. afl 't^a Jrmelad BII
swell K 1 dor. i bare ao muc-b ai a pbsats. carved fans.
ppnpfiHo for.O
for .Uto CO!
*0rtt chop to eat tor a year.eolBt. Tbe Utter ara eapactolly deKair matokata
"t thought her hair looked pretty aluble. aa Ua rhlnasa awi. atu the
aa daclrwd and yajl^ow tba ilBaa of godd for Mama.- aald Mias tersnn. bole to tba middle and auriaca eoraimpUcliy.
alaaplly. •'If atwayl looU Ska abed ared altfa orirMtal btaroilypht. adalapi to. ILmilt ef all aorta of do-.yrnUra appUFOR DAY OR EVENIHB WEAR -Her dress was a peach, tbengb. eation*.
Tba teautr^of this srork dap*
waaa-t It?" said Mlaa »Yto»e.
Oreaa After Thto Medal Caa Ba Mada toast It weuU have breo K It had' CDttrriy npea Ua taelrlduaRty ef.
li) Any af Big Variety of
ted any flt to i:. All that band tm- ttoalgaar. aod upon tba pairs Uhan
broidery and that bead trimming IB aiaBclllDg.'laaatilBg the ambroldarlaa. aliarblag tfaa pandaoia and o
must bare cost a pile. '
maata—«vua In sawing in
Tbara era maoy aultabla matariato
•Hoad ambroUery!- Maculated Btoata—*r*n
In Ue
the itot
for maklag up a dreaa ttieb ai thla. Mlaa cosaall.r. "Ttefa all you know j The arcaatorlat abow from the
Our modal Is to alltar sur poOadaA Bbont it. Jae. l waa orar ta .look at «*» of Uto porUcular dastfber ar
Tba aklrt hai u added place at' Mama's cloihaa Tuesday araotog aod Uareugtaly weUmaBllte. ao parfaci la
foot at up of which U a grey allk aad I fait ef
i wasn’t ao •*-« Ua mtoutest drUlU.
. ..ta aoUlog.", a Ji^ to asamtoa them 8ba argnaa
oxidUrd trimmlug; tba. up|wr iton of
-------from (ba Wlllam Morris standpulat
front wrapt ever to latl. aide, wbera It
to trimmed alU a rowwl ttog oxtdiaed.
.-Well, tba must •a' got a corner oa
!• »orU doing Is not only
tbU year's crop of baaBt.- aald Mist *«Mb dalag well, buf Joyfully." baace
The bodice to crooaotar la atyla. PrlxMe. -Wbat do you tblak 1 -salil
*ritot matt tbrow baraalf Into bar
to the tody Uat wa* siaadto' next ta *»U ta wboleaoolad faablOB.
MU oxidtord
_____ wcAiibb
OB tleataa;
buttoDt trim tba me wbaa Mama came Into tba parlor?
I pra bar a dig with my elbow su ( ealc for berwetf not only picture bags
B«y. :i mays.
Maoie must Jva
accetaor^, but many baautlfB
aaya. 'Bay/
tayt. 'Mania
Bet mixed to bar dates and Uougat reaiarple<et. desk pad csrasra.
aba was a fBrtoima* trea.i teftena, etc., utHUlag odd. blu ef cm
"Mr! The tody got as rad as may- broldariet pickdd up to foreign trar
Utog. 'I dealgnad that gosra,' aha ••• <>“ abopplng Jaunii at borne aad
aaya. aDlfiag up bar aoaa at ma. BttV abroad, wblcb win sarve aa ptoaaaat
at aiacould b.
, iMaladar* of tom. d.ngbtful day
"Laud! I Jnti faded awny .Uke Tdbedo blown off tbe Uadteape.- ^ |
“ir. a pity you coaldaT:-toMn not «ADE OF PRINTED CRETONNE
to have such rude annacD, JaB,"i
----------„ ^
aald Ula* Conoally.
- ifItitoPCaMmferthattontorptoeaCeia*
"I guess If I could Just learn to
tn IndIvUual Wrappars—Tape,
abut up and keep abut up tt would]
deund All Around.
help aonie." agreed MUs hYlxkto. good
Combtoatlon todiridual rotli and
"Mama didn't hare ant* aa asrfni
«ntorpli-eat are much batlot ef .preaaata a* 1 Uoukbt tba ty than hariug poe rijcl far aa.
would." Mlaa Laraoa OMuad her ayes
«* «rir eight
long aaough to ramiU. "1 kind tff
..... .0,.,»»....

-s... or '« ™

uay wata t sharp Ilka cut glaat ought
•dget. For day wear, an adjoauble I
rote and uadaeslaeUi ef apeitad osl-'
dUad net ara worn.
rd a Moto'to, ™/i;;f h.v. “i
Material rooulrad; Fire yard* « ahewy act Ukat that Uan aaoma little
indhet Mda. about Uiwa yards trim­ dioky
dlaky Place
p»a» taat
tbat wouida
wouldn'ti make wo
ming. aareral doses buttoai. aad OM ■bow at dU.”
and oaeteir yard ipettad a*L
"Same bare." aald Mlaa
“Anybody would, of course. 1 guest


Quantlllas of fur ara balag u
\fio much peltry on aVenlag
wrapt, wblcb are gorgeoua, both to
color aad fabric. Oold and platluoa:
Uea.'Ue two saeult toiarworea not
uallte tbe sllw and gold Isea of
Queea Dixabctb'a fkscr. aad hnga.
quaint dacoraOra buttoai. ar* dotable
feaiurai. and are likely to mccL with
much favor. A bugeVaaieo. Wadgawnod pUqua. a piece of beauUfuI
'antmcl work, or a flllgfeagold "boea~
aat with stonea, all are asgerly walm>*d4 and taka prMi of ptoca aa Ue
aMa taatealag riilbla oa a wrap. Thla
la Ua time U acarob amongst oBa'a
old Jewelry, neeet that sera, not ta
•g aloe*, bopelcaaly old-fsablopad.
» BOW trtaaurei.
Wrap* of a little wider build, bat
'be klmoBo effect, ara tttu addbered to.
Ua abort alacsa ofiaa being slathad to
renal a srlda coB of gold toco or aoma
aUar dicorwtlva fabric.
- _
New Selllaa Ara TM*.
ODlUaa aa thUi as gossamer are »
bring used' MU crystal glaae a
dalaty eblaa. Tba lataat Importaiu

disk to I
Itotta Boas, aad wbUa Ue paturn
kaaamt to cover Ue bit of Uatua R by
M maaaa gives It a thlcl leoL TB*
Anger bawl tat wurii vxmaaaeB taa
-Oh. annto M MUacwait style to tba periaeUy ap­
1°** ^ trvr ertpa adoraad wlU
*T tblak topelated uble U of abaar boUmg clou
tba bodica bad aa«>tlcotloM y
-Nb, ael Mm*b oo matm to n> Balabad oa tbe edge sriU a Uay asaaalrat aadar Ua laaa raaa dadpa. •to*, lur liitoBik toot Uo a<toM bcoldarad acallop aad garuad af «t■ Wmb ot Ua aoma nlaaf U .wontfeba qmokktor MtoM to anmeaple Bowen worked U « teauta
Back aad wrtou Ua oCact waa
* — ■
rtTpUig early.

Lana pad Vrivat.
A Tary dalaty and saw taniow of
'AD year torfacOy loooraly woMtng tnotlag torn of aa epaawerk pat tan
r ya«^«

«BHUT.mT K tm.


r kaivet aad
forte Uat wab'Ba
a (be drassar with the plat,
painted fruit dcalgn up ’em."
-.VoUlB- much to Uem..” said Mias
Connelly. "I guest they didn't cost
nora'n about •». They wwi plated
and It wasn't a flrtt«iass ptata.
'Plated?- cried F'rUkIc. "How do
you know they ware plated?"
- Whr.M took 'em eol and looked at
Uam." replied Mitt Coeneliy, pudd­
ly ' Vou can't lopi ma. AllMhe *11-

butg's f»r oaa aad a qnariM.lurmurad >
Mist LarsoB. "1 Utok It was a tot
batter to club togeibar like os girls
did and give her-aomatbtog big. uvr
allvar tny looked like It eosM have
bought up arerytblng riac ibi bad."
-iBciudU- tba fcUar aha aurrlad."

worid.- abaartad ItUda'b aM«r btocbdr
-Btraaga Uat yaa caaT umaMTa «
uyoaa admlriag year atout.- »
■warad Hilda.
-A girl to radUy fartnaU ta bdte'd
broUar to adetag-dar. OU^ d^
Botlca that Ua papalar ffW. wfe*
arary tallow rnbac altar add itUd fo
be leva MU to act tbs Brat to cdl*
ua daatraua atlgUto baMdddr
"Biep your pbueaepbltm aad tatl
ma wbat are yoo trying to tddlndtd.'’
-That Raggia ii only amwMte-BtesaU U your sbriaqr wbUa adattef Md .
captivated bU beam «aak«,- BM
awered Edward.
' -s
-Thera's not tte abadow «g d «d<Mk
aboat tk-You must ba mtotakad.- aacwas**
Hilda, bopleg Uat ba was.
"A lot Of us fellows war* dlaCBttllt
girl* Ua oibar avaaiag whan ttaOM
baeaaw olcedad at tb* Bippaat tdlb
asm* of U*
a fellowt
took.- rapUad I

aba meant to him.. W* biMM ktm.
but-«C~a*cUn*d to aboM tb* jdet^
uaUI h* tbowaO ut tta* girl seme -day.
1 fait pretty cheap bacauaa aesaa «f
the fellosra Uongfat be maaat yea. Mt
I axplalsad dlffcraaUy at tte Brat spportaaity.■Tbai mutt b* Bblrley who bob dh
way* quoilBg.' aaM Hilda.
-Ba aaaslLl*. 8u, dodt Uataa to hla
aoti words. • tilva blm Ua ababa,- as­
sartad Klldt's teolteR'.^,
"Reggie.- said Hilda 'IMk algU
wbaa ba ataried to tell bar hew
much gwastar Uaa evar aba looked
"I'm wokry of yeur proto** proto* aab
Uodettoas. It only tasplras m me
aontampt for roar taatoearity and
hypocrillcal actions. You doubtuRi
abowar eomptUMsni oa cracy glri ym
tuaaL only varying (Barn'according to
bar all*. Ue ceuriag of bar hair. uR
ayaa.-But I amtencat wbaa
roar aya* sib Uka tb* i
baavaaa abova,- b* caatoaded. -Only
bluer Uaa the sky. aad at i^ tuH
aid aura to sUas don't orar hoHtttd
or dtatniai my lov* ter yea. or that 1
laU to appreetat* your maay aUafUff
atiracUoaa. h'br aoma enrico yds
pay UUto aitoBilMi to aayUtog 1 aap.
1 even wrote to Bbiriey today.-

^ aba to raapeaaihl* for ysnr ddgfft
way to making oaa Utok wtU ydte
csjoltof and soft worda Uat ada M
your Waal wbaa tba raaitty ts aa qdtlrcly differaat parson."
-Your prtiiy aara ar* Us uly eaaa
tbat hear Uom words.- pardUtod
“U'i always S. ___ ______________
Poaribly aba will set b* ao dallgbtod
to laam that otter* bar* bead Us
rariMcBt of aoma of Ua asm* sweet
pbtosea Uat aha to sreuHomed to ro
ealvt.-Tb* compiimaatt you pay roar
farprits slitar-to-lsw or* vastly dlSaraat from tnoa* tributes yea glva tta
girl Whom you Jwpe to mariy."
-Don’t tblak for a moaienk- dMI
Hilda. -That I am aaxicnw for year •»
claty If you coniamplat* marrying a»otbar
glrk KaiUar do I ear* w M
paw Mlh tba ceniarplac*.
coatplcuous by ynur davotlag rmt
tuna to me. Tb* girl wtoa* photo ta
^ “P*
to yeur watch wui appraeuu yo«r
lug by means of a tape h»p sod s cro- loTar-llk* aliltud* vastly mora.-M-IU absr aald Haggis a* ha opn
ebatad bulloa. but far Bwre-prmetlcal
ad tail watch. -U'I abeot time, te
a ibe lodivldual toll covert (bat
hold bar plctor*.^Curiously Hilda toot tt* watch.
-WhT. U’s my itkaaaaa.- ate dta»
of tap* strings.
•^aurituy.- asMBtod BaCEl*. -Your
brother unit hare told yoa aboM tt*
girl wheaa pictwro 1 carrtad.Hllda Doddad bar baad
-He tottoustad pomaUiag. but (( t
beaded bta adrie*. dear. I aaw
wouM bav* raallaed bow maeb wo
iovad each oUar.-1 took It (or graatad that yoa
teew ghtriey was ay «W*r brottard
“It was a great blew tn my par*BU
Whan my bretbar married bar. as ada
was only a geveraatt miaus a tortun*. Tbay have baeom* reeoaeUad..
howaver. and stoiplr adors bar. N*
aaad to ba Jaatoas of bar. tor ste'a
asarly oU aooogh to b* year mouar."
Tasak baarsu ter that." aald ttUda. "If I'd only knowa aaanar."
"Bba waa my gorerteas." coBUaaod
Raggl*. “aad tas


Uam etoihas. Ha was afraid to alt
down to 'em. aad Ua- way they It
was a fright. DM you pipe bow ba
kep’ blicbU- Ob* Bboulder all Ua
time (b* praecber was talktoT ,
-Ko.7 .sbM Mlaa ntskta. -I dM^t.
I waa too busy tryta' to coat the
beads Of Hama'a dreaa.i
Mis* Laraoa stuck bar beads deep
So atyto has yet dliplahad to p^
Into her maff aad yawned cdc* men.
"Wall, rm clad I weak- ate aaM. -but
don't teow aa tt was sroitb Ue meaay
wa pat tote that tny.'ovaa U It BM
Oraaa Ooeria NaveRy.
took ao graad. Tba lea ermtm 1 ■**
Bflk and wool popKna. MU a bord*
ritsB't BO Wgg«-B a aUvar dollar nd of graduatod baiia stripte.-^urmetiatod,
1 dMai gat bat twa maewaan nff by a row of altabto satin 4Ute. ara
a tany -ptoca af U* waddto' aatoa.among borstttaa to dreaa goods.

by bta stator’s Mnttlag oaoMaaaae* that te Jom arrivad U tim* to
save bar tb* bamlltatlod of rooaivttg
more adiUatloa from Rngto.
bar* a prsaaat Car yo*.“ ota«
hi* stater.

yea. Just tb* kM
dear." mid bl* Mat
twlBkl* la bar ayai
nt eertamiy dote teip d Mt.- «M
kta dtaiar. -to d*m« nou d rnmada^
to bd*a 1 brottartetod toattfrdMi



a»f«n nAwwaa —Aim nATBss bat baos, TBomAT. kat % im
Bkahwti aai On
» atm vHh uu» ^ths aa4 »nlth tU ls» at U not nqoliwtf. W4 oa» tkat «m m(
konads of ituba
Md cratr drr «>lar vtth ■*«« ikliB mlk aad
nr bultnr Id (ha trriofpaD «Dd toa* P«al tbta OBo^alf doM onacta aod ■ litork o( vood (o iwk wHIu)
tka rolka into a Utlla ronad nooid in applriac aa Mkar pahu. Tan raaU*
tka tcavM In (hia natll twn koc Sao- «at tka }-allo* risd Into akiada. Tut tba door
aanotk claa it * dnaaalDs ike caetar.
vonb ef dry <olor laooa ndon aall at
am wlih aalu papparaada aawlrk* ika oraasa palp, ibredded paal and *lih boQad UnaMd oil. aad vbae tbia Cat anwll trianilM fraa tUn allaw bat «Ta aaatt • pond), with Bilk M
or nutBat. mooiid on a hot diak aad rfaabarb into a praaen-tni^attla wUb bat aoakad la pm on a coopla or roait or atala bread: toaai and atruga la tbln. on) cerar aa nneh anrfaoa aa
with tka sonca of bard-boUad a pooad and a batf of ctanalaiad au- of the bant abalUc which ooa ma]> a. row ot polnu at tba bate of ika a doUara' worth of oH paiau and aaa pot (broach a rtcar.
a gantla Bra. Oook. bare prepared at the paint atom, nwa^of aptnach.
. pww adnlrably wbert.oaa la Mt JdbRhabarb Cobbler—Batter a deep atirrtac oftab antit of (be required Whan ibla it drr tka Boon are aa^y
Spinach, Swadlab Styla—Wash and tUM I
• paUL aa ii '
eartbanwara pladlah and fill with rfau- conaiatancr. than turn into Jara. bur kept dean by atmplr wiploi: op th> pick orar katt a path of aplnaek. tba ca ! where oaq la rawing by tba
bartv onpaeWL bai iborouchly wpabnntov^rad nntil iboroocblr ertd, dnai. occasionally waabinc tbaB»-o!r Cook lo an uncevarad raawl with a year,”
maka thia not\»ly*MoUidr-a Day b« ^
^ nei, long. Corar wlih brmndlad pepar or para- with a wet cloth and dirlnr-rtroh.u^. Urge quantity of boiling aaltad wi-My Mothar'a Hand."
I'atbar'a Day. Tba fatbbr-lore in- ^
^eetan. than cortf
Tbit gantiaffian aarajba doaa ow tai. to which bat baan added ona third
8m* boaMtfnI, baabtlful bandt!
dodea tba tendarnaai wf tba Bothe^
can la( bit of a laotpcoofnl of aoda and ona half
Tbay*ia naltkar wblta nor tinail.
— ..... p„g
... ..
--------- - Ica-Craam—Put
— ------ — up anoogb
-——— ubdarmiand how a• .faroeh
Stalra are m longer envsrefl. »Tme
A»d yoB. I know, would aemrealy iblnk lova, and with It a great, protecung , fritter .baner of agga. floor, milk rbnbarb wicboui pealing tomakeifaraa “»»« batowa all run down
Of augar. Tbla.way of It la nacaotiary to cover tboB awnooth '
That they are tair at aU.
><>*• of •«* o*o kind, that enfoldi na ^
allowing a lam lablaapoon Plnia- Pm Info a preaarving ketlla. k«*l. to to tpatk. whan by
little cooking prasartas the bright gi<a<-v aulr carpet la naad a«a»r worn
I'ra untfrfi' na handa wbeae fonn and and would fain abut oat all barm, all
a pinch of aalt and iuat anongh
»nd aitantlcn. be . n do ao many color e> the vageiabla. llrwln. aej aiapa may be
Imptored. by '
. taarab wind# of fata, all poailbla ill.
water to cover.. Stew notU ten.
llilngt himtelf
keep it look- chop flUa. Reheat, aad add (brc.i- and a(iee««ro givtag them a COat of
l-tb. which ia floor oeed. and d
tabJaapoeofnU ot butter, ona table- vaniUirpaInt~~Tbla
o make iba right der. add n pound of sugar, alir unlK
*><ip abapa.
A •eolpwr’i dream might be;
over aa .Motbar'a !
He telU .the atory e a man by iHc apooaful of flour and ond half cupful mliad leady for UM a»d U aoaily apTot are tboea aged, wrinkled handa
____ _______
a family of all of cream. Uound on a hoc aari.ig pitad Always apply paint sr varnish
Moat beaoUfal to me.
folnaaa In our heana few tba ^atwt
until light brown, one plot of cream and more emsar. If ' Wldren. Ha nld (o an Inquirer one dlab. and garnitli allb ibe yo k and aa Itgblly aa poaalbla. glTlBg time for
Bm* baantlful. beauurnl hwida: Rhubarb and Ki»-Allo.
d^ ibm be had ,l, lit,w Bli. gprt ha white of . hard-boll-d egg. and Titn- he preparation to dry. ihre^Though baun ware weary and aad
Bhulorb Dunipliuga-Wa»h aiiTmt
*" •“nport them oo eight blia a aular plaraa of bread tried in luu;.r n*ht nppUcsilona ibaa ona applied
Tlwea paOant bands kept tolling on. ERS; COO iLeM THEM! .
Soak the flga In hoc water long rjuiharb l,i InH. ple.ea and ataw with
it '
Splna.-h Souffle-Boll thi- aptnach. too heatlly.
That tbs children might be fUd.
----------------------to plump tbam. Put Into a a little raore than half lla weight in *“

enough- and vhop ter, fine. Saaaon----------------;___
1 aiwayn wsep. aa,looking back
• A Tributt to
Meth^^ ,. d«#a bollw. with the rhubarb w.ah- sugar ar.d juat . little water M|*
"'‘'f -‘fry lit,,., nil with milt, perm ,ad butter. When
Nuthmuaug Rettttea.
To eblMbooda dIataW day.,
.All tbal I am or hope to be. maid ^
gains wii, traap.umfule of b.V- Tlf*
'*• "’»> wpl. ,h . I. I. rt.ld atlr Into It a.rupful of craatn
,-ui c.W bollrd poutoea Into abra
I tblBk how ttaoaa banda reatad not,. lJucoln. altar .be had become Preal,
lus-pow.lcr to a pint of a half nhiloaophy
il.e mra of .w. ow. the well-baaten yedka of two eggs. ,od try them In fal until they turn
When ih^ia ware at their play.
danl. -I owe to my an«el mother. and^oam i.niil tender leaapoon'ul o( aalu and n a<ani cute I;""”*'
helpa. t:i .Mb., iold m the etilllj-whlpped whitei of h*|„ prowi. Praln and aaason wUb
o wba. >o.| three ruga wid beke
- My mother was the making of me.^hU lul of :-wart mijk Drop It by the
lipitered „j,
pepper Tutn (be. Intonkor
u li.tlc b'- Klah. TM'souffle may be baked lU ai,h ^ntf aprmkle ftnecho
eKb-beatnlfuL bwutllul handa!
said Thotnaa Edlaqn. racenOi-. -Bhe
^ eicallani Spring remedy aa apoonfi.1 )ot:- holllUK ihul.ari. Th“
luditidual iHah,«
They rr growing fadble now.
wa» so irne, so sure of .roe; and 1 fell
^ , eauce.
te»“ll i - pellrkiuA eaten hot, » (th ««■
bam over them—uaiDS
FW rt»e and pain bare left Ibalr ,hat I had aoioe one lu llve lor; aaric, hhuharb Slu rbe.-l hir tr.aUea t re- wllhoui^eem.
How to to^ Aaparagua.
one I must not dimtppolm >
^ hot da, .. Vva.h a
---------------------Clethea Mocha.
latolo. Raw poucoM may bo r
If ,wo have ail asparagus bad.' and
c'entraiy to the general belief, lane to cubta and friond a^4arv«d In tho
On banda and banrt and brow.
-xil that I have ever kccompUahod
tulka of rhubaib. cut up and
Mahlrg Vour Home Attraetive.
Alas! alaa! the nanring-time.
m life." 'declared Ualgfal I. Woc^>. rook'(or ten niiuutea Inthree plnu of
When <me oa na one s - nm little I hope you have, get all lha g.KXl oui phnr. aaph.halene and tohacce
And tbs, sad. aad day to me.,bc great e. angellat. -| owe to tnj; ,Bter. Put Into a Urge Jug or pltrher home” how . an he keep from doing of li passible, and ihai la a great deal, wn kill cloiliea moth* The,
daisies, oat of
, tipful
AtuI ihlnW peeled ............
a little........................................................
every week, ,vea. every day Have II boiled, with plaifa drown bui- merely as repcllanta; where they
Woat India MuRlna.
ipful of-sugar
of—...........—........with a while sauce, fui aoro.- used the uoilia will not ej
TbOBS hands tflll folded be.
■'To ibe maq who bua had a mntbnf rlad' of two lamcnia. Strain the llqiwr towards iiDprovIng (1T That ta what '7sm twlee oos quart of bast Soar:,
n ilice. hoH In salted, water. If the eggs ore already laid, or it
ail wciuhn* are sa(Tet|.ror her aake.” from the rhubarb over the lemon and puzzles uh\ says Kate E. Waid lit
put Into II one lagraprnl of freak
Rat oh! bsyoad thja sbadow land.
said Jean Paul RirbUr.
' angafVsttnd awa, <>u tba ire or In Clood niear. One auraly niual know drain, mix It-wHb drawn butler or young have haiched. eiibsianres
yeoot. one gttl of swfet cream, ono
Wbero ail If bright and fair.
The toStliDOny of great men In ack- the caltlrr until thoroughly rhlHed and llial every vine, every ahnih. et-ery white sauce, pour un a buiiered hak- litis uaiurc will have no effect,
large spoonful of buttsr, ono Itoaponalag dIaU. and drop eggs carefully over
|„ j|ay
I know full wall (bear dear old bam nowledgment of tbc boundlaaa debt amve with a gntUng of un blade of grsaa juade greanar.
motha appeal ful of sugar and half n
«TII palms of viriorr bear; .
augar If'doalred. walk and doorrtep .leaner, add. Jus- “■«
-........ - batch salt. With frsoh mRk make ii Into'a
they owe to ihelr mothers a-ould make each glass aiW n
the ocfn until
the daoirwctlye grubs that feed very slIS hatter, ibao odd to It four
Wbasw eryital strearaa Ifaroagb and- ^ record streieliing from the daVn of Rhubarb Jam—Allow one pound of that mutt to il valm- <»f- the. plnra
a latnenlable ta.t "•' *»ll.- *'*

on legUtwro. wool, tnr and other t<ilngr eggs hnudi viiryj^t. Stir them ig.
hlatory to today. Few man. indesd. .gp^r and one lemon 10 each pound and y.y.’ia It 1
Have .
asparagus omulet by all
an aifl^ Ici ure. The catnpalgc beating tHP h«ttr%siL ^llr at two
now bvar ffoHan sands.
beeome great who do not oWe tbolr of cm rhubarb- Peel the lemons aa that many , uuiny hoiiu>s look
And wfcaaa thg old grow young again.
a mother-a lova aad In ,hlnly na iwiail.le. inking enra not to about the same l.ani year lu year. 'meang and when you , have had «ie against the n-oihs must start early it; orlck In the aftrn»« If you want
ni tiaop my motbar-a handa
*«. W oMhe bitter portion, and put only a mile.I.l, -orarT
.me ha*
««“;>“ «»"- the spring If Iqtmunlty lor the rept of the mnfflna for tea. Bake
How often we hear people In avery into a large bowl with the lemon pulp, some mile time every day at hla di*
■“? J“« “•'«»" the year la 10 If enjoya.1.
grouzad muffin-rings In a quick'ovao
Wlwn Mother Tciekad Ma In.
wnHc of lile nay, •: never could have laarlng out ibe seeds. Cut the rtu- poesl there is im earthly ivaaon (or K'Wlnff. apieod ..v.-r it ths tops o(
The eeab r way to rid clothes erf
----------------------tOodMt am to ■ama CW by Mn. Almtra ^oor fbla thing but lor my mother, hart iBIo inch piece*, pul Into bowl on walllUR lor the pitnler. lo give that
rooked asparagus that baa b-af. n.oiha Is to give them a thwough
Vetttt Cglua.
h-„ ^
She bellavod in mt. tncooragad ma. lap of tba Umon aud the augar on h.vuie a roal ..( pplot. Do It yourself fr>'«i|ed with o bit of butter. An- y.rushing on.e a w-.* aad rt« ex- To a pint of milk that baa Joat


ns. uu um wnuus. law

":;"rT„r.TtLr r;.„-r.,r"S

wbo-a bdah a*. *
•»“» Jlanjaroln Waat.
A dUUngulahad man ot today aa}s:
i ro^inlo my.eotand lay. •
c >I never could have raacbed roy preuVb'na motber
me In.
ant poeltlou had I not known
UMUoe azparted ma to roach 11. Frpro
Bar H|8e bow «waM; btnr full of rest *I child she made me feal that thU
a «'the position aba axpretad me to
Tbp bMd that jm nr brow was
r faltb apurrad me on and
gave me (be power to attain It."
WbsR Uks to PM aO troakty blest
U a strange fact that our motbMy MptW tucked me la.
(WA tba Boldera of tba world, nbo^id
l‘Hle cwadli and ahraild be no
B0W brt^t Mid
aoUon: rarpilonad among t^worid'r
f..' ■** Mwiaw flown- ncblever*. Tho world
only the

c„p,y iwo » pramwring-k.t- more Uveiv «:.tisla.tlc.n in the r«ulta

*** “**
..... . . . ,
......................... ’ ........ » huitared baking dUh and pour ov^ BUtvst method. The garmenl. are put yUka of two, eggs. and. fiaally.
eggs (Well beaten I, a for ^ lo a light tntnk. wlih moth marblta. whiles Wales sUt; atlr in a pinch
omelet, with three tabletp
lla d( Then a saucer Is placed 00 top of the of salt, and suinolant flae flour aad
milk. I’our this over ev.
pile with four or live tableapooqfula of rice flour, luiaed. to make a bauar.
Balure was the first lloih'r of tho rare- tho Mollior -wi...
In II. easily Bake like ratbar tiilck p
spmeiimaa the cnmib ia arooped ohuiuad ai all drugglau. The lid U Ing over ms soon at^ imp Mda baa
wound the clock of eons, drew down tho purplo sliade of sunael,
luekad the sloapy alara In rloiid-dowii tntndk^boda: tho patient
-out of rollA too shells sat In lha oven fio,od and (be trunk left undlaiurbed slightly bromnad- Use a small pan.
10 dry and color, and the Inaldaa tban nnill tba ololhea are wanted- The and sweat bMtar to granaa R with,
Motber who watched through tho night at tho bodvido of an Infant
(Iliad with (hia aaparagua mlaiura. uaulphllc avaporatea. and.
being and bolter ibaoa cakes while hot, tban
universe: the dlllgam Mother who crueo wlih tho lark, swept the
This la a dallcinua dbh.
heavier than air. soitle* through the ycju have a dellckma («■ or braokfoM .
lawns with light, dnated them with daw; the l*>auioous Mother who
Asparagus In Haakata-Moke good garmenls/lt .* deadly to iooeci life dainty. I'se buckabaat In tba saiba
fastSbed (towers to every leafy branch, to bbom, f.irevor:
Itaking inwder hisculta. hollow them and will, destroy it in all stages -No manner, but Inataod of bimering the
.Mother whom- moniing snug a» B""d the. woodland heart that, oven
and Dll vvlili craunfed asparagus
will reroalin
now. U dvelflows: the luring Mother mho spread a feSM of ovory
reroatt in
I ibc clolhaa after oskfw. serve rntll or mspla syrup artCb
Sarse very hot with croarli asuoe paa*- ai,|nj them a few mnmanu. ao that them,
baadful fruit, (hen from a-nntr of atat dost rolled tho Brat fair hu­
ed lo a aaucc boat,
,hay esn be usfd os soon ssYbey are
man cMld and made hia suid itnmnrial with a kisi.—Burrli llamll
Aspsraffut With Sofft—Boll sapsra- ,akeu out. Thi, moth marbles prevent
MsrshmaHssv Prsstiofl,
How^ seemed Ood «d tlfi and •«
Her «.». or face i.
gui until tender, than place in a but- mher famsias fronf crawling ta to lay
Cut ona-balf pound of isarabAillows
In tba papers: only her
teied laking-dlab; season dalicatal) their sggaW
In small piecss. Wt them ta tbo doulda
son la Undad and bald np to our ad- „o
oook slowly with frtyquant stif If U
W*m moyr tacked me in.
pa- J "J.: :: ~
~ .j ':« vl,„
'*'(Wlih salt pepper, and a plncb of pat*
wayT but ona n« ao sur*. hollar with four ubleopooM of hat
miraiioa. Yam — that
" - sweet
- ‘ —
ihrao^bnaro c,f an hour,
daror.tor. Von can afford to „„
,ha goodA to pack wal.r and atlr Ufl mlttd and aomoth.
‘bat T«ke from tba Ufa. cool a Iliile and paint II ottqnar. too. 1 blva In mind ,y] m-ht. add two tableapoonfula of ,hemIn erdlnatv paper boxes or flour Boll oad* cup ot sugar and ona-thlrd
VbsB av awib d«r«
made bU eurreaa possible.
, pack In glnaoaa or earthen rtaase■ •W.
■ drar old horaaaiaad across tba road creutn, two level tablaspoonfuls ol hagA pastlos a atrip of paper over cup ot hot water, witboul oOnlag.
Many a man Is enjoying a fame j,,, cover with l.rondled paper, then
Aad roln#:::tSs smaing shadewa,
iroai my home In H. where two gen- mmer. a lillle more- seasoning, nni ,he crarka la oi-der to keep ont tba till tba syrup itarsada whan dropped
spoon. JInva tba wbitt of
■ laiaed. The dear eld granainother froth. Hour <
lha aaparagua. a
__ ckmatA
_____ cracks, carpau, (urnl- oaa large egg beaten stiff, and pour
0 Jhe fovarnor. or mayor, or congraa.- „,h,, dalldpua Jam ta niada by
Aa- whan that dear face o'er
a hot oven, and bake untH iha sggv tore, or carrTage flMlrtloga. s thor- the syrup gradually Into the a«g wbBe
mut but the rani aecrol of hla au.-: hlnlng rhubarb,
odd tbs mshod attri*Ay
cess la often inrtad ajAy
lUja equal propcnlona
Aad mother ueked ma Id.
.prins when the apple trees •>.. in
Aaparagos and (Jreaii Haas I'roqual- ]!„» ,rm claa.- out the paala.mallowa grtdnnll.v. flavor with oua •
He niknown.---------- -----^
Rbubafb Pudding-Pui
Ipw tliin hioasoni about the houee one r.l tW ,e,_Maoh one .upful of cooked ai__________i______'
teaspoon of vanilla and a few drops
tion and' b
I slices of tigblly hiillarod bread In Ui-- graiid-daugbiara
to l>c niarnol paragns tips with <une r-upful n( cooka Rosy flunsat.
’ of lemon Juice, beat until cool and
bottom of a pudding-dish. Moisicn cud everything v
iH- iuriiiBl-c.l iip
peoa: saaaou wllb osR and
..,f | ,.,0 py, ,^nia touebes of rosy thick anougb; to spread. Put it uO
• -Most nH of tka other basutirril • bar sacrillcas.
p™'" pepper, add onc-balf Uhlaspoouful of sunset Into the life of any man or ^k of cake.
• thlngl ta fils coma by twoa and •
The vsry ktn Dhara that radiates •’•‘‘‘lly with bolliog water Then >nd r*novoied ITiigalil:
a the DOlber U tba
*” *
rhubart.. rut In *ma11 Head lu that home, prolyahly 01 iiac- iiU'luwl butter and ona beaten esS wonvan." said George Macdonald.
• (brosA

-------------------. .
heiv Plrcaa. Sprinkle ihlikly with auger ca»llv, for it was a Urge laiiiily and i,*|
Cooky CakA
cold, mold fiiio small croquri- •Tlnn I f«-l that 1 hva wrought with
Ona day JuM as I bod «y eotkr ,
breiil-crunibs. than
------------- ralubewr. plenty of
this ^
order unill the. di.h
dish ..
la foil
fall don.dnne «», the palming of dial Urge
In bread-crumbs. 1
To make an ..Id parson hdppler. dough rrody to turn npon my molding
* brMbsrs and otatarA of
he -vnutig j|„, nil „r lat. drain s inomenl
'for"*tha **"' ® *** '“"P*
butler on lop and rambling liouae by
mo'ra .vuifortuhle, S|ora bopafni- '»ird, an accidanl bappeood that ra* awslns. bat la all (be wide world.
I job. Imi elsni-a pallet, and w 1
the touch of rosy sun- q«lrad my, aaya a writer It
l.u .Mh.r p.r“ •“'I™

* only DM BMibor."
^cold, as proterred
he Jtnl kept at 1
special tba lAdlaa' M'ortd. Hastily I
■ Aspursaua Salad—li'-a cooked aiimp ,, human II
•<'h<H>1 and ti • PtlWKji* lips and mix them lightly ,.rtvllegc of >
lid age. Ibe dough to a flat bread pan nad
How many of u. have felt the troth
fold Mater would ge, home
he w. nt to artool; and finally ’ with
... young oniorv.
wlih ^fcely-mlncad
naioraH, an old peraon tunii
anmoihlng It along with a knife. I put
Of bla atatement! Ucw aahamad we HrocaM—On accoum of the large
in u„i, neats of tender ,
p,r,„„ for aunabino! It is « Into.Ibe oven, which wa* hoi., ia
feel when' we uiecl her eyea that wa amount of arid vonialned in rtiu- wfla done, fresh and fair, hia
have aver harbored an unholy thought. Imrh It Is one j-f the few ifi.P* the feaiire prepataDoii*. -ad fur. ,.l! pui,,-,. fcav.a with a little • French mautllul «> sec the svmimlby that half an hour I look H out and. wbsn
could see very bit >w wtH done ai dr.»>ns iumrril over. A Jrrom maV
be,».-n the two extreines-of next day I coi It In oquareolaesa. was
or diahonotable anggaallon! It saema ““t ‘'■f
fwoou*! by the coM waier
it had t>een dom liv a innfeByi...iol. ojmalse Is also a .leligbiful scciin>-|„.. ]„
reapecia youth and age delighted to And I had a lovoly -ahoft”
Imposalble to do wrong while under process wiihoni rooking, and withoui
..U1I4 ui, hvlp Ihinkine .u; l-v pMUmeni, and eaiwcially If ihe ,.e.l ,re as like as sunrUa and suuae,; 1M*t cake, , Since then 1 haeo ofttfl
Sist to Cbriaimna and Boater tho (hst magic Influence. •iVhai'revange^ suge:-. Proper prccamfens; howev.r.
b.' no u Uvy could employ hi* »ps,e lioii> .asparagus
mixed with iiii a„d .. ^....
.ccbis to be ------God a----------------hteooed will made pari
tffto a
moat beauUfnl maroorUl day of the ful plans, what thoughts of haired i»B«' be observed There ..
------- ,t|.»
-------axe ------^ ow itae cooky^dough
and h
I, Is
Is enjoyed
enjoyed by
by nil who
year la Uolbar's Buaday. There are aod Jealouay. hare been scatttied ,0 vacuum lei, in the Jar. and the cana. in ,bf same way. and hia henie •v.-tiI.I
,reen pears
and plan that earh should ,r -i 10 ,he eakc. and
soma tblnci which mean so much to ,he four wloda while in the roolber a ‘"P* Md rubbers must l« Hu.roughly Iw ..11 thy n>ore aura, live ro hin. :.c
n„.!„ n In .kaparasus CaMS-Mjah
for help
m»<b' •"K ahrwddrt roroabut
M that It seami as though they are |,m.ancc; liar Vblldian go out from stertlUad to aurt witii. Select the .-ansa he hao none «.>nirihin: i.vwnTd
cupTiiI ,.f <vild rookeil gsparapia
i„ ,|,c power r.( evei..' young •• 1‘
almost (00 sacred for words. This cotumnnliwi with bar resolved to be rhubarb when young, nd«r and o! .. inaklng li so
»,th otie . upiul of h-g mashed p..ta- ,.,c,„o to bring sunlight Into the lit' few .mall coodlea prewoed ever
flip turns It Into amwhei <luiuge.
day, when Ipr a brief apace we mop iMdief men. nobler women, truer citl- PW‘> Pink ,rolor. Wash thoroughly.
a lioiise gets a sort of povcri. tots, udd cn.-nalf mp>ul..or Ona dr.
peruoo. I.,
1U.I alway* delights the chllJteo,
la onr Inmy live* to puy special honor j, na.
P«r* krTfl
I'te'e-s as for *iric-ken I...W if it is not aiteuded m tr. ad-, r.inilw. salt and Mppar i*. -tourh of roav sunset” »ti
a Klice from It 1* a wei.omc addlto lha ana who was almost the whole
Tb.' gifalesi heroine in the wurid is PIm F»rk Into glass Jars lli^av.- a i»il ..f paint is a Wonderlul rej.. taste, and rw.. *.-i; l-.ateii ^a Foim
,n.. sgrd pllsrim
I., II,.- .-Nchool
fun, h lail."
world to Its during the happy days of the mother. No one else makes such been aterillzed. fill ti. c-uverflow ins venofer. and goes a king wav If usihI inin little l».x.-s or luiakAq^^tHah ,lowing near Ihr c1om> of

The Mother.


bqr ehOdhood. who encouraged, lb- ip.-riflceA-or endiirea anything like with freshly drawn wat^. put on the inlellltctiitv, .\evei mliid working with soM huti.r. spiiiikl.- well.with
-------------—----aplrad and helped ua as wa grew to the *uB.«Hnga that aha unromplalnint- "Dera. a,-rT.w tight unfi le, Ihe Jar-<.«, ,;ar.l tr-it* to moke the wood- T,ne hr.-ad • ra„,i... and ke' in a h,.i
manhood mad womanhood, and wboae ,f «,dui.« l..r ber .hlhlreo-Ortton «»“■« •o'liHght. Hy the next n.urr|.„i. . lean eouvigi. In kit. h. „ve.i u,.i.1 ........... Mil wUl. M..,hera arc the .1 leeresi il.tncA
(ifOclala of the

t l>riniitig t
trader lore qnd llfalong devotion want a. Mardlii. In Ry. ceas:
»« 'hr Thuharb will have al.«hri«»
,b|« ,pring Give U a .^.lat ..I pie,- di.-. d cre»ui.*l . in. ken iff veal, which
Memtit-r wlien J»l« went awa:
m<«t delfrala uperaWith ns. even lo the imrttls of the
.st=:____ mme or lew* of the water. «■ ihji tj- jaini D.. n y<nir»>l(. jl r.ui have has been kept I..M cm the i..p of the .Ml loti nx.ih.-t' . rie.1 and t ried
oonacted with Du- maoufae.
BaanUfnl World, and teyond that, inOrondmothefa Spring FrulL
Hiore will he qulle a ro •*■ note. The exi»n*e fa *«(nll and the sl.ive; ;md -ene at once. Careful
When they said gnod-hy that
' ...rr, poatage stomps la the
to Btaralty Itaalf. U>6a full of tender
Ithiibart. the go.«l "spring trail'' Ailed. Drain .Jf the waier. and n-flll aaiiKraci. n de, p Wer,„c y..u. get luinditng i’- n.-crtisst;.; with these prat- She J.ivt talked, slid oeetiuHi i,.
guuii.mig. When tho shaett bava'
maaorlaa that words ard all too fee- that our ghiodnmther* set tach to .nwflowing-with Trash .old water, tbroagh you will hrtghi.-ii up y....i 1. and d.-li.l.«i. little rases
Not (he allghlroi bit up*ei•rimed ihey ura piaiad and*
bla to aSptWM tba Ibaugtala that All store by. ia n.iw
It* Ar*' ckunly and PUt away in a ««l. p„nh r.Mkvr*, prol.ably yuur por.-h
---------------------• Wa« the «.lv .lue «h,. niiilled.
which they roeolva •
ftilH-ta e,v.-» were .ur.-amina
our mlateway up through the soft niuld of bomm fl»rk Plac. Wh. li reody to uar. <fiv..n Boor and there la n<. Jau.sifig where
The Scal^rins "Otwena."
ihia roaiing of gum. aad tbsR ffrad- It la net only a day of devotion to gardena or crowning the greabgrocera’ •“* <‘»r '"‘r 'resh rhulMirt.,f.ff sauce you will atop. Some ..he may have to Spinavh should be washed aavetal .
ually ov.r roll* of aiaam pipw uotU
>aoir.f.c»„ of the pet«. nod for' those atolla. ud the bouaewlfa who fails to
P'r« '
'h'* •*>' rhubarb
,h(. paint to sav.- (ha mahogany, time* lu order that 11 may be anilra- But wh. n.Jol.n .ume-l.sfk again
they arc .Irled .Much cara if.osara lnfl..agh. wfe and
Who ofw BO happy as to stlU hava utillza U In a variety of way* ia niMf' *111 roqnlro laM sigar than (ha fre«b yigylu. you wRl want lu tmint your ly free from sand
rised to gv tba iayar imdiann on ev­
Uialr motbara with them, cna on Ing a culinary iririlagr. While there »«'>• Oranherrira and green goosy '
and mu j.ui down heav.- <oiJ water and pass the aptnach from wifh a medal J«r' hi* deed.,
ery part
(he aurtaco. lha gum lo
An.r without a elngle.»«und wbU* to Bve vtaibla expreaMon to are aqma coodlltoas of the body which bevriaa may he canned in the aanie rarpels aw.ii: H.-Ixe .'on; old ingrain one 10 the other, rinsing the nand
the vat*, from wMefa it dfW «»
tbU leva, but it la a day of Inaplra- maka It wise to forego rbiibarii. aor- *•»'
k«rP ‘®f >®^ra
carpet* made Into ragAand with your from the {An* as It seiifaa ^t !
dam-ej’rollrr. ia kept at ao -avao (alnpera'
(Jon. aUma for making high rcoolvea. ral or lomaioaa all of which abouud RtauharlTCaiined With Sugar—Wa,).b lluoi
palmed nr ahelhicki-d.ymir'siand half os hour (o frasban. Fn
(ura and lUrtBaaa. Taau are fraWouM wa ba loved? Tban let aa ra- in oxalic acid, tba majortly of pao- lantCr rhubfirh. but 'do n« pfet. as bonae work will be easier .ai.J your tmt-halt pack in- coveted kau!a
la «( Utt warmth and
•ambpr all tba lander cara. the nn- pir And that rtubarb oBara a pleas (ba pinky akin makes the cann.3 frail home be cleaner than w-ib v srpaiA a little Lollins water an I let il rooa Moci. r kiawd ^m. h
h.-midltv c the workroom.
talHnffdova ABd loyalty lavMiad npon log and wbolaaoma ronaerve for the a beautiful color Cut into inch places. Van' pretty Inexpenalvo and an rfic from twenty to thirty- mlnoieA Be
cried and .Tied
, J.
o**fee,toe «r ---v—ns by oof motbara. and let ns ta onr table at a eeason wban Irak sclda of and maaaure For avery three quart* rag* tan he proenrad at our atorc*. carafnl not to co<A spinach so
-Hdwin I- Sa'»“- “ •
aUowanromuB alwava
mm ROaa U oibara. Pertapa all aorta are partlculatly in demand, of the sliced rtubarb allow three rap and the old fashioned ras rarpef :* -that the leave* berome a soft pwie «ag»xinv. ^^
_ .. ,
ia no' why coa’wa 00 well edabrota Contrary to general cplnlofi. eays Km- fnlla ef sugar and one cupful of wa- now made up into tug length* a.xd la and tba aiams uringy. but as toon a* . ,
i allghtiy harder
Mothar'a a«Ddsy as by aharlu wllb ms Paddock Trilord In tha-DaUnealor. tar. Oiroolve the sugar in the wa. very faahif nable'''lf niida wall
, a fork prraaad against the aide of ti.r •
. »Pri"fl P*'"* "•
«r .a* t
r. Odd U. fruit and almniar gently
it you have a bard-oud floor It can kettle will cot it. take It up and dralr
The following
Other* the uodyttff love, the potlenca. rbcetmrb. atrickly tpeokinf.
fltlaan minutaa.
minutaa. Hava
Hava ready
randy ator- ba ffnlHiad beautifully In the foHo*. Chop ao.rm.|y and aaason with ash ceaxb" Farming^ H.W Chrora 1^- opad^ by tba f“H,lng WC^
Ihfl eoBiffrabeaMon. tbe foralveiiaaA fruit at oil, but a vagrubla. Follow, torr fltlaan
a tableapoan of butler A laBa- ‘or hs* “<•'
atompa. In winter pracaattoo
tba loyattr and davoUoa oomminad ing are some of Mrs. Triford'e rtu itizad Jars with new rubbers and air- nig manner. I have been told
■ aa a oacrod legacy by ear moth- barb recipes:
Oibt topo. All to orarflowlag with the man who must ba a real help around
Rhubarb Urttos—ta Onofii Ellas- bolllog frail and/ lUittlf u* the hoimc. Judging by (be-Ihings he
__ bourn, when knows bow __
___ _
Wbns wa aro givtag. tender IboughI baOi'a Uma. rtnbort leaves were used possible. After several
ta do. This
be ..ilnute*. then turn •
for otbor aaasoca Is known oa Tolar.
fruit ha*
cooled, (be top
con■-b* uaaa on bU kKrban and bathroom aa BoU mia egg for Otirty mlanes nad (eader report “

r motbara. wbetber they dra as n pot berl^^d
'■ '
‘ -----------•"
------W ba« crosM. CeO oenwod U^ttor 08»ha
wHI « 00ms other .rooms.
' drop low cold wptot; rot tbe-wWta
-A good 11^ patat where , tbrna medlats.Has* or to-tbe Great BeyoMb M aa lor to a

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