Grand Traverse Herald, August 20, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 20, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and ’Travarsa







Soda. BDlcada. Am*. IS—a etna*


mlllurr (Hard «a* plarad orar the
lacailoQ aa a pracaation
acaltwt mob alolaoc-.

aa Maar Rood Jud*aa think popular
clamor will torca <'iar Fardlnaad

W. H 'Slleele of Norlhport. the


those on Millers HUI


; commercial varieties






and ■aiMatea Taama Will be
Claaing Feature *f th* Big

(VtM nMNTB BmoM-BbcIn-)
OovNTMr OUlora arnred In ihe d(r
^MUrar aftacMoo on tba rsebi
VlB^afe. ovead bdiI
COModora r. W. HeteW af Alpa­
ca. Ha eaM bare for the parpoM or
iMpacUag the TraTorae ritr State
HoapHai. the loapaetioo of ttab place

TU bixgeai RtU day of tbe year
will be -Traverse City Day.-.'Tiura
day An*n« MHb. and the open hand­

•*vt ad tba «Hr to tba boildlag.


dMNMa nd »e laaa tbaa a rnila. or a
mile and a bait. Tbla doable handl
lag af traWtt HTolraa hbor
teaaalat wMeta U ererr rear roatlai
tha paaplB of the auta ao lacawplder

d «r Iha wart, and aapadallr In
.the Hcbvda aad dairy barwa. .imI
waa laMaHIr
plwd with both

The Wtauah cum bare from Hack
tue Ulead, where the gnrenor in•pamad aa HMa park. Ha left Mr
>r thla Mfralag tor tha Hanltena
wh«% ha wtn rariew the maoeuTera
. before learlng for
ra be wiU attattd the



.. being baU tbara.

D. lUld KlricHtiriek. of Rapid Oiy.
(hairaaa of the Kalkaaka Board of
OowKr Road CoouBliaioaara wa

work. Kalkaaka was the plooear “bel­
ter raada“ coonty In thla pan of the
atata and haa for neaenteen cMn
ba^ UnproriH lu Urwaya under the
OBwair ayatUL Thu year, aa durlag tha praacilflk yearn, a few aiUea
of mala raad are betac Inprored'

iBaaancti aa gtavai U a aearca arileU la that aaetloa to Hod ihe c-raab
ad alowa road abo«t aa cheap a* the
gravel road.

Tbla year four milea of

are being Improved.

Klrkfhtrtck. la



trnaanetlng batlaaai tor Ua eoaaiy
yMarday. vwtad «m of



aiaki dairy farm* near the, city for.
tha Mrpoaa of -peaUaR himaalf rt“
gardbu thU breed of muH. He baa
a «u tom im aooth of Rapid Ciiy
aad la worktag Into ibe dairy and
tr«t gtvwthg ihdaatrtaa.


Several Reatena Made It AtfvlaaMt I
Shift Data* of Big
Will I
: In InaeaadM

I i'anillo*
discuss plans
the p<>n of riiarleslon


the Builnea* Mena aaaocUtlon. will
be under way to frui the lid on the endeevnr to


tbomp of the flattened alreet
(gke ihU day off. and reraemberin*
wheel and a thooBaed and one otber tbeir boyhood and girlhood day^ plan
nolaea Uul make rily life bardaneome to lay aside their work and cares
to petaona of ordinary aenalbillty. The apd “come to toan“ early. Then
you really have any trading to e
mlaaion for the aupprenaloD of aoUa
have It ail off your mtndi by dooq
la proponed. Preltoilnary ttepa to tfa^
0 the fair kroua^i. for the
eod were taken at ibe meeiin* toilaj-,
big HetUc dinner where tbe rammliwhich waa preaided over by Hrafeaaor
ae« that you bate all 1
Victor oraaai of ibe rnlveralty of

d U O, T XI. M. assor-teikm- *rst
fixed for Setuember 2. 4 and 5. has
Sepiemtier It. II and 12. One of
lDi|K>riaai reaaons U that the first

Tbe Board of Trade and

honk of the antonioblle. the acreech enough to pleaae everyone.
of the loromotive ehietle. the eriea
It bchoovea every
farmer, fruit
of the alreet peddler, the tbumpety- •rower, merchanl and wa'ke niraer to

Fur aeveral very good reasons the
annual cooveolhm of the K.

l•et•B changed to Ihe (ollowlug w.

an iDTiution given. M I* always

coffee. iDgar and cream that
PUB. The' American memberi of
want, but you must bring tbe rc
ilitee Inrlnde Dean
Finn to bave llnie family panle*.
Ha aaM/tbal aoote raporu, which Sabine and ProfeMO- Blake of the lieller yet. ueicbborbood parlies a
, ha alaoard* hoped ware m true.
loaetber and talk over old Hint
baNabad him if tba aCa« that the
bym- you aaed 10 go'to idroIrB. T
paopla of Trarwee CHr
ba^wlll be ifaete nil day with tbe
Marae ocAlew, Haaa. It la p
Urtad and did wot a|
best kind of mosic. Tbwe-wlli be
bavaSU fid bulM «ba atala hoapUal 40 nia MgraHia to make a
rt talks by rtioad who best
loeatad bare. SMb rear the RoTcrn ' tranarH^Sl •»f »he many ra^ietiea
know bow- to entertnin
city noUm.
%obi them- dlctoaraph
or dadared, a vaat Monai of hu«l
there fill be game* and sports,
record# the inedlcal men
will de­
itaaa aad a hiMihar of people
will bring sniles to your faces, for
termine wbiidi ooUm nffect ibe
brooiht l»tba a«7 threap the btmplwant
voui ,tyateu nod are ihererore
tal. Ha la
Joriout to lbe ptibllc health and wel­ between the farmers and tbe
•irBMr.ia erWch tha peopoaed aide
Garb raaa wni be uken up men;.Ibe runnlug race betwee
track to tba badMla*. waa re)ectad
aeparatalp aad in earti Inatancw that farmer boys and the «iiy boya;
Stieh a Hie ttMk. ha aald. <x»ld be.
throwing cnalest belweei
u round -eolUr- l««ai atepi
laid tbwgb eoNH
iry will he uken for itn aup- farmer Udiee and tbe Indies of Ibe
trafllc ooald pMd orar U «t nlcbt. aar
li la prepoaed tn eiiand the city; wbo ran pick up tbe greiiesl
kiliHw Cba barn oC tw^a and alx
of pouioes. the farmers o
aatl-nolae rruaade to all. of tbe'eitlei
raimti ba aoaOidt «Ub the regtba mercbania/ in tba poialo race
of America and Europe.
Mlar.jnBic ad tha atraal. whatarer.
and then the crowning feature o
^ be moead bp team fttMB the


well known that wbengver there

la th^


biisbel* nr show apples Ibat ran be

ed boapluiliy of tba local pe«i>le lx


Padar pnaaM nohdIBon all freight


1 •'*.—A
llcetliiR of



he may know what

the** rphuln and

8p*r«aiiliiira. It

was li. id here indsr

had from each.




He Is now vlrillng tlie orrIianN
Ihe immediate vIHnlly of TVav-,

erae City that

Men of Seutn Cereilna WaM
Their Shara.

(ndanca Wat Good and an Eacallant Pragram of Speaking
Carried Out




mus UP MUY mm

He speaks

Ihe spy apples growing on


• ar large aa adequate
sbare of lb. trade tienfilUs expecled
accrue i> tbe south tbmaab the
opening of 1 e I’anains Canal.


ne One apples of Ibe more Import
highly eompIJmentary

e> tba a
a to be c
load bp the Roaamer this
^Ncovaraor aiatad that ao far. all
(be taamotloaa. irltt rare exception,
were in the flaeat of eeadltion, apd
la tha band* of able a------------ * *«ba «ere awrklu with noUe
alNtl«Maa of parpoaa for the hi
of tha.AiatltaUen and the atau.
aMaa the boapItaU and prlaoaa. the
•Nranor la alao leapecUa* the atale
caQaina and reporu them to he In
tba beat or eoadlUoa. He waa eapeclallr warm ta ItU pralae of the Micb
ina Agricallurai CoUega proaounr
>ai It tba flaaat aellan «( lu ktad


He reisirts having located


Urge and repre*


to tbe otrbirds in Ibe weatem
pan of 1..eelanau county, panlcularlv

dedara «ar avlaat tba auUan.

MMlm «r M* TrM* law
WmM tmm
In M«N«linH*iN*.
" •«
W 9utfUmr



HIcbigan Derolepmeni
I In the city
Frida*, an

tiaa racalrad doxana of ihiT



^Orand Rapid* Show.

nrlal apple cullector for Ihe Western

TTie mlntoirr

araat ouaaacraa of BulparlaM Id
Tarta*. Bacardlaaa of Lla own »lah

W. H. Steele

OM-Tima Friends

Mat -Areund the

Fastiva Beard (or Good
del Tima.


i.Bke''iTliurMlay was n-ell attended

re/ were
nearly a dnxen people
from Traverse City, siso
nntDl>er from Elk Rapids
man.'- Irpu the rural secliona to
>nth and north of tbe pIcBic grounds.

QrautMa for f*utUag H Owt
af B«aiNwi
W**hiBRio*>, AuT” is—Taft -sAtf
em to eon
aree days.
Judirial appropriation »...___ __

One of Ibe It


In the hl»lorj- of tbe Hannafa A Uy provided for a aevea-year t*«ar* rate
Mercaniile comiian) was the baaqui-i

week In Seiueroher the rallrads wilt given Friday noon by the romiiany.
Iw rushe.1 to capacliy haadll^ return­ cblefl.v for its outof-tosra wbolesaie
In tha meoaiga urt ledsraNW
ing resonera: another, ibe imgram custotnera, mauy of wbqm wet* pres-recall of tbe Jaiklary- was mAT
The banquet
arranged h\ ibg local commllTee has
caniKM tad a ab^ rtatata why
Wo greaily dxl<orated and will lake nerved by those In charge of tbe lanroan should be abolWM.- mM
more iliue to preiuire: another ver>- rbeonelte roaueried with the *stab.
Tan. “except that iht ThKcthaw is
• Of iu dw-Moh*.- t BM ntariy

iniimrtam reaaoo also Is ihat many of lishmem. Tbe louff table* were hai
the tents and hives could not act of­ aonielv decorated with fiowsr* aad

Graves grove on the abores of Blk


ficially mnn Btiendlng In a body in
lime to make Ihe necesaary itreparaons for the earlier nieelln*.
In view of all these ronslderaiioiu
wa* ilecidqd at a apectal meeting of
the officers and comfultleea of tbe lo­
cal lent* and hires held in Hie parlors

>aed to the aboliskmen of ita
abundance of evei^iblng that
wa* gfi^ to eat on surii aa occasloo.
1 becaaa* iu ««ciafa4a don't wart
The )whoIe alfsir was In charge of
approval of a aajBrHr of tta /
Xlanager Blue, and tbe preoenc
Mr. Clinch.'viee presidfwl of the


panv, a-lded greatly to the pleanire Of
the oecBHion.
Many of tbe gei


Whiling hotel last night to ex-, hen were aecomiuinted by Ihdr wb
tend the dates nnolher aeek. This The gathering was idaoned le bring
A speaker-s will give aiuide time for Ihe outlying
closer relatloD* Ihe oul-oMotfu
teips and hives to make suitable fireie Wboleeale ivaimus of Ihe esial
orgau and decorations.
There ai#lons and allow furtber time for Dent and those with whom Ibey dealt.
PleiPy of seating artomo.
It certainly wa* a verj- pteaaaat
the many fletalls <|t i>re|iaraiioBS by
tor all.
he local nomniiliee*. Deputy Great i-veul and a good
many old-Ume
The grove had lu-en cleared and put

I order lor liie event

stand Itad Iwen erected and auju'lled

Commander C. 11. 1‘erry came up from. Irieud* from the surroaodlr
met each other at tbe uble*.
the nbundaai limcheo

The dinner was followed by

gram made up of musical noniWs Cadillac Iasi evening to allend’ Ihe
reHiallons and siveclies.
meeiiiu: and II was nfion bis aitggesilon. and it was hearlllv and iiiunilie day was the Hon.
ler of Ihe Mleblgati Slate grange,
otber speaken were



mnk l,esher of Mancelona. Webster
Wilson • of Hie Kewsdln

n. II.

Elsaorib. assisiam

Michigan lua- engaged in one grand united bus uud wa* rulluwefl by ■ doien of so of
the other genileine* at the Jahh-s.
le to raniiileie Hie program and
This galbering will carry with It
•redtluble lu Hni.-u- lu M^te that
try n>BU}- pleasant rerolleciloaa and
John Sian, president of the Grsnd iversunal work Is being done to i
tills the Idggosi fralenu^ eoBVMitlon Iboee who were there trust that II will
Traverse County Gleaner Arbor
b« made BB annual occuion.
norihi-rn* .Michigan.
aa cfaa^ai
On Wednesday evetilng. September
(be day tbe game of baseball beiweei by HIsa Elda Wilson and Mr, Ken
1, will he given a grand UH-eptlo
tbe Traverae Tiiy and tbe Manistee nedy and a song by Mis* Catherine
ve Great Camp and GreJ Hive
leama of tbe Michigan Sute Iragur. Hunt. There was also chorus singingrrs In Ihe lodge rooms of Trav
The race is so close between these
The Invix-ation waa by Ihe Rev rity Tei.l No Ktl. The rc<e|itloti will
IS that It will call
fuilowed bv a l«nuuel and approlargest crowd eveif gathered
Among the Grand Traverse couiil.v prtale enierialnment w III l.e furnisbevi
fair grounds,
From the indications
The fire -lepartment was called e
political aspirants In aiiendanre were Thutsdkv-. ReptemUer 12. will k
there will be people prescnl
II .f o', lock Friday monilag by fire
Willlam Gram, William Rennie. L btg -lav, wbf-n the excursions
Inal charge will be made fo
K. Cleveland. A I’. Gray and yulm-y bring tlirpnas from all pAMk of the' be hoii^ ’belonging to O. C. Moffatl.
SUa png Cater ar* aH TtM CeaW
Ibe grand sUud. all Ihe rest of ihi
il the'coraer of Stale and
|iaThacker. Bulb Ihe Williamsburg and
be Eapaeud of^l.
ground* will be free to all. -Ampli-ireetk. The hoii.e wa* occupied by
Campbell's baad ha* lieen
Uralid Traverae grangei- *ere .
U>eMviranapoitstitHi will be provided fm
gaged fur the whole day and evening vtra Mouiha^. who ran a 11081111118
•enled among ihe pleuicera
and at least four other ban-la are ex- hou.e. The Are waa conflped it
rs u|>«ialr*. the only other
Tbeae are tbe men wbo will l<x>'
fuK ted to be pteiieni to enter the hand
The Dncbeaa appia crop tn tba
Ireing ihn caused hy water,
ifler yonr welfare for tbe big day:
1)0 Hit* dale will occur ih.
Qraad Traverae TeHra wlU break all
house and furniture
Harabal «f the day-Hon Jubn W
extilbliUm drills of .legree leant* on total damage
record# Uli year, aa I«m> tree# are
Ibe I«v<-.| sireeis; in case of rain Ihe trill l» plmul^ir-o.). which la <«vered
loaded aiih fndt aa-1 the nixe and
1 Hotel Eeena of Gay drill, will he tfeld in the Cltv opera r ln*ur*iir-e.
Oronndt and plnikei)<-8eIdon
color la all that could be wubed tor
tn have started
Gathering Friday. Night.
BuTM. Em B. wilbetm. Ceo Schlpabouse. There will lie dan'lfig In ih-by the trowern and ahippan Many
V a Ump exploding in one of the
William Oent. il. u; Coles.
evening It. Beard.lev A Xlull's hall
Into bMT-li
mms and KcHlng fire to a mall
The business session will lake plaic
Frank KtoB. L. S. Sttrkney.
for the flrat tioie tbU aeanon aad they
morning of FTIdsv.
Neahtawania. Aug IT—The Xeah
win materially iBcreane
ahlpthe evening a grand liall in the
lawania Hotel was the scene of a
The Weatem UIcblRaa De|s-ra house. (:-e to all Xlaccq.
Spona and Oame*-A. F. Siraub.
fcsiival party l.-ist evening when
velopmeei buregu ban bad a .braoA
Trnaaportaliea—W. U C. Germaine. Sira. John Oau-* of ('InciBiuiii. who hees and families.
of ihli -^arietr of •pnlen from the orThe r-roxram. now in courwa of prej.
Theran Morgan. H. Rrodbagen.
I fine cottage here tendered a
«b^ of Joha N. CoBitade of Earn
•alien in charge of coniivetest com
Program and Adveriislng— F. ft fancy dres* 1.811 to about liai guests,
pboiocrapbed and aent tbrousbriee.. will include horwe races.-jik>
Birdull. Geo. B. Blue kl. B. Holley
the prinrl|«l |«n of the evening be
ljvo.:ng. .Mich Atii
tbe Male to nbow what the ..
.r cviie race*, mule and
Ploances—Geo. B. Amlolte.
Geo ipg spent in
pr'ni* of the world’Bibtlitiee of raUlOK IhU kind of frtilt
.ce?i l«U game. K. O T. M. M. v*
Q. Coven, n. H. Bracken.
room of Ihe hotel.
Flags, bnniing
pieces .tiiiahly framed, mav he loanar* la thV Grand Travenie regioo.
oose. la-lies’ tug of war. potato ra'c.
Treasurer-A. IV Bunak.
green trimming were used to
Thb btmarh la (rpic*l of tbotuanda of
1 Hie fair grounds: water *|iorls on
form a decorative scheme for the
■rtniis school dislrieis of Ulctilgail.
oauri ihrouRbont weeteni Michigan.
Will, the ladies and genllemeD Ihe C R A I. beach. InHudlng Ikk.:
: 1.0 extvense to the district except
report! from all loralllie* where
and launch rare*, fwirarolng and tub
111 fanev dress, groiwque. clever
>r i:.* trciglii and cartage from lunthla variety it rntaed 'in any quanllly
rac”* and un-lcr watet diving • on
ridiculous, whichever the> hapiiened
ng and return.
that Ibe trees In all the orchadt
lest*: *|ions on the msrk-ei .ne, oi>
tn be. R>gelher with the lights and
Appli.-jiton. should he
ar* loaded with fruit of Rood site and
l«*lie Grand Traveree garage, which
music all combined to make the «
rare l.itrarran Mary- r.
bigb color.
will fomprlse fat men's
race, high
one that will be rememlM-red with
Jumping rope, lug of war, wheelhar
The ahlpplBR *MMn bat not «
pleasuic^by those who were In
The edu-a’ional value of anod picr«w racS, thr»e.|eggcd race. -a< L race
ed at «hl» point to any extent hot will
Auto PoHtemaa Crus Gotliteb de tgpdatice' Among the hundred
■re. Is ev.-ywbere conceded I
aad pie-eaiioB contest.
begin tbla «eek In «*nic«i. tie
alres to *all the atientlon of blcx-h more dres-es that had been procured
There will hc band concerts day ediirainr* and the offer ot the
W. Latdie A 800 bavin* over M.OM riders and driver# of lesms on the for the •K-rasioB. notslil.v- Interesting
s il pnsible to iranslona tbe
harreU on hand to Uke care of the buainesa slieel* to Ibe necesahy ol among H«>m were the disguises o and evening on the Board of TratRinformation bureau huilding and n>an> Narren wall* of many M-boelbouae*
nop at tbla point nad it U expected at all times observing the rules of E. E. Xinier of Cincinnati, a* a baby
other forms of enieriainmeni eve-v
work* of an at pracUcally
that aeveral thooaaad more win be tbe road and keeping to .tbe right, Mra. Kari J.ingMnih Jr. of St. Louis.
miauie during the convecHoD.
px|.ea*e to the dlslrtct.
needed to take care of the pr;>duct of -nils rule is tmarlably observed py Mo. as Fat'emin' and Dr. Goodrlcb
Already rei-ort- of the attendance
the orchard* In ibe rcRlon. .
:he drivers of automobile* and there B. RTiodcs as a Jew peddler
of large delegation* have l>een re
pHce wlU open at about ( per Ur la no reason that they should be pot were partlciilarlr good
erived by Secretarv Jiollev.-and from
tel. allbou*fa bf*b*r price* have been o disadvantage by the arelessneas others in numbers fuilowed as close
now on II will I- a' case of bustle.
offered for aelect fnill of tbU variety «f olbera.
Several arcldents have seconds.
There were no prtx*« of­ The reduced rate. ui‘'Ttltroad fare*,
from the early crop.
fruit ban reported on nccounl of neglect fered
will aliraci large <Mwd> irom everv
KTowert are plekln* the larten aad on Ibe part of bicycle ridee»jd''kcei>
A dance program was furnished by direetkm.
beat colored aimle* from Ibelr uvwe their plae* on tbe etrems. Aperially Horst's tin-hestra «f Traverse
n-ashlBCTOB. Aug. If.-Thi ODBlI.
De|iol> Great
rommauddr Fsiry
for early abipmeat la ordM to *lve la luralag corners andcAereaficr ibis and at eleven o'ci.wk an Inlermlsslon
»k will b* one of moderalHy high,
lefl for Cadillac today, wbera be wUt
Ibe belaace of tbe crap a ehaac*
ml# will b* coforced la order
U was taken when tbe guesis alt mat
assist <B conipleiing the arraaiemenl* temperatures In tha soutbeni an
develop. TbU fruit U commaBdlB* avoid any further accidebia and pos­ A to Ibe dlDlag room, where I
for a large attendanra from that city. and geuerally over tbe middl* v
the top- prtce on aceouai of lu alx* sible aertoua Inton' or death to tbe cbeon was served. Mra. Gates i
AllocMber. H the present anthusiasm
ding to a
bulletin (roM
Meral excrilehce. The crop _ Hdara. Tba rule la regard to the a wsrm place in tbe bearto of her
w«Ntber buraau. la tb* aorU
«r. laU aiH winter apHea la blleklai of burses on tb* siraet la Bariy friewls at Ibe ream who were
let and wwm of the Rock m
thla aectloa of the etate wax aerer tbs proper maauer wlU alio be ea
pennlUad to enjoy her boapltallty ou
•a leaperaiurc* vHl be mv or




At Noat Maatifig tta.QutaUaa

-^iie marie n short talk •-xT>UinlDg
* ohW
mnnsly approved, to change the dales:
The arangera iadji Irt* time it
The railroad- are notified of the
words madi- cverv'l>ody tbeir meeilng EUtlfday la Ibetr btfl
change an.I Hie xran*i«rtalion faclli acquainted with everybody else
street. lUtbough It ratssl
very Infunsul manner.
CTloch very hard darliig the siltato of tB*
1 iM-tier ritaa-at I
The local committee*
made a happy lltlle afierdUiner talk day and II was aappoMd ttat Og

Hie Wesiern

'—-T. would be hagiiie lo'gpt 1st*

bureau aud lieorge

because ot the Vat roada. tbm
two long ttblea full at wtraag
Wben tbe benqnat tall waa aouMgE.

<Vlsp ^ tbe ' Wllllamaburg

The iuterier ot lb* bhR. *M W
actively decDraUri Bltb gratae.arA
flowega for tba oceaatoa. it bali^.tlB
daj set aaide to bouor C*r*a. Ibe goA
dees of grain. Sever*! granger* vaag






given their fiuaj lastraetioBS


in* the aecrata of lb* ordar. alur
wbk-h Ihe following pntgna waa
dered: %

Rcadlng-Mr*. Ctataar Lewta.
Readlng-Xlra. R. A. Rvww.
8on*-Mr. and Mrs. WaKar OoM*.
Readlng-Mra W. R. PergMoo.
Rradlng. Xlra. E B. Wbtla.
Hesding-Mrs. Arrtlla Oardtar.
Blory—F„ M, Brown.


Reading—Mra. S'altte BarttN.
Readlwt-Mlaa Vara Wnteg.
Song, -Tbe FbnDauAir-Graage.



The meat maetiac of tbU ^ugAi'
which will be bald flafarday. Amm
21. win be devoUA to B -rinlliUlA
of th- topic. -Tbe Grand Ttavaaim Rw '
glon E^lr. What fUiall Wa BibfMtr


Old SaWleet Will A# Abla a Oat Tbgir
• Pay Any Tima New.

whose pensioas bare been


aince Augnsi 4 win ta abla W
their rtaecka Moatar.
The cber-ks win be Mailed from
agenrJe* today opoB lalegrsphic of
dera from ibe pension bareisu

' ‘



[bettbr than U to-tbU Tmt.


low tbe *aasonal areragm

Albuquerque. N. M.. Aag


cording lo B dispsteb ivc*tv*d tW*
afiemoon. WtUUms. Arti. 40» Mltaff
esl ot here, was severely Bbaken -by
1 earthquake
The shock lasted from 2:bS to frig
m.. and were IcH Be

fgr «*st AA '

Wlnalow, too mtlea. RolbruoA. a taita
taarby. alao waa



Bulldingi roi^ and wtadoTC «WA
broken, but It U pot
Uvaa were taat.






r*n^9lkT nif* i

atim> ttATim nuio,>m ntivxm ut uo

Grand Trav«rae Herald
and Travana Bly fiile ,i •
T»ia» ^


TimMv aad nnndar at Tra»«ria aty. Mii





rtate for tbe pr«jJ«jtial eandidate of. the party thua refWrtiented.
btft » tnnat be underatood dwJinrtly that there » W Jef*J
ty reating ttpea Ante eleefora to do tha. A Tlfcocrttlc
eleetrw may vote for a Bepitfiliean eOudidBte for JM^eat at a*h
time. A Republican eie«<fr ftuy vote far d Drt«tirraUe*«iH»Wite,
A.Demomtie or Republican aleetor may vote for the Progiymive
candidate. There is n9thing to prevent this. There ia no law
making aneh artiiw void.
. Tfaia ta merely the teehBkal.-legal tiew pf tlfV altoatirtn. lind
the man who did tbia would brtter in> home and die. Tbnv it
nothing that is so contemptible in the eyea of ibe public at targe;
there ia nothing ao low and mean in thea»cial aeale; there ta nothing
ao objectionable, morally, as a'traitor, whether that traitor Iw to
hia country his party. A man has a perfoei right to change
his political vlewa. and it ia weD that be baa thb right, beeaiise
eondllmna'change: politfht u »ef^ an incideDt in the hiatorj- of
the country. J'oliti<'s must N- an»iser\ii-nt to the beat iirtercata of
the country.

Beeatiae a man haa voted a certain ticket all hb life and will
oontiDue to do ao aa lAng as he lives and feela t^t be cannot quite
break away from old-aasoeiatiooa and. if yon please, old traditions,
Cnd>dallii.W 3.050
it is no reason why another man has not the right to make this
change. Xo r<-aM>nBble man would question the right of any other
man to change bis riewar his priiieipli>s. and art aeeordinirt.v. He
may regret it lieeause of old aasoebliotu. hut.he baa no right to say
to that man: •'You ahall not do this, and .von mnat do this.” If
77ie Dudk of a Grut 9arty
it were not for the fact tliat this is a recogniced law in }>nlities ami
PartiM eome and partiea (?« the I’nifed Siatea haa never had
hi bnsinrna. the world wonlil stand, still. Thb right must. then',
a bett^fyxtmpJe of thia than in the recent eotiventkm of the populiat fore, be concealed, but we do want to einpbAsise the that no
party in St. Lnuia. Thoae who have been intcre«i><t in politiea for
man has a right to betray a Intsl. If one ae<-epts a position on‘any
^enty or thirty yeara will rejnemlief the pv-at popuibrt movement
ticket this fall as a p^■sidentu1 elector, that man mutt, if he valw^
of tweaty yewa ago. The party waa well timed. It eertainly his own reputation as an honorable gentlemifn. if he vklnea hb
aeenaed to be a pc^r moTeroenl. The jwrty waa o-ay nii-ad of word as a busincm man. if he valnes the (nist that ia repose.! in
the tto€B. In 18M. the popoUat eimvention waa heUl in Si. laoiia.
his political- aaaoeiales. vote for the president and vi.s-.
htore than l/)fl0 deie^tea from every atste
the.nnion aaaemhlrd president nimn the ticket nporf which he is chosen as elector. If
,tt Ihif Co^Tentipn. Thouaanda of othera iritereeled in the move- he eannol do thb he baa no right )Masume that great Tiwponsihiliiy.
aifeat gathered them. The largest open bnaae in the eily was
There is only one way to do busiunla. th>Te is only one’way to run
^amMe to aeccanmodate the erowd who wiabed to attend. A atrong politics, and that U the honest and true wa.v, and the man who
.tfidnt waa pnt in the field.
cannot eonatientionsly and heartily and eoitlially anpp<»rt the
„—t* of th* planka in the platform there adopt«>d have not yet nominee for president'and, viee-presidoDt mpun the ticket u]>ou
KsMcptod by the etmnttr. and when this platfonu waa fira^ which he U named elector, ahould get off.
Dlgated it waa derided, waa eonaidered anarehiatie. irepnaaible
This M written in view of the fact that*'the qnestio'n has Ikth
today all parties have ailopted. with few raismi in more states than one and. strange as it may appear, there
onyplloua. the verj- prineipJes' advoeated at that time liv the
men who have l«>en thus ehtTw-n as presidential electors
iM'forc.the present difference app-arml in the Republican party
The platform of 18.02 advocated..t^ pareela po»t. government who seem to b.- in doubt aa to their duty, and it has even b.-ej’i
««tnUtiMi of corporations by a genenl law
ed that aome of thi*so men who-were seleeti^d by convendoiof an iatn^rtate biudnesa. initiative and referendum, direct vote tiona that have been held, aa RepnblicAn e!«>ctora and wh.wc names
Wtallpnltfie offieen.with power of rceall. abolition of child lalior, will, .nnleaa withdrawn by them, appear upoi the tickets in their
ttb rightdioor day, an employera’ liability law, the condemuation respective atatea aa Republican prrsideulia! electors, have since
•f federal injonctiona. These were the principal planki of the joiged the new Progressh-e party. They h^ a petf.-<-i right to
Bopdiat platform of 18512. and every one of them haa been incor- join this party. They have a perf.'ct ri^fit to give their influene"
^ fdatforma of anme one of (he parties of 1912. and anpimrt to >fr. Roosevelt. b«it they have no moral right to
lilr M'nalt eases in the platform of all the parties of 1912.
remain upon the ticket as Repnbli.'au presideutbl el.Htow. The
The advt^ey of the populirts in 1892 for the iasaanee of money legal right to do so b nnqneationed. and the legal, right of these
dhgat taybie ^vernment without the intervention of national banka, men to vote Ml the\-please for Hr. Taft, for Mr._ Roosevelt or for
th^ptablie owneAhip ornilroada and other public ntilities have not .Mr. Wilson or for .Mr. Dehlw or for nny other irt^a'n in the eleeioriil
baen'realiied. nor/>an they lie in the near future. The theorj- may ridlegcr^s nnqne-slionml.; hnt the. man who b named on the
.. ..... .
KiMiseVelt. the
ho e*reet. but our country has not yet reached the point where the i>
oater tfea Act at CoaxrMa


If *



pnetkal working of these plans eould be aneecaafnl. and ]>erha|« nntn.d .m the Rcpnbticau tickei should v..I.' for .Mr. Tsfl. tin- iii»n
avoid not be wiaa.
who b named on the Democratic ticket slmubl vote for Mr. WilB.m.
.^inweaay,,partirfeomeandgo. The great populist party of the nan who b-named on the Socialist ticket should vote for Mr.
-0 tigll in St. Lonii waa latge enough to
Deblw. and if there are any other tiekeia and candidates this mb'
eonWBtioo and when in Nowmher it cast more than a should follow, but it shonld he ehmrly undentood thst the man wh.i
. •iliM vote*, held ita last national convention a few dajw ago in.the fails in the trust that b thus rep.«ed hi him is a man who would
wheeaJta atrcBgth waa so manifeat two rfeeadea ago. but fail in any' other trust, and he is not worthy «f rrmlii sn.l con«yH ywar «t|d>t driegatea from the entire I'nited Stat«4 gathered aidemtion in any way whatever, in biisincM or in politu-s.
' I^Mind aiittte ItUe in a hotel and rc-afflrmed the platform of 1892.
There b only one way to do imsineas—that b to do it straight,
platform that waa noSonger ttaeira. but bad been so Urgely fhere b only mje way to dp jmlities—that is to do it straight, imd
adopted ad adapted by the other great partiea of the country. Thua 'the man who cannot do thb should get ont.
. atappim ^popnlbt party and its place is taken and its platform
r iS^aeteptw* by the leading partiea of 1912. The eight men who
China is having more trouble than it anlieipate.1 in estnbibhianrived t^eff partyVi decadence, retired to their hornet to vote
r- lor oM
nr other of theezbling parties, but there must Im a sense of jng a repnbire. To estnbibh a ri-pnhlie. to go into hig business
D in the fact that their struggle of a quarter of a
the wo^lfi. means a hig investment in s-old cash, t'hina
hU net been entirely in nin. The^mpnlbt party bad its work to aaks the loan of ♦rtOO.aiO.OOO.
do andtbat work waa done. Let ua then give honor to the men who
The world is full of money. There are corporations, banks,
were willing to aaerifiee their political interesta at that time to ae- in.lividnals who woid.i he veiy glad In make a goosi invsalment
e<«i|dwh the work that bw been done and b being done bv the great of ♦-■WO.OBO.Onn. I.ul hen- b where the trouble eonu-s. For several
paitiM ni today.
thousand yearn fhina haa'been running itself as a one-man pow. r.
Thb only cmphisizea the fact that there can W but two-^at and we ar.- not aure hnt Ihb b the best way I., run a government,
partba ia the eonnliy. .The other parti(« must aoouer or later die. anyway. With the exception of a port or two here and there on
It b ^e that .th<«e two great partiea iiKmt. tbe one or the other. the t’hiiicsc coast, and a railroad line nr two entering heretofor.aaBimilate the ideas, adopt the plana and platforms of the new unknown regions of that great empire. Chida J,as known nothing
partim that from time to time arise, ^>nt there fhn never Ho but two of what we understand as civilixation. Even today t'hiaa thinks
ffPeat lasting parties in ttie country. If the new party b strong
riviliaation bn’t a y.rr good kind, and a go^ni manv of ns
enough to absorb one of the old parties. H then becomes’one of the who are civilised think thi- same. Rut China thought it wjnled
tiro great parties. If it b noting enough to do Ihb it must die
repnbUe. We think that is wliere it has made its mbtake, t'hina
and the beat ot-ita idcaa and itt plalforra prinriples will be aeeepfe.1 b'not ready for a r.'pnblic.
l^the one nr the other of the two existing parties.
After thouaands of y.-ars of salbfie.1 p|o,|ding along nml.r
Agaiivwe aty, parties come and pyties gi., lint the eountry goes aliinwl prehistoric traditions and metJiod>i, you cantiol iti a .vear or
(WO change the views, manners and Customs aiul Iradtlions of
4O0,UXi.(KSt p,.ojilc. This is what China is tr.ving to dn. It cannot
The moinenl that the old sj-st.m was almlbheil. ami the
Is Onfy Ote
to Be Honest
mliiig eiiiiuTor. wlios.. jicplc liad been taught to h-k upon him
* florae question haa arisen in several atato* as'to the legal rights, aa something more than mortal, was dep^wed. it was cv.rj- man
powers and dtlHes of*ihe ppesidenrial Hwtors eh<MH>n by the different for himself in every part of the great empire. Hack up among the
portba ia'tb^ates. The fact b throe eh^ws have duties hut
mountains, in ih^'alniosi unknown n-gions of the great empire,
no legal , reaponaihility nr legal rights. Vor very manv years all tens oT millions of p.-op1e seans-ly know that a change-has ben
P«tk« have made choice of ]>n-sHlefltial el..etora. Th.-«e j.^-si. made, and when th-y do. feel that alt authority is at an end. They
^ rfnrtitl tdeetora are supposed to represent the wishes of the'reapee. know little of ami .-are Hlile for the new ri-pubiic. They iiave Ik',-!,
-t|ve pg«bs by whom they have heen chosen by ballot at fhe taught to worship the emperor. They hsve b.*^n taught that hb
rggnlar presidential elerticm. Then' b'nothing in law t.. enmp.'l authority was snpretne. They have been taught that hb person
. them to do thb. The pmideBliai ttlecioi* u)M>n the liallois in the was saered. Their simple manners ami wa.vs have exbi^l for
Wapeefive atites are elected by a plnmliiy v..te. for itutance: Th.«
tlionaands of years. They cannot easily rhange thi-sc ways. Th. ir
- tean iweiviug the largest nnmher «f volmi in Michigan thb y-ar Iraciilioiis are saered: their altegianeo to the emjs'ror b umim-s
on the electoral ticket of any i>any will have a right to cast hb liomsi h.v them.
vote for any man be pleases. Th.'se electors
at a given tiini'
it b impnssiMe to change the views amt ways and the manto eaat their votea. 'They are not hound by law to vaat Hmir vote
Of such a peojije at <«. e. It wonl.hseem that the onlv thing
for any^nartienbr mdtridiial. If a man on the Repnhlican ticket that has lieen areomplished aoT.r by the new regime is tn imprew
donid receive a majority of the vole* in what haa alwan b-en'
upon the miods of the more intHligent and better e<lnrale<l
cbBktdffed Republican Wiehigan he would bare a right to raai liis provinee* of the great empire that thb ehange lias been made and
vote for Sir. Wilson rt be no .l.-sired, and nothing in law could that now they want a great deal of money. The result b that
prevent hb doing no.
eror>- provmee iij the empire feeb that H shonld rnn its own
■ Of come, k b presnmed 'that the electors named u..............
affairs. In other words. China h^a, a states' rights struggle b'tJidtrt #ouM receive a plnrallty of the votes egsi, and thb 5v..uld fore it.
■ J
, gMo'tliit aome one party in Michigan would receive a plnralitv
This -b true of every i/puWie that was ever eslahlUheil. !l
-of the rotea cab. and the presidentbl eleetonr muted on tiiat.ticket
was trtie of our own n-publie. when we rceall our own smigglr
raeeiving this plnraliiy would sepreneiit in the-eleelural culirge t.f
from the close of the Revolulionarv war to the aeee]iia»ee hv the
tk* btee. the parly Uint acteeting them, and Wmdd eoat|dy with
then little hamlfal of states on the Athatie nmat of the eomtti.
t» Hiiglmd wbbn of aiMli ptriy nml east their votea in the
tut ion. ukieh b iM <mly the foubdaHoq but largely the nibi^rt

m Rtp^uic of cuo, wmsott


>Air, ADOon a, mimatterr af te.|0^itation under wh^ we are now wofkinf. It
10 eij^'iiktter
easy matter to cohviueg
^ no
the original, atatea that it w«t4d
bfwbvr for lhete to oYganue a central govrfiimem. <neh atate m:
tiuoiBg oemlB flithta and prrvile^. Thi^'w^' hoinwer. acedmp!i(«(v<l in'5 tdiihure. hnt never fttBy estaUBike^ until. abAy ye^a
after, we had gone throngh a war of four years’ duration, coating
bniiona of dollan and hkndreda of thonaan^ of livea, and thb waa
pith a 9Mpl« ttho had ttM to brihg itself out of a eonditioii such
ensted in China fw man^ eratnriea.
^ How. then, can it be expected that China will, ia a fmr yeaia*
tTme aceejU and pat into praet^ ase the lesanns that have been
ao hanlly learned by other pciWliWuil other natipnaf The trouble
with China b just th'R:
eyfausiaatie frieuda of ao-ealled
IdHTly. soHK' adv.'ntui*Ta who iiave e^>d only .for theb own
politiral intmata. some finaneiers. who' bav«' mot* anney than
they know what’in do with, with a few |p»triois. Oiina-hom. edurated in Ameriea or Europe ami who haye |Ame lack Intbeir na­
tive labd'fujl'fff enthttsbnii and mnwaf. hav\tjumghl tliey eonid
erRloit China, the Ijbt named from pun-ly patriotic motivea,-howmblaken they may he. hot nil the oilii-r elaaam from purely
and Bolely selfish motrvn.
It cannot be done. The attempt will hr an utter failure ' In
the year* to come China will know what it wants. Iik people will
letter their owu nemls. their own iDtcn-ais. and it b
pnoaible that a grenl n-|iulHlr may lie hniU from the ruina „( ih,.
■nipire btfywe doubt it. Bef.ira that time
there will be
DO n-puMii-s in tli.- world. Tjib b another great pruhlem that we
lannot enter into l.ore. hnt jiKl aa sup'ly as the world laws, just
surely will all repnWi.-s lie wergiil into great emfiirea, ruled
by great men, niii4 well and happily.
The pr»viiiei-.s of China refuae to ae.vde to the re<|oesl of tJw
central republican gmvfwmenkliueh as it b. for the imiii^iate
loan of ^Kll.OOil.oon. Ka^h provinei' has an idea that it wants to
nile itwlf. It has atL^ea that it has just as mnch right to mb'
itself as the centraf government haadhe right to rrde the republic,
and you cannot teach these people otherwise. The Chineae re.
jmiilie mi«t neei's.sarily !«• a failnre. Tlie people an- not n-ailv fdr
The iM-opIe don ’I know what it b. The p..«ple don 'I want it.
A govemm.'Ht cannot Ik- run without money, and if the people
will not make provbion for the finanvmg of the adiiiinblration.
minisftatioa eamioi gm the money bcauae they will hwe no
right to give the proper aeenr^y for the money they Imrniw. and
the loan eannot be made without pmper seeofity.

Hot the Blfst, by Any Meens
We do not want to take eredi| from any man for tnv ^»si work
he may hare done, but really when L. Whitney Watkins, progressive
eandblate for governor, eiaims ilie enilit of lh i,ig the first snlTrag.'
booster in Miehigiin. it looks like mi,*Hrm|it tolmaki' a little ixditiral
The clitor <..r thb j«i»er was doing all he eonid. peraonally ami
through hb |w|ier. during Hie woman suffrage campaign in
18H. and almost before Mr. Watkins Imm. and it was
a matter that aln-ady had In-'n di«-iws-sl and deliate.1 ii|ioii
in the legblaturi' and was Kubuiitled to the ]M-o|de asa iiinstilutional
amemliqeiit in 1n74. Kegliy. wc do u»rWant to take any eivslit from
Mr. \Vntkins for hb |ir.t« i,i-ii,ten-st or hb |wst in woman
suffrap'. ioit he slionbbnot elaini to Im- the original advoiate of Hmf
■nesNiire in .Miehignn.

THf FAtMERS'^^mi
Stop-That Leaking Roof
You cao ^0 this at a vary small cost
Prepared Roefiitf, Prepared Roofing is fast displac­
ing shinges It'is cheaper 'than shinges. easier to
put on and will last linger.
We sell the bmous "Rooftite." ‘RoofUte" is
made of pure gum asphalt and genuine rag felt, and
is the best roofing made for the money. We have
sold it 8 years without a complaint.
We also have ’Climax" and Rex 'iflinlkote. ”
Come in and see our line of roo^ng before you


aetloa dean aaA

ft* It tm h
has aaus It ^Isa sa« wtih twst. sag
teae* laetaMs la it UU ha Aon ft al­
ways *a« «tih Biserttr.-d. Q—• loonawam. mio


r. MMOb liu bera a ria^t
Orand Traverse eomilr til hU I
ami bat baaa ptaMaentlr IdeatU
ml) Tmaal OSIrei^and has done
elleat wrh la Ihit fwiisettr. He
has been deiinti sbsrlff aad Un
eoee aalnad
aalMNi In IbU lioe Miweidir
liOet 'tiini for tlie offlre whJrb^
ta. He nremlte* If clerked, to die
Ibe epMtr a strona
r laws that ate -onaa the aiatui*
Ur. Viwon k tnakJaa a via■oUi-lt* Ibe a

Uetanh liarinx been 'naSe b <he
ccnJlihHie-ofavettala nanSaso made
br-Orla O. I.awrsad KlWatolfi Ijirs.
hi* altr. CO tbr I-eetanaa OhmI) lta>lure .lauL. a roriioralioB srKuiluWBav. Ulrhiaan. 4aie<l cbe Touitb da)
* AimII. a. U.. iWK. rad ncorded In
F oaire of the KaoUtar of IJvtos tar
■ <viwir or (Hand Trsvene and
»ikie of UkMaan. on Ilw hlxib dai ot
Am It. A. P.. IMX <B liber -s ot niort-/
loa laao tu4>aa
tosJaUKdMbe tee at the date
of tkk
aonrof^l??^S^ K
eblil < i 4S-m doUaia, l^sb attar•t i«MUv-tieo OdihaL aa i«>
r la said tBortaaaa, and tm
rfreree<Haas at br« hariaa
. by aahl mortsasr. ts
thereof, eirm t Jliat a hUI of
Ibe ci-rui
DM Ina (be
l.r of Rraiul Trater
. on Ibe ;tih .lay of iannarr. l»lt.
.'or Hie torwloaure of the aaM moftas'- m 'baamvr. and sat
)>'«n dlMwBtlDUfd by Ito cr ............
Thrr^la; aihl liy and t« a(Y«^1ab^«•
«lt)i a provtaloo ta IIivmN MRxacv.
d'lacli havlK Iimb madr tn (be lar-a
: of tnauUairau of intsmt do*
•i'le. ibr nienastee cl*ct» to teih* vhok or lb* prlBdMl ate
m on lb* raortaaa* dobt do*. '
Hi* U hereby *iv«i that by vto
rf lb* power or aate rmUland ta
LSUe. and (be aUtnle It
id* aad provMad. oa 1
day. i;
loth day of Octiriier.
•ctdier. .A. a.
1)112. ■ti two o'rtoefc In ibc altar. ._
u** undvralxaed niU. at the from rtopr
of the *ouri boiu*. to the elly of Traver** City, that belox the pla** wh*fv
Iba cln-Bii caart for (h* counly of
Hrarnl Traverve k held. >*ll ai laiblh-


$3.75 per hundred or 4 cents a pound ii> leas
iniik substitute.
One pound Twill
one .of
.of by
mixing it with hot water. Send or call for instruetions to the Comer of Front and Cass
Streets. You c^n make more money by selling
your milk or cream or butter and raise your
calves on Blatchford’s Calf Meal.
You keep, cows for profit and you should get
all you can out of them Unicom Dairy Ration
is a very profitable thing for milk cowa It is
thc-vpnly feed that is so balanced that it agrees
with Ibe animal, increases the flow of milk and
makes better cream. In 100 pound lot it sells
at $1.80. and in !S00 pound lou at the rate of
$1.75 per hundred, bags included. Call for or
send for a Unicorn 32-page booklet
P.S.—Price of field seeds are on the downward
path. Get our prices. Corner Front and Cass


CanMT enai * dm StrariA


un (0 I*)' (h* aiuoum ao aa abirw
uld doe on aabl murtaan*. oilb aevea
iwr cent lBtv*<(. an.l all l*xa] cmU.
locvtber with said aiiemry'i tee. taB'ii: Tb* oouu> half IK. m ot the
■o«ib«a*i Ijiiartrr <b K (41 of aacttao
•dsbteen ilM. tnouiblii Iw*atr4v*
ij'i north, of rans* i.lae 1*1 emal.
ytmiainlnc w a r*' of land, inor* or
t**a aironiina ■« <b« coraroBoai aitf-


fnt; i.ifKiANAi'f or.sTrsAVlNGB
IiAVK Mtrlsas**.
H> r. K Whiimoiw.frahii-r.
Aitorn*)- tot Xtertgaaaa.
}ol> l6-4oai von t
.. U.IA. UJA.

lika Ara" ■■■■





0. K A.

■ UTUcBi^in UT,UP0IMK1
• •**•«'«<>* 4i •


tnaMiic an ortliuta ter bit eonfiaM alwet. left last eecalnc for Chleaco. drore Into tm witb their car
for lUatotee. where be will be tor _
» .0“ Teo* or Htotorie lobaraat
of Uia «Mt of bnNinc 41m bMxloa vbara tbay vUl mm bar' haabaBd urday to aMd tba day.
few days oa kBstoma before tetanlBC
to the pwt once.
who tor the iMft lertn weeks bl«
Mlttaa AlaM and MaOtlMa Parry M to Us hOtoOAt CMottA
Pf Ms ^sAteea. CbortMB
(FnilM Tiiiir«akr'« Rctnrd>tel«>.)
beea with
Ue BoheMiat^SIaveakB CadlUac are cwens ot Ura. Beralce
«. K. HMmH left loot nlfbl fari^m
Mtot Roao Ncmac to aajoymg a twe
a «. »nu>l itttifAcd te htonslhc at IMinilj^ <alM (hm by tbe
I at Pnutoa and vIsiUiu;
oaks' vacatkvB tram b<4 duiiot ax

, alter i
tc^ bis' danehter Mra. Tbarae.
U a very old inoTbarty trad
(be ReeonMtogle office. Bbe wUl.visit
, Ibe dtj'
B tablet .with the following tattm
in UMroH nad Gmad Baplda.
Gaer«a FMca «f Central Laka. la In
^ptloo:'DBriBg the rriga <
They'like Traverse City very much
J. T. W«od«nna« an« wHa’ wha tbe city for a abort tine ai
a Bwasfs af Talado.
Mr. and Mrs.*B. M. Amillah of Chtof n. n fox wo* tualod from
BuJ rwgrci l«a\iog so soon.
luive Hom *<«itl4K
frtondi. In the
has arrived for a visit with ber moth­ lA>« virited over Sunday with
Emaat Pactar of Alden. U In t»i«
Prt and took refuge ta t»lt troo.
riir ttr niM-tliiie ^rne<t to tbelr.
&- Pleteber and R. T. Knapp ratom- er. Hm Mike Keboe of Seventh and Mrs. 8. Bdgdrtey. *h*h* ft WM klfled. The Hng. wba r«M «t the PHtaan Boestoa aJBta
dty aad la conlenMUliait lovatlne
borne at CbleafCD ^1^ Dtoniltis.
cd to IheU homks st llrand Uaplds. sireet.
Mis. Ed Chaney or RalkaskA. vaho *>• present at tha kRI expresaad n glvtag every eoroitod elecior aB am
today, a^ tpeodiag
Mme - time;
O. R. BibtMl or Bar CHy. rotMTtiad
es Ivy, Krattor
Nellie has been vtolUng Mr. aad Mks. 8. ^ that Ue tre, atouid be
voice and vote iB-tbe aetoeUoa «( (
^jaamtwmta the taogaot
— ite* tor pgkfte (Ma thr miata
14 Jilt huae tbore to4ay. oiler a lee
Send leave Bnaday night at 5:W (or Kdgertey. left lor ber borne SaArday
r breB domandlng • hlghw-*ta&
lag and ouOag trip.
,^-<«a‘'vl»li In ibe city with frteaiU
CUtago. where they will spend a f
of honesty. rfftcteMyn? bgsati- '
Ray Smith of Oh RapldA saased
E. J. Creas has returned to his hems
nM rdatiTca.
days with (rteadi and then go oa
eore ta those who roaw before xitm
ibrouRk tbe city todaj- oa
Chfeago after s
for their sni^. thad wax rsgalM
Wtv. c. F. Ztpr retumrd taat Mght home, after a trib In bU tar tbnmith arrived la . the aty today lor, a few YelL-w ftone Parit. where they wiu
ler the oM
epaveatisn Ijtotata. .
^ J.
wrefcs- vtsii with frienda aad
spend a lew weeks there and In (be the Hty with hU obytor.
tnnn a week'n rUU in St. Jotcpb and Ibo aoutherw |art of Ibe stAtl.
s t* iroe Iu p^ie- bnoliesA and
i-iUe* ol the wetU
CbioiCo. .
st«Bid be ta men holdlag pUMe g|..
Occar CrMLina. who haa been spend.
A. L. Hall returned to his hmne
are. wba are. aM shoaU hA-atan
A. r1 Baaman who has Itcea visit,
-.Hr*. A. W. WaR and al^ Mra. Inir bU racatfeo ai the bone of bin
id i
-lAdief Wo-M MagaslDo' to mahing
JnoL BaMwla and 4a«^T ol Jack jwrenu. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rtesiia. re- lug In the eiiy for the |mst week,
Ity on bnoinesA
Hard a OoBBiBA candid
•ron, have rt^infd fmiti'a few tfay»’ tiimrd to Munliiay inday. where ue turned u> bU borne at Lake*Odeaa his anonsl rlsll to (hr HL*.
Hroseeuttng Attorney, was r
& H. Haekataad.
tod. who has
hns been Via ig'
Thos. A. Cenloa of Detroit, to in
Mutt at Old hflMl'iD.'
os a pusUiuD In the lapcr relH.
Grand Traverse rouaty th.
Itlog in tbe'rliy (or
tor the
the past lew ■toys. Ur
irind Traverw eounl.i. It bos a torge
C. E. MIBioumc and srito ssho have the cHt on hto. way to visit hi*
leors agA A gradaato ot i
ft.ihii *
Mlta Mabel Week^ a«l MiaaAnaa
ituUMsr of auboctlbers-more ibao
home at CwraS-fbm «?
been vtsitlag Id the Hty for tbe paBl
bor High roboo) aad of.the L
Inc lor Ih'CBtmlia. wbcie
MoBtcooery el Wausau. WIsct.obIu.
|vartBM-pi of ihO Falvwrsity «
frw ds>r. leli Ibis morulog for Char,
A. C. Cartme af Philadelphia, ar­
atiead bcr vrcation.
■e Tlsttlnc at tbe borne of Mr*. Argaii be Ihoa pesiessse the odaoNMnnl
R. C. Mamcaon and wife of Gmnd
levoix. wheir thev will visit for
ai tive
rived Je Ibe ally todiy and will
lur Keliocr
H. d. Peher >><5 family of Monroe
teevuremeau nevvoBarT to dt Urn dv
Rapid* left this morning lor lioaor.
1 oinkiu esiuiwigti
llnw before returulng to Ihelf home bere lor about a week oa business.
**■- on«e .Bat ibU sdaenUoMi nroet
li.Siiltrmnd ><•«« today. After
Mrs. A. e. Plaaty left taday for Toerelore we have more
(had o'''
where they will spend a few (toye Bsl
. Ihme
at AdiUu.
naavailable ualeM eouidad
Wm. R. Dalton, who hat been vtoHIng iBieresi 111 tbe
Ibe selmtion of a
witb W«id« out
IHka, Kansas, after
.'lleiU v-xpenem-e. Kdsnttan ttCn
Ing in live city for some time left this
.. that .V...

friends and relntlve* here.
iaedsdex boi I. theory ud prgttkA
M. F. Coaten left this morning for
(From t'Hday's^erunl-KBfde I
IL. mine for Grand Rapid*,/where be
theory mast be apiUed ta prncMlac ChaHatie U«riB left thie
P. A. Campbell of Detroit and
tow days' Oshlng trip on tbe Ptatle
Quiuv.' Jhaeker U*' 1 thrown hi* bat
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Vevng of will vt>li for a few days beCure re­
to Ibe tasrjwf.
Inc far UaaMee, where idie wll
Kirk Campbell of Pontiac, arc visiting
as tool* lo il. ....._____ ___________
II..WC11, Ulcklgin. and their son lUGe turning lo hto borne al Bkhart. Ind.
H lor A tow daya with Ibr Mlasei.lln- tbeir BOBi. Mrs C. J. Cboer.
J.,l.4rwin of Manistee, wto
amuh.-io Dse aad apply.
1. H, alw Mrs, W, E. Pease aod
nlo M lioalne BMnrthwAliA
Webster atreet.
been visiting In the Hly tor Ibr past on the :;ni. and Ibe ProgTv-«
Mr. Coaalae has pmd* UM sif hto
Cliss. ol UwpM.1, are vislllog tvavc been In tbe city and al Silver
D. «, Curtia left thia mamine ter.
Mr. and Mrw. Oaorfe V09I
week.'returned to hi* botue I here
cheerfully enoorM- him a*
a* a tanuer legal •duvaiioB and has opplisd it In
ilic EvanseUcar pgrsouoge with Lake for the past month, relumed 10 .
ymr* actual expertear* In Bt*B>lai4l^. where be will be f
and a braud-D.inded maou who elands
leave this evening for IHinland.
X tow In the nreoK aPd
llev. and Mr* P. II. l*ohly.
tor blgber an.l better rondtikuia.
tbrlr borne at lUcLmond tbto
aho4 dM on boslnoaa.
A. C. HaHacn of Chartevota to
koh. where they will visit Mrs. Vtatl's
Coon* of (be State.
quloey Thacker rake*
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Irving
For tlx v(«r* be agrvod as Psmnf.
the Hty tor a lew days on business.
MIbb Th^ Wurxburs of Orand iwreats whom she has iA')sf<(tj:or ids
Maud on any or nU to.
quewHoBe lag Attoraey of Oweoda ooaty. MMBdaughter Jean Katherine, v
E. Bherman raturnsd N hit
Kaxidn, dausbtor oI Fred Womhura. teen year*. Oc their mum they will
Ed giusaar of Petesksy to In the city
Bc-qualataB'-e with - . during whicb Umo ho aHsnBsfi to
Kaidds on Salutv
Chicago this morning,
know l„- will
or a few days on busJieM..• fon:^,er tbte eliy ft in (be diy lor
tba Canadlau nratr snd stop
the duties pertalaing Ip thp ffStas.
■Hbir luloix ID Ibe
tbe eliy 00 bualae
Inspeeler Howe, winrhia charge of found oi> the slUe
r lew ^bbfi' ‘rWt at tbe bone ol
l4)cky rlake. wberv JJobn Vngl was
proaeouilng sod trytag rftgHMls
m jart <d the ictate.
C. & Morgan, who has baei
he tnspeeiton of the rural delivery
tl la Justice and (TmJt Onwt: In
rU Joyce.
kDled last week.
By edumilon he s vxtwctolly ftiKul
Mr. snd Mrs. O. J. Cook of Grand Can> Lake for the paft Iwo week*, route*, 1* In Ibn-Hly on l•usloesa.
Iring iho Board ot SupsrvMrs on
tor tbe Idace He it a unK.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mamy af Cadlegal
questioa* rwUtIre to conRl Af­
RapMx are the guesU ul Mr. sad Hn. arrived ibis morning (A a few days
Edward Anoerge and wHa ef Grand one who lux delved direp Into liters, fairs. aad esi-wi*ily la regard to tntAt TliriB. Obki. retamad to bis i
Jllae are spending a lew <la>*
J. E lluUhin of hS9 liaai CtgbUi suy. tvelure retutnhig to hi* home Sapid* are in the city visiting al ibe tore, Ibe s’-tenee* and mstierv ul gov
there tbla looralOF, after . a w
aiioB. Tbe raising. appentaniM
Psik Place.
vretneut as irvaind by tbe greatrat
■ /~\
sasmwlBg of laatw 1* one of tBp t»home of Frank Frirdrieb.
Mtiw At Oari> lAkb.
John D. Thaefiery of Kalamaxao, la
ilthut writer* ot tbe world * hlatory. iwnaiu lleBis ot bwlnem rrMi lid
Miss Evelyn Bargeit returned
O. J. Pickard (eft this meming fer
0. T. Saylas and wife at Mantmal Oulney Thacker U
H. P. Miner, who haa bean in «>-e in the city fur a few days.
>1 aAd a' vjM^he Board of Saporvtamg.
evening from
lit to bli
rity (or tbe :usi week fetaraed to bis
P. k Gardner and family of Pert
Fbr a iwriod of olgbt yaan ha hn*
where slit; lllcd Iwo engagement
weeks' visit with frleods asd reto- dtotrict
week on buslaeas.
made a spectal study of th* inaiiM
iotneV Alt.dv Ibis tDomiD?.
Huron, who have beea at Green Lake
Mr. Thacker ha* beea a resident ot Mstem of Michlna. and te* tried ta
reader for enteifBlDmpDU. She aieo
F. Harriett and wife, wrtio have tlres
janea kteddard, af the American
time retamed to Ibelr home
Acme township (or more Hun a half the Bupreme Coon of this olau tisSi
visited her br^er to Cbleugii before been vltltlsg^in tbe rity for tome
R. P. Hilbait and aon. Harvy. of Chi­ ■ euturv
Hr ho* heliied to ilerelop sit cases involviug tbe taandon sys­
Pootml CanceJIiac Machine Co, of there today.
cago. who have been In (he city tor lb‘a reglou from a siUemra* to the
time returned to their home al '
‘Maaton, Is In tbe ejty overbaulinc the
tem of Miebifsa Thto (spstMitad ta
Mrs.- Joeaph Zahradka and family
somr lime, left tfal* mom'lng for He- sreale.t fiui, n*gloB of the 'late
Miw Elsie Beardsly leaves temor. Mountain. I', p.. ibis morning,
■ valuabto asset Mr. Ceantae ««M eanreHlui machine at ibe local loat
Cl Heoo, Uklahema. who have been
has held v.nons olltce* in bit K
hriag lato ptanloi jMe 1a ndihdM
jw for Edmore. where >be will visit
Mra D. R. Piiilam and daughter loskey. wheie they will vUtc tor
here tor fpur weeks visiting her moth
Sbit>. but bU grralret Iniereel
the Heard of Rupontaorm srhaa relime before Aturoing to their home
e. Cilia of the Nerthera Constmc
I. aod tbe nuired. OB the lavortant *sh)sM nt
Mrs. Mary Korsnek anti brolber
E. C. Downey arrived in the cHy to­ pobUe •M-btiol*
A. Paris of HaetiAga.
Grand Traverse
summer at tbe smsa resort*
tioa (V, of Hlliraukec. l« la the dt.v Prank j. ileji of StC Xonh DivisWSday
Id Uh- dt.v vUltiiU! Ws-nuotfa». !
Unit be seen th^ko il tathe «iy relumed to their bon
a Crabsiu. and sister. Mis. WHIIaiq Columbus. Ohio, this mumlng.
■*im all bli
fau life, and bos nianv prs> tl ^Ml^^'ch*^ Hto ^
Gao. M. Paftloan. vivhe hao bean vis­
(kuisbln. Ml. Parte has nut
si pUu' tor
H. F. Julian of Patoskay. arrived
the asriroliurtola la bis bee. snd that Mr. OoBBtas wO) ^ovn iting In the city tor a Week, returned
Ind that It cl.-v-i.-d he -aould aitempi
sister for nearly thirty year*.
lu-4fac ciiy tbit morning for a
> expenmem ta (be poMttanftngita :
' wve upon tbe slalnie*
to hi* bouic at Washington. D. C.^bU
tbe basdw of the p
Brother Farmer* and tinuusers:
Miss Marjery Wright who has been dayi In the city on business.
• tTe Mate
Me stand* tor aa agL
visiting her gmitd parrul*. Mr. and
£.' J. McLowrie and wife of Chiont-ldea mao
Uke yoetselve*. I have been bosy
broad eooutb meni ot the law. witbon g____
Charles and Wattsr
BtoiodeM r«.
Asa Hate Iclr ibid morning
wll demai
.. - —__ -I legislate for 'prejudice: be beUevw In nn •
returned to ibeir bome'i
atimdloit to lay crops, ao have had '
turned to- tbelr homes At*M.
eul and —•------- ■—
t£w morning, after a week Is
little thii^to see von ai^ onDounce to
~Flfc Raidd* 1
today after a short time lb tbe city
affairs o
Hty visiting with friends and re)^le. toll
I <pn in ivrsou that I am the unly tan:iV. ». Bowman of
n loft thto
I ri candidate who Is soekiog }oiir sui>Hire Hist Mr. Qiilnc) Thacker's
Aiblen Vitkachir of Cbleago It
____________ jtahwir M
lornlng for Chii-ago after a tow day*
will lie presentfo at Ibe pbamT
t for tbe ulflcr of
the rliy for a few days' visit wl
3U OB August :r«h for repn-seoiIn the Hty un buxtaestC. Aldrich and wife, who have beer friends and relatives.
IB tie Jeglalature tor Grand
J. Spencer of Jackaon. who has
dai> of the ProsocsttaB Jtttn.
spending eonie time In tbe dly and
Traverse t-ooniv
R. C. Fields has rstumed from
socure tor the peepta (b« byan- . j
t>e«a lu Abe city fur the past week, deni Of hto cuuBiy. 1
ic other oortb^p reeons leTt this
itineia trip to CsdllUc and MouU
be Mfeguanlt tbe UfftataSM f
left today lor CkisrlevoU, where hr uiv .-arum-l coevlctle
llclleu tiM'if *eime
.rted tor Ibelr protocUab la &P 4
ling for Ladlnmn. where they
will visit tor a atwn time bedore re- lor iluil mmllioB.
1. he will aoi be touD
sill attend the state military encampwauling in uu.i qualimotlou
d sleeted.-«r. C
•Bt before reinmlng to ibt-lr
X'to* 10 biuke s tooud niJodecl. bumuakm or Ihieft
BrrtJ. Ructell left today tor a week's ble lepr.-'cmatH.-. Bui oBtv
. Chicago.
It wUioiMW
Uif with Irienda. at Elk
Rapids I«v-I'le wtx>-'eUil tun. llete,
reurn hi* apiu
Thornton of Bottle Creek aritan to a««
H. C. Setfridge returned to his home
iU dray will uoi be run until be
Pie •< UraSd Travers* eouaty In
rived In the tltv today and ex|veci»-io
1 Badnaw this mui-nlng, after
form iK aa boDSRi eneegMJe- and 1
turua next Moudsy.
here lor eume lime on buxlueos.
have kousii Mr Thacker tor____ xlentteui
daya In (be city un liuAinas. .
W. H. Umler is at Houghton Lj
R. D. Agesa and wife left this morn>r a lew day* on bnsiuesa.
■lultor* worth of isrm am
10 ihcii home at Safcinaw today
ilig.fnr S'ortbiMtrt. where they will at.
Hl.i Ir troto him and in eve
Mrs. E. E. enolby left today for
Ofler 0 week'* visit lo the cltj with
lend the loillan camp meeting.
ind him one ol the nm*i ■■
Cadillac, wbere the will visit with
ue an.l bodiuable men 1 bs
R. a Warner of Battle Creek, who frii-mls.
friends and rv-^ttvet tor about
There ^ at thto tit
W. A. Thempaen. who has been in
U' been'In the dly (or tbe past
ue.-d of iiien wbo have |iroi
month, left thix mommg fur Peloe (he city lor tbe |iasl few days
ami enurage to hisovI
0. H. Herboen of Dulirtb. who has
.'iiM and riElu. win. are broad
key. where be expects 10 spend some toes*, reiumrd lo bio home at Cadilyen iu tbe'etty tor some time,
lar today
10 vontider imi only
me before relumiiig tu his liume.
day lor I'adlllae^ When
I. ^ Hilton and wife retwmcA-to
O. F. Millsnd and family, who have
ttnkeng Rti
spend a few- days on ttoslDCSa<brfure
thrtfjioiiie at Bay City today after
bren at .Norllipon for the |nmi mouth
returning to hto
few dayr' visit In the eliy wiili ihcndx
iJie vi'y for a few days' visit
F. L. Thoman andtwife of Pert
HI* Long aad Moaornw« Folfttoni ftso- '
Bd rvlaiivv*. .
with Mends, before reiurning' to ibeic
loiiBd 100 tome a plaev- In oor
E. A. Holden of Lansing to spending
borne at Cbleago.
week’s visit with relatives.
alive lislla few davx in lliv city and vlrjnliy
Mrs. B. L Reames. who hat been
I I.O]>F Ibal Ihoee who.are eag
G. C. Smith of Grand Rapids
Hr. and Mrs Whaley and baby
It .von vole for L K. Orveland fof elate jvpr.-.
fartuiiix w'li] ...u the iweoiv.iievimih
visiting for a lew days with Mrs. Wu1
rived In tbe rity today dud exp<
>r a week'* vhli In XIS Rapid*
Frank m. HamUa «( Btair inn> of Augiiri lay their work, go
top Gray, returned lo ber home at St.
AMt'ufive jron wai Vt.p* for n tnan that ix alwajs
lx- here tor tbe oexi two weeks
the loll* and M-leri a larvncr tor Obip. candidate tor Ragfifr of Doods
Miso Beryl Parha toft this morning
lovulx this morning
y|r candidate.
He to worlh.>. has
for Grand Rapids, where she ba* ac­
' {vroRntsive. A lotui wfan Iiim htuHii'd texariini tborR. E. Smith raturoad to his home at
B. A Marshall and wHc. who have ihe u^resoary ediicaHoa ami expert te N^w *yort*MMo*^'l'»«*nnd^
cepted * iioalllon »s trimmer In u
oBt-sTbad above ail. will oerer be tbe age of (our .vaai* ^Ugfatod tp U
Souih Haven today, alter u week
'ell visiting In tbe i-lt.^ for the past
• OBKhljr and who Innka for a law to reiiw Ktale t«X'-x
foiMUl preiendlBs l-> rei-reM-nt two dla present ..umc ta BtalA|pignA^ ftidl
Vhoittoale house.
IC .lt> on bnglBoss.
monih. r.-iuni-d Id^thelr home at Bar- niMiK-ally om<o>iir aide* of a <tue*lkMi.
parenii. Hit
Mrs. A. L'tncy

nilier Koim-m t^ii I<>cpr.iKM-KSi(M-iilx; ifTK..
P. H. flyker returned to hit home
our no.-viierD requesenia- obtained lo tbe « .
morning on the curly irsin for the.
entered (he
U o-e call biiu. arrvvii Uvo years in |lie t'iiil war.
ouuide market* to ivurchaM.whie
E. R Noll
ich be gnrikMBd
ceks* visit In tbe city w(
III Kalamazoo today after a week in
thea ontaQid Ihe
I. Itul.4! Ausiifi. 10. !:-lr. .
winter rolllloery aioek.
‘raliatiiiR al Ibr hip' of H and panieipaiiiiF in ihhii<Hn- city on buslUi
od relatives.
('aJvendty of Michigan
Miss Daiey Crei^ of Grand Rspidt.
literary tourer. Mr*. J. C. Vlack returned to Cedar
Mrs. E. A. SimA who hat bean visitof liie hardest ami UotHliint ballbw of ibr war. Hr
I* visiting ber sliier Mrs. Halpb
III required bis atientloB Oa Ihe
Iia afieriioan after apeodlng n I
lag In tbe city lor the i«»i two weeks
baa aefvetl 14 j'eara rotisix-ulivri.v as .suix-rvistir of
he haa Isborcd War
■v'x Here ivn tnislnes*.
returned to her bogle at (iisrloite
Mrs. C. W. Ashton and aon Herbert
tba Kiflb trarc^.of Traverse ‘ ray ami iiu always
Mr. and Mr*. Edward-~ Doran
(Ills mornlnR,
F. U Ham
hard hprk■ve relumed tu ilK-ft home In Uiaiid
Grand i:.ipi-l*
W. D. Engcrsell and wile of Lanbeen a prugtvwxive uiitl 11 In-lirwr in «br riphm.of
stag, aiiived Id the .ity lust ujcbt.
taus township ofUcoA
Mrs. Clara Palmer of the LaMode
‘^tiie wbnir prnidr. finit. Iasi ami always, will, no
Miss Kathtrine Wickenberg left
-r a few dx.'s* vixK here wllli liiendx.
being Justice of
Ibe peeve, tnwt
mllllnrn' store hu* gone lo ('leveland
treasurer sod bos aerved
. _hU I
eial |»fivdrRtii l« any 4]MM-iul inlrri-at.
Mra. O. Briggs of-Canten, O, arrived
lu-trcii tor new (all Myles.
abip on supervisor (or eevea
: (vrii -It. I'hleugo and ibrousb V
i-itie, eily tmU'. !or a two week/'
Jlbougfa bM the SbSdOT
vls-l at !!n-.boi!i.- iit I.- Krvx«
men> of tbe <ounl) board of nnWm. Bradford return* to Ns he
Mayor W. O. C. Cormaine returned
moitpenlsoriv be wsa elected HinlrwaB at
KUi.v..irli ti.nlilit .-i-r v|rl-;i,i:
today iroiii a f.-v. dayx' lui'iii.-x iri|i Ing 1,» -un. B r il.Aivay.
* buurd tor three years ta Bnmso
in. Many serious prohleM bBce
!■ Jtavate boiux.uu Iki*. Ninlii rln
I the flcsvrr Islands.
Mr*. R. J. Frelnian has returned
me up befoc. tbat kodv Of aMAtaieti
J. W. Warner returned
his home.
u.u .Mliuaukev.-. wtu-re xbv
the Botid rasds propostuoa, iha new
vlrutid ilRpItlr today a
day* visiiing al tbv borne of h<-r jiuruLty taKraury tmlMiag. the iWgnUli:c city J>L bUMl.evt.
u of •tmuy ofBctoto solarioA dfe.4
d 110 member of that board or voUr
hesler dTimpson left this sftemeen
Bay xupervlsurs' ronstitwoncy. ran
1: at: ovi.-niled trip lo I'auiltui. Itctd losl i-venlux lion, a 'imi with litrud*
triesikta toil a hat he.bia betk ntart .
• i'v an-l Otaod Kapidr
in rii.l:aiiaiioito
■ he best taiereots ^ Ike tahnt geoThe Misses. Lefts and Jessie Green
- In tbe tawtatv sod haa taSkSia
Fred R. Hoover and SHfe of Kansas
remarkable emrleocy la the ptadnini
leave tomorrow tiiomlcg for Itriroit City. 4I0. are v biting si ib- home ui
so.e ur these duties rallltig npen btas
■Ix-tid seversl weeks wItb lelwtives
IB tbe varioM otdctal posNlo— .he
snd (ricud^.
and k
bos beM.
WHhsm H. Crewell of Warren, o' a By and Mis
Hamlta to 4T years of age; hng
held a oaiM) ofdta. Mr Itas
tonne.' resident of this city, u siwod Miseloa •
> Cbarlevoti Sunday
any uf Us pe-ivle before klm.
log a few weeks with old (rli-nds
— In thrir c
(eei* aa though Us (onr krysl oer
Dewitt C. Thompeon of Linden is
Miss Mae Tompkins of Old Mission
\lla-il 1: I'-uk. *:ui to a condl- vTca Ib the ranks of the Re^bMfau
Ibe gticri of Traverse City friends lor was a guest at tbe fauint- of Blossomparty, his ever sad fnKhtel itoetgrtaktKw ol puhiic dntv while orenpyUk
few weeks.
Pulver, m North Cedar »treet, and
minor finrre enUUe kfa lo the »tmMist J. Biggs returned last evening
r home of Alfred Edgeromb sad
InsiHru of BegMer of UeedA «Wrh
fruiu Cleveland, 0. slter-bUendlDg the Joe Tboliia* at BUiruilry la>t week.
- I
!ic ha' alwa.* been a IKWiiiun to one that onj average taBB
(ail millinery i-ipening.
• <>
to»kkint>cr. aud inr ‘.he <*a btdd with .but a few wotata ■**■*
Mrs. Blanch Canhcld of Toledo. OMis. H. V. Morphy of Waoasu. Wm. U the guest of Mra. George Hamlta.
aary id piwparauon to tbmtmEbij, IBSU1I him iB office and cOBmirialy
left Ibis reorDing lor ber borne after
gulp him ftr the deUet «f tWo ofxpending some time here rlsitlog her day ai ber boae in Manistee,
>!r. abd
F. Beenins Mr. woo accompsnlell by Matter Oscar
Mr Hamlin'S maay war* friends

' >eitSOMALfk







“Tfe^&bvM^t iTtaK

CoBAfy Rtgisftr
cf Deeds

FrnkM. HemUn

OUT F0R_m&m

Supervisor Ham-ln of
g Strong CoB^igB



Candidate for

CoQoty Treasorer

For Wtao?-W. J. Rennie

Tkls Is to Remind Ypv

For WbafT-SterUf.

That the Fall Priiuaries will
d Tuesday. Augu:
1912. and that


flight Mau for tbe Office

Ctaas. 0. Carver

Rftpublicbn Caadidate.

Candidate for nomination as

Ktguteref Deeds

Your tote would be nppreciaied
at the PriRieries

Anoail f7a 1912

tbe fore [lart of the seek. Carver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charioa
Mm Gladys Underwgod offfewport. Carv.-r
Lk. I, is vlsUIng Mrs^VV. G. Kioyjon.
Mrs. L. Pond of Toledo to vtoiHnt at
iFrankllu street.
tbe home of Mrs. C. M. Beers,
The Messrs. Joseph Brealna. Laois
a 0. Wvlsy. who hat been In the

Will honestly appreciate
your support.—

He will give tbie hi* tmdiri
o aad ii;m b.

Cas.-^ nnd Ur. Hull of Bast Joidan! dty tor some time, left tbto aor^

f J-mr support.




predict for bim as nrervbMndlE e|»
t'gy at the poUs on primary day. .Tng.
;T. sod they can reel itanrrt iRiA
tbe ofHeo ef Regtater of Dm4m nfll
be ukeo <are of M tbe aantc csrefsl
m«BBer than Hr HoaUa ba« uknn
---------- ' -- other nffieta of ftriat 4 '
hnr« elgctgd-Uta id,.


CaraM ftady aT Bacerda at Harda la
Tael tadieaS That fUafs'le
Vary EaaaatiaL
Tba BMdl dtrlblag Ulag that baai


of ■B«daaax lalxt
for tba eeabtil of apite d
an oSelal of^tba buraau
duairr of t
M tba ebaace tnun tba


ftm k^(t«f Tfa*

aprar lo^Uac ot iba fn>li br’
oppar potaoBlas and tfca rellac* laU17 dua U> Iba Baoi
^ aa^rU-ua that
taaUea vaa Maaotad durlai
«aaa of IMM aad 1»10 to 1,
Ttooa aprar ialxiam.
baaMiru] (nIU. I


obialaad traa tba axpa
Aa a raaall.KPTbaidJata bava uk«a up
tba aprarta.t prith aulpliur eoiBpoui
aa a aolntVaa'ar Uta Importaat dlBeuJtT.
waa uaad too
MM- CbtM •b'\4»»Im m- pnrtr: claudT waatbar. lUa wax auaUj
tba taadar (oltasc. aad la tairdir aajr
1 <»mi* ak*-* B partr; caaa vaatft aanena. na llmaauipbur
jkMaMOm' cal mVIcwIm ao.- uf« aolDtM»i.'balBg tba Braat roaraali
----- -■ - - M^^l.
asd aatMCactorr to oaa. baa-baes aeeaptad ^ orcbardlata tor aprariai ap>
WtOt «MMB'arnaarV>»<
coabtaad vlib
MpB.-batnrlag a ap^ •* .u.«^ **Wbara (t baa
-««7-afiar tew>^. tba Um tba arasata of lead. gaaaraJlr aaoalat reaelta tera baaa obuload vilb
««». TiM pata la th^v. )dactk>aLt
>a eombiaad aprar; but lb a faw
laaa, nbiaoabatdlr oalag to IbaBelaBt
jltaUoa. tbera baa beao aona
alllbt boralagot tba rnill.-aad In aUU
fawar loatascM. ot t^a roliage. It ta
no* kao*n to be poaalbla for tba orirdlata to toaha tba Itna-aulpbar aojtba Marfcat alreadr praparad.


to-akt ^ W hr


;--------------------------- •—
h«» • »*ff or aapport at
«f the milk pall shelf,
T*"' riool la the lower picture U tb*
kind ue^^ by the editor of tbe Agrl_
caUoriat lor yaara
alctal at a plclure«jun 8*iu lna,| **' ‘kow atool. and found them laort
what* wa aal around tha huge flra- toavenleal aad comfortable -W ajaw
pUea ratallng Mraage expertecea. - j Itel « food m:«bb!ag oaca a vfeak.
Tba Mlowlas day wa Jouroeyed to
byraa'a Lake Geoeva. with lu romaatle caatla ot Chllloa. naadlag two
waaka there. Then wa uama to ZeripatL I am a real moaBtaiaear bow.
teu abeuM see me attired In a rough

aawof Ua braaebaa on tba laaMa of

ODadifflcaBr *<tb tba baakat la that
It la awkward to baadla wbaa buac oa
tba uBiia) doubla wira book. To obrtota
thia dIBraltr tba darica muatratad
karewith baa baaa toaad etaeUra. aayi
tba Oraaga Judd Banner. Both oadt
of a aiout BtaiU rord of rar emvaalaat leagtb ara taaiaaad to a Lo.«k.
TWiiat’wtaWi -Bob kmad
cord la ibia paaaad around tba
«taab dbbt a«l> Bbqaona baadaaa.
wMeh ba aoMaterbd aapMlaUr ao> baakat baadla and tha hook tbreva
' itehIrttoBa. Wbna wall- over a limb aad caught arouad tbu
ae» ranica] cord, at abowa.
Tha book, while aaeura. caa be laIt ba«a bean

a Jertf
140 aaaltt a Udr of
tObad ta a caib deta. with a ataa’a felt
topa apactadea.
tbaaa at tba aaawloa. *Hahat queer lookrharanpoB thaT
»oapbara with
'1^ wban tba bora wero
■Male^ aad did net
amt tea to raUra.

eiatloaa. I>arlBg tba laat flacal rear
31 new abaorlatloat wera furraed aad
Ftora. Dear: -Todr Icttar rate aevea were dlKOetlaued- There ara
idqoaB m- Tour artaartoat wara.aow *1 awh aaaocUilona la UU
for., I qa wot aocratira: 1 try. tha grratar aumbef of whleb t
hte I qvaded
evaded roar
row questkwt
qweattona . dairr dirtaloo baa been InitniBeol
aaltber bare
puipoealr. JudaoB Baraat. or -Jack."
at wa DOW eallklm. It a woadcrtnilr
of tba dairy -dUlakm la U’kiag of
riaver, lataraatiBf aiati.
aafeir «be work la thU dlrartloa. ahowad a
IT cortwlir wUb tba Wor- racord of two harda la eoa of the ait I BB BOt la lova with BdrUiioBa aa aa iDlereallDi; example
hiof what it behig areompllahed la auWarent rou aurprlaed to racelva inr abliag fannera.lekeep record, of coat.
eat« poalmarkad SwUearland? Tbi. rrodonlwi, elc... aad to d
baa boon rightlr dealgaaled ibe -ptay- remedy bny alKrrtromlngi.
giound of Kuropa." I have bad aucb Ko. 1. »Mt pouoda of milk were proa partect tlma aad dbdlU lo- tUak duced « a coaf of Ml-04 for feed,
that but eac mom week remalaa to wkda la berd No. 1. 6.4S3 nouada
eoJor tha acenai?
produced at a coat for feed
glaat of 1U.3I.
»»51. Tha former made a profit
bare acUiaSlr cllaibad1 flra giant
AtaaT you of ITdbl
$:«.« per cow. while the.other
BoaatalBi of tlM All*. Acaat
oarloua* Oar parly arrtrcal at A**- made a proflt of only »» CS per
fed aa
aad The amre prefltablc herd
a durlag the lata
viewed Ibose majeatlc oun- aboadance ot alUge. while to tha otbThla. ot
wiui niyi
niratery— -er no allaga
lalaa. hedged aMut with
■ he only rcaeoa for tlm differtba glailera fllllog the aelghboriDg
valUyit-tba aaoapaaka. whoaa whit, .vace: howerer, a careful aiudy cf the
ootliaa agalnet the rky waa Btntrr record, of tbeee berda .Indicated that
Uha la Ua clearneat 1 losged u> ’ »Hage I. very errentlil- Theowtierof
reach their siiaimita. Jack aad a law IbB-oaproetabla herd baa been Ilvlag
a mcD who bad a alia for a
aamber of y*of*. yet be did Ml rval­
ue Ua uaefulaeta tuitll be aaw theaa
•<M notebaa to our alpaaalocka.
Ukrly Beat Bonilag we aaeeoded flgnrei. aflcr which be built a ello at
RIgt to tea- the «ua Tit*. Wbat an
Idaplring algbi! Far below flowA
tba River Keuaa. aad there waa Lu- iiOME-MADE MILKING STOOLS
oarna aurrauadad with lu walla aad
alsa tell bouaee. rwambllag a ‘Tally Twa Handy Davleaa Shawn In |tiu«tr*.
dty“ bald la tba fa.taaaa of the mouaHaas Will Peeve af fatlafactlan
taiaa by tome powarfnl cDchaour.
ta tha Milker.
Tba, piak-geld light of .dawn boraldlag tba approub'ef day towbed fFHOJf THS tnarovsiN AORICUV
each Up of tba lowera. then apread |
over tba floweir fleldt of the vaUey. | We lllnaRnta two typea of mllhlnii
Thle aaeaied nraage when *0 were atool. both of which win give aaUafdcaumHiadad by anow flelda
Uoa to tha milker.
Tbe following weex wa went to
The atool abowa la the upper plo

vallait ot monataiat.
Wo roacbed the aummlt at auaaet
Boch noaderful
I BOTor ImuKlDad
imaiPDao aucu
»«nuci*uj ««»-,
«la« peaalMe! Tba c.ealag elouda ;
thadowa gathered, aad Oaally
night aaa^mdud the i-eaka wlib It.
alleoi paU. We deaceaded baU-1

bUb' o<

tadiwad hataA^BoM. .
,-Wd*. rn kaifcfbadr. Tata Jda
toHi. ^U-ala’f'taadUi'-poattrr'
i-etfr gwaa.- apoltarad Bob. -Boat
m^rnto nka podtrr? ‘Uo* a»«at tba
kMBiBkl alaope npan (bU bank.’" ba
1MiBE:bat with abowl. Peta bad fled.
'Bi WMo' Boh Bbaeid. aad alth tba
«l«r»arB »«alc«ad hla Ba^r
Wta. atraagad bU baadaaa la ifca
■M BaeoMlac aiaaaar and flaallr
'HBiMM up (bO'taaa of lltair piaioa
mm Brora of for tba faaelloa asid
a^Ctoad of M aad tba ebaan aad
fMN omgjS Wrt battad.
.-'mm wfal tawaad eadlana waltlap,
. |^^aaa>o** la debt aad aa UaadB^ad«UlUa AofaU. aa iba

The Bareaa of Aalatal ladoatrr «f
te Daflanataat of Agrieotnira '
two Baa apartallr eivgad ta gl

fian toomad lariUagly la the dUiaaec. tbe drawiBg. IP aervad a
Tha tnouatalB would not coma to ua,
rot .Urn aiekiBc of fmlta. aapoelallr •0. ilka hlobaakaad. wa went lo tbo
iMBla. At. LaBtactraapaa village
applaa aad paarm. saar darleaa have
took tba eabU cara, which lifted
baea uaad. and aaw ooaa are triad
UM feet to tbe femoni UlUa alartrr fatr. Doubthaa ib« pirot-baadiad balf-baataal baakat U tba Boat ploa viliaga of Murren.
Kbra bra bad a wonderful view of
ppinlaf tMeptacla for trait pteked.
Jongfrau. Tbla maldeo of tbe Alps
aU au>agely to oee. 8ba U aurad la tmauty fay Monu Roan aad

idM booBdantlr.
• .U.iM..that tf tba ladr li
>i Uaat («a*ir jmn 1 old
IT aa a picter with coda
rot. wy
JM IMI'a mac aa’ pro« aab Kha mo abooM waieoB*
aw.hipttf be«a. Bba woeldat
«M «o4far llba SUtur. an’
ba« adira bar Mt”
^1^*«aenfiaoa of thd-qaao1(«Im 4mUM tbai an petata
bwiac a raaehmr R.,w«aM ba Idbda
I a WOMB aiMsd '



baa *a«B »to«*bl about
■ ii MU^ €T tlwlr tbrougb tba i
flea. Tba Uai
Ipkor Mhiikm U U*
leadJDf a
M. tbm«k tk» MlfbeU« OB»«>«pbur SB« tb« Irtta Milfhjj BT* MlUf UBdar iBTMiicartoB.

sarERAi: FACTS OM pouLTirr



y Tuck-aack" atrapped P
Camfortabla Milk flteaL
neigh aad wa*ry way. Fin* wa aahung
caaded Moate Rosa, aad two daya ubj
and *ben
when SjH-'la
ost-'ln nae
tue they were
laur braved tha Wauerboni. I did up la tba liable. Tba apace under
not ea)oy cUmblng this mouatal^ aad
waa used to bold a damp riotb
you will baldly hUida me wbaa you ; which wax aaad on each cow i udder
have beard all.
t before milking.
Six of aa otartad oot, tied to tba.
_ _
oama guMa. After cllmbln* for hours __


Daipv Ncte-s

tlgiiad and white a allcg a nigge
crag I aliprad aad umad my aakl
agalb. To prooaad *aa Impoailbla. |
The gnlda told ua of aevanl buia
Tba way to abaolutely know wt

• cUmbera.
inatraetlng na to n >IB there unUl I .j-j,,
feeding la Iba fli
ba relumed, and no
attempt a ^
point In dairying.
deaeent. Jack aMl.led me—lo fact, Tbe belfer calf la a cow In th
Baaa and Fruit.
I waa almoal balpleaa—<0 the but, a Ung. Haadle and feed her accordBaaa and fruit go wall l(«attaar. Tba quiner of b mile from Iba path. Ha ,
baea gaihar houer fra* tba bloaaona bultt a flra aad baad^ m aaU^,
that tba cold rata la
aad la rainro fartlUta Ibea. Thahoai givlv ma loataat raUaf, aad I tell
oiaa dry
Id tha
‘ / - . * toie vreatber.
1 awoks aevaral boura lalerf lo Bad
^are empht
atroogly tbe Importance ol
vuck-aack. Wo were ravenoualy buaalUgc
gry and ale everytblog In algbt. At
ihowM be taken that
three o'clock a terrtfle anowaionn, In ^p^
,p wade through flitb
Ml Ua flaodleh fury, buiwt oipoa Ua
1 triad ray beat not to ap- ]
j,bula a maxlmam
pear frlgbtraed. bat aa the hours wore
email pariurea, allowlns fi
on and Inky darfcasaia aovMopad ue. I
pilings, pcf teed. abouldV pi
guide had forgotiaa ]

.teaorUUou abould
lor any aound which might
„ herd., containing
I»rmwu .he approach of the parly.
than 400 eowa and betur 500
Mt-nilng found Iba atona ellil ra|liig.
Hallabora It axcalltat for tba da- JaU abowed algag of worry. Our
, winter feed for dairy
aitacilea-of alici, wonaa aad c
food waa ralJrMr gone. At two) ^.a allaga la comli
n elodk Ibt aky cleared and wa aUrird I .-...reuad feed loi
ewlag gralba or allowlag aio<
to dteeand. Wa bada c gone far whan
in la tha qrebard U.aot good we were mat by a aaarchlng partyThe beat Balry cow la tbe one that
Two of th«n oacoited at to Z-nnatt.l
Boot dunad oa bmIob ptaala whua
It *..* wMderful experteoce. b..:
jh';I greateat amount
tha leaaaa ara *ai with de* dlaeenr- I bavra\Ua aU^tott dealr* to r»- Gutter faL
ag^ Ulaartt.
I That cowa like a change of feed
fuagoua and laaaei aaa- ►V*
Jack }ual bronchi the dreadful
Bie« apraytag la a prareatioa rathar that four of tbe original party were I abowa by the *ay Ih^ will eat r
ten bay. pull But old airaw from tbi
last la Uc atom. What a horrible abedarctc.
pnaqaea of tha curraat borer fata!
When cowa are raanlng on paat-jra
may ba known by tha taarea witbariac
Toalghi *a stood npea tbe balconc the manure 1* not loot, for graaa Itnda
aad loralag yrilow.
tmd watched Ibe calm ennaei llgfaia need Ibe fentllxer quit# u aneb aa
culUratlag that Mm apoa iba Braitbora-a crest. On. aemo other fields
«|»'«rtn‘aed by tha^j„t. fatal, roey glimmer touched the
la aelecMag dairy cattle tt la alwsvi
—a— »■-*, **
dIBcuIl to fudge accurately with ib*
iTqqqod growers do oot pick eolori^.
Day waadoaa- Aabadder.^, The real teat must be .be
berries for mantat wbaa tbe frott la
- |
Beales aad the Raheoek tevtar.
wei. aad tbay keep the cratat la a piJM over oa bothcool pUea. oot of tbe antt.



W—Etb foadjy.
1 -N*w Tprt Press.


nosk wa Nat Da Mmh Owlaf A»


The Newsboy

<Br FROF. U iWUtai.l
Aa a gMaral rale tba fleck wIR pot
do much dartag tba bobU ot AngntL
ioma bene ara still braodr; aoma
are b^laalag to aaouU and one may
expect but few efga for a whll*.
~ ea. too. Boat of as are apt to
-ThU U aometblK Uke It.’ aaM grow careleaa sbooT tba poultry boal’Cbaaao U. tsUara, chaaaa Jtl Tbo
Toung Horfua wlU aaUafacUoa.
aiare It la not. at preaeot. bring- oop!"
-It aai* It!’ agreed Mias ~
itvytag o( toot nd
Wa neglect
aeaiecv to
10 ciema
cleM «
A cbDfnaloa of grlBy bands M tba
glaaced back at tba lace curtalu ^ Pteh aa ofteo m we tneed
atraggla to xecevar tba-dlca and pa>tba boardlag bouae window. IM^e roodla are bever waabad
waaba aad aired Blca acattarad vHhiB tba aniig drela
tba parlor tbe
e _gaa ,gUred holly. Illthi- out; ao fretb new neat taka
of exeltad nawabeyt gathered far up
ing up tbe balr wreath above tba
lane tBjoying. apfiareaUy haedtal aad gUtUrlag oa tba gaudy t
lass of ctmaoqnencm. a Bld4ay canto
pae^t both nauseating
of nmcb forblddea ~trap.’
’No*, that li t got warm enough to
oa to\tt
Ibe flock.
wild aeroslt^ « save tkair
♦It outdoor*,’ purtoed young Uoigua.
C Implemeau" aod nrvanbaLire^4
Jlea thru
thrive tmder tbeao
eircIcblBg bl« Icag legs
laaa escape tba bltMoaoMd oAglal
cenfliriona aBd\4u;Ieda *e keel
alepa betow blm. “we caa .babe tba
watch they sceal
uriding opbe tbe*. nobody teapM of
parlor In there! Gee.
playing havoc before we reaJlio poor Hilly. Met. with bia gwan teat wluter, n
So. let'a dip the beat about the
- one arm. bla crulcb raatlag bou .libout a
time they begin to moult and ,
neatb the other and an empty lrnu»
Aba poultry house ihonuighly with ers leg dangling 1b tbo brreaa. BlUy.
r my
y cro
crochet work! lovriy
fffrcilte, homemade volution.
I hit companloBA aoucbt acUevening, laat It. Wr Hofguer or There are many titrb and they c
gUriog at a* for being tbere at all!' •xt to nwhing
for the sarafooiod waa
baring .wllera of ibelr oaa! Nice,
Let's *a»h the rooaia with
! wBlk.iig. and a ireoebchatty ccDvcr*ailpna we
erout spot teuad Billy la bla mis­
quarts of good, strong snap-audt
ihai way. cdui-ln’t
which have bren added a quart
fortune and btxmgbl him beavfly to
Oh " said a voice behind them aa kerosene and aome wrung brinv.
(Duund. bis iiaper* In as tintUy
♦creea door creaked, T» eome one
■a a good <-oat of wliliewash.
pile l-eslde him and lbs crate qulto
here? Oh. il'a you. Ulea
LaCt see that every atum of the 'beyond hla reach.
and Mr. Borgua. of ruuiwe!
droppings tl removed from ihi- build­
>e corners of bla Boatb droopad
Dot that I mexDt aDvihlag.
ings. then, to make aiire we have dona
*0 Itille a* br leeVed « frOB
♦'ippoae I’ve Interrupted your coever-lean )ob. spade up the din floor to
incomfortaMe poeltlee aad btlBM
nation, bin It wa» so hot la
bury the-last vestige of fllth.
Ibe ofllcer towering a^e Mm.
can go right In—"
BbeaM bring matters bark to norma]
r Ud. you seem to ba tba
"Don't ibink of II. Mr*. Mil. .
with an occaaloaal sprayli
along vrltb me. AU (b*
rest bare made good lo get out of tba
Ml*a riancT. nlrilv, rifing. /Yi
ougbi to fnanre ibe flock hegtanl
I'm mlgfaiy sorry Pve gat to
have Ibe a......... •-------------- •
take you—one of the olbera would
}uxt gomg
bare suited ma ttetter-much bettso.
oa. JItey
•■Wouldn't that front you!" exclaimed INDICATOR OF SPOILED EGGS Hut Ibe aergeant detailed nae eMSclsJly to atop this enp sboalla^ Ha mays
young llorguK after they bad proceed
U ewn t go
cd a aafe dUianca. "Juet wacied tt
le policeman apoka not anklndly.
find out wbai we were talking about'
liUly. from bla scat of garih.
Catch her eliil^g oqt there by her­
beard, aod knew that a plea-tar
self! We'll rli^e the block aad see!"
r gorgla of triumph.
he said. "Let'a go gel
cream. Jun aa aure a
them Bomebody elae’U
In a aympatbeUe son of dlrguat
they aongbt tba brilllaatly llgfaled
raiidy store ou tbe corner asd found a
vacant table.
"Sirawb'rea tor me." said MUa
Clancy. "1 lual wooder. Jimmy, that
got Ored before Ctata and
you haven't
U'a fierce, going lo •
quit tae
. .
a parlor of her ot
coienalB company In!
been ebaaed arouad enough-by them
other boarders!"
. ' Weil, -werea away from 'em right
now • arid young porgu*. “l^l'a raako
the mod of It.'
-Why tbe We*!" broke In a highpiicted voice ai the next table.
It Ira't Ml<a nancy! Ob—bow de
you do. Mr. Borgua!’ Tbere wa* an
artb Inflection to the greettn* that
waa laleoded to carry tbe idea that
the apeaker appreciated tha set
tal aliualioB.
-Ilow-do. Mlaa Blnka'*" aald MlaB
Clancy ftonlly.
kllM Blnk« »*» forty, dreaaed Ilka
twenty and fondly thought abe looked
like alxteen. She made eyes at yo
BoTgua. who turned purple. Then
Bvo..e with her plate pf Ice cream
flofered Into the vacant chair at Ihelr
trh'e. ' Il'a so loDeaoine
rhe purred x|in|og*-tifat1y “1 *»* a
tbl»*iy I Ju*t had to come out tfur
voToetblng cold, but I shrink Trofi gnlifx out In the evening iin>-^rorted. U'a
mere voctable tbla way. dont
thlnlir'•Oh, my, >c*"' agreed Mi«* CU
-v'fih asrraam that waa totally 1
-SSerry vieTe Jun through. WCve got
an .angemeni to meet some frteadt!’
“i^t me slip bgck and eitck
coK* iKil-um Id h»' tee cream." grvalad
yoi.rg Itorgiia Ibroatlty after they bad
c.c4fwd "Sbe'* the Hiiilt!- Another
i-ccond .and ahe'd have naked to
wa.king with u»! Let's go down
the ll-ile.park. It'* only a faw Uoaka

He tucked Mlu <Tancr‘> band lo tbacro-'k of hla arm and they wolkad oa
atib regained cheeiTulOeaa.
not ao hid to be ouflD the dtrt^A
tbe falut erboea of a rtreett ptaao U
the *'r and aqlnniobllra whirriog
FreveDtly thrlr feet cruncbe-l tbe grav­
el of the walk that tan around
lie park ami they strolled on till tbar
found a l■eccb that as* unoccupied.
A lilac bush-In bloom waved abov*
"Tlee!" breathed young borgua wtlk
a vaat exbtiiDg of h-eath algnityisf
peace of —
* laid
Isld-C'^e hand over Mis* Clsncy'a,
and she dW not r*prov» h'm. Prea,-r!ly fa* turned hl« bead toward her.
b-u tbe wonts on hi* llpv died In ibln
air A poaderoua footed person engitlfed In aIcob«;le aura swayed to­
ward their bench aod dropped mas­
sively «o the other end snd leered at
them. '‘Hiifnl night:’ be a-'ked. apFeallngly
TourafN-^fgua and Ml** *'laney did
not »peik rn^tbey were a block away.
Then Ibev halted and young Borgas
spoke. "Sea here." be said, la the
desperate tones of a man at bar. 1
wasn't gnlBg to say anything till I got
a boost la my pay. but I'm likely to
b'.ow up and remove a few people from
the landscape if tfaU goes oa Kmeb
longer! If you enn scrape tloog for
a while on wbat I'm getting HI *
for a flat temorro*’ Our own parlor
—Ihlak of It! And our own porch!
Win your'
Miss nancy wept openly
wmimratur. multiply v«r rap aba renaaied "tVby. It would W« ba
heaven;’—Cfaleago Sally Kawa .

fountaloa. la on the market aad
alau of aa oak cabinet
by « by S

~Aw, ia*. biai off. caaT yatF*
nilty and tba pollcamaa wboM
about tt tbU unexpected Intertata^
from tba rear. There, trswUng frte
beneatb as-empty barrM oat forth by
streaked with a covering et ter tabin hla place of refugo. caoM a
ranch larger than tHUy Mmof tbe circle of former "oa»

t ^-3-'
Cioetria Egg Candler,

~1 edy. BDIp ain't deoa Mtbln'. Ha
wara-t abootia' with tba.bWKb. Tba
last I ace of BlUy ba was ootOo'
Ha' hla baadoot. Waras^

Inches lined with asbeatoa and
lainlag a Ifleandlepoaer lamp, aaya
the Popular Mechanic*. Two o|ien-NOW.- the boy Wgu on jmebtag kte
Ings In the top covered wi'b adjuci- leda deep Into hit pocketa and broad­
able slide* are provided. Pushing ening bla base. "new. Fm one of tbo
aside a slide an egg la pUced la Iba Imn^. l>e gotg^ii^^a^y

DurkUnga require aperial altoatloa
for two or tbrea weeks, to laaura
their not gelling wet. After that they
<-SD be raised with leas Hak or
cblcka, are hardly ever troubled
by diM
ire free from attacks
of 11c;
I. Wlthsa maab feed
Btornlng aad nlgbt. and graaa range.'
hey practically, uke cara of tbeaa-

A ebrap dUinteciaal for the poultry
bouse Is a whitewash nude by slack­
ing freab Itmc to the coeslstenry of
cream and adding a gll| of mid* cap
bciltc acid to every iiall'ul of the
whitewaah. The whiiewavb will help
keep om tha chicken mitea. The best
treatment for lice on birds that bav*
feaibcred ou; \f to give tbera a good
dual bath. / '

Keep your cblckaon dry grtund.
Oat* make an ei^ileat ration for
laying Lem '
.NoihiSg rsiiena ypung turkeys Ilka
plenty of cofT,
Di-n t u\-r. rnwd tha broDden. brood
coup* trr rrlony coops.
The J..I l,g turkeys will not beglh lo
fal’er i;n-!l void weather seta tn.
Never let the hen and ber young
rot.M away from l.ome aslogle night.
It :* bert tn kill fowls ten hours
beltve preparng them for the t
P-ior qualliy poultry and eggs ard
ba*4 'O sell nr get rid of at Bny price.
r;ip the main feathers on one wtog
of tbe fence flyer. That will keep ber

M'lve cbick coloBlea lo «•* ground
>*rnre tv* grass In tbe-old r
jul'o gone.
Dor ; fall to supply abundan- sbsdo
•ad *her',i(r for adnli fowls'aud growThe smoother tha roostlBi^pnl'
eore easily they caa be kept
»t>-k a ill benefit from y 'Jr ‘ngrwj !u-e ar.d
iriing jreparatloa tiiiriid the b*-«;*d
ur vni.t-g birds
n*. a« they are llatiVa
f wfakrh uid beai

could ooly let Billy off—'causa bo
ain't dope flolbln' avkow—ra oaa mr
•nflooenoe wRi
Ivotog tba
abooUn -aftiii I pM ai*' wt tba
For an instant a' gleam ot oarrlment WsDied In tba oacer's eyes.'aod
It was With dlDculiy that ba raslrnlaed a burst of gennlna langbte.
• nut I can t do that for yoa; I
can't let either of you off." bs eald.
u last. "Ton kMw light froa wreag
snd—ah. here cornea tbe aergcaat—
e-ll let blm aaiUe it.':

nildahle giant wllh ahlning butIPM
and chevrona. Tba contact laat Iho
Intercevaor strength for a floal apAML
"Sergeant, can I apeak to yoa tar
Billy: I don't mtnd for myself, bat
Billy Jurt eant go 10 tbs lockup."
Nerreualy tbe cblldM tngei* toAad
and interlocked, bat hla gaxo bm (hat
of tba atalwart oflear «( tba law wfliDcblngly. Breatblwaly. ha vtaM
"Biily'a moiber la borne tick ta bod..
She'* wbat you call an luralld. SoBotimes she can wort and help out and
someilmet Btlly'a g« lo do II bH bta>ae!f 'causa ba ain't lot no bmhara
•Jnat kU
mother. Bo wa frilera fouMI bin a
D iha sqnara.
trade rtaca he's laat
fals leg Rome swell goy ran over Mm '
with hi* an-.o and never slopped to
huwdy or good-by. and Blltya
T stoc* andp against I
Billy hesitated. *maB t
Billy: If. up tn yon."
Btlly trte.1 to grasp tbe alguHkaneo
of tbla eodden beotowal of raapoastMIly aod bowed a bewildered approval.
“Well, then, ■bout fbl* game o' crop,
aergeaot ’ The boy lowered bin ayaa
and 'poked the dirt with the toe of hla
muddy boot.
-About this game of rrap—Btllfe
bneineiie hasn't been rushing Istafy
and so we rather planned 10 glv* him
a boo't w-t'h a crap gam* nooprlme.
tin fall me go- tetter. Rome o' tba
crowd gn- tcor.'n you'd think out af
ihalr ;-arera and they have a poeket; left for •b»oa»lv**. Ro they pat
good bit of II up IB a game o' crap
for Billy. Just 10 boot blm aloog.
That's wbat wa was d'-!n' today, aatu
geani. hat '*« get pinched. It yoa
could only let bfly off—If—you—"
TTiat wfii dfl„ my boy" Tba aergaant'f voice waa very gentle. *Too
>* re«t of tbs bora they mmt
throw dice agate, never. Tall
them to ‘boaef Billy soma ether way.
Kow. get yonr papora aad boatta bstaOoed roads eanoot ba ebtataod br


atm fiAVBMi nom, m mmii i




waa kUM by aa accMoat cmm
blB MB reanlac svay Aag. 7, whOo
SCfy I 1
maraiat to -if boa* tioB Maeroola,
a Plata abmt AS bIIw rram tbora.
w|{b a load of'lbiober. ortth vbiA be
<; ooloW FroA «aW
lotewM boUdiu a ctaaBry. Hi
la ivBpaer «Uh fo«r or flr* olbe4i.
vbo were alao bhaiElBC boate lambor.
M aal ab/^
no folhnrhwMnM-oCtMa daUh
Wbllf romlDi <to»B a Mop bill bia
•I Joba A. Vod. vio
^tKnatlr teain aianed (o mo and as one of tbs
ahy hiMaa ia throal a>i
klll«4 la veotoni Caaate. has boca tt- Uses bad beeonir caofbt voder (he;
IiBCi. aal WU ag tbs «Wi
eelToO from' Vra. Vaiy'A. tV«nkaop. tourae tae aaa usable to rootrol Ihea.
wbo was,-a former refldem of Trav- tod (hr uuKue of bla «sjma atrai-k
rraok H. Oorr and taally
Talerrao CHr aad «to lite* near the Nar« Ibe load abasd «Uta ancb fores be
>. are apeadlas aarpral weeks at Ibe
,':»brre. toe doaih at'the uofonuBate was ttarowB oS-ttae load between the
vbrd* and the bind mbeel paaaed
P. R. U Cerl sad Utolly of HaaleJoha A. Vod. a foroMT nsUaDl
over the lover part of his abdomeo. condition, lie waa ukea lo Roadal'a •. are cemplof sear here. Tber
alorv, tbe neerest plecw. tod ■ doctor
TraTsrde CUy M for ifea past tae /iM auota aa poaslble the men oi
»..a, aercral frleada
wife Were aenl fur. lie lived
and oo»«aV -r«an realdlng'«ui.''n othgr loads bwrrled to bla aaslataa^
cooBnlax of
bom^iedd aaar I^cky L#ka, ^ak.. and found blni In a setnUpoarloua aboDt. three buun. dyins before either
Ura. H. K. Moore sod Mr.
I tbe pfavalelan or bla wife ewold
K. A. Joboaoo iV.Aabw*.
there, liod wee only partially
days at the
acivuadUTinit ibe iIkc
botel. leaTlng Hoodsy Botolot for a
fie nwv.d »ilb bla faoiily Hsrih
trip farlber oortb.
17, ISHl. Inna Tiaterw City.' where'
hr l:bil breti enplujed Ir)- the IVre Ollier oew afrirala are aa loituwa:
Mantuitle rallruad aa casiiwri. to Mr. aod Mre. C I. ttonaani-llBe. U
tVeateni Caoada. bellrklnj: with uaD)' Henry Holder of nevelud. Hr. and
Mre. Harold C. Hialt erf WllDln(toa.
O..- Hr.
tie. for a peroou
llnjl'bd'^ ans;®
to obtain a huioe .m ll.e praliK- byi*"<* «"• { C White of Wea
ir/iidR a Komortced and |.re^n.p.lon,«“'> *'■ T. Meynard of UelroH.
Mr aad kirn. J. T. Wylie
Ualni. and nas wiittid; to eudure Ibe
dlradvaniaima nf pioneer life. alaa'S dauefater of dasinaw spent Tneaday
ibeertul and hopeful a tlih n-ward and Wednesday at Ue botel.
Mias naie Hornkedd and Hiaa
that this bnlity iHuinlacs. Hi
ftolberine Miller of Ui
blpbly e.tccturd by ilie entire
nmnlly that diwH amt aasuciainl Sondky at the botel. They returned
wKh blni and cOdence .rf the aauie atcaln Wednepday to spend
II. W. Inrvam oi ■'talcaiM. stopped
nail aiBnirei!l by llir way frienda bli'cd lo iMder aylupatb) and aaata- at tbe botel Wednenday aherpooa.
. iamb.’beeryfcaoaeplle
leavliuc on tbe late train for bla bone
loce 10 bit family.
J. Love of Pidaburv. Pa., reHe was iMini In Hii-bl.uu. April II.
to bla Bocae Wednesday seen0*1. and wna SI years of asB
no-K C Cook's Book ia fltnatibtediB 9 oohn. coBlaioa 90 teated sod'
was UaiTlad May ri. l»iH.
Kalbryn Colioian of Traverar rily. B. U. unman and fnBUy of 8i
The E C 0>ok'B BoS haa been prqiiiwl
wlio still snoiret him. and one «». Looia. Mu. left Tuesday lor Praakfort
ad nil espoiae of manr tfacnianda ofdollan,
Almun, 7 years oM. He alao leases on itaelr way borne.
and if |mreB^ at a alore voold ensOy coat
90 nsla,' yet we ittre ft adsofafr/y Jrtt aa we
niollier. Mre. Hnwt> of 'fra«<
want yon to know exactly what KC BakiBg
rliy: live broitaera, Georjte and Jacob Tbe coypteted Ainlll MeBortol
L Powder ia and wbat it wfll do fcr yon in
Traverar riiy. t-'rank of Missoula. kapal at Nortbport Point was dedi
V yserownkitclKa. Yon nead this won.
Mum: Artliur uf Ria-kfcrd. III.: Oun- Gated on Sunday Aucust ll. Tbe la\ derfe] book-h la of eital llL{>actaa6o
io enry iBoacwUe.
aid of Uunlsalnn. Midi; iwo siaten.
srai stunded by
['Arlatisua aud Mre.. W. M. li»Ull of lane eoncTefatlOB. two hundred
Travel City,
pie llllns (be cbapci lo capacity. Tbe
Tbe fuiu-ral aervlre waa nlven bj HL Rev. DwlA ts /fuUIe. presldlns
Vrite y««r Mme and’addnaa
Kalbw lYcarn. a prlral from .Maii.ds. Blsbop of the Auerlcaa ebureh, sad*
plnlalyae tUa conpoa. At­
aud he nta buried In (be lalliollcl;an affecUos address me Mortal of
tach tbe colored ceitifioM
Bndced in ZS<ait cans.
nvi abide by tbe
<be .gmerr. ' Blebop Atittl Tbe prayer of dedica
Mdlng both to SI.
neut near TullBvIIle.
Uon. irivltw Uie ebapel for (ran Chris-


VacatlM veii Baa# Ptaunt Pin^^ VWtm
Swk Nalan la an Her Vwatlm





Its FK££..





is ihe
service. Tbe rtiaiwl la uoD-aecUrlan.
bclag free for auj rellgtoua service.
Tbe vlitO&s ekiv were entertaiued at dlDuer at Cedar l..odge b)- the
bgard erf trustees of tbe Atwill Mem
aMutpn. Ans. t«.—Undlai:
orlal Cbapci aaaortalloa.
prosresstbn Republienn awuaitora of
Tbe big itoclai evcpl of tbe seasos
c far weal aie coins to HIcbisuu
. Cedar I,nd|m will be tbe Bs*qo<*.
-l-.k in U half «.r Sehaioi Wllltam'
hall Oils evculuR flueala of Die
AldcB Siuii!i. Tiivie is a utiunit like , .
Hu PolDl will
lh.«Jl (lial ileiuiu r* lat Knik-Ile «f i
I a BsU time
W>wn.ln and l-uinuilnn uf luma ■U anticlpatod.
aililiifon lo Beiiiilur Uurab of itUbo.
reglatratloDs at C««la>
tlall MUhlsan in behalf of SenLodge are ibe following: Mn. De«
Ksilthisnd a prc«rasslva Rapublas H.' Atwill. Sedslla. Mo.; Huaac:
state leglalature. Swator Cu»WbllmcB. BvautUW.^ lit.; Ur. aod Mrs.
wa. Senator Sinllh'a cv«*t In
Uord le Adams. St. Loula: A. B
MIebisau last winter durias tka UnOlboML 0«o. L. )(ehdal. Craod «ar
coin banquet senaon.
Ida; Hr. aod Mra O. E. Brown. Chi
Seiiaior Borah was Ik .
ago; H. R. BradReM. O. A. Ward
chief senatorial laadrr until tbe et- Hlaa H. W. Morris. MIsa A. B. Taj
ieut went outeide the Repubileat lor. all of drand Rapida; Rev H. J
party. Benator Borah, like CuBinlm. Bills, Margoetie: Ura« W. Ulli. Bvan
and La roUette. Brlalow and all the
i; Mre J. S Steveas. Anna kl
other Inauntent epiuUora. refused
Heaer. Peoria. HI; Mre B. W. TaRlor
tile third parly, believinc tbe Kataiaaioo: Dr. and Mre. E J. Gil
real procresslve acbleveBenis
letle. Phoenix. ArUorta: Ur and Mrv
be attained nitbln Iheir omi
R. J. MaeOoaald. Gwen and Robir
Maclionald. Mre. B. J. Morgan. Grare
C. Moreau. Tbrrua B. Honnn. al
Traverse ClL>; Hiss HlUer. De
Rs ev
I] i>ll'->. Bni
Tbe yacht‘T>on>tbj-K;’of Nonhnort
111 Iwnl^h

PL Wayoe; Mr. sod Mrs. Oeo. toiker.
(Sea Lake: 8. Oaafc. Tiateraa City;
Joo. B. 8e^. akato. lU.;
and Mrs. tec CbHstlaason.. o<w
Laike: Un. C- L. Doluan. Hloeyacl
ertne Dobaan. Lawrewoe. Kaa.; H. A.
W. P. Crotser. Trav.
City: Hhn noreace Baselbww. B>-:
. Waab : Vr. aod Mre GBIett.
Pboeala. Aria: Mre. B. J Horgau.
MIsa Uiwee Httma Ur. and Mrs R
J McttoaaM. sod tbeir guest Uiva
Miller of Itotroit; C. A. Craighead.
ItoytOB. Ubio: Mrs. Rlrbard p. L-rtut.
Mias Bara Bruac Cortngti*. R>-.; Mr.
aad Mra. R. M. Barr. Cluiuo
Tens : Hiaa Suasa Semple. Coving­
ton, Ky.: Ura. J. W. Hanaeo. M
Rewao and Gertrude Hansen. f>anli
Bnaman. Tra.rerw Oltr; Hiaa Grate
Wright. Cincinnati. Mina Alma Liarman. IndlasBpollt. Isd.; Ur. anJ-Mra
J. A. Kclle). Q. E Kelly. B. Kelly, an
of Lebanon. Ky.: Mre. 8. D. MneJ-ber
sun. Piovldesoe. R. 1.; Ur*. A. E. KclloR. W. U. Kellogg, and tbeir gnoMi
Miss Montague and Ulu Wpeka^
sau. WIs.; MIto Annie
ard. MUe Uopplna. ' GranA Rapids;
Mias H- M Glen. 8t LoWj; Mo.; CUy
Fletcber. Detroit. MIcb.; Capt- and
Mrs. Gordon. P. K Carew. In tbeir
branch "Ortigtat " and Ibrtr gu<Me
MUa Joaie Utile and Wm. Barneilc.
SI. Loula. Mtcb.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnu Ne«1n Roberta
and family of I'IdcIubsU are at
oung cottage.
OM Mlasisn Hwaa.
Tbe Old Mlealvo Yacht dob held
Its weekly race Ss^rday whb the
usual success, ne -Alpha'' brti
(be winner. During tbe last lap of
(be race II rained very bard but all
the boats ran on tbeir orlal Ume.
Mra. Harrta llickux and her Iwo

Tbe reeortare chartered tka Leaa
Koobiorti Tbnnday laaL and araal
ovar to Otoena to spend the
They were toyally eniertaM by the
Omens reeartcra. haring n grand

■a IBE oia


MIcMpa" CeMrm Varda Pm Out a(
^Train. aru UitoMe


,\ t.

\ —-


TafCu veto mewangw vm' tl
bOI bmwnea ef'lhe Ms
paimed a relramed bill wiFh toe
abritabmegt cMum lartnded.

RuptmiKsa ■CendMikq. tor •

RcfreMtallvc fai Ow
^tate Lt^statorc

lured and l
of doUan. dam
age was done by tbe tooet «
storm that baa ilsitcd toU vlrinliy.
During Ibe ;t boor* (bat the gale
ragod from Katurda) « p. m nslll
Ute today II Ini-hri of rain fert.
Not a train of any Lind haa been
moved by tbe Uirhlgan Ceatral rail
road BiBce oPdnlgbt Salnrday Tbe
(ncka tor three inUea ran and weet
KMikuHvI al
Detroit hare been over (be L
Shore tracks.
The ralb. failing In torreola.
. .
high banka and completely deatra
Ibe Michigan Ceatral ynrds tor l.uon
RVecklng trews. offUlala of
... A. I . ORAT. .
rand aad section bands nil nkrag tbe
itoe nerc hnnied here aed tot
are now at work rapnliiag Iks dam

Water rushed Uirewgh Ibe bostneea
straats In ylvera. Icaring nut pave
menia fouadattons of boUdtag and
eveolhlnk In iU roorac. Big JYiUr
rallraad bed was washed Into (be sc
Joaepb river and many Uei^t
were earned into the siitom.
Nine abow cyra bdMudng to toe
Tiger BUI- cJreua In tbe Big Itonr
parda cannot be moved
Herman Villworti and OUo Pea
.were iMtanily killed by Ugbtolag
while standing la the la tbe laUdr's
While standing In tbe Uuer'u tarp.
They were prominent rtlltena nad
a^lclllng your uupiipn at tbe r»
publican primary's 1 tepU' remStfbat
of m; sbllilj to arn-e you •#»n at
avenna. BonUi Bead. lad... w—rmeri
onaly injatvd by lightnlag! He was
eatcHag toe city la aa antomoWI^
rday algtt. to toe car with HP' mad.
•' irfupuw K elrreed to givo tka oifHr* mi eollr- time aud hert-aervice. The preaeni Imumbeni ku bad-tM
South Bend who were hnriytbg
uBI'W (hi pant t-lgtrt yeara. '*
to rapdir tbe straet ar tmmpaay'a
high teasWo wires, but tha Igiter ealajurj.
A prtyate dam belonging to i
aotrwll MiOrSg company nnd a
crel highway bridtes n
cd out. iBUrnrtign aervlre brew^
ll>um>cal AdveillaaiiieM.1 .
St. Joseph and Sooto Bend. Ind.. la
completely tied up. Tbe Hfatolgan
OUI9I road will not be able to rasofflo lu passenger aervKe natll Mon­
day. \

Ir Mge if Pn^e

Mre. George Sterieker ■
« bridge In honor of H(aa Measerlj.
-Honda) aftenuiuB at her cutlaga. Ur.
UeGoljer won lb# pill
Tbe O U. Y. C. behJ its annual
. Ropoblican Onnilidatr for
meetl^^Tuwaday nigbl and <
were elected aa lollows:
Commodore-Joba W. blato.
Vice Uuinnradol»-<.-|iarler
Secreury-E. W, IVftooi.
Treaauper—A. B. l*orter.
Dlraetoriw. E. Montroue. CUarlea
Trumbull and Uati Reay.
Judges-Mr. Pierce. Hr. Beacm and
Mr. Mooirose Tbcy^derided to have
three snore races Ibis
Mre Weasel)- returned to her borne
In BedaUa. Illluols. Tueeds)
Bclden Trumbull arrlied al
. Or. Bun Vat Saa WaM to Pakin
liushmore bunsr. Saturday from Chi­
Sfaaagbii. Ang. l*.-0r. Ban Tat
Mr George PssSeld was here
(sea. formei provUloul praaldcat
Sunday, seeing hb (amil).
Cfatna. dlsregirdlng the wnnibig
Ur. Barr of Chaltanooga. Tenn.
Irlends mho Irar bis safrey ainre tbe
bougbt a lot and expects to build ekorulion of aeveral Hankow gener
)>ere next year, 'ilia (amll) like
aU. lett Sbgighsl today tor Peklr.
very much bare.
Gcaeral HiMg Sing. who ciMuomnded
Ur. and Mre. Robert L^Uolyer
the soutliren Repi^bllcan army In (be
n;ed at tbe Rnabmore bouse Moudaj iciuluilon wtiii-fa itnertbrew the tm
' RrpiUtM PfMriei. Aoctnf 27. 1912
nlgbt from Cblrago
pcrial government vud was lo-b.
rlialtnn, tnlWiuiniih.m «r swelling '
•‘‘‘c*' «»» «>Joyed by a
A number of UM Uisnlon people at­ acconipanled ■>. I^n. ban abandon'd
ccf* «-ooilon. lotiies Joy (iresteM couipeny of resortera.
tended toe dnnee et Elk RepMa, Frl Ibe Journej.
hraler of burn*, boilr. uli-ers. <-iiis,
I'lMiaiii Grant baa beea S realdnt
day laat.
Gland Traierwr louuly f»r Slty
Th' soulbern lewwal* prrcnily pm'
liriilM-s. i-cxelna.'si-aldn, |>lui|>lc*. sklu
ire H' !• n»w serving bis (weltlb
rriiintnn-. Onlj —' >v-ni
Hr. J'ardle telephoned ’ to
lo death wera membera of Dr. Son
IM" iiHvr lemi as clerk of tMrtleM
gist* III Traverse Ctly^
Vlrenh to do go ciu( aod gel Charlie Yat Sena party. (h« Tung Men Hul.
iislilpi. has sa-rvrel four j
4S be was out In the bay and taU'en-' and were eelxed al tbd lapl'Hl b< ri:
lli-e nl iDi- iwara and hsi eervM
Rev. Frederirk L. PlcrehUugb
gfne was broken It aas reining.
reilKm of President Yuan 8bl Ksi on
(TnclDUatl. Is elao at Ibe ITI.e .
tlmee l>ui-i) a dek-amte from UsrId answer to many inquiries we call the alteutioii
U poured A great scurry was made
charge of being impileated'in an
BHri lowiLhlv 10 lUe couDly <wn>a»
there l•r(<Ke they fsnghl alleg'd •nnsplrai y agalnsl th' IVkm H
of the voters of Grand JTraverse Cdunty to certain fea­
od and baa so'-tal tltuea been a
Mre John Gates of Clndnuati. gav< coM In tbe rein When be arrived
rmseot. Two of to' ofScera w.
d<-leea«' ■<• ihc ajati- <-.•> tlllML
daptlng ami lawn iiarty IMda at (be Alpha, ntirlle yella.- Hey'
Mr Grunt'K cd'iratlos
bv drupifarwd ivjurt nitrtl*’
Every voter whether he is now enrolled, or not in
etenlog al (be butel wfaege then leorge. bring auv
>> Hl|
(be'i-aplul aud sbnl.
nib-is w.
any other party has a right to ch^ge his enrollnieut,
!i- !(»• gucris prcaeni. TbI- There sal Cbarlle Sclden contc
ued In cbalns lu Jlanknw a
vrare in the
of the iargeai and most
-and emolL and vote as a National Progressive at (ire
E were exre-uirel
rural ■uli.'.N of this cnnly. He is
Jojable panic, of (be season.
s tani.'r cit, a ftwe riniry end (rail
primary election on August 27th: also if you are not
candidate (or
Bah Mre Pardie bad bad for ■
Tbe Ibree large tennla courts am
larni In Garn<-M Irrmn-htp He taa a
miroIM at all you have a /right on that day to enroll,
flair' herd ol ico brad, a iwonewt Mock
Ibe golf course are the attractloii'
aod vote as a National Progreteive, or for any other
>iln. and l-cllevee Hi u|slO-riato m
ibeae days aod Ibere la —— on<
(Ms Hr le a m-nii«!r of Grand T
NEW party.
m ibera all tbe time
er>e Gialilp-. an rs-i-iewldent «( (
Friday. Aogoki S. wfO be Cadillac
In case there are any county, offices with no can­
Farufr- Inriliii-- aonetv, and ptrai
; The natal rewrve ship VaoHe wa
ly ai toe Wettneiong rtub A m>nd
Gran-I Tiaterae llnlry■n tbe harbor over Buuday aud nl
didates printed on the tif^et you 'are entitled to write
•f joung people from tbe Cadillac
a'imi ' Hi eollrtls yvnir
Washington. Aug IV-Thr >.raate
traded a great deal of aiteoihio.
in tbe name of such candidate as you see lit. whether
ang 20 ♦:
club la expected aad (here wUl
Tbe followmg gueau are at (b.
and bouse remferee.' have sgri-ed 1..
or not he is a candidate on some other ticket.
tcnoih luurnaueoi. .-wimming
I AKecn milll'in o'-l
Gales rvttage and all from Clnelnna
This will not bar you from voting in the Novem
racee aad n feature daaie and reiep
■ Sbane Baker. Hiss A »r
lar baliicwbip In 'he naval auproprla
Hon In ~n(esF«rellig
Tbe (ollowlog
her election for any person you may wish, no matter
UIng about ihe icrataa
guaoD. Miss Alesine Prrguaoa, B. W week TraverH (Tt) day will be held
on what ticket their name may be priuit^.
Umau^ P Lad^don and H E Cooms
Goa >rf a
CbdUlae aud muiii tub same pro
tia>e stood for t«u
W. G. Shulta of ClBt-Janatl. b r
im win be gone lerougb wiib >i
guest at tbe Dob man rotiage.
r S-repted (be comptomvept that Cadillac will ere as bout U>
Alfred Ualtker is at toe Dan. cut
The time for organization has been short, and we
be Traverse Ciiy crowd
eatnestly request that those lu s>m|iathy with the
A(l»« Soeday Target Bneotto*.
Tbe fullowlDg are regia'ried at Ibi
The Long Lake prangs mill prva
movement will communicate at once with the chairSnaday iirpre ihooHOf la tbe BrtL
bojel: Edwin P. Houllner of Clndnr
> lee cranm aortal at tbeir hal
tab abmy ranges Is permmed to tbe
manor secretary of our committee, who will co-oper­
(1: Ur. and Mre. Harold HahL Wii
Saturday evening. August 21.
Loudon dMirtoi except during mantog.
ate with you in forwarding tbe movement in your lo­
Ohio: Col. Cbauaccy P
ebnrek hnun
wUcE toe public if lavUmL
Baker aad Ura. Baker of toe V. 8
cality. We will also have m depend on the common
army, and Ura Victor Piive and (am
people for the funds with which to carry on the~camFARM FOR SALE—Al C^oad Uarbor.
lly. Ciadnnath.Mr.'aBd Mn. Jai
Leelanau County. Mlckipm, iai
yon h
Train will !•«>« Tra'era- City
aigpn. and contributions for that purpose will be
LUIbn Sabin. Ml fleaaaat
CTOS.- all day joo i
acres. V- cleared, balance is stove
Sreliug this n-Donjination. be jf
thankfully receivefLJipwever small, and the same may
limber, ioe fruit trees, a very One at C;uu a. ai Keiurumg. kave
of tbe bnrdea by
asLlBg of Ibe votera tW whirt Uleta.; MIsa UinBia Mauler. Day :wo (rf DR. HERRICK'S
-ing a ftoe view of I
be handed or forwaroM to Frank W. Carver, treasurer. onij
at 7 p. m
!• Burden every oElce of J^ge of
COATED PILLB betore golog b
(nilt (arm, 1%, mile fro* 'Bebom^nixl trip (ares lo Mnkepon
piohiie ihriKiehout Ibe Plate and bla K. H. P. Waaler. Travane Oty;.IV
.berg- staiM For panlculkra ari.
past oCIrlal record JosHOes iilm In A. ntViL Traveraa aty: Oeo. R
and Grand Rapids CM.
Fran|t & BMssll.Sec. ' John W. Patchin. Chairman. »*kln*
the *ii|>T«rt of bla party. Whuler. CblcBgo. III.: W G Carpea
Chy. Mieh, R. P. tt S<f 1
BUS "l.-C?
irr. FVrt Wayne, tad.; Cti.v Ookridge.
which wfll be duly a'ppreeUtad.

AmllF. Nerllnger

Bert A. Gannett



. M. coom

Comty TftMrer


The NiOionel firogressivt Party

Judge of Probate


Pere Marquette

To At Progreuwi Voten:

Sawilay. Anonsl KUi
Grand Rapids

PrimaryBteUoA* Ana S7



ttin niYZttB mnjoD, m nuivna ut baoix. tobdAt. avsiot », uu.
MsLyNh-s-.s .



bmd In- ftisiMS tn


Gtiiler Value for Ibe
Salne Price.
J ulidtr il's wwih While to choise
Ctwdeiit,Flour for your
bread and pastry.

Bwvo tboaa aching taatt aboulatMy
'wKboat Hia. aH Tftheat tba eaa ad


by iMinc a geetle Uvatlve sUnialaBt
lyaard aacb bad «t tbo Bnt elca ot any irreaiilarUy.
the a grrel deal ot tiio mUeo and dla-

Vllbtr Bare and Pairi Tboaiaap.




. llos«r last waMb
V. T. Bfauit If soalai X acraa of
J. .D

SbMt and wife bate a bran

ew gin mtne tu ftny with Ibefa.
the Allyn liaacItaM lean hare llnlr
Pratt hare kobp to Traverae <?lty to
haul cra« cl on roatU.



Iscnk Lake. Ang. H.—Mias Dorothy


aAvk HAD ciuxs FOB

Hate U« lamiR improved
In- sp-t»-cat« deeigns from the
ro«V" eb DA
Prpmpt sttaciUon
Chren all orders no matur b<>«
snutH t an 9T write for prfeca.



Ttwreras ftty. Nfcb.
pboosnlia. MA




Plymg Men Pall
VIciiiaa tn vtoniai-b. Ihegteba kldoey
irnuhlcr Jual like olhif imoplc. with
like rcriili* In lorr ofJappHltc. liarbache, nrnoueoeaii.trtsaarhe. and tir*^
Lloyd east and hU dre shlidrca
llatlesa. nin-dowii fiwllnr. Rut thcre'r
from Penn. Casa Oo, arrlrod last
no DMsl to reel like that as T 11. Peeweek to spend a tew weeks wiurrplJde*. lloSD’. Tcnn..-pro\e<l. "Sslx ItotITkes corrected each day by wire
of Kiix-irtc
r.i.x'tnc liitiera.'
be writes.
atlves av Ihia plate.
from Chhmge. Datreit Toledo ad Bet-elogiM-nie new slri'nglti and
Mr. and Mrs. Hart Jeonlags from
telQ through United Preaa tetegtHh
Trarcree Oty. visited at Will Ptcrcc’s
when Ibis
last Sunday.
1 reweely will hel|i you from the
Mrs. (-has. Iriab
from' .Traserse
Try It
Uuly :•<> (wnu al
City has been epcndlag a. lew days
all druggista of Tra»erw Clty^.
wth Mm. B. E. Ihiryes.
Chicago. Atig. jS.-Wbeai. kSHt.
MUs RuiB Adams


, bjv|l mind them. All’s mil: U you didn't, yonr
<>r^ “d
«" the customers’ entire
tralk Wahe^ and push the “BESr’ flour made.
The manutacture and sale of tiiis flour helps pay
your Uies. pave your streets, build yrmr school
houses. Does foreign made flour do as much?




The Markets

speadlng a'c^. OHc. (tets, 3l!dc.
Hetroh. Aug. IS.-Whrat. *1.98^.
Ceru TSHe. Oata. UHe.
Toledo. Aug.
Corn. Sb^C. OsK. 31^.


Indian Killed on Track..
Near Roehclle. III. an In.llan went
n sleep on n railroad track nnd war
the fart express
He iialtl
Aug. IP.—fatllc—necolpis.
Is rarcHcsi'l___
.._ .........................
life. ONBdive. slcady.
s that war when people neglect
IS anil colds. Ikm’t risk- yoor life
■Ivc^ArJlve. g>i«i 1".
-'proniiK use of Or. King's New ....-Ipth; k.«Ki; atea. |fi.:.0#iT.tir.;' No. 3.


Wall ta Laara 0«r Parte.
Alt ihroogh Ute wa bavs w act: a»
the aooaer we leare aoma or the parte
that will fall to us—hero, modest help
or rejecied torer—the betor. seeepted oi
tor we aball e
eosduct oureelrcA
The Trials of a Travelei

K. lc“Yo>itig-V
nnliled wllli cnii.TliiUlInu
like qn till I hesan to nae l>r. |

Ulo mils. whKh I have .
.--II..,.. _______ I. -.11' i.'...
Knr all
»'«»-rHec.-lirts. I'U'iO: s.llve. found an ••xci-llciii i.toiuucli, liver ur kldiicy iroiililcs llicv'
raiib^. "It romiiletely cured me In a' easier. IK.MtiP. rluhlBg at
arc iiui-q«ia1i-d. Only 3.'. vv
short time of
Tllilc cough that fol
druggista tif Traierse City.
l(l«ed a severe allsck of grip." write*
J: n. Walts, noidada. Tci.. -an.l I
regalncl I.'i inunds la weight that I
CbhAga July l7.~PDUtoao quoted
had hwt." OuleV, KBie, relUhle am', ml Che mod 7DC.
guaiamecl. .Vir and Trial ImUtlc-kfCc at all drilgplslb of Tiatviuc


uWy A Few Weeks
Bielon; file

Grtat Grand Traverse
Redion Fair
lire 1911 ^jposiUon to be Befd in

traverse City, Mich.


will excel aay Fair Ever Given in Norlbem XUehloaii.

Prepare now to attend. Get your exhibita ready. Call up the superintendent of die deparUneat in which you wish to display. You will find his name
in die iwemium list. If you have not ons of these, have Secretary H. B. Mon­
tague send you one.

The K^Mfcdf Sweess to as Ewiy Stari.
This will be the biggest exposition'of farm and orchard products, commer­
cial display. &rm implement exhibitions and varied enteruinment ever known in
Northern Michigan.
^JiuaX toWe Spirit Bin kc Prneaf Oarav df NF^’g Airwi.
Get a membership ticket for SIM. Get it early and help along a cause that
will be a big factor in the devMopment and progress of this section of the state.
For information iiKiuire


This bank is particularly capable and
willing to co-o|»rate with euterprising
bUNnesB man. fruit growers and formers in
iIm promotion of their affairs along legiti­
mate lines. .
Do oot hesitate to confer with our officers
at any time. You will be sure of the mmost >
confidante, entirely unprejudiced advice oiid
the svggesticns of experienced financial
counsellofF. *

Uodw i»«rslo( US.TrHiRy .


lounba............................................................... -c
Cbii-keDB................................................i to Hr
. PARM PRODUCE—Ouying Pries.
priest rnrrected eavb Monday amS

dsy (baraoftet If nurkol rarlM


\f........................................................ Wc

Kega .-r:.................................... tPe
Hay T.............................................................. Ill
atraw. par ton ..................................tU-M


Some of (he oUeit braiMf msde in
Travoae Gfy are ibe braada

Factory 322 S. Umon

nade lyow


FARM PRODUCE—aetllng Piiea.
Prices rorrected oadi Hobday ud
•rii day Uterqafter It mork« vartea
Potetosi............................................................. M*
Buuar ................................................................2XC
Rgga .....................................................................»e
lUy. psr urn ......................................... 122.09

........................................................... lUdO


* • 9JI

aRAlN-HaimaD « Lay Ce.
Prlees corrmitod oarii Hoaday oad
each day tbsradtur if burktl rarletWheat. old.................. .. .............................Il Oo
New wbtU ..................................................


1« cents stralglit

Diamond J—lOc





ooch day tbaroottar '.t■aihotrariea.
Wbeat ............................................
twn ...............................................



ftaaas. par bo .



IS cents nr S lor S cents

F. K. Smoket*-5c



5 cents

Traveiiw Beile- 5c

ilUes ......................................................*Hor
Wool ............................................................. ...H


........................... .

I boras hUas ............. SI Maad ttt
____ ilan
elds Ibe liars "'or a
-ts ni..
ion team.
nnt»»r.i.i.o COS'III
C POU'DKR puts tidrtt la
it nm dosfi and ta pno
Pat a li(|le Id the feed for i
nnd nme the Improremen:
1 me gradoitl'- dir
tnn f<ah.
lib. ibe
the root biwio
lb dawn s
asd rWm-' and
and amri'


cnix pboirn B4«l

Now oo Sale
*nie New 5c Cigar

tL A. HDellmoBlcI, Mir.
For SJe by AB Dkitn

5 cents

Privale Brands
a Speeudty

■n B. rron

“Some Smoke-

W. Jabraos
Weaver Factory Smoker A.ClnsrMsnnlactsrcr

Prlecs rorrected as marttet varici.

Call tor awi gd
yonr raoney'B woiib.

Gote Post—10c
Made is Traetrre City
It eenisor llor 2S cents Broadfoot Havana»-5c

S cents

GRAIN—Travtrat city




Fnnr Days Hoeac Ractng. ExclUag Track Events. TbrtlUag Aerial
Acrohattc, Tnipcsc and Horizoalal Bar Acito by Cclebrdled Periome
cri Twice Each Day.
Big Progrboi ni Free Ealerlat^eBl tor Yoang and Old.

A good bank itands to its (xmimerctal
depositors very rhuch in the position o} a
business ally.

t ’alves .....................................................r< to 6i
fows .................................................... 5 to (c


Live Sibek



Local Markets



g rear.






Dana haa been enneed to iCach the

i. Dnrga has p
ibrcsblng mb^lae and



M-M wnhetHi Btoek. with Br. Betdb
Mb. TtaMSSa CUT. eet-at—

It anUM tens DnlR Cmp

out for the tall ran.


are to ibe eBeti that Ulx-aa.
ttau. Barter and hlax site
slti ppw. Md.
... ilem ai
and all craiiis
hare advanced rapMly
There are

1 drastic pbyaira
->aaaae et the
I (Otlnsriu their
and l>ulbliue
.tn efrellCM laxalive.
sHtlrsI pomons.
The inv
.that In easy and natural In Ita eSeH
nal LMwefur giiilng a<iui>- ■•?
on the stoDincb. bowels and llrer. Is .Ww Voi h
....7^?^ 31
■ prudncloK luiid It
rell’a Syrap fepabi.
touDd In
coniprtind «r aimpie
lixatlVr herbs |
nple lixatlvr
IM-pAln that la plensantt to
to the|
the | i.hlladi'phU .
AhMy Tht Se!nr.r> CerC ’
and *t>oalllre. In its art^en.
H'jrioriniiail - .
fliale li> the undersisni-d I'nnadlhn
•'leiinslng the bowel irart an
tiosMbia*^ .*ise»t.
the lureisa tnallrr that
and Infljmes th<’ _____ . _
. .. 3«oton .
• CLWter|_<Urqu^. Wltti.
Syrop Pepsin will qoirfcly cherit Htr
ahmnier diarrhoea
rrboea that Is m prevSiI>r Cal
ihtwHI's SyT’jp Pepsin la
IWMeaae qaam
., dnis
. .: sicres
slore for lUlv re-nta a
ItMllr: large, tnnll
tnnlly tlnr. one dollar. Mined la lonlstana by pumping, and |
»s» fralUi« bfi glMit->A ,)«n
A free trial bottle
pral- the rneult le that Sicily expone ren '
r will be sent, ptmipaid. K >oa win write
sriile to Dr. W. B. utile sol
CaldwelL ifiC WasbieglOD Su Moatli'tlYhJ“viira «”o“‘l7«n!*^ora 1
*” heirrrra wsm. .-.ti— 1.
laUe. lUtnoU.

l^ke View achoitl district No. 2 iBr

It’S Guai;anleed.



UDltortns rmnpleted.

“^ "S5r»S“’

bo -Cnotar- MOiDd. I mm tm

Miner Ilia.


w e»i ■-a- «
brotberin-U«. Jaka
White tern.
The eUMkteal Mdlerrctloo in
Bublu. OD Boerdaea
Udv diet U elomH ewe to be foUoaed by
,---------w-.i troable and iedlgostloii. bat It
tMDd . 13 [OUM nckml



I •‘“

ar« HO* balUtng • alio or f
w^. kw^
Hteea- 1 •

kteel comer pr BocUoBa 4-t t and I *oMer powle whonld bo
to Ihte aUe «ait.
«cwfrol or iRrtrJaaSk «ar
Ray Korett and Mr. and Mrn. Mil- aontha. aa tltf loa^erat

s- isw.

ered Urva. N. r. Darla, 70.

..IS* - .siuae^moir
IbHWiib M.'BerM (XT Ms f
MabtM at Uaduae; ran.


AII>n. Aoc. IS.—ThU ton. lalud

Mr. Busineaa Man, prereasiaoal and


Hew many deliara

'llcMe Movemeat..........$c
vmokers’ Clab...............Ite
CiLDbonc 474
ry. & E. Teato SL

dees the ovitide cigar manirfacturer,

Jilt Cigar of Quality


ogn his msetiine made cigars, opend
in the city


with live heme

at Aemparad



about SO men with (amities, many of
wimm were bern in the city, own


homes and buy all them neceoaitiea of

11^ ^Sillers

life here, at well




everything that will make Travetea

5£ each

CHy a “Good today and better city

.■me WoodsDrag One.

To n»* Eorolled Voters wf G

:i^:r?'rSJS^K^!jOHN BOWARD
your ralendat so you will sot foixet U.

£S‘S3“’!i'??r=?|ll2E.I«Sl MIW109

Tb. Besfye ciiar In
the City. .



TUti) 91 all WMl. ilue aarea
taut or regular $&valua-^
«o<lbla iiRattad orX(nfblk atyla.

sie mid $I2.S0 aud even ft?
«ariy K yrni %ram Shis'


Great Semi-Annual

Here> V^ere We lUp Things Wide Open
i» ». clearance ,»

of a na<a»i.y to „

siocAB iQaL are coo Aeavy>

This Clearance ol Women’s Garmrnts-is a Notable Event
Wariiry olltaa CaulldaBca and Patronaga ol«Tary Womaa wba has alolb« to bay

Ladles’ Long Coals at $5,6.50.

Ladies’ Colored i/resses
at 96e, $1.40; 2.60 and^^SOO

For Garments that were 91« to »25

For Garments worth op le^lASS

Ladies’ AMisses' Dress Skirls
Over »S go In Ibis sale at Mo
redneUons In price

Abeut atty tono eaM*. all new, in •emi-fltle« «
These dresses are made el firw lawns, dimities, tissues. 9:09..............

-»r . combinitior
hams. pe'calee. etc., in the latest styles, neat and eiabir« plain ullereiJ
Ihst told up to ta.S0. in this Clear•re mnde el manniili acrsea in
bSc, 1180, «280 and bl-bO
lere are •!•« white, prey, Alice
d up to $1080 each will 90 In
' Mm and a few blacks in the let. as well as aemc fine silk, ».so. $ and sexo
•Min and 8enpalinc e»au. All this aeason's styles that
- , in mi...........................
wm oioao to «»aa m tMa clearance at ^ bS. %t.U3. R30. $10.00
worth bl2.». bis and S
It only
LadIM' L«no Coats el Linen and Peplln, Just a few cl these
bartnenu left were btOO te bb-50 each; alas a lew cteth .
ceata that ware
c blOXO. 90 in this cIcarsMe at only............«.»S
Ciris' Cloth Costs for aoes 4 to 14, «
90 on sale at only.................................
Isrees. worth bf^ and

>m $3.00 te $7-SO.
t1i». b^XO^nd 080
r rwvelty r
.............................. »s

, «t,cll,.U ..Im. .1 th.j.

Ciris’ Colored Dresses, over a hundred ineJuded in this sale,
worth Irom 75c to $480. iww at »C. 49c. 79e. *5c. $1.35 and $7.00

. bnsoN' WAHrsGtcnih

“'i’£ia2.srT£«;s.’i;rkre-.^, ??L„


all sues, worth
Ladles' Vestv tight

•d are cardinal, grey. tan. brown, pink, black, pon­
gee. white. c<L were $180. $185. $1.50 and $1.75 a
pair, wilt be closed out at...........................................................

s with Uped necit and armholea.



Ladies' Silk Oiovea. twe clasp and double tip l•ngcra. In
whHe, blaok and edlom. ware 50c a pair, at........................»
Lirflet’ Kid Qloves—All diaeonUnued lints thai <
$IJ» .nd.$1.50-»
snd.$1.S0-d pair
pair Witt eo ir this sate at..

““ “S'**



.Ladies’ Uing'SHk Qlaves. eMr's6 pair in this lot. Includ^

$380 ara';M $1 JB'»w7«^i»«d'

Ladles’ Oolh Soils .

... »6M and '
White Creases lor Juniers. girls age 11. 15 and 1?, many el
them will go at HALF PRICE, worth Irom bt.SO (e 110. On
«'« »«.............................................................................$2.50, bl.SO and $580
Baby White OreasM worth up to.$3 reduced to 75c, $1.60 and $285

* ’^^rh*!*-" ‘‘d'soc*"^ *“*'*■


lighb wcighL
ru< the lamoos ■•Richelieu"’
— Union
-........ ruila.
l•chclieu" brand, whits
lisle, lace trimmed, urorth 90e s suit, at

:: 2: .

Lwla^^ Hose in white, bi.trk ard celot. wi


LM^’ih;^ Kiii^ ttot'

p*'*’* •*................................................................................

■ wiiv 'tip ^

Embroideries and Flouncings
Rednced Irom 1«% to MX
Our antii
•Sc for 45-ine

nock el finaei ambrelderies arc included.
Flounclnga In beautiful pstterne of
Sorita Baby
Irlih that were $1.50 a yard.


r.o.2:^ugir;.v"2:'.’r’.“'.'r. .r’’».

79c for 4Sinch Pieuncings that were $18$ a yard.
36e fer OJneh ^teunelnga that were fOc a yard.
r«c far a M el EmbreWoriae and InMrtiena that w
a yard.

r^iaur^S’,”* rii™


Dariag this Sale Oaly

........................................ ........................................... 2$c.9ieand 4Se

rAMfWI Miaal tlfnilBMiB

New Undermuslins
Boaght at Special Prices tliey
all go Into tbls Sale
-ie Drawers, okel/trimmed
ucka, etc. alee umbrella styles,
at only..
............ 25c
The ’Marcella." the noted sklndrawer-it's a closed drswer.

« .........................................................................................see. $185 snd li.SO
New While PettieesU of cambric and nainsbek. worth up te
*2M,H................. ...............................................
*sc. $185 and $1.50



- 0". In bleaeht
... .... .2c a yard. at...

te p«w lets Juat rseelued
•• Into this aale
,r rMniar'w.

.......... =

VmSrMtas with ne« mia.i.n handler w^TTliS.


New Sweaters for Fall

Every new and deairable style for men, for boys, for women and for
gkl^ -ail colors, ail stylet of collars and all wc.ghta: prices from $180
*• $BM. The best values we've ever had.

Biankets and ConUorto—Special
Made* Poekcl Kallr
rnsneveror Soys' doth onb.


^ new fall lines are here and theyhe dandles. Cotton bUnkeu at
«Be te $285 a pair; weal bianketa at $48* and $t a pair; find comfort
era at a$e te $ Be sure and inveatigata our Maaket depL


te iTi. '!*:*.ate mid see
A'l Hen's Strew Hau at............ ■ALFPBKB

$16.50 Softs at' 510.90 S18.I0 Salts 4l
These suits are all wool, ihaperetaining and serviceable. Fsnay
-ns. blues, greys si
serge suits-jseiutely
-legulsr prices ol these 1
proof. Regular
and $15.50 iand seme
$2080. eheice m this Cles
af only $10.90.

Borne cslrserdinarly
tads, so^9e^cws«<mcres
in this lot. Swell path
the very latest styles,
were $1C.O0. Several young
models that were S2a Choi
this ule St only $13.55.

518.50 Sails m $8.80 52r.90 Salts at
Dent judge these tu.ts’by this
low .Their regular values arc
$12.50 and $13.50. ana they're
worth it. Every thread pure wool,
tsilorW in the Isttsl style. Blue
serges el good weight. Isney wors­
teds and che.-Ois. Choice m this
sale at only $S80.

These are
drSM and business wca
dark colon, plains or It
dium or heavy weights
tailored end elegantly i
regular $20 and $22 suit
erai lines that were eve
this sale at only $16.50.

UcD*8 Paats


Colored Parasols
All thia aeason's prettlcA and beat Mylea are cut down ii


Tbe Array ol Hlgb-Clnss Clolhlng ol
Savlag. oi tS, SS oad SIS a Suit.

and light colorec
era; one lot wi
to $( SO a pair

^"* •"'* ’** •

-iSa. ISC and eie
A «Aa very beat iiTpUin or cii
cut e«*iM. hansmad,
d nr fringed, new marked dov
»5e, $1

Now For Ihe Cllmaxi

Men*s and Boys
CLOTHING Clearance

:au*^ALV' ros.


One let o> Fme Trous­
ers worth $3.-50 te $4.5f
a pair will go at. .$2.95
Efflire atock el Fin
eat Worsteds and Serge
go in this
sale at. .10 per cent oh
Panu; the regutac
regutac $2.5C
values SI $185; tlm $:

snee sale at Ihe leUewing savings;
worth $2-50 and ll.SD
$1.95 and $2.43
$580 Suits at . .. $3.95
$5.50 Suits at .. $4*0
$5.00 Suits at ... $4.W
One lot of Pure 8 .
Bhiru worth frorr $3.5C $5.50 Suila at .. $5.40,
$7.50 Suits at ___ $5.03
Ora let o
YoMhs- te ••; all go at . ..$1.9.
A two4)Uded pocket
Fmc Dress
■Long Pants
Woitn $185 and $!.«. knife free with every
and straps
boy's suit.
worth $185 at............95.
Men's Underwrar, ImMca-s
Khaki Psntt French
Bsibriggan Pants, brr. 7Se values.
•stra heavy and wei
shirts and drawers. 45< I., this sa,t at
mada; worth te $2. u
Ona Ivt el
value at ........................ i’e
elosa out at
B9c wt.
and (frawers: Pants.
regular S5c value at I9e
ysWash ' BuiU.
Lest r^kes ol L
. Ji up to $185. at
Suita. woiSh from $185
35c. 4$e snd 69c.
te $280 at 'B5C. $1.15
Beys- Bieoat Waists,
ami $ie$.
ret on earth, in th.s
worth. 35c.
50c and 75c in this sal:
t.................23e and 4Sc
Men’s ^ Hats, all
75e vaiuM at ..
Fine Soft Shirts mi
el aelMttc. silk con
etc. wo
$185 ta $280. in t
Mh- at 89c. $189 i


secure FRE
I as Racfci
ling Chairs.
$ult Cases.
0 Dl
Dishci. Bilvcrwsrr.
Wafehee. Umbrcliam Pcttweats. etc.
Save your tictacts.
Men, come In a
free; one given to



1»A(7E mnnr.






• IlltW»uy- fT4 »m6 taiwi r«« m.!' Md l» M.

Wi*rh*(ij «b« »m uu roe HMW -ul


I wm »*»» «fc«» to b«-






i thr «b«r »tor1o».

• •e»«r.bed
Thtek -COBtalaj fo»r
• <f0ch>.
'ate avar* al^aanm. vbtch looks tet
llkr a pte of- sao«. rwfl] be dte
wbs« aebool reasMacea bersoae 1

OU NUteh. Hleh.

j “ *s«“:r;rM m,.* m.^- :

Loa. -«*1i«re>e yea bcM aB thU vaa avtU haaSso
•aefcT I barea'I scea yea oMa.~ * asly MSSer.-I'TO beea oal.lo Paachbraok." ted
The Unaa's U<
BlUr. Vhh an air of laiiortahre: l.oa. ate then aba


-Psaebbmak!' repeated Lou; “why.
brothers’ naowa ob ibe

if I
MM u i>mi e e. I
«- U.«. I -I, -T,. W J



I waa a puce o>

roiua* *"■

Orsonted Oacomber S. ISM.


. -Ifa a-Hayer'-and her voice aank W

Hlaaciarb Salaa.

nrrt Vice



Ur U..U. 'uu.i. Ok.
/.. .u_____ ...


Mahal “ HOpreMUa whiapat.

•atM wmiawia.
SaaaM Vlct Rwaidat—Mr»
tetter 4blaWa

lhai's on (he ulertrle.-

the LMtla Girl aarUlined Cra«'>*
‘Their aslDe« are aa fol»»•
“>**- » F- H N" *
l^w 7te »“«=
K™*!-. ‘e* ibree years:
*«• >*• >*«:
tor '“•'TJ Kiiapa. aae one year u»l Jhree ^ Prealdet.!WUI yoa pitwse aeod ibem a
• 'bousbt I *'«ld write ate tell


♦ asshb'

“» >»•'>.
s« rnlioB-u

oBiMe* so

to uuer con-

From your lovra* Suosbiner. .


» Saathlaer.
FjIbs 0111.

Wc •'»» all laiareated in ibe Branrh Clubs
Some Una tell ns

«MI- This wss one of Minnie's a>asnauy J. Kroapa.
see wr^m*
And they alwsys led
1 am cUd ibai you llha to read the
iMfl. Aotte 1. mt, SA1S.
to some Uir eoctaalineot of pUy-te- SuubUa latiers. snd an sure all tbe
will enioy the one you tave

Klanla Kvovm. OM Mlaaion. WirlL ' Winnie turned, and wiiboui a word Jun wrliien.
MHU ate hy
J. Kroai^
<>>a Ullla Girl followed. Siialgbl to

taprf around li. and gave It la Lon
lou. -|


«»' «»
------------------------------SUNSHINE STORIES,
Lou’t New Suit.

-.No.- ted lou. -I Deter dM Then.
I haten't been here a great while. Say.
wbeo do Ibe rant run to Peaebtarook T'
-Tliere'. one goes by the corner

- Slut by DaMy J. Kraoia.
HqniS-INno and Sslbar nne. Fife.od a whole boi of Ul<-k'« bird seed gf Ngvember.

fsilier alul bimaelf 'ihat
one of them fotind a letter from IJs-

kitchen a very brteihl*te^o>fwhose o,rtBlum glowed

Travenie »l««i 'llaU- Plumedike


leaves ruotled

'tnilea an.l


bare iwelv Fuuog the taby hail all gone.for a long rest.

, b„„gBj

far above ihe Utile llH's head. They
war even taller itan Winnie, and
made a dense iblckei lor -miles, and


Tear Jovlng Suashlner.
AlfrcV Krouia,
hog, ,h,, ,hr summer lime I. a

tullet. " .rcordlUR lo tl-e basy saa«n for the Uunahlnera.

tim-Ml^ Mill In HappytevA.

ktlBule’. little


Hot tbit strange sei.teuce. broken
off la that pet ullar wsc.-i.ou read It
,g,,o .nd once again

,»„er than 1

-lid. ate IM. wasn’t for l.ou .


MPhtgan cut. ind.
l,.o>»J«>ke.l-lown s. the sub be tad
eOmbed It lust today,
, . fair thal sbe half believed all tbe fun
Aug. 9. 1«I2.
not a uew one;
4 IMtis wind went 'wlilr ma.
-wan telly tra»,
nrar President. domrtea. aR the way.
"Wd nr. tost!" Minnie asid. and dfr.
, n,„ Hof w.iiten to'you for a tong *'■" «*>'•'■ *•’'
n loiipte to louniay to Mie pMec. and
llghtfal shivers ran down ibe Util* una
md you know l tad a liiito
whan tha teid day
1 Girt', aploe. "Loar *aa an awful btodmrt He wa. bora on Decoralton
1-doU myartf (bat Happytowu abouM
£ but tosi-wlih-Wlnnl* meani
a name Is Karl Winfred Arm"
^ fhd vMas. tiamesfrong. It will soon he scbool time
"All me 111111 I ve got 10 iu> uame.__
. toat
•-There are' Iton* and ilyers a-raar- ,ta|n. Well, I guefS I will close
tald liiii alouil in ilie knieii. ’ ’. epi
■ inff
Issa;-slate the SeidB
‘af hand,
hand. "'
.Mlunit . aald.
Tour Snaablaer;
io> iiid ^gs.oi iuIiiF' ain't good lor
l»t wetelu’. ”
'ted'^rt a waokhte clover e«M tbe "Keep-qlllel or iWy'll esi yon.'
g^trla Ai
LiiddeoVv ate looked
- wte aJoteli Tillin'
^ But the l.liile Qlrl gave sn IneWould yoa not like your wee iiroihmte*- .Usee.*,
iiitla «t«t— ptealMe giggle as Kltiy Kanrhan Mid ^-a^amo on the Cradle Rollt I am
______ _ .—..W at.»a
tbTobgb the wpving locest, wlib a geo- .nra ba l» Uk* ------e Sonbeam.

■ SSSiui»e-/si


Backley. Mich



aiouiid fbe klicheo
clean, cerulnly, -took rare of Ir. but (be rad tablecloth.
and the kettle hullliig an the stove,

Aug. If. 19lt. ate tbe pink paper flowers on (t'e
clock Shelf all sramed to tbe boy very

I priDcaae.- paW
an ... ..
Mlnnto, luatantlr fUilng kitty into her
| (kougbi I would wrlie
•X Ybls Hags to tat yon know ttani I had not
■ iw ara ta dUff. a wbQi at te
foisattpn tbe Sunabine Club. 1 tave
ite^whZtetetetStUuitla town.
"UlioaJPI^u aald li wni a forest,
»«.hg4 vary much time to write aa 1
^ .to.Z2r„«, |gg*.
,ta Ultle Girl remarked, aimrfled la- bare ban no buty. Uoadar we weal
*ff) toinM. Mutt
wTmatt t®

'Mbd So


nlc« and bemelihe.


be remem-

berte a time, not ra many' reart bofor*, bad tbougbi a big farmuoi* kltdyea the sunalesi place la
whole worU: and when hi, main

4w w^ I kaawM walling M* at «« qaaRUonlag"»■ -predlcwnenf- ,g Trararw City to the show, ate my bliloa bad ben to go weedin'
ate of RanHaht StrwM
eousla. Hatil* Taylor, went with ns. the onion tleld^and earn moaev with
m^ _
-Follow tie Cal Priaceis!" relocate We sot up at two o’clock, and were the higger hors. He was quite a big
ibti* nad Is browa ate atoap aad

Mlnnto. loo Intent upon the game to
,g riart at lour. We reached u.y bimselt now. and >>i ihe chance
Wtoln. And oa their kneea preMlng Traeeraa at half last eight and did,,oent^ney by weeding ..snot to

^ (I,, drooping frees aside the stnag. lough stems as they

gate ttadr*0001 and sUU;

^ ipw wide wbftd I’d beard aboM.

mtod. Hel^ atarp lixle nose was ever after ten. When we got home we were
IL lit foltowlng new neenta and terieu
all ready ter lied, we were ra tired
buty cal-brain was glen tor new ad- and sleepy.
I raw Helen Kovarlk's
veaiares. Rm-h a winding i«:li at she letter in ihe pai>er. and ihough'<1 *as


4*d all tbe littla c
' £i|eg'viin mmt’y bine:

forcte those cfaildirn 10 tuake!

Tta cblldm'*volets'rose to me'


For- very Iniererilng.


irafR. raiind. donhle hork^Egaln. lUen commeoce. sed then




suppose the

"1 don't <*re.’ he said:
10 e
Just at thatmomeai
came In from work.
work was tran-e.

I am going

I'ga* tb* Ugy rrar«w fnik go filing 1

tor, ho- oil ate wide I tookte:
•te wiodarfoi ta tue.


walcoiute her iwo hnnmn ptoymalet did lltne.
lo.aer irrasurterove.
Have you goessed whai

seen, raw*

aptiai oW tbe- wide, bias sra.

the glris



F H. X«


"Falhra." raid t«u. Jiimidnc


• Here'e s li;ier from my inoilier. and

Money comes Usr.l now, and
:. tiuii wa, quite a Hfi.’

ru. IPIl

-Yes." ssM

Itou swiftly, "hul afar

Tblak a minute!
Dear Prqatdeni—
goi most tired lo-desth doing I1: you
Tea. Ibere weie four of Ihe cuddlyI tavea;i wiliien lu the Roosbiners «ald M>.~

l aaw It taming la the light, all mlitv esi. aofirat. deaitot mile hahy klllras igr a toog while, so f w nl w rite 10Yea. that's li: and so. when your
Mac ate-nray.
yo^evar could Imagine, mew-mewing
dav I am si my llratema
Wheelock's grandiiurtber seiii on f-i her
lu go
'‘The inite anR-wIngte wander brals
war*reHlat on the btv;
1 Btate andlooked andw«idere4
- • •


welcome to mamuia cat.

, *

We have been tiavlog qiiPe a

. ,g, _______



mind, lor a «.


• ha

quarters. Oh, li', a grrai pU<e: you
lust ought lu see those fieMa—(hick --

hart! smi seui ihv ihkei, ,o-whv. iididn >

Well. If those iwo children wers-n’i raimtorm ibis afiermwa. I
will W seem right uoi lo liu'c her g.'
happy !
t Itilnk If they could liivr gud when aeboul coiuniemes
1 am ahmii your -im. I,jii. I< > Jii>' lie'e
-J Ciqiuhlv
-.-T ,hev weald have |g ,i,e ,evenih trade
I Imve two your mother caUiilsied she, bsve

"“* *• “•'*** “ Coebia nflaa
and Ihe Coro-tete raaal. Iboagh tbo
tree Is calilratte elsewborw tor tbs

sake of (Ms very adte from whteta m
null of brows that bis father asid
obtained sincbolne—that
would wrar well. Il was a loose Si.
itesoa so raltebls In mtelclae. Tbs
tree beaiX Iruli (bar somewtal resem­

and whee Ixm siansi ai himself lo
and I walked Mil 1 got .0
a edid au.
an itai num bail all (be boys hr
quile so much like the idrtnra of (be
wsnied. an' I weni 1III 1 got 10 sa
bov lu the cloihlng etore advertiseother Idace. an* I weoi lo four idacea
meoi as hr bad expecite be sboubl
In all. so' the fonrtb one I got a lob.
look. But The suit was a. good suit,
l iii going tomorrow meralag oa the
and It
have a very nice, nod rlenn,
n«t rar anil walk over from Jbd
and whole aiiiieBranee.
sqnare. It’s shout a mile an' threel-ou

wenb home enihiislssilc.

bles an' oraaga to 1
seeds .Wing eaveippte by

(be |iWlR.

When dried they took Uke nothing oa
much as tmiiona. ewefa one abooi-tbe
sire of a' iwnny.

They roataln sorji

Urge qraniiilea of atiycbalae. togeiber wlib aaelber deadly palsoa
ctefml "braclae.*’ ifau ewe ol (beat
s<haltowed Will kill a maa.

home, and tried U on. and admired
himself In the small rtaio. that buns
over Iwslde llw do,'* shelf

All Ibe

QaKh ab

dsageraus IS the “p^ nW of IteUlae Ibe need of a Vree. which tha
poUoMng arroww

plaai nsiite
t evening
India ibsl
ihsi nerve,
nerves n
as a standard of
to iBdIa
It 1. called lbs-’carai - For
nuitiiing he set
Of yran H has beea used
ness - I aaiR to get that new suit.'
• h.1wniaabeai.lM
bis weak as UmisI. He lelt einerpHiIhU way, and ta this day Hi teulvI guews Ibe
gei stoag.- aald ixui's tother; 'oaly ing ate lodeie-ndeat.
Had ta not .lent Is amptoyte all over the w^ld to


more looner weedlo' we can boy more
of the taker, too; (tai'» good busl

vou'U tave to tend lo your weeding

eeroe^ a whole new suit of ctoibes.

rackoaiitg the value of gems, a^ '*•

starppr.ltan you did to the Jea-fceltle.

be. U.a nerry*

ftneiteas of nold

or you woa’t make much ol It-


Whereas rates of

'IjLJike to see lua dale when she nthm- kinds dtfer greatly to alu and

Ing a hard wotk "
aeea m^ lhai." be thought lo him- weight, one rahatono tencUy Ilk* nnl«u knew ibu at weUai bla fatter aelt at be bunted borne '•Won’t ate other that tta aundoM la teWlcalty

He tad not. lived la a fanning ]uft open ber eyet. ibough” Huh'
in fall life wtibeut Gueis the won t know what to make

learalng a great deal from tta other o' m«!'

Oddlf anoogk. tta castor
oil bean, or aUlbad to tta
same coontry ter n

boy. who were older
Weeding wa» jusi then somehody calle-l to him. by whlcb ita raUwnr trains are llgbtbard, hoi work, bur It meant pocket 'p ... ,|,g (.rmer'sewife
te Tb* gaa b sadd from' ita • cak*~

-n.,,-, your Ptaai SMtba otongr

moynlng, Just aa be bad
ptonned. loyu set lonh no ibe fliat car

l>.u sluppte abort.

him ih.i limy gave him ,



ol tba


He fell quue proud ol

Ibe same
kindiv. --------vou give •’
It 1 —
-lorhes. Which I ere '•
. uoe day woo l bun fi:
Clolhe. he tad once described as >-0“ *-■ h
•good lor noibing hut weeding - Now te.anlums are tnuah ’
huvines-.llke took,
ook. and ..................................
K young kurklngm.-., he



•I- - ..Id be - I forgot .0 water It

to go 10 bis work. Hr took w ith him
a lockeiful of ginger cookies oiul but-

Sptaklog of brans, tte quearosl PUr
taps ate ite aiMallte -arabsana.wblcBare throwB up la grsol qnaMliles cie Ibe cotkl of Florid*. There era
y varieties of ibem. aad owe Is

went on with a sober fi

tays ital •««
gerai.lun, plan, h.,1 gone lu

He rmle on the rear

a lot of ouiMde vewtng tor itai dr--..

Tiaverra Cliy. Ml«h.. R

er that raised ooloas. an' he (old me
way off. alunit ig^o miles. i>raliy near:


Ii wa« earP. l•ul

Sumihlwra win he gbd. I won'i he
she .ay- eonieihlng alirap mv new
glacl, as Ullke varaiton best. As this kuIi. What s she mean
will dose.
to tave a new suli?"
u all I ran think ol
loiu's father hesitated a nionient^ Your Sunrhlnet.
Xeva Tovtoi
’Well.- he suld slowly. ’ I II lell you.
4te ow «P00 tta wlby Where the the pratectlng feo.-e. Wlib a raft purr
Kilty Kauchau inroed, one |iaw damiThat was lenainly a tong dsy of l-ou. If* lasi this way. You know,
srowmts mradows lay
gap Uy Ufied. I'roud eyes uprstste. and idrasure. I itn sure yoff'tad a splen- iwriore your iiuulier yen' away she-nd

cia distant


Father, he i.nfed. a. be raugbt ,be sink. The work belB*. done, laui muMard se«la Totarra .teds are very
off hlB rap and began a llrely fanning g*ve hi. best salt a
bra.hlBg, and
smaller ate (ho petes of soma

II seeme.1

Uki s tsiher

watebteIta wagons no
• «« «>«•
rrookte Itreela. In ann' When Anally ahe reacbe-l ibe end
of ter iourney li wax to a suug hill*
aMna ibere kteow.
Deal of grasses agaloyi ihe stelie: ot


in the ,^6 itai ihe musiard

ifred cracker-

We ate our dluncr aad went whera his failier worked.

down to the grounds, hut It was quite
i.ou whacked ilerreiy nt the puriile
Kanchau., Ido yoif re- , ,,1,11, before the show commeace-l. rosea on the creiunnev^vvereil lounge

membw the other xiofr about her?^ Than, as noon at it was over, we siaiiwaaof acartousaad ioqultlng lurnot ^ for home, and coi home a lliile

all ablatog is ^ day.


trading, and walked arouml town w fot^ln the rather Urge shi* lowo

<rept atoos. the iwollitle maids stalk- ,

I otiMbti aad lookail about m*. and te posay cm.
tbaro betorw ma toy

Close down beto* was Happr
red roob patotte new.


boot, were whj.e -l.h^.t.
and .unllght. hut 1-ou'e ...ealtoo wa. con- .msllrat weed la esU.eace 1. an error!
wbtee cheeks were^ with beat.
eenirat.Hi ni«n ibe hot. wei disbe* In
gigd. of seeds are smaller than

-Over to Pes.’hbrook.- sgM
proudly.,"I went-rtohn on the elec

' '

There are a good many guaer seeds
lb tbe worid Among them’ are to ba
foate Klaals ate {Kgmles. klad. bol.>
Tbe .lay, went by. ate tbe erlmson ,n, ,^1 beoelleeM to man. and a larga
--------------------------- ----....
. va.iei, ol mlscaaaneoo. fra*..

1. and having a length of a foot.

in Ills blind.
He bad opened it because it wss underateod-Iteiween his

,r.c and got off at the squara. mi .
asked a boy where there wss\a (srin-


you fuM wall nod aaa:-r.

called "doohle rooBanat-—tbe frail
bed OD a Beet run. and 1*0 mlnnies day when the suit «l ctoihe* seemed
jif a siUH'ie. af palm wbkh grows U
later. Billy, staring
meUDiitow Just In Lou’s reoth. Hr was going i<i
' the Re.c*eIleB latates. It Is as Mg
amaxemeni. sow l.ou's ild)*llttle.Ag- l>u> the new suit, and nis father, wa.
s> talfwebuen ordlaary coeoioaMs lun
ure spring u|ioii the rear plalfann of going with hint.
logHher. welMiiBg seven or eMt

Rome are white' and some Ixui had taen left in charge of the

Luka. Wlah. R. r D. Kd. i. Nam«a down here, and Just see what has hsp-


(be bundle a

preliy anoa.' saht Uilly.
-Ray. Uml
boM‘oB!Bnt Loa
riaried loward ibe eor- grew also, ste a

ate by R|u OlIL’
pened! '

am tdgck. We bare a lliile black and sniallrtHHue, ate It was l^» who
Marta Biebl. age one year: Vera
Bare anuugh. tta isll. siralghi stalks
ahuc pgppy. ffm jg„ piM,, send found time u> answer niosi of tbe letC^Ml. age four yaara.


I enirb Ike elerirk' cat.
•ed bunie ite unwrapped
1 dhpUW II lo bit ta-

' *•'*
written to the Sanatalac Club. I coil Center at the office stwuld have
>'« O'f'- •" ilellghied Inlerci. cram |>lekad cherrlee a few da.ra fv'~^y the privilege of reading It Brat. Us- With li: -oh. ssy. father; I ve got a mode s dsi.oi hU talr with the brash. gr^,g, ,ra ra Uuy aa 1* be aimosi
sml preseiilly bis father was ready, nilrroacopl.
hioihef Jobe. 1 take milk lo (he Ne- con Center wa. ihe little town far Jt'**'•Vou te got a lob:-• echoed Mr.
„g smTied U|iob the Import'
-----------"It's a forest!- Winnie aald. -A For- abtawanta hotel ever morning and baek In the wood, of Walne where
’Well, where is pr'
prranit '
Another strange aete la -that of a
«' ^ Hemp. I guera aoaiebody aplB- algbi. Our ai-hunl will atari the fln« Lou s tire.1 niotber and wee Jenny and

terry iCmpa. age one year and threw
Stetba, Old Uhwloa. UIrta. .Vaaies

aiy, Hite. R. F. a No. t
ani by Olive Riehl.
, '


U a low nte
en^tacrassed voice,
■ of Ibe yard be

- II It wasn-t for U»>-« SUIT—I.OU rioed stni with the lelier oitea


OU Mission, Mich.
Bldon Roy. BUt Rapldo Wb-h.: UP ■ c®™"
Aug. li. I»|-.
Una Bollock Northporl Ulrh. Nuite sboMi Winnie marrhed.i loxed tbe
ate by Mildred Warflnton.
»'ke branches, ate slipped out of Iter fPresident—
sigbl Into a tialm-llka coven.
It ha. been quite a while blnee 1
l#wlg Kroopo. age throe reaf*:

-Wby-bm.“ tmld

Hesldeat. <
Treasurer. Vita
e cards and bntioo ' , Frank BnUawn:
j,i„nl. Is-lehi year. old. Baby *»«ke. and-1 sia Sec.etu..................... ..
Sometimea he walks eo laat •'ary laonih. aad ihe Usi lime we bear ol Ibe Hesetalirook ualoiist-

Mis. A. t. befere!
Sba looked in vain lor ibe |*,tor Is •rtrtna lonx. so I will riosa. “>
fuany pucker arouad ^ MlBBle*t Ups
beat wlrbec to an- of tbe Sua—--------------------------that inaaBi a ioka. Bat even Mlanla's
i remala aa evar. your true
**f u mambara batandint *»■ «yea aera sertous.
fte t, 1*18, *.t»r.

aauara ibera '

1‘reaideal. ‘

The UlUe airl's eyea opened wWa. that he fall!
M« slater Oara dbla-l
*' an-bonse. I bate aome Banes
traaa A new pure In ber own tack yard! A artie because she isn’t at borne She
Cradle Roll. Howard Dice and
puce wbeie cui placs bad ever baeb i, vorklag f<w Mri. Siooe. I ibtnk my E*fber Dine. Please send ibe cards

'Then you think you'd like lir
"Ves m." ted Um.

-U'hy. of course. Rlfbl on our line.
The. isrmer’s wile dug’ ap tbe ilHle
Takes half aa boar ih get to tbe I'Uat. ate iwi it la a poft ate tied a

n.i. Tb.





looked 'leas ai aoJ .
M slomly:
email • te« Aad. toa. >oa do thlak
Say. (hat's (he
nvil.. _
BOW.. _______
1 «BB last thlaklM I >>rovB'i k irati coMr: Ha. aar.
Irtare to the in. My roaala. be wakes dldn'r Ilk* iwo at the
wora fDoaei *eedla' (baa I]/wake pot a atnalier
- oa tho Mher
l«oa mocte nnawerte Us esrllR^
AUS. *. I»lt
like my school work, ate a» eacer ie here la <a BMmtb. Isa t aa>/ »hr to ^4*, see? Ai
.. w Hdratloos ds fasi aa aba rautd.
Hw«M Vmu« F«Hu SwiMm T
NotUw «•• •■tw COOlM-flM* ;■
beciB. Up teacher's aaaie is >'
(«ra neae}' la this old tteii.'' \
bone la
to roar metbrr. If you
Ue tame
I WM itedlax tiM BuuhlM iMlrn.
T UIMI|‘« •»#«.—the mow wflmiT
hare a pet kilty aamed Spoliy,
exI vouU *r1te yoa on*.
.1 aboold has* gOL-tosl itar cohw. I
I «in try M*W tm terry ,r
, ''-i
Lon healuied an lasiaai.

mr,,, Hk,.,
- No.- aald Billy. ■ I waaB-t workla' I
rery well. Wa ba*e a little
’Moiber laa’t borne new you’re k.iu ibe bouae so Ure aa«
A oa a run. I oouhl bare. I sites.
-Oh. well-"
•«&! .B-by. Ij^. l
Booted.y..ber.Cba«orybe8tds!) P-PPy; ha I. black ate White. Hla
oaly Ibera a
t other tblBsa
a!^^ T*^ tearybsdjr Mm ^
her Hnlc friaad. who sa»a U Spori.
-Hui I goes. I could make li grew you. u does ma BMWe good »*— tha
nil ruhi. tei Loo.
Yon'ra gelllag to he a rte


plqlform and

talked wish the conductor,
ride to Veachhrixdc friuare semed a ranli in the geranlmu pot.
Ii was
■bon one
Him alter itai rame ihe dry and hard) The leave, werechok-

«refnllr by ita
„ ^^tongte. Mrat .rate
pie. •appose II
bottom ot lb* •hx. >»( Ite terf is IhAtv
they ore the seeds of vtosa which
flonrisb loxurisBily In ite rasb« bor-

deriag on tbs rarrtbean Ste They
Ing with dust, and rame of them saa|r are deveto|>ed In groat peda, Mae of
lowing tbe tong walk rame the long l-te «« I"
•"» •"«' <toa<l
wfalch tre more ibaa a yard la length,
hours of hot. Hum., lainrisklng wete He hume<l \o ilie sink, and rame each holding a dose* or mora of bcaao.
tack with wsie^ As lie iioured ---------\Vhen the ripened pods ope*, tb*
s roots "Thlakln'
-When tall rame home sgalo. Ute -I> fl"W9
o Ibe streama. ara earilietl and more s'kiui uiv ctoer than
.. ate ar* bonw br (be
itte cracknirreae ot tb* Galt Stream, wblcb 1*
• sod ginger i-ookies I
’very powerful, areote (be aoaltera
.tusi ilii-D. oul.ldi- Ihe wiiido'
end of the Ftorida Pealbsala. to he
ti-w suit looked verv He -cum
sod o quick

Thsi uigbi '■
thrown up oa (be b*aeh by tte waves.
lilt as Ibe d*v» went raughi M. atienitoo. Tbe i.niet d.«r
The devices adopted by aaturo for
l.v .ltd lou heuD to grow tired ol hi.
l■a’‘f''•' oi-"
and seeurln* the ptoattog ate dlstrlbuTtoa
work, and to wish tta hours wete the water sailed ilpon the
•eed* tfe V
shorter and the |.a. larger, snd ihe tau took one Imuod mm the midst,
have wlBgs. so (bat iter may
onion field, nearer. It seemed to him • Isughinr. .rrsmlilldg gP
■,he tah.
te esrTled sway s. (ar as possible to
that ih- new Mill had nevei liK(ked 'her, hls-mo'h*r, Jenny. Si
lung walk 10 Hie onion fleW. sad tel-

• rted fits fslllhg from Ibe pareBl piBOl. Olhmw.
t.r ,1,1 the
the disisnre
tew l-ratiHful
gni ihereT "ke ihose Of the wllkweed sad date*OnJ. .lay . as he wa. going home alt- n
red oue’ 'ton. may ta said 10 be provided wttb
er hU work, he tioHcetl ilisi the Isrne *
is I’lai all Pultoons. loasmurb as they are mod*.
er‘s wit* was sisodint oul in hei tioni A
.uiiT Ok. *" I'k^' '■> f«'bw a
elveu up lliesr hrr «e. ks lo S” •'« I.rd -nil the w..ei,ng-t«i "I he. I .W1S leti 01 I.eir -tiooi
readily drawn ap lo groat
hands. She Siood ra sill! sml looke-t now, w-h.i dWI ray Dl-im In."
he.ghis by warm curreau of air. Asra inieuilv, down u|«a her iNHe gai
‘-"-1 Urn,

He wiopi-ed aud
tov,ked ai Lou
lo mlsiske tbe Aoattag
• ni'-w^l n
douInlwRy. Pui l,>,< l-egso i« scuffle den IP,, tau tvslf .''.l•T■e•<. ■urii.i.vm s-tovolsul.
rates of (he mllkwete for a
rae Sh.r ,ta wa.l.-.kto* S, Rl.’e Irak ..... w,.C
lt - all right
over ibe floor
III a kitowtog siar-gaxer tat his lelem

'I don-| need a aew sun.' be raid
eeota ai a near focus sad waa tba*
he -S1.1
...II'e cvne rd the
Then he mined snd fled *«*v U|e
enaliled to exsmlM Ibe Soatlu *e#s\vt»t I. ....uwsn.r
.tslrHe cue
"You stall hive .. new.-uli a *.mn
"lesB -hole table terms itai passed acTOSS Ita
in an a.homed miouiev. a"tve.|
H I can get It toi on. U-u. raid hl, snd .nuKdh fleldof Mew Cen.ln burr, ar* Bandfather qiilekir
tlui. look here. n>v
r.,s> f..rt., ils vessel., ate are provided wMb (lay

names fm ihe-Cradle Roll, uiv llillc s.iveil enough lu gel vuu a ii-w suit
s vole*, and diM* aiu.
They strokte rach OuVy tall v hit s-uusln, Ver^Cannieii. age four, and lo linve s>-hool l■el:las. 11 she tadu’t


gentle Angers, and piaieed Klliy Ksu-

A* have yon teard or Hapnyiouo*
Ate So yea know II* hlllT

. haii i> h. . h.a.C, eqnleol.
Then, wlih lmtn<-n«e dlenltv.

niv little aUler. Sluiie Riehl. see one

t,h* is lerv gmM
ran sit up
and atone. Put •-sn'i wall. yei.I go lo Sub-

.Bote WBteert ran li show yoa when tall evoei. ihr enchauite Cal Fr1nc>s> day school and chinch ai Urn* take
Mm *R I* Clrar.and atlU;
led ite toti plsvm.ies out of Cue I'or when ll is pleassni
Mr Mllle- i- our
>||^ mhaat to Ite counmsidt. tor
or Hemp )>. ibe hrosfl Irull they pasior. and Mrs Halsirad It niy Run
ytse ctlmh atetook
had bntoMi In ihelr eotraace into the ggy arttool iracber
1 will clot*, bop
Tta wofto to W»a'>
lag 10 tee ihl< in iirini
ate open book
Bal ra titnng was Minnie's ImagI
rrem your Runihlner.
—Miriam Clark Pmier. ntiton. and so deepir impreesed with
Ollvr Riehl

xvhat a l-leatanl letter;
It is nice tvov, don’t leave your
kel'le tminug
THESUNSHTNKFRCS10ENT*S fHote.-ttol m this day ib* Rnitsbla*
10 bear from yon one* umre. Olive.
like that. Stand li Pack ou the kiuve ”
- FrraldWM Is half lasllned 10 beltov*'

There's su.-h . stock ui iblngs 10




Toor firalllW baanl (oM yoa a ital Kitty Ksncbau was a rreainre ol

NoithiKin. Ulrb.

xi.,,1. Story In a long while, has abef talrytond. and the Foreai ol YIemp a

Aag IT l!rts

rsmeniber." -aid Ion plaintively ” N
sitvlnv r.viind ibe boat*
I'm tired

round fbe fur of aBlamto ate te earttod afar.

tau loiieted uip Sill, ihequbX. soft

Jitle spriog ol a tarefool bov
u.d 'l^llk* 'em preiir
tear aboai The Foragi of Hemp.
1 raratrte our boiions abooi
•em' HIS
month ago. and ibaak you verv mucli up hi, rap aud started oui ol tte
Vbte yov Prartfltat wv a Util*
re.i«l proudir upon* a rich crim
Thai Is all of Ibla tiory. But (bme
ler them .1 I'nlnk tBai the buitoat house His mlM was still buey about
aoD4.Bled geranium to Ibe middle of
raat* to tte wortd
Rte r«*U> be- were ever » many other adveaiutes took Ute Sunshine I tav# iwo Mmet ita'l 'new amt ol .loih-s He tad aoi
Ital Iqok plare to the ForMU Ad- (or tte SuBshlae Club. fharJUa R- gone bul a lew rmis when some one tte liny Ptoi. "She bad one Ilk* that
tiiami wa* rbrlMvewA *U tbe talMea TOMora* abated by
Rd. WIU. Fvaak.
ta* Roy of Elk Rajil<l< wb^ card taltod 10 bun. aad
to: she
aee broug^uuall Ite

Liotan. (baa. fnrrhr*-* nnd yoa tball vatL untravtlte PUea


Enebau- Dear F

all (be time I’m going over 10 BUICt ”
liu faiber D0.1ded, ate Lou raagbt

gbl tb* tboogbi ate tad Ite btei ptoy-

WOT* tbera snd tev* UtoBi* tte wos- Bov. tart, ate (be rest of ite yoaag
AMtBl sUt W MataMla**.
start df that lacMpaMdlma wbta

sad batioa you may (tad to Urn: ate BUM HaU raaaiag after him.
uUtoa BiJtoek of NonbparL wheoi
*T waa
oear 10 yoar boaoa.-

bis a Wile books la order tbal they may roirb in <

e msicbed sirsigbi Ub

-Friend tot tay^ate Olrla.

. hU nmiber
-There*Then, rai'idlv. ' wl.«' do ytn
itaf l earned. 11 all myself I
H weedin otwmi

Now. wiU vou feel the

bad ».et*uae of l-ou> suit, Id Uke lo

boUda lit ttosu la nralgU

tebte itocL directly oonk ate aoitth.' Rte

know Now. aren’t yoa glte ]
a .varai.ito? I was gotog lo be ail enables «M M eaaHy 4*Mflaa ,tba

war with ter when w* came up irom drerad ap »beo you got bom
tta oooaur: bat tbU wtoiar R diad. Ji dldai fcsow you’d

omm w i

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