Grand Traverse Herald, July 23, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 23, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travaraa









pasm miisTBis
Cblcago. nu July 18.~A panaloo
pita adivtad by (he Nonhem Preabylarian rborcti -for the baneSt of bar
aged aad dliablad iofnfa(ara banxnaa
oparalire today. The plan waa agraa<l
upon at the ganaral ataambly of tba
rharah In Uulsrille laat Ua>'. Il
»ld»a for tba paymani of nnnultla*
rantlOK from »I00 to l.'JW. tba amocmt
to (bw bancbrlarlaa'
lam of aan ka.



Ha Will ftatnaln In Charqs Only Until
Aftar ths Cenvantlon la Hald
in Chleage pn
August 6A

•fwrf t»r MIeMguL

A BMlBg or tb« •XM-OllT* eoiDBIUM e( Ua W«Mn Mirbigas Ue‘ Tal^RMt bama wu b«ld ls> tba
oCUm Ib thla dtr r«d«>nU)- and mvml suttara partalnlai to daveb>i>OMU work wot* cBoa ovar. Tba appla sbow »Ucb will ba hald lu O
RapMa la Noraiabar «u the rbfM
topic of dlaeBMlOB and ft waa
to bafla ttaa wotlt at cnMie In order
Us iaam lu tmeetm. All tba work
f>r ooBfOai tba frail aad
dpaea wtu ba earrtad on by tba teraaa aOplata. bat tba plan
rtow wpl ba
that of:tba aabIbH laat year.
HaratDfara It baa bean (he ob)ert
wi tba baroM to aaenra all tba
rtatlaa of uelaa poaAla for tba
btWt bT«rdl^ to afcow tba paopla bow
dhraralSad tba apple crop of waatem
.^cbitM really ta. nit year i
(arau plan will 'hr followed and tba
•ifalHt auda a eoMDareial one and
aU tba worattlaa eat eBt. except poaalMy at afda Item. The naia ob|ta of tba abow *la year will ba to
ahardt m0 U ar««- to do tbia only
, .AkaK taMF WUnBirl TMtiaa of
sppUa wftl ba eoUaetad tor exhibition
It waa dMUed at the meeiliut yester­
day to aaeora dM Insibela of tba cbeieaat atoak IhM to crown in the twaaty roaatiaa tM play ap tba tact tbal
this to tba •raatoM recten 4n Use — ''
■ for preteetoB tba Uadinc eat
that aiwnya Bad a ready aale ia tba
BartEM « Ula wand.
hi itoa (ntara ft «tn ba tba aim of
tba bornan to iBpriB apoo tba Blbda
of ibioakr wba ate nattlac ont yonnc
aMharda tba feel that tbara to more
•onay la ItalUac tba nonber of
Aatlaa ta wwo, two or Ibraa klndt.
wbaa ibta la doM Iba prodact can ba
handled la oarload iou aad tboreby
obtaB a battar pttca. In reality
to a |Md Barkat tor bat a Halted
■aatbar of vaitattoa and alltba oibara
ara atBaot a dead leaa to tba crowsr
at they bare U ba aaad lor oraporatb KtU or a
Btosd Tdrtsty to a rartuble goU n
to tba onraar at tba appiM ara well
knowa.and alwdyi roBmand tba
♦rtco. while' ao«a of Uie letalknowB
earMlaa bar# to taka tbelr cbance
at BDdlaca«to.
It waa atoo dneMod at the asaeUns
to add to tba BBPla axbibit a rasplMe
Una of traMac. grdtos aad vacatabtaa
Biwwa la toa twenty coaaiiM
Brtoad la tba baraan. in ordaMhat tb*
-4lepraiaad raaBwnaa of tba country
Tba applet wiU*be nsllacted '’tbi
year In Uia tatta Banner at last aox■oa. by tbb bxpwrlncwd bb la Use
•mploy of aw batoau. and the pradc
to expaitod tii ba'battar on accoant of
'tbe fine owp Ikbt to balog grown In
tbto pm ol toe ctata. Tbe e.
wrtll to ptaead la tba field aa
-tto nriaUee begin to rlpaa and kept
tbara natO tto saaaoo rhMea.
Tb aoaatkei « fumiibiag 1M earhwdt tor tba BtntUab markat was eonaWarad bat no tftloa wm taken
aeconat of tto marntrade of tbe i
poalUoa aad ttotoek of faHIRlts for
handling the trail aad boMlag it for
ablpBoat. Tbit OueaUea win be takea op at a Bttare Beeiing and plans
toM tor catttog Into tto Held by an.
otbar yoar. Tbara it a great poanl' bOity ia tbto .Itaa and tto grawcra of
tto Bata eannpi atord to lai u pa.,
by w1the« aotlea.
An aBert .wftl to Bade to make the
toicbican apple bettor known in the
groat tairkata. ton baton
to done and
It wHl to aaeeaaary to organire the
grawen aad adopt a staadard brand
aad matbod of ending and parttlnt.
Tba daaUna la tto dcBaad (or westa«* frwk dm an Wortnaliy that
tooaM be takaa adrantage of br tba
growera. Patnre Barkata wni demand
b anoem of tbto kind and the wmiAr
tOoatlnwd on page at

all AMandanea MarKad Birth o(
New Party In torand Travaraa CouMy.








The race for tbe nominailoa o
gister of Deed* promlaes to to a
citing one ible summer aa then
several conlesunia for tb bom
having tbelr aames placed on U
publican ticket ihli fall. Aa tto
R open one K. A. Mnoroe. Ibe
iaciimtont has decided to i
r the told and aaka bis frieti
Itmnly to support him at 1h.
marie*. Mr. Monroe has held tto oflie past two lerma aud bxs
given excellent sailifacilon and lie be
Hevr-s that the exiK-riencc that he ba,
gained during his terms of service
.111 to of Buffirleni value to tbe couninxure him aubstaeilal support
by the voK-ra. Experience in tondllng
c affair* nl the munly la always
valuable asset for a can
ssess and is one of the uuillffcalious that are alwa.vt taken Into eonalderiylnn by the pi-ople Mr; Mou
rtH- is one of Hie ytHinger eleinenl '
Ibe part.'-, an arrive campaigner
toe wbii has the beat Inieresis of tbe
public at bean. He will pul
strong fight fur the miminalton
August priliiarii-s*

that Senator Dixon, manager of BooaeveU's campaign fur tbe nomlna
111 not follow (be (lolonel in hh
irty movemeot. IMxon i. uUd i
forty I strong as ever for progressive
priaclidea, but doesn't approve the
>d to order by Cbalrman f.
now party plan. According to ninx
Patebln. who read the call. P. 8. Bird- Dixon will only remain In charge
sail was elected neerelary. The
movement nmil tbe convem'lun
niuae on teiaponry orgaaluiion reo- on Augueat Sth in rbicago.
OBineDded that the temporary organtoatton to made isertnaoeni. ThU
Bltlee consUted of 1- K. tllbba. KA
Wall and II. 8. Sandera. The rotntnltTRAVERSE CITY GETS STATE
toe alto recommended that the
renUon elect aeren deltohiea u
aUla ronveatlon and that a rammlitoe of ten to appointed to nu
tto campaign. J. W. Patcbln to be ‘i^mil P. h-'erUnger baa amered tbe BtPtofntor $ aod t Have Bssn Selectetf‘ By Humane end Audubon
rare for ibe nomination tor proaecni
The-dalecmtet elected to renraaent
he coming prlniarlsa
tba county at Iba convention at Jackmake n active effort to aetre as followi; J. W. Patcbln, A.
( of Ibe ropiibli '
Plana are lieing perfected by
B. Corns. I. Ia. Tyler. K U Banaoni.
Mere of tto county. Mr. NerllngC. P. Buck, H. r. Boughey. F. P. Iaw- er bus lived In the county for M Michigan State Humane Assodatloii
and the Michigan Audobon aoclety.
The delagatea were aeA unlnand has a large circle n
for the program of tbe Jolnl annual
atracied aia-to state aad coonty
qbalBlaacee In both the city aad
He It a graduate of tbe law de­ meetlngt of those organliatlont.
partment of Uu Unlverally a! Mich­ •hJch are to be held In ihU city Eepigan and ba, been In active practice teniber *>ib and Clh. The work c
organlrjiiiant are rioeely . a
bore tor tbe past ten yean:, me
and It ix customary tu bold the i
with excellent aorc-oss. He was a '
)f Company M. .‘Mib Michigan Inga together.
The officers of the flranil Tra
Volunteer Infantry and served during
the Cototf cempolm. and ever alnoe Humane Society' which extended the
Inviiailon to the State Humane i
baa been active In local nflllUry
Btorupa to Other Baetlaiw af Gaun­ riee. During many yeara he baa been -tuduhon socie'ieR. are ax follows.
try la fleapanalbls (or the
Presld^. J. W. Patchin.
effeetlve worijer In the republlcair
SKuatianVie* T?Midetii. l-ee Hornsby.
ly and bta public record baa always
Secretary-Treasurer. E. I., l-^wards.
hoen above reptvavb- His aggressiveTh# cherT}- market is arllvo this
Direcinrs. Rev. .^n J. Sheehan.
while serving la a public Capa
week and the prices paid have fieeo city toa won him many InBuentlal Mn.. A. tv. Peck. W. D. <\ (iennaine.
the highest known on the local m
The oiricerx of the Mb-higaa Stale
frienda who believe that he would fill
ket for years. Today the price
tbe poaltion of proseruinr In a rredi- Humane Asanriaikm are:
quoted at tl'.tl;. and yeslenlay duri
ITesident-rarl Q Klelnsiueck. Katnanner and for. this rt
a bull period as high as tl.ST was iraM have pledged him their aup|<ort In hla lamaioo.
rase ter Rlcbmonda Tto high Hg- campaign for the nomliration.
Secretary—Atf.v. Jefferson Butler.
Itot rtierrles bring this yet
Deiroll. lit; Ford hulldlng.
.... to tto (an that the crop is ■
Treusiirer-n A. Finney. Ann ArU.r
all over the country wHh'tlie excepBsecutive Board.
Hen of tba Qrand Traverse region
Carl r. Klelasln^k. Kalaniazuu
and la tbe aeetlon around Hart and
Sbelby. As a result -toe demand U Omwg. W.'u
Isaac -V. Pay ne. Detroit.
creator tbnn tba aapply. with prices
,B A. Finney. Ann Arbor
F>edri.-k W, \ewion. Raginaw.
George W. tordle now rialua K
Atfy. Jatiie. F. llill. Delroll.
ne of Ib^strongext men An the c
and perhatis the entire .stale, al­ C 8. I’dell. lirand Rapid*
W. IL Tallmsdgc. (irauS Kaplila.
though bis avuiriiniKtls la not all thu
Airy. Jeirers..n Ruilar. DeirMl.
••ould to expected of a man of «•
rietua on ordinary yeore. So far tbe
great muaculur prowesx. Wrdnesduy
two latter varieties are at present
Fowler Branch. Manisleismaller than aaual, but It Is ex|>ec(ed while standing In the road at the mar­ >. D. Taylor. Delroil.
ket buying cherries be did nm
(heir site u|lli Increose as they
'Dr. J. J. Cioodyear. Ann Artor.
r1i>eB. wtaea tto/ will abow bIkhk a an aulomohile aa It aimroached Mm
Kay (bly
and the driver neglected to blow bis
Lon^l geowth.
M.s. 1-Mlri. r Mung-r. Hart.
Since (he seonon opened ItoVe have hcttfi to oam bim of bla danger.
Mrs l-Milh r Miing.-r. llarL
yrxi from four
John M. Hull. IMroli.
of the may the machine was uptm him
Miss Keliecca I. Richmond. Grand
and as bA was .me to to run dowi
be took a long. mano. and grabbed
I- RIbton. Manistee.
the machine 4By the top and lower
aumber win be I:
M Throoi>. Big Ka]>hl*.
toad, were shipped out last night and guard and tofore he mill/ed I
stopped the oncoming machine in Us Jmro Anna Walter, Marrellus.
Are ears will be loadeddoday.
Hob. Wm. R. Mersbon. Saglnad-,
tracks ubile ji was going at a
i has beea'tord to
_ Hon. Theodore F Shepard. Bay Ctiv
nf speed. Thix feat toved
(•Ickers, but aa a
Mrs. r'^5. Hilts. Wayne.
rule tbe aituailon u much better than from being run over and injured, but
Hon. Samuel Fulz. KalamsrAO.
especied wIipii the season o|>eDed. Sfler il waanver be wondered h-.w Hi.Mir* Clara Hates, Traverse City
Outside help has relieved the worry of
Georg*- G. .\lnore. Port Huron.
growers and the price, told are
il. T, wJls, klomor
aiiractlve to the average person »bo
The offii.-ra of tbe Michigan Ando
ilr a ahort period of employmeot.
t>nn society ste a* lottow*;
Tweniy-Ove cent, per case i< the pre­
Butler—President. Devailing twice i«id per cniie for the
woA of harreating.
Mtw VMith C Mmuter—1st vr.e pre­
Tbe canning faetoir has had ^ good
sident. Hsn.
Reno. Nev.. Ji/ly ia.-i-Twem> lives
Miss Clara Rates—Zml rice presi­
baring be«« pul up. together with were repwed lost lonigbi in a rioad dent, Ttaverse City.
quantities of gooseberries which burst ito^-liied out tbe small town
Mr* Anns Walter—to> reiary ami
secured by Mr. Mlkpsell In the of Seven Troughs. Vev
ea*..;er. Marrelliu
Prom Lovelock, near Seven Trough*,
Sbelby district, where this Is one of
Paai M. Morgan—Aasistaol *ecpecame word that oeven peraoi^are
the staple fruit croiw.
n. R, F. II. -No 3. Hattie .Creek.
Most of the larger orchards have • >wn to to dead, and thu tV^ei
Board of Oirccers.
Maxuma bad been tj^oi upside
been contracted to romtulsalon
Henry Ford. Detroli: John WaiUna.
and taoy^ at price, running
down by the rush of waters. '
Calumel: Mrs. R. ,Adllngtoa Sew
tl.2r- te tIAO per caae. accordi
CoBBunicallon by wire was badly nmroii: Mrs, Belle M Perry, Cbarvariety. II Is etnlmated that be­ crippled knd the road* were so
Charles M. Kutler. Moreuri
fore the SMsott end. at teas) »f:u>.090 rowed that sutomohlle* were obliged Miss Margaret A. Keliey. Miiakegoo
wilt have been paid out to grewsra for
make wide detoars In seeking
llbM FBrotherioD. betrolt.
their product. This Is a record (hat
Advisorr Board,
the regloa should, be proud of.
Tbe known dead at Maaama
Gov. Chase 8. Otbom. SaalM Ste.
shews that cherrisa can be grown -lehn Treacbard aM wife*. Mike Qua- Marie.
with aoecfoi here when tbo crop is
len. Mra. McLeaa and Miw Reeto.
I, Whitney Watkins, Manetoitor.
I«ctlcal faUore la other sections of The bodies of lb« Trenchars were
Prof. Walter R Rprrow.. Mleblgan
carried three miles from their home.
A'grlcoitaral Colette.





No. «. (



Adrian. Mi.h,. July |u—James
licime. former state seoaior
prominent memtor of tbe state grange BULk MOOSE BRIOAOI MKT UM.
announced Thursday he is a oandldaie
for the offue of Iteuiensnl governor on
Ibe IVnuxraric ticket. He will seek
elecil'm as a running mate to \Voodbrldgw X. Ferrlk of Big Rapids, who
Is out for the govemorsblp.


Plana Ara On Foot~fo Maks it lha
Greatott Event Evar Held H,
Ten Thaoaand People
Hs Waa Chargsd With Bslllnq Milk
Bsisw Averapt Allowrsd
by La*.

ractot*,. Mlcb, July S2.-llara la
Jackson, where t* years age a aq*
Joint meeting of the Board
Howard W. Houghton |.lc«d gaUir
ushered late bolag, be­
Tra-le and liuslu.-s* Men's assot iailon
rtcorder'a eourt Friday snd i«ld tween ioti and tno men (ram all parti
was held Friday nlgbi for the l fine of ten dolUrs and two dollarw of MirfaigiD Sainrday rapoatto tba '
pn.e of fixlug a date and mniing the MIS. Me was cliarged with sellmg prnceto and ubaetmd upaa tto potIUneeeiiaary nmngemenla f<»r h<*ldlsg milk whli'h contained
than the cal seas the aecoad aew pptty tBU
Traverse City l^ay. Sevetul dates legal requirement of milk solid*. Tto Mb-blgsn baa gleea blnli ta.
wen- t-onsldcied and the one that look­ anal'kl* of the stale chemist showed
The Nalhmal Ptv>|reaBt*e party M
ed the toki lu ifaiiae protoni wag Au­ ll.3t |vr cvni of wilk wellds Instead
«i<-t. SI Ipaat In Mlrblgan. Its pragust T>. which waa derided up.
of i:..'> per real ax THiuired by slat- sMeDtia] elecum have biwa pto }a
the general luillday and plcaki- ThU
be field for Tbeedare Tbin-iTrtl oM
fine Mr. Houghton pl,>«d UM Its bauaer aa a state artoaitaUaa
date comes on Thursday whletf la eoaSldered the tost day ,»f the w.
guilty ipilhe charge, but w£ea facing a lii to home by BtM# Brmnlutt L.
the business men to get sway and-i1- ■to condition that he had no oieant of Wbltaey Watkins. «to laal^ raeelefi> Iteeauae on that date Traverse disimting the analyst* of the
ed tbe endorsemetit af (to Raw party
nil and Manistee meet on the lot-al rhealsl. he dec bled that It would to for/goveraor by a baary MalnrtTi
grounds for the last i(me this seaaoii
waste ol eSoR to eoniesi the riairo -Chaae 8. Osborn, prsasal fferanw.'
The rtvaln' for pennant bonora
made by the stale pure food de|«rl- of Mleblgan waa alto wprwiatad b$r
exists between these two 4eatns will ent.
friends, but they wore doeldadly b
prove a drawing card for the
Analysis of other milk sold by
Jbe minority Blau RipTuitoUtlto
Houghton woul.1 not have availed blm H. c. Ksnkln of TpaltaaU. totorar,
rould not be obtained o
other day.
as showing the quality or grade of declares that be wtll p«~~-pr aarniff
Tbe will to carried out' milk contained In ihi- imrilrular tot- the 300 slgnaturos raquttod to pbMB
)ld to lupertor HuUcher.
along (be sanie linen aa haa beoB^ doDe
the preoent goreraor of mtolpa tb
the past with the exception (hat a complaining wtmea.
tbe rtinnltig aa a cnadJdnto for (W
All of these coualdeniIons led Mr. namlnatlon for that effloa wntot m
greater crowd than ever tofore
to planned for. The harvest seswui Houghttm to i>a.v a tin.- rather than tUg of the sew party.
•t the case. He has sold
over and Uiy farmers can
Tbfedorv M. Joalla of Adriaa. nlreadily uke a day off wlihoat taler- of bl>-x«wa. sold bla milk route and rrsdy avumiffRMgd aad.wttMrava
baa goB^toi ol the buslnswa.
________& 1
ferlng with Ibeir duties -at home.
for ratia® —■ - _________
Ibe summer events will to'.ovsr by
will again to a cafllMilC'IrtrtM.'M.
time and noiliing will Ipterfer*
celved tbs tMonmuH Bf ^ ««k
the plan to make II the gfeitest
venilon with no namoa |a tto ifiu
ever held In (he city or eAtIrc
agalnat blm.
1. The free ball game Will to i
Hull of Dbmtold won rwMe
atiraninii and Ibe business met ODD6 IN WALL STREET FAVOR mended for -ttngriMiiHb «1 Una, bta
sin make It a point to see that ibei'
(he State Grand b«b< Btolal^ that R
frieiida Imni thee>oumry sre fiimlshtmposalbte t<k biM ta otok po­
with one oT the ly*t times they
litical honors
ever enjoy ed.
Id te tba C
Plenty of Money in Now Yerw (or
The Increased capacity of the
my piodfo.
I Who Want
and at the bat park wIlB make it
1 cannM aseTe two mnakmn. I m aot
to Bet.
mate convysient for the ladies lo
Insensible of the groal baaer yea have
tend than in tbe past and there
conferred upon ms by BABlag as for
By IP.-The o-Jd. In this great office, tot 1 SM wasMe to
plenty of room on the grounds tor HI
Wall street are ; (n I on B'oodrow accede U your vtabee.
to see tbe game in s coinlortabl
The committee In charge
-A ticket from tap U belUto"
will see to It that there I* plen I'nlied Blaies. according to the Xew
as (be cry all day foeg. U won
ty of other ambsenienl provided before ork TlnWJdentocrario. which said: not until (Urkeem bed out*"AnyooF who doesn't believe Wood
' game. One of the big' feature*
\ ibat the criicial Boaset. if each
I to tbe picnic diiijier which will iw Wilson will to the next president indeed It could to toiled, wao rwacbof the I'nlied Stales and 1* willing to I. ■
arranged fur in iletall and eve
s cliaiice'sin his conviction may
tssTy la expet-led lo <v>nie prepared
B'ben (he conronttea, aftor barraeu|>ponuni(v to Im-i Iiv iTiiervlew sing detote and etlfHag apaeto by
meal with llielr frienda a
,rt»vr^enito-r «r the slock
nelghtora amt bav<- a good mkIsI time
traailnuod oa pegs two.)
•ichange. HI* usme mty not to
during Ibe dinner hour
tinned-tocauxe nfihe iiosslble conIIlet
the 'auiiriiiliig law but the
bn.ker ba* I-'-imw of liu own money
wbUb Iiv lias l>e<-n valnlv trying to
I* wc-k SI .kid- of : do I im
t the Evsngsllsal Wllwitv"
Pisok 8 Blrdwil Mfto potosiier
I s rare old relic in tto form of OM
Tlic iadtex of ibe Kvangellcal rhurrb
r the original reimbilesn Mrheu
ei Wedne-dav .-leiiing at Ibe par
entisge. r.:ni Wad>«onh eireet. ip organlie'a Woman * Mi»«H>nnrT society,
I is the flixi fciilf of tbe mixsInU'
l■resefvslkJn and I* blghlj prised by
ary mtoilng :iM rei»rt siveo last Runds.v evening of the iVoman'a M1**Iod
Washinglon. D.
July IK.—Mk-faJ- Tite names of aereral awm
-y cnveniion held at Ueed City.
Ipn I* given addiiliiiul appropris Whose dewcendaniB live In Traverse
are on the tallot. amoMg ibw
Tile toMowirte officers were eleriIggregaiing ll.TfiS.tfin under Ibe
suediT civil liill iiB'sed by Ibe house being (-Ksrle. Itomlse. who was S toadlvUie lor the stale ieglslslare. and
Prealdem- Mr*. P M Pphley.
Har*hs. who was rwanlog far
Vlce-presideiit-' Mi*. Prank Trude.
eouii'v treasurer Mr. ^miae was a
Recording Secretarv- Mrw. Alma Osrrlaitve of rhsriew Dnmlne. tto “hard
Wnlrenue apiimprisllon* come iinEast llav." while Mr. Hsrwha was a
: Sec-eiary—Mra. Ida •r tbe l»)li>»lag head*: Piilillr
relative of William lisrwba af IbM
building* Alpena, for comptellon,
The names of Mvenil other iBea
Treasurer—Ur* Witliam Newmarib. lir.iKSi: tocsing. ennilnuaiion of
n fhe ticket repreneniIng (nmlUea
Orieanlxt—Mir* l^ona Prallcfc
work*. Il' irno. tonsinr. for rent of
U'qr l■eesBMi prominent la (to '
Mlsalim Band Superintet' flt-Ur's., tetnnorary quarter*. ♦1:...i.hi; Petf>* leilihal htMon of the nsie and oaBenba Bohit
or nimBeacemeni ef building.
KeguUr meevlng* will be held the l’r..<rfvo Traverse ni> for roatinu
last Sunday evening of qach month
lee nf enlargement. Iiuivio.
River* and liartor*—«i. Mary's
river, for conrinuing Impntremeqt at
falls by •'ooMrurrion of a new
lock with a separate nnat. $1500,000; William Qravtl Had Narraw I
I. W. Laye Wsn'TjptMp-BsHar
eoniiDuing Imi'rovement of Sagleaw'
|I-s>.<s'.G; coailnulu tmproveWilliam Gravel narrowly escaped
st Mackinac harbor. $3S.o6e;
Battle Creek. Mich., -luly _^n.;:lli;a.
death ‘nuraday when as ansaaaitr
. W. toye of Traver»e City it rlcber conllouing ImproretDeat at South Hav- tor fork betng used by himaatf and
la tto sum of I3'i by rcaseo of ber on harbor. $46,000.
tilred man pwnag out of pUce aad bit
l.Ato sarwey—For coBtieuieg works. bla In the heto. Tbe fork grssed
taVn' A brtef vera« s thmllted to ber in ih- Post Tcmdiea llngle $i;ti>.ooa; tlsberirs for Korthrmo sU- tbe right side of his heed InJAring his
contest Just concluded hy the Ttotum (ton extra helR. $&.7C6: (or Alpena
lip and f*>e and Infllrtlng skin
enra help. $J.loo.
Ce^l comianv. l-id . was on# Of tbe
bruises on the forehead. Had tto
Ufe aviag aerricc—Baperia
flftV verse* mmraendaiery of Poet
fork struck oa topaf ku bead RBrobTeastiew. flnailv selected by tbe XU at $2,200 Mcfa (or tbe live aar- ably wouM bare been drieto dear
judges and purchased by the company Jng aad IRebosU statloa on tbe n
ibro^ bla tody. WRb aatoilto tba
for IW each, Tbe poetry thus ac­ ol iBkea Owarte and Bie. oa
wou^ will beal wRb *a diatiriim
quired will to used lor adrartblng enasu of Lakes Huroa and Poperlor
ilta., Mr. Ofwvel rsildaa astob to
a (to coast <rf Lake Mlcblgau


REUC If 1856

wssioRny sdciett




iuax, tubdat, jslt n, uu.,^

(ttiiib mvibii muo^ us Tunut

G’and Txa^»e Herald

i gefr Ag£

: w%Btotoib^«iritybxi^4,v^/


...VlM Ptm. u< B


2, >MI. »t tb« V
t tni

r tk« Aet «( CowrM*r«C Hank

: <Mbo.tUiw«i3^50



moo^ eUme frtuB tbe peasant and famev. He lovca
hides it,4B^ bco^t Oft
cmerg^^ apd whew

CW Jbsf CMnrf £

« it Wen likely that polHia Brill bt pv^ MvMliat >to the
. baefcfroatMl for. the ^urepent whHe the arhrie eooDtry vifl^ he inter*
^l^xW.^he «a«tio« whether the I'oited Stated ahall eontrol the
Paa«B» «anal or whether they will let EnBiand do ao. Thia matter
ia twv'«p to the onate, and.there mnat be qniek action on the bill
**>•* it BOW pendioK and that woold rosniate the toiiK'nf'ihe eanai,
paagage to ooa«-wiae' veateU carryinfc the iroitod



.^Vato'Fr^ govei«|wd^'heasw to be.alarmed.
aoldiers now and it wsnU to see more children growing np to be
made into aoldiers. The $100 per ehild might be a good invest-


> ...9bOTd^«'««tainelaas.ef United States aeaatora that b i
■ ateM4* aay that they have a aonl of their oWn that every time
wjnka they drop to the floor. Jut now En^and b
wewkneat of a aingle cOause in the Bay-ranneefote
. jr^p^,PttBllBB.thcii to the aame rtgfaU in thb canal that the I'nited
<* ](t^.iflaimed by the anthoritiM in the United Stales aenate and
thb b not ao, and rommcni aeBae telU u it b not
aaiHt h« two aides to a bargain. There mnat bo a
vMi—tbin m«BO«ide, and a conaMera^ on'tte other aide, or tiie
• -adoMet da void. It b otter Tolly to aonmoe that a contract ca
faiadbig where the obUgation b entiiMy upon one side aa it would
9^ millioDs of investment, the United SUt
' -ynglgSlkBoMw no powor to control, protect and defend the Panb


^ treaty waa careJt ia now eUimed that the Hay-Pat
Mpr 4rairs, aad that eertain individub high in authority per■bbl aunku.vatdhig of the only elanae m queation to become
of ta tnaty. This danse pertains sqlely to the right of pamIh^ thTD^l^e eanai.
This msy poviUy be true, bnt there b a law of justice, right
' and acmoa oeaae that rnlea the worid always, and that mut mle
' mtfaoa. D the United Statea can have no voice in the control of
^;;»aier way, that it hae spent ao many miHion of ddlan to conita,ivhb mnat be aerrendered to the Canadian i^aHwaya,
baekefl by the home govemmeBt, if the United States cannot per«lik hwav beat, bcar^ the stars and atripea to pass through thb
-'baMl VrttbaM paying a fw, then what have we been doing for the
■1 tea yean, except to posr hnndreda of millions of-dollars into
r natiou may enjoy equal privilegea with the
UnitedSMUa &i its msi
The qneation b ao afaaurS upon the face of it that it requires
■'•BMiaMb if am have bo «ght to control the tolb of the cansl, we
hare no rigfctte prepare iu defences. If Japan should assemblaata
jMwer^navy at the Pacific the canal and prepare for
.^e bombardment and destmetwn of that sraterway, tbe United
SMcb woaU have no ri^t to rush its war reasds tfirongh the eanai
jB4tf«Me«f the nation until they bad dopped to pay a few dqlUrs

if b now up to the Democrats of Michigan to decide upon their
candidate for governor, and indieatiom a^ that the man Ferrbof fiig Rapids will again head the Democratic ticket. The writer
#aa greatly in favor of the Bominatinn..jir Hon. E. O. Wood of
Flint. Mr. Wood b the kqrie«l candidate of the Democrata for
govemfr thb year. He is a member of the National Democt
conunittee, b capable, honest and in every way StU**! for the p«wition‘,of governor. _
Aa a Repnhlieao. we hope for the election of a Repnhiiean to
that office, bnt as a public spirited ritizen. we want the Is-st i
that chn be named. The Republicans have a most excellent ea
date in Mr. Muaselman. We were in hopes tbe D«>inoerats would
put up Mr. Wood, an Mjaaily good man.
Mr. Wood does not want the office. At one time, .when
seemed that nolmdy was. willing to enter the field, he stated that he
would sacrifice bb own feeling* and own wbhe* ip the matter, and
if no other snitoUe man speared, he would allow hb naam to be
___ I in the iwiamries At thb time, however. Mr. Frtrb’ friends
peftnaded him to allow hb name to be used in thb ronneetion.
Mr. F'errb does not want the ^iee ami frankly, be b not fitted
for the office. Nobody knows Ihb behiw than Mr. F'errb himsd/.
He has repeatedly attempted to seenre the deetion and has n-jieatedly failed, and he will fail again. Mr.
might po«ibly, un­
der existing conditions, with the Republicaps broken into a Republiean and tbe so-called Progremive or third party, suereed in aecoring the election. Of course, this, with the gfeat Re(mblican
majemity of Miehigan to work against, is hardly probable, hnt in
thb year of surprises, it might be pomible.
It b for this reason that, as a eitben of Michigan an<l not as
a politiebn. we hoped for the nomination of Mr. WimhI. Hb poaitive refusal lo accept the nomination, wc are afraid, will reanlt in
the nomination of Woodbridge N. F'errb of Big Rapids, a man who
is not Capable, not fitted for tbe position. Mr. Feirb himself knows
this, and he hesitates to allow hb naraelo be nsi-d. but helms been
-er-persna^ed by hb friend.
It b unfortunate for Mr. F'erris that he has thus allowed him­
self to again become a candidate of the parly that he has carried
to defeat ih the atate tw^e before,

/fof Good Work

. ..Xbn.jlcjwld is. receiving, evary week, or *n. editorial ex­
tracts from the Juunia] of the American Medical .\ssoeiati»ii.toome
of these are good: some of them are mdiffen-nt; ami mo*l of them
dire good for nothing. It is only oi-casinnally that anything h>
fditgid in these idiccts of extracts fh«t is of any real interest to the
pnMic. A great many of them touch ii[>on sahjeets that the pnWic
' H nor gorenuneiit cannot reguUte tbe qoMtimi of tolls ao that generally would not understand, and if they did the artich-s would

hm eokat-wbe trading reaaeU^ may have free paMge. then they be of BO mortal use.
Ih^irannccUon with this sheet
clipping*, a «h<-et of eartoona
W w Teaeda thb prfvilege, and the reanlt w«^ be
-ft qhc wbale quMlkm. not onljj.of the use of the canal, but of the is sent out for nse in the newspapers. Wc have one before nx. dat­
ffuteMlidi and defenee of the great water w^y, will he at tbe mercy ed July 20. that should.!*- sujipiTaiusl l»y the juwi off1t-«- de|>artni^^
Tbe pii-tures given on this sh»-et of carKsms could not lie used in
other nalmna. Thb cannot and mnat not be aHowed.
The Rerord-Eagle at $1.00n a piece. They aac largely wade up of
■fcelelons martced "OMth”—vnppoeed to be fanny, One of thene
Bterring to aomething we had to say in these eohmiRs >-e*1er- cartoons js a skeletiin sitting in a chair lipped hark, with hi* hare
Say Mgarding the biith rate m the United Stales, we have hem feet upon a table, with an immense cigar in big month and a Imuul
afIkHI how thb compares with the countries of Europe.
grin upon kis eonntenance; eyes that would frighten^ fi»r wci-ks. a
By the latest figures we have touching ibb matter, we find the child who' wanltnl to go to sli-ep. and a placard labeb-d ‘-l>•^ath'‘
lumber of birtfaa per 1,000 of popnlation in the countriea named for driven into ,his aknil by a big nail. Anuilirr is a partly clotlu-d
a five year periSd. was as foUowa; Great Hritain 121. Italy 106. skeleton holding a piblet in his han^ with the legend beneath ' I
HoUand IM. Oermany HO. Anstria IIS, France 1ft. It will lie seen drink lo the general death of the whole table.'*
that jlhc birtt. rate «t France n alarmingly low. This fart has
We do not rare to call attention further to thi* sheet of car­
attN^ed attention the world over and man>- writers and stst<w- toons ege^ that tbr two we have mentioned are fair cxampb>s of
■en^have sontlrt Che remedy. Legialation is being seriously eiipsid' the whole, which number 12. What we, would like to know is tlik;
‘ei^ h hi« bpen proposed that no man idionld be eligible’to offiee is toe American Medical Association sending nnt these ahnminabbonlma he b the fathiw of at least three children. Thb b.alwatd. cartoons broadcast through the counirj-?■ itoM'tbe faoe it. It b fnHher pmponed that a premmm of «|00
The newspapers of the, eoiythy hava.donc a great <leal already
bo pnM far the third and ewvy aneeeeding child, and It is alto and arc wiUiog to do
lo pn-vent the spread of disease and to
J tbBft Tcbote of ten per cent, be made in taxes for each edneatc tbe people to cortrrt living, knt wr do not believe that Ihey
d ^ toe fRBiQjr. new gre rcrtoiiily 1
will be willing to use snch cartoons as these to accomplish this ob­
l^.toB ivcDuum jiu Ktighi. in
ject, and wc are_grcally surprised that the .American Medical AssoItoigff ItoPtobi to toe FVeneh pcMant and amsH fanner like ciatina, .which is supposed to be made op of the most rcpntalde
If toe 'IbeBn ware known, the French peasant has
physiciaM n the eonntry. aad that the American Medical JSliniai.
er vwpfve. einy»
u>a*T Miiutar ciawr oi which we have been led to helievp was the official argsn of this
I toe Forid.. Hi* wk« eloarly shown when the etiormnns •ssneiatioD, should sitod out soeh stuff S this and 'vjqtect that any
*__ -__.:.i
_'a*-_ «v.
___ paid OensAiv gft«r
toe t?._____________

OOfan itf & Jbeft ^ Ototf


»" '"tf


ditoMi Is'tliirift

•'Ward a« a few of the anatora who would be frii^iteaed if
hnt whiapere^ that the Unhed Sulea haa no right to coo.
oan propetty. It aow looka aa if thi^ whole matter were a
. AehoM of tfaa OBwadian raOroada to' aeeure the help of the bteM into the warld in thb way. and its people are degrading them•otrefMMOt tndhr ehwiQgfif the eonal to free paaaaBe by the people selrea into mere prodneers. that provnion may he made for
' iriM'OWB tt
future of tbe army for w2ieh these children an> pnn-kased.
- If the Uaited Statea «anuot eohtrol the toUa. it cannot eontrol
dha 4e#aooM of the cBnal. if it cannot control tbeae, what wai
•aMal Indt forT 'Who h paying for this canal, anyway! lias Engany
for h! Hare the Canadian railroada put up
^ JOHN fpr ill. Not a dollar. The hnndreda nf milliona of d<4l«fa<ihld i»«S»M into the eooatnietion of thia water highway be4WWR »he dwo.oeeana bare been fnmiahed solely by the Inited
£Ma% aad the thsited SUtea jbWt control this property, and they
•t^ha-re the right to regulate the tolls.


BAUCM- a»B pMwa) CB*0)r. W r
»MU4lr Md vtib iBcmalns vikM- |
■UBt if the government eonld be aw .tost m certain pereentar of eam tadicaaad
tsdloMad lu
tu orarwbeimtaa
«rw«h»lBlac Hbto
4*; (
toi^'oahad’lVaai'mhiiito gjEASSsSZ-a
toe (Ulfim.sronVKve to aoldirr-agef^ tbe peasubXam^ might. ^ to tiaa
at haOte
kkiBX U*
U» bw.
Um. eoderaed
•otonMl to«
ik« “to*.
think that $100 was worth seenring. Five hundred franca looks big B)l »>**
3&.**XB^**** *'-«-i-aadl^^
ld««. tbe
tb« and
sad ahafrti*
■iMMtBd tto
4*toaoefaCsmiUca.andlhefather.and toeiuDibercoohlBhofanegen- lo4pooar •*«.
T«let*d l«to a pniOdaad
^^rtoeir sQttMS b(^ aaf with eager, if aomewhat rlomsy.
lUM. JMte
th* war w
flngera, figure out how much they krooM receive for three, ar four,
Mt •llrst.
or a daaen ebitdrep. The,.aggregate vouU BtNUW (hem a little -Dsama" BtUa. auror «t Omad Rswhen they had got up to 15 or 20. It woi^.be. aoracthing like PM*. delltormelr Baas ki* deOance
- Bda W n^Whaat.
IBM the fsem of fh* taato-bottasa" dors. ;sc. 6^ Me.
rtmating toickena before to^F.
batched, bat man.v a fortune
asd dattend Kto( vouM vote onu thus made on paper.
ae way for's sink (Irket. Il bad
. Ths toady «aah.mifdit be a strong temptation to the F'rench toca tsatraried to do m, aad tt would
peasnt, bnt he wonld soon learfi that tbe child, tons honght by ater laatractlosa. Tot (be faraltnre
thf government, cost far mure for food and clotoas. than tbo .SOO cite ezecatlTr dcelarod. altor tbe vote
bad been ukea. tkal be would earolt
franca paid for ita birth, and tbe thrifty parents would torn again oador Ike ataadard ot tbo aow partjr.
to the old and sure method of saving and hoarding.
Seaaior WsUtu iaa4« ifee same eaBnt there ia another view to take of ihk Bmttcr. FVance pro­ plaaailoD for Jaekaoa.
airona._is isiiiM.
are eatltlcd to our rMM.
poses to buy its ehildrtm. so ranch per chfld. ao ranch per head. Il
beepmea a hnsineas traiisagtina, pure and simple. There is no barn a daty io oor boaw Mkc
It OBtHM to jtmT lodra aaJ
tooa^t of the child's rdatioo to the parent, of the parent to the
because we are obeylag tb«
child. The molher-lovc is pot npon a moaey-planc. The father peoBle who seat iia here.- declared Ddoes not so much think of bis child u of the dolfam he will receive Ila in bis deA
Tells ot -Yoo-re all rtshL
from the government. It is a cmd. eoM-blooded propoaitiun. It
ID waai to.' saswered blaC
may help to pq)>n1ate France for a generation or so. bnt .only to
-Get op. Knox,~'-Co«nWoo la. ibe
furnish aoldiers for its armies.
water's Bae.- “TonTelloci*. doa'l be
Franee sees danger of a'decreasing mililan.- populstion.
Mr. XTaioh has bees s redidam of
baaibach,- were tbe aboou froia
(Iratid Ttavetse rgiuiL' sH .kM lile
rounded as it b by hostile nali^ only wailing a chance to strike. tbe plittora it tbe man tn>n tbe Boo.
sn-i has beeo |•ro«)iMnay IdeaUfled
So Franee must do something. ItSnnst incrensc its pop«ilatinn and wbo bad been Babtftit a boprtess
Siih iSe rei'obUriOi ]«nr ever since
beroi*e«.««rer. At preaani be b
appeals to the money-loving instinets of its pa-ople. and calls for'
, rouRiv Tiuaiii nffirer and has driiic
ed m makluc. Raox amlM la reply,
babies at so mneb a head, and children are brought into th>- world, bat retaaed to IoId la tbe ataodlac
not beeanse they are'wanted by them parento. bnt because the gov­ vote ter tbe full cictast. Twaotr alaatea later, however, be mode bis deernment wants them for the army and b ^flling to pay for them.
SUfeHfl*e DIB lor tbe oBlee atakch be
He prootees 11 elerird. lo give
that be waa M awake at
Surel}’ a nation u hard pressed when^t must buy its children rtaraUoa
busitiesa admin
Reoaerdl'a attitude,

~OJUT »in


mat Us leader

elMors, aatianal deleoataa and aherBa'tee and state eeatral cemaUU
At larae—Virail Hmigerfoed.
oatar: (Barlea iaaaea. Oetrolt:
Dekamp. Lanslna. Ftrat district. tV.
H. Hill. Oatroit; second. H. 8. Dma.
Ana Arbor; UUnl. W. 8. Powers. Bat­
tle Creek; fourth. P. K. Belknap. Randolpb; srib. Gilbert Habn. Htrilaad
stub. Harry Edward S. Black. JIartnc
City; elshtb. Oraoa B. Raadiai. Tus­
cola; nlatb. R.' J. McBooaJd. Maakcfoa; teatb. Loiber G. Beckwltb. Bay
niy: elevratb. S. D. EMred. Ht Pleataot; twelflb. Bates G. Bun, Marqoette.
R« ........................................ ...........(to
State Central
Charlea P. ONell. Detroit, cbalrlao; erst dUtrIct. Charles P. O'Neil
aad P. C. Davis. Detroit: aecoad, John
Broth. Jai^eoo and R. G. Dobson. Ana
Arbor; (bird. E- AJ. A. Waaoer, Hinadale; foartb. J. U
Hanrey. Jr, CooaunUoe. sad' R. H.
Sherwood. Watervllet; flftb. Oocar
Biamaa. Holland. ^ Wllltem Dekto Besaa. per ba................. ..........
Ine. Grand Haveotsistb. Ira T. Sayra.
FluibiBX. and W. S. Kegeto. BalUc
freek: seveath. W. T.,Brope. Bad
Axe; and JeBmon G. Brown. Port Hldea ........................................BMOlOc
Huron; elsbib. Caarlei Ganalaw, Sa-|

Mr. Viatott *

ritoel etratn V-’ *. Rock Hsxa. *6.S*
par Jfc; I cIUty Stock Ks*i. fcnp i*r
13: M,-«. Ttu-ley K*sa. toe asch. *4.34
per »*..


ag bwa u»4» la tpa

hU u

^flk. B evil noiBtlon rtf ............

• tbe R ..
nty «f Grand Trarcrae i—
Slate of
April. A.
CBJCes I tBse Iu4. ee vhieW wongaae
(here M ilslaaul to be due aitfbe date
ot ihia notka. far prinrifal aad.Inter­
est. tbe sum of Bine hamiad teny-

'»en rnstitmed to recover Ilia moneys
secured by ttbl fnertcage. ortaay part
tberrof. erreiu Ibai a hill of Upapialat
•a* Sled io tbe rlrcuii courfi for tbe
(OUMy 0.1 Grtfad Travi
,ter> , on the ;4lh day- of ......
for the toredooare Of tba a
(BW in rbaacery. and ■
betu dlscoBimued by the


e Dionuaee
kDle n( tbe |i

of Ibe power of tale eoamlae
HIS ELECTORS,TO CO ON KAHSA# ■aid morlsage, and tbe stsiotTla sorb
ide and prorU
>Ttded. ok TborvREPUBLlCAN.BAU.OT
my. Tbe luth day of <
A. n.
1»12. at two oclock In tbe B
U>e usdersigaed vULst tbe ffenat door
of the coun bouse, la tbe city of Trsvbeittg Ibe place wttere
itt lOT the caaot!i of
Orand Trararoe Is bHd aetl a> polHlc
Topeka. July 2i —The KaOU
aurtloB. Ui Ibe blgtaaai biiUer. tbe
vme conn ha« heia that the a
premieea dercribed In said mort«a*e.
or to mm* thereof a* mat be occew
of tbe Rooeerell pretideetUI ek
remm on the primary ballets aarr to feuy ibe aiaotun so aa ateroasid dne or said n^nmse. vUR aovea
The coo'rt beM that tbe ault sbooM
T rent ifeiere»i. an<l all letol oasts.
never bave been brooirtrt Into
Briber alih eald aUomcy's'fee. lo1: Tbe mib haR 48.
of tbe
I and ordered dItCDlesed. Taft
((tuaaw 'luaner (R. A MI s( sartiaa
Wderr brought the All to have Ibe
lovftolp Iwmly-dWe
•a of Roosevelt ek-eien ret
<*3» Dotih, of raare nlae ite west.
trom the vegiilar republksaSwD

Mickigan Stot* I-M0U*.
Tl-fversc Cllv I. Muskesou I.
ladleittOB r.. Borne <’ltv 4
MSBMtee 4-11. Cadillac (M.
Amencao Laasu*.
8(. Lou'is 1-1. VVssbitLCion ILin
Ne* York 4 ClewUnd 3
Bosios S-:. rhkavo ■
D«ral( l«. PbUsdalpiils (-■.>
Nalioaal Laa04M.
Ne» York 3-4. gittsburs i
rrnriansn 3. lk>«ioB 3
PliHsilaluha 4. mteaite ■'
St. Ijoule <1. BrooklyR 4

Trsvet^ City 2. Uuskecim l.
radmacUxDUlec; nlo /
Bo.rne fity-ljidlnirton. rain.

at'ert ifurh cala/titTkes t om St Inga
klen's AroltS
fee polaei
>tiu^ t

Michigan StaU Lcagua.
Trsvrrae Otv
Msolstre u,
^JuskeaDB S. t.ndtfun«D i.

Boyne C.ty 2, CadlUar I.
Natianal Laague.

on good and veil i
H. C. DavU. 312
Improved farms. ...
State Bank Bid*, Traverse nty:
sprit 2J4f

Sew York 12. nnclDBail S
rhlr^ S-n. Broekira 1-4
Rt. l.oiu>W. FTIladelMbls 41.
HiehiBan ftsla Lcs«ua.


Manistee...................... 42
Tfawroa City.............. 44
UiB.kesDB .................. 2s
bndlnsion .................. r
Bovnc ntv...................23


Oadillsr.......................... '.21






.Jl Meetins.
Tbe aSDual ineeUns of the metnbea
el the OM YHssloii Besrh ReM>rt Aksoetailon tor tbe ele>ttoD of irsstees
to serve the essiilae -ear and tbe
transsntion ot other bunoee prraaated tor <-oaeideraiK>n *111 l<e brid at
Old Mbvston. tileh . at cottage of C. 11.
Beark. on Tbarsds'. the 1st day «l
Attgost. I»I2, SI 2 oetorL p. m o( ssU

Cedar Oly
Cadar Ri



Uary f. MoSatl. See'y.


Tcdk Ezfndcd AkMMee
iy WIitoBfft PstB
By tbf -Ka-obr- wstkod I cn tu


National Laafue.

..... .'S* T
hi^ yjgsjl^tte


O. RISLT. O. r. A.

j J



4UJ Vcm Jd-WhM wOl be (he
dWcm«« tm ^ tfoM dap heWoM
the doom for a atnaer to the March
Md a alwwr to the *ortd?
fl4.> U-Iiat «11> be the fate of the

> staltd tor vlig s*«d tb*


M%m dwno wMld JBeua
JBaua lto*e
w ton. K people kept vide
Terae M-ChB “wry" ■« »">
w norded 4a Mother tor
out roar reuou.
I4 U PMiihlr. or. not. kud
whr. for elB to pmdoto coed r««
(Ip.l VerM' :i—Wbo arc tboac wbo
Msorell}’ couipUlo to God t»ecauae of
f chUTOtr
. (ti.> Venea tM»-«hevki a eui...
tiaa.ehui^ «(/>«(, apd
oM att
UiOtomemherarrtwarer-'-........ ing ainful livetT (Thla a one of the

fHMFOfffitMS ^im

... .

ftBB fOE ipH;

WITH cif^irrsE.

n^eiaUii af
Vlnanelal tto^i
' WHh Njerthem Pacifie Woa Re*,
eon of Hi* Clelng Up H|a .
SeatUe. Jaiy Sx-Uaalwd ielosraohed kli realguiioB to Prealdew
Taft today. Tbla acUoo waa ukra
Buddeal}- and broogbt to a t
Impearbmeat toveMlgaUoa by the
bouae coBiuitlee. Tbe reaaoo Hav
ford give* Taft to tbit he caa t auad
the Biratn oa bU health. Wbeu tfaey
• • the aciloo the tomtigat.
IpC committee adjourned aad will do
uoiblag funher uatil Uey hear troT



SptdM Uoctmmb Ur

traiWow Elfarts Salng SUM ta «id
th* Mall* el UtaratureHl th*
Eaar Money Shwka
Md Cruttof*.

WaablastoB, July ti—One buad
and tweoiy ullUoa dollar* wa* BIrfaed
Crom the Amerku people during tbe
Bit flacol year by iwlpdler* «bo
eraied torgely through the UnheJ
Sute* mall*. aeconlUtg to a (Ulemeat
-Addreae ..................................!!!
Jaade to a fonuaHwpcn to Foei.
o>a»l«e Geoerah-tltigbcoM. ^ w*.
tnrr««ae^^>pprexiBiaiely Sv«
a coDfereac* between Haafot.l,
le aggregate
hi* aitorney nad tbe ctngrei
ruDimiuee. It i* admitted tbe
dag e'ldeacc btongbt out agaia :i
GOVERNMENT HAS PLa6eO BAN ilauford torolrlag bim iu a Snaari il were arrested by jmstoElea Inapectora.
deal with tbe .Northern FacIBc deter
They im-ludcd peraoas to aU walks
mlaed him to tpiiu
of life, meirhanis and naarbaoica
Ifyou filled (hem. All's well; if you didn't, your
Ifirlsns and prolessional men. mi
rival got the order and may got the cnstomere’enUre
N0 M»f« Pan B« liBpertcd Into This
and millionaires.
Ceantiy ANm- October
trade. Wahe up and jtiish the “BEST' flour mada
the year. 4fi2 pemoM
)nxrrle<.*nd senteneed and 571
^ manulacture and sale of this flour helps pay
-e awafilng Anal dlspotllkm.
KAnlatsto ' Xkk, July «r-Tha |
WAMIniaon. Jnl>
in ordering
PvsimaMer General MUeheock'a o^
yuM tunes, pave .your streets, biuld Vour school
long awaited aadlt of ^ aZtOH «M I
ihf cieltuioB from tbe Ualwd Sutee
sr to lBS|>ecMra lo collaci aildeare
Anally swortrad XottoF. A«1 IVt&am'i
aUtlothe. tbe ~sre«D devil.", the
houses. Does foioign made flour do as mucht
It That i* SeM
that would warrant criniliial |•rDseea- Much Meat
to Nat Fit
Ocm* have b^ Stofl
gorersfflcDt ie foIlovlBs tbe lead of
foe F.
Feed Say*
ilon of awirdlen. gradually Is bunding
Borallud and Mrolow. and aur at- 9
Swltzertond whlrti about a year ago. krrangemento Have Been Madt For
a wall of prtKeclioa against such
aianer Dame.
Crown Prince to Take th*
fatri coudueted Uegally.
decided to problbU tbe drtok ood al-l
In aosaral plaoan iba tqtwwt^g, I
|rtoc«l Uie bM OB Ita BisaiiXi
waa only a fiaud trder forbidding the
Lansing. Jul) l».—One nircnt has that «KGU woa MtoNtpnsrtAbiii TM I
The agltotloB m Swluerlasd waa
delliery of mall to such operaiora. bean made and other* wiu loUow ti a
wideagread. The force* that MpoS^
worried but little. They craaade which U being eonddeted
Tokh). July U.—The Uikado
the probibUtoa tow were oleo very
merely changed tbeir names, nddrass- aMUiai insnaltary
oxHt markru
at'tUe becBuee tbe eupvreeeloa of t£e ailgbtly alrongcr late today, hie
e* aad title of tbeir "buslaeoaM.' Mlt(ha stale
iBdurrj meoDt k big loea to Uiem.
tlBuing their OMcallaae natll anoiber daltr Altai food commlMloa. The oenIt o( tba jmbltc Airvtoa. ]
Now the Pure Food aed Drag Board, phyaitiaui. any bU cnae U hopeless fraud order caugbt ibezn.
through Secreucy WllaoB. of the Dts The ruler spent a fairly comtorublr
Tbe reiort says that these fraud
Bellvue. has Mrcady been
twrtmeut of Agriculture, haa Uaued night, raliylng allghUy thli mornlbR.
anlputowr*. wbo usoally exploU bo­
be ttofeudaeiE pleaded
*a edict that no more ahatoibe ehall The premier conferred with Crown rn niloea. fake remedies and worth- gnllly and were Bned tU.
he iBiiorted Into tbie coiuto' after Prince Veablbito, aad everything U. lets lands, conatlliite a diaclnet elsse
Otoober i, and In a abort tlate tbe arranged for the latter to aacend lo of . lawbreakers. Anuwg tbe wealthy
reacblng ConimUsloMr GUmaa M.
To protect your animals from flies use
troaaurr «riu make-ibl* eSectlre fay the throne Immedietelr following tbe offendere who have been taught, the
loie cauaed tbe Inaugurailon of lb* Grand Trw
Itoulag Kpecine order* to all eoUec- death of the Kmiaror, So dliordcra tospectot* say ere t criminals
•woo^y. Ejqpedence bias proven ShocAFly
catupaigiL According to lb* aommialatldpeted in Japan.
Jlra E. J. DtokoTMA
en of euftOB* aad port oDcUl* that
have poaed as respectable raerchani
tp i^e aiAveTflienttp use oo milk cows,
Diuy of iboGtoat dealers pay no
■*^Wa d|ito*k*piln* at the p
tbv Bball BlJow ko Bore abatotbe
ttey wdi give more milk if the torment of
aUnilloB to aaaltallon and
after the d
Soma of them were mllUoiialrea.
by tome I* not flt for food. A dwen Of Qrand Traferse graag* h^ Bat-J
' flies is k<q>t away from fliem. and it can be
the pure food and drag
It wnt a IttldM f
rtched by their plunder. Soma of tbeae lospeeiort are now nl wurfc tbrougbif Sboo-Fly is used. Some people .claim
abower for Mrs. B. J. tMckamoR. irba I
. Van llule agluUoa baa been beard
men ore now serving prison aeotence*. oni tbe Slate.
loat all her bousebold good
they can get % more milk by a liberal spray­
In WaBbIngtoD regarding abalalhe.
a by State Dairy and Food Inweek* alace in the fire n
ing of Shoo-Fly .One gallon isenou^ for
Amerlcu drinker* nerer have lAea
atroyed the farm bona*. Tb
kindly to tbe drug aa a bcvei
- Aree animals through the fly season. Try
ia one of tbe breadeot organto
tbe big tomi>erance latererta____ _
a gaUon at 60 cents and convince yourr
axlaienee. It aiiempti to i
have reaerred their' Are for alcoholic
•pit Shoo-ny is also a lice and mite kUler
membere to more wayg than t^ ordl- 1
beverage* which are much aore pop- to the eulc dairy and food di-jiori.
hiflU^en coops.
non society. ‘Hie various flel||g that J
Wot. many of the drugs In tbe vuie
are finaaeto]. social, adacaWhile you are about it get a cattle card—
-are adulleratod aod mlalabeled. Forty
FoUileal and bnUraoL Tba
^ tmly quick cleaner at 10 cents ; a good
one of the o« aamide* ■nalyce.l *bt»
Mr*. Main J. tVmllne. age 58 died
above toeniloDed abovor wo* fn Uw
ho^Jiniah aUOcents; curry combs. 5.10
that ibey have been tamped with. Monday mortitog after a two weeks 11].
way of performing lu fraieraa] reac­
Madill MdCkPirileh Bays Biril I
The BSinplea' were secured IndlecrtmlMM 15 cents; >Mdup6.from 10 cents to a raw­
• at tbe borne of bar aooo. U'ard|
Will Hava Tiekata in
WUely through Ibr rtate and from
(knnioe. 313 btoat £kv*nlb aireet.
hide at $1., At ttie Comer of Front and
some of tbe drug stores reputed'to be Mrt Conoine t-sme here two weekx
(be beet.
' from b(T borne In Tawaa Cll.r
Adulleraied and mlalabeled meal
icisit her son* and bad been 111
G «
A. )I. WUliamc. dJaUlct manager of
r:.-Afier tall ♦ G
r Biore her amraL 8be was bora Iqii on Governor Deoeen and other
tbe Michigan Slate Telenbtiac com­ comes close to the drugs. Twenty of
Oearpe Aptato-whe tanlde* moOrHl.
the 30 samples InveaUgaied show vio­ in ('rawfordovllie. Ind., Dec.
1S51. candidate* on the repabllcan ticket. llckvjlle. anffeiwd tba kiM of
pany. aad R. K. EUworth. aisii
tig j
and was married to Judge fonniac Mfdlll ^McCortnick o€ the, progresgive
aectbUry of tbe tVeatera Michigan lations of the pure food law.
third finger of hla rfglfi^
Of all the foodstuffs examined, in tbe year is::. Betide* tbe
Uerelopment burcan. have completed
committee gnv# out a eiatement de­ while at work on one of the amt
of tbe . Ccairal -Lake randy proved the freest from vIo'U' Ihcre are two sons. Ward B, and Matt claring,there would be a progreaalve
the OvoJ Wood Dtoh
•V.. Mlb practidng alionie>* of ibU
icilon oof.Reetere UlchiMo. During tlon. Of the 3TS aan
^(bel. Tbe anvrnior and all day moraiiig.
found lo violate tbe le- city.' Mr*. Connlne was a member of
their last trip.btrer the territory they
Thar* to avMaatly na tanOmm
the Order oC Eaalerit Sura.
•uneMni]. In eecuring a number gal ^tor^
ard race aulcide on Eon .GKghtk ]
Front t Com Streets
One hundred and
Funeral aervtres were held Tues
of good Rtaln harveMlog Bceno. later
wreet. as one block to that Ifitniltr 1
day afieAooD from the home of her
they exiwt't to vl*lt Centra] lake vll- products were fnui
ha. 73 dUMran wbo re*Id* wH|Di iu *
aoii, Bev.'c. H. IrvInjTvpttlclatlng. Inget view* of tbe oanBlag (acUmlia. Tbto b a pnttf gooiml
leiiiicnl was made lo Oakwood.
tor.v ln operailoiL
when all thing* are aoqi^
and Is another proof that tb*GM
oa of Uie city is Htnnfiiiy ga^_
Wyman C. Auary, afad ll.-ann of
Ur. and Ura. Frqd Akery of "ntltoiM
Washlogiu'b. Jul)' 33—Moderatarem- burg, died at bta home BtlurdM^nM
i<eralurc* will prevail all o^cr
pulmdury tuberculoaii. He Itotre* s
iiortbcrn half of the toumry during faiber and Do(ber and two bMfibara.
Ihe firat or the coniluc week, accur-l
Many will b* surprlaad to iMFr
iig to tbe weather bureau bnltolto U>* wedding of Mias Anlcc I GImraa
art Dlgbt.' Wanner wceiDer will readi mad bkIwnrd.B Ixmmto of t^rtty.
he extreme northmeet alioni Thi
wbUh occurred at »;30 Balurdaygre
AgoUierLot Thbae
ilsy, extending east ward to tlir Allanthe home Mr. aad Mroe^ana*
I Ibc end of ilir .week, the
Roberts. North ElnuMod a»DI
ppraiure continuing warm in ihe
J. OoatoB aElclatia*.. .Hra.
Tbe weatber^i
Laxunto lived to Travers* Cltr«a* mJosl received.
sboscr) during Monda>
111 early tbto apring. when sltoMMt
northern distrtcti eaat of the Rocky with her pnrnata to Uva la M
out of our regular stock of
Specially prieed SS and SS.7S
Itolns. fotiowed by gaoerally fair,
$5 aa4^$5.75 values
weather during tbe remainder of the tbe office of A P. Keritnger tMefioea*
Ume. Mr. aad Ur*. UnmU mm r»
•Id* in (be city, aad boat* of to^d*
}oiB Jo nteadttg wiahw W the ponag
,, •
Q 7C For Lawn Dresses, -also Linen
Mias TIIN* Millar and Chor^Trw
valO and Embroidery, that brought $li
maine. both weU known Tiwww
Cli) joung people were marritB ta
$13.50 and $15 this season.
Foatioc. Goiurday avaatag. TWv.viU
reolde there, where Mr^ TreiaatoG ka
FruvMeoie. H L. July M.—The re- a poahion. with eh*
Aoto Oa.
lent diacoveri of teveral rtwle* BiOe*r-.ld
« « » 4 • • « G « O O g « VVg
17c, XBe, XSe, BBC lo BLOB
oar pear an btauric coloifial maixEAST BAY FLYER*. e>
Jou ou iTodence lalaid baa atarted ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ GlGcG G
l-rof. Us>ld Groeaberg of ItototnUa
East Uor to Htui ea the «m9 al□oivcralty on a ayatematlc search of iboogb onr cormpoodeot la a boar
Thmrmthe i
; for a lot
Former prices. They are clean, dainty® the oM conars on the lelanda.
mafctof many toiFrDSknHMk on
Prof. Grwenberg has been oa
of this seasoVs oobby SEK'S SUITS for
pattemi worth 25c to
Ulaad aneral qrantba atudylog the
ladies, in Navy, Tan and Cream. The
md Uie pecQtoriilen of the na­
^leodid quality will make ^>u forget the
The bams are packed in wood aabet.
low clearance price—this week $16.
Their Savor U so delictoas that they
have bWB readily marinted ax tl if

writing by iMmhera
(1i.) There need to be frequeot
frtaii of toembera to etauaelkal
. 'beat aad thejarea?
cbarcbei fur itumorBlIty. When did
-(«.» If Chrlat eUB^ for tic learu of--euch .a trial and huv
who #«»ed -eood acod." whom doca^U Hlbat the} ape now m totrequeot?

J. W. MilUtitoi









siifaiiTNa sMil

■Ur UDlTBlTniS

ns. s. j. 1







BETTn waniBi cowiis

tki Bame^ Co.
\wute Saif
and Lawn Dresses
Wf6si» ti ^by Unen Norfolk Soils *P. K." $3.TS



Ntm Dresses f^fai

$3.50 16.75

‘‘Sotiie Suit”



Corset CoversSpecial
Or jut ODe-balf

Neckwear Speciai

s “n-

Traverse City’s Greatest Mid-Sunu


Ta#sd«^ Morning, July' '!#
at 8 o^,cliack we will start the greatest
Sale fti 8iif Hlsipryl
,We Vkiould advise morning shopping; '
lut di> not fail to bi on hand whWr /^ut
Ve Iuncover the tables.


LadlH’ Whiu Handktrshiefa
UdMs' BelU.
' t&. Ruehlngt.
WM« German Vel Uee.
Tufkleh Wash ClWhfc
'Lsdiee' Neckwear.
•eldlnsa Embreldery Silk,
•oniee ef Muclla«e.
tarrettee and Seek Ceiabe.
Fancy Sreechce.


A Furniture CtiaHenj

Twenly-fivc Cent


\ lidiM' 60c pdlored aUk Hom, Ladiei* Colored Shirt
vlifU. fOc Satis Booei.
• Jadin' Lons Medd BatiiU Corset* with npportm.
Ij I ^7ue Hemmed Bed 8^
aUues' and Chlldren’i Straw Hati.
tint, faU Used Tucked Yoke HssUn Gown*.
4 White Soiled Wash SkirU.

Ujieovered lilmrs. July 18 at 9ir

rUijicovered Tues. July 23, al 9 &

A Mg Clearance ol NewSJIks

bn- New York agent tdeked*Vp, at a price, a la^e
goantiQr of new SlUa at len than factory cost. Nearly
•very piece wai made to retail at J1.00 per yard. *They
come In fany itripe menaline, t^ow ttripee, check* and
changeable taffetas, also «ilk popUn. Shades in black, tan,
gavy, rase, Oopenbsgen, crean^grsy, pink and brown.

Our Challenge
Qearance Sale Price

;Oiir Hosiery and



Mg Savings on
Small Items
Hicl^ Plated Safety Pins, per ^
Embroidered Shirt Initials,
each ......................................2c
Tar Soap, per cake................ Sc
Large Box Talcum Powder..
Asbestoe Holder ......................Sc
Adjustable 8Sleeve Protect^*.. 10c
Shaving Soap, per
Vi pound
ind Bottle
Peroxide irf


ISc wash goods..................... te
Ue wasb goods......................He
XSe wasb goods......................lie
Uewasbgoods..................... 18e
S9c wasb goods......................S4e
«e wasb goods......................39e

While Serges

flAO Black and WUte Stripe AU Wool

........ . 8c
AmeHcaii Ih-auly Owrwk uow mode] Aff m
glkw nuaiit.vy.................................OP.€

64 inch Cream'Serges, regnltfly selling at
»1B8. Ohallenge
16 per cant disoonnt fTO onr already
low price* on all kinds of (frots trlantais,
inchidiag fi^~birtKtiiniings,^ai^

I HaU DoUar Table




12 :cinl 14 iin'ln s

wide. Challenge
64 inch Embroidery Flonncing for dresses,

$12.00 Mahogany Rockv, high aim fmic
Best value ever offered at...
Our Parlor Tables ud Studs, (»c(o I
4 Gennloc Quartered Oak Pnlor 1
lower shelf and apron. $7.50 value i




4 19 Buys this $1.75 Oak Dining
Xa Chair. Exactly like cut. Long
post back, solid seat, very' heavy
Our showing of Dining Chairs
caniiol be excelled.cither in design,
quality ami price. We have many
other grjidtt at equal savings.

27 inch Zmbroidery Flouncing, new pattore*, worth 76c of any one's

26c and 36c Fancy Eibbons, Dresden, Per.
■tan, FlorsJ patterns, also checks and
yard ...

....... il7c



1$LS6 Hair Pnffs.
Udiee-fancy handle Ombrdlas.
46 inob Smbrotfsiy. $1.00 valne.Jlew model Battato Oorset. weU stayed, worth $'i.00.
Hand Bmfaraidery Table Eumers and OentartaUe Spreads

Small sise vdiite Barber Coals.
$1.00 smaU sise Odd YeiU.
^,,;'^edbiee, white DrCn ShirU, Blue and White Overall
Jackets, Painters' 60c Drill Jackets, ten odd Crash Coats, bine
- fiaanel Yacht CapA boya' dark color ShirU, boys' cdored

Uncovered Thors. July 25 at 9£.

Uncovered Sat. July27 at’9a.m.

per yard for good
grade of SiSc graniteCarpei.

1C 1’®’’
2 ply 40c ingrain

Nineteen Cent Table

Urge Lc4gher Hsud U^. worth.*1.0u.

$7.50 Mahogany Rocker. Saddle sent.
Sale Price........................... 7.,..............

AQQ buys tills one mo^90 lion folding Go^
Cart exactly like
cut. Reguliirr price $6.00

Big Clearance ol

Wise Bayers will anttclpate
■cxlSeason*« vMais at
these prices.
WUta An Jtbol B«f«^^. in. wide wile.
Jnit right for rattt and eoitt. Chil-

3 Genuine Qoarter*sawed Oak Rockci
Designed for Parlor mid Living Hnoiu. *
2 Large Comlortable Parlor Rockers,«
back, finished golden. Worth $0.50, c*'

We have decided to stop handling Wall Paficr. We
neeil the^ room for our rapidly increasing funiilurc Jt(£ffeci qiiick clearance it mus^go ^ow

Beautilill sheer t^rics. such as Bstiste, Organdie. Mercerize.! Pongee,
Knob Voile. Cotton Mohair, Silk Ginghame, etc., all at clearance prices.

0f4«i.u Uiim‘ Stack Hess, also

A Forlnnale Syndicale Parebase of 3M
Brass and Iron Beds, bought on the lowest stage
of the market, enables us to offer them at POSI­
TIVELY the LOWEST Price in the history of the
Furniture Business. From our special at 99c up
to the massive Brass Bed at $33.00, we can save
you money. Call and let us prove it.

Rocker and Pai
Samplesud dtsconllniied Pa


aeargnee ol New

mi U41-'1»« Kto

Brass and
Iron Beds

Greatest Slaughter on Wash Goods

v.jtu» sok'LUle, BlMveleM Vata, r«g


Your Golden Opportunity to purchase Fur
Our Mammoth Stock of House Furnishings pu|
can be listed here~you must come and see the^
Ask aborit our Easy Payment Plan, It will


Have yon seen the new

Dining Tables ?

strictly all wfiol
t>5c illgr;ii;i
forSl.l. y.vlJ.llnissp|s Rut:. li'TuI or
uriemul puticrus.

I ^ 85

The extension can he made
without removing linen or
dishes. We are selling them
during onr Challenge 075
Sale for....................... ^
iiml up: other tables from


1/12 Axminster
hi,;ti pile'eni.

and Cupboard

Glove Slanghter
' Abont 40. doten Ladtas’ and Misses’

I Ota« C^oi, white, gray and tan. Beal mltaH ueee-liale. munv silk.. CbalKogi- mIl- priLi-.
I <BoT«sraift'60ir«»66e....... .29c
■ (Boewwortb4iotoS6o.,.......... ......... T..Uc

Shirt Waist Rings
Brilliant hud Turquoise set­
tings. ordiuarly sold at $1.0D

61u CjloU

'I'urlbiii |■l•|lll4•^^ S riiii. lin
Dotted MnUs.


For doors and window Curtains, big varie­
ty and cheap at lOi^ 12»^, 16c, 19c up to 4»e,
KaiicA 'ji/uiuiiii rr.-|*, . lo.- va|u,- ............
Oat^ OMh. pa yard ....................;... .10c
10c Blue Chambray ..................................... 7c

L.xactly like cut: has large glass
floors, ami large provision conipartmeat: solid Oak fmntg |*ff
tliallenge Sale Price .... VaVU

H^n time lor the Bargalii

Prices good whUc

articles last

Comg to Housekeeping
years of experience in furnishing
PATNENT PLAN makes it conveni

5 Rooms

•1$ dDWM»4wL $1 .per week


landidng Event. The QHeat


an Eaual!

at Unequalled Savings, Nothing reserved
ISaie. Only a few of the hundreds of items



cem xawe

Obil<lr«‘M*a Drem.-*
Dreiws up
un to 14 j-.-ars.
vi-urs L-.itg
1...... Ij.wti
Uili«' WaKh Skirts, sliglttly wiktl.
S».OU Ur.-®..sligbtly Kuilisi. Full siir
aixl while strip.- IVui.-uate, $1.<I0 to tli
ham Shirt Waists. tl.OU DressiuL' Ssi
CliilJreu s Middy


Barrel No. 5

le Clearance
t ooe^iaH Ikdrloraier prices.
.. Valves iB Coaches
and Davenports
Our line of unifold Bqd Davenports is suve
I'back. Cbatlenge Clearance
$3,98 to please: Massive Genuine Quartered Oak
Frames, Tufted and Smooth Tops of No. 1
real Grain Leather, with the “Seng" Steel
.i«.,cholwd«» ................
Spring Construction, .they make the roost
comfortable to rest on, the most durable
pin the Teduotiona.
to buy. Prices froip $22.90 up to $45.00
Couch like cut. of genuine Chase A gO
1 rubbed and polished, fancy. <
$3,98 A
Leather will cost you atXhallengefI
Clearance Sale..............

At prices you.canhot duplicate. People wishing to
fumidi oouages. or homes fdl lesortere. will find
ABO for this $(> Kitchen
thor needs at the limeet possible prices.
X**© Cabinet, exactly
like cut; has two
Complete showing of Springs,, Mattresses. Saniury large bins, two utensil draws
and kneading bosird.
Cot8.«tCn fli pi^ that challenge all.
,‘We are the agents lor
. ' 8x9 feet Matting Rugs-41.$»
' 9k»'........................

Our R»cker Challenge
Is open to *L Noolherstorewill supply your
Roder v^its as cheaply aswedo. Everyiair 0K
offered at deaiance prices. $2.19 bu]^ this
$5.00 rocker. Exaedy Bite cut. Large loomy J
high atms. and back,
had in mahogany. A
Ibandsome parlor chair
bt the low price of $2.19

1l*t piiir W.iiii. ii'« l)r.-*Sii.K-s.\id M £7
kid. all aix.-». iHiir .............................X*

66c ScetkoB
Id's Hilhd Turuf.1 SIxM-K
i ♦urn' r.-vulaVly. a!s..

7$e Scctloa

5 Draw Chiffo­
nier. Exactly
like cut. worth $10.'Has
10x17 bevel plate mir-

Si^ial Prices on all
■ other Chiffoniers.


ia6 SecUon

t66 Section

Woiu.-ii*. (Juu M.'lal. 2 and '.i
strap pumps, viii kid nxf.irds.
pat.-iit puiuiw. whiu- duvk
puui|>s with silk IhiWs, Shoos
«-orth fs2 uml «2.5U.

_W.>iii.‘ii‘a i>lac-k^ \rlvcl 111 hutIon shoos. g.KMl alyli; iasta. all

61c Seetloa

S.17 Section
M<-m'k •ln'« Kh.Nis and ox­
fords. iu gum^uoUl aud jrki
kid. bultuii ,^>r bluohor rot
Ja<>'. Ibo gn'-atiist bargaiu
offonsl yun iu sbuoa.

1.76 Section

Hoy's Kuvxia tau and Im>i
calf' btiUi»i shoi-s. also guu
iii.-lal oxfonU.
+:vory |»air
guaranti;od all M>lid |ralb>T.
IouhI »tyh-», all #2 and

U8 Section

M-'ii's KhiHii and oxf.wils,
ui.HlIy )Mtoul loalhor. all aists.
giMKi w.'ight Kolis. oboap at
«..*-i and S3.W.

(lr.-at sm-rilii-o of nion's #;i,g0
tau ..xfords. Uo{hxtilt-h. pi-rfuralod oa]a ami
vBuitm. hutlou «r Ucr. All m-W

m ^on

W..ui. n s Wilt Oxfords. «*..■»
aud SS.Ud valm-B. also wliit.i-auvaa .>xf»r<ls. and riil>l>'-r
li.-J .liilii K, us w.'Il US a fvw
womc-n’s fsJ.'Ki slnM-s.

X»7 SecUon
X'lm oi. tul. vu-i. iKit. iit. lull xn-i.
oxf-.r-ls. His; liar-


g)MM|yi-ar writ, all stylish 1.912
lusix, 3 oiiaooo to ubtaiu fine
footw.-ar at luw<«t firien.

66c Section
M:%-*«*. litlK- Bi-ul\uud vliildr.-u*n' 2 and a strati |«ili Ul
and guu mvtul piiuiir.: viii.
guu ui.-Iat uiid paU-ui .ixlonls

1.67 Section

.\U ll.-d Soliuul House Sbo.-*
at gnstly mini-.-.! priroa l»
.■lose out . iiliro staM'k. Tlie best
w.-ariug s.-b<s>l ,aliuo< t« he

H-t<- ar.- Ili.' xliii'-./'ror y.iu.W.ini.'ii's w.-ll, l.m- Rh-x-s. |>atiiii puui|w. vi.'i oxlonls. ,v.-lvol satin triuimul .lraj>l-iM
puii.|w. S;!..Vi hard turn strairlcas patoul puuii», with silk
lH.«k. All uvw alvl.w *l.y7.

Warth$i:S0& $175


July IS. and
July 31.

Thirty Nine Cent Table
Tba WoBder TaUc ef tha Sate.
Men 's Suitihi.-r Weight t'uiou SoiU.

Mra's fiO.-. UV aud

7;*' Ilress SIhtI-h. with and without eoUan.
Fr.-u.-h Ilalbriggaii I'lidorwi-ar.
Suits. Meu's
lou coUarv


Men's tinr 50r

Mefi'a uUe Tits. Boys' Wash

Ihij'a* Dreaa Skirts, with or wHh-

Mou'a ViMIUU.

Uncovered Sflnrday, dnf. 3, at 9. a. a.

Ask For Then

Extraordinary Shirt Values


it 87

Barrel No. t6
A hare.1 full of .M.-iiV JuA-.
Kiruetahl.- S-le IHk SPu
Sh.KK. Vlloai. l»ngne, aiao •
g"0»l aen-Hi-ahl.' wi.rk-Khoea.
All wwth S2..'iti aud *;i(».
Fhoiee of

Sm-de. i'at.-iit L<-alher. Ciiu Women ■» Sea Inland Duck Sboi-a, button,
M.-tal and Viet
A '48 laU-at atyl e toea aold rtaewhen- at -Cp 42
!.3U. Our challenge price ,2o

144 SecUon

(•iris* SliiN-s. hlni'k ami tan.
hilt lull t>r
Kuuiau Sau.Ialif, wurth u{i tu
jK-r pair.

Either'for coal, oil or gasoline. Ail at very
flow prices. Our ••Globe” Range guaranteed for
2S years. The Detroit Vapor Stoves, a stove
^at lights like gas. No generating. Blue
Flame Oil Stove. Just the thing to cook on in
hot weather. See us before purchasiiig. We
can save you money.

Tkaniay, Aagatf 1, 9 c at

.\ harn-l full ..f Meii'> Dnia ..WuiiTvl fill! of the gn ati-nt
'rtiargahi* iu work fchi>eB y.ui
and Work SI,.-,,
<-n-r R.1W. ShtHw to aland
J.uliier oxf..rds uiuli-akiu
tile IianI kuockH. aingir aud
Kho.-« with KIk H.I1.-K. In»
thaa wholeaaU e»ii. 4 26
out tij«.
a 46
tbok-.- of lot :........... X
- Vhaioe of lot..............X.

!«».......................... 99

. B and baoka, no veneer.
17.00 value must go aL.................... #OoV®
^ lii^ anna hand carved


Several Ijidi.-s' Liii.-ii Wadi Siiiu
(IbiUrvn SpHtag
C.-ats. shriM-nl rli.-.-ks n.H.l tUnurl. |h.|>1iu. with eiaitnatins
.-ollars. Uiirls' Divss.-k. *|..'>ii and
valm-s. l^adim’ and
JiiliMK While Idiigi-rx Dn-nw-s. lare tnuiiued str.-el dren.. ar«'
st.xllA.'' Ih-autiful Wliitr, Mushii IVtti.->iaU. w..rtli «1 .Vl.
liui-,a!lk.nniu<-ul ..f tioun-.. rm..u Suit*. I'riuevss Slij*. ete.

Barrel No. u/ Barrel No. IS

A liami full i.f Shm-a, odd
/Haim, large
of men h gd
tan uxfunK. .Alan Uiy«‘ muleskiu sh.H-a. with (Hilid aultw.
t'hui.-e of

c ime and see US.
will be valuable. OUR EASY
I to buy your Furniture.
j Rooms FomlsMConi^te
•16 down and 61 pw ivedi

Nthety Five CenI TaUe

Uncovered Mon. July 29,al» i


trest You.

toe Sale Thai Crowds ^ ^
oup store from morning till night
The Sale that brings-new Customers
04 well as Old Friends.
The Sale that spells •‘SAVINQS" in
big letters. Will you profit by it?

W.- S.-II III.- Ki.iIht.t l.l- s.l;
' "I
••..lUlT.; a-lili- N-f' ••'.i.itrr-.! .-ilffx; idl III 111. S-.I
Exmr..rdiu«r% valu.-

ximI Sniiunil Jiii^s -.f .M.-ii'x Sliirlx.
ll,. miTk-t ...........................................
.-.rffv x-.i.i- Vn-..-li Hii-I
. ni--,! i-.i-iduf shad.-x uti.l lal-r.-i.


...24C Here’s Comfort and Values.

Vacation Tiaic u TraveUiac naie.
V<-u wdl IM-..1 a iii-» Sint I'jtw-.
Tniiik <>r Truv-lliug Baa wtieo
y--u g->,'


i>ur Rt.p'k in I'ompiei.-. our .|Ualily 11 hjfitTaud
the l.iweat.
Her*'* a Saap:
Ut-nuiiie Leather Suit Caw-, rteel
Men * and Boy»* 19c Stttpender*.
fraiii-. bran l.w-k and ralchea.
round ititi-lici handle. leath--r
g.'-xl »..)» ami
flldi .............
eorrmrs. ftgl ri%-eted, Boalia
Men’e-Straw HaU. in .iih.-r ..ift -r itiff -tr..*, Tir
lined, 4 Uikide strajis vith
«il..r f..r tb- >-img
.he .-um-rv..,n- >;yi- s f.
bueklea. Our challeoge '
W -xln
clearance aale price .
t 4N-.
ir^l 4>. el 7

Men'* Bine Eibbed Shirt*



ill l-.iii: -If -li'-ri
rrv pinii--iii -.■iiiirant.-.l i--rf-.-t tii au.l .uuk--.
tb- bti-l >4)11-. .--u . i-r
ut tb- < |;„jt-ng.;
Cl.-araup-..................................... - •• ............




Ghescy Silk Cnvats. pontirely'tBISat necktie ea the ma^eL
Th.-s- tuiiular ti-1 uol .-utivrar lijr.-r ..r.hiiary .5m- ii.-*,}
will iii>t wniikl-' as euily and atuayi- lo->k new ul:>'ii
li-d. TheiM-ii-> ar.’-Kild'm the iarr<'.-itieR at 73c Cghe I
- U. Sino. Our Challenge price ....................................9U I

6Ii4 Cjloli

Into tasOarpd tto Th4|^ 1
•evcuU IitBQtieu by 4e
, od mtOmS. ^ loWied
■• Tb«r* vT tonr IiIbiUbk laiUta(loa»
to tke «tty. MCb ««b Its specUl M<i
•id its o«B rllcotile. Tb» Tnttswr
Clly suu bsob «as fooDdcd in IkM
jsad is U* «ddett lastUutioa d( ijtsttls tart of tke stole.

le r^fyt potrder

.at the tight price r.'”'
.Om c*Bt «a e«»ce-7>20 <
frieeto fay for bakins fi^er.

{the pubUc slate ISS&. Uk Pwriss'
' dsTlws Bask slaee IM:. s«i the
for2S r—fi is the'rtrili^^ Baiio^ Bask slate Aasesi
ts.'.isil The (brae Br»t mesUoard
It's the price
do a ceoeral baahbig baslaefa aoi.
-be iKWtBl aavlntn beak, s ssoeral
tsvlass butiaess oaiy The rmiU:
(osUtalioas operate eberkia;t acouats.
lose (or loans sad distuuou av
well Jt tafeeuard one's surplus


pdttste. DoaotpaymoreiifsBWMteofmoney.


The «.«Uoed rpwnrr^ o.-‘

K C Baking Powd« is pare, wholesome and efcouitneMlalhaaksanwuniai
fcctive ia action. Rcaolts ere sm*and e^rtaiii.
u«* » laort than Ji.ow.ap
A trial m-ni not only convince, bat mtke yon •'»< »•>« deposits (o jsore ihaa
a finn, fast friend. Yon really onsbt to kwnr ***" >*eh losmu'loa has been prow
for yonnidf what a wooderfnl bakias hdp K C • tes atcadiiy siace ibo oiwoiai; o( tu
■tiaieing PowdcT tS.
** bouad tU gros si
It Baler rale in the fotnre' beesasc
Send lor tbe X C Cook's fiook'
'tim rcgicn is dcveiopiBg
. , ^
Tht K C CcA's .Book. eonUiatak »
SSale'iS&lia'tb^ 25^ tan. Send It today.



nad ' rUtaasa. aa • beariac,i«fa uplea o( aaaiaal laftrests. Mach has
hpda d^|{a a poldlt spirited nay by
offit^^ these tasks to aid the
lor tbe devetopBent

( uui. a,. >■« IW U.S lu lU


to”irata t
taacf, to recntarit}' ct

! honejr (dM aad aloag «mb
CBnelr oapnUpali.m In . jrOBe
l^'jan wm reeall «|WL#e. «Stod
baa>«|dc4Stbecibttd lsarna«ar4T

neat.lor a di ly eiaenatlon of tto f .Moeratlta bela* Mde.
__..___ aioau^-b .nsste.
Tto toakiat faona^ ocemd^ If .U>e
Tb«rt nIU. o{ wiuas. be ttoes^k* three coaB^ial toititutkw
aaaaineeu in the ii
tto «
•tree kUo* •» the aeidfaborhM
s-hieh It sta^ and each iiapr
putpstixts. sod sliuiUr draiUU
T in lie clly. with the Istt
harsh and Molrul acd
Is a pisec ul wealth und
:. nud' that the peuidc ot
I howtl stlraalsDt 1
Csldseirs smir tVpMn la far pnderablc. Uw edty tnhe pride U maUac a
Sirup Pepsla cuntslna no aareotlc
drag, helug cotopcsed of simple laxs'
i with pepsin, sod
I b} the Traverae City buck:
xursl manner, i
Uxer. Sy tbt Must bw included amoac the renourc
liesreb sad i rs that help to laake' tbli eU) one
ts "svod today” and la sure
isles and inSamea the ttasue.
tulckl} rtock tbe samnier diarrhoea
that l> so aeakeaibg in lu oCecu.



Tbsbic deposits mean more ip tbe
than a .ere “lalkiag polaL”
a bottle, the firgrr else being ialaad' j They she* ital 4beie is cnpltnl tbnt ed for,famtly use A free trial tot
tie. ptoUmU.'ann be oMsiued by wrP
daOISM Mfg. VP., «A«0«ao
I intsrorthy. enterprises I«rn
lug to Or. W. a <-aldmelI. 4M Waab
iBgiun St.. MoBtleello. Illlnoia.
_____ _ _
^ ■
--•----------------------- - lejdtlmnte (uottiaos. and le
lag. tbe bnylng season. Tbe lante dea are able, eoerget
;ii^ts also leant} to (be pros^vrlty ic and proemalte. aad tuiderstaad
of tbe people and tbe i>ride s
a'bat good banking a«r)i(.es meum
they bare la their home InatlWl
to a community', aad the} aie suppi}
Each of tbe commercial baaka
doBcaUc and foreign .egchaage pud ing the tone to the peopiv of Tra\
CtC'* and the cvntiguuus couutr}
thil xaakoa easy tbe tcuKraent
>i-ODonts at dUMUl points. EUrb ha« Ty tank oKIciaU are
eSicienu also loyui
I auKtags departmant sad receives
that -rests upoa them.
That they are eoteriirising la proved
which they use
uufety (tepuxil boxes InVblch to store
taluable laiicrs and lewdls. Tbe their energies, lu promote tbe Induspoalhl savings bank shJeb L oiwml. trious, Intellcrtuul nud moral aelfure
This bone of a series of articles being publbbed by
the people of Ibe (.vnuaunlU .
s a deparunent of the pual«Ulcc
b/ilendd rni wfatch go to show that TraVbrse lays : per cent interest.
speciV-' luatsDCe of eutorprise U
' in the organlxatlon of the Soiihtty offers toiiim wlio will cast hb lot with her opportua- The nien who arc in charge of tbe
ru Michigan Baokera'
In that are"exceptioiial.
whl^b cluh was brought Into .exlstMali. Carriers WiU riy.
distvveries. antv in this cHf May r:.' IPIS. beItoou we ruusu of the efforts erf our hKut men.
present duy cnnerrial and hiisii
Vncle Sam's malt enrricra
reeources that *e are nhlc' IraaaartloM.' A fluauHal aysiem is
all dlreetlORS. traBaportlag
fi-4ui.uiie of the n.
sary (or tho rapid cxcbaiute o( nail. Il*eople Uke a aoaderful Inlera dls>oxcr} that IraacBu ibeiu.
' thu n-nre at tbe ua^ <
a ccrUlnly a« a Isngui
That's »bv Itt^Ktag's New IHsroiery
^Mhlak * autement ia behalt of am la looulrcd for the etehaacq.oT fer Cot«hs Colds and other Uiroat
Tnveree CKy. So tar ten dlflerent ideps.
and taeg disease« ia the most i>oi>ular
' ififu. cdCb lypreacBtlng a reaoora
Traverse Cilr is (ortuaatc Iq poe- medicine In America. "It cured me of
l dreadful rough." mritea Mrs. J, K.
tto dty mar well be proud of. hare seaaiag baaking (aeilUlcs that are ox- iStvls,
Slkkno Corner, ile.. 'after
Ma eaBBeratad. This article deals ceptloaal. It Is favored wUh hanks, dotxoi's ireeimcnt and alt pluer irm-'
fik the elcrenth credit that wo have bankers and patrana; «arh of tbe tdic» lutfl fnile.1.- Kor toughs, .old.
iff., onr baakl^B reaonreea.'
right kind.and each la sulMhle qiian- or anv branrhla! afferilon its tin(.paled. l*rice Uk: aud Sl.uu. riial
fto dtp eaa atoleve nlfautmad great- titiea. rurihermore. there Is mpittil lioHIe. fr(!v at nil drugslsU of Tra''..}• A.iuTi.-an i'rug Store.
am sritbont tbe laaoblaery that aids to be toaned. savings to be saleguard.

soVk mbl

wlater haaL
t Jcaadaga to:
Saturday u. visit her daughter. Mr
Mrs. T. J. Cans of fravene i:u»
Sheotle aud little tori Grand aaa Uk
today to Ito farm.
alek there, au Mrs Grand ha
been unable (a bring him home.
toe mv >ou feH when
Mias OoUlc HoUaday vwt to Ke<
one to to- CraadaM a J|dtoar.
Gas Watoenort b ipklw Us sw RE.VNIT8 nU.N'-RIUJN'G M.ACJC Oil.
er Vacauoa aad «IU apeod part t untset the knot apd quIcUy giv.ts nUef it does tto same work when •
the alxty days at Mavkeld.
nihtod too tto ahla to relletr <to» ''
Some flshunaea are ataylog at
llulbday bouse frooi Grand KapM
aad other pUrea aooth of here.
tonal or ugtanal oar Wne U eta.

kTauk tibJrter made a buslaesa trij. Sold by Americaa imix Smte.
here Munds} murnlng
Itert llslklua b borne fur a fes
• to tto bast peaalble dbladays.
feetamL Tto rpaa of tto a
Ernie Slixtim and imts Cmalsen____
Uaborn. July
uly :o-,eiigr<ea W
j> quite sickk at this «ruing
work on the coostrue- ntai
. itotick of Uapl.
Maple City tkm train o the U, H. A I railroad I are oenptod- wtoderer K is poastoa.
----------- -------.—
tto Tiiitillnff In lU direct nyw fer
attends him.
aa bour eeeey britot morning. Oan
Whortebervy Plpklng aceiua to
« conen that tats a ettofy
the order of tbe day at tbla wriUU]
to tto hmttk df tto bond
Ueoexe Zlegtqr. Sr.. Is busy haul
Lake. July
Cohm Mnnro'M“-'-lumber from Atklaaou's adli t
aad family spent Saturday sad Suu-t
seek for hto oew l<atti.
Tbs Chain to a
day III Tnverae City.
jui >o Iminruui a matter t
TheoM bm, Jr, returMd le
to >-e
Iv tbadicane^
Joaephlne Morrboa of Grand lU-in^n <°
by wrska
from 'tltlcufo lursds} tu visit with
I *'three
kb pareuu for two weeks ^e has been pUs to vtoiUag relaUvwa ta Ito p^b-;
a I die
In Cblcago lor aU years and to aaya
everything baa ehaaged very much
> that lengik of rime.
Mrs. Ahacs Karas of Uahora
viaiung with frieada at Tratcrac >
tbb weeh.


...'.sr,.‘■■'S':;: a: e*.......,..


Hk Traverse Crlt9>'s BaJdng Rnowets



'"Srt.V ..V, A*,., OS..,,


Mta. fyoana Spicer, (ieorga aad I
) to Graud Rapids who are speo
ag ^ auBuncr at Lowell Sours'. are|


♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦
Ma}Seld. July IT.—Ust nock Hao» Mrs Ted Clark reicbraled her
fathers birthday. Cnwrge iterlek by
presenduA him aiih u graud sun.
mother aud sun are doing well.
The pUalng mUI b runaiag tor a
(rw days, geltlnp material fur Hear}
Sargent of Valdtisu for a coUage at
Arbulns lake.
c sblugle mill v>111 souii be
read} for business. -Mr. lira} is wail
Ing lor some uisi hlucr} lu cuaiu. ibca

What Haheaa Woman?



One buodred ami twenty t
«rc or less, of bone aod r
»tt'l ovake a woman. It's a.gDed loundaiiou- i:m Into It health and
igth and she may rale a kliqtJoB.
that's Just what b3eclric Umefs
give ber. Tbonsaiids bless them for
uvervoriilQg (aialiiig and dlxzv apelb



Olliers oais

done me a World of good. " writes
Kllu Pool. Uepew. Okb.. -and I (bank
>ud. with all in' heart, (or making
«.Hi a good, medicine." Only Wc.
Opw^o-vi hv all druggbta to Trav-

pmaU. Qdl to

ito prfeM.

Traverse City Cigar Manufactlirers

Factory 322 & Union



IS erels nr ttortoixnls
M ctob or X lo^ cents

Uu Cigar of QaaBly

by all dealers

5c cacli




Havana Ogars





Tkos, FUck, Pnp.

8 cents

Weaver F&tlM? Stoker
S ecnis

Pruale Brmdi
MM4 RvliMl Ginmi
APnroSoeot ObjedsaU



The ITsvcrse City CIbw
Box Faclory
4I6E Ei^St atpb»e431
Blakeley Bros. Props.
Haoufacture. practlcaUy aR lha cigar
boxes nacd by tbe cigar maDutaetunrs
in the city and Ip Nortbera Hlchlgaa.
aad for ukiU la doalgnlng box cortoi.
aad upACMiata work oa box maaulaetun are nnexcelled. Let oa figure on
your worti if you are not bnylng of ui
sow. and be entbCed. «itb scotm ot
eitorn wbo are unlug onr cinr hoxoa.

Now on Sale

“Some Smoke”
The New Sc Clasr
B.A. BiiellMatd,Mfr.
For Sak by AB De^

Nldde MovesMot......
SsMkers*Glah....... . ISe
aLphohe 4T4
Fhelory. m^Tust

the best 5c qgar made
Try one for your
next smclke

203 N. Cedar Sl
Traverse CHy* MIeh.


Alr.CStor S^.

cocotoage borne
by «ah«lto<be.e


Peter HormuHi

Story No. 16
Cigar (aetery owners, cigar makern and talesmen art all fellow ctovtritomrs to Traverse .City's Industrial preiperity. Civic Improtoomnt Ctr.ns big sentimto't I. mats
Traverac C«y “Goto Ttosy and Setter -Terr*
WHTshto cigar emskera pttronlta IheH- vgrieua (Inca Of eipars
. _____
catling for
“heme made cigars,*' • and Incraaaa Weir output ireaiiy.




ctet and its fraternal blesalnga.
blsaalnga. They unite IIn

The Best 10c Cigar
tnade m
Traverse City
nuvtfwE arr, g»ea
citg. ttmm cm*.

Watch for the oew Cigsr


Diamond J—lOc
Gate Post—lOi:
flohdfoot Havanas-5c
F. K. Smokers—5c
Traverse Beile- 5c

A. W. Jabrans


“Ball of '
The Woods”
Drag One.

212 W. M Sl TUmKOir

. nRWjMi

a ehsis


SUrBag, ■ lOc Ggan

Ma^oi cAsleCp earciBlIy acteCM Oavana

n2EI4th8t BeBpb«ie9

Clgw I’acMrjr

Smdte thextiiedy

IV« • IBI aspeJpg «M heoMo.

-4QaccaCHy apwiPe
W. 0. W. fc

AL Rabinovttch

cigar Mfg.
m-M. rtmt SL- cttx. ptoto.sdM

num lUTBU Ell^u; ATO RAnUa BIT BAOli,tdbudat,




Mire OB tbe ataarntr UtbeL £xcw

~t««M kM t»m ■ dcdded chkoce In aonnl' rtidiei Uwt Uie) luve jcccU(4
aoM^ •« ifco Tkx oonion- of (be from (bo inyulrio* (hM thor
«*»wfy. nnd tb« Mali bM bees Uutl nude, vhjrb coea to allow (be valee
4ho^ %M hsve U«s oeir u» sled to. of the office fresi that ataodintlDl.
AthtotM Lake
oK-spe g^o floel o( (bo aortberb Toewi I
tasw m—lnil ai bone anil-are rUn- CoDllBitea to hare (be ffsbiu vartles
BlD« M «DOUnB li^. Por that m- atop (bore (or tbe «opd AohlBv, anl
■aa aianr of the moat resoru are UM.WO they have had JJr. aea I«t«.
corntdejalex. bet white ibte tiu been r. r. A aia. aon and dWhier of U>■ohu.oq the IralSA hare bnatbi ralB. Obioi ami John Otosan u( cbh
nasy towsnl the Urani Traeene r~ caco. 111 . added to (be lla( gf aueela.
NeaMatManu noaert.
.rber aniee al Traveree Oli>
Tbe ataam paebt Wtayah fron IV
an<( then aeaiier to -the haarhy itieaooit dtoiiped anebor la the harUr
Dre plofH. Erory day brlonk a nuniIter af toquMes by nail to Reer.itai) Wedaeaday awnaa* «lih a. >1.
^tollas..,as4. Iheae au nr that (i>e> Pletcber. W. A. fflvan. A. F. Pack, F
Ryaa nnd Dr. C. C. AadetBoa tut
waM to‘Ooato laUT. The oBIre boa
0TOO ent,U7 .^kMa. iwaived 2S: board, who were (ke sucau of £ S
callara.' nrJttoa CS leuera. anaveiail MlUer of riBc(snaU«i luiubooo at the
IK (eUittmo taUa. rtoelreiy l» betel. .Ur. Miner to sow oecitiiytoc
SloM Of inell, plared ?!> |ieoi>Ie In
eood poaldoDB. IS (■eople have nllMl The lariyoDtartBiDed on tear# In the
at tbd’oCiCe-aaBaaJd ibat (bey Uw evenin* and proeoedMl Tburedny
oo^ here in'(Ilihoi aUB'er to tbe |«r
‘ a -iOO"



ptTUs FaDlons Brand for
.ifi« your a> it has
’’of otbeis, there will
:be bp mste bale-day tiouhles.
If it doesn’t, you money will
Je lisb.

mf imiims’ mu
Bsfore you buy your buUden'bardware. are' inyhAyuaeaUandaxamlnAouratauk and gat our
prioeA - We buy our butldeia' hardware direct from
the mayafacOirera and can save you acme money. If
ynudortbaaMriutl what you want, come tnand let
in help you make your solecUone. We also wish to
call your auantlea to out Batn Door Rollera The
door wHiiMePineorr the track with these rollora
and thar wfllcariy the heavioat door with waae. We
cauAell you these goods cheaper thau you-can send
away Ihrrhemnndymi ran see what you ambuying.


The te^ of the abiitty of this bank
to terve you is found in its williniineae
to estoriniaithe modern spiHt of helpand to lUve personal atten5)»e needs of each depositor.
The jhreit Kational Bank has always
met this test fully, recognizina that its
prosperity followed upon toe
roCtotodrjU patrons. Your aeceOnt
is invited.

tewed by daaefnff.
^ietor T. Filae or CHwhiiiail open!
(bo week-ead with
(unity u tbe
Plica roKtfe.
Mra. ^rrlo 6. Jeanlen or Trar
erne Point hai retnrned to Oetrolt far
a few weeks. Hr. and Ure. Boyal D. amitb and
tunlly of Chitoffa and their two Mni
were KsaotA u the hotel o*er Senday.
Uorrliiin. M'atle o( ClactsMg and
tanlty and Htoa Mai^i«eaor of
their Atrtlaffe (or ibe oaaner
«‘ra. b«M Minor. M’ln. Rn»t Ml-'
bw. Jr, dad Maraaret 8. .Ulaor
rlred fran CMobtU Satnrday to
oupT ibair eactaffe for the reeealader
of tbe eeaaaa.
Aineeg other arrt«*to daHa* nhe
oek ware HI* Otoriye OniTos aad

Mr. Iftohert, the pbotompber from
Troverto Clty.took a ewaheFMwtova
here Utl Wodaeaday.


IteB'WB of KaoiOB City. Mo.. C.
Uoodrich of Abb Arbor. J. P. Jrakt
itod HarobI Hrowa of Travrrw Qu . P
A. Mitchell Of UaatMM’.'A. J.
mann of Travet** (•«,-. Ml«a Aa
.\lcliolaa. Mtoa C. Oracr Nicbotoa.
Miaa i^iimta Nowa-of riiirogo, and
I .MUa Jiwriililnr Klonaraa ot TiaTatorCit)-. Uri, A. H. iiowry and Kobcvi
howry et St. Latila. Mr. and Ura. Tun
laell. Mtw. Dyke Wllltoaia aad C. W
I Hoyt of Ualcaburs. Ill, Dr. W. R. Kin
lyna of Traverw City, aad Bd«at<l
Ipayion, Ura. H. <’. Prila and iIoiirIi
tor Marcudrito. Mr. an.l Mr*. \V. J
llovcn. rirvclaod. Mre. Kale H. kliller. Ilobert N. Ullbtr, i.«iilavlle, Kt .
K. J. Iteatey. R. P. Dindon. Prod .Uri
buni,^CblfiMe, ite. and Mr*. R. J.
Buhl. 'Carton. V. Va.. <«n<. Roaella
' a BJlUaca. Mtehlam City . in.l.. Ulllaa
M. Oetb. St. Louto. Me. AlceraoB E.
White; Grand Ka|>Ma, £ W. Herisri.
C. J. ganiiaon. Kaatos riiy.
Itetty of IK atrU-od Thttrailaj'; II.
WKwen. wife and two rhildrea.
Ur. r. C. Schuyler. lA>ulte Wilder. Kva
larkiD. NalHe HuUrita, Haael Mabtfuy,
IMCaib. HI, Dr. H. A. Bmitb, wile and
tiwo ciaidreo. Biuinc Valley. lU.. U K.
Ohaiintan and wife, Cblraao.
Ur. J. 11. Pranklla rriuined Saliirda) to hlA booM In BprtoR Valloy, 111.,
'ter a.lhree wtwtky' Mat.
John PiitthoM of Evanalun. Ill, re■ urnad borne laai WudotHwlay.
E. J. Utola of ClDcJanatl arrlTe-l
Sunday to Join bia wife and daushier
tn Uielr oottave.
L B. Gardner of Toledo aimoi
daya with hto fatally la their coiuite
Ibto week.
Mra. M. C. Brosdra and Eoeau,
'Miai Rdilb Coebraa and Mr.
Weat. look dinner at Cedar UxlgiBuDday.
Tbe .laoclnf! Boor at Cedar IaOkc
la lieoa reOatobed and waxed and
tbe Brat danca of the aeaaoa «-ai held
laat Saturday night. Mr. Quioo' LcaIte furatobed eacelleat mualr and
lane crowd-enteyod the eveainc tborDr. ChaMw Stnait i
vice Sunday moralRi U the new
will Memortel rbnpeL Prof. Uitkin
made the addreaa.- Saaday eveains
■otik aervjce waa Lcld at JW. U
kin'a cmiasc.
Ragtotiatloaa u Cedar la>dke.: Mra.
\V. S. McAUlator. HatnUion UcAlliaColumbual Cbaa. J. SUrk
wife, ClDdaaall; Ura. P. M. llaldwln.
Mra. g. R. Herod. Wni. Baldwin, Jamee
Baldwin, Colunbuf! A. U. Siiaosler,
goalnaw : K. 8. LAeluni. Tiaterke
Maude Gartbe. 8l. IauIb; Mr.
and Mr*. J. S. Bklaaer. Bt Uuto: Tho■uaa Miller, nnrae and three .children.
Mlaa Katherlae Jamba, GleB(«>% ill.
Rea Tartaea Itama.
Amonc Uv rereni arrlvala from Chieaso are Dr. Anthony- Bud. .Ur. and
Mra. T. M. Fonny and famll), Mr. C.
r. Uuakeo and tamlU: froiu Ottawa.
Ill, Mr. and Mr
aad Mr. A. 8. Snow; from Kansa*
city. Ho., Mn>. C. U. Mill and dauabler Uargare): from lAW-mncn. Kaa-.
H C. klorrow aad daufbtor
.Miw. P. V. Bull aad aon FgUett
have rwuraed from micaao, where
■ bey went to attead the funeral ol
Ur. Ball-a mother.
alarm of l|(l Saturday luom
ins did no dantase at lUix Terrace In,
reaaid to the b|wta. lor iuo«t ol them
to behind the targa *«w break­
water, wba«« (be w-ater to alwaya
ThU dork and breakwait-i
aid to be the beat aloag ibto
ebato of token
d fo/^tury curhra. whu* bad beea
inally ptonned.
Fire or Ibe yoang feltewa have
a a ci'iHag iHp up ae far a* Bellalre. ThU trip to to be of alumi four
day*' daraitaa with a tauacb aad ca• aaiWamatw
Oartlai took the trip to Bah




' -rodr«ro«'toStolmifftro«l.ctbo

. — lOoBlUiuec from iiace ciie.» ,
e river bopom aad to to- prodarera itotSato Baf tbe britaffl
> narrow atrip that rariea
be for tbato aaaorton). Vbee banile down to a tow rodk ia
u workata rec^ntaa ibto Caca acd
Cropa xrowrf on tbli toad a
ibeyjre trj loir (
ia yirdar .Uuu th« can take ad

«^b^c2 UAriM lor laro^.
ETMI Ibb ordairda are aoi -*-•
Idaha Land Hm SuHaMa Vor Farm- are claimed •«
—■ *.
Rtud fruit U ,tal»ed .tberr
In any way comimrr with
r. t^arner a^.C
A. O. Warner, of SM Sorth Sid'“»•*
wood atooe baa1«n returoad from *““•
*>•" " Wd«lh«« the wen
aa etteaded Ttoit with roiailTea to ** ’*"
tbe wwtSern part of Jdafao wbieb
alaitod. there
vnaniry to' beetrllt adventeml aa one
cl tbe,caadaa toeta or M»e aoimtrv.
. . ....
. .
.vnee ron'parinc tbe weatara rouatry
dcalralllltx «f tbe
with Mlchl,.a he a,ya be 7.
« P**"*

Mrs. John U nrg«n and M’nUcr II. U
aroWB 9l CtariDBBll; Hl«> C.'pprCUMB Brown. JobB Bnw« and .Jdnry
NaUip Brows of
Kr.: Ur.
•ad lilt«. Tollock Md Uto Ddcr Tul
lock of Lanvonwortb, Kan., who tavr
taken ibc Troadway etotosc.And Mraad Urw. Ctea-Aobiatoa of Imihlas.
•itara^durlns tba a-ook Include
Mr. nod .Mra. C. P. Back aad Uto>
Back at TrwTnM Cttr. D. C. Carathaa
.of Ptoopon. m, A. I.. IMtouiert oi
Tiavorao Clt>. Mr. and Mrd. S. P
navoapDri and Mix Btok«».tee of Dr


attcaiilaa of pan(da Ooi^ aeocral
»Ul«a to the oiipt^ryunRlei that *xtot
<n wtautl MiCb^o lathe borticMtaral mi apietAo^'ilbea. Sisectal
> wUI bo «
I m taake thebe
dlaiilayi repreaentattoe of tbe reaoarTto of ihq roctoB.
Ulbaob 9t Ue
harMoSl tS-------------- ---------

■'ll’" the
"iircampatpn iu the ^oltea There la a laroe
to- a• uBli
s.__j ..... "Ttb S toe
oooe aaa aa early aiart
capiMiei! for
hobr*><rack will to
a bureau.
AVkicLiaii, mart
e decides! at tkc 'recelius
' Tiiitlc and llroa atvataa
»-e.u1 uw>e,in. toirg
. _a' tosciw; katibllift* smake i-etm/ne
evliibiie at Ibe
,^1, fun
6. MUTkLlR,
Soolh Maallou.
1.t u"
.ntli; that theAs ntaibtto
to beiteved
av. juae. lul} —

Siik m^saline Petticoats

$3.SO sitW!
The Very Bstiu Silk Petticoats, made ii leauliFuI shades
Messalioe-ih plaia or changeable eSects-Greer, Tan, Old Ros
Navy, GreviBtoAp, Black, etc, pretliet than petlico'ats usuall
sold at $5.00
Piiced at only

Silk Taffeta Petifcoals


U-« —

New Models
In Samnier

fS-ol-y; $2.95 - $3.50

Black Mereeriztd Petticoatf, one lot worth TSc go on safe



are vrrv few llRurea that
Intprovalilc. ctiwwially li>
wcarfni: of tvrcci ctmtiie. •
.('orM-i Iloiaiimetil aliowa n
(real many- nudeU in aercral ilit
fetfoi loakn. m> timi any'»-.iinaii


Two extra values in Black & all colors. Also Mercerized Sateen and HeatWr
newest styles»



I'reliy l*<4iicoaia of I'auilnic and Nalnnorik. IteaniPull.t iiiiimtol viih the new eivle cininoiilen
fli.iim-e, actual volm-.- lu fluti arc here ui BSa,
and S1.U. .
New Prince M Slipa at «>.». St A and $2.0(1,oiicw « Witt plate «a uaic a llaiiled naaibtH<r linfiu «r lAdtea- lllnck Howe of pure IhieaMl allL
IN (It w iili ■Ic.i.bic ~>iey<n.l high (|M<-nd beet. Were
ISc a pair, aptclal -at

tain hi-re jn»i the vlyle itiai ahe
I.Htes Itest'aml Hal t- l.i-gi fni her
a« w-ril.

lire ato<k. all atylea aad
. worth tl.2:< and tl.U.
at tSe. SSe and flA.

Douglass & Kellogg’s

" Rrst
fecial Sale ol Summer Shoes


Hits week will be yofnr last chance at
our special sale ol summer shoes. Oar­
ing the last week hundreds of pairs
have gone out of the store al reduced
prices which meant a great saving to the
purchasers. For the sake Of yonr pocketbook gel In before this safe ends.


Ladies Patent Colt Colonial Tie, former price . .$2 50
Ladies Patent Colt Blucher Oxfords Mat Kid
■fyianer, former price..............................$3.00
Ladies Vici Kid 3 Eyelet Ties, Turn Sole
former price............................................ $3.00
Ladies Kid Oxfords, full toe, comfort hed.
fonner price............................................. $’100
These are Rare Bargains.

Men’s 0}^ords
Bert grade Tan. Russia Calf. Blucher or Button.
Good toes.

$4.5(1 Every pMf redwed to . . SS.SS
Gun Metal Blucher or Button Tan Russia Calf, right
styles. Every pair iacluded in ibis sale. ,

V-W every pair redaced to


Tan Calf Blucher., Gun
(__ ____
Metal ______
Blucher. _____
Patent Ortt~
Button or Blucher.
*’ icher. A larf
large assortment
of this-grade.

$3.5* Seed Stytet-TeBT choice . S2.50
All tlso Mu'a Oxfords now VI.K





Voar caolce ol ads Tabic .He


Girls Patent Roman Sandal. 6 Straps.
former price...........................................
Girls Patent 2 Strap Sandals. Good for wear
former price......... ................................$2,00
Girls Gun Metal. Vici Kid and Patent Oxfords.
Great values.


Ladies Black Satin and Velvet Pumps.
funner price.......................................... .$330
Ladies Brown Velvet Pumps with Velvet Bows
former price..............^.......... ...............$350
Ladies Patent Colt 2 Strap Pumps. Satin ^ws
for^r price .'................ :...................... $300
Ladles Russia Tan Calf Pumps, no stra|«. Satin
Bow. former price.............. .......:.. .r:’.
Ladies Goo Metal CtrioDials. Leather covered •
bucklea, fonner pries

. .u*-

' «UR> «unuaan<t^ iun> teaximx b» uadL.3itan«, hkt a. ui^
»*♦ PriMof kptb
. U» Ctrl tniailiIds.




4 HmM VMtnf rMkt iMimHw I
« <n«k>
5 _ I «HI
-Mllntnr -mr

• w"


- no >-M raawaibFr." ai>kP4t • 8«»-

.r • •‘■•o.r. -a «or, yolor
r Club about a kiida callad Utllh-

N a>4rUilll9.

■nlMn M an.

Wig pm p*mm aMMI ifla B«aw aad I took.

Wo auitag -OorMky tab at' Olaavead gebaaT ■


tiy la ba lavta^ hitgtol ^

ibaa thay' oautbod gaatay. Leoa Broi4«b}. «a ara hat- .ToiTb Inka. Tbara »ara a huad^
ibroBtb Iba llllla ttar>I bad bora, but la* a pItbI<- today, aad ilia oldar u
- Of Iha bo>a de«D tbara. Tbara t

uomallBiat lo Ua forsotiw

I Uabltn. •booiil.i to play a taka ao


^ Maitto by fllHBa bar bw »Hb brieka

HIM CMM BATta. B«*ar.
irg. tm.

—• "■ ll» '-UIV. i...
•' *“*'
wlBUiou of iba |ibM aud iirawol

Uabllbi and aha «aa 'apriaag WMaad te tar* tanaad otber* Wad

am a

«r Mali la.
t* ' ' <-***•*•(■«« Awt boya bad fer*ad a*1 iraa a llllla iriri «baa rae ofoia rlay abaai the littia rlaariaa-aad
iMit riory. bul toy laatoUto raad 11 to afpriadoat trlih iorrhaa.-all <alllDK |t
no. and I hart alwaya woadarad trUn lalarvaM.

By'ary PH^' .

faaraaia of lb«
Boat ha W|

four Utlaoa.

By and by souaoaa found a |d«a of
- »brf, llnia rad drat. baasUx on •

Porbapa ofbata ot tba <»ib will Ita buab. wad ihaa anotbar fonnd a
I wa# Bora aboai



Suhrbiar sirl «ho alna baroall B. K. 'aralllas hahira aamnut, raMmi'i

«. w larr faithful, for uba aloair
>«ad> a Ui of chaar aflar Biy latlam
-..............— •I'l-tor. and lalaly aba aaM oia a roll
Yba Uo>, of Stuud., .u4h>01 paio^n.
Id tba obo* oara lalBlrd oo ahlclLplaaaad lua liomaiiarl.v aod a
Ibai ihay |g
loohad Ilka Batmaa. Altar l■aa4llfdl |wi card.
Aaolbar Sun
tba thoa tl
A. hall Irani
daWr.-. har uaioa. aad ihai !•
|ila'r.l ball asaluat the Oalrallnka~-r;ula TlnfUc*
Whau our
loU luaai. Wa did net alar le tea ui|i>asi>
to sand ma

•W^draadfuUy atarnia.1
Vara BaaWy. '
Bkpa «asl put
|Bio tba «ooda
.Yea ara doint so aptaadMIy vltb
P“' “or ka*d i»- *a«hl«t aad <«mac. «bUa aauiifa
ear Club ibal no Wtfgastleaa aarni
ibaUaakal tbara «era tear MKla. mdo tba horaa
*oft baby kmaaa. ao tba Jokt waa Ob Ai*Mto'a lo-ilva tba aJartb. Tbaab Bataaitn,.
,. / .



iTtMaallaa lafaat la W
tf'tba oba who tfropM ibaT I
t UtiU
a^ wight bava atrayad.
VlrlaB Odraa. Oofolhr Clarady. I-Ma boYa aaia a taraa tdCDlc aboal aaiaa alfl. g.llth atoaad to aaoih*'a'^la la- fatally by iba waraUa ceold hara a
aBoaia of iba mik.i ■•-- -«•"*“
topa whHa papaaiaialpadctba
Walbara, UUo
Walbara. rUiioa Tbalr ranii* ara riahi oa iha aharaof and tall at about bar aaa boaia. A aha Uborad oiar ibna i«nr «ii

••• Id ^
.4 aad- «at ,bai BP tor a day ot two ‘•"Ud had dlHUpaaml afi.r ln.llaa. bmuIbc
- r-d. and aa ba.o roadl.s.
had baaa la tba nrlKbliorbood. ao you aad ra<‘iiaMbaa. U> woald brflad ot
^ (^laadnia a-l»bad bar
u.cmtM SITO.

4 2!-”"^ * **“

___ t»tu man. th. ^ — ■

bat batryiag oyi of doora bt»a la rk*. »1ora Jlcrtataga. »ath WoW- «aat of Ballalra. Wa -ara lhara aalU tan. irho la(a«y waat to Jala iba aa
ran and aaarch obaraiar tbar tboagbl- aati: Mari Walbara, Uartaa M»a»t- Tkaiada).
tib tha Y. M. C. 'A. iwla. aad ohleb «aa bar C-briaia>aa

... .1 flrav? von' koo- th. a'.rd lo'tllp
4 a«.. for harnai* iDio tha rarriaaa
fraaaaam oaa.a »«.*««« h. I «Wb Joa ttlghl b. «Kb u. at aftarnmi H
avaiybidjr liag|4 r

aioaad Mia aatilaiaeBU and iBdiant aotua ot our uMatiDCk. "V Itava our ralM tba -

1 !!L
4 ovary fMag tbiiig.


Pajio lad D't i
-w .MUioai for .b. lollatHa, «,o. OWT ite
W Jan for
Ballajr.. and -Oofwajr tala aad Hot Cliaaa.- briag aa antad aadta
^ M thej bai-e loM thalr Wmoa.! W* .m»^ at Ur. ta-ron-a Tpmtv ara aary m book.. Oaa of ••««(. that abaVila
NWIhar (beajrtil aboai t%e aapaar. Hara ara ibair aaia«a:
Uarfa DaU- araaiaai that It abow ihraa nllaa (ban ha1aa«id le Bdoa iKdlih'a alb- of iba aeraaa

baius h»* dalibarataly Ja—mlnri
shall rt«r«a to daatlL. «b> tradora

dunilf'aBlniaU by ralUns aar^ a ptoIha Ull aaOia. Ml 1 do BOt kbo* irbirh
rbaar. Inlu U alwaya aura son a hruiaT—Kdlih U. r Klmlall. la
aide wob tba ^aia. .li la eartklaly a
This Iasi ilBiakba aaei.a Our Jiunih Aalmals.
pratty plara de«a tbara. Attar tap- latirr. and bo« I
h! Snitoa

bar »a irara de<aa to Ballalra to Iba WVisir, of Suiioaa Bay Baal savarnl
Carle-, Warm •iaoMlL
That (s tba aay I s|iaat books. aa>l turh a haautiful latlar. It
IhiHns iisviliri « toac aod aoMra Uh
toy fth.
was so limiulfullv wrillau ,\ai« TayMS. Carlo took graai lutoraat la all
l-'kMay* awralDk. wa aiartad over to lor. lYuraura J CarraiMni and Ratia

■at partaliir.1 to har. wauhlaa Iba
Airta M. donor yory ckissh. aad aUtlas hr ibr
way froto'ur. Powairs. You ratoon- llodicas m'Iii a i-anl
Ihar Pi-asldtai—
I iboai
boar wllh his <bln oa Iho bad bv
bar Ibai Inara! Thayar baloacp to iba alt so luurh aud
l raaatyrd .«ba cards aad
.................har side.
aiil • 'i-ob y“*< »i‘'Y norh for Iban <’»»h. BainnUy. Kukaao aa.1 1 «ara y.ary touch for ib.-lr rlo.t..
Tha ablMrao tbodgbt they -atb rar, do.«i lo firaala Itoaaoba baariy all
. day
I had not a n Orara for ateal
0 bad a Buaablao Club a
d syoBibing aonts rain ao ■
lac ys tarday, aad olonod

MalUa fal of wlktor^ Sowi

ahania muaihava |.inetr»i«i tba baan
of ilul unhrklaoaa ona *ba raaaidalb iw^ iha Ufa of bU hwc
Whao a aat r«B oraritna. Baioral
dnatliKta ai iha sound of dInrMo aad
adopt a loral*B ^BiUy that »____

aaw of

Orey*a I wiU lag jwn about tfcatuka-anraaar. but atlll tbara waa
'*• aamrs for tba
ara Haltai Vaicka
tbalr MUnaa.
pd Mply io their .alii, iid ihr aifbt Ora«a RoO
Tbay a
Uka aU kinaaa thay waH uarypter- Hbd grawn wan'cold
and tawranro WBaoa.
NhrMt 'al iitawa an tka CrMia
fal aad uaod to haaa iraai nmei ot
*T|a tiWb was ibai Eihal wu mo
Vour Suaabtoai.
MM Jtgyl.-IIU^IW.
hlda aad at»k Around iba abada ibd Maiwd bataap thai she did not baar
Qfach. Huntoa.

«bo« tbara.

tour or flva yaan.oo of courwa wra bad
»«• i«* t*»i abouL 1 waa alao wlt^ar

wboa the aiad aurl> btowlaa

^ ‘a attack of mothar'A n*an w#
It a sbowar
ware dolag our tiiaoai to tempt har '
»laa Una toeaibor. Bkojalw batonBi Ooai not prtooai lisolf luxiy
appaiiia. Carle cama U sorly oM
u* ihs Sua.blna CUUi^Ui^, Ru
„„ ^
moruiiii:. l•^uglBg hi. warm btocuit
«aoe aad I ware dowa to the old not ^
aae muca ^
oi laa cropa. mi i |a- „B,o,^had. and told It oa the Oaor hr
Iba abruh* and ireaa lb tba «ai^.«nd .tbaia. oad aba was so btddaA by th(i
Wrtia aad tall ua who tba new of- bousa wharr wr ware both bora. Tba neatly the growth of two akk lo
bocka whicfa gtow aboai tea f^ Imm
^ „
, OartrMa Clasant, Mabtoa. Mieb.. Iba two ibat aasoad n plar the case bl^ aroa wad tba knoll ibai ibay'dld- Bears ara. ti is aira to laara tba dlfB-'f. a No. *
tba baat UabllD* aamad "Ba Pa«r not aaa bar.
OrnM CtataoBi aad Era Oamont. '**^ ‘Paaka-Boo'' Tba lar(Mt eaa
Jwt Ad tbay ware alnon In daaiiair
iilaiWk. WaTr r D Ne » Kanaa •“ ’W •«*«•> and an to smurti aal a Ibtol na* wasbaard. Thanaaolhar
Bpanna. Kabraaba. R. F 1>. No. I.
•» BaUaIra and Tuasday. iba SKk. w
to ahoui four feet high, l^e other
»'■« Bw) «o b, PUB- «d gapa aboutad. -iW on. boy.'
Bok.lU July ». IMS stanad tor boma Wa bad a llaa tin.
atuHil six. aad fa
a bdura ,
took of thanks from her
toag as I be buds are uutle large. One
Klaa Imm UvaU. Laura Fortoa.
^ **'• »«Bar. aod IJoMlM Ifa bar Mnap. She muai ba atar!- I»aar PrawidaBi*» '>">
*• k*-iUB« toM.
I fwme. and atirfe a bawy dog! I
BiM Oanavlaaa Lovall aad AHbar
■W «•»*■» *b* Aad Mlasibg iba souad ibay tw
A taiiar to you aad wlH «*>aa (or ihip lima. Hopiaa i
of them will have pink btosaoma and .]
tanm Tramwd niv Utah
danraal of all was aamad upaa iba aWaptog ahlid
all iha Sanabiaara. I boi the rarda bear from you mwo. 1 am. as «ar.
tbs otbar dark red. iba
»oart) alt day Tbnraday^,,*o-had • me, a bad wand aiorm.


Mynia Craaar. Aria Cblnw Teddy
taraay. Mona CMav

Whlia. -

• .‘i •..s-vc.


gha was aadly chiliad, boi lovUw and buiioaa. aM ihank you vary much
Your Ruushlaar.
doubla. ■ .raibreeyadr.old.we
hakda cbAfad and warmed tba llit)a for tham
I waa very ctad to itei
m Inale
hare a toi of pink n--------and thay ba.«Whai a daligbiful trip yoa aad Ru-______ ______ _____
^ bodF.-And poama, be Mto Yba faith- than- -Wa ora bavlna very---------_
----------------,baie ia Nahraska. and It aeaa had! I am glad tbai yoa wrme

-How odd!

Valary Bar*-


T!“ r

eauraa fW ktitea could aaally bava rains attaa. Wa have italny-Ave acre# about it.
bor way _____
boma., _______
but sba woaM of
and_tl ..
gmw* -taely. Wa have
aiwtoa -AnailMlMla" pm taavo tba Mule mtotrem wbo was loriy-Ava
loriy-Bve acraa
anwa af oom.
earn, and
aad ioi«
i«I>a to

Wml^Tra mTio'^Z ^
otomrvalBn la Ihla aatl

paasles. as wa have ao many. I Imve a

*V- Bbe waa a aamesaka Of aaolbar

. nae at thaai pul oa the window arerv
I bare a UltW barto, vkMa nAma to.
Il.-iuistoa. Ora«aa.
-Handy Jafc- ,
Jo1> l<oq'4 of mv frieuds
lie lata aa rid# him erary day,
aad hua- *U1 «»a
hay this year. Tba gar- Ihar I'resIdaM.
' much a liuga tauch of
* *?• ----------• «*•
OII.J ably
tlO«« tava
MUMP from cold S1.U
---- -----l4s
------- .of
wjmrw-ar I wtok to go.
i will write yon a few IIbM. Kalbeem Si. tops!' |'?W>I taBii
' '
»lto« awy »’b«to. aklite that savpd gar badll not bee* for khile,-80 BOW Ileas are teoklag v*n-nlra. Wa have

and Ibay kaptfraob
for aeariy a weak.
Uwtonea Vll- tba Ufa of har tolmram.f
why one of MalUa Cray’, two W«l. of rnsoA yaUow mto whUa. ryo 1. wflUa*. It to vary
hooay.uckto. among ,
, ,ku. utoc-m. who- ....
• Tbara ware uioa

vm.Bdalra.llMk Kabm aaei by
Thto to iha «ory:
haWaa waa named Packr Wblia-ovaa Wa have ilaar liHaa aod «>ii>a amall-r How era you all gauiag aloag? ' tb*„. too. and both ware m> n,oa. ' “^e
s.---------S .
LIUla Etbal Janaway lived with bar tbowh'tea was grey.
•HM, and other hinds of flowers, but would Ilka fc go to Ukblgaa and See gomailmaa tba rblldraD nick flowaiw
** *•***' •***•
papA.and maiflma In a log botua.OBn
Iraaa Pomeroy-SUalds,
I doa t know tbalr namas. They are you and all iha Sunahioarw? Wa have
,1,,^ p„„
I teat to him my bwfo. *•» ba dlda t
I, age ibrea years:
MutoElaariiig In tba deep waoda. Tba
big pink flowara. Wa have about one
Nattip ItetU^A -a«a OM
r Uvad two
hundred taialio' trees. Tbey
have We live three ullat aod a ball from
eatnr. MM. iNflmar adw by Baarl
Monnl Fitaaaol. Mlcb.
very pmiy tptoaaoras, Old yob ever town. - Sebool starts nasi Baptemlwr.
away, ao Bibe) bad no ptaymataa. and
.toll sea anv aaialpa btomoais*
If you I'm glad of It.. Joba and I pused into
wbaa bar |opa came from iba setileOf aU ibo




aa«l to tell IJebllDf there waa n^ aa kind to her. aad wbo would ptob- ciimvaUat 1< foMbe ibird time. Tbero




I.II !■ !!■

teMtoWM Allayi itiota Bmblba ABte.

iw Itonr~n<MManl—
Tbau you for >

Btoai oae (toy bringtag har


drbite kUian you ton Imagine ber Joyly.

^ Bo Tm bAm all Iba day.
For there tba bird, ara alaglag

1 ilia Normai Scbisil auioag seyaral ducks aud eight Iiiilc guslinss.

waa always so warm and

.. .

'ha acond grads
Voiir fluasbluar

Ruby Beebe

must Iw uli-


gera.Jkaa In any other ids.-a.

Some ens.

scsicru luma


Aod dawn u^aaablae Alter





waa In her arms or following close ba-

Lnre Itteta tba eaM? teor.

mmnbars of our t'lnh. but I have not m leave iha toner rill nexi time.
found (bam.

less that boy to klad!

—Was Wladate-

I dld<i Intend to wrlle so htog a

thtottrApapA Utils Cart
Kverybody llkaa^littla Ca'rf Heaaa
btoom. he Is so caaalng had small aad

much rooaroa our i>re<-toas'iiage. bat I
aMSt teM yea of ibe idfoaam rlsli' I

She wanted to write a toiler lo

Recahae Etbal waa always ao kind of (bam may ba Siia^nis. -Vo doofai the Bunahtar pana. hut ahe has to Uke Dtar Prasideot —
Iha ktUaa aeon laved >ar dearly, and all aeattm Bnaahlne. and aoma may be care of ber ehlckaos. so sba wiM have
| will wrlle yot

Tbn au?aarwbora;

wladow and say tbey were 'ileton a
flowers lettei- aud ho|w the Prerident wOl evriise ma this ilkM tor taking U|> so

Wc eould

soft and 'nnkB-toaely Apiong a crowd of sirwe- egg* and now has twelve iiitle chick-

-enddley* was far dtarer than a doll.

Jaat lavaltor bad gweaier


A iwal Rve UttOD lhal woahl maw bandradjpactaan. not me of whom I win have aoiue nmra that *111 hatch
and-parr and fettow har about and kaew. Too may be unra that aae to mna. Aaato had ans baa aliilag on

; Ate ibara. tba dlUtan play;
And tbara the flnWwrs htomeia
I'pM tba aabsmef air.

Ha>a aei we wUI setHi you soma whan
ur Med greailBg tbey ara la btooni Best .vatr. They are

Xuw a word to full of btosaoms now. Maunia has one
I am away 4u*B here buodted Mule chickens, fouMcau little

r lines to


you know Ibai this RuBshlDar'ls wall.

I am glad ihai some of saw in the iai»r rtnt you were goteg

i>id you have i Baa Founb of July ? I

had tost evening when Esther Bwaafal. He has Uvad la Amarlca Jasi a
sea. oae of mV formw scheolmaro.
lluto whlla. and ba eaa apMh oaly
came to see me for the Ural time 8Te
two Eagltoh words, bat Jt ooaads m
aiMBl a few days Iw-Cadlllaraad wbao
ratne buck aha iaq|| 'be boat fiom fwaay to b<ar him say 'Tiauk you '
Traversa Cliy lo l.riitod. and oa her lo *haie<rr is oald lo htm. Ibat uo
one caa help smiling, sad I Uilak thto

. )0B am going lo bal|> our -wee" ais- u have a cirrus. We ha<l oar ibe had some (IrewoiL* lor the l-’ounh, way home she lald me a *erv pleasOae te’' Bthel was pUyUir: at the tor. I sbeald like lo attend the idralc. <lst of. June. It was called the Vaa- gnd I bad a nice time. The rar>ls aod „! call
Mow alee it did aeem to
add* of tbf foewst which came close

Tba oSrM gna. gadiy waUlag

bagattos and dog-tooth violeto ware In
(«U bibate aad the birda ware alaglag

Wag dnoi^diX >»<)»••«•«-

That waas<€a
waavtW flrsi
fliwi liinr
Urar that
ihsi a circus
aver came to S|>aBcar. sud we all weal

tba aaaahiBa alter all the long months

OoM moralkg. Btotar Bong.
- U m'*fl Vflltad rwrr toag.

toige a* Sutteas Itoy. As I csunoi- . 1 Adams, ago three years; !5etiie
think of pny more. I win close
ustthew*. age one year; Teddy

UaalOB. Utoh. B F n. Xo a

aha had bsaa abut la doom, far tbatw-

Mr kiflK to atAteb« «p«;

Joly 7. toll

Prom your Suashinei.


how yoa alwaya aae pathaps a damp to toonwM jaara af afca.



Ohhart end glria. <«a you tmagInnber away some ptak enes. ago Ibe fad ot tost January I love to
1^ .1------.
•„ had ao aatlt one’s bands are full.
live an a bomcstrwfl
We live by a
Bibel'a lllile flagers could crapk which to very prelly. Wagiris
hold BO I
ahr was Ilrud. Peggy ga ta bathing In It. My touer to teiNot only tot- ,
was mewing lo go home. aad. Hag )aag. aa l vriu have u httng thto
t r«gl teny-ftoH Tram oar Whlle
1,^ «te! Vlhal did net know which way to aa and. I remain.

her ao

frigblened hnl atarila Itatedirecilua she thought right.
but 1^ honse waa not theee.


Yaar ntia Saabtam.
.Genrude Clemeat.

y iimae


• hoM Noalrad posuto from Roala aad
Ctareaoe WoMom. Raglaa Kalchit. ^
and Off*, Balaay.

The poaul cards

poaul ttowar (or the aegi weak Bead
her oohiced viawa of real ptoewe. so It
ha Hkt a vacation
bar. qaltg away from the lour walls of
Iwr room. Her addraaa to; .Miss Helen
Koraifk. Oamm. fflch, R. F. D. No
Box 31.


l» ‘e •“»

By aad by ahe tried again, and aftt4
^ er walking a loag lime, climbing maay
would write a letter
; toga, and struggling ibro^
iha'SaathlM Club.
Club. I have a cuie
Ibe iha'SaathlM

Baaldas aU (baaa laiiars there have


nJ!^.m!* :i/ ■!*“

Ills name' to Jacob


Kchool stalls the (Irai


help (Hi ii again

| ,m cb
gg,,^ ,hgt

Ruasbine girl.
Helen S Kovtrik
ah Ibe Sunbeams w
u fhare wntieD.a mo

------------ ----------------SUNSHiNE MUmANE flOCfCTV.

mlud. h,aii.e.l

«•'»•«»U»«*1te alowg

I lci»r stories, toil


Ruby aod John laraed in

Home boya. piapikg k

tough aad ahoai. -Raamga
.>ter. Carl did Mt
word, bof ba MW they were M-ftog
to him. so be tnrwad hto dMr little Inaocant face to (ham with the sweri^
-rhaoh yoa!'
you abould have eae. bow Oahamed
o,„gh|, boya looked then. One of

duality an-l char

,bera smllod and nodded at Utlla CarL

many human beingi ^aoihtv gave him a ntoo rad ap(*a.
aaotber look bto Ug haabK aad
him aU th# fM( Wf (ha

Itbegan lOgrow dark
and brosghi out tot'bers and sticks fromYour lortog Suoshlner
Sri Iha air had growa the bole where ibe narrows had had
-Kathryn ABeel-

The little wreos are so cute.


Sbe wanted her larenis. and mamiiia and I Uughe.1 at (aia lor Empire Mich

._ .

K K U. No. I

her home and warm Are Whd hcissaug totring lbe birds build n«U In his“****
(Ve have lour little calvea j^ar President—

itox >.

iT. p.|:

So (he geod-aaiarad

-iwore when llnricaae waa
The flash «r needle and

■ail uf tfai>ad aeui the frlaky
iiii -iich ecstasies that never siiich

"The Presltlciii • Visit ' were splen­
did, and I real!' ■ snnoi say which one

I M-»'ng could be arr-ompllsb^ when


this Is to li.e in.

And. perhaps, ae

should all think so. Ine. If our lem|iers were aa sweet as bto.—Sdected

le mas m the room No manieleiielf
Wlat are lausesr’asked Iha trachlano. to bookcase was ao high ihai cr of the'primary elate 'TfalBgslhar
ic pink. lnqulslii«e noae of Hortense grow on cats.' ,rtpud Ifae smatl bar at
id nut know by perwooal mntact ,n, fo,,,
,-ry ornameoi or boA m«o It.

The best Ihlag le do when yoo caf h

Aae brings ila Inerluble cares sod a told to to let go of Rresponsibllille* lo bright-eyed i.u.svleave* a ;dsi cats
well as lo humankind, aud «,tbout caws.

'» a -uc-**. I Hertcose has devaloi>ed Inu. a proud.
w ben Hie tailor gets riih
,ai very imriy for joor l<il|c Jeneite rese'ie.l.
>d. dignitled
dignitled old
old iaUi>.
iaUi>. siUi so ,biar iDduttry.
id_ arch IO lier ne*-k aod s coMn-.s ■•( e.e
.......... ........ ...............
liaid it to lo W sn invsli-1

' sjhai would give any dow.eer . -edtTtic Usi
Aitl.«ugh Hort.-nse h.i. ic mi sf

one wrineii fay oui jL-fitd Vice Pres

fecimnaie nsime


haugh'i a'lliudr towar i >»r|i nuin aod

was ven


so-l I


trotted oS. ibiBldag what Uad boys
they were, and what a plMSani world

staid arid -leepv «i.ier pusm . jald eps

hear «f 'he 'leii.-r lay' Itelug empt'
The three leiters wliirb appeared in

The flrsi asked mcniIcague. staling Hiat "e

kateorhaekara, and hto
e lateavaa •

pBvemeBL warn gnMo amasi
comical sight, and they

IO emulate
tbe cgyesl of
the gay. uii the ilisioe of ekclle-

,o> <» the oinumu iha' ifae leiiers an- )o> a ........

to ,, ,he eecoihl grade. -W.
I liked nie
lit- and a calf, four horses and a eoli. alx bershlr

coW and both Ethel and Peggy were tbte »««
■'Io* «bc UlHe wren has
|, ^
ablvering and very miserable.
Ua .tew
aa ______ ,______ _
,___ iB a aboc of l«|a> that was Michigan
_____ ___ _
Tbe robins iwliiered sleepy 'good haagtog apooihe wall out oB the hack n,i„oB. Orwgoa
nights.- hut Ethel dkl wet rare for idireh.

am hf«l»Blng to gri ilrrd. ... -.11
my toljer ivitb eternal l«>e. 1

> Hi-naha Cat.
a Ie..*le r,. ol airnag

Killy. It laeo hives of bees, aarl quite a Bum,n
sbe bad last reeud. Than waata iu to pel it nil (ha time. It to bar <,( cbtckeai and turkeya. Kenneth ,uch a I
aad call louder than ever getttag no H .ptoys bow. One day we ..........................................................
i, ,
boy new. He is eleven months .............................
u-oiil i
litlle taw amua wrat t«ar a siarreirto nasi
md. As my letter to gettinglong I arlticn bv Mtnba Urwaa. wss Indeed
Petty mewlagto go boire.
em of a ptoea on our back Jiorch. It
.m eio»e lor this time
full ohEnnahioe and I hoi- "=■' 'b-

them BOW.

.. .T.^ ,<Sia nrv

youi; letter.

round, tnt a

to sef them

degrees. Is It very wannlii northem Hmi her letter to)\ was neari! empty, meni *h'i" aliy mischief could be de
Mlcblgant I hate a new memW (or and as vnu all see. 1 have de.jded to Used in her ai live-Jltlle h-Ha. No

la HajMembar. It let out tl.e It'h of
.Veasen City, Mk-h.
;Uay\ 1 losimd Into tbe sixth grade. I
Jul) IT. ISIS. *H, b,
ceat* old the Ibird Ol

"“L' TilT “r T'"

Pearl Moniinore
Write again, dear
I lik<

Have any ol Ibe other BiUuhlners In
Jul> II. toi:
iiarmlaien ever wrutea to you* It to Dear Pre.idcuicry warn here. The bteieei the therWhile I was cading Tbe Presi
mumeter has ever Ueen here was l»: dent’s VUIl" this morning. I learned

Indeed ymKhS) Join our m»rle. Gar- the Cradle Roll

__ ,.af .1 Oh. how tired aod huBgry ahe was and

■ Bud. n.« .U •!».. .1.11. ... "J"" “"‘S';


p,' Kin. Man. Rov and Emmet Kal,]»„ yiarv s mamma I wa. «erv

deitgotrui >'letter.

I bavent' *riiten for a long time
| will write a (bw lines thto eveulngomcna. Mich , R, V II No 1



C. i.iiw’.s.«’ ...

u ms


Waldo Riork. and he U nine munibH


age .iv year.; Mmis t'amey. aga

Your Suasbiaa giri.

«( pars white hPHiicht. And then Jatfa raan old.. T,bava tbree hrotbriw end
Hfemteton. Oregon
('baynad KWiamachlantor. and fanbar. i»p stotfra I live on a homeatoad of
Jul» I4. toll
oa a lovely elaain- ol blue ones and a foil) acfws. We ranie bare a TUAV Dear rwiMilil

ftoMatteahMte.' Wa have a te-4
- .. .


to (he irasoD Ihai bs gMs cnaklaa ^
sHcas of glngergraad at avT hAl

We bad not seen each

.lof, wc left acbool. ihai bring
About two Weeks ago

Man Kalrhlk
imineen yearri:' Valery Burgham. age
i wonder If yon moved lo Nebraska ntieen >*wrs: Tilly Vnonra, age elghi
(Mm Buitcms Bay. Mich
If ao. you yaara; James Yonkey, aja aloe years

Bha bagah gailMrlBg flowara for a tar Oiaca. agad alae. would Ilka to
ufl probably well .acooAlBtod with fiease send ibe arda aad plan
hofliwf tor bar mathtg. aad yoa kmaw jote. had aa wuld my stoter Eva. She Travaraa City.
Thto' is the tost of my latter.

Waal roa walk ritfu tet

whan (ha rmTIil

,o u>e hoys aad girls
All 'the new
Suasitiners thanked aw. aod ao I will

was ,*«„ Traversa Oiy |. a bigger place \i,rito ('ruroer, age eleven
ihaa «|wnrer. which to only about an Aria Chlney age ele«eu years; How-

ware no teams and ao roads la thoss taar PrssMsal—
,tey*e^ Ibe could not ge( ouaaotear
Hay I idaaso Join your happy clrrta
la wlaiar aa yon <sa new. ^ . . . wHta ao may. happy merabarsT kiy Ms-

_ t tbote^ I lN»r« yaa rflppitc;
Ta iM Foo «•»

l.aiietu tame, and I hani given ibeai ^a har again.

A': U Woo-iworth
to uaa It. It waa very praiiy
Your ipabk you tor them. Here Aw soma (h, foUowiag Buobeaus made ma a
' baakri m etotbaa wWch hit
Tbo BoBaMaa Prealdahl Is vary caiv clrrns wilt ba bailer, of course, be-'nxflw names lor ihe Sunshine Club; tlay tisli Tbey were Jeaale aad Mol- orntbar had Joai waakad. V* *as a

aad the air was soft aad' warn agd mm that- iha 'Teprewpatatlva"
(on of swew -woodsy" aeaMa-aad It gladly rwerirod.
■ M good to ha out o(.doo(w-ls

taad BOftete. Btottwr Baaablaa;


bat ataca I ranuoi. will sand my rep- kae KnbinMB Ciieat and Wild Watt,

up lamaa
r aide
Bide of (ha boam.
boom. it
It was reaentaUve.
siirlai and the bapalitos aad ai.rtog
Prom rouri truly.

AJeoifl Iba flwty giraac
Bn beta ta SanWga Alte



Sochi be rama rtitmlnk -o. bto blue

irainiains a

,„„u ;u.. ,r;.i.n. t.uw ifae forests beast, .fas p.oyed her-ei: . t-» week.
and Itewui'fBl flower* look.-d
I would ,go to be more butiiam 'hsit i ie one

" i»

bie iiroiberw to aae the L"le uew calf

eve. .liiolBg




tuaniiua.;' be axrtoltned piiifoRv. '''>10'
poor little black csifla BssaY a-*; -sny ’

I received your letter and was very hj-vi lo take a t-e| at ilia luopnlaiO" w^t «*use.l ber di-ires.
Two mtie girls bad s bird given to .
•. iriad to beBrlroBi yon. I also reveivcrd •tel the iuan>
i;. hs'e alwa's
one luornmg a ra<kei
them and were very uiiious to see ami exiao>a-A cave, as bedroom window dn. lose.i Honeb-^e -j^ite. Oa aeriuc It gri b
I am wril'and wsnte-l
e read so 'um fa sl-toii '^eni. and carrying a
» kltiea *
hope v'ou and all of ihe
Ihe flrsi lime H>» threv^resrciteo think 1 would like to ll'V amuog wiib dew and *"h
old child exclaimed "Why. I declare:
vou about the ,he mounuln.
I hoi- lbaf_Aag| opaoed
IVheic she
. You asked me
If It IsB’l g-ttinx rielf in H>e wslei .

■ the card an.l Initioos.

------ -

--------- —a ’Viib Peggy WhUe hogged Mve brought mwa little plate

Wa iBtt toarwad Ibrou^ Mr nub .Tied herself to sleep.


-Now. mamma had beea v.b busy

^fhalgre Tou.EBd low. aod

■ wh„ aa od# rtora lor/.e.t!

Uto W'lr *«-*ihi, bet little girl Lad beco out of thd tba shoe *

'heir lamB.v

‘“I'l-osed (hat
tbe .liad tone over to Iha other .side

^-rttotetoWMEtt-teVwrtaied by 0, ,b, ^j^rlBg where her loim'vtoi
(hMilTia ia BBT



And hg^ at wort buralBg bnmb aad eWf- iSate*PrMfltei
• <te Btef***'

.>1 bri talk t» J(M


pi.nic se had H
THd Beill.-iw'
\Ve weni down
:|eo (.oke. had
Pirbiv tirunad "
oor dlaaer wad bad lots ol fun. I

Irene *11! «n'e .Hen aa
am sure waif was a 1..
iliai all the SiMi’-aius elUo« her vl»- (fine. VViih aiiilou. Ic
njuch as I do
1 ibought 'he iioeDi

*hh all It. 'ealh' '* "O "
did she ■

_ lo 0(111 the litile .irsnger
eBililed. "Beo grew more piening as its Wanu re-

A little ihree-yeweald gtri dtosov-

arad a neighbo; s has scraiehlag la
jasaed in all of my JosAms so I go Hananl's Guesis." was InbuiUbI. and mBiaad unoattoeed
into Ibe eighth orade wbel^bool be- -Bcb ' -as a true Sunsbloar. 8Msa
frvseaily sbe seemed to give it up tba aardea. aad. nmniug «'* »ke
bouri she said to he; moihar la a
cfBs ugalB
of our SuBiMmt are just IIH^-bA." aa a bad cari-aad burned away oaly
to iwpgrrasla,
Itow dnl vou s,and your (Ih? 1 hope
Abnri ihr-e week, -m
tvappear Is abowl ifieeu minutes urfib I

R, I

aomher louBdUBfA shriidtlug as ouly a 1
fc*™ l^lMeew Bir-W maa • jam sod all the SriUhlBer. bad u good .tolar SMi-ams. Edltb
Marly dark, aad grw was tba aaP Jmra thta roar.
iwawty-Caar uim. 1 aai gotag ta toU you aboot tbe AlaaiMoa, soot tuF two boohs, eaiUtoJ. baavr kUiea coa. She repented ber 1

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