Grand Traverse Herald, October 17, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 17, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text










1‘.- ni.-oilprr
RooscrHi WB- -hoi in ili>- Itoiki h>-r>IaxI niitlit l>y a \i w York itrrnuin
naniPd John S^lir-'nrl.. Wnli iiir billIpi Id bis Imdy. '('nlanfl
wont 10 ItH' Aiiiliioiiiiiii in iiuiltt* liis
s|.wh. Up rpfus< <). K. iM-rttiil l.hyvlfiaos lo pxaiiiinp 4b* vniiiii! uulU
bp bad ftQlshpd his »i>p>'Hi.
Tbp rolonpl foil no iniii at ih^ tinip
th« shot wais and was not auai.
lie was shot until be was on the way
to the Auditorium. Ills attmiion was
then pallet) to a bole in lii-.ovpr<i-ai
and iif found that hi- sliin was s^ak.pd d'illi blooii. lie in-lsiitl that In'

Mw htiUlMM CM Wert to Mrlnn ami Finislied,....
SM-IU M Ion He Wk Wmnileil OnM Bollel Hole r
Wb FmH Hi CrntMt-WeikewiI Inani Close of Talk

"•1 ilip mam flimr siift ilip
of ilip pailj oil I.'- l-rivaip
dluBpr .r.ilnin l noowvHi
n.s room on i!ie peeoed flOor
-f III-' ):oi.-i nnii -Iionlr bpforp
o'clopk lie warn .I for Ihe Aildllorili:
WltU ilip isiUinel Sere Philiji Koo*p■li. a ^iine loii-iii. Ytr. t'oeheiD”.
r. Morlip and Ciu.iam Girard.
Tl'p croud do-p aliout ihp
notoiu l ajut
a cheer an lie aiId^reil. -A- ihe |isti.' B|>|>roaibpd
automobile t'olonel UooBe\pU'i eom-.
panion* stood aside and he' sieH-pd In­
to i!ic mr Marlin eniered •llnsip
li' kiiiil I iiii mill kui ea the lunlu r
Ide of ihe «ar.
t'olpnel KooMooli
wood up. vaving
to the cheers of t
■U ba: In a
row.'. Tlip
Til. a«4siuiiD wax eiondlni:
tile i-rowd a feu fe« awav from 1
aiitoiuoiiile. Ill-'push-'d liU «a.'
the Hdp Id the <ar and raiiitic l
tiakh and teairei)
1 after the liulie

> AuitlloHimi i

was ifikrn into the
I at 7:lt0 this inornitii;.
opi-ration was to be
perfonnod . Dr. John It. Murphy,
... amistiid hy
Dr., A. -J. OeJiKner.
No information wonid l»e given out until the opemiion
nmmniiAed the mirgtsins.
The would-be amaasin was Jdiu Fwhmnk. a erank and halplue
of the New York Bowerj-. who followed tin- <'a-|)resident over the
eonntl?’ awaiting a i-ltauee ta^anKassiniite him. Selirank believed
he was sent by God to kill the third-lernier,
The following sUtement was issued at Merry Ilospilnl at 10;30
this morning on Kooseveit’s eondition:
"tTolonel Rooaevclt'K injury is a deep bullet wound of the eh st
- wall. The point of entry is one iiudi to the right of nipjile on the
right aide. The bullet ranged u|>n-anl and inward for a dmlanee of
four inehes into'the ehest wall. Then- is no evidenee that the
bullet penetrated his lung. His pulse is tW: toiuperiiture. fl32-ll».,
and roaplration. 20. No operatinii to n move the bullet is neexltsl
at the^nieaent time. Ills conditiou is hopeful, hut the. wound is so
iinporMDt aa to demand absolpte rest for u number of days."
•'Signed. John It. M'«n>hy. Arthur I), ll.+ven. Si urry H, Terrill, y
R. r, 8ay^. attending physieians,"

Sriirank {deadeil guilty in the dUtriet i-ourl and was hound
over on |S.00fl bail to the next ternvof the iniiiiieipnl i-ourt. whiidi
ronvenea mkDeeemWr 10.

New York. Oet. l-'>.—Mrs. Roosevelt 'is at ppogr^ive liritdquarters where she went to g.'l liulleliiLs on her hnstiniid's eoiidilii.B. She said: "While shoeki-<i by the oeeurreni-e. I sni hopeful
and the latest wont that my hu-1iand is in no danger Iiok allay<<d
some of my fears.”
CineiDna,ti. Oet.
Brinei-ss .^lie.-. ".Mrv. Nielmins I^mgworth.” left her I'iueiunnti home for ('hiiago ami arrivitl safe
this afteriKMili.
New York. Oct. 15.—'fhe guard arennd Tati, at the elose .of
the naval review t<^a.v. was inerea>u-d as a r.-suli of the allaek
on Roosevelt. I*resident Taft sent thi-s.- telegrams to the colonel
and Mrs. Roosevelt:
{To Colonel Roosevelt. rhieaso.T "1 urn gn-atly shocked to
hear of the outragt-oiis aigl deplotable assault made upon you. and
1 eamestl.v hope and |*rsy that your ns-ovi-ry ma.v In- si<-adv and
without nBffi'ring.”
iTo Mrs. Roosevelt.t "1 extend to yon iny iicartfi'll svmputhy
in j-w present distress. 1 rarm-stly hoiv and )>ray that you and
yonifismily and the colonel may be prompily
‘Visi of suspiynse
by news that all dang<T is past."
Taft also dietati-d a public exi<
of s.vini.aih.f. atnl hiturly
1 the pnst assassinations aii<rattim|>ts
iipt* ill this pountl^'. Ilf
urgrtft sevrre Jaws to iio <-nfotv<tl a^iinsl tiu- < irrj'iiiK of poii.'palixl
>rc * ri
pr<H.f«ti.,ii of sjifli attpnii<tf.l
••I »|n4k hir Ihr'-Vifi. ri
•opli- ill. I'xpri'ssiti};
hj:«a i'l
1 •
IP'that t^loDfl
OiIoDt'l Koospvfll
RooscK-lt may s|vc<Htity
s|vc<Hiliily rfrov.T
fromilip pffpcj of
tills tlastardly act.”


9 by Atnerlmn Press Assoclatiun.


Trenton. X. Y.. tVt. t.'i.—Womlrow Wil-ou tmlay wired Roikp;t sympathy ami heany eongratntaBOOSEVRLT NEEDS QUIET
Chieairo. Oct. 1.").—At 1 ^tO llip sitro-ons hnlletine<l: "Ahsolnie
finict is what )hc pati.-nl ueetis. His injury Ls a wrious ime. not a
mere flmh tronnd."
Jl« coodition i» improved thjs afternoon.


Th- farmpr* aBd finiii growpt*
tlip \lclniiy of Traversp Cily arp
viipd to mrpt at tbp Cpiiiral scbeol
buiWftig ^iiitday. tVt. f.-ih. at
11 m. for ihp puniwip of ••onn
togi'ihpr rofiPpraiBg a rhort rour
agHrulliirp in lip givp'n thi, winfpr a;
tlCTlleh M-lio.
cliool. Thl-i poursp will
lljn- HWail
^ail Ilip
ilip fnmiprk of this
•and wi\{Jy.isuiituripd In itip aai
liirpr poifn-p gh.-B
tlip agrtciiliural pollpgp. Mr. Aiahinpr
Is very aa.vioiik to have a large anil
reprpseotslltp attPnilaixp ^alnr.iay



Last of Relallsna and Financial Ra
verses arc Believed te Be CaUM
. ef Hit Anempt te (All


Miss Fanny NOvetny Surprised i

iFYoin WedDeadar’a Jtecorddilagle.
Npw* that *111 be of. loierekt Iinan> Traverse CU# people raiue ia numbpr of the telephone girls a
the Cftlzena Tetepbone office thi
momlng wben tbey learned that Miiw
tlstJiu .VovotD). for nuiny_ \eai
rblef operator employed there,
Quipily slipped ■«■> and mai
So (telaiU earepi that >bp was
lied 10 Krtiest Sprague are known and
that they were manled at Pptoakey
Mm. Sjiragun has In-en taking a va
cation, but Uie fact that abe bad gone
gel. married waa never hinted
(• of her aaaoclate worsem at •
ufflip. Mr. Spragne was formerly
employe of the Bel! office in thia
city and later worked for the Cllizens
Offlre. He is nciw emidoyed at Battle
Creek and they will undoubtedly
make ibeir botoo there.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Siwagne
any '^enda In Traverwe fTt.v -who
III JoHi in extending l>eat wishes i

aoon ad they reached the build­
ing rolopi'I KouBeveft was lukm int.i
dressing nom and hU outer gn'ilieuts Were iei:«\cd. Dr. Terrell, wiili
the help Of 1R-. John Stratton of 31i!
aiikcp aiid Pr. ..5, .< Sorearon I
Rs.i'inc, who were In the..Auditorium
came to the dressing room on n
from the pialfohii. msde a noper
At the regular mp<-llng of the eoundrial Piatiiiaitinp of Ihe wound. Thev
ruffrage atiecK-iailoii >-e*terday tuueh
ggrte-d that it w-:is Impossible lo.lia.-1 ^iPsk a.-, lo ihp PilPr.l of Ih- tiiiKln^ii wa, dinruaKc.l and a abMf of
Intere-iilng leltem wa, read aloud by
el'k liijuri.-, and that "hi- shoiiM
1 means go at oai' to a hospiial.
ppniDiitiee in Pharge
Ia,i l«ki-.l good* iwIp reported good
•ucreM. The next nalc. In charge
Milwaukee. Oet. 15-—A wnllen
officer*, will. - It
prnelamation found In the clothing
hojv-d. lie abundanrB- i-applied. and
of John Sthrsnk. the man who at­
m-iall.i M> with home nude brei
tempted to /dsassainate Colonel
whlih is alwa'K in good' denial
Tberg. I, as the cam|.algn draW'n Ic
Roosevelt, -esds:
clow, much .hce-l of ccMitrihuilng
“September T5. 191fc
fund for state work, giid in this
ter Ibe townvhliw w ill be looked to
for aid also A* there would other
ley sit up in s monk^ s'ttlre In
wi«- be but one more meeting of the
which I recognised Theodore Roos*ponimiifpe. a i^v-rial meeting will 1«velt. The president ss'd: 'This >s
Thiif-day. ihe 2Jn-l. at :i
my murderer, svenge my dgtth,'
hflni!-. ai the V IV f. A. larlnr*
"September 12. 19f2. 1:30 a. m..
Ii^*tiil>er 1, urgetiH;. r-iu-Heit



s poem

New York, On le-Thal for three
gi-nerailona there baa been Insanity In
Shrank'a family was staled by hla
doseH friends. Becaoae of the death
of relatives and flnancla] ravcida*
(ears have been enterulned (or bk
Will Eaamlne Behrank.
Milwaukee U<t. 1C.—Three phy^
Plans have been appelated to ukeltn
Immeillale inresticttlon oa to tha
mental condiikm of John Behrank.
The cbeiniMa' report for ineee of pot■on it exiiected today. Seftrank today
coDilrtned last night's statement thnt
be Is sorry be Hied to kill Rooeev^.
He prevloutly said be waa sorry he
didn't succeed.
That there was no peleoo on (he


"I could plainly see Mr. MeK.n-

t’.-i'-i:'. Iln-.-rvel',

Saved by ft


il.-l..rp ihe •'loud

<n." »i.a- had bai-i-n-d. -.ijnln,
who.-tail and^ro.mer footliall i.Umt. had Unde.' -.;uar-'lv im
the'- ehouldir. and bad
i‘a ground. He ihn-w
h;- r.--hi a.;.: uh.iut ihs- luan's :.eck
w.'b a deaiuii'.. g;i;. ami hUJefi am.
sciT.-d. the J ;.:;d
held :!.p tc-coltpr. In aiiM'liPT
hr had h:.rtn.-d
■ Colonel Koos-t-’.
c.-iimly look,
itig on, as ihoiigli i,...lung l;.-id ha;'
Martin id. k..I up ih.- man as
iho.ieh he >.re «. child aiid'.'arrt.'d.
lli'i: the tew feel wliirh ha-t -pjiaratpd
ttiem Iron, th-- .-ar, almosi to flic side
o: -hr Pot.-.i-’
"»pr- he is," ea:d Mart'n
Girard of Mi:-4a>.l..'p at hfik colchPl"

ilonel RuOkPVplt’r
iile jrc.l.ahp
saved, by a't id ih.
siieeeh whl. li be deliverod lust ii:gbi
The bullet sfruel; _ tluf' n-ntinscripl
which reurded Jl- f-ice u!<is.«ed
hroQgl. inic. the fte>b.
HU assallani Mai pr-vrni.*l froiu
Bring a second shot I" Alheh H. Mai
of folonel •Rno—\. if. two
secreUries. ('olonel. Koos-'VtU ba.i
just stepped inio an ntoniol-dp'wh.'r.
the would-lip askossiti i.Ukiieii hi., w.t;
through the .rowd into i!'P strot am!
Bred- Martin, who wa.- standing in
with the eolonet Iciped onto
slieulders ami l.o-p .!;.ni ’e

,e l(V!.t sej; .lUfl.l-xl

BOf muetIgr

McAdoe Today. -

New York. Oct. 1 e —CondrvatioB
that Wiluon'K future apeaklnf datee
have been cancelled. cacepUac hla
prcM-Dt trill, waa made at the demorrailc national headquartera today.
Chalnuan .MrAdeo said: Tlie euaBemenift lor tbe imeaeot week eottM not
lie camellpd. hot after that. Ooveraor
IV'lUon will remain at home, except
for bla 's[u-ech at Yladlaon Square Garlien, on Oci. .11" He cancelled bis
■laip, on account of the Injory lo


“Before the Almighty God, I
swear this above writing is nothing

New Township ef Boi

but the truth.

' So long as Jspah could te

the girateit ^ewer


despite her surviving a

the woHd

more than 2.000 years old. as Gen­
eral Negi so nobly demo-iat'Sted. it
■a the duty of the United Stales cf
Amerca to uphold the third terrr
tradition. Let every
be regarded aa a tra-tcr to the Am •
eriea-i cause.

Let it be the right

and duty of every cit-sen te for
C'bly remeve a Jhird-termer. Never

WV-Iwi, di-hiaaii lv-M-1
' IHir-au-a^pvtii’.itt of gnunii a
s iias been enru-li-d by a .cm
bc-iup from .1. M Buell. ,.:|N-Mlsor
nandeudii wliile lieai., g
11;i. II. Tii*-fe ere-iabii II, o! iH-aiii grown
r-i'.- l.aa'saDipirs of i.iariy

u dlfr-r<-iM'eiteni
► bureau
a! >f thesi-

lets third term party emblem ap
pear on the official ballet.
"I am willing te d-e for my eoun
try. God has called me to be Hit
iKstrument. as help me God.


I-, .ail—“ii>n. S-. that au» •
III k;.-iw ulvr,!i beans may
ouily wbai Will Lp Kio
i.‘*r- -r.| hmv wciu
•The last
of the Mlihlgan
Tradcnian.-pibiiabed in Grand Ita;-


tower If our God."

flmwi:.* o' Grand Traveme appl-i
crowd rca!ii.s! wt;a- wa, ceieg on.
uuidr in l.aitin, by tpe join:
wild try 0
Th-a a boa! .'f rattp'w.:;: up
Ilf Hie Morgan farm and
Culoaei Roospi pit -pi.'V.e to Ihf !««>: te>:i;Tn- i;it. h h;i; ' Kill hiin'ilrave^e City Board
and told then; to sMro the man. who
I pc.:,t or the arfirle a that Ue peop'e
then was ta'k-c inw ili- he'.el ati.l Utjd TH.-l a haadr-.. tneti. Tl.e c:;--.!
«'tty way -do thlnga.
there untii he was reinottd lo
Blackifae 3rd Jacksen Held
lire station.
000 Bonds
I The iwaonaa to tha call for help­
The shooting tre* • pL'Pp In Hi.- Ibe sole el Ih- uiltoiuoi.ii.-.
r.ugh, wph tietr i-nscpcr „Sn .ieJj.k»«;i 0.1'
—--apiaia Fran'k 's la the orchards In this rtcInrtT
reet in from of itn- llot.d Gili'a.ri-»
stM:c:l;as ihro.ig.or mi I- Blarkmaii an: 'i*ri>a;e Howar.l Ja<k- has resulted very UroraMy. Secretary
Colonel Roo.seteIi reached'Mllw^uVcr | niidr
d-!i-l Tepn.
shonly alter r- o'clock and tuakliig lus(d>!.p
lai'fi waiied <--Uim!rai;o!! iLia liiominj Hoilpy has pUnd twenty-five iwople
murderrae Jouu In the usaHig^tnuhardK in tbe last
through ii..- rtcwd «hbU had
pie\ea> by the infnr illtiuy anii were liound oiVir
gatbiTed a; thi- kiaii.>n. eniered iP
two da>'s. Then is still a deoiaad for
isi-1 OUT. and U was Colone! Roo*r-| Noiptidvr te.-m-c: ^e cimtli
tbit ksod of work, and also tor car
ban eac^
lei. lie uwk dinner ii I Jirtvale din- vp'ij Wio ioterver-Hl la hla bebalt JwIth
,pentcn» a»d day laborera.




Repert'^ai TrRMitffBMn Deatardd
OH Waa Coofirmad at-Cewecratle
Headouarteri by ChaisMia

iey s feature*.


man nas oi<r>-ower«"l and
-Lyoch H


same one

tapped on the shoulder and said:
•Let net my murderer take the pres­ chair: avenge my death,'

■greed thai he w;i
danger. ,

Xoa' York. Oft. 1">.—In order lo he with her iAi-luiiitl. Mrs.
Theodore RoosfVfit. with Tiimslon- Jr., and daufriiter Eiii-I. left
for (Tiiea^ over the Xew York ('ojitral this afu-noKin. Tli.-y w.-re
aerotnpanied by their family doetor. LbuiImti. who will aKsuint'
ehar^ of the eolotiers ea«‘ |s soon iis he n-iiein-K the h<w|i)ial. Mrs.
Ruoserelt said timl whili- 4ie was satisiied .the <i>)onel i< in no
danger, he troald he tntieh num' •-•iTiifortahle in mind and'body lo
■ I hi
have her w ith

i think wp'd-bolter be aoini: c
r said to the other tnemhere of
we mu be late." '
No one in tlie part)', mdudini;: I
ipI lliaiaeu-li iiiDueir. entertali
'Sliahiei.i notion that the rtdu.iri
ka.l ia-en atuii. lip feit no al.ork
at 111.- ituip, and It waa assumed
that the
Wt-nl wild. Aa
aa Colonel Hxxmxelt had Ssturel
himself flutt the assassin* was
n r.e uands of i‘u-' iwUce he
iriiT to dri\p on to the audilorlum.
Th<-> had drUen hardly otu- of
on.- bUuka from il-c hotel to
ndilortuni, when.Jirhn
:.iioUii-i' of I'olmiel Hcysiri tva bp
> imefpd b shaMi exilaniatioj
and pointed to Iho-edionera breast.
I.nolr. cohmel.■■ he said, "there i«
I,a!.- ia sour ourcoaL I'uioncl UcK)s^
looked down, isaw liie bole,
milled the Wc brown army
wliiih he was wparing and thrust his
ind hpOeaib it. When ae withdrew
hla lingers were aialned wllb bloo.1
Colonel Yintseveli waa not »t all disi.iajed by tils dlaeorer>'.
H looks aa tbougb 1 had bp->n
ne bald, -but I don't think ,i
fa an> thing aprl^s.'
Dr. &<-urr} Terrell of Dalbt. T.-xas.
C'olospi Uoaaerelt'a pbyalrisn. wiui
entered Ihe automobile Just before d
aiarled (ig, Inaialed tnot tlic colpiipl
n to the hotel. He wwald
of it. and thn ear was driyen



' .
Mitwaokce. Oet 13.—ilolm Selimnk.' the would-be assassin,
abowed no ematiou this morning when a warrant rharging him with
"Aaaanlt with intent to kill and mimler om- TlunNlon- Kooseveli.'
was resd to him in the e
today. "I am not worriml
p etiiti(t lo <\o 1
-id the p
ivint matlPT in
onl.v sorry tlinl tuy i
I 1.0 kill Rnosorclt.
1 ripht 1

London. Oet. 15.—The attemptiid aiMssiuatiou of Roosevelt
eclipsed tlir Balkan n-ar news lier.-. and in other Bnmpeati eapital.s
it received the same uotii'e. and uttraeteil as larg<' erowdx as if a
crowned head.had been shot.

lle"fal>Pd hik hand and Dioiioord m
he cis^. je fall bark.
-ptep. slop, stop." tie cried -Siaad
aik: don i hurt him "
Tile meu ill the proud at first were
01 dif?ose.| to m-ed bis words, aiii
t iMmh fell back and permitted Ma:III and I'anutn ftirard to iiiio ibe hiupL AUer ^ ibo'-t
-inifislp the awssin faio up anl
was (srriPd without o
t.-jeb of llie PfOWd.
re »ou lirrt. ■■oton.-l*" a hufcdred
v«l«eH <*llo»' »n,
-<Mi. no." be witli
iiile. "Jlissed nw that tlnip.

Tl« 0< tolmr w-salon of (he boakd of
uimrviMjrw romnecied Toeaday aftruoon wlih a lull slleDdaore of the
members. an-I directly loUowlag Ibe
roll call, what wU| probably be a
busy seMi9P. started with the readtng
petition from the people and free
holderaof the townablpsof Blalr.EoM
Bay aiid UxrOeld, asUng for tha for­
mation of a new toanahip, to be call­
ed Boardman. It wa> referred to the
.ommlttee oti towsa and four more '
nieabere were added to tbe coeaaiHTbe aetood item of Importance
was the ,vi of resolnilona and recomlatioDs from the .S'orthweatem
Michigan Bankers' association. setUng
forth a proposition for Ibe csublisbmeTil of a county school of agriculture
with state and federal aid. Tbe communlnUec a,k* the boerd to help in
the matter and cvnaequenily a epeeial
commkiee of eve was apimlned to
look into the project Th# committee
la cAipoerd of Dean. Hanslorsky.
Wickoff. Burrows and Crey.
SPijicd resolatJODs j



in some iDstanee* ftp beyond.

Grand Traverse Herald
and Tirv^ Bay Eagle

Btrnotion pnrpoaes.

Twice a «raek

PAflH PNQ0UCC->4«llina PriM.

In the United Sute* -UiiD Mtrden

bal not l>efn felt «* keenly on aeeouii! of jlie irrp#’«r remtiroes of
the countrj*. and Ihe method in whi.-h the ninm-y i* rawed for <-on’

Douglaiss ft Kellogg

Price* <»m«e4 each Monday and
c*eh day theraafter U martM eartei.
Putatora .........................................................
Batter................................................... . 2«<

each »bea 8tMw
Cnnwr Can aad Freer Atnata, Traeatna CKy, Mtefc

But siuali ppopre*» has been made hy the adroeaies of peaer
if th<- rate at whieh new ifiphtinit ship* are heiup «.p»tPnet.d is


any criterion to go hy. top each nation lays nut a ition- esi.-n»ive
naval program every y.-ar in order to keep up thelc ktundinc «n
ivar jH-reeniage eohann.

It is a thrilling sight to s-.,- s.i many

mar-hinH in line mantled by Am-rieun .-iiiaens. and giv<-s the

aarii day ihereaRer tt n
^Tieat ........................
Com ........................................

nation at large eonfidenco in the ability of their .-ountry to take
.................. toll) Phone* No-


IB Vract 8tnM..

care of their interests should awrar eloiid happen'to appear oiythe

the money exjKTided in fighting 4Taft to keep up this .>onfidenee



Bvekwhrai .

ill prove in thr- end funds well spent. DisarroStuent of the i atioiw

©RAIN—Traverw City

.. JI.OO In AdTtne* wotlTd Is! « great thing, but' the t’nited States eannot .afford to set
.......... rWelnAdvaBCe
....:se Id Adrance the paee'^o long as the enviotts eyes of Eump<- and Japan are tix-d
upon her foreign ponseasfona.



There is trouble .ihe.-id for the Standard Oil t 'ompany iIII flcrmany.


BBecn.. per bu.............................IJAItB


This giganlie tnist the <>onuan Held some years
■■oiitriil Ilf till' retail

and at flie. present time has e<


trade in Hlnminants and is trying^ to eliminate the retaib r by tin
wfai(4i will enafile
cnarde the .HKioin.-r f
intnidpeiion of the ean system.. whi<4i
buy>-r in niinll quantities id the emnpnJiy than he .--.«d "f

All efforts on ih.- pan ef miiijH^uig .'.miwni.-s to
nee’ the footing of Mr. RobsevcU the retailer.
hold the SlandanI in ehei k have fuibnl and the tJ. rnmn p. ople in

To regret, condemn, d



Mr. Ko<«evell y.-steislay

has nothing to do with this.


and fnn igii e.ouii<aiiie* hem ertt off by ji pr-...........niting eain-


]>aigii. would nsidl in enaUling Itn- Siatidiinl to raiv tin- prie-' ,.f


ilr. Boosevelt cannot well be spared by the country



The quMtion of pnntshment for such a fanatic



Silalidhai,!* ibe

bt her dauebt'T. Mr*

af.i-r -.hi. h the Indies sie i.i « v-ry -:i !♦

Ben B

oeim/Aa SearCcly thought of, but the life of Slieh



Is sulIeriQR fn'un'a

Imne iltoi 1* <teca,vliis beblml her ear

Iri'ncldill.'i.od e-leein in

' Bowevelt beloi^CE to the whole eountty. and the wholi* eouiitrx* is U. baa been ataied that doci.wa fe-1
an oisrallOn w.wW epdanscr her
' at this moment in iBe greatest suBpensc.
This is DO plAce to refer to political conditions and eonse




iher^th t • fall 1
Mr* Win Shanks
Cli.v Tueciftv.
aportwnen post themselves they will have to. appear in court and
tleorrc tlelser ot Grand K*pid» i
^ the judge why they did not read the next law.
UnderMhe api-itdliiK a few d:.J* wltll Will -Vilaw acted tqxm at the special session of the legislature kerwu and wife.
• There aeema'to be a general misunderstanding in regard to

on quail was closed until 1913.

Butblcss slaughter has removed uiuy

XlisK Miller o' Tni'eiw ''itV wa
,e Kue»l ol .Mie* Manie Weav­

strictly observed.


wlih h-r'daushier.


Frai.k An

derson. of Cadillac
Kranic WiUacker
retum.-.! fro-:
iled by Auditor Genenil Fuller th.- thickley Satiirda'. bavin* flnirfied hi-

'■ lirimary achoot money U a good propoaiiion for the taxpsy^as

u..rk iher.- on tli>- lAnli- warehoii*-

. meat of the counties the adiool dislrieta receive back mori- nmr

Mr and XIre. Frank Won..
Monday Inr an e»|.«d.*I »i»U In tb<

from the atatc in primary money thkn the counties pay into i
trcasnrj- for their share of the state tax.

This is not true

the larger coantia, but this.- of medium size find themselves
the good when the figures are.e«itt up.

In our own esse. Grand

Tavene county has to pay in!.- the stab* lrca-sur>- t27.891.1i
itt Rhare of the stale lax, wlffle the amount received during the year
by the aehooU of the county from the sute tf-aanry amounts to

In ma^- distrieU the primary money is in-exci-ss

what ia^eeded for'paying the salaries of the teaehers. whil.* in
of theAistrieU of the sUle this money is a great factor in keeping
the schooU.

The value of the primary school futnl is made

j^parent to the taxpayer tfamigh theSc figures furiii»be»l l-v the
auditor general.

The gnatest showing of nav.-il craft in times of peace occurred
river, one hundred and twent.r-three

<^e^lling craft of all deff-riptions iHnugnu line.

was made iu order to show th.- piiWi.- wlint

This demonatraiion
ppogn*v« has been

made in constiW.'ting the navy during the i«st few years

It also

proved to the other natimui of the world that the I'liite.! States


pMce these timra is prepa^itess. ami while th- harden is gi\-at
on the people at large, it is raou<-y savcil in tit- emL so long
}he fabhioD fomnationH to maint.nin the largest navy p.».'
with the means at hand.


wliere She spent


eek With her mpiber
Mis-. Barth ot Northport seiorae'

to Win

h.r.dulle* lU

!u. i-.j.try
—e^.i. »ii;

"Bveryihing goes agalari me, ’
declared sa.IIv. •fv» pley'^l the «
ouL" -Tut, tuuold,irdm-- replied
cheerful fri'-n.I
-Brace up
some tBODcy and b^somebody .''

Default having W11 i
n.'-rtgag- u'
rondlttou* of a'c-itain1 n
Ipv LV a. Wl!c-c-x wi ■I tb.l.ia

Vi,.l-atiS and wll-. 1 r Old
•htgan. in favor -i
t .oi
he aatue |dar-, aut-: Ma:-'. 1
. . ISII. and r,--..rdiri ;!.
■fhe Keglslerof Hee<l« 1'-' '-rand T
erse County, in Uber
-f, \i.prki
Prices corrected each day by wire
n lo.-.«
' •, *1"^
-om Chirago. Iletru I, T-'lralo
»geXra'l- lui.'rip;'.
Inffalo through rolled I’rc-se

i.-d 1-gi.truc
- ti* poullry
l..r .l.etnl.u



Pardee & Hunt Produce Co.

Have tlK lafest improvipd ....
ehinerv amt manufa-lure m> work
in Ui-to-dau deiigi.K from Ibe
. stone.
I'ranipt atCcn'i.M.
I all Older.* n.p ripailp-r Iraw
am all. , C:.1I *or wr:t. f-r tpri'c*.

A. w.
Tiwtera* Alt). *tl<h.


ppnv. S ' ff-i.

The Markets

The LMIlc Wonder
A J '. h. p. Caa-'pnr Cngina

<rapb aervlce

ImdT b-.r-. -< "--I..-* af<,k» 4H
iL'n'-a. G'-pp] 'te. prr.. b>--t DiaterlaL


.rage ai:.l
luud.-. i.i. I
y-raJ Tablmr.r-of Mayfiehl laae -i
given iluii
l>er. A I >
,WD on buatnese Monday,
for-ieinn. '
t'rank SargriU ot fummll « ily-wa.
au.'.km tp> >*i
vUiior here M.mday
Buffalo, tbi. It —Catile—ll.-r-n.t', front d.p«r o:
Ji*-. WU.-> <rf- Baxter irauaact...
rfedlee. ac tive: othera alow, |u Wip.itmgtn:. k
buaine** In town Saturday.
falve-.—Slow. 3r »wer. fr.>
XJIa* t"ierx lloiaen.h. who Ua* W:
Sbeep—Receliu*. ;,tt.fv>... ialrly piip^ «l,ere ■
County of Ip',
working in TTav.;n>e C-iy ipr *0113. *riive,r:!i:j:.: no
Jioga-R**- pretniaei -d*-*'
m... came home tor a ehon .u.-jirar oelpi*. iT.trat': »l»w. 11 to -o.- i<.
-y to J»V th- a.iw.n* ■
The buskin* hec whlrii •*»
dosing at
nwrigaee. inriud 1 g :ntrr.wn n.-U at the home of XIr. an'
l-tal .oe's. wi"- »h '-I*'"'
In. George Weav.-r Usi Saturda.
Ci'i—IP p»i.'.p Ix.tUrs
night wa* roatfioneiJ unHl next
Tb-**- i-ire
.paid m.minieiii a- lolrawuidA'. ..wihx to the illcii* ol x neigh
Prices corrected each Monday.
n\ of tans
,n r'l»
PeBiUkUta <-ouoi' o' ''rav
Ralph t'aae ai-d w.te and Iran left Hog*.......................................
an i Stale ot Xtichvgati t:r
Saturday for Arradix wU.-r.- Mr Ca. •
two. knewfl as a :
Calve*...................................... ...........5c urSc
k—n lot prenousl-' r«
III look after hi* lam*.>cr Inferee-.
Bnckiiiaa and *bMra Enie Yorman* i* aaafatlng it
an<l of the k»:
Lamb* .................................
the MOTrt* altMOMuib left the first of iS. Chlchena ............................


'Kaular " meibud c
TOS-'.-Ji ••.•i;*-»lm
- to Dr. a«l*»
w.wth. T-a—t-.t., Mt -kUna.

Dressed Poultry

^ —

Cbiraco. 1
rorn. i:i|-c
la.ttoit.- t

G(v>'g>- Maniuoi.a i

it wdl prepared to take care of iw inieresu shonUl th.* nation l«*- w.vk «n a little htmtlOK trip
Xlias Korbnah
come inwlved in trouble wilh any foreign janver.
The price of


lAddl’i.m ti
ft ,

. Local Marteia

■ Ciwl »W
• yaaterday on the Hudson



g at Grawii. apeni Sunday
The quail is a useful bird to the
iaimer and is protected hy the intelligent residents of the rural paremeXlr. Ray Morimii i* v-ry ill *ifb
fa the hitd is a help to the farmer and a delicacy on
I'-plwtd fever, but II 1* UK.ueht tb-t
the Uble the law protecting il for the thr«*e-year period should be be will recover *.)oii.

Aceording to s:


1.1 roj.d whii-Ji I* goinx to 1

these favorite nd useful birds.

Mr*. lewi*


le at N-w pt

Al Ilia! la tt*ai*LiP5 lb- aurvev.'r*
wes.' ol Gfhwn Iu layins .rat a tnl!e

er Sunday.
Mira (Soldie TremUey aiM-&t Su’
.bend to preaerre those that we still have should be lived up to by day with XIaitle Weaver ai her homhantera in order ^at the entire state msy not become barren of
Mine bhlKh Harktiian. who
bnedt of the beat game biida from the Btatc,.and any law tba^ will

■Blmary School fflatuy


Tliis measure

far^ not a yngle specimen ean be.found in this s^lioti of the
eOBnW At the preaent time.


Ci'lv.d a.-wa of th.- tuarrlag. .*f -Mf
,u-|,| yy
Maud Rehoe to Wiliace ' Bolter ..ti'
t-vringBeM, Oregon, the cerenrair. Iia. i"
some tim.-.Itir
' K»t-1., --'..I. laheii iJaee Iheiv--------------- -

D>-w.'. Stories !• haulini; *ra.-l on
III.- mile of road which is l-.iin.-.bx, 1

ui-ei ot Kiii!:al>-.-.
rr-tk Sarseet o' Fomtnil ci*y * i«
Mr- Bouiie ot MaoloD. who ha* been
BMlMinx Iu tbe Crui: »<i>re. reiiinnd a Kinaaley \lnior Xloaday;
was passed in order to save the depleted flocks of this popular gajue
A number ot young people from,
I lii* ham.- Monday.
bM and prevent it from passing from the fsce of the esrth like
Bdoa Wall ap*-m Suuday with rria Klrsel.-y and- Summil city
■ 'the pigeon, which.was so eoromon thirty years ago and of whieU
*iH-«*> «t llie C I’ Wea.-.-r liome Sun
Ill Huekh-v.
laatttpring the

By ‘the -Ka-ofar n:< Uod I eaa t*
aching teeth ah*ulul*ly
wiymui 4*lD. a
Bad vltbont tb* na* o(
dr. g* t" pTodur OBtfotacrauraemfntj'ie of t,er a

•well!, •bre- ■
;i> of liI.Ml I

ounce and the branHi Is only thr<^|,p
eight* Of an Inch In diameter.


Teeth Extracted Abralvtc
ly WItbovI Petn


... wn-W
Joe IkKie. Woo went t» Hi: ILipi-'....................
lug the paat
ir an oiM-raGos laai wvtJc. U rcPotter 1* a Tra'cnie CH^ girl, and fo: I
l«rted very low and ii I- iii->ii*t:t
sitrfl. held a posltjon as pianls----------------------------------------------------------------------he wit: Dot return aliv.-.

at their parcuis »e« of loan.
Cconte Hackman
is hriplns hi

(M ^ Pnttded

i:.-r I'-e eh-xen'ti mcarer>s.’i..i At"!i
.G-e eoi.’-'iea "f A*'
caii.l Tia.1.-..-, .;:.,.le:. Isai--':.; K.i'.e-S.a. S‘.-.-.•la. > -•■aul-.i.. »to.--jln..
'■ .aii.I
for iLe
; twee!- —v.-ii*. aetiaioiuii .li-.ikt uf
' :..l- »*ri.. .O.n; rt'.ns »b< - .ii:.!—: of
I AiJi.'.i.
'irand Trav.-t*-. Ka).

d.,:.. ..f t>il« noitc.'. lor i-r..
<-|«1 fcitd
' r tt’ -n. «•-■>'
d Timer
Hii-I P.ity-siv an-t ;.. I—'
,i:.i UiUar*. nlid :in wlloni"' .
>I Tweni* V...- i».'X..«>i IWIIan.
a* pro.lrtet! f... In said nkirtFiiCe. und
To Ihe Vot-n. ol Gland Traretee
no suit or loiertsiinss at law ha'M>r
''.'‘' I r„ai,.. . Mn-hlran
been inaiiioted to twn-er f
Xon are h-teby twlified ihal at the
seciued by aai.I nt.iriiuce. o
iESSjtou_io iH- held la Ihl*
Trt-ada.. th- filth dav «! NoNoth e
l . rel V tiiren '!
eleeted a
le of llie ime-l of -dlie .c
Siipr.-i.w Viiurt for I
lid ii.t-::**!. aiiil it .' --'an
t-r iMiiy-fli
If- i.'ad- ai.'l i-r.ivl.led, ^ ]..ib d..'. • f J8t.-->et>. •
. ■ 2 ..■.-Uek.iii tbe aft. T.n.
dereifluid will, at tle-.'-ottr
..f Tijv.;-.e ••ily.
i. tit...r.- Ih- .Irra.

i branch weigh* eight iraund* uiid

un tl'.e eueai ot iier leotbe
Henr.v BranllRan 1* aaaWlns John
XIrs. riirs HoeBio over Sanday
"God save the Wall in dlgclnr his potaloe*.
-V.laju \V>t-bi.ff
of .Siiuimli I'l*
Xllm Clara imVef and Mias KlleJ
tviu*al.y vls.ior ib - l»ei •
MadlAin art- apendins tb.-lr vacall-i

when the aewon is open for shooting quail, and unless some of the


•ci.r. ffr
it ol Ihe

JI q-«i In'we

fiinele<.n. and the third thirty fi.- l»-r••
ft-edy developed apptes
The Uaf J'-o. t*.‘lo*.

<^ipqnent of the man or the principles he represents, but ’the whole

. lae of Mr. gooscvclt.

' Anlie* llnied.u ;i

Waraer apple*, one has .«ixt.-ii. '’i'j

Sianlf.-. J.>ur> Hi-tnl Sunday


lenry tltsntiwn is awtatlns John tbe !iai:iuiiSJ uoDii*.
One can scarcely consider that he is a i>oHtical friend or Wall Id dMDR hi* poUtoea.
Rav Hukman

equntry can and'dots nnite in this one aeutimeht:




...... ‘Li.emeou.
-Befon* leavin-, ♦•♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦*
-.n11..|d was wi.h :l J- «• Courtad. brOUB«
formation bur'-a.i three braiirhes
R..y.vl -W.KliU.r pit. in loLeii of t




tiieir prodnel to sin-h a point 'bat tbey eoiild easily have n eo.iped

. gr»ai work yebto do, andxrliether one agrees with him
tt^ga or not, they do.agree in this,.that such men


• P 1. SMlTi:«
SherlR Gratnl Trai-r^- .'onnliII, V.-,:.:-..- *1.,:.-..: I l.n'c I-_mt iry band lhi>- N-1 -■-•‘i.'li -

e knows tiow ami no oi r will their .-offers with compound iiiler.-si after tlie figlii finished.
the terrible
A government hill has be.n .Irafted which is d.-siginsl to Iwr
probably ever know. To aay that ii man who would do aueh an
the Standard .........
frtjin the whoiesab- busin-ss in iliiimiiuitiug
aa this ^ insane, is true; but il
nol saying enough. Tlicre i.:
tirruiany. and the trad.- is I-. »..• n. a national
.kboul 'be 01.1:. -t-m of ioil-oi'
n act that one rannaot easily anqlyn-.
«he morulBK s-.^rIoh ef the n
slock eompauy ..jaTating iiinicr gov.-niiii-nl k-.-...ervision. Tin* in w
8 this is a dangerons iijcidmi to our |H.!itical
».i|~-rvir«.r» I*.J»> «»“ H'e eleompaiiy is to b" emjwiwere.1 to .v.-iiiiir- existing wh.-b*sal.- oil
__________B not lessen the crime, nor dosa il iu ouy way
ThiS s..ews ld;e l"f
XI, Jam.:: or MavneH «
plants and sto.-ks by appropriation if iie.s.ssarj.xcoM
act, but il shows that no mnu promineutl\ la-for.- the
nu-.iv ot
ship •“ supetlli'endent
ti *.re‘ |w
radietU deptfriure on tin- part o." the govennu^d. Jnil as it :s liiK p.ivcr
take 111.. J.lsce of( A
pohlie. fSflqsnlljr it candidate for liigh political otfire. is safe, as our
functiou of government to proK-t its eitiiena when the .s-ensiun
I1‘iilrer bas a>-lnlI In.tbu.
camp^gns are conducted.
Ibe <ali*raei:uii o I Ih- Irta-.jjfor atrfi.i!
requires, it is evident that the goveninnAtl aetioii is luis- d u|.oii the.
•elt might have liecn sjirronnded hy hundreds of
proper premises and then-liy S 1-gal one,
When il is iio longer
^____ detectives, but it would have mack- no difference
A Ui* of liu.. y a| i>le« were i-i -»-ni
prtetiealde to r..gn1ate business h^aw. Mieh a .-onrs.- is wairtmteil,
'that shot would have been fired and the bullet would liave
1 to the Iwar.l wiift the, romnlitnen''
seeoiding to the best amhoriji.-s/iiiennstitulipnal law.
of the Wealern Michlaan l'teve1oi>q(<-n'
._ari. The d.-ep sorrow that iadoday felt an'd . xjm««l
The oiiteume of the new plan will In- wat- hM with iiiler.*sl hy
bnreao. and these have b....n enjojed
the entire United Stilna, irrespeolive of party, shows
b> Ibe eouiuy dad* ail day.
the people of this country, who in time may In- I.-d to tffke the
which ilr. Boosevelt is held.
There wa» aome di»ni»-ioii of
drastic measun-s- in nrtbr to .-nrl. some of the big business
It ia the man who is considered. Mr. Roosev.-lt. as these
ty road hnlldisc and the veniiiiietit ol
that at the present lime «p|M-ani to be p-lling beyond 11............
iios a» written, is still olive, hut everj- dispatch<-s tli<
■ he toard *e.-'m» to t«* ih.ii ii
of the goverumeiii and e<r.;t.lH under mir pt«-wnl system.
1*. done l.v ronira.i. »-ul th.. tuiV't
■^oripns nature of the -wonna. ami one can only, under present
wa.i labl.-d for f.irtlier i-uiiRl.I.-rai
Qimstaneea, hope and pray that, this terrible calamity may »*e

. ,p . -


a vintalion that would as MH.n as all eo^npi-tilidn from. .^nIe^iean

How much it may hav.-, Iiad to do wiili

.-. ■ .....


iHeJecis .......................................................
■ Calf ................-......................................-....12e ...........

cyOEft APPLE*.

whole world is wailing to know whether he svill livi' or ilie. I'olitu-s

'T: l.p...

nt «e Se.. rftiifiT

jTatloir ................................................................. ^e
iNe. 1 bane t>>dci ---------- tl 50 sad op


I kmg nJwsh and
p. irUige .-o^gnonl
:*ion. Michigan.

-eadb day thereafter if market rartaa. |
ftitatoes ........................................ ; :
. 3ta j
Butter ..............................................................•'■f;

l-» l.p
ad-lrra-a. Traverse

Hiux>p« during a f^. years, ba^ artioid roam
................. ..
............. Bvuiws
Abovt IwtntT of the Soydi Nel?i- »*r...............................................................•'•p?i!ilLF«F«has gona nad on naval programs, and in order t^keep up the
bora pthered at the home of .Mr* >3traw, per «»......................................
bolnee ot power their subjects have been taxed to the limit.'ai^

tept IV—tbniwdee i:



ea.-p:'. f-u*


W. 1 :-i. :-o lira. Ktarta
Is ecunp.ndeal.

relpulp).-, auo cm.;.l«t* vUb
g-.p.pri:!.e tsLl.. battery. coU aad
ami'-h. wired ready to rur. yonr sepa-ai". woipd -3* or pun.p or do may
. t:.. r .iutr *.t..m it- raia-.iy of 34
i. j. ; o<.u|. p • -•IJ4 fecL ITlra rt.
.MkOPifa'-'nr-.t by
WM. JACKSON, Travwaa City, Hlek

Have you a pel Dog or huoliog Dog? If so
get from us free of charge the booklet “Diseas­
es of the D )g and How to pjed” by Dr* M. Clay
Qlover. the dog expert* Full of goed points for
the Dog owner aid absolutely free.


MesoBic Block

4 ii



Oder arpies. r-er I(h> lba._.................. S6«

8to^ «i the mort prominent diiiraei.-r in the world: today the

ELECTION HOTICETo the l*eai V'.-.-Tk
: - •■ourl»


wool .................................................................... '-V

their extremity api-ahM to tin- government to help them out of

There is so little that we ean say. and so mueh Uiat one wants to

T.- U.- l.-g.-.’ V'.--.--' -.1
OC'i.atid T.ra»*r,-You ure h.r-b«

Price* corrected a» market varies.


•*t Milwankee Monday »*euw inadequate under Ihe eireumstanees

aty, that it is a diffi<-ult matter to refer to.




4ftv S^dvd Oil


A aOUontl CtUmity


Price* eorreeeM each Monday and
each day thereafter It

■■tarad aa MMOd-eiaa* matter March t 1>W. at the_i»»ti
arp. rai^^yieh. nndar the Act ot Coagrosa ot Uarah 2. 1ST9.

We want you to put ui to the tcft
this fall. We know we have the shoes
that wi’j stay up. You’ll think so tco
«hen younee them. You will find our
priced teasonable.

It is this f-eling of eoiifiden.e that inak<-s for peaee. and

Traverse aty






lint fffc Most aacred. durable and
loiMt s( huaun iBsUtaUna,
ibeec maat bo •oeffU tbs re


Bi President Trailed Over His Ronte Waltlaibrs Psper Read belsra Boardnua Avenue Motbere'
Cbsnce to Be Near Enough to Kill Him.
Club by SUfS Leah Knee. Ueaceneai.
Oft. 3fi.-tHbnHik. i
rordios to lii* MUU-iuCUI. «uii bom
Uavarta. t»T> houri oot
MuBidt. tbe capiu) of Batarta. 1
calii« to Ibc roitrel SlatM wheo dIdc
.'can old Bill) Jiis liarcDta,
He corked about aaloont it) ^'e«
York, he alaled. ubHI be bejime <be
iirorHator of a idkcc at lo |lwt Tenth
slrecL He sold tbU DlafC chin the
deienaiiutJton anno t^slar the cx.jiresldent.
Sehrank U flte fi<pt/».«en and odo•U iDclK-si lu bclsbl and cedcbM IvT
ounda. and U fw >-can old. HIb ate
aaraoce. as be aaltcd for Ibc euluud
- o eOK-nn ffom the (illnairlik buiel
vbcrc the altcinidf^ aaraMlnalloo
’fun made, »an rai-h an not’ lo create
Ktiaplebru. He' aon; a lli;ht sra> eult.
. IWit overcoat and »a» neatl> drctiM>d.‘
Schrank aat Id Mb cell utiMonliibed.
talUax fredy and Jokln^-^iib Ms
BuardB. He ret«at»l thatittca* Borry,
bU bullet did not MU rsooicvelt.,
Sclimilk Ktai^.l that hr bad biioChi
ICuoscvcIl eln'c Ibc latter wax iwllee

KooMvelt wbeo I be latter cried
-Tbler at the Chifw MinvenOcn. Ht
jrUted followlni: tbe eolood tc
OharlcBton. S. C-, on bU Bouthem trip
Pailtnc to «« at RooBcvelt there, be
folloaed Mm to Atlanu. Ga. aliere
he asaljtSailol Schrank told of Uavlu a has at the Hoelcy hotel Is
CUarleMon. »hirh conlalneJ a iK-ed to
I Biroct. N?» Ywi
iBd bit iiatutaliullt
jia|ier>. The Lsak remains ibere yrl.
From Atlanta he imlled ili<- colonel
lu Chuitanoowi. Teuu.. later lo K'utit
vUte., lud. Indianiiiiolin and then t>
t'liiOFo. IHb envy allenipt tg act
neaV enoacli to kill noswetelt in CM. . failed, be rvnfs«»ed. He then
determined lutt? uafn In .MIlKaukee.
iBcbiunk.Bicorillna to Ms siaicnient,
inic here Sunday momlu a^d a*all•d Ihe-uirival of Hooxe'eli. He regl*
lered at the Antyle hotel uii-ier Ihd
name of tValtcr Ro: f and did nol di
vulse Mb Ideiitli-.' uiifll be «aB lakeli
to ibr O ulral ]>oUrc BtalloD.

bv Miba KNCie. c
I’rosrene n the keynole u( the ae-'D every baud may be Been evidonees
of tbe kbcantle stridrs made In srteac<and lnd-t»iry
Tbi- proaperous and
l'.Mceful Mate of tbe nation liaa
tuned mans tboughu to the uplift
of-bis lellu* min aud the
mVni ol social life. This alia forth
lur-.'CBBWc aitony *(0111; • soda!
lines and those iui«»re»ted In »u<-i
Bork uave kept step wtUi aorkirs i.i
olbe^ ti-Ua of lulasr
I'hilatiiUruiMbtb liu\e nut luuc r>vii
Ized iliat. -in unit) Ibe.n- Is sicwth '
,u( nuw. in»teB<i of , iiibtltutios-.
hiiTT Im. • t-i^juots nnd iDdl'ldiuii*
...ikii.K ludepenOMiily and oft.-i
ajieiuil earh ..(her.
.dth.-r f.-.:
• or .veoi'erAi.- lUrIr finds lt»
ifiate ill tills creat work and to
nether they imihe one baroiuuloux

. »
in Ibis nn.- w..
..Ill ami Mtreriu*

•>|)|Hir(>intii<-> iiml
flu.l their 0111HI-.
luiril) nr do nut gnysp It are^troddnn
Jiei-rlci: by thuM tuori- BUivvBsful
The Kj.lrit of unrest is abromt. Tbe
e\:r.-!m-B of weulUi and po'etl' «r.I.- lii'e BUbJeel of c'er'da? dlBruu
' :>oria»BUi .Is l.iiknl b.' iKT^ile
alt ^ liiifu
Seinciintes tb
iH-:ii»usIv near
a.Iiiiias. <01
tnarehy.. Pov»n> is looked «|»>n
imi..-'h---a rtiatta iTtme. It make*
dlff-relice what the i-ause pf the r
. the r.HJiU Is'lhe same. Wants
created which can uever-Ve au|iplled, and mo oftei* (be P-wr*- arc
lolued cv.-u of tbelr religious train
-Hiis is III-day u

People Who Knew Him Believed Him SMghtl>
Crnly, Bat He Wat Not of Violent DUpo&ition.
' New York, Oct. 1C.—HabItueB of t

.lanluorlly toward tbe |iiopieBBi>e pres

-So.™, r«»U»l l«U.
who tried to murder Colonel Rooicvelt, B> a harmlCBt, InolfeliHlte ennk.
A Oarmati with a ai
^ccesl, yellow hair and reddUb brown
beard, be lived at the White boUl.
}i»t a tew feet off the Bowery on
Canal atiwet. for.a lone Ume. Onlyone nuui iMuietrated the air of ex'
clualrentsBB with whicb he had aurrouded MmBclr. TJ|at wan Ja<k
Walker, baneadcr in tbe bote), who
Mid today that be and Bcbrank often
Alacomsed ecncnil aSaliw over n kUbb
of bew.
Acconlini! lo Walker. Sebtank a|s
pwenUy bad few trienda an.I abBoluieL' no InlioMtea. lie was olwaya qoiel
la mwner and In hla conremthm
MT* dlBoiuaed himaelf. \Vbile ho
M been beard ^o uy that he coneld-.
Bootevelt a menace (o the coun­
try there was never anythlnk In bis
converaatioB that led those In contact
with Mm to believe that be held real

Althouch'bc Baid'iKMblns about hu
affair* to nnyonc. -the Ini
anmus l*o few »b<> Ciime lu conlaU
with liiiii wax that hd was enMKcd a*
aroal'iMta’e salesman'tnInK to diiv
liOBe of dereloiiment projeetB lo work
Insmee. He admlti'-d that h)s work
wax hard and bU sales xmall aud
about.a month nso lie asked Walker
whether be could Kef him a job clthct
ns a bartender or a "alter, declarinr
that 111.' flnanees were runulns 1
anA lUal be c t work- If j)e would

i'imi is K. Ihwimuc of us It thot"
* buH'T privation 4ud uilBory
>y diwi-riidlon ,r«wl that tliere is
fiitnre for them, no luo-mivi
i:v.-Olioily nl Ibc hotel liellcvctl b.- N-wr liBlh-utlv the heavy Ininlen
u;h>ii lb«-lr sboiildciar
waa slikbily craxy. allboiiRb
Kn-ry jibasi- t.i buniaii bufferinc
ibere today eoubl Kl«e any loiillrulaT
reason for that belief oiIht than » ■n b. found in auj- .Uy. .•'eh'i:i
general fi-eling baaed on tbe manner Travi-rse Oliy. The half tiourishel
in which Schrank held aloof from his balK-. the tldlui of dimase. tbe de'., the drug and drink liend. tli
Cus dost, propiletor of the liotel. ov.-r-worked molber. the weywarJ
»ald that Schrank alwa.'-a paid liU-bilH girl. tbo. unprotected child, tbo aulle.i
pronipUy uud that when be left the rimlnal and the-po'erty Btrli-keii. V.
hold about the middle of^plrMber
> BUi-U ds tiictc tlii-f Biipi-al.d 1
be «1U uot say where be was going or Je*m> wnL sucli itreBlBlaUc.patbos. H .w'bal hl( forwarding aridrex!. was.
11.^1 trenn-ndous enudissls U|hiu tti-'

IJu Absolatt limit is Rtechtd in Valae Giving
At The BARNEY CO.’S'during

The Last Two Weeh of October
Suits and Coats Extra Special
$12, $18 and P5
Lxdies’ $19
SuiU - It
Wide Waie Serges
ami two tones,
•worth to $18.^

Ladies* $i0
Suits • .10


Worth $20 and
$22.50. Mannish
navy diagonals &
fancy cheviots.

fo> Stout
for Juniors and
$18 and $12.


New Fall Serge Dresses, $6,50, 9.75,13.50 to $20
Winter Velvet Dresses, Extra Special, 17 75 to 27.50


Fife Lake Department




Thk Reason—
You’ll find in
the Snus and
Values S27 to $30- Prices.




Never ha%’e
Coats met with
favor as these.


l«t ns uoUce smite of the ladou
ist eour Into tMs problem of tbe
bMies snd psople;
— Hooslng and aanitary cnMlitoaa. Are all the hetnen la Tra.
erse Clt> |t.tahU»hed la clean, well
plBiPbed bouses f Are these house)
EbcIi ffAd Ev«it Omb SpMdSh* ^
bolli in healthful loastlontr Ars
there »o buildings where Ajefe a
scTerai fAmlUes Uving and where
cblMrea not
see too murb Of vice iind ertaJeT Are
chst mni ■ ■iaaw “dash” whh a AalSsr
ad-th«-s why it takas ever M.«M daela** to haaAt As dmasad
thsre-1^.0 ebildrsn U«ing In doseffro-n
s-(MCfflarf Liasd 9
imliy wiib bi
•psed wiM. TWr kM* Isaet
dn^ pesrUsc woe'i drive shoe. TWr knaev
tw *t*e
I have not time to discuss these
ffnga thuTOJgM). but I with to give
> liaiiig H iliilgasil to #*« the
>ou Boiu7tbl«r lo think ahoiit
' (hs loed to tW mark q
•ben >m ou apply tbein to Uto
ipeed tbs tame spaed ia erevy >-----ditious here In >w own cHij. 1
TW steal tWa< is moisisr* proed s.i dspsasinssajet M»ss».
Jsrprecd-aapossderroeieteet. Wssmpeeaf eaMe»»rh>■«*•
Sod that almost all Uie coodli
found Id laice ettiss are too be
found here, bot in different cleffree.
TwoHhlrds el ibr need of aov-lsl
Ranmstoii Anm-Uiiioa HetalSi Cutikifs Co.
work comes from bad housing tohdi
»• Braadssar
. New Taeh
and iw->tblrds of the deltsiiucn:
children emc Irotn homes where-dtn-,'
and Ill-ventlUtecl rooms predotnlnite
Twcvibirds Id she physically III child
len tome from tbe aanie.
(ni<--thliil of tbe menlall' d; ScIvl:.
und (>ti'--lliird ol ibe shiflle.u luutbets
and two-ibiids vl tbe desenlug iT.a
Condocted by MIh Mae Dewey.
trom these boucs.
hmg 3S we liavc bad ll'M-:
Wff ffruit to Bukff tfaii Dtpartaffat ;c( tkt
quarlcirs'to offer tbe less fortuulLe.
fmUfft poffBlble Tglu to BU ceeemMd Bad W
ao lou must we have expenalve r>tUi
.. ff8d
.1 rffqBitt tliBt
aU iumi of poMMl nd
lonu nii&auna. Why ilour water In'. i
CffBffTBl iBtamt be mt to Um Otvfff to bt
sieve by being dontent to Irt free I tBoorpented lo tbo DtpoitacBt. W* «Pffdffl|y
- lodIffsrN t landlords. Ignorant snJ
Bdk ^ dnrduiA tntgml bocMIm sad tbo
careless muslclpal autbortlle#. pollQriBf* fsBiab iteau of Istaradt is tb«lr raffpse.
lies, and wbntnot. to Interfere win.
That i« value nbl
tire omtitottdiw, Km of Mdil fT«Bla and mm
inmane work of pradMla* clsaii a human III.- Is
tBlBmaU, tmprpvMBHiN boiar mnda or e
-.aluc. Hu prraefaed of the rooiiog decent place* for alPTNO^ In H'eI diBBfM, Bsd tnatfHV 1b
pUt^ Bud
r course changlngf(be environment
■ III- Kingduai of God on
ml fffftitd Is ton sad cossliy tre effpffdaQy
III oot always change the people, bul
kingdom In which nil men should
•oeotabU. Tbo Bbore gppbM not only to tbo
put* tbe people lo a poaltlon to be
r.’c God sud their fellow i
TflhcBBfySt I«ln.bHttoaff dHirousdlaf eoo.
I'l- to man U closely connected with changed, and the succeeding generatty,-Idttdr
s-T.lce ti> God. You cwnnol aUta the tions V
wonli Ilf a man oave In terms of his
I' clubs tan and should
Adolph .Nelson bos gone lo TrcM.-. frvai 'Fibre, upper pchlasnln. wbsTO
telaitons lu other uivn. and you enu take up ibetc maUers
peninsula, and the fam­ she WBS called last wa#[ top tha
not lucasure bis seralcc to God aa\*
-\Vc have In all our .Xiai'i
ecrims lilneM of her aWer. Hra. Will
ill icrijis ol her service to other me,i town*.aud olGea tha probleu, of the ily expect to go socra.
Sir*. Warren l^swry. who lias been Hagers. Master Cvt-il Hagara cants
-die «Uo sc-r>es bis brother best getc loivigu burn. TbelT cnatoms of liv­
HI tor (be past two weriis. Is uon- borne with her.
neSrer God Utaii all tbe resL~
ing and borne msUng aiW dlHererl valcwceni.
Horn to Mr. aud Mm. tori IhsdHA
The task of the social worker is io from ours and sben they try to adapt
mils wefit to Traverse 1 Tbursdoy, OcL 10^ ■ roaadjtixi society by seeking lo brm.t our faciliilesdn tbelr methods, chaos
Miss kkUlh BrMfftBan is a «MK at
l-liy Weduesds). returuing Tlmrsday
iiiiu right rvlaliona with each
the result.
olber' and with God 'Fbe Uin-ktra. Chas. -Hager of Idaliu airivcd
Ibe chllUruu of foreign bom par
The Hand Stevsaa Canchet Cdromain ^c-torn lu the probtema
enis must go to school, and there lost FTtcUy to vtan her daughter. Hr* pany gave sa eicapUmally Bno sw
ilvrediiy. cuviiouniecl aud tbe puo- they soon U-arti Ameikaui ways aud Jarob- Hudson.
at CraUge haU ToaoBaff
lile, (helUsel.'CSIbc earpMtsr
language-. They a^e at Inten
svi-nliig. which nas weQ attsadad.
VJ^ilbin cvwialn llmita. heredity
a Urteuuel's bouse
tbelr parenia. eapeciall:
k, on Mrs. J
They are certainly artlcta la th*ar
decUve. and within certain tinilu metbers, who And no need of
itixiomnenl Is dclsl'c. Ilereulty
Walsou lUxey Is employed as rsl’with the people ubuol
Pr.-sbyterlon churdi wM^ ,
tcri^ncr- our uslurs! tendenedes: I
ises th« cblldren lo feel supeiio road oirpeiiter si Pellslon with An- opened to the pablie last BBdky ff»
Cos Ilk'-. iK-fec'tivtw produce Jcclrew iiaxey.
thc-lr parents aud lawlessness
on for tbe Brat time In SoVerM
leclives. but It has been proven I-.-'
Hiss Olive Mill. M BSdlsllug ca Ibc >ears. The psfpH-waa Glled bf B«1L
tbe reiilixiH-riuicnt that Incorrlglblca. wc-a'-cAiucrlixn boy of H or IC often 4ephoi..- uHlt. (Ms week.
lx>i« of Mshtuu. wbo wlU cooUadB
Hiiiidc-tl cJilliIrcn aud ••liter defcctl.cI hu knows luoie than Ms parbidd Wr.laa every Roadgy afleR
linpro'|$u> u\iiiurkecl degree wbi-.i enu. tbe AnK rtcuu'boni dhld of for­ sl*tc<^
un St 1 o'clock uatll further aeUeSl
ill’tin* fmlil cnvIrontsenL
eign psreut* really doro. Classes for week.
Prxjer meetlBg evsry Wadhaodaff
This cico., nil mean that aU d.r- testblng these parenu wUl help lo
Mrs. Burt Ikirmure and dsugbte' .enlug at tha M. E. «toweh «
tiricures of mind and rtiaracter
i-Us w.-re guests at Mrs.
solve tlifs prubl(;m.
bad '-iivirouiui-DU. but tiial
enrit at ibidilluc th.- last of i
Benicment at Grand Rapid*
1 Is sertottsiy fU tt
•Mr*. R. 1
"- bate lai'l (u> much strews on lb
Misses Bvelrn and Hjnlo Beib
3-U the larger c-Ule* they are *»
tboogbt that a niau must be wbst Ii-s tabUabiiig public plHygrounds. W- ■t«4nc were in Traveiwe CHy on busi
An offtctal meeting waa BM« M thB
-Iilicr was. He will be under the think, or-gre bM to tbink. Uut tbcio
Bheek at BaardM
attic I ircuiuslaucea nine times cut
Bn4*l of i.adlllac
____ necdSf rot l* pMcv*
mxHFapsCMMIy «»r tb* farpss* 4
of this Blse.'bul * glauce at where tlii xueif~t.f bis luirc-nts- Mr. aud Mra. -irgsDlxlag a sTSodi Rlatllct. Tk* fob
All iNWi.lo cvuie imo Uic wo,
chlMriii play ought to iM-t u* Ibinl
lowlog omcerff were eleetsd; A. 3.
• iili buih good and bod impulse* a
You ought not only to ask
Rherh, dltecter: W. BByraa, ss«r*(gry|
It only depend* upon the couditk
-Wbefe are Diy chgdreu playing. *i'>' as In town Salurdsy
t. Bbagk ffr*
K. JnlUa. mnderwtor. Hf'
ahlcii fiirin their characlcr whether wiiofu arc they assoclatlngr but also
Mrs George Sloel Is la ('roflun
•entsd tb* dlettWK wUha an acn tt
:ie good or bad will dominate,
-tt-h.-rc are my uelghbof'a t-iildr«i?" Ing tor lie.-'daughter. Mim I’anay. isnd for e scbool loL wkkll «U bd
iroiiuiont U iiOl e»er,'thlug. no!
Some plan on surely bo fouud tbs' w-bo U lU wH* gainer.
I iiofliiiig.' It caiiiioi crutc lif<-.
Mies Zo.- tJlevc-c of
adapted fo Traverse Glty.
as pr»Ml.k-.
I n-i.-. .b»1..- It
Tilt- s.liusls urc centrally IcaJU-l ihe gis-st of b-r kImt. Mrv. W.
Sunday nerti.«s at the M. E. churA
lii'llic I'nrsbl- of the loser. JcMix :kI »ll li.vv.- pla)groUods. < aU the) VVHImtl
OcL » Rabbalh scbool «t 1I:1S A
taugl^ thu iiuponame of cuwnni- M lx- ugd'i miuVubUc’ )>is:^rouDd>
Mr aud Mr, Ja* Rjierry In
■11; Epwoffh Lengue at «;» p. ■>
i.iMl All tb'- e'x.-cl was i
well BUPenIsedT
laid.-. "Mlsslou Blady Rally Bny/
lie din-M-ii'e ill n-sulU cmine from
-Aiioihcr serious yobka.
setertlng disctples; the mAefItl dat ,,
::i- cli f.Tcii. UE h.-twcen the wa.vsld--. city is recffotlon feu- ithIMreu a’li
M'dvin. iM yoonget ...n o' Mr. auJ tho plou for the ecrlpuir*. Hark S:U:'ic Sion.' gniiind. llic briar palih aud
)>iv>]>le I do not know wbcibc Mrs Uiuou tUilpplc, Is m with #.-arlei IX, : Kings 1:3% RresdilBg al T:J0
I'le c-tilii.altd eoU.
III., school can help solvo Ihla « lever.
p. m. 1.' Rev. A W, Raker, paator.
Mrs. To.-iipMoaon as>sin GiMiss TicSsa l)..*u.-> has c-mplr'. Tbe moving pirloc simw ha,
.un.i- cif a laeople are the Tililden
eiit 111 i'adillae »l Hrehbin's st-lie to stay; it ip a ahame
,|*rini;s -j| paliuual rbiracter. and a
Mr. and Ur*. Uo) SUlker w. re
i U to gwvd use. The tact that lie
• mam cannot rl»v liigbcr than ils
riog ptetorus are l. ing eatabIlshe-1 aiuuft fit)- Mi-n.Uy bi.i1 Tu-sday.
louuinlii head."
btle lu*.-- ha* rc-rlSU.-d hi-r posi b«b««44444b444444
the cliy schools t.s old lo cUsf
I’rculdcnl Elliott sa}s: “Tbe faai,:> loom work suggest lbs plan of school pu at JoKb>- store
(From WedneMjsy'a BeeoiMafla.)
Mrs. Hdi.s Dusc-keulush )r gettlLU Oesrv* Crsaeh. wit* to* bssa eUk
Olu-UB fcA- the yooiTB people Tbe pits
be sbosn on tbs screen, anl sloiig Bl.i-1) at the l-jMilUr hosplta* for Ihe past three moaths hsa gobs tg
Rusw-1 tThorue of l.ix*vlll» was a ,rblcago for medical trealnrooL
■swmuBs CshsB SI Fs«B (sr ths Prsna lu-lpfu-L, good pinor..*. with a plentl
fu1 sprlukllng of fui. shown. A tnslc gu-'M Ol i)ls par. ms Suuds).
C. A. Webb la In CtorlMta MMa
mod RxcM^^^l^^llsesM by «- •
Mr*. A-tojer* I* c-ntcnsininc-bee week on lucin.-»*.
good an, liiernurs and humor
g-and'a-ighter*. ElU and l.*UI
couhl be cultivated
Mr. and Mr*. A. V. ffrtsdfWi and
Perifall of KlussU-y.
Each school bouso that la
Miss lAiuiM Friedrich hare rattmdl
Par Ik* wa^ ot
. IRt
Manan- I- In Uero hoapltal from lAidlnglon.
„..ed as a* social center m
adapted to the cominunity from which in Cadillac nveivlng m.-dical
Mr*. Le* Msrimby la vWtiaff <■ Off* '
it Would draWv Those
of u m-JSt stndy condlUeBs and peo^ . UlM HuiAvli Shcllcr of Trav.-r**Mr*. E. A Hanford and *•«. «Rd
pie as w-II as mrlbods. and cboesc City has been speeding a w«-k br&i hare been vtslUng in th* cUy Nr tto
with, relat.viw oivd friend*.
shat seems best
past week retarned (« tholr boa* M
Miss Kva t’oltraru. who has
Jnsl a few yoggeatlonk to «k»-*e
JacksoD this nwminc.
staving with her sister, Mri. Rg<
(lean kntertaluuient*
A. C Ashley left for hi* hMM at
isffttlmsle anmaernsnu to oSiet cheap Puller, for a f -w week*, rcuftied
Bvautun thu tuoraiBg attar wvffnl
(Beaters and dance balU: roadlsg ber borne totnrdsy
days ia the Hiy «a baslMM.
Nile* Dryanl retnnv'-l l!onda» frou
■ooms Slid rlul.a Instead o>
F. R. .MHner. vsto has Mm 1* Op■;idlug
wi-eV with friends
poolrooou. as ' luongtsg i
Uoll lor the past weHt on IllB —
cooking, serving and otb«r cioi
Mr*. Jos SitrahBti. 6r. was In Cadfl- rstartodttetMiht.
tea-h homeavoklng. a ^ecrful pUc'Wafts has reurned to m
c a couple Of days this week.
In wbicfa young people miy gaih.
Mr*. CstbcrlDe Howcey retnnii'd bohM at Ft. Wayae. lad., aftbr n
Piaygrott: d* for ths cS.ldrcn
mothera- tnecnlng* and above all I t »mc :or~. week ffom ’ ku i-xteado'i abort \UH. in tbe city.
Reese* of Cievstond, 0«
ot renK-mhee that tbi* world o
vitii Hi i'BUads.
Hr* W. D. Cray and daughter Mil speat yeeterday as tbe casst pf hip
never be saved from misery imiU
■ared from tin.
drad of Archie reUimsd bonve. Tbarr- nacle L. Boaeoe and left today Ohdsy after a thrsse weeks’ rlsll wP.h NpvaygD wbare be «IU vWt Bllfb
■ ' I
UpffiWkd WffvB,
her motber. Mr*. Warren ffperry -o oaeoe.
Tapaaesd war, ibonid be wgahsd SpHngVkl.
Wm. H. Klftt ha* rsturasd Imsi am
with a aponca. daapanad bx warm wg
Mias Mai .on Dickiaon U home from sxieoded vuit tn Mllwgak** sad fh*.
ur and drM lamddtntMy wRk a soA
MMB. iffya B axekaag*
OBttiaMh Boatb
BMb «M bs ffMckly rffmavM ffrrah aebeol bslB ehtti on aeeonnt ol
Mb with a wffMB Mrs. 0. Vvpby retensd Taatday

'bJu>- of a huiuaD life- aud bdd it
be the mow prlccIcM Uting In I
world. TUa vala^. bovcver. wws
for altboagh
-lewUB saw with andimmed vlahm the
depth of degradatloa to which a I
may dereeiuL He valued
lecaure He could see with sarh clear
faith i!ie bcigiil to which that Uie
might MlAliu Beosalh the deh^
l>rotrBted promises and tbe wreckage
■>l oryAen iwInlioDt Je*ns taw
ubOIiic of the life that Could be. U-a* lacompleie. and fro n
)k-«id I
I t iugbl a \isloo of what
s u>xy be. Wv. too. .find nian 'u■omplete. and have c.>a>e I., leahithat the value of the deUmtuent. tb.Uep<-Bdeui and the derecti'e Is
Is- (.Aind in what be la. bet In who:
be may be.
Wiilejut a clear vision of (be mac
Hint pay t«- social aervlce
TaluelesB To look falrty Into the
fao of human wt-aluitsu and wIckHness .^i^h all of its bvnld reollly <>1
what. II Jb. and have no vision ol *bsl
may M- is deadening to ev<-ry effort.
"Um-,c4nno< work with despair lu
bis. bisTn -and sirfoal la bis ' '
Jostal. Strong, so I plead with
you lisJa) that if ,»mi arc going
do Aa.'tbmg along WN-ial aervln- III
luJ siiitv you bate sveu tliv need
-ou must do rontelbliig II )oq would
jate iwucu lu ,'our own b.-aru «ti«:
«u will si^rHi .aretully (or thls p-e
leniiol value in ail with whom yol
deal. TT.' lu d^ij^cr what car'i
person iiui> Is-, i P wbal be If bos

J1.50 TO SS.



|i»- 3-

Mi i


'hi-:—i h



a^m tS4Vnn WBai.T) AK> TlAVSBn BAT SAfl



DO'TOC WANT ONEt Ut w preptre-you .d<I *e.'

kira. Ebert P*re«. ud bit
SMordt]' at Lake JaaeUm.
Mr*. GMrsa Zeisler o( Oabora
rlctUnc vuti rriatire* at Glra tiaveii
U*. week.



■iRipilifcjii fhw ua, Mber n>« Kteeh cornfatMl
Wmos Mirhi|f
f-».» ^ jmi «he pro^. , Rnhnr-.fare alhnvBd. .O|f01M« ■ m wofi

niOM too TO 140 POUNDS.

Wonderful Praise Accorded’
Perunathe Household Remedy

Hr. aad Hr*. Jamet Dubd of
dickvIUe WM the imeat of Ur. as I ’ Hre. Marla tJoerU. Ortenta, Okla­
Ur*. Kcil DorvQ Sariirday afteraoec. homa, wrlic*:
••My hnaband. rblldreo and niyaelf
U^ Idooiaa Deerfiw of Oabom I*
nlllnx oa frtrad* aw Uapte Citv have oeed ynur mediciei-*. and «v al­
ways keep th. m in thehuUMincawof
tbU week.
nereevltv. I »»- rv.iar«d to b«aIiU l-y
aad Ur*. Klmer AUloaoo'aiid this mrdiciav. aad l>r. Harunsn'* inTsiDBble adt ioc and bonkn. !>«>plr ask
atnot me from dUferent piaee*. a
ilof my:
ras curvd by the
TbreahLae burkwbt-at eeem* to i>e
ibe order of (he dar at tbl* wtlUok.
and It Is oole abmt baU a trap.
I Stnnle;' llurttc of lirndcm ii in <>

tio*na«>eARL ST.

vU-litfiy luoklair after apple* and |
Itttoer. II* Is pnyinx *1 a barrel f
a|«I'b-s am] ;:n •enis a busiwl !■

Grand Traverse Region



haniat home aupper in the ebureh
Everything begins to look like
and all the fafmers are bustling
As it Is for ohureh purpose* it
■t their work'dene.
A' Bumber of people eujoyod the b0(^ that a good croad will attend.
Mrs. S. A. Pike
coBoart oti tl e atreeto Sanday by
' Ur. and Hr*. .Will Sweet left Sat­
ity rallcr one day last week,
Cedar City bead.
urday iDomlunR for Traverse OUy to
hilts ‘Carrie Wagner baa taken a
attend tbe fuaeral of Ura. Sweet's
clerking at (be Globe alorc
cMlbea Mrs. A. 1. Richardson..
UM. Maggie
Powell la vuylng wlt'i
The Mlaaes l^na
Mrs. John Curlmuan. who
Uarie llochraUle .tliitod at Mr. and
sick, but la better
Ur*. Tony SbefMms at hlMich Sunday.
Ibis wriUng.
SUke Odol left Saturday for De- They made the trip on boiaeback.
Frank Bhorter spent Sunday in
Mr*. M. A. Cnlrer and Ura Jim
mt. to be cone « week, a* a dcleTraverae CRy.
Rouseau were in Traverae City the
aata to tlM crand lod«t' of I. O. O. F.
Mias Nellie Wesool. the Solon ditMlaa Celto Bnfka of Traverse City first of tbe week on boalneta.
trk-l school teacher. Is spendthg her
W. C. Bowens of tbl* place
; vaa Hie pieet of Miia Ethel Cork
racallon at Glen Harbor with her
and Prof. G. R. Calton of Bcazooi.i
a few dkya laft week.
ordained OcL » at lbs Grand
Htee Betella AVade of Traven“
hliai Carrie Waguer spent- Siindsj
City Tinted at Ur. and Mra. J. C. Traverse aasorlatloo of the Coagreca- aiUi her parents, Ur. and Mrs. Bmer
'ilonal cfaurdi. which waa held at Bee
Tlacto a part or Uat week.
I*e Ooo^ Moalcal Comedy Co. arThe Young People's Sundady kvbonl
Hred on the train thia fnoming. They
baud of fellowahlp by llcv. U. Cot-h- harvester daas uiet at
M bUied to ptey here all wcek.
their teacher. Mr*. R W. Pa.vne. The
CAarlle HocfaraUe and J. C. Mack Un. and ordalnallon prayer by Rev. F moat Important event being electlou
I Qapln of T^verre City. Tbe
drove to Treveree Oly Thureday.
of officer*. After tbe meeting they
ormon by Rev. G. R. Cotton. .
A •Mt.waa bora to Hr. and Ura.
had a aocla] Jxmr *(1111 mnslc and
Mrs. Duaeiu ond ilrs. RuHj- RulFWe Oirifteoaen OrL S. who haa been
lan also attended the aasK-iatioa at
' BMed Oorden' Oaod. aleb on V
MUs Alvlra Uya speui Sunday wltn
elegntes from fhu Congresatkuua
■ame dale, e titUe Ktrl named Uly.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pike and family.
Mr. Md «ra.'J<diB SbciUck.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker ami
-Mia. Fred Dago enteruined a no
son Carl spent Sunday with 8. H.
bar of ladlaa laat 8atitrday evening
lawyer and mother.
•t a Mrtbday paRy in tuiior of bev
Mlaa Ela Aftman u>cnt Sunday
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦ with Miu Sadie'Crain.
■other. Mr*. Udtey, wbe wae &7
Farmers are ven* busy taking
>—la M Snaday. Tbe erenlng
Artbur and Edmund
Zeller anJ
planMnHr went In «aid gamee and of their bcon crop.


baaement Saturday evenlDg. Oct.

.Miu Welcb-8 violin solos. This
pany Is well worth hearlag..
Ur*. W. F- CIU. who went to Hsr-

E. Dsme and F. Moore are ovp
fTxmi Fo* Island this anN:.
I. ('. E iL'uit. who t'hi
a lew oa>B. nrtunsed iMjujf Wod
uo*day cveulns.
rs. J. P Huael!. *bo lu* Ix-vii
lotalld for a number of year*
pAssM away at tbe botm- of h--:
daughter. Ur*. Jan. Kebl. Tuefd.->;

lib f- f your
u a long Ufa

I esnuul thank you
advice. Hay G-vl giv
and bleu your work."

t: M. lijjM . >1rf W.



Saiiirua.viiig doin'

Miss MrMlibael of Traverse City
« shopping, and <alv-d ou Irlenvl* avrompanied .Mis* Vera Vinton horn.our school u>*<hiT. .\lra Wright.
oiii Traverse City Friday n;gai lor
• sot calU-d home Thursday
short visit.
(he death of ber ni«lii-r. who**- destl
Miss Ethel Kymut,- who nnderweiii

<- she
Harulil Giiilis w*-ui Ki TieMixWednesday in tin- auto and l^-ii imods have
bday and .Newt. Jauiiwu went with bi- settled
Mr. and

has bn-u visiting.

Urs. Frank bayers
Sunday, ac.ompnnled
lanif-s, to tisli


bildri-ii bvfure lliey
rata, when-, llii-y an-



their uevc home at Frultivorl.
The new-Meifa^isi m1tils'<-r lallM
last week and invited all out to
*-rvlw Suudsv evenlii;. v

' once, moving






ne Just north of tbe Uarn.
Flana are being made to put il
aw mill nearly opiaislu- Mrs. II:


Bora, to Mr. and Mra John llugen,
Sunday, a daogoier.

liie ill with a vuM and iiebrelgl
able to be out again.
Mrs. Joliii Calvin is gnite ill.

The Tirsl nmnle-r of th“ high i
l-ctupi- ivmrsv »'a» given Fridu,'
h>- ilic Mainn- Steven* fonr--.
Ail wraotforv tUnn |>1v:im.-vi

Harry Miler I* slaying
with bb
gignUnioilivr for a few- w.i-k- T
Uiiia .Mf-Cari' is geUing uh-ug'as
' Mr.

IV Kiu,hern part o' the
.Mr ami Mr*. Touasoii




iiin a visit, ami almuf mjyn Iw
. i-.-l. gram that Lis tatl-. p wu- d


Mr*. Ia-oi.


Wolfe. Sr., wcbi Tuesday

day and bad a very nit« time.
It is sitb regret we have to tneniioii
the fact that Fred Tabberrer ha^

•The EmemW City <rf Or."

goods (o Fraltport. where be bas ol
tallied work and can be with bis tan.-



Ssehileben. who



|U1U- 111 with wboeidng Ctmgta. Is soW
bellrr at this writiBg.
Miat Ma. ir SiitUey spent Sunday at
Travexae City with her sister Mary .
George Rklvelv of

■s Ust FTiday aliernoop.

lAidlnglon and

and Mra. Carl Tbuiuiisen al Mr. and



Ir*. II. Case's farm on Saturday ig.

All hs.t a good liluc.

Oct. 11

Mrs. Cliflhn Tra'Da ba* been visit­
ing velaliirs In Ibla vlcially tbe
lew days;
larae uiiiuher from Ibis Ceighborhood atteudi-a lliv Sunday
eouvciitloii at the Crauge-bull Suiiday
nd enln.vt-d a fin.- dicaci


wmws'ef Deiisri.
- Are chared iv.Ty y-ar by tbe poul
tr.'.ralH'iB iit the I'nll.d Rtate*
factor In Ibe prodacUon of tbl<
huge pnflit is HAHVEIJ.-8 COMlh
TIQX fOWHEIt II keep* taylng bni*
good eondlihm, make* pnngeblckv
Iiv rapi.;i". wards off di*e^- aiul
_.c|ts thi! -cniuh
bright aud rej.
E.luallt as gmU for slovt
(I II tli.’fav.Tiie <vndliliililiik
powder Wlfk
Itm-diT* <d hlOoded horx'-s JTiee ~.'e
}t.T paikiiae.' t^ld by ACuerlcsu Urrt

ilr. and Mp*. X. FUuburg...Mr'and
Urt'Tbeo Ix-^Bcool and Mr. and .Mrs
Frank Bamll VHlird at John Auiy''
Mra. Amelia Wtakle. who bas been
vUiiing her parents. Mr. and Mra. G.
Kellner, the tiasi week, baa returiiod
to lier borne in Manistee.
Mr*. Ijyuie ilaiuc* i> quite til al :blc
• ming
Ira Cook liar been


Slack's hoBsr-.
John Amy i-




• kilss l■■naV3nlle> of Anliocb vlslt. -l
relallves here Batunlay and Bauda.

John W. Pafebia

Gvurge Zeigler. Jr. and it..


klB-t of Empire were tbe gueris
>'loyd Huff Sunday
ivua Huff
a'tcud-d'lhe luneial
tl* hrotiic
little sou a(«Sv-tizuum

Travers* City, Mkh.

Candidate lor Congress
NstieesI Pro0ret«lv« Farty.
Eleverth Mtchissn Congresaional

'lariiit Di.rai.'ls iimking -w>nn--i
iiioveincijis <.'n iti' rcsiiP-iit-- ilt t
of .-I i.t- ..-ii.viit |i>i<h and wail
under Ibc hinhe-u
Mr' and Mr* FI..;.! Hiilf vsll-'-d
.Mr. and ..Mrs R 1. ' Cal.y

The Nation^ Psajiwaslas Psny Bunds
for*Thsw. Frineiplek.
Tic iiiitla'lvi. vSfereB.hun sn>l reall as a cheek spou uilsrepmseiitaTl.e ri-eall of decs kius affecting
tai- eoDitltotlnus.
Dij.xt uoailnailoisF and selections
pfealdent 4o*b>n t
t luterslAl* coin-




11.'-. Mrs Tabberrers health doe* not
improve and her aisler Hazel cannot
tare for tbe bonse and-children and
give Ur*. Tabberrer a
and night aoe needs.
Coidie HaUaday waa in Travera-

fhild jaUsr r* irl.'i'-iir
Kvi-li-iou <rf Ilf .-iLl.tiiouf osr.
Make a'l.t-i.du.-u: of naikNUl and

LotUc l-ayLC SaP



llol .eh. Sr« o! Uurd-. kvilk- Tbursda; with'.virs.-''W;u



t: i

I. IT.


l«•llt Sni.ds' w ill fn. mis m to'

Elmer E. White
Cokinly Clerk
Caqdidate for Re-election

by .FiaiiL 1- Baum, aiuhw of


Mrs. Crave Wllsun and .Mr*, l^ura
Bate* drove over to llonor On



Mrs. Ad MeKeag returned borne Fri­



I.- ;usMil away clnssiuy

hope it will b-

East Jordan,
aecompan'ied by Mrs.
James Crandall offBvrystnue. to visit.

Finest LsU Juvenile




relumed from


Mrs. Kirkpatrick

t of Tomorrow." i


I. ivtue on Mon-lay, Hie lltii. to

We underataed the M.


.H.-D Malluiy. wlto lias been working

re jre.ln


the railradd wreck at Chicago June



Ivulle} aUeoAsd a Hi"
uiv Ilt ii-wn Saturday ntgbL

Wheat ,1 rv

message Ibeir brother w-ai killed

tives near Hanlslve and other uearb..

S2.50 set

.Mrs. Mills uii.-niled 111-' Uuii'ral oi
b--r grandson. IkTla* HHit. Kaiilrday

will go to Indiana.
Tbe I-eeland broUit-rs received


The Om Book el the Bcaaon
^bertost." by
“Moth* Of the
Gen* Porver Btrattc..
BeamifnUy lUuntrated


neighbor. R Slagel and J'rank Bates,

lost a child since <v|tfereut-t-.
ha* )>rcvcn«nd bis cvuilng on yi


and laulBy

tl The Travels.- City- Slate bospltal,
l>-ni Suutlav a< home.


at llarlai) thia winter.
The wet weather ia hindering the

“Where Tberee « Will," by idnehart
“Tbe Red I*ne." bv Holeu
-file Holk>wt.0f Her Hand.
- la«i of V

teurgi. Prer-niiiii

If- ^ke tto^prs Bufitfu.v.



its (ir<-seni


nil one day taut week;

loading i«ir|-d»v*

hulKtri t'Daali ol IIModU epmi Kon'dsr
Mr. ati.l Mra. Carl Tliotni«ou o
C E MalhTy'*. •
I. Ikiuei-.
on anlvi-d al IgiUe AbU on Friday
the; first service hen-.
It was v
JlilUide Uiovt- Mbuul ia, having
.Mrs. tivurge I. Crisp U-fl Kalunlay -cveuing uli a |wu<wov-ks' viitil.
good and we are -aorry lo not-.- til
i.-w weeks' vacaliou lor |«lalo dig­
jv a visit with n-lsttVfs at TraversJake White aud Ror* SUgel w
so few out lo b--ar him and
and rxiiu l.u*klug.
betore joinin*
n Iiuiilic sale, a* they are intendive S
what U iH^nt (or nil. It doe* City and other jiolnt* belore
John Kubesh has vompleted bin silo
her busbaurt at Ibeir new btjnv-ln ing
- -- ------- - • Indiana.
discouraging that there fa
and I* now busy nUIng it.
Omaha. Neb.
m WInifn-d Bene.Het. Mis* Birdie
a poor attendance.
Mr. Hav of Grand Raidds bs* imrSinclair and Deo Cray were ov
rbsM-d the Ifamiuon tree |ilace and
llotior Saturday
Tri-emly lakcu lossisalon.
Ml.-* Grace Lydell. who lias
There was a welcome party fu


bean harvesL
better soon.

'Mrw IVriiall rUIled on I'tara

Tin- Miller

hill licople hSv.- bum a small phr for

tvme and they will *uci

went to Tustl.i Elk l^ke spent Sunday at the Chas.
Mildr.-I Eaton home.
Cbarb-* Sv-saion* of Knlkaska
rived Monday and will In-gin wore
ii-av- Inr

Grand Uupids.
S. V. Reed w^Il run a Inniber camp

Most PramiBent

lurosd bonie and will j.-u;ain :

o’. U A 1* M. taalway.

iu the parsouage.
Mr*. J. I-ewla Curry ol

him. al on business.

rcturuMi to Indiaua and will have
sale week afler nert. and with

Newest Copyrlshl

ol ear fvirv' arro-s Cli-ti lake and Hu-

Tbl- Misses Clailvs t'.iHln i^n.l Tilllv
sudden apd ulievlierted.
V operation a abort lime ago. is on
loreoiik T»t.,^h:iiii.Hv
Kmi-liv lUiBseil
cbitdmj ot this school sent llowvra the gain.
- their
enruuir (or Noitli
as a token of (heir
Mr*. Milton and small son- 3*0 last T^av e.
arrived Thursday from tYankfurr

Jake ll'hite. who lost Ills wife, bas

Uon. Ohio.
Geo. Bnrkey

G«neF«i Law Rractlee, laeluettno Collecllona
«l* Sm imi
Trascfas Sit
War« B. ConaalBc ‘

- Fvliiav

Onr Sorter Will
Hudle t.OOO Busbeis
Per Day

The Latest BOOKS



Then Sort Your

Madison Ave. end P. M. R> .


Sep9.1iDo WUbelm Bdg.* Traverse aty. Mieb.

froui the Kehl liouie Thursday afu-;
Ri'V, .L^b-iilall air

Petatoes and Onions


Money to Loan on Farms

morning. ' Foneml nervlres w^re hrl<
my son of c-nlnrrh nf ih-ihroal. nbeo
Iwaj-.icklwcigbcdWOpoumL; now I

Cwild You Handle More Money?

Sunday In EUt Rapids.

C. A. Hammond

Iior Springs to attend the funeral of
bf-r friends. Mrs, R. Rowe. mumH

boi*- sfac will soon be up and around
Hr. and Mrs. Janiea Kehl left Monagain.
I morning (or Grand i^lds. where
Master Stanley Smith Is visiting bi*
they win ipurebaae a Bew car. iu
'Marion Loomis spent Sunday aftermt. Mr*. Henry Sparling, in Tmvwhich
luijMBes Anton of Cadillac Is celbog
the home of Mr. and Ur*.
*e City thU week.
a mad fruit
r iiart of the week.
t friends at Osborn this week.
.V!r. and Mrs. Calvin Siiarling and
Bougiie.' and
Mr. Suyder of Beulah was *h» k lest
G. Shorter spent
Sunday .tl
viaugliier lone went to'^Traversc- City
daughter Heh-n of Traverse I'itv
The lodM*' AM will meet *t the of Ur. John Kams Satuntey night.
last Saturday.
here as the guesta of Mr. :md
hOM of Hr*. H. A. Culver thia week
Ar. and Mrs. George Axtel of East
Mi>* Ni-Iliv Cray wu» home all la>-t
wedneejay. Tbe ladlea will give a Empire
ife was
11 ol their ♦««4«B444444«44>* U. M. liaim.
week dinliig I-Otalo digging vacaliun.
Miss Kmuia Uarili
K A Sliiilh si-etil the -weekvji.l
w'i'h hi> laudly In-rv. rviuming to iin)
'8 dmeatton.
Sfra.. Violet Bearing returned Thurs­ week's
work near losing on .Monday.
il niullii-r of
and >1^ 1
day fmsn a weeEs visil In Traverse
Mi» lone Siiartlng Mailed :
Traverse Cllu wen- the guenis i
home uf John Si-arling in JlaotoQ last
r^B. Niihola lavt SoniUv.
Mr. and Mrs. John Daw look ibeir
Unue-ahd son Gllinsn, who
m Therooa to Traverae City Thai*Mr. and Mr*. Howard Oeland ally to have an operation on bli spent last week in luinsiug. »tumc
lendvd the danev ia Cleaner hall Sat­
>Die Friday noon.

Mr. Daw' relumed Friday
urday night.
while lira. Daw and sun remained
.\H*s .Mina Sedy of IVtoi>k»-> is'tlwho has bren visiting -Mrs A. Ri
tmll Monday.
i!ir.g rdaiivv* and lilends in thU
Ton gel more tnooey witb leu
Hr. and Hra. John Campbell, with moanoe, left .Monday morning lor he
work tor eleaii, sorted pouhome lb Sttttnns ^y.
their two rUldren. relumed to the)
Fred TahlK-rcr tif F.c-jwrt. ili'
Muskegon M*«ut
toes. Think of it! Cleaned,
home ln'\jliagrove. ind.. Wednesdavisited relatives at Hodge ta*i weei
eoRs MBored, and amaU one*
I. Saniay. Oct 13. a hoy. to Mr. a fe*' days in town tbl* week.
Ml*,' Flora VaUnian and daughter
Wilniot Bvadtev. who cut bis !
and Urs. Rock la ^cbe.
taken ont tor seed and stork
El-lo of Wild Roae. Wla, vUlici :ii
hile repairing tbe ft-ni-- at
Dr. Ywkee waa called to ee« Frank
the lionie* oj Prank and Jasi-er^Ly
teed all in oee operation.
Sours (on Friday and
.tira. Fraiit
d'-II la-1 w.-li
S««ir* bn Saturday. Frank bail a fall (lay. is up and nrumnl ug-iiii.
Ml" Maiii-- Si.irling at 'In
Hum. to Mr. and Mri-. H. .\iniert
iunnu) Hiu Un-k of a <-b*lr ahit-b
lii-iii>' Ilf Frank l.v.h-ll U-i WevL 'll'
fractored a rib: Urs. Sour* bad
iug Miss Ciaeo's illuc*>.
Tliiimhetser nnd A K. BorfilglK aitark of gnstritls.
lloih .i
I'm:.;. Clark 1* working on John
d-vtis kvfl Thuisvbi; uf Iasi wiek fo.
better st this wriiisg.
Xewniarcli iv silo till* week. '
UTE AQENTB—Ve >stl- a
Mrs. Wiillani Curry spent Sunday the upper peninsula, where they wTil
Howard .In-v.- to Maplvur~t-cive
it tbv Kuut li hI town with Urs. M'aller Sierllug.
lust Wd-V wiih a load uf wheal.
George kinnro and lamUy epen: Seers ('vMiipany.

• Mlchlgfan Potato Sorter Co. -




ver}‘ buty perfor




Sl-Vium; It-j-

li:i. -avitig <n-«. vlio ba;
!M. 1' now voiivali-irvx-u.•li.-» .Uiet- Hav s:*eiit last w,--k
iiias ID Trav.-.-s.- t it.v.
The laru- SIduv:' O. Xv-ff. look

.loan IVrhai! had

<argoi-s ot l-jmls.-r Inn* tbl* dock

/iyI' Saturday nisliM

-A nnmbt-r of IN- yuui.g (o.-.iawoni duty, and unJess-I D^tltct WeU,.
the c.,eiii
HiTr ol tie Xessen LuniU-.- here attcudvxl Hu- office wotb 1 cannot get out I'CJC. ol11. Maoist.Xvr hall Ftlurdsy night
was.the 6U?»t <M
politic* or solicit your It Hay gn>'r.;ay ta.t.
Mrs. Koan *n« <'Ura W-.. n
til at Mrs Joan 1'.-rl.Mi:'i. hJv.ia
vote pereonally. Do you want Tiie young ietiple haw oigivmzed
Mr. and Mr* Wm IU-: v.s;i.-l ..
choir (or the. |.ur(.ose of r'raeticicg
roe to Delect my office work ?
I bdieie thit you are buty too. path w,xk the hymns trout their new Ean.-.-*t C-l.-e Sdadw
Mi.s.Uura Hotter wh-. i*
and don't want to be bothered, s'limlsy «;bool ;iyiun i-ooks
lar East Bay i,-hoas. (>r M.- :a
w. I'. IjVsnct.- an.; wite vUiied
by candidate^ coming round lo
their daughter. Mrs. M Karn-. Jr.. ui v-ae-.iioii
licit your vote*.

Cb'-. Kmi'ire on Sunday
I hope that you vrill tureiy go H;.-k airay of Rapid Ci'y cam. ovi-: .Iiggtng poiatuea tor E-gcai. KawSt
to the ptJl* Nov. 5. . 1 want your from Tra^jire Cvy on FYldav- it
Mis* Effiv Ko»i. V.Sited MiSs M.ry
vote 1^ I beheve 4iat you wiU spend t’lP w^iTad wiih David Day Olw-n*
SonttayThe Wvsieoii rl-wfed witli a e*r«o
give me your aid.
of slabs last »e-k
Thp (annera are 'iTgianioz to ship
Smeertiy yout*.
-un and (arm produce via X. M. T.
ELMER E. WHITE- bemts, bringing it to ibis |iier by way

D»» t mm ikiM dmm. A
limHid amber at Imt tr'mmap, uck at ftatkm. m'agt,
(U.; at Uu l&oa mmufadwr.
€t's eati. Alsa a fern Wki*,
mitMi’ »d riaiina't kaU ai
popart-aaoU tedathaat. Wt
art dactatmmag am miOiaer}
dfpartmeal, aad priee k aa ak^
jeeL Crtat ekaaee fat p naa
CM^ffclag a mall aidSatry
stare la parctaie tap^m ai
kaif mkM Ike, pa, ^Oiaer

ocu 10-2t




lowed to help make tows, not hen lor
women JMt can sivf A fftm jeiroat tbe home that the go once cr iviice a
said eihorioUy ibr othH-.daR "Tbe yaar tn rotr. let me recommend close
truths the wovM ,to. eadMVoriug. h< gttenliOD to iho*e word*. Tney come

la terms of bnabaodA ebUdrew and
bocier.' idanre the tingle brarted ef­
forts to bcaer ronditiotis that would
conir—that dee* come—wbrti women

of women Uum men. Tko worM baa uOKt men a-ould say they kre gniie
been so overbalsBced with naacwltoe troe. H’hy rdmold not all yoraen de­
meucBce that erery pribclpte of fklr- sire to help realite our ^Jgb Idealt. by
the aane mens* aa man nad for bb
iiake os well at their own? If ti ts
e*t to womeii-' To inirti at really be- ^irne. and thl«. ton. a man taul. that
j|(\e that k i«
-eooi lor womim ' "men tklnk, in tvrnt* of dollar*, protit*
nd (or cblldren tbai . wtsieB be al-

made eo loag as we are baniaa we
Shan make tbem-btn who can de-jtu
that women equally with men should
strive In recite * for our common
wealth It* golden (Mure through bettenn.-nt of home, and setiool, ihrougb
lioriCed poDilea. Jester scwlal condi­
tion’.. hiali' T inibl’c .landsr.i., aud all

lie homely , necamarj services c< tbs ,
stele 10 Its clUlenv
ThU U tbe apitwl of lb* women
bo wish to Aote to tbe women wbs.oppose It. Men have taken note- of ^
high Wmls. and our good per-'.
. _• They know Just these toeato
and good purposei are needed to bdp
regenerate the state. They are about,
to vou- (or or against this chance* tw .
to become brtiwrs. We ask .you (0
-.-ouie oDc with us and be wtlUiig to

. retplmUoB 20. He l< tanu


(By United Press.)
Chicago, Oct. !(.—The crisb Jn
BooaevcU'a caeo.wlU came Fridny. secottUng to Dr. Senrn Terrill, tbe
prtsldenl's pcrecaal pbyslclsa.
there U sny danger from blood iwlsoniag or lockjaw." he uid. "It will be
Indicated by Friday by tbe presence
of Oeab formation about the wound.
If there to nn snch Indication be win
be practically recovered In a few
darn. There Is nothing at prasent
indicate an unfavorable turn. Tbe iontlook U dlstlaeUy eoconragtog."
Or. Unrphy, bead of ilercy boaplUl.
la snmmlBg up tbe case today, uld:
"Italeu tbe hnltot strtkea « nerve, or
latecUon to evident. It to hot enstom'
of this kind. Tbejipdr 'MU one
lau the mUsIleaB^thhatareworklag
Us way
Dr. Oebancrl aduowledged del
abdominal eorgaons. bas bdan teatatlvdy retained to act to case an w
antloo l^ihas neeeasary. Or. Oriis^
her postponed bis contemplated tour
of tbe country until Roosevelt U pro.
nonoced out of danger.
Mlatlne Show Hope.
Chlcnge. Oct. 1C.—Tbe following bob
letln wns tosoed nt 9;» this morning
at Mercy hosplul: "The raco^ show
that Coioael Roosevelt bsd a verr
good aIgbL BU. tempemtare nod
pcOae were oonaaL TVo highest pulse
.al^ 9 o'clock tost night viu IP: 'tern,
peratnre, 9SH. Hto'pnlse at C o'clock
this mamliig.waa 71: temperatare

WIN glee the asloeUon ef tha
Bank In ssWeb ha to ta deposit
his ssoney much cwsful stilly

shodld^-asUsAsd with nothing
less Own sn instltuUen which
for hto funds.



leu lrrii*UoB utd leu pleim from
injured rib Umo yerterdey. nnd he dW
have to t$.^ an aoUdoie for jiala.
Hie ecneral ceodltlon b eueUenl."
Jiul as soon as a speedin* automp
bile rould bria* her to bte bedsi*.
Urs. Rooserelt. ^(vr trarellu lb
boors from New York, reacted tbe
bosplta] about »;30 tbis moml&s and
admitted to tbe cotenel's room.
Wltb ber came bee daughter Ktbei.
neodore. Jr., and Or. Aleunder
Lambert, the family phyilelan. She
was met by her daughter Alice OJra.
Longworth). and the family were eloseted aktoe in tbe colonel’s root
King George of England wired to­
day: “1 have been rerr much aston
bear of tbe daeUrdly stuck
(he c^nel’i life and trust be will
^oovhr speedily."
Another pcraonal cablagram was
calved from King ChrMUn of D
Tbe doctor's agreed today that the
olonera aimcUcle case, of heavy
steel, corcked with lutbcr. saved his
life. It was badly twisted by the bal


The ^ew. Autumn Fashions are Reflected
Aiur so many years of controvers’
would seem that no new srgumeut
could be offered for equal -auSrsgv
But. sive the struggle is still on. snd
bas. for tbe -lira
time, grauted Its cKUens an oppor
tonlly to vote on a col
for woman suffrage—t
coneetslon we gimlefully acknowledge
moat needs speak of tbeae (blogs
urge o’tr cause as best we may.
There are many obaurles to our prog'
and we-rsnnot do better than tb
try by tbe peaceable method of “ressoulng logetber" to convert or to over­
come them.
U to one sMb bbttaclb meetliig ns
nt the very frontier of the enemy's'
country, ae to apeak, that I Uft up my
voice agmiBst. But. what I say Is not
much In tbe controversl^ as In (be
appealing apirit, aa becomes one wbo
speaks to her own class, (or 1 sni silading to the objections of women
themselves to “Votes for JVomen“
It Is often said by fair-minded men
that they would not opiiose womsn
snffrige If convinced tbst.tbe nulctrIty of women desire It. They say the
burden to tbe sUtv of (be Indifferent

thrust upon unwiUlng shoulders
Tbe Oak Park Moibcn' club held an that many women arc not Inlellectniil.
iateretting mAting Tuesday after ly QuBlIAed to vole and that this U tbe
on at tbe achool. at wblrhitherc
ibeir opiooItJon: though I
large number of members snd am tempted to smUe at tbu argument
friends present,
(or I ttamot think ttato form or.dte
opened by n violin solo by Mtos Ruth
j li' much greater in t
Bowen, after which tbefc was a read­
in tbe average, than in tbe other:
ing by Ulu Oea. and Mlu PtwrI Ho- And the moat potUlve degree of tpio.
Cool fsvored VtOi'several songs wHb ranee does not. 1 beUeve. bar a male
. But be that os It may. I rest
Thsnshjsct of the nftentoon was In ise that whatever the • Injustice ol
charge of Urs. Wm. MeCool and tbe
I argumenu as against the enlraotopic was "Woman SoRrage." Rev. C. cUsement of women wbo wteh to vote,
IL Irving waa’tbc drat speaker of tbe they do seem snfflcleet to many men
sng many other things otherwise on oar side, snd therefore
he said that he had Ue woman who doe* not care to vote
never yet read
bas anwy-ed them as well ai^herseR
PLlnst it. -Wetnen are hatnral bom •galAt us.
Ittoeni and the}- sbonld have their
You will remember that not very
rtghu as such. Many wc
long ago the president bimseK mM.
payers, and oiberi anffer or beneOt addntfslDg a large body of anffiuglsts;
Uie mynicnt and nse of Uien.
“If I could be sure that women s* a
Bueb lueii as IJncolD and Kooscvell class would cacrclse tbe fnncblce. I
t. Boosevell has said. ’.Volh- would be ip favor of k. • ' • Perhelp the women more.’ Qe ndt me to say that the taait before y ou
In estnhnshing your pontical rights is
in cdhvlnclng the men. but in con­
vincing your own cla«i.“
What be said, onr own observation
mat votsa. bn that U per cent of the -adl.v enough contlriBg. If we were a
resident distrieu do. Tbe riau of united class In onr appeal.^f so many
who opiwse woman suffrage
IS were not opposed lo (bo mutethe basses wbo are sfraid to have tbe
Item had not jet coasldm>d it.—
women vote." Rev. Irving believu tbe tw^bings are not quite the sauHthat with tbe women allowed to
r case would be mueb more bopewe would hove a different style of
lur victory much nearer. For tbe
for public office, and thslMbcy
boniaaturian movemcoi is stir­
ss voters wiU bare a icndvnh]' Id t>di: ring; In every corner of the w-orlii. ami
(Inga stop to young boys going lo tbe
are liKcnlug now to own* call
pool rooms.
for Justice and con»:deration ns they
Mrs. E. A. ^aps gave a blsU
have never listened before.
As to tbe women wbo bsve not consldored the matter. I do net cIsm them
beenjn practice sluce 180. She
those who ohjvct lo seftroge.
there are three classes, poalilvely (or. “nyey are not nettssniOr cvci»>iudir.
Irely against H. and ibow.' wbo ferent to It. A man may lie asl-ep
wish to be on (be popular side.
while t’urgtors break In’o the hmisv. or
Supt. Tyler gaws a very spirited firr is -ravaging tbe roof above him.
Ulk on the subject, wblcb was lis­ and make no effort to protect himself.
tened to auenuvely by tbe wonie
But he ia not Indifferent, when he !•.
saM that weman'a Inlnitire aeb
aroused he wilt be atllve enough. So
Justice U more to be trusted than
many women wbo have not jx-t
s Maaening sense, aa. shown fiy thought of enlraDcbis<'mciit as a right
they might atuln lo. They arc not
said women are too emotional. Men's Indifferent but only onawakened. Due
emotions Cod outlet through aasassP such woman uid to me not Ions nco.
nation, such as the very recent
'I have not ever (bought that vt-onien
Our moral law is farther adraneed might vote, or trained myself lo Ukc'
Hum our moral courage, as shown by
Interest in these things But if
oor dty’i enforcemem of tbe student
orn were given tbe ballot I am
tow regardlftg |>ool rooms ItKSc <tty. sure I sbonld-try to become bettor tnwhere 40 boys gstber every night. formed and uke my part with (he
Mr.'Tyler said that women cMd do
' Whtt better It needed, (ban
orse than the men. lor they hav«
’ Yet many snch women. Ju»i btmade a big mess of polftlcm Ito «ea- glnalng to be aware of the torwari]
eluded by saying that "Womas anf•ement and to y-leld to its strong
fnga U tbe dhly hope bMwcca chil­ currant arc wrougly ibougbt tu be In
dren and their motal rigbi*^."
Ugbl rofreshmeBts werv serv’d
Kelucianlly I com.- te tho’c whn
the nlooe of the meeting. Miss Dana's really and positively object: yet "ith
cooking class serriag splendid cakes no Icfbcning of respect nor lack of
and Mr. McCool preoi^Hag ice ertnm.' tolerance. Here. too. are w^lncn. kind
Lv. reasonable and benevolent, and
felly entitled to ibeIr oNnion. But if
Iberv were only some golden word »e
migbl say to convince tbcm that they
•Mr. ud Mrs mn Mlicbeit anff fans mlaiske tbeir beet good and ours, in
Ity spent Snndny with .Mr. ud Mrc. opposing a movement like thU. which
Ben Worm,
meanr so mneb. and tbe (silnre of
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Worm called which will lie so Urgely at their own
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Worm and (a
door; Let w» l^e tbe same old idea
ily Sunday.
them, lor noTewer one could be to
Mr. and Mra. Frank Worm ma'
good, lo the patiltca of onr cenniry.
bnslncas trip to CMilUr Monday.
IB the banter Us lawmskcri are needAnna Faael is working for Mrs.
Frrnk Worm.
-Mr. and Mra. P. J. Buder made
Bsmem trip to Kingsley Mooday
^MMdiiM Uoamrich spent a (ew
days %-tCx friends of this pUee.
. ersc City State 1
Miss I’tora Horerlch rMurned
buy’ potttoes
Traverse Ciiy Bonds)-, aflw s week's
visit with ber parents and other re!stives of this place.

In the Tasteful Garments at Moderate Prices ShOM’u Bere
Would you imuglne this tailored Salt at S18,
f.;r Instance with Us good line*. Iiwoman wbo wlsbee te dre« >
sum. TliiK sum is-tor ihd n
cy mlature* The coat U made l
finished with velvet cellar and ret
If a vroman ^nts a plain Serge
Suit, this at gis. of peed
QuaHty verge. 4.toiniy tailored.
With the new cutaway Ironi and
aaUn lined, will make Us mtpeal.
It wOI be practical and look well
lur general or belter wear.
TheM new long coat* at SILM
Are of dojjhlr fared mau-riaU and
iiiUtnrcs in dark culuriiikc: the
keep a woman
warm and ronifurtal
and vet
have b<T Jook well
lima. They have broad revers
deep cuff*, and
in Ic
<‘eml-atted and belt harks

■( civ> dtslloring. ilV new auc

Pcpular CMfichllla Coats for Young
Women, at $tS and «20.
Noi oiilv in rhindillta rrmarkal-le
for the prwcllciil service It gtve-.
but It makes warm, cumiuriable..
coaia. and is pteaslng to the c;e
as wetl.
It U very uiucU wanti-d for
vmmg women* ewu* this
EUd to get this
and we wcTii. They are in
collociiun of
blue. Irown and gray, lulie
made III two of the new stymies,
wlih collars tha’ boticu well up
at tbe throat. BpeCiol values at

For Junior and SmaU Girls *
We show a very tomyrehemUc line fer gliU 1-'to li* years, a!
loi *mailer glrl», d to 14 y.-ars.
Junior coat*. IJ to IS yeais. In uiiviur.s and idaln cloths, of ch
• hUlas. cheviots etr.. with aiiake. tulUtan or »haw1 collar*: price* a



blue, sunkv <-ollar. Irattuuluc; hlsl: n


We are closing; out our entire Dry Goods Stock.
Our store has been thronged with peopie sine? the
saie began. There is a reason for it, everything in
the store is marked dowp, there are bargains i»i,every department.
When in our Dress Goods Department, ask to see our 54
inch Wool Goods at 60c, formerly sold at $ 1.00. See our specialjjne of ladies’11)5.00 waists at $1.98. Also $1.25 waists at
78c. Ladies’ winter coats, ^ 10.00 and $ 12.00 coats' at $7.5C(,
$ 15.00 and $ 16.00 coats at $ 10.00. $ 18X)0 and $20.00 coats
at $ 12.00. $23.00 coats at $ 15.00. Ladies’ suits at same re­
ductions as ladies’ coats. The Children’s and Misses’ coats,
they go at still bigger reduction. Ladies’ skirts, better look
them over, they are cheap. Russian mink lady’s fur coat, size
36, at $30.00, was $45.00. Other fur' coats at same reduc­
tion. Fur neck pieces,' muffs, all at bargains. 10c outing flan­
nel at 8c. Apron, gingham at 6ic. Calic'o light and dark at 5c.
The best Coats’thread’at 4c.. 10c unbleached cotton at 8cUnderwear, Hosiery, Percales, Toweling, everything is marked
down at prices never heard of. Come in and be convinced.
The Dry Ooods store will be for sale or rent after the goods
are disposed of. The Men’s Clothing store we shall continue
and sell the Jjest goods at the lowesf cash prices.

«J, Willnelm
South Side. Cor. Union and Eighth Sts.


' 1

ok^ mvzm HinuT.T> axd wmiit w i


Is Atfracfirig Hundreds of Customers
Sale Continues All Ttiis Week. Read All the Prices.

Greatest OfferiDg ofUnderprlCed Merchandise TWs Store Has Ever Made
good crochet
quilt; $1 value, full G6x76
ioebes. Importers' and
Manufacturers’ Sale price

Wmttr UadtTwtar fm


Men’s tl Wool tJnderwenr. ribbed qual­
ity. tan rolor. All sizes
st>iru and drawers.
/ jf
Sale price, per garmeut. •.......

Sec the Women’s Ribbed
Vests. Soft fleece.
In this sale at...................
dozen for this sale only


Sale of 5e Tidlet Soaps, Buttermilk. Witdi
Hazel. Cold Cream.
9 eakes tor

Big Sale of Silks and Dress fi^ods



Ttaer SOk roolarda—27 and SOdneh widths; 75c to
tlPO Silks bonrtt mecially for
this ale, yard..............................

Black Taffeta Silk—Wonderful bargaini yard wide.

1124 «nd eue.

Wide Gordmtiy*; $1B5 value*
•t. yard......................
A SPBOXAL SBOWOro of heavy foods in Polo
OloUi, Dialog Snittaf*, Broadcloths and Ohinchma.
See the whiU Bearddn Oonb;
a nle at, yard........... ........


L5 pieces of NovelQr Suiting* in cord effects:
changeable serge*, pln-itripe eerge* and cheek*;
very special value


Sweater Coats are a wouderfully popular garment this
seaaoo; and we have the right styles at prices less than
other stores ask. A gt^t variety of White Sweater
Ooats. from the small sizes for infants, up to the be­
autiful Double Shaker Koit Coats for Ladies.

While this Sale Is on
Thistle would mot be pM su^
cen itt going to be if we did not
give yon tbe chance of bnying
good bociery at a saving.

Special Offerings loMIds Sale
One lot of Children’s 50c wool Sweater Coats

Ladiu' fleeced Hate, with white

Hisses' Wool Sweater Coats, Grey only, the
$1,25 kind at....................... .................

........ 98c and 1.48
Ladies’ Sweater CoaU with high aud V
shaped neck, all colors, sale price__

wm awmtcr


50 doccD infants' fine Cashmere
Hose, uith silk heel and toes;
regular 25c quality;
4 Oa
•ale price, pao-...............J.OV
Boys' and Girls'fine ribbed Cash­
mere .Hose; the kind you pay
25c-.(^; we bought 60 dozen
froiB a manufacturer. In this

|! Will you buy a Fur Cap
now? We have a good
one for
4 MQ
this sale At.......1*TO


-- —


Bleached Turkish Towels—El­
ement quality; worth
18c, on sale
cialersmade up
roller towels ay~yvd. leagthi;
a real bargain



Mcroerixed Bleached Damask—
good patxem; sale
price, yaj-d-..........
All Linen Bleached DamasksSatin finish, 64 inches wide, 60c
value; sale price




Pure Bleached Oennan Table
Linen, evaiy thread linen; 2
yards wide; nsnal price |1.0);

Big Underpriced Offering of Blankets
and Comforters
In a Wonderlnlly Attractive Assortmeat ol pa

We certainly offer you grand btirgains in these
Double Outing Blankets, soft fleeece, not
more than 2 pairs to a customer, per pair


Fleeced Blankets in Tan and Grey. ablanketCA|«
you would expect to pay 75c for. on sale at
Lakeside Fleeced Blankets. 66x80 in.. 1.50 >1 R <1.
stock, our price
nrice .. XtX 9*
values made of selected slock,
See our Big $24)0 Blankets at

....... '


See the Siiecial Bahy Blankets oiiiSle
Lakeside flue Blankets, made and Ouisb-



Ail our Comforters are well made, tied
with yarn and filled with clean cotton
Silkoline.Comforters, aa e|n:v^ai
special i
All Wool $6 Blankets, showrt in fancy value for a low price, oif sale at
Beautiful $2 Silkoline Comfort- 4j
era. the famous White Cross make ■

All Kinds oi Stylish
Miscellaneous Bargains in
Dry Goods
Tiiit is the store fd fine trimmings, a very complete
showing of Fringes. Fancy Braids, Ball Trimnuiigs,


GenUemen, Ibis
i sale Is tor you,

Ibese items are not classified, but they make
mighty interesting reading aim very economical
Extra weight Twilled Shirting*, a 16c
value at yurd....................................... | \J^
Ladiei* Auto Scarfs; beadtifnl pattens 4
marked 68c;'sale price. ^................‘^VC
FUnnelettes-Excellent styles for wSlstt. dreues
and kimona*; on sale
at yord ................................................... OC .

^-Over Laces, Bead Trimming* and Batine Bands.
Come here for trimmings, and we will serve yon to
jour best advantage, and at a price saving worth
for Ladies, Misses and CbUdren.
Medium and heavyweight qualities; ah sew goods;
wdl made and prMlly trunseed. Best values ever
sbeWB at tbe prices quoted.
Ladlet' Gowns, made of medium, weight outing.

as doseu men * $1.00 Dreu ShirU; *pkndid rtyles
We are sbl* to offer iheie exoellent thin* it this
low price beesuse they are mode from remsants.
Matwial uaed is eqnti to the quality of doth used
in 81,00 and $1,25 shirU.
jCrk ^

lOc; our sale price, yard.......................... J
La^ ^nnd can Violet Talcum

Mitftr styles, made from plain and fancy oulirg,
including ext*a large sises;prload for Ai Jn
quick Mhltig at 74c, 89c. 98c, $1B4 and. dli40

8ilT«r and Ide Shirt*; best ibirt* made;-beat in ser-

Big botUe Peroxide

CHILO&EN'S GOWNS—Sixes 2 to 14
Shewn in assorted patterns of blue and pink stripes.
Very special numbers .
at 48c ard ................... ....................OOC

Bead the itoty of money io be taved on gwmter


Heavy ribbed, fleece lined Hose
for boy* and girls . equal to |ii

Exclusive Styles of Ladies’ Sweater Co&is
For women who do not. wmit a heavy
coat, we show splendid styles, hand
knit from wool zephyr yarn; colors.
White. Greys. Reds aud two toned
changeable effects. Norfolk styles like
picture aud in coat styles; priced at
$6 50 in large cities, we have M AO
4hemhereat ....................... ***90

For Mm aaJ 8q»



lor Laha. Mlaacs, ChlldKn and Sman Tots

Sweater Coats


Light and Dark Outings; ends of 8
yards each, at................................
Serpentine Cretonet—Oood for quilts and other
purposes: sells ^-16c yard; 7»^yard
ends for^.-^^...................................
Ashland Wool Broadcloth—66 inches wide; black,
Ends ofUeached Danuik; 2>,:.yard ^aoet: worth
< brows, navy and red; worth SSc;
50c yard; just thrlength for a ub]e
cloth, per piece......................................... OafC
Noveltf Bedford Cords—A popular oloth for skirts
and niUs; tale '
ilAww Ends of ABWool Snittngs-Splendid S1.25 goods;
66 Inches wide; jnst tbe thing for ikiita
price, yard................. ......................... WC
children's coatt, etc.; iVs-yd. ends forl»0«l
|1A5 Blue Voile; cut to
y*ri .......................................

Top .Noteb Styles of Sweater Coats ' stock op on

UdieeAUWool Sweater Coats, made
with Byron Collar, plain Stit«Th. all the
wanted colors; usually sell at a yc
$3.50 and $4.00, Our price... a. I»
Udies’' Double Knit Shaker Coats,
extra heavy quality, very popular with
young ledUv; instead of being priced at
$8 we will aell them at $5.96

U-inch Bleached Linen Crash, 12!5c quality; 2^-

Hoveltv Stripe Wool Serges, i nplain wdorti a cloth
thabwells r^nlarly at 50c;'
•onr price, yard.^.....................................

Totielr, & Table Lmees
Jnst the goods you want al prices
that appeal directly to the pr>ident and econotnicaL
Hnck Towels—18x40 in. 12^-;

... 8c

Von'U Hod real buoatas bere Price's oa Dress Goods sad Silks lell Ihelr owa storp. Aadwebave
plcaty ol staorl ead pieces, obtained al very low prices dlsecl Irom Oic adUp. Bead OB. and let tbe prices talk.
Corduroy* and VaWeU—BpeciaUy
pricad. here at, yard.....................


Oue cue men’s heavy Wool Sock*, the 25-cent kiod:

...... ,........ 19c


Very special value at.............. .........

On *de at...................................... OVC

5 98 *
Men's Canvas Gloves,
Small lot
CfaiIdnD’8 Swmtar Coat*.
with knit
Gray only.
Sale price, pair. '

... 1.48

15c tise Petroleum Jelly


100 pieces '
Men's Suspenden
Li^t and Dark Outing, Very spedal bargaii for
this sale <«ly
in this sale
at. yards
at, p9ir.



Bay Your'House-furnishings Now

and buy them from J. W. Slater so as to receive the benefit of his twenty-two years’ experience buying
house-furnishings. Twenty-two years of experience buying house-furnishings has taught him when to buy
to get the very lowest prices and from which manufacturers to buy to get the different pieces of housefurnishings to match in finish and style, and in all of his buying experience' the one thing utmost in
his mind has been quality.
Without quality a low price does not represent a savings, byt with J. W.
Slater’s long experience in buying goods of qdalUy and his positive guarantee to make goOd any piece
of house-furnishing" he sells that is not perfectly satisfactory, it rflakes hfs store an ideal store for new
beginners to buy their home furnishings.

Illllli .



TKe IiiAido Of

m HEET All

that M’ill not tarnish.
The lacquer used on the
line of brass beds we
sell is f^uaranteed acid
proof at d will last a life
lime. Vre ate excluwve
sellers of the Miller &
verse City. Brass beds In any s ze. 2in. pnsi. 54in..
filler—59; otliera at $13.50, $18.
and up to $35



If you «rc cot t'd

hi u r.JurauhiDgi

C When you an g<
0 sleep year after year uii a mattress, you nauraiiy 1
« to know iutf how it it maSe. You have
your health and comfort to connder. The “Star
aainination Clasp" shows you what is inside

Irom a catalogue htute.
firU Wing your catalcgue


to our tforc and com­

“Standaid” Mattresses-

pare prices and <|Uaiily.

Thirty patterns in ail colors to select from—vp
fcom$1.25 FoldinttChild 8 Betls up from $1.75; Wood
Beds—the dressers and commodes to which have Ifeesold.' We are closing the beds out nt n fraction of their
real value. $0. SS.'^IO end $12 beds to close out m
. $I.7S$235, $3an4$350

We will cSirrlully com­
pare them ' whether you
wish to buy or not.

an you have to do it to pull k apart and take a look for youtwlf. j
y CYou can fee] wnh your own hand the downy tofeneM and ^
[ etastieky of the pure, sankarycooon-fek from w hich “Standard ”
' Matuctaes areaude. Ask to tee the “Sca^latd."


^**Staa&u’d’* Mattresses are Gaaranteed .

SELLER’S Rug(s, Carpets and
We are getting in bright, new patterns of Rugs. Carpets and
Coiivs in and
, bee this Kitchen
Cabinet and the
many excellent
features it has
and you will won­
der why the price
is not higher than
you would have
to pay for; a simi­
lar cabinet. Come
in and we will ex­
plain to you the
selling prinpiplci
of the makers of this cabinet and why you save mone^ by
buying Seller's Kitchen Cabinet

Extra large, two-bin Kitchen Cabi­
net, made of hard-wood through­
out, ^has hard oil-finished top, $8.75
20 styles and finishes to select

, Linoleums every day. and if yju anticipate buying Floor Coverings
this fall, we want you to’be sure.and see our Hue. If is tyuly the l>est
showing we have ever made.


Now is your time to buy a heater
sni J. W. Slater s is the plai
bu;ly if you are particular what you
gett for your money. 18in. air-tight
)ve 95c:
iroc. uothers at Sl.^. $1.75
and up to $15.
Remember, we are ex^usive dis­
tributors of'the World Famous Re­
nown Universal H^ter.
stovf that bums the smoke and
soot and makes a ton of soft coal
go as far as a ton of bard coal in
the best hard coal burner.

We can furnish you anything jou with in
Kitchen Utensils at a price that is suiprjungly

Room Size Ingrain Rugs

,, Brjussels „

„ Velvet

,. Axmlnslcr „
- ,,

as low as
„ „ „
„ „ „
„ „ „


„ Wilton Velvet Rugs from 528 lO 548




Some specials and remnants from 10 to 25 yards.
Regular 40c carpet ....... 25c yd. \ Regular 50c Carpet......... 35e yd.
Regular (i.5c carpel .......59c yd. i Regular &>c carpel . ...65c yd.

Genuine ground cork. Linoleum‘as low us 45c a yard. We are sliowiiig about 25 dilTerent patterns and several diflhrem grades.'ranging
in price from 45c up to $li)0




There Should be a

One-MoticKi Bed Made!
This B-ondorfuf bod opens from
Handsome l“annr Davenport
tn fu'1
(TJ*<Tinchr»i Sani­
tary Bt^l in onr cperatwiV A
fMie comfortable bed whiek
saves tmitun axpewc onk
awes yon loore rpoau IS-lft.
r cotton rcm.n'able matiress. Yoodon'twearoot up-,
hoUtcrif* bj sieopinp on it.
-----I’liT.ty of room for U-dilmg,.,
'“J •
wl.ich is concvaled undenyath seat of davenport wfwBCloeeB. Well ventilated.
' SS. per:
p-rfert mvcbar.ij.-m. Cam't gfi «mt ^ otdtr! iMts a lifetUDc.
nt«o riebt. •
indaome«vddii«cr birthday gift. Aetyleand price toantteveirone’s

You'muscsee this range to appreciate it« great beau­
ty and consEhiciion. The new porcelain fire box. ash
Ikix and oven doors are creating a sensation among stove
We have syld this range for twenty years withont one
single dissatisfitel customer. .Just think of what that
means to oie purqha ing a range! Be sure and see it
Ittfore buying.
With all the new improvenents put on it this year the
price is tlie same as last year.
All the little filings you need
around the house—tubs, boil­
ers. wringers, wriogir bench­
es. clothes bars, sad irons,
w^sh boards, clothes pins,
clothes lines, ironing boards,
washing machines.
We Fumish Homes Complete




T&Avnn XBAia A>D ttAvnn Us baoib. TsnnAT. oor. it. ims


I tbMi tWT fake «nd then IWM
mirt . I«»efceo. W«,pi»d In
.tnt«l wUh tk. npukrtU
IMo a m In oUeh a tabtnpoon
• l* fart* wn«Tt» tap inio ♦ llAOt WITH RWIHANT*. # *nd
8bo BtaCM the real erltb a atlce of fn| «( ensha baa bM cnar>ed la
•DOOM Ur4 or batter, t«o uilMiiooM bl* beok-boc. roMoBr ho hw hl>.
d»llrii% diab baiB. a' taUeapeoafal ot oeioB jolee hraoMd ba^. Wbea baatod ab«
JOM ot ftHi be vnnu. eften
floor. ProDM* the ddeken •* for ftr
mmb }oice. wnrea then ea rooada of hnad fried
Moortne It.
of batter and la melted batter, and aortaklea t
BMbed ofld tb« floor and- thb i* >M*d a io« dstos or rnfalns or Iteh. CbM Bob nnd biIx It orhh.oOMl Mliinn
__ the
Borne- pai| of mashed potalo. VoMoa »Ub one of floor orer the Are and dUmina with aliiced ntaler- SbooU ibed>»at
nllow it to bron. Add
ehttn • Uttfa <a»4s or bm**----and co<*Mtn”li»oirB. then flUibejan tlmoe cot tamp •«*ar !• the onlr thtas «ali and pepper and a tabbapocmtol It *iib a catdtU of*tnUk, abe remoree be acaat. abe ekea H om bj eaptdna
oaeWnb mU of water, add tbewafaB. of the kind at hand. Thla loocb U of melted butter. 8ttr Into It ta-o aoa. tt from ibe (tore and aitra ta two •« each eaaape with a paaebad •».
•alt and i jiriir Ooe cop of Hee flbl» eatem at merae. and the cblM» laai form lato a roU. bniab with a beateo rolka and !•» ubleapooafnta of lifted -rpr the railed poacakca Planrfaetie
wiu make two cope of «<*ed rteel boor of work U the foreneoa la not en. roU la brrad rrombi and babe in cnimbi. Addin* aalt. pepper and pap- mliaa the oatmeal mitib with Jbree'
and aboald be added when the ebleVen apoOed bp the fmaca of p»wtn* boa- oalrk oven pntll
brawn. rtka. >be bleodi tbe aance with tbe essa. addi a eupfnl of prepared Boor.
to the enpboard and foutd. laa they is famon teatder. Set oo tbe back of per. Kettber U be oo Imen lor penFor aavorr fl»h .epame cold, raok- “>»«•
pint of mflk Pinaay In kotitthelil Bia«nilnM) the dry tbe faore and simmer itewly ootfl the nlea to spend for oowbolesome wod- ed flsb Into Ibkea: there aboald be *•«'
fJreMtatncasserolesbecor- melted bolter
ifol of butter leio
bottom with bread
eefa of a befa toof. aMe cold poutoea cbIckMi b under, about three boora. be •t ihwcocser More.
ninedne* mine
frytn* put
pan abe
she pours Into
»» l»««- “<«• Po«rt« over it • ninednrt
In ibfar faefcets. a bowl of cold belbd -Sueceostol FnnnInB
Tbe anal afurdlone tray of what- aah pork in very smell cubes, try out
.''Mbbaie. some sfaaU pleeoe at toast
.----- ---------------- ocar b oealbMe awmiu
left ffom beeeUMt. one wbob tgs.
Meta en their rrtoni from Bbe efier- tbe ht odd two ublespeonfeb of floor ^ P*P*t and behea it la a hot ovea batter u rarer the bottom. Sbakinc
tbeytflkofanolber.aodaplMofskim.B TH« CHIIlbThlAb COBMER. ♦ .oon aeafafat of «booU A. a remtlt, and stir unUl-well bbodod; then pour
It is serrad Ic the the pmu she leu the pancake brawn
side, ibeo
then demy
deftly tents
♦ no owe Mad be at knod U wait upon on eradoeUy. whUe stlrrlM consunt- 'raaierole.
on ooe side,
it. URmilk. There « e three peeehea-*ot»
forth*, pnuto hails puncbelte iw'“**>•
It w«b
prates the left-over poutoes or pass- dbwdered sonar and while tbe »e«
sapper b wUh pUce^oUles of ere- load their atomachs until they ennoot en yollu. sllfamy benten, pnrfc acrap* -• them throoch s rker. sddUfl a
.»» boUn*. anlckly spread* it
crust of cbeeoe, hard end dry. as

■ort ot *bat Mraw.'
..V... •i —__
— -1 ________yards
of material left over, perhaps, , Trasoaable time after saiiper.-and boiled potato rubes. Beasoo. and leaspoonfnl of salt. Healioc two ecct
•'* arrved as sooe as poasIMe
. '-n’eU!
iirtlA"'l bad~raaUy~bM so busy that from ibe dlblni-room curtains? to awaken In eood randliion nest morn- serve very hot.
*Ub two tableapootrtub of prepared
I bad lorporteo bow poerty the rent- whWi rase they ore parUcolart)- at- mr
Toojtue Itoast-Jilnce reninantt of a
•<«» «bl» to the |>ouio and.
Chicken senffle. aa PUncbMle
naau weaM abow op. Bot 1 boniad irartlv*; or new crHonne may be
Trouble? Too may think so. but to imlled tannoe very floe; mli with «»tirlii* her hands, moulds the mass makes- K. Is slwa>i a .welrame dbh
and llfcbled «be Are. and net tbe pot boo^t » harmonise with the color of „ j,
mere trouble to concoct cream or milk and simmer slowly•>' “
These nad mrat aceommodstlnn. for It can
the dlibea or with tbe seneral tone ot roafaomeiate poddlncs. mUds or Add beaten yolk of one e«- SUr nn- •" <>«>PP*'4 Into rapidly bolllne salted use o|l almost anythin* tbst happens
*-i *fainaod iim white of tbe on
»»*■ eonpa from left-orera when these from til e« I* cooked.
Hare ready hot“>
*'**•■» nuontea. » be at hand. Boiled rlra. chl.-km
B Utu them a
very atlff and aht It aside while 1 pot
A vase of flowerr. maicblnn the de- fip^ mat^alk are belter and more terert toast aod spread msai over It If
can *'“■ »* Tlrv.spoon, rails each in sifted Kita.'iefi-oror craamed pouters, any
rbaese can
the milk on tbe store Id the dooHe tifl*. will be foood to make a nracefnl MMUy made. And K oonata lor a nraai you like n, a little prated rhaaee
Ibe bread
and drops tbrr.. one by ra all of tbrae may bo eallMed to help
bqUer u> -esu
It was bot I flbfah. and dnndle-ahadaa. which can defa that tbla aypien'. of Iniepmeals be sprinkled <
thfaAMied ^Wiih aTi7ile raraaueeb' ba^idly made of tbe same cretobne at tenular hoSra' condocet to tbe ran be placed en the awre nntU tbe ®“Sj^ »
» tablespoon- out tbo cbickoa remnants with ibeir
and poured It on tbe beaten yolki, satberad on wlie frainea. add to the benlib and happliiess of tbe children, meat brawtu ellcfaily. -Ham inaM can
butter iiC-«nllnc £hakin* tbe o»o anprty of warishmeot.
tibere were two of these, you romem- affect of the teWe at nfatai.
'b~ on all aides, .be let,
Mpkin* the meal m>* tbe chicken
Uy eaterin*
caterins Includes
Includes provision
provision for
lor be made in the same way of romamiu
sad serves boae.. ruacbetle adds It to the aimsher). Then 1 poured a ihW of this
Almaot any kind of potter
‘ extras tor the (frown-ups. alto. It Is
off laio anetber dlah to be baed Uter. ntlUsed. One reoently worked out nd- ^y experience that hmrty roon* men. breakfast or for loncb.
Ptanebette and aprlDkllas It with tbe falra of a
Bweetenrd the test for custard,
costard, sand mlraWy when rounded Into a larca a, way notblns of tbe farls, are faven
Ulanqoeue of Veal—Slice roast veal
Wc* Rnffs—For
of flour lemon.
She now
blends U with i
poured th|a. ifljdDs hot, on the stiffly c___....—, ----- .. —— —. - ----- cv iie«ua
— . —. — — —
beaten white, fast eottlas ihroosb It n of ten tnfaies at tbe edse of tbe uNe.
u, moo on their way lo*1n* cream sauce: Mfai two uble- »iih tb* VcOka of two cess and two
^oce, afans two capfnis of nfak.
few moea. but not btondlns it much. Bis bloasoms from tbe detlsn were cut fcome lor a drink or a roMaurant sup- spoonful* of butter, stir In sradnally isbl.apoonful, of sranuUied dnsnr: » isbirapoonfal raeb of boiur and
This makes what I caU -fluffy cusurd.' out for the lodlvldunl pUtcdoliieA
If ther'know that they are sure two UHespoontols of flour, presfaus »be adds the ricc by forkfuU. worhlns «our. sad seaeonlns It with .all. pepand'we are rary fond of It. 1 flavored
The whole sraop of flower, i« cut - to And n sUs. of mflk or sometblns «« aU ot the lnni«. When tboreusb- '« fo farndnally. and nara aanUla ex- Per and mace. Hemovins tt from .he
rated lemon rind for flavor- Ar^ eke beats four ess yolkar^^ ».
,lt whb ranllla.
^ut for the larse pUte. and slnslc of the kind in mother's tefrtiwrntor. ly M»®ded, sdd slowlyone cup of vilfc. |
i of Ibf If *1 fa oot thick enoosb harfay -one.*t a time, adds the mtared chl.k
“I stated the cheesy stirred It Into rosea, which are well defined, serve Often it U n
k dash of pepper. Sprinkle to icUdc fR>n ihe spoon. Ptanebette «* nod ailra In tbe beaten whites U*i
tbe ramalalns milk and ess.—there tor tbo alia used for the bread-and-bnt- ner.
chopped parsley over aU.
adds more flour. Takin* up only a "Oi xll.-Excfcansi.
about half a cnfaul of choose tar-pfate and the tumbler doHlea.
That kmUds may be left over 1:
Veal Souffle—.Melt onedhird copful' taaipruinfnl of bauer at a time, abe
HUB.I-0- <*!.*«. o« IM.. <»- her

loTttirw c»to4 tie*.

Tbe BUnd CblM.
1 know wbat matber’a face b Uke.
AltlMMCb ! eaimot aae;
U'a Uko tte maaJe of a bell,
ll-a Uke tba wap ihp roaea aamll.
Ube iba aeerau lalrlaa ta»All ibeae U'a Uha m ma
1 kare wbat fatber'a laea b Ukdi
I'm aota « know It aS: ■ L
U'a Ube bb itop ofiea ibe atalr.
ITa Hke kb whbtto oo tbe far.
U'a Uke h^ nrtoa that take coeb rai
And neeor lot me fail.

Kd'a a««ytbing my mother
Bib oirmtbfaff my father sm«s.
afaa Uko my aifT aweeten dnoa*.Sot BWatar tkMS aU ibeae.
—BfaOy SafflMt Lewis.
• My nuber. we
.• 1 tnmt the fatibrsineaa diipfayed

of old.

• I tfPM the lore that nerar *■“ .


Ike faWMh of tbpusbt 1 wonld In a teMpaonfifl.-

?3S^5.?rLjrXfa“:;: j^:::.r.:::;rbe"rh^p;:Ld'^b^^

wUhout nradln* wafadn*. and .^a Ameriran.^^^ nfacharto,Z tlon with a new to a ^bfa further

" 7;"

-•--b.vfawtoa^bfa further

St U not suff"kn^ St “t L fa
boim^poi.t mfa only three or foor at a time, and none

fail M 9|fab BS It dofa the comfaC of
ObftotmM. oafl tboy an •
■ hmaMrattoB
mi^h of an
Idof fa «•«
Which Hum Obvm weboa JTl

n buttered baklni dfah. and popped it ecimora will make them
......... .............
......... -

flUoosk bar bmwe tram attic te eelfar and Mfa aside eeon-tbfas which
vUl be of DO more use to
hfa. Tk* ortMsi may bo parfecUy
•tod. or tbay may ba mora or lam
fa^ SBd tbay rsaffa from oM bird
noims Is nab eoSU. from nicked
fr<^ fan fa pm«0«^ ffood oil palmfas> ofa tiMh that bira long since
boss round, to flfre room lor newar
---------------ffW -chorth fad so5^ iTS
o$mm S afacs^^ touk; nmnd.
r and

thorn fa thick al(eea tbe whole leosth’ibfa. these cretonne eels will prove
of the pouto, and fried them a lovely eoooomlatl. for they can be u»fa ptecarded pfano atoola
I c«
■ ..................
" .......... ..
i""'!’ •—nu-l"* <”■ lurct.
kUebeo use. as they can be made any
buttered lndlvld»l mehfa «et fa
wfatoa oed warmed It fa the oven, tw btaokfost and luncheon aets for h.U*,
.w ,m,u or atok. and
or bniiered pudThe rorvlns dUhea and tbe pUtea for the family. They permit tbe fae of
«« sdLitsne over tbe office “
tbe table were bot. (or I ibfak many a the bare table wMeb is ... nMmUr ________ _ .
________ _ ... .w. '"'fa ‘’fa*’^ , --- ...... - - Often used for
cood'meal U spoiled by tbe uul^ cool- vUhoui db»r;the
I*>sf_l.iue u alishtlr buttered
faS of food. I arransed tbe allces ot „penUve sets of face and band
and aro iboroforo much aofier and
bo« »«•!. now nkely freshened np. In broldered linen.
• They con be eaally
tbo center of a ahnilow chop dbh.
Cboaae calora tbM win harmonlxe rorarsu trtrik nrsr the orirlnal rrivet
r Iner Ihlcli! ' ^
put tbe ctiapa Of toast, aronnd them. ,„i,
ebfa. mid nfao. with your or plush 3 with whlllTS^en oilcenter with raid, bfafad salmon.
-- I-urod over them tb. reheated
Tor ^
’3 fl-ra* -\fab washra.j^rr’r:
1 with ess aaoea.
remnant of sravy from .be faat meal, whlto ckfa. famoat any efaor maVbe ^
to which I added a
il of o,od sad lyua

flat botloml .Wm. added Jum a lib;'wirar « a.\rr7
“Itt ttlem teltttlty " oTb^X; ^
eral aprfakle of bo.-aler. «v«^ I. new tbelr atlffne...
Knslfahman. with hi. evepursufas

gHSvS ^ilK^ 1^^

wrTed In^.TfaJ^

™'i;-.'-,, “v'c--" vt r .ir." r.rr*':;:.-

‘h*" •<»oP» «>»* Ue pulp witbout
injnrins the sbfala, mlxeu It with part


Doat fat sack

-fa**. -nfaywAi.

Wsser bouse for oor mowln, family II



Hkely to uao

^Irmfu::^. „d ^o^s
Thrift U hoovely viane that
«n of broad crutub. made ctbp 1
^rosu butter Seusonlng with aalt andI 'esstly deseaeratei Into iaiaeiilne»s.
IS hoard old elothaa. unused
.^e fUa cm* tomato, l-;.u a^ J
b« <>f bu"er 4n top. covers U with tb*
le that habit has
«)*''• of tomato apd taakas them fa a beraew^ A;
o Axed wa are too stlasy i
trfoH pan fa a bet ovea lor Sfteen
Sire si^ tblnm away to worthy folks
who' need Ihm. Tct we tel mean
be atinsy. aod are aaWpiliad to dfa-,


from the roast when It was boosbi
and wbk-b she boiled tender In yrater~ CUuxr Iflir*
ECE Sauce—Hell two and onekfaf
‘ soup; three baked lotatoes.
daushur In n farsa tamllv
of butter.. add ihrse ■o®'' »P*fbci«l with ob^
fell heir to her tnadmotbet'a frmMy
atlr until ■oa***i>d from this mornlns's break- raveled bat d
Cut- your docsbcoi*
out wiih
Omi tt lofaw «bkk place tbrontft- Jack called it when be aaw it. was tbs rasy to ^ and they are verv effect—
------------------—- —
- flour
- and
ice of broiled ham. a fried She cm out tbe sood porta and WoS
*«T of an Mtfaa family within tbe snntlahins of the meat platter with
when made Into uble sets
cookie cutter. Take up the rias and well blended: then pour on sradually. ■**'
same oaimral. l *lnc only
, pictnra Mere. Here, framed^
^9hhS of Odma afamir PO»e. »h“k oo®*
®f I»™*ey f™“
You eon fawny* And remimnu of
'I** **'““*'
•""’‘o*' constantly, one and one- ''**
__ otherwta* s«t bo oMe to box. The'cabbage on graUn' waaaU tromnn bfab‘Fte^"anTte^iT ibe bole Into the doughnuu Tbla ball ruplnls'of hot water. Brim; to I*” "I"' **r'«* « wnrm-op of , i - ' “
fa MIS
legsT, n>ui
vftk oraas
brass na
handles at
mtmek ImoU t* cow the needs of o poffy and brawa. tbe poutora tea to i,
drapery deuortmeot whMfa **^*8 roUfak
the waste dough.
the boiling point and add oneJmlf tot- I***'
far*, faml^, t« tb. faiopimr. fa . torn, tbe matt famoluiely dellcloui. Bsy b. obtained at verr loi coat.
To Itepfar Reed or Fiber Furfa.uro .f^nful of sfat. ooeefah.h leoapoeo- ^ •«<l
-......... -- -------------- --------------tbees nmaufe mtaa an by no means and when I broegbt io tbe coMard Then ora always many qualm Ensllth “®««* the split or broken raed with ful of pepper, tbe yolks of two eggs.
beef with cream of f„f^
teflnod to Uo taoUy needy. Often poor«l over the sliced peaches, and pMau »hlch mar be mlUied fa the ‘ >**•'* of wire or a mauh: wrap allghiu- beaten, one tesspoenfal of ho^radUb aaoce.
Kocjdng one. she praranted otben to
flfaeukod by one paraon serrod li with tb* lltUe cookies which „„„
,i,bUy with raffia, beglonfag at the lemon Juice and throe tobteapoonfuls
Tbe rrast beef rraulrv. caro In
brotbec. aod alaurs, ao Umi each
op In tbe oven while - a sal of cretonne or Enfaiah prim bottom or inside, and nlndlng toward of butter.Jilt by lit.
i^paratlon or It nllt^tura
had a shora of the'traoaore. This h
■fa a tootfalt wont fa- tbe borne of 1 had freal
tba Mgt ter nafabbor,
______and so. fan wa wat«
• *»*IM
dfan3s^ telwp^'^w3*ma^"a '*'•Baked Eggs en Sorpriae-Pface a The firM sup Is W cut toe oeei «a ,
miggeMlon for preaerving
and Mto' fakaovaad tanghter. mingle sat hock srith that aatisfled atr which. p^t_
^^de nnd would be
acenrod by threading the raf- spoonful of minced ham. mofatrned
»be riiiff. and to re^ wedding dreaaea or other
*llk3toW3«b.*tU»'«I> ~ *far-P«l fatcfldsd to elUfar
U, *• ‘“ti' •
•>“» '>"«
'»«'>“ ^
Pr.^oua cloth, a. tbe trav cm, be
Home Xkoar fa bosrtUy In favor of Jack or tbo cot. you have eomeUmes •,
,j,ower gift
a mate- '• through tbe wrfdng of tbe reed, number of well bartered Individual
•*'« •■»o“Kb. runehetu enu
^ The frame, may be
>TIMa«o afasA »r the boMflU they seen on n efa'a face when U baa lapped Hfa which abow. a panern with one »*■*•
be bonfait In all ralora. as disbea. Into each one bre^ a freah t faio small stesk* not jess tte an
inch thick. Iirushe* them with olive
krtor to ttko^ and tba eras grantor op a saocec of real croam.\
tororite flowers or. if von can- **H “ Mto»4t (which matebes the eg* nnd idace in the oven until s
^0«da nnd Citoa.
ao|fl tbto k^ far those who tb»
' Thai won a vmy satisfactory dfa- got And tbla. at lea» let ‘it be fa her
”•'‘1- «“*
««*« «“*
clear flame. Just before saving.
Save little scraps of face and edgdkBBmi of iMfaMly sDod tUngi wbiek ner,' he aald. with decided empbfaa
Somhdown rroqa
. ------------_
them her steak dres^ fag lor Insets In tbe fronts of corset
tbto woBld Mvm osa. and whJeb clot- an tbe 'very.' 1 didn't dare tell hlm^

Aiminater or Bnxony rug fa
tablespoonfol of finely chopped
of butter.
tor'op tbo faUe tin It overflooo. a. that It was a raomnge dinner. But
UflOvmi Which ara Not Lfat
showing signs of wear, set oome wool
*« «*» «»"-------------------------- ’■‘A- consUon* of tbe Julre'of s lemon, covers. Even Ibe smallest plecea can
_ tovaftably
__ faft-overa from
_ the table are • jnn of tbe same ___
ublen-oonful of Worcestershire be arranged fa odd shapes and odd
as bornoao
of tba
ffrat- ooppooe I bad dumped (be dried, efad
eotors that are mlan
"fau'eA all
- elite'ifaanriiny
- —, IS,
the aoetaty
^y t—•
meat “
oa -a pfat*. bfaf fried tbe —pou- -----mauer fa smfa7 e^eera fa’my
l«.“wd dsraTb* pfac7a Yw'Vni «fl*-I»“«b cupful of flour and Air bn- «uro. n uMr.r«onffa fa mln^ is,^ maierlan, to tbe beamy ot ibe flnorkS cMdacto the sole.
toee. nod wnnoed up the rabbage la hold, atya a writer fa the Woman'a be lurprlMd to see bow freah vou can
blended; then pour on gradu- ley orcrcs*. two ubleapoonfols of bnt- i.bed csrmeoi. The same ran be tee
Wklfa thinking of copy for fhls de- He original tonu; Of course H took a Home Companion. The amount rooked make the ni* look
. *»J- »bfle stlrriD* consuoily. on.- t"-•"b the front, of night dies--, at,d
MTttoont, the Idea rame. why net UtUe more rime, but In these day* m rafufafed as nrarly as may be to
^ ^ ^
*»"<“' ‘•’“"''''I
«»er the nro and f,ucy tea sprens. and s friend of oura
bdUD a ramnmge Met So hero fa . when every one Utk. fa tbe bUh cost ,he rMpUrmnent* fa tbe family, nd
. *'■«>
»*>ln-sUi. fa One msterfal.
sauce, Pfanckette cuU the which are j.lalnly made up. <■
____ _
____ __
_ .J ®”*>- '
------------iepattment tbla fa living, it behoove. ». a. booppkaeiv
ekUdrea mttte__
way with
tbe odd. ^3Yr^rL^f;era
ttek. wkftfc Mia yon ■bow ...
to dfapeoe er^
» snve tbe pennfaa. ..
at ....
the exte ends betw^ i»Jil*’"Not
that .I ■—
_“ “- _
, a a
boiled po•*>«"
UmAm fa
*'7 wto rube. Simmer until meat s^d
Eor tbU latter
o(?teoiioaBd.anfliUaaattraeUve p*Mefa n Uitle mote energy thin believe fa
IrreguUr "pterlng’ Far
Mutt. and honestly there wouldn't from It. No ^lld.
oafl emweailctt way.
^lld'. digestive
dl^tive organ.
orgnn. '^T .tT-w te’'Ji*
.. .n irthe
ab^rbed «.uce.
sauce. Ad-I one ’'*»“
•« ""o
u» fa One *o>------- ---------------- - .....
f. did to the wood, abd not at all If tbe
broW-Tc- “* batterflles or Uny flowers
---------------------hare been enough to go uraond If I .booid ba kept oo duty nnceaalngly.
^I!!t7 ,, u *.«• ro »te
**' «“»'> 'I-oiHwd parsley '
«♦♦••#♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ bfanfatuaaedliut.afa I can tmnefave no grev------------- - ollricth 1, groafaW, It to ra.j to wash. ,
seasuKi with mIi and pepper I'repare. the kanc*.-m foUow*: Bleed shich have been saved from cororra
Spread on a .hallow plat* to raol *“* * '«blesi*»ntul each of hotter and of old hsndkerehlefs. The result am♦ THC BACK DDOR NKIONBORt ♦. -|f (be editor fa Home Cbeer gMa ante to a boasekeeper tm
Shape'ln the form of crooueiles. dip
•"'* 'hlonfa* it
JuMiOra the time apent.
♦ hold fa that stwy—and I shttl ace that tbe children ranwantly

V was tongb- bor. “
do bold
bold that
that childroa
children abould
sboJii) be
fo»o*fag thfaga save time and
moistened with two tablespoonfol, of
Misbcd i«tstocf, lean msai Icoofead''
fat when the ^ck Doer Nfaxhbor Ur In tbU end fa MIchignn. If I <do But II de
Bean Soup-Pnt throe cup* ublespoonful of granuUted and chonpfa). batter. RoU the pofateFPod la (or her omml moraing *« mfaa my g
led faiener than three times a day. K •t»P»:
iray nlway. to fetch and
of cold baked bran, throe rlnu "*»' “•> * """*
»■>«* '"'o fa««. PW« • bfatow fa the
nortnally-orilve. they exbaast a great
'Wbtt'o'fta Joker she asked. -Voo

wmo. -at ttW
RraatoaM Diahra Fram Ifat-Ovara.
amount fa ooerc nnd raqtflre a corre- “H? «»»>«
JlUea ara aaved When ,*o stalks of cefan. cut in pieces, la a or_ else four almond,^ bUtrhM an-i mi into tbe boUow bttl. Flora fa n
Ite (on fa mfaehlef. and 1 fefa Uke
Hominy Croquette*—To one cop of ipondtng ninounl of msi^l for it*
tee babltti*ll.v.
rayfaff. a* my Catherine naod to. years cold bolted hominy add a teaspoon fa renawnL And fa addlUon to thla.
tnneepan. Bring to tba boilin* loint
me lory, qntek.'"
melted butter, onc-fonrit leasgooa they must grow.
Always hare a holder hanging near te let .immer thirty mlngi
ooM tba Toong Hoawkeep- aaii. and one egg. ^tr tmtU amooih.
Dartoakarailon tbe problem fa the .teve: one of leather from tbe top rub ihroucfa a sieve. A<l<l one and...*white of an .eg* beaten »»iff Tb« a
ar, *U 1 de UU j-ea a oury. It wUI be shape fata ba1U: roli fa floqr and *ei faBCbos (or tbe childroo Is an easy of an oU shoe fa a sate one to use. ooe-half rupfals of stewed aod strain-^'dices of Best are told no ranger* of
Fnaastiat Aalmalt> ffyaa.
t«ared o«er them.
a uoe oaa I was JoM tmllfag to mj. m a ceei pface over nlgfaL Next ooe. While clearing awav tbe break- and tin be reraverod at any time.
UMnatdb,. and one tablespoonful of ’“V’'.'*’' '*'*'* ’’
Ona fa tba moat difficult tbina
saU ovar ih* w«y you ran make men
meralng fry ns griddle rakes. fast: also tbe noo% dlouer. whatever
Two dtobpans fastead fa one make ehm muc. .\ieli two tablekpoonfols “I 'be entree
The reeource*
think aoa thing or another. Ju« at
Oatmefa Cakes—Tae the oatniesi we wish (hem todfcave fa placed on a dfahwashln* easy; the second should of butter, add two ,ablerpooofuto fa r—r...rce.
«n *v on FW-lsy consist of whicb the artlaU and taxtoermtaU of
«•<"“ bare to do m
yoor ow» *weet wIlL Area*l tbey tbe left from the fast breakfast and an tray’In a raol plaoe. At any time ihe.v <“• kept full of bot w*ter when tbe flour, and stir cnlil
drareal ckOdreal 1 ai*ot tbe whole equal anMuni of dry bread soaked choose after ten nnd ihroeiblny re- dfabes are drained: after tbU bath then i«ur on gradually, while .tirring ■ ebtrk-n frlcasrev siad the gat-leH-. an lb« painting and pmorattoo fa-fate'
cod fa Mrak sod the Moghattl. (he ryes for tbe mammals. Unit sad repday yfatoiday flown at oar cfaarch aid over night In sour taOk. Tbooeqatn spectlvely they carry the tray out- tbey need only a touch from the towel, eenctantly. the bot liquid Bring le
frled egg and oatmesl Irjt o'er from' tile* muanted ai that InsUtHtoa tor
romniags i^. coming heme Just tea of this mixture add two well beaten doors lor a picnic, barbecue, pink tea
If tbeee Isr time to do it. wash all tbe boiling point, .eaaoo and serve.
Wednesdav. la 1* a queer failxtare. but exhibition fa the National Mnseum.
mtonuo bMon Jack sTrired. twasao eggs, onefoorih waapoobattf.oo* taa- or whatever may be the order fa tbe raoklns niensUs immedfately oner------------------- —
Lafi-Omr*. Plancbeite manages to contrive s
These -cyra-f nro mod* of gimm.
■tied wito the romamge Wra. nnd oo apgon soda, and flour enoofai to make day. Tb* powers that be decree that they are emptied; ihs* clean twice as Uincbte Oiaims
WeSalav theitock on hand com- loncbr-m fa savory ranapra hollow within and from the rear, so
fasgirvd with ike way refafy favelj
a thin tatter. Cook ea a wefl greased they i
pri3^Sra ham: ri<e cooked io aod rolted pshrokc. beside . chicken tbtt .be toner nurfac. may be pafa,.
tkfags hod 'been ofade down there
grWdle. tot aa
vral: bonra tots- m>»fnr for the eveulog. •
ed any color dralrod. A. oo t
«oto T1A9 of Marode and potchea'
Ham Toast-To two eops finely dUfaw'no afler-evldeiire of ibera revpfa.'.s’ eyes nr* alike, and na the ra
toes, ~~
aod -------------------------------------sfagbetii ;wlih chcera sauce.
The dsvon
ranspes are particotariy
thtt ttnuod fa howaUfag the fact that chopped eoU ham add two eggs, ooe- fag Is ndditlen. they Aave their own If yoo llv* in yw«r «.u bow nod v—.
-------------------------------------------tkorc WM rtoototoly nothing dainty toanh cup of cream, a dash fa pep- coda fa regulations. rigMlj enforced, the dtopranl of the gnrhage worriee Ptanebette raoveru theee told erram- T^ib«ame. I^»
ingprod for the MN|Jac meal. I made per te one ot moMatd. Heat onffl
Itoriog the ocbool period n. we fln- you. yoa ran. fa the late aanomn and ed vral eorarserote-. pouio balls wad Pfa the cooked ^s. the Med ^
OW mtod tobavea rummage dm- the oflxtaro lUAens aod amhd ao toh beaakfaM each Halid bring, for-winter, bary it. preferably faUrn gar- Hce poffs for ibelonebran table, and and itshor«rad»aaoce.
cod fa
wr. and ooe what I ceoU flo. I w«W
botimd ua« wwd hfa tfa box with Ra straog rab-flw: R wlU help » lorHUi* k.
provides on entree fordinner fa baked steak and the friedegg. PfaMbeiu |o nflertfaia fM »or». j


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