Grand Traverse Herald, May 07, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 07, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TWICB A WEEK- tuesdaV andthursday^^*^i.oo




Mlec Roebuck Enreule From Ft
Wayne So 8L Isnaee In

F0RJ. lt. DAY


Mbw Elliebelh Roebuck drove
through tbe cly Tbursday In a I’rati
sn her way from FI.
Wayne; Ind.. to Si. Igruice. 8hi
acoomiauilod by Wilbur tong, forcIMPFED OUT BY OLO
largc farm near St. Ignacc.
the property of Mlsa Roebuck. Miss MANY PLANS WILL BE POT INTO
Roebuck also owns an clgbly-acre
AbomI MMIIfig Hu Bun Set For farm under Irrlgatlon near n. Wayne.
farms are under rulUvatlon, (be
JwloM. BIS Pomlly PlcBle on
Win be Given to Im­
ahoH Orouniio to B*
proving Grade of Fruit—Bam
early .markets and the fam at St. IgFoolure.
'■ Painting Campaign It
naee |•r<ovld|ng crops for later in the
Also Planned.
Tlie oSioM of Ibe OM SPlUera aa- year. Mlsa Roebuck, who is a motor.
■ocUtoo U^bor wnb reolSeau of Ing eOlhuBlssl. is prolahly lhc first
,Tr»»or»o City »rt In Ibe oEIca of the make aoch a lour through this vleln.
At Ihe annual meeting of Ihe WealHeraM and Record company fur Ibe Ily no 'cyrly In the year.
-■m Michigan Hcvelopmenl hiircan
porpou of malAnK prellmlaary arheftx^’ediicMUy. 1», 11. Day
raDgeaeliUTor tbe aanua! mecUns of
Haven, WM again honored by ItcioK
tbe aoaoetaUon otilcb trlll'bo hold in
clecie.1 tor a third term lo Ibe highest
Tnreioo City Wodneaday. June. 26, at
office within the glfi of Ihe organiaathe CoBtral acbool jtrounda. It will
Hon. Mr. Itay'bas proved a valuable
be roneotored that the annual meeiman for The imslilon end Ihe directors
fnS hu heretofore been held eariy.
coDld not sec any reason why he
hot In Tie* of the fact that Ibe achooli
Should not he retained in the office.
of ihlB dty 'aad MnonodloE lowu
He is always enthuslaailc
( re Dot doaed at that time and for Tor!work th'al is being done and never lets
uua other renaona^ well, the later
pass to help along the
date *u decided upom Tb« aun
work and make Ibe results for which
Miehlsantrain eefaefiale wHI be In eSect
the organisation Is slrlvlng a |>ernutJime 26. the achooli of Kill city and
the twenly rounlics
On June 3rd. nert (be (aapayccF of
aorronadlns territory will be clooed. Chartevolx ixiuniy will vole upon
which he represents.
and It ii to be alncerely hoped tbe propocUlon to luiin bonds to tl
The work of ricvelo|itnent is ••arried
weather will be aettied
amount of (330,000 for ihe pu'rpoae of 1. by the forre of eiuhuslasm. and
enooih to pertniL of a bis family pic­ improving (he matii hlgtawayi of the Mr. Day Is the man vbo ran always
nic on tba acbool sriMnda. However, county. At (he spring election In A|
genemle this elbment in large
abould (he wuther be unfavorable tbe the Totem of this county decided
Giles. He devotes much of his valu­
BeeUBS can be held Id tbe ocbool adopt (he count.v road eyalom and
able time IQ tbe work wiiheul ia.>
building which will amply care for
into the improvement «nmc u ra­ Me only ho|>c of reward Itcing hl«
all who nay wlHi to come.
Share of Ibc l>eDc«ls that will fall to
pidly u poealblc.
CommlUeee have
In April the laapayert of both Kent (his seelloft of the state In general.
and It U axpoeted tiiU will be tbe and Otuwa roonliet voted to bond HU unselBxh devotion to the cause of
greateet meeUng the old eettlore have for (600.000 for *n>etter roada'
weKte're Michigan has won him a
evtr held. A new futnre and
place In the hearla of (be i>eotnnately Grand Travaree in well atart.. ..1>lc of Ihe sUle and hU
whkB wUI tnouM In IntoreA and ed on
.vnlsa an the yw go one U the ea- and undar tbe leadership of
wdocUnn for a third tWrn\nmheef!
Ublt of tuEoHml relict, pbbtogr
with general approtal.
Prhnk lUmllton. the pioneer "
and tDwwntau which are to be fur- roads” man of (ho region coatldcrablc
In arceptlng the offhe. Mr. Hay
Blataed by oM aotUem or anjooe who headway la being mada
Slated that It had been Ills cardinal
-nay happen to have some articio
principle never io aeeept a third term.
with each year of lU age. grows i
He never helicved Ihal It U good for
valuable to not only the Individual,
ornniaallon to follow this (alley,
but le an odoention In ltaeU{to tbe
but ns the directors Inalsfed, he would
coming genemUon. Tbe plan la to peacoept, providing (hat they woiild all
cure Ihase
mUei and place them
e CKy and Vicinity
Loom Big get inlo this work- and puU with him.
In G. R. « t.
in peTManent cabtnM form, where
He knowa lhal this is the best land
they wUt- bp carefully preserved,
in the world and warns to toll others
thnu of oM neUlera meellnga tbe>
the same thing. The directors all
Probably Ibe flaest litilc lulder o< agreed to aland 'logether in the gntai
may be moved to wherever the
ing Is to be held and the remainder booUet. advertising Traverse City and
-----of tbe time wlU be given a place of
honor In the City library. All those by any Individual firm, is Uie one re- year.
who have photognidia of building.,
Illy Issued by the iiasscngcr deThe following officers were chosen;
which gertapa now have been recc­
President- D. H. Hay. Glen Haven
ed by bHck atnictures. photograpbe of
Flrsl vice |^jdcnl-A. 8. While,
anewtors or In tart anything that
This is the second ImoMct, dnllng Grand Raiuils.
any way bittorloal or connected with with Ibe Sorlhcrn Miebigau vaeallon
. prcKidcUl — Henry
the Grand Trsveree tegicn will be land. Issued this year by this line. The
glidiy reeelvad by tbe hMorkal
was oDIilled, "Where To Go
Treasurer—n. H. Ilendcl. Manlsiee
nittee and given tbe best of
Fishing." while the n«* one Is -MlchThe direcuirs otecied from the dif­
Prrbnpa yon have some mcmem
ignn in Summer." It Is Imund with
ferent coiinlles and coriorallnns are:
bygone days that would prove of great heavy laipcr. uhich In turn Is decorat.
Anlrliii-H. S. Amerson, KIk Rap
Interest to hundreda of people. The
I beaulllul landscaiws
Ids; E. R. Harris, rei.ical Ukc.
older H Is the better, and U surely lirinlcd In a tontrasi ol rich greca
Benile—J. W. fruso. Honor; Frank
will be a plauure to the old acitlors
while. 11 Is made, in three
tu liwap'' atorlM concerning these itona.-tiic same as an ordinary
blU of intaruUng history with
road guide. This small booklet was Jla: For.1 p. Ib>bbin». llojnc l-'alla
another at the Gtae of the niccung. compiled with (lie Idip In aica thvt
Kmmei —A, U 'Hciiei; Harbor
Perhapa some may have pboiograpb* |ims|ir<'llve vishnrb ran gain a generel
Siirlngs; John F. QuInUo, I*clo»kfy
which they will not prefer to part with idea of ihe rave and pictur<^i
Grand Tiav.-rsr—1., F. PerkelL
permanenUy. and (n this case the mm- licauty of this fair region froni'iiiot
Traverse City; K. O. I.«ad, Old Mis
mltlee will bs glad to have reproduc- grapliK. raibcr than by tielng regaled sloti.
tioes made (or er*-”mixture of sentiment, toniai
Kalkaska—James Grcarcn, Kal­
return (he original to Us owner,
IraJlllon; therefore, only brief de­ kaska: Wilbur S. Palmer. Kalkaska.
la all the teature la bound to be n
scriptions ol the princlpnl resorts, .onKenl-Arthur 8. White, Grand !ls|v
c«n and It la golgg to prove a wood citl advamagee, fenlurcs; lonlion.', ids; Robert H. Grabani. Grand IWd:
ertul thing (or (he young people who points of Inirrest, means of rearhlnr
i.ake—George Blass, l^dwm; H
may esioy the privilege of studying them have I'een given, logcther wlih F.ar1 Fairbanks. Idiihcr. /
Ihe varton InterMllng articlea at the Other aeruratc Inforniaiioo eonsisting
I.eclSDan—i>. H. Hay/Glen Haven;
larla'and answers to only such . M- lame. Nuribiart.
ilbrarr. CenlrlbBUou to tbe. blatorln be aent to Geo. (I. questions as the iirospecllve visitor
Manlsiee—B. II. HendrI. Manislec;
Bates at tbe Herald and Record Cc.
C. N. Russell. Manistee.
(iClca. The name of the doner will be
Mason—F- W, Hawley. f.u<lii)gton:
aiuched to0 ahythi
shythlngAent i
E. L. Cole, Bcottsvllle.
g Is the int of ce
Mecssta-Jobn C. Jenkins. Rig Raiv
fur the meeUag June 26:
Ids; O. C. Mendenhall. Big IUpld(;.'
Missawkee-ticorge W. Wood, l^kc
A. V. Friedrich. Mrs. Tknny SheP
ni>-; O. O, Dunham, McBaln.
snan. K. o. LadA
Miinlealm—Fred A. Glcaion. GroenThe oEicerp of .the aHorlallon are
vine; \V. 8. l.isk, Howai.l niy..
u tollowa:
i-FYank AUwris. Muske
Frcaldenl. A V. Friedrich. Trav- Hia. Ward Opetwd FleMng Season gon; Bliser P. Thomas. Trept
• AMpicieualy.
erse CUy; serretary. B- O Ladd. Old.
Newaygo—Joseph Gerber. Fremont;
Mlaatoe: trumirer. O. J. Powers. ESk
iteman Udiinlcy. Grant.
R*Plda; hlatortu. Mrs. Wm. lo.c,
Trareru ay.
Mrs Bert Ward bolds the honor of Fmn^ 8. Verbeefc. Pentwairr.
Vies Presldenta.
OschpU-Dr. B. W. Wells, Kvart: 1!
l>etng the first -woman this year In
rharlev*li.^,ounty. rapt D. E. Wil­ Ttaverse City to reium with i nice Nlergente. Ro-d City.
bur. Charlevola: Grand Travwic coun­ iness'of brook trout. Mrs. War«
Otuwa — Dr. William DeKleiftc.
ty. R. Wilhelm. Traverwe rity: I.^;- here-Tueaday momiiig for PUtte Grand Haven: Auihln iUrrington.
Unau county. D. H. Hay. Clen Haven river, where she spent Ibe day mak- HoIUnd.
tomet count,. M. F. Qunlnunce. Pe Ing preiaiaiiona to make' an eort,
Wexford—Gov W. SUck. Tadiltar:
Uinkey; Benile cenay. T. a PetltL atM tbe ffionlng of the ftrsi.
Beaioaia; Kalkaska ooaaty. A E. Pal SAed the greSLier part of Hie
mer. KaUuka: Antrim county, R 8 Wednesday and reiorned boiM
nmralng. (rngn count was lak«
found she bad captured forty speckled
troau.the aggregate number weighing
G. A A L' R. R.^rP. Qaalnunre,
gaa. Urn. Chas. WUhehS. Mrs.
in the nrigbborhood of Sfleen po
Hobbs. McC A. J. Wilhelm. Ur. Mrs. Ward la ver,- proud of her tiophU. A O. R. R.
C H. Morey.' V.
Franh Votruha. W, 8. Anderson, f lea and deeUtaa ebg aever had n-bM—TBSd^SBBSWAk
(tan is )MC lUs.
(GoBUaaed oo pag* «il>










Tbe'’fOih annual meeting of (be Traerse City Railroad Company was held
Tn the office of T. T. Bates Thursda,
and the following directors were c^i11? P. Hughsrt. It a Mvdhcan;
Hnnier. J. H.
*■- * • l-esvco
The ifeords show lhal Mr. Bates is
the onU- (>nr living of the oricinsl
orggnM^rs snd officials of thlb <t>mRstc* was the firkt m^rctsry uf the company, afterwards prcsland has always been on the
bnard'of dlrcrtors. This is proliably
longest nervlco ever given
SlicbiicBD hJ-any person touimtc^
with n rallrmid company.

; May 6.—The warn
fight In the history of the state culmlnated lo the primao* battle today
with the result absoluicly m doubt
both Ibc dcn>n(;rallr and republican
ipa. The early vole is reported
bo large everywhere.


Tlm-1v.-iurc <>n lyihlie health by |tr.
CamljnctiriK-l under tlie aii»pb-»s rd
ihc WoniauV Clirif. In ilie c-ongrega)onsl church Thursday night, was an
orcaslnn long lii b« renicinlM-rcd b>
lose (irrscnl.
Tbe first iiumiier on tlie pmgranV
as a very heailliful vcvjl sn1«. 'X)h.
Dry Those Tears," liy Miss Kucbekalii.
with violin ohllrato by Mlvs \Vnicrbiiry. and Miss Molhcrsill at the orFollowing Ibis. Mrs .V l(. Kanto.
{^slcnl of the Woman s flikb. Inwodiiccd Oie siieaker of itic evening In
most gracious manner. '
From tbe moment wnen Dr. Carolyn
Gciscl stepl>e<l lo the edge of the )datform and sjakc her first senieuce. she
held her audience siwllhound. Posscsupd In an nnusual degree of that
magnetic . pcrsonalily essential to a
piihlic speaker, the Jisleners resjandliisianHy 10 her domlnaiil mood,
and gave alert attention to the power­
ful plea for civic righieousnes*.
•f|ol Housekeeping-- was ihe
ibjcct IIunder cousidcratlod. "ll l» a
... said
Dr, GeiseV -’admlraldv
adapted tm women's ahilKy. Men are
inrined 'to deil with large affairs, wlih
great inlcreMi*. wbH- women's naiuial
tendency Is toward tarefui attention
details. .A woman'a dcciwM
mtctvri In life is coiycrti.-i with bdr
children, and all iir-ra.iilions antaken III Ihc bnmo for ibeir health and
Ik-M dcvelopnicul. AVbcn the children
l*cn»iiie old enough lo bvave tfi*- iiom*-.
n enter n-hnot. and plav ni-nn the
ureels. they an- at one.- (dared in'or less danger. One oui ol ev-rchildren bom m ih- Inlted
Sial-'S dies helorc rrarhinx the age
of iwmiy-oiic. Swiilstic* also prove."
.-0011000.1 ihc docior in li-r lorccfiil
wly. "(hat five chilifben out of every
born in ihe I'ul.n-d States., are
l«.-K«-a.'d. deceoem;c. .Iiwased. crip
|drd. or Insaii.-. Wiia'. " aOf'J "'c do.-lor. "arc ih- w-oiiicn P- do abniM it?
How safecoard. c-ndiiloii* aDd-coiitrol
« dealt! laic?
■ll Is no new tbo'ig.Ui that I bring
von." affirmc-l, Dr. GeHd. 'no new
tiedy. Bin wre muKi «<••• lao. and
our Individual share in brtieritic
mmhtions in our own clti"s and at
our own <joor>. ' .'
The rtorinr tiicniloncd' the grave
lena*. lo puiilic'liealth carried by the
flv; in milk cnmartiiiiatlon; 10 wr
water supply: In foml adulteration*
and iais..ns. in la-* of civic t lcanli
stated, and a lorcelul idea made for
safeguardincedt rhildren fran^ tbe
same injurious resulls.
Thai itie leinedy lor nlsiifig evllt
Was Urgely in the hands of womem
seemed lo l>e ihe opinion of Dr. GeiII was the dmy i each to do
atii^l moveher full share in the i-duall
id civie cltan(or public health and
s. By careful attention to details,
-ervtfg purpose, and united effort
Traeetae City might become a ‘Wpet'

Urn tPWA- (AjakaltF and nonltr.

Tbe Richmond Mlchigair fevlcw of
recent date has a notM-.- of the death
of.Alfred K Wa^rloo at tbe age of
years. Tbia noili-e^wlll (>c of Inter­
est to many ol the older reeldcnts of
Traverse flty. Mr. WsterUa (or
ly resided b.-re and (or several ytara
LEVEES bis famllk lived on Wasblagtoe street.
One of tile dangbien >liss Emma mar­
ried C. E. Greene, who Si» years ago
was ctupK.yed In tba post office here
ed With ui« Task of Taking
when Mr Bates was pnetaiaster. The
Care el tbe Theusands
Walerltm family was very highly c
ef Hemdeas.
teemed and there ars many still 11
New nrleans. May 'f.-Gaags of log Id Traverse <*ity who will remej
workmen are battling with Ih.- waier? her them very kindly.
of Ihe Misslssipld lo pr.-vrtit the fiood
lug of Raton Rouge The town of
IWlyou Sara. :i> mile.-, nonb. was swept
away. The Ictecs abi.ut the capital
are ibrcalening to go out'any minute
ami iar;ion's of ihf* -cliy av threat
.-tied. The jeople of .Melville wer*
taken from their homes last night aft
<-r a linpeles* fight against the waters Village Was Saved by Timety Waroing Given by MIh Amelia
Two special traiiis.werc mabed lo the
' Sehaub.
scene. The street* of Riyou Sara are
under r.'. fori of water loda,.(^ Ihst
place there was no 'warning of the ^rrovemont. Slay
Fire originat­
break In the U-vii- and the men and ing from some unkBown wmn-e deran wildly from th.-lr bomra Blroj-ed the general mi-ri bsndtHe ^re
. lad leaying all their belong­ owned aad-oiwraled by Kglct A t*ulings behind. Tlu- government rescuers man her.- at midnighi Saiurday nlgbl.
arc overwholnicd at the task now be- SutTovimWiig Uuildlng* wne In dan­
forcihoni. Hun-lroN of houi.lesB aVc ger and ha.l li not been for the i>msadded hourly to the number asking eiice of- mind displayed by Ihe telefor slielter and food.
idione operator. Miss AmHIa Sehaub.
h-ordte-he and Ravclwotid. boib pros(lemus towns are under water as a
rciinit of a l.reak in Ihe lorec at Bayou gone up In smoke. Mlsa Sehaub no­
Saraus- Al Baton Rouge 5M univer­ tified as many neighbors and farmera
sity students arc working beside I.- as (.ossible by ielepbone. and soon a
mill .-onviciB In so effort to save the bucket bris^e was on hand with wa­
lever. There sre alniit ten., thousand ter. snd jfo this manner much dam­
square miles in licnlsistta now under age waj-avolded. The store property
water, ibis oBtimatciUUip Hood dam­ was eonsldera^ly daniag.-d and Is only
age; is nlreaily- sixty mllHon.
lariially coK^-i by Insurnace







must mELESs ORE



Ijiik- Miss Janci hales wax bostc&x
Saturday aficrnoon -lo 31 ef ber
friends gt a blrtli.lay party when she
eelebrat.-d ber fllili anniversary. The'
of (he afternoon was sprat
outE i«per,dolls.
after which
(bo little hoMcss •invited ber (riebds
dining room, w'ber© refresbnrirllng of gooiliesalid sweet
things lilile children like so well, were
served- The uble was a pretty picture
of May fesinal. with a mtoiature May
l»lc as a eenicrpiece and tiny baskets
of arbutus, further carrying out the
floral idea. The color scheme of tbe
eniirc imrty was pink and white. Miss
Jaft*-l_^elved many prelly gifts and
her fir^.inhday i«ny was a greal
Joy to bcrsrlf as weH as her guesta


snd Mi* Willi* >,|IHIer of Oics
Mi.-h., XN- sivnding a few day*
I.- of Mr. and 4ri> A.
on Wasbingion sirecl.yMr
slio for ttiirty.flrp yeaffs was
and owner ol the Chesanlng
1* a broiber of Mr*. Peck, and
ibeir niniher, Mrs Uhitlda Miller
of (Jraii'l . .Ripids. is having a
farewell visit le-for*-.leaving for PortOregon, where the Millers
spend a few monlfas wuh their daugh
Mrs. F S. Senn. Mr. .Miller ba*
rrcrntly disposed of bis paper to
which b^e nvp 3:. year* of coelieui
service Kveninally they expect
niake their home m the "City ol
Roses'." entering into Ihc real estate
business. They will return oecasion
10 MichigsD for a vi^wlih old.time (licods.



-c.=> ■ ■

Opaao. May g-WRh (ha asms
tion of provisional preHdsRt by Oi
Urexco, Emil Gomas ta ndklag-Bi
paraliona .to atari tor CWcAwMa.
There he will coapleto the swtthMih
mcni'of^e PtoriakiBal gsuwWiiSL
The Reb% lii
Salaiwr loat 7MI nen In'dr bXDc wRh
tbe Federals at Cuwre Clen^ Rapresentatlves hem of (ha Uoteo* Co­
ra In Mexico ore ndrlsed ot tV
ig of one cokinlst by BbMs.
Others report tbs altnstM m being
very critical. PeeUng ageUmt the
Mexicans to running high bm bw
• xuse or (be sbeotlng at pHenU Bnk-



Craft to BdW WIUi A ViMf to CMC
tort and CwnwntoRM Iff AH

-lone" the new rstoed S»dk «rali«
of Fred.n. Curtin wm •—t'~iI tots
Balsritoy aftemnoB fMd Smkto tb»'

Was Celebrated by Mita Janet Bates




Narthpen Fire.
. rapt. Rubertaon's home a' Northj«ri was burned to tbe ground Wed­
nesday night Tbe loss was covered by
Insuranre to the amount of (3,000.
Most of the furniture was saved.' .but
it was badly dama^ No etbn
bulldlngt were borpM; but the &r*men
had a bard. Ume' flgbtJng tbe fla
It la tboagbt tbs Sre eaagbt troin tbs

Finding Cause of Titanic

Umdon, May li.- The British coqrt
Inquiry Into the Titanic, disaater.
opened today. It is anBounced tbai
k will be sweeping and will absolute­
ly detertnine whether nealisenre cost
the lives of l.MKi people. The Inqulr, Is'to last for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Jo* ilcwell were agree­
ably sun<rlsed Wninesday evening
when about 3f oF'thelr fidsods walked
inlo iheir homcand Informed them lhal
they bad come to spend (he evening.
Keweit was snmew-bat embarrased al having his friends find him In
overalls, and wbcfi h,. remarked
effect, the guests Informed' I
ihai II might l-eiirr he overalls than
(be evening atilre surprlsers aomene* find IhHr hosts However. Mr.
d Mrs. Howcit welcomed (beir
guesu in a royal manlier and tbe en­
tire evening |irnv^ one of pleasure to
all Card games were played until
al-nut II o'clock, when a lot-luck
per was served, afier which Judge
Walker, on behalf of Ihe gneyis.
sented -Mrj Newell wub a fine leaifaer
hand hag and .Mr. HewAt wlih a b.
book At tbe eiosc of Ibe evening
flaxhilghi plrture was taken of tl

Three Cent and Half Cent Pieces Pro­
vided for in New Bill.


■Washinctrrn. May a—
(he comage of 3-cent snd •- cent
pierc's, has^ been wHbdrawn by. tbe
trea-niry depa.rtment.
- Th«*oM S-cen( plecew wWi- retired

the dimes
closely. !( tbe bill U ensrled into Uw
the 3-cent piece will be made Hbooi
the sice of a nickel with citber a
bole In the center or a scalloped edge
The draign of the H-cent piece will
be considerably smaller than the dime
and wiU have a scaUoped edge. Tbe
dMigns have lieen practically agreed

li and msahendC o

Travetsc (Uty ftodt of motor hoats
cod cnilscrs. Mr. Cnrito had IM boat
built near hto borne and gotMRnOF
^perlniended the vftela eeanMettas
thereby Insuring ths beet of workmaAship ca tbe craft.
lane* to thirty Sea tost ownfl
length with a beam «( atne (eat nmking her a very aeaworthy boaL and is
equipped with a lC-20 horinpewar Hntllday motor. * dapllento Off the motor
of Spray of thto dty. She to SntoboS
lor. making a benuUtol BnlsA tor the
boat. AccomodaUoaa are fitted np
kiusly for fodr peraoan nod the
craft Is fully equipped srtth etovy da
vice for Ibe safe and easy ~~t—
I of tbe power. Above deA tbe
clutch 'kver and engine controto are
arranged on tbe bridge whOa Other
leeturee about ber are tbe tinder wat­
er exhaust, rdf bailer, and easy atmas
to ihe Working paru of tke engine.
"lone" Bhould have a speed earilr
above eight miles wKb ber powerful
motor and will be a great pleasure for
ibd owner and bis family-

"Belter pricra for Oraqd Traverne
Frails." Is (he subject tor dtoeuMtoa
for the msetlng of Grand Traesraa
grange lo bn held Setnrday stterMOR.
May ll. Tpo husjoesamen wte have
ludying Ihe problem bixvo pnmrndMee and to give


firsl of several (D-bs
during foe
retnalBder ol «bn year tor tbe purpuae
of trying to evolve a ptaa wbrasby
(he farmer wiU get Wfigm rottfM tor
bis efforts.

OeaU. Ended. Hie Long lllMan Wn^
neoday Hl^
August Bragir, age 1( ysnra. new a(
Mr. sad Mn Albert Bragar, SST Bew
ond Are«t. died Wednesfinr Mght nttor a nix mentbs ITin am witb —-|enlosls. The yonag mas bad bM to
tbe boepksl tor tbe past tW —
gad was brought home tom WMk. He
to survived by tw^ toutomn ^ ttoqu of wham ntodn to ttg afitp
•r euaauf Rfarto^m -vAto'.



i%m iw».


rei^e t Hprird
^ &y Eagle
Twice « week


If cUtc i^c primary for prMideaticl or ctate officials prefw' tted
a-^y|hine.^it meau Utat tire majority must rule.
" Tim Memacittaetta ♦rimarj- cave Mr. Taft a dear potnilar ma­
jority of 8,«»; The Taft ddcgatw at lai«e therefore fium Masaaekiaatts should be declared elected. Ur. Booerveit himself sa>-s
jm He ^ cane on tveord fairl:|and aqvarely to thia efferf. AU
imaa* tatei l«-4ba pMikion.he has taken. It is airoply earTj-inc
«M«i efta* layaaiad belief in majority rule of the people- This
•tl-jfta, kimple Moeraey. It is the very foundation of our naVafortunatriy the‘Uansehuaetta ballot waa so made

jgHnnwrHmtril pnrpoaely or otbenrire, that an opimnuniiy was
jiMmritimf aiddto gBeatwa-mum. Without entering here into an
BlifiHMiM-^-'tfila oonplieatioo, in faet no .man unless be is a
•iflili^tafettc politirian knows jdst what bsppcned< and just hbw^
If jlffifll-I the fact Temains that the popular vote ^rc Ur. Taft
4UP^arit|C|i«ad if state wide primaries axe to become the nde,
Bnrt-------- vhc receives a majority of the populac vote must be
i1iim«<s tbs imtrileges esfried by such a popular majority. Thu
•fldU^-lhe lirimary system falls. As the matter new aUnds upon
ike complicated retunu fromthe badly arranged baUot
in Mawnhiuntls the ddegatca ah large favorable to Mr. Buuaevclt^
oCmiaalis* will receive ceftifleates of elcctioo notwitiutanding the
t^i Mr Trft noeived a dear majority of the Bepuldiean votes
.that fUt print it ooheeded by Mr. Kousevelt. and he
- hM oameatiy urged, the delcgatca favunblc to him who will re. .aritt-ealifleatet of'election to vote for Mr. Taft who received the
Hl(W» liajerit#v ret tho« Booaevolt dekgatea now deelare they
They will not carry out the expreased wish and dcrifa of their leader, but wiU go iuto the Naticwal cMiventioD in
^ QUc^^itl^ the riC^ delegate rolea at Urge for Mr. Booecrclt.
- <4f-cttte-lridh^primBr)et can be niauipolated in .this way'then
' «a do not want them. Thia has nothiug to do with the qaesUon
of whether you or 1 favor Mr. Roimcvrit or Mr. Taft. It is a broad
. amka of juatiei and of right. It .^ecU the fuudamcnUl fwinripsawCthe laimary system. It is ah attack upon this principle
«md:4lm prtBeipia Hoelf, whieh is majority rule, should be demand«B by eteiy -roter in the coontry who dcsira the adoption and
the aucceat of the primarf principle in all the
liiHak bdiridual preference has nothing whatever to do with the
wa art to have pririarics then the majority must rule.
jg4he majooity pannri rale, if the ballots can be made ao oomplifluted that the binary voter, as in the sUtc of Masaachusetts,
MtMelfkMjm how belt voting, or for whom Ire is voting, to the
is of ballots an thrown out. < ‘ counted
•ttriit.tliUi tens of
. •Briit.
I a—traiT do the inteotioB of tbe voter, then the primary system

■ji • iriiaec had we do not waht it




Nett winter the Michigan Jegislature m«y he. naked to pass on
m-riato wide primaiy, hill. If m We aiscraely hope it will not be
puttened after that of the so called model sUte of MaasachusclU.


iksulU of the primary election iu 1
. It WM well known \sf all who bad c
i the sitdadrim Mrifullj Ihst the eentest would be ^wty close between Mr. Taft
flat Mr.) BooflsvflU. The HepaUican vote was sbout loU.OOO. Mr.
^-fcudlsr by abmt 3,000. The baUuU were bsdly eumpyeatwl,
Ui tomb 10,000 or man of the 'Taft votes were throa-n out. and us>
4riihi-u<iaige -number of the £ooscvrit votcfl w<>re also discarded
- Ireeaaae of imculantia. The anal result, howev er, shonrd s clear
■ujorityfor Mr. Taft of aoroethiog like 3.UOO, and while an opimr; tanHyAW-mo-rimirt* given Mr. Bomevelt to conteat the ballot beCMSS of tfregularities. he has already announced that tnsking alT
•Uowanee for these clerical eirori, Mr. Taft has • clear majority
’jiibsMate. Ih^fore he will not permit his dek-gata at large to
be repreM^led in tbe National eonventiou. This is ceruinly carr}iat««t Mr. looaevrit’s ofian expremed belief in a square deal.'Mr.
Mtam go into ths National mmvention wiU-S6 rotra from Maswriwutto Mr. Roflaevelt will have 10. The nfluence of this t-leehe felt through the tehrie country, and if anything wore
aiided tohetUe the question oMbe nomination at tbe Chicago conMofM. thoMamwhimette reaulta would certainly du this. As the
immm muOe today Mr. Taft will be the nominue of that conveu•w M the BepnbliM >i6keL
»>- A-«vry Botieeable feature of this primsry dcctiun mis the
iruijl I victory«f Champ Clark over Woodrow WiUuiu 'Mr.
vote to fully two to me <n-er Mr. Wikon. If a aiajurity vote
ruled in the Democratic 'National oonventiuu ar it do« iu the Bc. publican Nxtk>nal oonvention, Mr. Clark. wiUi the pn&rut outlook
would ha thfl Bomiase of his party. The required tvto-thirda vote
in a Demooratie eonvrntion may. however, preraat Mr. Clarkk aon^tion. The present outlook is decidedly agsinat the uossiostion
'ter. WOtog. and onleas important and radical ehang<« are made
in the statea yet to hold emventiou or primaries. Mr. Wilson is
OTNly doomed toMefeat in 0e Dmureratic National convent ion.'







TTie Qe€stien of fHea

The TtriffQmetion

We are again conftwrtad with high meet prieea. In fact if yeull
stop to think of it. you II sec we have not becif confronted lately
with alarmingly low prie«a._^But just how live cattle ire bringing
the highest juice in years atThe Chicago slock yards. The reason
is the abnormelly hot summer of l»n. cAting A>rt the feed

Then is one verj- iiiiixwlaiit matter that just now should not
be forgotten by individuals
political j*arties.The Anierimu nation
has Is-en wade what it is t>y the ohsenaiin: of the |>ruteetivc |MiIi<-y.
W'ithout thia the I'nitetl States could never have takivi tin- eoiuiHcreial and finaiK-ial jKwilien it now oecui*''*-** among the nations of the
world. W«- aW- not viewing this i|U<-sti<Ki fn>iii a DeunaTatir or a
iHit from that of business in the broaiWt
-. The proVftiim that hv ii-eU giien the Mxlustries d the
country, that lias been gin-n the merhauie. the mill ami fa.-Iory
flinployre. the Iab..ivr'. and. ax imix.rtant. tbe fanni-r. has made the
nation what it k. V.mdtliomc chaw*, making nuenjary: ekatiges in
sehedules. and thes.* changj>N-e«rlditioiLS an* .'..nslaiilly arising.
\ periuaneiit .smiuiis-sioii sl^iM Im- jtrovi.bsl for by IViiign-ss. work­
ing not umb-r apixiiutlitent of the Presuk-nt and llius Kulij.-et to
chaiig.- ordiswdnlion at hk will, nr rajicbs-. lint elnibod with all tUe
authority the law <smht give. Sueh eommission shiml.l n*|'Hirt at
every seaiiini of I'ongmoi when projxT aetioii rouhl Is* taken. This
should bc_a strictly mm-part tsaii «siiuniis>ion. and as far as |s»auhle
all jxilitical iufluenee should be eliaiiuatisl.
Thirty or more vest* ago Uencml llaixHick. during tbe memor­
able cBiu]>aigu of ISKii. deelHred_tliHt the tariff was a local faoue.
It has often been said that this casual liut apt n*mark of tlen. Ilanoock defeated him at the jmiIIs. This is not true, but it tdiiHi'.'d'lhc
intense partisan feeling that tli.- men* rwntion of the tariff question
aroused at that lime. Then it was jmn*1y polities. T'xiay the qur»lion is pur<*ly biisim**-'. Then* is no fre«* trade j«arty iu the eoiintry. No «»iic wants fn'c trade. No ehiliz<-d ami «*onunercial1y
ecssful wuntry iu the world has fn-e trade. The , I'litled Stairs,
wants an equalized protective tariff that may br^lehaiigml and nnslius m-easion risiuin-s. Tip* »*onniiission ajq>oint<>d by the IVrident has done soiih- giMnl work, baa aeeomplishisl some good thiiigM.
but it k not iu-lianiioiiy with the best thought of the country, t'ongr<*ss should now give us a jicnuaMcnt coiiimiHsion legally authoriz­
ed to do buaiui-sa iu a business way. Will it do it 7

crops, followed by the abnormally euld winter, that is pretty nearly
over. now. but whieh has been an eipeusivc season to the cattle

PEoSRb“cb““‘‘^ ^

CnsItfioB lU» week 2.900


wake Dp on- minds
Whatever the camu* were '
The greet eatlle
e sMi never see -lew i
nngm of the Wxwt arc no lunger free fovling groimds. and culti­
vated f<-ed crops will never be lU.wu again to tlte low prrera of a
frw years ago.- Tlu iaw of supl*ly and d.-iuand is iiu-Xorablc, au.l
if our jieople will continue to flock
*hc citi<w as they have been
doiiA for the last decade or so. the demand, for not only meats,
hut all farm croim, will continue V^rcasc and thus make high
prices. This is a condition that must U- nirt. If there are a doecn
ot wheat to wll and one man to liiiy, the price -of wheat
wUl go down. If there is but one bushel of wheat to soil and there
are a doien mra to buy, the pfiee of wheat will go up. This k true
df everything we eat. Tbe mouths to be tflk-d are iucrea»'Ult ««
jJUmiKT faster thuu the hands to produce.
Tbe day of low food prieis is goneforever. W«- may just a.s
well make up our minds tliat^tbis is true. One cauiMit save much
by dietftg. The laxly must have about so much fuel to k.-ei. the fir«s
of life going. If ynu quit eating one thing to saiv a litUe. you've
got to eat soinethiug els.-1<» kii-ji the average uji. Tiie only roiaedy
ia to get hack- to the soil and kei-p away from.,the city, to become
produd-ra instead of eousuimm. This we kno* will not be done.
Tbe only alternative k eontiiiueil and iuenasjug high prices for
what' we cat



Perhapir never before in tin- history of (lolitieal jiarlies in this
country! was there greater uei-d of wise- guidance, good judgment,
forbearance on all sidw, patiwiee. and iicrsoual s<df-i-.iiitrol. It k a
time of great unr.-st in ^11 partiiu. There can
be biit^ftvo
grimt pairien in any natioo. If a new jmrty were .'.rganired today it
would haiVto meet at once with jHijmlar approval and stand iH.ldly
for some great pry^-iplc not advocated directly or iudim-tly I'v
either pf the two leading parlies as now constituted. This is true
becau^'tbe new party would necesasrily have to-seeiinr strength
from oiM or both of the other leqdiug parties.
During the last half century parlies have arkon. llourisheil for a
little time and disappcareil. When the Repuhliean party was or­
ganized there was a trameudons issue at stake. The leaders iu the
party were great im-n. men of jKiwdf. forw. men of brain, mm williout fear, men who. if u*-rd lx-, eotild fight with an over-|x>werijig
fqrce of words that were nut -mere talk, for in Uuw ifa.vs men had
something to say. The nation was slirr«-d to its depths by jiolilical
and social nji-bcaval such as the eonutry had
known and eau
never know again. Men were almoKt unronseitiTlKly and unknowing­
ly oompellcd to an i joqnmcie that st imsl their lu-arers and <-onvin«-«-»l
them, to a point of active interest in the gn-at subjeets that ivetv
then dkcUBSed. Tin* meu who could do this eould also, if m-til he.
use jiklol or fiat and who did. a fi-w .vears later, sidi- l>y siile willi
loyal Democratic compatriols of the North fight the biillle of the
Cuiun. Thk was the material of whieh thi* Rejmbliean party was
made. Therefore it hiss continued, largely by forer of conditions
and cimimstanecs. and aomewhat bceause of traditiona and precious
memories, to hold its plaee with a* gn*at ilegree of aiieeess. aide by
side with the other great party, with nieinori<-s <s|ually jinn-ious to
iu members, atad a m*ord that has made mueh of our c-oiiuii-y's bistory. The vitality of the DeawM-ratie party is loyoud anything ev.-iknown in any'nation in the world’s history.. If akoosi uulimkeii
defeat tor nearly sixty years eiudd kill aueh a party, the Demiieralie
party ought to have be<-u (lead lung ago. but it isn't, it is very
inch alive. Only twice in more than half a eeirtiiry has a flemo.
erat succeeded in r<*scliing the pnwrdeiitiat ehair. ainl he was lmi
great a man for hh party as it then existiii.' History will do .Mr.
Cleveland justiee; his jiafty is not even yet quite n-ady to do so.
TJie Oreek-y party dietl bwausc of the iiK-ongruoiw anialgaiiiatimi to which it gave rise. The Orei-ubaek party tloiirislied lirielly.
snd died. The Silver party fiooriahed iu a season, and di<-d. The.
Prohibition party has had a precarious existence au.l has lived only
because of the great moral principle it silv.H-at.-s. The Sm-ialist
imrty is a growing tigiin* in p<dilies t.xlsy. but it . Hn never reach
nationsl imjiortair^. althouglt d’j ^’ote will reach a stnriliug .-liuiax
thk year.
All these minor parties have been or an* due-ideaed iwrtira and
a uuc ideaed party «an never bemme a l.-Alilig politieal organiza­
tion. The Socialist jiarty of today liaa broken away soim-w hal from
thk handicap and it k Ihh-husc of this mid of its ]H>piilar
Bjqwal to lhe Jieople. and if its |>l<*dg<« of r.-dr.-»i of admitle*l te'roiigs
and to put the govern...... more on a level with the wliole jx-ojile.
that it 1ms met sueba nolieeable suec.-as iu the last few years. Thor.k no doubt that the ^eialist IMirty stands toda>' for a good niXny
things the jmoplc want, and the apjieal to self-interest is a strong
one. But even so the Rejiubliean aud the Uemoerati.- jiarties will re­
main. for many years to .simf. the two great parties of the nation.
One or the pthicr of the jiarli.-s will'liave national eoiitrol for de­
cades to eomv ms they ha.i’e had t-ontrol for d.-ea.l.-s juist.
But jmt now the wisest and liest uu-n of both parties arc u.-eded in the lead. , The Di'nt.K-ralic jiflrty has sek a gwal example in
the jiresidcutisl csmimign. We ^sh we eoiild say as mueh f»r the
party for which the wrilerAif
iter^if Ulis
U(is has voted consistently for fifty
years. If the Rcpulilicaii
iparly k defeated this year itWill be ln ...........
iniifce of the character ..f'lhe campaigti work that has b.-i-u done.
The jK-tqile are tired of this, are disgusteil with it. and it is jmssihlvmay admiukter a te.vere r.4mke at the jwlls, The Deiiioeratte party,
while not entirely dear of the «smc charge has not, to the sai^ lxtent, made itself ohjeetmtaldc in iU campaign.
WJist is neciUvl riglit nuw k the ralm. cautious, diu-rcct. diplo­
matic. wist;, level headed, busin.vs iiihu to lake hold ami straighten
oul'iuatlers. If this is not done ri^it soon, then the jx-oplc will
themselves Uke s liand in the matter and have aouiethitig to say
tbsT trill make both the great partnv sit uj> and take iiulic-c.

Longer Terpu

The ivgular stock bill lias again heeu hitruduecd in Coiigris^
to lenpium^Mte pnaridentml term to six or right yeaCs. It abouUl
ll^tll nut |ws*. The jH-ojile are tirtd of. aud dkgustol with
Biuj^iguing as has been done• this year,
year. tiive
<»ire the I'n-sidcnt
an eight Vesr term, and only une ter m. That will give the country
chance to settle dun for a fea^aonths at least to assart busineaa aud the tired pc-ojile wQl have a rest from jiulilical turmoil aud
The aswatoria) tem -ahonld be nude eight yvara. the e«aptq;
tftot flf amt hM again •dvaacfri to a pakrt where ft ia
« pant. This however, frill have no vffm monal tevnflhonld be made four y«aiB. The state offieiala should
or Mr. Booaevait ^wy can go on dicwing
ngi be riwted for four yeari, ofie tern oidy.' TUa will fflre the people
a chanc* to catch bijeath hefon aaotker
- • 4aSftha tori tew vedob . . ;


ST.VTE dr MtrHtGXN^Thc Pits
•le Court lor ih» rouDiv «•
the matter .ol m eftam ot frv«l
-Mlm. flos-ama.
e« rthol toor
lii\ ft A|oU. a
tiair tx-co alhiSKfl (6r ctodhor* to i»esr'or-Hhrir_riaMw aiatMi
aai.l ilt-i t-SMsi lu mjj <-omt lie cKaaatnaiton and »a)U(ti»etit. smI lUai aU
cr«!itor> <»i aatd fleiva-ofl arc- -requirisl lo ]>moBI their • lahm to'saM
conn. Ill the isobate offh e. » tbe clt>
of Tni'.-r*- » ll>. In sai l <VWBI>. on <n
lietore ilie litth dav-uf Ausaki.
I aM i-Uliaa sUI (H<
-i-ourt on TseWay. Che
JTih da>^ of
A II., I'.ii at ten

Qnit It
Mr. K<x«»eveh and -Mr. Taft have In eii sh.-ikiiig fists and months
at one another fora few. days iuMaryUnd. and y.-si.-nlay that slate
held a so-eallUl .iiriiiiary to decide which man .Maryland will siipiKirt
at Chicago. Ill a few day* the eainpuign will njieii in Ohio ami the
111^ vil riol in al k.Jhe,
MiffiaSrikt first Jniift. 1l
to be no help for it While uhni Miffei^t
whole country must groan under tin- burden of viiiijM-ralioii that
will tii-oessarily sl«‘p »iver Ibc isI)p*k of that slate. Thank the lainl
there k only another uminh of thk thing, if it had to lx- kepi uj>
mueh longer ev<*ry tleeeiil thiiiking'lbiiublicau would lx- isnnpelhsl
to hide hk head in shame. The Maryland eauijiaiKii waadillle 1k*Iter than that of Massachusetts, and there is not mueh to Ikijm- fur
Ohio; but geiitleiiieiT. whiebi'Ver one of you umy Ik* iioiiiiiiHlisI next
iiiontb. you should Teiiiember right now tbal you are .every day li«..
iug a lot of viiu« yiiii will luWl iu Nov< iiilf*r.

Paled April rtnd A;
Jiidce ofrrtAatc.

-IP. U.lA. M.-A.
Lt Tra^CilT-;• -S;wl
7:0«i »:Ji| J;Z6
7:a>:'-|:M, a
Boddf ...... { S:t01
PrOvemont I 3;ST
•:nj 4r«e
godar RiiB .
Xake Ann ..
IBilll 4:M
PUtifl River
1:041 «t40
iplre JeU..


CoirenMb ...



11:44' >:SI
Onekama -ActB.
..... ......................,
1*T«| S:H
Train* arrive al Traverae CRy t:S7
10:30<«. n..
P. m. end C;N
D. mELT, 0. P. A.

|Party Leade™ Ackn«wledgt.That 8R
wtlen it WHtieut Precedtnt
In Statei

!lusO>n. -\lB>
The rvfiiMil ot Ui«
rcfiybllcsn dcleaatcs-al-Urcc'io aeeein
Colonel Rooneveli s ’.lecUiou today
they should .\ofc fur I’restda:
Taft at llie Chtiaso eoiivenlJoii. ai
thouKh elm-ted as llooseu-ll di-leitaie*
lunhci- coni|ili< au-d llic siiualloi
arjflim Iroiu the suu- |■rlllla^lcs >e»
icrday. Tlic slliiation Is arklaaledae!
by liarly leaders of bolb sides lo h.
ailbuut iiamllH in itie iwHtiial liiftorj
rii>ultllcaus of 1
iority of S.SeO o'vr Colonel Ilooscvelt
on The iirwldenilal ballol. al the saue
time ihcy el.tied by a deilsixe vot.
the entire ala'c of oishl .iclcga'csal
larp- |<lrdce<l lo the furnicr nresidcnl
scored 10 more In
Ihe districl elc tlous and . frcsldeu!
Taft i-amed nine di-lriela, to that
Taft aticIrtbOMyelt eaili h»\e IS dele
calcf from the »lat<- le the national
.uonreullou. .
lia* Mhille to m
"l.l..e.' hlUous
all stoniavli and li'er i oini'laints . on
■illflilon and d<»i>-|wm UK MER­
RICK S Sl i;AR-CO.m:i* l-ll.l^ aie
niild.-T1iort.ush, and efle.-me
- .Atiiciicsn I'ruB^

Tire ReaaOfL
Ererybodr knoai abr a «(
Tiitlle *i"l I’.-ati slraiii* he*i «lnt.-r
«rho zc«i ahnniinz In a bnhblo akin
ba; to barn crerMbtaz rbarced. Sba
Bomb Manitou. MleJs
Jnii eannoi Eel Into Uf bai
ly. June, July—taea*
Quincy Her*i4..r


Strain \V. I
K.rryiHi. -bflulit n-e -(i-nir liltir ■BtWplle jH-r i:.; ruliiy 8u«k Em». I: o" I>er
lovd- r II. lb.
ifoof.nme Ih- I
i:.; M B. Turkey Kaia. >.• irerh, lIJia
.b». i-in 11—iruniu.rinland >n-l n>i
io-ii-i -lasnuis-siedlbea. Praplr ol nftne
South Maullou, ki
a-luay . June, lull •
STATE Op MICHICAN—The JTohai.. CoBit. for the Couol} of I.

I hereby clvrei lliat foui
111 the IlliDd da> of Aiiril. A
■ve been alloatsl for rr.-d
ilort lo iireeein Ibelr
. taid dee.-aiH-d to said .
'Gallon aud adJuslnM-ni. aii.l lltal all
-'re.ltlora of said Ue.«a>-.-d arc rr•iiiir.-d Iu i.ieaeni Ihelr .-laitiis to sai.l
nurt. al ihe prolmie oBlie, in the rli.
Traterse City, li. said .ountj, on
;or Imloiv the IMl. .lay of AurusI. A
I). Ihl;;, and that elalms alll hi,'lear l h.> said eoiiri on Wrt’m-s.l.i'.
:lh>* ZMh .la.i of Auzust. A. II..
t. elo, k..........
d April ri'ti-l.
Kl■REIi IL \VALKi:il.
JudEe of 1‘tt.lrelc
aprll r:. :n. I

Have the lateat improvkl maPrvm|>t attention
given all onJetf no rniUer
raiuer how
tmall. Call or write for pi

-sHoUi phoM No. flW.

Seeds and FertHizer


fann.-r kli.iws ibi.l ••■•ni.»- .I'.vT
,l..*Jl.. In-ana. nml evryilqiig ilml h.- j.lauls must
1,H* fed in ..rd.T to gr..w, l.ikr tl..- niiimaJ if it is it<*l«.-» it will ii..t gn.n—1h->pn.-ti.-xlly n.-sl Hie
sniu.* «nily in.a il:tf.-r.*iit
TJb' 'Tops mi
ill.- fanii-biiv.' tc }'■■ f.-.i wiyi niiiii'-iiui.«e
ii.*id ami |«.ii.4H-ib-s'- I'eiiig tb-- i.nneiirel eleulent*
thi- Hoil lacks. Th y iniisi Ik- sujqilitsl Ihrougk the
use of fi-rtiliz.-r. ,
liB^* 4>r
' Fniil iiii.l H.i.t froj. ?i|H-eial. and lligli-gradr !*».
lato iu slo-k. It'w'ili i*ay y..n a hig j*roHl to uae
.siuiiiii-r.-iui f.-riifiz'T o.u all of y«.iir ■-r»>jis,
\V.- still have a iii.s- vnri.-ty <(f gaishu ami field
ws-ds~Maiigl.-tuirtz.-rs. iuufax. tnri>i|H. jx-m. euru, M|iiash. |>ui<i|ikiu. cluver ami timothy.

To Lay Llnolfusn.
When laying linoleum first laV pw

A Succcasfwl Farmer
Oi'es at mucli Biieniion tu hi.
at he doe. to liit'croi-. -All slock
eondllkm at ilmos anti It la the good
manager ihal aei.llea tbe r.-nied> Ihs
lore there i» an. aeiiou. lo« oT time.
The •ureeBStut luen In the .Ves Eng
land States use HAnVEIJ.S CONDI­
TION POWDER lor «io<k and iiouliri.
A packaEC goee a tong way because il
I all Diedklne. not a lood. li puta
oiking amaimals in good sidriie and
nb Kr
Keep* iwulirr
try free from
eases and Inimses the yield .
ctt. Sold by .kaieHeaitjjniE

TCdh Extracleri AkMlatc*
■ "Ka-olar' method i


I .var JUt «!.n«w»ia


*Ka-olar- meibod ot palnlaaa flgtnm,


^—Omstfwia ra»awHa.w m-


•*: ■ yfwi


mm m sil

The unforseen has happened. A backward se£|son necessitates the deducing of Our stocks to
Jheir normal sizes. Never before have we shown such a variety of choice merchandise. Our
buyer spent three weeksjjt New York, purchasing new goods. He bought, at extremely low
prices, many entire lots o( seasonable merchandise from manufacturers anxious to dispose of them for spot cash, Tb«
tardiness of the season finds us with rtiore than our regular stock on hdhd. To make to^ulck clearance we have decided
foe coa Mw pmchast your sommer sapplies at grtally ndaced prictt. No need to wait until July-Conie and do your shopping now.
Double Tradluo Slumpsand Spedal CoupoBB on special days, tosetl^^ith the reputaUon ot the Globe Store as the -Uadere of Lov, Prices" in this region, should combim to uuka
it (tonbly Important for you to attend this sale. The bargains are to plain that iiersoas within a distant* ot fifty miles cam easily save their tares both ways on small purchases."

Sale Begins at 8 a. m. Wednesday, May 8, and Continues Just 22 Sale Days. Positively Ends SATURDAY, JUHII


1^ T

On ihls and the following pages you will find SPECIAL COUPONS. Eaety'«>n|k>n is good lor Ibe day prialed Qktmm


Where elsecan you dupticatetheseprices? Where else will your money bmyso much? Nowjiere!
John J._ rurk't SCO yd. mndilM
,Tlir**d. per ivool...................
4 only to e ruitouer. -


TIon' nioiH* Welbl*. wade «if I’.rrale, wotlb a quanrr. 4 9ljbkd»
ealP price, eachvT........

Mee'a iJoen tWHan. aaeorted
eiylee and aJara. eoeb...........

»DP laMr full of OhlldronV Slux-'v
full) tl.iW. lor (.Illy, |«r


Itoaiaak flalah tdearhed tnrclllni;
wlih rrd bonlpr.
yard .........................................

100 doron Mrli u Mu. k nr ton In
Htiw. all Biv,.*. |H-r i-Bir.......
i pair to a ............ unly. .

r.0 Soften Wni'a Work Sot.
w4alM. aod all wliee. per .

!s rttowi' n-otowi-*
Silk Oaure lltif.
Mat-k. tan and uliitf. In all kIu«. 4
liiinn Wla and tiy-ri. pex iwir - .A*^


4 ittir to a rualom. ..



UlltoM’-Hhln" \V.Tl«t*. nil nirnn. llB'-t
dark t-olnr. A B»o«l,97d»
utito WnUt. Wlilto ilif> iani..........



per pair....................... ........

Tsrlilri Waah ^kiiha. not orei
4'l« a eoaloiper. each.........

down Oornt-t*. in.ide t.f bcMmI nual.f.'
baalliiv 7iiid Mi.tlixh.limB . inialH. b>k> I
■tayw and ximOs. liar, all iUi. Bf.'lt- and




I .aif Apritn rhiwk Uinafiani-, ii, m
miM I",',,,' *. V'm irtni
r< bav*’ li n t *i uu utift
n yttsli tpuffit
.aw anv Tr (linaliaii..' S|..-. la!. !~T

Man,' havf ahn..w, tiirnl.-'"o r
Ihriii,-* w.ili,..„i
\V;..v i.a, .

Till* *aW) «niy, rat-li..
Only two to a ruaiomar.

I*l-':i'Hn'i1 I’Ulow 1‘aboii, 4AHC illi ho*.
M..-rid .in *»:,• ot.

Uiili,'*' I't'i-wt l oy.T*. lar.' anti ••inl.r.-idct' Mad.- «'f
.lunliiy. H..U inuelin Tht- kind >mu p.i> ir.V t..i .-Ut' <1 9$A>d*
• wli-r,-. Uorp, for link Ktlc. .-a.-h ....

n Imrgslii tal'lr of Itayi' u

l.ia<k colfoD '
.H-m'. all eir,-*, |>.T pair................. VW
Niti oier 1 jairi Ip a tuilomer.

M,-nV'-\V..ik .-Urns, ni.t.i.. of l.laik ;iiul »' t'- n'-iil'. Unkl i.
IikI 1 toll)'* !a .■■Ih'Ir.iii.ainl eMiiHul aliil i )l.-i K-.l t-h 111 itiLw. Jill
Shin* 11,at r..anlar1y *.ll

Kmlmid^ Vl.yiniiiiB. 1“ a»d
Mid'-. pH*l nu.ilii.i t'aniliny.

We Give Absolutely Free


MW plfttw good qoo..: I
and dark patlanu. per
yard ................................

AkbUI". laiuph'S uf UtoB**' 2^ Sac niercerlilt*!-, in lilark. un. pink. red. Uu* Mhif . Al*..
riMnd Slf Hohr,
miislly lara.i si/..-*. Spe- ial
$ 7d*

IIm.I ih.-lr
S.i.f ><i„r iradiim




Itoldlnii'B. nirkardaoD'a and
llB Kinbnddei
■keiiis. *mA


Suit f'aaM with Bti-cl frame aad brau
itx'k aud'c-uicbe*.

With Stamps, water sets, lace
.■inaln*; ilpiTir.ittMl I'fi.iia I'oriy *.is. iM-twii'u! a.-IO-flatoo .•ICKk*.'
u*. till .•aritoi HBri'pcrH. dftorat.'d jiariur laii.i’w- '"MinB d'-ii ko'arfp.
Vfi,..| riiBB. flttly
r.M rw-kr:*. aoW plattvl tmii-rw. bo.'e' «vlie
oTj^wl,.*. rui»‘
-tialioBBUt liiil*h a. -tal- rt''ii'l, I'laty hall
mil tor,. iiianilnlirK. I.«,k rati*. p.irlor ■ 'a.r*. oak 5».c k.r*.
n‘l« of ilKlie*. Ifon KMs. kill li.-ii ■ iililm-ts. iia-o In.'ltnc l"'-l t ourii.,.
•M.iiri* yualrt. nak dro^sor*, rimiry laMf*. I•«•k .;■■■•- and
ina.liim * '



• htfar, la Him. pink, lavepder and tan.
Made... rtnall a.
. allBhUy Indn-rf.-...
hm hardly omlreaMe. per

{.laiirhlno Cbanibrat, *<iM overT*
uUrBA- ai UK-. Sal- pro-.-.
to-i yard ........................................... ,.OC

aod dark ttdor. her yard........w

(• CoTT Kmbfuld.Ty. IS k

See oup I_,arge Four Rage Circular for other Bargains.


entitles you to a Messaline
Petticoat, with deep rufile,
all colon, worth $3.00.
(tMd Aay WadMiMy Ourtnp Ma.


will get you a Bleachetl BedI
Sheet. 72x90 inebes^^^
Good Aay Holiday X^ng Sale I

2 Trading Stamps Instead of 1
All-day. Friday, May 10. we will jii'e you two G
Trading Stamps instead of one. if you



This Coupon and

lids Conpon SMI



entities you to a pair of men's
I entitles you to a large Hand Patent Leather Shoes worth
I Bag. worth $1.00.
I Good Any Toeiday Puriitg Sail
Good Any Friday Onrtec fcH.

Tlie Globe Dept^ Store


.1. -


. 0140-142 East Front street. Traverse CityrMlciiigan

win t>e FOrti next fall.ibat a creeter


l>ro(U »m he reallii'd tliao vould he
under full crop coodillone.
There are |>Uree la ihe v«-inlty
where the bud* have beeii iirattlcall}
hilled, bm aa tbe«e ln«lenee» are provto ho IUD«- rarea« the hud* ronie
(hen i» liiil" 'atiM* fur uoeaelne**
r ^he Rrneral eondlilon of the
liaarli <ruj> In ihU jon of Ihe (irsnd
Travene rt-Rtan The apple t-rop
promlee* to he the larsen In ntalix
ytare, while there Will !• an' ahundanre of nour rberrira sltover the
le •11*'
Sweet ebeirles In many




NNn KwnM«


Retnaipt ef Charles M. Hayes Recev

few moDtbs will ahorten the Uvea of

Of TiUnIe Crew.

ered and Claiiifed By Widow.
Others Recovered Were

« wood ii In very good nsnditioo and



S.~The Mlnla



There I* Do res­ fifteen bodies



vetilDg come* there will he a* good
aa an'aveAg'e crop of all the ieadlng

la that of Iharlw. M. Haves, which
was . lalUHcdBr.c his widow and the

varieties of fruit.

briala »f fbe .Gniud Trunk railwa)

more proof that this region Is one
who had been Waiting for It. Most
tbe moat favored In the coiinir>- when of the other tsidJes.were meinhera ol
H eomea to raising a sure cro|. of the the crew. The story o' the trip 'wa*



■ Yal Sen today squarely at ihejgaliired Ubor.
d.iur of tbe British goveratiieiu.
Ibett.-rlDg the rwudlilotui of the

opium production has beeu . resumed
atr exteimlve scale in fhlpa. t1
I Be HeM in



former ptvvlaioiial president sn4 i
Major vplmionavy leader, sent w rable
Engfaod admitting the truth to the r

nett.-. The tivlle* -were widely
tered. some days only ontv belns

all claaoea jn _Jbe^vaniisl a deep



Mr snik Ur*. Hogan they *era the
reiTpieala of sevrxl beautiful toe«e^0( the w-r«SlcvD '

Stung by Ihe impliv-aiionsVi-oniaieediiiig |«o|de. and tlce edii-aiiuii n
ill .abled erliiiitnis from England tba<
tb»‘ ethli-w ul h)gl<-ue.


a duplicate of that of ll|e .Ua< ka> Ben­

Two todies were burle<l

deaths than wlKumiBk aoogh. tmwal'aL

iblld liUior. (or surh Ubor weakens o'clock diiiio-r Et'idaV:—Covers «ere
Mid for twelve.
Tbe color siGesae

the cbi1dr.-o so they will not grpw-i
The only outof-lown guests were
Shanghai. May- t.—The responsiblM. be vigorous men and women and aa
of pink and white wss rlnhoralely cmr- .
Mrs. Laura Davidson and Ml** la'll* ly for Ike cuottouallua of Tbe opium result renders Hi* deseeodant Bore ried nvi in decuratiotia and meno. Ad
was the 30th wedding nnslveeury
I of
curse In the world waa pb.-ed by

xtaple truK* that tlio general

HaiiMr m hdiorer

i^ced hrWe U «4.
Fclir Sarpa ef tprace auwet MB
«e niUlortune to nratve a aidlnief
I Meet in the left eye «hUe -at »ot*
1 tlH- eic-eUkir vnrfca Sntutdnr.

tnherduloala. U responsible, for mote

eria put
Mediral nilenOon wax glva* lumBIwill be a nwide al My*
He aadvocated several niuderti and
perhap* before the result *111 be Brtiriilv.-rwal reforms for Ihe suppression
of tiibercnlosts surh as woman suf- hltely^kati**.
fnsg-. bic-aBae of woman's Inlluen.-e
Mrs. and Mr E. C. Hegan. ef TU
in ihi. rswpect; the abolishment of Va^lngiun siUTt esiertatnevl at s'slt


.MpT^d Mrx. Camplwll left on the

keta call (or.



Washinxiim. D.-K May d.-AinoiiT
Is manifested. It. ihe Masti

pays a Urge |vart of Its expenses-wlth

lyraa CMnnlNfiiam an« MIta CMK-

vvou-l. Uiln ol Klng-le... werxIn hr- talk on "jiexaal Hyiyem-"
Sim.lav afteijiot.n. Itr'. Waribln Oealr nvarriri: at Ihe l>«tr*l U. >1 |«rse*eileiV'ly.dv with verrereal dl-'easW. ace May l. Uev. W. W. UeKee offtcMi-iiiackery practice
Ing. Miaa Wood waa Eorr-verly a leaer.
qitack dix'tors
m<l Miwtoo. The* went aonih
wntaiolr.g «I1

Venereal and wucilne
i-aui-e vif the srneral Wk o f knowl

metnoriul eierrises to he bold st
Ihe money paid.into th>- treasury edge regar-lina so* niafters, they
Xatlc.iial Theatre to:iSprr..w, alteroooii (Imingh ibe.-lnip<«l(ion of an Import eurmilale a va» amounl of niooe.
in h.m«.r of Major ArUiihakl W. Bull. wx on opium, this could not he trne.
treating levt-le whu really have nu a'Presideiii Tafi'a Jate military aid wli-y
-Vntil Vlngland sbsolutely prohibit* tlirvhio W'halever.
'was among the Ci.ttm$ of the Titanic the sal.e of op Kim In her posM-saions
Both lecture, were ilbu'ctUcl with
disaster. ITeSiUent (faft will deliver tbia cnrie cannot be stamped out."'
stereoplieon vb-w
Occurred st AbderIh.- priiiVipal iiddris at the uiee-Iiir.. said .Sun Yal Sen's twble. He irnplu
Among the olher'apeakem will l-e Ser- ed the British aml-aplom leagneto pul
rehirj- of -War Siimaon am) SSeuaiur forth every effort lo-have the gover*-

WaWington. D. C, llay-t.-The me­
mory of UosL Rev. John Celroll
BsliJmore. the founder of Georgelown
college and whose name is ioaeparah!;
Interwoven wlUi tbe eerly history o



in why anyof the growers shouM Iw alK>iird .locked here today. The onl.'
■couraged. as when tbe time for har- liodv of u well knoun peiwm aboard

Thli will add m

nation through the havoc wrought
the germ tfibefcio Wlllas He a
proved .-on.-luslvely by siatlsllra. thai

evt^iiog train Raiurda.v (or Milwaukee,
where tliey at homo after Ma>

the |»ach traea wotnewhal, but those

It slightly colored.

college mates and hU imiumi.friends as i'lronsldtwf' having won


of .Mllwankee.

light one.
Some of tfa» frail crowen believe
int life oeTwe weather of the paai

«»'Pw WdB|tflood evar

lta«vOrMiii. Mkr «.-ThlHT «•»
intarlor point la -Cm^ fVla^&iwbaa tbe MUalaaIppI
vltbout • varninic. The
■iMtm report ti*t twelve bodl»
pMnXbeoeerpd. aad «y the death lUt
■MrWi^ «tnr- H«Avr niiu m lx>uie4^ Jllodsalppl harp ptade the
tail^Gtaatte at a dotao poiaG dee
j«3» The Btau laJlIUa baa roondeil
V.«*WT Bairo fa htor«aDM. UelTlIle
|| "Wuea Booaa aad are terelac
work on the terae.
Aaetber L^vae •eoka.
'dltaw Ortaani. Vajr.fcr-The illaal^
d terea broke S ■fia'tbore MellFBa aad the .OTTomidlaf ooantiT win
M •eodad tA nJlea.

and wins friends easily both gi home
a»;d abroad. .Mr. Campbell le a grad
uaie of'M. A. C.. where be vva* koown;

olr* of-the Wwi Ibvlslun fligh school

the crop 'wUl l» In' seneral


of tbe .stniieodous cost or loss to

iled in Ulooniington. III. Sbe la a
young woDwn of ibartulisg i»rauas1il'

(otuUHTsMe taiue a* a fooUwll eiar.
I!.- i» at preaeni a metiiber of the tar-

»un<ea have le-en liar.lily dealt
diirhia the winier and It 1* expected

eontracijog iwrtiev. «lss SeMa Aw- alb liable to the penalties of Ibk IsW
Dr. K'artfaio
d ataUsUcs of
dersoB and .Mias Macgaret (jUben. uiilCM they bare Ik-eoae*. It will be
kinds, showing, the Increaae and sblemntted some time this wes^
llesnses were Issued Batur.
iaief and nleee of the bride, had kell for those iclevidlng 10 corn decrease In this eoun'rv- al
arms la the (mure u> make api^ca- tlOMW of the death tnU.«f tuherrdloel*.
lues r. rempbell of Char­
charge of the serrlag.
Uon for their llcenae to order to what taai 1>eea acromplished through levoix ami Min Matilda Aodersoa of
Mrs. Cami-bell is a gradkatc of the
Edward r Croakbile
llllnois Trsinlng School
for Nnrses
for the |.ast seven yeaiw ,hsa been make complaint agahut' them aboold claiions la anUuing luberrulusls. and

tbs Roman Catholic chnrch in Amerl


One or:lhe very preny wnd.lines o* ‘lloke Smith of r.corgi.i.
thV aarly OTrlng-tlnie io6klL>lsce
high noon Mtunlay at the hooie
Mrs. A. Andersoe of West LlrvemL



^ was boonred today In the unveil street, when her daughter,
tilda. became the bride of
Ing of bU autur in the grounds
in the VodMO ElMW That There Will be Owrgetown university.
The bninxe
neua Ocpaitmenta of
•tatjis represenu tbe srrhbisbop la itev. W. H. Laye ^ thtGIVEN BY DR. WARTHIN
Utro Crop..
a slttlnS posKloii. garbed In tbe robes church oSIcIatina.
Tbe Anderson home was very vretof tbe Joault order. Preeldent Taft
I Eopea of frutt powere In tbj* Cvdloal Clbhona and Very Rev. A1 tlly decorated, ferns and Oowerr wit'i
Xa application-* have a. >*-l Wn
a coloV scheme of green and whli
made to the rouniy hoard who have In
m tor a fair oop of peachee thU Idtonana J.
clmTutcs In dc-partii>«-nuil adminl-tra.
Donloo. president
cxin-Pt in Ihe charge the grnniliig nf |>enilissb>n to
B an hlfb at tbe
ww» M-luded in the big bu-Igei
Georgetown, detlvored the prim
dining room, where great boqueis
carry .-vineeaUsl^j^Iyions.
A* this
the troM In the laaa favored local'
BPircifC.cation hill i'-I«ned by ih>13ic-lecture.- oil 'TulM-rc-aloils" fiatpluk carnsllDoa Ie;:i il.cir (ragiaacc law- nmkes tbe ipwcib-c of earryiug
IB an boddlttC out In a inaiuip that
and beauty To the m-ene and gave
fireaniis without a llcens-- a felony in- orffgy cvt-iiluc. wd Tlcxiial nyeicnx''
• OBtlNiir nBexpected a'abort time
Some of the draxtir reforms were:
need^ touch of color. He bride ileac! o' a uilajenwarioi-, tt heb.«ve» viiui-lay-aftcrubon. by Hr. A. S. War.
K Brasebea fron treea on the
'Aholilfon of Ihe.cancncen-e cjiurt.
iiathnlugist of the I'nivcncii) of
word a behoming gwu -of w hite aUk ilio.e whose business rrm.h^s tli--m
W of Ben Baraei and WIHIara from all sections of the country.
Ite-iiictnm of (he ruilary *rf-ihe w.Ml'h'i.uan.
narouisette over white Tlierc were CO go orriccj to get Im.v at c-tH'i.;-.Aw. whldi were auppoaed to have
relafy to tin- ftr«.«id-lii fr.ipi JT.'-l*'-I"
00 attendants, and dir.-v-tly (ullowina .Ik- Uikr-I v-.iti icinc-t <m M-iV-ki>
i.. Ing a.c wril a- i-On.-aticnnl. The only
m wlnlel- billed, abow that at least
B Of the bodi artrio-vnceiltst

tbe cere.pu>8y. a ‘Hi.-.-vuii*.- w.-.Ulii

l- cd-.e uiiil ;iv'

Rob and «U produeo'tnilL TbU
B iMTo oooaah frott on tbe

dinner ww served to Uie bridal eou|i
and the gue*i«. who hi<-)uded only i|i.

.members «f l!i*‘ sheriff's ic^r- e a! well
the isiiice blflvep.; an l «-X|-i-e..

■Btoro pn«erlr. aad tbe




Immediate frieuds nu.f relatives of Jli>


Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits
Wifli Prices Clianged
to $19.50, instead of $15.00 to $30
• Suits neyv, perfect and in the best of the season’s styles, but now nt smaller prices
—because they were so well lik<!d they have sold down to odds and ends and one and
two of a kind and size. Suits of light and dark serges, mixtures, plain nnd iwo-totied
wbip/cords, are well tailored and made

$14.50^16.00 and $19.50
Ite Same Wllli ladles* and Misses’ Coats in shudes of naY-y. soft grays, pretty.
Uns. two-toned effects and’mixuues. all beauiifully tailored with the new style col-

....... $9, $11.50, $14 and $16.50
JanlOT Coats in most wanted styles and combinations, fur ages 13 to 17. instead.

of X7J CO M500

50, $8.50, $10 and $12
$3.95, $4S5 and $6

Good House Dresses made of light and dark percales, with.high or
low neck, all sizes, worth $1.00, are now............................................. ..........UVLr

ExraordlBary Specials—Suits, Skirls, Coats
ladles' Long Coats
Ladles* Salto $7.00
|| Ladles’Sldrfs $1, $1.4$ and $2 95
/ ^d Jackets
I A few left ;of last season’s I
Instead of $1.50. $2.50 and $5.00.
CtjrlMin medium and dark llTh^ skirts are mostly last season's styles A few' from l:ist season tluit
were $7.50. 'Slfl
colon, were $15 to $20. are |l but they are Good Styles in mediitin and
**^''*^ »™lors. some of them --------------were $6and S7.M. now at..

GIRLS’ COATS, made of all wool blne terge, were $S.OO Iasi season, now at f2 SO
Children's Dresses
iSwMer Dresses
,DwMea that excel in make, fit
Pretty Gitigliain and Percale
Selling al $1.^
. and style, made of Percales,
for girls, age (> lo 14
{ Dimities. Lawns. Voiles Mar- Are some of Iijst season’s Silk. Mull. Lawn
years. Dresses worth from
and Dimity Dresses that were $4. $5. $U
1 qaisettes, etc. great values
in this sale at
1 in the May Sale at $2.95.
and $7.50. your choiee jn the ^ a

49c, ^c, 98e and $1.19
> $15ip$lb $$.$$* $7.5$. etc.
May Sale at..................

Men Are Finding fhe Qoibes tliey want in ibis sale
$22.00 Suits go at. .$10.50
$12.50 Suits go At...$&$0
$&0e Suits go at..$12.05
$1&S0 Suits go at . .$10.00

GimkI Shins at.......... 85c
Cotton SiK-ks at........-rlc
50c Umlerweiir at ... .$9c
Boys’$2.50 Suits at ,fl.95
BIfl Bargains.



ri gti-t .'cjiitic-c.i..! with ciih.-r prugralu

trip and Oh ibeir reiura »UI
CM Mlssma.
RiMIs of ths Bpfthvjb
Tbs SpUna-som. mm *(--«aM«Bmonater-prupoaed a ridd'e lo Ui*
people of I'bebes. H iswaid. aad Burdered slT who could not nprv>er It.
Oedipus Dnally Mrived K and In rba>
grin the Sphinx put beiMlt to death. Ths riddle was a* luim**; -What
Coe* on lour leei la the naoratag. t*o
feet In tbe alleraoon and three at
c'chtr: The nn**er gtvrn by Ucdlpnt'
*n»thtx: •'Man; becau** hr crawl. .*
a c hild, walk* liprignt In his tnU
stfengih and wUarwiihwsuc when
an oM man."
Geed Thing EMily Lost.
Jack-"f>ed h»a a .tap, hut fed's
(oollsb to coDllaue abueiag fetg privil«ei ' Tom—'iThaTi so*
It takgs
mighty little lo make a .tnecurs todtcore..'—Boston Transcript.
Appsrsntly So.
SoBin genlu* has Invniled s BanB
tn be afflxed to a.itoi^cd«!lo wheel, ta
^eveet the *td*bUig of padaMrtsAA
Would he rob the eport of one of W
cfelsf pl.Mnre*r-WaahUigton POdL
HefutI of the Ify llhraij for the
uuili of April:

Traneti.-r of Ihe burcaci-ct manufar-

.XoiBlier 4j( twok* Issued !•} de|«rtIsree from the department of com
jenlv- Khllon. IS31; MveaDe |k-tfa«.
metre and tabor tjr*ilK- stale de,ari
t< ulu-1* Icy Koine lux-k in am^nt
-h>t»g>. T3; natural Mi-tence. (4: ose
linira nuU d-ullng with the opfiiiunK nient.
nnluMtcn of ^Ii.p'o-ee and i-<-<iiio
V It; I
of the UK-dk-nl world lownnl inbcfnimil-* of a-lmiiihTralion ik the ofTicr of *i:'huu>ry. 71: tnvet. 4C. biocTapfey.
Tlic , people
io-i- i
u- i-tani I nlted rdaie-'jiienaiuv
general works, P2. TutM DnBherthu-l- ikiyk biid (soil-- to k*ck upon 1
Uoelou. nucioiiall. Xef York. New booka iasued. HOP. Hally average M
-li-.-aw m» luck ».r fate, a* l>t-mg
Orleans. 1' nV **'- ‘
books, ion. Burner da). April ZTth.
,-vlisibV sped • veil iic-umry. lor U
AboVtIuU of c-oinage
lT7 bunk* Issued.
elfciriic- in .treuliug it iH*<-nre-l nil in
imnciw-u. Xec* Upeen^Sud I'wrwuo
Reading rooms-Men. 361: waami.
v-nln; liyncse, Ok' KypcisI Im-IM'Ilial
|-iiy. Ncv. Sulwliluliod ol an :
173: children. X. Total XnimMv la
one- coiismiiiuioii takes hold ih.-re U
office at San Eraoci-,i-iE! pla-e
reading room. Itsri. iUly average ta
no ljoi«! for the afrii'-t-d* .Traveling
mint, a.-* at prem-nc. TTovUlon* Hint TTOding room. SS.
->n ilirviigfa lb* year* to lutsiievnl and
iu> clri nil judge.tiliall hereafter leim>d.-ra times, he -iliowvd wuii i|i
Hr. Warthlci *,i»-ucd his talk on

vain--- of time liow tin- world of niedi-

l•uiul•-d until the

whHe number

Itotiert and Abe fTceman of Kaomn

*ci*di jci-ige* »liatl lucvi- lie.-n reduced on their way to Traverse tTly
witli lice cau*>-ic pf lulM-rc-iikxsf- an-l lo T* an I Uie wlmb- nutsilu-r th.-i»ali<-r and when' near Uorgsa's (arm their
«liiill iiot.c-x.«-d that.
lK,rse became frlghieaed at an aatothe- beat cocirve to'inir.M
i.-ohiii> They were Ibrowa from the
rcK-iit nucl pn-veuiiuD. .ab'l .'c* a reeult
tiBVe a'cquirod the graiilMne kuu*}edge- that tub«-.rculo*l» c


-I enthely unuj^xsary-.

rig and'Robert


aUiut Ilii- liMhd

They- were taksa to



Ol- H.del Sinclair.

ITrst of all. a-^o th- niaiu esa^e* of
thi- .courge to,the hu;.;on race, I
Wariiilt: enrpharirrsl the latt.tbat u
iire.eBi *oe:a|-ry*(. ut is iiidlre«-ily ■
*l>OBxcble for rouaunipiton lu ilie n
.-uilry of cav.-x.
“Avarice, greed, selfishnes* ■
ihe' IchiisiatiTy of man toward m
ha* creaied,,c;<nd!ttonn that make
aseevsary fcrTN^ioorer . laaee*
•lU'icr to;*-ther tn hepvv lopalaied
l-Il, aa In the It-nemept house.
c)f 'Xr • Xotk, Chicago a^-l O'her large
T.iinc. Decaufr,- of the Way they are
nor-1-eUe.i to liv*-. tiie-^ povony sirlc kr-a c-.-u’urc-s 1........ b-r:i
:hc-ir 1'rr*-na*.i..
•;i!n»hin-.-. r-vhl.-h





... cliLlab. nnwd
Buslaeva »oa s

beea alloved (or

qulr..fl I.. (

.end e-—!

of .liva.iv h.-ins a
•i.(-!e s J .1-. I.-...-I.-

STATE OF JIICHKIAS—Tbe Protalc Couit (or the Coueiy of Grand
• fa tbe matter of the esufe of Jobs
joined all .Lua-is'u today- tn botuge 'f^Ttiips. d«-*-eaaed.
:he nieiieiry i,f Major Archie Bull.

vtv;; iioiiERDWERPOHr

-Ui.i,.- (o nM

;i.,.r--! an el.*ju.-n: peracmal tr.bute.

I e


: ■• - at* ,

i*.n*i-;<-ii’ci — o.. Ol-- 1:-’. I'overi;'. p'.pi
-.1 -ri-, i<K*r vctitiUi'iim. !s:ip;»ti-am!

7he Fr*v
I'oac. -• of Gian t

New- Vc.-k, .Mjv : —Horn-r Hxveanon the sniat a'od caftwir.Itct -fled t.sJay following a hr.-f ;i:- Tracei*.

ii-c 1, JUi-i -Oiir .-y..e-Ms-s-ly re»i>on»i!ile Ipr'ina':- cat.
luiK'icuIoH*. Tb-re are nia'ny-'other
Id contra, iii.s tb-. qnntagipi
germ, or '
--r.;- bai-iliu* t>;ay lw» cOBVey.-d t-n
-•ne indliidual lo AnoOier Ilircugl- •!
.;e .If -ot:.mou drinuog-iu:*.


Ills <-1:14(18* of Mark Ilanny

were (an...Cl* d.irinc the can'iicaigSr'.V-i;. 1-K*J and *er- p..»--'ui factor* ,U . .-I Apnl.
l:i-!»hf .-ootes:*.



> Vg« t a aa a aaa a a'aa

'Vr-d' K. Walker.

.ate .jJlsiX.l'Wbso

* <1,. ,-Maie of Ab-

r:frs,r*'i me..-,,


.c-gertn rarviers.and ir- nm
„r f!.e fac-t.-and inai-it-ing. the

il-i.,Ukh '!•• ci'v !c»Jav oil I.

lecme .lejMcIted in the dnsi. wl-i..1.
when dry.,Is blown aU.ut and Inhat-I
l.v other iadlvi-luals. who

Ku'ptte. Mr i-ott* t* makic
of IM. »e.!b.l. of It..- »ia-e
K-ren of allaila e:»»T- A'
I-Lire# ai'lre Ice will

weaWrtied Condition at (he time

er..u« faroi* iii i!.*-* vIHnlty an-l-gHe
Mnoflon abitii; tcc.i.

r lain'esreptial in warding off dlsrSMi-ta'nv kio.l and especially »o in 'hi.a*e i.f conxumptKm. Ereslt air. r-rt.

A marriap* liesase csraa ics^ Monly to -Vvel Audi-iwn of CraVfc
r*. Floteoce'-abi x,f l••n'ri.l

lake. In jiine. l»ll 'he couple
granted a divorce, both being Jestrici-.
hamaBlty ed a* to marriaae until alfer

>aii«iii|ie and acoki wholesome- food
are absolutely am-twiary
ilK-alth. anj herein lies

hJBBairally *U Umam


sal he,', .d said -P-

ten o'etu-k
xaai' iirubair
I..e, be
and pc here -V apictnaie.! !bearinc
ber'or.tered Hiat p.ibMc noI Ice given by j»iblica>KiB of order, fur three su>
-I- |cretiuue-in >nid day'ol
the rirabd Traverse Her>1«l»:r lO-mied and rinuMtrd in sard coUBtv.




Urgly attedded aad proved lo he s
enjoyable one. The ereclDg was
spelt In music, game*, recliattons ami
progretalve pedro. The Brat prlie
- OaptatB Enxirr of Bevara Harfaoi
wUB won by Uan Burkmaa and Joarrived' Toeedar nlcht from Charle^
aeph 'Blrkler.
with the steamer rannr Rose and
School closea next Fridar with s
Weak aa
aoM be laaklBc trips to Trarerae Oh the Sunday Sdiool Lesson by Bev. Dr. Linscon for tl
Aftae Bottae Peict* for Pratt,
International Press Bible Question Club..
leaan.. Chaw F. Bark and Edward picnic. Mtss Burkman. the teacher
Pay-son will ajHieur before the Graad baa pataed three luroeeaive yeat* wM!
Mra. C. C. Perkins arrlTed. here
ac, Mrioa* i
us and we wish itar hark again.
Traverse grangers la
Toeilay' nUtt to spend the anminef
Sorry to tavow that Misa Atnella
Veriea 31C4-Wber^la oughi Ca»a airvei^SaturJg) afieniooo
afienmon ai - ^
with her parenu.
iainer ia on the aik Hat.
a Cbrbtlan to be-belter then a sinner ocUs-k lorfthe pnrtsrse
t. by
i.adtw' Aid aocletf net aitb\Wn
Mrp. JBI. Allgler Is Improving aff.
treatment of bb fellowa?
imiananl Ui u li
Andrea Qllraura Wedaeaday Atie^
operailon. Mr* J Murphy
The L«w of Lore.
» vl:rT-Si;
noon at Hapletoa.
treen trodlng her.
for a truly good man lo literally
Indications are that (fils Beaaon*
Bon. x1M;S-10.
The L. O. T. U. will Kira a
■ . —fint. Ttarcfcrc, when mwaslre pedh> party Friday nl«ht at
OoMen Ten—Tbou shall lora' iby mbera aa be would like to be treated! crop is going to to- a big oiu- and It
tbalr ball at Old Hlasloo. Eierybadii' nelibbar aa tbyself. Ko<ii. xilirs.
When l-hnatUB men loan won * a most Impunaui inaitrr that It be
Tiarkeied no as lo luing |he latgext
I Veraea :*.5S-Wbat benefit b y does rbrlsl mean Uiat ibe) abould
E. O. lAdd U remodellnK bU bouse
not be carrful lo be prr.peiiy aeiured, lioeeiui.' return. .Mr. Buck WltlvuIllUe
ua. to Ibe tanse of Ood or to
plan, which If II can In- adoid.M. will
and bartaK a new chimney tftlHor
be simply mean that there lx
eflemiea If we love themT
MUton Gore has started to build hla
mure merit In such a iraaseetleii ■creaae ibe gross return by at lea->t
(Li- Wbai u Implied in loving dur
new bouse. Mr. Beldina of Traverwe
(ban nn wdloary sinner would be en :r> {Wr <eiii. Hr |iro]>o*eii that xiandviaea ««■ af h* BMt BCrit.
be, adopted, trade mark* used
nty has ebsr*a of tba carpenter
lined to!
C l Wbat It U. or out. naiur^ tor
fll.l Verses'ar.-M-Whlch _U Ren and Ibe fancy (ruiii. advertised su a*
to luodui e-a lively'ilcnand for ihetn.
Mr. Bpfnit U barlnc a new boune ■ to love oar
better wav- lu b-lp
bum on fall farm In plac* of the one
.Mr. l-ai-son nas been Ihv esi Igal Ing
If betne desirous of uivtof our
loan tbem money witboul se­
tbnt bwmod Ual falL O. J. Uennon b raemtes apd we do not aucceed, wbu- curity or to gire U lo them!
the box as a larkage. fur ihe mat
means shmild we ediw to aeromplbh
112.) What b Ibe reward or profii lliR of the apple and haw reai-bed (be
rfamld have tfaa beat.
Sdiool commenced Monday after
Thai enough helb-r (nice
our deaire? . .
ipr loaning money wltlioitt^iecurliy to
New York-. May S-Thal most of ihc
we^ racallan for acariet fever.
Veraea »«n-Oranted that li the needy with (be sole object'of help- can be secured lor fancy fniii
Mba Joale Braekeabair return'
es to .yield a handsome iirulii
U the ditty of all of ua to love o
log them!
Saiarday after 3 weeks spent
extra trouble of -|«cklnK.
*t ia hlau our duty under all
(13.) What U implied in being
The Saturday afiernoon mi-eliag
ciful da God la?;
Mrs. Setfa TbompklOt bss been
tr»m.3 o'cloi-k on wlU 1>e ni«.n-io fmii
ei^ on one cheek to mm the oib(14.) Vers^7.3S-Whal does
bladder trrmble. Ileaboa tbi» p^aer TblllnK the past two we«ka with ber
10 and If one meals our rloak
IS Diean brludge flot. condenm no grower* who are rpedalb interested
vtaes writia* ta Dr. KUbs ft Co..
Wc. JUS, 1.SS, 1.45.
BtawhaMto^. V. Dea't sake maf mat- dan*btar. Mrs. Rose Wilson at Trai let him steal our coat also? Give your' and forgive, and what resulia folios m the msrketlug prohu-m, wlieiher einor Wilson had not. exiuu-t-Kl
tak*.botTea*anber,Uie janae.
eras CUy.
they be Rrongera oi not
Bucb actions?
cairy MasracbusclU against the ni.nllaet.aaddcn't kt a deakr
Mra. iiena D. Peaae and son'^'lllb
Celngsa Advertise Kslkatka.
ns.l What rlght-bave we
Ja til—------- --.
|oa do yoB aa>adi^ni>«u>ad.
the olhi
per l If we give liberally of our
Dfi- on tbeir larm here.
that Cod win >ause our fellow men to re iireiurinK a' -Sixy in Knlkpeka'
1.45s 1.69. 1.95.2.SS
program for-lhelr tiieeiins to be heb
ed tbfa was t'be will of Cod in
give with auperabMasDce to ua?
Klivh riroiatiancea, what would
116. ) Rom. xlhiie—In whal aplrilTuesday. .May 31.
say of aucSy^uian?
abould we give, rule and show mercy! grange, li hi i>ro|iOKod .ii> inveem
argument* on ihU orcHsinn50c. 65c. 75c. 85c. Id7
<7j Why b H. or net. esaentlsl for
117. ) Wbat relailoa baa Cbrlatiao
garding Ihe advaqtarer of Kalk-.
Chriatlan to held, himacif in readi love with right Uvlng?
!,a.i :.-.l!y .wc l„! .-y-iw-evd to poll rl:c
county 4)iai never again will
tea te do anything Cod may clearly
i.l To wbal I'vieiit does love
I it'dei
vril. nl \la-*ai hll-eV'.
cemman4 no matbr hew unresaenabir
us prefer others lo ourselves?
fulfills Tequirements which are indispens­
T-d*'-.!'"' buyapparcmlj^i^^enT 4o Tol. Ilposc 1.95. 2.1^ 7.65. 7.90
platT- tiian tbe guhleii-iuiii.-'
may took le him* (This ia one of
able to the pro^essive business man.
It has Ireen suggested lhai X Kal­
IS queattena that may be answered
liw and"lh^,Vew^jre: Mall
Many More SpidM
kaska Couuiy Frugiv-ee ciub W orgas
> writing by members of (he club.)
In enables him to keep his-cash in .safety
Ised alung Lac* siiinlar i6 ihc dhh*
and tn transfer it without risk by check.
In Charlevoix and .viason coonttc* an-l
ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft that It be (be exprvw* uut.v of lio* ciuH
It assists its-patrons in esublishing their ■
that tbe advanta^ of the .tmfiELK LAKE,
credit, thereby shortening the lime in which
' belter- adverlised Ih the fuinic
succeeses are built
BIk I.atke. Jlay V—riair Morrixoii is (ban Ihey^ave been In the i«*i.
fcUy. tbe Kubjeft of wivniaii'e
spendinR a few w-eekx at Alma. Flint
In reading-room.—Men, :.l; women.
Leading Shoe Store of
It ctmserves in many ways the finan­
suffrage Mil be dl*cu**e-l at fhix ;; children.
Totni. 3^:. Avc
and Detroit.
Traverse City
cial interests of clients and renders depend­
age.v 1.1 Plus. New Tirana. 9.
Mrs.'Merie Tit^a and dangbler. srange meeting.
and Northerd Michigan.
Summor Grange Meeting.
able service .when most needed.
.Ml*. Josephine Hector.
afiPrlcea oorrected each day y wire
The dimimer nieeitng for ilie «n%d
jiarfrom CbtcaRO. IVtfolt. Toledo and HufAccounts of progrewive business men
here. Her father. GeorRe CartiR. Traverse, .oiiniy graiiRC will I* held,
are invited.
aei-onijihnieil her lo her home In Chi- with Ihe Grant Tenter granse in Hie
Gram town hall VVcIiteMlay
Thursday. June f. and
A proRram
'Ahum ten from this nelRhlmrlKioil
being |itv|ttre.l for this uccasinn
Itemled the Odd Fellow •■eleiirnlion
•■e lloniHby: county commls-ioner
held at Wimainvbunt bsl FYldav.
itHioola. A* it has t(.»Ii tlilee >,•;
Harry Morrison s|ient a |MUl of las!' nee a .-ounly nieelliig ha* l>eeii betd
week lo Rapid C.lfy.
pre a good allemlauiv- is cxii^ ied
If you filled them. AII’b well; If you didn't,


fftrimi tr iRMraL


Grange Ginger








Boys' Shoes

Women’s* Shoes

Children’s Shoes


Men’s Shoes


The Markeb


Hie Trnfli Abonl “Dry lime
and Salidiar“
Why We Sapped Pndiloc a Prodact of Great
Merit for This Season
>. J. MACDOKALD CO.. Trarerae City. MIeb.
T OeBliaoMS; We bet to hereby odvl.* that. (hrouRh error, we clfered for
'^■leNbcara Sprajiu material, whirta we termed Niasaia Dry Unic Sulphur
'S^S^TbalMtiof the matter b that ihb dry prepantlon doea not contala Ume, but Ub iBKrwdleut baa bees supplanted In the preiiarutloD by oili-'
•r Iwrudloata wbteh tbe mo
tba wbkb b ooBialiied io ^be
I naic
taa materbi beiaa t
...........rtibn and I
■ Ic'ly the
raaaaat you W.advb
asset nature of thli
have done any advert taiUK in
your loal papers or any other advertlalUK you i
. who bar purchaaed or arerouiumir atei«I la lucb a manner that thoae
pbtlax I-o re
ha*! ns aoluble aulphur sbouJ.I undenlaod
that It doea not roii-,
tala lime, and we mu*i la»bt that you sdvbe na by early mall (bat yod
aaHiauiiil thb iborouKhly aa the repreaentatlon that baa gooe forward on
tMa apraytns materbi fdane* ua aabjert to prosecution under (be bwa of
the State of Mlcblksn.
Kindly arkBOwiedse receipt of these inaininloua and oblige.
a very truly.
... j namer,

r. S.-The Bute Authortne.« Inrtat
that you. In rase von have done
rUeins. nin an adrmlaemeni lor at leaat three weeka In vour loral
gaper glvlas tbe true allure of (bU materbi In order that we may retrace
our steps to eorrerl the loacemute name slven ortalnally and Ibe rolwnderaUadtag relattve to the rontenla of soluble sulphur.

The R. J. MacDonald Company
Traverse City, Mich.

Airf 23-25 M.,7v9-I4-16 '

Tihe New Perfection Blue Flame
Oil Cook Stove \
Will save money, time and labor. It Is cheaper to
operate than a w(nm1 stove. You get the heat the
moment you apply the match to the wick, there is
DO labor of splitting or carrying wood and no fire to
build. Tlie-Mew I’erfection is absolutely safe to
operate, no iiossiblechancetoan explosion, no smoke,
no odor. Tlie New Perfection bakes perfectly, in fact
.you can do all your bouse work on this stove with(.perfect satisfaction. Ckime in aud see tbe New Per­
fection in operation.


give an enteriainiiieul tviih his new
Vlctmla at tbe c-hureh next Mond:
evening. An mduihision f<->- of. 10 ei-uls
will be <-liarge.l lo all. An eivBlng of
Ciiicago. Hay ' 6—WhMi. /ub‘. pleasure fur all who win aiiead.
11.141s. Corn. July. 76K«. Data. July.
Mrs. Jake WaliiroR b quite pi al
tbs borne of her nlw-e, Mrs. Colin
Uetrolt. May 6.—Wbeat,ftlJ6- Com. Muaro.
klHe. Oai*. 63c.
William Cum- Is on the sick list
Toledo, May C.—Wheat.
tbU week.
rom. 8ll4c. Com, We.
Frank .Beer relumed fnmi the upiier
Milnaula on Monday. He e*i>ecu to
return to bin work in a short time.
Cbicaso. May 6.—PoutqM are quot­
ed at tUO.

cloalag at 16.60.

Ilkhard Unlner s nevr btm
••salng fim-iy. The wall la o
ed and iHe frame wor}: is re
ralae in the near future.
Amhouy Snyder is in the vi
eiiiiiy vlKltltig her old nelghUu*.
John Iloxle t* not l*ticr al Dili
The "Woman'a Good fellowship'
club met Frldsy. night at the Irume of
l.ewlH brelghlup Tbe nnw-iitig

your rival s|it the order and may get the cubBtomera’ enjtlre traded Wake up and pu»h the
“BEST” floiir made. The manufacture and sale
of thlB flour heipg pay your taxet, pave your
•treeU, build your achool housea. Doea foreign
made flour do aa much?



Local Markets


• Mrs. Klls Smion and son. V.-rslI
visited with rvlailves nl Ovialt ami
Oabom Smirdav and Sunday.
in^' corrected each Monday.
. Murk DcTing and lamily, P.'tcr
"OM .......................................... .--.ict
Foment and family and
l)ee|.|iig..Jr.. of Empire were the guest
nr .Mr, and XlraT Thomas Dceril
.............................. 46>
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beemsn
.......................10 ti
daughter snd Mips Gertie llanmin
and WilM'ayhiem vvere visiting with
friciidr. ai .I'eari Ijkc Sunday.
Mr* G.-Qike 7.c;bUt and Mrs W.'tl.
cacb day thereafter if market varies. Becnisii .If i>*loru were Burdlckvlllc
tallei* Alondsy at the home of Mr»
Ralph .Vtkiuson.
Mss Frauk U'tc:i:is of \Vc*i Ka*SOII tailed on Urv. Wimani I.ap1iani
Friday win. Is v.-ry sick.
... Parinr id Kasatm was
.lim.-flnii taller- Monday
tb>^iiin -and Thiinns Doran
‘fli-re Empire calh-rs -Saturday


ftftftftftftftftftftftftft.ft ftftft
loisri-nce farroil liai; >tarteil
work oil l!w road-C
John ll•>11alanll and family apem
Sunday with I1< nry -lerdlet ai
Oats .................................. ................ 60c
Hank Smith has ptSTchaaed a
Alex Holman and Fiiok Valler
Ka.k P«ch ireea u. Traverse niy last
week for II.'E Hawley.
Mr. Gehnrof Chlrago tpeni Sunday
tiih Tony Zoiilek and fandl)

No. I horse hirle*............ l\M mod ap

Seort’a EmwUioa,
■cnam Ik iftfetfte aaJ WA

Newt «a Hary


The farmers are busy this Week
lowing their oats

“K*w Tork Bank Refau.'*' raU
sot oM l««y. “Aad't Bae^ftoav that

fiftiriihaihk AMDfniou

There’s A

Li ilia

■ Aliout our .Spring
Suits that is hard
Out Meu\ Sait 0ifBfgT exiteds aaylhiag
me hate had.
Gray'. Again! The
prettiest grays we’ve
had. T>vo aini threfe
buttons. Neal, eoiiservative styles for
Ihe conservative
man.' More extreme
styles for the young

Hemilton ClothiDg C«.


u. is wutac M>r


] ■:. rrtKllrl'h. Trsfv


hu tHMa., bi

MTrtttJ, aod bo I»lter»i«d the fart
that Lbf rtiAUnaed auccMa will aurely
conte mlth the «rtci biooettir of ihoM
Ti'ho have. pTO«aUiou«. ibe Orm fatih
to jour tocolitr. ih« iMUKoaethw
lapirii of all, and iha lwr;‘iua»eTla« it. He <«minel»le.1 the treat
work of Oit- bureau and mi.hed Ihrin
all inanoer or taieeew lor the year
i-r<-MdeDt iiBv aaa enihiSlOiW ov
the Ueik that had beuT daoe. au.
sia-.i'.l that >ii|enJhL^iiAatonai> Mrii
.ouW br doDtr is fbe ><Mhlle« ibal luJ
tici aa .<.1 iKlid tlMitr ntafrUiuiioha.
RBd the? Iniesded lurauii. iu lUai lerrUory ahd kbc» 1/.- Uct.a and tis»re»
that they wwe reylviat Bw-d Tcsultr
alls) ihai it usn l.hi fair lUal tbt-y aid
in this aort, aii<1 thr offln-re «lili the
data Mr Mhlbtt wad reU the |ee*
ai-l of ihe dlrertor. Irotii Ihoae toiineat )ara with new fruit M aooa a*
iii.N would work with thr lioardi. of.
btilo»i.lbori and klndrrd t.rraiJiyaOoiii 1 Thr matter of the am.le eho* *a» lhay were la lb* market. gsUlac Up
U> .xtannee them Hat the«taken ut. and after dtaruwloa it nna very beat. Thia exhRkil. as It baa b«wa
a be' held' Under the taken W the vvwna alabws. hoa been
It W'M alwajaohe i.uliio■ -of COBI
Bfth.T ajilrli that won.
naa ol the best advehl>enieBi* ibal
...ii.r, of s..——
A S. While,
firand Raidds. lu bis 'tnaree, of Oran.l Kaidda. tn.l that thla «wld be gouen lOgelber. for'VopM
aelatlun of the I’oUiairi.laljoraanlaatlon dnlde'on ihe date, al hare-aewD Just what canUe growa
tie'- was full «b.- aauw lime ballnc the Slate llor- Ud BaturaUy hare became Omre d-e|e
He'tald iw.tlertar
latilelflar ileuRural
ilruTtural aoelrty iiies-i with them, and ly intaresied ta tbia realoB.
of eoiMl Ihinas. He'lald
■ In addition an eihihli of lutatoer
stmaon the (art Thai ea.h one-should
uunllvai ihiK same aidrll of heany eo
MM ItoilPrii^
l«.nilli.a. nod lli tliia way earh wouhi
-n* PMUdt arw irylag U OMalB •
ountles tK> Tlilied. and the tarton* er- l^rdon for that man who w
anlratlon^ au.l me iirltale liidivid hr aiealUf * id«or»l*^
work, .-Ivle. Inilnsirial. edtirallnnal
o Knib-. r wiib ih.‘ iNiaids of lu
.xiiiiiuerrlal. aRri. iilKiral. iKirtl.-uIiutal
all blf aetgbhva^K* d^CMag hit
rt llRioiis. all work for the IwUeniten' wrvisbts Iw iniM-tlewed. -simwinii petiiionr -Not al ill. It i* b*iM
atened br tha neighbor* of lb* paopM
i.f the < liy and ll►v.uI^punUlnc r.-*lon
Ibe s|i|<-ndld resiilla that
.tt tjie etelilns seasiuil the rooiib uuic fitmt ibe uiber txiUQtles and ihiT tltw whom h* trtole tb« lUoiiogtwi*.
wr-pi- lill.-d. and Intense Inlerrat wa- bey ahonld iiui overlook theuis.-l'wTb* OamM 1 tM •warn#
The ba.ti liainting .wininlcn si.-ui
I.iai.itest.-d In all the dlffervnl dlaeuaa
UKisouitoB. At they sling iber
.1 til atrlke^eieryiihe aunne^ot lb.- |mi .l.-adly nialaH* geVu.s In thr bluos.
H->i tliloK* that twiiVI lx- ilune li 'Then follow Ibe b y rbllls and the fin-s
oiild |We*erve Ibe buildlnes. to say of lever. Tlie *i.|»ilie lllei and the
slrenclh latU. also malarU .Ulea
..Iklii: of Hie great ti.ipmu'iiu-ul in lavvw Ibe wwy lor duadly ijphuldr'-llul
Khow.x] eaieful MU.I> oP Ihbe look*: theft a* the - gooil mad. hJePirtr aiiteri kill and eaa> out tbe
eiibj.ll* that ii of Ihe niniost iin|«>n
an.-., to ihl« r^on, .He sUKested Ih. luewOV V* "‘■•''"K h ^w«s^ble lor lUiMrla gr^ Irotn the Moo-I. gtw
lOrehiliSa lo be bruug'bl Into lliU
iiarh.-is be Kiu.lled: that the tinlforn
Ion, llie inatiy new |svple iluii would wrote tVni. FVeiwell. of rnraiiia. N. I'w
l.a.hayi- he adofi'-d; that b
"three liolilet drove all'the malaria
glunll) .•vnte here hbould '
ihre.' tirade* for fBe apnlm; ihni po.
ery Imi.i luukliig farm buildlnga. Tbe Irotn n.v system, and I've diad good
slbly a .ei.lral Iwdy .be utdertwl lo
health ever alniv ' BeM foi all MMIs|*l|uu> would W small rompaied
» I.f tlir Inill and Ihe |dvn».'
he ll•^..lls wuuld be foaheuas
l.aiKlUm;. Tl.U was dU.-ussed b> re.
was referred to a eooinililn

Oeod Hr !«».
Sri-reiary fllbson Was In rreei|d of
A mm glorlotu *tctory edaut be
IpHer fiom tJ. Herbert Taylor, rep
tlioiiaai'ul lowctie* eould not e»
poll to plaee befon' the |.eoi>l<'.
eseiitlng J. « H. Goodwin, of Ion- •Blaed erer anoibar nma (ban UM.
he ciatlinde of Mrs J. K. t«»
and hCcjfftnly htmcsi In all that they of'Joll'ei? in
on. UveriKiol ami Ixwdw. ibec Urseaf that vbah tha U)vr ti«*t on hta
'llil debt
garb the ktndneai ahotld b**li.
ryphof. ' neitlng firm of Ameriran
»ay oTli do. are that all lake -.rhemes
he woild. Ur. Taylor will meet
were killed, net loaeUier. eca> los. lher ful iximth.' .........riles.
Halp* a>dwd*« la a tad Fla.
bad such awful eoiiithlnp:' *i»lla
nnd all I'.ill iM.'tkrr.
J.irilre K3I Cherry, oi UIIH* MHI*.
I .... was platnly wcr.led. A bad
iir. HuriiB of (irand Rapids, a iravel- thoiiahl
a a few dais, lo a eoiifrrenee will. Tenn..
help Inini doitor'- ireai i.-nt on olhr
sole on his ler bs.l l-rinp.l aeveral
liiR mnn, imte one ol the most cmhiisl- uu dielnes .till I need In Kmu's Set
-.Is firm in Undou. ami listen in '
do. I—a uad resbn~l a’1 r..m.xllrs,
} when''he , lllwow:.-lllw ow:.-- but 1 oWe t .• Ufe to thl
astlc talks .sf the
-| i'lL.-cfil II saa a «wueer." h.. wrote.
tlto-on* proinaliion for oiwolng
nr. .ly
.. ra1le.l iiiKin lo lilve hi* eii»rlrbce wondeH..rrem.1ly
■ used It.ickjen's AiobW
iiark.'i for the western Mbhicsn nj>
a<M was rtmndftely eure.l"
ilie iiiatiy>eara tbai he has l*H‘0 ?“ I J'
•les. l^i year Ihto firm e*i«rled Halve.
l.le ^ ail ihtoti and lua
Ctnee twvtna. lu'li. vrt.era, .-ots.
-10 be In-1lOiedJidnea. Kvery
Kvery lul'b-dtwuiaptee.
.he ro.vrt, an
«» rtlAoad* of Ameriran api.lee.
bruiawe and pilea. 2k CMI* ai aU drag
teub-.. and the farm
ji „n, r.tal hoiUe
leinled M t
It was alan derided to eonilnoe the rUu ol Traret*e fity.
,s lame Inieresla , igalsla of TraveihC C«>
proi«j "Hons

^ sisis ss*u3 *arasP5LSL“**.‘S“,:u£i?

eatcb-tlve. '

A. V. F.l«Iri.L. -W. 8- ArulrMon. & ^


n-. 1.
.nimrr i:

Why Should You Be Satisfied With
, Ordinary Flour?


■ Thfrc it so imicli T.. l.i‘ Crcscfot is ‘(lie idtol
(pined l>v llsinRa I,rand ..i . lioiir i..r l.n.r.eliold .ire and
■flour^ly soiled .oyonr . is equally Kood for
needs ihal yon can hardly
and pastry.
Hach sack conUiins a
AiTord' to overlook the im­
gtiaraniec that m.akes
portance of sp^^ffyinR y. mr
responsible f"r the rjualIdnd of Dour when -order­
itv of the conicnts and \vc’
ing from the grocer.
protect you against failures
It really is the sinple
hy aulhoriring the grocer
• matter of selection, f<»r
•.i refund your money if the
acldom. costs
flour is not entirely satis-,
. rtutch iriore than prdiuar)’
ionr^nd when y«»u.c6nBetter try a stick and be
alder iTBults' it is much
of result*.
^ more economical.

. Bttn.

u r. Titui.

noJila. V. I-. * T. M.
p. .\i. R. H.-II. 1. o«r, ». r. A
n. C. 0. *A. H R. M. I> lloo-lar.

rai>l<4 «0 1-v llm i-oreau durhi* tl.r
ond «.mn of «.e pWh Ilia.
Iui7«arvrto,*d fmt.. 11.1. «rra. ...rk.

|11rli 1.


wnb.ta. Mr.- A. V. Kriedriol.. Mr..

C -W i
P n.....J.

Santo. Frank Itamni.*^

ny^.v ik.1 lU>.> bo ..!• with llie nrm.KlUllon,
that tbe iiirii be thorousbly ortau
ited rhrl.i*rlvM. and when tbej have
the wcitarr of Ihrlr own work and
that of III.. rejtloM al In-aH. ibry *111
^erjcl ftMIcfc 'Pbet.9'«Pt>. iind do the beat. everjUiltii! will be liotievl
and a rnuare Keul will be ulven to all.
Harmony nuai iffevalt.
CrameC. lialn. M. II. linll'V. ><r>i
P. A. Mllrhell. of MafllHee. chins
Wm. Love, H U Kdw.rd.. y- O- ijddc (be relation of the inilrbadr and iransliortation linee to the bur.-sn, aald
Ihat even wlille the malntena^e ol
R. Bwito, ,0w. R*ltail there lines »ws coiwtantly Iiiereaal-ardK Vj< Petmi-l. Thfnm Mor
Inb. >01 they fell that U waa the very
Fi»d M. Bouihi j;. Mate Wl.nlfc'
twal llilDK in .wniribiii"- th-lv share to
Ihik sjiiendl.l. work, and he iM-tlrved
What T.
thorottchly lu all that had beet .lone
la hearty, vlioroua Ilf.
linch Tiillman,
TiiUman. of flan Antonio, -wv an.1 aV the mnn.v i'latte llial Itad
nud." be wrlle*.
-Ibal Hi. Klny'a SVw aUBjtealed for the rtiinlnR .rear, rnrli
- •• auiwl. l.irt new lllo ami ««r
life iniu
>n WKe and
ersy Into fc l- raon
at I bellere iiiiisi work In harmonj wlili iheotli.-r.
Bib-"' Kuelirni
.1, W., of Honor, wtated that
they me Ibr Jmi Hiaih..........
" ’ _ klrtiiet irouliK"-. the keynote of smxfss was the Ian
fgr atumafh.
all flrtuslnvUT TraverM.
llial the real eaiale men have a Kood

,.'Ssr‘i.“K.”i' jSiJSruE srs&s-’rs s“ •" **“




Traverse City Clflar Manufacturers
Hssnlsctiirer ol


The Cger of QuaUty

“Howard” Carl M
Tor sale
by aU dealers

Factory 322 S. Union

5c each

CIL phase MS-tr.

1* eeais stralobt
10 cents sr a lor tS cents
10 cents or S lorU cents
S cents
t cents

WMver^hctoiy Smoker
$ cents
Pritait Brands
a Specialty

HhIII)I RipAittiK ti«|iai
A PcHect Himkfer mad TeWo
APwTfbvfr of Objcc^oaml




..Straight Ten

Havana Cigars
Made of chol^ careJully selected Havana

Perfd QaJity



Smoke the strictly

Cigar Factory

P. H.

Blee Bell [
Union Valor \ c‘»‘”
Sterling, - lOc Cgms

Ml. Ogar Smoker, eorourage
cigtr Rianuiactutie« by talkog 1« ibe*

story No. 7

/ The goallty of a cigar depend* upon-the price paid for material
ieKpena* therate in manufaeturtoB. and diatfibutiiv9.« sor^with **^
ditcutalan that yve espenao of a man engaged In monufaeturlng a dgar
In a etty ol thla ala*, where he worke from deyllgKl ont.l dark to g*»
goodi made up for .alee, here and there in the evening and then hl«
aelf to bed when the bigfacorly-ownar le/at hie fevered dob. or pa'atlal rmb
dense enjoying the procMds of hie macBIFie and cheap hdp. •"?
to be in hU cigar making aarly nert morning. The evrtelcle rnan^^u^
Jt a atranger to your town, to your local bue.neaa intereeta
lewahip. . The other a neighbor, a feitow bueineea man and worwer a o
lactly a i^rtlclpant and donator to your varioue aoelal functioni. fraternh
'‘“■f^' theae two Individuait look diflerently to you and MvMr bueJneM rolationahip in a butlneaa way.-

Now on Sale


‘^Some Snw^te"

The Best 10c Cigar
made in
Traveree City


ForSakby ASDmkn
Nlclde MovcMest.......... 6c
Smokers’ Otib.............. ISe
Factory, 06 E. Tenth SL

next smoke

203 N. Cofo St
Traverse City. Mich.

Drsfl one ol the Best
Traverse CUy

Peter Hormulli
212 W. Ml St Tuna. 012

JMauutaclurw. practically all Ut* cigar
hose* uaed by tbe elgar maoutarturer*
la fbe cUy and In Non^erw Michigan,
and^ for aklll In daaigulBg bos cover*. and up to-daM work OD bo* manufac­
ture are unexcelled.
Bi figure on
your work If you arw not buytag of ua
now. and be aallffiea. with acres of
Mfiera who are ualag-obr elgar boxes.

the best 5c cigar made

The Weaver
The Woo^s"

Try one for your
Thos.FitcS, Prop.


The Traverse aty agar
Box Factory
416E EaghthSc Cs.pkoM433
Blakeley Bros. Progs.

high grade


Cita. ptioM ctesg.

Some oi (bt oUeS brmih BMk »
"~YnTegm Giy are diebnad*




Diamond J-IOc

Batter TraMrraw
nusT atm

Broadfoot Havanas-5c
F. K. Smokers-5c
Traverse Bdle- 5c


W. 0. w.

win give yoa artld cMutoat and mtuiarttod—irBI bora ilgM aud t^
Tight, and. win wprwad arwwd yoe i>«
hr*. delitftUwl aroauof HavaM Oat
only trw Haeaaa cigan poMd.

M. Rabinovltch
m a proar st cm. pmm *-■**-


I SAT mtmm. tbsuat. kat t. ins.

sMly MfswB %wa B*h*4«H
d rebiitn ■lay tram aerersl data bw>iae» trip b
day Bi I’adllbe on la>aiaead..rar Ue ■nralOK lu rbit (rlcnda
prugarad klHaaV lar (to Mg tanocMri
■Mbire and Ceatral Lake («w Ut
for a lew days
Ik* tilr todaj OB feb v»y to Benaira OHanell Bnw. Mnek cwb^y.
ayaa H Lstttb ar tto Smtra aaO*
•iBttiltoa CleUtli{p eumhany.
•tephen CUek bft hne bet evert- h. C. Huffman leR «wr* Ub mo
tb rtalt rricndi *ad r^atlreB (or <
OB LoUitek lipa ar th* amootb akHIni;
tb* da>-a.
big braids ca LeUUa'a bead, or la (bet
any <4 th* maatfold ebanas that mad*
J. W. Zlmmfman, hM ratamo weal. H* will rialt Loa Aaiceba. San' Maniatee ami «4kUA|Ct<m>
bp tto eotiro Latlil* He oaly taatat
Hr* A. WUdman and Mr*. W. H
tn«B aeaeral d*ra bnalnoa* trip t DbM>. San FrMriaco. Salt .Lake; p. j. preMan want to Baeiah Ub
at bar aid gripped himaaif tto karihr
City, tbarar aBd other polal* of eaper unnUn far the da*,
\bboii marned here lart eteabp
Ckkaao. n'blte there ha por^iMd
toeuura ef tb* paH to HR b, MB
imporuoce. He aipecU lo be gnae
„ DotroH taday
am a scet-', \bll at Uraad KapW.
«f hones.
about te htSiriabout ibtrt) day*.
] i, ,ut relatbM foam ahM time.
Mral tb. Cdith Teaman ralurnec
Mr. an* Mr*
Sto drew MBiwr amd b*M «H •

Kewadla. r*uira|d boaio tbb arier'
Tto Her. Samuel Durand atralled aieady. rardUl toad. Any MaMbar at
Ue* CIMi b B<*rdli« tb* «H>t>BrtBBlt
It City alter tbiuaa her aMrtrl;. Mcurely tbrougb tbe park R *ra* tto clergy waa atwaya welrca t*
foo* (roB a abort bualaea^ trip m
sad atlmBiBf lor everpMr. either t
borne at Ual jilace.4rom acterml deya -Z,
aot eftae that tto youag nlabtcr had Letitu aad aba auppeaad to was *M
tbb dty.
heMJep’b otaat. te eth^r the ime
• UlneM trip to thia ifly.
Mrs. John Rermb returaad te Bimh (he time to *treU. but eeeu mlnbten who had latfwad of ber Bttla tods
Mra. «. Boa* retamnd to her haen
BetMwI'Sohaar Meolte««ha. The
tnd tbsi ail work and lo play makea and eada of ebaritf work.
Mr. and Mr*. John. Kciaer a'ndr
ilreaetBe pngrimage through IK* . Tba giiTa ayabatoa loagt guSt^
A«Mt Bible (laa* Moremeat baa at Acoe tbb artanwoa. altar a hrtetj daaabUT Mle* Majorir, of Otbrierati *
The park wui rilH wearing it* winter doe* whaw to* feK (to wsrWL pe*
taMMhi tofMbee tbM*a>d* e( »et> oaiuaw trip
■Cling preaaura of tto mUWar'S
Mrs C. W. Pititt who haa baen here
garb yet ibera waa that la tbe afr
vfco ar«4r the Bible IB riaaaea ererv
ifty lor >be puat stvk, rotuiued buaie
toajotoed ap sad aaU:
wbirb anggeateS aa-e*ry apnng
BatMiBr. h«t tile I. F. B. q. r. wtih iu VMilBd for Ibe paat weeb. retarucd
‘Wcm'i you to saatsdr
‘■Sanaattee ^aeatloM.’' bra eat for today to her bom* at Belblr*
•4 Oil* >l(y, but non llvlag at Ian
n bav* eon* oa a rathar pMuHar
siT# cheat and i
lurwed today to her home after
tbeai a wbi (BaHaatiaf lei *( aaaeMra. J. J- Bralna bid da
lltE. b aiWBding a few day» in ;*ii fresh air- Ha reallted then with
rrand.' Tb* ailabter apobe writs
week'* vlall beete.
Ity renvalng uld a>-<|ualBlanrej>
ttoea Co dbcan aed ai tbe aame tlaie Mba Itoae were aoddMly
touch of gravity T touad tbb.*
Ibe blood rouruisg tbrougb bl* v
Frank Hawley of BffHanilai
Blerdi tW eppbnnnip for ibe
Mr* Mary Santo of Jackaen rtturt that be wa* .thankful to U* Uf con- j H* beM
Eau Jordan tofu.
d out
oi (to a
paased tbrdiuih Uc vH> today ue bl> d loda.' . afte’ uu {-su-nded 'i»lt bt->. trrgatton for taabtlBg oa thb noeb- aaw tto t
and Mra.~0. Scheelcraft were
a Hie LaOUrper Bambar, vbo do am aiiaod
wav VI Grawa.
to Oelblre tbb afteiwoon to aireded real
i tin'* cbeack*
day flehool. to produWy aiudy ibe leatbe gue*i of her son. Joba II. Sauio.
Hla eye* gbneed tbaad through tbe
*NM>! TbaA you ao Boefa. Harold
lead the funeral of Mr. Seboolcraft*
Frank OTfeil of Cfand Raptoa roaoB ai benw.
o ibrir boue la Henion llarmoraine fur tbe day.
a aad
- (to —Ur.
t hsv* Hiat IL’
larned borne ioda>. afl.-r epeadlag a bbyrHtb of glliReolDg f--------father.
We are clad lo report that on
a Ceetral park." tto
Arthur Earl want to Grand Rapid* '» das* la tbb <ity rulIJnx friend.
-I found
: pai
fort to eallei the maaaea la Bible ’Mr. and Mra. Hbnry donaa, of Cold. le tbe Biddle of ■ that wide clergynan said aad walUKi aatfl tW
Ub mcmiloa
wain who bare been here vblUng for
Mba E. Lambert, who haa boon *b
aiadr b beta* appreriaual by our
WIB tb*
4. H. Hueihmntal H apanding th* King her |«rent* here lor. (be pa*t paib. by a loag eoTeloiw. aad wbee
peopl*: eoTBa of eBceara«eiB*Bt are tbe paet week, rotnmed booie UU«
W. H. Umbr I* apanding th* day at
Mailed (to
(*e* -I eouM bar* nmlled
They will atop
Ropped and pfrkrd It op Tber*. wa* uateai bet 1 used to kuow a HaraM
Mb* Bedab woof weiil to Kbg- ig.
Grand Itapida lo vbit Mra. Jobe's
BO wriiiu* uf Indicate aa owner and Dwyer—la fart—" tto Rev. Mr. DuMr.aitd Mr* R. A. Carnall want tel aley tbia wtoeraouB to apead 8aMa;
motber for a te* dajra.
Mr* Ray Ayres went to Thompson- tto Re*. Ur. buraad tamed a eeareb- rand bealiaied for tto fracUoa af p
Sll'ghU tbia tuorntn* to apeod tbe dai , with her pa^t*
Mbs Bbneh Hardy warn to Muake- Ibblag.
Bibb atndy. are atfla* oa anicb caI Mr* H^rd Itonii at KtngMay -re­ Ullo (hb morning tor a ib' u< lao.' tag gbnee about il>* tBmedUie «lctu-' ailnota tbaa warn braraly a* 1 umr,
Perbap* acme oae wnuld are* ried a Hr. Harold Irayar tear year*
Mra e. L Steven leR here today lor
ibta we
couraBemeai. Hut
mu ioi«
»a eapoeiod- SMI today to rbit rclatiraa lor a wc
Mr* M. e. Evarett urant to HMma*' turned bCme tbb aReiwon. aftei
ibea be returnlag to look for tb, last ago wU* waa a dear m*ad *(
we did bot boweva^eiiaat our “8u*- or two.
SIJIBX Ula otoraiac. sbirv atu- wlU >rsl daya rbif here tbe aueai of be^ (•biiago »hetv .he alll am-nd ■
•b* vblling friend, and r>-U>tl>
C •noth b apandfa* thi day
taatJre Qaeatbaa'' 4UiM ao iatereat
apend llie^ay tbe sueel ol frim.l*.
mit tto park waa deserted aa*e for j Tb* Blabtor watched (k^'^rTa He*
iHtrenta Mr. aad Hr* .Newton
Downer b vbiting Inenda at the aparroa* and th* little bt*«lug It had grown a shad* paler and b
la an anreeable
C. C. Kno'wltan. a former rcaldcnt of briitbt.
Hr* Harry Powell went to Frank­ TravefM City, ia In the rity for
borpriae. aad It U W eoooun*laa
aquirreli (bat aat up with ferepaw* «tji»M look bad cotoe into bar aye*
..Captob Gearge. Jehnaon ar
Prank BuiV went to Cadillac thia BBtlnat tbeir breaata la mule appeal , ^ rvcalncd ber cnapoaura alutoat
Prom wfaal'we
leanie.1. «e aball fort tbb noralui! to vbli frlrada* for daya ra^wlai! old at-uuaiatanre
here today to apend a few day* with morning iur tbe du'.
aot be aarpriaed K . DOB«burch*om
Hw days
Tto Dlnbtrr'a bead went deep lato lanedbteiy and toagbed a pretty,
' Mr* B. Harwhaw and daughtir. Ml**
B. Jena* raturned thb morn fag
bb pocket and drew forth th* desired ringing biw
cap&M aone o( ibe beat prtaes
Mr* W.'c: Hewmarah b apendln] lleeav. of Ursna riiurned bl.Ray
Farhatt^ her* thb afternoon a home 'at Kingsley (q>iu a .tv
reoBuii; three dxy* Is Central pork | -Why la It.- aba sstod with a net
Tew daya of tbb week at Klngaley 'tome (BU mornia* rrom a-rbort vl.ii
' We advlaa ererylioift- lo atody Ihoar
fur I’eloakry and Otber point* im
l*t:xbt him that New York aquir-1 qalta staady voter. Ttol as* always
iKUiner* trip lo tbl* city.
eoeMbaa ricbt Bloac. to aa te be le gseat of friends
Mr. and Mr* Axel Anderson retunv- reb were not tl BBiaiDcd Turtety ef jump* to coscluaioae? Tto world b,
Mba Flan Stile* went to Oaylard
Mdy to enter tbe cosloat bier on.
Ibo westenn.Woods
I1 certainly
rertataly brga
brge enousb
enough to
te cOTUta
cdSUta two
two )
Hiaa Halcyan Whaaleek wen
. If you ar* oot a enbacrlber o( tbe lb moraliis. .wbera she will apt-a.l day ia (be city'aUendlns to c^aln Kbasley UU aflernuon.' where *b< <■1 (bU morning lo their bun>c
Ber. Durand stooped te or e
Cruap. alter**|icnding &bda> iu~>:
loibe builllasof hla
baallite r^Ura
Herald, tend la your aubacrtialoB leeral data with (rieada.
___________ of tbe IKib erea-j There was a asdda, aflene* ta tto
slit ap<-nil a few day* Tiailllijs a* tb< ell> with friend*.
Mia* Jan* Raitxat warn to KIngalay beau^M lBcw conace OB hb fruit
Ture, thaC^iHid rich aad pobr. aalnt room while a.«bRcarteadbt with fear
cuewt of Mtaa Bcaob Wood.
(arm ator Nortbport.
lb monlall for a te* days.
and sinner..
I and a aewbaru nadrrSMdM *>*■»»<
a S. Reilly of ManeaMn* raiumac .Alms, former rrsldoiii* ufltlii*
ipHed bta betweee tb* stabler sad ibe Ctrl
Mr. and Hr* Ray Fulbr war
Mr* F. A. Gregary went ta Ann ArbuQie tbb atlilraoaB from aciera! dt>» torn 'Suuila> lietr the g'ir*t
Bind returned tp tto lesal kmkleg , Tba atlnlrter wai tb* Srit

♦ SoaU Boardmaa tbb abrnlns ua Ibelr tor today, where ahe eapetb to re- buainesa UlpVub city.
{ and to atrov* to mato bb loa* HgkL
friend* and rebtlvcs Ur. ..Moniogur
alde for tbe-sniUBer.
I Tbes yoa ara tto Hut lo vasiora
:a.suprrinlCDd«nt of (Uv Maeoul'Mr* S. Orayaon of KalkaUa ra- . C. Conrad of Copambh returned thi*
(FriHB Tburaday'* Racord-Bacb.)
wltb your Ur. Dwyar lato tto bad af
..ot»e at Atnia.
nlorslBg to hb hour at that pbco.
MIm LbIU flabam b bar* far a turnad'tbb inornia* te her home
C. H. Chalkcr went to Raneraft ti.b
lew day* (met tirand Kapids rbltind that pbcw from a,abort vbit here.
irrersl days huaiasa trip to Ub to EtMWtt today to eiall friends otcr
luorning for a fm iU>*.
Mr* P. Cantall ratwrnad thb meniber-BMtber, «tb. iMb KM*ear.
tour, but uadaruaaih
Mra. M. Banned, ol Aoma apant
iait to her tone at Kalkaaka. from
vmgue Icelln* of dbgaloL Tto room
Mr. and Mr* Wm. Orwwlay.
at Cedar Uun thi* week.
aeemed auddenly le b, peopbd wKh
eeverai days ‘vlali here.
dv la thli diy abupplnr
Wb,-*ler rrtura^ thb moralnK
John H. Dufwlrin went to A/uad a
etrange and ogly.atope*
Mtaa Ruby Orayaon b aponding th*
J. O. Emory, tml to Codar Run thb their tome-ffobi mvcibI days' boat
Ufwt apraBub >rib (iM bean warbthb morning, where be will .peel
I Th* glrltturacd toward th* wladew
Bern trip lO'thbrily.
aa If u escape aeme hidden praasar*
■everal das visitingrcUtlve* ^
Mr* Hattie Snyder of Grand FUptot •Mr* C. A. Coibt vrenl to Manirter
-Hero b Ur. Owyar sow,- ^ said,
returned tom* tbb tnorulns (row
but la adull-meaettma
thb muinlng on u vlaU and businc:■tort (Init here.
I Tbe Rev Dr. Darand had caught a
irlp combined.
Seeriag glltapae of ito mas who waa
Mr* George Kaltater w*M ta Fra*
.Mlasa* Hlu Wright and Msbb Shap(boa eaieriag the betm*. and to took
man (bis wornloK lor a le* day*.
i-.. and Cbarlm ttynung epem
up a posilled wen ta tto ewater ao
Mik* OtoboK b *p*ndli« tha day at tutidav nl the Mmic of ftawde fon! that Dwyar might tea him te bast adCopembta.
iDi- at Tiro i*ark.
Sam Hat and John Straub art
Mias Selma Anderaon ■* home.after
Tbe mlalster was ceascioa* (4 to**i>l>eBiliuc tlic daj near 1‘bUe ri<
. Uy Iwaiing i-ulaes when be b*ar4 tb*
pending the ■Iui-t In Mnrke> ■h ri
fl«hiue. •
, nun'* .-B'ranca and felt hla gbue,
hr hu*
tcsi-tiing iwtio..l
Mr. ind Mr* 6. F. JiHbr went
ihe front rural Tbe* to beard a
L*o.-Aller left thb •morolivg fer
Cui-euili-b llii« Rtoniiaii. aiiere (bt>
smothered egrlaauUaB and raaliaed
:r.ind K»pid«. Kulauineou uud Fori
that Harold Dwyer bad Sad pwripL
■ ill ei-cud Sunday lb* sueala
.Vu>ne on I>u»inc**
from the life of Lettib UrkH.
Mra. Laura CoUfa* of JW B. Cedar
Tbe gtrl realUed everythlag ta a
Mia* Pnari Angel welt M Karli<
iru-t wi-nt lo ItcK.iri- lor a iviu|ilv .itSaab of leluliloB. to* amlted a half
Ibis UHirulnS lu rpi nd Sunday Bill
nub amlb and beasaa* tto
'.age visit ■1th bei^sbc-r.' Ura. lad
ber iwrenUi.
I was adorably (emtBlaio tto did'that
C. B. Slyfbid af Frankfort jaturnai ic Soanari.
'which Waa. axpeoAd of tor and
Mr. and Mr* Ray'‘CB**ady af Evertoim; (hb moialiis from a >tort \i»i
tato (to mlnlstoira armi.
rd were gucel* "f Mr. and Mr* ''
la (hb cKy. lb* sucst ol rcbUic* nii
When she opened ber eyao to was
Ilensel of West Kleventb »invt Snn-j
gsitug down *1 her with ag wipraw
brought atl tha cxder brak
Mrs. Carl Hart returned to, he
Fernando Smith of Gibnd ;RapMs
Into LrtKb'a cbeaka.
Uoiiir llil» iiMirnIns. alt'r wroral ita>>
lirnt Siiiid*' In tto iit> as th-- gu<-si
1 good of you to aar* ma." to.
>bU ‘h•■^•'. tbe KuesI ol her brotbci
t Mr and Mra. F D. Wg.Ic
| dneutoaal to had Fltk« up troa th.
I' r Mann.
Mb* Wlnilrad Redding returned to
v-w wi
Mia* Arthal Lake went te Pomosw
cbiad at -llonor this morning
tSTto lU
thl> luoinlns to >isi( hcriwn-ul* ore
iwndlng Sunday lb iHH ni> -Kb lo r.,^ preelou. . tklngr For a »o>
'the nlUster'e fe* *vra wieifnl.
Mr. and Mr* San Meaner espeet t- isrents
aa« to blia.
Mr* Chg* Deeker want lo Mania- the rlgh' girl had erer come Into BJ
leaw »oon for an etfiidrd vlult i>
"Toii CUB tot I
ce (ble morumg «• rhdt rcUtivcv Uf, and had Mgislered bn-name with day.- tto Her. tkmM raid. toU U
Urlrull. liuSalo atij ilaiulUua. Ual.
I nine—! tb
would cm bt' go tto earueat.
B«n Wllaon of Cedar wu in th
paper la a hurry
blaabcd for ato caught tto
i'lt> lUi buidness today.
Tar tto eerkru* mrtelcg braeatb tbe JroL Aad
Ho wraaned the
•-‘- .............. wh'-ro slit- ."III Uiai-i
> Mr* F. C. Suck of Willlamaburi
the couple.
'bra toe did get anetber marr
ler fu.ur. rcd.'n.e
| “T^lUa Larhet. aad HatWd D-yar.- Ire^ tto Wg mlalster Aerampai
*t>i-n( Uir da.' Ip Ibis rUy.
Miaa Mar, goaley went to Crandj -rbe rrlnl.ier repeated the bat na
I Mr. an* Mr* E. Wv Hepkin* of Be
bar to uto charge of R—and her.
bpi-ls ■••l-i.'
I aad A thouchlful tloo drew betw<
laliv. ixturned to tbeir bvnie today
i«[ at attti* (VHi'aMrt nra«sb





As Loi^ as Quality
The Bamty Co/s ^
May Sale


I In value glvliio.



Suits, Dresses,
.IK^UIU les,
and kiDdred Unes
Pri^aMci leper Ifcn yoi have
ever area tka

ewn at out annual May tale--for styles of
suck uncommon goodness and sleriing

The May Sale
that started last ThurMay will contioue in fuii
swing and with tbe appreciation manif^ed so for.
it will eclipse all forOier eventsof its kind here.
In the interest of "good dress" and "ecoinnny”
we say don r forget to insj^ct Uiese special May
offerings of t

Ladles’ Ready-tfbWear


The Barney Co.

.yEtQft JHffi W(mK

after au eitomlud buriaeu trip to tbl
M(a*-Stelfa Denatcadt went to Aem
tbia altorwion. ■!■«* ah-- will spuiSunday tbe sueat of tor abtof.
Mra. L- Collin* want to Seilairc thi
afirniifiiD lo Vtalt relatl'c* toi a aboi
'Mr* E. C. Hent went to SeVair* to
■lay. »hrn' ahe ■ill •pend a week
(■o vlaliiup relaliic*.
Mr* H. A. Gifford b apanding I
day at Keystone, visillnr
Mr* Ed eilatran went le Cadilla.
this luurniDK ■here abe will
Suuday. «ith her parent*
Mr. an* Mr* M/ren Cunningham
paired tbrouah the rity today oc tbel^
rrtunf borne from a brief booey luoui
thrauA (to aouthern part of (be *tav
B. T. Verka b vbRin, friantt
Klnimley (or a Ira day*
Mr. and Mra. Dan Burgea* returnee
tbb- moniinK l<> tbeir home at Saiou
Wb. from an eiteuded xbJI ta tbi^
Ralph Coin u apeading a tow payi
wufa.friend* ai (.akr Ann
Mr* E. S. WilUanw ato Mr* L. O
ICuriU. returnnl bar* laei etenln.
from Peanaevta. FI*, where they span
(be wlaler
, Mr* Catherin* M^ngtan iwtora.
ed to her tome si Charlevoix toda.<
after a week s t1alt here as tbe guest
of (rteads.
. F. Rear* want to Rapid City today
to vlall frieeds Uw a few day*.
Mr* E. Sadbr b visttitig ralativt*
at Barker (.>**11 lor-d^le* day*.
L. Herr of Acme apeM th* day hen
Robert Glward* returned here to-

B. S.-^dicy went ta Elmirs this bl* area. He stopped atlU H tb* path
iioinliig ftV.^ Ie»
'and probed bis meqvory.
Mit* Kathenne Ramsay went t>, “Harold Dwyer? Wher*. bav*
IrsnJ Ibptd. this iiviriilue. whi-r.- *e«a— Ah’" He coallnued hi* walk,
bo Will *,H.nd *'».^k or ten <•«>»

1 n rat rwed I h.
four-year* ago.Mra. B. M. Waieti vaturoed le h.r|
remalader of hi at CUdsiont- this iimramg. fP.u*
,j„ j,ot,i ,be B*t, Mr.
e-ver«l d*.'* 'bit ben-.
JDuraud wa* lost in ibo^ghi. Ttorw
Mr. and Mr*- J- E. Hedge* return- might eaalfy be two Harold Dwy<
d Uil* luo'iili'g to ib-ir iion.e *i and yet aomeiblng told tbe mmbter
•lanlnli aflc-r a few Usva, siftt 'h-'-r-. that It ■■• cot so ta tbl* case. He
■u- curot of IU' luiPplKit

felt a* If bis trip to the ewsi,
**.. r
.hen .sTir^nn Bun. kls watk In tb* park, and la (act hb
* Cng*
whole life bad been a preparstloa for
by be nieuraed lo her
uornliir at Grayling
' Fafmeter raturnali'
.ftvrTHKiB to her horn, ti Kaal Jor 'flrst wife but wisdom toW him Ibtl
bn. after u abort > isit helt- •Itb ber auch wg* not the
aolbc. Mrs F Itosnell
M‘It. any event. I wJU into lbs 11Mr* F. H. Show Of Elleworih rw' <»«*»
^«^4ed and


l™.h,r g.. U.


I told btm that tbe man could not be
leaepb Crocker of Suttmu Bay. waj
tto girl waa lb naed
B the in? Saiurdoj and piirrhsacd :
.-'ord nvotor iwr.
, | It «a* toward tbe bt* afiemoOB
Mr. and Hr* Harry Litter of Char- wheb the. youag minister made bi*
'e'oit passed thrunaa lb<- >!t) «id«v way to the borne of Letitb l.arklc.
jB their return btmw frwB Octroi Somehow be bad bad a preoeotlmeBt
lake. «h.-ro tbev have been vlaiimg
tke.Slri would to llricg la


earuia raadameetal bw ef Mtur,
U it wete-wriltra out would read:
Thou toait not rot any maaBw of food
uaUI ibat whirb tbou didst oat alorwlime shall bare bera fully digested.
.And be that eateib before his pfpue
cbbds are ready gball pay (to pe»ally
Tbe law la maudalory. Although
I do cot Dad It written '1c tbe ttoles
of (be bw" as oae af tbe lea eumyel It U a
tbe'bwv o' asture. gad Judgmrata
innumerable have bran laudwed saatalnlag IL Tbe underlytag prtaritde b
bat tbe operation of digaattoc 1* uot a
ronilnwwi periorTcace*. What boota
it wbea or bow a bw wa* glvea. aa
louc as It romaiBs (be wiewas-rolfer
trjih* Many an uafortoBafa Wto bag
tguoraam or tbongbtbaaly wHHtH
(bit law' haa beee roibd out HI, a tbH
Uyer of opeomfortaMa ladBiraci to
gnaaiag lacapaelty.

Hla Record.
“I always beard that
a arrant coward, tot b
s. strohm went te Pe»t^e^t>diy.
homele** In tfce
■ herd hr etp.-'t* lo rcnvWe for tfie
* .tevecly but atable maid
fin, rounc minister lato tb* froet
“XeaaeBsrt If ever be did «M Hto
Mr* J. W. Dickerman at Solan ha* room ■fb (fee Information tbtt Utsa
toitb to MTer beat aaytblRg but A '
beeo 'isitiiig «iife Mra. Golden of Old lairkla was ennged with tbe bdb*'
Ubaka and report* tbift.Mf* UoMen g«IW. tot that she would brtag bra mraaL"
li anvil tmpro'ed
1 <<-« friim tbe top Soor.
.. ___ ...
.1 Loai la wocdei meat am te «by tto.
of boortlo, 'oo.» f.^ri.1,1'
afternooB for a few da> *.
W. C. Mull left here tM* sRantaen
top tb^lclater did
If Clniinagf.. O.. where ho ■111 a’- ^
tp, «ft «:(-anc* of Lettua.
(end tbe meeting of the Nattoaal I-am- i.rWm Wben be did csirt sight of
ber Macufarisrera' aarovUtioB.
! ber to arom qulckl.r to bb fact




pro- Biased. Tob. .atw. th« Lite.
11 «MI BOJ SEE aayllilBi bid asd 8<-lin# U <»n> yean old. wm rot, »,]«»«* Suaiblae pa*r. bat I Saw SecreuiT.
*«*A***A**««*«****AAA«**««***A* '
u jBtt the
wku biim.v
!(-«c i«l Umhu -n tbe Cradle Brtl? ‘h»l mr Sunablse pla. » job *111 *ra» ant
tj. We bavd to par ■4 aald If he
d to Ub—
# tbe lie -ntb tbe can covered, that it i read AiscHa Boordoe leUer. » umlj eead loe aiwtber I a-tU gladlr Sro*a op
Bat Raff hetotised Io 'TMl .Aa oM
♦ will not MEAfl apjnblBk bad abool tbouehi’tl aaa JaiereaUas. I wiu pa^ ebarsea U there aro anj.
ooe coat
hej, (hiBv for ear eanoL WeHhmae ahp aorkad la hk iMbn-a
♦ as) oae. i» maUer «bat> all the peo- eeod Heko a pc* card- 1 tblak it U
laia Kdij'a cmadma Urea nest doer .rnmi* had kitted a abe hear k iha
* pk aaj -wbmver It coea; and the laat too bad that ib« k aide. I have iobic
KotbleoB VkrlpOKe.
__ ebo haa Ua mouth covered. -Ul new Saaahkcn. Their name,
arcTb- little waD
Sow*bloom' lm*»- to oa. Bhe
k the o»U «»»f JUkshaatea, ao aaar U> dvUkauoa
ftuua mA «
act SAY a ¥ord barmlol about any Cwl ^dvr.Oreu- Ranser. Alfredvd Id your ktter
made aammef aeem know wte
to the 8ona^ that ao oae had sappoaad there ««•
HaraM Veanf rolka SaiwMae «
One of the nice ibinsa aboot
peurke ebe
PU }00 e»er know of anything. Olapn. Uartha Laraon. and ioha flau- v«r> near.
. tfub. My brother would like to Jena any bcara there, mat. corpti
« tnob la that there k bo ase Uaitt.
e U Wat coh aUec.Aad p
d H'-a. yaAaw*
the card* and butluos -o> loltaw; And then t
.. w-— the
,-^ie Boll bablee wb« “*
c memlH T* '
flty. MIrt.
terPwe He k ed«ht years d.
or ♦
...... w* aeorrr
to *o way up In that me and I will aee v~.. ----------------—
IPliS. He,
Please eeod hU cart aad kittoB I
♦ «<*t •iodcni4nd wofda.,Bay be Unj
itoui.-4he aaoa k melUnd very
me. and I alll ifl.e them to bto: I
the hay, k lowu Wear ktorpat- '
try tt he aa happy at I •
Utf, try pod rce if we here, riabt In tail, and i bop. It^wili woo be nice ivar lYewidwi- .
over It. B ttrai. aad
-fSt evaiyhady happy 7 “kten and fricodiaay that they iball
owe towp. can not do weather. WiH >«" tend me. a cart
1 thnugbi that I wct^wriie
to tic am IP the iftb prade at pcbool. aad rt la «k
r borne.
Grown-ope. who
' * be
will Bt(9 fur Sunshine Hub. MJ school atoned to- be k IP the aecood. I wlU dose now. ,,0 guu,, «dnrstkUkl theorka «et* «A .
b thing. Wbal a bciutiful and baiionr I think
Vour k'ins Sunahlaer.
»ancod that IMb was uatte bewIMertTi. i.i.« ..PM j ■« ""
’ borne and town we ran have if each Uila itaie. wlU.ins-aM M? Sunahlucrt. day. bet I did not po. becaaae m>
- if they dc- ‘

that BaC .
I Mad to «
r aad to «
one would do that. I try to follo^'^ happy erccUada.
^ evary llvins thlap. .
^ aire. to aign our pledke. ^
evpo daMhougb m>: I am tempted
tbe Sunshine fthib It k my auu*.
PUlnBeld. Vecwioat aad rrbaa. alitu^h as peacle aa a kaiea. cvbW
Qlaf ChlanacB.
Roartto Payne. ^ Uvea In Tr>V Waabiadtue are a great disUn.-r a not le^yiTiiMcmkfca even a» sell aia
If I ^ar tali la trylag to da «
»ben tbe numben In the Soaablne
,oint.. I Jo.t tre to think
rhevry. hHpful boy you erse Pilj. at tib ^sl Eighth St. part, yet there arc letters frocn bqlfa .klf Iiin.mores gulncscpk. and was
« Iheae IhIhBA « *rf« -Try, trr * ^ "««■"« "P i''*' thouaand-niark,
monkeya and Imagine bo*
Just the Mud of muDber tor I'li-aae send the cart and butloa tu pUcea la our SBUsblac imge Ihk uultr cast ia tbe shade hr Ika
Frcaldcnt l^ee
becumea m^
more a^ ^art they arc to lug. lo onl.v —t
— ___ ___
« S*ala..
♦ J
aay tb'
« more ercited, “Who shall be glveii
*7rtr'aiid 'uTW'a^ ou^'Sunshine I’luU
And please wend me a card sad week;
l'reni.4 s alllgBior. the Intcrtot waned,
« the bonor of the thousandth nnmberr
button. Giiud-b} lor this lime..

and the hoys ceased to eavy Teat The
I. tl.. ...Ik. in S. n.1.1 II D.W

K.™il». Ulrb.
Yours inily.
Tra.croe fit}. Mkh.. R. F. U Xo 6.
wonderod *hB T«b
i’'uHer omld want of nhal homd
Orspnlted Dacemhar A ISM.
bear." .
krealdeat—Miea Ckra Betom
1 bau- m l written for
long tlui.-. t.mtoa «M, ! maflrt Itoectla a.
uk, to Join tbe SuBablw
Rut If But waani'totellKtaal. he
Pirk Viee Prakdent-Mn. Jtahal
„k thi- I gut n.- raid and button sulclj. and a]»>
t'luh. and would like to have you aead wu aSeeUonale. Tom aald. i
■atoa Wlllknit.
I liKludcd ilBV 9^^rth.member
about —,
any or —
the —..............
oth« timoidi: then, v

. •
me a buttem and card I live cai a thought's bean was bettor than
SoMad Vice PruaWent—Mra. Ireoa
lu uiim, lU dv. I...d rcr Pm«..J,.
,1,,. b.„i.1i, il.l,. 1| u
I'.d.! Uli. Mhk. |l.,r II, ..... I.
„„ |. ,
»« Idlki.H
koBBoy ShleWa.
dent With pen tuspended over the
Pj I^,„, llcijughMn- 1 wrote to Helen
Apr- >• *>l‘ htove uulie a Luiakw of peia. Tbev Tom ahuui. and held ap hk hand Hke
d.idl..r, ..IK*. 1. l..r S...1.1..
K„..i,^.d.lll«.«l..r..ll,.i„ l»u- l-i^ild™!.dlfl+d.. ..d . at. .«! . link. .
a .carvoa. aad looked wie|.
She shut b^eyee. and drew a
‘ deep'
deep 7, |iave~lk^ hcrea ^ood many j.,5,rs
years imelca:
imelca ;1itj Wu are :intrre.icd in the
I have U-loDBed to the Sunahii.e
,v,,' pujful and loll.. Into bk fac* with hk u
r breath. -Who shall'
« .and
and live a good many more.
-tVe are Just leantag It
more, prop«'
propon IJ h..apiul In Trov.Tse Clli. flub for a lone while, and have lost fall e
Then abc.\
1. HIE SiOtr.
pleam- scud am
jiivc. wc 'also it uuite a
'-’for I am Jurl to t v .;- ;• •!* YOUNG. and jA.rt'der if
>)oa wouMo'l Ave Ikawa there waa
Ungbed right < ‘
1 1U, .1||. 8...UI..lit.
„I|,|, lo kkV I . s„.| u, ,|.t .. T«.
• and growing younger all the time • cmW not own
r of names eo the Crh^k name uuiekty. It was ^Icrritt Iklea
^ ,,,^i,.-s to all-vou oth- It k lawsIbleT
sAuoi every day. 1 p,,,. ^ UHle -sister. Fen. who lAre «ben the pert tlltle'IBhtoB'neeter
like my IcaeAr <
ItaU May t;mEEM2.
cr^hl^ and long life'to the
Krom i
very mu A to pUy *1A Ae Ug -pel cAwed or tte dinner All’raast. lie
Helen Kaiser.
If Mi> Daco. and i A li good to D
____ Now. tnayhe you iloa'i know that Pr>aldcnl. and may this wonderhil
rat. I go to sAool almost every dv..-,Treignitcd T»eoemk* ton lA reoelB
I thlpk your- idea or a BuoAlUe I iry I.. A good U her also. 1 Ave. j
; „
* "5^
Xr. Holley la your Pr«ldcufe rery- .idi, grow and i-roeper.
lo ilic’slslh grade, and my Bin aA ibe dlnnerbeU.
CaaruDce Buvage. Maple
But If you are a
Mcrrlt Bales Holley.
bed 111 lUi-^wbiaised biephal is a a brother and
tier. My brother ji.s u re g~grapby. Ayslology. gram
.rom. I, wa,
. 9laf Cbtotken, Nortbport. IHA. ganshl«; kbo live* in Traverw Clly
p .seventh
grade —
and mar.
capital Mc< Me will mircly plan io JAnnIe
.. . . . i
. . .
hjutory. epelting. arilhmetl.,
^ ^

U Is a pretty certain thing that von
Is eleven year. oW .My sister is Ip
„.dit.g There are -hi. hi..
severely disAgnaa Peck. Ikrragta, Mkh. Name and
tA ..imh grade and k AIrteen years ,u«,t t.eniy.U pupil* In our achoed
. . . be. are
. . old
. friends
....- .. _you
_ _ _danT
_ _
lyarniA. HicU.
.'oiiiaaed ai nrsT. 1A AIvyls myber
seat by Ptoyd Lund.’.
Kewadin. Mi> l>.
"W » •'“ » ««•''
ten veara oU ,
Just -know where to And him. sA tor
Mar.;3:; 1912.
Walter Page, Plainfleld. VermonL the Board of Trade Bureau of ^nform- Dear President'
Mar. 29. J9i:. »ud in ibe founh grade. There drv p, , name i. Mlmi Flossie CampAU. Aving fianlMwIly seized bee fromJW
wbsre bA
.Name sent by Uek Page.
lony M«.kr» In our room today. O..' ,
H«b- shatve.
ttion. and aurv-l enough, our la-wcwtj| received the pin and
rart. They Iwar Pitrld-m Ad aetlM ArseK (or eoasoUlka aflOkdya Mabn and latora MAn. Suiuhlner will amlk at yon u you wtre very pretty. ' I go
new library ‘*~ks.
books. T.tendfiStW^.
| gm my Aul and.plii all rutbt uiid O'sebe
it Is g.iitiig real klc- „
Trararae City. MIA.. B. F. O. Na S. open the duor.
every Ay 1 can. 1 am In the Aral tiuiuAi ihi) were very prctly
" and I sec Aat ray letter k gellinr.
, wi
hmg creep aems’ttejAirMi parl*kg UcLauAlib. Kewadin. MIA.
villagi'. My uioiber is a drota mAvr
lung, so I guess I wUI c
Well, after ycnir President bad writ- grade. I have a drake lor a pet. His wrcle to Helen Kovarik this week,
suit af an elusive sunbeam.
Name aeut fay Helen KaUer.
failtcr Is'a mailrsrrior.
Your true irtend.
ten hit name on ’the card, ahe In- uarae k Thistledown. I like to wat.-h i«-l very sorry her. It njust W •''‘“f'
Her mother A4 esaminrd' Ar tn
Roeetu Payne. <18 East Klgbtb St, cloaed It In an envelope and wrote him play in ibe water. Mka Agnes hard to lie tn bed so lung. My slslcrr ho|M<
bear from yog aoun.
Aura Mabn.
s-'srili of a arraleh. aA hugged and
Traverw City. MIA. .Name sui by
WAt fruit do raioe on i
the buUWe. -For a good boy:" Peck wania to Join your llnh. &-nd and 1 arc going l<> send Helen an
ki»«d her as if she hA had a wonder­
ba Ae cart and ido to nip. and I will Ksalcr box. I wish .vou and all the
help^galhcr It? '
ful c«eaiw. sM ordered Tom wever to '
luiidd read Ae anperwcrlpUon."You will see Aat Ac gels tb«m .I will rios” guiishlucrs a kVI’.' Faster,
What are the tales of your lavirrile
lei Hub come lulo tbe bevuse aiMa.
OkoD. Martha Loraep. and. J An CbUu- be eipectod tb write a letter feir tpa now.
IvuoAT Have you eepr read an. oi
From your Santbinrr.
_ _Aliy
_ _ _ was
_ _ a_ vottng
_ _ _ _|wrtoo
_ _ _ _ id
Haiel Kaiser.
Sunah'n. page, you know.- «med tte
8L FraMla' of Asaial sivd t A Blrdt. d,^7ed u.tre aA a strong ’* m. and
I Cl. T»,i„v V.. fTeeldeuL aerloualy; And the very
noy.l Uinrty.
^ Helen »w m. gl.d to be n-mcmlr
There Is io the Itouvrc a eArmlng iiothlng but {luff’s comiuitaonsiilp
Bdua UIcnetB, Ijaia 100|«, Nag^ really-tnily letter
U Jllss Agnca Peck your oA.n1 ed. .Sho-<5rUlnIy npproclau* i
Mith-v little picture by dlAio. of 8t. Franck would patlsfy her social reellags: and
gl« Cox. Ella Cox. HllA caark.; from our MemAr No. P.OM.
;. 1912. I
tcacherr I AAld Hhc tn ace Jour Sunsbliie grcellnga.
the The walnfa
^ abe was roUlng unlotSdnook 8U«M. Uora Bbafar. Heica
Trarerwe City. MIA.
pel uamed.Thlslb down.

UcA lYealdcnt^
fare. wHh an eanieei. lovtiig esiire*- jea ov^r^it* grant back, cwoiag bikrMoyer. Opal Laggett. and Ruby LegApril 29. 1*12. . ■

Buitons Ba). MIeli.
I am going to write ypu trad Ac »jon. Is looking up at the bird* tAl. lously A »he throst ber dimpled umrSOIL Buckley. MIA. Nam.
' Doer Sunshine President*
Ilarragh. MIA,
Mar. 2S. 19:
suuahlnert a |.-tter-to«aae 1 Aven’t rlih oulairet.hed neck, and Alf-o|.cn .cl of a Bm Into bU Ja*a or claukad
Ssatriee Bodarm.
■ rllleu in such a long Itoc. I as In baakA Appear to taich bls wordi.. The «i,fa h pis >Aggy sides,
This la one of tbe.tappieat day I
Mar. 27. 1912. lyrar Presld.-iilhave known In a long Urne became Dear rresldenl—
I lli.iughl I would write a letter to the fourth grade. There are Aree old tagend which this imlming fllu*.
,u|.,Kirte.l by thk cArb ^
right Afore me on my desk U a cart
As my broAcr It wrlUng 1 IhuuglH you aA the Suo.hlncra: I didn't go in our class. 1 like' to <p> to svfaAl. trales with all lA ariUf* yl.ldnc*. in on Buff-, (ur i At .he made Ar flrn
Agues Cktauacn. age four aad oc
Informiog jne Aat I have Aen Aoaan I would write, too I hate a pair of ti. .clicxi! yesterday. I just read the We have Ms of fun in achotil. It k prc.eniinc a -•■lory. Is eu.itlly .'harm- private Jourin-y oiii ..| doors. And al
Alf yuaru: Selma Oilauacn, age tv
as AeS.bbOth memAr of this wonder- AnUtoa. Their names are Dl.k uad leiu-rs I love to read Retting w.rnieV (to*. I wish it would
i„ K.^pli.-lij, it k a-' follow.: ,h«Ah B.iff could not alway. Are'
yean. NorApori. MiA. Names ae
ful BunAloe Club.
Uollic. They will eat from tuy hand. There were tonic long l.-ttvrs in th.' get aumnier avion «y *e tan Jvlek flow- g, jj, K&n.u was going toward. Hi found It vxiraforiable. A oerer aAwad
' A OisT ChlBuaaa.
WTio would hare eret--dTratned 1 also havt^ a duck. Her nan.e Is page »hhr time. This aunda^we are era. I have five sUteiwand tvvo broth- llftA up M. eyre aA saw *Drihlng hut a IcnAr satlufa.ilop.
y going to have t'onlliniatl'vli Th.-re arc era. One of niy prsleTs, and one •>( , iiiulillude off Inrd., He aald to hi.
He may Ave
When Ibe dear First PrretdenI Ural Amanda. I would like to read
1 nultc a nuiiiAr to A rtmllrmed- -My my'btoAer. died.' 1 like to read Ibe eoui|atoKsn>
-Wail (or «i- Are aolatioB In 1A Ahy's aoetety afakal
TA Beat You Can.
organized the mile' club of thoae letters from oAer Snnshtnera
Ll.ter HAvis and hroiber Walter are 8un.blne Age
ir IcarAr'B name ,bllc I preach to my llule at.lere, Ibe (hk time, from lA Uri tAl Tom bad
TThdt UP# to' frown whw Alngi go »»«>'»
» “t* ‘“Pl'F- “<• have pM. I remain.
lo nrc1*<X and cve« somellaas
ao tell them how w past that hipplYour EunAincr.
here all week, but lAay it I. cold *cH. AAer and EdlA
'*■“ ■
vAl as tol lo A e
A froWB won’t At them rl^L
neaa on to Ae repi of the -Youa
M.ry I.uiidy
.w... by just Aihg kind —
Many tvf the Sunshiuer* write alsHlt and frozen I Just entered tbe alvA »i*ier*. At they are . my
cousins lows; * .
It *ns so stnpld for a Aar not to A
Be brare of heart, ud alng a aong
and bappy
To —h- Aa burtan
and good to every one and every Aing. tlieir pels. aA dAy^wlU/cUjo.v iMd- grAe this week W had cvanilAllon# .krone Is u.t lousln. loo 1 would like -.ti} mue aiders the
you owe apk le laarn lo elimb a pole! Bsff
TAl Ak k true 1 oulU ballev^Aat jou would grow to A aueh a log of youra.
Inst week. My slsDdingg.were ae (ol to have anotherdviitlon as I Ave W Q,urb to Crtid (our rreai-ir. and oagfal c«ubl wglk on bis hlA lags. A evnry
H. Is As wlsoat man
power In this great land of oura: Ji
Arilhn.ellc. 92; geography, p: u.Iim', I will Ive i.voic carofol this ,o slA Hk pralre at all limes and In one koowi. lAl k alumat second ka
WA Blua ^n care and trouble
»« J“»‘ bapplneas enough to hA* ’
0)il Mlsolon. Ml.h
Rbysp.iogy. H- V.m uaked It f^lih tin«-. and nivt 'kise ll agnin. 1 will ,« pk,re. k-cauvu- Me A. gti.n you (ure to a, bear; Al. uallke all tA.
that you are all trylw vAr best to '
Mar. 2k. 1912 aud l-jftber wen- my skiers. .Vo. dose, sad wrllc more WU time, ao
,Bd tA air to fly aA'ii In: iHars that Tom Ad rand aAui-and
".Not Worry-aAut anylhlngr I shall Dear rroaldent•
they are n.y ronslns: Anna I'eriro-r goodhy.
and though you nellAr .pin nor sc*, had .cen In the circus, A had to A
Asd j»6m fA ^ A e
-always keep that little cart right A
tl bap iipeu a long time *luce I ht.iuy voutm. loo 1 btrve lUv slaters

He has given you a covering lA ysvur- roszed and "Aoiled- Alf-way up a
ffias who brood! o’er trouble *OTa ia on my desk aA look at It wrote Afore, so i IhougA I would and iwii t.rolh-cri,. Their names atsUutkley. Mh h. .»,|f .ad. lillle oaeffi He rent iwo ol pole, only to come acrambAg Aket
Tew Itiiea lAay. I Av- lomo. Amelio. I.ydia. Hedvig, tierApr. 2. 1912.
,,«i»ire luio ihe ark with -Vrob o-lly down pgalo
even^ day: for tAt k tA tecrei bl drop you
wrlu- with my lell hand Irude. Henry uiid Walter. I have a Ivrer l*re«id' tit—
Hiai you niiRlvi At A loM lo Ihe
Tom had lost bk tempor and strvtek
"«to burtn haavler grow.
tA aneceas t have mAe in*all my learned to write
• b rooms In bur ac-faool. Illliv nepber.-. t<zt>. 'Ills imnie is KlI haven’t Ae SttBAAe world.. Hh fenis you Ibough you him AeO'. All lA boys were there lo
Aa A CUBA up Ae hlH of Ulu.
"O'-f® '
thou r. IHe k Just five
pagn in a lung, while.. .1 'hupa ueuficr mow nor reap. He As given see, and Alf I>in*imirr intt on such
TA wka map ^ea not uu.
Aroooal and talk pAut myaeir for and aieani p1|h-».
akaiv Iik giilnes-pig.
Ua gnUttfs Aw'oru baaida Ae iay;
®fi*^ *.«: mlntitei- ttaare are the I3tl. of Fch.u.r.
ariih-, tlinc* «ttli.
I.l.iu. My hrotlu-i .nda*. me.
(or | hav- ivol lorg.meu you. (
i, your Hmvi, w.d trvx-. In which . And .hen b« did ooiirelblA tor
—*-1' |>eople
nretnle wA
vbo roiue
rnme in
liv my
mv office
nfflee reading.
cnadlng. wriHnS.
writing:. kaAllAg.
Au.m... and ...................
• Aye to I

see a raid on Ae wall wbleb mcllt >
•»«'">■ ••’fi '« ‘ blW" t*»is mormns read the Sun.hliie jvaBc and enjm ;i
,,o,w j„ur nesi*. Beware, my III- which he waa aftorwart ab aorry tAt
"Let’s make tbe nioi

myp: -Don’t worry-Ak Holley;"
From JPur.BUnrtlAr.
He worA In the ^ItaUon. He was very much. I have just oiw At and :,h, venters ..ot the ajD of lagraliluA. I hml aliiiott daeWad net to tali o( It.
(htwgm, .
They took at U. and then Agin to
Ix-slle JaroiMin
home ohly lour months. .M) Idiilida' ilial is a kilty. It Is very, playful It
.tudy always lo praise (be l.ord - lie led Buff away np IA river amt
Aed-do the bsM s
amlle. and Aey aay "SurqeBonghi
Did youwrite JUe lelK-r wlili ydiir Is vtvming pmty ttooti. It is tip- i:4'i will play hn)e and seek with pure ,\m' he i-reavtied. the bird. oi«ned over Rnow HUl Into lA woods, and
what Is Ae use ofworry Ing.-but who k-fl iand.
UsIieT' ll mu» as clear .ia of Mn>. 1 »iH A (woln- years old. It's inme k Teddy . Our aehool will ,|„Tir i- al s 'ireicln^roiii ilieir ncl.w. ran away and left him. If A eouMn'l
la AAking of •aoAur't noed.
hi..I flapive.l their wma*. and Awed or wouMn’t « blmaatf fA society; A
Wo oft forget Mr own;
In hk ofneer'

picking fluwetp. I lov<- to pick Aw- wv gnlng to move m Mayfield. I n.^.r lu tbr .arrh.
'Alght aa Well live la bk native
So let u Aluk of others moreA all you Utile f'^lks. and the ’
lSp.'nm-r. .Mich.
ers. My sister ftertrudv s hmhday is ha'vX.^K- nature lor Ac SuuAlne
over. St Francis iijade wIMs." Tom asM to hlmacir.
the iMh of May. thif
Our l.inlulaya
liirtlulaya urc
arc I’l
n.-y are
atv tans
tldna Muliela,
Muliela. l.ydl
I.ydlii „,..
ti... „lRn
^tRu ..l lA
:1h- c.a«.
ciuss. and the
He ran all Ae way home, allboul
m rbravTsAAocrful heart Urown-l.’A a* weU.-for you know
' Mar 2:-; 1M2 th.i, 'T%.-y
thatam^orawom-nk^j a lit- llror Prroldc.U' •
ten T..,!-. Magg.^ tot. Ell.
Hilda new up in... the
alngln* ,.wa«l, ,Mce looking
. Aek. and i
, He boy or a'little girl Just grown up.—
I received my .art and button ami .'‘-ar* old. My eTmsln {kilu ra birHi- ftark, Frunie Steffe*. Laura Seba'er.
maise. and dkl>re*ed to- wa) be kept hk flogers It. - -----ft pAg when rare mnd trouble o
I want tu say to you all. all the otAr lAnk. yon so niiieh. i vtiinl to icH day is
Jut.'. Fhe Wtif A twelve Helen Moyer.t)p*l Ugg'-n and Huh^war.Jv Hie lour iniarirr* of the world. wheAef be wai afraid of bcsrlu
li year* dd. alvo My letter I* gelHiic la'RE'.. Hnpii.E to wee thi' lii print a- li "i rouv. y the worts lAy- bad Buff’s volca or bU own consetaneop. I
9 fung »i will .lose with bne to yb.' I -in .1.VHVheaid to all the world. St. CukiiuA am sure I yaiinoi tell.
TA GunAlA War
do make mk- a nlre tU.iC- We had a bm flock -vf nnd id! the Snnshiuer*.
V..tu* truly.
to Tee.1 the ims IvoatoB heron.
1 think It ivroliable IhalAdldAor
CTTv. laser aide of every cloud k l^kew-we all do Ihul-Jusl pich your- birds timt lived here, and twme «)
h'rom a Suushiiier.
ifi'alriM. .tudcixm
mat allAicd on IA island of Iona, llm lali.-i, for. after loaalng slreplro.bright and Alnlag'> *«"'« «!'' “ »««>“• cur d.*vr all wlufer to gel IfiUr food.
Mildred C ,\ Vemu r.
Mo* . .n.nii.g ....vr fui.i.y kltum The MOirowa would A.eer i -vnd eat |v on hi* Ar 1 At'ntgl.t upHI neariy
I thmlnre un niy ctond. aboul
but if l should, then 1 will k.iep right l liked to watch them, .-at nnd to fe«l
I' y»m brother ut tbe Life JLvvme 17.1,*i I -' I -h., .ld like tu m'o n pkv ..ot of St. Bcml’s hand. . ud the nildiiishl. h. arose an.l himAad alwwyg wear Acra Inside uot
*'>‘“8 A' 'cry best to A happy, ibeni. Wo Ad two lilile mice Jbiv KtatK...’ Mrile again and iHI u- ............... *• ek
birds would ho'Cr around Ihe bern itr *eir.-and by tbe light of the mm.i. h"
To aAv Ao Uulng"
“> the best Iblap*. and think the livod here this wliHer, * We led them ula.ut it.
’ ^
of Mobtpcriai abd lavt from lAIr made bk way A'k to the edge of
BA art the very beat and they made ih-1: iie»t mid-r a Ivon.
, ’
T. averse Ciiy. Mu It. 15 F D No •: hands.
.kve wood. «Arc h.-Ad t-ll Muff .
’__________I know A*, and luske Bomc QUO An- and ilopi in It I .a* a: rojj/l’iltle
- ITAro'WAhlnglon.
aW. 2. IH2
..IhnK all the way .A UneHog la-,
PREGIDENTE py every Ay of uiy life’-” . eooB when I was 001111/hi>:iK- from
Mar. 21. i;'i2 Iw-a: rr.sidenT.V-------- ^
i.uaveiabl.'time-t At b-saw Aal onVtolT.
I* .me lell ton soniethlBg: I wish .s«*Al. M« letter 1* -■.eyfiug long *o I, IVar rrerhlentI thought ! « .'Hd »Dic- lo il.» Sui. j
„..iTh. .boggy -hare. ahbJi ne loang
Do yoa ever notIre Ac SunAlne you roind tome Into luy room, at will elose.
1 It ho* h«n a brng time aiii.e I have flub .* I wmild like 10 hav- Through me the
.All m-mI
.afcdc.r.i lo bis Aari 1 An he kaew.
- . -c ......
— .-.. -a .... a eard aad button > «n> Till the deaf world's ear A fotrel i" .ud> i»-tLcovef thai he lisd Ivrea domanAralilp Ikt.-ai Ae head of Ak •borne and'see some of- the hundieds
From. ' '
, 1,. . elmup of Ire.:-Or a rock.
ootmu Aya and girisT
Kver.v of AIoa that havd Aen seal to mv
flare Xitliuls
files so iiulekly. "'e are havlpg.lo'v- le tlu -.veuA grwA.
H- w'a. a very mlsorabk r«,v aa he
aiooA your prcaident Prinu Ao ouni- froai all pans of thi* great world of What an. nvn'eual eviwrienre y»n l> weather: Th, wjlil fionefs arc all lem year. t.Pl My sttidli-s arc rose
From alreei. from .-age aad trom l.. u- icMirBwI alone,
Ar of auBAams that Ave uignA oura. At I think one of the Asl of had In Ae winter The little bink in bloom, tind 'plant* ar.-Votnmen. lug lag. amlimcIU. grammar, geograpb
WAt hA Ive-onve of Buff? Poor
Aa pledge Ard.1. pifl wom the little them all. k or my talvie right whore must Aw reroi grateful to their hil- to grow. I have red* iO U'voni. history, pcanvso-hip. tpelUai. "
ll ISdtlh Baroe*.
vb- *.:!
AniJ,‘bu* iT.v»*,he bad Aon to
e li JusT the moiivenl I gel man UeighAi.' .
and wall flower*, which are ao frag- phyidol.ig.'
I bln^ Iweaui*,' A vtvuldn l ' lArn to
Of coiirpe many of Aoee who joined In.—a llllle artirle lAt roniv all tbe

tant. My father had a rotiser'atory We live ol a Iruit farm. We Av<r u{
lorlurol Un iim-Iaitii. 'ro
dal^ewhn Ae aub 'wa firm emnised «ay from Manchuria. -Mv: where l»
Nonbpnrt. Mlrh llbx f1.
built t. r flower* aBd-sc-ds. I b»w a walnut gh.v**ln ’root of ourvlv>Av- Of-the lUlgM.' against H-' Ha '
Uia.A.! pla>ed live most loe-lingllag
are m Itmtrr actively fnlertated in tbe world k IhalT' i Alak I h^r
Mar. 2». AU, oihbsge, up. radkhe*. .i.d a»ters Mv and ookme side is aa clto grwe. They .
- Jlx. aad wafize.. aA be bad .AUod '
our Club A ll exkla’toda.v.' Ho*- stvnve of'you ask. WeH. you get a Dear ITcsidein—
*l»ter baS planted some watctnie'-m -vre iwA very pleasant in aummer. l_The Ame' wu-e'
'h*'him the <ae|>a K <hOBsBa-I
ctat at Ae Jlme (Air naiiin were geography aA '‘Aik for fhlM. afff I thoubt I would wine to Ae San; setd* a* an eipeMtuect TAay wa liavePtx.KUiers and one brother One' That ta>bior;.'i uvatyb' -‘U«;'
wa. stupid of Buff. 'Air liltiairvore.
peolto by UmmAlvet or lAIr rrtends, right north ofEthal big eouUtrv aud thine riiib and aak it t could Join t A pie.Mint that my sister, pome vf my akters B-acAa at Hatchet The GA of th-; whole Aie a -.wtk of
vs acqnicled with a bear wA could
vrero Olrtprad oa Ae SuAblne book, aoulli of SlArta. yoti win flnd.ll. I’p am In the tlflh grade My teacher * «eh,«l mates aod t went .10 tbe Aaeh- frosting. We Iwe in OaAM K»*ti
dance the Hlghlantf ning’ l.ut A
ud prlBtod In the Herald We often there they wprsbtp animal*, and what npme k
Emma Barth. I like her M'c cau s*H' *o many Ad things- We ^bip Well. I will rloae (^AM tUge
To toned Hi’t taiheirt ibinB,
.ouhiLt lorgei A* kaily «ufl Ad
Ay, "Once a SuniUner. always a A you suppose ft Is^-Ae nionAy: very_p*tfvh! M.v Mudies are likittry. find Aelty mosses. sAlla and agkte-.'- From yimr iRend.
,^nd I utv: n.-v v.rvxAr* kceivOT.
Bunahlner." aod tAl ta true. For No one e'er AAk* of Armin'; a AU&etic; Idiaba. aud speUing. I We. iuid the latter generally ifter a
Gladys MAn
aA 1 *H1 b»b' hi. hslii.
Aw cu any of A ever quite forget monkey. They call th-'-n- rvered end Ave'>Ame pet* , They are some rab- storm Mj' siner hA a birthday t ■Ho* AauUfu] the walnuv aA cA And speak tbe told. fpJ .Wait aud H "•
e a«i m
never bear of a toy
Aal Aa SUBBklu Club means cheer AlA lAt If jou are «ood to Aem WA Ao cats, a raff The tafs’ d»v SA waa elev>n years old. She grove* must me’-. M’boever plule-'


----- thoogbU and lAy will bring-you all manner o! name, are Buff and 1’K.Id, Mv rabtylt* had a big cake with her name. age. Ae walnut trees ttrely Alleved ih Till Ae world .All set AuvBs.rigl.' who cold in t learo ruA
Wben Tom reaebA borne, weary
• •'
------ - .V-........................
, .
Hk WbtielrnoiB
- ,—Ella WhAkr.Wal.u and bcavy-toarted. lAre i(m Buff, sttookeys as well s • right ooc of my AA. Will yA not lightrd «t
have Images of
^ have two more
ila^ wlA drooplu bead unier Ae
tbe lIvAg ones. TAse images are In come aad are AemT My calf's name month* of rihu-lT' I suppose it :• still
inaluAld. Vi.
Luraery window. TA*e *a« a to.vftil
aU manner of poritlon*; This one k Zip. fNery night when 1 come rather i-oid in Mlchlup. U,i»’quife
Apr. 2. 1912.
'reromdlkUon. Tom felt a* If Btf
Buff and (hi Baby,
‘k*‘ • *•«*
“*• hepresenw three borne from school 1 Ad him ud keep warm here The eveiilara are glor . Dear Freoident—
-Of.-wA’. use wa* a bear If >'«> Vitew even wor<l that he saU when
HiHe monkeys all In n row. and one him 1a good order. 1 will A glad fbua ud Ihe sunsns exquisite. Th*
• have not written to ,ron for a totir
he begged hii pardon. aA he r«aetva,l.
vuldaT erturat- hlmhas Its buds over (u eyas. iM next. IhAB summre romea ao I ran play sua throws its Aaois on a ebaln of time I thank you verymuch tor Ar
Tbal was what'Algy kept sayloA then aad Aere. to give up trying to
has It's surscovered. aad'Ae last Ase All and foc^ ball .1 IJke'to.plav mounulns called Ibe Alki^ Uka <ard and button
and AAr. You
Ac ta a most aggravating way And it Aocate Buff. bA make the beat «(
hu It’s hud over it’s inoalb. an-1 ball very much '<.hj»e two skier* glorloas vtaw. We tove k apleodid wanted nve to t«
A' tntwt A acknowledged Aat Buff did
here k what It-itieua: The one that Their name* are Agnes and Alm.t tie* from our home. I am afraid I -Worker's flub.
aad not tak« kindly to karstof.
r»hu U'q eyw cprered agya Aat tor
U Igor and a half rov’a <M. am tahUi« up u>o mAh room to our Prestdont ahd yiA
ttorngk* ml €

__ ___ ______ _ I wA
e (
bow actiTo memAra. ud all Ae
boys ato HMs who have no chance
lo kotp In wort WIA Ae worktop
of -Ae Ctab aa It Is eartied on wch
Mak in Ae Herald, s'* neverAelras
Kuer OrewD-ups. and better Avs
and glrk botanse theFtovo said Aey
woaU -try. Ur agaln.--to A all Ae


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