Grand Traverse Herald, April 09, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 09, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ORIccrs Were Elected at Meeting Yes­


day Jti.vdu were planted by Will tull
quartette composed of C. A. Ekelrber,
The Women's Auxiliiary uf
am] Itolierl .Mukhull la ihe creek above
George Alward. E. E. White and C. K.
Crarc eburrh met at (he lioiiu- of Mrs
Keystuue. and on Wednesday Su.i'ou
Hunter. The vocal work made a de­ POPST HOTEL BUILDING SECUR­
W. Harrington Wednoedny for the pm
weie planted by E«l Gilbert and HalpU
cided bit with (ho audlehco, wbd
l-ose of electing offieeni. Two t>apers
llasiiuga. near Bllgbis. The bst
peatediy called lor encores during tbe
were r^d by Mrs- J- 1>. Miinboii and
ui>« Wrrit^nl here iiy Ihe stale, whi.h
Miss St^ager Mrs. Mimsoo's paper
with lliivite planted today, makes a
Previous to tbe banquet a reccpilon
(the women of India and Mpuv
of UMt.’.vo fry plantid (fata week.
was held Id tbe ball upatairs and
Shager’a tbe “Mb
3 liip <uur.«e of a few years th*- rlvr
about 9 o'clock tbe guests marched GREAT GOOD WILL BE DONE BY Miaalonary rrilics '' Both papers wennd ns inbutaries In that vciiiit.i.
down to tho banquet room, where the
ISSUES Of THE HOUR DISCUSSED tables were spread ready (or them. At
hii-h extends from Keystone in be
ruenL .The officers (nr the ensuing Veterans From North and South Gath­ vund Mayfield, ought io contain an
of the feast former House Will Be Fitted Up in.Modest year ss follows:
er Today to Live Over-the Scenes
abundance of splendid ermn. The H:
Fnsident A. B. Dougherty started ibe
* Way For earning Out the ObPresident—Ifrs. D. W. t’urran.
and Events of
A I. railroad officials Were very a<
oratory of the evenlog with a tribute
jeeta foe Which
Vice I'realdcol—Mrs. J. !>. Muns<iv
niodiiling in leading a great deal
Urand.Traverse county and the en­
Ser-relary—Mrs. ('. D. Alw-ay.
asBislal'-v. They slopped the t.
tire Grand Traverse region, fcllrltai
PARTY MEN PRESENT FROM ALL tng this section ui>on its sulwart re Afiwe eight weeks of keenest antli-i- TYoasurer—.Mrs. W. Ihirrington.
Ihe deslreil plaie esih lime and liaii
A reunion of the aurrlvura of the
r irew pplp as much,as
publUaaiBin during Its blstory. He palicin fur surresB iti the nioremetit
great batllo of Sbiiob began on th«J>y the young
batllelield hero today, on the acnii cer- necessatv in hauling Ihe heavy eanc
Mwl PrvfitftM* tiM HaniwnloM Oath- than Introduced Prcsldenl.eleci J. W.
whiMi the fry Were Iransporli-d
Traverse rity to esublish a V. W. f
Patrhln, *6o made a strong |*lAa lor
leunial hnnlvonary «1 th- “ liiatorli
•Hag Cvtr H«M by Local Organ.
from Jdaie tu place un hand rars.
united larty as it had been In the K. berr. the liopra have been realixcd
- -tM «f National
loufli.-i. It ia a reuni.m of Uie Blur
ul least partly an and actlvs aork
past. He told of ibe dlfferencea that
the Gray ami from oa far south aa
PfvmiMnea Oava VIewa.
its members arc holding at iiteeent hu ctwnmenced on Ibc osiabliabi
Texas uDil a» far north aa Wisconsin
Tba sraataot auccaai la the hlatory ipon the selection of a candidate for of tbe home.
Active Caitjpaign it Being Carried e and MiUiigan the :nld watrlrH-s have
of th« Ofaad TraTerM liaeola clnb the prealden'c}- and urged all to stand
At thr apecUl meeting held Tues­
juiirm-yrvl bliber iu mlnglp together in
by the Committees in
was acorad Wadaaaday at tba baaquaL by tbe <-holce of the malorlty
day cvenitic at Hie home of ibo p^e^i
pence and to exchange reminlsremx-s NEEDS
which was aUasded-br over two buo- national convenilon. «s It le only by dent. Urs. Edgar Keith. It was deridetl
and re<-all the- eventa that made history
drad of the npr«sanUUTe.meD of the prescDlinp a united front that the to lease Uic building which has been
In explanation/>f the ruler for nu-tn- in Btglii uf old Shiloh churvdi THiy
Oraod Traversa radon. Thoao iwea* party can hope to conlinuc winning known for a year or more past as the U-Hhlii in the Y. W. ('. A. Circle and years ago. The reunion It iimlcr riiu^veral Lake C'Ues Were Repraaentant caeoa Iron tba district reacblns victories.
Popsl hotel, torijer Bute and CAM for the benefit of thOKc wiio have not
1 Shiloh i
. ed at Meeting «( Sub­
from Onsd Rapids to Charlevoix, and
The atlendetl any of the Eight We6k cluli
Secretary NerUngcr read telegrams Bircels, opposite post offioe.
ovarr <wa was aatisflad with tba nao- of rogrcl from Congroasman Dodds. I’opsla expect to vacate the place iectlngii.,dui of wbh-h has grown the
The battle of iihlloh. the most
Bar la which the whole aveat was Lieutenant Governor Roes and Sen­ about tbe tenth of this momb. and as clrrlc. *be following Information Is guinary uf the ImuIps that marked ihj
Waabingiou. April 4 - Tfao nemnorDuring the entire aranlng ator William Alden Smith, all of
as pouible atler that the Y. W. given out from beadquaners. Anyone eariy period of the civil Var. w
elal iMMildlille.. uf llin west alioro of
thm was not a tingla hitch In tbe whom sent their best wishes tor tbe r. A. Circle will take charge of tbe wUhing to become a member and who
Michigan wt-<e cx|daln<-d ai h-ugtli tu
(ought fifty years ago. »ui April G a
proceed Inga, which fact was doc to tba iccess of the evening.
premlaes and open up tho house as a
tbe senate siilMuimnillre uf tbe tvmibeen B|H>roa<-bed by any of 7. IRi;j. Shortly after tho capture
I ahillty abown by
President Paichlo Intmduced George home for the benefit and pleasure of the niembers or the memiierKhip «-om- Kurt Ikincibon. Gen. Grant moved" his miiteu on c-unnu-iro mday at ibc ItiBacrelary Aoll F. Nerilnger. who has U Lusk of Bay City, as loaslmasicr. tbe young wumen of Ibe city and i
stance of Sonalur William Aldcn
mlitee* may band their names to any anny to intteburg landlug. on
spent ptaeUeally all bla Ume lor the and (ben the real fun of the evening
of the cnuimltteeK whose luitneii ap- TeTihPKbee river, alnwi ,Si tulles from KmlUi.
past ntonih la naUng the arrangeHr. Utah Is one of the
:ri>unt of Ita location this build­ {lenred in yesterda.v's Issue.
The aenlor Mlrhlgwn was named a
I'orinih. Miss. Tbe army, numbering
Bieeiu onsaected with the ereaL Hr. moat cainble men that ever preshled ing Is going W prove poullily- tbe besl
.iMiut to.ouo nien was in six divlaluus meml>cr c^rtfila suleeommiuce to re­
Nerilnger is to be congratnlated npon at a banquet board. His fund of sto- now available In the city for the
'There arc (wo kinds ol mt-mlK-r- The division voinmaodcrB wWc Gen­ port on irfn rivers and liartora appro­
the way be oecoted bit plans, and liea and genuine humor is inexhaust- pose. A thorough rcnovnllon will he
ahlp, the (iciivc and lii'' hsmm late, the erals Bberniaii, MK'lcr]piii(l. W. H. L. priation, bill. Tim texrimony
the orv«bntlon Is stUl Bore to be UOe and be never tires of bamllng
made and Juat aa aoon aa possible the
only dlfforem-e Ivelng that acilvo may Wallace, llurlbm, I'reiiiias and l,ew Mirhlgan's we^ aboro isMaibihiies
ooagratniated tor havliig an tdfileal eomethlng that is real funny about tbe bouse will be opened, probably un­
came out at a lieanni; giieli the cuiuand hold office and the a»so<-iate Wal'lnce. j
at such Uretaes energy and splendid spwkera he introduces. Ho baa an In- der tbe name of Y. \V. C. A: Howe.
mert-lal IntercdLa of Manistee. Arcadia
qpy not. All other privileges of the
At alvnil the same liine that the
e personal knowledge of all their Tbe plans are to make It aa coxy and
orgaaiilM dWUty.
arMf I’eniwater'? In favor of Senaiur
In the nfumDOB tbe regnUr annual rinaes and abortoomlpgs and keeps comfortable u any private borne,
Smith's harbors bill be amended
sociate alike.
tho Cunfederates eonrentrated at I'nrwhere tbe giris who are members and
naellng U <he elub was held and the
as to tari7 ojip^xrtaUons of tGuu.uuiy
“In order to bo an aciive roemlH-r lutb. with Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston
have no homes in tba tity may feel
seted for the nest
fur ManlKlcc. tlli.t'OU for South l(auniniancT.
that It is theirs io live In.^nd a place
rear: ftnHdint. J. W. MalcbU; eecs alao the subject of hla remarks.
and |3u.Wh’'for Arcadia, aa wxdl
The absence of John Q. Rom. wbo where the beat of influences for ed'Jntary. Aatf P. Kertlnger: tredsurer,
was detained in Lansing on account catloDat. aoelal and general welfare of Protestani churrh. except Ibe I'nl- ui'-s corps commanders were Gcner- l’entwa,ter.
tarlan. Tlte faii that one is in regular ala Braxg. Hardee. Pulk and BrevklnThe BeaWri «t the execuUve com- of hU oSIclal duties, made one leu tbe women will prevail. Efforts are
In addirioii to tho otmiMucial delcthe program, but tbe length of the being made now to secure a Kultahle standing In the church U evidcoco ridge. In Duinlierti the army abttui galioiiK lliere sere lutieent Iteforc
Bittee are: ABdrew- B. Doti^rty.
v-ijiial!ed the Fedi-raG.
were suBlcicnt
take charge of the home, that they arc of good character.
y W. BitiehtB. %. Ll EdwardL U. A.
Itur William Alden Smith's roin.April I. both aruilea were cxj>e< I
'The dues of an ai ilve iiiembt-r are
out the allotted Umo. Tbe Ulka were and little by iltlle Improtcuients and
Mnaaeli^ AbU F. Nerilnger.
miiier. Kepresoniarivcs Mel^iugbliu
li:g (plurorcVniPnlit. Grant experted
wfll be made to make fl fHj I'or year, jiaid in advance
B the Tsrl- all upon subjerts "of vital Interest to
Buell with alstui tu.'HKi men and Jobu- ud J. M. r. Smiui
oui counties an
Oil belmir of Muiii>lcc. il W. Smilh.
were presented by men who’ knew pride to tbe clly and a credit t
one must Iw over IT. years of age and sloli .-xiKH-led Van Ikuii w|ih
this Kilzen'ger and It. I’. Itsruck hliuw-.
Antrim Connty—T. G. Meggiaoa,
of good moral i-haracter. ihesc Irelng Jebnaton. h'tweVer, tcvu ludjng (o-oithey were talking about at Sral
ed liuu mure freigiit originates there
Central Lake: James Davy. Bellatre.
reriuircnients necessary, (n t tek Ur..nt Jiciure Jrlti .3 by f.i.el'
It of monev i
ul any ollic'- Mlcblran point un
—M. O. Pari. Th
The openlpg speech was given by be accepted and already many of the tills Instance we tiiust use our own Marled (rum Corinth on April 3. hut.
lake Michigan; that the hl.ipplng Is
D. O. F. Warner. Pranktort.
Senator Walter Roes Taylor of Kala- business men have gone so far as to best Judgment ais to the jicrson being owing to heavy rains, he could
CharteroU-J. M. Harris. Boyne
hampicrcjd l>y Ibo iiO'tr ecod’riuu of llie
masoa who was alao a member of tbe subscribe Bum's of generous amount of good moral charaner. and wp tack until early dawn of Sunday tbe
harbhr and that I'nitcd SiuU-s cti-.-i
aty; A. U rueb, Charlevoix.
consUtuUonal convenUon. HU exper­ with a promise of more if need be, should take great eal-o In getting our
pcraisteni and runrinuous
neora have rontmmend^ ul least
Emmet—Dr. C. J. Gray, Petoekey: ience in making lawa gave weight to
associate members in order that no ligfafing, Gen. Johnston succeedod tn
to carry the prujet-l tbrough
IJoo.u'Ki (or improviuocijt.
Harry Hlakley, Pstoakey.
his oplnlMs along the lines be toueb
question can be raised as to tlielr driving the Fedcrals back-during tbe
Grand Tnreraa—W. D. Bagtey. Old
e at I’miwaier, .M. P.
ed upon, tail topic being “Direct LegUday from the vicinity uf Shiloh church
As tbe building will be taken unfor right to mgmlierahlp on iliis grmind.
hlisatoa; W. W. Smith. Traverse City.
Seats declared, iiaa iiUTCaeld within
"The dues of an associate mcml>er nearly to ihc river.
Disbed Ibc young women -will be glad
Kalkaska—Ernan Smith. Kalkaska:
Ibe i<aat year (mm letik ilian
He oi«ned bis remarks by dealing to accept furniture, or anything us­ are tl.oo per year laid In advance.
A%-4hc .lose of tho day's fighting
W. C HewatL Kalkaaka.
The vsimiiig vsar
brMy with the many new changes able for'tho furnishing of the home,
"We also want sustaining meml«prr. .NcIson^Wvlsion of Buell's comman-1
LealanaS—Mar^ Brown. Laland; hetng made In the eocUl and political
see a total toniuura of elotts to
and will nend a rig for same. Of wb^ may be cither arrive sustaining arrived in pan on the hatrisfield and
Henry Nasaen. Bmplre.
world, some worthy ot serloua consid­ course to a certain extent they must
meutlM-n. In hel|>ed to repulse ll>« la.M charge >f t’ki.lMn. tons. Mr, Seam liixlaied, and a
Hanlatn-C A. Palmer. Manistoe: eration and oihera of but little Im­
slcuiily liii-reaae is assured, owing to
depend on these gifts frum the |>ooplc order to Ix-come a
the vi'-turioua (V>nfederaics Tbe day'i
Wm. Uoyd. Haatatee.
devi-lopmcttis of tho gnat Iruithave the same quatiflcatlnns tlghriiig was a triumph fur the t'unfedportance. however, all Inailiulcd mere­ of the city, for at the very nuiset It
MUaauksw-Cbaa. Siefle. L«ke City;
of wliK-h Pintualer is llie gate
ly for (be sake of change. As exam­ may readily bo seen that the funds fur mciubershlp aa above staled. Iiul oraips. theticii they lost the brave G<-ii
OrvUie Oannla. Uk« City.
ples. be stated that "laws have l>ocn
III have to be sireirhed over a largo instead of the Jl.uu diu-s i-ay ilio sum Juiinstun will) fell Willie leading a
Wexford—G. A- Brigbam. Buckley:
For Arthdia. riiarlro J Siarke. Pari
whereby we should apeak of our clrrlc. Just now’. In the spring, wheq of
or more i-er year.
' Felix H. B. Flynn. Cadillac.
lilckcn and Kalph S. t’.i;.e appeared
asylnma aa
every body is houserlrauiiig and wan*
The faii that ><tu are a memlier
The l•altU■ of ’tie 7<li was begun si The indications are that wvrti one of
Owing tn the tateneu of ibc season loflrmariw. and bearaes as funeral
get rid ot various articles ihst
does not nevcsBsrily mean that you break ul day by Bitell
and the tect that rongreu U in
Uiese Mlchlgsn improvementa will be
However, the insane are just as still usable, the V. \V. C. A. home will must attend all tbe meetings. It is
alon. Mr. Nerilnger experienced a craxy aa they were before the asylums
lavuraUly r<H>uned to the senate..
In the nature Af a club where
y iu.’MVi men GrahVw.i* liir”ie
(great deal of dUtlculty in eecuriu were called boipluls, the oroupants ol be a good plate to put (pern.
All the committees have not as ye! the members are to go ami make <-d sircfiKihciied liy rii- u<Miii*<n •
apMkan for the evenL but by keeping
tbe Inllrmariea Just as poor aa when yen eomplcted. but Ihixte so (ayram themselves at bniiie at any reasonable 1>'W Wstimw's dlviEiuti. «li\cb ha
BtMdUy at R he obtained men of uathat Institution was called the poor
hour. Membersblp cards will )>e issucl I CCD absent Ibe previous dayi'^thtuaswu
tlooal repaUtloo to turolsh ibe ora.
bouse, and people who ride in funeral
as soon aa iiossiblc. Any fouirlhurion
luisumlprslaiidinc of orders, '’i'.'ie
torXBl part of the program. Special
Traverse City Man Heavy Laser at
are Just aa dead as they would be Strickland. Ktbcl Savage.
Evely-n ot money, either In a lump sum or at bairie of the 7tb was quite as severe
elott was made to aeenre some promLudlngton.
U riding fc a hearac. These changes Ward. Ora Everett. May MotherallL
CDUcb per month, will l>e a|iprc-<-iai- I Ilial (
tBSBt speaker with Roourelt tanden.
demonstrate (he principles -on which and Alma Gotfredson.
. or any gin In the way of house
that the Fi-d’-ral suci—tse*
«Ms. bat tbe aectdont to Qoveroor OaI.U'tingtnii, April 5.—The Crrionixl
are baaed the new governmental
Membership—Misses Lettie Marvin, furaisbings. It Is not rescue work, warranted them any .-ssuraiiee -jf vi- liotci, une nf the nIdeM In the city,
ksn ramoTod the last chance of the
1. aucb as the
simply at the prescntJtlme more tiiry. Tw.I hours lavr. B.-eraregi d,
Carrie OtUnger. Jennie Anderson. Ma­
riab to oscan anyone on that aide of
known all .over Mu-bigan as the
of mnnicipal governmenL the prlmary rie Smaltx. Claudia Petersen. Estelle
. aoelal center titan anything else, cow in cummand. on.-.-4 a rr’iei.
the tOBca. Oas pteaalag feature of
•'tlladatum'." was l.urned eniamng
roform and direct legislation."
with the definite end- a regular Y. W.
Wade and Mrs. Frank Wright.
' a was the ellmlns*
Hie I'onfpdPTBtp* moved -Iwi k loan «d IX'*"' with
InsurauicIn part, Mr. Tay'lor said: “Direct
il—Mlasea Callata Dun­ f. A. lor Traverse City.
without iiiterfereni-c to Otrinih.
Uon of tks praaldSBtlal tacters by all legislation means tbe submltilog of
011 the Iniildlng and contents.
tlip Federals wvFe iii no culidittbii
the vUltlBf ontwa. Some oomt ref. bills to (he direct vote ol the people to bar, UlUsB Wells, llulda Evans Aid
Tho bold was the propeny of J. I'
make a iSirsuif
erencea wan of ooorss made during be passed or rejected by them as law s.
oivrltn of Traverse City, who had
Social—kllsses Clara Miner. Eiuily
The losw-s in ihelwu days' figbling begun cxtciisiv-o repairs and impreiethe erenlag. but It was done In sneb
and ir pBMod would become laws w ith-Cbapln. Alma CotfredMyn. Mary i*arr
t no eoe could
tending toward making
out turther proceedings as tbe signa­
Jess Caldwell. Very Wynkoop and
prisoners. fir,;i; total, first' lass bosteky. O *' Bilks pro
take It la any other way than It was ture of a leglslailrc body
intcsded. that of good natured dlBer- ecntlve. Direct legisUtion Is in Its in­ Anette Lardle.
prietiyr. sustained a hiA of I!."'”',
Publicity—Mlaaea Esl.-lle Wadied, T.oij; prnvnicrs, 3>^C:•'Hul. 13.- wjiti $5i«u insuraiirf. Tbe fire ••»>
.ence of opinion.
fancy. not baring as yet been given
The banquet Usall was the mm
n>'i dlseovered ninH the eiitlre hiilW
thorough trial, but from the stand­ Alma Coj/TOcison.
Raport That Third Special W.II Be
>i^ltteee not yvt completed and
blaclory ever bald by tba club,
iiig was In flames and many gue^la eopoint ot reasoning and ceruin lacts
Called Denied By Cevernor'a
which will be anhounced later art
fact by may oranisatloo. Tbe cater­ or results of its adoption in tbe
« aped in their nlriit robes. For a tini"
ing was dons by tbe ladles of tbe C. ot Or^on. it must be conceded, that airal, rrilgioo. recreation and a house
the Ixisiiires blueks adjoinit.s w,-re
8. P. B, and they provided ererrlbltig tbe pracUrability of such a reform is committee
dancer, but the cffortB of the firt.
lanxiiig- April
The seu.ite a:
One of the l>lg features of the work
in tbe Une of viands that anyooe could absurd. Under the preaest system of
■n <imflacd the Irlaze to t.he hirtd
house adjourned at noon with only a
Ukwtlooad on page two.)
poshly expecL They also provided
In order that it )wm and
It was a IhreMtory blnrk. . vcue<r
small iiUDilter prropnt. A third extra
tt in auElelsat qaanUUes to hare ted become a fixed law. a bill-must
building. The loae-«f this plare will
session rumor irereisU but tiioac cfMie
------------------------ e nt equal numbera through (be houae of representatives
When Fu'iy Grown Fine Fiahing Will seriouslv cripple Lndington's hofd
the governor deny he »ill call
bad It been {^Us to have crowded and with the slgnaluro of that body be
fai imiM
Be Found Near the
them Into tbe bsU. Tbe articlca on submitted to the senate, where It U
Si^ieh Partismern Takes
tbe meoa wen cooked just right and again pulled apart piecemeal Md^any
Against SccL
th^berriee was prompt and far above body who may have reason to be le
A party consistiBg of G AUrn
critWam tram say point. The bdiea tereated In Its course has tbe vrivi
Smith. Will Smith, Garret Meebuer.
Stockholm.. April-S,.,Thc Mormoii
know bow to serve a bfoquet and lege to speak on the question, and aft­ propagaada In Sweden is about to re­ Cliai>BC in Green Lake Retunks MakM Ray I'eritett and Emmet Scofield went Will be in the Oirwetien nf Social.
aarvs It wril. Tba tsMaa were deco­ er receiving the signature of tbe
, ism.
ceive lu death blow, both diambers
L'mlor Friday merning. where they
rated with
wa and potted ata tbe bill most be aancUoned and in Parliament having agreed to a
lafindon. April G.—"I have finished
A mUtake has been discoicre-1 In epeot sereraT houra planting
{danU and thnoghoot the hall there Mgned by the executive. But, under expelling all 1
the returns that were given out from They planted appreximaiely uO.bue try tbe poDucai revolution and now will
was a Ubsral dlmlay ot the national direct Ncialatton. bills are submitted io Swedish territory and preveoung
Green Lake township that makes a this morning which were purchased commeoce tbe greatest social revolupn-.tion in tbe world s history." says Dr.
(be people. ImeUlgeni and ignorant the landing of any others In the (a- substantial increase in tbe wet major- from Emmet Scofield, who has
A mnslcal prosnm was fttiBiahed
The Son Yii Sen.
ke. the majority of whom have lit­ ture. Tha hlU affecu lOO agents from iiy in the county. The returns from rate hatchery
by Halbanra onamrirm. wkleb played tle time to read on anything CUh who hare been condnrUng
that township were reversed, and ■ourro of tbe purchase money, which China. In an Interrlev, jn a telegram.
thnmgbori the banqeeL Their music ot such a nature, the bills would be
rompa^ for the p
1160. w as cnntrtbnuon* •The future poUcy of the republic wUl
Dry. 55: wet.
was iBisnpsnei with
by •
thTM years.
(CMtisaed M FBI* gix.1
CC. vbi(« brings the total np to l7l. made by local fishermen. Last Tnc» Ue In tbe dlrwtion ol tnetoltom."















With tlw Eacaptiofi nf Et«lM«r
Kin. All .Will Reoovwr^>MIII

pfdr 9Mar«d »r
Fire IrifeenaM.
South Boardman. April S.—A terrific
boiler cxpkuilaa wrecked tbe Wellman
mill at tbiF pure yesterday shortly
after noon. Injuring sU perotma. ana
probably fatally. The boiler let go
while the cnglDW-r was otilng np the
engine preparatory le starUag «p lor
the aficrnoou ran. He had jnst IIDed
■ be >>oibT and put under a-flro when
it hurst, scattering Ibe snglae rooa
rcr a large territory.
TTie Injured are WiU Lorkln. engfncr. wiio had both iega brnlun and
rrv-eivnl acrlous internal tfilnrlM
which wiil.proUbly result th Us
death. John Miller. James VootUm
sinif Howard Bexion all had ifba
broken I’y fiyfng debris. BUas Wnlf• as severely injnrcd alwnt the
lirod and litpa, l>ut srill reroror. Onn
other man was slightly hnrL
The Insa to Ibe plant wifi a
»r..OOO, which is toUL M ft 1
uoverod by I
Ion Wing made for an exptoslra.
The rauae nt tbe disaster to W>known. as everything *U tn gnoB
working «rder wbeh tba angUMhr YoM
Inti) the engine room to aUrt the »achin«-ry.
The entire mill Is prarUcnlly a
rei k and will have to be almoet oone
plrielv rebuilt, an tbe boUdlaBi an
luoken to pfeeew and the inarhInefT
thiown out nf posUlon by the ooncuhslun.

Enforcement of Act Would Have
Worked Hardship on MicMBan
in an tnLervlew with C. F. ZopC of
KKlay (bat an o
• Ysspaaoedln
(Chicago dciDaudlug full qttsria in
small fruiu lustcad of the Michigan
high HaJlock wine quart whkh has
»K«cn standard for over 40 yaara. Th#
urdluance was ramed In Dsenmher.
IPII. to take immediate effect The
enforcemcfxt of this ordinance would
worked a greoi harditop oh
.Mi.higan fruit growers aoENfactortes.
iwo-tbirda of the iier^crMro have
be mode up at lenst six o^ eight
montha before the crop is ready to
harrsat It is esUmaUd that over
f.noojyoft Slxiccn quart crates are now
In the hands of tbo growers and maaufactnrers of Wreiern Mlc^gan and it
baa caubril ronidderable worry to
both growers and i
what tnuM l« rtoue with these
packages. Tbe ai-ti'ui of the ChiragD
cDon^ will be gTvaiJy app
iLls tovo Michigan growera a chaorn
, use tpo imckages now on hand.
WiHTcmsln already has a alato tow.
I well as Indiana: fnstoUng on dry
casiiro quarts wbirh remains to be
seen •botlw.-r ibey will be eoforesd
It is positive (bat I
DO wril provide (or uniform dry
eaaure quarts at Ha pest sesiion ha
Senaui Rill .Nn., *i<: known aa the
Urige Md. lias already phased third

Growers Ar# Unabto to Give O#*
' Report on Aceunt of Late
Lansing. April G.—According to h
enin report lasued by Beeratary MarUndale. wheat to In fairly food eondlUoB. It to rotlmaled that the total
busbeto marketed from Ancuht to
Mareh was lO.TtoJMO . It to eRlamted that l.m.«00 bueheto wiU naato
of the growera. Fndt
say that owme to a
late eprtncAhey are wnahte to ghm a

on tbo tnril atop,



TIh: •wvlid BlKeUl i>c>akn ot the Htt^lainrc * i» adioomrd hud the t*«i
result U the |>aa«SKe ol Ibe lolloaUijt uieaouracr iviuBKiidal h) Ootfcrnor

- and Tmvrtse Bay Ea^le
Twice a week

IT7k-Artli4e» of Conledcnihin raU

The Specul Sessions

Grand Traverse Herald

Sc3d by S'orth CanilMa


Workliieuien's i«iu|.oD*aUvn ait.


tiou, gullouncd.


I>«UMh4 TvcHlay aud TburwUy at Travcrae Cits Mlcltlfiau. by

herald and record CO.


ed the throne ol irrance.


Art ailoa'ina rliirs to aiiii-Dd il^tr (ireaeBt ebaitcr pinv-uraL



Art allosina orca«luUoui>

Wngtlsb iMwi laureate, burn la l.oBdau

inicresUtl in |>urc ehiilon* to phiivt tlial

uiivn at elertiuu bootha.



liicd ihvrr, AprU !>'. H’W-

B the ^>|irvi>rhUioil-for annorlca.

----------- “-ooDBow wiL»oB'«;!E.'‘E;r;;;s.‘’'S53&Sir.pS!S'.



E.-r ,rE!riCr..5rs."TJsa


Octween Cevemer and Many of

|nar?a«^tal„ u.i-««liy.•rtisf onwM

Hit Frienda



eiitly wiih iwIHuul alTiUailims.

iSfl—John Tyler'took the oath aa Into tbe toonis of tJOverror W.».d.u*j

.\ci iirotiltilUua abuollBC quail until Ifl-'..
Art rtirina defoit'tn a|i|iro|iriiiilou I>lll»


Horn Ort. JS. I'r.S-..''


Act aulmilltini; equal vuffraac- to tote ol the |m>i>ir.

ftios. T. .................................................

llaiiiun. one

leaders of the Kn-n* li llcvolii

Art |.robUiJtIii*’hn-*ertea os-nlaK or coairolttnc aalooiwu

rtieorge Jartiuca


iTesIdcDt ot tUv i nlted States.

f Slate pi Isons.








di.wii I_____________-*


town bulel l;>lc today and rtulc
lSi;:-Slw c.f Varkucin. Va.. i-o
e full of private «ji irspoBdrti.c TcclkCx^rag^
The nieasutr* that lulUil «rte ibuBe'inuvidtng for an iiutortllait- c<frtt menced by llqB, Mrclvllan.and papers belonging to Cuivmor Wiilg:o—Mara •|ovrtiug of Monuona
i prloiary.
Salt laike tViy to protest agalnrti^in
A »late-*lde |irlniarv bill.
bvfor.' deiiaitlng lor Syracuse.
irtfereucv b) fongrec*
|»ol>The cunujit prartliea bill.
S V. tonight tiic New Jersey evt-. u
iu Ailvaiicv
C»» T«r..............
The InlUaiUe. relcmiduiii and recall. >nd iW
r neivoos iei»«*faB.*at SDd
jlKil—Philander C.'^Knut. of ivnn :lve made the following sUletnent re
lim aBccilnj! the JlUilsaii tlondinp A Surety i*o.
...2X- iu Advance
1‘cvrt* will apprerials the
Rgnllng Che robl*en;
IvBUla iH-ianic.’rai.
I -Ks-olar- method of paUMaa aiiracIt-ls JUBI poaslblc. but hardly fin.Ubli.. that alHitbi-r session
Tlie iubl>ery will ierveriy itKoiivEie
19I1 —lYrsidelit T.^fl svul a raasage
Callud soon. It may be that the cotertiur
<all a sHhlal-wsslou laior iu
;ter March-i.
at the j«»tol
to I'ongrves urging the fausage of
the season to usk the lt6iMBiu!«iii« ibe-lads ibai tailed at the latt two
d Cangrea* of >taix-h
M.ers and «vrrr«pood. nee w.U . U-j 2l>«S0t VSUurlui litock. wKb Ur.
Canadian reiiprovity measure.
s|ie('ial sessions.
Worth. Travarae Cliy. Hichl
ca«y d-sapl-oiiUed. While IIPApril 6.
These sr1•^ious bate b.-.-u strenuous. >et ali«r all iK-rbaiis enoUBh has
respondeucella of a nature wimb
Ikg—Munugo of live l>au|ihin
b««n'doDe to wanaut the i-.isl tlirv lute uia-lc loibe aUte.
i> euusidel^ privai.':
Mid be
essarily shoal
Krann- an.} .Mary Stuan. Ijueea
Some ol the measures that failed we believe tt-bould luiu- larrivd. We
ecMBlnly would have liven tVry iTln.l to hare seen^e |>re»ldenUal minutry bill ficou.
kr—Wafblngtdn deilared the llrsl is iiotl lug but w>at may be pubUsb.-i n, Gerfnte MoUy How»U to Kll Howdl
enacted into a law II the k aal terlmlrtilltb's as to the hmiHfdlaic elfcrt clause
wtiboHC dohig tue lianu.
land Ms wur. Kale llvwelt, .luted the
udciii of tl>c Vniicd Sini
could lute been oven-oiije.
Tliere 1> no doiitit that Mnliisati. as a whole,
■ A groat deal of coiroaiwiudrt...- Tvoih .lay ol Mar. h. .s
y^]4_.\aptili.un flouupanc scDl
wanted n^ireicldemkal i>riiiiar} ibtir'ear. and It is uutertuuate that this i^uld
a.„,.. I,B
exile lo thv islaud of Klba.
hate been lirovided lor.
g,ai,. oi .MIchlgaB. i*
tge:—Kirst day «>I the battle ol Shi as do the other doL-umcula wl:cli weuT^c governor lias nut strong optwisitlon. cB|icclall> lo tlm wnatv and he
'he Teiiili da' of Jlanh. A. D. ISUk.
O^ttdK dhirn Vm sot be a candidate for nr-noailnatlun.
This auluU ended Ili/vkion lor the c ciuted
he has liad.
to iW congratulated u|>un tbe nieaeiire of
__ __________________
lU iaher
of Mortgages, on page ;t.
•>OllbiTiiniiiit la Mde by hliu elsewhere la ihU isaue.
ll is not known tel. as the imvemor has alvcti ^lO eiiiresstou fpe ui his craice.
.. M a
oiaMC lEirce aeu'- *vn wbirfi mortgage tUeiv Is cUliiiod
’OoTcmor Osboru baa rlaeii to t)ie m-caalon lu Ills i-usioiuary fnuk. outIkCi:—Kiiwt post of the O. J
u. .m,. ai ti>r .me m tin. not....
Inteuilmi. wheHiii ilotenior Usboni will cii-er the campalim ns his own sue
%pekbfa ■taaaer. lleHaooe Of the few men in high |>osltloDa who liate been

the atliii of One Uundre.l Knclv-seteii
ceasor '^lis Is jusi now pur/llnc joliil. laua and U looks as tl tl>e ro'- gaiiircd In Spilngbcld. IB
dollar, and B>iiHy*dvr ocma. and an
.aMa'^lo do this. When he was elected soveraor be stated that he would
fioui pas« one )
ernor luU-ndid to let them |iil/.xle awbih- otet Mie iiroblem.
l«. el Ten dollars. J'fdvidert.
to a cudUate for a aocoud term. This bad almost becouie a aUx-k phrase
nal nnd Rible i lasscr
■.(lid muitrage, .
Michigan wjll b" glad to bate a little lesi aiiywav in siniv iwilftlcK. IVr wiwt of the MlBslasIppl inaiisu
ihoae who were elected to blch ixmltloiis of Irnsi and resinnsIblUtt. j'lerntyolis tor
) be h.-ld •
-ertlliig* at law having Invo lasti
haps we shall lie able, li.eii. to give u Iiille mmc aiti'iiiiim (>• .Vo iJiramie. '
Octenw Oabors meant what he aald.
The (loslilte itatenient he now
the funeva •e.-uml
1S53body will obiect to thU.
said inoqgaac 9.*!!' ia>T ihemdt
Stakea empbaaiaea what be then aaM.
klany wilt be dlsa|>|ioluied. but ull
in tbe eveuRag' for Hu- young wo.lien
Temple iU ball !a»kv tTty.
.Now. Hir.clore. I'ViSdfipt VI
Miebican wlU bonor and rrs|ieei blni for ibe-mattly suud he oas taken.
I hese .-lasses Will mflu.b- iilI kinds u'
IPIl—A new tinliim mtiilscrv
power of sale iv.Dtelood lu-ahid mon«Wild rather boep hla word to the l>eop)e of .Michigan than be governor a
-|lu-vdle work, rraikuig, and all k:luF- of
he siati-ie in
such caw
ronued uiiJer ITeniicsf OloliUieMCBAd term, tltai word, he leala, was twitted, souu alter Ms ete<Hon. Il<social training, 'togrther ' wliU
Ih..- made and pnividrd. nocirc la berehy
I |.lau oiigluatcd aiuouu the yoAng wciiu.u of
war redeems the pledge he then made. There are oiheia who might well folimiry laitiv Tbwilvr. imuduu. Itiblv etudlM. Une of the main teaI Vuung Women's Ciirtrilan Astortailou. r
ttanth day of April, A. D.. 1«12. at ten
!uivs and one whu'trwili la* imrDdue- i.-.loets in (be io:enuoD wr shall s-11
filvt opened.
aiderable work was done along ihl. Hue. and Ibc pious
itn baa not accomplished.*!! he hoped, but Ite has done
IkM—Cabiicl lirc'ulleites. one «f tlic Al Jlist .as sown as ivqpstiiie will W
Publh .kurttoB to the highest bW
reeled that a building baa been leased and will tamn Ih' oiwuc.I for assort.v
. \ at the Nivrlh Front tWuir of the
mcb. W« have not alway s agreed with blni in bis iiollrtes and luethods.
A pioa-nsioual
rU-s among tbe I'kiiaili li.e gy innaMkini
lion work.
«C Mpeci bis iniegrliy of purpose, and honor hla loyalty to his alate and,
Mt-ueturdnia ogered lu tracb llin work court house, lo the aty of Travers*
an Imiuius. died iu^Uuebc
The building, loruvr o( fa's and Stale siroeih. now cH.ui.ied
I Ilv in raid luuuir .I.ial bmag iu.>
Ui uuy one girl o' woman nli... Is ra |.bi-e w1.E-:e Ibc fireull
fonrl for
liauic of -J'oisil Motel." dlre-tly opiKuitc tlie iWM oflkt lias
st'.-giv'l. Fran<-e In
1 in placing uiwn the sutute
;M—Gordon Mall, the iiiM .kiiiorl- pabh- and who will in turn !«■ .-viH-rt said Vumnv ei itracd Travrrso is
.No better loc^ailun <.ould be found iu the <liy for iljr phriiOM' for uhiih (hi*
tochn. and aome ol the insltera be baa Maced belore the |>cople for ibeir
uiisaionary- to ludla. h.-ni In Tol­ rd to telx'h it tu the <las»es at lh> held.i i.tfic-t'< ■ future iBsulmCnts
building will be iiscsl
It ,U in the .vnicr of tlic^siiiiai* dlstnct. o*u- bhu k
secured by said iiiortgaz.; aad
grtlon at the poiu i^re ol wlde-reacbing luiiiortaiKe. and will have a Usiitu;
south of Front » und wben suitubly Utied up will Tfrove a -.rty couvcB'
tgflmac* B^n tbe'weltare. wu believe ol good, of the |>eoide of MIctiigaii.
Tlie pH.p.*Sili.m,lr.UB ev.-ry mnnl
March 2*'. lk:c

moitsace. or
ent and i.leaaaiit l^ation.
'Wtot Gorenmr Osborn baa really acuimpllshod will be better known in
Ip-Marriage i.f Gm.i kc IV. of
islna aud tbe
The work will iw along ihe geneiul lines of the V. W. f. A. in oilier
:< diir on nld n
iSf years to come. If honesty of puniosc, oaraesi oiidcat ur. fearllsas adbcj
II win. 1.KV.' pm fuilb Ibeir . fli.rls
•lUes. but ndapicxl esiwelally ii. the needs of Traveisc l ily. The usso. ia laud anil t'aroiinc oi liruiiswick.
Irttb'Mv 'iwr erm lniorw.1, and all
eOMe to what be believed to be right, count for any thing. Uovemur Usltorn
I»2i;~Hurl bi'lwccu Ik'pry <-!ar aii-l
lion will In.' kiii'wu as the Yonng tVoiiicn's I'hiistlaii .kssoi latloii t'irele, dii.l
legal ci»f. toEcUief with aa aitor*
' 'Mad Ml doubt Ibc JuaUce of the verdict of the futun; u|«u bis adminlsloiUv. are cniiiled'tu unliinlled
neyV lee ol Tea cUdUrsas vunvehanlcwi
laler, as ibe work develops, it will beeome afliliaUxl with the nuitunal Y John Kunduipb.
lk3P—Uuinibus 'Hist us«tl >i«, a pub
for iherein. the premises Ivelng desitibcd In said mortgage aa feiiova,
rbe.iden Is Iu make lilts u lileasslil and •vJlnfoi ubh; lyoiuv for .uuiic lie conveyaiitv lu .Nvw Vurit
lovn • The VV..1 Half of ibw Uoulh.-•—The
wouicu wbo luive no homes c>l their own in the city. 1| w-ill Ik- a sm iaf ci-U'
—Q.iarier «l Fertion Thirty-teur in
tliin>du(-.-l 111 (he- I'uitod Atalvs
- -entt five North ofRanga
ter for those who are dealiviis of swurlug a.IVBiiiagcs foi Ihe Iwli-r edma
|•)llulnl:lg e.ighiv
ismtai acivicy.
....•B.;. inalter »n.r»»iiuVni- t .•••
Tto predeW awvoweni. which is nailoii-wide, h>r the bulldlng-ljf’ good llonal. social, and general welfaie of those v hose liotiii- li 1«. A iiuiiiou Will
In the fonntv of Grand
snl'.ci'I ' l.p.wrt. • ‘. s It.e Irrf 11
IMI-Ucgiuoig 111 tlie last sival B:
^Mto. Is • revival of tbe old«ood reads system started by the national guv- be In eharge ol the home, ami it U luietidi-d lo iimkc Ibis one of llic. pleus
r'sveis.. nnd Stale i.t Michigan.
MtoMBt oM buBdrod yean ago or otorr. the great National Highway that nim-si iilaccwvfor gnibriing for young uuuiea. wlii> ate c-ouuviic.I «i'U U r
-Tin- GiviiniiM-rg uravh.Ml \VI'. .e--,...r.-I He nr ■> s- 1
Ndtog fhBtsft a eaBtury or more ago. running west from W
elrcle IB the city.
I'or rRsI iru:
■..I'Jr. . . «1!-e '■
The mroilrers of the l ir. I* will Ik' piovIdH. al a ver.< ri asoimlde i-rb e. MHw-B lo auppn-ssc Ihi- Noilliw.-sl rv ..
today, «S object town for tbe whole Amerlrap i>eoi>le.
l-e-.'. N V .
Vto NaiUraal {Kgbway was a great enieriirlsc. This Is a work that the with rooius and board. The table aervlc- wiil Yie evieuded iiUlsirt.- ot Ih.
i.iii- U** Ix-l.
•Ircle, and this will iirore la be a very pbaiuilil plo.v tor woincii of Ihv i n>
Aiwonya for loort;
vuld by the Fcdrrul ■ouri in til. i*uiil
jcrrsisn* TskMi «e^.<M lor lb*
Traverse ritv, 11
way. tmi they nmal b« rpad; who may desire, and also the womca from tbe Mrroutiding couuirt "ill be
IM tto mWaa and doing some work
TwMVy fonr H-*rs.
Jati 33 to nmll IC- tucai
'to aaat to* draasda of IM.ow.we people and aastsi tbe sutes. lownsbtiM made very wckviiie. ThU will bc.a wry |■U•aaam icaiurc ol tbe work.
FaralAsd giclMiT.I/^ ll» UitwU by h 1
Tbese sialemvnis iNircly tuucli niwu tbb inuunaiu wort, and the pUnra in this work.
LaUlods WH: G'nrm<ls Wi • west fr-rts
Dcrted wltb it.. Tbia b one of tbv Ivcsi mowmcni!. tbai Uu» been InauKu'Vto HiflOBa] Highway, to whkb we have referred, was built for many
OrasawiHl. H«>gbi sberr tbs Km Ma Fwrt
ratcMl In the city lu a goc^ v>iiiti<. nnd b Huivliy of jIh.- bvaitici >-ui>poit ol
Por 11m muatoaf Mse'li lal.'
ttWW «MI« over tnabnulns. acroaa rhem, along valleys, until ll reached
l,v Trav City. 2.DO ;:en *;U; 2.a
Was One of Moat fikdl
every man and woman in Tiaverwe City. .Money- will In- nevMii-d ui <-arr< on
Ar. Holou........... 2:-2 7;M1
Indiana and beyond. Tbe iwruiauent ebararter of ibU work is
tbb enterprise, and it b iioi proiioscil lo vbbrge Hu- plans «> vi-h an cttciu
Codar City. 2;:.s: 7:21]
dSItfB'fbibtr In tbe tact that ibis old .Natlotial Higbway U fur hundreds of
IkMliia .......... 2:I«' Trtti]
that n will become a won>-.' bnidcu m«on our rtiixcns
Thk wdl iioi te- iie>
ABto btUi a traveled road, and while, of course, cared for more ur less by tbe
3:37 8:101
esaary If subscriptions are very gc-ncl-al. even ailbutiRli lu small simuunii
Walker,■auigt.oli. >•; Ihir ei:
1 Mlbs '
wblcb U runp. tbe toundaUon laid by the goveimuesi In
t'e^ar linn ._____i
■ore who cau ■bevonie luievesP-d lu thb l>y baviiia soiih- bnamdnl im<
denly at his ic-P!emv.. Id
110:111 *:to
ahis rMd aini bblds good and sbow i what v«n be aciompllsbed by such work.
laiko Ann .............I
it, uUhougb lUal interest may be very auiall inileevl. Ihe bcHcr U Is lo
PUtlc Rivet
slreel. afl.n »
illue s.lluin pm
Ukblnn la enibuslastli- today in ibis work from Keweenaw l*ului to
Honor ......
the assuciatlon.
ia. 'Syr. Walker wan on-- of't
IttoM. The penewei inlereat ma/ be due somcwhai to the very ivmuion
.empire Jdin.
Those who are uUe lo do so should euutnbme liteTally. ll id a sidwi.iid
; skillful in Hie I'nii
Me today-of tbe automobile, not only by residents ol the towns, but by the
wpricihc woniej^liavc uiidcnaken aud sliuuld htf eUfotiiasied in every
lie had |s-i lo.-jiied many
iUtoin- The penerai result U the aune. whethri this interest U eruused
VVe tiust the luoveuu-ui will meet tbe hearty approval «•! ail our i'oupl'
imiBt delleale iim'iatiule known
to autoniebUea or aeretdanes. the iirinclple being lo - get there guk-k ' In tbe
•aateM manner. The fact remains that in every village, city apd towustaiii
One cbanai* In n^]l la.«».


Qrculatioa this week Z900


..u »~-n. u... ■L.i”™'-;


Governor Oebom Not * Qmittdaie


Y. W. C. c4. Grcle

tov hla csamide.


Sftr Good Jh*ds,^ion>ement


katk how

meteoAolocaical rlrort.





m aio state, our people are Uklng bold of this work.

It bas been « cam-

Mlfb'Pf edncntloD for aome yenra isial and tbe resnlts are begluniug to'be appatnDL
It la easy to uoderstand how tbe reskleni of the city, aevustouiod

to tbe hiipmvrtueui of a rulk' ol mad on the utd .\orth|>on and Newayeo sta<<

IhvM. eUeete. natnntlb' thinks of IhU matter as Ills team or auio .Irops

The farmer Use found Hurt

a tu good condliion w
h the old. |ioor sand or mud roads


ato'atMp hllla, bli load had to be Uthtened half or mote, and the ilmc <onPMHed In trasaponklloii of farm products could ife leam-ued ou^iuU. and
VMa be KM home hla team vaa In good condKiou. instead of being ilrvd
- ^fb Ha day a work.

fbBbrk*b1e awakening Is noted thb apring.


titol^ giving a great deal of hla time to this work and making a name tor
' ynrfWf'that will lire for many- years to come.
Xu'tbrangh Michigan this year. In townships and cHles and In conmles.
have been made lor thb w'^k.

Grand Traverse county


lace nmong the counties ofahe aiatc in the mat'


A glance at the Good Boads Uvpartment In The Record

Hgia of reaterday. conducted by
ktr. Hamilton, refers very briefly to a few
d the
tgbatolpB Bad
and caoBtieB
coonUet IIn
the sutc where approprUlioaa were made this


Ub purpem.
Oto Mlgbberlag county.


Leetanan. already having done

IBgrb to Ibb «ay. b pianalM atlU more,
•li.fM to iro.ow eueb.

SMrtm and Kalkaska wOl do tbeli


in tk-«le touniy. several lowushliw

Weaford ia already greatly

Cbaiievulx conmy

Iid. adopted

to oar own county. Acute bas vot^ to build one and a ball miles on tiie
Thb a;!!! be a sidLndid improvement

fler that towasblp. as It will cover a idere of road where suib work la greatly

lag every laiuiei along the line pt road lor u eonsKbralde .lisinmv-. Isiih met I
and south of the iiiopusej liii|itvv«nl strlr.

r roi.ulis and
The load la one nf the inuili ihu

ll is one ot the iirini Ipal BPIirvuulTPs :o 'liuli- a iiiii

her of summer resorts on Silver, liuss aud Uuek laker, the !a«i two uanu

Trial iaittbTiavvrw Ci

i 'bld> '
it'iiaMc and
Its atfi > :
t all dl1l~I^sta ol

IMUa. aad a aubacrlptloo paper b already being clrvuUled to pat in good
Baat Bay baa done the tame thing.
•I reward road tbe coming yean

►'« T
s ,

??:,! V’S'*'!:.
IS r:
44 » 14 >«U


Si n ?? i w ;*
!u••: tii,

.llrtW 4.:#

lift n

^t i.

! 1:17
I i:M
IP. M.
l1:Sa' S :C
,11:4*' i:3
.Oackama Jciu
112 0»1 3:31
Manistee ....
n City 9:37
TralD<. arrive: at T.avatwe
I ra . 10.30 a ni.. 3.33 p m. and S.43
tlrayllDf .

STATE OF MinUli.kN-Th.- Pk.
needed, and if eomnteneed bere.^yau easily be eitrtide>l in Imh diie'. nun
bate Cuiirt tur tbe Count' o!\'i’aii<l
whei-'-ver the r*md needs im/rovei
We trust Ibis luaUci ii^y be taken u|> aud the
J. iHaii- i.Pi -b ..-awd
• NOII'C is h.r.-i.v alien thai
nionibs in.p- t.i yuir'
A. 1>.. II'I-. have !.'-.-u Blb.wc-l k.i
. UiiuTwo or liiree weeks age. it kwked aa if I'residetit Taft was/Soiiiu in .•pedllO"aaalnsl ■.aid d.^-ea-e>i Ul ^alll c<iiiri fm
have a walk uway in Miebigan. liui tbe Uti w«yk tia> given Mr. TafT^ trieml'
ezattilnaitoa and adius-u.cui, amt ib*'- 1
severe Jolt.
Scvvioi of ibr larger eouiitleii have declared nnequlvotgil: all i-r.-liioi-s ol Mill d- . iwac'l arc V.
and unanimously ior Mr. Kouaevrlt. This loclndes Kent eolinly. w-ben- it was nuif'cd to pi.'-'M til'
supixised -Mr. Taft had a sure thing .It look* now as if .Mr. Iloosevcl; would

I). BltlLT. G. P


north and aouib ol this pmiosed snip, hut this scciib to be where it i. li.o

Wilt Sc aoscr Vam Eiptcted

bcfoie the»Jktti llili and yiai >a-d 1i Is *oD..-ded that heard
said .'v::-. '
of the disir.rl delegates will be lor yir. Taft, giving him a laige niajoi- e.tth da'
Ity of the delegates iriim this slate, but ihe ai.i«ieml:- .lose ion in ihr i.ute o'elo.'. in ;i:.- ..........
Dated Mari b
eonveaiion give* a siiong nipiul s'.ip|«n to >Ii. Rooscv.-it'ujii! his tiktid--

Corn and

This Is eloae enough to give .Mr. Tuft's friends all the work they want to

igaoroJ. even it Mr. Taft should auii-eed in. lartying ibt run

remaining loiimi

.oB'et\ioiis. to be hold Kdorc. the state t

will J-e waulu'd with keen iDictval by both aides.

ParadUe haa voted a largv

May-field will bmld snutber tdile

Other roads in tbe county will receive





BrnprtoOona. rauing from Gogebic conny SK<.<kh<. to Genesee a bail million


Boadlag' propositions


KncktMC. St. Jowepfa and Waskinaw.



VanBoius. Kaion.




So ter as we have repoHa, Barry ys

. 4to ^ly GOBBty wbcrw-lbe proposition was defeated.

toAtotU wvrk. nnd we arc confident tbni They win receive the earnest au|>^
^ MM to an tbe people ot the connty.

April 4.





Aloag the liaes of ■civic loprovemini.


Bon in |72s.

mney law passed.





vetoed u






UoUand on hi* expkirlng eiintditlon


idiilanthruiuai. died in New-York cUy.

:TTf—Oliver Goldspikb.

lie eeanty read commlsahmers of Grand Treveree county- ark dMng


♦ founded.

tbe atata, many conntlea have voted this week for Urge ai>Ottawa.


46 J
|K '
44 -

If.*,. CM

being hut a abort dlatam c wosi ol the iiialii road.

Qarfteld wUt give <1.«»0 a mile for flie miles over Uve dUlvreat

f bath fiS«0,4>uO;


• ',j

TIiIb Pm also im Imle. li large

numlH>r ot business liieii of Traverse

plfa Uka baa tonUrd tbe amount of money to be used lor thb that eahnoi

^^gadlUnn a piece of road near tbe city llmlis.


He Ims s<'< UTed-:ll nanies, ImInri

js , r

do lo eevure the delegaie»-ai-laigc (or their candidate

Wk Katoda mad. }om north of Acme.


taken a gnofi deal of iyiterest lu this uiaiier. aitlmiigb he dbes iioi lumscU Itx
dlrcclly U|iou the iilC'-e of road Innnoved.

**■* bnith.
l:nd sNrtih'dtn-jdlii! .ongh." he
"lltat all -nir tamil' fli'Kitbt I..- «
noiiui into *uiis<iini<linii. hul lu- begi
Hr Kiiigii.Ne» Hir-oveiy. a;

e* into the stale ivnveniiou with ujV-»rds of 4uo voiet.


tto «oBBU raM ay stem.


Mr. F. K. Hiinu lia-

ll^t.ilselaw. (-lareiidoii. Tei

14 .TV

There is lupto work iDal lould be |Kit u|«u this road lu a<l-.aniai;<. aei

bis tiAhieocc In this matter baa been felt throughout tbe entire slate.

'tor Of'good mads.

and eitEtodlng one mile or more towards Ttavcisc ni«.

Tbe Hon. Prank Hamil- oughluies U) the south,

%bo baa been an emhuilaaik good nwUa worker for many yeais. and
Man abty aupported in thia vounty by the other county- road


road, beginning at ibe I'uim scbool bouse, near ihe4>oiHi end of Pikrt hik<

The iniiiruU'incm Is gieatly nrt'drd.

Oh ot tbe Ortgtnal movera in thia great work in thv stale ot Uk-higan. baa


Sapplemeitial to tin- Good Roads ediiorbl iiKyesterday s R'l-oid-Fbalewe would like lo uieution Hu- inct that au artlve iiioveuicut has tn-sun iiii

Qie pavement to a
a Band road.


- tnlerkK-hnn .
Copemlsb ..
Kalct-a . .

Sidofe Good Roods Work

.the poet,


Born there. Feb. 12, 1T91.


1F92—Tbe graduate deiartment .d
bank- the Vniversity of

Peonaylvanla war

opened to women.

the work from the city's authortty to tbe CMOty 's. there b no'ihtng
is>tl—Cbanp Clark, .of
' tdfky toM eomparws In Importance, ecoaomlcally. wjth good roads, and the ninth ptealdem of the I'alted Slates, elected speaker o! tbe boiOM.- ul rc|-rc
gnifi bto arc rcepooifble for the aideadM reeulu already rewched are those died in Washington. H. C.
Born hi sentative*.
■ into tove gnietty aad iieoisteml.r worked niong those Hnee for years. Often Virginia. Feb. S'. JTT3.
Ajkrii 6.
toMMwt eMoeragemeai. oft^ nnder many

Kwtoy they

ISTP—Articles tor the tmprachment

iriifealdlu <k« ctmimnlBHaBa and the thanks of the whole people, and they of W.

(to totoonfnbK Ifcfit a* be given.

B«tkns|>. aecmary


ot w|r. Coliege.

prascaied to tto Cnited Stale* senate.

Vale, founder of

bom in New



Died In Engtoad, Julj h, i;:l ^


Now is Ibe.Ume lo buy rakes* hoes, potato
aad <Jorn planters. We rec<»WBend Ibe Acme
PoUto Planter lo I>e tbe best. II Is very aiMple
and works well in any kind ol soft Wc akall
furnish a booklet des43iblng it free ot ebarge.
atic Com Plaater is a
The Gordoa An
good one. It doesn't skip any bills and %%rlU drop
as many kernels of com as yoa want la tbe MIL
Do not forgeftiiat we bave com ptaalcra wdtb
fertilizer attachment, also tertilizicr sacb as
you need lor your eorm potatoes, beans and

lure my
I uprto-daCe desnma frocr
" >nvpt atte_____
givTO all orden ip matter bow
small, rail or v

A. w. zixcssns..
Tcwccra* CUy.
UoU. pbonea No. «M.

Corner I'Vunt 4 Can Slreeta.

OUn> TiATtna BDIAID, M *“»?»•*



>pe aome aU'e and fear^
I (vfd Sunday with no hnions
.... ....---------a cmnRldata lor m>Ters- hU coat. A goi^ sistef look him Into
jor will anooBUre hlmaeJf The peofile the vestry and sewed biitl.-n« on r-id
'are emhled to hare and are likely to Ae do right or not. and mby?
arhatevfW kiml of goveraor they
It I VeiM S-C—When is h right Hogs-Receiiua. sr*0: active. ISc
interest ttaemaelves In. I w ill look ror<>|
be angry?
higher. »s.:r,<.h.4:.. closing at IT..WR
war^wlih pleasure to eonllnalag my
IT.) NSty did Jesusytnrt people
pubJii- work tbrougb the year, and <uirAfoV.umy la lbaoF~aivs and not in
then to rellremeBl Io the qniet and
freedom and ladeiwadeoioe of tbe
I.MSOD for RatidST. April ;i. 1611
woods, only to emerge when I ran Ik- The Appointment of the Twehe. Mark
convfnced that I can b*- of sertioe.
If; Matt. v:!MP,
April «. I»12.

the BFpnhlkana ar». *or!!e cf (he Demoerais are worae. For good and rTIcient gor^meat Uie people mnet still
look to tbe ftepoblican p^ny.
Hidaa, F»«a and TaMwm
I have made tbe ronlesalon to
sell that ir i had not statedO vojIiI
•I’lrit Im coniaStoiia ac<l It attarkins not be a candidate (or a amtU term
n>« iioUilail anberr.
before Ukisg ©Hire. I rear that
Tlwxlore Kotneveli tBlitled lor lire would have t>een dlMuad^' or d
at twenty In tbe aervice of the ptoiile terred from doing some ol tbe things
lor eiiber war or peace. Woodrow I have aimed to do.. That is one of
WllBoo told me a few moDtht ago (bat the renaodS why 1 think it woold net
be proposed to give up ble life to pob- be honest for me M change my mind
ilce tervice. Tbrae are two partlnithis time. I wish also to confess
Mink, dark .
Isrly notable exampka. There are
It some of tbe ibingt that I Juive
Hannah t loiv Co.
Mink, pale .
cmiiy more. A) this iiolni I am going endeavored to do have been much Or lie Suttitf Scimi iMttbj
who deserted him
Fox. r«l .,,
to ask yon to permit me to break Ip more popular than I ‘thought for. 1
A«$. Dr. inscdU
tkt hdn^
Fox. gray ..
wlt^ tbe mtetneoi that 1 boi>e tbe
that by this tii
Rapobileana will nominate Theodore would have been blown entirely out of
? Roosevelt and tbcl the Democrats will
consideration for re-election,
Traverse City Milling Co.
’ n&mlnaie Woodrow ' Wllaon. Which.
was elected upon an issue
H I. . Kc> UA
r then Is elected will insure an ad- “Cneaa I’ti." To clean iqi Michigan tC^PJTi
' miDlstrailon la fnllett sympathy with does not merely mean to remove from
Utements Were Made in Letter to
tbe highest welfare of all the people.'offp •e a few unWorthf officials,
Rudolph flpreckle»-Hto Former
Men bnlld their political t^ratier,'not e directly concerns the cure of
ftoOMvalt it Favored for the PfVti'
wbeiner they nlways reallte II or not.'ranses that make for bad
' tftney, Woodrow Wilton Ralng
veraion of FacuSTUDY.
much as they do their flnanctal credlu ! voroe service. Tbe liquor interests of
•acond CAoiee. Civet Re
We <mII t.'ie atieniinn of our reoil
*1} own political cberacter Is not s^. tbe slate, and esperlallv the brewerv
view of Political
T.lnroln, Neb.. April h —I'tenouncing
ftnishod and secure at to pamlt da- interests, bad Income arrogant and
. .
other »u|ii«nei.« wbn dtitae Snnda.- Sebool I.eaBoii'' In thi^
' •
-----inganythlng that might be permaaeni ^had sought to-flomlnate the state in
isaue. Thej only need to be read ti aeried him for Rooseveli. Senator lal.ant:ng. April i.-ln -a
o'" “*'»>">den.tood. It ,„oyt high handed may. They have
be appreciated, and If road carelully. Ftdlette In a telegVani to Hudolpii
Statament issued today Oovernor
"od l» by a rreat inan.-^been taught their place in a neainre
comparing Die tiuesiions with thi Spr«-klek of Sap Franclst-o. charged
bora posUlvoly asnerU that be mini*'"* »>**> »« to become a candldatert^nd will be given further lessons In
. thttt tne Am-n tCAlf.M 1. ... i« .i.. u.t .
Srrlptnre iipoh which they are based them with ' iw-rversion of facts in try­
ooi'be'-a" tanditldte for n.................
Governor lhhi‘^
weU'are Is not In the bal- ,he fmure.
ing to Justify their deaerllon." l.aFolI he is In osactly the,*"*^- • think that U true. I think the ] When I was Inaiigurareil 1 found the they wilt not full to impross the r> ad letie said: ".My former supiiorlvrs had
Provides security for the funds of de­
er with their groat aigniSiaiKe.
.................................... to t|e c
auiburiiv to wiihdraw-me an a cm
slate nearly a million dollars In ilebi
positors. and through checks, a safe and
dIdate. I told them when I eii«-ieil
—----------------------------- -----------------I, ,
Wlien I hnve concluded my term of of
means of tr^ferting them
mons, addreiisca. and newspaper .a.- ih<> canitoiign 1 wouldn't liack uiit' or
a rondldau for another term. He asjs
“"d vhoiild give may
„„ December ni of this y
from hand to hand.
In part, "I will not be a candidate ibU
»>" let
will be entirely out of debt and (iiles ill liuiidieda of towns: they are wiilitiraw in fartir of aii'oiie. Tlie< i
sUaiulUB and help to i>-otisun>l] >f alto knew I refime<! to |i-r;ult llnow- roar lor eovernor. ttals la my reply toi""
«»"“ sulijcci m that ligi.i (lH>re will be :i good reserve in Hie
Extends credit to its customers for
Ulble^lass Teariiers and xiiuienis. cIi'k ralidiJacy tq tw iviiiidcd wiili
Iraadrtdi of fetters and Inquiries. 1
“ nwtncni.
t least! r<.
honest and legitimate business purposes.'
don't desire tbe office and have at no 1 »as elM-tr.l to the governorshlii
Him- in any way."
It 1.4 iruf ihtt in some ndiuinirirabasing such aocomodations upon reensses ihem.wlih hla rliiini; they arc
time ibongbt of being a candidate for a Kepuhlhan. L have endeavored
llve dciiarlWuis ibcre has been oxi
sponsibilitv and balances.
Tlee pesaldniL ytaybe I’ve boMi''du a great nuiny things not Incorpo- Imrease of expense. Thin is nut nioie road in the Iiouks of Ihe people uml
afford interesting aiibje<is tor prtrBi
Discounts well secured paper and
aiMW or less enbamaaed by the patty raleO In the Repiibllcaa party platform
of de|«nnienis un.l.-r my dlreet
bat 1 dooT care very murh beiause at ihe last Republican mate sonven- admliilstrailun than of elec tive deiKtn- able itianiasion Alnunit any oue inics.
makes collections.
1 IwU the Btate above ffarty." He tion. The Workman'r. roiu|wnsatlon inents. The fact is that we have Iteen lion will soggi-st as mindi tlioughi
funds to all points of the
says the' romtag eearentton In Ray law was, I think, first advocated luili- doing more Imslness. in my own offhe ■ be nroruRc reader as would iske
world; issues travelers,checks and let­
Clty. wbMi he hopes wfll resuh In Hcly by me and I mas misunderstood the force has >>een aadly overworked, newutpaper column to express, ai
ibethoughi will bt> Ills own.
for foreign travel.
fsnw of RoMwr^ and doesn't need and criiicl:>ed by my beM friends
much to niy distress. The offlee has
The quesilona are not dry tomes,
lodadorse hU ndmlnlatratlon. "i hare H>r tlmr.'lnclmlinr some of tbe most ■teen 6i<en from mtxenthlrty in Ih*
There are many other services, great
Detroit, April R.—Wheat! 51.i*n. Torn
loiMbt hard, but vUboat mallt^e or able men in Michigan and -some, of morning until six at nigbi and often they are fresh, Interestliu: and sugand
this bank performs for
agDar,” coatlaaea the atatament. "and those who are now'most thoroughly until midnight. Mach of the'force gesiive, and one can learn from them, r.'-r. Oats, r-tic.
its clients.
Chicago. April 8.—Wheal. 9l.«3»i
1 «H1 tank forward with ptcasore to tbe oonvtnced of its iuatice. Woman anf. throughout all these hours. II there is by wa;- ol suggestion, mure than by
n«ladiir of my temi and then re
’^•‘Ivh was submitted to the ipe. any criticism it may be honestly reading an entire magazine deVotetl I'orti. 76S<-. Oats. hCVc-,
Toledo. April S.—WlieaL *1.''!%.
Wt to quiet, fteedoin and Inde- 0*1 session in opposition to the advice charged that 1 have overworked the j the philosophy of every-day life.
These questions cover the all round Corn. TCt^c. Oats, f.flc.
INBdaaceof the woods, only to emerge ft the acilng head of the Micbignn executive office force. Personally I
whaa I oiR,caaviDced that 1 can be of Kfloal Soffrage Association, is another have given every moment of my rime ueida uf bumuu lulare. while Uii-y
Chicago. April 8.—I‘ol3<oes .ire quol-'
a wonderful help in elucidating,
l $1,311.
oerekd." The atatamsot la full fol- matter I espouaed. Tbe opposiiion to since I have been eteemi to the state
Uoder eontrol U. S. Treuoi>
saloqnst tbe Cgbt
thall continue to do so umil the and enfcTcing the 1(11.10 lesson upon
To the People of Michigan;
against the outrageous saloon bonding expiration of my ierni«,J have not which they are based.
Buffalo. April 8.—Cattle—Recclptt.
Don't Tull To read them from now
I wtU not be a candidate this year company monopoly; efforts for state- given a minute's aiieniioa to my iiertor ■ereraof. It seems aecetsary and mide primaries; InlUative, referendum sons! or private business affairs. qi 'on. and be ready to atari in the easy
proper ta make this stataneot at this and iwcall: and many more istites are has been a i.leasure to do (his. I hate j Bible contest which Is to commence
time. Tbte Is my reply to hnndreOs not ibe eiclnslve proi^ny of any i*rH. ..rk or
to>..«or.hl,. Il" *
would call them » Hr rrrri «i»ct to .-onh.u. .. b,
The Home
«r lettera pereonal requeata. Inquiries Haas organixatloa.
Buy Your
b~oiiful ^.IJ,
9t isligiUool and wadonaaanu of Bon-panlsan. Also have apiolnied a happy In It. 1 have'' even had real
locTwls to office. In an Plraaure in (be frictions of tbe office.
csuatlem. 1 confaas that ^ am per- IMd many Democr
announcement last- week
Low Prices
aenaliy gratl&ed by the acUre Insist- endeavor to i ike lor bl-iiartlsan effl- There Is great sarisfaction in fighting and those that are to follow. Sub.
ibllliy and reiwesenu- for principles or what one thinks are acrllve lor the Kecord-Hagle today aucl
e of fo many that 1 should become ciency.
j tion. Some of theee things may be re- principles. There is even murh to be get In line with this popular Iliblo
) pndialed by tbe Republican party as gained from being misunderstood and Biudy movemejit.
April 14. 1912.
f thought of going or have spokr 1 an organlmlon. Haring done what criticised. It strengthen's one's nbv
{Copyright. IPII. by Rev. T. 8. I.iiiTotuntarlly to anyboAy of going ns a I have done Ip^nse 1 believed In tbe and makes him more circumspeci.
acotl. I>. I). I
iriegatn to tiie National convantlon. neceaaUy for iu doing, and not bavhave fought hard and unromt'tomt ban at no Ume thonght of being a
oonUdered personal political ro- isingly. but without anger or malice,
Tbe I'se of tbe Sabbath.. Mark li:eandldaU fornbe vlee-prosldency. In *uHs at all. I am convinced ibai it is for what my Judgment and convictions 33; 111:0.
Ofbar words, I am in egactly tbe duty to efface myself at ihU lime
Golden Text — The Sabbath was
to the welfare of Michigan.
trana of mind ftmt I was in OB consonance with my anticiiiaiion Thoae whom I strove to dislodge— made for man, sad not man for the
Tbese chances mnsi appeal to Ihe carelnl.bnyer, becaase ol Uwlr
ber-ff. 1910, when I announced that I .before 1'waa inaugurated. It may be mercenaries. lurasKes. vicious cit- Sabbath. .Mark I1:2T.
would not be a candidate for Jt sec-.that l have been more or loss of an IzenR, lanffly an outgrowth of con.liVerses 23-24—What are the
nnnsual savings tram prices yon pay elsewhere. We have aal
ond tarm.
;embarrassment to my party.
liona provoked by careless rllizenshlp Old Testauieat laws for keeping ibr
space to-tell ol all (he snaps we have to otter ran. bat assorc pan.
1 knew at that time pncticallyl l do not know very much aliout this, —have fouglit l>ack with some dei«-r- Sabbath da? 7 Kv xxlii;l2;,xxsi:I4.
that yon will be money ahead by trading al THE GLOBE.
what ay program of endeavor would |or cate alwut It. bi-cause I hold tbe mlnaiion. If I have Inniried any i>c-r- IT; Deui v;i4.
ha. 1 have already ncoeoded in do-|sute above the pany. ] wonld wish aonal wounda I hope they are not more
(2.» What Ik the origin of the Sab
tic ntore than ! ever hoped to accom- to be blamed iienMiiall.v for any harm- sore than are tbe slight scratches Uiai bath Say. and what was its
Savings. Ladies' Juliets, patent
pUsh. The greatest service thai I ex- ful things 1 may have done and I
been given me. all of which purpoeeT Gen. Urj-S; Ueut. xxxiv^3l
pact to be able to perform is to
would wish tbe Rcpublleen |«ny to be bMlod by first intemlon. I could have
Was It true or n>i. and wh>,
tips and rubber heels. Sold elserfnc* the peopk of tbe slate of Mich- given credit for any good things that taken tbe easy itathway of least re­ that Josus did break ibr letter of thcYou must be in need of some curtains. • where at 1.25 to 1.50,
Igan that we an nearing the tbreehmay have accomplished or endeav- sistance and floated tbrongh two lertng Sabbath law?
uM of a new era. wherein cilisena will ored to atdiieve. I am grateful for the of the governorship like s derelict In a
Veraes •.',;2fi-niil Jesus have
hnve a higher Idea of their dutlee and endoraememi that I have re.-ei«ed. dead stream. Or I could have boili a' the right to change or modify the
scrims and nets, from
tpnelfiah aerrloe will be their chlefest but I do not hold them as being Im machine and pursued old iashioned. de­ Sabbath law or any other law? Give
Our line of Heavy Work Shoes cannot
iwward and happiness, and when iheylportaoL In my opinion' tbe coming ceitful. subterranean,
be matched elsewhere ot the {trices
WIU do thlttga without any thought of'atate convention, which I hope will fs- burglarious, predatory politics. If I
> M’lth the exception of aaiiirai
we offer. Very special 0| JA im
aoquJring lasisei with which they marjvor Theodore Rooseveli for the ReiMib- have been confusing to many it to be­ law. are there ever <«aea when it
values from..................... ^IsHy U|l
over before buying.
ba perpetuated la office and power. Ilican presidential nomination, will not cause I have been 0|>en. altove-lsvara. necessary to break tbe letter of the
1 have bean most Intemperately crlt-jneed to eadone my administration. 1' direct, honest anil Indei>endent. think,
order to keep lu spirit: Give
Idaed. For the most part thoae who would prefer to have It analyze what' tng not of part.v. of seif, ot friends, bat your reason.
hnve ofqioeed me have been bobesL ill have done up to the present time,: always of slate. There will come a
What are the facts eoRcernlng
think. They have known tmly the gnd If there to anything to be enn Ume when honesty of parpoM. open this reference to David? See K'
Here’S good news lor the large or stoat lady. We have ben
ta^ts and maatods of yesterday, jdemned to speak out boldly and snrely metbods and direct acUon^lo public xxli:33-:;;!; 1 Sam, xxi:6.
when It was common for men to bold and state tbe facta.
office will not be so totarillng. I do
How do you reconcile the i;i
fortunate In seenrlng s<Mne very stylish Salts and Coats, up ta 41
Office for the ptffpoae of aattolylng] I atm think the Republican iiartr li
wi4h to be a leader or a follower, ference from the words of Jesus thi i
Inches bust ineesnre. These garments are. made la Ibe very new-,
iMt for office an^ for aerviag the few by far the best Instrument of govern- but would only suive to move on OavM did right in eating the she.est styles and oi the very best materials. Some very spedal vdne
tar prott rather than -the many ment in this connin', in spite of the abreast w-Rh my fellow mao.
’ hread, notwlthsundlng li .wos an'u:.
far patriotism. ThU led to a general opposition of some Repnbllcans we art
In the new order oi things yonng lawful act? See l-ev. xxix:.'.-;*.
donbUng bt men la pnUlc office, ^dragging the party bark to a place
en will be taught (heir duties as citIf David- and Jesiib had tI:<
Whan 1 aUted that I would be a can- where the iwopile wUl control It. It Ixens as in the time of the Athenian right to suspend Scriiffllnil laws whea
Remember, we have a Urst-class alien
lent and cow,
dMate-fw only one term a great car- »•*, iioquestianably drifting awav'. Bad Epbebl. In tbe golden days of Greece UBe clrcuiustances seemed to them i..
gnarantee all work satlslaelory or money relunded.
toonlat draw a plctore of previous gov- »en had flocked about It and come Jn- young men were prepared as carefully justify it. what are our rigliis ut.J. r
otaotn arising In their cravea wlihjto it and were using l^and they are for the government service as ibey are similar clrcaiustances?
gneh vlolance as to overiura thelrjiiiu in it and are irjlng to use It.. It
given general educational Brill in
:• I Verses 3T-JS—Jesus here
headstoaoa. I do not wish them tbe duty of every honest Republican our universities. But now not, jpough
tnlwunce that the Sablxith la
arlae again and cry one “Fhls* alarmr^to aee-ihat they are not i»rnimej tc emphasis is given to fittlns. must bend to man'* real welfare W; .
I do not know whether 1 can «wn-_dq
1 think the siwrlal sesMoM'oi
and women for ckiiem-hiii. 'The would he. or not. have ssid the sj’niHere’s your chance to get the boy a.
vey my thenghu to yon or not but I the leglslati^ thl* year have given following insidring oath of the Athe­ tKiog abrm every law-?
You must call at the Globe for the
believe there are many men now. and proof of tbe Vuperlority of the Repulv nian Bphelies might be taught to om
best styles, the largest assortment and - dandy school suit. Well made gar­
> I Does God giro to every lio'.v
there wfll he an Incwamlag number ln|Ucaa party. lT»a present legisUiurc yonth 0} today with splendid effect:
ments in light or dark patterns, with
the same right as Jesus had oror
the lowest pticfe in the city. We offer
every imR of our nation, who will SaS'u in niy opinion the liest legislature
“Kiil never disgrace these spoed the Sabbath law ond presumably e-.
some ver>- good values as low as.
two pairs of pants. A suit oasUf
their greatest happiness In nnselflxh^in eapaclty and morals In the Uisiorj afms. nor desert m> comitonions in cry Other law? Why or why not?
tbe rants. M will figlii loV
OMvltt- Rich men are Mowly admit- of Mhdilgan.
worth $3.50 to $4.
A Abr
Verses i-3—What was the
ting. b« nwra generaRy than ever b^j out of the one hundred and thirtyOur low price.........................
reason that the Pharisees hated Jesus
. . - many. I wl
fore. that tbe purenit of (be Mtck-'o-lan-jiwo membert more than a hundred be fatberUnd, not onlv no lews, hot great- and sought how they might destroy
ten of wealtb does not lead to con- long to tbe honor roll as patriotlr. bonaad better, than it ' as transmitted
II oivev 1 lie magUtratos
teatmant or, Joy. They moat turn est nervenu and faithful represr
(12.) Verses 5-4—Hew may we de­
elsewhere. A new sad better aidritjtivei of thcproide. Nos all ol the
cide with ceKainty as to wtfat we
•* '*—■— ■----- iny of the depart- teen senators who voted against
and tbo« which the maxontv.of tbe shoiild or shevio not do an the Sab­
mu of Uf& The preacher sad priest |
ntlal primary, i e bad men. 1 people may hereafter make: and If bath day? {This is one of ths q
any person seek to annul the laws or
work tor the very love of their work, think, however, that they are
tions which may be answered in «
for love of tbelr Matter and of man- guided and some of the measires that. to set them at naught, t will do my ing by members of the club.)
best to provent him. and will ddtend
Mad. The doctor enltou la the same srere lost wUl be enacted ax laws wiib- them both alone and with manj.. I will
Woold you. for example,
epfrit. and bit Hippocratlan oath of in a lew vears. The; woold have been honor the relig*M of ni> fathers."
that tbe eagtneer of tb* Unongb «tWould yon boy it? 01 coarse yon would. Well, we will do stlD
aervtoe to-anporbly' Ideal. Teachers ’ ,»*,ed ai the special sessions if it had
Tbe citizens of 'Mfrbigsn have no su­ preas on the Sabbath day Oiay pieue
better. We will tfve yon tbe salt, together with aa EXTHA PAIK
an alUcbed to iheif prolesaloa by;not been for Ihe actions of a few rec. periors in tbe world Tbe Republican
bis work jost as mttcb as thlove of service. BrienUsu are always'reant Repnblicans supported'by mU- part.v is In the majority 4tr Michigan Bilntoter in the pulpit? Why?
OF. PANTS, for 11.9S. They come In Mae Set^ Brom aad My'
sutvtac'for pobUc good. Tbe law.ver'rhieroos ren^ade Democrots. My con- and is reivwBeniailve of iu ritiseoWorsteds and Casslmeres, and are absoMely ALL WOtH. cSl^
%1'hy did they not answer
in woe with tbe htoher ethics of hU uci wH^ the legUlatnre hM conriooed ship. From its ranks sbonM come
and get fitted.
prgfwilM UA the mm way. This me that no matter how had nome of proper capdlflates tor places of gov- Jewns'
(IS.) A poor boy came to chunli,


Alps mamni



'Suggestive Questions







The Markets




The Shrewd Buyer’s Opportunity

Buy Your Curtains by
the Yard
iOc to 49c per yard

Good News from Our Ready-to-wear Dept«

at 9.48, 12.48 and np to 17.50

Spring Millinery

Boys’ Suit Special

$2.69, 2.97, 3.43 and up

Big Special from Our Oothing Dept

Supp^ you were offered an ALL PURE WOOL I'l QCSuit, equ£d to an (18 tailor made garment, for only . I l-v V


^Awn rUCTtaa




BAnX. ItlSIDAT. AHOL % mi.

. TIi«’ • 111 BIOII and 1-Hit a day routmed this moniln* to hey homo count of the oertona UliuM of her tdaho. and Spokano. aMi, on an ex- several daya. retnrved this aftanoen In the tntereito of that nrgmillMtlon
looded vlMt. They will vlaii MMenU|to her home at Oeottol lAke.
(or the '|wsl a-eek. retnnted to hla
OetruU. Toledo and Cleve­ : Carter's Sldlnc.

W. H. Baldwin of Intorloehoik apont eiMi (loinu of nil' i';);vi---;.ae ' i A. Stebbina, who hat been viaHIng Impie at Mautno
Mias do# LAomor want to Manigtoe
►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ land.
^rod Abbott, after a ehort buaineea Iriertli 'in ihii.'
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Irish went to
yeaterdny in thla rtty on. bnalneas.
May Wanror it ap*ndl«B •
**r* today to visit rnenda over Sunday.
AIDort firahain and mother, Mra.
this cir. reiiimml t o his honie
Mra. L. KonaiMiheMo wont to KingCiand Hapids today, to vIMi Trieads
Goo. E. Habbelor and N. H. Van
ITb. <»abaiD reiuraeti today to their u I'anillOP Ihlii *eeV
hbine at UU llaplda.
fv a ahnn time
Cullder went to Fouch this uomlQR aim today, to Visit ll•l^tllla ntrd n-h. as Mocrelon.i toda;.
mm «t Caaillur. aftw an extended
Uvt« for a few daya.
Mrs. Luemda Fudge loft hare this
Mica CaUlla DenaUadt returned
(From fiaiUTday> Rcrord-Easle.)
1 a .pleasure irlp^for the' day.
Paul Blemen of Washington. O. C.'.
aMt bore with'friend and relatlvea
Mra. Oeoese W. Blavarre of Detroit
Mr. and Mra..4ame« Looter of Oe-Siicniln^Bfr: Winchester. ia>l. -on htj-^hinm today afur npetidltiit Raster thr | in the city for a few daya lie Is
Mrs. L. J. Curtis and Mra. F. EMm. D. K. MdWullen went to May s )hp KU^si of bff mother SJi^. I»«aAUyn wejit to Lake Apn this moraltif. trolu reiumtal ihU afternoon to return ht-uio several daJ^vlali ;^e»t of her igtrenis at her liocnr at .coDBeeted with the fwlrral land offim
BiM today to ll»r. THendi for a few iretk ol J2<j rnkin met.
„ Washlnatoit and 1* here In the Inwhere they- wBl spend a few du>s their home, from an extended vis t. h.-re as the auesi of friend^
aiih frieuda la tlii* ciij and ai Old, John Sagcck returned to his home
Miao NaUlle Hoblo returned totoyherests of that offi.v Mr BlemeB.
W. Loveland left tnia womlnfl for
the guesta of friends.
' Harold Btinaon went to Kingsley Senaick,
a! iHichis this anofnlnp. frott a hrf- f to her home at Klk Rajdd* after aiwnd-i»p„ i,
attomey was aecrelary of
there 1..i the death
Mrs. W. H. Mtgglna wont to Bear Mission.
Ihk «fteniooo t.o spend Sunday wl.i: of bia Rimer's liiiabnnd.
s the RUfwt of
tn* Easter in
\V.-I^rker. Lake this momlDi; > vlaii her par' ,-Edward Stein and wife, who have tlsit here.
t-:«iiniittee that tarried on the Baltepanota.
Kaoniek. of Cad'ila*. reiur.'* irlen-la
Wh visiiioR In this vifinity for the' W
for a few days.
linRrr Intfsilcatkin.
Mr. and Mr*. C- P. Urdie vrent to
ReMaat la apondlng a few ftoyne Cli.v thla -inornliti;. where they
past wees:
week mio
with a vtes
view ui
ol <uu.>
locaiins’ed t>v his iu>rn« at that p'l ' ihr-' Mias Hanna Helmen. after spending
W.- R. Eart went U Empire this .past
Mr. and Un.
momlnK In the Intereati. of the Mlrhl-lbere. returned this a/ievnoou to their imi.iiiric. after spendinp Sui-uay l..’n few da's in this tut. reiurnrd to hvfe today after apendtng Easter wlib
fcjratt Bnitaleyy- - '
will spend Earner wlih friends.
in Slate Telephone tompany.
I home ut lodianoialH. Ind.
Ithl.. rity with hi-family.
|,er liouie at Thomiisont ille
|frieBds it Cadlllar.
«g^ Beck wat called to B.ig Rapidt
Mr. and Hra H. H. Anderaon and
e: Kellog rotumed home to Sblon.*
Lemio aponding the day,In*:,
ttk *rioni«» hetause of the serio.
bahv ttho huve !>eeji v.sitiD* rWiithis momlrw. after u brief »1*11 here. 1
(Pr«n Monday's Record-Ea^e.)
„ui Kiiun.|ry.
. j Mlaa Josephine Davis is-n the city pOR SALE-Fatnt
BlSooB of bla iDMherdn-law. She H.
,K„ In 11,1. rllv
lb.. ia.l »-rCTl
imogfoe Cameron rwtomed t0| g
returned to hia hemV im h-r lls-i- r xuuiuoii fu«ii the i . t. |
burg deiini:
Elmer H. Armetrong of Honor.I
pot «pe«fd
....... «..u »i«nii,t< ,00.1
tLOMilau lit I'eiorkey. I'•lm eri »1.
passed ihroiich the Hiy loda; on
Bl. RbPie
i nv new ha-Wm-iit
idinifa_jia tmclH-r iifier si-ondinp 'he
-j • uj,, Ce'ra Arehbold of Elk Rapids.
reiiirii home from firayliiiy
III--.'. ,:.i.i.!ed,.*pod nulRinehart.-who has been‘-imd Ciediiy l-i ibir «n«.
“.‘c. "”.i.
Weston it spending the, day ‘liiMcr vacation with her •arent-. Mr.|
yiid Mrs. A. I'. Cameron.
j j,p„. ^j.,.in;. !,,rn,is i..r i;i.- lui.' fru
Mlaa Dcfcthy Tonne- rcturred thisj
I kU(4a of fruit
ni Nortbftori.
.udi;Mias Margaret Camerbn is home .la'is. i.-'ii-nttl this mornin.: i« in : :iM-rt;i>c*n :i- hr' lio"-" m, I'il- Ha;>.d.- ,
Putman returned today to
yround and Sn
•he r.-m he hla home at tJmnd Rapids, fiom-an^tbe f or M. to spend the sprinR va-j born.- ui Ka-vi,„ .
irtrr a ,.;i. tt . i-.M.. r.-* nh^
M-uia. tV'Hliams.
far the day
^ ffiends <
extended visit in this vicinity.
j Mrs. L. M. HUellmantel returned
M'ss M.r.-n,e y**'^^*.‘f
Aorwr J. Corcoran loft here lata thie

attarnooB for iooia. where he will
a.r.-. ,.m •
with reiatlvoa and home at Maniftee this mornin::. after m Flabcr. of Sault Sle. Marie. Wh" Ibaikl, thi- nJHiiitu on a short .httsi i .Miti. affer -^,.;
t.h:, of
I.--. I. I j'n;, - l.•|lttll; ’••• n r...
spendinn reve;.il days here as the bib, l«ba<.lntEon,. .oH, lb IhUvI.
»r. C. R. B.rU.l, .1
1,1 r.-liii;\.> .............................
luilaii.e in wood timber:
, .
;»|wiii the diiV.InJlii' ci'y ehopplnr
WlllWIleon left hero thla aHemoon piest ol .Mr. and Mrs. Wm ili-iin
iait}' with 1'. K Wins, murned iliinj MIta -Mijdrtd Nelson, of Northporr. frl3-iiila.
1 to Arcadia tha' W. Cmdy of Bellaire. returned to,
G.ypd sell, cranai'. eleven
1 lassed throuch-the < it> t.aiuy on her] M- Botwall
for Flint, where ho naa nrcert**: » forth.
Mias Emma Pyboa left here thi*
his hnnie i.i tbiii i-Ineo lisln.'. fnii:
-.mte- Ja the Bhlck inp'or rnr i»<
Mrs. LoreiU
iretta Elliett.
El'lietl. of Fife Lako.'May
Lako,'«„y tri OlUet .-ollese Pi hiriin'iinlns.
>|air ibSeiiimit
momiiiR to roRutne Iter siiidies at the
>p.-ndlitK Kaiili'; at lumief Mr. and Mr*. Delbert Lewis retura-,
returned lo'hpr home at that plarc-j,,idles.
1'v.> r.
wy. - '
o‘..l xiKhapI
.Mt. Pleasant Nortusl. after si<tlnl
Mrs. Prances Woodward of AUcon *1.11
kln.l o; paiiM liiinie i<
K la.itnuit. I
Mr. and Mra. H. Roehoaier. of
till.* lootnliiK. iili'T several iliiy
■iiM Ottlee Hot
Tooa*aW*rn.'0-. ^t hero Dii* afivr- lUft Jkt sptllij: varaliutl in
hty-o as^e Sliest <>f hu; miu liny, of
Mr. and Mrr. James Lively
air tfxmc*
OB'lhelr return borne I"»ni .vi
West Knuriccuth street.
-'tliiK'mtirtriilV lor iUin.-elmia und K«1 i
I. their li.itiie at Ci*nim! Ia»kv Kslay 1
6td rtalt In this <ity and at I’d visiiins here Uir Ihe pa
i B. Biaby, of Thompsonville. spent kaj.ka.
i r.-ht y.-.;t. 1U..V ,ia ihi« .iiy ,as i; •
Mrs. lt:;6i;>. yvhn ic-efii’v uoilei»e.-.- ST.\T'; •>! mii-;ih;.ks-.tnan 1
'psieida.i-i^ ihiK city.
! Mrs. Anna Ludwig, of Msneolona.' f-.:'s"er till-.- sot.. \Vi'M.*tn!
M. Keumlavf ie epending a few days UI PI* ;ai..'ii for Cie ivnmyal .'t her.
) Herman Remus returned to Rislwln. Iin- ! c-eii h. i«- -.1*111116
!'t.-isiil(., .LpitJ 1. !ht^
left ev.-. i* nipi.lly Te.-.neiiuR.
tin 1 \Mvii :-t. laikn Ann
'.home lU Grown vi-steiday nrieinoon-1 i,:,itiie:- imir> Vnunkfr fur the |i|i»t,
M)TK'I-: Ir liiyret.y civejj.thai eei )
’ S. R. HarA returned to hie home
inin lands sUuateH In the .-ounty J)f
j Mrs. E. B. Miller went to Harbor yp^eral days, returtli-d S‘i Im-i- iuiiiie| Mra I. £. Speaker left here today on
no.-.n traift f.i: IVimi:; .v b.-r.-V.,' lial.-s ' l,i* ariernn..n,
GiaTi.l Ti-a*.-rae big off to the stal.Springs today to visit her dansliier ;,bU mortiins.
husllii- ' H-TK^Ie till' 111' .
Mis. Ohas. IiobinHoii a few .lays.
Mr,. George Walters, of Buttons nill. SI.pelul 1,
H.'a. Fodt^went ,to Be' to
!• ml.*.
Patchin went to Cadillac this, itiiy. |«x.d ihri..iah tli.- .iiy ioda;
1 lU.- i.iriie'oTwir'.Ties
. Brown went tb Chs'- dll':*yyli.-n> he will s|wnd some time.
uoiiity. and may i>e
m.irtilng on legal business.
j lu'-r way t.i tlvainl Ituphls
; Mrs. Henry Brinks went to Mesick
Mrs. O. P. Marsh, of Williamsburg,
jl.uie lodny.
ihi.* alierlKsm. win re she will K|--nd'>al..
:iMi( ua<-il»n ^>y
I* Mimndint: the day in this . iiy.
: Mrs. E«er Ladgworthy returned
Mre. N. C. Rhodee went to Inter, her hmu«. at It.te.l.H-ln-n ineiiiijie. M'*a «-ccn Oeostebdt returned her?.'u f-» days a* the vu,y\ m lu-mlr^,^’-'
kK*en last evening, wheie she will from n\shori visit whl. fii.-nd-.
<■"' -.>h>'Mliiin hlas-r rt K..i..-, Lewis C.ark. of ‘-•“e Ann. pxss^
* f..w- .(-MS
u, .-H Mr. s iw-r. who have
Her-(..ia. W.lliai-.M.i::-,
1 ilim-lith llm eiiy l.sliiv off.liis way «<>,„ Tax Sal..Mr.
M*. D. O. Ch.nai.r brriv- ........I l.l, M..,,.!,;
R"- '»b" '■ Sl,~l,"
"KU—I-, ■
■- •'■P--»» .
here last ev.-ninn fi-..ui Ijtisltit.
'f,.,- .u.. luiM w.w*. r. tii.-inHi this IU..11. jisi'vuim- fe- IL.y i-'it:.'
-I't the summer.
j Miss Ruth Hidahl. who has ,beeV<^ Mrs. John Eotegn Is visiting friend-:
I J. H Baabright ruturnsd home
til;; M. tiu-ir lunpi' :ii rniwini--....
• Auditor <S-neral.
Mr. and -*H%. Thomas Plamondon
>=»•*’.'‘f Wis'-, l.iUi.-m N.-V
Ulraan yesiArday. Irnm wurjil Oa;
|.i U.
may r.
Robert ifakoch.l. of Maple City, reaitd th.UBi.KTs .MlsoK* Kl.-nu uml l.>
i«>.!)..* ai Ibt; Ua|...b
jlniuinMB rrl|> la thi.* riiy.
' S«-l'..n :aM imii*ti.!'-.l b-r. uiruc*! lioiii.- i'7' aft.vina.n. i»u.
i„ tin.iul «...luy,
Isa Blanch Davis
iATK t»l. Mti'IIIGAN Th- l-r.*
Arclit-o this murniiii:.
iyv|n:<- tlii-v LiU s|.i-fii|
tlm» i-if lH-YnK4al|.-.1 IK.IIK. I-j lb- .i.-;,Gi c.f h;i : K|«-li<iiii|i a fi-k-' da.vs m Ibis «-ily.
I'oini for the t'ouiity of Grand
' I Mrs.W. H. Higgins returned to her
Miss Dorothy Fisher went to Newa-|thn
<i| n'lailvvK uiul rnc-tidr.
) Oils momlng to visit frieotiK and { Mrs. F. E. George returned this
rrlallve* over Sunday.
,moniin!; tn ii*-r luunn a' Ssraluir. iif1 Miss Ruth Walbright. who hat been ,
p,«niy. on the MU
Miss Z. Adams, «f Grand Rapids, g».i sp*-mliiv: ViiiMi-r in this riij a.« il.e lii.-s In tt-- c^iy for a i.-» dn>s.
U Paten returned to his home visiting at fc-ntral Uike and in thbi ,ia> nr Aiiril. A P. l«12.
liiiMM'd thraugh the rliy today, from vut-ri «if ln-i- wst« r.. Mrs. I- F. XaJif.
vhe.r: city for ilio p^. sercral days, reuirnri |•rr^<•Il^. Uon. F«.l R. Walker.
: ait-riKH.ii
rxtendoE visit tvith frienil* ai- HHMr. and Mrs. C. Markham, after an 1 Sliehi,:

ivlav I-'iidge
c.t ITtilwl'
•tills .-iiy,
exi«-n«lvd visli in iIiIk vlrluliy as ihr
Miss Ruth Hidahl. of Big Rapids.

tnt to Paris;^th]s after.. E. Ford
Mias Lottie M,
Carton, who Is|juh.-8I'8 uf frittid* ami rclafUt*'. h-fi
fri'-nils-. i.............
Ha-Rier In thif cb .
iTOChIng In the biKh »<-l>«>ol at Uoyneiinro today on tin- noon^raiii cm iliH.
Miss Reba Kirkpatrick went te Eikl James ' V. Mlltlkcr having flVd In
of Battle Creek re­
City, arrived beje today to Rpend eas ‘rc>iuni hcmir i« .S.wdU-;;. fal. Tin-.'
bis |H-ilikjn. |•ra}lll|: for IIturned
.eiise ,tj '.'ll at i.iiculi- wie the InteTIPT at home trlih tier paronis. -Mr. ;
were W'-c-omiiaiiied by Walter l-rilirk
Mrs. John Bates ind daughter. Miss
,-enaia real -stale
aii.-r an - xt- ndr.l vhit In Ibis \ii-itiii'.
Mrp. Hen Caroon.
as far a* Gtaml Hai.iJs-,
p.,lv.. .'Hissed ilirrmuh th-rt-lh ib-*cHl«sl
iii\<-«ilguliiiy • .-rtalti inai i-sia'r |.ii.|ki
Mien Baaaie Piadden is spending
Mrs. H. Cralne returned to her
1 itfsir reltirii hunt.-* H 1* or.l.-t.-d riiai ihe first .lav -f
a fc* days at tnlerlocben.
home at iJran-i Ka;.lds today, an*:-alingliHi- lor tliP snniiiirr and |,rob- ...... ... *>■'»
Mrs. John McClure went
Sault visiting in this city over Sunibiy
Mrs. E. R. Fox of^sBtes Wnt the
,, j,,ret«- apinipie-l for besrins
.-tbl' I'-itnanenil.'-. «
~ofttae mostlashlonable
Sie. Marie today, where Mie will
Miss Bertha C. Bnehr. of buttons
jsuid peiitlmi, end tlial all persons In- ,
. .
1. w

Mrs. John Benz of Buttons Bay pasa- Ubv Ik th.' clfyspend some lime as the guest of
passt-d through the city i.Klay on
, ,

Clarence Wlldfond. of Maneolona. f t. led In *alil -slat” api>mr before
n>. -V '’<* tlii-oiigli the <liv to-lay oli aay
jiin- way i« .Crai I Rapid- 1
l»ssed through the city today on hli
Grand Kai.ids,
Miss Elizabeth fieiiike went to Pell- tended trip.
,,i Ril.i'eslsli' In said lual e»Mrs. John Shea went to Petoskey to- way li. Helli'i:- on a lew days busiSion this morning to spend Easter as
Larry O'Neal left here this morning
les* 1llp.‘liuie
lluie -buiibl
acl be Krantc-d.
iv to 'Ini' friend' lur a (■-» days
ihc! guest of her daughter.
fcri Detixiit. where he cull siciid .somThornes
i! at t.iibUr n
Mrs. F. H. of Charlevoix passll il.-e lher»wf Le given by in'liiic^ilon of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris are iHne visiting rclaltves.
I 1...
! ihroiiali :h«. c'l'y loilay on b<-r r.' a ccipc ni Ihls oSder. lor lbr<-c i uecesspending a few days at KIngsJey vis­
Mrs- James 6. is spending the
"• -lev ve.-l.'s
l<> said day Of
da» at Klng*ii->.
Condnues to draw the attention of ^ladies throughout
jli.-artas. Ill
G-and Trovers* HeraUNu'-thlMir.’.
V. lilt 1
Mra. Jack Reberts left here thla
Rev. Joseph Bauer went to Grand
1t a'd. * n*w*iia|-r primed acd cllvuthe Traverse region as never before—
ilr*. Sopma Vinton of Williamahurg
ilaicd in sai-l cvuiiJm.
morning for Grand Rapids und Dur­ Hai'ida t»da}.
A Style Slsplay that correctly reflects the
and to visit rektlveB and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C- 'Warner and
.Iiidg- ol fioliale.
Mrs. O. Frost, who I
better inodes, that presents the correct and much
She exiiec's to be ^ne two weeks.
Btand-i'fiUKt-ilcT Mir* ,1-3da
wanted men’s wear weaves, beautiful two-tones,
Muskegon Is i left here this ii
r t-aiid I’tiiii;
whipcords and genteel suitings in
home HI with the grippe.
Mrs. B. H. Bracken left this morn­
ing for Romeo. Mich., esied there by
the death of her father. Wn. W.
IViclpf. Mr. Hrnclicn will go tomor-





....... ... .....


Gompleted Spring Display
Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Skirts, Waists, Furr.isluDgs

Suits, Coats and Skirts

FnU M per cent less than elsewhere
tor stmllar qnalllles.
Deguce in material is the keynote; simplicity
of design the rule.
, ..The range of suit prices $10.00. 12.00. 15.00.
1&50. 18.00. 2250. 23.00 to 40.00.
As usual Suits Elxtraordinary

$19.75 and S2S
See what we can show you at tlmsc prices.

Dress Skirts at $3.75 to $15.00
In particular tlie men's wear, the dark-navy diagoi^s and One hairline striped worsleil (special
«.7S to W.75) eclipse even our exclusive fall tlisplay of these effects. The beautiful tniloring nnil
designs commend them to the particular ami drtssv
Cpats in Mlxtnres. Whipcords ami the wantedMvy, Wide wale mnl double texture serges. $l5
and at$9.75 to $13.75 the swellesi range of
pogilar priced fabrics it has lieen oiir jile.'tsure to
Your New Spring Dress '
b Imported Swiss, Lure, Chameleon Taffeia. CreiH'

Meteor. Charmeuse. Foulard. Eyelet Emor^^. Serges and dainty Lawn—for evening
weddmg. afternoon, street or business—all are dis­
played m a variety to please at prices to suit each
55 (for silk, wool or wash gown) up
Woman who chooses correctlv.
buys the tixclusive and pays the reasonable priceturns naii-irally to the store
^ ^
**Wbere Fasblon Reigns'*


W. F. Hart and daughUr Sw.
sle. returned to ttoelr homo ai
Thompsonville .vesierdav ^fierncKm.
trr>m fcvcral day* virlt her© cxitli
H. Takken left here last even­
ing (or Gr.vnd Rapid*, on un cxuiidhusines- trip,
Iri. Wm. Higgins Of



rprndini: a few days In the eliy vUiilug friends.
Mrs. W. O. flobinseii went to Inter-

hvhen last evenlnj: on p abort biisl7--S Ulp.
jMrs- Wm. Krum eetumed fb her
home of Graait y«i(er<lay. attcr a
.ri.-f visit here.
E. F- Haiberuma left here last
•veniiig for Ludlngion. when* h.» «m
iimnd several day*.
John Erickson left here yesterday
on the evening train lor Granit Hap
Id visit n-laii\cs' .-ind iii.-nds i..i

MrC Rose Myers went to Crar.d.
Hiipid' y.-M-nlny oricni.K.n, wbi-vc
111 *l*-nd som«* t;nu- .i.* the gMi-vt ;
of friends an,1 rj^itic-,..
Miss Car^s-'ffansen caient te Klng-p tills ofierncxm tj> t-iri-nd Easi-^
III; her pah^iiis. .
Mr. and Mrs- A. S. Hobart retsimed
Uti- tooaj frvnn Ft. Lauderdale. Fla..
»lii-re they »|>ent the winter-.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Arms went to
'ndillar- this a/ternooti to 'i>eml l-la*
IT. 3* the gur-Ms of friends
Mrs. J. S. Wheat relumed to Her
home at Kingsley uu» afternoon, af^al days visit here with uSauw* and friend*.
Bsmle Form wont te --K<ngsley
till, ariemocn to rtsli (needs uver^
.Mr^ R7 .'Olsen of Intorioehen. apont
s^^lug In ihU el
zMiMh OXennelt wi
) Cadillac tbU tafimoeu

House Cleaning Time
Is at Hand

Nodonhl „f,er v„„ l.av.- liinishe,! ,nu will
,,, l.rislilon ,.p ll,'-l.,,n,r will, some new
Possibly y,„. nr,- j„,,, e„m,-,„plolh,« boose keepi„«. In eilh.-r , „s.- y„n ore
hesivuiue-s. There shtMilii he no queslitui in your iiutitl :is i«> ihe pr.iiK-rphit t . The Cxlohe l^pt. More (un
furnish ynnr home eoinplele nr sup,,ly lire urtiyles yon w,ml. Onr pmes ore
We invite <-,.mpnris,.ns with nny inuil „r,i,rcitnlo)!. V,„i eon emne ,n ji.,1 seethe arlivksyon wish heh/nx
you liuy.
'We Undersell All. ^'eSave You The Freight
eqiHitinglMjlow. iifew U^iiis chii.Sfn iit raiitiom.
.lust lo show you liint we enn In-ur out tliis st ih'ulLMit.

m wm
7HK HOOS/e.9
Ot, v>


L-rapst orric©^
f cwiich or Ix-d
hand;-. On.;

v-;-..- -ncfr.
!.' ,V\U lu-t-r ll'i^
'taitJtii: H''k- ‘4’



Globe Dept. Store


Save Our
Premium Stamps




Mrt. Mbrtha MuM»r awt Ar
laird, both of this city. wer» married
Uat erenitut'ac :;3U. Bev. H. W. Jay
of the ChriatUn «fieo.-e t-hurrh off!eiatlax. They »UJ be at home to
their many Irlesda on Wadaw
ntroK at onc«.
^'Tba locai porteftlea dM a vary t«t>
lirfartory biulnMa during Uta flrat
quarter oC Jtll. the r<«e1pu daring
that period aboulng an Incrraae of
Thia U a graiiryiDg abowJng
oad la obnehialve proof that the buai'
Beaa of the Hiy Ih gradually on (be
Mra. Julia Parker reeelvad word
yeataaday of the death of her niece.
Mnt. W. W pTwteh. who bad a
atreke of paralynia sereiral daya ago.
She left Saturday for Nllea, Mkb..
to attend the
The many fiianda of Mina Lvcile
I 1^1 be pleaaed to know
her condlUon^baa ih.inrc I f »t the Wtter. and her phyah-l-ini. Jeol* aaaiirei
abe trill ateadlty tropmr
The Beard of Buparvlaort met In
their room at the roun hmiae llila afteriKX*!! lor lh« April aoMilnn
leod «'•<» three a«>a. Pianli Houilln
temporary rWinuan wua elerted per
knantnt ehdirniA. . ll<-iiiliir nniilnirork oerupled tbe «aiiy pan 4if \he

o'clock. The lire atartad la tbe wall
behind the kitchen alote and bad a
good atari before noticed. It 1. a to­
tal loK*. not even furniture or clothUig
belog aav ed.
l-ueip. 8our« went 0 Trarerae Ciiy


ik-'al the Oongregailoaal oburrh. Erery•fl»raoon «1tl> Uit fibir
a>-|one la oordlatly iDrlied to atieod iheee
en ui< Wing the afpoiattBent of
raaraa ibe local opttoa rte * meetlngi.
lovitaikma are out for an Ea«er
of the <t»my.
Capt A. C- AMrioh of CharlavolK. pany In the Odd Prtlowa hall on KaaBtop^ over Sunday viih Prank -r Monday.
FMadritit. on hla^way bofoe from OilMra suite Odol npaat a coniiJe of
ilihy s huBien eiB. It ir a IlgoM
One Conflagration Haa FoMo'y*d_An» It u -kfe to kay Thai and iwvar rnpoa. la atecUva on rohnnt
oa«o irhare bo iSaa beea rlalUng bia daya In Ttaverae City kaat week ahop vlaltlng reUtiVM and frieoda.
othce During the Paet Two
f iwaaed alihoni imM* and cwn tm giean with anMy M
Ollie Dobaon went to Traverae
Capt AMrtcb fomarly nail­ plpg and vlaktaf rdUtirea.
‘ — ittirr an infaa! Ctillurea liba It bocaoao or
irm- j tboM leRtte uualiiMa aad baanuan tt In
Mra. Dlckerman and non. Warrea,
ed Ibo Jeoale Buttoo. Clara Belle. T.
pomry. The *W«at
Alex CanpbeU waa removed
aair kian attar the r«en.n* m**l ' it .*
u u (he beat a___________________
S. Paxton. Algotnab and tba Oaaa- ere Cedar rlaliora Monday.
hare to ibe bvuao far any dtaBriar
Cadillac. April *—The retnaining Usatita II no( lakrn tbai n«ni •( le
Mra. Bnrke of Maple City riaited home in Detroit on Saturday. Man-b
frage and la now retired at fbarleCMtatO that klreo «ai Dot be evuno. of Ibe atodiai-h. liter and bawola. bn|
^ The dociort report him aa gain- hualneas plarea in the village of She! and 5«u w.ll awaken anrefreahed • . |,^„y
^.ocke. M
frteada In town Monday,
left by hrea dorlng Ibe Uat tw
D. H. ftywera. tbe banker of Suitona !‘“k •“<> 'hlnk be will
the boapital.
yearn, burned today The Are wiped:
Bay. la Bpendlag a few daya In Cedar
3 bualneii.
ten thoti«nd
.\V. H. Cork and John WLlie weni to Joyed Iheniaelvea la»l week riding «
I'lau.le Cay'* Ice boat.
ol araotedy. Hut thi
Wland Wedneaday on bUHlu»e*.
liiendlary rntyiTi.
Chaa. Hochrmdle waa railed to TravI
Tha . laaa'
-ae City Tueaday by ihe death .of a
la en.eriamiDa
enienalnlng m» .
KODam la
Dlacuaaed i


Should Do Without

in. i



'"“ i


.■s.rsa'r "


‘ ....-.r.

dren till* week.
Mre Frank Klit U emeitaini
Ding her j
'Bring for the Uiihard ' k the auh
ntexh that »an be u»nl In the
aial«'r. Mle» Urzle Ihil'errow
lor the grange moelUig to W liel.l
uited li> commerelal fiahermri
my. thia week.
I In the hall OH CaM atreet on Saturday Action Followed Refuaal of^St.
Mkhlgnn watera. He waa Infoniicd
Chaa Albright ot Central tjike
to Aiiom Send
I afternoon, ^i h >
ibat ibe propoaed cliange In the law
Mr and Mra. -I. c. Vlai-k - thia Itig." '.uUly'Jtlna.'
and 'apniyiug'
wan not made and that the Ming MM
will be la^ up I I Ihe
ctlll Waiidr. u-liuh [ireyldea that the

fli ’toil. Api;l- : *
will he pjp-ai'nird that the
ninn eaili
oeia ehall W measured In the water.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦ grangera who alteod tin. mei-imc ma>. nnutK-enu-m lods' Miai Uie' •-m
< |>III|III>«|"M lisil lelcu- .l I.
ThIa law went liipi cff«< i on Januaiy I.
♦'In- right up to the iniiiiile
Ihe IVie yu-.iueil.- to
In bonds, a le.eitershtp •
i-> V. erii
pahermen ahould W guWi.1 nt.-ord. ,Jr4'''a^'e tr^l^rThle 'Tnd“rnj^
1*11.11.-- I- M>..
ingl) alien^lN-y. I'l*'^ *
'** he for aoute time y«'li| xhe lnipnn«mi-nta to the gitiiigi p;(0 of New
th<- water tlilK ojtrlng. as li is
Mrs. Carl Cnx baa been quite ali-k'imn onleretl at ibe lajt .meeting bate of tlninil l^.-i-ls aiiict F M IllNir t
We sell the Famous “AJAX" Dynamite, the
teniinn of the deiariineDl to enforce
Iteiroll wc*l^|,.
bip.-oililfsl leCrlveis.
jbecn made an Hut there will be a ple-i
greatest stump and stone remover In the world.
1i<! i>rovi>.lotik of tbe .Ming law'.
Kohen Edwards of Traverse CD
surprise l<ir all wbu ar>> in
lallcd gi E. K. Iiuryeu'e last Riinda' .
Just the thing for digging fence post holes and
teiidanre Saturday.
Mra. Hay ItelUlng and t-no clilldren
At Ihe grange meeting to be held on
planUng fruit trees.
of Tnyerwe City have M-en ylsillng, April :T. the aubje. 1 f..r conaldeii.tion
her |«rems.-Mr. nnd Miw. tV 1*. Keii- will Im- ■Soli Vertihiy ■■ The meet
John O. Mangum Lett Travers* Crty
Come In and let us explain the v^ua of
iP-y. at thia plate.
jv wiM li-- gi»eti
Twelve Voara Age.
J II Ihirgu ciiierla to sel bis saw
the diwiikaloii of the «u-ir
Dynsmite.ln the orchard.
milt on Cufflrld'n 1.nke aa m>iu as H>e IHiriaiil live piiMiU-al iiuesimns.
They Applied Tw«-Thlrda Rule to Ref
Jtihn l> Mangiini of MnrqiiHlt- wa>i
lomlh le-rinll.
crendum V«ta When De
he giieal of I'nsImasliT Fiank l-'rlert««♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
eiston was Made.
rlch *>Way and renewing old
tluaiaiaui-cN. This la liM rirnl yisll ftii'l.
• • «♦.♦•♦•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
lovniluli. Kng. ApilM - TIu- iiiMo-rv
twelve yeats, hut many old frMnds^
^^^^^^^ 4444 4
All Republl.-mi ni.rnli.~-s rie.-ied tt • onimiti.N- Ijsv oRbiAtly <l-ilai.-<l tb*
will rrttienilMT him, when he “made'
A,.rll ."_4n»reni-i.
Mapleiiin. Aftrll
.'l.-^Awreni-e I'sr
Car pffl.'e heie. W J I'etim. puperrlsur. lusl vlrike »rr aiot urdered tbi* liilllel
Oils town Mr. Mangm
roll bus parrbared a nen- team and
County cnniftition held here, deb-- liark lu Wink «* u revuli of ibe rv-fei
ol Marquetio andI la
sold hi acolt 10 Archie lielfrich.
endum. Tlie vole Mood: Aiain-.i
gaiea eieciMT' and unlnatrnrted
«r. Rlcknrd of Traverse City is i.inmitlee uTi reaulutiODS presented re­
Th.working for Andrew . OUmore.
mmillee avpIieO Ibr Iwnltnrd*
port in sympstby with present admln.with the exct-idioii of Chippewa roi
McB. Oliver l.ardie la on the gain.
iatrstlon and ul»<> Coventor Osborn,
ly. will re|>reaent tbe
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and whirh were ndupled.
In the Miiutial convention.
raiiilly ai<eni Sunday wlib Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Cnrroll.
Joseph Krtwia baa moved hie
house and will soon aiart at bis new
l.adlea' Aid Socieiy met at the borne
Mr. and Mis. Ftanb Rmilb <
of Mrs. Jolinttpn on tVedneada/.Jie’ Grand Kaidds Saturday.
metnbera are reecived at nearly every
meeting and the aocleiy la In a proa- #♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

lieroiiB condition, the next meetlog
will be held at the borne of Mrs. Mon.Mayneld. April .'..—Mra. George
North aide of Dte river, April
Peppier and daughter Velmn reiumed
chased hundreds of new garments that have been arriving dnriag the past
Married at the patwonage. C.edar from a abort lilp to Traverse city
Thniaday. .Mrs. 1‘eppler'a moiii--r
lew days—indisputably the finest collection of Outer CarBcals we have
City. Wedoeoday. April Srd,
Mr*. Itohni, rHurtie.l with them.
ever shown—practical, desirable, artistic—the kind not seen elsewhere.
A C.Ibba wai In klayOeld i^aiuiday
nal purchases make it possible lo oiler you Ibe best valncs la
Our exception;
i Intklnes*.
the city.
) Prove$12.50, $14.7f, ilW,
Ktngklc.' , who haa been helping to |
$20 and $25
$16.50, $20 and $25
s Fasfenlagp large Nickel; Theiv- wm i>e an tMuatmted Easter <-are (or Edwin Gran, s|m-u( Sunday at
her home.
rl'i 1,-galn «
^ Hooks and Eyes. Web*9
‘'«“»regatk.nai rtnr.-h Emiiieit James vIoitH bla brother.
Sunday. April Ttb, Hymea and per
'uu>n will be illustrated with itereopthe «al
FrtNl Tabherer came front Freeport
*9.75. »11 M.' Hl.Ti.. »1u50. hJO.OO
Coik. Myron fhilver. Claud Saturday to spend Sunday with his
J. C. Vlark. W. 11, Cork. G. A family and to vote for le<«l option on
>a»n and F.
Pago attended the Monday. .
Mr.-and Mrs Theodore Rogers en
Uncoln banquet at Trnverae rity WedJoyed a visit from their eon. John Hog
nesday evening
Ura. Hub) Rillnian retunied Wed­ era. Monday.
.Mr. riruan ha« sent n new team ot
nesday from u visit In Traverwe <^t>
The "Rtida of Fronilae" -will give .v horses lo In- n-i-il <in hli. lami on iIksocial In the chunh baaeeaitii Sb<- liver One of the htirses Ik. imlnitii
uatcly. very aicL w-|ib pneumoina l>i
rrdny. April I3tb.

Mra. KMwortb Billman entertBlni-d Ceiiiian of Traverae nty |s treating It
l>r. Jobnaoa of Traterkc Ci'v l.aX. I. claaa and the Itnay Uee'a Friday
.avion.. I■;..-L
.-i.l , •
in honor of Ray Slmmont birthday.
case nf PMwiu (Iran.
iiinrmwl im. -Ik. Pnees (m"
(i*oi-a>‘ I*iivn reiui-ned to Mayflelil
WfHinesday to look after lila farii.
near he-rc.
Angtiai Oran went to Travel*.- CH'
-Vi- It .* H
Cedar City, April 3.—Mrs, Charlie
Cook of Klngsh-y was In town a sboii Tuesday.
SUIT at Sf0«a 'La' .*1. -*• i.-v.-rMr*. OIbbs* augar bn*b is again In
lime Wednesday, visiting old friends.
. i; .|i.i .1 • ! ."•I''' ti '.
•A kU'i I. hirgi- rnonvl! ai. l
* *.
' J-.ICV W. II M-il V..II
,i . Mrs. Geo. Mason and Mra. J. C. operation, and the *ap i» ronninc
s-ii' **'■*,• .*1! ••• VI-*-' At S**o'
vail'-.l •-lK>iii:li 1*1 s;iUi-.' ai>,1 14 7..
$1.90 ................ COOO
«>»—ii*more purchase custom- m Tmveroe city this week,
$C.5C. $:'.0 and S'-OM.
SUITS '! a- ■■ .. !l • .........-I V..I'*. -.
Sktblie^field this week rmm
And th# values: Vo.. U
Jin'. I .11 ! •- t.-Kul.f
er can obtain one of'
«>f Traveme cur heme.
.I.A >.>rprik<--1 wliai a l*>a*iri.
Tbe Ip^kta' Aid socieiy met Tburs
ful wbllv dtMs a lull* t...m
day wHh .Mrs. l,eonard HoMiday.
ov ..ill l.i.j I..-!.. ..............
Frank Bright of Brighlon. Mich ,
liil* -. Bl
siwnt the last of the week with his
larks, klll-deer* and bluebirds are all
tamlly here. He rclurne.1 i<> bis work
here, so we may have spring yei.
Monday munting.
Mr*. Ruby Uiliman an.l daughter.:
$1.»L to tS OO.
HlWagarde, are vUlllng ut Trav erne
In fart, swell lines of
W. II. Cork ami J C Vla.k attend
Klk l.ake. April 3—<Tara Manel
new S)iriiij< Fiirntsliinjis of
I'ed the Lini-oln t-lul. lanquei at .Trav- returned to Altna college today, afi*-i
'.-r*.- City Wetlnet-lay evening.
every ilescriiHion. at prices
her spring vai-aiion at home
LcBOinE Snn* Store 0< Trivenel There wm l.e |.tTyer meetiaga l.«well Sonra. George Cams, and
iliat make them lery alGly tad Noclbero MiclugBB. -'ery Friday eyenlng at T:3o oVlutk Cialr and Ihinran Morrison wer.iniciive. (’oine arnl >ei;.
Traverne City visitors Katorday.
Mr. and Mm. Alben Davey have re
Just impackeft—0v« two liuiitIrtM) liraml iiew Miiis in Kiiickert>ocker an»l Nor­
turned to ihe^^m. after *j>endlug
folk styles. Close-out lots that Mr. .1. H. Sleinl*erj» seriire«l while in New York
the winter-irlili their N»ti. lYank, at j

$10, now go on sale and are iHisitively the best values everofTered at these prices;
Resale and I.ena Peitltt visited rela­
ves In the neighborhood last week,
$1.9^, $2.4$, 12.95, $3.95. $4.40, $4^0, $5.49, $e.5« and S7.M
reluming to BeozonJa Friday,
Mm T. J. Cam. of Traveme Cliv is
visiting in the neighborhood.
Just received the newest patterns. Pants tluit .-ire made the way the boys like
John Hockin tea moved to North
Si;:rs 5 to 17.
them, and pants that will wear.
• ' '''......
Milton and will work hit own farm,
this summer. Mrs. Horkln will spend
Hie wqek with her slater. Mm. Will
r, and Mrs, Frank
of T;av
erse CHv Spent Saturday—hi -'j i
Ixil* t'ams and Pearl Curry rWied
from fiaiurday until Monday
I^wls bingman't fatMioe bum*.! i
Ibe grwiBJ Buoday morning about






Greatest Display-"r
Ever Made In
This City.

We Want You
To See This

Let the Herald and Record Co
do 'vour Job Work.

A Grand Display of Latest Styles


prooi Uppers, two lull <

New Coats

“*•” New. Suits

IbOl Kip Gussets.

Be Sure and See |
Oar lUagnifUeent U«e.;2''L'

New Spring Dresses
$3.9$. $6, S&50, $11.50,
$15 and $18


Men- It’s Time to
Gel Your New
Spring Soli

Do You Mind Saving
Several Dollars on
Your Purchase?

La<Ue$- Dress Skirls
Spedsls at S4.7S.SS.50
and S7.50 .'

Get A Watch
win. every d.ll«- or

for ONLY 50c. GnaranIced fOT one year.

A. V. Friedrich

and 15.00

$1^ $2.50, $3.95,
$5. $6 and^

New Hats. New Shirts.
New Neckwear, New
Hosiery and Gloves

More New aolhes
For Boys


If you filled them, All’s well; if you dida’t,
your rival got the order and may get the cu»stomera’ entire trade* Wake up and push tbe
“BEST” flour made. The manufacture and sale
of tfilB flour helpi pay your taxe», pave your
•tlEets, build your school houses. Does foreign
made flour do as much?

New Knlcker Pants 50c. 75c. $1. $1.2$ and ^1.50







To See



.-;;r.::7|rh« FanMe* Sw't

measben wd nVIetei at tbia orcanitt- 'i
chould keep Ita word. If a mas'i word
Rood It U a aUn that bs has no
atera and aU of mUki^rn't
(haracter. A party with ehaioeur a)M to dOBpwtty pMuaa
w-a«a keeps tta prosniaa. Mr. DMuaa
tbaae Great lAksa at all
took Ibe repohUeaa piattofw o( iMt
swfdoitattM at tta bawda «t
and went ibrooffb It aectloa by owtlosi.
BhoBing bow tbe adtntaMTwlleB ot
ter teral or pelrate beast (a tte tt-l
Taft baa folMlad aU tbe
Sloan's IJmmeat U aa ex­
)ary at Mtrlbffaa. aad ataaetelly Ha
leadms iwomlaca aada. Ha alao emih
cellent mmedy for chest and
rtbarw aad wesiara paiUena.
ed aiieniloD to the tort'lbat wbenccnthroat affeedmit. Itquicl^
Rsaolrsd farttar, Thai eaptaa at
- relieve* congiattioti and* in«r raaoiBtteaa be tarwarded la Ooawould be anwUe to ebange them In
flaninsation. A few drops
faror of aoiDeltala« that baa etfber
in ivater nsed as a ^gie iS'^
t»-en tried out before aod found wantantiseptic and healing.
CharlM K. Townaead and each of tbe
elae 4» Impiwrtlcal from the
t. aad that awch
keep* children
Hwe's Proof
reaolutloas be acrompaaWd with aa
heaJthfnl and happy.
The speech wait a »rrong one. and
Trt !'--/> %•> kb •tAkdrfliiJ
rakkOPT.. lh>n.e^
after hearin* It. one would bare a
GI\e them a few drops of
klifftnilt time in finding any valid rea­
KaAlar troublcj alexia'^wayafesaM *ad other ptibllc offlrers lelante .to
Ktln.LCA J.VSi: l>AAL
this strengtheninK foodson Why a real republican abould
Uat. iili^—AT.
medicine every day and
stand by the etMneni In the party that
li.v a proper UTwUueot of tbe Ud-1
watch them grow.
has done so moeb toward hringing quickest
oe^ 5waMwli^roeT«cuuabiUtyb>
about the preaent conditions.
b^lnrine^acBldingpiaiafatsiagit. .

After the program had l>eeii finished
the lollowlng resolution «a« read b> Itbeday.aodtogtlupmaaTtiDcsdanaiii Osborn. April 4.—8ne* ts thawing
jtenaiur Ko'ien K. Walter and unani- ihenjgbL The niiUland imaieJUteelect vert- alow this Bpring and tbe roads
adoi'ied hr iliose in aiienJ -of Sw^p-Rors. theyreat lydnev rttcedy I
is exceHent for sprains and
o'i»l> adoi'i
Whooping > Cough
; il soon reiliml. 1: nsod< tbebigbert be•"
_ Ibe 1Ifonquet.
bruises. It stops the pain
Mrs George T.legler of Ow
----- of Tt* remsrl-jble bewHb
resolved l>; ihe tlrabd T.wv-;'iproperties. A t'--l will coovincranyawe. br.rn were Kmpire rallera VS'edneadai '
at on-.c and reduces swell­
I The Blroneetti |in of hit apei^li
ing t er>- quicUtv
.y...-----l^lniotn <-Iui>
----I --------r--------- pleasant to take and ia
V.-.' In lesanl to I'lP heel Suaar inilii*Loss o f Flesh
-iv>lmrea*. various pro|ioali1on-- aieiaoVl Irv all dnqot'sU in fi:tv-cent snd
in. many faet» bejne al-.eii to eh.f»
Sold bv all dealers.
o« un...r «,n.W.n,,to V lb- FrfLf"
tad tuny ether trenblei
ihe Imiiortanre of the baxir.ew !n thl*'
SSo., SOO.,
condurijag the aarMre.
-eral liovirnment BUd by other t«:iirB
Kiaie and ilte n-*u!' that ii lia« on tt«”•
Mrs Merle speal WedM«lay
'and oraanizatipn* having to .U> with T)r. Kilmer Jk Co.. I
;piire of Boiar In ihe.l'nin:!! Sjta'e*.
L oftt/eosrs
>'»■«' ••‘1 *»«ugMer. laietaa Malted
. Tretertt Citr.
and kl«i>leiion'or the waien. of
^Mr. r.)rt\nev in
ftiui -believer in
Cfboa offer in Uua papier. JAai't make the borne of Mr. and Mrs ThonSs
e Great lake*, iniliidlna among oih- uy m-.«kv. hut rem^iwf
\V. 0 Sin. lair and Mlax OleaoB bava
, !■leIllJ of pruievllon to the beet *ii ;ar
Bsm^ IVeilng Tue*la> eevnlng to ae J»
- i'.rol«-u-now being <
l.een engaged t.. tcMb the Ltte Ana
.fiietoilefi. and opiicm-'i unv aii-niipt to
-nb vb„.,
'theSeki-viar-. of War.a d.iergion fropi
e. biAtl fur Uie ivtslAg y««r.
reiiitfve the tariff fmm the proppn' o!
(t yoadoyvte win todiaappoistuL
;for tlieir new borne at ijidlngton <ted'laKe Ml. blgan of I0,iv*o«r more ruhiijtlie i-ane fiehie of olher Inilit... Me
Mrs. Ben Makes and Mrs. Wm. Beck
neada> enomina We w-l»b item aui.le.-i Ot water |ier sei-ond in the virinworth spout Monday In Tramw City.
Idslmslhai <«1il|e-ihi< Boiild
_ .. iheir He* borne.
'i;y of t'ni'-ago for nneged sanltar.
Hurwey Sutaon rNumed tn
l>eDtemitorary lediiciion In ihe rMee of,
oglred os tb.- ctnoen in the galaxy of
,.a„«.n. a*d Harry Ualnnt
■liunioei'a. and two projerta tor canals
Who would
d naiutaliy
natutali} i-oiiiOer only, this ntHr>>l':-. ii wnuli! :u tPi
nfior a work a Malt hare.
romtnvnwvuhl.s .nhiiiBry i« ibeGrrai.
Traverae niy vtaliDra
Reading front tbe aobtherlr end of
bcnollia. aiiid us a'brotiaht Itai'l: to n finur.. ihJi would;.
taeir own IverBonal
r Aftar 6rip.
jU'io Michigan ibrotgrtt IndianB i«>
B llie |M>0|ile would i>r
inal'e ir iirohibiilte la the (len'di- ini
•Tbrti fotr. Be it Keaulved. I.y Ihe
lni|>mvlns ahtwl: Uea oBew' ia -V. ntt^ewa apalem
jwar.l ihe Ohio river and iJike Krie. re
llrelT unaware of ihe trai*. m-i hv •ti'liiiart I ireii.'ivikiBheee.
repre*. ntalB.-' of the lounlles <>f
oervousjfeai. lack of appe­
s|i«HiI\eiy. and
able Ilf sll up pan uf. Ibe time M'eakneaa.
tbese iiDBOrupuloua men."
tite energy and ambitiun. w ith diatirdThere are .71 l»ept fc-dpar fa>'mk ai
this wrliing.
j -’ Vhi i^e, rin h volutnen of waicr re- nortbera .an-1 wi»tem .Mli-hlgnii here
After preaenUtiB Miaibitle* ehewlna prcwt.i iiric stofHi. and I.' wr Imd «‘"i
ered liver and kkidneys oljew follow
Mike Knrns, Jr., is natnber- ;ati attack of Ibis wretched dlsMoe.
litMli—l fat elthi-r Ijr nil of ihei*e pro- asweinlfled. that we ^ and .Mhhlgan
the Imprai-llial n-HUlia of dtr^l JeKls ! M!k-I> faiioHes ihev would Mippl.' all
doe* hereby h:0»t respectfully and am- ^ ^
writing. i;Dr. Tb* greatewi need tbea te ElertHc
. ------. ----• k.
w iin me m> ai inui wriiing.
latlOD In Oregon. Mr. Taylor closed ‘ the i,i.;;ar that h»_. onfumeil In-rliis
an . «n«-l K-.r
Htttera. the gbirkias tonic, blood puri­
la ieii tmfn Ibe wan:.
In the pbatically protest ■<■««*'Kralick ..f Maple fiiy ailenda her.
hy Baying. ' I ihihk «e should t>un<).•iftiintrt. In thiH I'otistry ilu-ie .
fier and regulator of aloniaeb. liver
siv.ihi-.n ,onion ..f Imhe v,i, Mean, .dffplellon of .be waier. ofUke .Mi.hl
---------- j------------Motdfaat and Biipt>ort the prineiiHes
Biid kWneya. Tbooiahds bate proved
i.iMHi.iinn u.iTee tif land adapt.Hl
that they •ondertull. atreDglbes ibe
«i our re|ire»eiiiaMv«; aovernmi-iu. .lilt- raising of b.H-lu. and il iliK wuHlIlte lltu- of hl« d«lh. einpiiUAifini- llie *l,b-s want, kiirfai-e water would ‘"d agalBst Ihe diversion of any
nervei. hoild up the ayalem and reerwiae move noilhward and ,»nicu- >«<* *«'»•» tf»« '‘‘•‘I'’ Mt”«» *-onn*. ^
lakC AMN.
Which has been in eibileii. e for ihe {all iml Into euliivalio!i ol the lAop Jtjfarl ihal If wa« lit* ■viiraK- lluii
bealih and good aptrita after
snd do mtewli.e iiroiesi against anyfatWBt one hundred
aitack of Grip. If tuffering, try
*’^‘’"'f'”V'‘)r.-oiild iirodarefun amunni of MiKar;al.h*J him to win the ihiorlei tliai larly along the weal <-oa*i 'of MIchi rorable conaliieraiioii hy ibe arar de-,
Vatleau who la auaadlag
gan. ijtptehv iniprovtng and ametloralthem Or
OnK Ml cenia. Bold aad perfect
T,*,Brte City retorned Mon aailMaci
action guaranteed hy *U drugIng Adlmaiir i-ondlitonK ihronghi.iti lartinent. tongresa or any other'body
onr onlmemipli
Jiv«k4<- m.
............................. - cotiBlimi-d fr^i lUe birth i
of any such artlfl. lal divm-svon
or use
Tscatlan week Plata of Tniverae Citr.
IweNiem Mlrliigaii. and
kind «.
»m„hlnd 1I..1
■»’ '.-b'-'
kbrt- .1-l-letlb.b -" HI
'b' -«-™ «I lb- l'™<
«, dobWIbl ..U lnoo».l«. Dt u
, Mias GUdys Spafford of Benaonia
le ihaT*win* 'Th r.ouragcililiesise Jeopardize navigation, lover tartlcularly of ImUe ilicblgaw
i.i keen li in exist, on-bnd hr
ETorybedy kwowa why a wotesm
further Remvlved.
Resolved. T,
Th,. the
vacation batt aod relha. Uoim..: ;J: tbeT^ the depth Of water in harbor, and Will; -Be If *-her
Hon. Joseph W. Fordney had as the i
proiertion .on fani!Who guw atopplag la a bobbl* akin
Injure fihij.pii.g and voainterre to g sesabject Of Ws speech. •Tonff 4aauc.
huslnea,- i-rlnr iJos suceeBa of the repiilillrsii ;an:.- .
baa to bav* eveniU
1 There will be Faaier aerrire* in tbe }uat caanol gal late
riniif f-Meui; will al*o have dlreit InMr. Fordney said. 'I tolieve in a pro- >
A lutny a» well as an individual
jurib.k- effeki ttiwn the fniit Industry
■'i I' c-i-v-^J-c-'li fongregational cbnrcb Sunday even- Qolncr Bcrald.
wlih hl-S.SKS ing
, _ un#er .u.pi^ ot the Babtolh
and p.n<-r.'.! dvvr’-opineni of weslim
It Looks Like a Crirne.
Wuta End te Bad HaWL
.Mi.diigati. and wtU also have a dlrw-l '^,*'(1^ oj in:iiQttatta hare '.teen offer>t.l •cboo)^ •
boy from n box of Bitek-:
Dlekeina U an eloquent speaker. to aepai
Things never look bright to one with
a‘tod liver. He is cross, dull andi.Mr.
:i iiLM-e of I
Uacry and Herman Snyder
.mica Suite His I'l'ifid.s, bt'il:=. .‘"JUf'o®*
lon e Ar
"tbe blues-'' Ten to om tb* traabl*
lower ikonittsula of but none ot
spent IVediieaday in Traverse City.
U a sluggish llv*r. filllag tbe aratem
the |.ur|«*e RKNNK S does the
Tb- choir niH at Geo CoIweU a Mon- with bilioos poison, (bat Dr. KlBg'a
jexpectad cf it. both Internally --., all of Mill
cramp i-olh and t-liolnra movhus. and day and sampled his maple ijrup and NVw l.ife Fill* would expel. Try
them lA-t the >uy of belter feelina*
e*:- TTinll'- for v’:fiimati*m, sprains and |,roiKiunted'«i the best ID the land.
end the blues" Best for aloniaeb.
l>H-d Sunday March Hist. Frank Vac- hter and kidneys.
at sll druggiata
' liver In
ot Traverse City.
Momacb. and purify il:.- bowel
j- Whfteav. .Michigan I* iigiul.ili? rer.
______________ _____
» ru. Sow by Amerltaiq Drug Stotw.
Jtertivc tariff bTKauiM* II I' » mpan« of
|irol>-<ilon t» tliv ItilorTHiB uf ■•oih UIwr and eairiial. (or
Will nerer he
DO hapio' Bail pro«re»»lre a* a hen U-,
brr is well rofniwnBalrd and all are
IvrcBpetouB. 7%e t'niiiHl Sisisii lurvjdiirc® mere itian nay other i-ounTry in_
the worhlfand In order lhai a Rood
tailwtanilal ii;arket ho ^Imained It is
n>Ht*>ory u> havA b pVateOlve tariff,
for II ibe oominTn'Ial Imerr*** of tbb
counirj’-«tff»r. Uhor iviuat also inffer.
We. the proiile of
cunniry; have'
'a bialier MaAltrd'o! Il-.itif iI.m any
other peopl" on the eartii; our eiirav
asaticw (p Biiir>endoDK..Iu B|iea’.;liix of
tile iiot—nt hieh fxin of llWnR. bener'
put H, the COM or hlah Ilrlna If »e;
Blnh TO mainuii) tiiat BiamluRl. |>ri>-;
let-live urjff U ahw-.lniely esneni-UJ. j
There are aeltaior* »ho uroldtl) ed i
roc-oie free trade tnd wi>e;-inll.'- i»lav-|
,lnc that unlveraal perwrit!. eiieBr, on;
the free llni." Mr. Fordney ihen i.reiBented untlmlleit marUttrs oa proof of
jthe eoodiikms that »ouW net-i-MiarUv
itahe plaee If siu-h enBBeAilona’weiv inliiltutod.



Chest Pubs
and Stains



---- ---------------------

Traverse City Ciflar Manufacturers
BtaBBiactorer of

Factory 322 S. Union
at. pBowe M8-2T.

10 cents straight

10 cents or Slor 25 cents


10 cents or S f<Mr 25 cents

TTie C^ar of Quality

“Howard” CarlM
For sale
by ail dealers

Sc each

Straight Ten

Havana Cigars
Made ,ol cbolce. carefnlly selected Havana

112 E. 14th Sl

Perf- ct Qsfiiib

Perfect Smakt

Cigar Factory

S cents

Weaver F&ctory Smoker
S cents

Pfhafe Brands
a Spedaify

Miity R6£ulatii« Coapuy
A Perfett HuDKlor sdi) ToUcce
‘ A PiCTCrtiwe of ObjedioDal
Factory 112 W. Front Sl
Eagle Bu3diii8


The Traverse City Cigar
Box Factory
4I6E. Eighth Sl Gt. pbooe 43?
Blakeley Bros. Props.
Manntaciurv. )krai'i;< ally .wU tbe clatr
Uixps ust»l by tbe cigar Trottufaclurers
in tbe cttT and lb Northern Mirbigan,
and 'for akiK In deelgoill^ buz coverF.
ai)^ up-to-date work on box nanufak'lurc are iinevielled. us figure on
your work if j-ou are uol buyiag of
new. and be talUffed, w-Hh scoips^
Dtbera wbo are oamg our clca^'boxes.

Watch lor It

“ Some Smoke ”
The Coming New 5c Cigar
B.A. HuelmaDtel, Mir.
ForSakby ADDealm

P. H.
the best 5c cigar made

Thos. Fitch, Prop.

Try one for your
next smoke

203 N. Cedar S(.

Traverse City, Mich.
Mr. Cigar SaMber. encnuiage home
dgar manuiachntg by calloif

Peter Hormutli
212 W. 9tb Sl

Story No. 6

5 cents

Smoke the slrictly
high grade

ant Bett ]
Vman VaJwl- c"»*”
Sterling, - lOc Cgars



Traverse city,



The quality of a cigar depends upon tt* price paid for material and me
earense thereto m manu?aotorin» selling and diatnbuting-It goes with out
discussion that the eapenae of a man engaged in manufaeUiring a cigar
in a city of this size, where he works from daylight until dark to get nn
gooda madAop for sales, here and thgre in the evening and then hiewh.maeir te bed when the big faeoriy-ewner is st his favored club, owpaiatiai resi­
dence enjoying the proceeds of his machine and cheap help, and gets ready
to begii^tis eigzr making early neat morning. The ouUide manufaeWrer
is a stranger te your town, to your local busineta intereata and a^'Sl »ellewahip. The Other a neighbor, a fellow buaineaa man and '**'**^ ■"*
laetiy a participant and donator te your various social functions. Iraterh*Oe these two individuals iobk differently te you and their buainess relaPenship in a business way.

The New 10c Cigar Is
making a great UL

La Frlzene


The Best 10c Cigar
made in
' Traverse City

l«e straight
For sale by ail dealers.

Nickle Move^eot-w,........5c

F. H. Adams

at phoae 474
E. Tenth SL
Factory. U5 E.

Traverae City, - - Midi,
at phone 884

Citz. Rhone C10».




Sotte el tbe oUert bnndi made ia
Trimae Qty arc ibe bcBodi
mtde bj me

Diamond J— 1 Oc
Gate Post—10c
Broadfoot Havanas~5c
F. K. Smokers—5c
Traverse Belle^5c

A. W. Jahrans

Ye*. k*« time t* get a more on.
VoD won't get aelba droec flke
tiiii is a king
*uk1 ^ ci0sr
.asdsDdy.toe-JGU; W «id
htifrkM. TV bed yoeV slway* Vd to pay 10c for. made of
spniaBy rdecled domestie Set Md
binder will a Koe.
Smaatra wrapper. Tiy « and
•ee wfajr everybody n niAiig to
grab 'on.
W. O. W.—$c

Better Try One

n. Rabinovltch
Clirar Mfg.
40S Z. Front St.

CUx. pboa* B-U4.

th* ««r tbas tb« Bell «Up.
Thof. ittMB ihf path
la ^
•wia Tnrt sb* ran plmzip Into BItU
BMoa—who bad atao c«m afoot^-to
bi»MWB aMpeMirt. Ha«Mtkl^d«K
hard—VUdrrt btaitwd acalaat hta hafora be vaa filrlp aware\of bar praa,aDoa. Ha caacbc bar fanUr la hta
•mA aaplitf witb a lanfb:
I *mi tha al7 laUas tbai I aA catchTIM oiad «H tk*
•MM Itj mvA 4Mp«r. A trleksT
•nU mM. «iMl ud flaw7.
nfahUb-r hat." MUdead paatad. paMM
I. both baada ap to atnlAbtaa tba brim
•wtrta; Ton floplr could not poost on, od bar baadptace.
arhat It mlfbt or nlcbt not do. aapa- ] Bllla aorrarad It crlUcaOr- *^t i»—
ctaltr to btu parebad parlloualT open not azactlr a walklat bat," ba said,
apwlr brwbod aofl ptiBa,
<1 •T.'ew—wbr didn’t yon wiK for TOur
Mlidrad bad put on bar nadnlant’falrr
aaerwa. aaanUaatir falaa. bnt naiT,>a- bona pawarT A ear. Baklv «■ own
eoBlnc. with mora Uao BaMan prtbJ. | wind, can beat tbta asall diaturbanca
Anna, bar aider aiatar. a dtatrawtnslr baada down.'
tmtbful pamoa. bad waiebad bar ba- j 'Tatry podBotban want out wltb
tarMb crttldna and admiration, as^, Santa Ctaiw." Mlldrad aald. blnablns
bad eadad by raytnf:
Ilalntly. but trying to fgnora tba nndar“You'd battar wiH tor Harrlat. Bora ‘ maanlnc of bta wordi.
aa TOO walk. If tba mlddla path la so
Na ahook hta baad at bar. “A
Bialtarad. yooll gat to Klba a tag-rag." , akaptlc.” ba aald aorrowfully. “Wb*t
ACJIdrad bad phakes bar baad. mH- ' am I going to do about It? I want bar
tag cB DBcaay amlla. '8ha had plannad to bellara-ob. a great aaoy thinga."
“«-bat ion of thlngar’ Mlldrad
to go In tba gray auto with Harrlau
bar beat rbum. That waa brfora Har> atkad. atlll elutebing bar bat. “But
riat bad rlaan to haigbta of patranlB- wait and tall tna after 1 bare found
iBg aoBdeacaBBloB—rootad apparanUr abaltcr.’ aba added, making to walk on.
Tba wind blew harder than arar. In
tr MUdrad’a aaad ad Ua fsvon doM
aba oould baraly
: Binca. aad am mlBclng aba tottarad.
•tandlad bar. Bade blaMU a
laounn aaa an
aa«I ^laM. and bb ob:
Battar wort troMBB
root of tba Battar
of EUta BanaoBi<
naawmd to iba ^
“One la—tba raaaOB t vast Bway.
than tairlT< Did you ranSr baUara tt bm boalHe waa fairly /
[, a an aSraa
• Ba»i?“
good looking,
par that bad-Aeat him aronnd
• I didnt know.- Mlldrad aald ilmworld, oatanafbiy oa bnBaaaa. but‘ ply—bnt
bar heart waa beating faat.
■era for tba aaka of naalng algfata
Benatm lookad down at bar Vitb a
•Bd woBdm Ha bad baan WBBdarlng- ikindly anlSBlcal Mila: “It waa—tba
thraa full yaan. wblcb U tbair p
■ greateat of all bnalnata.’ ba aald. “As
g bad Rnnaformad
tiBBifarBad Harriat and MUlUi- affon
to—know my own baan.“
pig-tallad pair ba bad lorad
drad. tba pig-tnllad
“Indeed r Mildred Touehaafed. drawto pat aad taaaa, into fnll-fladgad. ing
a little away, tn fear ba might
Tomg woman. Ha had brongbt tbam- ,oraibaar the riot of her blood.
Brtaga of baada—tornnotaa for fair
Ha nodded. "I seed a wife." he
MIMrad. aocal for dark Harrlat—aad
n knew It—the
bad not draaaad of aortbiog bat mlnuta
aaw yon—_nd Harriet. Both
_______ 1___
claipiBg the etrangi about yontbfnl nf you sMmed exactly Bade for me—
tbroaia. and taking kleaaa In reward, yet. eoclaty u ao narrow, I had .to
TCban ha bad actually made tba glfta. cbooaa—"
praeanUogtbeB etlOy. albeit bit eyea 1 -tou ware aura of na, 1 gnppoae!"
twmklad. be had langbad Inwardly— Mildred Interrupted,
parbapa at bit own former folly.
| Ha ahook hie head. "1 waa anra
Ha liked thes if they bad grown of-^otbing." ba aald. “Not all the
np-and rarynanrly equally. But einco time I waa gone—1 came back aa nnHarriat bad ao much. Mfliy atTlltUa. l caruln."
Hera tba wind took a atroBBer hand
—blew and blew until perforce ba
draw Mlldrad well witbln bli arma
Tba blaat drowned tbe purring of a
motor moring so laggardly one knew
it nun rery aoon stop dead. Slop tt
did. Jupl level with tbe pair; a nXra
from within aald. wltb an nnderacld
“Congratulatlona-^ tbay are la or-



Less UabllKy ef gpreed ef Oleaese
Where Vloeka Cac Be Kept Sep­
arate and Glean Range.
Thera are many adrantagae in
keeping fowls In small flocki. There
U lata liablUty to tbe spread of dis­
and .they may ba g^ven free
raagr. .\lthougb the colony bouse
would cost more than a long building^

Tbe Kayea Celaeiy Heuaa.
tbara' are no fenoea to put np and
they may be occasionally moved to
clean, unconumlnated ground, sayi
tba Farm and Home.
Colony bofmaa enn ba bidH any else
daetrad. but one large anougb to acDodau from 40 to EO fowta wUl
gira beat reaults. Two types of
houeet are tbown berawlib. The Til
llnghast bouse Is one of many In use
on tbe large pouJtiT and fruit farm
of 0 G. TtUlngbaat of Hartford coun
ty. Conn. It ii built of a single thick
. of boardt and ta divided Into
two rompanmeota, one being uaed
for laying and aleeplng quaViera and
tbe other for a acroicblng ahed.
A better and aomewhit more npenslve bouse ta the Kayes boose,
which IsHOxlO feet. 4 feet high at
tbe eavea and ( feet at tba ridge.
Three rooaU run acrosa the abort
way of tba touae at tba rear and,
which ta Bade tight. Tbera la a door
in front and a large window at tbe
weat aide, wblcb ta cloeed with a gtaaa
saih In aevera weather. Otbarwlaa
the house Is open both day and nlgbt.
the door and window being corered
with wire netting. Over 20 of these
bousea are uicd on a Maaaarbusetta
poultry farm. They are alao uaed
largely by Mr. TlUlngbaat. who buUda

For tbd prodoetten of corllgud aOk.
tbe bamy^ abould be troa from
mannra and well drained, ao that It
may not barbor sugnant water. Tba
manuTW wblcb collocU «aeb day
should not bo plied close to the barn,
bat abonld ba ukan aavaral bundtod
mloa are obaarvad n« only
arlB tbe barnyrnd ba free from oblac
tbs milk, bnt tba t
tm^ »1U bgcoi
In the atabla clei
-Krirtly obaerved. Tba atabtaa should
ba well ventitaied. lighted and drained
and should bava tight floors, preforoblv of cement never of din­
gey should ba whltawaahed Inalda
at least twice a year, unless tbe walls
are pointed or of smeetb cement ftntab
which can ba washed frequently.
Tbe ak should always be fre»b and
without kwd odor A suncieat num­
ber of 4aoieroi should be provided to
enable the neceasary work to be prop­
erly dona dnrlng tbe dark bonrs.
The mannra abould be removed
twice dally, except when the cows are
ouioide tn tbe fields tbe enUre time
between tbe morning nnU afternoon
mllklnga Tbe manure gutter Bust
be kept In a aanttary condition.
All sweeping must be finished before tbe grooming of the cows begins,
so thst tbo air may be free from dut
at the time of milking.
Remove tbe milk from each cow
from tbe suble tminedtately after It
is obialned to a cleat room and strain
through a aterlUaed strainer of cboeaeclotb and absorbent cotton.
Tbn rapid cooling is a math
great importance Tbe milk should
be cooled to 4S degrees F. within an
hour and not allowed to rise above
that as long aa It 1a la tba bands of
producer or dealdr.
In ordrr to assist In tbe rapid cool­
ing. the bottles abould bo cold before
tbe milk Is put Into them.
All uieailts should bo as almple In
consinu-ilon as possible, and ao made
that they may be tborongbly sterUlaad
before each nslng
I'oolera, if used, abonld be aterlllsad
in a cloaad aterllUer, nnlaas a very

•Tbey are." Baaaon said.
-At lean I hope ao." lifting MlU#ad'a
band tobli lipa. inberoarbandded:
"Darling, tbe wind eboaa for me. Tba
minute. It flung yon In my nrmi—I

“A real amirt lawyer can do almost
nnyttalsg." aald Aid. Max Grass, in reUtfng a certain court action. "It re­
minds me of a siory.
"Some years ago^ a man was arrest-.
of tbe best men In tbe city on criminal
"The man was brought to trial.
Testimony was given by both aldesAll material testimony by the prosecnither Inellnad to do Bore fop
bsd net I
by the attorney
ill VonT-n bad had
the defense. When the trial endHartlB. wnd.
was Uivd of tba Meb and
tnn^ conntryaldA Sbn wanted n chain were mlasing.
“*Tou are dlacberged,’ aald tba
busWnd who would taka ber ont Into
Ua thick of Ulnga. Furlbar. as an court to tbe prlatmer "
"Tbe prisoner stood Irresolnle.
only child and taelraes. aba bad grown
“'Do you nsderstand?' asked Ua
np rather apollad. to think that tbe
beat of eYerylhlng waa ber due. Mll- court. 'You are discharged.'
“Still tbe prisoner stood mute.
dred'a ebann for bar bad lain in a cer“Ton are discharged.’ again aald
slty. wlbleb made ber
|r srllllng bnt <eager to rra tba court. Ts tbera anything claa that
B ayaiyUlng. the Srst pUca. you wanl.'
judge.'answers^ tbe man. 1
Banana had coma borne In B>dMiB'
In September ba bad gone away would like to know whether or not I
for a wbUa. Nov in late October his have to reiiim the watch and ebajuT"
nvnt Mn. Labc. mlstreea of Klba. the —Mliwankaa FVea Press.
•bow place of Ua naigbborbood. waa
Goad Work af Engliware.
gtrlag a garden party, which aha call­
The BoMe of MoatBartra, Paris,
ed ber ehrmanthaBtim abow.
BlUs waa cenlng back for tt-tea lbs “aaerad" Mount of Martyrs, “the
Btirt ar'eybody knew. TbaraTva (dBpls of Ua world." baa bean plarcad
B»rtB bad ordered thraa new Iroefca by angioaers working for tba Nordfor U. parUy bacauaa aba could not 8ud railway. Xwo and a half yatra
hSTa been occupied la the oparaiioa.
Tba pleasant fact, connected with the
tunnallng. tbit will put tbe famous
dnd. who eonld do
mako oTer bar grandmaBma'a ptnk Plaoa Plgalle In direct communication
bfoeado. Tiaa bad aonenad H and. wlU Ue Ptaca Constantin Prcqnnr—
lhanka ta hobble skirts, tba panara. an Impontni Hnk la the chain of un­
sraa aside. When at last tba frock derground Paris—ie the absancs of alt
waa finlsbad. tonebed here and Uara •ccldrnta. And ya( tfais Mount
wlU cobweb yelloar lacs, and won Martyrs, upon wblcb In pnrfbail Uadevfnlly SOad to Mildrad'a llaaomi great Cburcb c( Bacto Oo«Br, IP <i—-j
allaneB. It bsd truly an air of Pnrtu gvoon poU to work la.
all Ue Bora Uu aba bad pot IMa tP
TrHIo Dtoeancarting.
Ua eat4wt CHntt oC Wna, ksnetly.
Mr. Kawlyrlch (who hu at last
h» Being
‘ '
. a wu
n hint ^ tba mma Baneuvarad bU ruby ring nndar tba"
Wl Jtwt

Ua dtiSr feathers of bar ayes of tba grraf foreign banker)—
brtdakriniinsd white hat. Altogether, Ah. Baron. 1 see you've at last
whan at-last abe was ready to go. Head niy beautiful mbies:
The Bsroo isadlvi-Acb. yes! Day
Anna was not far wrong In naytng.
make me tblak of borne—I baf a i
with a regretfnl algb-.
"It’s a Uaaa to let you waste your- telpleU of dam dare.—Byetandar.
naif—lookiBg as yon do—bet yon ah
Caavaruatlotisl Btfotagy.
wmya wars toe bard-hended Tor any“I observe that you nerar contra­
Tba mtdSla paU. Ua abort cut to dict any theory Uat Mr. Heftybrana
Bbn. ran aquarely Into tba Bate dHva admneas."
"Y«n.~ replied kitaa Cayanpa: "ba'a
as It ourrad m troM the bigbway. The
pnU lad over a attla to badge, cue- likely to gal Urougb talking a
■tngiy bidden by tall ahmbs. Mildred sooner U yon don't break In and gugbad got Btfaly orar this stile, and was gaB new loplea."
settling beraMf ta walk the rest of Ua
pnMaaraoBy. when Ua artnd taw at
kaeidBoat wToneblacog ber bat. and
Mrs- Hoyle—I undarBand your haawrapping bar long coal so etoeety bend has nroney (o bum.
•boot bar sba could barely more.
Mrs. Do.vie—Tea; and 1 can abow
Tbara wna nothing tor u but to go you tbe eramalory.

Mt on

f Ba Free Fram M*-


A TIlHnghssl Colony House.
Caalee and Bottling Maohlnofy.
iheoi of Inch msirfaed boards, both
sides and roof. Tbe one llluatratad high temperataro can be obtained by
1s i-nvered wltb a good grade of pre­ tba ateam sent through them
Bottling machtnea abonld ba mado
pared roofing.
entirely of metal with no rubber
about tbam. and abould ba aterlUMd
CARE OF POETRY DROPPINGS In tbe cloeed atarllUar before aacb
Only Way ta Bava Nitrogen It to GM
Freeh Manure Inu Soli Immedi­
ately—Heats Rapidly.
.nr It P BPF-/'K )
Some years ago Peruvian and other
gnanos were largely ^d by farmers.
NVbab pure tbase guanos consisted of
the mannra of sea birds. In the rainleas regions of Ibe west rout <>f South
America vut numbers of set blrls go
10 rerinin Islands to bread and rooat.
Aa It seldom or never rains there. Us
manure dries rapidly. Mixed with It
bodies of dead birds and. Osh.
which the birds feed. This maiertal.
Is dug up Slid crushed Into a powder
end makes a flne fenillxer
Some farmeri bad an Idee that
manure ta an valuable as this guano—
because both .are bird ntanure. Tbta
Is not so. Tbe r^e of manure de­
pends on wbat the ^Imal eats. 'Qfese
aaa bird* live largely on, flsb=^food
rich In nhrogen and phoopborir acid.
Nainrally tbeir minnre ts richer Uan
that of bene fed largely on grain
Kvery one knows thst ground
r meat would prove a badter fartllUar than coin Bsaal. ‘nia
bn found In ^ onaarV
mda fram feeding tbam. Is found tn the
fact t^ tba guano Is promptly dried
and has no chance to best and 1%*Ynent. thus driving off Its nllrogen. On
the other hand, every one who keeps
^ullry knows how quickly ben
cure gives off ammonia, for tbit is
plalhly evident In the smell As ben
It usually handled, probably
half Its nitrogen Is lost In tbta way.
With ^bet farm animals the solids
and Uqdids ars voided separately—
and -aa all know the Uqiilds coitaln'
of. the available plant food and
B«*t likely to ferment and send
Bimonla In the ben the nollds
nod liquids are voided .loge-ber. Most

aa “common aenae." and « ipped <
r disk.

Daipv Notps
Kxpand yonr feed supply with a
Economy In feeding tbo dairy cow
never plncboa tbe railon.
Tbe alio lends itaelf admirably to
efforts at Intensive fsrmltig
on mesl or cottonseed meal and
ensilage is prartlcslly as good
Ntebing la tr"«r than corn Bear do
bolfirr up tbo calvaa’ aklB milk.
AlfaUa and anaUaga mska n ■
.Barfaet ration. Com and anallaga

BHn alOMi less digesilbla than
.wbola milk. Tba safety Ilea la light

’ HiBdUDg eggs baa been foond an
ideal aide line for tba craamery wben
properly regulated;
Practically all eaaea of dlftcnli
churning ear be readily
methods of bandnog
Notbtng ever came ao near turning
December Into June for dairy c
and abeep as tbe sllo.
Plenty of hot w ater must be used
In keeping tbe dairy utensita clean
during the bnt weatbar
Impatience wltb the heifer that U
rresbening lor tbe flrat time ta
aure way of apolUng tba cow
The length of the stall atoald ba
adjusted by tba also of tbe cow. and
always used by the same cow.
Cans nsed for ahlpplDg awewt craem
must be perfectly-c4ean If a floe qu|31
ty of cream Is to be furniahed
Probably tbe moat prolific wrarea
of milk contamination, as far as :
bera are concerned, ta tbe milk oteaalla.
Keep Varda Clean.
One way to oavo toad UUs ta te
Keep tbe poultry'yards-rlsaned ap
and allow nothing that Jtss been teft ptotect the cows from die# daring tbe
uneaten by the fowls to accumubtia anmmar and tbe noM weather ta tbe
and decoinpoae.


My Lady’s

Plan Olvan tar Coop to J

Ghost Stories
That AreTnie

(By Hllg. K. A. GRIViX.)
If a boy baa fowta of bU own. ba
ill want to msnaga them ao aa to
keep them separata from tbe oiber
poultry on tba form. Tbe following
plan which U arranged to accommo­
date ter or twelve bona and a male,
Some years ago an Illinois phyalTbe tail m which Jimmy Rogers bas been found •aitaractory.
etan. Df. 3. Q..W. Entwblsila Uvtii*
wss Iv-ing rushed uplowu from the
Tba coop to question 1s flve feet la onp of tbe I'bicaco suburba, was
ProRsylvanla ststloa came to an
wide and twelve feet long, giving a hurrylag one morning to Caleb a train
nipt atop. It was ooly -Fifty-nlnib floor apace of sixty aqoare feel—Bva for that city. As he croasad a atreet
street am) when the chauffeur rviurttcu
six square feat per ban. It Is sit be saw approacblng bln an aeqoalntfrom a quirk examinatloo to tall Rag. feet high at tba front and four feel once, once wcUiodo. who bad ruin­
era that be could not take bim no far at the back, and ta built from cheap ed himself by drink. Dr. KniwblsUa,
tber Jimmy swore softly under tala lumbar and covered with tarred root­ gtanring at bim at they met. noticed
ihsi bU clothing was torn, his face
“Great 8«ott. manl I bare to ba
Tba door Into tba coop it put. at one bruised, and that there waa n cot un­
np at Scvcniy-clgbtb atreal in
aad of tbe front wail. It is closed wuh der one eye He noticed, too, that
a frame covered with wire netting bav. the oU>^r kepi looking steadily at him
‘Borry. boss, but this here machine Ing m curtain of muolln on tbe inside wltb a ~woo-b«gone. CoAloroaken ex­
won't run another Block tonight."
for use in tb? cold weather. The up­ pression." lUd bo not. been tnaueb
Jimmy looked from the ehauffcor's per baU of the remaining pan of tbe a hurry he would have stopped and
tD>l>criurbable face lo bis own large front if latao left open aud covered
tuticaae and the threofoot boi
with netjlng. with an Inrlde muslin
American BcaiiKcs that ba was
At^tbe MatloB Dr. RnlwbUllo mat
Ing to his hostess. No! Tbo thing
In the warm weather fbeoe curialna bU-hroiherin-law. and said, wbUo tba
was Impoulble: lie simply i
re kept rolled up. but tn cold weather irMn was drawlag la:
have a taxi.
they are Ul down ownr tbe opanlngs
"Oh. by abe way. ljust saw Charila
In dr«i>eratlon Jimmy pat bis bead
Tbe only other openings la the coop M. and be was a slgm He must have
out the window and^baiP-d tbe flrM
-a fonr IKOa squara doorwaya eight been on a to[,rible tear."
macbme that parsed. Ij was a great by ten tncbea in .slxe.
- -Hoih men. as it happened, bad buallimousine and tt came to a stop beIn the center of the hack wall, two vesa a: the Grand ractfic, hotel aad
aide the isxl.
feet above ib«
.u- floor,
.-vv... fasten a
- frame
...-. went dirrclly there from the trala.
ril give you a Aver if you take
feet wide and three feet lnnK.’xhev were wet by a mutual trtaiid
up to .Sevcniy-cigbth atrect," Jlmmy carrying two roosting poles This! wp„ had a copy of the Cbicago Trlbpromlscii the cbaaffrbr.
ftsina abould be binged to ihe wall.l u„r tn hta band,
"Jump in quick;" ouno tbe ready ao U can be raised out of tbe wart "Hello." he greeted them “Dld.joa
when desired[ know ilvai Charlie M ta dead! Her# 1a
Rogers lost no lime. Witbm the
font from the floor. « noilce In the paper, staling tbal his
Inxiirinm ear Jimmy streienod hiv make n Utile platform of boaeda to bo,;v is al the morgue He was killed
long legs and sniffe<l the oeenied air catcIr'tW .droppings.
pplngs. Do ruit
ru.t fasten
fasten' ,n » ssloqg flgbtr-Tbe |*uo' hasn't got
-My lady's llnionslne." thought Rog. this anywhere, oa. you will want to
qulie^Tiffkt.'bul from
era and glanced at the fur-Uned car. take It up 10 clean It.
^ the deicriptlon
rlagc slippers on ibe flmu.
On the front corners of the wsl- enougb."
Suddenly an Idea rircrk Jimmy. Ing frame pul' lega a fi«ot long, whlrh
"Ilm he ran't be dead." -skid Dr. .
Why not show a Il'tle appreciation f«t should rest on this dropping board;
EntwhisiTe aghast. -'fOr II was only a
the timely nse of ber ear? He would when the roost Is lowered In place.
few minutes ago that 1 met him on
leave one meat American Beauty
Have both resUng mdes the aarao the street In Knglewood "
the lasc liy the ntiiror.
■o Ibe frame will aUnt.
beigbt. I
Nevertheless, It turned out that
The rote waa acarcely In ita place
Ine. directly above the rhsrile H. was dead, and that bta body
before the maelUne came to a
nail Strips of Inch board ao aa bad been taken to tba morgue oevJimmy aprang out lightly and for In raiike a frame the oame eixe, or a
hours before Dr. Kotwbtaile
the cbsuffeur'i soke, quickly.
trifle.larger, than the roost itself.
thought be atw him In the Chicago
"Here you are. old man." be gava
To this tack iirlpa of burlajhaackthe man bis money; "you've done me ing long enough to reach tba floor. suburb'
eamewhat different order, but
a good service."
even more remarkable Is an expert"Mura's the word.” grinned
enen reported by an Englishwoman
ehatiffeur. and went awitily off to call
whose name, tor reasons tbat will b^
for his niUtress at tbe opera.
eotne ofavlniis. It would lie Improper t»
if Amy Wide counted only cteven
Che With Iter husband the had rnAmerican Beauties in the bog Jimmy
cenily moved Into a flue old mansla&
gsve her she did not mention tbe fact
surrounded by a charming park, with
"\Vr thouRbi you were lost." she
n broad stretch of lawn helween tha.
him later. whCn ba entered the draw
trees and the house. The place had
■ and Run.
for many yenra been the bomn of A
• Nothing but a broken-down taxi,
and wide enoogh to completely aur- f«mlly of anrlent lineage,
laughed .llmmy
One night, abortly after 11 o'ebtek,
“Well see tbat you dont lose yonr
*ben Mrs. M. hid gone up to ber bedheart to any of the pretty Iowa girls
At the lower edges pul atata
she thought she heard n moantonight and break IhaL"
sound, and someone sobbing ns
Dick tt'ade added: “Tbcr«ni be a
- . .
VV,.,....I« 1. ...A. ■ .ilAl.A.,
curraius. on cold
niglus this mskca,thMch
In great distress,
bum h of them there.
“Wade .1 nm exacxerair." decldt-d a song and vel, not stuffy sleeping!. Tlplorlng over to a window on the
■talrcase landing she raised tba
JIrbmy. when aa b«ur later bit e>ea place for'ihe kiddles.
The neat bexos-two am plenty- blind and cautiouily peered out.
traveled from one beautiful face
should b« pis. rd in the darkest part
Ilelow, on the Iswt. In tbe pale tfow
other. Wondca.* bnmelles and
*» •m*slag
iiiian-crowiicd heads were Ihere of the roop This will bo against the; of »ho
front wait. In tbe corner Unbcal from!
A mldle aged
aoHing that ibrong ql tbe Iowa
fare and wearlag a general's nnlform,
Mrs. Wade was approacblng bim, tbe odter door.
wsi standing menacingly over a young
and with her was a vision in yellow
girl who. with bands clsgped In
Al Icav^t Jimmy tbeugbt she w
Cars of the Brooder.
anguish was on her kneea before him.
vision until be tonnd that he was
Brush out tbe braoders every other At the sight of his hard, unreleaiing
log a very warm tingling band within day. changing the material used 4n
expression. /Mrs. M‘s one Ifaoughl was
bis ow-n.
floor covering. This may be of bran,
“I have lold you all about Jimmy sand, aawdusi. or paper, but must b« not of fear for berself, but of pIlF
for the unforlunaie girl.
Rogers. Filth, wo h*; good tn bim-ri
dry. Damp bedding induces disease
“Without a moment’s healfatlon.''
1* nil alone In Ihla big cli.v." ,Amy every lime.
the ssy>. "J ran down the sialroase
Wade>s#t a laughing glance at her It Is necessary to wash tl
to the door opening upon the lawn lo
two friend! and went In search of her brooder choose a warm, aunny day. i
beg h-r to come In and tell Bo her
tbal the rhU-ks will not need li. ir
“So 1 tnust be good to yon.” Faith it can be thoroughly dried before r
tS*hen she rrsrhed the door the fig­
Carter looked at Roger* from under turning them at night. If these eo
ures of the suldler and the girl were
her lasbra and decided tbe task would dlHons cannot be compiled with,
■tin plainly visible on the lawe. and
not be dlBlrult.
temporary brooder m»y be used f.
precisely the oamt
•'Certalnlv •• Jimmy Rogers'
the day by raesns of a box nod one or at the sound of her v
was such as to bring a slight flush
two Jiiga of hot water well wrapped
Into Fsiib't cheeks. "And smee you In flannel, the latter serving the peared.
afterwards, when calllog
ba'vd'^jrders to be good to mi
double purpose of bolding In <be heat with her husband al a relgbbartaH
going to'Wresrass and ask you
and preventing a cbick.being crowd house, she noticed on tbe wall the por*
pertinent question.”
ed up and burnt.
trail of a diailngutahed looking man in
Faith's startled eyes met hii
a military unlfom, At Mce abe reo“Why have you abaoluiety ruined a
ognlsed It
most beautiful cociume and rotor ef­
“That." iho told her husband In na
fect by wearing that American Rcatitv
underlone. "is a picture of the oflicer
rofe? I watched you coming inward
I saw on the lawn."
me and thought you—perfect, save for
Aloud she asked:
that one Jarring note”
“Whose porirsti Is that?"
Faith Carter laughed a quick, aerr- i Cklekens mull have green food,
••Why." replied her host, ritto k
ous iliile laugh and glanced down at
AH hens like to lay In dark neat
the one thick s'emmed rose that she boxes
led liutbe I
had thnin among tbe AOft tea roses
The hens will rellih a feod of srwlj.
that you now occupy.
of her eoraage bonqnM.
>4 <,its »nv time
Rogers reallsad that be Was waitNever set a thin. lou«y ben.
When she bad lold the sti^. her
ing Tlth great expectanry ftV ber an- wnn't nav her time out.
host eiplalned:
iwer. The rose seemed suddewtrrio
CMckena are often considered
"Whai you say 1a most singular. Firr
have a«sunied enormous pre.-orflona' nuisance l.y the farmer,
tn his eyes.
1 on cold evenings the hens must be It 1s an uohappy fact that Sir X T'o
youngest daughter a beautiful girl,
"This rose." said Faith when be bad
brought disgrace upon the fsBily. and
seated bimself beside her on the wide
A llt'le esyenne pep^r In tbe mash
was disowned and driven from homo
divan, "fo-ond Its way very myaicn- will warm tbs bens up and help
by her father aad died broken­
ously loto my Umouaine w&iie | was colds,
listening to Caruso tn Rigoletto this
Especially at thta time of the year, hearted ••
Here, then, are two lypleil “gboot
afternoon So you aee." she laugb'M. the fl-eless brooder ta to be recom
iiories.''. They ckslli-nie bcjlef, and
mockingly, "tbere ts hope that I have mended.
an unknow-n admirer.”
Cos! oil and rarhollc acid are good moiuassuredty I mould not bare re­
“I doubt if Ce remains long un­ lice and mite ktllera as well as dis- lated them had they not been well
aiitlientP sted. It do-n not­
known Jimmy Rogers uid
"Oh: Here you two are:' Amy
Some bens seem to 'know whpn It ever. itisl bet-aiis* authenticity has
been established It Is neeessarT to
U'ade and her husband came up to ta feeding time. It will psy yoassume thst they Imply actual vlsttabreak tbe silence.
humor them and be prompt and r
tlona from the dead. On the rontrarr
"1 say. Jimmy." pal In Dick Wade
roodera theory of ghosts ihst In­
by way of making converssMon, •nhe
Sprou'ed oats ta perhaps the hc»t
variably. when they are real gbostn
nfxt time >ou buy roses for^my-wife and cbespesi green food In winier.
and no'B apurious product nf credaPtr
•ee Uiai you get full measure. There Is also good for fowls penned np
deception, they nre dtsilneity tubwas one eby In tbe box and American •ummer.
Beauties eonct. That one Faith ta
It Is best tbal tbe young tnrkeya boermltting
. ti
toying with Just reminded me."
rome accustomed to their attendant
< the ^
- Faith turned ber >yes so suddenly and to al! persons and animals about crroilon In tbe mindss of
or persons seeing them. In other
and forcefully on Jimmy Rogers tbat tbe place
he fMpRke a small and very guil-y
Ashes srittterwd ahont tbe fl^oor words, a real ghoat la never an objec­
schoolboy “You look guilty. Mr. Rog­ help to .keep h ctasn, help keep the tive phenomenon like a tree or .a
ers: I believe the twelfth rose bss air pure and bare value as dtsl bouse. Lena learaedir. It It always s
ease of “aeeiag things where Iher
gone astray."
Infeetanti. ."I will confess." Jimmy told ber unFor early batebes U Is best to give ain't." That ta to aay, it U a balluder bis breath, "tbat 1 myself would not more thso eleven eggs to s ben. elnaUoD.—Hampton Columbinn Macstray a tbouoaud Ume< If. tn tbe end, or Ihoee on the outer edge may be­ nxlne.
I might find so wondrous a neat."
come exposed and chilled.
Faith glanced at bUn from benentb
The Damagon.
.toy egg esters In the flock? Make
her lasbes
Pat—McOnire ta dead!
the nests as dtrk as poaslble; that
• Perhaps one *ira« log in yoor case,
JlB-Dend? Waa be iBStired?
•^..wlll l^elp If 'hat doesn't dl«-ourage
would do," abe rwmarked.
Fat—Ne; he's a total Iona.—lifn
* ‘the culprit, sbarpet up the ax.






i Ur«» bor» ud
«o yoa «Bi *V Uw 8
P»d OUM* rwn* o« to
thi tko forwrr Mt« hU crop*. «M look
lo tottottoA
to «• 'Hly IW tholr protoedo*.
*M«*r before uookiv Btm4« C- P«« Um cfcUdrM UpoM «k «v eM*. Hop!Ac to
tn» yo. «
, I n♦ Then to their ourptlto.—»h»t do
No* jotir PreoMeai will prtot one Ue. hnd appentetf *t auMOU end
- Mb.
^ ron think they •»«? Not enow httt mom tetter in her rWL tt !• fran kUled Cnpt. Ow«u aad bonod ^
Ait^ Undck.
Yo»r ea^toer.
^ tiny mtte POTrer drop* cnUr avinc- an old«- Suuhlne boy. Hntold Ketile. hMue e\er hit hc*4Th« vteier nporu m« (rant ten.
Leoaon faltar.
* tac <m lhalr«rMt htedca. .They ho who Bote^- to FlorMn rlshi or ten
The «lam «aa sl*a« at SarpMh. and Mktoc la hioor thu alUthg
Tta aart^ aoax waa uaod |b *TW

eloarly laoaabled the anov and bad year* ace.' He baa aerer rcrcoiies and Wm. U- n'hlUker d>patEhad to deva bUL
aaaablao natodata'b VtalC*
•____ _

ao completely deceived the people the Sunahihr riub. and thi* week b.« FOn Mead for help. *l>e purauta*
,H,ic abwer. i« «“■“
***“ •**®* '“?• •"•*««» >«•»». telereaUn* letter party f««n the MaaateO aecltoo -a.
CiU. Wtr. MichCwa. MIeh. a T. D. No. 1.’

that they micbt be a .lea to Al the .boot tbo early htetory of Florid, hcled b, Oapt John Addlmm. hU
j^r. IS. Mi;, Dear
♦ beginning to poep ont In the Sunshine '“J.I that the anow bad all dropped
It made your PreaMeet look u? aon. Ueut Wm. Addlaon. 8erft. I>ate Dear Preeidaot—
I tare ae««r vrltuo to Hto Boaort-n. -1«.1 1. Urn. ..
Mr teacher wanu n* to erlte -a let- ahiae Ctnb before. ] go to ee>Kr«l
I. «,■. -Old •• ™ “ 1 the caAh BO they «6u){. dates, and plaree. and faru and Pc- To«nsed, and John WhMde*. the
area nhont "The Land of Floe-era. ' trailer. The party overhauled iba In- ter to the Snabla* pace for Uacnacc every day l~«U- I am I■ the aecood
m „t hear eorlnc calUncr
'***) back and sineJ
p-iver .-.u.
Perhap* it *IU nake you do the aame. dUn* d Peaae <Yeek. *b»e the In- today. I have never orittao to the grade. | ta«V nearly t*0 otlHa to
Don't you all bo|>e Katherine *111 ••»<» « •<». U«old* letter *111 certain dlana bad erutoipwl
They waited Sunahine pace before. I go to arhool *alk to acboei I an. eight yean «dd
ftoarblne history- ««"
««ll the o..,
next .w
day. aub,..hillowcd th«u
them to---------to every day.

t*U u. another «ory before loner U be a. good a, r ——
. ....D In .vthe ibitxS grade, and have
« ,AJ
"2, the
JoahuM ctieek. where a tart* en m> teachor'a nauM 1* >li>i Ruth Me- Joaeph SamuaC who Is B.'a y««^
epringrh.*ora.“ your Pnesl- Perhaps
Pcrh»W aha *111
*i'l be
be writing
^ilng books.
hooka. *wl-gcOgrapb>
*wl-gcOgraph> Icssoor
♦ ‘^t ,^11 « rnTnl rraRy^^ irac This ««>« of tbeae days, who know.? And
roponvllle. Fla.
Ragetnent took pUco m>d the Indians Can,. 1 like her vec ywell iUroM tad. tVlU you plm., .,*1 me a card
„ b,,,-.then *e will all be proud to toy.
Mar: 19. Mi:. »rre ovcrpo.ered.
Ha'ton Is my aetamate. W. slide and button, and I tamM UU to iota
♦ *
‘ '
-Why. yea, I rsod her Brat atorle* In Iter PreideutThI, ends the si..ry .d the atuck
hill at mam. It I. ll.u of fun. the Sunshine n.b.

the Sunshine psgeV
I rromtad you « h..« letter, lellinc
' '“I
*"«1 1 have f o mites to go to achool, 1
With love from
• bmiid o(




Ralaa and Raca'****^
Harold Yaonp r*H« •onrtto*
. Im
*««e to «Dcry or
1 tall-try to ta as happy
aa. «ta
and niak.
tnak* cveryhady
evaryhady happy
a* far a* I can.
I tall try to he teelnp. helpful
and' kind
to eyarybedy
and “
----------------------- --------otary llrlnfl Ihlcf.
tf I ever fall In trying
thas* thing*. I will -Try, try

............... *:


zxx ,

The grasses are catching the Mnshlnc,■ shiny
.n*,-..-.,.Die dlttcrcui place* -r
Your k-vlug Sunshine bo.v,
mj aistiT's tat Is fourteen }car» old, the brclnnlng of
The _____
letter - ___
to eipla-n
of i...
luAnd the birdie Is warbling a
ItaroM Kc-.tlv.
must elose. so gdod-by.
I am sure you wlU ta a «n* a
alcDod, "Msbel Fish." and your Presl tereal K- the lonrtsis. Some of the
Knmi your Sunshine buy.'
I* sire ihst manyof you are pDtea l-}iave nev-er seen myself, but
Wake up. little modest spring violet,
Pirac Vk* PraaWcRt—Mr*. Mahal
JuUu* Bourvhi.
KIk Rvund*. MUU. R, F. D. No. I,
I faiiiHlsr a-lth the name, for Msbel have learhrJ about them from people
There it one name to add to the
with )-our rye of suub a-onderh
iitHir opoued
osf* name?
||ar. l«.'l*i:.
•aua William*.
to frequently
contributeatorlea who hsv« bent to them. Perhaps the|•«^rTe«aHld^lHT^ itiul. thU Wini Is »reku
bluebUc+ and whUe cat once. Uear/IVealdcntwork Sunshiny* woold like to read about Hourdo. Oiiirns. Mhh.. R. F. 11. No. I
BbomM Vic*
Ramerey Bhldda.
**** *”**
Th • the ilto.k on Braden Castle, which A letter h.vs r^eiilly come from one named T.tacns
L«ni s Utti* Ctrl eltat yeara oM.

1 go to school every gay. • My teach^
lagolSi logetonwIihbut
I*<> P«“» ibai appear under the 1. a |«rt of the bimory of norida. of the rortospondcnce member, aay
n wlihbut you?
Ipg that ll seems I
, .
of -Sunshine Pomus" today arc This is r hat I tell the tourists:
Cills i’lor. Mli-b
er's name 1* Uenha OrekMt. 1 hav»
replies. Your Pr-sldent thinks ihal
^ fan taee rWlag at achool.
_______ of Mabef's seIccUon. and she has sent
co,Tv:ated with the lilstorr
Is a Mg bill war the school
Your lace nmkes ns think of the
hulpful llltle vc.-afr* that we south i'orlUa -eiaoda the preaent
bouse, and there la a big hill «ear
wliruave here:
lo*n ta Manatee, the oldest town on
When the nauiea ami addreaees of th.- «ouW ari.d you a few lined and toO my home. too. and ay hrother bu
■.. .
«, ,K. Cradls Hall When tre' *c« you all etulllng and tVhere am I golng'io? Never nitiidJ the peninsnia, south of Tampa
j«u ijxrut ui> school.1 have tou of kHt of Tun riding. My bU brother
rumwr w nama# an w r»*
Juat-Jollow the algnbtmrd ibal aaya acitleim-iii diies back to the fall of nee Carrespoodco.- members si-c
printed In the Suiudhue page, copy j„n sliding down bill. I am lu the Tommy is elerch year* oM- And I
As aofUy the old church bells ring.
Iktl. «h<n it bocanre the Prat and
them into a little note book, aud beer*
have a little brtaher. WD. HI* nanve
nearest ties.
ouly fruniier town cf that section, it*


April I. Mie, zjur.

KMIM C. Monroe.“■"torse iCIt^.
Non KoMrik. Omcm*. MKk. IL F.
Olidya M. OWdli. Onwn. Mich- ll.
y. D. Ka. I
Ita PiRan, BIk Rapid*. Mich, H. P.
D, Mo. 1.
Mertta May JgweiL IIP E-Front St..
Traveraa CIV. Mich.
Haael Newstesd and Martin Newauad. Isiertoctea. Mich. Name* sent
h}- Laoaora FeDei.
Victoria Kolarik and Harold llolton.
Omeaa. Mich, R.
D. No. I. Names
apBt by Base Bourto
Ttasmy PUlara. Baasle Pillars, and
Walter PUlara. Blk JUplds. Midi., ll.
y. D. .So. 1. Name* sent by Id* Plllara.
TRlIe Kolarik. Anna Kolarik. Fran­
cos Kolarik and Frank Kolarik.
<ymana. Mich, R. F. U. No. I. Name*
_ Vfcioria
____ ___________
Mary KMartk. Weneel Koterik. Joe
Kalartk. Victor Kolarik. Robert KolarIk and Henry Kolarik. Omona. Mich..
^ O. NO. 1.


7 s^moU

. .V
But teoKxra'a poem was not the
only spring, thought that arrh^. One
of the older gtrU. Katharine Oavla
*ho te a near neighbor and very dear

Name* sent by Nora



and see If jW don't get sn answer*
Vovtare wrtiteii a nice Rule lei rwd th. Bunahl^ letiera er#a week.
Y-our Preeldciii is pretty sure that p,r. vprjlftod iadped for a boy In We think dvey'aredPe*.
are would
'be .ecuod gradh
like to ta in the B^Ita family. W*
She baa revelled, i«>itals this week
always are good to bin)* and
Utolc « .
-----from the foltewlng Sunshlneca: Anna
Bntluna Da,. MIrh.
every lltiig ihlDg. I think mj teUar
teom IWI to IK5*. During ihewe ,ears
lUwle IJtosaom. RutUa CasselMar. 16 i»i:. ta tatUag teng. m> 1 w^ ctaa* for
(h<- Indinua frequesltd Manatee, and
Ma'.nie Burfietd
Dyar iTe.ideui- '
*bta “»*• boplag la ae* this In prtnL
nt come aeasons of the jear w ere________________
I ibought I would f rile a few Ibvei
there almost dall*'. vIslUng the towu
to the Bunshlne Club. I am ten years Oood-by. from,
for the purpoae of trading. Knowing
old aud in the third grade. My teachPlltara.
'be suspicious nature of the red men,
Uiibi llfr. Mich
era tnme is Mias Ruth McCarty. I
• b*’’* e*ta«d your oamas o# tb*
omieUrd wrvug'woutd
Mar. li, ISI!
testerTer^*"morh."*ta'l g^ Sunahla* boqk. ao go* MW tf* aU
ptompt wi. to revenge, the w*»r
l‘Pe,ld«ii to achool even- dny i have two mite* mambato of th* BngaUa* family.
Ptanler fvv-ed hx nlgMI, dried of the
to go. We have iMs of fun In achool.
...... for _ ____
bhx sugarhvMisc. and the wv> ....... ...........
tahfbage les^
loholar* In urtveol.
B. Prow 8L
men aud thlWren In dresd of the In'- ^ 'TOera ai« lota of cblWreo in
and m, clasaes «ra rrsdlng. withTnvarM CSy. Mich.
'■tans' toiojhswk and a.-atplng Vnlte.
,^hcr. She I*
m«Uc. and tpelUng It Is very nUd
Mar. U, I»i:
l*rcnnii.eM anxttig the Indians' ati
hare. We bare nineteen heada of cal- Dear Prealdeoi—
tempted depredation* on the town of pi,,. ,ni,
The kliteo's nama la
lla and three hora«w I think thU
I want to bekag to the SgptalBe
Manatee was the attack upon
- Tommy, and be doe* not mew at any- , ,u .1 hare to writ* about, so goi^ Club, t warn OM of thoa* htateas.
Joseph llradrn lii bte castle home " bod, 1 havg Ota ben. She ha* Rve
- ^
F«>f he ha* said he would count every the lank* of the Manatee river.
la ^ I
Mllle hen*. All of them arw.hena
llradcn t'a*tle 1> a bnUdIng made food them every tight. They aro all
Arthur Koraun
Indeed jou rh-vi tara a tata and
Dou. I« 1.1. -H»
,...ra ll -I .Mi liu.. ..a „.rf, ... whlil. .m. I .U.U ..J
pwirVo. l,..oo i 10 . loo. ito. boUoo. north. Tio
n.11 ho • ■
««ud. loO., „ po.0.,0™. o...k 00 w, .h.vo . Ilitl. 0.11, It 1. .M
^ b«uiiful river. Tb. nmatnic- , unc. liri* nlte. I am In the third ,
atudtea are raadlng
reading and - W '
>b.bcU mlectloo. certainly Mtow th.^x of Ox* building in this ^radc. My Otodtea
. .

There is never otic *«> kuiely
n thia world In which we live.
To wlmm there t* no oomfort.
cheer word to give.
For he bear* the of sorrow.
aaawera falth-BlIed prayvrs:
wherever w* ova, wander.
Ut us kao* Itat Jasus care*.

wnlk* no more on the
How ran I hnug nod place It before
himBomaiblag of bcauly-aomelhliif of
And the children wtll find where Thi* Is th* way—by aertlng the
we-re hiding.
White tb* birdie aUU warble* bis
llunnlng on orrands of mercy and



vhXzr.::.-:rrz-i. oro,srz:.x-zxt x r,..o.,.....
- - ■“ rrsxTrr-oxx-j oorr.rz.xr.Lo x "L rz rrrr,r;irvZ.'
. •, "r“ rr z '".z-rLkHr ..h.. h.

.00 ujal«« Morii^rXko. lor.

you sweet l.ltje cro- .V-o; th.rte 'tie pVrbw.rto iM^w'dlsc,

And aay to the world. “Come, be gtod."
The springtime we sec haatonliig on*«''•>
ta «•
to be and.
Bowers all look up and anawer.
“P**. ann of the aprlng. you're ao
With your smite which apeak* our
W* know your heart must be all
**«® »*> stadly awake at your bidding
And blosaom tb* whole glad ^y

Th. .... ... J...

ooO Mkhol.

hoo »rvor llvoO. ooO ho A. .oil


loo ^

Io« ..4 toll roo .hot I

Ma u

even It only for a block. Everyone “troly Sunbeam" If there ever was logrhcr with an, visitors and bte aciMKMrty. 1 hsvr
waa tired and croa* and vowed oiwnl.v ooe She did not cipcct that her let- '-“nta. wore all In the house, doonx
CIU# ler.
,|*ten<. They sre Albane and
Aunbhine roemb.
that nothing on Mrifa would Induce ter was to be primed, but ytnir Prrwl- barred and window* tJoecd. was a
' -Marv. I wish youiw-ould send Mary
Olv* tta Boat.
dent think# you will enjo, U »* murfi duty prctupil.v attended to-at aun« -. Iter I realdeni^
Then are loyal hearta. there are aptr- them to apend th* winter in such
, pav* been ihUxklng about .riling
to write
•«* brare,
cold |(tec* again.
a* the did. U is from Jllta lo. of toch day. a. a guard afainal anv
a loUer to the Snnablne page lor a ^
pv* brothThw« are aonte that are ihr« and
Their growte flnallv made such a die- Sprague, who teaches school irear aurprter frotx. an Indian raid
This i.recBuiitii on the part of Dr jong lime, but kept forgetting lU-*o ^
Weneel. Joe.
tra«: .
tnrbance that the South Wltxd aipl the Ucsr Lake.
Umdro wn* bxs ealvtiioo. for In tixp i w-HKwrite today. The weather te
Ttaa gtre to the whrtd the beat iron Sun put their heads together to devUc
Miss Bprague ba>>:
a aebeme to drive oat old \Mnter.
My. Dear Buuslxiju- i'rcsidciit— '
And the b«Bt will come tack to j-ou.
They Bnally decided after much «to
\ found youtaTpUpr waiting for ...v
lu. tku >1.0 so. .ouw .kloo kl, ,„,«r4.! 1> kod look tl... ■"■'I’T '•'■I''- ■ r.., ... • k-Td uooo
.,l,„.l. I
Ik U.o Iklrd
krikkun in
Ik the
U.O day
do, time
>10,0 kod Iko
„k„„i ,hi, ...n..
I™'" door
■' rtr-""' S'" »k k-o loor o.odlo., Tkoi .ro |^lok.
ddUve lovr. and iov* to yonr life wlUI brighteet
SooU. Wind klo. kor .doclool Ik Ik,
So.k . |.lo.«d lol ot .klldivo. “'•'r» .rooiHod M corlo.l.j >o «o .rtUimoU,. lk.,in..k.. .nd wolllOk.
A atrenstb In year ntmoat need:
night. Thi* the, avowed wogld soon n,oy were ami. "I'un I j»iti iiist Sui.- who th.- calter* might be at that hour.
cautioual}-' t-ecix-d Iroiix an upper j* SUs» MWirt,
Have «MU. and a soar* Of haaita wUI atat the mt.vw. bring the blrda and ,5Jb,. ciui,;- „ud -wni vou M-nd i

window. Ill tin- 'liui light she rewg\ well 1 liavd has of lun In isbiol I
uwat ut all cvwx the Cower* into blew- uuu« In?"
Uuiriia. Mlvh . ir F. It. .So I.
TTietr faith on yonr word and deed. aom.
.................Mar ;i. »IZ
then cxptelnta Ihe plrtlge and the,
I'nfonunstel.v old winter ausperterd
they would “tr, ' Mere they UwlJ froju tbelf dreau and genera.
Iter ITesidem*
be like luv |>el^ Mv kitty te <Hily « ,
Olve truth, and your gift win he paid their plol and anxt the North Wind to
xavdle MUk-r. aged nlxo- ,eara: »l>t«rJ'ah'e. aud wliat aecxwril
l am g<H>xg lu write ,uo a few ll0"S
In kind.
Invtotigsie. The North Wind, ever
yeani; Joey Mil
and tell ,«u bow I am gniUig atons
Haeti-ultig down elalrw, the Rlri UhH will close,
Aad honor will honor u’lcel:
read, for nxl-Khlcf was ot In n aeeoiid
ae'iu jcar>; l.hijd
ihex>- ila-w I S'd 1" whool
I ilkc
her txiBsicr In the hall appicjx bin::
Fnixu ,>Mit SuixshInvr.
Aad a amllc tbiil is sweet will aurely and vxbistled anwixd the c-orner nolda.
aged ten jeara:

T—„h \i,»,.ii
to go to *.ho.d, aud I like ni> teacher
ta lime to hi-tr the plot_
FreouxJh. aged nine year*; Klitatarix
UuicU) g.*
^ ■ . o
.^rv luu’-h Mrr naiiM- te lUth
A smite that is lust as awecL
He immedl.icly loW winter .tat he Kiecmax.. aged t.ta.e vc-r.; jutal »•«■' ta.prt-wsU.u of he vte.mra I r
,hlrt-< year, old
had heart. Winter was morh stormed
aged seen;
Idoutse «'™dcn. being amply suppUod wlilx shim-. lub. I tave not
forgouen Bfid
Ual 111 H^_i.- ftilh gradc. ' have three
ftor life to tlu: mirror of king and
seat North Wind all over the x-oaa- geheurfiagednliie «c*xw;Agatha "xx gNxHewcii vou arc a buubcsnx.
sisters sod .mo brvUier Their names
try to find hto snow islrie* and .urn,sed seven vears; flHtord
«-iiW lier‘ yi.h
-»'■« TiUle. Fr*u.^. Frank and Ann*
Tte inat wtat we arc and do;
.uoa them all t .gelher mo they nilglit siorgau aged ctehi ' .cmi.
Ffe.-n-..:i < halfs. of T.llshtosee, and
Vti i:. lIi: '
>•“ '•'-"■ •vnd erts SDd but'thta give to ib* world the best yi„ ,pg,i me pki
..c ‘ ........,t
Ions for ttw-nx .My brother ts In lb*
I Rfih grade. My wtudles are rasdlng.

xzxrd"'l x XkJ:::
>ko Lrx=.r, rjl: "rxrxL x-zzXrTz Lirx
■ .....- ..... 1 zixjrLr^^z rr^


“I hoU . hii««l.. ~ik..kl- fc

Isther. looking up from hi* paper,
-oh. I was lelUng MoUy ahota Toai
Blix-hlee He's In my cteaa—pmead*
« pe a Mini and a goody-foody boy.
today they ranght him cbaaUa,
tn „ eiamlnalloa."
•That was- pretty mean haslnoaa."

-Of roursa not; gghody i
'Tlait'a true." bM4 Mr. Wbjtob
-Hut ,ou bo,* mafc* a mlstaha la a*
soxnlng that Us oaD ohjeritacabte
make-believe te that of Iha prrwNi
who prcicnite lo b* taucr thaa b* te.
Therd’ te an wlmoat aqnaJly onpICBa
.at rlaa* of hypocrite* who prpUaJ
to be woraa than «haf toaHy art."
-What do. y.~ mean. toUtetr
-Boy* of good homoS **d mwt
bringing up wb.> pot on rowdlah Mr*
m public place* They *r* aot raally
tad boys, but ihaf Uk* to give the
impreesten thsi they
Wri snd
loogb. You know aam* beya\o( that

—Our Boys nad UlrU.

' "Common Mkfaigan UIrds"
I must tell ,o*r what my eat
: OlrlB that arc mothers' right band.
The snow (alriee were then su
ohort Him* ago I aay '-uy'' <
-.That the fathers and btotber* can monrt into the PghL They tried
I alwavs taking < f
> cover the ground that the' Clar* and I
were exh.taied, Hiven time the, f*'* P*" •• »"
Would wver the ground with lu soil 7**'
*“ **[ cwjrae. Papa .had
-Olrti thatar* fair on tb* h*anhsl<mc. nanite the Bun wxuld raeU it aw., h*eo teatailog Bkerics to roll t^er
And ptearant when nobody sees:
Flnallj the snow was all otf but s'*™'
■‘Yod to be atobborn and it
Kind and aweel to Ibelr.ow-n folks.
few bimpir ben- sad there. The fair- WMllj look a great deal ta coaxing

them, asking who the,
what- the,' wanted.
•t i-authiis man is alwM,w a
hcieniious iiiaii. and i>o* prone t
aid misteke be
hartlly. lest 4 t»e ilvoroughl'
^,|,Bcd il.4t hi* vteluira cvi this 01
urtUe Indians tafo-e he
,^k ..-.m,. To be sure ihrt tlxe

All ta a •Bddcn one of them had a dw and in came Ske and before paThat know what to do and to way; pi,tx which seemed ao uwrtclous Ui4t P* louj^patch him. be was up Hairs,
■ IRnt drive wKb a smile and a soft «u tried It.
with-oap* after him. but he ml*s»d
The.r Bxed themselvea into a iluie him 4nd Ske came down. A^ pap.
Th* wrath of the bonacboU away.
drop, about as Isrge as ■» taltetone
rotolng down, mamma said. "Ske
and faatened ihemaeUes on a' toog >®o hag better roll over." That was
The Idris that arc wanted are p»d cross blade where
Uxe, could rock •>' »h«
•»>* »*id.
**id. text when
wh,a papa stepped
here they
• i^k.
Okwkn the
Tha whole
••KkkV, into
Into the
th* room
ronm there
sheep was Bkexha
BkeridW roUniU*
Ib^ve. to sleep.
Good nn* from the htari to the earth was covered with i^v drops, tago'er. back-over-bsek. fer mamma

The reply to.this ww. the crack of
m-rerai riPes. and the thud <rf liullet*
„ they were embedded In the window rasiug near Dr Braden's bead
nuring tlxe quick mre*i of the lo
,r„n, ,b^ fr„ni por.h. Dr Ilrv
j^n resfwmded so them w.ih ids
Ws shot
ei., m..i.i.4iMp .nc
■ e<* of
nf their number
severa: sbou vteTe dhaaged. »!

„f futi sliding vkxwa bill U hlieen ,e«w old He te going to ,helr homes In a fals* Ugh'. a»d do
“ ..........• pareuts and triends a aartena
tadd 4
4 Vaicnlino
lot ai
*« a»4iie.i
***md pu.*-------------«ud..............
Ba> ---------next —
week, and
vt e DM
___ —•
I..k,v«.i- k'«- o-d- -1'“ *“ T"*
' "■‘"V '•V'- '• ■" '
Yea. i mr.- said Oick. rt n*
good b.".
lines, and t*o c-rds I h*vr tho pet
tboxd&i ta it in Jttat that way."
Your friend.
kxiicns Due is*while and gnw,. and
-Tbf' dre»* in tend liahRm." »
the oUicc u ;eikw. while and gray.
1 Ur M’arreu. "ihdr h
Did ,uu so I
I some names Ita ita »«^tav'
. ,
ihair staos uaYou .4A send Uxe tsrti and hut- yw home?
1 wtll give lham to


-kl>. k.

»11. ..«T,d k. Urt -- kydl,

Fare as the Illy te while and pure
hr«ec*Frtm its hemn to its amota teaf Upsla th* morning





tlair wimtows they aa* the, were
They grumbled loudly and when
tp* Bun came tip they saw that it
tromid aot be meltetL Thermomtaer*
were cmisahrt aad showed that the


quite a lot

laat «
.. Uills.lher.
Gills Fier. Mich.
sister te
M, sister
is goln* t*7''
Mar. 11.
15. ...=
l»i: ~
m* te cart-jtn* t

_ .


r; r:‘zr ,rzrr-zL z rz r; zzlil jzl


be eiiber iU-dreaaed or qrardraaasd.
l« te true that doth* do not anke
the maix, bet the tay who goe* to **•
tremes lo hte droat or who la alovenly m appearance te pSUlng a kandithat M* w|U iggret
. ri«. u. ta _____a, -ww
,taJ ta


I b4ve twx> iiule mend* who lower i
o>,„^,»ak Club j
U jaa the Bunshln* Club.

.ta _Xr^w^^

'zz z xrrdXLr. irzuz nzrr'.k. k..

...y tbelr .xntive. m»d botft- Thte There are fortr.fl.-e rhildre.- in Newoteed
Tta ’7
Wooldnt ,on li?-to me Mis* w.. ,» .il^melvdd plan. fLxr xt r*r.- school I Ilk* »,father. Her tatm- me and ■ -xU dehve.- them. The
cheau in an caunteaUom
o Otie here that. o*« c
Bprago*'* roimliic rat. Bkeaka? So derrt purwult e*#,. their plain trail te Mto* Ruth McCarty. 1 like to.i^y saiher 1*
laxioors W'e bare BunA Ctegr OtaMHoA.
many ta the Bunsblae lettera this
being es»/ lo Mlow
whh my »<*otamatra. and hav* tots hartl,
school tanae ever,
l-Mb «aa knylnrhor Erst tesoon* tg
jewr Bsv* loM about the Bnnshlne
The firing at Bndes t astte was ta fun with'tbem I am In the i^
^ **i hgven'i been for eomc poactoatioo. On her rtaara from
peu. Boon the wild birds will beheart for aome distance hr the neigh- grade. And I am la a atimber b«>k. Sunday, out
— ..^brother

kk. k«.u. rz.xzz.rL.x'L-

he room for imr U talk wuh yen. ao grange enow
«Mi«tR certainty heyw PM* tofiayt
Marrelteg x

a happy «-udv

hlnxaelf «« the rug and be«an
the Imllans made their'xetreaf Dear Frei>ldMit—
townspeople "> »»«
all Isughed oo Oiat he through l»r. Braden * pteniation. they
i thought I would seod ,ou s Wter time#

___ ,“• "i^jx-zrrZrtT. “sr;

. .
As your Ptealdcni aat'nt her desk
IliU week, ao many good iblng* for
the Bonstaln* page cam* to her from
tar and nshr that she was -very tappy .

1. k.,„, k.

ib* l«>a P:***® Pu' «“}' BMP*
Mar :T. i»i:
t tareapondeace Itei
Dvir ITesideoiFrom ,our Sunshlner.
Roe* Hourdo.
A* I have m-t wr.tiea for af.xue
I I.K of valenilno* you re- time I tlxMOglH I would «nte a few
What <
aUll have
.oived' I think yob must tav« had Rnaa to ,ou toda;.

the nil -hcloiig" to ua. atng for na. I


late poraali of the x

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