Grand Traverse Herald, May 09, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 09, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Paecs 1 to 6



Eveigts-eas are a famous place i bare coovei-tdl a f.x- into a friend—
A Little of Everylhiog.
the h...isc ".As f..r the stork,},*« vltuorte.,
There ate J.IfMi .Unmbs of lull age la
rr>dsy Ibat he 1 lart an opportonUy to niii-i In- piven uiv
the Br iris’s an- her hiiii»e.- and the]
The (ormalioii uf .tudul-on societies .New- York city.
sell this land < >r his ai a preai liat
li was iV las' niefal—the very next house ol a sond many tiesldcs. Bur ini
healthful seatlroent.
jaalB. tieeauae rl le elevator Is'bnildinv i duv Ibyy wei«- to leate ihi
Rill nmfaa had a great deni ic i
Thames whbtn tbe limits ig Umdon.
‘this way. y- lu know—and
if ijwften Jimmy knocked s> ti;
kiieli.-u I l|t)oed. They are quite mil of fasLloa., Sometime ago theie w.-r. gO.OOO eirtl-You kuow. Jimmy.' sbe Kalil.
Tbe inireau of public rnnds beottls
Aa A Toasc
ellae* . i» bnr
Only trees that pa.r In a commercial dien of BngUind in tbe n.ckey-Blrd
Irtrl get* Ml filirbteued when *h.- has couWn't pay ihe sane ihal be was of­ iloiir' and K''p<s| in .wlih
our people lo Tile exieni of neayly
fered for the land t Unix pivu ti up.
srmse arc deelted—fruit trees In tba society plMeed i,
1 lore (kr fi»«i wood!, s»d ni»*T for- to take care of herself and of others.
JjMlo.tsvo a ye;,r
couldn't. l\*bai mooey
citiien of otir country never to desiros
maybe, and vben Af has Utile
“Sty." be said, if yoiiall
It i* said that hurraru- and vnliiires
‘fdars has the rose-breasted
Th» gifst wbldi tlMHr daA sbidoira money aad perhaps ralU to and work. hare I? Every cent we had to spsre bouse shskln' tonight, don’i you he
birds Is winter.
caji s.'cni Ihelr fiskJ .a a dtstanee of
grxjsbeak and the searlei tanager for'
Ulien we ffrai eame here ii was ever
skeered Tlie's gnln' to l>o :
Tben be made m- what he | I|ual:e here uUuil li>irtuight,
neighW-. Tbe farmers who

“'KRi's; lu eloslug,
lone before 1 round work, sod I
I kiMW that Ike loeg weair leatw*
In Russia tb>- pi-r capita iuvesimeni
hedge, are .Iduetii nf Ihe hri.wn I **'■'
wsa frlebiened hair to doth. »ul 1, called an offer on the buuse.
some frirorts
riiiUe has nv.-l i
0( (k# tUMiU
industrial eluerpnses is |«.i while
thrasher-.......... .... Hiid and Arlmr.Day. I'““‘I**’'rhn.ilan attempi|
ooe-foiinb of what li eusi. ^
up." And then, tu-fiire they ci-ultl
Nov hide tkr «(CC0 pnlrlrx from was w> fortunoie—«. very rnrtuanie. I
The I'nlied Slates it is »l*:..
how baiiplly are ihev eoinbln.-d: You
Pre-ne the IsMmllui and1 taelpful
I round a place with Ur. WilllBR—i how I am plseed.^ 1 suppose l will « qut-siluii. Jlminv's head disapp*ne.
Pbe Asher wive*
the French eoasi
■lures a kind providence has
,e to lake whai be .iffers, ■
must bate the in«i- If you would have
P-svina llerilis smared anrt eurt
AMd I kBov ikat I iMw aar tread such a good man."
Siher to ll.* Shall we preach Ihe often roailmie their dally catche* un­
the birds.
'.Not much you won'i'" erli-il Jin
ni sir up. mamma, and uee »i:
••The boys psfla ol*'mati Willln- trkln
tkan acala—
til they are over M y.-ar* tdd.
■Haiion of Ibe D.u>k
Our country is rupirtly approaching!
T*i. Mktlsak. I dteam of tkw.
The this luipi T oo wWh the Oif.vrJ
irt-r 1* It mu about 1
laed 10 look at him. ' llon'i yiv
whtvi a muliliiKb- of forms, lai
hinl destitiiiion by ihc wauton desinic J
nihle Is primed 1* made after a seciel
sparrow and the *wa
O MMIgak. 1 kn# ikM>. I ton to tkr
•Theo the hoys are very UBjust.' Ibiak of doin' any sueb ttalng. rv< and small. Iiegan lu gsthi-r alMim i
I to find their safety and
aO< build the., piuee** lij- the Oxford

, /
and damp enough any
^ Pro**. The roei.-1 l, value.1 m
said Benba wllb derision -Mr. Wil knoveil «lt tbe time be was fixtn'm llitle lioiisi-. I'or a onimvnt her hemt
Ineicts? And is be not .
sank, bill all ai onee. there was Jimmy
ne kind o' trick, the nu-an—"
Ihe woodcock: they aro too thin
Wttk a aoag for eoek aecne of my line bss been so kiod to ffie-l ihiek
Ibe choir ihai bvtp* u
HoshV sbe said, with tii-r ham lieeping in at the door again.
Hcaitering ro.- the pheasant. Gy
would bavo elveo ul> If il-ba
The Inventor .4 eon de cologne was
•Blithe *pirii
s long ss he wants us
over his month. And ibej- went no '«
ibe dr-ainlng o! the lakes and swamps
Aj a Wrd O'er Ike hlllov wkero rmigh been for him. He has RlTeo me
a Italian. RIoiaaaui i-'arlna Parlsa
That from heaven ur near ii.
gelber. and wblle she weni in an< we're goin' to imne.' he sairt. wltb^a
waterfowl and shore hints have
o I ran lake ri
vatoTB roar
offered vainly to aril bis recelpl for
Pours It* full bean
Will tan to ker owl ta the vlld
nd Ret her Ibi
tbe nice iblnRS she prepared supper for her mother am foolish tremble III his voirr-. "Dony rtisapiwsred. Not many .if its
IS.TSfi In !*'C, but it few years ago «
10 straln.s of unpremeditated
must have to cat."
—Grand Rapids Evening Pre**. was *<Hd I.) bis heirs lot gSOO.nOfi.
n langhed sofuetlmes. Jimmy sa
"Oil. Jimmy, is Hint what you ar
and w-nodlntid for our favnnies of long
Then Ilea M Ike awn
And the reached back and patted
A woman who has Ibe can- nf a
the Slop outside and wiped his
ling?" cried tbe sill. l.iugbiTts and
where mallard and pininll may
UmU tkat aiaad
tbe thin band tbai lay on tbe srm
large household on ber hands has In
crying ui once.^Aie y-ou grring to qiiaek. and jaeksnlpe twist, and golden
Th* Marry Momh.
cbalr. Jimmy lotAed on with en- e}-es with bis ragged sleeve.
vented a "grumble book." in wUcb
ve Ihe house? Do yvm think y-iiu plover sweet! Ihe hiulr.m. t
He bad'oever had bis haod pat"She sbani he turned niitv he pro­
So many KiipenilitlOB* an- eoDnecl- the lumiiy ore roquealed to enter ibdir
ling plov'-r drop his shrill r
—be bad never pOKsessed any oih- claimed to the ligbis (hat were twink­
Pd with the month of Mav ibat It eomrlalni*
O Mlekliaa. I dream of tkee.
■do'k hand to pai. Truly, these peo­ ling across Ihe common. "Ifs hers
Pshaw-’ Bill Steven- can
ro»vi- Ihe sky.
could well ld> calleil the Idle month
In Australia there are 210 churebe*
Hilt something In a smal
ple lived In anotber world.
ley paid for It—be shan't snyihing;" resinnded Jimmy eheeiof ibi- year. Mav marriage* art
I every hundred thousand people, a
-And not only ibat.' said the
lii11>:. and went out to help Bill Sivvtake It away from her."
III favor, and an old rhytm- say*
Marrr. rolllekinc. freUeklBc May.
larger number per capita than any Mbground:
nnd tbe slate, n
But while ll was easy to make such
]s and hlH band of men.
Jaio tka woods «atme aklppliijr one day. Rally, her eyes ahlnlng through tbc|
"A May wooing
EngUnd haa Ml and
tsenlons. ii would, be quite a dif­
The lioiise rose slowly from Its pil­ devise a sysiem of parks i
8ke teaaed Ike brook lUI he lauebed duak. "Mr. Willing discovered i
I* quirk undoing."
Russia but Afty-Arrwe had a llulc raooey lefi from
ferent Ibiog-to prove them: for Mr.
ls ami w-Uh-d down upon the roll­ nntinnni government.ami ptm<-ei them
11 hn* also tbe .repiiiaiiOD ot being
Tbe chief objiwilon in liquid air a*
's: and In an Inett-dlbiy short lime belter. Ni-silng place--, loo. we eafi irrarherrMis. sine*, tbo-e who And
Abd Rnrsied and scolded with all fcU wreck—a very llule—nod -be was kind Willing was a DUO. and Jimmy was a
tiowt-r Is that Ihe Intense cold tea
c«oiigh to tell me whtt to do w|i
boy. for whom nnhodj—nr almost nowas going, ami swreplng along w ith pn-iiare for bluebird,aad itbcwlH-. nnd sun too hot in tbe morning will sblver
dvrs the im-lal eoolalners brtillt'. Tbe
and marlin—pro\idi-d the John­ In (be evening. So the old distlcb
quill- mlraenlmis sp
She chirpaE to the Urds and bade Think of 11, JImmy-lhU lot out here body-^ared in the least,
only way to ubvlatc IbU would bo-do...
ny Bull Kfuirrow doesn't claim the warning must lie heeded:
was bis. but be said that be would
' vi-T far—OBly
shan't be turned out!"
tke« atai
Rtrtd, which cold raader* pllaWe .
A cbffroi of velMie to Lady SprioR;
".Never can a clout
iBKtead of brittle
lime, and by tkat lime we would be
tboiigb in arf’swer to that ihoughi. place where I'n-arh Charley'* liiile
And the keM and bnitarfllM ske ael
I'nill May Ite out."
Africa owes itaree of her
rtliiblllve legislation must h.nre
Ur. Willing, coming down lu bU shop bad stood last week. Inooed.
To waUng tka Soven that were aleep- able to boy It—«o he advised i.s to
The fanner saya that May to br
IndUKlriea'to Jews De Psiis
- value: It at least restrains good
lake our mile moocy and have a eot- place of huslnesK next morning, wus I'rem-h Charley had mured liU shop
tne ret.
the whaling and guano Incr Iic-ck to'give room for a "gar- elilrens from shooting out of season.
She abook Ik# tree* till tka bada look' ■age pul up beie. and that would save aware of a Itoy that stiiek close beside
s laugfat .,
Id makes s|s>rt fine for the pm-buni
boose rent for ua So yon see, ibU his horse as be drove up. and then deii of Bowers." as he had informi'd
n. Hill it does molv; It has pre.,
bouse Is ours. We are so proud of darted to the door of the earri.vge.
neigbliors, and now. in the same
colli May and windy,
•rved the quail frtwii .extineilon.
it—we love every plank an-I beam.
held," Ire garden ot Bowers Ihe little house w:is
Makes a full barn and Andy.
ive a goo.1 law to protect songsient,
Tbo German ein|ieror eould make n
s.-ild Irriinlily.
The sheep shearer has bla belief
good living a. • poet, a masktan. an
Id their nvsis. ihai Is eaforred sonie
t siariotr tbrougb
Iiold 11.- said Hie
Tbe wwG «< the llfaglelni. Miht.
: was all done so quietly iliai even
ready to his hand, for it came down
artUi. a ahtp buHder. s pottery maaThe wild birds' charter of
boy ixfldly.
"1 want to see you 'Irout'.si neighbors were not awaie places.
from father to aon:
■rtacturor. a faorae'deale^^u.BeiaT.
'Yon don't mean yd
somethin' p-Uc'lai
trfany- unusual noise; bill as they were London has rrsitlled In bringing back
"Rhenr ynur kbeep in Ma
buok bindei. a ctfrgrmalBh^Lj^t rthe city suph shy singers as the
built your house on bla
' be askMr. Willing dirt noi give the boy departing they cheered in a whisiier,
A MvHwavcd 'Soeer.
You'll shear them all away.
•ctilptor. a battier, a farmer ^'St
ly further Bitention. He was amne
’ man and boy of them, and llnoeis. thrushes. Beebes and night
•«ay. HiMl Hlwl Walt a mlniiie!" ed iDcredulousI}-.
X'el. with nil these anttbema*. whai deoili.|.
•Yes’ ibai-B what we
what surprised later, on entering hl- waved their hats aud caps at the pn-|. Ingales and bbrckhlrds. Siarilng* have
Bertha pouaed and looked back imltrovd of beamy comes u. ns with
in the
one. -Now ofGee and closing ibe duor behind y faro that nodded uml smiled at returned, and martins are again UotliliBRly. ThU was Ibe second time sbe giri Billy. laugbiBg at I
advent of Ibis sweet-brratbed.
world Is deemed to he the palace tem­
kind* Rent
a ira mud)
them from the window.
"Thank you Ing their neuls under tbu eaves of the
bad Men the ragged bey who was
Upped hourl of the mnnib*? 'A i
ple of Kartiak. BD'pt, occupying an
lo think
all-X'very one—for helping to nave cliy houses.
rwaolv aeroas tbe common. ‘Tbe Oiat lo Ihe c«r—and now.
happiness goes abroad over the wnh area of nine acre*, or iwleo that at
ttmo JM bad lonkHl up uue her face
that naniro. long cold and deed, lives 8l Peter'* In Rome.
Tbe temple
In ber Ibrltllng young voire; aAd Jlni- ing blid leathers Is u good on*. R»with soak I 'f^ily and admlrloR Ihlog we couldn't have expected for
and smile* again.' Among
space I* a poet * dream Of fAgatiUr
"Bay." said Jimmy, with a quaking
.loud among liiein nnd cheered siriciluns on the liiiportailuns ot bodleak that aka hafl gieek Mm the roae years aod yean—and It has all come
s Ol iihimage and their trantfioili- man* the feeling* of tbe r
roliuuu*. In-auilful cMlIt. and wobxiul Ibrough Mr. WlUlug."
bean, luit with no fullering In
with Ihe rest, an.l wiped hU eyes on
tte was eaiijlng—tke one rose from
on from state to slate. exccpIK*
dmt avenues of sphlnaet.
Jimmy was silent. He rearbed nut voice. "If a matt hatl a piece .tf
agged old s1tH-ve
bar one IlUla pot at bloom. And there
dog made of those birds whose plu­ wbicb Inated a whole week
Aeeordlng lo recent raetsiirements
be let aomelHMly else bnibi a house
XI day vi-iy miu-h ilistiirlM-l nwsbe vaa. OMaing k»la. What a pity— and touched ibe hand Ibai was nearest
In England tbe bawnhorn Aowcni taken in France. England ami the
It. do you think It-would lie right sengeiy. infnrnu'rt Mr, TYtlling that mage lusy be taken wiiboui loss ol
aba bad no otber Bower to give bis. him. but it was not with ihe Ihougbl
wa- no house on the riiy Im. he life, would be to a largi- <le|ree prac­ were In bloom then and amt to g-.,»her rnlied Ktaies.'ibe Engllib wtnaan 1*
He ran op. Batting and red-faced, of caressing li. Ur felt that bere was a lor Ibe maa u> sell that l:in‘. nn' let
be taken care of. and he was the otber man lost- whiit he'd pul Into proiKist-d lo M-ll ut such a liar- tical.
Then comes a -iiggesliou 10 Ibem the whole population went .-i
tallesi. the American woman
aad bMd o« aMttitklDg In oae grimy
weigh* the most, (be average being
»ny. that be was not largo eaougb the house?"
111. ami Ml. Willlog hasienert out extt-tid Ihe poweis of the fish eomnils- Maying.
. haad.
pound*, and the fYencb women
'Wbal do you mean? Ret out of
Tba Uny-pnle dance U a ftaiure ol
■hi- place in um-situii. rmloubit-d slot! so Us lo include wild birds une*T bning r* a tonr-leat clover.' ke to lake rare ot her..
Mlchlfan. I Lma TlM.

Uw day be worked dowa in the city.
WHMteilMRanMbrJ. A. milMB* At BlRhi^e slept Is a kind or <1oset
LN« Cb. U tlk MM. Cn. («MI«i A—^
whlrk opeaed off Froiieh Cbttriey'K
0 Hlcblcu. I lore «hw. I cIIqk to ibivs i.hor sbo|i.

go lo her with any trouble* of mine.
I most tril you. Mr. WUlinE told me

e eptu-dlng cover.


When be spoke again ll was lo ask.
:v!" roared the hvart of the Arm.
■ he hoiiM- had dlsapfs'ared. On Ihe
I'm golB'ir said Jimmy, half lunted spot where it had sttxui it Ireekled
clover. uneaally;
“But -spose Mr. Willln- was to take toward the door, rrody for Bight. "1
was walking nn his hands and
notion lo sell this placer'
Jest wanted to ask you it you didn't waving -a |tair of ragged shoes in liielr
-Oh. that tteaki good inek:
'Ob. but be wouldn't do tbit?' cried
Itayed faces, iind that was all
AsaU. boKtav eat a hand to bln. "Hew
house w»s gone, or hail-m vi-r
kind it vaa of yon to ibiak ot glvloR Bertha. 'Ho wouldo'i think of doing cheatin'?"
There was no answer, and Jimmy been, there would be no sale, because
It to me. And It comes at Buck a good such n thing.-He will give me an opporiuniiy
valtime. loo—)uat vbee we bare moved

Baro cMOgb-Ht tMr-leared

Rbe took it with a little cry of deligbt.

. and then it could not he oold."
"Anyhow, he'll have somethin' to
After this Jimmy loidted at the tiny think abom, " hi- said to biiuselfas he
little borne.'
Tbe boy'a freckled face was red with white cottage with new and grave in- plowed ihroiigb the throng Imem on
piMaaro. Imt be ecmid do nothloR bni terettas being mmeihing which might odd jobs.
be saairbed away from Its rtg^iful
But think as he might, Mr. Willing
gfbi abeeplakly. far be had not
owners at any momeot.
did ncA Belay his scheme. Perhaps be
tfBmed la ^Mtte. Bbe bad
Tbe next morning a certain grave baslened It the more because of this
gOB^epTcr ao leag befoiw tbe bapp^

. staling that her serview. wdre four-leaf clovers Is good

aweet reka and kind, bright eyes.
Jwd.altbeugb tbe girl did not know It.

owners a property right in all game
and birds on their land and fish in
water* held by title from the general
gm ernmenl.

Ihe lime of Heqry VIII. wa* sba|>ed record la that llou. Now. however, a
I.ODdoa fuDlly icjiori* 26 secured by
e a barter’s pole with block
*lx chilli pupil*, uf whom three nlut
galui'il Loadun cutiiuy counrtl scbolit-

a yellow ground, with
George's red-eroiss banner, and a

ore efieellve u
streamer '
.Mr- XViHlng was
IS wiinby of note, too. ihai Mr. Iiilts will' b ■ the educatlor
Willing insiiiiiied no search for the oiilnlon iinil foes shall be converted
Into frfendi
Our lust-dlHappearing was one o( ibe singular ohseivanec*
missing house.
II' »o you see that fonr-b-af clnv- birds tmisi lave an advij-aie. The Id the Arsi of Mny In (be earlier pan
rr dirt come In handy, after all." said signs of the lime*, however, are very' ol the century. It wa* a rural deligbt

Jimmy, when tbe gn-ai l.iwyer had
. Beiiha a most deslrahle po-lilou
rod fadod^from bla face. He had pass­ lawyte. wheeling nroiiod In bis offlco hint. lest be sbnuM In soma way lose
i office and when lYench Charley
ed tkroogb nany Mage eaperteoees. ebalr. was surprised and amused when Ms bargain: for Ib » short llm- Berllule
vahad arrange* matters so lhai she
ban this vaa tbe flm time be had
tbe premises In a given time. On
buy the lot. the pretty new l.-ii.
ever been noticed by a pretty girl bis shoes every morning loriied his
ti^ls awsy and eonfronied him gravetame dav she found a note on her
In a neat drwa; a girt »'>*> •

ful to man. such imwers us ibe gome tbe moaih which beloag* tu all conn
the smallest.
warden has in regard to game birds. trie*.
.Sonhampton family, whose Are
It ts a pole forty feel bigb
A Mil was Inirndiieed Into the Ohio decorated with wreal^a of Aowers. cblldren 1
legistaiurv iwo years ngn In give land Asga. belU and coioml ribbons
One leceaHy ki

to have—

-I want to git some advice," be said. bo longer veqiilreil.
but wiien yoii've pot one you don't
She looked at Jimmy with u piteous
no lurk unless you bty holt an'
that one Bttle rose from tbe one little •An' If It costa much. I'll black your,
ice. He had found ber sluing
like all rs’s-’esseil at the -same
pot had M the way to many thloga. shoes^or a year UII It's paid."
"That Is a bargain." said the
steps, afraid to go In when- her moth- Hmi-."
Tbe fonr-lMTCd dover was tucked
llie philosopher of the sireel
away 4a her pocketbook during the

taken up the task.

The pre.s

"•* to all who wltnesfed it.
in some
„t Ibe city a mllch-ctiw dt-c-

ptk-ldlng its immense powei

orated with lavish lestoon* -wf Bower*
right Slile of this qm-Mi-m. Most al- was led along the street* by daliyiracilre nnd readable liooks aro be­ malds who wore light fantastic c«is
ing »e:iiiered hrnndCMSi, thai .-icqiisial tutnev. Hwur h'-ad* wicathed In Bow­
11* with the deiiiren* of Belli and for- er*. while (bey daact-d lo ihe .accom-

i.blii.«,bi-| one pf them waj 12
.car. old.
Imliarina' pears aro. plenilful and
look so like the real thing Hut they
decelre experts.

They are made by

of u transparent glsu *bull.
u silvery.



composed of Bne scale* rubbed from a
' small Aafa called tbe “bleak" or tbe '
"ablete.'' if.iioo uf which requlro rale
blnff 10 get a poun.l
ebimney HiH feet high will be
01 the Boaioo & liooiana smeller

av soon the average Ameri-'p^*
mu 1^

n Fall*. Mont., to catry off the
gase* from the amHUng funaees: II

rt-MM-ly ignorant;

higbewi chimney la the
e bigheki at Ibu pre--enl
.11 h
;rlexli.n. I’anie* of youug girl* rise
feet, a rblmney a' Ftelsee* them :i
He’s done It. Iia« be?" a«kert Jimmy applied himself to his boohs .vnin.
burg. Rermany
The stack i* de
and 8b« could only nod. "Tbe good and the young leachei smiled a* she
’IgDeil fo have ao inside diameter M
jimmy cooelsely. 'an' be lela s
luck dItiB’t come, after all." she whis­
*ni o«vr him.—American Bey.
memory of It vaa ibere walling
rhe tup rif 10 feet, aod an outside dlher. 8be amlied at tbe tbougbi of the body bull' a house on II.. can he go pered. wlUi a and llllle smile.'
Miriiigan Meaaenpen of Spring.
1. .in RnglMi sparrow and perlinp* a ^
'<> amciei at bottom or 7i feet.
'Taint too late yet." be sold siouHy.
an' sell that bouse an' all? "
ragged boy aad bla gUt. and
j repi*"-<-n’ a "Virgin of M-tr” and seaiOur children will never see the ty/
ve* of New Culhes employ
When tbe great lawyer saw how "Yon Jest wait, a whole lot can Imploohed for the boy amoog tbe abaddarkened wllb sable clouds of passeu-^
The next appeal sj^ulrt be made to>'' ">
iry BsblDg nets ot spldei's
Jimmy's face Cell when at bis answer. pen In two weeks."
owa. Bat ke wan not there,
I chinch ■
pici'ons. or hear the branebes of
web to rapture ff»h weighing up lo a
Interest was aroused.
illort again anti was very
at her own bark door—tbo door of

Ax bamboos beet in the
tbe ilUle bouac which abe and her
IsndlDg baadie In the Jupbody's land?- be asked kindly. "Welt eotiia not recovei s1l at once,
mother ha
It has bet-n sairt of May mUii
gle glades, and the spidera weare
a war of extornilnatinn against i
■I ikoogbt maybe you'd need a llitlc —never mind. Terhups he's a good had thought of this little Itomie ns swliamliie at the cu'-k
the wliches an- making built-i
y heiiHi ha's-pn—-niptert
ciorioii.. egiei. or cause England
Ihelr net* all over the frame. The
wood.** ke aald basbtidl.v. aundlog man sod won't tnke ibe advaiilage home, and hart Imed It so—and n
shanks. place all onler In ihl* euunlry fot aun..' this -tale of weather is not cooidden-il muibnd ol ll-hlng i* to'.watch fur •
taken from her. Rhe
bark 10 akow Ike heap at It he bad be ralgbi. Anyhow. If be doev. mil
the ibrilliug <ifi0 ox-eyed Milpe. or exiingulsb the' de.siiahle by the farmers, who
passing Bsb and tben to dtp It urn and
Isid In nMt smr be>idc tbe ste|M. upon me. And never mind aboiil the on Ihe Steps n long lime, trying
turkey wake guld-headert cockatoo from Morocco, another oiylug In rhyme Indleailng ihrow 11 on dry Und.
gain courage to go lo and be chei-rTolki goQorally does wbea the- ain't
llslike of . ibe IwM-kOOwn bouse* In
tBlIlies iKihoUnks
And yet. perhsps Jimmy was mlsfor ber mothers' sake—tbe sick the eehoi-s of the hll!*. For lli.-m the and mi
an maa aboat the kotse.'
bolmiickEngland was Uewignsd lo represent
Aad Ibe girt thanked him ao sweetTy
r kind yet '
the day*, weeks, aod quarters zrf itae
happy weeks; for Jimmy was learning much.
ehnckle among Ihe liceche-.-hi. mmiihj want to get the ear of iliio.and »o Blkearelr that it
It ha* four wings, faring the
During the nevi lew days
worder be etayed a little while, and and Bertha was his leaeber. n*bil<

tong, boar day: but that evening as
abe vent bo^ alcmg tbe commoa tbe

s sure of paying.'
Tf a man owns a ideco o' Ian."

.. ......

n'-njl-ullitln* in the mlllii.ery rtopartmi
dajbr-ak jo( a grot Chicago siori-. "N'oi a soi
o stay a UUla while. Benba laagblng arm chair in the evening*, the two oddjfakt. aeemnl to have fursakes
J motnent 1
le pra:r:cj!,irv! bat In Mocl. " The Audiihoo c
a talked and laughed ami: When he lookeil i
hr declared that be
the boooe. aad they lai down u«ether learned Itutelher. - The boj- had »>e-jibe evooings he wa* bashful -ami cofi-jr-Wchi-ns. marching and circling ;;nd|xa.i- has aeeompll-hert svunetblng.
(IrlJ for
of evainga and eonmlied graroly gun in believe that Mr. Willing wa*: strained, and could noi. be prevailed! showing off ihclr elcrfaes. cooing andj Tli.* nuMu- s--h<
who Injupnn to talk of the momeutou* que-icrowiiig and cackliDg and Iwwing aud-woilHJr-ssiag*
s cratrefolnr all tbe dally trouble* aad a better man than he bad.thonghi
late in (be nil. and-lbe iiorHti lion. He had abanrtnne,i his lesson*, j snaiUng. the dandi** and coqnene.*: vented Blnl Day. Trath the popil*
tbe aebeinea for the future. Tliey told
voe anotber all about tbe pa*i. too. wiad was Mowing cold aernss the com i anq uid that he wa- loo busy to study ;rf the pUin. Ala*, how v.-Mom sballiq* jenkln l.loyo Jones dtv-». Hat a
that ba cngM maay time* afienraiAa (be f.wble niolber dozed in (heblgiiheaddedgrteAibaiJiinray;,ibeatead-

Paper Mad* from 6rai
-Among the tmuerial* that hai
.uhsaiuted for rag* m the ma
Mpvr I* esparto grass,


formerly obtained for iliK purpose
Spain, but Is now largely im'
Ported by Briii*h and American man
ufaclnrera from the nonh >1 Africa.

four quaner* of Ihe beaven*. to ropre*r-nt |the four quarters ot the year:
Tlite* hundred and sIxly-Bve wiadows
me foi each day. Bfty-iwo chimneys,
»e for each wee*; and Mrven eniiaore*. to repr»*eoi the seven day*
vf Ibe week.
In 1TS6. Mr. William Tnke. a Quaker

opened the Arvt ratlohal asylum for
when be saw her etnnlng liomeiirhen Bertha *poke of ih<-m He wn*|fur ehildron over hear ibi iiispinni: • Beldglass will bring the real hir>i near
York. England. A lew
Jt U a very hardy plant. AouriKbtng
to tell, lu bad Jnai growed. Topsy- DOe evening and knew while she wat' qu, bU eld self—Ihere wero nu more liufik of the wild poro.-. and ihrill loicr than any gun can; aad to W-llt-rc
a fYenebman
; with Emeraon ihai ib- biid I«« not |i*
li*,lB deserts wbero other v.-g.:UMe llfilike, and ao erne was reaponaible for far oS thal socne kind ol a blow bod pleaaant talk* in Hie dusk: theiv were think
ounce* and Im-lie*. ......................................
.. unaMo tu
... ,exist,
...... „„
and ....
the sugge* rioel bad made a similar effon to rehim. He bad been taking can- of fallen. Her edd lightnea* of step wa*i do gaore of the dry. sotirr. amusing "Tbere'l* a power wbo*c cat a
e mvouIlT deficient to the
walking with bowed tibidcs be u*ed to say—epeeebe* which
Teaches their way along Ibat path- Iq niliiro: and the skin or skeleton I Hon has reecDlly been mad.
lilmaMf ao leaf that be eoulda'i rehuman belnga. Pinel's |dan
te** coast—
. yoti show me"is no more a beron. ibani culHratlng esparto gra-j. In ibeSa-member wbea be bad begun. He bad bead, and when be ran forward lojBade Benba laugh no merril) Bertha
Not Utal tbe ragged boy had enylblng

«ei'herb« saw that tbeFe were teanjhad bffUn.,ropacliiaR the boueeboW The dewen and illiraiiablc air—
; the heap of afbe* into which his body
I ber eyes.
Ipoaseaoldn^lbe lltUe iriAro (hui taadj Lone wnndeTing. Mn not lost.'
. baa been reduced, is Daoi- or XVasbbeU banaa eoA niu oo emad*. aad
"I'm very sad tbU evenHig. Jimmy.' | come down from old dnya, in the box-j
If we wl»h oar feaibered friends t'n tngion. Once acquaint » l«y well with
bad Aerttaped by all ibero proeeasea
abaip wua ood lodepeodeece. During abe aald. "My affriber li
I cant'ea In **leb they had come to the lit-]stay with us we must firwrtde them u i these citizen* of tbe ray and yoc
eold papera aod blaeked tboea


that groat region of desert*
he partially reclalmsd


» *onrx-e of proAi

I of non-reetralnt. a lymem
then unlwaid-of. and. of c« be



prepoateron* bemy.

OAAM THAVftM* HEIUU, +HU*»b*Y. MAY % 1«7.

tn lUtrtA*. Mlelu. Uv 9.-1UU1UUu MtneM vIB M tell wit Taw4ur •tnlftc at ,lb«
cteteb. «t vUeb tiiw» tW
i R*T. B. Hid M pastor «( Bk
TaU vlll b» luuaiad

Rob. Rat db« RlMi MMaw ««R______ ____
|Mtp wha
Wedaeadar tor RaRld Hrdf to atMd
of tbe week aatUar

in pine Ehape.
The road rsaiilat weat of Carter-i
am. tabarmJly tawWb a* tme rf
Mr. Aail M for tbe apdekled bauUdd.
mbeaisa that tor black atm
A. Oddtatb U tptedtBE tbe week la
»KMk*r vlll pTWeb tb»
niu aad detdata appaaiaaeei i
•w. ^niao EldAbotban of Lake CUr Detroit
witboW a peer la tbM ascUoe of tbe
Mrs. David Keister aad Sauebtar
will iMleer tbe diaiw to tW coofrfr
■ U DOW belnt pal lo very good
gatloii aad Um Rev. Joha Redpatb or jeat laarwaak wilb ftiaudaln the
f>etosWr will Wlivar the ekaiwe W vitiate,
the RawM. A oortJal iDvltatlon U ea-

rewraiiit to Ca«fsl#fal
at wllh her ho^
aatordsr to sp«4J|a

aetMaa lD]orr.
Oa Baurdar

However, be escaped captain of tbe terry, came over l#M
.light to' loin bU wlfA who has
lb* barw Phlleta* for a montb with ber mother. Mra

umatlon* which U 1u _le- held i
hniw" nniJI they preaent a very up- ;be stispirea of the *Cstlunat Civic
Update appaaranoe and the huge black Fedenitlou In CbKwgu ui> Ms>- »'h
Pine sturnia have beaa pulled out aad Many gov- riiors have gliearty aw-i-ie-l
burned. Tbe land wbiefa it a beavy ;lbe InrilsHun id (-end deleyste-l to III'-'
t-Hrit muck, sill be lewd (or rurdeulur. i-onfereii.-.-. tl.e gcueiul Id.-j ol *hl--h
and farming purpoaea and tbe Im
' niliie aUml a l«-it--r intt-csiu'.
praremenu made will be greatly ap­ underviaiiJing a* ii> i-jinKjr.iil.ui!-. li
preciated by those tlrUg around 1ha> U esp«-t«-(t that the yovern-i- -d all

tbe eaBsat dock boopd for MUwaakea. frlcsids beta Tnaaday.
James Bcully. baggageman on this
Mrs. Hiram RoWaam. a plooeer of
MUUB tosmahlp. diad Tneadajr non; brencta. baa a thirty days leave of ab­
f ber Inralld t
Mrs. Bobiuoa was a wmaan of rare tsAneaent and iBBlleiiaaa of manner and
waa raapacled and loved by all who
kamr her. Bbe Is survived by
telldren. aad
two ilaiera. Puoersl
waa liald tbU roreooob at tbe late
' boas and interment made In Meple
Drove cemetery, this vlllase.
U H. Bprtng. M. K. Bnus. T. H. W«-

Tire insurance!

of Mr. end Mrs. M. B. Lang, when

bare Uved many year* in tbe rUlage
and will be mleeid by tbdr drcle of

A Ccicm teitm iteiBai l>tef

money lo Loan on Improtcd Rea! Estate Only.

) Rcr CcBt tUgwet EB nac »e»^t

TrmvorB* City.

Room 310 Now Stato Bonk Budding.



at hi* lio'.ie. tir bellow rue-i. Mi
U'Biien was on.- of the iilnu«"-i> «rf
Grand T.ave.-;- county l.avli« liv-d
bere for Ih- |is« furt.-lliree
making Ids home It. thie -it> t..r tl..pasl four j-ev*. Mr lynn.-ii .~ued
a fin.- farm le-iw.-ti Wmi.tiD.-l.uiy uu.l
pik lui.l.i*.
In iid.llclon t.. kls wife Mr.

lUMde^nd one In D-nol.
The f.iu.-n.l ............... will




Sell you vour bill for a lioU6.-orb»ra.

at all time*

<iet our liKiHv-; and crmiymr. our graJe* before buying.

Call on

IkSukfor ibo Hig K-MI-laut.

Cor K. Sih St an.l L.iL- Ave

Phone*, Bell aUO: Citt. 308.

be ... 1Hi.i.l-i-

|.iu.ienak. r Ali.lerson will hate


W« carry

a full line of


,e sons le-lhg William Mid Tlioma,I,is city. Tliree .iaoehl.-rs lit.- lu EU


Traverse dfty. Mich.

./clock lA’. TlmlHlAV .,f ICI.III-VII....I.1-':

Cedar. Mkdu May S.—Poutoes
Mvy.*'-’ .............-1
Mre. J. E. Nelson. Mre. M. B. Pylms
and MUa Edlib. have gone to Kewadin Rolbscl.lbl Iu.s b.-n for a tong ilii»
devoting is.rt of bis share .rf thto flsll Mre. George B. Fox for s
day's and to attend tire flrst Wedding Roih-whlld faimly s weal.b .......... .. |,r.
d.icion of on.- of Ih- .-..-•tli-M U-.-KtOBlveraaiT of Mr*. Pox.
on reerd. Th.- wo.k will bher spring vaentloB with her parenu.
Ed. Ploy of Piwvemoni ha* been buyl,Kue.l |-,y Ik- Hui.-Mn-o.n-. ..f ...............
IlHW.bJ.-ci'ls”Extlm-( llUd-." II .otu
leg poutoes beie.
•ogive areounta of all ...rdf-thu, haw
Tha Bingham tug ’‘Ida L." la making
it/agent from Traveree City,
own yesterday looking after some InK-ome (-Ainci
dally trips touring lo^ from bere to
.-ttinci Ilo historical lln».->
s of this vll- author. *li.ii-J.rivate m.lqral iilM-.r
of tbe

Oias. BHIman spent Friday and Sat­ Uge.
Biuseiim at Trisg T^rV. HerifotcUhii.
Bmlc Laaeere had the misfortune
Itel fall U Beelry. brother of Mrs. urday at Bodus In the tntereai of tbe hue e'(»eni i
Iliiti-I.itito get a revere ent on bU ntree while
Ihe lK»k. while Ih
A. K. Dougherty, want to 8t. John. N. Erm.,

Uu,iwCwTwlLClU phaimte

We Believe

We have tbe Best Tea on
the Market .

aiui.'e l■|lCl.l<l^-^ -lajMU Jtaniciilarly tin.- ib.vt.r an.l
If yt.u haw trouble geltii.g u
i tba* is ft. ><-!ir iikiiin iry u aaoi|.:.- i>JUi..l .>f tin*

Wc-pill lak-r-.-ir elinn.-e*

your onti.iug

Price, 50c per pound.

J. .J.



a*te Kmm*

Paris Esposit.en.
May /. K-.i 11"' .-\Uli-i'>--i> aiul iiilimiig,


Or. F.

j. MacNSTI
........ Bite
i Wiirrehn teeok





held li--r>- le-ll S">—liil-t-i
j. C. Ubby arrived Monday after- working In the mill.
have .‘si.end.-d nior.- than
liM' -I
Bhlrtey (Msael U working for Mre. or engraving bl.a-k* ulone. Only
imn from OopemUh to nroUi In the
«h|i-ll will Bive witile I,f 111- s—ie- .4 1
Amanda BkUllter of the boarding copies of the Rngllsh edllioo ••f '
be aban rmnaln In bit old home pep lalUattoo of cnndidniea
I*iile-1 raV. imlp aiilj
I will W widd
HU goods ware
Modem Woodmen.
work srin be printed,
other basic |.nehi--i.. pu>i.-lxiar.I ai.iK
George Brownell, who U driving for *125 a cipytbW week.
Wra. Neuer of Bast K
l^rdU«.r.|j. impi-r n,;:ch-. ,..i-.l-vl j
boree at the mill, had quite an aeclBunday with relatJves Id t
Mr. and Mrs, B. 8. Notate'i
Parts. May 2.—The ilew-rt .-I Sahara
Two popsrafoeBtotoMreWteA
null (UI1--1. pie-.M-s an,I |m-v-i j
yeoierday. HU horse barked
The Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Allington
To Blind School.
ter. Natalie, to (II with a mild form d
111 M>nn be iraveiwed l.y a i.-legraph
i-i ,„iuilnL-.,„u,..»lus. im„:l,lb-v!
the dump UW
rvFtumsd Thursday from a vUli with
Kn-I Si-verance. a S yi-ai "111 Inleracartet fever.
ne. All the d.-lalls uf the .-wheni.- iDlx. .-aailuR. binding. sUiebiat. i.k-1
hruteed him
Mtoa Time Vdt at Bk Raplda and friends at Lantlng.
l•ril.||llg-:r.UT■ m-ium i
•icben tail, was lakeii lu lam.lng by
ive been worketl out
Fred Caster Is mi tbe sick list.
Dr. Clark of Traverse Oiy were mar­ tbe interest of L. F. Perkeit.
T of only a few muiilli* befoiv *h.- pbrle. mini IVI-. li'iiiiyijribv. t-i"'’.. Mr. niail- -. .biliii—II Krnlay. where InMrs. Joe Albert* epent 8und»y with
ried at Cadillac Saturday. They will
Cbriatlan Endeavor topic for MV will tH- ill oiK-rall-m.
gi;iph> <au..-;n> i-lnie,. ,..,nls_,,Ml V ill -iiler Hie w-Uiml foi Ih.- Iiiiml
Contented Life.” Leader her Bister at Cadillac.
reside in Traverse CHy.
w-ork U being done hv the Preuch S.IPPII.W. half iiine*.
Herb Humael and tomlly
■ MUs Vida Warner and Lowell Mop Hra. Johnson. Special mnsle U beln]
gevemmenl. which furposes
POVIM cards
|■^1-.- and U.rison ditivB to Tmven* Cliy Wednes­ pr^tared and all are invUad to attend. moved back to town again. They oc­ neci all Its in N->rth>-'» .•elk.^-Ma|.* und plan*, niiim. U«ks.
day and were-married at tbe CoogreAlex. Hekowakl of Traveree Qiy cupy the houBO where Mr. an.l Mre. Afrl.-a l.y wire.
luuslral in-lnim.-ni.-. .-d,-i;ivIi.u. -lall,.
gaUonal paraonage by the Eev. O. haa been bere the past few days In Vedeni fonnerly lived,
;,nd |H-ir..l,<-al lilM.ii-k-al eiTelegraph in Sahara.
Charlie Cook I* back from Bay City
pochUn. They were attended by Mias
The Young People s Bible class was
hil-lis. l■llWi■•il^ -IN-sii-re.
The pules will lx- uf metal, iinil will ior. e.m-niiiieiii4l biii-auw and Dnane Morrison. entertained at tbe home of their where ho ha* been tor the past two
l« placed I'Mi nietre-^ ajiari. supp..TllMg
Bay Van ■ Taaael and Tamlly wtU leadier. Mra, Btowortb
l.ilinir..-i - I^ll1li b
III* wire ai a distance from ih<- gr-iiffld
spend a few weeks with hto mother In Thuraday evening. All presrot en­ short lime
lag. liaUring. hcaibiu
las-agp .if
^llalre. while be U reeovertng from joyed a very pleaaanl time.
Mifflcleni to le-rnili nf
ing- lie.k» nil,! fliiiin mI-"--'
sjm IbU week.
A. BUHnger of Maple City was in
hto (nlurr at tba cement mill.
paper li-ulll-r li'iiiii<li-iii-:il m '•
Mi*. Perry of tnlerlochen was call
W. B. Campbell of Northport epent
>wn Tuwdny.
- V
a couple of days thU week In town
After the InllUtion of cnodldstes Ing on Wylie friends 'Thursday afcei
■ .. -J. -I
IVucarrya lury ft,ni|,Lb-alock ..f CwAui S^MnUmaad
Kuanl ailing. Ihe line
Marliig oU nctinslniaimea.
He v
lie tbe Modem Woodmen. Monday
Insm-I-Iion «iH le- miiwe dull anvL- yi.ii *ome moauy un tbem.
tormerty partner at H. J, Briggs In evening, all were uabered Into the ad­
Fire Damaged Church.
We havi- tbe cehtbnOeil Luwivnce BoutwioL Hpp*r*tef
the Progreaa oOloe.
joining haU' where a hounitful sujmer
CadUlac. MIcb, May .1-Si Ann'Tbe Rev. Mr. Priestly la doing aetl
had been prepared by the Royal Neigbmilk ran nn tbis Separator is nimle of extra begvy tin M'l Ih*
Catholic churoh. a new brick sirurnirc
work in bU parish si Kawadln. Sun­
The ball presented a very prelvalued at *2(*.0«l. was badly damage«at-r is mmle of bravy ((alvuius] iron.
day be addAl eight names tn the
■earance irltb Its decorations of
by are yesterday. The tames dl-l sev |
Yifiii riii liuy one of ibese Sruralura for Jr** money thin
ebaidi ragiater, M"
f'"' "" shrobbery. mottos and monogrema
eral thousand dolUre damage, c.ver.-.l
moved by letter from Aabni2,_d»grch
the table* fairly gromied with
yi>ii (laii bt(f |UDS yon will luivi. Ie*s work ami you will get more
by M.fxlh Insurance. Tn* cliurrh was|
loada or tenpUbg riands.
of Travarae City.
i-reaiu init of your milk.
completed in 1W3.
W. N. Hnbbell at KewMHn escaped impromptu program waa given which
lb turn tbia mbi to na Sntnriay May 11. and we will allow
aerioua inlury Bunday avenlbg from called (Orth mneh apNause and all de
For the Fair.
you .'lO cvojt# for it on tbe pui^nae prii* of one of Ibeee
a peculiar aecldtiH. Tbe kingbolt ol parted in tbe wee sma' boors bofdng
Sutlons Bay. Mk-b.. May 2.-Tlie
Ml eairiage gave wag and let the that thU might not be the last ev
Lcetonao county fair will be bigger
B, wpectlng tb spend the winter.
MW wrttM for hU fnraitaie. aUUng

^ 1.


put* CIWM, Stmatn Bollwr nod Accldwnt Itsnuranom.

I «e here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. CarUale. who are reC. II. WlUUmo of Mapin Clly
Bovliig to Traverse City this week, Is town Friday.
Miss Agnes Mahn. who U employed
bare been gueau of bonor at a couple
of dinner parttea, Tuesday at tbe borne Is the Chicago aehoola la spending
covers were l%ld for twelve, and
Wedneadar by Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Towae. Both Mr. and Hra. Cartitle



stales In the Vnl-o sll> n'tot*
long acoei.l ll.e iiivltBIhtt

end left Ibis week to visit bU Prom Prldap-e Reoort
Mr*. Mary A. Place aeni to
mother at Hudto*. Lenawaa oounty.
siee this morniog.
and also to visit lo Benton Harbor
Joseph B. Johnson returned
m Elkhart.
Prank Riley
Tiavhome in Imaway this morning.
se City Alls htt place Anring bit kbMrs, P, I. Perroo returoeil i
home In PellWion today after visiting
Mts. d. Q..Luod of Mnakegon. fbrfrlenda lo and about the city (or the
merip of Blk-Ri4>ldt. and a daughter
past lew weeks.
of W- Btertlng aad wife, submitted
MUs BUabeth Ream* reuitned lo
iperetion at Ore bospital In her
a home in tbe Soo today after nalt» loan and U reported as doing
Ing at HanUlee.
Her baby la with itt ginadpap
Mlu Bva Sieim left for Kalamaroo
after flltlog a short engagement wiili

beis of tbe Don and Angers' dab.
with Joseph Bears as gu'eat. are at the
elab bouse oa Rapid river catching



Southern states, wtcb
cut yellow
pine amounuog m ouethird the
annual Inmtmr out of tbe counltr. are
idoubicdly near tbeir maxUnum.
Trust Confervoec.
Chicago. May A—At lea-ii tblrty-isio
slates are ju be repres-eDled ai

mrox QU Site Ipl


Mrtbcusiem state* in life and
tbe Lake eute* in tt»0

tester was la poK aad loaded wltb Hlmm Robinson, and to attend
tamter at .(tae Iron aoBDanr's dock funetal.
James Malian of Travema City
for Sbeboj’taa. Wia., aad tbe Manis­
tee took on t&76 banste of eetaeat ' railing on former neighbors ano

lag after a

"Two ■

-reore tv <Uaril!-« tiiiv's an-l

Bart Rows went to Oisad Be^
.ankat (TDeU was eaoaftt la tbe
ihaftlat at BoMh R Opvbaiti'-a aiiU yeatetdar. called there by tbe tejU
at Kwadla Uat weak aad stripped of bU father.
.Capt. W. P. Robertew of Hoitbpdrt.
ot Mat of bu doUUat ood coasidei
aMr abbkea up.

I la tba asms period.

iMaad w wnh drtMb abjopaabt.
At tba bowlaMte at tte praEtbta.
vaip RMdddrt aoatbi tuw vfbt tejorai

CbtdrM* CmwiM gmti
Tm> <*4 .VlHBUt


Tk Fanners’ Store


earriagu body drop with Its occuimuU,

of ihU nature
red better than erer lhl,s year and nrMiss Norene Baird U visiting
■mere wrfe "v- and Hn. Hubbri. Ray
rangemenu are already being made
and Velma Hubbell and H. A. 8UI1. the borne of her broiber T L. Baird to make it a record breaker. VcelerHo <»a was aeriooilr hurt.
and famUy.
day the rftcers and directors belli
John Monroe has complated r^lra
IbelT regular meeting here In Wallan the Yariout docks here and shipped
A Fine Mwical.
diSCORA th^ general bilslness
hla pile driver tbU week to Boyne
sical given by BImer E. pertaining to * fair this year. A gen­
White, aarimed by Mra, I. B Oilbert eral rerlston ol the price list
aocotnpsnlst.'ln Masonic ball Thuraday made and IIW was placed
evening wa* a very etmoereful aBalr.
id* ol a remmlue^ consUilng of
MUa BImma Ooldfnrb retomed Mon­ The musical was tor the Measure of RuBI, Paym? and Peterson lo Iw
day from a three montba aoJoirB in Treveere Oty Lodge No. 2tt F. * A. pended for halt.gaiDr* red siuJris.
Tbe Young Guard* Boys band
M- and their todies, tbo Eaatero Star
Mre. Barbara Borehard retutlmd red membrre of the Maaoolc order been engnged to play during ihe three
Tneadar from Petoakey. where the vtotOng tbe eltg.
days of Ihe fair. Preeideni Herring­
spent four weeks with her daughter.
The toUosring program wa* *bly ton will look after Ibe space for the
Mre. Lena Ood.

Mrs. Coll baa --

MgM-poand daughter.

11^ Blood Makes
a Weak Body.

exhlbiu and atnad* on tb* ground*
rendered by Mr. Wb«e:
-Tba D*r to Done,” (word* by I^ng- while Secretary Cate wiu look
the general lotereetA Tbe printing of
feUow. mnsle by BUte.)
the priie list wUI be lei to the lowest
left In the hands uf

•<abln on Urn MlssUalpf
(H. B. Ranke.)
-Widow MaJooe.”



C*. Eaefck A. Rbrnl a*d HOT.”)
‘Backsrard. Turn Backward."
Bred NSW Vigor Threugh Use Brs•The Anawer."
"Old Fifty-nine.” (Word* by Boott
Woodward, mtalc by Charle*
Bvery new* and every tnoeeto <* the Skeicber.)
IMr depmda on th* Mood for ■oarltb•Oh Dry Tboa* Tear*.” (Tereaaa De
awBb Thin, watery Mood mahao weak
tmrres and Babbr oimitoa. Tb« bean RUfo.)
•Bonnie BrsaU”
tails In lu work of fordne blood
-Volce* o< Angel*.tkreagh tbo body; tks lungs, the ett
reb. tbo Uvtr. fcldBrys and boweU
"Under (be Troea,” (Kasttbnhr.)
. do Otelr vrorti in an Imparfect war. i
gtru drag aboni woak. tired red mb
-Star of tba test.”

to. hg Usite Dr. A W. <W*

FrevUuB to tbe program. Mr. White
TW* wee of Dr. A- W. Chase’s Norro
announeed that bo bad no teeora*
ruto make a radical —-------------------but de^dto tbU. be wa* recalled
••Old Piftmlne" and was (oreod to
ting It over, tbe ple«« being tbe big
Orodnellr. certainly aad natursBy hit of the evening "Tramping,’
they tnatUl new vigor Into every Book
red center of tbe body, restore bealtb m«nT Mttto melody with a catchy air.,
red ritallty. and pot a new Joy tnto Ufa wre another very tdenaing aeloction
Kota your taorcese tn weight whU* and Hr. White wa* recalled on tbto,-•re« Dr. A V. Chaae’a Nerve PUU;
Mr. White wai in dxeeUent
n ceou a bo*, at alt dealers, or Dr. A.
nnd tbe whole program wa* rendered
W. Chase Medlrtne Co, BuOato, N. T.
For aato by Jotineon Drog Co

In * very antoUc mannei

President Herrlngtoo.
SuUona Bay U ready to do her pari
> mtee tba-fair a sue
Th* world at Large.
Wasblngton. M*T 1—This conniry
U today ID the name posUlon ............
gtrd to fotesi resourcei a* wa* Ger­
many lb) year* *ueh Oermao Slate*
as Saxony and Prussia, partlcitlarly
the Utter have pppltod * Po»tcy ol
control and
which bas immensely increased ^he


same policy will achieve ereo belter
retulu in the Untied Suies. because
have tbe advaniage of all the le*
___ a which Europe has learned and
paid for In the couree of a ceniury of
theory and practice.
Lest U might be aasumhd that tbe
m^d ^d gaielsc deNeUen of American forest resource* I* snlllrlenily *c j
coreied for by the inerreae of poputatluB. U U perinted out that the Increase
« ttiww half the lanesse it


XXXX Coffee Chums at work

Tmt€9 good abo<^—because it’s always good.
Always the same because it’s always blended
and roasted just r^iL
' Extra good quality, because it's Dfnported direct
and aoU^TKcf to dealers.
Ottter cofi«s must pay a profit to imp«^
tankas and jobbers. You save tfiree profits in XXXX
Cerffee. The laving goes into highff quality.
That's vdjy McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee is so
fimcA better than any other coffee at the same pnee.
The handy air-tight package and the glazing of
pure sugar keeps this orffec dean and fresh—pro­
tected from dust, dirt and foul odors.
McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee is sold by

All Wlr»-t-OI««» Oroc*r»

Paints, Oils
and Varnishes
U,c }‘.iiDtiiiK s<-aai.n.ii at bai- i nn-l we can't gee *11 of
\',ii {.-L-muually. w<- take ibis upjrortuniiy tbrungh tbia valuabU
pap-r to let yon know that we ar*- prejAred bettar than *v«r to
furniali you

wit), cheap. iDe<]iiiiii ami tbe very bent Whit*

Leads. 8«,) .>1*0 K-a-iy .Mixt«l


Our paint is not tb*

clieapost. I>m if yon are after tbe Irest <]uality, ,-ome to ua and
V.<- w ill show y-.u ,,ur Uuarfint---- -m oar Mited PainL harknd by
the .Mbunfa-liirer.
Ill regard to I'aint < lil. all we can say ia that w* ilo sot bay
aiiytbibg but tbe pure raw and boilul Linaeed Oils, aa the life
of I'aint -itjreoda *.n oil; inaiat on getting it pare.
We -uii'l dra- ribe the Varnisbt*; tbtsre are ao many kind*
an-l sires ,>f <'V>s, bat we woaM be {Aeaaed to abow yon whew
you i-om- to our ator-.

It i* on Uie ooraer of Froot aad Gms





They Wea?Better g
and QoUictan
i^ast a«k*i
iWi>ii beca»» i^T ar*


fraacnWalMUfU^t-skruS ^
by C»-» t?tcUl Ctethcraf: jmcct*

Tb* Ortbmn taJlaw-a-a ^
•a^kyH because tbty tr« c--


^•rU c.t U«lr uad*—«ot, tbapr,
fathtoa smd rn ttfMber ^
cl#*Ji 1st* ik9 ^Md nUs TOO ^
oo^ttovoar-nUstkUwUl fit





m wou

looren her.
The boat was bound for rbic.-igoan<J

oi ta tb« sc. i

iKtteo ef olI.VMl amtoriol .
aaKejtba«oo«M*spMrihU>»d I

*n will dmw a b>ninly of
ary ami the other brothers decided to IG on each ••( Ibe uaiuials. In a<lilltlr«
sell Iba properly.
which a lun-iderabb- amount will
n-aMre.1 fitwi the skin*. Th*- trap

•s wi-re also sueeesslul In Uklng
telok and niarien.
Following the example set by
taken Saturday
*"• •'"»«> Bramlah and lour child lar budi'-s •'Hewhere In
tbe dppm.............................
nd Ra
r oo 'i
lo Cnui4
Ruplds uftfT pcDlnsoIa. the Oninnagnn
ropfwvis,.;-s has i,lKdl-h<sl tb* olflee of
Uio r«»f» tor son<- <]lsun<-o -.., ,p -pnidllie » fe« days In ih»- rity,
\il.. r'
t^r* tbl^
tbo vossrl «m.o«sli Uirro is no
«*»’’ ^ HolAswortb left
warvl<-u Tb.- d<-er In one of tbe
•ImnaM. <l.» one dnsJsM > ten- tcio . ‘“e '"f ‘h’c<rflrsy best biinlin-7 •]|-irlr:« ol noilhern
Mh-hlna or- rhii. b-fi wltboul proMO I--IUP Ailed up.
siRhl aa-l (here

l5*rK vc.erUaj niorelne CnplaJn,
A»der«.n died bis c».* and made oomlns where Mr

A'P*-" leellun from p<H bunieis Tlx- .vellun
Beard h« of the boar.1 wos dictated
ihm uBiler 111- proem slat
c Barton left for Alba Ibis fl.Gii l< rvall/ivl from ibe '•al-'i'f eaeli
.hiinriog il's'n-e. the county gets oalv
-hin back 10 the north. With all
rents ns it* slioiv, and ilila Min«nmt
I set the Feariesa Blud away (rum borne In Holland where be will spend
entirely tmidoqualr t» malBlalu
iliif of weeks for bis heallh.
lire dock only lo bring up on tbo bolgorue wardi-o.
Id searrb of n biu'lox who dlsap>m before going a hundred feci.
wind belne a IrlBo aoulb of 1

I llenil iMiiol and wall for The wind

Several hours were spent In trying
to work her loose by the Mils and

po-arvd ro years .vgu nnd ••( wbooi be

A. J.


which ahonld ba net right or It will
lead to aerious dammgemant of the
teminina ornalsm.
Tbeuaanda of women, have
fonnd iwllaf from all prriodie anffariog by Ukiog Lydia E. Pinkham'i VagnUbla Componad. whleh
ismada from nativanioU and herbs.
l tborongh fraala
ns it la ti
mb discomfort and n
iblad wtth painfnl or
that period ofiU tai
n who are troul
rnnlar fonetions Miould take imsrdiaU BctionI to wardoff tbeaerii
eooaa nad ba
« restored
lo bealth and ati«n^ by talring

Lydia E Pinkham’sVegetable Componad
Nias Adelaida KieboU of tH I
writes;—Dear Mr*. Hnkham:-‘'lf w,
Vagalablr Componnd their tmcblas weald b«
- dla E. f^khan's
.. ..........................
tad. J farl greatly ii......................................................................
Ir ramady,"
..._ ban bean h
bronght lomia by yo
•s Famala C
Lydia E. Pinkham^s Vejratabla Compound

svstem. For the d
6. pimthMm: Vem

. and inr^ratea the whole femialnr
la of fha Kidneys of aithar sex LyAJa
pocad liaxml^L

Mrs. Pinkham's 5tuidinK Invitation to Women
Woman suflsrinx from anr form of famala wcaknasa are inaitad to
writ. Mm Plnkbam. at Lynn.Wasa. From thasymptomsgiven, the treble
may ba located and the qnIdreslandsorTst »*y of racomry advrsad-

Smith Realty Co.

tneola arc not lo be allowid
In the last Issue of the Motor
published at HUG


York, tbree pages are devoted
description of condltlonx In Ibe Gmod
Traverse region. A picture of J
Karmen's Record Boy ia shown also
anexcelleaillluElmUaiiortbe We-quelong club aod Noribport Harbor,
article is by U L Stevenson, city edi­
tor of the Record
The Motor Boat Is Ibtt rreugoln.-d
authority In the motor bosllog w'orld
and has a subscripUon list Hiai rx
tends all over tbe world.

The maga-

tine has Just cclcbraUvl Its third birth

bo r*ae of the Anosl sudal in cute of
the year.
Invitations have l>eco Is­

go Into the etaarily fund. It Is assured
that there will be a Hbt-ral response
tu tbe Invltatluos. First eUs. n
will t>* provided and a banquet

Bo) were surprised last Saturday
nigbt by about thirty «>f Ibclr fricodj,
Ibe •Kx-a-'Um l-elng their tnenry.afth
Tbe guc'.-ts br'ejght

phi) ,n th- guvuiim..,.. a- .l.-put, p.eltiurt-1 - ' •
Aiiill-F. N.-.lii.g-r
1. ,-an..- Jirie- -f U-s..,,- ! > l-ourt. v... ,s,d«g
W. il. l-tAlor. who IMS .as upl-d H..- plae- ........... Ho- .W-ariv' id Ju.lRe Liitln
■ .





ilselng man was Mel.aln noil
Is biviber has traved him t.i a
In Ohio, from which he staiti .l «i
kegon to put in a liaad-saw niitll
s a niarhinlsl by irnile. but >u
have ilropped Into tin- •■aitli
his arrival In Muskegon Thi- olficen.
thing lo i-sMst the




JiisUci- A II. Gi's-u ••( lixioid. •rictl alibul a hardware stuck pari
whii-h ha-s been In his sy.t.-m .Innwas i: )<-ars uf agi-. Tin- judge
new IMSI Ii".

As 0 barefootn] bu)

jumped main a pile of biok.-ii glass
filling hi- lictii f<»( wlHi .............. IS. II.
soctueiksl. «s 111- sutipoM-il. Ill extiwel

•■n the uppiT part of tin; fmK. li- cu
Ii ojieii and fouinl n splinter of gla.-s
(III tb<- SMIIX’ dav .> p|.-r<. of sli
whleh (il.wii col int>j hla light lia
vciirs ago also Wfvrkfd tiiiward. .
that H w-as extracted. Willi glasa
his foot. MC.-I In Ms right band a
th- scales of jusllce in hi- led; t
to s|s-aV of the ki-ys Hi thi- villag.<xa>k-r in his ixiekiH. Judge Griidl lias
liei-u a walking hardwarr- sturt

the ago


lie-iic- If nii'l.-tl.ii-.k

a Ciinimia

• I im-ribaiii, ih-i-i.l.d ibi- .i'!-. • oiovaing

I Ins h. hs laid
11.. n..'-.-.-4 SlidI, iLal hi* lawn iiisslisl laktn'i ,>iid ox 1mKBS of ..........
sir.- and 'nwia •xanu--|(ui.I a nrii- sfvan- ilun- liis.ld-il Ibal
lialli.ii fn'iiui .rii- ••oiiiiil. I.- ejic. -sbe;i
-I Hi. }nli idl Ills bauite al
laid all. lusld.- Ilf ,-iiiollii-r.
w.-iil to the woiwl<bi'd in
Tb<- t'oiiwa.v .Xiiiiioi T(d|.|ili.iU<' Co.
.1: and when In- Mta-il Hhhas ln.sii|»i-l-<l -d'be rapiial idis-l. haadle RfanI th- <-rl— -1 a iahI. i’lmu
Ih ll.iSk. ati.I a wliob- b.l -u.'laniH-iw
til arts- ei)i:fi-a'

Ti-l.-plnmiw wii! inn

silgaiPm (»• ibal VT?»i)n
had liMlI Its m-sl .Ui liqi of tin- twnBI
ib.'^mk.. l-.tig and was ta-iHug

riw ii.-w «h.-diil.- (- iiinl.i
Ih- M.isi.-r Hors. s1e.-i s' Niitnma!
I'liiii'rilv- Assu'-iaiion ol Anu-rti-a. n

G-iwrer Netei. ............................. (vi.ilimiei. ap n '
• jinewa in ti... pt.K-.s-dlngii' agatmt

Mnneli w hieb haw j’lM ies n •irc.ininsl Munilsy Uu .................. .. In lilw New
ttiiiiuchi.i.i .M-iire.. isinnr) lakiiig ef- Y.>rk Ibrel-i ■ ll•,;•'.alV mow of Ibe
I.Tl Ms> 1.
wlllieJ-ii.s e:,1
Jii-io- of III- I'l-a— Ijiiaavd Lina wh.-lh.'i
bury 1.1 {Niiiiiai-. wb'i haw Iwl.l llisi oT

Bo- for fiMir ti-mis. ndliex July I to aEOin. ||-> 1
• iiler lb- -biilel l.n.sini'Ss. - He. with
t'luirb-s S'lovi-r, formi.flv of IliHHiil. liiMu a Ib.-iilii-al ixdlil o.1 vV-w.- IgTMi
havi' i.iirrlMi,-ii 111- <*lintoii hoiis.-,
iviuiioei. n-li-rtiug ii. til"- irregram,'
many years.
well.kiiow-ti iHwoliv, aiid i.r.- making aiAed wh-i -iintirt^ail'i of llu' 'de-You Just tell them Hi:il tin- •>M
pliautj.- nn-aiii. HaiatinoMem nqilted:
went over H. Hand Hill and sktnn.-d lni]iriiv-m-tils wln-b will j
pm will. I...1.I11,- h.' i.i
-Tbe ii.sii wKh Hn- b.xA ' .
111'- criiwil.- -ani tVllliaiii II. Ilsiiiiin of
- A niitsld- <-'-hia>loa Ik Ix-llig plan
Mr. Osmun M-firr.-d
n-if und'i 111- nu.qdri-k 14 fb- Caiushiiiiliic uiuich h*-ldjiy Hie tvnm
I'' HiKInio-al MXii-ij l.w iln-«mll•■ndr..llt■ atiiiii. ■*. i.. i.( tb.- idrtb "f

slpaitlng •'Inti l)-miin. w le> Is 7n vi-ais
of ngc. Ellled IG'> ><nt of 1.13 bl'u- im-ka
and r« llixi prlx>-.
Id - bus

l.oiil« ,kg.i**./

|i will lahe 111.' form

leennj for g<s>d shooting anil has many

•i| a leiinioii ol ih- i-.ipil* of Acnaxlx

Hines carried tiff the first prU-.
says. -1 foil ibt-ni ail. When tin- laiy.

aud will
Ill-Id In Baund.Ts IheaHv.
Cunihridg.-, Mass . on Mumlay ov.-nlug.
Mat ::
Srif.ll.y M ('irllnm.' th.- wiuilor Sena­

are in. iouebing up tin- liquor. I stay
on Hie outside, and Hi<-n my nnr>' goiai ami Uieirs are sh;ik>
never lourhis] a bit of
kv- In mv Ilf.-,”

01 ■

S'"' >dw
lliiv-ii into uf/Fh nli-ad ol a trafi
d.*-r has ls,:,.^)„ i.v 1.0,w

\Vak.-h-ld, (;..B.-1.«. lion rangl>
Th- sirikltig rr<-lchi liamllci.
the tirxiid Trunk rallniail liaw lec-n liad pnis'iid Hi- animal alH-n ihgrsnlisl a l''*-i-ni ralsi-.
ho i xba'is'.sl Hiai If wax an
has lieen ileelded thai thrr
•■nough uf the nid mugri-gnlioo, i. r for Hi- l»>ys 10 walk op a«d catrli
ih<- largest <n Oxfoivl. of tb<- li li> lb- lars HiiiLl-ad^B l...,.i.
Christian chureh, l<i supp-ul a pastor s-n>..-i.Hj a hoc- burl,, f.vind

I3.3“5.'1M. .Among the twcli
le stale tixlay wTre Ollil.irtG

Maekinar rallwav.
Tbai he had br-'o a wanilcrer ..ii i
(are of the earth fi/r llie past thirty

n.'iijamln |•nl■lo•ll
isII ii>|.|ilV III II doiiU. -xs

lug nil of tlnuu. but afl.-r tt-achln: ,1hniiigh r.iwbivill-. |l>..:n;-Ncirieimanhood he was irivnlded with rb.-u- siiil Sbalisliing
Th- .t;ai|OBi-ailil all
Diatlsm III (tut (raH. This week, nolle
ovi-r Moiiroi- isomi.v
log u banl subsiaru-

le celebration.
The cash balaor-e in (be slate
ry at Ihe close of businesa April 30 chauni pipe wbli-h hr • lalnix lias l>e.-ii'
s family for loT v-ea™, Tb.- plp.was IT.IPy.GH.TI. The n-ceipt« nf tbo
lely colorvd an<l FJrvy •»•* I
during Ibe month Just closed

gb-.I In a haPl.wh- frnre.,wn

tor f.oiii llllooiv h.vs bad .-onslden
hie amusem.111 s' an Hem going ibHMinds of ilie newsp.i|s-rn tbol a re
c-ot allael. of Indlgi-silon was «3in*.-d
hv Ills nwallomlng s |ile<s-of tolmr.-o
tn stixwer 'o n qw-ry <m Ibe wnlijeci
Isiiui.lor ('olpMo iep)|is|
er rakre

J.diii .\|



jln-w of lohaixii

.- be add
I i*r. w|ib a sliJi'M.-i, lo H' tki* i*x.
M>. h.,w sir* I was-

l^dhniiii. one «f-lho gifwH ns* .rf
............................................................... ...................... ml... 4II-.I ill l»c.. wished 10

- |X.i...ssl-r at uid'-fish
I’qinl. Jo;i. a MX-l.i. of • iitcle-miste .who
(•hlpiK-wi. i.i.iMi'. Hfl-I !o«.i—u y.sir:- j we.. |H.,«ss.i|iig s,M-ar-h for Ho.
Ml iii.-jc i- .V d< ni ',pliilo-o|.b. i-s sr.uie. ||.- a lei-


ifns^ of iNi- most c-ele
l. '.illi. .1


hn.O't aleh'-misls
Is sad
an. sa-ni it lu Hie
S.S-1. .V
The li-rt.-i: erf tbm'lsi ou-ii.e teim- he e„.l.| End an lh- li,n.welLbe..M.„M m.- nnderetand
a wo.d irf It
noisni. (Je-

five years he w-as una^

Airs......... Is. IhisighI Igtniiod Tiim to I'.


find a home anrl bu;< btren

tbe nurtbvrn part <Y Ibe siai
-urea pusilivn. Aiihougb be Is
r*? he}. be will rodeavui to i-t.u
lluuc bia jouro'-y nurtb as best b
Tempernne<- and anti- abam pm<pir
of Ba.' Cli! are going about lovHiog
.omeviiie to kiei them l>eeause ol th-

ARIOSA ail thdr Hv«.

juduc baric they took lu opi>o.:lBg
IValker bill requiring sure!) bond:
-.aPa-alriv. The IVaU-r bill wa; killed
**rrlgh'. The anti.- have now learnc-'.

1.00k at ttveiTt. They lie
il aod tfwv- haven't haJ to
{ quit Ainking it

ITO late, that tbe Walker bill

llielr suppe. wllb then, aod left ce>- ba-e
ri-al V^TV nb-e prc-cot of cut gla*., wn.l ni-Hj
:.|l>et. A program In rharg* ot Mr:, l>an|e.
t'era Buwbatl. eoni-LHOg of singing. letier

plai-cd tbr .ab<oiii<t.. 1
ot lire sti-eiv l.indlng cmi
tud ina'Je them live up,to the
of the liquor law. and rhai If

ch'»rus slngtog and reeltallfini were they dldn l, Ibe bunding eompanie:
nmlciTd. The visitor., left at I:G" a. winibl wlthdia*.
Governor Waniet loriru-.-ted Adjuv
m. nisbing >1’'- and Mrs ntelger man)
h»m' mures fur Ibe di)


Fori SmiUi, nuucr.

his asslslan'c.

I ll.'Ni'i a }ear.
AHiun Ervy. of,Gaines, bis a

. from Ihe Pt ie Marqaellc n
from Ihe Uetroli

Atml F. Hemeotr.

Uaiph S Ha-viiii;. M-iidar s'leiss-ri.-.) .1 M H'r.-.lmaiit'i l «* .-itv ,iH-4..r.'.- Mr ■Hu.-ih.,...,.<-) was .»p,.H.l.d by Mav>;: Fimdil.-l, a y.-a, ip fill
III.- vaenc. .-;....s.-d b, Hi.- T.-s.Rnatbvn o( M I-; H.-sk-il, ........... ..
f^o ru.

Ik- a large guthering ot Elks and
U'BrtcD is unusually small Mjrt
friends. Bach member ot the lodge
weight O'er i;lght}-flvx- pound;
lins llie l•riv||cge of Inviting a Irlend. Is, hardly able H) work, but sal
As -Ibe proceeds of (his annua! event
- on Ms wn> to liie lumber w

Mr and Mr.. Geergc Siclgcr ol lla.t

Oil. Pboota—Raidraoe. 2SiO.

I be chmiu-d as'far as possible from

fuinh 8. Hait.ngt.

length of llm.- ago. a man giving bl>
as Jotin MclaOnnf l*rni]sy|vHnia.
baa enllsi.-d ilie isdire di-paitinrol In

sued and It is cx|<ectcd (hat there will

It ;.erved during Ibe evening.

and Courtcons Treat*
mentio AIL

streets of Lansing, on the occasion u(
It- visit of Presldeiit Roovevelt. May
I. The element of commei

if A. i

had found on iiare slnei- ib<- arrival
Ihe b.-v>lh>-r In Musktgon. about tlh-

hve yiwrs was ih‘- ilaii:
William O' 4.1
Charity ffall.
applied lo the iiollec at Port Huron
The annual charily ball of the Klks
• Iwlglng. O'Brien said that alK-r
to lake place on Tufcsday. May M
. faiber died leaving blin homeless

Carry a (.omi'leir and full
line of

Farm and City Property
For Sale.


sbore. te lUehlgan terriiory.^ being
allartaed !<• Keweenaw ruunt), nn<l

m.iKKi f«t >A neon map)'' lurnWri
cm pul abutrd Safnrdsy. There is!
— V. at —V
reioracd !•> his liinne
feew of -waier
the —Tiiller

norm on passenger No. «.
theri a line waa carried a'liorc aod the

Charles Bplder went lo Cadll
craw went lo work on Iba
■Is morning on bordness.
TbaOotboaftUbolHoae^ryt*™"**-****'"^Twice during the day rJ.a was bauied
Miss Lrtiuib Hogan Iril lUs more
T« CM hm> dio haodsorw aotberaft S?rta< Stylo Mol If ^ back to the dock which took several
New York city, where sheit
hours each tlmr> ami twice more she
.pend s short linic.
aUempleO lo aall. tba last lime bring­
Miss Bessie
Woodward went
ing up slightly lo the westward of tba
PHMsion loday.
•lock and tbe soundings'abowed rmly
Mrs. I.. BY^Swanion left for Gnat
a mile oviT eight feet of water amid­
Rapids Ibis moniing
war taslcftilly dcromted.
ships while there were almost icn
Foul AceMrnt.
W. U Hunmund. cashier of (be IahIAmong tlu- oupMTe (rpecislly
Kalnmateo. Mich. May i^Abraham
Ingbio First National bank, is vUltli
rendered were /duet by Misses Young
Captain Andrraoo informed the Rec­
Wagnar. a Laka Sbere A Michigan
nod Ula Curry and two selectlonk ord rrportcr who boarded the vessel bis molbcr In this city.
amrthom eroman. was inaUntly killed
played by Vera Osborne, a Ue.nillful iliBi the waier bad draped a foot duran« M<n Bnawnall, a city
Mlu by Mrs. nobert iUrtlctl.
1m the day. Cadcr Uiosc eoodllloos
aoraaper. vrM fatally Injured' at
After pleading guilty lo homo »
songs by Blanche aod eiln Sllics and li' was necessary lo Ugliter the boat
Laka thera croaalng on Portage atreet
mg, Jay Wallis .of Bail.- Creek,
a Aoe recltaliuo by Cladys Bbug. or meurc a tug whh± would lake
this morrting.
senti'Oeed tr> Jark»oa fur a ten
tanmn and Winnie Ritter, Albert. soma little lime. Afikid that the
^TMiroall an* driving and atum
oue tu Sve years.
RIanrhc aod KHa Stiles gave Inirrest- would kcci> on dropping, the captain
ta eraaa the atreet ahead of a r
The rcmalOK ot Arthur ftallerfton.
log wUatlims,
nrade a desperate effort to gel back
bound freight dravm by two anginea.
drowned a week ago In the Red
A drill by Gladys Shug, Vem
porThe -pilM of the forward angina picked
in MlKxisFlppi. have been tveovered.
borne. Blanche and Ella Slltcs. Bcrtlia lluu of his cargo, succeeding after
up the buggy and carried It along
They ronnol b<' brought
Aniistruiig and nertha Peters
srteral raor4.houra of bard labor.
tU the engine reached a ewiteh. The
in Bay City.
gitrnily admired. Tbe vtollji aelcr
When the dock was rebuilt a ebanbuggy atruck the awKeh. breaking the
The Maccabees will' .
by Gnirge Bojd were much appriel- iicl was drcdgid for almost a mile out
IcValfe' and throwing the awritsh into
temple at Fhrwell ihle aonHner on (be
and ita enlnucc marked with pllru-.
aodh * poolHen that the aecond engine Btod.
comer of Maine and Buperior streets
Tbe closing number waa a bcauUtuI but Ibe work Lad been obliterated and
•lid iitaetten cere were plied up
Tbe building will U' of holluw cemcnl
faUeau cnUlled -Liberty and her lb.- place is anytblog but a convcnleni
liaodmaids. Religion and Knowledge.' •me for comracrrUI sailing.
Vagner waa In the cab nf the sec­
Judge W. W. SUckoev of Lapeer,
i{i which Gladys Bbug imperaouated
ond engine and hla body wac dug up
who lias UccD In n crttlcal condlliun
liberty. Vera Osbonie religion
from •Oder the ssreekage. It wrai IKfor several weeks, is gradually grow
Ella Stiles knowledge.
Tbe saiiam owned by
aralty cooked by the eocopmg dleam.
tag worse aod Ibrrtv Is nu brv fur bis
Many expressed the wish that
Gadtcmi-ycr (formerly William lie-'
place) was buigarllzed Saturday night
at Vpallantl wiib ftfltwo
.-•Dd something over tlD taken from
CioM of the Term.
wild ducka In Ihclr pnsrsslon. iwo
the caab rcglKler. No allcmpt
rvf M. students elalmcd Ignorance
.WmiamMnt MIeh.. May <:-Mles
Minionary Meeting.
made lo opeo the aafe.
Ihmaw. Jusllce George R. Gunn Aned
lha K. Voeas of Traveme CUy cloaed
e home mlKSlonary aorletles of
The person or penoes who did
a mr» nucoesaful-year of*school lo
d Traventc coimty -will hold their w-^irk were evIdenUy lamlllor with the them $10 and. $3..'.; costi
Btoodgood sebool. niittpwalor lown- annual meotlog In the First Methodist
Mrs Caleb Miller of nirbroond, aged
bulldlug and bad planned tbeir cngMp.fTMnr#Tdnc. May X TbeAar ebureh In this city, beslnolng or
{a>. who took great pleasure in t
iraucerarcfiiny. A nut sbcll bad been
procmin was well roodered aod duly evening of Msy zr.. Mias Snyder, nabile ride.s. U dead. Her di^b
plai-cd under a rear window Ibat looks
appUuded by tbe moby who wen- Uonal orcai'lrer. will speak ai bidb
up five geritralloii'. Theodore Mill-r
into Ibe back rrhtrenee. Tlte dour
proprielur of the Uctroll excelsior
ana of Ux cmrenUnii,anii U:
the cntmDcv was locked nt closing
Among Ibos*' wbu atlnndnl. were presence of coi.fercncc nccrelary. Mn.. time I.ut Ihe irwrks Indieale Ibwl tliu WCK-ks. Is u sou,
F>»ir saltiouko-pcrs were pul •>ut
Mian Younc's mother ot TraTenso City, Levie,Ts, will add Interest to the Chief eniered (liroogb u liaacmeot srlnbusiness at Ionia wbou Ihe eounell
golte a cumber from tt^lllamsbarg aod mceUagm.' Eveiybody Is invited i
dow. eame up Into the entry and Hired
sued licenses to only ret. (kjvernor
poranta of tbe children. Tbe room tend.
Hie. window he bad flxi-d so that the
Warner signed the bill mirirtlog tha
latch would not catch.
number, one lo every Iba)
Tbe money wax then lakcn and be
M'mday aigbt.
b-n (bruugh the back doors whk-h arc
(h<once D. Jones, veteran grocer,
fillixl with spring locks.
died at Dowagbe Tuesday, aged
Semie months ago, evidente
years. He was a pioneer of Cass <
premcdltatiul burglary were discov-'
WhOaiMwemui Uentimly free
ly and bad been In Ihe greectj
erccl in Uioc lo avoid any (rouble i
from pari^e anCering. It does oel
In this city for Iwenty-flve y
aacm to ba the pinn of natora that
it Is probable that the same person
He leaves a wife ami one daughir
wesMB ahonld raCar no savamly. Irtend lb« place Saturday night.
Vendurw of pupcors and


o men who ap-nl tbe winter la
Rojale. Ss can.lakers, have hUM
IW wildcats iteve since last fall Hiv
Isllod, altbmigb < <0 tbe Canadian

aiid“.'hrtor.icry n’cT-dV ntoa lo liore j lo »Ve Lake Ibis doming

• ad fastileaed lly tiM lacit YM

Valoly trylag to «JI la wat
waa not deep eoough by a fool or landmarks la Bentie aonniy. being
I lRd3 when
more, the schooner Fearteoa of Ra worked •
'wa. UBin Usi
rina spent Sunday on ibr wurd reefs George Fuller kraied thara.
Noah E- Pkllrr. tha youngest
Ibe East Bay Lumber eompanv's
for Iba
•lock mt East bead, the crew racanahllc pntling furlh every effort lo past few .raora. but ba died In Famni-

Fuller Homestead Sold.

sill General


to B-H»y

Miebigas Naligaal guard eumpeoles
that canteens would nut be allowe'l

The Hd George Fnller bomntead In conoecUoo with company barracks
In AMrira lowiublp. Brmxie couiH}. The order a III be eoforued to tbe latwas sold last w^ek to CAldaell E Irr. Tbe order grew mil of the traable
Loo<lon of tUs dty who will take tbe In tbe Fli^t regiment at Isrtndt
(3 or W nerw c< Umber from H. Tbe (be Shtpoao matter




Don't let any man cell
j-ou tomedung tnticad,
which may mm your
itontach aod

Ns-r 'ia* Lxlr Sttpericr SXv-.rxBac

I. M'.Ccrn.ok.

W. Ritkerd.

Ibcr. rill .ml; I- iw. t>c. fa-, s in tb. -i.s-eonn-ll -hi* >-ar. A


RJ.|erd M.the t?-e.dld Wtld Slid J M. >l-1'0'0ie-k >t the Fifth.
Maieo'n. W,nme of 'he First. W H. Ah'aoH 'rf
-Rrird and
UurcL:., of *h.-|giri.iAiago..wtv.-i,'.re:-'diisIJt. '




The W»rU «t Urt*.

M> hare near phoon.

iblnpoD. Mar «—Tli<> Natlusal

The «(«liikaUoD contoM Tblota took

a„ <«n,

Warner and Cbarik Bates

hir-.ha at Ann Artor.

Jamea teaeat la bulldlag an adli-

"■“Sr *“ r:;::

», THUMbAY. MAT «. 1W7.

nurloe Ai>Hl itee were

eualalned lo a

OB 10 the *eat aide of hla hoaar.; tfondar reaulicd IB the d(*Ul Thar*
The fouDdallon U bulli aoil John dar o( Tbonaa Madlpan of K>la>na'
n WaablDStou on Mar
I cork in the bulldlns.
HelEhe* ><

ibe AwptM* o< tbe IosaI liieb adiool'

(Meridg Ike face Chat It *aa (be flrat
—of lU UM ever haM In tfeli dtj. The

hoklDt: Siipprin- Ftyu TUurtdar'a Rocoid
temirlriuc renidrou of Lake Un^yKant-Klinker.
tbls <ll> niitlj
Bdwaid PnWiluwi «l Calutnot wt:
Kklaard E. Kliukrr
^iaa Vom Wrnkoop. aenited Iral
ilic building and loan aa^allmi#
Inland nereftn Koweenaa- <-oonty to claim ttsfi. ’bplaw. ••keet of John Adana- br ^ ,|„ „air under hla JiirladkUbn lu- Mins llanb'l Kent
l■<•-Jllly <<u elaliiy-nlnn lynt. which bi
Htaa Bcriha IWoll l«>K nccMul dpd
lo .^hlbK the *<rt of «s»opcra- united la uiairlape j'
<rapi«i| wklb- wiuUTing on ii|j,e Ri>>
............ H.>»Ialiil IXtiglanon lUitbi
the “AddiOM of Binrikm to tho
aaiMaialiaDK of lha'
r'baa" 'iillThiimilny by Ihellev. J.n^-:ili DuHoii .d
CSIadUlorm- hj Ed Fcdkr* Wa aa-art-[
,\<>lhe:1ly , wio, nrasted by Slat'
In rarlwal""MfUtodlni rhurrh. Tbe n i.ed IWrt, The derutop of thr Jnditta ^„ralrd llirae ona
very qiilei uSnlr. only a Pankiii;; (tuiniiosaionrr 7.linirennii-i I
-WM very cloap. hororor. and Ibe uectloiia or the ulatr to nend plMdii Siiony naa
TJiry will Thur-'iln' lo the Almna foniiiy-8a« -!
jdaeea were derided hr rfartlolia df ^iaphs of honiea tbal liaye lieeu bull 'fi w Mend- elliimnins II
bank :ii Hnrrinrllle lo trrn««ei I
malT Ibelr borne ••n o funu «rHlieesi
'bf'f loatromenlallir.
The Kink hns
“A Uesaace bi Janda' br Mias ainuUBI lllat llie l•o^tnrerK |wld ea«h:
MIm Keiil r'-reiiily fell heir, iluoucii
staiia Decker and -Tbe March of llir'niuiitb. total pamente. nilc of Inter {
Tiip-~ sh»iii» li.tvi'
naiT hr Mtaa JoeephIno narla bMh | rat aad «ll olbcy^ details llial nur bej
I t'hel-iw. Iraviiig onir rmn unill
naOr aClone bUa for biitti htnom nod feer>«bn to »h..« Ike whole srheme'
ivonubillon IVJ<T|.> 3.1—* Th.- i- n.
-Addirea lo the Senate on tbe. rhiili* remioehenalrely
lug foul pav I:;,II to tbe vllbiKipiBe QanlioB" (ll and IS) by MKk
WmiTialn Teachers.
rs the y*.*'ii ronliihiued to tb<* o
Btcfred JobsaoB and ABdmar Kldreil
fliiUdHiibto. May I - Sapilnt- bate
tusking Ibe license «:•"
Annual Merlir<B,
Blau eery/ Bood.
RoonevcirH orsanUed a NdllOBal Teacher.' Trainf .iniiii.: ini-eUUB "f the Tmtenie
-AnerlM BBd iBiaratllonal I'care' IBC ianlllule for the puin"-*' <>f eil'i
General News.



re and
srIi'HiI offirora
and Icily llnlli-uad .onituiu. whs liMd
;ui.- .dUif of Ml. Ibiien Ibis niorniUK
leacbein The
and Ihelao.l Ibe follnwlnc dlni-loi-s wer.' elmroualdriwlloil f
ed l.»r llie ennuliiE yini
Tboaias T.
iBBlItnle lins
were alao terr well delh-ert«diiudrr lb>. dlm-tlon and ennirol of llie Ikil.'s. W. II. Sbelby, J II V IliiEbart.
Vocal aolus cireli by Mlaa lliniker Aruerlraii QaplKl I’nbllralloii noclely T J O Biien, If. II. Metheaiiy. W II.
’ eiul Mlnr Ollrc Dnlinon were Kmilly
Hugh T. Mnnarlman of Min Slliunoll. J. W. IIiililPi
klr. ftaten ho- bmi ..•lilieeU'd with
BApmJaied ena both rcainniied lo an anurl ban l>een rOBaeod' tu illrrci the
Ibe road, elllier an pntl'leol. aecielary
nieon'. Muele w«a alno fumlahed by work, bln
■Hireiur sllieit he oivaulrallou ki
tbe lURh ecbnol orefaentra and the dlBee of Ibe noelely in Pl.lladclphln.
««» dellxered IB a true IlnoscrelUu

style by Arllmr l^edrrli--

arorti put on Ibclr munk- lalely wan
Very eyldral as they made a deelditl




Ulbon and tliv Rin



'roni SaiuKiaT'x-dleeord.

the .tssodulbiti of flnllaay and Sp*Acenln of Iho CBlIi'd Slate* ami
Hdn. May H lo tfi: Anions »ub


r W, Slope of Old MkMini w


tbe rooms Ulcly racalod by Mr. and





New DiamoiM Dmeoveriea..
Jobannesbiirg. May 4.—One iil ■
day. and mis-n In ihe public eye.
dlxrovery of diainondK In Itlfbeito


I poiiliry



yrw -yoBK.'

Imirier. his wile Is l

■'•liiuU.v rnibusiiysilt ovi-r
Mine. paderowsWI b«s a blc l-'ul:
larni at Montes, on Uik*- tleui-vs. «
l.-•P' no |e»er tiun louil.vni distim-i
v-.oieliis of the very b,.|0. She Is Hii-

Ibis elly.
Mi:>. H. A. nmy aud Mrs. lai.val Kapulc of tills elly left ibis morning
tsii fi lends al-Grand Rapids. '

For Over
Thirty Years


isl aiiil pr.ieilral ir.iliiiiia
.ilHrwski. Ihe griai |iiaiii-l. is .i

Ihe unique iwrasiiiii bringing logethiT
K large gaiberiug of nbiHri-v

In Hie evening iheiv
an liilermal reeepilon in the
Mrs. J. H. llcwlli Is visjliog Iriends hall, wheie hnndsome gift* Sere
si'Dled tn Ihe two »irr5.
,t Kingsley .
israil ZangwiI! and Ceorge Ib i
•WilllaBi Andei-soB left this luornlRs
old diRSinEx. where In former yeam or Elk ilupids. when- he will have .Shaw- are eonsidereil ihe niu-<
like aiiihme and they cive
the cnjdenerw ol appUancer. mode of rhargr of llie funeral uf Hiomas
ts mill'll iriuiHe a- If they
working and cheapness of .llamoiidi
tjipllalisls ••p'aeiHB" 'hen i
n. Kiel has fvlunied lo bis bimie
caused them lo be abandonud. anc
Iburnll alier imendlng several aods III .grow niiHloa'-- WUH- oiii
where now. under new conditions o
W'hni Is rallt-l a 'i.■Tltsvlie ideal
tnlBlng and IncreaM-J value, the xlpnri weeks visillnR frk-ods lo this elly.

is atlll cmaned grcalcsi sensBlIoDK In South Africa

Bears the


etl .lUlneM lu 'i|. Hie -Uop^xnd
slnieibm ih'|iamin ui mid Is said

of Mctrhandlrc lb Yaids and Bn’ ThoapeoB. Mr. Mey. r in recorerlBB
routp fioni Thifi '
Chark-n Horn. pas.-ed^hrousb the eily Ibis luoriillig ey. of .\lsteml, N. If., were iiiaiili-l
an rapidly an ran be expected.
Otlr. the lilllp noB of Mrs and Mm. Pennsylvania: "Dinituneni Bnipleyen." <n her wa.- tu (Tevriund.
aud Sophie Kins. A >ea days ago Hiv
. Rank. Cbicasti. and "IVpreda.
.Mrs, Snrah Mupe- and daughter
^rgie la solfcrln^ from a bard rubl
two couples. sHU bi'Briy In mind nml
by Rullwny Eniployen." K.
lurned lo their home at Sonth Roa
on bla Innsa.
iHHiy. eiTebraled Ihir golden wedding
Snyder. Clrvetanil.
iBiiD UKliy after vislllug friends
■ Mfs. CUra Jobnnuii baa innvoi


Onum^onitiine ror ySaeaX

bnew s relkiud from tbe rood Iw
Ills ctnisiu. tVHH.-mi K. Vauilei
Jr^ has (-inilitlied lioih tbe I

I'leibleiii uf the I'nulliT eluU oMSw it/le i'lty on biisineHs.
NeK Ruy of Wallin |uism >I Ibroiigli eilHiid uiiii Kitb she and he, niuivl
le rliy Ibis inoiiilng mi his .way linuio Imsiuiiil .vie riiivly m ii bos a- lo 'be
line.- lulnis o' bliils
nni Suiiuus.iiay.
Joliii E Uiek-v. ,vjid dames A fHek.
Miss A. J Hargraves of MaulsUv-

Eik nBpld3.-MICh. May t-Conrad ptln lo Ih' dlaeiissrd will lie that of
The Train Hobl«-rx nlfd Ways lo Pi-., Weyer CBderweni
- Wednesday af^rnooii. Tin- nperatbiti loni In The 8oiilbwc ni.“ by W. O. Mewas perfbrwinl by Dm. Oaunilrll and Inlosb of I.lllle Rock. Ark.: • Pjoler-


U. E.

, ,

Mill IMlh H,

helu In MIInHiil.i-' Mils will
llie rieretilli aomuil rouieniioo of


The Kind Yoa Have
Always Boa^

Hie New York Cenlral. Alfre.l U. Viiii■ lei-liili lui- hbl 'I'sk III Hie nnsmi.i!
ileiniliiieiii. lYuiiehiis HniK-HI- gn-ai

yetolun^, IS*l. and K. u«lay. ihe only
e livinc ulio wa- eooBi-eled
I' ruuip.vny ai Us oiganiuilloii

■unread Man Will Meet.

dill with tbe bonne. The Juds«-» of lb.
*ruBloal were Minn dmnie llntliwi.

I yorla&atiB]idOUlim«

h Tonnents a Year and a Half prith
Terrible Sores on Face and Body ,
—Hands Tied to Stop Scratching
and Tearing at Flesh—But

• Ilf Hie youiiC'i seiii'raMi'ii
VanderbUi fimily an- serving

•'BuIor on



cMcr copirop WIAMB.

"" "


M. & X. L TME tm

iSaraS^:.: IPr*

«vll.-rv are la areal dsa.asd

:il« ■


■■ 3ES’

Hamlltonion Stailion


endeveloped dixtricia In Ihe province
arewfca' raeatlOB. Hix cacancy la
poatoMcc la belUE flUod by Mlaa Dora of crlqualand West. Cai» Colony, and
The Ladled Aid noclsty of tbe Ger­
man Retprmod church met Wednex.
day afierwooB at tbe borne of Mrx.


Urick ReaamliiK.
, Tbe Udlei Altar aociety of ibe 8arrod Heart chureli -mere eBtenalned •re found In pllviible qiuinlilles.
by Mice Bse tattor. Wcduceday afterThousands »fe flocVliiB lo the net
SoMs in tbe hope of making a foiiiioo

visiting friends at Bupire over Sui

New York. May 4.—During ihe
ig summer IS.oon.liOfl will be ex

Traiwrae City Tent No. 136. K. O. T.
M. M.. formally dodlcalwl ihrtr n.-» ed by Ihi- Union PuHIlr nil bl.
kail Krtday nlehi. The u ni In w.w lo prmenieiils wlileb will giti: li


i eapi'ble of drlOing .v haul
Mr Rhaw espeelalty 1» erv



bnslDcs tn this elly.

road K double Inu-k lu Graugci'. I
wesirrn |>uH of WyoBjIagr will

Mra. kTaiik Satlerly has trlHroeil to pUy.-r. being a vsbe-d iiieinle-r of i<
local club
lie iisi-h .i s|M<'i-d IsuT.
boine III Manistee.
cards eii which Hien-arc faliu hi,
Alimro A Kox. rteb-Riile to
iiiis Siifllrlcnt
i-ll blni uliai He-'

luus b-fl this alleiii'ndl for fobiniel.
abated of a BiUBtcal lllerary i.rasrau. exreplion of u -Uoil distance In
when- lb>- eiieampnii'til will lake plsee
ern Nebraska.
followed by a dunce and a banquet.
I lietl Tio-sdiiy apil tVeiliiesdiiy.
- Daring Ihe etenlng the following Ibe Jiinrtlon pi-lui of 'he
Mis. E R. Mrl-nne and i-ii lefi llil:program was given: ’
Unlrm l■ac•ln^ willi Ihe O.wson Slier
rooruing for R»-aHle, Wash , whdv Mi.
■ , Mimic, orchcalra.
Line, which- fmiii Ibal paliii Iravek
MHiune hnr iiiealed
nortbcanlward lo Portland, Ore., whilr
iDaUwmeatal music, Mbu Dowrle.
Tbe lli'V. Thomas ielliniigs ol Green
MectUUim. Mlaa Ruby Hotdier.
Will Ride Thrgugh Teontaavr.
ivofdes Ibe reiilral I'acinr. ronilnne: vllle has irluriied to h'is Home UfK-i
^ •- Solo. Mlaa Bensom
Washiiigien. May 3 -Maj-.r H.-ie
figden. Wbi-re lb.- Soulhr m PaclB. visiting friends In ibis rlly.
. Soeg. four girls.
A It Ibin.m b-fl Ibis iiiuridug fm 14. Itoiicliion, El.-v'-iiHi caviiliv. i
lakes up Ibe route lo ('anfoTnl;i.
Mnair. orebemra.
sliacuii In Ibe di-enrMiiriu ol luilli.i
IbibiOi. wbi-iv In- vv|~s'ls lo liiak
ReellBlIon. HUs Mae Wilson
Ui.-se Hues nra In Hie llsniiuu
::nal .be SiX-f ron.-gc a, Vn, Ua-av •
liihiiv In’ine
iBstrumeoUl miiale. Miss l.«wrlr,
and ailh
WoiHi. Hcv-i-nipa>ve-"l I'.'
RcetteUoB. Mlaa Uela EIIU.
tbm with the Ohieago £ Norllinv
..f ihc .■..lirg.- end ..................
ivy of Ibe Tlii-aloiiiiii. of I'liuueal.
Music, orchestra.
<3Hras« wHb ItW’
Bedlatlou. Hlue Pcfrl Ilooke'r.

Uke Shore

Bong, four girla.
Tbe njAMc for the dance was fu

make up a IraiiiMvHillu.-ntnl e>.4e|..:
nhirb. by Ihe Improvemenl- reeentlV

Blsbf4 by a six-pleee orchoaira an
was rcry pleasanl
Tbe Iwaqurt w»

lbslalle,i at the eiwi of nb-f ihau
have rnabb«d Ih.- r.aublna-

"Tiao a rery dbioyalde lealiiro.




off Iwehe hour* fiohi llie
nieil by other lran?-vmil
iitaiial Hue* rumihiB from Ibe Ailaniie

Leula Helildsy Has Returned.

iryi-sti-ivbiy and will s|MUid
• :
ami Mr*. Barl-Woore ..I Karliii
tin- elu
aud Mrs

Harry MllbT Irfi V

u-, Wxhli.'. »beu- Ibvy ni.

Taylor of MantoD l» the giii-al

' iitlok WktHe dty m Joy bl«fai^

ol his Iwwhcr. 8. B. Baylor.
.............Mtmiv hu moraii
(am of Victor 8eo8cld whleh he lia»
Henry Rage In having quite a aevere

liM ImwaMi TMticiag Ad v
-r-vdlng \tit Bhort ud roa
eatre aed naldd

lunalh with Ibe wboopltig rough. He
aaya tbU Is tbe third lime Uiai be
Del Falrliunkn wero

*tte rrenlBg war rerr

Tinitora from Rk Rapid* loda;


Mra. H. U Hobba wan relied to KoV
kaaka law Friday by Um lllnrwivol
bhr thdgbtcr. Mrs. Albert McOermonl'.
A piny of four, enaUtlBg of Bd


IUn»iey. George White. Ben Btory aud
Will Ayera went to the Bonrdnn
UsI Tuesday to camp and BA for
few days.
Mrs Will HamllloD U sbk a' tli
II Sunday
John Stitrs Bpeni
ewiday «nh hJk
t Clk Rapids 4 ■ I
Mother wUbtr.
A yonag mao was ont shooting !■«{.
Bualay and aUned at a bird qniu
wayi up to the air. Tbe apeni bnllel

• ITr nde by JohBmra Drag C-.

wptii throogb IbP upmalra window
Jerrod rtn'n boaae, but did no damage
ekcepl (or a bede in the wlndoa




t-es-v- wl.b-l. ........... -a-I He .
and batlb-s iMibb <n-lrd m (b,.
r.-u*.1.-i- of





whi.l. a,lt.-cr,Ms. ................

ihrii rnluie bpme.
li ITara Arnislnmc of Alnin i- il

Hu- vliy lisliing frb-iids
Pad Ac riaisl. Ji now l>
«. A. Ilnillday arrived la ibe elly
lark Joliuson <if tills eily left t<
day Alrtt frota tbe Toronto hospital. imard lo aborien this lime several duy for MunIsUqiH'. whin- be »ll
wbeM be has M«enl aoBie time When hours more, posaibly nfinther iwehe
iirk (his summer.
hours, thus cutllBR ihe ilBie Iwlween
im left 'OlB dty Lou was unable 1
Jennie Wtoebi-r uiirt daiighle
roasu lo twenly-foiir hours
aralk. betbg (Mtprlled to go about iB
this <-itf left today for Flint.
chair, but now the boy is able lo get less than It required lu rross Ibe.euuAilhiir Hill of Sution- Uny P-<-'
years ago.
srossd witbOui asaisunee. Wblle be
through Ihe city this jfl.-ipooii on bi
probably will not be oble lo enga
■y to kTIul, where he *111 visti n-ln
some of th« betive sporfa of the boys
dr bla age. be Is atm far from being
Wllltaaisburg. Mleh. Mu* 4 I
<>o*pMlc>d tb remain laaetlee.
of DshlBg here now. but there doe
■tny frietida Is the city were eery
tn lie as niany flsb as there'
ibd to a«e tiie ^Age tor Ae boiler. Bfbcnaen.

rnmim-i ibion:b ilui>

r 4. JgtgA. Aarot____________


‘!tr Rii.Hi of H..V .-..rty Ji.inl.-r. Ihwldrs
I ilii- ib>- tdrds caHw-iv-l In Ur^ Bueka
' I .Old wen- so ezcvw-tingly tame and.

SK Years Old


'. simpi.- Hial tb.. who!.- fl's K was easily
Add lo this that tbe Mrtls -


PerctiGon Stallion

'' laru.- niiosiHni: iiuil Ih.-lr f•wH■••re al' ! Irjci:-.. l:.i;rl>s -. >4 Itu- buul uod Ibe

p:u f - -T , - . Tt-.- ( '

pl.rc.di- <i ;».•

^QRliffK ..Fj|ri ni.lCATKlV Kl'n-.aVs-l.'

-niK rnf»]0 I.... <--..1.1 (or 41.1- founly ol
':,-,.i.i li.v'i-i-a. Hi the.malic, .if tbs
r rasIliiniplMey L. Fhto. lotf of

I ihr-lr claim- agalUM

in H... cll> I
r. 1 .1. .-abl ■•...ll.r., Ml •

I lxrcc Years Old

Terms $10.



Keystone, Mich.

KowaboutthatNew Buggy

Wnm u Well is Rei Ait Mile
Hunlle br Kdeer ill
BMto Tiublt. /

Kidarv IroiiMc pm* uteindhi- imr
diteuoregc*and icMWJisanib^nn.^lwnoi
WHlInm Moran of Baldwin K lu il
ness soon disapiicsr
Ity vlt-iilng friends.
whrn thekidiK-vsire
Waller Wencbel and It 11. Hervls
«m of order o.easr-l.
Kidney tresiSli
acting buslnces.
become so pmalei.i
Mrs. Wllltoni Ih-Kav was r-alled to
that 11 is Tto; cnc.n,
her Home In finwex, X J . today by
mod for a child tol-e
tbe BMltwa lUiiras of a Imuhcr
weik kiiinrv*. UHif
R. Floyl Clinch of rhlciigu is lu the
rlnld.lorinstrsloooflen tfibciirmescar
when ihr childe
(be fte»b.oril.
K O Ladd was to Ibr city today on
whrn Ksliou'.d be able Met
pas-sagr. il is vet affictcl vjiHi
diff.ling, dervendeptm il. tUetaUsc
ruliv is kidnev troubir. «ii-l .... firsi
■tat* nawa.
step »hisaid be toward* Ihc tm ;n»cm «i
lhr« .mtmruntorjjatl*. Tins ••.m-.r-.M
Judge William G- Gage, of 8ii*li>“
ouMeUdue loaoi>e*»<-i rr>n-li:i-«i
has deeldrd ihwi coal corapauies lun
ve kidnev* and
BOI operate under the eily or Saginam ■* imua peoi'ic jupprsw.
iwellasi--------------hrer until the enuncll shall bax- •-*
le with kidney ati-l bto-ide.- lenilse.
tablliboiL some aynem of mlolng to
protcel /reois, and Hu- cooseni ‘d iv,.ie’mibt'SM Ihe tm^Ted^e effect |.f

rcaUied. Hi-«.d
tederal goveinnieni is obtaln<-d s>.
Mldgea anil ilorks may he pe.terled
Bet-ause the presMlent of Ibe 1'
r-.llcge has rev
gan Agrb.iln.ra1
4.'sa> lIckiTs lo the.
.tn ^nd *•

sadlSiiltoautMaes al

>,.is I aroll.i. > II I...S A Is gi.-'-u
pl.iui.ipi-. H» aiiiklng ll. ap
' ■ p.-aiut.'- as !» liisiai.Hy atn*I the at-

lih ' jumping all over " bU p'ibli-bi<r'
Ib rt Trim, s


fr^ ^civ^ IhiiauralsaHvi

Mi>. R. Evans nf Dlvisinn slroel I

K returned I
K. O. T. M. Oedlcatlan.

Trsuitrof <‘«4ar

nail free. »:« '» »«,-»*—a**
nphlet tefliag a'.> abroH Swamp-Kc-'
Indinr m*nv ol the the-jundi o( 'esHWhF'anrt limit tbe graduate*. *'
_.maJ toller* reeei’-ed from Fnflerrr*
«4aHMloD bealdes tbelr own. tli'
eiued. InwnliBi Dr. Kilmet £ Lo..
tors bava aa«n «t to complato They BtoghamloB. X. Y„ be tare and menuon
are laboring nsdbr tb» improaiton that tin* laper. Don't make aor mi^^.
ramemher the name. Stwamp-Root.
their coBimeneetBeol and
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tbe ad*. Binghamton, X. Y-. on erery

You Have Been PTOndaing Yonrsell?
IP of which il
mat irlialjs

We lire aj.tiwins a (ion liru’ of vphb'
liiiiit iwpri-iallj for our Iriulr hf r
CarnaK. inanufacturera i.f KaliiinH



TIIL tool.* Kf.ND



gi>!e lealbar ae'ffa


Made f">r cm-

fort npd grvotl wffir.

DrtTiK Wtr»a»

Tor Bticties

Afto Sal Biko

Sprite WigoBk

knhhcr Tire

B»lpcuW«(oa& \

Work Shoes

xnaioting ot


«j:.i .-v.-rflliiirirll.a'a’;-..,i-n*

in an


ri.ii;c Iftls*iP;ry. 'I'lia lift la Irnt.irOU-uiK lotwe I«puUr
.-vi-rY TtMT in tbit v... .oj|y. Yn'if. n«-n;blwra areiAtiified.
w» wVil VI1 he. ;f V-;.. ina>" y -iir «4-l«ctiod from onr rtork.
Our |.rir'. a are vrv'r. .xa-maMe, au.j we KuaraBtee. «-v.-ry j..I.
,-;.,.!1yai',:!. j'.ud'i-'all ami iry L'crer
tmr line.

CHf. Plionc 151.


Queen City Implement Co.

Id alem Bays oU today. IhAcw was{tir hue and aliaom
a aodAJ over at HondeTs tebooi tai •ge. The doctor had to uke two
thby MjoyM a pleasant Uflm. Hew autek** tn IL I am to the uxth grade.
many of you Saasbiuts uke to tab* I as eleven years old uw. I hare lU
cars of cfairksos* I do.
tnat year namet of aame ftiendi wU would
gave me a bea and I took UU to jam lU Banablu Onb. TU
flftua eggs ud s«i tbe ben; after nainr^ ate Bmer Widng. JimmM Jon:


. SMbeams! Rlgbl abont.
three weeks I bad thlrtau nklrkens. reti, Clarew* JaqnUh, Ivu Detier.
taui Halt!This suamer msmma will mis* gesu CUrtey ttobUn. and Floyd Jaqulsh
Cu yon gnau wtet your preeldmi aaB docks. I like to taUe poultry. W«l. I must eiose. good-bye.
semr rtve tbonaud of yon. all In Well, I think I will Uve to quit, tt
From your Buaiblner.
row! Tea. 6AM: well put n la Bg- my letiet l* getting quite kmg. So
Blwyn Jaquisb
•M ud see bow that looks. An
Ate you ail over yonr painful acci­
of Bnasbloers; wtib happy, si
dent now? I do bope so.
remain your real Rouhlner.
fares and lovag baarta
An army
Leiand, Mlcb.. April IS. 1907
K^n Rovarlk
klad words and
Indeed i do llkeyur story. Write ua
gaotledeeU. An aray'for brery-day
Uve found lime at last to write
another one some time.
Using, instead of for
Kingsley. Mlcb, April t 1*07. you. I received my card and butiu
flgbllftg. Toor piesldcai thinks ibai
quite a while ago. For which I thank
DcAr Pmaldent—
belong to Ills one of (be hap­
I Uve not Wriiice store I Joined, yon very much. 1 have ooi been
piest (blags that aver cams Into ber
which was a long time ago.
I am to write uy sooner | am nllU golog
How U yon all (ml about tt
eleven years old. t go to school near­ to school. Our school will cb>*r about
Subbaams* Doa'i yon think so. tu*
ly every day. I smdy history, triltame- the Srd of May, ud If lU weather

W far M I Mik.


•vtr, living tl^
tr t avcf Ml la trying u t*
thlngt, I will “Tiy. try

Summit nty, Hirb.
Apni c. 1*07.
Dur Preatdut—

weU at pteaenl and bope you
are tba tame. It has bun s loc^ Us*« good-bye
wrote to you. We bare
Buy tosilgbl. The eblldrra like
lUrel Knight.
pdu very mueb. I Uve a few asiaes
I am glad iRai you have written
for ur,nnh. They are u follows
I the SiinshiM deportmeai agalo.
Artie Hill, Millard Bowers. CUrlie Bar
BAd bope Ibis will not he (be last
1. LAU BarratL. Vera Bamil. Bd- time.
MOrlll. Hue] McNII. Jim Pender.
Bendon. Mlcb.. H. F. D. So.
Please sud them cards ud buiius
II *. 1907In my name, li was a very nice day
I will wriie
•r'as I am
tUay. We are goiag to Uve u enwell and Upe you and all tbe Sunoor eotaool bouse. tU ahlneiu are tbe ume.
It snowed lut
last Uy of sebul. I have two pieces night and ihe ground U covered with
to speak, the uau of ibem are. -'Lit­
I like to gn to school
tle Orpbu Annie.- ud ibe -Hooeat
Bomeilmes. My irer^r's name U Miss
nreem.” t hare font pet gold tithes. Mud Hall. There are eleven schoUra
pet poMiiD. iwo dogs and a cat.
tr school. I have two sisters and
The dogs' names are Sport ud Mage,
twin broi|)ers. They
will - he
the cat's name larOlek. And a cow
eight moniu old the twelfth of April
and calf. Cherry and Dickie. Well. I
They Uve been tick but are all righi
draw my letter-io a close, with
Wall. I win close for tbls time
love to you and all of tbe Sunsblnera.
so good bye.
I have n Utile veree to write:
neraber me Id fidendslilp,
Age ».
Orace Harilloe
omeraber me In love.
How Is to have spring real

Mitt CLAMA ■ATM. MItar.

AunJng Away tlw ML
rttwa far Ih* aMMM atawM
-Ite obi for doUit.’-1 twar the* uy.
*'ABd BO. dear Nannie Uou.
i-H COtac 10 pack yoar ihlnci away.

^by. Writing, geography. permits we wUI Uve a picnic ooi of
’ W tpedling. I bare missed door* tbe lut day. Most of ibe scbol
In onr scbool are sick with
three ud Qoe-half days at school. My
grippe. We Uve bad sueb beautiful
grandmother, niece, ud nephew
spring weather until lately, we bad
died this winter
I must close,

' And aay good-bye to yon.
Dm’i look ao Md. ay -precloua cne.
Or I ahall bare to cry.
For afier all ii laU and done
TU bard to'say gnaUiye.

Wben we meet above.
See! bera't ymr dainty rantUn gown.

I remain yur loving Sunsbiu girl.
RboU Hulell.

flow sweet you.looked the day
Ton wore It tiet. when KUile Brown
That Is a pretty Utile veree. RboU,
Bar party gave, last May.
and wn all Uve etijoyed II.
And bere'a the preuy trevtiing anil
Too wore iff Ocean View.
Tour Mat and bag. and ktrely ea|t.

Traverae City. Mlcb.. R. F.'D. 3.
April 7. 1*07.

MU 01 last! Doot you like to st
the pretty goweni? I do.

Phyaloioffr. irntgrapbr and gnMar.
We Uve go> Bre mere WWka
ice Is all o« e( Bt
lake. There Is snow cm tU ffround
y«t out here In the eouiry. Well,
■itaas I will rlose thU letter ter thiv
tim*. M good-bye
Ycura iiiil>.


Id 1 hope you will Uve better turk
lih these
linno.-, Mlcb., R. F. D. No
April M. 1*07
Dear PresidentI ihoughi I would try aM write
frw line* to you ud the Snnabloer*
I am very well exce|M for t eold. ud
• e all have them. Wm yon plense
.send me a card and gfn for Fan

April fool* riaj. We have verj n
Hires there,
fann,- Is my reerind
cnusl.i. Our leneher’s name Is Mls< I

One iff onr Siiiu hlne girls I golny
■ away. She is Gladyh Ellinil.
Polik Ijght.
Were you able to Uve Tbe srbtxd There ate liHs ol little I.Ird* aro'Ulii
; we throw out cnimlis to them.
picnic? They ar ‘ great full, aren't
hnw large jour I>ot of letters

lime ago,
^ thank you very mitch.
But sorry 10 sreie that 1 lost my huly short time ago and s'niider if





KrSipV ILU;.. wa:.:.,pssyr-«fb
lhatr*ab»si.;.fed l y say medkiM,
aad cots cuog:a that rspoia tw r«r*.1
by aay .4hre iocJ. in^
It ia alw.T* lU Bc-i C.ii-cb Cars.
Al *11 dret;.;Av

la-land. Mii't,

.. Lir.'.iJ *L

xr-r-si rsr.r


I>sr t'reKiib-ni-

her.- I n,la,

I wiiiviry and ..l

Rendon. Mlcb, R. P. D. Nn
April 10. IM7.
It sit down to vrrlie you a few lint
• let you know that I am well ud

bope you are tbe nme: Pieose
CUra Beaiu and Lottie Breton a
I Uve not' writiu to (be Bunshine
and buttoo. Wa have two pigs, and
aub for a long time, to I will write
cow. and ooe eat. ud two horse*.
Look at the aaiMew oa this laoe!
now. I am in tbe flfth grade ud my
It rolnsd all day Sunday.
I go in
1%at came last inaaer. when
tuUer-a name is Min SpringiteU.
Ton bid for two whole days and nlgbls ud we life ber very mueb. There are school every day that It Is nice. Well
I can't think of uy more to write,
Behind >be rabbit's pen.
iklny acbolnra la our lehool. count­
Tea have sub baapa of piWty Ihlbgt ing myself, ud we Uee a lot of fun. goodbye.
From your Sunshine glri,
And aa M Biealr kepi;
School will be out tbe third of Way.
Ton am I Mwad for bcara ud bun.
Stella Hemu.
We Uve a dog ud a eoi. Their names
Did CUra snd LMIIe tike their rards
Wblle yon. my daaresi. alepi.
are Rover and Bulor. I have

•- s.iii-li.iie Club on


wLlrli I gave
ih* lead
•■ver ihr chlcLi.i
U. P, „
the Jtiil.-faille ('ll,I,.

I r..L, >...11 >-.ii.:h|ner.

I've leted to Wnefc for you,
And I abail min yu so. ay own.
ro aenree know wbai to U.
Bui aU U porimil wliha tUt boa.
Mow. dureat. go a aleap.


The OM CtedCi Atfvlee.
Dear UUie lad with Baablng eyes.
AU aofl red cheeks wber* the swift
red Bles.
Someue bu grteved you.



Just bow u hurU; words can hart sM
But listen. Isddle-du't yu bur
TM old doch ikhing. lond and elesrf
It says: ‘-Dmr heart, let ns forget—
J wDoldal fret. I wonUnt fiet!"

Tbe world ^ ued yon Ul, yu uy*
Ab. eweeifed^ lUt It Jnst It's way.
It deeut BMU to be nnkind.
Be. UtUe lasala. never mind:
Tto Md clodi ikks; "fbrwet. Inrget
I wnnMn't fret, f wooWn't fpM."

Pnday. May g. 1*07.
New members Joining aliww lut n
BUra Deooyer. Provaowoi. Mlcb.

Msrte Blchatdsu. Traveiee City. R
F. D. No. 1.
^arry Bt. Oalr. Fife Lake Mlcb.

- W.-H,

Cora McCimiln.
Tliuiil.- ymr for n-nding May’s a
iretoi. I l.iiiiw Eilii-l wilt le- glad <
Honor Miel,


April H.


Dear Pireldi-nt —

this lime and will write you agaki.

irlends wanted n»e lu -lend her
the'Sunshine Club
Her na

■ hniight that I would try and wrli
a few tines imlay. One .if niy

Mary Chapman

Ti-c effect L-f HLiUrig !as:i long time.
’calch cold easily tr becoos run- because of the after effects of nuIwriR.
Strengthen yourself with Scotr’j
It builds new blood aad tones up yota aerroo*


F H. No

wear a liuiion. i am still gaHtg i
school. Oar school will he oh) suer
lime in May. Well. I must dose h


ALL DRUCCI3T5: BOc. AND 51.00.

My teacher Is

e is Mire Hally
School ha*
you oootber fauilon. ud am glad that Kiaried again. M'e weal .-l)i Sunday
school iislay and got <sir Niinda’.'
>on like to wear ii.
school papers called Dew Dr»i».
Peabody. Kusas. April 1!. 1907.
am in the fmirth reader in school. We
Deal President —
Ib tny eard and billion on Ihe way? play game* in se-uool. | will tell you
names of them are: Wink
I have Ihrei- pule*, three .rats, ibree
dogs, and one cow. add a little c-jIi. em. Adam and Eve. Illind Man'k Biiff
I. I canntit think o( any more, vo
The little girl who Us a card and buis my pUymale. She live* right gotnl bye.
a tba road from 'me. Her name
Is Marian WealbroiAi.
I hnow- her
sister. How many on- there tn the
Sunshine rinb* I must close my letter

Cabs, Carriages, Co-Carts
, We hsvp an overstock
of these tUod" on basd
snd in nrdefio move
some of them we have
made a

From your Sonffhlner.
Amy MeCombs.
How do you |i!ay -'WlnkcnT? I nev
(ilnyed vhai game


Monroe Center. Mkh
April 6. 190?;
re over S.Otti In onr rinh
Dear Ptc.sldcnt —
uadbuiunu? lamgUdioUve
great aufnl^r. Isn't it?
low wrlle a few lines .o tht
nr CiBb.
Pmvenimii. Mkh.
I could not go to Sunday
SiiDcliltio Club.. I joined Iwo or thnrFife lAke. Mlrii, April ». I»(1T.
Aiwil IK. I9"7
We Uve taken
I ago. bill ihl.v i:i my se-nnd lei
Dear Presidral—
Deat President —
IferaM tor a long time ud I Ilk
I go (o school. I have iplesc.l
ibougbi 1 wmdd like to join the
It Is with pleasure i am wriilog
Tvad the lelten In It. I Uve belonged
two or three days this lerln
Suashlne Club, becsttse
tiese few words to let yoo know
the Sunshine Club ever since
are thirty scholars In school loda]
ronid like to Join (lie Sunshloe CInb
about Bve yean old and I am eleveo tbe little letlen in the Herald. Please
My teacher's name is Cleveland Runl..
card and button,
There are a few Mbera ■
years old now. Some MayBowen
I Uve three bltiihers ud three slslerIn bad now. Papa it working in tbe mill soboel mom evwry day. My teacher's like to Join It too. They are: George
Flve or II* go to school, f have two
Hr. Irish. I am In Ibe flflh Ddboyer, L«vala Denoycr. Ruby Dei will Uve to cloae tor this
Usters at home Tl-eir names are Nila
Lucy Deooyer.
lime u I cannot think of say thing grade. There ara about tweoiy-twe
and Fern. Nila is three. Fern t- Bfor iweniyHhrra scholars m
noyer. Clifford Deooyer.
ore to write.
teeo mootba old. Fem c*n walk. *be
Uve a pet ben. It Is gray ud has nnyer,
CTiIckey and
Toor Suublae giri.
ha* walked lor Shout (our monlht.
yellow BtripM aboul its neck. Iasi Plamondoo
will you please 'send
Dana Whlnury.
Her Ulr I* curly. So Is n
it Hole Its neat ud set In the
each a
card snd
I am ahraya so gjad to knew tUl
our Vice Hreridem when
le Bunsblnen who hare been mem born, and Utetaed out nbout twelve PleAs* send them In any n:
Mr and Mrr. D»-e's. I was a( the part}
slek with the grippe. I have
l will be eleven neat WedUrn Cor a teng time are $uu loiemi cblekens
ihai alieipoon
pm In the sUll
neaBay. I hove a brother Harry. Will he^n going to school all winter, Imii
ed in our CInb.
grade. There sire (wo other rills I
Monroe Center. Mlcb. you jdease send him a card ud biH- stopped because I hare been sick. As
Thi-lr name* are Mliiiii
lu? He will be nine in May- Harry spring Us begun I have to help my
April 7. 1*07.
RtiM- and Jnsephinc Itaiir. Josi-|dilii>
called you the Sunshine Udy.
li mother, do the bonsecleaning.
Dear PresidrnI—
Marguerite Barir sli Hi Iront
snowed yralerdty and today
wVlI. I
^hool hi
Innr class-rooms. My leach
will try ud srriie you anoibcr Ic
Minnie Ries- >i.s u-bhid me.
Will Hoae for ibU time.
r-s nsB
U Sister M. Mildred, room
ser, u I have net written for sob
lone p Is rah> oiii lodpv
Prom youi loving friend.
No. 3 My M-iimaie U I.lrrii- DuperHttla lime. II Is snowing now. and :
raining nos
M.v aunt end
Helen Si riair.
son. sbe I- a
pleasant Utile girl.
eery disagreeable out. Have you got
etiusiu* came over aud spent FaWUi A dinning ume that wa.i
There are aboul bfieen girls ud «-n
uy MayAowera or arbutus yMT
wlifa IIS. We Uve got a Roll »1
haven’t I am glad wben spring eomu
Honor on ihe hlark board in ftclii»l
Glen lUven. Mlcb. clOM for this time as my letter Is getfor the birds come back again. Mam­
lo ii-i
April 9. 1907.
ling long, and li I* late,
ma has cabbage and lemato pluta


From your Inily Sunshine girl.
We Uve n lliUe red uJ ibiie Dear PresidontI would like to join the Sunsbioc
Ellen Denoy.’r
calf, not quite a week old. I
I am •lire >-oii ate a tne- Snnslilner.
think what It wu oiir FlrJl Vice Prei- Club. Heaae send me a card and but
will be ten yurs old in'May. and are trying in remomlicr i.jr
l|ksil saw. I will be gUd wben sbe
wTlies again ud tells ns The umes Uy teacher's name I* Miss Farrani. 1 pledge.
nearly every day. I havi
of tny books irtilfh t like beet are
Traverse City. Mkh, ILF P Nn ?.


rl ibird war Pine
pin. Please send ti

April 13. 1907
-‘Homestead oa tbe Hillside.-- "Temp­ abom two mites to walk. My sindierendlng. wriring. arithmetic, la
est ud Sushlne.- --Cricket oo the
Dear Preslrteoi—
wnuld like in Join the fbiashlne
Hearth." ud'-lnjler Fhiher's Place." guage, and spoiling. Tbls bu beeo
very cold, alormy day.
1 have I*
Please send me a card aod
I vrill ckne for tbia time.
sisters ud ue bonber. Tbeh- names batinn. It Is snowing real U^oul
With bem wlsbM.
Mabel. Davloa. and Inglls. 1 w]
Zella KoCsUger. !
of doors, ud idnwlng. nrend^iake*
llic Herald. I like to rea^/ihe Si;e1 think that tU Plrai Vice Presi clo.-« for ibla time.
dsoi will tell na what she taw. be­

Tour new friend.

Eblne letter--

o»e with inve to

H. Y. r. tnasblni CIM CeaUs RM.
Morel Oau. age two ynara. Ulaad

Name teat by Btag (3us.

Small FdltKpR nu-Ohrta
inblar i(n<d. veoewed
SMtand back, strobi^/
hrscffj, wortli fS.16 In
S2.fl0. no*.........ttM

ADOthen-gtyK a trifle linief ll"»n ahovw, with Urffo rabbar
tired wheels an.lipriDg teat, euily worth
now. .$1,41
Sstokel Gu-CsrlatbAt bsvesIraja'uM for 17.00
luiii $, now.......................... .........II Msas
rpliolateml CirU witb paraani. trooi...........................$4kitap
iArifcr atyiu in pivUj’ .litiRns. fpjui ............................. g.f|

Yoar premia Good.
Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
12? S. South Union Strent

Naw.Wimt Lands

April 7. 1*07.


"Once, while i wu out In tbe

true story. How do yoe Uke It?
Lost week I Mpi borne. I wna working

String Beans I
Have you secured your coniraci If not. why not.' Do noi faihosee
us when in town. We can »how you
that they are the money ctop.

I go to scbool every

Omeos. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 1

Dauet. Charley DoUta. Braiu, Mich. Rule Nrd which bad a broken wing,
R. P. O. No. 1. Kamu aeat by Blwyii i took U up la my anas ud took
!. Ttaeo I made a box with boles
Artie HIM. HUlaid Ban at a. Chailin In It aM I gave fatm aome bread
enimbt. ud water to driak. ud pul
Miaa, Lu BaiTMt. Vera Bamil.
■Ma Mean. Haul McRIR. Jim ru­ him In It. ud tU neat day about sis
o'elaek I went after tbe cows ud
der. Bimaili Qty, Mtch Nouns oaot
. I I came Uek what do you sup^RhoiaHMttL
pou bad happened? 'frhy. tU poor
UtOe bird was demL So I dog him a
fiBTc and laid bim la ii.~ And this

by Btea Ceaorer.

(uHowing prices
remnert help tial apfiesl to
lire (wreftil imj-er:


fore very leo^

Raanr Martin. Hour. Mlcb. R. P
a No. I. Name seat by Cora

dareate laguab. Floyd jaqnlah.
**mer Widrlg. jimmla JairoU.



Uiwreoce Hunter
day. My teachers name l> Mist Ber
I nm Uppy to bare you for a net
Dull. I like ber 'very much. This
friead. but b<M>e we may (eel like old winter we would slide
friends aou.
Dear PreaMent—
There la a large hill by the school
Bendon. Mkh.. R. F. D. No. 1. baiiKe. Fbr pets i have two LIttros
As my staler eeni me a letter for
Mary fhapmaa. Huor. Mlcb.. R. P you. I thought 1 would write a few
April to. 1907
1 a dog. He Is black aod bU umc I
D. No. I. Name sent by Amy Me- linn too. I am well ud hope this will Dur President—
Dob. One of my kittens l.i Uack I
. I win write unber letter to help and white. IIS name It Teddy. Hare I
Baf you tU tame.
Tbe weatter
CUia and Uttla Bratoa, BewBu. qulta nice. Tbe tnow is falling a i
an Ibe Sonabioe page. I am well ud you got uy kittens? I saw Iwo dear |
Mteh, R. p. D. No. 1. Naams aut by tia now. I hope the Bowen will soon hope yon are the same, I am very sor­ little know birds right by (he window.
SiMla Hemam.
will now tell you a little ry tUt ooe 6f onr Subeams has psas- They were very eute. I have sees
Mama aau by Hdu Bt. Clair.

Kdu Clau..

Mibti r.uoUi. i* Ibe only nue on .air
CniHle Roil Ibis week. I am.snre .ihe
I- a're.,1 lm> .ffiiUbesre

-end him a iwrd at

lou of rohlns ud other birds

Bat ebm I love yu ao. aweet one,

We have a little ealf

esnnoi think of any mure
GiKei kii.

muld or iviMiJd send me anoilter. get It
for I am glad tn he a memW iff ihe
Sunshloe <1ub and feel lUi I mu

Hastily, your Siinshlber,
Olio IJghl.

CVS Bmui
eMsu BMCV thae (Byothercnqgh
rwawdy. at-J y_-i u* miuilvd to lU
IwM wbre yva

Manin? I am sure she will U a n
Our *cImM

Tour Sunrhlner.

1 received my card god bulioo some

Vhaa you Mb far tba


laurel Touker.
You Uve sntn- r.Ar butloM

thilly. She hoards here
I ji
came bocne from Similar
storm. I iqMmi Riner at boo
- agn.
Vuderhonf llv
itial. We wrote some Raster storIir mall miiie It is llimor. Mi-b..
ii school
Weil. I cu t Ibii
R F n N'o 1
I read m Ethel Ati-u's
any more to write this time, taut
will bear from me later With be*:i levier ihsj sbe winbcti -he eoiild get
May s address. 1 know her ver> «.

(teland. Mkb.. April 1*. I9ut.
Deal Presideot-


Yes. indeed. I was pleased ■» send

Dear President—

All irlamed wlib bows of bine.

«y iMiimi are arithmetic rwadthg.

Uve got Hcveral bonneroblBA t will be glad wbeo
pluta. For pets I have one cau Wc.
rr comm again, wool you?
enil blm Nig. We bare quile a Iltik Welt. 1 aill close, or the waste ha.skei
Isn't it very pleaual
ill be my doom.
t so muy nice
Ever your Sunsbiner.
day? 1 enjoy n^lag
Age 10.
Marie RleUrdson.
letters every wev*. 1 will chxe. M
There Uve been nome eunoing snow
Tours very trnly,
Mnndia Heman.
U your cat a black one? 1 should

BC is Slaieffolored Jnnko.
Traverae City. Mkb, R F D, No. 6

April i:. 19A7.
ke to see him.
Dear President—
Bendn. Uicb.. R. P. D. No. I.
I Joined Ibe SoadilBe Oub aad my
iMtrll *. 1907.

bralfetv aod si*ier Joined.too. Wc kbi
oar buiions, so i^wili *eU some pen

in SatUBs Bay for three vrtwks. My
u I Uve nm writien you before. Pies for some more UHons
olaterdndaw bu a baby and it It lU I't^k I wRI write. I bad u accl- names are Fiukle. Leslie aad Edna.
catest little thing t ever uw. Her dratiheMberday. I wu toadlng erne For a «M I Ure » nbbil. her name u>
It Mary Uartlet Kovarik. She ct nar ceils tad ah* kicked m* neroM Baur. I go to *«hool every day and

h^mGMMliaaWatt The Traverse City Canning Co.
8,000 -s:

railway tbli ysar
largely lacreaaed
Wesicre Catads.
iisnc* ta
giv* saa bsadred aad uny
acref In* (a vvery tstOvr.

keu easy e« aecems taaas
Hertbcra ttapevric sea^

Sprayitifl Cime
I* near at hvmt ffixl yem li«'l hetii-f getyoBr wuta in early la
Oriler to get tbe beat makriala
We carry for tbii purpose BloB Vitriol (Oewer Snlpbate)
Anenio. Furmab'D. Livrr of Sslpber aod Lavenbaig'a Pan
Paria Green
If you will porebaae tbees artielet of ui. yon wiU eertaioly
not 5 > wrong u to ijuality or prion.

$. €. iUait


Cmtnt ait’t CtiUtt

I cut in tbe •
M. Tse niens
ad *0 arltta much eaJorB>eaL
H. J. Mm m atm aalph. Henr
1. a eopplyluf
eoMyluf Umber
have alrendy teseked
tba oenduslon of the program,
Bk lU^d*. Hick.. Mar 3.—luullt- Butter. fL Alpaaa. Frank Onveraer.
Uao MrrtMa wtu |» ke)d sect Tvm- Rob. Rex aad AUtot JobaoM cu» awry tdeaant soew Ume was enjoyed. sod passed tbeir maslum producUou—
Uk Xartheaateni |Aaies in U7e and
<dar araolBC m tk» PiMbrtnUc paaed a BaUac party wbo Mt
In Pirte Shape.
Lake states in IKM. Today tb<
ckarck. «i «klcb tlBw tb« Rev. B. U. Wednesday for Rapid river to epead
The road nmalng waat of Carter** Soutbeta siaire. sicta
rut yellos |
amalnder ot the week ansUax
VaU »DI be luuUM ai ptator e( Bk
BlU. gaMrnlly known aa on* of tbe ptae ameuatiag to oae-ihlni the ■
Rapid* «nnb;> Tb* Rev. Hr. Aidl ef for tb* apedded bMMIat.
A. Ooldfarb Is apendlai Ure week la tbaraughfarec that tor black atampa. annual lumber rui of the eoumrv.
Petoakar *111 pib«eb Ui» aenum. tb*

ItaTcnc at; sme Bask




«.«ARLAK8i CBfiMaay


R«v. WliHain
ot Lake Otr Dcireli.
Mrs. David KeMer asd daaibter wllboot a peer la this aeciloa ot the
vlll daUver Uta etor«a to Ute coBfreChU-ago. Mays.—Ai leasi thlrt>.|s<>
•eat last week nitb frlead* la Ibo region la bow being pul la very good
caUM aad tbe Rev. Jgba Redpatb ol
at>-s are In he vepresenied at iliPetoakar will deliver tbe eharse to' viltape. relarelop to Oeatral Lake
ne* Kilbride, sr.. John Urban
n Bollwr Riad Accldont InaurBnc*.
tbe peepi*. A oordial InvltaUoB I* ez- Modday moralBi; with her bnabaad.
bo came over BatarBay lo apead Bna- Charles Hanalovsky bare rebuilt tbeir
UBdad to Ute public to attend thi*
booses untU they present a verj
to-date appearance and the huge blaek
Bari Row* wcait to Grand Rapid*
Bnm (TDell era* caucht In tbe
pine stumps bare been pulled out
■abafUoi; at BooUi R Douebertr** Btill yesterday, called Ibore by tbe death
burned.. Tbe land which U a hoary
at Kavadin laat week .aod atripped of tala father.
x-ru-r. lh<- o-neral Idcu ol whrcl.
Capt, W. P. RebertsoB of Korthport. black muck, will be used for gardening
Boat ot bi* rtothlnc and eenaiderand farming purpoMW and the
bitric al»ut a Ix-lirr ii»ei-lai>
Koom 310 NowStRt* Bank BulMing.
oMr ahaken up. However, be eacaped raplaln of tbe ferry, cam* over laat
preremrats made will be greatly
Miider-lMBiling .-o. 1.1 «-ori»oi.itl.«n1i
DlKbt to Join bis wife, wbo baa be*n
aerleoB tajutr.
predated by those living around that
<-V|Uvtnl Ihui (he S"'vriou- <•( it;
month sritta her mother. Mrs.
Oe Salndar tbe bane Pblletnl
lotnllly and those wbo are fortuDale
Sawrer wa* In port and loaded with Hiram Robiatoa. and to attend the
igb to puss through,
long aecepl Ihe Iniitailcai
lumber mi the In* eompanr'* dock fuaeral.
lese men are lo lie rangraulaled
Jame* Mabaa of Travene CHy
for Rbeborsan. Wh., and the Uaniaupon their flrelrM ofiorts In Impruv
Death of Thomsi O Bricv
tee took on U7( hanwlo ot cement ml ^IlDK on former ndsblm* anil
log Ibelr locaHty.
Tb->IIM- (>'l!i1i-ii. ai-l T-V .li.-cl -i' ■.
tbe canieBt dock bound for bniwaokee. rrleada here Tuesday.
oVlmh la-i 'nlll■MU> ..1 ki.!ii.-yli..n.i»e* Scully, baccatremaa oo chit
Mrn. Hiram RoWnaoo. a ploiieei
' IIT -In-.-!
litaaefa. has a tbiriy day* leave of abMUtoa towaabip. died Tueadar
S.i|| Vfui VMiir lull (• r .1 l.iius. .'f UrnWe .'.v'rv m ill limes
0-|.n.-n wa* ,.o.- of tb..
mm Friday's Breord.
and left this areek to vlall his
Inc after a IlncertesfeebleneBa cauaed
..full I...........
Mr* Mary A Plaee Wf it/|o Manl- lliaiicl liaM-nu- <i>iiiil\ Ii.-<mii;: Iim-I
br the care of her Invalid buabaod mother at lludsoa, Drawee county,
hire this morning
lirvo lor till- p.ol (oititlii.v ti-.ii .
wbo died laat Seplember. Mr*. Rob- and bIm> In vlvll la toloa Harbor
Jhseph E Johnson relumed
making III. Iiouii- ill itix r.ix lor Hi.and ElkhartI-Vank Riley ef Travtaaoa araa a woman of ra
home In'Onawsy this morning.
four >.•*.•■
-Ml tPitiivt.
City nils bU place duriag hla ab.
maat and Kenileeea* of manner and
Hn>. P. L. Pi'iTon relumeil
• IMIIU 1-1*.-. I. IViiliaimlMii.: -iii.l
waa resperted and loved hr all wbo
ime in PelllMoo today after visiting i:ik ILiio.lLund ef »
Mre. O. t
knew ber. 8b* la aurrived br
ti-1 .'i:r f'uMir.:*iiH r'iMi|«ri- .mr crii'li'S l«'1nr«' I'livinu
I'.ill op
friends In and about the Hty for itae
children and two tialen. P
I.vikfor Ih.- Hi,* l;.-’ I'liul.
past few weeks.
- >..11 .lB.iglii.-i> ali.l 1W.1 V.H..
waa beld Ibla foreoaon at tbe late of W. Blcrllnc aad wife, submitted
Hla* Ellzalicih Reams returned
.ms I- iiic wirtiiiii. .Mid .. .......... .
K. '•Ill St! laik.i AmThone*. Bell It'.lO; City. 308.
0|>crsllcm St tbe bospllal In I
borne ana inieratent made la Maple
her home In tbe Boo today nfler visll- lhi>. ni>
Tiin-r. .kMi^if.-i. lit. iii Kil
ne town s
Qiwe eemeterr, tbl* vtllaice.
ing HI Maniaire
RatiULs sr-l -n.- .11 th-lr.ill.
U K. Sprlna. M. E. Butla. T. 8. WII- well. .Her baby la a
Miss Eva Slrim led for Kalaiua;
Till- fiil..-rtil A.-iu.i- will 111
■oe and Oeoip* Bromellae. all menter filling a short eugngemeiil wiili ..'.Imk
i;ii, i:..|.iii
bers of tbe Cob and Aaclera' cJub.
■ be Culler Blnek eomi
I'li.l.-ilakt r An.l«ir.ui m,!l Liit. t-lm- v
arltta Jonepb Bearn aa pieet. are at Ute
Judge W. H I’mlor went to Mantoii
dab bouae eo Ra^d river eatdilni
(V(ii.r. Mich . May r—1
Ibis moralDg.
'tinii-.- I'li.'.ilor.-'l'in iiini.'i:l;irlv line !l
I 47c here Saturday.
Mrs. J. B. Nelson. Mrs M B ITbfW
If >1 klri-iiutI).
Mr. and Mr*. Carllale. who are reM'llllamf of Maple City
and Miss Edith, bave gone to Kewadin n.,j...
■mill.- i-iitul nflliis
Dwvlax to Traverae CItr tbla week,
town Friday.
vlidt Mr*. Gvorge E Fox for
il.-voihie |..iri .if Ut«
1(1 jiiiir oi'iiiiii;; In. k.
have been saeels ot bODor at a couple
Miss Agues Mnhn. wbo Is employed
days aad to attend Ihe first wediilOK llnitix'hil.l
> w
or dtaaer partle*. Tuendar at tbe borne in tbe Chicago aeboolK is spcndlog
drerasry of His. Pu*.
■UirilMii til ...... ..r III
of Hr. and Mr* M. B. Utne. when her spring raentloo wllb ber parents.
cojeri wei* laid for twelve, and
F^l. Flr>) ol Prwemont has been buy­
Wednemuy br Mr. abd Mr*. C n.' ing polalock brie.
Wylie. MIeh.. May :.-J. W. Hllllker. lla SUliJ.-el la-fTxClUH l:i"lil.
l! ,.(.11Tewae. Both Mr. and Hr*. Carllale
The Bingham lug "Ida L." la makii
Maty mieal from Traverse City, was
have lived manr rear* la the vllla*e dally Iripe lowing |O0 from here
In town ywstenlay looking after some heroine exiinrl in lili->oTi..jl Una-. Tim
aad artll bo mlaaed br ibelr circle of Bingham.
of Ihe mlschlerous boj'e of this vil­ nuihnr. whnw pri.aK' niii'iiul liiston
Pax*. tspoulcGii,
Chaa. Bellman apeni Friday aod Sat­ lage.
nuiKimm «l Trtng Paik, .. .............................
Laat fall U Bedej-. broUier
1-.iii.-. M...X ■:'. .I'.'i 111- .•v'.ii.i'i s. ••
urday Bl Bodua in the Interest of tbe
Brnli- Laaeere bad tbe
la w.iriil fsm.-d, hil* -.ll.-ll' iilmul *l"ii
A. K- Douebert)'. went to St. Joba. N. firm.
lirtiiiiM;. ..................... iwhile j
on thr lM„l,.. »hil.- 111.- Mi:l.-IH.i O"'.'.
Vviiiis-i ill- |..l;..x.
B, ezpectinc to apead the winter.
J. C Ubby arrived Monday after- uurking iu the mill.
. have .................... ....................
Boar writ** for bs furnllnre, eUtlac
Don from Copemish to m
Shirley Crianel |» working fur Mr*,
engrsivlnc hl.wki. ..
be ahaD remala la hi* old borne per- lalUallon of candidates
mands Bklllller ot the boarding copies of Til.' Kngliali
maneaUrHI* r>od* were ahipped Modern Woodmen
T l~* -"ill ^
T-’’" ' •'■''V I'
lui.u- i.rxHl-;--'.-.
tbla week.
Wm. Heieer of East KaasM spent
George Brownell, who la driving for II2H n copy.
.iraiiil.-'-md-. i.apii i'h-. t-iiiH'sl pi-Hr. and. Hr*. E. 8. Noble'* dau^- Sunday sritb relatives la town.
hoiwe at tbe m^l. bad quite an acciPa.i*. Max ;:-Th.- .J.-.-. i
.lUL-ls. V all
>*1»* SX-- liii'l
The Rer. and Mrs. A. A. Alllagton deat yeaierday. Hin borne backed
ler. Natalie, la III wtUi a mild form of
To Blind Scheel.
III -la.n I— iiavers.-.! lo i I.II-KUI.:.
Of-pr.iiliiis i.!Uiiesl:it i.;..-'.i-iratarbod Thursday from a visit wUh over the dump lotn the fire and
aearlet fever.
Hue. All the d'laila of i s
I,,H. .-a-.iia. .........
Hitrlmie i-.
Hlaa Time Vedt of Bk Rapid* and trieod* at LaaMag.
bruised him conaldereble.

Tire Insurance!

V, .

A Gaum Buu« BisImh MM

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.



t Mr cm •Urau M tim MHilU


Traverse City. Mich.


We Believe

have the Best Tea on
the Market. .
D*. F. J. MaeNCTV


I^icc, 50c per pound.




Wilhelm •Men

Tir»W AMy


CbfSrjtwd CrJDfm SmM,

Two paper* for tlArpMM •» ••*.


................ ... . ...... .

the tntarest of L K. PerUetl.
Fred Caster la on the *lrk lUtDr. Oaik of Traverae City t
m..nii.* .'.Ml-.'
jm-,1 I-;--. :xll-.-.;l.i|lllx 1,!,..- .
tied at Cadillac Baturtky. They will
Mr*. Joe Alberts aponi Buaday with
Christian Endeavor topic tor Hay
.<-an.r..i-, p!a..-. ptun- .u i
leolde In Traverae City.
lb: "A Coaieniod Ufc." Leader her slRtcr at Cadillac.
k i. iK'ii.g .lorn- l.x
Herb Hummri and family
Mia* Vida Warner and Lowell Ha^
In. Jr^naoo. BpecUI muslr la betag
m . nn
rfaoa drove to Traverse Ciiy Wednes­ prepared and all are Invited lo attead. moved beck to town again. They
all Its rsi'K'-srioUs lu Ni.illi.iii
Ma,o, iuid ,,;an . ni-i-..- I
day and were married at tbe OongreAle*. Mekowskl of Traverse City eupy tbfl bouse where Hr. sad Mrs.
Africa l.y will-.
|.i,tisi..i insiriim.-n . . n::i;i-.ln;.-.
sallonal pareeoafe by the Rev. D.
u been here tbe past few day* In W’aiers fonaeriy lived.
Telegraph .n Sahara.
Idr'i P •> i.-IT-..i
They were aitcndod by Mlaa
Charlie Cook I* back from Boy Uliy.
Tbe Young Paople’B Bible claai was
, ‘lll'.lls
Fkany Pairbank* and Duane Horriaon. lentertaioed at the homo of tbclr where he baa beea for the past two
The (lol.-s will 1-- ..I m.-l:i! :i
They expect to move Iu
Ray Van Taaaet and famib' will
Mrs. Blswortb
;.c plarcrt I'Ni iiiviix - iii-ni- -.ipi-.. i
apoad a few weeka with bta mother In Thursday evening
short time.
All i>r
llii- TxiiV- at .V disi-.m.' rnnn il.. zii.-in-l
Jim Ellis waa on ihe sirk Hal a f<
Bellalre. while he is rrooverins from joyed a very pleasaut lime.
ilflci. tit u> ireriiiM "if II.. |sv-».i;;- "1
bt* iBjurr at tbe oeroent mil
Btllingcr of Maple CH) waa in da)** this wvek.
ui.1'1 .111 .'.-110.-1 lr:..-k.
Mr*. Perry of InlertoefaeB was ei
W. B. Canipbell of Nortbi
town TuOMtay.
Wylie friends Thursday afl
After the Initlalkm
giiniii iiiiiiig. Hi"- iiti- .'-I'l I "ill.I
the Modern Woodmen. Monday

fonaeriy partner ot H. J. Bristn 1a evening, all were ushered Into the adtbe Proireua office.
JxiiBlng halt where a bountiful suppr-r
Tbe Rev. Mr. Prieatly Is doing active bad been prepared by tbe Royal Nelgbwork ta his parish at Kewadin. Sun­
day he added eight names to
ebaich reglater. Mi*. George Poa
moved by letter from Asbury church
of Traverse City.
W. N. Hnbboll of Kesadln eacaped

iiis|s--ii..ii yill'ls- m.i-i'
Fire Oamaped Church.
Uadlllac, MIeh.. May " -SI AnilUaihollr churrh. a new brick sirucliire

the prtxe list *111 be let (« the ln»vud

(H R. Raaks.1

bidder and I* left la the bands

Wbodarard. mnale by Cb
Beery aerrs and every maacte ot the
body depaads ge tbe blood for nourUh- Skeicber.i
"Oh Dry Tboee Tear*." tTeraesa De
meat IbJn. waury blood make* weak
■errea and fiabby muaele*. The bt
MU la IU work of fotria* bl
-'Boule BMrie"
threngb tb* body; tb* lung*, lb* M<
-Voke* of Angelt."
gch. tb* urm-. kldneyt and bowel,
"Ubder fb* Tree*.- fKmr
de tbeir work in an Imperfect way. i
poo drag about weak. Ufed and mlaer. ,
-Star of tbe Ibst "
PreTloat to tb* irregtagi. Hr. While
The nae ef Dr. A. W, Cbdae'* Krrv.

Ftr naU by Mmewt Drug Co.

sanounred that be bad

no aoenre*

I make tbi fair * meee.s
Tb* WOrH at Large.
WashtegtaR. Hay 1-Thts eoontrr
It today la tee same position with regaid to forest rreoore** a* was <lerr ise year* each Gerteon Stares
as Sagoay and Frnsal*. particularly!
latter have applied * peJic.^M
goveraajeat conlivd and regiilalloaj
which ba* immeaiaely lncie«s.-.l the,
ptodncUill.v of tbclr fon-*i»
same policy win achieve exeu U-l-er.
Slu la tee United Stales, becsiise
have the advaniHgr of all ihe |es .

bui deaplle Ibla. be wae remdied
■•(Hd Flfty^lne" aad was torcM lo paid f.w in the emi

a cetttHry .xf!

Slag It ovar. the ptec* betag tbe Mg tbeory aad proctlc*
Lett II aiigbt be aseamed tl t ibdi
ot tbe evaalat. •Trornmt:
merry Uttle melody srilk e eeteby eJr. rapid and galalag depletion of Amenwas aao^ very pMMig aeleetloa cse foreet rmourcM la anffkiently *c-

Wl-li«v.-III.-.•oMiratrel I.iiwn n.-c

SBpanttote b»d

II illx .710 ..n l»ii« Sp|iaratf>r i*


li-MilwioU Iteparator tbg

of pgtr* h««trjr till gB'l tbg

of L.-svy ifalvgaisnd iron.

Y.'U --.«ii'l th<*c Sfimralors for It«* noMy tban
v.-ii . Hit l.iiy iLina you will liiiri- ]*** work an.l yon will Rpt more
. r.Min ' ’ll! of y o'lr nullx.
I.'i-iurii thi* .-nl'l I'l II* •'•vatiir lay
y.iii ..n .-.-niB for il "u

.Mnjr II. aihl wc will allow

ill* (lurrhadc jiri.-o of oO'- <>f tb*"d



XXXX Coffee Chums at work

TaMtes good abvayt — becaute it's always good.
Always the same because it's alwa>s blended
and roasted just right.
Extra good quality, because it s imported direct
and sold direet to dealers.
Other coffees must pay a profit to impont^,
bfx^tfs and jobbers. You save three profits in XXXX
Coffee. The savtr^ goes into higher quality.
That's why McLaughlin s XXXX Coffee is so
mach better than any other coffee at the samepnee.
The handy air-tight package and the nlazing of
pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and fresh—pro­
tected from dust, dirt and foul odors.
MCLaughfin’s XXXX Coffee is sold by

All F'lrs«-ei«ss Orocore

aad Mr. WbHR wm tMalled On tbla.
Mr. White M te eaeaUewt vab
aad tb* wbol* pregram wa* reBdared
la a TWT artlatie mtaaer aad waa

«|.«.l. r>f Crewni

"«• caw**Hxi- j.iii pitnii' money od ilu-ui.

Paints, Oils
and Varnishes

The priming ot

JTesIdent Henlagtoa.
Button* 1^ 1* ready !•' dn her pxri

Dal Tan C» Eaatab *> MaeB •md Roy.-I
-Backward. Tare Backward."
Sand l^w Vlger Tham^ A* Bye.
IM ^ Ua^ Bb. A W. eWF*
“Tbe Answer."
"Old ntiy-nlae.- (Word* by BewU
, NarmPi^ __________

PIlU make a radical ebang* M every
Rumen ayawm tbai U aiarved and Imaeveriibed for want of rich, pur* and
tHe-ratalntag Mood
OfadaaUy. rertataly and naturally
they tnatlD new vigor tnm every noak
and eemar ef tbe body, raetore baalu
and vuauty. and pat a n*w joy lato uta.
NU* year Ibcieaa* In wetgbt
Mag Dr. A. W. Cbaa*** Mere* FUU;
H tdM* a baa. at all dMtter*. or Or. A
MedlelD* Ca, SaOslav M. T.

eneral Interert*.

Wi-^.-vrry.-i xr ry

«-«!• r .-HU is

eiul thousand dollaia damag.-. CTxvcred
by fs.oiw insuranee. The .liurch w*s

fellow, music by Balfe.)
-CjiblB.oa tbe MissIssIpN Bbore.'
-mdow Makme.''


valued St fJO.niHi, was ladly .lamagcl
by fire yesterday. Tlie fianu-s di.l

•brubbery. moiioe and monogr
■ bile tbe tabic* fairly groaned
tbeir loads of leaiptlng viaads.

eomplcled lo
Impromidu pit^ram waa given which
•erimm Injun- Sunday evening from called torib much applaune and alt de
For the Fair.
a peeuUar accident. Tbe kingbolt of partexl In tbe wee ama' hours hoping
Sentons Bay. Mk*. M«y '
, bis carriage gave w and lei the that Ibis might not be the last event
la^clansu couafy fair will ixe l.lggi-r
carriage body drop with Us occupants. ot Ibis nature
aod beller Ilian ever ibis xesr ar
There were Mr. and Mr*. Hubbel. Ra}'
Mins Noreoe Baird i* risUIng at
rengemeob. are »lrtndy helnc made
aad Velma-^ubbell and H. A. Still. the home of ber brother T L Baird
make il a recrxi-il breaker. TestcrNo one wa* aerlcwaly hurl.
and family.
y the nffirers atixl itireclni's held
Jobn Monroe baa completed repair*
Ihelr regular rorefing here In Wallers
cm the various dock* here aod shipped
A Firm Musical.
lo discuss the general hosine**
tala pile driver this week to Boyne
Tbe musical given by Elmer
pertaining to a fair thi* year A genMartin Hanson and Oren H. Case While, aaslatod by Mr*. I. B. Ullberi
eral revision ot the prlee list wl
have beeai drawn as Jurors from Bl^
Isl, bl Masonic hall Tharaday made and $1"* was placed In
eveniag a-aa a 'very eucceesful affair. banda of a cnoimluee consisting of
Mias Blmm^Coldlarb returned Moamusical was for the pleaBar* of
Payne and relersea lo Ik. day fmk a three mootbe sojoiitn la Traverae City Lodge No. 5« F. 4 A.
prniled for Ixall games ami sivrrts.
H. and their ladlea. tbe Baalora Star
The Young Guards Boys hand has
HfB. Barbara Borwhard reluroed
and members of lb* Haaonlc order
ern ranged lo pl*y during Ihe'ihree
Tuesday from Poloshey. where abe
vWtlBg the city.
dayx of tbe Ikir. PresWenl Herringspent four weeks with her daughter.
Tbe tolknrlBg program wa* ably
>111 look after ihe s|>acc for
Mrs. Lem* Cool.
Mr*. Colt has an'
rendered by Hr. MTilte:
cxhlbft* aad xtaeds on 1h* grounds
•lilu-licwad daughter.
•'The Day U bone." farords by Long- while Seerelary Cate will !«•* afier

Hihi Bkwd Makes

"x' . -

Tbe Farmers’ Store

c ibaa half the increase



tl'.' Paintiiie So**.n I*


lian'1 an-1 wo ••■ii't g*« alt of

v".i i« f*'xriAlly, we take (Ins opi»..ri»miv

tlironch this valualile

jk-i,-r :o let you know that wc ar. pr.-r-nd Imttor tban ever to


Ihxa.1s. 8..-I




iiir.lmir. *ii'l lii* very-

K. bly .Mixd




<'ur jiaiat i* not tbg

.-h. i^s*sl. !.iit if you are afti-r th* l«t ■(■lality, .t>ni* to tm and
w. will show v'.ii "iir (i.iarant'..’ '•n our Miinl Paiot, tmeked by
tin' Maiiiifa.'lur..'
I.i r. ear.! p, Paldt ' ..I. at!

«y ,s that wg .k Bot boy

Hiixthiut: I.M I).-' I>':r- raw .o.-l Lmaeed

it the life

of I'hiiiI '|.-|>cii-N --n oil, iuaiai'ot. KcUioc it pur*.
Wp c-aii'i .h-c-n'-c Ur" V.vmish.w; there are so maoj kiada

onin, w. wool'i !»- pleuni to gbow yoo

you .om. to . iir



-odUic comer of Fnmt aad Cage




baa opcn<-d. U bar dcy<-k.t*'d tbai
three men who spent the wtntur in

Bchconar Aahora
The Puller bcoestead Is one of the
ValBly UTtng to aall la water that
as not deep euough by a foot or landmarks la Benile cooniy. betpg
tore, the schooner Peatleea of Ra- worked AonetaBtly from IIC3 wbeb
Ine spcDi Sunday on the sand reefs Oeorge Puller loraied
East Bay Lumber company'* ] year. Noah E. Puller, ibe loutigcsi

' r r; «

isle Royale a> carvukers. bare kllleil
Kfi Wlldcais Ihere *lbce |3M fall The


Island, .nthftirsb vkKe m the Canadian
thoie. 1- Mjeliisau leinn.rt. b.-ltic

Fjst head, (he ct.-a- mean.'sob. had worked the place Iru^ the aliachnl
Kean-iuta eoun<y. an-l
uhile pBiilBg forth every effort to; past few yenr*. hot he died in Kemni- tbiie Ibe lion will draw a Imunly of
*2 on • aril .Y ih,-‘aniinab. m addition
ary and the mber hroibc:* decided

iMisec her.

i<; nbier, a ••<m--i.l.yab1.- i-mnu-ii w.l!
tie n-allred from ibe kkln>
Tk.- trap

The IsMii was hound for nil.-ago and ■ sell the property
-i.ikhi Ks i of green maple lumber
. r.. p'!i aboard S.itnrday. There I*
t*xii ten feel of waier ci the dock


Fife lAke ihl* ^rnihg
ilr*. James Bcamlih and four rhil-l1 niumca
to Grand H;it.ld. after
Rbi nnd thi-re was enough waier on I f"*

day* tn the c;i>.

till il.e luui only needs nine to move
I. KonniUnRS were taken Kaiiirday

i. yesrel aKbnugh there li
•hannel, ,1,.. one rtredgw! a few yearn; ‘"R

The ,|.st
di-irut* of

noithern |



ill ii

from I
jrhetv he will spend
. le>I-i“ t'O’tl'It- of w.-eks lor his b.-olth,
J. W, cuff went to Maneemna ihl«

Sl-ri a
the d,«-k only to bring up
lorn iH'fore going a hundred


"r ■”

Ihe dork where be could unload u porlion of bis cargo, succeeding aBer


several more hours df hard labor.
W-ben the dock wa-n rebuilt a chan­
nel was dredeud for almost a mile oul

buggy atniek the awH*. breaking th.iF««“‘y aOtnlred. Yh. vin.m .ei,v
by Oeorse lUiyd oere nwrh api'rerl
levere end throwing the cwiteh
Tbe clot-ins number war n boouitriil
labieuti nniltlcd -Lihrrly and hr

and Its entrance mariied with pile.-,,
but the work hat] been oUitereied and
III.- place is anything but a convenient

hlandOMidv Religion aad Knoerlrdgp.

' w4^r wee in the cab of the
end engine and hie body waa dug up
from under the wreckage. It waa literallyceoked by the coeaping cteam.

one for commercial sailing.

in ohich OtadyK Shug
Vera Oabame rellginn
Ella SUiea knonlcdse.
Many rtpreased lli<“ «i»h that JU»s
Young trnuld irnrb ibe YoHoii’Idr y««r

rerr nac:^iil year of school In' ornutl Trarer.e county will hold their

ahwdBoml acbool. Whlievaier >o»o- laiinunl moeiiBc in ihe Hret Mrthodiel
mi>. Friday erenlnr. May 3. OTte flnr i
Ir. this cllr. lu>glnning on
program was well renders,I nnd duly jcvenlng of May 23. Mias aiyrter.
appUuded -by Ihe immy who w.-re^i^u., ors.-.,../er, mil speak a. l.c.ilIseesloB* ty' the couventioa

Al^onr liiose who attended were jpresenee of couference secretary. Mrs.
■MUs Vtitmg'B anther of Trarerse City. )>>rte Uatlers, will add intereyi to the

E.-cylMsly Is IutIKM


While DO woman le 'eatlrcly tree
trem poriodie suffering. It dooa not
eaeiD U> be the'^an of naturo ttmt

ered In time to amid any trouble and


eridenoe Ib:
I which abonld
serious demofeiuentof the
etniulue urgaul
found relic) tram all periodic
ferity by taking
akiug Lvdis
Lydia K.
table Couipound. w
saiirr roots and herbs,
t tborough fesolr
regulator known to
medini sciem
vondllloo which
leb diseomfort and rob.
esuses w
ibledwith polnfnlor irward off the aerious

published at 1123

Mn. Pinkhsm’s 5tandlnr InviUtion to Women

Judge \V. W. Stk-kney of lsip,-er


tong club end Northpon Harbor.

missing man was IMnald Mclaun and
bniihcr has ii.iced liini lo :i
in Ohin. fnira which lie slat k-.i to

il op-It i.urt In....... a splintci of'gla-»
tin the same Ihiv :i lih-ce Ilf SU'I-I

vireeia of Lansing, on the tv-caslon of
the rlstt of President llooseveli, May
31. The element of comtueivlallsm Is

article U by L. L. Stevenson, city edi­
tor of Hie Record.
The Motor Dval Is the recognlied
unlhorltjhorltj- Ilo
d the inulur hoallng world
I has a r

n’i'rtunb'f.l Xubday law violaih'n- 'i>
nrih. -r.mot7- lakiut
V..rklh'-a''.r H.u.--a

whctlMr n w'u,^,. sini
< I.e


m-'v -.If ,lh-<i<ct.;jr'iDi a

hiive parchas'u!

V'nii'on .boose. r.Sr.>an*H. j.-.-inik t.. ',iii.-

d'i-.c'^i-t.l. ..I eiil.-.^H,i,j.TT„

Carry a comple'e and fufl
line of

UrhlUi- HI-U'Mii-.-il v.wi. i.v for'il.c <.!:■
li-llldr.ij,1t-ar»>i»">ity tiT itu- hlitli 'if
'lioai* -Aitastj;
|T .,p( take tlu- hirm
'<» a n-oui'u' <rf OK- papil- 'If .Anssir
4-nil will js-^e:i.t in SauBilun. thatci.
l*i<Rihrulg''. Mas. <m Moiidav ■ tc-nlog.
v-ili ... slmo

ttiKl «Vir a

■Ullel ifiUi-Igh

May :t: .
.Shetby M.

I and CoartHHid TrcalmenlloAU.
»_R«ide»oe. SO. OS™. :S.



Herd Smllli, Baiuter.


.lh.-,«miitr srsw-

tr-mi >li;.i..'i.

lilivrn till" Il

ttr.s had cn-ddera- •

amni*' hu,ur a" an item ,g,i'iiU! th<l-oys a;;i,kin'<l»-.;».ii,',w,,rhai a rc-

>-n ri lint:!It •wa*ilB =n'»w-<..!„'j
|i bits Ipeen decided liial there
not enough' of Hie old eongiecaiitin.
one- Ihl- laigcst iD Oxfonl o
Chrisii.iii'chtin-h. '•> Mi|,rH-T- a p

,m rim subj-.-Y

: II was an <;-a.-. mai-JsH-aat..r;c-iil.,.tn -"■pllc.l. ■! Lave m-v- ■
I'- wcil. up and
, .C taken In’ «- oh, w -rtf t'.taww
M i-ad It h'i.iK- i*-.ib;:n my i:f',-giul M-ai v..e q."i- Hum
l.-Si-.-f«.>i,.»^...<j,'an' .ii|iv year. a«". .1 dc.'iK'i cai.-.” h.- add1.^. h ii^-- w;,.. Jip-i-d, w-itji a. ,-"i 1.1-'.i<i te|s-Ai ih• ' "I
il- I1.S.C ,|>rifnc<v ,My. h.iy,
is I wa.-- .


bavt-'-JSU'^'. hb-S'ai:--! lit-raiewr wh.,
lit ivhli-li.-h- l»<Vi:ii.-JoiD 3 .socl-'i,.tc. . i pi-.i.-.-.' y.-art'- w.'-te

were »3.37;.nk8. Among ihe
of Ibe state today were $4iil OS.*, in

M- <;i- II-

•K-uf '.ia.ihs-mlivj's

V.' ill- gr-Ht tn<»i of
iii t71«. wished in'
'd ,.-al'-benii»is .wlui
a -*-*rcb . fur tinII* Irimrtil'd a hi) ,

taxes fioni. Ibe Pcr<- Mumueib
road and »T4.p:7 from the nciroii (c
That Ik- ha,! Is .« a wanderer <>t
face of the t-anh lor the past il
tile years was the rialni mad
MTltlam O'lirteti. ag™.l 4u years,


Charity Ball.
applied to the loxllce a- Pori II
The aDDniil charity ball of Its Elks for lo.lgtng. O BHca said that
his father died leaving him homeless
be one of Ibe finest social ev
HI tbe ace of five years he was unable
the year. Invltatiuna have I
to find a liouiu ami liii- U-rii buffeted


siK-d ami It Is exix-cied that there will ab.111' fniui one tdiy to anotJic
lx- a large galberiug of Elks and their O'BHcn is UDUstirffly small sort do»<s
frii-nds. Bieh member of the lodge not weight oier eigbvydlve itound.i'Ile

PUrst clas- inusir|

Itav were surprised last -Saturday j Wal'-.-r l.ill requiring suretv boq<is for
night by about tbltiy of their frk-jlds. j saloonlsts. The WiiKier l.ili wa- kll-e.1
;s have now leuiurd.
loll suppe: with Ihi-m and left
•1 j| ver> nice present of cut glass and j Lier- y *if

l»udlng eon,
il e surety
liver. \ iicogTjm it. charge of M:s.-|raoh. o-ud t ade ik'-m li'e up to thi
'.ira Bow-hall, consisting <'f slngiug.! leiior of ih. liquor Jaw. and that 1
Issuding rciiupaSK
rlBgiug and rcriuition* wereiibev lii.ln'i.

nd'ied. The visitors led at l:3>> ;> iwv'iiM withdraw,
ted .kd.,>ti
m. wUhiog Jif- and Mrs. Steiger many ! G..v«tH"i Waniei
:.iii GeucTHl McG'inlu to notify at;
Uaup! iTiunis for the day.
Mlcliigu National guar.J c<vffi|uole!
that .caaieeus wouW no- Iw allowed
Fuller Homestead Sold.
The oM G<-orge Fuller honiesicaij in cvuiDi'ciloD with rom|uny taira<-ks
b .Almira lOWDsblp, Itcnrie county, The orttd- will be enfopred to tbe lat
was sold last week to Caldwell * T-r Tbs ooiei grew t«it oftbeiroBble
Lnudo^ Ihl* rliy who will uke (hd ID the Ftiwi regiment ai Ocirolt
tr- or


That isTi'l al] you save

be will rndeav.,;

Mill lM< provided and a liaoQu.i will iiuuehis )n-jrney n»|Tli as Is-s' he cun
lie ecii'cd during the evening.
anil-.aMoL [s-ipiv
golBg alsiuT iuriilbg
Mr aud Mri. Oorge Strixvr of Bi.-i i undue ha.-te they took in opposing th»

Fann and City Property
For Sale.

,1..- IwKsi.,'

. 'j , A natahi.- <.-h b;afi.01 Is bf-lne jdatl.. ,iK<.;s ran,.-.-, niutpany. iej
Vii.- .yj.(dr.-« <d ifc- ficp.

to lake place on Tuesday. May

b- the Inviialloos

acres «f Uiob<-r fraei li. The lb" Sbipmac matter
Now that lAkp Superioi garira.lou
I3t> acres lu
eitcal and


loif l.. -!.nd »n-_i..akln'x|askMl xh..' -raljn.-saii;.. .,f tlm ri.
.-•wM,i> .wM'i'iK-It-'Tf .-ilobahis” i„..3Bt HaTmia-tio..lii,

'has Ike privilege of tniiitng a frleO'l.

Smith Realty Go.


d^'ci lauge •
attack lU t'-,'« whs c.-utM-.l
^nirutil aunt l hi--.\1* i |,y hi*. sa'An.iw.ctc :> j'i'W .»f luhor-Y>.

WUH l7.ISii. IH 71. The o-celpis of i
slate during the tnonih Ju-st closed

y »Id.As the proc-eds of (bis annual event
m- way
• iie bllllls-r
gi. Into Ibe charily fund. It Is assured, i,,
iM.nhern |>ait of ili.- s
that thi-rv will be u lim-rel responsej ^.^.,1^,..f.ih.mgi, b.-


>-nleI .the IV't.-l

Mackinac railway.

y.lne bos Just cclcbrate.1 its tl



:*•- N-.4i.m;.i;' Oscar'li'niiiis'-rMein .-oitiln.i** _a
r .xmi'-rtes,. a! kniieds in 'llio prih-.suliilgK

!»• A
iitniieh will'd
tlll"•lgll»UI .<

'•i.iun,,-.; ,|.C

fnent* ate uoi to be allowed on the


. ■> l.y .Uaie. I-T
n ^ M E it.r-;.l:.wt,.

llisi.'d the pniir™- deianntHn In
his assistance. "The naiti.- ol

fy and h*,l beet in the grocery bustn«s in this city for iweotj-five years

York, three page* arc devoted
to be ellmited as fat as possible from
descrlpUnn of conditions in the Oi and
the edehrutloa.
Traverse region. A picture of J. W.
Tlic cash balance in the stale itf
Hannen'B Record Boy Is shown also
Illy at tbe clo-e of Pii.loc-ai April
an excellent lIliiKtiaUon ofibe We-<iue

Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

Wonmn anfloriag from anr form of frmsle weaknew are teyited to
WTile Mrt.Pinkham. at Lynn.Mai-»mn theM»eii. the trouble
■ay be located and tb# guickrst and soTest way of reroecry adn^.

rif lime ago a man aying hi*
as John Mi-Ijinof p,-nns>l\anla.

1-econ lo put in a lumd-saw 'iiitlll.> tlTide. but SCI
L. Hammond, isjsbier of the Ludd.oppe.1 .nio Ih. -.irth
jnguio Pfrsi N'Suonnl liank. Is visiilng bis arrival In Miisk.igPli. The oniis-rs
hU mother lo thlsclly.
1” rtTi-rl-.iivik - a .ruruSim
l-ave so tat la-.-p ciii;il)!« to hum
I fsidii. In .1 do Dltn'.'Triiint, I’dt-cid.d, ila- other’ mniviliis'
thins to assist the i-ioth-.r In
-h.s hens laid
tllai: Ills UWB IKWdl'l takjii. and as he
After pleading guilly to horse steal:xs >Y iintistial sir.- ..ii<
had, i'ltttle ri«ari:' t'Di- de.-tded ilial
Justice A. ,11. Gn-cn <11 Oxford,
tag. Juy Wants of Balle Creek, was
he W.KilO W' the Pd' off-Iils hoDds >1
rted alwim a haidwaiv sHK-s |«I1 <Y nathin lisinil ou- '•-ioi|-l
scnle.nre,! to JurUson for a term of
iiil" inside el
w-n: TO Ihe «t>jt)-«i>ri to
wblrdi ha.s been 4n Ills sysiefii sintv h.
one to five yeais.
OH-ihc wK-u h- ■•••-/.■.i.(he
e tVrwai -Ate :m 'I
was ir years rtf aisc. Tin- Judge I
The remains of Anhnr Patterson,
haadli-LTaitl'tbecru-sadi.,h«.l Ilium drowned a week ago lu the Rid river
»l.,sr. .,B.i 1, wIimI.. ;
Jumped upon a pile of linAn-n glit-s.
Misslbtlppl. have licen rccov.-red.
).-d c.h top .rf tlie
ti .iHiw gl-t rciid v 1,1^- r
filling his right p*.i with spHoters. He
They cannot be brought to bU home
bujts and. wbniSq^Ujii:
1-e.led. as he supprs-owl. lu extract, hlsUUs' COliri-tll. T.'leph
In Bay rily.
, Clntn-riu-vii* 1ra^>
all of them, hut after icarhlng Ihrrlngh F<iwlenl;le. |l>i<ui 'jiuriTho Maccabees will erect a n«-w
■ imil tyoi.-d il
tnunliood he was irpuhlcd wiiU
icDiple ai Parwell this summer on the
ir’i.lii J
ni-aiisra in Ihai foot. This w.s-k. j
cornt-r of Maine and Superior
log a haid substances under the vkiit
Tbe building will lie of hollow is wm^ f
Criteral Newt

In the last laeue of Ihe Uolor Boat,

eonacqaancer an

Mia Adelaida Nichole of <M WrsiRnd Street. New Tork Cite,
writes:—near Mrs. I1iikhai»:-- lf seomeii who suffer woold only rely
BDOD Lydia E Plnkham s Vegetable Coenpoond their troubles wonid be
galchls nllerUted. I (eel grcsilr Indebted (or tlie relief and hesHb
which has been brought towe by your Hiestimable remedy.”
Lsdia B. Piokham's Vegetable rooiTMund enres t'emaie Complainu
aoeb as FUlIing and Di.plaeencats. and Orgsntr Mwaws. lleadscbe.
General neWIitT. Indigeatum. and inrlgoratcs the whold feminine
system. For the derangemcots of (he Kidneys of either sex Ly4l*
6. Mmkkam’* FegWab/a Cmmp*mmt la uxeellenl.

Protfaei- in Mii'k>-s»ti. iiNiui itua CadMlse

It U prubabic that l^'samc person en­
He leaics a wife an,l one daugkier.
tered the place Saiu^ay night.
VeoAora of pop-'orn and

ecrcly. li



who dlsap-

which Gtien Cl' into Ills tight t
for several weeks. I* gradually grow
The saloon osrned by
Fisher A
years ago * also w-orktsi ii)iward.
Ing woiwe and there la no hope for his
Gadtcmeyer ftormerl)- William Ite.-i'
that It wa-: exiracusl. With glas
placet was burgariUed Saturday night
hi* font, sm-l In hts light hand
, Caught at VpsUaml with im«>ep
and something over »10 taken from
Ihe sciiloK of Jiisilr^ in his i-fwild ducks In Ihclr possesskni, iwthe cash reglBler. No attempt was
lo sp<-ak of the kt-ys to the village
«f M. hiurients claimed Ignoraiiei
made lo open the utc.
c«ol"i in Ills lax^K t. Judge Giel-n has
the law. Justice George R. Gunn fined
The person or persons who did the
Is-I-Ii a wnlUng'bai.lwaie ,f,>:
them lin and (3 5; co
work were rridenity familiar with the
many yi-urs.
Mr«. Caleb Miller of
building and bad planned their
' Voii Just tell ihem liuii the <)id mat
pn, who took great piennure lo aniotootrance carefully, A nul shell had been
btle rides, is dead. Her death breaks
placed under a rear window that Ine
the < i.iw.l,•• said Wilh.mi n. bsown o
up five generallons. Theodore .Miller
ibi- back entrance. The door
.Ml nsrotin l.s|.-nerl l., ;
proprii'ior of the DrirnU excels
Ibe entrance was larked at clovlBg
shis-Ung tiiatrU held l-y the R.-nd Hll
work*, is a son.
time but the tracks Indicate tha'
sh'.ioiiugcluh. Osimin^ who b- 7u yeatFour saloonkeepers were ptil out
iblef entered tbrough a basement
trf age. Oiled 12<t out of !3'. Iibte ris-kbtisla,'Y>‘ HI Ionia when the rouncll
dow. eame up Into Ibe entty and lifted
and i.-ri lo-d flist prire
He has t
sued liceDsee to only ten. OoveiiKir
the window be had fixed so that ihe
lecnid tor g-Toil Shooting and lias many
Warner sigtii'd the Mil re.inning ihe
latch would not catch,
IIOK-s curried off the flrsl priye
aumhrr. one to ever) V* Inbabiianis
Tbe money was then taken and be
»uys - I f.iol them all When ihe Imys
Unnduy night.
left through Ihe back doors which are
tl.mrge D. Jones, vcietab grocer are tq, iiHirhitlg up the lii|nnr.'I
filial with spring locks.
ou the oiiisiilc. nnd then my n,
died oi Dowaglar Tusy-duy. aged W>
Some.moailis ago. evidence of a
are gcssl and Ibeln. are shaky
years. He was a ptoncor of Cass emnpremedllaied burglary were discor

an Che has made many friend* here.

flulion nuabrT ftooTW'iltaniabnn; and
'lisrrals rtf thy chOrtreB, The room

non on p*s<engi r So «,
Chailes Kpldei

who ha* lieen In a eriilral condition


Cloea oAtha Term.
WlUiamiburg. MIrh.. May c.—Mi*»
Bm B. Young of Traverse City closed

preaeu. ... •.


TralRmos'cr llur.t wii

Twiee during Ibe day she was hauled Ibis morning on buslnese.
.Miss Ltlliub llogaa left Ibis morning
look .everal
for .Vew Ytiri: rlij./whete
hours eaeh lime and twiee more she
atiempTed to sull. ibe last time bring- ■pend a short time.
Bessie Wmvdward wem'^o
:g up slightly to the westward of the
rHIi.Tou induy.
•ek and the :
Mrs. L. H Swanten left for Cnnf
mile .11 er eigtii
Rapids this Dorelng.
■ alroosi I
ships while then




In search of a l.nuh, .

n irying

lU'^tHfiflly dts'aroM'd.
PaUt Accident.
Amoiit Itie oumtmrs nnitpriallr
under the stern.
KaUmuee. Mich.. May (.—Abraham
midnrod vert- a duel by MlKse^ Yoan£
Captain Andenon informed the R»eWagner, a Lake Share A Michigan
and Ula ('iiiry uad leo cHmiona or.1 leponcr who tioarded Ibe vessrl
Southern flreman. waa InaunUy killed
playi-rt by Vera Oabonur. a tmautlliil ilmt (lie water bad dropped
John Brownell.
Mki ]•> Mr». RolM^tl Uanleii.
Ing the day. t'nder those oondltloos
ewaeper. waa faulty Injured at the
M)Ue« liy Hlaiirbn acd Elia 8tlt»
It was neccksBtr lo lighter the boat
Lake Shore croeaing on PerUge etreet
n fine recltaiioo by Gladye SbUB. nr secure a lug wblch would
Emma and WIsain Bluer. Albert
Brownell waa driving and atUmpted
to eroaa the etreet ahead el a north
hU.. » «.r
made a desperate effort to get back lo

of ita terrora.

..ffTeiY I

game wattlen
asrieu'iutal college le-: .hiintinc

;i-id lit- Imenilon was lo make



!. (lie

Unldsworlh I-

lleud point and wait for the wind

then a lln.> was carried ashore and the
the wlndla-s*.


Fnllowini: (h*-.eajBi*>I*- M-t l-v sifni*

Mieliig.rn .
for Alpena i.t-rbui ifcim )>u liMiii- rs
The artiiin'.'
morning where Mr. Beard has of ibl- Imaril w.i- .lic taie.1 b
.1..- wind being a triBe south rrf 1 *'''‘“"^1 employment
liiui im.l<r i!,e iir: -ur -iat<-

1410 udug mici up.
iiir).- ycaierdai tnornine C.ipmlBl
.tiider-.m ralle.1 his crew and made'

Several hours were .pent
■ work her loose by tbe


A*. K. Puller reiiimed to til - home


You know people

wlto have drank Arbucklcs'
ARIOSA ail their lives.

Look ct them. They like
i _it and lScj- liaven't
qukdfinkine it
>\ Dai'l let any nun x-H
A you somdiun^ indcad,
which may ruin your
storaa<di end


aid and'j .«,.Urr,.i s.i,lb- Fit#. nVH[fi h.-g.‘fi a -J.-.* two V. s;



lumber of custard rup* and Ramlsh qnieklT over a Rood lire 1
ihelxMiom Ilf earh with raising or nn.
'.ugbly braird l>nM wl
died eherrler. then fill the mps with ed sugar add sene at ou-e t

l-wril. anti rtdl smooths uuul nuout
etir~<i>iatler «< an Inch In Ihlckae.t";

Hncly crumUled siale bread. 8-ald
one pint ol milk and dissolve in It
ooo-balf a cupful of sugar, add one

Jm a anile:
ifae darkam ieio <)ar.
With a kollr.
JBM a amllc;
Oh . tbrre'a aoiblnc «hon a eiaii
Pfcia the welehl of ««to«> yo

Aa a aBlIr.
Joat a aBiMe.

It twelve rents, and will la-t-lmw >e,r..l
evr«.l the stvealb-d
gond Hcotch woman U t.tined pexrc


these cakes not only ............ .. tnwu „,u
whets- sjio lives, hot In ui^nr otlo-r Sealei

• difftnirt, piiddin* lo niske.
pini of milk m n iloubh'' of eieai v«bi,

Bive Iheee Rood reasons for her ec

towos. whei* her .Mtnrs Late curried i„j|nr
Inr: add lo ■< one cuirtnl ..f :-«gar{ The last addition lo the ll,t
I stir ii.illl dlsKolved. Pom this mer hread-mUer. It has tninsfomii-d
her recipe, oml -onnrted h

now Uir may la brlBUlencd iip

and bcantifut old a|ta.
e knew- how to forsel dlsnctee
(biRca. She n>asicn-<l ihe ;m trf

By a ataiir.
Jint a 'amllc:
Sacotened la Ihi- Idlicr rup

as well as Iluil of her rak


Ob. Ule wortrt way fn>«-a al yOn.
Aad your aplrtta Ity to lillidit.

whalever work

camo to

ride a small bras, h-s.k Miirh as U tojnr dark hios u wlih a lit lie iimlied,..,
used In china elosef.
| rhmoUie. t'oloi the larger
•r iHAiiinijni
red. mloring so as lo re- than

’ deni- l)j. aod wiw that »lil aui- 1
mil- in her. and Iherc i> a halo
jrhlie hair nMiil her head, elir

WUI 4. amllc.
Jan a amllc.
Mhay tacarta will dry their tewra.'

aernd irf e 1»oc life and a liapi<y ir

>iod eonaidered-

Aad CO alBEtac oa tbclr way.
dtad Ibcyll pat away thHr fcara,
Tblaklni! of the Rlad today.

M-pnl.le Hie red |W>rl1oii of a melon.I

Thl» U i
lo hook.
On this coni she «lning a •

For the Breakfaet Table.

Bow tbc heavy liurdcoa fall.
By a amllc.
Jan a uDllc;
flope aEhJa-bcaraa over all.

lllewiislalnlns h""! one eats, il
lei. says tloo.! Housekeeping,
tors do uol nil agne ns to what fnoil

of Hie pin.
She fidds hci skills exa-Hy in lia'fj



be*l. Certain

Tn many iwrt.s of nor rooniry II wa
reeelvml with raplnrous praise., man

Aod so he Rally


tloBu' beside

I. L.1 Harbour In the Younc Propica' Weekly. Elreu the secret of AllMe the atmoapberc with soldcs auniBlM on the cloadlcat days. He Baya:
Nobody earea aboot j-bqr woes.


-Wkr abould you your prlcfs diach

Ijotik dicerful!"
Fivtty BtJOd BdTke. thai: Tlie pity

re l one eup of powd. i-.'ii sucal. Ha.r.r holh cake and IHUns with vnnllla:
onehuir leaipoonfol in eaeh should Is-


Haoaua fake, nellrloiis - I'se Hie le-

I made la dlffonmt mti.vs hv liffcrv.t
ro(8iM. It la made either thick '

tkat trot uad rex and worry us d<
tbclr work ao oEdctatily that we for
pat tbfa aad all olher admonttiooi
to cbccrfolhea. aad look Elnnt «nd
act ‘Yiuuor than a bear.' A eecoad
vcrac ol liu't cboery tittle poem ap^cala to our vanity by aaylnE:

Wlih a, mile spinach r

done lmiii"dlaie|>.;

then laike In a mod>

' Virwl hold it ,:n |
Id dash e..1d water.

Hii.'s hoiM
ant. He sd'i.r.dy anil s- j

TbalY a fact: If aonic of us knew
bow powerfully homely
we look ' blue," and how fairly iw»d
toklat we mn when we look
.rteerr and bappy. we would

that wtm t

Instead id darning
■on. to nil the ide gaping h.des whirh
will cotne lo the sIocklnEs of Ihe Small

ly lhai we Ilk- ll very inii.'h.
If Ihe r.-illa lily does not
wa'i r '*iai i- veiy wartn. kriy. 11

There's aitoHrer lari for jou! Iben
thete ate Uwrt tour wlje wi

a ^o>fo»

rliopisHi; |H».ir HiK Is.Her
or lintlrr as turg<' as u hen's eg
Wlien Ih.' fat begins lo smok.- p it li^ layer Has. then -idli the
Ihe oatmeal In this waVi Have ready thip, and put a Uy.-1 «d figs
a small dish of flour U-siile tbi- dish thi of dark IsHHT.

p’an ov.T tbe fire aad cook slowly ttaIII pulie thick, stlrrlag lo the meaa.
nine. Turn Inin an earvlien dish to
rvMd and si-rte In inrl|y1.Mi.l dtshto
with wbipiwd cream
I'M.ue |•i^; Wa-Ji and
piini. v. remove the «*ds and whop


• kloi. ati.|.p.|lp fine. Ka-eertca to suit
|.|n" pi., /in. »llh fi'-b Pasle.
fill wlUi . hopiv.l piuii-' »iid I’Mkr wl'b


Wbm d‘*c. po' Ih" Uyeis i.m“Hoi
with IcInE
, Biiii.'iiml I'akeoip -f
l*.j erips of s'lgar. 2 riip» of “ f
r.ip of swi-el milk. 1 cup of biiner.

.1 ipi.ill’y Id ehe.-'
...meiiiias >llx- .............

riid-:iog if».i ••ii.'.-upi'.i
s ae,ii miia i
beaten together with ihic ••widul '-.f ]

.!,» il a>i. .1 Hir'..i^-iih

k INrlm "lowrtimard

ly a«d tbe duty ot cbrorfulBoa*.



fakes- I so *upfnL. «I
I., ivipfals of a.Kir, om -

If «pful



r-,c a




1... luu'-Ji ald-e- -I
II. a pu.Idler .J.-h
• Tw*8«»i» Sandwos
II ef rice an
. -nter - P.b


II and fie- I tr-.m b

weet mill, .idl onetiatr --.p m 'i.'", ««e-half toas|wnfiil -d -alei.
>••>*. a ics:|nv*f"l of ,a" a'l-l «3e




halt teasponfnl of soda. Find mu "ell
tocetbor tbe oatmeal, flour, sugar and
Mtt' Matt tke sbortcslag.



Blew Waffle: ->.jH-ii a .-wp -f •
im ahh the f.dkthVs -sc


aau will be aeoessary before ooe eaa


Is made by wetting “P evenly In e..:d

water a lablesponnlul of mm aureb.
vauhalf and stir ll quickly Into a pint of boil-

l.iitler. idjehall eiipful of warm wi
ter. («e teasroonlul vd »lt aod our

luiely ueoeiMTT eo* II c^a uouW be


a eupful Eranulaird

m grldd'c, aud lr« lu inia'I eak-. mp «.f rtirraatk ■.< s«*dl.-.r raMn.-.
mdlDg at .•a- to «•" lahlr. Thl. rme eg;. PaV" it -trawl at yonrh,.-.*.
A alee. Hmpl- vtn.r for Ih"
.dainty and good.

U to be hoped II will be kept up aod
(hat tbe Ome ulH come when dieerful
be •dnltted to good aoeWy. U U abao


,„.ailcl SriT-.*.ld
I-,.,,.,. Puddion. f....................... .. l.a

Ificrl flour l "t It stan,| ..vei n'ghl.^ t^.ioi Pudding—One
III Hie nr-oing a*M 'k ueH I'rsi-ii e=fcip,.j endv. three hsMpe.J o-.p- cd I

ready to Iry, itlr tnt.j tbe luitier a
Slfrupfiil "t sifted floor. Butter a

that we live la an ogd wbeo to much
Is aald aad prioted reganllafcibr beaii'

Ttiree ■•Cs'wpany'' Oekoe.'*'

a- l-lfll'y-d
• i.alitie.
.|..vel..p Ihe

.'..rd f.T WMsh:.,B .he ml^
,1 Iw :p, .l I'.r •.■d^hinE/lse •

all |.•selllrr, a'i'l eil'Higli flo'T tIt. opcshillf . llld.ll Id
,C W.iler, H-dl a|M.ut 'w- iiilBMe- 1 r"M «"ii Place wali-.t
(irtddle fake- <Mie , of hot | on ea-b ra.-ll" and bake

and half a t.'.i .ir.» of. ■'•!< 'lls
;'0l«cd In a mile warm wul". Whci.

m glad of tme thing. «mi ibsi 1*

l.-nioii juice and Riutnd lemon rltid.

cinr-lliini of '^is iMHir.-.
spires, and the s-d

Inti. which pM' a pleee cf tried sii

t could an a coluBD o( thl.
with admeolHoea to cbeertulneKi and

ran tnelascboly.

elcRhes-bang<-ni ean
I* cuvily
ropled. and almuljl prove mtwt uaeful.

h Ih- fold on Ih" lin-. aie
I'll 'll" g.nrden li.oe

sifled. then Hie whiles of H
neU tvealeii
Take a Huh' ni..

A half honr •wmr.- H

Um booh of John. “Be of r''*'

Mother with equally wise uaytugcuBdemaatory of that thbig «ff evil wh

pul I.. I*|| III nigiH the HHle RanBebta
ur.- hiioB tm 'Ms new elotheadiaAger
jin iT-ail of la-mg throwa on a i^r
>r I".' on the |.q. of the baby's bosket

I—H.,ii ..f how
--hnnk lieav,
..rtm a .llfflriih "iiie |o -.'ivr
e niii'r.ial o-.rr 111-, el—h"

^ )vu ever Twacl
You table <H< -a ............
. till'. »bl.-ku
abould berauae of bU lieauUtuI die ahenUl hr ••
UoB end luxBUse be si-ltl so mab) wise
aad tnie things lleie U ooe of Ihciii.
tt,i:s.r.t'4>e'.»i.- rlHi i.'maiii
•irvip ran I"' iloivkU IK.
I ,Clip ...' 1-itler. I Clip of V..111
•A cheerful temper, hdued wfUi lu
grioi'il3f.r»'.paj ami r,.ai..| |..f s.ig.
Boenre. will laake baauiy aUracilve. logclticr. I
.•grv, t|«.Hiftil «-f so-Ja
tp. pi"|...r|.,ni of or..,

Into aa amiable ilmpllcliy. am) ivn

with a ru'ind ni'dat ring haiiElDf ra a
h.Kd. on the wall.. AYhen the baby It

< i find n..ekl.i'"-s in inalrb
Shrinkino Cleto.

g .•I..', and ll

“wet blaaket'* kind of aa
.on want. Fry wlHi n..i«. whliev of fmir egr?. : t.-as|o*i
phere. It Is bad wbee your Meml* can-, hrownliig elrdy on Is.......ide-. ful. of loiWns pi'wder Put tb-Ingrehave a feollbg that they naouol have Krv slowly, or Hn-iv will la- OnnEvr dhmt- tegeHier. aerordliij.- to ditr'•a wt of fun" wUeo you are arrHiml of InimllK. When d-ao-. -.uid to Ho-, H-ms f.w nlhcr eak-. and hake a, a

fler defomlly liaeK agreeable."

lo-en painted any eobB' non may d«•xlre. and on which ate wivwed six or
ry- <-burr,i gorlal lx
elghi liraaah.aikstohidd the liny Bar111"
H.vvi»i.-. At this
meals. Tbn pole Is about Uinw> feel
fe-- are pivs-mr.l wiOi ncrklung, and Is e«v<-red wlHi satin ribbon.
’ stning prq*oin. lied wUh gay At r'jrh mi.| .d II la fasloued a piece
. Ill" go'iihiwn with witrhof' sMiln rIbiMM) whirh 1* coonecled
ill < orresi«ai.|iiiB colors. When

PalaUMe Prune Piabaa.
I'lime Buile: Oa* large meaty

Bow the aoor. ntxraao perron cnmies i

late amlabtmyMirdlu ibrdlu hTdlutaut

II fills lo s.i rapidly ami up

A Pepcorn Social,

iiiiiiir. and press Hie pulp thtoo^ a

oTeuld <«lmnil. Dip «l'h a allff .
oC.~ IHd yon ever notice how a
a e»nd siwsinfiil «»r Hie piiilditig.
ly. tiieery porm aeema to fain.v- drop It lull, the dish id flour. r.H
croalc an
of Juyfuli
----------------------------------, ,wUh the siaim an.l .Irop Into Ih.
II yira have, you have alao noHced I ^
mill: ih-

lOMwlcdge dHlsbltal. and wil gmal
oaUiOd. It will IlgblcB alekaews. inv
erty oml affllcIloB, ronterl IgBoranre

deeuralrd rlhbun and wood. They are
placed on tbe wall alwve the baby'a
rot and eonslst of a pole which has

Ano;h"r i l.ujvr fake- 'i
.... ..... of milk. V'

temnirly the milk and lion
whfeh Hie l«kliiR penntec lb

lime when wanfil for thr tmal. n
on 111.' «lon- a grwil-sixrd ‘lying is-


Clethca-Hansrrs loe Babya Warflreba.
Someihlng quit" new for the lathy
rv cjiahes-hangeis lua.le of daintily

.|s»nfiiU of laikmEl
IPS of flour. ;
■oil- ecss.
ecEs. M pi'und
IKtwdei. wPItps of four
of rulsliis, 8 or m flBvutlei's i

BOW and then wiiile liolMic. Ihdl

a paildfnB as r

boltleeirfii Ula wngh IT:.'p-.uud-."
Mr.D C.Proaaer.R.f. li.V.i i Hhel'-y,'kr-iaafo. Miehjwrltoai ••Twoyaara
____i..<.M..o,. sm,. 1S.I w-iihe.i.rrh-r ihesT.-raach. I had hail a run of typhoid
lid nnd oolhlBB
oolhiBB 1I cou
could eat
wav v«ry .Ivplr-.-vl, 1 ould
■ nd s,mr st-ioach. Finally I came to Ihe roar
and seeing I'-.-mis adwril.. d. began to take ii- It helpod m* a
b trouhlA
ind after ivkinc Ihree..rf..i.r*..ti;e* 1 waa ealirely eiued of aUmach

•s ra.iklOB nnd fiylpu.
-. i..i..t
s.. Impovsihle
rt of a jar., o mold

idpe for cream rake Hll tbe dlrretloiis

Urge family.
For Hie tried o

and didliE the sw
Womeii Mir in
I. hill -somrllinls

Of bar* bae* W h*4
l,.'-viih «..r H.irivo-.rn vsxrt. xml ml.-r lakmg twelve twille. of yoor Pantoa I
aiti. iiiol.e Mr. A. K. KMd. w. Il-kti.,wn ar.'hlie.-t..MTT Jefferecai ATe.. Chicago,
ll!..vrrllf!"f hxvr'hi;le«iarili..rer halt of mv life. 1 Iried nearly every «Urr»
Ts.m.iirs.lrefti.sdi l--•o|s K sr-at niBnv phvsleisn>' ireaimeniA all dt'ffWeh
filled. 1 bad beard and read of l•e^^OB and decided to try lA I ban lAaa aavoA

Bv d-.wn for r.inliig
. ns.-, r..ek, ll fiiml
An.l H

tor ftlllng lire renrhed. thm spread
the Uytira with boiled icing, and o.i',;.sh. l.y

Ihive Imiirs. more «>r less. ...t »s ton
mlpni. KiHir m- flvo quarts *■: not

earthen dish.

"You're prettier when you ami


top of iHI tint Ihe Iasi la.ver |d«re very j„ n «al!
ealcm hoi or cold, aceordlns
ual taste By Ihose v-l n are fnn.: thin slices of Imnanx. l!o not' by any'
means put the l«aanii on the leiuln.ii h,,. „
of the newly madr* puildloy.
top. It mnrs ihe'liivillnE •Mppe»rane.-|
found rm almost evctybi.I’
Wed oMlnieal, nod
rake unpreseiilalile on the ."roiid day. s„ap.
Rriddle oikes «ie trflen
Boiled Irlng-I mp of En.nuluterl
llkod. The imddhiE. wWrh 1* tlie roiiii
. while I,
■thm of •■iihor Oil' fritsi .uitnienl o
lid waier lis '
griddle, cakes, should !«■ made Ihe dr only, ft’dl the eiiBar a
BCther wUhoul sllniui:
before II In to Ih usrtl. A msol rubdropped In eol.l water
One cniifnl of lUi'meMl. <m.
Add the wliltr of tlo- t
iful of Milt and iMie qmirt ol
III Hie frosting 111 cold
valer, null In n rlee Imller. or -•
•ter Ihe rake.
pall ser In 11 kellle of iHdIliiR water

ff It lA that Uw lliilo mlachlef-makcrB


riimll{' Til.' bormi has lls liuliHul pi

Hpre.vl between Hie .

fwi so etimfonalde i" hiu-

OaUicnl breakfasi puddli
r porridge, as It Is vnrlmiri.v ealln*.

mmaH rkf esilu^i CtUt

botilet of
Pennt and f te*f Eraetfy
ha« e *r*^ «r. e/wTholHM
>V Prren*
* Ibenby from my catarrh oFfhehead.
oFrfie head. f
/ feet
/e. cwmanged re heiMwa ty if
er / wfll be Mfy obft to e/*dfcefe the «ae«a# ef
! / vac rt a xhorf Hme loocei
I fhiny yean' f
-Dmx kf MeckiMOo.

Into irflrii see, said. "I n.uM not k-ep

a Ihix lo Is' deisisiiol .m fiimtinre
jf.ll of iMx k.- I nui'ldei il liivaliiald.', '

» nlliug made of one linlf a eup of
ihlek.civam.’lnlo whleh,lias Ishmi stir-

good dish of miliii'iil with •

hiB drippiBE oMrt.
Adapted from E. U 8.

.Bach has


Iron works, drelims] thal

for raia la drear, at heal:

portliRl. d iOpplRE

and Mirroiind Hie habc with whipped

I'reatu fake—•- i.ip s*«-ri ei
I Clip of sugar. .1 egg?, I riip of
I Ipsspiwmfiil of latkliiB iHiwder,
Ihe InBredlmts IngcHier In the •
nnmed. heat ihorouEhly, nnd hid

found no hmikfast so sallsfylng.
which Ur emild make the hme forv-

Wnc" •
Hr tooka'ool al the Icadmi ak},

lori lime .vgo a eliih diriiraldllty ..f ihe earis'i . W.H-ll/

Iniiiig. rnlor ll a brlEhl gre<'U
a few* drops of vaniU:. Wh"ii
ir eiHil anff aklna nmy lie h'lni! 'hree n.!.', rtiefully (s.ur ll ov i the puddrip anti iml gel rnishnl or wiiiikl"J. Oliig. living -1 l'easp.s«i so as in «-oai li
CMtily.' When 41 Is sei. irlin off iiny
w'blrl, mav have urn oior the planer
Bia Oeed. Coke Beopea:

famlibw II !' 'he prtn inal dl«h
hrciiktast. A man wImi had been f<
Rirat many yeai> siuwfintmident

BiiiCB the Toblo iB the lire:
’ ■'YJb! hnrry up aod cheer .up:
for the Kky will poun bo

Oiklnk so long w lih the hi

and llieie sp-rks ol

biiiiB In their natural folds wKh lltiUi-aln and away from the «a1l.
The pins slide fierly up mid down .

l>CUevlnR II n> he—iilmoii— the rlUl
of life, and to this day In nutnl« i-|es*

' .^k! liuiTy up aad cheer ap:"


iK-lween ihese lw<> ladni'. 'hen she
os Hie safely pins and he. shin. '

Jan a amllc:
Loeety Uvea ai« cheered each day.
the palate shall bo idcased. lint
' Datlea llghtcard. bearla made clad. {psilloD aldrvl MS well. The lime when
’Htjami'a beauty dlla the way.
oatmeal ranu' UUo ‘o^c Is wlihin Ih
V 'to kindly worda yui ll add
irt of the "ohlesl liihMbllanI
Mappf rnnllc.
—Buaaet Hasaxine.

Mirks Hin poini .d .-i pin Hiniugh Hi ■
walsHuind al l-rk. fitml i.ud half way


• Ihese En-ji helps,
II1- not consider II iiioie -a

,the cold water In Hie Inner -luold iiioljtjic I
fiiinlinre does noi
I pour In • iioiiEh hnl ........................— —'
ll 1 Ihe renter Ibai srnlb'-sl • fl l'«'k. whieh *

mme large safely pins hv ninulns H
cord IhnniEh thr oiwnlBc In Hie rla-.!'j

rtsul ibai suit lUir i-dwoii, may not
all URTee with BTIO.I..T. .N.nurc I
provided so Uborally lha< rarli t

Joat a amllc,



wheir It will slightly ihleken.|thr |
When Hie mlilte pan is firm, dip o'll'er. M



By a amilr.


iioMK am-:n->GAi. d

is •olnilllc.1 by ihoM' who look
afliT hrallli nnd Us
the Riealer the viir

By yoor amUe.
, Oiadaofflp amllc.


lioxslble sitaee.
lludween ihe two molds wtih
first, khe hcrew.Hl In a few lui-bea and set away lo hanivn. Kn
from the bark id Hie elosci on eaeli| maiiider lake iw.f iMhl..>i~,

She dill linlM nlhcr* ac »lie woi

Jaai a anile:
Bat Ywlll >oy aod s>ad»cs« brbiy.


el.m mold. Kis-p i

Marry amUc.

U a RDilc.

The bard
• I prrfis ....... "

f inrihui li
I'volteil the followinx simple
nieni for arcomtneilut Ine a eonslrtmi-] s.-i .m |i a .malli-i mold or
hie nuralsT of skirts In Ihe smallest ly filled wiib cold water. Fill

wvrds aiid a smile eosl nmliiiiE,

Jaat a amllc.

Il'a a aimpic Utile (MnE.

••half’ Of-a Imx of Bel.iin.' which lutl.iug dav


CoORvnlRl. She retained her Illusions,
and did not iMlIeve all the world wicki-d and lUikInd. Sho never tWROi that

Bat the aklos ai* ever bhic.
If you aloaya have la alstat

:le iH'.-.mie a ni'iekle
II «• We 1

Ta Ke*a flkim in Flaea.

sayinc pleasant tblncs. She did uol • s[•1 loci iinrli fnim ln i friends. She

By a amllc,
Jan a aiaili*;


ti jierni-

years of axe whose sunset yean were
eery and btautlldl that one o'
d a sort of spiritual uHilt bi
merely eolne Inlo her presence
lad known her nearly all her life.

la ttala wboie aide irorid Itaal no
Ail dlitrr«« aad (rlrf rcyokr.



rot with irilt.

ein B|1 InloVmall rake* sn.r slxe i-re.
Theo roll each cake verv
n mlniities, ihrn add
thin and bake In rather a slow heal
A tanllia and four
U-t them aWod
favorite In styod society or aiiywbcic until well browned
Basto Ibe bread
(he luthms pan «nl; a niumci
r.i]is are full, stand
I, wiUrin
There's a hit of pood Advlc )u IM- ter UiklUR from the men Handle
I m a |UU panit
•u. lliov l.reak tery, easil;.;
ttic muplel;
{.nnd place it
"Own, if yap can. one iiif th'c.c src|.
icd tin can or ecu'ilicn jtr.
enbe faces'on ruddinc—Of
'Hiai brlni; the n'onnhlnc
life's foOce cup Is toted lor the >nei
«iie| for Jbc shortenlnx, till'
lirtous an.l 111 ih- same tl
daikenod filHCew,"
make two pounds snd will
ineiual iMicidlncs Ui.-ie anI oaec heard of a woman nin. ly iw«


Aim a Smlla.
Yoo raa drive Utc cloadB airar
Wlih a tmllc.



solve Ihe soda la Ihe warm waier and
laiur into ibc flour mixture os qalckly
as pnasilde, Turn It on in the naihlinR

r dlsaolved Is '

When H has bollId) of silL *|Hc* as
a tableirooMt

Uuia Bpcad




It aa; i..i.s.if, frrsB lanak ' a ai
ma/ontiMre dial hmo of i«i:w.i


■) .nv mayOD- P*;i!- the »oJ' parts IWW; u


smat"l> add two eupfuU of milk aad
I'.'r M xer 'A'ian ^-jd’i. !i tpreird
or ID'I “B. ball "d flfw.r. luio which
bMpIcp l»a.:p-.vraful of baking pow- one slice with miaeel gr«»a pepper*
and cucumbers cb'.pped fine, aad
ler has been mixed, and 1b*tI<
sonad w-Kt Bayoenaire. mi tie other
ea»en v bl'-C5
The w aiSes are 1

rp.r in'i'h h->
es'l wpeu ve.y l,r..| Don 1
yVprfiCH by "arlDg a
Wbwn «a« tflrofth Knawros
M..»r .Igs wiu n-a eurl up at tbe
.1, "..iiT- If ‘rlanElar piocts


u "Xbaiiined.

leatlse lie, down I'jt an.t'



r.iEMO'd rutitvf art fastnied under
'../h -..rner. .llsi.- the fiuber «i!erid..«l su or eight .inches wlonE the

ri .1 th",—Ige
’be f'lgx- tbin small hole*
<f e*.h-*imcf of the rubber and
'srw thrcKigb tbe boles aad rjirpet.
fad ofiThe atttehc* win bo hidden by tbe

the rig

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