Grand Traverse Herald, April 18, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 18, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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.mi ONE
vot. xux

Pasts Ito6


N«My KrtMM M r«th«r.
Kobodjr kno«a the moaer It Ukn '
To keep the bone logetlwr;
Nobodr kaowB ibe debt It onkM.
Kobodr knoere-but (atbec.

ooe left the awitdi open, and
beta picked oaL and tbe water-bora hafe missed striking that huge rock
Vo have leanied move aboot the
One day master and pu|rfla
With a popnlatloD of only about S.brakei eilpped or aoBethiog.
up at the left aide. At
by nothing short of a miracle,
state of tbe earth's interior by tooklng out for a MtvHI. The air was hot.aod soo.oco S»1iterland had a foreign
ptdled oat by berwlt down the grade piaee. be remembered, bis speed
lamp. lwl:>ted and brukeo. was
np Instead of down, by
trade ef more than a yto«.
tbe main track. 1 caw her going bees reckoaed. In a measored
lacbed to the (rent fork. He could tehavlor with respect to tbe sun aad all .riOO grew very thlrid.v. Cmit was
In Austrian eiue* there la a spedal
rron the top of the freight Uow ahe hundred yoHs. et forty miles an boar. smell the oil. and he sopped it with bis the moon, than from any ictnal tarn- their Jo} at last to find a welU -But
ttarted. Meareo only'^aows. Sbe dip­ Tbe railroad, to avoid the grade, fol baodkcirhler. His bands were sticky, pica of Its interior, ftamptos from tbe the btick. i was at Ihe betica of Ibe exaBlnaUoo for feoule barbere. who
re yearly grewtag more n
Nobody's told tkU-tto -bore need ped out like a gboet. rir.lowed tbe course of tbe Coponk. and and Ibe mstch refused In light. At deplbs of Ihe earth are ejected every well, and so H.V Mhuolmasicr went
The boads ef criminals as well as
Mr. HiDgle bad aogbt only the Brat circled about to the northward, Bol- last be struck a handful of matches; once lo awhile by volcanoes, but these
l-itng li up. Ihe boy.. sDijedi tbclr heads are photographed in s
Abd drif need bats «1ib ■ fei
few word*. HU oervone band woe lines bad only to ride four miles lo tbe they flashed feebly, then spuUercd and Imve given us erroneous ideas of tbe ddwn
clllea tor purposes of tdcni;Kobodr eta old dotfia aat cl
the rope and tugc<-d fur dear ble Just
Junping aji he aoanded the coll for the ore-ears' eleven—but such a nlgbt for
ouL In the brief space Romas Biakeup of our pUeel.
as tbe schcxrf-masior reached the' lop ficatiou.
NobodrxnJr fbtbw.
operator at Selina Junction, twenty- coasting!
had seen that his handa were drlppUiR
We used lo be Uughi In school lha*
If the matches naed by a smeber in
of the well, be sneezed. Tbe boys
■re BUea down the road. At Uat he Tbe rain made It harder for him
tire earib Is a
Kobody ban Unt the cod asd wood atCBped. and suddenly sntiebed off for follow tbe little circle of light U
go tbe rope, and clapped their hand* bU lifetime were rolled. Into one It
gnat while eye and the tinkling by a thin crust of solid Balter. Thli ahonilng; "Long
would make s wu cylinder twelve
* Abd floor are oat (acMber:
Is lantern tiirew before bim as be of the rails told that the liltto switch.
iDfcrcoce. I.ased on tbe tava matter!"
fe« tong.
Nobody eU* noK Bake then pnd.
“Tick! Tick! Tlcka-iiek!- the an- lorebed along the level stretch.
engine would strike (be obstjuetios: rhtorn «mi from ihe vtrieaaoes. Fur­
Following a style set by their qncen
Uie yordiaaster watched
■ter. he tell
Before be retched the hilltop
ther, It has long bc-n known that the ** *®'‘
vromeo of Abyaslii'a share thrir,
face as
him that he
was alongside now! The young earth grows butter the further we!
beads rtoscly ia fnmt and cover ihc-u,
Nobody tbtnk* wbeie tbe n
the face of a lodge sUIU and the road coming op to
preciraie iBIo tbe Interior. At IM
saw that the wheels wctp re
with scarfs behind
-ene Mr. Hlogle bad gron paler.
Uke the surface ot a great wiiecl.
Biles below Ibe surface we should, by **"••
T!;.'- ;
- - ;t
; v^
••Porty-foar baa Just panted
At last be fell that be ba-1 reacted
_ long coa- the calculallon. reach a beat FuBlcient
dered, ihrocgh a German firm nl TIriilJuncOoa." be aatd in a high. atraJoed down grade. How he longed for the
melt and vaporiic all known eleWhy Shot
e Squeskleos.
Dued. that went ibnraeb aoJ through
an. two mlllioo rifles ^-»r Ibe tmiform
Tolce, Then bis leelb ebattered as
brake that be bad so di«Ulocdl
Is dlirv brain
cqnlpmeot of the Cblneac army.
be bad felt a Mast of Icy wind. The
Thud! be struck the Bret waicr-bar.
But Bslronmncr:, icl1 us that, dm- cslesmao, "the day when new shoe*
“Safe! safe!" he said, and fell limp
Marmalade, then made ooly of qalo
Nobody tbiRka where the Bomy
was nothing to do.
aad hla cap vent farward over'nis In the sand.
wlihslandlng (bis evidence, the earth creaked? And bow you used lo have ces. was known In Henry t'llt's iMgn.
Ftfieen of the taenfy-flre Biles wss eyes. He threw it off with a
ban. Bill. ladr said the cannol he fluid losldc. for If
tbe sbdemaker put wooden pegs
The word U derived from "mermeto."
To pey tbe bOls that atber;
all down grade on a aln^ track—a ward ton of bit bead.
Nobody tali a Ma aad d«a:
bad grade that necessllaled
Another Joll! He was too much In CDglDGer of fbo switch-engine, rubblog tides In the molicn sea-tides eo middle of the sole about every vreek
More than fKI.OOO.OOO ties wet*
Nelndj only father.
engine to help Its brother pnff aad tug the Biddle of the read. He must bis braised sides and letting up for ai powerful lhai. were the crust of the to stop the Dolxc? Sometimes you
bought by railroads to (he Ttolted
the heavy trains op out of the ralley. keep more to tbe left. He was flying minute bis pull on the wblstle-ropc. earth IftO miles thick and of solid soaked the soles of your shoes
"Them ortHmrs Jumped the track."
water and then bad to rub them with Siatea last year. InvolviDg S.ftW.ono..
Nobody Ma a bard to lay
Between Jlortown mad the junction
The rain poSred dosm hla face,
"No. all O. K.." came the answi steel, it would »>cnd under
<*0« (o 4.4H».o<».«)9 feel of sound llmlard or some other kind of grease
Cy ■naWbliE for ba watber.
BUUooi and only
and Slung him In a thousand poinu.
from the opposite side of the ca: mous prCHsiire sod rise and f:tll just get them fleilble. You don't hare
Amt ran bMUod. do wbM he na
aidlag that ran eoi to the Penerolf
The wind rtarwd frlgbUoIly In his
“Jest bumped a bit. U«en! tberc's SB do the lidc.i of Ibe ocean. One of do that now. The oew welt has Ukeo
The (ea gardeos of tmnhrni India
tea Bllee below.
cars, and he slraiebtenei] up as far aa
Ihe best proofs lhai ihc earth does not the squeak awa}‘. In the old days the extend over 5«1JW0 acres, and tb*Y
wltcb-englDc bas gooe after hie crooked rocloghandlcs vrould al- old Jack wbUillng for brokra."
bend In this way is the fact that tbe soles of shoes conriried of two ev
IM.OOO.noO pounds of (ea per
bcr.- sold the ;
He was at the first turn. He;
ocean does have ildcw. Iiccaiisc, If ibe piece# of Iratbcr. and Ibe frirtioa
at a profll of about S1W> an
can catch op brfore they reach the swirled about It. and hts feet came i
could make out ber headlight ibreugb Boor of Ihc ocean were bulged up Just these two pieces cauaol the Mur
To neet dea ooa wbo gather
steep grade near the ploe woods, the pedato. lie lifted up bis kn«
llal.r time la reckoned nqjije *4the leaves of the treat Jut-i at t
when a person waliied.
Arotad with levlag weteoea wnB.
they BST be able to BOfce a flying and ptaeod bis legs on tbe rests. 1
nf water would always remain
Lour system. Thua. 3 o'clock In "Ibe
tangent of the curve a quancr of
Nobody doob—boL tatber.
Shoes are made differently tx riding a runaway.
Mime, and Iheiv w<nild bi; no visible
mile below. Some flgort* were ni
Y'ou see that htite piece of .ridged aftonioon U Ihere deeignatM as )S
“Sbe win never catch tbea noa.“
“Hard toAhe Mi!" be kept sayli
Nobody kaowa ot the bone life pan eaid Hr. Mingle, "ileareo bclp all in I himself, with faU anus braced nlng up tbe Hack, for they could tee tide. UndouldMlIy. however, the earth leather that nma from tbo heel around o'rlcwk. Midnight Is 54 o'clock.
is distorted a IrlBc under the i
A peart necklace, once worth tl
Watched orer by a Boiber.
the ouUlde of the sole? Thal'o wjiat
44!“ A great sob like a iblvcr Bboiifc Blralgbt like Iron rudru Tbe frool a lanlere bobbing up and down, aad tkin nf Ibe moon.
soon the voices were quite cloae.
When rat wd bilei eke all aeure.
we call the well ft is a piece of 000. beloncing to the 'niiera famUy.
“Qnlck. burry. Tomes!" he said, wheels wriggled, sd he knew
Sec has dcjnnostraled
In the raoseam of (he uiuvre. Tbe
Nobody eo»-bet tatber.
"fVhat haphappenedbcrcriDquIred
leather about an Inch wido. sewed
Mwhltu; the yardmastcr violently. struck the bit of sandy ruad above
a man with brass buttons, as
t aod tuned under the lo- pcaris are dying aad will ihoo be
“Ualre Dp a wiwcklng-train. and eeod
Id angle, and the wor.'L
cuugbl a gllm|is<- erf Hie cnglm-et as ligid as granite, which is one sixth
The Ten.
e space between the
ooe of the boys (o gather all the warned him Just tn time. He rem
*1U aay «WOgb to be pteaaasiL
side and the Inaldc Is filled Mtb ordin­ Ostricbes in the I'niied Stales num­
doctors. There are three of theB ap. bered the huge reck with Ihe ndver- swinelog himself painfully off
I Is fully ibree time* as rigid aa
ber 2.W. Of iLene l.f.nn are In lbs
steps lo tbe ground behind Ibe wreckWba the wortd flowe oloog like i Dear the hotel. I’ll Idogropb headfrom tbe
nlcklrf Sled. This dees not mean that ary tar paper, which liolds the aotoa In Balt Rlrer Valley of Ailrona. where
rtiai- ami iilMr pn-vciiis equakine by
tmariers. They wilt be aUe
luteru csugbl It as be flashed by then re.
c Interior of the earth It
from tbla source Is fairly
But tbo Baa woitb whUc. ia the nai twenty Blnnlee yet. Hurry, b
away (he friction. This ayatem
swooped off to the right. A sharp Jin
-r even that the materials
^ . ><*...■ v
who aa kBlle
well wax luveoied 30 yean ago.
Don't sit there like a fool!"
gle as a stone Oew ap against the
1 flow. A glass marble »
Wbaa peetytbtng goee wrong;
few words be told the story,
at Brat ft wasn't a' sncceas, bo- Four rnmioo dollan la-TRM»ujme
rdmaster slipped bU hat
apokes; be wa.n oiicc more In
von Rohlen-Hafbarb,
. Nor the Uat e( the heut u trooble.
group of juuiaeugers had
5 Ihe soln were t*ra-cd wHh
his bead, and plunged down tbe steep slimigtal sbnot for iho last turn o( all.
MUa Bertha Krapp. for tbo
Aod H alwaya oobmo witb the yean. stairway,
straight needle. Couldn't explain It
With wide stanng eyc» be prayed: rounded Urr bcaii irf lioarils. ore. Iron
t illacovcr no flattening duo
Bat the npUe that U worth the preler Tbe despatrher rubbed Us forefared. bU ton^ formed the vrords liHiInd wheels, and axles. The headlight of
lo you in 1 yrinirs. toil to prevent the flrst year of her married life, 'nin
of the world.
squeaking the soles of the shoe hat represeota ten per cent on the capital
II was a hard Ifalog to do. Sixty hla closely shot teeth. "livar lo the: Ihe swiirb-engine bad gooe. out il
Kropp Ordnance worits, Jaat
la th# asUe that oom thr
lo be sewed with a cirwked oeedle."
Biles awsT they would know of
Dcfl now!" He knew the path was Jar. and there was iiol a fare st
Illustration of I>rof.
In the dim rays from the laiifcre
accident before It oceurred. simply by ttoUer oa thst side.
Moulton's. If this marble were twcniy
It la nsBcried by a medical autborfty
hU toiKblDg tlic liiUe lasIruBenl that Again the front whpet wtiggtod Borremiles in dUmeter lU weight wonld be
of tbe best fealoies of a Aa
"A INoea .or .Werfc.'
hla trembling iiaod reached forward l>. It was nothing but luck this lime
drutumer In a silk travelliogeap
lovgt that It would flnw ont at the
11 Is natural cnongh lo think thal bath It the salt waier l^ertestly
How riniM he begin tbe I
that he had chosen tbe right inunicnl. siruek a match »o light a ..garotte, hoHom like pllch. Ice, alsn. Isa rigid what we have never wen nor heard swallowed by baiben. which ts a
■r The Ides ot that load of
There was a hollow thump as be but bis band trombled so that he gave
III glBclor*. where 11 of has no existence: bin there are oc­
iderfql tonic for the Hver. stomach
•nod rfBr of tbe yards. It was a wet gatbrrlng frightful headway every crossed a worslcn culvert and iHHjnrt- It up and aat down on lltc tics, and Is Mibjecirel lo great nolglils. It flows
tfgkL with a padetrallng dKule so mlnote. whlrilng along through the ed for a raotncnl clear Inin
nireluiiilcally brushed off hla shoca }wn a ciinn] cli;iiin"J Jtn.1 as would casions when this pleasing personal and kidney*.
Ignorance nms against a hard fact.
Japanese believe that tbo motbom
•m that It atBont tod ooe to beHere dsrknms toward that slowly
his pocket-handkerchief a
Tbe greatest dan^r was paai
river of water.
The «ory to tiAd by a German paper, lual Im .strong and vtgoroua If (heir
that tbe aorth wno ateoBlag fioa the
him Blek and
bis siretcliol a straight deciiiic.
Now. the beat in tbe inlerlor of the to tllaaireie (he manner in which! ma would be the same. Athletic
heat of the tonanoa. The my of light faint. There was going to be a wreck,
Another wlilsUc mmiikIciI n
then Ibe sundy patch licfirrc he
earth Is Mippowodly' caused by the prlDcca used lo be educated ia (be ■ports among wnmM arc cneoaraged
tint abol over the UatedeepatefaVe and nothing In tbe world could step reached the crmslug.
gradual comracilnn of tbe earth, the good old times, that a Rnarian grand and (Jmre are crflen public wmttllng
•hoMdtr os he leaked oot into
IL Id hU mlod's eye be could
Huw could lie slopT tic c<nild never
caniractlon hclag due to the weight of!
VC csinv lo Berlin
matches la which they are the priaddorkmoa rtowod. hooim. that H was,
I. He cooM B(« what that Bre- catch tboec flying pedals. Jlul stop be
Iho materlalH which have been, aad visit to ibe'Pra^hta coon
ratal drifting downwards la
■od eoginecr of 44 wonld
up wHh another tnnlcrn oii
must, or be would orirab<«il. bis mark
falling in slowly towards the
■laoteM diopB.
To give tome idea of how weeds
throogb tbe raindrops In the gUre
A large crowd of pasrngers center of the earth. But the cootrac early in the preflent centurr.
half-mile before lie found ibe level.
mniaply ft may be suied that a single
It waffWgnet UM for the algM-de^ from the beadllghL Old Jack Lone,
Il was no easy Ihing lo do lo brdd
lion Imposes such a pressure
epateber. BoUIW, to pat lo an appear­ be knew hbo wHt. It would be Jaek e that siragglittg frmi wheel sieady. lie
'T guess that's the wrticking-traln." piatler in the iulerior lhai it acU^ust eagle to oeen everywhere—not la the plant of pepper gram Mil prodace U.woods
ance. and Mr. Mllffto looked at hie last trip.
seeda: dandelion. it.OOO; abepsaid
Ktrolghleocd up. and. l•Ptldlns bU
like a solid. When water 1s healed
tlona of all aorta—stampod. painted berd'i puree. 37.000; wheat thief, and dnunaed with Us Bngws
dc^lcbcr called ap head- right kore. placed ibe wde «rf hK foiit you fellows up."
a IcmpeTalurc of SIS degrees FOhran
on tbe pane of gUaa.
qnartern. Wonld they never answer? agalosi the iiic «rf ibe frv.m wheel
•Oel up the track and flad her. heit il hecnoes steam. But If the embroidered and sculptured. Every 000; common thistle*. 65,000; cham­
Tbe light of tbe ewildunan’t lan- It ceemed already bUf an hour ainee lie cvMih) fret II warmlug ihreiigh ihc Billy! Jump quick! " ordered '
water U onder pressure it must be Rnaslan—even a. gnifd duke—I: omile. 16.000; ragweed. 5,000; purthorougbly familiar with it.
tenm occastonally gtoaming from the (be yardmastcr had left hlmslalne, 375.000; planiala. 47.000. and
toatber. but h* t»my checked Ihc durtor.
healed • a much higher teuperaUre
burdock. 43.000.
aUnlag dlppery falls. A nUey tittle
ap the stairs.
The breaknian started on
speed. Then there was a Huglng
before ft Mil luni to steam Further­ Whtto tbe above-meotloned young
engtne that had he« dHlling frd^i
"Hello. Mixer." said acheerfiil voice, sound, a (wist of Inth blv ai
As he poased tbe grade croslog. he more. If tip water be sealed I
grand duke was at the Pbusston court
strnment tor aurrevc%ra aboot the yard stopped at the aid "ttne night for ducks, ebr The
Ing deep holes ccmulni a compos*,
be went, with a r.Ickcning
beavy steel veqsH. II e»n be b
log Juit brall^ tbe windows
speaker, e young man with s slight. Ury cry of tear.
there's a dead man or
by the assistance of the gamekeepers, plnmmet. email esmeras, and etoetric
to an cxln»fl>e heat known as
alhleUc frame, dssbeil bis hat on ‘hr
He roiled lip on his hands' and in the road." and wllboni a pansh be "crillCTl temperature." at which ft be^ was enabled to shoot a certain ligtati, the whole eoonnetnd Mth a
ran no. .
small adjustable clock, oo that the
knere. To save his life
Mil Umi to gas reganltoas of farther Urge bird.
"Wbal's up, cnI1y7“ be ashed, ns Mr. help that choking. wblmiJ^ring wnmd
"What kind of bird Is thatr' the light may he turned on for a gtven
Mingle turned from the Instrument His mouth was full of sand, and he
Rollins openeii hts cy-es. and fell
Apparently the beat lu Ibe Interior graud -duke was ill tfar ftruulan court. period, after the a^:iraius bas been '
and the other caught a glluiuic of bla fell as If bis breast had been onishefl that famniar motion of a mnving of the earth Is so great that, were
■ It Is an eagle, your highness." tbe lowered into ihe hole, ft has been
glare that area mfloeled by the daap while, seared face.
: tiul for an Inaunt be could
In between hts lungs. A sharp pain
moisture there,- li would banter answered; whereupon the Ras- used soccewrfuiiy 10 South Africau
neaa all araaod. Suddenly as
Hr. Mlngle's voice was boaree. at It ran through his left leg, but at last call back his wits to think. He
slsa prince taraod on his with a look mining operatioos.
show IfscK In'-q^ red or white
glaneod ap be aaw a mao oa the top he/liad been sboullng. but he spoke he rao^l bis breath.
l.vlng on a mstlma. on the floor, and sleani. which, however, would be so ef Indignation and said;
Tbe raluv of bnuer annually export­
of a fredght-eay nmoa the yard i
slowly and dlatlnclly.' The young man
bead ami -.h'-nlders were propped dense as lo have many of the properThere was llic track wlthle thirty
' An eagle! How <ao It be. whoo i ed from Frsnrc Is more than ISS.OOw.hto lanlem aboot bli bead aad make had thrown off bis rubber coat. The feel of where he bad fallen. He could up eomfortahly. Tnerc was a crowd flee (if a llqiiiil. or even M>1id. In the bis only ooe bead!"
non. aad of < hec*c more than I35.O00.a Janp dear to the gronod Into a Ule tails bad been planed up. aod hU only tail thU by seeing the ghostrflke standing about him
e way melalt and rocks probably
Catlle butchered each year bring
bock was covered with a streak ol danger-pon Ihil stretched above
"You're all right, my lad." said
In ISSn.O'Ai.orrt. and the toui yesrty
healed far above their melUng
’That wna a (bollsh iblng to d«r mod. When the rtoapaletier bad Bn. roadway like a white warning gallows. voice. "There arc four ot us here
Tha Chinaman's Way.
value of cattle Industries to esUmalM ,
noiniK, but, oMng to the-preaure. are
oaM Hr. Mingto la Uaseir. “He nl^i Isbod. his companion reached tbe There, a few rods down the track,
look out tor you." Tbe doctor rose 'kept In Ihe solid s'alc. or. if fluid, are
TbI* Is where the. Chinaman differs; at 64€O.OOo.rjoo. which Is equal lo
hare brehen hJa toga; tboo ho*d bare bead of the stairs in a Jninp/
His compass points south,
the switch that turned through the from his knees aod laughed.
about 135 for each man, woman and
act like arilds. Prob­
•oed tbe oonpahy.’
•ni ITT Itr he said. "There's Just sbsrp cut lo the
lu fluting you. h«- puts on bis hat
Rollins faintly smiled. "O, I'm^nd ably there arc cavities in the loterlor
aild dependent on agricultore
The Ban was not injured, bowerar one ehaiKc. ' I'll try !<■ m
Walking with you. he keeps out ol
of the earth wberwaibc pressure U not
Routes gave a CO'. "The key!" The • comforubic." be said.
The Teachers' federaticn of Belgium
tor be auppod aeroet the tracks, aod uaarrtea!'TJin CT>uipwiy ouchl to dvcbiui a quite so great, and these ate tilled Step.
switch was locked. Would he have
has compiled some suUsUcs on the ef
Approached the towerdooee oo i
Dexptlo Ihe fact that be»
He shakes fals own band instead of
and sec ihe'orecars rush gold bicycle net with diamopdx."
with a more fln:d murerlal.
of school attendance oo llw;
Be stopped end ehoulod to the Broyours.
by him? Uc (wisicd wilb l.otb hands
of children. These go tij show
Tbe bneexe.
BOB at the engine that araa ralalng
"I'd rather have a trip lo Europe."
He says eosUonth Instead of eeutbSt the I
that bojw from 6 U, 7 reani .rf agMkiiy old iiuiK-ns still ex
*»ch a row beoeoth the window,
wooidoT move. Buf wbal was thal said Rollins.
who do not allend retard tioUi increuw
glow troB the toey coals made e
down tbe steps nuUlde. *
To be polite, he asks your age
A quiet looking man standing tn a leezlng. and some re-rsons
sUbding close cm the siding? A handsuture aad hi weight la a higher
thing Bite pUlB.
Try for IL RoIHc!" be ebooled. and bar if a good lift for two men »l any •rner of the car-beard .this remark. heard to exclaim; "Uless my soul.
tlo than the boys Of Ihe same age
"BlesR my soul, twice!" aod so
Herw la hU tife bad Ur. kUngIc in out Into tbe rain. As be stood lime, but It aremed a* If made of ploe and made a note of It.
He throws away the flesh ot tbe
a school. Tbe same fhet Is said to
on. after each- sneeze. But in past melon aod eats lu aeedi.
seen a fnee wear aaeh a look ai tbit there, he caughi a gllmpbc of a ftguiv
Tbe whistle hallooed pxulUutly
wood Insuad of heavy iron wheels and
eommoDly observed In girls.
That tioBan dosed the forMce fast leaving the yards. It vraa a man
His women often wear irouaera.
bars. He rolled H U> the track aad up- the eoiranca of tbe Jimiewn yards,
At Elad N'aubelni. in Gr rmany. wa(>-r
floor with a elas. and th* engineer, beot low ever the haodlHiari of a
while he often wears a gown.
be sound reached Hr. Mingle os he Importani partp.
oasily as a laboror
In ancient Greece the' people saluted
who bed been oot on the foot-boerd. bicycle, his feet rising and falling with throw over a wbeelharrow.
with his forehead resting
He precenu coffins to bis friends as from the salt springs U carried h>
each Mher whenever,any one present Ml present cigar* or t>ooks.
pipeii to the top <rf a hedge which U
hurried hack at a geetnre. Two words,
lUcknesa aad ease of a trained
Then he heard a rnariog sound cdu of bU desk. Tbe three afaarp
Ipl high, sacral yards thick and
and be dropped the boadlc of waste
. Mingle caught a flaah ot the shove him along tbe grade- The sharp tttoU that were bring given eo often chanced to sneeze, as Xenophon
aV hundred yards In Kngtb Ibe
tn hit band and palled wide the steel ^es under the lamp-post
resriOD could be nothlog cSe addressing the Greek army In a
staccato leuUog of tbe drilliag-eogtnv
A Utile of EverytMoBof defeat on a bisiorical ocearion.
water trickles down Ihrottgli 'Ute
throtUe. At the coac tine Ibo engine
■OBd. Then be pulled himself up be beard alao. Then far below him., than cheers.
Ule shah nf f^rr-l* left tSX'k'O.. hedge to bevont. nolle void, ever, on
a soldier sneezed. The Hoei of battle
tor open awitebea. What Ibe stairs as If bis feet were made ot
mltoa away, the long, confident!
formed at once, for the oneete BOO worth of Jewelry.
eoold It Bean? As the deepai----the warmest saaimer day On a laiga
and telegraphed the Besaage to whistle of No. 4t at a grade enwElag. side partner saved tbe train. Hurrah!
good omen, and the; Ireland has about 30 bacon faciorice ■ number of beaehra. placed
tnraed to the door c( the stalrease. he headqaartera as slowly u if be had Tbe rolls were slippery, aod be knew Fortyfoor U safe!"
'hich Slaoghler annually tllO.OiiO plgt.|or thlH hedge, threngsof summer vialtoo lose the ana whose face be had rao a beglnaer. and not eoe ot tbe that Ibe train was coming slowly up
He. twitched the dou and dashes out Greeks w
The ladles of Algcrts tatioo a snuli ton gather to enjoy the dHiglilful salt
King Ibe Hebrews, when a i
neeo la the gtore Cnn the flreboa. It sst <Bcraton oe the line
the grade. As tbe band<ar topfrfed with bis DcrToas flagera. Then be
was the aaddant yardataster
The road that tod outUde of Jim- acrooB the track, be threw npon the drew bis stoero across hit eyes, and sneezed. Jbe byslandera would say; blue cross in (he middle of the fore­ breexes.
Tobins chailm'—"A long life toyou!" head.
-Mr. Mlagle!- be eselalnted. “Is town stretched Uoog a Ut of wooda.
~An fmmeose plane tree oe the island
heap two heavy craaa-Uw. and setom- dashed down tbe stairs lo meet tbe In India, criminals on tbe rack of
No. 44 on ttoe? Rortr mad Bad oot! and theo plooged down the side of tbe
a Sew Haven Y M
rrf Cns, In (be Aegean Sea. to estlmat
btod op tbe opposite bonk.^Now ibe
nm she passed the Jonctlon yetr
Bible class of Hebrew bojw Is stndy- cd to be more than 3.0W yean old. ft
Boonuln so Keeply that loaded teama
-Bonie'a a pl«« of work.' be said tore have saved thetr own lives
bUn! Crash! A soap
The dnpnirliw In one stride nep- woold ball evory himdred feM or ao
mcosarera nearly Ifc yards lo r.lreuni
and a whlH. aad the wberis of the
flOd I* the tootroaeat on the desk. I iwt U tbe aaeaot.
mmorous story about eneeiing Ii
Peat fodder for cattle Is made In ference. the lower Uranebri.. wbkh
foremoatenrocar caughi the obsiruc- World.
In that wonderful eollectJoc ol Germaay erf the top layer of pm, are still wcK preserved, have been
With hto fln^ en tbe heybmrd. he A year before BolUBa had coasted tkm. Tbe load plied forward aad the
oddities. "The Arabian Nlgbis." A mixed Mth 70 75 per ceaL of molasses. shoved up by piece* of aatlqiie col­
•»***» »hal baa down CooB HUI eo a wager, bat that flau behind reared ap and threw their
Inaida the Earth.
fmaster was ptrUealar in tooehHoetreal has (be Urgeri floor mill umns like caps. A aolld maririe ocoL
la brood daylight, with hla club- beavy freight In every direction. He
We know a great deal more aboot Ing hto pupils tbe value of pollteoen. 1 the BriUsb Empire. It taitu out
-Theotw^i-andalBad tbe yard- matea otaUemed at eveiy corre. and had trrecfced ber Job Id time.
near the true, to said to have buen tbe
M mm and moao and oar brother Me also told them that wbeoever be five thousand barrels of floor
chair of Hlppecraiea, the father of
the roodwv m cleared for hla aa
Ha harried back to the crooiliig. plaoeu. moBy mDUoa mltoa away. thM
tliilllllB hie h^Sa depth of 66 feet the water srf medicine -an die 1* suppoabd that be
an (he aaady ntreteh bUbre tbe A ungSe ot wire and ftoBeweriL the we do of coadJtJcgts a bnadrod mOao aneosed. they should dap thair baads
“Loog Uve oor boMs the Dead oaa eoDtatos twice
the art of beoUng from that
bteycto My at the laodaMa Be aattl
■alt os that oo the ourtaca.
He w bora at Ooo, 466 a C.


- :vi;




Citf \Mntry Uti.
Mr. MdOehari end family have
Tb* Tri.Ten« Qiy UaDdrr which
DucldCT. MIA.. April 1*.—Mrs. Zady wved oot onto (heir (atm.
owMd by Urm. P. L. JobsA. Allen ta pnUtag a new fiml ea
M kaa cbusBd bud* ud & Adder looea. prlaetpat of tbe Onwn aAooL bla store, which adds much to iU apttfndStW. MohdAT aoralBK. la vlslttag Hn. Otaon Brigham tor
km r. B«v» ami mula Id hi* few days.
Oea PattaiW el tntorioebei.__
Dsllaa Alack rrtnmod from Detroit
purchased a fane sootb of Ben Cook's
Dvek Lak*.
Ptaak Rooaa, srbo had tbe adator- and moved onto it.
Wiibnr Wharton la vaiT lew with
DiHgM ud Willard SaztoD of ihli tune to step on a aaR-laal week, ta
cb, who win bare ebarfe of the Duck able to be around agsla.
lAka naort tbt* aeaaoD. tan (or Dock
Mrs. J. r: CooBlae of Waaford
Like. iriiaTa tbey will besln pi«t>anElk Rapids.
In town Monday.
RapIdB. MIrh.. April I2.-On
H. L. Horton, who bad the mlriorpttpertr ud alao erect aeveral eat- tune to cut bla band laat weak. Is able Sunday tbe lUUe son of Dr. and
H. BreCh Horae died after an llhiesv
> be ta fata meat mai
Mr. ud Mra. Archie Stedan td of more thu ten days of laryngtUa.
t«n of tbe Orawa baae ban team
aged I yur and 3 weeks.
this asmaier. aod u they expect to Monroe Center, visited H. E. Bnlrd
Peter Brinkerboff. one of the oldest
bate a rery f»,i team In the Held. and wife. Sunday.
Baar cood game* will be placed A
reridMits at the vlltage. died Friifay
Robert ncmlDg.
laif* patty from Colambui and other
after a lopg illncs*. He had lived
• ■ • .........................r btwked tor SArimn Pickle compuy. 1a In town this accUoo muy yean ud t
contract for rmtalng pldttos.
passed ( hta ebriitytixth binhdsy.
win begin to Alp neon.
A. 8. Lewis of Reed City sM-.
iM^r Funeral Monday, eouducted by tbe
Rev. Mr. Vail, and Interment at Maple
lleBalD. April 12.—Tbe preahytery J. R. Skinner of Grant
here tbta week.
ot Pataafcey met Taaaday atterDOOo
The Revs. E. H. Vail and Cbaries
Owing to tbe nnmber or aelioUrs
tbe Pfeabyteriu cbnrrb at ihU plaee.
tbe Her. John Redpalb of Petcekey Buckley school Is compelled to use Daniel aUended tbe meeUng of tbe
preebylery at McBatn this week,
waa elected moderator aod tbe Ber. tbe upper room li
this meeting tbe Rev. Mr. Vail
B. H. Vail or Bik
dark. Tbe Bar. Andrew Caldwell
Mr. and Mrv, N. C. Stamp arc uter- tendered and accepted the pastorate
of Elk Rapids church.
taftalled pattor of the HcBdo Free- talnibg David N.. grandsoo of D.
biWlu eburefa at tbe eeealQg
Reynolds of Crawn. He llkee tbip
About sixty members of 81. Pul's
tkm. Tbe Bcr. E. H. Vail was re- mate at Buckley and thlnka that
larlEh enjoyed tbe parish supper
ealeed from tbe Detroit preabjtety, woigfai. eight ud one-half pounds, will Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs
aM tbe Rev. L. B. Blteell of Trai
Improve under the care of Mra. JAnle Joseph Parka.
OMy waa dlamisaed to Detroit pre»- Cbnttcrdon. April 4.
The Rev. Ur. RcuhlmuD. pattor of
byterr. Dr. A. Watt JohnatoDe ol
Camping on the trail ot grass pike ertnu Reformed church ha:
CadOlao preacbed tbe opeoins aemoo st Duck take seuit to be tbe pleasure dcred bis Teslgnation hero to ta
•t tua meeunp. Tbe meetlnp closed ol BuAIeyltes just at present.
feet May so. He goes to Wisconsin,
cm Wedbaaday erealnc atur a popuTbe village doctor. Dr. Egu. geU where Mrs. RuAlmaon’s people
tar addreaa w foreign mlaskna.
DO rdst these days. He bw a large sidepractice, going nearly to Sherman.
D. Towtie. Kcbcl I,rw'|v.
Naarfy Lset Aight.
The new fiztnree for the bank have Pt«d EHIs aod tbelr wives drT>
While eaatlBg bulleu tiOB hot lead arrived and are In place whIA adds
City Sunday to hoar the Rev,
Thuraday aoon. Orlle Bkrlcher.
ily to the appearance and convo- Mr. Alw-ell at Grace Episcopal Aureh.
18-y«aiX)kJ aoD o( Cbarlea A. Bkdcher. nleoce of the buk.
Miss Mamie FlrlAer, fifth gradi
had u aoddeet that ooarly coat him
leseber. Is ool of uchool this w-cek on
Oe alpbt or hU rlpbt eye.
of grip- Her place 1-: being
A boy mend, prod Belknap, waa aa
Hopor. Micb.. April 12—Andy Todd supplied by Mrs. Vail.
alatlap Urn bnd in tone war a f
has sold bis livery to Jobn W. Crnso
The Woman's gtilld win raett slil>
ta reported (hsi Andy Intends Mrs.' Thomas Mlicben next Tuesday
dropa^of water found tbelr wmy li
the moU. Orlle waa bendlnc of
to become a resident of Traverse ai.v afternoon.
aad pmued Ibe.taad fm the ladle Ip In the near future.
Mra. J, C. mil returned Mon.tay
hla tand. Tbe ezpicmaa wbl^ f<H
Mrs. Dean and son of Elk Rapids, vetting from a week spent at CIcn
loped aea» tbe molten metal fiylat have been visiting her dsugtatci
Arlior at the bedaide and' fancral of
into bU tbce; one piece a alxteenOi of ils week.
her brother. James R. Mcrrltl.
M inch tbroatb. Imbedding Itself Id
Everybody ta 'county sent
The I’reibjlertan church Is l)oing
tbe ball of Ua right eye. frightfully xioond Honor. Honor bu tbe guarunsdecorated. and thoroogbly eta
near tbe pnpli. Other pleeee of the tee of $30.900,for the removal of tbe
leed burned bla nose ud foiwbead.
county seat to tbls place, ud
Tbe BelkBap boy waa tnlDjored ud U> boar from. Wbat do you think of
ptekod tbe piece of lead from fata com that. Frukfort?
But little hope is mlrrlalnri] fur tbe
paadoB-s eyeball after whieta mcdlesl
John HltAoi] and
recovery of Owen Stocking, who I
lesu of Mr. am
in tbe Ann Arbor boapltal. It
ell of this place
Ua death ta expected dally.
Mrs. Charity Smlih. srlte of Jobn
K. O. T. M. Contest.
Bz- Bight Watchman Freak HowTbe Trarerae City Tent No. 871. S Smith, who was operated upon for re­ win cook tor ibo men on the Iron
moval of a tumor about a monlli ago.
O. T. *. It, baa
company's tog tbta season.
coptcat, William Sam died Monday. Tbe funeral
n O. Joyttl has purchaiicd the
'edoitaday and was largely aUehded.
>- wma ud & A. Brut bdng tbe cap
Mr. Ud Mrs. Swan Jenson of bttlldlng erected by hta woold-bc pre­
' fins Tbe coateat win end with tbt
decessor for hta light ptant
taBatkm of ue of tbe old time claaaw Fremont have moved to Honor ud
Jobn NewbouBc will rail on the
Hare you anbacribad toward tbe re­ earner <',otild on lake Ontario tbta
Tbe fttUowIng pn»a are oScred:
vival of the band for the cMnlng stun- mson. Ho left Wednesday for IJeLoyal ^lee pm for one new end
trolt to report for duty.
■not member. For Are endowment Boer* If you have wot ^ 'Is time you
cldenl H. J. Briggs mgde his
Last aumraer Honor had a band
Bmpbati. flSQ In caab ud a
potntmente for the year at ihe council
mg. Or. tt preferred, a cash prize ol uy town might be proud of. Tbe]mooting Monday evening as follows:
. «IJ« will be glren tor each new en earried off all prlas at the different
Hoalih otflocr. Dr. J. C. Gairatlett.
f dowmut member secured.
street eommlsalonor. and marshall.
If a elaas of fifty or more new mem- But they cannot cxtai os w-ind alto­
Am Maxwell. Alcf ot fire depsrtnooi.
bets ia aecnred, a grud county round- gether.
MffrtiB Baaen.
«p wni be held, with a banquet and' The boys Inteud to give opeo alt
Joaetdi Scan of St. Louis. Mo.,
aBttrtainment. Sereral of the groai cooceru two or three llmos each worit
rived Mondsy to spend some time with
eamp officers win be present. A during tbe aummer. rain or shine,
ta up to ua to Bubaerlbe liberallj- bts parents at Scabs Point.
great time may be expected.
The first trip np the inland li
Tbe tut hu mored Into tbe Odd ud help them onward. Do not hang
that AO cenu uy longer, boi was made laat sreek by one of
' rmkiwf'
in tbe Culmu bloek.
Ud baa changed tbe time of regular cheerfully hud it to tbe numager. Iron company's lugs, which tm>ed tbe
boarding bouse scow np to Its pint*
Mflaw fma rrtday to Tbuiedty
Hunter, ud they win do the rest.
Bight c( each areek.
B. Fairbanks relurncd tbe first
Bveryone who has tbe price abon
s Tba oosmiUtee coealau at H. 11.
im out and bear Hugh Mitchell, the of tbe week from Big Rapids and
in H. W. A. kail BUI other points.
« next dob dance-will be given;
Tnesday evening. April ISIb. under
Tuesday evening.
the auarlces of Honor Camp H. W.
Chariet Butler' left Tuesday Tor
Ur. MItcfatil ceact highly reen
Warsaw, ind.
Bepervlsor Andrew
nllmidWbat wfll be tbe biggest Inter-Hlgb
1 the meeting of tbe board
. ntbeo) track ud field meet ercr held
Bendou. MIA.. April 12—Miss Flora Beltatre this week There arc four
-la this part of tbe tute la bAbty
inemben eu tbe bcurd and i
-ptnbBPd kr tbe local High School Melican ia reported some iwtler.
Will Carpenter has sold hla farm. BenneU of Edio. was cboacn dialr' AtbleUc aaaoeiatico for some tunc la
Lena McLcu li on the alck list.
AUy. There will be almoel a dozen
Kate Bridge bu murned home.
acbooU Invited ud tbe big prizes will
H. Dearth had the misfortune I
ba bnanera. one for tbe arinning incfc
. team ud one for tbe winning relay lose a valuable cow Hoeday night.
‘Tbe oesnent eempauy abipped by
Mr. Ellis has moved Inlo town.
- team. The other prizes win be gold,
Winnie Bridge came boBw Friday rail fifiO barrels of cement every day
' Bllrer ud bronze medals.
liK wnek.
>r a few Bays visU.
Tha looa] beys are beginning tmln
Fi«d Lang It oletfcing In tbe t
Arcble MeUsu Is working tor A.
lag ud win enter the moei the strong
Percy NoNc started oal Saturday 1o
eat team that Traverse City ha« bvei Allen.
Gerald Kaon left Monday for Fro find several car loads (ff eoal ib;ii
annt onto n (mck. Hodge, tbe hurdler,
has been delayed either to bbipaieni
sumwas tbs only point winner lost laai
r on tbe roadHsr.
■prlbg ud there ts n lot of new msRex Burbank has rented tbe farm nf
Born, to B. Gregory amf wife, a
terinl In tbe. school Ibsi wilt prob
Jarvis Wateon at the head of Elk
baby daughter.
Bbly show up to great advulagc.
and will move there al once.
Will Carpenter gave a maaquerade
Thrwe seboota that bare novor com duee at the hall Wednesday evening.
Fnnk Grwstnan. engineer on the
poled in spring ntbleiln In this clt.v AH report a good llme.
will be Invited, namely: Cadniae.
Rsby Lamb ta rtslUng relatlvea In land south «t that of E. E. Cooper';-.
Aeboygu aod Boyne City. Tho 1st touriiern Mleblgan.
Attonzey Levitt of Deljalre. was In
tar two were entered In the meet at
town Saturday.
Born, to Wilbur Fnller and wife,
Charlevoix last spring and mnde some baby boy.
Tbe heavy fall of mow . wlrlrh
swy good Uowlngs although they
^nk Sotlorff ta again milking «a soaked the men dosed tbe sai-mll!


Cboboygu wta excepilonslly atnmg
Is tbe half Bile nm. Aside from these
acboois. PeioUvy. Cbsrlevolz. Bast
JoTdu. Mulstee. Reed City ajtd
ethers win be Invited to sUend.
Taro yean ago tbls meet waa held
here with great succeaa. that Iordan
carrying off the trophy cup. There
wore five achoola eeaipeUng and the
BMet drew large crowds from the variena onUide towns. But Jordu comiBg by spoeU! tram u& Potoskey by
a Aarterad boat. Traverse City baa
tba be« driving park In tbta part of
tba SUM ud lu grounds. buUdlags
nu wMwnl cnadlUOB mnkea It u
almost Idul jdaoa ter u alUsUc


Mr. and Mrs. Lndla have moved
Aipern have tbe scarlet fever, both
Into Mr. Holmes’ bouse.
being taken with iLe d.^ease at tj;e
Mra. Hukcraon of Frankfort wai
*ame time. Nelihrr art* dangerous
town Friday.
Kenneth Holmes of Traverae
s Cris Bauer returned‘Wednes­
working for R. B. Reynolds.
Milas DeFraeze bu been taoring day from Wiaeousin. whcje she hpeul
tbe house on the eutern end of Ua tbe winter.
farm up to the corner.
Elk Rapids. MIA- April i:.—MUs
Lena Baiei spent Friday ud Saturday
Mr. and Un lA»b
son. Otla, left the ftral of the week wiA Miss Nora Farrell In Alden.
Mias Sampson has raalgned ber potor Indiana.
John Slarrow has moved oeto bb «nian ai teacher of tbe tecotad ud
father'B farm.
third grades In tbe Loagfellor sebooL
Mrs. B. Bridge has rHuraed to ber The vaenney U being filled by Xiu
home up north.
Once I^Forge.
Hinrey Slamw and wife have
Met. P. Harris, wbo-has been eufmoved on the Adams farm.
< faring from a aevera attack of paeu-

OR. SNYDER I Tnrerse aty StaU feak



Your Nerve
It is nerre cnerpr that runs
the o^ans of your body. The
stora^ battery is the nerve
cells in the brain and spinal
cord, and from this baiterj'
nerve force is sent out through
the system of nerves. To keep
the body healthy you must
have plenty of nen'e force: if
you ha\ e not. the'organs work
imperfecUy, the circulation is
sluggish, digestion bad, appe­
tite poor. Kidneys inactive, and
ach«, pains and misery arc
the penalty.
You can keep the *\-stem
gtrong with Dr. Miles' Nervine.
It assists in generating nerve
energv-; it strengthens the
nerves and mak« the whole
svstem strong and vigorous.
J--, UX. pjrasura

. ..‘33
alMmr^uu) dTirMrlri
fl«-ra lh« sulTwr r-i-m-vd
•nd by*. It Is w superb Bcr>v re.jnxjR


Tire Insurance! -5”
money to Loan on Improred Rea! Estate Only.
Room 310 Now State Bank Buliain*.


I AGCEenlBukiKBffstBenDwe

Travoroe City.



S per C»l fillewei aa Time DepMits


Traverse City, Mich.
Sell yr-u your bill f.-r a house or l»arn.
a foil line of

We carry at nil times

ltd our figurcR and compare our gnulra before buying. C.illon
HR. Lo-A for the Big Roi I'laut.
O.-ir K.'^i!i S: :ind Luke A\c.
I’hece*. Bell tiCO; Citi. 308

Miks Me^c^^Kkhart, Ind

Mcjcrs. B.vy Hanrl and Ernr-i;
Inwe nnd Mlrser. l/)Uie |,p»T and!
Nina Dcacb Uro«v i» Tnn-erec Clly.
A DUml>er nf liir frir-nd'' '>f Albert
Grit,I planned n anrpriae iip<m him
TuesAy evening, tbaj tiny l-lnr UI-;
fifteenth birthday. Tbe evening
enjoyed bv nil pivaanf
Mlsa Emma Ho-lge l.a;-; r-v tor rerm
ered from her rveent lUnefi.-! to U'
ablo to resume her rcbool work,

We Believe

Wc have the Best Tea on
the Market.

<'hoiiv IbtciiLiri'-l .lap-m jarlictalarly fine llneor ami
••xci-|rtinnnl a;r,-ti-.rth if yon have troul>lc< getting a
!.• yv.iir liking Jry b anm;>li- )>oan<l of this
rill Uikcin'ir cliain-ea «n your coming back.

Price, SOc per pound.

J. J.

Dr. F.



I CYC, CAR, Note


-.\vii;ii i;. I.. |..- d<uv- wiili ilii-.MaK-

Newsp-tper Men's Meeting,


■t ooiuuiiitf.- Bp]»>lnl<-.| at Ibe
a' rv|»«l btr
nn-cilne will
C^€r»B4f Cnotrft 0enU
n< *>i'4je-.- m. ii f(n- Ibe iii-.-iiiru cuhsinn n-l;i'lv<' «> liiw raatti-r ■>(
Mtsehlcaii '
•a ■■
I i!;:«i!lilig niiii i-baiginc for iNililiral an.
.vvlueb take
of candiTam an4 Tlnat^t
Trav.-v-.- t'i.l.v..FiM;.y. Al-iII V-. Tl.lR
•iiilxT q'!i-»uiin« aill timlwibly
Tvro paper* for Ih* priiw of on*.
iilli '»bni"l In i
• l-v:.! ni«v ;pa|i<'
<'..ii-ir! W. F. Mali.n ►;.>« Hia'l 'al-nil ■
if-an ■•ffiin tn iiijVv
an-’-, wiihlii Hu- bouinlnries „i
•ri vi-.iiiiig 1':l.Ii:.h<-rs one of plcai
N'oHIlielcam rli> an- di-voiwl. 1„ nllol '
" "
.... ■. ||a-ir.*-flnr
ni-ni ganlens .and the nuinlwr of hoi,I-1 ,
V ai loll-. .-•!
- h-M on Fri-:i'lv t-! ibf eliy.
ere exei—!s 4.WHI.
| Herald.
(lav nftfiiiocD I'l I
:1 edamber.
AamLcr. |
----------------------and ;;l 7 i.i lb.’ .I'vt'iilug. ilinuer will
AUk Oealera Combine.
I>e s) rvc.l to tlu- |i.i1>IIUiei.c« ai the
l>arl; riacr ho-’ul, wh.’ie Sir. Holclea ; The milk dAbra of the rliy. twelve'
has kindly ciamrd tbe vk- of thu.of them have rnnit
ivariors for the evenini: V’Cr'ri’m.
I whereby.
milk to
e from private
Tbe qiB-ailuns to Ik- .liM-!ia«e.l aiC'PCoi*^ *'bo pun
a Mlowv ;
' PlTlie* m tin- f-ummer.
ner. They
-Sh.Miin there In- a eeneral ailvhiiev! *bat it is an iujuttlre lo them to aell
in nrlro:. of r—.......................
---------- '




The Farmers’ Store

••rir. iila'l<.ii pioMeni-.: bow lo pro- «Jm make a protli.

bol.l (born,
; ---------------- ^-----r
baa Boa: to keep Allceilons m-.| Job.-m .ll- ha-- v'"’l Ho to be a tmd
-.;uM.,p p...u.c.m.: .Oivlun adwrB,„|p iH.un.v, TaI.-.oIv ,1„- kl-ta ao-



H Chums

Wcsull ih’ Celebrated “AJAX" Dyoaaille, the- gr,:at<-it slump remover in tbe world;
If yon bavr any atiimpa or atoofs yon aneb to
u'. t ri’l of, try j»x Dyuemite, It will save yon
•onii- money.


For PLASTERING an<f PATCH INC the best
results are obtained by using

Toledo Elastic Pulp Plaster
Better than Any Other
CoKee at (he Same Price
The largest exclusive coffee loa-Ttcrs
in the world import this coffcc direct,
blend it, roast it and pack it in air-tight
packages and sell it direct to dealers.
Think of the profits saved by this
direct dealing. This satinir is put into the
extra quality of M'^Laughlin’s XXXX
Coffee,' and you get the benefit
The handy air-tight package and the
glazing of pure sugar keeps this orffee
dean and fresh — protected from dust dirt
and foul odors.
MCUi«hltD’s XXXX Co.'Tce is S<4d by

It works cs.'iy. it will dr/ -iiii'-k. »0'I it c*o be uqed in rrdd
wcatiier. F/r«zing dws not injiif iC It ia o'd tbe lowest
prii-n] piqstor, bat it if tlie cfa«i|dwt if you contider rmlta.
Send to na for bnohH that will Mplaiti nveiythioc in regard to
Kastiernip. Thosowbobaveos-d.ELKroRTLAND CEKEBT
ere setiffi'-il tbel Ib^y nao get no l> tier.
Yon nin bo rUk of
r>otg.’lUug a :^l job done if you ime Klk PortlMd (>BKDt, •O'l
it ie AS cli-MpiM ••tliera ^;il'arr not eigrarl.
RAY SnvRfi LtJin
I—giieraoter ia «■ every
Iwrml If eoylliitig gi«e wroni; '
•re •ulborized toffettle
diffi'iiltk'e *B p^T C'lrantre. •atisfac rily loonrcofftowera.
rriu’ijii lirlivcry I’ri'TW oo ApplioetioM.



A First ;Ci»55 G.'o:3-.'s,



r ^

Mica Axle Grease J
. ■
leugtbeaattaliteof C
ft wac^—aarca bora
■ power, time and tern
per. .BtteiBbrieaBtiB i
tta worW-ctmiaift
-fmootb. ”
hatd Mating on sale, aud ]
reduces fiictioc.
1 f ym wnut voor ost&t
toteifnudeara aouey
while it lama —gteaae
tta axlea with Ktea

Herc'i the Latest Thkig In Co­
operative Houseke^ing.

VfBptona of or««al« i
L »Bd utsra's aKniBr

Bow ofleBduwr bear womca ur.
It worn, u tboofh mr buk woaVd
Wwii.~ Vet Um; eowttaae to dnw
^ —*------tbe »
tr wiU>
............. sir, paialc _

Naw doraay Man WeuU Hava ffnsd
Caakad at a Central KHatan and Oaliuerad to Hamas Pipinfl Hat tn Bubbla Waffwm BuiH Per tta Boaiiteta.


... do set raalin tbettbe bMk

Tbe HeUctm Hall colony of I'ptuu
BlarUlr. wtikb came ivi au untimely

» dUcand raoJltkia oftbefeiDiiiinr onran or Mdaa^ aad that a^M
aad pi^wm eoatiaac naUl theeaa.* Ureatoreid.

Lydia E Ptakham’s Vegetable Comppnod

end ttaroogb fltv that deatroyed iLe
tall, aaa praitlcally a .-ooperailve
Iwardlag boiwe^ Bamoel M. Kublunon
of Uootolalr. N. J. Las evvilvevi an Imprareeaeai on tbe BlncUIr Mira. Ur I___________________________
bliu-lalr. It In aell kuuwu. nurled hiexperimeut chiefly bcoauae of Ibe dif | wereu'i eiiitreiy renuy wueu tba
flcully lo getting antinfavlory buOM> 'inuUle i-alhd.
.kuotber trip i
aR-vauca. Ur. K
do away with
baclug Ibe n
>r pnr I al
r lu its I !■
and enjoy
Iwnt lioirl uuuagers i
I tav
r.inleil A blgli v-lusn v-bef nlu-nld
Mr. RMiUison sketched to a .New genenil .-bitive >•! tbe
York TUBea reporter tta main features
"Ace.lln-rillte-'tloli lu vvbl'-li vte
uf Uie plau wbk-b be und bis fneuvla Il'Jlle eurnellen ii I
are pcrfecUag.
-Tbe great polut In wbicb our i-Liu
differs from otbera propuMd from ibue
to Utne la tbln." nald be. -Oilier plaus
have tried to tvduce tbv vuat of llciud.
with Ibe renuli Uial. v-ouiliig lu cvOlai-l
isnibi eh:.-lo. ..ti-'i-li-in-eal
wUb lliat factor lu tmuiaa nature


It Easily Adjostta ta Any
.HeigM er IncllnaUan.
A eery baudy and usetui drawing ta'
Ide for dnugliUseD aud otbein altodu
me-haiik-al aoil at bouie caa be easily
mavto SI rery Ittilo eifwuse. In Ibe lalilr here lli>’«tr<red Ibe a.l)u>tmeiit l«
ei-<f>tiip1l«bea i>y invaun of nbeH :r*4i
strips, rot out lU Ibe .enter, as idijau.

snnMi«Lc«Mir m

taada froa aatiee rooU aad lirrU bai bre» for «iaar yaare the Mat
fCCWHal IMHy ia aseb <aMe. ^o oOirr BMdkiae baa aoeb a raoord
ol earaa of ftaslalBC Ills.
MIm UaaNageL of 117 Horpan Kt., BoCato. K. T.. writac- -I was
eoaiOatal; won oat sad db tl>« rrrpe of aerroiia pnstntloa. Vy back
aobed all tbe tliae. 1 bad dreadful periods of■ pain
psla. was subject to flu
raya m
Plakhssi'a VeaeUUle fkuupooad completely
ly cured me."
ibam’a' \*<v»<ab’e ( ompouad caiaa
Keamle ComptalnU.
aiKb^M*B^25!ari*anioipSod DispUcr'BwailU, and all Organic Diaeaaea.

Dlawl^ *to«»dr*^Co ”***Beai^

inkh«m*t SUndlns Invitation to Women
asOeriar from any form of female weakaaaa an Inriladi to
Ocradrice la free.

nakbam, Lynn.Maas.



Wick Hue Flame on Cook-Siove

aiursTaaua uaiwoiu Tsaut
aud fastened with tbuoilKCn-ws In
any desired (•witiou. .kii arraoceuieiii
I of tbln klinl iiroviJes fur a.IJimuiruis
and in.-lluni(oii and will
be fouiul tuu.h aioiv rigid Ihau uiuoy
'oftbrckiirualtr ready lus.le tnble*
I A aiuall abrlf ibi faaiebed i.v iIm- right
tbe (able will proride

>- be foMrd luto I
Ue of
very a
deal Harm In ltl7» offend blw tbe
uilsstoo III Uoairla. He decltae.1 tbe
-Wbnl biH-ame uf Ibat uiaii yaw arwbicb tunkca OM loleruh- a tblne lu
boBor aad two years later van a
rcM.-d an a home tblefr

Ilia owu botweliold tlial be wouldo't
dtdste for tbe rulted State* aennle.
-l.yu.hed." annwerad nute rete.
auywbere alar, they, failed. They ditl
After that Ume nntU be again entered
“1 aiipiMMe Hint eous the luaTi.-r.”
not give 'a good nerrlce sluiv Ibe sole
oooffrese bla larga business InirrsAn
-X... Some o- Ibe Niyn liart tb.-lr
object was cbeapneaa. Now. we <lo not
^ oil. dwl and iron occupied hu
witcuu(vUi|>Utv at tbe mart Ibat we will
tliiit be rvTiby
tvducc tbe i-vMl of Uvlug
UortBg all tbe years of bla abse
ckleud to tbv Immuc UA- beat botcl nerr
from roogresa Mr. tirow retalued
k-e tbit weeau arrange. Bui by ueaus
. of Un.ut: SUut I, arllre lotereat In tute and luiloasi uf au ecouutuy of me.-baDhal forees.
poliHca and necer grew runty, lie
Oaa Vau In Cenvaotier.—I
aurb as Ibe use of tbv iMlIvrn to rtia »
riflht an Plaar af Hsus
.ngrist' aereaty yaais olil atwo be reentered laniMlr} lu .-ounectluu with tbv botel
tbe bow. aad be took an srtlTe und inaian In Ysuth and AgL
nvrricr uud the laam'faeiurv of liv, the
BoeoUal part lu ibr teaaloau
lirorldllig ^ all norm of i-ilJ slurugr
As tha Uttar of tbe uatloual Uuna
and Ibr oiaua
Btaad tew, -wbersby Uwuaasds of A aiurblued nuder t
ICfSB eAkwna bare btea enabled lu receleed
wLlih nball Is.- inUjipused o
Ity of SiS.TTN rote*.
tasaa and tbua have dereluiwd
ncrlUern to llw MV-tiiv. to wbl.-li tHtergeat eew gt'en lo
otaesa and talK «p tta.fraat wmt. ilte
protllv wPI g>. Mc'Ls-IU-ve iiial nltlaoadUate for any oflice.
iiinlely we Giall rwlu.v the . ,Mt .if
lata tialuata A. Grow, wbo died lui
OBaolmoua eleitloo in bln earlier aerrliving.
BaiKet day. wUl 1m ramembered kwe
-Kill to Imclu Ml Ibe le-glo-lug: All
kU. Grow ftr mors tban fonj- years
of Hie rooking will ladonv at the bi-nil
bad taco (amoua as tbe speaker of tbe
polMalerety clecttuo iu ibccoon
i]uarler>, (be plaul. At linwkfa-l Ibe
natteaal bouas of lepreaeouttrea dorIda teat aerrke empbastaed tbe n
will bate a •-ompii-te b-lvl
' tiiB tta Aim two ysan of (ba rirll war.
blDty of thtf a|>peltBthiu.
ri- for tlie iivit day's break
Bla Ufa waa eiccpUooal la many ra
they will ts- uakeil lu order
spacts. He tMfSB Us polittoal toreer
tbelr iieii uioriilug meal from ibai, Ko
•a tta yaangtst member of coo
with dinner and luucbi-on. lu ibU way
aad etesod it as tta oMaat met
tblnk birds hare aonla?
we aball kumr iweuty-fviur h.mrn lo adWIU an iBiemI of mort ttao thirty
Georgey—'t'es'm; 1 know our panotb
Juni what we bare tr |.-oi1dc,
/sara of prleate life. Wtan rewlecied,
got one. bot abr * gula' to tta bad and Ibe clonMt eroimmy to Uic preiila eaacfsaa After tUa loot retlreueat
pteca-Cblragu Tribune.
arsHuu of nupplbe will be puf->!blr.
ta receleed tbe larfest luajority rcer
-Eai-b Individual me«l as It I- .-.•ok-it
um op CO ttat Gua for aay eandidaia
will be pul lu a sheet Irim wiili
la Big- State. This was wbca be was
walls uud u ana.-e between
TUI- ,
atorted cootresaman at lare* from •sautlfvl Eastac Tribute te tta Fa.
, » will l« fl'le,! wllb bol water j
moon Blita Knger.
iimaide the bot Is a covertm: rf tuir
Mr. Grow was boro to roniwctlcut in
or all tbe ui>vvl aud beautlfnl iacl1M4. Wbao flnt elertefl lo oaor-eia deou' of btenter day uuue pniroked fell, to help retain Hie lieai. Tile <-iver '
ba wai only twaoty-acrea. and be be­ tiHMe i-uniuwut than a -marine
came apaakar at iblrty«lt
usds" lo'im I). tankey. Uic t>liu>
tta yooudsat epfokcr In the history of bedriddcE evang^el nlnger. at IiU bnuic
in Hrooklyn. Sininford,. fouii.
A meal wan
Ur. Grow was rtertad speaker of tU
Tbe nervhe was led by Uie Her. Kredrooked tl.erc. pul lu une uf fbeic bot.^<-k UlUs. tbe aloglnc ■■vangellnl. ni:b
Iben nWiHied to .New York, wbe.-e
n large i-tnilr fniat Hie ikoUM.u Pla.-e
as Cairo. Tboue wbo partiMik of
Sratn. Vqyra and arm-pita are favials neree-nsiiag lasiM-uiar atiniion. Thry an
{taptlnl. Jniiea BaplInL liuuiuer Ave­
ll said Uial they bad never bad a flner made cf only rvlialile malerial»r in-rH-rilv pul tugr;b.T aoil in -Ivle. ri|^l up bi Hit mio.
a rote of Itaufcs wai
nue Kn|>tl>t. Eiubury Meibodlnt aad
Itrao hlm-tta flrat .
uie. Tlir kind Irik—-a.-J in evV;v
It i. ptemlv ibrdatyofe.
WsnhlUL-tun Avenue lUfllnl cbui^ben.
-My Idea i-f Ibis lux ia Ilial It nboul.l
■Iran to a apaakar la many yaara. Pra- nsyn tbe .New York Trlboue, tVbeu Uir
brinre boyiag
e>iunlst of tliri-e eecttoiA-o-ue, an 1 have
rtaoa to bis ala<«ao to tbe apeakertatp
am-l.-e wan «.cr lu tbe Hnnsou l*Uiw
dencrll.e.1. for hoi illiihen. s ae-ood sec
ta bad bean ctalrman of tba rommli- .'bniyli MDic ime sutxexte.l
tlirdlnbes nn-ded In Hie
taaa on Indian affairs and on lerri
would lie It Oltlns tbiui: m i."> lu ii bwly
nerv-i.-e of Hie u.i-al aiul a Iblrvl detariea. belBf at tbe bead of tbe latter
Just around tlie n.rtier aixl s-reoade
alrurvl like Ibe flrat, bnt fur ci>M Ibingn.
darUr alt tta Ramma trnnblas.
Mr. Kniilicy. who. w bile fi*«ie-;alwl wlUi
wnuld take the plaee_
Oaa ar tta most Important and dlsDwlclii I- MuiNly. eotertnlued bun
tlMOtebad sarckoa wbicta be rendered
of the bot water In Ibe Interwall spare. |ng "Hiere 1- really ii .ilili.g |.. ae<-rtiiil ! ywHb aud all that ^rtalii* to that b:ip
■ iidn
tff tba eooBtry doriar tbu perisd wi
-.<nev a .-eruih unmlwr of tbv meala _
,^ . -lrl,,i „>„nl ! Py l>erlod n. .lid L.«.gf,-ll..,
A. bv
Headed by Hr, fi.»tbot of eecortne the paaMfC of tbe hi
ad l.-eu Priiin^t ati.l boxed In Ib.s
.|vve,..,.cd I
«“•' «=■'"
'!«• < i>y
Joliii IL ICU'ii. tbe nlinfem iiiur-lied
bamaataad law. u took blm nearly ir
wny they would Iwlakeu roan natoiBo...
. .I' “i bb. b.rtb. niriviug auou.g ib- fa
binilh tixfonl
Tlie tankey
yaon to carry -ft throoeb. and durit
bile rapclally diwlgned for this work.
^v tulliar
of l-.ybood to itud mid
le.liM- In delic-be.1. Mr. Kjlikry'n
II would bare a covered body arinir''"^ w-ira-iuply i» t iii..e Isjleve. ,
Youlb." no Hie lit
In on tbe ne.-v.nd fl.«r. Tin-utm: cbolr
wtib abelven for tbe re.-««i .if t|»[l.!ltle l.■ya aiul er:« alike Iuh.vipo
auimimde<l Hie houne. and at a signal
.boxes, tame twenty dellverle. eouW I «tl.kl.-r» for llic ".'i-ract tb;a.-"s;.J lr.,ao ,
rr..ii. Mr. -Mllln Iwgan -Nkal tVIll Take
ba aarrad and. in fact made b
he luade by our aviiomoblB- before il!ihe liviiM ef n s;-ni-islii|i or a motoi , tiful low-n ibm is seated by tbe nvn '
fare i<t Y.-o." wlih b baa be.-nm.
ed for more. I-hwb ani.mioliile ,-ar. r'.- .-ut of a .l..ira fr .-k ..r tta to seek s.-eu,-s n-b lU tbvlr a«.s-h.l. .i
M.rlie wllb evaugell.ts.
conkl make about lhtee.wfo.irtrip...f, ,„y»|,.f„, ,i,„ . j..,
,„nah..- with a |mc: a«il a temi.- el.-ioeui u
r pnbllr lit
roty dellrfrlrn each. Ibe niillvs
not -Jilsl like" (fee real th.:.u , Uie
nt that It ■
tb.-re U in.Dlilr
it la n.ild iliui tu.v-. pisa.
Il'-nbat duen It all nir;;or exi-lalmeil
Ir.akvra liavi- e.m now
in employ | tow i
tbe bllad man. routing blmiclf rr..iii Bivcl boura.
wmiM Ih* Kwved in U.ta-,iif;,-evp-Tia and I'rcnili milliners of wbl.-b be slugswerilv. .lie
an Kanier medltatbiu cud rca.-bing bln
..f wbi- b an «l.->lml i jf Hii-y i. puna Hie rr;rl-..ley-i • arebe of that beautiful boiuo life wbi. b
lutinln toward tbe nludow. Tbv rarlv
teadacB anmaad the bUl baranac they
Uni|. .-ouM be lighted by the l.ou-v |...
The fa.-t H tbs in bis wrae ha- ry.iu.l ib.- .n;.v.-.l
knew Uat tta tarrltortea would ba aet- luoruhie air tbrilled « ttb the mel-Hly.
TTiv breakfast au.1 the oibvr j
Terj, , l,ild 1- honi a .wok- an.l a .bean, tbe one pla.-e .if all ............. .vi... i,
•Miik-kr- aakt Mr. iteukcy. -ti|wu all wife.
tlad by aaan farmera from tbe free
tbe day would rotoe to .-urb bsusI ::u> darilfig. II Ims pn
be love.1. aii-1 lo wbi.-b II «a- Lin . .i-.
tbe wIndoWB. I di.u't want to mhw
. A modlBrd I II wa*' paaned In
I mth-b as lea dally neo-spa ijci.s, iio 4ace i « .1e.f.>v. Vm] tooi t.i retnni ai least oie-e .a-b veat
any of li."
iivei .nod l.rc-.rt,«l frv by iie.n,f,arr tbmusbonl bis hf.-.-SI-plieU |•aIlJIl..•^l
Tlie wlnd.ivM. eerc raised, and Mr. |«rs .to, aud lu our receptaries mere
TMoed by Um. Aftar tba braaklDg out
--ll.e.;..n Herald.
■ rntnaiti*.
Saokey ua> aaainled lo a neat <.ver- WHiid Iw uo barm taue If Ibe family
of tha war K was passed, and Ur.
tnoklag Ibeoin-et. The team ntmiiieO
Grow had tta pleaaore as speaker af
down ibe old eviugeiln|-« fa.e an be
ateuoff Ut pet meaaare.
llnleiie.1 to tbe wdiwa. '
In tta period Jmi before tbe oot
t' emplh-- will)
tatak of tbe cHlI war tbe aaaaolt tn then were riven a imniber of Mr. Baathe aeoate of Braoks on Cbarlea Sum- key's favnrllee, auxnig Ibem -Onontd,
thrlniun s-Idlera." -tYben the MWe
bar was not uniqoe. Ur. Grow had
nnve Rnllevl Away," •Tiider lilt
A /
pasMta with Kilit of Booth Oaruliu.
bnt In tta Beiieral ttebt wbicb enmied W ing" atKl "S.. Sbadowa There." Iwr.Tc tbe pnirrainme was llnBaifcsdate of MliialBalppl
vbirb ladkTooa nerguel reattnd Uie Isbcd Ibe ntreel wan ttlled wllb |wil>!e bnmor of tbe body.
Hot Ur. Bttrs.ted ftoiu nearh.. in.luu. No one


Qahnha A. Graw'e Remarkable
Career In Amertoan Politios.


•nil- i.'f.-nilllumlb "



Bflsidn doubifl seat And
kneel It has a patent, lining
rccnlorccnicnt chrousheme




It means
hottest and cleanect ^
Rame produced
any stove. Thi» it
the Rame the New
Perfection Oil Stove'
the instant a
match is ^
. lo delay, no
trouble, no toot, no
dirt. Forcooking.die


is uncQualed. It gives quick results because its
htat is nighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense
in two. Made in tliree sizes. Every
stove warranted. If not at your deal­
er’s write to our nearest ageoct'.

“ RSS^Lamp

IV the best
lamp tof

all-ioui>4 hiNischuU
and beaulitull) nwkcled.
Ltcd; absuluiely sale; uncxielleil
I’crtectly cu
omamem to any ivmcn.
. p
y ia
iatnp w-arrxmcil.
it no( at)
dcalci'v wme to v«r ncarent acwity.


Row JIre
Vour lUalls?
iUill Cbey need Recouerind this Spring?
If they do then come ami look over oiir new stock
of wall paper. We have just receivr.l our sprinj; line
.All ihi-, bri|»ht«-st patterns.

Special Bargains on aii Cast
Scar’s Slock.

raliariae a (rsat dial al (ta aftate at

OitFW was a little later .-Uilniffad to
a duel by Brandi of .North L'arultoa. to
whk'h Ur. .iruw replied that be
tard.^1 dnelln: as
tbe |.re,-eiu. of Ibe .-briatlaa rellglou
and tbe rcBtlcieuta of ObrUttea pevpie:
Iml." b.- addisL -my iwraonai Hgbt*
aad tbe riwdani of debate guaranteed
by tbe .amsHtultou I stall defend
wbem-ver aud wtarerer Itay are as
lu UU4 Mr. Grow came wttkla .me'

Von Zeppelin'i Airship.
Count von Ze|i|H-lm-» alrablp, wbh-Ii
bolda Ibe dlria^ic- and tpee.1 m-ur.: of
•bsSS tuHen lu =.bourn 17 mlnuten. If
fri t loer. » feet in diameter aud
has a rieU BlunilDlaui frame .■v.ntaliilug aliiecn bydn^ten bnlkiann. T[wc
Ibirty Sve boraeiniwer lanuUnc aiolen
drive fonr protn llera.
New Incandaaeent Mantlo.
Tbe i'labeelly Inraimetccut gw* tuan-

«» 1 «« be maned to a comamn m lalupe.,, „„ a,I

is.'i".;:;"' “""

Altbotigh ll STM aratl known >h» tie !

a-, o_. no

''‘''r ‘■'•r »t”* afwakn » flat-


iPTirr Thf&aar
. A6.V15T rf.7!5-m

V niofRi-crLSCsfnr
An old ttiSer v.-nles about
S5L0 m tZAlS3 PACRftSK
ARIOSACoBee: “Yourcofiee
rt-a -ioas FiC7.':c7i*;
is tbe beat flod richest
dr^;a eoaiiig of frahegp a.Jpure aagif, to
you briter coff« for yo«
‘61 until I lecenred your coRee lo J^id tbe *ooAm-«
make th.-^
*• A soldier knows
-^-^eeae^^mxlguaj,-. Better,way. UKra me m»e pmrkages of
/ die l^m>ddicw^ilinakeski=i than “fresh lObst W'andns a,ARIOSA aoU m the United ScMm
(eel and urotdd aoentf go teidKiifl iktle deraiopi dm farer mid makes dm: than a lim eiW Coclcc purkara
las laeud diaa widmot la csfce. pmdme easy. Oi* OMimDu* coflee
Adaxtim’ ARIOSA wm the first | bu^ esc«fiD« die amd f«r W,mt fl yosr «exertea am mnil;-, wBteto
ibrntcd. pa<4.redo:fiee.p>aafodfcxi(Tm»tlmte«ldlavdhm.>«daomom

Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

When You Want Lumber
You will savetime and money
by coming here direct- 'We
carry a full line of everything
for building the house.

Prices and Quality Guaranteed

Traverse City Mg. Co.
Telephone-Cit 32. Bell 160.


Attention Farmers
Do not fail to gel a String Bean Con­
tract. It will pay you. Call and wii
wlir tell you whv.

The Traverse City Canning Co.

•HAND nUVMM HtllMil. TMOIttOAV. AMUL It. tttf.



ItnL atrtw Ban ««t to Mui
tlila Bomut to aawwar bw aU1

Mra. Its t. Bade). tAcT« «to ts
stake her borne ib that dtr.
Bn. D. BOt vest to Onsd Rapids
this nmiocHn. j. B. Dranp aad cAltdi«ii. vbe
bare made their hme at Prwaasit
for the past

aereral rears.

ttMMKb tbe dtr ledar oe their var
to Ottavt. <Niie, where iber trill stake
thdr fatten bone.
Fred L. Qital of Rapid

Cllr re-

toraed to hU home todir aftei' traaa
aectns bostseaa is the ettr.
Mrs. Ooone a Prmr of We)Iinxtoo
street has Just mome* from Port
BrTas.,N. Y. where aba aueaded
raqrral of her falber. Her mother.
Mrs. C. F. BtiMa. aceompanled her
boaw for a Tlsit.
A. II. aad A. L. Lederle of Leland.
are In the dtr no basinets tixlsr.
UUs Ollre Pierre left this tifternnr.n
for Manistee, where ehe will
with her parema
West Kiahih
Miss Mica 8azt>
stmt, la visilltiK frlenila
ids at Gruwn
K. llarrcr «f Wi-ttonl.
dly oo hnslnesa
The Rev. G. R. Lewis tf Frankfort,
has ir>tun>fl4 to bla bom
Isa a few days wHb lb'
DaRoo of this rhy.
Mm. t:. O. Whllberk has relumed
from a husinets trip to Rik Rapids.
Mr. and Mra. Nathan Hill bare i«turoed to ibdr home Id Chinap) after
Tlsltlna relallm on Wed Tenth
The Her. J. Forbera went to Cadlh
lae thU monloa where be will pmefa
Mra. Robert Manar of SnUooa Bar.
tpent the dar la the dtr.
Mrs. Q. R. Van Auken returned to
her home In Vanderbilt after rlsIUna
In the dty.
Mra. C. Psrtrldac left for l^thc
this iDomlna where sbe will make Is
entitm home
. o her home
nine after risiOaa
friends and peUUres In the dtrMiss Anna Sachs of l.«Ror. is rlsllisa her sister. Mrs. Walter Ynrdler. of
e:i SMODd llreet
W. O. Foote, who has been spendlna
some time In the went for the beneDt
of bis -taealtb, retnmed borne this st-

_.arr CM waa mgM to ba p
at tbe aagt mntttt wbieb w
tbclaatcf tb*r«r.
^ctm Hoorn Decorated,
thiir IRer. who bss
charge of tbe decorating of l_.
call eoort room at the coon boose,
baa aeariy completed bis tarir and the
allogetber difnt appearance. Tfae sidewalls are
» In a rich it
eeiling In llgbter shades wflllb a
veutinoal design In red.
Tc court bouse is one of the licaji.
• spots of tbe elly from the eitprior
dl many visltoni to the building cspress a feeling of dl»i>potottuent at
night of tbe Interior. Tbe walls were
purposely left tough when the build
tog was erericd so ibat they might lie
' si to this manner but until
now Dolblng has been done to that direel loo. Mr. Hfcr sranled to decorate
the wtinic Interior and at tbe uext
meeting of the superTtwirs. this may
aitracied for.


•Uta Newa.

Dlral setbol of Uma. to a recaat ar­
ticle pointed out Ibat Pent, frith iA

men g« t1 for the first hour aad u<>
cAnta Itor eaich hour alter.

Hnnlstoc U gelitog ao good that
Maaatoln Bern ftiws ................ Vast vlUt«e enonrU has dMlded (be i
idialt*!: Job got too easy and has rat
•euros Of CMCgy:
Mr. Hsblch. dirortor of tbe *sA- Mt pay from ISO a mouth te *SS. Ftiw

W. and .Mr* W. 0. Uarglaan of
«,<n>. djUO and Si4»0 metetu. pasams rrystal ^Is were thrown out
•d tocalealaUe eeurees of power aM
their carriage, which wa* AHattered.
Bbowed tbat tbe Rtuac rtrer atom wu
and ih«-ir horse's leg was broken ao
capable of devetoptog at leaat mOOD
that the animal had to he shot,
beause «f Hw- re.-W-*uni«c* of the
Tbe Chile rtrer la amply capable of
drunktm dr(t>-i- of a rig which »d
furalabtog alt tbe motive power neces­
Itded wilb (beiu.
sary for gloat toduatrial purpooes, lopiovettlgalloo Will be made of the
reseotlug. as It doss, a cotaasal hydrau­
lic farce bllbertu ovortooked. But by caaae of (he destrncHoa of two *5.000
fsr tbe most Important source of water etcel bridge* acriws th.- Menoratoee

puwer supply of Peru U Ijike TItka.-a.
lying 3.M»« luetots abuie tbe level of
tbe eea. wlili a Surface area of tkaou
aquare ^Luleteri and uo areroge
depth of twenty matsri. Lake TIUcaCa
lu a boltow, surrauuded ou aU
Sutter Is Scarce.
■Mes by an unbrukeu ridge of muon
Butter has* never been as scarce
Utos raugtog frutu SfKj lu buu tnelors
ban been this winter.
JMiD Hans, wbo has been In tbe em­ to belgLt. luvseultog a turmidaUc en
ploy of the llannsb A Lay Mercantile ginn-rtng piuUeoi wbk-b can be uver
eompnny for twcnly-elaht yenrs,
- ellber tuuurltof ttarougb tbe luuiiBIbis mumloa that be had ncrer ki
laiiu or puiuplug tbe uuier iq> aud
over tbe Ivwetl praetbabb- emtoeDiv.
pir IheinselTes nod
IwtltloD It now befutv cungreei
shipped a areal deal bnl tfau wlo- urglug tbe ajipotolueut of a apet-lal
they have had practlcallr noaa.
surveya and re­
. . two nwotbs they bare not tad a
port* on tbe feailbllll
feailblUly of aprb a de
pound for sale
prepaA- estlmatH ou
Leri Soule, who has been behind tetopmeut aud tu prel
tbe counter for neariy
thlrtySve tbe probable cost of coiialnictkm with
view of drawlug up a bill of rondi
yrara, nanooi lememlier when there
«-as Kueb a seatdly. Tbe rondlUon Uons gvrerulug a lunoeselun under
Is due to farmers selltaa their cream wbleb forelgu caplial will be tuvlted
and milk for which they recelrc al- to undenaLe tbe project.-Cnglnct-rtog
test at ntoeb as if made into butler Magaxine.
Dd s^lni ail of the labor.
This It not only t Meal eoadlUon
-ul is the same all over Mlcbl«aa.
Many of the small towns that a few
- -MppInR tons of hot- Dsviea That Inersatm Capacity of
Cuttrag About W Psr Cent.
BOW get hardly
Mill lueu of (be south are luu.-b to
enough to supply their customarm.
There Is no prospect of dally but- terested to au luveutiuu of J. H. Hod•r l«*lng any more pJeatlfuI as more geu of Bay Mluetlc. Ala.
ad luure fsrmers eseh year atop mak­
UTsntloD I* a raw
r mUI derkw.
ing butler and eillier sell the cream aud ft U
to creninerlea nr milk to milk dealera.
I-'llmure. toKanibla cuuuty. It
1. Lyon told a Record representof an appliauce for rlgglDg
Bay sawmill ludug ordinary Hreular
mer he bac
BO as to out both ways wilb tbe
o selUng
had nolt I
saw. Tbrre Is a truck over the
the cream or mill.
Tbe outlook Is that before long carriage wbeela ou Ibe sUe eent to
everyone wIK have to choose between the aaw to ptereot the c-ariiage betog
olcomsrgarine and rreamer]- butter. lifted on tbe back cuL Second, u top
btorit. adjustable, to prevent tbe nUOeoeral Newa.
Ing Of tbe log on tbe baefc cub This
AIpbopso Taft, father of Seereiary block I* adjustoblc almost lusuni


rtv < H>-ii»mlDee.

lee and bif^

WAier louk (brat (Mil. it I* inie, but'
there was a Mrong farior. Indemnity
will lie a;!.*--! uf the c-oiilracior If they
were not bull) fiiupeily
The hesvv full c.f enow at Uar.-jaettaltbough ih*' heavleat ever In lha
virlulty of Ibis laie In th*- spring. Ic i
Meeting In dltgultc. aeeordlng to Hiwi-nlle-r bureau. It retards v<%--iailon
l.iih l.**s«-u.* •lanRets of ;tn eari> fl<s-(
Horklele-rrie*. ,h gn-;it crop Ibeiv.
hav<- wmieillhes Ix^n eniltv ly blifthiMt
for tram of laic snow,


WTioii Mayor Porto-* td'Ri. .dtei.Ii
stepped *Iown from office after the
cent eleetkHi he left
y<-ars of
live service In the city's lnter>>sts
hlud. <A« a Ink. n of frieem he «
pirReoled wltb n silver loving cup
■ he council sn<l beads of vailou* city




hix wife died and be (oo wa* ocriously
III, he continued lo illrcci city affairs.
Pew were aware that Frank Gillcry
agctl 28 year*. dnlDg a C5 day sent'
lu Hie connly jail at Oraml Haven
vagrancy, wa* once tbe stalwart.
iin.iiF. Infiueuilal (Tank Cillery
■.ockiurl. N. V. TIh- love of a
her promise
lo marry, her Jilting
him and then the taking to lb- glass.
t.i.-irie<| Ciller)- on the dowawan! path,
mile in Holland, near Grand Haven.
CUIery |>awned a gold medal, be had
receivetl for bravery In saving live*



Afledfid Huds, Arms find Lags—
EnAired Terrible h(*ing»dwas
Unable to Sleep-Wouh) Tear
tlM Btndflges to Saitcti the Skia
—Ib less tbsn Ofie Week

' TBeKlad Toil lleu«Ahff^Ba^M,aiiA«kA* tea
to Hse Ibr over ao jcHi, hM bor»e ttoe aicMim ^

- "1 had eesrnia nearly fifteen yewn.
^ic affected parts sere no Imtids. anua
aad k-g*. l-hcy were tbe wvusi in tbe
wintre lima and were
always itchy, and I
cuuld iKd k>-> p Irom
■>-ntrliiiig them. I
bnl Ul Urp both
ban l* bwodiged wU
UK-uuir.aodat ni(fat
J would bav« lo
ecratcb ibrot^ tba
iug WikSMia Avre, aial
altijiic- I would liitvw
lo t.sretreytliuiguff
mv luudi to setMcb
—J Ha-Uan. Icoiildnnl
y n-t or deep. 1 had
Bt-veral pbyeieiaiis
tnwL uai toll tiiey
e-.-d.l not fit.- mra
Jeimaoeift mie, nor
vvi-ti could tbrystup
Hut iichiidt. After
udng ilte Ciitirura
s>ap, nOP to-x Hulicurs Ointmnil and
two bottbs t'ulieura
I'usulvml fiH- about
Mx di.VB the itching bad ceared. and now
tbe SORB iLkvo diwippran-L and 1 oevet
Ml to-lter ill mv lito Hutu I do now.
Edward H tKvn. Ikii.d 30th. V. 8. lulaotljr, Fort Crt»>k, .Nvtoa--tx."
The mo«t torturing ntul d'afigurtne
humor*, .-rnma-, rusiic*, iiehingB. irntalioii*. ui"l iunanut.slkea cJ tto- ritin,
scalp,and l/l--«l. vilb I .-oof luurul infaniE.ciiiKIri'ii.iuid atluii-.sra. iostaiiHy
rriifvnl ajid *|ie<*blv cun--j bv (lie t'nitcurs Ilrn-Hli-«. »l»-u all cl-e iml*.
C>reUW yMyrr^- •>< IM-**! ToMM W> >'•0*
pM.vf U
AUhJO------^sr iJSt.) t.
«n-.l tn li.*! tb* talk. •** CktbraJb HI* (CWkVlMa

Md - jMtoMtot«e«>*«n hn
loBuiu uad ChvAdrc-Eipertapcie acolaat

B tor Owtor OH, P


u»» rowbauns nj.~ i iiaiw.
r Ophna, Murpbtoo bor otBrr Karade
anlMUace. lu ac« is lu gnmtn. It destroy* W«i
aed lUlaya Fevertsluteea. It estroa
IMa ‘
‘ —
■ DlMThMud
CoIms. It reUrvea Teetklnc TToablM,
Aoh, C«mb
aod PiMtiirnt-y. It aaBUDllMra tbo
■o Fo--. reewlotea
...______ tbo
fitonuMdi anu Bowed*, rl^to* bemithy and^wataral ■
Vlie Cluldren's IViuic«w-Tbe jfloUier^ FMossd.

> Bwia the Slaaatiire af

The Kind Ton Haye Alwajs Bon^
In Use For Over 30 Yeara

A>.hley peep!., aiv
proj-et to have




(s Ugfated l-y eleeiririty.


mills are
an- eonswering
tret I
a project to put

tK-ver mentioned hto past. A bolio
mill emery’s relative* to LAckpon

a dynaioD to tMr mUls and fonUab |
light for the vilUge. Tberv

pages with more aridity Uun their
V Tte eoBmluee
editorial pages. Tbe old custom of
Broeni For Smoelh 6ur<aees.
MaMb taatlng. «mil------- ------- member of bin office, mree clip­
Hra. M. 8. Banders.
■prarw Pmu. Mra.
A novel broom baa receully beeu InMiss Kittle Bare Cooper and Mra., ping from the dally papera merely ri>iite<] wbl<-b is Jiartleiilatly adapted
WUiiaaa Lore, reported in tbe form of iw* articles as to the jndgeraent of for Bweeplnc or oleaiilug smoolh surtbo clipper the president msy desire »uces, stk-h as liardu oud floM*. cvllimrs.
waUa or Ibe like. Tbe Indy «f 1tk>
) ready has been Abolished.
Uaialng and domestic seleaee stat­
Thomas II. Gray, grandson of Hen­ broom roorUts of a nuioluT uf layers
ic Hum the argoment of cost would
be rery aasUy net as the eonraes ry (nsy. has Just died at LeringKm. of ObtiMia uaterlal cvl to a irUugular

a ihnt-time* widow, she bavliuc In

-were ao etaatle that they eoold easily
be ad^Ked to tbe abUlty of tbe city
to pay for them. The appeal stated
• that it was chiwpcr to edueste n boy
to tbe acbools Gian to let him be sent
to tbe reform school and there uaght
to work.
Tbe committee farther recommend­
ed that Superintendent OHbert be
ployed for I •
' f that

Ky. He was CS years old and for many

saJariea of tbe teachers be regulsted
according to merit and none hot-the
best employed.
-hoef boL—.. - _
--------- being rwT nnsnnliary because there
Is no sewerage ronneetlrai. A commlttse eras nppolMed to InreEUgate
and report at the Muy meeting.
Mrs. Beckman's paper on “Cleai
tfni ottcgerilons.
neM.~ arms fall of lietpinl
It coniainiHl a
} B
a wambtf
warning to the mothers who
to their grc.v. dc.l e for this a«l or­
der. forget some of the other great
things which make a bouse a home.
Miss Marion Pralt's paper on
-Harnal ThSMiif oontalaed the nrgnmenis ns pnaeoted by the best
tboritles on the mitijeet. It turns
aurplas energy of s child in the right
ebannet. Tbe band as acU as bea>'
must be trained if he is to reach tb
togfaeai and most ayametrical d.-v<
opaent. Many a hoy learea sehobecaoso books do not appeal to bln
In schoolf baring mananl tralnlcg It
U a noUcctble fset that this eUsv
of boys are kept in aebool. It Is bet­
tor to form than reform.
8«pt. I. B. Oitbert gat
-Mabaal Tralato* aad Domesilr SeP

1*94. He Is a Methodist, Orangeman
nnd Mason, and U (be president of a

BUBdpotnt of tbe practical business
man. Aeeordlng to tbe census of i»00
ninety-two per cent of tbe men In this
eountty are engaged to manual labcw.
If acbools are to be all that they
abomd be we most toke this into conalderatloa and edoeate accordindy.
It la a slfslflcaBt fset thst the large
manna] iratolng nchooli bare been
aadowad by
----------------------be^a^ae to tk
have seen the great'n^ Tbe home
iatbefoandaUtmafa great astlon. la
the light of Ibis we most dm under
Tsloe tbe Imporianre of domestic
helswrc. Not ealy does It leach tbe girl
bow to prepare food so that tbe greatcat BBtriGre Talae t
at a mlnlmnra cost, b
the Tsloe of
. different
ds. ink!
cbnaKts manual training Is as
irlthmeitc. This
pnlsory as artth
-• b
about as tbe r«
manalactarera. imi Indicators.
At tbe rioae of the dlscusioa
lag vote was taken. It was almost
Baanlmous in tarer of nun oat traintog nai domestic urlenre.
Tbe Hannah A Iat Mercantile
piny srss given a rising vol
(hanks for a gift of addlUonal
plates and apoous.

The prest-

denl WAS named ns exeentor. and
inonej- was to be used to csiabllah a
inilltary academy at Galesburg. III.

Idthn. In


One ease


iial and



points i

ill the Crand Tfavefwe F
■I. wHpujier jirinied and elma

w*Kim.aa ikuT cauou.
Amlrew S. Atbiiry aud Hairy I'-ull
form and Journaled at tbe center to »
yoke set-nietl to tbe end of tbe broom r>f Midland have g>tii<- lu Delrull.wb- le
they Jilin a party of rn an.l gi
aUct '
Owing to the fact Hut tbe l>nx>n AUTska.
body Is miiunled to totsie freely on lU
lieartog tbe eugasemeut of tbe eiiUiv
face of one aide uuixtii U alwa.'u iceurvd uoiwlibsiaudliig tbe tuauiu-r to
which ilic iMd.v tua.v apiiruacb the sur­
face to be rieaned. f»r If uirni brtngtog
(be broum agglust the surfa<-e une <v>r
nertbould strike fltsl the broom U.dy


Farmers' Attention'

Judn at


S ou wili (irnl at my (arm ‘____
Prasret.'_ Bra. rv«« R Wabar.
my douliie stami.nrd polled
miut rf «h* amasa MOarer
Durham bull. r<-.(jisicred it.
both ^ok'-.
N-arly .i!! of his ralvos .ire T«™ rdarad. that iIkt lUh
of Aiotb Ira e'etoe*
-A U.UCC.atM
e'etoea <a the ( luiiiiaa a*
A Pretol>xAra.l»-aadlahartU7ai*smt*d



Prices—$l .r»0 cash wilh re- ''Y,^
turn privileges.
--i"-—---------- ----------•w.fSrihr-U iJ. W. Slater.



How about that New Buggy

Oftei Tbe Kidneis Are
Vukeeed by Mirk.

Yon Have Been Promising Yonrsdl?
We me eLfiwint;B iiuelice of velii'-lcs. t-veryoae of «hieb »
built o3pr-. -:aliy for onr tr.-i'leliv om- of the looat r^hle
Carrtaj;e tcauufaetutvrs of Kala’mu/«t. Mich., cotinifiting of

unmirv uml l-Uidvr •.ro-ab;v^ were to ov


these t»o« important
Leak ints Spsca.
A young man wboae eyes had been
of tbe Bunker Hill BuUIvsn mlm
tn>uUI>ug tom coumlled a New York
curing 14 eonrietlons. In IHtfl Mr. Bur­ oculist "IVbat yon want to do," said
in seenrtog al primary tbe BpadaBst *Ti to take a trip eeery
day on tbe feny or In New Je
eleeliODs enough delegates to tbe
Long Istond—any piaiv w‘bere yoi
stale eonrentioa of that year to Po see long distance*. Look up and dojrn
ealt-Ilo to Inaerl a plank to the paity tbe river, acrosa field* or. If tbe^mt
pUtform callitig for bis election to comes to tbe worst, go ou tbe tem of a
tbe ITniled States senate, and pledg­ skyscraper and acau the bortxoo fran
that point Tbe Idea la to get distance.
ing all legiabllve candidates to
cause. January ir.. l9uT. tbe U-glrlaiure You use your eyee a great deal and al­
ways at riose range. Yoo can't use
formally named blur for the place by
them any other way to town. Even
when not retdlngor writing the v
Is limited by small rooms sod narrow
afreet*. No matter to what direction Lidn. V rrftt.--l--, n soon realireu.
baa been al target prartici- to irupiral you look, there Is a blank wall net far brands tb- lughiHt for it* wonderiul cv
of t);..bbiresaiDg case*, aad
t». U dearribed by one of hk away lo abut off sight."
on ft mi-ritb bv all

aulmnlinaie oftlcers as "raialng rain
dnix;::s;-in br:y«cnt ^
about brxnc,The doughty rc«r artsa-1 one*ToBdnrior.~ said tbe gnqilBg
lulral baa .hern vigor Itself in bts (>fbot:’.:.
nger.vainlytrytogtoraisea win
bave- mraple bottle a>a»«ti iitor
In ctanip out
drunkennees"tbeva am at least a MlUon mltTobes ta bv mil! tree, also a pamphlet teiliog j-ow
amoog the aeamca of the nary. He this car."
bow lu find out if yoo have kidney
baa Kharnly overruled the flndlitgA of
"Too oagbt to be able to stand that bladder trouble.
Slenjioo tbi. paper
1 courts sppfttoted to ronslder If tbe company can." growled the when writtogloDr. Kilmrt & Co . Butt
i of drunknuieaB. and to plaee of ctreet car conductor. "We don't get ■ hamton..N. Y. Don't make *n> miuakv,
but rrinember Use nanar. Swimp-Ront.
biasNd cent foe canrtog
II.-. Ktlmvr’a Swamp-Root, and the Ucago Tribune.
«ue», hunhamtoa.N.V.. an every btaUc.
national prominence—bl*
n t>r till' allese-i dynamtiers

f'lrth'-r ordered, "rtst |

eir. ul ,ti..n.

J-JIK «*»

Her cialhtog


TATR OF MinilGAN-TIIE pAoliale Court for the county of Oraafi



c-vtiniy. Michigan’s banner fnih <Jlsto the *vestern bell.

Hits margin was l.r>-ugbi e-iuan-ly ui«>n
for alteged
the surface. Owing to Hie fact (hat
Ibcre arc a miuiler <if awei-idug faces
lawyer liy proft’S'iMi. born tu Fair- (u tbe ludy ll>e life of tlx- brnoni ti
field. III.. June 29. 1SC5. and loeaiins givsily toi teaa.-d.
Sla;e* seaatrr. ia.V,ete.1

eoniplleity in land frauds lu Idaho, la

raidial ami I2M.34.T.022
ctil.vtiun. Sevi-a yeara ago the l.aiik:>
liiiiiiU-re.l ."..hir. with »t'.lC,2irt.n;i;.

le^st a H.W'O.oOO

an extalbition cd South African


now C.2(.'. iiaiiiHiBl Imnks. with »S77.-

, of horses, at Cbcsanlng. a chain

to death.


power engine which would furnl*h am I

r«ur«ad tram Ftor-



bile sttelcfalng a wire fence with a
hrok'c.illsloctaing John FroeUch’* knee
c;i|i and tearing out long strips

tteec. every indiention

‘BIbc. Sir Peli-r Bam." said King
Edward tbe other day at the open­

. to whirh ISM.OOu ts left to

w hile the groom I* a year younger,

by the early cold snap of la*t
while (here wa* still lots of sap li

flit- insurance eompany as

imes H. Hooker.

turn bnnic the names
DcGraw. Wal­
ton. Taft anti Peasley. The bride is 67,

near St. Joseph, shows tbat although
there wa.* no llUIc uneasiness eau»eii

well as an erienslvc dealer In caiile,

ITniled State.* goreraroeiit.

Edgar Pcaslcy of Midland took ntil
a license to wed Mis. Sarah R. Taft

face and bsniis ire scvetely bnrnm.
A careftil surtcy by fruit grower

Nkb to Ireland In 1817. located to (^nnda in ISCS and entered poUlles In

that of Sir Pieter Van Bommerstein

thfcetiunru-nt from sbcire still i
must be a twotaito^bannel tiet'

wosld bare burned

Crawford, new speaker of
tbe Ontario provincial partlament, was

Bam. of Oai» Xtdony.
President Roosevrii declines to bexne executor of the will el Capt.

tllow* of n-ls being set one luHc



At a jbrah>aM*bld <wr to-U S( tba
pie power for Its machtocry and also
pntbat,. .,r(|ce.
bf TiavtTSe
eoMri bcocb of Ibat ju-uvlnct!. lu-caii fur a dj'namo.
t'ity. In raid connty. (*'t»e IWb day
life as a dry bcksIs rjerk in Tniru.
<if April. A. D 1967
Fred H. Walker, Judge of Frobate.
Hi- I* oue of the elrycn-st jiublic
to (he maitevuf the notate of Jofan
Kltciilter* In thu province. He I* under
Hennnck. late trf raid county, fiorraaed. Mli-nir Ifto.-iiick hartog flled
fitly years of age. He eiiieretl the
In ^aiJ riHirt her ji.-llHon praying that
Nova Scotia c»v<-nini-iii a* romtiiis.
!i e.-ii;iiii inMroniei.i in wrlltng pur­
porting to to- the last Will and Uaiaslum’-r cf will k* atel mine* in 19ol.
> rttrra ar> la gr«t denaad. Tlwy
aed. now on na to
ted to ptohata, and
F-iii.- hitiidn-J aad slxty-iwo new
itioD cf-aatd aaute
granted to Krauk Henaririr or to
nallnuiii liank* wvre crested in
n<- tohi-r sullubU- |ierana. It fa OrFor ihi- lust *cv-n year* the averaplalatL Clip ual IMs rant, .ten II
BdUHitMliKe.;! BuWDr. 't'nu.r
has to-en wUhiii tbo fni.-iiou t.f
It. i:^ Witow. Ar... IMCUt. bn-li
monib In till- l'l^il•■.i.!tlules there are

w(-re insianlly aflame and but
prompt work by the fstfaer tbe cbjld

years, to wrHIng and bad ncsity compleled a blogrepby of hie grandfather.

prodocu in Umdon. aad anoltaer'nnble
added to Britain's long lUi.

Saginaw Bay fisberaten and dealers
disputed fishing nuesHtm. A bill bos
been drawn up and agreed to which

raked up In the yard.

bsd'devoted much of bis time, in late


before bis ai-nicnce had been scrim.
have come to a sciilenmit of tbe long

flevh from bl* leg.
Mabel, tbree-yesr-ohl


general itf Nortt 5cotU ovth-’ *upr>'me

Ceorgb Guy of Jonesvllle. fell Into
bonfire of old gras% which had been

years was one of the editors of Tbe
Youth's CoiupanloD. in Boston.

Hfo and

eral *enlimrm among buMnec* mra
Tor It. The mill I* run by a «i>-b„rsfv
-.1 ff»ni the jto-diiiin of .-titurncy


KraoHi « Ron*, proprietor* of the - “**"*- •**"

III n Imrnlng building, for *.2. Cillery

broken down priaoiier nlionrd a c

j, |,

and 'ibangc to liiaperatnre cauacd Otoitos

William "- «"*l»ud. a Uaultog inarchaBt et

Mlsa jullaLaFayofC
city Tlslling her aisle
Mn. Kanr Harrla
from a trip to (Hand

Hbrry Tyler of ^t^Btghtb «i«^ Taft, waa President Oranfs last
Mt this
attorney-general In bie last cablneL
er located over tbe saw. «lilrb cati-l*e*
he will visit with frte«ls wd r*lmAnother Instance of fatter and son
ya to tbe slop pit alt saw
- llTdSL
aa bolden of cabinet ponfolioa was dust renulttog from tbe Uck cub
ClereFoorth, live rotters for conveytoic msi
Motbars* Club.
land's secretory of agricuUtira]. and terisl on tbe bark cob anme as U
In aptie *bt tbe Ineleoent weather
Friday afternoon a - large Doraber Paul Horton. Pretldeni Roosevelt's doable cutttog babd saws. Fifth, a
Is tued for tbe saw bark for tbe
were la attendance at ^hc Elmwood secretory of the navy, the father betog
Hothet'a elnb.
democrat and the eon a repnbUean.
■dditlonsi expense of
■ Mn. P. W. Lehman, idmlrman of the
Hr. Rooaerelt reada a great nnra- rlggtug any mill with tbia appUaiice
ber of dally newspapera « present will hr from S to 10 |icr renb while the
ooen aeMCveu.
inu uouiuur than be waa over known to n«d be•iw to bare tbe flowers noat easily ftire. If anything be scans their oewi

his coDdiiioo. dying ^ dropsy in
Michigan Jail, nnd money came Tor
Hckei home. The sheriff put




Or.JleC Vt'dCwBfl


Top Bnrtltt
Sprite WatoBS

r H -BMt PH V.



Work Shoes

ill* sett Nkfls

htx! cvritliiiig llratsliidikl )a-fuun-1 in hn


riug- Kt|)rrtitory. This line )• <<ecniDcine more p^Ur
wry year
in this vicinity
Yoo- nt^Uin

from onr atod.
•o will y«u lie. if yon ninke yiur

$2.00, $2.25, $2.50

Oor pric'-a are
e v-rv
v-n' rehSoDEble.
reasoDable. aud we (pctika
iikotee t-vi-ry job
«n turn out.
We c»r!ially invite yon to call nnd look

It is our rule to »-H only
booeat shc.-s.

Honeat leath­

er tJI



prio- as pt-ssilik-.
you to Bevlhim.

u tow a
It « iH pay

Citz. tae 151.


Queen City Implement Co.



An IntenwUns postal came from term. Oar leactor’s
is Hiss
Christina Celloeas ihU week. It
y. I like her very mueb. t win
dnibie eoe. folded, and ahow.
tall yon what my studies sro. Tiiry sie
plrture to Sattoes Buy. where Cfaria- rsadlbg, aprlllns. Iapgua;c. numbers.
lloa llroa


Uy icacber's
We are going 1

Ulsr'pa u salrk abed and bag beea akd
n s«nvj»carlv
leme j nearly aU
wlairr. I wfll ssod foa

have s dog, and a cat ai

For pets •, cent., la this for aaolber tonoa fe
dove, and myself and one for EII13 8. Voyke



geogtBdiy. pb.v;=lok>gy. ami drawing. a bird.
b tans sae«
I have one si
ami one! We bare Irol oers. toe Is my ani
1 have two cats aad one gold fish, aad bndber. Uy- brother's t
is Floyd.Imau -ai sehuol. Mr. llvrticit Is bedd
Hero U our same for
a bird. ThU is all I can think to for and my sister's name is Ruth. Uissiing iwvlval meetings
Ud ur that they dost Iu»t. Brer
Fun lor a rainy day!
this lifficJifcaBsc I havT got to do Dunbar is eo.-nlug itmighi
1 cauovi scbqol sow
We aaw
flBC« be bu COM (o Sunday udiool
toitNi P19.
my dtebes.
think to any n
o good bye.
be baa felt Uul our .leer Htovcal)fim Umc Ibis moiniag In the top o:
Select s
Vour loving SansUuer.
F^ibcr WM eery cloM to
ocr crabepTiu nee. 1 was over I,
your pen where you
Gladys Brown
Agr f.
course he has learned that God Is evMarjory IH-m.
: BbtaJu Hu!,-u !i-. SsfjrUa.v. Bb.
Kin. Biartiac at the ears aad maklDe
I am always pleased to get yonr
‘i:n- any Basle.- vgg». but I'
errs'here. and m-aictaci
» got !.i-ir pj'd t.b. I sacra sprint
the ouiliw with ytmr eyes cloaed. letters. Writs agatb some da.-'.
got some £a-ler pusL/L. ' That wax.
mlanic. sad that He esras for ercr>-berc. "rbU ha» i-fen an awfm SMyvstocvnMr.sf. la-gvpj
mtttmlmiL .
Open yotr eyes when done, and see
Ihioc that He baa made.
But laat
day and thi- snow Is nearly XMiMUrwa-:; T>aiP.s,rt(
the result.

week, wbca tie unespoeted
Trav-erre O^.'‘Mleh.l gone I bare go- quite a lot to pUaU
Dear PresidentMar. 51. 1907
the tier flower buds
SuUuns Bay. Mich.. R F. D. i.
will wrtic a lew lines to let yoo Dc-ar f’n-lJi-iii—
IbouRtit wiDter had oome back. Lath-E»-tuiiiuni. and a wtue tine In bUvti
MarcM IS. 1907knew I received the cards and buticHttwa* worried about tbe poor birds,
A> I haw uoi wiitfai to you for s and I fl.vte got other*, bat. they
Dear President—
all right.' Tbe uemben. are ,vrn' leas 'InH- I Ilumshl I woulil write a;aot .a Id.-s.-noj,, | go
»;-hoto Cvety
mamma lei him feed tbe crumbs
There arp many to my friends that pleasod with them and we bare igl'kfew Um-s to you as 1 Itaw- the lime, da.v I can.
Mv teaeju
froDi bis breakfast, aad told bim that
ire Mn^a the SansblDe Club,
ed It over and decided to have a Club. 1 would like very morh to Jdu the, Edith Siller. I will ch
God hadn't fOTKOUen Uic blrda—that
would like to join loo. Will you please
have aome more new names. Thcy Snasblne CTiib. If you will pleuw send bcvl wishes to the toasbtacra
knew wheoexTr a sparrow died
send me a card and butfoa! I go to nre: Mystic La Blanc. Nellie Moore. me a ta:-o and baitmi. FOr pets 1
The little fellow was comforted at'
school jycry day. but I was borne last Esther Perkins. Rmmet Rielcy.
have three kd.ea* and three puppies
oaeo. and when he saw a chilly robin
mesy Irom school because
Boaeba. H.irk La Blanc. Cordon Lind Tbey arc w-:.- .-me Illt'e tblng* and - ,
with Its feathers all fluffed np, Lath
and papa went to Traverse City-1 like
. Now If we have a Club ought we have a pt-: coon, to.>. Papa found,shall scad .hem to Dr. Lywi be­
am ealled out • “Ob. mama. aM! Do
to go te school. I am la the third
not to have a president
rOQ euppoae that robin It looklnfl tor
lt In tbe woods. Itbsvorynl-eday.jfof^ioag.
grade. Hr teacher's name la Hits reiary? We bare planned to meet at
od or a paacaker
' go to sehoel ewry day I can and my
Nortbpbrt. Mich.
li«ae Horton: she Is very kind to ua.
bouse tbe Bolurday allci-nooo afHis mamma iukiconldnl help Uodh- I have three broiben and four sisters.
Mar. «. 1907.
I hear troflj you. and then
iBff bocauae it sounded so funny. But
Pear 1’io.ldrnt—
My oldest MUcr Is taking music les­ decide on whst we can do.
she took her IKUe boy in her arms
I n-.-.-hTd letter some time
sons now, sbe likes U very much,
Thuraday tbe Udies are ^1^ to meet
and kissed him. and then she told
ago. logclhcr with the. turd and but
have two twin alalen who would like
Udica' Aid society,
him that aomsUmes God leu
ton. acd I wish to ibauk you for ibc
Wn the Cradle Roll. They-sre one then tbey are going to fix up the
Your coon must bo ao Inierettlng
Iblnta for Kim. That He baa put ns
year old. It has been very nke weatb church so we can hare choroh and
What Is biH uacuc?
here Iplo the worid to bUp each oth­
day. and wc have great fun at re>or here now. bul U Is quite wet. Ev­ Sunday school in It They will
OBMUia. MIAer and to Uy and be lovinc and kind, erybody Is driving with buggies and
..... _Dd noon playing
>',>rti'a te broetKotatsa
have It fixed by Raster Sunday,
H.-.r. 21. 1W7.
ud that one of the srayi God helps
li-rlfdlng playlioirsig.
| am tn
wagons. I think I must stop. It la they want to start Sunday -school
ns is ahowiny as how to h«Hp each
second gfjilo and wc have only
time for ray class. Hoping to see thU then to the scbnol house. I iblak
I K" lo •i*hii*>l ,;i‘nu-.,t i-iriy- day. Wy
other. It dldat matter how little the
■It In oyr n-idiug luok.
In print
Ulhaii uheii we
Ihiny srJs tbat we did. If
ihnuigti Wi- anFrom your Sanslilncr.
long iinlll tbe siu
I am in Ihc llfib grade.
Uvlny somebody a cup of ctod wa­
tor Robin.
to < hous<- h-s«oB*.
Age 29.
tonia Johnsna.
will all be gone. The logging road Is Uy- siiidloa are loading, aritht^le.
ter to drink—yea. or even Teedlni; tbe
alaKisl gout- now. ' hui ;
I aiu glad to have yuu loin.' toura Just full to water. The mill will
MUdtinir RoUs Is bere asals.
language, geography aiul spelling.
blrda! The thing that made tt great
the wouw
What toss he eaie tor the «prO rsInT
In about three weeks new.
Imli Ikmli-ii 1* my wrai-inat.-. W<- deep lui gme place; the water
sras the knrtas spirit in our toarta
to ypur mue aisters.
Oars tor H? Oisd to KI Doasnt be
while she found II on the Bnor, dead.
school win be oui about the, la»t to :nl: hate iwu we.-ks more sdwol.
wbeo we did It. Toor proaldeat docsuh.i'U Iwo feet «Jni> und at- had to go
Kingsley. Mich.. R. F. D.
( tiiiisi have Jumped out of the bowl,
June or the first of July, i d
Vi' an- mring i«. livw a iirogram Ihe
ve tbat Latham qnlle undertbro'.y.h ih-- Ci-Ms to get nmund TTil.That tto April rain carries off the
Htirch 8. 1907.
lot lh<- wsli-r was about (nur lacbos
like to M*ool no late Ir
asi <iay. I hs»e n piN-.- 10 speak coraln^ }-uiiday Is toy birthday u
his mamma told him. but Gear President—
roui the i«*p
Marlon aoAri-djurtefl K
araaOB. We win have two wed's'
ahfne aud am hi a dialogue. My slslct
when be geu older lie will And that It
ulito v..;.rs old
My kill
I will nocc Dioro write a letter t
And coaxes out. leaves to shadcpv h
rt a ihtle U.x and |hii a lot to llowera
tion In May
Well. I will clcie for LuNIe U III 111,' soeond gra*fe.
It really so.
Her getting quill- k'us and I mnsi e
:>ii- llri^ld. I have not written fur
n th,'grave. Mninina JuU s»ot down
this time. Hoping to bear from yo
simile!; Mio rcidiDg. arithnHHir. anil
Ftron yr,ur llttli- rpinshlae lie).
long time I do not go 10 scbool no:
And srasbto bis pretty ted Bssur
nwn a.iil I nut bore all ahun-. i like
soon. 1 remain.
Right la tbe midst of tbe coldest
riulling. «b<* has n Pii-e to rduvik
llicr has been very cold f<
<Me Aud<-rsoo.
r. ivad th- l-tler. IB tbe Herald.
^ Tour BuDsblner.
alisK'. atiil js In iwoM'ng. I had iwii
stormiest day lam week your presi­
qnite a while, bul the mb is shining
And Bakes tbs Jdiee to tbe ^rry
I':-i W.I I,HIM y.Hir play lniui.ra with WIiNi I n-ad wbal uir.- limes Ibe BuiiGertrude f>wrp.
.k-ViiB. )«il one of ihein. flew
dent received a little box In the man.
today and ll Is q>dlc warmlov..' .s..i,ie of Ibe SUDshiDc boy* bramt. have I itKuigbl I would like lu
We sliaJI hoi« tt> bear from yvi
tn It were sane orange bloxaoms from
Ou VHlNiliiK- d;i5 we b;*d u
glad V ben spring comes and flowers ronn. and learn-all about .the nfi
rur Its hniiBry ItlHe rotons to ealT
Ii,;l ill toy \;i[i|. but I,
b- oa,' of them tiirself. We ore gtosg
YVe had
vote (nr
Harold KciUe of Fbgartyvllle. Florida.
In Mnuom and thv I:
'tla! ha' ba:~ hear tto idllr
! g-iU'- llov.
Ftiilay IIk. 29lh. Tbw
Ob. how eweel those wee flowers
come hark and sing tJirlr sweet )>qngh
t>leee i. -The Bunbram'Ur''
Ciawn. Hlrh,
Koilhpotl. Hlo
toe iuat Uiut her cm sod
I ymi.pansles I pmssed laal
-That Isn’t tto be« to tto story by
L/-.uj>n'- I leanHMt It In Just a little'
March :i. 1907.
Mui. 22. IPI17.
drifted away.- m her mind, to that
all. and I sill send a two ccnl stamp Dear FrcsldCDt—
I gn,-« I
bad brtiar
I'ear Presidroi —
lovely land to flowers. The wlntl was
Tor another button, also one tor
I tboughi I would ttiltp you a Ir
l-i'.lhcr I,; wriiing to you
howling out of doors, and loaalng aloct
Youri. iruir
sister. Wo Itoh lost otirs. Paps
OenUenan Robin, to walks np aad
Fr.iivr yak* S
IJiies to IN you know that 1 am ».
liipoght I would *lp ih<- laaH*.
against the window |icic. but tbe
I'nrk- John an- putting np loc today and hope ibesc {■-« lines will find you
wieiM like In Jtoa the taiinslilae a«h
-wbtoc room sss fisgiimt «.r summer- I win send a piece to poetry I cor
I i.iiotiH lii't III Itav.-lo-aid 'yiiu i.i't-iL
Droased In orance Uwtop. and hlaek
■w J.iisnge It was ulaol <bo gold-, ,* the same.
My school
mate; Tom
uKil I-. w.niM my liiii,- .j.ier Mar')
time. Shr wlshea all of you Siiubcami
your pii-.-,-. AVbiii wa:; the name of 11 ?
posed myseir. so good-byc.
and brown.
l*m i yiui wifUib-r whst makes
Riley, w-uuls lu Jolu tin- Sunshine
Sin- 1-, seven yi-ara obi and i am u-u
could have bud a wbKTto tbo per
Bniith Maultou Mirb.
Ever your BunsbiOG frleart,
Ttoo«b hts eye is no proud aad I
I Jump?
Club. TVHl you please send him a
I go to eehwl almos' evvry day. nl
- Mar. «. 19n7.
Ulllan Sooloy.
step so dim.
H-rfim-tV Ferry. Msbo.
card nnd*utton: Send,It in my name. I have almul a mile and a
Dear Pn-sIdNil —
The pansies wore very pretty aud
He.can aHrays stoop to pidi up
Sle Is twelve yeaix old. He U lu ihe
Msr. 23. 1907.
qnnrirr in walk. I urn In ibo aeroud
Juat as your jxeskicnl wrote tinI will wrile you ;i /ew lines iTils
thank you for ibcm.

grade and ni> sIsUt U ui the first. If
word •■porfunw" the mall man dropvrninr iweiiie lliai I have uolhiiig
With a (brw of hli bead, aad a sir
reader, tfell.
I r.-wlvi-d my boittm aiifl card a
I flod this iNiiV in print I will wHk
some letters at her door, and
-Ise to do. You said ibiit you wsnlCil
aad a bop. .
cliisii fur tills I
long Uise ago but ahatBefally nemo.-t! next lime.
from Harolit Kettle! Ton shall Varjllnn time has come nl last
o kimiv HIT tUl|.- -Islet's nanie.
To Us Robin wife. In the peach-tree,
So good-bycun.-N-d 10 write, which I am very sor­
Y.'U! ifllle frlNi.i,
have It right away, bnl It Is
Our school and lessons now arc. pasi
' ,Vranc<-- flaritcys, .She Itop.
ry It. Male
I thank you very morA
that you con'l sex- the cunning picture Our acbool hn-jsu now will bo aloue.
I’lai.-ii-H- .iHdi-.'en
CWrpIna her bean out. to calls. “My
■•■r <>:. I'l-iion and Nicd and will hcra
Tom has Ills earil und ImiIioii b
of Alda Bciatrlcc Cooper that cu
Gain Boptember conics aloug.
.1) tii..-I Ih* UiiiJ lo bav<- III wall. u*i
i<- time.' 1 liu|N.' bi- wilt wilt.'- .1
•rm-l-.w tan udrlrxwaea lo which. If
wUh It.
sCbo..i In vtoniiy weatlirr. lon t
Ton don't uam your Itvlstl Come
letter some day .
'»"! wilt pb-uw- send B ballon an>l
In the woods am] gardens we now raF\<gnrtyvlllo, Hn
Ip school riery d»y ami my st.idie* ir have-trpriog come?
' here! Dome hero!
eard I will be very tbaakful to you.
Summit City. Mich.. IL F. D. 1
ore arllhnietir. e-ading. language, geoPrabody. Kansas. rilinoti Korraatin. Ji-atale Bwaimotl.
April 7. 1P07. ,
Ha! ha! to! Life Is lovtoy and'nroci
March :i. l;siT
Where -plentiful tbe lovely flower
fi:i|.h.Vpspi-l!in:: and penmanalilii. Well
But what srouJd'lt be If w«'d nattalnc
Dear President- *
WTIlj* ia-il.reclii, my brother rsraivod
I win ela«e for this tliue. so Kood-byv IVar rrckldr-ut—
I received yonr letter and was glad
buurm and card and IbanUpg
to cat?"
I thought I wi.iild wtii- ji few llnea
Wo love the green and. leafy trees.
Fmiu jo;ir ‘--ling Sta.lilnir.
lo. join ith- 8-rnshlne C'lul*.
I hear from you. You spoke about
•V ;y ru;>rti f..r It will anme day
to you ui) I bavt- net written lor a lo;
Amid which live the birds and bees.
Ksibor llurgeas
I’iNtse wri.l^r a rflr.l and bliUnti. 1
le a nlro tlitk Inim- to you There
nobtai. Sir Robin, say rod-vestnl the birds. I win tell y<»i about eotmtime. I go to srb(»->I evciy day. I li
1 .-111 \-ery Iii;:i 1, |.|p.vsiul u> put Hahy
In the 4xlb g;- '.- n* m-hool. M>
birds we Imve here. We have the pel­
sixiiwui ehililren al our acbool sad
my teacher very well. H<-r names
Fr.iiire-;- RStni- on ili>- fnidle Roll. I irarber's -'bsme is
MniM-lU litey i:re ul| vfnln- eblldten. too.
ican, It 1s a very large bird; it has u Vacallou Is Welcomed by all gtiis and
She is Iruiii Travel
-Now ytm have catno to ns.
know she i-, a Ilnle-Suntwam.
Rei.1 ris. please armd my litilo sistei li-plng tu rSN-Ixe aa abawer from you
long Mil with a sack under It. It will
CHy. My studies arc reading, aritlunetaalsltt
For they love the sminy vacation's
«oiiiU Manilou. Mlrfa. MaTian a card and laillon. loo. I have
tail around li^ tbe air over
lie. language and spelUng.
Tod Mrer dream to the woodere you
Mar. £2. 19U7.,
liocn ki-eplng Miss RpLen.' gold flsi.
unUI It aeea a Bah. then It will dive
Yiyur loTlnc Irknd
have tbret-e kittles, a dog, and Seven
Dear Prealdriit-d wtaihc.'. wa- todown and catch the flsb and put It They lote to act among the trees.
I'mma Csasle Lolbrscbl.
sheep. And I have some flowi-rs and
Maleoa that foDow tto flash of your:
1 hn>c iioti.iag elw oi do I .will I cold for ibom up; al x-hijol.
In lU aack. and when It gets its sack Amid the stmgs to birds and bees
1 sm glad that your two frtoatla •
of theme are In bloseom now.
- wins.


|Ptt.:r day 1
................................ ...
will go and eat them, theo
atir 1.. be Bunrdilnen.. also. Tbey
urn red and white and pink. I
Sow all tbe besntifni by-and-by
hack from t:;f-*i Ailmr, My pap.i U ;lfitiD and there was only one there.
catch some more. And if anybod' kills Ob. vacation time is tore!
in uad Ihe iNtora In your Herald.
o read the Suoslilnu letters In
AitKOd yon and after you seems to
woiking ever ilirre. He go; tn In- 'She locked all over for It and after can't they?
We long have loved our school rot
: caught be is fined t2:.
he Herald. Tbe wiow !► going fast
creti-e in IrL ;eu.inn. Hr uw-.i to get
lines to some to the other
bow. The birds arc coming back
w 8ttt CO. or eat «n. as pleasas your
birds: Tho Bshbaa-k. aen gull, white But DOW wc'll rest among tbe flowers again. I aiu so glad. It soon will be six doksis it m>'ii'li. Imt I ilniil knnw
nim-li Ir- gois now.
Through all vacation's sunny hours.
and blue berou. mareh ben.cori
I like tbe summer .Mhiot.
Wei tavc
esroed every monei
uskml my <|sii-i w-hul my litiU- slscurtew. kllldear. snipe, sandpiper,
than |he winter for it j» u cold. YVe
yen And.
e was. Hw name U Fraoecs
mocking bird, red wbistler. chuck-wllU- Although we loro -a,.
have lots to fan ai M-bool now on thr
“Ay! to! to! to!- wUsUes Robin
widow, Uaek bird, rod bird, blue bird,
ICT- I am hoping to see ibis letter In
•My dear.
hand and then blow it at >on
and butriier liini sad owl, Then- Is *ho
Print. 1 will have to toosc for il
Ut 08 all lake cssr own ebUce of
Is JIIM il. .tulet ;is .n- ran la- Well.
big owl. aad Ibe lit lie owl ralh'd
liuK-. ON I ran'i think uranyifaiug me
ffood toaer!I cmv. I will haw trt rl..Mtewvl
sererti-b out. The mulbei-rles ariil <-u
t«i wiitr. Ihwjd byo.
Lwey Larcom.
il«M. ll, ii'-^’i-r.ldriii
cumbers aud beans arc ripe now. We, your SonsUner,
Friday. April U. i«07.
Yn:ii »ui,.hlit-r.
bad string beans for dinner today.
Age IP.
iva Huiett.
New noBbera Blnliiff sine* last re
(loorge Hiiigcss.
Ob, yes, and new potatoes, too! There And when the boors to our ecboto
I shoold like lo see your pretty
Tour Utile sister must lie so cun­
boy hero sho wiys he wmild like
flowers that arc In Itlossoni. Are tbey
WUma One. Btt Rapids. Mich.
With friends and leaehcn wc meet ao geraniums?
to Join the Birathino Ctuh. l think
Ida THtBd. Sulfams Bay. Mich,

wJO make a good member. He .
TiaieistClly, .■Mi'i

ant Bammood. Travoras Oty, R.
tall you a lot of things about Florida Well then prepare for. ceir booic In
nr ».

that I eannel. _ Uis name Is Robert
PresWeat-.Claiuoec APdersoo. Korthp3rt.Klch.
Fognrty. lie Is'clerking at the Braid- And all the good thmgs that the Foth
Ihoughl I would
Mlldreil Wciittirook, Prsbodj. Kanp.aril. .uc pir' .<ii • i,i-t
er bax given.
rolowii drug store
1 am clerking
KUt a- I hnw- a niile um,'- now.
l.' ld al
'., |i--l
—Ulllan Seeley.
drug More ealled Thwnas' ITiarniTh* Ksto tftto Wmi'I C,
will trll you wbai I bare for pets,
MAMiracririEt) hr
Lanm aotason. Saltans toy. Mhm..
elevMitli .if Ma>
I an-l my. A few weeks ago aiioUirr hoy
Traveiae tTty. Mlrb have a <P>g and two nhTheir
R. F. D.
ntwwv ence ompany
and myecir went on a cniit-e. We went
March 19. I9-7
roll. Nellie :<nr| Ibinnle
Tnm Riley. Grawti. Mich. Name sent
TFCt'sispri, awai,. ti.s.A.
down the Manatee river nems Tain Dear P.-sldenllike th«-oi vi-ry m-jrh. I co lo school
by Raescli Roblnsun.
I thrtu:)il I
HtUe ymi .i fr-s
pa ba.. tn a.key i';iM<%d Anntuniia Key
It In isri a« well ax nsm*
every d;iy I ran
My l"!r lirr'B name
Mary Aaderson. N-^'tbport. Hlrh.
au.1 tlrej, «r,„
|.ougba]>- Key an-l lines lu let y-M. kl.uir lirtw I ,-ini g'*l
-. I'uil-r f III;r- hr-7 very m-ich
Name, sent by Onreace Andcrann.
rtnl.l two Bights on the p.If beach. Hug aleng. I Just <ani<- li-ra*- fr«mi
illl F3la H.vnimoilil. She Is one
Marion Westbrook. Peabody. Kan
a a nil beat seventeea feel i:r|>rr»T. and 1 llir>ugbl t woi.M write
MS. Name tont by MUdred West­
long; It mm a little sloop ’
I Ji.-irru't iniSsNl .1 dH!
: hox
on Fri.hiy
oontb In guii>g to iNioto I lilo Xly tiiuiuToa and I .'rv gtunc tr> ;f M'**
tew Bhclls. and had l.-y of fun. h--t
Rubert f\«arty. Focariy-villr. Flurl•aNicr vTty nterh Wi- li.-ivr- 1-u Jtodl-'- .-"IV •irl'IilTi'-lir. tpelliuc, g«-o
pot out e» protisions. so b
ds. Name ant l.y llanSd Kellie.
N-*. 7 inf, N-X. 9 ^uxfn.^lSNmH. Stay, to tir rad.
home, n lifts been v»ry dry thU wtn- of fun »' srlio-'l. Wp iw.t-d l-'i :?• oii tin graphy.
I like qiv ri-Hi.-.
| .have
Cllatnn Nennan. and Jonnle SwaoI plai al iwm B-H nr rau'
ler. but last Sunday night .-in.l Mondsy
l-ro'ber-. and "lie sls'or
ooa. Bonners Ferry, tdahn.
la esdd.Tenri the best, heaviest gsIvsB*
t h» . ...... ...
I . an't Ibluk'oi
lee rain and Jt will do lot:
aro tSay'oid aa-l tloward
oeot by RmiM Carrie Lelbrwit.
--------------------------- iy-cd wire that «4in be obtaiiwd.
of geed nitd save Ibteiraods
•I ttn’e. 1 hsvr H-ir- - l-'. r b»-l'
.l-tor-r nsrm- is Ina
I am two):.
NelUe Moore, tolber lYrklba. Cm
brrilhei. Mv .aster',, n.iine h yr.-TK "111 and niy broilier Cajlm-l .1
7 bar 29 iaefa HOG kocc, lo thr A.VTH0NV sUadard
Tbe tirange trees were IrviLlng
met lUedey. Fitrd
DogcAa. Gordon
bad. »wie to tbe trees are in blossom HftlllP. nnd my ».rof1tN's i-.i-w I- Hx yt-srw <d.i and lU'.‘dher hroili'-r 1ron sake sv
Linacy. Myrtle and Malk to Btauc.
I bare >est you Nnae or llio bbr-- EarJ Have yxui (pu any bniiliri> <>i ilirre yt«i> ol.l
Ha.vlntd will msm
Naobinway. Hlcb.
Names scot, by
is. I will «end yvii s picture to slklrisr I' ih qulie windy loojglll. We tr ochod ts-xl-fall. It will ,-,un b>:
CcrtrwJe Owen.
niece, .Alda Fooper, toe Is such a have -.1 d<« and liU name is Dae.
summer, and lt■..•n t will s,-n-l yvm
M. V. F. SmtMlns aub Cradle Ball.
-ct. cnlf baby. She calls me “Owl.- Is Mack with llltle apNs r.f l.mwo: some mayflowery. I will M-n-l th-m
Francca Birdlop Burpiwa. ayv two
Ibst 's as near as she can say Harold Well. I guess tbat will be all for this to smi. Good-bye.
yrara. Booth Ifanlton. Hleb. Name,
Siscetwly you IS.
lime. Good-bye,
toot by Sather BntseM.
Age l«.
Harold Kettle.
Dora Davis.
Arle.v Mtoyooald.
I will hr vrr.v happy Indeed lo re­
There tt a dear luue boy srbom
•s. I bavc 00c Iirotbcr ahd one a
Vera Vinton to Williamsburg, nail­
the mayfloweri .The.,
a:,roar praatdtot knows, a litUe Ut to a ed on .vmir pe-sldem this week. This .. .. l:nl tbey do no: live in Traverec
amoag tbe prettlcei that grow
boy. n« oM enooch to be a'suaahlner. It Ibe first lime she and Vera have Clty-now.
Traverse City, Mich
He tblafca that this world U a pretty ktad a visit face to face, nllbough they ,
Acme. Mich.. March 19. 19«r.
Mar. .‘lu, 15*07.
Wro place, aad to toieresUBs that to have talked to each other over, the
Drar President—
Dear President—
kpopt hli mamma aad papa aaawerso many times.
imes. Vera]
I tbongbl I would wvilb yoo a ft
,ft bxs been a long time' since I
Iny qaestloea alltbriime. Heaakaeo
on her way to rake a muile H*.; tinea 'eai
have ■-—
trai written ,U
in • . ..M*.'
hive WTltten
...... M to ;w...
yon. I.
Il is C-.-ll
many aad aaeh onrioos ones
She pUyn tbe idaao very pr«lt|y. ■
Mdiool every day land tope Isg.dng to tr.wa todur | go]
•umeUmea Ut patenu have to tanchi
have missed oaiy ose day this'to stoiool every da.v. Tam tn ibe tbinl'

MM tway r««t

*f m

I «n«y iHMr «• M*rr »
• *«' *nr te fc# • M»*r •» 1

i «m tfy to to tovM» MaM
M Hai «• totoyto^y w« to
totoy tMn« toli«
IT I toto toll In toytot • to
ttoto iMMto. I toll Thr, fcy

Cut Stone Woit

toto> euMU toTto tow—


Ftfto viM totodtirt ■ Mtoto BtoM


Travsfse Citv Ralirsad Co.

too*. .

Tbe tfhdt of Scoffs Emulsion <m
pale children ifi magicaJ.
It makes them plump, ro*y, actire, iu^.
It contAiDs Cod Liver Oil, HypophoBphitcB
and Gtycenne, to make fat, blo^ aiid bone, '
and so put together that it u easily digested
by little folk.

r. p. «.

:- ;The ANTBONY Woven Wire Fence




, •

' The Best on Earth ’

The GtNADIM West H

ji". Best WEST



Wm. Hoolihan Co.

Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils
■‘Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Rest."

Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Citizens Phone 99
Bell Phone 188


I eu alBOK «aub tbc Idc«d*p that
we rooBtnera aaed to •toon
Wbea wc ctood wUh drippiag pltdirr.
la tin earir nonilBg llgtit.
' Bodaig 40WB to pluata our facM
wbcf* tfe* dewdropa sparkM

Med aeiMntelr In mvery pa^sL doora to grow ^nU that may be
Drown and green weiw the color*
ready to set ran by Ibe Ume tbe
Old toolb brusbe* were need in apply­ ground Is warm nougta. tbat will
ing Ibe dye. which was kept very boL blooCD and ripen early. Send for seed


Tbe bil-or-mlas stripe was loocbcd .eaialOgucAlrmk over the seed box. de­
bere and tbere with tbe green whkb cide wbat must be ordered of both amt
brighteoed that up. Tbe colors
■end for them aa aooo aa posatble, and
into caiA other aomewbat. and
ibus be pi^rod to aaaisi nainra in

Suffered Four Months From the After-Effects
of the Grip-Relieved By Pe-ru-na.

brown was a little spotted^ But it her spring work when ber ereaUve
tbe rioba. ao:lal or literarr. to which looked so much better than before
forces shall have been freed from the
we hare ercr bolooged. tbla U tbe Ibe otiempt tbat we betted tbe
-bonds of Wtoirr, I'laa to plant flow»ery best, aod wc lalcttd lo coallouo naintng dye. applied )t cautiously,
era cTdrywhcre.
wc did not aish to wet It much, and
TbU .ldea can be carried oot not
dry again. And tbeo tbe neighFee Ibt "Betwsae" ACaceit.
mriy in tbe more thkkiy eetlled rom- bora pronoonccl It a grand hu
There ^ no ilnu- In Ihe whole yi»r
lides. but win be equally feasible and I eookl but agme with them. That
when tbnmiuUie* qiu^stlcni Is such a
lie cimnlry. whererer three or four
: loHt spring, and now the miors bc^lesB nttc a- in the few days be­
tenlel women an gel' together for
nraity as bright as when Atol a]* tween actnal slnic- end real spring.
iftcinoon once' in orery week or plied.It's rr-mv loo early to put on one's


O ibe fragraace •( tba lUaea la tbe

tttniBc A»m dajTA

A Country Achool •eelel.
Now that 1«>( u over, erery one going to do nlioii! it?
U ready for a good social time. Among pfayalclan says women
«^t hartobeertat bopc and praoi- tbo novel and
9w to real. Tbla la
iae to our looglog aoule tbey brlBR. which eburrh sucloliei are always
Sre tba .fialier flowen have opened
ail aloaf tba gardao waya!

Thtgrip Bora Ihu

■Tba Uttla cares that freued me


I lost them yeaterday

Amoag tbe lowing of tbe berda,

eseb wa* corrected



writer's your border and

Fannn boa beeoBs hBou Ia ra-


Wbai ar

it-al looked fairly welt as loug ai
A well-known wcsihi-r was cold xceffis'lo develop an
do uin
uiibuani of dugice ul slist btui-r*
wbat be syg- the first warm ilxy.

The nuumg of tbe trees.

• Among tbe elnglag of tbe blrda. '

The taummlag of the bees."

Amn4 If eilHr’t UWt


. PAR50NJ-.
Ill'S Asa
^wmn(5ton.d.c '
CaIatA Victima 8

lute a barrlar lo aba enirsace of dm
The heal precantino any ooe can have |
-ngainet the grip la U. 1« perfaeUy free
from catarrh.

Mtas« fferiWaff adtoc*

Femu A PmativA.

It hs* l.-nn noiimd that Ikao* wbw
take i’eninaituring the flr>l alageaal
iiirgripcmeraiiymaka a aora rnpM ..
and eorapleu rerovary.


In *11 ef the •fler-efferu of Ibe grip,
Catarrh bos anolber nnlnWard loPi-rnoa give* prompt relief. Tbl* hoe
flaenee to be noticed in eoanevtios wl
.been the eiprrirnee of sarh
tbe grip.
Bomiude nt people that Per
R0I.1. t_ HaduA.'A. if, f/inelyAl of
Vlcilmsof catarrh who have bad tl
! come to tie a fUndarfl remedy for tbeHjriollnwhee lllgha^
grip find I
» rhalrman of Hi
(be JarktoA Oounty
stage* have fwsped. In very weakened lea*'-*.
ef l-UInrotloti.
and deploralile .-nodi tmn*.
prevrnl the grip, (bn next l*Hit tlnng I* occoslonaJ veraeand htaeoolrlbatad 10
n*« IVruna to remove the afier-«(- anaBbaroflradinipaperaandinafra
leclscf theprip.
P'itrdi iherllgerilvecrgan* deranged;
A Safe, Reliable Senedy.
In speaking of reniBs.Mr. Madison
irc-DlaUonof Ibe blend feeble and
Rvendurmg (he aruie riaureoflhe rayr: "I *m hardly ever wjibnni PaTuna
Irrecnltr. All Ibeeesyinpinm* are pro­
in m.v
Ii i> ihc in<» IrffnrllvaBedle-*, by the grip, and
.'fliru'Pi that many llchiethni I hsve. ver inn'l for I* grippe.
e*peeially tn p.'opb .
. .
I people use nothing eleo.
“rrh previous to the grip,
g wifaol nasal cAlarTh."

A Hoft Effactif* lUtUm tot


AAcr-£ffecU of Grip.


rake*. No boiling is necessary.
Souffle—Heat the y.ilKs
-if |
appIlCAIion of raw linseed oil will
New and Oelkieut Ice*.
three eggs light, add three ronndlng
Its -'babir la good and. Its (ablesiKsmr of powdered sngir. end generally restore the e.olor. The oil
With (he pas!.lng »f 1>wL theie are
'should be left on the affcricd spot for hiniB of many pleasant Korial gather­
Tbe riaas In geography then
nt the bottom
aga>i until light. Have * hall
I line. Brery one was In this class.
can be bidden pound of dalcK stewed until lendei. |Ki-\eraI hnui-K or over night. Alenhol ing* In the air. Those win) are look­
The Aral gave a geographical
by planting sometblng else In front drrlucd. dtoned and each r-Jl Into rev j iwiforms the servire If .tppUeil at om-c ing fnr nomrihing .1 Utile out of the
d-wood or Iilgbly flnlahed m«hi>gg with A: the nest, cme begiu- In the hardy border it makes an ad­
pieces. Add to (he yolks and. Kii-l
In each Inatanee wlren the color llnd -onn- extv-lh-ni bloi* In Ih- ti)lBlng
h B:
a C; eic- mirable background against a fence.
dlso a hulf dozoD drops of h-nioii
riturnH the *pot Khonld
Asia. Boston. CallfomlA
If one
large number of plants of fesr
lowing n-H^
with a
of ybceBi-clolb,
mUaed. be took his seat, sad tbe al- kinds nsosHy rankes a licttcr effect
Vaiii'l* (e)-t‘reani In 1*11(1 Shell*.—
pbabm was gone over and over natll than a few of cseb nt a great
b„.i™< P.aji..r .11.1 „...l
i-wii"-I'm •wieiflalf idrit »ai-r. one inhle

New York III uisny*.-! itav

(bSMe of tboogfat sod aairDundlags

rMasaUon sod a complete "put up" In a aepanu paper package. lilies, lupines end a ^rore of medium- lahle*i*xin ol hult'T in the »me|ei pan
We traded *'cakc-bltes" in true ^Hd sited rmes. Low edging plants, either and melt It. then turn in tie- omelet
Aad yat from tbe vary natare of tbe raabloo.
annnai or pcrennla], e>,me right down and cook slnwl.v. >Vlieii firm on lop
A* It was rriday. we spoke pieces
OBM. aad beeanaa tbay bare so many
the edge of tbe lawn.
leopoasIfalUlita. Uey fad that they during tbe sflernoon seasloo.
dauioa. ptBSles. primulas' and lo*
oaaaot fritter away tba time. Tbere
flaga are uaed for this. S«-eci alyimum
Is ao rest tor them (b an aftenaoa
Is good. too. It baa a drligbUul habit
For Breakfast.
of aooaUed pteasare. when (he spring
of self-growiiig. ao that It may All all
There are few
nion- .wholeiuutie
•mrlas, or tba baakai pUtd high with
apace available.' eoveriag Urn breakfast ride .liKhe,. than fried eohi
Tbo teacher held the program and gronnil between
■andiQg. taonu op In the hackgioond
taller, more
mimh. U n little hw»-et milk h'-

of a laris- and .....................* ap:’m. with
hill nnd Kbunl-l-r ttraps in keep II

of tbo -Pictmv. a naU reminder of called for all lioldlnc a card n>iiDl>cr- 'klemmy ' pUma. Mwl good garden­ added til the water Infore srirriiig in
e. The (oqr one*'came forward, ers have a prcjudlec against bare soil.
tbe old aaylag that "he wbo dancoa
real II will improve Ihc niuthfor
and found that tbo program rrquirod They would almosJ harbor a
■oBl iny tba piper."
weed frying. The murii lo be uaed lor
A Mead
Home Cheer teUs bow that oarb one of the group Khnuld re rather than an unprodircUve square lireshfaM should be Uiadr the evening
ooe gtoap of basy aromea has aolred -Itc a tcleellon from "Mother Goose.'
the border,
praetkpt «p wM-aa pleasant way.
Thw are all beasekteiwre and borne-

.vftorBB/a. IfcelmgtcUcgchontrforthebenetatter mtipg h
ne u-cck. .
••lilt cspeciafrygwaffM toningap rh>
an lay nppetlie. I iberetora /eel *
Iff to complete restoraftoo.
My num
of h>r Veteran Cavalry la a four year*' war, may accept IbU Wolnntary teeUBionlallolbeBmu of Pernca aa a oeiue tMoUlgatlOA ea By
|iart for It* wonrlerful rUlea'-y,"—IV. II, rar*onr.

A* a preventive of grip, IVruos ho*
done a great deal e( good iq ipe world
by Its heseOclal effect npoo tha^BUCoa*


tbs pioWem tbit, winter in a moat

gyapraotx of the grip
wfrA which /
heed affNcfcA tor towr mtomlAt


all were •'spelled down." The Icttera klnda, aaya tbe cdiior of the Garden
quick iiveii for nluMit HU ml.nilt-.v;
--------- —
Ibe women wbo read Home Cheer. U. X and Z were omiltod.
sene with .. hot «.«ee,
Hodaehcld Apron.
Till* dosed the morning scaalon.
Had. almoet wllbeut gzoeptiaii. boiy.
In from r»f these very rail ptania'
Bo ad UiiM-IC—S'ak oije c'lp ef
Here ii-a'fud " to uli'ulen the many
asatal llvis. Tbelr days are Ailed and each pupil then "ate hls dinner." shiKild entnc tbe larkspiirs. foxgloves,
ate bread rrnmi's In •>■••- ■ uti et h'-l r.rsit Ki--ps ■ ( bouserlranlng
from meralag aatil bight wlib duUoa Tbe committee provided aandnicbca. and other*, that grow lo a height nf| milk! add hull a enp ■■( gra'i-'l eheei--'.
•bleb canaot be neglected. They are tight and dark cake. oraugc.<, and
In from of these!
pmall egg* well t>eatrn, n idnch ol tme of the piM-r nuuptf-u- oipfltK-f<ir
ibe rery ones arbo moat need occa>- banana*.
Bach "cblld'e" lundi was
bleeding heart day:
and a dnsi of pepiter Pul a level bouseeleanliig wbirli ba-i tv'cn seen In-

W. II. 1-are-iD* I* Kx-ntaMMenstorand Kx-Spwial Judge of Uia Bsprwme
Conn of Texas, and wa* alee Brlcadler-OenerwIlAOcaledaraM Army. In a
a proBlnant gsnUelettarframf»H*treet.N. W., Warblncien, O. C.,
man *ay»:

is^rh of the
bead, throat, nr-o- or long*
mere liabla to eslcb tbl grip tthan ether
Tlieraaann tor tbl* ia4h»t the
Bembraneaot the hesd^^M**, lbrn*t
lung* are Injored l>y (be esisrrb and
the germ* wh:eh rauee the grip flod
ea.<y eoirsnee Into the rytl-m.
It 1* a well e.uMl.hed fact that per-

rigbt-hand neighbor. Each one whose frienUa. Tbe planu arc >u bard<
correct was given a tiny ragive them an anxious

ward-or-mcrlt csrd.

r ^■1



spring flitciy. « v. n If the new koH Is
rrsily In w<-ar. npd the winter suV


• Among tbe bcMfe aboae tbe sea.

Ajcaong ibe wladt at play:



nu-dm, AcrroBs, bloodlM*

Thcrrforc. It's up lo tbe woman wh-»
Malrtag eracr breeaa a bearer of tbe ■seeking. i» tbe followliig. lakco from
"If tired. He down on your eoueb views her winter suit wllh score :inO
anaaaga of tbe Spriog!
Tbe Cbrisilan UnJearor World.
with feel a( Ibe head of tlic conch.
bates berself because she has lu wear
It was annoBoced that a country tbuB icttlDg the blood nourish
ll. lo do some repairs
Ilow tbe aowiaer farabouae cbambers school wrold opon at a eeriain Ume spine Instead of flowing down to
ll Is surpris^g to sec bow miieb Itnpeed to awlai wllta edora rare,
Only children ander feet How are women taugbl
prntrd a well worn Karmrmi will be by
3U wa eat great bowla of lilacs «o tbe twelve yr.vr* of age would !« admlurri shv7)T On fealber Ireds, high plllnws.
fnw t()-jrbes Judiciously applied.
vaaielB eaerTwbcrc:
which meant that the young Udlci: knees drawn np. and head so
First Uke your old suit and hrusb ll
Hott tba maty parlor awceleaed. till ■iboald wear tbelr balr as' Hide girls that the Inara have u-> n«ri) i« do
wHl. Xot a few little dal-s wllh a roft
It eawUed of far Catbar.
do. and be aaic to wear apron and Ibelr work? Instead nkcp on a gaod.
elnUieii liniBh. but a good brisk brashWttb tbe great caacadea of
flat matlress.loe pHIpw, If .-my. end at
wlth a Kllff whisk broom. Don't
poartng aU tbelr boarta sway!
planks iwstlng on boics rmm tbe flnt flat on the hark, arni* dm
•( l^. pay panletilar atl.-titlim to
grocery store -were need for benefaea.
tbe side. Then relax all miiKck* aod the imam*, the under i.ide «>f Hie skirl
PtbCioaa gin to God'a dear cooBtrj are
a. m.~ tbe teacher rnng a lit Uke full, deep brentha. Leave the
bcni. the cuff* aoj the Wllunbnie*.
' tbe etudr lilae-tKca.
tie eall'bcll, aod scboul oponed with a dnwa open.
After fllllng the h
Wlh the dii-*l 001. fiirtbcr damages
Omrlac eld. aod gaarled aad twiatod. •OOfc
writh fresh air the head will feel s
in be examined.- If the skirt Is worn
..libs a ^ditre’a wriau
Tbe "spelllog class" was then called. tie Ugbt from nxygva received,
around tbe bottom turn it up a trifle
The teacher prooonnred the fnllowlog yoij win soon lie ao sleepy 'yrni wHI
ore and |mt cm ficrii braid.
Oroartog old. hot grewlbg aareeter. cr- Hal of words, which were apellrd oral­
ireely have lime lo lura on you
Eveu If ll Is ■ mil'' sborlrr It's all
*Tf awaaoB that Ood glrea, |
ly backward.
Anyone missing b
Bide-before paralng Iniu dn-amland.
le more stylish tbcwo days,
like a bean ao aet to lerlag that It word was sent “lo Ibe fool."
Anyway. Ibis Is worth trying.
■ here's a Kallsfarilnn In a frc.bly
anOowt wblle U Urea.
l•uu^d skirt that is ultnoKl equal U> the
—Janea Boekban.
To Frashen Cut BramL
ph-asure of wenriiig a new tmc.
Brwiid that has been cut In slh-es
and becruiie alalr may l>e freahened
For the Table.
by laylnk the sllcr« It^cllier and
Coni rnddlnc^-Oiiehair cf 0 lante
1 damp napkin around them
»n of coni runililtiett with «uie plot
it will be observed that each word Ibe napkin In a paper bag and place
1 B.llk.,-two Cih|e,p»>infiiU
fpelts anttibey prononncable word tbe bag In a bot oven for firieen
Iwvi well iMwtrti egcM anil a guml :aiiKwhen spelled backward.
itiig trf sail and pcji|i-r will nl-.e
' Tba chndi of gray eognlt tbe day.
The riass In reading (bee proceeded
toaty euta pudding; the o\cii kUo-iM
-AAd oewwfetin tbe towa.
to recite llKdr lesson, page Dlnetesn.
To be Juki perfect, baking powder
bo moderate.
each one nalag a different reader or UacuH ataonld begiB to riae the nilnote
Coffee Giistanl-All-.w a rich iKdl-vl
MB Is In Uc oven.
eiisianl li> cool uiilil h mile more than
Only ten were snppoeed to be In tba
then beat into it a pint of
K IMI lalBlPf ralD le bm.
Brat-reader class, boi all spelled.
clear, black eoffee. IMiip until thick
Bat ielda of elerer bkmn.
wub leUnee Improves a salad, giving
Wben these
were seatod,
and creamy. DH gtasM-s with the niixteacher's pet’ passed tbe slips of pa­
piquant flavor. Dili of tonic qoala Mvonfiil of cream on c;irli
May flBd a bed aad itwiB.
per numbered one. two. three.
In tho Ice iiutil vi-:>The teacher called number one.wbo
■me. and was given chalk to draw on
Aome Hardy Peretmlala.
•Iftisy" aiorqlnle Killing ami
A Ag for bln w
Ibe bUekboard an '■imlmar' whose
Frcwiing-MIx well logether
it latt talalag rata to an,
him. Tbe real Cu] plant ll blooms prtrfusely Ifarnughof cnuferllntirr'a snx-ir, eiir qnart~i ’
It'a^ialDlBg rMeta.
August and SeptemlK-r. ll multi­
gneesed what It could be. and
cup of hitler clmccdair* giiiir.I. nd-I
tbelr goes* 00 a slip.
plies remarkably. You are able
enniich iMVlJliig water lu make of 111'-.
divide II after tbe flrat year, Inereaiic desired eonslhlency. and sprea.I on the
The papers were esrhanged


■se in Uw vocld lenres tba^stem ii

Grnnp two sang a patriotic sclec great many wwdllngs of forgr'-me not?
and pansies and poke
Group three rradered Jack Sprat. wherever there 1* a gap.
Tbe Arst
■;irh one of tbo four redtlng two
sow Shirley poppy

Care of Furniture Woods.
ood* ^
These rrqoire. a daily 1 ;hl dgriln

> aupplemefix the wt-ekly ru^nc. A
makers is (be tnicaL,*^** **
rule the use of oily
lofallves I
word, aad bare no Uas to aastc. yet wv>rdK only.."
and itnnta aeeds bnmdrast among tbe
bare felt the oeresally of giriMiig oiil
Special and amusing tasks will read­
1 b" depireaied. linlcas applied by
which are. very properly,
tireless arm and lIvroxisHy nil.le l
of tbe tat of dally nmtlBo andoflrrsb- ily Buggrst tbemaelves to those plan- planted far apart trt give them room to
enlag tbelr mlnda by oOBlng la een-. Blag tnefa an eDlertalDnieot, many exptad. and tbla them out when tbej In aad Ihqrcafter the pi™-.- rd furnlkept In perfeei pobrii l.y u dally
tael with tbe rlewe ot others. Tbelr amnslag local biu being possible la
plan U laM in tbe words of our correamtodrnt as fDIkiwa:
“Early |a the wlnlsr tbiecor four of

Coloring a Carpet.
A woman «'ho combines <
na decided tbat wa would meet rrwiih ingenuity tells In aI firm
•17 Tbaraday altbmoocu bringing our
sewing, meodlag. or any piece of work,. Journal how she hat. breugtal good
- from seemlnff evil, and made a good.
ao matter bow bumble or
pUce. vbleh heeded I0 be done. We• earywl from one which was only

Plan fee Aummer Beauty,
ts'miite lime to he looking 1
T-sced coUerUons and planolac
I plant lo Wiilify the home
cr. no mailer
place tbe cooing
bow humble It may b —tnde<-d. tbe
more boBble and plain
need of eBbowvring It wttb flower*.


plot nf

milk, ndd in It four egg*. Iieniea with
one eiipiul oml ■ half <d sugar Stir
eon*lnntly over h<d water until it
foniiv a rieti euKtaef; strain, and aet
■nride lo CS..I. IHsmilvc two tableK|ss«rul- of isir-oa in one half of «cnpliil nf Uiilncl waier and boll (or ■

looiu'uii. I'hiit thin and odd tn the
apmmfnl wignr. two labl.-;.p.i«nfuls cold eusiard with one taldeapoonful
huii-r, nie-liBlf i>».|*Hn>ruI salt ovt-r of vaniln aod oni- pint of ereoB. Shred
■ he (I1V
w-ariii, Wb.-n l.iMter melt* -Miffb-b-Di rllron In measure ooe-balf
add riir fliHir and stir lo Mie-.ili

imMc. ■d B Mi|rfnl: sieani inicvhalt of a cupful
lelore le flre.aii't k>(.- until.the past- .-I .-eeJed latKlnx and one-quarter of a
Irares th*- rid'-s-u-f 1|m- |)an ond rolls rupful of KUliana* nnril plump and len­
liroiiiid Uie spoon; r*nnoi-- froni file; der, Munch and rot fine two dozes ai-

friiir t =c., idM- si » Hill'-, and heal iiHHidiv. lull tbcoce. odd Juat eamib
Highly atiri •i.ich .sddilioti.
The fruP .j'ilec: to. and tot Ftai.4
■ hhosld lio« bold ir. rii.'il*) when for OU bcMir, p.uir the ralced c ream
pe.1 l.y .i--.'---;l»s*mi)ldlK
lb- fncrei and frreie noth I

flrm'l> in plure. tii.nlr ol blurk alp*-.-i.

fonnlngj, ,|,p.k mii-h Open, and work In the.
fasleniri togvllrer cclih hwiitu)
-h iop»,f„„
ciiial) fterritig tn M-ivlng,
toi)h))l<- In the tiark
Arp.-.-, ihc- Ir.T-.ari
with egg; »Mke In, a q-il-k oien nnrii
wlrii wjiipped rrenn. and holly.
tom a long p)K-ker i* -siiich'-t wiihjiK
e light and pnffj; a
Nui Ire Cretin—Cook ooe pound of
thr-*' n»B* nf red •cpjiim,.ln wbfel)' ,n|i|)))e
Kogiir.'jii-.l tnoiKpiiH wPb water. In
euii l«- cirtV-d clM.-l ' cloth,. «hi-l;it)o!- lu top titi-l fill w-clh fi.i II c ream
jxbe "crarked'' -tag''. Add ooedmif
Urcinm !in'it\Kvitibbiiig hruvli. aVtu'or xhlppwl eeam and fruit,
I mmnd of bUnebed almonds or walnuts
this .noth-f p-rk.t i. Mi-rh-l of hk'.-j oaniw- Shetle-t-To 1t,1;
•"■•ifh’-j ipic-rii.ii.ily PC '-<1 in 11)0 oven! to
diWciiKloiii. cll-.ilk-d ictu .three comihe J.ilre
on) -sIj. |ii,„ syrup aixl I-) lb-m (•oH up onre
it lioH;, the i--yr-.
I add a ...
.. ................. . .
-CKip. k:.|-.I)o .-iKctuoi- .kin , l-Ii-hleg!„,,|.,
H. then pound ilia
n-ltdc and p-.o'UrsT and a re-epiarl-‘„„
ui.jh-n «raln|„„,„
.r c-r-utn. Boat 'h''
(or ihe«ol-r.ip. mud zh.v.-s, tOTCKSsr}
_ :[ -...... -............................... —rvhii.inlo 'be ! j„jkg j,, ,
vHb a ptnt'of mKk.
Willie Kwecid)
.r n-an„,5 silver. ~
Tl)-,y;,,.. .^d foil, -upfuly ol angar 1I___
„„ , u) .a double- Iwdlrr
Wuiuly of i hi. apiuii
>11111 1i ' IJiat
that wli«-H
wlxm liol
not l,,,...,,,,. In , ....... of.irater erhon .......... ....
........ '>t ■
when j
o,l-k .:o.«gh In eua| Ihe »pOf*.
in 1180 It b-ecuue, a ready ;.nd handy. ,h.,mu2l.Iy
Ill-d. i*tui In I*'" qoaru garcu wiH. vaniiU
Hmnove Trooi tho
plaee.for alltoh- iiten.-ils r.(,-n haog-.„, niilk and freci*e
ifirt- and ndd »t to tip- pounded nuit. .
I c;«dd. then itfrajn mud •

ihoreiich pp.tcc-Kon acaiosl damp orl Biluuiec add OB' tvalf a pint of
j biniin Jiihc- '*U)-.4ii»lf c-Mp ol * J.O|ip«-1
) artk-l-U
;ytrr:*'nrd gliigc-r. au'l nn-Jialf
Ihe to-ti-h and am j.h-t.Klng to the
pc .Jed In .-1-ainnc
Wat -more 'u'-.-jnE-' Kvo'ip
Strain and when cold
Hvivc fnrn.'urr- ^il'>•tH I*.kept
(uj fad r’.-ttd any t long hi»;!»ekcerrr
long A* iHjsvilde wllli'riit the apd-Mre then on- ol thiT»- 'bouisiShc.H Ir. -if.i-rntm hr fill-d
plleatltin tif-sueli tvstoreiiv'-*.
l•nl'.tl l*Kk.-«K-tamkiHB made td
tVnod which has bo'n floudl-'i wl'h
IrcnoB <ib»Us—aud earh lopped
shellae or varnish, wbelher lo gbrs.-.,
To C'tait Curiilni.
mih'.a -n-p of -ryMaTllze.] l-rn'm.
dull finish. Khonld never m-rP-anK-H
enb n.a.l.av but led,'..-net, ,
• s .pert)-.- addis-u to a ii-a
tnt'hlng. the oil K errinin
form a
St sooner nr luiei which Is grea-y

Plum Pudding l.v Cream-For plum
pmldlng ire cream, scald a

r-p'arh- f..r ear|i

S-tv- In fancy

fee r*tram «-n (5ur|/rise—-T^la is a
vai-i'iy >if rmit.i Dot often twed. •nd'
tl, ct,,. .,B)iii'iai-d very toevrb *if ■ Kurpro-. Mold 'h- Ire rrnom In • pyra­
mid li' lure ll dlreri from the fn*-*rr,
«y*< ratr liK .l.«pe Ju»t bcVervlus lime makr a m'ringtm
l|H- irl.lti-. ..f thiee egg* and

(abl-s|*v.»-- >d Hugar. Torn
he erram on * thin roainl atraet
X.diii.glutm —ir'.iin- -*n
’ I t<u. plj'in ■
■mi- .aki- OB the seryiAg Ubhr.
with eeed of cllmhlng. runntog via^s
I oily *ub«ancci nnd In doing :•
all o.rr with iBerlDfWe. Do
I; rilc oil rrm of thU WOX'-I. rilh-d. “t
I’loeai.til- Ko.pp. --I'-.-l and r.
for oar aoauwbat small room*. WeiUos ooB carpel, altbougb good was that win with a little rare soon con­
inuotli it.. Hace Lb* fliab 00 *
do not call It a dub aad have no eon-1 lecy much faded, except a coniet ceal even rougb oolHoes with a wealth shellaced anrface. thus lirlnglns des
■ j large Julry ptnrapnle into small pierev.
of foliage and kdoesoms. rta« vinca fruetloo.
sprinkle three rnp. of sugar over H.
fi. P‘*v* "f
and |drt If to A qnlr*
aUlnUce; nilas or by-lswa. The hours Work stripe of rad and black 1
do brown siigintr.
Are j my wU's cod to Know wbat to do with also about tbe outbuildings and every
olt restorer for any reaarm RitlM-. them blue tb-ilu or dip In weak
-r ov'-r night,
of maatlag are from
that carpel, t felt that with newly unalgbilr object, and In bed< or rows. seems necessary. r*w lin*«ri oil lo t-a or coffee water If u .lightly yvllow 1 jy„,„
o'riock and aa^ one Is free
h- jo'-e arid prew the pulp
made It a aelgbborbood affair. Inclod-- for the nihbish heap She imitk:
n going lo lell you of rav
lag Jaat enoagh lo form a coagenlal
I) eolorink a rag carpet. My
crowd, which wool* not be too Urge

Tbe boase should be planted all abo^

eapertally prepared for them equal part* applied to a piece of
at any tima wMbla tbat limit, and go papered walls, clean woodwork and
wbaevrr aba taeU that she mast. windows. Ibe carpel as it was would grow »ome of the muie l«.ullfnl flow- cheeeeeloth will ba found B>Mt often
constant eyesore. When one of era to delight the eye. not only where qf service For carved portion*
Tlw aaartag macUiM la at the disposal
ef wbaarar visbaa to uaa It. Beat of my nelghbora came to aad said. “Why they grow, but else to cut for indoor require dally attending toft liruKhci
enjoyment In vaaca and bowla. on tbe
used (or cleaning silver
aa there are no retraabmaeia. and tba not try coloring M on Urn floor
bejtesa la aceordinily as troe from ex­ tell yea It was like apidying oU to dining table, and a stand or sbeU tn will be rotmd to be the best agentbrush oui the wnamor
tra work and tasponilblHty as are the troubled waters. Forthwith Ibe car­ tbe living room.
jCrie the chMdren each a Hlile flow­
pel was hong on a strong wire line,
a dry brush and use
btbera. Bomatlmas aaly tour
are aUa la ba praaent. bat there la high In tbe air, aad beaten nnUI ev­ er-bed to be eared for entirely atac second for the real cleaning. This
PDch a Ad^tfal fraadOB and infonn- ery parilde of duet was raawvod. aa by each sBali Individual, aod ibrir de- may la- dipped lo lurpenlioe
atlty abaot the gatbariags. aod an i eoasider that an Item cf grant Im­ Ught and pride In tbelr arork and flow- wilbooi fear of seratchlng the flnlab
MOh weak u aoeampllabad. with Ht- portance 10 begin arlth.

Then It wa*

t Ik ctesi.rrcl.
fv> not Iron thr rurtain*. hut instead ' the J’liirn up a broad h-m '■.|) atfl hoioim j.-oioti, ’
Id run Into ca-h an uni-slnied rur-|p{a|

i« 1,

from ten hi

niKdmt TonoBl-BIsrciliTortootmay
; made, arreirding Uc the foilowlai;

.is pole 'the widlh of the material. 1 firii«ii lu )ii— iIh ii B' It stand unlJI rertj-: In a warmed bowl. BtoodlnA
fitredrb Ihe riinain tim'vtlh. spnnki-. * rea.dy lo -'."n- ,1’ .h'-Jld ««• be left
waier beat tc> a eream
Ip In
B'liin- convecleDl: to "•ijifid or.-r on- hc.'ir or' It will tbe yolks of six vqB;* wttb oDC-balf
place and let dry.
jfrerie ton wdid,
.rip of aognr. adding gradually any
A* the weight ol th-pole keeps the I
Plpeapple |c- Cream -..Uow cme flavor prafenvri. Fold In one plot of
curtain ttralght. tber- trill be ao need ' quart of en-am to one large pineapple, whipped erram. awiwtcDecl with CB»of an Irrm except tn prvsa out tbe! Parr the pineapple aad chop. H fln». halfeopnfnngsr: till tbe mixture toto-

ra will know no bounds.
' the wood.
hem* when dry. If >l happen* iboi
The garden should be jdanned now
Where while spoia appear 00 pi - there be spots on tbe moeltn that bare
- Ue or no cmudous dtori. Ibat It Boat emooUily tacked down, and the coiorI dried fDootb aprinkle and press
We naed
dyes. alao. and seed* of some vnrleUes e( irhed auiA^ from the dron>lh«
be a AlNag taaaoa vMcb win keep
t with tbe tree.
avoMABAf. Wa All M that of all o^ttlng tbanse of tbkpovter tbAt U boib flowurt aofl vegetablea aow* is- Hqaon aP Mb heat, tbq liatnetlla

r^Tyy-auPtfJK-= r'-.rTr':w»re.---

71II-.V ' to ewiracd all
.a-'d t-, IH* •t))' Jn'ire of one
large oianve* nail .cme

Cover with sugar and allow |i to stand Btnall paper cnaes. dnst with pow4e^
threw boar*. Th«-o pres* Ibrotigh a ed iBacmroons and place In a fre*aer.
sieve. sUt into the cream and best,
tiw layera.
tbeo pour tato the freoer and freeze. Pack In leeni 1 salt for aeranl kouia.



Pages 7 to 12



OmcW or SioMivioon.
I Mon of tbo cly couDdl and board of
lYom MoadAT'o Bocort.
public va-k» fpsardtoK tbo kind of
With Sto sew noDbera to tbelr
pavotooni to be laid nn Wi
NmoA Ihe boud or oDperrlaon ib« ftreei. Mesarji. J. W. nannrn, ». SaxtUt tftenoon. to «p«ctol oentoB. W.
and PatRbfo addressed ibc bnari
W. Dmd betoc reetectniobairmu.his
irdtas this matter yesiertlay. •aficr
<ifSeo boMfot tbroa^oul th* vnr
whleb Supervisor U K. Cleveland of
Tbo MV Bombon «r^;
the Fifth ward presented a tesoludoo
Btiph Htekt. Fire Ukc; nolry
leavta* ^ matter of pavins to tbe
IUomO. (torS^; B. B. Choapion. matoHtj-y other propertp bedden and
Orut: JohB Andotoos. Q>Ma Lskr;
lettlBc tbWr choice be the choice of
C. B. Durea. Loos L^e; Kouulb the boardl This was amended to tbe
Stttoo. WUtovAtor.
effect thaf the board abided tbe de­
Tbo stoUrr of povlog W<
cision of the city coimrll and board of
ttroet took op a good tbaio or tbo imblle works, it »aa adopted allh
maata betas »■ attmdaneo and tpeak>
toe at toastb on tbe nerlu of tbelr mtinlcailon to the board this momlna
regardlnc another site for tbe county
pavaMHBts. Tbe eountr ovo*
foot frontase and tbelr choice! poor boose,
v-m prohabir bare a natoHal vcisbt land with buildlnes twenty ro«Ls south
of the Fere Marquette crossios
In tbo Inal doelaloo.
It via noTod and carried that tbe CarSeld avenue, and Is willing
that for the pfesent property
< hair appolBt tbe naadtas coBinJ
by the county. The
cation presenled by Mr.
re«ardins *t S o'clock.
Inc a like trade was referred

(aitaa froB aduporrlaor Cbartoa B.
Dve aMSrtbtof tbe mauer. aUll fterii.
of cootaiioaa c
'err froah. to tbe talnda of t
>e eommiiiee on flnanee. ways and
tneabora. Mr. Dra'a proposUion
tbe fora at a trade. Re ovna a par- leans to report on at tbelr leisure.
Bids from the three local ban
eel or toad «i loath Union ctreet
known ai loti 4. It, 19 of Sieel and ere recHved for the cbnniy's de­
Epenoerv addition. It coaprlies about posits. Both the First National and
an sen and a larpe bouse and bam State banka offered m per een
dally balances and C per cent
are Mtnaied there. The pmpertr
loans. The People's Savinas bank
Ibcuabered wlib a 11400 nonsase
C per CML the 'toteiest nnpald ilaoe offered Ue name for tbe daily bal­
AuiraoL 190C. and Ur. Ore ralaes It ances and fits per emt for loans,
«i 14(09. He U wllUns to trade It for finance, ways and means committee
prepare the nc
I he tosoont eom^ -poor bouae proper-1
t> and tbe tvcni'r acrei of land i«ir- sary two-jrar con tract and bond
chasot gone time ar> in Grant town- the People's Sarliips bank lo'V ap­
chip for the psrpon at eiecUnc inilahie Mldtafi thereon. Mr. 0}e could
P. A. Myers of Charh
board lhi:t tnortilop na the mat
aaiT psper* were made out. Tbe com1 oouniy alias. His eomrany in­
numleaUen wu recclnd and placed tends to make an atlas of tbe eoanty.
showlnit piece* of land described In
I fron snea and tbe county with the owners' names,
Or. T. fL Stsra detot rate*
location of boose*. Wr. Tliere it a
at the oonntr* Nek atc.. -vM received quantity of land ansesaod as "un­
and piMM SB flic..
known- and Ur. M)-era .stated that
Fhto Tnoadaya Recordhad made nrrwneemenls with an
Hie hoard of Mperrieors have d<>- abstiwet offlre to have (hem traced as
dded that they win abide by the deci- tor as posalble. The stale lands, home-

stead lands and. In fact, every minor
point will be carefullycniended to. Hei
will also furnish each ’tupervlsnr a:
plat of his own townahlp that may
carried about with him. On moli<
tbe purcbaac of twenty-two of tbeae
was autborired for use of the codutj-'s
Ofsclall. provided that the book Is
Inst as Mr. M.vcrs bas rdtree
It win be.

fertne to ^ over the other room
fists and the eoiriaors and bails for
filCu, njakin* a total of tt:-9. It
placed on flic.

the piiblk:~pr1nilna .d the county, and
all matter* |>eiieinlng thereto.
Roads aud HridKf.*—Slit--', Ander­
son. Tertman. wIiom- rtiiti.-K it sliaU b-to mport upon all matters pertaii
to roads and hridg'-s that may c
befoie this board.
FYtim Wednesday's Record.
The hiard of supervisors have I
busy all day but their work has
taken lip much si*o- cm the minute*
as (he'aRjemoon and a portion of iKforenoop s-KSlc.n was given over
r-ommlit,-.' wurk. TIio commltiee
-lalms and urcouui.s has be>-n at work
ai day and are makine a big he
he bunilli- of blllH acBlnsi th<- rouniy
which will mount ini i> larsc- numle-rs
before ibey an- flnlshid. One «
mlitee look.-d up tbe Dye property
South Vnion t.tre<-i that 1* I,-lug c
hidcred for :i |>ncir house sltr; another!
t-onferred with tbe Grau<] Tn.v--n-e
bcwpital mauagomcDt wiibVs”>i
cooiraet forcariug for tbe coun
ciimaginiis -luH-aei-* and a thinl
iookcM] luio til-- matii-r of county print

Assortol ral e
Hortu-ith's Clgnr* to Smoke.
D»rsi« tb<- uabquct. Stevan'f eight
~-»er «mii«ui^t» Iiudipiec- ..tcl.,-,Ta idayrd a vety weU
•• ejr]K-nse for.plumblug; reeclK-il i.tuutem -a-tirU wga u fol
and hxiiiri'S. Tlie-ruof Is alao to l>.•ld I !-■«»: ,

Lectnnr. Jqg Kin
AdTucata, Amasa Brown. •
Warden. Uicltocl Ooonelly;
Inride Guard. Allie Send.
Outside Guard. AlC* Vogl.
nuntulttec: •~Hip
V Mangan. Earl ioyce Herbert ItoabA
Hsr Scabcld. Mathew Rr*«L;
Sick commltUv:-E. N. Ubbto, » J.
H,«etL J. C. Quigley. John BCaky.

Knighu of ecUmbus.
lung PLil fiuiug n-reoKKile*
Grand Trave:.v- Council No. Iri3
KnlKM-- of Cuiunibus wa« installed
Sinutoy with -.ixty men
(In.crcmerro,F.W.Hitocr.,%^ _,^ Hac-lmantal. L. >
Am--rica Forever Ifaniaslal Tubanl
membr-rs. 'Ilte work was i-erf/inned to
the Elks Hub rooms which were
Tulip* and l-atj=ivs iRowvT SoOg,. P-rkett, W. P. N-vdbam.
thrown -Hw-n '-i ih- knights for the Oeone-.i.
. Mew; Con
d.iy. the Uanim-Y tcaiu doi^g tbe
The Darkies Jui.iW.
j Tbiir,day s itc^rd.
fc-<-ik of th«- Bi-i and >-cnii<] degree
During file it-cdertog t< the Ameri­
and the fto. C.i> i.-abi domg Ibe third; can Fantasia, fn-qutnt.bursts.uf ai- .
1.1 lb-- t'->iii:i-gai,.>i.3l rbUTCh
I plauso were cioked from tbe listeners/,
MuT-le City, arTji«-.l in the city tfr :
tbo banquet, the frfilowtng
Tbe dlBrn-nl. delegations begat
--- w.r and took up his n-aldqace at 1004
tron,:t;o«™m .a. tiv..., ,o»»6 F Wm;,,.oa.,n.«.
AliB,n«. .Ill
Bay City, a dozen or more from Grand:
tbe Manistee council acting a*:^,,
..rgunlring a tVtogrugatkmaJ
Rapids ajid about the same numberThe speeches were allon tb.-.’^sl -i.!.fit*, Peimkey, The UanlsiM drie-i‘oieresting and to the point, dealing'.
gatloa. ir.u strong, came on a special|torgcly with fraternal mailers and it
yesii-rday moniing. being w-cl--; *-ai after midnight before ' Ainertcn":•
corned by tbe local camll.toles.
|w as.ungand the-knlghta 1. ft for tbelr.
^ ’ , ' ' , ' 'f

The fdllowins coniniltleea have
been named:
Finance. Waya and Means—Darrow,
Tloxale. Ladd, wbose duties it abali he
to examine the accounts of tbe county
clerk and of the couaiy treasurer and
settle with ibi- toiler, and i
mend to tbe board ihc- anpum of
taixes to bo aascssed.
Hicks, wboae duties, ti shall be to
(vmiauH.i- to which
amloe the Sf-veral assessment rcdls
aiUob from llie buHdliil was leferrc!
of the couoty and report npon tbe
ibpi Ihi-clerk beaulborcquallxatlon of the same.
■ .a coiitrari with Ur.
Claims and Account*—Black. Ham­ Sturm for one jvar. This did not ap
acb one being put through separately, i "Tito Kclehl* 6f Colutnbur." R. -J-'l

lin. Gibbs, vbose^duilcs it shall bc-to pear favonUe lo Mr. Ktann. bow- the elrcilijn of ..filcrrs and other bust- Sshrelber. D l>. 8. K.
earalce and report upon all claims
lie will Imve to make numy
s lakiiiu u
8ong. J. Rnrb Magaan. Maalstee
nearly 1« o'clock
against tbe owuniy.
' knit for that reasno Ur. Alliagtoo will
aeni* and wanls a three-year night when the enlire company went, jUBclI.
Ibe w..rk fr--m th«- gr.<uad up.
Ap^nionmeni—Tedman. Hammond. couiricl, but tbt-rt! 1.; a qm-stloii
the Forer-u-rs ball for the o.-gantru- Counca." Dudley J. 1
AmlervoQ. wbose duties it shall be to gardlug the bu.-ird's amburliy ii> make biion l«nqu-'t.
iKavaaaugb. organizer Bay City dis­ bolding coHaiA-c.nicclI^ until an oe
ganizait-ui l> perfected pad iu>-ana pro­
appertlOD the amount of taxes to bt>| a coni met of-tlii.-, length and the-tnaitrict.
asaeaaed-as recommended by tbe coni-j ter has been tef. .Te.l to the iiro.-"ro the ladlcr,- W. L. McMnnito, Jr., vided to build a chuo^w-TJto Firai
mlttee on finance, ways and means, to tutor and
i-hutcb and r •’
tbe aev^l lownsbipa and the city. - mlli<« In dlnctisring the mailer with
Grounds and Bitlldliigs-Ibrsba. IV Sturm.
The i-oruinltlee on grounds nad
Carver, CInvIanJ. who sball have the
Tta-re are a uua.lwr -,f i'b--lrito* ,
general supeniklun of ll:e counii buildiiicsre<-<imniend>-tl that AlU-n the IJttic Tav--rn and wa> tme-of
n.y CounrlL
grounds and baiidiugs and to i-epo;t Itf. r l»- hir.-d 10 ilubdi Ihc i.-n>3to-l,T
"G.US1 01 tbe Order. " K. 1.. Me peoph- in lire tKitdibOib'.i-d s-u] the !
of Ih-- nuii't bouse luteilor.
criabliriimi-m -d :i elnirih tssen- would j
thereon t-> this lioatl,
city, k number of yoiing .todies of the
C. Ik-*iirp:i presented a cr
n convenience W Ib-m as It ’
8onr. ArcMc W. Horgau.
Oo-aniy I*o:;r—Duryes. TeJmau.
Catholic ( burrti acting ns walterv-'
1-s a long walk in tlsc First rhiirch. Mr.i^, ’
•'O’r*. rvaiimts of a Novice.Champion, to wh<uu uhall be refern-d niunicaiiiui in wliirh she offon.
u was asToUt.sra:
nadc fill- acres irf land on Garll.-Idj
Aninglon 1* mmb plraw-l with bis*
••Aii.-ri.a.' all the BroUtorv.
all maiti-r I'-utiiig u> ibe nu
riiieken tloiilllon
.»|M-ilalIy will, .b- < harac- '
ot tbe eouuij pour ami n-port ih-renti
lesag Island Waften
Bliir-b is l,Ki:g b. lit under conr.idera- I
> this iKiard.
Olives . Pickles j Tl.i- folluuing i.'ffie- ns were etoclcd:
lioii, for th«- (■lunij's pr»-s*-nt prop-'ny Sliced TAmaloe*
Grand Kblsbl. Wllltota ilmliban.
Towns—Hirks, Champion. Ham
The poor houw; q-joiiion will proie
Ibe past ibn-e
inn-e yyeatawnd
eata wnd bn*
lond. whose dulles it shall be to re­ al-Iy lie brought up foir-nbly witliln a
j t.'puly Grand KsighL Nicklou* J. City for the
Saratoga Chips
' j i«A,.n very su«-co«sfuL I'revloua to
port upon all p-'iliions fur the ebangtiiTM- as -it Is nmbrsioud that Pressed Cbl-lnm Cold Dolled Hatnl Chanctllor, Louis Scbulgcn
1 lal.ging up the work tUen- be was n
tog of boundaries or (he orgauiutlou Mr. Hsokin* 1-: to lesigii Ms po>i:ion
Veal Loaf
Celerr Ma-nnaalso
ChVl Sance!
Scctvlatj. Oliver Camp- lormusn to Jvr.y SullUwa'. mill at
of now lom-B*.
the house and n new family will
|r--Jar. H>-fvU tin call to preaeb and
Escallopeci Potatoes
VC to lie pl.<r..,l ill bis sic,id. Till*
Drown Bread 1 Flnaacikl Secretary. Frank ZeaUc. j i-e-i r.-il >wr» ago w*e orJatond *1
} iavolvi- Hic imrch^o of new fur Paiker House Kalis
j Cedar
Treasurer. Finnk Huelmana-I- Vanilla Ice Crcai

The Most Extraordinary Silk Selling
■ more than ever this season and every lady will want two or threeextra waists at these remarkabie prices.
Fancy Colored Silks that are suitable for Shirt Waist Suits.
Sepante Suits and Children’s Dresses- Such a host of
>6autiful patterns to select from. These are ^1 65c and 75c
grades and for this sale only they are for Saturday only.

48 cents

Beautifui Black and Colored silks-.,plendid values -,ust what
■ you have been looking for. The chance is yours In have a
fine new dress for. little money, for these goods will be sold
at this sale for Saturday Oaly.


One ofthe best Dollar Silks that we have ever *hov.-n—some*
thing that will be hard to match for much more, bat ^or
this sale we will mark it at the unheard-of price Sat'y only.

89 cents
Redfern Corset Demonstration
48 cents

We uish to announce that one ofthe expert specialists from New York ol the celebrated
Redfern Corset

The fact is universally recognized that it is ii
a gown to appear to good advantage over an ill-fitting corsetMany times a seeming misfit of a garment is due entirely to tbe
c jraet. Change that and the fit is perfect.
With Hf»tb & Milligan’s Celebrated Paints. We
carry a full line of colors—ask for a color card.
These are the very best paints that are made, and
the fact that they have b^ used for years only
proves our statement. We have them for inside
or outside work, as you choose. Have you any old
piece of furniture that yon want brightened up?
Sunlight paint—it really puts sunshine in your
home and can brighten up the dullest and oldest
looking piece of furniture that you have. We have
***** y®**
»® Varnishes. Stains.
White Lead, Oils, Muresco (the great wall finish)
We can vouch for this, for we used 4/)00 pounds
on our walls in our late remodeling. Sw our w^ls
and )iou will be satisfied with “Muresco.”
(Grocery Divisioo.)

*“*' “UJtoyvyPartorslon the second llooron Satnrday, to meet aU those ladles
Remember,? sSSy ^d Ito'S^oiIStaS
We wish that ever)' lady in the city would call and see this

Many people seem to think it is impossible to get a good

wonderful display of beautiful corsets, even if you do not wish
to porchase. It will be a pleasure to have you see these. The
expert will explain all the good features.

fitting corset. No matter what your ideas have been, they will
be changed, for the slim, tbe heav)- form, the tall ^dy. the short

Tlie "Whtte** Sewjhig Machine
Has taken more prizes at great ^hibitions than
any other machine. It is the great Family Sew­
ing Machine. Hundreds we have sold in this.vicinity and they have aIwa)'S been most satisfactory.
We have the Drop Head and the Stationaiy.
They arc sold for $35 and $40 and sold on eas>payments. Telephone us or write and we will see
that you get a machine. There are so many new
attachments and we will have them all fully ex­
plained to you. It makes sewing a pleasure to
own such a machine. See the display in the win­
dow andnben come in and see it work. An expert
will explain all the various workings.
{Dry Goods Division.)

lady will all be equally well fitted.

BeantUnl Passe Partoofs

WaU Paper Needed?

Some of the newest novelties in the way of Passe We supply every want, from the largest stock in
Partont pictures. Five hundred different ones are the city. All the newest ideas. Seen the five-cent
shown. Beautiful sceneiy. ihp dainty (iibson pape-' Some nice patterns for that price. The
ten-cent grade is the best line that wff ever had.
heads, sun bonnet babies 1^ always cute and pleas­ In the iift';en-c* nt lines you will be surpri>ed at the
ing), handsome panels. These are all ready for beauty. I'or twenty-five cents we show a host of
hanging and make the neatest wall ornaments that benitiful designs suitable for any room in the
you can own. Make a most acceptable gift and house. Then in the tapestries for sitting room,
dining room, den or parlor the designs arc exquis­
they are such a novelty. These are selling for 10c.
ite beyond worda. Prices are from 2fJc to $1. We
15c, 20c. 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c. On*): particular line are here to offer you all the suggestions possible to
of pictures in oval frames sells for 75c. They are aid you in making a mos: uieasiny selection. That
beauties, every one of them.
is our business and we would like to haue you test
1. Book and Drug Division. I
iCarpeiand Wall Paper Division.i


fifuii TraTcnc HcnM
•» **•»— «r.

(Pt«f. c
A «iMei*l meettne ef ttit board «r




. taka up the matter of the emaleiq
of tha

aupefinUndcnt of

the city

tian that •apt I. B. Ollbart be ra«mIrtayad for a period of two year* at _
a^aty of tZOOO ter the firm ylar and
.BLIOO for the accond year.
Tha motion wai aapperted by Mr.
Mayar rHedrieh rafuaed to antar.;
tain tha motion, daelaring that It waa'
OMt of


The mayor



baaad Me deelaien on the opinlana of
thrao atturwaya and tha city atlomay

thA la amplay the aapariirtandant i


ftsai Eatato Trsnaftfs.

HhibR B. Thilar to ChartM f_____
KMney DleMMo Caam Half tha Cam23-taths of aeu aec «. T M. R 10.
ton AehM and me of Traveraa
WBIRm Hopktni to Cm J. BowteU.
CMp fMapti.
e ooe vo^ link vehknns e ehaln. kM IS, btk
H- L. * Oo.'a ?th. IllOO
weak kidneys weakn tbr wboir
CaUie T. HDIllcm to First Eptseepa!
Mr and haatm ibe fltial brea
chnteh. U
J and t Mk. 11. O. F. T.
C- *7.000,
Overwork, atralaa. eolde and other
rauiae IO]ur« the kidneya. and '
Btosell. inreels.
r 27. R 8.
ibMr aetfelly to leeasnid the wboM It«.
body eiiftem from tha excess of
filward P. Courtade and wife
poioon drculaied In the blood.
Hmiry Spariing and wife, parcels. H.
Acheo uad paioi aad lanfoor ond L. 4 Co.'s «h, t*4M.
nrioary Ills oonx-. end then there la an
John H. BIsaiHI aad wife tn Walter
orer-liicrraBlnc tendency towards
8^Ernst, parcels, aw. 9. T 27. H 9.
nbries and faial
Brlaht'i dtan
There Is no iwal hHp for ttie mifferer
rislvln O. nibson and wife lo^flUes
eicepi kidney help,
Olbson. lots 12 sod 13. bik. 6. H. U
Dosn's Kidney Pills acl itirerlly oa 4 Co.’s 2nd. II7M.
e- kidneys and cue « vi-iy kl<
John II. Holmes el al lo Ocace A.
I Traverae f!iiy mres are the pi
lenedlrt. parcels. Inierlorhen.
rUrk .Malbnison, car|A«itei,
diaries H. Miller and wife to Hen­
Kaadotph Wiwot. Trmverw Cliy. K
ry A. Lederle and wife, lot 18. bIk. it.
-KldDer trouble bad
K 1. * Co/s KHh. I.-.00,
voted and Irriiaied me for some t
Rllratieibllu'derlc in Nellie I/deHe.
as lame, my limbs sore
psreets. H. 1. 4 On', fth, «.«).
ibir tmieti, the kidney
J. K Crelllck Co tn J. H. Oray. ee^
resk and the wirretlaos con- of net4 sec. 8. T 27, R 12. |3M.
ialue.1 an offensive KmeiiiDS sedli
Aaron Box and wife to Talentlat
•lies. !«
iiains all Ibmuyb me
laden, parcelf. Kingsley, |sn.
egiceelall) stxi
Che kidney it^ons
Addle A. Gibbs to Ramnei W. Weav
gave me no
It day or olffht. i
r. parceto. Kingsley, sec 2i:. T 2C, R
used several remedl
lies und doctored
faithfully bill was n
procured Doan's Kldsey Pills at
Walt Phannary. When 1 had used this
O.M, *225:
dy for a fin* weeks. 1 was eure
(Xiarles T. Ofswa and wife in mi... .
I tie<*n no return
m of ti
Ilara Ebner and wife. e22 fe of lot
rotnplalni. I owe ray
nilrely t
12, bik. 11. <1. P. T, C.. 1500.
Ddsu'B Klilaey Pills."
Fred Vangbn and wife to Mary R.
Fhr sale by all dralon:
Price S9 DeEoete, parcels. H. 1.. 4 Co.'s 1st,
cents. PosterMlIhnrn CO., Buffalo. *C00.
New ToHi. sole agenis for ihe liolted
Cobb 4 Mitchell to M
W. Pern'Stales,
ircels. isec. 11. T 27, R in, lion­
leraember ihc name—Doan's—and
tmel I_ I 's and wife tn George
m> other.
H. Itohr. sw»i of se«4 «.<- 2, T 27.
R .9. *200.
Lest and ffeund.

to u« mtH
d «t(b
of btma. cakes, taris and a fargidiy cake, all betng grealty
The morsliig bnara were past
eslBg as
we bled away home, wfahing
jDoro Uim for bis birthday u. mn.e

again bciag-hbomed for vice president.
The veteran nallor aald with murkeii

After eanaiaerable



awuan of Mr. Montague pmvallcd and
Mr. Qllbaft taaa loongagad far
Tha mayor coat Um only dbrnet

City AttORioy Davit cHod a numboi
;«f caaoo ohovring that th« board hac
, tha fight ta amplay

with a reservoir and luadern pumpliig
ahatto^tftot out yaar waa the HmH. V

f their friends.

.ww URBblo to find a eaae baartng i
raotly on tho point.
The Death llelL
bTom KoBday'a Record.
David WlUlams. aged 70. died at
the asylum last night at d e'cloefc.

In tho dvil war bdng on the pensfm
-mOt at the tiinc of hit tfeaih. He was
-• member of Oo. A. First %’olnoieer

Vire-Presldenl Fairbanks Is enter-!
UlBliuc much mom llbemlly and fnqaeoily than formerlt. and li to <-a«d
hossehold ei|ie|.st-s have rlr.eii

Compare tbe returns from one of
. .S^triog Beus with soy.Dtber crop
that you grow.
Tbose that
plant ihetn lay they make mure
from ooe acre of String Beans
than any four acres on the farm.

S. B. Hart. <ff Jadnon. Word was
•naaalM^Aim.dtotiaday diroeUna
OMt Hr. Williams be buried on the

.1. O. w.ltc t.s C»U
i. i .i.d •.
Traverse City. Mk»i.
Office. City
Opera Moose Block. Rown 4.


Blue Vitriol

lire. Bear l.alie.

iCbpper Salpbatei

G. F. a I.


any qnanti ty
at the right price



A|.rIr.f,^S*Bd W^ASk I



“I Wouldn’t
Gare a Picayune’


f L i.«'<.KWl«.l>,

if I tIMn't spe another roll of W.^LL
F.\1*KR after weeing tbe City Book Store
asiortment. "li’s like »ettuig down to a
well cooked and nicely ficrved dinner.
When l.nUhed 1 feel well pleated with my­
self. and pretty nejiriy filled up."
“I don't know how it ». but 1 cm
more for my money there. The cofit it
little and the variety fine. They are pop­
ular—that's the whole story. It'i Ae City
Book' Store papers for me every time.”
‘Tm not giving any advice, but—you fiee
their line and <h> your owo thinking."



In Spite ol the awful weather we have had .

Hb only retatlve Is a sitter, Mrs.



proved a raihin-.
So to tin- detire
wlib Ibis talk of me for H. e presMeal
anything elser

WANTED-an elderi)
hoiinelieever; two mlb-« from poat• iinri'. iBQUin- m HerwM <ifAoe

relieves the
-quickly cures th
be SfiUDil.

Ohio Cavalry.

'Md .aoMleiB' lot

lairl -o es.Mlr lh£l yoo at*

Rverynoe wbo has tried tl lias|

hto death being dtto to brain tronble.
ttr. Wniiatas was fomriy a Lnetaoan eoukty pbyMeUn and aUo aerrod

KfttioiiAl Cream
Separator fato
»«»... It weVs

liesrtlly despised. No man tVslned lo
Ibe irsdn of the soldier or sailor Is
fit to hold office in ■ government like

Pleaaant Stirprlse.
A-very plessani and Ihnroughly ui
Joyed suriirise occurred on Wedne
day evening. April in. at the rewldeoc
or G- M. Slocum, one and one-ha
miles BOiitb of tbe cliv, In htinor of ih
B?Ui snnlverslBry of Ida birth. T
make bis anrprlae more complete M
and Mrs. Slociim had tae.m Invi
o dinner. A birthday cukcj*
served with bis iiatne and age
down lb*- oW water tank wbicli has
Tbev reliiru*-d hi
answered the pnrpone of a water aupbis birthday bad been
ply and fire proterilnn for years at memhered.
When preparing to mire. Ii
Gaylurd. The village |s now cqjilpped
slcit headache.This loss
by^ finding at C. Ainah drug aiore.
Buybec Drag Co.. Ilannah
a box
8. R. Walt * Son's drug Mores
Ills, the guaror Dr. King’s New IJfe Pll


Vou Hus'! ha-v lo keep il.e piga ot
>a. T.J foe tbur Winn Bulk
ll V-.U MU asd use Ibe

snd I feel sure that If I were to aerept
responstble office I should soon be

trr.m IM.toN) per yeor lo lloo.issi

i'c' giSSri:

r cuaslderalioii

__ e's 6reakfast<

tnlmiMon. -My whole life's Iralnlng
4ms tended lo nnfli me tor Hrll duiv


TheaMtoal ■MHiaMihb MM
of the Old Mto km M* Emm
Mtclatkm for the etrettoa of OM. .
to se,^ tb* ensstog yaar aad ^

Berlin to 1*13 i

Admiral Winfield Scott hcblr-y
latormed tbe other day that be was

acdMola for more than one year wae I

It to nU to b
that there will i


tnaial eerrlem Till be held at :
•'elqek tMoorrow ' fmn AnderaoB's

Uie Traverse aty Canning Co.

Spring Opening Sale
--------------------------------------TO OUR—-------------------------------

Such Bargains are simply Irresistable! Yon shonld mnke every elk>rt to allcndl

10 cent and 15 cent Laces at

• MMav and learea one dangtater at
ihaaa,andtwo slatera at Ann Arbor
tTbdartaker Anderson wUl have charge
at tha toneiBl.
Miss Hattie Saekeit. aged 27. died

this Sale af..

YOU CAN. . .


»t the asylnm at 6 o'clock Sunday
^Igfat, her death being due to bruin
trouble. Sbe leaves a father, mother,

I'or the convenience of customers living

luMnnd and four-yeor-old son at Bel

out of town, we pay particular attention

Jam. The body was aMpped there towill be brid

in Bellalre l

BdtriB Odiud, aged 6«. died
mn.yh.w Saturday nigbt at mldaighi.
^•oaemia being the cauae of bis death.
M Ram a wife, tbiee sons aad two
iUnghtera aad waa a bmher of Mrs.

to Banking


Yon can mail yoar dopoait to na from
vnnr nwo

nctotoflMe. gtotiog on »hat

you mall it left,
oeiptofit wfwill
an.1 immeilati-ly
ire, oukioi; retoniii to
ilo u yon tleaii

H. C. Darrow of tMI city. All ibecblll^a are at bomi except oae aon. The


earn ^ree
in «fp.

Mrs. Ore
t died Wednesday morning at
eYIook at her home. FMmtain Point,
kfter an iUnea of Mly four dayn.
Bbe bad aot been wrioualy HI iintll
%>IIMn MX boon of her dnlh. when

We have taken nearly all ol our pretticsl While Walato
houflfat lo seU at IL60-.S€veral bOBdred ol thctn~a rare aasortment of aU the newest clever Ideas lor this season.^
tront or back, half, fhree-qnarler or full length sleeves* trim
med with line lace and inserUmi* embroidery.tncks, panels*
etc. Not a WaUt worth less than fl JO and most
of them worth more and we have marked them
lor this ^rlng sale, yoor choice only.......................

Cor ct Cover Embroideries at 24c

Tailor Made Suits at $11.75

A very gpeeifil off.-/b LvJii*’ SoiU.

was uken auddcnly worse and

brown check*, very jannty •tylfis. w« H
tailored and perfu-t fittinR worth $lu. at

three MMcra and one brother and an
.aged Rtber and matber aurvlve tbe
Tbe fioral nSerlngs were many
Tbe Mneral



Tk Farmers’ Store


If you arc going lo do any building ibis summer it trill pay you lo

ebsreb i
w'Mock. the Rev. Fr. BearaaBd oTBcUl-

U-t US figure

Hard Times in Kara

, . . .
today: alihongh
« rttlxen of CodelL bri Shaistnin:.
bag not yet fotgotten a hajd time be
wneeantered. He says: "I was worn
ont and discouraged by cougbl
Ebiog nigbt
n-lief till I
took leas than one bottle lo romirietc1y rape me. " The safest and moet
reliable cougb and mid cure and long
aad Umal heeler ever dtacovered.
Onarantred by C. A. Bugbes Drag Co..
S. B. Walt 4 Sons. Hannah Drog SionMe and II.M. Trial bottle free.



Jwjr nail blit.

in inch Black Taff.-u, worth 'iOc. at V.»c.,



and as we buy-These goods direct from ihe-manufariiironi we can
If --ou an- b.illdldg a Uam

Cylinder Records25e

you should see our



■n*ey ran easy.
BurprlBe you.

Ton (*n-| gel them off tbe track/ftiirt the price will





per i-ei>i
iuuli lll.ick TuffeU.

Will be marked daring tbi* atle at - -. ■ $5.00

Oil Boiled, worth toilay 8LSS, for 11 JO.

We win try and save you some-

raAiMM: -truide:
eot Iff tbe Royal Oak scbooUi for tbe

Black Talieta Sitks at e uviDk*

We carry a very cnmnlele 11m- of

make you some extremely low prices.

Ebm atnl

in hlbok, brown find navy, klfio grey end

toaak r^dly anUI tbe end. Sbe was
'te her finydbird year and nine ctall'drea. two grand ebUdren, bi


A dozen mtlerenl patterns, 18 Inches wide, worth SSe at Me
All other Embroideries not Included In ^eclal
Items at 10 per ceat DISCOUNT__________________________

^BBaM win be tram the church toaonm at I p. m.. Undertaker Carter
'la charge.


nionograpbs. Free
Records Free
tn toe tickets ean have
Machine Hike the oae
shown here) and two

give Records away win Til
yon ean have 8 cylinder R
Records, for SO Uckets yon
R^rds or 8 disc RecMds. We give a tideel
with every SOcparAase-geodnntU SepLUt

Steinberg Bros.





Will Oo to Sooromonte.
Claud PnltXT, luuncy orddr ek-rk

irtlag Bcrona the city of Cliirago as
llK-y luusi do. wilh puselbly lOi- i-a.-ep

For Thin.

the postofSee. baa tendered hU resJg-

Hiusry Blackman, who sacks ho
nalloa and has been Iransferivd to slm-k and sclb to aaoibm^ |ian ol tht
Sacramenio.. Cal. He wRi lease the cliy.
last of Ibis wet* or the Erst of n
. Patriarvho wont Ibiiiuxb th>to Ukc np hU duties In the larger
un his way north inilerday afu-i
noon, tdofiplng for a few bunra uod


Mr. Pulvcr baa t*een connected wlib tlsltlng the ciiy market^
rl^ wberc
the tocal offlee for almost eigbt years Uilke.1 at lengib wilh
e bU}.-i»
sod durlne his alsV there baa made a said that if lh<- road
large number of friends, not only Ihcy would have to give thlrly da>f
among the posiofflce eniployes bu
ooilcif to tbf luti-islatc t-otunii-rcf
general public as well,. For the
ctHnnilssiun aud bethougbi lhai would

3pe mtiH*ve4 •! T^e DcpMta

.1 cwri™™ ihlnk ol .h«!

Experience with Ayer’s Ssrsspirtlls; the origintl Strsi-

ibiee yean be baa had charge of the be too lau lo belK-flt loi-al lu. n. Tb*
money order departracnl. a very Im- local yards, he staled, arv t*-i(.-r sup
piled wilh enm than nny trf ih«- other
y.irds In Uiis pan of ib< si.t< sand dollars dailv besides runslderthe car -Cli4lle.cdr.. ' .irlJe from
al Ic cJerieal work which demandt the Ui-wsrs. I'oiii-r and I'al:
In-, mr-:-!
ulioosl accuracy.
Tb>->id..'v E11M.-I ol Iliaii.i Ha|i:d-. m
poruni aad reeponalble pusliioti^
volring Ibe handling of several tl:

Ciwliliw mis week, 2,825


friends liere. while sUhlng him sucW. BtetPT—Fbur Boori;*
In .his new location, are genuine­
ly snrry lo sec him leave.
Pwvle« 8»v»n«» Bunk-lf I KciiThe Sarrnrnenlo offlee Is much UrgWkltln«.
r than the Traverse City offlee and
A Ur Mere- Co.—The this will give Mr. Pulvcr (iCttiT ^>J■pO^
tunlty for promotion. Mis record here
3. W. MHimen—Tirtiierroo «>d Sat:
chows,that he will uudo-jhtodly -niaki'
goo" la the west and lii a abort itme
Shennu A Hunter-Our HobUj.
bc bolding the Ih.-si place available to
A. V. Prlnlrtch—Bpceial nerxslnii.
the Sacrameiilo offlrv
T»«r«»e air CbhoIbr 0i».—Suing
Tnrerne Ollr Sulc Hank—You Can
Bank br Mall.
The* Phrvcra'



Altliough ihcre Is iioihlns nrilc.ol
ready for Ihc public, a 1:- aliniul a re •
tainty that ibe Peru Maruuctle aiiRi

To-morrow and Saturday

esk nerves, general debility.

Pulvcr la an artive member of vision aoiieirolendi III. ;in.| i;>;i. :a;
the loral KnlgbU uf Pylhlaa lodge and
ildlendent W. 1). Tr-nnp i.l !>.
also the uniform rank and bla many


You ctn trust e medicine
tested 60! Sixty ye*rs




These quotations are carefully cor }

schedule will uorruspond elOMty
SietaUriK Broa—Great Rnpoaar.
wllh last year's with the cxcc|>tlou .if
tsro or three more freights.
Tran-rse Cliy al>ou 1

B. Wilbeln—iDlercstUg Specials.
6 o'cltwk to ihe niurning and icl.iif.
: -A. J. .WUhelDi-yoar,Rl«ht
from Grand Raplus. arrlvlug lirrr

IViff tx two special days at oi/r store for cm
these two days occur our


Ki. 'H-.igti, Jim.




-Sprue OpenUg SaJe.

*1 KiiISkll-..-.
Ii-.-’. M
j. . ....................
of .Ailiiuaoli. N J., M.r

POtalOCSy 30c

tfliaP. which is Uiu same schud
Mrs. E. A. Monroe III.
' Mrs. E. A. Mniirtn-. an old irnMi-nt tile the train ran 00 last year. Kn. C
will pa.tB thrnush hen- south hound
'of TriTeioe Cll) . haa lanjii rery
J of
as ll 1S{
hor home on Wraliliy aveuw. Qraml

.Iv ni lb.- .-ill
i>- iVi-iiU .Mli-,-. II
;.n Vi.d.'.d-IKeilloe.,

RapMs for over Ibrre sri'ka.
Hou-- dolDK now nnd Nq. 6 will go *ouih i
iH i<i*‘l riakl li
eeer. ainec the fever bnikc alio haa ■bout i;30 liislead of au Iiuur carlh-r.l
No. 1. north U>mid at 1:33: will pioi<-|
lieen Improrlap elowljr.
• .............l,..!,..
aa will,No. 2.
Hi«. Monroe U a member »! Trav; nbly renu
|i;n- X!ri«-is. l,<-.i 5>04h'l-'M --J ...................
crar CUf hive. No. 832. I.. <1. T. U U' which goes norlh aboutI 7 o'^k
l -‘- >
................. .
.. vov... root
the evening.
{ who had ulnar- i-oil!tiUI>i| i-II ,1'^- -r^-;
The Elk Rapids ran will P-avr here hulli-i ilii- x-iri- .inmiid hsdw|iiii nii-S l»i\l>
PiWtty Weddinp.
A very prelly sroddlag look place at 8 o'clock In tin- morning, i-onuecl
at i^e^bome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ing with the
Cox bhen their uncle. Jwcpb C. Etncr- Wmiantfiburc

It la genersllf nnder.ioo.1 II
bore acbedule. wilh poeaibly

brtdeanaM. ttiss AnHia Sieffer. alt- ebanges, will go Into effoet
Ur of tb« bride, srore pink. Frank April 26, allhmish the throiiKli slrepCbk was ibe boat Ban." After the,
and olber aceommmlati'm!. (or the
oorrmony. a tredding inpper
resort trade will nut go lolo acn'lcc.
•enod. Ur. and Mrs. Emeraen bare nntll a month later.
liaay Mmida to wish ibom bappUeaa.
The freight biistnops has ntadi
elded Incrcaac to the paat tew monihs
and the three trains srilt be necessary

Or. E. I. AaSRn Will Aatun
in-. E. U Aabtoo baa noted otCces
handle It. dolne away with some of
eo Front aireet above ibe room which
c CKira freights. The MUlh-boiind
win be oeenpiPd by 4he S. H. Ki
freights have grown more rapidly than
—p«-,- aad will again engage in the
prnctlee of dentlsir?- In OUs city.
Aabtoo aponl the winter In WllUams.
A Horar Distemper.liurg. Vl. mnd alx weeka ago atalppod
dlacawi lhal has lair-ly siili-k-ii
bla gooda. They bare not abowu
yet aftd the potalbiliUea are that they
are sUU In Richmond, where there mre


Ehery department is full of good llbe bargains
ihat ypill interest everybody.


l-aihack pork, pr-r bhl.............SIS.fdt
ciearbai-li pork, pr
Sbort cut of pork. per bhl.... W.SO




,li..-o-I-. rrl...

bargains in every sense of the word.

For Sale, a Barg
• ;a.--<lliie lanircli 4* ?i.
Is-nni. .tisU Tilli
I'i.-.i-.l ]»i)iir li**li-a-. lU l*>
4 c;.He'enaiiiic-la-— slim— ll eil\ !• 1 rliI'l - h * t.- l-e*ulil Iji- g.

I Relief for Women.
ll. 1
r-'i In


Our Hobby Just

Special Bardains Tn
Footwear Just How
Bt Triedrieb's

Ila.v. p.-r Ion............... ...................... II.o"
The dlacnse is paralytic In
and the "v*-|k " way (hut If ihi- anhusl Com. per hu................................................«5
Oiils. ix-r hu.......... ....................................... 3d
down wblk- at their r

Mrs. Luther of Inland dlinl seed......................... '....
^y morniog of heart trouble, aged Ihi-y have bill small cUnnn- of
Buytofl Prteaa.
geiitog op ugaitL Itan bu rccvuily
Bboat 70 yoars, leaving four daugbplayed In rather loogb Inck. luidly
tcTs and a asm. the son being
: bis fore legs near the shoril
jMiltto. The faneral oenicc srill be
III his calks while lying down
^Hnland tomorrow.
man. and for that reason lias
R. Brundage A 8>in of. Honor will
• hove charge
the funeral arrang^ bt-eli k-pl lliiUarrs for a few days. Ml
Mrs. Luther was a very large •Murray had Imvu mil k-sa (ban half an
when Ibl- horse suddenly weui

1') "0

.A slift;


Ill 111


the home

- niusch-s on hts hind, leg- w.-n
of like inui and no Impression eould I-

his danghler. Mrs. Wllllun Ford, ai
Acme. Mr. Wplls had lived to the
region for Iho
monia and

t- on ibr-ni wph ibi- hands. Th<
ol his body seuuir.1 10 t»- -t

(ffty yesis. Pneu­
. k-ssr-t degnu- hut ihU luoniing
liouble weiv the they liad reUxivI and allhuugh he up
enuseuf bl» dcolb.
is- snlfr-rlnc. it Is iIiihuIiI
la addlUui t» Uts. Ford he iroves

Thlrty-four graudrblldrou

atv Wl

and Iwvoty-ulue gri-at graBdehlldnsi.

Ihrough th.- Hir ihi- luortilug 01
lo Ih-inriJ aflei a l-rh-f I-hii of lii.


alx immths to


the Umaua


cii-on lor the Iliads liol lowr-nlig
Ihrlr rale lids spring thst they ihd nor


I’jteni (Jolt --ii'M:

he-nrl. i-r-pl. - Having- ILnl..

Kiiii.riM-j-1- :i

ms at Sr. H- and I;:-'
ll I- iw.' -t' -iri- th-.ii

loaves two daiigbleis. I
a number

7.% per etui lif the i-ais ■n-r-ili-d

'li'.ic. runti>M^. i'l

r . !j-;-


* Willi-* o-'i-i'h'.itig Iji.'ii-ii-n ■

'1 ht-'sc arc only a low samples o(

arrh said that he rlld noi set- brould alfart the price as Ihe shilndRg
could la- done hy Ivan at a los.-r in.Jirire will Ire abtrot three cents less

etory. the Ume of ibe faseisl having per bushel becaose the}- are compelicd
• not jrcl been decided upusi.
to ship over tbc road In order to areid

S7^ Ste.00 $12.00 $13.50 $15JM $16.5$ $18.00

m iiiv l'ari;.,ins we

aae olfiTin^ rh«r l«',i>in-,> piibli...

new is the time to Save
money on Tootwear.

We show very strong values b'acS Sateen Sh.ria lifiy cents, overslit
«t Mit collaa shins wty e
c three doUsrs, cotton son st frve cents to twen
underwear tsveMyAve cents srtd. fifty



I'niform Low Prices

isaanvF^aoo shoes


Uelts twenly-fiye and Mty cents. •
caos Wfy cents to on fifty, euspenders twenty fiire and Mly eenta

l:--adiii..f--i r- l-ir'L ---- iir v- '


UrcHl fsiistn drelers ay ibai tlie
He-will be burled to Evergreen


In Addition to Extra
Values, Suits at

from r> to't itu.f'i: 1-.'• iiTt-nly

i— .IP e-.i ■•irq.a M.:.l v-

IHI the local niuik.t. Mi

by scll-ng the best SUITS for 1 n doiiara IT IS ROMtSLE TO FIND


Also a'li'M' fur hi-at'y work, nis'i'''*f '*lii' taH stock
with'' incli top ami Ticti m-> ton;,Mi<: to keep out ihc
dirt—a royiilar SJ.rjf'snoc for

95 cents____ _
•-yi-i-il.-m iui'-ni» I'i .1:1

We Give You Your
Moneys Worth
-fl ir.e market—these remarhs are true alt through our ataeb—

For Children


dmtged. la I8» In-eatiH-iM Kingsley
and has dace eunUomraaly resided
there, to addlthw tn bU wife be




-Mr. Fewhtaa eolbii-d In
desire lo enter Inio ■mtupeiiiiiin w |ih
Husdredth regiment. Ohio Voliiiileor
Sleiitnlrual mmiunh-s. Hr slulrvl
iht- ruaal had all lh<- iriisinrMi the
they ciruld handle at preM-ni- and ini)

iHatfe in blu< hi rMyli' - a

$2.09 '

totaatry. in 1U2 aud
U«ea anrmider. when

s-rved nniii

iltill tups

For men

A iio’ d l->-.*kii»t."”j

ley lenMenl, died of heart iituihleJi
lug on Itlr ni..»UT rtf 'slilir-iilit
|tii |snai>»-s Uuwis-o. Tia»vi>iesenbig st s n'elork. Hr. Vtrslaaa *
a veteran of the dvil war and ta-rved City anil OKh-agrr. uii-i<-l.t gking


dress shf,.; iliai sold ^S'.'j'l now

spiu-thui wtih t:-iu-tal Uan.rg'-r
t'ou.-i m II..- laii.-r's ear. -CharDeath of Jacob Pewlsas.
Klng-ley, NIr*. A|irll l7--Jarob le«>la.“ Mr. Psiriatvdie wa- i
Festoss. aged 13. a w-HI-known KIni
■d lo
a lti-<-Mi<| n-iwril't




«se Otlier daughter. Mrs. Mstbew IMII fln-s.
«r thto city, and Eve aons. Joasi-.
Icr. Tkoiuas and Williani and one In
Mr. Patnarehe TcHa Why.
■toy City. Mrs. Wells has Inn-n deail
tlrmcnil Trafflr Mauagt-r A,
atrhe of till- 1N-IV Marr]uell<- fta-s—l
tor the past elghi y<-ais.


1 Also a ifcnuim: ki«l >ltt>f v.:iii patem tip an-l inrdiiim
-wd;;hl soli; tor

more than rear-hed the stall whci:

Tkicsday afleninoa at

a ten dollar out for

ami irulj.iii.licti for


hind qrtariers became rigid. Tha<
s sIknii 1:30 and fm- sevr-ral huni-

«ve do not sdvarUM

"eight elghty-otghL"

co*» -............... ............

Ooath of Eltoa Walls

Good Values

For Olotnen

•nd the Honor Arm had no casket wrong..Meemlng tr» almiad will In hk
brgo coou^ for her body. Tbev ■ racks. Thi- swwil ran from bi» l""l* Ughl Mocre and brifersr.................. 03
biiriiiiic hot lo <h-- ifiiich
which V
came U. Ibl* dty ami were unable
fivrth ill his mouth Imic r-rl
twl one to stuck, so a casket «
Ry dim ol Chirkt... Il.a -i-iBhi........
maanfactstod at the Carter undiitakruuxiug the animal wms sUiwIy ilnvi-n
the Cass sms-i r-uglne hmiM- im.l

• SUM Wnlla. who would have Iwn
«g rears trid In Jolv. died at 5 o'duck


iS""" =


Woman, weighing nuoot :’m pounds,


1, lij.atl,.u. r..-e4-- br-;i-|.->- Uia»jiji.j\. h-n»i imi..i.

direr two tbouaand can of freliUt waitdriving n«ar Buardniau nvenm
tog to be mooed.
Stale street, and for aer-eral hoarrr thcDr. Aabtpn expeeta to move hla fam­
»r»e suffered tintol# agtmy.
ily liore In aboot fonr weeka.


Teople are quick to

recognize the fact that bargains offered here are

w-voral liond.-s ill this city ycati-rdii>
cuughi Fire Chl.-f Murrays drivPii:

Death of Mre Luther.

fered this season Hpill be shotpn To morrow and

a Jh-l as lii'l'h ii.c-l|c->

p to thlr- city 1
oeo ami Mias l-'tsoeM Canuni acre
UBiled U marrlace Maruh ». Ibc Rev. about 5 o'clock in the CTmlng.
Z>. CoebUn oraclaUng. The bride
dreaaod In eresia bHIliaollne and the

This means that some of the best Tralues of­

•1 lnr-sd iy-5 neroni,

& Hunter
Traierse City, iichigan.______



Grand Traverse Region.
••Irad «M

H «M. I

9m» MMt raaoh the

"WX »• Mnrad thtt M


By Ibr vay ateamers ara pts&e.
■arualloa muat to opM lull l>lis(.
. Au*. Ponuft called .ai Travrrac
CHy laat week ou bualneas.
Mr. ZtmiMniuin at Travenc Clly
called here <w boalMaa toaCneek.
Alton Kafka and Aueuai Brater cxpert «
.f tbU
___ foraacmi for Lo»
ReubCD Kfla-y i
*llb typbolj - er. alBce Deeerator t.
>90C. at..I.
--------boapitml. Marqwilc,
AUeb.. arrlred booc a le* days
feallDc oDi] .looklny •« a ell at ea
Rpected uBiler Uic clreumaiaDciApill IS.

Hr. Gambt of Chlrago, It buying
' potatora at tMa plato.
Mr. aod Ut*. Bd. Corbeu apesi
Rnsday irlth Prank Kraapa and *lte.
* BS. Bmory It remodeling bit boat
tor the BMeoB.
, A nra vara bouae la being bsl
tin dock vblch la mtidi needed.
Roy Urdie and vile are TlilUng
in TraTorae Oty for a while.
Mlaa Minnie Combe of thu p^.
and Baymoad Bran* of Trarer^ City,
areto married at thla plae* laat Wedaeaday. They bare the beat vlabee of
their frieada.
Ral|« Smith and HUa Hare! To£pMni of MaplelaD. wen- married laM
Wedpeaday In Trarerac City.

Irene, h
ceco. where Ihey I
with raUUrc

-............. _g wllh Uielr aUlcr.
Hra. Bertha Hiller,
Willie bUtlaon and Kenrr JtomaoD
tnnde a trip to Trarrrae City ycatbre Raining rery laaL
Burl Broomhead made a <r1|>-to Elk
Rapidt yeeterday.
A. II. Webaler has bad bin
put Into hit new bouse.


were: Alfred NrtJr. Haute Paalua.
Prank Vltkodiil.
e and 0«<l
..jrvey .
Mra. Pred LASdoB la on the aide Usl Atklaaoa. Nettle Panins of Shod----eaan. Albion and Arcbie Li-derle
.with 8c Vltoa danec.
Matter Clement Brow apenl
Tbe Parmcri' Union la aUrted al
R'llllaraaburg we all bopc will be a ... days at Traverae City last wer
Mra. C. Neoman of Ionia, la vUllii
complete encceia.
her danebter. Mrs. Jeaae Dekag.
April n.
tbia Village.
Tba cUj linemen added three new
pbemes to tbe swltcb vUb good proapceta for more soon.
Calom Par Dare and wife moved
and :
c starch factory.
maple augar.
April IS.
Hra. WlllUm Meteor and cblldreti
atiendi.-d tbe cntcrlalniueiil at Cedar
Thuraday evening. They report
Chp'rtea Aa
r lime.
for a
. and Hra. Oeorge Bartb. Jr.,
rlalted her parenU Sunday.
Mr. Peek's baby la much better at
ila writing.
Grant Brooks and family bare all
__ ,t Bessie Farrant spent Salt.
been on the aick ll&t for orcr a week.
,d Siudav wlib ber paranta. Mr. and
Thev.are better now.
ra. .WllliaiD Fnmnt of East EmMlaa AdahiMeieer spwt aoreral
dart vialtlng frlendt and rwlatiTM at
A.‘ Shafer and W. Bradford arrived
Cedar Isn week.
Ralph Mn«.r rtttted Saturday and from Arcadia this week to work for
undar with Robert Barney and D.^H. Day.
imlly of Ttwrerae City.
We a|c baring quite a winter al log th<
reseni. It baa snowed nearly erery mday and Sunday with her parrs
_ay for a Week. Panning Is at a Mr. and Hra. WUllam Beanett. at U
atandatlll and there la not miteb tyrup place .
WUbnr Piigh of Booth Uanliou. a
ilD Pugh, of tbe siaUoB tbem.
of CapUls
I baa •ceepti
^ptod a poaltloB la D. H. Day's
one day la
load of straw.
April IS.
Hjnoay. laoui Of freight.
ipuln Stuffletoani Is
AprU IS.
mander this year.
Emma Del
Bl^rd Sullivan of Empire la the
of Mn. Cbr
myer In the mill Ibis season. P«<
land Uoodty.
Wagner of the same place la aetier.
'eJaale Rossman is rlslling the Rev.
Dr. Prallck roecirad a Bne new a
nd Hra. W. Ilurtbnt at Biortbport tomoblle of the Rambler pattern, on
ar a few days.
Illinois this week.
A. Hasan was a Nortb.norl caller
Viola Voice and brother. Maslast week.
illcd here
Anna Sehwarti wu» a Traverec City
I. Andersm of Port Oneida c
caller Monday.
In OB tbe llllsoif. He brou^t a
Peler Posatog who spent the winter pair of horeea vritta him.
a< pntalpa. Bin- fer bis bewith. rtM. W. Farrant. wife —'
luracd last week
To the nicmtsTS of the M. E Sun­ imUK muu
...V -.™—
day KCbool: The Sun-lay school cuutctiUun will to held al Oioena SaluiMra. Weston Voice spent the ps«l
day, April 5".
Mra. Mfeaton Voice spent nart of the
Barn, to the Rev. and Mn.. P. C. past week wllfa her parents. Mr. and
Eugrltort. April in. a tpoy.
Mrs. Reed of Empire.
Over fifty young iieoplc altr-nded
Mra. Eaies Sbertdsn called
Ibe party Friday ct rning al Bryant’s friends In Glen Arbor Sunday.
hall, given h.r the Mlsww Shnma IhApril 1
tong, tlatoy Bryarii auO Georgia Paul
us. Dancing and card plavlng were
Ibe predcnnlnstlnK leaiiirvs of the
] a little c
evening. Al IS orlock a U>uute<Ki«
Irani oat c
n. Pred A



. va.

The Meal Family Laaativa.
le ibat can be nsed by tbe entire
ly. ttmng and oU. weak
Ig. wMboui any danger of ha____
it should have prapertles
nhicb insure the same dose, always
having the uuie eSecl. uberaue tbs
. lotlty will have lo to IncreaiH-d
and Anal,ly lose lu rtfect altogvilM-r.
These propen lea can be found In that
------ with applet. old family remedy. Brandretb’s Pills.
bccao.«e its lagredicau are of the
pop corn a^ candy.
Tbe LadlS' Ald soeJeiy uei in Ibe purcai berbal extracts, and ereiy pUI
ebnreh Wednes^ afternoon They U kept for thm yearn before
wDl coBClnne to meet there every
two waaka dntlng iha uummer. It was
market that u •
very picasaal and prtkSuUe. Tbay -were alao given a suMrtoe'las refreah-l omde
th s PllU are t:
menif are not usually aervad la thdj Bn
onle pill your , nadparv
cbiircb) by Mrs Jongs Nesan furaiafa-' laiai
Ing a dalDiv laneb and delleieiu cof- used. They hare tovn in se for o
midcb sbe received hearty
Mn. Gibson of Charlevoti arrived
laM Toesday for an ertended visit
wllh ber sou. Charles and family.
entries ai '
___ ___
trip to Ixb
Ixbnd last weM. Charles to
maei with
Ik tbe
V tioaid cd lupCrTlaora. a
ap^Bl maeUng.
-. Ung.
Little Ollle Gl
of her girl school

“If I Keep Waiting
ni keep spending it. so III
start an account right now with
what ! havemnd commence sav­
ing." So said a sensible young
woman to »a recently. -Are you
wailing toopen that account you
intend to open and sneanwhiJe
letting the dollar* and dimes
blip away from you ?

James H. Woeriendyke of California
spoke Id the ebarafa laat Monday evta-

strawberry ptaau
have su varieties,
d sleet, there
-■nous Senator Dunwag quite a crowd
bear his rto- among thi.-m ibe fai
B. Barnet
quant apecch. vbiefa
s iBicreaUag. lap. nants *« per thonaand.
Clt. phone idTL Trarerte aty.
mesi and lodeal
Sr. Lowry and family, who lived i
re during tbe winter for the toneSt
our aebool for hU children, is XBOVOhituarr.
Hianie i. Tills, w
; back to hli farm in -&n
name was Pimkata. was born lu
Julie a number of people
ty sick with severe colds. Yes. half BerUn. Cenuany. Feb :i. IIS3. and
died al Grawn. HIcfa April 10. IML
aged 74 years, oue monlh and 17 day*
Sbe came wiib her husband lo Grawn
reren. Is geitii
In ISSS. Six children bireaed their
Aprs li.
borne, three of wnom with the busband preceded ber. Two daughters
MABEIand a son are left to mourn, who have
Mrt. Nell Brows It the owner of a our sympathy. Quite aariy U life sbe
MW Bell phone.
became a Cbrisiion. Sbe was ready,
Gilbert Pray made a trtp to I
onir walling tbe Ma.(er’a calk
Bapida Friday.
The fueera! was held at the M. K.
(Watson bad the misforti
ebnreh in O
buried In Ih Grawn cemeierr. Tbe
attendance a e large, ibe writer offiMui

. Jake Hogetobd i
rawn ch
1 tbe sick llhi.
vere fine
Brnoat HogcUnd Is laUng care of
B. W. Wood.
his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Hogeland. who arc aick.
Government Investigslioo of Lite
'Tbe Rev. Hr. Young preached at the
rrealiK that the guaraDtee
Mabel aebool bonse at DUlriet No. 2 Insurance
very can of Bradley A Vrooman
last Snnday. ott account of the repair­
i la an abwHuir Insuranci- agalast
ing cd^tto Barker Crack church.
loss. Il pivMcrts you. Bold by Pro
kop Kysclka.
How'a Thla?
Blward Tnni«m of Ori<m was
.ton*«r nn> Boivlnd Unliara B«raMlfV
dentally bit lirtween the eyes w1
ball «
playing al KTbnnl. His
w..5r/SK5A.‘^vrit*r.j Ins Imcc slowly blrodlng almost
dnually alncv tbe accident aiid doctors
have dirScnlly In ato|iplag tbe S<



vw« ofRItbL
m wans.

"Out Of Sight,
out Of mind."
If an
old saying arhicb applies with
force to a sore, bum or wound
been treated mtib Boeklee’s Arnics
.Salve. It’s ool of algbt. out of ml
and out of cxUlencv. Piles loo a
ehllbUlns disappt-ar under lu braJIng
luauence. Guaranteed by C. A Bugbee. 8. E. Bait A Sous. lUuntih Drag
Store, druggists. *'

Siitum A Clark of the PouBtsln
stuck farm of Moreoci are preparing
for aa aggrraalre radiig afamw. Tb«r
win take Jack Sottoe. a *-yoar-o«
pacer. tbroQcb Canada. Tnaa. EanSarah Ornc Jewett recently received sas sad many other atatca. A big
a legacy of »2<'.0«w from Mrs. Saaan .tring will accompany him.
B. Cahol. , Miss Jewett was lioni in
Maine In ibe ini-ldW- of the last cru
a Date OW Matlwr.
educated at Bei-wk-k scudenij
’•M> dear old mother, who U i
and bolds the tlegrce «rf l.lti. IV erf eighty three years old, Ihrieas «»
Bowduin coUegc. Her Srsi book was trie BitlcfW." writes W. &~-Br
of Dublin. Ga "Sbe baa Ukes Utem
publlsbcd In !S77. and sbe baa been for about two years and rojoys aa ex­
writing books and artklex for
cellent appeiiK-. fRds atraeg and
sleeps well - That's tbe way Bactric
niagsxlnrs ever since. Sbe has
traveled exlcnsivi-ly in Ibe I'olted Bitters affect tbe aged, aad the aaoHi
happy results follow la all eaaea to
States. In Canada and In Euntpe
female wraikness and general deUllty.

Dcwi'l let the taabv suBer from celema. fwe* or anv ilcfabtg of '
skin. Doan's OlnlWH-ot gives Inritnt

sne II wax not
r >row<t

Thoto who hat* bad a gUspar of a
certain lady's bow# ftwUy admire
Perma-Lae SlriMl on the Boors,
.oioaure. wood wortt. walla aad cetltngt; For sale by Prahop Kyartka.


for stomarh.

Igtki. 8.,innab Drug Store.-'

IV I for cliiidren. .

Four Rooms Furnished for $84.00.
. If you are figuring on buying an outfit here is an opportunity for you to furnish your home in a nice,
cosy shape at a saving of about $30.00.
Sitting room, dining room, bed room, and kitchen. In selecting these outfits
have been very care­
ful not to put anything but good, substantial goods in them and we are positive you cannot buy the same
outfit any place in the state at any where near the price we are making on them.
If you have been figuring on sending to some catalog house first take your catalog, pick out the same
bill df goods and compare th'em and you will find that our price is lower than theirs on the same grade of
goods. And remember we give you all the time you want to pay for them with no extra charges.

Sifting Room

1 Couch wpholistered in velour
1 Oak arm rocker
I Oak arm rocker, upholistered
1 24x24 inch Parlor Stand
2 Pair Lace curtains with poles
Carpet fo cover room 12x12 feet

Dining Room
I 6 ft, Table, solid oak
6 Dinins chairs, solid oak
1 OO-pisce set of dishes
6 Good knives
6 Good forks
6 Good table spoons
6 Good tea spoons^

Cht 0rigiMl bomt 7umi$h*r
0f B»rtbtm tfllcbigm.

Bed Room
Golden oak bed, 4 ft. 6 inches
Golden oak dresser
Golden oak commode
Closely tufted bed mattress
I All steel spring cover roomiSxIC
Sx 10

No. 8 Cook stove
I Full 8)20 kitchen table
1 Calvianized wash tub
.1 ‘Copper hoUom boiler
1 'hteavy zinc wash board
I Pressed tin dish pan



Pressed tin water pail
One-pint pressed tin dipper
Pressed tin bread pans
Rolled edge pie tins
Rolled edge cake tins
Pressed tin wash dish
Crimped cookie cutter
Handled fried cake cutter
Fine wire flour sifter
Double action egg beater
Copper bottom tea kettle
Copper bottom tea pot
Copper bottom coffee pot
Good long splint broom
Japanned dust pan '

Bo iKin ebargt for ertdif.
Hour promise to pap wHf do.

tte r»*t or Mrt. WiBftcM
«n. RoriT Woriomn to* pnrrhaaml
0 dfirto* tort* fr«nD tor bnnter. C.
ftoat of Wosford.
in Moleteit ud aUiar. Mlu Mar.
«M« caMtn U tto Or*r bom* Soa-

The 08I7 font tf iood a«d*
fnaiHMtttiurtb aU nsMWBt is flw KiaacnAer, and
yat—tile only nda cracker of
lAidi Ada it reaUy-tm ie

Wlnetonmb of Rode* is vislunc
to this TtefaKr for a *nr «ar«.

hon<> -of Jock Rotona nr Klncsl^
last veak.
creaslni; iheir wHftbt
Hr. and Mr*. Ctortn Laant call­
ed at Baekler la*t Satnrdar.
FbUlp Sehlchicl aa* In Buckler
Rd. TIudr axpect* li> mare u> SaeCBOOmNG
*• la the ocor (ntare.
April IS.

Uneeda Biscuit


Mte cndnr tdMtflcadjr

Mr. aad Mn. MMM Ml Mat Frtdar
far VoltoB.>OMD.nbaan .dlMV arm nt
i> far a aMe.-Stor <fe« tMaad ta


e». W A. Slif-lley arbo tia*
n |>aMor here lor the U*i
> l«n thi < aoimlBi far Soloa
ibeie will drtre in hla apRlTCrtoo. Mich. HI* fainMy will lea e for ifap same place lo
few day*.
Hitt Shelly, who ba* been aiieodloK uchool at TrsverHe riir came
borne in leave wllli her iwrenle for
itolr uew apr»lniineni ai lUverton.
Tto Her. Mr. Oel*e of Erert, HIch.
baa beee appnioied a*
for the ennina rear .andd rtl occupy
the pulpli of thee EraaseUeal

po the 24Ui last, mar to fortantte
eoDuch to see (to peitonaaBce re­
Olio Bnoee has been cniert
A larce delectiiob frera ai*
lot tor faster from Petoskey. HIch
ailended the Onofe at SaniDll
Saturday. It in reported that
Jnituied nine new retober*.
" nry Bofart purehaned a aew
I Btiekito Friday.
- 41 AUaa or Buckley ba* toen visiUoB with fricnili and rebulrct '
past weak.
Spill 1C.


. ----------Lane’s Family
jc l^y|4BT^ • leuibu-

tort parted w
OoM VMtbi
'wear tore at 1


is winniag ibe trade ol Ladle*' who want
a SURT lo haoB iaat rIgtiL Tbe hondsome
matertals and special values We oBer are
proving a great attraeUon.


Min Bento Lick li workinc for
Mrs. HlWretb for a few days.
Will Tsylor sod wife viiKed a
tome Of R A. WaU* Thoredny.
Bora. 10 Ur. and Mrs. Will Church,
a alrl. on ihe 5th.
A rtry pleasant tsmily.reaiUon
held at ito hone of Hra. Sfb>
Taesdsy. the occukn tolnc Ibe birthtoy nanlrersary. Her children sad
I (nrpristo tor by
reUni ber with a nice

— ' MeVlekerAaloiiiMttc
CMsollne l^iglBe

d the number of parts of any other make of
engine. No gearing, no tumbling rods, ratchets, etc. Write
for catalogue and prices.

m. l -ULOHE, Slate lgent,'Traverse“T:ily; Mich.
RnwIinK* spent

E. Wiilieiin’s, Front Street.

Great Spring Opening Sale
---------------------------- AT TME —--------------------------- .

Globe Department Store
A grand showing of Spring Merchandise throughout each department. New Cloaks. New Suits, New Skirts. Artistic Millinery.
New Clothing. New Furnishings and a grand Furniture Exhibit. Needless to say we can save ypu money, no matter what you may
purchase. We are known in Grand Traverse County as the Bargain Givers to the masses. All we ask is a visit to this mammoth
Men's black Satin Sbirta, worth

Tonng Men^ Suita, age M lo 111.
worth »(i.60 Jor........... .................. V**J*VO

S.5c silk bow ties, also Wiixlsor styles.

epriogsatylsa. worth fram |
(^rdnroy Pants for boto sp to 14 yean of brc
yon hare poying 50c for,

Bargnlns In Coats. Salts nn« Skirls.

Bargains In Millinery

Bargains la Gents* PnmlsbUgs

Buator Brown Soita for little tots, fkQy,
worth SLliO. spsrial................................VoC

$l,'i0an.!>|:;OU Street an.! Dims Hals Irimluei! ill Velvet i-iiiff'-D and binkldt,

........... 5e]


SI,00 LhI'.-s Dr.-ss IIsU. • hiffon frame elabor­
ately triiiiiD.vl uitli rtowere
/ 07
$4 .'lO lAi.tius' urti*ti..d!y trtmoi-'l ^'7 ’iiS
Mats io a (rreal variety of abap.-s *P v
Childri-DS trimmed lA-ghoms. also
mull liats^orth .'lO.- and 75c (nr-----

$5.00^LadiesS|.rii>tttVjats styiishly^^
LaJifs'Crsvtmettes (iibaon effect, pleated front


St .70 I.julies'Dreu Skirts in ligbt-and do^

juu for
510 Tailored Suits made of

Great Shoe Sale of the Friedrich-Greilick Shoe Stock. Follow the crowd to the Shoe Sale of the
Season and lay in a years Supply.

mrna cwair,

Edward Bacan. who tas been tielilng bti pattott at (hi* place retam*
ed lo Caonda last wortL.
The Aid met with Mrs. Otto Sioyke
Wedaeedar and ortnto a oallt. Tboeo
ahaeai missed ■ rare treat, tbe nature
of which I* CO be kept a eecreu Ml
tboae that meet wllb Ure. E. B Qobba

heav'y ?oley. Sale Pri. e................. «PX*OW •

WRITE ENAMEL POLES for late cuftains
trimmings oomplets, sold the world over
(or 10c. Our price «a<^............................... / C
100 PIFXlE SET OF DISBES, nicely eni-

FOB LINOLEUMS you ahonU c^iniy see
oor new stoek which is now in. Oenuim Cork Linoleiim for....................4tc
»lJb Inlaid Lintdeum for.................................f7c


*1 -47

Farnttare Bargains



Coats ol sole or Wool material at popular prices.
peWcoats at Stc. LM, IAS. lAO and upward.

City Opera House Blcck, Room 4.

Bergel—in Qolhlug
Bd Oftoer nad Mlar Ere Botort cnllto la MayAM Sonday.
Tto Mbtae* EfBe «nd Mary Bremn
•ad Oaa Lick spent a very pleaaui
Mree' vlib tto Mtaeto Elia Sami and
Oora Wriebt Sunday erealnc- Maple
syrep and other refreahmtoi* wer

Tbis Is M special lot that we seenred at below regular value.
The SUITS are beautitul and up lo our standard and at this price
yon save lixun $3.M to S6.00 on each.

#3.50 5.00 0.50 7.50 S.75 /O.OO 12.00

7. All Art n boallhr and robuai lou
M aaa oitd eaa do Oood aemea If
■Mtdd. W* are all
to ato tbu.
M MIek aealD and wish then-tnod

Capi. John PUcUn bW'noU (be
BeoMe and booMit Uie Suprine tmm
UtJitemAOo. Hawtlltabepato

For the next ten days at

Our Great Sale


"aStm^' erOTib
• ■ - wbal ■

SwtoMB troD We*«t side
« tad Itoortao a cold winter,
ty all bi* toickew fme. and
ileb H qacwi
t tto lateiKl



Mr. anil Mrn. Darid Clark of Gnnt
TMted Hr. ato Hr*. Oaorto Orey Ben-

oMiiAad lllrefe Nth ud daody tor
Henry Sataaier
oMIrt-terTie* April 1. bat od atebaor bore
PrMay. to re
oC Ml VMtber did Mt arrive bere
oMUSdHI ]. asd itatbBi opened the aty.
0*1 _________ ___
.Mr Cn^ia. Su Peter. Edward wick
Aireali tom 1


Ladies’ and Misses’


Mist iute Rawllni* nailed Mn.
WieekeoAb of Hodte last Tneaday.
Mtod Anderaon will aaaiat E. O.
ftawlMca with bli tang work ttU

.IiSct * PorOrein totpeci
ttotr boat ato laatall a 1


“ofliWfocd' udlu
mat lani* dulL Car.
iclJ nibUDfi wiUyirt
l.butcsnBot (iruduee

O. bad trwia Rawllto* «are in
~toTene City last sraek.
Mrs. John MicbeU l«

fVr* iota Paltaeho* and wife bare
aritaod tore April lau and will lira
• to tb* labad lbs eomlits anmiper.
sad will tarry bMI froB bare.
Malaal^ Srea. tore eoianeaced fltbIto AM o«aaaa.aad report lood apriiia

Interesting Speeials

WcM With twd
m|-le*ion> ratnwt
je bumely. Picum.
^luos. aaali»> auil
>V )M*drn mum mtlN
y m fair akiii. trtrj
iunrauai kaowt ttot
tbe aaiin ...ul of bi.
aunintiLhred cuam
1 Ibr abilcal'a

Hint Harr Birohm la home Iron
Tiamac atr for a rtnlt.
miel aroaaser Wl yeaierda'

■ods cncker «SKtB«l^
Md« cnckar «f«r ftiik,
m4« cracker good at all

-Ma*T AlMItRA.
llra.-OiB Wrintt and dai«ifaier
tort returved frao Ohio, where
to* been all winter.
winter, with her nM
■Id itooUien.
Mr. nnd
and Mrs.
Mn. eaM-BtlM
btre laertd
o ^vene.City.
r. Sebitel^ M Jjake
I -a new UMMto 1
MOB (betea.
Wra Fto'laa RM to to !
oitr TiMtoar aad Ifadaaitor

A Oerman Inyeotnr. Captala roo
Kracb. Who acted a* pilot of the paracral ballonn. ba* derloed a mesa* for
dKpcocioc with balla*l la bulk. In
ti^ at aud. rcrreln rbtoilcal* of a
Dto-bulky naiure are o*ed; these bare
the propeny...^ alworbinc moil
from ihe atmnnpbere. and Ibu*

Furniture Bargains
200 Bocken to cho«e from a»1 every one
good value.
OUR SEW CARPETS are pretty pstlema
nnd extra gcod value



Misses boxcalf shoes sires up tosold in shoes sold
51.35. Our Price..



89C c?^*'pr/^

Furniture Bargains
W.\LL P.tPER fer wvety room. You will
find just what you want here with pric* the
A px»l paper, per liouble
Gcid .Sitting ami dining room paper
forpiT double roll ........................................ i ^
Uicre is t-xtra good values
.50c Iamw Curtains per pair.................................29c
SI .50 l>.-i'v Curtains per pair.......................... 98c
f2-">0 Lan- Curtains per pair....................$1.48
Jben we have the Irish Point and BrntoelNei Curtains of surprisiogly low prices.

womens misses' ud boys'
in Friedrich Greilick -^shoe^ 78C

Henry Pmenstll
end U T. Dali who tern at the Marab ecfeoot today. Her,
“Tbp Old
I Tbe ««>4ect of IIm* pUy was
tn latefy
I b«<r«
latPly bken.
Ma. eteaed
elected superrttora mother. Mr?. Unsold.
lanisoiq. _ espe^^
Grand Rapid* There. II
d Almln to<TBih]p«. h>n<
Mr. and
»nd Mrs. DudKr
Dudl«T Orin|i vnijofKi
It. nbe a-lli remain *1101
work for Mr. «»d Mr*. One Tlioaip jbeM lo ujeir rwpeetire cvuo.y
l>-lSnii and Fmokfiin. the pnat cwk. hnnhpr, Jamee Bru'leriek. moai o
A netr Ciilidn* i*rN»f U enjoyed by 1
Uiil- ferry WI1mb» bt-Mih U-ir
Clifford Tompklna.
1quit.- p.>orly. Ills Mi>.
Mr. and Mn>. Clarenrp djdd aae!j"»*»** wniio. hia been fouJUiiiUK
e l» frotnior^^ HhHailiiv of Uhe Atm In resard
eramns low price,
f band* tff.

Hot Biscuit

Frtmk Aikinem. and Ui«
•........... .........
- mkk Barth of
iitior Snnday.
mnch impror,,!:
Roller*' Shalda .
MlM Johnson. n-lum.M t Our S<m..nv school bus he. n oriancj Ihe^iurs.-. M
Ited nn< w. \v I.. All.-n. who has hecn
oHT snfft-rir.imdfnt f.i." eon;.- year*
Haney I
|iaai. wuK md.eted.
Mr. MKtnwm
lull I* lioner at this writing.
Mr and Mm. SlKinek and Mr. and a-a* • Icnol
a Ijiui-i* .(iii'iid
‘ Mrs. Kh-es, Tony -N.-nieiikal. Kate
II III** riinr.i and Cfaii* Ranch ati.l
Miss Mnude
. I'lntilt. rcH.-d on 'In- AlliUiMs-i'» Sunj.ia>- A very plr-asani ilmt- was enMAVFIELO.

arc the most appetizing, healthful and nutritious of foods


' Mtw. C.-urge Jaeknin ui quitp poor­
ly we Itear. We hopt- fur her speoly


Dfhe Baking Powder

went 10 1 ... .
todar Willi AI load of liimlxn- i
b« I* bHIIqs.

Ihe iUJe 111
April m.

the elek llsl.j

Alercnr- stooi! at :« decrees

Corn, to Mr. suid Mr*. Will CTiurcb
a girl. Mcnday. April S.
Henry Hiilell
td Tniverc- City
aponi a few daya In Ihia neiRtalnirInxsI
wort- the cnest® of Mr. nnd .Mr?. Wnitll
la.*1 wvek.
. Sam Hulelt qad non Leo auead'sl Biindaj-: '
The rtsnee glren by Mr. Tlnl-e last
th- nnrtloti lole at .lofinny Coni
Wednesdny oicnlne was Xfii u-e|l .in
fiardwan- Friday and dL-diirilti.v hf
‘ .

AhoT li'll- riK- Inliahiijiiis of
- l.‘iii.-nirMuii I.m.i:itc nndi-i ih<* wr-aili

•Jti'........................................ ........... .

l»a Bo^n and Bd Colger *pcnl
KilBday i-vmlng wllh Mis* Anna Mar*
> «n.
April U.
Outflea Bex and hitally npeni San*
L. BiwfA
Roae {Libunier U workine ai
Will Cbnrch'ii.
Mr. Chandler U just aimm the same
Mary Bomri
Bomrl wlll'clre
wlll‘8lre an Ininmul as sli.' ha.'. lifs;n foi a lone ilnie.
yarty to a few Inriied tcocals ai MUa
Afiev spenillns Ibe wlnier in Chie.-iAnna Uartln'* Tburwriay ei-enlnc.
*0. Mr. ami Mr*. C.-orei- Hai:»-I h;mApril IS.
Ura. Alma Peltord of Bockloy wn» a letuiard home.
The Granxe ladies «rtbis place and
caller In thli nelgbhorhooJ last Thunile Mission cavi* ai
an enl-rtali
■se ball t
^1 Chareb and Will Taylor look In i



Scolts Slockfood and Vdeiinaiy Rcin.d‘C!i

• spinl B.mds'
am! Mrs. I•■■^tnl
With her pgieni'..
John F. KmUa and - MU? Ilnilh to Maple Clly y.-HU-nlay

-Tlit-re nre no

r ertirl.-u nil lli« tiiTk.'. <• r

rmirt STOCK. Tlu-y.-m- iiAltiri-s imn
Mttil am put 110 8II-I *nlil iinK-ru in-s-tiri-- -.itnui.
W»-»r* lui'l'line <iur re|»iiUitiii’i nb'l .-u


I wriyii;' us lu .(iiality or pric.-.

$. €. Olait (f Sons
CnntrM Cilf’t Cailtg Drug SIsrt


It’f B iDBB't iiatar«l right to wear
W. Ta good clethes-to wear cIoUim tkat nakB
Vim iMk Bt weU as Btker ■wB.-dotkB^
thatuukchimlookhislreBL AaditbUs
^ ^ BAtvd right not oaly to get locb clBthea.
w W. but to get them at proper, low urice*.
Only «U wool materUls imd their way
Va ^ into CLOTHCKAFT-bo shoddy, tio oarelUble
W. ^ fabrics axe good eueugh for you or good
y# euooghforCLOTHCKAFT. Tbe shrUkiag of
^A A CLOTHCEAFT suterial b tberough. by tb*
fj r. spedal CLOTHCEAFT process. Every deteU
W f of the deslgaiag, makiBg uid ftsbUng-fm
^A first to last—bwbat it ought to be to give y*«
K ^ -satbfactioB. Sang collars, fiat byols, modem
^ ^ coBcared shoulders, uithraakahle fraats are
marks of CLOTHCEAFT euality.
Tour awB eyes wUl shew you whea you
coma to look,—your awa azporiaaca of
their wear will further
r the CUTHCEAFT label
—H's your clothiag iasaraace policy.
Aad call for a coyy oftho Ctothcraft
Spriag Style Book.

$60.00 Steel Range FREE!

'“-riiy oibera

Lamtlturg's Pure


,-port n flnc5..r t—tly. m pi-*?i-nt.

ApiLI K.
U'lnnd Sund.-iv on aceonni of
tbe nineHs of (hair mo'l-or.


If you will parciiaae three artidi-sof us.yon will cdtainly


I, T. I’licBit spL-m I,

Wi-yford ii.nklng i

p.sipl.- April

Paris Grt.vii. '

Your Right

Ri.liert Bhnlda. who has
danCiniffsly III roi iho pasi two weeks. U
r■- ".■*■* ■- -- «■”somewlini lieiior a< ilili. wriUtie. M
JobtiHon. a irnlnnl iiiirM-. who I
Klt«*wa* the Buesl nf IHh «C , 'mIi- -Matih.i
ll-''i*-eii inkliiy inio of him, rciumed
di-.,AnnnWH«m. la'i Siind.iy,
;McK-. e- '* r : *i ........... ... 'V S
Cliy Titui slay.
Tl*al.ak<* Atm liiid Ovlaii i.-l
Born. Ill Mr. r.nd .dns Anlhony Rlihl- r,»Mpiny-s Lm- L lieii.c cr.-ni.le..m
S1 in Tiav,- rin. April «. n girl.
qnlle rapidly
- *,-s, wMi. P-. wif.-ah.! V: 1e-loa. Mrr.
Mrs C.iiri-; .Atigvlii h.T< li-v-.l I'.v- iCf- ha'*
-.1 .|.ni" *■ .1»i‘J
Ml. and Mra. BaHancl; of Shetland

ellU April 1*1. In <hdn« t-xcrs lingl)
wrdi and i* ntpoelod borne In n w-iei

W.-carry f<* thia ptirpo*' Bine Vitriol (Cof^Sulpbate)
.\raenic, Fomalin, Livrr of Solpher and

Tlie t.mlie people rvf thl* idaw BtejlDs a r-lv- icie;. ho
They caiinui lie helped b> alOOJScli uo-,
jleaviRE IIS. Ralph Smiiii and Har<l|
The w<-aih«r baa hem lomnally
alely for thi» time Ins. Thi;> an- l.y Irrllatl.Hi ir. i
|*ninmpkin« easn^ >0 rii-* eonrlaalAn
and Ktn.-inT iai
drlfilnc int.r Imnk.-*! t|... air tc'-iis. « .iiel ran be relli v« d!
aiel . ur.-.! lo iiiivllea.ed air nhme. In;
of iH': world lediw i
H I. The joart- have
l.-.a almo«' lin-|ihis lies the ms-i..! oi the 8r<-at yue
hosi fcic.h“« 80 t lth ill
pusnable. ihi-ii b.-inc ix-lihir slelyhine cesssol llysftui-i ill lb<- in-alilieiH >-1'
April li.
l^uuiehUI lnHihl.-y.
Tt)- f!r,.i lir.«aih,of Hysetnel s m.-dl
»hti.liad aome loe» l.-fi



ottler to eet the best ■nsterihU

Bronchial irouldea are piiri-Iy local !



Spraying Cime
la near at lian-l ninl rou lihilbrtt.r R.-tyonr witiu in ,*yly in

nn.l Jiric-.-ii ii'i

l.i^’-er ttinn .-I ure-l

Your .l.-iiUr bits it.

aul wo will tell you wli. rr it'nn

If not b-1 ns know
K'. fttim!.

Put up only by

Scott Veterinary Remedy Co.
209 State Street.



A. J. Wilhelm


Some One Must Hold the Lucky Ticket.
\^l-iy IMot Vou?



Closing Day April 27
Remember this Date

Opening Day April 22
Remember this Date




Duii'ig this Reception, if you purchase one of tlicse Ranircs, you will be
(isesemed wiih a Handsome Set of

Come and Get One of the Free Tickets. You May be the Winner.

Laarel Heavy, Tiiple-coatad, First Grade Enamel Ware

Cooking Exhibit

consisting of the following:



Five quart preterving k*ttl«,

quart flat



Made seamtru with cfiameled cev-


Citr* igrgg fl«uble
with loate tray Completely’«n»"<eled. Ea»? to «>*'>
Si» fluiri 8«'ii" kettle with eduee.

20th Century Steel Laurel Range
Eitry adult raltiuf' al our stfirr Ulween uow and
u- prestuud •.■.Uh onrfukft. On April
4p. m. enr of these tickets will pet a range. The range
u-ill he given to the person holding the lucky numher.
If you hold the nunduy and are not lure in person, a
second draxring will take pltur in ten minutes.

The 20th Century Steel Laurel Range
We will show what a fuel saver it is. how biscuits c
be baked, using only a paper $rhoke pipe and
how strongly it is made.
This will be the most practical Cooking
Exhibit ever made.

The -JYuh Century Steel Laurel is the highehi grade steel range it is
possible to manufacture, and all materials and workmanship used in Us
construction are guaranteed to be of the best.

Cbe Jlrt Stove Company

"The only real way to test a Sfove is to use it."

Hot Biscoits and Coffee
Served Free Each Day

Julius Campbell Co., Hardware and Furniture.
Your Home Furnished Complete on Easy Terms.

123 and 125 UNION STREET

Hot BUculis and Coffee
Seired Free Ejcli Day

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