Grand Traverse Herald, July 04, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 04, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


the new raembera wUeb we]
The WemanW auh.
b«r« a paar age. be baa bean tneelliig
3 gladly welcomed wlU add'
Hibbard Speoeer t BanlML Cbl•
Bk Bopidi, Mieb.. Jom
to oor next year's work, and
o._ Hia beadqnartwB are la Hadl«niM veddlBc
aoMDolxed bjr Pr.
1. wis.
Doon. the reUriog preeldent glvlag ber
.. . K_X»oogherty
. _
. wU remodel tbe
■a aod the secreury and tre
0 limit nor waiting :Ui
born on •Ui place
• ice Into
into a booae. The
tklag tbelr reports, the prat
a it welcome.
' for bonaea Is auch that people
paiUea vm Hr. Robert Swaaer tX
y ofllra
by a Boclal hour.
OM MUaloB aod MUa Harr ^ Scogive per*<»al tooeb
proa- il bare aimed I
club has bad a busy
«atd of miUaaaber^ Tbe tIdr aer- Me, ereo II
have endeavored to
year. During
Dtiring tbe
ali committees where dealrei
Kelt Anderaon caught a five and
Ttoe vaa uaed and the Naptlal Haaa
il day, a boi
borne gari-denl^
»w 1 wish to thank ail ibowe
' vaa eeiebrated Id preeeace of the one half pound amail mouthed black
ition of the wc
If school by tbe tea-ber. Mrs who have served up<m oil committees
mddlDtr partr. The timrcb waa dc baaa In BIreh lake cae day laat week.
KMs Anderson of Kewudin ba , Shaw, manual
His-, during my admlolairatlon. Thy have
training day.
coeatod with br1dal«reatb aad
giv.-o time, thou^t and much labor
bought other racani lou In town an .Pratt demonstratwl her work.
tor Ihe advancenKmi of our work,
balla. Braaktaai traa aerred at ;he wilt build a houae thereon, ihu fall.
ire much Indcbtd lo them for
F. M. Luttaer aad wife of i
bcaaa of the brfda a mottiM
efficient service.
at L.
gave two leciurea.
‘ the program committee whose
of last
In order lu complete the p
. Bora, to Hr. aod Hra. Hartc Deer
lent program Is the resuli of their
Three mat aide boys were arrested of the club
work our thanks are due. N'n
lag. Hoedar. a aoe.
bn tbe l>tb fbr •defa could 1«- served, four iloxe
baa sen ed uiKm *iich a com
r. M. aed Hra. Boiraoi=lh. the Her. mrat aldewalka. They were t
glasae* were purchaad. six
e realises the amount of tim-’.
Simons and a large cn
H. W. aad Hn. Tboopaon aad their before Jn«llce nanlela and let t
hard wwk and eo-rgy necessary lu
c-e. Tbelr narrm
being Imuglit
i«e aoDa, apeot a maple of dari of acape rram tmuble aMiuld b
eovolve the program eucfa vrar
The trassnry <>1 the club
"To the club memlMTS who have
laat week Babing in Rapid
to them end other boy» who a
pty by any. n.ea
ponded */> gryally to tbe re^esL.
rcatlDB at tbe boaie of tbo Otm aad the babll of 'commilllng similar
building fund then
6« In that. In i!
d- ^ them, 1 wish to express my
Abglera dob. It la reported tbe poator
sailsfaciiun. it ts only by cooiwratkin
ano fondofllM
andd the bullrtl
beat tbeea ail aa ao asider. caiehlog
lh:ii the club may I- made u surv-..s
fund was rol-'d U> 1176.
the UggMt eateta of tnni.
"To the_)ipard members, who ha.parents Mr, and Hra. D. Winters
tee In the irusury of (67 R-7.
r.wponsiiHliM.-s who do m.
Hita Agoea Paibi returaed Satnr- TVareme City.
The club has M-m iwn petitions
;llnvt Uianka for doing iheir doi».
The tine men of the Trarerae R
M> city rnuncll. one f<n- tm
dar fran her aebool work In HaalaUam mure tlian glad to give expr.Teleiihooe company are putting I
ig In the schools and tbe mher
............................. ".ewadln; i
municipal cleaning day ao.I beneb.-s Jou to my appreciation for their loya:
C. W. Towae aad Un. Towne resupport and hriplulneas. and ih.tiing up n>
toreed Saiurdar from a trip to Chidltloual wlr<
The followlnx la ihc a.ldres-. of the siilrit that ha* prvvadt^ all the rr.





Tnrerse Qly Slate Baik
A. TRACY LAY, Ptlilfiliit.



CAPITAL, S200.000

Tire Insurance!


Put* Class. 8»Am Bollsrsnd Accident insuranoa.

A Ceseni BtakiK SvtBcsstaae

Money to Loan on Imprcrcd Real Estate Only.

) per Cest tliewet m nae Deposits

Room SI O New State Bank Buliriint:

Traverse City.




Hra. Eliaabelb Eilla of Atlaata. Oa..
U vUltlng her brother. Thoa. E. Sharp
ot Qm Lake Tie* boaae.^aad will re­
main natll September.
Bobert Voster of noakfort retnnied
beae Tueedar ofier a rlalt of aerera:
dara at J. C. OaunUeUa.
Hro. Cbariea Rotieru of Wdrartne.
wHb her two ofaildren. It vWtIng ber
aSaUe. Hrs. Will Kaleer and Hra. Will

laat weeC to riall a bnaber be has
seen In fortr<rrara.
■ Hra. Joaepb Butler U eelertalt
ber alaier. Hra. Hartha Lawa aod
dau^ter of Walker. Mlnn.B. tL Carpenlar. who baa been eaahtor at tbe depot fm- aercial monOia.
baa been uuafBrred to Traverw
City, aad will leave aa toon aa hit aucearaor arrlrea here.
Hra. Peter BrfnkrboS teturned from
Trarerae City Tuesday.
The menban of the South . ..
ton ehorcb will give a baaeet picnic
for tbalr paiior. Rer. J. PrteeUy, ai
Waraori ftwe July Pourtb.
eraan sad lemoBade wiu be on sale.
John Tower*, prlaelpal
•cbod or tbe Soo. Is datUng bit bn
*r Willard.
HarkDeering haa add
bla m<
market la a. a ralrboks aod hit »
IB-Iaw. Ova Uayera.
A twenty potmd muaealonge »
eaaght In Clam river Toeeday
. the
rank Lyen.
engineer of
Iz iDchea and
Bix ovoee ron.
1 an
lake neat Sunday.
ennion .
Ir^i^ii^hw t 9:(» o'clock
Baidda about 7:00 p. m. Round.trip
M ognu.
W. M. H. Seara retanel Tbonday
(ram a four sseeka- buslnaa trii
H waa noeompnnled b,
•oMn-law. L. AiUnaon
Ute cKD«Dt mfll -wea forced tocloae
down Buoday night owing to the abMlMe of aereral workmen who fall' «d to retora to their night Job after
at the "

Mr*. J.Ortfltb entertained her
bntb aebool elaaa of lutle glrlm Wed' r evening with n charming
rty. Por.tbe little oneaI a “gen‘
the light
of • ^"tallow dip" and added greaily

Hra. J. L. Warner, aeompanieil by
ber grand son, Dewey, went to De­
troit yeeterday. Tbey will alao
Milan before tbHr retora.
H. C. BlodgMt removed hU bnoaebold goodk to Tkwverae City yeeterday
where he will emidc.
Hra. B. aod
baby having t

On Monday erealog
ttac common
eonncll ordered that the mad from tbe
saw mni to the Iron company's ralltnad bridge be covered wUb cruahed
alone. That win greatly Improve that
aeedee of tbe highway
Hra. Jainet Davldion and two chlldm left laat week for an extended
vlalt In Denver Oolo.
About flfty-Sve member* of tbe MacMbee k>d^ went to Cbarievoiz Fri­
atlsl In
» day.
' P il Brett former ciUsen aod «
• _
1 family
lo^day b
the Brett bom
I bis hardware btislO'

Symptoms of
^ Nerve Disordeh

WBlth PsraUU tbo ApprMCli •'
MarvMM Fraatratioa Pw
Twitching of the nervea and musciss
arniltlvcBrs* to light, round and mo­
tion. Jerking of lbs......................
__________ ____ IndlgesOon^nch
aoma ot ths aymploms of cxhai
Becaoae there le no acate pain peopk
do not alwaye reallxs tbs scvloasness ot
nervous diseaecs. Tbcr do not think o>
tbe helpliwncts of body and mint
Which Is the result of neglecting am*
Becauae of Its extraordinary control
•ver dlt««aes of the nerve*. Dr. A. ' '
Chase's NoTTO Pills hsve corris to
considered tbe on* great treatment
dloorder* of Ibis nature.
Hot oolT do tbey rvvtullse tbo wasted
•erva e*»a. bat actually form firvr
flMfa aad tirone. build up tbe eysi
and nrad new vigor and vitality
every organ of tbe body.
A. W. Cbaae'e Kerr'
Ua H c*
a box at all dealers, or Dr, L W. Cbaa.
Uedlclne Co, Buffalo. N. T._______
'For aala by JohniM DfifOo.'

retiring itfesldeiii. Mrs. J. F. Gillespie
Meralmni of the Woman's cluli.ihi
egeculive bnord and our guests;
, itbered tngelli.-r for thb
the closing meeting of our club year
and '..7................
. . . - •
apont In Reed City.
IB gone to make up our club
Hra. Charlea Roberta and children
Wolrerloe. Micb..
are vUIUng broken to meet
frlenda south of town.
vacation trilh ran.-wed energy
E. C. U tmro hare been plajand bare
Mg prtstty
"in mi-mort' «.l 1 rv Saylor I '
t Saturday.
>i say our frleud s (lead, but r
key of Imv
............. - —- --‘I H
lui she took
la took the nerve tharthey worked
the »r life »l«ve an.I
aner defeating Nortbpfwt Old
ntered Into find ...................
day: but then Acme had scoi
••I cannot take fiK my theme this afcouDUy-for titnbw and only
ernooo u better Iboui
:boughi tl
of tl
•t of oor <
afternoon the .. . .
Inst Old Mlaslon and
Old Cl
knowledge ot literature and
«. Sunday tbey played Rapid
event*, tbe discussion of s
and again wew victorious by a s
problems, aod the pnimotl.m of g.ssi
of S to
will toward each olhi-r nnd all the
Next Saliirduy afiernnon the Inde"As we review the last yv-ar's work
pendetal. will ..l.iy the Old Mission
we feel that we are growthg Into l«-tboys al that place. Ample |i
ter methods, more liberal ways, broad­
' la been made to take ihoi
tsh to attend acn«s to the peninsula. er aims, and higher Ideals; that ne
trying not to live for oarselrea or
Saturday e%-enlng the Independents
club alone hut for tbe bettennebt
111 give a dance al opera bouse.
Bk Rapldtlle* arc to be aeeommo. of mankind.
••*niii-al« have come In ns for
dated with a special train July 4th.
they may h<>lp ili^ eegle scream leua purposa. We have been aek<
cite the ouesilon of the m
.Tavenw City,
leave here at c-.nn a.
■ purpo*.-*.
Next Sunday a union temperance agura fi
a Iwauly
.. . he .preserved a* It
rooMIng will be held at the Prrabytm'- and that...............
aid Id the raiinui
lan ohureb. All ihe paatora will ai
bills before Ihc leglidaliira.
slat In making the meeUng profitable.
Uiaa Marguerite Faueber slater of vealle court bills, the bill for the npFather Fbueher pator of Sacred Heart pr<n>rlatlnn for tbe home for feeUe
Miurcta. relnraed to her home In Hem- minded nl Lai«er. the bill for the
ck. after spending ureral moctha
'And In home aftalra.
ilh htt- brother at the paraonage.
thcycouncll for manual trail
HU Maty Hulroaoey. HM Lulu
school*, while



tend the nummer nonnat.

Ooing Into drram ad at Hin
1 tbe hard floor
___ ________ _ to Traverse City
aad belag ahunied about tbe yards
while aaother ttala waa being mndr
up: going on lo Kalkaaka on an ex­
tra freight. Eddie Kent, an S ynu-old
Grand Rapids boy opened bis eyes
to Northern Michigan for the first
time yesterday morning, bewildered
with Ms surraundiogB.
•n»e mile fellow was camping lost
ouulde of Grand Rapida with u num­
ber of Ixiy companiona and Thunslay
night a rain eel In tbelr lemporury
lodgings liecatne damp Indeed.
the whole party aought out an empty
Cns-k station
box esr near the I'
happened that
and cni*i<-<I In. II
coming north
the car woe In n
waa made all the
and whi-n the sin
boy* but fMdir . raki-ned and plleil


TTie lllllc fellow evidently

office I'have fal'ihfiilly
Carry- out ymir wisher.
Ni> ilo-jli'
I harr not p!«i.<u>d ever.' one In at:
particular* but wlH you'kindli burall mUukra deep In ilie garden o!
furgfltulliK«S UII'I furgiveurar. ku>ra
lug that I have tried i.i do my brair
"Congratulating yon uism v
ly elected president nnd her u

Traverse City. Mich.
Soil you your bill for a iiouKi'or liarn. We carry ;ii uK i-n-.i-s
u full line of
Get our fipures and compare our grades btfvire buyitn;. (■.•illun
os- Lo)k for the Big Rivl I’lapt
Cor. H 'th St. and Like Ave.
Pliomt. Bell :I90; CiU. SOS

..■l•l•>>I lau iA-wk m ('all.IB <viro.
i-KKoiry BTOwre.*! prvsyalx day -« Bi*ki

Ig ymi
you for your In.aliy am
• gn-i 'honor of pi-ealdcnl of th.
reel rriemlllneM whi
remain :i itletisant nx-ra
.istr. I can wish for
preeldeni Bottler fortiine
loyal support which you
conled me and wlilch I I




Punch and wafeni wer«- -erved
(hr outgoing executive Mvird during
the snaal hour..
A t uilng vote of thanks
the n«.-spaper« of the i
Honor, Mich.. June :S—Mrs.
' received a shock1 lari

to rally. Her daughter. Mrs. Nichols
nnd dsughlera, Eva and Am>-ll».
rived from St. John* for an all i
mer vlili and the sight of »o many
lelntlvi-s arriving al <mce waa more
than Wiw. Q., could sUnd, bul with
careful nursing li 1* liop<-d her smil­
ing countenance may be i
midst once nutre.
In the
L’ncle Bpb.. ir
Iwcnly-clght hour* phr day- fishing,
irvlng to keep the larder aiippllvd.
rosuiiasier Van wo* awanl>-d <he
wonoerl crary quill at the L 0. T. M.
hammer for .
M. sucial last Saiurday niuhi. and
; and eventually we
Van "blowrd himseir' by m-ailng
"Industrial training is a mon- I
whole family to ice cr»-ani.
portant'factor in the devc-iopmem
Mel Hoffman had a calcb-as-citeh'
'Araeter than most people raallie can with a road scraper last Frida:
Igher education of women Is tli« and Mel U walking on three leg
..y all over the laud yxt I qtK-stlon
whether industrial training '
**T^e Bell phone will aoon b.- rr
fully as Important In it* eBi
moved from Griffith'*
tbe eommuDll).
e post office. Mr*. Anni
"Girl* born In humble i
Gokev will la-■ In
It charge.
Honor will turn out enmaxse fr>
Travers.- Cli
'liy July 4ih.
From pr<
*etf-*upponing happlDMe will
-iv<-d the citiren* Pel ;i.gram*
•e to raba- the standard of the .
«ur.-d I
ii Is the place lo go. Th
? generaUon* than over educai.-d
Iglit fireworks will Ik- won;
rf Imllr
rvallon. I>x.-s not the teak «>f
oing 6110 mile* In m-e to say nothin
lug those who are luixlou* in
irn but
r the niillUry. civic, fire im-n and ti
lack the miptwiiinliy lalong
UKirliiJ paiudr which will U- the 111
Ht imeti IioMh III Grand Rapid*, lb
M-n pcrmlile.1 to organtre ouniidv.i* small IKIJ. hired iiispi
lie clubs except that unity wimid la*K<'> are all maklbg |u< |.:ira<iiMi. V
like us more leiwrrfiil for gcNid
the Iargi->i lime of ilo-tr livi* aud
"Mannnt training l> om-idthe meOi- Tiavrtw.. niy I* the plan-
is that will lnlere«i
tlu- iiveruge
lew le-valif* 1iighela»* vuiuK-t
ly ami » iiKuiy Inuu wo.-thb-.. enlerialniiM-m* .ne bllbii for a ««•
rimlnal livmi.
i-ngagenielll here till* Wl->'k till
"Our )M-lllbHlR tn the roiincll for n ranva*.
I>w conuw
lUDlclpal ek-aiiliig dav aiul the piirliMve
HterylMdy <
en arknowldged bj on
Honor and Inlerloilieii cruaXil hnln
d provrw that wc nii- 1
her*- Biinday and resultul lii ii'alniioiis
llermenl of mankind.
victory for Honor.
. Aliy town wishing lo liln- a cannon
for ci-lebrallon July
last oppnranlly to give
.. by writing
raise the dead,
Thrw of ,
.. .
lUnrlcom. Honor. It U
be^ faithful tn your aMoodance
three pounder.
ao far a* possible will not : music.
perwinally and I do hoi>e■ till* will ^\QiilBliy is
reach in sonu- way th.we who need ,he ,..nli
•■iilnsula. He kllliil
be reminded of ihelr Hub rwiaHisIbil- ilesuake- (hai «
waa shaking
Ity 'One ciauiH- in our cimsiMulicii
rallies under
reads; 'Ail member* of the club shall
consider thimsehe* lauind In hinior,
to attend every meeting.' how many

M<rho w'aJao
very tired. The
train wua . era Martiueue No Ck and
Blops at thla city.
Tlie car* to go
north wera cut <ntt and ihe cx^ run
made up which waa due to arrive lo
Kalkaska ot R o clock In the mornlnA
The boy waa in a strange town,
among that didn't 8e.*ii
lo trouble him. for he crawled Into an­
other car that he learned waa
to Traverse City.
He arrived here
Bbortly before noon and hung around
unUl evening when he was iml ontc
No. 66 and sent home.
-1 got to be back Saturday night,
he said, “or my dad'll whale Ume ool
of me. We was campln an pUyed
of you rememlier it? I wish we
bard all day that I gveaa I was pa
might In Ihe future evince a more
ty tlrtd.''
pnihujdaHic cJub Bpirli and f.-.d that
on each one depeodi. the *u<w** rd
Annual Meeting.
our club.
"Our prgram* have each been so
Several Chicago
- cago people.
s ao well.prvp
...___Hannah A Lny
company and Hannah A Lay couipnoy
uh d.iy.
ly affo
are In Ihe city, coroli
ind thr
It U tl
[ngT^leh wore held Thursday
TboBC atiendlntfrotnChkasoMvre: afternoon program tq have only .t I
attend. Our average during the year
A. Traev Lay. R- Floyd ain<*. Col­ baa been only thlny-five’ Do wou not
onel Richard S. Thompw* and Mr*.
• how small ihni 1* compan-d *•!
Clara Morgan Frothlngham.
- n.on.l-r*hlp>
Tbe offfccn. of the Mereanllle com
■How can one- licconic Interested
pany which have aerved during the .dull work and keep up with the II
post year, were rejected namely; of study if you only ocrualcually
A. T- Uiv. president; R. Floyd ninch lond? y
You enn aoe the result of your
failure irf Ihe efIndlffere
vice pr«*ld«Bl; M. 8. Sant
rerary and treiaaurer; J. E. Biown. fort in I ■ioginc J
iaddma i ,ir club.
general superlntendcnl.
change made In the <
"1 the Slock of the corporation
tiered le. the opening of ibe
repfcmxited and a reaolalion'
and various other thing*
rd eomm^dlBg tbe offlccra on
lan the best Inifn-H of .rjr
Iht* great ImprorefnenU and (^plt‘^hc...................................
Is ridlcoloua Isn't
still standing, hut
g with the COD-:
Bing to one ,rf the
public or haring
Injory to anyone. The bq- leodliw women ol Michigan I* paa*e«L
made nc-xl
Ibe past yesu- baa been hlgh- but If anoihvr aii.vnpt
alnesa of It
yesir yon may thos be brought
ly aaltemcli
•• -•
of whai U ■
---------aad thus save your
Tbe Hannah A L«y eorapany rieetthe humlUaiioo which
ed tbe asme offiewra that have done
idem had to lu-ar.
service aince the last annual meeting. your present presii
Club In Good Bhap*.
A- Tracy Uy. iNwtdent; R. Floyd
•Tbe re|"'ri* of the varloita officers
ainch. vice preaidehl; M. B Sanden.
k you have liiuctied *
aoererary and treasurer; W. W. Bmttb
,cry gratifying. '
BOimger of the (kw mill:
W. O.
1 good flnanelal
ctor* were also eleexed.
Tbe aame <
tertafning our me Dber* and gneau
Tbe brolne
r dub
making ibe social
i In tltla ^peera we
■anal dlvM
plcaaposalble and which
also dwlared.


V MdCr?

From Thursday's Record.
Miss Emma Pybu*. Miss E-1na
logg and Menyn Keiin-> U-fi >
dav moraine for Frankfori where
will act as di-bkaies to th- Ep
League eonvenilon from this Hi.
“ Flovd Clinch of Cblcaxu isdn this

Xu.-arwr>.>'iu nmarSA. Xrtagi

We Believe

We have the Best Tea on
the Market

•laiwn particularly tioe Iluvor uml
11. If you have trouMe j^ttini! a
pxceptiomil atrpiiL'lh.
ten that it lo your likioi; try n Kim]ili’ jiounil

kmn try
)ur cliaii-

Price, 50c per pound.





rr., Mii.-H Si*-**. « c. i* tUl.
M W.MISI1T..V. p f Hr,ac<*i Oilaaae.
Clw.elwM. iWle.l g.UI.. IMt.


weii- III III- rjly >.-»li.fll.iy
tVush.. 1* III tbi- city vlalltug frh-mU
Mr* W. i; .Mtiln i>( l•ell•.ke^
und r.hiilvi-w.
■'.1 lliiM'igh the ill} T,wii.rdn> un
Jiihn Mnire iif the city left yiwtcrd*y fur a iwn wrek*' vl-lt
Mls-< Alice WuK. assUtaiil Jlhramn
frii-nds al Manion.
Ilf The I'll) llliiHrv. whu has biK-n e
Mr» William RunklciYf Smnm* Hay
g:>c,d tn Ciiuihigulng (he p-ihlir
is vi.-.|ilnc In.lhh* city.
Jlr* A Scott «if Omnia was stiup- iimry lit Charh-vidx for *»-vera! wi-,-1
returni-d to aii»-nd Ihi- Kelle
pine In the city yi-alenluy.
Mr. and Mr*. M<-ndiailuill of Siii Miinluem- welding last vvetilng. ai
Uiiia Bay t*t>-i.i-d thi<iugh Hie cliy ye', win n-niuln until iiftc-r i1h- Fmirih.
Mis.' t:.-r1rude SiHI
tcrdiiy nil Ihelr wicv
Vi-lHlie 111 Ihe h-.nie ef h. I III.. ;.-, i
where they will \l-H with frti-nd*.
Mr*. H. Time-. ..f SuU'im- Hay :•• W tillUlK'll.
visiting with Irii-nrt' in ilii* Hiy



------------- -----------------

; non-iice ■ tori U fl ycwierduv

^ Fine Fistaing Tackle

W. I. MiMuim* n r I'etiiskcy 1* vis­
lling rr-lalive* >i
es Harris* left Pit MaDH-liiua
when- h,- will aili-inl an
!.iiviMai-Viiii-eiiiig ipf III,- d.iiiyiiieii's

B Free Bo6ks^l^liSi
We Otter tlO OaHit
Fine Fishing TacUe

PisUag r*(M-

s i'l Ilh- linni,- Ih
.11 ve*ii rilav.
. H. WlilHi
.(I -leTf.,, .
,1hr>-'1 SiMirisrin lias'-d (hn.iigti tliHi\
his way liiiiiie iM 'lii'Hii >,-•
1, idiiv wrier siK-ndiiig a slii-ri lim,- In
Mix. M. Sehi.m'e. w,nii t» Klngxle)
M.-s Arlu M I'.rire !,-fl f..r ve.l. -ihiv.
Ml.. Ile|,u Smith xi«'bi yi-lerOny
Ml. iiliil Mrs. H'ldh lUiiiiliari -.f Hiiwhi-rr- ihev will «p<tii! u w.-4; ilsli
lug frieii.l.,
Mr*. 1.. R.fvcrl* left >-•'lei.lj,\ mi,ri.
ilig to: a Hsil wlHi fit'lids Jt .\hii
Mrs K'l Ijiilni-r iinl l.irrillv
ce.Ui-'lriv III FiKirh.
Mr. It I! l*-wixai.J i.e,,|„-u ot S-.u
lulls Ihe me vl.lHnc III ihlji i ly.
Miss ll'itiy I'i.-ro- h.i- ........ ........ I rmn,

Frank Trude

Risk and s

The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
Tiii-re :• - -it— -s ; •• •

: —nr



Wlltwim Btock
TrAsarea mty

We will take our diaiieai on your comiog back

Uuiis' Bailey of StiUnns
be flly on buslm
Mis* Florence
ling for KIngKier. where *he

_ _

EAN, Note

Choii« Uiioolor.-l

P. Buck has gone for Buck

field and other points in Maine. H'
will lie gime for several we<-ka.
Hr. aud Mrs. Flanagan of llellalrw. r>- Ihe gue»t* of Dr. and Mr*. C. A
Clark vesierdar.
Dr. Holdsworth left yesterday fo
he will take a i
idv siieci.iilgnig :li
^asktnyW Walirm
n l-islh-es ywier
dav cnoDPCied with 'll" . .
Miss Bessie Morgan n-uirned Ut her
home in Kingsley yest-rday.
Mr am! Mr*. L F IVrkHI left for
Chtesco Tnesdav afternoon.
.Mma Peek went to Grand Rapids
■amisKa>< i> v..c t-..i:iro/. t
Mrs. Chariew Sh<-rwood
ic bighe-t f'c 4- »-n'i«i'cI 1
da'ighters left for $1. Ignace Tester- c-.iT**o: tjic m.irt
rt -h-a

cwar:i;KK‘*.'. i» j-icai...--,:
Marcus Hoyt of Sutton* {
ap:j i.v a” -iragginw :r..
parovd through the city yesterday
<'.'.iar s:.*v l^tt'.l:*. 'i'"-- l::s.-.- liave a
her way to Kingsii-y,
i.i ihis W'>ii-;er:u; ntrw'dis> Big Rap- Ojverv aii.l a U*sk tboi teiis ail alx/el It.
W. K. Sullivan *-rt
Ids yeeterday.
lw.hv.-Titfreci.vmi:’. M: irt-.Iir.KiiJoseph .Norton
orton and daughter
hicr Jg
P.:iighamt*>n. N. V. AVhes
rrturueil ui their .--.r In River
wriitng mcnt;c.B rcauisg’ thi*.generon,
GIca Hal! ...... Wesley Robei
oScr ;ti this jwper. iKm't make any
Aldeu w sjif the Hty oA bnsJnne
Husla'gs.lait rcmmiierthc namv.lfwami>veeterda'..
Ro«, Irr. Kilmer's Swamp-kuot. and the
Mis* Marion Manner* of Saginaw addrew. Bingbaolus. N. Y., via cverv
i* It the Ot}- vtalUng friend*.

For Your Accommodation
wo acll
will try and

Berry Cr«tM just oa cheap as the Factory.


keep a stock of Piem on hand tbroagh the »CMon.

Hayine time ■■ not far away ao if yon will nn- Salt 00
Hoy sre-t it of us. 'W<> will l ave it eitlier Granulated <>r Medium

Tou may want 4

Ho|<e for Hay Fork or ioinA

other size

a depend on go




John a. BimscII. s laborer of PwI ac. U inlag held oo the charge of

Kingslep, a Prosperous and Bustling Village

. s-sauli with Inteot lo mnrtler Wm.
lanlnun. with whom be qnarrelod
end sintek on Ihe head with a sp«4e.
Faulman to suffering severely.
naonee Depugh. T-yewrioU non of
n.-Bt tirpngh. living north odVeraioaiVIII.-. was probaLIv
fatally' injured


S. n. fVnstennaclier Is the propriea iKMly b
t all Uie efforts
KlDBiler. Mich.. JuDt :S.-Tbe v<fl«ee of Klmsiley. located Id Paradln* lor of another llvcrj- und feed l>uni of da-sinirtire flames in ibolr pretty
townfetalp. U a towo thli and oth» this village and cnjoyH a largi- pairm- viltase.
cooBties of Hit north are Juaily prouff age among the travelling fraternity
J. M. Bouse Is the village marshal,
of. Pnrad of Che rillaee; becanw^ 1 and those who may noeil to (ravel In nod reports his busiosws at low ebb I
Ibis wrlttlng because aJ Kingsley's,
preacsU i»ich a mc-lropomaji api>ear- bis many turn(«ta. A feed and sale
ana: ila larce. drcll hollt and
' sUble Is also run In conation wUh peace loving prorlivliles. Il Is a rare |
Blocked places of husioess: its besuil- the above buslnnsy.
ful «iioit*ea, and corllj- built rtsidSehonc Fartory.
rncee; Ila rcmai'kable fannltis coaiiJohn detune U On- pnn'iltKip of
try and Ita eaecHlent vlMa«e govern- one
meol. all b^p to make It ah Meal institutions.
A large new addition

largely Jeis-ndent


this conc-m.

Genenil repaliing'

'ated .‘ighiti-u v-.'ars'ago. and during

seems us if the populatlun of this;

iihai lint.- has uce..mplish.-d much. A
j waU-r works sysi.-m has is-en installed i

village coBtest anumg ihenisolves to'
MS- how very orderly they can keep<


their town ami how ver model their |

eomiileie and new line of both at |

mean much lo the dwellers »l this Ibis region and will no doubt be One
rich faming country as well as to of Kingsley's mwii successful bust-

and in jH-if.-ri winking or.k-r as w;.-H |
as a lighting plant.
Hundreds of;
yards of c-mi-nt walks

future rank foremost Cook also buys llvt stock, inulli
among the manufaeiuring InsUlutlons hides.
e jiweler
B. L; Haskln Is the village
of its kind found In these pans.
rer.' Mr.
Louis MoDlgold Is theezeluaivcboot and wuirti and clork repairer.’

hardware stores.

In-the near


Id rural residents of Kifigiley,
Saw Mill.
Case and Crotser own aod operate
>'u saw-mtI|H that employ about sixty
en. Over 5.1VS>.0<H> feet of timber Is
lumber each season

>r. J. J. IlrunsiHi, assiwlalod with
Sorenson, are ilii' pro|>rielors of

WMoebevs’- of this vlittge and
poo) and blllUrd room 4n cooncctioo
•uainent Qrowlng.
A. B. Hackerman, general managvuOf (be East End bardtrare and gen­
eral store reports a rapid growth In
his iMslueas during bis cutmoetjon
srtth the above bnsUiess and at hla
store, pan he found a new



farm and dairy products aod with bis
•zperienee In the mertanllle linen togetlier with hla fair treatment of all;
It goes wlUitiul saying that he 1s one
of Klnkefey'a luoal Bucceasfiil busl-

Kingsley's flour mill.


Bdit.w «r the Klngsk-y 1

have bad tbe pleasure of visiting o

This mill was

recently overhoui.d and an cutlreo.-wIbiurtng l-rocwB Inslallcd. making II
rajable of making a von' high class
line of flour- The caparliy of the
mill Is sixty barrels each day. and
maciifaeiurwl tmipul la largely
rnnsiimed In this region.

They al«'



old dam with B new
ml Bwhanan.
f.siii.l a turtle w.-ighing over cHip-d In a p.rllim of the dam
.(.im. which It w-aa tmporelble to get
jelth.-r ID or nut. and Ibe eniM-laaloa fa ■


traciive and Is-a.itlfu! M«ol and taking!
all these p.iblk- Imprevemenis lo-l

Wllluini A. Hanrahan of Muskegon,

gether. with Its ixrelleni g.ivemmcnl.t

purser ou the illfai.-d auwraer NaeoiL
It would U- hard to find a v-lllaB.* lhat
which burned in mid-lake a tww weeks
has for Us officials stirh a ptogTessIve'
ago with the livaa of llvoo, and of
imbllc./piiii.-d ne-a as ih.o.- wh.. eou.-!’'''”’ the paper* epiAe so highly for
pri:o- .Klncs|.-v-s numVlpal gov.-ra.l
K- J. d .1.- ,..-;-.l-i..r
t>rnv-.iy- while his v.wsel was is
:an.rth.-r ah.wlnv p.irl.u at this jdar.The brldo la
Train Service
I“ s:ils.i.uiiial bnsini-ss. flam.-*, has marri.-d.
One .rf Ihe b.,t train-rvln-s found'
Is an a.ilit In I.U ch.*cn Miss Marjtvrii. Usrvx*.
It Is said of Hanrahan (bat
Six tr.vins
•''■"'’'■T -'c-t-ond
is.lnraa was Ibe miwns of aavrlae
- '...........
‘—onii.-.--' - with

his sb..p.
and from ibis villagv? each day with
many llvce Ibo night of Hu disaster.
line grave! i.nids radiating In .-ver)-! Wnrrt.iirc and Bl-irkhurwl
dlreciloii out .'f Kingsley e.-rialnl} i»'iB>'k*niHh sh-.p at this pla.v an.l .vis.)
anvwbere U foun.I here.

gU-e II dl'titicilou so far as giuilng jdu c.meral r.-|«iriiig of nil


Oonoral Nows.


. I*, an.l 1-. K. Triidi.wlio have cv.n ti v.-iy and snrr.-ssfnlly

:i gi-i-f-ral si.-re and nw-al niarkei,

cusloin grinding nnd buy and sell j


lo and from thl-I'.wn Is concerm'd.
.imn.cilou with il.i- also.- Imnn.-ss.
Ae<i.r.Ung"lo n r.-jK>ri al Moslrenl.
A nnmber of isoat... Kpln. fruii and j B-ih are .'mkiI n.«-h80lcs aud enjoy
le hettt.ll t.-rm is nuking heavy de­
volume of bnslness tbal U done by llve-M.wk bnyere art- locat.d here au-l'a largo custom-ship uHhWpolBt.Thelr mands on Infant Iif.-, It Is eoHumted
plare of business Is ihoitMighly equip that the .leaiha last wiwk amuogchildIhem.

s highly .-mr farm bolding* at 1
will foot mi-r TO. while from «UOr, E. L Williams Is ih.- demist of
lisHe* nlrwidy o-clwil for theenrrent
Ifae village aud enjoys a large liicr
.1- propri.-lor of a v.-ry valual.le tinslih-ss »Jiin.-t
Ihe numls-r of drotha will be
. llruwB fs
lin- practice at this point. Tbe am
: and uu.k'rtak- Klugsli-y's iimiiv biisiness iilac-s.
. IIS'
Wh.ii It Is 4-aplained that
able p^ns-laklag doctor Is a gradual
the l.Kdl d.«th rale of Ihe city, among
H. Svi-gmill.-r and son pi
r. Brown Is very
of the I', of M-. aod V'-ry popular Itig ••siakUshmeni.
■irteKu-s of a«<vthi-r tlourishlng p-nei
claaocs. both .dd and young, should
nmoog his townsi>eop|p and pitiienlr efficienl In his line.
: be over i:i. It will be som what a
Wesley Dunn is the proprit-lor of Sion- at Ibis and iTijoy u bir
In the rural districts.
serious thing to (be death of 100 childanother 'saw-mtll at this village and piirnnage ib-' yiliagera :>i
■n In one week.
tiia'nufseiurers lumber at his Institu­ mral tesl'li-nts. Tli.-v- have rondnri.-d
Another very valuabie l.uslnv'sf
With tnindmls of ions cF rnbMab,
tion. This null employs abqut twosi) a biiaiocM. here for cleliieen yvart.
ajunci'a.i* found in this busy vllla^ln
ashes and decayed fntU and veqtetnm.-n and Is a very valuabit- businerr
ibeir l<ank. It repreeenls u glhraltur
piled In th.- guUnra of the east
ad;i.t>ct I." thi.-,village.
Th.- Kiugsk-y er.-atiivry Is amvthiof'safety and Is managi-d
side sir.i'is In New Yorit. Ivecausc the
■ Oscar Evans* r.-cenily opened np a very etil.-riinslng and
grosslve and conWTV'alive
driv.-ra of the city's «tn-et tiewalDg
i.lnmlnng and tin shop in the baw- iif th<- villag.' nnd
reiKMls a steady growth during, larh
depariiDent an- on a strike, the hetolth
tuem id G. W, Park.-r's and has greaf iH-n.-tlt "tu ili.' cirh
succeoling year of lie exlslrtice tn
the city is threau-nedr—The odors
Itw- I0..1S and ex|*-rl.-l)ce a.-cewaary’
.-.lunlry ar.mlid It
Kingsley, and iia officers are' lu be
an the refnse an. la-glnnlnc to be
do any work .along Hie limn tm
(Ptodiii'is ai>- always 'in d.-iiiaad and
congraluliiie<T uitoii their jiolirlrs In
ollchsive and dangertnw.
(iooul nlnjve.
its pP’sv-ut sucii-s-. aud pros|a-iit) is
giving Kingsli-y one of ibe Is-sl InsiiEvet)-B_Walsh of Denvin', who will
targ.'ly aUrtbuied t*. the nulling .nniibms found of iis kind In nortin-rn
. rgies of Its presi.k in and trvs«.*mvr. ii.h.'rit the wealih of Thomas F.
Mlchigad- I»r. J. V. Van d.- Walke. 1.
Walsh, the Colorad.) mulll-mUllonalro
B. Bdm-on and IJovd Mcl»oald.
■ he directing spirit nnd the tank',
Tills .( ;s .-..tnisn-ed 'of the tulner. U "Just crazy" Ip be • sewssnecess and gi-ueral |irusin-rily lo ui
(utlMT r.i>ui.-r and
''write np~ a
tJii'i.'ti.iii's alid fiiniu-n- ai.iiind King*
exient are aUribiilv-d t*. lilv. nitlirim;
le.v mill th.ii- ivio l.iisln.'ss .-lern.nts thrilling ronr.i.-r taoe, accnrdlng lo an^
t-avi- glveo lb the iiurili un i-vempiar iniervl.-w' *b>- gave a Denver girl
Max Ilauili.-rgi-r is Ihe pmprii-lpr
do with tbe
InstiluHon of 11* Kind.
.if one of Kinislev's leadin.u dry goisls.
II. F. K.v>li.r. Is ibe iTialnce iMjyer money you earned;" she was aaked.
eluihlng. slit*-s. rariM-ls an.l larti.-s
■ AVhy. la^buy
pnwcmt for
at this pUici- an.l l.y his fairness apivar.1
this i.l.iev
Hi.iM- whom hi> Ii:f- com.- In coDtHcl
By liiiol work and uiiilring .-nei-gy. h.
George W. Stephen*. riee.pnsldmit
•vllll Ii«r !.ni:i lip n v/rv targilias a tnerraniiT.- li.niso ir
’ th.' t'AnvIion Consolidated Ruhbw
siaiilial l.iisiti.-ss.
Kingsley thar its ivsi.l.-nis can Is
Co. .I.wlnnw Uiat there to no truth tn
Kingwicy Echo.
Justly |• of and iK.rlleiiiiirly In il.
the ivga.rl that tbe Dnlled Statea RubKliigsli-y is th.- p.oiid posMs-owner vilif. Is Vi aU , litn.-s puWleIw-r Co., ii«* obtained a controlUng tnv.ry modi-ni and iii'wsy newspaper
splrlted and aiiil.iilr.iis lo see Kings­
i«vat in the Cwiadlan eoocern. Me
Till- Kinasl.-y -Echo Th<- Erim bi-ley beeom.- om- of il)t "Itigc-si Il'Oe
*a}> ilie American cuneern doea hot
ih it. i-xiKt.-ire .m Jan 1. tlS. and
villages in norih.-i-i. Mlchigai.."
William Wrltlil Is ajndh.-r |.wgn-sgilt uioiiihs Hie pi.ilil was I.-used In
slve liiisine-is man of this villaae anil

Stlnsoii Is tbe village pvtstmnsler. and
Two Hauls.
l)is elflrJenry and congtnallly have and these milling InslltnUons-coolriHu-Tillage supports two hotels, The
‘ him one uf the mwi aucreiisful biile a gri-ut deal to the industrial
business men of the village and
as well a* lo ihe dommerrlul pros­
Both are
loeated on
genenil favorite amoug thOM- who perity of the town each day. and when
thorosiJifarwB of the village and tired
tiuilKT Is gom-. will be missed
and . hungry ptdeeirtans ar
grcally by those wliom
they have
' without a reeUng and refreshing place
Iwnefltcd in the past and now.
at ooralnal prices;
Shingle Mill.
Meory Hox Is the praprtetor of'one
Haro- Cray also owns and .operates
«( Kingsley's ltverr4inm» and at all
_ shingle mill «i this place and em­
- thnes of the year, day or night,
ploys nl<oul tw-enly n;eii during the
atands ready lo furnish the traveller
)U- Mr. Craj. but recenlly.nKJV'vd
with every convenleoee and comfort
Hill from Mayfield and ivporta .v
la hit different etinveyances for
large demand for hU munulacturtil
travel. He alao runs a feed and sale!
rk at this lime.
stable ta connection with tbe ntMiwI
Fleur Mill.
buslnena and Is kept very busy t
patroaa at this place of bnalnoss.
John Bnhlender it om. of the “thlrat

pv.ils an- fresh and whol.-seme


Mr. and at pde.-s rv-M.nahk- to all. Al
Thr.e fraierua! orders have ^.iiid ...Iniiin onart.. m-wspapi-r and Is |iatSorensoo I* an oxperiooeed millet hU place of business th.-ie is alw.vys
E. J. the proprietor of .
ih.-ir way into th.- heaiis of Kingsley ronlred vrty .-xl.-tislv.-ly
and Kingsley rwidenis and fanners a market for liiiii.-r an.l .-ga* an.l
rcsl'leni*. nuni.-ly; Tin- K. O. T. M- iidv-fTlis.T and *nl)M-rita'r and with
Indeed luriunaie In having this a place rntal rvsl.l.-nts
add that the large roilling indiiMry wtihln Its limits.
JI- L O.- T. M. M.. Od.l F.-II..WS and tli.-M- two *-li-ni.'iit* a* its palnios. It
thelr llv.-sioclr and imnltry
ptlronuge which (he shop h>s U un
The AnH'ric.ui j?oi-l.'lv of Foully, all Is tiar.ll.v n.w.-ssaiv
. Jay Brunson U one of the vll- Wright also c.irries an ext.-nsive
.. tine
Illustration of Mr. Fisher's ability as
m.-ml*T.hl|v* a
ph>slcktn» at this village and en­ of farm Implcnn-ii's
rni^ly gaii.lng pr-silge and
in cnnection
a bari)er and "ralaer" In gt-nerai joys a large pautmage at this ptaee
(.riviN-r.-ijs .luiditi.ui.
‘•‘-r In ^1* l.a-alny
with ht.i Inislni'ss nnd . njoys a larg.'
among the boys.
j o.'wt d..-,^.l.e^- was rti-.-iiHy
rti-enH inslali.-d
and in the snfrt
patronage, at this place.
-n-ed'-d his fatheTowoship Hall.
■ir verv li--.'iiif.!i rliiin'h.-i. ihe.g.'berr with motor |».w
J. Anspach Is the prtqiriilor cf an­
Thp new red brick low'nshlp ball
prarilce of medicine at thto other ianre dry-goods, p-nts' fnrnbhpart of thlv
tTUsariing business with him.

Nlcfc Krlaer la another "saloon mag­
constructed reerally to shelter tbe place and also assumed the respousl- Ings. shoe, rukliers. carjieU and mil­ Methodists
ovyr 1 instltullon.
nate" of this lively low-n and
q s. Firrrltigton run-,
a harn-s*
Krtaer-a new spacious building is <«e voters of Paiadlse lowosbip from the Willies coming with Ihe man^oment, liner) store* in Ihls village. By hart- t.y the H.'V- Platt, the Kev. Herliert.
elements. Is a verj- imisislug structure
large farm near the village,
over Van Gordn.-r and Unden's
at the mont Buhstnnllal bnslm
w-nrk mill kiw pilcci* be has Isi-ii able the R.'V, Srui.-r, the R«-v. Barilctt.!
as II stands on Msln slri-el.
Il Is which is the largest and most highly | to bnlM up a larg.- flonridiliig 1»i-i-| I:.--.- V ry 1 .timal'I.' c-c'V'men are : i,,-,r,lv.i...- star.. ;.n»l mai.ufarilire*
plaees in tlie village.
bull! niodernly and Is a eredii U> the deve1op.ll in
|K.»-; f 1 inllu. n.'c for -joimI in ihl« < s..p:,irs ail kiti.Is .>f iiartt.-.* go.*!*
Q. W. Parker Is
Ike owner
ness .vni| Ini.- k.cii In kusln.-ss h<-iei
I. Klng»l.-y
another general store In this village village as well as U> the towuship at The doctor also has other Interest* ,
which make* him one of the busiest j

and «MTiea a complele line of all
goods usually found In a store of
kind and at prices that are fair and


dated each <-ear. judging from

Semace House nod Collage Home.

with the above bnshu-ss.

A full line of up-

iwlnts, carpenter's supplies uml
implements are sold hero and

D was called lo tbe fertility of the this writing. Mr. Monlguld U also bis place of business.
G. W, Cbaufty Is another general
Boll. adJolDlBg Kingsley and ttaeo Us iotereeied lo real estate and baa some
real indoatrtal eaistence began. Large very choice pieces of real ewtalc both -^merchant of this place aod enJoj'S a
tncla of land srere rle«red and made in tbe village and nnl secUobs of targe patronage among the villagers

UWdlng to/ the wanU of the mai


anrst plam.-.l t» ni.ikc It an at-!

oboe and rubber dc-aler of this village HaskiUB also carries a very choice prices that are riglit. These
and enjoys a Igjk patronage ammig line of wntehes, clocks, silverware an.l gentlcoien have built up a large
Jewelry novelcles. .Is one of the news here and tht-lr motto ‘'A square
the villagers aad rural dwellers,
pioneer business men of this vllUige deal to everyliody." Is gn-ally ui
bis place of business can be foui

m be found a full line of new' goods
Id at pricfls that are reasoaalile. Mr.

been I

issned an .w.k-r io

luitilm- aixvtn aew imilding*.
Workni.Ti engagvil in n-iilaclng the


A villag.- juttk i< six acres i
Piovl.i.-u for . and a larg.-.

tiimiti-r id stia-h- irw.

tcedate shelf-ware, harnessi-s. stoves,

large variety of the best manufactured and he enjoys a large
goods of tbe above kind and at prices among Klngsle>''s dw'ellere.
Val Utiden is the proprietor nif one
lU begbulac traa like other rUlacm
He also runs a boot and shoe of Kingsley's leading drinking empor­
«( the Dortfe. a ^^bertng a
repair shop, and n-poris a large. ni|ild- iums and a "pure unaduUerillea line
and wbea that^comiwidy
ly growing and flourishing business at of drinkable* " can always be found at
acareer, the attentloD of tb

day la aa good as any found to the
•ntlre north.


■•ut att.T a sji.u.-ss .jjwn rvcotd for
Kslamaco.. snd will tuive », He bi^J

btiilt and am ortlnanee passed which |
eompels ritl/ens to btiiid walk* from 1

the villagers themselves. A planing ccas men.
Mrs. Thurston.
Chas. Cook is the proprietor of
mill U also run la addition to (be
One of the Oldest PlMeera t
above work. K. C. Brown Is also In­ Kingsley's meal market and at all
times of the year cb^ce meala, frbsb.
terested In the
and with hU twvnly-flvo yi-ars evperl- whok-some butter and eggs ran
Ills place of business
Messrs. Van Gof.I.-n and Unieii aie
enco In connection with the above purehased/ai
ptfecs reasonable
the proprli'KT- of Kingsley's leading
lines, there Is no qucsilun but It will

ready for the pleuch. and tfaisdevH«]>- this locality.
A. B. Slloson Js another merehanl
meot has kept vp, until today, the
: tills iilaee. At his place of busluesK
farming country surrounding Kings,

tbe offjclsls

thing for him to make an arrest and It;

and blaeksnUihiiig an- also done b< re his place of business. Mr. Bos eiijoya^
large urqiialiilaiiceship fbroughont
and Itiu location uf this Indiisln' w)H

The ftov. A. L. TtMiratWh
Om ef the Oldest Mole Ptooem •
this BegMm.


tin their enforvem.-nt' of ordloaiicvs
land laws. I'h- village was Incorpor-

w-aa rer«-Btly liiilU to his aJnwdy rouj- deportmeol.
modiouB esinblislinient
wagon ' Chas. E. Bos condurts a grocery I
making is one.aif the leading iiursiilis and futnilure sior.! here and carries 1

spot to live and rlsil.

Thursday tnnrning
when a borne
ki.-kt-rt the Unle chap. The force of

.-rtiment ar.- o.-ci-ssary fw a vtllage's
grewili .vipl e.iiitinii.-d ptv»|H-rity and



Fire Department.

lutieh for 111" nuiiiual


of frmu


Klngsk-y aii-1 th.' >iirr..utidlng couiii. y.' d'lre.'d a'-*tnill:.r lUrili.iHon
Ijtg.' Sju-lay
srh's>:« l;ave mi'll ] place. Ik-ing an .-xis-rl worki

Klngbley has a fire department and

lod with .g.rnal »uow. rivaling thu
Alps III graudeiir; great geyaera goil
JiinuiiH-nibIti hot wefl*: waterfall*.oao



’ to Niagara in size aad beauty;,

Hlniuus and

lashing rivere;

of fatitaatlr figure*, covered
that gllBlen* la Ihe sun like
h.ior friist. sad. as a crnwnlng glory,
thi- KlinosphvTO Is so Irrllllast that obI'.T

mllra dlatanl appear

me: woman bad aevtf be^
employed In the acrvlce.

Then Ib^

admIMcd to the dntd-ieUer office
—.-irht of theta.
Now of (be 1.1»S
>-ntp1i>)'<-s in the deiariment in Washlagion. ;;u' are woniea. and (liere are
111 Hi.'


country ZT-W-o wotueh

'mi>|.>y.>d. g«u-rally ia the stamp de-.
Iiv.-n- or muni y order offices, and re­
citing Kslan.-s ninnlng from $400 to

John Fisher U t e
I store*.
The pnpnlhr doctor ha* reorganiz.ll and af .-xei'llenGv- at-lexts-rienc.-d. th.- ks-ation of
........................................................... ............. —-v—.j
.T'li) a year.
He also runs three for a place jof Its sise. it is a very'
modern <-qiilpment. A new chemical
socleiie* »jj| prove verv v.iluabltruKslng of seatence on ' kteyef
lag fh
lorgnnir.-d and their imi'-'d work ami "s's of the vlUag'Ts and rural-renl' Eugi-ne E. Hchmiu, convietied of exiorbusiness, and It goes without saying engine, a hose cart and a h»ok and he has at hi* place t«anes vetT "’''
fresh nvw Un.-. of drugs «t
igly tbe esteem in which be t*
'tsm-nt tnflu.'nce i. f.-u i..,..iiali.»ui il..i
Hon in th.- Brooch reaiaunat caaea.
that he Is a varj- bus)' min through ladder comion}'. - Val Linden is lis
vitl.ig.- tiiiil loi'.il rtiiirlci.-..
chief and the villager* have orgaWzed held at this place and also his good
Di li. W. W.-I.ster Is another physl'
as Thunday iswtpond uoUl July S.
out the year.
other essentials, ni-eessar)' for f
IJ-indnidH (if eoMW
of browntall
Il- luiller Diy daltiU ali.i hav.
la), al tills piar- and U k.'|.t busy by
todate drug <inrc. He has one of the!
mtkh isdsonlng are being ireautd 1a
•>!U,-Ujrati<ui here utid-r Itu- R-ad-i- ho-e who may .Jeslie h:* ».-rvlr.-s.
finest eqiilplHiI jihimracvutirsl (Ivi.ari J
Nasiiua. N. H.. and sumnindlag totrtu
ni.'Dls foun.I,imhis pan of fh.' eo.tmyl
t.y <1.0 I's-al physklaus. One pfaysidao
and run* on ic- . resm. itorlw 1n ..m-.
a w-omaa with her eye
n.iMlon with th.- ;.l"iv— business. The at.d he n.-ports It aa Twy
doctor .-njoys a largo practir-e.lp tbe.-i.,
Many of th<- ricHins have
1 parts and Is ere of those tv-i--s ..f;
tbe same to all.

terms in'^nectlon with the a

hod to lak.' ski-plt.K potions In'order

: riilrens-ship '1-at i* a cmltt totally
i ks-alliy. T^je doctor is a m.-jitWr of
>.-veraI fiat.-rultics and hp«

to got ib'lr rtsi. Ol! the poison yields
vary skiwly lo ireamsmt. Many oases


liave terinit:iti..d In a l*d funn of ery-

! iM-en for.:iuo»i in maklug Htugsky the
.fotomosi village* in Gl-and TravrrM;,


.at this plii.-.- of business.

compel «.-sideuUi to hsi-e r*Hje mala of the aterptllsrq

Al. Knpp U Hu- propnt'ior.ef King*-.
: lev's iKsil an.: t-illiard hall, Mr. Kap;.
■rc<i-:;tly rroovated the intertuT of his

i mm:

|buMn.-*s place ami .tgrrirs a full Unc
I of candles and clgai> at hi* phice <il
i buslnes*.
D. L. -BisiBn Is the propii.-or of
! another store at this vlUase and dealt

The prewtdnt will go to Prorlnce.


■ j in a high grade line of -chJaa. crock; .-ry and novelties
Aleo,. handle* a

line of groi-eries and provision*.
..* ....
..J t
i,oih fi"
hr.), and

\ -

Mr Ensigu 1' the village president.

« board the
I Mayfi*>wer. Ihe vnainl on which the
'I'llxTim* made their vo)-age to the
lii-w irerld.
He wll! make (be Ulp
:.n.l Wi!! be .^Wted by a dlvisKm o(

and dairy product*..
Village Preiident,
- Dapltot Churth.

Dr. J. A. Itogaoe. cbalrman

<i Ui« board of healtb, ways that an
ordinanc*- aboul.l b..- pasM-d by Uic

icouniy. R. E. Woivd is ih.-iiLaniiacis<;

r ttoUlrehlps. which. wUl be ber»
T deidgnaled. The pma.h<ll Bill

Kingsley Creamery eulldlrvg.

Idoiiver aa addreas.

rAte-4. -....................


foocral over the remains of the twu
« Long Ago.
Bother u( il
the Imd-.
Arravled oa ibe ehkrf^-rtf ste^Uliic From Friday's ReArd.
young women.
Hre. John Htira and dancbler of
(rea • wredied Per* Htrqueiu box
Now that Gov. Wamer’s pet meas­
raKstince lace wal>L Mrv. Moaute tr.
CMT. Honua Claypool
tbit rtiy. Bdure, the binder twine plant proposi­
ther of the groam, si ihe r-'fluest
w*rt V«Mta tad Irrlaf Harser. both
tion -for Jackson prison, haa t«en de­
«r.a new ds-.igiiifr. was at
«r Rapid City, waited cxamlottloo be­
I. T. H.
finitely settled, steps will be talon m sit'd in a s!mn> » ■ - ni-islin gown
cf the style
of m5 tears pan, i"
fore Jodce Nerilaaer on
Friday father and mother of Dr. Peol
to shape.
::iS the same dTt-ss in which she
a»d were boaod oter to Clmll eoort. of this cily. and W. J. Peol
The prison board t
ri nesi.aus united In marriss'-' i«' J- A- Mnu
The alleccd theft took place Hay IS brother of the doctor, all ^Calumet.
day and deride
wheUiec*ri»|jue Iwcnty-elgbt' jetits ag'V
the city TlalUnx blln
aad three palra oC aboee were Ukea
a tbeir hard fiber or flax twine ahall be mami-,
a retepUon wi
from a car In. frclRbi Nti. U i(hleb way home from Cbleaxo.
faetured. This agreed on. order* for
llid giTHun ut II
Biswortb Hale returned last even
«*a aeattered about the rfftbt of way
ilnery wlU be givoi aad boildins '
411 Stau- siretwo aflM aooth of the city. Claypotri iiIr from a trip to the Pacific coasL
lug line t
Mrs. Arvilla Gardner and Hn. Car­
to cbarspd with atmllBc a pair of la-:
wfalcli wa
dy*a alippcra vaJoed at tl.60 while the rie Peteiwen. worthy high priestesa.
back and tire with him. George' *
earmiiions. .M
other two are ihou«fat to bare uhes or Qneen City Shrine of the White
WB'e ahoea or the aane ralue. The

of Jerusalem, returned from
Ibe fioor and Macing ;i .Moniagii.-, the bride tmd
eoisplalBt wai made by J. C. Johoaon. Grand Rapids yesterday, where they stick of dynamite on bis chest toai-li-. luald uf honor, ibe Im-si
apwlai axent of the road. Mr. Johs- attended the annual meeting of the
It off. HU whole Isidy was
.« blown
hlowii '•ridswota
hrtdsantaids and the iishe
sas dcs-orai.-.
eoo haa been at work on the eaae all Sopreme Shrine of the White Shi
to fragments, only
of Hx-m- n<>»
the week and bat apeot ranch palna
Robert Fbsler wbo has been
wliole and ihey
I- Iwiily Inin, A^ery sitrroo’inlliic i
Id celtlsfl the evidence. One day tar
pan of the bam
wrecked. Ktim-iininrh. festini* niul naUliuvH »<•'•
to hiR home at Frankfort this morn­
vna forced to walk fltieen nllec.
b.\ivy drinker s-'rv.-d
Mi.» Rlioda natti-nhuiT an.
The punlabnent tor aoch a crime U ing.
and this habit cauMd <loiw.<ilr
proTlded In a apectal autute had
Peter Wnrvburg of Kortfaport Is in
Hla an was planntd as
paniabaent la a prison sentence
the cily today.
desperelv man bad biviiehl borne
to exceed twenty yeen. a flne of tS.Hni. H. Oberiln of Bingham
Btlek of dynamite from the stone
spending the-day In this city.
•, Vfberv he was emi.loyed. There
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Banks of Leland : ■e two daiiphl.
Badly Hurt.
When arhool
ore In the city vIsHIng friends.
Fred Smllb. need 12. aon of J^n
Mr and Mr*. Wflllam Crocker of rJooe at Bailie rr.-.k. nine boys of
W. teith of fJS North Cedar s
Biitt<.n* nay are In the city bavliig MIsa IJlUan Eberaleiu set . uR fliv-vaa palnfolly
Injured by
a amali aceomtumled Mrs. H. Itemis and Mr*. rniekerti and raiiu-d ii.'irilrnlar Cain
Long who are reieralng
starter for o hMig vacation,
was at firal thonfbt that be wonld lose waakue as far as this cily.
shed luward less utiee*uuly
bto cyeslxbt but a pbyslclao aooeeedand Hn. H. L. Leach left for duct, Lt^ youngtsteni shouted to Miss
•d Inremorlng the powder grains from Turns for nn exlebded trip this
Bbnvtein that school was
the bey's eyes.
rMponsibilliy had cease.
The boy with George E. Gegner.
sod Hrs, W, P. Kyle went to Le­
A Brilliant Wedding.
bto tdaymate, had rigged up a eannoo land for a visit with (riendt tl
From Thursday's KoornU.
of (heir own maonfactore and decided morning.
7;3f> last f-vetiing. Miss Eunire
t (net It out laat night, they being
kin. E. L. Colburn haa returned
dsughtiT of Mr. nn.I
unable to wait until the Fourth for her home at Alma after rtoiUng
Mr* Walter N, Kellev. and Herbert
. (hat pnrpoce. The cannon was load- friends In this cily.
Benjamin Moniaeue. «». .pf Mr and
1 ed and the fuse lighted.
Hrs. J. W. Clark went to Alma
Mr*. J. A. Mimiague, wen- iiulie.l in
For some reason or other. It was
lomlng for a visit with friends.
alow about exploding. The boys wait*
U K. aevHand went to Fife Lake church, the Rev. Demas Corhlin of
fleiattng and the reremuny being wil­
ad wbal tbey thought was a long
-.•s.-n;.-.| wjih ;i
1 boalness this morning.
ed b.v a large numlwr of guest*
I- i>f Ihe bri.1<long time an! then the Smith
William HelDforih went to Haaeewedding was one of (He pnatiest
went np to aaa what the matter
lona this morning.
baa ever occurred in the clt.
. As be waa ktoklng and endearotii
Hn. E. C. minUer and family went
■ music n
in then
light It again the cannon exploded,
>. Fite Lake thU morning.
be getting the force of It in tala face.
D..B. ArblHo and wife of Hanton
Baautiful Presents.
Tin- i-rwnis rw-vlti-d by the bride
Hit upper Up and noatril wore tom who have been visiting at Honor, pass;
id all e\-entug an luwUle the grains were blown Into hla ed ibiuu^ the city on their way homo
Ihe U-Jiiillliil
(boo and oyea. As many of the grains
■is morning.
Ciil glHSS iu
u |ini
as possible were removed from bis
Hn. C. H. Chase of WUllamtburg
IBiliib-d china.
-r and
less iirtlclw of us<' lin'd iimatru in
taee but bo wtU alsrays bear the mark pamed throogh the city this moralng
il.--ef (he ezphalon.
a her way to Kingsley.
yoiiiig |s-«>|ile arc- held.
Mrs. E. H. Hill went to Detroit toAfter- III., rereptiini there wer.- a
Zslma Chase In^ving.
niimher of y.muc pi-ej.le apxionsly
Bevy Dalcell haa again taken a the 4il< mill <it the brideand
Lj'dia Wilbur returned to her home
Riwini to cm .-iwuy Inn the bapiiy
*^ibuerlpUaa for Zelma Chase and
1 Howard City today after spending
eoiiple nmniised to f'ul ilK-m-eniuueraSned Is ratatag ttUS. There to
ahnrt tlmo wiih friends In tho dty.
lelj. Tin- cnroui -hid
now a balance of 137.15 In the SUte
>ui dowiiM
Un. J. R. Walsh and Mrs. Dcremo
hank for boc u li.-K- ^iie
guanl -d all «l>st:il
relumed lolfaeir homes in Grand Rap­
ip|K.s.-d K. 1:
The generosity of the people wbo ids today.
Willie Ih.-v t.-ee walliiic. In;
aided in raising, the fund tor the onJ. -K. Slater went to Elk Rapids (o-llpi.-d nw..v lo Itfortunate llUle girl baa been ^tenday on business in connection with
Frilr -nriciier had I s machine n-ady.
ad> tor a very worthy object. That
<Jrme the .auto
Is bnweb house furnishing store at
tibe'esoMT haa bsen well spent
that place.
t«Honi. As .11
gmoiii hi
shown fay the foUowfng letter receiv­
, heliHHl the bride
passed, tl
ed by the girl's mother. Dr. Walter R.
Ihe iioirState Newa.
Eunice Lillian Kellay
Parker of the UalTcmUy hospital, bolew lliai had the
At a meeting of the board of educa. He White
The church w
tsg the writer.
wautifully but slm- nerve lo ^|ihi
on held It was voted to install man­ ply decocateii.
Jund pine, ever"Zdma to improving again. She can
ual tijdnlag in the poblic schools at greens, pink cai
' B and _____
marg'jcrGo Gown St. Lawrence.
eee'to get around very nicely but she
lies being used and iircheR being
<-.,u1i|.- uill VO ■Inna lie- Si.
Marahail next fall.
does not teem well enou^ to read. It
11- ri'< *. .'loiipiii'.; nt .Moiiiri-al.
NVbllo trying to disentangle a fallen erected tiver the main aisle, the i>ew
Ids being decorated with boqueis Q.i.-!nw ami .U!n-| i-ninis t-ii route.
to be« for her to remain with os i
horse, George Foedj'k, a draj-man of
ed wilb pink ribbon*,'The pulpit 'After
Huy will la- tit home
time yec-^____________________
YfwIlanU. waa kicked In the bead.
a* a veritable bunk of floaer*.
: oir. Fifth
siriitUng his face (W. and smashing
Ti..c Cl
Harry Hamer was at the org.-in
For the llavy.
; Sun nod 1
Id before the ii|i|>earanee of tiie l.rtdThe Onlied Sutea racrultlng ofAce bis Jaw and nose, bill not injnring his
ul party, he softly idayed "Vision"
eloeed Friday and Chl«( Yet
by Bil-I :m.l with Ihe changlns of the
Weaver .and ..hit ..aaaUUnta .
(juleier lope*. Into the swelling strain:
(or tbsesnah. Where an efflee will be
«r U.liejiKi-ln's wedding mnreb. th<
Harry- Burlon, n 1G-)-ear-old
ppened. Six lecmlu left (or Norfolk. bead*.
s. Ihe ring bearer, t e m.-iid
Va.. where tbey will begin ttaeir life lad of .that villMfe. landed fifty-two
. the flower
Id ihc
in Dnele Sam's, navy.
bride h-aoing on the
•r faihOut of City Guests.
caiTu down Ihe ;
. while
The reemlu and their branch of besides raiehlng sereral German carp
l.j"«. ■'.Ir.
and bahi.
miTlee were:
Mi-s 1.-iiml Mrs,
Work on the l.trgest single
J. F. Adami.
Honor. apprenUee
right, ihi- iMri
iia Ilosr
. IMIai;-.-: Mf- ib-tv K.
sKwd bridge in Michigan which
imipll where. Ihe een-aiony oe-m
I.klvn, S. Y . Met . fi-.-rn-. us Hu- o
oiuatiisl pl.ii.'d 'Ton Wd.l
R. A. Cowles. Traverse Oty. hoe- Ing built over the TlUebawaMsia'
itirisi-u-. ib-oiuinu. 11..*hj -Ml
.VaeDuwell. the tones of the aid'n't: .
at Midland ha* been suspended on ac­ Rose" lit
IS. V'-iiiuaii. Vi.
great pil>e
pl|>e forgan being soft niid sweet and Mrs. M-l•tl. is. ii. Ct.iiid Kaiibis:
C. M. DowBi, Kalkaaka, apprenUee count of the delay In eeeurlng dMlvery the word* «f the minister
»rfl« -Of................ .......................
M.ipU-rily: M..
spotues of the bride and groom isring
i1r>. J.-rry Siilliiiiii of ('<“1*1; Mi
.............................■> above the music. MV-nC. B. Freeman, Willlamsbnrg. ap- ar« completed and also a part of the
>liv Ki'it-li I'lise. Kiiirsl--; .
Idlng march was played
Duper work. The bridge when finished
fxectlce seaman.

,r’Mre. Jc^hii'l.'v.^

............. . .■S,"S

H. a Olddlag*. Traverse Cily. hos­ will be 300 feel long and steel arches
forty-five feet high.
pital appranitee.
. .'
Instead of finding her 3-year-old
Mlsse* Grace Corbett of I>»lxhl
O. H. Jewett, Tfavene City, -appronlying on the Grand
Trunk tracks lajulse Shepherd of Miinrt*-. InioCameron. Florenco Miller. Helen
mangled by a west bound passenger
l of tliU city and ll.irbara CarMr*. Herbert Bailey of Owoaso
■>f Dwight. 111., well- rile liiidi-sfound thfi lad standing on the opposite maidK. The flower girls '
aben Ume the office was open b
e Mis*
In all. there were tweoty-five appll- aide of the road-bed. crying becaw e« Helen Kelicj., sisi.-r
and Doris Van Uew
easts examined. Of these, tbirtoea the "ehoochOD cara" had comiileteiy
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lA-on V
demollabed bis little red wagon.
were rejected for physical rei
Uew, cousin of the bride. Little Har­
Bailey had seen the bpxy croaing the ry Fauet, son of Mt. .ind Mrs. Cli.-irics
ahead o( the train, and hastened ,Faust, clsd all In white. wa« the
e plac« expecting to find him bearer carrt-lng the symtart in
bran of a lUy.
Worthy killed.
Hr*. Carrie J. PeUramt
Bride Was Channtng.
Charles HalleUe of Alpena.
Jhe hrlde waa dhannlug. Slto >
The lonowing ofBcora were Install. senlcBced to aorve 20 to 40 years -in a simple while gos-n of radlnni
ed tn Queen City Bbrine No. 16
the fWtowing year:
W. H. P- Carrie J. Petcraen.
f(. P.. Clara 8. Wnilama,
W. p., Bra Smllb.
W. T.. Arrflla Oardoer.

Jackson for murder Is the aeceod
gree. fie shot his wife Hay SS.
be I* 31 ycai* old his sentence tuonn«
Exponents of the anU-IMiarru habit
are given a Jar by the living exumplr

K. C. Alice wall.
W. Shepardera. Marie Petertyl.

of Lrvl Rivera, aged 103 years, the

W. 0.. Ida Tyler.
W. H., Inex Adele Cramer.
W: Oaurdlan, Mary J. Curtia.

Rlvcf* UvuB in luwuod
Schoolcraft county. He a-alks

Queen. Anna Soule.
Klnc. Bra Iwrtttnw_______________


oldest man in tho uw>er penlimula-

evwT morslug. and ha* always been
an Inveterate user of the weed.
Threatt to "lick" the Rev. William
Abel, of St. Joaeph. wbo claimed
a seeond Saviour. bc<Su5? of bis bois­

KMmr-Lhrw PIIU



Chats Msdlrtos Ca7»«g«to. «• T.
Per salt by Jotmaon Drug Co.

wbootiing np meetings.
The seareh for the bodies ol GusUv

“ Porlnfmta and CMMvsi^.


wix.l- I. I that

*0 qua-kjv ■.vr thk v
we SI
i*n..i III Ha- iI,«-tiK. IVe
Usvi *.-i,l I- a:i.-lh.T l-iil lie
culd II..I le-lj, I,mi. ail'd III eiir A-pair
we went tl. a tl-id
Matter- I —
<7iueMil>ad 111,'. I- l,a,l ■•'gular Is-k-ID
lua, laic- • ■,-,ugli 1-1 |.'il a litig-r
lulu. Tts- bs-i iia,i t-> I-- xmri »tili
a SI-O.U1, f.a- 111- iis-iili, wa- '--veroJ
wilb< .-<i-i-8i till. 1. a-a tmri-i.njstt'h.-aeviv Is- .a-ua*t Hi.- iis-ictli He> l.-gan
|.. bk-i-ij siul siipi-liraie. a- <11.1 ol-i bi*
ei--.. HaisKanii-.eis-i.aisI back.In He- wind.- l*.l,v wa- iN-v.-ntd over
and -v.T. W-- bad in o-rt l-v «iav oc
uiglit. Wbvs-v-r Is--W'a>
ls--W-a> laid in'
in h
U-d. »’• bad 1 > pin I— han.l- tl.mii.
oti»-r»i— I..-w.Bild ora'-di In-' f»v aial
maL- an .,|.'i> —re. 1 tbmk In.- lure
lou-d hav,' n. li-d tn—I burintl.e.
■We Imalli lli.nrtu n-.llnug I'-tllJ
hrip, an,I I ,lu-l nunk- tip inv inln-l i.i
send me viifi- uitb lie- riold i- Eup.|>-.
li-|im« Hull 111--.-a air niii;M cur-- liiiii.
oHsrwi— be w.a- i.i Is- lull ural-v g.s-ii
n»-di-al i-ar- ils-«-, llni, laml l»>
l-l.-.—1. iiialbn >am-- ilin.roiiUv, en.l
W-- soon aav a niirail-.
A framt •<
■aav s|s>ke als>iil rliiii.'iira. MV moile
a I--I II -aaib Cuti-nra s-ap. Ondns-nt.
• ■
,11 i.ti .l.ii- vr
a il->t,l-il ini' as il«
al-« Is raii t.
di-apis-x". aisl v.i'bKl t-*ll W's-ks Hi.'
all—liii-Rv w.-ll. and lu- .km
wa. .Mi..-ih and wtute
nev-v l•^^■».-.
F. H .lir.iih. Pr* i>f tis- f. I..
HnhraHi I'.imiianv. .Alatnifa-i-mT* of
Sdk Hilil.-ip. 4 to Jil Uiiik All-'-, tv.utb
Ik-iliU-M an. I'a., -lune
■ •sfnrs-. r-irtsil sni Is.r-evl T-s-.tiarei ke


•S-SUl.-O 11...

The Kind You Have
Always Boo|^


Bears the


OptumiMorphine oorMiaeiaL

For Over
Thirty Years

Apoffcl Rcmcriy forCOftsGa*lionTSour SlotUch.DUrrtio^
Worms jConvuLsions.Fevcrishwss andlrOssoF SLEEP.
CacSia^ Stfinalun «(





Al a .'s-ssb.n <-1 «dd Fourl. I
e Probate rifTM'i- in ili'.trily o
I- fitv. iu sal.l Coimri, on li
■lay ..
.. A. I>. IN'T.

IsiH- t'oiirt for the couuly
f.ian.I Tra-.erse.
Al II s. .d *al.l c aiirt. hebi at
e in-.tial.' , ilfl,-... (u the 'LTiyolTravClt) ©fT
•aild' cuiiiily. (tu the 12lh
ielM- I'lH.


^(lay of ,lu

Ju.lye -I I'l.ihut,-,

Milk Dealers Comoinc.
Ail III" intik lb an-rii of the city
live ct-m<- to an agrt-i-meni whervl.y
l-.'. l-.lil, tl. |s.|.|.le
piirchsse from jirivmi- pnril.
siinimiy. They rl;'
B inj'ustli'f
III them when eu
wiili ibe siiiqily nii ih. ir »1
IllUi. i- pb.nlLf.ll. lu- tba' meliDfi
gH-ti! bi'-. Then niii-u milk U searr-

lu ll.e nuiH-r ...r lb
M:iin»iei. John and


Surah liixon having 1 mi.<l In said
Court lier-flisi uiiiiiihI' acct-iuit u.ciiardtan of s.ild <..iul-..,aiid b<y p> iiHon praying f.;'.- th-. iilhiwaia-e iber-of.
|i iv opl.-r-s', ti,:ii ih,. i;.i|, ji„i ,,{
July. A. H. V"iT. M.t.-h o-el.«-k In lii.f<-:-.!baVi'. Ill -uld |-iubat<- IIITic--. Iscq.f is li-'i-eb} .,ipp..|bi. .! lor <-x;iiiliidiia

a -.-.ti.ply 1

A. D. 1P«7.

rn-*.‘iii. Hon. Fred :R. Walker.
Judxt- of 1’H-bnle,
In the liiitlier tif .Hie.crtalv «f
J.fliii JbimiMs. late ol mjIiI county,
B. H. Murmw* luJtlng fHod In
said court lii> final-Aca-iHiiil lu A'linlftIstnilor ..f said.retpt'fvwotl.bU p.'»l'l'tu‘
praylnc tor Hn- allowance lli<-i-te>f,
. It Is oi.l.-nsl. tbiii tin- Mh day of .
July. A. D. litOT. al l■•ll o'clock In the
ftin-main. at said probaie office, lar-iqiMlmed f-.r .-xmiiiidiig.nnil iillowlng
and Is-hen by ;i|<|<oii'i--<l air i-xaniiulng
and aibitti’ig sai-l s.eoiini.

It Iv fiinlii r .trib-n-d. Ihii! publie
ti.iii.-,- ils-ivo( Is- -.:i>.'!i by |ii)ii!iracioii
11 to further onlenut that public no­
(-amort i.f il c.|iy of Ibis m-der. lor llii.-e sue
tice th'-ri-ot to- given by inilillcsllcni
I Mrieiiy t-e.-siv*- wt-ekb prb-.
ef a pojiv of Ibis (Wik-r. for throe ymeto excejs heaiii..............
IH-raie. a in-w*pb|>s
id ,rlr- eotuilvc Week* previous lo snld day (ff
h'-aring lu ibi- Ilran.l Triiv. rvc Heniltl.
ciilati-d in said emm
iii-ws|ia|u-r pi'liiti'il and circiilaUri In
Dr. Leach Goes. South.

-Tlie milk <1
l-ont this -mi
nforco Ibis i

of Frobate.

for Hilt

..hd I
clinini: >i-..r
ilu- uru-’ilt teq.;--■if Ml-S. I.e;iein- run b.
1/<-u<-li will in.ik.- ilii-i: liuine uiih bin
Iltiriug .iiiaoy J^'al. "f -. .i.n iny !n-;


(Inind Traieise.


•■'liv' TT»vrr*.'.itr
Ar VlaiM Uoar

II a>
. 11 M

Notice ■[*. l,viv-l,v i-iKIl
'•■■tiH's from lh<- rsHi d;.y
lO-rlad-sa .


ipts 10 luvseui Ihctr cL
Hill dtroiised to s.-ii-l >-<
nilititioii and udj'r hiisi
n .cr.qiiois .vf Slid .t...s-.

Old Day Book.
i. J'lbniam ' i-t


Ids It.........
Villli.a.l.|ed 1.. ! is -i--.;
..t|| d.iv l..~.k. :■ ....

"•'i SsL,-:'




lay. of :
...• laid claims *111,

-ItS Vf

'tor.* r D 1^;t ' rt I


in good
Im-sti with agp•Jal.- id .l'-••i


aSS:'-*’;; '

' ro-, _Mmhuw ...
iso'l: _
Vu fo'v
be;.. 01110.'. Ill
Ary^Xfart. .

ITra-n. Icia ttwlar Itfty and Provewiet arriv*

':V u-AilKpjR.


J.ulg.- p.f I-folpalc.

rJ .J*KKlLA*«t

Thje New Brandf Sprayer
The latest ol all devices for exlerihlnallng all
kinds ol Insects.

No waste of Ume by stopping to pump It
abend. Can be done as Ihe

April. A. D.. n-ej. lev.' "P
-'Wine dusctlbed i*-s-l *--isi*^
^i>.-Is One- 111. Tv..- i.:i and
Soflheasi q i-ri-r "i' ef Southeasi qiinri<-r I'tC Seuih*vs< quarter
I'a) of S»tiih-’asl >|ua:ler ■’«) all in
Section Five

F*or Oi»'tribu«ine
Paris Green* Bordeaux Mlxlo^e and etc, this
sprayer baiis no eqttaL

Al-i that

Southeast qtiani: 1’a ' of I
' ‘
quarter I1 of S-ell-i nve
t-'.inh nU'l WeM .'t
lite- dni'
irimmlng of tloK-ls
sold quariei quart'•niily piece o! jewelry .i light
allel with and oiie-f)t;:idt-d 1
necklace with a peijiiniit of p-rlt-ci from III.'
N E.
gift from Ihc groom. H-r luiqtirt «sk
pearls nnrraiinding an nuiothyat. u.^i , „( Xn'itiwe-n
a shower of swansonla.
Ix-inh.-*'- uoan.-r'^• ‘>t Nortin-.i
The maid of honor was gowned lulmnirir-r«t q.tsttcr
pale Wuc raw vrV-pe, Mikado style.
,,„;:rtf!- i
i ;Xirt!t» ■
trimmed with duchess luce. Her I-U I ,,0rtni-r lU | of Xoril;«>At quanqurt was a shown of pink carnations.,^,. sr.,„n,.an qiu.r-.vr/'. ■ rtlS-'t
runoingly raiigU
0,^,-,.^ |i,i. :-rd
with pink Uiby ^'l-on. She wore, a: ,,„nr,or I’.i'crf V.:iii»eri
single Jewel, a »]>?%> e| iiite* of the
, „f <s«-!in!i EicM 1'’. all in To*
i:'-' N-ii'h of R«hi
pearls, the hride iH-inc the donor.
v-t m? -sid t.rooer

o .b-crito-d r>-ii
thi- highest 1.1KT <-f th- C-.i;;
,r Trar.-r-o- fi'>

Lagg. Irving A
lagtie. Dr. B. toll
men drowned with Ldyla Olln and KeUey
wer gtroi
ni.ARI.Fy .-i M>HSS»OX,
The flower
girl* w>-r<- wuiie .so*,
Anna Johnson, in Hnskegon lake Sun­
pink, trimmed with val lact-.' - Sheriff of (lrai..i Coitntr.
day has been abandoned,
A* the brlili-I'll- ailvamwd. Uiey
ihey vwln-wtJ iOlIK l UAKVBY.
tboughi they have been sa-epi u
Dartaerliar tiang . b»i
• AtToinev tor Plaintiff
Lake Hlchlnn and will c<
Bu«luo«* Ad.1r*-VI'ei: sr P.!.->-kBaeli wore a gold ni«- uiiriCQied
the surface. There will be a, lUtl.ot, Micb.Kin.
. *21 Tt
ihm liy the bride.
Hammer and Oscar Cartoon,

Extended Over Entire My—Month
Covered With Crjsts as Thick as
Finger Which Would Bleed and
Suppurate—Disease Ate Urge
Holes in Cheeks —Hands Pinned
Down to Stop Ji^onized Scratch*
ing—Three Doctors’Best Eflbrts
Failed to Give fielier.

Notice ef Sale.
liy virtue of a writ of Kieii F.ieiai-sin-d fiui of thefTiiuii I'-uil for tl..
iiy of Dcrri-n. it, l;.v-.r .if T)t<
ters L- Merehnnis B.irtk n' B--:,-cn

terous method of worship, haa had
irgucrli.*. with wreaths of btok;
effect, and the Her. Abel has depart
vhtic Toochiidf tm iliHr lieato.',_,.u
Knp and banage. HI* flock declare*
Mfipapi oiomSi healthy. Mtiv* and they will cGuilnue in the faith. Reel- Each brldcsniald. w
M pt-arto.
vigms by ttaa UM «(
dents were abom ready to ask for
by the 111
court iniunriioa leairalning




Work Shoes
' for the farm
Don't buy your every­
day shoes till you see the
kind we have.

Will spray or,.- .,r



It a time as fast as s

Will spray .< row u mill-bug with ..iilyonrftlliagoftljreegsnoat.
Wilt Spray from 1 e to 20 Hills Of Potatoes with each
stroke,of the pump.
1-.,,1 -a’i

■J hr pricrq are not high.




eoembad s nice swteg prepend.

RulM and IUbuUUmi of TDc
Herald YMinfl Felka «ynshlna

Bdoa om. nfe Lake. MIeh.
lia Warner. Old HMIoo. Ulcb.
Gertruda Dofoey. Olmu-ro. auch.
Beeile KMIock. BurdtekvOle. Midi.
Koiaile Honaparssr, Burdtcknile.

namet are Rnbt# Jamu and B«Ge Jeog ttms ago, bat have not siIHm
Jaquiah. I wni eloae aa I am la a sines so I ihooght I
«o«M srriH
hnrry. Lova to all Banahlne people
anlo. .It rained here yvttsvday and
Swood Jaqalsh.
ail nighi and Hghtsnsd. too. 1 was at
m glad to have the new membete Honor yesterday and had two tSsth
ererything was sll reedy In the grove.! sternly ordered the ca^Rala.
or dab. and also the
les lor! pulled. Will you pi««.«e tel! ms where;
a merry little party of giris' The inmp pleaded bard for mercy, the Ciadlo Roll.
Iron live. «n that If 1 happen to go loj
that soon gathered at KUUe's bouae. 'bnt there was none. He was placed
rim were rosy, and their against a tree, and the *o!dlers were
eyes were bright aa could be.

can and maka avai
aa far aa I can.

Win MeKarcber. Peabody. Kansac.
N’amc cent by Camiwi HeKereber.

I urill try to be levins, helpful
and kind te warybedy and to
every living thing.




Hlcb.. R. P. D. No. C.
Hobart Uitmao.

"Csptain Scott. If y

the little folks can
"He onght In be poMrted- bat
get elong now ell ri^t without any deeth."

tnrtber help from
me:- He thenj "Too‘plead In ram for hie Ufe. Men.
drove beck borne end told Kittle that ‘ stand the tramp up against s tree,"


Kama i

ch-’TYaverse Cli.r 1 will come and sec*
May II. iw:
G. [yon 1 have a few friends who would,
They drawn op in # line a few pace* away. Dear Preeldetii —
libs to Join
Send the cards and bui-.
-Ton bare stolen our goodies, also
I (honghi I would srrite
iir pink lenxjnad<—(or that you mui
thought 1 would join the Sun . Beta Jsrotw. Maud Amidon. Enid

“Now we are all here," said Kittle,

le! Make ready! Take aim! Fire:
thine Club. 1 have get a punir: hlaji^inb and t>ri Monroe. Send ibe
Bang. bang, bang! rang out the flre- name I* Itaby
t have a pet rat who Irstiun* to me and i will •H-ilvcr them,

as abe looked the group over to see exackets.
that none srere miaslng. "Wo will go
a very terrible aeene. and the
the grove now and. have a nk

Mabrt Jobaaon.
-Where aie the beys. I wonder'
Mieh.. K T. O. No. C. Name arot by
asked one of the. girls as the lilGe
Winia Lul
■rty Irit the bouse.
Rata Jacoba. Hand Amldoa. Eaid
“Oh, iheyll’ be in the grove I supLamb, and 1^
Monrtte. Bcodon,
.oae." answered KllUe
MIcb. Kama' cent by Ila DenlaoD.
marrhed srttb her m-nr Imnd down
Stuart W’ordoD . Canal Worden.
ic street.
Ivan Jaqulah. Harley Baldvln. War­
The girts must have (rll vrrv proud
ren Burke and Heory HnleU. Bendoa.
and -patriotic, (or they were saluted
Hleb. Name neat by Hvood Jaqoieb.
every band by tbe popping o( AreBeroanl, Ooletnaa. Mabel and leabid
crackers and the booming ot toy canCoulorier. Evelyn Ponp. Alea Bebaub.
Some of tbe girls were a little
ForoDla Hommlnm. Alfred Polkey,
Indlncd to be afraid, but their brave
Barbara Unitaur and Florenre
leader quieted them by saying:
Firat Vice Praaldenl—Mabel Bataa boote. PromnoDl. Uieb. Namet
-Don-t be afraid today. ThU Is the
by Bilan Oenoyer.
i Vice
» Praaldent—Ml
Fourth of July! and we o:isht to be
Pomaroy' Ehlelda.
r. very luave. you knon-. See I am
laad Oeeamber E IIM.
H. V. F. t
Club Cradle Roll.
afraid of a little noLse!'' And Kittle
Ruble Jairen and Belle Jaqulab.
lore open n package ol torpoiloes and
Nameu aenl by Dscattered them ^.riy right and Icftwood Jaquiah.
The men ebee^ and tbe hoy* flred
If I war fall In trying te de
thw thlnga, I wilt -Try, try

off more flre-tr^ker* and cannons s*
The Strike ef the Firewerte.
Instead of ^ talk this wee* we aid
the lively mue band pasted »u down
Twaa tbe nl|bt before the Ponitb Of going to have a Fonrth of July
le street toward the grove.
July, tba people ahpt
“How kivelyr what a sweet llllle
nie Srewerka were stored In the old
A Fourth of July Plenie.
tent! Oh. eh! and a swing! - cried a
town ball Ibni atood on the rllRobbie Scott felt two incbee taller
chcmis of voices as the girts reached
lage green.
when Kiltie Marsden told him that
the grove.
The ate^ clock lolled the midnight ■he wanted him io help her get up a
And tbn they could birid back their
hour, and at lu ftnal stroke.
Ponrth of July ptcnle. KU(le-a papa
leny aplrita no ionger. for. breaking
Tbe are U tbe queer Od-taebtoised owned a bcuntHuI grove back of the
ito a run. they made for the ipoi
etore lifted !te voice and spoke;
town: the picnic was to be held there.
where the tent was pilriiod. lauding
■The earth and elr have nangbt to do.
prelller spot could have been
and aereamlng with deUghl. with their
-the water, too. may play.
patrtolic flag-aasbee fluttering around
And tNdy Are U made to work on InTfow. Robbie. I want you to invite
depeodence Dny.
ten bo>-s.
You can ask who yoo
KttUe reached the tent first, and
know you will not Invite
drawing bark the flaps peered In. And
"I won't etaod anA ht^uetloe:
Ifa any nan^ty, rough boys.
We will
ihwi. with a frighietiid look in her
wrong beyooe n donbt.—
hare a pretty lent near the big spring:
eyes, she turned quickly toward the
And I abaU tal(e my bolldny. Ooodwill have a real loveiy swing
gronp croa-dlng nbout her and said,
by. I B going out!“
put up. and—and—oh!
I know we
with trcsnbllug voice:
Cp epoke n Roman candle then. ‘The shall have sneh a beamlful time—
■Somebodr bas taken
prtndple U right!
-And flre^acker* or flre-woriu
SBppoae we etrlke. and all agree we
lanonar broke In the boy as his
"Oh. oh! that cannot be-

thirteen years old.


HIs name Is Our Sonshine Oub mnst be a largv



31* Bay 81.

f I go to school most every day.jone by this Ume
I hsve teir imle
girls screamed as tbe tramp (ell (on My teacher's name 1* Mias Carrie Ichtckehs and an old turk.-y M>t:ing on
We have lolsrof (un atlihirteeci eggs. Well, ns m> letter I*
Bcfaool.. There an- deveo schulnre In gritleg -lone
I will •b.'e fur tUs
"le—Is be burtr- asked Kiuie,
she came near ibv form upon the hChoi I today
1 aiu la the fourth
giadc. I w-a* thirteen yrars ulJ the
ntneieivith ut May. We have a little
-Not macb!" The tmmp ro«

Cut Slone Work

Aren't y< 1 e'.tu vacatuin I t here?
irhaido y. u dr all d*y •
Pcahodv. Kanaas.

Yo ir SuiiU-am.
Ila IV-cUOD.

I June :
S 1*“7.
Yt". ••or Sunshine Club is growing
irpw off bis bands, pulled off a false ganlen at oar school boasc.
I the tim..,
It is 0tre« to hair so
President —
five Children In my class. WelL
letter Is geitiug long aud I giM^ many m«mb.-r«. Wn’l I'*
I (hooght I wo-jld write you a tew
face known to all—one of the boys
I *i;i now riose.
rN<- riiy. Ml'h , R F D No d
tiUfi aa I have not wMlicn (or quite a
May :7. IMG
Plcaae send me snnther but-This was a-snrprlse. Kittle WasoY

pair or whltker* and wig. and revealed

Jcdly fun* aaked Robbie ScolL Tbe
girls an lau^ted brartUy and said It
w^ fnn. only a littie too

Dear I'c-sUbi:: ' ■
Iluo as I hale iMt my Mber ana. I
Bessie Kell<«
What kind of flower* did y.w ruJse
thought I wouM Writ.,
1 jclm-d the Sutfshta.. lou
Martuo ii out to lbs conotry.
They are tbe Herald

1 tbe iichuul-houM.- garden?
Kh niro things to have.


gtsiulne sport.
The>- ail enjoyed

Cl^nti. a long tlme‘ ago. hut i.havc and she it nut cotning back natll Mon-

Grown. Mlcb.

;diiy. She stayed over night St my
plfwe <rad tiio onotlior or., ' I traie |elnet'* last night- It arems awfuBr
a tUtU-renisin aliii wiitu* to ..>111
H*-loaeaamc without Marian. That pro.

May IS, 1907.
[down Kittle's brother came with Dear Pi\fidt-nt: —
I thought I would drop yon a few U Tirarly four icare iiM iiiid lii> nsme’iai rard that you ai-nt me was Jnit
tbe horse and wagon and took down
jl..w:y. I think I had better send you
line* and let yon know I am well and I* Johnnb- V«nk*T. fan In- Hiiv
the swing, and pocket the tent
ho]K- you arc the aanit-.
i receivcnl card aud buit.-n; W.ll I will ci.rvc ,»„n.c. Wiila. my married sitter, has
baakeu. and drove back.
:flriy-nlne Illtlr chlrkraa and I go over
When it grew dark enongh. the mer­ the catd and button you sent mo and rrr thl- time, so srcwl bi.
their heart s eonienl, and Jnst before

ry crowd ol )-oung peoiHe gathered thank you very much-(or .them. It
K'-n a long time Kioce 1 received
upon the lawn before Kittles house
nent Into raptures over iho grand tV-ni I could not pit .-mwnd to write


ievery night on my wheel to feed them.

Rfberi l.utnsn.
jl pa*M-d into tbe sevralh grads ihia
t am pleated to hove you *iin liner -ynar Bierione In our room ptmed.

flreworks: and after rating the lee- Mxiucr. I go. to school every day. I ond In the Cinb. Yw.irjililc cousin
a the sixth gnde. 1 am fonnon Us h-u. card and button by. till* time
ram provided by KlUlc's molbcr.
Traverae City. Mlcb.. R F I». No. «
that sear* old. Well. I guess I will close
fur this lime, t will write arulu some
May -JT. IShi7.
me. Cood-byo.
D.1I Pr.-»ideni —
picnic had brae a perfect sucees*.—H.

they went home, all agreeing
Kiltie .StarsMn's Fkmnh

Keller In Harper's Young People.
Olenmere. Y
May Si i:
Dear Prcsldenl:—
I have never written before I

I have

He I. almost as

I thought I would write to you
I lost old as I am. and I sm tw’sive. Well,
,, | can think of
I hope you will write ogstn Anna.. my Sunshine buuon and would likc 'i
I bave enjoyed yonr li-tlvr very much. to get another one
I have a friend nothing more lo ante,
who would like lo Join. Her name is ;
Your loving Sunbeam,
Luke Ann. Mieh.
Mabel Johnron.

May SC. 1S07.

have three sisters: their niinu-s

the rat.' namra are Tlgvr ;ind llrownle on (he Twenty-flC*.

!tbre«- cat* and a .log The cats' namas
'are-Mr^. Pug. Toi^y and Buster, Our

As I hsv« Joined the SunShloe rtul-. ’ dog'* name 1* Put

From your loving. S-unalilnc girl.
Anna Wlikras

thought I would write and ask if I Dear Prcwldoiit: —
na* l>con a long lime alnce
might Ji.ln the ainshlm- nub. Will
■ to you.
My w.houl Is out.
ou please senAdfle a card and button?
Man-. Minnie and Lnura.
For pet*
dogs and
dogs' names are Jlpand Drummer and

Oiir Rcbool let* ou. toC iwenty lhlrfl
I.rf Mar this yrov. and H gcasrally#

She Is ssvefi years .

1 close for this time.
WilUc Lnunaiy

You and Marion mwi-i have lovely
Wbst I
;>lay? '

tiaying with tny auntie. My nacl«
orklng near finipiro.
We slay
on (he farm. I have a little
all m>’ own.

We had two pet colu. but we sold


bare seven

I have
Their names were Gipsy , and liouM> plums In my room.
wUl not work todlghir
ehe^ glowed.
Mg dolls and four llltle dolls and
"Yfs: it la so: You can all see (or Trixie. Our school it nearly oul now.
“My atara!” said a small sky-rockeC
"Yes. If yon think the boys would
yourselves.-- Kiltie stood aside.
rat. 1 will tell you what I saw
My teacher's name is Miss Ida Scssen
‘What an awful time then'll be. enjoy them."
The lent was empty.
of Glen Arbor. I like her very much
When the whole town comee together
Robble looked' somewhat pogiled
"All the tarts and pies and bottles
u- to one of those flve-ct-nt abowa and
bare seen quite a few birds. I will
to-iflchL the greet display toeee!
ben Kittle said that.
He was a
s*w the [licture* showing where
ame some of them: the snowbird,

t-sus was borii. O. H was so pretty,
wrau. cbtck-a.dee, robin, thrush,
•■Let them oome.''*eald a eaney pin- . U, rto OTW. .
will m-ver forget it and I wish every
blrl, Ekigllsb sparrow, yrilow- Wrd.
wheel, “yw. let them oome » lolse upon such a glorious day as
evcnthlng here, and—"
gronndblrd. woodpecker, t am read­ little chfld coold sec tt. We can Irarn
they like.
Foorth of July.
much by seeing such nice plciures.
guess some tramps mnst have ing the ^lory "What a Private Soldier
As a daMcate ni ennoanea to them
■Well. Kittle. If we dc*-t have fire­
taken it—'
>w 1 will cliiKe, hoping lo see this
that the fltwwartcs are going to. cracker*. and flre-works,
and cou"I-I wish Uio boys would
pi ii.i I ronialn. your Sunshine irtrl.
Doreey was In the Ovll tVar 1 liave
nona. I don't think the boys would
r iiiiiig to Lie good.
hiard him tell Just tie raiue capon“My frieada,-’ aald a small cap-ptetol.
ire to come to your picn
S'o-irs inilv.
Mr. Morgan iiad. I have
-thle movemeei U all wrong
"All right—but. Hobble. I want you
I'cari RiisUlow.
lo w
h«ird him
of Zoliicoffere I!/kjbc
Oanpowder. noise and Amworks
to promise me one thing—
I am glad you had such a mce time
and quite likely sbe would hare
Imw dirty li was and other things
Powtb of July belong.
•Well. KllUe. whM U ur he asked,
good crying spell If
urn you were visiting In Traver»c
w-ore the san
Mjr great, aneasunl musket made In­ as the girl's face grew very sober and
strange sound hadn't have reariied A—Ifith Michigan.
Next time you are here, come
dependence Day.
J »-c me.
.er ears.
1SC4 and camo back at the ciosr
“I don't warn any of the hoys to
I frown on your whole oenspir
Dt-iidon. >Uch.
Rat ii-tal
without being wounded
yoo are wrong. 1 say!"
bring any of those toy pistols. TIkm
•'ll U a drum; yea, and the sound
May 16, l»‘-7.
think he and' grwnOpa must hate
are ao dangerons. and—and you know
( a fife." raid KItUc. as the sound
Frraldeni: —
•en over the same
And ao they talked end thep argued. Freddy—-' Then KltUo slopped and
rvci Ivcd my card aud button a
must have had a bard strncele. Weli.
turned away her brad.
•one for and
And then, down a wide path. <
i my lettr^r Is getting -long. I wii:
And they pregnssed no farther than
-Yon need not be afraid. Kluie:
Ole of soldlen. At their bead
o«e. 1 remain.
they wnre when they o
me of the boys trill hare an.vthlng.
Robbie Scott looking very brave aud
Your Snnsbiner.
Until In a burst ol eloquence a queer to do with toy pistols any more. Poor
courageqw io a" cocked bat and tull
Gerliude DoNii-y.
llUle piece ol punk
Freddy!-white feather. He wore a pretty llille
You have written a splendid letter,
Arose in his place knd said. “I think
“1 am 80 glad; but we tnusl not
uniform, and carried a bright sword. Gertrude.
we Du^t to show some spunk. talk any more about sneh things, i
One bright lllUe fellow beat the druip enjoy it as much as I have.
And I for one have decided, although have aaked tbs girts to bring some
grandly. whiU- iwo others tooted th<-‘ir
Burdtckrille. Mirfa.
nles things to est. We will have lots
I am no ahlrfc.
flfra. The other boys carried each
That today la a le^l holiday and of lemonade—"
It is nerve cnergj- that r
«ick with a big finxrerker fastened
not even Are should work.
"Some pink lemmiade* That is
Dear President
tlic organs of your body. lire
In the
1 thought I would write'a few- lines
wbat all the boys like." said Robbie.
n erve

the ni
lo let }V>u know how I am. I am well
"Yes. pink lemonade, pies and tarts,
‘■And I am of SOD
.......... ................
and spinal
you plraae send me'a c.vrd and
here he gare a
ad eakss. Ob! It will be so nice."
cord, and from this battery
And the girl laughed merrny: a laugh causi-d the girls to forget the stolen buuon? I go to «chi»l every day. Wo
-For wlOkont my a
you oonld very weU be pot oB." 'Robbie was not ashamed to echo as goodies. They ritessad the litib'iMUd have iweniy-foiir scholars. I have f
the Fv«teni of nerves. T.o keep
I am
'■You are
aald the Roman can­ she revealed to him tbe spleadld as Robbie halted bit comrades before peu thlriy.elghl chickens.
the body Iiealthy you im:*t
the fourth grade. Our icacii-. r's tiai
dle. -and I think we are all agreed Uungs in store. Then as a sudden :bem.
have plenty of nerve force; if
"Oh, Robbie, how pretty yon ali
Miss Carrie Demu-ti.' I tike h
To strike for our ilgbta and our Umugfat struck the boy. he said:
vou liave not. the organs work
look! what a lovely time we will—'
7 much. We some times have
-1 JuA thought of i
- Uberty. Huitah! we shall sueimperfectly............
imperfect!" the -eirculatii At noon we go and g-atber
go right away and tril the boys Then Kittle stopped.
:cstion bad, appe*
sluggish. digestion
arl'Uiiis and lh>-n put
Iha dissenter* cried with one nooed. all about tt."
idneys inactive,
tite poor, kidneys
Our tcach'-f
"B-hy, W'bat do you mean. Robbie?'
-eonr rrhltr**"— we wtihdraw.
is and misery :
aches, pain:
: tramps have taken all oar baakets: nice u-acher. She romes
Hortsh. Hnrmh for the Srework*'
"There. Kittle, you are Just like al
the penally.
wc baren'l anything to eoC said she. piavs with us.
My letter is
striker and they cried agslii. the girls: yon are very curious.
keep. t!ie system
“What! Do my cart hoar aright?- long enough, i guess.
! will close.
I>r. Miles' N'ervine.
Natalie Htinsiwrger,
‘Please tell me wbat you are going aaked the bold captain, pulling
in generating nerve
It assist
‘And U the
How do >-ou make your play house
Vhen a match piped up with a tiny to do, ' pleaded the girl as sbe laid her stern, auldler-llke air.
it strengthen* the
voice. “Tour splendid acheroe ' band npao Robbie's arm.
It must he greet fun.
nerves and makes the whole
nfe Lake, Mich
-Weil. 1 will iril you if you *
system strong and vigorous.
isapromise not to say anjlblng about
• I agree with all year principles and i
’--| twit* rJ»**in
-Then let us aeour the adjacent IVar President : —
1. toe. wiu strike!"
forest- The wwtt*es who' have done
} tbe srord. tbs
thought 1 would writ-. I war*, i
"Oh. I won't say a single word."
Sultlsg the action
Captain card and t«ium. I will tell jaw hov
"Well then. Klttie." and tbe boy’s this dead shall .suffer."
eiUy UtUe dunce
brother* and sister* I have,
faee grew rosy, with mtschMf- "1 am ScoU looked very fleree as be led hl<
CUmbend down frem bU me
men Into the thicket. The girls could have three broihere and four
going to have-"
and excitedly struck at oi


The effect of malRria lasU a long time.
You catch cold easQy or become nut*
jdown because of the after effects of malaria.
Strengthen jrourself with Scoft'^r
It builds new blood and tones up your jxzxroai

When You Are Tired Paying Rent
Let Us Build Yon a Hoimf
We Jiav.* some very .i.-sirablc- rcsidt-nee lots, ami will Imild
you a modem liotn- sritli all tbe prei.-nt day conivnien>-es.


nill build it nftcr your own plans or we will furnish the plans
You can bavf it .-xpensiveoroot. just as you

like, and w.-'ll let

you pay for it hi your owii way.
Isn't that a pretty (air propreitios?

We liav<- built a gr<«t

:<.i!iy liomet lo tbe aatisfaniouof ibt- enstomen. ami oansatisfy

Your Nerve

He lost bb heed,



among the Srewoita diy.
And be cried. ‘Huirah (or the Oreworks- strike!

Hiamh for

IRMrth at July!"

“Whst? Tell me. tell me"
'A great big surprise Tor

With bis waring flame be Hi the ponk
—a firecracker eenght a vei*.—
Then roiArtB and wheels and. bombs
went\fl-oo kmger the piece »sa


Isnghlngly cried Robbie, as be ran

tba aw*y-That it just





wooMn-t leU me. and 1 did want u
know ao badly, t must go and tell

bear hU little hand beoUng about thejnnd one nephew. Now I will tell
bnahes. Once or twice the popping of j h.«- niany peu I bave, I have
fire-crackers could Iw heard. T!ie,j.pi dej* uad two pet cal* und
girts grew excited, and gaibered b«-|[»^^ rorati-r and hl» name is Jim.
y. 1I wj;; ter
lore the tent not knowing whether 11 ’>rticx-l let o-jt !a« Frida.v.
IS best to nm or hold ,their ground. '■ b,nr many pets

! have t^

•You mnst be very brave. glrU.:Thm> were fprtj-one scho’
-ats /V4
the girls about the ^ntlc. and have Our noble soldiers are after tbe enemy ; icacber's name was Fred Irisy H.n I **111 «>
them get a lot of nice things read> —oh! ob. my! look!" cried Kittle.
|«.<u a good leucher.
The bushes parti-d an-J four ol the good byv.
Boys are aach hungry things bi a

boys appeared earning a
rough-* From.
wUI take
to go around.
whiskered fellow whose bands .and Age m.
' Kdna G.!I.
Bright and eorty opoo the morning feet were secureJy bound- Then fol-j Doe* yo-jr rooster know his nsmt
lowed the brave Captain Scott and the | Vou musi enjoy ywr pets,
cried. ot the Fourth .of Inly,
his band, with the baskets.
Bendoo. Mich.
cannons were booming and the Are- rest
"Lady, we have recovered your pro- j
(to the strike of (he (Ircwtwks ended cm<*crs were poptHng. Rlules
brother araied in a wagtm lusded wiib vtskms. and have also captured the ttoar President.—
in a wonderful display
Herv are- some boys that would llk<
Of pyroteehnic gmndenr on Indsgesd- baskets, was driving towanl the grove tramp who was making off srlth them.
a fcnrtnl t

tbo flames Iraped

Mite mSc5 cTSktert, M

No HoUdays

and hlgitor.

The vllUge folk awoke and
-The town hail is on fire!"

enes Osgrt

What shall be hi* fau?" asked Cap- to join the Skinshlne Oub. Tber*
where tbe picnic was to be hvid.
long to tain Scou. as be drew up before the names are Stuart Worden. Cam
It dldnY take him
cloiwby a spring group with genuine mlltury icem.
\Yordvo. Ivan Jaquiah. Harley Bald
pitch the pretty t
win. Wnrrvo Burke aadHenry Hale::
I i doo-t kaow.Friday. Jons U. IMT. hobbling from beneath the rocks, and.
e are wme babies that wo-jlc
•Tteo 1 eoodemn him to dsuh.
•SIS JolnUg Mnes iMt in- after idnciag tbe baskets in the
Oaralrii WeUs.

be astened a rope to two trera. and

-Oh. no, Rob—-

yolo the Cradle Roll.


in bu-,!nc«», N .nr .f, ■ .r



Smith Realty Co.
Oflipe cor. Lake Ave. and 10th. Res. 429 W. 10th.
/''OiTice phone :i2. Re*, phone 290.

Beginning June 13th. our Oil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridaysand
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and SaturdaSs.
Special attention given to all launch
Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.

Gi-ty ^hono S3e

br i c-

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

lo .wjll ssoil

OftANO TKAVeme herald. THUmDAV. JULY 4. 1M7.


Whal Is Be.
Be cbeerfol. opUmlUie.



to forbear

Wltb rverr kind of troable
ADd nevei to dea^alr.
Be free from aU auapieloii.
Seok DO nu>llre for the eel.
Aoc^t all l&lDCS wlUi klodBoag.
Judlrloasneea. BOd laci.

uwe be odbmb aotlfd. and «t
tbe wd o< tbe work tbc paper can
have it booing. W1
I and a mlnlmm <d ctMnlng tightly as poatoble:
tighten coTMa a0la.
reraaliu to be done.
Brery bouaekeepn ■honid hare a dark place.
strrac.hook placed over the kludieD
Ubie (a bird«ace hook answeri tbe
parpoae) where ibe can avapead the

arc^nd it

The New Idea Woman's
gives the ftaUowlag ways ec
Keep la a e

thto dellckxis southern fruit
Once la tea days tborooglily wash
Pjampples are valuable as a warm Che carpet bream with bat soapwads:
day lni:t. at ibeir detlcloua flavor, shake till etoriy dry and hang it op

A C*u c/



Inside cooilnc Jukes, oddity and astringent
Equa: pan* of ammmila aad tuipeaCom In Brine--U«ve
row of bosks on tie cobs; put coe lay- qnaJlt>es appeal to the most faMld»oo*.| •-ln« will take puioi o-ji of clothing, no
layer of wall in a large crock: They are like strawberries, at thvlr mauer how dry or ^rd
alternate the com and aaJt Uyera.cor- best wbeo served in tbdr natural Saturate the .pot two or three tUsse.

There l« a ilory of a German woiuaa Jelly Us while It draiaa. If the fmlt
wiUf water, then ^th a cloth, plate
bat mutt be
Ibre Wash out tn atm[au4s.
cooked and bims la the erenlas. It
I wbo ll«i-d la a little town of Ulimourl
n*hen wanted
be thoroughly enjoyed.
Wh».o removed from the pereoe
win all drain oot before oomlns. tbiai and ■weight.
! SU was cbeiwlul Indtrldu
To tret a ripe pineapple, pull two orjcloeimg. if damp, should be dried I
i Mrs. Wls9 type and abe had a laucb avoiding ilreeoiae aqueetlng and heal- wash; remove the husks, pour hot mot
loro putting itt., the clotbre basket,
' ilisl would roll acraas the Tillage like
; a PUl of apHns thunder. The
Is ri|w.
If they cling and anj
Uiswe to «ten traeamltbk by the
water and co^ tende
bentlons were Isfectioua. and a
ler bow worn and tired, no mauer
how troubled the eitltene would be. Canning
Vegetables for WIMer Use.
they would echo .a smile and peace j
|ud eootentm«ii would eeule down

s^rtog l*an* may be eatintd :
^ ,,y cookm^
niRhU. a

Change the cooking waiev^ too aa!
It may be cit from the cob. and se
med. or m;.y tn- w-rtr-d on the cob.
Another meih.ul Is to cut the coi
from lb.- cob. oiok enough to set U
milk, sod for every two quaiia add

upon the whole cmnmun------ ^
Schrelder heliered In the gospel of ,tender, putilni: Into the gla
But re Bclecl a fe«r
pu of salt, mixing it In srelL Pack In
Sbe wa* never
To 4>e*r the name of rrtadahlp
when SI boding b<«t. epvering
crock cover with cloth and
*unu|. (o siinwi and nl
And tnad ttae road adtli roa.
and sunding u|ajld» doan iiiitn cold,
) use, OTer with
cold water and
biny. Everything abou>
"‘‘^',Vo>-a the l^lladelphln Public Ledger
ing i» a^joil. char.ue

the wn'*
bouae abone like new silver from the 'Then, glring an extra twist to the
And rvo will dad tbat liriOK
tl-.i- co,-n laete# fr>-»'h ••nnuxh.
repeated ocrubUng and |«ltablDg she covers, they should be i„ii aw ay In a
U nut « dreary l*>re.
nber thar ibt- sddiiloa of sugar to
gave It. Sbe asaaultcd din wKb the cool, dark place.
And Ufe hai maiir McealDCB
preaerved com when preparing
vehemence of an American and the
You did not ksow before.
A better waj- by far. and less trou­
the uble u usually dealreUe be^
of a Tvuion. Res" was ble. Is lo pack the beans In a stone
—Henry Bartlett Morrill, Selected. | thc.n.u«j>i
d(*datiKd. and yet she .iar or wooden bucket, wrlthont wash­ cause It sei-ma to lose s«ue of
a hivjry
a the prtM-rving procrea.
always h.niKhy and slway* haiipy. ing. siringlng. bresJclng or cooking,
The Pewor of Seng.
Urr cu.m—Scald oo Ui'
-How Is It. Mrs. Scbixlder. ' she wa* dry salt. A layt.r of salt and .i layer
I alng when I'm glad:
Song eehoea ay gladneas:
often a*k(Kl. "thai vo-j ar> Mehapiiy (A beans eodlag with sail and cover­ shave oft Ihv top of ilie k<'i-n<-ie, >.b>vi
the InsiC* onto pistes or
the lime*"
1 ales wbee I'm ud.
ing with a board or |date pressed
baking tins: spread out la s thin IsyFor It sweetena the sadaci
Ach. GottV she would exclaim, down with a' atone.
thai the core will dry quickly;
wrlth that Irresistible laugh. "I haf no;
&ough can be taken oui
, a mih-r hot ovti> toot hot
me for anytlngw udder."
time for'a meal, »>aked for an hour
enough to
it i stir cv.-caslonally
or two Id two or three waters then be
to iiTvrrnt scorebing. After the Jaise
Vcgctabla CanBlag.
treated as If frveh from
to well wi. remove lo the warming
Vegetable eannlng. says a western wb«« they will prove crisp and wllh
oven or any other wanu phictarn magazioe. requires much
the fresh bean flavor.
If atemtned
I Blag when l ai busythe alovp to ftnl*n the dr> iug. 1
Cr>m and|„a strtngpd the salt will extract the
than trull
It makes labor light:
cnaionaily lo hasten drying. We Ihlnk
peas are the most difficult of all. As nud»um-. and im>re Si
dried com to much swavler aad
1 alng In the tnumlng.
ill the aeleellon of neind perf<>ci fruit, aorbed. Oak With access to the diy
As well as at night.
btittr than canned coni. Some
w. Is It In selceUng only the best vege-’markets, can atom
try wraien tyald work up a giiod trade
tables. Atmarugus. com. Lime iteans paskeifula at once, making a day of
And when I reach be»reB.
the anpericrity of dried
and peso- nmy be treated la the snmelThose gelling the stock from t
And •meet the sresa throng,
canmil product In point oh^ASablHiy.
way. almost. If the grwteat care Isi^rdeo may add a handful w I’
in Join the grand cbortis.
used, there la seaieely a chance of' f„m time to Utue. always leatlcg the
And stag the "New Song.'
Canning Temai
losing one can .ait of a hundred. Pre^yer of salt,
—Herald and Presby
I- niRrtUve
The prtnclral part cf
pore asparagus by irimming carefully.]
^orn is much easier than
■nuilW in
quality of the inmate Is
Ihrowlag li Into cold water unUl all Is I
B( hiad to ererj mortal.

efton Is required to pull Uiren. tbc .hands tbrourt the mouth. Alwaya
fmlt to gnvn.
| w»«h the hiinds oa coming oci at
Vnder iito* pineapple* may be used. sick rocra.
ir fritters or a* cooked fruit, bat] Rub thv hands on a sUck of oeJery
mellow fruit is preferable In ajl case*, j after iwrtlng <,elans and- the »»en
Pineapple Omeire —Beat four e*g«jwi!l W-.-aUrely
with a icas|«oaful of lemon Juice and|

To remove s •■encss from ibe feet

beaplo'g tabl«sp.wnftil of powdered j say-•xatb'ng th-m at night
Place tn the ntesisil'In




cuukeal a generous table.


spoonful of htiuer and when H begins
bubble |Our In the eggs
egi& are flmi and nkv!) tiiown
beaplBg tahlespoonfuto





^led fine and eWe^> ne<l with suimr.
Fold the nmelit, tom on to a h.K dish,
dost with pv'wdervd sugar ard aecv^.
This msy be prepurt-d on the rhaflng


t„ ,t„ u:

irr* ef she
jg lor four >

milk U toiher gratchU are who lisv«*liren
i benrfltod by y- ir dIarvTcgy, I rey,
lukiag ton, AttbMtl»Pfn
' i.ttruing. a

J. Uesnemao. Uafcladd. NeU,

Pineapple Priiter*,—Pare the pliieapple, cut n Into thm allres and Ba*k
upon the top I'f a sponce cuke by dust­
in l>ni»u Juice and s-uear for lAo
ing II with powdepid .ugir Ugore put.
hour*. Make a bailer by beating four
ting It into the oven
| .menr.xi. for I
>1 feel say
the yolka and wbito* B.-parateiy.
To keep briwd and butt.-r fresh and ^orellleflrcto.haveag
Stir «1tfa Ibe yolk, a cupful of flour
moist put it in a cool place, cover
p.,„ng fat.
1 little salt-. l*>ai Ui.- batter well
rioto-ly with a serviette ,w noth vming { -So 1 am. and will say le all, I am
aild iwr> lablrepounfDl of
ioul of cnid water and many hours cured tor good.
yonr ^indi
! iifiiT II will be as moii-i as when cuU ; "» thank ToB for 5°"
The Secret of Unsoaked Pie Cruet.
. . .
iVW he ov bomm m rdtrli j
Ki-ep lb.- n-ds of the celery plaol' .

After the botinm rnist is in the pl- dry. pule them and mis the l«>«der j
the stomach to also kwaara
Wate. i>ul lu a level iabU-*poonful of wllh um-lfalrd as much ralt. Keep]
patlance as dyaprywla. ga­
flour. mbUng It carefully Into the in a boitji-. well corked. This Is delJ. j imisandiodigreUuo. Nomedlelaewilt
paste over every part up to the edges ci.'tt* In t«u|». gravl.w. haabte. etc. i to--f any iwrmaneot benefit eacepl It
the esurrbal condition.
After the filling Is pul in, sprinkle a
lAniCTi tvraatlng or baking i
NcrvMs DaMOty.
<i flour over It Ibe oven, p'ace the dripping tmn ^ a
Ml>* Irene >miib, lu Minne* to At*.,
the .tdgi- <rf the nndercrust kllght-;,j„h ^ b.^ ,ater to prevent the gravy
tUudto Uigblamto. WaablhfloB,I>.C.
the Juice, ihepefore the pracllce of ly by dipping the fi.reflnger in aalfC-lburolng or boiliiig away.

done. PlHoeln pars (glass quart*
boll com on the cob josl
a to the best day the world *
drawing oft the ■juice. In order to have aad pot on the top crust, pressing the
-I'crana cure-d m> of catarrh of lha
tag preferable) butts down (111 Jar
u, set the milk In the grain
en. Tomorrow will be bet- •
more solid packer; tomatoes
edges together.
l..figih of tins- III a Jug »b<wia '»•
well filled. Lay straw or hay or
u,e kernels from the cob and
K A. Campbell.
nlng l> to W condemned, i
niien making a h-mon pie. bake the carefully iioured Into anoth.-r, Icsivlng (roui » h.irh 1 sB-eted fur two ycaro.**
and set lara .m this; then fill wHLj^^
Obiii Farmer. ’
eni*t first, being eure to prick the
lliiU- HI the Isjtiom. for this portion
water onill Jans are neariy «»ored.
^ t^e top
The be»l way to can tom
paste about every ball-inch with a
f the milk to Injiiri.’ti!-'to the health.
lay on (opw and cover the
wanted for the fable,
Simidy to |Bck them without peeling fork. After the crust to baked, rvib
Inaiead of piming food Into tbe
^ece of wcod In the bottom of boHerj^
Boaking will remove (he sali,
Inio wido-mmiUied Jar*, half, fill
into It two level taldespoonfuls v.f veo to krep hot for lateKxnnerB.
Ught and boll for three hmira. Re-L^^ „ ^ readv for use. The cooking
jure with cold water: pni 'the Jar
fionr. being careful not to the eowT It (ioeely and Haev ovwr a pan
Jars aad fill quickly with boOlngJ^
^ „„ y,e Jic« eo Ihe
i..-.'.:.' raitnad mala laige saucepan, or the wash btdler blisters It there are any. .Lemon pi.' of hot water. The atnam will keep
Almaat any one cm face the world
, Screw on tops light as
PUU.I <%.n— for iniKb cnewith water to reach half way the
prepared In this way can etaad ihrv-e
with at leaat a aeaUanee of cheer slWe Mna set aside where the air
Ar u mull In an unguaid•I'' win
bring sraier to the Ixdllng point;
oi four days without soaking, whereas prevent jt from drying.
I be drilve
after the day haa worn away Car not etrlke tor a couple «* hoar* Then
Where lomatoea are in . greatti
an boor, take oul the Iar*.
Is might soak in two or three hours
* remark* wblrij hr raaUied 1
enough to give her time to get pat In a cool ptooe lo cool, then a^ln
To tret beef pres* It dosra wllh the '
_____ ^____ ______ __
- are jars
n to overflowing wllb boiling
IT thto were not dear. Vse lemon-Julce
Iwaitnga and. as U were, -pull her- listen lids and pat eway In a dark
lumb. If it rise* quickly (he a
them la or Gme to can them, they may
rej.wter was iTewnl. aad hi* losdsUp
and seal. By thto means
only' for she flavoring, a.* the grau-d good
aelt together." Bui the llrit wak­ dry place.
11 ohould br fine grained, of s '
be saved for winter use by drying on.
. ,
at .»*» luvliiMl him lu a private coo.alue of the toniai.v ishoald [
fliling a bKter
ing Uiou^U are apt to be colored
brighi red color, with streuku of clean.
Tb„ n.-wiquiper man bad
Com should be i>erf«!tly fresh, not pUtes or papo In the run. or In thej^
have tomiiio.-* IHt over "S'* ftaric. Good pumpkin pic* may be wbitrelnnklng fat
with gloom. If there to any aeemlng even one day off the sialks.
The m»«t will be written out the »p.uvli. bavlug taken
______cut In half.
Scald,__peel, don't throw them assy. Int eaii.;
raim.-d iiutupKiu if M to loicb unieM- there to ideciy ul fat on it lu ah.e;luiiMl.
i«av>n for II. unleaa one haa learned fully cut from cob after husking ood
"Ja-l. me *ee juur
the'ein'slde up'prnn-«t
tbe irauacripi.’' aald th* govto lire from the ChrUt outer within. sUklng. Pack tightly to the very
y,,y „,y
jo paper
after a raeol. while ymi are w:toblr.-:.„
^,5,5 froni frrehly-streved
cnior. aad having seeured them tto
It to poesiWe-lo ao pat ouraelrea Into Into your carefully cleansed
some prefer the dried lofuaio
refill hi* iris** and
the ctwTwnt of all good, to eo all and jure. Screw toiis down light, cover ^ ^ «»naed fw soup® and-grsvies>
have another cigar. Uwd UuSerieteek
short H"w you will have n goodly ar­
Bumnad ounefraa with a spirit of with edd water and boll........ .................
„ t i l -•* the ncxn and eupy lato another Rnm
ray for a -rainy day. "
The green
faith, and imai in a guMlng pow«^ pangus for three hours. Tbe heat
Ways of praaecvlng Corn.
few mamvoU, anones can also be mad.- inn’ jam- They
Making remodle.« which destroy the
wUtdi to not only *«Hng. b« *■*•««• wUI draw the Jniee oul of com. and
thr- .... -V. aMmciBcihxi Apbad boruto ibcm. Of
The ways of preaeevlng sweet
belter than the red l.-r this per- dlfrerem insect pest* is a soraewbat
to beer all our bordene. Ihat we will
Ae niavt^sstfHr do UMhlng.
, conr*t fl
ehould he foU when dome, are almoat as munerous as the house­
dlffeicnl task from making Insecti­
r *n%' I

wake with a aong la our hearts,
jscrewh down cover tight and Bnlsli keeper* who can lb The North Dacides hy the same name* to be used
aereUad L
baaouful Wend of Home Cheer, whose
jue as asparagus.
tota Farmer gives tbe following prac
A Canning Chapter.
on tbe different fruit-trees and boshes.
Waetad *»w Earth.
owning always brought }or and wbOM
lina beans should
ho crrefuUy
Famsie Merrill Farmer, tell*
We speak of kerosene emulsion for
Bbe had burn 0
•yea wwe full of a^ Inner light and shelled and idseed in Jars, the jars
Can by Cooking.-The factory Woman's Home Journal how
.i -hUi iu tV-a-b
day* aad suffered the thrOM a
fruit trees and for flovret*. but a
P— uaoa to asy that her drst waking
filled with cold water and tops laid iroceislBg method consists of cook*l.-kue<> all tbat time.
diffen-m forrmila nhnuld be ii.-v-d In
tboG^ was alwaya a vooe of comos asparagns; then
t.. at a »ii-.ahtbe filled cans In stoam In an Irmi Sho *ays;
When all bupe of relief bad fled, oa*
'pretaring thic niixi'ir.- for flower*.
tat or gufdanee from the Book o*
acren down tops. etc.
k. the cover of which to rlampe.'
Tn Can pi-as—FilR the
* . I The thing to «niv wiih ih.- m.n.i
Boohs, and ahe took this aa her
Peas-are treated in exaclly the Vn tjgfaily and confines the steam so frtsiily-plcked. young i*-t
, te her and aske.1 btr:
ih- niter ini-'Ttlride*.
•age tor the <Uy. 8b* went to sleep

"Is there anything I c
imt manner as Uroa beans.
hat B pressure of 2riii degre«-* ran l«- jar with wn'er tliai has l<een boiled
emulsion for
with lore in her thoughts, and exWJn> du -vuu wautr
Toma lore and corn can bo canned
v^rvd. S.. high a d-grt- ..f hoot to
Finish pretlsoly the
One galp—H..y the "word" In
together much more easily than the ■ecessaiT to kill eerlalu Itocieris
aM-umeu-. l.ui boil conil,iiio-j»ly 1..1 »o-r-mllU to added
a gallM
and It newer faBed her. Ima^e what com can alooe. While com fermeot* rsuse the eora to fermenb The core to 1
(The direction*
hall of V-Tisaene,
a world thto would be If erery one In atom- v-err rasUy. tho arid of the
rooked si this temperature for «0 10 *:■ \
^^re given
chuni^l thoroughly for several
It wwe to wake wtUv the ap^ift.
scvima-to assist In keeping mlnules—55 minutes used to be the
cheer. Ed
think It 1
mitiut.'s. When the prcparetion
hope and oooiage ohW> I*
Cook tomatoee UU they
lime but that period, at euch higl:
second hour t>
11.- proper constoteory It bn* a buttery
Yi-bai aireegth wdold radiate not » watery, then add com and cook
lemperattire. wa* toiund to tnake tht- sod adjust the rubber and
H the mixture doi* nm]
trim cTury family group, aa
they abodt half an hour. FUI cans and s.'s! rora turn dark, and experiment*
down the tc^. Yon must to- v.t
•.mulrlly In five minmes add a lltilC|
gatliefwd for the morning mcall What as troll.
shown that 40 minolcs I*
with i«to». a* they ronuln
Ivin.umr Sw.-ct milk will not give a<;
an BMured eocoeta Ihe day'* work
After allowing your canned v«ge- ample Ume. and that the com retains
The air to filled *l>h wild yeast
as sour milk. This
woidd be: for the one elemem which uUe* to stand In a dark cool place for
color better The cans
and as they live on Racchurtne ina. r
prepared from
most eurely -bringa failure.
several day*. CMmlne them esrehilly plaeed in a rack which enables them UI pea* give excellent (<»M.
,in„. „ vou need it. Instead of
UxaghL corroding and crippling every and « li« Ud to sllghUy Indented, the
> lowervd into and lifted ou
eOon of mind and body, at a lime conteoU free from any air bubbles

lanks or •reions," as they
l-.d wo.ild eontanunatv in. v>
'ahvn soup to used.
wbrni aereM atrength to the one great and the Uquld or flnit settled.
•ailed, by machinery. Thto processing
.-m .1..
a.« 1.
eeientlal to lurrfr
And the pity of (psy about Us keeping. If y<» should tinder such hl^ preasnre to out of the
young lima beaito
stem* and leave* In
It to that It Uea within the power
find that tlie Ud* are biilgod a lllOe qurellon in ordinary household
To Can Corn—Score each ruw ...
-w- mimin'* or l.y |■'•UI1I1C
every one to dtawe •!! tbts. to banish your fruit or vogotoble* are frolhj lice. VO luvtwid.we must resort 10
grains, prx.'s out th" P«'l'r over them. After the
brniiag '
ftovrai and wony-whnkles. If »« and Inclined to rise sbarply tc
No m;.u.-r wL.-tber yo-j sp.-nd
lougve cooVlug under k»s preasure into Tint j;.r*. lay th" lids ..n l~trvl> |
sirfficleTitry steeped, the
would only make the determined eftori top. 0i«m Jar* immedtalely.
Thro* To secure as great pressure or d.-gre.- s,uu.- m tho -wani-bottor *« dlr.x-u>d
r.>-.;i. you will want cnUM-iali.lid >hoaid to- diiiiied with cold water
to do ao. To be aure. It token alrong
-• boll your of heal a* ppMudhle. tbe cans are fillrel ] ^
boor*. Thm scald
n..-iii-and what to U-tuw than
II >.,-j tuio- two cllons of the deeocpower to alter the worry hablL
wllh com, then placed 00 a hay or;
^-ru* .
=.x«l Music? On Biorniy days, in
r,n tnr .-arh iKrund of tobacco used in
It to not worth wblleT Say* a '
d during tthe ii
citohion in a to>iler wiih
g„nd thv jar* back
II- i.r»-l>aratli«i
utdw *p'wt*.
This keeps'
writer Jg"' 8>
Hinu on Canning.
nilflt. r.
which fit* wry Ughtly
l.vpd cook will IMS** mu-b tiiure
S-np *ud' mo-y bo used loadvantage
it to not alway* easy to be cheerful
be Bteam, and enable* one 10 raise irnmns
The foltowlng toWe. irom Successfnl If v.,u can ll»t.-n u, y«.ir fav­
when thtngi ae«m to go wrong In iq.iupie»vure eonslderabiy. 'Long eookorite song*, sung t.y the Woridto
To Can Tomatoex, Whede—S«)v«i
Farming gl«* some good hints a* «
ol one'a brat efforts
To be able to the quantity of fruit required Jpr thli Ing-^t leas lour §our»-l* necessary modiumriieO.
tliv-atest Artists, tir bav.- «>m.reroaiow-, Fui
ay the flowtxke the x’ids and
fanw.:* Band retnW-r ih«- fiio-M
lotto OB the ttoeertul aide of things U
it, thto home method to sterlliie
1,-a.kel, plunge Int"
the tatrio-l*'
Ovi-rtiire*. Jdarches. tVaiu.w .;r.
Nearlsn aeaampltohateiit that itorrkes with
lonts show that from 1C ti thoroughly erevy portWo of tbe core
.Iwtroyed by this
.1* can 1
!• nach of the canoe ta real euejoes
» qunrts of peaches can be canned In the can*, because It reqnlrw »«»ian.aBge them In
In OUT every day work, whether It be,
bhshM of the fresh fruM Ume for thv heat to penetrate lo A' p,i,
lurming ►etijne o
to the etreBoovto life of the conjeoted Btorkberries and raspberrire
center of Uic content*.
rubbers, lav on the tops, stand th."!
Thick Choeotat* FilUBg.
dty or 00 tho farm.
Briefly, the household process et,
,.,*,s,.lM.iler a* directed, eow: ,
1* quarto per crate,
To ttiukc a thick Otlmg for chocoUle
Tbe petty v«taUoc« of the day.
canning com IsasfoUt^-*; Shaw
boiler, bring to boiling point and;
waste If tn giwd conrtitl.*
the top* of the kemeU with a sharp,
minute.'. Sen-w
ssm-w down
u.iwi. tfi*-^ ft,.-, »rol.l no.- fUm of milk
VICTOR w:r. I,
week and month, coma with seeming »b.u imed.
Tomaioe* should ylel
.-i!,. VICTOR
mute* 'l^er,'
lecnlnrity. TO be able to meet them 13 qiurt* to tlie bushri. Grape*
knife, then with tbe hack of the knife'tve minute*
— " doub:.- Mu logvlher 0
0 i-Iito,-iaiu t.^i or i.-ti .huL'l;
ful of sigar, one-ihiid of a capful of
with cheertUneee mean* the exerets*
,0 fasten
ten du^ the 1
e p;ni- of Juice to each two pounds pres* out the in»ld« of the kerneto j
flour and .i pinch of salt, add
frulL snd-thto Juice to must eioollIt.g ligitt and roniiw/;i,ii <-ar,
Into glas* can* fall to overflow-,
Tomattw!*il hot it.
log of a strong eharwner. Someone
t for iB>e In sickiio** or In health,
xtew.-da'-V..-. e...k-..rd;bsri ;the
Some prefer nil to salt tbe conij
has mid; "Be pleaaant unUl 10 o'clock
magn'rficent -VICTOR
w quart or Juice and one and one
end the rest of the day will take care liair p.«ud» of sugar givre sU glaasus thus with a brine, but to i«ck it tight tomato.-*.
W-hen bolhng hot udjuet ....ubb-...................... . v'"It price* betwee*.
U;.-m III luK- Ihlrk'-U*
of Itoelf." U this auggeetloo. we
jy. wlfbont salUPg at all. into the ean*.
rubu-r* on yu'-ir Jara,
ihe;e«.k f.'t t..n.- mluuie*. gliirlng OCrecogntoe the fact that there to noth when ch.-ape*t can
obtained for T5 toll to overflowing, but H to mere «P';t„.prtluwlUB w1'h tomai.v*.
<Tvw !<-a*l.«u.:;v
Sirap" two squa-re, tff untag that help* one more Inaecompltoh
keep If the brine—a weak one— to|,^^^
i^upg -wat.-r n I
ct* per dot. One idncappte fill* a
VICTOR I with Ti.r-r-.:.r A:m. iarr> fancy .Morelng-GIory Horn;
mixed )tt- PtfTon the rnbber*. «crew.
g,. ,„r ihai you *sr.-.-i.-n—1 . h<«ro)aie, melt over hot
Ing dally tasks. thM to sun right In plat Jar.
n-odic* :n ;.,j
a -toicn k ineft «.a- »evnll-lncbl
the mondng and keep In the mood all
fasun op" Jar to- V flllins! water and artl t” the ct«>!.-d mixture
r»„ (i-Qit In small quantiUes daily down the rovers, and stand Ibe vaosJjj,
r-crvl-. of %...-r own

thn-.inlni:t.-» longer, tteii
iKkk-r on a cushion of hay <'r:„„,bei.
Ct-n and »t wx-kiy ai
o-a —t rt'h pner
7111* o-itfll sent
while preparing meals rather Umn
FRI* TRIAL to an;, n i-i-v-r. in Michigan' Call fur a demonstraw thick cnouidi to keep tbe cans, ji^ro and okra may to' cewk-d
Tbe trait of alwaya being ttoeerful canning large quantire at
. full of vamJIa and MW.-ad toiween the
well off the bottom ofxbe boiler. Fill ]
-lomaijes and caancJ ac-ordii
to one that vrtl grow. To be able to aad becoming over-taagued.
;ia..-rs .4 ".vV.Cover pie tin* with several layer* of .... boiler with cool water to ab-ut
bear an Inwaid load of sorrow and yet
threefo’irib* the depttf of the
tara a bright tide, show* a disposition botcher'* brCFwn psper. wet
Haaoebeld Notes.
. In pineapple Tinve.
he boiler wltb tbe filled
water: place Jar* Just removed from
tbal makee the world brighter for bav
DOW pln.-appU's are In their,
»nd boil steadily foj four
To wlu'.-n c.-"d funui'ire. wa»h w ith
lag been In lb Bury J'our sorrow In iKdllng water 00 this paper, put rub­
arm ra'ti Water ti> which » te««poon,sting from tbe Ume wbv-B I prime and manyt boos.-keep.-r* ancheerfulaem. Look evei; upward- Bow ber tn place, fill ml tbe re
_____ begtn* u> boiL Be sure that | pt,,nfiifif tr> c-an them, finding >b.
il «l an.nionia hu* bc-n added.
with doth wrong from h.
Oiawllnc vnal. |«re aoro*
•rraw Ud In place and Invert on table there to always.water eooogh In the^y-ome canned fniit much U*l-i
Unm-d ptovapi'b
w..-t and whlu- poiaio«». tuck them
By this method of tendiing neiUier UHler to kaep up a full vedume of|„ dieapvr 1

jr«iswi ttt eum t uut



For Summer
Nolhloa Equals the New Improved,
Tapering Arm



At *»JO We oner ihe FoUowlng OatBI

Griimell Bros.
Brancli: 159 East Front Street
Sole Distributers Headquarters Detroit.

Fagcs 7 to 12



be paid for twmty daya and the
tIOD carried, all voUng ym.

TN» Ceuincn.
7MM TneMUr‘4 Raeort.
« SV

rain «r SO c»«»

» «»•)».

RtfuMS te fVMind action In tcffird
ta roMto ol pMfng brick.
B er bicyelo
■ M that whMlman can ride
on walka from B a.'m. gntil 7 p. m. on
vnpavad affoats.
Accaptad a 0>ft of an elephant from
Straub Brea. A Amtettc and will keep
the bis animal in one of the parka of
the city.
City attemay reported that


atroat ritna thrMiph to the bay and
that tha Morpan bt>lMns>aan obatnio
tien In tha atrotL

Tte etty cmmdl bad a vary boiy
aeasieii laat oretaiiB asd ll waa J0;»
bedore they eeaaed to
A cemaioiileatioii from (b« toanBteia Id the employ of the city naked
that thMr wasn be ralaod from f< to
becauae ot te poaalblllty of an Incianaad coat la bay and craln and aleo
bocaoae of 4he podbilUy of an
ereaaa of Mi ceaU a aboe lo borao-

Runt Thneugh te Bay.

' Tlie city attorney -repored that be
bad <*refoHy loveeUimted the fbeu
and teeofde In regard to tbe north end
of CnloD atreet and found tha
May 81. IMl. the atreet bad been Uld
D. Campbell and bad e
ed from the nater s edae. Thla
in tbe minty ckuli's offtce. Tbe record had>been perfected
by Reuben Goodrich In 1871 nod tbe
•troel waa uned na n blidiwny
by the Morgan bulldlngIn the oplDloo of the city auarnry.
Mr. Uonmn had bot occupied tbe
street long enough to acquire a
by adreree poaseeidon. The street
aboold ran to the bay. four rode wide,
and tbe building is an obstructioo.
On Mr. Lardle's moUon. the eommuDicatlon was referrod to the atreeu
and walks committee.
Didn't Reeclnd AcUon.
Mr. Urdle etaled that ho fHl a
UtUe aabamed of the artlon taken
by the council at n prerlous meeting
lo which fifty tana Ot paring brick
were ronted rta. the G. R. A I. Inas­
much as the Pwe Uarqueitu had al­
ready paid 83,300 for paring nod t;
year would be colled upon for tl.I
>re. He thon^t Jl waa an injuatlce
take the freight ont of the bands
of the Pere Marqiielte and was of the
opinion that the two railroads should
be left to flgbt it out between themaelree and whleberer road eould
He moved that the
acUon be reedoded and Ur. Abbott

alfoed by A. T. Brodhasen. eeere
And A. lieLacblan preaMent of
teomatpT'e unloe.
Ur. Abbou raored that tbe matter
be rafomd to tbe board of poMIc
worki. Ur. Shane of the board aald
that the eotucll ahoiHd taka tbe reaponalbUlty for the acUtm. Hr. Urdie took tbe atand that Trareree Qly
aboold pay no more than aurroui
dtlao and H deretopad that IfanUtee
and Oadlllac -were each paylns »4
Mr. Mood thought that a fair nad
day and BUc Raplda S3.S0. Tnreme Just dtrlalos nbould be mode and that
City amploya from ten to flfteeo there srere fifty cars of brick, tbe Q.
R. A I. qbould hare tsrenty-flre cars
and tbe Pere Marquette, twenty-fire:
' Mr. Wefcerd mored that tbe dty pay tat the bnelnees abould be dirlded
HiO a day for thirty daya. Mr. Moon equally. He would not loriode the M
BDppoitad. Mr. l>MB>er mored‘am an A N. B, ln this beeanse be bellered
amasdsuMit timt tha Ume be Sfteen that road did not give n fair ral
daym. Mr. Lardle aupported. The rou logs brought Into this city.
on tha amwdment was Heacra. Good­ Tbe rote on the motion to rescind
rich. Urdle. Palmer and Winnie yea: as Heesrs. Abbott. Urdle. Rlckerd.
Mem Abbott MoOonnkk. Moon and n; Mnasrs. Goodrich. Moon. MeCorRickard, no. ‘Ilia ebalr decla^ the Blek. Palmer and Winnie, no.
amendmox lort and tbe naf waa
t(r. Hooo etJII made a plea thU
thM on the ortfliial moton uken
aetlco be reedndef and the boalreeoltins a^n In 4 add 4: thoae who
I ta divided bot t
Totad yea
cm tba arlUMJ moUem. Tbe aoUon
waa dadarad loet a two thlrda voie A AlntoUe stated tluxt they had a fine,
large elephant.' tame and gc
betiix necaaatiT.
Ur. Wlnsta then mored that M-SO which they would donate lo the

The Store
of Quality

NO. 27.

to be kept In one of tbe city parka. Twelfth street from Union to Cass
at the bo«^ as well as the eotta«M.
Wt^nesday a Hecora.
8. B. A A. being willing to pay thejstre«. Befiared to the streets and orderly. 3: larceny, 1. Tbe report was
Tbe G. R. A I tummer scbednle
received and filed.
|- R' hie t.te for an voken-wt went Into effect today and the OMrtiecat of bU keep. On Mr. Winnie's ; walks committee.
The clerk reported tint ll would
comparatively trivial vtlw. log train arlll bring lu usual nomtar
the offer was accepted.
n Ejrtcnded.
Frank Miller.
elsg>hant received sod placed
necessary lo transfer }3.<i:4.TT
«f pawwegera for tbe lai> reaorU MCh
charge of the board of public works
the contingent fund to the credit eg Stare atreet. slid along on tciephiont tuornlng as soon ns It U won noder
mniams companyaskrx] that the city
and the chalrtnan of the sirecu ai
several oibi-r funds. In order lo < wires many feet above the gro'ind
water main he extended south In their
unit b« reached one of the prrper
walks committee. The elephant Is
yaidh 300 feiH to the south end of this, $7,000 would bare to be borroi baMoona sent up by A. V. Fried rich,
Mg fellow and is quite amusing.
ed. It was alsu neceMry to borrow
their dry kiln, tbe Improvement lo
lt.S37.3t t.i lay for the ^ler pipe which had caught there. On reac hing
Phanegraph Petillsna.
rurt-abuiii }2<«) Inrludlng a hydrant.
balloon, he secured a Ug good
The mayor and clerk were authorised
A petition signed by the Peoples Tliey asked that the elly extend tbe to Diiike a i<-mu|'rary loan for the for $1.30 in trade at the shoe attit*.
mains and purcJiaae
feet of bom-.
Savings bank'and’others asked
The balloons were very aucce saful. five runs In tbe twelfth at Bowers*
the large phonograph used by the mov­
• sent up iatt n-ght and
inr.jonty i HarNw. making the final oraie T to 7.
The eomrounicBlton sia
staled He trrasurar r«>l«>rled cash on hand
ing pirture sbow across the loreel hnot-e.
wci ith of, The game was the moat hotly eoatesl.
bo suppressed, ns it waa an anooy- that this wo-ild not only glv<- better at the Hose of business June Si. as the city, and were laot .ten a. m«re;..d
ha. brep *v-n in thla at, tor
firr- protoetlofi^n cose of fin- It
speck .g.,nm the sky. . The AoHoon; ,he ,a« *-rera] scaaooa and deUgUDiver's Bill.
plant but aUo It there w;
which ydung Miller chased had beenl^1 the taps.
fire la neighboring piants.
The clerk reported the bill cC Er­ stoned by youngetere and ctid
Both plichi-ra. Uclnlyre for the lonest Bovay. the diver who Uld
as high .1 did the «i
Following this waa a courier peilOn motkjo nf Mr. Palmer the <
dependenu. and Gihaon tor the Kuol.
uke exlension. as S3 days at CS a became entangled in tcleptii
Uoo. the signers declaring that they munlcatlon waa referred to the
lers. threw exrellnit ball. Tbe lat­
day. a total of $873. On this bo bad
alley eouth of Wellingtch atrwet ter waa somewhat handicapped by a
didn’t want the machine
received $3Wt in cash and $?<W in t ime
■tween Wcbnglon and Franklin. sprained thumb, but managed lo arad
signed by T. A. Rice and others. Thli
A Uanisiee man aaki>d that he be orders leaving a balance due of $373. The boy chased the bxlloeix and
as referred to thy same comniitue.
ree bsltera to the bench. McIntyre
allowed to b-ing a p-iient p<«nut
r Ihe place when it al'ighted ,en
Bicycle Drdinenee.
As the diver had lieen absent from
credited with ck-veo. For fiftacn
roaster here. The eoaimunlratlou
wires. He Immediately scaled the
If Inntnga only three men areet to
The eommlttee on ordinances re­ was received and Died.
pole and attempted te shake
tbe plate: a record seldom equalled.
ported that they would rocommeud
Will Improve Deck.
moved also that
Brier Maned the ball rolling for the
wli.lch his abthat the Weyrie ordinance be ao
llustlera by negoUaUng a ran In tta
The rummluee on wharfs rScom- lence c<wi thi- cltt. b«i deducted. The
amended thar the wbeelmcn could
eft Ml, however, nrst Inning and from tbeg to tta
the sidewalks on streets that mendtd that the city dock 1»- put into motion as iiniendtA carried.
Mr. Moon cabqd* the albrntlon of and by the time he was tired of ll. a eighth ll was n ocoreltta gaore.
were not paved from 3 a. m. until * repair by planking and flmng. the cost
the council to OP- fact that draymen
crowd of men and bays had
Anostrong. also oT tbe Hnatlcra,
m. When fifty feet frmn a i«ede»- It to exceed 815«. Adopted.
ao. they must ring their bell and
The wlarf eomraliie.- recommended had Injured a number of w-alks by gathered, watching him. Thirty or circltd Ihe diamond in ttat Innlaff
If the pedestrian does not get out of
Ihr Central Bitullthle Paving barking Ihrir drays up over them forty feet above tbe gn«ind and mid- ei^d In the next. Snlfka and CriDdall
ordithe day for the Koenig boyn.
the way. the
comiuiuy be granu-d permisaloci
wo lixBingB more the tairera
and walk past him. Mr. Uotm moved ! ^ portion uf the dock for Iheir macbln- nane<- draw-n up fixing a Snw for glcd snd tht temptation to get it' was
fanned at the air. er drove the pelM
tbat tbe recommendation bo adopledjery. the nmsiderallon lo be l». damaging the walks of the clly with too great for Frank.
horses and ma<lc a motion to that ef­
Swinging clear of the cross trees,
OBC's heads but In the
and the motion carried. Aldermen Adopted.
fect which carried.
he started te half crawl, half slide, tvreUth Colby. Kroupn. Higgins. ^BOty
Goodrich and McCormick voting no.
The streets and walks ronmIUee
On Mr. Lardio's motion, the firemen toward it on the net work of wiree. and Meintyre broke loose and scoreA.
recommended a list of ct-menrwalka
Hr. Winnie suggosted that all
wen- each granted one week's vaca­ The onloekcre held their breath and
pan of the game the Inwhich were ordered built.
tion at the dlserv>ll«n of the chief.
expected every moment te oee him dopruficnts cent lllile popxipe to tbe
The usual Mg batch of first of the
On Mr. Moon's raUoo Mayor Prtedlailridcrx but tbelr batUng luck in tbn
month bills »-ere ordered pald.
Hrh and Mr Winnie, chairman of the irtes' effort he reached the coveted last saved tta day.
rfo Charoet Made.
Tbe Clerk rend the Invlialion signed
slnx-is and walks aimmltiee. will go piece of paper, secured H. and aUrted
Bvpvy man on boib tMmi pUyta
by Mayor Friedrich to the city offi­ The Btnyor rei>oned that the presi­ to Grand Rapids to confer with the back.
an sltDret faulitom game.
cials of MaolsUqne InvIUng them to dent of Suiions Bay liad officially G. R. A t. officials In rugnrd to the
The return was more difflcvlt than
the Fourth“1*“
v"d.t\-d him the park question.
Weighing Mali
come to Traverse City
thanks of the village for the asalste mall which haa h
and ta the guesu of the cily. In
during the rect-nt fire and had I T. C Sbllson ade a prorest in re­ forced to atop and nett frequently,]
ply thereto tbe mayor of Manisil.,—
gard to the asseiuuneiil for the aouth When again
> wHgtMd I
stated that ll wmild be ImporelWe for
*-hat the ehatges would be for Union street paving. It seems that snd leked upward to where he had
them to accept the InvilaUoo as they "-ndlng the npnsratus.
rork- casts Ires
made the perilous trip through mid where n originatce. TWs wept Into cTbad a talebralion of tbelr own on hat i Os Mr. Rlckenl's raoUon. the eom- n-r's cstlm»ic and be stated-----—be air. the
t... y....
great danger that he had frel Monday. One great service that
do the clerks b tho
munlcatiun was received and filed and -was pajlng Interest on the overranre 'I neon through broke
snd hie
marking of third and fourth ciUh
___ I .
for the of the apiuiralA. R. McMann. was given permIs-;«o
c arlnal cost. _______
Tho matter
matter, eudi at books, pbntQffrapBa
im will be made to the village.
■Ion to operate a launch on B
and merchandise. The smlglilnc will
The meat and milk Inspector 'prt- commKIrc.
rivee and to slo|> at Park s
eunilnue for six montbo and Is fwr
sented his n-port showing that the
the Cass ^rcel bridge.
Mr Lnrdih rcporiol Ibxt the 300
Resort Opening.
ininswe of revising {he elasalflA petition signed by Thomas Fitch rundlUOD of all dalrica was good. The fri of hiiHC purchaacd had arrived ami
cation c>: maltconditions
and others asking for a cement side­
cximpared very favorably with
be lohablK-d by ire summer popiAation
walk 00 the wi*i side of Vine street:good, excepi two which wrere ordered
Gcotge K. High and family of' Chi­ Coffee pUntaUoas In Hoorn M»
from Randolph streel to the alley! to clean up.
cago arrived laid wi-ek srbllo arretal snow white, and fib^ <( deHclooi
Mwth of Randolph wa* refem-d to' The Judge of Recorder's court report
An Hcn- of rich Innd In the parts of other famlllen followid him and there odor bill the bloasoms Off in a day.
the Streets and w.-ilks oomnilltvx-.
xor the month ending July 31. Hr
In 1818 cWlfirwB under aeveo were ,
A petition rigm^ by W. K. Hanks hnd collecl.-d $3o,]3 la fines ami ro.ts r«-niriil Amcricu Miliahli- for growing are sllll n niimlier to come.
Ke-ah'ia-waiila has » few guesii. and work«-d In the coUon mills from iM ’
and others asked for a eenieni side- Slid the og.-nders were classified us thill (lull will >U-Iil Mliuul $6,000
the se.ison bldii fair lo Ik- a wxid one In llin mi’cning until 8:80 st oigbL
walk on the south side of West follows: vlolullun of bicycle ordl- minas lu a Ji-ar.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



You want the novelties, the hard-to-get goods, the

/\Tt©r tn© r ourtn goods that are right. Any and All times you find them here
Automobile veilings in black, white, navy and
blue, Bcllt at 76c a yard. You can pick from some ex­
tra fine pattemf of veilings that are priced from 25c to
76c a Yzrd.

Rugs! Rugs! Rugs!
Never had a bigger or better stock. Have sold
many oftbem and we have a splendid stock to select
from now. Full carpet sire rugs in all the-newest paff
terns. Prices are from $10 to $60. Some beautiful
patterns in Wilton VelveK Body Brussels,' SmjTna and
Tapestry Brussels. The newest Tog6'' Ru8s are just
what you want for the bedroom, or for some of the
rooms in your summer cottage. We have hundreds of
rugs in the smaller sires and these are so handsome.
It 11 a treat just lo see our big stock even if >-ou do not
want to purchase, but we are sure you will when you
do fee them.

Want Some Ribbons
for the Fourth?
See our Ribbon Section-just about all the styles
that you couIg wish for. All the newest paiierns for
the hair, for the belt or the neck and the onces are the
• best part. Biggest bargains at li*c, 28c, 2iic.

Do You Shave Yourself
We help you all wc can—Williams’. Colgate’s and
Pear's Shaving Slicks.'J5r each; fine Brushes from lf»c
to 25c. Talcum Powders—We have Colgate’s. Mennen’s, Violet. Crushed Roses and Berated. Powders
sell from 10c to 2-5c; Gillett’s Safely Barors sell for
$5.<X); the ‘'Ever Ready" comes in two styles at $1 and
$3: the “Rear Safety at $1.75. The "Razac’ is the
newest and sells for $3.50. We have agood line of the
regular razors at $1.75. $2 and S2.-50. Williams' Bar^r
Bar Soap. Williams' Quick and Easy, the Johnson
Shaving Cream and .Armour's Flora Foam; Bay Rum
and Witch Ha/el.

Better Have a New
SeeShe great stock that we have at Ic. 2c, 3c. 6c,
beauties at 10c. The hemsiitched and those with initials
priced up to SI .25.

Take Candy With You
The best candy that is made. The Drug and Book
Divis'on Kas a great easeful of all kinds of fancy boxes
and filled with the sweefest Chocolates. These boxes
sell at 10c. 15c. 25c. 30c. 40c. .50c and 60c a pound. "Take
a box home to Mother" or any other member of the

Silks! Silks! Silks!
Will you buy now'- You can get bargains in silks.
There are four prices—3ac. 49c. r.:jc and S7 J<c, jo plaids,
stripes and colors. You will want a new shirtwaist or a
suit. See these beautiful patterns.

Did You Get
Your Long Black Gloves
Got another lot. and they are fine. Have them, in
black and white, and they sell for $1 25, S2, $2.26, $3.

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.


GniBl TiaTcne (Herald

ERWor «»K M«nag*r.

ORiTaw .i................................. tlAla Urn

■ Btmd M Hu yi

Deeessltici of life and for loxarlM the MB-a arm area not ton oC.
;; relighm. IS; aocrtolagy.l
> ahooUag.
Gardner, aged'
I( tceani that whee wintar
the arm was very badly tacer^ CO; nataral acieoce. 22; useful arts. 4; ieiguieiw years, is in Ihe hosptul with
«. U wUl And the wase eanera ated and twisted but no bones arerc fine arts, i&; literature, rt: blstorr. la <lang<'nKtv bulkn wound
read)- and there will be little suBer- broken. The ambulaace waa called;:r.; trekel. St: btogrophy. IT; bound^foc.-.
The myat.V)- lies In the r.-firial


and the young man taken to bis home* magurines,
. l.itlT; average.
It la »1th pride that wc refer to the
.Webster street where be Is resting 34.
[how- ti was done or discuss the mattc.ct that any maa that waota to worit aigbUy easier this after
Rending roore-Men. 191:
IB Traeerae City or elelnlty. eno get
fl; chlldn-B. 343; total, t
_ Soticsu am-'..) yivvBtnAi I shsUsrii »> pwb-1
; ditllj
IN-d.-s'lrlans Is
Toledo sterv*
.. .............................. -b««« bi.lrtsr. SI Ik* lr«ill
job and command food wacea. -Men
at-Crage. 26.
tmrt.vl'Atnnday by a young man staadwanted" la a far bHIer alea «h«w -qo
liig befon- an -u|vtairs window I
her huslHiid. Mm IV-njamln Hadley
bHp needed."


Wrenched' HarAnkte.
aaUierina fb.wera In

WO^B Riunloy aficrnuou. Mra. W. C.
Hull (illppi-d on a Mom- and aeverely
wrwicbcd her rishi anitl.-, Sbu la eon
fined lo hrr linnK-.
Pine Report.
Tip Ttaverre flij fliaie lani

Rave the Welle.
IMbjr ImaliUvii In Mirliiean

lat romplcled ntie of ihe ntosi
u>il poreiw aod year* in thi
nu>r more IndivIdunU vll be Inter- tor}- (>r thU Inaillutlnn.

p!;ice«l bn baby in Its lltil.-ciib Sun.Only tea <if
day .-venlng whii.- she ationdi-a to
• boi«ehold dull.-:.. Rnnntlng as *' *
ber cuvum'i. she tun
pul her IlDpTS
OnpTS if"*’’"''"!’'
.mi's chill t.i se.- 11 png averjp-.
I crow, but tk<- Iltlb- oQi'itn the li-s'<>n
i«. and III lb- liom.r ..f

Ihe funy.twu >viang peo- iHsirdinp h<mw. wildly Waving
amiiih.utgh to surntnon help.
^ n>untv treriiciw''
orsc-r was no'Iti.ri.
11.' f'Kmd
s wa* due largely fafrjs..' tl—iTri.v! save for this boy.

On Ssiord.*y. tn* tbth Day of August.'

mental arilhin.lic whi^ youth Is (jardner. He w-as vutTertw;
applicants sever-ly .mil 1ft a Itigb-f.-UT. .
wound III hU
Was Isidly
‘■■''[for CTtlBroi.-fc win bavi-another Irirtl
named. Ho told Uw* hiw-|>ilril aiithure
Mrw.- llailW-j drioc ..v.-r to in
I.1.-S that h.. had b.a-n- Us k.d in
Rliigbam yrelegday an-mi.ui r.-iiintTbi--.' who
w*^-.-- Eslh.e
I'l.fsT rinra twenty four Suulrs witli.vii
shortly Is-roiv b o'.-lnck bin cv.d-jGriiy. ibiid grad.-: tijyl.lloivU.
f.»«l nr diit.v., The p..Ikb- atv unald.chlldswaB^'v-.-’riid grade; tVlIliaiu Rlfk.
:il.e-m-e i>t
bird grade;
in good spirits and rnJo>«-<l th.- ride, gra.Ie; Alina M. .I>-.ilt. third



the wny back, just as tli.y r-a.-ditd, AddU- K. Crisi., Ihtr grade-. Mal-'t tad-''■* '*“•
aniiunl nicetltic <8 tin- dimeeatod In a sun^Uon which comi-K
rod e«ss A
...ic. eeud...
XUriha I *"’'
house, it Hp|ian-utl>
la»l eveulmt. the uatul divl(Ijrdn.-!... paiitits h. :.
fnm Ibe atnle nmlofcUi, (hat arleslao
II had'H‘Witt, third grade; Iterriba Iturhi.
d.ij-.-. Ihe |iar<-m» ihlnKliig L
dent wan dtvlared lo the . tockholdeu
wells will not flow on lorevrr and Oiul
U«>mo tired from Us long jc.uniey liilrd grade, und Ihiu-a Wrlglit.
and carried to the surplus
. It ha<l never iHu-n sick In lu ll/c.
UUa aufHdT ahoold be receded
jfund. makinR the rnpUal and aurplus
M.-dIca! aid
limlled tiuanuty wbleii
now «I5,(N«.
Mr. Craltenburg Resigns.
denili having
The nsual proapertiy enjoyed by the
Suta-riiii. nden H. N. Cratunburg of
Electric Wreck.
caiiaed by acitti- liidig«v‘lk>n.
man eaaee the water from tbeee
hiiBit Is verj-. ptreslDs lo the modithe starch laciory ha.« tendered lilf
Jackson. MIcb.. July 2__ A haaden
child, tVilllam Charles,
la pennltted In
How on
onlnier holdeiT aa well aa the flue condition of
mdgnaii.ui w-hk-li look eff.-ct torby. colliE'en occurred
rm April 17. 1!«'7. and was an «nuptedly nlcfat and day Uiroiichoul the the bank a affairs.
plant, is
clcetric line this irorring about two
iisually healiby latby. .-sniping all ilU.
entire year. It aeifma to be auuim<
n Chirtigo, trying I
that they wUI flow oa for all Ume.

...... .1... h,,,.i „ „i...
•»“>" " I’e-i
. Bet the etale ge(dotcin calla alte
Mr. C::im-iit.-jrg ratiu- her.' in Jon
injuries to one and acriout «fttloa (o the fact that nuny of Iheee wheel til a friend iiiimed l-esds
Fereteld Hit Death.
I'-i Ui- plm.i ..u It's f.-el. a„d |
weUa. Id Hk-hlimn have ceaa>Into the cUy. The trike wa^ picked lip
Pori Huron, Mien.. July 2—John 1.*. tncreas.-d tb- buMU.-ss to a great. 0“* bound anti .n bound ear* were
flow and that the othi-ia wil ullli
by Ihe polln- lul night <Hi Ihe sins-t
lendenning. aged 2J, a dentist. waaVxi.-ni. His titans for l!..- arc i traveling at a high rate of speed. Th*
bill was turned «v<-r to*ls
drowned in Lake Huron this mofning;ma .-.-rialu. uUlHnii.-U h.- wi;i romain ear in charge o1 Counduelor Jay Ack.


etii. II and chil•, shot

:s have HvB at-


baus;-! directly

^s«re<iA) h^.


To Caaiea and

reo|denta of Viliam* nils raornlsg Wlddls came to Cbl-t

poeaeealBK arlcabui' mella lUa '
Ashton wUb a bunch of iruulile. si,y.
Bine ahotJd come as one of Imiuedlste Ing that Ufwl* had slolcat the shiel,
lie hadn't.

He had only pawned It

lo |uy bis Imayil bill.
•nefa wells an appeal for their
care and pretectlon should i

settled out of courl-

Um altentloo It surely desHwri

The matter waa

ToMc the Buggy.
FVed Fiiller/nf Tenth street noilfltd

lur Smiley a’
reporter, towing it
heavy ica upset
body of Glendenning



aiherie two hours later.
Monday a fortune teller told

CTilef Ast-.nm this morning when the
y<( young, that lib Imggy
I stok-p. The chief tracki-d

'in the road.
At Marion Island.
A liuiplvr of ell.iiue.s ::re b.4ug' The motermen jumped and saved
til Ijie ftmiie's rtf tI o,Wai- of |S.|:
mutl. ;.i Muriun island which will re-l,heir ny„ „
froMs of both «are J. Ih-reie,' Mlirt iu-,1 i-.e; y
in a cn-ut improv-m.-m. The

refirolini.ui sund U now at ilie casli Rrchie Burkett, a wiremas. an
J. \V yiilitkiii. kus,r.ti;-n «ii sa'.
II. IjDsIo
dune.' hall.
Unsl.-ud of In s p,oye of the company, was caught In miners fi.wlu.- fihxi s,, s,w-.SHin' hi
st-iuiraie building and trie dunce floor the crash and probably fatally
i-ris1' nad : IlcsTtse.1
IS rejs-d so lhal H>e:-lal«w ca
jured. Conductor Ackerman suatalned
• InfrAsi pf said .-"1.
crowd on. The orchc-slra 1* seuiei!
estale ther.-lu d
a broken leg and other injuries,
a raised iiluttorm in the c>-n(cr of the beet Lane, a p.-issengcr, was badly

he flied with the aeeretary of stale
the ciniDly clerk on hr betore fo

Monday when working in the w-oods

11 over If they ulsh to to have their
names ladoded In the list to be voted
on at the prlmaiT dection of Tueaday. Ancoat 13.

Before tfiat date It

mast bo retneiDbered other llme^tak-

o’clodc on the arumon of Tuneday, anil was taken through tbo clljJuly ».
Blank nomination paper-i BWirnlng on his wny htmitv The
can be aecuivll at the oounty clerk's
felling a Ins- mid when RHHng

PUIure lo hate thedi clreu.

fiued or to secure the required
her ef aalpro, or lo ha*e the nooil-

of iho way ..lipped and the t
acrona his thigh.

rem Monriny's Record.
They Fooled Friends.
Mr. and Miv. H-rlc-fl It. Montague

thill ii I
mend iIj . givui r.-m.d>." SoM 1

their demands became efftrllve. Rut koo|mr with Arms ti Cole this morn
MleUsaa U keeping step near
Mr. Suulo started
s Buck « Ky-Mlka.
bead of the precesaiem and la fortun- firm

Hew to Cure Cnilblalns.
"To .-n;,.} HvrJ.iiii fr.Sii clillbUlas.''
K.. l Ollsfleld.
M--., - t a; IliirVl-n'.. .Vruica 'Stil'i-.

Hid i--<liioii.

Mis. »het.

n.'re.f;‘ftis r I

uui.'l Jm

and Mrs. D Padden was awarded the
bend prim,

a boquei of flowen. t
going to Mrs. Jameson.

bottle of eataup.
Lati-r in th« evening. I'ommandcr
m the streeu. everywhere and any.
where men are wanted. Women wtii be Marvin, In behalf of Uw' i'
forced to im out and Inlsw to handle corps- preaenlcd Mr. and Mra. Cleve­
land with a Imautlful polished rocker.
the hay crop that It may bo naved
'lodging their
and they will have to Uirn In and
help to imthec the fruit crop. Men are pli-oaure at the gift. After the jmwenscarce la Ttaveree City and the Orvid tallnn. Miss Oevriand and a yonne
faetorira. In the atom, cm the fsrm^

Tnrerae reglun and tmloss. idiysieally Udy friend served Ihe rrfreshnieat*
the) had prepnred.
U was early
iBcaplated. no man has an exntae to
mornine before the party adjourhod
remain idle.
WHea 'there are more men

than all faavlDg had a vrry ptrosact time.

Jobs. K nieana that the bnicher. the
grocer, the hardware man. the clothtag man. the dry goods mretdisot. In

Pere Marquette
VIA me

Sunday. Ju'y 7.
win Ii III- Ti.-v-f-e
m fee iv-verib-iil
c 37.July I


Painful Injury.
While working around the large
trap at the Oval Wood 6isb factory

factalleUanesorhuslnatamuM anSer.

W.ui 3 o'clock on
When there are more jobs than mva. Skull suffered a painful injury,
It nsaaa that tbs iroiRen are camtng left arm be<«me tanked in a Urgn
flood wngen. that they have a change pulley- and beouoe braced aad stop­
to work and that the mooa}- corned ped the pomp Conaidcring the power
win be put mio rlrculotioo fur the behind the pnmp it is wonderful tha:


H WJ-. not until beeifdalnedio

■iinn-. I'c. H.iiiuah Juai Kton.’s! K
Mail A
di-ia i-loi-r.

Kraliejs eloitej) by

ilu-y i.-altJ—I

Uivir lulsiske.

The 8th SeinI*Annaal Payment

-cyciiiXK ixsvR.txrE.

Cyclone inavi
Ibe L-tiy iii-nr Hom-cs H.iriior Skii'i:
John Itrakel, tV. J.
, C- It
<hiy by .Ml"-rt Kroiipa was piirch.i.s.s
Monroe, Nick KriiuT. Ihter J. Snyder Icy lose bull teiiiii played a -flicked
by Ihe lliiy Shoie I’.o'king Co. an,
Ben ilurnee and over ftirty others
nine from liist Joi-.ran iiml i’s'iini-i
will tv made inio .>moki-l meal.
the h<-sl farmers of this county took at l-Tast Joniuu Friiiny, wiimiiig 3’
-.A,.i-|,ruCyclone imuirence ihe past week 1. Tills niiuleo loal of ih-rtiv-ii gumes
pimiuls fusKwut of ;-i-i |«-ti'ls .-o- wa
McMillan htemorisl.
he State Mulnal Cychmo romiun) won out ol the firi.s.
Siaii .i last Saloiday. .-md !,i.-k'-l n f.-s
The interest and aynipatby of the
of luiiavr. The cost Is very little nn< Buckb-y t*-:iiu is now In fine shape for
people of Mlchlimo in the morement
l;ii-ties of Wine six Ir7-i la ieni;i:i Thevery farnu-r should hare a |>oilcy ;ln tile Grand Rapids caniea July ^ and 4
fish is a bri-wnlsh color arid ii- ;vici
. to have a niemortal monomeoi erect­
this safe nod ri-liable company
Twenty nien hare Is eu at wtwk for
Is 'dlvldvd into lar-.;- .'iMiiii-ij.l -ii..;-.
ed in booor of the late Seauiior Wc
mie iliiic in the boll luvik und this ficuri's lifsTi'-jd of a Tootiti Ss olli*-:
mnaa. In a beanilful park In the city
m In- rv.idy by July 3.
liSb I:
of Waablngton which ahall bear hla
: Married Twenty^Fouc Veare. .
At a sehisri tnivtiiig Fiiday <'vi-niiig
name, is hlisbly crediuble to ih<The twenty-fourth naniverwary of
it W3IS voted to grade the sclusil. illvn-j
pie and (he state la whose behalf the wedding of Mr, and Mrs. L. K.
1*cing flfly-ltlno votes lii fnviu- td l;
Cleveinnd was <»iebrnied at their
uiiil none against lb<- firojrel
life a
home on tV.vshingion suvvi Mon.i:i>
e iriven.
II conipleti'd ahall rep treninc with a oeiiulne surprlw. their
daughter. Beatrice, having invited >fcreaerit the niudnst and willing conThe coming
Post and the RelltJ Corpe
Myttrnously R"ot
Iribullons of every section of ibe
nuiuln-r of isuiks' gh<ri out :ai the
South Ikiiirrig; n July t — ,\,-i-i-r.lint
and they attended in n Irndy.
slate of hla adoption and bis pride
library- In Jiim- to riif-n-a»i- iimK-rtklly to n-pofte fn-m 1’- Toi-rio i-.les. K
The evening was aprot In
srill greatly ndd to Its dlm>Hy and
as w ill W M’-u by rhe tibrariail s rr
H. Gardner -if liil- f-'.-ic.-, vo-kiii3 in
rimvmatloD and singing old time
worU as represeiiiatlve of a ^al
ori •
the Ot.fu c,iy.
v„:im -f ..
soogs after-which a gnecalng coolest
•tnte'a tribute ui the metnory of onr
Fiction. inii9; jureni'o ncti-m, T"',;the struts of the city was held

•Men araatod." In tbo abopa. In the

vanis approaelied Mins Ibiroth]
muvm m-d th-.-lr surpijitc, colIln


ilb-y hrd mlstaki-n hit dnughU
Mis. Kllirt RonuevHl



-•-I Sl.iTJe-. He- ji-im!
I’.e iKH.r'al Fr«i Maili-o i
Hr. King’s N*-w- Ijfe I'd:

Tin: July loiurcst on Deposits in ilic S.ivtngs Dep
partmt-nt of this Bank has gone on O'lr books an
may he tlratvo at any time.
Interest not


will be a<Mcd to th

Deposits made in our Savings De|jarimeni one
before July will draw interest from the -lirst day <

More Trouble.

It is a ^'ood lime [q ^;an an account... NOW.


Cclehratc the r-ourlh


had been loyal and'valuable.


Big Sturgeon.
Tec -'lurctsin which was i-;ipinr-'si ji

aldy able to bold that place threogh


Mi— Is.roth) Mecrer ni

Tlw ushi-ra MepiK'd liack in i
i-hmeut wml in other parts of tt
•Tuttre Disiuloo (he emptoyea an


tha chancier nf her inatiUiUoos. Ihelr
work and their itrngreaa. as well

. promptly met Ihelr


wbep ac.uiiiuuleil 4i>- Iri-r f.
Miss Meiw-r < nil-led Ihe while 1

II fiii.illy dawmri upon Mercer
rxeci-ea: rcsutis." Giiarar.i-wd ' f >r
I.Aer s. i.,-, ind-di-nl
Wi:;-nds. .tossi

. Itjglme
ee Itruu fo.. I this ri-lial-le cmafiahy, n« it m.-is i -i
K Witi; A- Ilille.

CiLirapli-ecI ;i'
KuniiHli Drug

f«iiiplii>i-s wlm sill! tvmnin It
s«-:v tl.p.wM g flutter y


ding trip,.y mnrniut. although

AUmt 31111 of our le.-sl fariiior
After their wedding, they.w.-n- drivi (n the JJiHitague roiiagii :i( Old t'yrlom- Co., t.|
sabeforp Ibe final coiilcet is rn- died at hfs home last night at 6;3ii of
i-ssion In Frii^ |Wtni-r's uuin when- nieli is Piv-sidinl.
hrwrt fallun-. He was 7S yivim old
aod had joascl Ihe lust forty-tJinw' tliey remained iiiilil Satfirday. They
Many fariiiers in Mlcltiu.m
yvani of his life at Inlcrioclien. Tlir pri away whlMMit the iisiiul .vlti-niioris the profits of a Jifi-tliiK- by
Rig Balance.
funurul will b<- held from Ihe home showered upiMi iu-»l> marri-sl r-uiiiU's. aiid the ul.-s- 111.111 will profil by their:
The aUto^ of Ulcblnan cloeed
o'clock tomiirriMA' afteriKwm.
*-X|K*ril tus\
flaeal or offlctal year with iho cUmc of
Cured of Lung Trouole.
last week witha balance on hand
Biitnn by Dog.
Thus isiiiip.iin |iaid ovi-r S3",
I bad
near to seven minion d..llara. Most
IJtUc narofd Grant II
« i-sc-j.|.-• fn
from c
.illiipihwi." ii-af r.ito. two yciiv. ago. Iilirl
or that lantp Biim wll find Its wny three mill* w.-»i of the •
'. (>. Flo>il a leading
,£ l>
Tsimw. S. I'.
lo all acrtlumi of the slate whei
ten by u dog in ihe calf of IlicH-g Sun nign of K'-rsl
It- -Ulowlh lia.-^-eli very rapb
down in wvighi
neat primary school - apportton
day altortHKOi. The idle wt
cmigbinc was isitisiani.
puinfiil but not !i v)-ry ts-rii^ui
and night. Kili.v'lj I Is-gnii lakliic Hr
King's N*'W ItisisTvi-i!,, aiuf isiiiTiii'i-sl
Levi Soule Retigni.
■•■ipiiuiriy iHsii hk'il
AfKs- Iwenly-thn-c yrars of conlinn
1 for
durinc the romini;
cfHigh .viid Iiutg truokp- wi-ii- i-ntir>-1,- sihikeu ol I.J the ...„uu.i^M.u,. r -r u,
1* aervlco. lu'vl SiMiIe reslpii-d from
yoara will mpke it certain lhal
g«n<- iiiid- I wii» r<->ii-!isl
surauce mid Mlnhtu.m<-i ai.u ii>
Mlertaj; aarplua will have its li<
IS position with Prokop Kyselkn Sat mill
sbiHjbl is- w-l(lioiii :{ |s» . V f.
qBBitera at the stale treasury after tirdiy and look the plnce of book
’ heU’u’.d’'. <•
BBthMi papen flird ns the law dirocis.

bruised abbut the head and body.

left for their St. l-vwn-m-- river
•iH-lr friends Ihuiighl liiut llu-y had
been on th<-lr way for wvi-nil ds)S.

Mistaken for Ell-ei Roosevcl
Wasiitiigfni. July


H. Katlett Hat Retigned.
It for soni.-'dlMtmre iind then reut. d
After ten yv-ars of s.‘n-ic«- wltli the Ua!!. giving more room.
Sheriff Johnson. The two drove
Th<- grounds tuive roceit-tvl ttincli a
Hannah t Lay Men-aotile comiiany.K.
out Ihe pmlnrnla without finding any
H. HaalelL baa rcalgned. his resign;!- lenllon and a nmulicr of Improvi
rare of U but after driving Into East
Hun lakJtig effect Saturday nl^it. .Mr. mriiis made on them.
Bay townahip, met S!d and Julius
Hasletl has bts-n In tbo clothing dro
Dlngman rowing Into Uio ci
Wise Ceunael From the South.
larinicnl lor the |kisI .six years. Ills'
-'1 want to give s-'Dy' v.ilu.ilili- ad
vehicle. They htid bo-jglil a -boree.
future plans are not as y.-l perfecu-d vice in those who suffer wHli lambrrowod a Jianusui und claim that
although In- wilf aiwnd n month or s<i|
•k and klilney i ro;' ' s») s J
they borrowed the buggy.
Uiank-usliip. of ib-ck, T.-nn.
In the soiitliern |ein of the slate liemay push ihe case.
rcliirniiig to Truv.i-se Ciiy. Mr.
I Kliv-tric Htlu-rs will |«a-lti«.-l;Huslell bat luaiiy friends' who tin
V tio-s .lisiivssmg viuidiiloii. ThiBroke Hit Leg.
mos RiiKCnbnrg nf Manisl«>c, aiit- anxhfus to sqe him'd in uiiy f!r.-i Is.tik. giive till- gi>-ai reliel and
liOttl.'s t
fered a fraclurvd l.-g at Brever island Ime of busini-ss he may enbir.

have lltUe time to meditate or think

Imeiican Dmj Co.
Tiaverw C«y. Mich,

eppoaile Gratiot, beach.

Pere Marquette
Low Rate Esturwions.
SpeurUl ki* rate ex- ursiea jfc'.—if
) the JnmwH'wii toposiijon Kn mIc
l all Pore Muniuwte Uck«-I offices,
sk sgnMftir



To cut cordwood lor
Chemical Plant 32 inch

of July
at Traverse Ciiy

V -.

$1.00 per cord
prices address.

and buy your


Mashek Chemical i I cn Co.
Wells. Delta County. Mich.


Here is/Recipe No. 7
This Will Taste Good-S|fawberry Shortcake
Two cupfuls BEST FLOUR, two lAbU-niiooul i!t >-f l.titti--,
one .-up of milk, oiu-Ieasi«.,.iifui of i.«kiu-g (nw-’er. cm- • k'J aiuJ
aHltlc (kill.
Heal w.!l With spoon
I’.-ur i: to luikiD^Jimo an-i
siiiootli with sjioon.
When -lour, split open uilh knife an-1
spread with s'lxoii buti-r.
pii-c--o:i pi.iK- sc-I c.v-t
ith bcffii-s ui-arij- iin in-fa
' i-'fa de*-c
T(;eri plat
place the topof the^
cake on liiii si.-I another l.iycr cf l«yri<.
.Make as
u isiieeiHx].

Can't blip I'ut I.

City Book Store
The ntily lar^-'-stock in the North­

ern par: of the .state.

-:-l if y-.ii uv. BEST FLOURWholcalc or<J«.-ri Jso/so-

Hannah & Lay Co.






•honl. ud h*»e returned to tbHr|Mrk neu- aercDdeo. V«.. this mom
nsec ut Noitbiiort. Omeiu. Cbarte- Ins nt 9:X>. Three aeon pifuou were
Tolx. Petocker. Hcuor.


Cllr. Injured. Tiro *111 probaUr

Three yten aco tMae roans people
ere fathered from the Indian hooea

OfnCBH-JL Traej Ur.

ET.srJir:;.’ '


ns extend
,i,e Rev. T. Boyd Oaj of Shady-

I the above named toima. and ukeo
. Oeooa. »here tber

lasm naeful tradaa. Bnlabed Hlffa Ude. Ohio, to take the paalorete ol
aeboSI eooreea. and are no* ready to ,j,e local ehureh.

They aie
The Rev. Mr. 6ay haa preached t«o
M-d. xmer Ur. ». Her* lace the duUea of life.
Jultm T. atomK •■ml ~
bright aid amWtloof, and today at- excellent aermona in the dty. making
Uet*. tmTT Mttru*. Oe
tracted a sood deal of atlentloB aajsucb a lavorab'le Impreaaioo on :
they walked about the atreeU.
that a call *aa estended

S per col aHtve« m Hoe Deptrits

Hr. Redbird la a former Northpoil'bim.
realdant, and baa been in the govem-j

fiimlitin nis wnk. 2,825

It Is not knerdn whether be will ac-

Dient service for
yeare. e^t or not.
When he was taken to the achool
where be received hla ednmtlon. he
hir work for the flrit year or two------

bard one fork lad take^ Irom home [the death of Jamee F. Keeney, which
and placed to a echoed where there cemrred
cry of Um a
w ef Traverea City.
nothtog but etmnsorx. aod b« Ttieuday morning. Mr. Keeney U
Tmvaraa City ii aapariecwlns tot of was araicted with the homrelcknosb known here, having urried a daugb
Me Hon. Perry Hannah
the MMt aavere labor famlM in yrers. that cllugn (o most of these children
Tha eauaa la net an avoreten for loofh
M tha part «t the laborer* but rather

to the iDdlan acbooU. Mr. Keeney was proailneaU}' e0gag»-d
He haa worked hard asd faithfully.
real estate In Chicago, and Chi

Thgi’s too bad! Te htd
ticed it «'8S looking pretty thin
and rough of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Aycr’i Hair Vigor is
■ regular balr grower, a per­
fect hair ionic. The bair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.

Why you should Come to millikm‘s 9iesi Week

n* best ktod of a tesumeaial••BoU ter evsx eixtr yrere."


Because we have some values that we know you canno:,re-sist. We have-found on going through our |
yuit sfcck that we have just forty-five light colored

aam recntsi.

holda a very rcepoDsIble ins-

an evar nbundaneo of work offarad by

We want to sell these suits and sell them quick. In i
order to do this they mutt have a quick selling price,
and thej'have it.

health for aeverai ywa.
who knew Mr. Keeney her*', left for UanUiee UUs morning.

tha ompteyara.



Is Your
Hair Sick?

ember him as a genial, a hole
M. P. .NorrU speni the day to ManHe win apeod two moothn in Hlcbl.Naarty air ef tha faeteriao ef the
city are nmnlng ahort handed and ean gan mthering op Indian ebldren which sorted man who was always the gen­ Utee.
« Kate 1- Johnson of Hosting*,
net oven hire boy* to ttka the open be will take back with blA to the tleman. In every place and under alt
bis death will be posswl through the dty this mornjoba urtillt the aterca and ether birtl- achool, and wlU be In attendance at
ig on her way to Honor.
neea heimee are aeeklnp net only eem- the KorthponeampmeeUog. He *11 really regretted by his Traveree City
leave as aoon as the meeting Is over. friends.
men but akllled labor.
Ml«s peint Andereon went to ManIn the fanninp dietrieta woman and He win try to secure I0» Indian Chil­
glrto miM work In the fielde to make dren, for the achool.

Sundays Beginning duly 7.

The original price was $10 to $35.
We are going to sell them at just
That means just this: You can save $5 to
a suit.

'tee this afternon to visit hi-r par-

Beginning Sonday, July 7. the local
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hull have re­
poutorSce will be oiien from i: to
•WUH xipea
turned from a short trip to Chh-t-go.
Dell Tyler suffered psJnful Injnrlas Instead of from t to 5 as haa bet
the haying la eemplated there will be
Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Sk.-idier of
by being kicked In the right leg by the custom for the past few- moeths.
ether work te kMp a man until la
Rapids are gucat* at th<.- bonn.He was
office was opened In the afterthe fall.
t with n
of Iht'lr MK). Charles A. Skeicbi-r.
driving north oo Cass street
oo account of the arrival of the
Tesmatara ace alee
l,-ft yesterday
small load of Ininlier when hU boree
trains, but with the change of time,
many taama are ataiiding Idle In the
me frlgblened at a trectlou en­
fur Ann Arbo^ when- she will Join
the old hours are again observed.
er husband wno Is sludying Iher
gine; Jumped and b«*e Um breechhey becauee It ia naaHy imptmlMa to
get e man to work on a farm. After

Every other suit ia the house will be marked a^ j

The read alopre sllgbUy to the
George Anderson left yestl-rday
en tha MW paving wfll begin and thia bridge a the prtnt and the wagon
trip to Canada
will call for aevontyflve men from the enre-ded onto hla heela,
Mrs. A. B. Oonk has returtnvl
Mr. Tyler
«Ky and tha efflelala ef tha eompany
leu and neglected boys of Boj-ne City, from a short visit with friend*
crewlcd onto the crosa bar attemptii
era groatly'ln doubt ea to whore the to stop tbp horee. but the wagon again will give bis Illustrated lecture
Fife Lake.
men are eemlng from.
sutirit the animal's hind quarn
Steinberg's Grand opera bouse MonMiu (furnle Beoverford of Srtt.nn
Tha earwlng factory will alae start hla brels shot ovgr the bar. catching dsyevenlbg. July IS. This lecture U
y I* In the dty for a short il
aaan and will call for man. .Inataad of Um in the leg.
Illustrated by stereopUeon view#
Mrs. Tracy Pllka and MUs Helen
tha men eaeking urerk many employIVelsler of &itwns Bay are the guesU
oreare walkingtbe atroeta^ aaareh
cf friends to this.dty.
Petoekey. HIch. duly
at help. If the labor eituatlen doea itet
Wiliam IMtner U-ft y.-sierday for
Impeevo Itsllane may have to ba Im
V. dohnaon, i eraalthy Petosfccy lumT Bide, and In c
a liualneos trip to SIdnaw.
ported te aupply the damand ter help. barroan. while apeeding hit automobile will show: the transfonnatlon brought

Exceptional Values
SI 2.95 l)uj-su?il2 Bnutels Rug worUi |17.
20.50 buys a *.izl2 Aiminstcr worth $21.
22 buj-s a i*slS Velvet Rag worth $25.

It afternoon on the Bay View read.

Baadar aaeomlap to the north yeator-

iboul- St Beulah home surrounded by
IS thrown under the Harbor Springs efaristlsn love and kindness, pnrvlng Jake Furtseh of fnlon street.
•nmy train and Inetontly killed. He tjiat these lads can bn made ov. W G. Phfl|>s and daughter Bell,
te racing the trein.
usefnl dUxens by proper envlron- of Kalkaska, are spending -a

49c buys a yard of BngUsU Liooleaui worth C2}c.
Small piosea (d Linoletun. a to 12 yards, 35c yard.
Ingrain Carpet 8ample«, :iHx3C. 1 Oc <'och.

daj-s in the elty with Mrs. AIlce-Den-

day by taking .thirty-two Treveree
Otty peo^ aot In the moming end
landllkg^eD agaas at >:30. These Prom Uooday't Record.
dohn ttoenU oae of the
trips beeorae rwT popular with local

dr. Swift will have some of the nis of Webster sux-et.
June* Votuva of Clilcugo is /visiting
lads wlih him who wil assist li
r. and Mr* Joe. Wilhelm
itemtnment. Among them will be
OnesC Oratteo, the boy
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Ho»ai
paoirie during the •summer mo
eaiUUed to Bflcen days exclwtlve der of Ohio.. BoeuUaalst aad imi>er- Evarl. Mich., are visiting at tlu- I
and beyoBd doubt there wOl be a la«e
of Sundays and legal bolidayn. Mr.: sopator. and Enrique OrUgosa. the
tbelr sun. Homer Howar.l.

Special Prices on Ingrain Carpets and Lace Curtains


It will have three Snudays and
Charltw Dally lis* reiunied t.
Cuban boy. who wilt speak and
The big boat Ml the osoal amount
Bt-K- atnic->-. IIIlklOIBIl
k«nl holiday aside from the df- sing in the Cuban and Entdtsb
home in <hl* city after sp-'iidiiig
of freight but took l.too aadn of pota­
me at Mucinar.
The lecture and fwiertaln.IdKailo imtil' ih<- Sit.-r taaa
toes from Acme and this dty. wind- teen days
Charles FrunKtln <rf Chlcagii Is in t>piii--d. Niiw thu h.,rU>» of
: are very InstrucUve aad
lag ap that peri of the freight buslMlaa Julia Anders of thu city left
le eltr visiting fvi<-nds and n-laiivre.
ils moreing for Fouch where she eating and event>n« interested In the
P.ila i.rc so inf.-t.-d sitli
Ray Carpenter of I’eiosk.-y Is In
home should aueod.
The price
la apreklag ef the fiwlght boalaesa will visit with frlenda.
iliul rvsIU'-nt* duri- n-> long, r
city visiting 111* parents.
asion has been plac/l at fS ce
of the line this laomlog. Agent WestHiss £. S^e left thU moreing for
Ilowanl Hill of thU city ha.-^ ret.
for reserved seats within the reach of
OB aid that it was larger now than Empire.
Help! Give the boys s chance’ ed from an extended visit at Cudillac.
Mias Bac^l HarringUo baa
Nathan DeGollar.
a for the past few
turned to b^ home at Solon after vlaPERSON ALB.
Spring*. Colo., formerly of Konhport
MWTUtMlkkw *< N«as(aria« Prsnsi
Twrety-fscr Haufy.
Itiog friroids In this dty.
Prom Wednesday's Record.
is to the'dty oo hi* w.ty home aft.-i
The Oaaknaa U doing a good boal>r tta* 8«M by <* a
Hr. ana Mrs. W. H. Onrr of thU
Mr. and Mrs. C. H .Whitaker, the vlsIUng to Nurthpuct.
ae^B on her short trips and today
ty are vtolUng friends at Enpirw.
Uses Wbluker and Miss 'Thorpe of
Mrs. Mary Backus I* the guesi nl
banied li car load ct berry cretea te
Ur. and Mrs. Prenk G. Boy I of Chl- Chicago, passed through the city today her Bisters. Mrs. A. W. Wail and .Mr*.
Bowers H«rbor. It U aeedlen to any
okgo one gents at the tome <d .Than.
tbelr way to Northpori. where E. C- Hogan.
that the little craft looked extremely
T. Bates.
Iher will spend the summer.
Miss Eltxaheih Pnttiain of Charle­
Inwy twder the load; The Oaekama
Philip Ttlel left this morning tor
Bostwlck and T. C. McCalU voix U the guest of Miss Alice Wall
alee took an exenraloo to the island
Orend R^ds. where he baa areeptod of Toledo. pMwd through the city
Harvey CurfU left thU moreing for
from Bowen Harhbr yesterday.
today oa tbelr way to Omens, where a fes' days' outing at Carp loike.
The Edward Buckley U toadlng
The Ulanen Ludle Laeaa. Ftoreaee they will Join their families.
Mis* Marlon Glbl.i of Mayfield 1
the Ott deedL
Bade and -Roth Merritteld bare teMrs. A. Atkinson and daughtci
the city. •
nm Cbeq<aiaagDB took ifO people
toned from n vlsli with Mlaa Loin (his raornlng for bcanatn. where
Merton Wilson has returned
to Beware Harbor yaaterday ai
Way of Rapid City.
they will spend the summer
his bMDe at BlnAiim after spending
and deaple the rein. IN to the Island
Ivan Kotib made hla drat trip as
Ur. and Mrs. A. S. Barber
several days in this diy.
lant night
the'pere Mar
Mt. Vernon. MhA.. (or a short visit
Mr. and Mis. J. W. Murse
The boex will not go on bee
this moming. e will go nouth on No. with frieods ibis tnornii .
rtaiighfer left ihi* ih<n-ntnc tor a
•umaer nm tmtil July 8. ns local
Ben Ashton left this morning- for with friend* at Cadillac.
6 and back on No. 8.
stoida wUI be eloeed the dfth and she
pwased UanUUque. where be will repair
wnk make eicureloB tripe to the la
A Ceruin Cure for Athmg Feel.
threu^ the dty thIa noon on her way
er boBM at CSdar after apeodlng
Perry Nichols of Gand Rapid*.
vUIIIng his wife in tteU city.
some Ume at Grand Rapids.




In ezeavating
WMhn well, abort foor rods frem the

Mlaa Kina Payne who has been
uching achool in Hlwankee. ia

waterb edge, four toe* ™der the sand. tor the enmmer. She will regomi
tout wwt of the old water worka build­ dullee there this fait.

trip to Chicago.
Miss Grace Laldlow of HelnfordV

Miss Katberioe Hur^r

From Indian geheel.
Clad In natty dark blue nulta de^
orwtod with slripea of rtd. aceoa
led by a number of giris aleo In
tana of the Indian achool. a large


urnsd frtsn a three wek's visH

Electric Wreck.
Washington. July S—Oaablng down

number of Indian boys arrived last . DOamaln side a nrile and a
night frem
G«>aa. Nebraska,
above the aqueduct bridge, a pa
rtiarge of Simon BedMrd. head
nr oe
the Washlngtoo. Paiu

Dr. Earl Tyler has returned from

'osslng Is In the city.
Mrs. Anna Bosirom of SuUoni Bay,
ing. the workmen unoovered the reMr. and Mrs. P. A. Noteware of Chi­
malnn of the slnnmer Sunnyridr cago are te the dty. the gneeU of
in the city visiting friends.
*ht« wns wrecked at the mouth c
Mrs. Noiewnre's {mrents.
Mrs. W. L. nriier of Bn^tam.
Ptac river terlng e gale the tall of
Dr. J. B. HanlB and dangfater Hiss rislUng friends to the city.
1*68. aaya 1he Chartevoix SeatlneiMiss
Anna Johnson of Suuoos E
kcDennott returned Saturday even­
The Sunnyelde was owned by i
ing frein Mendoo. ster they have is to the city oa buslnens.
noh, Lay 4 Oo.. of Treveree Oly.
Mr. and Mrs. Envln Oils of Sntbeen vUlUng.
WM CDCninanded by
tons Bay. passed through the city this
Johaneo, who died at Us farm
morning on tbelr way to Sooth BoardTreresae Otj- about a year ago. The
man. where they will
staamer araa ewi«hi In a mUe while a»^ tine Duno. of live mile* south of U
the eM pier, aad went high and dry
Mr*. T J. Klrsey of Notthport. i*
apoa the hee<*. When the writer of
rUtltog her daughter In IhU dty,
this came to Charlevoix, the spring of vlied In about dfly friends Us! even­
Mrs. S. W. Miller of this city de
ing giving the young man a rery thor­
ISO. the wreck was lying
:bU morning for Grand Rapids, wfaeye
ough surprise. The evening was
she will make her homo to the future.
The oak Umben of the old boat ed In music and a general good time:
Mrs. A. Sherbouro left this mor
Just UBoovend. after lying in tha
tog for Mancelnna. where she w:
prreent*, among.
eaad urerly thlrty^lae years,
vlwi her daughter.
yet quite aeond.
Oae of the workGrover Carven of this city made
rote In digging amuog the Uraboa
buslnesa trip to Cadillac today.
fnmd a wauh chain which
Sheriff Johnson mode s bostoess
Unger prononare* good goM.
rip 10 Fife Lake today.
Here la Relief fee Women.
It fa n fgood time to get relics
Mrs. J, Shaw left this morntog for
down at the water wocks.
1 short visit with friend* at Slight*.

pewter of the achool The young peo- pi^dch dectric tine ninnlng at
pie. iweniybeven In aomber.
speed of forty-gve mllM . an
dalahed a three year's onnree in the crashed Into a «M train oo the snmc

Bvart. Mich.
N E. Degen and famfly spent
ty at Carp Lakt
U J. Hayden returned lojilf home
Boone this morning.
Mrs. F. B. PoUiode and Mis. I

Jackson. July 3—The II

e t.y.*-

old son of George Doty *Arbor tiKlay to receh
irenicient. He was I
mad dog several dsys ag» and sev. r.vl
dogs,were bitten- The dog warden
killed ninetydour dogs *asi ni'HiUi And

5 ; i ;s


Another White Lesson, surely: There's no doubt
but that more women will srear White Shoes this
season then ever before. Everybody^ys so and every'*
body knows.



to May.

As a matter of fact no Woman should be without
White Shoes. They’re always so— -

Dainty, Cool and Neat

(General Neves.
Four men out of sis smoke.
Paris derive* a huge revenup from
1C «ale of dolls' dri-Bse*.
The Chinese have twice sacked Mo«.
-.w—ono- to 1"C7 and ig»m to UTl
James Bryxe. the British amba*«aor. bn* taken a |h-w
In the N- <r
Y.’rk Avenue Dresbyteriaa cbd
Wa»hingt.«j.* •

We've a handsome line of Grey, Pink, Blue and
Tan Slippets in various shades. Buys pair to ipatcb
your gown.


S.)uih Norwalk. C<ton.. (oa-.-ts
posiiewslog -fnresiry" wall
natural that birds try to alight im
t branches.
t is CBttffisM-a t.y the depacment
agricollurp that last year's c.-op
was produced and gathered at a sarorer


would have been the cost of raising
a equal crop fifty years ago. This
iviog was accomplished by the us' modem agrirultun! Implem.-eu.
For the last three months the tropal Ulacd o! Jamaica. *arro'4Pd-~i l.y
wans sea. where the evaporatPm is

grswt. has *ntfen*t from a drtMiih as
went to Lake Ann
severe as any which vl*tt inland dv*
;tog for a rUlL
Mr*. Arthur Foonilec and tami!y|,.ri*. far from any Urge l«1y of water.



Do you think that will move them? We <lo.


S£UeR OF GOOD 5^0^S ^


Grand Traverse Region.

______ Mrs •nuts. Smith.
Bom, to
Mrs. C<mkJiu ai 1 daughter or LPRcj Wynlmop. SvBday.
Also, to Mr.
June :ith. . danghtor.
. .
(lake TialtFd Ihla reek with her paiand Mrs. Luther Mary
Un'!". Mr. ar<l Mr Rogeri.
Eficer WUson of LanalBg reiomed
orcULiaed Sue-1
______ ; I
Snnda.v acbool
Mooilav and trill visit h*rr parents. 1
A partv of ■even yoang people of
i<la>- with the lollowlag officers
they will be t
Mi. ah.! Mrs. JlBk Wilson .< Ovlati-lthU jHaee at: «ndMl a social at the
M. Robbias, aupertoiendeo
•i..r tt... !,>.
North ¥SAndt«
Paradise scha.l house. Friday
■ I Rogers
.. Duy *'verrtng and report a very good time.
••tvad t»a iiM t» Maa. Atl aon«tpantfA larce'and eoi
?s Nary I
Evertli Crsiu and Aui Hat
anaa muat raaeh tha Harald afliea not
Hairy Gfbhs who has lately nmlsooe. t
;ind CharlfV Clav att^de.1
latar than TuaaMx noon of oaeh oraok.
from the state o< Wasbinau*.
ester. Sunday aebad will be. held at; the ball game at Maple
Wapi City
and H earraapendanta fat) U End urdsy evcmlns.
vijlied TPiatlve* here H.nday.
3;S<> every i.rmra day.
There wer.-llapie CII..' and Proveanotii
thaira In, ttiay may ba aaaurad 0>at H most' delightful eventa of the aeasoo. :: picM-m. Everjoce Is rordlany In I
Ev.- ti frala vWied her
Mi... Marion Gibbs .!>ent Monday at
aamo aftar tima.
The boys In red. nue and white suits, vltcd to attend.
Icoustn. Mr>. Blaine Marsh. Sunday.
young ladles In white and the ,
Mrs I. Cooper Is .vt ry sick will;. Mils l.aura Oolu of Hankfort is
girls In pink, made a very
Ivf^lllyc her p.irvnts, Mr., and Mr».
Each number
the proRrani
»ntony Sundartd with
il.nur:. ;..tecj„l the cclchratl..u of .h.
UlBs l^noor BushoHI arrival
Mra. Win. Tfacniuu.

vea a great dr«l of eiedlt for thMr |

Tjw Mothers

U ...'
mee Ing will 1.,. held , pi,,-

n“e^.‘r^ aK2*ci^
Mr. Cha*. Kolon'a cocudF.
Mri. Cbaimer Roanarranis arrived
home laat Wedoesday rn>iii t.udlni;toB. «'fanre ihn apem a ample wwkii
with her buiband.
Mina IxjiMe NeUon rrtnroe.1
Cadlllae tliU roomliiR.after a
t»cfk> vlali with her patents. >lr.
and Mra.'ChBS Nelaon.
The Ladleei Benefit aortely
mtiet ' ;h Mrs Win. »cMacken
Ned Bailey and brother of Laiirenra. Kanaaa. arrived lent Ttmnulay
and will Bpend the oinnnier at Uioir
Jhtd. MeCtoakey and vi(e left this
mnmtne on the car ferry for Mania-




Ross iJav-no and family vMted h

Mrs. J. I, Glbb« hu. a nea- Nat
«ht;-h »u. |.^-.c,.d in >b- lake Fn,l.;>

Credited Interest



Od UTiDg, a«»iinU Sa.Qr.Uy l;a. an.iniir dt*-


poaitorg may


i-n.'3 to liATe mUrrMtcnb-Tttl itM-num.

prraeiit ibrir booka at

their oontren-


If you hayp not aln-Mly a ».ivinRs a.s-otttil.


not aUrt on.- Now ihol shall b-.-aroing interest for


neposiis mtele doritic the 6tst li\-e daya ef -tuly
will .Iraw iiiU-riat from the tlrat of th<- UH.nUi,


h«ve m»TMf. Simtel'B fatnlly
i> ..Tperts I.. BO to Noel.
from the Bagley cott.ic*- iinto the H<
Mrs. I.. T. Ball and Mfv. James ne-s cfJtiaga.
Sweel were to Maple City Tte.-sday.
Carrie Hobura i-. v1«lilnB frtmds in
UIks Helen Burr reiiiraed from Kal-' Trav.-rs.' City.
ati.nd th- «-jnimet i
kaska Tuesday, shi-re she atteinJed
IBl-se c.ill.*e. She .
Dr.-Prescit uf flileagojp six-nding
the Free Method^! camp niuellng.
,bv _Jl!.s H..K; Tomalne. who s
a few days wlih hU fairly at the
The .:i«inill is uow
Miss Rniroa Remington Attended

leejed h. mlocV.-whl.-h, U ib<- 1a*i
Jul,r“ ;
surpiine pni-ly at Presinn IK-sini:''
Uie s.-asaiu's run.
Monday evening.
visillBg li!« jlsl..-r, Mr., K, H. Mil
'Mr*. fha«, \Val.di has reliirned from
Katie llagley is visitiUR fil.-ad.
MIsR Ida N.sweo «'h‘i lias l.eenas-i.y
her visit In eastern MIrhIgHii.
learhinc school Is home ntnr.
BIV; Rnpidf
ai-.iimii;inli d bv
Wnlsli. Residents of Traverse City Canoet;
en Twice
Doubt What Hat Been
'Tho Miss.* Way and tlertnidc
•, Wt-. Frank Bi;;b.-.m .and b-r
called to this plac.* by the s.rrl.a»
Mr. BlKham aas al .
.x.m|.l..|e wli. f!r„...y^
IlSa of hlB f.vtlK-r. I5.v.r .. lietlilen.
........................ eir
c Mb
Mas Grace Wilton Is t
Clare Tninklln kldt,.-y ms-U.oi.s-l
lilt this week.
New YoiV wher.,-xetvi-« wei.- held'and.
p..ldl, lv
Mr*. G. W. BeuMJU wbn has U-eti time, brlnelng a
.iiioghi.'u Eisi'-;i„
Sund.vy at .-h-v.-n : Ikwii. Mihiey Pilt»eel.l- nt* o,
I.s all d. a .••>
vlKtling iKT t«ireni* iii ibU l.waltno.
Mrs. f. W. rtiii..-,
rclitrneil to h.T hoiut- In Travtsx' and iMiby
• p-aul:ir llim- I
City. Saturday.
xvde^ve* al Kincsley i
Due to the lUnesa of the Rev.
l«r.vl ai
Haskins, there were no services at
•Tanive by .
the M. R church Sunday.
t. rtv' mid cjir
Mis. Woi Zlicier has be>4i ill lal.d).
bill Is considerable l»Uer at the pr.lit dai<\
r. ami Mr». M.-nn.-r if Gnu
Mr. I, T. Ball caught n pickscal



7 to &30


>.» ra.: tr



r:.- .-All alm.»l *.v Ihe vro;..

Utile J.sti »s. mu


Miss Alla- ilmira sreni to Tr;.v. riie/
ll. Tn.ire.Uv to fil.m.l.
1 afior tlu- t.eiilh.
Tb.. -octsl at the Munro llr.w' 1
ii.'Miav nl
■n dutla.s Ie4nc
in. ihli.g <
Rl.irkUlaU lie- pwi j Teall -.-.|.




;.fre»r... fveruaim
. M. .,»•» «ev-4W

H, rt...*,,



-i9«c»ed,-~ **iW

ib-w i-

mrsiMl With IRae* awd •rmermc si ^
TAe ildinwm awmj. W...;



Roose. has a.:n.- to Travers.. i,ro»hfi -H-dwit aa.l falmly Sunday.
bti»iDes» collfB-.-.fcs a
aIv.t Puj-tte and field ’


the ij^l gante a, Bn
MX. and Mrs. M’alt. Mlnnl- W..t: 1 betw.^i Ijil:.
'“^land a l.ledd „..r.t last Friday at tbo
Mrs. Will
<-f Mr. and Mr*. E. 3. nrtakmsn

A. H. Mlltkcn and linn. Btaull.
ajietii lau Thuraday In Traverae City.
Mra. Rrailley and children arrived
. Ian Friday to spend the summer.
U. n. Pnwer and family arrived
laal Thuraday to apend the anmnier at
Iheir new noUaipr.
Will JnhmoD apent FUday Id Traf(Ity on biuflneaa.
ra. Toney and »>n of Cadlllae
«ete n»ei ( of Ulius UiUie NHsnn.
dortna bl> «tay here.
Mowre ll. II. Power and 0_M.
I'r-i^ag over H lusinds, last w.s-k.
Dame spent Friday at Masaeaua They
Mr*,'i’h Ren.lDCion and daoch.
retitraed with a nkw natch of speckM lei* FMuna and Hiniil.- all.4id.-d
.mildn-n's day eaercisrs
Miv Berry, aastsiiM by her sMer. »cm. Runday.
Mrs Mama, cmte-nalaest ta boaor «(
Pnink Wtiwwi sad Mtsse. Rarafa and
Mr amd Mra. (^as. Recry
Thars 'Man. also atleOded 'he etetebas
day .wealac
TW eveama was ap>«t.
Mr aad Mrs ITm. 1|lrffra.M> tisvc
a«fe- rVr* quHe .lei. Ih.^


•"**» -

They h«*e u. coo..-i


s»*»meawm«» ••<•<»*»«>.»«»«• earn



Ui-r St"'

Have Hark
Crae.' mwFeiid '
Mr .lOd Mr. tu.iieai'
Itarrv Mnidrwk pantK-iwd u &
t »rw
Ifie. I wv
___. ... .W
‘A dawi-




Grand Traverse Region.

Mrs. Conklin and daughter of t*mg|w
tong} Westoop. t
Born, to Mr and Mrs. Ttios. Smith.;
lake visited thU week wKh tM paiJ nr ang. Mrs.
Joe Barken
Mr. ...................................
ard Mrs. Rogers.
", callers Uoedav.
• •Lansing ^ur
Sunday scbool was orgaiiUad
orgaiiUed SunBluer WUsou of
day with the following officer*: Mra. |Monda}
J. H. RnbMns. superintendent; Ed ’Mr. sad Hrc. Jtm \ytl9on of OvI
Cv*f]r wiek eerrMp«nd«nei It r»
.N'onh Psrsdlse
ratsaiae senoni
school bouse.
doum. Friday
Wlvtd te« Ktt to MM. All eeiTtapenOMary Roper*, secrets
Jestle RoutEvervi. Crain and .Isa Harvey. Doj oventn*
evening and
aW rwsrrt
ropon a very good time.
•nc* mutt r«*ch the Htrald tfllca «wt
aoag, ireaaorer; O-oi
M'ller. eholr.‘%esnnan and Obarlev Oat attende.1 ,
Harry Olbhs who baa lately
l«Ur than Tutad^ naen af taeh waak. for the beu^ o( the Cadeu on Sat­
ester. Sunday school
On savings scootmts SatapUj last otnl oiir doII wnte
game at Haiile Oty
" eSf '***'’.
Sunday. I HirBe.l from the state of Wasbiugi'
urday evtuilng. U wax one of the 3:r.O every Lg>nl'« d*y. There wenn Maple City and Provemonl.
jvMici relative* h.-n- Mooday.
pMitors inay pnseiit their Inoksst Un-ir «oB*eumost detlgbiful iTenta of the season. iJ preseni. Everjime Js cordlan.- rt;
MS.- Mutian >1IM» sfatil Monday a
The boys In red. blue and white suits,
ienes u> have intereateiiteped iheiiHm.
vlted to attend.
[coiwlii, Mr*. BUine Marsh.
n Sonday.
[the eount.v seat
the young Udiea In white and the
Mrs- L. 0»piT is very sick w.ti;j Miss Ijuru Coin of f>ankfott
girls In pink, made a very 'attractive
ivIsIl'nK her jKirenu, Jlr. and .Mrs.
If fon have not alreulj a anvincs u-i-nent, why
sight. Bach nntulier on the program
Mr. and Mm. Antony Bundayid wHh' I
mum on.-uded the edebraii.m ol i.bei
was rendered in a most gratifying
not start Otto NOW that] U-oarning iutcrest for
M!t» La-Jr.; Grip and G. S. Droegoo • tw>oi':' ih atinlverwary of the wedding
manner. Mr. and Mrs. MeCloskev dc Albert Monne s famllt
ri>H<-d Mirth-Swander Sunday afterMr and Mrs. Geiwg.' Hodges at'
■ IKodg-.

Boss PByne and family vlsllfd hli
Mr., J |. Gibbs has a new boat
fielle RruU' Iwr. gone to Trnverae liiiMhi'i' Rul*-ii and family Sunday.
Iwhloti w..* plaitd in the lake Fridei
IleposiUmsilddoriDB the fiist live days of-luiy
joity to aiteud luwlue** eoilegi- ftn a
Alva Fayn.' and Child Dodd ntleiid-M-"''
will -Irair {nten-at from tbi- first of the oMinth,
; f* w wi-eksi
•«d the 10.11 gnme at f>nplr.' Snnday..
Mr ;.i.d Mr*. Sh.'nnan Ihiyw amt III
U.Dg Lake and Bmpirr.
Ml- iliiacliter airltrd fi'itti XiMti. M'-u
Mr. and' Mra. Wait. Minnie Mail
tor the •
Mis. Will McC.inan bi-can to lake:»l..v evi'nlng to visit until after iti"^
land u lileiid spent last Kridav at He.Mr. Chan. NVIon t coUap'.
the mail Monday on ’hi- star naite. I feurth.
and H
Ura. Chaimor Rgaenerama arrived
betwtn C-ilur Run and Ovlali. Inl John Hawtiiony.' aiol .Ad McKeaRe:
home laat Wedneaday rrt.m Loainjr
Jliu \m-una plnce.
i atv hack fr,m. Elk Rapid-... Mi- Haw j
- ton. arherv the spent a conpte week*
wife of n<-ar 1>ms i■ MwC-s m So lo.Soci. altsrl
*Hh her hnalmad.
!‘V"'ti.'r Om-r and 'h- fourth.
Mrs. 1.. T Bull 'and ifis. Jaow
Hlaa Lottie Kelton retqmed
Miss Audi.' Tsvic.r went to Trat*’ — ;
Rweel.sere to Maple City Tueaday.Cadillac Ibl* momlaR.jitter a
GoiTi'- Hobutv i- vlitting frlt-oils In
ITt Suni'tiy •vvtiins. when' she will.
»oek-B titli with her patent*. Mr.
!i.ll.nd the .'immer term :it the leisi ‘
and Mnt. Chat. Nelion.
■ resdtl
Preseoit of Chicago Is s[>eiidiaK
Allege. She was sreonipanted:
The Ladlca Beneflt aoelety
i> miieiing.
The saw-nitll is now cutting th" i*.' Mt’* Kos-. Tniualne. who will r.*;
meet wUh Mrs. Wm. MeUachen uo
Mis* Rrtuna Remltigti I aitendit! a i’ln>\*.
ix-eled hemi.ek, wbk-h i* the last of.u'nin at me ensnij *.ui.
Friday artemotm.
NUtprise party at l*rei 111 Dewliig's
lodc'i <if Hetrolt h.a* lesthe season * run.
July Ned Halley and brother <
visiting h
sister. Mrs. E. H. Wliro:
Mr*, Chas, Walsh liu- i-iurnod frimi'
--------------enoe. Kanaaa. amvod last '
la .S'eesen who ha* Ik'en.tiwuy
visiting friend* I
KaUf IWgl
-r visit In eastern Mirhipm. SheCONFIRMED PROOF.
and will apeud the aummer
rhlng sclioiil is home nos-.
RIk Rapid*.
-• ,
.a-s iM'cotiiiu.uled t.v
WiiIsJi • Reiidanta Ol Travero* City Cat
'h» Missea May and I'rertnide
Hfldden of Cullforniii wa'i,„,„r
Higham nnd her’
Doubt What Has Been Twice
ITof. Medoakey and wife
Hartman who recently n^ildr^t at this called to ihl* Idaec hy the^oua IHehildren. Mr. Bigh:
I almornlnic on the ear terry for Mania. plare, are visiting MIk Ada Core
1 father. Ileprge Hodden.
th. y will make Ihelr
In gT;:lilude tor .
Ms* (Inter Wdaoo is on the
nt ,Mrs. Gibb*.' frtkii a-hi-s nod pains
Mr*. A. H. Hlllken and aoti. nraidl. list this week.
jwht-r»' h«- hu. been stmie- ft;rm«Tly «ecu|ued hy IHeft Chage.
j Horn ii;*:nssiug kldi
«ient Ual Thursday In Trsvotae Clly.
' :Uiil lelietlO's i Ol
Mrs. G. W. IP-nnm wlwt has been
rstnuunH'Dilod' I!lj
<1.4— W'liv held and*
t’hlhliini's Day e
Mra. Ktsdley and eblldren arrived vlsillng her lureni* at this locsilii
duiiglit.iI Elsie
Elsie m
Klilu.-y- FilV* ..•r*'’ '
.js-l hi-re
iaaf Friday to apend the aumnier.
her home ■ in Travr-r
iiie .'.■•■Sunday.
nnd bnhv
viniinc; ,,',.|„rg_ ,(j.. ,..i;,iiar lime for Sunday jTratvtwe City who so lesiifled y^u.r*
U. H. Power nnd fatnilv arrived City.
•ingsley thi' i>asl weik. |„.i,(r,|. a nice itrograni had U-eh |>ri. ago. now say ihelr r
l"’“v Iron.
laat Tburaday to apend the aummer t
ihe^ Illness of the Ri
I nit.-d I
f.,r a Tew .lays.
jiarol ami the ebiinh was niaile st-!maneni This testiniliti;
Ihelr new cotuse.
tklns. there were no service*
j Air. nnd Mia (Tiarlew Oavel] \Uiu-d
Will irdinion apent Friday In Trat
U. R. church Sunday.
jTrat.v*- City kidtn-y tutffervrs.
R. m-inlu : r>:.- imin
Divu,-.. and at Wm. CurryU Snnday.
wsa Clly on iHialnea*.
Its. Wni. Zlgler has been ill late.
Hire Hotira went to TravtsrWe f
MniHin :
‘ Mrs. Torrey and au:
U consUetsble letter si the pn
Si.rday at the home of Mr. and] f,,„n uiivet c«dl"g- Thur-d.i. .'lenlliB I
u^a^v t.< <i«ii rHMids I
were nieai* of Hlaa IxlUe
e NHsii
Mrs. Olilnger and deli'.-r a fine tid-i
j**, jm-jui;,;.-., ih,. lj,dl«-'
durlns hit stay here.
h>,>w<:nh league .Snndli: ^
socletv cleaned the churvbkidney
Tlle.B<wiBl a
Means. I). H. Power and
.. __

Mrs. J.».i>h Sparling of Hast Para-! terrlMe
e pnin* in n
Tri.' night wa« unile n
Oame apent Friday at Maaaeau*. They
.............................JghMr-and Mr*. C d Dyer m
Paul. j,„.
y,f. A, g. ILirntim Thura
y-i’ im’ Stiaip iiV4T <ir
iw.tneihbis ovi r siwiii dulla
returned with n nice catch of apeckled
Mlnnle altendr'd the ^visitrtl nt Alliert Thayer's o'
(Thlldren'a day exercises ol Bast KasIc creom sorlat «* told nt U.c agony. I w»- v.iy n.-riai* a--* —'-'l-.-x.
Mrr. Berry, aaalitcd by
j 'mIss I.lllle Horton and Mrs.
home'oT Mri.'."Addie
Gil.hs.' The. not •■nt or sleep.' My ktdnpy*
Rawlinsw Is visliins In
Mn. Maaaa. entertained ii
[t'ilsnn aod Mika
Sarah nnd |j- visited at tU-homoof their brolhiv.

iliwudeit*]. reins '•« fiv<jaeni.
■fw liny*.
Hr. and Mra. Chaa. Berry on Thuis0 aticoded
Wnircii Horton a few day* ls«i w..k
.'•■ral timi's
<•■ Clark of Grant spent
duy^ewenlns.^ The evenlnp w apent
1 Mrs. Will.
McCowiut hav
Mrs. H.-iTwrnves < lied' Mr*. XHle
Mrs. lainieai.
the |>a»i week hit
r fri.nd» I
l.;oIi.-s’ Aid sori.'fi r.-fresh- ue,s«,„. n-.M h.
scalding sen-athui.
Harry HroMi-k putrh
orhasetl a fin.which, Ice cream
last w.-*
tneni* and Ihe y..:ug IV,.ples -wblyUl,
Uram. afftcted so that I
aerwal. The room* were prettily de­
| a
program .onsistlnu ..t!could not
to lead.
I powured.
;.d and Jia- Tlloff at
corated with lllaea and flmrenni;
The roHowiui; imeatB w<
Mis- M. Won.w nnd Mina W.iarh- t.adlng.-.
f.-'en* I wn* f-ired*iFYoni day .i.ning
Hcadameo Shroeder a
e.'tnb vlated at CUrn <'oi>el;mil» a few
McMillan. Hr. and Mrs. Ivan Thom
dny-.t last week.
Ruth , Jackeon.
Mtwara. Htmiphrey Thonian. Edwi
Mr. Gonlan of Traverse City »;
nirnle Thnyer I* no l■4•lI••r Nt thin i;onie^ of Mra. Addle GihiRontorn, the Mlaaew Enima Wilt
tlllug <n frienda here Friday.
Nellie Middleton.
Bhetu Thomn*.
Mn. Hausom-a liulc child i* sti
July 1.
• ' d.iy* of Mis-'Jackson and .Mb - .Million, Kiylng:
"I liare a* high an opinion,
..f out l*--i p...|.h' at<- using
Oeclrude Qarthe. Suay BanmUria>r
:.d Doan'* KIdn.y P.II. today a* when I Penmol.:,*.
It 1* Ot.e t..r tunitliiis'.
and Julia Miller. Mr. and Mra. Chaa.
Hurry Rontnong. irtio Is at work :
Mrs.^oxy J«rk«on -Hid -Mil A. S'ihey
Berry left for their new home la IVbnuo, was hotue a few day* bii
u Kingsley Kii•i —fop huiidii-di
undii'd* of
Travorae Oly Friday morolnc. where woefc
s tbi*r<' ho* lieeii n
i day ariiTtUNin.
Hrmor. visited
ITok.sp Kyselka.


Q k:


rsar.';v;> |

Credited i-.—*




7 to 8-ao










Monday, July 28th, will be the first day of our 28th Semi-Annual Clearing Sale.
And if low prices are any inducement for people to buy at that time, it will be the i^T^est
sale of House Furnishing Goods ever put on in Traverse City. Our buyer
is going to market earlier this year than usual, and we expect our fall goods
to commence coming in about the middle of August, so we must start to


Qaality Hist, Price Second
the home furnishing business we
find that people soon forget the
price, but never forget the qual­
ity, For that reason our aim
has always been to sell them


up from $2.50.
Wringers np from
(islv. Tul«,

t4> utmrs It to p*y tb* dtt
feri-BCr In prVw In * r«w



goods, and we sell them at the
very lowest pomible price.



them anywhere else.

J. w,

lace Cuitains

We just received a
new supply tmd are
showing a good

In Knn we have a
BBinber «f patteras
we are claslee ent
that are huxalBS.



Linoleums we have
in all wi'lths and aU
the newest patterns
on the market. It
sells up from 4Sc.


boards 20C and 3Sc.
Clothes lines and
elothes pins cheaper you can buy

Carpets. Rngs sad
Onr sto.'k was never
better in tliis partic­
ular line

SKSSS -'- 65c
We can tnrely plew yon. We
are showing
A big. msssive Solid
Oak Booker, with foil
opera seat, at ....
A good Reed Chair, sn * 4 w
weUt^e,sheUacfin-xl TR
ish, not varuish, at.. 9l • > W
Avery nent Cobbler

By buying a Rotal
VS^ashing Machine It
is one of the easiest
running machines on
the market. A i-hil<i
it. Wf carry
can run it
1)' of w.ishing
d full lid)'
macliiiies. all th
the way

BotwIiUsyou *r- ><QTirir

|»0thiog but good, substantial

Why Not Enjoy
the Evenings?

Make Wash Day Easy

Ouick Meal Paoges
Tbc range question
it one tiist r«|uires
cartyfnl oonsidoration.
Wesre selling good
ranges sll the way np
from fSO.

In our years of experience in



As long as this ad
give. free, with ove
chase or over, s hot
Fnrnllore Polish. It is U.e best
on the market Take it home and use
If it doee not make your old forniture look like new, bring it back

wiD refund i'» o

lariselling price.

its. its regn-





W. rarrr om at tb- ea-.'.
cBBpb*. bao of ItvSl'sc ic
<b -ncr. arwt «v* srl'. ti i*..
ItlTrlj-tbs 1 ■•**«

Von can take more sol id comfort
in one of these iroa-Frame
Lawn Chslrs tbnn nny Other
Itiy-ce of lawn farniture on the mar­
ket. It is self fcljusting to any
position anti will lut yon a lifetime. Tiiink of it, it only costs



A good, family size, well made,
with air chambers all around,
separate compartments lined
with heavy galvanized ^on, all
shelves and parts detachable,
making it easy to clean. Will
save more than its own price in
one season.'aside from keeping
perishable goods fresh.and


Otlieis Ep from *6.75


A BIB cane to iDlerrlpir B»s«rtbai
Ssrtax l^pfaolM'* ata; in >>tr Torfc.
to tb* arltot it wa* nJ*rat 2 p.__ _
aad be «Bi aJbsed into the hotel
dlalas rooB where Boaeothal wu turlor • lete limctL The life of a eololat
• toor la a TvtT huep one, ao<l oo tbla
- ----------- ,_r bis conoert
there tbat e-eoln*. Conseqm'nllj-time
was preciooa. Tbe Intcn-lewar naked
laiT dtieaUons. and Reaes-

m i IRK

•eeurisa Mevifig
WiH SpanJ Sttwnwi- teeurisa
RioUifet el
To hunt tbe polar U-ar. the mnNk ex.
tbs walruB and tbe cariboo In the
shadow of tbe north pole. doI ooIt
; with bta rifle but with a tnovln* pic-


>=»"=« •" bi «w«i m

Sohrino Vasrancy Problem,


- «...ZL

planpnl b.v Jt*n R. Bradlej-.
u amateur spoftsman of New tort:
rity. He srlH aono depart to bosrd hie ,
anxillaty acbooner at Boston.
Fredertck A. fook. former eomparion

had Kooe.tbroneb the ordeal often be­
fore. aod be knew It by heert. Ihrtt
--------------of Robert E. Peary, tetemn <if arctic'
woddenlya new note was atmek- Tbei Natlwiai CsmmiaaiMi te Take. Up
.. the
antarctic esiMsiiiious. will eecooi.
teterrlewer had proved to lie hlmaeir
Whala OumktUm
.mj to
a. Gartr Praran.:
o______ • pav him. ray. the New York Herald.'
o-aatian mm
a pIsnM and. more than that, to have
Irws Maaauraa-Maw. Habeas Dsfandj
Mr. Rradie)'has huulrsl Id even'part'
T.-.a srrat hire of Chopin. ImoKsHstrly
James J. Illll, E. II. Ilnrrlman. James'
terrllor}- ..f the amic Crr’le.*
the lunch was abandoaed. tad. taking
f^ ytwna fellow lo bis apanments. WcCre* nq.I other rallroa.l cl.|.-fs have “* '™'‘'»*« Tft aeeklag,
where be had tab plnnn. Rnaeatbil rat decided to encage In a hum for irempp
down and phyed for the entire two according to a knuneaiMlb aisyclil dlsi
of the rare« i
boom for a perfect atmn«r erhn nei­ accoratn* to a Mlmwaisvlb H-cl.1 dlsto
ther In yearn nor it
of Uioimieln shceii.
Intend to make life miserable for t
entlltrd to any aped
vomiiiK voysce Mr. Bradley •
ratlon.wayfarer. Thar j.Iaa to ebara tbrar n,-.
.«Hei»ce»ter liFblnc
Tha Art of LIghUng a Riga.
Keep pipe and alem aa clean as
Rdble, and Ibe time to clean them b
Immedlalety after a amoke. Fill Die
bowl with your faTorlic brand and
prera down flnnly. hot don’t strlvp lo
aec bow solid you can pack It. if yon
make It at aM ai mootl. It will imm
like wood an^uakc ti coal lire about
ai hot and tfbczateful, IN,n’t light tbe
entire surface. Don’t •miir as tboogb
you had DO mote matches and feared
It -wonW "go out." I.lght a small sp.>t
dtreetly la the center
Bmoke slowly
untn It worits Its wsy gradually down­
If It undertakes to spread,
press ft down agalu with ibuiub or
flngra. A bate mlnate’s care In startlug b all that b required. Now sfuoke
alowly. Tbe little Are contlnrws down,
■ward. dHleaMIy roaatlag tbe lolaceo
OB the aides, and presenih- when vou
eat* tbb off there will come n terrtatbitt In soft, mellow smoke, so r<»d so
Gellelona, an soothing, tbar yon wllf
Datar regret bartog rmd this

mmM Fi

tnen from tbeir nehta of way. They »4,oof»ec. Ils feet .
aud lawill help charitable persona to wash atallnl In ber a powi-rfni enrne. IJp
tbcffi. abave them and
li three lorh'
to work.
, oak au.l rt-e
.1 bra.ttl tntlde'
■ a Israi- <Tew, I
Tbe deebloo of tbe nllrwds was an- »>d out. II
' pilot, aud does’
Bounced at tbe oitloDal coufereuct- of *■*"' onoera
unilf tbe latter
cbartiies and cnrTeciloD belli recently
If tbe jtear.
•t YSIuueapulls. urlnudo K. Lr»U of
-tie will go up the rv.-<t coast of.
New York addretaed a s}Hwlai senlon
which had been called lo dl-cusa Ibe Greeulmid.” •will Sir. Bra.llev rer;mlLv.!
"and hmil rarilsm for a Hue. b>om:
iDcy problem. He devlansl It
the moHlmiv^tan, problem facing the

"" *“

**’' “I' to"sm:ib‘^n.!*'^wi^-h“|V
I. SuilJb sound. ’
<rti, Int.'tird.-. .«• within
degre.’s of Ibe ’furthest iionh’ re
dents Delano of Iho W alitsb and
I by 1‘kary. Ou Ibe of the .
ray of the Balllmoiv and
many other raUnad chiefs.
They. and the snrrumidiiie iiiHlnUud w.
X an.l. of
agreed that the vagrancy problem was
one which must be met at omv and ’*'*•

offerad to cooperate wtlb the charily
I underwtn.Hl.
W’orkera In any movement Ibey ml^e ba.v. After llmt we will g,> s-nilli into
lute ifli.-l.sil-lJ
set In motion.
wher.- we
In hU teller Mr. Hill declared that
hundreds of kite men Infest ibe empty Will U- able to hnul lu tl.e lUmm
cat* of tbe Gn at Xorthera during tbe lands for tniisk ox,
lu VhUln
anmoier month*, set iliem on Are. pil­
..f oilii.’. blit*.......of ti e
fer and stenl.
Tramps," be raid, "attempt to *ecrete Ibecuielvrs oo every’ inla el auy

are killed uT Injured each year. Thw
wbUo in mciOon.
•H on or c
auffer In life or limb,
an fall off tbe trains while nsleeii.
would be dlOlcDlt i
lUttlcs CO this ]wiul. beeait*c tbe '■
large iwrceiiuge of tkv tramps tvywried •
aa killwl ou tbe railroads are rtwlly i
YIeu returning
FMd af Orawiag Grain la Ba Inatel
barveat Held* willi tbeir wages
Ancient Aaerifiess la tha Caddsai
killed for tbeir itinDe)’ by their moro
tba Hwvaat Will Da Rtpreduaad Dur­ vicious and criminal fellow*. Hr- Iwdlea
ing tha Capa*itlan-etstif*a of Cara.
are flung from tbe train while In mo­
tion. aod the reported deatlis hy rail­
A core paradlae b to be made of tbe
road caaualty are actually caaea of
' OollaeiUD In Cblcago during tbe
ttanal Cora expoalUoa Oct. fi to U).
rresidral Hill concluded Id* tetter by
cording to pbn» wbicfa have b
•fferlng to ro-cqM>ratc with Ihe riiarltj
wtirtieiv lo any- cniradc they may bo^
> drive traingnc t<
on of vainer
the commlCtce In charge, rays tbe
eagu Fuat.
A bewGdermeat of gay Jlghts and
colors will aerve for a aeltlng for tbe
Ben from Ibe different seeiten* <.f
L'nlled Plaie*.
Till* euinniltice will
eon abewa.
Uoney baa not been
attempt to drive tbe tramp to Hie hath■paied to Biake tbe effect a deitgbi to
hou»e, to tbe barber shop and to tbe
tbe eye. and careful aludy baa been
wortt bench.
Bade of tbe anbjecl. even blitory Itelng
Mr. Itettls deeUred tbat Ihe ce»t of
tbe tramps to the rallnm<1< annually

niid bad mratiCMl t.. take a
“"’'“A I'fture mnehine w’li!i ■•nc hot
We bO|f now-1.. photograph Bnliii.sls nij


gather ndlabl* j ‘‘r.'U';,:


•M with Mr* flfieen feet tn dtameler.

Tlie two enda et tbe ball h
glvea to tbe working out of o|«elal
Ideea Tbe aoulb end will prarant the
opwiacte of a Ortd of growing eom.
There wUI be a wlodmlll-typlcal of •
farm in tbe greet cure liell~a farm
botma, a
crib and all tbe fnaiaies
that chBDirtertae tbe farm. Back of
tbe eoralMd will be a rtela uf bUls
and wood* and a gold tear *tm twdnty.
feet tn diameter aunnonnUng Ibe boriTbe opposite end of tbe ball is to de­
pict Ihe aaclent ceremony of the
rarrtflee. when maiden* offered up
. pnnlou of tbe season'* yield b> l
goddeiia of tiie harvest Bncyrlopedi
and hlatortes were searelusl for autbenllc daU upon this point, and ii
was found that fi similar entnra exist
•d alike In auclenl Greece and lo i>ru
and Mexko. The Ureelin* maite tbeir
OBcrtiKe to ryre*. Ibe Mrxteans

poiad o( tbe pure
Kuhioiied Ar.
^ Cctftt. that took
.s nerres and digestiaa
of your graadpaients, and kai
been tbe lead^ coffee of die
world ft*- 37 yean.
You'll nsrer bave to quk
Don't let any man ewkeh ytn
over to coffee Uiat i»yt hka big
prafitg at tbe cipeMe of yow
beart, itoiiiach and pervea. >

tramps tainiieri-d v
icwlli'iie*. Inter
fered with signal* and even kilted rallroaa employee*.
“nie eommlmion will work for Uie

houses. and tbe ciiforeeiiieni of
rood treapara Inwa Literature also
will bo diatrlbuted nrglng bonsewlves
to refuae te dlstrfhule alms at tbe
kltdteu door.
In an addresa Mr. Itewla said; "Pi
Tenure measures must he based
two prlnrlpte*: flnt. that the sb
lodted vagrant must work for what
Le receives, and. second, that the j.
Isbment for Intentional vagrancy must
be aO aeren- and so eouai-icuon*
act as a «traog deterrent. Vagraney
tawa sbould be enforeod if adequate,
amended If Inadewiate.
e divided tulo tbe
employable are lu two groups.
aeeldeDlal rngratit* and bahlltul vagrama Work should be nvailalile forthe BblebodM areideoial vagranl: ba
Wtuat vagrants. Hio«e Idle hy ItileiiHon.
heed extended punitive aud |s-iuil
Tbe nneru|>lurablr,
poaed of tbe faopek-*>)v
.1 an.
tbe liteunbie. aboukl have iwrmanen


made exlin'
and win c.
btin n1~i 111

i« to be n -im.inry pmip ira.W sU ..f „r ..-o., «Ks’iwl lr.u> n Inet.'
voni. rn,r.-o.t.Dc a drlvinc n;
.. ,.f „pi,.,,ercl linit-r-. -r liii-ran.*“
There U al-..

i-’o« ■ redtr.v.1 v< k:ti.lIio« wnwl, !’s-;r cm-■*”'’r.s| r. lniv.4rr.l yTr.U nioube a lo.mD..«ce| Tire w rts k-r w1«, has I. -u Id thT

- I
or ftbbn|. Piwn. wb' bekl the >ee of '
Ft. AsBi'b. ii-any oirl-'i.« Ntorte- are
l.dd. iVvaFKmally br put queslbiis to
cai*didai.-s fur onUnatreii Jhut appi-.rnetly bad u.> Lvaueetk-a wIlli the .!l»I harge et tbrir tarncbla] dorlew. They
te*tod probably fb-!r w« <-r ta<t. two
u.^.v.*ar> .iaalJflcadou« to imMtc area,
but niOiaie Di-re, t.,i- Hj.-b quesil.-a
l-h-ie-cj ht to.- bbb.4> was llw fol­
lowing: ~M Uii ii ha,, thu crealcwl Duni- i
U r ..t l.-cs. a -at nr m. catr
At mictil I.- .-LI--. i.-J. till* i-reateij a ;
enter, but tbe 1.1.^^. w.UJU mn take• I
Ultob aa the Iii,w. r. n\i,! .„n«-jiteti’ly

• l-l»lHq-. •’tbi-i'e
T l.asf.'i,' legw. aud
A Thing at Many Na*

«"'> = l^-emr.e-. jr uvoVof <•.«■. and'i,:-.rin,.« f„r
i.i.L-ib ..f tins- .t.d
,]»-<,m , |,.*| m .i raons-ur tim- cur-i .tllB-u’i
*'■''* ””
ra>k J.-r.ire him n:.-l. if p>»>ib!e. r.v^‘
^ l‘re.^ Il.see.v.dt auiljm Ilijt lii-s.;. If
1,.r,1«| frelrrhl c,r
< I... .... ...
...... ..................
fri.iii rvarbliis rb-’ p.-m..

Tui.iees UI the JuuiTiire of tb.- .|s;s
aid T.-i:;ie. h.-:ir ^•..r»•.lles^•r^. T.ilii.-.i.
Poauie.lrao l­
two, ly deni-li'he.1 . .......

.. ..........
ly lei* t«li,.rr It IsDweeu tlw Du
the] tine of tie- xreali-«l .>lays.
lif 15iH'kI.-sh:tm>
unsTnimus- Three Ihomwud dolUlw Is, vatise.l ’.y tiie tra.k le-iuS
i:;.. f-r
Osl.wd II is 'till ..fto W ekivnileil fur VOTU *lwvlBlly| new t le« lis ve to If |.iil br p KlLi.tu aB-i
crowu. aud Pt.iMi .will go for the pur-' piThai-i o dojen mi!-. •eHshlag a lou
Kb.Ttl.iw r
chase of papier ma.-br Tbl« w.Il hike I bj.1i>-.- . nt and wJr;d’.bt.-oi*J lu orjer
plaster of|tD f..rm u foWiiiU. i> »i. which tj.
H i- '!-i’litre.t that a

IN.-rythlim c-.’S with

« fn-ai


Ue’^rCTdYti*^ frarT'uiw

Decorations For Festival In Chieago to Cost »0,00a

•>' I?:; «*oriflr* m
u to' •^OUr tlS'trOLV-s. IioUiIli^ Up]
two mrllMilaatcal drlliea hate I
tralat for et-eu Ore or aix tiovn nwatta I
worea toc>-il»r
toc>-il»T for tbe cim
cinj ex|KMltk>B. a i, - |a*i la u,- crapoxy. and they
aod It I* tbi- plan to liav.- tbe rerenxwr don’t stop to save anrtblns tbat ULcfl>erf<«T»ed twice .-a.-h dav tieuenib a to> long. iJeacis. tvUwl* eu ! roila.
tnauj|«bal en-b aod with a areiitr net- pcrtisi* enUre <atw. ate Utrowo dawn
GrcHon ar.-hn.s-tnre l..r tw.tny emlsinkmems If p-.-e.^t7 to ol-eo the
plrta dresse>) In .■um'H.mdIna ■••Mnume .' riaht
riahl of
of wsv

When a .-ar ha-nieiel.
natlands ami feetnons of eoni are l«»; i,-nj demlltsl It is of <vi
rdom the ceilins niul walls. Ovrriieail'i;.an,.r t r re-'la-c if then It b ran tj
,here will I- iwelr,- .dusters of eisM ; :lie ii..nn-st sMli.C but It Is lb.' UBC'.
liehta each, a wreath of com eurrmiaJ-i prv-io4 that hiipiK US lu Ikilfa.l afcltnc eoch vlui ter. and cahW of i dmt«.
'ittkinc tln-m Ma.-ilier .t renttwepUaA hsroiioilv..
n;ny Him 1-ti..«i op on
>ilv.- rear
Jb.i tr-.rh. wHb the ilrh iiia wlKs-bi U:
mm lie loriHKi o»-.-:
n'i*? "I’*;'*"''
Lu i pon. i t.
w-bhChr ete.n. i vh..
i„ .i„. ~ier of th..’..ii .’..-n

Rreelao. Stonaa.
"Ne inrquei** ought crer to |g> egposed to tbe action of aoapy waicr."
ntld a jeweler. “Tbe hem tuniwAm
gems are of a dcU.-a-ie tint of UMb
bat If a tnrqooLse rtng b kept on tl»
hand when washing In a few montte .,
somcthi-ra in a few weeta th* bins
stone rhtngc* to a dingy green. h**a
its luster aud Ifenmea wortblen as •
gem. .TIfii. agsla. no gems migW
ever to If ei|n«-d lo hot water. Oiala
generally W ih.-lr Itre and wumrilmra
crack In wst.-r no hotter than tha
band WHI tf.vr. and perhaps that 1*
ooe ms-.n why the .Vpal Is cunsidergJ
an iTBinrky stone.
“ if.:»- ;-r~ a laily iirauBbt na B
large i-ar. -c In a rh.g T*«- prart
hsd l.ft It* InMeree.mnt.Mel,- Ihatll
might esslij have Iswn mlHaVeu for k
.If irp'll'bcd Biaehte.' If*
Mic^aie was f-.iigh, hadn’t a partlclr of
whine. It w.wtM l.anlty le known
a |war1. We gtii-wre.1 at om-e what
was the matter and asked ber If sb*
bsiln’t l>fti batidli.Dg something that
Usd a.’l.! la It. KU-vouldat remrtuber
naally re.-afled I

ber Ungetw li
the wluMe tn-ut.)e. a |fsr!
Iwt carUmate ..f lime, and rlncgar or
an.v other a. hi will eat off tbe pcIHh
la a few iiilniii.-s
All coloied ge«
are llal.le to fade a little va exj»sui\
lo tbe sunlight and wtmi Cs-I lo ura
kbould he kept la Ibe dark.''-8t. LmM


Old Tima Faurtk Fee Sag Marbar.
>«» '*='» pitic.f.K-h-t ..r r.-:i-:-l,m..,ii. alib-.r,!., Du!-j.n,gh,’i!P.-b:n’
Tlk- t-wu of tSaj: Unrlsir. S. Y.. has
n ttN- ’Iti-in!.-.-. nt;
■ I dematKk’d a n-iuni t- lls- eu<tnms of
motiu UvvljimtciD
enu Is- iiovluced w ill l>e p’ln-hascl. nliil j mass i-f vti-.-I au-l w >el ; lied i-n .-Uifile father. It b*» deeklsd to eeleAlias, a
p.-rfs’et rarK. little over iiii Iwb k.iis.* *iile of the riiDjIcl.'luwev’er. Ihriv,
hratc the ouiilm! I'oiinb of July at It
. was niKi’OeTl s half eeolcry ago,
will If clveu awnj t'. visitors nt Ilf'c.r.ies a htvnthliis'sp":!.
tUi *-i
. 1.1
, writes James II K.-unedy. New Tort
ex|«eiHI.»B Souvenirs.
l jierlH'<’ ..iji.-r oflti i;i'« l.s'k mor
, eorte*i»n.teiif oT ilw r-te.eland Plain
rrople wbo'are otil.T with the .,.-1 tIs to w..'vSnt 1« w.irtb
Itre. whi. Ii glv,-> pr..iiil«- ,.f
ibe vnri.-lles ..f .--irn th:ii tirrsciil mToIii-.: fT-.iii plb- to i "e. iLcv'--.,,-i
.ll'I-i ......................... t,. uiiiri.v !r.-.;.cb<s'.,f neater Ijtwn t.-nnt. and auiomoldte
thniles of CTi’.’ii I'ua yellow will l«- vide tvlut t.i pull
iiW l.lisli up ^’stry la. r.-.' tun n.u.-.e--61*.,^" exeurstens are h, t- larred. Tbe .sv*.ruriul—d by He- iuf.TOiMloii ibn .sir:. r.;ii tli,-ti the w re.-ker- , -r to work
a-- nine iK-ing :t .--toj.mtsiiuK ..f th. sfen 1* in ret ire nHui>.rte* and remove
iu ll:r
>hl.|.-s i.rpsl is n\;.lt...........................................
tlr>t l-n«-rs of alniiiiniiiii au,| y,,,,. „f IlH- .li’.st fiMm tlie |uiirl-lic landmartL
wh’.s. it is eiHu,.f.!
K t.
nhl.'f-r till’iIeiMrai.M’’s»is^-. 111.-In-iild- e, ;-lly
ti>t. IV.-'i4,.s it
ost Is-iiig- a clear, nit.v, it:«l tiint ii> linlv.M.-cl la turn or tin.-.- fci <.f
lli.u ir .-;.3ta .-rat ir.M, li. .rruicili, l.iit flre.1 nt davl.tvah. Tliere w-ffl lie a para.le, le.1 hy II drum e-riH. The slar
nL-iny ►ba-le* of 'liln.- .’i;: W • r tea r.r tw-dve fis-i ib.w a itTi -"ii'
: «pangle,l lonn.-r will tv earrle.1 ly a
.\n ahnadantv of Prow i;. au.i a .leep; n. ‘ii'- Here ilie iii'le tr^-n s-oii!
• veteran of l-sn The people are to aa>
Id.-i.'k sl-.i can l»-.rrowii. No dyes or. h’iti lr. Wurnilns Jhent'eirce. tt
semWe In a emte. when- ibe Iiecbiraplgnifips w-iri If i..s-,-,-iry In making! The Iwllrr. tUi-y s. nttf botes
^ lion rd Imh-penilciR-e oiid Washingthe I- -rlraiis of Ihi- iitvsileiil ny.! vi«-i r* Ihnl the ct-cl l.-n.’ons of the v
;-fon’» farewell a.ldre** are to be reaA
prr>-ic’..-nt. Tile iiKtnral .cop.ri of ciwii; can t’'I-iwed n.und :r.
! .tn old fsshl-ii.-il orai-u- baa t
•••Midan. eitu you tell me whe
will iH-used.
Now ■he .-rsne g-~-s ini > aiiti.>a,
gaged lu deili.T an uM f.ishtennl r*'
.1 Mrs. Smith liv.-.i* ’
.\imrt fr'-iii .Ibe deciraiions jinU f.-a | Ih- -e-a’cenk’:’' nt l« -l-’pliig the r
tiiotle ad.lmi*. one In which tbe eagl
ll.r.’« ! .-inc prif\
fur.l.y the expud ,[:l'il I* i-> ’e -llre ii*>.c.‘ni’.e .il
.* leu ehnncea '
wilt .Htowm and the falhec of A
IhiTs- >Ik- will
tk-ii iii.-ipagerei-i.i «ee™—
lea honored.
r 11 until lie 1,1. U

»'l "I*'’*


gettitjc cniigl
too gp-nt,
ty-fl» e frsi

•re are pln--> v.-lM-re
a-h-nr of Ih,' grutmd.

, > h-sr the ruad the
w-n.-k irttlu
vl Into servin-. I>ni

hclodcsbln v

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.
Ladies* Long Gloves,
full If, button length, white or Mack,
T Meet-..(or *Na
onfy ..............


have ennghi the
ray* a Lmdon .nUte .l.s|sn.-h t- rlic'
New York K..U. 'I’li.-.v .^.•te.v .h 1> ;:,e
rnnst of nil w-ny* of
Iking. ;
It has I—-oBie so |s.|,uhr th--M ,|iiiie a ,
rnii.itier of »s-k-iy Isa.I.-r* sr.- Hiking;
lessons in it from dancing i:ii-.ier«
w-omnu Slid tiH- long, manly s.rl.le*’-.f j
tbe Engll-bu’onuin are .... l,.nL-,T g...l

’■ enr, It w:*:l,I 1»pulley |.,>i,-,-.t I,, n
•niitlfnllj •
rlrli.-l work.
>irana’ «>-iitra.i i.. ilie'i.-i l,:,.k pi lh<."n,«.„n>-s«,i.-t...i P:,irate." 1,-h Ic. er. Hr--usiMeer-r ..>«.r>.-|
or ”1-11 .rf l-atri.-k > «.-ll.” s .niottoiM : tte- fnrvun.I the put! -y on Hi.
referrad loo* tie- |r-|| ..i’ Aniingl.. w Mb; tin. f'. r. liig Uk enr ntowd, IP
♦» dlmin.iiivc .limisiHoii* of »i« inch.-*' n-vH ii:;.;., whl,-li I* Mil! u-ral’
high l..v ih.- im-lie* In.kid. fuir InelHi i i-;.-nilly. fini- li .d lb,- .l-l.ii- i:,
deep, iinidc .-r ihln -vf hnnrmer-j or the wretA train rxnii.l tte .i
.-.1 Ip.n, l.-nl Ini,, s f...,r .1,1-,I f.m>i. ’ awiv.
fastened with rivet* i.i.d l..-^.r*-d or; .'ili.-r.-ore lim.-. Iliongli. r.:,-n

' IdwiiRcl. TliiB Iwlll* lit on-e the iiio«t!tli - i;.-~t e-jrw’iil ticr.-r. i: .,k • n
fa* Is .-nll.-<l.' nsintr.-. u i.vll fl
amlR-irtU- ami the <d,l->t Iri«li relic «f'tal.c ’Jliey bnve im.> p-i.lir.>I tl.,-,
or If the walker Is- sh-rt «1ic mu
I'hrlsti.-iii i.n-ul n-.-rk lliRl Ins de- v,’I:S-| tli,- ti.-kle Ulll'-t
slni-l.T nud l.,>kl lier*.-|l
peended lo u*. wrii.-* W. J, rei.t.cll in j ih-iig* l*-Eiu i.. move. -n.e:i. l.i.
reedlngly uprtgtu. . (the iut»t
vlie IlcIf.Kt Gnt.etie, nii.l Is ii.enilonol' cra.-k of n hBe. snap g,s- tinnplemlU teg nuMdes and an anlssl lb tl..- ”Aiiit*!>'' under Ur- dntc Of «;. • Mon.- lUaii oIi,>- a' l-u-e e:,.| ha.
• -------' ■ — i-mr fen-rw n.lllel Hr- l.-g>. I
Tbe new walk is a snifi glide
Th* Puffed Out Chatl.
j Ing 'i"*' .......... Ht-c i-li*-ii.-M«.
ha* |UH*U dceeiilral as the sn-.iyiiig
“The i-ufr-U out ete’.I I. ii .leliploiilo UMii -.m Ihe railnu..'’* pnvr-ll »
• ■ h gives the Id.-a of a ya.-ht whi,h h.v« *ne. iiiulK.| to *.-iciiil|le J** '“‘•-V to wive th,- -irronl i; .g t
InlwK-. ____________________
-f Ihrbnmin I,
,„:er«.until the day the i>n~- l.rA.-.-l>a.v
•n-e man 1* about Ove feet seven,
r fmm fji-u--'Atle-J tl ,ll.-r l:i iK-iiver T,....-*
w’kjr forehead, abort isw. hrlgbi tdue
,i im-u .I,*i,i
Csctar a u tn* etuBicoru
eje* 111,
kindle quickly lai.. a sm’.lr In tin- chest wi-p- SI.
:>eii. ami llic,
ai.,1 a u
-o!i. -i
:i rlr.-r *ep:
of Isilh old drill serra-ant* i
.'y liiindne-1
‘ lug itni.v 1-roi-vr fe.-n t’ i
tmniur aul letsliyn.-*., Uk-i’4:1i
that hy n.nklag nwi
r Itilv i,-.rtli ol the Aljet Wu*
elused lu tbe |.U-|ur«. of the tin.,- 1*-- cho*f* Ui.-y wonhl n
Isoimlar} of I’aesar'* |}
fort- he pul ou hi* niu<tai-Ite it Hew
acteos his face like the straight caiih
1 l« a cnaiplete mistake. !n>tof a knife.
rongthening a it.-m. piKtlTig I
one of several wb-, f,-.i-;:.-l to
“It 1* a wanton waide of good Amer­
fend* to w.-aken him. jm
ican time lo tilaruss the iiui-slluu of thtow* a strain tirsm the besw We
Woinan «ff»lra Gi-,
lip'bard'* vanity, ahm-ver-.g whati-vec BOW tell rieii to l»- sure nrd not puff
eoU*clju. uf th>rv»i«)u»lble for raising It. He l-i ont tiR-lr etu-*t.«. If Ton
votir *"■
plotted agali!*
rane to the point of l.loakncu. It 1* a el,-Rtf and doAlnmlvie-II excreI>e'.v-.L
"Plhll- Lc
mind d-rev-f. prai-lirnf. eoucreie. b1,«oate 10 hold tb- l.rrafh
That *iin‘nWnudary vtream with h
lulely devoid of liuaBlnaiDu.
It 1*
Ih-benrt. A.-y e,et-Ive tint jravert*
cogltoli'iu*. ”lh- .1,.- thi* last .ittallty wbie>. a.-couut* for the I-reathbig freely is Iwd. Kts-Iteil ti-.i*
erv>*<-d, aii-1 ►
lau's tmer lack of f.-ar.
ele* ate also wrong Ton see a m.-in
■This iiiBU was from-the flrat-frem with Immerse c>e-*i :iin«.-'e* t:,.T ;cr. Inaugiiratol the civil war wLI-’li w,,
bl* v*H*-d and resourceful ventarvw lu
ymi il,l:il. he l> ren’Iv .--n i-h-f’lj to tu-iLc him imperal’’-' a“.l thiuo*t
Iiu'lufss Biid'bis burcltig of his fa.dorr
n-1 n
duwu to bl« reaiUuras in exphallng

ooy for hahllnal vagrant* should lM>
eataldbdted In eaefa stale.
Even If
such treatment faii* i.> lictn'r •«- lo
rorv the vagrant It n lll have rendere.!
him hanniew for a time I
and M an exprttae slight In compari­
son w ith what be nilgbt <-n<t aoHety If
Tree, and hi* Incnrccratiou will a.-t at mlMs aud iran.-rfortulnc bunon
t detrerent and warning to ntlier. "
pile of l-leedlog JeUj -slirewd
When tbe tranip* in tbe Bowery
self n-Iian\. dliwl. H>- I* wnb'.ui flte
New York tearned that a coafermce of timid luiaglnatlou of the ordinary man
Charley woilccn out in Mlnncuisvlls ■Tbese Diattera »irapl.v do not present
Sad declded.to_dojwwy with tramps thcujM'Ive* 10 him in term* of horpu
He dlsctUBR's his own dcaUi and pr.-p"1 Kcrateb my bead'and appear very aratious for It at Imperaoully as he
mm* putated- ir abe doesn'i feed aa would a problem In arllbincuc.
tbe rteht question on tbe atrengrta of
•Haraj’ Orchard Is an unedu.-ated
my naaioaas, t aay «,|,omly;
tn. He ha.-i small power of gcnerr.Il“•Strange, strange; that la vety aitlon. But for the con.-reie be ha* a
rtrange,' at tbe same time ketplng ray mind that la, a marvel, of Rccurary.
eye* npoD her face.
“There l» nl qnestl.m'wlib i&<»e who
" 'Wbai It ntanger sbe asks.
re the Intimate asradafe* of Harry
* That yon are Mr*. Smith.' I reply.
“*Wbat is there strange abnt tlwF Orchard of the -sincerity of h!« change
of poriRste and of character Tliey Iw-1
sbecume* back with
untewervedly that tbi* man. trader
- •lira. Smllb.' I reply, -haa been de•erthed lo me aa a very plain woman, the Influence of a simple bIhI uoqnewtloalng faith, has turned from a .-araer
and you'Df
crime to an nnqtialifled de
■’The rrat of the sentamee I eltbec
II oat aa tbe occbsIob aeemt to de-l ration lo truth, asd u]R>u this faith lo
bis sincerity ba* been placed, drat of
;jBll, tbe rarrylng fonudstteo for tb*
1 veigbl at one uf Ibe greatnt ertmraa] |
I taws CTcr tried In (he I'nltrd States."

Ladies* 0>mbing Jackets,
made of lawns, and Dimities in Moral
and Oriental designs, dever st yl«. ftnishtid with buttonhole edge and rifLrn.
Worth r.Oc and fiOc, for
Saturday only........ .......................... 057v-»
Ladies* Lace Hose in M-irk and


Ian. worth
for Suliiplay
only at............................................................................................


f.-r Sjiinnlay
only at...............

Men's HnesI Saits fnee diipla;
winiiow.) Tffcnty-fivc Men'*
I from the Jg«t
hnvf liM’l tl.i* i<

Bring yonr wool quick fo ns.


Yeang Men's Suits, Think of it! O nr hi at.
f" *nitK frjT roHog men
Kur Salunliy

to S) year*

Ciiz. Pbone 481

BeU PboDC 130

of age.


Little Boys' Busier Brown Suits, aod.
Sailor Soils.
T!ie iieiTErat. r-oteit aud aubbi c&t
•tyles, worth $4 bf-rt- (ind $5 in U»t
other store*.
.for tiaiunUy only,
yonr choice........................


Ladles’TuUM-madC Suits, not theordimiy
kii.'J. but bigb
high grade colored Suits,

‘ ’
.lacketa betoitifoMy
ly trimmed
aad all tilk Koed
Skirta plaitad and
I'd very full.
SniU tbat wore
$18, $20.
J. «2-S,
«” i* •) aod• $:}o.
yonr choiac for


Rcmcikcr, tttal aO these
bargains are lor

Saturday ONLY
Steinberg Bros.
Traverse Qly. Midi.

J?. Scbombergtr & Son

, . * .

Wira IMfAJ. |15. n't

. aivilJJ will bo *oliJ

Situnlay only.

We have bought tbe 700^ pound Foote & Cordington herd and have »hip{.«d 100,0*W pounds, but can
stil! use more.


I Waists.
w-orth J24r.

■Mt $im* Vi, Khht Chcrd.


W 01 niMFS'


i lOMTif
o- <:.-uT-u;5-uaeK-TC:::;:c-5r
A Cateh OuasUea.
t«TO nrtljokxrtoal . Irttire :
Of Biabnp fUsHt. wb» lirld the hr* of
"No turquoise ought
worm topHbrr for the con. e*,K»itloo. a big l»s to th- conpanr. and they ' Pt. Aaapb, many mrl.m. ai.nie. are
sod It Is the plan Co hire ibe cemnooy doa'l sto.-i to sare oortlijns that latc.«
told. Orcasionally be put quearien. to
I'«Tr<»tac<l twice eseh day Iwneath a toj loae.
KcacA wheel, nu.l rodai
candidate, for otOin.ti.'n tbtt iiiK<ar- «aM a Jea eler. -Tbe ben torquolM
«rd. and with a sern-o set.
.^.tlre ears, are >bit.wa dawn
-------delicate tlm of blQc.
netly bad im connev-ttou with tbe .11.but If a tnrqoolre ring U kept ..
Grecian sri-bit«dur» l.y twrotr «nb:;nktneins if rnsreessty to .<|wa lb*
charge of their iwrvwbUldoUes. ’They
-tri. drcici in cofTcsis><all« costnme. right of r ay, Wbeu .
teflcd probaWr their wit or wet two hand when washing to a tew montllA
nariands and festoon, of corn are to u-cn derailed It w of
nes-e»sar7 .joallflcatton. to pahHc mea. sometltfes to a few wertta. the b!na
adore the .•elllng ntiil '
but noUiutg more. On- sarli qacs.t1.m stone chaorre fo a dincy green. Inata
Cbm- will Ise twelve clusters of etshlMh'e ii-'orv,rsidliig.'‘lm'rii li' the unci'
pp.I»*ed by the Id-biqi was tbe fol- It* luster aud lieromea Tvorthlcss as a
a wreath of enrn surround-1 pec’.eJ ihaS haiHK-ti* lu #aito«d accl
r asked
lonlus: -tVbl.1, has IIm- greater gem. Tlteiu again, no gems ottgU
...... -..a
_>.i— of
..e own Ii dent..
City. He will ■ n-depart to bonid his ing each .-luster,
and entile,
ovi-T toliepsiawedln hot water. Otah
l»-r Ilf legs, a rat or no cat?*
auxtllaiy odinoner at Bnstoa.
Dr. t i'ltltlnc'heat tc.g.-ilier .k renrareiilsb.V locoisi.ilee ir • ttire Untom up on. '
A« Wlglil I- eii.-.-i.sI. ihU eteate.1 a gepcroll. low tlwlr fire and sumetimaa
Pnderirk A. Cot*, former companloii'
entiie.tioti i. to have rii.
a iWBe.throort
toe ordeal ofir
• ilrlUiiu whn-'-i to
llit.-r. but the l.>Hb.sp w.Hiid not take a «Ta.l lu aater no bolter than tba
I oemisd pai-ier nia.-be
fore, and ^ knew It by heart.
i: ,• air Thra It
of Robert E. Peary, veteran of arctic'--------------------------------'
laugh ks toe m-nrr. and f'«Bs.s|.in»;ly hand will Tear, and perhaps that la
saddetUy a new note was atniek. The
to Taka Up tha and aoiarctlc exi-edltkn.. will acewm- feet In length aii.l made ..n the iiriu- uLrl i-nll. 4 lu ••ti,' ai.l- .-f lb.- ranrnoi! • he repeated the queiuinn ami si—Ired oue reem why tbe opal la consMered
I elple of a Jn|>srie».' lant.vrn. Illiimiiial unM iliiTT „ t me U-:u-ru the ls.s». .
an unlts ke .tofle,
iBterrtewer had prored to Iw
Whola fi
to fisak Pesvon-' party him. says the New V k Herald
oaime one tusedve tie- protHs-m. .\t U*!
ed fnvm within l.v ele-in.- liihls.
’TU.IIW tli!». eg., g lady t<nug»,t q, *
a pianist and. more than Ibal.
-m! of toe camlldat.-.,
»aM, “I
Ur. Bradley bas bunted
In tbe renter of the luill, n|.rm a t>Ial Tlsl trl v’.-ir. may l»- .wiiug .liro-r!l.> I
larr- t.viri .-i In a ring Th.- pretl
sire knnwledee and
Thsir lUsM to Asst.
Of the word eieepi the la.i: onex- f„r„, .-Icvaied l»n feet aUive tbe tionr. acr e., til- Irai'k. lying uii tb.-ir sld.-. ’ ahouM think, luy luni. a rat.”

«v.tu|.M-l.. that K
No." retortrsl the »il»li..ii; ■•Ma-re
Jamea J. Ulll, E. II. Hairltnan Janes ’
lerritory -rf tbe amir rtrele ' i. to 1w a .toi.isry crenp all of or rml-. | proitn.l lin.i a men-'
1. lakInB legs, and^
McCrga and other raUroad clilefs bare “*
*" ««««»• last year ae*klf«l eora. reisrceentlne a farmer drivlnc a msv. .if eiiliuiercl ilmlier.. if l.terally
|lmi«lM,ed raarld* ||>
. .
re.!f..s» to kilidliUiT TT«.k], tle-T .-on
derided loengsge to 4 bunt for tramp.,
j •hine. It vonH luirvlly le kmvwn for
doww and played for the entire two
• to I- htnrer than life; tents M-ati.-re,l a hi:mlr. ;| .v-tnl. .•.1.*tit ■
according to a knooeairalU siieclsl dls*•"
"’'“"I^ a i-.-nrl. tV.> gvu-sse.1 at on.-c what
bonre for a perfect stranaer who nei­ patch to tbe Sew York TItnra. They
also to lie a lororoofirel Tin- w:T. ker who hr,* U-.-u lit tie•P'^’lm.tts of ..oe of tim rar«t j
_ T^.
ther la years nor In
'■ ••
wa*. the matter and ask.^d her If dha of eora. and'brsiie-ss f„r any l.-i.glli of title- c-.m
the hlKlHli'CT's- b
entitled to any apecta
hadn’t l.<eii lumlling anurthtog tut
il-.irra-i tell to a m.iiiien
wsTiarer. Thar pJan to chaae these
porvitased .a libiu.'cMer fl.liins
t^- j had acM lu It. 8hr .-ouldn’t rvniotntier
task l.-f.rc him an.l, If p»<»Hil.'. cw-.
portraits of I'resldent lit
men from their nshla of way. 'nwy ^H.ooner. lis feet
at first, but finally reraUed that she
at tlist llr«t. If n l.iodo.1 frelirtii r-,r
The Art ef Ughtittg a Pipe.
will help...................
........................7-ka<ri«^n pulling up Kvineplcklea with
yrereni. him fruiii reaching the psiiaialletl lu ber a leiwerful engloe. I$p' Vice 1‘rr.hlent l'alrt«i.k« to core.
Keep pipe and stem as clean aa po
ud liaiMT niacbe a ■ the two ly deiaoliHhcl .-uvirie, he «*t« If atirr ' ^
, o'
alr....c vinegar and su,.i«*.l sbe got
Bbare them and make them go bas bad her abeallitd
Ij I..* ivvb.rc U flow, I,•IV.0..0 lliey.!-, ter Uieen In ilie vinegar. That wan
rtNe. and toe time to clean them
One of the gre3t.-«t drtoy>--. hoo'ei.o'. H
to work.
oak ami twnforrrd n I l.rare.1 )n«ide matenal.dbai will juviloiuii
tmmedtiiely after a amokc.' Fill the .ti,.u.rr: u* wlu.le tronble. A l«.rl ts holbtoff
deconstlon-.- llii
ransp.l 1-y li..- tra. k t»-;ug t.-.ra up. f.-r
The dedslon of the rallruad>
•nuis nt iivtord It
bowl with your farortte brand and
ii-w tie. have to !«■ put l-i po-l(ion and
and rtnegar ag
------ ■ down firmly, hot don’t strive to
js-rhaps a d..7,en ra!!' welghlog a t-vu
T-ihCyii-.. N-b'.v |k>. b.->.
aee bow solid
wild y
you can pack jl If you
to a few minutes. All colored gecM
will take: a|.l.-.>- rot and siraightened In order
... _ ^
<,f oo.-b ..f
ts aolkl aa wood. It will bare - JUuneapdl*. Orl.udo K. U»U of
are ttalde to fade a Utile us expoaun
a ronndalion im wblcb It,
like wood and make n coal fire about New York addressed a 8|«.-hil »
* ligiircd largely
to tbe sunlight and wbeu not to ua
dir Bradlev rereuily.
•a hot nod nncalefnl. Don’t light tbe
prevloii. show.. 1 ; i. d.-rlnriHl that
■houM tw kept In the dark.’’-0l. Louto
I.D fur a 1I..1P. b>Diu i
entire unrface. Don’t “pull” as though 'vagrancy prahleiu. lie de<-Iarcd It wae
Ion of It win do r ore tlmi tti.uly of
' - Uelrilte luv. from ’ pln.l.T nod prndur le-tti-r i-I.-rt*.
you had DO more mattes and feared the most toiieinunt |.n.blciii faring toa
ll(e wr.-trrs p-t t«l-«- ih- n- i- uo
1. •
« would "go ooL- Light a amnU spot cnatlty workora of Ihe I’ulied Klatoa
t'oni of all alseo on.I ful.irs bas licfo liiiig fir p-'t or refreHlimrnl. b1i1i-;’-.Ii
Hii.-LtitoliaPi-'l ’r.-'.
»«•“'>• '''"''•I' '•* ^ rontraclrU
directly In the center. Pmoke alowly today, lie read letters frani Uvaora.
ililil v tbe de.-i>rollt
n tu.iy ti
i all idglrt or,
•Hill. McCret and Uarrtman. Prasb
Tom Ihui
ly. Win
III. the
:l .-Ud IVVi-t.-.l
Ls ok-stgualiiig It Tiia’..n~l. l’tui
denu Delano of the Waha.h and Mur'•'•"1* renrheu rail Ik- provluceO w 111 be |>u
'tbe fatbere. It ba*
Mvcl and w.k-I Ml..d
of fba Balllmoru and Ohio and by Ileury. On tbe Wao.l. of the w.tmd
prraa it down agalo with Ihniub „
perf.Tl rare. Ilnle nv.-r n it to.'b h
Atmn. a Mew Maul.
, brate tbo coming Pounb of Joly aa H
the peidle.1. hoa'cvrr. i!ier..|
finger. A half mlDme’a care In alan- many other raUrued chiefa. nie)- f"•o^>"n‘llng lualnUml we i>n|w win Iw given atrar to vl, wBt oI««rved a half rentcry ago.
Im-athlng' sp-;
the m.i.k «ix and, of
log la all that la required. Now sirmke agrecH] that tbe vagrancy problem was
eijioslllon for luiuveiilr..
' |•cr!nlell.:>■n1
anil *vltek Jsiurs II. Ki-um-dy, New York
. luM—kb'
alowly. The little fire cnnllniies d..wn- one which must iroet at .m.v and
People wlio’aiv only fuiulltor with, tbe uri-ti-t-i re,-wliiii !- v.-nh "vvrlria. i ”
. u„ cnnvFimndeut of tbe Cleveland riala.
» uodenttHtvl. lu Ih.ffln ward, dellcataly rnasllng the tntweco offared to emoperaw with the . baHty
Ihe vnrii-tle. of nni Ihut pnsi-nt; O..Iug fruu pll-- 1-' pile
T^b-r. Ijinn irnnb and antomobUe
workerw to any movement they might
- on toe aides, and prerenflr wlirti .yon
. ■ exi-urnloDa an- to Iw lairerd. The orre.vrli.w will l,e,v-id.- vvlmt to |.ull ..-it
jt In motkin
“"^’tog luto tlswu-rBeld
cava this off there wilt come n revela­
, slon h to revive n.-morles ami remora
•rr we
In his toiler Mr. HUl declared that'
tion In aofi, mellow smoke, ao coo] au
tbe i1i:«t from Hu- patriotic lan.liutrfc.
will Ik- aide I
1 U« Itorrmi
delirtooA so aootolng. that yon will bundneds of idle men itifeet tbe
. The l«-Il-< an- to
mug and rauDOD
cars of the Great Nnnbern during tba lau.l. for tiiiisk
pavar regret haring read this.
l,„, flrrel at (lavlireak. ’There will lie a |»i-I.-i.r ritl.y, \iiul liut n. Imlesl.l.-l to two or lUr.*r fe.q . f i
summer months, set them On fire, pIM
‘ -I'-H.sitoi'irt to obtato
; railc. lisl by a dram coq-. The star
of Mill- cau lie olitaluid. I or ten or tv. ;-I.v f's-i liown cn .‘iol-.
ferand steal
| S**"*
of gam... Tiui oui-of the
III ' spanehsi lianner will 1«- carried by «
.in abunilaiu-i' of lirnwir. and ii deopl iii.'ut.
Hern iIk- Ill-le men com.
It Iw- a gn-at kupi-rli-riiy over .m:. In
-Trampa.-’ he told, "altempt «o ae-!
-r the exiksllllon blnck nls> .-aii !«• nr'Wii. No ilyo» or; httoly.
\V.irn:Ing«cIves ;ti
that it d.k- Hot ru»t ra-lly nud tokos veteran of ls.ll, Ttw i«.ople are to ut«e tbemaelves on every train -I auy
'* '*** .‘“‘‘‘"S
I’l'’*':'^'scmble In a grove, where the Declaria v.-ry Ligli poli«Ii.
hav uw-d tiM- .•a..ien.'’tora.-{v'in'ali
«ill lk>•>iocraHury In maklucj ibo l-dli-r. ilicy n-ra-be b«l.- l.-n lak. A couskJeeable nuniher of Uiese
-« w uw-u tiH- amen. lart-U In all
preside,,, a-i.i vl.-.- ro thnl the • -.'1 tendons of t!„- ,-t
tloo of lndeprii'1-nce and Waablur
Tear TU.-v
’7'eh. nud bad arranerd l-i l.nk.- „
Injured each year.
I ton’s farewell mldrere are to he read.
prreMi-m. The n!;iiiral of evnn ran I-- passeil tviin-l li.
’ in moti^ nioiiag plmire lua. hlne with it..- h.-i!
,! An oM faslilomsi .wator lu* been e*.
will tk- used.
Now 'he crane gi-< int.i n.-lloa. ..
*"Mattnm. ran you tell i
and some snffer to life or limb. Otb-!
gaged to deliver an old fasblosed paApv.rt from the deciratloas aud f-u I the o:iiie,ia..|j.-i,t |« ki.-i-a-.- ibe ti-iial: Mrs. ten fall off tbe trains while aale^.. It • V ‘’?T “"'I
trtnfic address, one to which tbe Nglto
tur.-s hc-iiic proviili-I for by the cip i-i ;plrii [v i,i .Irac the Imsim-iilvi-al mgwould be difficult to gstber n-Iiablei
will and Ibe fatber of Aaa»>
tiuii lusitia-remcnt prlvtne cililt.lior-1 allon leg the rarih ami 1-: 11.—-I t> t*BtatlsUra «u Ibis point, berauwlea honored.
srlll provide iiiiructl. e sliuvra of tlieii!’-i'l 'n sup;>«r.liig It niitil Ihe l.p |>
tance percentage of lhL.trami»reiwnedi
"I*® I"l” '«• pnn-xtofi
i ivai-lM-l. Itrit
Sludlra of the INkliii...
lie lia.
will put H]>|«-ar until iuic.
be l H--:ir of tbe gramid.
Men returning from
FiisU af Growing Orein to Ba Installed. taarvmt fields with their wag.and will eviiDpIeie them lliU ,venr. To rivalry for tbe prir-cs ofrcr.'iI for ten-} then swi3!g iwcr <m sllc irr,Itocli-iiery lias d-uic mn.-b o Bid tbe
Anutotit Gaeriftoas to
killed for Ibeir money by tbclr
of them will evist Ibe maker* much brcakilimn gnug iu r.-ceiii y
tha ^nrvaat Will •* R
vicious and trlmltial fellosrs. Ibe bodies
"Our schooner will n-vt g..'liii.. the more tbao tbe prises they ran obtain away iKu-k in tftr eariy .In;, of Itofaid tbs KspeaiUen-fitatoe* ef Germ
•re filing
way of sicel they were v-all..l to iHany
tlon. and tbe reported deetbs by rsU- smaller bays nod Inlet*. f<-r iln- rl«k irf
Many thousand vlnllars. Il is <-xias-t a dlsjist.-r, f.m ibvii. a. Uuw. train*
A cent psundlac is to be made of tbe
gening cniiglK to 1l>e m-w U-c would l-e
ToaS casualty are aciually
ed. will ■« Kpeut liy the exhibitors, aud aniii.-limcs Imtlcl Iblo ea.-b olli.-r
• OnUseum to Chicago during tbe Natoo jfrrat, no we
ty-flve foi.t whalelreti ni.d pnt in hern
dvcorattvc f.s.iurvs, the e.itnc trect. To t-k-iir tbi- rood the
Ueoal Con egpoaltkui Oct. 8 to 10, acrresldeot Iini conetuded leltre l»
ten boreepower engine „i.d on her a - « >* rwunlsed, will make U.e NnthmaJ hjcomotlve of the wn.-k irala c
cntdlog to puna whbrb hare been
•fferlng to co-operate with the cliaHt;
drawn tor the decorations by A. 1‘.
hon.led raWn with accom.;.o.latlons f..r ‘•“™
“ niagt.lii.-nt specta- s-iaicilnK-s he pr«-ssv.l iuio eerviiv.
wolkera to any enuade they tony begis
many .-I deraib.l rar
Dutol. scenic artist, whose dccnralkto
fonr men. She to of Ilci.i draft and
to drive trami".
piilbsl I.H.-k oij ibi- rail* mer<-I.v l.y
•chame has met w-lUi the apjirorel of


Mar bi >>«r Torfc.

. The 7W cbtp wsa ■ toul atraoser
to tto ■rtJ.L If vu ahrat 2 ^ ra, I
.MMd ha wa, itjbncd into ttir botal I
dtolSC non where Boaeothal was bar-1
tor > bte linrh. The Ufa of a aololst,
M tear Is e rwy bus; one. aod on this '


o( Riimiiiv miEFs


SMurim, Mavio.'
Piebiras «f Paiar Gama.
To bniu the ptisr (.oar. the mask ox. •
toe walros sod the carlboa Is toe
shadow or toe north .^le not only.
• with bis rifle bat with

Be Med In
Solvinfl Vagrancy PitAleffl.

coMaqueotiy tine|



o,,.o „o,

...... o, „„a,„

e J«„.

DMoratlons For Festival In Chi­
cago to Cost *30,000.


^ rallrvIT’srrp^' ...........

-.............. •-

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.

the eemmlttoa Is charge, says tbe Chi­
cago rosL
A bewtlderment ot gay dlgbts and
colota will serve tor a setting for tbe
biggest and tbe nMwt algniflcant of
eon abowa.
Honey has not beeo
spnred to make the effect a delight to
Ihe eye. and careful study has been
made of tbe anbiact. even history beins
dHred Into, to add tagtrnctlve featmes
of dlH>lar. Thirty thoukand dolUra
wlil be spent on this purpuee alone.
Tbe aebeme has beeo worked out
___ ____
B bread Hnaa Tbe eetllng of
prearet an
of ^Z \
. a« wUh atom fifteen feet In diameter.
I The two ends *t tbe ball bare Ihk-k
given to tbe working out of specbil
Idetoi, The aooth end will prerent the
■pectacle of a field of growing

railroad met. and charily workers cbofrom 0«e different •e.-timiK of tbe
Cnllcd Rtatea.
•ttemiTt to drive lh<- tramp to the Iwtlibouae. to tbe barber shop and
work beurti.
Mr. Ivrwis doctared that the rost of
le trampa to the railroad* annually
tof2.IWT.tOa He said that In the last
year tramp* have heen
railroad wrecks, the liirrnlnc of
deekvrrd that tbe
tramps tami^ml with swltelies, Inter­
fered with signals and even killed railread empki.roe*.

There wUI he a wtodmlll-lyplral of a
tann to Ibe gr^c corn bHi-a farmbonta. a ayn crib and all tbe feature*

Yoo get a beaping
pouwTof U»e pure
S^idtioBed Arbucklea'ARiOSA
CoEee, that took
. jerves and thgeatMO
yoat gna^iaretia. aiia has
been die letoi^ catee U the
world hr 37 yean.'
You'H nenr have to quit



p,Don't let anv idhi switch yon
over to oofee toat pqh hm big
pnfits ti the expoae of yots
benrt. Monaefa aadiMfTes. *
_ C^toreaJw —.>a.wrereliw.

Irish Chureh Bsilt.
It wca about «li.- time of St Pkt- i so v^^
rick, to the fifth v-euiur.v. that bells'i-ulb-.v
began to he adoi-teO lu th-.- Cbrtotian, ibc V
church, though tbeir u».- in other 41-1 iii..v.*
mtlons was long auierior t.. .’bn*-j .me

Ladies* Long Gloves,
euglne I

“AMERICAN WALK" IN LONDON' s:?';.::;.’!:-.......... . ........

fuH 16 button length, .white or black.
for Saturday
only .............................


--------------Oirtsilau IpvII., lik- I’nirick'*. ward bv starting I'lc I-cc-ii.
Women Taking Lessons to As- j weigb.-d «mly a f.-w .... ........ aiel fou* i waivl ‘ Vast...hub a la. -1.
quire th* Tair Olid*.
j 1I.RI .lay gnoluHlIj I.h ii[| i.-mf ! the car. It w ...iM
Tlito kiimnicr Brlitoh
grrate*. wclgiit wa* n-i..|—I m Mo*. | tlii-.-tigli a puli.v tasica..! |.
have ranglii the -•Am.-rl.-nii wa!k.”| cow vvitli l;i8 i.u..-of l«-:.iitiriilly en-!p..*i ii, fr-.iit ..f it. :.ii.| tbe
say* a cal.le
ri. licl vv..ili, n *inma- .—urni.t to tbe' b-1 b.i.-U to the Ti»-.inoii..New Vork Sim. Tli.-y
.b-.-lan- It *I
1 h;* lit.-ciiBiiiH.T--f r...
Is-nitllful of all V
« of vvnlkllig.;
f r.nlrlck'*
......... liriira ] till-r-;»-ao.iiud the |.Ii:ii-v ..
II ba* Ik-cnm.- *n |«-piilar
i< Bie In-ll ..
nnmher of soHi.iy Isa.icr*
i.-ibing: It* dliiilniillv.-ilimcn.
. whi.-U I* siill
lc**.>n« lu it fnmi .lancing iimsicrv.
Iiigti by lie- lii.-lie* b
Tbe tiny, mincing steps of tbi- l-'reii.-h. deep, nin.le <rf tliin *1
I Ik-
woman ainl tbe l»iic, manly sirl.l.—, ..f <-.1 Iron. Iwut Im- n
the Vtogltokwouian are u.< b.iigi-r go-*! fastened with m.-i*
re time*, tliimgli. ccr
form. Tile -tall walk." .-i«
brnnze.1. Ti:< Is-ll I*
UOStilllcareful rlCL-.-ra ml
worth 124c,
fasblou to .-UI1.-.L tv.|uin-« a 1
aniln-utio aii.l the okl
c of take.
take Tliey have ii..t p alu.-.i tii.- .irui
or If the walker be sb-rl -<li.
t’hMKti.iii metal
dc-'wkii-’t 111.- 1.1.III.- iiiu-it kiiMi.i w.ieii
lea*f Ik- slender end Iiol.I h
ecended to ti«. wr;p-<
tbingk Ik-gli. t.. more. Tli--a. like
ceollBgl.T uprtgbl. Sbe lu
\he Kcirist (inxette.
-.............. .crvi.-k of a rill.-. n-iiap g..- ibc I
splendid leg muarlre and s
ui UR.- .viiiioi-. nnd.T Uie date of li:^ ‘ More th.iii omv a .-ii-l hn-. can
----------------- —- —
|s-3me 1-1^ f.-tlovv r.iim.1 to-- l-g-, I-r.
wimlnw.) T»onty-IiTO Meti’g Soita, otb
va. •
■nr new walk to a
I glhle ami
’The Puffed Out CTvect.
'b- l-.i.c* IIm- i-l|i.-*icm*. .M
kiml only. k-(l from the iicnt gelling tlykt wo
baJ been dcsi-rllied i
he swavi,.“Tlic putf.-d out .-licsl to a ricind-'U I “ ’'laii .m the niitroa-;’* |«iynp|l ti li
n-liiid lltig gi saon. Were *12 .'iO, |15, $JH
walk which glv.-s tbe
of a ym-bt whic h lia* siicciiii>j->.l to wventlflc : f*f ruilv I- vvav.- th.- fi;.s m
in breeze.
kiinwIerlBe of lie- IniiiHiii to.l.v," said a i street crov.jac was auMiig the wn
iHtiiril.’iy only
drill officer. "It rainc .-xivt.-m-o j'’” >‘uiil tie- day tl.c rnp.- Iir *kc.-I»By
our choice foj..................
nan I* aboet five feet seveu. purely for show reason* or from fatoe AUeu tv lllc.r la Ivnv-ev Timea.
wide forehead, short no*e. Iirigbl l.loe nnnl-gy
It ws* sren tb.--r men ■l-.-t-i
-----------------------eye* Ibat kindle qub-kly Inio a sraltTbo Itiilci-uii. a
rlv-cr *cp:ir
aml a luoutli with itorelblllile* of
old drill rerm-aiits
anitB for youou nu-ji 15 to 20 year* of as*.
tumor and iciiJn-ii.-u. tbuusb '
that toy making men tlir-.n
Ilmntifal styloi.
or ll:d,v i.-mi #f il.v AI|-». wa. t
-lo>eil to tbi- plctute* of Ibe llun
Cbcsl* tTicy would licik- lI..-?
F-jr SU’-ininy
orv- bv- pnt ou bis tnu.taibe It
a* well n* make I--k .tenv- s.mtli-n. to.Miudon of I’aevar'. pronly...................................
icress 111* face like Ibt- »tra.gbl gash which to n cwipleie mistake In-.;.-ad

of n kiHfe.
of sfretiglhctiinB a man. p-imiie bto *'
a wanton waste of good Amer- vbc«t tend. t» wraWcu h!;;i. a. ‘t
tii- CO ilisruss Ibe' qu.wlluB of threw* a .train ni-ti the heart
TVe tv-blp
, Ibetii ;
-ind cousvlcju* of tliv- fact
Urclianl'N saally, whoever or whatever
le-iug l-loried Bga:i;.t bj
rt-»]>ouslbb- for ratoiuB It. lie 1* out ll-elr
If V..-I i-if?« uf the capital, be can
sane to Ibe lulnt of bk-aknesa. It to a
tnT.U.Il evchest and d« ^mnl
the to-iiudarr stream wliti M? s
mlud dlrev-L practical, cuucrcie, abJo- are to h dil tbo
th-ur!d the matter over, et-li,;-i.ed at
Inielr devoid of Imaglmillou.
Il U tbe heart. An)
The cud of III* cogitation*. ■'Tb" .
Jl* tost qnallty wlilcli accouui. for the l.rcntbing fw-elv
cast.” Ptoaged in ami cr.—s-d. a;
inu’s vilitT tack of f.-nr.
lnauBur.ite.1 tbe civil war wb. Ii
’Thl* luiui wa* frmu Ibe flrsl-frem
kind, but high grade colored Onita. swell atylea.
to make him Impcraior and tt—
bto vitrli-d aud rvsourv-eful venlunH in
ally ti
•Tackeu befiutifsily
trinmied and all allk hoed.
most man ot ail Ibc world."-New
l.nsltie** and bto burning of lito factoiy
•Hncl tia:i, l-u; •
Skirtt piait^ and ve^ _fnU. SniU that were
tu bis readiness in exploding
$16. $20. $2-5.
aud iranaformiBg human iK-liies
ir choice for
pile of hlcedJug, Jelly-tduvwd

Ladies* Coi


I .lackels.

made of lawns and Dliniiics in 1-loral
and Oriental designs, clever st yles. hnished with buuonholc edge and ritben.
Worth 50c and i»0c, for
Saturday only.. .............................

Ladles* Lace Hose in bliwk and
tan. worth ISic. for SatnrilBy

fx ^

Chlldrea’s Masiln Drawers and Waists.

"" -y vi-wi—i TOW toro-m™

portloa of th* eeei
goddeaa.ef the birreat. Rncyclopedto*
and btotorieu were aearebed tor au
tbentlc data upon this point, and il
wna found that a almllir coatom exist,
ed afike to anektit Greece and to |ywi
and Mexico. Tbe Gnveian* ma.le ibHr
stocrtfle* to Ore*, tbe Mexican*

Mr. Bradley «l.l this wonl.l Is- hto
last big hunt I-cau-.. s.. fir as be
ktiowA llio glolk- ha* te. oilier big game
country utiexphiml by him.

ventlre rorasare* must be baiwd on
two principle*; first, that tbe abletiodlcd vagraot must work
he rerelres, and. eecond. tlut the pun­
ishment for Intentlooal v-agrantT must
e and ao consplcuou*
iroog deterreuu Vagrancy
laws abouM be enforced If adequate,
■oded If Inadeqnate.
I'agrant* can be divided


Men's Finest Soils (a-f digplay in <n
ri-r$2'J. will bo aoli]

tcddeutnl vagrants and bal.ltudl vn Week sbuul.I b.- available for
tbe aAetndled accMeWiI vagrant: ba:
Utwal ragranis. tbore hik- b.r lut.-iiUon.
extruded puntllvv aud (leanl
Tbe imempldrable. composed of tbe bopele.*ly tocapahle ni.d
the lucoralile. ebooM have iiennanent
oare In asylum* or alnisbouse*.
"At least oue compulsory laUv cob
ony for habltnal Tagnuls should be
•stabllsbed to eari. slale.
Even If
such ireatswni fail* ti> Im>ii<t or to
cutv Ibe Tagraat It will have rpudered
him banoTns for a time to soclet.v
and at an expense slight In rotnparl.
son with what he might c<wt soclel.r If
free, and his torarcerailos will act at
a detRTeni and warning in nibets."
When the tramj* to tbe Bowery at
•llan^. direct. He to without ibNew Totk learned that a ronfereore of timid im*g1uatlon of the ordinary man
cbnrity woikcra mil In Mlnmtoi**lto There maiic-TS simply do not prcreoi
kod decided to do.sway
b tramp*. tl>ruiM-lre* to him In lenu* of horror
lie dlM-u*«es bU own death ao.l pr.-p
"1 Bcntch my bead'and appenr vary anitjou* for It as lmper«.>iiiill.v ns be
mods ptuxled. If ibr doesn't feed mo would a preblem to arlthocnc.
the right question on tbe streogtta of
"Harry Orabard Is aa nneductiied
ay boslDsa*. I-My stdetunly;
tun. lie lias small power <-f gcnerrll" ’Strange, strange; that la very' Ballon. Bot for tbe concrete he ba* a
strange.' at tbe same time keeptog
mind that li_ a marvel of a-iuratr ;

"•Wbat to there utnnge abont tbatr
sbe come* bock with.
SoUb.’ I reply. TUB heen d*.
BcHbed to me as a very plain woman,
and you’—
............. ,1 ,,u_
“The —V
rest ...
of tbe aenMmee
aa the oceasSoo aeeau to
omit «Hncetber to caani of
rare lulelUgeDreL Tben there wgu anolber”


Young Men’s Sulls, Think of it! onr ht-at

•Th«r to oi qnpstlon"w!th those who i
are tbe Intimate airejdate* of Harry
Orebatd of tbe sincerity of bto cha:ige
of punKiee aud of character. They he- |
liere nuresefvedly that this man. andcr
tbe lufluence of a simple and unquesUonlnr fsltb. ha* turned from n career
ef hlderm* crime to an unqualified dp
truth, and upon ibis fal^ to
stoccrity baa been placwl. first of
fonndatkvn for Ibe
vetghi of dOe
tbe grMIret criutoel
Case* ever trirvi to tbe t'nlted Rules-


Little Boys* BusteAeroivn Salts, aod

Sailor Saiia. The neffeat. coteit and nubbi cat
•tyleg. worth $4 hero and $5 i
other atoreg.
for Saturday only,
your choice..........................


Ladles’Tdllor-^nade Suits, not tbeordioair


We have bought the 7000 pound Foote & Coddington herd and have shipi-cd 100,0(»0 pounds, but can
still use more.

Bring your wool quick to us.

Saturday ONLY
Steinberg Bros,
Traverse aiy. Mich.

H. Sebotnbirger & Son
Citz. Pbooe 481

Bdl Pboae 130


, mat aU these
bargains are fiw

■sr. " .^?^4ir;,?i;,7TBKT:r
tbelr cotus* •LoreW Lod«e- on)
Olee Lake.

Ur. and Mn. TaBi KUt. wbe barp|

Ihle nett ttot w«4xb«d n*<irty
kad a Am cmlB Ian alsbt vUdi. paaodi
-Tfei* (• tfap bissaat Ba

OaJ* Coa Of Oka Arbor calW here,

For the strong—that tiiey
ma7 keep tiieir strength.
For the weak—that they
may regain tiieir strength.
For the yonng tiiat they
may grow in strength.

Uneeda Biscuit
the most nutritions food made
from wheat.'
Glean, crisp and fresh.

In moittun and
diM proof packagtt.


Mr. and M>». A. W. Gverho
Mra. Clark of Inland and diiughl<
T^varae Ctly vlalted taeie fast t
Dihcl, Wire tbi- eui**!* of Mr*. Cisi
Mnny here are planning on goinp ui Femini from Tuesday until Friday.
Traverae City July Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs Will Hark celebnte<1
Ihelr 2nd year of their wn
Ur. and Mra. George Sammoni
Monroe Center were In Klnimley 8un- nlversao' June ;7lh. Also hi ,
32nd anniversary.
Those preseni
dny to atued tho I. O. O. K.. iw
wera: Mr. and Mr*. Thompson of InlBl aerrler.
Isnd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fewlua and

Maater Adolph Anapaeh la vlsiUns
Miss Ethel Clark.
at WhlUeraore. loaco country.
Mrs. SblllIngB of 7'reverse City and
Dr. F. U Wllliama letunied the
two granddaughlers were vlaiUng with
aMdJe of laat week from a claii
Mrs, Hattie Gray last week.
Miss Gertie Brooks of Ovlalt
Mlaa LoM Borfce. who baa been vUthe
guest of her sister Mr*. Manlo
iUng her aunt. Mra. William Black,
hunt, haa returned to her home at Lake. Saiuiday and Sunday.
The birthduy iiarty si Mr*. Rnfus
Herman Saylor captured a ytwng

niae to
grocery ntore there.
Hre. Uareot Hoyt of Suttooi
• • •
£ with
lai been rtelUng
a «
L C. VanDeWaUer.
Meedawiee Arthur Maybew and
r Shearer of . Buckley
wert with relatives
» ij

I with fern*,
pansys. and
pinks and peonas.
Jamtw Sweet phoned over the wire*
Mrs.. the other day lhat
ford of Peerl l^k<
Har tUh weighing 23 pound* and he also
caught S large ones.
The Rev. Byers of Ovlalt
guest of »Ir. aa^ Mra Will Fesins

I atlended.
Bulkly-a hall game beo
Old Lady Myvrs is dead. She died
igBleyki sec- In Ohio at her sous. Mr. Sam Myei
CDod nine and KIul
e leanlled In a
_ vlctofr
tofT for the
Mrs. Harvey Thompson had lo
y bciyB. The score was :S and her sister to the asylum In Traverse

. _.o in which to pwas the Fourth.
. The Kinsley aecood nine goes

“ SE 22 b».

Him Mary Fraton. i

I Bvergreen Cemotery

Chana'i Dnde Tom'a Cabin will
exhlMied In Klngaley umigfaL
Q. H. Bhockler ptesented a moving
picture atuv to a full tent Saturday
Rev. and Mra. Herbert left Tor
' Beulah
to speod the Founh
with the former's sister. Mrs. _A. W.
Brown snd Cbas. Snyder and
tbelr taalUes are camping at Rennie
work of Improving the streeU
ha* vetonHi.
*^*BBnlw“suSon^'^ ‘'i,"?"*'
Hmold and Rhea, have returned from
a Tisli In Soulhem Michigan.
The Rev. Cole cd Fife Lake soppllcd
the U. H. pnlpil Snnday evening In
the abeence of the Rev. Herbert, srho
waa eendoctlng a quarterly meeting
nt Fife Lake.
Thai —ifal I. O. O. F. ____
wa. held a. the ^ E chnr^
last Sunday morning, the Rev.
Tbirston preached an e»cellent
man to a weU fliled house.
Bert Oetger tettimed to Cblcw
Monday after s|«idlng a two w.vk*
Bowera and KaUe
Wood are atlcodlng tto Nc^hi
BmImb* college at Traverse OQWoilc has been rseumed on the L
1 bnlldlng

Man Charged With KHngi Ex>
eoveroor Steunenberg.

Alfred Warner sill move to Oivgnn
after the 4th of July, from Manistee.
Mrs. Flora LAke went to the cami>Ing at Kingsley. Also Mr. and
Mre Wil
Will Lapham.
la Leans and
-------------trill g<
MUs ReVah
Mts. H. Case home Friday evening
slaying until Saturday evening.
There will be a ball game t
Alinlni ball greund on Henry Case's
place July 6Ib, between our Itoys
le Indians of Honor.
Miss Daisy Geary waa the gtiral of
Mrs Will Fowler Saturday.
The measuring aoclal si Mr. W.
Shulu. Friday evening was well a|.
tended by the West Alnilru podilc.
They raised flu for the mlulsler at
the Hoelal.
The score Itotwcen Almira tenin and
Honor wen- 2-ant
snffere quite severely.
Walsh <v
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Matehell
.urned fronv OiarleviUx Friday where
leaves a wife and sv-ven ehlh
they liavr bevm vlsllUig Mr. Mairbett's
IV* Bogan lias Iwen home Ihe l«*l
iC daughter at West Spriii
i-ek Rirfrering
RtrSerlng with a *.-vere cold
L. Brett and family aileudevl ehtn
at thl* plare Sunday. Also Mrs-t has.
last Wedniwday morning
........ and family.
o'rloek. He was M year* <
Mrs. Gto. Taylor
Mn>. M. C. Lewis snd children, a
imrt of last week ’
Miss Hsynard spvsil lb« aflenn
Sunday with Mrs. Bert WcMi.
^^'sauford Plucker had the misfortune
The Busy Bees will meet with Mra of getting thrown on an upiu:
M. O. Lewis July lu. Lot overyouc drag one day last week; one of II
Ivelng badly hurt. A veteraary f
Kingsley was ralle.1
Little Cliltord
J’hicker wa* driving the homes,
Mra. John HullPli reiurae.1 fr.mi
Gus Johnson of Gn-Kiiry's Resort TiHVers.- City Saturday when- she
was In town Mondiiv.
htid IsH-n atvendlng a week with bet
The -Wescoll" l(«ded
Milwaukee, last Mondav.
Justice Knapp left for Flushing.
Mich., Thursday; he exiwct* to
there durlug harvv»i.
.. Coie of nf.Lake and
H. Hurlwrt of
......... -V. H............
-. Co\f
changed pulpit* Sunday
r afterprewchod at this place In
Mrs. !>iersoa and son. Master Rotdi
noon to a large an appreciative
of Detroit, arrived Wednesday
Missouri to spend the summer month*
._. evening with Mr. i
Mvron Taylor SuBda>.
Mr. Mathew* has gone on a
Ills brother on the «Pl>er pen'
His heiilih wasn't very p>od
thought the trip wotll>l be bJuly.

The Proof
of flie Starching

the article iminaculatelv white, pomessiog
____ weribsWe beaulv sod ddkaev, with just the
pUabilitvlo hang grecefullv. vet with 6nnnns that
insatesaermaneelsbape-iyirntioaf Doe* it resist the
ID cKeets of dust and keep its dsintv finisbf Then it WM
•uraiy ttaecbcd with the genuine

Sam'eiama starch

i^s'Mtury. Makes I'nmiag'^v caa«^*^»nM
' t or unc^intT,
taintT, oopoec
oo poor rcsnlu,
resnli.% uo sticky
o that gveri laundress receives
from stuck truly fanitli
Most econmiefi: diaolve* inatsntly.liaadkftUei
a Au. KuitM OP praftcRiw^

)CTf*. is
PMB A SON. OBWeg*. N. Y.
M maciamBi. aswmsm.


H. Fife we^. do*a!
^ah* 8“P*^
of which I have any k
A partr of seeeo. coosletlBC of Hra.
the captain. "The whi
Hr. and Ur«. John Kralii. who hare Inc church.
Koribort arid two chlldrea. Mtse Irer- I
Mrr C. H. Rallev of Grand Ledxe Is low water flab and doe* not generally
BOD. and MfUTB. Field. R. Worthln«- ,
vlFltina her sister. Mn. A. M. SmlUi.
r "t?
IBO w-eeki. muraed i
grow to a great size. It 1* t
ten Aod E. Cole, of Chlca«o arrited
Mru S P Dean la quite poorly. We
on the Mloourl Saturdar erealna tor
plaee laat Thuradar,
unusual to catch a trout weighing
ho|>e for her apwdy recovery.
Haytup will soon be cotomeneed. much more, but a whltedsb of wren
Mlaa Jennie E Farram U apendlDC I week with her sUier, Mr«.
^f^nd* Is a veritable Jumbo o
anme time with her aunt. Mn. O*
July 1.
Quite a number of ;
; people
Piauee, ot Traveree City.
witaenaed |i
As iBtereeltng event not listed oo ^
Mr. and Mrs. Garber of CbIcacD,
- - here
...................................—-------------------Gcntral Neom.
j Oi.......... .... Hi* Dm D«ih Meet C*M»
lived Saturday, on the MlBBunrt toll*i«'von Maple City and Proveaool
i-pend a few weeks at "Glen Ray. '
j Sunday.
The UJasee Ida and Beaale Famni \
Urr. John Nachoael and
ing to esibllsh
goat rwing ^,^
presenution to
Chaeg* ef PurpsM
of lihut E
■itlng her paretii
In South Africa Ihey paid as mue*
Prof. Lurhrr U Wright of a
uall. itettirned
12.300 aiilece for goats, to lodoee Ihe,
kn1ng cup and a beaatlhil oad costly I
An analyul* of Harry Orchard, wbe
Turkish owners ot floe flocks to rUk gold
Wright, who lost' ji the renfewavd tsurdeter of ex-Geethe severe penalties of the sultan's mu wa* elected state superiBleodeol ---------- Idaho and maag
Dago at Maple Uw* forbidding the exportation of 01 ptilillc Inslrucikm. has for
other men and who to tb* chief w_____
?rday sflerDoau.
th.- tivad of ironwokl a,
tte P^^tou to the raw- of Idaho
I. Mcnon Voire and lllile daugh-l Joseidi Svotn
•oan Udtner and
h>ler. are speodlug
Ptonnlng tbeee
and I burn for Frank Kruhner.
I .Mrs. Voice's jiarvuls.
billion lend penclla cv<-ry 12 months. | wtih the elose of the term
nuiJera has been made by George
Mr and Mrs. F. Shsida did iKWlucss
Mr*. W. Reid of Empire.
They are shipped lo foreign counlrte* and the gift*
• in apprecla-j KJbhes Turner. Acting for Mrinore'o
— 'in^C^r Cuy Tuesday last.
A party <f Rve srrivtri on
at Ihe rate of recr 10.000,000 a day.
•u::t raimrliy.; MsgaxlDe. be obulned pennlsalon to
svTjri Sstiirday for -Kenwcssl."
The loving <-.ip. of Mi-rt-.tig silver. M; opeod two week* tn ttM cdl with the
counting six days lo the week.
Harold Voice of Empire called heiv
■ —
high. w*>-pio-.,.ni;d bv
the ptlaoner.
The iiiiae oi treaford haa a unique
Writing ef bin ti
A party of live, cmsistlng of Mrs.
j. Brett and Will Church drew to
ih-- iini. picvc was the
peniooaJlty. He la eleventh of his line
Huirler, Mrs. Gukiunus, Miss HuisJer. Mautun Monday
-Tbc flirt emotion on owing I
gin or II
MISS Burdick and Miss Anua BunVrk
Mrs. Osliome was called lo Buckley- and owns ten tnlllloDS of money, aa
Onward to Ineariably BstaatohmMiL
A custoiisT callluc .11 Ih-'. store, of ]
arrived on the
Saturday Ism WednesdAv.
well as some of the moat valuable
Tbto:to th* cooferaed aaaaaatn of etghtR. J. Rath. Ji-w.H.-r .-ii Fnmcl* *
evening. Mrs. Hulr.ler wa* <H> her
Mrs Dave Manlgitld and children
tn appearance be to like
ground-rents In l.xiDdon The duke has
way lo Empire, the other* of the have In-en spending a few days with
at Jackstui, found ihi- frent disir IiK-k-1
l«ny went to South Manlioti Island, her father snd sister, George Martin the blue eyes, square face and high i-d. Oolug around ic
MiSk Beivele Keitte of Sleeping Bear and Mis* Anna. She returned home forehead of bis race, with the rleeerLife Saving Station. Is rislilog friend* Sunday, accompanied by her husliand. ness and some oCthe eccenlrieiiy for building h<- also found the bark door | tacbed mUkm*A with bto good Mtnrad
at North Manliou thl* week.
Albert Koelmer and
Mis* Laura which Ihe Rutsell family Is famous. icx-kcd and isvqilng into a wmaow ht-l dlOdene*. breaking oaally lata an teOlo Ole*oo of Good Harbor was a'Knapp drove to Mantoo today.
dlscorcred Rath lying on the flour. 1
The Bedfonl tradition seems against
Mr. an
vigorous shaking of the door fail.-d 1 ,
.................. n Sheridan spent
school. uDd the present duke was edu­
^ ! flrat ar
I arouse him and he hastened i I of to D
with her parent*. Mni. and Mr*. Lt
CImn-h and _______
cated at home, and
John«oh of G(kk] Hariatr.
Martin *|K-nt Sunday
Mis* Anna
cirlllaatkm cai
Grenadier Guards. He Is a sim­
A- Cameron, travelling salesman
llh Mia* Iva Bogin »f Matchett.
offkw. Aftef peering la the window! thowed tbto i
J. C. Film and Co., transacted b
Mr*. rhalk'-T and slsi.r. Mia* Anna ple man. w ith domeettc tastes, and bto the prtlecman w-nt ic a huiry-up call wurda It puiiiiiia to <
mss here Friday last.
Barrali visited at Ed. Wall * last We<|. natural history.
a claarir deralopad (ype-lba
South Norwalk. Conn., booste of
F.- Grand of Chicago, arived Satur­ nesday.
nervous eyas, to compraaaad lips and
day on the Missouri, oo his wa
theo broke in the door and found
Jusilee Knapp who has »a>en doing
The first original doscripllon of Am­
to bardenad face muartoa of to huntEmidre. -where he will sprad •
rk at photography here, left
Rath—asleep. Just asleep and R.nh
wa call to crimliiaL ImiMdltime at Ihe home of L. E. Collin.
for Flushing UM Thnniday where he
wa* mad at the rode awakening.
alely aflar hi* trrewt Orchard raortasd
July I.
eiiH-cta lo work oo a much larger covered. B wa* penned by Dr. Diego
A stranger called at the home of tbe great determining ettoto In bto Itto.
Alvarez Chaoca. physician lo the aocBEN don;
pennanenl amusement lo bf
Oharle* Ktiapp la glvim
ond fleet of Columbus, and was dated
IITlI'Carpenler 1* In Benzonia point­
a bunted Twaat wbatmrer may be to
ni'W roar of |ialut.
at Ihe Port of Isabrila. Santo Domin­ on New strvet at ML Oemens. Not
ing and papering. He has been very
indlvldaal Ibeoiy eoncenlng the rctsJub I.
go, in January, 1494, Dr. Fernandex finding Mr. Spetllch In be Introduced Inal. HI* face abowed that. Tberewaa
busy thU spring.
Cecil Coat*, the Rawlins medicine
dP Ybarra, of Ihe New York Aeademy himself os A. W. Jiubbard and left nairv than deflanre nod ruDDlng abort
man. from Eden was In town Friday.
Lui»er of Traverse
City of Seioiice*. with the Smlthaonlan In- $8.20 with Mrs. Sperilcb. which, hi- the muw'la* of that mouth: tola waa
A *mall party In honor of Mrs. Cos­
tiled on friend* ia our village yvr- suiutlon ot 'WaahlngtDO, aiding and stated, be owed. Mr. Sperilcb upon pain. On hla arrest for the murder i<.
tellos'* blrthdAv was held at Will
bis morn bad no recollectina oi auch Governor SleuDenberg. Orchatd beltoeabetting, uneovered the dorumenL
Carpenter's Tuesday night- Refresh­
Mr. and Mr*. of Oadlllac
ments were served and a very nice aretvlBltlug relatives In our village.
There can be few if any younger an arooiint. but finally found a charge ed that if hr would keep allanea ha
eouU never Iw coavlried. But bto Ca­
The Misses Bertha Dull and Oilbaronets than Sir 'Windham Frederick in an old ledger—18*9—against A. W
reer bad come to a culmination.
eTce cream social held at Bendon lyker went t>
Carmkhael-Anstratlier, who la Just Ifubbard. and tbc amount was correct.
■Tnder tbe auggeatlon of Iba maatar
Saturday evening wa* v
lav to attend
live years of age. This lltUe fellow is E H. Orovlear. another teUred mer­ detective. McTartanil. be eased hli
chant was made richer lo tbc exleol tortureil mind liy eonfewaVin, feU over
The many friends of
nsher and sister Dorothy honorary carver to the royal house­
Sawyer In this place
visited In Solon yesterday. .
hold of Scotland honore plainly rather of »2 from the same aourcc. Hubbard from ibeer wrakt
grieved to bear of the sudden death of
made no Ituurlshc* and offered no ex­ bark to hla cell
Jennie Farram of Glen Haven,
. for _
aleap to
her mother. Mrs. Saxton ul Frankfort passed threufd< towp one day last obsolete today, which were conferred
Under Ibe sympathy at
on one of his ancestors by James VI. planations. hut faith iD'bumaoily has
rer a wiTk ago.
week enniute for Traverse City.
Dean lltnV* of Boise, a man's man and
been strengthened several degree
wmiaih Dexter expects lc> raise his
The union aervlce* iii the Congrega- of Scotland before that monarch be­
one of tbe uublefi and moat derotad
new bam Tuesday morning li ha*
'theory- that this was true and the waa
lonal chureh yesterday werv' well at- came James I, of England.
Cbrisilan chazarters alive, be returned
n and i
MTicn Jefferaon waa asked by the 'only a ]>r1vate citizen, the teacher had to tbe simple faith of bU ebUdbood.
>1*4 feet. Mfwsra. Shin and Condcr ' ftdf'gstne Saturday on the Maple
Maryland legislature to accept a third the bojw srreated for dlaovderly
V) eighteen monto to deep marks OSt
V the carpenters.
Cltv diamond between our little be
R. B- Reymrid* ha* hi* old bant
term, he answered: "If some tensln- 'duct. One by one the boy* were baled tn hto face tiy to tart-decade of Wa
vd the nine from Oviau. n-s-ulted
Ufa have gone Ilka an evil mart.
...oved and Is building the wall for ihi
vletory lor our 'bov-s. wore liel
ation to the services
the chief mag­
addSlnn. The wall la of cemeoi blocks
-It la dllDrult to believe to a tmooI to S In favor of Maple niy.
istrate be not filed by the constitu­ scatv that they won't noon forget.
h Mr. Reynolds made with a new
fonuatloa of Ibis kind. Tbe men who
July 1.
tion. or aiipi>Iied by
prartice. hit
machine ho hit* purcha*cd.
saw Orchard moat profeaaioBiI haaCassius M. Kenney died at Ihe
olfice. nommiiy four years, will, in
Big Jump* by Rabbits.
diera of crimlnnU, declined at Brat to
home of hl« parent*. Mr. and Mr:-.
niiiloii Pray iiiud>- a trip to Abicn fan. U-eonii- for life, and litotory
n«w fast do harv* and ralOdt* nml do so. Gradually they have heroma
Charie* L. Kennoy. Saturday evening
> play baU Baiurday.
Hbows bow ewally that regeueralos rerkap* you have wondered while out ttnvtoced. No prumlaaa of riemeney
T::tn o'clock of Consumption at the
George DeCroal *nd daughier BesgnnolQg and watched tbe elusive anl- bate haen mads to to man. Be ha*
Into as jnberitanee.'
e irf 23 years. 12 day. He had been
>-. drove to Traverse aiy Frtday
maU apeedlng away. According to J. turned to to task ef aartattog to
_.;k a long Ume and
his dcaih
Olnlon Pray played ball at TraverseO. Millais, the length of a bare'* stride tUU with to same unbaaltBttog-dl6UU New*.
though not unexpected came aa a
U about four feet while tot of a rab­ rectMoa which made him to saraat
shock to aH. He leaves k father,
mother and two brothers,
besides biiig mot with Mrs. C. E. ITny July water work* standpipe at Maraball. bit to alioot two feet Under condl- munlerer ot a gaueration. And every
UoSJ of fear tbe bare Is nid to leap eiM'wbo ha* seen him ctoaely to mv
many other relativea. The funeral 2nd.
8npL Joy says so. He ought to know, ten to twelve fert. aome anthori '
win Im held Monday afiernoon at 2
aheolqjely eaawtooed of hla alnceftty.
Miss Cora Pray visllod It Kalkaska
for he srat a man up the lOOfoot lad­ elalratng that It can jMop dttcbea
o'clock from the Inland M- E. church,
"Ha haa Imprwiifi me. at ba Wf
isi week.
the Rev. E. M. Koons offlclaling. A
Miss Hessle IKGroal gave a party der to take a look. Someone siartod to twenty-five feet In width- A baza practically every one who hat shaarrafi
■ quartette conidsting of Earl
can Jomp upward perpendlcalariy (I
isl Fridav night which all the young the story that h man had Uiroi
bim. with thtto thlngs-hta ahaoWa
Baldw'ln Win D. Cbnienter. Kenneth
and level sanity, hto exCraordtoary abd>e in ihi. tank, and many persons feet. Bitb-blt* ran make leaps of atx
lolmee and Ben Ahearn with Mr*.
•even fret borUonUllr, but cannot drtilh-d candor and hla otttr Tacaacy
siupped using the water. Su|il Joy Is
;. E. Baldwin as organist, will slug
Jnmp higher than three feet. When at frar.
lam week.
working fur "frtuu MIsaOurl."
July 1.
P.-nrl BoHimh.-ml
compelled to do so, It to said, rabbita
The teachers in ihAtow-agiacw
Link l.iick>->.
can swim a* well as doga.-rhltodel- " A atone bouse it not at daiabla sa
.-aiinot attend dance* or parOc* the pbte North American.
one that to buUt of brick. A bcldt
Dave Tender'* ureldeni lia* ttiined
house, well eonatruetad. wUI anflMt
oniliig M-bonl ymr. on any evening
out more serlou* than wti* thoiiglii
one built of gnnRa.
A Bright Bird.
pric.-ding a scho«>l day. That Is Ihiat first: one rib was bit>keii and h>-

Chas. Glendeonlng is bull
resort ccilaRv for Dr. Hunt-.-


I dio.1 In
ship. Grand '
gun, Jun.- :m. H*'*. um-’l >»
months and ten days.



the sch.ri

lu.arvl, and the

clause will lx- Insc-rted In the
The teachers are up In i
ever this, as Ilii- Ur-l dam-es
I>arili-s r-ouie In Ibe middle of

Grand Traveree county, having
iNiiil itilriv v.-aiv and hiid
In sp.-cUi sessk.n, Ihe Ionia i-ounly
........... frb-mls.
Ho caiui- t..
iHMid of Hi|s-nlsnrs acc.y.t.-d
Cos-k. MIeh.. with his par
plans and siKxiflratJoiia of Arrhlteet
voiiiig. and was marrie.1 to
K. A. Bowd, of Liinslug. P.r the new

There will be need of in*
For Potato Buga oothlng
has ever been discovered that
is as good as PURE PARIS
GREEN unfortunately many
get hold of some of the poor
grades with which the market
=s flooded and results are not
satisfactory as the Potato
raiser not only wastes time
and money but also loses his

We carry none but the
Lavanburg's Star Brand of
commvretoi Pure Paris Green and store
i, i». c»oi pi,« ..ay f™m

youas m*

s a fine
Geo W Ctirils. Ct rt/V» tVm. ii,r..*>t, K..i«-n Palrai-r of
is smart end dolnc nicely.
Theodore W'hUford to bavins his H. Cmlor. lUirc'-Is. S.-c' ::i. T 23 B {y.uUi
.-ni|.;.-y.d hy i
house raised up and a sloiii- found:-tlim put under it.
jay |>, Grceniiuin and w-f.- '•> J. A
Glen Slivcre ha* his house r*ls<-i'. Htemich, parcels,
and moved and will put a siooi- a-all
ccxi, W runls. Ur U’
<'*>m . i»
J. W. Smith expect* to do Mary E Bickel, pere-ls. Sec 2f T. 24,

Four and■ one
c Iin


‘iaurt««un house. The hulldtng Is
e m^dher. Is left f nnwra.lio I*, oif cenn-nl bloeks.
Net Always
O ri-sifjes 111 Gr.x-n iJikc.j, ______ Coretiek of tronwood. 4 years
ife of Wllto-rt
fllts-rt Ti-ller. and^^i^ was probably fauilly burned wbeii James as be gave Bobby a coin, "that
f Edw-an! Ki:<use
aiicmpled lo dash through a Ism. If you take care of the pennies
: Travers* Cll>.
sbUlInga will lake rare of tomaahwt."
Brother Vsnderhoot was o.nveri^-fire, i.fier i--m.
Bobby looked a trifle dublou*.
;i .wrB Uf>- and iinlt.-d w Uh the M. K-[ pia»n,a„.f
"1 do take rare of the pennies.'
hurehund was an remes: ‘'hnstutii
........ ..
replied, 'ffjut a^ soon aa they get to be
» the Itiiu' of his death
"Hie funeral.
shmine* pa takes care of 'em.*•as held at the home, the Anderson jl" Mv- h.-r ch.l
•nderlaklng r.onpany having cliarge.j After the a‘
• larllril by a bu
and the remains wer.J" “."rr I
I- window . Ihey went
I onp.
r-in-i-le and found Herman DeKrayter,
pose .vou can etrt my hair witboiit mak­
22 yi-arv old. the hm>-l b*rb*T. t.n the
e "inhabiui
ing me took like an Uiot? Bartwr fdUgrotind wiih his ihruit cut. t.ut ellU
fideotlyi—It will ba a pretty dlIBculC
1i\ ing He Is tx-ll<-ve.t (o lie Insane.
thing to do. bat I wm try.-Llppineett'i
daiicMere of; Magazine.
Real Estate Tranatera.
l-.ading Hancock In ]
-------------------------------Howard Whl'ltic & w ife
Adam - A t - hur Hnl.->,
V lathing off a aanijl Sa.vlng well eaitaea_t laogb. Doing
Strieker. *••'» of se**. Sec. ... T. - | siiraiiep mar.. ■
' welt cauaea alienee—Frencf. Proeerb.
R. 12. *1.
Ibor cxi.-r
Julius M. Hu.-Iliuaru-l and «i'*'J" „>.Alia-.
TlM Oiffoft
Smith Realty
lore I uml . **, caught b th» rurr.-nt oJid carrltd
•Wafter," prntn
H. L. * Co r 2nd.
U-y.iuiiil her -l.-ptb. ilrowning b«-!ni-e' traveler. wH
Ith Ind:
Almira M Carl to Otto hysH
jaesiManci- could
luirre-ls Scr 2«. T 2T. R. I". ».• •
between ruast muctno and your, Oil
S.-imae| .1 Kelley and wife t.. Al
r}o-.iDe«-r (rtrl ali-o c>« IMO d>—p


have been dmng”“^"
le cemet-1-v graveling the driveway*, j
The Acme base 1*11 teem w.-rc In•led Ul Elk Riidds June 22 t<> play!
the Elk reraeiil team, wbo deeirrd
their best pUjIng
R.-euli of pun.'
- turday

Tbe cuckoo la aa likely to rte*
nest a* to make it but this fact doe*
not take from tbe point of to fotlowiDg pun, qonted from Bbort Storiaa:
A young Englishman being artted at
•Inner wbeOter he would bare aome
blTd’a nest pudding, said, ttmdng to
bto bosiews: "Ah. yea. Bird'a nest pod­
ding. and what kind of a bird may
have made itr
-Ob. It waa tbe cook wbo made It.**
waa hcT.-proopt reply.

R- n.


M„_ Kd


osmun. wUU whom he had

2:!“ l”’j fontirrij bo-idwl
Vfbra h- rv-galned
R )'•
JcohSclousLe** b<- to-gged l» have the
!,» N, Blord and wife l»
picture and gazed «jro»tI>
Baker, iwtce:*. Sec ::4. T ... B. H 'j
p mu»i he h.i moUic;

• Urether arrivod
n*.k Ftinixm and • .fe to Aaron.but *h«i an
R y.immeran. lots 49. 3". 31. 32. 3J. from Litchfield.
KtoBslvy. 89»"
taken a«s> -.od bidden.
lukee dispatch rerentiy com.
g. Vroaaian paint.

•Oh. sir," t
rejnmvn. mere
to a difference; Ttv- rriavi
abllltog and (he rnas .lMuh to nn« and
rtgp>.cv.' -U.nd..n Ma.^

-W^st rylr^^-rtb.





: makes the very best Greeo

brand for years and o^ cito

danger or weaituy x.kri to w4«Da tomers always report sore
and good results. In bulk
or in boxes. Prices the very
QaDCT.-rbiirrt<-!i.kto le-ir.lowest that good Paris Greco

l■e.•ultar producu
MatK'buria whirli are Iwcouuug !•klicimi. to the outride work! -.u.-of 'hat .v.uiiiry
]«-__ _
prnlni-e-1 K.
hy ...
In-MK-t iinm»l Aulto"
roea iiern.vl. ■
ti live, ui-m the_____
Moiignltau oak k
In M>ulb>-ii*tpni j ■ NtoBW^V
rapture of a 13-poand, Maw-biiria
Tbe annual prixlaplicu '
1> loot- briter to- Whliefish in Loke Michigan. Dortns
ft.' lu'-ect.t -z.-k. Cifi. John Park.-r.j
' Watqurtte, U-* a srhltcflsh from *“8'■ >-b«f«Tnre.l lutu ,«artw.

Travene City. Mich.

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