Grand Traverse Herald, April 04, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 04, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





e*. RL MimIm.
tk« hiM:

UfiMj91»'miU4r«AMM of cntii;

a Rav. Hr. Hanowall
|«Mlad.hd» Ipp-dbowMo aa
nhteiw tba matter
BaBr'aad «w 1^

ReoMid tbo ttonntetu et lb»|
ndtewkl. Who ha. samd
«t' vmtr mitmaats with the tiw^a. the
t»M;4Ra te tvo toUowod tbr ktmtlast 00a balop la the caealry. bU raplMsrtMB or MidUM Awku n mm- neat palarthroa^ China to Pekla.
OM mr
^ tM'ieflpf of thao para a
wdMi M Mhlr«k
fratt the caaater and bow the law re
•eioa 0i» vfOlm plain; are nada tato parfaet soldlera.
The hpirlt of Componr M.
ou. M inn. pnliBd «tih Uio tin'M
H. l.-1CwW>p talked for a few mlo(oRaR^oT tbo «(Vnfod «wi4 to tM »ias of ranp Ufa la It. bHaptac hack
doon «r PHtlo wall tb* cMniry U«i (o Bamorr soiaa of the lighter phases
■tfiMoe Ruoy n>» otm ud iiiripM. of the canpalpa. Tie wu folknred bp
mipV itaM ten Unwryte* of tPe
who talked oo the
,f tba boys.
DoltM ti»M aMBM * iHtr erauifr
atJ^BRiiteiRote fcocR out' oRlr « fnr spirit with which Oompsnr H
ymtm RM «M bat a fev «mW. Tb«r tato the work and of the praise
iMt PrUip DlfM. UbM fomr aooi* of they fecelrad from an haeds,
«o I«eau «t tUfeMb
Hirrar Laapworthr was Ban esHad
Nft»l. Drited^paiit* WVotMut. oa and epoka of tba opantloas along
.la Oraafo ban. tbcra Vtro naar tha pnir -Auriop tba clan war. Ha
was with tbe Tbirtaanth corps and
U -4ha Mnaaor tad
ttm *• ban tba aatba of atertm psva iban cradli oaar tba Slxtetatb,
b« byarr ffn. 7000^ or old fllted vUh hut Chsrtae Harford, who was with
tba|tea oC ntrteOaai tiok* aad atala ■be tatter tpraag to this feet aad defeoded falx dlaltloti of the amp which
doMbi «Eb cnatac.
Ika pteffiaa-aotenlRoa bad «oa« bmupht a preai deal ef aDutemChased Indiana,
lU’^Mdr wili-aad it ana aoMar^arapt. R. R. Ohaae. wbo chased In­
fonibo teat aaabtr hatf i
ptaaMlaad "AaNilea*’ aon« bat Uma diana during a portion of tbe cItII war.
ef hit exparieacaa daring the
aoHMd ta aa M objoet, ao pMaaaatir

Clam Boalllon
LobC Utead Walart
'BiedM Laka Traot. Dpaalata Raon
Saratoca Cblpa
LaMad «r toadaiMaa, Mubreoi
Maabad PoUtoaa
tjt^lta Bread .
Bron Broad
BWt Salad
Adiar (ba BOad iblaBi had ban dli
podH afaad tbo anwhaa aat sdIoc
CdBL 1. y. Melataab aada a abort addmt of taSaona t» tfea Jmvb -vbe
«m tha hlM book la Uta^rte W'a
Ha «oha «r «ka food «m aad -faaltat
of tfea rooatar maa toward tha oUac
*'Voa bava aamd oadar a

t. -a. A. a. «ada th
ttfsaaa aad apoka a( tha Q. A. R, at
■ with aor


L rooBf
to Bgbt In a pBOfM ta^tetma.
tba toaafatear. Rafant B. Walter,
wa* Vm tatrodaaad. after which P. C.
OShart taro a tbort talk oa coraradatpaahlac cd ii aa oaa of tha

grSMR-tMaft la tha w«>rtd, b«4nc tha
antpbWh cr .
... ...
ooSnan. nnatap ftet paiaaai had
baaa felaad ta tba
BM. Bawpoha ot

aeUra namPar of
llta aiMit

-------^..Hlawad W*a tha^isHlaB.
tba ABarihaa pAwU for thdr Rari
inty Clark and rapixtar of
also oonaiy dart, replttar
«d was a masher uf
. M., lit Ibis
sBlapa and a mao
iba Rnighlx
Tar^lar of Traveraa aiy.
tloa of the blph order ofi
IWlre pall basrers^ai ibeu
si tba pra»e. All bu
were rlonad from 1S:S» lu 4 o'ciwk
Ibis aftemoew.
The e>-i
closed for the anllra tisy
Fardlaand Saislit met s
teat of^KS* week. A heavy piece of
Iron drOH>e<l h> a norkmaa ftora
above struck him a elanrlap blow
tbe cap. ranlnp a deep pash In
lorehasd. then upoo bis toot, aiaa
lag two toes. Ha Is confined tn '
bouse, yai Is Ihsokful be wa* nor
struck Bauiely oo tha bead which
would bsra rsuaed laiUai death.

iplnx l«
spandlap the week lu
Mrs. P. R Mania, wbo sprat 1
past week with her brother. F.
Boswnrth. relumed Wedaesduy
“ 00 county P - ...........................
land. Ora.
Hiss Mary £. Winierrt aad Wllltem
J. RInpler. t«u of tba roost popater
and hifhly aalaencd yooag people of
Milton township, wara married al
j -naasacn sad of tbe awfal high noon. Wadnasdsy. March 37. at
tha bcaae of the bride's father. Jdm
tblngs *ibat be saw aa a taselt of tbe R Winter*.' Only ralatlvex were piaxwork of tba rodsktax. H. D. M<
rat. yet there ware about a hundred
puaxts wltoexsad tba cen•moBy'pa^
apxrira on Iba poasibllltias of
tomed by the Bev. John Priestly. The
poQDgar orpsaixatloB aad stroaplp racwas powaed la lirowo *Uk s>:u
oarmeadad that thav astabllih a
lleniled by Miss Oertrude Bias
amoMB'a auxtHlrp.
Oaorpe Staanis ler. end the groom's best man wax
They will live In
para hU paraoaal raeoiteetloax of Un- Arthur Winters.
ote. Mr. Siearas shook hands with. South MIKno.
A rereplioD will be tendered W. II
'Heaast Aba- wblla mreiap la a rr
Fife sad wife at tlielr home hi Yulia
maat af New Haoipahlra sad told
next Wednesday evening
prior tn
ibeireleavlnp tbe farm lo reside In
low tba nawt of fata death w
broagbt ta «awp.
‘Ehticr aarvlcex and communirm
Eapteteaces In •Priaeo.
tbe Prashvierlan
xhyierlan church In Yulia
U 0. Cooper, who was maatared «
ndsy. condiicied by the Be
t:S0 Sun
Hr. Van.
of tbe Baaeaiaaalb battwp, light 1
The village council al the meeting
Monday evening vnicl for astensive
repairs on the munlclpttl dock. Ma<
fli*-aad oarthoaske. Hr. Oeopai
aarrad la Cuba, tha Pblllpptaaa aad ia stiragiben afld atraipbira the simclnro. The Ice has left the hay am'
tha llalt^ Stataa. bala( atalloaed for
farther damage may be expecleit
tlm at Frioco dorlaa tbt^rtl- araaon.
lapa laat April.
Ugbining atnick the bara of Bra
W. KMIIhar teritad tha Spanlih Ttetars living about five mllax aouib
of town Monday arenlnp, loariog <
War oVtarai to aitead tha aanual
one and of it and killing one hni
flra of (ha O. A. R. io com
and Injnrinp another.
republican cauciia
oiailao of Lm'i aarraodar on April ».
be following gantlaroau were
Tbraa Staan wara than ptaaB for
d for townahlp orilcep: 8uboth tha old aoldten and tha roaacar
parvUor, Andrem- I^Forga: treasurer.
oaaa aad tha alBplor of -Anarln'- Charles Carver: nerk. F C. Iteng;
JuBilce of the peace. Rd Wall: high­
way commlsslonar W. N. Curry, school
Inspector, C. R Wheeler; - nn-nils'r
Ht^rvr. Hleh.. Harch 3«.-^d>o
hoard of review. J. I,. Warner: lowiiHate of Pranklori. fonnarip soperia- Bhin commlllee. H. S. Amerson. If. It.
tsadaat of the Ooclpb PatMi Caak (Ireen. J. J. UclAiughlln; cousuildo.
aap of Ikda fdaca. was a alHior la John Bigelow. J. K. Howe. Saul
Crarnplon and Martin Hansen: pouudthia harp thte weak.
inosler, Chris Gricksnn.
Lon - Aebannan aad Blraar Vara
The Woman's Ceroetary aswlsiion
haat of TbompanotlHa and Prosacot- win bold Ihidr first meeting of the
c hall.
April S al Uaccahec
lap Attotwar O. O. P. Vaniar and
Bl of the I
aoclal tor tha banafil
Depatp Bbertff Oaddaa of Frankfort

bean dedpg Honor

tbit t

Ooaatp Clartc JBp has a(4d hU
Hiss Cbarlolla Dougherty
Blaa on Ely Halpbix to Jamaa Wysa home froDi l,ansing Monday Ikm
#mt af 11.
of the scrhMis condlllnn uf
Attar Mr. OtlbNl'a talk. '■Harchlop aad la aoasaaBabca (hareof tba
fually ara oM la (ba cold, cold world mother's health.
lliMiBb Baonta- waa Map. at tha^
eeaa—iu of which A. P. NaHInpar awatunp tor Newt.- to sarnra a
obla raoldrica ta Pmakfort.
driven by Che bowliiip alley five.
loapeadaB to tha uaat m tbaRora of
The Bev. W. U. Thompson was !•*
HtsB Hauia Ahby. formarly poxlofII,' ta ORMtap ba tteoha of tb» apirit
grip Sunday to fill hU inilpit.
which Chao. A. R. had awdowad late dew elaric at ihte pisea. Is vIMllag
tha pnapar acildterB.
-Toar aplrlt frteads la Hooor.
hut Sonday school at the Meihwllst
haaalwapw boat with oa*’baaald. -It ' By tbe way. have you aaaa Waeley's church.
Mrs. W. It. H. Bean- and daughter
wMwtthtiatbat MaratMBlaplR lau
xpoadaat had a Hwelal la- Louise arc exl>ecied la relum from
wbaw wo.Jdt Ttaiaiae atr for lalaad
the south early to April.
vUatkia axtoBdad lo Uwm lo «lav (be
t|>lcle<l a fine
•hasi litsl
■ 1SI con
Uha.” FMlwwlat ahMc tbta aaaw
Roh Bei
ftiray triba aad |
largest to be
le of t
uaa-ba apohawf 4bo npailor haowion the intend lakes. It is 31 k.
^dga Sm oH aaMtefwpnanaad af tha rt^ aad strictly wp to date. Waslay
tong 6 2-3 feet wjde and 3 feet In
haaiblM wueh woSd cone to tba
depth and will be equipped with an
roac- wna who wphaM tba •
elghbfaorae power eaglna.
WlllteB Balowr «f Hemastaad had
Hva. Harq Johasoo Is In Traverse
a^hMSpala. HaateaadwMbaphn■a mtafortuae 10 hoae bit bara City cartng for her new grenddaupbtepteftoloto tbaO. A. R. n iphteta
nek by nphtalap test Monday nl^t ter. born Isai week, and lla BMher.
Mrs. Fred Vahey.
aad teat three horsea, two rows, hay,
Dr, Morse, assisted bv Dr Frank
tba Mlana Miaor than favorad tha
seed, wagons and happy aad all ol his HoUsxronh of Travevse City, retnmed
pathoriiv with AWoat ta whm ttaap
farm Implemeate. Lois 13.000; Insor- an iBiemal tumor Tuesday from Mr*
waiw donpd 40 aoapMd with aa «aJohn
tea »M0.
eotOk •. R. Qaiwer- tbn «owa « da>
The patient la doing well.
Mr. Orifllth has retnniad froiB
Dr. Long returned to his prscllce
•ettpUCB «d tba «iwad twatew of tha
soatham trip.
bete after a isro weeks' absence speyt
aaUh wmr at- WaMiapiae *ftar tba
-Shorty- Snllb saps spring Is here in earinp for hi* sick father la Ithaca.
don (d tba ctail war. Mr. Gaiwar
A daughter wo* bom Tuesdsy to
la aaittnci tor be saw three black
waa la tba -rottew aad toM what ha
Mr. and Mrs. Oeotge Herman on the
saakea iylnp acroes a skidwap In Art
kMWaf 4ha dapMad-raalta of aaltaai
"*Carl Aim has engaged to sail with
mew that* paaaad tba ouad balora
Rnplneer Fred Otto as oiler on Ihr
QnbL tba wavatanaat orheteli aad
Jesse Spaulding the coming season.
“Shorty hartap bo weapon except
Miss Mabel Wood and Wealey Mix
Japaaste eaatbook ea hli aboaldar,
ere married Wednesday evening at
daeldad no) to ptra baitte and beat a
te home of the brlde'a father. B. L
Bdad to the text
I'eod. In the presence <rf a few ta­
baaiy ratraat.
toaK aad toM or tha part that tba
iled gUCSiL
Wonder H tbaro ta gteag to ba a
wmacB at boote ptapad la tba war. Ha.
Mr. and Mrs. George Herrptann. a
waa tea roowacroaHH watti jpu aad laundry to town. Honor’s ppuap pbo- dauffater. bom Tuesday.
tbwafore tm a abaan to he amnp toptBpbar was taklDf tasnom la Ircip-’ , MIS* itebel
bs* resigned her pusition to
w Bipbt this weak,

the wteea. mathara aad awaatttartt at
take «Peci at once and •will leave
>as Trumpowar left f<w;^llaptd
homa aad aaa ^Ht ihcr ware doiap
Moafiav or Tueadiy with her ptrenta
aad-bow tbar wort -mEerisp. Ha City Thursday inornlnp srbara'ha R tn tor tbe wwt. probably Oregon.
Uka ebarca of a eaefton on tba p. M. : 'R. Q. Boat relumed Moaday frefa a
■poka o( tha tadaeawi at tha womee
ualnesx trip to Detroit.
nnrend. Jim teaaas Honor with the
oa Om RMv at tha (loaL how their
Cteod mison and wife returned laal
bast nrlsbes of all for soceess ia bit
tntWitT -bapt - tba aoidteca peniap
week frote a viatt of several days in
mdertakhtp. Ha has xarrad tba Blnpbaa. called there by the nines*
awar at tha waaty toatlaa of tamp
P. M. faittafnnp for aaaan years and is and dgatb of Mrs. WalBun's Btetber.
wad mai^ aad the more racUap 01Charica Oewlll. an enst side reM
carafal and
palaxiaklnp raltrvsd
rarimee of haote.
»ol. and sister have fallen heir tn
aa and tba Para Harqiiatta eoold nor
imawnrth Hate followad Hr. Caraar,

aad toM what ba kaaw tf tha haute hare made a batter aateettoo for such
ponsibte poollMi. Jtm leaves a
of BaatlapD. Aiihoaph Oompaiir H.
Tblitpfoaith Htehipaa. was aot aa
thadtohllap ilaa. thty ware wilUa tha
daam aoaa aad Hr. Hate pate a ooat-

In Demand

Hr«. Kate Ultla has opened her nil

prohaattea Idea ef tha hauia, both Unerp parten In A. B. Case Co.'a store
Irem what thar saw aad from whai wlib a full line of upioaate poodx
Call and ba convinced.
- I
A. B. caae ta net Inprorliip a* fast
Rofaart Rfwtrds than map "Aaate
Laaite- la aadi a plaaHap maaaar aa he waa a few daps ago. At prraral

Ouxinea* man know that when .
' a otenaaraphtr. Clerk, or Book- '
keaper ta raeommeoded by the
Djti^t^Braiwaaa UniveetKy M

That is nahy wt umvat I

that tba room laap with apptaaaa far he tx eoBfiaed 10 bU bonae aaabte to
■aar mtaotea. Ha was fonad lo slap pet out at all.
apaia aad this Haw sanp with ta*
Htesaa Mteaa a«l -Braosi tateaaki
-Mr OM Rtautdet Homa,-

Hr. Bd-


OBCN-Fl*-f '

*n had a aerww apcQ of m-*r whirh
Irfi III- In a vciy w*ak .Aj.diii..ii ai.J
»*ry r.i-r»ous I had *-v.-fc..f
l.**dar|.» and r--m»lru, unu .-suia
*1- V L>rt w-ry lime. K>--iv ,-ti.rt tt. .1
was nude to vet-over my sirenrm w*s
ot no avail until 1 1>*«-<n lakinv |„
Mile*' N-rvlne. Afl-v 1
turrinen.--^ lu lake <1,- Neniiu- rav
fleeg worn prvrrxind anil r*-vrtit, 0?*!
U.e palna In mr >.'-na. aa w-, ll as t-eiieuniLaOi polns. left m-- to a eertaia
tn Berylan Av-e.. ti>4\>Jere, Ilia.
Or. MIlOT' Ntewlna It tMd br your
druqelaL wHo will quiramt* that tea


KBRACV LAY, rmliliaL


Tire Tnsurance!


FlAM Ciaiiix, 8tMm MoUwr And Accldwnt ltuMir*n«*.

A fictenl ttAM^ taiacsp DMt

JKnncy lo Loan on Imptorcd Real Biatc Only.

■“ •tkssmMsaiaar-'-

Koom SIONowSUto Hank BulUmB.





Traverse City, Mich.
Sell you your lull turn hiuim-or barn.
II full lioe of

We carry al all timed

(Jet tij:urr-s and coiiipan- our gmles before buying. t’;il1oa
us. Look for tho Big Ktsl I’Unt. K. h'I> Ht .mil L.ikc Ave.
I’hon*, Boll 1190; Citx. 308.

" " '*"*■ "*

'aliisbie property

~ nr-ar
Buff;ii.. N V
The annual l)o*ltiKlnes* inecilng of iluman'* galld of Si. Paul'* ehun;:
I lie held Tiivsduv afterm*>i> ui
d hall.
.Jrs. Wllhrliulua Dverw raiiw-d ibaire*! Wednesday oionilus «'T MIki
Z«-llu«kl for uSHaiih and laii'-ry iipim
r son. August.
tng Byer* with a h<-av.v iron dipi*-.
. ling a gu*b in hi* head ihai re­
quired jievcrjil RIlK-heS 10 «-lrl-u» T-1
young man pleaded gulHy a«d
coat, and flue amniintUig to ai-43 te­
xtile the doctor'* bill.
Dr. H. Beiirh Morse ».-t up a U-ef.‘•leak supper lu the niemters of III*
K. of P. lodge Weiliicsday evening
------ -ni uf business as 4
ir the doctor who I* a

We Believe"Tte^nfarls:
CliOK'o I.ii«olor>-<1 .l.ijiao particuLirly tine tluvnr au<l
If }<>u have trr.uhte getting a
ten litn’i« to yi-i:r litiog try a ean:}ili- {lounrl nfthia
tibu. \\f will tuku o'lr t hkiKiet on yonr oouiiog Lst-k.

_ J. J.

Tb‘ giiiiiif I'Mii ............. ...... ..
Kulaui;i».'«> l.a;; l..-i-ii r.w:ii.|.-l lb<cunlravi ' i» h-.ilM lb- n-w S^
hotel in T<.l.-.b., Tte ;.J| calls for an
.-v,* .‘f ST.-..*-,
A horse wbl.-h Mur.ludl Hull
i lijmy 1.. Bird, brtitli.-r ..f Ailhiir C
Ik-ntoiv- Hai iKtr «a'>r>un>l.,g.-Kuad.-nInird. stale dairy :.n-l f-l -nspcHur.
ly ju,u,*.l toward .him. and ca.ehlng|i
jha.i l-'-ii a|i|*vln1i-d .b-iiriv .•<.lb-<-l..r
I* band between Ite currycomb al

jcif-u-lniil:. t“ -.lie‘--cl S «•





la ril Its aioct* tkw*
.aaoM M ckoBuou,.

Cut Stone Work

itm m.'acellBtotb»l>dilU.a|CT*di
___________ jaaaaODil laoteaibcA te.i.fUa..Bodkic tad a cBi* I.4.cta li U box d/yiac-dar,
B«l|*oJa*aaat*ilag. *.11*
.—i- i]|
• Vi>al»‘i..1<iccaiibyia..:.
-..................- ecu by
PLYl»kOTflSkS.“"*r's>‘l'U“b7:*-4'«»*L*uwu:icwY«k. ''

A. W.

If you iieetl a (•-«

Carpenter Tools



Pay* for b

Tbe Farmers’ Store


tea di.«~ad Beiabm-ltcor«r.tuitiaoad,->rw
aworacuiJ -u lUUwl

Cht Brni Znmt 0tnU
Ttrm tad Tlntidt
Two papact Toe tha priaa of aoa.


0.1 wb...-n- I...01 »a.- Urb-d. bn* I.
uwuided |1.3'-o .Urniugi-. b.i




AiHi- tat

'.il SI.
(Jeorge H-cks of Ann Ail~ir.
egio. wbo VDK li-iil.-l llii..tii-li Hi.-i*
Ir fiiriv iix-i l>y nil Ann Ai i-oi 1-11H10-. 1


Wllholm Steok


th Aixdio l<
leave* for Ills Dew- field A

le Kfull idlirheil om-flii;f<-r r.ff.

Dr. F.

Price, SOc per pound.


wei-au aiiit yoQ UrtL in tjuality anil priuo.


you wtint choap tools, w,- have them; if you want
tfOtel tools, wi- havi- thorn.
frum 15c up.


We kave pijaana

Hanmera from I5c up.

siwa from l'>c op.
ill town.


Wc have thi^ beat $1.00 taw

Befun- you buy your carponUif' toob oonie
ill anil hiok oor block over aodget our prioca.

Better than Any Other
Coffee at the Same Price
The largest exclusive coffee roasters
in the world impoH this coffee rfirccf,
blend it, roast it and pack it in air>tight
packages and sell it direct to i^ers.
Think of the proRts saved hy this
direct dealing. This saving is put into the
extra \uaUty of M'^Laughiin's XXXX
Coffee, and you get the benefit.
The handy air>tight package and the
, glazing of pure sugar keeps this coffee
^ clean and fresh—protected from dusL dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX CcHce is Sold Ly

paod pomtiona and we
Utete *«w,. Addrste IS Witcaa ;
Avf. DatroitJarCaUlosite.




Elj»» Creroa Balni

IB« la WNTp-walk of Ufa hot that It WteeUODaartap tor tba oeoatp aai
obWia WttNBaM.


That is just what }'ou arc
doinjr when you fail to jfct reg­
ular ami sufficient siec]i. Your
body retjuircs this unconscious
period for repair work; wiiliout it your nerve ciierpv' be­
comes exhausted, and yuu are
tired, worn-out. ncrvotis. c.vduble; have hcadaclic, nti:
ralgia, indigestion, jusir app-*^
tile, or other ailments catisr.l
by a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to flrvp. If
Dr. Miles’ N'ervinr; it fooih.s
and strengthens the turves,
and brings sweet, rcfiet.liinjf.
life-giving sleep, and gives the
organs {tower to work natur­
ally. Try it to-day.

tlMcnc Qfy State Baak


Seeds are on Sale Now.
Make j'onr selections at once out of tlic
'■.--M- n Wav tb-»!is
‘i-rmtti Wav B—jU*
l-iiily Tqyliip Itliml

Ij-t’Z Improved aad Wliiu
1-'-'"‘ec—Haiixoa*. Grand
bt> and SImpiuin)..

|y>h? H-d M»nsHiiriir«r.-r.
While French Sugar llc-r.
'iublra Taakanl Beci


Ib-an and prc-rl.-**.


lAtu Flat Dutch Oabliagc.

(luluna-Urpc H«-d Otobe and

liollaod'-r Caliliagc.

Rid Wc*lb.-rtHd.
l>4r*nlpx. Sweet Oatdra Praa.
sm,-et .KJowerlBg Pra*. K**|u,

Iniprviv*-! lAHig Oiaiigc reriui.
Dvhrart Orwage rarrns.

, I aim. Radlah need of all noct*.

l**m.-r Hair lami; rartt.i.

ilubl^d Bqiiaoh.



All First C!ij5

rnm TtondV''! Berord.
At Ibe arienuM

Bcnkm «t

palieaee must Ik bad irilli
ordioarr taw wltluBt a pedigree.

Omd TnT«r«* DMnrVM'i uw
Cvaalag •eaaieH.
tiOA. tke MOtlnUSK camIUm ■
The rteoiag-aatlon of the ooei
■dUad Ibe (neovlac nvort. whieb
oa »aa well attended and or much
««s adopted;
raise to dalryi
Pmildwl. 0«arf« A. Sobdrtaea.
selectloB Ly Ibe orcbeitm

aition rery ec
ot tbe water.

aner betag taken out

To idl Imtter.fnim oleoi
heat lA epouo over a lai
roams It is batter. U It apul
gku Of tenoraled bolter.

Mtm praUeat. A. B. Palmer. Kal
■ haaka

a or welcome was given by
Dr. BobiBaon'a addreaa «
Mayor Priedrtoh- He extended a nwet wltb practical Ideas and wa
SeereUiTHraaauKr. Jamaa L. Ha^ beany welcimie and aaid in part that leieatlag.
In tbe coo-

bdoAKre board. Jaaaat U Harris. reotka for many roaaoni. perbsps
Otaad Tiarmaej B. B. Cate. Uala- la selBfb one migbt be stated ibat it U
aaai E- E 'Ward. Cbarterola. T. E bolldiBg tip tbe
PeUC Bwlc: A. L. UapklBi. Maota- and Ibe dairy leads to Increase
laej Join mnleia. Antrim: George cattle, build up tbe tanas ^ (taereCarlisle. KaUaafca.
fore tbe elly. enoUter reatoo 1» (h

caused ber death came Sunday.
Mrs. Derby was 40 years old
leave* a bosband and two daughters,; years but tea eblldrea atn let
n for him. They are: MinnU.
, and Alice, two brothers, three
HiUIda. Mra. Jroepl. FUck. Mra. Wll
adstere and a moUier and alio l

a prottv faar. a good ficure, bat
sbooer or later learo Oval the
bealthr, happv. contented wooma
is moot of all to be admired.
Womru troubled wltb faintiog
spella. irrrgalaritie*. nerraus irrita­
bility. hmrkache. tbe "blue*.- and
thoM dreadful dragging ■ensalioo*.
aaanot hope to be happy or pop* lar;
and adraoeement in eilbrr hume.
buslnessoraocial life is impcmsiblc.
Th* eaua* of these trooblr*. how­
ever, Tieldaquiehly to l.vdi* K. Plakh*m'» Vrgrtable lompuund made
from Dstirc roots and herb* It arts
at once upon the orgwa afllM-Ird and ■
Ihr nerve eeotera. disprlling effretuallv all those distressing a.vmploms No other mrdleine ia ihrcoti
indoraemeot or has such a record ot euro*

fTteniU lo this city and at Bast Bay. Itom Korn. Mr*. Arthur Neal. F. J
John. Cart, %'llliam and Albert. A1
Tbe funeral aervlee was held
rieraron at 2 o'elqck. the Rev. Joseph Ibe ehlldreo are bere bul Minnie and
la expected that sbe w ill be here In
time for the funeral service, sbe being
gsibered at the borne and there
r^beauUrul floral offerings. Music In Cincinnati. O.. at present.

in coaUnuIng his address yoeterday
rltrolsbed by a quartet." Under•truck By Lightning,
afiernuoa Professor Bmlib nsld that Ukcr AllderMio had ebarge.
lb Che splloiiT* of the building
wbik- alfalfa bay Is the verj best buy
Hugh A. McKay.
abort prayer serrlec was eouduel scudding lying sranered about a valIcMibly
tell fsrn
It noon today by the Rev. IVmai the faintly uf Fraak Fowler,
- pul tbeir
mooey into H. A
dues well la CoehllD St tbe borne for l^gb A. Me who live near Dowers liirhor. dlseov-


u lo do well Kay. tbvTWd Fellows being In charge. end Sunday ibsi ihGir bone bivl
I Mrurk by lightning during itoThe body was lukeo to BcIlalre lor
tu Tuevdav night.
Tbe damace
compara(lrri) light but one piece
Arthur Qlfferd.
of llntM-r was torn in bits and th
adrerlidliur in program, to tbe nr
mlod .with bin. Anotber r\-aMm
The dv-atb of Arlbiir Gifford, son
alstke. ten pounds of UP
family w.-i.- ohllvirqi. irf the lart <iuil
papera ot TraTcrae Oiy for helpleg ror weleoming the dairyman Is tbsl grass. Clurer ought lo form a
Mr. and Mrs Oscar ClSord. which
19 dlM.'veii-.) li> Mr. FtowJer. M
to adrertiae ttala maotiog and for
his health and the beallb oT the peo­ sIHoent psil of any pasturage.
eiim-il Tui-sOay night, was unus-jslly
ccllest reperta girce o( papen "■<> ple depend apoo him
Bmllb spoke of a way to prurenl po­
Tlie yrning man had been ill who niulced wli.-i.- il»- lioll'enti-n-il
building wliib- ealllllg on III. son
dlaCBialoB. to the Kimball Music com­
When tbe tlml>cr in this region
tatoes from iujuriag
store tost Sepiemix-r with e«nsqm|iyesi-idiiy.
pany lor Plano, Mr. and Mr*. Cum- gone Ibe land will be jnst as raluable by trenching. Sandy soil will not hold
and Tiirsday he was attacked
e taniilv wa. awakenrol dining
' mlMs and tbe Ber. C. W. Cbase lor as before as an Mtrtcultnral district
enoogb. (be remedy Is to pack
a liemorrhage and died Is-fore
the storm by s InglilTuI i-nish << Ihiiumnlieal atirndanee could reach
Ibc dairy will be a good part
with l•arB)ard msnon- or iilant gi
der and Mr. Foul.-: made a hasty tu
tbls raloe.
crops. While It eeeeius Ihi-iv Is
He had juai
gnidflalrd from
tbe pest year tbe santUry side o( tl
smsil plats It doe
proMcta baa been ccnsldeied and
in large tracts.
ported Ibaoks lo tbe besliwss men of Brilk' Inspector ebown and tbe dairy­
A good I
Trarene City tor eubsuniial aid
men hare worked In bamuny and ro

Lydia E Pinkham’sVegetable Compound
Mis* Emma Bontxler. of «xl State St . Scheoro-t»dv. N. V.. wsite*:"For a long lime I was iroabird with a wrakarie. whieb oremed to
drain all mv slrenrth a«v*e
1 had dnli bradaehe*. w*% nervrvu*.
imtable and al; ".00 out I'hancing to rr»il one of vmiradeerti«etDcri*
of a rare rimil.r to mine cored br l.ydii K. iSohh.m * VegrtaWe
Comiwtoad. I decided In trr it and I esomn express my gratUnde for tbe
benefit received
1 xm eoUrely writ and feel like s new perwon "
Femalr Coinrlalnt*. Weak B*ek. k'alliog aad
at..« and rieeralioa. and toloealuabU in proDixplaremrats. Indammatewi
lUgeof Life.
paring for cbildbi-th and thn

SlSTlIl’ll <>f the i-xteiloi of Hie bulldiog
grade and would have
Ibe HLcta srbool in SeplctilVer finding no sign- of Du- or any'olhi-r
tor eanlUiy coedlUons In homes
bail beWn sMr. During vacation be damage Their phone was put ••
tbe dairymen, drclaring ibal tbe bust
Can any plant food get up Into
cnmiulsslmi along w.ib uiaqy others
unrtbctore of food products and are
man aids the assocUtlon even alrT Y<-s. bul pbosplioric food will woikeil for William Ftiote and
Mr. Fowk-i's father ma.s Irying
In (aror of s Uw extoodUg the woiV
When itie smfaee Is emidnyer and felluw einphtyes speak
than tbe fanner, there Is a bet­
ef Ibe comnissioa to iarlude an ID- ter cists of butter demanded In llu- too rlos.-ly Oie Wsli-r w ill
•ry highly of him. Hi. mother was lotalo the iruuUe yesleiday when ho
Bpeetion .of all eommcrela] stack foods
g<1 In berausv Uie air will not gel
roastaut a^endant during Ills III- aceldenully ran aeroas a sllslii bole
ne corner of the building. The
■as MUd all through the niontli. bo
likelihood of losing wsler ibe u
the gK-en plant food planieil.


ateru to promote and encourage

Milk Inspeeteria eapericnces.
Prof. C. R. Oockeray then gave


XH confined lo hit bed. be suffered
Prufesspr Bmitb rioted by speaking
pattrotly. bh. friends brightening bis
of Ibe Importance of dairying
. commuiilly and
In doing
what Is room with flowera. Tbr afl«-reot»
fora he died be sang, -Nearer My
kaown bi IM- best.
He Ibinks




Cboporatlre thought too particular than too slack. Ing committees:

Craamarr twotpaar. K.
Dii9lay-«. 8. Cate, trrt promlem.

from three to flee per cent
-A. P. Gray. David
better fat In the milk with aa arcrago Roush. Professor Dockcray. Hr*, a o:
Priat—Wra. Prances. Bansom. SS; of 4 per coot In testing.
ma. 8. & Cata, «: Hn. Praak
F»od AduHeratlen.
otobh. n.
ttoblnsoD. state Mullen. Mrs. Altec Cnibb.
Jar-Mis. Prances Bansom. »4H; analyst of the Agricullural coUege.
i- orebesira Is. furntshtog sum
Mra.EM Catena: Mr*. E O. tadd. gave a Tery fine address aad demonmusic throughout the sessions.
m%i Mra. Boberiaoe. W.
•tratioo on food adattermlJon. He be­ Friday's Rcconl.
Meralf^ taaaian.
gan bis address by telling of tbe ordlATiaterer .i man can do Is ih
TW moralng seeslon of the Dairyeasuro of bis habits, said Ur. Smith
«ss of digestion, speaking of
dlseu'asion at the dosing session of
maa'a aaaoelaUoM srai oaly fairly ai- the Btmpicsl forms of animal lire, tbe
the Dalrjmen's association yesterday
tendad and then waa mach dltapI animat or plant whicta re­ ariemaua. A'hat Ibe college does Is
poUlmeat that N. P. Hull of DUmond- ceives Us food tbroogta absorption, tbe - uke the boys Just as they ere and
ibem the best cducalli
aie. who waa to glrc Ibe principle ad- residue betilg forecd out through in­
illon I
dreae. wna aol presenL Mr. CitMoan dentures on tbe ouUide of the bmly. sibic to gi<

■ to be the sense of the
of Gnea Lake, who wa^to do the
B tbe process sritb the more
while ll
■emlag. to nick end It leeToa the
complex process of tbe buman sysiem. lieen seanUly allcnd<4 yt't much i
igiMUt la a rather awkward posl- sbosrlng that food that Is congenial Is was to o>me
fei which bad been manifest and
absorbed and that wbicb Is aul Is
that tbe^ssoclatloii’s Inflnenre will
thrown off wbca there Is not force far rearolng and for Hie liulldlng
Hr. WhHaey^ Addreaa.
r the dalty Intervals in this ro
There waa. bowerer. ea excelloal enough t» orercomc tbe odds pul
lunlty. Those feeling this to be li
program for tbe dairymen.
C. L. agnlnsi It tbe food is a polsun.
Dd speaking especially along fbis
Robinaoo gave tbe folluwlng
Wkitaer gave aoma n>»ble bloU
Bc were Ptvf. r. D. Smith. C. L.
from the food Uw ptsacd In oongreu
upon tbe teedlBf
dalgy cow aad calf from bis largo ex- in ]«K:
Klrut—An article shall be deemed
CoaUaned tm Ponrtb Page
! adulterated, drat. If any subsUnctittto

K. P. Ilall. wlu> was l» give I
object -Tbe Duties of the Sli
miry Inspoeior,': was not present a

.|>okc brled:
>d Ibal the luspcrii
conditions good bere. that tt
sihat aad tbe meted of feeding. Tbe iuriootly affect lu quality, otmigtb or
s lack of fmt 1
gaanty of food to of trot Importaaoe. purity.
Ibe mill.. The
aeme years food la aatrUloos
Second—If any Inferior or cheaper
times not. aOteUmet better
nuekeniy's n-markn. also tel! inn of
than at otAera aad Ibueod nmal to or IT part for It
1be Individuality and coiurort of the
Third—If any valuable or na-u
dlSeroaL Oar mlUt do not alsrays
dally cow.
teralrii good braa bet rooU are el- eoastitsent ingredleal has been wbol
B. O. .loidd. in his statements, n
nraended tbe sale of potatoes I
way* aafe fee K to alway* kaown wbal iy or In part sabsUtaled for It.
ircbaslDg food rich In protein.
:ro thus appropriated will give go
“Wbatosor to led. watch rerolta."
neyesld that

- substances bsve been adxod with

portaace bow much a cow it fed

Mr. WhftaiO raiy enijib

had jumped off. It siniek and iip|wn
corner of flu- room. aUatierIng a large

looebed otae. also tbe proper care wbetfaer manufactured or not c
aad rearing of tbe caH were apoken ot
of milk If It Is tbe product of
el taagth. Tlie aaceatry of the cow a diseased animal.
ahoBld be stodlod aad reaolU noted.
Sixth—If II Is eolon^. coaled, polIt vU be band that this U of moeb isbed or posrderod whereby damage
Impfaliiro in tbe daliymaa.
or Inferiority Is eonceeled or If by any
means It Is mode to appear
groaier value tban It really Is.


Beveotb—If It codtains any added
ibetance or iitgreiHnit which
risoaous or Injurious to bcallh.

One partleutorly sweet

■adc ewUUed "Mta,- after Us llUic
doagtater. was played Ibis morning


speaker went to show

bile our adullerallun may nut I
irious to health It is a fraud. I

and George laiUoan. Jr.. Rifph, Hervey, tnille H. and Mabel Anderson,
•nd one great granddaughter.
Adt'll .tadersen. beside Hu- agv>B
band, are loTl to mourn bef loss, be­
side a sister. Mr*. H. Rlcketd of Gar­
field and two slaters and a toother
Phoenix, New York.
Few knew belter Hit- hardship*
pioneer life tban this wife and mother,
aho left friends and relative*, and

Stony Beech Scheol.
Ri’t«ir1 uf the SInuv


IW-aeti -a-iiisil

Traverse City State Bank

Cov Ihe iiumih eniiing March :'.t l:s'T
Nmnto'i .lays lauglii.

XI TriwvssOK. Mlrhl«*i>.*l lks-V»«4bwM
s—. Mm-j. a»l. tad. M rallsd f-w lg tb*

Niinls'i eiindh-'l. .»
Total aiK-nitoutv.
.Wr-Iag.- dally^ .vli.-nilaiiie.
• N.itto-1

irc.i lard)



nsiiilh. I.illlall Wilvili. Isato-I Wlls.ui.
Alina Duffek. lUlph Diiffek. Aihy M.
Ikmidd. Uviie N.-lMHi, AllM-na M.-


Tlios.. slaudlng highest ofi exaiulua



MrMaaua, sixth

gniile; Rudolph Duffek. fifth grade.
Margaret Wilson, louhh. giodc: Al
toiH. UrHamis. thlid grade.
Tbe eighth grade was uril vxaWio-d
Nunibei of vlsilure .during
mouth were eight.

Iht 0>wk*.*wd DISK e

Lillian llorH.a. Tenelu-T.

Bdgeomb also of East Garfield, the
Rfv. J. W. Miller ontotollng.

Library Beperi.

-Th*> ii-piirl Ilf Miss ll.deu Hlitui 11
The eeremony i.h* idacc iiml
l.rarliiu of the t'lty lllirajy. slinwa ilial
mneulAecul wedding bell in a l»»er
l.l.'.t Iwik.' werv given nut during Ortlliol dwW*
of reius and flowers. Miss Alleu M.
Mareb. Tbe r.-|ioil follows:
Ainuld of Itole* was brldesmaU
I.r.64: Juvenile flrolori. I.17S; phll.nnFred Green of Baat Garfield, beat
lih.e, 7; rellglim. IT: avK-lnliiRy. i7;
man. The bride wax diessMl
Jiaiural sclenro-. r.l: oseful aria. 8.
cream albulroas and carried while car­
Jill.- an*. Sil; Ulerai'utv, 49; history*
nation*. The hridesniaid was dressed
to; travel. 2k: Idngraphy 42; bound 4st* •« Mirkm*a. ONBty <4 rtrxod TrovIn gray hrilliantlno amt carried pink
maeaxines. 81: dally average. .121:
r^"«5pl 'isrlstsl. -xAiler el Ih* ahovw
carnations. The ring ceremoBy
lusding KMOi BUendaoce, men, r“x.
The guesis were froul East
wnuien. 122: children. T7I. total.
Garfield. Old Mission and TraverxfiallL'gLOABLAjro.^
I.ISI; average. Hi; total Ounilmr «t
City. The hapjiy couple will live
children at Ihe story hours. *|n.
I>.si Garfield.
Tbe home w-as iireltlly decorated In
cvexBi-een* and carnations and roses
Tile r«-|Birt of Mt«» l>-!to Gillelt, li
abo-jnded. There were fnlly one hun­ btarton ai the Oak Park iuanrh. oowi

there w-as a Inlal <if 7x8 hotiki
with her llule fatally around her. dred Inviicd guc*i* present and every­
1 out during Ac nirmill. Th-n
helped to make a home, coming here one partook of a Inumllul w.-ddlng
17k fit Hull .*o'd 49S Jaruille fl-.
fony-flvv yeara ago. wto-n Traverar spread after the eerenvjiiy. The pre^r-tils
the dUi> average belae .71was ciiwiHised of a few seattered
During h<v resideitee uf Three huudri-J and Iblilneii pfsqile
houses and eomniiioieatton Viih tli

Makes a Chango.
I--Mrg.- is Hamlin, an ex|airln>ro-d

sU yenia In
East Garfield.
Ml.-w vlsiied the reading naitu, a daily aver- shio- man. toiely with A. V Filroirteh.
has oneepled tbr putUloU id mauagin
Mathews made many friends to wish ag.:*dl2.
Bnl lo the loved ones left iheie is
Id the abne dlvlsmn of thn ttoonab A
ber and tier husband miirh happiness.
lii-ro-liius lcgB>-y of kind word* sti
Ijiy Meroaitllle eomiany. made vmmni
Fell an a Hot Stove.
helgiful deeds, fur of her may to- truly
try tlic rtwlgnalinu .d ^•h*rtes Koroix
Falling Mil a hut stove, Bnu si Evans.
Id. "She hsib iloue what sbe could,
Il•■al'<st''a•l. Mirh , Marrii ju - Mis'.
Mr. linmlln was ihv firsi elerh and
firm believer In God's void and Hi
>u of K. A Evans. «I» Washington St.
.Nor* Bfflith.
ssslstanl manager for A V. Friedrieh
V. Hie IK-yeaiartd daugbti
l•lT>mlsn> sbe looked for a elly uv
for nearly five ->ear>
lie has made
Xilair seelj.Mi foil-man. tfa
made with hand>. eleroer Ui Hi
many fit.-iids who will I*, glad lu iiieM
kldus|s-d hy an iiukm.wn inin to>l
him In his new isuiltlnn. Tbto dlviainii
olgtu and taken lu lleno early this
e funeral was held
from III
ha* lately add-d acveral new liar* nf
rnortUng wto'ie she appHrol fur Iiel|>
home of hiT dangliier.
: xlrlppe.| ot his nothing. There sb'W-s and m-etythlng will tv done to
The girl. Wliox- eharaefvr is bI«.tv rvt TiiAsdsy ■rierouon ai
a very l,..i fi... h, it,- stove and milk- this tin- iiiint upHxlate stow
prt»rh. was n-tcniing home frriii a
O'rhirk, The Rev U-mas Uaebliii of
«en d-ir l.-.d ts.-n l-t q.rau tVMU-e ill the rl.y
nrixUto.j's when- she had gone afle.
the Cungii-catlonal church olticlatod.
When he stej.|o.<| -lulo til'- tub. thimilk, when a man
grandsons srled a* palltosarora.
r was not warn c-n.eig|i and in
necv'veo Appoimmcm.
fotTj~I her t
Two of Hieui, lleney AnderwMi ami
i.-:.e(iing fit . a M-nM-ii:e rir wa.rr that
I II. Gilliett trf !h- loral
lUide wvrld. w IlmlK-d


Wallace Lulman. who aie slteadiiig
eolli-gr were- not able to to- here.
c had l>een married slxlyou*}«-ar>. and has lived In this region



■ ni He- s’ove


ii-l Is ta.w rai Ih- (rail of the
Uie giri IS In a sertous e.m.ti
inn T:.mi h-r ex|»-rieure

loiiy-fuut jears-

bU l•s.■ltlg sUp|s-d


Itss reiu.lved notice Irnm L. L.

he t-il loaxrd Hie range. His Wilalit. a slair S'lperiBleadenl Of pqbs. M-.-1I III saving Hie |,..| .rf Ids llc iiihiroriiuB. Hut be has Ikto ap
1-sl}. w.-le iM.llv l.lirm.l .in Ibe ]s>lnt>-.| It M-uils-r of the rounmlnro i.i
( lie- bnci-is .Hid Hi- wrists. vi-it Hie Marqueiie Kocmal school,
s.i. 3 lone i.'iin a-ros. his alslo the .Sh-r mi-iuhern lirtng.Fraak Croly

rod. Fiili.-.v Roth 'll the I'nive.s.-v
Death of Jehi
len Ml:.I on- I.K VIS. MHIei.-d, *•
yt Miehlaai, and siai- w.i.Je,, ..f f,„
of li.'irnli aud W. F ly-wis of I’urt
J"hn Ransom. m«i «>f E. L. Ilansuoi,
M-'li. al .•'i. ndxni • was s.ini'non<-l Huion
It IV proluble ibat Ml Gil
.•esiry. .leliver.-il aii aildiess Finlay
The Death Roll.
dirol al II;tr- ia-f nigh'
nd his siiff.-niic reli.-vusi No s.-;i.jiis l>en will go to MarqiMlte Hie ialter
tilgb. on "The ..................... ..
I,.,., ore,
Thursday's Record.
deoro- of hi- lather in Harlield
their pioservalloii at Ilnwaclai
(•art III tidv wrok
Mrs. Urdu Fuller died at the home
sliip, his death to-ing dm- lu inberenof ber daughter. Mrs. Frank Yentsh.
InsU. He was '.'•'i years of age
721 liast Frost street, at tbe age of
U nl ilv: Nabonal IVc Food U*.. Cuaatace No. 2041. filed al WoJ
91 years tost nigbt at «:3U. Bbc had
Ransom bad been III for srmie time
In usual good health unlit ab
and Just two s.-vk- ago be retunirol
six weriu ago when she suffered
frvmi a trip through ih<- w«-s-1 aud
attack of la grippe from which she
sonibwest. taken in eomiHoy with his
r fully recovered. Almost
lather They visiieit !^e„i|e.'ri»iiaod.
end she was In full pusaesskm of. her
I.OS Angeles. Sill Fraii' i.-roi and other
lUI facuHleu and ber eyesight wa;
t'oilirorD)ii |•ulnl■< and finally went to
TomA Arlt. and from (to'ie lo El
tojdla Randolpb was boru In RurhPaao. Texas. He s«x:med
etrtet. N. T.. Feh IS. IkCl. At the ^
In Ibe west leil when the soiilbwcst
) she married
Alexander waa/TO-acbed. Hi'- • h-nc- f'w il«- w-irsiIlamIloB KwUl. who died t
was so prono'in-Td Iha' Ihe; had
. Krair years after hl» dcelb. she
0 hiaiie.


Be earo of tbo

milk prodacod. tU* can't be gseesed
at. know la poond* and ooacca.trld. Intected. tainted or ntlee
mal w vegetable snbstaBce or at
Tlroamoat aad earo la stabUag

Mr. Chaaa-B CMnpeaiUi

so many year*. Qght grandehlldreu
survive her; A'allace, Harry. Lola

sea suffering from anv form of
promptly comsinolrate with Hr*. 11
It free and slwiyt hrlprul.

fluid had evidv-titly traveled ini the
wire but iN.-rorr i-eurbliig llie boiiM-

taelory In Treverae aty and belleee idtoK addrosa. triling of some of b
Ibat tbe oatenHise abonld be escoarv experience* as milk Inapoclor. He dt- llirre Is a bright outlook for dairying
to Thee- and in hla sleep his stick uf llmlK-r us.-d lo Hie siiMtdliig
The spllnu-rs meie alioiit the slxe of
aged la esery way.
Grand Travorse.
Ho aald. -We mother would hear him ring "Such
dared that bo felt be bad made mure
troiihpirhs and were M-aiiervd alsiul
Approclatlea was espmiod for tbe friends than enemies In his
Tbe funeral
: hear rrooi Grind TreTeroe be­ Beeulirnl stalls."
vice will be loutorrow et : o'eliak
Mr. DDCkersy spoke npoclally along cause sbe win do what she ought.
from the huuse. lie was ouly 18 yeaia
P. Gray gate an Interesting
Unc U noBUteas and cIcanllDcss
ll>' sleeping in a nuni on
of Ibe dairy barna sad coers. He aald dress, speaking of the veo' Bne qual­
floor.Ibat often ulhers see better tban tbe ity and texture of grass In Ibis region
The house is nwuerl
Death of a Pioneer.
lie tbemiclres the actual oondl- for feed, touring also upon tbe
Treasurer Brown, who dro
-a. Ann Broekway. wife uf
Tbn Uaaaarer't report was giren by
aad Ibat when tbe dslryraai
salt for esttir, the amount to be used
agrd Tlmmss Brockway. died at
IrnlloB Is cslled he shows a perfect ranging from two lo throe
BalkMmaBbaad -............... ..............t
willlngncu to cooperate and leellfr
A Pretty Wedding.
unsaiaury ooodlUoes. lie aald tbsl! seeming to him loo luucb. lie also Mrv, Rioekway ws* lo every sens
plonro-r of the city, haring witnessed Thursday's Rivonl.
Pram memberaUp.............................. H.uo be bad been told that the waste prod­ tuucbed upon wbsl Is knowi
A very pn lly wedding iieeun
uct from tbe brewery was bring fed Grand Trarerse disease of which cal It grow fruui a mile liitnberiDg ham­
of Hr. and Mrs. Joseph
Total .....................................................m.SS to dairy cow* but be had not been
dig and no roason has yet been let to it. present tioslthui.
Ann Lesley was. uora In Cicero, Thoraii of East Garfield tost evening
KkptM ......................................
Ml.« able to fled one caa«. The dairy
fonod ‘for It.
Professor Bmitta
when their ward. Mira Bessie MaihewBi^aaoe ................
bans about Trarerse City, de- tested here that a gruel of linseed ODoodago county. New York. Nov. C.
sua was unilod In inarrlage In Alfred
Married Dec. 10. 184S.
'•wtler •oaring.
elared tbo epoaker. compere farorably
and linseed oil bad been found lift.
Tbuma* B, Brockway of Volney.
The butter aeorlag was done by with other places and srere 10 per
xeble and that while
prof. C a Smith of tbe AgrMiKnial
better tban (faoao aroead Grand of disease was not known It wss noted. wego rouuly. Sew York. Two i
and three dtugblera blessed
college aad P. A. MoOUl of Trayerse Baplds. tbough tbe dairy farms bole that the
third stomach
union, all of whom have passed awa.v.
OHy. srto has bad aloe yean' praeicicd.
not perfect. Borne baTc asld be|
except Mrs. George LuUnao. who has
Ucel expertaDoa. Tbe rcsulla w
too particular lo his InresUgaCommittees.
tenderly eared/or the Invalid mot:
OeemeiT Lon>y Creamery
Uon but be said be would rather be
Tbp president appointed

lint InvIUUon to Women
Mr*. PlnkhEm'sSUndinc


aleobol Is oflon mixed with the ordi­ BgalB niarried, this lime i<> Lalfarup
father. TiK-y visileU Ssa'lto. INntlipd.
nary alcohol wbirii is four Ume
Fkiller and In 186S the roipnle moved
Th*‘ funeisl ‘service will lie held
FMMbiUHet or Commofi Cmea.
Is s
Mlrbigan. coming to Grand Trav A’ednvsday at I p. m. from the rest
Tbe poaelrimie. of comn ro
time, not often, used to mHk sod ooc
s roomy in June of that rear Six denee pf his father.
was baadled by prof. & D. Bmltb.
will slop digesUon In the In- rblldnm were boro lo ibecu and the
-»nrT cow It (eotlag Ibe bill of her
Hc believes that practical
t descendenU are tweniy-ihree
Death of John Hendrvciu.
BteMor* so ate Toa aad » am 1.''
in agrienliure eoeW
grand cblldres and three great grand
John llendriek.s. wbu would have'
aald prof. Bmltb la vpeaklag of aa- unght la Ibe ecboul w|tb benefit, tbe ehlldteo. Her husband died rigbiecd
.rn 7(i years .rfd had lie lived until |
problems riiowlng the result ot odul- years ago and since that Ume she has
9x1 tnonlb. died Friday afleroumi'
tcraUoa. He tested two kinds of
■ her home with her only daugh­
4 o'cloek at bi* home on WashlBg-j
of wbot tbeir aaceatora were and ... frankforts bonght In town yesterdsy ter Mrs. Yentsh. The funeral will be
« sTiret. the esu-se of his death
Aleog tbto line be aUd It look God, and'tested one showing an adultera­
•W from^bc home «i 3:30 lomorntw. bclag b«-art trouble. Mr Ilendrickx'
tte yean to make *s what we are tion of aureh whid thus gave less
e Rev. Demos CodiUo offiriatlng
was very sudden. •* on Tburx
•nd bow eon we expect to edecate the mmit value. Another test was tb
Mra. Martha Osrhy.
day be was out ricoalng up the lawn.
eegro la one geoenUoa. l«o more salleyHe Bride In eanned fniil. cupper
Urw. Martha Derby, wife of Frank That-evening he wax taken III and fats
«aa te cow which has but <me gsaer- la French pens, pecan ecu colored Derby, died Tuesday momlng at T;1S
atloa to trace beck to. be what one U
wbicb locreases
rr borne at East Bay. paralysis
srhleb baa several geaeraikmt of valu- weight In Urge quonttUe*. anallee bclag the cause. Sbe bad been ill
oM* aneeitora to trace u>. Tin
dye ia piqi. cane syrup In maple syrup. about throe we^s and tbe stroke Ibat


“We (Wd in soiae of tfe
6nc*t hotels sod lestAurants, bul
did not fcod «iy cojee to cxiid

1 package, one pound fd! wagh'.
! Dcanng the name AR BUCKLES'
iigiuturc of Arbuckle Brathen.

Hul is vv hrt coe lady wrkea ar.d


W al
.1 ike
Ike other
elKsr padmged

,cdk«* *








That ii the gauroe artkie. ao______

TU ’ih,



who leaetiy ai^


ARIOSA Coffee cte$l«i and; uri^-AHroeam--the fat rooBed I
hB8 suited the heilth md tsMe erf pmAowd coBee.
BOS Ammon part, fcr ovF I So Iks jroo

B yoor groar wroT mpply. write to



“S!?lA 4^ tttMaM. I

d AfltortJt .Wiiur or tMt «itr. dM
■huiw M 19 Mtock

lost rd ibe hKomoUves la
mb M obdecaund. hla wo* baa been espocUIly to meet the temtlrctfenta of house were examised and tnn others
ly hereaoed, Brerrthliig U Bof- a tauy'e appetite, etaa nerved.
Bgg% showed that Ibey had been fixed la
the aaaie tutnaer.
Tbe ts'rsun wbo caused Itn- trouble
list of chalmea ct (he local eaudy banuy sat np on s
bcBe-aad-aj W ate iBtd had «m

a good. Hsbateatui supper dealgned

Home Rabber Band baa
rum w n>9 U>e *t tte imw «( ker
After supper the boys i
iU«bt«r. »rt.-lJ«rt. a W«»r. wbei* prepared and la mbliiibed oo ibal tbe
into a Boys' Hume and Foreign Mls■k* kM Mde b«r bom fof tb« pMi boya BBd glrlf will know who to go to
Munaiy society and Um- (oHowlnr uf- ploy who w..-ilri ,io anything
at rubber.
■Ls mn. Her dflUb na «M to tbt
lhal.'• He tvideaily tbiak» H is
leers were cleclod;
vetfM M her Mraoecd
aM aM» foitowfag la (be tiaf.
o-jlsiilrraabo has i: lu f.u the
Prosldeul. Vomon HsrUu.
Aabary Cbnieb-RobeK WaHer.
10 • stroke of ponlrA. mtcrod Rx
Audrreua. jand iiii-d. lii bis small w.<.v,
VlcepicaMenl. Chii
Brangetleal-Mra. B. E. IMkoap.
or ttrvB rear* oco. wU«b hMl kept
!llu-ui lia:iii. Ml lli'isi <s;ai<d lhal tbe
her cMlBod to-ber Choir tor a s<«tcr
amiHiPUsI lo almost nutbing
Trraturerl Raymond Chase.
poKtoa <R (be tiBe BkMe tbea.
.1 BlUtlll Irare (wiewd (bem
The party tbea dispmwed. ut
Hi\ H*Mih^ voa obc of the ^ tcBlaada ^oogbey.
goodlsoim- II.
th.- Iron on
OirUllaD Scimtiirt-Min . Puratby being prufuae
Dcon «f flleblihB. Had abe »red w
riiiT. a
Wisher for their imcluv.
auJ each owe[.ii1mr
111 Aprtt M' ^ «odld bare bwB tT
dowa de..p In their fiejit wUblog; for'
for e
xRta oM. Sbe
twra U Ifew Toik
biil^y Teliirus of tb.->w wa-ial . • s t. h.. .Hd ||
et«te ml at u eorlp wc ewae »Uh
Bnptlst—MlM I.ouhie Brooke,
bea- iMKa lo Mkhlbao. Tkcr veiii
livuliU- from the saou- soimv .
nrat Methodist—Mra. Hanry Klag-


Dangemwa Work.
Ily idr.cing srtai" lion III ilajlgeitins

Church of Christ—Miss Ulllaa Flan.
Breabyterlaa. Mrs. H. B. Gamer.
OenlrtJ School—Miss Purdy.
Btawood Avooue—HIM Barton.
CnloB Stmol—Miss Bvana.

{•raMMu t6 Bonns u> Fife Lake
illk «ttWiaS nwil oo bfer fanq la

BoardBan AvMue-MlM Vivian.
Oak Park-Miss ^mlnga.

J^aba VmmiT (or cnor half

BoonrUle—Miss Hobble.
Dowa (own there Is a barrel at
enfOoD of th
The ••■igiu.' Wiis luyHie^l.uisly piveu
aehaon'a candy store end on Union
Uil|u PiNis oud
there Is one at H. L Knapp's power enough to roll li riiuu-liii stall
<rN»c* tbe tadU bad bla olnrabi.
nto the pit alsml b;i: last night
Il«i (MTRbhr «ti t Btn^Tor bod hr
Willie wo.-kmm we.-:- Jarking it
Bercntb Mrmts.
lalii oat RraM of the land in that
It-la bspectmi (hat «ii three hnntis back mito (ho track about aitdnlgbt. a
^U>:' Wbab bbe flbR -b^wi b«Maehacvlw. arUidoo «>aaa *aa l■paaylUe will be filled by ibe last of neat n-wk. brick was Ihitiwa aldheui out of lh>darkness. Tlie Irrm which was plnc-d
'>»-yraenre and the upMlnsa la the
In the gulder
was .llsi'.ivensl this
( Waa 71 Years Otd.
TJiursday aneipoon ii litlU- cotn- morning otter ensluv I'-'” bail tveii
Kllgklly daiuuged.
. .
tMRe ovre nbbnr tndlaati'Bbottt at pony walked into the borne of Mrs.
was In Klall No. 4.
that Ubk. bat b«r teinilr alwara treat­ Ocorge Metcalf. »« Stale street, withbile lh>- lurnial.i.- was In another
ed UtMi rtgbt and iher netrer entetod out knockUig. It being a nirpilre
in or
OOleas bUden. bat at om time »hc bad Mrs. Hclealra Bolbtrr. Mrs. L. J. 811sby. who was 7» ycsis old that day. about Ihe engine uud when the uoImhhd ai Bianr as ihlnr at thaaa to
caused li>' tli<- lank dropping Into tbe
tMoL Tbn boys oT the famllr were The surprise was au complele that It
pH luvughl the nnm.UiaiM- men tii
,eatr frfeadlr wlib the IndUm and fafriy took away the ancient day's
the seimc. II was Ihrmgbi that the
baRBoae tb^f atwaya deait falrty with brealb and she did not eren recognise
lUle bad
Irecu leaking
UieiB. they bad great InOneecc with her own daugbter-ln-lsw. she soon
th'hairpeus oeeasionnlty. giv;
tbe redaklna. Freqarnlly at the dead
slenm to the cylinders
ell at \bc tadlea srbu had t
et Dlgbt.^tbc Mgli
bad Murnmaa tbrn that they might with •deikloos refreMimenis prop
•lrop|.ed Into Ihe niii.I uiid slucV lliere,
prevBt tba'lBdUna from buratag
us keeping'ihe engine on the t
Itelr gnaartea obd aU(»s (or «omc Vighi
by spends Boot of her tlae. as she Had (he gnmud Isien fityseu, huw
.. wroeg that bad been doer.
the whole thing would have gone into
:«ra Hobbart'a giaodfather waa a Is not sMe lo walk abont moeb. Such
pH wnU caused no end of trouble.
'aaNler la the rcrolailoii. uklag part uttic deeds of klndnesa and words of
help tbe aged (cel they are not Wri-k was Immediately etartod on
U (l» taattlea at Bunker Rill sad Valtauk and
It was again «n (be
iry/brge and acrrlag uaill the eokJUncka
before mtiraliig. While the
. Metair had prevbmsly invited
me todlea (or aapper but (or

Ult and her non. Jaaon Clark. RMgbt tbe ladlea kept a secret. Sbe
hi On dru war la the Seeond M1«M- aurpriand as well ns her mo
e pieoent were: Mrs. i. M. Hengan chTalrr. A cooala aerred ts the
•hr wUh Mexico ami' loot hU tUe ia .derwotf. Mrs. D. Crevellng. Mrs. J. San­
aab <C the baUIea. and wbea tbe eatl born. Mm. George Bmlth. Mfs. Frank
Sllaby. Hn. C. B. White. Miss Mar)
tOTT to anna la itPS. two at
U Roben B. Waller Sirens and Mrs. Slevena' They
o(-lbla ettp taking part la the battle of haengbt with them tells of worsted
pteees for the pretty guilt Mrs. SUsby
is making. Mrs. Metcalf Is very .ferath.
b«. Mra. ful-to Ibo ladies for giving her m
a happy Urlhday.
•bavta t. Walter of Fife Lake. aWord
sabltago and bla brother ae<^

rite In the PhlUppInea.
""Thrwa chlMiwa aarrlre

that* are atxtan waadchlWron and
Tbe Nortbem MIdilgan Transpoita
^.eight •reat grandebildrea. Mrs. Hob- tios eswnpany has lust put ihjir boats
hai« ’*aa b deroot chrlaliaD am
In proper shape for the approaehins
Unoogh bad yeara of anCcriag
m nnd are painting them olive
boro her atOeUooa with sentlmcaii green, entlie changing their appear.
it la- Ibougbt navigation will
and nMeboeaa

Mn. nobert Wol£r was at her bed- open April 10 or 12. TIte officcre for
aMe «bm> ahe died and Mr. Walter tbe ensuing jvar are; Missouri—Cap
al^ Mn. G. A. Uolllday will go it> lain. tVillUm Flnnosu;
find :
this Bflrraoon to atteod tbe Alex Aadersnn: Boeond mate. George
faiBna. Tbe acrrlt* wtll be held 1o- Johns<ia: engineers, chird, Thomsi
Borrow aftcnratai at the baiac and Cotllns; MV!oad. Kngene Berkle; tliini
tha body wiU be Uken lo Jackooo ■att Hooper. Illinois—Captain. John
-conaly far barial.

SIOMebcain; first male. William Me
Galggan; engtoeers, chief. Bd Wledur

April Fbsi Party-

'. X

dr/r lug


HIb bead was terribly cut aud lrrulsr.1

boM. second. James Bnrtoa.

Past party" Tburaday evening el the
bsana of Hta. BbIUi. 9ll> West Nlntb
alreec Tbe Inrlwiloos.fend 6ttl Wcat

rter Btieet Friday night,

wwe alM InvHed to make caad! and jesr ellher ai her iiome on Wcbstci
wfisa (bey arrired lonnd that ail tbe sttmd or nt their colUage at East Ra>
i( evening the eiilerlalnDient
ummH weiw out rtmdy (or (hem and
Meb ttbe waa banfikd a receipt which took Uw tom (d an Easter party, and
cssneyoa tbe-tafortaatloa tbat
BM* tW7 MaW-BBtad.
-Rllbr tbis-tUan%oabc Bod ba
shRRatei a gnemhic contest wi
being suggKated by IRnstra '
OMtaat U innalcal tertas (idlowed end
tba tbe fineats (onnd that they

KHrWy ItoMMr pmvi npeo th^tod.

vigor and chrerfu'lness Mwm iii«3|.i»si
when tlickidnr.«arc
This aUtemcnl was Uin inodlDed i.j
5^ out of onicr .<it >1»Mther to the Meet that aebuol
~ eSkcd.
lierorae ao prex-slenl
setenew hM *at yet tmaa
I tUxi it is oot ..ticoni
IB the *hbMs. were aaiorlonalr pom
3f uion tor s chili! to Iw
^ Isxnl aaicted nilli
caoka. thoretote the
weak kidoe,vs. If (to
rae tbe tsmdy b
«aL Tw« kU«B. tofMher wii
Hk dash, or If. when the child-------ad -BOts nd hah*, were sorveO. the UK when it should be sU« toconltul
dtalac tarn h*« prattBy
been Footbd again as Ibey ball tn-'n
loM that they would hnve no rauil>

There were



and wh.sipipg congli nfi.-i an ill.
■ i.r only throe days. Tbe fneei-gl
s.-ivlce silll lie S:md«v al 2 o'eloeg
the ehiirrii at Solmi. the Ret.


.Andenmu will liave charge.
Mrs. Rslne Has Raturned.
11. Rjilnc. for luany tvais issikk(S-|M-i for ll.c Bust oil 8t(m- lu tills
city Slid who went l.> Cluittan<io-.».
Tenn.. In the same c.vp;iciiy with

itnsenihnl. hag



.irebottles. Yoamay
,e a sample bottle
own free, also s

ble (arfiverr way.
TlW •Oaiah Home.
The BtniUb Home aas reevHed lls

motoal ietim' received from sufiew
fim bartei of whlmr from Traverse esi*- Id writing Dr. CUmer & Co..
CIV. The dOBsUes was made by
M^UKOO. N. V.. be oow
DOW and meoUoo
Don't moke snr Bt^c.
BtHBhar d yoofif ladles kh<m as the twiTynwr
ttMtoh Mob* etsh.

Is hla letter of

a*h^edfB«4tt. Hr. 8wUt suieaihai
«hm aw '* aoBber at new tioyt at the


Sloeiivs I

5! K'E?sSSi?i!S.i.V.,anaonin.« .1.

I'-D wra

mu ITtSwU USm. bx x>4 H kmby aapWamS

it Ch.Klvtulx

lb- i.r-,....... .............. . the


-Wa-d ....................... l-ir..|. k f-arl.mix iviluKi.l. •• .in ili.- .'’iclil.


gan r.-iiln.l fnrni Fjv-.l.-ilr t.i Arid, a
.IH.nnce Id rort) miles, by Ih.- laii.T
Til.- Ii:,r 1.-. own.-d by lb.- WanI

TrarerM City Railra^ Co.

;,n.l Is uM-d to hauling
to the milts ut iwanl. llirrugh
tuissi-ng.-i • oi.c»i'-x *;« r:.rrie<i .
There l« .-iiongh iiiiibur «»wni*l
b(t«-.. ycai-s. iii..l

Ih.. i.r.alu-t»


pldtis liriM- Isv-u an
lonmced w1i. r-liy M»kI(«-b.mi wrlll soon


bav.- nnothur larg.- ;.».l ni'sh-ni hofH

For G>uaKG)1dXrobk
RbeUmatism and

oml thus pine.-II..- . iTv ..n .h.- m
Is- lor .I'v ............ ..
J....I.OVI III i> sl>B|s-. Till- plan a.line.,I lx lo n' and .-Bci an
...her sl-.ry lo II..- ruiupau
'- I'niuii d.-)s>.
x<si..!iiic ;icioi



:.n.l;, .. ...toll-.'- W1.U- '.-•.ni
.t X...-K .-•'H...1IJ)

At «tl Dealers
Price 25c SOcr 6 *1.00

....... .

i.iH. to

Senh Free
f-SICRinis Book on Horses
|CeHle. Hogs 6 Poulhy

III.- tlci
||.. 1:4

AddroA* Dn'EUrl S.SIoan


I'- -

.'III.-I ..-t.l-

II,. ■ M. \ . . Ill gi.i-liu'j

Tlie outward





... .................

..fttirmri .N-ci iving.

Nicely (dmisni




J.-ciubi!U-« of pssi .-IuIIk-S.


Tltc lii-l.Uai imrls wkid. ymi irm-t '


inkL-w fuilii. pre moyt .-.vA.-tiii^y j
, looked afu-r






smx -iv,j '

lasliHC igoallltrA.


Our I

ps-s wiUi every gament—tbe Isbd
Made bv
r. Royer « Ca. Chkafa.

tUHI Cbey Deed

Rocovering fbis Spring?
new stork
sjirini; line
All the i.ewDM,briKlitcslp..K.i.,s

Yoiir Keliable F.'mi'urB Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
1?7 S. 5»<wth Union Strent



Islk-U, /-ic., .!■> JOH .-riiixliluto ail iLe

Row Are
Vour lUdlls?



M. & I. E. TK un
«B. D>.b.ais o-.n...r I-I ~IM Mbw •aUsUi ;

Snedal Bargains on all Cast
Year’s siocK.

vetr pttoMHt lafia* and the hottsHCS pnmd ibetaBlvei very capa­


ts Ws aadearors to lake tbam beae.
bis fsltehtyr was apptvcialad and bis
cerriCM Mcepted. Tbe cveala* wm.

Thirty Tears

ago I suffemd terribly
nd I had the Int mrdr. bill Us- mote nwdK-iW
nr it •eemed to gi-i. I
k4« -ui wiih modViiie
modirine Htf
(<u aliout five
weefc« nntil 1 nw the
' Cut.____
Rrmedkw advmi»ed. and ] al once purriiae-d lb.- Cutu-urs N<iap. t'utkvua
Oinimctii. and riiissira Itiwolvool. ImjI
had not Uw .ligblcl hoye rf them
curing ns-. After 1 had med the finl
M-l >rIh.- r.itk-urs Remedws 1 saw the
impnnrnnenl. and in iusi six w.eke my
ekin wax os em-.-U. a> --ver. 1 advate
any .s*- euSenr.g from tho terrible
di-eww to U»e Us- Culi.-urm Retnedies.

tu-rg liraibcrv.


prsaant aafi at the aBClnalaii of tbe thewimperuniorgsst. Thuunplcniaii.
atalr. th* man of tbe bouse. (Ik ontV tymbleMdoe toadlsesred ron.iilinn of
Ibe kidneys and bladder u.d not lo .
OM of hum an baad. got very busy'

For Over

WoraaiConvtdsigasAwishMU findLossOT SIBE

Traverse CH.v to remain. II.- wilt lake
IK-xHInn ns boi.kkei-per for Sieiu-

iweaty yiniag

the'enS^sri''!/ *OjSnrra'^
and my wife u miirriy teoovned. She
thanks Cuiicura Trvy much, and wiU
fpromiDimd H highly in our localiiy
Oftd in errrr soak and conire <1 our
parish. Cod hkws you for the sake d

Mr. and Mrs. W. An«.rg‘- of Solon
I Thorwdsy aHrra.iun of i.neuniiv

tl lias

an esiabllshiul cusHmi with Mrs
Ntotb. bol wbea the guotta arrived
there Uiay^hnr* be«» April ftmk-d^l Biwor (or sevnwl ytwis to eiiicrtali.
tb« Urey riioM cowe back lo Si: Tkar her riana of boys at least o»..-e .-acb

dstibd ■>. Ibe BaXMd nr tbe gneAs

would slop uuac
Oinuanii its-

nnd Im.ii'l i” i.-i';- i-xp-

CtSM Etitartainmant.
L Ebncr'M elaaa of boys of the


brr Ml err were

3SS; !T5S.’i

' Hfas HuMa Bvons and Mrs. Fred I..
hosieaaea to a a
(bn iCMbers of (be dty nt an "April

cOcct ml all mud
■the employed C-u-

uaui o( coH>

l>>v-.ane iiiibisaageable ali<
Ur. l.y.k'll xttK'l: lo'^lic wagon
tintll H was ■■.’•-ituni.-.l unri sms


Bears the

My wife was taken badly with ec-

Serious AceJdent.

Death of George Helm.
G.srrp- Helm, a iikincs-r of
were tnisy lu the pit Ihe i
Traverse ciiulily. dit-<l al Ills bonu- ii
waa burled at tbeni but eiuuhig froai
K.-ystoiti- Saturday, kidney tronl.l.
lire ilarkncSK they were iinublu n
He otas r.3 years c.
rtnlae wbn threw II.
past forty-five y.-si-s
Itogine N... ISU. which is on
has resided In tbe oo.ioi.v. Sis cUllFinch eterii mn. was mmle ivsdy for
dtvn sre lell. HIb father. Guurge
w««1i this rnomlng but when ibe
Helm. xr. .tied Iasi (gll. Tie- (uueijl
ginber ntarled lo Iwck Hie nisdilne
w-rvlc- ’ .ill Is- Tiie.-alay atlcni.H.n
of ihe roundhouse the Hon in the
h.HiM-. l•nde^takel .M.dc;»i.L
guides iatnined them und eaiised dam
I charge.
age which can casll)' be repaired hen-.

• dark at Cedar PUIa. Iowa, and Jaaon
'Otarfc d Jnafcwn ooonty. Hkbigtn.

]tI» Kind Yob Hpve
Always Bm^


Wi.u.i drirtag to Kingsli-y r
-n- Fmo'ii
laUIr pit. Mime uiitiiowu iiiiscn-aul at- D-d.-i;.
teiupted to cause Uie IH-rc Manjuetie
scrlou. areldunl Fridii).

loir and tbe

Hhr iaiber waa a aoMler la (be war o(

Suffers Three Yesrs—Hands and
Eye Mest Mbctod-Enipfoyed
Doctor to No Effect-Nw Entirely

places oo Hirts- loconHilt«-s an.l prob­
ably backing another into the iiiro-

iwllroad a
lot of trouble at their
loosd hous.- at Bourdman last«-



are inwle i» svar. i».t looks
<•<«•! airoDu aoles,
n<>ft U{i|n-r |i stiier.a>-w<.| sitli
jesl «iik tbrv-ai.

Every Woman Gan Have
Good Bread
I’r.tvicM >hc uses "BEST" l-loiir.
It's easy to use and satisfactory in
its results. The results will be the
same every time if the conrlitions
are the same. There is no question
al.m.: the quality of the Hour —it's
always tiniform, conMiquenily must
mahefiOOD bread. '


tb. y don't rip.
It's wont w.> apn afti-r.

Hannah & Lay Co.

OMM ^VtMt MtinUA, TflUMMV. AMML 4.1W.

an RapUA-Mto. »:r.Ti. i.



I «W .|nr *»*•


«4M to trnmiti «««•

« euuM MTto ii

Well. I ^ra ga aramd to wrii
agala. I and inr nrhnot-matea. Lottie
Oees. Beralee and Oladrs Pulelpher.
Ethel Newcomb, atw gotng to

Wfar. bora and girts, do r«n realise Dear PresMenI—

going to sctbool but I Just surled Iasi
week. I bad to -sta)- opi of school on

Wllli«‘* April'JoW.
Hasier WlUlp ui Ml on ilw doonCep

• one tor.
Apart t*oiB Us wenr eompaBloBa ai
Wiib bis diln Ip bli hand, and bU
arto -to tba proQBd.
Ha wrinkled hta foiUtaad in ihouptii
maai pnfmad.

or wbat was be iMnklBR?

Can pnr

April »tool’i ni^ was mimlnc. and 1
«1I> cnareae

The niw part to ll is. that e

aecofini of the wbcsiplng eoiigb. I am
slwaya i
eleven years old and am in the sixth
doesnl matter how grown up you are. grade
We have, a large orchard to
»rr little yon are—because ei
apple trees nnd atonui one tlmen young
Cradle Boll babies knew bow
pearh trees and quite
smile! Tu tie happy, to be loving a
respberr)! bushes. l.aKi summer tbere
not to worry, that makes us Son- was an awful ball storm here,
ablners. even It we doat wear a little mother and father were over r
i«d butloe or algn a pledge card.
sisters and tbere was <mly I iind
Krary day,
your pieiddent •d Biy slBtera borne. |i eatoe up very
loan down at rev- abe looks tor tbemin- suddenly.
The wind-mill was gcHna
ahlny faeea.

Tbsi Winie was {tonnlBR Jnal wbai
be irtHMld do
. Tn “TV a«' a COTlaln bad lx>r wbon
be knew.

She looks at the hurry- and the born doors were open.
didn't hurt Ibe wind-mill any but li
blew some to the liam doors off
rnncb happier ibey would be It they oiberwine It didn't
Ing. buiy men and the anitous
tad wcBdera It they cmly km

would attoi frowning and let their Well, I must ePwe (or this tint- an'
lbs liiRi up at the eernera. Th
win srrile again pretty soon.
-He atruto n»c!" ibouehi WIHK -and abe looks al the hoys and girls and
Bvec friend.
BO glad to see the smiles on ilieir
Bernice Pulcipber.
.SbouM be a preai coward.if I didn't faces. Onee In a while abe spies
Mow pretty your fnili tn-s will
red buttmi as a laugUng l»y runs look, befotw V.-O' long, •rben'-ibev nic
To to Wn aotoebowl*
Now what pan. or there is a palter ot feet be.
jabe eaa I pdajrT
bind her. a Utile band la slipped loto
Ok RapIdA Mich
LM-B see! Oh, I bare K! A capiul beta, and a Siinahlne girl amllea
Mar. K. IMT.
iBto^er face.
Dear Prcsldrat—
Tbfs tot aeamperpd be with a laugh
Do you know how abe It always
long time xinre I
t. bit tatw.
^ la
looking tor yon. Sunbeams? How she
rote to Ibe Suoahlne Club I will
waicbes for you. and Is glad to see
rite now.
There are iweniy^evra
>our smile? How many, many ilmos scholars la ucdutnl today. We have
1 wonder if these are Sunlot to fun at setooed. I was eleven
For to course she doesn't
■am old last December. My Riiidier
Who orted.-Here's tbe boy wbo was
knew all your facet. But she knows
e arlthtnetir. history,
II to look like!
geography, and spelling Well I have
always "preach. more to write, an 1 will rtose. Will,
But what rsuaed tbe quarrel? Twmi
lag." areni they? Well, ibis Uu'l a
ve to all Ihe Siinshiners
toitr a hUI
-pceaeb.'v this la Just a lllile visit
Whieb. belooglng to
quite by oioselves. and the big folk
l.cMiie Clees.
wsaiad. (bafa sH—
I am glad to bear from you again.
Bncb a trUlag. wmaenairal thing.
llaten to what we are saying. D<
Uuile. You and the rest of the girls
. tomi ran aae!
to know a seeret? Someiinies
have sneh fun together,
Over which Jark and Willie quHe
11 Is dreadfully banl fur your presi.
Ok Rapids. Mich.
ftOM to agree.
deni to keep the pledge! If she hud
The Im to April dawned gaily
>d It all by herself, and there ft-ar PrerddiHii—
it anybody else trying to keep
Nnl having wtllt.-ii to you |.<-|iir>- I
And all Hirls of queer Jukes '
It. coo. I just don't kno* wbat she think ii is alsiiii lime. I ho|>e you aud
played far and near.
would do.—But every my she renx-in- all the Rnnsliinera are all well. I vUI
And Jack bad a nuwaage from Willie,
bow the rest of you are trying,
old illy neat birihday.
whieb read.
and then trying again. So abe irlCA wbleli Is in Hay. Our f.dks aro build*
-Como out sad be |wld. air. tor hltover and over. TTten. all ofn sudden
ise this winter and
ttng my bead!"
the Bunsblne creeps into ber heart quite large. Three .tears ago
once more and she Is happy, no happy. father Iniili a new barn that was
Now Jack was a raward wbna threatAud every one to you have, helped tunte also. We have five horses.
ntto. sad w>
Just by being Stinshlners, to...
driving horse,
Wbea Willie waa walitag. he diea.led



to go.
Tbe other bora laugbed. -Ota. yonll
catch U.” aaid ibey.
-For wmie-a ao tool t
Foots Dsy'Bo Jack, aituiering courage, went oat
la a mlnntr.
tta Bgbi
10 win
Wbeo ki! there stood



tossed him a ball.
BayTpg. "^hllch It. Jac*! Catch It. good
wWira and all!
•H Is room from this toy:

learher's name W Miss


othfr plajer. wbo Immediately quits house ihU summer.
wn and plays tbe leader's. Then
the leader preiends to pity the In-

Monroe Center.
Mar. i. IW?.

children nnd I m-ere i•amles^<rs. All
of Ihe children
very morb
pirased with Ibclr cards aud buiions.
Well, goml-bye.
From a iriiv Riinslilner.
Ruth For»>ib

KiilhiDs Hav. Mli-li
Mar Ii, 191.:

Her name Is laiiira. and lUnbrolher liU name li- Oscar, he Is foul
have a niusln namisl
l.iiaek liiilsl.-id. In- is nine nioiiihs Mil.
It.sve you lull Osi-ar
and lauies <m the Cilidi-I H,dl..

Dear President—

m six years old, and I would like mamma w-lll not lei them now- liecause
they are Ion smiill. The oideei one Of
in your RunsUne Club. I t
Meli~..i. and the next
school and am learning in read and
write and do numbeiw. I love tn one is Irrae niiil the sinalleig one Is
old relhrw!-' aald he.
liiei. Well, I csniiiri white miieh Ibis
-You’re msklng me Jusi as aabamed hare mamma le.v.l your letters to ti
liay. so gntal-t,,vf.
as can be!



The hoys aiM I'd catrii it!" luugfaed
WlUle. -ThaTa an!
Veu bare ought the hall and good
wisbea, you bnow."

Vonr mile frbmd.

I have not wriiien to you f..r a

Juntas Tkty. MIcb
Di-ar ricsideiil As I have never *riln*o lief,ire, 1




Nellie Rodergrea. C»rl and Laum
lUlaUd. Simema Bay. MM.






Eonihor. CUadlne BoiKbur. Cbriatlne
Klag. Viviaa PeillnA Arthur Bnab.
Nikhlnwar, MM.
MamM oral

Thmt hadung couch conUirae*
Becaute your tysteni u exhausted and
your powers of n»mUnce weaheoedL
Take Scoffs Emuijion.
h builds up and strengtfaena your entire system.
It contains Cod Liver 00 and H ypt^o^Utes so
to prepared that it is easy to takcand easy to digest,

CfTiruiJr Owen.

Ii-iiei.r nro slwavs welcome.

Rotodi. Mleh.
Dear {'n -ideiii
I tbourhi I w

. .■.e'loyou un.l

Tli,-i.- ai,- iilnetiwui Hcboiars
si-luNil list.ii. with mjiMdt. I have
1-1 heu. nnd I have a liub- klit.-u
I Ii’di.-.l foi Uie. He eolor was bhii-k
d whit,-




The ANTBONY Woven Wire Fence

1 tt.i to Siiud;ii s.-’bisi! al-

The Antbonv Pence Companv. -

Carl llolsud.


Bad Breath.

li fat fici ai veil V aWDt

‘• The Best on Earth ”

Th-ir name.s aiv on our

Cradle Roll


Siiltons Uay. Mle|.

ha-i Ire..■•.'ha.-, I roU-tl off it,or.


lovers who iniLsi

No. iiWIreKiS^.

Mar. C. IPu:.


!• Siin.shltie

Lane’s FamUy
the timic laTattvv.
T:..s is a ll- :t. n-nliclnc. snW in

I a 11 ClCVeo .ti-.ils old. 1 t"
Ihe Bi-niliin »'li.s.l
reading. oMitnii.-iir. i»-ii
mansbip. and spelling.



Wm. Hoolihan Co.

•‘Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Rest.*'

W.-iiT.-ii Burke.

> your -rlt.M.1!
BonuiTs Ferry-. Idaho.


Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils

Thanking you

I advance fm ihe rofl and buitoti.
will close, with m.o» goml w-lshi-s.

You hiiie your r.od uti-l biinon by
iiw. How nuiij Siiiishioi-is are ihm-

Xock ia used/and tbe Beat, heaviest faivaa^ ^ obUlsed.

STYLES-AU beMhti from 7 bar IS iaiA HOC Icacc. to tbt ANTHONY UaaM

New Wheat Lands

Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Citizens Phone 99
Bell Phone 188

■•iiMGaBaHiaii Watt
luTc opened

Do It Yourself.

lerr.iory to ttir progremve termer, to
h'd“.™ e*" iSsroS:
Ike UxiiibMia contiBSe. t«
giv»«ae buBdred and uxty
avmfrve to every Mttlet.

ALABASTINE is tnor*-iliinil,le than any other wall
Yog can imt il on yoomif.
Huoilrr-la of raeo and
woup ii buve d iiM* wj-it ilon'l abow brosb nurka.
t'ilT-fa from kalsominb nr ntbor wall liiiitb it that it will aevror

l<«g lime I ibmigbi I w<u>ld write to llKurghl t would write, as I have time.
yon. For pels I have ihrradogs: Ibelr My sDler. Mrs. SevtWNon, lakes th« are Ring. Rpon and t*ug.
I Herald. I love lo read the Sunshine

I have two little nephews
have a brother who would like i.. Join letters.
tbe Stinsbine elut>. will you please- iha»''wn..ld like to >iin the t’radle
Their names are Re.ihen I’larhlm a card and toulmti?
His Roll
- Is EUiUe. He has blood poison ence Smith and George Adtol P'rieker.
BMIe Chase. Traverse City. MIeb. in Wa arm and Is uoi able to write. Beuhra Is two year's old and Oeorge
tunnih. I
B, r. n. No. 1. Name aent toy Gotdie Well as my letter Is geiting quite
would like to JnlB the Raashine Club,
Icmg I will eloae for rtils time.

Ever your Riinsblner.

Ribft N.-wcomh,
Your sisters at" not ton small tn
have their nam. s on our rradlt-.IUill.
if y.uir roanmta thinks II all right.

March -I. IPOT
Dear Piesl.l.-«—

FbbI Dye. Mrarcie Onter. HMi.

.AiiBdsy growth Ki. in ibe aprlBc.SDd *s
«bi-.: te.,.-h. i's nami- » Ml...... -.Anns- -.1 l,d!
life an.l viuio- ib,t ll will
I liuve two bnslieiv Tleir ■v.i.-r B wall or Irelllt before a Cl*
uaiiies an- Hot--rt atm Th.nuas
I luiiii- iir Wisiarlu has hardly got startliave a llitb- wl'b-'.
l-s handiuwm- hkissoma are saU

.Mar. s. i;-;.

Paul Dye.
1 am very happy to have >t>n
lunshiner. .Paul. Write qgaln. mw

—U. D. Brine. time.
Tiavers.- niv. Mieh'_ M. F. D No S,

HUth WhHe. Solon. Mich.
Warren Burke. Bendiu. Hic«.

Address Ok Earl S. S^oan. Boston. Maas.

Oscar iDd U«es are lillle SunInwms.
am klire

duke hands no the apnt!'

Oh. the look In JncJi's eyes!

Price 25c 50c & * 1.00
Send For Free Booklet on Horsei.CatHe.Hoe* 6ftjtilhy.

I will

cliiM- for this lime. m. psal bje
Voiir Runsbine Imy

.4ri> ytui going to


Is a whole medicine chest

that I wuiii a, luiiion and
r PresMeoi bni In the Brsi grade 1 read
Ihmiehl 1 would hki- i.. J..|n tbe
I up numliers.
hubvhine Club
I go to M-h'«il
l like my
•aeher’s name is Mi-Jennie R Rot. irarhi-r fives me a ro|iv
. ocher t.s. Her name i. ,M|.:;. Uliian
like her very mmh. Thav.- luu- sU

fliiser garden
Elk Rapid*. Mich.. Dear Pro»Mc ot —

Ike to have yon senrl me anniher
Joint <{ Just about a veai ago. I 1

SloaKs Lii\inveivt

riU;i|is Mime Ilf our nvw SiinKhlm-rs
Naiihlbwaj will write, too.

I aDi glad ibal the l»ys aud giil>
like their SunabItH- cardt. and billions.


thne sisleiw bui Ibey arc uoi going
■he Simsbine Club now. for

For Emergencies at Hoffle
R>r llte Stock cm the Farm

name i« Miss lyvweii. I like her n-al
Agnes. W«- all go to Sunday
ly trlimit to U- very iitrai-ilve and Its hardly
well, I tiave got some new nanii
every Sunday.
My RUISI uaitiie sbiuild make ll a (avMle.
the Sulmblne 4'luli, Here they
Kleare Rb 1.-J, la..i Hb-lev. Clara Roll,
Cedar. Mich.. H. F. D. No I
ll Suti-lilae si'l
fhi..; Clsmliue IVutehoi, tiiiistleMlng.
Easy Tasks (or Oiltdran.
Mnrcti u. ]>»>7.
E.lllh Ulilte.
Vivian fVrkius. Arihnr
It is an easy mslu-t to UiierMt tba
» liot that -your raunlng
Dear Prcnldrai —
Naiibiiiwny. You can wnd tbe cartla
dltsl Whs. .S.1.W ii y-.Htr rhlldnn i.i (n-ni.-u work, as it Is ddI
I ihniigbl 1 would write and n-II yon am! liuitirtis in my name
labuilim*. i.nd 10 uii way can Ibla ba
»wi hen? '
ibai I giH my canl and liimon. I think give Ib.-ni III Ibe children
vbim- u-ii,-v than to li-i them have a
Ibey are pitHiy.
I thank >
tend Iheiii to each iiiie. I llriuk aflcr
few- rows or a small p«tcb (or Ibrir
A. New ClimdinB Vina. ;
very much for them. I am going
a w-bllcrraomi- nuwi- will Join, l ihinj;
Die Japanese Kiidxn line. i.« it* w-i.- own. I,, u- idanted hxjwto^i they
send some moro nnim-s. for ihey.w-aiil it would lie nice i<> get lUireiKh nem
IKIIIII- Indlraies. raiues (roiii Japan and Iiki iMO , tb-m rslly ibey will Jiiefer
■o >•» mi-tnm-r~ of ibi- Siinshlne
I.I IS to llave a iillb- rinh here sn>1
said by Hie Diirlsls who.-it iiilnr pop-'oru <11 js-annts, bsviog In mltod
I’hHr names are Wilbur Ijitiiiv. ftoeii have niietingi. diin'i j-on ibiak
diicing It io.Ih- the ranst iviaai kalde UiOi Ibe sulaluhiy to itu- products akd
lAmie. Valsre Ijml-. IV-wy Umb
would? I liavi- gid mv hiiituu yet
If la tie- the piTwonsI pli-asuie they will derive
Edtlpe Umie. CeciUn Oouibier. Doro­ My numle-i is ::-ui | joined In 1991. cIlmblBc Vine i:f Hu- age.
nriilHSt B> lieing a lieautifiil cltmU-r. ■rum poping or toasting and oaUtog
thy Ooiiihier, Mary Kultn.and Walter ira< col a ter.i ti:iil Vsihl. (Rn-ryremarkable lor ii« gn«t
vigur ol tlieieof later along In Ihe ynar. Both
Pbsise send llieiii each
om- III i.iwri almii-i have go! tsiMr.
growth and its hanilMime ilowerw The ru>P-c»rn aad piuinula are ^ly etoU*
eard and liulinn. nease eend ib<-iii Tl;-ie is o Hull- l«h.r here In tnwu
i.lni .uns are large and tn p.-'iilc h-s \4I. ll MUd tbe ,-nlire work ran he dfl*a
i>- name, wi Rtiod-live.
w-bo Is v.-i-j slrk. it has the imcii
Many farmerw reward
soDiewbiii like the Wlsluila. Iiiit niurh hv- ehlldren.
‘"From" your Sunshine girl,
Il<.n;i ihliik it will live.
laiger lu ’■ire Hint In. Utter cluiuers. the rhllilreii with the eniiro ylcM to a
Claraliel 1,-imie.
hut I ho|s> il does. I
color U to a pleasing shade of paieh of imeur Uiih fur taking esreto
How nice it is to have mi many new
luiiple. while tbe tnllage U Isige and tbe garili9b. l>e fact ibsi po»«of1i
Ruiishlners ai Cednr. I nm Kim- ymi
shapwl anmew-hai like the leaf of a pops i>eM itoNB.snq^ban..qtoP year
w-lll hare Kp1,-iidid liiiies tng>'ihev.
l-esa. Die vine ii exfromely rapid an-l old U Old gi-netally^Mini, Wb*«
Walton. Mleh
ili-io- In srowih. making the Jaiiancwe Well pii|s-d ti Is-coriMyK twenty tlntra
Mat. i;, 19(17scliuoi Ihium-. After a while we
Ktalru vine valntble where a qnlrkly Us ualiiiut sire. Ibua a quart sad A
la-ar Ptcsl.b-ot —
g-oliig «b Rlw nn iei- cream wwinl
proriiicisl shade Is WWDteil. ll I* luiid hiix will luake neatly a lurdtel tt
I ihoiigtii I would write aud tell you something like that. There tsn'i any
Is rs*qulres lllile ran- aud begins' (uipiieil corn.
1 ree«-lved'Ihe Imilons and cards dav Riiiidsy id-hisil or ehiirob hero. I
lipfore yesterday. Tborv was a funeral
rt much. Well. I will chme for
and so I didn't write.* Tlinv other this lime

Here is n funny game;
hnsik. and
Dear Presldi-nt —
I go to the Yalta aebuol. There
Dumb Band.
have tH-vei written *>i :h.
Tba players linliaie la dumb show
fony-ooe in this school, when Herald I lioufhl I woiilil write and
he action of playtag well known In- they arc all here. Well 1 will c
Ik if I might Join the Suot-hlne
ilniDWWts Burh as the trombooe. cymir this lime.
Age 7
Ultra Holsiad,
Front your new friend.
Of course you may Juln, Ijiir.i.
Gladvs A. Pulelphi'r
-e vi-ry glad to have you and
srllhoul noilee. the laslnimenl of
You will certainly enjoy jour

pardon my hoax.
But tbls Is tbe day when all fellows

Hut's tbe best Jobe to all!

Harley Nonm U mf aebonj- loU me where to wriie.aad

should like tn 1
Mow piciiy It niiitn 1

slromeni to s third, r Number iw
Mur. 5, ts-i:.
« his own. number three takes Dear Presidem —
have Joined the Sim-^hlne Hu
please up the leadei'> and ao on. Tbe penof falling 10 change la a forfeit. but I have lost niy pin and I,would

pUy Jokmi:
Too ibought I waa angry, yon find I
am not.

wonid like to Join tbe Saa^lae

ago and mr bmtber AdoK went
rear to IMS. I star altb nr alsier.
Aaala. Wi^ as mr letter is getting

to .yiMi
HatMT tries
ererytndr lo Join It that will. Braae
btag. 1 will eiaae with mr best
«> aU ibe 9ussblaers. So. goodhr*. aead at* a cai.l and pU
Wilbur lABile, rr..d ijmSe, Vaur*
write to the Suaablae Clnh. and we boplag to see lUs In prim
■ale. newer loaile. Rdllae Umie
Tours truly
Wftlle Jjrtbre.'Jil
goUtg to send our letters la <oge
Ceertls Oonihjer, Itotnbr Oonthler
Iber. I am si .whool loto/. There
I am glad that yoo abd HnrJ^ are
Mirr Kabal. Waller Kropp. I’etor. It
Would yon like to go to Caiilomla ciK-b good frirarts sad that you want
iwnur-aeren nrbolan In tuhoo
r. n. No. 1. ItoiBM ani br Clarabel
1 lie very beauitfiil
lotor. eeuntlog mraeir.
It Is piiiie
raid out doors, bnl the sun U ramlng
NaublowsT. MIcb.
H. V. F. btinshinc Cljb Cradle Rail.
and I think It will be wanner tbls
Mar «, tlw:
Owwr nUMad. aae four r««ii: lyiaes
Mar. C rw7
rnoai We bare a durk and drake
ikdnad, ate Une mombs.
Dra. Presldrnitbe duck Is sipk. 1 do not know Dear Presideni
Bar. Uleb. Names am hr csri
1 will amie vmi a lew line; b> 1.1
what bi the matter wlib it. It dr
I wlU write ^s few lines as I have
you kui>% tliai 1 am well and hoje- Hus
eat bai^dlr snyihlnA I hope
DM wriiien la , n long. 1 hive mv eard
Rueben risrenee Bmllh. aato two
same, li lias lurn
get belter, tbougb. I wish Mar and bmioa jct. The weather Is v-ry
yimf*: Oeorge AdoH M^ker. age one
lace I wrote lo ih«
Vanderhrmf would‘wHie to the Sun cold. I go to aehoni when ever I ran
rear. Sullciira
.Suiusblue .miiairyuest
We are baxiag
shine riab so I mold get ber address. We have siatera scLola n. In wb<vd
I- roie Weather here, allbougfa ll
M-n. br Nellie Roderpen.
We bad It o»re but It got lOM. Wben Our wbtstl Is very smull
Tb«^ are
stormy here today
Ired Id Travertw Tiir «e w<
lire girts and eleven l«irs We have
giving to .. hoM m»w. Tbeie ate
Oae handred and tUrtr lour new
ibOT*. and I wanted to wrtie I
lake right by our school hnusc. We
IiUkit 47 schoisrs In seboM We liar.Well,
tiaaiea added lo our flunsblne lui (bla lM^eaase she wrote to me.
have fine times skating on it when
hji. of tun at s.-bool There are bine
Bow ,^tr Club Is croaiag.
tbere Is no snow ot ii. Our home H
girls slumi my ag«-. It Irt lb*- Brut time
Prom Virginia. FTorldi. Artanaas.
iboui noon. Rcndhre.
half w'nile from raqi IJkteen lu school where lh,TiIdaho. Callforata, Washington, new
t ever, ronr Bunsbiner
len my cousi
mans girls, and it seemsgood.
names keep eomliig in. And nest
Rlhel Allen
ring lime w|l
There are iw.i nsims In ihe schoM
week .*ou are in Yead a letter from
If May sor-s
of fli*. lu Ihe s
bouse but they don't use ilie room
the Ctoiidlan North W««l, beroad abe wUl he |
Ibe fourth grade o>
iipstalrsr J HUM, ibe iipMslrs will
(dose, deuding mv In
Sx-d up lu Hie spiltig nnd llien
PJk Rapids.
*Prom ,
will have two i.siriiers Tlie leacber’s
March S. thn'.
ge if.

rw wonderful It Is?
Arf»'l }ioa
have not wriiien
> yi»ii tor
prtind lhai rou belrnig to aueb a greai; quite a While I will write
band to hsppr fUkT 4g?». iboee are
am very well and boite you and all
of Iho Bunstdnerv are ihe same, t abi

1, TOT, 4m.

^ ri ■■a'l

mat llMtaa. rtlta -her Twr Buto.'
.Ur papa wewi to caurarnU two rears

Wareb ?. mT.
Dewr Piftodeai-

please send me a rard and hullan.
I am In ihe fmirth grade. My studies
are aritbmellc. resditig, spelling, gwv
graphy and laagnage

J sU with E.s-

•bUDdsucr: ckurcket si
seboto. roovcaiest: mi
fceu eaiy o( sccesi; Use
Neribern (empersu roa_
Griis.growieg. mixed Isrra
tag and durytng are tli?
great speciilneg


per-L crank ur dual off—oDi-eoa it atnya. it iiAver < balka
:a <HT.
is cieau, (iunUc bQ’t aaoitary.
Wbiti- o

' ■



•Mt. MAUL MTU ftnxlAM.

Mwh Ik liolBg said, all orer
rlvlc Improromoni.
tom*' dar «bPn jrou rp iln-d n( iti^ land. aMuit
erery woinofl who lOads ihU win
Milt-e to do her sbaie. evi.’n ihough It
Aad alek <d Ibe MrpM «»d ihc >
Ibo flrui stop will
mcB >oB'<re mtaicfed ure‘» rw wfih
iu broaob
Aad daiMi IbP fnill with • bitali,

takoB in batrlng ibo probtom
wmi; Ik ko Kinull. and Ibo rociriiB

ibrmums are Invaluable In the garden Is very pretty, or the center may
They rover ihemselvos with bloom in of wblie rerhenas. then a row of pi
tarJous colors and remain la Bowoi>

, FWK7



Thai oaliK lo mo.


AliUK m>- way. *
Alid Ibose.iinto mo bring
werr waKU^l
Tidings of 8pi1ng. "
Pot tb<- nuoo ibat ymi (wrrfaaara] wllh
Aad roam ihluk on ibo

ealn- V
And your oyn will grow blind will
tbc. Mulling
CM UDiTow lhal biu>»a nui niiroo:i>u'
Aoete day wbun you're itiod u( th>-

Sings fliruUy and low.
Av.ll irylnj'ib lonombor
Tbo songs bo UHO(l m kon



' PVjT ibe world winy l» yours loj ibo

ThoVtdt's at »ho Bfirirr:
Tho day's al iho mom:
Moming-s Hi seron;


And the pmspma atroteb bmnd loihe

The. hiII>d<li.-H d.-*-peurl.Kl
TiK- lark's on ibo wing;

.Hot Ibo trull Ibat idmne bir in tbo

Cl<s|-:; lo IHs hoavonAll's right with Ibo wortd.

Socins abrun]u>n. wbm graaped

lb« busk;
AaJ your apIril-Ood knowa!—wlil M>

Tbv sDuil'a ou tho ihom:

Plant )>1.>ssliigs. nod

ibeinumK are our l*--i taie hlunmerr
for Ibe table and ll.ey come la so many
abades that thev «-m aull all iiisios;

duak! mear. in,rbo Brandw

Com Developed into Calarrti.
Mr-..V. IMawlrr.ta ,N. KroadwavJ
piiuhurg. Ka>.. wnus;
-FeraoB i> a aovcrcfgw nmett tor ll
wnfaerfl.| spni.c 1 .-sught a m-vctom'
CoM w hJ.-h UvTe|.,ps(l Iniu s wrieu.
-f catarrh. I feil «,uk and sick
could neither vat nui sleep well.
*-.i frirnd who bsd been .-ured u
tarrh Ihruugh the u.».,( Hcruna B.I1
me to try It and I did -o si <>n,-r. t
jH-cted help, hut D.-thiug Uke the <
derlul change fur the liclicr J uWrvnk-^
almoalaaaann sa I started taking it.
••fatbnccAays I l t much heller and
witiiioawrek 1 ws<

but enlv one. nr at most two colors
will RbgultWlH- use.1 at nu- time ns mure
seems in >lHn.(t from the 'impliciiv


Old Fa
bat/ u »

LXwon't iniiid |s>oi soil. Isii will n

•n other ve«.-iaWe.s are very srarce

• hank ur temee and nlloaisl 10

If made tnin sonp it imparts tbe lasti
of Iho oyster, heneo its popular name

(tall down ih.-« will make a’ g.s.d
sliow. I do n»i think or a rllniher il.i.i
he grown -^> eaKllj. k.i cheaply ami

also exrelh-ni when slew.-d. file.'
ur made Into friiiers. It b ouiiivaled

Miss.N'ettM K. Hogsrdiu, R. F. It.
rl.tVcsIfield.N. Y-W
Llit]eKu.-k. Ark . writ.
-• wsi trouUled t.,r tl
dJrwote d/aewsc. I tn
heard Ilf. hut nulhi
riomv dcHlors said lay trouhle t
CMiMrrb of Uic bowefa, and s.,iur >sid
eunswuplKi.i ef I lie Is.w els. due die-iui
said Iiecuild cute me; I |.s]k tiis medi.
cine row monlbs. hut it did men..good.
"A friend uf mine advised me li> try
Ferunsand I diilso. After i taken
rww bottles I found It was helping me.
Ml I i-UDl.DUed Ils use, sad ll has i-urvd
mesoUD.! and well.
-If aayune wants in know whsi
iVruDB (lid tor ».« II they sill write 1 will answer prompt tv."
Patna In tbe SMc.
Mr-. J-jlis Kraxioo. A|S>llo. Pa.,
•I'eruns list enred me
heart trout
h'e and psine lu the side.
".Ayearagul was .-xperled to die at
kii.y lime,aud the du^ur WBesomailinee

give such u Wenllh uf euUir a« the
Kaine way as lursulfiK or rarrols, IJSslilOlimi;..
—II. flmwnlng.
lilaailng early In guud deep soil
e kovu-i p.-ji is a ramlll.-ir cUmls-r.
Vfool apari. two Itirhes drej.
hany do n.u K-i.-r.-.i with it. Tl.e
HtuI Utlnnlng in five or six Inrln-i v.,y 1. t.i |ilanl eail).

The Ever Popular Rose,
p ainaleur growers of rn:-oj will
liilng '
jirobably ohialii le-iior salisfariion hy
The MoHSom that pmros what sort of:
bedding theni out nf doors, where they
ran iwmaln from-year to yvar. K ibo,
Is tbe Bood, ibo-aood ihul ymt la
plamlag U donu oariy In the se-j-on.
ao that a goo.1 dovolopmooi of roots


tiv.T almoru i.uytbiug. itiuVIng
gnigeoiis etdiHlng. -Vuy Ihe Is -i niiseii

M-.S1 apd VUII will nim iii.iny
vogciablo toot of giW> value ihs( !• shailcK, from the tsinicsc Mil|iliur >H
Holdora found In ibo Iioidi- gaiden.
ii> Ihe ri.dii-Kt of ntsrunn an.l
S a very milaiahle vogetahle and U
c- slu.l.-a. Win- nciiing (BKl.-iK-d
•iMaliy ullnwod to icnialo lii
rely to |seOK. and
ground over winirr. being liiipi
plained im eurh side, will make a tine
ruby, und Is ready fur use ul a time hclg.-, -Planted at tin- lop uf u high

llBBl halo, and hale will grow; i oon sow today—icHOorrou iihs)]

lianni wblia on tbe bn-asi ul t

n bare Ukea medicine from tbe cocton ud fbtnid no relief; bnt «ben
I becu takiac Perana I could set that bebre 1 had finuhtd *«b'«r the
>rit botUa ft *ma doiry me food."________________________

and PeiiinlsK i
' dlKcnni
mil very late III
ihlng can roiniiart- with the MarieohK

— MoTalls


balbattar than I hava for twe yearn It ia tbe beat medicine tbatlkAOW

AsIcik and obryKUi


The Vcpetable Oycier.
Salsify, or Vogriahle Oyster, is a

IIIK .. ........ boari Ik happy
Ak from his huinlubod «■

gloat (4vorite>-.


for gorgOfHisness and hardiness And

•The Rdiln lo Ibo mspkl

. tolling.
And ail-fc <4 the


■lulled up and ibniKi luiu a jaiitlneoe will mniliMie la
l>l<siio fut

And bow fmpir a lionldp la gkirr—
Ho* flAMlBg Ibo

~1 COB traly tay 1 hact bnaa much bencStad by tbe uaa of Perasa.

and even snow wlihoui much damage. or two nr thro.' rarnailnas in i
Quito an pxnuided variety of colors same r.-eeptacle. A little dtsb of p
obialn-Hi. and noihlof udd
Kies will always 'e- ap|ireelaied. ei
tbe brauiy at the garden i


Tiioi«-V 11 flonor Ibai litnouiK today

"I tmt that BO ana will tkink from :bii that I want my u
fbr any ennaa only ta let
n tan* wbcrc they may find r
maity siiwtetity

for weoka. the irensutvw of the lalo
fall. They endure ooaatdoralile frost

dlKpieportlonal))' grout, that tbmukwb" Ootohor and Novombei
Into the bOHBo. they
try lo oiililvaio at toast a bw lirigbt'
keep fros^Jp a cool ronco, Pucardan Bowoni and vinos will roooiro
ward, far oxoeedtag Iho troulilo and
VertH-naa will binnm all srnnmei
Vknfn Ibo Mlj-borha Banc and ili<* lalior roqiilioil In caring for them.
.. and early ft
Phlox linimmnndll
-Tlioro-s a lililo bird In % I...
CIMB vhltf on ibi- brraal nf ib<‘
To« wlil foJIom-

To All the Women Who Suffer
Pe ru na Is Earnestly Commended

enea with tbeir
of goMsw toe atiff. or too bsavlly perfnmed.
slamgps n'dd ■ grace and glory to lb~ wide buwl uf Bweel pans makes a
garden, and some of the newer pink*
auet,'llko Queen Cknrtmie. make ef­ only one color f^-kised at h time,
fective roaimsiK.
soup plate bisrdere.1 wpb pars!
Tbe oid-fasblOBod hardy Chrysau- leave, snd^lled wllh pink verbes

e til.-} will have tlu- .uii, ;:t loBit
.luring 111.- f..r.'no..n. w«ie.- in di>
wcailier. and k>s-p ilieni iioia nduu ■»
Just :i.. MKiu UK Ih.' |siJk Otiii
they slnp bl.xHning l.< a groat exiei.i
Pick Ibi- fln».-iK Cre.dy niiil lei non.-


"1 hnvo bMB a front gofftm
from sick handnebot. bnt am naw
ntirt ly froo from ibnt tronbU. 1
havo not fall to «oU in Ua ynnn
ni 1 do BOW.
Penu nad Mnanlin U nil Hfferora. I will any, Ood bit* Hr
Enrtmu and hia woAdorfkl romodica."
Stomneb Cntnrr*.


Miss Jails Butler. K. K. I. AK>>otOB,
Wis-. writes:
"For Ibe past ila vesrs I snffond
■-/fb cMUrrb ol Ibe animif*. eotutng
■loss (ifsleri> an.l sppellle. With tiequeni severe jisias sfirr Mtlng.
- -My elslermlvleed
eleed melti
Iry Purwaa.
-I i'n.,k your ft________
trowimonfsad my op)>elllr returued s)»rdlly,
-t gained BfrrafftfedadAfnbaadaB'
In perfert health.
-I sa »o ibsDfcfnl yonr modlclao
ba-duae me Miwa.'b guod."

liuilamfbangAirroasyilisi I d
end lops Is arciirod ilio first Bojwm.
fine siglii when euvertsl wllh plunlh In
toil have Ul seud for a du.-tor now.
the plania usually endure the first
Flisl have the neiilng’a.',!
Mr- .., H. »!„I.1D,K..1. i:i M.J-, ill SI,. Bro.Alyn'rN. V'Wnw^
"Sin.e i hive used your Petmoas'
winter unbanned hy troM. It is unmlMiu adt Ued lilt', 1 am well and aUle useeiin-d hy fusleiilng lo kIoiiI |«kik ..
hart Uken Fcrtisa and it did mo son food than nil my ^ ynm'
golden dream 1« wovon

I beliem In n apnde nnd nn am
Ijr beuor. however, to place u Inard
to all my hootemork.
f.s'i apait. UK the weight of the
. .
. mytbntlfoelliknnnntlur
• of good ground. Wboso cots a
framo around the 4)od In aiiiuinn. and
"I have all ll.efahh in the world In' I pcraoih Ko more swollen feet and limbs. Ho mon blontinf of tho
• will eaiisi- II to sag If n.ii pi..p, r
Id bark! Iho broesp u bringlag
• atrmtgbl path to hli own llrlng by
Ibc holidays nppmacli fill In sumo
IVruna as It ,-ured me and I know that
!y fasi.-ntsl. I'm tl In place ts-f.ue Ihe
abdomen. Ho more shortnem of breatb. He more tUff and ton inias
no aoddOB bird noln. ringing
• the IMp or Ood. In'ibe aun and
f-veigreea liougbi-. and
cover wltli
Yon have no idM what yonr treatment hni done for me. It oortainly hm
peas are'planiisl. Dig-u ircncb i. Io.>'
From far away.
•mb and aproiRIng grain, neems
hoards so arranged that they will turn
I prolonfcd ray life nad mndn n ae* woman of mo.
deep each aide of the neiiing; fill In
what 11 has duBe for me."
me n mtremi working nun.
water, When warm days come In the
some fine r.lil mamitg. eevei
Boon, 8M in dbiniy order.
h n bloeiinf I bare roeoivod tbnrafb yonr kindnos doct«. nad
StMBMh TrowMc.
4 He tiil*ee (be piobtom at life ant
sirring romove ibo Iroards and orerearth three Inrhes deep, pressing
Miss Aiiua I'arsi-u. <'I..«U>B. 111..
A serried golden line.
taaceofthe medicine which yon 00 kindly prcochhod. Inmnblo
fbr one, but for all men of sound
branrhos and roplaco only the
J to work since I befu your trentmenL bnt before I ww not able to help
All down Ibe garden botdei
• body. Jtaiph Wnido Bmeraoo.
Is oo cold nIgbiR.
RteoK me
Hid vu».-r llii-oi two IiicIi.-k,
I myself mnrb less work for any one oloe. All praise is due to Or. ifee«m«H
The oraniseK will shlof. '
rarely iujiired l>y rold until after mid­
pn-KsIiig the earth with (be hoe. I’lai.i
l^^hti treatinent'
Al last Iho Spring Is Klghted!
DO trouhle w lUt U) Stunia.-h.''
winter, when Iho siin-rayK Itegln lo
HK eaih In Ihe sjiring Js ill.TbP gnidon lam|> Is ligblnl
gain in Kirenglli and raiiso the hud'
soil eon Im m-orked dr.v'; m-v.-i »«-i. s.
To give tbe alga.
■o an-ell. It Is then that protection Is.
11 Im lumpv. tvhen Ihe p.nis ;..e niM' in almo-u loo well known to iiis'd j»nd th.ui
—FrunrlB Wynne.
n.p II Iniu either a small cup or
ptuUeuInriy neeMKary, In
II inch or two. draw the eanli up -iwelal menlinn. hut for lb«- ft-w slio
ns Ml many rooks sM-m to tmnoriborn auies and Canada most of
eneh side (4 (hcni. It will keep tl..' may nut have M-.-n It, It might Is- said
Thorn is a garden in my soul,
agine. Itistiwd. Oral rail tbc wnutr.
■vor-hlodmlng iohos
will need
A garden whore I may not go.
an.l then stir It vigorouKly onifl II
TVllta the moiling of ibn wlnior IVboro all Ibe day tbe wm atalno* fair proieerion every winter, tiiil in the
Hut I,-w liiuiK«‘1..’«-peiv :iiiit cai tleneri
Tfie Mtdelra vln.' Is... rapid grow.-:; Mty liest. IlK cliiMer* of hrigbl erltiilov.w about the pan In ihn form of
middle and souihern slates the plants,
snows nnd the budding oT ihe irooe.
bus gun.1 follag.' un.l lluy while flow-1 .< enu IiIcskou]!. make li a cwnKpIrnmiK ihiiik id pbiBHng and culilv:iiuig i
And only snfiOHl xaftbyrs blow.
whtripnol. Then qiilrkly. and Iro
when well C^ttahllshotl. will raroly suf­
wrwry tnte Sower layer foMs « keen
8e[iiemhcr. It has u tutH-foiiK loi.i f.hjoct. The caraingiie d.;iieitpHona <rf f.-w he rhv^ii.l ti-gmaM,.* p.r vm- It fore llila "whiripnol" loses Its shape,
fer eold. except ilial somoiimos ibo
Ibriil of lor. as abe gathers her Sower
plants ate rrenuenHy inislemling to tlavnriiig, yel it fv ejsUy ihme aa.t I' drop the egg carefully Inm the very
tIPR of branohes are killed.
•ntolcicuoa about ber and nlta down
le r-uier of ll. and you will find, when
dublla ibrougb ih,' wlni.'r.
Olv.- li Hie itnial.'iii'. Inn ili.' rrinison lamhl.-r well wiiitli the Hme aud
ishlne to tbe reaiful sboile,
branches, however »h- romove.1 In
' plan her aummer garden, while hope Under Ihe low-urrfied ebestniit ireos
-Icb earih. a sunny spot, pl.mty of cr.iiieK till in any descriptiun nr pic- <i'ilii-.l. Ktiongh ivs'd. roiMK und htilh
egg I- rookril. that It will bo aa
tbe spring and the growth will Is- all
wblven. that In acme way, aomehow,
val.-r and >'rlng and li will etuvr a
eims. lhai throng ili.- qiiM
roiiuit and i-vi-n a> you could srisb.
itore vigorous fur Ihe piunltig
the needs wbfeh abe orders will bloeeluK.-.| for .1 •liiilai.,i.n-l lU.- muk jv
large Kjun'. Ii likes .llshH'alei an.l

•MB Ip Ihe aune wonderful profusion
I|:ii;»«l Ik luriiii~-(|ii-i.iu! hi cnnipaii
Twrs Rteiprs for Vent Lnaf.
Tbe Uborly rose, an ercrblnoming
mad brlllinnl ecdorlog which ihe pie- Out lo ihe noisy sireol I fate.
Tuberous Befiomas.
Pool fviuiids of veal steak, cbopped
liyhtid Toh. was fiuiie poptiiar In Now
tunan abow. Them Is almost no one
.inly e-e<t.Kai>
Jlv..' la.l
• aie a onliiparjtively i
tntb all lu dust and bMeous $rlos.
Vines About the Home.
n... .me sliee of sail pork, three crackYork and other l-lasiorn elites last
Bbe does not love to have raaes of
Lonely, und slaving at my task
-Jiiil .He aiHUUg Hie Uui-I i :.i , narrow IkkIk nl-li
.Sotbing adds mm.- lu the l»-aul>
' ■. iKiiin.I. il flue, two eggs, one tablen
sobu't;ngmai Sowera la the taome. yot It
■ wurkeil. rUiii III
-AB long <is dayllgtal iina the skhw.
II KUIIIIie-1 blnnnillig iii.itilK.
Kpounful of Migc. one lahlcspoonrul
htstanoos is said in have cnminando-l or the (arm bom.- llian Hu- >lia|>i-iy of
■U A mrangc fact ihai tbe majority of
. hu> leuviirg Rini.',. Silts a Hili.T In Vli-k'KK maga- <
pepiK-r. riou (sbicspoanfal of salt,
high prices.
Both prnreinlnnal and
women will not uke ibe trouble to
'niw. Ihytii.', Kate.
ul sometimes for an bear | steal .
piece of huiier stxo of an e«g Milk
amaieor IIaiIkIs have expressed tliem- line. Tliere aie many haudeu
' swc-i fuiiijoiaiii. ,1
TBlae tbejd^ rtum who are imo
And by the gale, beneath tbe kisra.
k'K (rotn W'bleh lo select. I
nil logelberand put aniall Uu-of Iml;
HOtves as being highly pleased wllh 11.
Aober torSm Snd tbalr b*eo»i enjoy­
lean and lung and look wiibtn.
er over top
Orate sIKta tpf bread
Ip color It Is a deep, glowing crimson, -unrt)' porch ili.-n- Is nothing Is-ticr
ment in caring for Ibe growtog planit.
And oool my fon-hend on the lurs. (bo pelulB iK-Ing oovoioil with a rich, than th.' uld-fashl.di.-d mniiilug-gluvy
uer Ir nalic iw'o hours In slow oven.
wnlcblng tbom «a tbe SrB tiny Imres l
—Sheila M. Maoliuigall.
I 111.' b;i|.io.icIi nf <■<>1.1 «
ak(-K u rapid gniwih, fni-tns a
One pound of veal or lutn stiwk. half
velveiy Muom. Ii isiskOkkok :■ fragraut
peep tbrowh tbe groun.I. and follow-1
dense sciven of liejil->.liB|>eil leates.
patjufl of hacoa: grind in.tlic mesiiperiume
Iboni as ibo buds swolt. and burst
nnwiuci-s such i. w.allh ti
Cood Old Favoritaa.
rhopper. Mix tn two w.-ll-liealrn eggs;
variety; the hods are of pericri fnnn
Into bronlifol btoMoms.
Is. mil
The Tiihirs tange f-on
•1-. a^l -.'tl
^Jon'l pour water on your paotdea—
nipfiil of cracker or hroa.l cruml.s:
ippearaare. gradnally i-xinatllng
\pnsmu« for all lo hnre large gnrdond:
e .lo dart' red slid rich
sbower them. '• Never ltd a blosson
If a leaapotmful each of c.-i. ry-»eed
■tossoms of Ihe lnrge<t si?.-, which
hot Ibere is aeaieely a ronder of Home
.lahliawblther unless you want the seeds; Iasi guile a while.
nnd Jioycdered rage iMVes; yrowm wilb
Tbi- I.i1s-i1> Is
Cbeer wbo cMnoi ni lemii bnr« one
pinrb them off before they tenlly fall dosrrihed as tudog a rapid, vigorous
;wall nnd pepper Mol-I .mo n liMtUddln*
or two wmall' beds, and It Is surprlaand save the strength nf ynur plants. fitvnrer and a v. ry fi.t- hl.Kimei. with Iipuliw «1H, |n*.-ci. nf ai.y kia.l ui..l .
hiiidrul td . rmni.s i«i the lop of the
Jng bow htge a qiuntlir ef floworu
■nc,. planloil they nr.are givvl
givw ftv
tot a ilf.tii<- o]»,.ii
0)«,m gB'o.riio '.m-.-i ‘r i
. Pansies like a ooM. shady . damp
lonfi nod place Ir. a deep faakini-pnn:
lieaiilirill. clean. Iiealiby'foliage si
«B lie grown in ereo this limltrd
. lio'4«. t,.<.p..r can
lime UK Hu- iiiile pIniiiK
HlIKCOUle up luel.v IB Ih>- f.ili. lh'»' » ill 'll'
K|wi. wtili (be parly tnornlog or
pour hoi wai'-r nvej i.nd nraund Ibe
all limes. Planted In ibo »|>on ground
dmeeo. There is no excuse for bare
-pilng fivun M'lf-Kown
rn n
K.K-il IWwIie giimiKt. an-< Kh-il.I I"afloroaoii sun. and roqulre occaKlonal
loaf and a i-piiE of parsley ua rtiber
makes a prolifle grovih and l»
and ngly fonecs and out buildings.
-Ti'l-i. tlirm.' -.n.l
klde ufShe Kial. Itaki- in a moderate
IblDBlag oot. If the hloom U small
profusely covered Ibroiigboul the sea«tw« vlpM .cap be planted s hirb will
«..'t i,ai. luIhem. iml
oven and tia»:e fregii.-nrlr.
midBummov. sbide the ground a lin
wiib largo htnssums of lich frag
cover then early lo iIh- season, and
wllh Morgrren irimuings iha( can
S>. It Is useful also as .1 pol plBOI.
reqolnt oo'y an oemslonal watering
BK rea.lily
Olhei viii.-K may tv In Mairh
reroovcl when Ibo lioni und drouth Is lortnlng a enmiiaci. husliy plani. al -.<11
, Tlm«-8a*ieg Pi* Crust.
tbropgli the dry limes. Horn.- CM-er
• fnkhionjhli- and aiiKiix-railc. l.ii: mnney ;»-n'.u-ii
. One mvHl l^'l ' M!. of laid eohl.
over. Walt* gtmrrously, nnd no
I rloan and beiilihy In hud aiiu
wMiim ihBi It might
Impn'ss iipnp
on.' is mor.' c«inpjnlnnanli’ nml ib.-ie i> nu tie':.
twice a week itvni ibom in a
Thi-e e-,|.- .r».:ndi lull ••( flour.
every rea.I.-r the oarnesiiiOKs wbich it
<-ni iiiye>iin>'ii<.
Om-...y.n :e..spoon -aH. •
fertiliser, which you can make your­
feela in urging eocb oi)o to do ai Irosi
ir a win.low wheie on- .i.wk not; rteiin|iei>,
-HI! HK.ionghty mlved.
self by pouring min water over a are the bosi litii.- in ubleli to sei out
aome omnll thing toward making tbe
(or gull). HI h.pvy
Khude ihe< l>"aiiHr«l
MU SW«V 111 U e-'ld .Ul you wlidi
sbovetful of fresh miniire in an old
Hie latler p.vpi of this luonib
worM beauiifnl Ibis ewnlng summer,
ejpiesK is ln.;.iiilliit
Tne lelisge |e ! Vie,, . nijga.iiir
■« mskt- a pie -It will keep any
ran and lelling It stand a day or an
0 llrat half of next tin- Hi.- Is-»t.
ll la not neeeaaarr to have a large
before you use II.
fani It Is not a gno.1 idea to wall until
garden In order to do ihl*. and ihero
iK'sre v.-r> hilsht. .Aiioib** (iivii-'
Tii'-:I.I1- lucr
wti-ii y;oii s r.-h »o make a pie, take
8WOOI posK havi- tiooome veiy fstpu- July. ,a« Ibe woaiher. tbtui Ik altutiKi
Is u> buffio so bamblo tbai ii may not
elioihi'i i> the ihH ii.iKtuitlimi,i, u-giu lu I.:
lar. Sweei pea shows are held as sure to be bot and dry-, and the natural
he nude a rerltalile beauty spni, glrI..I.I -saxi I'K ""1 '-an po-sthly gel II
rbry:-aoihi'miiai shows used lo bo, and jBolBtate of (he eaith so lhmloiRhe.1 Jupiter. The I,ay.-- ai.- -:m|.ly ltn-:ii„„.. i..a,i.,(.;; •
tng pleasure pol only in lis owtieis,
m.-»-.‘and ih.-y|ne- an-»n.' iii..«.-of! n,,b->
'oceri,-i «i't liai.ll> m»ie .ban a lespili.-s ale anoiully offon>d fur abe
tha plant-- will i
but lo every pataer-by. Tbe slmplesi
hlosKOmK. Tyye y..ars age tr.ini foui
nf -aim. I udd a few drops «rf
lirst now varioii<-» raised by anUKuirs.
fknrm are ibe idom rffoollre. and a
! throe planiK t r-|t a Uigi- s' a Hme. rk;i <m and on Shu
Kear Menlo Park. California. .Is Ibo
few vines, mined over the houw. will
I Ibe crinkly y.-llnw flow.-ts
K:ri OI K|iiinl;le e very Itllargest sweet pon gurden in Ihe world huahea wllh lime-waler. maile in tbe
oorer the bare npots srlih a living
. . ;.1 '.'e .! V
lo nuke it
—one hiiiwlred arivs nf cho fngmot ptopenloti nf at............. me guaner of
rfiBpcry of green. Throe or four live
IS tilh-d with the <vlor of
' meet .und alwan Ifcu
hlnaaoms bolBg In blooro ul once. The) lime to ten gallcuis of water. ui try
«ent packages of naaturilluniK. po|iplos,
^liiasiiiitlimiK all mininer. Kyen af..-;
need rich, melbnr iu>ll. wIili identy of dosliog alr-slak.-<l
tlBie ore)
•sd other old Itme favorilos will give
We had several frosis I tuund iiunfle-iii
nuilsloro and proper support.
•toUnui bloom Ihrnngboiii Ibo siimoor.
^ Of hkisKomK bl<ld<-ti away Iv-u.-t.ih HeXalvla makes a shoa-y hntderarnuod
Fooirsh Eeeoomr.
and a parket of <dit-faKhl«wecl pnriti.l-UH- mas... of leave..
a porch railing, us It grows to a helghi folwge
wick u a good tbteg
al.KorhlDg mol,
taen. or. as li is somoilmos oulled.
of otwriy two (oot. and has a profusKm
The wisiHiia h- aiiWh-i vei) -ail-leasponiifnlK
or 11, use Jo sUrtlog
1 rnah. on, cupful, a.
mer-plbk. will oovor tbe ugly sand
of spikes hearing bright rod lilossoms h.-llehoro dlKS..Ived lu
galkin nfl'u'-'otT vine wrllb ImiE r..eemeK of
f'-Fe'sr'single ^rtieJes of
r.iiitid ll Kt/*k und KOaHOl we
pateb. on which noibing oiso will grow.
Zinnias are most pondsient bloom­
eteii leas lima a lamp
will exiertuina'..
-alt. ix-pp... an.l riulon Juice,
Vttb a living carpoi of wnoderfiil oolorers. and Ibe rich coloring of the Im­
grower and b. exc-Ueni (or imluiog;lvy> or h
ll'jhi, lien Hill
.t un are so perslstcntlr held
and a/I.I throv-giianers eupfui .
proved Tariotles makes them desimbla
ahoRt up stair windows an.l ovei see-ltKiiilally
ri |>iac>. on Ih.' I
fwee In a -wellUMlo booM- ww
i washed rice and cool. uqtiI rb., if moBoy Is waioi-^ Hmto are still fur large deeorailre sebemes. Salvias,
Flowcra far the Tabi
ond Mory jHirrlieK.
Ciemaiis Hd.
I.Dll.liiii:. Tiiey
■ old mieks sesrert togrtber fo
h absoHiod and the nee Is
plealy of flowers in br had for ibe in all ihetr gorgeous coloring, make a
lew flower* give a tour
riilata Ik also fine producing Its rlu.-a t.-g.iit- hi much wau-.
Wirt hmg enough to use No
■ih-n add ooewinartrr cupful ■
taUnc. Srortv all o< our native wild bright spot in the garden even rm a gaoee and rvfloem.-nt to the toblc lers of while hioSKOtllK In Aug.i-t and ir.ltenl follaae y<o;.:.i .e
' »tt that
OM w Irk. . hreome
jt-r The seasoolBR musi be rdiung
flowers alll stand mnsplinihig. an.l rainy day. Tho ibnsies. of roiirso. ar« which hoiKts more rrwHy appoint- tSepiemliei when flowers at- comtaara-1A »iiiH.nihiiii.i:ine
SO.I fall logU.- good Hgbl of
■ "■
dish ccirectly.
wBI ihrtvo even beiiov In s eirdon nlol snivi Id bloom up in the very hardest
K, and <■ lakes so little lime lol
•ly eenree The VirglnU deeper Is iliainage. will u:i . i.-n
n i-efore they aro luu short lot use.
ibati In their nutlvo haunih. If a lliilo iTOsis. If only a Ulile sonsbioe odmea arrange them ihbi It would vrem tbulj
■ In wlu'-i Hie Hit.-Ki wu' lu;
Ts Peach ai Cm Round.
II the eie.l oil Unip does not ma»e
car* is iak<« in give ihom
urcaKlonslly in eneounge them
we Ditw] never be wtibout them.
jare insignificant, h.u
'■ .foliage ir- More Qiem |. in H..--i>o(k o- Inyu-- .n i
In nider i» l«
Kalf'KfaeiiMs Jltdit see If Ihe Hill*
•anoiml nf shade wbirb thsy
Of iht. imidy perennials the Japan
I all llowen. nrc suitable (or the hand.-ome an.l in ant.
ofier 11 hSK wjdcb ib'-y grow, h ia>-le'in up . lag an-eg s<> that I will lie iiitsctlv- I ■'1“' tbs’ Jtiii- down ihi- sld,
to. and If pOMlIdo. Ihe san
Aor-wonos are'alncag tbe most beainl- labU- no matter bow boaiiillul ibey twon loiichoil with ftosi Its luwui) Is,(nun tv.!- lei ib- (ollsre atel nmis|ly ev>s> and rouri' when it I. lak.-o; I' l-k tub.' Is open. Thu a
One golilia flamo has rioveo
The dingy garden olay,

mrm* m erntfi c»m>



Wbicb-tber origuially grew.

fid nnd laaUng.

The spotlena white may be; perhaps tbey are too laific. or unaurpa:;scd.



rambler cute fioiu (be tui>c:t ic a kliadvJpUc<',(roffl the watep




is md ncciwrar)

kept open lor good reanha.


Pages 7 bi 12

rxtm MoDdar*! Record.

Snprrrisorl.>tid<]a K. i'lrtrland. rep..331

e of Office and Candidates.

liifiin Vi a

Second Ward~

For'eity Clerk—
Tnu-r u. Cillls, V

Third Ward—
Fourth Ward—

.. .’I rfi’. 2;r r» jts; c.-;7'ii!«j

e of Recorder’s C








Ralph S. Hatlinga wav clectc


loday'e election by the handteme


For School Inspector, f


jerity of S27 liaving received a telbl of
•or Juetiee of Prace. full term—
.\ililnv H. c-,in|..
or justieo of Peace, to fill vacancyArt.l.-.>-7 IkilrWiC. H.-|........................

9« votea against 4«9 for HueLltnanUI.

F. Ncriinger defeated Judge,

Umler by a majority of 74. .Every


3-.r 311 3IL*' ... ,__

3s:i! 2i<i' .tic; i;::' jJcVir.n

alderman and aupcrvit'cr on the re^
publican tideet



\V. r ilaiMia. ifp..

elected. .Both'

Haclingi and Ncrlingar carried every
srd in the city.


The peorhouse bonds carried the city


......... 3?»

r a small majority.
The ve4c was light Ihreugheut the

Sni-TrisnrFiuiik W. farvrr. rvp.. .. 331—1S3
Jaiurs 8. Miirtliir-k. dem.'... 43


Amil f. Ndmgtr

..BIwIW Juilc*' of KiTontor'h Court.



rm CKr ClarK—

Flrct WartI—

Per City TreiMirer—

Second Warxl—

far iedge «T RecerScr^ Court—

Third Ward—

For Seeiri of Public Work*—

Fourth Ward—

Per terd ef EdweaUon—


c: Allcm.-Smiih. mj............
SuperstsorSunucl C. Durmn-. trp.. ...31K-lCI
II. A. LnnKhonlO. «l<-l>].... S7
Al.inrniaiiAlliino W. RirL.-rd. f|l......I2L-Hf
!U( hard IJci kurr. .l-tn_____ hi




Par JueUoe at Peace, three yeare, i
Ml vecancy—





WulK-r %V rvaii. r.-,.


Lilli, drill......^.. n
William ]{. AblKitl. rrp . ..313—2C2
Wllliani Clom-y. di-in.......... si>

Tbr proporiiloti rsnird lo but Yotir
of Ibe tumnetaiiw. mbile it earrted
every- ward In the elty.
Trmvrrmo City—First ward, nmak
S', t'arv’rr: Kreund mard. Samoe) C.
Itsrmm: Third mard.' Walter W.
Urao. Fimirth mrard. William P. Ilar. Fifth ward. Lmuloo K. CJeveland
.rmr. John Howir; Blair. Frank M.
Ilaimm; East Bay. Bdmin Rlark; Fife
l.aki-. Ralph Hleks’: Cartirld. Fmlry
Hammond*; UranL Hitter B
Ctiamploo: fin-ni Lake. Jufab Ander
son*: lams l-akc. E. B. Duryeay May
l.ii-'-: ■ J
nan: Ivnlnsula. K O. I^d;
Unk». John M. Safford: niiltemaler.
KoKKotb Ftltrs*.

Supervisor. Bmniur U. Ladd.
Totrnship elrrfc. John Lardle.
1'omnshlp trraiiurer. a Alfred BeerommU-tlooet of blgbicays. ItanlH
H MrMullm.
Tomnshlp mad enmmlsalonmr, to Sll
varaney, Itaiiirl II MrMiilIrD.
Tomnahlp nmd eommlsaloorr, foil
term, lammier fTarroll.
Srltnol Insiirelor. Bu*ena.RWaU.
JuMIrv of the peace, PetrT?>.|Aft
M-tiiiv-r of biMrd td revirtr. A. F.
Nosloiia m-red eoinuiJKSlaiier. botth
md. William L Ayers
-. amilh
end. William F. Wilsno.
rnnslaldr*. tSf>nirr llorr. . Jeaoo
(■hriainfiher. la>mls F. Zuulek. nanlol
1'ho volte n« Um- CHinlt |>n»r bmi

J<.uphWo««.^.r™........... ;CP

Per Joetlet at Paeeo for feur years

FYom HaBdk.v-& Ttrrurd.
Old Net Like Machines.
Thr v.ilitiB marlAn.* havp today'
■rii thr rauar of f cn-sl dral of.dtsbsiisfaclluu and disapiv.lnimrut.
a Inda) al»iil Ivrnty voirrs in
t »ard »rr«- d-pH»r.l of voliUK
•r of lack «>f lime diirine tbi-if i
hour, as ihr vutms uai- nul di
rapully TdiKicU lo ullnn- all ihocr mho
romr lo rasi their ULIoO. to do ao
licforc In-Ins roiuiirlliH! lo rvliir
•x>rk. TTu- sauir rimdltlnn |>r»*
valird in nrariy all tin- n«rds doHoe
the noonday rush, atiil ii is pml«hl>alviiint one Imtidrrd. po'idbly
■iiorv. rlecton ven- di’prlrcd uf cast
Ins tlo'ir liallolB. It U true that thin U
partially dun 'to lark of thnnnisb
kiioa-lndsf of votlns on lUr luachlnrs.
URh II l» M-ry rtinplc- In any
I. Ihnsc mho m-.-n- drprttrd of
votlns did not tirnlialr in rsptvss
thnir opinluns of Hin yystem »-blrh diil
It prmilt Ihitn lo voir.
■ lari II »>rm kiiomn that ibnrrmrotiM
• Ihla many of lh<w rnlit
■I vote mtshi hatf ai-rans'-d mith
Ihclr nmpliiyvis lo Rlvc them r
: of lime. Iiul Ihr fact remains
■ bat the vole tialay hax nut l>rr
ti<-avy ns II mmiM hatr Ixvu. bad
• iK-rn a mon- tepid ayati'ni
vralns provldrd.
niirliis the unllnary r-oumc of thr


JiiiiKV MiirHiii-. r>-p...
<1. riaylon Ir-cric. di-ni

(irohaldy ••timiRb. but as Uin j
niali rtintns at mam wid lotranls the
rlo»- of Ihr ibOIk. It la rharly nhiimrn etnvicT labor was lu agoali^raaii ir
onr marliiiir In carh merd la
the •-.iielBl aDiendment tlm
a 4< yra and Ig no. On Ihr
rm rrlallve In rlreoll judgea
the vote m-aa 43 yoa and 44 on.
Poe' Bonds Defeaud.
Tho board of aiiporylBon is no* U
i)Th|iiir ilic fart Ibal thr projan
follom-a. thoNu markod irtlh a aUr
to bond Uic county for tlS.iKW for ibr btdoB new men:
rurpoBC of purcfaaaloB a tarm
Fife Lokt.'
risbiy aerrs or moro and rrtvdlns
SiinmlMtr. RalSili Ulrks.

liiiildinsa thrrron for lh« purpnne
net*. W. A. Kent' Hi-aring for thr pi>or of tho rtmnly
Trraaurcr. la-my Matam.
ri-iti-d a tunjorlty of IKS In tlir city.
(CootlDoed ou T*oUtb Paco.) ^

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company

Most Interesting News
and Carriages
The finest fine of BiiRgits and Carriages
in the dty.
want you lu see the fall
line (third floor of the Furniture Division).
Top Buggicit with cither riibl>cr or steel
tires. Open Buggies and Concords, Spring
Wagons, just the thing for light worksomething never carried here before
Something new in Siirrcys. Tlie greatest
line of Lap Robes and Whips. Remember
that we guarantee all our rigs for one year.
We have full confidence in these goods
• and wewant you to sec ihem at once.
(Furniture Division, Third Flcor.i

will always be found in these ads.
and it’s to your interest to read them at all times. Something

See Our Go-Carts

Get Your Bicycle Now

Thr best slock that wc have ever shown—
that for best of conssructioo, latest siyteand the lowest price for the quality con­
sidered cannot be equaled. The little fold­
ing Go-Carts sell from SUI.5 to
reed back and side and seat sell from Sll
to S27. The reed with iwgcy top at
SlS.-Jij. Ouc big line is p/ked from SI 1
10 5:1(1.70. You should sp6 the fullbuggy
style, top. sides and all. priced at SJ1..0fi, ,
S’j:i..00 and $27. \o trouble to show these
gootls, and we want you to '•ec them be­
fore you make your final purchase.
(Funuiurc Division. Second i-loor.)

We arc selling Bicycles that we can rreommend in every way. Sec the Laclede,
that sells for $30, the best wheel for the
money that can l)e found. The Banner
at $26.50 is another that wc guarantee as
well; and for a cheap, good wheel you
cannot find a better one than the West­
minster,$20.00. Tcaid all wc can, we
sell these wheels for $5 down and $5 a
month. Surely you cannot ask for more
liberal terms. Wc always carry in stock a
full line of all Bicycle Sundries and what
wc do not have we will get for you on the
shortest notice. Ask for anything that
you need.
1 Furniture Division, Second Floor.!

Those 3.00 and 3.50 Hats

Got rhat Hat Yet

The like has never before been seen in Traverse City.
Such beauties, and every one of them original designs.
Visit our New Millinery Parlors on the second floor.
It will pay you to see the wonderful display of our
beautiful goods. Our designers are at your service for
anything you need.

That Knox Hat we mean. All the newest styles we
show and they will p(lease. They have done so before
and they will surely this season. All the good dressers
wean them, and we \vould like you to join the ranks.

If yon do not care lo pay thi: $5 we can sell you tbe 'T^eacon” bat, wbicb Is made by the
Koox people and just avstylisb, only it sells for $J. Pleased to show you these at any time, and
one look means a pnrebase.
inothtrig Ditition. Fim Flrvir i

Sashs and ’Doors at Cost

c4re You Building This Year}

Food Choppers

5buvenir Post Cards

We do not intend to handle Sash and Doors any
more and the stock that we have on hand we will
close out at cost. If in need of any of these >*ou
cannot make money any easier. They will not
last long—that means buy early.
(Hardware Dirition.)

No storejo-thc city has a more complete line
Builders' Hardware. And especially in nails wc
i»n save YOU money—that is what yon arc lonking after.
Then we nave everything thai the esrpenter usee. And
tbe goods that we sell nre the very bnt that moB^ oaa
liny, and yon get the henofft of oar experience. Glad io
rigiirewitb you on anything in thislin”.
1 Hardware Dinsi.m I

Wc sell the Gem in three sizes, at Sl.fl". $1.25 and
$1.75. The Enterprise at $1.00. $1-50 and $2.00
and the Universal at $1 00, $I..Vl and SJ 'W. One
of the greatest labor-saving decfces that was ever
(Hardware Division )

Keep right in line and send your friends some of
our beautiful local souvenir post cards. Those
issued by Orson W. F’eckand the photo cards by
Frank P. Wright. Hundreds of these arc sold
every day. are one of the very best ways to adver­
tise our beautiful city.
(book and Drug Divitioo. Wwt bstrenoe.)



« ttmm* cn».


MorM''b.v"Mr^ WlDtHc'^iin"
ed ^
hy Mr. Goodrich tbst the rcuort be
accepted and adopted. Carried.



T)M e«ra •pccial.
«i "eorti •f»cUI -re«ert«y »otblak «M out drav u I*ni« ■ ciwd m
*«• ttpfvM ««Ris to ih« Mrtr hour
nt the fMl that ft
election itay.

- Mrs. Abiesll Hubbard.
BovMer. thow* *h« eUended
the Jfullce .d Whose DeMh Is Give
Pace bour.
•MIrtad hnaers Institute- felt srdi

•Tbe Ideal Yotuig Woman," UkWW
plcasare." Mlsa
Af*r tho Iwnnnei the membeis Rs-1 -pbl|oso|<l>y
trued l« tbe rolllowlax exH-IIcnl pi^fwinnUred ^ai
giam. whldh wa* prHareU hy •
I'lano duct, JIisM-. K.-nnry aud JarV Ihe iMM»>r. -Tbe Werlh .if a
*1 iJiuBh-•The Ideal t/caguc. J R. Harney.
nanrt Hdo. Mrs W,
-ProplK-cy ■ Miss Gertrude SWftSolo. Mhs Maud O-Xrtl
Abs<-Bi Membera. J Batley.
i l*»i
-Thi- Idoiii Yn'ii'a Mau.‘‘ Ml»s Hclb-:
wbtn the leagoet*
rgoet* lefL
spenaing a ivruduhlc a-;
a well aa
yusiii-i. -Ml ih-i.'
i I’ylioi. Miv- O N'-il

Hannah Cnmp Ball,
t good sired crowd sil-ndod
1 given by Hannah rsm|. bi tbe

its and tbe city adorney reported i
Itiat they ha« come lo an npeemeat
• lib nr. Oauntleil sod he was wimns: I

parties slvr

Dalrica In Good Shape.
The repdri <rf Meal and Milk
ed and
Iteetnr Doekeray was received
led. The report showed he had
vislind twenty <dxirien In the rlly
led thirty
Ihlrty-Bve cows end the
dlliOD was sow! In all except
he had tialtfil iwcnly-fiiur
be r
d luspccted "• cowB and
|gii was sowl In all except
two and Ibrec.cows w-i-re not a* clean
Su thev might bate Iwn The eondl
iin of the meal market* was pond
Tbe canvaas of liie vote In the city
ecllon was arceple.! aod adopted on
T. Palroer'a me '
A residiillim I at the sradlns -xnd
paving of tfas InsLun stioel *
Railroad avrnue o Diirl
racting tbe boaid d inihllr «
eiiare pinna and sped
Irty-fool roadway wa* ai|n|rted on
Ur. Pnimei's m-.-.s.
t.hillon for ihe ron-lniellon
itcral wewer IbogltinlDe on
nc on Elshlh alroet
Ktreet and rD'Rni
was adopted or Mt. Moon.A resolullon
n Sever
Ute Bohemia stn-.-l aewr
leeiiUi siteel was|.tf.l
chle-B motion.
Ir. Gllle
Inilldlug on
material for ttUeelliis t
and work
State sins-t ’

reaslnsly and

Uielr wtwL


much praise frem Ihitsc who aliendeJ.
The natbmsl volots were iiswl In pits
fusloli. blrlncs of red. white aud Miie
eteclrir lishts buns from ihe dome to
balrony rail ta-hlle an Ameincan
e |H-rrh<'d on an American flag di
rertlr under the dome

Tlie Imtroti)

drag'll In
hmitlnp and
•- • ' cvei t whcu'
wtiere StewaiVs orebesira p1ii>e.|
of i-e<l. while and liliie
brilllsnl with llgbla. I.arg»' flags '
draped with curtain effect and In
renter linng a large picture <d l*em
Hannah set in a !ior»c-d.<K- frame .rf

Sprayina Cime

1^1'tTOiKwanU in wly

W.- carry for tbia putjw>»<- Blue Vitriol (Copp r Snlphnlp)
l,i,.r ot xialpk.T ««'


Pari# Urvsni.

Tbe music war exccth-nl m.lwllh
standing Ihe fact that the mchesha

It s-oo «ill pup U«.o ll.—' »rtiol..ot „..)ou «ill

Deaths and Funerals.

conslste.1 ot only six meu
Not only
rahAld tor to deIbB.
Her srandfKlher fouabl lit the
Tbf train arrived in the elt; Setup luilon: her fsthcr la ibe war of 1812:
the al-illrr of «b»
daf Bltbt over tbe Pen Hangnette and
praise bill Ihe ffualily of the mnstc daughltr of XJr,.:it..l M:
eoiialn wits killed in the war w-ltb
Tayli'i i-f tSiJsii. 'ii'-it
was truiTerted to tbe O. R. * I.
iimieelsted. many noveiu,.* lieltrg
Mexito: her »on foushl in tbe civil
nimii. -’'I'c will 1
where tbe inaiiune was held ai 1
Introduced that liolp lo make i^iiclng morrow aile-ii-xni fioui II
and Iwo of her srandaunx. Robert
Vu-hilak. I
o'decA yealerdar mowtn*. The train R. Waller and bnilhcT, saw *en lcc In
eoulated of tw basm« ean and two the war with Spain.
While the dance was In iirogicss
eoa^a and was la ehanie ot Prof. L.
railroad Inncb was served .a. ihe stage
Mrs. Frmii'.’s lAllniip nii-' .« tl
B. Taft, anpertniendent of fanners- In
IJ^IIe Tavern and n f Ived
•utsees. and he was assisted by W- R.
m-’ral----------------XV.„...e.. e.m.ln,w
Kfllns of tin- rlly co
Ravwa who talked on dalryloK and
mi! II ulniosl 2 u'olock.
Tnomlay evculns
LUlns 1<
II wns
was ll•■cldt•<l
d•■<■ldt•<l In
li li
picture show was cm roiiclilng en tin'
also atade a teat of nil. J, C. Hatpin ad<]lt!on)il malnH Iti the rweliny dl
e- i.f the Issle.
street with Iheir
•Ir sign Tin.
talked on poultry and its care. 8.
trict, lo plirehaM. l.ism feel of D
Craet Church Annual.
IS shull be thirteen feet
says snch signs
Till- annual |uirl-b meeting nf-GraciBtettoa dellveted an address oo bortl- bone and lo buy a tram so Ihiil steam­ almve the walk
(hr ball
ft.lsrupal ckiireh wo* held
edtsra and Prof, J. A. Jeffrey bad ers could piomptly be golicii
reported ti
Tbe ronimlUee
churrh Moodty evening and
chalffe of the earn exhibit
rondllinns <
tbey-bnd rxnmlin
A One bortleoltural disiday occupied Isllns In tbe mill dlslricl eaal
tbe front of tbe drat baorace
flvenne and in the Flrel ward sonlb of
F. Titus. M W. I'ndci-wood. Ralpk
• 8. W. Stetson at ibis part Ulkod on Elffbth stref-i and reeommended Ibal
belter flr»- proieeiion be provided In
•ffra;1nc. pnwHi«, etc., and asve
these districts and that tbe council
rtcMk way to prepare Bordca«ix mix take slepa toward that end at once.
needed for main* in exceUcni cooditloii. all the ...dig,»
tank Tbe aami^os abowlnt the differ­
The eommlticc recommeaded for
I. -J. %V. Mll'er ofF.-h tlap.
lil.ius lisiliig iKvm dbchnrsv.l mid u
ent aBetbodi of prunlnc jtrarUnir and Ibe Lnke'avenue dlslrit-t Ibal a eixInch uialn Im laid from the Bgblh
JhuUiiice roiunldlng im hand. The n
aptvioc auraeted miicb alienllnn
slns‘1 l-iidse along Righth street and
I |s>rl of the woman's guild alv.
from tbe frelt aiowers. A lone
Ijiko avenue to Tenth street with con­
m from a Iramnaylmi.dr and showed that the guSlil ImJ
iBfl dn pniBing win not hi«l
nections .St the bridge end for both
. ro. ib-i, klndm— d.iriiu
lug h<
a lire hydrant on Uke ..
nimpany's dime exci-lleiit w ork. A vole of
Oval Wianl
pitiMr,manner bet if there la no aldb
placed under IbC dlrec- -aid* Inst night. Frank Sicpiinek.
was extenilisi In ilt<‘ choir, inilivi.inail.i
Mt the aear Is perfect The Impop
... — -c chief. The estimated W
Senmd street, .lied probably
of yh.dr |.Uone. ..AJ«> lor the
taaea of eorehm the entire brant
cost of this Improvement la I&2P.
mLislsnr di^b from a broken m-'l..
the paal year and especially for ihpaoilly.
'^fftaat Wttb the apraylng mixture
n>r the mill dislrirt amilh of Eighth was plfki-d «p 'a'cr by a pnnv who
,flnc Raster music.
alreei an elght-lue* main was recom­ wciv srairiung lor him aud taken
«ra FranMln
street from ilie Anilcrson morgue,
Allcr Ihe parish mi-eling ih.- vcsli,'
. Epwerib Leanue.
J. «. Kalpln-s poultry display arts mended
il and leaves
a wife and o
Qgtath street to the Oval Wood Dlsb years old
met and i-leilcd the folhiwlng'.
aapuetally wtynby of notice. A light
cotnpany-B plant am! a slxdnr* main daughter.
Wnnh-ns, K. 1-. Sprague, f. II. W.-l
brntaM cocker^ and hi* mate were In to connect Ibe .lend ends on mnklln
Mr. Sii4<atiek was emplnye.1 almiit
thi- i«iilo;.s
yards, hi* w-orklng romiwinhm
the fist pen and the white leghnrea sirert with Ihe Klx-lncb main on Rallng Veorel FUatvk. The plant Is
wd avenue an-1 Wellington street
Sc-ivlaiy, M. W. |■Mlli-.•w.H.|.
CUM next. Those legbores ixiaseiM
mlng until 9
‘ '
ith spurs I.) Ihe OvnI Wood Djsh
l.-m F. Tilii*.
an wTlablo te«g record. Another pen
the two men
>mpan>'s pump, and to Ikardi
r..Ty<’.l HI .•
nrlig.ile* t.f Ihe ilic i sipi .
tsagdccuplod by a blown legbont «»ck
a tranixray wen of the
ike for sleumer roiineclloP.
loll j-1 GyanJ Kaplds. K. 1.. Spingne.
The locolion for the tenI hydrants
anB lieo and a pair tff line while
'•••bl H*I»
shonld be
neeeaaary for those I
r. It \'--Il<W. W. l>. fume;
wyaadoUM also attracted altenlli
!!i ;,.| :.n,! ll'i’ror
t wilb'the lire
re chief
chief and the ownera
nail .. -Thnnia* rtitiuiihwal:Mr. Balpin loM bis barrod Plyuoutb
IP yi-tr etiats nml I
the far1ori.-s Inu rc-ied. The oslJllaibo. I. I . Siiv.-i.soir*
roeka, tbey brtng nuffoeatod by ais
hU lealhri- apiim
msled ciiM of this Improvement U
I'-llinc him iKIlarokl
He bad been offered *80 lor the r
! .
BouBbt the earner.
,rdei to l.i-.Mire of Inting
A* he lives on tip- west -sklr -Mr.|I
BlwHvs lit bund lo lake tl
Tin- ili-nl was cIosi*l lod.ij w-|i<-ieli>
W. R. Rav«m-a talk ou dalry lus
Bleistnek siarie.1 wesi on th.- tram!,
Meatnera to a lire tbe pmcbaec of
way Inward a fllghi «f Meps ul II* cad l.lhe niM .Methodist eli-ir.-li ln-<ntiies
—«*s nore Intercstlag by the testing
recommended. Ihe tram
l ihe poxseeaor of .ihe J. W. MiHik.-ii
of pnbUc works Intending to eiil through the l»skel|
Iff tkree mUk tmmpla brought by A. be used hy l
<UI the n.imTof Wasliiuuioii
to be nl7 ny. - •
r. Gray m>m graded Jersey cows. Tbe 0*1 regulsr w
walk l..■.nH•.
He never resdiH the
... jrc chk
Kti-i-.-l and ItoBiilmaii
mmples made aa excellent tbowlog
......... however, Ihe darkness prohahly
m CUB be sta
lwi.ig flieil lilts all.'
milHil browrn cow. 4.4 butter fat; red
engine liwise and Ihe driver en­ ileoelving him ami he wslkid pn. near
the edge which Is s.m..- twelve or ............ .
was fu.-V
«»w..84 batter fai and brlndlc cow. rolled as a member td the dre dcpai
bfleen feet alHive iIh- grouiol. and fell,
Mr. Milliken will prolmbly iwciipy
At baUer taL As the wute requlre- mrnt und lodgeil there an l«>lli nil
slriklus hi* head on Ihe
and team would nl .all times be qulc
■eot Is only S. ft will bo teen that ibis
foiir'Br-ffve nilmite* iM^hliid III* frleiiil ih.- .liiiit-h will iviaiii
that proved that Mr. Uny's area are ^Oa nimlrin of Mr. Murchlerimpportanil^rrlved »■ ids lioin.- in lunoratu-e
.'d by Mr t:c«.|rl.U, Ihe rv|K>rt
of niiy unusual hapiM-nli.e.
Hy Hi.-f fiir
acrepled and sdopleil.
•rte core «hlbU eoolalne
Trtien hr, h«sl«ud dhl
kjrouu'l Tl I' -cs N'. in>*li' iil --r
Miffteg of yellow dent anf
. «9lll Buy Mere HoA.
home II* iiMixl Mra. Sieimbek noiifleil
The comml.ti-e on dre In reporting John KiiiP'V. n nelRltlaii
ir.nt'iu'iil tit-iH
uBHUet of com grown In •
rfleer Ginison
hi* son. Imii'eil up Gfl
farts of tbe atate aa well as
and the (liriT weni i
gkai^eu. Tbe cold faiurday t
chief arriirr bids on l.l'IW f<-el cif nilhl IvcHiig some Tr.iwr.'City js*i|.l.' ivlioep
howc samples to armnipaiir bids.
otroyed the aamplea of growl
fell ftver the iMsly.
■ ted on mot
pj't n «.? iiiiK' slniiiiili'niilUd
of Injury
Alsike, aUaJfa and various
Ci ill! sj.iA.*hlon nn.l Coron.-r lloldi
grwaeei w«re abevm.
A tobacco
• i-yp gill**
Bids for Water Works Stack.
kummuneil an.l ilie b.slv ieiumv.1
. ggMfle aln showed wtaat coohl be
I a commnnIcHllon la R . ft. (
frame -u irimt-v'l i
well, aniierinlendeni nf llio *
la Mieblgan.

..... iK

noi ffo wrong as lo <|iia]iiy dr prU-o.

$. e. lUalf $ Sons
Cpjpcrn Cilr'f Cndlr§ Dna










J,,;,.. ,h.,™


onlir to j««l III.' Ih St materinU
Oserge t_ Crisp. f.Mulv r»mmk-.:eii-i



; slodt Ol cveryH4B8
lor the great tallonal sport Is noW
ready and everytiling marked at the
regular Spalding price.
A number ol new styles ol Mils
and Bats this year which arc fine.
Ihe Spalding guaraMtec Is the
strongest ol any athletic goods imakcr


......... .

We Offer References

BaoiplM of aoed and rarious dslfy work*, the Traverwe Hly Iron Works
offered to r.-'daie Ihe water
lid be
(■ideBebia were also afavwn. Owing
- -|ir 142*. The stack w.
niTk did
while 1
to the fact that the train only i
high, a lorlviwolm-h broken
moil.ig 11
Mch. nne half of eight guage uii.I Ihe
■Ateed an liour. ft was inpoaslble
illoli n-vealcd a bro.ik almusl
ihc skull.
fly Blnnte aUenllon to all (be «
The imiuesl was held Ul.- Hit!, sllei
hlUtH. but everronc paid Ibe rom-l
ritrnish the lumls-r
ittMtlaa (0 that In which they are
"o (unilsh ilic gny
guy line* and po*li
..miiA ..
Aa Ihc clly
inclnilcil In
•rlnl could he gollcn
Daath of John Btvoraon.
i»1de of
If ten -day* and Ibe Job
flottoas Bay. Mkh.. April 1.—John
BffvwoM. living on a farm }uat
nkallon wa* referred <
aMo of Buttons Bay. died at C o'clock
tUa wnlbg at tbe age of 73. H« '^As to hoard of education »e**lon
««a (MO eff tbe pMoeor* of the coant) lapped over the lime of the enum
trlUIromtlng almost one hour, neves.lii
«BMlM to tbe United Btatea about
Ibe mayor
mayor aod
lag the iiliKetice of• tbe
tblrtr-ofshl years agn, Aral arriving Clerk, the eouncil nrganl
nanlietl with Mr.
n and Vie
wNhoot bla ranlly. who arrivea
omen a* chairman pro


yfUf anarward.

sale olStite Tax Unds

Haa Medeoarleu. Norway.
The lollevlnff children aurvive him; Slmtvm,
iMalt. Marlin and Emma.

One non,

ffnUMk died in 1»1: taU wife Is still


Y,.u will liiul at my farm
my sundard polled
Durham bull, resiKiered in
both booh*. A sure breeder.
his calves are j

! tum privileaes.
J. W. Slater

Detirnyed Alley.

was referred to flu- t
Petltkms tn.iu J H. Hamlin f.
•arent. walk on Rn*e street. I*.*
waStU Lnlbetan ebureh at Suiuws
no Wasblogton nml from Rots-ri J
Bar. Ibo Rav. Mr. Maakests
Price for a eemwil sidewalk ai 339
Webster street, were refened n
romtnUlce on yircel. and walks.
Pelltlnns were presented and read
Rt 8 o'clock Tuendaj aRoinoon.
4l* iBanrare of Mrs. Brawn, comer
BovMtb and Maple aireeia. Chandler rigned hy C. W. Uralle and olh.
O. Baker and Mrs. Alice H Brown. hciween Vnlon and DUIslon by Jn
Mb 4>f Tfavetse City, were nnlled In Campbell and four olbera; iK-tw
tbe rtter and Utvlslon slreeL signed
MMBffO by tbe Rev. J. W. Miller.
Tbe bride wm licauilfull) gowned by Jobo Ca. siraul. and other*. The
U eroem allk trimmed wUh white lace. petitions were received and filed.
It wa* moTcd by Mr. Winnie
MMa Blna B*xioo of West Elgtaib
supported by Mr. AbhoH tbal Ibe city
•UBM played the weridlag mare

N. B. *---------Otleager.
Miss Cai
Carrie Ol- auoriie} draw up a reaoluikm lor pav­
and MIm Osborne from Moa- ing Eighth street from Right ali
ater. retatlvee ol tbe bride.
bridge to Ikvlskm street aod the
■her of pereonal friends Ii
tioo carried.
------------ eent.
No Ordinanes NMBid.
took tbe 4:Se
Tbe nrdlnanie commlllec and the
for Ulendale.
PWS Jtarquette
Ity aiiorncy to whom bid Ivvn n*
erred the matter ot chickens runnYm
at large, ibal loastnoch as tbe nmiicr
was full jrcovered by
now lo for
Dr. OawntlMt Allownd «10a
The cownrinee on claims ouJ


ir.u :.rn-.* wni Will Iw gUd lo


i»ii. r.'SBidlng Kame.

Your Money
This Bank

I' r.

The Traverse City Canning Co.

As Ye Sow so Shall Ye Reap.

su'0.«fu1 farm, r of tralnv r.ailif* Hint if b.-iaton-ap
» l»•^lIllif||l liarviwl iiuil rw-iro Hi.' •h'** r.-*nli»
fr..iu l.i* lal.'.r*. I..- mn.M

xpBDOsUed with this bank

hi* «-.*« *ib'_

A Grain Drill

y a'^'i‘tycaring

Wlu-fl by i>• •••iii<«|H'--U*!ooooiiiinr«H'.-


ti-ak pn.l


for 5ex-(;ral

witl be safely cared for:



AllolWafcr Bag
ih It xvKii'.

Wc can

-I iliul our pro|WElti>« In a flnu

Rubber Goods



The Famefs' Favorite




Th- fart tlial llio Fnrn.ors’ flra.u


«v.unlry C.U tl.c



iiupcrUm aa tl..- f'Ttl.. r f«.-t ll.ut lb- .I*-'



Dl. Wolfe's Blanch Oflice

to you i:i lm\

muDlrailon from J. J Sbrpsrd
« lo build
_ lac proup dif the Utley for i
hlblted a* It had I
ruined by Ihl*. Thd

^(■wral will b* bald tro« the Nor-


Farmers’ llttention’

', Palmer
a* clerk.
The family located C.

at AJpaaa. then VMparalso. InA. and
SBaliratButUoos Bay. He came from.

TrateiseCilf. Midi.




OF 1M7

It will graduatly grow:
it will ba always ready,
and It will be free from

. Savinas or


^Wc have a bo'.tl*'


wc can back

of f-jr

two ycarsc’ s

such go'jels.

Tl’.'-y tpsi a




Traverse Oly
State Bank
The Oldest and Suong^t^Bank

Frill inr..rn..-.tioBc.iro.';:iM-i-.=...y t.i|H'n..r pnnlfl «f

Yoit take no






the start






Drug Store

tbia Drill, ala.. roforen-v> fmu.

•"'■we tlro

Drill may bwe will U- plca*«l lo abow you
aauii.l.-* of lb'>‘"‘1
r Drilla-

'Remembenhe Place.



Queen City Implement Go.




••••V. BBo aetlMon
farm no Carp lake. Dear filacbain.
be land waa procured frem tbe po*nment. tbreucb an lodlaa aad tbe
price paid waa II.U aa «rre. Reuben
Ooodrteb and J n. Ramadell aaxlKlInc
Hr. HurttMiit In ibe piitrhatH-. Mr.
fl«« CHKk. TM> PriiliMt; ■•m.1
HurllHirt lia> no* »old hie fiirm lo ble
MMdn-Uw. Herman Donner. for »10.MMaatOMhunibe deal bein* made In Fehruary
pammmB-A. mv w- »■
Mr. honnet taklnc poMeaeloB Uei
OMk. »n. J«Um T. bUA.
e farm eoneleted of !7S
4*4. ■. C UmM. jtrrr laUlvM. On «■
Md iMKl a dfly nerc wood lot.
r. and Mre. Hiirlburt <*me
uinaham lii lact. Mre. IliiHburl
3 pB cm aB»«c4 M Tine b^MUi belDx m yeare old and the bride n(
ouly a year, ibe only tlmW cut on
the place wae ibat rrom which ihr
bouee wae hnlll. The firei year they
Id pot keep i> eow bin the apennii
there waa kiifftrteni land Neered.
Cln^ Ws WMk. 2.828 1-aribey
aeriired one. That year MrK •
orlbim Bold her llnti pound of IwlT. r<«Hvlhx fit renla tor li. WltUaffl
- -Apr« R«».nJ.
t-ure. a nidxhbor. belnx the purchi.iM r
~ >!• Itonk-l
RIace that lime, or foriy-two yearv In
Tax Bilo Kotltv.
all. Mm. Hiirlbiin hax been maklBK
A. Wnir»-Cn»s BfOx Str«lctil- bulter, Inrtrienially ulih iht- help at
her dauxhier. doinit Ihc hoiuu-Bork for
^family or fniBi elxlii io eleven |m<i


Mm. Ilorihurl kept irael: for
bee €f yearn of how omeb hulier abe
had Bold. «he had ihree areouni
aty Hook Hioiv—SpkMtBg na<« hooka which Kbe denroyed uiihom
The totsla bill wben abo qoli
BxU Good!.
maklna butter laal Fehmary she
Bbctmii * Huaier-Ftor Psbu.
D«foli BuctHu l)«iw«iiy-HhoM- added up tl
the total ai
A. V. PrMrIrtt—Work SboM.
BietatbMx Brot’-OfoilMn™.


» BMtoo Harbor
fcy frieodx of BralaailD Wrlchi. In
ewtody It tVllTar; Cm.. rk*nrfd with
kllllM hi* viu and mil* daucMcr.
aay AU IrWida <■ ib» w»i»m c«r
•ra aticklos »r bin. iMHarlBC I>1b
nooMt. aod that the pollni thns•rifM aay tW have a flinay caa*
•sainat Um.


Loot and Found.
Loat, tielweea 9:3» p. m. ymuerduy
Prom Moeday-a Record.
and noon today, a Idllous attack, with
Alanaea A. Reyaolda. aced M yearn, nauaea and tick headache. Thb loss
a pioneer fanner Irba came to Clio in
-rasloncd by fiuding
Riigtied Dnig l’o_
fo_ Hsunab
• drug

IMt. b dHUl after a abort UlaeMt.
8. K. Wall It Sou's drtiK sloriw a
Ivaar H. 1>>wIb. a Metaawra ploaeer, of
Dr. Kinc's New
died of Brltht'a dlaeaae aner a abott ■ meed nils- fur Idlli
s-iUri I
IlIPN-a. Tie leovea a wile and Bine and laundice.
PERSONALk. AuBuxtttB II. Peck, need k* yeare. a
From Moij.lJ} s Hn m.I
wealthy aad reilred merrhani of Pori
Hfiny llarper went i.. f. i».key i«
JerMa. N. Y . waa a w.-ll hnoan youac
man In Mlrtilean In ISIS. Wben 1<> day
Mlu. Ituoceun (-ai|i. r<.n i.-li f.n layearn old tie entered tbe alore of tlo».
iron Ihla moiolog. *h. n- site ai
enior Jiahii R. Barry. He waa one uf
.s|s-od a f.a days.
a tarry ut M who went to CallfortiU
-s H T. U.-cd h-ft this iii..niln:
In Bcbnonem drawn by axen. In mine
for Rianitdi alien sin- sill tieii hr:
Mr. ned'Mm. Henry Wool M Kl.^e
IS Small JPsae i-tiinii-d lo liei
ceb-Umied'Ihe df^-thlrd annlreraary
S' lu ..........
Ibis nuunltu'
marrtaae hVlday. MarHi sn
rvls....,a.if.h.|s in me City.
Both nre t« yearti .rf age. Mr Wiad
Th"™h'“" *>■ ..............
b.rrlnc ber-n iHirn In ICnxIanrI and Mi>^.
v.-.r.m.n ill F.:.likf.,ii
Wool 111 Medina eoiiuly. Ohio. In UJl.
iss Kdiia .Mllb-r. al... Is in nlli'iid
>1 came lo I'llnloii .r.iiiily In
■ .>t llio Ml. III;..Ill -I-Iiiiiuiiy a< K.>:
lli.’di. and heliBvl to f.-ll the ins.»
,7.ri I-. -|e-l|.liiiv ]|..| i;.r;i(i.>l« 'll.
Bliere tbe iiiikliie** iriitier ao»-. Is. In
Ihe eiiy
ia:< he went to Me>lina rouiiiy and,
inanled MUa Vienna Ford
rhildn’n were Im™ to ilieiii. live oi
• bom are livinx. Ovei IM tr.|aiiV4.i
lie a* Ibe pvinKa
Ilany neldlnx. 17 yearn old, am of-,
r. and Um II. R UeklliiR ot Ue.i,.n{
llariMjr. B-ak ilmbned In the livei ali
Ri. Joseph l-hblay aflenanD. Deldinx '
110.the deck of a liver taiai wliUej
ullempllnc lo slop Into his Iniinrli find I
waa dm«ned heliin- help eoiild le.icbj
II you art suStrioi from
him. Tlie iKviy has uot liei

of South HavenVoidesi ivsidema,
are dirid.
hare kept aa
It in 1W4 he-

Aiimai Maathts.
TV MBoal ekorrh meHtiit <
pT«rtne«1aa. ehsrch wai belt


Met With Cl
Seren Q. R. A 1. offleiala arrived tn eaelad avery day. Tha local marhtt
m, while
tbe city laat evoalax and met with the prleaa art auppllad by local dealtm.
expired i
by Wirt,
park committee of tbe eounril ronslalWBlaetid. Mr. BtaehU aaked
aaked (be eon- ins of Aldermen Winnie, Moon and
gr^llaa to mite wttb bin in, aikini — It and Mayor Friedrich eariy tbU
Ihe aesaiOB iaatisx almoai
S»J?opS^ *1 Al**®*"* w l*»- threeMk.
bourn diirinx which time thr
piopciBOd chances to be made by
e “
■' lad In this city

U. C. T. CkECTtON.
r futurs- Ibe
' Ttpverae CHy eqoM^. Ko. 3fil. U. C.
If the ofHelaiK will b
T.. BMd tbelreleenas M FrMar^
ally tubfflitied lo the council.
f>a« oowmahder, A. F. Oa«iem
The propoaed plant are am ready
for tbe pnblle aa ret but aside from
' Jnhlor CommaDder. U W. Codman.
aifretary and ireaaurer. Frt<<l C.
r Mebur.
OoKdoetor. «. U ChapMb.
•• P«t«. Ja*et nanari.
Seattael. C, O. BAUbee*.
■xeeaihte coanlitea. twn rearx. A.
U JoTfAF F BMOber.
On Vurdar. April A (hey will bold
n pnhlle taitallaiioti and an:

aerrlM ai baieber at Ibr blonheni
IdhUoa aaylu®. Frank Wllbelm bae
realtaed hU poaUMn nrlni: (
bMttb and will real ihla aanuBer.
expAu to embark la buiBeaa (or Umaeir aone time thlx tall.
Mr. Winelm w)H remain tbe
•M ef (be week and aid tala aiw
eoMOC. JMrIw hit lone oooaeetlOD
with ibe aaylum he baa made i
trMMa Wbo. while aorry to aee
leave. wiiO him Boecvwa In whatever
•Bdertaklni V fwgn la.

the depot thboy
thinks wi
talked orer that may maieri.-illre li
ihinita that will lie h creai l>-nelli
IP city.
The ofSclala teemed more than i
Mac to mrei Ihe cliy half way and i
parly wool several miles suuih of i
eUy In tin- ear 1<k*Iuc orer ihe croii
tlml mlcbi be used (or a roiindhoi
They lett on ihe H1.4S aoi
bound train. The ofa<lnl parir c
aialed of Aailatant Oencral Manai
il. Stlmana of Gmnd Rapids; Chief
V. il
R&KllIneer R. H. namen.Omnd Rapid,
•rlBlendoai J. W. Hunter. Gn<

When a woman choosits a suit »hf looks for
if .>ihtr's tasteful:: (or wortli. if she's wise ;
for workmanshi|i. if tiiscriminAtinit; but mist of
utl. she asks <»nc tiuestion, she applies one
linai test:
•'Mow will it Ityok on me T

Women’s Smart Tailored Suits
Interesting to S OU. Whatever your taste—so it’s good—however
iTiiiial you however fastidious as to details, you'll be pleased bill pa\ticularlv
puyticulariy lyceaustlyernusr the stock is so broad that
y/ii- ’A//
ik// that /Kivf-. k
it ./
•/ ,m
i‘k I'.'b
it'k ii hirt.

Sirstpirilli you hive known
til your life. Vour doctor
knowsit.too. Aikhimibouiit.

f/ 'e /f.irv' never UtH ^iiiiilr •<’ :e,.'//‘!eit\ef ivilh tJte .<tyle^ auJ istlnts at
lht*e f^ue' tu
have tin^ ie.t'iunnul never hn\ the ii'sortineiit
</.' £f(al.
You can find suits at these prices that will be a
revelation to you. both in beauty and value—suits
ihatwould readily betaken for higher priced. But
no matter what price you decitleyou want to pay we
will show you plenty to choose from, but donoi fail
to look at those priced at

G. R. a I.

$8.50 to $20.00

y| Before You Begin
^ Your Spring Plowing

Er' •' :=


KapMs: Cocnmei
U Uoekwond, Grand
etal Akeni M. F
lendiSson of Fort Wayne,
key: a II. Hen
aaperintendeni of tbe toiilbt-rn dirp
abm: Superintendi'ot of Uollvo IJ. R. Keeitan trf Grand Raplda.

Are Here in a Wonderful Variety

We Trust

KU'n C.irl. aiied 77 yeura, and
Sl Mrs.Mrs.Uanba
!lul*ey. BRe.1 Jp years.

a. L. Aahtoe relomed Baiurday
ovotfai -fro® wnUaBthurs. Va...
much to care for. They did opt
wtioro be aod hU HaUy apeni the: any aiienilan to breed, bclicrliii;
wiMor. Tbe cMmate waa anyi
II waa the feeding ihni made ihe
and pmeeedlna on ibis theory there
was only two raws that bad lo la.
poaed nf.
Mm. Huriban-a people la tbe
re all dead but Ur. Ilurlhurl hi

New Spring Suits


mil li WORK

Call and see our line of

Death of Mra. Ant
m or Ijtke
day momlnc
being due to ranaumpuan one wa
of age and learea a huahanri
(our children. Tbe funerol serrtco Clover scssi.................... 1(1.on


Tbe old Bollock hotel at Bolk>ek-» I'nderiakor Carlpr will have ebarge.
rroaalna. ederea mllea aoath ol Alpe^
no. lamoai la Ibe early daya or
J. G. Mills and family, wbo have
ran inaklBg their home al WI Wash
berlac. bamed Friday nldbi. It
aMtaced many noted peraonaiea in Inglon tlrem during Ae wbiier. re
•d IO Old Mlselon for Ihr sumtue
III dayr. but baa lone alace faJleo

S ».“■......................“


Chlckena. live weight..................... Ifl


. dieas.-.! . . .............................n7U


Tm are tarlied to call and hrur Ibem. YVe'll have a ronrert
wbenerra yoa arrive, Outrrf-iown partira should wrlie for our
frra Bulleun ot the Sew Rraorda.
Romember VICTOR Ruratds ran be med on any make .d Disc
•UariOne and CDISONS on any make of f^yllnder Maebtm- Tbey
are andentablr THE BE*T!

Special Inducement
We an- t-fft-rin^: a Sain Calf
Shoe with iin'h top. n-gular
price Si.r.".



They art-made of theybwi leather, higli and regtiUrtop. with liellowstongw to ke-p out ihe din; seams
are all reinforced t*. keep them from rippin* .As a

On Friday. AprU Sth. 1M7
At 9 a. m ou all c'athlnt and eat
mcm* made up. ptvss»H nr repair-:
end Irti
.lays. wtU |p>raid for ehargr*.


AT bargain PRICES.

For Pants
tha! will surprise you for value and
for thefineassortment. Brand new
spring patterns. Every pair warrantted-built for looks and ser­

Take a look at our
and you won't feel the need of
loolfing farther.

Sherman & Hunter



S30 CaF’ron’t S't.




O RENT-|iifi4 Washington ai
clrti rooms, ham liu. <' X.
mond. Peoples Sartnes Dank.

55Uf/^ OF GOOD 5HO£S ^



GrancfTraverse Region.

\ikliusui arriteii bunu- Satag
day evening to spend Ms f^sier varaniih bis t

•. iin4 Mr-, wmiam No*in«r«ti
«nd Ur?. Slifht aiul iu.j£bt«r cnUed nu
Urv. iaiBM NeMBBrcL S«n4ar.
ll»n at Hn. w. S BiitOB'a Bon
rMch tht Htrtli MIot iwt
«>rx J<>bD Mltlr. Ulu Amy SMS
TitMday XMii « Mai wMk.
■r a»rt HIM 1.IWIU Si»rr.
and Hn.. >t»«arU N' wmart-h
«i In. th«y ma]> b« ■
* ■n» ll«M.
Mn. Jobu aumeanlDer baa be«s
T«^ in during ibo paal w«.xk.
Mias Fanny Alkinaon and MIsa
PeMMon or TMTene C«x aprat Banday at A. Aiklnaon'a.
V. A. Suiioo aad (anilr tmyy BioTxd
to RlM Arbor.
Jack lillloB rytanrd bona Satiir

«l Ibe IIIdmih nt (be laller’s mol
Mm B-n Wilson has l-s-a
llie lOSI week, but i:: bei«-r n
Mias ARiy fleegmltl-r and Ulm
I.iH-Ila Stair ealled «m Mr:V Bert Wil
H.UI Rundar.
W'alier Vlngllng S|ieni SnuUay at
Hs iHWie near Kingsley
Mrs. t- J. Kewiuareli eailer nn her
riuughier. Mrs. Wllliani Saxton our
dsy last WH«4i.
Miss Klile W»iel Iiuk k<ui.- In TivV
eree I'lly i» attend setiiad.
r. apri b
Mrs. Ikne Jnliti:r>ii uiid 'on
KlM’nr RsM.-i Sunday at F
Ml 1 Wesley Suarllnr Is n IlH- siek

e ol tbe streatns


The fBoeml


, flei-vofi. V. bear, is

•! a?^ibe M K.i?uret.
e Rl: lbi,ud'
.. Her..-.
W i:i .».lteire rnove.l M- faro
Culrer. wN» now .e.rlde,, upon bis ..un
place on tb. rlvfr.
lit. Uia •

;ir S'

Regarding Bank Deposlls

Hao-y Pbestt h.Xf a new coli
Profes.'ior Jiieobj left lart I u-sday
and IS ve.v -Iri . Mr . Jane - is ta-liigl H..
.'I~> iis-ai KssVi Sunday
■ i-nlng for Traiers.- t’ltj.
The SBOS- hag all illfappearr d.'cbe ussiite.l ;>• her
-.r M«. Sajeiw.ib.WH-.
Ml-. Sh'-irutu Ti.s 1, I wplng bou..- . We iindef^land tlial C.
IIS Iite beeomitiK v.-:r.|aiil. and
1,.- Mr r |i,
r ubs. „is-.
!n:.u w.ih a I d ae,-., last —k
prenent eyerytblni looks vi-ry lat
HaroM .-ind Man:.a GIbU yeiarte-J. whuti l.v 'mav 1-r--.- ibr sigbl of <xie



Drawn tn-

A .srUiCcab.



lusUiwl of a IsKik.
I>ta«s ibtctiwl
)i,ta)n!gt oB
tvsst % .iiwi year from «Uu- unl«*a r.-iu-w*sl,.


fBECKlNU AaMrST.-^ Mootoaov.iiieot to iLoto wbo
vitli to i.nxe
t > olbi-ra
Ka< )i .-l.eok oonatitaM a
reeeiirt (ortbe ilepcsilor
A »af« ami ennxenieat way for
pivioi: all ar.-ouuU.


Slu-e: hiriseiav-perforMr*.!

A 'itlle U. l in

tereot .' .aeb ><iuiA ati-i lAuvoiher
eiwtiiice for
ymill Iroai ilslf.J Ual ••otry.

W.- furniob eltf k liooka.

ALL JjEIMSITS A-.' liWyaUc on JemanJ
No {wyntMiU
m-vle Mcept riu snitwn ••rtkr ul deponilof May be wrilteti
BO eitber lituUitiil or wife ixtuld lirwv.
AllUtwotaB ow-

ti'l. litial
^laa BlHla Bharxr la vUIIIng hpr
tlairr. Hm. J. Bnmgardnar.
Ror Plani and taailtr hare roared
ihi-;r fiimi
.-:.. !e!i'le .f «•.nijgl.i'i.- d.wjMlu

to OMn Kami.
anti Vlio. W F. ibil-ii b.
;f».;eae-., ......... 1-. l.•ldlll.-rou Thuivd»y I
Hiaa Oora Sltnon baa mumrd to
I.4.-K .-u. lb. i.
Bardkkvllla aRar apradlag tlu- «lu
ajul 'Mrs tvai'-rrm wl*l ')eur«* lasi. lu i..-|s*.' a i^iiu s
Hlmb 111., nliiru.-d n. I.l- tsi
H>r at monrodali-, OhM:
.-d-i .-tJIH-. all. r iHs-n'liUi: i
Waller Kellon; will more on hl<
with bl fjrilly li.-ii.
■fam for the aiimner.
R. Blrdaler and M. Farrant willrari
frl.yids last w«
f.-w days
the logs on tilep lake for the Ob-n'
M«nnN- 0»-nl) Swa
los:i in. .-iWi: IV U’r-U.v Ibr
Arbor I.-iniber eomruH)-.
■•k.l wn« .■h-si...iS.)ie folli.sel'i.-l.lApril 1.
W. Met->ii iiii.t 1
'"ciaud l.yd-H i.» 111 WilIi;.nv.l..irK
SniHT '"wr
S' II <.W,.itn
Kaliinlav froiu Gi-ju.l
lllng frieods. • •
Out ef Sight.
Mm Jaino Newnnueb stM.nt
llle. Hlrt
Mrs SiBBbtiry and Ruth riimyth
I birthday al her daughter’s. :
n llr.ird
Mm. Clevelle weni i<> Hmpiie todar.
Ilf *;vl.i, ..1- ..f n'inil.” is an!|,u,„ Walirin attended Sundny srhoni
a;iy Cranniis-^t-iaer, Weil.y r
rile Slight.
Meeroe Ainldon unil wife was In
-Ill --aiUt uhieh— with 1 .[«-ei»l, ,a,i Sunday.
Jiullr-g ef -i.l- H.a-e, itiiio' W. F»i
harlie Slight lost a horse last w
S.-IH.-II the etiilitM'ii
Ttayerae City Saturday.
MUs F Fl.u.-e and Mi».
r. and Mrs Jonas rriiidell drove
' ErneM lAiper leaves today to nork
Aimiu !
alteaded the debate at Fite t^ku .
R.-view Hisjeritk |»-inn; S-Itool In
rialisl V.Traverse Qiy>.!- Heunrtt: Criafat.lee,
j, B.pfc»i„ ,s biiildlnr
„,„iu,n» a
.. large sbudl I
be SparilUR selKstI cluseil a
A|trll I.
FmacSfncrce vlalted rHatfyea
Fit'll Fl-:l”-r- l’-l■•r ft iniutn |
u,,irMuery. and «l-jck
■et^ol tenn Fr«ay.
Tlaltad rriatirei In ibia place FrlSay.
chilblains dl-apwa. iin-i.-, i-,b.
in nie Lakfi orer Bunday.
U.-miHi. Fr.-.I.T:iiiubnII.
Mrs. -n-.-itU Mltler baa
r and Mrs James Raferlv
Paarl Tbomberg Is home for a
; liitluenee. Ouaini
. visit lii-r ciste-■nie aawrolll did noi run yi-.t.T.Ii.r'
I vislilog friends and relaweek's racailon.
has mo.-l on tliei Wh-, s K W..M i
s so many atiendi-d the Toivn mw i'ISnue. iliiiucinK.
n UidlngtotL
Dg U Klogsl.-y
,le» I*ulv.'risntirhe si-.-k 1
s heldi
le Byker la
i While biadlng hox.< of pnte fi«d ht
• r. rtha T.Tisa ai.d f.ils W-I.s:i.;. a tnti to-Ratk'-i irreck tb<' ihe dark Frank I.uak ofdtanle Cteek.
; sininJ^.''!*" A pc,!l^-iim. Tii™Urii.’'i''!rn7.-t..ita !n.- MundM'. litTil.'
■a cer.»l fartory .fniiloye, had lii> l.-g


.... .... .

Traverse Oty* Mick.



Ibeir sistc
ster's eblld
Dr. Frallel
City Saturday.
W. W. F-arrant and wlf^ o' Glen
Hayen paaaed Ibrough our village
Piayer nMlisg ibis week
cy^ng at the boroe nl Mf. and Mrs
April I.


*Vnmlf Atkinson Is haiillRB stoae.
twin Uanlliif's 1' lislilnr
Mr. Bergen of Chieago. who Intends
niKtl.'-i at H'ldc- for a f'w 'lays.
to spend about six monihs out of the
K. O. Itawl-he-i wan ui llurkb-tyear In this virinlly. Is pulling up a
line Iwilldlm:. Ills Urn and lee lulus.- ■ UOI. th.- prir- for fnmishlng a
lire already eoiii|iTe1isl nnd are the ft-ci IlHt .,r ilifpemot,. repres.mied.
In tills part of iho country Wlileh acr.- iweni>--s.-ven in nusitu-r.! fariii

.......... ..................................hiisirwss.
Mr. Keller of Interltiehen spent W.-<!
.leMay nlthl at llie Alkinsons.
Joseph Slialda n-iumed from Tra»oie.- Cliv Weilu.-silav morning.
Frank MIkiila w.-nt to Tiaver*- City
Mnndav. iv-lirililiis Tnes.hiy i-v.-ning.
Kmuk Alkinsnn dn.n- iis I noenie Keav. Ni-bi Ntaii-n-t.l
Ii.i Xl.c- aiut Itu--City Tlilirs.lav. roiiia aft.-r a litiggy
five litll.-v.:i--V Ml- J-.iiii'-.iir-. H-:--- |ruii|muhi■I' .-«t--ul.-l i lliai III- lui.-- Iia.1 r-iuiiiled.


: linlkmi and ,by twlng su.m..I
K»»i.-r exerdoe*-givip bv tb.- ! un.ifr iH-ari) a t<« of--tet.xe« wWt*.
j-frinsn irailnii»l Sundi> - in-.I w.-r.- |.•Irpl•■d i.ii.liita.
I xerj giw.1
Tu. eliiircb waa a1a» wry
Dear Old MoBtar.
jpieitily d-i-i.rui.d
..Id jiioilii-r. who I
1 J.din Kul.iitMU) halt l.mgbi a tmrw
yeais old. thrives <>
!iind biiaa.H.- is talking .*f boyin*
itdd nible-r afid eirwier.
taken il
Wl ■
“f Ihrhiln. Ga.

loaU'-.i- iiip'lo Kalkaska

Howm IhlsT
' Os. «itndr.<1 Is Uars «
rauDut bt



Notice! To Economical Buyers

Ina. March satJi. a
Miw Emily 61i|^
light and ilaiiEbler. Mr
I Seegmlller, son and
.ter,. and
speM Raaier Sunday with 1. j. N.-s-

isii.-s. and -.--n.-rmt debit.!,-.

...... ...









Qur ever inerGasing business has fully demonstrated to us that the public at large appreciate, and have full
confidence in our business methods. This steady, strong increase in business appeals to our ambition to such
ad extent that we have bdught for our new spring stock such an assortment of goodsThat our showing this year
will be far superior to all past efforts. In order that our stock may be new, bright and clean as well as the larg­
est in Northern Michigan we will make


Big Money Saving Discount Prices

On all home furnishings that are part of iast year's stock. This means that you can now secure good, staple goods at much less money than you will be
able to buy them for in thirty days from now.



Our liberal terms make our
goods easy to buy.
Our surprisingly low prices
make them easy to pay for. If
isv;,w.‘„;r'.i‘r6.75 you are an ecocofnical, prjudent

In this

with eottim chAln .





choice 1a BiBch greater (ban In imWI
Wliat do you tliltik of


A large c«bbU-r seat arm Ro.'ker. one
pKw post, high
back, only .............

All oar IMS palleraa in Wc CoKAlns.
it boBgbl bHoic new goods arc ua. pBckcd. at M per cent diacooDL





i>-r o-ni disouiiul.


k .5.,!.l..cir-l. In tliBt p..pu!jr


buyer you will appreciate the advantage |
2.75 of placing your patronage where your
money reaches farthest and where your
credit is always good.


lU-avy Ga'val..: VTnir
A r-c.ii.-ir
cbtni-. ..ulv ..........

IB f*«. for the next few dajw you will Bnd here tb- 1.
Iledrootn Goods Ihai II has ever been yinir privilege t
TbeiW are several Ittllo things oor store thi
Uhi bom* "oarUi'a cosy cumer.*'


An -1. rs"' .. .............

' douM'-



Don't fail to ask to see the, couch that
we are selling for $ 1 2.75



A Rinsl. liiru- -i'

Miscellaneous Offering

A regnbr »S.w) Iron Bad. *ny c-ilor ..........................................
A Mcubr «5MJ Iron Bed. any color..........................................


....... 75c




The Bedroom

Caul Japanni-.I Du-tJ’an


K.v ki r.

We want your opinion on a bookcase we
are offering for $ 14.50. Don’t fail to set: it



, good lATSC Re^ Rocker, heavy, mas­

partroc-nl. i
th<- piirr-s Wili b*- foim.l t.. (-•
a« attmrtivp as in lh>- laic-r
l'*l-nt Oil fan. ’• gall'iii. ic«'i
tai can..................................


goW.-n i.uU fliilsli,

iiU ihai wi'-ld !«■ d-slrt-d
■ .-hair, peg

Beatilirnl guarlcr rawed
golden .«ik
Rocker, band pollsh.-d. I.irac (laky

Just as BObliy-iviiiiTaf as y..:i will Bad
Ib (be acw atork. but lu rliw Ih-m
oat. will give a

it v-ro-r


sive ttdl edge, worth
now only ......................


oak Tai'i--. luig-.i


the mopaeiviakeir

, a.i.i- from B-t.-iM full frui’-s.
I,-it befor- Ul- ar-ival vf

- tvin-l drauglil ;.ci«-eo for

. .12.25

II <'ii|.-’r juji. or mahogaBT. for (1.75
. », ca>-. and ClorV Sbelf. cm■x’i niirrrir. only.........................
.- tank.- Window Sbud.-



j! aiu-ntluo giv«-n to t-»lra *l«-s.

J. Ta'lor w4 ramllr tun? tmjvcd

Mi»o< Oran.
ftarasc tcf.
fbr SnifQDia m SainnlaT upreiDj:
when* ihcr will KpcBi] Uielr *oek-e
TK> BdKiolt boro clOKd for
— • ' raeallon.
J. F. HaUi<
vacation In town.
D, H. fN>*on apont SnntUr la loan.
Kr». n. H. scou niion>in<« ih.'
. WoniD'K Club al bor homo no Tu«
dar lut lu honor of Mro. F. H.
»bo Icsvci pono for Caraovlo. Afl-r
Ihr uwal BeeUns. dnrlag wbt
onaober mre quoUdoOK.
Jri. wvU aaro an
on nortda and the oUre rru.
0 Ibere. and Un>. Dame

-lost of kpilna plamlng aas
time dorfOB tbP fuliir-. Mr.
™«Hrod tbo) priir for the proatcsl
BBDiber. Foil
"nrlns this, sapper
5 all *.I>oumotl to
dlnlni! room wbero corors more
.for fonrlooB and a dalnlr emirsc sopper n-as served. Cainailoiu were the
Mr. and Mm, P. R. Dsris will Ioa»
on Wodnmda; for Casnorla, whei
tbej- will make tbeir falorr! borne fc
amne lime durlne «m future. Mr.
IMris havlna taken a pealllon In a
bank there. Mr. and Mre, Darla bai
manr friwds bare who reprel rei
niieb to have tbem lave.
Mm. Robertson was called to Elk
Rapids last Batmday mornlDs l>f the
illnesa of bor mother.
John Jackson died dt (he borne ■
Is daajttter, Urn Bolbac, at Chari'
roll, on Si
s'cni for t
r plenris
months a«o. Two w I. John s

this erminB- Tbo deceased t
jesrs at ane.
Mr. and Hn
day In Traverse Cliy, s................^
chased a line new Kimball pbuio.
The U. B. Sunday acbool served at
es •hpper Ib the tonn hall on Satnr

ley *ere very piBaaani
Mat Wednesday erenlns by a no
........................... ool fiiends. .After s
IVd mnsic tiebt
SerriCGS will be held every i
durina this week In the H. 8. ehnieh
Mrs. J. P. Hatiwws left Satnrdsy ic
(mend the wtMk with tier psronis at
At the electloo held here nn Hnu
dap. April 1st. l**e foUowlnc olflrera
srere elected; W. B. Johnson, auper?
vlanr: C. A. Rautnbonrer. t^etk; Ed.
Q. Kehl. treasurer: B. J. Putman.hlcb-'
tray commUsItwer; C. H. Weston.'
iuatlee: XnUooe BarlJeu. member of
board of review: W F. Stoole. achool
Insnoetor: W. H. Stevie. John
Joint, o
#. B.’Johnston. Wm. l

Death of Mn. Ubbic Het«tan.
' Died of bean fUhtre at ber borne
tn Mnskeaoo. UMie R. Mclman. aged
Mveara, « nontlis and 16 days.
Ubble E. Banndere was born Jane
Jth, 1876, nmu- Iftmroe Center, which
has tMvn ber bone nearly all her life.
On the IStli of August. inT sbe sms
nniled In marriage to William Hclibau. Tbey rmld'sl In Drawn almut
three years, atnee. Iher have resided
te Maskegnb. Fbiir children «er<
born tn them, two Iki'-b snd two glrle
The two mile Kiris sre left with bei
husband in mourn a lovlnc mother's
dare. Beside an uned father, she
leaves one slater and one brother, beBldra hosts of friends. She was eonrrrted with ber bnsbanri to the Chris• llan faith in Ibe (all of iSAf alnee
ihal time living a eonalslenl Christian
tire. Her body wns bireigtat to Honree Cetitcrjfir horlsl, Friday, March
S. the fneeral bring held al the Mon­
roe Cesiter churrii Sunday, eondneted
by the ‘Rev. E. W. Wood, pastor.


omwo TWAvewt we«Ato,-Tmjit»OAY. fcwnt-4. Twr.

luig. »ir<» nne uut rr-:«miy mom
ntn a farm ea*l ol this Mltagr. was
sdly brulaed and khakrn tip in a
diawsy aeridem Imi
Friday. HlV
horse liersme rrighlriied aha Mere of
paper blowing og the loof of the
? Hsinstol: ImlltHns.
Mao- FentOb. wht
ndlng the winter with her grandetils.'lhe Rev. and Mrs. Thurston,
rriurned tn her horar at MeaunaMom-

Gladly v\U-n.l.-<rihe bospiuliiy ol their bun
In a little four yrarold l*iy fiotn U
Otithane Hr^M at 8i. Joseph. Mleh.
Eintan Pierre of Elmira I- visiting
old lime tih-ads In this vtrlnliv (tor i
igbt here *t home raise iliel few day*. Me 1* cooteinjdaiing a npraise (here Is Du itwinr let turn n> the PaclEc roast in the oeai
(or doubt. Read the publlr slntemen

of a Traverse City elllren;
Rlsar Oniisby. lelli-eil farOK-r Pk
ras Hec.impanl.-<l by b
Tw.1tib strew. Trareiae City. Mleh.
aiy Hiiile. of Tra.vr
tuns: “I have hid oresidon lo um.
Doan's Kidney Pills fui a seilotis Ud jOHy
«... wraknre* with
ith wlileh 1I bad sulsul-i
irc«'pu-d u place on the sre
y«ir*. TTie kldn.-y j tli*.
daygeld. Irevlng for that pb
secretion* w.-r
weak anil ronialned 11
Irst of (be were.
imclling sedituetrt. While
A-hiir look-1
h and rsnilly have
It fsitii imnh of But
Grant Rnllo attended tlie di
advised toil
* K. Uelily have inote.1
lomiuil City Salurdav night.
Mis Prank Gibbs drove doa
V liir W.vll Pbarimiej
MayAeid Monday.
TTie band Hand, Ibe barlrer shop fore
rly owned by Rile Bell, and the
Haskin Jewelry ship are being
.-ngage in woik on- the semoved og their foitner ioeiUlons lu
all d.a
Price :*i;p.vt»
r ttie new l.lndnn block,
hi* morning while loading
-Mllbiii-n ru.. Ilngalo. ,Hon.
T the VnitiNl poitio; 'f his 1ious.-ho1d egeri* on Ih
hundred gfly attended
ihe l.-ani IsY-anie noeasy. i>
the tnlloiad farmen!' Insltlutv Monday. State*.
of the '-<jl.!, and d.-|i*ited will
The InstUiitr was dreldedly an InlttrK.'iiH-nilsir 1
eating one. and many points In the
ig Mr. Clay pool any nolle.'
he n.i Otlier.
forvv of pranlcal farming, dairying
on*' and
snd poiiltrv raUing weiv dleeuKial
The eshlblis also wore n subject of
along '
G. W Henson ha* nmved to Tr
lueh Interest
-s<- City where Ue eK|K.-rla 4o mi
trvtn RawHng* of llsmtah passed
I* future home.
through Kingalev today
enrnute toj
TTiere will I*- a sp.-Hiil mlsslom
Traverse Cliy.
/ meeting at Voung Peopli
A tew of Ktngley's net* water
Sunday evening. All
system here today proved very sail*factmy. A large volume of water was
proiraeied meetings which were '•»'»'’""P- '"’H »'•' Hu|>i'"«>d.
rl and nil seemed snllsded
LMiduce.1 bv the Bev. Iia*klns last'
The .M'lll bujancs* .d 1
I go a Inug way toward
w-ell atlendiri and
reeieiy wil
will b.- hel.l al iheboi
id very
If K society
e meetings will „Jt j«I^ Mr._and^
Qgiity-eve Ibniisand Iroui frv wv-n- Ik; eoniliim
piniited In the streams to (hi* rlelnity
Mr*. KIsI r of KHlktiska is visiting'........... .
by the Kingsley Sportsman s ejnli lut
(Hii wnriby- jMSto
Anolber raeeUpg of the
own.*!, has inst e
U called for (his evening, wl
ling *<-rl.-» of U1.-.-I
eipected arnmnenents will
M'm. B'ilsoii w
the pcoi.l.
_____ r for the dlstribuUon of so
ess last week.
1 dl-lrirt No. slot hi* chureh
School win *1:
H. O. Joynl was ilown from Tyaverse
b.ive la'gun work uiiilu
i-ngill a* l.sacber.
(wr ihtit RolH-rl
^^erttre’day passed og qniriiy
somewhat larger vole, however,
of hi*
pollAl than nsual. The entire republi­
can ticket w.ts elected.
Mrs. Gertrude Tripp. Mrs. E. C. Van
<)*r.o Siili.liu.- 1--. Millie HI at Ibis
De Walker. Mrs. Anna Fenton -and
mid is g.Hlng bel'e
Mrs M. BeCarthy werv Travcisc ClD
‘Mira Belle Klliuni-y visfie.1 orei
* vlslb-d our iK.|ghbi
sllort today.
<iuuUy wllb Mis. (‘oiirtade ,.i|
again. Mr*.
<• E.1,
E.I. Martlodale
Martlndale dleil
Clgion Poruvr
Friday and the fuoeial wa» held
ied'^ Till- Rev. Tompson preoeheil Ihef'in
The Easl.T .-»C irises M Ha- ehiiivh
Summit City
sas cnjoyml b.v a lavge en.wd.^^ ^
■ cousin. Mlr. Porter, who has moveil The Rev. Tompson preacher ib.' fon
Grand Traverse
verse from Indiana, hav- 111
Th.-re wu. a full him
<f Win. The remains were- taken m KIk Ru|e
e Sewart farm.
id* remelnry for Imrial.
April 1.
Indiana where li.' H«-"t Hie wlnUi
Miss lj>i* 'niurker I* g



. anw Mrs. Joe Kovarik are lb
proud purents of a Utile daughter.
Gen. DeruHol Is walking fur Mi
no Barth.
Mary toman Is cidiig' lo Ixdaiid t
Ma>- with Mrs. Tom l,alvd.
Mrs. Henry Brosn was vlidUng Mrs.
Geoige Bernard last week.
The Mlssen Marie and Ellrahrih
Holire and Florence and UlUan Ber­
nard were ealllug on
Miss Uszic
Kolarlk last Saturday.
Deo. Bourdo bad a bn*>h bee last
TiieiMlay and bad a dance In the even­
ing which was well allcnded and all
report a good time.
There was a danre In K. A, Nelson s'
nm store building Saturday
which was well ntlonded.
Mrs. Geo. Deraard who has lu-eii on
le Mck list U able lo be urohsd
The llllle dailgbler of Alliil Swell» took m with croup Tiii-sday anil
Thnrsday morning dle-I. The funeral
look place at the homo of her parents
Saturdav morning.
BoDi, to Ur .ind Mru. H W. Cryder

Stood the Teat.
Alleoek's Plaslera have Mirc-SKfiilly
SUSMI the test of slslv >r«.iri>' ii«- by
llii- public: thrir virtiiep have m-ver
Uiam pguallod by the nnserupulmis
Iniflators who have sought to trade
upon the repuUtlnn of Allcock* l.y
making plasler* with hole* In tbem.
lOd cbilmlng tlieiin to be "pial «* giesl
IS Allrock'*."
Allrock * plaslejs aUnd toda> Incloi-*<.d by tint oiily'llie blcli«-«t medi­
cal autborilK-b. but by
nillUori* of
grateful iH'ilvnl* who have prov.-;]
their egleaey a^ a h.iusehold ivniedy.

' tkeal Eutats TraMfera.
Jnaei^ H. Rounding and wife ii>
Tile familv of Glenn MeAlllster ti
HeorT C. Burt snd wife, paiwls, firdW,, 'this lunming eniwtr for Van Bur
Arrhie Brown and wife to Jnue U eoiiiily. where they formerly llvfl ii
Warner, et. al.. parcels, aeetkra M. T.
-re they
ey again eMwel to rt '
I-,- miliifiil
58. R.
EIsjn Hill stir
Fraaels «. Origin lo John Zelglci
celdctit last Fi idi
l.d It,
- —
th-lng in a hurry he juiii|>e<1
from the tram m Traver*r (Tty. whibat good sp>'>*d- s'rikine
redease of dreror. 8to0.
.ueh a way ibai hi* I--.:
Lilly Ceiman to Harrv Detmai .
ft.,^ Jot 7. Woek •‘A," H L A Co't
Wm. U Eoebe to Mlren B Hunger.
foM. M,lt block 19. fL I. A Co'a Snd. pari.
Kve Jordan a nd wRe to Pivnh
ay moinliig for a
SIhdek. lot 14 and sM of lot 13. block
Mi* Johii Acker.
timn at the
< Goodrich-s Srd. tldSfl..
Benjamin Thirthv and wife to Ellen Grand Triiver*.- Troal hstriiery benC. CoBoni. net* of nwH. socllon 14. and ibe.;men are bn»y baudllng Osh.
both si-nding and r«-eelvlng ihcni,
Deorae Selkirk is ouib- sirk
•John ii. HWwi! rl. at., to Grace A.
Breedlet sw-i of nwti. section IC, T. . .. . ihouslTslie 1* wimewhat imM. R- IJ. ttSOO.
MIm Mart- anil Corn SeoBeld and
AUce HaBeit tn Tbos. Skirer. nwU
K*.le Vinton air home from .theiaofUeH.sretlQB 17. T. V. R. It »»»•
Brtwin 8. Pratt, et at to James W. arhool diitie* for Hie Easter varoiri'n.
Mllllken. el. al.. parrel*. B.vyalde. 81
'lie ...... di*
Bllnlielh M. M G Miller lo Honrr
eudeik the
A. I/Tdertee. lets 1 and !. M.i
...................... ir standing
1. * O)'* 4. 84"«.
sum w»» nultwk Tlie
Henry A. lavlerie and srife to ElltabrifcSjdrer Saford. Iota I. L 5, 4. block pupils showiil much nainrni lalmi and
this togi-ther wltb toe esrelteni drill­
t. tL i. A On's, IIOW.
W». H. Coiirtade to Margarsltn ing glv.-u bv til.- twHeni
Wlllsey. ae|t of neH. section 2B. T. 87. wrv.-d le p-iider He- vari<-.l
VCIT Inteowlllig A l>ii|iein> driil b>
R. IS. tsm
Wargareita Wllaey to Octave Dom- right of M:s* ranvuler'a IM'le gin*
4n1e. seM of tncH.
- seeilon «. •. *7. R. deatuTt* siieelal meuHon. The pn*roeds of the entenaiomeni are lo b.B. 1- IfolilM and wife lo F, P. Koi. naed to prernrr a speaker for ibv
patveK sertirm 4: T. 57. R. 9 $500.
Bulb A. liall tn Nore M. Krell. parMrs, S. M. Perry *tlU
eA. II. L A Co’s 8ih. (SAPii
1 with bui little chant
•Hariet F and Walter R. Ernest If ter as was hoped last «
Jasper Lydell was a c
Airbie and Florence M. Brown, pai
celh. 880S.
Walter 8. Ernest and wile to Arrhie
The anellon i
and Florence M. Brewn. parrels, }isn. W. 8- Bni*i was
Waller 8 Ernest and wife to Arrhie the n.ieitonrer. '
reived grral cre.!lt for the nianm r
and Florenee M. Bresrn. parrria.'$39.
V C Davis and wife to Boart- which be eoudueirt the skle.
Aprtl 1.___________________
-SugereJ day and higbi Hie tonne
ol Itching plies. Nothing helpe.1 t
Glen A. Rrighim and srife to Ore. until I used DoBti-s Olntmenl. It cur
M. WHkre. twM of swU. aeritre S3.
enn»B«>tly."-«re. John U. «t
T. *5. R. IS. 1400.
Major, (llrard, Ala,

Olivet lo school.
■ r. and Mrs. (:<*>. Ih-an nii
to Uave Ni-w-roliil'K lo work
.Newcomb till* summer.
M. M. M.-b-li is alowly ii
fiiim Ills *li-ku.-s*. '
out' ai'liiad cl<w.'< for n wee

Cti.iille (.•iiiioll u-llcd at Kait Bay
Hiss Agu-K GrifflO of Ogdensbuis
ils|i.-d'li'ieiids bttv Run.iny.
«1in*. Garland lost a h.>r*i last w.vk
nils aiiakt s till- serouil hon-i- lu- has
iiu-t In i'-sk than a yearB.ibt. Garland .rf Trav. ise Cliy will

farewi-ll roeeplion
I- H Flf.- al Iheh
for Mr. and
evening, tlib
borne on Wednes.lay
we«-k. Jlr. Fife Is moving
Fife bus
niy In *

____ _____________
h.- wllilermMi
ilncc .hr Brat sclt1i-d >m It. aliuut gfl]

E.I. K..1-IOII of Tiavera.- City
,.lay with hi* sister, Mr* C: 4.
, a.

Mr* M. W. Karnoii is uta-aidlng Ho
reek In Traverac Cllv.
Frank Payment of Elasl Empire was

I I-Jisl Hea.l
an 8Ule. and
.\eim-':ire w.iikllig In III. Douiliu'-II
i re.’s mill
l..•u^h ha-. ' Jome. relnrtie.1 Pl.-ii.-’s farm
i.Jiln'g Kp.-ui a
it-lallv.-s In
Acgb- I- ilim'l* on 111.' Klek lis<
,. Donrtiu-. W.- iiiesda-

I South ManI
Monday r.

Uneeda Biscuit


fresh horn the oven, protected
from dirt by a package the
very beauty of which makes
you hungry.

We had a*i.-rlng ^.l.•l.-^
Soiu.- -ay we will have m-».
Sunrla.s .tf had w-raiber.
AltM'ii (Viqnade hi*“ pureliatad (hiIi\e si.-.-k ..f J,.-.-)di ForiiiM.
U.n 1110V.-* to Tinveiwe CUy i
Ur. and Mrs. Mike Kingsh-v were
Hu- guests oi-.-r Siuida. of Alt. nnd
All* J,.v Pleite
Mr and Airs. Frank ('hanip-ilgn and
Ml- Aiiit'i- Ih-T.iiir of nM- Tilv.
Mr ind Mr. Ik-.ave Hmi.iu.- and
uf Fiuiiri- Forlon.
Dad Kelkvr 1s agnin at his old po*I.
driving i. .im. for John N. C...mad.-.
II. F. Ill.uieh pureba*.-il a hocw
Sllurda.i. ............... liiisa i.-i.r.,.
Chris Forlon IkuicIii a hois.- ,< i-;d
m-llld Fon.m <.l Tiiiveiwe fliy
H. M F.I.S had a flue lot .U shiBgl-.
iiu.d.- a. I'li- DamiiK- Bn.& <‘u’-'

LELANOK. J Mer.s r «t Travei-e Cllv was
l*-laii.l caller Hu- Bral ol Ibe w.ek.
Alvin W. Pik-. who spdni Ibe winr wlili Ms pai.-nls. Hr. and Mra E.
Price lo Chajkvol* ^n.-s



** Nellie Ki.wil-1 ivuuriu-1 li-nufriend’s iu’Tr;.'v.'r*r fit.,. '
Mr. au.I Ml- H. lo. H..lir». >; , i--,
rurmsl H..U1 !k-t;vm
wlicr.- Hi.-y tove »i*iuii»g the
t. w ul Hi".- is’v*. J.vlliisl Ih.lid Albsiuu irnt'Usl S.diur.lav uiglii
-Aliss laJHie Seh..K.k and a frU-uil

I'lwn- Clip nut (ht. iwn] -leti tt
■ wa m»llv.l»i«e*t lIowwnwfKlT.v>UC, UWik-oi Avr . l*-troll. Mhii

•Cs-d of T*-j"k».

and ts »t>eadlng a lew
bis wav- to North Man



iqu-r Burf fiiully.A>r
Al-m Tor^


Is^^wny ■

e l-Lc-ler pr.ifiiAin at Ihe M. E
eliurel, kv th.- g 8 w
umf d. Ilghtfiil lo all
elmirh W.IS ,„.-:tlly <l.T..iiit.'l

lionie Tii-ilwy all'-r * IlDgerlns llltiesi
,.f Asibma,
Tb.-^ -was
lieland. May
IMk. Tli.- I.onu- wa*
uiddi-ned just llii.m we.-ks l«-fore'by
ihe d.-alli ..f hi. wile Mra. R<
Mrvmii. Tie- servi.-.s w.-n- ludd ui
M i; ehUteh Hm- Rev J Ik-el

.- IB-tw Fhuilly.
- f. raeuid.-'rai .nnd roo-i'
eiin- and Ihlig
■■ igf”
GiL-ranHs-.l by C
S I' \Vti!i A Ron--. Ilatmah Drag
in,- iiU'f $l.'-i Tii..l 1*1111.-fri-e.

Alr Alatliew* bax n-ni.ld n».
move O.H.. At.. A IkiVv Pkie- v-u
■bere. .
-tie- sp.-*'D' m—'logs, which
lb V W It Ii.
1'-*- b.'ld Ii ■
iw*. «.-ks ,. lo-. lI la-i

M. I.yiigwor0iy ..f l•^^Ahey. who
iKsfi vlniliue fr.rtids to the tily.
,1 In Cadillac this morning.. ..



Wllliaiii* rrtnrned 1«i

bom.- In Uanlon falav.
G. lj.lig*lroii, weni lo I'b-Vejand
ipo' wl'ere 1,.. will visit «}lh
Irteii'ls for * f.-w wM-ks.
Mis- Margaret faim-nm rrimned U>
V,r. n.aca.ii }t-«l<-nlay.


Aiomtw Morae and family Wl IMa
iiioniiiig for Eteveil. Waahlm^.
wlii i.- ih-rj will kwaie.



Mr WMi* lUm;...:

Ml- Ftnuk Tiii.l.- to tlsiihig W
I-aieril. al Uisvl Ciit

th'- l"iuu'!-*‘.Vi?»n-'’
Ik.y Rundv.
Jolqy G.IU--.V

It. Banlo and
Gw,-ii.|..:in left this m.«'ring f.w Chl.-agn tv'K-p- llu^


elKhid a fMT

Mtss toil- •nmrk.-r went lu

PJ.-amiii I.-1.1} w1i.-re »ii.-,wlll ellw

.- jo.u^fanii a

Air Gilpi*. li»» Iil'.v.-il In.m Travel.;
|-|;y .I...V-U .ii T .1 ■faiii-' pk.eiA1-- .I'lliii Ctivn- i- g.utif: to iiu.v.- t
]'ra..-ra. nir pivit^^^.in. ^ ^
eon.’lur I Hu- fum'-ral'.'f M;-'k.
Maulmlab-. SI. ih.-ie ar.-n- iii. m-1v1«

.M. W, Fanani *peni Salunlay
SBiulay in Traverac Oiy.
s« Violet Voire of Entpire railed
le home of MeftoB Volec T

Air. snd Airs. Jsnii-s laiidi.- fi.iiii III
Mi-si..,, w-en- vl-iiliic ;rt Wii., furry
Kuiulat .-vtt^lnc. iriuiiiiiig 4i.mi.- M.u

'""Mr. nnd Mr*. A'lCtiy'
Pori Otu-ida. paasml
Wedn.-wlay on iheir way to South
Matillou. where Hiiy In'.-iid lo make
^hi-lr horns.
K-iwrenep Has* of South Manlt.ui
sland pasae.1 through .Iieie Wedn.-*
.vv .m ht. wa- to ilolland. Mhh .
hi-re he wilt eiiler Hu- i.ife Saving

fraje; an.l
vtsilinc «
Tstvlor f..r a f.ra dav*.
Ill 21-i- and s.-rie Evan» Imve ni«n-.1
1.1,.-k -.i. H..-ir farak

Ibe n..ri«al.
J. n Brek.-pw..,1h w.1,1 lo GiHtd.
Jtoliliu. .Ill hu-fii.-** tills iiiorjilag. Fuller li-Hinied fUfelbr
I1.UU.- In B--..ue Fcdto Bfi. r u ^*11ID^
Fiv .i


O'lo Sn>: k--.pist W.rtni-sd-i;



ntrimd •’>;/»•

lumi.’ ill fiulillire imhiy.
A'l-s l.llllaii Well* Ml for ML
Pkastiui i-Uv wtoK- slie 'WtH . laku'

"Frank M-ekiii .-f TiuX.i*.- fov- w;,
ilewn visIlinL- al E y Wiimu--.mi

Will Tsy].|^aiMl taniliv 'W"'

April I.
r. Merrill Is .dill oti ibe aiek tis
hu AVeslcnll*

Mr. on.I Mrs. ft.ank.-v sn.i daiit

1 friends
I Fi*hr-r left Fri-Uy for N
a* ihe I- R R. op.-ns
'Hock tonight. Ills wife
left t.Kiar for l."I*nd.
wtih h".' iiarcnl* ht
;ros«liig 'o the Island.
Fisher A S'in« saw mill swrie.


.... r-

M-. ■

•hoH N.-!clitwrhi~aJ vlslt.-.l ;>
-i.tis Tiieedtv
rimn and RLln- V l.'icc w
n ihl- nclgbto.rh
Mr* r Rami'
In...- to Bticklcv one .toy U- --i-k
IIVIV.T, Hu1.-tT
.'U-1 fans

if Manisicr arrive.'

hall FTl-biv evening to. Hu-; ^
.-niertainin'-nl. wlileh wj-. RF' '

1* Ibe r.-pi’V'
Maple SI nip from Mr. la.le* sugar:



beVti paiw
Ing house.

The Mlw- Kffl- uii.|*AU'y H'vga n
Henry IW«an, Iva Boa-H -tel F-M
Gicger MK-nl a very pk-as^ii. Hi**- wiH.
Mira Anna Marlu Runday .-vniii.s
Tlie niarkma toidles' ai-i np" .1'
Matte"'* niui>il*'
oll.-s went pi.-iuin-d
work -Pd
v.rk 'hev reftalnly
..-ti;v-.".gia garmem . rv;-ly i.> wear.
,e,-.d,,;g .flireen paJi- of .-i'*-'-'"k;nrt al-- ki-inming .1 lioreu liandi.eihiri-. The todies s.-i- e.-:tolnly gy-.-

nffirr-* for Sntftoy *cboe
poned UBtli »e*t Sunday 'i

library hk
n Mr Bara
li iiJi>ri'»«ivrinent
prtvale bouse

that good common sense
of wdiich all of us have a
share, how tan you continue
to buy ordinary soda crackers,
stale and dusty as Aey must
be, when for 5^ you can get

i’je*l«md.-m :

■-alls In
The Steeping Bear IJf.*
siBiion opened Siindav ai mhlu
Messrs. Frick.-, sorfman No. fi;
Maslaln .No.
arrive.1 Swituislay.
nih.T tnemlK-r* «f the crew
residenla Ol Ibis place.
Ml- and Mr*. Chas. Cook .rod da
ler. Ml** llela. of Glen Arbor •
gurwis at tlw home ,d D. II. Day


In die Name of Sense.

Ik-ll It,.-,- 'll*, min.-d back .-n hU
fartu again
■ Ooo.l Ktriay ,!«•
imi|sin. riorl.yl running nights; lliai
-. th. log huwiiig deiariment.
Ml* Henry K millsic has
II in- back next w.ek
ds whcie lor nearly
ro laklng trern'■ bi.s fully be­
iHoered and liei
friends will be
ria.l to heal this

Eamrsi J T.ivlor ha* nurrhase.1

'**'Frank Wam.m ram.- Bkin.- fi.uii Hu'
imilh Maiii.ou Island last TuVeday.
April 1.

Bell 1* moving imu Geo. Ih-an

II Isluid on business

plan, t'n Ms mag Imi you p1D*ee:j
C U IXiuiiuc: Bruakri.le Farm. Th'.-rel
are many apptopilalr naiiw* that
ruuld tK- used. MK-h as Maide Ridge.
' ronomu. Iliawuiba. Sleepv HoHuw,
u*y Bee. Dairy Finn. etc.
Mrs Mirths Uerb.. Wife of Frank
Dei-by. di.-d Tuiwalsv morning at 7:I3‘
-f paiatysu.
Mrs. IV-i1iv was foiTy j
<-ar (dd: a devo-jt Chilatian and for'
nany yeara a S inday srhimi teartise..j
>b<- l«.-lo.i-d b' all. Sbe Hwve* a)
m-lMiiid. two d*-.ightci>. Dell* an I
(He.-, two bietber*. thiw Osiers uu.i
i moih.1
Tkc funeral aervlee wtie'
held Tu.-*U*y alternoon al SiOO o elw-k,
thi- Rev.n-nd Joseph Outlon ogRiatc
Mane filends gatben-d at the
>me and th. :c were many beaiirtfnl
iial .«gi-ritis-.
Music was tuiul--tivd

. .store, which
for the p.,bwbcjv li has

A. J. Wilhelm


physjes leacl. weaken

fumllle* keep Dr. ThomaF i
aueh emetiteneie*
It . ,|,p „oo,arh.
n and heal* the hurt* j ^-k dm

Haver- April ll'h.
April I.
elm- has I

iiU'-. of Chris
"10. Ihe miui

and boy who hate been nUssIng (rois
their home* at Lansing since Saturilay.
The |*.lire are paindtiog the
river luitik*. looVing (or their bodies'

The New
Different from ether oil ttove*. Superior hrramr
of iu ecoQomy, cleanlincM, and easy opentioB. The


Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Slove
MYc* fuel expenae and letiens the work. Produce*
a itrong vorking flame instantly. Flame alvay*
under immediate control. Gives auick rmnia
without overheatinit the kitchen. Made in three
8110. Every ttove warranted. If not at your
dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive

1^3^ Lamp
ii the best lamp (or all. reaad hovaehbid uae.
Made of braai throughont
-. rad
baulifnlly nickeled.
Perfectly cowatructed: abac,
Ibaoinlely aafe; onracelled
ia Kfht-|iviBi power; an nrnaaem to any room.
Everr lamp warranted. U not at jim dcakr'i.
n •»(«)* ageacr-




Inrard wllh good nii><u1tm and erery'
Tie truiilt of the eKviiuB In Ibr clt> republlmn canilhlalc for aldennaa «a» ca an twiffonso
lered at the Wiiltina today.*
resterdar la Yery imsUfyini; t-> repub- also elected.
inUe dtlb-d tbc
It's cmcre 'appendix."
' api
€5. A. BriKhani of BocUey s»a hi Ibe
llraaa cearrslly. Tie majn>IOcenl maII la ploaslnp lo note tbat this year's
I of pmiisrU'J cm»»llpa-|
»oHtT recviYed Ly RaJ|.b S. lUallnBa campaign was cnttrHy free titn any
liver lorpor. Ur. Ktns's. ''c.’M.'uiinTManeelnoa »aa iu Ibe
osIns ll>
O pm» n.........................................
city yesterday.
apleiulld Idbittr to Mr. Haatloxa tarllunal feeUni: or personal bhier
Mrs. .wnilam Farrrmut of Bsplte
a« a good rlil«-n .unl a popular youap ne»a.
The n-sull of tbe^eleithw. vent aiH>.-odl<-Ui« an desi abllsh resulav balilis of tlie
at C. A. sraa In tomu today.
toan. Hr will flU III.-offlcr-aliU er«n therefore, le-jvi-a no sure spots.
iPlBbt*' l>ntp I'si. t:. K. Wall A' S<ma.
Miw M.vnle Watson of Kalkaaka.
lo hlmscU anil tlir < ily as mi-ll. Mr.
All of the lu.-ii ••tcri.-il an- rcprrMsi'
isbo has bi-en vl.tuny ftlnida In tbe
.AUlMlDU has Bvo fonuor poeroors Hty. returned to her borne CUa Inorti
Hasllncs made ao <.ii-<.iiiluaa)I) Klnms tailvo. tnoii ami sill .*i-r«o llie city
i-llll bvlUE. Tbe« are Kutus W. ('obb.
tiin, oaprruny tvIi.« It is rnasi.lmd
miss Mallei Anderv* rolomed to•-leri.Ti In J»;a ami ISk'i. Tboiiia* «•
lhal III* npponiml, Mr J M HiH-llniaii, day to lior home In YpatUnll aflef-aila.i,v » Li. .-1,..^ ..ji« ofien Is
jot»->. .-lotied III IJCSM and If.?:. Wil­ lendiiijt the faneral
tol. Ilio prrami lr.-:isiir«T. U u
her »«ndliam
tkiii-*. .-i.ciis! In l«>t; Jfwaph moiher. Mrs. nrachssy.
rlUzco «uil bar m.ulr a «i**l i
- iina-Lau S-H.l li} I'lukop y. Ji'blisloli. ol.-rt.*! in IVMI mol IW*.
ami tViIllmii n .Jidks. sho Mi.'.icded
Tlio-vli tnry of Amil K. Ni-rllijBor,
Painful Accident
to tlio ................... 111.- dvalli of William
s'liJIe niH narked l.y]i a larm- 'naJatuea l>urs:a siio.iUts flve mile".
r SMOifo;jorily. 1* also very Miisfylni;. Il |S|
tJiusdin.. l.iunrb i
. seat of Ibi- clij. met siili a UBlpful ar
ri.Ieut shllo at so;b sitb a climlar
lepoelally ple.isiiic vhtii it U nniald-_,.............................—
1^.501, m.iiuIIuk .i
. -oil lensili,
' sav mil! Tuesday anertraon. ||« |s
ered tbal Judp- fnilor. ],U om">OW.l., oWd |.i:o. h.mao. V. I„ i-« I., |
, the os-ncr of a ponal.le cawintll an.l
I. ver, inpiilar am, ha* ably fiU-d tboirum.Jor. 1 . y,l.. .sisiao. All lu Hmishlle dolnp w>mo s-ork sitb It atItvailloy A Vi(M.tust.
Mfbc of jndp,- of U-.^oidoi'a court fo,, d.iO, «...
i. mpted KI mi of the guards to
piop- the S.1S-. Ills rlBhi bsn.1 ,sme In <s» loiiBi-x
the past }<-ar. Mr. lIuib-r'K |-*,miarli> j
have iumel.i Uiun Umi
laet silh Hie leotli ami the Imltt
sss shosn by til. l.rm-m.nln-r td r- ,„„,culair aiMr.-s.,
flnp-r sas lakoo off. sin).- the ilmnib
|lHiWio.m Toie*
mhlrb bo, r.-.-oivod I
Ooh-bol. II
ISSK fo badly liijiirisi ijmt be may .
. ICrrry i.upori^sor iu Iho oily was re-|
Mi.iklua. l.lmi.l.
ihare in lose at least s iiorilou ol 11

You can make better food with

........ “r::„,

Lighter, sweeter, more palatable
and wholesome.

.(OnUuned From Seeenib Pa*e.|
Ftor the poor liunae bonds. 3£:

H. Burrows.
Constables. Ftwd W. Skioorr. Wll

ACnlast tbc pts^iusitkx^ 3o.
llam'Ctwk. Frank Sbertff. lltHiirt
The vole on tbe cuiivlct labor tjurs■—■■I 3S. for nnd 19 acalBSL The
•MPdtDCBU vere 96 for and

. «eocin L. Crisp. U.
LMtg Uke.
U Lom Lake No. I llefcet was electad nlS Iks smy tbrotitbSaperrisor. B. BHawortb Ouryea.
Tovaablp clerk. Gena A. Sieaier.

. Sebaol

inapaetor. full

Fra* KraWvll.

paaoe. Ml


tbiii was t-i iio ami 3 yra
labor. 58 )el and 3 n». The other tso

Superxisor. Jobu iluVBle.
Township clurk, Dvmils F. Iloxsie.

Supervisor. John Anderson.
Tosiiahlp.Herk. WHIU ,
Tusitshlp tnasurer. Cliailes U. liy.-. |'

Imsurer. Ocorsu Jark-

tbunintssliiiivr of liipbways. Edward


^opoMttaa «M T lor and 48 acalosL

«ona L. Crtt9. coaaty ceouniMl
ratDntda. leetdred 38 votes.

Cumtutseioner uf



Hanna. Aithur

WunbliiKlmi. John
Constables. J C. Tilta|«iiKli. AI.-x
Maaonl W. H. Inglewrii^i. Aieliie Me
Tlif vole (ID tbe poor farm ImMhHiik latjre

Tmamr. HarriaM Speer. R.. 48
Oath. UatT C Tripp. R, 119 maJdrtUHlShPAF eowstaAoper. Jobe

■iMte. R.. 84 Kviority.

■rtinnT hitpacior. full Urn. Ailbw-

Highway comuilMlnacr, Irwin Cbm
Justice of

JnaUce of tbc peace, three yeari.
John Buber.

the puare.



$6.50, 7.50,8.50,10,12.50,13.50,*I5,18.00, AND 20.00

Board of review. Joseph Hamit-k.
OimsUblea. John Melrtn. Frank
Maekey. Thomas Vallcu. William II.
Vote on poor firni, 31 vrs, i.’, n».


Tbe vote ou the convict lalmr ameudlem racelvod si inaioiiiy.

Finley M.

i; J. H. Buell. 1.

aeaveUnd Rtmk.
Member of board of review. David


Qcrk. William F. Grunt. 56.
Treasurer. Robert Barney, 65: Theo­



lf> years) is just as handsoitte as for the larger men.

noods plead their own cause.


Bupaiviadr. John H. BaBord.
Clarh. A. L. Doylntton.

Tmaarar. A. C- auk.
MlbTCr coiaMmloDer. C H. Peck.
'IwUee of tbe peace. Samuel li. BM-

-TRi'Nir" sriTb
iMxin ai
•kir riv




$6.00 .T;:;

peace, full



We shall be delighted to show you our stocks in their Immense variety, and please
understand, "we thank you for a look.” Come in and let us show you how
best to buy wearing material.

nurlsaloocr of hh^waya. Ileory marked by a spliitetl mutest l» tweeii
E. Cartisle.
Clark and Rnffll lor atiin-rvisoi. tb"
Srbrarl inaperlnr full term, rb|rtea former winning out. leeeniiig. I».;
Justlre- of tbe



Rootaood. 55. '

. Lavene Brower. Ctarl

Township clerk. Erncat J. Taylor.
Townabip ttraaurer. Albert J, Couli-



only ask that you inspect and COMPARK. HERE the

laspuctor, J.
deaveland dora Pot6i'scn. I.
School loapuctor. Iloborl Barney. 66.
Robert Rnaey, Oewllf C.
Highway comiulssloncr. Warrvu F.

onfler. B, M BAjoriiy.


O'jr Soring Stock of Clothing for tbe “Little Fellows" <3 to


Board irf review. Thwslore IVlerpeu.
Tbe vole on tbe poor fann bondlug 55: Jinu-pli Thomas, .‘-r’.
-Cousiables. Wamii Ibmls-HB fUu
. CotMAUea. Percy TlUlaoo. R.. 95 propoHlIlun saa 19 for and 61 against.
tun McRae. Jolili ilcuss. iletiry HlackTbe
WJority: Oeoiso Bariek. li.. lU na, )0(tty: Goorpe C- Bparlltm. IU 9| ma- labor. 37 for and 33 0|talii>.l. Board of
jocRy: WSHam Wrl^L R-. lof rna- county andlUmi. U for and 34 againsL
Circuit rourta. IT for and 18 against.
r atueodunls
Esat Say.
Piepoattlim to buod county fur
Supeivlwir. Bdsln BUck.
farm loaL 104 votca beln« no and 78

We want to call your attention to our new lines of Men’s and Young Men 8 Cloth­
ing which we are showing for spring and summer wear. The stock comprises a most
fascinating assortment of confined patterns, artistic colorings, faultless
styles and perfect qualities, including
the "Michael Sterns" famous
Rochester Clothes and a choice selection from several of the best makers in the East.
The showing comprises all the newest expressive effects in light and dark checks and
plaids, fancy weave stripes blue and black serges, fine black .Thibets, un­
finished worsteds and fancy mixtures in materials of the highest characteir.T''The^ In­
novation in style this spring, with its imperceptibly shaped back, is proving to &% one
of the best ideas the fashion-tailors have ever conceived. Our prices are sure to ap­
peal to your good judgement—


. Joatlce at Ibe pence, four ywars. J.

Juitea ct tbe pewe. full term. Burr
fHMa. R. 105 majority.
tps Spner. K. lOI malorlty.
■Rnber board of review,

. MayfieM.
Supeivisor. Edward i). Gibbs.
CJcrk. Irwin Itawllags.
Trcawircr. Eilwin I... iUwilucs.
Scboul Intpeeiur. ValenUue Pease.

iabed for tlie amrodmeRl relative to

Townabip clurk. Chriatopber Kalt.
The Btate Uekai sma carried by maTosmablp ItoaBurer. George E. Aidioriltaa raaiiw from 83 to H. School
nlaalosar Crisp lecatved 14S votes
<« blgbwaya. Caaaloi
the (btradblp ticket foeefve mtH. Watson.
^nritles as Mkysrs:
Justice of the peace, tsro years. Mel• " “ •
. R, m.
eolm Hargravos.

, Mjor»7-

Tbe vote on llic iniur farni bonding
reiMulliou was 33 ye* and 33 no,

ity audJluni. 43 yci. and 36
Tbrougb an error uo' ballots werv

SopervlHor. IVank M: Hamlin.


carried by eight miijorily.
Green Lake.

ropoaltlon was 46 fur ami 4t apainal.
On tbe amendment lo nyiard lo em'OBHtoblea. BuFdae Case. FklUp 8cploylnc coDvlct labor it wua 60 for and
2dr. Mm J. Amnaon. Ola 8c«ce.
Tbe YOtn 00 the poor farm txmd 3: amlDst. In nitard to the board of
31 atraicbt


J. Carlisle.
Schniil lns|<ei-l<ir. twii years. Uerbert
Jilslleo of llm pcni-e. llo|>e rbllllpa. Clllwrt,
Scbuul iu*|ieelm. Kvnri KB}k-r.
Justlre of peats*, four years. Willard
HeniU r of buard of levies-. William Marsh.c
Member of Isard of review. Isul
ters. FVed Selkirk.
CoDS(al>irii.l>iincaii M<rriHiHi. Jinepfa years, 8ie|ihen SlarbiH-k.

Meaber of board of ravlear. Joseph

.Ikara vei*


The VOL- ciu tbe poor fsrm prupnsl-

3 vutesVbile 59 voled agiilBsl II.





. tn the latter's Ss. lliere smroles cast bul twenty wen-

vpolludJnttee of the peace, iu Bit vacancy: Frank Ihleb.
Member of board of review. Walter
SiipervlMjr, Fnuik Clark
Clerk, Call M Itraaib. n.
Highway eoiniAisslcse-i. I*.'ii. Sidon
Coiislabirs. Genrito Fish. Geo^e

"TraRVorso Cl'fcy, IVHoHiBairb.

BdBbr r. Newell.
Beard of revlaw. Chariee Dean.

CoMtabtes. Willlatn F. Peck. BcnOraea. Lawti OlendcDolog. Wll-



The prapoaltkm Co bond tbe cm

long-jooked-for sale of
we announce the great long-lookei


AT LASl UieHreilick &Co.Slioe Stock Frank Friedrich

lormerly owned by

In Whitewater toansblp there
a eoptcat between il. K. Bmbam and
Kamatli SUiea far aopervisor.
the preaeni IncumbenL
balag defeated by three rotn., rrorlrmg 73, srfalle Mr. Stiles received 76.
Soparvtaor. Koantb Btliea.
Oerk. Opasl B. tiobba
Traaaner. Bal|« O. While.


W.l 1

3aaU(« of the peace, iicaler Ionia.
Anatlcc of tbe peace to Bll vaeaory.
Harebei L. liobba
Sebool Inapeeier. Floyd P. Fox.
•sard ed (wvtew. Bdgar T. Pray.
OOMtaUcs. & A. Winnie. Lrru> J.
Crisp. Prill Miller. Robert BarUcit.
Oa tbe poor boods ito vote was 48
yea and U no.

Sale Starts Saturd^ Morning, Apr. 6
This will be the greatest SMOE sSl_E ever inaugurated in Grand Traverse
County, as it consists of all high-grade shoes of well-known makes, such as Nettleton, Pingree, Mayer, Ridge-Kalmbach, Dutterhofer, etc.

Bear in mind that the earliest callers get first choice.

Tbc amendmctti

t of highway. Charles


Which wc recently
hausbl at

of the

peace. toD

Onorgu A. RUey.
- lastlea of tha peace, to Ul vacancy.
MRar Biacebridga.
Jtamhar of board of twvlaw. Edward

Come Saturday

The Globe Dept. Store.

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