Grand Traverse Herald, January 03, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 03, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Fin (HIE

®ra]^0ie nttisM.

A LltUe «r Esarythli>»;
we h.
iN4ag all afteni
eyes u^ her gta
propose to defend yourself agminst the th^ Mlnny Maple, the ancient
The annual tobwoe^crop at Jnpn N
have tx.-^ some at the toveUeat
t like that at a ■
a the bod and
terrible ^vath of Mrs. EUlsf"
Swiss to go over mr green drees, and about 4h.fiO».«M ponds.
-I shall leave ber to you.
Won't blossom of ber worn-out life.
Lobdtm U now an oxtaaatrq tayqr ’
“Mlnny. come in." said ahe. “and three pairs or FMch Ud tforea. beyou procure for me the necessary
Old Mrs. Mnple owned bouses sad
lUd and had ffiOoey out at luiereat: abut thai door, la ihat you. Ollhcrl eauae they were very cheap, and I and user ef ChllforaU oraaffes.
papers of imnsforr*
It Is crntmaied that the total na»
lit she was a hbrewd old lady and Croflon. the great-Dmndsun of Job? know you won't care, will you. deor-Most gladly.I iMak or you always and with ber at books In the worid la (oar hO-Berenke.Raiford. do you realise ked to keep bdr affairs *tn her own Come you In. slao. pdldren," with
uds. Aad pretty Mhmy. albeit on ber old hands 'Aaldv ** ^ P*l>r- you wtvi' here with me to ece
what you are nndertokingr cried
These are more aquatic birds thaa .
bab.v r.nrriages and cradles and
Mias Stanton astoundedly. "It seems ciresa la prospective, taught the dls- stricken. “Fve sMn A^bst!"
there are Und Urds.
cried GnbeH Crofh
talble chair* tor little Mitt- I
to mo that yon have care and respon­ irlct school and took care of the fam
The coal mlaos o( th* worid eMptaff '
idmother. you'nnn have templed to buy all three of them, but
sibility enough already, with your In­ dairy out of hours.
"It won't hurt her to work for her bora dtwaming." southed Hinny, creep only took the carriage. Be sure
valid mother to soppmt. Let the girl
It U eattnmied thJnlrqpffi^aagli
go back where she belonga."
hands m.OOO draea In lu l0ei. "1 woritod down into the old arm chair beside milk is fresh and sweet hdore
‘To this tmunentr demanded her days." said Mrs. Maple.
wanned for baby. Bless her UtUe, Over two millloa persona are-eatIbe bcoTtb.
cousin, pushing up the child's ragged when 1 was a girl."
heart! Bbe 1# tier mama's darling pUyed in grape calture U Fnae*.
Dreaming?" shrlAed the old
And upon this dreary Deoember
sleeve to disclose daric bruises, evi­
The height of the average Japaaaae
n. “I was as aide awake aa I am dear, so she i*. and when she cries It
dently left therm by Impatient, pun- night Mn. MaMes kniUingeieedles
may be a pin sticking her and not the soldier is five fe«, four lecUm.
ibU moment. I had been
Jibing hands. ‘No. Harisn. 1 know gli-amed Ae stdely lightnlog In the
The Oaetle language U now bring
at all. remember. Give her
that Mrs. Ellis. Repons of her cruelty firelight; and ber granddaughter Hin­
U 3AOO seboola In Dwlaad!
have reached roe through other ny sat bn a low. ehali* buside ber. close cm 10 o'eloek wh» I got bock.
The average life of ihe native «( :
sugar if that cough returns, aad
sources, t am only a poor school teach­ mending t^lc-Htlths. while ever and And the minute 1 crosaed the thresh­
V drojK of peppemint or paregoric IndU la 24 years, against 44 In Xnger. It is mm. hut tbU UcUe one tball inon n Mg drop vrmild plash down up old I bad that queer fWllag of some
sugar and water In a teaspoon If land.
not lark while I can supply her needs. no the darned spots like a gllstcnlOK one being in the room creep all over
Over right mOlon copper colna are
And there, sure enough. In the she has a cramp in her poor little
Until 1 cai-.Ind her as good a home as globule ofjdew. •
stomach. The key- to the cake box it Issued every year, by the BistUb
"Bui, Gnndm^ber. why?" burst choir oppualtc. where he used
my own aim ehall abide with me.
Idit. with blue eyes thirty good years ago. was your Great- under the corner of Jbe mat in the mint.
out Mlnuy.
Come. Caroline."
The OaaodUa wheat Mds are the
front ball, aad if the Icing rticka to
Grandfather Maple, with his old
> like fuifeet-i
Having completed the business as­
the kaUe. butter It. and don i give bo­ Urges! in the world, bring M ^ AM
wig and bU suit of botternot bn
signed inhi by Miss Halford, at the cx- in tain, to the iffi I
ny; beoldea. be sure to cm
and the very green apeetaclos that he
plraUon of two days. Dr. Randall llke_ face.
The lottl number of mee In the
lined to wear for his weak eyes. And Ihe crackera well la her groel. Auntie
• I aaj s
sought her -home, it was vacaUoo.
t'niied Stale* subject lo military sec
and be couM bear her singing aome- Maple. And the ire crackled, and the he took his pipe out of bU month and wants me to stay all weric. but I don't
ce 1* 11.126.750.
where within doors, as he alighted at snow clicked softly against the win­ looked at me just as your Grandfather foel satisfied g^r from you and baby
When first taken from the mlnaa
long, deaf^t. and will come home
tbo gate. Caroline, neatly clad and dow panes, and Die knitting needles Maple has looked at me a thousand.
On this pace clean and while
Umes. And says 1: 'Eeubeo, Wednesday. It aeeina Hku a year aince opals are so soft that plecea CU be
As she started on her Journey that ven- aerene of conatenaoce.was wheel­ made xlgxags of light as they flew
My reaetaUQSa fSr the year
saw you. love, though It was oaly picked off with the fingers.
is that your And says ho: 'Y'c*. Lois.
ing frail Mra. Halford down the front back and forth.
f shall pAoeed to ^ta.
The oldest cattno-prododag cooh"But you say youraeir.Grandmolher. It Is.' And say# I: 'Oh. Reuben, what yesterday evening: to now you
eflnlte' plan. She knew Mrs. EIIU walk of the flower garden.
try In the world Is India.
Returning the doctor's hearty greet-, that he's a good young man." plead- brings you back to this world?' Says bow much I love you and cannot bear
would be too busy to follow her. and
Reaolred to live within ay inesOH.
The first glass tumbler used In Sagho; -To wipe oat the sulns of a vrtek to be away from you at all. Oh. If you
of other detention she had litUc fear, Ing with pleased recognition she left
And keep oat of debt.
was made for Abbott PapeMrt
irld.' And says 1: 'Are yon hap­
Old Mn. Maple Sodded.
for the few pedestrlana who passed him to the Invalid's gentle conversa­
Beeoired, to do the beet I can
In A. D: (M.
"Without a bad habit )n the worid?" py. Reuben?' And says he: 'Yes; and while I am away? Omthinking it over
her scarcely gave her a glance. Once tion while she ran to aumroon ber ben­
Aad nerer stop to frsL •
It is estimated that Amerkaa Ui| come homo on Tueoday oo the
And again Mrs. Maple nodded tike that's the reason I want others to 'be.'
she nmred a field where a negro was efactress.
■rts eat up mw.OOO.Mfi wofth of
Cbitieiie mandarin In a cotteclloa of Aud then I Iwgan to, tremble all over, find morning train, this being Monday
Mrs. Halford found the
plowing, but one gUmpae of bis sullen
Besolved, to tora s do^tasc
and says I; 'is It anything I can ' nliriJt. Tell Ihe girl to warm up the property annually.
Idan absent of mind und ciirlueltlos.
face sent her scurryttig into
T» th« wily aceat atan.
In RnssU there Is only one vOUgg
i from Sunday, or else cut It
^ubi«r And says be; There's
“And fntebanded with Ms farar
There iho found an jrmgne of spee^. She* felt quite ag* Nor bay tbs.Udaiwl can't afford
down real thin, with Chill sauce to Bchool for every 12.000 peracma
Fnr the third time Mn. Maple nod­ more offending or ^vlng offense
dance of wild plums and berries griered at the irrelevant reply he
On the taatallacat plan.
About 46.000 aqnare mUra. or nearly
.ver It. and lo see that the bread
Ihe other world. l<ols. and Job Crote to ber patheUc account nf a ded.
which she ate to aatlafy her hunger.
dues not gel musty Id the pantry, and nne-fonrth of the surface of Germany
"Ihen. Grnndmatber. wby wont lon's soul and mine are at variance
Beaatpaa. to keep a anmne face
Toward sunaet ahe began to grow night of dlicomrmt; but when, bnatikeep the ants out of the sugar are eovcfed by forests.
1 consent to onr marriage?" urged loDger.' Says he: 'Let there be peace.
WhSR. atUe IhlacB CD wrens.
weary. ReHeving her thlrai at a ly apologetic, he broke away to Join
Two loos of l^nanas can be grown
Lois, and lei the young man Gilbert Imx above all. Klu baliy for mamma.
Bosairhd. that If 1 alnc at aU
clear atream which ran across tpe her daughter at the steps, she nnder- the girl.
on the space of ground which will pro­
-Child," oald Mn. Maple, turning U ynur grandehild'a husband.' And Id I spud imi for yourwelf.
TWlil he a happy aoas.
stood bU . mood better:, and settled
road, she sal down to rest
duce forty pounds' weight at whtmL
From your loving little wtfe.
then he knocked the bowl of his pipe
brink and presently fell asleep wtlb
Bullets that fail to penetrate paota“Susie. Brown
the edgeV the andlitw. as I bare
ny's sweet. fiowerJIlte face. "I've toM
Bsaolred. that If real aorrow come
tr sunbonnet for a pillow.
tented smile.
board three Inches thick wlU poM
Gathering together the idles
a him do «B often, and be got up
Aa COBH ft oar aome day.
“I hope you got the papers without you why half a hundred Umea. Its beHow long she slept (has sh.c did not
through a flreJneh plank. .
eause your Great-grandfather Maple and walked out of the room just for sheets filled with the message
That I will keep my falih in Ood.
permltknow but the sound of voice# and
When KUg Olward was Priace ef
banded them to the clerk. He read the
And not forcet to pray.
Ung the doctor to Iced the vray to a and bis great-grandfather were mortal all the world like a living creofure.
laughter aroused ber to the
iclegtam while she stood there and Wales he waa called Teddy Waloi’'
enemies. Bceause your grandfathers I've often heard as gb«*u eon
that she was no longer almie: and Beeiuded rose-arbor. "Was Mrs. Ellis
l>r his familiar (rteoda.
through a keyhole, but your Grand blushed.
Isst words upon bla J
B^po(T8<.to keep tkla thoncht In miod thinking Ura.'Bllis was at hand, ahe very >ard to manage
Tbe amallen ebnrth In Cngland. If
“S^ wasn't exactly a seraph, but *1 -leave my soul to heaven, my
sprang ap. alert aad ready to flee.
not u the worid. u LalUngton cbvdk
ond forgot to ^ut It after him Into shyly.
my deer wife, and my
Then ^e saw that thotw who had dls- she ^Imed down when I mentioned,
, 'wrmtyJhe.geRU, aMflia.;ToR goe
the haiial%^5S^ I jopwfjtip
j|t|g h^ misdeeds." the doctor .■nmltjr toJ«h'-Crtlfian-!“ ,
"But. grandmother." said '' Mlnny. enough to know what was going on we can sbonen it by Itwriug <Mit a few
answered reflwUvely. "She will give
d was netmlyou no trouble whatever. 1 told her with a shudder, "that wm very- wick- around me. Ih^oor was oove>v?d with of the nDneeeaaary words and so save
It. BeMde the stream knelt two
ly curod in Ue PhlUAplM
I eeme to>tay eodtSpb.
rroeUely what 1 ttaonghi of hr^r ly. e<i; And surely, surely, iho shadow of to*' iliat bad drifted hi and the can- lu money.."
young ladreG laving their fnili-staincd
r wus blown
"Oh. thank you.~ she aold. beaming; ebot through the threat by a Mam
a lomtistme should. be a rcconellla
JtaMired. to do ray vei^liest
bands In the dbol water.whlle near by
--Ob. Crandmoibcr. do you thin's "but be sure not to leave out any of Uilloc
To keep , my insoluy.
Mood a tall, handsome man -whom her ways." ,
Mme. Uriba has each a geod M
Old Mrs. Maitle shook her white lis «-as real?" cried Mlnny. with the ncceoanry words." and away ahe
want to toll yon something." he
ory that she can Kara an entire o
startled eyes.
ent as happy as a lark.
Onh St the IHamlfol.
went on. aficr a short silence. "Y'oti heart.
"Dldn-t I see it with my cJwn eyes,
The (ff>etat»r picked up the blank in one week. She docs most of bar
-Your grandfather w-ds a very vlnknow the old Caraway place on Dor•'Csr'Kne] CsrUne’^-Witb dn'iddi.
studying In bed.
and hurriedly dashed off:
vHrtivo man. Mlnny."' sslii she: "1 and boor It with my eamr
Uenal wriakle upon 4w ^dlood
son Hill? 1 bought It today.'"
There has roeently arisen among '
hrridlatw e bMkeu of h
-t'harles Bniwn: WHI be home
fHsIwsd Mrs. SUs.ipaaM to the, front
“It's very bcauUful up there among nerer dlsobey-cd him llvine. and I will old Mr*. Maple. “Ife yoor grandfaihatiA Pkanag-ihe gifte merHIy.
Chinese farmers a demand for modem
rr's ghost; And I might have knosrii Tuesday morning by flret train.
1 pofsh or the ooulW'^jMr^opM sn4
ibe lUlea and sllrnr popUrs." com­ never disobey him dead;"
tools, espoeuilr those that sro naafri
"But. gnndmother." coaxed Mlnny.
"Susie Brown."
looked snalonaly down ' the
mented Miss Ralford. "It will nce.1
inlenslvo fanning.
dusty md. For the sixth time during said, aa Carolloe looked at him shyly, some repairing, perhaps."
with her fresh cheek agstinsi the old for be had olrtiluacy enough for any­
> was H married mao blms<-ir.—
When Turkestan girit become cmthing. test his soul! You mpy marry Ni-w York Tribune.
tka psst bsif hour ber resonant voice aa if for proteclloo. “We are aoiry- • “Yes. 1 shall attend lo the alteiw- ^lady's hand, "he w-ouldu'i know
gaped It Is tbe custom for the fiaaea
dlsturbed you. but really
Gilbert Crofton. if you want to,
had rung aeroas the Helds, yet sUU
llons during the summer. But after I How could facrtir> pay her pareuls a sum of moMy.
“Chlld. cliild, your grandfather Ma­ morrow. Hinny, and perhaps ylnir
tbs rocreset Caroline bed not appeal should not sleep beside the road. You have done all In my power to perfect
Hew Trails are Made.
If she Jllu bln Uter. tbe parmU
might get hurt."
11 materially. Berenice, it yet *111 lack' ple knew everything." said the old grandfather's ghost will . be easy
How do the aborigines know tbeir mat return the money.
“H'hero were you going, my dear- the anpreroe thing—a mistress."
-I seat that gal to the tmatui- righi
lady, with a sudden superstitions then.wwy through the country as well as
Tbe people of Ibe United BttUn nrs
So the young people were happily
said one of the tndlea. whose face way The teacher's fac<-. always pale, glance over her left shoulder.
Mtm brsakMst. and I haln't aecti '
the wild iKWSti that Inhabit it? How the greatest reader* of fiction. Tbrir
married, and Gilbert came to
ssMa," cnitthled the matron. ’■I calo't exceedingly sweet, although she was grew a shade whiter, but she drew soniotbiDg aeeme<l to rustle at
do the natives know the way as well public libraries contain Ifthen mfitlon
pUlaly clad, in contrail to the other.
pat no depeadeaee In her nedww."
ss It a protective spray of bhrs- nisement. "And I do believe his ghost si the farm, and managed all the old as the aborigines? How do explorers
and eighty per cent of ail (ha
MladtBl e( tonner tempeeu old Hr.
••I've been living over to the poor- soms and was careful to let her voice would baiini me if I didn't give good lady'a affairs for her and she lived to and travelers from without find
vriumes lent oui aro fiction.
be I'Si years old liefore.she closed
Townsend, ber sole auditor, laid aside house. but I ran away IhU morning.' iHdray nothing hut friendly Interost.
lo his last words,
passes and furtl* of the rivef-s and
Whhin a year moiw than 2.0M akiltbU conwb pipe and esaiyod to oil
Uned truthful Caroline. "Ma and “It will not lack that long. If rumor bin Cniftnn can never bv- your hii»- those ki^-n blue eyvs of hers upcm
creeks and easiest |»SKagt« of the I workmen have left Fmeh aUk fbebe tmtriTul." said she. "S^y cousin lianrt. and you may as well give up the matiKTs of this mortal world.
the niflM waters.
pa. they dlr«d with twamp fever
lieop waters? Httw d<i they
tories of Roubals and TocoUg for the
But one day. In turning over
~Cbc wHI bs Tong bout noon. 1 years ago. and then aome men took Marian ought lo be a very- happy wis Idea Brsl as last."
through Ibe fomts aPd avoid the lab­ t’niii-d fiUlM.
ivlles of the roomy old garrel. Mlnny
rsMton. ’^e gusverrd. ' Taint likely
to the poorhouse. hut I'm tired of
And Mlnny Maple crlnl
yrinths and d'-adly laiigb-s of under­
1*M Angriea bos the biggest park la
raine acr«»i a red cheat, clamped
abs's mo asray tram sech a good home livin' there. Please ma'am, can
sleep that night.
tbe .world; It was presented by a news
aa thli 'un.• me where to find a sure-enough
"Fin- I never, never enn niarry' him with bras*, and faintly otloitnis of
The answer Is quite simple. Iiislioci IwiH-r man named OrtfBlh. and U calldrh>d Uvrttder aad niee leave*. She
fare does not vitally concern
ne housekeeper knew the
slihoiit Uraiirtmoilier Maple's
l.n.-s the leasts on Ihe shortest and
tiriffiih Bark.
(ilM'imi it.
statement to be farfetched, but she
“There's a poser for you. Miss Stan prior to the da> we went Iwrrjing sent." she soirtnil. 'Til sia.v single,
The KotTwn goverunent has wrdor"Oh. tiiltMTt. look here;" cried she. Isp-si ronrve romiuitibte with their
aoeepted the flaitery, and wont buck
commented Ur. Randall, looking there were tfuies. 1 admit, when she until the day of my death, hut 1 never
“My grent-grandfatber's Wt suit laid n«sli «d existence. The In'UfU) follows ed that all Kuresns. without rm^ to
to b«r baking in a padBcd mood.
qulsxleallr at the daixllng city girt.
up in oimphor gum and sw-««et herb*; the trail of the animal. The native nnk nr cUas. should nut wear riothea
Had ahe been n clomr observer she "You have been contoralng upon phll- her; but since Ihe Incident of that taken a mothers place to me
M'hy do you sui>po*e that Grandmoth­ white man fidlows the crmi of the In­ <-xn-i>t of a blue qr dark eoUr.
afternoon. I haw known Ibe reat de­ liniught m«- up fnim a bah).'.'
' might have noticed a slight rustling anthroplcal themes all the aftenn
dian nr liears rloso lo it Everyltody
The latist expensive book ever pnp
er Matde has kept llF'
% nnid the green com at the end of the Wouldn't yon like to adopt this little sire of my heart and I shall never
But the next night then? was an
“I don't .know. I'm s'lre." said <Ml- foliowa a trail. Why did Boooe pass duced waa the official history of the
.r.liiril meadow at the left ef the house. walfr
waver again, Bereniee. 1 anf very con­ |de Ihv at Peacoti Ilungerfleld's «nd
Into Kentucky through Combe
War of Rebeiiioa In the t'nltod Siatm
Mr. Townaaid. sharp of eye lor one
trite and humble. Will you be
Mlnny Slaple was there.
Gilbert hcrt, with a mischievous twinkle In Gap? How did he know that, boaring
"No. thank you." declined Miss
II U-to 112 rriomes. aad cost UA09r
of his years, Interpteied the moveCrolton did not make his appearance hi* eyes. • Berhsps for the younger to the south from bis North Carolina
<>0f> to produce.
SUDion. airily. Shrugging her dainty
penenillon to masquerade In.“
He gently wlthdn*w ?he scnecning until late.
meat arlibt. but being la the desert­
Tbe famous Iron crown ri LornIders. “A child of my adoptluo
Mlnny sprang to her feet, a light homo, be would find a pass through
er's plot made no sign few Ihe benefit
bough and found that her checks '

must be a( ioasl anfllclentlr good-lookbartl.r. used In tbe conraatloo of Halsevnning to illumine her own face.
. of the enemy. Presently a slender
flushed pinker than the roses.
who sal reprnachfuliy amid a crimson
buffalo had passed through there and Un monarch*. Is undoobtodly the eid.. to offaet Its necessarily objectlon“Gi»>ert,"
taare ^mng nimbly over the
“But mother—and CaroUner
avalanche of apples, - wbut makes .Vou
tUe qualities. I am not partial lo the
. "No ni.itter. t.aid Gilbert, laughing: ladlans In. quest nf them. Bonne fol* e*i crown Id existence. It wu osed
faltered, after a phulsoroe Interval of
feaoe ud took a bridle path through
l.y ntarPmiagDe.
hay-cotoml hair and sallow, .puffy
"shut up the Ik>i. Minny. v-our grand- low«-d a trail, though later <>«
a pine' thicket to the public highway.
s-jirender. "WIU you let me conUnuc
A camH l•egln# work at four years
cheeks Of the eUy-ratlng class.*'
“IVe l«-n busy." said
-««I ghost will never haunt the blai>-d one nf hi# own fnr his m-i
sUnlng that side of the field.
my work'
:and first settlers —Appleton•#.
old. and frequcnLiy^coatlDBeo in tuo
"Abem!" said the doctor, c-xpress”rhe young wayfsrcr was but light­
The doctor Uugtaed tenderly an
' for over half a ceot’arr, it will carry

ly hardened, the bundle ot elHhlng
drew her~eloser.
And (hey- walked -home io:<-ib^
l,«*o pounds on lu l«ck. while Jew
Wasp Love.
. which-de earricA being plUshiy Stanton washea ber hands of the mat
“Not ohe boar shall y-Ou teach,
through the snow drift*. ialk,mg hap
horaea can carry more than 2M
A colony trf wa*pf mart*- n nw
A 25Ccot Meaaagc.
Keeping within the shsdow ter. the issue rests with you. Shall I aald he. “My home bolds abundant l.lly nf what might be If rmly Gmnd..pound*.
.She was a* sweet a Uitle woman •• the dark room trf a Mudlo last
east by the fence she trudgH on tre- take Ihe child back to the poo^ room for ytmr dear mother. As for
ntotbfv Maple's .idamanilne heart .-ver wore a itllor-imide
mer. At first ibf party who used ihcj In India there is a tall bird of thb
Caroline, she. loi.. shall la> welcome,
gumiUy ^anelBg back as though mar- house T"
specie*, known ■« tbe odjetaai.
"Oh. pleai-e don't;" Implored Cartv for through bur dlsc»irery of her I. could U' softened.
Jaunty bat that made every follow- rf»tn,di-1 n« r.-il*ti ttiHr ognpany—;
fui c4 pnisnlL At the summit <f a
marabout, which will awaDow a
Bui .late though U
whn pasend . her Mcaighten his
bill ahe Srew a breath of relM md line, tearfull}-. "Vou-all don't know found errmcthlnx 1 was b»lng-mv
mol<-ft them. H<- paid no attention toihar.- of a cat whole It stands five'
i clock on the ttrike of one, there
and bs*k his preitirst. S»» walked
how Mrs. Rills dne« fhas. I don't sente*—and galnc<l what I do r
Buatched a momsal at rest op
tbe littlM i.ntxer-, and they c.ime and f*-* t and the expanse of Its wlaga
rock that comifiandod a full view ef Bind workin'. sir. U 1 ain't jawed serve—my present happiness." .•Tjie-light, shining redly from th. keeping the lelegniph office at rourth and
j »► -*'.111 ftft.a-n feel.
I rtstm vcindow*. and thnngh, the tm- Vino streets and timidly Inquired t-f wMi- a' ib.dr own >*<-i will
Northwestern Agrtculturisl.
the valley letl behind her.
irtalned easemeat they could
After a tltn- he ta-s-n to rtudy th< m'
«• ««■
the clerk- Tan I send a telegram tq
ghMm.r, unpalntcd building, looming
"Yon poor tiling;*' cried Bert
.««; .am.- to th- .v,:„ i.,.mn that,
In'o <»e to India for clo\h makmy hhsband here
so forbiddingly against its dark ba<^- Ralford. putting kind anna around
Orandfstlwr'a Ghost.
,---------CUck.cllck,thoaharpne«lIesoflhe down the room likes *et,t:nei
respemded the holl-iw- thev w.-ro cra.l.mi!v W.mung ac-rft>C- Yarn tu»1^ from It la wound
graUBd of pines, bad been her only the pathetic figure. *H:ome home with
quaint.-1 with him. hi* w.ys and his;Mr.«ger than that from cotton or
lamge for two unhappy year*. It
me. I have many faults, but I flatter December »now storm ww rattling I «F. her htgh-heclcd bemts tapping no ,.y^ faBcilonary. brightening up
dark r.*im Oae .lay a straaget wa.; J"**appwnnoe.
her .fingers Instinctively
,,„a,ng ber a blank. wUh
not the ccarae food and the hard tasks tayaeir that a scolding tongue is not against the cwmenis of old Mr*. 1
seated on the win-Iow *il!. The flrrt'
'•>« L’nlW Stale, wiuew on an
that fauted ber revolt. 8be was ar- oae of ihm. if you do not Hke me. Maple's farm house; patter. patter.J^-ndering around and around the in
wasp enteclng the room paid no Mteo- i •»«««
“"f* »hw
those M
the Iasi dead leave# of the old syca-.♦'mi*')' sn-jff-box.
; -.j p,ess jt vlll go all right If I p<
. enatomed to - poverty and rongh . yon t^an run away again."
{the street aumber. won't It?" -she ask- lioQ to him. but made tor the old j nriglum. three Dm«a those of De»
woA; Nad she not been bom In the
Carolloe pushed back ber sunbonnet moi« tree drifted down upon the door-; Mlnny hurried Into Ihe room.
crack to the wall. Then out came
Oermany, Spain and Italy and
I ‘^Ti.v. Grandmother." . cried she.icd again. .
very --backwoods" of Mississippi. and lifted up a small, freckled face, stone.
SootIt wa# ah old. old honse. and Mr*.; "whatever Is the matter. Kete arel "Yes'sn," Uconkally repllsd
• where csaseless isbor was the order alight with giatiiode.
of Ihe day?
"Y'oo neednt be afeared o' that." Maple s-as an old. old woman. But the logs all burned down to white eletk. with a sad. aotlelpatory smile. open wtodoq like a bullet. Within five
The worid'* largest mass of pare
"Sbe frowned a .little while collect­ minutes half a doten ws»j* c
How w^ she remembemd that un- she answered rcnssurtngi.r. -HI atlck you will sometimes find tufts of; ashes and the caadlewick gutterlag.
rock anil lies nnder the province of
with a rush at the stranger and
snowy btossoms burmiog from age-land yo-j In #nch a flutter a* never ing her tbough'j. and then wrote;
, pnaentlous-cabin-home la Its oetilug to you like a taaii seed-tick."
“DcnrCbartie: You don't know bow ef them kKaied him.- Bat tbe writer GallcU. Hungarr. It to known to be
of Uaek-gum tme*. with the atumps of ■ "Let us trust the attachment will lldiwicd apple trees, and spray* of wks! What has happened, gtandmwhmneh I mlae you while away from has never bees touched by hto wasp SOO mile* icmft twsMy broad and
ptnea. MIed to admit the sunshine.; (wu prove so palsful as that." said the. greencry on the bough* uf century- er?”
twenty feet to IbIckBeM. .
stilt atandlng In the unfsoead hoor> doctor. “Mias Berenice, bow do yon: rid oak tiwee: nnd so It happened
Mrs. Maple turned her keen blue home, tbougta auntie Is verylriod and eotony.—Outing
Cay after day In the early
' r«rmnfl, OM Year.
WrlMi»l«r tt, BanU 1T BJHk ScrcAant OMbing dew she had followed ber
parents to the vrpods to sssiit. as well
«M Twr,: we tar adlM
as her baby hands knew bow. In dlpAod cherlih meMrice dMri« rmr.
the Btleky; turpentine, cr in stack
Who far« your tiutre ot ioj ud woe
Ing tte clean pine shingles to be
To many, bbi^ hearts we know.
oo a oreaUng ox-can to the nearest
Ah, time hot fam us hours few
town. She remembered, too, the lung
Of nerrlmeqf or alsbt for you.
wlater nights when her ever wearied
A backward Rlaace la all. beCn«
mother patiently taught her to spell
We aar f^well forcrerBiore.
and read by the fllckerlnc light ot an
The Newnrear eomea with oniekeoed aMi-wood fire.
Poor and ancomfortable as that twoSo BOO*, alma, to flit thy frtacc.
roo^ed home had been to Caroline
It briass to as a hc«e, a fear
Brt^n. It was the synonym of peace
Ot wUt shall -be. FhrewMl. Old Tear. nnd good will, two words not to be asBodated In one's thougbU with Mrs.
New Year RaaMirtiena
EHls and the poor bouse.
wmw^for the BwuM W Ahds G Baadsl
The other inmates of the poor-house
l>elng either too-old or too sestlcrOn New Year's nom.
bralnedtobe of shniceto the matron,
Whoa we are sore
the atllUod Carbine, scolding and
Itee will be tto tainialeiis
tasking her as she willed. Never havWe take a peaell
ing had a child of her own. It fre­
Aad a book
quently happened that Mrs. Bills fail­
To write some rmIuUoim.
ed to guage the limit of one's enduram. Caroline reached this limit short
The old yaa/s fanlU aad follies
ly after'-her tcotb birthday. With
We bare burled out of aheht
chad's confidence In the great, unkind
Aad the aext thine on the proaram
world she concluded that lore and ap>
te to start the New Year rlgbL
be awaiting her some­
So here goes.
where. and she made up ber mind t
As the school boy aaya,



Aatebmt, mr^oT Andrra
«*wt of OlMlW,
#*m MV Ms tath0f% hat fotwd
NmD> mu of menor. The report
that a
awoBirt «f tha
WM ^iwoh GOW.
It l«
that JMBtoaa.' artte b aet an
*t fiflyiM, cMunad ap to *SS.then net half way
found treaayre.
Tho farm an which ho b ioeatod la an
M InAtan fatvs and datea book to
tho time of CalyBUO tho Third. When

toay ha a r

« or ho may bo
0 ho wao laat year.

■ins faibd to verify tho atory.
.Mbady having hoard anything about

rnm Satorday'a Record,
toaiaaaii eoosty u agog viUi
The sloiT In yeelorday'B
rd to the affect that dnliae Jacobhad nncarthed a long trarled
tiamn spread Taipidlr. la the mornlag the aBomt of the And. wai well
ton la the thonaaada. By night It
tod nadhed tallUou; a large ntiBber
at people had seen the box—or.
Jaaat. aatd they had-Some had It
^t«Bhry wooden box whUe others bad
St braaa bound. One man went forth
.to than the rent and made it of Iran
•hd to heavy that a teun of boraea
tonned ft from Its long rwatlng plaee
tod bnalted It to the borne of the
ithnr. Andrew Jacobaon.
The wb^e thing started over the
oMeet boy trying to ‘IcU'- hb.i
hrather, Christopher. He succeeded
nd the ytmngswr peddled the dtedee
Mt tt IntomsUon at school. Hence
the nnedtemfot
) or the Svening
and la the erentng drove
the Jaooboon home, three miles sbnUict Omena and almost a mllo
the neanst neighbor. Ttie road
ImlWiit back Into Jacobaon'a property
bat a track nod the hooae Siselt
Gggaus to have been dropped
the edge of a predploe. Hie ground
ton ahrapUy on the aorth and east,
to dbraptly that the bonce almost
down the mad. On the west It
B more gmdnally and to (he aouth
tonitoos a dense cMar swamp. A

totoy bieok flows through the bangwd late the mnrah.
Jncohnun was sarpitaed when the
stepped Into the kltch•a, Mnnk toon, dining room and par­
lor eocaUaed- It wnt evident that
the tuny WM npt tiaed to evening
toUmi The poliit blank gnestfon
which fallowed ordinary queatloas
vhnntot forth bugbter and.bluafaea
JoUn, Ihe twdnty-two year old
_ ^ Be Uwtt expUtned. One of the
beUefs of tiia Leelanan county

to toi toto
"tA, aomebody. be tell liar storr,
'sjtg ttotalt oC ISM. two men. evltoadSfv' from tbelr talk and acUooa
‘maan. dag up many placea on the
Bag talaada. They were watched by
two Sattons Bay men and took bea^
after bcarlag bnt tbelr aearcta
waa tntlie. Hila stirred up much exBMt aad It waa by no meana the
trot time that the atory of bidden
gnu had baen circulated.

A iWty EM
aomber of the redpleaU of tbeae bas­ meeliiig. held la the church this,
Ulaa Meda Bctoolemft of TIS Whab- kets were peoto toho, while not
actually in want, yet oaly eked
Mr. aad Mn. Cbas. Cook and daagb-(
ber trieoda Friday evMtng In a very hare existenoe from day to day. The (er'Rhuatn. ot GMn Arbor, paaaedj
pleaaaiit maaaer, the affair betas Is majertty tf them were people too through (own cn (heir way to TrovI A. TRACY LAY, Froilit
* :
boDor ot her eightecBih birthday. Tbe proud to ask for'asalsUnoe aad who erue City last Thursday, returning,
a. GARLAND, cashlem
would never bavo ahown themaMvM Saturday.
house was pretUly decorated in «
bad there bron a poWie dinner
W. Ama. potato buyer, left forj*
green and hoHy and during the
Ing a Dumber of games were played.
Chicago last Tbnreday to be gone
An Impromptu pnBrwn waa given
On tbe first Saturday <ff tbe new
year, the Juslor eMdiers wlU be enwho
SURPLUS. S30,000
freabmenta were served aad a birth­ rolled, the ceremonlea taking plaee In in (be public schools b Chicago. lv>
day cake. In which was a thimble, the cveuing. On Sunday evening there borne with her parents. Mr. and Mra^
Plat, Claaa. Staam Botlar and-AocMant li
played .a oooilderabic part In tbe pro­ 'wUI be the dedleaUon ot the bablea P. H Hahn, for the holidnya.
on Moeday evening the tolldren'a . D. H. Der and family of Glen Haven
hUsUcloe waa alsoHntrodnced and demonetratlon will take place, cemr
gueau at Mr. and Mrs. Jerr>’
this oeeupied considerable attentlou. slating of a program by tbe children Sslllvsn's last Tbonday.
The hocteas was tbe recipient ot a aad it te expected that there will be
Mrs. RTIiamsrofl
of Ludlngton who has
number ot veiy pretty presents.
alao gifts f<w the youBg folks.
been rtsltiug Mrs. Bloom of Maple
Hiss Beboolcrafc U tbe dpngbter of
City, passed through here on her way
Room S10 N«w State Bank Building.
Traverae City.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Schoolcraft and
home. last Tuesday.
3 KT Celt tUevto eg n«e toseUto
they arranged tbf party which was
pcqmmlsh. Mich.. Dec. S7.-Charlci
Mias Minnie Brown, primary teaehand happy in every detail.
Jfbrvow is on the sick list.
■ at. Maple City, pasaed through <
Mrs. Dr. B. H. Cornell Is quite al^. tou^ Isst Salurdsy enroutc to her,
CapUin Munaelle Talks.
Mra. Will Clark who has been quite home al Nonhpon. where the will
CaptaJo HuDBetle of the local eorpa flck la able te be out again.
spend her holiday varation.
of the Salvation Army waa IpteiJohn Egan M Nessen City was call­
Ed. Culver aad Fred Denars were
viewod today by an Evening Record ing on friends here Thursday.
Traverse City vUItors last Saturday, i
>preMntatlve in regard to the condi­
J. J. l/3ve. denUst from Maniatee.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yuman's st>ent,
tion of the poor people In the city. He has located here In town.
Christmas day at Honor.
LUMBER-AT kinds.
auted (hat the eases ot suffering were
Rickard Brimmer visited frieoda at
Hr. and Mrs. Albort I-Tshcr of Maide
DOORS aad VINDOWS-All styles. STORK SASB-The wirm klad.
mu^ fewer than last year and that Nessen City ovea Sunday.
niy. passcti through town last Thurs­
while he found some men out of work
Mrs. D. H. McLaughllu and Mra. E. day. enrouU- to Traverse City.
ROOFiNG-Tbe best aad cbeapest.
they wire men who were unable to R’^nl of Thompsonvlllf visited
Irving Belote. . who Is atleniUng
> opt and do hard manual labor.
frieoda In loim Wodm-sday.
tbe Ann Arbor L'uii t-rsily, is home.
INTERIOR HNlfB-Steck aad spccUI.
In regard to the wall from the Cadil­
Mn and Mrs. Orson Haxard and Mr. •with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
All kinds of shop work to order on •-liori notice.
lac News tbe cajitaln was of the opin­ am] Mra. Mike Shell atlcn<l<-«l On Ileloie. for the holiday vacation.
ion that the writer had' Jumr>ed to fiine^l of Alpheus Kanisay at Grant
our prices before buying.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hark ami sun.
concinslons. In CudiUnr a Christmas Iasi Sunday.
spent Christmas In Traverse City.
PLonra. Uc-I) HUO; Ciltt. BOS.
.*>1.5 Lake Av'cmio
dlnm'r was served In the hall to
Noel Wilkins of Big Rapids
Ilerl^rt and Maynm Sullivan wli..,
proxlmately 300 people. jiiM the
I m. Brimmer and lUlph Simons •p attending aebuol in Traverse Cli.v
fURusT. UUm «M.d. Unw ti*ro.u
meal being put out.
■d lamililles Saturday
■e borne for the holidays.
touc mun. Doth 'iih^is .Mrv, ^
'‘The newspaper man evidently
Mis. John Noud U enterulnlag
Misa Groce King, teacher In the
thought that wo used tho
company from Frankfort this meek.
grammar department In the ' Mapl“
method here.” said Captain Mnnselle.
James Coyne of Nessen City visited City acfaool. pamed thnmgh . town,
“and that we must have a
Ttototo artd GofTtotos
and family Monday
last Saturday enroute for Traverse
number of poor people to get-away
Hance Morrow and daughter Brmi City.
with 1.400 pounds of beef at one sit­ left Sunday for a week's rlalt will
ting. Instead of sehlnp one meal, we relatives and friends at Peuion.
Traverse City.
gave out on an average, prorlslotu
Mias Hyria Bahr of Marilla
with Or t> X COM- UiU pUlM sgm
Miss B<-rthB DnII of Maple cify srar
HA W Ocvrolti strws. witk th*
enough to last several days and in erilling on friends hero Monday.
1.4 SalmtK
HMnUarruU.CIU |ibM«W
a Traverse City virilor last Saturday.
aeveral canes enough to laat a week.'
They ire tlie best. Sold only by
that of n widow who
. Omlut,eMr JAmso Un«
has seven children and who makes
m Utr. Mick- t>U
Cedar. UIrh.. Dec. ;S.-Chas. Hahn
mmr.a<vc<u. I'..iMcSSkCMa^.
Thiirwtaynight tho Twentieth <'i-nily living by washing, two !•
and daughter Groce of Traverae Olli
pieces of meat were put Inin Ihe lias- spent Chrisimaa day with hU parents lury clnb held a verye«J>iyal>lelMit-i
lug'at Hie home «>f
I-Tllii .Smliti ;ii
ket besides n soup bone, making nxil r. II. Mahn. ot this plare.
which tiH' prineitml feature was ii
enough for al Ithc meals of the week.
Dr. P. j. MacNctt
Mrs. Hall and daughter Malrel.
The least amount of meat piit Into Traveno City vteltore last Wednes loaded Christmas in'e. There wer•pMtaitotto
at least two gifts ami a large iiink
basket waa aeven and one- day.
half pounds and (bis was for a famlly
A. R. Bellinger and fhmlly of Mnpio sack of candy, nuts aad oranges ftir
one. One of the best gifts was a
conalatJng of two people.
City passed through town on their
iiriuih liox of Johnston's Blue Rllr
About ono hundred and thirty bas­ way to Traverae City .Igat Wodoos
lion ehocfilMiea which was given to
kets were pul out.'arenrnlo count duy.
being lost because of Ihe fart that It
Bari FVitt of Maple City. Is helping (he dull by John Cou'oran.
A course lundwson w«« served, the
dark that the drivers eouldnh in the drug store, until Mr. Mi
see the house numbers and (hey who was burned so badly Iasi week guests finding tbelr pbiecs by. ]iiul:
and green ribbons leading to a tiny
brought back quite a number. There is aide to i>e In (be store again.
was only one piece of meat left and
J. P. mite, of Maple City was In tree In the renter of fhe txUle on
which Hie place cards were hidden
the captain Intended to uso that for Traverse chy last Friday.
W«VM Croaty BsaF. Bldg. PETROIt
himself and bfs fanilty but today It
Albert Kadroviich did bualneas in At ench place were ^nk and green
randies aUernniing. which whey
dlscrrrervcl that an <dd sohller and Traverse City last Satnrday.
his little grandebihlren hnd been oyerMIsa M. E. Wright, primary teacher llghie,! formed part of a very preity
tooked and this afternoon (bat
(ff this place, went to Monroe last scene.
The house was beautifully decorated
sent out alao.
Saturday, to spend tbe holiday raca
with pink and gre»-n sirenmeis of
That the baskeU were intended for tloo.
more than one meal It ahown l>y the
Fred Fhnut and wHe ot Buidkk crepe pai>er. Christmas bells, bolly anil
Heath ef A. J. Caaaett.
following anmmary of the contents vUIe. did'ahoplDg In Trai-crsc City
2S-—Pivsldonl A.
The club adjourned at a l.ito hour,
lati^ Monday.
J. .f the IVansj-lvanln , rail­
One-haU buabel potatoes. .
' B)won Marvin ot Wen Raaaon giving Miss Bmllb a vote of thanks road died nt 1 o'cloc-l. this afiemotm
nne of the most enjoyable times
One peck of apples.
• as In Trarenq City last Friday.
.If heart di-.-.-c *,.h whicb h.- had
Two )€mre» of bread.
Next Sunday evening ut the hour In Us history. The nest meeting will k.-. n til f.T s..iaetnno, i|.- was 1~tter
One pie.
for the Christian ^dcavor, Mrs. lx- at (be borne of Miss Nettle Wurz­ hnoviu as a lallroad .-vii- tt 'h:ia auy
One large quart of beam.
JMm White ot Solon, will give
oth.-r tiiiti in Ha- ccerutr.'.
One poond of pork to go with tbe port of tbe Sabbath school convention
A Bad Injury.
held at Jackson.
Wmiiinisbiirg. Mieb-. Dec. JS —
About nlno or ten pounds of Iveef
The Clirlstmaa exercises which
on an average.
were held in the ehutrh on Monday Grover Hamnumd. aged 51.
Charl»*s Hammond, so liadly rut three
evening were well rendered and
Ooe.,Cbri8tma8 War CryJoyed by a large crowd. The children lot's on bis right (oof that one »(•f ihei^
w<- (-nil suit you. \V.- liove a lar-.;.: aasorUit.-Dt <>r Axce from TiOc
In addlUon to this ibera were also were very much disappointed that hnd to be ampiiiHied. IVsidie
le the
up. Wc have the Atkina' S;iww. Siinond Saws, Dnton'e Ina number of little things, such as cof­ Sants Claps was not there to help fart that he was suffering great pain
fee and tea. which were included as distribute (be presents, as during tbe he walked a half mile to Hie home of
r. i ii.l Up- fainoui Lumbemiail’s PTldc. a eaw
Uk dkwd CHm'-Ti
ereiling a telegram was received tn>m William Coprlaiid and was ighon from Itctmstatanb.iaJd.iimile cspvcinlly fur Uie Micliigan trade ao<l folly gnaranteed
All the Invalids on the lUt reeelved him'aaFing his reinderr had ran there to Wllllamshiirg, where Dr. mj ■ cold Ui lh< U-ad
A»'Handles are wiDDcn.
a chicken and there were quite
away and amnshed the culler, mak­ Biinee attended to his Injuries.
nnmber ot tbeae gives out.
Mr. Hammond was chopping ties for Crrom Balm !• pland .
Come in and look our stork over before you buy.
ing it
mev me tuarl-rai.a- sn-l i.
Kclict i> >BAs win be seen from the list it
Ntot £today evening tbe Juaneriy Mr. CopelanTl and ibe aeddont hai>would be impossible for ovet a
pehed at fi o'clock tills morning, it
comitouiito sen-lees will be held.
eiA. or l.r n.;:; 1 r,„ ' xc. 1"
and very hungry family to dispose of
Tl|br6'b to be a church buBlneaa was caused by his ax glancing.
4il,T WlOTUUt^ M
t-jTO, StwTmS.
these basketa In one meal. A gnuit



Tire Insurance!

Anncy to Loan on [mproTcd Real Btatc Only.

Traverse City, Mich.'














The Farmers’ Store
Cross-Cut Saw, an Axe, a Wedge
or a Wood-Chopper's Maul

Ell's Cream Balm


e held a n
D In tic o
^ gWidSlH Hastlnga to begin pUna
tor.tto^annaal moeUng of the board,
^tos tocMed to bdd a banquet and
omlnent outto dlscuaa board of
bade worit and civic progrosa. The
last bnaquet beld by the beard of
into «aa given la the Park PUee
hoto, tot there Is a.seatlment smong!
■any at thetostaess men and work-:
Ing peo^ who are membera of the
board that It ahould be bold In some
paWle tall where more people can be:
It waa decided that the best Ume
boM the annual mooting and ban««et la daring the latter part of Janu­
ary or ttte first week In I'bbniary. It
was etosetod to~bold the mceUng
narUor.'bnt owing to the difficulty in
aeearlag outside apeakers it baa been
found aeeesaary to extend the time
aomewtot. The date has not been
daOnllefy fixed but will be governed
by the mveolence of those who
to'mddibM the board from some other
^ty. Tbe matter of securing apeakM was left with tbe otfleers. to prnneod laimediately, and the matter of
the banquet was referred to tbe ent and banquet committees


Inventory Sale

from Dervousnesg, bactoche.
sick headache, or other pa'ft^
there is noUiing tliat can equal
Dr. Wiles’ Ami-Pain Pills.
They stop the pains, soothe tbe
nerves, and give to

it will stand hard knocks, last the thing to use
in a family of growing children.

Fine Japanese Ware


before uking mveotory the first of the

the relief so much desired. I!
taken on first indication of
pain or misery, they will allay_,
the irritable condition of the
tien*es, and save you furthec.
suffcring'.T;Tliose who use tbeim
at regular intervals have ceas­
ed to dread these
contain no harmful drugs, and *
leave no effect upon the heart
or stomach if taken as directed.
They give prompt relief.

year, loT one week we wHl make a big
reduction on ail our goods.


It will be

worth your while to call and see us.

Your Credit Is Good
Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids FumUurc Co.
Maes Medical Co,

Double Thick Hotel Wa/e

UnUl January 1st

During, ffaat trying period^ln

Sovenl other very Important mattars were dtscaased and two or i
VWT promising ladustrlea are being
flnVMU#led. It U Mltapaohable that
toe aamml ameUng wUl^velop fm, ■nrianiriiiitii n of benefit to Trnv-

Kswiand Douglas*


127 S. South Union Street

Did you for;j(ii some friends at Chrisimas lime?
Nfvxir mind, g'-t them a nici lapancse dish for
a New Years Present.

Did You Ever Stop to Think?
what a useful present a good washing machine
would make.' Wc have a good, easy working
rotary machine that sdls for only
will bless you 52 times a year if you decide to
invest in one.

Make ibis year tlio last by
IxiyiDL: all yowr sIkk-s of
- ' Kowisod




OU»wwfi. Dm. t7^n ChriMinM
Aty WanI W. Rmimm. a namktr af
«lw ChaH«va4B llfr aavln«
aavad the ttfa at an ii.yaarald bey
namaA Harry Tcbln, wh«
Uirea^ thin tea tnta tha ehanhal af
Oten lake. The laA’a cAmpanlam had
•ana an arawnd the traacharoua apat
tamrA thair hamaa ta thalr dinnara
aa Uia hear waa naan. Harry fallawad
kwt faUad ta nattea %»hara tha naw
and tha eld lea jalnad. Ay maraat acdAant H ehanead that Rannatt. wha
la aurfman Na. 2 at Chanavaln.
In tha vIeinUy and heard tha eraah af
braakint tea at Uia bay want under.
Ha. with athar mainbara af hla family.
waa dhting at a hauaa in tha nalghbar*
head and wtth Ma brethar. Frank C.
•annatt, wha > aurfman Na. S at
MaaRlng Rear Ufa aaving atatlan. and
twa young nwn ware umlklng an tha
. lea near tV
««art In adranea whan Ward Rannatt
heard tha breaking ice. ' Turning, ha
mm Uia bay-a head bbova waUr and
throwing off
tfvad for the lad who aank tha third
time. Hta dimetian uiaa alantad by
raaaan of aiiaping on tha lea and ha
w# abligad la u»ar* Rla way ta tha
battom af tha lake which waa rallad
by tha child'a atrugglae untii ha eauld
not aae him. Finally ha aaw tha bey*a
eag tvhleh anablad him to aalza held
of hla elathlng and ha ralaed the uncanaeleua lad ta tha aurfaea.
- Tha water waa full af broken lea.
aaneuar and child ware heavy with
- aaahad clothing and
d that bath might ba
drawn under tha lea.

Frank Rannatt,

Northgurt F. A A. M.

in the dining moi. which waa enjoyed

Nortbport. Mieb. 0«K.


A. H. lodge. No. Stt look place teat
errnlog. the work being follnwcd by
a banquet and program.




cooalMed at Prof. J. F. Uetbrva. W
M. Kicbola and tbe Rev. J. D. Deetc

Oyater Soup.


' feirry


Preened Chicken.


Scalloped PoialoeK.
Waldorf Salad,
ice Crean.




The vlanda having



of TahaUnanter R. E. Hood called tbe
aaarmblr to order and an ezeailent
program vaa given.

On tbe program

there ware Are Traverae City prpple.



rasl- light of (he cblldreti.


who appeared


aoloi. making a big hli by rendering
one while be pteyed bla own arerwn
panlmmi on the piano; M. R. Hollry.








bad pariicularir

If tbe day



Orchwtra. "Battle of the Warea.*’

eyes busy scanning tbe swi

•The Lambakln”. W. E. Campbell.

Solo. ••Coming Throngt The Rye."






Mary's river

aMp cAnala ibis year made a wonder­
ful record.

•The Grip."






the waterways


This waa an increase of nearly Mghi
million ions over the trafAc for the
season of IMS.

The Itema making up

tbe grand total were at fallows:


Myslic Circle

election of ofAccis

ate most



Wrtrthy ireasun-r. I*. 3. Elmer.
Worthy ut.stlcal v-aaminer. Dr O- K
Worthy guard. 3. K. Martin.-k:,

Mills. A. U. Curiiiu
Ilelecnte lo grand ruling, George E.
Hoyt; alicrnaie. Hiss r<ihora].
Mr. Buehman Haa Reaigned.
A. <5. lluchmac.

»ho has bc«-n cm-

ploj-»-il for some time at the Anierican
tlnig slere, has n-slgni-tl his posillou
there and v« lll p> on the road for the
Nelktm Raker catiiiainy. a

Lorln Cos*

win Alt the position made vacant.
Tht- territory which Mr. Uuebmon
will cover will ellhiT be tbe iipiH-r
peoiiiKute of Michigan and the north




t-rn portion of the louvr peninsula or



else 10 the western stules.

He has

tiiany friends In the city who will wish

Or. Thempaon Will Leave.



At the regular mreilng of Tr.ivertie




him well In his new Acl.i of work



.................. ......... .


City lodge. No. 3S3. Bmerolem and



In n



In It

Mich .




17 the joint Iviiard mn-ting of ioyliim

The traveling aiidlti.i of the West
nt Flxpress eunipany h.vs c<iiii|il.-ie<1
I very liiiert-sllii^ lald.-. showing lli<-



d iron, net tone.




tana ...................................


.XlniiNl r«-er> lnly who rc.i.l* thr iicwslun* IK sure lu kunw- ui the vrou.lerfu:
cures made l.y
K<k>;. the gresl I
_ ney, liver and hi
j. .ler remedv.
It isthegrralmedf! ical of Uic
Wt ninetceiilli cetiturv
<rf • roacn-li
> ^
liy IX. Kilmer, thv
eminent ki-iiicy ami
ciaiiM. am'
. aUrrli
hlad.ler a
. 1 Disea-«. which is the «o
form of
«f ki.Incy
ki.incv irout.Ie.
Dr. Kilmer i. Swamg-Root
not recoininenile.1 fur everv tbtuilbut if yiHiluive
loev. liv-er or hUdJer trouble il uill
ind'iust ttie reviiciv vou uce-d. It li
• in
• >•• many
many way *, in b.Ki.iia
Iwm tested
work and in piivute practice, and ha
jm.ved sosucce>Mol in every Cl < that:
s|wi-ial arTangenn-nl has been liade I.hich all rea.lcrsoi
thispajwr. v» ho have
whichallr■ not airrnd'.V irirtl it. may hare a
t free l.v ni-iil. al-Ki a K«.L tcil
mg 1
When w


to Dr. Ktlmer
Co., Kingh.
■ The tegular
Dr. Christian, bead of the |>oii- i ?■- V.
and' oneUac asylum, will discuss the quest
dollar .>arc liottlcs arc
of shorter hoitra and higher wases
Mild by all good druggists.
«4np1oy.(-K of the asylums. D.iiin:

Fianus produ^.
We btiy^iunos in lots of r.uo sod lo atipply Ibe cuiormous
biisloeM of our 15 stores.



nt about half tbelr furtner pri.-e*.

ilmi, this


y. .vr fiUI of ple;i*Dn- and liapplness for your

April 14 and closed Dec. :i.


Traverse City Store:


Smith Realty Co.

“nie iraf.

probably ap

FLOYD L. SMITH. Manager.
Telephones. Ollicc, Citizens H’J; Bell 169.
Evenings. Citizens. 290

Cbkago. Dec. 28.—The marriage of


Mrs. Virginia Lull and Dan E. Carter

» for tbe
rnaetb of November, tbe blghrac Ag­

of Traverse City.

ora ewer raacbed,

mother here. Mr. and Mrs Carter will

Monday at

while Agnree for
. _


. past eultod ruler of the Orleans, returning in
Trarerse Cii.v. Mich.

aetslon Bxallod Ruler K. O. Joynt

lodge that

bad been



of the






The wedding of Charles Gtuih of

l>r. T1

while tbe value of the lumber pro

the spring l

Acme tow-nahip to-Mrs. Martha Kate
of Elk


■mi abow an output of agrieult
geodvMa valtMd


At tbo chjoe of the reguh-r

nounevd to the

Tbe whole ataie haa ahared in this

Mich., look

tbe home of tbe bride's

the w-lim-r in MuhJIe and New

ptete abow that Ibe UKal clearloga

ly SO per cent over teat year.

u|ion the carpet and the exalted ruler




the iwtrstmage






Joseph Dutton ofRcUilog.

Better than Any Other
Coffee at the Same Price

The fairest exclusive coffee roasters
doctor with a very valuable r
gain of. sio.ono.oon „,or IMS.
•d tbi-«ar. tVvr t> laOr
in the world import this coffee direct,
heavily gold monmed sHk
tenw.sBd that la by nautitn
Wwnrriy value of the entire atate on
blend it, roast it and pack it in air-tight
■ ee P.-U- eeni baate U now well over
upon the handle. Dr. Tbompaon waa
Sson.noii.noo as compaivd to aboat
tthen greatly
by aurpriiw and le^packages and seil it direct to dealers.
SS00.o0o>oi> in IMO. The value of the
isra ta the twnlt. asd walna. thr Inflanmasponded very feellnirtr.
fruit and berry
Think of the profits saved by this
W'hcp the Elks' kMge was Aral inailraied In this city.
Dr, Thompson
Ihmz^^aii maained
direct dealing. This saving is put into the
tbla yeac a gain of nearly A per cent.
was chosen its Ar*t exalted ^lei
Meanwhile, with the fnili. lumber occvgiled the chair two yeara and twice
extra quality of McLaughlin’s XXXX
end agricultural products of Arkansas Mace that time has bran elected tn
Coffee, and you get the benefit
alone lotaHng morv than half a bn the highest ofAce in the local lodge.
U«i dollar, and her prapen,- r.lua- He Is about to 1,-ave Traverse City for
The handy air-tight package and the
tlon li.rea.ed nearly
per cent in
Grand Rapids to engage In hU prncglazing of pure sugar keeps this cofifee
ere yeara.^tbere I. a general a,,is. Uce of medicine and the testlraonlsl
fbellOB I her growth, coupled with a of test night in behalf of the rnembe;*
^ clean and fresh — protected from dust, dirt
deraaod for lu furtherence in all poa•mi
ailon of his Services In
^ and foul odors. '
MWe ways In tbe future. Inrtdenially. the lodge and bis InAuenee in bnilding
Ttrm »4 Timid*
It la Iniereaiing to note the stair
after a neat nddross, praaented the

dorta will tout about a


It up to Its present high standard. Dr.
boMe a record lo that Washington
Tbompaon wMI lenve next week foi
eoonty eontaln. more apple tree, than Grand Rapids lo make that'bla perhhy othwconty la tbe Dnlied States
lanent home.

After inlitelory work npon

V was served

Some Valuable Hints
by tkr K,mV.xll Music n-nsc.
W. repr'sKm il.r.** of th- larg-Kt
fiirniv ia tb,.
VV. W. Kimlctl
. L>..n A Hcaly. and the K-liran ^•l,oI,osraI.t•, Co.

Denfnoaa Cannot bo Cured


««b.r M.,


I59 East Front Street

Complete Housekeeping

O. E. Carter Marrted.

hat laereeaed her populaUen Are fold.

devrlopmeot. Tbe Agurea for tbe year



I New Piano
I Kimball Organ
I Small orfice Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap

proiimnilng 6fl.«00.«W not tons.

Ibe title of metnvolla ef thia aectioB

the Whole yeer tbough not yet



Come and talk ibe niain-r over with ns.

Htteen Stores In Mlchl{in.

whleb period. Little Rock, airtvtiig for mark, an iDciMee o( nra^


Busy I’ayroeni Plan y.,u mby bare a piano at once ami pay for II
■•y the month tn small iuKiallma-ui» nceonicnlatod . to

The aenann at the Ca­

waterway haring

further great locreasc.

Will probably run very eloee

Rest makes included.

"A good li^aplng make* a g<«.d ending”—Make yoor Aral net
in 1907 the purehns,h„f (,qp „f our superior Pianos nnd It wrtll Ih- h

come a vital one A> hll i


Ac next season Is ezpected to show

tbe loeel


nadian ennal was of 253 days' dura-

lor tbe (weoty-flre

recotde of


Just now we offer a number (ff RFECIAI. RAIIGRINS In 1‘tano*
taken In trade during December; they are v^- derirable aod for sale


whole eoulhweat



toother dealera AND ODR erSTOMERS GET THE nENKRT.

Don't tusk

The total viseel paaMges were

slop 249 day*-


Wc arc nloo inaiio Mnnafnetur-

era and own make, the GItINKEU. IIHOS.. Ik tegartlod by »u»l-



abow an unprecedented growth of tbe

g<-uulnc inASOI.A riANO, clr.. etc.

Claus.and critic* as being one «if the very Anest and most nrtl«lie

few years this quc.-uloii has

and closed Dec. 17. being in commis
A Oraat Growth.
UUte Rock. Adk, Dee. i:._Fignrea


W>- have- the World’s lca.1lng makes. ioHudliie the RTBlNWAY.

bered 3I.0U and those westbound 31.-

ara BOW being camirilcd to be Ineor


If you arc gulng to start the N>-w Yvwr with a 1'tAKO it ^It be
ilralitcdly lu v-our advantage lu cumi- and siv ns.
the SOHMBR. the SThjRIJNG. the KRAKAI'ER. the WHOMAN. Hi.

iinsiees of Mlrhlgnn will 1k> held at

canal was opened for trafAc April



Kldncj Tronhk Makes ¥mi Miserable.

22.155. tbe registered tonnage of tbe


Grinnell Bros.


I. A.

Tha oWaot brother of tha roaouad
lad la a maatearof tha Itfa anving alatWh « Raaui UanKou latend.. Ha waa
not awwa af tha aeeldant until all


ilie EMstei-ii Michigan asylum in this

Protaciire Order of Dka laai night.
great aarpriae waa apnmg on D.


Deer Killing.

1>*oilliy warden. Mrs. I*jullii,

drag romiuiny of Detroit.



maieri.ll bem-Al and ptoit-ctliai


W.irthy viort ruler. R. «i -muHn.


vessels engaged In the Interlake trade.

••A Square Deal.^' Prof. J. P. Math-


Freight lo the atupendous





the iiiiiiiial

Worthy tnisietis. D. E. Wynkoiui, E,

Marie. Dec.

trafAc through the 8t.

Hre. Horat.

present fnun out of lawn


eveninit, seb-cling the followinR-

Worthy sentry. Mrs. Oi-i.rge Uinlle.

A Graat Traffic.
Sanli Sie.

•The Ladlea,-^’. E Johnatop.

Th. 1= ,

Michigan htmiersl^

lit the |so|ile w|io. iilntve all tnlieri.


and her ears wide o|>en at alf limes.

Solo, aelreted. Mr. Shelcher.


Wonhy collector. Mrs C.iBar

Rs to keep both liands moving, her


F. M. C.
Prom Saturday's Record.

WMihv ruler. Mr«- Mariiiiek.

, not n snap by any meant as she


.n. ,-Jr.n.b

tL tower

v.m ngnln secM-iaiy slate medical boaid: "Till'
p;i-;s:ti:e by tin- li-t.islaliiiv' ol ii jirojier

Worthy cliaplaln. Mrs. A. A. Mc­
Tbe number of times the girls call Coy.
-number*’ un Sunday In Traverse City
Worthy recorder. Miss Mary Pt.ho
Is fast oppraaeblng the
The work of a telepbone operator


Rev. Kin- is able lobe

of tbe operators is lieing increased.

week day,



peo(ile generally

omy and more and more the work
Banquet Toaat. E E Flood, toaat-

- —— -

for tbe K-itikiratlcni of DiirneK
Mrs. II. Gannett Is still improvins a’-i
areai home and It Is but naiiirsil that and Is at her own borne in ]iiiertocb<-o. woiibl tint only Im* a just and • quiinble
they should "rail up" tbelr friends and
.Mrs. Kiichner and son are rlsUiug rt-cugnlilon of this Imtsi Importiini'a
necessarv- adjtmri to ib'<- ptvfessi.m
tlieir friends In Wylie.


Coitiet aolo.



To quote I>r. Bt.-vcrly D. HarriMta.

Ei. Hnsnn-s baby Is sliU sick.

after 3 long selgc of liners.


Mra. K. E neigbbofK and spend eonie time rhui
ting. The result of tills is that the
Horat In vocal eolos; Rarm C. Gilbert,
force. InKiead
of being decreased,
wbo gave a very Intereatlng addreai
rhoiild really be Incivwsed on the hol­
on -Tlie Food of a Goaf and Prof,
idays aa Ibe giria are kept busy all
florat in vIoIlD arriot.
of tbe ten faoura they are on duty.
Tbe fcdlowteg waa the program
SoDdnyt. loo. arc getting to be Just

Solo. -Ufe'B Lullaby.*’ Mra. Horat.


^ to .rw.

McLaughlin and Miss Gialvw
Ailed and ail enjoyed n good iinn-|
Regiatrati n of Nuract.
sw-anji the wovkIs ef tbe upper pemn-'
Augblin of Thorapaonville,
holiday was really a holiday for the before aispendns lo ibMr respective i
» registration
A bill for the
• uia. and no gauve In n counirr gettht* slorei w<
After the oeremouy a Is'unUful din­
• . ' •
:ntiiii»’s will be prrsente.l
ting tv
well setliid. can Jong
closed and tbe forre was rediired so
er was served., tbe pyramid cakt*
Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Vomnans of'
this winter.
• visl s
when such ii iramendiMS nuipber
that some of tbe workers cmild test.
The minr
I'niunvllle. are visiting tlo-ir many ; • This bill providee for both abe is killed in a. senaoti of onlv twetuv being iH-amiful Indted.
It Ik Just tbe opposite. With friends in Wvlie and |ub>rlocb«>n.
' . .
' j friends of Mr,-and Mrs. Murfutd wl^
'iralii.-d and the nniraUied aur~e. and
of the cost of the
- Lowe uiieudnnce
Wylie, *•( tiM d««lgtied to Inscifort- with the
When taie think* tif
„f the limiteil
liit.lte.1 l..
vice the number of phones In
•k by a
Sinday schitol on SuniUiy. Let the niindiig
njctiy ami of the thri;ik..nds and i),n.i. j Horiord U the night €merat^_nilnnow there Is
providing that theyy do III)
tint aasuiue
gtxvl work
-auds of deer tiuti at. annuall.v killed, jtertochen. wbw they will rcalde/^i
net work of wiras not only about
Mis P. Rtame la eipertlng friends Im- n-uisiert^d nines, nor does
city but on t^e eouniry roads as well from Alba;' Mich., to-apen.i the boll- quire uny apiutHirisllon ef state fuods
beeauae the up-icwlsie farmer has bis du>s.
for Its oiteratiuD.

the operators.

in cornet

Tbe house, mas]

At ibat time.

Charlra A. Skelcher, who gave four telephone as weU aa the'daily
This all mewns work
well received vocal aoloa; Hennai

Solo, aeiected, Mr. BkHcher.

WtwNhaunding tha diacradit thrown
an tha aarulaa by tha eritteiam of tha
HaHcnd araw.. Nor did Rannatt ra•arva Ida valor far aummar day* of
roRplar dirty in the aarvlca uniferm
but raekliaaly divad Into fraadng
' ir among AaatJng ioa and
in rcUad water far tha drowning tad
who tlvac today bocaime of hie pranwt

very few

ilKUCen having them.

end haw.. Tha child waa firat Ukan

af water in hla lunge and aeen eriad
with tha gain af revival. Ha waa than
hurrlad ta tha naareat hauaa an tha
diad and warm laotaratlvaa aggllad.
Aflar tema twa haura af vieiant tramWing tha lad
to ba ramevad to hla home. Rurfmai
Ward Rannatt aharad tha aama CKgarianaa far a time but whan acalotod Into
warm clatMrvg AaetarM hlmaotf ac
wall adUaAad wHh tha child'a raeav.
.gry that nothing aiaa w*a worth
The raaiBi wm wholly due to the
dreumetanoo of thaa# aurfman 'being
tana af tha aocldant.
mlnuta'a delay WMid hava bean faUl.
RurAnan Ward Rannatt by hit prompt.
URhaattaeng act of daring haa dona
. -Mteh M abew that tha gavaramant

Wylie. Mich.. Ix-r.

the Wylie and

btislDeM instliuiliia.


rage which hla brother Anally caught

- Roth aurfman than act d
At work daagKa tha wat clothing, to
riwiBltata tha lad. uaing enataf thalr
eawganlana aa a barroi. -The ehlld

of membcri


Chain method, Rannatt throwing tha

an tha lea and the raaeuar in turn


.... .

maater. •

la raaeh tha ewlmmar by tha living

tbe lance


and nottalDg araa left undone for tbe la anytblng but a pieaaura. But tbe
Baker «f Wylie and MrsS W. polnt-t i>eriaJning to their share of the
pleura of (be lodge mrmliers and clerks are not tbe ooly ones that ara Pennington nod Mr-^. TillapaiiRh of;.-!sylum work
th>vern*c Warner U
glad ibat Cbrlatmaa baa passed as i1ie lolerlocbcn. Song!-. reriuiioti> and
the gueeiB preaeni.
ezpect-d i» Iw .In attendance at this
When the iomallalion ceimonlmi
dialogueji nunle (be galhericg later- meeting. UiAsmuch as hr has lait-ly
had been
esilng. and last but not iensi. Santa taken special Iniercsi lu the work ui western lines.
Thera was a lime not so very long made his ;
down to 'the following wril aened
rara'nce and iiNiiiliut'-d thi- aiatr's iiisUimiunx of IliU chaiv
ago that tbe telephone was piirvly
many and liMdul ptest-nls to the de-'drlet.

wKh tha young man, had raaehad the
agat, cut a rape from a aJad and triad


<if tbe sUte.
number of d
the early thtentnx. If not e
Dr. Munson, superintendent uf tfac
iwotes and those sent bj
this apertea. which glvM mora
Sabbath uofibern MirblMn as»lnin of Trav across the stralta. Seventeen hundred lira to more sporumen. than any other
scbools united in celebrating tbe birth er*e City, will discuss ibe queailoa catnosnes were sbipped across
ve of tbe wud.—OtarteToz Oonrer.
TelephOfM Qtria Suey.
of Christ in the town ban. An toict- of the eaieitslon of asylum c^rc.
straits t.> lower Michigan by ezprasi.
BualDMe U dm soAvely in tbe city lalnment waa given under tbe dlrecTrusitv Cook of Ibe Kalamazoo asy­ and
sere sent by freigbL Theiv!
today «a It was this time last we^
lum. will make a report uo (he psyeo(itiuiil 2,wia< rnreasaes besldev ‘
hen. Mich.. Dec. 2S.—Frank
tbe employes of tbe
paibie ward
and sienards and ae w hich «
ara glad of it because Christmas week

Dual insuilatlon of offlerre of F. aod

Twfo papera for tha price of one.

Pays for both

year. Sea
era in toda

pianos in nrfl'-i >•> ci.niiiiiu- m btisiii'-sf.

.... -'

pi ice than

yo-i i

ihc simple
V of a Arv
permits (
. .

in bii,>
y for .standard


1 Ibat They would. I
'.I i>tM-c«-«-d v*-ry often.

Hint No. 6—Buy a KlklR.ILL J'lano If you w
is i.-ricc».-In ton*-.
j.*-.-f»-ct In coCfciriCtloto.
-. je-.-fect
perfect li
;hr t>-rt piano nn
□ earth
<-arrh for the home.
W# rail cverv-thing known in the music lm«inesK. rotiie an* s

HcUughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by

All First Class Grocers.

I-Jl F^,nlStml,

M. B. H.VUXEE, prop

anw aRneb-tCTE'lwtai.'waalM WatpgtBbbfl tn^tkb Ttpew ortbc
A. M.. held teelr aaauul toectem and
aelf Umb mat to a doctar'a oft
forumata city on Saturday that
to tofleora. Tb« following
. I. A.
vhne It vaa aaaa that ha araa la
be would have to buy oae tboowere Insulted
md araa aem
sand Bounda to meat. In nddlikm
W. M.. P. F. Hoxsle.
e '..I.-.
tga* mifimm «1iim iMt Octebtf. C*Mn tha Staten baa|
to an that « aeaacm ot franUe anS. W.. A. H.Crtsp.
L. Rcmf*. -mw^ U, «a «tundtnt, •eraral da>-a It araa tbaocM ha voald
UcUlng bad provided. In order to
J. W,. George E Crisp.
WMt to hl« <nrt aqA CMlIoMd a
recavar bnt blood polaoa aat
provide a atngle toll meal tor the
Swmary. W M. BalrU.
Beady there louMifTow. Compar1B( Id bla death. HU daath ia a eerr
Treasurer. M. M. Welch.
aevere btotr to bla motbar, be balag
ativa bawspaper rapocte woold in8. D. John Ho^ie.
E:1» .this aftemaoa and ai^irad a the laat one of three cblldreD aad vaa
tbat tbeee ere
J. D.. Guy C3)ajnpnor.
•Hart ttoia iator.
27 nara of a«e at the tlaio at bla
to deetituttai at Traverse dtp
T. vler. Charles Qurr.
Far aama tima tha aayUim airthari- death. He bad ba«i abaant froai Em­
than to Detroit or Grand Rapida
While tell work was takingS place
wabUr aasiee
ttaa HbM had a awapiclan that *
pire about five yeara. coir making one
or Saginaw.
Mayor Prtedrtrb
in the lodge room a goodly number of It M lanbw wUerto.
Use Kind Ton flare Ahnys BdMElit* beA Mlikii tea bMM
ana am atoailng maat fram tha In- abort Tiait home dorlag that Ume.
laaue aa appeal aettlbg
the Udy member* to the S»r lodge So eakl toy sC hranac. ta Sbe Orate 1tee.eae
te Mae te «v«r 3Q yeMs. tea teme tee stcaatai« of
tMtfUan. EenwarE aHbowBh an axcalHarrr Collloa la bone fram the
forte tbe altaaUco end lu eansk.
and their friends were very busy in
laat attoadut. wm tMto»etad aad Ferrta laaUtate at Big Raptda to nar
The foeegolng ie from the Cadillac tec kitch<-g- and dtning bsIL
aonnl sapervls^ott tonceitsUfoacy.
Uila attarnaen ha am brought bafare over Chriatmaa..
About €l*ty partook to the
Alknr M> aoe to dceelTe yattin ttuB.
Evening News to Monday and Is ibe
t and H. C. Oavla,
All CoanterfcitH. laJ
Geo WIke of (%lea|o
second Tlcloos knock aimed at Trav- nbundunn- of roast pig. roast turkey.
tdialmua «d tha aaacwUva cammKtaa
biutMaa. Incld- erre city wlUib) a abort time, the chirkM* aad everything In the line of QTATIOV mCHlUAb'-TbePretetoOeon
•r tha haard af truaWM, and quaa at to pay day.
InfMBU aiMl Chi
DaUy fiagie anaweriDg tbe first <ne raia'uU* teat go to make an appropriCbai. W. Faust of Traverse Oty SUy aad well.
e supper for such an aBaesnbly.
as a buBlncas caller here and
During the evening a abort but very
Tba Nawi’ article Is entlrtoy un­
^^Pr-Urt.8te.rrteE Walbw. Jadm to fro
glaaa at tondwtoin having baan tfa Glen Arbor Friday and Batnniay.
called for. In reaponsc to the ques­ luteresiiug program was rmdefed and
R. Evans of Traverse CUy Is here tion la tee beading, wv will say that it waa a late hour when tea first at la tea maSMT to Ite aatata to A)
OmtpRa is ft haralMM gnbtottate tor Caster On. ftt*.
HeUa Jubaemt bavtae Btad ta aaid
of tbe that there Is notblng wbaievcr tbe the en>wd started for borne.
r«*ric, Ikrops Bna Soothing Syrapa. It la 1
bar peSltiOB praruto that a eattaia laatra
machinery in tbe new mU.
matter with Traverse CHy and that
atber opim
tha meat elBea laat Octahar. Attar hu
Mart Rasa Killed.
Dr. O. M. LaOore
Frnitport. Mlcb.: when any relief trains are eeot they
lu ^ U i«B S
eanfaaalan ha waa alleetnd to return Is vlrltlDg bis parents here for
RMl aiUyn Feveriohneas.
wBI be sent from and not to this city.
DUrrhtMb and Wind
far tasaaieatbaraaiSaU
Chris Buss received a lelephono
to hU mrlt. action* M tha eaae being days.
if tbe edltto- to the News
Constipot lot)
ColMs. llrcUevaaToethlnr Tirroblea.
dareired mitil tha board at
John Donovan U quite aerlontly 111 looked ovdr tbe Industrial edition to message from Uo.vne City announcing
ami flatnlcney. It aasimllatra the Food.
the draib to his brother Man. wbo
at tbU wrtting
Evening Record published
h and Bowels, giving healthy and nwlttral alaep.
Far aaven yaare, Banwara haa baan
Mrs. a N. MeMld and Irving Quick Dec. 12 be would have seen that In- was crashed by a log. He was in tee
—- m»B 1‘anaoea-The floghwr»s Fnamtk
an attondMit and haa bami ena oh of Tbomiwoovllle are visiting friMds Btaad of being an **untortunaie city.' empio)- of the While Lumber company
and was 42 years old.
tha ba«tot tha aaylum. HU diagra^ tn town.
Traverse City’a prosperity is second
Many Monroe went norm this after- ta
Adolph Netsen left yeaterday fob to *0 other city In tbe sute. lie would
hU mind and made him ao law apir- Manistee to spend Christmas witb bare noticed that there was an In- oon and will bring the body back
Rad that attar laaving tha atlka ha friends there.
crease to 20 per cent In the number while Chris went to drawn, where ibc
went to another hall and aacwrad
Miss Usln H«tt1er-of South ManlUu to people employed In tbe local indus­ body will Ik- taken to tbe borne of tee
aama at tha acid. CarbalU add U visited relatives here last week.
tries at a subatantial Incroase In parents. Ho leaves a wife nnd thr\s>
leapt In aU tha wartU for aanltory pui^
Dr. J. O. lu Core. D. O. 8. of Elk
is and the same time he
paam and tha tact that Rg took i
Rapids arrived yaaterday and will be have BscertalDod tbe fact that the
Pleasant Rsunion.
•iUliad no comment, it being « part k.RUEi
« Empire office about ten days.
aavings deposits In the three local
There wa» a very plensant faraily
at tha attandanto* dirtUa .to koep
John R. Santo of Traveree CUy v
banks bed Increased 8232A00. a
, thlniH eloan.
a busmeas visitor here lagt Wednes­ nrd to which even Ibe purse proud galbering at W. i*. Kenney's tif 424
North fiprace Kroei Dec. 26. Among
Ooihg to halt No. IS heawallewed day.
CadUlac might point witb pride. Does
hose present were tbe families to
tha Raadiy ItoM and whan found by
Forest Reed of tbe
tela took aa though we were In need
Ben Kelly tiSWest Bleventh sirwl.
hU Mlow attondaat, Mr. taohoy.
a «C Ibe V. to M. to any relief trains?
J. S. Hurum of the PeoHMula and W.
la a condition thH procludad tha poa- at Ann Arbor Is Lome for tbe boltdays.
It Is true teat tee Salvation Ariny
Horton of Monroe Comer. SevenaiblMy at any madUal aid. Oaapito
E. A. Voice airived borne from Glen- dlatributed on Cbrtstaus not i.oOfl
down and partotot of tbe tur­
thU the atoll phyai^na made ovary gerry to spend Christmas with his pounds to meat, but 1.400 pouads. We
key and other good iblnga provided.
•flert to aavo tha man'# Ufa but he family here.
ki« not one whit ashamed to this.
After a program by tht>se preaent riKOkli TS> Know CAr8E-«talrto
died In a tow momanta. Hit lipa
Henry Grand and Mn. Will Orund but are prood to it. We are glad teat
aomawhat bumad by .tha acid.
to Walloon luke are vlsHlng witb L. we have sneb an inaUtution as tee a.Chrisitnaa tree was much enjoyed.
the little ones, after Ataarerfoetoiatettaen. baUat tteCvan
Wr . Banwara made hla horn# with E ColUn and family.
SaHailon Army wit bus as wc believe
which the visllora dispersed.
hU wMi at 411 Waat Bevanth atraat
Ospt. Wm. Walker of tbe Sleeping teat they are
a great
Ha Ian two amUd notoa. one of whioh ear Ufe Savbig Staikm went
wurit bere.
d to hU wifa.
Traverse City Thursday aad letuRied
Now In regnrd to this 1.400 poondi
•nft athar iattor waa to Or. wil- Saturday.
Tbe mme article teat conhalm, %aho aarvad in Cuba wHh tha
Miss Carolyn Keltic of Bentca Har­ tabmd aa appeal to fill teo kettles
dead man. and aakad him ta taka bor arrived home Satordny and will atatod that all tbU didn't go to daicharge of tha
for a wMtt witb her pareaU at Ututc Xamlitaa. because there
and other mattera. M atotod that ha Sloeptog Boar Ufe Saving Station.
atehanoK lan>rp
very few bere. but It went t
rro-ebUI a |a«ltloi
had inaaraaee.
Sr., of Platte wbo baa more bountiful the Cfaristmas dinner
aahl d.demUBt. D|
.---------- ,
dtoeteant W iraolVeat.'
After dNnUng the acid ha amaahad been very til U on tbe gain at this ot tee men who earned only email
tha battle againet tha wall, oaliad to writing.
wages and had Urge famillea. If ibe
Jfvw years, testily
the Attandanto to dHivpr hU nataa
retatlax tben-to.afnil. juK ..............
Hn. SeHer. motber of U B. Boekes News' editor bad read the article In
the fact teat
tearetete euwk -ir kbpL oun'ora I*heaai
and thtoi triad out
It tor
far t
baa arrived from LatdingtOB aad will Its entirety, be might also have no­
of bar
ticed tela
Niagara 8i.
The Traverse City papers gave
Al~.B«tsumant tbs: Ibe
tba nataa of Calvin Benware. wbo
Mlaa OeorgU Raymond who for tbe apace to Uie appeals for funds and
lodkSUown Ufe at the aajiuia yeeteh pact year baa been acting as atenoaopplies becauae we believed that tbe
alUl>e-Ye<UU>re<ir eOeb e.ievurialaB ate Uadar,,R8d an#( bearing the atory of grapker for A. P. Boating baa c(Hn-j
(BcemealatlMeeof. .pn-ifylOE tbe pU--r -4'
army Is engaging In a worthy work.
cMenna to mMi rredltor ate to every ta-nain
WaRar Laabey dpee^ an tnqueat nn- plated her dnUes and reUrned Sat-'
I from tbe barrest to l«6
We did not aim to ndvenlse tbe fact
<nra. the eum iiwulii |u eatoi eredllor. 'the
• gMd mcot^^tee
urday to JoylleM to a|Und the boll-’ teat there were people bere wbo
toaarli<1.4.i .e-deaiate ate tbe trtie,
r^f^lrrote.r) Hundred
Mc. lABkey atatod that Benware bad daya wlih her pareaia. At the openneeded help, lust as there are In GadI wbm tee world hu tote
called btm to bU room, where be was log of tbe legltlatiire the will go to

DairyUlae and any other town in Mlebl^,
■ ing and Mixed Farmidg
ataailng aa If prepaHog to abave.
Lnntlag where abe baa
aU tec army
-Denver tboae Irttora.- he aaid and poallkn. During her atay here Mlaa
A^-Orate Hntote 4.«i>mlvtaam Vnips
and wc did folllil our aim because
Ar tihwwm.
7I.-.»im 4h'|.n. T.Uata
" '
: ebttrebes tad
pedated to two addreatad eovHcgne Raymond baa made many friends wbo
Ibe decire to tee-captaJn was lealltod.
.:■■■■ l£:s
wfaleb lay on tha table.
regret ber departure.
If tee Cadillac News wishes to
mtol.Ki IT IS FL'RTfiaB OfU
Hr. lAito glanMd down at tbe
George Baraden knock Traverse City It sbould go
ButK- <4 the e-mleal. to thi. a)
letters and then back at tbe man Just and ^hss Enright of Mnakegoa came
l«sUte:-doi>.-.-lii .eeb week, roe
about It In aoare other way os every
In Ume to oec Um drain tbe gUsa of here Ian weHi Wedaeaday to bond
knote like tee two
___ _____
. _JrS“e^
tb> riraad
tbe tonoke etaek for the new saw ipiil. active boewt. it being no discredit to a
anew^wri-elUivhedate e
'TBal’a tbe end.- eald Benware as They oompleted'tbelr work Monday town teat it helps to make Christmas
theprtaatte i.laeeto roteueunc Uk-budtaw
ibeSMigeare oa ater tea WWba
he daabed t^ glaaa to the Boor and noon and returned to Mnakegoa.
inx iralo ha. Partor ate liter.
mrery for one and all.
W’Orate Bay
tta aihktng into a chair aaid. -Phone
Tbe Empire scbooli ctotod Friday
As tbe ^legation that Traverse
ao i'd-^I?to tEI^rtr
tor tbe doctor."
Traverw Ctty.
gaamiiKd. e-dhtend^-d ateenTette bv me cult Ueun for thenmnly
>r a two weeks vacation. Mr. and CUy contalu more poor and needy In
Mr. Laskey was excited by tbe Mrs. Carr and daughter Veres will proportion than Detroit. Grand Rapid.«
... _
I>d' k>»t.-r
Tcaliaatloo of what bU fellow work­ visit daring vacation with Mrs. Carr's
Saginaw U such undiluted bosh II
•lT?!l UOIJIN.
man had done, but rnabed to tbe Ule- motber at Ml. pleasant and with Mr. needs no attention whatever.
Two papora far tha price to oi
pbone aad aummoned a physician.
ly gives tbst I .ball aell at Witem. £i^ .4 a»»d eooaty. derwii
Carr's parents at Fonton. MIta Bailey
conclusion we will sifeo farther
'.•babutbtot ateleat laUdar. ’ Xtotee te b«abr
Charles Baaterday waa at tbe then and Mias Cleveland wUI spend tbelr
tote ■sen bosw talbeelty .frrmUbelltbdayBf
state teat there are no Idle men in
7V)-SHO«- TAt SE-Ktal> to MUI>
dytag nun's aide while Leakey tele- vacation at their homes In Traverse Traverae City who want to work and Pays for both a full year. Sac an- O
YheCireiut Cosrt (to tb> t'oeatv
rKn» Ib rhanr^.
Iteied and Ora. Miller and Onnavan City.
if anyoae doubu .ttal* let him come nouhccmcnt toaewhera In today's
arrived la a momenL Erwything
B.«-vlin the City to Orate Keitee. lo .aid
Tbe dancing party given Monday bere and try to employ some. It Is Herald.
. toi the 17th day to lbex«lwr. A. Ii. totate.lowii
ponaible waa done to reatcre life, but nlgbt in K. O. T. M. hall bere was
Twvwty-twoiSl I eoa'il'v>“* ua or hto.we
ito.^ tte
tte ST
Jtah day
to At>rtl,
t neccoaary for our working men
n Altred WoleAU.t'iimlt Jiidr<'
l<m rifvM <U .. A,I> tmr.ate ttet mid etatte ante beard
the potato) bad done lu work and In
About ireventy________ lur .U>aitoorttoi.,r ih. L'siTto>al
be Brtii south by tbe carload in
e«t Iff. Itcirih to; >7 mtd esort oo Til teldf *» Mb day .4
abmit ten minutes from ibe Ume that flve couplea being presenL Qnlle a order to make a living during tee win­
Orate 'l
TraTtom Atw<). A. 0. ilu:. at «te o'clnok It. tte
X Rroa^ Admr "S' tbe gatab' of
*^ta »■—■toitoaOow
Laakey mw tbe glass dashed into number were bere from Glen Aibor ter.—Record.
JaiuvA Hant.d>erted. <'«n|i(BUianl. v. Tbe
tragmano am tbe floor. 'Benvare bad and Oleo Haven.
tbe -aid dafesdaai. the
____________ __ AMeSadtoi. by lb. dim
tmaned fr«n UiU world. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Gldley, Mr. and
Hurt While Coasting.
tev.nirabdiUaaeWto ate tov toll ben
laiilv i.j lb' liRI to eomdadel toi bb- hr. .
(Sra;t roori CamrelaUomv la ate fto Ite _
Mrs. Wm. Morris and acn and M. F.
While coasting near tha corner of
aodhanne inttosiciratte la ted aaewer ted
Narrow Eaeape from Choking.
Horen to Empire aad Mr. and Mrs. Front and Division streets Thursday
t.'II a |e-UI>.ai
dt-wjutiun i4 lae I
tan smdur ta te Clrvsii Omrs for te
teiddto'Bdaat.DiemIhe r
Tl*e baby boy at Mr. and Mre. Clar­ George Each to Plette were gueets Gerald Mellehar. a 7-yeartod boy.
■ ■ ■
w u-tovvui.
- • •
ence Lardle came near choking to Christmas day at tbe pleasant f<
lined a broken.limb. Bote bones
*- 'hU.el>sslteiiPUt Bid teowt-d oihI tbtovtu a& InvmtorT ..f all
loiBbectttterwIanatato a-tuetamtd ate pafauDal. Is laa a:id .^Qlty to
daub early Thnraday under very pe- borne to Samuel Martin In Platte.
m.ani -4
.4 all the Il-etor. veacber- and «I
at tbe right leg below Ibe knee
a rtoauu tb-T-au. a foil. )n.t ate
liwwdavsd. tbu the lllh toy to Jaitaair.
cnllar eircnmttaneaa.
iraarawT <ir vHr Ivruaioa.
onito Uieeanltal slw:k to each .-unim ,
a. D. UO;. at ten o riock In tte forwaa at
.'jweirylBdlheBeieee to the no klM.Uan>
Lete OAc' el Mar-meUe. Jtl
Shortly after tbe dinner boar Mrs.
Mid Protere ager, betadtstev^raaiaanUd
F. B A. M. InetatlatiM.
Tbe little fellow was playing with
. . .. — ahte knewn. the Btunle-r tot
are saknewn, ate tbai b- >• -uera.iid witbie
Lardle left her homa StS
ri., teh. Ibc aaitotst
|ted ta I Ktotrc !• hepd.. ii.mi that I'rsak Rnum.'
Tbe nnaual laatalUtlMi to effleen number of ether iteUdreu on Ibe bill
^t itedia!
Elerantb street, tn make a call, taking to Traverse aty lodge. No. 222. F. Vbich runs from the sti
toiHdocU.ervto. ^xK^a Katetueol that 'be „umtito> v n.akr Ci.: !T' “,‘
:^r nr-.r la etrn-■
SM -ne^_|p,rf,^at.claiiu, ni. Koatera.
tha baby witb ber ta Its little atod. and A. M. waa held Thursday night.
lum creek bottom. He was sUdIng
When gboit a half a hM from ber 8L Johns nlgbt. U 8 n^ekick. Past at an angle with some to tbe
borne she noticed that Ue eUld
Master* WllUam H. Abbott. W. C. and when near the bottom eolHdod
“ ntta Oi
bloadiv prefuarty tiou both Boat Hull and Barer B. WbUe betog tn witb another boy coaster,
a the tem omtac J.
h. nr-h
te-h mdltue.
mdltur. the {),u aantlnaoar reel
■, deft ■« divoand
lemand ate
aad .the
true i
tte late, ni
and mootb and in a momet^ it began charge to the
teat the Mellehar boy was badly in- OTATS or MlCSlOAK-THa raOSAIS
touuh tteel'
V Thorst.o.
be private, tbe work being ftolowed Jnrod and
''laIb^uutet to (te totste to Jeha Oww.' fur d.fendatiT tT IH ORUI
TfeorougUy alartned. she harried by a banquet
•, 202 South Spruce street where
mm iBt-v-ted in » ctop——— .
tf anv ibcT hare, why .orb corvorattoo aLosldl
into tbe nearest hotwe. the borne of
The foUowlag offleers were Hected a physician reduced the fracture.
IteSHhaar to UmmOiW. a. b. IW. knfe bean
alluaai (or rn-Sitsn u praeeat ib*ir --------Mm. Martoa Wright. Cass aad at the annnal meeting Monday nlgl><
A D. ist*:. at
Id tlic t'4es.< hFamily Gathering.
Seventh, aad a physician was anmW. M.. Carl C. Langley.
toBeeis tbrl'-Nin Hooe-'UI ihrt'ilyto tirate
Rai-kU. In ted C.unre
Sod un lUt.- B-diur.
A very pleasant family gathering rlaiau so said naart. M Ibe
nsoned. WbOe he waa on bto yay
8. W, William MotbersilL
••Aca.ia IT IH FVBTHER uBIigRED that notice to
City toTrsewaateir.
tn aaMl ooaasr.oaor

was held at tbe borne to Mr. and Urf. batara
_ _______ __
otecT ithaU la pcblUhel,
Mrs. Wrtght-B reUdence tbe child rap­ J. W.. Frank S. Sulllran.
tbr »sh ilay to Apnl. A D IWT. cai-v In te-h week, forthrea »a-k» Mceetec.
John A. Sebaub at Provemoot Christ
idly became wtuao as tbe blood, ranIj. in The Chr.JBl.-k. a Bewmm(av injlit-h-d
Traasurer, Albert B. Cook.
day. tbe following being pnsent:
Secivtarr. Elmer E White.
- - - - Ildiabteate.<ir--Dlatln<
I <iP-Dlntln< li
la tbr CtoiBtr
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sebanb and eight
brtottalng. A tew moments more aad
8. D.. George Fritz.
_______________ KleliUan. wia.. —
Jteee to Probaw.
chUdren. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
tbe imu life would hare probably
alpW-ecdeciteB.-Iiortb'baelaew u
J. D.. Cart O. Brickaoa.
lanU'jD •UoBled
bemi ttilneL
Stewards. Victor H. Patrick and Charles and seven children. IsadoraALTBED W • ■L-triT.
rireslt Judrr
Sebaub. Mias Magffie Sebanb. Rudolph
John Sanborn.
The finest Flour is an absoluis essential,
Mel ateraterte l.v me
Sebaub. Richard Sebaub and Mis» mLoSwm(beOltytotVsvwve unvIB ted
Tyler. A. C. Despret.
illTd H POUAK.
especially for cakes and pastr>-.
r. cm Ite SMb day to December. A. D.
Empire. Mkb.. Doc. 27.—Ihe fanAgnes Sebanb. all of Provemont: Mr
Chaplain. Ass Bale.
eial of Delbert Reel wbo was shot at
Mr*. wnuam Sadler and four
“BEST" braud is a flour that never yet
Bee. Pted E Walter. Jad<v
Martotal. S. W. Buna.
BayfleM, WIs, Dec. 11 Imd died In
Trustees. Scott Woodward. Wm. H. teildicn and J. Sadler to Traverse Ws. 1 naurvjt tte totate to Attn O.
_____________________ __________ ________________
bo^tal at Aablaad one week Uler Abbott. Samuel Gariand.
City. Mr. and Mrs. Cbartes StelmeJ t^ara A Ran»d>ll.e^c-Btris
to tedeMara.^ :................................... '-IL_______, Its fiavor is fine and delicate, it has fine
was held in tbe M. E. ebunfli bete
re. M. E Haskell. and three children. Mr. and Mrs. Mark tartar Site » ted coor-t terpautuan |4Sy i
body.and is fullof those nutritious qualities
Sunday at J0:C0 a. m. Tbe body ap F. O. Heumann. H. O. Joynt
Sebaub and three children and Mr. bcewaad k. eell at i.eivale ter the intrrial to
rtvad here Satnrday nlgbt and
and Mn. El Sebaub aad child, all to ^tewda^^t*^ IMh'day to Jannaiy.
so desirable in a family Hour. TRY IT.
taken to the borne of bis mother. Mrs.
Snuona Bay and Miss Mary HanaWhat la the Matter with Trawaraa
Mure Mlnnaugb. two miles east of
bug to Proremoni. All enjoyed
(or eiatenlar and alkjwuis ted aenrsM ted
losra. The young man was shot by a Frton Thursday's Record.
merry Christmas togeteer aad a very
. — ..eo,
bartender at Bayflrtd In a dispute
It may be that a relied-tralB will
fine dlauer and supper were serv ed by
duaiT. The ballet catering bU face
have to be seat to Traverse
the parents.
•a mid day >4 bmrtnc. ta >te Oraad^YteTmm
at the lower extremity of tbe cheek
City If eeldeDees ot distress
Payu for betti a full year. See anboaa aad going eatlrdy through bb>
coaUnne to accumulate up there.
mauaeamaat HaMCrer* in taSayW
head. AOcr it oecturaB be watted
Tbe Salvatitm Army eaptala an-




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C*e «»»4 tnvmt BtnU
Tsrm sad Tinsidg





Lay Co



too lato to acM a wtok to her for a
Haggp MOW Tear, a veH as
heartr thanks.


Ybere 'to }uat one tettv (kto wrek.
beeaow yon bare all been ao beay.
Wc are oery glad to bear fnai Fran­
ces, and here i* ber leuer:
Akko Ana. |Hch„ B. T. b. No. l.
Dae. la. IPN.
Dear President—
Aa I bare not wrtttan tor a tong
time. I tbongbt t would write. 1 go
to achool CTcrr day. Mr teaeber-*
name to Mr. Bd Pettenglll. Mr atndlea
are reeding, ertthaetlc. wrIUng. lan­
guage and apolling.
i an wdl aad
hope tbU letter will flnd rontbeaaote.'
PN*e sad I went to Traveree CUy a
at,,. nl I n« rmir olHc
and wanted to go to and aee yon. but
we were In a harrT. I have a atovc
that I can build a Bro in. I baked a
rake in It. and Ixnied poutoea and
fried meat, yeeterday. I bare hna of
fun aiidlng doom bill. I will be nine
n*ro old the ftmrtb of March. Welt
my letter Is getting loag. mt 1 must
eloac. Good-bye,
From rw lorlog
Frances Msriao Ball.
Next time you come to Traverae
Clly I hope you will have time to come
and see me. I am always wo glad
see my Sanbeatna.

lag ber. That wss (be bardcai of all
to beer, and I nobbed alood.'
-1 riwold thlnh roe woeld." uW
Bern, airly vlptag her ms; -1 think
It was-terrible. Well, go on; what hap­
pened nectr
-We went tar away frmn the emter
of the cHy to my Uncle Bugene's
borne, end there wc ataye^ for.aevem]
"Tes—but the <Mly. I neea. what
happened to herr
"She has told roe since how dreedrally she Ml as she lay there
froet hall table, and beard (he crackiiag of the Are grow louder every n>omeat. and flnsUy uw the Barnes
acroas the alreet. Just as ahe a
making up ber mind that there was
war of eaeape, and that she must
Ulnly be burned, the front door open­
ed and In ran Annt Louise, looking for
some of our family. She found
there, of course, and was hurrying
sway when ber eye fell on poor Ger>

an upper garment aometbing like
sweater with a hood to it. skin trous­
ers and deerakln boots coming to the
knees. They wear deerakln mlueot.
aad when (bey sing their song to the
aarora boicalls and ^nc« with
they frequently attach tbe tail of -a
blae or white fox to their belt tiqhlad.
In winter tbe Point Barrow ebildrrai
have a annwhall game wfaleta ibey |rfay
with their feet. They wvt some s
aad make a taal! about as big as
flsts. Tbe cold to so intense that the
ball immedialciT bw»mes solid
Then the player Ulances tbe ball on
the toes of one foot and with a kick
audit jump throws it to Ibe other foot
which catches It snd throws it back.
Some of the players are so expert that
Ibey will keep tals up for a number of
strokes witbonf letting tbe baU fall
to the groand.
Thechltdrenofihls tii>cnd ofUnHc
Ssm's land, also amuse ihemsclVi-s in
winter by sliding down the steep
banks of frozen now vrhtrh form* tm
der tbe cliffs along tbe shores
ftoxen sea. They use no sleds
boggans. not even bosrdA la this
spon. but slide down tbe steep decitv.
iUcs ua tbelr knees. Kneeling down
and silting well back, with their bands
grasiiing tfarir ankles, they go shoot
log along down great steep bills of
snow, laughing and shouting, and now
and then losing their balance and get
ting a tumble which sends them roll­
ing iu m heap to the foot of the
Both boys and girls al Point Barrow
fond of playing football, bni tbey
seem to have no order or sysiem.Tbey
simply get an old mitten or oM bout,
and stuff it wltb bits of waste deee
skin or rags and then kick It aboat
with merry shouts and In great con­
Thej-hlMrrn are very fond of daurig. and they can get bold of
(Ud tin can which some whaler has Jell
they arc happy. Beating the tin can
for a drum, they improvise dances for
themselves and invent songs b
rumpany them.
Tbe little Esquimaux >rf Point Barrow have a most miscl>l<-*'Ou8 litil<tnslrament whlcb they rail a "nitlg
IlgauD." It to 10 the Bsqulmkhx
what the l>ean snapper U to the '
boy. It Is made of n piece of silff
wbalelMKie alKwti live Inches l«>nc and
half an Inch wide. It Is narrowed off
and bent up fur about an inch a
tad. On-,ihe upper side of this bent-up
eod is a llille hollow large enough
hold a small pebble, and the other
end to cut Into sharp teeth.
The children who (hilic fay
sfaoros of tbe froten m and dance
wMh the Northeni UfSlk even have
mechanical toys among their play,
things. One to a wooden doll K-pn-senling a man dressed In skins. He holds
dnim in one hand und a stick lu thioihcr. The arms are made of whaUbone, aad by pressing them inseUx-r
m the shoulders the figure cat
made to move as If healing the drum
Then they have little.toy canoes, in
which are seated dolls with paddles
in their bands. By pulling a string
the doll is made to more Its brad
from side to side And make a
on as If paddling.

were full of her own
treasaret. but ahe thon^t of me. and
remembered bow much 1 loved m'y
dear dolly, and then I think she felt
sorry tor Gertrude beraelf;
snatched her from the table and tuck­
ed her under her arm as she hurried
away to flnd ns.
"I shall never forget my delight
I saw my auntie coming In with Ger­
trude In her arms. 1 bugged and kiss
cd them both, and cried for very joy."
"I should think you would have."
cried Bess, sympathetically. "I guess
you k^ ber in your arms all the rest
of the time, didn't you'
Hmv •• Ym KiMwr
"Indeed I did. aad slept with her.
The Rauuiil Doll.
Bov do fo« Inoo—
too.' for many a night aflOTwarda.'
-Ob, Amt Oara. here's a doll!" esTlrare^ •
la (bo boow?
"What became of the trank, auntie,
trimed little Beaa. as ahe lifted tbe
Br (be cap that ta baastag downand all her pretty dotbes* Did any
lid of a trank In grandmetber’s oM
otaln la tba hMi;
one save them?"
Bp tbe cm aad the ptatol. (be bat aad
"Na they were burned. I suppose.
-Tot. dMr. (bat's my ddfl."
At any rate 1 never saw them again.
-Tour d<rtl* Why. you don't play
Tbo'Mlaa var dance, the tor
But Gertrude was much better off
with MIA do you. Annt CUnr
with one whole dress than many
"Well. .ycA I do sometImOT.- laugh­
that are bmrd a r aad tban throat
lady. Tbe day after the Are there wu
ed the young lady, -when any of
a wedding la tbe house where
little ntecOT or friends come to rfalt
^ the easiaaa aad dntnu and (ba.
were staying, and Gertrude was
me; and we have >ol>r good Umes
' (OBlOwat aad aalto;
trr dressed than tbo bride. TYbat do
TboMaaMuaaad tracks aad the arlth ber. too. Dd you want to play >*00 think of that? You never could
with berT Take her out if yon do; and
boau vhb trim alio;
guess what the bride wore:
you wfll flnd her trunk there aonoBr the oolaoMa «( Oeoper vktoh fron
"What was It. an ulster or a calico
wbere. end ell ber pretty clothes and
cooar to eooar
dreas, or what* and why didn't she
Haro bam nad and reread hr aa tawait (ill she got some more <ioiht»r'
"Wbat is her name, anntk-*•'Well, to answer your last ques­
-Rer name Is Gertrnde. (be aamc
tion flrei. there wasn't much chance of
*Bat pea ■nwt take care If roo oalae I your mother's. She was my big gvltlng any clothes for quite a while,
rw baad.
and fdte had expected to be married
Whoa rou go u> tba aanwrr.” declaiai girl, and 1 named my dolly for her.' on that particular day and wanted to
"She must be a very old dolly.- aald
Uaela nad.
go away, and abe and the groom
BOOT IheegbUnliy. "About bow old thought- It best to carrv out their
*'Wb«a I 09m (be door. Uwia
do you thlnk?^a^MoMo aad aboab
plans. So they wore married in my
-Weil, abe to prclty old.- and Aunt
I'm attaafead hr a brtcaBd. aad ru
onde's parlor, and ibe bride wore
Oara amUed. 'ime’s almost as old aa
white skirt and dressing sacque!"
Let me aee, about twentyelx.
Who daMbao mo IbM ae a cat doM
"Ob. I never heard of sacb a thing!
I think. Yon see she to a grown-up
and what did her husband wcarr
young lady
WaU. tbeao are good ai^ (bata'e
"Ho was marriod in proper stylo. In
"Perhaps you'd like to brer her
bar.U (be baaaer
a Arcss suit which some one had res­
history. It ta cscUJng. part of It. You cued abaont mlndodly. and brought
hassock and while yon are look­
Bov do roa kaov—
away In a pillow case. They wore
Tbara'e a giri la (be bonae? ing oyer her arardrobc. Ill icU you funny-looElng couple. I can toll you,
Br tbo boaaural doQ arttb (be Mora- abent her.'
and I know Gortrode laughed at them.
-Did you ever hear about the Ch\Mi areaInside, though she was too poUte to
cagD Brer Bessr
A naoA dell (bat aleepe. and
show II,"
' "Oh. yet. My mamma has told me
NAa, walks, aad eriee.
"That's liio funniest wedding I ever
Br Ihi «ar bonae aad tmak and tbei
beard of. I ahould thluk*>mi would
>e was a mile glri. wunH itr
atooM and the dulre;
bare laughed all the time they were:
‘Tea. and when I was a lltUe glri.
Br the aeedte aad thread la tbe aon
being married, and 1 don't wtmder
<0. It was la thst Bre that I neariy Gmrade did.*
aetr apatalra:
lost Oertrnde."
Br (be doQ bale aad mibdova 1
"1 don't understand quite about ber
The girls are food of playing rat's
ererr dsr
clothes, (bough. If her old ones were
cradle. Two little girls will »It In
"Na fortunately, she wasn't, but
Pbr Aade aad BalUo aad Bcaeie aad
all burned, where did sbe get all
she came very near being. If you know these* They look awfully old-fashion­ of the underground bouses or In o:
Br (boaeftatOe Uagk and tbe avcel about tbe Are you wlU remember thst ed, but they're (be prettiest doll's tbe huts made of froten snow, and. by
Ihe light of a stone lamp, fed by seal
we had to leave our home and all dothes 1
HUIo asag.
Which aorer to grown folks or bora tbe pretty things In It. and run away| "They are old tsahimod. for 1 bod oil. will Hay at this game for hoars
from tbe flames, wbicb kept creeplug most of them made exactly like the making all sorts of complicated flswllh the string. The favorlii
neater and UMrer aU tbe time. We ones sbe lost. Do jou see that little
figure, and a difflcalt one. is the rep-Anri M ran ten eg (d tbe anraetr took with us only what we could car-,
roseniatlon of a reindeer which, by
ry la our haaito. for grandb
pink gingham dress* Grandma t
movlng the Ungers, is made to
fonldat get a waguo or carriage.
them wheat I was very ill just after
down hill from one hand (o the other.
' "Well. I draeaed Gertnide In
Ue^ Ray. who was In cb.-<rge
• Aaat Pmotbr mm, -oeu. vboa I take monlag dress, ’that brown and white
Stocked one there in the tray of her (Iful evening dress. You ought to see lhe.^-eramenr"statioo at Polo: Bar-'
row, says that the children an
trunk, and then put over li this red how lovely abe looks In tbat!"
polite that they would take tbe pains
cape and bood. I imeked all her other
"But I think tfala little white bath­
dresses and casts In tbe truaA not ing soil is the most becoming of all to mtsprooounre native words In tbe
f Ber own HtOe doHr. na atUI at
same way as he did so as not to hurt
this enc. for tbe M one was burned.
mmed so pretUly with blue ribhis f«>ellngs by appesrihg to currirt
could take that. too. and I bno." said Bessie.
Wbr Ibeo I aa anre tbeteh a gI-1 la
him blunil.v.—New Tork Bun.
laid tt down bcalde'Gertrude on tbe
(ho bonae.“Tour mamma made that for her
table In the ball, hut I was a tiny lOiw than twenty yeara ago. Do ywj
girl then and coaldn'i carry much. think yon could keep your Ml's
A Oarflen in the Boow.
When the time came te start, moth­ clothes as long as that*’
"Snow, snow! go away!" sang Posy.
FNdar. Dec. SA HOC.
Br tbe liae ibto leachM ran. «aca- er said; ‘Now. aara. here to your iML
-Why. what is the matterr ask­
-So. I'm afraid not." Bess ropHtsd.
ttan will be alaoat orer. «*bat a good and bere to a package <d aome of honesily. "I don't keep them ed Cousin Nanny.
i-s sliver. YfM can't cniry all. But which dress do you like to
time we hare bad. bavon'l we* Year
“Here I've been waiting for this old
both, ao I want you to decide, denr. see her la. aumier I'm sure 1 can't snow to mell. and more ke^ coming
pieelduut wUbcf abe ooaM have
like tbe falrr In storr hooka, aad able which you will take.' Bess, 1 think decide which Is pietUcsl."
all the tlnje." grumbled Posy. “1 nevto Rr around fruni piece (o piaeok aid that was almost tbe hardeut thing I
can make aty garden."
"1 think the pink gingham and aunte have aoee her Sonshlaora
ever did. for I hjvcd Gertrude with all bonnel suit Is pn'tilpsi. but I must say
“But you can have a winter garden."
CbrUtaaa and New Yeara dar. Then, my heart, aad at Brat It acemed to me
• to see her best In the little old. peralsled Nanny. "Come oui. and I'll
I cooldnl
leave her. But I blown eheck and Ihe wkrm rvd tape, show yim how.''
too. aha vonid have eajored watching
that mother tboughl as much because in them she looks Just as she
tbe eoaaUng and akating and 1
••Ftrt-l we must have a hedge 'round
of ber sliver aa I did erf Gertrude, so.
kaUlag, end oil of tbe Indoor .,
<0 maay years ago. the day she our garden. ' said Nanny,
down my was rescued from the gicat Oticago
ibooa. as well. for. roe ace. abc quite
*0 ih.ey picked tiny bren'-h«-a «.f
tenetsaomedMa that abe laa Grown lace, 1 kissed her good-bye. anatebed ' re."
arbor-ritae and stuck them into ttuUp Betnoe.
Bow would rou like a the box of stiver, and ran down the
“B'ell. I believe I dA too-, after alt." snow to make a tiille sqaare yard.
“Now for firuli trees." said Nanny
giae. cveiT wook. la our dogartaont? (mot steps-decldcd Bessie, "they do'make her
•Y)h. Aunt Oara. hew did you ever look no old fashtoned and Interest­ breaking off some sprays of red cedar,
Wrae and tdl her U rmi would.
do II? How could you be so ftood?“ ing!''—Tbo Standard.
with their pretiy blue berries. "Just
Ihe color of plums."
Hare to a UaeMbto tkat rmt pieo- saM Be». almost sobbing with sympa­
LJttle sprigs of wlntergreen looked
Ideat ooirtd Bfce rm aU uy leant hr thy.
( Chlldran.
Most northern of all Vncle Sam's like appiotrees loaded with rod fruit,
keatt It to a good mk tor.tbe now
-I don't know. Bess, really. I'm
reer. dunk yon Uttak an*
and piece* of lldien scraped from ibe
ire 1 never have been ao good since.
old fence node paths all through the
Btotr eteeoda aake a niniite:
I never shall forget that day. when t around Port Barrow, which juta
Bow vneh good caa I do la It*
wmndeted akmg by mother's side, Into the Polar 8ot beyond the Atttic w«e garden.
Btotr Blooiea make aa boor—
• Bht wb«n are our flowerar' asked
among the crowds of people: all'llke cirde. There it to night all winter
AU tbe good tbafa In ar power:
1. hnrtying away from their homes, long and day all summer long
• Twmir boero aad toor a dar—
"I'm Just eoalng to them." aid
So far from beeomlng gloomy bekept thinking of Gertrude all the
Nanny, as she brought some Uit of
Ttae tor wotk aad aleep aad piar; Ume. and oh! bow I missed ber. and suse of tbelr Sreary surround
Dart tkiee hnadted aad dsfr-ttre
bow I cried when I thought I should and their long nights, the Point Bar- holll- from tbe'bouse. ‘Tfcete^re
Msk* a rmr In which te atrlve,
rhBdren are partlcbiarly bright
never see her again! Then t tboughl
Bvery aaaoat. hem- and dar.
Next tbey stuck in berries witbont
how lonely she must be. all 4iy hei^ and lively and fnll of mhcblef
Mr dMr Maater to obor.
self In tS» bmme. *nd bow frlgbtened play. One of their psarlmes in winter any stems, to reprafcnt the smaller
to dance (a «he Noribera lights. flowers. Bearirt partridge berries
she would be when she saw the flames
A. package ct Prendi books lias a^ grawing briifbter sad brighter. I wocThey are warmly clothed In gae crimson barberries (made a l•ea■tUu3
rtvM ftoa mt .BaaahlM Mtnd. Ma- dered wSU aba thnugbt of me<^r RteoiB made of ifae sktfa of the aorth- gay barter.
Mavenr. <tf Madrid. Spain. It to not own mother—for golkg away and leav- ern deer or the Arctic fox. There te When all was flnlshrt. with a back-

ground of pure, while snow. It .was
just the dalnUest lltiiv garden that
you ever aw.'
"How long win It last r asked Posy.
‘TIU the sMwblrdE eat It upl" said
Cousin Nanny. "And thtm wv will
make anutbei."
What Ooc Child Did.
Tbe one I have m mind is as win­
some a little giri as can la? foond.
She Is an ooly child, too, la a heme
wbotc she U made so much of by par­
esis. a-mts and unejee, that one would
fed disposed to make aThnrance for
her if she were a bU ' British;
strange to say. sweeter than all else
Is ter nnselfish spirit. Many time*
has she come to me Fllh some little
gift, saying. In a sray that '
straight to my heart. "I wanted you
I have Ibis."
But this dear child to so delicate
lyslrally that through the long win
I'er she was forced to , stay Indoura
mow of Hhe time, tndcesl. she did hot
play In the snow once. Hke «ither
; must have been' hard for her."
said I. speaking to tbe moiber of the
child's close cooflticimnit. as spriiig
1-w near. "How dlil she boar UT'
TOfa. she was very patient all
through the long months." was the anfwer. “and very busy, too.”
Then she went tm to tell how-tli-?
dear one busied herv.-lf in the oflort
to make otbers han>y. and so
glad at heart, even though a IltUc
In onr clly there is a Children's
Home, where are taken friendln-s
children, and at tbe siiggesiton of tb<>
wise mother, the nine Invalid, wifli
the assistance of willing hands—moih
are always w illing to help lh<-r
children—mended broken dolls, and and made ifacm "as good as
and iHciures were cut from
ra|>ers and magaslDe* and paste,! In-

“Then."' raid the mother, -the Urn
mild ttoy we fliled a great basket wHJi
dolls, toys and scrap isnks. and dno,with Be.sie to the Hume, wto-tv sindls-irilnili-d her l»H'-cff'*. 1 can ra.1
them nothing els.-, f.n- ii wir.iy li.i I
been a work of loving )■ iijeuee to p><
tmre them. ISui she U.v.1 her rewai-t
1 assure jim. In M.-iog the joy j’ncanicl in Iho*.- »||o have ItnliHiake them liaiq-y "
Carrier Ptgeons.
Carrier piKCons av aids l<- a pliy.<lan are ivnorled from the north of
Scotland. The doctor has 11 aratt.-r«s|
j-ractlce. and when on long mnd-.
hv takes acvcral pigeons with him
if'one of hU paiieats neeiis mudleiu"
IOitu*-<iiai«-ly, he write* mil a pres. ru-tiun. aii-l liy nieaos »r tie- birds f--.
wards It lo fals surgeiy.
iiin- an
essirtniit ceis the mi Ksai:,'. pr-'fum s
the 'prt-s.'iipltun.anii «Us|>ai( hi-'- thi
If a(^ vl'lllng a iiatUwi
the doctor thinks he will Is- rr<riir>-il
later in ilio duy. he sUuHy leaves
pigvoD. wHh which he can be callcsi,
if necessary.

an- some animals wbleh ra
!y drlnU; for Instance the !!am.-iraiaguHii aud cr-rtain gmxrllii- of the
lar east. A uumlnirTfr snakes. iiwrOT
iiiul other rc|ilI1e.-< live fa places de■xild of water. A bat of wesxein .\turilca inhabits waterless plains.
parts of Loiter.*. I'rane.-. Mier,- a-herd* of cows und goats wlilrh hai.ily
'Ver .iriiik and jti protlhee the milk
fe, r.isquelo;! ebivse.
A Holiday.
"Tommy! Tommy! Do stop that
shnutlsg my boy."
"Bik. mamma, whst'e the iim- of bnlIcrday-*, If you can't bolU-r?"

KenplF Balsam
wm stop may cooflto that
•ran W «opp*M by any
—eieiiOT wrt rare cOTSohs
apt esaart be c«rc4 toy any

Most pec^})e kaow tfat if tlser haTc
been sick tliejr need Scotr,r Emeti,s fon to brms t»cJ( health and strength.
Bui the
point about Scot/*,s
Efnstjsi^n h tJuil you don't have to be
fiirk to set results from U.
Ft keeps tip the f-iJele's strensO*, puU fat
oc thm people, snehcj a r.-xfful fc-tbr h-'-PPy,
brings color ts a p--?3 ghTr- cheeks, and preTcnts cousr.?, cold* rnd consumption.
Food in roncenirsted form for fkk anJ
vrcH, ycU5£: czii c!J, ri J ar.-J pc»»r.
And it C9nts.ins :vo dmes and riir
ALL CtiUCLrC-Tj; C-.*--. AH;> Il.Otl.

We Can’t Change
the Weather “
But w»! can fix both you and your horse so neither of
you will mind it. . We have robes of tbe warmest sort
—1‘ur. Astrachan or Cloth - -full warmth for the driver
and handsome enoutfh to go Br.h the finest lurcoiK.

Also Driving Gloves,
Foot Warmers, etc,


In the me.iniiim?, don't forget the hor<c. Yoirve
wron;; in thinking that because we have such a
(trade stock of Blankets, that we have nothiRfr
for the man who "wants to pay less, and still
(•ood. warm, serviceable blanket. Wc have
some warm ones.

^ct a

Wc also have a First-class
Line of Cutters. ''

Carriages. Cutters, Harness, Hardware
and Farm Implements.
i;^> Sute IStroeL

CiU. Pkouc Iftl.

Bell I'Dooc llAi.

1 was Blind 4 Years
To whom it may Concern:
I was bind for four years in one eye. I was unable
:o do my housework only by feelinj* my way around
the house. I ha\'e been to Wisconsin twice and had
my eyes treated bjf the best specialist in the Sutc. 1
have a'so been to Chicago and Traverse Ciiy.but none
of them did roe rny }»Ovyd uniil 1 had my eyes exam­
ined and fitted b> Robert KinL'in- Now 1 am able lo
read and sew. and -cc as j{i»od as any one.
All those who are in doubt, write me.
Mrs. Carrie duill. Menroe Center, Mich

any rtber narcotic, polsaa-

The Drug Store
"That Has It”

tools and latest im­
proved oiar-binerv.
aad works :121 bay street
Cititt'a's pbooe No. fifiO.

A. w. wcxhui, iHVrttiaj

That is a repatotioo we ban- (^inol by carr-fuily
inu oiir trwic, stmlrine (b« market and our customers wish­
es We Ikjv larcfully and buy well. We pay cash for all
s'c* purchase and in that way obtain .-ooceMiont that give
08 a chance to sell tbe best ipwds at money saving pricea.
Whatever you want in I>mg Ston- Cools you wilt find
it here. Come berc tint and yoa'U bavt- to l'o do (ortber. ^

Walt’s Drug Store
. S. W.Coner Fi—IsOT IisIso.SirseL


•ir opoa tb« aocvfutB. A aene
t kted U oftoB nacentrr to prt^ U li't( oalf « cbalr vitb
blanket Uirovn orer IL

TolitBea of mosetoa by so mmA tab
The proper proportten'or conne
itosoe In well fattened meat Is s
er thu tn tou meat, ud therefore
the HMst U more tender. In addlUon
the fat contains less srater ud tbe
meat appear* firmer ud stands np
better. A flee ^mixture of fat ud
leu or properly mart>Ied meal
DotM.gtx>d qualiiy of meat an'g lliUe
waste as well as good keeping q-ia:
Tbough the professor hss not men­
tioned the cleat red color that
wa>-s goc8*'«'lth good bet-f. U Is safe
to assume that If the other gocHi
polnu are present this one would not
be wuting. If bousewives would famlttorize ibemselves with these pniois
and then ax far as may be atieu4-;i>ersonslly In tbe tnariieUng. tlie meat
question would be In a great a
derided; the problem would be

yoBu «f the csb. Raft oat halt u
I eompe-jtneh thick, eU Into Mttle rounds
aad BO brash over wttk the beaten egg- Bake
muy women are trying to'ndd to to a rather qak-k ores nniil a
their taecues by doing aomeUOng on brown. Spill In two. bolter ud sprin­
Haw to Bataet MaM.
the side, bee-keeping offers a light, kle with a very finely chopped paraA wrl^ has the following to aay
profluble and
concernlng the porchnM of meet
who are so situated that
Egg Savorlca—Pass the yolks
the average housewife:
might engage la It to a small three or four hard bulled egxx ihrooA
Tha •mtm «f • H«i>pr OarM eur war to get dd of the tblnga
There to nothing elegant about a
lays ibe'Nonhwestefn Agrtcnl-' a sieve aitd ponnd them with u oanee
rut (0 M thr ntb«r «o
that mar and mbiiter Ufe that yoti M roast or a beef or mnttoa atew.but
of butler and a lablrapoooful of grated

Wbat He wlU;
will lagor letting them go. T«i will
there Is an element of comfort'ln n
A coarse at rcadtog Ud a few co’ cberae. geaJxto with celery aait. pepJut to know ibai He la trae.
And the world auch a beautiful H*ce.
prepared dlnoer of this klnA .and
onlcs lo start with might awaken a
little cayenne Add a
And be aim.
Yon will Sod It buuUfnl becauae you
It Is comfort whidt extends to
siMHioful of warm b itter. When it is
Jest to follow bour br boar
wilt be Jroe to enjoy It—free In mUd neighborhood of the department of
that would make life more; hot. spread it on some triangular shap(/
Aa Ha lendetb;
nnd body.
domestic flouees. When meet bills
enjoyable There arv few rautpula-!ed pk-ce* itf Inaxte-I bread. Heat eare. r
Jut to dnw the mtuut'a power
Inara to let go.
Ae you valued
begin to press In a sray that tbr««
liOBk to ihc apiary that a womu'fully in (be oven and si-rvi- sprinkled
beeltb of bjMly ud preee of mind, to become burdensome, then it Is Ume
could not prrtorm as well as a man. with chopped perste.e
' Jut to trut Him. tbat/tr>^l!
let go—Just aimply lot go.
lo look Into the questloo of cbenpei
What a field of Inquiry It migiitj t’rarabi-d Potatora—Requir«d;
Then tbe (Ur wili anrelj' W
lo a thoughtful mtnd!
| tatoe*. bread cniml-x, eggs for
A Plea for Celd Weather.
' pMMfnl, wbntaoe'er befall.
ought to make a Ikttierling. salt, pepper. t'hn-W laig<-. weflJut now tbouauda of people
BHsht ud bieued, ulm ud fru.
er than a man because »bi- shaiied putaioei-. Wash, scrape, and
Blgretlng lo warmer cllmatea. aays let me .quote (o you a market mu’s
to trained to look alter douns. Sbej u>il them In'satiiii waler wiita a sprig
eaehnbge. TbU anoul pllsrimagc Ulk upon the same subjera'. It it unJaat to let Him apeak to tbu
b<-ai the average; or two of mint In it ouu a UtHo sail,
In eearcb of proiectloa from Jack
Thiuefc HU word.
ketmu ud myself refer to the class
sneer bei'-kocper out of sight.
\Tbcn roid>ed. HQ ihcai out and dry
Wat^oc that Hli rolce mar >e Proet U baaed upon tbe mlauken
of porchasers to whom Mving o-oght
She l» neater, and i xhould expect | them in a eli-an cloth. With a sharpPreaerved Chestnuts.
Ckw that cold weather U unwbolest
Oeanr bur^.
to be U object;
find her honey put up In
knife cut each Id half b-ngtbways. and
The housewife who srants to p
that frosty air U dugeroua.
' Jut to ten WB ererrtUnc
’’Tbere'^ many a poor mu today vide fOBlly luxuries for her tabkuitraciive style than the average iluit them over with sail an<t pepper.
Xaft rtau.
troth U tbe Tory i^rposlte.' That there
ol.servcB. She would prolwblv Dip each idiv-e to lu-au-n i-gg. ihiui
And at onee to HIb to brine
la a merited dlScrvnce ln mental ud who is struggling along and going sraail expense would do well to p
with bread cruralis which bxVe
serve some of tbe cbcstnuis which
All nrpruea. '

physical atamfba between tboae
them on the market, which
lawn broxriK-d in the invui Put the p«s
Uua Who lire U temperate cllmatea spends hix money on expensive meals. can be bought at the fruit »
Jaat to Ilatu and to aur
taiocw on a greased liakiiig tin and
touts preserved in synip can b«- thing that tnaio' mm fall to d
Wbar^ roo enuot bIm Hla vedee.
ud hare the beneai of cold weather Sbe either doeu’t know bow or Is
thinks It lakes too niiicb time, but a lake alioui iet> minutes Serve oi
tor aeveral months annually, and tboae too shiftless to use cheap cuU and served In a variety of dainty «
TUa Uall! ud thoa todar, woman is used lO looking after Illlle lure psis-r. Carnlsb with frosb
who lire in rcglODs which are perpet make them into wholesome dUbes. They niay be molded in orangi
OoBBUlnc. r» aball ie)rtoe.
Sbe will buy canned meats often, nib- lemon Jelly, or served in gtosoes with matters, and uo'latmr is apared
ftk-d parali-y.
natly warm. U a well, rccoimized
er than Uke the trouble lo cook
Jaat to aak Him what to do
covering id whipped cream and ac­ make things look nice. -t should
fact Ihe world la prncUcally ruled by
The Many Uasa of'Gasoline.
meat. Then I ace her husband waiting companied by wafers at the clime of export her lo keep a closer watch of
AU the dar.
few sturdy races wbow abccetors
For the woman who has to «
And to make yon qolck and trae
dinner, will dcUghi the uoxi fas­ the coliKiie.v and to anllclpaic their
bare for thonsuds of ycarsannually for a chance to sit dosm In a crowded
nitre, gaipiltoe lx truly a frlead. If you
iirant where a dinner Is served tidious diner.
To ober.
wrutled with Jack Frost and hare
a garment for which you want
r Jnat to know the needed ernee
To pn.Ki-rvi- chestnuts ' In sj riif,
acquired aturdler francs ud i
whole family goes to a 35-cent vaude- lys "What to Eai," use as soon iifii-r aplsiy. such aa clipping Ibe wliigs at cabirv.1 lace, gv-l a tube of oil palU
He butowetb,
ring bodies as the result of their
Vllle. stoping at a night lunch cart they are gmthcri>d as posxilile. With the queens, ei-eing that all \he col­ the color wanted. Squevre It Into i
Srery bar ia Use and place
eentest sriih the dements. Hut U enthe way home to buy a paper Ik»
shorp knife score each nut on one onies have Jileiily of stores In the bowl of gasoline after It to dlsMilveil
eBerratlng; cold U tonic. Invlgoniiog.
of baked beans for breakfast. ’That's side. Cover'wiib Ixdling'water, cook spring and ample nx>m to store flrw try a small iduce of lac- to xto
Tbe denser air of winter contains
the way a man’s money ud health five minutes; drain ud dry. Add a honey Isier. putting se-ctiuns together. It to the correct cotor. and then illp
about ooeoerentb more oaygen tbu
and everything else runs down. How. Cc«s|ioonful III butter to fhcb pint of
. etc., eould U- as well or bet- your lace. Dry In. the op<’B air lo re­
BMued dar! wbn thu we wait
the -air of midsummer. This U Na­
I the face of It, cu uy man give
perfurmed bv u woman an by a move the Odor. You will have a beauAlwara at our Bororalen’a huA
and stir or shake over the Are
ture’s prorlalon for the inersesed
meal dinner for 16 cents, unless he for five mtnuiex. This toosi-ns the
I. Some of the brightest and ilftil piece of lace at ven- small cost.
hut required by the body during the
of this country To cli-aii boir an*l clotbcs lirusbra. dip
. Jnat to traat, and jet to aak
►bell ud their Inner skin, which are
cold months; ud fortber utural proin gasoline and dry with bristles down
grade and In m eoodltlon where no­
Onlduw ailU;
removed together. Shell while have been and are wimien.
vlalon U made for thU neeoeslty by
This does not Injure ibr bristles in
body wuta It! ’
IhiB the training or the taak.
Cover the nuts with cold water,
the Incruaid appetite, the augme
A Tested Sausage Recipe.
(he least, and cleans perfectly.
“I don’t know whether women are ud to each pint of nuts add a tableAa He wUI.
dlgeetlre vigor, ud Improved as
rnsrrupulo'is buich*-rx have l>eon
Before you begin your spring
too laxy or whether they actually spoonful of lemon Juice. This U to
Jut to taka the Ion or gain.
laUve powera which coae with cold
don’t know bow to make tbe dtehca harden the niita, that they may not known to make sausage from aerape ir.g. oil your machine thoroughly with
Aa He ends it;
which they could make out of so lit- break while cooking. l.»-t stand o'l’r and sell It for the farm proilurt. If you goBoUne: let it siand over night, and
Jnat to Uke the ioy or pain,
The refreshing Inauence of n brisk
to lie sure you are getting the you win have a clean machine.
See the German women! They night. In tbe morning drain,
Aa He Icnde It.
walk on a cold, frosty morning. Is due
After cleaning voui white kid gloves
make you a meal that Is good out with boiling water and simmer gi-m- teal article, make It' yourself. Here
Ba wte {brand thn tor HU praUe
to the tonic effect of the cold
U f’nrle Sam's iisn recipe, furnished with gasoline. IfAbc lips ot tbe fingers
1 scrap of meat and c»'o or three
Wnisot Bln the giaclou aim;
1 hours, until l
srtalch cornea In coniaei with the face
th>]iarimen> of Agriculture.
are nut yet p*rti>clly clean, nib them
. Ao to^ and all thr daya
D the age of
ud with the twa.iboosud square feet
a cake, of magneela.
ican sromcn don't know bow ud don’t When leader, bm Ann, drain. Cover
flhaU’ba aaoolded for the aann.
of mucous membrane lining tbe lungs
In using gaMilIm- great carr should
to learn. For InsUnre. take n with a syrup nisile of sugar equal is cold. Separate the lean from the
aad nir passages. At each breuth the
foL Take three fiounds of lean and lie token to keep it away from on
chuck piece of beef or a piece of the
Jaat to leaee In HU daar band
bleed 1b bathed In the cool, tonic air
lower round, and If a young bouse- tity of water. Simmer for ooe hour. add one pound of fat. Sausage Is made open flame, or an explosion may be
UtU# thiaga.
wfald) rushes into the expanding lungs.
r-f shoulder, neck, and lean trim­ the result.—Woman's Home Compsnkeeper only thought so. she could
AO we cannot uderatuA
aside imill fbo following ila>;
*nie vttal ttres of tbe body, burn
make some good dishes om of It ihal heal, drain syrup from nnt». n-dace mings from the bams. B*hcre the
AH that aUngat
brighter, and their increased activi­
tier husband would enjoy eating—a syrup by rapid twdllng for llfti-en min- sbimUlenf ur flankx are too fat. sep'
Jaat to let UlB inke the care
ty eonsamrs the tlssne nibbish which
Try Thii C
|ood stew, cooked slowly tn ihc oven, uiea and add the nuts. Now add wlia:'- sraie and weigh the lean aud fat three
Sordr preaalng,
may hare accumulated during warm
Is drllcIniiK. im-xp*-nklvc and
lo’one pound. Cbc.p ihi- (uirts first, and
pot roast, beet a la mode, or n meat
Finding an we let HIb bear
Oavoring matter is dealled. On*,weather or during days or hours of
spresit it out to lx-’seasoneil. Tbe ctally mail-. Buu*-r bri-ad on tine; ud especially good nourishing
Ckangad to bleaalng.
use an inch length of!lk*
eonOnement In stilling elr of offices
loaf. tiavlng Aral < rvanu-d the buiti-r.
soups. But they tbink they must have bean (o every qnart of um». ui Ike
Thia U all! and yet the war
r uventllatod sleeping rooms.
rbii off tbo crusts, and la-sinning at
steaks and roasts, tbe best cuts, and juice and tbln yellow riiiil of a lemon. iamlly b'Jioulij have a meat grinder.
Marked br HIb who hnrea thee beat:
Moat chronic diseases are diue to
one ci-rner of the sll<rc. roll it lightly
these then they resort to can­ Or ono may prefer orang*; llavurlus. or The soasooing for four pounds of oaufleeiet ed n hnppr day.
le aecomulatlon of the potonns rcMige should lx-: One ounce of fine over two sticks of crisp celcrj-. Tlie
ned meats."
Secret of HU proBlaed real.
1 pint of maraacblno may be a.I.IaniUog fcom tissue work. Tbe body, as
salt, half ounce of ground black pep­ hiiUer will bold It logother. but Uby
—F. R. Hatrergal.
This Is a matlcr which the bouseevery quart of nuts. It is a sim­
Bouchard baa Mid. is a factory of poi­
per, half nimee of pnre leaf sage, half ribboo tied around each n.ll Improves
sons. These poisons cannot be dlspoA wUe mast attend to he^lf. Hardly ple maiuy to divide the nuts In pm- triupooaful of ground cayenne pepper, Its appearance. The celery should be
ed of without the InflueiKe of oxygen, one maid or cook in fifty will take the lk«a and vary the flavorfngx. P-'U' .stohe Jans that will hold-three to five lirokon Into thiil Mrips about the else
"Donl worry nboot your work.
and syrup Into small glaot>es and
'^c larger the amount ot oxvgcn re­ [rouble to learn bow to use .these
gallons can-tw filled with tbe sau- of the amaUesi stalks toward tbe leaf,
He what yob cdhjet the tut go,
ceived Into tbe body, ibe more pcrfoei- meaiir. And yet as Illustration of tbo seal when cold.
range rot-ai, and ha’f an Inch of melted cod. and also cut an appropriate
and amue all the time.—Anooyly the blood to purified, the more high­ fiftieth maid ud to be perfectly just
lai-d poured over tbe meut to exclude- iength. This sandwich muid to- tasti-d
Ingrowing Toe Nail.
to he apprKlati-d. Tiy Hu- llitb-.a*
ly tbe tleauca ei« vluUted, the more
the air-''
Itigrosing or Ingros-n toe ir i! i*
tliy In y«mr s*-b*Hd gill's lutu-tooii
efflctcally the bodily functions are
ago. A certain young woman employ
ie of the tninitr ilb of lift- which.
The'KIng of Fruits,
•tti-Il a.v a; your m-xt t**H-ial fuiicUtin.
Do not run away from cold weather. cd as a servant In a family where kc soiiii- iithera or its class.
A,n.l••»-.^rI• acrepuble servEmbroidered Handherchlefa.
actual palu and tncm^.,..,,
or sausagi*. I’ui
CuUlvate It. and ntlllxc this greal :be mistress usually attonded to the
I *
Can laill to- used when the eeaier to
6u of Ue moat practical ud ab- uplifting force by dally exercise in the broiling of tbe sicnk herself, always li-nn- ihau mn^iy.niure tirhms
sllees oil- half un inch thick
ulntalr traUful blU oT phUoaophy open air. The sleeping room should fotind the lough end of the meat left ;ioii>.
across tbe uppli-. Do not r*;inovo the worn out. fur the border is usually
The affiiilini Is situateil most rune skin. Or. the ARdi-s can Im* cut in Mill K's‘'l. and can Ik- made Into turn
that fau nppenied la n long Ume. was have the window open at least a tew npOD the p1att«-r for her dinner. B'ben
newUy pabllihed la Medical Talk, Inches, even during the very coldest sbe decided that the order was a per­ raoniy on the fri-e si<li- of ihi- great qaarlerK, leaving on the skin, fry In over collars and cuffs, nr used f*ir
although It may c.-cnr on the bditcr until tenib-r. bm not soft tribimlitg corset rovers, e'c. If i
w th« wUden ot *1eUlng ga~ Bays and windiest weather. The body may manent one she asked bi-r einplo.rcr
other aide of the great toe, or at any nini^ lo lose form. Sen*- the «p •'tototnitc. It will iwy t*» e|>|>Hi|*ie
be kepi warm by u abunduee of
'Icsigii tmto a gunnent or -another
of the four smaller toes. It Is pk-s on the same dish as
U yon want to be heeliky morally, bed coveriag .the bead ud ears betoii get her betoip the meat was cooked.
|K>rk foi
Her DiUtreas
to t<e cauHvl by Iiadly eonstrurtaMAtally aad physically. Jut let go.
protected by a warm hood when necgarnish.
Let go of the tjuie bolhera .
eaaaiT. and the arms ud shoulders though not without a degree of secret, cd sliiH-s. tn which the tis-r are ecampBrntch Itakixl Ap|ibn—Arc made by
To Roast Torkey or Chtekcfi to Open
erarrday Ufa. the tirltatleu ud the by a thick woolen Jacket. One may
addtog half a tcaspunaful of orange
and narn-s-locd shoes are an altomi- marmalade and of butter and sugar
petty eentlou that ciou yoor path ttans enjo.v daring the hours of sleep
Plan- a wv-11 KreaM-*l brown paper
Aailr. Dont take them up ud anne all the advuuges of prolonged ex­ days when there was tmklng or Iron- nation. and are responsible for much III the fliliiig of the cavities for bak­
on top of f'lwl. a grvMseil linen Cloth
going on certain aavoty odors crippling, hut It l* douinfui if they
thw. pet them and brood over them. posure to the tonic Influeuee of dense,
on |iB|H'r. and anotbt-r grcasivl brown
■ Thny ni« not worth while. Let them highly oxygenated air. Bach breath Is which seemed to have little to do with would ever cause lucn>wtog uall if the
Appli- Soutile—On*' pint of si*-am- P»l<vr tin linen. Do not tuni or baste
a Ionic’which gives the body u up­ the family dinner were noticealik- In
ed appb-s with a tablexpniinfiil of ni*-li fowl.
That lltUc difference that exlau be- lift toward the higher ptue of life. the kitchen. Investigation led to the ^-The t-oc nails should always be rui ••d butler, half a cupful of sugar, tbtwwn you and your neighbor, that Sixteen such breaths even* hour, exer­ discover}; to two dixi-ovcrles In fact off sqii.iiv, at a right Angle lo the axis, ■wWies .if six m:g« and the yidks.*>f.
Club House Potatoes. .
—the girl fixed herwolf up a g»*od of the tiw. and should" never Ik- pared
you argue orcr erery Ume you meet, cise a marvelous Influence for good.
three, a sprinkle of gratcvl nn'iieg
Pevd and cut pnlalo*--! Jiiin illce and
close and roundeil off at the slib-s par­ Stir lni*» til*- h*ii itpplca the biiiti-t,
drop It. let It go. You eunot afford
Do not miss this opportunily by meal out of almost nothing.
l-oil them for Are niluuie* firalB i
allel with the exinmity of the toe. If sucar and n-ittaeg and yolk of the and cook In butter until they arc
to toae a good neighbor or n friend by ranning away to atwie warm, mossfaouldcrx. Result—culinary col­ they are roiMiled theie Is nothing left
ataply hangtng w to aome difference qulto-infcsted rcgloa. where you will
egss weQ ftraten. tt'beo Ibis to cuol. lender but not liroki-n. Make a wattre
of oginlea and apradlng your Ume not cmly lose tbe wholesome influence laboration followi-d and meal bilk to shjipoit leo side (ff the im-. and tbr bi-XT the whites of the i-ggs to a stiff of one toli’'-SK«onIa1 «f Ihiur. owere greatly reduced.
piessure of tbe sIkk- then causes the fn>ih and silr ini» the mixture. But­ ta«*1espoonful *.f l.•ln••r an*l a Cupful
qunndlag over It Inatead of enjoy­ of cold air. but where yon will rap
ing each other nnd talking nbout the risk of malarial infection with all
ter a thns- ptiii *!i,.h ainl turn tb'- of milk. Add a little bi-i-f extract
thta^ on which you do agree.
Its attendut dugeru and inconven- article la one of our agrlriiliural Jour- of the nail; and as tbe latior grows it •oiiffle toll. It; 1:.*ke :bi mlniitei. la a and salt and popper. Stir tb*- poutues
on tlie difference l>t-tween choice has lo cut Its way Into soft pitrlx. for moderate oven! S* rv- wdtfa a cream iolo the sauce, heat 'tbi-m tbrnugh
That mua hurt that you got from lences. Cold sir Is only dangerous
a MwA pwtM^ U wan t intended, when «-e too asslduousty seek to and inferior meats. It wax a paper It has nowhere else to go.
and turn into the. serving dtob. Sprin­
The wound so caused c.iunnt hval.
perhapa it waa but never mind, let dodge It. By gradual hardening of tbe showing the results of right and
Applfc Snow Baito—C-il'sIx hub kle the liip lightly with chopped pane
ft go. Refnaa to think about It.
body through systematic exercise wrtmg feeding of animats designed for for the sharp side of the-nan is al sq*iarcs of doth, wet in hot waler. ley.
Let go of that fa^ng of batted you out of doors, eold air Is shorn of Its meat for the farmers' tabic. Bui there wa.vx cmiJng farther Into -t and pro- an*i siiTva*; a layer of freshly ciWiked
have for another, tbe Jeatousy. tbe terrors and l>ecomeii a mighty Influ­ were several points about it calculated duriiig irrl-atl'in. Srwn it bi-comes In- rice on<-h«!f ln*-h thick all oven pu'
Orange or LemOo Extract.
lo latereat the city housewife as we» ftamiHi; then maUer forms. "]>ro<id a cued apple in the cfhter 'if (ACh.
envy, the malice, let go all eneb ence for good.
You can make to-iu-r orange
ax farmers' wives. The writer. Pti»f.' flesh" grows up ovi-r tiM sbh-. and a H!lmg the cxviti'-s wlili rlec Tie the Inm**n exirs*-' than you can imy. for
theugbta. Sweep them out of yoor
Cold Waathar Hints.
Andrew Boss, presented four lllustrapalnfil and crippling i-.-vndition i-l'iTh tightly an*I su-am a ha!f hour. •you can to- iK-tficUy sare of It* purity.
mind aad you will be surprised srbat
Aa eold wewthcr creeps no a great tions. showing both the well feil ud icsulls.
a dautng up aud rajuvenaiing effect
I'ct-i the b-monx or oranges thin
Scrc- with a cream sauce.
it will have upon you. both phyalcall) maBy little things need attending to the ill-noiirtsbi-d steer, ud a rib eiit
quart pu'MIag aroutul and around as yiai pe«l
The iicatmeat is almple and cfflBrown Betty—In
aad meatally. Lei them ail go. you that the bonae may Iw eomfonal.le from oacb grade, showing tbe quallty cacicus in the early stages.-bin wbi-a •ii»h arraoce altemite layers of xlired'apple, taking none of the outelde
beuae them at deadly risk.
the inmhle has N-ea netlecn-d tn*1 or Hii-vii-d appt.- and bruwd^ «kin.
Put In a glass bottle Or fruit
Bnt tha.blc troubiBs. the bitter dls- they will not rattle In the easterns. in tbe country could see thi**e lllusfirmly it H Scasoii * aeh layer wpb bita of bufcr;) jar aiKi rover wph alcohol, or , appotnunenla. the deep wrongs ud A strip of heavy cloth tacked on one trailonx TTic rib cut fitrin tbe poor sonieilines very bard to eutv. As w-«- sugar am: a |i!nc!i of gro-.ind cinnv 'imay Kimpty'rhop tiu- peel fine, add
banrt-breaklag sorrows, the tragedies sash: will usually remedy this and steer was thus described: Poorly, have seen, proper trimming of the
When tb'- dish is full, cover the twin- its bulk in white nigar '•ud
of Ufe. what about them? Why. Just keep out much cold wind. Rubbe- marbled and with a large amount, nails wm prev;«H the suin' of the top with ci-imbs. Cover and place rh* keep ia an ulr tight Jar. A leaspoon'
let them go. toe. Drop ibem. eofUy weather-strips for both doM ud win­ proponionately of enaoccilve tisaue. trouble, and the same is m—i-ssa^ dish in
rontalnlns hot waU-r and
meybe. but eurely.
Put away all dows are a good iovatmcBt. hot don't Such 'mot to likely to lie di}- ud after eut^ to prevent a r^apse. It lx
•mi- hotirur nniii the apples u
regret aad bitiernoaa ud let aorrow calk up every crevice wbene flash air tough when roasted. Tbe Isrge propor­
Sene with
mistake'to krop cuuinc (he naif In
be only a softening lirtlaenee.
Tea. may enter ud then make no provis­ tion of bone to meal makes such a cut (be h<»pe of removing the Irritation
let them go. too, and make the i
ion for ventilsUoa. Leave the windows expensive In the end. In tbe rib of. It is better to puck a tew threa*ls of
Savory Oishes.
so that they can be opened at will, beef from tbe well finished steer the gauze or boraied cotton under tbe
tjt tbe tntnrc.
l.iiiie.Stivnry Potnto Cake—Twelve soften ami cb-aniie tbe akin.
Then that Itule pet anmeot that yon ud then see that every room Is ibor- mixture of lai ud leu to excelleiit. side of the nai!. renewing It once or toliicH-toafulx Id flonrv no’a’oes.'right
Spirits of ammonia ^wlll often
bare been baaglag on to ud talking on^y ventilated every day. Teach ud the texture of the musdes fine twice a day. so that tbe new growth tablespoonftjls of white fl.iur. two. t%- llcv- a severe bradache.
about theoe muy yura. let It go. U tbe rbiidrao lo tarn the clotbcs back grained. The author continues;
mat he lifted from tbe groove It lx bk-xpismfuls o: gra'ei ch-t-ee tw<i ta | D<“>r plates aboull be cleaned bj
will be e good rtddaace.
You hare oB the bed. ud open the window In
"When u animal to fattened for cutting Into the flesh. This change of I k-xp.»:Bful* or cri-am- Ihe yn’ks of; rabhlag with a cloth wre: to ammonia
traned It royaily, bnt abudon It; their roo mas soon as they are dress­ slaughter the bundles of muscles, direction may l>e helped by filing the two esg". one u-a-*po*mfnl of baking
let It go. Talk about beallh. Instead, ed and ready to leave it every morn­ tbrongbout (be body are crowded top of the hail along the center, weak- powder, salt aud cayenne to taste.
If rbe color ha's to-en lok'-o
and kealth srlll come. Quit auretng ing imleas it Is storming. Be sure that apart by pantclea of fat wedging la sning it ao that It may flare oiiu If Boll tbe potatora and rub tbrougb a silks'by fruit siatos. aminooi
that pet alUacni and let It go.
venlUatloa Is secured la'every sleep­ between. While this proceas appears the trouble Is far advanced, tbe ^igbt fine sieve - Add the butler, flout', usually restore the colisr.
R to not no bard Bfier owe yen get ing room, before g^ng to bed.
To brighten carp-'s wipe tb-m wi'b
to i««ll The muscles it In reality does operation of catling away the bulging cbeese. baking powder and aeaianlng
used to the hBMt of tt--loHtng go of necessary, open a srlndow. bnt take Bot_lDcrease the moscutor liasue. or flesh at^ the aide of tbe toe may bA and blend tborcRigfaly. Mix into a warm waier to whlrb has l*eea pniirHI
th«e thUgs: Tott' wB] Ihd U awffi care there to no direct curreni of ^d Iran btrat. but aimply lacieaiiea the found oecMsnry.—Y'uutbTa CompSAlna. Ugfct dongb with the cream and the- a few droiw of qmmivBia.

>e or two tablcapacmfuU cf ihto added to a pall ef water wltl
deu wtoikras hocicr than wiap.
A ttm dropa la a capful •>» warm
sraw. applied carvf-aUj. w-l! rcnwivv
spou from paintings and chramos.

tn (he cook's absence the yonsg mis.
trees of the house undertook, with the
help of a gioui waitress. ii> get the
Sunday luncheon. Tbe fiarried maU.
who had been siraggltog in tbe kltcbwith a coffee maehlne that refused
work, conteesed t^i she had forgniten to wash the totieev.
-Well, never l^d. Olu. Co on
with tbo eoSee. and Hi do It. " raid
the considorai* tmUirraa. -where
do yon keep the soap?"
Whattn RamIf people M-em unktod. Tvad
the lifuvnth chapter of Jtoin.


It yviur po. ki-t bonk to em^
rt-xd the thlity-sovenUi
b Ibtolm.’
Paalm.' rII you have the “blwa- natd
the twctiij-scvcnth Psalm.
If you arc discouraged about yoor
w^rk. read the one hundred twenty
sixth rsaiin.

H you Biv lii»nr*
rvail the tbirtecnih ciapfSrtOf CorInlbians.
If you can't have your own way to everytblng. keep silrait and nad Uw
third chapter of James.
Household Hints.
X stovu biBcking with a little SBni*inla and It will ant burn off.
Crate B imic fine spennaceU into
ymir starch If you want tbe Unco gloa-

easlly maih- iirigbt and dean by the
•e <d powdered pumke stone.
The dirtlevt trying pan wfil become
cieaa U soaked Bve mluuies to am­
monia and water.
For the Houashold.
Serve erisp ewirry wif^ cold meats.
It is always appreciated and la a fine
noive tonic.
ir wasbing ensrae clothes soft
snap Is best and will go further than '
the bard yellow soap.
Croquettes toikcd tn the oven insti-ail of fried, and si-m-d with a rich
brown SAUCI-. are the invention of a
housewife who was once a vtcUm of
After nailing down a cnipet sad licfnre pulling to tbo furniinre. awvep
Ibe whide oorface well then go
with a sernbbtog bnitt ajigbUy
Paint srlll stick lo tinwtare If tbe
surface is srrairhed with o piece nf
rough pumice sinne or coarse aandfiaiK-r suit a thin roat of shellac variil^li applli-d before the paint is put <m.
When floorer* are willed wrhicb
come through the mall fdimge tbe
stems lalo hot wuiit and Imre them
there DMtl Uic water becomes ooid:
then cut tbo tteniK off a little and
jilscf. tb<- fliiwera in Irnih cx>M watra.
If the Bnisaeto rug pcriilsfa to roll
tog up at the isigex. turn It orcr and
mil}- a good coat of gbic. Let It dry
l*efnn> lumiag and you wtU not toiroubled any more.
For Cold Nighta.
Qulle m-w and cxeeiMtogly r.mif*w1lug was the "hot water bag " whlrb I
found at the fmg of my hod on- r-iH
night iu a bosplUble coualry toMse.
says a writer to Good Ifou .-keeping.
Mad- of a log orhAM w-oisl which'bod
l<cen loaated some houis In ih- «iv«-n.
of the cook stove, an*1 Ito-n slipped
lAto a liag of boAvy cnixn fiaancl. It
l-fi DiKhlng to be d-slri-f and had.
mori-ovvr a fiagrancc that tbe rwMier
article can hardly malcb. An old guliitold m- nr still oth-r rubsiiimea. n>iiIng the latit r**l*t suRmi-r one nf tliwoinen m a -sniping perty biatcd a
big stone evv-rj: tilght by lli<- campfire
and—la the fan- of.consldi-raWc dortstim.^ailmly 't'K'k It to her to-d of
bouglM. saying that It could not possi­
bly make tha' downy couch any hard­
er nod ihat'her a-tloa Insared one
wann and amialile camper la the
morolnc Ax the weather waxed mdd0-1 v*t moic Mrid. derogatory m •
maiVx to-cani*- f-wer. tin? solitary
fUtif "*'k uh'o Itvidf comjiafii'sis of
va.'k'U> ’-bn;!*... and sixes, and mvrnliig
^od n-’-i.''- increnaed In spit- r< the
tmipi-ra'iii". Sotntoimi-s a l>ag of aaixt
vaiinl.!'- as a fo*** warrn-r—thg-.iil- xai*! a *dawg" was good c-tiough
I'*r hilt!.
In Mending fiilk.
iiilk Is bevr men'Ied with lUi own
i.ivHitigs. Carofiilly ravel thnmda of
required iengih. darn ax nontly a*
li'j.sllit-. ami preax flat with Bn Inro
that i» n*rt hot cno-4gb to Icwrc aa
Impcitit or dto-oior the ailk.
Tiis Carpet Sweeper.
If the carpel sweeper Is leisbed-ln
le xame dlractPm as the wan* of tbo
ig. not agalnM it. it will l»i- found
that the sweeper can be uwid srlth
better lurwen.
WbM) the Oner CeMks.
To prevent A door from rroakto^.
ipply a mUe sonp to tbe btpges. -



Pates ni 12






Henry CHwa. the New Tork banker,
in hit aonnal renew o( buslncaa roodltlone for the year Jott ckMing. pointa
out the (act that the year has bees To Be Held in Court Room. Travemo City. Mich.. Wedneoday and Thornextraordinarfly prooperooi. Boniiteday. January 23rd and 24th, 1007.
oui harvesu hare made the fanners
of the country practically Independent
and added to hie incoine from the big -A. L. Hopkins. Bear Lake, Owduetor.
yields of hie OHde. there has been a
N. A. aapp. Xonhvliie.
eoneepondinc Increaae In lend valuei.
Miss Jennie Boeli. Aaa Arbor.
In, addition to tbU there eeems to be State Superlateiident of Farmers' lastitntea. Prof. U R. Taft. Agrlenltnral
of the vaHone commoditlee
and articles produced ihan the world
Grand 'Tfavcfoe County Farmera’ InttHuta Sooloty.
needs, hence the prices hare been W. B. Gray. Travenra Oty...................................................................... Preaideot
very aatlefactory.
E. O. Udd. <Nd Mlaaloo.;....................................;................................ Secretary
Below are a few of the records conla connection with the loitltate there wilt be a eora eabiblt for which
traating IM^wJth IMS:
prizet will be given for the best varieties in the dlfferont elssaed^ There
will be three claaaea,—White Dent, Yellow Dait and Flint, and a first,
second and third prlu ia each class, a dom eats ot weh variety srill be
exhibited and It will be Judged by a corn expert. Everr farmer U iBvltod
to sMect hU cwn and bring It to the Institute. The prises will go srorth
There will also be an Intorortag exhlbK tram the county aehools,
under dlrectlcm of the Cooaty Cot
*ry 23rd, 1407.

r been lingering i
swooped down sod bore one of the
birds to tbe graand. This was about
400 or 5.S> feet be.voad ibe men. Mr.
TN* RiAllafttn sra sM to OHMimeo thot they hove been enablod
Koenig ran forward alioui half the
Lanring. Jan. 2. Fos»swsmsm of
to ooeui* Farm antf MreoWe at a premlam with the QranO Traveraa
dlstasce and fln-d. The hawk roilsvl
Uio action on tb* aenatertai vote toHanM fortlw oMaios yaa^ Thie aplentfid farm paper wu sive" '"***•
and Aopped to one side and Jay
ihun I
•• ‘"‘•'i' »• b« w*o rooult of on
while the partridse flew
the Herald for lA to every paid in advance eubacrlber and theprew
vable i ‘"vvM'pstlen by Governor Woraor of
The pirate bird remained
bm wao ae oatiafaatery and oa many ef our aubaertbera have aaked If
until ih>- wan sit><i|>..d over to pick It 'the Hiii-Atweed bcodle rumors.
the aame arrai«emafit eevid net be made for 1S07, that we have eonGovernor Warner, through Soeraury
chided ta mahA the aame offer aa that of a year ape. and the publlah.
A blow With the butt of the gnn F. 8. Nell, says he is unoKorably mof« ef Farm and Firoeido have .vary kindly conaented to rerww the
served only to sumulate It and only peeed to the election ef Mr. Hill ao
arranpamoM aa than made with them.
United States eonator. The rumors
by grasping ihejiir
Every eubaeriber to the Herald, who haa paid In full to Jan. 1,
methods hBvo.-boon
Mr. Koenig save 1
ISOS, at the rau.of S1.00 per ^*ear, will receive, not only the Herald,
claws. Tbe talons sunk Into his left!
*’• bellewod should bo Invortbut alee Farm and Firaalde which H leaved on the let and isth of
. however, and although he wore I
should thoeo bo any danger
each amnth. fiving M nwnbera of that great Journal each year. Thie
a bunting coal, sweater, flannel shirt
«'*etton under the eirto the beet and moM aatlafaetory premium offer that woo ever made
and a heavy underabirt. Mr. Koenigs
by any Michigan itMiepaper. Thia prrnnlun) has given great aatlafaobears tesUmony to tbe forve with
tJon during the past year to Herald raadera, and vrt knew thot they
which the talons acratriied and tore
at the flesh. HU right arm was also
will bo very much plaaaod ot the opportunity given for o continuaneo
After the life had been
Lansing. Jan 2.—The house god
of thia arrangomant for the neat year.
choked from the bird Ur. UcManas senate organUsUon was perfeched at
Ptaaaa remomber then, that avery avbecriber to the Herald, whe
pulled the talons from bli compan­ canruses held yesterday afternoon and
la paid in full to Jon. 1, IMS. will receive Farm and Ffrealde abeolvtaion's
evening 'The senate caucus was
iy fioo for tho full yoar.
The bird Is a beautiful specimen Informal and -wia keUJn she after­
and will be mounted.
noon. Us resulll^w^ OoEtojj^r
9:45 IntrvMlactory Remarics..
................ Prraldenf, W' R. Gray,
President Pro Tem-VIrtmEr'-MorBirtimand Ooatha.
the lUte orgenixatlon.
la'ny. Crystal Falls.
There were 333 deoihe la the city
During the spring campdgn Mr. Hoi8ccreUry-E V. rtiloon, Unstag.
tzed by the Rev. L. B. BIsm-II ai high
' daring the year of
while the asple will do local option .work and
Sergeant at Armi-Fomer Sraalor
aamber of births was pz. 'Lmmi year will also work at Lansing while the
Gi-orgi- X, Jones, ktsrtne City.
Mr*. Frank Shannon, UMI2 Cass
there wore 223 deatho while (ho
leglsUture It in oeMloa. Later, be
Tbe senate appointed the poslmaastreet, thu contracting parties being ter this year but there were four tpbor of blrtha waa not avalUble fRMa trill take the snperlntendency of a dis­
Bertha E Lawr of this dty and Wil- pllcanis for Che place, among them
tho city elork'a oCSoe aa tha now reg- trict and his duties there will be the
lotry law vaa aot (a effect di
aame as the stsw stiperinlendeDi's In
1:00 QoeMioa Box In Charge of N. A. Ctapp.
Gen. John Tyrrell of Jackson and OnrMiss Lawr has been an attendant at
the state. At present. Micbigan
don U Wright of Pljrmoiitfa. and this
divided Into two districts, the upper
1:30 Seed Corn, lu Improvement. Belectioa mad Cara....N. A. Clapf the asylum for several year* sad Mr. and tbe appoIntiseM of a
Alexander Is aecond mate on ooe of
lower peninsula and he srill be oUthe I'nlled States Steel company's mltiee.
Uoaed in the upper portioa of the
hoots. They will make their home at
r pealasula. probably Grand Rap1:30 Planting and Care of the Corn Crap.................................. A. L. HopWni
Tbe house caucus was held
Sandusky for the present winter. A
o'el<»k and was a more elaboralo nf-.
sumptuous dinner was served I7 Hr*.
Mr. Holaaple-s family will remain
fair. JiAin McCarthy. Arenac, praold3:30 Com Judging and Varleilei tor Xortheni Michigan............ A. P. Oraj
here until April and along about the
ed and Abram Shook. Montcalm, waa
latter part of March Mr. Holsaple will
retuni and close up the year's work.
J. ayde WatL Saranac nomloatMl
The Reason Why.
- 00 Music.
The Rev. R. N. ’Holsaple came to
XicbeUs J. Whelan tor speak'er In a
The following ^spatch will pro
7:20 Give the Boys a Chance................................ ......... ........ A. 8. HopUai Interest here as Hr. Root Is well rattling good speech.
IhU city April ]. JMt. driving Ihtonidi
The farm has not been alone In It*
fron Delta. Ohio. During bis three
L. O. Dickinson of Charlotte. Sboilksown in this city:
years' auy'in the city he hss made developments, as the minerals of th.8:40 The Farmen' Daughter and her OpportuDlUes....Mlu Jenny BnMl
Medlka. O.. Dec. 3S.—Because ot ab- dan J. Colby of Detroit, and Charlea
large number of friends, who.
•nrhlng experiments he is making a Ward of Bancrafi seconded the
T%e Sdt death laat yoor was As while sorry to see him leave, wfeb him
8:40 The FYrni Home................................................ ......................... Jf A. Ctapp with bees. A. 1 Root, known as't^
which was nnaolnons.
Stea Kavaa and the hat one recorded
!ss in hU new field of
Charlea Ward was named for npeok"bee king." did not leave Florida to
>ao that o( Calvh Benware.
1905. stUI the supply was less
attend the wedding today of”'hl> er pro tern In the aamo manner after
8:45 The Planting and Spraylag ot the Onhards...............A. 8. Hopkins danghlvr. MUs Carrie Belle Rout, and Joseph Creusel, the veteran tegtstaMr. Holsaple' is (be seventh mlnls- ibaa the demand and the prices
14:16 DIscussioe.
Tba phyolehaB have a certain htlUewellyn Boyden of New York. The tory sod newspaper man of DetrolL
T to sever bis connecUon with the soarad accordingly: Invention and
tade ia regard to flUag the record of cliy since September. The first to diacoverr also have also played an 10.45 Pruning and Cultivating ' the Orchard.................... .....K. A. Ctapp wedding came at a time when Root
B in favor of Wax*. .
rtaat part In the prosperty of the
UHlM wad for thb yeaaon. to compile leave was the Rev. W. T. G't
sras in the midst of on important exaatloD.
them by SUBlhs wnuM be an ardooos of tho Baptist church who went to
11:45 ^tolri^^Meetlng.
nenf with bees and be could cot
Touching upon the outlook for 1*07.;
tank. fUr example, a birth which oc- Batoo Rapida. He was followed by the
W. H. Qnllllams of BeoUm Harbor
1:00 Demonatiation cd the Preparation of Barton MlxUus....B.O.LaU
found ao oppootUon for aergeut U
Rev. B. L. Bequa of the Friends the banker says that it Is much more
The Men Did IL
«ho Doewmber list, the father In this church. wlF> vent to IndUna The compUeaied than it was for 1906. Ho
arms. BsrI Stoekdalc of Waytand wao
regards over confidence
Mrs. Jennie Silvers is rlsltlng in
caao having pwfatnha the duUee Methodist conference was respon
1:30 The Balanced RaUon........
...............................A. I*
waimlly anlgaed to the phystclan
Former Speaker Master addroned
for the removal of the Rev, Hugh Keaboarders h.vve been taking th'-ir the etucu*. as did Speaker WhMaa.
pMdsrtie. '
nedr of the Atbury church and the touches upon the spendthrift hablia
The (tdlowing la the list recorded In Rev^ Thomas Cox of the First church, induced by the great era of prosperity,
2:30 The FYedlng and Care of the Dairy Cow,............... N, A. Ctapp dinners elsewhere, Sunday,
but their addresio-s were aiwrt.
on he Bays:
result of eome Joking on the
It will be seeo tbai boy who were transferred. The Rev. T. P.
Tbe huiiM* an-, -^-iiatc- met 1
dnslon. the prospects
Ullon of the Oinrch of Christ resigned
3:30 The Care ot Milk and Bolter.......................... .......... Miss Jenole BoeB the ladles who eat there, tl
today and raUfli-d the selection of the
offered to get dinner and starting In enueusf* and organluvl formally.
Amber Carl. a«. Mr. and
to CO Into the erangelletd field and be distinctly in favor of another good
10 o'clock they not only |ir«-iiared
rnmk B. Pamonter. 8ii Vfw>
Governor Is Bettor.
waa followed by the Rev. C. T. Biout year, with these four provisions
the meal and
dtroct. Hot. 21.
of Grace church iriio wrat to Key (1) we mnst be favored with another
FurmlDcuiD. Jan. 2—Oororaor War­
o'cloek they, left the kitchen sod It ner's coDditioa was improved tffta
Hsuy Ooae. aoa. Dr..and Mra. Barn- West. Florida. Oue of the ten Protes­ good harvest. <31 We mnst dlseournfidence and reckless
was as clean and neat as when they tnomlag. He had a good night's root.
oat B. Minor. 6» Bath street. Nor. tant ministers here there are now only
l:30 IniraducloiV Remarks........ ....Mra. O. A. Hobertsco. Chairman
(3) We must correct the
three |n the dty who have been here
Miss Edith Stevens, a trained traroo
ladies were allowed In
Boa. Mr. and Mra. Patrick 3. Coyne. over a year, the Rev. D. Coehlin of the present strain In the loan market b.r
from Deiroli. has taken charge of him.
»4 Beat Wmt otreat. Dee. 3.
Coiwregatkmal ehnreh, the Bov. L. B. the natural process of liqiiidatioD rath­
2:00 The Home Inside and Oiit........................................ 'Efisa Jennie BueU klicfaen after 10 o'cloek and when
Omeora Took Oath.
Caarmico Damr. atm. Mr. and Mrs. Biasell of the Presbytortaa chtircb and er than depending upon legislaamt
they were admitted to the dining
Jan. 3.—EleeUve auto of­
super HoRoa. UO North Spnee the Rev. L. B. Carpenter of the Four (4) We must remove causes for social
they found n tnenu^ raacblng ficers wjth tbe i:xcepilon of Germor
street. Nor. 33.
tram the celling to tbe floor, nil care­ Warner and Attorney General Bird,
leeoth Street Methodlsi ehoreh.
obey the law and
BdwarS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thiel,
fully written out In Bohemian. They
:red the oath of oMoo
tic operations.
444 North Oedor street. Dec. t.
were unable to translate IL but the at noon yesterday In the esccnilvo of­
Funeral ef Calvin Benwaro.
"Hera I ■ four grosi i
AmoUa. daoEbtor. Mr. and Mra.
rollofring vtandf made their way
fice by Chi«Y Justice McAlvay of the
The funeral of Calvin Benware was
Joaeph UrtwB, 244 South Spmee held from his home oo West Seventh wbirii. If cafely passed, may assure
Supreme court.
the table:
further period o( buainess activity
atroot. Dec. 4.
Oyster Cocktail.
Sailed Wafers.
(toreraor Warner's IIlbeH FToventstreet Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
espoclally should prices neede to t
Silver Wedding.
fron lime m time m meet varying
Prank Brvta. ooa. Mr. and Mrs.
#Vle«l Oyster*.
Potato Chips,
ed bis being present, but’aader the
Long before the Ume for the scrTwenty-five yoars ago Mday ___ craditlons and has been a favorite Sauer Kraut.
■rvla Tone 483 tost Eighth street.
Frankfurter*. taw be is given twenty days ta which
Tlee to begin many ot the friends of:
and Mrs. D. E. Wynkoop were united shelter from the sun and rain for
Dec. f.
file bis oath. Attorney General Bird
Strang, ,
deceased bad arrived at the
In marriage at Monroe Center and In people coming from the country, more
Boo. Mr. and -Mn. Heory E. Deter.
Ji absent In Konaas.
A peculiar coincidence where one
stricken brnne and the house rapidly
hoo^ of the occasion about sixty-five especially for tbe Indians, who have
138 Hsanah aveuao. Nor. 30.
Immediately after the aimpic ceroan was Injured In an unusual i
fiWnds and relatives
Praadt Charlea. eon. Mr. and Mrs.
found this a restful spot. The r^
White Bread.
Bye Bread.
mooj in tbe governor # ’office the first
ner while helping cate for an injured
their home In park Terrace to help moval of ibis awning, however, cre­
Prank P. Miller.^ lU North Bmwood ouuMe as there was not enough room
Dolled Ham.
battery of artlllerr. Michigan XaUonal
mntOB happened to two Trararse
In the bouse for them. The pall beardveoae. Dec. 4.
them celebrate last evening.
ates a greet Impravcmeni In tbe More
Guard, fired s salute of seventeen gms
Jlince Pie.
Apple Pie.
were chosen from among Mr. City men at White Cloud Friday. J.
CUflord O, son. Mr. and Mrs. Nod
A large majority r.r the guests
from In froni of the capliol.
Wonrer. and engineer, and Frank Em­
store and mudi better display for tbe Candy Creams,
P. Oontorler, 84* Webster street,
Cracked Nut*.
om out of town.
Owing lo the r-oernor'i lUncoo loaf
ket was banked with flowers which ory are the two men.
»er. 4.
big show windows now being rabullt.
night s rgstomary levee hao been POOL
Mr. WoDxer jumped from his loco- served during the evening, four large
Tbe plate glass front Is rapidly near­
Albert euaty. ua. Mr. ‘and Mis. abowed the «»teem In which be waa
The dining mom bad been dsrkened poned Indcfinlu-ly.
moUre In the ft*hUe Cloud yards. He tables being set and the supper served
Wnihm O. WbUlok^ lOOT Uaeoia hdd by the many friends he bad made
ing completion and when entirely fln- und Chrirtma* candles in apples furMiss
both at the asylum and throughout Is a sbon man and the .drop was a
Isbed win present the most aitracttve nUbed tbe llgb’street. Jane 22.
The Life fiavera.
few feet, his left foot striking a pile, table was decorated with red CbristNeiHe dean, danghtw. Mr. and Mra. the dty.
Tbe chefs who accomplished this
Washington. Dec. 31.—Importaat
bells and the color scheme frani of any store in nonhern Michi­
The Rev. O. E. Lorkhan of the Bap­ of cinders directly on the ends ot the
Bym Mdhrmid. 248 West Bsremh
gan and folly as eiiractive an any In ^^re George Xye.
Young. Jacob. work was acrompllsbed daring (be
bout was green and rad.
tist church preached the sermoa and
Mrset. Dec. 17.
tbe life saving oervice nf
sprained and Sir. WMtter was In great
Oeorgs C.. sea. Mr. aad Mrs. Ales the service was In charge of the
and M- B Holley. Twenty m ai: en- ih<- government, thoosands of ImOyster Cocktail.
pain. He was taken lo a hotel there
ChsmpsgBa. 1123 IMst BMMh street. Modem Woodmen ot which order Mr.
joyed the Sunday repast.
I periled lives and millioDS of doUara
Ctam Bouillon.
Bread and Butter.
H. R. Oumbrillc « Candidate.
Benware had l>em a member for some
Dee. A
There has been nothing farther raid j worth ol property being saved through,
H. R. Dumbriile Is a candidate for
crew, was assisting In bandag­
Doaald John. soa. Mr. and Mrs. time. The Woodmen attended in a
ing the foot. He was leaning forward Escalloped potatoes. Chicken Salad. school commUsiemer of Leelanau ta regard to the taabilliy of the men;the h'-roi*m and unrt-niltted rlgilsoce
Daniel Walker. 12« North Cedar body.
jof the lif.,savers.
Assorted Cakes.
cotiniv, the announcemetit baring folk* lu furnish a spread.
when his fooling gave way and he
a(M Dec. 34.
Interment took place in Oakwood.
Dum—— ■
■' '
! General Superiniendent Kimball Of
Pineapple Glace.
fell forward onto the stove. A sharp
<5oldon Wedding.eV Hr. and Mrs. Ssmoel 8. Herllfr-savlng tu-n-lre shows ta hi*
U K. Gibbs acted
toastmaster I hrllle was born In Leelanau county
edge of the iron caught him directly
loo. S3 West Seventh streeUDee. 24.
I A very pleaum g«>id»-ti wedding *ur-,annus] rem.rt ihai the autaber of mnChurch Election.
on top of the head. Inflicting an ugly and a number of the guests responded,and has permanently re.bW there.,
in addition to the watch night ser­
_ from
......... . Cltyji’^'
Mrs.lrttie disas'ers was SIS la the waters
gash. Both mea were brought t» this
vice at the Bvangellca] chtinth last city.
tag the evening.
s W^^va.
Hit* school, ctatf -5.4 and also'from‘
>» these f.wtyevening, a burineas merting was held
Normal w-bere he won *' ♦•'lrt>ly-4*ven guests prraent mod djtiine v.-*«e!> ;.nd twenty-nta* live*
After throe yean' oTTbrk in
Among tbe out of town guests wereand otfleera ejected for the emanlng
(dly. the Bev. a N. Holsaple
Dr. and Mra. Fentoo. Mr. and Mrs. J.| valuable prise for debating. He holds 'numlKT of valuable pte*eni. were re-.!o- aiu] kll persons were sapPainful Injury.
leave the dty Jan. U to begin hU year for the church and Suadav From Monday's Record.
O. Crotser. Mr. aad Mrs. Mike Mc-|b life leacber.s renlficate ia thU cclved. Music and game* paired cored at' the various itaiiona. Tbe
away the iliue an-1 t-ffekbraer,?* w.-re, ,«,|
<rf, property aaved, was^
tabors srlth the AnU-Saloon leag'e of acbool. The Sunday school otflcerv
Mrs. Mary Tracy, who has charge of Canh.v. Mr. and Mra. Wesley Dutm. *i*ff
servt-d. Mr and Nr. Bi-srd live a ’g;while'tJiat Iw Pas IZ.Tn.the state The t^ave will carry with
the cliak depanmem at J. W. Milli- >lr. and Mrs. WJIIIam Wilson, Mr,! Mr. Dumbriile has taught.a number
i few mile* from the ciiy and th'-ir’r^-, -in the di*a>t.-1« 3J:24 lives w*-te
It a decided Increase in salary and
Buperincndcfit D. E. Belknap.
j ken'a. met with a very painful accl- aud Mrs. Philip Miller and Mrs. B. A. of years In the Leelanau counir ,,
wilLglve Mr. Holiaple a much torger
Aralstant superintendent. Mr*. H.jdcni yesterday. She and her
Stone, all of Kingsley; Mr. and ,’Ura. school* and served
At the close ,/f the last flocal year
Beld for his work.
A. Hanson.
LoolB Tracy of Detroit, who is visiting Delos King*U-r and Mr. and Mrs. S. boar-l of examtaera
Ferftapo FOul Play.
the life saving evtbllolimequ com­
Mr, HoUaple hs* not resigued the
Seeretary. Xrttie Lowrie.
her. had surted for the West Side M. Kingsley of Summit City.
By what look-- l:k- an aMempt of ^
prised rv slhiions. >it which 240 were
paMoraie <W the locaJ church but srill
Treasurer. Mi>. Sarah Winters.
Catholic church to attend service.
foul pUy, F. W. WllMJ
the Ailamie coast, sixty on the
uin this uaill aext
Orjmnist. Mlu Lillie Froehllch.
|Jns( as she reached the church and
The Old Awning Cons.
| In a fight with a wounded hawk yer at hi>- shingle m::i near Kinss'-ey.
grant lak<-«. *ixte«-n on the* Pacific
1. He hss arranged sritb the
Ubrartan. Miss Grace Maha.
stepped up oo the steps in some way
The last iron pllbr supporting (be ^ which measured four feet from tip tn j Mr. Wilson had made arrangemenis
coast proper and one each at the fall*
«ev. 3. W. Miller to supply bta polpit
The church olficer* were:
her foot slipped and she fell, break­ frame awning of the Hannah A.UaTjtlp Sunday af-eruoon. Charles Koe-i«ith Frank Chase of Evart. Mich., to
of tbe Ohio river and Xorae. Alaska.
nntn Us SQcceoser Js assigned by tbt
Ctaas loBder, F. H. Thomaa.
ing both bones in her ankle.
company’s building was!eig bad both arm* badly scratched ] laJe a Job ia tbe mill aft«-f Chriatma*.
_ ^ ^
I Superintendent Kimball points ost
Exborter. B. R, Belknap.
Her son summooej a back at d she removed Saturday, being
Tl. blrt ».d im ,un«l|H, I. i. t«.lpt ,< > l«l., rm,
,h. ,n.,
.mlnM M.
Ob Jaa. IS Mr. Holsaple wui g_
The two former atflees are fbr two sras taken to her rooms in the Wynelements ta the improvement of to make a Bteil of a partridge but Mr. - mao’, briber saying that Chase was
overument only SlA32A«.
Detroit, where be wiU enter the offlcel yeara and the latter for three.
konp block.
the chmpany-s big store. Thu awning Koenig's
shot ------------.
saved .1..
the --latter.
He urges strongly that tbe benefiU
of Bute Bopertatondeut Oeoige W.l A watch night service ftRlWed the
Mr. Tracy took Us mother to DeHe and Ray McManus were hunting deeiroyed Thursday night. The letter of retirement be extended to officer*
Morrow aad there ho wU| do office bnslneis at whit* a caaseeratlon ser­
iruii Ibis morning, but it will be about twenty-thre year*, having been squirrel* about a mile west of Soloa state* that the msn was quietly driv-___
_ _
.. who becoae
and men
of (be .........
tad field work ualil he becomes th«r vice was conducted by the Rev. L. B.'
erected alwjii the Ume the bulldlog when 1*0 partridges were Hushed aad tag home when a shot was fired from [
some time before tdie will be aUe
,h'rouVh tajury
noghly taailfair with tho methods of Blaiell of the Presbyterian church.
resume her duUe*
put up. ft has been impruved flew ahead of them. Th.- hawk, abicb undergroirth near to road, taking nf-J iflapneltated by age

An Announcement.





'5“ ■



=. t





.............. ...


WaA Tmasc HcnM

cut RAPIM.
RapMiV JA^.L-Thcre are flfir
drswilB doM wood for the Iron
gitowAr. Tfc w^ la being drawn
Kanlhe coapaar*a woods eight miree
A|mMm. Lnai Ftidar two hundred
cords were drawn to.
Mis* Haigarette rbucher to visit,
tog at her home near Hemlock.
Tbe German Worktogmeo'* Aid
socieir beld their annual banquet at
thtdr grounds north <d t»wn UK even-


Bdttorand aUnMt»r

Mr. and Mm. Fred BUa are rUtttog
to Manistee.
■ P. C. Drake, who has for aome time
conducted a Un abup in tbe basement
of the Antrim Hardwarv compands
building, htt. gone to Itobuque. la., to
accept a posltiOD us imvetlng repreeeauiivo for a firm to that plaee.Dr. J. O. IaCotc Is speodtng tbe
bolldatn at Em|>!re.
j. R. GrifOto l.-lt tort week for C3nclnnail to Join bis wife who is vltlt.
lug there. Refore his relom he vrilt


Wi9mi»Uwi cf NWW.
DDf1« tk» cnMag n«lo(i ef tbe
» « Mn will be Intrad


TWa ii u Unportut meutira aad tbe
Wl aboaU be
Neralng U A pnrfenlaa caIUbk for >-Br wire to the Rventog Record.
ma *Bd tntelURHwe w on tbe tmrm
% gmt tfCAl. depend*.
tnlMd nnne t* n greet eld to tbe
iNyWea end of aeceaNtr to tbe petlBBt
tbe pabtle mar be protect‘
>. ibU bill
bea bOM derlaed end framed.
bOl la ne nannerr reatrIcU
a ei tbe akk bj atemben of tbe
tealtg or br fHead*. bat aUapIr make*
It aanpaUoTT for anroae daialag to
be a tmUed Bnrae to prore np before
d for that purpose.
No hardablp wonld be worked
aarbodr except tbe onlt br the bUI
aad It la tbe anfit that the public
aboBM U protected agalaat

mill of 3. S. Steams, operated b.v
clertric motors.
Tbf wheels of the electric ligtblag
plant of the Iron eotnpanr and the
water works were dewged hritb Ice to
such an extent that they were mopped
fur a Ume one nlgbt last week.
The reccRMniclIon of tbe cement
mill is rapidly progressing, and It Is

ibM aad at hla feet was a great pool
«t Wood. Ha teares two brothers.
. The dtecererr was made Satnrdar
Md the timeral serriee wna
held Bandar.



EirF*“- I



In manr tocalltiee. of the west and
Borthwnat tadlaa achoola are the only

Harsh phvsics nwrl. weaken the
bowels, cause ebrouie coii.siiinnUiii
(ktairs Jtegiilets o[s-rete easily, tniu*
the stomach, cure constJpuUou. 2Jc.
Ask your druntlst for lliem.


My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your h*lr; oourish it;
five it gomethioc to live on.
Then if will stop fglliiiCv tnd
wiU crow lone >od besvy.
Ayer’s Htir Vicor is the only
cenuine btir>food you can
buy. If elves new life to the
hair-bulbs. You save «h«
hair you have, and e^t more,
too. And it keeps tbe scalp
clean and hesitby.
TBs bast ktod of a taMmenlal

'• •“



IM been Cm
r tcupp’a polkr
to petmb while children to enjor the
ptlvOages of edneatioo granted In­
dian ^diea on the theory that there
wna ne Uw agalaat such a poller, and
he to BOW prepnHng an amendment to
the Indian, awroprlatlon bill
pending before the eenste eommlitce
na Indton atalre antmlng the poal- tender^ ^
tloB he has taken.

Cold to Cngland.
peclnllr around the kldner togl<
London. Dec. M.—Nine peraoni
have bten (bond from to death on
tbe made In angtond during tbe peat
twentr-fonr bours and tbe list will
doubUeee be mu^ increased when
n has been restored with
Isototod poiau.
Tbe enow sugm on the SeotUah
border, which began Christmas nlgbt.
to the worn Id ihlny rmr*, aU milraed trenc wlU the nonU and BiIIq- ^^Jje^tbe n.-.-ttoan-.-.ud
bargb to compietelr stopped.


‘ Bramel bad served but sixty days
of hts sentence, but Superinii-ndeiii
McDoftaell hastened to lay the factK
before Governor Wamdr over the t.-lephonc and the governor Immediately
imuled hts sentence to sixty days
and the strirkra husband was re^
leased i%timo to catch a ni>0D traiD
for borne.
The cblldion mapo from a girl of
twrive years to a babe of two years.

The First
Five Days
of 1907
Deposits made ,in our
Savings Department on
or before Saturday. Jan.
5tb, will draw interest
from Jan. 1st. 11*07.

We pay three per cent
interest com|>ounded
twice a year.


h die Name (rf Sense,
tost good common senss
of which all of us have a
share, bow can you continue
to buy ordinary soda crackers,
stale and dusty as they must
be, udiea for 5ff you can gtt

Uneeda Biscuit
hesh from toe oven, protected
- horn dirt by a package dirvery beauty of which makes
you hungry.
mnoKAL SHcurr ooMMiir

Almost Everybody
Likes a

Bentcnce Commuted.
Detroit. Jan. 1.—Lafayette Brainel.
a well-known and well to do funm-r
living at Mancelona, Antrim count;-,
who was serving a ninety-day sen­
tence in the Detroit house of cotrwilon after some family trouble, re
cetved a terrific shock j^erday

Hcnry Mauniler bos been apiiointed
Arcadia. Tire C. }.
Starke, realgm-d.

Manr P*»pl* took^an opportnnltr of
VMUttg the idant and seetag
msdhtnerr In operation. The power
gml^ br a snetiem gas prodneer
dngine aad the machine runa smodtbir
an4 etendilr. Mr. Hanaean. tbe piopHetor of tite new piahl, wai the re.
dpltbt of tnAr (NngnitaUtlanB.
mth the electrie ICNita and a water
works, which will be conatrected (a
■a vrlag. Buttons Bar can well feel
nttoSed with ltd progreaa.
Indlsn •eheul OatNton.'
WMbtagtoB. Dae.
OonttlaSiOa« tanpp fl« the Indian ofBce wtli aak
eeagnea to legahte the practice of
^ department la permittiag white
^Ddrea to enter Indian achoola on
(be same baala aa Indian cbfldren miv
permBted to enter white nchools.
ft to a poHcr of the Indian ofliee to
«mk op the fi
ever poeatble. alloi the lands owned
(ir the tadtana and put the wards of
(ha Borerameat on a
To do thto eVecUrNf old
bsiTteta are being broken down, and
l]i the Indian secUont of the ooontrr
teuton ehUdrea ate attending tbe dia1^ acboels. Ue bdlan bureau paring
iBto the eonntr or state treesurr the
east par eaplu of the IndUna for eduJatlOB as asaeeeed against the white
(^d. which aiBonnU U> about $2 per

One of the —
p;.-*sure as well as wltb profit 'o i- ”
land coniract).
Joseph O. Crotser and wife to health 1» one ou vrtilrh wo IwramPhilipp Milter, parcels, sec. 1. T 2d. acquatoted will* Dr. King's Mow Ufe_
Pills, the patoless tnirlfi.rp that curt*:
Daisy ramdl. headache and bUlimsm;**. and k*' p
. ..itT K. Johnson
Iho bowel* right. 2iCBt C. A. Bngle^
R I**1«. ll.'i*
,H........ sec. 2*. T 2*. ..
Moniague rt al to SHh H i Drug Co.. Hannah Drug Siotv. S. 1.

A Sous.
Thompkiiis. parc«U. ««4. 4. T •». R Id.j

Wt aellCiotb FioUb Xole Pap'r by tin- pjoul at

.. B^lou Bar. Hlefa.. Jaa. k—Just as
tha MBgNas at St. MIcbaels toned the
hbnr od g last sight, the switch was
^ la and Battens Bar for the Brat
NM la its htatorr bnrui forth with

<Ibe new plant was to perfect work­
ing order and (he opening was a sne«!■» In oiBii pnfd^lar and was verr
IpntlfrlBg to the rlllagers who be■eoa tout tfeir town Is now entitled
M take its ^iaee to the front rank dt

lot SI. O. >L Harbor. Ii»'.

William R. WMtkaa been appointed
Tweuty-Bve (amflies. torind in* *•>
wh. have united to five different
t>atk Lake, rice M L.
dtrtslona. to study tbe S. S. lessons
Klee resigned.
three months.
The Lone Tree S. S. closed Christ­
mas eve with approprtai.- esereiM-s
Frank This
school has bad an average a’
and _Allle Mackey, nets ^ nw^
leudance of 4S during the six monihr
R 11. »l-«».
This IBB by far the best rweord
Henry B. MoCowaa by Sheriff
and *o#r«ii Is the interest i-j
Dnwagtoc MTg. CO- nwi; of neli i
II. Ts:. R If.
raergfd theniw-n-v:- in<o bv«- iimsiori- ,
Elaie R. Ham
t al ,10 Mowai or
small Rnmlay arhools to each uHrh j
W-hlttog. lot
blk. 4. P. H.-a h
borbond for the parpose bouse stud} j
until the roads and wrulber permit*
Wm. R Durga to Wm. H. Gibson Ibetn
to rrorganlie again.
and wit*, pareri*On llM* last Trtday uighi of e.-,.-!:
Herman Squires and wife to Pet<-r
Boutrum. lou-20 and 31. eacepi s V* montb they will meet al tb»
n.. blk. 4. p.H.’sirt. IH90.
- a short
Anion W. Bartak and Wife to Wm villi coadoci tbi* and give
talk on the lessons.
0'N.-il, parrels. »lw5f>.
rl.lac eventog. Jan. C. Hie
Ilie divisions
Mary M. McManus to Thomas A.4 In ihHr re*j>.nive ir Irhhrnkcvnd:
McMunus. patcela. sec.
T '*», R 10.
the rtndy of the lesson.
Elmer Northmp t
ram S. jn.l

for cement are being rert-ived almost
dady, and shipments are being made
fast aa cars can be secured.


Ocpemlah, blk^ Jaa. 1—WUb belt
of bis bead ttot awar and hi* abotgtta atiu la hlB haada. tbe bodr of
■Mr Btarderut was found br bit
hnUMr. Daapoedmwr aad ill health
are tbe
* Mr. Bturderaat was about 8S rear*
tt age, Nagle ^ Ured alone
Bates. Mo InUmsUon bad been glreu
out br tbe dead man that he contem­
plated killing blmself and (he sight
Ihat met hU brother when be opened
the door was a stckeaiag one. the dead

A bwKhy man to a king IfrJsis own
right; aa unbeaHtay man is^ tmhappy stave. Burdock Blood Bllti-rs builds
up sound beuhh—keep* yon well.

ai*<l H.V.

wiUi Envelopes to iiiatrb at lO.- .ni>l 1-V* p*r pn*-k»g*.
Box Kote I’eiKtrs from 10c to aOc tb.-it an; ntM<|uilkd

An ExccpHOBally Fine Grade oi Paper
for InvlUHoas.
We solicit onierd-(v>r Kntpwv'ixl CaUioi; CarJs end IiiviUiliuiis.

City Book Store
The Hobart Co.. Prop.

Traverse City


We want to thank yoiTall for
>xur help and co-operation in
dding us make this year's busi­
ness (he best in our career, far in
extfess of any ip the store’s
We w-ish you all a Happy New
Year, and promise to fill the year
llKi? whh inducements that will
merit your most favored patron­

Traverse City.

Every Heating Stove left in stock

Must Be Sold

Wittiln Uie Next 30 Days
' Regardless of Cost
This means a saving that you can’t afford to
miss even if you do not use the stove this winter, it will be at the least 25 per cent interest
on your money.

/We Must Have the Room.
1 Moore's Hard Coal Base Burner. 1«
in. fire pot. $OO.OU Stove, none better #.^ A
made, now..................................... ........................

Qfv Oft

1 13 in. fire pot Moure’s Base Burner,
ha-d coal stove, was $35, now.....................

OQ Oft

1 IS in. (ilobe Special njund Heater.
Urge fee.! tioors, plenty of nickel, was


1 to in. Globe Sfreciai round 1 Icater./just
the stove for woo«l. was $17, now

i i Oft
i X•vw

2 15 in. Round Wood 1 Icatcr.s was ‘$12,


1 IS in. Moore's
Smoke Consuming
Heater, burns wood, soft coal or coke,
known as tbe best fuel saver bn tbe
market, was $31. now .................................. ..


2 16 in. Moore's Smoke Consumer Combinaiion Heater, was $29. now..................

^X• f W

AO !

2 26 in. Prime Wood Heaters with large
from feed door, screw drafts, large swing
cover and opening at top, nickel guacls,
cast irf'n top, bottom and front,
Was$U.WI. now................................................

Q Oft

1 21 in. I'rime Heater for wood,
was$12.W. now..................... ...................................

*7 1 Q
4 «X^

A few Sheet Iron Heaters left, to dose out


I good B; in. 2nd hand Heater Round, in
good condition, for.........................................
We furnish homes complete.


Oar generous dis­

play of Furniture, Rugs. Carpets, Stoves, Crockery
etc., will be sure to interest you, and our prices po«livciy save you money.

— A®" vil'




Lengths from I 1-2 yards up to 7 yards—suitablefor wttists. skirts or Dresses.
Must be closed out to make room for New Spring
Goods. To insure a spqdy clearance we have mark- HAf f* £
ed them just---

Traverse City
State Bank

4 U

1 !•’> ki. fire pot Moore’s- Base Burner,
hard coal stove, was $r»0. now................ -.

tost cats 00 Fjgon


Trewsc City



ibe orsce Of Tlltasc d«rlL
:ed famUles keep I
Dr. Cook U taking salt hatha
J. Aiuiwlch wu ia Travene Cltr
oil fM
- sneh
met em
B buebnu the Am of the week.
and heals the burls.
Mlm Amelia S^ob and friend
Mrj aod Mra. RobL Wood returaed
ere ia Sottoaa Bay Saturday.
reaterdar fron a wo^'a rMt with
Cabot, of Benton Harbor. Is
Mr. and Mra. Jos. Moeler spent
^iatCroi at Orawa.
Chrlsttnaa with ber parcata.
repened dead In West Virginia,' where
The aanul meetloc of the Oei
•JM** -otberaa «UI be held aeit Sunday Tbe entertainment given by the po­ he went for hi* health/
lls of the school last Sonday after­
Ralph Olaaa and wtfe bare moved noon and evening was very Bn* and
milLi— I. TB>r Ur.
Shall W* Tan your
El«« C«>*. Tk» Rr..M»l; tM«>---- Into rooma in the Vansorder reaid
wbo did tbe training. The ladies ol tW **•(*■• Si
llll.n II i; A.J.RvMi«.A.J.a^
Ihe church served a very line su|
in tbe school building. We undent
._«w. K T. IlsrlT -- BOROWA-A. Twer Ur.

Asd "Crasby psyt tm frticbi OMh. »n. Jmam T. BwMh. Se-U
over one hundred dolUra.
ImA B. C. Derla. Joij MliiW. Oe»>
was tn Northpori
towftahip. Oenola county. Wednea
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall, wbo I
been vlalUng tbc former** bra
Tb> aaassl wrauiic «t ib» Psmera Ma>ul
here. W. W. Hall, returned IRunday
Mre. Sbubrick was In town Frid
to Uwtr borne at Grant. Mich.
Harry Grey's shingle mill Is beisg movlitg her household goods back
stlVrloraK ------------ ---------------------- Praia at. s V»» Pr«i4«n *ad iwo nim-um.
well stocked, and it la exported lAat Cedar.
•Bdtbelnuusftlos nt other hoWnM ol iw
Mrs. Weinberg spent Chrlsltnas s
tbe Bill will be In cporaUoo within
her daughter. In Traw-nc City.
a few daya.
The cauens telephone line n
Harrison Speer was among
Summit dty people in Kingsley yes­
terday. i
Arthar Maybew has moved Into tbe Cook. Frank
NatUn Bml
Smith house o South Main
u central In Simon Schaub's.
The young folk have enjoyed the
Mra. C. J. Barfcman Is panalng
days at Cedar Springs. Uke Odesm skatiog for the past a-eok. some ot
them skating over to U-land Christmas
and Lansing
Isadord HoeBln returned Wednesday
Grant Stet-OD* Is confined to his;'?*
night from pointa In aontbcni Michi­
home from throat trouble.
Funeral services a-ere held over the
Miss Alice Abbott last week resign­
' ' e late Mrs. Homlsga.
ed her poalUon as clerk In L Ana• itora. She left today Tor Big Jan, 1.
Jan. I.
where she will attend tbe Fer­
CTATB tjT mCHia*N-Tte PrebsuOMn
Tboy Blertuaibsch has moved hU
Long LIva the King!
family into Frank Haia^s residence, |k the popular cry ihroughoiit Euro­
Williams returaed Thur- pean countries: while In America, the
a visit with relatives i cry of the present day is "Long Live
I>r King's New Discovery. King ol Pniral! Boa. Prod B. W*lk*r. Jadgo at
The Faramr's Mutual Telepbot
Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Uthoiaturot m* oMste tt Chsrko Laa
company have pUeed a Dumber <
Mr*. JuUs Rj-der Paine. Truro. Mats,,
new phoaea In tbe village this week.
says: "It never fails to give Inimediaie relief and to qulcklv cure n prayiBC >b>i bo t« selhiirid. RcpownrO sd
cough or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is •ICOSM to mU at .prlrolc lolo Ibo »il<
Bora, to Mr. »ud Mra. Upaal Hobbs. shared by a majority of tbe Inhal.i •aid Msio Ui aald roat^atau (taoraia do
Dec. 2>. twina a boy and a girl.
lanis of thla country. Ne*- IMseoven A.
A. D.
D. im,
IN*, at
at tre
t. a'clsek at
Mr*. Frank Dunn and little daughter cures weak lungs and sore throats af •aid probaM oOlre. br and U
of BclUIre are vlsltlag relatives and ter all other remedies have fal
frieada In the neighborhood this week. for coughs and crids It's the o
Richard Brown Is on the sick list cure. Guaranteed by c.
Hannah Dnig
Store. S.
Dnig Co.. Hannah
IS. druggists. 50c and 11.00.
Mich- arrived Saturday ntght.-to cs
- free.
for ber sister. Mrs, Upssi Hobbs,
e Rev. Tbomas Yoimg and w:



Notice of Inneol Meetioe


houae party the pa*t week. cotuUatlnjc
pir two aona and their wlrea. and
two daa^tera. Mtaaea Ruth and
Kate, all from the aoulhem part of
the aUte.
A merry alelah load of young people
in thU vicinity took advantage of the
lovely moonlight and fine alelghlng
teat Friday night and drove out to
Will Selklrk’a farm hoihe where tljey
enjoyed themaelvea till a Ute hour

ORaa. Bvorett led Friday afternoon
IbrXlortoo. O. where be wlU Inatall
•Bveoty^vo borne power gaa produew
eogbi^tn the New
Bogine Worka.
Tbo Bia producer wee Bntwfaettttnd
Tinveine Oty Iran Worka.
*FiwL K. f! Cm of tepire. one of
Ibo mcmbore of the county hoard of
-dwai einmlnern, U a candidate -for

«(the pteaeat iMiimbent exptraa nett
My and n totWr from Mr. Doieen
MttM tbat be-ie not a candidate tor
reelactlon. The oMce la fUled i
viote ec the people at the epring elees
«ta end the nomlaatloQ wlD be nude
by towmSdp enneon end county con­
vention na thla otBoe wan not tndaded in the llet to he dmeea by the
DOW p-lBuy «&ethod.

alight operation In a hoapi il there.
Mrs. Charles Gardner of Keystone.
Edgar HIU from ^ penInsuU. Mrs.
E B. Preatlas aaWber sistei-ln-Uw;
Mn. Eva Brooks, visited at the home
of Btwyn Hill. Mrs. Preoiisa. Mr.
Htn'e slater, and Mrs. Brooks are from
Grand RapidB and were on their way
to Duluth, where they expect to mako
bor spent Cbriatmas
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Slltes of
Rapids. and^Mra. Will Prey of Traverse City, have been vIMUng relatives
In this yldnlly the peat we«*.
r. dbd Mra. WbeaL of St. Johns.
V>xpecied thts evening, called to
tbe bedside of their daughter. Mra
Upeal Hobbs, wbo la dangerraisly III.
Some Bight laat week some bov.s
broke right pane* of glam out of the
aebool house and aeveral In the ^lld- iho fiHmarv grades. Then
ing uaed- for
tbe depot
,teh lights
end locked them up In a box cy.
Tbeir next move was to Fwyd Fox s.
where they sioie a bag of apples,
a understood that tbe culprits
known and that they are the same
boys who let the plunger of the achwl
house nump
night, thus causing the aehool dtatrirt
to pay about »» for fixing tbe well
Hit can be proven, tbe mile rascals
win nndoobiedlv be severely punish­
ed. with a possible trip to the reform

A Cbrtftmna enthem written by Nr.
Jacoby of thb dty wna rendered
the Concrevutonal chnrch Sonday
morning and wna an wvldfaee of both
coanpooer'a and atnger'e abiltty. Mlm
lam McManna, wbo k ependtatg ber
- vacation with her parenU in the city,
anag the cola Mtaa' McManu aJao
on the pood
iristmaa skating oi
■OM • ■*>
“Ibe Flrat Chriaihere
wassuperb and
Md the
maa" by Coomba.
pie pretended to do lltUc else but U
•dvtntsge of It.
Slate Neew.
Caspar Beaman baa been elected
enabler of ihe Bute Bank of Mlcblgna
-------—-en innii'
hlllp "nblieiu Is expected
homef Grand Raplde to encceed M. B.
n Ann Arbor this week, asI he
b< Is Im
Rv. A. Beck, of Createn.
alaatonaTT, it at Saginaw trying to pr^tag
lUdernuura- •" - - - ^
•crgaaUe an BMgUsh Latheeaa ebarah. atIt this wrlU
tag ana
and the
vnv doctor —
Tim new Tongrcgntlonat chnrch. at .V •.... drop away at any moment.
8t Jdwa which cast S30.0M. win be
Iran of 9ebi Jaa. L 1M7. A wttdUag
ooBUritten lateed SS.S00 thU yew. the
UdM* aodeUw raM tvm and the
church iwcdved SEOtO nnder the wUI adults, are affilried with a bad cold
Of MraXmlea Toang.
Eire wither Is driving JA dlwmu± haa been received at Smith's oxen, skidding logs for J. ^
ntot tetUng of the death of Dr. F. A.
The Sliver Bros, fum^b^
Cady, in Wayneabora. Ga. Dr'. Cady
Jew Years ere for tbe Barker Creek
ews a graduate of the Dnlverally of uaaeers
and report a good crowd and
MteMgan and has practiced here fW
J't year*, when be west away for hU
Acme town ball New Years eve. The
.being bad. »•••the -crowd
■ _vr .inrius
W. B. MenAon and Bdward C Met- weather
ill. hut had a good time.
aboB. nd Saginaw, and A. W. Baeoo.
of Bay City, have organtxed the Merabon-BneoB company, with a capital were twentyjour friends snd relative^
enjoying the repast and visit.
of IMAM, and bought the McrebonJan. 1._______________
Rehnette-Parker Co'a lumber yards
The Cvilt of Censttpatlen.
and Planlug mUI la Bay dty. u haa
a Bre-year eoatract to cut 80.000AOO are manv: In fact, almost every «cr
louB ItlDMs hss Its origin In constipa
feet of lumber annually for the Kneeand s€«ne medicines. Instead ft
land-Boell-Blgdow Co.
nrevanttag eoottlpaUon. add to i'
^Is Is inie of most cathartics, which
when first used, have s beneficial ef
feel, but th* dose has to be eonilnoalIv Increased, and before long the reme­
KIH ■ ■
dy ceases to have the slightest ef
Leals Lick loti
feci. There Is one preparation, boaBam Jordan Monday.
er. that can be relied upon to prom*hnrindJ* *" Traverne City
M rue saine
same TwuiLB
results •Biiu
with tbe-----tviv
even after fifty )-e*rs' dally use.
**B. J. Case w a^'bun
and thU Is Braodreth's Pill*, which
Tlnverae dty Monday.
Mtec Plorenre Crotaer visited Sum- has a record of over 100 yrai* as the
Standard remedy for consUpailoo nnd
Caae A Croteer’s
an iroobtes arising from an Impure
Monday oo accoant i.
aUte or the blood.
»r. L. J. Tedmaa
Brendiwth's Pms are the aame fine
taxative tonic
four grandparents
was la (own Monday.
Mra. Hhi
and chtidrw are oaM and can be found ta every dreg
■ ■
nnd medicine more, either plsin or m

’"cbJrtcrKHderticwM '•




Sloaiv’s I

The Remnant Sale

The Thirty-one Cent Sale

Is still in force and there are plenty of
good things left. This is one of the
most successful sales we ever held.
The values were there and the goods
were there.
The tremendous selling of Satur­
day and Monday made great havoc
with many line*, but new things have
been brought out and in some cases
further reductions have been made.
If you care to secure the best bar­
gains you have ever gotten we advise
you to attend this sale.
Everything is arranged on tables.
so that you can look as much as you
like. You can buy or not, just as you
like; but we will risk your not buying
once you have seen the values.

; •

'.?■ ir


■ k-J



Do Mot lorael Dm Cloak
Sale advertised 4MI SMOther
page. Tkey are exeep*
tIoBal valaes Am good*
depeMdakle goods.

fbr CougK.GtU. Croup.
Rbeumaiism and
At «ll D«at«r«
PKcd25c 5Oer6HO0
Senh Free
'6l0Rirs Book on Horses ^
CeMie. Hogs 6 Poultry
Aadms* Dr. Earl $. Sloan


The Hannah & lav Mercantile Co.
"THE BIG STORE”—Dealers in Everydiing

Ole msh
K To extend our sincere Kroctines to the
many friends who havc^^ped to make
the past year an agreeable and profitable one to us.

Selected from the dilierent divisions of our
Store that are included in our

Thai attracted attenUon at once by reaaoa ol Iht

irkable values

a.t Glycerino. Witoh Hazel anti Tar Toil.-l
Son|>. ingular vnluoa 10c. non i caken for 5o

One Canopy Top Snney. complelr with
•ikit curtains and Ismp#, priue 7<>.00, for fil.OO

TTie success of the year just pas-»cd is
an added inceottve to make this new year
still more prosperous—a year of increased
business and a year of more friends.

Mcn-n Potent Lentb. r Shoen, ioH for *! .V) ^ ^

One Extension Top Surrey oonplete with
•idf t-iirtains, piiof ttO.OO, (or..................... 71.00

We can promise you our effort to Rive
you a better shoe store scrr-icc than ever

Mt n’fi ristert. regular value# 22 00 now... 17.00

We extend our thanks for the many
evidences of Rood friembhip and wish
you an exceedingly

dsppp Oral y<ar

Men'# ristera, recular values 2-')00 now.. .20.00

Men's risters. rt«iilar vdIucd 20 00 now.. .l.iOO
Men's ristere. retmlhf values 1-VOO now.. .12.W

WHIPS-2.5C value# for 16c; :ioc value# for 20c
4.ic valoe# for 25c; 50c valnc# (or :T5c; 7.<>c
value# (or 50c; I.OU value# for <5c.
Very latest Fiction, r^jokif 1-30 value#
now priced at.......................................................... 30o

Men's Stiff H%U. all new styltt. :i.O0
valuefi for.................................................................2.2-’5

Fbncy China an-1 Brie.a.Hrsic, regular 2.00
TalufS for 160; 1.75 value# for 1-40; 1.25
value# for 1-00.

Mfu's Soft ante, all m-w stylo#. 3.00
vulae# for.......................... ..................................2 2.'.

Kmsaelt Net Imo- Curtain#.
for............................................................................. 2 7.5


bad Tmise CanspBitaa otM curtain# now at $1 o#ch. ju#t ) price
< >nc lot of CbiMren's Cloaks, all this yasra*
ctetds. very best of values, now priceil
at just one half off.
One table full of Val Imoes at one half off.
< Ine uble of Ladies' Votta and I>aw8fv,
X sib-eially fine Dining Chair, aolid oak.
braced arm, cane #aaL 3-75 (orset of aisobaitfi

&st^’’K/ok;,''......................... u


Gold I.«af Tobacco, 2 pkgs. for................. 5c
Azie Soap.............................................
Senare Soap, per bar..............................
Zoo Zoo Soap .............................................



! ^mnd Traverse Region.



Inmst well.
Tt>e Indies- Aid met wiih Mis.
wgrt fMcti Um Herald effiea nei bYank Smith and dM quite a slnike of
Mv than TwaaMr «mh af aaah araak. of buaintMB. Owina to a mlatmderM -N urraipawdawU fall ta find aUndlnp alnmt the day. there war not
> Uhiral nnmlKT «mjI. Robl.y Smlih
fMira M, ttyx yay Sa «aMMd that It
re a oomiNn- of selections of music
.. the violin that was pleoalne lo all.
II is not decided where the neat aid
Min Benlo Bfaas ta riaiUni: will
Fiord Jamieson Is Inpnn-lng from
trtnuU la the oetebborbood thla week. Ibe bad hurt he got In the woods. He
Sake Robr't aUlted at Gm. Miller'* almoat bnk« hla log. OomlOK rlghl
hficr toalng «ic of his horses It makes
Mlaa Vera Dbme was the picat oT It quite.bard.
|lln Flora Cotton Satnnlay nlgbt and
Cllltord Warner has gone to l.uiosing to spend two montbs at the col­
Fhuk Riley ii trerx low at tbit wrii- lege.
Mr. Letghtoa'a people hsvw cone to
*^r. and lira. In Danhain spenl Vanderlillt lo attend the wedding of
“ Cottnn’a.
Hr. Vanauken's niece to Ted Dana,of
who baa bcea verr low. Ibis place, wbo »lll be marrle<l i*>la Wter at V
Cliaa Haaec and lai
Dec. ai.
IstF Ktr. EranV liou.„
■ra. Sarab flawaax and Iteartc
Ri^aar 9«it Sundiix in Copemlih.
Tllaa Uade Dunn will be back to
school to .the nanaax district
Mr. and'Mm. Rnr Johnson apenl
StiMar wllb Hr. and Hra. too Ram- vine was here M-veral days last w«k
TiaiUng irlaOvps and friends.
Our aenool rioaoil Ibe -Friday be­
fore Cbrlsimss for a abort vacation.
. Win open again
•Christy csRrcUca In the Wcaf] U F. Rhcridar . .
Union eiureh were rerx eood. *na last week by being kicked by a horse.
M^xed b>- all who were present. E. II.
Mr. and Mrs. B. HoUanJ of Port
awiiiii iiilrl r1---------- ----- ana <le- Oneida
gave a large dinner party yeaUjtted the i*«dren. ADer Ibo tree,
In hooor of AugaM Warner,
aopper was aerwsd nnd proceedi from Ibrday
rccenitv married to Mias
Oto aa»e amoaated to tIO. whiefa was Rosa wag
of South Manitou. 1-aat
pnH to the pastor. Rev. Holmes.
Mr. Warner gave a danctnp
•.There haa been considerable sick- evening
party in Ray'a ball whirh a-as crowded
•Mb bare the last week.
and a very pleasant party Is the re­
; Albert
Hareex. Bddlo Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner received
^Mnkle Bracebrtdee and Mabel Zo3 aport.
large number^ nice presents. Tbetr
aid alt on the alek list.
• Ik Raaaell diwc to Traterae CHx friends wUh them a long and happy

__ _

young 1
lakea 1l
iris •-k In,-w ■ «lcli-l> lend of!
on thin ice
,n wwnSi issl Sat-iA"*'
through, n.vraev- screamed.
Ward Bennett
BennrtI mid his bbrether Frank.
evening. They report
who were on the shore quite
__ Champion spent part of last dislanro off. stnried u> the
Mk with friends in Travtrse City.
. ... hay bal.
,.,5 ,, w.
TWr. AekeFs
and found the
rf Ico cold
imcebrtdgeY all last
tehed Ibe spot
lioy, a-bon Prai
1 a sled
nnd . .
had beca In the life bivIk service
.'Vn. WlM Gilmore, wbo has been Ihnv' years tbev knew fust whni to d»
and soon l>r»ugbt him lo. then took
nt«*r la much better.
Mia. Ll**l« McClusky has been him to Mr. Ray's. It being the pt-arest
1 Mrs. B. Brbdway Ian Thurs

f -■


r young iit-jple djfV hall last Wedi
ed by a n'jmbcr of
vert well attended.
first, he wnu;____ . ...
Mrs. W Kmlis called on Mr. and
The prognm at the U. E. rhoreb
er did. as neither of the m*-a know
iida FlMay.
Mrs lYank Bbalda
frar at surh a Htne. Of emirw- War.! a-a< a sueeess and enjoyed hy all.
Mr. and Mra- John
Knihner spent
Mr. iuid Mrs. Roy Pt-vse and Infant
son Unnard are srwn.Ung a f.-w Sonday afie on with Mr and Mrs.
dav> at Traverfce »Yly wllb Mrs.' F. Koeera.
rannm find Ungiiage sufflel.-nt
vtsll.-l her m.dh
Peaw'« m««h<-r. Mrv C Hrailncmn. I
preSM Ih.-lr gratllud'- and nimiU.
Win S'l'lsi.n Jr i.- Visl-ing Mr and
ihr linKhirs. \V.-irl and Frank Ik nti
Ed Mtiidl Is «.rklng for his broth
for saving the life of their boy. tiraiid- Mr«. Wit Brown ai Trav. r-r City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank lu-i-. i of North .-r-lo law. Flank Kueera
ma FlHh<-r says, 'although tfar
port won- In town Toi-.-ih.'
tieen many very narrow escape
. Uagu Ilf
Mr. and Mr*. r!jH*!i/ rf ^mionf
In snminer and winter, she has never
rit Saturday last.
heard of a TK-rmn l■ei^g droBn*-d in Itav spent Chrlstmi;: :n town with rel­ l.Kd<- riiy,
Glen lake bliice she has Uvcl lu-n-.
Fre«l Satmioison lidit house’keepand she has lived heic fifiy-two
fatulU o\.r lierr for the wilii«-r
I»'j Co-iman. n iniTHIns salesman,
Mil Hatib Paulus left Saturday transae.d l.iiMm-.--s In our village one
for Traverse Cii;., where she will lake • V last W<H-l..
a b-isJn- h« ^otirve at the Seestbanj
EMer Williams is moving his ftimll.'B'.'slnr .8 OilU-ge.
iio our vlllag.- from W.-m KasMin.
Nelson was a Traverse City
Rose nnd Iva Dtmaldson nnd a
rult- - one day last week.
l•‘nd fn>m Enipirt- arv vlsliinc N«:
attended the Sundsy M-hool
Master 1.<-enard Hoist- of fbaes
of Will N. lx.n Jr.
Pearl Th-nilwrg Is vUillnc her par
Grant Brooks spent Oiri^ti
the past few days.
during the b'
hia family.
' C W .Rlifvdiwk of City
-t Slows of coFneh Is viM'ilic a'
A nice Christmas ir*-e was enio>r-l was In town Frid.-iy.
home of Tmiin.
by Ge<). peeJt's fanillv. G.
Emil J l.«derle. who is leaeliilia
o#.- Ih-mns-r Is visilliiK In C'-iar
fiintlly, Q. Banli and wife and Alt
Kephow. w.-re ihe gii.-sis of Mi, r«-ck.l
"" Ruj.
MlMrrd •.Allinglop is stli! on
for the tree and Christina-,
Christina-- day, Mrli
VMrh I
and every one was lltierally remember­
ed by good olil Sant.i.
Ooo. Barth Rr. and family spent
Christmas wlih Ids dnitghler. Mrs.
mike They also had
In I the M.-inisiee hnsiiltal
for Ihe past
Igmitiiiiig has l'«i« »i»lUng
Hulda Btilke
bad a tree
I four moniiis. tun r-turtu-d to Ikirl friends and i»'lati\os u.-ar Port Hum
Wm. Meteer and family spent riirlsi nnetds for
nUs- Visit With hIS for Ihe pas' we«-k
with their daughter at C-d«r fantily.
Tti- Chii»ti.u*s trail- at the M 1
Mr. Aiignsl Werner was united in rhuiirli at Vului wav giaud. and .’)<■'
'. Santa niso remlmliered them,
-...iglng Mr*. Meleer n iilee silver maiTiace to Miss Rom- Haas of SuuGi SUpiXT t St ii'Hinilfii!. All ri-i-'iii a
setmnd their little diiughiem One large Manllou iBtnn.l, Dee :i, a verv nlee
and wish t' came
wedding dinner was si-ned
parents' home veslerdav Many l«>ai:Mr iitid Mrs
l><ve and dnughUT
r roeeivM In the spent Christmas it Mr. 8. l>-« ls’«.
family. He Is
ton near Ovlali.
Mrs Will Allrir<- entertained her
I'nless it snows soon, the limilx-r in Glen Arlx-r
nioihei :ind two lirolb-rs Christmas.
men »IH lx- oliHi:c>.i to Mo]i haull.igl The Port Oneida school rinsed for
Charll- EUloil t<»k a load of alraw
Then- is srareoly sny ano«-|two wev-ks varallnn during holidays,
> Traverse Cnv Isei Friduy.
now nnd It rained nil night Sunday. Miss Bertha l-awr who bus lH>er
Francis .Allglre returned to his home
night. There has mil heeii an over-IUng her pannls and friends of
in Sohm riirismias duy.
irlie aiioii ami wife entertained
to Trraverjie City Saturday.
the former’s mother of Fife Ijike and
Chas. Oleson made a business trip
Dd Mrs Henry Newcomb of lhl»
Traverse City Dee, 22.
lace Chrlsim.s*.
Mr, and Mrs. Minor Kolderhnnse's ":i
Inlay- after
Mrs. C.
Mir G's> th-.'in euIU-d
teacher going
I bailies wbo have 1
laoi Thursday
home to 8|>eiid C'hiiMinas with her some iltm-. are sniiie Ix-il-r ;
\ r|is-s eall. d mi Mrs, E Win
, writing.
Mrs. 8. L. Peeks is slnyiiig with; Die.
Ir and Mi>, W. Allgiri- visited
Mrs. Ella Conk for Ihe presr-ut.
Wficirs yesli-rday.
Call-In _N-l.hai.-_lia.l ll,<-r.l.l.r |
Andn-w- t^raior and family spent
. day lai-t
............ break
Mis* Bcllie Kralia. who has l-s n niilwmiis at Mike CI.h-»'.
week wh'le deeking lopt.
Rua,- does frum Traverse Ctly apent
t.-iylnc Id Traverw Cit.v came homDoe. 31.
Chrisimat at her home in this place.
laiiird.iy for a few davs' visit.
The party at 1*. Desin * Wedmsday
Mr. a«d Mrs. Gisi. CiIImtI and fumnlehi was well sHendort, All report
Bson st-eni
q*»Ml ilnie.
Jiilm I
Hmirv .Newcomb had u roll hurl
Tony Ntmu'skul ^
quite bsdiv ('hrislniu eve by <«e of
hniisa- almi’ p-iiiiig b«'«‘ aud klcklne
lino. m. iv's:.r-lv nr.\t w1'iu- nia; ipe r.'.'ii- bull i

imilY P0T»T0ES
arc rcquiretl this
year for

A Few Dollars
hence the more need
of safety for and con­
venience from the dol­
lar. In the

tallies Satiiigs iNk
yoqf funds an- Dot cmly
aaft- Iml eamiu: yon a
lll••.ll'riltu iatercat anti can
Iw drawn tiny day.


Wni, Wll—.i hu' 10.0.-J In the Im-is.
v.ieat..l b, Ja, Wilson
Honi. to Mr aud Mrs w L Alb-n.
Ml und Mrs t: M tewi. .,nH dungh
tvr Et.i will Mart lor l.s.nsiiiu toi:i>.
to tusk.' ili.'ir fuinr- home.

■;k ^..nitan'B r.-» M.
I iH- tvtidy to do custom sawing.
Miss HsKtUe Gilbert spent tbr bollI .lays wiib li'T grandma. Hn. Ander-

The Infant ,111111:1111-1, I.*-na. of Mi
and Mrs. ib-rt Grav of .Oiiilra CorIsxighl
uers, dl-d Ib-e. .:n. The fim-ral was
-. mill.
held Jan. 1. W- symiwthite slnrerely
with the uoTTOwIn-.: panmis
Mr and Mi>. A V.'B-nson sm-nl
The Charrai-o WaiJiitr
Chrisima.s with Curlts Ang-vlm- aud Is not nix-essiirily uce of p<-rfart form
family of thla plaet.
feaiim-s. Many a idaln woman
There was a Chrleuna* ttve ut the
AmiBircme seboul lioui-e the 21th vt who eoiitd never serve as an artist's
model. |siksrsH<-s ihi«<- rare qoalltlea
Jan. 1.
ihal all tlx- wirrld admires: neatlt^
clear vv.-s. simsiih skin and that
A Wonderful Haptfeninss]irlghlllni-ss of step and acUott that
Port Byron. N. Y., has wliaerured erne
aceumtiatiy good health. A physically
of the most remarkalde ease* of heal­
weak woman U m-ver aitrartlvc. npt
ing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of
<-v(-n lo ht-nieir. Eieetrir Hitlers li'thak place says;
"Uucklen's Arnica
sioir- weak womi-n. give strong nerves
Salve eur.'d a sore cm my teg mill, bright ewes, smisuh. velvefy sUn.
which I bad Rifl.-n>d over M years. I
beuuliful cnnplealon. Giiarafiteed at
am now eighty-five." Guaranteed In
C A. ItiiglHs- Drng Co . Hannah l>nlg
sorvs, hy C. A. Bugb<s« l>riig
Hiore. S E Wall * Sons, dnigglsts.
Sbrns. druggists. 23<-.

. ,

tM Furniture and Home Fumistiings


Your Cre^t

Low Price Sale

,'v i


Ourannualpre-inventory sale is now on. To those who have taken adv-^ntage of these sales in the past, it is
hardly necessary to say much. To those who have never experienced the extreme limit of close buying, let us
suggest that you ask your neighbors, who have attended one of our former pre-in ventory sales, what they
think ofit. We would, at this season of the yUr. ratherhavethefirstcostof thegoodsinourhands
than to have them left on our floors unsold. The savingyou can net yourself here now on any
piece, or pieces, of furniture or home furnishings, is,but of all proportion to the best you can
do at any other time. This is a regular annual house cleaning tiifie with us. and profit^is
entirely forgotten in our anxiety to turn out the goods before inventory. It will pay
you to stock up for years to come, at the prices that now prevail here.



Yoor Catalogs
the Price aad
QaaUty with
what we arc
shobviag. We
know that we
can save yon


JANUARY 15111.



te, fiiiiges
If yoo bATe waited until the hoavy atore rush w»a
oxw to
your etore. yon beve not waited in ruin.
M wc e^iUinfc to oaoriBoo beevtly on »ny stove in
flock. We •till hsve sa enonnont amonot df uneold
•tovee titot we are Aoxioii* to diipoec of at

Our line here is i-xceptioually heavy and must l»
ifdtioetl lo niiotit onc-hslf before ioveetory.


In these goods w- nr. n<.t nnly heavily stockxl. bnt
many linos are hrok-n. !• ivitig us with from one to
throe pair, and in some instances o-id pi—os Tlicse
wc are anxious i i cii*p)«" i-f at yuir pr-cc.

'I'hrow Rugs that formerfy sold at $2. S3. 4 -*i0
and SO. now...$1.60, 2.25. 3.40, 4.50

4 good Air-Tigbt Heator................. .............$ I .OO
Air-TigUto. gooti valnea.............. 4.50
Our 19. $10 and $11 Air-TighU

Large Room Size Ruga in Tbpcslry. Smyrna Vt-lvcts.
Axminsten and Botly Brussels that sol<l from
SlS.50to $40. now fiom..$ 13.90 to 30.00

A‘good round Wood Heater, 45 in. high---- $5.75
Boimd Stovw, regular $ir,. $1S and $20 valuea
now............. ?!:.$11.25, 13.50 and 16.00
A good heavy cast iron Cook Stove................. 7.75
All Oook 8tovea that formerly sold at $12, $16,
$ie^$20new$O. I and SI 6
An elesaut six bole Steel Bange, high cloaet
nod reecrtoir. worth $45, .......................... 88.75
Don't fail to look into these stove bargains.

Heavy three-ply Ingrain Carpets.......................50c
Several remnants in Carpet*. Linoi-um. <<il--Ioili and
Matting, many of them large eiiorgb for fair
sized room, at acloal cost.

Heavy Furniture
Such as Dining Tables. Oonebea. Bwlrooin Suites,
Sitk-baardi and Bookt-oscs. many of which were pur­
chased for the holbUy trade, can »« bought here now
for s litllo Ices money than it was ev r your ko-xl forlunc lo hoy at before.
A go"l atwl spring Couch. uplioisW ral io
bmvy velour............................................................ $4.75

All lots conUining from nno to tiiree pair only, at a
disoonnt of
p>-r '--nt.
Many odd curtains that sold from SI to 2 -50 p-r pair
to close out at 50 cenu ea-h.
All o-ld otirtains from 2 VJ per jiair up. 100 each,
Porti-rea an-! ri-p"- p'-rlirres ;it rt i!is‘ >uni "f 2-> i* r
Come early lietorc the best are gone.

nihers that sold at
m now $6, 7.50, $9.

»D. »>“

*2-’ .nd

13.50, i8.75 «nd 22.50

A goo.1 Dining TaWe. rih nds to ‘i ft.................3.75
Others that were good ralu-s from $" to 2-’W$6 to l'S-75
Dining Chnira. any wl in tJ." house at a discount of
20 per oent.
Sevtral broken sets of chairs • ontoioing from 2 to«
.-hairs, at less dAu cost.

$L$e a wede bays any Stove WC have

Easiest Kind of Easy Payments.

Bring In ;



Allonsold nolb!»y‘i<wl*»ill D dis^4o( ata-toalcoatao'! iO l«fr c nt. It will pay ym to
stock np OO these g'Axk now.

Easiest Kind of Easy Payments



Mr. ud Hra. Will Bte«ie Md dHU-

assist In carlug
for her.
Mra. J. L. Gibbs and Mrs. PUti
The Ladles. W. B. Jobnstoi
Bnrnnm attended the twenty-flfth
The O^. J. O. Dnnean.
wedding. anniversary of Mrs. Db<
Dsvis and Powers.
Wynkoop at Trsvetse CTly.
Owing ti
Fratemliv. Hod. C. L Darton.
Violin 8olo~Ave Marie, prof Horst teacher. Miss Srhofleid. did not re- Square Deal. Prof. J. p. Maihe-As. turn naUl lodav. and school will re
olo—selected. Skelcher,
sums lomerroa-.
Jan. I.
Mr. Ho|.

m B«u HuaMicu, n
*ni be • smt improreoient.
Min L«tsr» (lanbe U speodlfkK tbe
boIhUre »lHi her ..................

Ho-bie J(d* and J<An Owbob re(timed froa ^

Rev. Bttler preached to a full house
limday. qaiie a number of people

t and Peaaaai. LupThey were •« feeot«My
x<d with tbeluaber woodi.
See. W. H. HoHlwt oocapled
DBipIt In the OoBrre«»(l«>e] chorcb
The Mluer-Rett and Hatlle Wool•*r are epeaUlBC tbe boUdart with
their parenta Id the OoWen Rod farm.
Them win be a dance in (be

.The school childtei
6 enjoying a
two weeks- vacation.
Rev. Cotton of Bentonla occupied
the pulpit In (be Congregational
chorqh morning and evening In the abaenoe of Rev. W. II. Horlbot.
Clarence Srolt came
home from
lee 10 spend Christmas. He returnedI to Maolaiec on Tborwlsv.
Albert Anderson has gone t(r> Hllli

a ^ib frieode in TmTerae

loodar. Dec. 31. a aon.
and Mra. J. Van
Natter -apeadlnc tbe week with mlaUrea in
Trareme City.
Harry Reera and Peter Wnrrbarr
have tMtalled a new ayatem of Raa
liShUns hi tbeir bnainena placea.
Mr. and Mra.
I. MUiken and aon
..............- . .. ay «ii*t
Hayoe. Ind.. where they
............... ..
spend Chriatmu witb their rdatlvea.
Tbe Ladlea BenetK aociety will)
witb Mra. & Miller on Friday i
Mra Batna DeLooc la BpeDdUit
week .wUh her tUiepJlra. P. R. Da’—.
A^ieellent abort proamn waa air-

... Ibiit
day aeteo! clasa by a alelghride
Christmas day.
Fred Purklss win leave this week
for Big Rapids to attend the Perria
Mrs. Heitie Ferguson and son of
Hariior Springs are spending the holi­
days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mra. K.
Christmas «lih relatlv<-s here.
Mr. and Mrs. Braman returned to
Trtvetee Oty with them to spend the
Dorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Albion Reiinsnver. on Dec. 19, a hoy.
Prof. E. F. Carr of Empire spent

Mra. ,W. B. Johnston spent Thnrsdaj in Tru’ ’erae City.
eblnney plan wasI built.
Uttle net
Mra. Frank Davis spent
aioeklncB were bung oiD each aide of Chrtsunaa in Traverse City.
tbe eblnney fliled wKb
Mtb pop com, peaRev. and Mrs. Hurlbut entertained
a and candy, which waa Riven out this afternoon, a few friends Id hon­
s birthday.
T Santo Clam. The daaa slnRlDR and or of
or Hr. Kurtbul
A pretty wedding waa Bolemnlsed at
tbe hMDe
and Mra.--------GuaBarth
............--of -Mr. ----------------The H. E. chnreh (vve
ive a nntnta in who live one and a half miles ft
town, on Christmas day. The conii
the town baD.' Tbe play
parts and wha a mnsleal production Ing parties being Mlaa Reka Barth and
Inicmpened vrlth
and drilta. Mr, Edward Page of Traveree City.
Tte little toU were eapeeially good The ring service was used
in their aln^iiR and apeaklnt parts eiDony performed bj- Bev.
f. Uttle Hiss C iristine Hoa-ell *
and the whole entertalntneiit war Ail­
g bearer- The 1
ed with Eood music. One special drill
Illy and
was tbe bodt blacks* aong and drill
by four boyt, Oeor
“ * Oeorgic

a Barth, aimer of the bride.
r about !>0 guests
Om. Albert Steele
teele and Willie Bart
:t Othe
Other InteresUnR ch
m to tbe anmptoona am
by Mra. Barth. The jrinng

lames Teleord as Jack PiOsl
*■ Steele
~ eele it Mlu
Mlw 'Lydia Blltabeih couple were tbe rerl|>ir-nis of mnnv
Pinkbam t^aloWa Soolhing 8ymp uaefnl preaenia. They left for their
Sophraala Ann Jones, the poeten. new home in Traverse City on Thurs­
Others of the young pnple did exemd- day morning.
Jngly well in their aevemt dlfftcnlt
Mr. and Mrs N. C.
parts. Mlaa JBdith Dane preaided at
mena entertained all their nieces
piano. After the dose of tht
and neifliewa from this place on Sat­
Uie pmaents were dit
urday with a aupper.
Mr. and Mra. Prank Swanaon have
The InstanatlOB of tbe F. A A. M. relumed from their wedding lour and
lodge took place at their ball last
re now at home in the bouse recently
Ttanraday evening, fcdlowed by a
sealed by Mr. and Mra. H. K Gill.
hanpoet and program at tbe town hall.
Miss Lillian H---------------------------------•her of
' *the
Tbe hall was decorated wllh led and Craker echoed, is 1
S (he boll.V
nrUte bunting. The committee on
■ /I
isniements were Prof. j. P. Mstbetfa,
^ W. H. NIcbeU and Rev. J. D. DeeU.
g the week with
trbo leO nothing nndooe for tbr
tbe pleas>r paranta.
nm of the fhembers or their
Oscar Dame nnd George Nelson reDr. R. E. Flood preMded aS
inmed from Evanston on Sa(unla<-.
wbere they spent Christmas with S.
J.Dame and family.
conaisted of^ ftriloMng menu:
Dec. 81.
Oyster S019
Pressed Chicken
Scalloped Poutoes
Waldorf Salad
anil mrs. win, sppuiolDg n:
lee Cream
been visl
■siting In Kingsley.
Idi B. Holdcroft and Miss A
uiB wore married st Treve
The foDowJag program was given:
Clly Chriatmaa eve. BoH
and, favorably kno
known here
. le of friends extend congratulaBanquet tnast-R. E. Flood, toasttiona
gttod wishes.
- ..
home to their friends at 1S» South
floto-ariected. Air. Bkrtcher.
Union street.
Why I am a Mason. John Kennedy
PIgtt Baroum relumed from Olnd8o)o-Ufeb Lullaby. Mra. Horat.
Btone. upper peninsula, bringing hjs
who has reoemly aulfered an


come. Gome and bring your friends
with you.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bankey vlslleit
at J.
Anisliuchler's Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Frank nils entertain
ed company for dinner Suiidai.Tht- lliile daiiRhier of Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Claypool has to-on quite .«ick.
but Is much better at this writing.
Mr. and Mra, A. S. Smith
' entenslnAdd Arbor
last w«H«k. His tlaoghler Marie areompanled him. They are expected back
Ibis week.
The Christmas exercises were
lalnly fine, and a very large cniwil
was preseni. ••ven 10 the enintnce »i
the center caused a sinking in tl
floor from 4 to r. inches, some peoj
piting scored. They thought U wi

Mrs. Wni M'lnsunlev vLiiod her
daughter at this place one day lost
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sherrelto of
Trtverae City have moved on their
fans (WO miles aouthi-asi of bi-ro
Dec- 31.

9 Tagor left for



Lawyer Sunday evening.
of Mrs. Remington Thnrsdj^- night.
Prank Harvey will move his family
to C<
8, O, DrsgRoo left here lo go up
Ih Monday.
Mr. Allman nnd aon Frank did sonu
for 8. H. J-Bwyer
I.awyer Friday.
............- .......................
Robl. Cnn.1l.- went to Grand lUp
Ms Mondav y> nlten.l the funeral of
la father, n former resident of Oviait.
Miss Wadle Bridge spent Christmas
1 her home in Inierlocben.
The saw inlll started this morning,
but unless more snow falls. It will he

(le of friends.
S. O. Draggoo took the (rain for tbe
Dortb. where be expects to stay for
some time.
Cloyd Dodd'a arrival Satardav even­
ing was a weleone tarj^lte to bis
parents and many frirads. He return­
ed to bia work again MootUy morn­
Mra. Pearl Daria Is verj- sick at thU

-BuEeved Boy ond hl^t {he lonMBt
CuitiBc wood and ktga seetna to he'of Itching pltes. -Koth^ helped am
mas nelgfahorbood.
the order of the day. lo the neighbor- nnill 1 nied Doan*s OtntmenL R cortid
’SVarren Taylor Is building a cup­ hood.
e pennaaenily.''—Hm. JtAn R. Oahboard and doing other carpenter work
A numlter cf inr vo-ang people are ’ n. Mayor Girard. AU.
for Mr. O. Luce.
plasnlcg to aiiecd tbe tall at Kings- .
Mias Altle Prindte and Miss Myr- lev this evening
if tbe weather per-'tb- Vanei
anenberg were gu-stt of Mirs mits. a good rime U antiriiiated.
R'jth Ftai
L W'elsher ef Copemlsh spent Sal
Mrs. E
EL Smith look a load
of people i and Sunday with bis c«>;is:iis,
10 Sparling school house to church! «t. and Mra. O C. Rouse,
last Svnday. but It rained so bard
Mr. and Mra. O Ijof- of Holmes
Jaa. 1. '
th-y dM not stty long.
| Rhimg «peat Chriamas wHb Mr. and
Mist Brackrabury will hare an e*-. «ra. W. Taylor,
lertalamt-m Monday afternoon to the |
a o-jmli*r from this neightawhood
'attended the Cbrlrtmas ex.-rctaea at
T. P. Caras and family rame down Holmea srhotd boose.
Mr. Tylor from Traverse City is al.he Hatched school house,
ftoin Traverse Sunday to aUend the
Morrison reunion, whkb Is held today
▼Mota •cuaaii
---------------It.) visit his sunt. Mra Newkirk. He
instead of New Tears day.
, expects to return to his h.tme In PenUft. I.owell Sours Is visiting friends
Mrs. L. J Tedman is spending the vin.- WtvIueMluv. chsrle* Bushee wl'l
In -Traverse City this week.
with her ->on .....................................
Itorl In Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gay returned holidays -...........
wtih frietidh at FtawIcrtHle,
day from Cadillar. where they
The Mitu«- Beulah
Mrs. J.
tre been Vislilog friendn
Itoiire Knai
,app and M.»> s, John Hatn
■P'-m Christmas with Mra.
-Bt Saiurdav
Mra. H’lagiant
Mrs. E. O: Winnie s|M-n(
.41Ih rt Kolm*- atn-nd.-d th.nml SuDdav with friend's In Elk Rap 4“ra.its, Mr and Mrs. G«., Wei.ln.-r
ran < K-rclse
KlDEsley .'hrlvt
fy-l.a .Ansteit ..r
of Hudson. T...I
lud Id ••
nia* tilgh'.
lliiig Ills daughKv. M)>. A. J Hlghi-a.
Dec. 51.
Clark Ripley went to Brnnrli cir.mty
diiv Nm seiUni. damage hJ»
for a short visit last w.-.-k
Miss Margery Speer has letnrned hnw.-ver, a. they haw? Ie»to
bnd «rc can cure you, wc will
9ght -m Monday.
home fmiu Ml. Plaasaiit where she Mr. Ingram's house rang!
ed MoDdav from a visit ii Grand Rap­
until you are welL '
Mrs Schuster s .ni To.baa been atlmdlng school.
ids with tbeir aiator.
-n Wedhea.l4>
We h-pe
F. 8. W-inch w«ii to Bangor
MIsa Lula
spend the holidays with bit parents.
ing her slater,
later, Mrs.-Uttle Rounds of
Pearl Day* 1* muring 111 with his
Mr. and Mrs J, B. Winch.
Mrs. n. (- Kingsley and father, James Davs.
l>ec .5!.
is visaing at IMvld BJmi.tis .

.. ......... ...
vi, ....j
Mra Ella Elman Is visiting at Trav-jli'^ ,
rrse CItv for a few days.
Ijwr.-nc*. Da) und risirr Mts Win
Mra. Tony Rokos and two children
r»a>, of Wexfonl. S|S-HI Snndiy wiih
Mr and Mis. Irwin Raw I
. Nch
*slkn: noM* rrarw U |oi>wi
Mr, and Mrs. <i>~. Crav. Mr
Mrs. Lizile Mcautky who hat
a been
iwwira « tbnr IS KSM twlssw. i
Ftanr small Area last wi*ek caused
Charles Saix-vu
quite sick wllh pleurisy, la able 10 l>e
tie exciiement. but very iltllc dam- Clark ahd duuchie:
1-nr Christmas In
re. 11. F. Church's li<nis.>. oeriiphsi ..rant.
**4 iwrair-iwo rawrw u nxnat. M
)c Stevens bad ihc tnisforlune to
Jolin Carson. Mra, C.
lose one of his honu>s last Thiipsday.
l._. Schuster'
d J<xited her conslo. Mis. Kale Rawl'ugw
wsSiaf^.’^i tiS*
i>eto Ayers is soendlnR the holidays houses
•re a (Ire last we<-k. bni In last wwk.
;<« oewmr
— -•
Jackson with friends.
the Are was d1wc»VMr<'d In
each e
Mr. and Mrs. ^rwin Rawlings spent
Ployd Jatnieton hsd the mtsfoHune
•-vent any great damage,
Christmas in Ho.lge
I get hnn in the woods on the Mon­
isimas exercises ai
tague place and also to lose one of •hmeh
re well altende.! on Christ­
acouss a Oil. is» '
his horses the same wra-k.
to* a*ow '
mas eve. A short program wus gU.’n
(or e
sp.-nt »>• to«m
swiw^S^ ^ ttW
Unless more snow comes the men
cttnsisiinc of recliailnns and music
______ _
. and Mr>. Date lav* M rUhl U> to*
hauling logs on the Montague
The church was handsoni.-ly di-r.irat- |>eiidvr.
place will hare to stop
I'd with mottoes and evergreens and
DnhIin visited Geo-I — —- uu to*. Waiat « mt utifitm
any frU-nds of John N- Smith
two ire<*s nicely irlinniiH]
rlinm.-d ami llghl.1l Gra> Si . Usi w«i
and family regret very
fine disiday
jiiiis Lucy Mgel left SalU'da) f.
*r *h« tear •iiinaat.
him leave. “Thep wi'll s
rhich gladden.ll ■ he hearts of tod a visit In Chleai
aarir* I* rnw. **4 awr «■
lod young.
G.1I. Gray Sr. Is on tbe sick l!«l.
Dec. 51,
Dec, 51.
hoiK* hr will r.-iiirn again much Im*r* iw n aiv* u«Wiw>K aaoUal^
prove.1 hy Ihc change.
(SN aalr rkarauw sen et to.9fcta»». Oaww
Frank 7»ii1ck .ind d.mghcr, Pearle.
kikaii *t t< *|.iui fn*. *alr Cliarfte SOifl
arc visiffug at East Junlan
Ih-c. 51.


Miss Mab.-I Tomnkins left
Monroe Cenlnr. when- she ex|ieeis
-pend the remainder of the w1nl^^.
J L Warner the hnatllng llverym
s up finm Elk Rapids on Inisines*
Bora. 10 Mr. and Mrs I'psul Hohbs.
Dee. :s. twins, a Uiy ali<l a girl,
The "rag be.-" at'Mrs R. W. Matttaaoc's was well aitfmiled


To Heat
Cold Rooms

her daughter.

n you are poor yoor trettmoR j
is free. If you are discoorac«i i

till aoor nrir.* *n to* Wvmi at *sr awoto*
die*>r •r«rl*URi bi ik* m*. CW*JV** al
lie Mn’iariBei onir kriswl1 cm.
Mat. '________
W* traat__
t'fBU ml toltoll' r............■w.
- •—-------—--------•

toil to.riat amaitas
I* sir** U th*
:ncwt ax tb* (Mtovug '
l«ir tttndin* '
•. cl* I Nual OBUn^
I- :jnis . SI*
- ToUtralor OUw*** 9

i!.-;.3,'s:- ess;
ihw. aMiuag


who has been

r III, Is impri*
. H. Websiei
talni'd relsilvew |

Bom, It
r. and Mra. Ham W'atson.
Dee. 28. a
The masquerade tall, h.-id 1
ball, was
nd.-d a
retiorl n pteasaiii lltnc,
Mra. Blanrhe Hiciianlson of Barker
Cieek SJlOlll
spoilt (
Clirisima* with her moth
er, Mrs. A Websl.-r of this pliir.-.
i-nry Jidinson was taken von' sick
st Satnrdav night
Mis* Milks of Kingsley Is vlsUliig
Those who attended (he danee 1
• —WI___1_____ „
CItv Cbrislra*Bs _______
a-ere, Hisses her *lKH‘r. Mr*. Prank Preeman.
Dec. .51.
Olive Shorter. On.ha Edgell.
Harvey. om«‘ Kohn, Nina Myers,
Messrs. Clarence Camite. Rohl.
Blaine Marsh. Harry Thompson and woods this winter. His daughter Ruth
Leslie lUchardBon. All report a nice, will go to Walton and attend school
The Christmas cverclses h.-ld at the
Friday evening for Traveiw Cltv
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Luce
attend the sr.ih wedding annlventan w<-ll patronized. Th.‘
’ aD.l^niise
of D. E, Wynkoop and wife. They re
tastily deeortit.Hl and
pruport a very enjoyable time, mceilng
vidl arrangcl and enjoye.1
old friends nnd neighbors, and last
hut nni least, the bounilfiil supikt ihai
was servetl.
lolioTt CtniiTe left for Grand Rapthis t

wore acGompaaied by



Ray Owen wer*- grieved to hear of the
death of their Htile daughter.
Glen Pike went to Prankft
week to aUend the wedding of bis
cousin. Clyde Knlfer. lo Miss Oena
The sleighing Is nearly sU gone and
inny haggles have Ikhui smm In our
IghhorhiKgl the past twii davs.
ten. HarviVNand
Ailhiir Ralsit
moving ib.-lr ramm>-s to Cedar «tin
today. They .-*|M^t to a-ork
mill thin wlnu-r.



• is dea.l end will he buried Tuesday.

»'r*i. cro**-CrM.
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Began Wednesday Morning

This, like every sale we have, is of importance to the shrewd buyer, for the goods are always right, and
the prices speak for themselves

150 OiUdren’s Coats sold from 3.75 to $18 for Half the Origin^ Price

All Ladles* Suits at One-third Off
AU Ladies* Coats
One-Third OH
Wednesday Morning* 8 a.m.

K* *»





America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,

ABSOLUTELY FREE to every subscriber to the GRAND TRAVERSE HERALD whose subscription is
paid one year in advance, to January 1, 1908.

This is the Finest Premium Offer Ever Made by a Michigan Paper!


FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, 11 by 16, each and every issue, containing
the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest Journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by
The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made for a renewal of the great
premium offer made last year and that the



Will be sent for a full year for the price of ttre Herald alone


OIML.Y $1.00
The only condition is that $1 be paid in advance for the Herald, You will get the two papers for
the price of the Herald alone.

The Publishers
havesecured a limited time extension on this Great Offer
Sond Subscriptions ss soon ss possiblo f
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
paid to January 1, 1907, send $1.00 this rponth and you will receive credit for both the Herald and
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 19b8.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1907, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $ 1.00 in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.
If you are already receiving the Farm and Fireside as a premium with the Herald your subscription
‘for Farm and Fireside wiii be extended one year from date of expiration of present subscription to that paper.

INs Is a W Offar-lt Is Gssil Aanliert la Mia UaMeil Stales

Traverse City, Michigan.



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