Grand Traverse Herald, October 24, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 24, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and fr««dom. Thiu he apcnka to the I The aoctet)r hu recentlj- fonned a' It vna n delicbUnl aSalr. cItIbc u Frtn FHdar'a Record,
t batoc arewn «■
chnreh ot totej. thransh tnitt Into aocMir In Roatoo (or the npbnlldlnc opportanit* (or (ree eoeinl Iniercoaaa.
The erenlnc acnli ot tbe Baptist tba
treedoa. Chrlat. the heed e( the or decadent chnrchee.
.Fruit pcnch and Ta(en vere aerred coBrentloe wa« a recoi
ord-breaker a4|
ehorch. haa inacb lo reeaal. be btda
"What hm Ul^fan been
tor ^
ladiea. a pleaslnc tcalure at to attendance, eatra
in him. They who would win mooJ os climb tbe bills ot tbe past aod tbe aode^ that has -been
FTotn TfeiinteT** Beeec4.
-----------------, the occaalos was an Informal talk by bixHicbt t
tbe dm matter takas op leaUiiMr
know Wm. not by protcaahu but then laak ahead into tbe (nture. From ap for tbe pan aerepty-clx ywn?~
U>« Rrr. Mr. Croxler. who toM aome- ence. Grace church vested choir bad aftemoen. Thee veterans wb« haro
Rraaidewt—W. h. Andiwwa, Omnd
bj cooresslon. They most be on Ero tbe cbnrefa at the past we m tor- Tbe oaUre amount civen the past tbtnc ot bU work In The HlUs" at charce of tbe musk, rnaklnc a
' ^ren their bcot jamn to tbs swka
. Ing picture in ibelr poalUon on tbe
Vlee-praai^t-H. R. Rattan^H; with Jeooi and Incendiaries (or Jesoa. ward to tbe ebsreb at tbe (utnre. tor jepr was »«.tl<.yi. Many ebnrebee Banna.
0( what valne U a commission If not the past lays the tonndstion (or the bsve (MIed to contribute. Amonc
Tbe moml^ session of the BspUat PlaKorm. (uraisbtnc some vwy toe Oa, fasadi^ and thmaen were oapUnaleg.
- | tbe (our hundred flfty churches some convenlJoo was glren over to bnMnoss musk.
j ported dorlnc tbe pan yaor and 1*1
Hall. aent and at what value Is the sendlnc future ebureb structure.
tmiees needed* Tbe ipan ot God wbo[ Tbe rock Itoelf shows tbe life ot nave lliUe more than a nominal ree- . reports ot vsrlous kinds being mode. ' E C. Fish, president
tbe B. T. given timely aid. Tbe flnandnl jaar
Tbe annua)
inua/ neetbte
at the BaptUt doea not radiate Good and tbe glory >God In tne soul of mun. Retlgloo is ognltlon. yet a gain ot liJOO was ssade Tbe morning deroilonsU were nnter P. V.. took tbe cfaalr and preeented' closes with everything tnlly poM. Tto
{tbe direction of tbe Rev. A. C. Bar- a B. Y. P, V. banner. For aevwnl report was gives by the Rov. toh*
Larmm’a aaaoctaUon waa held at the of God may_ brin* a briUlant message nothlbg but a relaUonshlp between un year over previous years.
j years there has been a conteat (or Pktdier.
Park Place laat erenlng. an addreaa but be win not be a briUlant rneesen- people. Our retstion to God U a. j|r. Robinson closed with a Irtbot* clay. Bad Axe.
ger. Christ stands alone. He m aim-' moral relation, and Is an
’ to Dr. E. Jameooo an honored worker
by Prank A. Oarilek. o( Chleaco.
The Rev. F. B. CuUer gave an ac-' U»‘* B Y. P. D. banner In tbe Junior
Tbe Rev. Mr. Laukln spoto alosg
llonal aemtary at tbe Oldeona, which ply Jesus, nothlnp can exceed that, ot God in the heart, begotton ot lalth «ko was bnried yesterday.
count ot tbe Michigan Baptist As- union. There are three courses ot Ibe lino ot this great work. A larger
U an orKanitaUon or ehilaUan traeel- Ifan'a work (or men neana heart to in God.
4«mWy. ot Lake Orion, aasurtne b^ “wiy and ibe tenner k given tor ex- number tev^ resp«ided'Tff''teo sAalo
Mrs. .......
John Nuvoen.
The spe^er showed Uxat the great |
Noveen. of Chicago, tol- bearers ttei tnU has beeo the bright- ceU«c« lo these. Cbelses has ouc- this year with eontrlbsUess 4an te
Inc aten, and a abort bualnen aeaaloa
men of the deoomtnaUon all believe
cbrisUanlxe tbe wo- est year tn lu htotory. the finance ceeded In boldtng tbU tor some Ome.. any-ptovkius y#*r.
(oUowlns. E- W. Haatlnca a^ aa cloves o( aocUl IKe."
that religion U iruih and Is a growth.!
«f,ri«lanlse the quesUon being no burden and the out-: The oonicst has started again this
Tbe Rev J. C Rooney next spoko.
toaatmaater aod about 100 were pree-;
"Man U tree and has a capacity tor,
-dairist In every Hon»e." is Icok never brighu r.
I T«ar. tbe banner la not yet made but He bat been tntercosed In the work
Among the aocaUed beUeven
Home MU- j Tbe Northern Michigan BapUst A^'
forwarded to tbe .uccesafd so-, since It. insnguratks and. said thnt
■ called the maHc
j ibose.wbo were needlag this aid are
oclety. Joanna P. Morae the' sembly report was given by tbe Rav. dety.
Inc to Older and after the openlnc dead and the prophetical Christ. No
lary worked
There are three sucletka close tor
»ho *>»« <«»•
prayer. Introduced Mr. Haadnca aay> min believed more firmly lo a coming
C. Tenner. He spoke'at It under
Religion In Us essence U the reta-, yetm. Sne beld a fireside school.
1,^,4, Northern Michigan and “>« •‘^aor. Second Oertnan. Detroit: i
l^e state. Tke Rev. Ifc')
Inc thnt tbe totaUnaaUr bad worked Christ than tbe speaker but tboee wtao
bard (br the enocea* o( tbe meetlnc (all to believe, in a bUtorical Christ Uon of man Wa personal soul to bringing out the idea ot home life. BaplUt Assembly, speaking of tbe Plalnwell Junlore and toesnaba. It Boooey said k waa not a charily to
Cod. only on Ibis can the world be Schools were InaUtntedrbut
tbe borne northern
'“te and Us'dls- «“•» ---- ---------- -- -----------------------------------------—
*>*»» Uboring
and while the day previoua be bad
---------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------m.,
kUVIU tfmiK
. .bnt a prlrileie
But there te a fourth element, the constructed.
t coiuldered of most Import- tances wbkfa made It dlBlcuU for conscUnUously for eight years. This »•“» these
•mall (allh. that (alth wae laereaaed
I be society U supporting for- p^pj* to attend the meeflngs. Tbit U “>e greatest trophy ite B. Y. P. C.
»>*• wow »rvtotir«4^‘.
by the Catherine
evonlnc. nboat Uvlng Christ. A profound bellet in WUb peril to tbemselreu In tbe past
Tbe report ot the essfetem easof the sUle north ot Grand Rap- Sl^es and its goes
. 100 mlnUtera and laymen betnc pres­ the reallutkm ot Christ wlU turn have men come to know/and unde^ tr-elgbl ndsslonarles. tea matrons.
ent—the mlnlatera beinc In the ma­
Mr. Sweet spoke ot tbe early lib- and Mrs. Nuveen proved that all bare wblcb la being done here. In the
oothuslast U defined as s mad man.
Mrs Hubbard, of Escanate. made Baptists was given by the Rmr. Mr.
“I hope to see the day when this erty in American life and ahowed that | been la use In mission fields among next twenty-five years
the response. She suted that It Lovett during tbe aftmoon.
Mr. HasUncB reapond^ with a
■ linked with re- tbe Klawaa.* wbicb sbe spoke ot tn will be tbe best part of tbe sUte lor *‘«JW »»ke th.-ni exceedingly bappy.'l Mr. Lovett said there bad 1
charaeteriatlo apeeeh o( wticome aay- movement wUi send Into tbe worid an it U I
Christian work. Churches are eeat- The leader has a big heart and soul. *
that be bad boitpwed Mayor army ot Christian men whom the Ugtous liberty.
Tbe church of yesterday planted
worid win eaU madmen." said the
| Washington.
Calls hare come from maay tribes teied and In some communities there almost filled by,her Juniors.
Prtedrtch’a refulatlon welcome
the foundation, and that of today has In tbe west tor more workers. Tbir U not only no BapUst ebureb but no- Ten were received Into tbe senlor|»rt » r*ar ago. the objeet beUg ta
He waa very flad to welcMne apeaker.
Mr. Oarilek named foor aids: Love, tested It with the hammer ot
in OkUhoma have rellgloim servicet. however.
The noriety Uie past year. The Rev. Hr.
exproasteo aloe
aaefa a r
• “
• 'y to the clly
and loyatty and has not tonnd It want been pUced within the last tew yean, need Is here and there should te a Rooney, ot the Escanate church. »“*«•
and he tNo glad that tbe weather had torglvfmess, humility snd purity.
The Country ChurtA.
Mrt, NuveM told many InteresUng way ot meeting this need sad having made some brief remarks telling ot
been so tavoihble as It gave tbe vie"The
Country Church ta Mkkigaa
snneedotes showing the joy ot the * rsUylng point sod Ibto U repretesl- Ws great Interest tn the Junior soTbe last head srsi "our eoomuBlty.-’
ttora a dunce to aeo- the city that la
message as it comes to those who ed by the Northerii Assembly. They dety sod the beaoUful work ot their Baptist History" was the subject at
'ThU U the material with which we
regarded In some parts ot the
an address by the Rev. Mr. Cunsttey.
have never known U.
jhave S5 acres of land and ramp dor- r«o»e®ra«cd leader.
sa'belag so tar north that it U crowd«ndcovor to eonotruet the king- Ity ot the voluttUry soul to God.
Second. Ite practices mutt be <
He said that the rnkstoa at tto
Among the 11(H>J)00 emigrants who ' Ing the summer at Lake Cadillac.
1 Mrs. Fish Introduced the Rev. E O.
od oC tbo map. "Ttaey don't seem
^ Christ. They do not see
to i«Uso.“ said the speaker, •that It Christ, they follow our guUdlng. I rittent with that principle, the basal came to onr shorn last year many
Obituary Committee.
| Resde. of Grsovllle. Ohio, field seen- church U the great aoe of carrylbs
la gotog to be tbe e«i!^d Detroit tbe, Where will they end. The mass is ■ rock upon which Is It founded.
have scsucred throughout the Culled
The Obituary committee was next UryW the Ohio B. Y. P. t, wbo gave out tee last comnsaad ot the Uvlag
God and ahowed that tbe spirit at tto
made by bringing together the unlU ] All rellMon may be pictured by
States. ycH many more have crowded to report.
Ot Northern Michigan."
te to teke the Nov
Tribute ta Dr. damaaon.
““st be strong for' outward life but In ^e very aubsU
togeiner In congested parts ot Urge
* Urge number of the memben ot
He said It ws^ splendid to be men.
Testsmrat ss a rule and pcsettea.
1%# Bpeakar then In Jnst a few no chain la stronger than Its weakest It must be in Us soul to soul ~
cities. These are the msterUl
material srllh
wlte the BapUst tenrebes hav6.
hav^ passed
psssed to
w ^hom
- Cod mdfte in bU own Image
- ‘o.
. .
which the socletT Is dealing.
i their reward the past rear. • Those. t" setting over bU works, plsced In. On the roll are U* BapUst ibaiiihM
words straight from tbe bean paid a Hftk-"
MiMt Repudiate Certain ThioBB.
tribute to the Ute Dr. JaraeMS and
ne toastmaster then expressed the
Tb, eWUn.. m...t bi titb.rM
H«., Robm !.«»,■.tb, mrtd tor tb, porpon ^
The church ot to
bad be spoken an boor, be could not Pleasure of the company In the talk
,0 Ibo Smd., ..bool., bi™. b-o,«n U. Ju. «. PI.™.. J.. L..U. Uu.,""' =«■• P«1»—
1* “« “«•»
by water.
have made the measure fuller.
He' and thanked the speaker,
said Michigan has done nobly toward Gray, Mrs. Harriet Fky. Lafayette { We should underetand that
said. -Xet u raise to our feet and
committee on ntmlnaUonaI UtOe or much."
missions but more Is needed, espec-' Chureh, tbe Rev. M. Crsmblcy, Neteos i Kingdom ot God Is tee greatest thing
It Ute wlte God te eAabllsbed by telly tor'training schools tor chriiUsn rrsrier. Eteer Camell. Geo. 8sntord, 'we know, sbove sll eomblnsUons ot
with a gtaSB ot pure. apaikUng watertheir report and------------------drink to the memory ot Dr. Jameson, that tbe old offleeri te ratumed whicht outward Tight, It cannot be suulned {workers.
{d. Du Mrs. Thos. W. Young. C. C. I»*^r that min hms made and God that while tee denocnlnattoa te back­
ward te some Uses. It makea ap ta
by outward right
) who was first a aoldler. a waa done unanimously.
Bapttet Oolld.
MUler, Friedtieb W. Beld. Dr. E H. sanctioned.
Tbe kingdom waits tor Its triumph ethers. 8oo>e My that tbe isasM for
Bub man has a capacity for God
jte^ter under Grant, then a printer,
The renort of tbe BaoU.t Guild ot tamaaaa. the Rev. M^A- Thomsa.
ud' tMs acMiteg lots te an exelnatva ele*
,0 and each Is free. Every man's rellg- Ann Arbor was riven bv
President Andrews, who was then
participated In poUtks and waa
tee RevW ' The report npoft
tee through
death of sufficient
Dr. xnrongn sunicenv Dvercess>ou
_ _ _ _tn_ the
_ _ legtelature
_ _ _ _
- .Missouri
_ _ _ _ upon,
_ _ _ said
_ _ _be_ hoped
. . .to. have
. . a Ilouj experience tea unique experience Ann Arbor
g H. Jameson wai given, embodying proper teeUng; the kingdom wait, tor In ordteascM while oteere dato
test tee Bspttots ooatrihgte too Utfla
words ot sympathy and love to Mra. i prepared workers,
tot to BSTe up all this te bwwme a better report but there bad been sene, between UmseR and God. Antbority
• ,,
imlrersltles have
for SUte work, tot (to ipeator
mlntoter, a>lnlster In Michigan, to contusion. Hite banquet cball not In tbe church ot God muat be vested much b^n drme^lonx
d’oi«.’slonV' tee
lhe Bnes.
Bnes. .ot tvaaaoa.
j “We need workers not needing
repudtoud bote <
baeome the agent ot the BaptUt home consuiute the whole of the Jear's.ln God and mu mwt be^ ^ to relifftett ^
------ -------------------as at tbe present day. Tbr ^| The Rev. J. ------------C. Rooney----------also spoke
be ashamed.- We need
bis point.
Blsalniajy aoelrty. It to pr«mln«iit- work but as the consUtuUon says. w. every channel tero-jgh which God may ^
aXootaea, has given way to feelingly ot tbe beauUful llte <ff Dr. money or more organUaUoa In tee. ^that Itoy hto '
ly ffttiBg that tbe haattb of teU man shall come Into closer touch wlte tee] come.
| toUraboa and now to enthusiasm. 1 Jameson, other, following with words ■ chnrehea but men and women 1« the
M M to drtmkin clear coM water." teymen. One church ttls year orgln-, Not fidelity to some other mansj
rtudenU «< reminiscence aod appreciation.
jebureh. ihls tact was enlarged upon;

weak MeQiodtet church always bad •
s hut undying loyalty to his own
SQaatty. ooioBaly and ■
1 revee. txed a brotbertaood snd
|e«peclaUy tn tee country iteurebes',
esublUbed__ I
»: cortsusn
Christian usociauon
assocletloa was
v i vsieoitanvu
--------------- Co-llege.
-—i ...
.... pastor, a Baptist cborcb woald
msn's mririin.,..
•ntly tee toast was drank to tee^.teree ecmmlttece: Social wbicb Interf workers needed wbo need n
memory at Dr. Jameecm. qvery man eatod >«on.ebureh members and was
Iqulte successful; tbe evangelistic
Tbe Unqnet. wbbte was admirably committee which beld Sunday after
coafomity to olbera'
plate ;
■erred and fauWctoly prepared was w»on meetings and ibd edaeaUooal
II ana euucauonai.
—-t. ------- 1 --------- -----_
then enjoyed, none the less ao boeanae committee organised classesI te
In Bible
Bible Idea. Not tradition but truth wUl prehave teftnlte tymHie remainder being In the Ppre- ”,2,
tee Blnteteta bad beet busy In study. TbU U tee wortc tee ssaoeis-- vail In the new church.
P«red ministry was «wn nc
^filled wlte tetereetteg flgatea tOnadepartment.
------Tbe cEurcb ot the future will seed psihy snd Infinite patience snd such Parstory
«*ry some years ago and so tee presrock and bad mteirl tbetr tlob bad te mind. Tbe apeaker betiatteg bte Btatementa.
syitoU. but they will expr ss
s. the they
tee Igymen were wlUteg to as- symbols,
. have b^to tee stele unlvetrity f^^^Thero^IrTir-l^yl^elLSS
after tee lee mam and cake hid sUt the pastor and the weak riturtAes.' Inner senUments and reveal them, not directors. There has been progreM Y ________ trom
eoostltntlon vi
ott the
the If.....................................
If the laymen can____
be enthused ft conceal them. r
will be above IP>p-p“t„,r.
In tee past____
i serven. the
uiv ciwMuuiMia
scDDoi nineiren Others baye had work
by tee Rev. {wool be maty years before the as- forms, snd religious experience above
ThU last year there
oorb oW.
to tb, .ot, oo. tb, „p™.«oo ot R,
tt, prtotlplb S„ „„b,r. til mo ud tajm ■"
^ “»Tb.
oR ™«”P
,bo., tb, tomlor.. Tb™,.mb,o o,,o. Tbmb.telmopobRcoddreo,ho.
d tee spMker
ot---------------------------------------ventlon te large numbers,
vital difference bet'
the evening anDonndng his subject {
Rev. J. H. Bourne,

b,. „boet,

______ _

was better, The Rar. J. H. B«roe. edU« of the
and BtetlBg that
Baptist Herald, spoke lo the teteresU
abl^ to talk on men than a c
» as he eomee te contact wlte so;of tbe state paper and stoted teat all
The raubs of tee Gldeoos | department^ of tee ebureb w«r« de1,000 strong and tbe band te pendant on tee paper, without it. ter
some ot tee atrongeat. I debomlnatlon U a mob. Tbe paper
bave aupport or it will pass
•obleat. grandest men te tee eoutry.
hale. hMity good gellowa. (Applause.) away. Should this happen, missions
wlU suffer snd the laymen's assocU-Men.Mr. Oarilek began by conveying tbe tloo die asray.
The denomlnaacm te measured by
' greettegi of bis pastor to the as-

-o-..- -....-'S-pj Tod^ro^mroirt'orpo";^.

The Rev. M. A. OmybM to«o tto
report of
ot Ue
tee comm
committee’on teaspar
w to to
;i' -,.,bo-i„Ro..

:7r.r7r. .rx-troTr

^ J*
work given under chri.tten Infiueoce
indeed. Tbe guild mu« bare praymw.
theology U cbsngteg.
I On “Ouf Coliegt."
RellBion Necessary.
[sympbthy and gifts to do its beat
A symposium on "Our College"
A man may be full of theology and work;
hire no religion and vice versa. Re-'
llgioo U necessary and thrology de­
wxj tee next subject.
child and ~b*v
sage may
tbe The relations of the guild to the
lue eui.b.
—^ bare —
h« hM-am* MB
same iwbisiuu.
religion, wj
they may love
and o^„„,xe„,t,
was me
«h. mam
main lesiure
feature ire»«treat^e
' —---^ university was
«•»«*tee Mme Fkteer. It we were auks'. ^ ^y tee Rev. Wllllsm A. Lee. show^

tn sreat naUonal crises « ^ ^ e«h
, demand eomm to »
tee young men and young womM who large the lertRory. tost year fil,S00,bare come to tbe frocl. Aim at a
OOO.OOO was expended tor Bqaor and

0 tbe kingdom ot Cod. There U
Mr. Graybell exhorted for moru eae line in the aodeiy. A deepenthoriastle aggrenlvcneas in the wptR.
fight tni teeJi
broader oenoauasuOTw
deoomtestlooal intelllgeoce
a oroaoer
diurtk must srork with tto
«''l ^
salooo league.
tec lecbtical knowledge In the wprk
The Rev. a W. Msrsww.
Tbe Rev. C. W. Morrow, |
of tee anU-aaloon league gave s
Lm ,p»> o.
p."p„ .urn. U«
T7: •'“b <"
.T7b7 ..T 'b,r
"■ '• ■■■ T.
risg address slong tbe line of tto
The church of the future -to not go- ^ It has been an
Tbe unjoa U lb" first effort to eduertmeot eyee
qnatoocas and theretore be came be-{stops." Tee speaker said teat
work of tee Icsgiie. He said that tbe
.b7;uT,”„,b;;:..b»b, ,^,1,~ 7;,^ .-b '.-vfore te« galbertng with beattancy but
Baptist people wer
t loyallr.
1 tee gtwsl klndneM (appUuse) that It Is tee beet sute'son. Frith snd
osar the country. People are Interest.jjty
ixty f«""
- S.C90 Bsloons is MlAlva
Mitj by Mrs A. S. Bowley was
' ed In It. but cblefiv ss an experiment.
tent bad been extended him by Invit­ psper pubBshfd In the country and it lead to God. they are not
and a t2.00o.<m itceose. Oae i
Is no longer compared with state
ing him to be present.
,to every 140 people and oaa to e*«iy
oI tb, .pint bl tb, uMor tbm tb,
Our Country.
Mr. Oarilek represented the Gideons papers but with national papers.
first graduates of tee
Tb, R.T It B. Or»,. D D , ,t ^.R tb.
Tbe borne mission work depends up­ irtiof: tee grandest asset of our country.
and first spoke ot tbe
God forbid test tee lamps lighted (.questing the youth to Increased
ed efsaytaig test tbs requirements ot tbe on tbe laymen sad tee pimblng for­
Older were first that the applicant be ward of tbe SUte paper is worthy by tee foretateers should cease to fjeictncy. snd the knowledge ott God
teat wtwk for Uymeo.
bri^ for tbe ebureb of tee present. ^
excepUon to tbe sutement
said Mr. Sweet ta closing.
; knowledge makes Increased efficiency.
be be s Christian and third that he be
Will Push Paper.
Mrs. L. F- Titus sang w beautltnl
that Umeltness is the chief
Bsptlu Home Missionary society
a member ot aome church and beP. C. FUh. of Jackson, president of
He reviewed graphically tto poltttby Harry
factor In ......——
relirioo. ns ------—
well as—--------In edocaHere tn Jesus Christ as a pereonal me
tbe E
B. T.
1. P.
r. I-.. suicu
sUled test
mat wjiouuv
'without — ---------------1------------- Hareer. .•vw.
Th*ra u
■ ■Mpisi on
mu campaign
ipslgn in
In Trarorae
iiwTwrue vivy
(Sty s^ro
Mvtoar. TMs orgsnistUoe does not
draw on the cbnreh In any way but
to aa aid and an ally. In the past
TMT It has made some of tee slrong- neveo insi me nrsi wora oi toe wy-i
— —----------- ------ -urtus •»,.
.i .Ka
----------- -- —,
E Y. P, U,

383* to tee present time. TbereUve; The B. T. P. C, toto ap tto l»
aat timber out of tbo poomt material men's league was to posh tee MtcuU-R«tt«f-«to Mrs. LF. Titus tavored. The Rev. Fred Merrifleld the direc-'**J|*®^'*^
tkm ot
of tbe
tto state paper and be made a with
w«h a festival Te Denm. which was
^ reeenUy of Tokta.
been «11 J cburcbes organised to i^ malnder of the afterwx*. PrsiUftM
In tbe land.
"Men’s Week For Men.",
motion to that effect which was car- moch enjoyed.
Yeetarday Aftarnren.
“1 will apeak on m«Y owk for Tied unanimously.
to tested more tborougblj- or P*'<1
diana. He beUevw to bnlldliig goofi.>strt« plan for tb. eodety Mlrldtog
Tbe meeting closed with ringing
The afierncitn meeting
war said Mr. Gtrlldt “And 1 have
_ of tee
which meant that there
^ ehorches.
tee «sta Into rix dlatrlcto.
divided tbe subject Into throe beads. -Bleat Be tto Tie That Binds." tbe ventlon was <^>ened by devoUanals seriously than
took up tto work
^--------------------.. e beade were osed by my pastor ---------- --------- --- --------------- by Dr.;conducted by tto Rev. B. H. Thomas. tfh«, a young man goes te tee nnlBar aty. ‘The session was weU at- verrity there need be no (ear It he is
Or. Slocum spoke ot the sterling ^
extreme weei. then showing qi,trirta which have bren of great
and I #e secured bis permtosloa to locum, of Knlamasoo college.
Lari evening's meeting of tbe Bap'tended, tne church being taxed te interested to tee religious life. He be- character ot tee tacnlty. also of tee opertUon^ln Cuba. Porto Rico
benefit. Other potota touched apOR
Bse them ss they oonvey what 1 want
St convention was srell attended, its cnpsclty.
I lleves there to no totter body to give nsefulaees of tee acbolare wbo lenre
ebown. Tbe denomtomtlon has j
educaUonal brante of tea
to say." The bends were- First,
consUtoeacylevery available seal being taken. The: The first report given waa that of Uberri religion than the Baptist If »Be coBege. There are thirty-seven
churches here.
_ jwork^embodytog Its etady; bat «
mmnnd; second.
nod iMrd. our community.
idevotloonU were to charge ot the , the Home Mtoslonnry board.
- ithey ellng to the regenerate heart or tee high school grndostes to the
gj ,Blgrsnis were ihowB-’g^ y^;
gjggj tMs lipe to aaedsE
The et^*"*"** came when Christ'Rev. p, M. Spooner, Ladtegton.
j Report ot Home Missionary beard preteat tee life'that It to Christ. Loy school snd twelve* letebers to the ^
jbnt most be reached. Allen -jgnfors" was ssotber tepie, tha
Mid. -go ye Into sll the worid and j "Tbe Church ot Tomorrow," tbe an- by the Rev. Joshua Roberts.
j While the gentlemen of the Baptist high school from the coUege.
ssrimuUtlon depends on tbe altltnto jggjg^
y,* strength ot tee older
preach the goepel’ and this to what nnat eermon, was ably bandied by the
Last year was tto banner year to eODvetiUon were enjoying a banqoet
Prefldent Slocum called upon the toward them. Allen elevation 4e,ocj«ty in after yearn,
tto OldeoM are doing all over tbe ’ Rev. F. W. Sweet, of Adrian, the text the history of tic Board. I7J.OOO » at Park Place last night the ladles following men to say a few wordsp«.nds to a Urge degree on «virob-,-Tbe chief neceerity of the & T. P.
coontry. not only preaching b« living chosen being from John 8-3U2. "Te the debt bnt cmly rr.W nccroed dur- of the chureh tendered the vtolttog eoocernlng tbe college; Tbe Rev. gjeni.
, TT," snld tee preridMC “to a paid
iL In brtri. the eommaad to to speak shall know tee truth a«d tee truth log tee past yrer. and there has toen Udtoa an Informal recepdon at the Nelson. Graybell. Sweet. Prof. Bailey,
Tie entire addreM was (oreetnl and
giving hto whole ttore to tba
the word ot Jesus.
jshsll make you tree."
>s gain In maty wnj-s. Among the Am- teoreh. It wm under the dlrectloa Cohalne. Dr. Van Kirk and DrLerette. fou ot mote toteresL
{work: aggroMtve work to lapoMthla
"That we Bisy. win men. we must be I Ood's promlee Is that tf wo hear; ertcans there have been 740 mtoaloo-. ot tto Mlsstonary aortety ptMldent, who had nothing but words ot pratoe j
Tbo aeatlbg closed by staging - gg^gr estottag rift ■Brits liras. TMs
ntocsr*. Jssaa must bs ta us aod we'teess words U WlU toad « to truth'srtss.
i Mrs. 5. 1. Hughot
[tor tbs college and its work.
j “America." Copy of tbe words oMbs j
YConttaiMd te TMrt PugS;)

Tb, T.Rbb., ™ ^ f

i^Tj“trT7^-r.r^-b,™i VH

--tT-:^ -srr

I PAHt t




Elk fUpIdk
Elk fuplte. Mleb„ Oct 1>—There
It s BorcBe^ OB foot to Mcvre b«lter benn for the trotoij riertt and
etBploTcrt. A pita It netrlac complattea to Mbs aboet the dz o'clock
clotlot boor, tad n It espeeted tbete
arrangemeDta will become operwilve
br Oct. A.
Tbe Chtrlee''KeS. witb lU cargo
ore and tbe Robert C. Wente, InD ben
lor lumber, lar for two dart la tbe
lee of tbe |>eolDault oppoalte Elk
Rtpldt. unable to make port here unttj aoadtr monanc.
A little bailag of tbe (r«hBan
data OB the aaad bill Fridar erenUif.
where tbe aaid claaa wat being entertaloed br the aopha'at a mmnb mal' low roaal. la a new departure amonc
the atiMenu.
Several bora were
lured from tbe flreaMe and companr
of teacbera and claatmatee, taken tc
one aide aad treated lo a diabolical
bair cut by the eealora.
The Oennan Reform ebureb bat ex­
tended a call to Ibe Rev. L. A Moeer
of Elmore. Wit., to take tbe paetorate of tbeir church, and the gentle­
man hat accepted, and will report
for work about JSovemlter let Mr.
Moeer preaMed over Urtt cbuiyh dnrv
lag 10*! to IMM. conaeoueoUy tbe
pe^lF know him and know too tbeir
nonfldence aad Imat are well placed.
Will Brwee baa arranged to enter
Into partneinblp with VTed Lang In
DetroU. and will remove from Bk
JUpMa and be ready to enter npoa
bla new Held of tobor- Novemter lat.
There are many friend* here who will
aamernir wUb him aoeceiM la bla
r field.
Village passed away Monday. Bari
Rmltb lived on a farm near here many
yaam. but lived In tbe village Ibe Ut­
ter ^mrs of bla life. He was 63 years
of age, and leaves a wile and five
diUdren. Funeral was held at tbe
ftwabyierlan church Toeaday nfterMon aad Interment In Maple Grave
eameterr-f ,
Fourteen bnndred find seventy-five

Mia. Chartee Hoopfer and Mra. Hannab Hoopfer bare been Mrs. Tosme'a
gneeta for a week. Tneeday they. In
company wtth tbeir bostnu and Meadatoet WUllanu and Jotepb Butler,
rtulted Traverse Oty.
William Amerson baa cloaed bU
Lone Tree reeort and is spending s
few days with hii son. W. a., the
popular dry goods merchant
Mrs. V.. E. Bnnahall. of Trsverse
CItr. Is visiting her aon. Will.
A nlee delegation of gentlemen
from here aClended tbe Maaonic
•cbont of inttrwctloa at Trarerae City
Wednesday. They were Meaara. F. M.
Boawonh. H. 8. Amerson, A. B.
Dougherty. Oapt Jos. Hawley. Aaa
Andn-w LeForge Is attending
meeting of the board of aupervlsors
at Bellalre thi* week.
George and Alanaon Frink and tbeir
wires and Lem Ball are in Jackson
thU week ttlendlog grand lodge I. O.
O- F.
Dr. LaCorc Is spending the week In
Km pi re.
HIM Della King, of Chicago, just
> tamed from a three amtbs' visit
In Ireland, la vlaltlnd her slater. Mrs.
John Moran.
Louis Amo baa moved Into rooms
In the brick bniltUng. comer River
and Elm aireeta. belonging to
Cox. He comes from Atwood lo work
In tbe cement mill.
The StrMt RaUway.
Frotn Thursday's Record.
Charles A. Deuneen, general
ae| of the Carter Constmctlon Com­
pany, returned lu tbe city yesterday

of the Reoird as to tbe purpose
of his visit to TraTeryc City at ibis
time. Hr. Dt'anecn said that be de­
sired to eonfer with tb» peo^te-ot
Traverse Cliy. Elk Rapids and Charle­
voix In reference to the making of Im
mediate subscriptions to tbe bonds of
th< Trsvercc City street railway and
tbe Grand Traverse railroad. In order
that the Carter Construction company

rto rt>ipp-j. “at.'!;'""
n,p,p.„.d P.



Metbodiit «0«rcb yesUrday. bad oc­
casion to go to tbe paraonage and use
the tel^ooe. ..Mrs. Hrdltday opened
a doof at she auppoato into the room
that ecniatoed tbe telephone, aad feU
headlowg Into the celUr. striking on
her bead and aboaldera.
Her back was bnrt and her £nni
were all but farokto. her left aboulder
dlalocated and. her bead waa todly
cut. As soon aa she wu able to be
moved she waa Uken In a wbeel<balr
to her borne. She Buffered much last
night but today la doing as well as
cauld be expected. It wilt be several
days before abe will be able to be
From Friday's Record.
Geo. Ueimlorth
VurthportHhU morning after gulag
with Ue scow in tow of the Cheguamagon last night.
Mra. C. B. Ackerman returned to
Empire this morning. She lias
atundlng tbe Baptist convenUoi
H». K. C. S^by. who has be
the eonvenUon. returned to her home
at Empire.
Mr. and Mr*. Oeo. Hinkley. of Chi­
cago. spent a few days on the tann
of Mr. Laldlaw. near Hatches Cross­
ing. They said they bad picked rasp­
berries and black berries on tbe Itib
of this monib.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Feldt went to tVexford. Mr* Fel.ll will visit friends
rbile her husband will bant.
A(is. W. H. Cole, who
CAQytog with Hr. Cdle at Mayfield, re­
turned to keep camp daring tbe bunt­
ing seaKon.
Mrs. H. S Bullock bad tbe ml*
fortune to lose her iMieketbouk lu-fure
Uklng tbe. trsln for her home
C. D. Barkley and wife reiurnod
Charlotte. They have been atiendl
tbe eonvonlloD.
The Rev. 4. B. Fox. the prcnldent of
the convention left for bla home at
Mias R. B. Sly. who ha* been vislUng Mist Grace Hariier left the clly
this moring.
Mra. K. Kelson and Mra. 8. Nelson
went 10 East Orange. New Jersey,
make on extended vlalL
Hra. J. Hall returned to her home
in Cadillac.
Mra. .M. Melville, whe has been
visiting friends In thU city, returned
to Bvart.
Mra. O. F. Osbonrn returned to ber
borne at Gaylord.
Mra Cba*. of Old Mission, who has
been attending the convention,
for her borne this morning.
Mra. W. H. Dorrence and Mrs.
A. MiXFe returned to lletrolt.
ladle* have been attending tbe Ba|>tlst oonvenihm.
Mra- W. On- and Moaber went to
Mrs. W. W. Denote. Mr*. Edward
Hubbard and Rev. J. C. Rooney re­
turned to Eseanaba. They have been
at tbe rvDvention.
Mra. W. Wilson returned
home In Kingsley.
Mrs, K. Fisk, who has t>een HI nl
Sutton*'Ray with ty|>huid fever,
letter and went to her home
Boyne City.
Miss Ktvg^ Wright has. returned
from a vl»lt In Buffalo and Yy*Uanli.
Mra. E Larmuuih. of Sadlt Ste.
Marie, who baa bean vUIUng Mrs.
I.ufua. of Traverae City, loft for 8y
Louis. Mich, ytaterday
Mra. W. C. OrUwold. of Halche*
Crossing, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. Fred Undstrora. who has beeij
visiting .Mr*. E. A. Weston, returned
lo her home In Manistee.
Mrs. E. Brown went to Empire yes­
terday after spending the night with
friends In the city.
J. n. Stepson went lo Milwaukee
George Cook, of Bear lAke. who has
be«^ attending the Baptist ronventK^Treturaed to him home yesterday.
.Mrs. Lynn R. Heweti and dsugliler
JMiia and Mias M.vrtha Kltseher left
for Muskegon this morning.
Miss Blna Green, who hue been
visUlug Mra. U. F. Itoleumh. returnnl

So Nervous He
^uld Not Work


Elmwned Avenus Motherd.
Tbe Emwood Avenue Mothers' club
beM Oirtr regular monthly meeUeg
yesterday afterepon from 3 to S
o'clock. Tbe meeUng was called io
order by tbe prsaldeni. Mra. Durfee.
Tbe regular rontlae of buslntw was
< tbrou|ch. after which a very
pleasing program was given.
first on the program wat a reciuilon
by James Nelson. Miss Lydia Wade
then gave a very interesting papei
litled "Ifhea Should a Child Enter
School?" Miss Anna Johnson then
gave a paper enUUed. "Material and
PuriK^n- of Common School." This
wu* followed by a paper by Miss
Edith Rowley enUUed. "Should
Bducatiun of a Buy DISer From
Thai of a Oinr
All three papers were very good,
especiully Hiss Rowley’s, wbirb watul] of sentiment Hie reading of tiipapers was followed by a discussion
by Mr. Gllbort. Mrs. Irish and utbent.
alter which coSee and peanut sand­
wiches were aarved. The serving was
done by some girls from tbe eighth
grade room.
At the buMnea* meeting the ques­
tion of a meeting to be held In Novtmlier was taken up but no action
waa imkep.
The next meeilDg will la- held in
tin- evening and gentlemeti will be
UivlK-d. It will be hubdied by
Gilbert and tbe subject wUI be -S<iiue
of tbe CuiutDon Mi-otal aud riiysical
Dcfvcis of Children."
For Old Hem* Week. •
Ptetidenl Jno. R, Santo, of the
beard of trade, according to a re*o utloa ]>asaed at a recent merting of h-'
board of directors of that organtex
tlo3. ba* appointed J. W. Hanuen. ex
Mayor Frank Hamilton and ex-Mayor
W. W. Smith as a committee lo pre­
pare an outline proposition for "OIJ
Home Week" next year. The commli
tee mot In the office of J. W. Hannea
lofi opening to discuss the mauer a'
length. A souvenir program of tbe
Buffalo old home week, held In th
early part of September, was Inspec!
cd for suggestions. Many good Ideswere secured from the Buffalo pro
gram and will be tncludrd In the *ug
gcstldUK of the committee.
Au outline was drawn -up but will
nol be eompleled for a few days and
each of the commltle* will siilwni:
their anggetitlona to be Included lu
tbeir report. The suggestion* alread.,
made propose an elal-orate program
for Ihf entire week, which will duubl
its* draw great crowd* to Traverae
City besides redblmis of ftirnier residenu. The entire report will be eom
pleted In a few days and submilled
at It meeting of the board of trade
be calli-d luler. at which lime (he
btiunl of tinde will Ik- asked to mak.further suggestion* i: deemed advl*
abli.-. The report of the comnilUw
will be merely an outline for a founda
tlini upon which lo build a.eomplep'
protram for six day*. This will bo
Kubmllted for definite acUon to
-hoard at a meeting to be called later

C....n,«P„ »P.P.P, P~.
ebaaed from the Illinois Steel
living rooms and win be' occupied by
patiy, for the Grand Traveise Rail­
Alaaaoo Frlak.
road company, ten thousand ton* of
An attempt to burglarite several
rail, for delivery in May. 1»0S. Mr.
balneat pUees was made Batnrday
Donneen said that such a contract
LynebU. Ketebum'a. and
^ been made and accepted by tbe
Oewper A Rateriee'a aatoons Tower
Bteel company, and that the reason
A Cole Brea, store. Walker's drag
the Construction ’company had made
•tore and Cullmanh reauurant
the couiracl at this time was that a
gave evidence of having been tried.
supply ol rails would be amured
In some caaea screen doors were
Ibe event of tbe eonatracilon ol
wreoebed off. windows broken and
raad being proceeded with early next
other signs marked tbe aorlec at tbe
year, and that If the local aupport
work. Very ntlle was uken In a
was not sufficient to jusUfy the coneonple of placee.
straction of the road, that tbe Con
Rev. B. H. Vail attended tbe Preabystructlon company, owing to the num
terlan InaulUtlM aerrlees in TravIn which It Is en­
•TM Clly Tueeday and delivered the
gaged. win be able lo use tbe rails
charge to the peopU on that oeeailon.
. some other place without loss—but
At the Presbytery meeting In CadlUac
that It roust be dlsGuctly understood
Uat week be waa placed npon ooe of
that tbe Cater ConstractlOB company
Intention of building ellher of
Mrs. Prank Venter ret
, furathe roads unless the local support,
day from an extended vUll vrllb rela­
which they have asked, is given.
tive* In tbe MUtbern part of the sute.
He said furlhor that aside from the
The esennlonltts have all returned
pnrebaae of the rails mentioned. It
and meet or: piem express themae
would be Impoe.ilble, from a business
to be at home again.
a'. 3 DMe. of Bellalre. has been ap- a^andpoltt for the Conairactlon.compotnUfi county agent for corrections pany to uke any further step* tnaad cbarttlea to succeed Judge Me- wards tbe actual building of tbe roads
The committee have dlscii.t»eB thiuntll much lime as the amount of the
project with a great many p**ople In
Judge MclAuffblln returned Wed- bond BubactipUonwassuchaatoJustl
Traverse City and H U meeting with
BSBday from U last trip of IntpeeUon fy further expendftum on the part of
gr. ui favor. With proi«r co-operailo:i
the Constniciloii company, and that
ARMind the connl - as eouniy agent
ot (he various inleresu and nrganlxn
Bapertatendent Eodgelt win reprt- unleate tliosc aubscripliuDs were made
tIOt-H In the city. H is believed that
MntUe adiools at the aUte teachers' at a very early date, tbe roadi could
old home week next year will be on •
not be put in
■waUng in Battle Creek next week.
of.lhe lug event* In.Ibe hlslorj- of
MIM Bertha Lee. high school teaeh- as It will reuulre several months for
F by wire Prl- tbe maklbS of aurveys and aecurtng
Any by tboanddM death of her father ;rtghls-of-way,; and. further, that
Mother*' Club.
•t Lowell '
Itroeu for euuiptnent must be made at
• The Mothers' club ot Hoardman ave
Fred Paacoe and family have gow-|thla time In order to Insure the denue school met Thursday afierooon
to the Upper PeBSlnsnla to vtalt the ’ livery of car* next sjiHng and
SuiK-rlntendent 1, B Gilbert gave art
CaiDlly of Albert Baoehl. They may Vifr. and that of course the
Inter, sting and InstrucUng aildre** on
would not be contracted for unices
tbe value of such meeting*. .
0. TL Hidk, our genial undertakor. the road* were sn aauured fact.
"In dfflttlng such a eliib." said Mi
mV. Dcnneen also aaid that
rwoel+ed ji vWt from hi* parents, of
Gilbert, "we must answer three quetBoyne aty. the drat. They were en CoRsirartJon comirany bad already
tloiM. what it t*. what 11 I* for and
route lo Detrolf and other polnu.
It cun or may do. >Vhrther H
W, D. Towera and Mra. Towers
does little or no good depend* on lt«
spent fltmday and Monday In Kalfeel juatlfled In waking further v, meek In Grand Rapids, after menilieiii. And H 1* Imitossible fo/
such a club as Ihls, comiioaed of
-----------------------eommunltlcs and
Port Huron. mi>tlu-rs aud teachers, whose Inierest*
Intertat* to be beneflled by the con­
Min Green's home.
Miss Holenmb
struction of the line* of road mant- will stop at Detroit and Mt. Pleatanf are in the iK-tterroent of the child,
be a detriment to the commtinli)-"
fest their Inlorost In the propoalUon
before returning.
Hotace Mann say*. Anv acenry
to the exieni of aubscribiqg for the
Mra. W. H. Abbott and son George tliai tend* to make mm and women
limited number of bond* which have
returned home Iasi night from a (wo more Intelligent Is a pood agent' This
Loin o( time means lots ef been offered for pnblic sahacrlption, weeks' visit tn Durand, Saginaw ami Is the principle bark of the Mother'"
moan. Pr. A. W. Chase's Nerve and that unless siirh subscriptions FUnl.
cl.;b. Imck of Vbe church,school and In
were forihconilcg at an early date.
Mode Rich retnrn<*d last night from tail all government.
PiUt saw you both.
hit people would feel JnsUfled In'
Cleveland. rw..r«i»
Detroit. Jackson
"True oducallon seeks not only to
To tbe wage earner who Beeds steady
hainds to da his work uiid lo wham the
make the boys or girls self suppo.ttom or a day Or a week meaM flnan- sltlon. as the demands of other com­
Cluis. Hallberg baa.been forced to Ing. but also to make men and wo­
rial imsdhl>lp and poaMbly the lavk of munities and the opporiunlllea of
ability tu pun-haav (hr iiecuuiUe* of
quit work on account of a severe at­ men of them sho shall be a benefit
Ufe lor kU mile and little ohee. The feted elsewhere wer' equally attrac­ tack of rheumatism,
' i 'to the eomrounliy. whatever their or
auiemeat of lesutu ubiamra m Just tive as those in cocnortlon with the
sorb gscasr by Mi. FrrU Uwi of T2<
Mr. and Mrs. A. Innis rotanx’d to fupailon maybe
Slh Avr.. New 8rtcbl.ui Pa., is of the prraetn enterpriev*.
ibclr home In Elk Rapids today after
-What l» the boy? What U the girl?
great**! IMrrret an., value. Ur. Hoyt
says In a way tbal show* positive rea short vUli wiih tbeir daughter. Mni. We can formulate no definite an*
I Chair*.
MllUam Bloodgood.
Every child U' differcni aad require*
ewM lu have a band so sisedy. I
As au expertrocK Henry Brodhagen
teuld urllr lliu l.oril's pj:.>rr In a
A. Barr, of Backley. was In town on to be-flealt with In a different man­
twrnty-ntr cr.t |.ltv«—tr.-ti as a re- and P. H. Brosrn will manufacture
ner. And any agency, whether ,U 1*
aali or «.verw«irk ami nvrnlraln mj son cbaliw and If Ihi* I* auccesaful. business today.
s y«s gav .- pu'. iptU m> haniis ..nj nervrt
the Mothers' club, school church or
genrrsilr b-.Hiiie (rrmtily. I was rest- the business will Ik- engaged In on a
Qranff* MeMln«.
what not. that keeps the mind opft
leas wad rout.l mat aieep. I crrtelnly large acale. Mr. Brown was formerly
waa Ih bid shaiu aii4 lust my ability
The regular meeting of the grange or Hi king the truth Is a great benefit
le v.rilr-.n;.|,i y.;.t«.l i heard wlih the Traverse City Chair Co., aad
or Dr. A. W. rb.s-'s Nerrr PlIlB and
Iboruughly exiH-ilenced and prae- wa* hold this afiemoon. The grange ••Scientific Investigation bring* forth
aot loir.i- and ih' y U' k baM iiutnedlaie- Ileal man *0 that the experiment will hare, a special, program a* this Is faci* relative to the child never
ly. It - •<-. n io>!iv:i ulid r iii- strength,
eiy net.** grnw sie.rCy and nry ey^ undoubtedly be tuceosaful.
i Pomona Day. Pomona U the goddess known before. In fact, the more we
s'gbt iBja-nvr.l gSKitiy. Today 1 Icel
of fruit, and In her honor the day Is study tbe child the mora we find we
fiueir and <uii wrlir aa well again a*
Mr*. O. A. Holliday Ivijurad.
celebrated. A display of fruit Is on nevd lo know. We are a^mi*g to
star. Bial R-wns a v.-ry steady
f»ive." Wv a bex It! all O.elr:* »r l>r
Mr*. U. A. Holliday. whlle aMlsUng exhlbUlon and tbonght amall the qoal- ter fit the bo.v* and glri* to meet the
a W^ChBseMrdKlneCa-. Huf:ala,N.r.
tbo ladle* to derve .meals at tk« Uy makes up for my lark tn quantity. requlremcnu of life and make life
Fer ^ Ay Aefeewso On« Co.

.......«... ....k;

Hoxie has some seedllnc grapes
that are nearly three qaartert of an
Inch In dlasMer. He says they are
very hardy and a goo2 bearer.
Mra. E. J. BobartBcm has charge of
the program and a call witl be made
all present to cantrlbnte some
thing on the subject of fruit Theie
will also be the regular grange work

Tmerst Otr
Traverse Cit>',
Sell yoo yoor bill fora house or ban-.
a fnO line of

V.\- carry ui nlh time*'

Get onr fixture od4 oompare our grades lM.-(on: buying
oa. Look for the Big Bed Pkui.
Cor. E. eih St and Lake Are.


A. Tracy Lay. Prsaldsat
B. Floyd Clinch. VV» I
Samuel Gariand. Casblrt.
A. J. Ma.vnard. Asst. Cashier. ”
A. J HsviUed. Asst. C^tbisr.

SURPLUS. 146.000

Coll on

k Gesenl BtsklBc BtfittmJMc

Phone*. Bell .H^. Citt. XA

3 ttr-Cmi aUovM «a Flae X>CF«R»

UI. n.i:.... We have the Best Tea on

We Believe


ChoKo Cuoalored .Tapan {.irHCttlarly hoe davor .ltd
extseplicmul atrvugtb, I! y««o have trouble gt-Uiog a
tea that it to your liking try a aaiDple pound of this
on.-. We will Uke our chaiice* oo your oouiing Iwck

aSMaSM W esM *a «ka

Dr. F.



Iderolng to themselves and other*.,
We cannot work this out along
specific and .It-finiie lines. We have
councils and varlou* meetlnga to de­
cide best methods ot-pavlng. building.
How much more itniKirtout wc
should have such meeting* as thetadiscuss the welfare of uur bo}w ami
glrU wh.i are to Ik- the nivu and wo
men Of lomnrrow."
The program closed alih several
pl.-Ublng vocal BumU-r*.
S«>ng. by ten little kindergarteners.
•The L*».t Doll."-- by ^Mr*.
I'iegan and "The• Soldle
Master Morrison Crawford, who r<
sponded to *n encore with ' Drvan
Mrs. W. F Bowen 1* to have charge
of tbe next me«tlng. Nov. 7. at 3
o'clock Ssbject. -Pubtle Flayground "
All are Invlud.
Never ran tell when you’ll mash a
finger or suffer a cut. bruise, bum
or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas'
Klectrtc Oil Instantly relieve* the
psin—quickly cures the wound.
Mra. O. Efwynkoop Hunn'iTRunaway
Mrs. D. E. Wynkoop was thrown
from her ^gy yesterday aflern.ion
near the drUHiig park and waa brouglit
to her home In Ihl* clly lu an uueoi-.scloua cuiidlilun. Today she 1* f«-eliiig
toiiii-whal lame from her exj*ei'ie»ee
but otherwise i» aufft-riiig no 111-eff-wts.
Mrs. Wyukcop was returning from
the Wynkoop aumnier home ot East
bay yesiei-day afternoon and being In
a jiurry v»as driving somewhat fa-She noticed a Kmull dug come rmiiiliiii
out and play about the hors- '* te--i
but thought noihliig .tbout It until sluH.iw- the dug bill- tbo horse on llu
Itgii. Tile next ii..vUllit a tre<- limiiu i
tip In front of her and iheii ram.
How loug she wiui uneonsclims -lodoes not know, but the next tiling sleknew she was sltllng in ibe road and
.someone was llfltug the 1mgK\- tiff he;.
From then It I* a blsnk until *1i"
ngi.ln ,awakent-d and found fa--ive!f a;
The horse I* a splrlli-d animni ^iid
eaiitiot stand anything striking It.on
the leg*. When the dos attacked ti­
ll Inmiedlat-dy swerved throwing lb-liiiggy agninsi a tr>N-. upseiting It and
demollstliig till- vehicle, -Mrs Win
ktxip wax nn<lertieaib aud reciiv.%
nils about the foretiead aud also i.:.t:i
fill bruise* on h--r arm
She was pli-ki-d ii]> and bi eiu'.t/
horn-- and inetll-al .iltend.vne-- s.iii:
nioin-d and wtib- the s.iffer.J

Saactauat at

Im Stosw
TravwM e*ly

Price, SOc per ponad.



siderable palu lust uighl.
be around today.
Don t I<T Uie ba;y »;i.T. r fion.
ecxemn. sor.-s or any iK hlng <
skin. Ikwn'w Ointment give* 1
relleL Cure*, quickly. Perfectly w.f.
for chndren. All druggists sell IL


r.ldron n-nloji's!w-as rald-'d li; biirglttw. who seen.--ctinslderalle 1<k|V''
Ml»» C le-iu/si. John-, of Kslamu
*■«>.. tins heoa apjHdnt.-d a uxiclier
in (he 0(oe Indian school In OUuhu

tLl KINDe OF OUT rLowns

Tbe eighteenth annual Michigan
Sute. Christian Endeavor convention OTATE of MICHIOAN, th* ProIs to be held In GraiiQ Rapid* N’ovem ^ b.vte Court f(w the Oewnty ot
Grand Traverse.
ber 31 21.

In the matter of Ihe estate of J«Ua
It Johnson, decewaed.
Kotiro Is hereby given that foot
tncmliis from tbo ;6ih day of 8*pUMiN r A. D.
have been alloved for
ci..Uinr* to prevnt their eUloia
against said dcc-ased to said court
'xamlnailen and adjustment, aad
all credltora of said deexasad are
preoent tbeir cltlnta
to M aiMkt, sSmtMS.
raid court, at the probat* oSle*. I«
•im, a,u*t St One*.
the Clly of Traver*.. City In aaid
. s-.Khra,
■county, tm or before the 3Sih day ot
bssb sod iroteeu
January A. D. 1»0S.
r*'* and......................
that aaid
tbe dj>ra»I u>
claims will b. s heard by sa«l court on
biwne resulting ft.-m Catarrh and drives Turtday tbe 2Sth day of January.
-jnuary, A.
bWhy sCoId lu the llM-l .pii- kly. lli ,U-re, 1) ItHi...............................................
II*. at ten o'clock In the forenooct
the S.-u>-v»f T..-ae uwl SiueU. Full
nai.d Sept. :ith. A. n, I«i07.
f.O rl». >( li;tiL.-;,-i-t. or by mail, l.iyuid
FRin> R. WAIJfProlMite.
Judge of Pn

A Riliablijleatilr


Elf'i Crus Balii

The Farmers’ Store
Before you buy your heating stove come
in and see the

1 he haodsomrst wi-o-l heater made. This stove »
very »c n-mica! i> fu.l and we will guarantee it to
h.'d lire 30 hours. It ]ia-a larije feed door, bailed ash
p in. heavy css: Iminj;-; and is by tar the
\\'i- nls.-i liave the rouii'l s oves. good airtight*, cheap
air.ighis, in far. anything you wan: in the stove line

At Prices that are Right


Ttouinls Hite Kilter
Tinble aid Nnei Siirect iL

Get Ready for Winter

Hew T, Ftod Oat.
rill u l■FUll• or i .mii!t>.:;gL--vwitli your
salcr uud let ii slaud luviitv -tour bout' :

for it win btxin be ber* , Make four Chicken Coop warm
b>- liuiiii' it witb oar tor paper. Tar paper keep* oat ben lice,
makes ibe •'du}.- varoi sorl unitary.

For roofs «e bare tevenl

iliir-ri-ut kimlsof Roofing I'api-r, Tarred Felt, KeystOBe, la*
al»o convimriiit; proo
and b'uiddv-r arc out <l
Wbat To Oe.
There U comiort in liu- kpowlclge -j
often c-xprv'sed. that llr. K
SwTtnn-R-'-t.'.be grea'. kidney r
falliil* everv wish incntitig riteumsti-i-..
;aiii 111 Ih-.- tiw k. ki tf-V', livor.
..tid every jart of the urinary Ini-.-l'''.
il'corrorra insbility lo li*d-l wu!.;aud ecu'i.ling p«m in paS'ing n. or '
elievis iulluwiug uve of li'iuuf. wuie
-x-er. and ovwieiKues tlu: unt.'.r-'.-!.'. ;
c«-SMtv of Ijeing compe'.lc-l lo iro oiivu
• Utring the day. *nd to get up m-iu'
lion* during the night. Tbe i;ul! .v;; l
the exlraofdinsrv effect of 3waiDp*KoM
is,ion realiit-d. It
ibt lugiiv't
fiir Its wonderiul eure* «i llie ni»»t di»ires'iBff cases. II voa nee-l a mclicine
\ <«i sboobl have Ihe best. S->M liv dni^jpM«in fifiv-cent and oae-do'.Ur m.t.
Yon mav-have a sample b-.t:'..- .iud a
hook tliat tells all ____ i
nboutit.bothscnt IrceM^nMQ^^^
bvmail. AddreevDr.^QWBFSS
KBmer & Co. - ~r
Itaniion. N. V. When
writing meciion lhi» paper and don't
l-er tbe
make aav- mistake, but
oL, and
headdress, Binshsmtun, I


H yoa bav«-to repair jour roof get eome of tbii roof­

ing pain-rof P, K..
Do yon want to know vbat Pulp isf

Jtii;a preparatioo

of Cemeot, FiM Clay and Gipsnm used for PlasteriDg'Hone*
atii] it is jolt the thing for patrhiug broken pluter, all joa
have to do is to wtt tbepiilp. mix it auilit is ready to pot on.

Wc alro hart TtovIi std Daibics to put it on with.

Oivo US m esil.



Tile Ust eeulen of the conreBOon
■*t held reetenUr afteniooa. The
erotlons] exerclsee v«re condocled
br the Rev. J. B. LiUeD. ot River

"Living expanses have stcodOy tocrMsed during the pMt fov yewra
and the price ot aU Ubor was ad­
vanced. as wrii -as the prtea of pro­
ducts. while the fees of phytldans
have remained the aame as when tbe
expenses were not more Uutn'haU as
physlcbns in other dUes tUa aUe
have been obliged to toerewM tbetr
fres to meet thb added expenmr. and
there are many smaller towns in atir>r
States where physlebns' fees ate fully
IOC per cent greater than In Traverse
City, yet living expenses are noc^

The flnt BUhtect vu “The HUob•ry Bodset," by the Rev. E. J. Croee.
Sit. Morrif. The 1^.000 BbpUbu of
the north Kive 2 1-3 mllU per dayi
for world-vfde ermnseUeiB.
U has been hoped tluit one cent
day Bicbt be given. Hr. Croee i
A perfect orfAnizAtkjo—the
rlared lhai people are too prone
iblnh In cenU »ben they sboold think
latest fEtqproved machfoerf—
In dollars.
If a certain amount It given for. dif­
oou —w
ferent ezpeneee ]ot them Into
"Ph}-Buiaos have Increased prices
budget all toftetber and tnerease the
equaOed facflttks- an ecooocnito pay for Ubor and life's necessity
and are also expected to meet ihdr
ca! managemott—
Borne are following the wheel
with greater promptness than
plan, different benevolancee for* dif­
many people are willing to tboae sent
—Reasons why the mam«<fK-.
ferent Sundaya. Tbli ta hU eaUmaby the doctor, beuce the phystclana
le not advisable. -The Sunday
turers of Qothcraft Qotbes can
feel they are aaUng no infirCNUiaa a
aehool aboutd gtre all Ite oSeriegs to
proportionately fair chance lu tbe
mlaalooe £et the church auppi^ the
make so perfect a garment at
chgaited eondillons under which we
Sunday aehool." said Mr. Croca.
re now living.
UlaalOM should be preached every
so moderate a cost
"There are tbe changes to be nafie;
Sosday and kept before the people all
"Afi^ Korember 1. ICOT. for aB
Um^ The nee of the tiereopUcan
>y cAb the fee will be tl.5C; tbe
I ivootaeoded lor
e In presentrolntniimi
fee for Confinement calls^
will be 512.til and after calls will be ).
The dying churcbee and living Bap­
Milk Has Raised.
tism was the subject for a discumlon.
Milk some^s, i«B,.jacnq^ In
ipened by the Rev. Robt. W. VanKlrk.
price, 14 lickeu tolngiSii!-^’j! 4bHe said the subject was very hapstead of sixteen. This Is the'falgbsot
t • ^0~eelved. Tbe end of tbe church
price In the history of the diy abd
U the esubHsbmcnt of the kingdom.
is due to the high price of teed.
Tbrre will be a time when the king­
dom will not need or bare a churchCoDitlpation
A church may subBerve Ita Interest
nauBi-a. dirtiness, languor, heart paland cease to hiatory. Death la tnna(CoDtlnned from First Page.)
l>llatlon. Drautlc phywlcs gripe. Meklatlon. It must come to subterve
wiwkeo the bowels and don’t core.
Aid Le
Mark Bailey. higher life. Tbe church which has
exvtnte of Buefa * worker would be
Doan's RegnleU act genUy and cote
a aalary of ||.»0. making a toUl of
saved Ita day and generation, it
censUpatlon. 25 eenu. Ask your
TranaporUtlon Leader—H. P. Sid- nothing to regret that they are gone
•1.M0 for the work."
dons. Detroit.
Then there are churches which should
Editor Christian Herald Page—Rev. never have been, bom of quarrels and
Hie preeldent aabmlUed four recomThe s«-rentb. tbe ••University Ward."
F. P. Baicbelor, Coldwater.
mndatlon for conalderaUoo:
t Ann Arblr will have a public
Junior. Leader—Mrs. Ellen McThere li only one way by whu-h
First, that the action of . the
school. It will b- oa tbe Bberbacb
Bwen. Bay City.
some churches may be recuacluted.
exeeutire committee In adi^iUng the
His has been a minlstn' of love and
property In tbe soutbera part of the
Members Executive Committee— It is to build a grand cburcta and bar.
E. B. Gibbs, lltb director, from
Incroaasd Prieaa.
district plan, be adopted.
when as-ay even for so abort a time Mayfield.
diy. The price paid ta to be «4.4W
Rev. E. J. Cross. M. F. Morris, A. F,
lan who dominates and draw from
Traverse City bas been enjoying
Second, that the executive commit­
he lota.
Harlow. Ann Arbor; A. B. Rumsdlll,
H. D. Deecbman. 12th director, from lower prices tb^ neighboring eitles
other ehurchet of tbe place. This
tee enter Into a written agreement
Rev, B. P. Galloway. be cendemna, the other cbnrcbra are
but now the Ijcri-ased coil of materwith the Ladies’ Hlsalonary aoelety
Cedar Bprings; M. A. Oakley.^^y doing good work and sould have tli? of bit flock, only yesterday r««eivlng
A reema waa taken to Ulk over the bb and Ubor has worked a change
regarding Junior work, to define the
- message that be was wanted
nomination for the president of the here. On and after November 1st
right of way.
pbaaea and Utle of vartona Junior
preach a funeral sermoiT.
aaaocIatloD and the secretary and the price of bread will be advanced
A gopd nucclus hai been formed
Enter Into new fields and establish
workere and provide more harmoi
tor the funds of B. Y. P. U. witbonl. tbe kingdom of God rather than try
treasurer. There are the three ofloaf, making It cost « cenU
_ recusttate
_________ ____
fleet that are Important In making tbe and the price of small goods, rolls,
some place wbicb bas
The Rev. Mr. Lovett, of Grand Rap
From Satnnlay’a RecortL
fair a success. The mrctlng was then cookies, etc-, will be i" cents a doren
TTie morning session of the Baptist dWe lie work and died
idle, apoke briefly about the a T. P.
The Grand Traverac Region Fair called to order and nomination were
copventinn opened by devoUonals dl death, said tbe speaker.
10 y*nU.
U. work believing that It waa a great
aaaaflntlon beld a meeting in tbe In order.
reeled by the Rev. E R. Clark. Otsego.
prices will also be raised 1 cent a loaf
Those who followed were the Rer.Mr.
. iBt^dke not to provide fundi to carry
bouse Friday night for thi> per­
The committee on enrollment
Three names were presented. Prank for bread and two oenta a doxcu for
Roberta, who said If the Baptists
on the work, yet be thought that their
ported thet tbe roll was thought t
Hamilton.. E L. Sprague and H. S. small goods.
going to have the old policy of liberty auended and at 7:30 the meeUng waa
atrmgtb tlee in thrmaclvee and be be­
Incompleii! as some bad not reglaterSanders for prbsIdcnL On the fourth
this, the bakers have
the church has got to mn the risk of called to order and I. B. Gilbert took
lieves that the beel altitude for the
ed. tbe report as giren ahowa 1S5 danger of the churches falling
ballot E L. Sprague was elected as the following to say
society was to slsnd Ann aod know
the chair aa ebaliman pro tern. In president.
delegstes, twelve directors, twenty"Not only has the pries
that "yon ea^o 11 if you will.'
':er to do bualntBS it waa noceaaary
ons visitors.
me up. but labor costa us
• •
bave members and according to Ir. Sprague^ responded. He said tbe other materials, ev-erythlng
Tbe nominating commlllee reported
Tbe Rev. Mr. Uttell said, "inde­
taksa op aeparately. The first one
the conatltution a person may become me was ripe for tbit orgaulxatlon.
that as Bcbnyler Grant cannot accept pendency lias mn to aeetL
baker uses, have gone up b
Imleoririag -M -eemmeat wds carried at
member by paying a Gw of »l.
the nomination as president the luiii^
At the prices we are re­
pendency It good but interdependency
; also the second. ^
There sere 42 who paid the dollar matter and support It. Kext year will
of L. A. Sharp, Alma, substituted and
ceiving BOW. we are Juat meeting
is l>cUer.
Moch dlKoaston followed the readand iolned tbe fair
the name of Bcbayler Grant placed on
l"(jbe presldentbl year and'speakers will expenses and it Is Impossible
Tbe Rev! U. M- McDermand said be nlgbt. The following are tbe names
lag of the third, a diversity of opin­
Hie boerd of directors In place of Ur
help to di
tinue (n httslness unless we make tbe
Id not believe tbe Independency of of those who are members thus tar: come that
ion seeming to prevsll. Some thought
Bbarit. Tbe report was accepted.
crowds and a financial success would raise.
the rhtircb. His Idea Is the reaching L. K. Olbba, t. B. Gilbert. Joo.
that the expense of a Beld worked
The Bute of Religion report wai
"All we ask ta a fair profit
would be too great, others that it took
out from a ceuter and doing energetic Santo. J. W. Mllliken. Samuel Gar­ mean a successful fair In every
given by the Rev. C. E. IJipp. Ph.D.. work.
business and we hope that this ad­
land. E B. Gibbi. Howard Muaselman.
Flint. He said that eight quesUoni
E. L. Sprague took tbe chair god vance win be only temporary. Just
The Rev. Mr. .Hudson declared that O. C. Moffatt. W. Sthe next order was the elecHon of the as SOM as we can, we will go back to
•eld secretary ot Ohio, the Rev. E. A.
Garrdw. George Blue. Prank W. Car- secretary and the treasurer. The
one pound pnekngee
turned gave food tor the report. The
the old prices."
Read*, and the expireMlobs of others
speak slightingly of tbe dyl^ out of
Ralph Hlckn. F. M. Hamlin. R. preridem was Instructed to >
questions are: "Has there been
only, Mfiled for your
temlUar with the work, when
Tbe bakers have no organlzatloii.
unusnal ovsnglcal effort in Interest the church, he believes that no church E Waller. W. F! Harsha. E O. Ladd. ballot for E E Walter as secretary, the Increase being made by consent
qoestlon was put It was aco
proledion to mwire your
should he allowed to die out.
J. E. Btowd, a. T. Lay. C. Morrison. and Samuel Garland as treasnrer.
and rwltr The answers ie 50
of tbe fire firms In busloess here.
reltemtshowing no great advance.
getting the geoubeoUThe chair aXked tbe asKocbtlon to
t%s secreurya and t
Doctors Make inersaae.
er'e reKeep your hands off of soperin- Roberston. E. L. Sprague. John Ander- elect two vlce-presIdenlB and P,
ports were nest giren.
From BaUtrday’a Record.
faahioncd Arbuckle*’
Tbe physicians ot the city yester­
Bon. W. W. Dean. L. J. Tedroan, Sours and E. O. Ladd were elected
Tke tresiurer ahows recripU as fol­
day anndunced an Increase (n their
The resoltillons adopted
A motion WBB made and carried Cbariea Germaine. W. D. O. Germaine. fill the posiUons.
ARIOSA Gifiee evcrylime.
lows: Total. MOO.OO; from 13 unlona. Baptist convention embodiei1 In part that the matter be look-ed Into anJiF. B. Brown. Kossoth Sui.-r.
prices and with It they made the fol­
In order that the assoclatinn could lowing statement:
Be teal>’ i{ they send yog
Individual, five donaUona. that the aboMshment of child Ubor be a report submitted at the next annual 1 Kirkland. L. K. Cleveland. F. E Wolreceive assistance from the county It
eight rslllM. m.7fl. AU bills
"The physicians of Traverse City
that the
a sdutitute, v.-luch is not as g^
meeting. Tbe committee appointed cot. F, W. Wilson. C. C. Creasy. A. B. would be necessary that there be $100
paid s s Blight balance on hand.
■land for the offleiency of the public
Beman. Schuyler Grant, Cook. H. B. Beecbam. E. ChampUln. In the treatur;'. There was 142 paid think the time has come when they
may in lims nm your
Regret was expressed that Prof. schools and the Anti-Saloon league. Joshua Roberts, tbe Rev. Irving.
C 8. Johnson. J. W. Jackson. E In lut Bight and an effort will be must have compentaUoo for their
digtstion and nerves.
Mark Bailey, who waa to have one Thanks to the local church and com­
work more in proportion to the
leccpllng the report ot tbe nds- Walter.
made to raise the balance today. Tbe of living
of tbe principal addreasea of tbe munity for hospitality and comfort: alonary
committee It was made
R. W. Waller was appointed tem­ matter of grounds upon which to hold
anemoao, was obliged to leave. It and tbe fraternal courtesies of (be I
It meant the rstslng n( porary secretary and the election of the fair wag left to tbe officers ard
waa recommended that a etatoment be cburcbea of the city, the choirs which
iggeated. Tbe report
twelve membem as a board of dlrec- they will present the matter to the
•and to him to this effect.
bsre added not a little to the meet­ unanimously accepted.
'tbrs was next in order. The following board of directors. The meeting wag
B. Y. P. O. Officers.
The expense committee for the coiF'
• elected to serve tbU year as adjuirard.
* Tbe nominating committee aubmllThey nreord the hearty disapproval venUon reported |7.00, it waa aecept- directors:
There b much iiilerest shown In
tlH (he following report wMcb was ac- ol laws and customs that make for
E O. Ladd, flrst director, from the ibb mutter and everyliody should be­
oepted and adopted:
easy divorce and that tbe church re­
Tbe president. Martin U. Quick,
gin now to make the fair next fall a
Pr«aWent-B. C. Fish. Jackson.
fuse to unite In marriage parties spoke In closing, of his pleasant rela­
E Black, i*cond director, from East record breaker in all resiiects.
First Vice-President—W. B. Thorpe, ellbrr of. wbom has been divorced ex- tions with tbe eooreotion and de­ Bay.
peltfaer can genlns
The genenil sentiment b that ^hls
for the gravest reasooa. surii as clared be believes the work of tbe
W. Germaine, third director, from region hag l>een dormant on this fair
Second Vice-President—Miss Mil­ In the Judgment of tbe mlotster would church will go forward with renewed'the city.
q«e-:lon long enough and now is the
prrdnce a PIANO
dred Sourwlne. Escanabs.
MlTnM and
anil vigor.
have the approval of Christ.
There Ib _I bright
Robertson, fourth director, from time to take hold with those that
have started this work and giv.- ft the
superior to the
The Rev. Ira Smith closed the meet­
Samuel Garland, fifth director, from best effort and thought ThU fair
ing with devotions.
the city.
means m.ucb to the city and the county
L, J. Tedman. sixth dlrcctcr. from.
large. It Is one of the marks of.
-Gde of Beat Knowm 1
progress of any community and the {
Perhaps one or Che beet knosnf and
P. Hapilin. aeventh director, from Grand Traverse region should be kept i
_____ iffering. It does not
best beloved members of tbe Baptist Blair.
in the position that it desenes.
o be the plan of nature that
O C. Moffatt. eighth dltaclor. from
convention hi one of lu patriarchs.
ahonld suSrr i
erely. IrrvavlariUes and pain are positive
John netcher. who 1» In attendance the city,
“Had d.vRpepsia or ludlgesUon for
eTidenee that something b wrong
- V Slate convention here. He bas
J. E Brown, ninih director, from year*. -No appetite, and what I did
fht or it trill
the distinction of « continuous pastor­ the city.
dl?tres*ed me terribly. Burdock
ate of fony-lwo years, being now
E Hicks. 10th director, from nft i Blood Bitters cur<-d me." J. H, WalkWe manufartjre this i
o ourselves and know that
. have
ter, Sunburj-, Ohio
In bis forty-third, the longest iwstor- Lake.
DP finer material nor raw skillful sorkmanablp enter tato the confound relief from all
ill periodic snfI
■ing bv taking Lydia E. FinksU'jcUoQ of ARV Ptano
bams Vegetable Compeand. which
But even ihi* would not mike our- Piano the superb mudcal Inb made from native r»oU and herbs,
1S6.* He bad prevloualy been In tbe|
ktrument it Is If we had not the scientific knomledge and wide experi­
as it b the most thorough female
rtUed Stales senlce In the Civil war
ence neceskary to the atuinmeat of perfect results.
regulator known to medical aciei
and bad Just left tbe service, having
1 which
Few manufact-jrerr have any knowledge ot Pianos outside of
been In that memorable campaign.
their own makes' We have handled tbe leading Pianos for maty
General Sherman's march to tbe sea.
years and. In caring for our cuMoaerw losiruments, have iboroiighly
is now engaged in putting up preserves and pickles—
The Rev. Mr. Fletcher bas seen'
oeoacHuenoes and be restored tobsalih and strength by taking
siudleC their consinicBoa. The valuable Information tha* gained has
1C town of Plalnwell grow fmu tbe
Are you in a pickle ?—Perhaps we can help you some.
b»en our guide in the producUon of our own Paao. wUch 1* con­
merost hamlet known at that rime as
ceded by rawlclans and experts to be ati Inkirumeol of the very high­
-The .lunetton" to a thriving lnv|
Mbs Adelside KtchoU of
4 W(«tt3nd
- - Street,
New ' - est class—the acme of perfectloa in tone, touch, evenness of scale, durdustrtal village of l.WW inhabitants. |
rriles:—rvsr Mrs, lniikhsm:--lf womeu wbo suffer would only rely
aMllLv and all of the qusHUes which toget.‘icr mark the truly artistic
ipon LvdisE. I'inkhsm’s Vegetable Compound their trembles wouU he
Mr. Fletcher b now laboring In lorej
luickly allcsisteil. I feel greatly indebted for tlie >vli<-f and health
and K.rmpathy wUb the third genera-!
been brought towie by vour Ineetliuahlr reowdy."
Inspection earnestly Invited. Catalogue, list of purchasers and
having married tbe grandpar.
Lydia E I’inkliam i. Vegetable (X_,--------------------------------- ,-------booklrt of testinomala from lead:nc t^■J^:ciat» mailed fre*- to anv adSBch as Falling and Dispfscvmrsta. and Organic Dbeases. Hesdsehe.
euis and seen tbe family grow to man-1
DebiUtr. ludigosUoo. and..............................................
hood knd womanhood. JoicUag In tbel- [
V.U- the deri
Jo.vs sod sorrows as only a pastor,
Good fresh pickling supplies and reasonable spices
wbo has bU people’s Iniereits
heart. He bas seen "God's acre" filled
anv form of female weakness are li
Factory aod Headquarters at Detroit
write ara tinunam. avtiViiB.sissa.r n>u>
manhood and says there are more
may be located aod the qulekcst and surest way of reeovery sdrised.
there than are living in the
1 ilx-K.

Suit. - $10 to $25
OvCTcoats$10 to $25



DTOL© ^©[Lfl




'Griiinell Bros.”

The Busy Housewife

Lydia E. Pinkham’sVegetable Compound

Seallua Wax—Tumeric
Mace-Mustard - OUl Seed
Curry Pewder-Spices


Mrs. f^nkhain's Standing Invitation to Women

maif$ Drug Store

Traverse Qly Store:

159 East Front Street




a maoa of Tokobana. takra oa I recoBUoeoded that a w V roof be put
BhertS Jobnsoa appeared before the
Marcb 31. akowa a ^opnlaUon of SS>.- or to* poorbouae. that I toilet
board and ataicd that toe court had
MS rraidanu Is ibal Icadinc Japas- ariib a bath be added and that toe aoked that a reot room be provided
fmli trees on toe poor farm that for women at toe coon houoe.
t o*eloMc thto iMmiAs aurt atthM0h oaa port.
MarrehHu as an Ua porformasoea hare died and been remored, be re­ ferred to
comaUttee on finance,
Mw r»>af fipia, »H ttM)T wwfvd
placed. The report was accepted and ways and meana to report
^leh had of the sHo-date airship. It
The I
adopted and too vorfi ordered done.
h«n braiifttt In by a rwral carriar laat
poaalble as kwg aco aa tUt.
altowad fifiW. jhe a e aa last year.
Wbpilf* on JnN.
tllir committee on buUdlnga and
About I O^a* MM flMnHn«. boM ear* Che Dosdoe Ad<|Mtlo«r. CM Au(.
Gncked ind Blsediiif In Many
Saury's Record.
Altan «M0 wMfl0i»9 to Ma boardii>« I. <d that jraar MM. Retard Md K
sd fitd that Nit
Tbe board of supervisors Saturday
bOMOO. H« woo ri|ht In tha foar of
Came Off Finger—Tried Many
tba notiffleo'. whieh u in Howord
Remedies and Consuhed Three
plaster oo the walU of the aeoend
i^efUa oanarsi alaro, Mr. Loaen bo> Chtlalt-MeadoD. succeeded for tho
Doctors, but Got No Relief-Now
Ing Mo uoafoiaafar, «bon ba board a first note is inaklss « clreslar b*h Soar V rfidacod with steel aheeUai
try to do so. toe eounty |
With a diara^ped bah and that igo ebrSi of wood be bojwhL
Cur^ and Is Very
to aund the expense. The sheriff ap­
loon ISO feet loog.
They also rocommMded that
peared bfdbre the board with this rrdysaiso
bbd nwal^ ts tha hoan of
oasti trareled a dlstasso of tares jsdge'i office. TherWp,..
report was _
ac- qti«4t this morning.
IMkofWin. tM toum marshal, are
Tbe report of the board of equallxa
cciiad aad .adopted aad toe work swhim aad aJoa prank Loaob. brother of kllometera Is 33 nlsni
Hon wts adopted at tbe morning sesMtmaotor being at the very spot from siblch they had dered dose.
Mon btii tMs aftemoon a motion was
sUrted at Moudos. Lbter. os Oct
out of tosm.
_“I had ersHras ian mr hsixlr t<>r
made to recon-«ider it

TV- h*»d« .vfc-krd
Taro mora reports More haard and
Tbe committee ou pour reported Ii opm ID msDv i-lM-w sud U.M. Use
voyages Is the air. rlglBg
the allotment of depnty county
about all tha male pepulotiap of the
th, b,M -.d d„
uMlapo was awshonod. Maotily arm- •cosdlsg at will, pertormlng eaolu- •ehool Mumiaers uador Act 1(3 of
gate autfaorlty to the superlntentfenls
llrctMlew. but bad
Inf thomoolvoo. th« men wont to tht' UoBS. and traTollsg afitlnat a fairly toe pubil^acu of iPOS. He ttolad
cuofidnx-e lu il»-m s- 1 had t»W *o
to employ a count;- ph.v*icUD and
my refnedini and tliev ^(^1
all ha^^
tell falM
foMolao only U find dt dooortod. The ttraag breote. thns demosstratisg thaf to many pnplla took the eIgMl
to be balled at a very re* grade sanmlantRia illrvugbout' tb. therefore they rould not reronimend
eabhOfO had oMhar haard them oaming
I'msiiy my
cent dlaeorery. (hat a bdiloos can 1
eonfety that It look about isro weeks that. They roronimended that'Dr. R.
or had boon notlbad of danptr by a
steered tbro^ tho air aa eaally aa
to examine all toe papers. Many of L. Tbitlby be employed, fees cot to
ship over t# anas.
the sebobU want to bold commence­ exceed ITS S year. Adopted.
Tha aaft waa a total weaob and had
The Cdmulitee oo buildings tna T.-ni Pill-. i>f o>ur«-l
JUaitraUsg the otrasgo power of ment exercises and when it takes
l utMtir*
Ml rh- tim- for mv teml-, l-nt
tho thtovoo had throe minutoo lOAipr, the imaglsaiion. B. P. BeseOK. anchor' long to eumlor the papers, tots is
-rand, recommended that tbe sebnni
the one cake of nuap an-l baff a. bos
be fitted up. for of ('uikura Oiutiuem cured llwiu. U
'Dodo.''. Cells this Isetdest
as school baa been '
•d la tfCCing Into It aa the p
1. udfc.'
™.d, .dd,h..
doctor he knew bad found H seeceo- relasrd.
By ' having
abened It thio mamlng wHhaiii dWh tary to give
depntles. tor srork Mn be done in two mIsaloMr «se tbe room intended for ’ teving u»-d VulK-um RettedM. aixl
dblty. uolag a crowbar.
■unrod ite-tn Lo all »y(fenn* «itli
isgs an iBlectlon of norpUh to enable or three days and the eommeneemenU lh« proaotntlng attorney but now used
m. Mr-. Wizs A. Wik-y. K. F. U.
him to get some sleep. After s while held. It would also affret a aavlng
. lows. Oct. IS. IVOO."
poetagi etaaipa tbo doctor thought It adwtoabte
(or the ootfnty. Mr. Crlap's recom- lavatory waa ordered for tbe ' Jurjto tho stop tho morphia, and tor to^ nights
roam. Tbe report was scevpted and
• allowed.
hij patient was unabir to alenp.
Mtputy School Examiaoa.
Tho ontraaoo to the etors had boon ing to great pain. On the third Mgbt
Register of Deeds WBaon reported
Resulted tnxn PolsoBinc. Cured
Had Many SenMtieiN.
made by cutting a helo through
the doctdr. being atlll aswilting to ad­ that toe first Index to the deeds and
by Two Sets •! Cuttcura
Mirb.. Oct. IE—Sensaiif>n
soar door. 0 ^
minister morphta. Injected plain water the Index to the first mortgagee le-'
followed the sensation in toe legidslamotor of the opening instead. The man alepl perfectly and
Mood and tho diai
corded were Incomplete. He offered lure yeaterday. First. Governor War­
"My hu-hsnd g-t s U-xMdiWwfrom
OMO ahoot thrao Inohot. Tho bar that awoke In the morning with what Is
compile the index tor the deeds, ner read tbe riot aet to the legislature weaneg wua4fii uii-lerww. Hr was
hold tho door ohut woo then rolood.
all full of i>iRii>lrt. si.a he had sLi B-sful
knosm as a morphine moujfi.
which would Include the first fifteen tn a final message, when be took the itching. He Cook s g-iod mane
Tho robboro had oarofuUy gathered
llbma for not to exceed ti:3. poosi- members to task for tailing to pass called bkwd rnimliit.. and nothicg did
UN atampo and ponnNa out of the
him good. Then we saw in a news­
A $1AOO.OOC company,
bly, MOO. He ottered to do tbe deeds the kind of a primary eleetloo bill be paper al»u( Cuiwura Kemedim. and
aoah drawer Mgothor ready to Uko
mooting of tho stoekholdors of
they cured liim aftev using m all two
nnd the mortgages for tiOO.
tarrired. The members retaliated by *so cf futkura Soa|>. Cutk-ur* OinibM In Uwlr baola. forget thoih. Tho tho Cloetrk, Land A Dovolepmant
Thh bin for Ottawa county for
cndaarorlBg to secure a quorum in ment. and I'mk-uru Rswolvenl. and n->v
mob aro btliooad to bo ptofoaaiaaato company,
oftornooiv,- tho Oeerge Benton. Insane, amounting
I wouldn't do without Culacur* Suati.
Prooi tho (act that thay uaad nitro formation of o company to Mowolep
Mrs. Uaruer. lOM) Benners St., Heading.
M«A0 was found to be correct
Pa.. Jan. 25. isge."
glyeertna. aomoMlng
no ams
tho pewor on tho Mantotoo rtvor wao Benton sms a rcaMent c( this county,
might be read Into toe record. le tbe
wouM ear* to attompC
authorlsad. Thlo
and was ordered palA
eSort to sacure a quorum toe Lansing
Peatoinco intpoeter Martin, of known as tho
Would Cura Drunkard*.
chief of police and tsro officers were
Travotoa City, haa boon notified of the
I and tho eutherixod capital
Tbe board was in receipt of n corn- pressed Into service. Ueutanant Govwill bo giAOOMO of which Wise
toe Keeley InsUtute
emor Kelley refusing to allow senate
000 io toouod in fully paid ttoek.
Of Grand Rapida. mWring r
oBtcUl to search (or tbe missing men.
Return to Oat Morriod.
The aurvoy af too preporty hold by tlOB to bare the d
Tbe legkiatuic socceeded la pass­ day fcir Chlcasci. eio attend the
J. C. Boban. tho firm Cecil Rhodeo tbo Eloetrtc, Lend A Oowelopmont instead of the Detroit hrwoe of foring tbe boxers' prlmiry- bill, tbe adoohoiar oent from Melbourne to Ox­ oompany was
foetlon and offered to cur* them for mlalattatlODUU capUuUting at tbe lliilllu- r> display at Caisv Him.
Jutii<> Hsl>. i>( Koiplrc. wbo has
ford. haa moreod to Australia to get
would cost lo keep laat moment and running up toe white
mantad. Hp^ya the Rbodea ochol- chap# for c
bet*ii li- re oil tiii»in<-se, rvturned bumttbem in DetroR ninety day*. Tbe In­
Ais are now setUIng down and Oxford oapoetod that aa ooen aa too organlaa- stitute also cited an aet which au­ lag. They declared toe boxerv' bVl today
la getting tmed to them. Thnt be do- Uoa Io porfoetod. too oontrneta for thorises board* to do thU provided was better than none at all.
Mr aiiil.Mn.. L. C. Barker, of EmWbat toe L,
plr*', n tum--d home WMiay.
oerlbeo aa a good thing, becaoae they centtruetNn work will go forth and the victim la winiag. The communi­
Fairly good primary biU. but with .Mrv. Daviej I'oiil weui lo Empile fur
were getUsg tired of being always worh will bo begun thio fall. Tha cation waa received and filed.
and OTory where referred to as“Rhod«o wash tola (nil will bo largely protimr Mslt.
The aoldlers- relief coDimlliee ai>Juvenile court law.
ocbolar*." The norelty has now worn ■nary. SMh as laying aidotracka. otc.. paared before the board.this afterMl'. F>aiik
wrai to Empi--MIHUry bill providing payment (or
e«. nnd they hove bwome merged Id wWlo too haavioot portion of too oon*
and asked for an approprUttop attendance at drill and (or new ar- this niornlqK
the gCMoral ruch. He says that Ur?
Miss Etsie Keuyun U visHiui; ber
of sno. toe tame ts last year. After mortta. although there Is ao fund
t snow Navoo tha r*und in tha paring all the expenaea last year. the>IIAOD a year attached to a Rhodes
molhiT. Mis A. M. BartU-U,
w*hni«ir«irip M jMt sufficient to make Spring.
Spruce street, after a hrlet visit In
coDple of dMIar* left.
Tha first dam will bo Idcotod la
Detroit and olbcr poinU.
Oroonwoed townohip, Wexford county.
Miiises Ih-lle and Maggie Huldt-n
From Friday’s Record. ^
« 4n the 1
and the Rev. W. Murjihy and wife are
wbeaa Chinooe name M Chua Cboo (ipn Walton and will bo known ao
vlsitini; ai thp borne of A. R. Kennedy
TUm. eotobrated hla oeventleth birth­ too Tyler dam. It will have a capacity this afternoon, on mqtlon of Mr.
and will orxaiilr.e a» old-time Mefme
As a finale to tbe apeclal sesaion
»*het*opowsr and for two-thirds Sanford, the board voted to submit
day on Joly ». He aoeeoeded
disi mission -oii South I'nioii siieei
of this, there ia now a ready market toe question of bonding the eounly Gov. Warner Mnt to the legislature a .Ml ure eiiiAsisstli- workers and are
father tn Un bnalaeM of making
About 1S0 mtn wilt bo omployod
fitoa tn Manila In 1365. Sow be U a
hopiKil of success.
wealthy merchant Id that city, with the dam and throe eight-hour ohittt
J. -I rpdyVe I- 'UiliiiB his.miuher
He dealt at some length with pr!
3M employet In his storoa and with win bo worked. Aa the men will bo ihe count}', to the electunt
lor a te wda>s
of bondslnury reform, lamenting tbe fact that
located in tho woods, a big camp will April Mection. The
other targe InteresU. Hla hom.
-Mrs. Zoru Hild.-man Is vUitlng at
tbe legislature f-jiled to pass a better
deemed necessary wUI be fixed a
BMT Amoy. China, whore he owns o bo built for
the borne of Mis H V, Cox on S; '-use
bill and scoring that body (or falUng
It end In- January meeting of toe bonrd.
vboto TlQago.
to peas tbe telephone and totegrapb
Jnm« Parry Wood, who has been
lal bualnoao men in tho city at
taatlon bill and the measure to pr*The committee c
aigelatod chairman of the Spanish well as Inflwantial and prwmiiwnt men
vent stock watering by con>oratjoD».
cMm commlaaion
President D«m other parte of Miehigon and olao ported tbls aftemoon and the report
SooaoseH. to aoceeed Senator w. K. from Wloeonaln, am lirurootod In tho was made a special order of business
Cbandler. has bon connoewd with project and there t# every preopoet of few- tomorrow moratag at lb:M. The
tho commlaaloa Mace lu orgaulxs- oueeooaful development tn the coming vBVBluaQoB of tbe coaaty this year 1* Fnuii Saturday's Record.
Miss Edna Chrlsllausou. of Cedar
>9AT3.0M analnat K.HO.DOO last
tlna In IMl. He was born in Rio
Otobde. O.. In ll5t. and sraa nppolntI of thio property tUs being an Increase of ten per cenL City, has been visitiug ber protb--'toe Increaae being equal ihrongbout Peter Cbrtstlanwun. She returned lo
od tm that state, where fw n aumafford cheap pewpr
Cedar City yesterday.
bar «( years he had been a prtwl- and miinoloiit (or any indwtry thnt toe cranty.
M W. Nlckeon and wile ret-jr.wd
Tbe aUle board of equaUtation had
gaM member of the bar.
too city may bo Ubio to proeom. The
Serna's mot (amoni brigand. Kar- ootimou of tho eonotruotlon onginoor toe total valuation of the county at to Cedar City, having visited ia
Temple. Michigan.
ajftch, baa boon shot near hU hot
the first
W. LlitoUe and wife retumi-d to
regreaented by S. O. Ladd who by
the summit of Moant Kaoct. He had dam to Cadillac, Travomo City
hard work. Induced them' to lower this tbrtr home in Coder City yesterday
Elk Rapids.
to about •lO.OM.OOO hence toe increase. afternoon.
dnattota rdbbertea to hla
Comes to you in
SaaldM tho dam which will bo the
Miss .Nelbe Swanson went to
Daagly daeoted to Ua mother, he sno- firm cermtruetod. It lo poaolbto to eon- The city* share of tola is the aame at
clean, sanitary, air­
Schomberg to make a visit.
pM ID bar wunU from the day she,
last year. 51.*7 per cent.
'dbmet thrpe other power dama
Tbe equaUawtion by townships lx:
*as wOWm
tight packages—
tMldln^ o( too Eloetrtc, Land A DoP^otocUon ofJ
Tbe<«baM7f ttor
all of which wilt
always fresh and
Real PMWocial Touls
AbclaU Buttdtodi tsi ban maktnr bo trsno(srrod to the nov
. .1 3S(A4U t WA® • (77.740
' la of into against thft
Thooo dame can
.. tfiO.070
If.-— to which Msoter tathadnl to
about fioeoo homt pewar ct
belag rastorud. more MpnUlly with ty for twontydour hours and aSdf'
It'sRavorand qual­
WJAM- 4S.679
futomce to tod aealptbN. which, it
twice Mat amount for tonAour rtina.
ity are always the
to declared, hn bon OhUtoratod wlto'The
Ont ruaaoo.
election of ofiioom and dh
same — always
Ccwm Isaac S. Manning teporto roetora. otc, will bo aocenpiMhod
tont tbo oM>|«mbU of pnama hnU
witotn tho next ton day.
from Cnrtngonn. Colombia, to
Vnltod SUtoa during the dacal year
nd^ Jane M. IHM. amounted to |7.- pr*m Tbvsday'O Remird.
XXXX Coffee
ggo; for the cfilndar ynr 1»6 the
William L. Wilson, of KtogBlay. sAs
d to wuoe.
ts sold by
dressed the beard of eaptrslann at
745405 L313.23S
DrJUnger. toe aoUdtor of toe Sal tbo anwaooe oeosloo hbrlag Just re*
nUdrAmy. has ^ totally Wind
from a visit to the eounly poor
All First Class
Mtice he wna 1*. l(ow bond o* n lartii farm. Be was much aurprtood with

inn. of Uwyers in mchnreb almt. toe gunllty of toe neU and p
Um^n. the whole of the praeSce has
a day ooil tor the genbeen bnllt up from hla inltUOTe.
erml noods o( toe county. By buUdlng Add....................
CoamiUlooeral Miller reports that a dam rtgbt rods wide aerosi
Total for city
Tattl for county 9473A00
creek it would also be poaalble to
rslBO water to any portion
The report of the nupertotmdents
Miss Berths Stone, of Traverse
of the port for to* y*r ending Sept. City, wbo tes been visiting Irinda at
also mneb Impreaaad with
received toto atterooon^nd .rtthe duality and quantity of the fruit (enad to the committee on fihaaee. CadlUae. has retanied borne.
Mrs. Jas. Rous*«u went to Rapid
grows there and expraased hi* belief ways abd meal*. It 9Ho-ed total
that tot paogle wem awake to toe dUburaemenU of 36419-M. wUeb In- City to visit ber son.
Miw HickerwoD wem to Rapid City
fact that a better method for provid­
eluddd 3349249 lor food
ing for tbe county poor should be ar­
The irtion Showed farther that a
Mr*. B. HaU went to Brtlaite
n profit of 3116.05 bad baeo returnA petition (or tbe nwobmaai
ad on the fruit from the county poor
Dina Tomer, of laterlo^n.
ley. will vUli ts Wjlllamxbu^ tomordepWy game and fish warden was cir­ (arm.
culated this afternoon and freely
Tbe comamca <m poor rceoMmaq#Mr. aad Mts.v^. R. fVsnk. of Brted that toe matter ot.^rfeg a eoaefy
signed by tbe supervistm.
gbyalefan be left in toe bands of tbr lalre. rwnmed bom* today.
Ml** Helen G. Pikye wlU leave toTho board of pobr' commissioner*
ot the poor.
for Mib tor lobiaw Pw» Oa




iThe Kind Yon Have
Always Braght
Bears the



For Over
Thirty Years






, and bowels
Pr.A. W.ChsM's gtdnsy-LIvsr Pills






ilislrtirtl.itf. hBLi 1 er-B pl«en liy lb*
bate court tor ibe^rouaty oi
ji; i.f Java for Ibi . n-* ilion
Crand Traverse.
Ilf rriimitaL wllbiu tbe walls of tb*
i wcsoioii of said oiurt. ht-ld
or Trav-,
tbe Wb
•'XtTUtbiss has tn deterring
erse City. In said <-ouuly, .
on tbe Jjtaae-e-. Murderer* i«
day of October. .\ 1). ISt.iT.
I'jvscnl: Jlou F^d. I
Walker jlhi- way to the Mwfl.dd are m-ali^d
IwHh cn-»t r.-eiN-.t l-v tbe naltrc po­
judge of prob.-ite.
lu tb.- matlvv ..( til.- rsl
of AI ilii-.- ijtid ore dres»d in while sad
l"rt rter. lull- *•{ said tttuiil.V. d--.
lli-w.'is iu ttsii italr. The »
on tlnm «i:h s respect
Mary I’f.-r bavlut: fiP-d m
ibkw "s
hero worship when
court ber p*'lrt>Ai praMng that a c-r i”'’""
walk ,
I.. ,>
*tain InKtruBient In
' the lost will auil testament oltfiant lr>-ad. In sut-fa <a*es (he rrlasald deceased nnw o:i fib* in said'tlv.-* bury the witb gr«it
court, be admlttci i.. pr.U.jl.-, «oJmol h-M th.-ir ni-mory lu'
that lb.- admtiiistratimi ..f said e, i
tate If grain.d to bers-If o.- p. »**ti!e '•‘•"ur.other suit:i'-!.|| Is furttu .- <-:d-r-sl l*j,i- tin- ,!li
dav ..r-v.vcniw, a i> v."’‘ at <-n IgBfiB^LftgnlIdMiniMdiwIfi


New Districts Now OiMnad
the u>e.v.:i be git>n by paoiu-a:; <u ;
of a copy of this order, for thrw sue '
ceaaive mveko pn.-viii-i* *ko said dav
<>r bearing. In the Grand Traverse
.Herald, a newsjia|KT i.rluti-d a^-l ci.
c-ilet'-d i!i said county

tor Settlement

Sea* <


QT.VTE’ttV' MT(-n“t:A'N.*’m’lh
O ^,.,1

Ill <Tiaii<-« r>




R.-m. I., W'liuht. d-i-n.luui.
Ii ....iilRracuuiiv a|.|«-ii;ii,ir n-.m affi
!:iv!l DU file lu tlu- .-a
tl;..-. .1,.
a-l kii..*-n |.bt.-- Ml w-Md-n.-. .if Ih.
ib..vd.-f-Rd,iiit war In thi■lat.- IMU Uv:,t
f.uiiic- h.n-iii caiioul lo-


kiiuw-n place <if n--l'l"nt-e- i)n Bjutluii'
of I. ii. Coe*-. -I.IK-Itur K.r ibe almvtiiaui-d <-MUii>lMina;i'. K I* ordered that!
tbe -aid d>-fviid*ut Rena L. WrIxbt,
cariKi- h.-r app.-..rjii..--- Io I*- eoteivd in
this c*u«c w'lfhiti tl.r.— nKUiMu- fruru ;
the dati- h--nvf and in >U-{aiilt l2>>Teol;

......... “■ lil-E

• tak.-n
W Ciir'-'.
,it ('Mill (•..mml'*liU!-r.
aid TraL-n... Co. Mhti.

i Gage.

AsD Arbor .........


S-Si'* m omtStUb B.

t A. in.'BEJ- B. F.
r-> .'JEXrj‘. A

Rowland Douglass




Two Shoemakers
with a complete out­
fit of the latest Shoe
Repairing Machines
places us'.where we
can do the finest
shoe repairing on
short notice.
All welt soles.sewed
0pp. Hotel Wpfliiir'


r-y<i 5

•bf vUl bav« to taU ya« I

^ -aancUla*-ta-UibUB Ut bordta
oa bU aplrltt aa
at be waited Ila
b tbe
tb ebUI
and dartaeat at tbe aataaio evealog.
BUlye never deUberatriy set blwtloomy
tbonebt. Added to tbe tact of tarely
haTlng tlwe tor It. It never oeeurred

. And that .1*
i«b«ac.Uaaw-ahd«tbat! . - Kittan. in * MaiLBaclu
KUy wore all
U witter t belter dtir
dalr of; 0»e
One o( the «oeerw package, that
tore, a Ball cieit ever took la o« . nail
kboca tnao ever in hia Uto betorw.
aad alu t better hai; that Pni bad a'cradV waa that received by the clerk,
good war. pair of mitten.; that Mlke>a the (nit ot Hw OUo Hirer dlvl*.
bad bis oott. and among them all loo of the Baltimore nnd Ohio RatlUmIm anri (UgutMi&n d Th«
tbey mauaged to «|aeete out a daa- road, which Irote. Whre-iina aNnji
Your prealdest slipped i
H*r*U Vaims pallet •ynthlnt
ad abiri lor him alao.-Se*ected.
elt-vcn o clock in tbe morning
I At a mtic aUtlOB called Wena.
crept K»nly to tbe fence while a real t^
I will try iwvw ta %»wry tr
----- --------------- ; aldow with Several cnaU ebUdren
He*, a Dog bared a Horea.
| where , mall
u taken’ from a
cloud hid tbe aodcm. Then abe crouch- day,
I hare two big caU tor pebi; one Bet Jiui now anxiety bore rntber
Hbeu I wm. •“
a boy vMi
our iw..
folks u—u.*i
owned,«an.-. aa
a* toe
the irnjn
train O0<
dors not .top, tbe
ed dowt and ateoat bold bar h(«atb
It a naltaae aad tbe other li black boavtly npoe bln. Winter waa eoninc a dog cnlM Rover. No dog fancier mail clerk* the other
I will try tt bt at happy a* I
0.1 the Usbt sboae out a«aln.
and wbiU. I like to tday wl^ then.[onandbf could not aiaeblsway clear- would bare token k second look at tbe tegular grab tor the mall poMh '
ibere was M one oa tbe atreei. aad! Tbe mait^ eonea. and
tty, ly to the Bcttliv of eontorta lor bln- him on account of bt* pedigree, for be and after opening it found that . Hee
I will try It bt ItvtA^ htlpfal
had none. But ibU deftdency waa, kitten bad either been put in U by
la tbe shadow tor a few nlnntea. then bare ^ cattle, three horeee. two ’ ed her beat, aad be and liib. ai*
aM kinp U artrybody and ta
•vary Uvlitf thiaf.
Btole eofUy acroM tbe road, and bad belfei#Md three calve*. Papa aelto' ibelr beet but there waa alwar* a well supplied by brave. Intdllgent some one or had gotten to acrtdentol ,
jly and had been delivered sith the
aUBay ^ ^
It I tvar fall In trying tt dt
There wound through oor fann a I mail in that reokb way to tbe car
when one of the boye turned the cor- to milk.! go to the Lone Tree ecbooL'elty would not meet. Poor BDly beat
thing., I .III -Try. try
•prtog atrenm with high, proclpltoo*] An M.mlnaUon of tbe kitten .bow
He kept toobing acros* at her My teacher I name la Mr*. Holbrook, hi* brain In vain.
bouee. and wMt rlcbt by wKbont no­ I Bke her very wHI. There art about! “» 1 wear a .u*w'bat all winter, banks on ooe aide, white tbe ground ed that one of Us leg, was .llghUv !
ticing her.
Then, when the noon forty .tdiolan In <nr acbooL There Ujthai lJ be lonetbln- to go toward* me eloped gradually un the opposite aide Inilscd. oibrrwise it did not appear!

— —
we .uiueioui to go towaros tneiJo dsbiu as high <g higher Not tar U be iDlured Since then It ha« beeif''
bidden agnln. abe acanpejed
through a net^bor-B yard, flipped
under a fence, ran quickly from bush dren play down there. Aa my letter ^ have a coSL If Mike ha* a coat staked out one of the horses, so that car and she clerka are very much at- vanla -The roon* man
be can do without a flannel ahirt. and It could reach the tender. Juicy greas tached to It-R-beellng Intelligencer ' roadway
to bush, cowering down Into
feet in lengto of ipeta:
llMJe la getung long enoogii. I will close.
thin Pat cap'bave a pair of biltcna. close to the edge of tbe »ater. Tbe
heap eaeb time she aaw anyo
and divided is Into two parallc! pattaa.
Tour trne Snnabtoer,
If Pat has a pair of mitten*—whUt.I blgb-waier mark and flood probatdlIng. and at laal reached thq bouse
Boma Ch.nree Riddles.
, separated
by a Mgb partition .‘One of
Dorothy OrnbL
I lUee were not undvretood. so dUrewhere tbe party waa hMd. Even tben
red and tbe othTbe basMent certainly make*
Billy held hU brewtb
•be was not “safe." tor tbe boys were nice play-place m tbe winter.
tog Itddlea. and *ome ol tbe Juvenile
““•* »« 'liclr end. in pUln
footsetps drew near.
One, night to -early spring there
OrBanlatd Dtoambtr i, t$m
pretty sure to starch every nook and
prodigies of ancient day* are repre. view, be put a morsel of rice cake.
cranny. But tbU'boose bad a reallyThen
“I'm going down to the village for
truly secret room that very few of
of the
•ivycan.ago.Sometlme intbe'
■■■»«■•*. a lew. |I ne act aa not
_ at _the ,begtnalnc

shoes.- said Ed CrofU
aa* twenty
„.! roadway.
•atoAd Vita Prealdmit-^rn. trWM tbe children knew about. It was an
notncwbait simlU.- In iorm i
friend Dick Morgan. Will yoo go with!night
! night Rove
old cellar that waa not used any
tbe folI am a UtUe gtrl eleven yaare old
-. P.KU,,,
more, and was reached by a trap door bnd would Ube to loin the Bunatafne
on the student turned on *''lanip
get in a few Hallowe'M were camptog out. and barked flerce-j '.-vi-L, i, ,k. a~ ...
I*wmbar «f maanbare
A rug was laid over
Under his tneehanUm and heated the
- - ladder.
..........—-----------------> —.Club,
1 go to acbool every day. My joke* tonight.Oeldbtf 1, 1M7, 'tm.
path to an uncomfortable degree The
door and a cbalr .« over that. At^temjber'a name U Miee JohneoiJ. I
"Oh. so do I !But I'm going early. were not uncooimon. we were •usplcant kept on and Bnally secured the
rn girl came Into tbe bouee. tMogs have a lltUa coueln; be
eight The fun to come later."
loua. After barking .n few times in a
Jaa'a Point tf Viaw.
but on Its return It mmt bare
were whisked off. and down sbe went oontha old. HU name U Harry
“Ill go then."
way Indicating that
Bay! cinapa. we've had lota of fun In tbe dark. Into tke arms of other,
told ItsOr that tt bad bad a mlgbly
and well water has so Btb
Clair Hller. For p«<s I have a dog
The two started on their walk of' ual bad happened, be ran rapidly toelnoe acbool let out last opring. toughing, wblapertog glrla aa excited and a esL Here are eome names for
Severet boors
•'MenUon the name of an object
about hair a.mile, a* K lived a abort ward the etream. to a few minute*
We've awnitt and wtdad. flahed and aa herself.
with two mouths, which travels by later the stodem brought It out agaia.
the Cradle RoU; Rboda May Dewey. distance out ot the small vlltoge. The we heerd hi* pattering fret
anotber moreel of cake being set at
played, nod dote moM ev'ry thing.
At elgbt o'clock the searching time'age aU months; William Edward ttodest boipe of Billy Murphy toy bourd.-d up to the doorway, barking night and cot by day^
.We bnd a gay croQnet net. but we
Tbe ant
and tbe boy* bad not found ; Dewey, age two yeare. Send the cards about half way between, near the more flercvly tban ever,
fatted *bo«t every gaaej
wb«w tbe glrU were bidden, so they to my name. I will close tor this ame edge of the village. The day bad been ' Following him this time, be led — , ••What an- tbe .-re* of heaven the thought a moment aad then wtartid
We all got In oor new cbalr awing to- all trooped np stairs sgaln, toughing with lore to all the Bunsbinera.
of water and the looking glass for the cab.- over tbe blue path, tt
■ether. Jnat tbe tang.
of Hie skyr
the red oae bad
aad eating, fairly bubbling over with
From your true Bunshiner
I riling deep water, w ith Us
Uwn bot. To prove still i
"Star*, lee aud the
Riee to think that at tost they bad Age 11
Rwi’e Brewer.
“All tbe better for our pranks," de- ^>**» down, pulling vigorously. As
■fnret and s«, we bad a torn baoeatb goUen tbe belter of their boy friend
"INTiat it it that bat a gaping elnstvely that It remembered, tbe etuclared Bd.
joror as be could get to the horsV
motith and marefae* on like as Invad dent next blocked -np tbe blue path,
didnt eery
very often
often banoen.
which didnt
Tbe shoe* were secured and the
»*ktog hi* only effort, Ing army, devouring at every atep
wberenpon the ant did without tha
With aewdutt Boor and brldihat;you may be sure. The boys were all
boya were again passing BiUy Mup hy barking and uil wagging, to re"A pair ot aeicsora rutting cloth.- cake ratber tban vesture after K by
•tore that drew gtlta bootaflee.
ao alee about It. and look tbe joke a
Poabody. Kansas. phy's.
[lease the horse. We waded to. severed
If one were to aa'-, Chinaman how tbe red .me —Boys' R'ortd,
We eongbl and cooked our own green tbcwieelrea eo gaily that the party b
Bept 2*. 1P0-.
-Lrt'e begin here." proposed Bd. | •*'*' «•!>«the horse, much
troffa. our flab and crawflsb I
many rhildren bfl' had to hi* family
Dear Fresident“How? ' asked Dick, "It's no good *»
delight of Rover,
Abd frtod poutoaa with tat meat like
be woald reply b.v telling vou the nuns
I tbott^t I wonld write you a fe to try to carry away gates, -for they're
What bird telU In Us name tbe
Tbe night waa too pleasant to suy
. aO tbe eampen do.
a ftrei ni-e
her or hU aon*. The girls amooL thing which If s-e had not we abooM
to tbe bouee. end tbe flret game tbet Unaa. at 1 have not written tor quite ell tumbling to pleoea It's no good
A oraai Rivar.
counted. He eoneidere
die? A >wallow.
ptoyed was tbe nrefly game. Did a wbUe, I will aond a few Sunday
ird over their chlmoey,
Tha world is leas famllUr with the that -» hoy t* worth tee
^e girls a really trne play house
What u the difference between a
you aver bear oflL Sunbeam*? Onaof *''■<■•1
tor you to tend away, for they hare mighty little Are. poor Snake River of Idaho than with any
had. with windows aad a door.
the boys bati a toy dark-lantere. He • fl*ve a lUUe nephew. He Is only things. We might throw a few bean* .other river of linporlanre *ln the moeh as s girl - Girls are married or Wnkntpt and a feather bed? One U
Aad cooked npon a inily range, with
Ukeo Into the famlltei of the llttfh bard up and tbe other la aoTl down.
ahead of ua. tben suddenly palled
Hit name is Willis but we havent any with
■ I’nJted Biaie*. say* Wortd*' Work. boyg to whom thAy are Bhtrothed
oaxpet OB the floor.
«*<a ....»
ia a beehive ilka a bad potato?
tbe aUde and flashed tbe light behind Brown- playitig on tbe pla­
“Stop," whlipered Ed, "Bee—tbey' and yet Itls our aeventh largest ...
They muesed with Ice eroem. ea&dy him. tben darkened tbe lantern
na. 1 started to toke m-iiic lussout baven i gone to bed yet. by tba^ little' er—more than one jhojjsand mlira eueh an early age that their parents A beehive It a bee-holder, a beboMar
and with eatod. oaks and ton,
e very
little of them after the years U a spectator, and specked later Is
Our part of tbe game was to to AngnsL and 1 have bad uoly ouc glimmer
e1lf*il*i—r itt
ia—__ -•
Tboy made some smoky coffee, and It
a bad 'later.
catch tbe Firefly, and what a chase be place eo far. Tbe bame of it u "Tbe
"Ugh!—yon make me ehlver," eald
It la one ol the moat wonderful and
Bulled Ere enl me.
If a girl Is blind or lame her
led im! Of couree tbe one wbo cau^t Echo." It la raining quite hard out-, Dick.
Why U a baker a Tery .ttnprovtdqqt
Impreaslve waterways to the world. chane*. of life are small.
* Im waa Firefly In bis place.
' dcoru. I can't tell y\»n bow bard beHe is always selling what he
Ed had quickly taken some phos-' The few wbo have trie' to follow It*
Arc le-al-oeeK^ when we'd warn
c K is raining so L:<--t.
kneads himself.
After a time we were Ured ot run­
pborus from Us pocket and robbed It wtndlDg couree through wild and for­
a mue Use to ptoy.
go' ih.rough leading tt-a H>.a-1 a III over bU face, giving it a gbastiy apd
When does » field rm)utr« nbalning.
Wo’d baf to rake and clean tbe yard
An Interesting demonstration ot the ing? When It I* full of tares, baa a
doors, and you cant gueet wbat are *lc while ago. I like to .vid tbe letnot wonder that so little 1* known of iotemgetiee of tbe ant ws* made by
and hael tbe dirt awey.
Id It. I have atlll r-t my Fi.n
lante rent upon It.and the aosrlng haa
“Here." be said, "rnb some on your* u, and no boats, tor hundred*
Aad fleed aad water all eer pet»-«er did next. Borne rough, older* bays fhtoe button. Although I have
a stndent In the biological depart- leeo neglected.
Wbo were full of miaeblet had ptoyed
Come on. We'll juai take a peep in mlU-s at a stretch, dare ply- It* watera.
ffuM Itb end wbtte rata—
great many pranks with property written for quIU a while. 1 bare not I iboae uDCurUteed window. Quiet. i k 1, navlgabl*vl«'' only “"f hundred
But Meta# to tbe kitchen elweys
I the atroet We mqde op our mli ' forgotten tbe Suntblne Club. Have »w-"
mile* from It* junction wtih the Coleod* tbe doga and cats.
you beard from Carmeu McKercber
to play a joke on tboac boys, and
Quletly they crept, but tbe quiet! lutntu to the Idaho boundary, and
And ooce. when all the taaUy
and WlUlc Davison? Well. 1 must
The •Kaet of mhiia luh a ka^ tim&
we put back everything they 1
was not to last long. With tbe first [in several isolated Bvctioim of tbe In*itto'tbe taro,
sound of a step Billy bad arisen in j terior.
Yoo ceteh ^ a^ er baceoai nu.
I heed poutoea. fed tbs plga, picked moved “tor fun." and left the street
ore to write.
to perfect order again! Ob. bow
beeaa 'n' gethered core
For the grbeler pan of Us course
From your loving Si
down bacauaa o( tea after effeeb o( malaria.
weapon held high to the air.
Aad loki ot other Teffetabule. etaek- toughed'over our kind of ballowe'cn
It flow* through old and magnificent
Mildred Westbrook.
■Begone—ye thievin' rascals—"
ly Ukee
canons of lU own making, through
You will enjoy your music. I *
With tha next moment the tearful desolate and awful w'a*te», the result
Aad (bika all think 1 farm at well *1- good fairies Instead ot tricksy ones.
ire. Tbe name <X your piece sound*
Tben It eras Umc to go Indoor*
luminous faces glared to front of him. of vomiting crater* and of*convulBoei as toraers can.
as though it might be prei’y.
It buiMa new blood and bmea up yoor
and the rest of tbe evening was spent
and tor the length of one short breath ■ loss of The earttt
And now we have a pmy; ain't our In popping core. crseklDg nuts,
Trarerne City. Mlcb. Billy's brave heart'quailed. But with
ALL DnuCCISTS, 80c. AND 01.00,
munebiog big toll apptoo.
the next his courage returned. He
Pipe Just a brick?
Oct. 1. 1907.
would not yield bis chickens to even
-Abd bU tbe time oiuide of school on
Tou may be sore that was a party Dear President—
ponyl back wc stick.
long to be remembered, and U
should like to write another let- tbe powers of darknett.
As lonr cant ride ber all at once, bard to tell which was tbe beat part
"Ye's—off wid ye U It's the devil
to yoo. as l have only written one
each has a pony day
Of the froltc. Wbieb do you Ablok since I have been to the Sunshine yes afe’. OB. I say!"
And teu to nae Mtoa Nell alone, was the moei fun. Bunbeens?
Down over one of the glowing face*
Club. My little sleter goes to school
•oauee turn about'a tair ptoy.
ime Bill}"* stick, sod one blow fol­
this yesr. She is to the klndergariSutlODi Bay. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 2,
B riass. Well I cannot ibtok of lowed another, thick and fast. With
Aad eooB well bent our ekatea aad
anything more, so good b; fu.- tbl* tbe first sound Mike bad dashed out
To find out for a certainty
Nov. 9. 1*07.
sieda lor wlnter'a eery near.
with bowls fully equal lu Billy'* own.
Dear President—
time. 1 will try to write again. *
whether or ntft your heart is
Wen make enow men,' go ooMilag—
ami there
uicre was
was little tor him to do.
affected. One person in four
II is raining today, so I could nW
From your loving Bonahtocr,
tla tbe beet time of the year.
nlgbl mara
irauder* had melted to>*
has a weak heart; it ma^
) to Bnnday eebool. I tMnk we are
Age I.
Marvel Utter.
ay be
Bt cause we believe we cao give
At nlgbl waTl carve and draw and going to bare company today, I am
you; If so. you should know •
Il is nice to beer from you again. t& darkness a* suddenly a* they bad
^ paats, be busy, er^ one.
you the best goodi and the loweit
it now, and save serious con*
going to school every dsy. We have Marvel You are a real little Sue- appeared.
Aad mamman read
If you have short
bad school six weeks. I am ten yeer*
"What's thiK?" Mike held np some­
price of anybody io tbe
I’m fftod old enmmer'a gone.
breath, fluting, palpitation,
old and Hilton is Are years o)A He
thing be bad stumble*! over, a parcel
city. We are willing to back up
-JSira Toung Wllea, ws* Bve tbe eighth of September. I
Blliya Bhoes.
hungry spells, hot flushes; if
STapped Id brown papre.
"It's meseini be watebtn' tbe chirk
this statement with quality aod
you cannot lie on left side; if
"Ana tote?" said Billy. “Oh. It'a
cannot write very good. It Is a long
ffTlday. OCL 1». IbOT.
you have fainting or smother­
time since 1 wrote to you, 1 tblsk en house tonight." said Billy Murphy hat! and u good one."
price any time. We have everyMrs joining tiooe tost roing spells, pain around heart,
bare written enough for this time, to fata mother and brotbrre as they
"Wld tbe mark ot your stick on ti
ibiog to build with.
gathered about the kitchen Are ot
in side and arms, your heart is
*0 good-bye.
felL Billy."
evening, let. thlrty-flrsl.
weak, and perhaps diseased.
The parcel examined in the bou«e
"tVhst lorr- asked hi* mother.
Dr. Miles’ Heart Core will re­
proved to be a pair of stout made t>k
Ruth Croesser.
"Wasn'c It last Hallowe'en night order shoe*.
lieve you. Try a bottle, and
Don't yon like to go to achool? 1
they took away a lot of my beet chick­
H. V. r. Bunahiee Club Credie Rail. wonder what your studle* are?
*ee how quickly your condition
"Just your lit. Billy." exclaimed
Harry Ctolr Hltof. age ttgbt montba
ens. stlf'^1 was a week buntin' before Hike, executing a wild dance about
will improve.
Hbeda May Dewwy. aga ala mootba;
1 found tbe flrst wan of 'em?"
the room. BUly drew a long breath.
Wllltom Edward Dewey, egq two
“Bure enongb. Billy. It waa.*^
"It's none of mine they
*lth Wn l«>gU». and
Oct. t. IW.
faan, Orewn. Micb. Nanwe aei
"And fm goto' to sit out there
he said.
Dear Pretldeni—
Boole Brewer.
night, and, It * a hig stick 111 be hav­
bsd not bivn »bie to Orsw • deep
WUb the earliest dawn Billy wa*
I will BOW write to you tor a card
brraUi for two rear*. _Ao> lIlO* sxevin'. and anyone that cornea abontll
to find bU chicken bouae undtoCor. Lake Ave. and lOifi
T»*hen your president went down and button. I .-have live brothers snd be gettln' It on their bead, witbont ,bp,^ ^ p,|, ^f mUtens. the onre
atreetAhU momlBg abe looked la tbe the youngest one I* one yesr old. 1 anybody aayto'; -Be yer Uve.' “
^ tad slipped off in ohler
More wlndowa and aaV eome of the hare two ktuens. and one's name ts
"It's hurt yell be glitln’. Billy.' handle bla pbospbonu. lay near where
tunlcet mils tbinga. Tnere were
, the aoea bad been dropped.
........ aald bis mother, anxiously.
tiny black cau. imliaUoD jaolPo'4a&- I go to school every day; I
"Not t. It's the other fellowwTl be
The acampa left ibim.
doll witebea on broom-aUcka. teacher very well. My teacher'* name tbe wnna that'll he hurt, mother.
b»d ever so maqy other odd flfure*.
TouTI see "AO' hew are we gttn' to find
•^ty. If* moat Hallowe'en.- abe aald have my letter put to tbe paper.
“ITl help." aald BlUy'a brother who tbey'll all ba beloqgto' to?" ask­
To beraelf. end sbe got to thinking
Mike. “ITt be watchin' wM you. Bll ed bli mother, as be carried them in­
he vnu reran* y*wr
jwwr maoay.
Allle McCIMIan.
bboei one hgtowe-n when abe waa
to tbe house.
What cunning names tor klUeas!
little gin. affd »hat a jolty Ume ehe
UUet Medical Co., Elkbnit, lod
Tfc. yoBTI be in tbe house and In
Billy pondered tbe matter, then
had that night. It was before Traverse
If you can make good bread with anv
yoor bed. and If you hear me slngto: /|,|j [jj, peiplextty before the editor of
City was aa big as it it now. aad abe
kind of flour you can with BEST.
out. If. out youTl be. runnln' and
Ullage paper, a man who had ofand her friends could plqy out of
Maov women who Utougbl they
shewn kindness, to the boy to
Klngalry. Mich . R. F. D. No.
doors after dark.
ooold Q»a a certain kind of flour, are
Mike growled In an undertone at .born life was proving such a slrug
Oct. 12. J907.
making juat "t Kood bread today aa
WMI. tht* ballowe'cn was a hrenUBilly keeping all the fun for himself.tbe next Usue of tbe paper
Deer President—
they aver b»<l and they are makinu
bot there wi
inwardly resolving not to remove t '^p^^^red the followtog notlee;
1 have bolonged to tbe Bubshtoe
greet fleecy clouda to tbe aky that
it out of BEST FLOOR.
any way In n«mmaaa Edueareg of his clothing when he went to [ -To u»e people who left the shoes,
kept Llowlng or r the moon. Yoor Club for a long while but have not
ttefi te «*riU -for a copy »f
bed. hoping with all hU might ibH hat and mittens at the widow Murpreeidrat and all ber girl and
written yeL so I wilt wrtte you a few
r new Preapaetua.:. It ulla
ibc cbIckoD thieves sronld.come.
phy's chicken bowse the other night
yew what w* do and why eur
friend* bed been tovlted to a party, Unes. We arc haring a vacation for
Billy never deliberately set hlm-'Bf^ requested to call for their propTAf Flour wi/k All tke
•tudants auecaad so wall.
bet the queer tbtog aboot it wae tbaf poUto dlgglnB now. Mamma Is to
le Hallowe'en sports should come BOy."
Write at anea far it. Enter
GooineiS »/ the Wheat.
tbe boya did not know where tbe par­ New York on a visit, I will ekmr tor
they might eome at any time. Arming; ft i, ncodICM to aay there was no
ty was to be. The girls all knew, of thU time.
hitdscif with n heavy atlck. be aat dj. *t the end of a couple of weeks
Your Bunshiner.
jurse. and litod to get totbe bouee
•ITY. 1M1 W'ici
W-icsx I
down at tbe corner of the chicken ’ Bfllj looked over tbe nrtlcles. saying
tro.1. Mich. R- J . ■
wiiboet letUng the hoy* dlaeover
Ernern WhwL
houre which wn> nesrest tbe kitchen j -Mr. Ray uy. they're mine by Q|e
C. P. A, Pri
the pleee. You can Imagine bow
How glad yon will be to have your window. If* feebU light wa* com- right o' Andln' 'em and no one claim
elUag tt was!
msuina back again, and how much toning to him. nnd BUly sorely need- iq- 'am."



Tratane aiy. Hicb..
0«. 10. 1*07.


Cut Stone Work


It G)sts

- ui..7:

We Want Your Business


It’s Resulls that Count



Hannah & lay Co.

with you.- Them cardi were algnld-'been twniig thrice armmd bit or her'and let tund twenty-four howa. there
t>| I B| A
eintly oectowtod with wltchee. owta. b«nd to ecaiter the leavto Into form.|WlU_then be •«"c‘ent
^ rC"KU*nlA
•kuU and cr»-bonea, bata and ev.^lf there remain any dropt. theee in--it Boll gently until nearly dooe. then
erytWng repellanl. There were Iwo'dlcate teera. a aucceaaloo of llnce. add one lemon alleed thin, for each!
kind, ao that partlet holding long or ahort. reveal a long life. A j pound of pumpkin, cook Ull fruit U:FOF Relieving SUCh SymptOmS aS
A...* w.^1
twin cardt were detllned partneri for circle In
the middle
of the______V..1—
cup ahowa ‘ rlrar.
Take upend bcAl theayrup
•upper, at leatt.
one of two tUnga—If amalL a wed-1 Ull thick.
The ladlea were Informed thet'the ding; «
Jarge. riehew If either are{ Roaated
Of the vast multHnde of women De.
-wlich-t coach - would call for them near the
trim of the cup. Uie quicker gooM—one
peclBiIy good to conceal favors. The
Th# RIO IB th« Cloud.
w omaa'selloKart that require Ibr Hartman <-urte aonuailT. .>cl.v a amall
at ? p. m. They were to meet nt one one or both will come.
I »rll. tinge and clean cnrefolly. RoMt
planning and SlUng of the fruit dlab
per cent ft them ch<ano< r it neeaaiary
Tfeero U ovor • pronlM
Ablrdbrtokcntalrtter. A figure of for two hour*, dredging and ha»Ung *
' houae. ao as to save Ume. as the club
the greater number of to write to the Uoeuw si aU.
wlU uke considerable time and ti
For eytt Ui«t con »oe;
a man or woman, a lover or sweet- frequently. Cook the liver and glx- ’ ^
I house was a mile fioi
Not one to a ihotmnd of thewe totthought
Work cbwily, iruKloUy.
heart. An initial, the name. A aeriea lard la a tiew pan and prepare the ^ ledUweJrmwmeirt.
tuiiale women rr|K-fi their aoeceee. 0(
i be bought round. I
Shadows will floe.
jour- gravy with them at tor • turkey. Stuff
band wagtm
with Impro
No •Urp.-UD III t h. World haj rellered UioMWho do wrlie toaUtavmals,oolTa
There It llita In ibo beaeena.
amaU per cent, are ever iMedlA
ind square*
- many wom. n tram the different
a™, .tar., «.,,™a ua a^ar..*!.""
'» -a -le- —..................................................
Tbon»h mitu may eoabroud—
of aUtni-ni* pn-uliar to womao- puMIC print.
ham.. 71., mla, al
tVhiU It !• not affirmed that PanM
Ob, lofk tor the •unboom.
horato will be broken; Jf near the lop. the; Snap Apple Night Sandwich*- kmj a. I>r,lUriman liirough the lue
every c^e of Ihi. kind, it M
The lift
engagement will terminate tn m•^ Thc»e may be cut In the shape of t.11 eruna.
tap or . ho. ao,.™i nu, ,0110. •”
cttp. „p„. ..hhitt. . ttiattutt "
Tbous^^rkM the tempoat
Bwoepa over the blue.
wtich. had berirte him a huge lighted ^aWy tingle. A tmall tqutre. an unex- and nt:l* mrtatoned with orange Juice,
many that any v ..r •Dwookl bedolnt
•round box covered plainly pumpkin ianiem. *
Work foar^ll^ •leadfatlly,
pected letter; If large, it will contain' Pate Fill»-She who wlrbrt to
hrrwlf an inju.ii. to neglect aseli
Uabt wffi tbloe throufb.
with red crepe paper, a a-iteb It dreatgood newa. If two Sguree know to what rntnoer of fortune the
an oppvTtunity oi rellaL
When they arrived at the club |»
ed ready for an aerial Bight. Her bead
^ TbeVr^ll aing bllthaome
eloa.- logelbor, repreaentlnf will be marrivd m-itt grate and mix
7‘e7Lrt‘“ ua’io' “H!!! ‘>nu«. griontn, Jacko'-lanlort greetod •>
■* 4Wberil^i-*lnda were loud—
I nutmeg, walnut and hart-1 nut. form
It composed of a Albert, using the,
*tt..rrwhere_fhev awune from '« man and a woman, a rival It
AAipciafor the promloe, lut pills with butter and sugar and
IV m^irjiihlew n"" i thruranc!^ of the Jee. 1 Jing up ,«« be found a. band
iwallow them Ju-t tielore retiring. U
““d a»*y«l f™™ I One leature of-progrem.1.-...............
the latter
part of
-BUncbe T. Heath..
a hole
hole with
with hot
hot wire
wire or
or nail
nail a-j
a-j faT
" ihe U to marrj a gentleman her sleep
ten n piece of atick In i
_»nteiit of'crack-'
the doorway lai a witch on q large One of three
A red walit. white apion and orange
eating, very drv crackers
cracker* being vn.ur,m«». ••la uu,.K-e *.m tumult
pumpkin. In each hand ahe held a
wr—i piece ol tolly lor t
lolor tklrt artth 'black ca|ft and high
box, and demanded the cards which provided, and a prtxc given to the -*«
pointed hat. complete her cortume.
•man to be alwaya ready to meet
they bad been requested to bring with per«,n who could .at the moat of ‘“under nnd tlghtnlng will app.-ar m
In her band the holds a tiny broom.
• tiwuble half way. If he would pul
them. She was careful that the ladles''
ladles', iheao
ihese dry cracker*
crackers In a given llrav..“T
Some of the pumpkin men are quite
• all the )ouney on trouble be '
in the oth- , Doughnut*
were hung on strings.
. - dropped In . ,
n Caket.
• might never meet It.—8cmnton • worldly. ha<
er. Before entering, theae were well gmatt sirlvlng to aee which could
►I dn>- of
• Truth.
' real and the teverae. Black eaU tn shaken, and each drew for partners: , consume a drtugbbul In the thortett
back fence atUtudea. little pumpkin
cr llm.- .Ittoin loueMn, hU, i.4 .hltt ,..W Mk. oI
then they were allowed to
copt and saucers, tiny candles wtth a
pre*«-m day do not. perhaps, bi-llere
There waa a glowing wood Are In o.oo* ••. ••.
----- —
mirror, watennelont with Jack- the large fireplace, and aside frohi can- pended from the celling by atrlngs. •«> ImpUcl 1, la the
» N jrwMrf Itt
CjW« little
o'-lantern faces, crid Nick, little Imps,
dies ahaaed with red paper thadea. the contort being to see which could
and the witch with broom are some
It u the little thlnga that count tor
this was the only light. However, get the flrrt b»e out of bla apple.
tt...,,, ,
the queer noveUlet.
thUwaaaufficlentlodi«ito«rthewall; La*i of all, the candle, were extln- *»'^ . Joy or Borrow In our every day life,
fantastic testa sarrei to
Any number of things in the form decoration of roall.tic bats made guitbed. tne gueet* gathered -about

Big evenio come but aeldom. and tt
i n Theae are numerous, and
U« with u to turn our faeea each of hobgoUHns and witches can be from black paper, together with black the fire, and a saucer of alcohol and
iilrh *111 afford much fun for
day toward the aunahlne or the made to decorate the table. Pump­ cat poaiert. and aeveral stuffed owls 'tali wat set on the hearth and lighted.
Iiarty of foU.* are the dumb cake
Mr*. F.mms F.. titldner. Tts hantats
Wllh no other Illumination except
•hade. Bayt a writer In an e«haage: kin lantern faces from which wltchea' aided In tbe wlerd effect.
and the fateful cnkc. Seven girl* may
Ave.. IVnvrr. ('ttil.,Flnanri*l Serreury
The first frolic of the evening waa from this and the blazing lt»».
"A tamooa writer once aald that abe hendi aheot out ghostly gleams at
Oernunls l>rder der Uaragari. wt1I**i
Birunge vegetable fotlw with poregarded life at a game of eardi, to be
■«.. ,itt .11*.,i«.M„ wi.« ..a .piri.- “•«>'>' ■‘""I' "j;'-“f
bodies shake their apple beads loui query. •'Who-s my partner?- Alt m. 1. Ittwll, |»n...U. .«
■ •”«
played arltb all the t|clll the could mut
me. 1 *iiBrf,-d SK<-iili-- with '
rrn far*d*cb<-*aDdawe*kb*ekanfi
tor. Htotor^ aaya that abe waa not a al you, sour looking sprites made of gracefully accepted their fate to this ..d ,1,0.1 .ttflm ,1.111 ..11 .1- >' '• “'1
Btiff dough and placed In
ruuld hardly drag myavlf aroand.
happy woman, hot abe waa »o taora pickles hobnob with Jovial looking respect.
the top of H .-arb girt with
.tfrieud wbow** rUltlng mew*s
happy woman, but the eerutnly did
Mott of the evenings' program was
taking Pmaa (or the asm* troabla
pin prickiw her Initials nnd tbow
iMlowt-an Dalntlat.
bettor than U iha had lived In o hap- garden elephants.
the contulUng of many an old-Ume
d ma to try lu 1 soon (ound
of her N-*l In-loved.- The cake
French prunes can be fastdeoed In­ oracle relative to fate. In tbe center
Halloween Salad—Pare and con*
haaard faahltm. Poaalbly we mahe one
1 ws.l^tBg helped and In Iras than
Very Precartont CondltiMi.
greet mutake la Ignoring UUle do- to clever little mud turtles. The prune
. .
luv room
« largo table clrcli-d and cut Into dice six large tort apples mu a wiird must be spohen dur
f Ml Ukt m 4mertm
>r tbe
Mrs. Lutle Ward. UIT Trs.-.v Ave., « Oman a ks
I In raur>i,uiiih*I«a*well.
taila, overlooklag email }07«.
aunas City, Mo- wrlim : "A fi-w
Itig till* tinie, and thoja- wbone Jn-uiuly yave me alrrngtb.
tag ooraelTao of Uoy eomforta. I have Bteem of a clove la Inserted anUl gathered, pairing off a* partners ac- one cupful of minced English walnut
i-»r» ago my b<-*Hh wt- In s very
nothing but the perfect bud shows, cording to the matched cards which kerneU. ihirt i
I it-aspoonful of
-•varloQ* condition, the retail of
knawn a aromaa to
baked will be married before the year
which mtkea a good bead. Break off
Momb trouble and gem-rsl d.-MlIty,
aali. one of paprika and two toblea whole day from the p
e held by e
] If out. provided they have not spoken
ll S!l.1 was/ltd (o(ry-Frrvaswh<-a it wat reeommended
1 pin point rather than lake the the blossom part of four cloves. InA lighted cnndle waa placed In ih«'»P«>uful* ^
* rjrd’’whlU-"ihe'^cake wa* being
hlslil.v. I itaoa It very beaetMat. luaabi.rttlmetheiiolnsgreaUy
bwuble et nndreelag and dlelodglng
i-ed and In t« .i tti-iilliH I vaf r. rapli-triy
rapli-trly 1reatond.
the trouble. That U hardly making of the body, leaving the pronged part
for tbe feet. A small straight plecethe moat of life.
The ^leaophy that enablea me to of clove answera tor the toll. These waa provided,
•**®*®‘* j .
'Each girt *Urs the cake once or t»1ec —t“-TTT?---- . - .
.-----------“T----- - -—: . - , ,
re cunning tollowa mounted on boxaee the bri^t aide of Hfe. to accept
—.-udowrd with large and flat ones, slice* of bam. forcemeat ballt. chant1 or cards.
oondWoiia'irhen they cannot be tmwas farther off. the candle was placed «>re
,.normou* finger*
nut pun-.-. rtuff<-d onions, sHeed toVelio* applet with the centera cut at nearly an equal distance tor each pudding t«n. fill In tho cavities and thimble, a silver key, a clean card
proved and mahe the beat of them U
tKiard wneel and a raUIn are sUired
l>ailBienn>-a wear slxanda-' anm*. b mon wi-dget. glared cbeataomethlng worth while. I am eure It lit. ieavviDg the tbipe InUct. are trial as poslble. The fanning -wat imervenlng spnees with sugar-a cupInio tho cake. After the cake la j^ji
six^ind three^juarU'r glove*, nut*, ric- croqucite* and parsley ara
can be culUvated a« eeally aa reatleaa- nice filled with chicken or apple anl •ucecsslvr^that Is each had one trial fut to tlx apples-pi.t a -lump of but:baV..-d it I" sliced and passed aitwna
small.*! sizes tor .t».d tog.irnislt roast tiirki-y
neea and dtdAaate. Since we are In the nut salad.
then the second round, then the third, ‘er on top of earh apple, add
band, hut are tlii-w* worn by
i>ui one dozen very tbln *ll«w at
Sandwiches of finely minced nuU Aa each made a trial, one of the witch tW>'d ol a cupful of water and bake,
worid. why not get all we can out of
w}M I
the altualloa aU the beauty, the Joy. wllh mayonnalae dressing, aatled nlcried
,aa .
lor • Urt. ,lav, i. . portc-k ttr. bop„-p,.ihm ,aa «»the eoatortr There u a-deal «( II monda or peanuts, pumpkin pie. sweet “ Tn
tying tn our path. We can never tell cider, and ham sandwtebet form a die goes out at the first trial,
,he who finds the thimble will
instead of smaller,
what the futnre may bold, hot the tasty and simple menu.
two. ihere'a hope for you." "Blow, brown In th,
never cease to wear It; tbe key tinWhen putting gloves on, alwaya be- may be used, rraenlng tbe liquor tor
or course there must be s -witch'’
Horseshoe and Crescent Cookies—
pfoaeat U oura, to entract every bit
locks all hearts, meaning many lovi,„tu,n-.
soup or aaud-.
of bappineaa there it in U. But It wtll or fateful cake. This It generally a
Thl. wa. followed by a "*
ers but never a husband; and tjio then, when i.mtonod
the ton.
buttoned to.
lop. you
Cornmeal mu»h, ijomtoy. and oatbare to be OQnoeced to give up Ita life­ aploe or devil cake with a white frost­ T." The old witch with k bag of Eng® "
wheel signifies much traxellng <
with»,.ij e,*,ked. cooled, sliced and
n the appuuful of ^oda and c
blood Jnat aa fruit U treated in the
land and sen Of course\jack o'lin- '
aring the kid. Nev.-r remove the q..ucaf ly Irt.-d until brown In Just
Tbe fa^ of a clock with figures and
Jelly-making proecto."
will figure con»plr.iotiMy In ^be' glov. > by pulling Hie fliieers. but by .^jough drippings to prerenl rttckln*
hands marked
off with chocolate, table. It
wat to be
> wrist
j„ti, make a nice winter aup“To be cbeertnl when the world U the hands pointing to midnight and a era were provided, and the jolly.
U-av.- them Ihua
», , - tp..-.
ov.-r . the band,
hand, and
gotnc well with you to no great rlT- cal's head In the center. Another hai pectont crowd proceeded to open----- with granuUted tug.r and bake quick apple* and pumpkin, will be nloely
^etorv ^
. •
face under a Ull wixard’a hat. Tbe
toe. The thing It o be cheerful an;
enjoy the meiu. It waa dltcovered
cake mutt contain n thimble and ring.
der dlaadvantageoui
that every thirteenth nut had been] Pototo Manda and Broomsticks—
The decoration of tbe dining room
oM haa loot money, if buttneat
opened, the meat rettorW
■ .pa
--* —
«,«», t<«a.,.«l pouipa. .ad
,^.,1.™ 6p tb, Fttg<r Niitt
' pcMpecu faU. It enemlet appear tri- can be made quite a feature of the en­ ____
-hi-B wide, and pin It closely around
herald of aoak them In cold water for two hour*
good by _
........................... ......................... .....................
rt;.,.'",;";,.™;';;;. i two pieces the rake, letting the band come up
nmpbani. U there la aickneaa of aelf. tertainment. Qas and lamps are to- fate, then the aheila cleverly
glpefi cut In tiny wands and broomaUcks.
doublkvs Interest many of or“h‘
half an Inch above the cake; apread
to thoaa dear to one. then it la. Indeed booed on wltchea- night and dim and
n rtrtue to be cheerful. V.’hen poverty
^r'.nd"°^a'ger ■expectation loclied Trinkle wllh fine salt and serve hot,
"■ ^Ve Varlo’us' xhapetl htll*: I" 1"
Idn^ee day after day. month after mantel and top of aldeboard stand merriment, 'a cravat of white ribbon| tVvlh-d Chertnu.s-Reaove a .mall
"Itv tout
month or through the yeart at they Urge Jaek-o'-lanteni* cut from pnmF •uggealed a mlnlater. A w^n. the find- Pt"?e of shell from each cheatnut
FUvoring-Put a fiM
pate, and one baa ever to deny eeU
penny ‘hen roatt them nntll tender. Remove
and at tbe base ^
strainer over a bowl, or if tor rtralner
would marry a writer,
of every lltUe longed-for luxury, end light to tbe room, ao draw a number hinted of richea. / ring.
events to come
^c aiLs^’
wedtog. toeto^nd inner aktot. Put one
tho putxle of bow to meke one dolUi of wires from one picture moulding A Iblmbie. an old maid or xctaatir.
ubleapoonful of butter In.o a panand
f^lcity. blue ones J
,ha.’i v.g want to make A
do the work of two bat to be eolved. to tbe other and anapend a quanUtv
when hot frv in this a cupful of
„,,rf„nure; whUe *(-ns' on the
“7' “ ‘
bletpooas of finely ground coffee, and
Another nut to*t wi
thM the man who etn be cbeertui It very tblii yellow Japanese Unlemt frHgbted with Jollity.
Sprinkle with
on the
jx.ur through U coe-ihlnl of a cup of
aecond roasted chertnutt
a hero. He U e greater hero than the from them In
suit ana
and paprika. s»-rve
S«-rvp *nn
— the
—---------- —.
held a Uree frvlne PBU Overr tuilt
wHh toe
pretence or
dng the
aMdler who tacea the cannonY m'

J.,PA., Pttb.,.
,h. .tt. Pb,tt ,..b
CPU,-, o, -rtbp-ttP
isrnrc- of a *!>ol on tb.' third or wedtoe table In pumpkin candle-holdBbA cheertulneea la the kind thnt
guest to turn threw two nuw In ihej Ojwiei* In CncumtK-r Ca«w-Cul
ngilng finger. Is said to prove our
flrr!.'"piik thr.-«d cut* toe kid. «

“ '*
we need to eolUvate."
witch meanwhile croaking the top ailce off each bucumber. aeoop
iture gobd or HI lurk In love; a •sp< t
.1.,.. *h,.ws an inclination to
«“ ’■
for a bunch of yellow chryaanlhea ,mo*t sepulchral out the ln*lde, leaving a thick shell,
1 toe noil of the llitle flag.-r d-m
; ,1... ,tt.ln. ..r about toe ftn- *
mum* or yellow paper pumpkin flow- her prophecy. In
A HOllewt'en Party.
'and heal in oven.
:d joa have no old glov«-B to
There U a certain gaiety to the air era. Goidonrod and brown eyed SuCream the oytiera. making
the “ ^
tunmb nail
,e,„ c;t!i. tak*- a lit of ribbon-------:------ are alto appropriate decorattona -These glowing
^t makee any boapluble enlerprlae
sauce thick and rich, fill tbe cases,
ul.,v..' and put tt over
If the real flowers cannot be obtain­
on thia night of nlgtta m pr
return to ov.-n. heat well and serve
..shortly, on tbe
:ng li-.ile cakes are an
a. aaya an exchange. Hallowe'e
he*' seettnd finger. I* ware of a foe; on
on it.
dellclou* to Mne with afternoon
hoida a vtgll over -All SainU Day. Uve.
,-4"^"Tbe lli-matehed couple fret and
and the old cuitom of watching the
A rather Jolly finish to the -frolics'
lit and wipe it with a towel dipped
Good Cooking Hinta.
{ lll'rkory Wafers—luat two eggs onpranki of “wUebea and devih.- which u the bag of peanuts. Buy SS or 6# fume."
In tiolling water to remove the hair.
Round i xilt d.-noie liberal wnii '
If they teparaled and graeked:
,w a ..l-.rtvr nilrtng tor bread to «ll light, then add half a pound flf
are tuppoaed (o be at large on thnt cenu- worth of roasted peanuu. Fut
dry and cul.flr*i down the oack then njrnts and love of knowledge. 1
i, '
,»ej by steam, since to* dough brown sugar that baa *en rolled fine.
day. It ttiU carried out. Few of thoM tone into a hag made of two or three
cut each half Into four pieces. Cover
>;,rTOw nails show an ambitious
' ............jg lb- co..klng beeauae half a pound of chopped walnut meaU
who go ttrough the fantantle tcaU tolcknewses of white Uaaue paper
quarrelsome nature.
' lower temp.rrtui.. .-mplOv.-d.
But iriien they bum aide by aide, with boiling water and let boll five
three ev.-n ti’.4.-»poonlals of flour, a
atuebed to Halloween attach «
with the edges stuck together. Tie toe
minute*. sesMn with white pepper Broad nail* Indicate a gentle' m
The. rnrta.d tor pi- si'.l l>c much Pinch of *«li and half a tcaspooeful
faith in their virtue. whUe deep
bag at the top and su»pend from a the muttered
and salt, add slice of onion and cook re,.ring nature.
if th,- ecp. ai.- broken Into "f Ukmg t''>“l"r. irrop amall spoonthe bcarta of many It a Ungertng
gedtly till lender. Remove the meat
small nail* point tf> a person
ou br:tt-red pan*, and hake uniU
nperamion betrayed by them when
to a hoi planer, add a cupful of moatc nature,
S.ib a rotary egg u.f-r, Th-*e are nice made
the omena are not whnt they would Blindfold each gu«t tn turn, place a | With mutual f.mdne«. while they cream to the stock, nib butter and
Skbw.r l*k.dTlxh «rU; UUm allw-s w;th choj.j' d almonds, walnuu. pealight atick In bis hand.hurn him about ]
Uhe them to be.
flour to a smooth paste and rtlr into,
Handa an/ Clevca
,.f 'ttaR po'k or baron. FiK.-d fish will 'nut*
and facing him atralgbl. about four . Still to each other kindly turn.'
One ahonld plan for rel
the stock, let come to a boll; add a' One of woman's greatt'.Al charts* 1'
Ch<*rtJate Scallopa—Half a
• kind, either to precede the f.<et from the bat. tell him to walk
Aa each - ' '
' *“
little minccd paral.’y then toe meal.'.
»•? hand*, nr-inh* r-'
prvviously for tj..- fame puri-A-. cuprul of k-jit-r creamed wtlh a third
„ the
v«v *...
amutemenU. or terved at midnight, forward and with one blow with
girt avr
-- bo.c.
•— each lover or friend attruly
f will uchea whatever value the Unea mean
Jt Is aald tha; if a ebap cb*-*-,.- of * c-;,";i “f rucoa or ehocoUtc. and
r of witchery. The
•tick try tb break toe-hag.
Nut Crack Night Bonbons—Boll tois combined with oTlit-r l:;- i-:nh Is spread ov-r tli«-miring boarl the yolk- of three egsu. Beat well,
I of Jack-o-Uotema, purapkiiu.
.»tt. »»ncn ai !•»• IV’’".,A.,tt
.. ,htt..., Ob. Pb... « au u.u-.i.uv ^y,rrx
’* h®‘‘ bre-dmg; b ;t '-e-n ar.d #t1i flour.d ccf-A:-* »4>'
tb-n -.dd o;;e - rrftl of sugar tn whieh
BUU. wltchea and curious and wlerd Hng
“!!^»fui he“pu.hUTp
chtckw' ‘^ckTM.“‘fr‘i^''cikra.’
•“R”- “»» teacupful of mllX ,f ,1,^
urge, they may eiri' 7- rd ;n a much »cft-t do-.:»b'than olh- on«.-t.i, jroosful of cinnamon has been
llghU. Take an Immense pumpkin and *ome
they are sbap. I' ' hn^T crwlw.
}IUIUpSIU. |,IV.*.
rmixtd. snJ rr<»m together. Nosr add
cut It straight acToaa. Hollow It out u,* handkerchief and Joins
I waa served picnic tashton while, they
mad- and white, with
For a custard or g.-lailn prt-jaratton tbe -tifflj h.-tten whites,' with one
and line with grape, natturtlon,
general scramble for toe nuts.
!,*, around the Ubie. with absolntcj^hro doaeradd a lablespoonful of butand rosy naj>.
. Rgs;ahouid Iw »’-r.lntd to rvmore c-pf•:! of bread flour'in which three ^
tuca leave* and fill the fruit Use the
A Nut-Crack Farty tor Maltowe-an. ifrivdom fiom formality.
|‘^r and rrmoi-.. from too fire, beat In
MK-alls Macari
the ioayh whit- m-mbrane shleh b re;-vavpooafuU rf haklng-powd-r
plMc with the stem on for the cover.
; claimLast
dees not b*»i up tc dUsti'.vc. b-i ! as U- ® aifted. and n half cupful of
Plae* this on a tray and decoraic toe
pie of our town held a Hallowe'en wa*
wa. hailed with delight when
when the 'or w1ib vamlla. pour on a marb e
have the small-*' li'-ad' «
ccok* into'n bard thread
wc‘-r. Flavor with vanUU and hake
base with leavM. flowers or fruit for .......................
P.C «. our AU M « M
.......................... ^
................enough to handle ^nrld. ard n.-sl to them com- tb<filling the ' frolic at tbe Country Club Houae. aaya witch brought forth her black tea pot
To lake puaiot-s qolrklj >o:i them
t:ny round. acgUoped liaa which
1 pretty centerpiece
-k wllh tbe hands for tbiny min-' Austrian. Spanish. Italian, and Eng'ir salivd wile; for t-t, taiatiKo.. then b-'ve If-ea heated,
pumpkin with lu burden at fruit you Farm and Fireside. • A jolly tueeea* J'or those who arc not tomlliar with
■fancy Hhape*. with ,,sh ‘ Tbosa of the fair^Spanputjo
.-.imond Wafer*—Half a capful Pt
h... .
tt ptt, ptttttt c. roar „ ....
..rttt tt .0,. tt ,W, .„tt«tt..,i.,^A^rt ^ "ttrtrtt .tt« -I—« ■=»».• —' tttt. b„.
will heat rh«m ihroagb -‘o they cook; nnd'half a cupful '.of bottar
the enchanted tea
z-.-d together , add two s 1-beat.0 a short tlue.
some of'the peanut ahelU conceal lU Wr 51st next.
groand* I have ever seen:
, i-mbon irav
Afler rtfamlng aurt or fruit 1
d hands The hand* of.BasIishwolie favor, and senUmenu. Remove
The inviutlons weie aent out to fifIn toe Brat place, toe fortune tell-, "II paper and use a bonbon ira..
ilv of flour an-i half a tetapoouM of
aen of rank are aristocratically shap- dings.
tbe akin carefully from an orange, iren couples a week before the event, er murt see that each cop has the • Pumpkin Chips—Pare. sl.«
weU. spread very thlh
prtaent atwe scrape
scrape the Inside of a rtwodi/yellow ^4. but they are long, and fowetime* .sough to dry off the tc^ If eooS*d --itulla.
fill wllh cotton and tn tola place a ta Aftc? suilng the date and the hour. ncceMary grounds
in large sized baking powd-r ran* In daU Hke wafar*. aud iprinkl*
wrapped in numberlm Uasae pa- the following request was given: picture. VS'hetber a tea drinker or noU pumpkii cut Into pieces one Inch too dry. The Preach grande dam- such pu^gs sill cook in ooe hoar,
shredded almonds over tom. Bake In
nd thin at a knife bUde. Pul ^ ukea toe best care of her hands an
rato one lied aeparalely with -pieaM come in the gnrb of the aplr- the cup murt be emptied, and Invert-j square ;
Fried oysters, friv-d sausages, thin a alow oven.
equal wel^t of whiu sugar the worid over. Gemats are generMrlag. ttiMinh wsJMt shaBa are m- tt-laad. Bring tba ahdoaed cards’«< on the owner's saucer, having firat^to it ac


Debility. Backache and Headache.


itt., ,k. o, „o.a.

ttL. -.lo, .p,-..., .....«...a .pp,. „a -rzjr::. ““









Fart Two

Pago T tg 12

The report wax ^Irod and tiled on Inu. the conncU intned Sown I hlU
The Judge of Recorders court re-' The committee on finance*, ways j the board, the abetiff to Inrtade in his (hat be got Into the Utile creek here
for rent
ported for the month of September, and
means recommended that three i bill presented tothe beard and
hit beame
mired. His eaent to get
The tomal proRoMUon oJ the Ontad Ur. Abbott'! notion.
one-half mills on each dollar of j diem for servlceein conveying
prts- other bank nuft have Ured
OB the
Bapide A tadUna Rallvay compaa; bHdce over the Boardnan. At the
Mr. Rkkerd sUted last nlcbt that the report showlDg that S6S fldes had and
been eoHerted.for violatloos of city the lounty's •'quallzid valuation be oeeni.
him oat aa when he tell on the aahtor aa excdiaBce of taad for park pur- time the. brld*e was boHt. the bar « »“ »«
ordinances. Received and'filed.
K vied as a ccunij tax. Also that the | The eommlttM cm appropriations heap, be was trasWe to rise, althoagb
poaea «aa made to the council Mon- was much hlRher than It Is now and!to remain In an unaetUed
dajr BlahL The eumpBay oCered (o ex- ai the eoRi|«Dr eootemplated putting the cltr ahonld rlthrr rescind Its acA blit of t'AO from E. J. Hans A amount of the slate lux as appor- {rvpom-d thv s e 'aud county tax as the marks on the ground indicate that
chahKe the sround on which thtir
Sou for wood and for use of hall for^tJoned to this co.:Qir by the auditor |fiiU*«s:
be mdeav..nM to do so.
In-a new bridge. It would be better tloo or use the room aud pay
ixmnd honae and lBm4able are lewaispecial
amouoting to
be I
Laei nUht was cold.-and lying there
anti cheaper to make It nearer the rent. Hr. Moon moved i^t the ac­
eid. extending from WaaMaron «o
During the last Williams plant fire, levied as a .-tate tax.
The recrom- Acme.............
tion be n-sclnded and the motion car­
tn hU weakened suie. death nnst
surface of the water.
rroat BtreeU. provided the eltr
Ed. Hardy, who runs one of the steam J mecdalloD was accvptrd and adopted. Riale ..............
1.M3 46
USS 00: have
but a question ot a short
In repir. Mr. Hugart stated that the ried. all voting yes.
weald fulBU the foUowInc
injured. Blood poUonlng foP | in n-ganl to the fractional school East »»y •Other Biiai
9:4 00 time. When found this morning, life
First Secnre ind deed to the com- matter would be looked up at once
I-ake ........; C« 30
T70 » hnd'b>wn exUot tor some time,
James Mnrchle was granted permis­ low ed and It was necessary to open districts the supervitorg of townships |
Aanr a atrip of land MO feet la width and he arould see what could be done.
i.«s M was only about 40 rods from bis honw.
sion to move a one-story house from the wound on bU leg and acrope thejtartng trnciional distrlcu were «n-!^“^''ld ;.......... t.
Other Park Mattera.
and S.0S5 feet fn length, conuinlng la
bone- In all, he *ras laid up three ; Un.ris.d to 1. v, the Just prop.irflon of ;<!rani ..................... SIR TS
Mr. Murphy's wife died two year*
ommlttee on parks reported Washington street to Lake avenue. * weeks. A bin of $18 from Dr. J. M-. the acb...l tax fractional with the ]
all. IIA4 acrea.
hah" .......... &1B 67
$13 *S ago. but he leaves two daa^tera,
A communication from the Central
Second—Jtor a conaMeratlon of |10.- that they had secured the fuUoanng
Wllbelm for attendance was present- ! Qiher count, .uid townshli* .-qualitt-l :
Lake ........
735 15
M7 M Mrs. James Wincbcomb. ofCmwn.and
Mo the company would give a qult jopUaDs from the Hannah A Lay Inter- Bicumhlc company oBerlng to eell ci to the council and a note attached-und apportlvc-d
jUajfleid................. i.gsj 55 1417,SO cme daughter in Ti»ver»e OTtyT'Ihelrl cats In the city; West park, 16.000. about roo tom of crushed limestone showed that Mr. Hardy had lost twoj-'TT,,.
claim deed on the land where their
j^iParadlse............. 1.5,17 1;
Coroner Tedman. who U In attehidcngtne-honac and turn-table are. con­ the propoeed park near the Alley on the city dock that bad cost them weeks- time at $3 a day. The maHer;^,^ bouse bulldmc aud grounds was
............. ' 6S4 07
l.Mi T5 anr«>-ante m.-etlng,o( the supenlsmartrle works; eaat park. Sl.SOO. thls^ 11.10 a ton. to the city for CO cents a wat referred i the way, and
taining «.7 acre*.
, Jivnt n>r-;m;ttee to; rnion .
^K' 4S
the court bouse, made a trip to
make the
the city engineer
Thlrd-Fbr a conalderatlon of I7W. propoacd park brtng the land Jutt
Iwbom-i! ba.M«-n ref.rred. $M b,-iug!''*“'"“-" ..• *. L"-: 46
Klngslev tbU soon to vie. the rethey wooVd move their pasaenger aU- 'nest of the Columbia hotel, except the measurements was referred to the
cu.r ...
„ 17J17 SO „„„. K,. J.r,
lmpu,,h.l. - K
the last.meeting of the council, the salary for the month* from Tr.v.„,
building next to It. which n-ould per­ streets ani^walks committee.
Don GO feet east provided that
natter of procuring pUns and j Noveirb.T to March Inclui-lv.-. $65 for
w^ evident that tbe man had died
A peUUonNrom the Potato imple­
thoroughfare be made over their mit or the removal of all
ates for an addition to the Cass j the remainder ot the The r»TFound Dead on Ash Heap.
I fnun
hb ft-eble tondltracks.
3. W. Hannen. representing himself ment company for a cement sidewalk street enRlne house was put In the'onmieudatlon
Kini:vl.y.jM;ch,. (Hi.
-Tlie life-'jjp^
was acevpu-t!
Ponrth—The company to be given and a number of «ther Washington on Ibe west aide of- Pine street frofir
hands of the fire commIUre when It adni>u-d. The rommiiKi- aL«o iw;, l.»» iKdy of Andn-w Murphy wws'’
to Augoat 1. IMS. to complete the street property owners, appeared be­ Front street to the rear of tbelr fac­ should bav^ p>ue to tbe board of pubceived an Bpi>Ileai1on fur the Janltoe found oil an ash heap In th- ivariof;
Mr. and Mrs. Bcitner Return.
tory. was granted.
fore the councU and asked
Hasans' n sldcuc- b>
lice srorks. On Mr. Lardle'* motion ship from O. K. Scofield, at a salary
» mornMr. and Mr*.
Five—The 110,000 cash la to
elty stand the expense of mlslng their
the action was rescluded and the mat­ of $6‘i per monlh the year round.
turned from an esu>nslvi^-4^rC,Ta.
. tendered at any time BaUafartory to inside walks to the grade. It seems Second ward city hall from the Letter ter referred to the- board of public
The commilt'V on printing r«*|»orted j
Texas anu other poloU south. Tlirlr
the company and the elty and the {TOO that the Railroad avenue sewer had Day Salnte was received and filed.
that the pro.seiit eontmet expire*!
A petition for an arc light on
UnmedUtely on e^pletlon of
daughter Ids arcompaided them to
not been laid to a proper grade and
Mr. Winnie suted that Mis* Ledpaaamiger rtatlon.
to building the Wnahington street Franklin street at the Pere Marquette
.. ,1.1™
The commniileatlasi.wn algned hy paring, this was taken Into conaldeni' crossing, signed by the Oval Wood trie wasn't suOffled with the $10 al­
lou In the village and was the reriplMao' until her parents' retw
3. H. P. Hogait. rlc^proaldeat and tlon, throwing out the sidewalk gnde Dish company, was referred to the
Of a p. n-lou Of $is a month from I returning home with them. Mr. and
nnnoyance from'tbo city stone rusher. Tween $3.5i>n and $4.”«o.
general manager.
considerably. The city wns raising ttphiing committee.
The government. fnd<T the
loved that she be allowed $5 .idI**'; Miw. Beltner have been married thlb
This proposiUoD waa the one made the outside walks but the Inside
A petition for an arc light
be was entitlid to *n Inrr-ase but
ty-six year* and have never had a
to the mayor and the park committee walks, which had been built to the comer of Fifteenth and Cass streeU ditjonal and also that the stOoe piled From Wednesday's R<<i>r4.
Tbe lust session ot the October Just pt. vi..js to the lH>glnnlng of thr widdlog tour.
at the Ume they went to Grand Rap- grade furnished hy a elty engineer, signed by N. Vogl and others was re­ aroiiod her her lot be moved so that
Tbe Journey from
l«*am can be d,rlven to her w6od- me<-tlng of the board of supervisors laat quarter, he lo.«t bN pension
-Ma laat summer but it was neeesaary would have to be raised also. It was ferred to the lighting committee.
which they have returned they have
'ews beld this ufternoon.
At the
The rommiuee on fire recommend­ shed. Adopted.
for the company to wait tor a meeting
raise the Uwna. but the
ed as their wedding trip and
Wb«-n the newer on Wellington morning session the regt’riof tbe r<Mn- since in an end<-avor to secure new
of the board Of dlrectora before mak­ property owners weae arlUlng to stand ed that the |)etliicm of the rural mall
they have
ones tor him.
ing the ^poalUoa formally.
The this expense.
carriers for permission to build a street was put In. the street was left miiiee on rluim$ and accounts in re­
Mr. Murphy. d-*piie hU age and on a vacation together since their
gard to tbe bill ot tbe sheriff was
sublo In the rear of the poetoSice be In bad shBi>e. On Mr. Lardle's
mayor anggeeted referring the matter
_ wa« v.-rr proud and self- marriage. Mr. and Mr*. Beltner visitMr. Moon said that he had auffev^
tlon. it will be repalredbeck to the park committee and the
le same Inonvenlenee on tereral of granted. Adopted.
lot owtj(*d|*1.3Si,r.3 ay listed and allowed
The niaucr of selling
The eommlltee on fire recommend­
' and tfala waa done on his lots and wanted bis walks raised
enjoyed thaned that as the peUtlon of Deldlog A by tbe ritv on the east side to tbe[not the total amount of the sheriff# wanted him to make hi* home witnj^'****
>fr. Imrdle’B motion.
also. The matter was finally referred
Lint* to erect a building on lot 111. j Oak Park Congeegational church, was i HIl. $l*rt having been advanced to the them, be ri'fusfd ,1o do so. pref-’r.<n,g
Laval Tneka.
Hr. Beltner was (wperlally Interest­
to the city attorney on Mr. Lardle's block 2. original plat, was within the j referred to the board of edticaUon.
At the conclntloa of the meeting,
ed In his Inspection of tbe raising of
board meeting, which was considered! refused to go to
soldi.r* home at
fire limits that It not be granted.
-----------------------the mayor read a copy of a eommanleaitic. ruzorhaek hogs nod ponies and
Rtwinded Action.
lierfeetly proper for the clerk to do.
Grand Rapids. •
Tbe committee on fire recommend-: From TufMday's R*<-ord.
*eaUon be had aeot Mr. Hugart. This
was finely entertained by a genttemaa
Fbr scan' Time. |?ie aged mau's of Texas whose time Is mostly devot­
oornmnnleatlon called attenUon to the
The matter of Front street head­ ed that as the petition of E. W. Hast-j At ibe morning ww'lon of C e 1-oatdl Of the rotul bill of fl-'-tt-ef. $600 or
fart that there was a high embank- quarters for the police has been log* to erect another story on his' ‘ of sup»-r* Isors tSie report of the com-1 $:ivi represented money advanced by mind hjd tuv-n gradiuilly weakening' ed to purstdU of Msure. the wodk
building at 119 Front street conflicted 1 mittee on grounds aud buildings In;the sheriff iierwonally for expeiwea. It Slid be icMik To wandering away from of the various rascbe* and mills be­
to near the paaeeng^-r station and sug­ ago. a notion was made that the room with Sec. 6 of ordinance 145. tfiat It regard to the proposition of F. W ' was reeemmended that the clerk In his home. As will as they could, bis ing performed hy negroo* and Mexi­
Wilson, register of <ii-<-d8.
CDinplle The future bt- authBrired to advance friends wo-ild I<v>k :ifter him xnj tee can*- Mr. Beltner was very moeh Im­
grunted. Adopted.
gested that the greater portion of this at 1S5 Front street be rented for
Tbe report of the committee on a new first Index ol d«-vds and mort-|to the *her:ff actual expens*-* in con- that he COT back'all righf but yester­ pressed with tbe country- and believes
could be removed by lowering the police headquarters. The mayor de­
gages at an t-xpt-nse of fjo-i was r.--|nertlon with taking prisoners to the day mnrutne. he sturled out and was that there are good opportunlllM (Or
hulldlnga located there; south park. clared It not carried, tn the absence claims and accounts was allowed.
Rfforls tbe Investment of northern capital In
that Detroit House of Corrertlon. wbicb seen w.-st of tbe village.
The clerk reported such transfers
$1,000. thU being ten acres tn Pern- of the mayor, the motion was again
maili- to head him off and bring that etate. He like* tbe coiutry hot
with said hills Together with rece'-pH
wood nt the Bougbey hill; Washing­ made and Mr. WlnaJe, chairman pro I were nerteaary and also that a I they did not d*vm It u«H-*-**ary
ry loan of $1400 to be credit j compile the Index- mcDUon«-d.
from the rv-trolt House of Correction him hack, but he elud<-d bl* fi'cada was very well satisfied to gel back tO
ton sifeet park. 1100. this being the tern, on advice of the rtty attorney,
ed to the Bast Eighth street paving | that the proposition be not accepted, for prisoners taken there be filed in and was not seen again.
declared It carried. The
land along the zfrer bank from
Traverse City.
The Indications this morning ate
house never occupied and at the last meet- fund. Transfers and loan authorited.' Tbe report was accepted and adopted. the clerk’s office and later before the
bridge to George Payn'a


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company




When you can have such be<d(ding as we sell and at the prices? See the big Window
Display. It will almost make you feel warm just to look at
the splendid assortment that you find therej

Whiie.tfull size ami ^ood quality at

75 and 59c

4 Blankets

Thisisa line that
lat you will
like. They are good
oods and will give
giv you the best
... of
They come in Plain Scarlet, Plain White and
Plain Gray, and sell the pair for.

All readv ir.\de r-hr
the biggest kind of a bar- 1 Kp
gain at.................. ............................................................................................


AU Wool Blankets

11-4 German'Finlsti Blankets
This is a line of Blankets that>ill find favor everj- ^ i
r where, $2.50, $2 00 and............................................® X. f U

12-4 Blankets

As large a line as you will find in the city and they 0 A OO
are priced for the pair from $lo CNJ to.................w“vV/V/

Most Comfortable Comfortables

Such a line you will seldom find in any store.
These are filled w’ith the best quality of cotton
batting ai.d knot lied and we price theirs at 01 00
$3 50. $2.50. $2 00. $1.75. $1.50. $1.25 and..... -<•

Beautiiul Plaid Blankets

Down Comforts
They are so big and warm and comfortable, you
can'tbelp but rest well wiih these on your bed
and the price is'only................................................

Fruit ol the Loom 10c
We-have a bargain here you can't miss and the same with Lons­
dale. The price is TEN CENTS a yard to evcr>’body and there
is no limit to the amount that you can buy. The whole piece
if you want to.

Newest In Belts

Steamer Rugs
Something that we will $cll a great many
They are beautiful, priced 'to sell fi
SKKiO to............................................

These are extra good and at this price is as good a
•bargairi as you will find. We sell you any 01
number you want at..................................................4P±«VV/

la Blue and White, Pink and White aod Red and
Black. They are worth ever)’ cent of the 0K OO
price that we have put on them.............................


Pillow Cases

BuIIalo Wool Blankets

10-4 Blankets
In GraVi

•‘B’jster Brown" Belts in solid Black. Brown, Red and 1 A#*
White at ’>5c and............................... ..............................

Black Silk Belts 25c
A great line of these most popular Belts, with all the newest ideas
in -jet trimmings at 25c, 50c, 75c and up.

□asUc Beits
Something new. It will fit any person,
jet trimmings and sell from 25e up.

They have beautiful

Leather Belts

In Tan. Grav, Brown and White with Buckles in Gilt, Cut Steel
and Black! aod are priced at 2Sc, 50c 75c and up.



Grand Traverse Herald
9mtm.t btv............................
GM O.R4«B.............................. W» PruUin
AW. BAsm...............................
Ouuu ir. batw.........................
Editor and Man^r.

I TnTvn Cltj

The foliovlnc eatrocio (roo an editortal In Toaterdar't Grand



instltnUon Is needed '

every way—there will. be many ex­

without question but at the two prer-

It'will be seen by the foregoing hibits and the attendance will be soeb
ious elections, there hare been ob)ec> that tbe. bntiness men of CbarievoU that success will be guaranteed.
tiona adranced to the pUnt acbml
sre Joit a* aawke to tbe possIblUtles
One of the most patent ob)eel
of the propo^ railroad as the busi­
21 —
ness men of Traverse City and It U
When Mrs. Bd. McCane and daughter
quired by tbe supervisors for the pur­ reasonable to snppose
nnlty ot
pose was that the scdl was too tight energies of the people of these two Teesie were driving their cow to pas­
ture near here Monday morning, they
to raise any crops. The tact that over pdnu combined with that of resi­
into a big block bear. The oc­
tllC was cleared from tbe Infit alone dents aloag the line Iwtween the
curence wax reported to tbe me
this year goes a long wayi towards cities will bring to utlijactor;re­ the village and a posse is now oot
dUpTorlng that The opinion of Will­ sults and eventually lead to the
after the animal.
iam L. Wilson,
Grand Traverse stmctloD of tbe proposed railroad
The daughter, who is about t( yesra
county farmer for thirty yearn. e<so Is conceded that this will be one of
Id. saw the bear first, her mother
win have a favorable effect. In thU tbe most profitable enterprises thit
having her back turned. She scream­
connection It U noteworthy to
could ever enter thU section.
The ed and the mother turned in time tc
that the present poor farm U the flrat Carter Constrnctlon company Is ready
me animal. Without waiting to
thing that the county has owned that to do business and they only await
learn its Intentions or to save the
baa ahown a profit
the BubacripUon for bonds to show cow. they ran to the house and phooed
Mr. WiUon made a careful Inapse- the good ftUh ot the people 'diretly
tbe village.


a Terr IntellifeDl U«

_tlie p«at taereaM In the eoat of pro-

dneti^/it oewapapera orer laat rear tlon of the farm Bnd*from an oppon­ Interested and as an evidence of the ir
ent of tbe project haa become
material support.
and tortaar r<*ra.
The figntaa
Not only did he find
applied to the great
that the soil waa aatUfactory but that

dalUea of Nev Torh.
“John Norria. of the



Tln« li of the opinion that proaperlUhera no leea than hard time* and


statement be 'saaerta





sired as there was an abundance of

that the G. R. A I. Railway eomrsny

water for all purposes and tbe pUcc when they build their new bridge over

Itr haa lU pwlla for nawapaper

the loeailOD was all that could be de­


was convenient of access.

the Rbardman river lower It to such

Mr. Wilson did not swte It, but It U an extent that the embankment may
fact that the srires of the Boardmsn
River Deciric' Light A

be cut down Is an excellent one and

Power coin- If carried oat win add much to th

pnny pass so closely that It U posii- beauty of the strert.
light the whole building

m rear la «oai of prodocUoo.

ono for Increaaed par for eompoeltora.
S900.0M for atereotrpera and tlOO.OOO

■Iq^^^coDdltlonR exist row. a perto

tidings necessary with electric­ drivUg along Front street Is shut oil

■^f thU addlUcoi to their expenaet
$X.1<0,000 U tor white paper. S600.-


ThU Is Important too as tbe In­ from a view of the bay by the high

mates Of-the Infirmary are generally embankment along the beach.


and a menace to life and property.
*Tet (he

nesBpapen are u i

whaterer of them aa facton Id the lotelleetaal life of the naHon or their
imporunce aa rehielet of Infonaa

county have given more thoogbt


ty acres now owped.


ttem In wage*, recelrlng from
Worid alone 92^00,600.



As a bnilnen



daDr paper U « aa much Importance
to the dtr In which It U publlehed
that ettr'a chief factorr.
printing and


^ewapapera, sara Harper'a Weekon



statemenL aboold receire more credit
Uian User get for being In baalneas tn

the Omnd Traverao region In connec­

The low priced

newapaper It a tremendoua power for
good In thla coontrr and U it cannot
be conducted hr tboae who with to do
good owing to financial eondltlooa ther
wfU fall Into the bands of thooe who
wiah to do erll and will become a
aendoua power for erll.

If the pubUc

does apt want this to happen It must
do iti shaae.

It most ace to It that

the coat of production is kept within


What la true In New York and other
large elflea la true In Tnrerae Cltr
and other clUea in Michigan.


the Brenlng Record hai had a
ataoUal tacreaae




since lU’ eatabUahment and while‘ibe
Herald and Record company's volume
cf business la grtmter each year
apite of the largely increased cost of
pnsducUon. there has been no adranee
In eubacripUon rates, and only a very


alight adranee in adrertislng


during the past Ore years.

even If the bridge wew lowered and i
The value

of property along,

tion with the proposed street railway street would be-enhanced, the danger
and intcrurban from



to of the grade crossing would be made

The text of the publica­ much less, the railway would be bene-

tion is praetlcslly the same as that Is- j uuej

luch at the grade necessary

_____ __________________________________________________
by the Traverse City board oI; to go

the bridge would be abol-

trade. but the Illustrations largely re-1 ished and the Improvement would fit
Charlevoix and


al- into the general scheme as planned

though there are many very attrac­

by the G. R. A 1. and tbe city.

tive viewh of Traverse City”sod vlcin-

General Mnnagi-r Hughart ha^ prom­
ised to look the matter up and as It Is

ily In





board of commerce U very enthuaiav only a question ot a short Ume until

do good and not from a aordld pur­
pose to^makc moner.

ence or damage the railway compar

of commerce a prospectus of

I etOaUon and beneflU aa tnaar people.
Ir, in commenting

ver this project and tbe bueineBS a modern bridge will be ballt, It Is
men of that city arc eiertlag their .en­ be hopedt hat the company will see
ergies to bring about the completion to make the Improvement.
of tbe railroad from

Aabury suiiiqht Class.
City. The lmi»rtanee of
On Monday evening nlni-teen eirl<
Along with tbe "old home week,
from Clara 2io. 6 of the Aabury M. E.
strated In the following introduction tbe state fer.-dation of Woman's clubs Sundav school met at the horn- of
in the prospectus aTltton by Secretary meeting here jiext year and other
•:,elr teacher, Mrs. Richard Herfcner.
E. Hampton, of the
Charlevoix gatherings that will be held. the.heed
ei5 Flfib street, for a social tlm<chember of commerce:
ot a suitable hall for holding conven­
Games were played and light
re■The Charlevoix Imsrd ot commerce tions and large meetings
again ‘frtshm«-ni* were served. A club
Has thoroughly Investigated the sUnd- brought forward.
This Is a matter organize,, the name to - be A*i>ury
ing of the Carter Construction com­ that has been often^agiuied by the Starllgbt class. The following off.r^'^.
pany and Is convinced that*the peo­ papers of Traverse CHy and several
wore elected.
ple connected with the company, have times it has seemed that this build
rresldem—Miss Reu Lane,
the abiUty to 'make good’ with
iDg was about lo be constructed but
Flrat vice-presldi-m—rUIllan Iraln.
osRIoo they may make.
ThU each time,
the project has - fallen
Second vlce-pre*ld<-nl—Ruby Pl-re*osttlon Is fully wet forth In tbe through.
Seerelary-Mis* Gtady'* Murfy
pages of this prospectus. Wc ask Its
convention hall Is needed !
careful perusal, and aftqrsards. tb- here just Ihe name, if there had been
financial Appport of the people. In the a large enough hall. It Is possible ihai
Treasurer-Miss Gbldk- Robinson.
raising Of the funds to Host the bond the grand chapter meeting
The young people left ot an varl.vl
issue, which li apporUoned to the ter­ Eastern Star could have been .secure,! hour.
, .
ritory between Elk Rapids and Charle- for Traverse City and other large

gatherings of a like
building of this



It will greatly benefit tbe summer re­
sorts ot this section.

the same time, the Record and Herald

tbe farmers along the line the oppor- that Is conceded.

It will afford to



The city has outgrown Us acooni

hare In the way of circulation,


state meeting of tbe Elks is another

modallons for meetings of the kind,
That Traverse Clty

improred iaelliUes and

tanlty ot shipping su^r beets quick- Is (be convention clly of the north Is
both V snd cJeisply to the very sheds ol also cimce,led and that Is a valuable
papers more raluable to the reading the Charlevoix sugar factory, it will asset for any clly.
Tln-r,-(vre. i
All orer the country there open a splendid market for the small provision should be ma>l<- to care for



Bitten by ,

has been a gradual adranee in the fruit farmer.
lb<- jrfople who ctnar- lu-re.
It will develop
Papers that dalrj- and creamery baslaess.
«1th the building of itio electric
It will
bare heretofore been aold for a dollar open up the Immense
ratlway. g{ltl more cenventlijls'
a year hare been .adranced to
cement rock, which nre only waiting meetings will come to tbe city- and it

Through blood |
., spider bite. Jc
Ho*qiierlIlf. Tex., wo:
!( c. which became a niaw
Wire*, had he not bee:, r
•vrltrs: "The first app
llev, d. and four box,-* hr
-;ort-*.-- Held* evorv sore
Co.. S. I


Increased coat of Ubor In the

doring the past two years has been

ThU is true



prtnUng office In tbU city and other
cm**, yet the cost to the consumer
has not been adranced except in rare
tosunces on special work.
Tbe phyalcUns of Trarei^. realiz­
ing the increased living expenses bare
adranced their rales for single calU.
Mr per cenL and the aamt; U true in
other lines of endeavor and Industry.
There has never been a Ume In the
history of this coontry when Ubor has
been better employed or better paid
than at tbe prrsent time.

It srill fol­

low, therefore, that toersased cost of
labor and raw malerUli innat nece^

A car









from Traverse City to a farm In Solon

sbipped Saturday night

ibout M year* ago. and be­

the market Saturday two big lots
of hogs were brought in.



tronght In a lot of twelve and Mr

Carrots. *5 cenu per pock.
^uHllower. T to 15 cents per head

3udge bT PtoMIo.

fore his death had pn>vcd hiraself
progrcMve farmer.

hate court
(or the County
Grand Traver*,At a s<-*si«n or said coort. held at

For the past

Green onions. 3 to 5 cents a bnseb.
Tb«*# quatatlon* sra useefuliy «*•
•ded *v#ry dsy.

The euttldc quctaticM by wire, wo<
dipped from otnsr pap#ri of th* fie*
vlpu# dpy.


,<J this hank- is (ondu>led on a consavnltv^
hasis. Our vaulls ,n, striclH fire-profif
ond tmr^lar-proof.


We pay three per cent inlcrest
on Certificates or Savings.

8«mng Prinam
a»arb#ck pork, per bhl.............. 13.30
a«ar back pork,

per lb .................


abort cot of pork, p«r bM....X8.00
LMd. IGT lb



....................................... lSe2t

per lb

'Uin im-nl. per 100 lbs..............



t '

i Sn'UC' ft Hank n: Xorl/u ru

that on


Spring Chickens



Hen* ..................................................... .

Potatoes. p«T bu ......................
Ham. p»T lb ................................

tile Increased coat of living and t-Ml.-iy


1. their price for work wouM

CbevK,'. p<-r lb .....................
'Sr.lf, pi-r Ml......................................


HuUer. cr,*m,-ry. per Ib .•


Butter, dairy, per Ib..............

per bushel

................... .

Oat, ........................................................
flover seed ...................................
■rtmeon eJovwr




We find many remnant patterns on hand now
which we are closing out io room lots at about half

Orchard grass ............................

Buying pricaw

rr.t.ltrvs. pof htl................

Ing Ed In the band and forearm wo drod for rip# elder
mill. John C. Mergan A fipn.
thnt medical attendance


A fair w;ouM be. a Jcdnl bard

iln. by backing op onr fsltb with InuiluUnn. the
he inicK-sis
lniei>>sis of tho (am.-r‘necesaary.


Th# local merkt-

erics* sr* supplied by local .dMlces



Deposit your mofiFy in the *

BURGL.ARS can aonoy you.
BAD LO.ANS may cripple you.
SPECULATION may ruin you.

Radlsht-8, 5 cents per bunch.


Carpenter Work Up.
The carpenters
the elty hav,
they announced


Tomatoes. 3 th 6 eenU a pmnd.

held In the s,ii>ervisors' room at the

us wbo live In the Grand Traverse would

Uated Oci. 23rd. A D ibo;

peaches were shivering with the cold
ouuide the .war

the person who 8ubaerib*4 for thrs| court house last evening.

aarlly be met by Increased cost a1l_ region, to show our otwn faith In tbe cultivateil.
•ntSRg the lias.—ftecArd.

Ur. r.
of! jj,irer#on

. .22«:f.
my friend* thought !
An organ­ about to take l»ave of th!* world
srcoonl of Indigestion. nervoi>: > . H.1V. i.v*.- ....................................... tis<?m
ization was effected and nffleeiw <1enbonds will not only be helping tt
tiid general debimy- wTlles A
this road, and thus bo a factor ed and mra all that remains ts t« get Chisholm. Treadwell. N.
, '.ichi Cl.-, r* snd he.fer* ...
wh,-n It looked a* if then- wnIn building up the country, he will be la Unc for
•Steers and bellerp IlM lb*...303H
That a county fair wwald be a I- li" hope let'. I w;i* je.-rtundeo t,. try EJ,
making a g<x>d Investment for 'himself
trie Bitter*, nnd 1 r,-j
»ar^thaf|l)rw-soil poultry ...-................................. 10
Ot lo the Grand Traverse region giv>s they are curing
from a financial standiiolnt.
I nm now doinc
i Hens, live wreighl........................................07
without saying. Thu region every butlneiw again s s of <>1,I. and am
‘The fact that no money Is t<
ei<-diclne Spring Chicken*................................... ,10
I>aid on the bonds until tbe road Is. >t_ar produces fine products. Its fruit gaining dally. " Best tonic Bicdii
on earth.. Guaranteed by C A. Bug- Li'-e Hog* ........................................
liullt. and In operation. Is suffirtr-nt and vegrtablo# are second
bee Drug Co . S E. Wait A S<
Heg*. dressed .......................................7«7«*
proof that the projectors have the Is the state and undoubtedly an array
theep with wool flB
>y. and tbe faith to back It. to of Ibrse would invite compeittl,)o and
Spring lambs, live wslgbL ... Jfflt
build, equip ami operate
lln-* emulation. Healthy competition an,!
Two Acc'dentt.
Calrra .......................................................... 3954
cribers to tbe bonds are taking no. emulation will UDdoubtcdlr lead to
(rose antes
70 i
chances. U the company does not even belter fruit and vegetables as an daughter of John Kul^vsrb, fell off a
•hirod bides ...................................13011H
build the line, they socuiv interest on Incentive will Im- given tg.claser cultl wagon Friday
Tall':*- .................................................................. 04
money white ii Is deposited in tstlou.
arm near the wrist.
Oats, per bushel
............................' JI
The county Uir would bring the
tbe hands of the tnutee.
Ed Corbett was attempting to losd
Cidsr apples, per lOO lb*................40
(I sum It up. this IS a plain, (air. Urmera and merchants of the county a half In a wagon to which it object
aoythliig that
WE WILL PAY 40 e#ntt per bunsquare, business proposition. It is up closer together and

the fully set forth In the prospectus, and

Herald and Record company's offlcea


Hay. per ton ................ '.

of time, therefore, when advance* In U is operate a street rail­
If there was such a bulbling. It
adrertlslag rate* win be necessary.
way In the city of Chsrtevolx, during could 1>o used as an armory and TravIn the natter of commcrcUl print the summer months, and this will be erse City could l>c represented In the Eicblh street, left for Siockton. (
Yng on aUDdard oint^ supplies prices
Michigan National guard as there Is with her three children Tuerduy
additional attraction for the i
remain the name now as they hare
r tourUt. aud the 'White
City' excellcDl material her,- for .-i ' gi«d Join her husluind. Monday night
numlH-r oLfitendh gathered to bid her
for aerersl rears, yet the cost
which wUl be built at some besrby military company. and proM-ntod ber with
paper Stotdc baa adraoced all along and desirable point, will be a torther
iN-atitilul berry Fjont os s token
the line from ten to fifty per cent, ac­ benefit and attraction in tbe res^
« Th# Travers# Reg,on Fair.
cording to gradea.
The advance In line.
A very proplriious start toward
cost In this department, means also
"The safety of the inveslment. Is
Doing Buainsas Again.


Bran i«-r lOO lbs...............

35 cenis an hour. The reason tor the
Thla la true with a great transportation lo become the greatest would be well to be prepated. Such
raise Ik that everything eost* so much,
many weekly papers of Michigan. The and most valuable industry In north- a building need not be an unprolUabte
mose now that they linve to do
dSily papers, bowerer. bare not adinveatment as tbe nses are many and
n Michigan.
make a fair llvlni^.
Tane«Hl in price. It Is only a oueaUon
"In connection with the steam road. varied.

printers In the elate, sooner or later.

oiml suota., .host

half dozen fsrmets

Mlidling*. per 100 lbs .

tfly a year.

an advance In price* by all

hi, boood,,

the City of TravvrM- City.
^unty. on \t beter, tfi. «iUi day bf
r,-brnary. A D- I9(«s. and that said
im» ,
be heard by said cMrt
the aui day ot Frbroarr
D l»u». at ten o'clork )n the tosw-



price of weekly papers.'

most promlLcni larmcrs of Lerianau
Tne Grand Traverse Shippers- .
county. pats*d away Wednesday at
d.111, . n.iM« bml_______ __
- the og*‘ of «S year*.
&-r™i lea. ot .ppin «.a
alx chi!
pooebn C.O.. lo „bll«U»;a.o», .. lollow.;
m™. «.rl.
L.O.lo.a.r, M, Eapt-ooob.

Present: Hon Ptvd
Us tracks but up to iste this after­ twcj loads of «x each. -There were last Jul): bla mind beeawe weakened |
noon had not yet captured tbe bear. three more head of lirniuck brought and It was pecesaarj to remove hlm'-Jdav of Probate
(be aaylum. where, death
took 1
'bv “■»vr of tl.r rotate
a Wlir of
Bears are vpry rare In this neigh­ In. three loads uf iron, three loads of
‘lam A.
«t Mid
borhood tbb being tbe first that hat roal. etgbteeu loads of potatora,
I fouhly, deceased ______
load of csrrou. three loads of apples
been seen In a number of years.
The funeral will be held Saturday'
Jame* B l.anc» ortlT!^\b4^^ng
. .
lag filed
>d two loads of coke.
Is probably the same one that
said court hi* pelilion
. elitlon bra:'
praying that
morning at tbe borne In Soloo. tbe '
CTlaln lu-trument
tu-itrument in
tn writing
purTbe apple market it alow this
seen In the vicinity of Monroe Center
Rev. Mr. MaaksUd officiating,
riing In !>,- the la*t wilt and testasome.time ago.
r. Hoffman had to close up his burial sill be In Oakwood. the Auden
■iil of *ald dec-aiu-d Jioa on Ale hi
rammlssloD bouse and go pver to tbe
son L'ndcrtaking company In charge, said Court
House Burned.
;aiid that tbe
Fire broke, out In the residence of
earlier pan of the morning.
Clarence Sbermun. ((1 Second street,
Kingsley Men Buy Auto*.
ther sultnble i<eraon.
The potato,-* are coming tn heavy
aboiti .1 o-clock Tuesday morning anil
It I* ordered that the 25th day iff
R. J. IVFrance.
proprietor of the
lietore an alarm had biivD sent in '
rloek (a
every day now.
Almost every losd
DeFTOuc- hotel .1 Kingsley, and E J.
probate office.
that come* to tbe scales contains pnCa»e. a well known Kingsley lumU-r
,, hereby appointed for bearing
Utoes. Eighteen load* came tn'yeshouse waa gulled.
man. are bark from Detroit and each said iteOtkiB.'
Mr, Sherman, who resided ali
K Butomoblte.
I I* fitUhro opisH^'^ihat •public
l,.<iGsglvr'ff^V leibllCalteB
tnrned to hi* home late In the evening by the farmers In getting diggers. The two gentlemtn wen
u Detroit to
Ten oihre loads came In. one losd of
a r,.-p> of this order, for tbrre sacand looked after the healing stove
wltnl-s* the ball gsm,i
and • drove
oo.ive we,-k» prertuns lo saM day of
w that the roal fire was properly at­ hay. five loads of apples, one load of their tnarhinea back.
hearing. In the Grand Iravetsr Herald
tended to and Then retired,
awakened by the flames and hastily of carrots and one of coke.
s^'s DsaOly Work
I li
dressing, he ran to tbe starch fartory
23.—Close-Wheat. had *0 nerlouFly affected my
Judge of Probate.
lo turn In the alarm. In bis cxcUmcnt $1,011,; corn. fSlic; oats. Si^c.
ilung." wriK-s Mr*. Paonle Coont
Georgetown. Tenn_'
nvericokinc the alnrm on the comer
"that I caugl
of the sirrrrt near his home. Neigh­ (l.OS; corn. 67c: oaU. 69c.
Convention OfBears.
day and
nrighbuiB' prediction,
bors were asrakenrd by the fire, but
-jmption— -e,-med Inevluhle. nn■ fe* offering* for your I*lng. Mich. Oct. 23.—Tbe eonwere unable lo save any of the furui
igbt home a boitliIll my hufbnnd brought
Itlutlonal conventloo elected the folIMscovery. which
of Dr. King's
t-irc. The firemen had a hard fight lo
proT, d I be the only ro#l lowing officers;
s.nve the adjoining residence.
ronch cure and re*tor, r of
. w eak.
President—John J. CarUofi. Flint
No explanation ha* been given as to
When all
bow the fire sUrti-d but Mr. Sherman
-If. rly tall, you may sail win lo the
Wate rmelons. ;nc lo 35c each
batt'e against lune and throat troubles "ataon. tryatai ran*,
icllcvra thf.l It started in some ws^
itw.el appl' K IS rents a peek
with Ni-w IMecovety, tbe roal cure,
peereu'ry—Paul H King. Dowaglac.
frimi Uie heating stove.
He carried
Guaranteed by C. A. B.rgbee Drug Co .
official Stenographer—Joseph BtwwMuskmelons. Sc and lOe eoch.
an insurance of }4nn. and the ho-<se,
S. E Walt A Sous,
I'tum*. 30c and S6c a peck.
which Is owned by Mrs. Alice Kafka,
P,-ar». 30 cent* per Tou^pound baa bottle fEce.
Portn»»t«-T J Clark. Alma.
was Insured for ICOO. It was a ver
old house, and had been erccte.! a
M,-rr- ere some sp,-clala for your mar
the cost of 92.0«b
;-t la>kot:
Mr. Sbi-rmnn bad decided tn 1,-at
Sv-“i nPtatiH-F? 6 ^ni* a pound.
the eily, and had been bosy for *e,
Summer equash. 9 ccuU each.
era! day* packing hU good in cir.ltCal-lage. 3 to * rt-nt* per head
t« store themP>-l>j" rs. :n c-nts dozen.

this project tO-Cbsrlevolx U demon­

possiHlity as welt as
ean much to tUs city, and the <
b(^ the Record and Herald bare in­ try jbrough which the line will
meetings which would
creased. aad adreitlsm are getting and to the territory tribuury thereto. people here.


Osath of L
After an !!!:;•** —-rcrlag about two
years. Lar* Hslvereon.

Prom Wednesdays Record.

and gave chase to tbe animal finding Crandall, from Elk Rapids, brought In


In the meantime, the clrcnlaBon of

more for their money than they


The use

never rise high enough to ineonver

irban Ui
I Record
hns Just completed for the>Charlovolx


The making,

HrealaUon of a dallr

paper aeu ai much moner Into dr-


high bridge necessan'.

this Is now past as ibf Boardman will

Organized la­

bor takes an eoormooa tribute

was much higher than It Is now. In

that al the April election, they w,IIl fact the mouUf of the river was about

get tl.600j)(H> for handling the New
Ttfrt World- annoallr.


When the bridge was built, the bay

the matter and It Is more than likely

vote in favor of bnlldlng on the twen­ where the bridge U.

tnaUtntJona of great Importance In the
The newadealera

bad crossing and making

Since tbe (Section, tbe )>eople of the more liable.

batlneai laatltnUona. to aar nothlac



IneaplUtted people In tSe at the Front street crossing,

hands of whom lamps are a danger necessary to ascend a hill ma

for other Ubor.

A number ot men armed themselves


bst* court
ter the eooBty of
"The I rke rf health U a Imalarious
Graod Traverse
the cost of
la the martsT of the esute of Jolm
box of I>r Kings New Life PUls.'
Johnaon. deevosed
wnies Etu
1. of Noland. Aek
Notice I* hereby gives that (Mr
New l,-fe I’lb.. c'banf" gently and Im­
part Slew life ar.d vigor to tbe system month* from tbe 2«h day of October
D IW:. have bees aUowed ter
Sat‘*lacfoa gvaratted at C. A. A
B- g'.*-, Hr .-o Co $ E Walt A Son*, creditors to prenent
wait it said ,leca.ed «, mM cosrt
lUaash Drug Sion. druggisU.
for examlnatbm
adiostmeot. Md

to building on the twenty acres



The Price or HaaNf*.

To Vote oa Poor House Agein.
It U the opportunity whld
Tor tbe third time, the voter* of knocks hot once at every man's door.
Grand Trareiac county will hare
Let ns not sleep, but open our ears
le orgaalsaUoB made last night
opportunity to roU on the matter of to the knocking, and open onr parses deserres sorcess and the fair at IfiOS
building a county poorbouse.
That to bring tbe proiect to a saceessful will nndcnbtedly be a large one la

sept «7-4f.

Spreia! reduced price On all varnished golds and
white blank patterns.
lodicatioQ point to a raise in price of papen
next season. It will pay to buy now. .
. A big stock to select from.

City Book store
Traverse Oty* Mlcb.

Tbe Hobart Co. Preqp.






Om«8»-A. Ttwr Uf. Prltort: B

DIR«?roi»-A. Ti»e, L.,, B.
CUxA. Mn Jnlls T. Bunalt. Butrod Oar
and. B. C. Darla. Jarrj BaUSraB. W. W.,

$ per cent Blioire4 ei Time D^etUs

lD( about that but ther Eldot like
aome of the niUngi of Prof. ElUolL
The local team scatea that Id odc n-peati'd failur I to bring about a reca bet*e.;u hi« dlvorct.>d wife
pUee. aerelaod vaa abut out of a,*--------------.----------------touchdown nod Slmpaon a thlrty-rard “d hlmaelf. Bdrod iIcKee, a carpen
ter. aged M. Bred four abota at the
wounds from which
ImmedUteljr after the accident
King. Petoikey lined up with nil their •be died a few hours later, then turn­
in their poaltloni, it la aald. put ing tbe revolver on hlmaelf sent a bul­
the lull In plar and fuBiblet. Clere- let crashing through bis brain, ceoslaud ,araoped It up nod ran ZZ yarda Ing Instant death. Mrs. McKee was
a touchdown. Elllou'a derlalou 3< yeara old.
The ahootlDg took place at the home
that be bad not blown the wblaUe
of Christ Nelson, where Mrs. McKee
However, tbe Pelaakey team proved was staying with her sister, Mrs. Ella
houaekeeper for .Nelson.
Ideal bosu, glring

Is Your
Hair Sick?
Tbflt’s too bad I We had no­
ticed if>u.:s looking pretty thin
and rough of laie, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is
a regular hair grower, a per­
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.

It., 8-Addr^ all OolWtloM and Coma- local boya tbe Miolce of atundlog a
Elk Raplda Pioneer Dead.
•how or going to a dance.
Mrs. B. P..GoudBTd. aged SB, of Elk'
Traveme City lined u|i aa followa:
Slmpun. Bauman, re; Hull, ic; LoKohuec, rh; UcGarry, Ih: Jlanaon. ri Goddard was one of (hi- early- plooBauman. Jabraua. It; Monroe. Jabi, having lived In this region over
Valuable Invention.
. I.«on Dion, of Wllkeaban
raua. rg: Cleveland, Ig; Pelertyl. c; flfly years. She leaves one daughter.
Ths bMt kmd of a tasUmoDial—
"Bold tor over sixty yswrs.
brother of Albert Dion, of tbU city, Pleraon. fb; Evans, qb.
Mrs. D. C. Webster, with whom she
bat laet conph-ied an Invention
has made'her home. Mr. Goddard dy­
U pronotmeed nae of the grealeat die- Uekled him.
ing about eight years ago.
cowejiea of tU age. being a anbThe funeral service will be held I
aqueoua light for the purpoar of giddWednaaday momlog at 10 o'clock at
Double appl(«. three pluma gioan
ing thlpa at night or in a denae fog.
^^plds at the Presbyterian
Thil light conaiau of Ineandeacenta together and all that are thrown In cburcb/lte Rev. B. H. Valle offldat- qtate of michiga.,.thk I’no
•rrangi-d on a cable, proper relleclura the shade by a bead of cabbage fonnd Ing. W. 8. Andersou hue the arraoge- ^ buw- court for the county of
tbe Adama' farm on the peolniula
bt'lag protided. which caat a atrong
Grand Travvise,
menls in charge.
by William Gbrer Sunday.
At a s.-ssloD of said court, held at
light upward and plainly
the prnluiti- niflre. In the city of Trav
^annel. The derice'a vnloe will be head la really seven heads all grown
erse City, in said county, on the j5Ui
Ald Soeirty Ofliecra.
readily appreciated by all laralbar
The Young l.adlc«' society of tbe day of October. A. D. 1SHJ7.
with the dlfflcully of narlgaUng
Hon, Fred R. Walker.
soft and down undrnua;:* m Presbyterian Church met Tuesday Judge of Probate.
crooked ebaone^at ntgiit. It can alao
eighth la Juat aUrtlng.
The frenl; evening vrltb Miss Bmlngs on WasbIn the mailer of the estate of Phil­
be nacd to
:uu street and reorganized their ander Paris, deceased.
The light la •« far enough below the was found among a field of good cuo- I -MK-lety into tbe Westminster Guild.
l.unle M. Paris having filed In said
BurUce of the water a« that sblpe of bage.
■■ *
^tltion praying that said i
The young ladies are very enthusias­
"t'eate and d<-tennlne who
the dewpeat draft will not Interfere
tic over the_ work and they hope to
I ^the ttime of deaih the legal
with it and being below the aerface
have a very prolluhte year.
ware tnollon baa no effect upon It.
The following officers were elected:
a fog., ahlpa are compeUed to lie late Judge J. G. Ramsdell. died at
President—Eva Thacker.
In the harbor or move only with the her borne on Division street, at 11:20
YTce-presldent—Edna Emtii^.
Tuesday, at the age of 77 yeara.
November. A. D. m7. at
greateet caution.
Secretary—Anna Johnson.
Mrs. Ramsdell had been In falHng
In the for*-noon. at Raid probate of
practically DtelMa and becanae of the health for wine time, but was only
Treasurer—Gertrude Soueb.
flee; be nnd Is hereby ap|M
i|a>!nted for
pecollar propertlea of the fog. fog- eonflited to tbe bouse tor a few days.
said petition.
Patronesses-Mrs. Adrian
It Is further ordered that 1
borea are confuaing. By meana of
Tbe aanoaneement of Mrs. Rams- Mre. Howard Mutaelman.
the aabmergad light, together wltb a
of a eo],y of this order, for threi
water teleacope, the channel cannot
cesslve weeks previous to said day
Little Child Dead.
be miataken.
Victor, the infant son of Mr. and of hearing. In the Grand Travi-rR-c
In the caae of war. the invention
Mn. John Debko. of Elmsood. iwiaed Herald, a newspaper printed and elrBIO connty.
would pify a prominent part.
away Tuesday at ^o'clock at the culated in ^Id
channel and bartxir could be mined
The funeral will be held toJudge of ProL
safe channel
morning at S o'clock from the
* marked wit btheae Rgbta controlled
Church of the (mmnculate Conception,
from the abore. The friendly ahip
in charge of H. L. Carter.
abowtag the proper code algDal woulJ
be guided by the United
I ratsrrt wy
Ait- viijet-.
1st SB BOMB'
wbi<« would be twitched off behind
City, in said
-•~r» Ely's
CrwaBsta Kzcvpt mat li |R basld day of September. A. D. 1S07.
.. _________
It and aroDid make the baiitor In aafebsiniBii
President: H<m. Fred R- Walker,
ty while the boatlle veaael would be
Judge of Probate.
Wsfooillurwuh far r«sn. Ko ce
Mown to atotna.
In the matter of tbe estate of Al­
Mhar dsBgareoa drti( la It. Tba seethlu
■pray l>a manlT that rallew at as<e. AU bert Koush. late of a-nld county, d<Tbeae UgbU cotild be made interceased.
, mlttent. colored or vailed ao that they
David Roush, having filed in aald
could not be mUtakea by the navicourt bis flnai ndmloiatratUin account,
gutor, prominent men who bare Inand hU petition t>ray1ng fur the allowWeed Wanted.apected ibe^lnvontlon are aatounded
nnee Iben-of. It is ordered, that tinrdt of eighteen inch first- •rth, day of October. A- 1>
at ill
green or dry wood for
ten o’clock in the forenocui. at eaid
Mr. OloD baa been an Inventor for
probate office, be and Is heretiy
many ypara and cwaMa thirty val­
pointed lor bearliif said petlnopuable pateoU. In WUkeebarre, a tae
II is I'lrlher onl. n-d. itini puhlir
tory baa Inat been eatablUtaed to
B e«>py of this older. 1
/muutaetnre hU water purifier on ^
Urge acale.
LOST—One liitle dark iron gray
newspaper printed and circiilatIn said county.
New Company.
pony; weight about 700, Notify H.
dell'a death will bring sorrow to tbe
ArtleUa of incorporation were
FTiED R- Walker.
J. Morgan.
A2 U
Judge of Prolate.
eelved Monday for the company rc- hearts of many old-time residents qf
............................................... tbe Grand Traverse region. In the
the Olfford BUctfleal Mai
company lor the manntactnre of Qlf- widely scattered throughout NortbMlcblgan. the "Ramadell Farm,
(ord llgbtnlng aTreatora. The
he weatern ouUkIru of the little
pany U eapitallaed at IIC.OOO. with
Tillage of Traverse City, was a gathtbe foUowlng omeen:
PmloeBt—George G. Covell.
•rlng place for old and young, and
I Gifford.
many happy memories remain of the
glad welcome given eren'body. and
eecreury—C d. Sherwood.
the yeara pawed, and the borne
Treaaum—H. B. Gamer.
Tbe building owned by Joe IMlbcIm farm became widely famous
M the moat auccessful fruit farms of
on South Union atreet. oppoalte
great fruit region, the cheerful
Pnrtacba' grocery atore. baa been
leaned by the company nnd work will “help yourselves" to all comere gave
begin aa toon aa the building can be added emphaslte to the open-handed
bosplUllty that always prevailed.
fftted np for the pnrpoae. The
Mrs. Ramadell was Che heart aud
chine U tbe Inventloo Of WlUlain Gif­
ford. <d Tbompaonvllle, and baa bad soul Of many aoclat oecasiona that
still ramembered by old-time friends.
• fair trUI to prove tla u
having been In nae during tbe paat Her love for flowers was a lante part
year by tbe Board bud River Electric of ber life, and the great Gnwer
Light and Power company, by the gardeos on tbo old farm thirty and
compantea at Bellalre. EU Raplda. forty yeais ago were-a drllgbt and
Inspiration to many. Every anlTbamDBonrllle. Kalkaaka and olber
pUcee. Tbwd are nine atoekboldera.
I on the place knew ber
ftlend. The strong and dominant
and they will begin in a amall
gradtuny enUrglng their plant an traits In her eharacter-love for flow
era and dumb BDlmals. indicate the
(heir baaineaa growa.
kind heart and genUe aptrit that
For Aaeault and |
marked ber whole life. In late yeara
there was a closer clinging
Datalke, of Interiocben. appeared be­
friends, 'and she will be sadly irixsrd
fore JoaUce Curtli Friday on
In the few bqmi-s where she
charge of aaaault and battery
lerred by George Baler, tbe young ways gladly welcon-.ed.
met) being brougbt In by Sheriff
JMinaon. They vrere each fined $I and club circles, advancing years
and coata. amounUng In all to about made U necessary for her to give
active work along these lines, but thtH
It eeema that tbe two young men only brought her closer to tbe few
run the bolter In the mill at Inter- malnlng friends of tbe early days who
prlvllegtsl to meet her lntlmau>lochen and toler licked np the refuae.
EaW U about 70 yeara of «ge and ly. and tb<-se. especially, will cherish
Uu- boya were In the babit o •lagulog kindly memories of the friend wlii
Mm by rolllngmo wet bark
1 thro*Mn. Kamsdoi;. who was Miss Clar­
t knowissa Gould, was married at Lansing
.ni^ly. when Dabike wai'leaning In uen. to Jonathan G. Ramsdell. and
thereafter they enme to Grand
over.^ilng on hla apron,
kicked up and be fell. hU bead atrik- Traverse making the trip on Indian
Ing Baler In the alomach. knocking imnles over the Grand Rapids trail
•' him over onto a pile of bolta and in in iSC: the “Ramsdell F^rtn."
bought and cleart-d from the wlldorjuilng him. the aircsia following.
and this was the home until
Jndge Ramsdell s death, a few yeara
ago. when Mra. Ramsdell sold
Petoekey SaturdB). Traveiae City
place and IxMigbi "» Division street,
defeated 12 to 0 and In \be game, when* baa ^-en her home since. Fre­
three of tbe playeri were retired be- quent visits were ntai^e at tbe home
cauae Of Injurie*. Slmpaon being of her husl>and'» brother. Hon- T. J.
Ramsdell. of Manistee, where she
kicked in tbe temple and UId
Monroe barlne a finger broken and always a weleome guest
King, of Petoikey. baring bli leg
Funeral servlo-s will be held at
the residence. 707 South Division
Irsetnred in two placee.
this aionilng at 11 o'clock. The
Petoekey made a touchdown in each Street
Rev. J. W. Hller. an old time friend
ball and tbe loca^ boya are not kick- of tbe family will officiate.

Cimlttioii mis week, 2.82S


More Bood Itfims from
the Cloak Room
We are all the time receiving new ^oods. Just now we''ha^^- '
received a new lot of dress skirts that are beauties.
Some of the prettiest ideas we have had this season are now
being; shown.
In this line we show the greatest variety of handsome models
that is to be found anywhere. There is every wanted style at every
wanted price.
Everything from the moderately priced street skirt at $3.00 up
to the handsome voiles at $‘20.00.




$3.50 and $4.00

Just take a look at
the new Walk-Overs.

You can't help but notice how diff­
erent they are from the kind most stor6s.
They have a smart, stylish, “made
for you alone" appearance that is found
in no other line of Men’s Shoes on the

Oome in and see the new Fall



Cravanette Coats
These have become almost a necessity, for no matter how many
^ats you may have you need a cravenetie or rain coat. They are a
genera! utility garment. Good for a driving coat, good for cool days
in the fall when a summer garment is not heavy enough and a winter
coat is too heavy. They are serviceable in stormy weather, dressy enough
to wear in nice weather. Styles are practically the same each season,
which makes them good for many seasons. No other garment you can
buy hlls as many places as one of these rain coals.
Wc arc showing some exceptionally strong values at $10 and $16.
Others up to $25.

Winter Coats for Infants,
Children and Misses
If it is possible to make the young miss or the
baby more attractive this department contains the
means. Certain it is, too, that never were warmth and
comfort and elegance more satisfactorily combined
than in these garments.
The stock comprises a very complete variety
of both simple and elaborate garments for all ages
from one and a half up to sixteen years. Tbe fitting
out of the children has always been a speciality
with us, but this season the stock is far ahead of any
thing we ever bad, not only in variety and beauty of
garments, but tn the moderateness of price.
No mother who has a baby or older miss to buy for,
should fail to see our showing. There is a coat for
every age and a price forfver>' purse. That now is
the time to buy is certain for when we have to buy
again we will have -to pay more which means that you
will have to pay a higher price than we are now

Splendid nssortment of Infants Coats at $1,50 to 512J10*
CbUdren and Misses trom $2.95 to $18.00.




Grand Traverse Region.
Mr. and Mra. Ai>m Bartlett spent
Ivarjr w««k crraipendinw I* f»
iferse City.
dwh>M M IM* ta UM. All MwiiRaiWl
wm» MMt PMCtt tha Htrald *Aca nat evening from Mosksgon'i ■d mini,
Ictar than TwWay naan af aaati waak, wbers ahe went to aKend tbs state
federation dt the Woman's
in's club.
iPFW flven by tbe Ladles'
Wednesday evening was a
reass batb aoeUlly and dnanAIRTMROJIT-...............
Ntadaon Ira Bodd aod A. H. MUUkan and Mar)or1« Graplwn apant
EaianUr »n Trararaa City,
Wimam am spent last weak to Sat- day evening frona Bib Rapids.
Mrs. ueorge Volee and son Fred
ten last V^eaday for U>wer Brule.

day. where they ipem the past three
Mrs. Uekle spent a few days In
•attons Bay last week.
Dr. R. K. Flood and family morad
mo Mrs. Jotan-s residence today.
’The taaehers' Initltote wilt be bald
fa Sottou Bay. be«lntilnc Nov. 1).
for lire days.
lya. In ebarte of
Prof. a'’L Keeler
Id Hlaa Lney A.
Etaao of Mt. Pleasai^t oonnal1 a^l.
|A r. Carr, county
» aiteod.

W. B. Jttonaton returned home Sat­
urday from Leland. where be spent
tba paat wrck.
Medical aid waa called -Sunday to
attend Mrs. Anna Bartlett, who '
very III.
The Ladlaa- Aid will meet srllh
Mrs. M. D. Leslie oD next ThursaftemooD.
reception wUI be held at

pastor, the Rev. Mr.
I. Buss sad tamfly i
to LeUnd. Mr. . js will be surprise to her ft
member of tbe icin in ^iVblng II
a prosperous life.
R. B. Reynolds

t tbeir hall on Barnes orchestra.
Oct. *1.

_y vacated by Dr.
'school which baa been clued for
K. K. Flood.
ro weeks dwtng poUto digging,
The Woman'a Club met with Mrs.
tama WUboo lait Tneaday after commenced again Monday.
The threshing msctalne Is again In
• soon.. ARar suotatlona and current
avenM, Mrs. M.'Ostnon gave an ar­ le neighborhood threshing buelc
ticle on the -strange Uneage of a wheat.
Mrs. MeOlll of Traverse City Is vis­
Royal Baby.~ and Miss JalU Miller,
iting with her daughter. Mrs. Harone on -In BpsnUh Afrlcd.'Miss Florence Wllllsmsaa arrived
Monday ereriiif to apend a couple
amtht wllb her pareata.
ew r
hfisi Ida Beou la borne for a Ibtee n Improvement.
waMcs' vaeailcQ.
Mira Lottie MeOsrry went to Trav. Mrs. C. M. L Beellg entertained rae City. Friday evening, to visit
twenty ladles st bar home last Friday ver Sunday with her sister. Miss
Dr. R. B. Flood. Prof. Punar. J. F.
Matbaws. a B. Campbell. Clare Wiluuaon aod Mr. Sterenson
Traverse City last Wednaaday Bight
- on the Onekama. to attend a acbool
of inapecUon for the Masons.
lopon s delightful Ume.
Mrs. C. B. Kehl and daughter Do­
rothy spent last Wedneaday In 'iTav•rae City.

. - . I Decker Btn*.
Wb>al> eamrday evewing. Gel. IMb.
■ turvcatlDf itidr aiijilM
PMrr UrOu
proeeeda to go on the charch. Tbe la«irr oT
flee guallt; |
dki are also niakioi; a srorsted crazy
TbktiWN drb bdavtiy to
Bert Silver and family will vlsll quilt with name blocks twenty
Aems this week.
R. B. Reynolds
squan- Ten cents Is tbe charge
laftAles at Mc I
George Ward Is working for .Mrs. rorklag names, and anyoae desiring
J. W Jirreu
Jsrrett is buying appks and Wllbei.
J help, can pend name and ten cents
Acme scbODl will begin Moadav af­ 3 tbe seemary of the iaidies’ Aid so­
pOtatOM for George Ltrdle of 'Tnrarse City.
ter two weeks- rscatlon.
ciety, Mrs Rhunk. Traverse City R.
Mr. M. A. Rian i< digging iMtatoes
. fltontor Bcrte buys -for 'Mr, Csmir
) No c The nanxs and seams
" • ‘ Cnwn.
for Derrltle Steadmsn
worked with ran silk and'if some
Get. :i.
..A. Allen and Mn. Barke and
lady oi aid wishes to make a block
and nil it with names It will be thank­
We^eada^^ visited Trarersc Cliy
fully accepted.
Mrs. Rice i.
.. ______
Frwnk Helm of Traverse City vis­
Sunday ..
B. B. Gibbs was in Traverse City
ited Ms sister. Nn. John -Strlckler. pan ui last week attcndlug a meet ersc City, with
Ith her daughters,

last Tuesds}.
Lutz and• Mrs Tresdie.
Ing Of the superrlBors.
Robert Carpenter la visiting st BenClaude Shuuk K|>ent SunOsy
Henry Bogart and Mary ewtertalntoDla for s few days.
school In
ed Miss O'Brian of CadllUr ovei SimMrs. Blrtra Huxley left for Honor
cltv and U starins at J. Treadles.
today to work In tbe hotel at tfasl
Jim£ rettimed home Saiu:Mri CeriBiba Box visited In Trav­
, been stavinc with Wrs
erse City Thursday and Friday.
A number from here attended tbe
and Bffle spent Suaday
IVS Bogart
was a g<«d atieodanee st
sale beld at tbe Lyons farm neat with home
Long Lake Tbursdai
went in Muskegon. Sunday school yesterday Some came
J<^n Folkeiama
Mr. JacoLa of So ;tvlle and Mrs. Sati^rdsy.
from Beliuer .lu.i stayed for
IV. called there hv the death
nx service.
Lavina Coatellow of this olscif
William Totten stood h-r trip
--------- 'married at Charlevoix WednetElmer Srackengast and wile and
of Ihe state and
They have tbe best wishes of Hr. and Mrs. Cus Barratt spent Sun­
all ihrtr friends.
day with the larally of John Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Haning telumAmoa Box and lamtiy were callers
ed to Charlevoix last Tuesday after at 1- BrrtU' Sunday
visiting their parenu. M
' '
Mrs. Cibbe was in Kingsley SsturNATURE TELLS YOU.
J. Z. Dsvls. of this place
Mrs Hsrfing, who was fonnerly
Mrs. John Taylor entertained her ^ Many a Traverse
- •
mother and faiber of Fife Lake Sun-|
Knows Too k

*?KeraflSom^near Kingsley attend­
ed church here Sunday evening.
Frank Helm of Kingsley is hetoloc
hit brother Henry dig poUtoes.
Tbe tim quarterly meeUng of this
cooferrace year will be held at our
acbool bouae Nor. 1-3. Tbe Rev. Bodtne of Msnton will bive ^atge. Let
all come who can.
Oct. >1.

« 1»U,„ dliasw .h»!

Ih. .,dn,„

Nature tells .
meeSng of tbe Ladles’ Aid will be
The urine k> nature a calendar
postponed tin Wednesday. Nov. «.|
R Rn-i •Infrequeni or too frequent acilrm:
They win meei wllb Mrs p
r- K 1*0-1
urftian trouble telly bf kidney
and daughter
Ort fl
Doan's KidneV Pills rare all kid
! Tnurerar Citv people tntlfv
CUy last •
Mr*. Myra Hammond Is visiting at
George W. WIkel,
«ikei, 3i« kixtn
Sixth street.
Mra. Reynnlds left
Williaa^liclj^ Of U,nrtaa
eniral Lake.
Traverse citv. Mich . says; "My kid_ wedding trip Wednesday morn
McGurry and wife to Robert
no}-« iKtlhered
iKKhered niofor
m-for srftne
four years.
Ing to Mnntsilqup. Milwaukee. andi~, .. s’
and wife, lot 6&. blk
Thee chief
Chief «>
mpiom was a weakness 'I Park.
other polnu lu Wtocon.ln and will rewe.k ill le-laud nn.l
A. P of the itecrrllons which contained a
turn in a week or ten da.vs to And a: p

U. E. Carter and wife t.. A 1.
Ith (neitdr.
heavy sedimeni tike brick dual and
cordial welcome In their home town.
^ ^"“V. O,. R R.
net SI
>'r, Perkott was
the neighbor-1 ,.^re‘of .ii offensive odor. M» back Otinns, lot 65. hik. 48.and
wile to Ren;
would ache and ihmii with pain, and i _ , I).vvld
,. , K. nw
. - - ........................ n‘’'Ehl*or-: ,i,are
,..vere beaduch.-v and a '
I". $150.
ACMEI hood.
of the liml.f snd Joints It . ” J."•'
Charles H. Scoit -and wife to B<-iij
Mra. John Hoxsle Is home after I Andrew Falrbank's folks returned;,,,^
for me to rest at night ___
apendlng a week with friends In ^ home tojrraverse City Friday after .t ^ | (Cernme weak and unfit for work. 11 '. Sailor. nw(, of a«‘ (* see. 3J. T 3*1. Iiaaisrw.icv- W l-o
John E Wincheomh to IVnJ. F. SayGrand Rapids.
j two weeks' stay
------wa*- induced to Irv Doan's
[wiaCfo. aad mat »
I I'u el. tb* only z«»l II rarr glow
Mr. Karctn. who has been working j Mrs. Orin Lindsey liiss returned , p,iig ,|,er nimilter of other remedi
ynkuup, jtbviBHla-airr-uvnil
enilr -C-.IVTII arun'slon IviP- ,
I had tM>en tried unsiircessfully and
ir Mr. Wilber, has gont
and :u, bik. t. Kingsley, Jl s:.
fore I bad taken two Ixises I
PoUtoes are thirty-fit
, asllr, aiTlnr donrtiv ui>je the kIniasO
niurli Indter: ronllniilng with Ihe
Camp 16 f
Aome dock.
(VI it'Hie aortal was well attended at
•of the t ■tnedv. t was cured
Ibf thehiaDdaieti uf ihe
sti-l gtner
idnev Kills at the Wall |
tbe Acme towo hall under tbe manageIc'irc
Ihepalieni atrearih liy buii<lii,a op ihee>r
ilKctlon and seoaUng Baliire 1B d.-iar
ent or Mr. Blem.
work Thepr-ortewraha»»~. ixneb faiihln
• order of the! PVir sale bv all dealers,
Phillip Tibbetts Is quite ill at tbbi
IMcaiwUiepi.vm Ihai ihev ogee OnrRnepotatoes dug.'cents
Forler-Mlihum 'Co.. BuSalo.
diwl ftoUars for asr ■wae that It tsUi to cmn.
W. M. Stltes. who has been on Ihe I, Warren la turning out son bushels : New Y
.jarles B. Johnaoii and wife
o the acre.
sick list. Is improving rapidly.
— Doan's-and
^ Oannet. lot t. blk. «l.
Take Bair* i'siuilj iMl* 1',r i-onallpaUun
Tbe ladlea.ef theae corners will | Rememlicr the
Margaret Walker and Jess Ut -lugitf-rlorhcn.
aton are sUII picking apples for
*rve a chicken pie supper at W. H. | take no other

I __________ _________________

^The Old Reliable Home Furnisber


Which will take place in front of our store, 120
FRONT STREET, Saturday October 26th. If you
are figuring on/tjuji'ing a new Stove it will pay you.
We are going to demonstrate the great heating
and fuel saving ability of the Novel Universal,
the greatest heating stove made. Will burn anj^
kjnd of fuel.




mm thm* tto
took two dU-i»
^ aof ^
blood troai the cut rocHred at *>« Interrjeveid Oarlock the mss ad- \ D. W. Rrynoldi ^dc a boalMsa
The Her. Cliarlea Sbervood vholTwiied the old hotel bsUdisc
bmUdioK st
St 4*4
feisM oscka shovtsc that the Baas ©die McOatTr'a saloon. Oariotdt'a Utthat he had enterH hia store irip to Weaford Fridaj-.
«!l ;.rracb at the M E. ehnrch the South Cnltm strert, oe corner m
,Oe Ssser also had a ton* Jasfcd cut.
««**a7 wtth a pal. but did sot
Mias “niereaa Crandall was a Trav- comins year, baa toored tote the ! Cnl<« and Sixth atteets.
Morva RIokm. saloon. MO «aali.
ts. and
aut uiU
via haes

MS —“- - Where he got the new suit has
Partner vss.
eree City called Tuenday.
j house receoil, eacaud by tbe R^v.: the place Stted up for
Novstny Bros, ssleen. flM « '
or aa BtiMtos ssd
. I rm Molar's ReoortL^
l®°* r*t been learned but It U thotfsht;
Oarloek Was Theru.
t S*r. and Hiu. Ernest Harr and Bert Kennedy.
> tH>ctn oerTiess st
■ S
I mnh Oarloek. aged i». a paroled
beparehssed It somevhere btV' Sheriff Johnsoo Is in receipt of a • Sanghter LouIm- have come to Cra«n; Ralph Slmaos ta having Ma hooae! T;Jo Wednesday evenlsg.
II paluud.
1 and conrict from Ionia, U In the eoonty ^
as be didn't leave befe nnUl letter from the vardea at locU stat-. for the
tl>t^ winter.
j he wilt hold servlns
• eir^
errrr erctfsc
_ a In* that Oarlock was wanted for | A- -I]MI a»d eeldenee teems to p^nt ^
con- * o’clock Ssturdsy. monilng. hiring
J- Latne*
Latnaa ha* »uru-d a much
tuurt j .\l
.\1 l^aCount
LaCount is
ts the
the possearor ol a ; bealnoln* at 7;io sharp.
n*^ooom- rt« te *0 to Bingham from Shane’s vlolaUng hla parole. Tie letter rt*t-*^hop in the oM M. E'ane horse.
Morphy was at
Odie MeOarrr, aalaan, wateh fob.
elasleely that be la ^
j ed
had written his next Baird shop,
Alvia ’Lev
flnr horse ' Methodist church last eventag and
'' that Oarlock
' *......................
U R. etlcknejr. graaaey, |e omA; milted the six burglaries In this city livery barn.
friend. E H. Bragdon. who ilww near
Silver Lake Hiie So. S» U O. T. ^ *bori time i
at Frankfort.
! spoke for about ten mlnuiea after the
Ats Under House.
Eriday night.
ThlerM. «
tbe city, from Ladington hot until bis M. H. held their regnlsr meeting
Mr. and Mr* Sam Treven of Bonih rwgnlat •enice in that time be taM
Is Oartociri
kere; they were unable to get Wednetdnv altemoon for good of or-; Orant. were vialilng
busy In tbe city aariy this morolag
towD T*e*dar. 1 the «ory of bis Ule. He left ScoCaBd
Saturday but accomplUbed nothing.
_____ _

(der. Ladles Ellen Biuytoo and Olive : IVrk Winters
--------- a busiueaa trip ' chea a lad of but 17 years with a demade
and .eotSMd three aalaasw on Fraot ecus -cargo, a portion ol which has ' laalsUng on going oot along the Pere ***'
Btroet and two saloons and a gn
Maatstre the first of the week.
' «tre to see tbe world, t'poa leuvlng
been Identlfted and a porUon of which | Mtrqueue to Orawn. It le thought!
Oarlock 1* turned over I the [Or«en served a deBclMs lunch c
chicken, biscuits, poiaiu j Dr SblUsday of Lake Ann was in ! home, his mother's parting gUt was
on South rnlon strsM aacuring
evldenUy came from RSk jupida.) that Oarloek went out tbe Pere Mar- lenls official*, be srlll lose all of Ms | HsUng o(
a boiilr of whbky Instead of tbe
$76 in cash and tome gooda
Amang the arUcles found were the qoette. tuned onto the C. R. A 1. good time and sill have to serve un-1 «siad. pickles, chocolate cake, corfcejiisn Wedarsds).
tit 1915 Consldenble expense would | and cream
It U needless to say ilmt
Ed Brimmer 1* pslatittg hi* bouse
Bible which It usu
snapeet was arraatad thU morning but following
and came back to the city.
be saved the county by turning him t>>‘' ladiespresent did ample M^flre which adds very much to tbe looks of Scotland be went direct to AnstraUa.
Utar was reteaaed and Sheriff *'BlirA black stocking eastUlDlog ltT.76
There are some Improve
! After leading s rather fast life for
Kadtle and his Woodhoiind, "Toss' In nlckles and dines.
ing made on the Thirlhy bouse oa
inrilaawere eaearar'tram Bellalre this dom
Lake avenue-and Indications were
to aid the focal oSleeru.
The suit of clothes the man wi* Ing for Central Lake to be gone a streets are filled with teams and loads Sion to >oln the Y M C A sod dM.
lerge amount of small change.
found that be had eaten his lunch un­
j<’f i-o'ilir). apples aud Isrtn .produce. | He afterwsrd* went to Chicago and
BntrAnca In all caaei was effected
Forty-two dollar* and fifty een<
der there, in tbe Traverse City Man­ wearing was the property of Mr. Asb- couple of da>«.
The fanners ore busy digging thfir ‘ Mr«. John Holland i* quite sick.
'was educated lu Mood) Institute,
Id the same manoer. a wladow or a other mooey including a fS bill which ufacturing company's warehouse, as backer as was siso the overcoat. The
door being broken out and
thief ime from Stlckney's grocery.
mentioned Saturdsy. s pile or 57 pen­ ovoreost still hore^ bU-ftsme but In potatoes. The)'ste glad To see tbe; Mr and Mr*. Will Clark visiled at { He has been around the world alz
' | \vU>-u Storey's at South Grunt Sun- ^ times and figured m Rescue Mlsaloas
or thlerps either crawled through or
One doxen new neckties.
nies was found and also a tobacco tbe sDlt, tbe mark had b^ cut out sun Rhine acaiu.
Mrs. Fiatik Caiu|>le-li aiitl eon Har-j'lav
.everywhere. Mis Horptrf'YsUl aMlst
allived a catch, closing the door after
A large card containing' aeveral sack that ^ad been tom up to make ^ of the cost. The prisoner was wear­
Mr aiul Mrs. Frank Winter* of Ma In the work here,
them and in one esse, locking it.
bandage. Tbe rest of this sack ing a soft hat from Kubeek A Hoyt * old apt-Ol Siil-.iraii> with her hM>l>and
dozen cheap coff buttons, the kind
' «lnr
!ril!a aere In town Tuesda.v
j -------- ---------------------------Harre Pierce wai tbe heaviest sold in clotMng stores.
I found In the prisoner's poeses- Store but 1» either bought that or hetv-.
loser of anyone rUlted. A side wlustole
Two pair of buckskin gloves. Dam­
From Olivet.
«ow was smashed out and tbrougb aged.
was not entered. Tbe stilt Oarlock I*, here lis ting be ersudparems.’
waru Thsy His PslsT
Of SpseiaiIi ^VaiiM
ly Her* I
this, the thieves ctawled Into the
wore was taken from the show wln- Mr. and Mr* R Aldriob.
One pair cheap kid gloves.
d an overwhelming defeat te
Last-’h^^t two suspicious looking dow.
Miss Ida Jtibostuu r<-( -.ried from
Uvstory and from therc.'^ nothing
Several pairs garters.
Held last Saturday.' One of tbe
notable dlscovevtea
In front of Me
Grand Rapid* Miiiids)
barred the entrance to tbe aaloon.
Several pairs socks.
e Of 73 to 11. The ““d nne that undouhtedly . appvAls
ist Front slt^t
The money was In tbe register and
many pso-;
Two watch fobs IdonUfiod by Jam«
Board of Education.
gam.', h.'weier. wa.*
Kensatlonal .me
een in the roar
. nothing else was taken but a box of McGsrry as bis. '
n>e raeetlag «r the board of educa­ fall and wintui bat*. It would bc,wvU
called for some. fa»t playing; by hin.
In the alley. 1

■ _______ _________
for the ladle* to give her a eali.
•aradihea was left on tbe back bar
One new undershirt soiled by hand­
1 Officer Saleiisky but
Bear tbe register.
Urawu has another potato **“>'*'-'‘*i.a*tn.- *.
- MPtideOS-^gad
;Jes* than thirty minute* being conling.
Ascar Arotabuecbler and
SUekiwyY Oreeery.
, Morrison, two former Trav now no excuse for aivaim'nhrlBg
jsnmed In the transactlan of hublne**. Melvin Artlip buiitig for Mr. Jeffries:iCaptain
■ram nudui. mdu« u»m rro» v'rovAlj, had collected and them
Of T.axerse Citv.
iCaptafo Morrison,
two former Trai „
mdlgwlion or wesk Motench,
The burglars rislted L. R. SuckI*"** City bo.v*. who ate playing tbe

speelfic.ll, upon the mss"“V
-ra. Mur -m UrallUrt u tb. I At tbe mt'otlng. SuperiDtead^nt rehoy's grocery l^re they did the
On. S«b. -.hi. bU«.r..
bn h.a
wniuns portfd, That. there were 135 rblldren
I tackle poaltioe* The) atv two of the cl. * of the stncnsch and bowels.
asiqon as there they secured IS In
--------- A----.
boob or Onretl. pnn.™.
mom l.i «bo..i n.
U,.. ibem
igt-k-ai.ia gtiMn.l galnerw o
cmb. the register being left oped. >
e of the
T,.lr. nbottnn .boll, tnbb loon.
| won- .ni, ,in,o I..I monib. rao nm
Mr*. Maggie Young of Pleasan* of the twelve touch downs Morrison !
half a gallon-of 'maple gyrnp. two Ibo HniTT Bnck.
‘"ooonolnn n. t« .boon by iho
loaves of bread, some butter, sevetui
nr« N.tlnb.1 bbk .ooount book.
t.o, ,h.> ni ibo b„l«»lnn ol .bo
! hion succeeded In making their downs t^ng from th^ foM the nourishm^t
Mzes of aaradlues sad a large duantOmoo.-. kooounl book.
„ b,.
■"""H.. ■'■or. worn onir i-s men- ib.n
Mrs. R. K. Lewis and Mrs. Fred. only once, white gains of from thirty tbai is necesasry tor bealib and entty of after dinner mloU.
POT. *..,..1.0 On., ttblo.
1..1 yo.r
Gleason have goDMo Frankfort after; to fifty isrds for Olivet were freguent.
symptoms of indigeatlon are
At the grooery a few days ago tbe
ra. roport „r u, i™...
Un Wedoeaday tbe first M. I. A. K numerm-v, aucb a* dUtrewa after «strear door slanuned abut breaking out
Obo nookot olootMo «»oohll,lt will
to moot tho bnj knO
''■* ‘"■"''■I ■!« nUo.
, cbam|1onahip game will be played
flatulonre, hean-hiirn. aick beadtbe glaiB. The aeretn was hooked tint
ues strip to Nessen Citv Thursday.
VRUmawran kwtwiioM •».< <%n aches, dlrtlnesa and Irrtiahlllty. "nnwe
U.0 non. oniIprob.hl, no »nno mot.-otk.
nnd .ooomHlU.oa tb. lollonlnp
this was broken over and (he boards
I A bpon
lno»>lsnU* 6J
report —
was olnn.l..od
circulated ua.,today Ibl
S over tbe broken window, torn
ra. bplur. oopnoonu
prUonof. oltoot, ,u . n-W'f'l. •<■''"1 '•<. noilttn. nna on. Clt) wer. calling nn
frieo.lR h. le. ^,,0 w HI Murncy to South Bend for a hutJust as surely In long standing
Two Umbs. 0
I the front sod ,b>tk nn tb. btl ol Cblol Abaon
...a 42 bcb.t,..
W. dnesday,
Catholic bo>* of Notre »n<l chronic rase* If the treatment Is
OT. .1 tb, n.0 ol U.0 nu.b, wot.
“ J*
. wb
J. Barker of B>-iuonUi l» vii-lUng at, Dbom college
followid for a rsasonable length et
the home ol Mr and Mr*. Frelden-‘
So pewKIve are tbe good effects fol
Conducting a
lowing tbe use of Ml-o-oa that the
Is sold by
8. E Walt A
• Sons
from Stlckney's grocery
lonr^eago, has comb to be a resident of
"O sbaolutv guarantee i
Newstny Bcsthers.
ing., Traverse
rraverse City and Sera*.
gmi-t* of the Rev Jidin Uarrlng-j
figure In 4t.
Its re.
At HoTotsy brothers, the robbers ~ . '
ton and wife Wetlne»da.i.
lIgtoDs and socUl welfare. He has oet.'n ai
had to break a panel in a door. ThU

Notable Medical Discorerr



b^ US«r


s.t“L^';ir.'b.z:k"nk“: “u~ntr:nr™r.r

•1^00*0."“Lr.“r":'„,nTr. roo-tj”'c’:z;';;,rbotU.,,boL™tn^'L;'Tr“""
s^ dlaner snd


before the saloon rioaed M tbe windosr was not broken, and they they
had to break a ^nel in a dorr. TtaU
BOOT U or the old-fashlooed solid kind.
haTlag been made about ss years ago,
aad a large piece was bnkca fTom It
ikavfBf that It must have bm
atraek a hqn^ blow. After breaking
. tbe door tbe estcb was tunied.
In the caah IsgUter. there waa
Abont ffLO and thU was taken to.
(ether with a half s bos of cheap
Cigars. U ta thought the dgar box
was used to rake the moaey into.
There Is never only a email amount
of moaey la the regleter as the place
was entered eome time lest July and
eooalderable money Uken.
Jae Brothers.
Entrance at Joe Brother* saloon on
jrroat street wag effected by ehatterlag the gUas In the rear door, then
taming tbe spring lock. Thomas
naeh's camMa was lying on tbe back
tar near (he frost of the safoon and
thU -was taken. Mr. Brothem' desk
eras opened and a private drawer, in
trhlch receipts were kept was ran-,
sacked. A pair of sboe slringi were
MA behind. ,
In tbe cigar case, there Is a large
variety of ctgsrs ranging In price
from 5 to 25 c«dU each. DUdslnlng
the higher priced brands, the thieves
look a box of Traverse Belles.
Later, tbe earner* was recovered In
the bjick of Btlekney's grocery to­
gether with eome gloves end cigars.
Hurry Bosk.
la order to get the cooteeU of (he
»-«>■ register at the Hurry, Back
aatoOB. the robbers rang up I1A5.
They got In there by breaking tbe
glabs rin a rear door and slipping a
holt Nothing else was taken.
Odie MoGarvy-s.
At OdIe McOqrry'a tn bresklng tbe
reer srtodow. ooe of tbe thieve* cut
hu hand *0 badly that a big lot o(
taood was left on the window eUl and
a bloody trail led into the place. Noth­
ing was taken there except a sratch
fob vafoed ill about M.SO and two
aoHd gold d
Bloodhound Working.
The thieve* evIdeaOy took their
time as
tahlndst Pierce’S and NovotnyY
srhlch showed that they
hurry. The btoodbound arrived on
the ii;io Pere Marquette tiala and
was put to work atm dinner running
from Pteroe'a aaath on the Per* Mar*
♦write track. The dog sttracted a
Urge crowd who followed the kntms)
anUI ha was brought In to be sUrted
Evidsnee Pound.
The second time, the dog was
■Uried from Odte McOarry'a saloon,
taking up fhe scent from
tandle and rounlng south, going onto
____________ ______. . . . t
Lake avenue and to the Traverse City
Manufacturing comiuiny'd warehouse
where fialsbed lumber la kept- There
a pile of pennies, probably 79 la all.
was foaad tecether with a tobaoeo
pouch that had probably bm aaed
to strap a cm finger In. Bhu4 and
liurttod malcbcs were also founfl.


Grey’s, who lived near there.
Oariock Is a Coldwater boy and a
number of years ago was' taken by
the Gray family at Bingham but be
aoon bdiame so wild and Incorrigible
that be was allowed to go and prevlhis appearance Saturday night,
they had not seen him for years.
AcUng on this intormnUon, CUet
Ashton, accompanied by Sheriff John­
son. Patrolman Sslensky and Jphn
Ashton, drove out to Bingham stop­
ping near the Gray borne. After some
little inveetlgetlOD. they teamed that
he had left lor 'Traverse City Uklng
the bayshore road.
The officers then returned toward this
city aud Patrolman Snyder was sent
■watch tbe bayshore road so that

f «>b*<cr su^
. okioru, io5'^£p’o.ii..u“™

Gilbert reported
treer and several other pleoes.
week. ih.
“Hobos' relroaf h.d bad several
CueAs last night but they wero .n.’^erefore the te.cher* who desltvd to
sbletoglve.n*ccountof Ihemselves.,*'’
Utree had signified Ibelr in
- A watchman reported that be bad i
seen three men on a lumber pile and irntion of going and on Mr Hoyts'..
motion, supplies will be ompl0)i^
their descrlptlOD tallied with
who were wanted.

ebrepret be bafi in stock.
Among the article* tdcotlfled wcr>
141 worth of entr buttons, two pain
of gloves, suit of cloihes. an over
coat, and several pair* of socks. Mr
Lritar Te “Wlfs."
Ashbacker suted that a clock had
Among his other effects wes a letter also been taken, i.robahly on account
, B woman In Msnlsiee to whom he of lU oddity, as instead of having tn
■t time* refer* to'a* "wife' 'snd other alarm it was supplied with a mnide
time «
•hU girl." Tbe letter Is
popular alts.
couched In crude langua'ge and the doxen silk I
left wer
spelltot U also very poor, but there la mimed which were not found In th*
a tone of affection throngboui.
In prisoner's possession,
one place be aigte* that he borrowed
Oo the nlgbt of tbe Ludington rob­
172 from a man here friday night bery two BslooDt were entered, abont
aad while the man didn't want to give I2S In money, cigars and tobacco hav
|i to Mm. he got it anyway. In the'
,,^^0 from Neuman's saloon.
. _1_. b.
O. _ .W.ll ... ab.a.1
letter be ask* bow he shall send her,but the burglar* were frightene.1
110jaway before tber secured anylbltu:
Had New Suit.
I further.
When antdied. Oarloek bad on a i
Ashbacker returned to LudlogId I ,(,& on the early morning train today
anlt of clotbea but had hia old
wUb him. Tbe old clothes were {taking srlih him the goods which he
a cheap, black suit and ahowM hard had identified aa having been taken
wear. On the coal sleeve an^taekellfrum bl« *lor,-. Ift- stated that »hen



Better Than-Bleillciie

K. M. Ashbseker. a clothing mer­ Breathe Hywmcl-a Tonic Healing and
Be Cured of CaUrrh.
chant of Ludington. was In the city
N.ttun- ha* a remedy for catarrl.. •.
last night un a hunt fur about t2m, treainieni
that Is far better than d>» I
worth of goods which weiv Uken log the stomach with medicine.
from hU stfre by bnrgUrs Monday
It is the beating oUs and balsam*
Dighl. October 14. Mr. Ashbseker had of H.vouiel which medlCiltfk the ;il:
reaching the moil re
read an account of the am-st of Al- yon breathe,
cells In the nooe. throat
bwt Garlock tn the Grand Rapid* lung* killing all caUirrhal germ*, and
papers, and tbinklug that perhsm tbe rvaiortng bealib to the nruroo* «
man bad bad etanethlnc to do with
tbe robbery of bis More, made a hur­
ried trip to this city, linerrlewi'd the
ituml remodv. for It
prisoner at tbe county jail aud Identi­
I bath to tbe air (lassages
1 powerful lieallQg and antisepil.
fied many things (hat had bet'n taken
as that found In tbe mounialii -1
from hi* tlotv.
On the night of Oclaber II. Mr Aebat Ms place of busiBreathe the Inrlgorallng and heal
Ing Hvoine. and sn* how quickly you
net.* until about U«:3n o'clock In
pany with a traveling man who left srtll get relief from votir caiarrhat
trouble*, e E Walt A &m* have
hit irunRs Open srlth a Urge dltplay
of goods, which were not disturbed by ruM-.K of eatairh.wilh •iflein.iv*- In enlli
tbe burglars- When Mr. Ashbacker i*l*lng of^ticoiiii. frronent *ne<‘rliie
arrived at hi* atore in the morning hi- droppings In the throat nnd spasmod
Ic coughing, that they fell warranted
found that aU)ut g:W worth, of good*
had been taken, tho burglar* having, puanintee to refund tbe money If
gained tnelr entrance through a re^ doe* not do a« that is claimed f
They take all the risk
Iter door
door. 1 ne glass from the outer

ffuir]- developed 4bst b*e had oot been
seen neor the city and tho officer*
wont t* \o the "brewefT-”
Playing Blot Machine.
There the rig was found In which
Oarlock had left Bingham and a man
was pUeod st each door of the psvtiihst Oarlock could not escape.
Tbe mao wanted was Inside pla) ing a
slot machine and In addlUoo. was
furelBhlng money for a crowd of
young men to play the machines.
He made no realaunce when placed
under arrest but slipped off bis overcost and was ready to run. Sheriff
JotanaoB changing hi* Idea* to that
regard by slipping a pair uf hapdculB*
on hU wrists.
There was nothing in ihc overcoat had been cut away, nnd through the
but in the wstcb pocket of bis lrou»- opening thus afforded they had brok­
tbe gS bill that came from en through the inner door, crawling
openings msieao
instead ot
of unStlckney's. Tbe key U, his suitcase through the opening
waa also found and the opening of toeWng the doors. Their escape was
mads in tbe same way
this showed where the plunder was.
Took Cheap Stuff.
Toek Arreid Cooly. »
Altbongh Mr. Asnuaever carries a
Garlock is not unknown In thla city.
the .robber*
On the nlgbt of Nov. 24. 1W3. be fine atock of amerchandise,
btt*. 1010
.too. .1 lo- -“O
.Uh Mlo, ml.,
lortoohoo ond
uoo«ol lo iM. '.“O-' 0™.”<”">"»
oUr. Oo’ Dm. :i. bo w.. omloocod Io«^»;m I" "“Od «•
lo traoi too lo «nooo !o.™ lo looU. “»1W
oob 0*“- '”"od o tb..
Poor 0.00,b.
bo'oo. prow ,nd P"o«~loo o, O.rloob ot tbo tlo.. o,
bo, bo oin boo. to «rro tb. Mt!»l> 0™, ... Ido.ttbod b, Hr Aob
A„o, bo bo. motptouot


Grawn.. Mict.. Oct. 21—Dr. W. M
Buylan returned home Monday even
ing frum I'leinfii.
I Mr*. Milton Harr bag been enter
lainlug her mother. Mrs. Schrver or
Traverse City.

To>morrow we place on sale one of the
larirest and most varied assortments ever shown
in this city. Hundred of beautiful pieces of the
newest things in





at very special , prices.

Mink Scarfs. Blended Sqoirrels* Beanttlnl Otters,
Beavers* GreyWoUs* Moles* etc.

lid be s bargain at $$.75.



Brook tAink Scarf $?.i!o At $3.50
OUR FURS AT S5.W, SM.00, S15.M. ele.. arc poslUvely tbe
preiUesI ever shown *1 these prices.
AU LMdlcS WnAS «>C
I nlr SI
To know that wc have secured
the sale of Eastern Manutac
torcr*' lines ot
A meal complet eand up-to-date
and newitit designs, do old
atock. but all bright and nes.
fresh aDd clean, direct from
These iirices
run morily from
yards each, and cooilst of Gat­
ing FIsDOel*. Checked Apron
Ginghams. Fancy Dr<^ Glngbamt. Percaiea. Priots. TowdiDg.' Curtain Goods, etc., alt at
Honey Saving Pttoa*vVatch our Bargaia Counter,
as man, new tblnga will appear
from day. to day.


Wu algo show s big ILip o! reliable lower
priced fort is goorl dettrsUe sbapfs io

Blended Coney, Grey Krlni>
mer* Imitation Ermine* etc.,
for Ltdre*. )Iiiae*:.snd CbildruD.*>t

$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, etc.


We Show MUFFS In newest 8bapes*Mo Lnatcb the dlffcreat
furs* at

$2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, etc., up to $25.00.
DonVIaU to see THE FUR LINE hcre-Ihe kesi in Trsverse aty.



See our Goods
and you won’t
hesitate longer
about where
you can best
buy suits at
$7^0 to
Overcoats at
$7.S0 to
Caps at
50c to $1.50

50c 51.00 51.25

Flannel Shirts

Min Curie Klmei i« now kMptnc
for Mn. J. L. Oibta.
Mn. Roxr Jaclumti and Mn. A.
Barnum were cmlllDg
Ultra Hondajr anmoon.
Mr. n'oirr'a cooditlw sbowi so
tniprorrmeni (be past week.
Mrs. A. 8. Bsruum and ber daugbler-ln la« atlended tbe qaarterif
Inn at ibe M, E. church Tursdaj aflep-

lUa. WllliniD and MMs Retu atUmdlend calle
Rrna Munru came home from
ed tbe M £. eburrh at Northion SanPesirl Lawr.
Suttda.c., Travel
rivcrie Citv Mondav IPr a couple
; <1 days.
( U able to walk
A number from here attended court
Mr. and Mr*. J. RHtrr went to Tr.vrabout town agulo, though be U unable
: Leland this week.
■rrre C;iy t ipda*. irt.imlng MoaUay, '
to ose bis ami
John Johnson and son Ira are dig­
I Mar} Wells,
Mr. npd MrA.
Mr. Wilson. Mr.McKeaRe and irr. ging pnialoes lor Fred Andersen.
(home l.-vst F'idsv »mm a lew week*’
Wolf bare been spepding a lew rtars
John Johnson has been resblngllngj
Clande Doa-ner was tbe guest ol 'visit in Trax-rse Clt
at borne. They returned to work Mon- l.ts bouse.....................................
1 Burke UeWl from Dit-oit

.. .. . .

•5or.-A.en,, u A,,.,. A...... ■■s*;.

Uon on bis honie.
and Mrs Meyers Thursday.
Mrs. Ccsvrrc Cams enme di-mn from
Miss Louisa Johnson ai
, vislu-d
--------------------e CHv
.Vr», Crawford
Mni.-------------Maude-----------------| Traverie
City S
Saoda.r {..r a lew dajsj
t'eduesday. and attended prayer meet Bisters Anna and Alice wc
orey at Ruckle) Thursda.r.
i visit w"h h.-r n:-Ih*-r. Mrs. s. C. Sheclug iii'iv In tbe evenliiK.
here Sunday.
who Is qUu piw'riv.
A. 1* Tburrtos at Klngt*«»ere he went lor an;
A> w; . gh.-n at the h.ime of
Iry 1
, home
______ __ol
’ vlalU-d at the
B- Arbor at_ the h.«pluL writes operaUoo.
He U gaining as fast as Jhe Monro Bros.. Monday n.ghi for
Mrs Bamum Wedntwday and Tburspossible.
jBena Muttro.
SMdler visited Mrs.
Grimib , Oct,
Mrs. James Crandall of Keysume
spent the week with her parenu. Mr.
Commissioner France
hlle Mr*.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bancroft enter­ schools tbi.-i week.
home nt
Hodge. tained their son George and wife Ust
William Wur, l.iirg aud wife bare'
Tbe latter is again helping her moth­ Sunday.
u. Mina rilurned frutn their trip
to Grand
er. now.
Ort. H.
Bancrtifi s
Mrs. Richard Marshall. Miss Cor­
nelia and Master Richa^ Morahall
iftumi-d fr<im a two week*’ visit at
Grand Hapidr Thursday.
Uoyd SInrehall returned the
and la uow eniutbul

caught fire, burning tbe nxif and ratt­
HIbb Mn-id.- 1‘orler
ers so that the house had to-be P-Travt-ree Clti Fridiiy.
I paired The water destroyed the carTlie towii>liip hall front Is l-idng
I pels and bedding upstairs and If it
iwlimd and Byron Hewers U doing,
Here Is a slmp]1e home mlde nil
nut for the timely assistance
tbe work.
ire as given by an eminent authoi
of neighbors the bouse could n
J. O. Pease Is In Traverse City to-,
Tie- St.-ntns S.-.'! ,
The Vewtha' Companion in 190E
Iteen sari-d.
No Insuranciv
*1 on Kldocy dlyeases. who makow tl
and Mrs. Warren Taylor vlall- statement in a New York dally newn-i
nenry aiot n.i« utspnaro »i 11* i“ .
......................... ,,, , .
^,Ihe Youth s Cor
ed Or
Ortn Luce and wife Sunday.
|pe|wr, that It will relieve any ery .•qulpmiul lo Sylvester Chad
This mak« l
i:'’' "5inurng the attracuomi < Sts i:»
Leonard Cunningham h . .
Ini. Andrewson nnd children wholcaBe of-Kidney trouble If taken be- wick.
' hn.^^ n..H X-., o/rv. c-’in L-w'S'
Thursday ntternuon and
have Ibeen visiting ber parents for the I lore the stage of Bright s disease He I
nr J J Brownson hat movvd Into ......... ‘ '
> ‘“f...................
Hick for a '
wM. r„un., .o U..1. ‘™''I
dSSi! i“' ‘"T
*1“ 1
l -S. n.l
back, pain to the aide, freqiirnt deslre[be piirchu>eu from\al Linden.
Wv Ust and n-iuiuMl T i.--da
A'lventiire. i .
spoclallj at night; PSlnPn-d Wlm-h wa< im-from Suminll 11...:

The elder Mr. Ginas slipped, wt
Fr^Vierce Im very^lck and under lo urinate, rspcclaili
l-.mtinc. wSciM- 1farmworking on the roof of a building
the dortiire' care. Later—Mr. Pierce ful nnd dtscohlored urination.
nd duck bunil
ibOAe u
Inrm, nnd
fell to
lly overcome,
is D'ltoried on.the gain.
Here Is the
relumed S;Uur
Alec Pesiw-i; i
'. i:!.:;,g SI -‘-.A in the Companions' colomix
ground. He wusUlned a aerere )ar
Ed Letaon aud his family start for try It
Imm Ih-lrolL
SSO Artielea.
uDd shaking up but no broken bones. California Oct. JK. and if be is suited
Siiarllne n-tumrd lo'
me.-6, i
. .
Mrs. A. S. Bamum nnd Miu. Platt with the place be will locate tben: comi«ound Kargi
ounce; j.rse Cllv cm Monday.
Bamum visited at the home of S. F. permnni-nUy.
Dund Synip Sarsaimi.
Bars •arilla. Ihrcx*
Prof. A H. Clark attended the BrsI
Greenwood Stock Farm.
Hodges at Hodge. Saturday.
Mrs. Carr, who has Imhw in Cadillac ounces.
*lake a
after ! niimluT on the Traverste City lerlure
One hundrid head' of fat
Mrs. Leltie Brower of Fife Lake caring tor her broUier-lii-law. John each meal and at bedtime
'and music course on Monday .-ven- l■t^o^u!l• -Isht on a Gran.l .....v.-*visited her lortiier employe. Fred Carr, is vlslllog her daughter In TravA woll-known dnigeitt here In town ■ Ing.
j^,,lfarta. but aUuil a
»ii-er> l*“*>'ei
Talil>crcr. orcr Sunday.
City. She will return ben> for Is aothnrlty -that these tngrejlenls j
.Mulrew Murphy,
................. - •
gn id Mr. C>ou» Hii'.'tt
Bi rt Hoi>klD8 la helping
Thomas n few days to market her potatoes are all harmless and e.-HIv mixed at civil war and past To
Smith to more his store from north
“fore going back to Cadillac.
In n houle This was found
.. shaking
.. well
II Nulurwt Hlalory, Astrao'n-egwooil

l-'atm '
.'f town to the lot be recently purR.
Hicks Is inIn Traverse
Traverse City
City this
this mixture has a iccullar h<-aling
healing and
and i |i i. Hasl
V home ihiv morning
. »1U"-1I.
Huh-Il. m> a short on*-'- I1>>rli'» .'«i>d Manufactures,
mtiin.. m..iita11v I">
chHsud of Silas Haris.
week on
footliinc elRcf
entire Kid
Thcf upon
upon the
ad 1
railing miuiaiiy
s«ulb.-aat of BuninHl <Ttv.<
^-000 Dnc-M.nate Storioa.
1a. K Gibbs was up from Traverse
hs. ani oli.n
____ _____
ni“v and T'rinarr
rinary nructiire,
and often for ihi- i«st four
('liy Sunday and called upon his moth­ sytb called on
last ornrcomeii
overcomes the wflfkt forms of Rhep-: while down town
tu^e wUch was n ""'* «••«•>
two^vear-olds fnt !
and Cliaraeier Sketches,
er, Mrs. AnlrNa Gibbs. Arch Gibbs of Wednesday.
matism In Just a little while.
This hl» w.wa*- lo
to h'
hi* h
City and E. B
Gibbs and
lude Halt, who ha« had two mixture Is said to remove all blood,the outskirts
outskirts of
of the
vlUace. Slnre the ,
‘ drea's Page. Tlun-ly Editorials.
wife of Mntchett
latchelt also called upon her
raNon. rvtutned last Satur dln<rders and cure tbe Rhe-mtntUm death of his wife about
®?“'nink.-s a sp.-ciallr of the "thorough-! A toll aonoun.-meiil of the oew v(dduring
urlng the week.
will resume her duties as hv forcing the Kidneys lo flUer and he had
l*een living alone.
le. . N'ln'B.'I ,,rpj
Ihirham st(x-k. «nd I-•
t with
' simple copies
The elder Mrs. Gibbs Is feeble.
lie, but. leather. School began Monday.
strain from the bhxid nnd syMcm all saw servire dining tbe relM*lllnn,
>n.. la!
fnt- cattle
/-.111.. Just
I..AI :—/itloDi-d **1
bapiy I
sldiw ine
somcw'bst improved In condltlIon of
O. V. Holmes met with an aceldeal uric acid nnd foul, decomposed waste jibe gtmK»at l*owhatan.
He leavi-s
luwritsT for 1PM
bus a flue lot
of regi«t.-ri-<l stock , ^“est.
which tmight have proven quite se- mailer, whioh cause these affllcllons. I daughter, r.-sldlng i
thosei! w ho « ids $i.r
J. B Holdcrofi made a business trip rtoua. Sunday.
While he was milk Try It If “ou aren't well.
Save the
The Rev Mr Kill
Bam of !
will reodve
(roe all the rr~
the couniy
“ '
Ing he iltpp^ off of the milk stool prescription,
ant oecuid.-d the pulpit at tl
Durham : tnalnlng Issm-s for T.i'T. including the
and fell under another
church Futidiiy morning and
Red I’liU-s lA’Uhl- Holidav NunilH-t*; al»o The
y'.*' •* »t- tint idenlli-al with
stood near. Tbe
stepped on him
Ladles’ Aid Program,
nail) suppos,-. but an the grnii !
FonM>-af Hanging C*1
but in some manner Mr Holmes es­
am of tbe l/adles' Aid society a very forci-ful sjH'aker and he ad
old (ushlotM-d shon hum* with I'■“^"r for Iiuis In full color.
Oliver Imman was a pleasant vis­ caped with slight hnA)U“s.
be held at Wv«t Union dresied good-sited uudleDces On t>oth the horns hn-d
«ir and sun-h a liner ;
Tbe Youlhs'Companion,
itor here Sunday.
d. E. church. Nov, 1. 190T:
Berkeley St. Boston. Mass.
lookliig lot of-feattle would U- bard lol
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard wade a buslOct. ::
10:00—OpenM by V
West Union Aid
niiii thun thbm- roan.tng the fleids of.--------------------------------Ota trip to Northpnrt Saturd^
society wllh (
paper, music
Ctvepw.xwl Stock farm. Heside cat-!
Otto Barth, who has been.-^ery IH.
... ................
In tUs
at iMa srrtUng.
on Mr. and Mr*. J. Miller Sunday
Fai>er—• Hoar Ye •One
C. C. Slites. who has been locatid , [>, rrherun1 cell.
r^llll Is* I
Burdens." Mrs R.'a Gllben.
a1 Crofton for the past four years, c,,,,,ind^i'hl*'****''“*^
raising pansl-B* out
> alsii Is
Mrs. A. Anderson of North Manl-.
Singing, Iv tbe convention,
Jdr*. Coje shipped TOO
femierlv from Acme, is now Incatiil ‘
LStiJig as tl
tou *i>ent last week with her brother,'
Dinner—social hour.
here, h.iving l•ollght the slilngle inq; nnli’imis IS »e have ,
nany a of Ib.-se flower, to Big Rapid* MnpM. C. Batch and family.
uno—Bible ri-ading by Mrs. Addle fntm Mr. Heath
Mr SUtes has als.i d-,-. M
l^lett has trii-d the Jers.“>-1 day, the fluwetu u» be used at a w«dMm. N. Olsen and Utile son spent Jaquish.
lea-sed tne Hotel Sharon, and Is do-, R-d^. i,i
rolaud China arojamt. These jianvles were alt gwwn
last week with her sister and brothSentence
prayers, singing,
e pra:
good business.
Ini'ich Is-lt.-i* for oui* t-llniut-.
and Mr*. J. Olsen of Acme.

•|>ox rondurtrd liv Mrs. M.!
bf course wero covQiiesthm
M-rrill Is limkitic aft-r Ike |«-inu liarditr hut d.-M-lo|iiag
C. Batch will spend the wl
jcrcd up on the frost nlglit*.
j hot.-l I.ia ki-c|ilug Mr. Slites 'Ifooks,
lii-t. r.

Look for Big

51.00 51.25
51.50 52.00
52.25 52.50

Duck and
Sheep Lined
Coats etc'Jew Goods Fill
every department-Call
here and you
won’t need to
?o fartherVe’re willing
[0 compare
value for
value with
anything '

Theta was a danes at Kelsos's
oU t»r arltb grandma Daga
Select ree^Hbg by Mrt. Carrie Harore tmfldlng.
Ildlnc. alM one
KorarMrs. Minor Krlderticaae and twin’gram,
fVs Sstnrda]
irday alghl. They weer well danghters upent Thursday with Ur.l
Recitatloa hr Irene
attended and all report a good time.
and -Mts. C. Oltcn and latally.
hr Mrs'Q.
G E. Baldwin.
Ottrer Imman and
John o. Plank ol Chicago was here'
Pnpcr.l-Mrs Jennie
were rlsltors at Mrs. George Barn­ on bu‘
"s a few days
ard's Sandny.
suyei • th Mr Lawr
Mr., r. s. OUlngcr. rr«-s.
Miss Rrtia Brown stayed with Lih ■while ). and Mr. Lawr


Is now the general topic of conversation, when matters pertaining to Fall purchases are consid­
ered, and we are not overstating it when we say t.hat all Traverse City is interested. The
Bargains are far greater than any ever offered by any concern, at this time of the year.
The following Prices are picked up at random from different Departments, thousands of other Bargains equally
as good not mentioned here.
Men's Caiivgs Glove*, per p*lr

Men's Heavy Work Shoes, with tap-

___________ $e___________
Men*' Gray

Mixed Wool



UhiTk*. fur, |H-r jard.

One cAse Men's Fleece Lined Under­

J. W. Farewell & CO.
Ol Clilcago

wear. shirt* and drawer* to match.

Sold U* at a great reduction all their

All sixes.

Bsoiples and hroken line* of Hoslery

Best 60c garment In the

for Men. W«»nieu and

market, for

Fleece lined.
ChUdretis' Rubbera, let quality, worth









Men's Vlcl Kid

Shoes, Blucher

made on modern Ust

heavy sole*.

spvcUl price


Always Bold

for $1.60.


sale price

Infant*' Kid Moccasins,





liiald*. lined




Women's and

China Cup* and Saucer*.

inninii d In

p«‘r pslr


■We place-on »aU- 53 doien Mini's Flan­
Monun'* Storm Rul.bei*, while they


sole.-. f.T.-i ;


!.i .l, for


ii. M'n>' Mu‘'/li;«w» and

Diirk voat:




» la li;.

.: :• .




K- r- 1





Sets In

foctun-r for lea* than the price of


tbe cloth.

at a saving of



e»er> pair warraut*-d

M- •.






for t.Ms Ulullelig- aalc

in'.!- 'jm. <''»k s Stand-

ting iKVk. worth $•; tor




S: ■■■' to J-’"-.' V-;-

ff ...'-, l.glt

Novelty Braid*, lined to

nel Shirts, pirki-d up fn-ni a manuSale price, each


"'1 a Mg ;ot of Women.'

Ttiro-jgbout. $ls.“o


die. good


•• I't-ce


Vie; Kel

:.J incht-v


8-lneh F'ancy CMna Pliiea.

Snap ol

Coitliii top Mattri**. full


value for

4-quart Mixing Bowls.








tr.p. Kid

long. ri|iple hack. triii;ni'-d with IanKettle*.

4-quart Granite Slew Pan*.


v.-/ jou han- b«-li aiiiislutie-d to

Wiiviii Ulri- Sprlur f"r wood or Iron

Yoir elioie.





wii;*! w ith Veneliap Cloth. clo»e fit­

_____________________ $C

Ust. special

WiKiI nr.d


'Ladle*' F'lae Black


19c, 39c, 79c, $1.29, $1.48




up lo $J. Chalht.g.


4-qaart Granite Milk Pans.
Boys' lAce Hurons to wt>ar with socks

Hatr. in


with Feather* and Ultdioii*, Hats ih-jt

8-lnch Frying Pan*.
Granite Stew


gari^u-iit*. 'as *•■:: ...

Band Made Hate

should sell for $■;


and Ov-rcoatr tliut an- <-<|iiul lo Ih1- .iy $16 for.

nil tht/r satnple.- of M - •

excliirUe niMhiH-ry ;iore* for

Hand iiuidt V.lve;

At Ihl* prlcf. we offer

Marshall Field & Co.
ol Chicago


IJ.OO and 1;; Tu-. Challenge sale price


Cbaileagc Granite and
China Bargains, Choice
lor 9c


the F'al! Plaid*,

Ladle; 'qnd Ml*se*' Iln-*! ILil* that
sell In





Ifress Hats


sale price

36c. per pair




______________________ $C______________________

60 piece* light and durk Outing

|vd soles. Good for hard wear. Sale

Socks, per



Look for Big

I' ' * t'l.f .Vl:",' lU;;.t..'


Cballenge on Window

-• .Shade*. 3xC ft-

; Jr






n;-e i. }■■:■

v-.tli cr....;

'...Ir at.d


•; T-i/lvU, worth 6c.

1rai- p; ii >-

^ 2S per cent



THo Globe Dep-t.
Bargin Givers to Masses

'Traverse City, Mich.

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