Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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fijranJi ©irateeirjje Heiralib*

mts 115 6


Mn. Mwllii,

anb BcU MccUng FH«my \aemoom.

Hn. J. A. MoBimM Was Ike Leader aad
■v raper Was aa oalUne oi Uie
maiory al the aab-ExceDeat
Program GIvea.
■ Ih. ...n. of over stnla is ooe that U bound
prlata titla o( Uw Ant BMUnt of U>a mped to all tbiaklng peode. ThereWoau<g eiBb r«««rdar. .ofur » two foie let !■ give It doe conslderatton
MiUW vMUloa. Mn. J. A. Moou- aad add our federated atragtb to the
I th» teote- oad Mn. W. B. pood nreoNnA
Mania, tho i
M writes, Wbat U a Wonwa« iB tka chair for the ftnt Ursa.
an's elubr A neellng ground for those
'naro wan aeranl Koaata pewaa
of purpoee. great aqd broad
la Bddltkta to tite dob Biwbati. ai etraag. Wboee aln M townd the
tbaaa vara otiiad
tor ranABl
atais; wbo ever long to make Ibe'pa*
oaweaa of Ua aiBty Abto of Tnn*«e tient bslenlng world reeound with
Ottf. MrAad Mn. B. S. Pratt. 8. B. eweeter nneto. purer nobler tones.
Wut M » I. tfnm »-M».
A pMee ahere kindly, belptol words
piOMar dan Am am aMo rary ap- are said, aad klndUar deeds are done
pnprtat*. Mn Moatacua par* m bar when beaita are fad; wbere wealtb of
*w« a Watery W tba dob.
brain tor poverty atonsa. and bend
TW maaOng opaaad vtlb a pnjwr BTMpa band aad eoul finds touch with
by Ifea Bar. Mr. Hlllt of On^la. Bonl; wbon ricton la the noe for
iMsh waa tbllovotf by tha addma of
tba MoMdeot Mn Martin, wbo apoka Ibeir triunpb boor, to beckon otbei
towart the ahlnlng goal.*
*t«dMB or tba Womao'a dnV aad
TW tbe honor of being
oar BMti Oi MlIiia; To oor ^p&fati by thU Wonan'e club to actn their
t. in bdtalt of tba Wonin-g president tbe oomlag year,
. dab. aataod «o than a ataoaiw val you. I wlab to assure you that t will
oona. Glad Indaad an «a to (net bring Into tbe work ay very best ef­
FOR, glad that yon taka lateraat forts, aad will trust to yov charity
awMgk tn oor ehtb aad Ita work to to forgive the maay alaUkes that 1
ooBo do aa. Aad wa M tow wfU gladly win ao doubt make.
ilalaa to what yoa nay bara to tall and aball expect tbe beany oobpenna. or tba aaity dan oT Tnnna City' Uoa of all tbe nenben FOr without
or of Oraad Tnrwae ngloo or any bannooSoue work but few reenlte can
otbor oaUoet yea nay cbooae to talk be obUloed. As a whole miudi good
be rfoeonpUebed.
YThne if we
Bor yoa >»ow we bara plaaaed y> dooY all pot a eboolder to tbe 'wheel,
be ewtwtalned by oar goaeta today.

'aa« bbt d«r oat d erety 96S tbe
^MnRiB «t nMwty eie keyed to their
Btnaat Mndn. and I trust that on
tUa anNmndn of the openli* <»
jovf iwBi
work that tbe strings
.oC nepBlB wdtl rdbnts oaly with
' **Oar YWaMnii Is wrar. i tnat It has
beea a pMakant om tor aU and that
we man to oar dob work retorlg. ontod. (an at tetanst and datm
Boantd ebtb year
ore. Ibeee t
. This play ttae
or not tian la wbat the Aatertcsn
potola Bead. Aadtoey wo gjowtag
toto It note oa^fnr.
Baal ie Headed.
. ■ -VbUe iytag la BIT baomoek
baaiAral arswiag ta ynly, tbe tboaght
* nun to an of wbat a pnfect blaadag
rwMto .to tba weary. Ooe bean
«nMaa of bow badr eraryoae M. aad
‘ Itk tree. I fad U atyoelf aad I ttOak
««»all 4e wMb tba may oatte oa
l^ jnaB «ttb on owa hoaaebotd. a
• dottaa. Bat la
>!tols qaiet
«• tt wwra. 1 wondered why
T.-mnib^ dab eooW aoc take op this
K WtoMm It doea not oon&ne Itself to
wnnm atone. It le to be oeen in
1 aad la tbe children aa well.
! ■WBbM wearylag. erer busy, erer i
^.Am Bfe. No Owe for quiet eeU .
' l-a ooMbiaooa roond of
ttrtor. Mow Mende. wbon we att»
^ aak taaoden tbe qwseUoa wboee
todijB lA an we not a little gaHty-!
We ndertalts too Dncb. It li weU to

■ ss:s;

Halted we stand, divided we tsl^' Is
itryk motto. Bbdl ww niake
It oor own? We all oaderetand that
tbe Woman'e dub Is aa Inportant
factor bi tbe eoelal. drie and pollUcal life of tbe connianHy to wblcb It
bdni^ Let oa atrire. not onlyinn our workaptotbehlgtaeUadard
ti ^ nalntalaed tn the past, but to
rn^ tt hlihei^-ever higher.
/'It la not my porpooe today to
Idaln wimt tM Wotami'a club
Trarerue Cl^ M. sutfieiont to say It
la an InaUtotloQ of yonr very own.
Hero. 9MUJ years before I came, and
I will vcntnra to any wtu be here
many yean after { am gone. For I
have faith—much faith la It as an lasUtuUoa ffiat baa come to stay. Of
coarse we all Imow that tbe pnrpoee
tor vridch we an banded together is.
M our first
tt la tbe record book the advaaceBieaC of Its membere to tbe ki
of Bmatare end eorrent events, the
of social ptobleme and the
of good will toward each
other and all the world.*
“Wlae indeed were tbeae, oor charto have beea
endowed with a tor eeetog eye Into
tn tatare. for cnly a tew ebaagee of

earn ptmaa to pabllc eentlamt aa Ume baa passed, but mainly
it la tbe aaase. And IntcreeUag In­
deed ate tbeae old annals, yellowed
by time, toaeribed are tbe page, by
baada, many of whom are imnoved
fWto ow midst by death, aad otbers
by dlataaee.
Tbeupht ter Time Abeeat
aet mn.ttna we bare tbe telsue for.
noi* is a prowk wblob aaya ‘Be"Here today let m pnnee and give
fora yooneU aad yoa wlO refom '
thought to tbe absent oaee. A
ttaoogtit to those remowid by dUtancr
for tboae removed from os by
tomU Uto la the beiiitien.
”BM tbe qawtion is ben? Tben U death, and a stneere vrlsh tbaf tbe
r to be beard a plea charter membcnwbobavejust drop­
bare and tbne tor tbe «»«aUad tlB- ped out of tbe club Uutnigta lack of
pie Me.- Tkda n eeenta to ate le tbr interest will rettn to take up rightful
places in the club, for they are never
aaewar. Pvadtoe tUe
anra. It aeede a tra aad nabrokea filled, and we miss them. There Is
always a place waiting for them, may
t to cany tWe aort of they come aooo.
’"Ike new members have a
I to a a
oarely pern Intended that we Ure at weteome aad will create a place of
ao teat and fartona a pace that ovr tbetr own. and may each one strive to
ati iiatth. oor nerrra and on to
she tt aa Important
-I haue beard a crlUelem to make
give away oMer tbe atiwib. LM
Mrire than tor a nore ainpte life aad that I fear U
tad mn tine tor tbeae needtal nata. tbOBk I tbiak not one of UB srould
wtok It to be so. That U cf cooserI am aa anide re
rnooB tor tbe bone.
Where tbeae eatiam to tbe clab. When I flnt betwtt'rnom
are tnpoaaiMe. a reel boor beM to- eaa»e a member. I *waa tcM this and
■toee Um I have oocasionnlly beard
Ttolate by tba tonlly. la oor own
It la a elpnlPmt tort whn we lean tba comptalnA Aad ban beani of
that to all on bed: ceUen* and large ladlea wbo felt very mark hurt that
achooto then la la effect a -aUeat they ware sot asked to Mn the Wohear’ daOy. TVs abowu that on ed« maaY cinb nor were they asked
t tbe benefiU to be attend tbelr meetings oeaalanally.
Tkia Is of coorae an oversight on tbe

fit. O.

frmn them for a time, to Idn lodgm nent literary society. We beUerrd to
ara very amblHoas to Ura
good of tbe dub abould be rraedled. to <*W that they will not be ten oiiMlxrd effort knwe of tbe good cloaer touch with our tendien as we
1 tbtok also that oor rules are ralber utterly atone when they fall stole.
work of other elitoe. and wlabed tor a work b^ethtw with them for tbe best
of our cblldres. To be of real
strlel la regard to admliUng vlalter to dob women. This eommlttee cdacaUooal Hm. Mneb toUwegtand bfoettt to tbe borne rtty.
could act In cngunetlon with tbe fiow- raifauatosm werefeHand a committee'
Aid in Good Werto
Aheuld Be Broad.
wbieb has bera a stand­
"We Use pardonal4e pride In know­
"Fknrrver cuntorvmtlam U tbe-twt
all ladles tolar- ing we were able to bdp to much
thing we want In a WoBtao'i dub. ing one in this dub tor some years. 1
tram time to ti»w. dtber
We may be aa conservative in private
lire as we like, but to dob life—never. lier ^rlt among our dub membess. ■poue. fifty-fire Mgntog tbe barter. by petition or tram oor trueaary.
A conauiatian was adopted, officers "Opendryanew feature when for
We ahonld strive to be btua>d
wlib Mrs. Roberts aa preal- small fee we Ipvlie the pobUc to II
broader. Beech all that we pcaaibly
can. We ban nothing in our conatttn- people to a recedtly prepared table of
May first, tbe p
ten to tbe program and anjoy a aortal
etaUaltos by Andrew 8. Draper. U "A meeting of (be Woman's deto to hour.
lion that would warrunl
L D.. Oonmisetooer of Bducallcn. oa tbe adlee’ library rams.
Tbe fol­ "Humane aortety was formed ^ tbe
Surdy m have a good .thing to
dub.I. so%t an pass It along. Let each Ibe lllltermy to tbe V. 8. By chat be lowing Igdies to charge of tbe pro­ adeoce divlakm under the leadm
add every dob naember resolve to do mesms people wbo c*n ndtber reed gram; Mrs. Hetton, Mrs. Kami
of Mrs. Peek. Oerbage caim placed
Mtoa on etrerta, a anggeatian to tbe c
aomelbtog for the club, eomethiug ma­ nor write. HU figmes show that Mrs. Bauld. Mra. Lathiop,
terial. latoreat people la our uBde^ ^owa and Nebraska have the fewest
Both of these sutea bav“avlc I
taklnsi rememberlag that iut
we give to .the club life la wbat we lug twenty-eight to each tbouaand pop to glre an aenunt of her recent trip ed to tbe dub. ctoantog days cboeen
to Mexico and Cuba."
and our dty put In cleaner, more aanlget out of It. Isst year wHh a mem- uUUtm. I regret cocceedlngly to si
rdnditliHi. Council
bershtp of CS-ve only had ufue
Club Advanced.
by paying U cents per Umd for nibrnemera. That is not Inct
Tbe next year our first printed
enoufk. I vldi that each mei
our study mto- blsh. Mooey not y« expeoded for
Kwumont of work.
would make a resolve to bring at
otilaneoue anbjecia, our i
tbe tbonaaad, bringlag
'Tbe outlook tor the dub ie very
least ooe new member to tbe dub iblr
numbered eevraty, with Mis. Arnold
bright, our memberibip ta unUmhed
year. That la very lltUe to do persoo- pretty well to tbe top of tbe Hat
and Mrs. Leach aa honorary membeis. nemea hare been add ed to
ally and jtmt atop and consider wbat
•Tbeae flguree are more ranvtoeto* Much good work
our Ust of members, tbe dura doubled.
to tbe dob. In num- lan comforting. He alatee also that The third year with Mrs. Gibbs as
glad day for tbe club when
bera tben la power. The larger our we have one man to every ntoe of our
studied our own country
deb tbe more potent srtll be our pow­ voters who cannot read or write. And tram the eartint dtocovertee. Several after living \n fumtobed reoat. tbe
trustees of the library so kindly of­
er. Cultivate tbe dub spirit for like there to more lUlteracy among
receptions were given, tbe
than men. but tbe atiidea w
every Udug else that we mate a baWl
honor bdng people of note wbo vtolt- fered us the free use of these plrasBtaklng In the last few
rooms. we bought carpet, chairs,
of. It grows on ooe. tbe more you ban
ad our dty. Tbe next year the history.
sa tbe dUfenmee much lem than Uleeatttre and art of 5t»e<-wt formed kitchen fttrutohiupi. and reaUy went
tbe mote you want. As
toimeriy aad wlH aoon abow a bal
Our first gift renr programa which were araaged to
to favor of women.
booklet fom. That year we
That we have much more llUteracy
valUag lisA all'are wedoome. If
tbe toriiatian to >oto tbe State Feder­
we would Interest otbera, ww ebeuld to tbe U. 8. than to ^gland. 8coi- ation In 18»S.
and many <tolnty articlea were later
given, the use of (he piano, bs atove.
become OMre deeply Intoreeted oor- Und. Holland, or Germany, yet we aie
First Bntortainmefit
-e are moet grateful tor.
erins for It Is sincerity that gives ependlnc more money for popular ed­
"Our aim baa not been a eetfista one.
weight to oor argunenU. We bare ucation. He gtvee several raaaoiu for
We were told by tbe vencnble Mrs.
>. tbe mediiun of the this, briefly as follows; First that next occupied our attention,
I to Interest outsiders. Our rormerly we bad Immigrants from tbe
Stone, tbe molbra of Woman's dubs.
ire reported and our work best educated couirtee of Burope. friendsandafirraocn wuh our chlld- •Let us pnt4own self aad work for
as gueata were made peramnent
cAir undertakings now they are coming In vast numbers
tme.' Out obpecl aa art forth to
MtaUtuUon 'Shall be tbe advance
supported to a very kindly spirit tbtw from countries whore Illiteracy Is a days oo OUT iwogram. Study Claeses
• formed to pnrilanirataiT drill.
bringing It before th* public In a maa- very prevalent Second, we undertake
[ of ita membera in tbe knowledge
mand itoysicalcul
iiw Inoorsobods than other nat
that we could not acoomidlsb
ThU U a vrlde Influeoee do to tbeiis, bat they do wbat tbey tore. We were proud of our home tal­
behMf aad ooe that 1 am
promotion of good wUI toward such
musical tfeat so we ^ve our other and all- the wo«IA’ "
pletely than we da Third, they en­
force sobooi attendsnee laws morw first poblic entortalament As we were
Tbe meeting closed with the atogOreal PeedbiliUee.
.‘•In tbe carrying out of the work of systematically and completely than one of tbe ciube without a home of Ing of "America" by the eompany, a
oa-n. we voted That tbe proceeds ^social Mur was enjoys^ Hght refresh
tbe dnb year aa plaoned. I tbtok we we do. They think It as neceaeaiy to
bewill fiad great poselblliUes. Tbe pro- hare tbe cblldira go to school regu­
'menu being served.
m committee endeavored to bring larly as to eat regularly. He says gtoalng of a club bouse food.
doubtful, or tbe way
and tdiUd la­
work toto tooch with some of tbe.
Uwely Tima.
bor tows most conform to each other. bard our taonsp newspapers i
Frem Thuraday'a Record.
be qulckra- kindly of our Hforts.
With a section boas for a Judge,
I tbe dlvlsloiia. And If ed to this end. And It will be a crownscore of inforlated Itallaaa tor the
to man?- ways- In writing of our jury aad onlookers and eorered by a
nay be pardoned tor a suggesUon tug glory to our repubUeaa system.
to keep by ns for the ouoilng year's If tbe nation will but see that all of propuM-d club bouse they said
abut gun to the bands of another
to the energies of watchful Latin, from whore shirt
club work. I would aak the ladlea all lut children have tbe etemrau
to road aecOon seven in oor by-Uwa. knowledge. Tbe foreigD eoimtries are su<± as '^pose ibe Woman's dub front pretrudad an ugly dlik. .
wblcb U aa follows: 'AB members of reaping tbe benedu of tbeae years of a-ould be a monument to aduc
knigbU of the tics spent a bad «uar
and .tofty
tbe dub shall conalder tbmneelves
ter of an hour near Bettner. Ttae
And when ready to build a
"Anotber startling array of facta
bound to bonor to attend every meet­
bad entered tbe cook car of tbe
ing and prepare tbecoaeires aa tar as show that we pay more for our pau­ borne should be given subatanUal sup­ gang which waa at work on tbe Fere.
possible on tbe topics under consider­ pers than for our education. That one- port' So encourage were ure that Marquette read, token -nome food
ation.* Herein Uee the eecret of tbe eighth of tbe popatotion lire to ab-.
and been caught la tbe act.
genn. aa It were, of soooeueful club solute povort*, Tbe Uat craeus of tbe 9sr we added fifty doUara to our
Tbe tramps passed tbe gang of
ind: now SITS. Plano fund. 1150.
life, t think we loae sight of Ibe Im- U. 8. show that tbe
laborers and tbe auapiclona of one of
The piODM
r faeur than tbe popup^ftanoe of this dauae to our eonsUtbe Utter were areiisad by their
tqtlaa and I vrauld anggeat that we all biUon. We have now to tbe U. 8. to
He asked |
oopye«:tionT and lay It on our di
continnoua charitable care probably great Interest—there was sada a fund tbe bona to watrti tbe far aad did ao,
draw tram, espwlally to tbe art dltog UMeu where we cannot bdp see­
aertag tbe men go InsMe and emerge
doo. Recreprodty day wre made a with bread and meat. Kke then se­
ing It often, thus roenlltog to oe
rmanent day when papera from ochdub duty.
cured hU shot gun. passed tbe men
"Many of you wiR remember that kies to the nation every year equal to dnbt to the state formed our pro- by Uktog to (he woods, and marched
brdl f hrdl rdl rdl rdl rdlidmllu them back to tbe ping, where they
e aent a petlUon to our council last the total wealth we have toraetod to
to placing manual iall tbe coHegee unirerslUee and tech- gram. In 189$ w» tmme back to Amerl- w^ found guilty and let go on «ae
er clubs to (be Mate formed our pro­ pended eentenee and wltb tbe euraei
our sehoola. • True, we aokigieal ecbotda of tbe whole <
sed tbe Indian. of th«r foreipiera following them.
it get It there, but remember Mrs.
Negra Chinamen and Mormin to qar
'And that dJvoree la on tbe
rule was to keep faammering
AnotJrer Incident to which the men
owa couniry. apeading three
crease. Fifty yean ago there
ttU you get what you want.'
from Italy figurwd pramlnenUy took
not an average of one divoree to fifty here.
Manual Training.
pUce at Dublin a abort time ago and
"We then wandered to our atady '
marrlagee. Today there Is an average
"And when Ibe Ume is rid>t 1
P. M. engineer waa to bat water
oe to ten. This U also true to Germany. Alaska, ttae PbUlipinSa. Ja­
we will try again and tbe Woman’i
r a tew mintdea because he onchib vrlll be to the fore to tbe accom foreign ooontiiea which may make It pan and lUPy. Coming bome again knowtogly Spilled hot aoup on tbe
study colonial
matter of toteraaUooal gonsh
pUabmrat of Uils grand work. Tbe
times to Americn. Michigan landto be derived from manual
Tbe men were rating to tbe oook
tnarlm and state tostitatlane. Current car aadtbe engine crew attempted to
tratatog in tbe scbooto has been demevents are nsoally givea and topics of do some switebtog. He bit one
oostratod alt over tbe country. It gives
tbe day dtscusae dto tbe sdence dlv too bard, however, and sent It Into tbe
tbe country more skilled labor which -eating Itooc
seems to be tbe thing
oook ear with a bump. Tbe Utter
at pcoMciL It turns a boy's mind into twenty gaUona for every men. woman T tbtok that tbe membera win agi^ strut* tbe barrier at tbe end of tbe
wtlh me that we have been beoefittail siding and the bot soup went onto tbe
the channel to which It la beat adapt- and chUd to tbe country. This
efforts to do tbe dub work.
matter of unconcern when we iwAnd tbe remark was made In
. He let out a yell of anger aad
•mber (bat two thirds of all crime That the lofluence baa been cnly for the whole crew, seventy In number,
tbe eoimdl meeUng here some months
d with drunkenness. Truly good from the esoellent papers read piled from tbe car. eadt one armed
B^tfaat It is bound to-come, -tt-bat
liw bera secomplUhed by woman to tbe world needs Justice and devoted here- tbe bright dlacnrelone wbere with a shot gun. revolver or dirk.
tbe past la a aymboL
Xt-bo knows 'service. Same one has described there baa bm perfect bannooy They made the hair on tbe enllUea that He dormant? patrloUam as being tbe deelre to give tbou^ dUferenee of opinion,
gineer-a bead grow toll for a few
___ country tbe kind of service K have enjoyed the aortal past where
lents but the trouble Wew over
ly tender Iretlng fi
needs at the time It needs it Thus
the men of '61 were patriots because been formed aa we worked side to
"We bad at ooe tide to eounecUoo
with our dnb. a cooking, or domestic waa needed most Today the need to each other good. Some of our moai
"A fellow fust tried to bold me up
another sort—n loyalty to every earnest woricem have lift os to Job
Bdeucr daaa. I think It would be
Their help— vtlb tbto - earn s. C. R*laeman of Keyexcdlent thing to renew our Interest duty whitfi makes Ufe anif property tbe silent majority.
along that Une. I believe It would tend •afer and tbe country etnoger and Tbelr beautiful Uves—remain as an stoee. reeltog toto the Etost End Cash
Prast street,
to, make our club more popular and more secure to bapptonees aad pros­ IrsplraUoD to oa all. Tbere Is aa
wMld be a great and lasting benefit perity. Therefore let ns teach mir eottanalrem to werkfug with two mil­ waving a big revolver, "but I took her
boyu aad (iris patriotism to tbe truest lion dub women to tbe t*. S. wbo feet away from blm and aboolc blm op. 1
and would trad
gueea bea dead all right.- and be
kam tbe Bv
sense of (be word.
promote good fellowship
made hla way through the door.
-And to doting let me say to yon
and surely this to to be de­
Sitttog M tbe walk to front of B.
alwnyu to your minds our own dob fomlty. tbe dob affords, meaning i
sired. I also hope that we will
Seboaberger-a. tbe man began ponctUfe work as well as to charity and broader rlows of Ufe.
oe our social aflrrnoMie and that they
The preaMeot of the gene^ FYd- ntlttg tbe evening stillneM wltb re­
your ciito work, for tbere to no better.
may grow to popularity.
eralkm tn a recent addreas aak. I be­ volver {Sots and a policeman aoon
"Tbere to another matter that
. liberty;
lieve that woman has no right to un­ bad blm behind bare.
frar our cinb baa bera a little remtoa
A few mtontoe later Burnette H.
dertake any wtwk whatever outside
that to. our duty to our sick
In all things, charitv: t
members. All lodges and maay clubs that tbe greaum of these Is chartty." tbe home ahng the Une of phUao- Cratoe. on
stnmblad over by jxidMHIani aad
tbrapy. templeranee or dob life, that
A very well rendered deet
have Ttoltliic commltuee. tbdr slek
are lookedaltertoa way that U cer by Mrs. Bachant and Mias Moore and does not emanate from tbe borne aad the poUce received a second caU. HU
abont'fiZS. wuteb
la lu
aad beet reeulu retnrn to
Mrs. K. E.
favoend tbe
talnly to be
aad chain, oevenl reertpto and tala
tbe boBte.
e to expected to ca*l bly with a solo.
-:Ilome most always be tbe''center rvTolrer were gone, and
upon and report to tbe main
Msa. i. A.
had tbe revolver, afterward admlibut not tbe limit to a woman's life.
It cdub or lodge, jest tbe ‘ condlUons paper, as foltowe;
Thtoyeorwe look forward to lean­ tliig be bad token tto other eUC
"One erentag. aixlera yeara
fotmd. and action to taken.
Cralne soys that WUeraan, wbo
■as many P>Ha and women wbo aereral ladles gathered at tbe borne' ing more <ff woman work wmd'lnSnmraie. hUtory and ofber ways. I baa Indian blood to Uaeatoa. prapoewttbout tomlly ties or are away of Mrs.- Boberta to plan for a pem-

ed a sralk obont • o*etoek and tba
two etartad east ^ ffont pireeC At
tbe q. R. A L tndm. tba totter re­
fused to go further and as Cratoc onpposed, tamed bach.
Cratoe kept on for oenral fatoeka,
not seeing tbe otiber again, when
euddenly eomeiblAc eraabed against
(be back of bis bead and lbb«s be­
came a blank.
Saet Him With Club.
X ountant with knoektog bM
down.- tbe tofit*^ straek Mm
twice more srttb the dnb.'bcmm tbe
(see. one htow terribly entUng Me
r Up and Ibe other brtag «r«B
m the upper part .of bis free.
The dub was a maple edging abeut
two and a half feet Mng. witb a
T knot oo tbe end that did tbe
U was apottared with
tbe watth found tied to bto abbt. the
chain wrappsd dp^u^^.btontatt.
two pocket booka.
at nae
receipt wiU Cralne'e name open >tt
and toe «
The search tor any mooey was fWUe
and It baMsn tbe poilee to know srhat
tltbongb Wtoemnn
swdais be tare R up.
He eras bandenSed aad takra te
tbe oouniy Jell where be agent tbe
night On tbe way up. be
(be effioM.
Cralne to now located at Alton, oa
tbe Honor braneb of tba M. A K. B.
Sound Over te Cewt
Rtrembn waa brought before findgn
Nedllnger this morntag charged wHb .
highway rabhery. He decided te
piMtd gnUiy sad waa bound onr to
clrenit conn witta ball fixed at ILMP.
Tbe Indian denied that be straek
Cratoe from behind bat aaid tbnt tte
Utter tried to bold blm up. golMod
gun at bia bead. He rare that he
then grabbed him by tbe toga, trip­
ped blm and saw the etiek tytag be­
side tbe walk. This atary to not kaldr
to be cBoriatenl. for Cratoe. U te aneb
sltaaUoa. could easily bare SOad
tbe other fall of botes before ha got
tbe stick. It was extreaoeiy dark to
Ibe pUoe where the maa sad Mnb
fDimd sad tt would hare been ah
; t-pn—ihis to hare seen tea
Cratoe says be bra bean bantoa Bg
enou^ for ono msB. ■“ -I-re bad b«S BriBS brdkra. bsfh
legs broken nnd Biy feet otusbafi. n
collar bone aad fire riba broken sad
my face U almoot eared to." be tsM
Recori reporter thU morntog.
-I was wound ammd n mUl sbsA
aad had both hands almdst tom off
M at tbe wriat tbe eoltor fiSM
and five riba brated. Shortly flftsrward. a low railed eg me U'Seklbg «nO
leg and amBahing both feet. Tbe
other leg was breban when I was A


Wtb tbe Btoadlest of nerras SBd
tba eortrat of heads. Bobert Knapp, a
mere lad. stepped Into tbe middle tt
Front, street, calmly cHasbed Into tba .
back trf tbe boggy, walkad out cn lb»
tbIIU aad Mopped a renawny borsn.
Tbe horse wu the praperty of & If.
Morgan and was ukra to Bdgewoad
la tbe afternoon aad let etond wUboal
bring tied. It became Mgblened at A
noUe and ntortad down tbe BlgewsSi
road toward tbe dty. Kaeptog M
Fraot street tbe ealmn) atniM
through tbe crater of tba dty. Mnsy
men dashed toto tbe street. wOffty
waving tbdr anna, mtiy to .retreat to
the sidewalk wheat tbe boras come too
e to fraat of WOwhen tbe bene came tearing down
tbe street. He stepped ont toto Jb*
road and erben tbe borne dnsbed bff
him srired tbe back of tbe bear akd
rnued. be worked bU way around tl
seat and then seeing that the lekm
were dragglito «n the pound, bo went
outoo the shafts and selxtofi tbe draffpng Itora stopped the bone.
Then ecntlttg btowrif he drore tba
»ne to Moron's ban as If rtafctoff
frended animal waa a minor part a
hU every day life. No partleator d
age wu done to tha rig.
Roeeption Her Mr. Qoy.
Tbe Rev. T. Boyd Gay aad wits of .
reoeption by tbdr
the booM of Mr. aad Mra. H. a: Mbw
of te
and te
hoBM was tostOy i
Tbe ttbrerr wbere te now paatof
received, waa daeked to aarly saSuMK
iraves. while the Ifbncr. adjefatoi;

tog room, made an a
tog cnotraat.
as a eoedd wraad. te atef

•MH6 wvnu
su( lunot.
BmM«. Mfck..
IKBdar mamas. Ulwr Aaj,
fmas abmrrrti U thU burs. T1>«
/tw M UMbm I
. f.
pribU«T» HMlut; Bertha Lm.
B^vIb. Miiule Alcunder.
nmlter, ClBn DMriBCr Nellte
fMsMW Vofi nS MlB Ooouier
Ik* MUMl brtMiBg. Mtai B*t JUMtkH Ik* klB4*fiwteB. On tk* wMt
■it mn mm MBik«L pri
ktr two aMtaUBU. Mia*** !
• U lore*.
OOm AfchbcM l*o»eked bk
Marnm at -cootta- TtiB««dB7
ft'k one of tlM prottkM HUJ* crafk
tfpM. OOae made t>* boat blmaeir
4b^ bk «pe» boar*, the pan rear.
IL k IS tea ioBc aad bnlabad k oak.
SfetkOtWr poUabad. Br*rythin« but
^ ai«la* aad —oUm Unk k bom*
libAi. CTCw to tba wheel and beat
«wai lokblac. aU doae by tbe buUd-

CnritafttT • rMt wlOi b«r aMm. Miw.
Dr. lUnr 'limwm Ct OatwHIl* k
iprodliic » ww*k wtth hU pmwbU.
Alee Pmrta wewi W Am Artor Wedbewkr to-£ira4 Uie Hlcb *ehooi aa4
mprna tbt ymr with hU ekter, Xertoft.
bee Bpest tfae
aoBuner here and at Cedar Poiat. ratnrmd to Cbkago br the Mkaonri
Sam PeUman
rktUngtkk parJta. Mr. and Mr*.-p«i«r PNdmaa. He
U Uldag a TBcatkio from bU Ubon
tectrlelaa wKb the Acme White
Lead worka of DetrolL
Tbomna DBroeher. n anbmnrtoe div­
er In the
at the ‘*800" apent a coople of dajr*
the first of the week with hk alater,
Mr*. WUUam Lora^r. Ton
ed here hr tbe aertoaa Ulneas of fak
father, Loke Doracber.
Otk Maaoa of Detroit U vklUag
friend! In town.
O. J. Holbrook at one Ume pcatmaater here, hk atm Haarr and dan^Mr*. U. R
Clare Roshnore ratumed thk wt»k
to their bonm In Indiana, after a
dajip' *o)oum with friends in our

Imflt. Cha ak d
f <1^
bona' power, and ft Uklng ten rMn
to eonpMb tbe work. It alao refer*
to tba rwat Croton dam and the-----«OT powemwemled there.
Tbe Mdw* In eommeBUnc apon tbi*
expreaaea the hope that the pow<
righu 08 tbe ManUtee river wDI fall
Into aa ‘progreaelve and enterprkIng* bnnde na have the Msakagon riv-.

Mmun it nr.

Mr*. Prank Andrew* and two ooD*
of St. Look, Mo, an th« ganau’ of
Mrs. Oaorge Cram tor a tew day*.
Mr*. Andrews was formerly Mka Ada
local coamanr !■ fiebkd tbe MnnktM Benadlet.
principal ol Board
river projoct nnd that oompaar hna
been poahlng matter* ahead at faat
Tad Shaw, who" apent the aommer
a* paaalble, the Newt k reminded of at amnd Raphk. rkumed to tbk dty
tbe fact (bat Mg daaU are not made 10 attend aobooL
In a mlnote and that developmec
Henley Wilhelm, who bn* been em^oyed at Grand Rapid* daring tbe
r. baa retamed to bk bi
In tbk dty.
August Birth RacMd.
Mr. aad Mra. L. K. Hunt, who have
Ludan BIkabetb. dau^ter. Mr. and been vislling In tbk city, returned
Hr*. Pinley Pergaaon. 603 Second their home (a Dublin today.
street. Jnly 21.
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Martin retumPrank Altoaso, son. Mr. aad Mrs. I to Chicago after spending tbe sum­
rank Bunktowskl. 6X8 West Seventh mer In thk etty,
street, July 27.
Mka Addle HcHjillen baa returned
4 A daae* k to b* skew oe tbe **«•Merle Margaret, daughter. Mr. and from an
te of tbe «tb at tows ^ hr the "laMr*. Ralph Henry Haworth. 427 Wek Oraad Rapida.
SjaiMiti- baU
Seventh atreet, July 51.
1 left thk luornSMa Lwwii. prealdMt ol tbe OrBernard. Joseph, son. Mr. and Mrr. ing tor n trip to tbe upper pi-oionk.
a»d at lb* reqaaot of that orCharte* WInowlskl. 611 Bay atreet.
W. p. Kinney baa returned from a
buaUuw* trip to Oraad Rapidi.
; nloe people
Ida Hay. daughter. Mr. aad Mm.
P. B. Brown, manager ot tbe Han­
tben*-aedllaag of
Loiter Henderson. 121 Booth Unloo na b A Lay Merc^Uk Ou, wife -and
QmwB. Mlcb, Bept *—Mr*. A. Deawtthoal a ficeu* oa the Oeratreet, AOTuat II.
■on. Cart, iwtiuned from a business
prea, Mrs. Cbamplod and Mrs. L. A.
knik Foaodk' Sasdar. An*.
Dau^ter. Mr. aad Mrs. Cyril A. trip to Chicago today.
CnmpbeU and aoo of Ttnveme CItr
Hue. 421 Madkon atreet. August 3.
Dr. Sarah T. Cbaie baa returned
itnpar. Ooorse Herauas. spOTt Tueadar la Orawa,
'Arthur. *OT. Hr. and Mr*. Arthur from Otaego, where she baa been vk
Clinton Bfsard retamed borne from Hadley. 512 Hoee street. AugMt •.
Kab*r-4r.. Pbalna Halkr. ialling ber parent*.
KakM-. rottaa Meier. PHU BerBeosle Carkoa. Mrs. Anna Parker,
Mka Callle Thacker of MlUn
Pm atar pUrer* |g the (eat Mnntoa
d But Proot atreet. Au^mt 14.
Jaart> Taber. Tb*r
tbe Mksea Kent and Kerr of Toledo
; atloraer Deoatnor* base ball team.
_ Hina Qrcteben. danghler. Mr. and
tbe guesk of Mrs. Packard
Mr Yooker of Traver»e air UMn Mra. Albert J. HavHoad. 544 BUie
BoUer k exoupemaor of MUtoo
Randolph HmeL
town bnylBg apple* and poutoe*.
*»«eL Augaat 6.
Hka Rdaa Allkoo of Sooth WoodaBon, Mr. and Mrs. Predertdc RlgbtThe Council.
Moodar and Toea|tor a
ler. OnU. and Mm.. Teal of Rldgewar. mlre. 312 Park stioet. August 28.
The city eouikcll bad a very short
badMoer wtib a rkar of kieaUac. N.- Y, arrived on tbe P. M. eacnrmkm
Raymond P, aoo. Mr. and Mra. seasioo '^ursday evening, the meeting
of than, J. B. LaLfloe. iwBiod tbe la»t Bight, to vklt their brother. G. Frank Ver Bnyder. 206 NorUi Bprwee being a acbeduled one for tbe purpuoe
I km tarn aad wlU ranala. Tbe L. AUkon.
of bearing tbe
reec a~*.u*t 18.
Dell Hoxle aold bk bonne and k>t
sinade ao dackkn hot wiU
Okays M_ daughter. Mr. nod Mra. East Prom street sewer. James ,K«1
to D. W. Rernoldi. Mr. Hoxaie aptcU J. J. Laud*. 4*0 North Spruce atreet. derbouse and A. C. Pairbanks. real
l*« c«
to leave for Waablogtoa
dents of tbe street, entered obJecUuui
Hr*. Allle Bun k eiterUbUng her
ladraa with ao aft*^
inlng the sewer down the stroe
A High Coe
brother. Hr. Hillard of OUret. Mick.
Mk* Moselle Beooett. daughter of and under tbe railroad tracks.
b »artr at b«- aottage at Rex TerMka Ida Peach and Roe DnvMaoa L. M. Bennett of tbk ?ty. made an
stated that It
Iliad OB Mends here Pridar- They exewileBt ImpresslOD when she ren­ would be cheaper to bring tbe
T*bb Groaek ba^ flooe to Detndt to
were on tbafr war back to Traveme dered a violin wMo at the “hoine com- from Hope street on down In tbe back
fab iiblidi
Lanraneat aiaraty.
« week" at Brighton, fir. Bennett's of tbe renldenoea on private loU rathMt bafortaMrt. Lot BaU baa take*
Hra. WlUlam Hlagea and Mrs. O. >rm«r home. Brighton ban sent out er than bring It down the mreet. It
a bkHItta at Oarit'a meat market
Tqp^nona went to Traverse aty Tneslarge number of dkUngnkbed peo­ could be turned Into the river near
• j>r Nr. Crooiie.
dar on bnataena.'
ple and the program was of neceaaliy the mouth nnd U would not be neces­
£*am Bar aad Oaade Watooa and
Tba school board expects to have Bomeirbat short, but Mk* Bennett, on sary to bring it under the railroad
tebOlk* apen laal wmk
le new aebool room ail rsady to alan ■ocouDt of her ability, was given • track. As tbe land on the south aide
:«• TWroh l^ka.
school Hondar. Sept. 16. Tbe laaMtert place, and eoscemisfi her. tbe Brigh­ of tb street* was owned by the G.
e *»"<*«—> fototbed Baturdar
Mr*. Harr And HUa Ida Jobnaoo.
R. A,I. and/probably never would be
ton Argo* anld:
I ObkMB. wbera b* wat to at. Co^ng and fUnUy and M. B.
"A vlottn solo by Mk* Moselle Ben­ bulU up. k would mean a great sav­
I a aattoaal meeUag oThk tmBaird1 nn^ 0. A. Brlgbagi who hav* nett of Traverse Oty then followed. ing to tbe tesldeau In maktag
r tt>* DeUa Tao Dalta.
Momlle k tbe daughter ot Lewlt necUou.
. P*aak Vernier Ml raaterdar
retunwd to thetr home* at Bnikler
M. Bennett, formerly of tbk place.
The -piau Struck 'the coancll
b vkM bar r^raa la lb* aoalbeni
Tbei'Dock Lakh IndepaotkaU play She k a bright young lady of sixteen worthy
orthy of 'iDvestlgntioo.
no the niatier
rtof tbeotau.
and an enthusiastic studeat was referred to the sewer eommiuee
b Tkacfcar baa MbB«ed to coach
Saxton Broa. have
cf the violin. Her selection Aowed o report at tbe next regular meeUbg,
L Pkaaaot fm hall taam tbk
cettagae at the reaort. They ex­ that she Is already able to a<
n Hr. Lardle's moUoo.
d left »
pect a party of ftibermen from aonth- tdkb mora^than tbe majority of tbe Ihe sewer comidlUee
» Lawk ooenptaa bk new oeoMOt ani Midiigan tomorrow to stay two players of tbe stronger sex. She han­ tlvd to tbe sewer In the vicinity of
dled tbe Instruamnt Uke a veti
Cass aoA Btoventb atrem that they
U k parfMst In
Mr*. P. Bamlia nnd Meods_ from and tbe music was deliiXitful. Sbe had taken the matter up with tbe
Tmveine Oty are camping at Duck
heartily encored and responded Catholie btshop of this dloccM by 1«Lake rcoorL
with another equally pleasing aelec- ter. The report wa* received and
B. *»amp bow oecnptea tbe Dr.
A half tone of tbe picnic dinner
■ Soot* on Rlrer atrect, orer(3edar Run, Miai.. Sept. &—Tbe ball tbe schoed grounds, shows Mka Ben­
tbe bar. and J. W. Haokiaw k
A Fin* Trip.
pjlayed thk week between the nett at one of tbe table* In a place
I la tba Mareta booae on Elm
N. Pred Avorr *nd J. Corner of
Ooontr Une White Cap* and the Ce­ of honor.
Grand Rajdda spent Sunday with J. A
Ideyd Tbaiiker goee to OoldSaM. He­ dar Ran* teenL reeolted In a aeora of
Sontagae and famQy lo thk city. Tbe
Eketiofi of Oineera.
lp teach la 'dbe boaiMH «oll^e 6 to ^6 In kvor of Oed*r_Rim.
gentlemeD game to tbk city frtun
The annual election of tbe aozilktr tbe Qeorgiaa bsy reglcm, having
Mka Orpha Mdgell
4t that <dtr.
Ited Oorkee vOTl to BnlUlo Tridar. ber friend* Sule Porltne and Btelk lo the Christian Women's Board of ed about tbe lakes In s 25-tooi launch.
Ware*, came on tbe exenralon Ban­
'jia wfil be coeR two woekx.
Yesterday tbe party look a cruise Id
Bdu Heofoer baa enteiwd dar. OrftA and Susie spent the day Chrkt last ereulng. the foilowlng be­ Mr. MonUgue'a yacbU Gem. going
In Wnutiim bnalBeas colU«e at with Carrie Wagner and Lulu Crain. ing cbooen:
Ne«h-U-wuta and other points
Prealdent. Mr*. H-jsner Snyder.
Mka Btelk with Mr. and Mr*. Pred
MbtF** Otr for a roar-* etadribe bay. ^k morning (be genUemen
?lce prealdent. ifn. . George WM
^itkm Mabel Penr and Maijr Nack- Tucker and Mr. aad Miu. Cbnrle*
Ml for Spring Lake, where they will
IMr dotk* of kaebing Clay.
lay up the boat and tben go to their
Tbe many trinid* of Mr. and Mr*.
B tta dtr Bcbook o( Trarcma Cttr
home In Grand Ra{dda.
Treostmer, Mra. Wilbur M. Gordon.
k;k>cat«] Kuiwter ara glad to wMcobm them
flMilH: Mka Nackermab k;loa
Miaa home lor a week* vklt with their
Doath of Mr*. Mary A Vartderheof.
W. F. M. B. EleetiOT.
many frkoda. Tbay hare beaa In Mr.
Mary A. Vanderboof.. widow of the
Tbe blowing officers were elected
rnida r\.,
Cxl^.. ...>
and ZeU* Me- Batea' emptoy. near Allyn 'the past at the maetlng of Ue W. P. M. a of late Daria
Mvia Vanderhoff.
died Moodsy
and aspect to atny there durSouth MUtoe are
at C o'clock St the
the nmt M. B. cbuicb:
^ ackoot. claaa or d?. Hlaa Ing tbe cowtlng wbter.
son. Semoel Vandectoof. near InPresident. Mr*. H. K. Wilson.
AChr KB t
Plrai rice pnwident. Mrs. H. a Hull. tertoeben. of old age. She wa* 73
DM MlOT KfcVkker left the same date Travera* Qty apent a few day* U»t
Becuod Tire president. Mrs. H L. years old.
IW OMway to commence the dnUm of week TkiUag with Mr. aad Mrs. A. Kellogg.
Her husband died June 30. last, and
Both glrk win no douu' C. Wynkoop. ako looking idler b^Third vice prMidenl. Mra. E. WeHt. Mra. Vanderboof has be» on the de­
OH beonnse both vm good ms In tbk vielnUy.
Recording secieUry. Mr*. W. T. cline ever since. Sbe was a a-ootan
aad Btiong chancterd.
Mr. and Mra. Pred OMn visited Sun­
that kaew her loved
BaUa win teach ISm coo- day at U Banaon's with Mr. Ooln'a
ber dearty and her hoaU of frieod*
Treasurer. Mra. D. B. Tltui.
•kter and nkoe. Hr*. Corn Pnimore
dbrrespoodtng secretary. Mr*. G. wUI be grieved to karu of her death.
and daughter ^s. Mrs. PlUmore and
Samuel, who she baa
daughter expert to retnni to tbMr
been living with since her hotband
Librarian. Mra. J. W. Miller.
bom la Oladatone. Wk.. Monday.
■ Lottie Hill
Mile box committee, Mr*. L. M. died, she leBTen two daughters. Mrs.
Ida Knmae of thk city and Mra. W.
8k>C 3.
Aivnh Fnyne has beaa eevwrely
Pu%r Of Interiochen.
afflicted tbe past week with a v*r>BUCKLEY.
palntnl aboeea oa bk arm. but was
Buckley. Mich.. Sept C—Mra. Prank
able to rMurofto bk work at CMaae'a 8^ the laai of the lour brothers
onp Monday.
who osrned tbe dren* which eight Wlgfaunan Is spending a few weeks at
Ur. A j- httii* ot Bewtt*. Wedding* sre becoming an epidemic yOTrn ago was united with Adam Fore- Owosao Tkfting rektlvrs.
R. T., talk (rf a pernmum cure bjr In tbk town, the k*l cane karwed of pane's show, is dead here, aged 65. Mr. and Mra. G. A. Brigham and
SODS spent a few day* *t Dock lake
being Charka Tncker to MK Jmie
bitt week.
Twier; both of thk place. May
Co. M. ReurtiOT.
^han a mu amtm k iot meat p(W*
Hr. KIchnU and wife are camping at
nnd piaaperty attend them.
From Friday's Record.
Ik* tarm#th*t Dr. A- W. maW* Nerve
Hedge tor a few week*.
kB* wat th* only mOTlelae set eC all
M. E Corning and family are taking
Running WiW Hew.
that h* uaad that gave him health. aa(Company M. First leglmeui. Michigan
■Ml strenath aOT akadtefa* of flerres
The Mkmmrl arrived In port thk calvary, a part d the famous Custer their vaeaUon at Duck kke.
UD «uaek«M by aaykg hwra* 'baa- morning abont five hour* behind her
Georg* Clement has the frame up
brigade, k being held la tbk city to­
mttr aajr it. b« mean! It. apd fast
Wtet Mr. Pnktaa aara hondreda af sdMdole. She »W|iped ax »evef*l day mk tbe members are tbe gue*# for a new house.
Mra. Vanhoren of Powlerrille if
ittiii haveotU k kfter* t* a* bn*^ polnu not on her regular trips, thus of PYank C. Oolbn KI West Tenth
SMOD Mf. PllbtTH ar*:4Dr. A. camng the delay. The heavleat traf ■treat and C H. Jibajoo. 402 West spending s week with her daugfatera.
. CbaaB-* Nkv* PUk k the anly mdi.
Mrs. F. Rosa and Mrs. L Lewk.
both freight and passenger,
HevooUk street
Nr. and Mr*. Glen Aahky are vklt
and itae boat will be Hght on
Those prtwent are: Mr. and Hr*.
>^r«« ek fram rare, mfnrmoo. eaett- both tbe ap and down trips from thk Jno. Brldmbock. Mr. and Hr*. Hlnm lag at Manto£
aMe 404 Mbit W apr* «t «U nkWs. time OB. The Sunday esrurstow
Orpba Kitchen wa* called to Grand
C. Tice. Mr. and Mr*. Apied. Mr*.
'ilOT aMBifd to lake bold anill 1
for tbe remainder of George Tlnkbam. Mrs. John Grasta. Rapids Sr the serious lucres of bis
Mrs. George Oenong. Mrs. Rebecca wife.
The Buckley twins are now on exBaMna. Mra. Roae Skinner. Mra. Hnily
Chase, of Dowagke; E F. Rutter of hlbmoD at Charlm Merrllbew'* store.
Wilson PhllUp* nnd wife expert
Berrien Springs, W‘. F. Bectafl of KnlamDDo, A. H. MUler of Jones, bfr. nnd leave for Idaho the first of tbe week.
Mra. B. Bdgett and dnaghlers reMrs. Peter Baldwin of Alba. C. H.
and wife. Mr. aad Mrs. Prank tnnied Batorday after a week's visit
with fglaUTOT.nt TasUn.


lerves Unstrung
Could Net Sleep



Travosc Otj State Bank

Prom TbwwMy s Record. ^
Ml*. B. R. McCoy bus retarwod
from Chicago nod Detroit. Rlth Am..
. Bbe has •reared Mka In*
Andmaoo lor ber trimmer again tbk

A. Tr*o Lay. PrcDdanL
E Hoyd CUaefa. Vke preatdenL
Bamnel Garland. COabier.
A. J. Maynard. Asst. Cashier.
A. J. Hartland. Asst. CBshler.

Hre Insurance!

Btoos COMeOMIga.

PlDSDOlMR.StMn BoHwr and Aoetc

Rsner to Loan on jmprored Real Estate Onlf.

CAPITAL, 9200,000
1 Swnl luUic Buiia, DtM
1 per cm tuavu M Ilae D9«lu

RoomaiOrtwwStAteBAnIc Bulldlnc.



P. •is



Traverse-City, Mich.
Seli von vonr bill for a honoe or bora.
a full Use of

We carry at all timt«


ntmiAT. Obrew Stud.
Over JrAOTw
Druadtura RMS •*>«*«■ «•

Get our fiKUtt-s and oompan* our grwdea before buying.
na. Look for tbe Big Bttl i'Unt
Cor. K. Ktb Rt. and Lake Aw.

Call on

PbonM. Bell iM); Citi. -H08.

»r.ieik« OM OT»| ts) CkWIa
K'aaaUj eusMvd |WiMiit«tr day w alakt
aJCriBce,CiU. PSueeML 1 liage.

Dr. P.

We Believe

We have the Best Tea on
tbe MarfceL

Choice UiiOolonvl -Taiiati particularly Sue flavor oud
exceutioaal strength. If you have trouble gettiug a
t«a that
hat it to your
jrour likiug try a aamph.- ix>tui<l ofiliis
We will take our cbauoea oo your oooiibg baulh

Prl^ SOe per pouad.








im Dtoofe
TrwrevM DRp


MiU'R Hrvm. a(V^. miUU
w.w.raiiTOB. D f m.iuM*; ClkOTU.
.-YlaM. l>rir«l. but. US*.

Kmm« 9^a‘mw%A D5«r*m«.

What few ot the reridenk of Buckley that haven't been camping, have
been hkckberrylng. They have no
trouble to bring'hack a bushel to each
one that gore.
Chief of pnllre Slater gathered in a
Swede Monday That was unable to
t'ear hk burden nloife and now he
lo the- vilkge Jail,
k Moore and son are just flilinp the
air with dri-ssod boards since thdr
new planer started. It works fine.
Death of Mrs^ertha Jones.
Mra. Bertha Jonte. duugfaler of Mr.
aid Mra. Ferdinand Smith, died at.'
r home Saturday al 0 ^ m. after
.. 'CD months' suBertag with tubefeu
iJsk of tl^j' bowek. Mr*. Jones a-a*
years of age and was always Mtul
apd cheerful la life and was loved b:
;. who knew her.
.Besides a little 2-ycar-old ora sb'kavea a father and mother and a sk
-r. Mks Clarab.>lle Smith.
The funeral was held at the horn*06 North Elmwood nvi>nue. ihk after
l 1 o'clock, the Rev. W. H, It
wln o the Becond M. E. church offidatln
The pall bearers wen* four coiisintbe di-ceased; Prank K. Smith. WT
m Aikit. Harry IViersca. and Ralpii
Smith. The flowtrrs wen- many ami
l^i'sutiriil. The Andenum I’ndertaklnr
Cuiupany hud charjo- and Ihe n•muln^
Verv laid to nr*!. In Oak«<KKl n-ine
Tbe Rev. J. W. MUbT nutrsda.
St hk home cai State stn-et. M^ke the
wonts that mad*- Walter W SUolel
hsur and MIbb Alice May Wood. boUi
of Monroe Conx-r. man and alfc. Mk-

nnmli lire KIdier
Turtle Ml lerer Snieel it

To VkdIV«Fill a l»)ttlcorcon:sn<>nKl»sv »-ith
and let It stand twrnt
rnty.v-foar bourt:
I nniimUhy c«nditi-rn Ilf tbe kid
nevs: If i.
vo'ar linen it «
endence of Li<l
ney trouble: U
frequent desire r

™ in the back i« |
Mfoconeincing proof that tbe kidney, j
and bladder are out of order.
What Ts Do.
There it comfort in the knoalnige *n
rfien exoresaed, lliat I>r. Kilmers
Swamp-Root, the great kiilney reninlj
fuir.Ha everr wish in curing rheumaliMii.
pain in the bock, ki.lney*. liver. Idadde:
aaid everv iiurt vf the urinarv paBsage.
It coTTrtW inability lo hold *»ate:
and Braiding tain in passing it. or ba.1
dflertf follovtng tne of liquor, wine u:
beer, and ovcrcooie* that uui.icasani ue
ceoutv of being impelled lo go often
daring the «kv. and lo Ret up tnaD.^
tlmeaduring the night. Tbe mild an-l
Uie extraordtiuu-yefiect of 5wamp*ltoot
is aooo realued. It sUnds tbe higher-,
ftn- jia wonderful cures of reon dir
trvssing cases. If you nee-l a jntilirine
you aJwuid have tbe besL SoMI.y drug­
gists in fifiv-cent and ooe-doiUr sjres.
You may have a aample boJtl^and a
book that tells alt

Rota Wood. alUer of the tiridr.
mi'*d of huoor and Walti-r NuC^nger
s'BB the beat man,
Mr. Siadelbaur k one of the lwlgl>'
stirring Voung men of Monore Cetiier
and Mrs. Stndelbaur k v«^ poptikr
with the young people. It Ib needlcsB
to state that their many trienda wkh
them a
happy and safe joiirni-y
ibrough life. They will live on e breutiful farm one mile east of Monroe



The Farmers’ Store



The Mallealde Man will bo at
our store from t^pt. in to il
St. to u41 pou ootue inierostinc ihioKS about tbe "Mall­
eable" Bailee aod will pn-.
sent j'ou with one of his
IsU’st Cook Books ood a aou •
vrtnir Free. Absolutely free.
Ihinoi; this exhibit we will
Bive with ««ch "MaUeebla"
Raiinge purcbnstvl g set of hitfh
uk cooking wore worth
r.S«. Com.- ih aad are tbe
[ but r
wisb to bey or not


Get Readf for Winter
Now is the time to repair, (ict ready lor the
cold winter months.
Fix up the wall or ceilioE with Pulp Plaster. . It is
almost as haid as a rock.
Make that celler rat proof by a cement floor. Elk
cd^meot will do it right. Iko this before tbe late frost.
Avoid trouble. .
We have a1l<kinds of building paper to make the
house or barn conforiable for-the winter moaths.



Lvnrnil. Address Dr. 1,^^^
writing awnlion this paper and don't
amke anv misuke. but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-RqoL ami
be address. Binghasoon, N. V.




both appBed la a h
spoB tem. mteg the ehtoC vreat>ena.| Mr. aad Mrs. Walter 8. TrambaU ^
achieve the weatea reulta from the parle graea. Weeda are alao pretty Chtoaco are la
Mtorion. goeata of
aoHwen aaalhUaUd. beeause of their Mr. TuraboUP
Wm. Harrieoa teeenOy ptoced a
eonataat efforta. npon threir toad. and Mrs. Ju H. Roberta THa ytmng
vrlad-miu epos bto place aad
hoMtogi and work on the hlgfawaya.
couple hare racCDtly rcCurned from
MoBme OrtBT. MJch, a«pt. 7.-A
a tee
tem^tea other ImproveMBto in the
P. Kanacn baa
very abroad where they have been traerilfew ptaMer log teoM ..4 h«. *n to
aod leporu caoeitoat leanlU
Urge attiseilve bam. deep red cedor. tug. rtolting all the p
/YdTciBaK hare a more pnctica]
•UJ] aUatflBg ta tb* adtet of dM
Harry Worlcmu reoently ballt u The bottom boardx are painted white. of Barope. Ungerfog Jongaat aad eni |food stride in Four kkdian ihu foa gamuM
ekotoe fralBc Uadf of tMf pvt of
Obaa. H«mt tea a pnUy Urm.
addlUoa fp tall bonaa aad >>-.»«s|nwhiT Mr. Hannon haa a very
ful Naples aad tbe
Of«4 Tnraw CMVjr. Ud bwM«
bolldtaiB. aod a oeing It for a woodobed and httcben. term, aad conalder^ng ihr tact that famous hay of Naples which they say
Uw Ut* tDodvai, b«!li Cm. tao<iv.; aplendtd richly prodndnc orcterd Mr. Workmu haa a beuUfo] farm It hu caly been cleared off In the
to nearly u beanUful u Orud Travaa4 bvM. bear * note tMtiBoolel (o epos It. He to basd wortalnc and prolast few year*, It pivaenu a very fine
bay. Mr. Horrla Tbomu
■ and Uum o( ibMc greealve aad a cnodlt to thla aectlon ia hR wartL
two aona. Dc-o and Carr, are also at
« e( Uto dtotrtet.
of the ceatry.
a eiUxea and aelgfae. G- BawUnga bu a^ed hto oat
Robert* home far thrir auual
». ®oe « Mearw OaWf. bor.
harveat and cxpccto to tfareab
term fo tha RawHogs dtotrirt
September rialt. wUhout which the
baaUtBg tansera U on tbe elek Itoi
J. Daffy la alao the propAetor ot a varfoag grain prodacU la the
while It. like other temu In this dis­ yew wooM hardly be complete, so
butiw moreBoeticalluecoBtutala
Praia yowr
at Ute.wriun*.
In thla loeaUly ud fotore. Mr. Bawllnga to one of Che trict. to eomparnUwly new. yet frai say they all.
cooking aad baking. Uara bowhvrill waatoifiiny ito'Jflfca J. Uaee. 4i b«wr at Uili wHt bai renovated bto farm bulldtatn ao muy practical famors of thto reglito
ptemth* qwal^ efbraaA mm
■DOM ciarw,
erop ootlook cuuiiwrvw (arorably
Daring tbe past week there
aad awoy otev avaiyday
ryday dithw,
diibis by caoMlifog
cooralritig o
taw »B etonrtiw ap tte back end or that they preatet a very altreeUve ud the orderly ud well-kept coodt- with terma much older fo the aasMtato tarw.
eeaui iecipcs aid comim atn
appearuoe at thla wiltliwtloni on hto fam point oat bto etndy locality.
nuuGT leaving for borne that 1
pmwcdbTlMraMWfoek*. Vemftw.
W. H. Batlar fau barvwted bla of Ute agrieulural gneatloo.
D la at preaut batMTlwgvaaiar riigiriiil'i iWp i|u Cen eurrh iiai
Horry Anderveo hu scH out a .Tejns tic dinnera ud an oceuloaal core
inK M addition to Ua already 1
need peaa ud reporu a very good
Irwin Bawllnga to another^ wide­ c-rctaard. which he reports u doing
have sufficed.
The gettini
taMU bars U besaedaa a baw 1
oop. Mr. Botler has a very prodoc- awake and alert a ' ’
ready for the Pleree-Cafloway wadding
dve farm ud farm U along tinea to thto region. Having a bcaoUfol term
John Broderick's fam li very pro- with nil tbo pn-DuptUl alTIr*. the
C. P. Weaver la alao aaklag Is-' bring the beat reaalu for
J built tern I
Oi ObMPANT. Soaaaaraam
Mr. Broderick
lubatuthe going away of
• opoa Ua ptooa.
It to not I
0 add but what tial fam bulldfoga 00 hla place ud for the bridal traty alt flUed fo foe time
Aapa o( petUiw ga addition 00 bU
O. M. Mlddao^
Mr. Ravnaga haa made faming hla
better Infonned man on rural qaoienjoyably that It bu made foe
« bars and balMUw a snaarr ud buf- Wyskoop tern aad reporu a aplaodid chief Biudy and piseUee.
tlooa It would be bard to And.
last ireric pretty lame Is
sr ated.
erop of applea thla year.
Peter J. Snyder baa a very fertile
Nearly all tbe tarn tenoe* throagh But that la all over. Sommer U gone
Weaver (a autber aterttaw exJohn Bealer bu aaotber very at­ and vrell-kept fam in thto locaUty ud thto necUon are naually wire both
and the scramble for boom to tbe
Wf« oTMat «sa be armnplteed 1 tractive term Id thla tegtam ud baa
barb and woven, which to nolle an Im- thing raffling foe even tenor of Old bsve boen the gbesU of Mr*. O. P.
la a teort ^ by a mu who to deter- reoently pieced a nevr sUdmUl ttpoo
a In then r futare.
provment over tho rail and board iltosioD'a way. The cloalng of oot- Hunt.
Honor. Mich.. Srpl.
Uncle ^
bla place.
a. N. Neeae. -who recently moved fences of former daya.
tagra ud tbe goodbyes to friend* are
Mr. ud Mrs. H. P. Boyden ol Cin- Qulnby returned Monday from aa raMyron Brower, aaatoted Loater from TVaveme City to thto loeaUt.T,
Jeronte Reamer Is kept quite busy tbe en^ng acta of olL It bu been rlnnaU. Urn. Richard Waite ud Alice
tended vtalt with rriaUvra fo tbe
Wheat daring bto
apeakM very highly of the ooutry. :h«ae days vrlth bto thnahlng maprosperous aeaaoo tor Old HtoaSon. L. Waite of Toledo. Ohio. Dr. and
Oee. W. realm, aaotber vrjdo- and naya. "he expoeu to atay here for ehfoe outfit.,
aitd prospect* for the future arc Mrs. J. V. Wright sre among those
' V bard work bai ooore' Into awalae tamer of thla region, to doing
Tbe Gloanera picnic wu attended
loot tiDte 4n the futare. bai
WlllUffl M. Petrie owns a fam of bri^t.
who said goodbye to N>«h4a-wuu
of one of the beat SO aome of bU tell ploughing at tbie uy unninal incidenU.''
forty acrea of very fertile soil fo thla
ud eottage have doring tbe last week ud left for by a large crowd ud all reported 1
'found In tbto ragloa.
floe Ume.
loeaHty, with twenty-fire acres clear­ been filled with Springfield, III., peo­ tbelr various homes.
B. Setaruu to the proprietor of
iohn Haletl to tbe-poaaauor of one very fertile terin Iff tbto lo^Uy ud ed ud under cultivation. He reporu ple. while foe Pines, reglater shows
No more will the gay aad faatlv*
Mr. ud Mt«. Henry Oavla ud Mr*.
vUeb foofca vary 1
of the moat beaatlfaJ ters» In thla mwru aome very promtofog exopa
slot machine do boainsra In foU tittle
pouio crop u looking verp prom­ mrutiy Chieaco guests. Tbe Porter Some Smith Srbnefn- gave
'% Ateve^to the jniaertay.
part of the oonatry. Ha hu beanutal. outlook.
berg. Sheriff Crawford Informad the
ising ‘and hu ruided fo thla eom- bouse had some froiy both places ud
Tuesday evening
J^ak tewekhall reporu
a very wall buUt term baUdtaga. ud wen
prrrpiietora laal week that Sept 1st
VI- ——*
Thao, Warn reporu hto potato lunlty for about aerea years.
hu bsd many from tbe sooth, who hon<w
OOP thla year ud
balievea kept stock aad terma along aeleouar crop u looklDg very promising.
C. A. Storri bu recently flnUbed
iway with nothing but vrords of, ud Dr. and U'rs. Gaither who were would be foe |uL ft I* •ioreweljr
^ Itet tUa legfoa in 0am to
tt ccaae vrlD Uaet.
h»pH that It will. Tbe maeblaw
Joa. Stenbnch hu a very attractive large barn. 4«xM feet. coaUng about pialae tor Old Mission.
leaving for Clnrlnnatl.
develop Into a very fine apple rslalng
w. W. HaU la buay at thto Ume,
no ornsmeot to any tiMrn and
aad wril-kapt fam.
He bu aloe $1200.
The amonni of oieoey tbe young
locaUly. Mr. Sooekhall haa one of Imrreatliig bto pea crop aad reporU
K. B. oibba to the proprietor of uterm bulldlnga ud Is u induaufoux.
people at Ne-ah-fo-wantt clonrrd *l foelr departure from foe village will
the prettleat tama In thU locaUty.
good eropa.
proprotewaalve termer aad one that thto
tlH> lawn fete wu ^<4 mentioned lut be beanlly appreciated.

The tamere throogt thla locality
T. W. Fewlam and famUy wtao
& L. Mueberter. baa a very al­ locaUty cm ««l Ibe proud of.
ducUve fam Af thto kMatlty.
New Minslon Polnl, Sept. 7.—Thu* vreok. Tbe net proceeds were$6i.t5. have been raatlraifog on foe abona
^>4 ate aptodate aad
tnetlre tern la thla locality aad
Gibbe hu good subsUnUal tem bnUd
Ftuk Warm owns aad runs a
A. B. Yaris. jbe Armenlu who.
anabdra of pretty eohooi
poru hla mrir pomtoe crop u look­ fertile tem. /Thla to oomparattvely Inga and hi* oaU ud potato crops sing* one who Iovwb foe Trnverae every summer makes thi rraort. spent ot Co-aUl Lake thto aummer. have'’
twgion for ngh long acquaintance,
Uaaaaiean ing very
returned and a
look very promiafog.
a new fam.
Mr. Warm la 1
whereas foe line* below are part of a a few daya foil week at Neah-U- the living once
^ X Ohatrallve <d tbair efforu to be op
HcOltl to omte ill
Henry Homer aad son Dave have
eongratuUte^''iqn* the work be bu
annta. 'Hte allk abawls. klmonu.
^sdth the Umca.
thto writing and to befog eared for by done to pUo^ It fo lu preacait excrilent an 80 acrea fam fo thto reglan. Re­ tribute paid by one wbo'lhla year saw moslac pfoa,- lace*, scarf*, apranda.
A large number of clUxana are con*
New Mission Point for foe first time.
John Waadera ora aad
a Mrs F. Holliday at Rfogaley- It to
templaifog lakfog fo foe retuitoa at
port an excellent outlook tor crops
A weary buslneu-nu. fagged by the portler*. all w«»e greatly julmlred. Copeml*h, Sept. lO-lSUi.
'■wden prodoc* tana la thla region tho earscat* hope of her muy neigh,
this year fo general ud also
pro"ramble-gramble of the world,'
and hto dUterM aad exoaUeat ^dea
for bar nIUmato and apeedy reOooklln A WUe'bave opned. np
meal wagtm on ttae road.
greulve te4i of this locality aad
here "druk th^ balm of Natare'a pnrehufog Ubevally.
a very ready
aale la
ud everything a per­
Simon SdiiMater hu a new tem,
aenu a vary attractive appaaruoe.
peaea" ud returned to hto office-work
by towM In tte toeaUty.
Fred MxcB terns nearly IKI acrea
son U In need of can be found on tbatr
whirii. when thoroughly developed,
• ioba tewyer. ebo to mnala^ Peter of lead near Kfogatoir. aad raporta
will ndd oonaiderable to the looks of
WlttmirbVi term, reporu a very his crops as looking excrilaat ud b^
"Alt these be sweet, or sweeter.
Mra. LotU Karaes and baby, ud
attractlva terms tat thla locality. the faming country 00 thto
Winters was bume from Clean over
■iinmifil year tor all bto
Mlaa Stella Mitchell of Traverae City
lievea tbto year vrlU be a baaaer year
John Fotoenna to building a corn But tho ewertest yet to left. Omens!
Haring beaotirnl fam bolldlnn^ ud
» of the
of foalr
ample maritfoery to work vrnb. the crib.
Dr. and Mrs. H. 8. Ooreell at« ramp
m they ai; aeca tram the btghway,
parent*. Mr. ud
Mr*. Tnimu
a ud cmerA memory of thei-. teat In our penalTe
Warren Taylor It boildlng 1
Ing at Duck lake..
wdiawniteta hto ctadmi ter bvoad hto ataa a vary fertile fam In thto local­ fam of Mr. Schlcbtel to one of the bouoe on the tem be reormtly purMltcb<-ll.
fo thto locality.
Ml*. Roy Barnes and son of Hanlaity aad ^ oonteorabi* truK aet oiA
An old aoldlera supper wu given at
> flash upon the inward
William Huffmu. u np-todate ter- chawd. Tbe building will be 2ix28
tc« are riaiting friends in town.
PMar Btormaehw. who mcootly
was pUca.
le residence ot poatinuter VuBlarl«r. baa gone Into the owlne istoing vrlth aa addlUon oo back »xI6 feri.
Hr*. Anna Shell bu
Fwvhaaad tha Vaw Bystag tersk reAaa^tmu haa d
>m last Tliuiadar night. Tbe “old
dmm hto road woric
Thy pore ud tender beauty
Indnatiy at bla place. Mr. Hnffmu, August Lick hu a desirable trait
peru a vary goad ylald ta avary crop and
a vary pretty
vets " and their famSIiu luraed oat
tem on hto 80 acres <d lud. slso To comfort ud to ebeer ua fo foe
malntaina that the ptg Indoatry to
ha haa vtaisd to tslaat Maea ownwhose tem la loeatenmaase ud tbe muner fo which Ibe
of atrife.
very fine ttanher.
paying boslneas. and expects to go
Irem- Hogb* I* able to be out again
teg It.
onohalf mile from Klngnley.
grab dtoapprared, one would havn
A. Wall U' another extensive And make na feel that after sH- foe- after a abort lllnou.
into It more cxtenilrely In the fndtopoaad of nearly all <ff hto ap­
thought acme of foe. old fellow* bad
Ote JjHHUrtporU tha ontlook
termer of thto locality. His beamiful
Mn>. Lottie Lacomlts. Mr*. Alba
far oato. aad potatoa oroy. vary good ple' crop at thla time eonatotlng of
had a square since I8<5. It bai
And life worth while."
tem bulldlti^ ud
Brimmer ud Mrs. Rnim* SImi
proDoriwaa and Rad Aaarlckaw and
at teto’writlag.
prontolng eropa u well u well rhasAmong
s.,,.icha Wahhar 1a uotbar vary pro- poiU tha laxtev crop u locteng very grtaalvr farmer, baring a very produc­ en and kept live stock.
great autc tbeae easily accessible rest­
grmalm terwar of thto ragttm. A larga line ud prantofog. aa well u all the tive term udoompletefamlageoidpelbow rescblng for foe nicfcnsck*. aad
Fruk Btenkle is tbe proprietor of ing-places should rank high. Our
Mr*. Bttle Babcock to entertaining
ment. It to not neceoBary to add that
reea of hit crops.
bmsiltel term honae ud bam
of 80
•on jnn closing hu been one of coo- a niece. Hiss Angle Allklro of Plras- Jacob Weaver to told up with pain* ia
teaketa, vary cimrty dammutmtaa tha
B. A. Stooe owns ud nma a very Mr. Heibri la one of tbe moat eiicoes- ud judging from hto rartona eropa. fart.—no great aionns. no great boat,
tbe front side eg bis back, eausad by
JMna Shell, who haa been very sick
gndaotaw poser of hto tem and lu pretty tem fo this locality. Ha also tul temet* of thto region.
over feeding, also George Weaver
bla ouUotA for eucccM thto yes
file*, no snake*.
able to be out again.
J. A. SchumnkH- to another wtdeeery aMa —Mg^..* Mr. Webbar
at bto home.
foundered bimarlt by harboring toe
terming to highly
baU. no tramps, no lllnew. The cotMrs. Rose Holtond cnterfoloed ber
and batwaan bto torn work and the nwnke "Uller of the ooil" and hu 1
to hoOdteg a root oallv.
rnueh watermeloo. Tboae are' the
William P. Tnylo- to another tem- Ugera have bad vreeks of tranquil utoD this week,
PtaiUp f
t satohod touar. to kept golte busy. He haa a very aUractlre place to work upon.
- of thto region and hu substutlal enjoyment, ud have given quiet plras- motber. Mra. Wm. Cook and her sister only fatalUtoa reported to this data.
n tarn lesl- baaotUal torn honae with other tem
to muy guests, aotne of whom Cora Decker and children of OruL Afier tho feed, a fluhllgbt wu Ukeo
daaos sad It to one of tha aioat at- boUdiaga to match.
of the “old warriors" by Honor's only
Mra. O. C. HuleU to on the nick ttot will doiibOera locale
A.. &l Starr haa a very fertile ud with only u u ud plenty of muscle and will soon enter n bospiul for a
Waotiv* term bouts on thto road,
pbotog^^lber, Elery Wrtgfat. who
Luke Smith of Hyde Park. Cln.. and
Alla Babcock aod Ralph
abd brafox. nnd by hard work ud
sack KUakaar, lu bolidar. ud John wril developed term. BecenUy
^igtesl operaUof^^^
the Meurr. William ud Phil. Beekor were home from Marilla over Suday. rank* u No. 1. among foe photo­
tbrirUnuB hu bewn able to dear np
Bat Ua daenratof. are to be oompU- foatalled a new arlndmUI.
grapher* of Northern HIchigu.
Ira McRIII la at tbto Ume buHlIy
of 81. Louis, have joined forir temlHes
Mr. and Mra. Lance Hnllatsd
Fmnk Sergrnl hu toft hto fam and
teukad for tbrir part la Ua
gaged harvewUng bis t>eu crop. Hr.
final week's outing. Mr. A. U. vtoitlng friemla at Grant
place OB to found In
D of foe prairie p
to baying fam produce at Summit
McRIII hu a very producUve term Lockart of Detroit to at “The Oaks."
Mrs. Sadie Smith ud Mtos Msy
the county.
a W. Hoocka. who raeasUy
within four miles of Buckley and re­ ud at "Maplevraod" are Thomu Stebblmi <rf Netis<-n .-City, «<-rv guests Inees Id Canada hu Increasaff In fivo
Theodore Cartbeek, one of the enteryr-ara from 466.000 to about a.tellllos.
aleA Mr*. Themu. Harrieoa. haa a ^ H. Wltoon hu
very pretty
ports n very promtoing crop of pota-,
ud hto mother of of Mra. Eli. Brimmer Sunday.
pristog ud «p-io-date farmers of tbto
swy baaaate) tem with a larga barb tom. known u Weatmfototer
toes and corn.
Hunter and Bckart
MIxs Marion Marsh of
locaUty. bu a patch of pod
«» Mora tha Pam** dwareat oaaral nice bclldfo^ bolU upon It.
S. HcGiwtb one of Buckicra leading who hsT<- been boildfog
dlsBeld of oaU that are exxc
iohn Wall's term to aaotber proimera la also engaged fo Um! bee have.returned to T^verse CUy.
aUractlve to tbe pamorby for thrir
New CtMiteh.
doctlve spot of thto locality and haa
ItidoBiry ud supplies booey nrounl
Mrs. Jake Rlnord leave
Ml** Lucy Barr. Ibe genial
- Tha pretty new M. B. charck. neai vary attmoUva tem boillfoga ballt evenneu of growth aad Ihdr develop­
Drigbborbood for mUca.
leaday for Granite Fklls. Wuh..
efficient mlitres* of "The Oska" bu
|]y omapletod at a cost of SUM at upon it
aiierc they ex|iocl tu make foelr
caps to crofaythto year, by the delayed
a flattering pairouge thto ai
J Batahotra corsan. to a very attrao-,
PUI Warm bu a vary rt^y profuture
sod ft la hoped she will act
I'Bve adihoa aad Un forty
ducUva tem ud hla eat aad potato ud cold spring.
Viola Zrigler of aeon wu catling (line tieiw* at a
hOMteas another year. Tite bouse
An In Harmony.
J thalr work drops look
1 friends here Thursday.
mains open until tbe Itfo.
■ givtig to thto looaMtr
STof Ihto
lAwrencia Warn la aaalatlag Thao.
Mrs. Salome GItoon of l.emon Lhke
About half the colUgers have flitted
■gHdcra and attracUve riractora. The Warn In hla fam work.
kxaUly to foe strong focUnatloln of
Into town Saturday.
ralhward. ud the romnant beld
IBsr. iteT KMmrt W Kfo^ay wiU
O. H. Weeae ora nod tmenlaa an­ the farmer* to become foorougbly In­
dritw evay a (JnU In I
Mr. and Mrs. George Clifton
farewell sang-aerrice lut Sunday
f SfflelBta aad to him brioogi alao
other term. He la a practical tamer, formed u to the event* of the day
visiting at Vatre thla week.
evening ot Dr. Bradley's.
r veat deal of eredtt for tea ehnreb's ud alwsya alert to tho best Inb
pwTlcuUrly to the foformaUon
Mtoa Allle Brimmer to vlalifog at
gprwiieHti’ and vrHtere. '
of hto tarn
that pertalu fo the tsnnlng Indostry.
Marilla fora few day*.
C. W. Weaver to another prog
that piwpose farm papers are
Sudtord Plnckw to ruonfog
School commences TursMlay with
flsial dwaHor of teU rsglos.
Old Mtoaion. MKh.. Sept. 7—Sum­
Gbaa. B. Box tem thto oammer aad Uken. almost nntveraally. and hardly
:he i>.infT leaclKTv that taaght lut
r ktaa a yw ago ha came to tela local- reporu a good lookout for the tem
four oorner* cu be found but what mer to ended u far u tbe calendar U
Neah-U-wuU. Mich., Sept.
.rear. I'Ttif. Gordon' All«-ay of Manis­
lly aad al teat Itaaa hto in acrea i pradnets thto tell.
rar*] orgnnlxaUon or club cai
Another week will find tbi* summer tee. MkiK Joeic Warebam of Bear Lake
:• ted ww praetfcallr a wlldaroei
A- J. Bamtt baa harvetead hto oat found, where farm matters cu be dJa- few people here. Some who inteud, retort season nearly at u end, foMies MaiT Kenderaon of this
Afttr cteiUg thto np hh hoUt
al stated Intervnto. A greater to stay all forouidi the. month of with schoola beginning ud Labor pitwe. Thai they have all Ireen se­
pretty coxy tem bouse aad also built
foa. Boetalecn to hMphig Lodwlck faeMng of harmony and cooperation September, which to by far foe beet' day pused. the call of the cIGm to cured for this yrar to cerUilnly all
Tbo cTixp morning ud even­ Inslsteot. *rbe srason of 1907
a )Uter* aaalttty mUk houaa. amto notfoeabto aad vrtlb the modern
the recfmiroend they should need.
ing air sends foe red blood UngUng been a very sacoeastel one at Ne-ahptoptag every devte to make It free
Mika fUag hu left bto tem ud teclUUea for speedy dtocourae anc
tem ahy of tea ocstamfosUng fofln- moved to Buckler.
the taleptaooe Unea. rural route*, etc., forougfa tbe veins and foe appetites u-wanu. Tbe hotel to to cloae foe
Mr. Weaver will build a large
Chaa LaMoot reoenUy bad a new one cu readily perceive that the feel­ they have aoqnirod and life color 1«tb ud most of tbe cottages will he
r this tell aad In the aprtog wtedmUl pUced opoa hto pUoa.
ings that are piedomlnant among tar- they have to ter from what it wu In DDoccopled by them, u suck famine*
Mte bam to atetor hto Ure
Otlaa NlckeraoD baa a very aUme- net* today to that of perfect unsma June But all good fofogi oome to av have children in tbe pobllc acborris
atock aad tem prodoea.
tJve tem fo this dtotrlet aad roporu ud nmbitirm to help one anofoo- to end. Summer to over. Sebooto open­ D'ost necesMrily sUrt tbelr yoangsStaptMO NtetenoD to another welltbe BOlntlon of problems that wlU ele- ing Id tbe city make tbe mofoers ter* there soon.
suooeMful crop outlook.
lodo terstri of thto locaUty. and beOeo. Nickerson also hu a very at- vate thrir preferaion tao that plane uxloua, *0 off focy go on foe home­
Little Thomu Paxton Price on Fri­
alaaa a tem c< maay prodocUve tracUre turn.
He hu besutltei arhere It justly briongs. namely foe ward tack.
day evening met with quite a serioas
acrea. has Urge aad aodavnly built boildfogs npon It with acres of tend proteiee growers of ttae world, sod the
On Tuesday Mrs. Sterrlcker ud her fcceldem. Tbe family were all ready
delicioos in aroma and teste, and ftiUy
that one wooU eye with envy, judging essential eleiBent Ibnmgboui
children left for Springfield. III.
to leave for Clncfonaii when a few <ff
up to tbe standard—that’s
from the splendid crap* of" oats ud
doubtles* tbe Sunday exodus wu tho the arigfaboring children come
Peter J. Snyder'* tem la uother largest, when several families took one more play spell and fo some way
Wm. NiriaMWOD. baring 1
tat cu boast of fertility ud pro- the 8tr. Mlsaourl. There were Mr tbe little fellow fell from foe porch,
his cat crop, will begin fo the near duetiveneas. Mr. Snyder to psfostak- ud Mra.'c. W. Pierce and Mias Irene breaking hto arm. Dr. Gaither reduced
tug and alert ud ttae orderly cnndl- Warner of Chicago. Mr. and Mr*. C. the fractore and the tenslly all started
roan rated bto fam on tha exterior ban. haring considerable of the ma­ Uon of bto fam bean this out In B. Beech ud family of Riverside. 111.. home fo aoefonad u had been planEvery package conteint one lull pound, and comes
to you in airtight, dust-proof packages, which
Mag came from Driphto. Ohio.
terial upon foe groimd at thto arrit- detail.
Mr. Edwa«t HamllUm CoUhu of CU-*
keep it fresh, rich and
Joa. Arirara. to another termer of
Jake Damnbadw and Albert cago. H(. Alfred Ch
Mre. Harry Dat^l*. Mr*. Abner Harthla loeauty to ha wmgmmiatad. Mr.
Kraime both have nice tenu fo this cag« Count FVwriecefo Tiule of
rte ud Hr*. Sallle Smith Schafar
Achart beun claaafog up hto tarn fam and judging Born tha fookn of loeallty ud are practlcaJ famers. York city ud Hto* UlUu Howse of gave a brach sapper last Tumday for
McLaoghlin-s XXXX
a few yean ago aad today baa a vary bto orops be mast be a prograaatve Both are qolte azteostTe potato rais­ Hamilton. Cauda.
tbelr friends on foe resortCcBee is sold by
pvoUSe tem with teeadid eropa all and vridoavraka termer.
ers and while their farms are prac­
Mtos Jennie Church of FOn Worth.
Mr*. Alfred Orendorff l^ft for her
tically new. have got most of
home in Springfield. IIL. on Friday.
Texu. left on Wednesday lut. after
sttamp* bewn down or pulled 01
Mr. and Mia. C. M. Marshall of spending foe vommer at the L. D.
termer of tbto leeallty. Nr. NIekar- BuuUfnl ud sputoua tem buildfoev
Tbe graasbopprr plagua bos
Mason. Mich., were at the Porter Cobb cottage. MU* Church go** to
non kM a atoa tem ud wiD thto adorn thto plsoa ud m Hr. P»me been u desttudve fo this region
few dara last week but they Cbirago ud will visit friends a conple
i^fog oat o« a latgr apple orchard.
says, terming today to a twoteaslcn. In other taming districts foe writer have now returned boose, boring beee of weeks before going south.
Ntokienoa haa a my
tbal admit* of u equl amDum nf In- bsK vialtf-d. Petatn bugs are ar
I fMd Mirelon. nuirlernix. HfiekiU'*
Mrs and Mto* Meodonhall left last
tmetlve and :
'tem. Hr. tetleetanl u well u phrsfoal energy. owing to the farmer* continuons
klud. and other pofois north-WaimMay for #focfonatl. Tbey

Fraencal Uses
^ci^Coni SlarA







A Positive catarrh




Fully Roasted—
Properly Blended



XXXX coma emna

- ,-4^


A. Slarrow.

m OM^Mr M. nm nflueM
W C. tt. Job^MB. «»

Will NM Rsbjild.

A short *eerM sesdiaa was heU af­
The azsTdaes'were paitidiatad


MTMt EHter tA|hL nta mpuf

ter the Mg sapper had been dispoaed

Cedar. Mich, Sept *—Tbe SsUmllL destroyed \ff tie sevenl mek*

to Ooremor Charies B. Tlwglua. two of asd tbeo this program was gtren;

ago. will not be rebuUt Jerry SnUl-

vMUng Canadian regUndOl^ two bat-

Addrv* of welenwe, C. E. Lomb.

van, tbe owner, haring scnnlred the

l^loBs ef (he Twelfth GUtad Btates

Resgwone. Robert Barney.

LVwcy 8Uv9 company's plant. TYita

«( U»« ftanoi CbMiM- M«*4c fhfanlry and the 'dSUi nsd T4th rsglMusic. Mr*. C B. Lamb.
It a modern plant and while it is not
«M eMTMrwE te tte Cte« ww BcnU. NatlOBni Guard and Say num­
BfcKsGon. Mrs. C. A. Bmervon.
as targe as tbe 8ulUraa-mIU. baa
bat tfae aav
W iba vaatat* ber or dtaUagntahod gaests aad Mvak"Ughtalng Rods." Geo. A. Rooert- craiBlderaMe capacity. Lumber, lath.
The »uatobii hare
alvaya era.
_ j
bew Mid at tM*a^ aa K rna ibei«
The iif^Bg gnyer was
Redlatlon. Mrs. M. A. WUlobee.
that the mviar <TO ticrdlU. Btgto Bov. WniMB D] Wdtotr. blahop
-Mind CMure.- Mm. Cor* BowbaU.
Whea Hr. .Johaao aaad Erank (Mb; ef ;be B|itaeopal
«r tbla Idly
New York.
iarttai flMlr oM



to aombers

to Mirtlii aezt affair M thU cRr. prvaratad to New York state by the
proeMbK V taka

The remainder of the evening was

vefled by Mrs. Trwman 0. Avery, and

car* of


tkat^ chairman. E. H. Butler.

voiiM bone.

Mark Cnw

der" waff held this morning, snd Mm.

Oovehiar Hagbes accepted the men- E. 8. Gray began it by preseetlng

Tba woal caapiia

ament in behalf of Gw state. The Bt. sabieel, "Orange Glnghr."



hia^ af| op of Buffalo, cloerd the ceiom

tbe Potter




tbf rtMr ihelr. eatpeHeaera In eanp. With n benedlcUpn.

Gmnges made tbelr reporu aad
erri instructlnn io grange work *-*s

aeiioa are alinrB ae«. recalltae the

given to

4aya M caiw «baa thar were Udi
eager Mr MMttle.




Mlw GUdj-s Dnvl* gave t
aaR oaart.

and Hte. Plenlng of the Pburteenth


8rf>jf*i Torture—Tries Cuticufi
Soap and Cuticura Ointment.

Rapids at hi)G> noon today, tbe
mony Uklag plaoe at tbe rectory and







Bears tiie


will lake a short wedding trip In the


Ber fcM scesacd to Irritsu. lug

part of ibe Rater

Both tbe bride and the groom have

bntam id bee rest.

a targe number of friend* in the city
to wish them much happiness In tbelr

My fir the SegtaBber tera « dr- and Dan H. McMullen dta

AANK Moee prretat waa the


PorlnfuitB And ettiMra

The Kind You Have
Always fionghi

don. the full Bplsoqrallati ring service

their imA lubai^ eaeapea wlin# In




Fhc« End Feet Covered—8e<t
Broken and Would Cry Until Tired
Out —“CradU
nan" Added
AddoH to
“Cndle Cap’*

Rapid* at high noon Monday.' the cere-

was performed by tbo Rev. John Gor­

The e

rtea Meat ««Mi4 W aithdi^ each; Bev. CbariM H. Cdtoo, CntboUc btab- mitcees which bad been sppointef
eenvAa kooaa



* of the Inland arangeA session eaUtled “good of the or­


life journey.

subiecL “Rltnallntlc Drill."
Owtinguisbed Guests.

A. H. CHap. Acme; Caaalns M. Wat-

•tiaat Methpdlat chMxh. Ur. neodng arm, Blair; Frank Reicb. Eaat Bay
pathstle Story.
Ke-ah-ta wants boasts <d ber South
MaRr the. mnaib Mat he
John Rsglniki. aged 47 yearn, pass­ American summer guests. Travefae
Henry Wllhelin, OnrHeld; W. B*. Lew.
•m Baa (MB WiacaaBtii to he woond- U. nfe Uke; Valter Peaae. Grant; ed away at the asylum Sept. 4. Hit aty of her Mexican and Bnglisb rls'ed M the «ar.
Eugene Case, Long Lake; Valentine death recsllt a pathetic lUory which Iton, and varloipi other rreoru of
tfeooght that bti looka verereryia. Penae. UayfleM: A. W. Vniobee. Peatrav(4lera''trom afar who spend tbe
eelrtlE for he Rooked too yoong to bar* iDsnla; V. B. Schell. Paradise; Ales ski was at one time a RuksIsd priest summer with them, bot Cedar t^odge,
boea Id the Var. bet when he said Mason. Green l^e; 3. U. Anderson. la the Greek cliureh. In bis parish at Northport. has them aU on the run
that tt eras bis father (hat loOlcted the Union;



^oaad vhen be waa 10 yean of age M. U. Weld. Acne;
mm a atrap for


lived ooe KUcr Banalmnch

Anton Cavltch. wl(e Leonben.

Blair; Forest D. Taylor, ^t


and bU

it korwa St "ersdle cap" rroea bar
load, snd It worked Urn S dtsna M it
riewnoBd and hmird the soslp St tbessnm
tlBS. Now 1 keep Cuticufs OintiDent
on band la esar of any little raab or
town Ixhw. s* it takes out the innamamtkm M odos. Periope Ihw nuty ba

The wars broke oui.

Banabuneb waa drabed Into ibe ,

away and aalict aa a dcDminer boy. Joseph Thomas. OarSeld; J. R. Buskthe Bateaen all agreed that Ur. Flan- bolder.
Fife Lake; William
tag ahewrd, the right
aplrit even acta. Grant; W. H. Bdrannita,




^Ohoagh he waa ao yoong.

ward. Tm.veras City: Tbomu Slugftoee'pnaeot wte were mcBbera art. Second ward; T. J. Umtor. Third
ef the eompany were. Ur. and Mra. ward; W. A. Blteelock. Ptaurtb wgrd;
C. ^Ve, Mr.-nad

Hn. Apted.

Ml*. Ororge Geaong. Mrs.



IBC G( Cottcura Soap

School Distriet TrejMe.


CNntment and PUIs.

Cadillac. Mich.. fSepC C—it Is leara^-

A single art ia oftm suflMScat In now
the most torturing, dadlgunng. iirhing,
sod wady bumiee, txwim^
UMl Irrilaliona. with kj« J

beUa. Mr*. Rose SUunnr. Mr*. Sml- ed that oae ncbool district la the connsainty Chaae, <d DowagUc. tt. F. Rnltcr, ly for several year* has pet
of Berrien. Sprlnga. W. F. Bncrnft of talned a bcIiohI. and yet during nil
OMI nke. A. G. Mlllfr of-Jonca. Ur. that time II has regulariy drawn and
aa« |fn. Feter Baldwin of Alba. Al- banked primary money and coHcetrd
betV H. Cook of South Haven, Mr. and

•cbooi taxes.


bo. Me.. Juno ». IMS."

John Brlderbark. Mr. aod Mrs. Miron and Charies Evam. FlOta ward.
Garrge 'nekbain. Mm. John

For Over
Thirty Years

in n few hour*, and bMopa 1 bod iwed
oSMboxrf tbeOrUcuraOmtiaait ^feet

hone- el Iiiirrliiehi n 8»iil. 4. ;.l
tirifoii ali.T ii liiigeriiig llli.»-s*. Th*fiirx-ial WUB li-ld from the n-^l.ler-.

The territory Is covered

In i-linrge of

largely by dmber owned by noo-reslMr.
Mis. C. K. Dolby of this city. Aa»ng dmU. BO that of the taa aoseased the
people of the district played but

' Hi*, mnk C. Dolby and

Was Con

r. a Man-in. Harvey Laagworthy and Insignificant port in
able way It has escaped the notice of

SlKriHl agi-nl Jake Jdbiisnn of Hi

Mra Martin.

‘ JIBe iwoBioB sni year win probably
SihMwtth eoBiad




vice, leaving hU wife to

thoib present wOl



IwsMO -Mther today



or Monday and



M In Gils ety-tieil wert.

Daath or Mrs. Jeiwilnfb.

Afisr oasarfng for


hoae dhwaae. Mrs. M. B.
■MM a yws. of U7




ataAt; gaaaeff sway at II




Bbe hid icog beoi a reaMenl

«ff IMb rsMoo. baring come to Monroe
OrilMr wtGi

her hnsbaad tit»


SsSAora tort of the auta to lt«.
•iMMr fhsy moved to this dty. taking

wsldeaoe <m Wnt El^th

tgnst whm Mr. Jennln^ died aev,

bogns and Gist no'school


«Mt A. C Miner at Gnlt Lake. Most ot was being h^

ma sot 'resais for the soidlera and


the autborlllcn that all of the arhol

M'. F. Baesaft

fmn ngo.
MM. Jamrings is mrrlTed by thras









building, »4J»&
I-ord and k.udy L«imcelot



MM. WlBluir neree. all of the oMy. a vlslt.
Albert Lautnev left Saturday for

leg at the home of Mrs, Pelerle

Raginnkl waa placed In the asylum

Afw a vmy strenn-

Hr*. H. B. Olbley and oonjlnrvey died of tiibet«ul»ta'. will
of Detroft are the goesta of Charies from St Francis church
Umpriebt sad
State morning at 8 o'clock.


vtctory for Mr. Power when It was

Mr*. H. W. Cnnalngham of tkibUn R. of OUe.
U tho gneat of her


I^cy Reynolds cf West ‘nerenlh uUoh in
and upon

Mr. and

Knedand. g-lt


Qatak. «f.



who have

McdOnley day was amda






<ff Gita week. ‘

Fire on EaM Front StreeL
The Are laddie* were called »

turned bone Saturday.


similar-ocenstons where

H meetings at Camp Roberta



spending the snmtxier In this dty.

UsKtdto I
BiMnlo. 8epL



William AndersoD }r. has returned hto at 12:30 Sunday night to answrra
«D a tri|) to Milwaukee. Chlcsco and itlH alarm frt«n 8I6
street-- ^The

other point*.



Clarence Wltkbp snd owned by N. A.
Pamana Oranpa.
t erected to the i


SMk Cm* A*a.
■ yp;—-'1 k*t« IM

Vkr Bin to SaksaanDng Os.




caught Are In the

tbta morning.

Tbe company made a record

the following



-taltlBtlrv.~ Oedrge L. Crkv.

res bnt hnalrd up the source xA the

“ReferenOnm.*' R. B. ReyntMs.

Ire and ns one of them said "gave It

-Reenli.’' Lowell Soar*.

n black %ye." or In oUicr words put It

DoasGUtion.* 0(rt In a very sbMt Ume.

Hob. James Monroe.
ReritAGoB. Mrs. Arritla Gardner.

Vitkop wns sick In tbe bouse
and had to be. carried out. When N.

Road Lnwa-'-^R. K. A. NetaOB waa asked ahoot the Are

HMIC. Mm. C B. Lamb.

Nortb(<ort. arc in ihe ciiy for the day.





years of age and leaves beside* hlv

who live* In Traverae City,

School Shoes

two sister* and a brother. Ed Urigss.
who 1s |>r<-*ideDl of Elk Rapid*. Thbody *-1:1 l»- inki-n 10 Elk Rapiil- ntnorrnw for liitermi-nt.

Dod'i l•xperiIDent airiin
this bcascit with cben]) t.l»>i>s.
Two pair of cheap abocn cost
more than one pair of kiksI
shots. < iar obiklren's shoes
cnmeilirecl from (he faclofytn Mui
oor uiiici.
oiriar. ..\11 ir<»oiI
ii-iii: UP
^eathur-No tihodilj-.

inspecting Dams.



lu.iu Loudon of till- Uoardnian iLv.-;

Light and

Power com'*!ii; .

M( Monday for Big Ra|>ld*. 'ni.-y will

fill- ilaiiii; along the

rli.-r. Including tJh* Wg m-w

Mrs. J. 1» Pnsti* of I*brl Hiiroa is
risitibg her -von, K. I„ McIK-rmta of
ILta city.

at Croton and will obtata

’’ 4


dam lo rejilace ihe oni- carried
away last month.


Mr. Friedrich *01 also go on

Look* Uke Eight Cente.

Port Huron to aUimd tho Maca
Revenge U sweet,




Pekereh. as he swore out s warrant

III the bvesi'uce of a


General Newe.

to PekAitof has It cm Zak


^^le i-ourse Ia>i* ftn; ycat*.


an* .•otlag twit* as much

woman. Judxe

NiTllnger Aned Zak SS and 89.3o «o»ts

Briiian Iminiti-d Ian year



worth of food.

Death of John Howard.

l-;rn ivt;


:iis •'ili::


»ny thsg^be fbur grew!

Oty airi Pro

tif tlii-M- cjirniiiit*,

»t ■> 14*. =. »»4< w p. ».

John Howard, ag-'d 50 yesra. died at
V J . JgN'KH i

m;, usxih eiK-h term* as -be arbltnilaP* >.»lr»»r» tVIlUam tV. frapo
and Jsdson^ Hartnoc) may detert Tn tros'irt any other
that ri.iv W br-vusht b»i
m~il"t rv.ihv di-.-.-to-« an.
any voi— an.l ('■ lake
lelise to any of the f.
‘Aod Ike <loekhoMere t
Mareueitr l!allreia<1 .'omj
diena are herrbr nntlAed ibai a epe.
rial rreeiLr* or the ei.i. kh-dder* of
tbe ronpatiT will he l,»;il
l,_*;.l at the
principal otHce of the I’-.mpaoy in
Mlrhlear I'nv. Indiana, on the S»ih
dsy of Ortober. I»«7. at »:J« o'. lock
tn !*-• forenoon for Uie followlos
I. To vallfr approve and conflrm
the v<n*» ard
proceedlrg* tui-eed
and taken at a ane-lal raeoilna of
the dire-ior* of th* e.tld i-omrarv
held on the INh day of Auauat.


er two barrels of gnsullne. The Arem paid no attenGoo to tbe explo­

gram was well given;

■Tterbdac the BUu

of dlabcti.i. The

I*ekerek *woto nut a warrant ebanw' cr*.

coming from the back

tendance. At the opening *(*010* yes­ part xA HopUn's More and

*-Change* U

Phil jr. of


George Wilson. Sunday, at ;:00 p. m

but wb«« they got Ibere the Aame*

ber of the local granger* being In at­


from tfae-cook stove and tbe back part
Pomona of the bouse was noariy desUoyed.

grange began at Inland ,vesterday and


KMtwy.Llnr Will


Fitna Thntwday’s Baeord.

Mra. Phil OiifAth and


Death ef George Brigge.
Grcrgc Briggs of East Bay died ai
the leeldence of

bis eute at enampmenw

Mr*. Oritrgv Mordan left the old army songs are

they eaptet to loento.

rmmw. IMMt
Btodvr. IMS Ik.

inipllcuLciI, lint 8>4ilrd wilh till- DMii

Tbta position wns enwted

for BnlGmorv. Md. where Mr. Hank wIU take turi lu the



Mtaa Nejtin Gray has n-turned frtnn
a visit nt Chicago.


i’llKT man by th.- name of IJodki- w;i-

Mr».‘ for him and he has made a wide repu-

TBe ocona were:

The man admlti^ having Umpi-rv.l
with the targei and wi Ihe lamr
Hi- drew nliR-ly day* at IMn.ii.

Mayor A. V.

ing Zak Btib uving obsc<iie language

Hank is department cbo(lster. C. A.

Northport to vlBlt Mist Bpaogle.

Oka Fow«r rraalllto la a Ge and a


for the arrest of Adid|>b Zak. Some

Mim Belle KQffltoray has gone to A. B. Hank, ot 8S8 Bone streeL Major

ABothor featere of Uw ahoot s
CBdMt batweea Harold Saedand aad



time, ago Zak rharged Pekerek w-ith ! An oleciric lalN.raiory for lb* teacha*SHolt nod tisnpTT and
tbe judge Ins ‘>f i-i«Ttric M-i'-iK-e Iia* ta^n «*isbAned him IS a:id $9.i; costs. To4ay Itahed in Manila iiy Ut" J*-»nlt fsUe

atreei. '
Tbe mandate of celibacy duos not
asd U WM called n Be. nlxteeo fabda
B. H. Spingtw. who has been rislt- apply to the prleste of the Gr«>»-k
b«Mf shotaL
Ing in Utis aiy. retwrnod to bU borne cbnrcb. though those
who become
IMMg aa iiiiiiiitoilini Will Darai Ctnnd Rnpldi Sntarday.
dig^ries must remain single.
mr 0BVO s Sns ohlHUon of double
MeOaiTy went to Key; and nt one Ume three birds
stooe Sntmday for a few days' visit
Major Haidt Here.
own ttiown Into the air. two of
with rwUGves.
• Major J. W. Hank and wife and sta­
hMBg hraken sad the third mtaecd by
Mm. Pmd L* Smith left Satnrday ter. Mr*. G. W. Rice, of Jackson. O.
s Barrow aargla. althongb It
the gnesu of tbe major's brother.
alBoot Is Gra water.



the track where the train smashed li.


.‘tonlh I'nlnn street.

short biwlneaa trip to Oregoo. to took
ilnd apparently baring left him
Tbo fnneral will be held from the attar some Malnw.
entirely. The woman and her daugh­
Notice of ii|>c<'lal Hvciingt of
at 1:U in
Mta. J. N. Dlckemwn left Saturday
ter srere given a home b^ tbe* county
Shafga of % U Hagbea. Gw Rev. D. lor Baiwogn Springs to
FlnckholOrrs of thx tvre Hsrbut they said that their nbw
.-'Uunic Roiir,<ad Corapstiy urr lirrvl-y
OaehBn aCScUGng
will for Samogn Springa ns n delegate to
was btnnted and soon the woman b^
micitlcd tliBt ■ spei-Uil mr-itng i>f
trts place at Monroe Geater.
Ihr *Ii>rklioliJ<'r* of thr Cutoitstiy
0» W. R. C nadoosl coutmUou.
came bnnnted by the fato of her lair
will be hv:j SI llie principal offle*- of
Mr. and Mr*. Veen Carpenter mad
Ui« Compuiy In the Fort Slr<-el fnfnl husband and a short Ume after
and Own Owh.
lon t>--pot building In the city of
. jn Lao of JoneariUe. Mich, aad Mr*.
her husband was adjudged inaane she
r>--trol(. Micnigan. on Ilic Zltli doy
IBs aheit of Me Travene aty Bod
of Oriober. I»s;. at *:>» o'cWk In
Frwetnaa'of Chicago are Uw gwsts of
too was committed to the local asythe forenoon, for the following purand thB dab FMdv
Mr. and Mi*. J. M. MoOonalck. «» Inm where the Is todayto S vary nsefdng, eonteat between
approve snd c
*st Blgbth Btrwat.
The taneral of Mr. Raginski. who
Beilcgg. M P.


Miss May Jlarrieon c< Cadillac r»- I-Iirlng the conilrUou of Albert iUkck
turned to her home this mornlhg afiiT of ChiirlevoU for lami«tlDg with

winter the priest vidted the

where he remained unUI his death.

a lister who wBl airira 1ob>ottow.


Farm Friday's Record.


brother who la ahwady In the city and

ona campaign. Gw aoore wns ndded np

Martpiell.- iisBMd

rliy on bis way fnnn Charlev.dx


During the etrenuoui Rosslan fract of London. England, were Ibe
exlendcd visit with friemta lo tills
londy |dlstingutabcd guests and were then
Wife on bis round* and became very making tbelr Aret rialt to tbe Udited city.
to Bower* Harbor while some excellHr. and Mrs. Stepbra. lUuankl of
In her.
; Slates. No one seem* to know how
*«t catches <af Mackinaw trout
i>a«>.<-il through
the city
Finally h1« love of tbe woman
they happened to wander into Korthbeing made, a number of the owi
une his honor and together they left tim Michigan, bot tbey
delighied Ibis morning ihi their way to Cadlilic
haring rigged up tbelr launches wUb
wherw Ib.-y will viait with frlT-ml* for
RuMa and came to tbta conntry.
with tbe mile resort.
few day*.
few .rears ago they came to Michigan
Litti* Child Dead.
Mias Jeunir Roach, wlio bsa Bpcnl
and located In Whitewater township.
Old Mission. Mirii.. Sepc. 9—Emily. the summer In this eity. return^ to
fed In tbe *u
Ibe 8-maatbs-oId daughter of Di. and Battle Creek this morning where she
gar'beet Aelda.
Ml^ Blanche Bamum left Imt nlgbt
Mr*. A. ). Prescott, died yesterday wtll mnme her work in
>he city
Tbe stork ^ade six trips / to the
of indlgesUoa.
Gie death occurring •cbodta oi that city.'
yr/Medco. Mo. where she is
Rimlan home, and all tbe ctaildren ex­
at » o'clock. Mr. Prescott ta expected
irdctor la riiain In Hardin eoUeg^.
Mrs. R. O. ResUer Of this city left
cept tbe eldest, are now in an InsUfrom OiicagD today and the body will this morutng
.Mtan Florence PeA. who baa been
tntloa In Grand Rapids.
be taken Ibere for burial. Undertaker •be will Tli-ii wlUi frliods for a
Gw goeat of her node and nonL Mrj.
Suddenly RagUiskI awoke to his
Anderson pr>>pariitg it tor burial. Dr. days.
gad Mrs. A. W. Peek. rt(nroed today
sins and with the awakening came a
and M*. Prencou are from
to ber borne In Sooth Bend. lad.
Miss YTolci Jennings of this city
terrible hatred of the woman whose
and arc the proprietor* of the Pine* wen: to WalUm for a few dsyo.
MU* Myrtle MlUer and guest. Mtan
bad been the muse of bta
UreiilB Mi'gktii of Chicago, went to
Mr*. M. Crawford
downfall and many Ume* be threaten­
tor a few days'
Mrs. Seymour, of Buy City, are vtalted to km her.

The perch aro beginning to comA in

rud<-rluk-r Hush-.-s of

lUta city.

tho O. A. B. or thb city pnaent were

this morning be did not know that the
balldlag was burned.

~ffSm BMp shd -lla Frolliwi." B. esed by Insnibnce.

The Ion* ta oov-

Capiuelte'Rellroid C.'InMnv of t
distta. eal.-red Irio be ihe direcio
r>t the iwo said c-impanlea under II
*;> real «< each
X. To Irsneact any other bneloeaa
Ihat mav be broiigbl before the
oieetltnr hr the Board of Direct^*
arc to oau any vole* and to take
any aetion relating to soy of the
forewMor matters.
By order oT the Itoord of Flroclora of each of the said coapoaln
aelatant and Acting Becrrtsry
e Harouelte Rallioad'Compo
Aoatetaat awd Acting Reereiary.
Pere Marouecie Ballrohd Cnayny

____ exceed the conined cafes
of all tbe odicT pa^aged cofieec.
vour protectioa. Don’t buy loose
wboukevacaliMBiB Smitoriiims c7ee out a bag. bin or tin that
on (eatherwo^ ntkxtt, but tbe tbe loastei it ashamaj to seal in a
lut, aad DO oae can sc9, heakl^ I'igorou* manhood and package %vkb hb name 00 iL .
ca<« for the game price-1 wnmsiAoad titto constitute die
* if jam grocto tooo't «ipp^
who drink Afbiickies'
m^orit}*. w Tbe firG roasted
write to
ARIOSA CoCee aie oat dy»- packaged co^: sales o( AHxick'
pqitict with faibionaUe nerves le*’ ARfOSA. Cofiee for 37
No Ytottov


. -mM., W M.—i.\m I U.1 -In nnnn.. _»«i b«. Q
.EM aepsanpor. took Otaimi* tag anfi
ndng la the carrihgn to drive la tta works t*r Lawyer Lawrence. 1 «o: 1 Us taMlcs sM the empty basket sM
park. I ahaU take you, desr. ao I wrap out hts office aad do lots of ntsbod Into tta other train. Tta 6oy
Nsxt vnsk year praaldciat has aa MMt dnas you tamedlatriy." jihhiga Hta wife aad daughter alien hsd bran awakened so qnlddy
lateresUng letter far yon from 'way
1 ofian vent to the park with ^Um-'<^’°K«
an* sees him to hU offW. bad not UMught of hU kitta.
bu^ West, but ata tsan 'goiag to let
Tta first train passed on. At night
f TUt
MrtM M W>»tirt1tn «r
‘ you have all tta Mm tMags at noe^ ma. aad I enjoyed aeelag the fiowera 1 •» tlm too. an' I bean the talk,
aad psoide «nlie as nmcb aa aay one BUs Cliarmlan alien comes dov when it drew np to Its flasi ststkia
NvaM yma§ Mh*
did. t waa robed to a pretty qaab-_*fth this toad >n> for she lost it.
the eononctor went throngh tta train
nfe Laka. Mleh.
vhce <nt taabtod s bl( tU iMtar ttu
mere gown, and yver my yellov eni%'6»t *u 1 knoved the thing veil as
aM foand the tlttlo yellow kl
Aag. M. 1M7.
I wore a lace cap wlih whltf ribbon kuev you. and l know It yll. Mlaa ailrap on one (If tbe seau. RecarTtafi
1 aappOMd IM4 bm BUdM to >Mr
dapMfwt last •pitMt. WIU
Btriagn, which my si«mie« tlM under Chattnlan would be tniehty lickird li> II tc the firensn. who was food ot
my dimpled Chin, f wore on my feet ‘ set bold on U now."
«kMc BOV wltli u wptoBBHoB While
rats. Tta fireman fed the k<
■17 Bleee. Irm BaU>, *u TMldac BsraM and I Hke to rand tta letters. black nOk nocks and kid boots vlthl CarroU caught me in her
and put him to the baggage e«r for
w fiv M I ate.
the night.
ae In Bar CH7. «be torltad wvornl We had a Sunday schdot ptcnle on tta real buttona Maoma ' ktaed me eobbed aloud.cT her fill trtaBde to bmUI Id d -Sbd. twsaty-ftrat. I am aorry that I did not again nnd again and said I "never' •Oh. dear!" she moaned, "muel I
When the train went out ita next
•Mbe Partj- None ot thmm koev of
give you spf My darling. I've aUerj day tbe hltien. which tta fireman
looked sweeter."
aspiDiMd Edith. Alma. Richard. aM Frank
It was a besatifnl Jane morning: Io»fd yer nllera. r»e been a good called Dick, went wHh It. Dick tode
312 Bay St
ta tryhi, ta
■boat lt-4nd r«U (be rulea Dad then GUI cards aM buttoaa. Send them the park waa filled with people, sad friend to yer—an* now you baa
to the baggage cartfot a week or oo.
J52! *W«f^ I wm T»y,.tfy
dlCeicnt flrtt read letlen fn» the in my name. Our sMcd heglna Moa ^everyone glanced at my Mamma nad,*''' *°“
wben hi. master look him on the
different loealltiw «>d Badlai
ingtoi- with him one day met was
Ify Mam |.gje Th»- next ulRhl. after my
I will aay goodbye.
to bed and nslee|>. I
, quite friKhtmed at first but soon got
mother said I looked "very aveei."
From yoqr Sunshine girl".
ped In Bnrt'a JarkH; Carrol ktei-d over It and always rode os the en­
• Tbeae lettera were choaen tram a
How It happened 1 do not know,
Edna Gill.
freight. They were oR agreed that ll
c:nd bugged me for tbe Inst Ume. then gine after that.
Urge BBaber of the HenOda. had
but anddenly th^ carriage gave a Jerk
Write again some time, and teU a
—I was carried U> my crid. oM home.
proved amt lateraMlnc and ■ food
Om- thing veiy much frighumed had be^-B-aMmiw aacspe Irara •
and tta pony aurted off at a gallop.
aboat your nchooL
I was UM to my silken crib <mce more, Dlck-that was when ta beard another serious acridtrot Whrei IHHfs train
kaaoo la geacraphr aa veil, tor elli
Monroe Center. Slicli.
nnd drenmral happy dresm<i all flight train coming. He would crouch 00 arrived at tta nest auikm ihey.aaked'
ate, oeeaveUau. prodocUona. etc., of
\ SOMBlfS )
found myself to tta guuor—tta
Aug. 26. iser.
long. When I awoke tta
the floor of ita cab at bis master's why they had not triegrapbed >ack
horse bad taken un ont «n a broad
Dear FrasJdent;—
tog I was carrird Into the library by feet and would iwmslii so antll tbe ttat (ta frrigbt hM alreMy atarted.
street. My Mamma and her mother
Tta siatlOD agriit said that ta hM.
ga were alao read between the
were thrown out a Uttle way from Mr*. Lawrenre. At the Ug Mble my other train psaaed. His master hi
received no message from the ccodac­
Jiamma's brother Charlie sat; nearly (ried to vain to break him ot Ibto.
------— ... .............eM*
iettere aad two Sanahloe eon^ were
-where I lay with my arm broken and
auBf with Freat aplidt. Then gamea Is the paper I Ihougbt I would waif my bend crashed to. Oh. bow 1 felt I glue, pclasoru aM a wig of soft, „ A |iear |uii-scd and Ihek w»< on tor at alt. The next day tta wjrea
ware ptaped from tboac gtrea in the awhile. Our school will start before My Mamina and her mother were gulden coriti toy on the table, together the sanit- rogioe with his master, wbo were fuuM broken, so that tta
kmg. I will be awfully glad for
had taeti iRomuicd So Im- an t-ngtorar. atatlOB agent tad- not '.iwpnli'cd tta
•mm vim *m1ittm Mfi. UWM
ptched up Insensible and carried away,
yi to school. I was fourtei
re. was frlghteocd when (Tiarile took Ihe IHck attil apiM-nred frigbli-ncdAit hear­ dlHrotch.
ward eoate ttae wm devoted to IIm>
years old the fifth of August 1 bad wtare I knew not No one thought wdssora and preparvd
Dick received due praise, HlTafr ' '
ing another train.
ter Is very proM of him. aM ta Is n
wrote lettera to the department and my picture taken tta other day and down ou my bead: 1 felt like a ball of hnir. wbich was very soiled aM thin.
r 1.1W7. an?:
fceneral favorite on ttat rallroM.
Ibit Mirv. Lawrenci-'s kind look
tour Of the idhii wlahed tbein oent to will tend you one. I would like
was running In the western part of
fire. Tta pony aM engage were—1
ar^iirvd roe. The beautiful yeliow Mlaaoiiri. when a Severe oiiuw storm
aa th^ derire to be- bare one of your pictures. We have
not where. .As / toy—a sMAll Car of Corik
curls were fixed npoo
Some or the lettera got loU of ripe apples now. I ag
Fish Hare Eyun nn Arras.
A bamirjBOtber «talh of eora
Imagiiiarr and moat UDualag. ways flad taira taM** fivt' rl|ie. lame figure In a cotton gown and. arms mended. aM then I was divsiuvl 4:3u to the aflernoon. and a freight
Nothing more carious la Ita atakeBeM chae a behr mt.
For refraabmenu. were aerral. Sun Aren't you? I hatV some moralng tottered pap. with a bright pale face 'l-i u'dainty blue cashmere wRlt silk w'lyi doe about the came time. They up of B fish ran ta*'fonM than the
ABd vbUperad. "Cuddle up to me;
ahlne' cake and Good Cheer eberbet. glory einea up at our bay-windm-. framed to by rich dark curls, bent stockto» aad kid slliq>ere. No one walled' fifteen mloutv (br tta freight provision nature makes for ftstaa thht
111 keep 70U vena, ntj dear:
knows Uie Joy that tilled my hraii
vltbttDUaDd.Hnrta. It waa a delight niky como out every, amraing and last
me. -A aliarp. glad
nnd then the conductor decided to hove to fed or soe tbrir way at greol
IV fflre JOB petUeoBU ot craeo.
rtd pang. Pertaapa you any Uke to tm Boon, then they riose up. I think tbinjlps. then 1 was llftid gently fruui ; when 1 was laid in tiie arms
go oil I > the next alalkiu. t<<u miles be­ dept.hs. Btune uf tta bmvU curious
With Baar a tuefc and fold,
re ^nli
kaov amnethlaf dt theee girl* who they are teal pretty. Well. 1 will my mnddy bed and ptored teod< rly own Mamma! How hnppy we
fish to this rewpeei are fiamd to Ita
yond. Bo be teU-giapbed to Ui>fo IM out datl7 ea yam grow.
were! At ten o'clock. Carrol
taak to beeoBie membern. Oertrade close, hoping to see this In print. agalnsl the chilli's raggtd gown,
.•>lall<-4i to kiv>p' ihi- freigtil until he Caribbean sra. where di".-p aoundlaim
fM TUB vtti
be old.'' ;
lisutlfnl wax doll I bad never
Calaa U very beauUtal, with large With love to all the Sunshiners.
1 ring up ereatutxw (bat s
reaefard thir--' and receiving n-i
opened my eyta; abo was bMiklug
U'forv came to sjM-nd the day.
dark eyea, and dark curly hair, has
dre-n Into mine. Her brauUfnI dark
*age/l.ack thA the frright had left canny to ihe apposisnce
A fBDBT little babr. that:
Evorytbliig la dlffcrenl now. fnnii
a real Sonahlno taco and U In
tics. Among ttawe la a fish which has
/ Fbr, ttea^ K tad no ere.
I was so pieaaed to get your photo < yes. that lemlnctod me of my Mam­ U^se days! My Mamma la a younc Him stall'Ai. he (taught it all rigid.
cunrex lenues In Hsee eg eyes.
• nd Dick's train uUirtcd. They had
ma's. were filled sith tears. "l*«jor.
, n bM a btadrad Bumtka. Twmm wmU
tody and she dora nut take roe out
tog cIbm, la a good mualclan tor b«r graph. Zelln. aad hope | may see you dear, little doHy." abe said.
gone about fire miles wbeo Dick sud­ These lenses are very bri^t, el
'It .did not tant to err.
some day.
to ride any more, bm she keeps me denly raised bU head, listened for
golden hue. and gtooffl to the annll^
fta.^Batbpr |ta in each eauU aaoirth age and a brt^t capable girl, who U
went to sleep that night under
00 her dresing table.
« gremi
moment^'and Ibvn Juil$M-d to the floor Another fish, a targe une. has eyes
: A hoUav thMd or aUk.
ragged quill, my beM pillowed 1
Empire. Mich.
ue dn-ased very nicely,
well as a good comrade to her younger
anil rtonebrd at his Aster's frat. The which glow on slema or atolhs atkkIIVrBBiA vkleb tta ■■■ and nla and
new Mamma'a abonider. I did hair alwayv: tann
Aag. 27. 1907.
In long.
brother and alater.
iRg out rram the head nererai Intact.
engtoerr know that Dick had beard
feel to the least at tame; that curls. ABd cm
Dear Fresldent;—
never forget
Helea Smith la UU and alender.
Another has nn rye im a sMn qnlie
Pmridad bahrV a
I srill write aad tell yon ttat I creaking cot waa sa different from tar klndnsas to me. I am not sorry train. Then II flashed toto his mind
with gray ey« aad dark hiOr. A qslet.
ttat perhaps it was the freight
half a yard'long. Tta stem ta fiaxlbta.
have a baby slater. I would like a my low. sllkra crib. I awoke
1 WBS thrown out of. the carriage and rrsebed his head out of the cab win­ and wares to any direction dralred by
graeeru) girl with a remarkably iweM
card and button for my too brotheiv, tazt murnlaii about seven o'cloek. Tta went to live with her at all. Poor
WVMe all tta amall Uh^ brng; voice, la tottd of home and makra Berton Beeman, age' nine, and John
sirramtd In Ibrongb Ike cracked lame Carrol has rocrived one true dow and listened, but be could bear the fish. Some of tbe fitIPto this sea
remarkably good fudge aad bermlta
nutblDg bnt tbe wind. He bad so have eyes that shine Uke lantern to
Ahd atm. aa aaauaer darn trent
Ceeman. age six. I would Uke one for window pones and filckeiM
frieiidB thiough me. and (bat Is Char- great confidence, nrt'eithelea. to Dick the water when » la <
as well as nwra sabatantla] things In
To Bothera atalk It etang;
floor; then It'daneed cm tbe pale mlan. ni) dear Mai
njyaelf 1 i have lost nine, nnd will
cal World Magartne.
that ta slcnalled for tbo condu
AM aU Ita tau A ertar aM «iww— the eaUaarT line. Her home U In send a two cent stomp tor U. Well face of the Utile Ume glri beside me.
—Ladles' World. The conductor came and InqnlrM the
Bach kwnel di;^ the mnk
It to getting near rapper Ume so I and she too awoke. There was a smell
The Hen's Manatirn.
matter, and when the engineer told
of cotatng that pervaded the room; 1
will cldae. Good-bye.
Tta Enpinsor-s Cot
him bow Dick bad acted, be advised
ffrem tta c I thrwd ot aOk.
Trcaaa ftowell la a dumpling, with
A moUief and her two little glrla
was not accuatomelto It aad U made
A father nM little son ware travel­
dark etwiy hair and big' brown eyea.; Age 11.
srral out to look for tbe eggs.Tta ItUl*
me feel alek. Tbe room waa pooriy ing from 8t. Louis to a Iowa In the tta eagisrac to ^ck the train tc
Myrtle Beeman.
"Mamma, why do yim.
AM eatdi grew <i«bc. aM toll, and
I taoulod Uke to see your cunning furnished, not at all u f hM been western part of the State.,gnd among
Une in taking tta conductor's Mviee. leave ttat e«g tp the nest? It it (or
dnatraua atudest. Very kind
accustomed 'to. Tbe BUIe tsme gtrl tta things they carried was a 1
baby atoter. Have yon nanred b
and backed Ihe train at full speed.
thoutfUfUl a^ eapedally lovliig to yet?
the old ben to measure byr The
AM aM waa aUaiac while;
sM washing yellow kitten to a basket
They hsd been to the sUUon about other little glri said. "Maybe it tant
no ffotei aM WMW wara alt let out little ebOdreo.
all day. I was left talone to bed. and
Kingsley. Mich.
They tad a alxty-mlle ride before
five mlnntcs when to came the Urdy done yet."
Tta graen ekwa attad tMt;
every now and the^ she would uke they changed can. Tta gen»'
Now 1 tniat thorn letters will he
\ Aug. 27, 1907.
ttaffar Wood Atnwht and Ut^ and wMane though do tong delayed ahd Desr Freatdent-.—
me to her arms and ^Iss me. At
(xilled out a r>ewt>|>ai>er and l>egan
that yon will pardon the
I trill BOW write a few lines to let two young hoys coire Into the :
r<‘:idlng. The litU^iny amused liini«<'ir
AM. wbH It aav the eun.
that muatVave meant a-Uttle cpreleaa- you know that I am well and hope and bow my MnniRa hugged
by looking out of (he window. At tost.
Bald wp tta emerald aatln gown
baas on the part of aomeone.
you are tta aante. Our school began ktosed them. Bbe cUled iheni -Tim~ Hrcil of ttat. ta thought of his pet MtT* aar. "Tour vdtA la done."
and "Bort." They ^ere bright handToura lof^.
last Monday with C. H. Andei
and taking him out of (ho luukei
CoOTAleK«nt9 needlarge amount trf nouridta
boys. and I liked to bear them ptoyed with him until he weal off
dy BtMles are
/ Irene Fomeray Shlelda
m«it in eaiuy digested form.
ToffTa larse imnnh" imld aiothW
nrithmeUe.' penmanship, phyrioloip-. talk. 1 heard Cam|l. the little tome alee].. Tbe kitten bring let alone
Here BiJthe lettera tram the glrU:
S'coff'.s Emulsion b powctful nouriilh*
she bad found me. nM bow she vrould to sleep.
ment and spelling. I like

'Bay City. Hicb.
ment-^ghly coiyientr&tcd.
i»90B to grew." Sba had tta thraata
love and keep me nlc ays. I felt rather
The train arrived at the at
. Aprtl J«. Ib07. , school very much. TVere are forty
taloa aoft btowB
MholaiB enrolled at ackool. 1 will sorry she Intended to keep me. for where the nun. and little boy were'to
It makes bone, bIrod end tcusde wldKNit XR
:it Smttad Mt apoB tta fee
longed fur m} ' change cars. And tRl- man. folded up
one We namea to the Cradle tbouM) 1 loved her.
I have not written to the Hearld for
TB gmet the dewy mde
putting any lax cu the digestion.
old Mamma aM U
nnrnery. My
Mae time bnt I alvayp enjof reading Roll. Helen Tabberer. Colen Knight
Mthta tta baby Mid;
Inst nnd my
lone SparUng. Mildred nnd Marion bead Slopped
A MBiitaa ear of en
arm felt better.
took the berit
my aaat here aad having a very alee Hodges. PJesse tend the cards In my
of care of me. and 1 grew happier and
Bay City la a large aty and ame. I remain. '
Tour Bunbesm.
thera-U mneh to eee and l have met
srss kefA very neall. my dirus and
HasH Knight.
aeveral nice glrla. Vlaiied the eighth
Are yon glad to be In acbool again? cap were never aoiI*d: Carrol kept
grade and went to cooking school one
them nicely washed^^ and though they
day. 1 have had cooking In aiy room
were a'^lltle ragged,
In Manistee and like It very much,
that very.rooriv. Tl11-i- iioys. Carrol^
TidAita Of Vlctora'a Life.
expect to go to nchool In CaHroniU
That is just what tou are
the man who it
I am a doll. 1 am gtripg to tell you brothers, came every day. and Tliti,
next year aa we are going to more
doing when you fail to gft reg­
going to build, for he will
tta night
little of my past life. One day a the youngest always
there'In the aummer. My father U
ular and sufficient sleep. Your
wlit^. He waa«a very kind boy to
RIGHT kiod of
them DOW. I hope yoiphre well nnd
body requires this unconscious
me.''^ Burt never saw. me; be always
wUt hare a pleasant summer. I am ah<^ where I lived, and aaked U
period for repair work; with­
buiidihg matereals. We
very nice d<dla. One of the came In a burry ancl went out In a
going with nay noot to Kalan
out it your nerve energy be­
of jutt
n rtait next week and then we vUl go derks laM me and many others on hurry.
comes exhausted, and you are
this kind.
They are
''Ritslnoni Is pr««slng.~ he always
to Monroe Center for « memth and the counter for tta lady to eiaaUnc.
tired, worn-out nerv-ous, ex­
right in QUALITY,
perlui^ I can. are yon when we are
citable; have headache, neu­
Tbe long summer months sHpped
ralgia, indigestion, poor appe­
ih Traverse cky. We vUl also speed blue eyes, rosy cheeks and long flax­
RIGHT in PRICE. QoaJn BX»th at my ancle's In Bdgerton. en curia. The lady decided after a few wearily away and winter rolled iu.
tite, or other ailfnent$ caused
ity is just as important
by a lack of nerve force, itake
VlneonaiB before we go to Cnllfarela. mlontes to buy me. Ttae clerk brought 1 often grew Icmescune and longed for
as when buying a
With DMtai love to ynp and alt the
it y^nr business to sleep. If
tissue paper, told me to it.
tog her a gain was lost to me. "Dollyluit of clothes. Get our prices before placing an
•ra, 1 am your little friend,
Tbe HUle girl seemed verj- much
ire a cumfort to me." Carrol wcMild
Irene Bntey.
Dr. Miles’ Kervioe; it soothes
pleraed at tta proceedings, ud wbeo aay, as we sat together before the
and strengthens the nerx-es,
tbe clerk Maced me in her srms sh« wood Are during the roW winter
and brings swe€l, refreshing,
Bay City. Mich.
toughed ftoefully. She was'pleased, nlghu. Ttan I would be glad sa<l
life-giving sleep, and gives the
Aprtl 2C. 1907.
but I waa not I thought I should thankful (hat I could be a enmfort
of^ns power to work natur­
Dear Frealdeot:—
amolber to my dark prison. I
someoue, tbou^ my heart waa nearly
ally. Tfy it to-day.
nber of your clnb Interested
carried carefully, yet' I was very glad bursting.
me 4a yoor work and i think it ir a
sben I was taken oat of the box and
One dear day In June, aa Carrol
apleadld Idea aad wilt be very helpful.
iwriwui I had revere mariit nt
and 1 sat before tbe window, our
bradacb* and neuralgia, and could
1 nhould Uke to bredkie a member and the tissue paper pushed from
W. L..BROWN. Mgr:
weep but very tllU*. Xvery eff..rt Uiat
buried in the coot geranium leoves.
wlO try to obey the rales. I have face. Then I opened my eyes
was mad* (o rroner my sirencih was
vim in tbe Burt came Into the room. He had not
svaU nnlil 1 l-rcan taXlnc Or.
bera In Bay City four nontbs. though
kllleu' Rcatoratke Kcrvlne. After I
of tta little girt, who whispered come borne to dinner and Carrot | commenced
my homo la In Grayling. 1 Uke Bay
strep waa pr.-Touad and rrelful. and
(he pains In tn>- ht-ad. ns well as lb-City very mneh libt miss my mother to my ear: "1 am your mamma: you thought he would not t>e home till
Bcurslgia pains, left me to a certain
to bo called nrtorta. after tta night. 8be ^ng up with me In her
aad UUle iiater. We ra}oyed the SuaI felt
pany given by Irene Batey sad Queen of Bn^nd. "
m Berylan Ate. bdvidere. Ilia.
wOi hope you vUI accept ua aa memDr. Milas' Naevlot Is aaU by yeue
Urwnalst. whs will nuacantae that tna
bera and seed cards and bottom soon.
Went be»U* wMt baneflv If M (aila, he
around tta room. Some were besd"We wnr busy down at the offk-e.
Sincerely youra.
win lefuM yaur money.
lena. some srtthoat anus. I felt very Why! who to the name of the Polar
Helen Smith.
Miles Medical CcL, Elkhart, Ind
vony for them, aad I wondered If Brar have you got here? Hiss Cbiir-


Cut Stone Work
A. w. MCKonor






Mr. Builder,


w? i?',;


Bay City. Mich.
April », 1M7.
Dear Prcsideni;—
I thmk the letters from tta Sennbiae eUib are spieqdid and l.wonid
Uke to Join We are having such
plronat vesiher aov we eator walklag aad riding. Ttare is a large boat
with three timaaaad tons of
talb salt etuok la the rhannel aad
tta IM
trying to get It loose. It
(a fanny to ace their motkaw, W«
mads psanat cooUen today at cook
lag aetaol Tb^ were tne. Weil I
e for this time and wonder
If my Mtor vlU ta printed.

would be broken like they were af■r awhile. The IllUe Mrl loved me
dearly, and I grew to be very food of
1 tried to comfort the other
iMttken'chlldren of nay Mamma'a. bnt
they said they dMnt want comfort: It
was love they wished for most and
they could never have that while 1
was aramd. for I wnt so very beautlfttl that I took all the love from tbrir
Mamma's bran that ata ever had for
ttam. 1 felt very mlaernMe on beartog this. aM wished I waa back to the
great top shop, studtog In tta Show
window to ta admired aad praised.
One day my Mamma came to me and

Bhin'a doll, as sore an I'm alive." and
Burt caught me up with no gentle
hand, while be examined mwTrom the
ic^ of my wig to the bra! of my foot.
Carrol was trembling all over.
“Oh. Burt!" ahq cried.
"Tree." ta answered; "stas bra»i
mourning over 'Victoria' for tbe last
Or more. Lost It once whlbdiirlis' to the park. Horse run away
an' ata an- tar mother. Mrs. taw
fence, woz thrown out thto'ere toad'
"Thrown out wotr cried CnmJl.
“Carriage, o’eourae."
"Oh. Burt, are you sure this U ih.
liretty bsdy'a doU?"

Expeviened provna.this positlvelg.
Free. En■
aiqu Frra.
Ur any time. Wru
Arte R. J. Bc»nett C P. A. Principal, or
W. F. Jewell Precldent. 1$
Wilcox Ave, Detect Mictii-'


Traverse City Mfg. Co.

Good Ground Feed
We are patting oot an unustially good
quality of ground feed — a feed that
is proportioned just right to'^ei the best
This feed you can feel sere is thebest
/on tbe market. Insist on yOur dealer giving you H. & L. Co.’s grouad feed.


aKAWP Tmvpyt HtMia. thuh^pav. aPTmtw it, mr.


Dent Worry.
Stoa-l worry—
Toko vbat'cr U Mat.
And vlUi your porOce Im ceatoM;
PwchBocc yoQll ptn^ bvt wood*
The day* may bare in ator* for you
lAK boara of fain to atnigglc
And BliAU of Brief nay blind yow
Whoro otaro o( bopo gloan in tbo
And rot. thoofti trtak aoi* ar» oent,
it la Ood'a will—juat be content.
Don’t worry
Don’t worry—
‘IVMcb tbe brian wtny.

Tborb'o nn^t but tboraa to phiek
tor yon.
' SOU lot yonr noof of hope nnd

rui natoiOM «n Uw ttUoBlnc aar:
Aad wbM tbe day’o are ffilod. wltb

trootiva Inaaet peaU. aad that
trrea n/e liable to fopcui dlseaae
apeadUy pnduclnE ibetr death. IbU
BKWt enallaat aad wboteaone fni
by BO mcana ao geoanlly Rrown and
widely naod aa would oUterwiie be the
caK. anya on picbanae- No* Oiat
^Mem adwoe baa Ui«ht emrtent
^i-thwla of dtwllne with both of tbe
eriU above namad. lei oa trwai that
within a few yaara the popularity of
tbe phiffi will bare larsriy inereaaed.
Perbata no fnril U bettar enjoyed
In the natnnl aute than tbe plom.
and it la'a tiwat to pluck from the
a anely ripened apadmen. enjoyInc lU delldoua flavor in the Cod
dtade. &ten In the mominc. u a
prelude to breakfast. It U chamlns;
at dinner It bdda a favoHte pUce;
Uken in the early avenlnc. it
deUchta the palate
eooU the ayatem. Ita action upon
the aioinadt and other related organa
It moat baulthfui and banefldal.
apart from all ttaeaa advuntagea,
■ wide place In the culinary departpent. and n few redpea for ita

«a. to w
SotM DamtSf Hints. .
Here are throe methods of msklng than a quart at a cup of salt g
darning tasler: Vbn darning boaa cuiM of a
n. . 0.rM .raa. tl. Mn. ol U» mooM
u., dM
bod. &.W «> it id.
ddJb. ito*
"i«m«- «d
cu ildo b. »n.U moob ■«. ««l|r bid botid. Tbd win b.
and nrstlr
In darning tbe bdea that juat natur^
ally grow In yonr boy’, stockings, try
A)M 6ateup.-One-hair^k ripe
running a thread with long, over-and- tomatoes, sktimed. two red peppers
over stlUHea around tho edge of the «»0 t*° “rge oolonc
holes, dinwfng it tight ODOugb -o the Ane: »dfl o« curtol gnted h^ rsdbole wm be aaither stirtcbed nor
ireful not to draw lt!^“‘
w«t*rd seed, two tableUldt. then dan as usual and tbelsfooni
darn will be not more than half the “WtUbMl stae and level with the goods clovis end mace, two teaspoonfols
ground cinnamon, and tme quart- of
Instead of convex.
well, bat do
Or try tbia way.—Take a piece of elder vinegar;
mroqulto netting and new In bole. boU.
Chill Sauce.—For Chill sauce use
Draw tba yarn In the ordinary way
eighieeu allow
tbrou^'tbe me^ee. akipptng every
other mcata so ibat when you darn two and one-half cupfuls of rtnegar,
cupful of eugsr. chopped green
■ you will have the meshes
to darn through. No maUer how large peppers enewgh I make < F rupfni.
three onkns chopped tine, two UUIethe bole, one can always get
good shape, making darning perfecUy Kponnfuto of nixed ground spites,
cloves. allBiilre and cinoamott: boll all
fen hesldca saving time.
Tbe dimo^ty in mending Urge tugetber uotU a rich sauce to
holM In floe old linen to found In and tbe flkvors ar^ ao well blended
fcoeping it flat and not drawing It up. Cliat no «e to eepecUlly dtodngotobed
This to much more eoally accom- from the test: pack in small jars and
plUbad If a piece of flne tulle is basted store tn a cool place.
Oovemor’s Sauce,—One peck
over tbe bole and tbe dam then
In the meshes of IL The beet thread green tomatoes', four large onions, six
for danUag to that pulled or drawn red peepers, one leaspoonfu) grated
from another piece of Uaeo. Thto wtll tantseradish.
be found pretersbie to flax, as It to cayenne ‘and black pepper, one teasiioonful musurd. onebslt cupful
much more even.
Mgsr-slice the tomatoes and sprinkle
Wooten materials should be darned
ovr^bemooe -teacapfol mdt: let -Uc
wltb a thread from the goods, but
all night; then'ituin well snd slnmier
H dIfftcuK to gel the barbed fiber
enter tbe eye of a needle email enough all together until rooked through: seal

About Pe-ru-na.



MRS. Meoouen.
Dcprcsaad faaanfl
lirs.kl.Mrnough. nuW.SM atiwv
New York. N.Y., wfltes;
add my mlts of pratos to
wbat It has dons for me.
Two years ago s depressed 'eellog took
bold of me. My hMlr and sWes ached
eomUmmOy. My siomacb got out of
order so that St times 1 could nut bold s
glass of cold water. I dldn-tliketocst.
afrsld that my would g.-t sick.
1 have been nctog PerwM for llte Ihrto
auf«oa(Assndo<>w I feel as well sa
lerer did. Atr tfP»*ri> JS «a at/OAg
y aervuu* trouble* have
I keep recommeadlng
Peruns to my frleods who are Iroutded
s* I was, and I have been thankvd for
doing BO "

Mr*.TfMgl*Ntiaa«,«»K.6Ui Avs,
NsifavUJc. Tsu., wrtMst.
•'At Peraas bss don* m* awwto of

---- dML

pains and leaving me «o weak
whst rpm^ly well iy wm!aad"lT
Plum Pudding.—Stew a quart
woary that It ws* only with dif- did not have bsadacbs.lhsd baekaeh*
ploms. remove the plU. aweeten. and
tleulty Ibat I ws* able to attend to
pour them Into an eaitbeo padding
rnyhousebnldduttefl. I used differ­ or s pstosoBMwbers and raally tits was
not worth the aSort 1 mads to keep
And black-wlaaed abadowi Ut
dish. Cover them with a Udek bolter,
ent remedlei and injections, but going.
found no relief antil 1 bad tried
nmde by takiug a cupbil of aweet
“A goodfriaad gffnaad mo sa-as*
Pernna. Within two week* thero
And erery imy of hope anoau «>obI. cream or rich milk, one egg. a leaPemmm and I wm glad to try may thing,
Traat on. with talth nnd bo oootent. spoonful of baking powder and flour to do really flne wort. Take a short
and I am very pleased to say that afg
Boot worry. nffleient to give the right eondsteney. piece flne cotton thread. No. IM to floe
fioMles asada a mow mnmmm of mo
and 1 have no more palaa sad Ufe looks
While Tomatoes are (ircen.
soft biscuit dough may also be used eoougb. Double It and pasa It tbrou^
blight sgsto.”
Don’t worry'
lor the oovering. Steam for ao hour tbe eye of the needle for an inidi. Slip
Oreen Tomatoe Pickles.—Oiop one
■Hnrfc! tbo bolia of dtoer
bake for-half as long. On remov­ an end of the sroolea thread thnmgh I*ek green tomatoee. six onions,
Af« rinsbv tfxm tbo barbor Marl
not of erarr-dar life.. They tha tmhfel attoiuMB of
ing from tbe dtah. Invert the pudding.
The abovs taatiffli
twelve green poppers and sdd one cup
And aaa-d|^ wAd-faMa on tba
cotton gently but firmly and the
.0... The have baea lU and have found u reliabla renadf U T
Id aerre with bard seoee.
sail and let stand. Pour oB liquid and
ItBaaiwaffnatdealtothewomaBof AmerioavbohATeut haad « nmmij eupAbl* cf perfenlac «wh
Dried Plum Pies.-Soak the dried woolen thread will follow. If the cloth add three guarta vinegar, two pountto
..«waat^!Xa of InapirMkn alag:
eonu aerTDQSUM,bacltoehe.dyspepna,headuhtoaietoBcholy.beariBffdo«BpAiBa AU th«a aad a hart of
plums (or pnmee) over nlgbt, etew li a mixtnre. be careful to dun wltJi suear. two ublespooos allspice, and
A^ tbm tba rainbow In tba aUea.
irmptomt are raUeved by Pentaa. At tout tbia is what the woMny. They have m ei«iaot la ujiac
them gently, and aweeten to lasie.
of cloves, dnnanou. ginger
A walooara baaadtetion Uan
thiep, erropt tn TMdsT trtithftil teetiMflBT to thejf sgEiriag eiitetl.
Cover a deep pie dUh or’skdaiow pud­
and nutmeg. (Varj- amount of s|dee
WUto Otar aU Ood'a Meaaad bioe
The readsr will aote bj resAin; theaa testimmiala that in aust
I wtn trted,dOTtm
ding dish with paste, over which the fmiler rarellngs. A btos Ut of to suit taste). BoD from tine to two
In Hia own Unta and way an aoM.
^ and finally PeniBa cams to their rescue smd made them well afaia.
■pread a thin layer of fnilt: cover doth will furnish tbe neceasary length houiB.
HU MoariDM- Baal, and bo «*teoL tbU with tbe paste, add a second layer of thread
Potu umak^ such onrea every day. it to the tecUooiiy of the peopto'that has mde Peraaa so JasUy
Chutney Sauce-Chop finely one
Don't worry.
of ploma. then a final cnM. E '
quart each <rf green totnaloes and ap­
thoroo^ly. boi not too long.
mMCkeepers pul np quanUties ples and ooe onion, ftirinkle with
A SMBT* caw.
Softered TMrteM Yean.
Preab Plum Plee.-atew the pl>
salt »ai let staSit for two hoots. Then
e Kaapooaayaopantouaaniuty •
Mrs. Mary B. itompson. Los
Mias Mari* Calvin. Sfff Mato atrssl,
Mrs. Anns MundsB,UoHygTove. Ark.,
wrfl. and sweeten Juf before taking of pIcMea. cauui« and relUbda of var- drain io a colander, aad add ooe
e ddaofUtnga: B «OI »^t«»
toua aona. which are greatly Uked by
Cineinaati. Ohio, wntos:
• ^ana and brifbtan tbe Uvea of • from tbe lira. Any kind ol plums nmy tbeir lamlllcB but are a great deal of tableapoonful fieh of finely chopped
aemlag I
be imed. -bttt the .more tart the frull
•-tboaa nroubd yoo.
prepare. There are, however, mint and nastmtium seeds, ooe pound thirteen years.
sod I WM nervous all tbe Urns, wm
tbe more angar wtll bo requited. Al­
seeded and chopped ralalns, two cupa
-I saw an •dverttoumaat of yonr oesflnoneearfor thirty years. I look
ter lamovliic tbe pita, poor tbe pulp a number of lellslies which are easily sugar, one pint vinegar.
Pernna and bought one uottia and be­ six botllcsot Peruns sodoneur ManaUn, came worse and found-myasU to a
into a pie plate which baa been lined snd quickly made and whlrit have the Itynon juice, ooe teaepoooful cayenne fore 1 bad Uken it all 1 could get out of and am happy to ax/ that It Is the best B.'rluu*cunoitioo.
with ordinary ptopaste. Dredge the additional merit of leiaiiOag the fresh pepiier and one U
medidno thsi levtr hoardoT. Ismnot
look Pernna and it brought me Imtied and walk about.
taste of the 't-egeublea from which
“After uklng thres holUes-1 ws* m BO nervous, my appc-tlu-1* good, every- ,m<*llaierelief. Within a week 1 was
pulp with floor, and Cover with
whenev.-r I feel badly
well and liosrty s-* ever sod psiBud to ihlng I i-ai agree* with m>-. asd 1 amjouredsDdliuw
A Wt of cood adrlea bu been gdMf crust, in which oeveml gnahep have they are made.
In using the following recipes re­
I j-cruita will s6l tbUig* right.**
I feeling buiu-r in every way."
-been col with a idiarp knife. Bake
I of tba
Owen Tomato Pie.—Take grot-n flesh. iwottUnotbewitoouiU.*
member to pack the cans dosely so as
H wail wort* reading and ramembar- till dooe. sprinkle the t<9 wHh POw>
leave no space for air biAbles snd tomatoee snd half as many cooking
Ik. IBaae aia tew pao^ to w'
dead aagnr. and aerva ecW.
.pptos, and chop fine, Add sugar and
Cbeeae Souffle,—TW# rodpa to vain*
Broiled Toniatciiw.-Cut tbe . toma­
Plom DiiBlpUafs.-Tbeae are vary to fill to overflowing, as tbe one ob­ a]iloe to Usi*-. three or four Uble- the stuffed lemnto. I will tell you of a
k deanI not iapply at aoma time. Baya
ject Id canning to to exdnde every bit
few ways in which I treat them, and toes Into obe-hair Inch ■dices and dost able becauae A always tuna oto walL .
attractively taade by sHUng three tba vkun
*tow Ull tomatoes will just number them, for tiicy are with aalt and |>eppF>. Use a flne Even an toexpcrienced oook can aaa
of air. Scald cans aad tope Just be­ epoona rinegaf
teaspoonTbar* nra tliMa wnen any of oa
done. Une pie tin with pie pMt*. all "sluffed-”
fore using, adjust tbe rubbers before
broiler and wljie It over with oflve oil. U without fearing that her sonirie will
jbaiy to have tbtn«8 on oar mlnda 7u of haWiic powder haie been filling and aerow on tops' while DD with stewed tomatoeo and apples,
flab Cnimti thr^ ouaoaa of
1. Select tomatoes of a good lay the tomatiMw 00 clciaely. and broil
tkst *a M« pntslod or worried abooL gngled. slicing In a heaping teas|«on- iipelde down tor an hw or
dot over the lop with butler and rais­ Bl» and aa firm at pofedblc. Cut a
broad, s-lihout a bit of ertut and boU
■r a cl«-ai- fl
ins and put on top crust and bake.
tits Mtmally mmkaa ua ahaent min­ ,.jl of butter, and making Into a soft watch W leaks.
round placi* In tbe tnp pf each, and cnickee
ckee dust or
< bread crumbs before soft In tbivw^uartero of a cup of milk.
ded. Bat If we oouU have wUl
scrape out all tbo soft i>arl: mix with brnfling. iMit I prefer them plain, and Add (hree ounroa of butter, half a
Sliced. Cucumbers
plums, oslng either ^wed fresh fruit
best for preserving
stale bread cnimli*. |>ar>ley. blitter, Uk-11 diisl then with powrli-rod sugar. l•ll»lK>o^r«ll each of mnataid'and salt
Pack cans with thinly sliced cucum­
UOD to tboae wio or tho cannM article, aoooiding to the bers. alteroaUng with layers of thinly lilrkllng late in tbe fall. If used
and imy'at
pinch of c^nne, alx ounoes of
pepper, q^d sail: chop very fine and Of couno-. thiit 1* a luattn- of taule.
e UlUni to w oar proMema would season. Partially flit oups with the sliced onions If desired. WUro cans the warm months they should
ruild cheese, grated aod the yolk of
flil tbe lomatons veiy canrfull’y: then
batter, set them In a pan of hot water
be man anally aowed when we
Beat thto
Bcatu-r bits of butter over them and
are full add a level teaspooofnl ol
the akin will U- tough. If preferred, hake to a muderately hot oven.: Put
J For Supper.
knA to tbaan onr mlnda bavinc bad u
over the fire. Stir to tbe
aalt and a pinch of while pepi^r U
ehaaca Not only tbla. bat wa would Invert the dumpilnn on deasert plates each qnart. PHI each can to overflow- peal the tomatoes, ven’ 'bin, with a
little butter tn the turn and see that
rh.'. se Is a hearty food and when white* of,the thT€» egpa. wril-beatoa.
not make oonalvaa aa dtegitmable to and oerre warm with Uquld sauoe.
they do not become dry or burodd.
pr<-|ion>d 111 any if lUc way* glvAO be- I»ur into a baking dtoh and cook to A
Canned Plums.—tJsa the sour plu!
nr MMda. It la very hard to talk to
Select large, round, smooth tomamoderale oven flve to tea nlaatea.
No 2. SelfvM nmnd tomatoes of lim-, U-1II Hike the plac*- of meat
a pmnon when ovwry Doeve baa to be illowtng a half pound of sugar
l-in tbe baking dlah not more* Chan
Com Rdtoh.—Boil fresh, lender tow, cut to thick slices, sprinkle wltb equal slit-; scoop out the center to the M plHT or luncheon dUh.
•tmtoad in order to bold bla auaoUon. e««h pound Of tbe fiult. If the groan sweet com for ten mlniites. thro cut salt and let stand over night In the Blse you wish to fill with minced
Muartera fufl.
Chc.m- litimplliig*.—To one
„*a variety aia used, prick the skins
morning drain oS tbe salt water and
-Paopla who *rt into tbU baWt
at: Ukc any cold meat you .wish
ot»--)uiir cupfuls of flour, add four
of each several Umeo before cooking.
Cucwmbar Maitpaea.
atavCUM tbanamvaa out of n
com add two ounoro of eclery so^
Mangw-s arc an old-raabtooed ptckle .pleanre. Too ank one of them If be Make a simp, bring to the bolUng ; one ounce of mustard sqed (a rounded fttwh. changing the water witen nec­ with herbs, aod add ooe-lblrd oC toe of grated cheese, a dash
essary. Boil to slum water (ttalng t quantity of bread ciumbx; mis all to­ ol rnyi-nne and one pint of cream that 1* again coming Ioto favor. They ■
toaaii what tome one aaid on a aenaln point slowly, skim and add the plums.
mfol to apprortmately
aubjod. Why. no. he hadn’t beard anyounce). Boll one quart good vlaegar porcelain kvtUe) until they are firm gether with a llitle melted i.intec over stir until the mlxlnre Is a amootb, are oaually made from moskmeipaa, '
tWaf aboot it. and be wean a look ready tor tbe cacia.
with one teaspoonrul ol aalt. one-half then boll In fresh water until free it; bake umll tbe tomatoei are quite firm paste; then add two eggs, stirring but very good one* are tliaae wit*Pickled Pl«na.-Thke aeven pounds
laiga eucumlwni m foundatloM. 8*
of todurad innooeooe.
ful white pepper and one from alum and the tomatoes are clear. done.
wry- quickly, and croking for two 1«1 otie doien large cucumbers b»
This will Uke half an hour. Make
mt tba naaoo be did not bear
Remove ibe sterna from some
onful lumertc dtoaolved In
hannae be had abnt htmaalf 19 with hot water, oorer ooarty and sloam mUe vinegar or water. Add com and syrup of ooe pound of sugar to each nice, ripe tomatoes of an even site; Diinuiee. Allow UieTdxum- to cool, fore they begin inrnlng yellow. C*
lle-n roll into halls half tbe size of a long, narrow piece from tbe side t
OB tender. ‘Then add a pint Of pmA
them In halves, and take out the
boll five minutes; pack Into eans while pound of tomatoes, lailng one pint of
sater to two pounds tif sugar. Boil *H.-d*; lay them In a buttered baking ai. egg. dnm ioto hoilliig water anfl each, taking A out careftiUy. oa
t know a woott peat rntd^e Ufe vinegar, four pounds of brown sugar, hot and seal at once.

rt-ok gently for flve mlnutsa. Serve muai be returned to Its ptooe. Sroo',
tbe syrop for five mliiutes. Drain the dish, and fill them
'wbotetmtatraoeoftblahabit. She and a tablespoonful each of cinnamon,
n with finely
flnclr cbOppeU
Tomato Beltah (tmcookod).-^e
four or five of tbs dnmpllnga u> each (4it the seeds. Chop fine ooe saul.
has had enly tha aUMitaat of edooa
vltli cayenne ptdiper
ham. seasoned with
peck ripe tomatoeo chopped
cablKige. one oolon find two. stAlki
tjonaladvantapaa, andyatahe U moia a teaepoonfnl of eayenne. Cover and drained throu^ cedander; one quart syrup and let them boll half an hour. snd -some gisledI Parmesan cl4e*e. plate of boHlog clear coup.
when they are
Flavor with ginger and e sliced lemon, and cover with finely buttered Lread
r ttan Mdlaaray lataUlganl. I bailave SIMP tor half an
Cheese Straws.—To a Cap Of grated celery. Season with ooe-qtiarter oonce •
Before serving
boiled with the preserves. Thl^ makes cnimbt: bake 1 a moderaleyoven chMse add salt aod pepper to. taste, r-oc* clove* and gtogef- 0“ teoapbot.
It m hr.—— abo always pays strict rendy tor the es
onion, one or two chopped peppers
eweet•tMMOB to -vtet la said to her that
two tah!<v-|ioonfiils of melted batter, tiiacr-. two ouacta whole muatard aeed;
aboot Uitve-quaners of an hbor.
Drted PiamB.-i^Plnms may be dried (green or red), two ounces musurd
nil the;,
thMto an It ks a pteanra to talk to
to tableopoonfulB mIL Covev
No. 4. Cut off the top* of the ty- thr's- taUlespooutuls of ceSd water and
Green Tomato MinceMi ,-^nc qulred sumbir of lomato.-s and h-t n<rjr enough to make a toft dough. ructtrol-eni wHh this mixture, i
her. No matter what you «T. she U with the atoncB hi. to retain the f^ with vinegar, mix thoroughly, pack ih
peck ol grci-n tomatoe*
nhvo to oracy word of luW abows pimn never, or the plu» tnay be r«t^ cans and seal
dt and julro; place them In Mix with a fork noUt *Uff enough to Ibe ple(x> Uken from the oldea and \.
-. then
jar •
u latctUcent IntemL there u 00 moved and tho cAvltlee filled with
Chili Sauce.—One peck ripe tnma-[
a deep baking dish and season w-)1
r. Pnt them on platea la the sun.
e th| same
the juice: take
■Uala to hold her auentton. and when
toes, ten medium sited ontone. two torow
with salt and cayenne pepper; fry, but l-owl. Lay u)Kn a molding board I end cover with vlns^r. Add a few
throoMi aha wiQ make aome aprtnkllng with eu^ ««» tomtafl greeo or red pew>e«. two Unspoon- amount of hot water nod lw<| table don't burn, enough onions to ajKPii dusted with flour, sin flour over Ihej <1.111 pejtort* “ t**® J"'
be uimatoea
u Tbe flntoh may be made In
tnU of ctonamOD. Isro leaspoonfula spoonfnls of salt and boll the..--------- half fill tbe tomalnee; pul into the doogti. roll gently until at thto mIoi' h.ifse-radiah broken' Into mnaU
a few minute*. Drain and bol^ again
of an abe bos board. She to Intensely
ciovea. taro teaspoonfali nuunega. two
totnsioes and fill to the top* with pie crust, cut to strips a fourth of ao! iderovL Y»il» maoD pickle will ba
amount of water; dnip again
iBtmweted la people aad their experiituli gtoger. four cupfuls
cream sauce; sift cracker dust over Inch vride and hake. These w»l luv-pln-ady for use In a few dayo. ICeep
and boll up the third time with water the whole and bake in a m^c-raic q'tiie a while.
In a dry. cool place, well oorared with
eaeea. Mow maeb awre abe
I a pint of which noak a box of geUutiUl tomatoes are tender; then drain
of UM tbaa If ebe went tbraugh U In
-eh, well covered, for about an hour,
.™ 0,1“
De. Sweeten to the taste, add s
and add onehalf peck of chopped . then an oifftoa Mf-Maed arndtUoa baoinae
lan of bdUng water, strain and cool. together unUl tender. It wtU keep to 1-ies, Are pounds of yellow sugar,
Tomatoes.—Select small, ■upper dish, -butter thin (dices
pUte. and a weight. Sfloold
ihtuMog alwaye of her own aSalm.'
round tomatoe* of an equal site; pour blown bread, sprinkle them IlghUv the vlneghr looe lu strength, dnto
It to to be made the day belore it to a‘ crock, but Is beuer canned.
Tomato Retlsh.—One peck ’ ripe
two ublespooDfol* of ctaaamdn. one NUltog s-ater over them’ and let them » ‘«h Woreesiereblre sauce, cover with of- ai.d «>•«• With fresh, adding new
“Pay Atteatk*. How many people wanted for nae.
Pktm Preserves—Make and clalrfy tomatoM, chopped and drained
of clot w. ooe of nutmeg, one po>ind of aund one nUnute; take them out. and ;a sej.ertws layer of grated Amerta.n Loraeradisli.
there ar* wbo do aot do IL How tn_ng» of clear brown sngnr. and pour ragfat. two cupfuli chopped oelrty. six slstns Boll all together until thick remove the thto akin, and cot oat the checM. season with salt and hake iu
sBlted tSey woold be if It
cnlons chopped flne. ooe quart vine­
PapM' Maoh,
and put into cane. Thin If neeessary stem <Bd; roll them in cracker du»t.|a hot oven until the cheeB». \» melted,
they wore rada aad Ul- It. bedUng'hot. over the ploms.
S<vve a poached egg on top of each.
staitd for two days, then iwor oB gar. two pounds brown sugar, ooe-half when using.
then io beaten egg. agaiu H
Allow for two large heads of cabbiwd. But what elae can It be called
cracker durt. and pUce them
.... ..... ............................
lage two and onwhalf dotea green
the alrop. heat It to tbe bolUng potoU enpCnl salt, two ounces srhlte mustard
Style ...........
CbecM- fitolM.—Grate
wban a peiaoo does not aUend
Inking dish that you can set upon a
pouud of cbeeae. To this add • le-iqe-ra, rivnovtog abe seeds from half
Tomatoca far the Oinitar Tkbk.
wbat to EuiM Mid. and tola hto or ber lUm and poor it over agalu. trt tke tbrro or lour red peppeiu. chopped
trait aad airup stand tor a day or two
rounding tablopoon* of grat'-d c' tb<m. and 2 doxdn onloa*. Cbcr
Bdad waader to other akUtenT
There aro vwry few among «a who table tas they should not be disturbed
fine. Mix all well together and put
until served I; a<waon with salt and hiead crumb* (from center of l.«f,floe and mix toctohor. Pul Into a
-Tbisitmnr «• of them ahaent- then pot t£ whole to a preaervldg
,0 not like tomatoes in some way
; a crock, wady for
light., A<W also two;Lrge wooden howl or aUme Jar and
mtedad peogto wiU appear to itoua.
Ripe Cucumber SalatL-One dotea cnothor. and it to krelt. for. we^are
bnt tbstw w« be a vacant look la hto till the simp to thick aad rich. ’ ripe eocnaibem. wash aad take out told, "tomatoes act on the liver;” an of butter on each tomato. bak<^ in a Jevel ablerpoona of finely rh<q»ped ^ atier over the vegeiabiea ooe h*^
cooked baiu or bacon, two level tahlr-ltog cup salt Let tida «tand, twentyeyta. and If yoa atop speakiiic tn the poand <d sugar to to be used for eadt seoda. twelve medium ooiona. t green let M eat all the tomatfltf* we can. quick oven aUnit twenty mtouics.
Iiound of Che fndt.
Scalloped TomatMx;.—The tomatoes aisxm* of butler and a welPbeateo It-ur boors, then drain, preoatog alt
middle of a acalaaoe be ’
peppers: chop fine aad mix togtther: jest whenever we cap. and to as ntany
aoMee. or will begin to talk of Ws own
mhlcb are to be acaUoped should fJe fCT yolk, one leospoorfor dry miutardithe moUtnre pOMible out. A good
___cupful salt, one capful white mue- dnrerent ways a* we can. says
scalded and skinned, rut Into piece*, and a.dash of paiuika. Work these In' w,.y Is to put to a colander with a
aSatn Imiaaltotrir Ttoere are
lard seed, two tablespoonfuU criery writer to a daily newspaper.
who break to on what jgm are Mytog.
and movl of tbe water drained off. a wooden bowl with a peotle unUI they' plate and weight on Up. Pat Into tba
I know- of BO vegeuble that -can
Pnt to a bag and drain over
aad altbouMi they think they are ear- of plum Juice left over while canaiog
then arrange to layer* to a deep bak aro Oioroughlr blended and veryl i.r«atorring kettle one gal rider ulnepreimred to so many different wayi
night. Next moialng place to
tbe fruit. Pul thto to cans
tog dM> with »llc«ji of butter bread. smomh. then shape xrtih the hand*.'gar, one eof brown angar. one cap
rytag <9 tbe aaiae eoam
and fill with cider vtoegar. Ready to Uke. lor example, stuffed lomsloeo. it
can aee that they have aot beard wbat
firnu to me th«t each and every 01 U preferred, buttered bread crumbs, into balU the «Ue ar snttouu, aad} white mmaitd aeed aad twelve ouacta
octton of one third plum jtoce eat to ten daya.
flatten them until half an ^ thick. .ceiery oe>ad. Heal to the boiltog potot.
Pepper BeDsh.-^temove the eeeda housewife must have a ^ different Mlt, and pepper. *1th bread for the
to two thinto h
thee turo over the pickle wbMe hot.
method of sttifllak them—at leart. I last Hrer. The dish should be covered Dip ib««e to fritter batter and try un- 1
from six Urge greea peppeta and
tbe moet delidooe fruit t
Add one <»;> grated horse-radish,
llglit Lri.wn to deep fat (only
and baked alowly tor half
rod pepper, and chop the peppers flne. Btean that the fllltog* dlBer-ar
PTimi tbe dontoe tael that tbe plum that can be made and tbe flavor (1
rom am- keep to a eobl i^aee.
IKiie tmticr is needed). Serv-e buL
litx thto with a ueiy mtooed bead of are good. As I am eepectolly load of then nneovered to browo.
Hke aay other.

Mmmi m


to aada aw ntottoa af aMbeta «(



. Pi«B Mooters KecoiG.
« BOV COnplHfHl
lor theft
o( the OnoS Tnreree BoMlen ud
teUcM’ ftiooctottoa white bectu
WfMtBtoter W4 la«s anui Pritejereolac. The Muompmwt will
b«U on the O. B. ft I. gowuite
•ost Praot street ‘sn^ vUl be coorenlent (or eterTbodp.
One hundred snd tortr teuu
Koetrte this, aonduc. one hundred,
ttenc frtm the Mste end fortr (ran
Chkuv flm. These testa wfll be set
OB tile trouBte at osee. betas
nofted la oospear MneU. tsclng
PTsot street. Theoe streeU ere tventr Cast wide sad to (root id them Is
the psrsde sniand. white is thlrtrleer feet vide. 0«srd mouDt
dress fsiBte wUl be hsM there. Os
Pnat sttwat. (he eedUoten teat
•ft wOl he Mealed sad to this, the esartteas VlU be held. The. cook teoU
«in he to (he leer Bear State atreeL
IfICto ataate at srma hare heeo reealesd hr the stale lor the SpsalabAinsrfeoa war retstmaa sad the yoaag
toss, at the ie«iieM ed the old
dien, wiu do caerd mouBt.
RepreaentaUres (rom Oo. A. o( Bit
_j^ptda. Co. B <d Maatstee, Oo. C ol
*^*^fcske*DB mod a large repreaeotoUoo
o( Oo. M or this dtr. all o( the S4th,
MIteltaa wUI be preeent. RepreeentattTM od the SStb .rrclmeot. wbluii
was Jatgelr raoroited at Petoaker. viu
atoo be preeent aad It Is expected
that there vill be a Bomber o( regu­
lar aitor loen bare as serenl hare
Bigsited their totenUoo or oooitog.
A BOtober et Oo. U. members (rom out
Id the oKr. ftimmlt CHr. Wsllia. Wex­
ford. wmisasburg and other pointa,
hars wTtttea asrlac that thej
be 'here.
The grauBte bare all been Meued
up aad the o. A. R. erected their flag
pole tbdar. Oo. M. WUI atoo hare a
flag pole to front of .their hendqiiartetu and will meet toowmnr erealng
u Mater
King id
Manlstea will he prsaeot and UentenSM Oedooel Joha R. Bennett of Muakasoe to expected. Oolooel Beosea

Althougb the Mate m*» are here,
(here will be no firing of them as it to
ImpoesibletogetanrammimlUoo. The
suie,^ Dcoe on band and the hors
here, leendag that there
only tto learn that all thoh vas there
fcsd bbeen used to
abort time ago.
The old soldiers will be repreeeoted la force. Although the posts do BOt

for qoarten. Bast Jordan
first to oome forward asylng thal thir­
ty men were ooteng. Among the respaosed Mnce then are: ftVe Lake.
60; Tuattn, 30; '^Ikaaka. Catral
Lake and other towns s
a ^rge attendance.
ays Record.
WHh (be weather man tnitUeasIy
trying to dampen the ardor of the
‘Old boys" the opa^k day of the
Grand Trareese SoMton and Sailors'
reunion was a marked suecoas. each
inoomtng Uaia bclngtog the Tetecans
la muabers. '.
At 6:30 this mominr Harman Ode
and two other gnnnna. sent twentyfive explosions froni the big gun out
Into the morning air, awakening the
materity id dty residents who '
then in slambw land. The atars and
aMpaa were raised with oeret
on tee big flagpole In (rent of tee Mg
tent and Ostnp Roberta began to take
OS’ the air ot hurry and bustle that
predominate there (or three
days. Stores werfl pot in plsoe,'**tloiw drawn. Ubiea set up and the
rialtors r^ctotered.
Prom Maine oo Urn east, to Uinne
sots oo the vest, there were represeoiadres ot dozens of reglra'
Infantry, camtry and artUtor}-. ftlaay
looal reterana r^toCerad with
Ike MItelgaii troops, bat there were
more than a few who had eoltoted In
the CBStem states, snd one of
who went with the bojw further west
of Michigan.
The roDowing are a few of
atocm and reglmteto repraatnte.
the reunion:

Nteg a dInJLSSaiww** - w*U-

M« wlU be no
6th and 10th ragtmeats of carulry; theiu
tote of vlctasls at
>t mem ten!
lat. Uth, 14th, 24th. 27th. infantiT that
and tee lat Onlted Statoa sharp sbootAt B04B the bis gmi again began
its racket and a aaloto of twenty guns
Kew York; 6tk. «4th. 4ttb Infanlrr: was fired while the aoldien gather­
3rd. 14tk. batteriea of artllery and ed aiwand tables and ate the firat
nwal that has been served
the 2nd earalry.
Oklo: iSrd. 2>tk, inth infantry.
A fife and drnia corps roi
PeilhiylraoU: 4Sth Infantry.
and Mmum
Rhode Island: 46th Infantry;
Illinois: I4ist and 124th infantry; spired many Itotenefa with martial
music this noon. tot battery, artillery.
New Hampshire. 1st battary.
Mere Vetsrana.
Maaaaehssetta, 6th Inlantty.
■vunty-flve meubers of the
Maine: 30tR tofantiy.
0. A. R. and i
Deteware: 6th Infantry.
veterans arrived oo tee noon O. R. A
Indiana. 128th and Uth kitonUy; 1. train and avrr greeted by martial
h carBlry,
roualc from a fife and drum corps and
WlseonalD; gpi. 12tk and 20ih in­ tee Queen Ctty band. A small squad
fantry; 3rd battery.'
of oavalrr atoo met tee
Mloneaota. 3rd Infantry.
erans and with the troops in tee lead
Captured JefI Oavis.
followed by the two bands and the
Among tee Mttetgan men In attend­ eoldien. the
ance are two of the famous Michigan
I Pnmt to the tamp.
cavalry, the regiment that captured
Jefferson Davis. They are W. H. Any- From Thursday's Rnsord.
dan of Maple City sod J. C. DevenThe weather man evidently baring a
dorf of this city who la superinten
tnmg pilck from hla oonscleuce thto
jtornlng. toiv the rain weighed ckuids
(he cooking tor McPherson pewL
apart and let Old Std send his wel­
Murray post No. 168. of Maple City come rays dowp upoo Camp Roberts.
as one of the first to arrive and
Todsy vas the big da>- of tee en
ive sixteen. Including six ladles of campment. The morning salute start­
ed It at 7;»; twenly-elidii of the Span­
the relief corps.
ish war veterans did the guard mount
Baxter Post No. 116 of OMrievoIx vlte tee new guns furnlteed teem by
■nt so advance gtmrd to airunge
Tbe arrivato were better
quarters for them last evening and It todsy and. although there are many
is expeeted that tveoty-flve will be empty tenu on tbe grounds, there is
a big repeesemation of Michigan's
.tendasee from there. Prank Pow- veterana of two vara at the camp.
ler p(Bt Na 236 of Fife Lake sent sev­
ten bare also braved
eral men (his munring and it Is ex­
vevther and are there over
pected that a bait hundred of them
Two bbands, bestdrs tee martial mu­
win be in camp this'evening. Waller sic. sent teel' Inspiring tones
aifford No. 236 of Boyne City is here ears W tee veterans today and a gen­
era] feeling of good faltowship pre­
with a score of veterans. There '
about 60 memlM-ra of the wotmtn's re­ vailed.
lief oorrw on the grounds thU after
The time of the parade was changed
from this morning until 1 o'clock this
Registarng Veterans.
afternoon, and vhen tee-Ume came.
AdJuUnt A. F. LllUe and asstotant the weather vas perfect, the sunsUnBen Gage, have been busy ah day reg­ Ing brlghUy. The eireeta were arf)w
with decoraUoDS although these were
istering tee men and aasitelng them
to quarters, while Quartermaeter C. H.
ison with Joseph Sleder asaistIng him. has been dealing out rations
ftom an empty bulMlug on Prool
straci opposite the camp.
fipanlsh War Veterans.
There are a nomber of the Spanish
war veleracu on the grounds and they
have a street to teemselyM. Ehnest
Saleitsky and George Pratt have
charge of thb grub (or the Company
M boys and judging tram Uie start
'that was made with dinner this rfoun

NS. «.

call, tee sppeUxtog odors making
sung by men who vent oat aad foofflto
war veterans.
full attendance at the tables. Alteeagb almost halt a osBtqry aco.
eomnand. ‘ntere wo* a got
it rained hard last evening, many c(
The aateem vias followed by a
scBtatioo out and tee boys
tee veterans slept In the tSBU and prsiyer by cataptoln Tr^y o< MePtoert
marUaJ appearance v1
enjoyed the experience, though aotte
post and a solo by B. Ver^y Lagg.
shirts and camiraign hsta. Tke of teem, through feebleness or com­
Mnpanled oo the. organ by Mias
colors came next and follovtng these mands of their wives, went ‘to hot^
rphine Uerto
next UUIUk,*^.
„•* the
was tee fife and drum corps dtopea
• n« of their friends.
__was In excellent votee aad
Blog martial music thal quickened tbe
choee as bis selection. ■'Columbia the
potofw of tee mardiing veterans.
Gem of tee Ocean. ' Thto pieaaed bto
neo came the veterans of norteere
u m^ncB teat be was iweall^
Michigan, many poets being In line
. Tto. Stor
■ tee regiments repreanied extendBanner” iwognlzed by the
from Maine to HIniMwota. Tbe
army aao aavy. ae (he naticoal hymn
boy*' despite their weight
and tee audleoce showed tertr pstrttAjearo. marched along briskly .
tom by standing while all tee stansas
wera the recipients of cheers and apwere sung;
plauae. Then tame the Queeo aty
Hon. J. W. Psichln.
band and following this were more
Oumnander Morgan teen Introdnoed
veterans, about 3tw in all being in
J. tr. Pstcfaln wbo dellvesvd an
line, and the snlllety corps conclud­
(hat elrnrk
ed tee procession.
Aftsmoen Saasion.
Mayer A. V. Friedrteh.
TTie afternoon meeting opened with Who Welcomed the Veterana
when he saw the' veteran* .ff aluxis.l
.« ..I
singing of •■America” Ww
by tW.
fifty yeor* ago marching along tee
mmed tee tent and
strwet and the younger veterans of the
la the morning, aume of the veter- last w.r In all teelr youthful vigor,
r this had been
en concluded.
iirodnced Mayor Frled- u and Co. M. accompanied by
he teksight what a poor rboioe had
ivewed tee addreas of
been made m;h«i tbey asked u lawyer
welcome to the veteran* In behalf of
who bad no port to (he struggle to
tee city.
address them.
Everything Is rnnnlDg smootely at
■■In exieofling this welcome. U Is not
Fought Net for ITvimkitoBB^ '
one ot those pump handle hand le ramp. Comuiander Morgan. Ad
But tee old soldien fought not-tor
shakes." be sold, and then be pro­ Jutant Uttle and oihrr members of teemselvee sluoe. he oald. they
ceeded to show teem teat 11 was not
fought (or teelr ohtldrea sad teelr
by plsclng tee enUre city In tee hands
of tee veterans to be theirs until tbey cared fur and a|l the visitors _
inapisa eqi pun SBuppr atkl *>J*t tolled with tbe eutertalumeni afforded
sincerity, made a big Ut with tee
« W. R. C. h
ters filled up and
nUnulng. be proceeded to eulo- teem are on
merican war veterans also have
0ze tee old soldlera and tee deeds
teat bad msde them what they ore. teelr beadquarteni as do the G. A. R.
all of them have iiumeruus vtothe Grand Army of the Republic, and
1 rooclUBlud paid a glowing tribole llors.
> tee suri and strlpea.
A iiouring rain came dow n last nl^t
G. A. R. Rtsponss.
soaking every-thing tind Ihe nurthwest
Oomrade H- B. Hudson of Mane
wind made the night raw and chilly
Iona replied to Mayor FrtedrIch'B a
but despite this, the veterana ot the
dress and bis words showed that 1
Traverse Soldiers and Sailors
evidently was a Arm admirer
bad one of the best and
Travenie City and her people, speak­
ing In bli^ prMse of both.
His Blast enteuslaoUc camp, fires ever
more alBcero phraaes were iDtemin- held by the orgat^tJon. It was a
gled with a ready, wit that kept hla real old fashloo^'cSLmp fire with lots
of enthusiasm art no one minded the
■ rarers in an uproar.
Mr. Iludsoo made an exceptionally cold and wet oDtsIde the big teot or
bard board seals bat enjoyed
strong point in tee parting ot tbe vol­
y momeat of tbe Ume. Outside
unteers of tbe Ovtl war from their
wives aad families. He also told of in the wind and rain, a number of
the spirit In which they went and de­ people stood to listen to the atngliig
scribed tee hardships of tee life of and tee addrcaaeo.
M. n. MOT0U1. commander of Mc­
the volunteer and then he Urid bis
ntmradee in words that could not Pherson port, cqlled tbe meeting to
help but touch thrtr hearts eg tee glo- erder and tbe campfire 'began with
iplay of "Old Glory.'
they had brought upon them- tee sliiglhg of ■’America” by tbe ondJThe parade formed ou Front street,
tioce led by Major Hank, chorister ot
rlgtit rvwtiag on Railroad avenue, and
the department of Ohio, an office cblldran’s children, for th«4r homca
marching vest to Union, proceeded
R. E. Walter noponded
creeled solely In his honor. Major and bearuiODca so when they gatsouth to Ninth street east on Ninth Spanish war veterans in a
osi elo- Hank i* an enthusiast and lorea ~01d bark tbey made all tuembers ot U»
to CBss street, north on Cass street
quent and touching manner.
Glory” with a love that Is not to be grand army of the repuMle In acBtlto Stale street and thenee c
shaken, eo when he stood before the meol if jKA to tradlty. Mr. PaicBln
The morning vas mostly devoted
8tnii> street to ounp Roberu.
sUtori that he was borirw little too
audience and waved the stare
rUltlog an»ng the comrades a
At tee head of tbe parade
late tor the civil war and a little too
stripes everj'body just had to sing
troop of mounted men in charge of B. many stories of old times were <
BOOB for (he SiamlMi and no ^ncklly
Salensk)- ftdiowed by J.l. Cummings changed. At 5:30. the big gun boom- slug they did. and in that big teat or nnlueklly be escaped twth sUug- ■- aUrm to tee sleepers, the with the flag all about and the wind
of Old MImIod. the bu^er. Btelnd
head ___
and —
at bowling ouuide. tee grand oU
him woe the Campbell ft Skelcher flag
(Onattooed SB Ttogs !V
I band and following tent waa Co. H. C:Sb. Bugler Cummlngu blew Ihe mea never aounded eo sweeUy


The Hknnah & lay Merantilc Company
The Acknowledged Store of Qualify

■____________________________________ .

We Close Our Store at Noon on Fridays || Keep Your EyeOpen for Our Two Big Openings
Ladles’ Long Gloves

Got a Good Tea

TTie kind that are worn so muck and are so itjdiih. These
are in Cashmere, tbe sixteen button length, and come in Brown,
. Blade and Gray, and are selling now at 60c and $1.00. T)xe
short lengths in the same colon sell at 25c. 50c and 75c.


we want you to try. Many have done so and pronounce it "A
Number One.” We are selling it for a short time for 30c a
pound; it was always 50c.

’’Garden Stufr
The Groceiy Oivition always has just what you want in
“Garden Truck.” Cabbage, Com, Tomatoes, Celery. Pumpkios,
Apices, both cooking and eating, Onions, Muik Melons. Water­
melons. Peppers, Peaches.

That is what we sell and we know we have as good as you
will hod anywhere. The Spurr's "Paul Revere" is what many
people have found to be the best they can get. It sells for S5c
a pound. We have other grades specially priced now for 10c,
15c and ISc.

You Ought to See Our Ten Cent
on the second floor in the Crockery Division. They are just
loaded with all manner of Tinware. Glassware, Woodenware,
Fancy China, novelties of all kinds. Many things you will not
And anywhere else. Lots of them are imported. No one else
has them. It will pay you to see these wonderful counters. You
get novelties and you save money.

Lace Curtains 48c a Pair
Some that are fine, and along with these are many new nov­
elties that are priced at figures not found elseirhere. The prices
run to $7:50 a pair. This is the season when you are planning
on many changes in your home and want the latest. That is
what we are showing all the time.

Wool Carpets SpeidaDy Priced
W&are showing the finest line^ All Wool Carpet* we have
ever haul and ibey are priced now at 55c and 65c the yard and
are worth much more. Don’t delay it you wish a new carpet
this fall
it now and have it made for you. Then to much
of your cleaning will be over.
We have some fine all Cotton Ingrain Carpets at 25cavard.
The Union Carpet at 40c is what many people are alking
50c and 55c for.
See the great line of Carpet Siz* Rugs that are priced from
$5 to $60.
Handsome Wiltons from $25 to $40.

Bargains ior ttie Smokers
A 16-ounce package of Grab Bag Tobacco for.......................15c
10c package of "Mogul" for................................. ...... ..........6c
10c package of "London" for.......................... ^
3 packrges of Eric Tobacco for......... ................................... 5c
3 packa^ of "S. & M." for.................................................. 5c
3 packages Flying Eagle for................................................• 5c
3 packages Old Glory for....... ........... ................ a*................. 6c
2 packages of Lotus for........................................................... 5c
3 packages of Gold Leaf for.................................................... 5c
3 packages of Joker tor..................................... .............. . 5c.
This will be a special for ^turday. Watch out for it.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
to' -

9tom ThairtiT^ Sseecd.
aanal ahaot ai tbs Bod and'
Aad atin an igaee M Cho
b wlU taka Mmc at
ant. Blstar Mur.
a wrmmnmt ee oaiu CMW*. I
sept. M. TeaiM frdft ManTnterdayh ratn caoeed a bait to
the protate oBiev. la the city c
ist Jordaa. - erae City. U said odhnty. be tl
the work ot seaichlnc tw her aal CDI W^noBher
day oC Aogua. a. iD. iw:.
Ir a few BMO wial out In the aflar... TIM PmMart.
Spring ch^rBs. per lb........ M
R. Walker.
•w-o. ■*«»...
noptt. Tneae.were identy of fresh come, and tba aSalr wlli be a taqte
The tiypbles wlU be oa eshftiltiaeks to be fonnd bet bepmd that, tiem In oae of the Hannah A Lay Mer-!
In tbe matter ci the (ctua of
tbeie U a veil of Bystery.
company’s wlndoers soab. I
moa. T. .«ATs%
The Rev. Tr. BlenlawHd has again 'laere will undonbtedly bs a nomber,
ysl»ptine Xhmn having Sled la aald
bet u>
of umn
aiB prnrm. eui
Called-on Ws patiriooer* for another
I be Ib bn tba prises.
At t o-tM Tceadar afternoon. general nean^ Bnaday and It la exff'^^eaday’t Record.
MUa Bertha Oonthr Klitsak ad Ball jiagAd
nsay of theta wUI hrip.
Saved Her Son’s Llli^
r In I
There wlU Mdoabtodly be several
Slader were aeliad la
of said ealaie.
ry. pulb..........MON
the hene of the bride’s paceats. Hr. parttea from this city. alio.
She writes: ’ One year ago my son but only abmit l,<a» bushets of eppkw' B-:lter. dairy ........................... .MOSf
and Hrm. rrank Klosak. Ill North
imored ahont the riiy thli was doa-n wlib such serious lung from Chartevols.
Cora, per be .............................
III the forennon. at said probate oC^
DlTlslon - street, the Rev. D. OodiUii molng that elalrToyant
trouble (hat our t^yalclan
(diyalclan was
wa« uabir,
uahir, wmiam
wmiarn Brtwch booMt rieven as'/v.,.
be and 1* hereby appointed tor Imrhim; when, by our druggl*l‘», Bne wrers a* havr been
of the nrsl OoncregalloBal church oT- used as taa Urt rcaoit and that 'ons
log said p<-tltlon.
- Klnr
wonldd go Into a trance In the woods
It U hifther ordered, that public
near the convent tonight:
The preUy
notice therert be given byi*
Imprtn-ement. . _ .
B copyTfof
gue• WatoTMjn BmiMao.
up for a lew weeks when be was per-]
eks nrevloi
prevlom to said da/
friends or the bride and groom mod in prieat over the tslephone this morn­ tectly well. He has worked eleadUy , O
TiM InenMO Ib toBDoce paaalnf the
of- hearing,
- in the Grand Tniver
honor of the happr ereol. the bo°>« ing. *Tt Is the brat'I have heard of
Hr ■■
luper prinud and rip
•oo tor tbo'VKMUi or AnftOA abowad
was verr taststailr dMMed with It. I would certainly forbid such foolto coiuuime>- 1It. The sesrrtty is prot
I ownty.
sniccd best cough and cold esre I
■ala of orar a bIIUod tan* .over Aored snd whito naaa ethllb abite ribably due I.o the Inability of the ftm
Fre.1 H. WKkcc.
C A. Biigbee tfrsg Co. S. B. Walt
■Mi oTlMft. and thU bMplto the faci
i-r* to briug It in, on arcoum <
Hnus. Hannah Drug Store, dnigglst
Judge to pfubste.'
that-M* aMMa havo «a«Md a talllaj
ktsuso they
about the parlor. The bride wan gown­
Baying Priesa.
Tbla trenoabusy wilh the fruit.
ed In white. After the ceremony,
Rsal Cams-TrsnMam,
ctolm a l<«* on all kinds erf powlooa. per ha ..........
I iBCTeaae. vbkdi <
men of the rity-have slgnlBed their
STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Probate )
e-eddlng dinner, wns serrad to tl
Jast we^k. On peaches and
August Oraw and wife to Wu. fruit a
« aBar rear, abewa that the peo|>te of
wllltognem to go out and aid In the Basky, et. si.. Trtiateee -cit 8tl Jntms peers they'
y eia-- ■rlaim To
have ■—
lost tbirtylerta.
tW oonatiT aia eoBing to raaUae that
Hr. Bledfr Is a bosUlnic young man aearch for SUlur Mary and It ts be- Uilhi-rao churcbi. lot 9tr *KtlODfey, ave and fuity per cent and on apph«
I a loss of from Iwetily-ftve to fifty
tto Ukaa, rHm and Canale can be
lleved that many others will join to MIrh, 1400.
wfth a large nninber of trlenda
John j. Carl and wife to CalvA 8. leeuts on a barrH. The lues Is said
the probrie One--. •>
ctaiBed pivfttahir tor baadbiig (ertaln
city. His bride Is a charming ywmg
See. SC. T. li. R. IS, !»a- the fault of there bt-liiR a gr<
verse CHy. to saW c
^a«M (K (ralghta.
I many u-indlalls and cults mix^d wl
ladr and she also has many frieod*. day. There ore a large number of
day of August. A. I). 18(
good fruit.
At eartria tlBMB of the rear, the
a and srtfe to Robert I im- p
since she came here from Chi­ young men In the city well
m-sent; Hoa. PVe.1
Mtt the woods and all anrii are asked Wilron snd wife. parcHa. Bee. ».-T.j^ai^t wm
nUraada 9C the ceacUr ai* haaM>«r- cago. Tha groan Is Iho
Judge of Probate.
r. R. II. $lCnu.
In the Balter of the estate of Qlzaa«r
and eVen {vtlaUr Samloga park and last evening, he
take part In this search.
Newton R; Franklin and wife to ' luads of hay. fl»e luaiU of puUUoes
DeEidle the tart that sbe hns
gaealrned hr the bnaenae roiove of irndered a rocepUon folU«red by
Edward t*. Oourtadi- and wife, inis 35 and fo'ir ht-od of ll»e stock were
Milford R. Hnrrhi having Oled to
This Mahl hi the maia 1* dance, to the friends of blmaelt spd gone llftet^^n days. It Is believed that and SC. block «. H. U A Co’s Cth ed­ widgbed at lb<- scales. Thu apple buy­
WW... ..............................

hold court hU petition prajiAg that
ers were not vc-ry busy, veo' UtUe of
ition. ftllOO.
aoarae and ooqM ae veil be handled bride.
sbe Is still alive and to such
said court adlndicric and dotermtoe
Julius M. Il'ielltnantlc and wife to that fruit ri>mlng to ytwteida
aa ^ all. bat oatag to the
common homantty demands that every
who were at the time of her death
i llM> leaal helm of aald dec«>«d and
aftN^mtopMkt M tha vaMr vara.
man. srho poadlbly can do so. whi
B few offcrlnsB for your taHere a
Muat Oe Baric
< l•ll1iIle<J to tniK-rit the real («iuu- of
aervlces would bo an aid. Mo to this
t»l—^ os the laUroada.
ByMs U»>.t IIJ'S'I whh'h said dvcoaaed died aelu-3.
nf of FOUre Ashton today reCiirtlK, r
^h«a^ not Bach proftl In eoniaa
cj™ ............................. mes
(5ra|>cs,.20 cent* a pound.
I a triegram from the warden at search.
it Is ordered, that ihe 2f>th day «
It the missing sUler ts dead, the
tnim —* br
the aaiaraara. ManNette triUnf blm to brid John
I\«ch. 8. 10. 15. 20 and 25 cents
R.-ptemb.-r. A. D. 1907.
1W7. at tea o’clock
gndtog of her body would bring rritof r. MunaeUr. lot C. Frospwt
. i-nuon. at said probate oBce.
WUemaa. vrho la awaiting trial at
and Is hereby apprinled tor hsarai It would be. known for .certain then ver Uike. llOfi,
Wat^nnclons. SSc to 50c each.
clrcutl court 00 ihe charge of robbery
Fnujrta E. Grimn to Fannie
Sweet apples. 15 cento a peck.
Tbe man was eentenoed to the prison
U Is furtbt-r ordertri. that public
•lances of insane people wandering Comb. Lot 35 imd 74. block 4. Ik.j'dde
HnskmeloDs, 5. 10. 15. and 20 cento
I time age to serve nnUl. IftlO. but
nddltion. n\i lot 3C. block 4. Day^de,
notlc*- thereof be given by publication
for many days with no apparoni food
•MHBy hMg ago raallsad that
of u copj of this ticdiT. for throe sor
was pattdod. Ho was given a year
a#ply and covering long distances. **1.. D. ftorlbi and wife to Janette n.
edriag aa«M bn afaetad by aring «
be goad U after vbicfa be would be
J. A.
hVe many, eo that It is potslWe that Ckirey, block ;. H. U A Ca’a 14. fllOO.
Va.. says:
XajH 1 toive found thcl bearing. In the Grand Traverse Herald
tifhSje to halB oat tha rallroada aad pardoned. Ho swatted Bonteit
Pears. |2 a hoshel.
James J. Dunn to H. D. HungeMot^U still
perfect pm (fiat never dlMipiiotnisJ
m,M-r printed and clrculatad to
rMnn~~*^Y that ooeatry M laoad CraJne to thr bead on BBal,4»root
lot gC. Uoc^ C. Gopdrieb’s add.. Here an- some sis-clals for ymir
id lor the In-neflt of nthi-ra'
hr B M4awh ci eansia and evriT street Friday night, fcovrever. and wW sreadi and boga.
kel l-a»ket-.
The aearch Is still being kept up
- nggOMria rtear la atllisad tor trelghb be taken bock to Marquette.
)K.lalo.». 8 ceoU or
Jud*«- of ProbaP-.
iuid fresh tracks were discovered In
New Life J’llls. ’ Guaranli'eU sails- IM'imds for 15 cento.
-ih thie 1—Uhy. U ts dlforonL Tbe
swamp some dbitance from the
Sweet corn. 10 and 1 coots a doz- faetory, r» at O. A. IblBl-'e Itrug
Bria «4«l M st81 !■ ««e. bat a»aHy
liti- and wife to ROy l>.
foliowed Jackson ad wife, lots 2, 3. 4. 7. See.
t'o.. 8, E. Wait A Sun*. Ilamiali Unic
Card af Thanka.
wmtoBBburg. Mtcb.. Sept. 11—Thi'
pi—IIP araR esuaa tha look taadC’«.. diugglBls.
We wtob tx> expross («r appreriafrom tbe woods onto the road where J.jr. 26. R. 10. $S25.
Smrnner rqttash. 8 ecuto each.
an N hM» (atriy *fmy. <Ndo
lyataiT bare to regard to the.attacka
iloo and thauk.1 t« tbe many friends
Thomas H. Sherman and wife Jo
they travriled a abort distance and
Cabbage, 3 ccDU a ponnA
BR—• O —Mb allowad u tall Into OB the Radley twoe to as deep as ever.
nmes B. Rytner. lots 23. 24. block 1,
THIS STORE will be rkaed tmlll for the kindnes* shown us during the
(bw went back Into the bushes.
and desth of oor husband
dM— aad dnsy
td a Uric of The marauder has evldeoUy bea
r.:«ili p. m.. Wednesday, Sept. ISlh. oa
Charle. Norris of 4hto city and
PrnncK CumpbeU ond wife, rto Cr.
Radlshra. S cento per boneb.
Iiceoui.t of Htdirew boHdayu. Glubr und futher.
trafSc. The railroads. Instead of aid­ frightened away, aa he did hot appear
.Mrs. John I'Djfo sad family.
Arthur Sorwen of Kingsley, both E. Brigtmm. dH of awU. Sec. 32. T.
Green onions. 3 to 5 cento a bunch. Uepartniemt Store.
ing the canals. hUUd thenilain tost night or today.
mea who have practiced the art of
UkavUe tha Mlarisripid river. In
Mnt Radley U vety nerveus over
Ole Stqtge and wife to Ixing Ui
clarivcyasce exionalvoly. are working
aMaa daya,ythara wan a bm
le ooenHetuse aad to aald to be AU
Grangr. No. KHU, parcel. Sea 8. T. 27.
Kingsley. Mr. Soren R. 12. II.
orn. 6l».c: tiato. 53tiiC.
—I at rioar boau enitylnf RNght broken np over (he affair.
Carrie Thomiaon. et. al.. to Ulysses
‘MM panaatart, bat VlO the bnHdlng
DMrolL 8«-pt 10—Wheat. 95c; corn.
i-veniDg but coniu not get blm&elt into C Manns, parcel, CSty of-Traverse
of the nUmya. tUa Seat became
Slater Mary.
70c; onto. 63Kc.
(he s1e«^ He will tty again
—'— aad riaalUr sntU sotf iUs la- From Tbesdayb Record.
I’hilli. Ranch to
o'cUck this afternoon however, und par«-U. City of Tmverac- City. llUHt.
Of all tbe theories that have been haa high bopes of locating the mtsslus
Thcas qnsutlons srs eersfully cor
A WELL-MANAGED, WELLOscar Simpson and wife to Mjrvm
'Tha^taet that the great Uhea shlp- Ivnnced for the whereabouU and
B. llungwfori. lot 5. block N." H. L. raeted svary «toF- T»'*
^ na—Vnr atlar year eho» b«g galni. mode of departure of Sister Mao', tbe
An oM pair Of the missing sister's Co.’s 7th. ISTO.
and ..........................
wife in Frank
Glen A.
Iblirtii n a...
♦h«i year after year larger veosels are
mlMlng from ll»e Uadoro
shoes were found to Ihe baaemeDi of
^11, lots 5 und A
0 ft-, of 7.
e hailt aad bearier car—a nrrted, that vent^o ane bee given tbe question. the convent and those will give the Oami
Ths tMttide quotations by wire, no*
lluckwood. 13000.
tha raUroads are snaMa to care for ”Oli—e leave the eonrent in cHUea's
A- J. Carfman to John Crnte*. et4 clipped from other papers of tbs are
We provide prompt, pAuisiaking service.
SB tha freifht that cornea their way. gaitor One thing that has-given this Upon learntag that Iho shoes bad bean If BWU. sw of nwt;. nwK of seU. vIoiM day.
ioc. 6. T. 26. R. 9. 12300.
pM«r. to h« <me eooclnelaa. that In qn4riton sneb a alight degree of imfound. Pat Bowes Immefitolely tele^
Atigust Oran and wife to Thomas
We arc In a position to meet every reasooable
i the new foUire. the cans is will Be­ pmtance to the minds of the aeorcb- phoned to Sheriff Keule to secure hli
Smith, lot No. 7. T. 26. R.9. »23«.
gan more Inportance than even to
to tbe fact that the work of ee- bound for the search Sunday. The
call within the line of banking.
Miron B-tolungoriopd and wife
SelKns Prtoaa
Ska heydsy of thair extstenee. that tbe enring such clothing would be ahnosl shoes will give the blood hound
Oscar StoliM»n. 8, 9n ft . of lots 4«.
and 42. block 9. H. U A Co's 9lh.
..' klg MiMi—river Seat wlU come ImpcnKble.
We adhere strictly to the establishetTcustoms
needed scent to Ukc np tbe troll ond $308S.
’ hack, sot tha say ateaBbeaU af the
By dint of hard work, the Record It U thongbl success wlU follow.
of sound banking.
Chancery Sala
,«dar days bot aohar cargo aartrlns •piesataUve who has ...been
The shoes were taken out and tit­
rRaata. t— tha ansBar rtvaia idll have dote since tori Satntday. eo
led Into the fresh track* discovered order and decree 0
We invlie your banking busincsi.
Mr frsight carilara aad that tbe clew that. II frilowed up. might prove
yasterday. They were aa exact lit aad
.nilreads »in be ihUevad of tha
tetoreattog. Commencing Augnri
«uie of Michigan,
this gives rise to the hope that the
'jp—on aad **»«♦ an all water roote SUter Mary received si* express pack­
made and dated the JOtb day'of May.
stoter la sUII alive.
A. D. 1907. In a certain cause IherelB
Mb the Ukea to the gulf will be ages. tbe last arrival before ber dleThere is a train out on the H. A N.
sppearance l>etog on tbe I8lb.
—re than a dreaB.
K. Sunday morning at 9 o’clock
'**M’he^n Carlton A. Hammond it
Father Blenawskl suted that Ufe
compibloant and WilUam E. Richards
Cedar and many will go on that.
sun received
Oldest an>l StnmKcat Bank in
The TeadetODi Atory.
Mr. Bowes secured Mr. KetGc’s con- U defendant
Notice is barvbF'. #vai that I
bouses containing material (or mak­
Xorlhern Michigan.
eent to bring toe dog and tbe Antrim laU sell at public awilon to Um
ing artlfleUl Bowera. As the mtoslag
sheriff arrived to tbe dty at highest bidder, at the (yobt door ol
Ikoadriori at Ktogstoy. aa told to the sister had ciiarge cT this work and county
5:30 o’clock Ibis evening. Mr. K<-^. the court house In the city of Trav
'Baomd jMtetday. the Grand B^i eared (or the business of (be school
In the county of Grand Trav
Hr. uQwes and John Mtoan leaving
and convent. It would have been an
' .^Berald thU moratog arid:
•Ute of Mlchlgdn. said]
immediately for Isadore.
«e bring the place whore the
-H. W. AOeii beltovaa that the letter ea-y matter (or ber to have coi
_____ ..Flirt for said county of Grand]
U a taka. Jeoapb Allen has bee In cated Rlth rotelves. letting them From Srinnlay’s Record.
'->ld. on Saturday. thc|
•rod FDrka. Brit— OriomtaU. book- know when these packages wei
All efforts on Ihe part of the searcli 19th day of October. A. D. 19'»T. at
kaeptog tor a aoMltliig costeent. aad tog. as there were several of them, ing iiany to locale SUter Mao' again ten o'clock to tho forehoon of sfld
so tar aa kda iriatt—kno* be to Mill snd baring them stmd bar* ciothtog tmlay were (nutratod by the rain day. And Inasmuch as said prcmlMs
.alive Ibara Tte gM. vhoaa naaM to
Her Taasen for Uaring the convent lost night and this morning. Tbe dog constitute a single dwelling house
and grounds and cannot he gold lu
msattemed. to a couato. and there U no to this manner m—t have been one
used to work on account of the parts or separately, the whole will be SATtfRDAY, OCTOEBH
doten. or she might have been
; I—on for aorii a oamriunloatlon on'
raise thi-i
■nt being w-ashed uni of her Iracito. sold In Its enilroty, n
for prln' tha pan oi tbe youtg man. B. w. AI- possessed of a ballurinaUan that she
i large I>arty of searchers will un- amount due to coruplaii
is to said
cipal and Interest and
'.to* )isa a riMplofam that the masaage coold ftot leave opeoly. Alt the express
iiMcdly go from this city tomorrow cause and the axpsaae
this sale.
'-vaa written wri an left with a mmive was from CUeago. with (he exceptSon ... eld la the search. Tomorrow will
•«.—toe *1U hot DOW dtoeloae. but aa
which was sent fnnn flrobably ‘be the final general scorch
' iBTCoMgritoa «( the aSalr to tinder Marisles.
for the missing woman for the general
r«ay. Tka taadstori will ba neat to Uie
In riUxsaa- cUthlng the nun could eptoion Is that If sbe Is not found to- and clfihtrt-n <1SI. in blcwk two t2)
'«My te ewBlnadoB. Allen llvee oo pass tboro moat todmate with
piarrosr elid will never to- found llv of Oak Park addition to tbe village
city) of Traverse City. Michigan RETURN LIMIT
' Bi— avnone road, pew Walker av- without recognlllosL
thervwant Into Tfsnea
Otio Sorensen, the Ktopily ctolrB Grand Rsp-

Mb. II. rUA M;
Mo. II. FbU. lA;

wIUa iM.
ooMa lift.
No. n. rot*, 4; oolMa. IXJ.
N» 14. Fit*. 4; ooUfth IIT.
Na U.rot*. 4:
No. II tat. tl
No. 17. fat. U.
No. ». fat. tt


Ss.*::,”:.-;;;;;;;-;:::.. Z

Traverse City StateBank

Olin Family
Cleveland, Ohio
Buffalo, N. Y.y


-A porieard Bailed by yoimg Allen,
at Grand Forta. September 1.
kew received here aad bis father left
aavwal waafea ago to go to Grand
VMa to rielt the young man. Tbe
•COOrin. wtM to spoken of to Uie 1
Uvea to CDledooU.''

Went Ariwra.
. Sooth Marium. Mich.. SepL II—
;4toe arimoaer H. D. Mooro of 8he\oygaa beond from Harbor Sprtoga
'BortWaabtogion sdth a cargo of hard.wood hiBber. wait Mbora on the
t o< Soidh Manitou ts
land UK night to a Worm wblle at
—pttag to make batbor.
Tbe 4WW of four men srere rn
by the south Manlton Ute aavtog
preto. It to brtleved the arinonec wUl
toe a total loas. as Me lays to an eaxMlUf ’TBSli.
Tbe foDowtog Bilk toria 1
RMted by\Meat aad Milk b
. ttockrvK:
No. a. FDIA aJ: aaSdft. UJ.
Ka I. IDto. 4; anIMa. UA.
; Na 10. lUU. 4.ft: nrilda. HA
Na 4, Fria. 4; arilds. lt.7.

OUo Sorensen, the Kingsley cUlrvoyant, went Into his trance Sunday
night, and told that the etoter
conftned In the basement of a
on Glen Uke. He ddsertbed the build­
ing as square and lorried On a hllL H<told that three men were ImpUeried
in the plou which was abduction, and
tori one d tbesn. a man with a black
beard, paced up and down the road
WBlcbing for searcherw
The only cottage corres
this desertpUon to the summer home
t a OilcagD man named Burke.
A party of Kingsley men drove
Cedar and tbence to the lake this
roortitog followed by a deputy aherHf. who will arl ts theve Is .anything
tu the story.
Rain ktoppsd.kearch.
The rato Utday cot tha general
seairii abort to a marked degree.
There were perhaps a hundred
srho tamed out and were Uhen
that has not yet been searcl
ed. kicatad ahori three miles from
tbe emivaaL
Tim ease gfowa aitwe Sense every
dV and even the toadera li
•earoh get more and more at aei

voyaut. did oot succeed to going Into r.
Dated this 28th day of August. A.
i trace last evenlngi nlihough be tried
k «H11 3 o’clock thto morning. The
- <rf hU provlons att Court Comn
Grand Trav.-rse County. Michigan.
Ismpts, be stated, were tbe d
Smurthwalte A Alway. Sulirltors
for Complainant.
Hew te Remaia VounoTo continue young in ’health and
Mreagth. do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan. Me
neaongk' G«- <1W- 8*>e says: •’Thr.i
boUlra of Bectric Bitters cured n-of chronic liver snd stomach trouldFcomplicated with such an unhvalthj
of .the blood that ray skin
- ari. I am
turned red u Bannri.
years younger than bepracliea
• B
Bitters. 1 can
... I-took
do all my work with
to my bitsband's storoat C. A. Bngbee- t>rug Co, S E.
PriroA Sons. Ill
ih Drag Rt'


y i
Low rates age made tor Fair* to 1
irid at polau reacted via Fere Mar
.juelle railroad. For particulars -■e
sgento. IL F. Moriler. G. P. A. 36 2i

Farewell to Vacation

Now it’» thsi aimo /or
SoKibol Boole* anri

Speclsl Train te^s^v^.................................

^Fer farther panieu'er* apply to

The Busy Housewife
is now engaged in putting up pr< serves and pickles—
Are you in a pickle ?—Perhaps wc can help yqu some.
SeaUng Wax—Tumerlc
Mace-Mustard-Dili Seed
Curry ^wder-^iccs
Good fresh pickling supplies and reasooable spices

ttlaifs Drug Store

Here you will find any Text Book
u^ed in this part of the State.
See the firie large tablets we sell at Se.
An exclusive line you don't firid elsewhere.
Special prices to be districts.

City Book Store
Traverse aty.Mleh.

The Hotert Co.Vrop.




An -thrm^ ttm attM. «ta Ammhi
w«rtu«. »wt» «r th* III*** **w« <!►
«n*r aajrlipht but ia‘* S-oeat rate lav haa bM*i declared
h*« •« th* *tew |r>«l
Tbe dectaioo waa baadad down bf
Th* •nbi«)r** of th* factMy ***** jDdpea Wllaoa and Aadenreld. In
**t at *Mi pulling out a** ohwT*d laror of tbo Pennaylvaala rallread.

and Colds

Pr^iMl: B. l«mbv from th* fciln* m Mwt m K
*»■ M*l ariMigh to huitfl*.
Th* I*** will laoeh laojOO. Th* Grant and Or*M Laka Bunday BchoOl
There ii t raoedr over sixty
brick *>«ll* of th* kiln tnill haw* to b*
yesTB old—Ayer’s Cherry
tom down and now on** *f»ct»d a*
Pragrain of -thr Fony-Semth QuarOIMh. m*. Mlw «. mtmatk. toail
Pectortl. or course yoa bsTe
tbo Grant and
•orwtng a* a fumao* ia*t
lai«. ■. C. DM, tmtr MMth. W. V.
Orara Lake t
. to be brid
of h, probably hive tued
night ***** badly craekad.
at Oraat M. B. church, Oct. 5. l»07.
it OaceiDtbefBmily.kBtflyB:
“It will ti* u* up for two month*,'
Morning BeaMon.
S KT eeit m*wet M Time
•aid Mr. wmilani* to th* Record thU
I«;S0—DeroUoiuU aerrlcea led by
tbe oDC bouseb^d remedy tor
“W* *wUI begin robulldlng lire. Arthor BeiuiRt.
conefas sad bird colds oa tbo
10;80—Addiww ot wricom*. Prank
a* aeon at th* Inouronco I* ad)uMad. Sbwiff.
chesL Ask your doctor about te.
The loo* I* covamd in full."
by George HcTTOO
“g«U tor coot eUcty raxa.''
Mr. William* further Mated thM he tbe Snudiy •cbool by p*Mor of
td no idea of th* origin of th* flr*.
11:40—Reeiuuan. .Hmty Saekttt.
“I hau to think that anyone yould
William* nr*.
•t It” he *ald.
numer and Bodal Hoar.
Reold** th* loo* of th* lumber and
1:30—Pralao and Song Service, le
aroon, th* wiHlama
• C Runk. .
r h**wy lo** klht*. th*r* «(•• coneiderabi* damage
th* main portion of th* plant the ken.;0O-A Tilk. by Mra. J. W. Ullli
by firo loot night, th* three diy kiln*
•f thotr plant being ^rttod and th* wood*wo*» at th* aouth and bdng char
Duet by Mra. Alice Biggie
>00,000 «o*t of m^l* lumber ttwroln rod and aeverol pieoa* of machinery and Miaa Ada Wlleoe.
2:40-Tbe Organlrad Adult BiUe
*ootr»y*d. th* laltm> at4n* enuiling a mined.
WANTED-BSdcrly woman a« houa<Tonight th*r* will be in th* •outh- Claa*. by C. B. Dye.
fooa of about OMOO, tho total lee* be­
kvv-prr. Two In family. Addreaa P.
ond of th* William*
ing about 000,000, wKb Inourane*
Record office.
yard a city hydrant wrhich wa* order- tbe County Praaldeal. Robert I
Th* fir* ourted In whot I* known) od put there by th* council eom* time
FOR 8ALk>—IfiS acre farm In a«r
* 12. 4 mile* from Bingham. P. O.
a* th* drying »h*d..bOtwr*on th* kiln* age. Although the pip* line and the
int w*r* both In piece they
: mile* from P
and factory building proper and
Maggie Schell. Sec.
uoelee* as they wrer* not conn*ct*d
diocovorod by a Pw Mar^MtU rail­
Worked Like a Charm.
road employ* >«*tc ran to th* boiler
Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that
There «mr* meny thing* to contend
room and notiflod Nightwotchman
epicy Rmnul. tbe Bnterprl*e. Loulaa.
FOR SALES—Pigs from six weeks
Luka Halnea, who «ra* putting in 0mI with In getting water to th* ftr* a* Va.. aa}-*: “1 ran a nail in my foot
I two moatba old. Also good liroo<l
naaroM hydrant wma about SOO laM vetk and at once applied Bi
BO»a; young pigK $2 a piece. For full
for th* boilera. He racdd to eighth
front th* Are. When th* engln** leu'* Anilca Salve. No Idflanimatlon particular*' addrea, Frank SmlU,.
atroM ud**r* th* factory firo alarm
arrived they ww« both placed on folloered: tbe aalve almply healed tbe City. R. F. D. No. l’.
baa lo loeatod and found aaveiW men
atteawUng to pull th* boa. wmich r*. Eighth •troMbrtdgeandaeonhad four *ktn dlBcaae. Guaranteed t
lino* on th* flame*. Both *t*a
fuood U work. Mr. Hanoo oont
workad very nicely under the eupe^
Bcrra In Keaaon
alarm by t»l»phon* bnd tho alraa bla
under cultivation, good bouse, bam.
vision of Engineer Fulghum and pour­
N,pt 7I4L
cellar and well. Terms easy. Wm
ed about 1,»0 gillena of water per
J. Scott. Maple City. Mich. ..3&-lmo'
minute upen th* blew and kept In up
Th* place where the flr* atartod I* until they were taken back t*.
iring Thi* Dl*«aa*.
at th* north ond of th* kilriL
heua* about 1 e'eteek thia morning.
Caurrb I* an entirely unnecoaaary ^ cult Cotm for Grand Travetsv
•hod twenty f**t wid* and. owing to R**ld«* th* four lino* from th* eteam,th* Baamneoi of th* wr*ath*r, it I* im- era ther* were teur mer* from th* dIcease and almuld nut be tolerated County, In Chancery.
a ringle day now that Hyomel
' probabi* that a apark from a looomo- city hydrant* and *n* from th* *nAugust Coons, Complainant, w.
Lucy Onans, Defendant. Aug. 22. i»i>T.
tivo urowid Ignite th* .building. There gin* room of th* faotory, two line* of
It aatlsfariorlly aniearing from aftl
la no flr* wrhatewer In that portion of
line* being *hirt off while a br*Mi Tjowna..
I tbU CBUai> that Ittav
It times (
th* plant, and el
In th* eld hoea. on* of
tarrh waa thought to bo a blood di*11^ Incendiary theory.
M new hoe* being laid. There
eaae and atomacb doalng the only
State of Wlacontin
Long bofbro th* olion oont It* thrill­ •ar th* neni* wo* iwpaited.
treataonL Modem idenoe finally dis­
On motion of L H. Oagv. aollclicr
proved lbt> Idea ot tbe couae
ing wMI for fiitloa Into the oMintry.
for tbe complahiaBt, It ii ordered that
the liirid glare of th* angry flamo*
Thar* war* four member* of th* tarrh. and found that It'waa a germ Mid defendant cause her apiM-arance
diaeaae and. after many eaperlwaa rafleetad In a faarful rod from company who
menu, tbe remedy wna decided to be to he enten-d In tbit cause either In
peraon or by eolicltor within four
tho low ho4>hg olouda. Tha depart- take ‘a r*M thla morning and thoy Hycmel.
Hyomel aediontes tbe nlr yoc months fttwi the date of this order
mont. wtih AaoldUnt Chief Fotortyl ot wera th* four hoc*** who
id lo default thereof that Ue bill of
itahaod owtng to th* aboano* of Chief •Untly on tho move luting th* breathe; II kllla the eaurrtaal genna;
mplaini Bled hCTrin muy be taken
it beat* tbe amarllng and raw mom
Murray, who I* on hi*
•teamer* and heavy track* up pud braura of tbe. j

dmvn hill* and over th*
«h*lr BfiM writh rapldKy and
■od Uiroat; it cuns all catairbal
foiling olouda of otoam addad thalr
Grand Traverse Co.. Mich.
Aa there la life and health tn the
part to tha awa biapiring plot
Ir In ■
I- H, Gage. •
Th* flr* eempany cam* very
pin* 1
Solfeltor for Complainant.
On* iin* wa* laid *n th* aoM aid* boing In mourning for *n* of their and healing
bslaam*. so there U life
of th* plant and an*thar on th* oppoo- faithflif b«a*ta thi* morning. Whon and b«*ltb in breathing Hyomel.
There 1* no need of suffering from ca^ oW*. Aa tha ntbbar clad flromMi, th* Aret fla*h of llgi
tarrh If the simple and natural
Vnt low bofore th* h*M and'amit th* vM’lBak)
iker had th* team near th* fae- lent of Hyomel la iwed.
J. W. Heera. of Weel View, Pa.. Is
biioam hlwing to bottw with th* tetV offte*.
A bolt of lightning craa*So aure b. this pmeriptton U
flamo*, a flare* oioctrical atorm brokt c^th* road In front of th* hora** and even tbe worst ca«c* tjt catarrh, that Mid to have one of the moil valuable
shorthand llbikrl'e* In tbe world. It
•uor tha city, tha ll|gitning flasht* i^onaer'th* b«*t horae* In th* doincludes pranically all the aystemR
^rtiMni, tell to hi* knoe* and it look_ tending an
Invented since tbe year 1*00.
•6 tor an InMairt M If he had been
ta tha oeona.
Mraek. Mr. Baker auecoadad in get­
ting him brak te hi* teat but it
tlm* Mora he
th* atrtn haoa in tlw city hurriad to oovofkd from th* aheok.
Ttil* flash oam* when th* flamo*
th* oeoiw of th* flro. i«*n tho notw*r* at their hoight, along about th*
«MTk of IlnoA ooch loading to
■Imgortant point In thd tin* of battla. flrM part of th*,flro, and wa* terri«mr* ooting Mowly, but ouroly Into th* fyinMy brilliant ^It aaamad as though
t of th* y iifligi auon. Th* work tha whol* haavona had let a Mraam
waa Moor. torriWy ok A fr*etiwi of Of eloctrIcJty dart Inte tha thtekoM of
th* flam**. * Th*
m inch at a timo. tho
Maw two IlnoL then throo ond a fow th* thunder v>o* *e h**wy thM th*
•arth fairly trembled. A nwmbw *f
momonta lator another
pouring tboir gMlona of wo*w Into th* p**pl* who w*ra hoMIhg onto th*
•t**l rods of thoir umbralla* wera un­
•orthom ond* of th* woMam kllna.
able te tet ge and aevoral women felt
Tha mm) on on* iina attomptod to the effects of th* ehoofc for aeme tlm*
'work forpord into th* woatom kiln afterward.
It's high time to be thinking >I your Fait and
The dry kiln la divldad Inte two
Winter shoes and you might as well lave the best.
ngitudinat aoettena, ooch of which
omokinp lumB ib# dropped to th* pll* of
bravod the smoke ond flame*
frW on which h* hodf boon
b*4 oundingH^Wrwnan Blacken mad* hi* wroy back and plunging Into th* first oeeken of
^ bnd dragged th* man t* apan air.' the kiln fastened e chain ta one of the
and pullod H out of danger. An­
I mmaged t* mak* hi* way back other car was taken te the aam* way
but before th* third «Suld
th* roof over thi* eecttek fell la and
- Th* dow^ from th* main portion of aa saving met* lufMer from this
and we are anxious that everyone should see
- 'th* plant to th* drying ohod. ar* fli*- Kiln wa* out of th* gueotlon
themproaf, whkh undoubtedly
directed their attention to'th* next
y tooa on th* moohlitory and etiwr division. Th* flret car In being pull­
A* H woo tho flr* mad*
ed out ten the troek and blocked up
•tert *nough on th* main bunding to
any ether
•oue* a portion of the roof to fall.
from leaving the burning straetur*.
The high brick wall* *f th* kiln*
It wa* eia months, almoM te the
mad* work difficult from th* *ld** day, that the Wltliama plant waa vtewith every purchase made to our Children's De­
and oteoam* wrero thrown Int*
Kad by a dlaactroua flr*. On March
partment we give absolutely free the new game ExerWrithing bod* of flam** from th* roof », at «:0« p. m.
of a wareheua*. Daflantly they marad Hainaa discovered a flr* and **nt In
Ketch and one chance to win the “Exer-Ketch” Iron
ond looped okywnrd, finding ftoph th* alaim. So guickly didd it ^read
holdi in th* cloeoly pH«d
th« when he returned he waa met by
ovary eacond. Thor* wr*r*
a roaring. aeMhlng furniwe. The dcwtwn*
> a quick reapcncc. both
' water until the roof bumod away, and
put into uc* and every
'tiwn only th* outald* of the flr* ro- bit of ovsHabI* hccc in tha city
. o*lv*d battle for hour*.
lalA but before the flai
gotten under ocfltrci a lee* of BBOr
Th* pump* M th* mill umr*
000 With but BIA7D0 available insur­
h wa* 1*1* in the evening b*f*r* th*** ance had been caused.
mroam* were working •atMoetorily.
cut M
work and th* rebuilding of th* iww
th* center of th* factory diatrlet and cener*t* plant
th* wrind blowing from th* north, •a the debru wwa ctearod away. Th*
boanr^ apark* and burning brand* to- plant i* th* largest ttooring mill in
Chief Murray raturnad from Mil. rain which fell breu#it aafoty to propariy which wmuld have ethemvlea boon auk** thi* mernin^ H* aayi th*
box at th* William* plant i* on* of
boH in th* eity and th* mwi *¥1.
At on* Urn* It halted, halted hM
baited a* hm'0 ^l ovorybody tori) denUy (M nM pull It down or
ter alwlter at anaa and oil tho avail- bert of •
notieoabi* at hoadquartere.
•bte oovor wo* ooen flited up.
_«fiqM»-A. Tiyy

talSrOiM*; A.J.a«rMi4.'A.TB!M
niacKSfr^ ««Mr Ur.

Travorso Ciey’s Base SEora

ak week, 2.82B


"My friend praise me and make a fool of me. My‘enemy tells me
the .truth and thereby do 1 profit in knowledge of myself.
Our friends come in and sralk through the store, examine the goods
and tell us what a fine store we have and what beautiful goods they are.
The customer who has suffered through the frality of some one of
our business family calls us down and enables us to prevent suc& a hot
coming next time.




It is Criticism that Points the Way to Perfection
The Milliken principle and policy must ifways satisfy the public which
is served.
When it does not, then there has been an ACCIDENT somewhere
in the service but the management can never know of that accideot
except through YOU. A tired salesman may give the store such a jolt
that it will be some time before it recovers and we will never know of it
unless YOU tell us.
This store service is not good enough, it never will be as long as
human beings are running it, but you can help to make it better by
pointing out to us our shortcomings either in service or tbe goods you
The store b planned to be ooe of the most helpful ser>'ers of the
public it is possible to create.
Every bitpf merchandise is selected with the utmost care and b
alirays the best the market affords at wKat ever price it is sold. We do
not handle cheap inferior goods but sell you a good grade of m^xdtan*
disc as low as any store in Michigan.

New Fall Merchandise
’ yon are ioteraatad in new i
the floming winter and we want a ahare of yonr boaioon
and we know if yon will consider the bating qnaUtiaV
the merobandise yon buy rather than jastthc- dianpoem
wc will get the bnsiw

Ow New Styles Are


Every bit of merehai>dise‘idected baa been porebaaed
with tbe idea in mind t'< give onrenstomera the BEST
POSSIBLE goods for the LEAST MOKEV. By comparioon wc think yon wiD ooboeJe that we have nooeded.

New Suits



JEUIR Of aooo SHOfS .

We have just iiegnu to receira aome ahipmeob of .
new'anita from NEW YOBE that are czoeptionally fine,
some very smart idem in tbe coat styles in thir^ ■
au and
fifty four in bngtbs. in both fitted and half fitted atylea.
Npw Goats are bert- in abnodanoe. There are a pro­
fusion of ^ood styles and good worthy garuMto for ereiy_,
Much can be gained
beginingof the soasoD.

bnyiag early sa stocks are slwaya at their beat at dw _

Dress Goods In Abundance
w drees gt»ds are now in and a finer stock we never offered.
Them w
everything that the moat exacting shopper conld ask for and at every price, Do not
think of pnrohasinga new dnaa until you have at least seen oor abonjng.
Stock! arc complete ia every departmcBt ao<l we ENOW an early bspeetka wiD
be ol great benefit to VOC whetoer yon are ready to buy now or noL


tirand Traverse Region.
Mr: Van Aoken «d Taoderbllt Is
rismnR frlcttds In tble piaee.
Ura. C- “ - ■ • - •
UM «• m
»oft C
_________iMofe Um H«r*U o«M not
•Ur »M TwoUy nwn «f *Mh
•M «
" •UTfWpoMiftU fall U «nd
t»uy m*j- bo cuMrari MiM ti day and took away i
of applM. Otdto a nt
are letiirainR to tbalr beuea on her.
Henry Latdie baa pnrchaaad tbe old
home and will soon aaive-bls family


a»Mit Sundar «iUi W. H. AiuteiMi
s«4 famitr.
Mtaa FlO}' Jotljr Is •UI'Idr at Ule
h«a>« of J. O Bootb aad aucndlBs
SrvadlD acbool.
Utss IUUd Oabonie arrived hm
tan Maaoaloiia IMdar. and bc«ao
hnr acboul duilca tlondar.
Firo of our rmui peopU Mi(en>d
tta BMlor <na*s iu Ute Dk tuplds
ttA aetool last week. They «»r«
dK rollovluR: Goorie Maotac
terrr KetiDedr. Blkfr BtaSWd.
•a Baebl aal AKha A&danun.
Tb* Boda! fMdv rrtelai mt veil
utwdad. Piw^ vm *Uo.
. T. O. ADdmen of New York clfy
9^t a few ddM «( last weak vllbi
JE brMhrr Hsibt and Ui fastfly hire.
Mr. AndMnoe wlU Malt ralMttes lo.
I^reato befon tetaiwl^^to hte duUw
M ai^ilsum anpOTti
topwlal boaplUl In Mm' York dty.
A party of revne
•laaaaiit tltm- at tbr borne of
Mlleoz Baturdar
|M bHoc tbe birthday o> Clara Oates.:
Was Oates was preseoted arlth a very
firettr rasa bowl as a UAea of tbalr

ill plare. barinR sprat alx weeks
with her father In Ovid, who baa '
Sept. «.
Mr. and Mra. BofMie Fbster
down fruu Mayfleld today.
A numlter from here attraded tbe
dodicaUan at Matcbett Bunday.
Ura. J. A. Tripp and arm Hervey
ware amonR those who aUanded tbe
CatboHe acbool dedication at Han
nab. today.
R'ork was flnlrbed on the new Lin­
den bloek last B^orday. with tbe «acepMoo of tbe plumblkc. Tbe flxturcs
are now brtny pot tn pUce.
Thomas Birin of BaoRor.
of hislialer. Mn. 0
C J. Barkman left on
last for Jennlnpa.' bis now dspot
ebarpe for the O. R. A I- »■ iMdly
will move there later.
Jos Bfbaotsr of Snmmlt aty waa •
the rillace today.
Miw. Frank Uanford left Monday tor
Ann Arbor where abe will take treat-

Mr. and Mrs. Oro. HockrMge prrs-i w' Otmn'a aawnlll resumed opera­
yad-tbeir cfalldren with a flue p^uo tions Monday.
Tbe Rev. Bodlw*. the newly app<Hi
Ttw Rev. John PreaaUy and wife ed Free Methodist pastor U
Mt Monday far flouth Boaitean to nioHy seated.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook were
M (one IWD weeks. TViere will be no
pPMobtaR serrloe nest Bnaday. There larerae City. Mo*^.
iTinR JAopust Rlnpaley bad o
•111 be Sunday school at the u
......I nnd n------------J. A. Anspoch and M. Ha*
rere In Travv-rae Clly Monday
Ins the Jewish New Veer.
Itte Vera Pewlsss returned to Mr
Ida Beeee has cane to peniylraiila
tn sake an aottaodad vUlt with retac
■ Mra. Samelu baa pone Ao BUrer fbr Albion to
Methodist r


^ annual

t of tba«vroek.
recuBroil’S! 'boMd tbalr

■amlap — ...........................................
«ni be taken to OUea«o for borlal.

■n,; 4.
lar raeeOnc to FHcaera ball

c Sat-

‘‘'A^^aaBber are piannins to ^end
tho A 8. of B. Bwotlap ni Keystone
on Sept. It

- BMTTM MAirr.
. Jooaa and fantUy of Wayland i
Mra. nbart.
(new of bis sbUT. Mm E. Bran.
Georxe Morvtsan 1* saBerlnR from
Mr. and Mm ■. F. Draka and
lae fld MoodpoUon. eontrneied wbiM
dnaghM- and Hr. DsU. aU e« Kalamm
^ _
TMDeWalker retiuaed
Satatday nMwalag from a bosineas
trip to Grand Rapids.
J. G. Teakor M fllUng tbe posltloa
of O. R. A I.vpNt bare tetnporanly. vlsU with fall siatey. Mn. Harvey.
The Rev. UoUna prsaebar his fare­
Ybe KlniCBley orebeolia will pro>l<s'e
well sermon lefore leaving for
cTwnlttR. Bept. 20.
J. DtaoB and tamUy spent yesterday
lext week.
•at Fred Howard s.
Bepl. to.
Sept. ».
Clarence Rlckerd and son Clydi-. of
Memidils. TniD.. visited hU sister,
Mrs. Will J4*asen. last wdek
Mrs. Chas. Kroupa spent a few days
with relativtw In Traverse City
of iBiiples
The Oneltanta tx»ok a load of
lo Travel^ CHy Sunday inomi
_ to
be ahipped on the Sir. MIsalouri.
Mr, and'Mra. Chis. Johnson and
Mr. and Mra- JVed Johnson were calla at the Harbor last week.
Mr. and Hi-*. WlU Kearney
Traverae Clly rtslied relatlvea at ihU
place orer Sunday.
■ Andersen and aw
____MIeh., aprai Sunday
and Mrs. Albert Kroupa.
Qhss Brtmer U the Rsot of bU
parents Mr, and Mia. F. n ilrinimer.
Boweia Harbor ball team went to
OrwUlckville on tbe Str. Onekama
Sunday aftetwoon to pUy lull, but
owtny to bad weather no game was
B»pt. 9.
7%ls Is the second week of tchool In
dbrtrlci No. S. with Mis- Ester C.twy
from Old Mission as teacher.
Mrs. J. Skinner of Grant, la visiting
bar old home at L'Uca. New York.
•en Sefarll and daui^ter Allre.
Mted at W. M.
from Klntcaley. vMted
DIxira's laat Saiimlay.
- w«..
Bchell btg! n artiool in

B. E. ChamplOD is entertslnlnc bis
father frevn Bother. Mleh.
The LAdlea- Aid. of tbe I)v-lpte
ehnrrti, met with Mrs. Will Auyer laat
Wednesday. A very pleasant time
* Mrs. iurtee relumed home ImI
Thuradsy from her Eastern visit. She
,-as aceompanli-d by bber two nieceaThe farmers
irmers throw
re busy
aisy pKawiuR
pKxwiUR for
foi —C. E- Csnatea folks are ent*rtalntng Mia Canute's brother and family.
Malrln Drake from Kalamaioo.


Mra. J. W. JeCray of I
vtrltlag tetrads hero. '
MUa Bessie Pulrer cd Tacamaeb U
vUiUng ber naele. A. B. Prtrar.
HIM Arrflla Btagfcam of Bawderit is better tp detxKit your funds giiih us
sos. Is T'.rfUng at A. PailMd'a.
that* to carry or hide them.
J. W. Wright and M. D. Batdwla are
both entertaining
from the
A good many went from this piaee
with us they are absolutely safe.'sr) ile on
yssindav to attend the dedication
service* of tbe new M B. cAtirch at
your person or in hiding they arc NOT safe.
Mr. and Mra A. J- AlbrliAt left last
Wedm-sday for a visit wtth Mr. Al­
bright’s tvlBtlv<.< la Iowa and Ne­
many a life has betn lost through keepiojt
braska. They vxpect to be gone about
money about the house or on the person.
rank Van Veixer I
six weeks.
Tbe A. 8. of E eommraeed work
rltltlBR with his eOtwin.
thrHr wsrehoura here today. They
Mr. and Mra. Frank rreeman mad wtll build it S&X45 fet'l at .
with us your funds m^y be earning a me ddaughter, Gennide. retuned
add anothiv 30 feel next year If need
fnmi KlDRsle*. Thursday, where they ed. The society fara about tortr-Are
erate rate of iotenst foryou instead of ly­
have been rblUng with frtaoda and members now at this tdaee.
ti> fraverse City and ITlnskey Batur.
Tbe sebral <«f this dUtriet
WBoed last Thursday. The tauhel- day and Sunday, returning hot
Miig Chas. Wtll of WlUlamaborg.
thr noon train today.
M. Bronson waa tbe p*rat of Mr.
Sopt. 9._________________
Torupkln* Wednesday aad Tbumday.
-.....................................Amon Webfr
r rairlne has Plenty of Traverea City Readers Have
been with the tbraabing enachtue.
the Same Ezperiencs.
Bute of
As RbF ivsalt of a good season for
DonY neglert an aching b^k.
applee Ibis yem the farmers are shipIt will gft worse every year.
ptna s good many barrets of apples.
Uarkeebe Is reully kidney abhe.
We jdl hope that the ralD} spell i*
To rare tbe back you must cure the
rer wflh us as the fall work serais
I be atalring us all In ibr- tare.
S-pt. ill.
if you doaY other kidney ills fol­
r.owd. Something over three hnnWEST ALMIRA.
IMnary trouble*, diabetes. Brlgbt'ai
Mr* Mill* is spradlug u f.-w week's d:-ed and lift} dutlai* *<-re raMed In
Jumre B.-yant of Lake Ann. aad the disease.
« a*h and siH»crlpUoB», The tndebtedWith her daughter. Mt*. Alda Wall
gratlcman that owns the Spallord'
neas on the churoh was railrsty pne
hnilelUrm were In our vicinity Sunday
vldevl for and tbe peufUe are }tmt as
palliigg a 'rip t
looking over the farm. He expms'to —the care I* easy
grateful as |ie(ip)e ran be and aarsljt
ttrebard and build some new
Mrs. W. A. Murrel. OI Webster
ifcs y have causr ii> Iw.
tenons aroend the farm.
stpert. Traverse City. Mlc'i-. mays:
Srpt *.
them 10 BetroW
from baeksAe and kWney trouble. I ■urt for home this monitog. slcgrpln;:
Mr. and Mt*. R. R. Bales drove tO; lacamo weak, itrrvou*. and deprewed.
Box's staler.
K. A. Wall and family vUted at
hf Mr. am
d but oh- 8am Hodgov, Wedueeday,
from here attended
Qclte a number
>e Gleaner's picnic held at Honor.; lalned no relief noUl I prociircd and! Mr. and Mra. Fenstermacher from
II reiiort a nice time.
used Dosn's Kidney BUN. In mi I Hiutbeni M
The Hirer Bee* will meet with Mra gave a public MatraiMt reganllng, sNler. Mr*!. ...
YeMorduy ylll be tv>faembervd a
Silas Gray. Sept., l»ib. lx every one
Tbrraber* sru ex|i«ct«d in the nelghnme. All bring your ntWle and the cure effected by the use of Doan's, long time loj- ilie people of tkl* com- borbood this wvwk.
Kidney PUls and at this Ume am muniiy. THe H. K ehnirh was the
thimble and shear*.
Tbe esciirslno from tbe ooulh
scene of u- happy and social ocemduo
Our sciioot commeheed last Monday pleased ^ endorse It.*’
as well b> a solemn and rellgtous nm . tirodght fHends and lelsiives to many
moralBg with Miss ’ Waddell from
For uale by all draler*. Price 5ii The new church wa* dedicated by the beru/aod In suiroundlog neighbor­
Manistee aa teachei•r,
Mr*. Ehirl Gray U boarding tbe centa. Foater-Mllburn Co- Buffalo. paator and a visiting mlnisi.v from hoods.
There will be aerTlHtt at Mw acbool
New York, sole ag< nis for the fulled Traverse Cily. Ur. Bargett. who
school-l«a Cher.
preached two very Interesting and bouse Sundsy nlgbt The minister lor
Mri 5Raldla RMer of Elkhart. Ind.. Buies.
highly instrunlve sermon*, to s full the coming year wUl have chaiga. Ail
1* visiting with ber grandp*
Remember iLe name—Doan's—and houw. Tbe/e was not room enough are invited.
Charley Bate*, mod also her
and Mr*. Chcriej
I take no other.
»n>t 10.
, ;
tor the crowd, und'such a generous
other rt-lallves.










Have you been figuring on a new heater this year? If you have do not
buy until you have looked over our line. It will save you some money.


This year we have bought a larger stock than ever before. We did it to get the very, lowest pbssible
prices, and
positively know that we are,selling stoves ten per cent. lower than any line of good reliable stoves
sold in Traverse City.
If you are going to burn coal, be sure.and see the great RENOWN heater. It is the heaviest and best refede
stove of its kind on the market.
"The best Range
brains end experience
have ever prodaeed,**

Pallor Furniture
IW BUndg fion a


Dining Rdom Furniture
Bideboaida bom.............................111^

Dining Tabte
DO diffefflRt itjlea to gelaot tram,
tanging in price from tUi.


lltgM IS piooet of egefnl 07
kitchengrlickg................ U'

•WWAHR gpeokl fa a»tnrfgy only

Dining room chain r^ag in price


Kitchen Furniture
Bu«afro.*aaNto........... *«X.M




Bedroom Furniture
Solid oak bedroom eoit 3-pieoa... .SICM
Othm at SIS, 18, 80. 85, aad on
op to............................................
Odd oomod« from UM ««.......... tliA«
Chiffonien from UM tO..............tlMO
Bed room chain from $LM tO--

Mr Timi Stow Ul


Cophoarda from MitO to.............. tlf>M
Kitobea OabineU from S7A9 to . .tlSAO
Kitchen Thblea ffom n.7S to........HM
We cany a oom}4ete line of tinware.


a* to do tbe moat good.

The MraigtbeMd parta an ttioM
Tbece the bkmC wear is.
Tbe vaUa are AiteMcw Uned.
Tber are aadxM afeael. eo naeqnestly
tbr^anttORgaBdeensR crack.


50 and^lOO-^w^inner Seta, ranging in price



thing Heating Stoves .



and aee the 100 pieoe aet of
Yon want to be
celain ware,
/T 7S
Anferickn Pctfcelaio
ware. nicely
which v« are aeUineat........................................OiO
aelling at

Here ig a good «ie in a
combination woed aad <.-oal
heater. Alldoonaad dnfte
are machine faced, making it
perfectly air ruht. It na»
beary nickel fiatden oom(detely hiding fire pot from
ordinary obaerration.
The lO-inch aire aells at t 8
The 12-in. aize aelU at
Tbe ib-ia. aixe eells at iSjN


This is just the time of year to cover your iloor
and get ready to set up your beatiog stove: .aod with
the line of carpets we are showing you cannot help but
be suited.
We are telling a part wool carpet nt...................................... ZSc
Granite carpet at......................................................................25c
All wod carpet'kt........................................


Bnaacfa carpet fawn ................. :. ..CSe toflJf »cr jrart




llUis nlii

ConUoidiUE akKK tU*
Uaa, ka
^ hai«abl|« asd ilfM.abovcd tliai tte isTtetlmai
of me'
Urn &kam aa4 to^ ttoitiJW nad*
tattlaa mct* and i
jMda tatttaa
MB tk» a«i ate ««re te batd.,
ltd., 0«ns that «1H kin at a tela.
and vbo oftaa; <^»UaJula«. unklpa aod al
................................ ^ _«,.v ud' part to pi«ca.
*® AteetaoBTllla.
U u no I
Country Crowing tettor.

hit umiBnc 4

*• had fatbeta and I

Ttere art problcana to aotro ___


MOdra and

aeren. tor tbe l
datCB of tee poii
tber^r, for detegaiea to t
Bleeal aaventlen. ^
ta wU»ar4 wbenot. we bare bm*nMo aet our haadi at TrarMoe Ctty
la antd county and 8Ute. this Twenlletb day of August, A. D. 1»«T.


tkc. and o( tbe ewrUdratr thereto'
Ttam la Cry's Halt Daia
anted, are corretl tranacripta cf i
origitith cf sum ftatetaenl ate renltmte. ate o( thr whole of aucb ariglMis i>0 file In the offlee of the riet* ,
spirit U cruaUng oK
1 CnuntT. so tar

lUNlaa and ooualna in I «tare onwi, but they vill all be aoirad.
aa St bronchc U homo;the people of tkb grmU
C. V. Aahiob.
wllneaa whereof, we have berr- decline. becBaae men. as a
titm. aapecSally when the mother and, vNI at-e to It that no t
J. M. Myers.
set onr hands aad affixed tbe lblak.ODly of cMtlng wmlth.
^ ainu
they* of men eootrol tbe boaatr of tlm naseal of the Circuit fteft
for ll.e
Then, are thooMnds both m«m and
t flsbt, ware doinc all tbey I Uoa. that tbe railroads arlll be eonCounty of Grand Traverse this Tweao help la tbe atroesle by mak-! peHed to glre erery man a aouare
tlrlb day nt August, ta tbe year one women, wbn do not tsha time to cat
l« 80]
111 n| 18- ST
Uks. by making baadages ate ■
>hai opponimUiss arlll be aolTte
*2 ?2
?1 *!i *I
Bute of Michigan. County of
geoperir. Tbey iwah throng Ufe and
thousand nine huadrrS seren.
y Boralng tbow whom tbe bultela of I ted tbe black man will , rewlw
Tmveree. as.
Robert E. Walter.
aa a rmuite we bare aa age ot Indl
3) II
2; 2S
■qiuiTe deal.
We dr/ In rely certify, that th
(^onty Clerk.
gsoUoB. uervouaaeM. irritabHity. sleep
Mr. Patebtn bad
e (or the n
going ropy of the -itatrmeot
A. E. l»utTer.


wbo beHeved the country
votea given In this country f
Chairman of the Board of bus nights, and morose dlapoaltloo.
bateward. they abould be
cof th
WTtb the diaeorefy of Ml-»na UbiStuI)
County Cbavassera.
Makes Leva for-Countiy.
into tbe wOdemesa ate mi
left, there Is no laager any eaeoae (or
oonUnnlng tbe speaker said there there. Tbe oouatry la growing bir
one ID hare fU health trom
k city ItD tbe country but that ger and every one of uw If we do our
; ManlKw. on taislneo. Thoraday.
dterts I
duty, win be true^dlcrt of tbe t»
S3) 73 390
Sli phen Dunn h-li Mondar fv Em-!
f- C. Koek* of Hol.ur. U here super
gldaiB tooome In and talk It orer with pnWlc.
Ml-o-na Ftrengthens tbe walU of tee
34{ 71 339 plre. wbem he inteuds w sttend bigb:‘“'‘‘-'’'i'»tte KM «b0 (ought And there la
Major Hank tang.
stotuarh. stlunlaies eeraetioa of tee
80 100 024 sebnH tela sinter.
•otbUg that keepa altre tbe lore of
patrioUc medley by the
41’ 39 234
d a parly dlgr-nlve Julcee, rcgulstea tbe Uvef
COMtry batter Dian tbeaa eatnpftiea.
About sixty rewrters fronv «he var"b-' eivamer "AtTa.- taSdrd
C7; 9: 489 Inns nsorta <
tfaw bean to bean talka. be aaldtllen hike, left on tbo!forndtUng .rf Mr. t'lxrk, Mrt.'aad testi.tes muscular coutraeUan to
li 33
• The rotmger Renerailon wwildn'l
ke dteig their duly to their conniry
If they dldnt iwreiwuee the bardaUpa
.......................... i 338! 691) 346; 632; S3»,
that the (te soldiers went ihroagb. In
Th.- U.
<i,m tee Mlsaonri ia...u. In lb.- m-sttb. yellow akin. Irri■ tbe dnya of-the clrtl war. the cot
■ partuna
—■ Mbis Alice Day spent part of Ifcc'
u»w i ■.
bad Obly aboot onetelrd of tba
' Ulloii.
Mt nOrote mileage and that was
t^al UUtrict of the'Sute of Mlebl- - 'rbe M»|
■ f*'*
fi»»lrea»«ng r
who hB%e l-eeu spenjing the
1y la tbe noHb. eoBaedDeatly It
8TATEMKXT OF VOTES given In ^n. bereb;
thHr borne wnlts of tadlgsaUau.
, hard to get suppilea to tbe men i
Ibe Twenty Serentfa Senatorial DIs- that at the Primary elrlction held ou
I awrene.- Da.v, who (Mis to dispel all Uwoe iroublra.
teem and they fcaew what sbor
Ml.<s SImi
of BuntlHrville.
... triet for the nbuliuitlim of eondidate^ Ibb. thirteenth day of August In the
Dona aeaai even with what austen8. E Walt ft 80M sell Mi««n I
been doing sewing herfe reuirned .
land nine _________
anea the south tinwilllogly provided.
F.| h*'®*-Toredry last.
BlVeeiit ----------boxca. -re"
ud •—
guax^tee to reftutd
aeven. Bu|P-ne F. Sawyer,
r, I.MiiBrd
s. Cbapauin.
an. travelllug
iiatriliug saies-.
sales- —------, (Borne of tbe retarans having prewere
Rv. G. W, Fralick and
Knowles and Medor E. LoulsHl
and Co., and Widt-I Use money if tbe remedy doew nu give
vIKMty cobfeaaed bow tee eoidb aided
duly nominated at tbe candidates of Orpba. of Maple tely were eanerr
tea cnauataaary dapanmanL)
'•....... UMiMwday.
tbe Republican party for delRates
Net ngbtlAO for VUdary I
Mr. Kelly
arrived Wed

ly of Chicago
Che ConsUlutlonal convention aa ap­
Rot tbe queatlon abould b
tbe Missouri to
pears bv tbe annexed statment
Mrs 11 II. Uuy and daughu-r AUre.
“aiiat were tbeee soidlera
Iran Moiir<
llaxusburg was a
"Cedar Springs Uelgi
ftvd R. Walker.
, I*
for •««*«■'
Notre Ikime. Ind..
Waa It vMory aFone? If tbe
»t at me notsr oi Pauliia Haller
Chat. S. Johnson.
war bad been waged for victory aloae.;
and family ov*w Sunday.
Rob.-rt E Walter.
Uwn it was a nselCM waste of blood'
Miss Emma Smsiu of Elk Rapids,
they were given (or the (oHowiug
'Major J. W. Hank.
A. L. Waterbury.
and treasure but H waa for aometbing
tcpe-nl Tiiesdav with lur sister, Mrs.
Board of District Canvassera.
higher Umn victory. It waa for a com- pit-need the oM Iwya and the rent ot
L T. Hlckln.
Ing Rii-p'-en liJiine
jjanltou. t.s* tee b^
State n( Michigan. County of Grand
. BMu country." Old Hooen Abe aaid. tba andIsQce and they
made the'
Mrs. aarata Dulfel Is raterialniog
lalUr took the ph
Traveiw. as.
*Tbe Lord moat love the common major come back so> „
be :
Th«- harge SehrtK-d.r.
enrupuny frvan (Mrolu at ber bome
nine rotes ....................................................1SK9
people for He made so many of them.' tion composed by Luiier. tbe "Oghtlng
We, do hereby cerUfy.
"The eoenmon people, that's y«i. chaplain" and tMleatod to Oeneral
furegHng 'ia a convet scatnueni of
Howard Hawley was
down from
tears mo.. that's
tbara Iall of as." said
Id tbo Logan.
votes .................................................................1311 tbe vutua given in tbe Twenty Seven- ihl* week.
.Mker. "And It
the Senatorial DisirlM (or tbe notulnaVeieranb Last Song." and waa well
l»r Shank of Emidn- made a profes-l
you and l make good
leof wbat^ fwolved^^ry wen received ind««d.
of candidates of ihe political por- eloiuil call in town Friday.
^glrag^e brought ns."
voting tbei\>(or, (or delegalew. at
Mrs. Norvai
W. Kirby
4. IMy Is bunding a lanre Imm
jir,. j„ijn Cants and daughter I>ds.
A wise man daolared that tba
ttomey P,
tbe I"rimary el««-(lun In-Id on Tuesday
< (arm.
I will be P>al«l fect.lfmoi Tisv.n... fit}-,
ore vUillnr Vlrl.T, of l*Hlslon, ait vIStUug with
program t
the telrtrontesday of August. In tbe w llli cenu-nt liaventenl (or 3« bend o( (rfend a few days,
parents here. Nr. and Mrs. A.
American ctddler
ear one choinuind
nine hundred cattle, •nre plaits w.-re made by F.
(our votes ................................................... 27:4
t ilunday 1
. Mtmro, Sr
t^ rule of (be
called for volonteers
E. Moore, archltert. of Traverse Clly.• vUlt I. r I roteer 11
dint, then
)ow of Cen
In witnrrs Whereof. Xte have bere- Burr (leimaii of lhii|iir>i will supertiiIvar. ,
1 bred Kenteoklan came fornine voces .................................................1439 inlo Ml our bands at Trav»-r*e Hty leud the Imlldlnc.
'miw WillI Ikut.'-r
froifi* Chatham.
t wp aa ts
Comrude Leper began by «
(’oiiuly iaod State, this Twenly
aid Cotiuly
PetHi fishing from Ihe dock Is flm- ont., and Mrw.
Relart McDonald and
Irw. Reb
—.. __ aa tUuwMK
1 be bad heard n lot about
L-ntb day of
igusi- f
nnd gvKKi ealrfaes an- beiug auid<'.
| dniieliter (nun |tt-«rolt. «|sUeil at M m. ---------------... . .lou
rsttaul tore Uw
IKsib sjid he wanted to day autuelhing
I'a-a—II. gif. t Wni Hslro. sad Ik* r»»v»
Sammy Uaxter
IbiMlekville. Is fi„rv's SaiurtLe
V>ed R. Valbcr.
aboot tee aonth aa be was
visii;i.K hie sister. Mrs. Wm. Laird ol j
Elk l.ike
k* *11-• IB wurW>. Ilwn t ntirn- b day bass**
H iilw-e.
rnBBik*ei*A.>iBruriorKBMUI'>UeTh Crrsat
s-ltli Miss T
balw Uanldl.t bU dtavewt* (iv IB cBaBs. ur
................. ..........................— from old KenMr. Sl«v|ier. a cattle bujer. pnr-.ted ^ teacher.
b> By kra., M Warrea UiivM. Nttr
taoky "And I've cracked cure with
• through bvre on Ills .way to South
^-pt. 9.
my teeth," obligingly abnwing tee enm
oadea that «s teeth arere worn down.
him If he had use
whiskey and 1 le
^ whiskey
, didn't
______ affect the teeth.
ate dtbat tee reascxi hr
gray as some of tbe comrades was
bepanse bo was only 13 yeaia <dd
whw be went into tjic service,
years old wben ho went Into (he
■Yon ^w frienda" bo aaU.
"In i860, people began to get fixy.
In 1881. tee war begun.
In^*. old Abe begin \o put Rebels

j I jIJ


«] icj 1», IS




,| , ..

D. a.




SK-..., u «

I L:





.rr^.tow-n surveying ! ‘



ith'iK: -

This store will be closed next Wednesday. SepL 18, on aeeodnt ol
Hebrew Holiday. Will open in the evening at 6 o*clock.


For tbe Prettiest Tblngs in



1 Ptsil G. A. E.
fnally will cone tbe rule of tbe worktegman. Tte ntla of tbe arista
Waa broken wben the abackloi
Kroek from tbe slave;
then It
batette (bat wealth abould be bowad
to bat wiUUn the last three
years, it waa (ound that under tbe
nsMa <d bnalAMa, tbe people had baen
mbbed of Cremeodiutis auma.
•attlaa ttill Ahead.
Wtee eomee tbe rule
tbe work
Itg mu. It does not mean tbe mte of
' tea laborer alone at the man who
works with hU
I. tee tblnkiog
I mu. He ie


itateBt greed
r given to tbe nattoo by onr
________ _____ at be
,pt unaiimed
t»e ehlldru Htet be
e tn
tjsined to light
Ite bbUke of peace.

L' An.«S3sr.J:R, m u iDddMI 4oM by tba 1
^ ~ -MR In bU mrMotra. Mr. Patebla
daaertbed the joy teat bad
iUahoma loan. Owoaao. when »««•
Bd bad (bllen ate bow tela joy
a tamed to aorrow when tea news
r from
moate to moutb teat
UaoolA was dead. No onr
. . .r (aget tee aadowa
t «Twr tee country, a feeling so
bat It affeeted even a little boy.
Ona Nation.
e tee war.
tee nation
I lu population Ud derebrnte
■ «M aeaar a nation baa before, (n tee
fmtk. tee mtUa am busy, tea milId Kileage has trebled.
Down tn
_ wf ■oote. aectlonal lliMS have be.
■ ;«pept away, old aares have heal,
fIM wbaa tee call to anu eaaie In '•8.
SODS n( tee men a^cm tbe blue
-'inny fought, laid nalde tbelr wtwk.

d of tee roll <
nearly o
it with you.
third gf tee meo who (ought
yen ran rent assured teat wben tec
'mU Koefaea you. you will leave be­
hind you boys wko havent tbrgoaea
what you're done and If ter time ever
ODBHK teat they are needed, ycatr boob
and your giaateni will go and fight
aa aUttigabattiraii ever wi.s fought."
am glad of one thing. This migh­
ty war that you (oiigbt and v
WCB so completet

. . . be aet tee niggers Qm'
. apeaker then slated teat be____
ihby prison, three montea, three
a and lbm> days nnd hod Iswn
wounded three times. ' Tve al>s> Iwen
under the influeneo .^^atrydmiue and
ive ben knocked In tee bead but
oy didn't knock my brains out be
cauae they didn't go deep enongb."
Tbo epeaker teen passed trom levity
) seriouneas and told bow down In
bU butne on the Maaon and Usou
line, be had
sold from
mother, daughter from pareota. son
from father and boabaod from srife.
He had seen the "olgger traders"
thHr long whlpe |nd bad eeeu
a whipped ontll ttmy were
and birwding
He was only IS yrata of age 1
there came a tragedy into his Ufe.
Tbey bad a Ug pla
bi Kentucky. 6«S acres
of land. They
bad ten yoke of oxen.
388 head ot
•beep. ISO bead of boM and alx bead
of horses but tee "Jobnnin" came
and swept all n«ay. His teteer and
brother were sway flgtaUng. be bad
twelve brothers and erery brother bad
slater, and bta mother, himself and
• glrla were left tfaerw. He saw tee
rebels bum tbe catdn
motber and sister alone In Ibe world.
Then he went and joined tbe army
lat wore tee blue.
He waa a UtUe fellow and they hi
S tee legs-of tbe troil^rs 1
em til and be bad to also ax

Oeneral Grant's
have made him a veet. be Mt so big.
While be went away to fi^t. his
mother had a bottle of Mr own. She
turned out of doors wUh a lot of
lltUe cMidren. no money, no clotbea,
no food, all gone. But she seenn
axe and went up on tec msmniali
peeled bark (or a living, tbe nefitebors
erecting a little log pen b>r b«r and
her tanlly.
Then' the (altaer came
laWe to work, two boys came
home on crutchm and he too
lome vrite a bullet in blm and bad
0 walk on cxiitcbca.
Leva Tlieir Country,
The speaker teen inierrnptad bimeir kmg enough to slate that there
rere jnst as loyal men In the south as
the north and that tee}- toved tbelr
comilry jiwt aa well. They stood for
.knierica and they were brothers ot
the men of the north.
He then told of tee dlHalona In the
family that the war brought.
mother was from Vliginla and her,
fi-mlly were all in the aouihem army,
while hU father and hto brother were.
all ta tee northern army apd all of
'■ -m fighting
s'ext be described bis escape trom
Uliby prison and how he came uo to
iVi home.
The bouse eras Just five
from the landing yet he was
Chorister of tbe Ik-partmeoi of Ohio,
an office cnntMl expmwiy lor him
by bis camrades who never tire of
bJs tinging. HU home U In Jack•on. Ohio, nnd be U a brotber ot
Alvin B. Hank of thu Hiy.
Q. A. R.
3 weak he was from sunrise to sun-

-"We bare freed tbe PbiilppiDea and
tbe md flag bu> brought a blceubii
with It and by tec M.estng at CkxL we
wtll never hare teal countiy Antlt
U Is tern- so strong that no hoary natem at Enroiu. ran take It down or
Uampie »t under look"
.Tlie Rcaker dmerlbed tbe great
armies of Bumpe and aboard
birr anneerusan' wen> in tbu
mmtiy. tbe pairioUsm »f ibc men of
tee country betag aaflirtent to prePataiUTtlla
Mrre tbe eountry from any other
cuafined In a ebnreb buLcocatied
He believed that to
time. by leaping tbrougta a window and
Europe wonW follow Amerlra'*
FWlmmlug tbe Rig Sandy river t&rough
pie aod Hied aa evld.-nre b..« U
ftaliomt ot teM country at Tbe Hague aald;

....... '....... ii

296! 6191 17TC



OF VOTES given In
tbe County of Gr
Grand Travecae. SUte
of Michigan,
llcblgan. at t
tee Primary election
hHd on Tuewlay.thethmeMtedayof
August, in tbe year one thousand nine
hundred seven, (or the ttomlnnUon of
or tee political pai
: therefor, for delegates
• •
to the Con-

Eugene F. Sawyer received thft"hundred forty six votes...................
I^nurd F. Knuwirw received six
hundred thirt.r two vot<i.<............. C32
Medor E I»iiisc-1t received three
hundred thirty five votes............. 3
Clinton E IHyton received four
hundred ninety time vutt>!i.... 4

Bute 6t Michigan. County of CranJ
party (or delegatM was two tetmiand
Travardc. aa.
We do hereby eerOfy. that the fore­
n hundred fifty five........................37SS
they were given for tbe following leg la a.'correct slaleBii-nt of th,A^tes given in the County of Onmrt
r»*we at tee Primary election held
be telrteote day of August, iti

New Fall Goods

\i>W Fall
Beantlfal kilted styles, made of Hoe soft
im:vv r elll
Paorma, U wary. Brown, Gray
and Black.^worth $6.50, ^dal for early buyers only .......................Jp^oUU
I «hd1id>G’ T r\nrr
of fine Broadcloth, silk satin
lidmes LiOny tvOaiS Made
t19 AA
worUi $15.00, special for early buyers only..................................... vJlSrUU

Fur Scarfs SfsTd


Gr^eU Bros.’
Our Stock Of/New Fall Goi llik'
fireat Sale of
Summer-Resort Pianos
Outfiig Oottis
We show an Immense line ol new sidris. Coals, Fnrs, elc.,
all al special prleea lor early bnyers.

Is by Jar the largest we*ve ever shown. There
is no end to the good Ihlni^ In this line—and
the ^ees arc all so very special yonll be
more than pleased with the goods and Values

SEPT. 16.

500 Beautiful New
Pianos, returned from
Summer Rental, and now
offered at

Sensational Reductions
Poailive saringn of JK. »50. $75, $100. nnd even moti.'!
Ev«7 Piano GUARANTEED and may
exchanged if
not perfe^y Mtufactor}-!
Among the htrnini gre each mshe* aa STEINWAY,
and otbo well-known, atandard Piano*. The pricca

SllS. S120. S138. SISS. S165. S178. $197. etc.
Good Squares Sts. U5. $48, $$5. $63; etc.

Very Easy Terms Allowed During Tbis Sale
Cnll at onr flore. or write for ciroalar and fnD pwrtienkri
of (hit wonderfnl money uvingopportunity. It U oodoahledly
the Biggest Bargain event of the year.

Traverse aty Brand!:
Open Evralaqs Darina Sale.

We have jest unpacked 500 pairs
of New Blankets, best ever shown at
the prices. These we will sell at

Ten Per Cent Olf
lor fast ten days


I Onr ocw stock o( Ontinx aoths is rrett
-we coitracted tm Oiem loot before
tbe advasce In prices and can gnole
mnch lower prices tban those wbo
were not so fortnnate.


We’ve just unpacked, amontj other aood makes, a bcaotiful line of the famous
“Michaei-l-Siern" Clothicg. We will quote special prices on these suits to
encourage early buying. No better \alu«—or prettier «yles—
were2 ever offered in New Pall Suits than we are showing at





All the New Hats AreTIere S?yiS:“.r,f.V.“

tlA*. X2.N, S2.5* and
Von’U Und some very special vafnen
amoi« Ibem al S1.S0 and X2.00.

Steinberg Bros.




Mrw. HaM Wolf of Stlcbl, U (he
mU)t ber
Un. piWvd Dmwlse.
■mn- BMCfa ta finlAlnc tbe work
no'Jooopta B<4ouk»'t bouoe.
ba. DoulDe. wbo for Maw Urao pwt
cvoals do noi k
ixTo. Bd could cot realat the r
(toa to ftsh at NorthporL
X dar. eaucht
Porum. be want to tbe perch frouad*
In Beat Ber. where each caught aiapound* of fiah.
Wll Rlech of Akron. Ohio. 1.
nueet of Jits pannt^. Mr. and 1
Matthew Blech.
DaHus AlUr and |(ao Albwrt of De­
troit. are vUlUng^atlrea here.
»ars fruit le wairy ecarce and___
price so high lo Detroit, thouaanda of
famllbct will be unable
fruit for the winter.
Potaloee are

Albert Cleeacnt of lyavie
speot Sondsy In town.
Bobert Garpeoler ws
today on bastBsaa.
Mr. and Mn. Brudley
Travee** Clly. wbo have been rlittlng
frianda here, left for home Friday
Tbe Bev. B. H.

Mn.^tlle Kenne”
Mias mmj
May —4—UU.
Lamaon. who
WUU ns*
ha* spent
tbe last year with reMUva* In Usbon.
N. D- hM leUimed booie. She liked
the country there but U glad to get
Leo. the U« months old son of Mr.
and Miw. John SUrrow died Ttxudsy
last of rtiqiera Infantum: The funwwl
was hrtd at tbe Inland church Wedarsday afternoon, the Bev. E
Boons offieUling. The parmU hsve
tbe sympathy of all in their bereavemenl.
Harry WUMin. wbo has been very
dek with appendfclilB is tanpruvlng.
e City is-nursiug
Mr*. Ball of Jrav

He was atruck with asti
w ftHda of poutoea i
Mr*. Oriteo spent FMdny
orchards, the UeM loaded with choice
se City.
Will Barton has his new how near­
fruit, and eselaliiied:
"This inilr Is
vnikenson arrived
ly completed, it looks very nice and
farored reckm.”
wlU be mrite an addltloa to the town eteaing to Uke up his duties at tbe
TTw Amna Orange brid at the in­ drug nore.
Acfie FOrton and Mrs. Mabel Wolf i
. Wednesday and Thmuday
Hiss Ida Scott kft last week
land halTwef
txach school nrer Inierlocfaea.
Mr*. Ja*. Uudd and daughter Mllthe bad w^ber tbe aUendanoe was
red by expi
dtwd. spent Saturday in Traverse City.
Oue«o. Mich..
Mr. and Mrs, A. Carmen and family
Jamea claima they can't be were iwesenl were Mr. and Mr*. Bai- h-fi Thursday for their home In Orandvllle.
Ohio, after aiwndlng the eumbeat for laying ecR«. We hope Jamea ney. Mr*. Arvllla Oarduer. Mr^ M»l>bere.
win make
ike a aocccea
of tbe poultry Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of TraverMMiss Fannie Steel* was Heeled to
nnd son and
I baa tbe energy and City. Mr*. A* P. Gray
of l-ady Commander of the
know* no such word as fall
1.. O. T. M. M-’B Friday evening, left
vacant by tbe resignation of Mrs.,
•d away I
Anieliu Dame.
- _______
>l of tbU
Ctrl*. Telegard baa been appolnied
He is to sow it to rye and seed
Tbirredav evening at elgiii o'etock.
It down. A good idea.
l by the realgnatloa of Mr*.
|We are all glad to bear Mn. Harrey Mr. Desk* came lo this pli
Q of East Head Is fully recorer- three years ago.
de^n which bo
of Han OK
mUI Ihl* apring
when hi* falUnK
t machines. Austin U health furetd hUn to sell. He removed
hrrshlDg in the Potter saUlenent and 1u a farm where ho tried tent life but
Inhu hi threshing In the Black and to no avail. Hi* health failed repldly
'nnritide settlement. John told yoor until the end came peacefully Thurespoodent thst wheat is averaging day evening The funeral will lie held
ty bnshelt lo tbe aero and oats from the Uendiin chiwch, Tueeiiay af
re busbeU to tbe a«*; ' If the k-raoon. the Hov. John Strickter rdfltwelve________
Itrg. Mr. Drake was a monilK-r of
kwbcai cro|i should turn
Methodist church and lived a cn
____-quan^ ____
—MartlbCKU.Mhoae that bare a crop of aUlent Christian life.
All who m
Luckwbost. would bare cause for re- Mm were sure of n kind word and
; tbe buckwheat buppy greelliig. He l«ure»
wife and
Children to mourn.
came, and ftom tbe quarter acre h
Bepl. 9.
got nine tf.thel* of No. 1 buckwheat,
mskitut n yield of Ibirty-eix bushels
In the aeiw. If Jack Frost will keep
Mabel B<-ckwlU»*^vU1lert «f O. C.
na-ay for a few weedta longer, you will
a! G.^FhirtJank* i* in the nelphb.«-ne b
Brother Farmera of t
hood todsy.
bare no muse to kitdt ihU year,
Mrs. n. C. Pray went to Traverec
we all thank a kind Provldeooe for
uhat He has sent ue.
■». L. H. Prey drpve j Rapid Cits
Charles Ebner of the Oboe Mude Tuesday.
Mr. Barms and sens a
Er-il Bay. was tbe guest 8unlyeort. Br-it
(Isy. of Mr. and 1

«r.' and Mr*. Hurki- of Canada, are
died of cwncer, Saturday, the guests of Mt«. Columbus Boismier:
p. m. She r
•eutoo Worden’s slater Ft viaiting
In *pittfbttTg. Pa.. April go. 18
hmi for s short lime.
widar and d
Bd. Pruy I* laid up with ,-i bad carSatu.-day.
She leave* lo

Mr. Wah was In the nelghliorliood
I, John and J
klng.pirturea Isst week.
Mr. and Mr*. Orio
Undeejgrundcblldren, wbo all reside in &*t
Bay; eight bioU*™.. John. Joseph. daiKhter. Mr. Barnes and aoa* visited
Hr and Mr*. Cha*. ‘ Lindsey w.*te
Frank. Bd. WtU. Albert and Herman,
wbo all reside in Pittsburg. Pa., and callers at Q. C. Piwy’a Sunday night.
Henry l.uu of Ml. Clemens. Mich.,
8ei*t. 10.
and four sMters. Mr*. OHre Seymour.
HIM Carrie UU of anclnnaU. OWa
B»me Depp of PItttbur*.
PltUburg. Pa,
Mrs. Emma
Mr*. Chsimer Rn*eucrans left Thurs­
and M30. Matthew Biech of EAsl Bay. day to ^>esd a few ux-eks with her
In 1878. Henry E Cartlale. wUe and ImMiand at LudlngiohfamUy of lUUe children
---------------------PiUJl^. i^.’ nnd •etOod on Forest
Home, and lodny tbe farm Is one of
The deceased--------------------wUl be missed by a Urge drele of
friends and reiaUvea.
The funeral
cortege was unosanlly Urge and wax
cTidenee of tbe esteem In which ttr
deceased wm held.
Bauer spoke of comfort and cheer
the bereaved.
PatlSBce ceased » be a virtue with df our neighbor*, who owns a
Vieew of land away from his actual
realdenee. Thin piece of land hM
ly wild blackberries growing on II.
the Vner being a kindbearted
man ihoogh be had growing erdpi.
allowed a path tor wagons <

Best Of All The Price
Fits The SoltAnd That’s An Import­
ant Consideration$TiO, $10, $12,
$13.50, $15 Are The
Popular Prices of
Which We Can Show
An Assortment Seldom
Equaled In This Qty- SSS,. SS
Great Showing Of
Values In UnderwearGlares And MittensHats-Caps-Flanncl
„„jr«id family
Shlrts-Wool Socks^of Wm. WelU on
Working JacketsSwcaters-Knlt Coats- Mra. Wm* futile «>
You’ll Make A Mlstakd
If You Don’t Sec
Os Firstpotaloee and tumlpa.
up a hedge and

banlMde the roed and

there I*


.uo U..1X ________.ardeo. like to bare
somebody rob you of the frulta of r^r
labor* In Justice to the many who
come here to pick berrlre, we
say they ’ •ere nea)
.. _ been like
ibem. there woeld have been no
r comiilalnt.
farmera talk ol
Kting and borning evory bush.
Preemaa Rusbo. J^ h.

Uti Friday evening at
school houte. ‘The 8.
Black district
join later o
8e|d. 10.


Mr. aad Mra. CJareoee
Qraad P^ptds vMud hi* parent*. John
IVudte ^ wife, last wv
Mr. ailpira. Otsa.
visited at (be home of Wn

Sttasbury and Ruth Forof Walton, were tbe gue*U of

.................... iltar Brown



Initiated into
Prospect Af^.
night I





n»ore *rlU



........9 iwwvfde s nexty was I

ntday evening
Sept. 9.

,jha Kelly of sowtlM
hki been rislUag frtenda here.


MoTfas Steele ha* 1
Irem Omen* wVre be bss been cl.tklag In Hotel Lsnlansu atoee July 1.
Sept. ».
adsy afuroooa tbe Rev. J


ve a boat of frieods
*h*^era hapMneae *od pro*
who wish
fea days at the
Mr and Mr*. C. N. Halhwsy attend-'
...........................................Ura. •
School begins this morning with Mr. i
Rnak as iKSclu-r.
Mr. Mo.ver Iras a sister rlsUIng him '
ftiim •uuitlK'4-u Mirbigsn.
Hcna lhss.ira «g Grand RapliL who;
has been vlslUng at Hr*. W. *jb>Vl
has retnrui-d lo Grvwn.
Alice Knmum U vlalUag I
parents. Mr. and Hta Legget^
Tb«‘ remain of Mr*. J —‘— “

Eat for contentment
• --i'
Eat for good nature.
Both are the result of physical ,
The most nutritious food made
from flour is

Uneeda Biscuit
Every bite a monthful of energy.

Fred Miller has purchased tbe farm
owned by Paul Gllrov at Pomona.
le Amy la working,for Mrs. ColLillie

tmdmstinui .


B Tiat-erse city
Saturday I
Mr. and Mn. Ihu. Miller
rs Salurday aftermsm
Mr*. Myx-ra
Claude Doa-ner• and T. Myers a-ere
al Buckley- Saturday.
The Grangi' >rally that was liehl in
A'oxfurd. Saturday.
deridiul «uc<xe». tin- day being i»-r
feet. Tbe program was well card'


Order of PubllcsKOn.
State of Alirhlgun. In the Cin-iill C.eirl
f«ir Grand




Chance ry.
« Agnes Cede. Cooyilalnaal. vs. Kiswonb Cole. Defendani. Aug H. |»07.

THIS STORK win be until
p, m., Wedneaday. 8e|« Ihth. on
;i.n>unl of Hebrew botlday*.
IViiartment Suir*.

IHg Rapids
> Ferri* IdbIIIt EatiKfari
veer and wife were al
Gen. Doa'GC
Kul>iMM-tui issutvl then-la has
gurry and Sbermnn Tueeday.
John K<M-sler and mollier we
and tiac-k.
Sherman on l.uaJu.** Tue*day.
Itof. Slid Mr*. .Nea-dham aang
by i?a«». of bU cob I
Mr*. Geo.
D«-ker ha* been *duet and Ml** JesxH' Mw « "o*®
Ian vlalilng her daughter. Mr*. J. Wn-jiinued aiigHire from hl« last knosn' i"
E. church Sunday •
Thev were ncccoipanled‘ by Prof.
Lund- get for a few- days.
| plaiv of residence srllliin this sUte.!
berg of Cadillac Prpf, Lundbers ulsol
Mr. and Met Van Ih.rtm of wmlbern On molhm of I. II. Gagi-. aollelior ii.rt
rendt nd u vtdumary at the opening Michigan iir.- vlsltitiB their daughter, the ale.-e nam«l rsudplalaaut. it Ik or-1
of the vervlexi and during tbe mom- Hr*. C. I.e-wl* and Mr*. Rosa or Buck- ]^red that Uie said defebdatiU Kl*-:
ins off. ring. The Rev. J. U. l>etu oc- b-y.
ciiHed thi- pulpit in the evening. He
Harry McFali anl family vlidlod
rtiher In perand-Ml*. Heel, sang a dm-i. and the c«o. HeniieU * Sunday.
Boo or
solldlor within thrre
Mb.# Fannie SieHe

Mr. H.xilwTg sang an anthem.
Mivs Hsttb- Hutrtpsch left last week cd
up ber school diiUee near
le up
... . tniy.
Ml:u> Ij-unt Furt teh

Want a Game,

ber 8. 8^

of Traverse
rvlday nfl
of Mr. at

Frank L.‘wiK s Thuniday

le PoUto Dlggw*. a huslcallim

bpll plajxJt*. are
with the Trmveree

two t.«ma w.mld
intnwtlng one.



— '

mo‘ntl.K frfau the *d*te of this order
oad Id default thereof that tbe bill

of complaint filed herein may be tak­
Order of <loiicatlen.
State of Atlchlgan. Tblrteinilh Judi­ en as confiwsed ugalDst him.
cial Circuit la Chancery.
G.orge W. Curtis.
Suit pending in the Circuit Court
for Owmtv of Grand Traverse at Trav­
Circuit Court Cominlasloner.
3 the thlrtwulh
ers.. Clt.v.' Michigan
Grand Travvw County, Micb.

The Rev. Slephrti Vaushan of Bast
Ijike and the Rev. W. H. Uurlbut ex­
U H. Gag.', Solicitor for ComplalnauL
changed piilplts on Sunday laslMr. and Mrs. Oet.rge Denny and Ham Crook. Dcfimdant.
aad thn-.- cblidron. wbn have been
tbe guests al the home of Mr*. Den­ defrt
hU wbereulsiuts
ny r.^reuls. Mr. and Mt*. EH B..rdt- dent of IhlK
u,......... ih'-refort!. on motlim of
h-rt for their home in Chicago
. Twed.lle. solicitor for complainIt is ordered Uiat
Mr*. Arthur Ihirdrtuix
and three
chililron. who havo been
pjret* at Mb uinsvinince in said cause on or
and Mrs. Ilordeflux’s left for a fore fi mimtliB from the date «I l
visit at nig Rapid, oa Thursday last order, and that within twenty days the
wbtnv they will spend a few week* complainant cause this order to be
the Grand Trav
before returning to their
home In
Herald, said pubUoailoo
in oich

J Capt.


V Positive catarrh Lusini BiBiMst UahmiDi

......................................................... ..Li_


nnald n
George W. Curtis.
ling sevClBult Court Commlrtioo
Tuesday morning,
Mrs. John i. Tweddle,
eral wwks b< re «n a risll
SuHcitur for ContpialnanL
ineamte and family and the
of Jos. Taylor.


It vans Osterrti sad
drlvnawsy B.kdd la___________________


com <•< HEAD

Kali «•«
XMIS. St Oreegut* or >>7 >ash:
Tnsl auc
by msll- *ly Bruclixn, H
Wsmwltt . New Turk.

,H. J. BECK. Mansesr,-.
Lansing. MIoh.

l^ailiilton Clotbing



apent lau
Vedaesday In Traveree
Miss bum
! WUaoB iMBTPed borne
■WedueeMr from Aide*, where she
spent tbe past tew maaths with her
E U topic for Sunday Sept- IS.—

In Qoda Word.
Geo. Leslie.
The Rev. Floyd E
Monday for AlUod where be will atTbe Iter. Maynarti *
uort baa been much appreciated dur­
ing hto stay here.
Prof, and Ur*. H
«ho have occupied ihe Nelson cottage
during tbe summer left for their borne
li- GrendrUle. Ohio, on Tuesday laat.
Oscar Dam*, assistant light kewper
nt Fox Island. Is speuding a week's
vneuttoa at bl< home.
morning to aiteed the Methodist punlensnee. at Albion a* a delmmle.
Tbe Rev. sad Hr*. J. D. Deets and
family of flve Kiris. left Wednesday
morning for Ctuunberlain. 8 Da.
Mrs. Deem have






Copyright 1907 by Hart SchafFner (J Mint


Suits for Fall 1907
The Hrsl showing oi new Snils tor the coming Fall are
now on display. We are showing aU the new ideas,
whether 11 he a snllTor"dress op” or business wear.
Ifs a groophia togelher ol the best styles ol Uie best siUI makers Uial
aUords-a showing thal wm appeal lo every man whelher he wishes lo spend

$10 or $25
Particularly attractive are the new broons. Tbe« come in a variety of pattern, anti

shadings. Then
are the always htylish grays and mixtures. These are always lO
good taste.

We have never had an i
sneb good, dependable styles al prices
we are oHerlng them al this season.

Even if you are not ready to buy NOW we will be pleased to
show you the new ideas.

Nc w Hats and Caps for Fall Arc Here.

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