Grand Traverse Herald, October 03, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 03, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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PAftT (»E

CSiranJi ©ratieir^je

t^cs 1 to 8


»M»id Tfadt MmUhb.
express oar great eaUshedoa with tbe end tnat freight be moved
mpted a quarter back kick which have beea added and a
Bacft pan fl( fos Ctoto
One of the aott Itnportuit neMOr. McOowrdl-a leasie on the Pana- quickly, congeaacn dene away
t out of boooda. At tbto pofot.
pMgs was uoated by IW fooal asiBff of the direden of the boerd td Tor ud Mr. ^n«ae'e inniffliin
CaoaL It was lUomtaattag aa
rates matertoUy
tteues and mnch kalp waa totfoad
ttoi. ,«i,. took plMe W»d thu e coamittee be aMMteted
well aa entertaining and the pfetares tbrou^ tbe kealtbfol <
Prof. GUben'a giving Travecse Oty
dreft ertkdee «
splendid.* Many of would enase. Tbe
the ball. The lecala eoald not gain,
wm* eelleil prtneitlr for the an orgaaltatlon. was tarorablr coo- the rtmra'hare been aeened with­ urging that cosmsaa approvtate
bowever. and PievaonS punt wu rw
PWTo* of la^wouat the
Btdand. aad <« aotloo. the
in the last tew weeks by Dr. McOow- leas than toO.OOO.OOO aimsBliy for the lnto«dof tbe Bfoventh dtotrlrt lOchlgu C. tfesa IWM.B HolleroatJwamatoE
Thva Matortee made
,8tattotfoa.“ Mr. Holler bad Wttb U»
for the propoeed atreM nliwer ahd
anthorlzrd to appoiat a conmlt- eU Umhetf. who has Jiwt retnraed work of.Improving the rivers and bar- Ulq^ forward pass and waa
E. salon, began this afternoon to tba
a few of Ibe fiaga 4
tnteeurtea une vblch u #o» U the ,uee for that pwpaee. Mr. Spnsae from another rlsll to the canal, and bora of the cMotry- Efforts. It la ten yarto. Manistee tUn drop kkked Congregatlooal cbuich. which
Endmvor aocMtoa of tba. wixtM. TUa
hands or the pHnUr. H. fi. Bandete. BUted that there had been no
will gfra an Intelligent riew of this said, are befog made to have tha iwaal over the line and Pierson tomed U
ooUeetton to one M foa tetgaat of tta
«bo prepared the proapectoa. whkh In tbU eauatr>for ten jmn or nore monster prefect of oor natton.
approprfoUon bOl passed at the first into a tODchback. acoring Manistee ly a tew c
a bad arrived up fo
In foe world.
l» eautled “The Awakmlas .of .the and he bettered nov the Uae
Nothing haa proren more aatltfae- aeaaloo of the stxUeth congreea.
3 o'clock this aftereooB bat probably
Mads Oraat Run.
Tbe Ctrl
Oraad Trarerae Beclaci.“ care as oat- ripe for aucfa an enterprtae. It
tory to the audieooea that base year­
After some more aeeaawlng, Pleiao" foe enure number will arrive tm tba
twsnty-asvaa yam ^
line of lu oooteota and >U ohjeeis.
d that tha
ly attended tUa oourse than a male
One of tbe aabjeefo
to receive «de a great olxty-fiTe yardThe praapectna la yen’ eofnpreben- a wider UerllotT than thla coontj
eteC The Temple Male QnarThe church is very tastefully doec- and alaee that Ume baa b^ a mnf
congreea foioogh foe crowd. Time vraa caltod
Mto. and tesardtoM of >U pnrpaee and other coontiee wU! be Inrlted to
ot Chlcngo will be
rafod wlfo foe International C. S- remartaue toP«tb<4Hse bafog at tto
at the I
IB to tut of fo- sifoout farther featorea
prmnl tliw
aaaocUte I
I ^Ub thla ordan- They bare suag’trooi tha AtUntle to
Tlte teama were well matched and fisto and bonne ptonta. and tbe
From all parts of
laatlon. Tbe matter ^11 be taken be­ the Paclflc retumlng In many clUaa tbe country Uve come complalnu of tbe tome «ril |>Uyed but iu ploaaufos
pariora are decorated very at- foe worid. Tbwa are tWMtrftve
for srrerml tlmm. and
fore the board of aoperrisora.
tracUvely wlfo tba slate Chrtottan
tbe dlffhmUy of securing skilled niesomewhat marred by
:t foe world tn m many dirBoth the conunlUeee deoUotted many of tbe larger eoujsea. Mtoa Lo­ cbmnlca. Many large actployers
"beefing." although nelfoer tsaa was aideavor fiaga The dMegatea
MUUk. ae tha astire etpeoee
will be appointed by President San­ ry Lee. a vevsaUle and talented read­ tiafoed labor beUeve tUt tbe greatest unreasonable. The crowd atoo jar- eaesned from fos train by tbe anlar-|
bprne hr the Carter OonatraeUon to after cnrsful oonstdemtlim. Men er. wlH nppmr with tbe quartet.
commiuee and places as­
tbe continued ooaunercM slated In coming or
Tickeu will be sold thla year by sapremacy of the Unltec SUtes to the and InriUng aorMeoL
rvfoe. Tbe vtofUng ililinatsi «t^1) be ealeeted wbo'are workers, and
signed to them. The opeolng meeting
' Chartaa A. Dannean. attoraar for who wUl glre both tbeae
btndents aa in prerloua yaais at tbe
of the effldent and
There was not a pfoyer on elfoar waa held at i o'clock fola
tbe Carter Coeatncttoo oenpanr. Uons proapt and diUgent atientlon, same prleea, next week, or they can adapted o-anaman to whom many aide but that pulled off some star play with a talr attendance of drt«toMa wlfo foe oonvseUon SM wm rettwa
vaa preaent ani atated that tba prebe secured dt tha Ctty Nears Bund Uboreavfog fovandona have been due. but owning to foe early season,
Tbe following were elected
aq|l focal C. £. members. A vary to tbeir own eoofottoa aad bMVt to
Umlnarr «oth of orgutaatlMi for tha bers of tb« board: Chris Roes, tbe at tbe same tlae. while Monday, OcL This failure fo tbe supply of blgb-elasa work waa somewhat detectiva King. rbaartng address of wefoome waa them SCUM at tbs balpfol tdaaa
atjvet rallwar vat eompleted. sod Rev. Joseph Dutton. Joseph Omtor, K. 14. has been aet aa tbe ev^ng on labor to attributed to the abandon­ Leach and Snider did foe beat work made by the Rev. J. Allen Canby of galaad tn tbs convtfon.
that It la oov op to Trarerae Cllr to B. Horst. Harry Monroe. B. Ployd which oeata can be reserved.
A new fotaraot fo tha wort tas
ment of the plan of ptacUcal
for Manistee and Bauman. Pieman and foe Dtoclpfoi ebuTob. A abort aoag
aae that the fnnda reqolred onder the CUneb. Charlea Wllbelm. Oaear Johaaerriee was followed by a boatnesa been created aad Ihs ptana for mb
training. Tbe Darla bill, fot
McOarry for Traverse City.
franehiee are prorlded. Mr. Deoheen boB and Henry Pobl.
last winter, provided tor
Mr. Noble and 1. B. Gilbert altereat- aaaaloo IneUantil to foe wort of for. year tasure for tbe msattag a BsB
•ttted that ha daalred to hava the
Beexetary Dalor reported
larger attsndnce. EtishaiB <ff stale
Buttona Bay Mich.. 8epC M^-Al- tkma amounting to 64.000.0M) for thto, ed aa referee and umpfre.
anrrer oomplated to ObariaTtrtx aa negotladona tar tbe property required tbougb the weather araa cold, rainy purpose. Tbto bill, with some altera- was Ume keeper and thiny-minute
win be snBX addlBg
•oon M poatibie but that U would not by the Peie Marquette railway
prise tbe Devenfo district nearly aU
tbe Intacest of Jb* aoavoaup until today. alUl Uons. to likely to be urged upon the hahrea were played.
be orW^ to begin aneh an exteashre pany for their new
ef WbUft win be rrprrsmtnl A n> UOB Which win be beU la BMtealA
tbe number of family tkkeu for tbe federal Uwmakers again
trert nnUI tha part reqnlrwl of the BUted Oat threugfa the effoTU ^ (air sold tMa year waa only fifty be­
eeptloB to tha'defogatee wlU be held
The autena' ludoatrfo] aaM. E HoUey, who was atoeisd aaaProm the Ualvarwty.
people of Trarerae aijr and rlclnlir Ctaariee Wllhehn. It beoame pomlble hind tie mynbor n^d last year being aocUtioe. which la made up of repreIn tbe periods of tbe Con
of foe nmoa yssMHay. hB
Ann Ajbor. Mich., Begft
to aeonre a pleoe of property ,^t bad IM agalnat 900. Tbe number of atn- aenuUvea of employers, organised
beea eeeretary ever aim Its orgdftWill Boat Pennayr
He waM that It waa the purpoae of prerloualy been Bnarallable on notoatlon. Bnatsaa yean agu.
ao mneb labor and the gene'm pubhe.
»a eenpaar to bare cart rannlng coanf of the high price
b^nd.'ao that tbe management of planning to take up this subject at iU
naxt annaar and ha dMlred, If poa- Tbe Fere Mhrqoette raUroad
tbe totr foeto well repaid for their ef- annuoi eonvenUoo at BatUe Creek,
Tost haa a Mg bunch of hnaUea at
From Fridays Raoerd.
■iblA U bare tha orders tor the aoulp bad piscUeally deddod to more'their form. The number of exbiblta i
Change In R. R. Tli
early fo October, with a view
work and foe Quakers will be of
IV ftWriet Chrlsttaa Ma
neat Aaead br Nor. lac The matter dlrtalao headquarters to Thompson- ao very saUatactory and with
AU three railways entertng Into tha
a systematic plan
vaa dtaeUMd rery fullp br meobeie vine, owing to tbe high price asked erldcneea cf support, the fair next legtoUUve treatment by the law-mak- strong heart or foey will quake In
toe Pare oonvMttoa bMan Its ««rk thto i
a noUceable manner when foey (ace
Of tha board, and tbe followtnc
Marquette and the O. R. ft I. dtocardfor the property they required, but year vrlll be eUll larger and better. log bodies of both tbe nation and tbe
foe wearers of foe malse and blue.
Intkma adopted:
lag their
Enally the matter was aatlatactortly Many exhibits this year were with­ sutea-fo proTldfog for achoola Umt
There to a big buhfo <rf “R" m
tbe early hour that « wm hold.
The ehauge on foe M. ft N. E
will turn out young men equipped to
T«eo Rm
aAlnetad. and tbe dirt
held because of tbe cold.
bealdea green Umber that looka good
TV mortOng iimton wm drrossd
Wbataaa. tbe Carter Conatmedon
Tbe tollowfog to a Itoi of tbohe who enter tbe aklllpd tr^n. Aa thla con- and foe veterans are all workfog In rery siltot. foe ogly difference be­
tween foe old and foe new card being to foe metbode of Jtmfora. fototmedb
venUon to tbe largest gathering of, the
taapaar haa rolnnUerad to pay tba
bad exhibits:
■rr matuwr. Tost foe Ume of foe arrival of the after­ ate and senior ammeara. laleraattag
dealing exclualveiy with msttera
expanaa pf^pabUablDg, a pamphlet. dlacoaaed but the noway
Hennab ft Lay HercanUle
evidently to going to work foe for- noon and morning t/alna at Honor. talks were gtvea bf foa
Uon took preeedence over er
*eatmad.- “Tbe Awakening
pany, flour mill exhibit .the flour be­
srard pass to foe timlL Tuesday af- Tbe morning trains now get there at Nforro trotpand dar.C m........ aenhtta.Ormnd TiSTeree ReMon." to be naed elae and It was the unanUnoui
fog given away aa prisaa at the oontemoon fos Varsity worked oo this 11:04 Instead of 10:S9 and foe after- from Cedar. Norfoport aad BaIMfo
aa an aid la plaelng
cluaion of the fair today. There vraa elusions are likely to carry weight style of ptoy almost ectlrMy wbUe
tram geu there at C:SC Instead Mmfb help baa asm galaad by foe M
a open
alao'a reet room.and
rarfouB bonebes of acnOia jpani foe of B:M.
egatae, aad foeir coming Vs.laaptrad
any vlrtua in post-office
City etrael mllwv *hd the Orand of the bonda neoeeaary .to Insure tbe tent and a sewing machine exhIbIL
ball and worked on foe open formaOn foe Pere Marquette, foe two fast tbe looal unloae to better wotfo.
records as fodleatfog tbe poUtlcal
Tmrersa Ralinad. tn aecsre enough buUdlDg of tba road.
9L Michaeli chorch. ButUma Bay.
Uona. Tb^ tlgnaU have not been trains. No. 9 and No. )0 have beeo
TV afterwm aeettoa opaaad st I
leanings of tha people. Secreury Taft
tooai Intarest to eacnre the good will
bad a fancy vrork exhIMt and served
lEtreo out aa yet but foe men report discontinued and a new mixed train. o'cloek by a song earrioA The sohtakes third place aa the fvortte
High Sehaol Laehww Course.
of the eoBumnlty to these entarprlamoat eioeilaot
three Umea dally. In foe monlng for between Petoskey and fola dty.
Jeeu of Mtoetana, at bOBM aaff
«. be It
A maau^ array of talent la again
Farmers .Supply company, hamaaa- choice for next president. A canvass gym work, in the afternoon for tegu­
wm foa fopte for thto ma*
known aa No. n and No. U baa
of the
Baeoired. That anthority to Bereby effarad In tbe seven numbers present- ea. robes and farm
lar pracUca and tn foe evening tor a added. Thto train lesvea here at 7:30 lug.
that seventeM ara named
Elran to toane aaM pamphlec under ed bR tbe Hl^ school lectnra oooma.
O. H. Hebntortb.
drill M mlet, etc.
__ A m. and returning lesvea-Petosker nt
TV <
Roosevelt; fourteen Fairbanks: eleven
the anaptesa af.'thV Tnverse Oly' Last yenfa attiBeUona were pt»
, War Haa BaguAp. m. Tbe Petoikey laaort trains offloera for foe enntag ysar npmtad
Taft; MX Cannon; alx Hugbee;
ttoard of tnde.
noMoed by all the beat ever given,
Charlea Orapea, Grawn. “Darter.
Tbe Sopb-Fmb war opened Tues­ -D dlsconUnued.
and fola raport wm aaoBfod.
Foraker; threS LaFolleUe
Wbertna. The Tnverse City Street and the standard evidently wlU be
1100,7 years ol^ weight
day night on the campus. The JI911
Tbe followtoig «ra foe cBeara:
Tbe Mo schedule la not changed
Oortelyoo. Taft added ooe
Ballway a^ tbe Grand Tnvene Rail­ folly maintained. TUa coarse to giv­ 1.600.
any. wlfo foe exespUou
Pnsldeot. foe Brv- J. A. Chatff.
string aa a result of bla trip aervas the
road hnrs baas tecerpontad aad the en tor all the people and aliM to In­
Perry Cory. Dniham stock exhib­
and aevetW'Vraverae City (reshineD which arrived at 9:80 p. m. and No. Traveeee OKy.
continent, snoring tn Idaho, vrhile LaCaftar ConatrSetion eompany to ready terest aa well aa enlerutn. aoma of it. twin cslvca.
forced to resort to a bluff Iu 10 wbich went eoufo at 6:80 a
Ylee prqaldeBt. Mtt. RmM WI1>
Pollelte had one named for him In
tn arsninwiiis antsal imentionB, when tha noted men of the coantry having
Georgs Steffens. Bast LeUnd. vegorder fo escape foe “dolna." TtaeIr There ars aUll three trains south.
■rfftdent fin (t) per eent flnl-mort- bees
here by tbo maaage- eublea.
tooled foe Sophs aad broutot
Tbe 0. R. ft I. haa made a complete
Seaeary. M. E SBtMp.
may not be amlaa to remark that one
mm goM healing bonds have been
Mis. J. Hannenburg. Buttona Bajr.
Tiesannr. Mm. MHa
of the Fairbanks collecUon to situated misery to the unfortunates but pre- change. The tAlna from foe aooth.
tt4 tn thssre them the moni
Montville Flowers, who baa . ap­ fruit aM vagefoblea.
aerred foeir own dignity for fos Ume which arrived at 8:90 A m. has been Nortbport
In Alaska, but wbetber or not
a^mort of tbe coomanlty. aad
peared here once Oelore. wlU preaent
Mra. Hannenburg. poultry.
being. They bnUed in and fairly ran dlsconUnned. There la now a train
Junior aapartateaiMt, KV y aB
name was cboaen becauae
Wbiiada. A Prnepaotw to betag to- Ben Hur. ad Mr. Floweis' work has
W. A. Ctaker poultry.
tbe proceedings, tbowlng font foey at 5:Si a m. for Chicago and Orand
wan, astttied *Tbe Awabmlef of the OB October Jl. Oon. Xicw Wallace.
John Deustar, Suttons Bayjowers.
Missionary i
ments of an Ice-bonnc country to not were at least poaseaaed of a little Rapida, foe 10:60 south bound train
Grand Tnveraa Reglo(i,“. BetUng
aotbor of this great book, says:
Hobert Hetoael. “Duke." abmt bom known.
origmallty. Tbe trouble baa eoeurvod remains toe same, foa afternoon train Hammond, Travdna Oty,
tatb In detail tba prapeaiaon at tha “It waa an excellent arrangement of Durtiam; draft colt, 4 years old.
nightly throogbout foe week and will aonfo lesvea one hour earlier, at 3:86
An address that to certain to at­
Carter Ooaetnctloa company, be It
Ben Hur. and Mr. foowers work haa
J. F. Oroaaaer, gss englDd outfit fo
a bead next Friday In the big and foe 7:10 train baa been changed
TV evaalng iimlM at foe 0M»-'
tract tb«i attenUon of congreea to fo
« Beaoived. Tbet tUa organtoaUoa my approvak'* This preaenUtioo
claae rush. The Sopbmoiae. contrary to 7:66. At 11:26 p. m. a train ar­ tlaa Endeavor natoa wm haU la foa
be delivered here next month by Dr.
«ia every effort t
dramade at Umea and
J. O. Wise. Keswick, model ps^
to ouetom win defend foe flag fola rives from foe eoufo.
chafo. A toraa BF
10 tbees bonds In accordance wttb tbe tremely ideasln^ and Mr. Flowara' hay rack unloading device; model E. Benjamin Andrew^ president of year wbleh win give foe new men
The only train for Nortbport leaves raaaatattoo of foe foeal C E*a i
' tsm aet forth to
persooamy la remarkable. Tbe Cleve­ plank beam bam; scale one Inch to tbe Untreralty of Nebraska. l>r. An­ better Mkanos to make a showing.
drews is to be the principal speaker
Traversa City Euneh.
A obortm. dttoetad bf Mr. OUrar
at the fall convocation of the George
Reaedvad. Pnrther. that the preai ers haa never Been escelled.*
ROBsell Plaber. Maple Oty. applea. Washington University, and be has
Trarerae City has fifteen atudenta
WatsTA tod tn foa egsMag sov awdent of tblB board appdBt saeb apeoAn attempt ,baa been made for
Ed Crocker. SatUoa Bay. apples.
vlee. which waa followed by a tfaffr
cboaen for hto topic “The United Id tbe university, acattered among foe
Foot Ball.
to] eonmltteea. ha ba may daem beat, aoma time to secure a barptot of
John Denater, SuUcu Bay. abaep. Stales M a Pacific Ocean Power.*' It various eomaea. Tbets are alao tevTen reervIU for this year's IndA Uonal aerriee candaetad V M. E Hol­
to aid tn aeeurtng aubserlpUana to noU, In tbe Rogers' Oreeley Co.. «ucb boraea.
It nndmtood hla remarks will voice eral who graduated from tbe Taver»e 'peodent football team praeltoed In the ley In tv abaem at foe daiasMa
has been found. Tbto wUl be a nnMra. (T. M. Payne. Buttona Bay. the aenUnaeat of the people of the aty High aebool la colli
„,_”Tmueh at the driving park Sunday ftom OiarievotA
Mr. Sanden also read mniutlona iqoa and attiacUve featnie of thla fancy work.
After a dtoenostoa at tV togtaft
great middle treat in the ctwlroversy come from other towns and etUaa.
morning. Alfoouifo only three bad
from tba Omrlevnlx chamber of
course. Tbeae men have been on tbe
Kelp Naeded.
Fred Revolt. SutfoOB Hay, fmlL
that threateiw to engage for early at­
played wtfo tart year’s team, the Traimng In Prayer, (Mvlag aad GbBMree. which bon an enthuatoatie leading T. If. C. A. covraea of tbe
a a Cate. Solon, (ran.
Tbe claasifieaUona took up foe flial showing that ww made gives foe Tlee. foe meettng wm dosed and vlatenUon of foe alxtlefo conirraa. name­
tons, ana show that tbe people
oounUy and alwaya with anceeha.
John McCarty, Snttona Bay. fruit. !
taro days of foe week and tbe fact promise of ooe of the fastest inde­ tUng detogmiea were glean a rseopIt. ^faaaor ^ore ware forty-tvro antrtea fo ly. foe proposed transfer of foe batUe- that U. of M. nesds more belp
CbartovoU are golBc to sat busy and
Dr. OMrge E. Vlnoenl.
turn la tbe eburah pariora. by foe lo­
thlp fleet from AUanUc to Pacific
pendent teams In this part of
help tba prejeol along. Everything of tbe aoelolodcal department
atudenU lUte. The probable lineup will ba as cal anion.
water. Tbe sentiment of tbe
and d aoo of BlabilM toen dene nowtbat can be done
Tbe Judging of the fruit vraa dooa
A very plcselng program wm reaprobably will shape foe trouble standing In line, for notu* before follows:
Wtttn the bonds ag» ooU. A cooalder- np \’loeenl of Cbatanqua tome, has by Mra. W. Golden of CHd Mtoblon.
that la looming up. If foe Interior is reaching the aecretary'e office.
Le. Morris Moore; It. Leo Howard. deied during foe earring o< retraohnbto amount of tbeot bare already made a greai reoore aa a popular lee- who took the first prtte at tbe West
Hcrner. foe Grand Rapids Chaa. Welt; ig. ^rl MacAvoy. ChSA
not excited over the matter, it to like­
lurer on aoctologteal aubjeola. "The Mlehlfan state fair.
been spoken ter. and
Roro Baebur playsd a ptaao aolm
ly that foe hyaterto of the people of athlete Is enrolled In tbe Literary de­ Welt; c. Chaa. Welt Leo Howard; rg.
win ba iptoad aa quickly as poaaiWa. LargmSHBahoeae'to wotthyof him
C. a Doekeray. meat and milk In­ foe two seaboards arlll not be enter­ partment. itavlng several daaaes wUh uneerUln; rt Ray Lftnway; re.
Mtos Olive Dofaeoa aaag a ptoaotfo
» of the board of trade aad one of the beat tectursa given on spector of Grand. Trarerae county,
Traverse City people. He to laying Vexlnaw; g. Arthur Send. OtlU Cm- alto erto. M. B. Holley B*e a fsBtained oerioualy. wfll ba appofnled to paah ih# wort the Lyceum platforma; it U a keen made a test of milk from Robert
low, training all the Ume and walUog way; rfa. H. Canlkett; le. Carl Frout- lag and Dr. Smttb osag Thamday.'*
analysis of many preMt day prob-, Kleaa* cows and foued TA butter tat.
cf dtogaaing of tba bondffor spring sttleUca. being loo light wine; fe. Rfobartt.
T. C. H. B. and *
cioring foe proB*m. Attar a aodal
‘ Hama Coming Week.
lema of every community. Dhc. 16th, ^
Tbe football game betvreen Traverse; I attempt foe foot ball squad.
Morris Moore to foe famo(M drop Ums tv teeepttoe deasd. aad an fw
A oommunhwUon ftthn' J. W. Han- to the date of thla number.
f tbe fact itffwaa City High school and Uanltlee High
Big AttendaaoA
Today. <
kteker of High school tame. Cbas. ported a ptosmwt seUng
naa ratotlre fo a borne coenlag week
Boeoce from Bngilata and comic op- tha tost day. foe attendance v
Tbe total attendance at foe
school Saturday resulted in a vlefory
TV rialUag dilsBtM ars aaloF
Welt la a new recruit but to ttiowinc
for ■art year waa read and dtot
•as in oMtuma by tbe Kellogg- caUenfc
for Traverse Oty. 6 to 0. A good verstty wfll exceed last year's 4.767 by up good. Leo Howard played la last lag fos BoiqftaHty o< Tn*«M CMy
ad. The prapoaltfon met wUb
Hatnea Chorus Co. will be aomewbat
crowd wftneased foe imme and foe several hundred. Tbe engineering de­ year's lineup. ^ri UacAvoy ti an Md aad win rstarn to Aatr raspatiUrs
aunt fovor and It was bellered that of a departure from tbe get concert
universal opdnloo vraa that Travevae partment la
societies and Vpart to foem soms at
Bach of the als people >•
with proper energy. r home ooming
Nothin’ OolA*
1 tbto
City has «
played oy last year's Bast Jordan the Interest and IdsM Blvd In tha
sreok omM be made a great eoc^. an artist, while tbe aoloa and i
Willie Usatoo waa In town Tueaday High Bchool team. A. Vetlpaw to
year aad when the “rough places- are
by the mixed quartet NatUnal Rivera and Karbora coegreae. worn more smooth, that a remarkably looking tor a Job as asatotaot coach.
The matter has
new recrnlt Arthur Send la an c
a large number of people who gsve ■e excellent.
wblA to to he held here December 4. good article oI football will be put oo. Nothin' doin’ for wmie.
footbaU player. OUs Conway ai
On January 77. foe courae wUl be B. 6. Caiaafo J. F. EUlaon, of Clncfotba project their hearty approval.
Athletic OuUeok.
Traverse CK/ ticked off and after
Carl Treutwige captain and manager
On mouon R was dsdded to appoint boDoved wUb foe presence of P.
Benbrook. a footbaU man from Mor­ reapecUvely. placed on last year’s
ry and treasurer of foe aoB>e playing In foe center of foe field.
Work of c
I M foaTylsv
» speekai committee fo ooUlne a ptan klnaon Bmlfo. foe noted author and
put In an appearance. *o Waite aerured tbe ball on a fumble gan Park Academy. Bbnnr. of Forest team. H. Canlk«\t is another
dam stte. two and one half a
sad make auKcatloaa to be
traveler. Hto hooka such aa “Caleb Wastalngton last week. As a result of and took li to Manistee's ts-o-yard Partt. bolder of foe Interachotostle friend of tbe gridiroo. E Richardt low Walton Jonottoa erin V bogM
tad to the entire board of t*»4e « Weal." “Col. Carter, of Carteravllle." bU visit foe Ug bar. room In tbe New line, hto knee being sprained when high hurdle roeord. Duntoo. a Minne­
star In last year's Grand Rap- Monday. Work wUl V poatotfas fool
MM m iioaalble. u to rsallsod that “Tbe Other Fellow." are etoaatea.
WllUrd hotel baa beeo secured for tackled. Pleraoo took t£e bail over sota football man of good stuff. ids^Indepeadent team.
aa poaaible.
a mattor of this kind moat ba lakes
Tbe atoriea given during foe last foe convenUon. Tba Ull room has- and mtased a very difficalt goal, tbe Aunlnga. Bentoo Harbor's famooi
Tbe final sarvey at fos |suiw«*F Aw
Although tbe team ooly over
ap an^y, wlih plenty of Urn#
(wo weeks fo foe Bstu^y Bvenfog been foe scene of many brilliant touch down bring made in twenty-one quarter. Dan Kelley, foe Pacifle coast about 136. a«nne anrprtaea are
foe electric. Land sad OsvslopaaB
Peat by Mr. Bmlfo baa given bib aortal functions and baa atoo -ac- mlnuUS.
sprinter. Newton and Sullivan, both
roM deUIU.
tpaay will V fl
standing as a atcry writer. Tbto U
The pewpoalUoD will tndode
inmeroim bnalneaa gafoManistee then kicked off twMtj-flve of left yesr’n, foofoaJI squad are
By dr TVaday and foa suiwsyow
I that will Inrlta out­ a man who for yeaim waa a auceesaful eringa of naUonal Importance.
yards and Pierson returned foe ball aBcmg foe athletes rMcoUy enndled.
aty'a gridiron." skill to assured. wfll-break camp. Thto aaresy has
siders to this city daring that week arehltaet and a famous writer. Hto Is doubtful It any of the latter vrill ten. After aonae seewawing. Pierson
"Looka mighty fine." oatd Yost -to ArtVr Kenogg to coafolng foe boys deoKmaUtB foe fhet that tow dam
nd an sAwt wiu be made to nttrset eveafog wUl be devoted to readfogt prove to have been of more rttal Im­ panted- Lestt. Manlatee a lift e^. foe Record man.
a game to already acbednled with altos are avaUable. two wlfo a forty
Ibe attention of reeurtere at tbe v|# from hto own work and q dtocoa- portance to foe commerce of foe coun­ then tore off a thirty-five yard run'on
“Couldn't ba totter." said FlU- Cadillac, to V probably played
foot bead, ona with a i
foua wtbee^ Michigan meting
MCB^ Utem.
try tken will tbe fortbcomlug meeting. a perfect forward peas.
Then oo Patrick, speaking of spring afoledcA Traveree City.
foot head and.oaa with a fototpGra
No subject baa been more before Tbe neeeaaitr for Increased trans Trarerae Cttyb fifteen-yard line. Man­
as by tbto m«ana a larger number (f
foot bead.
poofU can be reached (ban by any foe American people Uian foe great portatlon fadlltlea to care for foe rap­ istee missed a drop kick for goal.
Tbe “inlander" baa beea dtoeoaThla WM wdooms asmi to fos eoBatber misiiT at a mnch lest enrttoy Panama Oanal and that regloo. I>. idly Mowing traffic of commercial JabniH getUng forooto ui Moeklag tinned Too badly In debt
TV cloalng meettng oC foe Chris- psny. aa whoa tV ground wm Erst
lima WDold be nacaaeary If exienstva E. R McDowdl. a traveU^ newapa- America ^ mttrac^ foe aUenUon of IL Time called.
tton Endeavor conreatlga iMt even- gone over. It was foe^pht that cBy
; and iec
......... 1 all OTCf
both the btmlncM'and pMlUeal vrorld.
As Waite bad been Injured. Ball studying engfoeering beea
attended. TV nans] three daato eooM V boOL TV adgive an Ulmtrated lecture oo foU toft The NaUonal Rivera aad Harbors con­ look bla place at eod.
Ferry field now baa tbe Urgest song
of one more dam wffl mate
le on Feb. 19th. Tba secrauifr of gress vrould have railroad tranaporta- kicked oft and after some pUytng In sesUag espaefty of any grMlran In opened foe meeting after which fol­ about TBV b
for a Sig Fair.
■ tlMr.M.Cft. of Bosfoa stra:"4wisb
angumented by water traffic, to which Drifoer aide gained. HaatotM foe wortd-<-U.M0. New btoacbert, lowed a tympoaluB on foe pltslge-

'«I|AIW nuAtibR MRIudA THUIMtfit'IV. ocToscji h net.
m *iL9tu wet.
■Mitt. U' K. SFte W. 'a. cnvfonl

Chap.—Uft. O. 1. Bowen.
Ad*. Mm. B. J. BOBWorth. V
Rnth-Ura. Lean Oos.


Om KMar. «
m OHtusi lAkc,

Ml e^Uir
• Sofidv ■-

OrFwn. Mkh, SepL IT—Mr. had
Mre. Braeet Hair are tbe proud pareeta of a babr sl>1 that ^nlred at
their home Bept. tttb.
Oloton Horn left tor ChlcBso n..
la«t week.
Mlee Rena Dlaard ratnrned
Orandrlllr. MIeh., BaUrdar after
nosth'a rieli with frlende.
Mr. and Mre. Heory Anthonr are
reJMelns orer the nrrirhl Of twtna,
bor and slrl. Sept S&tb.
John Hlnd^' alooo waa broken In
to B'edoeadar alsbt or enrij That*
dar tnornlns and abont In or
taken. The froot dor wna broken. No
*ro*en * CMe Bra.* More ww olewt aa to who the robber
Mrs. Print returned to her home
1 three traeU
nit aaonnt of enah and at AUemn. Mich., after a ten dara'
> taken. Mdar &l|ht a rialt with her Mater. Mra. S. J. Brack*
nooond or thlrt attempt «na' made
L. A. CnmpbdO haa Mded a uto
aroidd be thlerae dU not
elder mill to hla warabotiae.
seed to settJnf farther than
HnwT Blackman of Trnrarae au­
la potUns up a large potato a
two. vthStNra emPn broken to pc
hoone here. ThU b tbe aeoond warethis tar an Japreaa.
BnS « MorlU baa bonxht the tot hooM built here tUe aummer. and It
the toitneri ta'tend
nlMPe the old bovIlBS aU«r «aa
Aulldlng one tbte tall.
bwwd mat M eprtas. of ■
Mra. Ada Blaard.made a ba|toari
trip to Trarera© aip TufBdaj-.
i;. U tord went on the eieuralon to
a lou. «1U be.loeated In YpaUeoU
the Boo Sundar.
» eeiM eehoQl raar.
The Mttaond Icmded i» tmrrela of
tmiet Wmitf and »00 packasm and
os Selnidar took on X>dar Hi». Sept. 17—Mra. Ben BeltUP ksrrM of eeineat. vhUe the enger. of MMe atr. returned home
TueMr of Seat wc«k Vter vUltIng
Cbeeui NeS >«Md a Ms- esrso of
her nmther, HiW. Fannie Norfrla tor a
hra been nr- few daja.
A tit
00^ bm
Oeorge Oiirath and dan^ter, Plo^
rtmt br Ijumrlntendeat Blodiett
the vlntor. are. of Van Wert rountr. 0-. bare
SM t» hlst^fhnol tor tl
returned borne after rtalUng W’ill
and WUl Moaore nnd famibeen bochod.
Bop nnd*0e9M Dnaa. «bo have Uea (be past tm dape.
Cedar Ba ball team craehed baU
; Mlttan tows-htp lor eerto CblOBCD Sat- with Almira ball team at'Alielra Sundap. Score 11 and 7 In fnror\of Alt Tan Itara nad Wm ilra. Batterlea, Cedar Ra. narrer
of Samlt Bte lUrie. and Newman; Almira, Caae'ud
r la<OKfolt. after apend- aoo.
Quite a Dumber^rom ben attadMfMr ear> with Mm. U Hubbell
ed the A. 8. of B. ptonlc at OvtoU
Satordar. AI)
Jim While er.. Percy Foot. Ony
BdgeU, Arthw Uegla aUrted to day
P nSic gte »ui «». « wn^ tor itorth Ubmltou inland to work.
White baa a large Omber Job
.Mruhlp. ap* tha.prood parentt of
^aot bora Mesdap.
Mr. and Mrs Booth and daughter
Ifaodvw bera BiiHUr t» O
f *rfree Rlreca. Wli. are rttRIng
mr and Vila.
The dnb.daodss pnrUaa hare been Mra. Booth'e mother. Mn. Lewie U& C. Swt. who for wrenl r«an
kM boom tto vrMtlal. MeoMMl
4Mri»tt»d<u of Um Ins ocmetau.
vkD «M pran M to the omoe
«( cmrel sapertatMtcst sod aeoood
vtee-tinMeDt of the Uke eupbrlor
Ins and CheoleaJ Oompenjr. tt morttf to LMtrdt thU'vmk. Mr. Rn*t
nia hte <dwmn«. taleolod vttc and
*90 tMoOfai-dlUJe dUfbUn leere
MlU vara trloidi and admlrera In
JSt RapMi. ttiMae nod vlabea and
klnd)7 lottMet thll so «Uh then to
their ixrv home 0i the dtf of the


^^Toanmnl afwr ommal •cski- Vnoattoi. and wtu be eontlnoed throng
tt« vtnttr anths
«. W. Mwphp, of Tampa. Florida.
hm mb Mdus a ooop)e.ot veaka
IB the Mmd home a sneat df Unoola
iVn. of OhkaiB Thap teft Tnaar
Bagr si^ tor the vtndr «dtr- Ur.
___ _
BUt RapMl and Ua atlnaUan.
•o eerefelr «sa the >v »W»ed
pelht Tneedar. the Chaiiaa
)M **'■* had made thl* port ^or
imshw BB- oblUnd ;o ^n tor ahetter
aeroaa the bar to (Nd UtaatOB. whore
Mlv to to* Mitpr of tha penlnsnla
Bptfl the wind
, iBB itaUh nae Bold bia oottase to
WuilBr. Ur*. FhUa. BUnklns- Ura
titoirtii win not leara tha tans.
p«w«|Mte pte aoeta] win be bald
- It Omase hall br the nk htko MnBO’ aehoel fHdnr erentos. October «
ruma Urae mad Ralph New-


1 Bent ehnreh hr Father
Mbs Marie Brtcp *oted aa
d and Mr. VlrfU Newhooee
hMC-naa. The nerir wedded oonple
MUfMlde et Northpoft.
«ke O. B.
NO. at. InaUlled the

It the aeatlas
IMMdni eraotos.
m. U.—UI*. Bdlth Batee.
W. F#-r. M. Roaworth,
A U—Utta TUUe Thompen.
Ooed.—Him Della Hanel.
JMt rwid Mn Oocwr Mackcr.
Racs-Min. Qeo. Branetlns.
RhPW.^'Ow. towmrins-


WiMditbe acdlct.
I umtr 8U
etorr et hU
om alee can SSfifTl
Uma ase I j

all. rot) dot-n and It le
' ever to pick up Btir« dUar tor a few me_ -lewly reellin aariMnc
I.had atterha of «-----t Sara- me' more toon tma trpe'Nera* Fare* ballM and It
iaju,a JMUlL of tbrlr itar aJoac that
teC91 iMTat enm •>« eedna at^«r—
»*o troBble of ear kind, bat heart;

Un. George W*Ulobee rielted Ormnd
ma Harrey Sunday.
Tbe MlaM Jennie ud Chrrie Tin­
dall of Bhennaa Mlch„ are rlaitlng
ralatiree at OriatL
Qnlte a number from here nttad«d the-reala at TraretM Oty laal
MIm Ollre 8wa of Trarerae CUy
rialted ber mother. Mra. TX O. Sbortor
dareoM aptf Rob Canute of Trarerae aty vlelted their aleter. lire.
Ata Harrey. Sunday.
AUrad Verno, of Oahoni. took In
the exxcnralon to Manlatee Sunday.
Mn. Fannie Norria w*i caUed to
Frankfort Saturday by the aorioua
illneas of her grand daughter. UMe
Fannie Norria.

bees oeettC and the t
bees Btves k coat of pateL
BmIbmi U eery brtak and orders
ai« eCBlag in from the weet that
wia heeg them buey for a yeer to SO.
An eapwt order wsa booked tdk dlgona Bar. South AfrOa. TUa drdar
wUl oonaUt of poUto aptayera.

of BaA,
Jcr£>n. «bo has
C. B. coaventicn, loantt boma


Ahee Boyd returnee home to 'Willlemaburg today.
Mra. W.X. Nalnan. of Laland. left
for Batee thie afutnoon.
tort Drill.
Dr. Fhcnaat. of Frankfort, pa
Tbe Central bnUdlng acholara. In­
the dty on bU way to BU
cluding thoae in the High achool.
•are Kvaa a Are drill Friday and
Mra. Richie and three ohUdreo. of
the bnlldiBCJPaa empUed In Juet fifty
taeoadiC the acholara all fcttlng this dty. want to Angdl today.
Mr. and Mn. A. B. Porter, of Old
In good order. Aa tbefe are
700 puptli in the buUdlng, tbU -U an iaalon, are in tha' dty rialUng
e^lant rooord.
• ' frienda.
O. O. Nlekeraon. of Klngaley. la
here on bedoMi.
^ DotrOape.
C D. Stanley, of Sottona Bay. made
Mlae Blanche M. Doty, of Harbor a tfUaintaa ^rip to Trarerae City
Springe, and J. A. Gaga, of Traveree day.
City, were united In maretage Tburaday eeenlng at the paraonage. of^e
Social Evening.
Church of Cbrbrt by the Rer. j. ARen
Both flnandat and *boclal aurcea^
Canby. The yoiftag peopip will realde attended the ‘aodal erening’" gireo
by the Ladlea* Aid eocMy of the OaV
tn thla dty. Both tbe bride_
fTOdn have a U’rge number of frienda Park- cl^h Friday at the Fifth
to wlah them all the happlneea poad- ward ball. More than 126 were prea
ant and all report a moet en.’i/rb’e
Ume. A nloe iKogram ww glren In
which tbf Sunday achool ebUdreo and
y4h^ people took a prumlneot part
gresraome dlacorery waa made Oelidoae lc« cream nnd cake werr
by buntera aouth of tbe dty
aerred srith coffee, dooghnnta,
day, tbe tlkeleton of a hone Ued
wfehea. etc.; and aU wet* cleaned up
How the animal came there,
and converted inio eaab
whether It was Ipft alone to eurve,
happy pao|d« traveled homeward tn
death or waa ahot end the cnrcaaa
tbe **wee ema" boor*. Jhla la the
left behind la not known.
firet of a aeriea of auppera planned to
The animal baa eridenUy been
be given during the autumn and
there aome time aa the booea
clean of fleah but tbe rope haiu-r le
n£l about the akull and Ued socuix-ly
Death of Mr*. Crater.
, tree. Thoae stoo hare aeen
Mrs. Bmma Craicr paaaed aaray
of the opinion tbm fhe animal Friday evening of
»t been there ao Iwg but that a two year*- lllneaa. A danghtor.
tbe crawa or doge bare picked the Joaephtoe. la left to moorn ber lose,
to addition to an ununnally large nui
Inquiry tailed to develop who ber of fifendA
owned'the horac or how It came there
Mrs. Crater waa 67 years old last
and aa examlnaUon failed to i
Sunday and Jdned the Baptist diurch
any narki on the akulL
of thto dty ao long ago tbat abe waa
almost a charter member. * A year
ago ber husband paaaed aaray.
From Tueaday'B Rnrord.
tbongb she anOered for two year*,
Attgpat SUckflpb to in the city on
•era* always cheerful and bore her
n w'th a Christian fortitude thsl
pavid Hoemi of Klngaley. to vtolt- showed that ahe was atocere to her
Ing friends her* today.'
—'raslcm of faith.*
B. R. McCoy left thta morning lor
-No funeral arrangements have yet
Bay aiy to attend grand lodge meet­ been made owning to tbe tact that
ing the the K Pa.
some of the tomtly are in Washington,
Ole Th9r^n. of (OIra Arbor, and but the service will be In charge of
MIsa Mary Olaon. of GexM Harbor, the Rev. C. B. Lockhart and under
visited yeatarday with Mra. Geo. R. the ‘dlrecUon of Undertaker Hughes.
Mra. M. Sbadek left thto morning
tor Chicago to apend aome time with
LoritoGoas and Miss Gertrude Dell
ere nnlted to marriage at ML Plea*
Mra. aande Carter left today tor ant September !5. the otnclallog cler­
Bay aty where the will reprenant the gyman being the Rev. Hugh Kenne­
Pythian Staten In grand todg*. From dy fomariy pastor of the Aibury
there Mra. Carter will go to DetrolL Methodist church to this dU'. the
where abe will vtolt Mn. J.
emony being a very quiet one. The
yofln^ people are at preaene enjoying
From SaUirdar'a Record.
Cora Seofleld. of Wllltoi
In town today.
MUa Bare, who baa been vtoitlng
E. C. SUlea. returned to Tl
W. Alden. of Benton Harbor. Is In
tha cKy today.
E W. HopUna went to Northport
Frank and RuUi Holmes, of Boar
Lake, letnnied home this morning.
Mra. tt Padden went to Benionla
this morning to Inspect the W. R..C
of that place.
Mr. and Mr*. «*hitney left for^
tatee thto morning to vtolt over
Helen Waltera left tor achool at
Mt. Pleasant this morning.
Mrs. Moore, of this dty. left for
TusUn this tsorning.
Mr*, lenstmiacber. of Klngaley. re

Traretsc aty Slate Bait

through Trarerse aU u* hla way to

a wedding trip in the aouthani part
m the state. .
Mr. Goes has been a clerk at the
American drug store for »ome Ume,
and haa a large number of friends
to the clfy. His bride to also a popu­
lar young lady and they start their
wedded life with an unusual number
of good wiMies.




A.'Tracy Uy. PreoMent
' R. Floyd Clinch. tYce PreoMeBL
Sanod Oariand. Ckshler.
A. J. Maynard. Aset. Cashier.
A. J. HarUand. Aml Caahler.

Traverse-City, Mich.
Bell yon Jfonr bill for » bonne or barn.
a fall Use of

We cany at nil lisie*

Get oar fij^ree and oomparo oar sraAet before buying; Call oft
Oh. Look for t^e Big Bed PUuL
' Oor. E. 8th SL nsd Lake Ave.

We Believe We

CAPITAL, $200000

8URPLUO «46.000
A Gesenl BfiAktSf tesiaest Dm

P«^P. J. MacNctt

tmve the Best Tea on
the Market

Choice Cnoolored Jnpao pnrtict 1 uly fine flavor and
exoeptioBal atreniitb. If }oa have trouble gelling i
tea that it to your
TOur likiog try a anispU) inond ofthit
We will takeoor chaaoei on your oomiog back.

Price, ^ per pound.


BHrCesiABniredak TiacDemUh

Phonei, Bell 390: Cits. SOB



Mr. Tallcrday, who mi» riiaig.- uT ,
Burglar* cut one panel' from the tbe island (or the Traverse Hay Trsiu-1
rear door In D O. Klchda' store. Ml piirtatlOD company, was engaged In n-'
Baal Blnhtb slr<-<'t early Monday but pairing n leak-lu the nxrf cif the’
were frightened aaay before they paviltcm and slipped, falling U> the
made an «-ntraiice. Tbe police aorked grcniDd. ills wrist was so hadit
from nburily after 1 o'clock umll 1 sprained that he at fli>i that
thto morning aud fdloved a number It wan (ractored and U lmnx-ulat<-ly
of clues, but the rubber was not dto- began to swell and In a short time, u,
•vral tiniiv Its nattiral
Mr. Nichols, wbo live* ‘above
There was ni> nx-diclne wbaU-ver cm
etcre. was awakened early thto i
the island and no means of m-tting
tog by a noise. Hr looke^ oul*of a ‘‘ashore except by rowing several miles
window and saw the man at Ih*
Tbe Ch
r«ar door.
[x-cu-d at any time, so Mr. Tallerday
••Get away from there." he cried.
waited wwlkiu fhc floor all night and
"Get back inside thne. old man.
iffertog agony: tbe bant not arriving
ni blow you
-----bead off" was the
The swclltog ^s been reduced naMr. Nlehoto again told the robber to torially t-tday 6ul it srni be six weeks
get away nad was aniwerod with before he can use the arm again, tbe
more threats and profanity. After the sprain being n very had one and the
outbunii bad concluded, Mr. Nichols lack of alfonUon also detaying
asked his wife to hand him his gun.
Tbe n>bbcr beard the request and vanMrs. Eva Shertiiirne lje|>|x-r of Bay
View went to Arcadia yesterday
eky reapondtdjo tbe call and atn
visit ber father (or a month.
began a a^rch.
Officer Salensky
rode bto wheel down there,.leat
leaving it
near the place, and 'wbeii he went
home thto murnlng. the whe<‘l
tka slepsiMarei. tt la «oade to owroar
waa gone. It was located this morn- Itn,
IholkMsw^ sot tafoel thepstlMt by asbonde
Rallruad avenue but wheiber eS? »-i It i>) ant ha^ uHmTSd tlklp^
the thief made his escape cm that i
Bomeone'Wse took U. to not known.
ArrMt^at LMand.
Sutton* Bay. Mich'., SepL 30.—
Henry- Lntz, a barber,, was arrested ly
Sheriff Bb>wd and taken to l^laml
this morning. Lutx is charged wi<h
uItJng James. Dennis, a butcher,
and tu'ltlng his hand open.
it'seems that there ha* been Iroubh
between thiwtwo men for some Um.,
Lutz alleging that Dennis phlsonod bl»
dog. Some time ago. Rufll A- Dennia
J sfmie
re been
mtoated to an encounter between U»men. Lnts. It Is oald. etrikiar
Dennis between tbe fingers and
rutting such a det-p gash In his hand
tbat seven stltchi-B werv necessary.
Lutz to a luirber and was (ormeriv
empUi.ved by James Griffin, of Trat
City, ruining back here la^t

Art ExhibiL
An art exhibit will be held st the
Boardman avenue school Od. 912.
Incluhlve, the exhibit being f<y- the
puepoae t< baying picture* for the
•rhool and the dtopisy being (tom the
Plaaaant Surpriea.
Hence K. Turner Co. of Dnslon. Ten
Tbe Rebokaha of WUteria lodge No
cent* admission will be charged for
4tS. earpnecd Hr. and Mra. Fred Melchildren and 15 oenU for adults, the
Hurt en Marian laland.
Cher of Sooth Unla atreel yeaterday
admission being (tee to the children
Tbe tadim aaaembled tor
After suffering agony with n
of the Boardman avenue building un­ sprained wrirt (or twenty-four hours.
a farewell party as Mr. and Uin Melless
was removed from
lonre here eariy next week tor
being rraerved for them.
Grand Hapoda. Mhelr future home.
Marion Island by the steamer Chequn
These exhibiU are well worth wit­ megun
Mr. and hUa. Melcher will be gnatly
nessing and have been held to the; Inviught to tills city (or medical atteu'
nlaaed here, both by the 1. O. O. F.
City prerioualy. bonce are well ki
tliin. He had sllp|>ed from theP rW-f
:and Rebekaba. at they are both very
of the i>avllion Friday afternoon.
active memben. Tbe afternoon waa have been vtolUng with p. Pierce, regiven every afternoon.
an Mra. Melch- tnraed to their home In-AIlegan.
er peovwd berarif a very good boat-'
Mre. Oliver WilUama. returned to
The Cause of Many
after, recovering from' the eur- her home Is Walton. '
Beck From the Army,
sac Stanton, late of Co. K. Thlrpriee. Gamee were played and Mra. -idra. Chenowelh l«fl tor KaUmaror
Sudden Deaths.
Fred Erana captured the flrat prlM today.
temU United State*. Infantry,
There is s ili^csM- )>rrvailing in this
and Mra. WiUtam HollUter thf cookM. C. Moaler. of Centrevltle. re­ home on a vtolt with bis parents
The ladlee eerved refreeh- turned home from Northport where interioeben. Tbe young man 1
d;-alh» are caunci
Just completed a three year enltotuMittng of nuta. enndy and be baa been for bis bay-fever.
U it—heart two years of srhl^ were spent
frnlti. After the, refreehJohn Weaum. of this dly, left-tor
ease, jiucu.....
on tbe lilsnd of Luton to tbe Philipmanta weiw aerved. Tbe Noble Grand. Cheboygan.
art Ifaih
BTlvn McMullen. In behalf
L. M, WhUtemore went to Kingsley pines. He has not yet decided but
the ri-Mili uf ki-1doN not think that he win re-tnlisL
lodge. preranted .Mra. Melcher with
on buBlneaa.
cliseasc. If
beaoutui china anlad aet Ura<. MelMabel Beebe, from Kalkaakn. rekt.lqfv trcniMe i,
Cher rcaponded
a few
Death of Anthony ObarL
' alluw^loadv-olicc
lheki<luey-j«.i>lutten worde and wlahlng WIeterta ladge
Aathmiy Obart. 869 Webster avenue,
Mrs. u. Jacobs, of Lake Ann. went
cJ l.loud will
many yean of cueoeca.
died Sunday after s sickness of
to Grand Rapids.
uvs ,ue vital organs, cansmg catarrh of
nloe months.. He leaves n wife. Alma Ibc hlai'-ler, oW the kidneys llinnsehes
M. D. Morgan went to the 8oo
Obart. and a married, daughter who break doa-n and waste awav cell l>» cell,
Mr. am Mra. McKee, of Algonae. lives to Bay Oty. to mourn bia loss. otu s derangement of ll)c kidarw i.uii
maraad to their home thla morning Anthony Obart sraa a member of the cure is otoaine<I autekest by a
1 IB Chicago.
glne. I
eatnient of the kiili
dnrys. if y'on arc feel
Trarerae Oty Iron company, caide after MtlUng Mr. and Mra. Pleit*. of Odd Feilosr* anc taey will auend the iog
iisdlv von c
wake no mivtake >•
funeral in a body. Tbe Rev. Dennis
(Me week. The engine wlli be put to thla cHj.
ukiugUr. Kil!_..
MIM Mabel McMlchael leave* tor Cochlln will eondact the service* from grent kalueyl liver
flrat elaaa coadltioo and ue«j at the
It corrects tnabili
Tbe Waynrahrdlu v.UBlAhrdlu cmf Grand Rapids today to take up kind­ the hoase at-: o'clock Wednesday,
ttls week.
Bk Rapida electric lighting
plant. ergarten work.
Hjat unpleisuilnecoulyof lodny
Mr. Obart baa been a clUien
Mias I.oU LuUnan srill remrn to
The Wayne engine that U Inethlled
nmirelicii to go often through the Jnv,
Umto LaCur*. of Rapid Oty, pastel Traveree CTty for the past ten yeara
at tbe pTeeent time le not large
enough to aup^y the demand. A new through the dty «« hto return ^rom and wot well liked by all who knew
ramp-Root u
.. ___
him. E U Hughes wUl hsve cbsrge of effect of Swamp-Root
Jarkaon engine. bulK at Jaokeon. New York OtyIt stands the higbcat tor it* womleriu:
the funeral.
J. A. Montagna to In Bate* today
cures of the most dtotressing caws. Mich., will be inatolkd with the Kaah
Swamj^Rool is pleasant to take ami i<
engine. A 160 borae power gaa pro­
Mlia Bpankle BetKr:
ducer manufactured by the Travoree h^C^ tn the eonn^. tha winter
oBc-doltor vze liotiles. You n:ay havea
Mr. sod Mra. Medad Mntim
aty Iran company will furalih the term opening Monday. '
aample bottle of Jhia vrorvlerfa) new dis
Mr*. Robert CnriWe Is vialUng In tnrsed Monday from Nerthpon where
gne to run both cnglnre.
EU Bapida today.
they were called by the seriona III- bMh seut free bv m
Mra. Herbert .BlodgHt haa organ-______of Mtos Telia Stiangle. ) Tbe ner& Co.. Bi^
writing mentioii reading this gcaeruus
_____________ ___________ ________ toad her cam IB Jdano nt Bk Bajrtda'fritnda sof Mias ^ngle -...
this paper.
aUrted rnnalug again after repatrlnf'and wHl teach‘there ene
••ch^pKated ta learn that ahe to recovering
Int remember the na me ^mcTpthdr factory. A new Are proof brick'wedL.*
{nleelyafterberopenUonandhercaa- RooL I>r. Kilmer-sSwamp-Koot. and the
sddiw. BinghaBlon, N. Y, on every
vanit to boM the expautvarllaa h*t| Tmn Priaae. of Ldand. F*a*d^Atk« show* a








bote l-uarl fur the Oouh# of
Grand Travers,-.
In the matter of the estate of Julia
B Johninn. decewd
Nolle.- is hereby given that fonr
months (row tbe :6ih day of Septemto r A. R 1W»:, haw been allowed for
rtrdliors to prewnl thHr clalma
against said dee.-aiM-rt K. said court
for examluailon uid adjustment and
that all cn^itora eg said deceased ate
required to prvw-nt tbeir clatma tn
. at the pr ■
r before, the 28lh -dny c
jMuary A. D. itots, and that ssM
elaima will be heard by said court oir
Tuesday the fblh day
.} of Jani
U. ItoiS. at tec cfclock to the I
Dated S,-pt. 24th. A. D. 1M7.

The Farmers’ Store

A shot Run for S4.00 it & bargain but ve biTB it ffbd it

IB a good one.

It has a lamioated sted barrel ball ptstol srip

stock, top lever break, strong bolt action ^ tbe beat cheep
gnu mndo.

Wu also have tbe better grade«f siogle and double

barrel Rims nuJ wu thiua we can suit jou both in qualit7 and

~We rIso carry a complete line of ammunition, gun

cases. cleaDtDg rods, bunting coats, shell vests, bunting knives,
couijMvut^ ihd evc-rytbing tbe hunter needs.
lier-jrebnyiug a gun came in and see our stock.






China Ware ‘
Solid Eogiiab and American ware. Plain and fancy
dibbe*. Tilt- line is largo so you get a Roed rboioe.

Table Cutlery
All ksods of kiiiv<-s ami forks at different prices.
tb<-ib over belcre buying.'


aTbisline mclodes tbe fameus •liiiffc.n'" Kitior.
good one. I bare other lines as widl.

It isa

Victor Starch
I'ntil sold I shall give one IChr packogv of Victor Starrb
Fku: with every regular 10c psckai'i




Ha IM tan Cnww
A yonac anwoboy bnd traa«bt mlki
•Catott another newnboy who b^>
tried to enptnio bit corww at tM]
Optato J. B. watt ami toe encinaa* ^
papee toot «
wt^ toame of Atomadee tnmena.!
women *iattnre^ front aB* paita at]
Bnnito an bonnd tor tba Mad or tba

iFatIgwi Sjnpton aod Te^
Hut ShouM 8i Hwded.
^ CkAcak qotfaa'arc fatcDdedfcrtitcmtt whoh par*
^tfcubr ttfaout what he wcara-^
the man who wants hh clothes
'*to he correct la otyfc—rdiabJe
to qu*%—perfect fa fitr ooi
,'n* moct dffiailt you ««
(»,a«^the‘m« OothMi'

Wbea w* bar* Mt «at on • pleen «T
bncMciUarirak or ta«^ wwt «e nifbt
jexpect to end a atead^. repdar tntn tbe CatKne Uiat rpnltad
froca U-ao nmeh work, ao mneb fa­
tigue. Bat that to not toe caae.
;*tatlgne eorre" la not a atml^t Itoe
‘aloptog np from one comer of tba
^art diagonally to tbe other, lattend
it fom abarply upward at tbe atait.
Tbao for a long dtotance tt raoa along
on an approximate lerel. and then U
taken a sharp tip*vd tom again.
I Tbe torel stage-tbe plateaBiOf bard,
normal working power,* wtem tbe coat
la eoeny doamt rary pareH?tlbly-la
toe “neeond wtod."
: Too know bow u to to tontodlstanm
|raaaa«. At flrat tbe faagomtoereaaea
Wry rapidly. A man baa to tpoab blmwUb all toe will powm be can
iaelf wUI
miHtv. - Ttaan'aU of a aoddea it getr
easier. It aeoaa as If be bad tapped gera. they did not eren remember tbe
■a big, new aujply of energy, and ba name of tbalr old greyboond.
can keep rooolng for a long time wlto- Wme. when w« were all tncM.away
'oot any gnat tocrcaie to bto feeling
pf fatlgne. At last be reoeben a point
_ -------- - — ------wbete tbe exertion mil* bmd again.
delayed becaoae of the bblldere- Strike, Fatlgne ptlM ap terribly fsM now. eo
at Kankakee, bot wlU be held aonx
(bat anlem tbe runner known lost
time to tbe near fotnre.
and Iuk made
bow much be to good for
icarcfal cnknlattons beTa likely
•nil 4“ before be gets to too end.
Brery step make* an Inroad on bla teOreen anri Black Sti-ipaa t* Ba Paah. •crvc energy. Tbe laat *iwtl coati FINE HIDING PUCE OF CROOKS
imoce than aU tbe reat together.
ienehl* Per M*«k

Why KaMM Panaaia Ar* Abt* «i
Rid* la Thair Own Autaa.
fW a w—««« tanMT to harraat a
erap vbtob brlnp him «» «
186 an Bcra t* no narinal tbloc tt
a day*. prorldM br n*M tbe bw
JobpDesi In prerwrlna bl* tond and ea­
rn pre*
JectlBc bit crop and tben
caia, aar* a Cottonwood Falii lEan.)
OOttcapondant of tii* Kanana CHj- Star.
Bat wbao a ainsto prop ned blm
am tban 130 to tbe acre, and aU tola
vRboat toe leaat bU of work or etto
on bla pert and em asalaat bla own
totetloo*. tben It U me con aw wbat
the enndower State la raallj- capable
of. TbB baa been tbe fonnnale lot of
John Ctn^n). a Chaw conntr fanaw
thine iM«r Cleinetit*.
' Mr. Cnvforrl baa a twentj- acre Said
Of altaifa.*' Tbla atmuser bn eat toa
erat two mpa. vblcb rlelded batwen
two and tone ton* of bay to toe acm.
When toa third bay crop waa raady to
ent, be waa eo bnay potCns bp bi* otb«r erapa that toe attatfa &eb> bad to
▼alt, and not ontU tt bad atood ao
ta« that It waa no longer good for
tey 4ld be dnally get aronnd to cat lb
Bafrettlsg Ibalbe would hare to loae
toe bay. Mr. Crawford deddad to let
It go to aead. A fey dart ago be cat
and tbraabed tbe crop and obtotned
ng*anO«e*» bntoala of teed from toe
tt«aj^-neiir-f*JWHy bnabela of tba
b* ODii at once tor 10 a boibel.
nod ton btiaacn will telng at iaaat SS
t jnabto
toe bat two bay
ooto. wUiB Ktoade .613 or 61S to
ton Acx% opd fte annd.
la worto
tten. toe aU^ field will
apv makt M«Uant paature fw a^.


Tadar^The Pria* a Mao
lari to Pay if He Kaapa ati
e* Ta* Ltt«.

W. J. Lake. Ibe deelgiwr of tba
Xanitania. waa oa board to cocopaay
rito E. H.-Cma<d. one of the dlroolra of tbe line, wboae famoua motto
uwtb to be “We never lo« a Ufa."
With ‘be foghom blowtag at three
-Blaale ianmla the itner pl^ bm
way caMtoasl}- oat Into tbe Atlantic
to the Wake of tbi LocanU. At 3
' told that abe wa
1y mllca ahead of ui.
Tbe paeaengeia to toe flrnt cabto did
lOt aiHwar to be a very llrely lot. tbe
(W eeemtog to fill tbea-wttb gloam.
bad to alow down dlreijUy after starting wni looked u|mo
bad oBM-o by some of tbe croakOoe tall Scvitcbman. wbo etin
hto kUts and bad a roHe
steady diet ta porridge
and baggto. aatd to me:
“Hoot. moo. It's a nw nlcfal the
BOO. I'm tbloklng. I wish 1 could eee
my bonny 'balms acnln.*^
When toe fug lifted In tbe night tbe
liner was pat et foil speed and bowled
along at tbe
knots. W1
ad from tbe LacanU aU tbrooirti tbe
night, but onr oOeer*
bare no Idea of her poaltlon. Qoe*-


Bmlto’-'b* jomped np
nadyMled. T
mt a tawyer,' and I
af^net talb** ^ *»-

•Ob. well. If toe coart's on my aide
■m read?." In*taatly reidlel
yooiunler. .-•nd the case proceed
gen-gg Of I—•' ■ictv'ew*

Science Ha* New Found the True
Way to Cure IndigesUen.
A few yearn ago. when a suBerer
tram IndigcstloD weut to a atemach
epedallat. tbe r.-sult *-aa a rigid diet
list that aluKtet iiiitmt aunation.
But the first Oilug to do Id tb.- c
of lDdlj:e«tloD or stomach weakness
strengthen tbe muscular walls
of tbe stomach and toteeitof*. so that
they will care for tbe food ttmt '
oaU-D. In no other vny enn this
done as well as by taking a Ui-o
Ublet before each meal. This
stores strength

TU-F^.;.. ifa —rfj
oditT ,( nk

Viking” and "Viking System” Qotbes


ol OiU—V W

Y...< M>'. Oodb*. :Si

E. Wilhelm

digested readily and its nonrlstamMt
retained In tbe system to buUd up
energy and vliallty.
Do not think the sick headach.-,
heartburn, bad taste in the montb.
“^'ou ask tbatl Tea me rather wbat rate oOce of a marrird mb. an oil
coated longue, spot* before
e ej-M,
fiaine of yoora. Truax reProed an tx»
otHer ake* my proolaed wlf* to vtelt planatloo.. WImt have you to nyf A
and the mat
Chariro Truax^
symptoms that ore
“i ansMTfdio qnrotloa put to aoeb a a-oman of Msuiv. you caanol plead
<a Indlctwtloo. will go awuy of them,
bushwro In n factory aa an excuse."
selves. Theeiooiach must be buHt .
-Yoti go too f*r““it to luy right to know," Tbe man'e
and strengthened by Hi-o-na before
“So; It to you*. I love yoi as mg
you can be well and strong, free from eyes took angry niearnre of her te«tot*
tuBerlng and distress.
anev. “I put the same question this life, and you drive me mad with
The guarantee that S- R Walt A afternoon, and .vouevaded U- I thought, doubu. Knowing my weaknros, yen
Stons give with every Sixent box cf when you Insisted on your righto and
•**** **• 1 win have tb* mth.
Zebra stripe* are to be tbe faablto
Ml-o-na. to tr-fund the monej- unlosa
Omaha and Cauncil Bluff* Autheritie* the remedy cures, shows their coofid- p.1vllegvs that .vour little secret* were
Eaifaertnea tnec. ^stog wbUs and
for men’e anlia tbe coming wtator. ac­
DO concern df mine.» Wbat do I findl
e be will get mted to
Will Unit* In Meking Ra'.ds an Idsal
iD the uvatnu^t.
cording to tbe Tailor and Cdrier. the
Thill you have been
,,,* tix
e and be able to
Hebe Clearing House In Csistene*
reeognbed Bngllab antbority In mat­
r tbe coome again. Bat If toter* of
Twenty Year*.
be ablaxe with porple.
^k. tone, brown and green. One Ibe ttdls orer on tbe ground. It may tbe “C'lroriDg nouae For Tmmiis." ibe
Broadway fitter after abowtog rolU «' taka we^ for btm to get into good great snmmer eamp which toe Weary
gaudy romblnatloas picked oat one fonn again. U a big rwv natnraUy WUllea pasalng between tbeSnst ami
bek got to be ready to do that.
and aald:
toe' west have built np Jost below
“Heie'a aom«tbtog-nlce bright par- . TbefC are emergwrtaa to everybody** Connell Bluffs.. la., and acroaa toe
Ufe wbat too merely prndent thing
pie and a brown and a pink ■
Jan’t the right thing. If a boose la on Utoaouri river from Omaha, to to be
RUtolng torotflib tt-toat nak«
fin and a family on toe top floor to to brobea op. and toe police atid aborlSs
Into a fine aolt.'
'daagec and yoaf* tbe only penon on of Omaba and Coancll Bluff* Lav*
ito* premtoe* yon cant stand calmly Jolnod torero for this porpose.'bays an
_______pretty oHre." be
•See toe Ugbt Noe line down And laatdo and caloolate yoar fatlgoo cure. Omaha specUl dtopatcb to toe Nm
tcrmel English tweed. Jast like wbat Then'* a necesalty for aetkm-tt any Tork BerakL This place t* not too
I rinst whatever, even Ufe.
abod* of any regular number of
King Eddie wears.** •
jP A man iw baVe a big
tramps, but to toe slopping point and
Oot caoM snotber. and be said
tbrongh. some I:
leatlng place of tooueands of tramp*
wbo drift In. stay a day or two and
drift onward again.
o..~i~a to
prrw* who
knows tbe whole
*T enuted^M mm to tb* camp
tbe atnutert man
man lot*
»o»- like
uxe a
a aUm
«*“ ,g„^
^ tlm.
Blcbmond of Connell Bluffs. .'Two
go by toe board,
day* later I made another trip there,
ready to par tbe price, toot when Umfe anir while there were more than 100
celled for.
aro not eeapof these hadebeeo'tbere when
Canal Under Meuntein*.
Aay matter*. Tomorrow we
paid my first visit'
A report recently reached tbe atat*
itog to have another day's btu
Tbe camp baa attained natloilBl re­
department of wbat it declared
ittend to, and tbe probability 1* that nown among box car travelers. It to
tbe greatwt uncInrHIiif work of tbe
an Ideal place for a tramp camp.
>3d yet attempted^ tbe Eurv-peai
nated close to Big Lake, srltb plentraT
ennUnent. aaya f Waabtogton dtopatcb
big abade trees and fine grass and
to tba Cbkngo BMOtd-Hetald. It to to
right by tb* aUe of toe great freight
be a canal wuter tbe Bore mountain*
We bare done yards, where train* from all direc
to ccnntft tbe port of MarwUlee more
directly with tbe river Bbooe. CooBular aerk M. B. Kirk of Part* re­ W tut last Gos^y lap. ICs tbe tlmn all boor* of toe day and night tbe
hobo who tltea of tbe read may
ports that tbe mlntoter of public work* to quit
A greet deal, of
few day* to peace, while tboae wbo
to France and tbe oounael general of

bare recently reported tbe ex- tlon about tbe Datnre of fatlgaa.Jiaa have nl
freight and go a tbelr way without
pendlttne of over $16,000,000 tor the been made available througb toe
ametractlon of tbe tonnel canal, wbkh S^USd**J^'^eeaor Angeto Moa- troaUa
The t
to to be foor and a half mile* long,
aarenty-tbree feet wide and forty- ,acA a great ItoBan actonttot *' —“* fireplace, and there are many artlclea
tola fnsbhm: Too lay
three feet above tbe water level to tbe nometblng aftor': down, on a Uttle U- of kitchen nae as a part of tbe camp's
•qnipage. It I* a rigid rule that n<>o*
vaoltnd roof. It will be completely 'jtm Unfi.
and to toe end of on* finger to
of throe utensil* are to be carried flow
lifted by electricity and will poeses*
!taebed a cord wtkb connect* borl- toe i^ce. bqt all ate to be left for lb*
a small railroad running alcog lualde
^tally over n policy ^to a amaU ftea use of any tramp wbo may be to
"Too Mveh Charging.
hsfaging weight. Tbe dbtkm of cloe- camp Tble rale to adhered to wltbont
Squagnsa-wbat broke up that mto- tog toe' finger llfto toe w^t. mpd aa
exceptien. There are many large pans
laxy company that was formed by tbe tbe
repeated over and ovW and pota and can*, and altogether toe
__ effort
again tbe fatigue symptoms to toe fin- tramps are well supplied with camp
lawyeti of tbe cltyt
SqolsgB-T.'by. 1 nudemtand that •ger become ydrer and can U obeervad
tbelr drUtmastcr left them.
^ recorded to detail.
S3 feet vacant lot between Cas? and 853 East Eighth sireet, 7 rooms.
For sleeping pnrposea there are hun­
Bquaggy-WUt dhl U quit fori It I Jiow. oo* of tbe important dtoeorar10-24 Boyd avenue, ct^UBgc. 5 rooms.
Union streets.
dreds of empty box can- In torse toe
IM that Profrotor Moaao ba* mode J» tnmp* atretefa ont at night aud tlcep.
wag a saap.
33 feet vacant lot, East Front street, be­ Si 9 West Seyentb street.
Sqnlggs-Wcil. it teem# tl-it they tost If you keep ntaaig tbe wetitot un­
wanted to-do aoU»::i,t tt:l*cl:2rgc nl’ til your finger to exUnated It will taka When they wake up to tbe noreinc'
tween Park street and Boardman 234 East Eieventb street, brick house.
If tbe bos (wr happen* to have bees
toe Uae nml ho wocldn't stand fo> IL Jn*t about two boor* to reat It-toat
205 North E.lmwodd avenue. Modern
put Into a train and started oot. It
-Toledo r.!a.U,1a. to two bodra yoa can do tbe
vnskro UOl* dlffcmc* to toete trav66 feel lot. frame store building and
Affloont of ■
445 Garfield avenee.
dwdling, with barn on this lot.
toa least bit m^.
Faaaing by tbe “iffeeTtog boa*e“ are
.'on wonld Imagtoe from tbli that if
West Front street, between Union and 810 Webster street.
all lanroads to Chicago, three to Mlntba experiment were repeated at the neapoll*. two to PL Loiito. two to Kan1422 South Union street.
Pine streets.
end of one boor toatead of two yoo paa City ami foor to Denver and tbe
521 Webster street. 6 room cottage, lot 814 Bohemia street.
■could do Jnxt half tbe amooBt of woek.
Pacific coast Tramp* from all dlrrc81-5 South Union street, 9 rooms, good
Sat It's oolr ooeHinAer as mocbl
tlous must paa* by Ibe camp If tffhy
sll West Seventh street. i room cot­
are bound north, aoutb, east or west
849 Webster street, 9 rooms, good bam.
tage, lot 66 feet.
and tbooaand* of them take tbe oppor­
tunity to atop off a few day* and reat
IW) South Union street. 7 room cottage. 837 Washington street.

Police Win Try to Destroy Hobo
Paradise Near

E W. Hastings & Son




For nearly 17 years we have been selling Real Estate and
writing Fire Insurance in this City. We are positive this Is of
value to you, and we have always endeavored tb merit the con­
fidence of each and every one of our clients.
' We have some very


Improved Property, Vacant Lots and
Farming Lands

p33u^r ibe vnamoae of tbelr
haSto: AU of tto teba)^ta of
win attop^tba coratatone UytiK aaya a F-nk-bor--------- --------eagnTi
________Mult who araa Mlaa Mamie
flab of Chicago, placed her name on a
pUci of fwper. todoaed It In a bottle
waa attending a picnic there. Two
toootha toler Me. Petreaalt ptefced (be
bottle oat «r ait eddy wbeie It bad
bn«*#aabed op Out nf curtaatty-ba
OMsed tb read toe lacloaure and ba•an cotredpondUk vltb toe writer of
' Mon lattan foUowad. and finally
ucepud bis pleaa. They
ante marrtod a little ovar a montb acp
nad left Cor a weddtog ymruej. TU

Wom^n Avoid

atooB to ny .nmtr, it, of eowne.

laa may rweb n abiff* where an up*.
retioa i* tbe only maontne. but n

a the very wivst
mn^^iton^my dnUna

TT^t- fioSrring from anv form of female weaknros are Invited to
s. Ftobbam. at Lynn. Maas. From
lyUlotoUdniitbeyhhaat nndai




Tbe tramps have a kind of pollqr
eyatem. and no fights or rows e
take plan to the “broven" It to
unwritten law that there must be no
trouble of IbJ* kind a* long
alsia to toe camp For food wbtl*
resting tbe tramps forage Many of
tbem tnvei to band*, of wblcb
are appointed cooks. Tbe utben
Raa*«agy •«"* sad RaeaivedSfiOO
Word* by Hareani Systam Daily.
Ladiro Oinad In Oargaov* Tailata.
0 pnrch
Cacaread by ilati In Evading Or***.
Bluffs a
tog from atom to Council Blui
When tbe *teamsblp LoslUnla. Ibe Omaba.
Canard UBek tarbtoe ghuuroa. bore
When a robbery or a boldop has
up her anebor and steamed oot of beM committed In Omaba or Council
Blnfft a raid to made oo tbe ttnofm.
on Sonday. Sept 8. all band* fondly
Amending Hto BpHhal.
hoped aa were be^nlug a record
Foreier Congreromtn Johnson tf tnbreaking voyage acton toe Atlantic, dlana to debsta once called anotoar
say* a New Tork Times repreaentatlre
who was aboard the Lnltanla. Tbe
lAtcanla bad Irft half an boar betorf parilamentarr and had to ba wUbdrawn.
Mr. Johnson said.
withdraw toe
Mr. Epeakw. bot I toatot
Ikwklng sroond «« tbe crowded
decks fore and aft. It was easy to real­ that toe gaaUaman tram HUmIb la not
ise (bat wa were oo the Utgrot ship
to tbe wbrld. with a floating popalattoo
of AOOK InHndlng tbe crew, in*« and

.Life Aboard Cunard Liner on Her
Maiden Voyage.

We have just secured the sale of 160 lots in Perry Han- nah’s 4th and 6th/Additions on 12th. 13th and 14th Streets:
nothing better in ^e city; prices right; terms right.
Many other vacant lots all parts of the city.

120S Boyd avenue, brick house. ^
East Front street, S rooms.

6K West Eleventh street70^ Garfield avenue, cottage.

Some Very Desirable Farms For Sale
160 acres, Elmwood township. Leclalau county, 7 m-les fromdtjr.
shore of East Bay.
■ 40 acres near Oviatt,^5 miics from railroad station.
SO acres near Omena. fine buildings; ,ver>' desirable.
80 acres near Mayfield.
240 acres near Burdickville.

40 acres, Garfield, 4 miles from city.


Now we shall be pleased to quote yop prices and terms,
and more complete descriptions of any of these and we are pos­
itive it is to your interest to see us before buying.





tbs taw se­
ta the owef wohd atobol from
«B^|o down wtt twtao m a
dsxo OBd twteo 00 prood * onHo. oneara base aatabllebad a baBaon 44 to 10 eeate a «dloo. which h»
hlo vUO bad Mdo Mm a piwoBt ornia. Tbe braach wm be aader tha greatly
or two Ctrl bMat«, both of tbOB hasd'
ebatga «f CopC Ohariea
. Tbroe cMo ta tw« dor* •»
indood onfSeloat coom for htppttooo.
. Mkb.. SepC ST—
4 ns
noooptloit to Rov. ond Mr*. Dutton.
The geMTOl store of B B. COttaway mn Three Yeta*-Hend» and
00 ot tho First Motbodltt choroh Wodwaa-watered by boiglon tata >
tyt Most AiTedfid-Enplf^
Boodor oreoiod for the Rot. mod Mrs.
lag oad aboot UO to eoab eeenred beDoctor to No EffM-41ow Entirely
JoMpb DMtoo. tbo offoir bolna Is Uoas and the groaao. Tbo enllated aidea ccoslderobi^e atoek. jnat
fiacovered and Will RewnuBOid
hooor of Mr. Datum's bA* rMonwd mea of tbo Signal corpe cbooen tor aiaeb not being known. Shoes, amokU> the pBlpIt of tho loeol eb«rch.
tog tobacco aad other brticlee were
thte wock bOTo had
Tboro won aboot iw prooiot and in that lino. Most,of tbe
tbo porlors wero toot proUUr doeo- win be made from Waahlngton with
art Otio WOIM&C
nere. bras <
iho Mrth oido ot Ite eluuiBcl to tw- TBtod With flowm of Tortoos klads.
of tbo army baUaons.
the safe bat tbe tblerm
thor wMoB. It, »Bd ttto rod boo^ oa Dortfif tho OTonlac. Prot. IL U Hr* eotwee of the neat few months, there ly naablo to o|>en thtakhe money aethk'oldo win bo oot faBCk m tho width doilTorod oa oddroa of vMooao to will bo extensKo aao oystMuatle as- cored betng takeo from tbe cash
a dootur with no
Mr. DvUoe lo'bobolt ot tbo ooofrw
ceBBloni at Omaha. There Is still
Aeot si A aU)
drawer which bad been broken open.
* TooBtla drtwln* lw«Btr-OBo foot couoo oad tho poator roape&dod la a dlffsranos «fr opiBloD omong ,eoBserFrom OoUavay'a atore. they
MO aow rtio from tbo SupoHo^ wtir err fitaai
tsUto orfi' n t^pecung the nae of to Hamnor’s aaloon. wbere abnt |&
«p lato tbo BBportor rrost ohooBoL
tbe ballooo of a foe aa a target or an In cash and a itnoiTer were secoted.
Mho were oonred oad tho ooeolac
of them think that lU odranuge will Some llqiur and other stock Is also
vtaro tbo doM «•(• O ««
k-.kooplog oootb 9t tho.drod^ oad wao possod Is o aortal Bmaaer. the be Umltcd. and that It can be need missing but how much is not known
botwBoo tbo booyo oboro rrferrod to. wbtdo affair belag verr ooloroblo.
only under pecoltar coodtilons which Bntrance to the CaUaway store was
t'utirara Soap sad
UinUnent tbr f<ogtre the enemy no opportunity to
through a rear window by means
Dana W Taoomo.
tbe bolloo of o foe OB a target o)
aid ice plc^k which bad been fouad
Kiss OllTB pMteo loti Moador From MoDdarb Record.
todlcetlon of tbe loestlon ot
In tbe rev ta tbo atore. this being
of Codlliair. to la tbo troops against which they may fire.
comi^iFd wiA tl>r tostrurtloDt to ustog
mf'Vaalatoo oad toftomw Bbo wlU
uf4ta cs a Jimmy.
tbr roatirr »rt <f CutK-urs Rfnrdirs
PB. Where eltr 00 coon
IBBTO tor Ta

River Men'a Cenvcntl<
and my vstf*- I* cfitlrdy n'ix>'-m-»l. Slie
Tbe thIeToa stole a railway reloci
tiowta SUtar. of Jeaninga. ta tIbUCuUcurs Tray mueb. and «iU
^4**01 ItTO. Darlac her stay la the
ntUboig. Sept. ;7—PUfabarg will pede from the Pere Marqoelte and
'highly to uiir torality
MMa Pearao baa aado a largo lag Bert Winums. of thta city.
be tbe aoeoe ot tbe nest conrentlon of this was foond d Copemlsh this
i.«>k and corw of our
Mra. Parkharet and Mre. B. earagr.
Siteber ot Mooda ta the dty who are
morning. Tripp's bloodhounds hare
both of Rood atr. ore TtMtlng Mra.
¥«t7 eerrr to see her loom.
UoB. the stroogeet aaeoctaUon of rir. been secured from M« Ick and 8he^ dropola. La.. Jan. 6 aA SrpL 1, teud."
W. B Wirnama, oo Slsth atreeL
ermen end men Interested In com­ IS Crawford and a po ■e Is to por.W. K. Schaylor and Hugh H. Doman
. Raol Mtato at Utand.
merce along the Ohio and MlaaUalppl suit ta the robbers.
TvUraed thla moralag from Orand
' IlmlOBd, Mich.. Bopt S(».-Qalte
rivero In tbe coontry.
I^Mtoat reel Mtalo aad moreoaUlo Rotrida.
Of a Terrible Eczema by CuUctira
This la tbe flrot time
Mr. oad Mrs. R. N. Faulkner, of OilttBBBOcUcm WM doeod bore |»1dar.
lo Six Weeleka.
wUI bare had the conrentlcia. It har­
Jbnr tOnstaw has porchaaod tbo eago. who bSTo been YlalUog at the ing beee held during tbe past three
e time aeo I •uffirrd terrib
Hripk Wook of B. B. Cboadlor with tho homa ot Ooorgo W. Miller went
V<l I liA Illx- l«st rm-il^
yearo at Cairo. 111.. Portamotrtb, O..
jriiimili rciaalnc aooth to tho rlrer Is- CharloTola this afternoon to vlalt
apd CtodnnaU. O. The meedng U
J, W. Slater found In hla orchard
BtoifeiC the boot bouaB Bo boa alao
osually -held In the talter part of Ju­
____ ant
I MW (to- I( utirtira KrotFKWbawff tbo atocta of gooda In both n hla farm a twig not orer eto>l ly or early to August, at whleh'perAir* Av-PrtiiM-^l.
aMraa «ad boa token paaaoasVm ond taehea In length bearing loor^ ap- lod there U but little bnatoeta aloag
cha«>d (to- Cull___ __
. _____ _
Otounmi. andtJuiK-ura li<'*.-Ivrtit. but
It eMWeg gooda. Mr. antbow will plea ta a eloater.
bA nut (IM- sliAuvt to^T ta Uktb
Her Fdtber Bid FroinUed to Bay eortoa
Mlaa BUiol Stater left this morning the rlTcra.
^a hla atole too tbo new bolldlng
me. Aftw I hA UM-d-tto- fim
Tbe aaeoetatlon has for it*, mala
set oTtto^ Cutk-uru lUmedira I <a» Ae
«a< Ut .maar fftoda wtab Wm soe- for Mount Flenaant to attend
Her 1 Piine *^me Ita;'
object the oompleiJoa ta a nine toot
lm|>rov.>m<>»(. anil to Just »ii wi-uks my
skin ws» V smooth S* ev.-r. 1 silriiw
atage ta water in tbe Ohio river from
any <«i«. fuff*
rultnring from (hi* t>Tril>le
lo. Cbaadlar wUl move aoath oad
Pliuburgh to Cairo.
dtoroM- to uw tl^ Culkm"
.ta (be fBtoe wtU maka LdiHd hM
Wood VulcanlzinBProm PrtdOT'a Eeoord.
Learned of tha Orvl Bum­
New Tort. SapL 27—Recent es^ Km. A.
Tvtoraed to ber home
mer Resort Bala.
•toPT Mmiia.
In Platte mterday after trlalUng la perlmaata to wood rolcanlrtng are re­
ported u producing aaUsfactory reMoadoF'k BMord.
tbe city.
TaeaUaa. tha
After ,taa
Mre. C. H. Prtdoy w^ to Po«u* aidu. It to attted that experimaoU
were made srtJb tnrpelo gum. cypress
, BlaiT boom *01 be rea^ ot Iba peatardoy to apoad tba Otj.
A certain young lady ta this dty
WwaiiyTomarfnw aftiS^ belag
Mr*. Oeorge AA retninod to ber aad loblolly pine, of whidi the worst dee|area she Is tbe "happiest girt to
More Cider.
spedmeBU were used. In tbe teats
_ thla Ubrarf
Ubrarr oa ffa*»doys aad
the world." because Ae now owns a
noiadaTB M4^B.•lldattbaO•k lag in tbe dty.
J. C. Morgan b ,Son have completed
beauUfui piano presented id her by
to genthe Adliloo to Ai-ir wareboime and
MeehaOl VbdaeadaFB aad FrtdaFa
»t to
A folrljr targe party
. la said to hare been
bare tostallA a steam plant wblA
, attataRB.
SottoM Bay tor yeelerdoyr mon
vreml years she hA been
subjected to the rulcantflog treat*Tll burn Ibelr retime piling Acm
Mm HMmi SteM. HbrMtan.
ed Ae coveted piano on many
aant for a period of » boors, renpower tS'-yun a 25-borse power engtne
a^ ba the ttorr taUar. Lest rmr RaaUnga. Blduud Reiimer.
aA a new hydraulic press giving 100
Ana ‘ttorr bow" were aa labooa- WnbeimrTbomat Btaennna. Ctareoee Aaring it bard and dry and of groat
tin bare bot mat with aaeh grant
Ormilek. George Kne, Jama* M. OU- craahlng and teosile strength. Simi­ tb« bouse did not Alnk be could af- ton* preeaure and a boiling plant.
Thli will enable Acm to produce 300
«ign that .Mwf vU! ba aonUBoad.
leu oad Prof. W. P. Needham oUend- tar tests were ntade with cypress,
to 400 bsrreU of vinegar ]>er -day.
ad. RkAard Hmicner la to score the
One day last weeS i ■ young tady
one,two and three Inches thick, were
Tbe Mmtacta(Ut taatt were made
■ ■ r, hart durDr. Arehle MePhaU went to Northable,' proof agalnat warping Ad suit­ fluttering from Ae door-knob of her
port mterday on boatow.
borne. InvcrtlMtlOg. sbe fund It
ioa. PerkeU and son Harod rotorn- able for many purposes. By actual
That Hyomei Will Cure l
be a tag calltog auention to a clrCatsrrtisl Olfcases.
ed to Cheboygan yeaterday attm; tfP*t In Iht l^horstorlea at Columbia
cutar left AA It which oontalnA full
aoi^ato could be pilnu-d by
tpwdlag a few doya with Ida brother rnlrerMty it 1s stated that vulcBntaea Btet «u embed and apllntared pa^Ihjajbrthe SemUoaal W of the tbooeandE.. mutiy of (hem from
tadaw. O. B HMgea.
Summer Resort Ptanoe now to pro- Traverse CUy
. and
nearby towns, that
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fbnlkner of at 20.000 pounds, whereas the mlcanfiyomel la an absolnie euro for nil
Cbtogo are goeaU at tbe bene ot Ued pink wu not mnA broken at a
catarrhal (roaldt-s. but the beet proof
169 Bast Front' stroeh
pmaora ta UJM pounds.
o( iu un-.ieual curative jioweiv la Ao
Owrga W. MOlv.
Going to her faAer abe told him of giarantee Art S. K. Wail k Stms
Lirttog Mapneta.
Mra. Zero Bornord left to a dall
gl\o wlA ever}' ontfli Aat they vll.
Milwaukee. SepL 27—For aererol the groat rooney-aavtog opportimtty 'Money bark if Hvnmel dors
srlth frimda aad rataUrea In
aoathem part of tb# eUto. mterday. years a UllAAee firm bw been and secured from hire a proatoe Aat: «H that Is clatoK'd for IL"
•fmitadto Ae
would buy a piano If she could
Hj-omel to not n secret
quietly deslgntog and experimenUng
•Mrs. Aleck McLooghlln
tafea,«* Ben wnt to work thla
tie doa^tUr Mildred leftto ^>okaae. with magnetic ctutebes and lifting find a real bargain and arrango to formula to glv<-n fn-i-ly to pbyslclanx
kluiw wh.H they
I n the Pare....................
magnets, ud so sneceaafu) baa be«« pay by Ae monA to smafi amounts
b aad^fi M expected that Waahlngton. ycateroay. oa occonnt of
mmodated to Aclr tlmllA
the health ot little Mildred, wblA U Ita work that It now anhouneet lie
i UII11.T I
^potfe wm bo eomploted betdre
to fill orders tor Itftl^
r tl«L na eoaatnoUfla wUl be rory poor.
Visiting Orinnell Broa.' Store
Mra. WalterOobieleft to Tacoma. magneta. which can be fumlah^ In
I M lost os potiMWo oa the
illrwiiy to. t-wry
WaahlngtoB. yeaterday, where she any atae from a 104nch magnet for young lady Inspected Ae large stock, iiiKlk und r»rm-r <>f t>:> :ilr passages
t taoiono la boalnw aloag tbo
Ufttog pUtca. Tatis, email casUngs, vlfcted a certain piano tbat tilled -where the caUirrhul germs may ,lurk.
will be Jotosd by W hnaband
I makn the
lii-:ils. To be conH. A. MuaarjnA left to Grand etc., np to a M or 62-lnch magnet devlneA of Ato yon have only to give
for handling pig iron, vrop delight tbat it could be secured
trial. r. m. nilM-ring ttoit ft It do--*
) montha.
and capable of lifting a 10-ton "Aoll price much lower than Ao hA
b Sons will
Death' of MOikart Yeung.
dreamed wm t«*FlbIe,' Inquiring Ae fund p'lir tTtoiK-.v,
W.' H. Nuttal.
' .
I Tooag-dled 1
reason for Uie 1-ut and Ao history of
The mmnb-tu H.vonn-I oulllt
BwUre power of tbe M. B N. B. who
Bupar aA Otiv* Trade.
If ot I oHock p. m. ot Oe borne
rns.-s to
Tokto. Bepc 27-The dejiartment of
1 taotber ot llobol. He boa been has been in the elly on boalneas for
but hA been n«tA dur­
Ite part twn days, rebned to Man- agriculture and commerce of Japan
only a arli-nliflc trenireeni
ent liut
AJar .aarerol mra hoi wao not oontea ^ nn expert to Europe wd ing Ae summer to a well-known
lates this morning.
ttoiT to blglily-<'e«n<>nilcal.
WU ta hla bed oatfl wHhla tbe pnat
torrotlgate the sugar Ad family owning a beautiful summer . .. ouAt lAay from S li Wall b
'Ste oad «ns eras n and ottmad
the di^ Tlaltlng wKb trteada la Hob- ollTc .trada
AMrdoy morning. .HpmBortiOL
aurprJae that the tostromcni showed
JtbofiraM woa tbe naae ot bit deotb.
signs of wcv. she was told Aat
Mr. and Mra. FtaI Reber w«it to ■^okahoma. Sept. 27-Tbe SapAoaa
•Ir. Tmmg waa 4* m» of ago abd
decided at a recent cab- Orintu-ll Urn*, rent only lo careful
KadiMttoo to ba :*otaor. be lotToe
1B*< meaUng to Improre oondlUoM people and do not allow tbelr pianos
«M matar, Mra. Dam BoUe^ Cbl •tay.
k- exposed, or spbJcctA lo .abuse
Mtaa Mabel A. Andeiwen toured on rartou* fbea after the Mtlonallia
oad OM- hfother. AlVer O.
of any kind, to fact, every n-turned
to TpsltaaU this morning to resnme tlon ot raUroada to affected.
The followtog entorprtoes are ex renter to fully guaronleed. Just ihhv atndlea in Ae art ta domaaUe
aeienee after apendtog her TaeaUoa peeted to be carried out to Ac fire wame m brand new. She was. to
Idly lAjwrdd.
tUty. gelling a new pluo and
yean from next fiscal
’^^bha BIckfv was badly infored to tbe olty wlA ber arnfa OB SstaA
aavlng all .^he rent OrlAell Bros.
r before the opeolng
lilBday by being kleked by a hotae atroec Miss Au«non 1a very much
•XMalUon ta Japan. AH. *<A hA received on lle-a matter of be­
dtOo worklBg at Slederb slaughter InierMted to her wort sad
the Hm». (a not tv aiataat that all abort I76.000.W0: doAllng lines (630 tween 140 aA 46]).
Tha animal's boob

Inquiring as to terma ate was»told
lllta to tte left aids ftnetartag a rib pnbUe choota wUl take op domeatle Bliee). f41*W.OOO: con.tnicltng 000
tocomoUrea. tU.260.OW; coBstructlm Aat^ a paytm-nt of $10 would eend
bA also bis left aim. Wtetter la­
S. D. MIIU of Walton la In Ae dty W.000 Tana. Is^.OOO; oonslnictlng that* particular piano lo bw- home and
ta^ tojurita ware toflieted or not to
Ae balance might be paid
1.000 paaaenger cars. IS.OOO.OOO;
oa bndoeee today.
abt known. T^. yonag aua
Other pianos, at
Htoa Mtonle Wetatta ta PetoAey tending and raconatnieUag aUtkma monA.
tatea to toe <i*BBd Tnrerae hoe
priew. were offerod at $3. $4 and IS a
17300.000, Ad bnlldlng fire
to vUtttog to the dty.
IB tbe dty aabutonea.
mqoA. ,She waa also Aown a hand
G. Bebroedv ot Petoakey to in the ero. 1760.000.
some stool and drape to matoh Ac
‘Two Happy Man.
United sutea Barred.
ly on bnatofrt.
Hfaotoday Boraiac. Ae wife of JoToronto. Sept. 27—A propoeal to m piano's beauiirully flntobcd
MBk Meatar ta Latand preaaated him
dude AtoeriCA mAufactnrere from these. Ae was Informed, wo-jld be
The Buroh Co.
IncludA. fred, If she bought during
«Mb a ptolr-»«bF dangbto. Mr.'MoTbe MidtlgA Btarcn eompAy'e tbe «xblbltlon Anually conducted by
ito la aagtoav on Ae eteamer Lee- plant to Ato dty win eooa nndergo tbe Toronto Induatrial Exhibition
Ae sale.
MBw and u be paeeed kte dgara out extensive Improremeota ^ a
The young lady roallilng Aat Ae
aoetatlOB ti.Ader dleeuaaloo ta CaIta *ore a broad aad oonleated ber ot cbAgec wUI be mode under ada.
had found Ae long-lookA-for op
I Haervt PrV*>
■tata. Tbto.rtomlng. tie broAer.
portimliy, hurttod back borne and
on of B. A. aatkk.
A oaoBMn( »»•
anpetiDtenoent. who naa Jaat reture-. mmberm ta ibe aeaoctaUon ’ Aat told ber faAw all abe bA learned.
The reaulr was a family vtolt to
ed from Cbtcapo bringlDg wlA him
P. F. Kdler. wtw will take Ae poet- poods inteoded fr exhibition purpoeee Qrtonell Broa. where, after a Aor
free of doty. « Ae understanding inveetlgatloa tbe careftfl father
tloB ot ebemtoL
The northweet corner of tbe pUat that Aey were to be Alpped out of was firmly coovloeA Aat he could
wiU be iDcroaeed Me etory to height Aa country again, tbe United Staiv ;made a real aA aabatantlal a^vtog
; Ae Sommer
Ad a eompiette trolley ayatem will hA atendlly refused to eccord Ae
Don't i-zp^ment
prtrtlege to Canadian eAlbltor* Beoort Sale.
be applied, Ato doing away with Ae
thia season will) cboa|> alioca.
■n»t evening. wtA tbe family
nee ot wbedbvrowa Larger tanka
gathered arouA Ae new piano and
WoA Alcohol.
Two pair of cheap ahoca coat
wUl be pni in Ad more fioor epace
WaAlagtOB. 8epL 27-Tbe piAtie- bubbling over wtth \joy Ad bappl
Ad conrentnoee added
more than one pair oftrood
. sang aA playA Ae melAle*
Uoa ta deoatond aJoohta for Ae first
•hoet. Our ohiljfn'a alioea
be lovA to hear. Ae faAer fell wel
The local pUat to not to tbe "com- six montha of 1M7. noder Ae
oome direct from the f:ictorjr.
blM" and ta Ae; only todepaodent taw. waa 1.774371 grilooa. Tbe aop- repaid for making Ae investment
Made to onr obler. .\U irood
pUnt to the coBatry aad therefore It plemental treo aleobol taw will. It U rnd Aatkful to OrtnneU Broa. for
leather-No SlioiMy
will be pot oo a par wtA
4ta«.000 gallop* for Ae ealwdar Summer Resort Sale.
tnnt fsetortes.
_____. *t »►
Wk. tkM • dMp oiiuMl-IK fMt wide
kM bm dndcad Uinmgfa tk« ahoia*
I S«»«4«r. BMter bum >«*tt oC the
Mtb Ot^ N«o»dJi rtver. ud tb*
Mala HW mrkad bvnnall r*d and
MMk i|V baora. bta^oa tooth aid*
k»d fdd OB Borth uae ot ehansel. Th«
«ntti o4r «< (bo drodcod C8t patOM
toot off the potat ed ohoro
^ tho Mt Btdo Of tho moBth



Th« Kind Xoa Hatb AltraTB BoosM. Bad vfaMi liw beem
tot see for orer 30 Tcsra, has bom© the , aad baa been made naderlus


Anew no ono to dec©!VC yoQ ia tbia*
All Coonterfeitis ImlAflona tond***Jast*a».caBd**Bre bog
Bxporimenta tbat trifle with and endanirer the beadth of
InfluitB and Cbildren-£zptfieDC« ogaliut EttpwijMau

Btttate fiir Oaator on* Pat*.
Rorl(}* I>rops and S^Htthlaf Syrnpa. -It isT
coBbuna m-itlicr Opioin* Morphia© nor oUier'Mteeetr©
aahetanc©. ItK ago U it© pnarantce. It destro)-a Worms
and allays FevcrlNtaneMk It cure* Dton-hcra and Wind
Colic. It redicvcB TccUiAe Tmublce, cares Constlpattoa
and FUtulonry. It aasinUtatM the Food, regtdatea the
h and llowela, {firing hcoltby and uatural stowy,
Xbe CfuldirtiS INanacca-The Mother's Fnood.



} Bears the Sis&biure of






Or. A W. Chase’s

School Shoes

The Rind You flaYO Always Bou^t
In Use For Over 30 Yeara

Invitations are Out.
InvltatlotB- arc ot*; ror Ae wAdlng
cf MIm Evelyn R. WltaU-r and Frankj
J. Haellmftntei. Ae ocrvmony to take'
place Wednesday. Oct. ?. at 9 A'cork;
rt St. Fraiicto efanreh, the Rev. Fhlb-i
Bauer offlHaiing. Tbe bride-to-be,
Is the daugbler of Mr. aA Mre. Paul
Wlteler end the groom. U tht; t-on ta
S. U. Hu. ilmAtcl.
Circuit Court.
FtMijiV R.-cord.
The care of Anna 6Ki.- r v*. the M.
b N. E. Railway cumiuiny fur Si-'-.OPo damagos Is sUII cn In iCIrmiit
court, tA.vy and
slunly progressInp. Mr*, stedtr lio» teen oo
eiAd a great portiao of Ae time. >
'([•enklng through au intL-i-pw^r M
she «naot Uiik EngltoC,
T!;£* inornlnc. the Jury wut down|
to the pli'.rv wh-n-'tlie acrid<-nt «•'
cumd and luaiK- an tovcsUg-atluu ta
tbe nnoiiudtogs so Aat they would
have a eltarrr Idea of Ae erldeoce.
At Ae session '.wst evening. Charles
Otto was gTAted a divorce from
Rachel Otto, bdle ^dersoQ was
grantA a divorce from Cus AnderMarkrt
Ft Ouotaftira
on Scalp*.
The tnaikel i<ri<e of scalps, as ogreA
npou Iwtween tbe early FYencli tolo- ■
ntotK ta IxFUtolaua and tbe Indians, with j
whom ili'-y iHirrnnA to flgltt 'mt'
Aetr brtd-i wllb to-vtlle Indians f-Fr!
A>'tD. variA with rlream-vtances. .Vt |
Ae time the rreui-h were at war with,'
Ae Allluiuions u s>-aip <if one ta tbe]
last nainA when bruagbt to tb-'m
was paid for at 1A rale of a gnn. five
pounds of musk<-t luills and a* mueb
powder. “On the 14ib ta March"
aTWt. writes De la Harpe. "a l«rty
of twenty riili-.-ti-lnn* ft'bli-k.f'awa)
brenirtit to four .Ullmm-n seaI[F». They
were gl' eti for eaeU h alp a p:iL fir*
pounds nf halls and as much if( pow­
der, aeropdlng to Ae-c«utrsct nuda
WtA Aeo.“

H* Could Net BpMk.
rieree Xteole, one nf the mart dta
tIngutobA nebcdai* of tbe Port Royal1st* nod one of tbe beat wrilcn la Ea>
rope, was aoiA far bis b
oral argumeoL It i* said Aat <mea
when au oiipopent. having got-tbe Ix-tter of lilm to on argtmtent. LA left
Ae room Nleoh- called out to )tob
from tbe tamltoE as he WMroror Aa
street door; “Cmne iBck. coma backl I
have a reply midy for yoor
The aneAote wUl serve to totrodoca
one abort Thackaeay. wA was deatttote ta tbe ability to think bA speak
on hto Icca. Hr core stoA as



On Ao
In tbe house <
hustings he l-roke down aA conld
haMl.v sTvak a penieafa.
“If I «x-u!<l." he sild to himself.
Iv gi. Into lue ma.vfr's |i*rlor for fivo
mli-.uu.-si I t •aid wrltr l!;U out eaiLr."

/ '

f^ r\f


New Districts Now Ofisnsd
for DsttlBment

Mti>« (iv. AM asakss *r s BnkBr MS

lAt.e'Si’Jt-_______ _

S-'SBP •

a«nd at 0«ci.
Jt.-l,-4.t,--. —-IIm-.
b-wl.. wL-l IFF,.;.

,1DA H|ii kb. h.







Tnliu for (Aar Oty art
em w.a>. uiFi
j> <BTnln* rrotr. (Axr cAt W
St l ;14s-m xDde «- n i
jRfSKB. A*w.t

It’s always
the same Year lo and year out-day by day—
'always blended just right-alway»
tbe same good quality—that’s

McLaughlin’S XXXX Coffee
full 16 ounces to the pound.
The alr-tigbt package keep' XXXX Coffee
aHrays cleaa and frevh • protect-: Irom
Store dost aA fool Aors.
McLaaghlto** XXXX CoSee soil by

All nrst-aass Grocers







Gof *P«»^ t»w «^V• Tfc» God Hved
Ht7 br the me of 4tt man, who
ebejred him. But
wu diepkwaed. He wanted hh proimeer to
be fulffiM and Klooeak deetrored.
Tte book tt )oi^ bu fcm nodi
dlKMud boeoBM of tb« ooe olbcie
naMetl Klncio that It coatalBa. 6o tbronab a (Oord, and IMa to be hoped
.to ma ihli aUMlo !■ wowmod. we that be learned. We abooid at team
ma> pom It b/ wttb the
learn that tbe createot attrlbnte ef
that with God
thlnia i
God la Hla n»ercr and graee. WUboot
TV eyittf I
■ • " and therefor^ that thu eapernat- It nooe could be aared.
Walli ScptmilicT
nral actton k aa eaalt}- beUered aa
Tbe Impottancr of ctU•V mlmele recorded SneGod'a word. not be too mocb emiAaalsed. Tber
.With tbla attltnd. towatd the whale are tbe' dana of am and of lalqoliy,
MaUoenac Xonah we «n *o <
bet It mwt alao be aald that tbe ObrieTV t6vp i
the epMtnai mtmclm which It
tlan pecple «d onr dilea lire Urea of a
with January and coda
Ulua, which are far greater than the high etandatd and are agxremire in
one referred to-ibe aalraiion of the Ctartetlan wo^. Horeorcr. II baa been
with December* Thereloce
rtty of ^N'laareh, noted for Iw wlAed- ante and agalademonatrated that cHlea
can hr aargd. Klnereb waa meed.
a of our hi
*■ • «"•« mlmcifc It can I*
Bamana aocepted Chrtat. Tbe greet
ttpned tmlf by <ba pmr of _ _ rerlralf bare been held In dtlee. Let
thrmigh the Holy Qboet. and io thia aa do on^ pan in pmonally aeeking
Ibe aalradoD of all aboot na and In
eaae not one eoul, but a great city,
are in aetaon every day in every
firing liberally of our nenni lo tbe
month of every year.
d nu dlariplea to
that labor
*0 to ibe cltlce aa well aa to tbe coon- dally amM tbe great dlOrnlttee tenor
oyster craclccri with
07- "Brglanlag at Jrinanlem" «-aa dtles. To win Amedcn for Cbrlat w«
Bla eouiBtMlon on tbe day of Hto na- moat win the Amerkwn dtlee to On
• taste ibMt improves the flavor
• flettalDb. Tbe city waa therefore the
Bimx nnantjiGa.
aad diowder.
dL I. 1-7: n. mill. iSdO: Bt.
UXU. 17-1®: cxIrU, ao; Pror. xlr, g4;
torn -tbe Old TeHament hiatory. we ~ U, 17: 4cte I. B; Boot. U. 1-B; X,
Sm that aa aneieot bratben nty waa
.the ob>ect of tbe earbeet aoiirttnde ofOod'a command waa therefore
to tbe proi>bet Jonab to fo to^
. Nlnereb and prooponce tbe judgment! “Men of the Coreaiant." idatea tee totBISCUIT
tf Odd opon It.
1 Jonah dkefaeyed the commend
In ](HX one of Ibe darkaat yearn of
Ond lo fo to Kteereh. He tried
tee killing Uma, a company of glrla la
Sbe from God by going lo Tnnhlab tee niiage of rentland had tbelr own
Sbt po mao can flee from God nor e^ nttk gathering for porpofes of dero«Bpe' Oe rMpoodhlUtlee that
tlou. There were flftecn of them, and
Irtacea npon him. Bat many, Uke
UiDd. Hare
Jonah, try to tee from Ood. They k tela early ChrlRtlan Bodearor pledge:
may bare no Internet In mimlonn. <
*Tbk U a covenant between the
Lord and us to give op oonelres frady
to Him wltbobt reaerre, seal and body,
efftwt dttenten
hearts and sirectkinB, to be U Is efallto Chrtet. Tbe wkkrtne« may
dm and Him to be onr (md and Pa*
bn great that It may
tear If It pteaae tee Holy Lord
**»ey prefer to go eSme Hla go^wl to tbe land agaln."
r dlrwnioa
Bacfa girl eet down ber naaS^to tbe
bora. Bnt onr dob k "to go
fearieas docntDCnt: Beatrix L'mpber-|
He wanta a> to.’v it u onr
eon sDc aimoet lives npon It. yet ft
etoo—tee was but ten atiiumera old;
When tee Boston ettocsey. Hasan,
to do. Beanlte are with Ood.
does not moke ber fst- It dcrelopa was preparing tee cnee of E. K. Avery
Janet Brown. Uelen ktonity. Uarlon
' toot teat It was a foreign city may Bwmn. Janet Bnon, laobel iTals. Mar­ kaletrtle Otel Bald to laduee Chaal ber cheat and keeps ber lungs streng. and had examined aboat 200 w1i
•ko hare tafioenc^ Jonah, aa li doea tha Logan. Aguca Altkrn. Margare'
Bating wbat yen tike bn a great eSact
to aee btm. Tbe legal
BMn <oday. Bot thli k
Galloway. HHetr Strattrn. Helen
grttleman sent weed that be woe oecn*
-bat yon eat baa a gooi
Ikeee are naliy no forelgnera, nape- Clark, klargaret
pled and coaid not be Interrupted.
deal to -do with cheat derelopma^
dally to (tertatlana. AU men are M'Moiren. OirtaUan Lanrlea eerlalB extent by tbelr^teL Thag
“Bat tee men k a wltuem a HeteaThere
teaUimi to Ckrkt, whether dwelling
tore tee .food they like.
Thna em tbe cblldfen «i
dkt mlnlftar."
to Ikkteg, Tokyo or Bombay or te with the dannticssnew of tbelr cldefa- tbe waist Une and beauttfolly molded
“Call him np,“ srtd Maaom “Wen,
Itow Tort. ThUadelphla or Washing­ It aa the Taliima naya. Jerusalem fell as to hips and Umbo, white In the '
. Beef Weed Far HsatiKg.
air, what can yoa laatUyr
ton. For f
becnoee fbe training of the children
n had a vkloa. Two angtee hava
Jonah, and Be wlU toUow tee -sm« bad been neelectcd. ibe Scotland of the
appeared to toe and told me that
totrae with na. We eabtwt ateect tea eorenant was mniiifestly doing ber
Brotber Avery k hmoccnL“
ptaasaat dotlaa and ignora the tmideoert to eecepo ao eorc n Leic.—D. N.
“Let teem be anmmooed." oaU Hit
„ ,w«. -i*
ant ooM. Wban God aayn .*<Go“ wo
>benson te (Tuistiun Endaaror
ooB aa ha raanmed hk work.
0» wood
wo«l of tbe
tb. linden
Italm tree,
n„. which
.ua 1»
“Aren’t yon gotog tn kka yonramitr
"z jSite ob«9rt to.becand com­
Twy BoTL rir etands next to I
before abe goa^ asked the vkMor m
able to bwr pal
patete abe rtonld not txj|
mand of Ood. g4 WM moat gredoot
and atnoet equal
eqnil re
to n.
It. 'inen
Then eamm

Bhe reached tee door.
to eat It. Nearly <.n .i,niir ..wi AaO
to Jonah and e-came nnto Jonah a
Britteh battle-Tliipr rre being pro*
“Bor..^repUed Httil Maty, who dtf
aecond tlme"-rtre him a aecond (#• elded with eearrhllghts by (be tight of chested wtimea be
tot pa;
arttenlarty like ber.
portanity. Thk opportimUy J^b which a newepiper cfin be read at a dteltkea. and they abeald humor
“Not going to kki bmt And wtO’
ombraced. “Jonah aroae and went dktance of eighteen mites. They ba««
Qto >'10^7^.*; Tbe xml.t was that fnrtyelght Inch rrojectore.
“Ihe Une la bniq.-^Boatoa Btoeate.

■r Bsv. a. a. DOT^


•nd csd« with ApriL





■£X"2,"’Sf S3

Here’s One of
the New Suits
for FaU






We are particularly strong on at

Every one guaranteed. Few larger lines in
Northern Michigan than we show.

Shirts at 50c and $1
in tbe dress percales and

$1.00 to $3.00
in flannels and corduroys.
You W(Mi't go away without one if you
look at our line.


50c, $1. ■


$1.25 andSi.50


Here’s One of
the New Over­
coats for FaU



SevcfCor eight styles
dollar goods. •


Another of our strong \
lines at

60c to $roo
Also Fur Caps at
fS op

Gloves and
This line we believe will
be unequailed elsewhere
in the city this season.

25c, 50c, SI
fur Goods $1.50 up




. -.i i-

YouH iKTer hate lo quit
AbkiDg AiVafel
a.Don't let aoT DiB
coflee tbal pays In tag
at tbe expcBie of year

shofung one of the larg­


world for 37 yean.

est lines in the city.

You won't find a larger or finer showing elsewhere

$1 to $3

okLfidiioaed Ar^
______ OAe. flmt took
cate of die nerret abd digtoboto
of TOW grandbareato. aai kaa
been the leadteg enflee ci tl%

There are few pUm la tbe wa0d
•o dlfflcnlt to get at as KashgartC.
Tboogb It Ilea In (Tiinese temtery. tea
joomey from Peking omqitea no teas
than six moBtbs. rrom Indk earn*
vans lake two mootba baring to croaa
inwhlte tbe f
ranges in Ibe -world by way of eedrtkl
paesoi meesoring 16.000 feat above eaa
Sehealteacher e Orewieg Qiairt.
Then from tbe tall end of (be RaaGreene county. Pa., has produced a
prodigy in .Btantey Wrigbt Its yonn •lan runway syrtem In central Aten
gest ecboolteacber. who for height and
weeks by several rontea. all I
It te beltered. stands wttb
k peer In tbe state, says tbe PbUa- tbe trsnslt of dlfllcnlt and storm cwM
deipbla Beoord. Toung Wrigbt is a
Kasignria Is said to oavcv nn tiail
pK^uct of RlchhUl township aoA alof Sao.OOO square mlh
; that baa little U
lo relallen to tbe ]>roportlon which ta
culllvated by maiL It te starillng to
Use teat buman mdeamr baa beaa
sbee. which be hta made to order.,
ible of rendering fertne little moee
Tbe young giant will teach In one of eapaW
ecbook of RMihm township, anfl than a
the foolkb Blchbni schoolboy who an- ty-nlM
deacrt-Blackwood’a Magaalna.
dertakee to lick tee teacber will need Uedw
Orwa wearing Bokokefl glaos toe^■
to he a David and know bow to throw
tactea way be seen U Ibe intortar of
Rosela. where great trecti of cooDtto •
Mereuryf liIn the Orient.
covmd wtte enow elx montbe
Japan and Chita
tbe >-cnr. The cows onlem protected
emy than moat of tbe other c
and tbk k sboot tbe only metal the wbU<- looking for Bne f
pHre of wtalcb hat decreased of late melting a
In tee cait It te osed for making verThe champion living ekekton wta
Claude Senrat. who died in IB»
Though be was B feet 8 tnchaa. be
weighed only ferty-aU powtea.

is a very important line
and we ^ve it tie impor.ance it deserves by

— AT —

and we'll'"guarantee to
sell you if you see the
goods. Extra good val­
ues in extra heavy Kersey

that are 'made in aanitary
bhops by expert tailors—even
our low priced salts are well
made and will fit and stay fit
—you won’t sec a better lot of
fine worsteds elsewhere—call
and satisfy >'Oursehres—

New (Uma en'the Rio Grande.
*TW.» bore at'OTsd far<\ poker, three
card monte anl Vll Ofwn gambUnc
games doWn on tbe border." Mid Colo­
nel K W. Dose, collector of < ustuin«
t Begle Ikes. Tex, to a Boininorc
Aroerlren rej>orter. *'liut tbe Texas
. ta. not lu lie iwtdone ‘>y tbe
have lnreme.1 -jew may* of taking
Ctonees wlib tbelr coin. Due of tee
latest, mocb In rogoe In Rt rnao, ta
telr ; A couple o( men ii1U walk op to
tbe counter of a saloon and each will
deposit teereou « .nihe of white sagsr.
Tlten they will stand stolidly before
these lamps «f uccbarlo. ueiibrr uyIng a word, but gattng on tbelr reatw^are cobse as fboogb the fate of na­
tions bong In tbe balancv IVbsi te It
they ere walileg fori AVIiy. tbe
wbme piece of anger etini<-u tbe fltsi
fly meet give to tbe other anj- sum
fra) e dollar up, besides paying for
tee ciwtomary liqutda, since tee liarkeep must fet bte toll. It looks cnr1«u>
: siicb a simple game should U># the faablon. bat It te all tbe race
dosm on tbs Ilio Grande, and ev«a tbe
eberiffs and district attomeya are
among Its Touries."


$1.50 to $6

113.60, $15, $16.50,
$18, $20, $22

WeMe Teiiaiied Wert HilleUe end
Creeteld Heuee Witeen Help.
With her own hatek Ure.. Laon &
Ckok. 09 year* dd. baa bom benetf a
hoaar. aaye a Lae Angeles <CaI.> enrreswndeot of tbe New Tort Son. Bl*teen mootba age Mn. Cook boortt a
lot for $1.(100 on a bleak hUklite m
Bradate. She baa tranarerred it Into
a lenot; spot with a terraced teiden.
•owere and ahmbbery.
She pUnoed tbe boiwe. laid tbe fooncted tbe reumtagwhU.
Mwed and Sited the lumber.
^ cfalmnr*r ar.d pat on tlw eblngteA
Tbe |)UcT sh«'we excellent workman
abip. Bud abe baa been oBeced $MOO
(or It. bat will not aell.

$7.50, $10, $12,
$13.50, $15, $16.50,
$18, $20, $22.
that show the same style and
fine fitting qualities as our
suits. You’ll find our line very
complete. All styles, colort
and lengths.
We shall be
obliged to you if you’ll see
them before buying.





The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


Our Big Product- Show will be the only one of the kind in Grand
Traverse County and this is open to any farmer or grower In this
Grand Traverse Region. Over $200 will be given in Cash Premi_ . - _____
_ .
_ __
- _
urns, ranging from lOc to $2.C0.' It costs nothing to mak-t your
en^y, The more the better. Tables will be arranged in our big aisles with ample room
for all. We are planning to make this the biggest ^xhioiv^'ver
interest is already
manifested and from the-^ay
unowtaken by any firm, and fully
as large and-------------------------interesting as any^------....
County Fair ever held..
hei— The
... ............................
that Inquiries are being made it will far surpass our wlldestexpectations. This will be the biggest kind of an advertis-ment tor the growers, showing the
vlittera the ilv^nderful crops that are being grown this year, and stimulate to the greater development of the Fruit and Vegetable indu<;iries, giving the
world at large an exhibition of Grains, Fruits, Vegetable^; as well as Butter Making. Canning of Fruitsand Preservesand the Raising of Flowers.
ATf'exhlbits must be entered before the close of itriday, Oct. 4. Plan to comeand stay during the entire three days of the show. Our Big Store
Is at your disposaii We will take card of your Wrads ^nd check your grips and parcels FREE OF CHARGE.

i« conceded
all to be th^ smartest Great Coat designed this
season.' MaMto'^dety wind .and tSeatlfer
possess uoiqoe
a^dittinahre style features. Priced
OO to $30

The acme of style, with the long lapel, broad cuFs fullness of
tmk, veiva collar, made of the best of overcoating fabrics aod
■ritt,e,.cr,«or.ilklinH. ^^“<1 _ $J0
The New Fall Suits aod Overcoats will be readyr for you at the
"Big Show." The "Campus” Ovev^at is.tSe Swell
rell Coat 1for this
season. The illuatraiions tell the story better than we can Tbep
come in and see for yourselt. The prices $10 to $36

It ♦


The ‘‘Campus Jr." Suit is an extremely radical model for young men.
every style feature is sharply accented. The coat has military
vents, form-defining waist line, strapped sleeve*, breast pocket
way eRect at the bottom. Prices are from-.

$1 O ,0 wr»*r*.r


------- ------------

........................1.25» Pioa^man,” F. M. Sngdy..

disploytog lor the approballow of oor frlentfs Qm
very Utest patterns ol newest sUks.

WAIST PATTERNS, only on-of a kind, in
and 5 yard
lengihf. and sell at............................. $i oO. $1 25 and $1^0 a yard
PLAID SILKS for waists and dresses, all colors and all siaes of
plaids, a wonderful piece of goods ( >r............................. 7^ a yard


PERSIAN SILKS, the newest of siy’c*. all manner of designs.
sell at............................................................................. ...SnXIayard
PERSIAN WAIST PATTERNS. 4;, yards and Only one pattern of a kind, at.................................................................. $I.50ay.vd
NEW PLUM TAFFETA, one of ihe news: thadc's.scUs at 8-ic yd
PLAINT^FFETA in me "New Blue.' llGnchcs wide.. .S5c a yard
CREPE D CHlNE#'all new stock. 21 incl.e. wide, sells at $1 00 yd
»t...................................................... $100. SI 2r,. $1W). SJOO.nd $2 00
LIN'INC SILK. Abiilmeot.h.M. m.i'lnk.«iue, White. Red-,
Black and Tan. all 24 inches wide, and at she very-luw price\f 50c

Our Big Fornilure Show

yOver a thousand ti»*w Books jo« received that, embrace all the
fields of Literature. 800 vo'umes of Latest Fiction that sells now for
Uc. Tie best'reading—TW ti les of Good Reading, in 6ne ^coh
bindhigadliBg.for 25c.
iLiadreds of Dainty Books for gifts at all time's and these sell
from Me to $8 00.
We receive alt the latest copyrights as soon as they ai« off the
mjltsBn'a'preises. You can depend on finding the latest here. We
quote you a few of the very latest:
Bau^tarof Andenon Orov.” Qeoge Barr MeOatchaoe................ $1.S$
*^BeAiCu” Riobard Hatdieg Davia.................
“ *

Greatest of All SUk Shows

Is still OD. and the way that the people are taking advantage of all
the new things that we have »hows that they'appreciate the fact
that the newest goods are always found here and our prices are as
low as can be found for the high grade that we always sell. Wealways stand back of everything wre sell and it can b: depended on.

Couches from.............^................. $
Beautiful Odd Rockers from.......$
Morris Chairs from ...................... $
Mission Tables from....................$

8 50 to $54 OO
4.50 to $28.00
8 50 to $33.00
5 90 to $19 00

Mission Davenports from........... $20.00 to $45 00

Chiffoniers from ........ ...................$1 $35.00
Pressing Tables from ..................$12.00 to $17.50
Dining Tables from........................ $ 5.00 to $43.00
Dining Chairs from........................$ 4 75 to! $36.00

Chfldren’slBearsldh Coats

Want to Get a Good Buggy Cheap

Jnl.aiClhliia ior llic'IHIlc'oBCs,'aiid Ibey are made so cate lUs seasoa.

Jast got a few left, and If yon want them real bad yon can have them at
a great redncflono Call and see them at once, because some one wUl ^get
the biggest kind ol a bargain cheap, and wby not yon?

..... $2.75 to $6.00

”Mg Show” of Fall.Sults
■- .W. d»» U..;0kl«o. Bmidclolh. ud th.

Are you wearing anollier woman’s shoe

of F..0, Soitiog.. Th.

Ibis giTMmyooeoehwae^ to got a Nobby Bait xt the prioe that wUl soit them
4hoa hoot, sea ve gusrutee a fit iB'eToi7.aMe.

. ^ JacKets

buy are
r {n-t pItsMing to yoor eyes end in
in.;«boeeioiended fofanmker woman.
bormony irilbbyoorgovDB.
you are certainly wusrin.;sboeeii
Dor styles
of Bboea for Womrn there an- tboeo as smdy deaigned tc^cxactly
ao$f>l«^aae yon ae thoogb they w___
e special
models ordered_____
from your costom maker. Forthermore. they will Wear fuliv as long as a castom shoe, vbile tbe
nring in price is at least that of an extra pair of sbocs.
feminine fasbio^ and feminine tastes, combinid with worthy matoriala.

Silk Rata l Coats - ^ ^
^ swell ooat of tbs ssssan. one of the nostlserriMable that it sold. Prices

$», m andim

ll{ Carwt Show
DcnH lorgetthis
on the seoead
floor. Nothing
like it in the
eity, and <Hbe
patterns are lo
prioes'on many

^b«$tC8t [Millinery Show
It begin a week ago and will coutinuefor
sereral «e^, for tbe exiioisite orealions tbat
are on display cater to ewryonc. Oar designer
bos ndsed made herself f*moos this season
Sseh beaaties as she has made for the feminiae
wear is eeldwn mtt with.
Besntilaf parlws (the finest in tbe state)
an fiUsd with all tSe newest and latest imported
Pattern Ha>a foa can see besaiies that sell
* ’
We bare a special tiiw of Patten Bats that
an DOW telling for $3.50 and $5. Tbe
beet hate tor the money that you will fled.
They an pnsibriand stylish for thefslUnd
winter wear, tad ban all the grace that is so
■a^ ia demand. Toe are invited tl this epedUl4nie,andaUo(herwhenyon hanthe time,
to visiL



can toWt
Hie NoarBaal, bmw innuned, for ..................................................... I...,.^50.00
Many other bMatifal Jaoketa priced from
5 to $50

See this B-c
Show on tbe
There are many
p a 11 e rp e on
wbioh sronderfnl prien bare
been made an<l
it is to }oor iotenet t6~oec
them *01 ODoe.or
if not It is dol­
lars in your
pocket to get
eome of these
pettens now
and eare tbvm
nntU yoQ do
want them

Ranges and Stoves
A lioe
be hard in i
the-Model and .
. ........... ........
hare eold mere range* in the last two months
than in any foU year. Nearly a car load of aew
■Kaogrs ami Btove* jost received. Had to do it
ifi-p onr sto'-k fall. We want too to see this
new line. Onr price are from___t$8 tO $7$
We wact yon to esj eciallr see this!last one., It
is a Tojibir-ed Steel aad Gas Range, and one of
the finest that has evtr been int on tbe ■taikat
We are col going to carry the Oasotene any
more and so we will s<U tbe few that we have
it Ihsilf p:ico
tLom at once
bt just
,e More line it s-> big that it i% almott beThe
wiMerining to knea just which one to select.
We have beating stoves from S1.50 to J25.00.
These are for wo(^ la thv Oodl Heating atoves
we have them from SS.60 lo |55. Thia last is tbe
celebrated Art Grand and it is a beanty.







: Tbey Meppod Ibolde tbe aatonobUoj Mr. Banwtt bcadled tbe thne toto ^ ter; faer% ao pstmd of hart
jboBae Mr. Barrett iUpped a tittle plug tbe back orat of tbe auto.
-AJ) righl! we wnaX- egU the other
llBto tU Boekto. im a qatob tm to] -Toe better bold one of Ome
tkolM.asd tbe faWdoaoOkgtoe 'woko roeaguton.* be a^ to tbe new Ultte .Blstor. -8he AMaV flgght to
to life.
I paerwuer. -Ootofort >• ep. sutb. roato and take
8>toe loaety tttUc iMM-gM. wboaa
-IbbI to abc^ ni tbe olber eUe of tl] ftadtbeVetoi^ gdt >n borne.kra)withoirttelf>.ir]:eu
ftutM «n4
«r Tlw
tbe Hrerr* »<ked 8tnh.,aa tbe great] la the partor e( tbe Tillage hotel, am waa Mabel, need to walk In bar
reduce fiietlaa to ^nest
aid (aid to tbelr rude.
Nmltf Voyni Ffttks ««mMm
wbe^ gUded OBt npoa tbe drireway. traaetomed ter that day ‘“to ai pretty garden, peepliig
th» irtod wnndorod tbroach tbe tree,
of her eyra at Mly
“Tee. bat tbere’i two mllee of trweh|omfte*ey bitodtal. tbe doctor wai
and tbe lltUe learto ctopped aofUy toIteiy. aad aroodering' why they did
delher aid »Uaper*d. “Doat ow bo gtrrel - eaewerod Mr. Barrett. WeTl-tonad.
1 •TrooTl bare to toare ne. Barrett.’ not ask her lo.ptay.
tnl ab«M MytMuf.
afraid to tbe dark. Ite tbe boot jr»o make ti la lem tine on thto eald. "111 get back eom bow.”
-She ateat pUy wUb ua.
ean. aid brip all jrwo cw. and oemo .-Bed yoe beard ebonl tbe wractr
to ta*iw.. I
for yoe aftor, eepper.'
why. she tolaks her clotbeo tt Mcer-n
day tbe rato will com aad the UgbC aAedBtab.
It was in tbe ^pol of toer ere
erenlag. oura.” they said to -each otter.
‘Tes.rand you eao grow up. np toto the
Mr. Barrett aad tbe doctor wei
Aad oaA an idea ncrer «
-What did they eay*- » Wilf try te bt iMtoif, h«lpf«1
The nmcblne bad teraod aortb. at toe auto. gUdtag along toe turnpike taabeUa bead!
Mi kind to »vdfy%»di Md to
back to OuaUrira. and frem tbe top of
Taeaday bring Pony's birthday, ibe
•v^ tlvlRt tMn^
Here are two lettar-rtolu for aa toe flrat coraer and waa golag u last
-------Cliafln'a Uin
Hill Mnl.4
could 1
raeolvud to give a bl^kberry pertr.
tbto week tram Myrtle aad ioasa. We aa tbe miage oid
K I addf tall to trylM to do
Next tone /
wrecklBg train abdady buay clearing ao she printed earefully. on -a amooth
thooa tMlIta. I wlU *7ry. try
gUd they (6BDd taA to write, Mr. Barrett aat with tbe d
LX Gacara.
np tbe track.
piece of brown paper.—
bto cap -peltod tight <
arean we*

» *OCa>
-Yon any be came and ashed yon -My Dear Dolly.—
cloaely watchlag tbe road ab«^
Ton U Inrited to my“ Btoefc
-Only that toe paaeeager bad run for too auto.” Ungbod too doctor.
-How did be erer come to do .that'
Birtoday Party two morrow. We wlU In a cap of fur. Tbe cap ti kept on shadow, Tbe darln<-ss of toe shadow
Into a iVel
fVelgbr train
8^ 14. im.
Is reduced by tbeue reflected rayu. aad
-Cto. we kbow each other in a srsy, Bat all the Btackbenra we pich.
aldlBC, and that a nembar bad been
;unUi toe ehUd'u beu U made ^•eo• as toe rays of sunl^-nt are stroBcer
' Polly."
bort. wait- He brought tbe car to Tou see. he alts on the hoQt seat at
Ai I hare aerer wrlttoa before
long and very narrow. Tbe teUmos and brighter ibag tooee of moaallfte.
Buodayoehool and 1 play toe cornet
■t It a 1o\-ely Invitation, m
will write today. I am at borne today a seddea stop. “Ob. doctor!”
think a brad of this ahape locha
toeytrednee toe darfcaras aiore.
Dr. Kaae. atasdlng
tala front Aad then, toe case was orgeat. There mar- said the UiUe sTstera.
aa U to Satnrday. I bare two atotera
pretty. In tbe winter toeee rmung^
are mighty few men wouldn't
"Lovely!" aald mamma. -And nor friks live In hooMw boUt of bim-ks
e'call and c
and three brothers. , one of my etotert :epa. roapanded to tbe'ca
trcgibk to find out'about
fh* Beat-Way.
drariea, don't you warn to write an­ of snuf. There are no windows la;
to a baby. Her BaBe to Margaret down to tbe I
babke In a train smefc."
other tor laabeir
-Suppose.- salffHte Bibtogr'Ateef
Al^areU. We bare two cato and
-There e m wrack at Nellcgar. 8tub's
these bouse*; tbe doon are simply
-Yes. toat'a so. Bnt most people
-Oh no'- cried Polly. “Stel got narrow passage ways. Just large were Jve children U tbe fam^‘'-m»<
one dog. Oar dog's name to Bhep. aad lltUe brother and atotor are on tbe
bad only four pototoes
cata' names are Tom and Tlga. tratat. Wr're going up. Bettor get in.
enough for one to get through.
Btnb It a boy for an
top. and we don't Uke auch atack-up
I go to acbooi erery day. I Uke my badnt your
in the eammer’ibe Biklmos buIldN*^ *be*wted to dlrtds evenly
all Tight'
toaebar rery trell. I reeeired my
‘■rit get my caew of Instnimento.'
houses of biaukei'i that are larger and smong thein; wbal is she gring to
Bbi^y Bhielda.
Aboot too seme tlnw. at borne In
-I'm afraid some ^lle people
dot" Bverybody catrdlated very bald.,
card and bottoa a few days aga I repUed tbe doctor.
tuotw comfortable than those
• Nito^e
toe Uttle 'etttlbg-romn. 8tnb and bis jroloua,- aald mamma
would Ulbr to hare my detter pat In
later be ratoraed and
111 winter. Tbe ehlldren suy la tbv bnt It was toe smaOssf Aer «te AaH.
r I, IN?, adi7.
mother were Ulktag It over.
-No. we slot!- cried Polly.
Ue paper.
Jumped In. I
bouse for throe i'etrs. eeldutn going "Mash tbs poutora. alr.-And
-Ko. we slat!" echoed Dolly—buj out. They have piaythingi; the girls
Yonr loTlng Seaeblaor.
Tbey met tbe street car as they
The Baby Btara.
course she didn't call him ”8tab->. toey were.
Myrtle Rath Beemaa.
The baby wura abtae la tbe aky.
eama down tU seboolbouM hill, and
have dolls made of wood and ivy, with
Intellloenee of a Cat,
"did you ask Mr. Barrett to loan you
1 am always gUd to bear from o
Tufodey was a lovely day. a^ tbe beads for eye.t. noses and mouths The' One aighi my wife aad I weraawpkAad tbe mother moon otogi a lalle^r.
kept abrwaat at It anUI It \urned to
a autoBwbller
oa the bill were ao tolcl doll U drefued Just Hke lu owner, who «ned by tbr dwirbell riaglag. She
Aad. oBo by one. tbelr oyolldo tteoa.
craes the bridge. There wae a mile
-Y4-0. motoer.that Polly bouaced down on the ground wears a pair of loose trousers, s asked. -Whoa tbMw?" Km reeelvias
c day tbe oaat aky. again. Myrtle.
lot amooib dirt road before they
-WelL It waa rery kind of him to let and nearly filled her pall right there.
raacbed tbe leeboueoa. then they were
loose-fitting frock, a loose-fltting bowl,
ipuBM-. ..he opened Ibe doBr aifl
you have It bnt ^*t you think tbal
. Ktogsley. Mich.
Isabel emptied her bosket on
.Aad tbolr liuie hoada dr«9 la tlumoutside tbe corporation Umito and Mr.
and a very loose-fitting pair of toots, la bounded tbe cat with a "toeouw.that was asking a good daair
Sept IS. i»o;.
plate, and tamed away very, ver: all of which U made of fur The boou
bor deep.
-TbaAk row fri
“Yes, mother. Bat you see. I need­ •lowly. whUe Polly looked at ^tly
far ibo groat nn'e waking tram hto
Dear Prealdent:—
gare tbe c^ toll headway. It
pockets for the bklmo girl. leitiog me ti - We-could hetdIretwfiR
1 tbooght 1 would write a few Ilnee that ride tahgbt Stub why aittomobll- ed It. t bad to find out duick About aad Drily looked at Polly.
B'b<-n very young the boys play
tbe belief that tbe cat bad rang toe
^.'Oh. bow can us be ao umpollte!" huntlng Ivorr.-henls. wilruaes. i
wrar gogglee. tor tala own eyes Joey and Ninnabel. and Jbe automoABd t^ nothor mooa aa Uptoa cma to you today. I am going to school.
eunvtaeed of
toe qulckeat way. and to I erted Prily. "UtUe girl, won't you
la tbe eeeoad reader. My teach- filled Vub tears aa be tried to look
Till her (Twat roena taee no toager
bears, toe)- also pl*y with tbe pupMc* toU fact later oa. A arIgMmr caDte
era name to Mre. Carter. 1 like 1
into tbo wind. When they strack tbo asked him for It Wasn't It all right come to we'a partyT’
•tn/» tbe smair sledges
. dbova.
alh-uUoo to It soon after by eay
TrarMarm. la OdM
cnlren at tbe bottom of tbe bUI. the
asd driving them around and around tag that sbe bad seen oar CM ring tM
• May^ir cried Itabel. eagtSriy.
Tbe mother thought
«ra« CUy today and baant got >(A Jott almost fiung him from bto seat,
-Yea. do; us bnt thought you the l^t. Tbe Rikfmos hive no fire in doorbril ibai afieroooa by Maadlaf
yet Tbto to my second letter, bal and for tbo rest of tbe way Dr. lUne thought of how much we
tbelr bouscT. The ouly heat they have ,00 Its bind lega and wlto
loae because we tear to be courageout wouMn'i Uke to eat off leavra,'' aald
tbo first- one I bare written myeelf. kept a bead upon bto collar.
for wanulog tbelr half frozen bodies,
bmll) engaged In pulUag to#
for tbto time.
One* Stab tooedted Mr. BarreU't in iikliig of another what more than
labeam toadrod my Utile bed.
“And we thought yon wouldn't Uke and tor cooking, is from tbe lamps, handle up aad down until It raag.
I. deer.” be genUy oald.
,ara and potofed to a teaqi ahead.
) play with na. bec(pe your dreaeca one of wblch U placed In tbe erotor .of
Thereafter, whenever be waMad to
Age A
Jeaee B. Starr.
I opaaed wWa mj aloepy ayaa,
-It's aU11 right" answered
Mr. Bar­ she aald;
twch bnt.
ri Into toe hoaae la toe nlMM-dme.
-1 tolnk It waa all rigbL'-& are so pretty." pot In Prily.
Wbal are your etudlee In eebool? rett srllbout tnralag hU head; “tbat'a
Aad aald. -Oood-mornlafc- srltb aerbe would ring tbe bell, mocb to our
"Why. I think yoer ewtoea are real
Tour ^ler waa rery alfMy written.
Oafiachow'H team. They're not afraid." :hang«^"
ao one night 1 thought I woMd
nice, and I'd love to play with you. If
*1 egaaot tbtok that nigbt' to gone.
Aad In another moment toe anto
Many peisoas cannot understand lock him up M Bi rid btemaop. TAM
you'd let only let me." arid Isabri.
A Monkey Laundreea.
And are yoa aura that tbto to amral
Stub and the Motor Car.
shot past toe ti
:ked well for a few aMAtw. Ihm
•m*hy. sweei!".cried Prily. why the shadow made by an object
Mookeye are toe most ImllaUve of
“Mr. BarretkHow feat they were going Stab bad
reMtoing aertkss toe Ubie to give her moonlight U darker than toe Btfhdo;f be got wlae and made htmoMf eoBTbe cashier looked ttp from the pile no Idea. He only knew tost aever In all the lower anlmala. and aomeiimes
The enalmm Wa^ed aad aboak
made In sunlight. • Tbe differwaee is sMcuoaa by hU absenoe. 4II toatedb
bugOl drafte the teller bad glren him to hU life before bad be travMed toe tola propensity tor tmltaUng tbe do­

head?^ y
to toe fact that toe ll^t of the lag 1 could do would not briag him' la
-Yes. you air!'' responded Dolly.
*1]hat night y^ woaM not go to bed. algn. and aiidtod at tbe earnest face of road to Arlington In so abort a Ume. ings of .their britera gets them into and then toe three happy little girls
a !■ not ao atroog aa that at toe aigbL altbougb be wm vary merit ata
>ad that to why yoe atokp ao toto.
As light iraveis always in a lacbed to me. Uter oa. howercet ted
and toe eadtemeat set evoiy nerre tell toe following experience of a L
began tbelr feast.
Aad make mo eimb the window gate wicket Tbe boy had a abort, stocky a-Uagle.
igwaerally afur we had gatus aouad
straight line, a ahadow. either
doe lady with a pet money.
traato and a frank, open thee,
To mo. 'Wako np yon aloapy dear!
They plowed fup a little as tbey
moonlight or lo sunlight, would be asleep, the doorbell woull ring AflMA.
Eakime Children.
One day to* t
np-Oeld Wm yon-momlag head oc^r barely reached tbe caeUeris reached toe village. Beyond toe halt
and rcBected rays around the and. being tooled. I would Mt him ta.
The childly of tBe Bsklmo
laid washing tbe laccu of her mlawindow.
dona aqnaree of hoosee they took
He T«7 BfaUgtngly offered to modeU. tor tbey seldom cry. and do iDteQMly black werv It not for the dis —C. DtVoa. la Sctentlfic Ataertcaa.
A. Oooaley Ward. '^-HeMo. 8Ubr
their former pace, and kept It to# tbe help her, but was angrily rapMeed by
know what It Is to be ergue.
- I srant to ask yoa
torso mlKo of turnpike that lay be­
toe maid. The monkey slopped for a somellmes tbey are dlsobodient
tween Arlington and Nellegar. Once
these times tbe perenU either thrust
ftw minutea. at a safe dUUnce,
-All right Stubb."
only did tbey stop, when Mr. Barrett
imie one*, who wear no clothes
But he kept on eigning tbe drafts, leapiDc from hla acat. took a fright- give tbe maid a
Ing for her rudenera. and then Started until they |re three years rid. out
of Scaf^j Emulsion oto
. MIMon rraoab. Trarerae City, Mlcb. for It rras tbe afternoon of tbe ftf ened horse by tbe bit and 1ed_ It snort­
erldeoily Intent on finding other tbe enow, where they are left untlL
Oaoc«a OlbaocuTrarorwa aty, Mlota. teen, the bualeet day of tbe month.
is IDAgical.
ing and cavorting put tbe auto.
stop crying, or toey ere held In
-I want to borrow your automobUe.
Mama aanl by Helen Otbeoa.
Prom Chafin'e Hill, above tbe town,
water until they decide to behave
sudden intrusion Into the field of John
It makes them plump, rosy, actipe, happy.
"Ton want to—“
BrnGamln HtoUoy. Trarerae aty.
they caught toe first gtlmpee of tbe
young children are
. Chinaman'd labors can beat be told
Thto Gma he atopped writing and tragedy—the two trains crashed
Wah: Kama aaot by Oator Hadley.
It conUlns Cod liTcr Oil, Hypophos^
killed by this severe irestmenL Tboee
looked up In eheer imai«ent Then getoer <m toe aldlpg. and around It the In the lady's own worda
mswl Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
g in toe boy*a face arreeted se^blng crowd, made np of all toe
(Wtoe and aU oa thto porch with me
ae very hardy. The shape of toe
Mid ao put together that it is easily dtgested
windows of my room were Invitingly
tbjB aftoraoon, Banahlneta. and >ot*a hto full a
Tillage, ite auto ran down toe slope,
open, and be entered with the Idea of baby's head Is changed by being bound
have a UtUe rtoltl- ' WMMaT U be pUe of dnfu aside.
and toe wredc srw lost behind trees
■blng still fresh In hla bead.
Whate too matter. Stubr*
(BB if vt cealdT Bat I am afraid
Reacklng the hown. they came upon
-Tbera-B beea a wreck up at >’elle- tbe engineer cd toe freight a tall, Be soon discovered two small drawer*
Tosr preMdant will bare to do moat of
(ha talking, as long aa tt'e a play- gar. Mr. Barralt and It waa the 1:46. atroag ">»" In Jacket and oreraJIs. He
chiefs. Ah. here was tbe woehlng all
pratond. And yet Supt ba«MB« >t to and Joey and
was walklBc back and fortlt sobbing
ready to hla hands! In a moment all
, there to room.^ you all. on that train.'
u ilUle children aoh. HU
*^0 enabler stepped to toe elomt blunder toai bad eoM toe wreck mad of these artlrtee were o
—djn of you,-^nad of canrae yoy
drawers and Into a foot paar togetoer
aad took down bto bnt and coat.
.eo^’t raalty an'gW <m oae porch.
hU beet trUnd. toe paseengtr
-George." he calM to toe teUer. giaeer. A Mock Bearer toe autioa with all toe soap and watar tost hap­
It M an oaat pe^ iM taeea the
pened to be in my roam. And
i.«atlea, ao It'sia BanaWna porA “youTl bare to gat your haUaeo wlto- a man who bad been thrown
Yiu know them; they gre
Jaundering began. He mon have
yOB 'eoa. And a gW big box-elder oui nil. If Kraus cornea (n about tbit foreward upon tbe oeat hpfoi
make their
washed away wlto great vigor, for.
tyaa abeltera one earner, and a wood- money, toll him be can bare It If bell wu ruefully
presence felt everywhere. The
blae Btokea a figoirolng curtgin tor fire a bto stock as collateral. Call
luroefl of the family arc Head­
absence of aa hour or so. 1 found him
' the ether side. Dim on toe floor up Mlicbell and tell him not W
The next turn bron^t the whole busily spreading'*oht to dry toe torn
Should buy only the right kind of material,
tola afternoon. I're been naexpectodly pletura Into vlew-^-tbe cabooae of the
to ^ big fisae mat
Backache, Stomach ache. Neu­
and dfifirired remnanU of my lace,
for he is not buildiog for a day but for years.
an oM. old.ladMk wamw. abd there called away. All right Btob."
freight tetaacoped by Uu engine g toe ribbons and handkerchiefs. I
ralgia, etc. They arc sentinela
Abd toe man aad boy paasod out of
\ ara logs for OieBteia, aad a gnat pile
mske yourdecisioo hastily.
; toe tilted, sbaluredTan:. weU aware that he bad i^pne
that warn you of any derange­
\nl idfl cnabloito? Tea, aad our dear toe door togetoer.
tbe srueping women s2d tbe burTTiag.
ment of your system. When
“Tell me about tt,” aald Mr. Bar­ exdted man. Hr. Barrett brought the vritoont mr epeaklng to him be made
But before you buy give us a diaoce to dem>
Vmt PiWdent-B chair to here to one
rgoff toe moment be aaw me. gobtg very
loo, and aomeUmea toe wind rett aa they strode op toe atre« In automobile to a atop and turned
onstraie our ability to supply you''with the very
bausted or irritated. Headache
quickly and hiding himself In toe caae
raUra It «« “ »««>“ to and fra rorr toe direction of toe bnlldlng where Stub's piece, but toe boy wu already
nukes you miserable; if the
of the kltriien Clock
best of everyihing to this line at right prices.
boused toe new twotoouaand-dol- among toe crowd.
genUy;—Thera to room lor all to —
stomach nerves are weak, inhotne"
ao each take a euai
lar machine.'
-This msana woric for me." cried
digestion results, and you
At another time thU agme monkey
It was with as a«ort that Stub
aad cuddle down.
the dodUr. leaplBg out
aw the cook at work preparing partmastered his roUe. tor there
What ahall srs talk about ftrat?
-Remember, we bare first claim.
more prominent ncr\’c$ are af*
yon wuat to hear toe etoiy of too bes- come Into U an nnaeconnUblc shakl- doctor. If either of tboae children are ridgra for dinner. ThM looked like ao
fected, Neuralgia simply makes
amnslng and intereetlng operaUon.
alder trwT Tbm Uateo.
hurt!" called Mr. Barrett.
life unendurable. Tlie way to
-Why. yon know," be eel
^ Oaeo upon a tone a lUUc twig waa
: -I will."
stop pain is to soothe and
toe teat There were no
surprlaed to fled Itself laatened to a metoor got eo bad we had to hare tbe
A atranger with a bandaged band; partridge: but. yes. hU mUtres
strengthen the nerves.
W. L. Brown, Mgr.
roaa h«oh. aad packed tor a nureo. wa Stot Joey and Kannabel np came to tbe antomoblle.
Miles^ Anti-Pain Pills do this.
pet bantam fowls! Doubtless
toM to«raey. U didst Uke toe dark, 10 Aunt l.aura'e up at Lake Hue! -Are you learlng ooonr he asked.
The whole Pain familyyield to
Cor. Lake Ave. and 10th St
tel it atlffeoad itself rery olralgbt
-Aa soon aa I get my pMsengeri
^eir influence. Hut^ess if
iu whlaperad to to# roeb not to be wont away we aent for them to come
-Oonld you take me with
taken as directed.
frightened, that It wouldn't let bar get tete. and Aunt Laura wrote to nt that drop me anywhere I could get e train in the yard, eelsed oae of the hens,
-I tad Dr. MOm' Aatl-Pata FUla aa
hurt. 8o toe little roue leaned on the the would put them on this train be- Into Chicago* 1 had a telegram Ihta quickly returned to the kitchen, and
artor. ncarwlcu and SSSI3
dtatrMstas '"■":
twig, and alepl onUl they raacbed eUBe tbey wo'Idn't hare to change morning—ibereh a baby at my house, then coolly began pulling ou
tbetr new borne. Then the twig fell cats, and Uncle John knew toe con­ and—I're Just got to get there right feathers. Just aa he had seen the cook
ser, aad. tecauae It thought It would ductor; abd now U'bAMb very train—"
ing protraU of the poor bantam. Tbe
-How did yon bearr
be thrown awgy and left to die- Bui
Dr. Mihe' AntJ-aale Wnit ars aM by
-CUmU In." answered Mr. Barrett serranu beard toe nolae and hurried
wbat do you oappoae happened T WW -Motoer aent me orer to toe autlon.
I wm there when toey got toe mea- i'll have yon on toe 4:16 train from to toe kltcbea. bat they found tor
the rose waa napaiAed toe twig
Dnmfrita. Today babies seem
Mpalieily Block In the ground all by
were obliged to kill her.
Hilo U,diol Co. ElUon. lod.;
Malt Preuy soon a aoR wrikg.raln >ause of eonrue, It wouldn't do to tell apeclalty."
He turner to scan the crowd, and at
SMBo down, then toe eca pooped from her. yon know, after she's been ao
Prily'e Btaekterry Party.
hailad toe clouds and amltod on toe al^. And If I went borne and the tost moment Stub emerged from It
Prily and Drily lived in a little
she'd know anyway He was carrying torra-yrarold NanIMM twM. and a 'strange thrill toal saw me
bouse in toe country, next door to one
tost sometolng waa toe autiei;. T nabel. wkooa yellow curia and
cf BEST FLOUR never hesitates about buy*
ao mocb handsomec aad blAci
Tam O'Shanter cap were buried on
eooldnt foM her."
gap to CeM downward into tbe
ir.g the aecond, as the results are so satisfactory
where nobody lived.
Tbe children
Every parent, yeung
I't Sad out from someone hla Bbouldcr. Joey. tgtA six.
aad befara tong tiny leaf buds np
woman who Is Intcn
:rcMed in
that she is sure to want that particular flour in.
trudging at bis side, wlto learAtalned picked tbe vloleu that stuck up tbelr
PMktwd. and toe twig grew .and grew elaer
wey in Surinsss
u .
imie heads in the garden there, or the
-Ko. I uw MMa Martin and I told face and clinging tlghUy to hla
One day a Uttle girl came daaeJ^
te write foe aI espy of
tbe future. If your in doubt ask your neighbor
‘■I found 'em.- be panted, ae Mr. roses that nodded aad beckoned, until
' Moag and cried. -Oh. mamma. wbV a her to go orer to our bouse and tril
buih! Whore did It CMOO metoVr iSki you bad taken
But a^! aae day. a lady and ber
Ig tbe ear. Jnst where Aunt
On toe way borne
framr Then hm mamms waa aurWrite at once fe iL Enter
giiUdrff aad aald toe iwtg might grow. I thought nboul asking you to let me Laura told 'em to ttay. and there waa little glp eamr to live In toe big
any day or evenmp. uwTROtT BUSINESS UNIVERSo erery mr Ue raachod op Into the borrow It and 1 wna almat aare yon broken glass aU around and lou of
SlTV. 1Mt WUcai Sft Oesuaahlne, aad atretebed out tu Umhe
it hurt any—were you. Joey?
toe wTscM aad she
to Ibe light In toe
C. P. A. Prih. W. F. .
of loreir flowrr-tasaeli dracq>ed from lustot let aaybedy elm tell her. aad Only Just arorad. And now yttuYe eU fuLright. Mannabri. Doot cry any aaorr. *-| hate drceeed-up esillnaa!" aaaptoe braaehee.
Che prtOy leaves ate mtMt May tUl we eame back­
ped cnrloH Prily. “Doa^ le'e play
Brotocr's here."
wmtm ebolier fcir too Urds toal cams hanir As ta« as «u mmM.'

Don’t PtoA






The Pain

The Man Wbo Builds

Traverso-City Mfg. Go.


The Woman Who Buys
One Sack





lUlj A pepper and criery
than tUadt dengk. aad roU
tbe can and pm aaotber half teaspeoB- Pot it In n )ar aad cover with vtaegar.
into thick. 8vaA mOk
tnetead A ecw. aabetltAlng too heop- ta]«necaL ThtawaetoUme Rendy for nor in three days.
A baking powder lor by eereral who have need the arid
During tbe season do bA fail to pot
th«K>da. Thto Mlpgto warranted im tor year* wttboA a lailurc. Do
9 aome Aieed coenmben fixed as
tat. eepecuny If Med In a pack the beans or com; ]Bst Ap in. >0 sroald fA tbe tohte. W BA soak­
flonr. OM
mixture A Urd and one fonnb beet as the arid vUl then tare spec*
ed to sAt water. PUl up tbe tors vlth
povdor. DiMOlrc oitowdiU U dv«
cover every bean or whatever j
cold rfnegar and seal.
b^UlBf valor. Beat Ut. tried oot
i tried raw bUckberrlea a
A alee pickle ran'be made A chop­
V to a cream, ade eagar gradnale and ane halt cope they have b**n pot up
ped eaceabera and small allce*
ly. beating all the tlwe. nntU |t to
Wb«m done tor the lUaler'a
tre aU right so tar. Hoping,thto
TlMro^ a qaalat aai Maattfal lofoad
Season with salt and pepper
tboRMghly creamed f
or aatmlr rmtoaoca the Bleat,
to taste, put in sesOtog |ar* and fill up
beaten yolke and beat bard again.
Very Aocerely your*.
lltUe suffer than for tatter cakea.
WUeb^otMu Uka a
with cpid vinegar.
Add water, then m^ted chocolate, end
Mrs. Bert Chase.
Drop by spoonfuls In deep bA lard
To voaiy obo loatlM for ivat^
or spice any delicate friilt
"Not vbai VO glea. but vbat va '
and cook like doogbnnta. Serve wltb
To veaiT OMe longlBt for raat<—
ing powder. Beat rlgoroualy,
A Bne flavor Is a mtoUke. It Aiould
Two Uncooked PItalc toeipee.
tr or maple ayrnp. ThU
rrom OMtiow doaaada of tba 4ar.
then stir tbe etiny beeten vhltee Into
be put op Miy Id sugar. vArit pre­
Wkkik teava aearca om nraoBt
the mlxtnrc. ^ke to Uyer pans
serve* ih.- Bav<w intsrt. Omen toma­
to bare.with any kind of fruit. Applng the drawing to a close. Rmne Cheer can
“lodetaie oran. put together vlth
nA refndn from adding the foUowlng toes. wsiermeloB rind*, yellow toma­
fruit in tbe tatter and trying It
Ou Bonaat to tklak or to pray.
iramel traating.
good recipes to Us Hat. Tbe first I* toes. omont tad article* that
di-ep lard.'
MalsMaa Coekiaa.
one A the favorite recipe* A tore. A either an acrid or a ftai flavor are lb*
C»M>aetatp Pudding.
rraneaaea vaa nobto and vaaltky
Tvo caps uolassta. tvo egga. om
a Cook, and b*s tbe greet advantage most sulUblo thing* xo. pickle.
Obe quart milk, live
Wltk BUdif a bnrdra to bear.
aoUd cnp of ahortenUxg. al* Ubte- eorastarch wet with a lUUe A the
these busy days, of being
A vlfo vttk a basbaad to kooar
aaeloutly Home Cbeer cornea
itlk. eight tpbiMpoonfuU sugar, one oeedlngly easy to prepare. Ii
Mora Grape ftsopoa.
• Aad chUdraa vho Beaded her oar*
fourth cake cbocoUte. vanDla. To be made, by adding to a gallon
Ter mm with awaeteet deroUoa
. aeroef e long potto which U ao beau- •poonfnU eode. a
Canned Crape*—pick the grapes
cold vineger one cup A sugar, one
Her dntiae aad prayer* were com- Utol la its wording and in the leaabo Anger and sploea If liked. Vse floor eaten cold with cream and augar.
of cold vlucgar one cnp A augar. one from the stems, thivralng aside Al
•pcope Cake.
This to delicious. It requires oob cup o> mustard and one dip of aalL unsound one*, wuit wa*h tbcm well.
In the vortd. yet with bearf far aboro for It Thto week ooe to given at the
ThU to eepeclBlIy ale*. It reqnlrea cup tnolane*. one bAf cnp melted but­ Pour without cot>Wng over fresly Have the larv .heated tn water, place
t place of tbe unal editorial.
four eggs, ooe tablespoonful cold ler. two eggs, one cup sweet milk, green cucamU-rst bet have been wash­ a silver *i>oon in th.- Jar l*-fore putBar lUa vttk raUgloa eatvtaad.
water, tvo cupe sugar, two lerA two teaspoonfuls soda, dissolved In a ed and dried, and put nway In a crock Ung tbe grapes fn. theo pour boiling
It to alvay* a prlrllege to get bold Afted floor, one beacSog 4aapoooful tittle water, ooe-balf cup needed rals- untH It ■•riA-ns.” Mr*. Cook ssy* that water on and off tin- gnip-*- three,
B vaa awB Is the old Roman City;
taking powder, three lowtta cup boli- tna. Ihrce- cup* graham Hour, a little peeled and sliced cucumbers, prepared 1 time*; fill, the Jar * Hh l•»lUo« syrup.
' Throngh the rlebiy atalaad ftaM CM the mannscrlpt cook book of some
for tbe (able, are drSclous In tbe made In (be proportion uf a capful of
In vhlcb
lag water, and flavoring. Have ready A all Uod* of apices, and a Ilt)le salt.
etTMBad the ana.

hae vrtttwi from Uma to Uma tbe beA tbe Afted flour wltb baking powder Steam' two boura. serve with crenm. wiater. tt this pret<areUon to poured I sugar to a c-aptul of sater. and seal
___ ■
Is a room vhar*: In rapt t
aside at -------et her (aeortU redpee Home Cbaar •Ifted tbrouto It. Heap tbe epoon and sugar, or with hard aance made over them, and they are placed
Braseeaea vaa kaeaUng bIom.
In a covered crock for winter use.
Grape Apple Butter—Tnke grapes
to punning, among the good tblnge vrllh taking powder, and (ben add a by creaming butter and powdered
»a taMtt vtth bar band* elMpad be- which it baa In atore for lu readers pinch more. Have tbe tin greased and
A recliK- for uncooked Arkli-s. along and apples, halt and half If yoj tavel
gar together and adding tbe aUSIy
JCIIARH F.RASS. JIl., roots 414,
. «Bfa her.
a similar line. Is that A Mrs. Muckle. ^ them. If not. It is betl*-r to scant the | Iv nurllagton
thto Vinter, to glee a eerlea of redpes rtody to naa. This cake will Ul tvo beaten white of one egg.
mdg., Ue OUv* slrset.
. Her mm
oa bar book. which bare been used In tbe bomee ordinary loaf Uo*. Break tbe yAka
A Denver. Colorado. She soaks small! p-ape* than to
nppU-* Cook Kt.lswU, Mu., write*
Hines Pier
"I do not boWhere tram wtrrd* of dlftoe toplrt- of Us eubecribem, end which have into a bowl and beat flfleen minutes. One egg.Meek
cucumbers over night In brine, then ! n,e (*ro seiarairiy
three or tonr large crack­
Have thsnUa
Dover egg beater li oaed. It will
mood tbe teat of Ume. Thto week
washes them and place* them In Uy- dofle, strain or ruli thmugh a sieve
person who .
ers. one half cup molaasoi. one half
IMr daOy testnetloa abe took.
Inangverstee the serlee. The rodpea nta require ao long, but the mixture cup iugar, one half cnp vinegar, one era In a jar. Between each tayer she ,nd then put both Ingeth.-r Then
take* Poraaa
from tbe borne cook book of one should even then be beaten nearty
places a few thin slice* of borsersd- <-iK>k down thick with i-nough sugar
half cup atrong tea. one cup chopped
ten minutes. Ed.) Beat whliee very
She vaa reading to Mleace and qnlat of Oolorado-B capable
rAstns. butter lire of a walnut, spices
“itavemeia large nnmbsr A me«
Her pMlm tfm the doarty loTad Ufi. Tberoo Plamb. of TuoA Colo. AIB and add. taaUng mixture five and salt. TbU makee tvo piee.
keeps them Arm. Aso a sprinkling A Any desired flavoring may he add.-d
and wumen who tave uasd U,bBt 1 kavs
sugar, tbe same of rausurd. and a few with the sugar.
mlouftt. 81ft into this tbrougb tbe
j^men Pie.
.hOM who kae aul
nastHrtlam seed pods, If liked, a few
1 am alvaya 'by Tbaa. Tboa
The canning aad plekl^ oeason to sieve, e lltUe at a Ume. tbe flour and
the grapes, put ■, yrttoflofl U>e flrat

Make abell* A A* paAe and bake
nenriy orer. Mrty In the aommer taking powder, and best until smooth. them at any time. Tbit can be done
is A >pcclA boaeflt b poA work*
Me ^ toy rlgbl baad~^ vbM 'a
began to glee apedUl at- Add tbe bUUng water, a lilUe at a (ne day before. For tbe flUing. grate
Stale Irfuie and bring Utter to the! Ug men and women who AUn «iff«
Jar Is full of cucumbers. All it with
beating conaUnUy. Last add
tenttoa to good redpea deroUng apace
tbe rinda A two lemona. add <»e cup
boiling point. Pre.0 through cAander.l
cAd rlDegar, and lay over the
flavoring ThU makee so thin a tat­
OaDai bar Inttk from bar viraet i
and tare ao' meae.v
to each frnit and Tag«abU"ln lu
add the skin* and menaure. To every
*—— •to*eekai*dleA
sugar. two hesAng
,«pmo nasturtium leaves. Tht*
ter that yon will probably think tbe reftatloe.
aoQ. and
"Tosacli Prruaaeomssaeagoitoead,
Abd apparent aMd barnMy: Hr ■trap book thea. witb the result that Ape to wrong, but do not- add any
■a U bring* beAth.
flour. Bake half an hour to
at the end of the year they would
Jars and hr-tl
. la the bhU: be u hare a Taloable book, devoted to tbto alow oven.
l -r^emtorttal livaUvs, Witt
Urai>e Catsup—Wash five pounds A
Cream Pufta
Bpedal branch of bonndceeplng. Nov
and two cups oold water and
CoeMng Recipe Book lemied by tlje grs]ies and put tlem on to Aew. When
One cup bolllof water, one half cop
•Uon along tImUar
pUce A butler (be siie of a walnut.
they have cooked for twenty minutes
butter. Put oa afore, and when It bolli
8plct-d (irspes—Separate (be pulpA
Cook In double bAler nntU thick. Pill
fire and
take them IfroB
With never a marmnr abe Uateaad.
Tbe cbcep cook «booka vbleb flood add one cup floor. SOr unUl petfecOy ■bells and let It stand till nearly cold.
The Agrtcuuarel Department
leii pound* grapes from (bv skltiB and
Just issued a bulletin which will be'through a sUalner. Add one pint A imi into seiarate a
And jetoed blm at enee to ble plan the Btono often eontalo rodpee vklah
Vhm cool. Air la four egg*
Then make meringue A the wbllaa A
^Bor WdfiDg Mae Meade eome
toad asbnlbly to the aovloe. but vbleb one at a time, without beaUng. Dii- tbe eggs and sagnr. and set in oven to Of siK-ctal interert to the bousewlve* «oetar. thive inrunds of sugar. ««i.- pulp until tb<- seeds rise, then strain
old eoefea would pmb' by at a glance, nolve a Aece A soda tbe Axe of a brown. Tbe Aei are not to be baked all over tbe country, and It may be t™"P«>nrul of K«>und dove*, one tea- ihrough a *«tre. Cook Iho. aklna In a
pea in ooe teaapoonfnl A water and
well for them to remember that U Is.spoonful A cinnamon, one
small quantity of water unUl tender.
Tbep^agaln vtth her pealm eke b knowing that tbe pR>
■tala after filling U added.
-Farmer*" bulletin No, *W. because > A black pep,K-r. and half a Jeaapoon- Add ihe strained tmlp. and pnt-lnto
Ittttead of referring to one of aUr thU Into the mixture. Warm pan*,
If they wish a copy they can write, to . ful of salt. Boll aU together usUl (be preserv)ng kettle with tonr poneds
grease them while hot. and drop the
Agatn the laae- vorde she vaa read- thCM boka
a«m* Timely Fall Recipe*dainty to desired, why not begin to mixUre by ■poonfula. leaving plenty
brown uugar. one half pint elder vineMr*. J. D. R of Klngaley eend* the the Department of Agriculture and thick.
' • ■
of room between them, as tbe puffs following good recipe* tor ptcklcs;
ask lor ihU number A book. Tbe bulGrape Jelly—To preserve the ti
ecrapbodt the raclpco wlileb
I gar. two talilreptKina eeefa ground An1 am aivtja by Tbae.“ vb«
mentioned above, every ooe of vblA must nA touch each other while cook
and flavor A fruit In Jellies
nsiiion sml rloves. slid co«dt slowly
Swert Green Tomato Pickles— Utlnls entllfed •Preparaffnn of Veglag.
*uuntil quite Uilck. It will ne<-d constant
Sllri* one half gnllon green inmatA-i.
CM tottMlag etepa In the paenaga^
hook telling folk* now to cook vege- pj^
o,e water contained wMi-hlng that II does not scurrb This .
Aad Mr dMd- UtUa. daagbtar aba tuned luev right to get the de^red very bA oven and lAve In pan* nntll \ sprlnUe with salt and let sund «
rgnlts! A few mlooiee every vaek. cold. When resdy to eerve. cut a slice night. In the monilnK drain well. tables. Imleerl. It I* uAblug less (tan
Is evaporated. Heal will k«p any length of time aad to B '
off «Bcb. fill tbe cavity wUh custard Make a tyrup of three toortha of a
Mank book, a little paste and
bandy recipe book. Avlng valuable the sugar before adding It. In making delicious accompaniment to gam* m
pair of eclaaora are raadUy toauo. und or whipped, flavored and sweAened pint A vinegar, two and om- half cupa Information to help the housekeeper grape Jelly pick the grapes from their mtatt.
bad a tarar to aak bar.
the raaolUng book vli: e one which cream, and repiaee the top.
Jmi eader^MOba ^ rvqnaat.
logar, one teaapoontA each of cinna­ io a belter understanding A the vege- Btems. wash them, put them over tbe
Feather Cabm *
Useful Tcslnbip.
9 money eooM hoy- %Mla bar aetbar u vOUpgly UeteBad
mon and Alapice. one half teaepoootul Uble food* and the methods A pre­ fire In a vesitel with a little water to
We had amend sick with the
The Government. In j keep from burning, and slew a few
rm those who desire aomelMng 4Vo cupe of augar. riFo Alghtly cloves. Do not put cloves In unUI paring them.
OatO Mm bad aat bar at raat.
ore modern than the <dd-time scrap­ ronadlng UWeepoonful* butter, two •ynip U cooked, as It wtU turn It putting Us stamp on the recipre, de­ mlnule*. mash gently with a allver bcarlA (ever and we were Al keA
•nm mm more aba kpall at bar prayI.
her. The question aroee.
book. and
black. l*ut tomatoes In ayrup and
spoon, strain and to every pint of
cook nnUI lender. Seal In gtau Jars. modlfled A changed to suit the ma­ Juice allow one pound A white sugar. "Wlir doesn't the nurse catch ItT*
Owe moro ihe waa at the tome te«t veoleot, there are "Bedpe fl^ fonrtb cups flour, two i
baking powflA. flavoring.
My three-yearAd brother quickly
dmiUr to the flllng
Cucumber Relish—Take cucumber terials or eondttlona with which the After Juice comes to boiltng point.
WbsB MBin name the atoward to nert
Black FTAt Cake.
■•ad la almost all oneea now-day*.
I boll twenty minutes, then fill the Jt-lly auKsered. "Why, don't you know,
sniUble tor the table, peel and grate. housekreper has to deal.” Every
she's trained DM to."
' glasses.
Aad show tor wtot dwty vu Best WbOe thoM are obtainable alreudy One pound sugar, one piund butter, SAt them a little and drain In a bag dpe has been carefully leeled,
made, borne made cnee are jMt a* one aad <»e fourth pounds flour, ton
night. In the morning aeason the Department asks that they shAl
eggs, tffo pound* aeeded latolns. three wltb aalt. pepper and vinegar.
be fA1o»-ed accurately the first time
In tto ton toe taai thrw holy pit- cesOy prepared, and can be made at
they are naed. The book on vegeUblee
praet^y no eoel al Al. An envelope pounds currants, one pound citron, s«aV ertd. tn smAl Jars.
ground cinSpiced Unegar—One quart cider the change* they- undergo, when cook­
9m Chrtoto'Wto b tod#ng Uw box to wed for the cnee. 81i|W of cut floe, one ubieepoonful
teespoongul ground ell- vinegar, one half ounce celery seed, ed. and the methods of oooMng and
quite stiff paper are cut. A a else la
fit easily Into tbe box. * On tbeee ere
one-lhird ounce drl^ nflnt. one-third aervliig them was prepared by Miss
Amt eto MOM them -a warn, to
to be pasted or written the redpea- gronnd cloves and mace, two table- ounce dried parsley, one clove A gar­ Maris Parloa. who U an authority on
. -lat-le cookety. having made an ey
sups A thin cardboard are cut. with apoonfula tnAaawi* -or
AM wdenmae them there In Bto a curve at tbe top which projects Cream butter and eugar together, add lic. three small onlona. tbrre whole tensive study of the aubject and is
clove*, one teaapoonfnl whole peppers.
Ihttioiighiy familiar w»h lAh the the­
above tbe recipe Alps. On tbeee ere the beaten yolko and beat vtgOfSdaly
leaspooAurgraied nutmeg,
A teorth time toe read. *7 am by writton tbe namee A tbe different then add molaaaea. apices, flour am one
tablespoonful augar. salt -to Uste. Put oretical and the prnrtical sIBe of vegeTtoe;
/ dDrtoloM. If Mill further eub-divl* tbe atlffly beaten white*. Add fruit
Uhle cookery. The bullAin. after dl*TbM hud
^ by My right lou are deAied. make tbe general and citron last, well floured. Do not In Jar and cover Ughtly. to three euasing the clai.dflcatlon of vegeta­
wocka auAn and bottle. Thla Is floe
dlvtotoB A one color A paste board, use rither taAng powder or soda in for flavoring salad* and other dlshe* ble* and the method* of preparing
them for cooking, conulns nearly fif­
and tka aobdlvtelona A another. The
requiring vinegar.
WtoB again toe to mdtod. and
ling Al iA
ty P*af< of recipes -for cooking
box If in tbto way Avided >nto com- oven for four hours. uMng ebout half
ad rAlp<
t^em-'t also ha* eome good
partBicnu, each devoted to aome on* the boat required lor broad.
Javell* Water.
•he aeas a gay ooortler Asad.
favor for soup, seasoning*/nd
Um of cooking, such as soups fish, cakes brown too quickly, cover with
Many careful
the use of k little Javelle water In vegetable*, salads and salad
meats, cakes, etc. It only ukce a pepA.
vto." hM the holy
their wasAng. as it removiu stains ings.
Bcmenl to |dek out tbe desired recipe
I «• oeme to the-'
Work ooe egg end one Ublrapoon make* the clAhes white, and doe*
la aneb a flUag case, and there la tbe
After 12 o’ctock, midnight, of September
•om* Pickle Hints.
added advantage ttat new redpes ful A eugar Into flour to make stiff away with half the UA>r of rubbing
W «M eerva Btaa
««0 In thaae (sn be pU la or tboee wblen have peete. RAI r**** as rbin as a silver It ihould be earefully rinsed from the
Mixed Hlckles-Ssys one writer
27th, 1907, the rate of passeoger fares betwceo
dAlar. cut Into amAl aqn'are*
clAbe*. however, and of coutm- should We keep a Jar of vlm-gsr in the cellar
proved !«•■ A • ««»*“
all points on the Pere Marquette Railroad,
Aad IdOov the paths that Be trod.' gbrown sway. uaUke recipe* which round* and fry In bA lart. When they nA be used on any but white clothe*. and when ««• hav.- a few cucumlier*
•oato talked A the hawktag and snp tatve beta paMad la a book.rise to the top and turn over, they are To make it. Uke one gallon A water not ready to use. drop them In—also
west of the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, will
done. Spread a apoonful A Jelly - soft if poaaible. four pound* waahlng string bi-an*. celery, cauliflower,
be two cents per mile. Passengert are re*
To owe who eared mdy for thee*.
sods, one fourth pound ordinary tak turtlums. or anytliing else ibst would
And thought even thoa aha might
Ing soda. Heat water to boiling, put in
quested'to piychase tickets before boarding
Three eggs, one cup eugar. one pint soda aad bAl five minutes. Pour over I tske these and add onion*, green tes
Bed Lord, and tor Muter might
awsA mUk. a lUUe wit. nutmeg to
a train.
I pounds unslackM lime. When It matoe* and cabbage, also green man­
taste, two heaping
Jet. pour off and bAUe. Use one go peppers. Have a granite fcAtle and
log powder, flour Ull spoon will aund
lespoonful to three gAlon* A wa­ pul vinegar and pickle* on together,
H. F. Moeller. G. I*. A.
I thto mi toe^kfally toft Urn
Contribnled to Home Cheer by Mr*. Bprtght. Drop by dessert
ter. in washing, or Aie fourth cup to add aalt aad sugar to suit taste. Use
mixed *i>lce* and add celery
1 to prv. Tberon Plamb A Voma. Orta
In bA lard. These will nA soak up
enough to give It a good flavor. Let
' lio! a Ytotoa A gtory aagalic
the lard, bul abould be eaten wAle
Plumb Ceka
the idcale* boll about five miuut.a
Carmlns WUh Adda
imt BOA her.^heB vaatobg^ evay.
fTMh. and are very wholesome.
The fAlowlng letter from a friend after they come to the boiling point,
Thto has been given ‘tcccoUy
PAIt Fei*.
OM gllmpaa A a farm fall A baanty.
Make Jumble paste by any gA>d re­ A Home Cheer tells A her method of and then put up In self sealln,^ Jars.
She know that an angA was there. Home Cheer, bat Is repeated. |n
Beet Pickles
for Winter—Cook
I vHb awe and emotioa. nwtlon wltb Mra Plumb'# other cipe. Cut In fancy eooUe etape. roll canning. Many people object to the
the skin and slice
of aAlcylic add In the prepara tender, remov
An Ml A her Motetooi la prayer. recipes. M it to well-worth preeerrio* a atrip and Uy around edge before
It U made with clabbered milk and taking Dip fruit, fresh or drained. Uon A food, though nearty all the while hA In Jar*. To 3 plnu A .vinetar. add 1 cup uutar and 1 UbIea,H«n
Aad (hare la her book Ml A light taking powder. One half cnp of bul- ti«Bi can. in white A egg and sugar, "canning powders” which are on the
irket a're found, upon analyato. " ,«*IL Let this boil and i>our hot over.
(wo egga.' one cup A sugar, one (or fllUng. or fill with whipped and
clabbered milk, two cups flour
In which la finely cwntAo inis prreervaUve. Those who the hoi beets. Screw eov.-rs on cans
is now enganed in putting up preserves and pickles—
All blaxlBg teTAters A gold.« gold tar brwcod earthly bright- sifted twice, la which has been Afted eflt frAl. either freah or preaerved. do nA ohjrot to lU use will be Into­ tight and set awsy tn a cool dark
'Are you in a pickler-I-erhaps »e can help you some.
Small beet* are bett. then
ned In Mra. Chaae'B recipe:
beapiag toaapoonfuto A taking Tbase are ve^ rich lltUe cake*.

powder. flarcilBg to aAL TbU Is

Frvit lee.
Editor Home Cheer—A* I am an old leave whole.
lUce A three orange* »nd -three
espaeially good for layer cake*
Aad ehe knew tkA her love waa
Chop^ Brel Pickles—Thls-1* some
wed with a eoft 'fllUng. aad alao
cut floe, whites of three eggs MT-deot A Grand Traverre county
Sealing Wax--TnincTic
thing of a' noveliy. Add to 1 quart
----------Bar duUee ee Meerfally borne
Mace-Mostard-OUI Scad
sugar. Put alt In fleeter, without beat­ where everyone taa to us* acid to raw cabbage chopped fine an equal
Cnflileh WeloA CAia
Had 'been wroagbt Uto gold by the
X>oe cup chopped wAnW meats to ing, and let tbe freeier do your wmk.
Cmry Powdcr-Splcca
spooni salt. 1 teaspoon black pepFer. 1
Who eaw nU thA heppwed that be etlrred in the cake, and one cnp A TbU to a^redpe which U a Uvorite jou bow they do » and and you can cop grated hoi-»e«dl*h and a little *u.
• past It on." The arid used to sailwhole ones, to be used In fitaUng. with Al who uy It
Good (resh pickling supplies and reaaottable spices
Urte. Cover with cold vinegar
cyllc. and it very cheap. FOfla gallon
a er Crultora.
One cnp sugar, ooe halt cup butter,
Ooe and ooe hAt cup* entar. one of cooked fruit use one tcaspoonful of and seA.
wAtes A three egga. Ota' bAf cup
p«r WJatbet
Jumbo Plckb^-Chop fine a head of
acid: for ike raw frnlt. use two Ua
■sreet milk, tvro «cast cwpa flour, ooe up eonr milk, two eggs, two i
Of HlnUy FtaBeeaea tbe Blwt.
oDfuki. dtosolred tn enough water cabbage, spjrinkle with sett, let it re­
half teawooBfato btklag respoonfuls melted bntter, one half
Timi the draerfA aeoeptanw A dnty
cover fnilt. Fpr string bean* and main thus for 12 hour*: then mix one
Ever ptoarea Oar Father the best powder. Bake In dripping pan. trosi grated nutmeg. Urge teaipomiful
and deewate with whole nuU. Cut namoB. <im teaxpoAifA Mt one lea- eora. cook twentj\ minutes and (a • oAon flnely minced wltb the cabbage;
■Hto anortp n— borer near ns;
ttrougb a ortander; add a gA»d
ftff-niffvil epda. Mb b UUle Miffer two quart can Ifin the oui halt full.'
He hnews avery step thA wa take


CMwteU UjOT Caka.
Tvo •qaarM Bakar^ eko«DlM«<Aittr
•flpL OM katf ««p wstar. mm wd om
taU cvp* Mftt. M« tklrd rft> battM-.
tvo Avo



M»nai im etlUr’* ttUt

,r -

OB the


The Busy Housewife

lUaifs Drugstore




•UU MMU«« A. «. of E.
The out* mronCoD of the Anerl• Sodotr of Bqvltr of
tea Is la oeaoloe ta Oraage ball (to­
day aad, will cobUbw for two 4^
Tbte ta'ou of the atoet importaat
coDTesUocu that win cone here tbia
year. It haa dlraet bMrtag npoo the
fanawa. wbe are the sain atey of the
Tba faedaBootai ohleet of ibU eodety la to proaMte the weUfare of tbe
fanaor; to oWala proStablo prieoa
for an prodo^a of the tana, ^rden
aad orch^ Alao to obUln esdUble
ratea of traoaportatloa; to obula
NOW BariMa aad enlarga dd onea; to
B of toartOag for
the aoaa aad daogbtan; to fmproire
the hlgbwaya, aad forward aay maana
that vU hatter tbe coadlUon of the
Tbto aodf^.haa had a woaderfal
growth alaew 1U« ergaaliatlon Are
yean ago. There are at preaent aheat
(00,000 memben ta thla coanby aad
It U iDtcadad that aaA term
piodnet aban be marketed by aa ex­
pert. who Bhall topreaeat the eodety
In tbe large dUea. By aeaaa of thU
Biethod It la hoped to do away with
the middle mea aad hla proAta.

Tko medtBC *M caOod A ottfer br
PncMni Morrill^ Md
vork va^takm «p. O
OB .iwoelBUoai aad
Orange to >oCb la tbe laoetiiig with
the A. S. of ■. WM extended. Tbe
adtoarnod lor a tlaw to
glre the oomaltteaa time to moat.
The officer! of the atata braaet
as followe:
Pnaldeat, O. W. Merrill. Itoborg.
Seeretery. B- N. Ball. Aan Alhor.
Treaanrer. U E. Dnter. Sherwood.
There are aboot ISO delegatee
all parta of Michigan.
An oeenliig aeaaton wlU be bold..


Had Long Walk,
re ddl«ate« from &at Iordan'
bnd an anpleaaant IntrodncUoa to tbe
They came down
PeUMkoy axeurdon on the Pen Maeqoeue aad thto train
the dty than Boardman. atopplng
there aad not backing op. Tbe Are
dele^tea got off then and walkod
into the dty. aboot a mile tn alL The
teet that moat of them were carrying
baggage did not add to thoir comforl
Tbe party oonalated of Jamee Kowey,
Mrs. Kowey. Mra. Prank Kidder. MUa
sr-faad Mra. PdUtt.

A Snap for those who
will act quick

•tala MoeUng of A. A. of C.
WoCuodaya Boeord.
Praatdent MerriD called tbe etate
of the American BodeCy
cC BQBHy to order thle morning In tbe
City opera booae. a Urge eamber of
Tbe report
of the aadiUng eomn«
the work of the^oecretary betag com­
mended. Aa tbe'^aodety U gmrlng no
teat. It was deemod beat that
fands of the aodety gp throogh the
oMial^bannels. that tbe secaetarr and
treaanrer be aepatate ao that roochmay be had for
recelpta for money recelred.
woQld make It eader for the andltlng
Dlttee to andlt tbe books at
aanaal ateeting.
Tbe report
adopted and Incorporated Ip the
Uwa d tbe'conrentlon.
Tbe chair tbeo appointed a ecnmU« on grierancea ccmalatlng
Charles Maaton. V. 8. HoMridge and
M 0. Brerhart.
suction of Offleefa.
Mr. ftoM and P. P. Pox wen ap­
pointed tellers and the c
prooeeded to eloct offloera.
Hddridge was nominated tor preaident. bia name being preoeoted by C.
A. Bmeiaon.
PollowlDg tbU nominal
Beeman made a speech

ready to show
Special Offering We are
you the latest
In order to start the Fall season with a rush and
once more demonetrato our ability to supply
high class merchandise at a little lower prices
than ordinary, we offer eomespecial attractions
worthy of your consideration.


Outing Flannel
One-Case Outing at


There were forty-erne baOeta. t»M the IntiraaM of the A. E of E
the arotk o* the preeent officeta. E
K, Ball, the oeeretary, recelred a eery aa foBaws:
Mr. Holdridge then nomlnnted O. O.
high eompUment for his efficient
Wlnans for atete cggxnlaer. hla MacBoeman'.....................................4
work and Mr. Beeman closed by aiakBoy .....................................
** tion following. Mr. Wlnans to SM M
ing n plea tor the candidate.
tbe stiotigcM aaemners of the argnnBeUnaon .................................IS
Mr. HcldiidpeY neapcties.
Izatlon and ben Atted for the affloe
] be the soaroe of tho I
V. 8. Hddridge responded and atet>. FbxMras declared tiected and he waa elected ta
CBlty In gMstkio. as tbe neeuUea gt
ed hla atutiide on the qoasUoas coomotion, was declared
the departBMBt was not wUUng thak
National Detogatea.
frontlng tbe woclety. The terawia of anlmona choice of tbe coBroation.
M. W. Drake. C. 8. Hcddridga and the main wfforta of the SodeCy at
tbe state mut realize that they must maklag an address and thanking tbe Ctoariea Hoff-wei
•anlty ahooM be dftweted amre. A
pot men In the offices who poaseas' deiegates for tbe honor.
Dpea tho
bnalneas ability in order that they
Secretary Reelected.
suggewtion of the president elect. E T%is tbe board of dlrsctm seemed 10
may cope with tbe bsslnees men of
tbw bad not gone to any oxtrama.
The pr«at-ni eeereurT. E W. Ball, N. BaU and J. Y. Wlnans were ndded
tbe world. They mast put sway all
Benee tbe dlCereoce Of oplnlca srhj^
to the list glrtng Mtchlgan Are
petty Jealousy, petty feeling and bum! was nominated by Darid Rooah for
caused rnnMilrnhir tiirtUm In rofoasentaUrm. all pledged
follow to the end tbe men they elect aootbrr tenn and on moUco. the tMIsoee to ths head cCOes of the aocMg:
Instnsctcd to cast
W. n. Beenno ipade a motMm that
In reference to the Chleago meet­
for him. Mr. Ball, in
tie election of Mr.. Holdridge be made
ing. the board of dlreetan of tbe froU
the motion carried and
In reference to tbe Chicago meeting and prodnee branch of. the Ameejam
tbe tellers cast tbe balloU for blm. OBvenUon for the honor.
of Equity was called, ai-'.sao
of the Produce and Prult
L. E. Outer. Tfwasmr.
Mr, Holdridge rreponded. thnnking
Growers branch organization of the of these directors, who was a MMML. E. Ihifrr. of Branch eoanty.
the cooreottoD for the honor
gan ------■
man. a I absent at that a
harden that had been pot upon blm.
in a few words, extended hto thanks In reference to hto rtsU to the boart 1e N. BaU. of Amr^rbot. was
bU speech t^Dg rery llbetelly
of dIrecioTT' meeting of the national to an that eaeancy: •at as MreetA
to tbe eoBTentton.
plaoded. ^
of the cpcperatiTo prodwmrs- ai«
Dirtetort were next nominated and union at Indianapolis in August.
P. P. Foa. Vke preaideirt.
oqulty exchange an herdtpeofO^nton.
MaoNominations for rlce-pr«oldenl
tore supposed, and by mtorepreesathMr.
then In order. O. W. Merrill. J. O. To­ ton. of Branch oounly. W. Et Roblntton printed In some of tha press
Of Bvart. and Charles A. Em«^ slderabto fricUon between the ezecs- the state. Thto prodtmeiW mod etmman. T. W. RoblDsOD. W. R Beeman
son. of Grand Trayerse. O. W. Mor­ tlTe bead of the American Society of smnera- ekroperaare exchange to sa
nnd P. P. Fox being nominated.
Mr. Robinson was nominated by K rill was nominated bat declined. Mr. Equity and the directors of the organ orgnntoaUon thartared under the law
Bmeraoo sUted that while he recog­ Iratlon at headquartera. At the an­ of New Jersey for one minion doOnrE
i. C. A. *
nized be was being chosen for work, nual meeting of the national union In and to not AntMOd. as aoma had be« .
Mr. Pox and P. P. Hammond was
IndianapoUs In ‘>6. It kas eoted that
nominated but owning to a streaa of be was grateful (or the honor
(OoBtinuad on page IE)
pledged hto best efforts to fortheriag steps' should bo laken^iy the Amoriother duties was forced to deelne.




Nerer bought a better om for the Bwoop.


Coreet Special
AbonUOin^ttiahj^^ 8^

witfi hoae atip-

.... s8c

.... ...

The M« Fur Cloth Coat, are takine mil with tlioaewlio
waot aomethtos diflereot—

$ 15, $ 17.50, $20,^$25'tO $30



Ladies’ 50-inch Black Kersey Coats, made
for uS during the dull season and present
value $10.00.

Corset Cover Embroidery

29c, 33c, 37c

Table Linens

Aboot two ud A half yard lengths, at

07c, $1.20, $1.87, $2.20


A Lot Of Plaids
MeronriAH!. Silk and Lin**.


Other Plaids at ■ . 15c, 26c. 50c to $1.50

Panamas “
Flannelettes « 10 ssi 12i

Notion Dept.

Choice $7.95

Aootln. big lot


Dress Goods
The DAW labriot are ha
view tbia atocW

Another Cnsoof tbps. Extra Valuo

Lin: Fifty-indi Black Coats ^ 1 9 50
BotutlfoUj trlcmietl will velret ana brsU, raise $15. Special 'r' a fcw •


IS ' 25
Best for wear at-..—.............. 1a7 and^c/

Ate., for the i^eoA.^

Muslin Corset Covers and
IlMt Embroidary atod Lboa Trimn*d- $1.00 and $1 $5 Talnaa

Special 6»c -

Handsome llneol checks, stHpes and mannish cUeds, also blacks,
bines and browns. 'Hie tailoring Is oi the best class
and every lady shonid see this stock.

Dress Skirts. Big line j ust j
in. See them.


Ladies’ Union Suits

98c and $1.48





1-5 aiid 2-tc TBloe.......................................................




$ 12.50, $ 15, $ 18 to $22.50

............ 10c

Everything that is right in

(Clothing Section
The showing of new fall styles is most attractive in
Checks, Plaids and Mixtures, in shades of
brown, gray, black, etc., at

NEW "AUTO” VEILS.......;50-58^.i.00.1i0

Soleadiil BUsk Kerseys at ..................................... ..................... $1SJIS
Fancies at..................................................... $1$J$. $M-0« •«* M*-»*
Black diats of Vicona, Kersey, Helms, etc., at aU prices.

I I^
New Faii Shapes
II dv^ are Beauties

We have about 50 men', odd .oita that must be aold quick to make
room. Valuta $1250 to $16. Choice of the bunch at

$ 1, $ 1.50, $2.50, $3 and $4


L'olitii;. n.'..t»...



\, THUMiMT, oenmn^tm.

■Ttarase BciaM

Crdcr «r PuWieattoB.
aoaday oreatog by nambrtp of the
Ta4m or MXWGAK, tA PraE OF MKSflOAfL la tA CtO
aad meads. Aflerall had
bate Court for
Oo^ty at
I Oirt.for Grand Trarerse Grand
Itoaed to toa^ -Lat^the Joy BcB
Cotrnty. to Chancery.
a ueuaiou of raU rarat AM at .
Ping.'- J,J. Alto astaaded the addrcaa
^Oe«.rae Wrte^L eemptoteaiL rs. ItA piobato olloe. ta tee C9ty of True- '
deomB Mr. Shier fare
|kM U Writer. defradaaL Bapt gs. >rae. in aaM county, on tee iSte Ay
_ idthapaatyaarto war* aad aadU
;d bp ospiTMlag lha appretoattoa of
Am t-u lie in this eanie tAf
tha charte aa a whoto. of Mr. trwto'S
A^u flac* of raslAqiire of tA
Ugbir eatldaetorr. tabor lietot wefl
iwtora. la hto napooaa. Mr. trwto
e'Aiaed Afendant m to tUs
THO*. T. MTn^
• Ar appear
larad at nod wagN. there batog
dwUt at some length apoo the ttem*
Inaa a eeaaldawbla aeareltr of
«f AaboTT: ^ talk was ten <d aathato
slasm and oae ^ ooold aot help bat
coDuanre Buecnov 'itTMB aer
prtltem praying Ur tee sUowunee
the «Rr
. BTga tha arerabara to graatar aaal aad
known placa of tesideuce. Oa motion Ibqrto.
aA for lA I
At tea market yasmreay aUctean of U H. Gage. aoUclior tor tA aAre -*”T
to alee battpr thaa
to the exteodtog «f Christ's
distribution ol tee fratoae <
thto tUaa ta« rear there ware torty^
to thetr paruof tba alty.
font eaaoa or typhaM farar wlthla tha
Tba raaponaa to tee addreaa of wab
aA alueen bead of Uraatock cam
October. A. D 1007. at b
oltyUBfto At tba laat BtoeUai of tba
>me wns foUowed A a well render■*
>>raii B ^
- fotenora. at said piUnto oClee.
Dairy Attar Aa riaan aaotAr
date hereof and to default thereof
board of health only three aaaaa wan
A roeal aUo A Mte Maod O-NaU.
it Areby appototod tor haartog
nateb. due to the acsrelty. Alo
teat tA bUl of cut '
rtad. Thto eoadMIoa to tharefora
after which Alberta Lebman rwritad
A taken as( conteesA agatoat
to*fur^ orAred. teat pubte
graUtnag. T^ag It all to aU,
-Out to Aunt Mary's:- Mtos Alberta
MOOce thereof A glren A pobUrattatt
to tea recna
. WhM Taft
of a copy of thto order, for three avTA apple Ayara are all talriy
■ Ao aot osA ptoao doat by Mia. Scott aad Mtot
coaotTc weaA prerioos to raid Ay of
TW «llr €C TaMa fa iaiM vwmr OfWd aa I
bitay. First elaas stock are bringing
Grand Tiurerae Col. MIA.
tot -otai'fhaia to tho aUte. Par toM alBM raMTAar br a ai
Stonier «a> Mxt 0^ to* PK«u
Imrtng. to tee Grand Trarerse HeniU
gggg and glAO. Ooa toad brought
etaeea to tha aastara part of the atata,
- printed aA -«l(eutoUd
teaae ladies alao tenrad tea aaggA(
la ato cooBty. .
a large aaetlOB to
dlcaee a aeeaad tlma.
car last nlgbL aad attia are batog fad with hay iqd
At thto potot Mr. aad Mra. Irwin
Jadge «< PraAle.
TA Grand Trarerse Bhlppera
laa had haeoaia urad «r Iht -haow grain, bring unable to. get nffideal
a rag aad tabto eUUoo sent out a big enr tost nlgbL
tec atdtaia «( Jacaaaaa aBdteaJ'
ated^" paatAraga to malntato tboo. In tba
elote by tte eoagragattoa aad triaada, teerc bring 14g barrato and aboat
hWM Um dseiaioa to aaed a
Ate court for tee county of Grand ® bate Court fra tee Cooniy of
BMktog tba
atgbty-alna bateeU aboard, principal­
iropa bare aot beta pearly ao kattoM CM to Uo PaoiAe.' at a
Grand Tnrwae.
Oon apaaeh. TA Srat part of tea erao- ly applet. Tbe preapacta for aaotAr Trarerse.
At a scaslra of raid conrt. held at
tentlaa to laftmldata tb* Jaaaaaaa, teotorr as to thto ^acUoa. With thaaa
At a aewton of aald court, held at
tag eioaad by an forming a Mrele and car tonight are good,
tee proAte ofBce. In the city nt Trsv- tee
praAte office, to lA City A Trar--^
varr dealnbla eoadlU^
A teaphtch to lha
atogtof -The .Tie TAt
arse City, to said county, on the goth
iSttrr may
- - forward
• to
e City, to raid eoaty. 0
aa astestad that aaeratatT o( War

Rafraabmento of lea cream 1
voold maka a Aaatol af this ataard
tl ltra. .rrra ^ me*aw.
ika were aerted in tea partora of
tapert at a analdpal
tha Anreta. wUte were tmatotally deeGriteM M canto a tokat
coming N
bert Ronab. tote of *kild county, deorated with astera and greons. tea
Paa^hea. 10. U. M and SI cants a
BaiaOwa httwaaa tba ttaltod BUla
wot* of sane of tea young todlaa of
DaWd Rouah. haring ftled In raid
aad JaiM hara aot baaa satleMiUr ractorP of tha Trara^ Oly board
tA teagua. wA also rery efAciently
ourt bis final ai
Watermelooa. gA to SSe aacb.
i to varraat tba aaadtiig of trade Wedaeaday afternoon to
. peaura prmylA that
took care* of tb% toUea.
TA aSalr
ils peiillon praylu for tbe allowSweat applaa. U cants a/peek.
Pearl May. daughter, Mr. and Mra.
.....jUoa of aald estate A
o< a Saat lalo Paeitei vatara tor tha rnaga for a boBw^anlng weeh nest
thereof. It Is ordered, that (A
was to cAiga of tea ladles' Aid so­
Hntemelona. A and lOe each.
Lasria SpauldiBcr parAHd aveeua; ciety and ^>worth lea^ and u
nth Ay of OrtoAr. A. D. 1907. at ■rented t' > blmaelf or to aorae other
parpaaM «r lattaMatlM aad Praall
Pluma. SOe and gSc a peck.
r’elA In tbe forenoon, at said suiUMe parson.
horn. AugoM 37; Sled. Sept. 11.
d«Bt Booaaran fa too wiaa aod eaadelightful aaeeata to arery way.
It U orAred. that tA 11th Ay of
Pear*. gO cents per fourpound ba» proAle ofAe. A and is hereby apHngb Brrin. eon. Mr. and Mra. Lae
Uou to do aaTtung that wonld brine nattan-.wUoh ahonld neaira
pofnird fA beartna aald Atihon:
October. A. D. 1907. at too o'clock to
A. Ciamtofham. SIP- North Sprnea
OB atmlnad rdaiioBa botwaaa
baartz. anpport of
it Is further ordeVd. lAt p-ibltr
tn the fonmoon. at said prubate onca.
Here are aoma apactob tor ypnr mar
thereol A gtren b»- p-'bHcallon I«- nod Is hereby appototod (or hrartog
Crfandlr poraraBMBtA Tba Baa Ttoa- Hoaea Zoning was* has baeona an Btraat; bora. SapL g; tied. SapL 11
Tie Hannah A Lay Mercantile 00m- kat basket:
ropy of tbit order, for three sue ■aid peUUoa.
fa BiBplr an eatabtlshed enstoa la many elUea to , Drilght Gayle, daeghter, Mr. and
ire weeA prerlous to eald Ar^f
It to farther orAred. that pabUe
Sweet oPUteca. 6 cento a pouad.
tecMaot that aaa ba dl«6aad of br aU paru of tba ooaotry. Tba# hare Mra. Wealey CampbeU. 130 Ltke ate- pany hire already
AariBg. ta tbe Orsnd irarerue Her­ notice tAreof A glrra by pabUeatun
and aftord ^
ald. a newspBAr printed and elrcnlat- of a coA of thto orAr. tor three sue. AM
bubaan deeaaaed.
ia aald county.
cesrive weeks prertoos to saM Ay of
fram -that taddent, tbara la aoUdne porinnlUea for former reaidanU
As Tbaraday. October 3rd. to Uta
Smmar rquaah: S cAts aac*.
brarlng. tn tA Oread Trararra Herald
Jamaa A„ oon. Mr. and Mra. Dorn'bM of a Maadlr ehamtdor azlaUiic BMOl tU trtooda aad make
4(W4. •
Judge of ProAte.
Cabbage. B to 8 cento per brad.
botaiaa tha too aatlOBs. Tba cralse qnatotantea to tbeir old home town. tolek J. Dyer.'w Bast Teath atreet: flrat Ay. It U hoped tAt all exhibaaU
Uy ean^ will bring
Peppera. gO e>*te dosen.
bop. Angnst gg; Sled, SepL lOi
ad tha iLBortOBB mnhlpa fa tba,Pa U la bUiared that with proper
Death'A-E. H. Auailn.
gj this matte may ba atada a big
E H. AtiaUa. aged 73. died at 7 gwt
DiriapOB br PraaMaat BooaavaU for tha thing to TraTcna City.
o'clock Wednesday morning of old age
Tomatoea. S to S «ento a paaBA.
4»MfU of tba navr aad tba w
Brery year then are acorn of peo­ laton nreat; bore. SepL 13; ^lad, eminently fair—as enrti esbIbIL when
tA home c(-'kto Aughter. Mra. JL
orange MeeUatentered, bears a nnmAr. only; anA Radlihaa. 8 oata per boMh.
Apt. g7.
ple tron wartotu pmtlans
1;. Hatch. ae'HatcAu Crraslng. Mr.
Green onlona. g to 8 orats a baaA
Daughter, Mr. and Mra. John Kbi- wben lha ptomloms are being award­
Tbe next meeUng «d Grand Trareree
Jp nr toratcB power.
itiT. former rcaldenta wbo^-aoma
latch Alng a bretber of Mrs. F. H.
Grange No. tT9 wlU A AU Octobrnr
« TMro muj ba a da^ ^ottva back hero to apeod thdr aammar ti
Smith, of this city.
19; Aled. ApL 37.
8th. at tea tonal boor. -Subject tor
Chicago. Oct
Ji« «h!a. bat K It aot
ttoaa . Thar cocoa aot'anlr to’n
Hr. Austin was ao old aettler of the
Mr. ond Mo. cornea from.
»0Hc: core. 57Mc; oato. Sl%c.
diacusrioa: “Bute Focratry." A *•
• that tba norenMU to to aaara old triaada aad rdadraa. bat bacai
region and ,had a large number of
H. Aylor. Fire klnA of bread with
It has been the endeuTor of
L 1!ha Japa ara a plaekr htUa TraTena Oltr to aa aurnetlTfe ptaco
frienA. In addtilon to Mrs. Hatch, be
MercanGle comiiaDjy to aalect repreDciralt. Oct.
samplre and reclp
i aad thar ara too
in which to apond tba aommer aaa-i ‘bore. AUtgl:
a aod one other daughleaves tw#
bread making.
aentoUee farmers for lodges and bare S c; core. 67^; rata. 63«4c.
tha poww of tba 0Bltad aoe. Tbarefora a bontacomlsc wade
tee 'different dlstrlcU
win be a dooUe attraouon aad there
■ireted. Those who Are acceplIptfre
VO( tba Masdahlp of thto edr^*af,
a are anearaily aat
> qtteaUoB bat what U plana are
of the Wcotorn Untocr
inrltatlons to act as Judges an
• - AR*. Btcntarr Taft, ^ropartr eprrled oat, that It w}H be a Telegraph company,'came thr«-;gh ed Ini
tVa leeal owriw'
of war and (he lead-' blc thine for Tn*«tM Qtr. At the Traverae Olty this morning
d by toeal A
B. O. Add, Peolplluto township.
«M cndMata'tor praaldant' of Ue aame tine U U an«e«oted that thk
way north. The O. R. A I- ralffAd
Will Gray. Pe
■Vattod Statn it eapaeiallr w»U4t|a4
tllpped frem ecner aspire eC tA a»*
telegraph ayaietn it to A taken
Mra. R. Golden. Penlosnla township. «lewa Ay.
-ar td the
thms to brtog outaidara Into the eitr. by tee Western Onion company,
Ro^ Gartond. Peninsula townwho sronld oome nnder no other ctr- teanges to the aystom will A cgiq•hlp,
Idetod Are today. TUagraph snp>^
.rtitoHr (alaa U amr partfralar.
ttoad, huadrada of pttea. algna and. adrartlUag matter -Oraoto P. Hoxle; Acme townsHp.^
the OertiSotei of Depnit iawd hj
Bak tSori
AU,Chat. H. Briea. Acme township.
-«B thto eoBnaaaoo Baeratarr Taft raaortera Cram nortbera Mlehlgas
tee line.
“ —- -------- - f„ hi.
JoA Hoxle.
Intel; Safe aDtl Profiuble form of iaTMlmeot.
ooUd A ladn^ to dam bee to eoTA special train left Richmond last
' Ha ta addtde to hto aly ioy tbomeiraa aad tbareby become ae- Sd^day morning. Mr. Human, of the ^oArt Barney. Gsrilerd townsblp
Ben Arnet. Oartleld township.
a of Trey- Grand RfplA dlrialoo. and Mr. HulkH»Mfietkmt«
wlte t&e
Mra. Oeo. ZUnmenntn. Qnrlleld
and fa------------- ---eraa <3ty and rktelty.
here, of tA Chlcngo dtrlslon. are on
r«MB ha <a grmt help to hln jud V(
tee train. TA change wUl A rety
Frank Cbrrts. Long Afce townsUp.
w to tte A]
benaSclal to -the trnTcUng pdbA as
Mrs. Bsam Secor. Long Lake town­
odhB eanpalb to opened. Thatofsn
The intoreat. at the ^te of Three per cant, u pbjtoble erer; eix
os the O. IT A
;«iaa lb the eeontrr to Ugh oDctol aaeong otear tbtogi Wedneaday attar- 1. railroad system could A reachA ship.
or twelre Donth*
E. M. Pkankjin. Bingham township.
rOi batter toformad
deelAad to appoint a committee by wire from their aUUona.
Frank Amptsbucbler.
dinal mCalra than Baeratorr Taft. Bla to «nft arttolaa of
^ sttje place for your
adBOdlant. work to tba
agrleultnrel and todustrlal orgaoUaMra N. W. HerrlDgton. Solon townd to Cnba. baaM« hto
A farewril receptton was tendered
tkm. It to ton years or more alnee
tha oaUnet of
. tisoggf
teara baa bew a talr to tUs reanty Solomon Baaehrrt and family by the
Mrs. S. B. Cate.
atendad bin paedUlr oi
and U it beUerad now, that the tZme Ftnrtaenth street U. E. church MonMw. Autner. Bn
Inmaa wblcb naka tor good pnat- U ripe to Acoorage such an enteremployed as aalasman by
iUia DaUelle. Elmwood township.
ftm ttlBber.
prtoa. The board of 1
TAre are others atilt to hear from.
« 4. oai^l eanoBBa U the atataa A ashed to anniort Ula proiect ana the Hannah A Lay Mereantlle com­
Vhn •boan that aot to Preal' It to dealgned t« gire tea prepod- pany. but Aa now serered hto eon- wUch may A Aded to this list later.
naeuems with that Arm Ad will go oa
If axhlbltors desire to hare their exOldest HBd StrosigefitB—ki» Northed MifbtgMi
Booaaralt. Saeralarr Taft U
OBc etfda. tha ohdea of Ute.ra- ar oooatSaa will A asked to }Mn to the read foe a Ardware Arm In Pe- biats back after the show, tbe Mertoakey. Mra. Butchert and family eaatila eompany will keek them for
tor pMdaat. abft «
tha antorpriM for an azUaalTe enpowill leare In aAot three weeks.
them a reasonable lime. H they sute
Mtton to tela city aant year. '
The recepUoD waa held li tee par- upon aqtaring that they dealrg to take
lUen -not to ba­
TbU to a amttto of gnat Aport- ion of tee chBTch. wMcb were prothem back.
the chaaoaa
Kw to Trarcna Oty and nortbatn
MleUgaa and tea pro^tfOB will A
Hbrana; Oct g.—Secret police dlsleague colon and Aowera.
g.tha tm ballot tor praaldant nt
Aobt sect with toror |hnraghoet
ooTored goo pounA of dyniynlte a
gram intenperaad with aongs
ml ooaaaatlon.'
teto aaetlaa.
TA tome aboat thto
WM rendered, the work of
railroad aUUoa. It was laAled
tothannanUiia. tbad
kicaUty Are rapidly tocrea^ dn^
■■hardware.- being aUpped to tbe In. 9.M
lag tea past ton yean. FVntt produOr Alng emraclallytcHor to paraona eonnectod with tee'
tton ^ rapidly tooraaaad; new farms
the cicae of U
. g.«
Ara bean clearad aad bacome pro- Buachert a
daeUra. With tea dlnppeaitaM Of man's elegant toilet and manicure act
«Piiaamenia*t Deadly Week
•vying PrHm.
Umber, teto part et tba etota to A In lenthar case. Mr. Baachett
had ao aariously affected my right
coming n Terr
been, ao earaeat and faithful worker lung.- •writes- Mrs. Fknnle Connor, of
eantar. MAufaoUfflng totaraau ara

'1, Gaorgatown.

>1- Route
to tea
t 1 coogbA eontlnuonsly night
■too taawaatog and tea
Arlng Aen truatae and aortotor aad
Tba teat tbnt I
Ing of tea araootoUon would A oaa one 6f tee OrtglAl foanden Of tee aad Ay and the a
Its of Praaldant
Maeta tha anteeata
TAra u aotetog that naeftty, and ode of tee prlndAl *•« tfl my husAnd brought home a bMtIe'
te a aUBBch
of this
King's New DtocoTf-ry.. which
tore in building tee Fourteenth atreet
T0t tha RodomB
Rodoml potlctoa. awkn ft region better than a tolr properly
nly real
that ha would carrr
daeted. It to a matter alao to which
br tha prrolai people of tee commanlty ud tee thHr gift- aA nrged tea membera of utterly tail, you may ■
.try tan engage to make a ane- tee aodety. to greater andraeor, real- tottle against lung and
IMlBii 9»ki haOB hoMae ao popatztog himaelf from past endearer. tAt with New Dtsoovery. tbe rual cure.
W tolth flto Ateoiteob paotde.
Ouaraniaad br C. A. Agfaee Drug Co..
labor In a good eauae, cartnlhly S. E Walt 4 8ms. Hannah Dreg
^ After the OBadaeloB of Hr. Taft‘a
.Tvm Antal Now.
brought A reward.
Store, druggists. |0c. and 91-00. Trial
4o«r atohbd tbb woiU. we mar oapaet
It yon>anBt to ride m tA nflroad
botUe free.
Bn aetIMte thte -«« Baop oa boar
can BOW aU roo Ara to pay to two
tll<ha»ftb|»iiUiiHy) alecttaa.
I’lU J. Greene, a
TraubA In China.
cento a mUa. according to the act <<
Bbanghai. OcL 1.—Detolla iwelred
tee late totfalatura. It to atCBlAeant printer to tA emMoy. ol tA Harald
IW pNlteHte tora (in and wtotar that tee Scat man to purehaae a Uckel aA Reootd company purchaacd a here yesterday In regard to tA out­
fhiiiii Ira U tela tUM t«t not of Laastog at tee radtraod rate work aWrt from BArman A Hunter. break at E
rrbd M. Warner. " When A remoTte the price tag A KlahgsL lari week ray teat the balldBht ttdMd. The teitecm an
left for Detroit oa an retly montog -traad written oa tee back. -Mlar inga of tA Cateolle mtoaton and tbe
i oooBtor haaa sad a
China Inland mlsaioo there were de^ aa* thto to onaabOr tiBC of tba train nod wna tba Aral mA U pnc' MaAl BTuoklag. PenargrL Pa.“
tefuara of^ Oiftod Traacraa r< ' cAaa a tiekeC' It Btesi Are been If the writer ot tee addreaa waa a atroyod aa the reaatta of rioia organWE WILL PAY 40 aORta par Artwtft a dAras «f oonMdarabie eatto- young lAy of a rrara^ tore A toed agatoat tee^ Chriattaa . worahtpdred far rips cider appA at aa
M» Oftr.: 9mt MB! hare baaa an- tacUon teat the goTernoc waa the ffret naiad and teought tAt «A would. «*• pen.
A Freate Prieut waa kiUed. At tee mill. John C. Morgan A Ban.
cow her •tofflnlty- terough tea
Mten aad tn prtoteharabaaB Ugh. to profit by an act fA the paatoga
. aapL ZT-tL
to ba a white A fought ao raltonUy throogh Amble meteom of a -wmk ahlrttea attew aaarioB ut tout wtetoria ■A II greatly ralsMAa aa the man Amertrana. Meuan. Home aad Martenpte yldd to ttto asetfoa of
ud triumpAd asar aU ap. wA bought tee telrt ta a married •hall and thalr (amUlaa are m^e. TA
•MtoaBdtea«aamrtorarT,toa _
TA Price of Heatth.
man and waa reewnUy tbe toteer ot a Oklnraa offlclala As« sent detachthe redfoed rat#.
tea pouto crop tea tellad 'to othec
tsylBg a tttert to iwelre-poohd boy re It to up to Mabel arenta d aMdiilKa to Raateowfu to re»afta«rte»e(MMy. tba Beanf-tH^
.. _ ,__ _____ n*i; the coal of
stnra order and Are taken atepa to . ^ yf Dr. KInrs New Life PUla.
coat rm gg.n. to try again,
Oiute RkpMt It wonU c
to Chicago gg.48..
pmtoet tee mtraMtarita. '
writes Ella Slaytoo. of Noland. Ark.
ba varr hnar. (Nte tbd pf^iteM of
Thp anteortttaa asaounra that lA
•US. now KU:
Dslrdl 9UB
ebotera eptderale ^ilte brake out
trorafMnakagoo 94.11. now 93.73: Toledo
AM wfU ba a hnrr
ST *ftrtlafaetlM guaranteed at C, A.
iUE new thM. aA ao cn. to tea ad the Rot. W. U. Irwto aA Ua fam­ hrt* toward tA aA nf Angnat Aa
Co-. 8. r “ • - “
-------- - I, JU otear potato.
ily at tea Abury M. E tenrte Wedbeen atamped oaL


Tb« faetorM ta the «tt7 ■»
wr b««7 uA bar* bMe tk« «tU«
p»« hj u» VvioM ladottriM !• thl«
fiUl BKfc fTwtB- thu «<«r iNCora.
tad tb« Bttaber of Tuut ko«M is •


■iptimirr atfth ftaeaed.
Mpc*. MA Mr. and Mrs. A
Bhaln. lU Bartow atreat; bora. •
*7: died. Bate. l».
aad. Mm.
HotbUo Mabna. m Madtoco atreet;
bora. 8<9t. $: Alad. 8^ IP.
Miriam Helea, daaghter, Mr. ae<
Mm. Cbarlea 8L Aabto.' Nortbera
Mltelgan asylmn; bora. Bapt 7;. Aled.
BrpL n.
Boa. Mf. aad Mrs. Fndertek Rightnrire. »l Park aUoat: bora. Aagntt
»: Alfd, Bopt g.
Raymead P..: am. Mb. aad Hra.
Prank TarBayder. tOC S. Spruce
Aieat: btea. Angnat JS; Alcd. SepL-S.
ZUto inae. danteter. Mr. and
John Boyd. dor. Uacoto and Pbra
•treat r bora, daiy PO; AM. BepL A.
• Gladys M.. daaghtar. Mr. and.Hra.
i. J. Jaada. 4(0 N. Bproce atreai;
bOra.MagBBt gg; Sled. Sept/JI.
tedward Btaganr. aon. Mr. aad Mra.
Bdward JAmaa byacb; ^t1 Lake
ane: bom. Bapt t; Alad. Sapi. g.
Norman Mark, bob. Hr. aad Mrs.
Mark M. Wilkin. 130 State atreet;
Bon, Aognst U; Aled. SapL I.
Daaghtar. Mr. ano' Mra. Ljm
Rhoads. Tte Lake araaoa: bon.
Aagari gg; Sled. SepL g.
Bamnel. aoa. Mr. and lira. Aaraa
Baaamaa. 34S Stola-street; bora. SapL
4; Sled. depL A. .
Oebige. aoa. Mr.*and Mrs. Clai
MartlB. cor. Etghtb and Bi
ativeta: born. Augast 30; Alad, SapL



Certificates of Deposits


be eottverted Urto cakOH dcmuid.





Fall Wall Papers
A plenlcou swpplyol allgra


the cbeapesi 10 me bcslGood papers from



per SeaHe mn up.
. Lei ol czeelleni rcnuunl patteru.

City Book Store

MBnttetote. ntena - *■ --**■




The nena^Ca Prop.





tern UA UatUts: Mte B. Ostl»•«, cUufo; MlM A. Dm. OMratt:
M4m sm raltM. aiud
Mpktov.Dv. Onnd IUpM«; 8.
U«to Md
Dmad BapMi; C. A.
CTM>r. Orud Bftpid*; A. D. OuUt.
Dttfott; Mra. J. O. Duma, of Sottijo
Bar. DetrolL
M. A N. C.
Tberd ware ahoat •eawtr-ire paaa.igm oatonlbalf. AiLKUta
Btoralof bound lor vartooi Mleblgaa
and Obk) polnto.^ Th# unretonlM
to Um Abb Arbor

AtOO or Mictj Oaya.

.The Kaotawlene.
Fiom TiMBAar*a BaeorA.
Towlfh^ apA tofconow reornlnc.
th« wlU be all klaAi of reonloBa
down In. the oontbera part
It*, etate, Ohio and loAUnC. The btg (all
T 'exewMana got nadar war tbie morelac and all three rellwmra had Urce
> crowd!. Aboot M people left the
cllr tbU BOTOlnc to remain from
to thirtr dare vtaiUnc the -old folk!”
and tha ‘r*>pag Iolk»" in varloaa porUan of tbe creat aAddle wcat Borne
of them an "cotak Mm”
to over tne eeeaee of their childhood
whUe other wlU vMt tboee who have
let^ tbia portion of MleUsaa to aettle

a. Urtaa *t CaRBor mw9
r.2», ItfO bM(a.
Karob I. arrlra u Magdalm Bar:
laara A«Hl i. afUr
Afa« Ml arrtr* at
Toud B^nbar et Aara
la mUlac, alxtHbrw; total nombar of dara
la port I6r coal, aapplieo. etc, JUlrtwo; tota^ aimtwr of dapa eooanaMd


Tbla eoaTetar k of doable latereat.
firat hmoer Mr. Btaania- m la wtth
the fleet and aecoad becaoee U la, tbe
flrot tlBe la tbe blrtorr of tbe AreeHcan aaer that tM« BaneaTer baa em
beea carried oat.

BdUeu Bar. Midi.. Oct. 1.Oak Park CMnWi.
UU waa flnad flOO or •
oak Park Oangregatkmal
eiatr Aar> >n Detroit in Juattee Onaa’a
waa ottclally recogidaed Thars
roeterdar. He . didn't have the Ao7 nlfht at Fifth ward hall, coroer
hnadred aad took ite dara.
Waebiuton aaC Roee atreets.
aaaaaltad Jaiaee Deal
In the eaae of Bner R. Beech va. tram tosrna adjacent to Traveree City
appeaL <
HeniT M. Poaa.
present to aaalst the Rev. A. A.
m la'a V
]orr thu arternoao broufht
AUlagten the.orgaaUatkm of the
diet of BO caoae lor acUon. the eaae perfectlag tbe crganldatleo of the Beebdne opened la Oreott coort thla
church wlOin
iBorelacTnvcfM City's Umlts.
The work of eecarlnc a iarr to the
the vUlttog elei
of HeniT Camminci va. tbe thawt were; the Bov. 3. 3. Staley of
BooU Vetertoarr Ramedr Oo,
Manistee, the. Rev. Mr. BentoU
oil appeal, waa tamedlatelr b.
Honor, the fi»r. Mr. MUU of :
The attornere yeaterdnr
eonU. .tbe Rev. Mr. Taa^ of Wat
take, the Rev. LeBoy Warren of Old
ahoaM make Taare Koatoa flMac it
at 110 a month for the •vpfptt of the; The eemee waa opened by singing,
child unUl It U 14 rrere old. the ebUd prayer and ecrlptorel reading, afiei
not ret beinc a rear old.
which a tdeatong nolo waa roadeted


IUh: Atl
^ sals out wtth toBYMMfl of hene»-j
(tog the tetmur. tt wIB uUliailily
the next beat record, wore rm ~
U4 It oolr tooK tklrtaoB Aara fbr that BcDoit aU. There to no good Mason
why It abould not succeed and why tt
aomat to MIL to ito. there
uMU aU the
» rain atoni on the »rd aoA Mtb.
which helflfld alone the total hr S-M, try. aad the world (or that matter, if
todaded to lu
l.« Mdws (et -but tbe teinl (or tbej The Herald has always been gUd to
month waa oaly Ml toebro aa It only give aid to the orgaMiitlou. Nottecs
reined flve days. • The (eUowtog to the of oMettaga accoanto of mesOi
complete record lor twenty-six yean gatherings, etc. tbe dotogs of
and Is weu worth pressrvtog tor com- membm aad tbe pUnt of tbe eoclety
have bees given epaee ^adly
Rais faa No. of Days wtaiqgly to tbe past aad WlU he to tbe
tuture. If the 1
the tocaU wUl keep as to touch with
what's gdng on. We renitoc what Its
esit U. iMnt lU alms are aad what
U atjlvtog to
Better pices for products, better
•dvaalaget for the yoong (ofts on tbe
tone nrv needs of the farmer and that
U what'tbe society to *
•opply. And to that m
Record gives lu hearty aupport
We wgalo bid the Ameitcan Soetety
of Equity welcome to tbe city and
hope that the members will see lit to
again bonq^ Traveree City with tbelr
We wou^ like to
>r this city
lhave It a
at It would be e great adTantage to
:ibe tormcra of the Grand Trees
reglan. but that would be loo eeUUb a
wish. hen*e we wiU not expreaa it.
but only hint.

■OROLOftiCftL IttPOl

Yes. 100^ timet esefa dty.
I>oes it geed o«t food blood
or bfld blood? Youkaov.fof
food blood hetltb;
bid blood, l^.hcBlth. Attd



take for bad blood-^Ayer’s
StrsaparllU. Doctors hsve
endorsed it for 60 Tests.




Does Your
Heart Beat

ywm*MW«f|res nc.


lit r ^

> nsanHS.




Mre. Joeepb Fkiror.
aged SI, was burned to death late
Tnesday. She LlndK-d a Sre with

> TATB or MICHIGAN tbr Fro^ bate Court tor tbe County cf.
Grand Tratrrae.
a mwshai of mid courC held at
pvobau- office, to the Oty of Trav. .> City, to said county, on the Uth
day of September. A. D 1667.
....... Host. Prod B. Walker,
Judge of Frobate.
Id tbe matter of the esute of laes '
G. Uarratt. Mtoor.
Alda NVsil kavlng AM to raid
uurt her peUllOD praytog that she be
auibortnW. empowered abd llceaaed to
M-ll at private sale tbe loteroM of eeld
rotate to certain real estate iberoia

From Wednesday's Bseorff.
Mlae Maode McMicbeel. wbo
Chancery Bale.
by Mr. Coates.
All tba crowde were Jollr and food
the vlrinlty of Cedar, left
The Rev. 3. J. Staley, of ManUtee.
torod and tbe rellraad
Clew York. Owl L—TTie armmwd
for her school diiUes SatofCay.
otder sad .decree of the circuit touri
then deUvared a abort and IntorrotI provided
re Washington and Tam
ofYSrand Ttaven
From Tneeday's Record.
ehanewT.andlntbeaute »l Mlcblgaa.
In everr roap«ot « that the excar tae “pataflndeia- of the AtUntie fleet, iBg sermon. Idioostog as hit text (be
of Foresters and day (or Grand Ra^ds where •
The O
10 the ;ut aad
made and dated the lOUt day of May.
alone wUl be robbed of tbe dkeeoaofort are expected to etan on fbolr kmg
2M verses of ehaptar 30 of John. -As
A. D. I»o:. lu a ceriaia cause tbeivin
naocltr moelated with tbeoL
The voyage to tbe Padfle thU week.
dance cf the aeries, to be held thU
Mre. A. C. Wynkoop retnreed to
tog Mid peGtl
egolpmefit wm atao exselleat and the
Tbe waahlngton. which to now at Father sent me. ao I amd yon. and winter, on Wednesday evening at the Cedar Ron tots momtog after a abort pradlnr.
that pablie
It to furthr
# ridea will be at oomfortobla aa poaM- the Mvy yard, went today direct to breathed (be Holy Gboat upon then. Hoiat academy. Foresters are arged
Iltom B. RIebanU Botlee thereof be given by »w-----stay to the llty.
Ma. Ue westber betof Idaal lor a Hampton Roads, whore the waa folned
copy of this order, tor raroe
to Invite tbelr friends.
HIM Pepper aad MUr Young spent U defeadant.
nealve'weeica prorloup'io said dnyM
raUread^nierby the T<
Louis MCare was struck by J. W. the day la Lake Ann.
Notice to beeeby glvea that
hearing, to the Cnnd Traverse HMUfl
. Bert Marquatte.
wh«« Bear Admiral Uriel Sebree very abla and InteraeUng q^nar and MlUlken's antoiobUe nt Front and
Mm. Alfred Newman went to Man shall sell at public aaettoai to
closed hU very fltUng addrees by ap
(lilgbest bid^. at (be front door of
Tbe Hre Marqoetu led tbe Hat hoisted Ui flog on the Utter veenel.
Oak atreets this moralag and
Istee this morning to vlaR ber eon.
the court bouse In the rtty cf Trav- said county.
After eoallng la Hampton ,Roadt pewllng to bit Batenen abd to th<
with abont MO people from bere.
only sUghUj
knocked down but was onlV
Mim ^. Stevens wnit to Alma Utla
In tbe county of Grand TravCity
Threa tralaa pnaacd tbroagh tbe dtr. Admiral Bebroe's ablpa will sail for
injured. He attempted to run in front morning to attend college.
•Ute of Michigan, said l8-4t
port in tbe Weat tadlea, prob­ Ing to Traveree City lU eeeoad Cow of tbe machine wWch waa drlvan br
one arriving at S.M a. m. from ElUbeing the place ambm the
court ho
Mre.-E- Stewart.
a ehnrch. nad niwtber greet
worth: tbe tratoa from tble eltr l«av- ably Trinidad or Bt. Thomas.
Mre. Ellen Adalt. returned to Pontiac
moral Ufluence to Imitate ChrUt'a D. C. Manna.
tag right on time at 6:30 and tha ana to Bahia. Bradl. thea Rio Jandfo tad
Fred Qokey waa arrested last night thU momtog.
16th day of October. A. D. 1607. at Q TATB OF MICHIGAN. In the Or
life ai cloeely aa possible In their
from Petoekrr arrlriog at 16 a. m.
tr aieaalUng O. J. Fteicher
MlH Hattie Curtis went to Manis­ ten o
o'clock to the (oronooD of said ^ cuK Coort'for Grand Treveroe
work to connection with this
la aU there wwe twenty conehea. lan. from Bandy Potift tha squadron
' a* said premil
County. In Obaaoery.
tloB and tbelr dally pramtoed to appear Ibto morning but tee thla momtog to attend achooL
nt shown
•even each to Uia two tratoa from the wUl probably go to Valpqniao, then
etfdently forgot It as be
Ethel M. Carleos. of Tuntb
Ln^ coon*.o—Mewdant. Aug.^32. 1W7.
north aad A* from here. Abovt llftr ChlUo, perhape one son . port to
porta or aeporatclr, tfte whole will be
The Rev. Demast Oofhlln next adleft bare «n the early treln, but the Booth Aarerica. and thea to Baa RradThe side rod oa the engine of the ber ankle. Tbe aeddent occurred sold In lU enUroiy. to raise the dartl*ra*aie°to^t^*^raM* thTl the
dreaaed the mombere
bic crowd w«it out OB the apedal deco.
1:18 Pere MarqoeUe passenger tralo while she was dewrending th* aUIre.
amount due to complainant (or prlaThe cruisers wftl go ever the identlbroke onc-balf mile sooth of ^rdfrom herw
There were forty-one theatrical peo­ clpel aad interest and cosU In said dOM not reside to UU sUte. bat Is a
cauaa and tbe expense of this sale. mident of Ue State oi. Wleoonsto.
csl toule to be token by tbe hauieAmoag thoee who weat were:
nan this afterawo and waa towed In ple to the Pfty yesterday, twentyTbe premlee* to be aold are drocribed On mouon of U H. Gaga, solkltor'
U Tat*. Ohtoeao; MUa Bertha shlpe under Admlrel Bvani which will
by a swltcfti engine, reaehtog Uie city with "Under Southern 8kle*;“ twelve
Mlows towlt;
tor the eoupUlaant..ti la erterod Uat
of- CongrogsUonalUm tbe hand
BcaphM. C»lfln«o;.:Jdr. nad Mn. K. sail to about ten weeks aad the most
a Utile over aa boor late.
with the VleUle Kennedy Stock com
Lou aliteen (18). eeventeen (17). Mid detendsat raaae her
* elUer to
Wnlte, Detitdt aad Bocloawj Mr. and eompIMe log ever kept on board
Taxes are coming to Urely at tbe pauy. the agent for “Bast Lynn" aad and et^teen (18). to blodt two (3) to be eslered la UU
person or by oolklur wUhto (car
Mto. W. H. lAPoreet. Orend Raplde; ship win form a (aatare of tbe craU- was BotomUed and was eondneted by eoanty tressarer'e office today,
tbe agent for tbe “Olsiriet Lrader."
of Oak Park addlUon to tbe vUlage montbs from Ue dale of UU order
aad Mre. A. Ctortc. .Cktoago* Mr. en' voyaga At every port « cal! AdRegular meeting of BDcs tomorrow (BOW dly) of Traveree Clly,
............................... ths-blU cf
the Rev. Leroy Warren, of Old Mis- day extra being granted so tbe force
aad Mr*. B. M. ItoraMda. CUcago; Blral Bebree will amll two ooples. One Sion, wbo bad performed tbe tame could catch up wUb,tbe reoelpts.
Bight. Two candidates for Islttotton according to (be recorded plat (hire- cnmrlulni
Mre. J. C. Oauntlett and eon Zsck. BlghL Two candidates (or toltleUon.
MB *Bd Mre. B.;»«fltla. Obitmo: Hr. will go to tbe bureau of narigmUon to function St the orgmnUaOon of the
as coDf<-t«ed agatoat ber.
add Mre. CharM Tenpkton. Grand WmshlQgton and tbe other to Admlrel
George W. Curtis.
Ftwt Congrogatlooal ^urch of thU of Belk Kapida. passed tbroagh bere Sapper after
Clrcun poart Oumulsnioaer.
Rapid!: Mra. Jamat Ptonart and oon evens to guide him when be aaUs fast
on Their way to Detroit.
-To Mr. and Mre. M«o Car
Grand Traverse Co, Mieb.
before CorUtmss. Both of tbe eld
iaeV (toand Raplda; Mra. 2i- Rpenter.
of tbe two erutoera have spoke briefly upoo tho mDanlng and tbe guest Of L. L Werts, of West
. daa. Uaobic: Mra. A. Poboral. DeBicycle
algnlftoance of this vary.Joyous oeUMlf Mlaa Male Hay. Port Huron; been relieved and tbe vesMls srlll go caslOD and was assisted by the Rev, rroot street
amlng and more Umpe are
Hies Seva M. Wright left today for
'dTI. U A^too, Undng: T. O. Ma^ pot with yoonger eaptolna
Vaugbu. of Bast Lake, ttd
’ vCaandn^. 6.: Mr. aad Mre. H. A. bridge.
Local bunten are getting their
os A. Hoyt, of Sottooa Bayr'and Buffalo where she wUl visit tbe FaS
The new comataader of the ThadohbetL Dotralt: Mra. G. U Davta.
and dogq^ ready for tbe 18th.
Judge Unklrltcr. of Frankfort.
DatioU; MMi Ooeltar. Detroit; Mlaa neaseai Is Captain Thomas B. How­
Mrs. Cher^^ WMla went to Detroit
A Pere Marquette train tdt a hand
Tbe Rev. Mr. Vaughn dellvi
a today, i
Blown, Poet Ho«b: Mra.
car nt Dlx yesterday but beyond
very forcible end
by her ecw. William, who will enter slight damage to the front of Ue en/ Chartaa. Tolado; Mra A. M. Bartlett. head of athleUea at AnnapolU
upon the churuh and Ito work In the
imaad waa tbe OlrmpU.
Datrolt; Mr. and Mra. C. H. Johaaoo.
the MUes coUege to
giae ooUlog happened.
H. E Cowels U being visited by bto
Drtroft: Mra T. Botdeau. Qmiid «ap- Dewey'e old flagehlp which U sow tbe
----- y
From now On Ue local poatoftl^
Tbe Rev. Mr. AlHngtoo mode a few
tda; Mra. Aaale Oarpenter. Flint; O. flagship of tbe midshipmen's training dreeeed the members of tbe cbnroh mother. Mre. M. Ooweto, M. C. Pleffer trill be open from,*4:00 to 6:00 p. ~
D at AnnapolU.
and wife, of Fltsgerald. Os. sod Mre. ,00 Sunday afternoon.
B, Bogera.NOetfolt; Mra 8. R. Burke.
upon the intent -eff a cbarchk eeUbCVflMo; Mra. Van Heatroo. ftoleago:
Thto month to Ue Uat to whlU^
Ushment; that Its orgsnisalioa. Us Taylor and her eon and dsogbter from
Oelepataa to eontorenot.
Jamestown ExpeslUon aUmpa can-be
creed. Us doctrines were only modi Nebraska.
New York. Oct. 1.—There are
Mra George Pepple to vliUtog here, secured.
urns by which Ohristtonltysuerted
in tbiw city lonM IW cotton i
tor a day and will Irave to the mom
A boi box oa tbe engine delayed
«ai^i Uf
laetarera nod epinnem ftpm all the |{^t and that only s great love In
lag for Cadillac.
Ue 6:36 M. ft K. E train about sc
Urge clues In Bnrope. who hsve been Ike heaite of men and women coold
^ ChleaBD and 8t U«U; 8. A. Ooa
Hr. and Mra. Bam Farrow went to hour Uli momtog, It was necessarjanieoted by their various commercUl work out the work that Christ had In­
red and wito. BL Uols; Mn. "
change Ue bretsee on the (orwerd
. aa,delegates to tbe cotton tended. Hla dUeoarsc was Interest­
Pref. P. R Ctoee. dancing teacher, (nidks.
PatenyL ableaco; Mra A. T. Petertyl,
ing and was saJoyM by all ,
which WlU hcglB fts
—il-rri Mat. Bsm. oread Baptda;
There will be a roertlng of tbe W.
The Rev. Mr. Allcngton made a few has returned to Uke up hit work for
slooa to AUanta. Oa, on Otober «lb.
Mn. WiBtoto B. DaWm. LaBarte.
aaoUer year.
C. I. A, tomorrow afternoon at the L.
The delegates sre all memb^ of remarks thaaklng tbe vUUng minJoseph Weldon, of Klnnley. re- U A. rooms St 3f30. Every member
lad.; Mra PpHaybiawiB, , ChleaB);
the toteroaUonal FederetloB of Mew Isten and those who Im attmded
Mr. and Mra. Heaty Moaa, Obleago:
irged to be prraent.
In tbe parte they JotoUy tamed this momtog aftor spending a
Cotton Bpinaen' and ManntnetarMre. JoMph Bleder and danghter.
which Charles performed and the uerilee wni closed day Id Traverse (Hty.
OMla. Chlcato;
^ Rovar. «dUdla Swanson and sister. Anns, of
atttofi by a Bpidsr.
Wright Maeare. of Maneftesler. Eng­ by tbe singing of thp hymn “Onward
Omens, passed Utou^ here on Uelr
- owo; Lioald LaCara. Ohleaco: Mre.
ChrtoUan Soidibre’
land U praaMtnL
spider 'bite. John Washim^ cf
Charles a. Help. 0htoa«oi Mre.
Tbe membere, after a. little social wsy to YpslUntL to 'attend sehooL
The object of the vUlt
'ex., would have lost Ur
Inga Jsnaon. of Omeas. lasves for
■o„Uik. Chlcnca; Mra CUlre Back
Bcsfton. left tor their homes. feeUag
Buropean manufartnrere to
leg. Vhleh became a mas* of mnnlnc
Detroit to apdnd Ue otater.
Mr. Datroll.
sores, bad be not been pemasded to
to to eiudy eondlUons of their trade. that one more powerful tosUtoUon
Mra. Anns Keeveb retnreed to
Amlc* 8a1
----------------------coasamp waa battling for good.
.... --------anoKtoo aU tba way threogh.
The Rev. Mr. AUengton. tbe pastor LnUer aftor visiting friends here.
tton. atoeka In hand to promote (rede
Mrs. C. R Doty, of Boardsioa. has llevcd. and four boxes healed
a N- ft 1sore*.'- Heals every sore. 25c at C
ratoUODs. They wlU vtalt tbe cotton of the new church, to ta be congrataThe i iimslnn ow tha O. R. ft 1. R- growing country. Inapect mnu. dlacnro lated' upon bto success to getting this' been vtalttog her soo, H. A. Dotr, sad A. Bugbee l>nig Co.. 8. B. Walt A
Boss. Hannah Drug Store. druggtoU
R.' left this JBOrntog tan mtnntea Uta.
promote hnrmnalnns eborcb stoned and u is hoped his retoreed today.
Mre. O. Chnreh. of Msnertons. re­
Tktn ware abont IM Ucketo aoU to
and they bold that will will oooUnue to the city tor iffany
Base BalL
turned to he/ home this mormtog.
all aad the followtot an aome of tba ^ tatereeto of theftrowon (d cotton yesre. '
The Acme baseball team crotard
Trtpp. of the Echo
UNBW Of UMaa toavlagf'
and tbe opinnera <d cotton an M«UtKingaley, passed Ureugh Traverse bau with Ue Old Jftosloo team at
a. D Bowa. ChkACO; Ada
Bowers Harbor Sunday and the fosalt
MUtoi. Wlnala Oatimader. Oread. Bar
Many people are of Ue opinion Uat etty this morning
to America the driegates win trevti
a bard (ought game. nelUer tram
MR ChlckfO and DqtroR; Mra Chan. elevno thaannd miles. vtoUliig many Ue September whicb ended at mldhaving secured a run up ontll tbe flftb
Walceiwe to th* A. B. of E
B^ftolds. MUwankee. WU.; Mra D
_ clttoa. Tomorrow (bey wlU at­ nlgbt last night wsa Ue weftem Uo
Traveree Oly to especially gUd to Inning. In tbe fifth. Acme got to two
rqiw, DetroR; Mra O. 3- OIBoed. De- tend a banquet In their honor at the region has ever known. t*to U not
repeated Ue trick In.Uc
welcome Ue Amerlraq Bodety o( |nea and
tiqft: Mre. E. U Bobaar. O*^ WaMorf-Aatorla. tended by the New Ue fact, bat 11 reined Ue iflaat
Ue game ending 4 to 0 in (aror
Mra 3. B. Oameron. Chicago; .K» \ York Cotton Bxehaagc.
ber of days to tbe past twenty-sfx Equity Ue -state meeting of whkh to luu.
BoU teams ptoj-ed exceUeoi
irov In emeloo hero. TUs society 1s
H. Lampoon. Chlca*o; R. *•
aoy more from
ftod achiog feet. He has
leave for AtUnta. Oa, on tbe evening years although Ue rainfall
were no error*.
dolngps great woU. Its
Pony. MUb.; MUa With Tlm^ ^ October 3rd.
ho brary.
The O. W. D. team waa defeat^ b»
only to pur bb Foot into a pair of Kalstoiu and foot
CWc««o; Mre. Alva Alvord. Datrdt;
Ooverament Observer 6. E Walt (oanded on good eeue and good
sound judgment, lu obJecU are prac­ Bingham Sunday. 18 to 0. Ue locato
Mia. J. ft cuff. Chleaco: Mi^ M- O.
has compiled the flgures from 1882
ease Is hU. at once.
George A. Btearee. cf 1W6 Webtoer dsto (or Ue Herald and they show tical aad the eoclety I* not laboring erldently being witmg In aome man*
Otaamlogs. Flint and Petrdl; Mre.
the good of owe. bat (or Ue «ood aer ns Uey were easy money for Ue
Uvtovton. KtogsvUle. Ont^- Mrs. L. Blreet, Is to reertpt of a very neat Uat wMle It rained sr---------- ■*—
from bto son WarlU. Ue ralnlkll
lofVll was only 4.26 of all Ue farmer* of Ue eouatry.fwm vlallore. George Hocksud. of BlogWe ask Men, who are suffering with foot iroatle
Dmtoa. Klagsvllle. OnC; Mrs. C. B.
bam. knocked a nail oat lato a woodCaids. Grand Rapids; MUa Uara ten U who Is orderly (Dr Admlrel toebra. In 160«. It rained only e«il those who raise garden Imck
of any
to come bere for relief.
•fins. ‘Plghltog Bob," on bosrd tbe daya to Beptember and Ue total rato- small crop* (n the ewt to Uose who pile tor a home run and Ue sphere
Orerla. Chicago; Mra J.X Peaoa.
_ Chsrtea
O. Oimwald ana m. Detroit; LottU shows a picture of tbe ship and gives rained seven day* (n Beptember and sad do Uelr plowing aad cultivating Bftemtr Misaewrt Teek on 1300
try of tbe Pacifle (he total amount that fell wm 1.67
niaick. ChMra; Mra r. Potidfka, De»ina Business Again,
^Tbe farmer to an eaaenftaL
treft; Mra B. r. Brown. Grand Bap- coast trip which will be begun by the inches.
my frieod* thought 1 waa
IftBt mooU WM Ue wettest Septem­ world coold do wlthooi dry good* about to take leave of thto vorid. on
ke madron December it.
tdto Mra M. Bieoe. Katomaaoo; Mra
tbe Itinerary;
ber ftnee IMS when C.D7 Inches tell merchants, hardsrar* merchaata. law- _______
john HoDdrleksoii. Detroit; Mra
It__of Indigestion. aervoosnsM
aad gmeral debUlty." write* A. A.
December I ta toorteen days. Before last monU.
llqiMilr daekm; Mra. toftn Jaekeoa.
TreadwslI. N. Y-. *tond
but Ue fkrt
December S3, arrive at Trtnidad: lewteen days «ss Ue recod toi
- - It; Mre. ft.------------ --------o-bcu It looked m If Uere «m bo
Befltomber. Ue last time It rained Uat be present berauee from Ue eofl we bbpe left. I was pereuadec to try ElecOrat Mra. P. Thaekar. Detroiti^Mra ilenve December ii. 1.780 knots.
derive Uat whlck given os We. give* ftc Bitter*, and 1 rejoice to My that
January 10.
IflOt. arrive
aamber of daya being n 1603
Dm Cram. CMaago; Mra Lottie
are curing
me iI am now doing
nee cloibea and gl»«a «•
[Annertro: leave January M. tbOO 332 toeJtro Wl- ^
Cbtoago; Mr. end Mre.
again a* of old. aad am atlll
, The wetteet Beptember Is those
Mreltoter, Gblcagoi l|re. J. w. Jack_ Blag dally." Be« tonic medleio*
What affect* U# weUam of
January 38. arrtee at Pinto Arenas twenty-eU years wm la 1888
•nun. Detroit and tbe Falls; Neva
on earih. Onaraniccd by C. A. Bugt—
recorded in ue farmer affects Ue weUare of the na- bee Drag Co. B. E Walt ft pm Uatt
7.81 inrhrfc
Wfl^ Detroit; Mre. 3. Vaadervort (Bandy Point): leave Jaaoary ->. 781
Mb sn« Blare. dregglsti.'Me.
,|«»w MW tMi .-u aa.
«bMn wro u
.and worn sABotog: Mra B. C Hogaa. UM kaoto.








toe west, where be wawl to toe :
evt of Us hotnewtsad.
Mr. and Mr*. T. K Wbtta
s Mestday.
TrsTetse City
Hr*. Mania Bagle Is
lae^o the day*.
atowlyir trap b
Mr. Bareoof of teat Kaswin Slied
I wosld like to correct a aitotoke
trap wae completely coneeaM
yosr reporter made last week. He the pnlpit st the Oeratan touch at
had it not been that hie brother
this place Bandar aftetwooa.
>d 40 chord
with him. he mlitot hare arfered a
Oct 1.
e only ten
long time withont anyone being the
wiser. A* it wn* It took them fortyGREEN LAKE.
School began Monday to to* new
cdkool bonae. Hr*. Jobnm of Inter
toebea. temper.

George Taylor retoreed to her
Mr. and Mm. Adatu return, to tkdr
P. F. Clereland and wife of CadOtac hone at Hartford. Tnmday.
home from Buckley where rte-ted
been apeodlng a few day* with ber ritited wlih friend* here a few dajo
Mr and Mm. Haffman and dangbtost week.
ter Hattie.-of Inland, nad Mr. -and
Qninn spent Tnesday nigbt at Mm. Durt Hunt called on Bnrt Bar
T Qa
MTwd Mr*. Jim Hodgee- of Fife
Lake. Mr. and Mr*. Sam Hodgm of Mr. Crawford's on its way
Wexford charge from Frankfort
> Moaday
Hodge end Mr. and Mm. Bid 0
I returned I
M. Thompson taat t cow Sunday.
of thlB place were aU rtoltor* at
Zeno Yost tost t a hor*e Tuesday.
Wall's Sonday.
>key. of '
Mm. Wooster died at the bpme of down to hto turn Tbnwday.
nanlrl Taylor and wife called
aoo BerTat B^ey"Monday. Sept «.
lote Taylor and family y
Newton Jtonton of Beasonla cnRed
Mary Wells went to Manistee PViMm. Qrackangwit and
Rhode* Sunday.
day evening to Ttolt ber parents, reer. Pearl, were vlrdior*
taming Sunday
’ Myron Taylor Wetoewlay. .
. teacher at Ynma. mad
abet .Brady.----------—------pay Mathews and Jim Pender call­
ed M Minnie Bnuis and brolbem Son- jMSle Orahsm. teacher at Hulan.
Tislied friend* Bt Bnckley Saturday
Mlaa* Etta Barmtt spent Bnnday and Sanday.
Elbei Lewi* came frtwn Tmveme
toe Mil
CHy Sanday raomtng. spending the
Why win people eonUnne to auffer
a Ttolt In the state of New Tofk with day with her parent*, and returned to
the agonies of kidney complaint, backa al*ter and oGier reUtlre*.
•Weifrrd ache, urinary disordem. tomenes*.
Ladles' Aid mel with Mm> R Wall
pMsed besdaches. tonenor. why allow themWadneMlay. Will meet with Mm. On* township's oldest
to bcctune chronic lovaKd*.
BarraU to two weeks; everyone es^hTOp^a^'nlf^refl the old bo^ when a certain curr to oBered them.
pMiany reouested to be present,
Demu's Kidney Pill* to the remedy
^dra. Mills, who has been tlflting
because U give* to the kidney*
ber daughter. Mr*. Wsll. reWmed to
to Florida to live
11 with their
tbe help they need to perform their

to Hodge Sunday.
iy son. One ion Marvin and dar­
Sept sa
ter. Mm. Vera Ahiswortb. and Mr*.
Eva Crippen. having died sev^
year* ago. He leave* an aged wife ourself DOW. before diabetes, drepay
The Her. W. H. Herbert Is oar min­ and ton. Willism Northrop, to tnoum r Bright'* rtl»e*»e »eu In. Bred this
ister for another yesr; he bs* a warm their loss
raveme City tesUmony
welcome from the people of Matto^
. wife vtflted
J. "Umlor, veteran. RJO Union
C. Box and family vidted Amo* to
[m. Bertha Cox. at street, Tmverse City. Mich, say*:
and famUy Sanday; Mm. to and chll Summit City, a few
* days last week.
“I had kidney trouble for year* and
dren atltedlng church here to the af80L0N CENTER.
Warren Taylor 1a on the atok list
Iney ^
Mm. O. R. Claypool called on Mr. I heard of Doati’^i Kidi
Mywm Taylor and wife and mother
bad seen them recoi
and Mm. FVrguson Sunday evening. papers and decided

Quite a froat Wedneeday nteit did
owe daornge to tote corn and pota-

m> DMrtf Kniti who hu beM
iruito* wlUi tel pw««i r«(ame4 to
n^rM <a<T WftewdaTMb r. KrmUt ud PruB Uncil arv
applfv tere for Mr. Binmaa
M9. Jobs Kmbiiw- apnit a f«r
kja «I U»t
to TtoTe
Irene City.
■Uto« rr1«oda BBd
LBwrrBM' ShaWf

•MW «M iitte to OM. - Ml ..
«M mmt rMCh th* HvaM
lator thMi ToMdax M«b •€••«*«
•wif* »B. th*y way I

■rhoo) «i Glen Arbor.


re eiecled; Mr*. A. Miner.
Mr*. Perkin*, rice pmJd- L >*re.



7*^ It rtolttog
LelaDd I*

b«> I WbUbS . w~b wlU. h.r
. and Mr*. Prank Roe*.





Sept. 90.

Itb. wercttnplre caU. ,T. Mr*.* Tbuiaday.
Mr*. A. A. Power* of Korthport and
Ml*« EmereUa Alyewortb of Empire,
called nt the home of M. A. Vctce one
day tbl* week.
Dnrlng the Here* *oathwe*t gale
Toeeday a D'tmber of Urge iteuners
were in the Sleeping Bear hay. among
Ibera being tbe lumber barge. Bockley
and tbe toree coal barge*. Uganda.
Wallala and Wirwell.
Trarellng saleaman Amatrong.'for
tbe R. A. Johneon Candy On., and
txwmU for the Kalamazoo Comet Co.,
were to town one day Ihi* week.
Mlu BeMie Parrani apent Sanday
with ber poront* at tbe Maple*. Bm-


G Mooiton baa been apradlne
'fair day* at Mr*. Oolden't.

«bi> bare bongbt
....-- orchard*
mn (oaun<
,M«iday, a* they tMi
Bte'ltee tbelr growth.
1 tear of a ounber of t
Alltet (ottr i
Batate and family
thMr itew bouae. ““
Wtn M one of the slont bou*n

We Aim


to so trest each 'customer, wheihef hU bosioess
be lax^e or small, t^at he becomes our' iriead
and wishes Ijii friends also to come to m.
Every coorte*^y and accommodation consbtent with sound bulking is extended our


Mr. wan took a toad of wortor* to •»5_. _ were held to tb'e CathoUc
Tnreree City TTmrtoay -IHch. .
ebnrch here today.
tel OM. '
*Sfh^jdMre. Cnmmtosi »*« a fare- Sept. 2S. .
wMl party for ‘the
t yooni peitoto atite
Maoeabee ball. Prttoy erenlni.
«» fboo gotoc to Ptortoa for tb«
1th and grand dangbI. Prank
Mip. WaiTM U aiMidtog a tear day*
Is Ttorerae City.


^‘m'w. Wmi*jB Laird 1* aptedlng •
P?“M few day* with friend* and reUUre*
to BonMlckvlUe.
Frank Dago-and family of Chicago
paaaed through here Monday on bl*
way borne after npendtog a month In
meu the taat orchard t* aold and Port Oneida.
ttetonera can te their fall work. Homer Selby of Oretobrtar. Wea
|*mng reUUrea.
yirglQia. Is in town rlaittog
Tbe cooper *bop laa doing
doll a llridy
a a big
call for
t>D*(nen *Dd there 1*
barrels for the apple crop. ,
W. P»rr*nt and wife epent SonBnrdlckvllle.
^MIm Bra "Rohr and two atoter* of
Sroboda of Cedar City I* Empire spent Sunday at tbe .home
danghier. Mrt. Prank •Archie Pnrttoe.
8epL SO.

in the water oq the MontotM Cam bat JudM the Job ««
taken their lento and gone home




®*^m.*Otto?S»ovkee called on Ml*.
V. P. Tajlor Thnr*day.
Nettle Tbyte tUltod with her aunt,

t, from Friday UH
Sunday of last weto.
The tnretotog maebtoe to heard at
very coraar nowadays, but to this
elghborhood toey-hsve more "ueU
ledlty to very
than grain, as
Mm. Or»on Haven* left last Wed­
needay for Oran^Bapld*^

Check Books aiid
Pass Books free.

One Dollar opens
an account

w»ws«s«»«K>a»»»«>M<a aadfttoewtotow
, Dan Pepler to spending a week
Mis* Martha Shorter epenl Saturday or two vialUng hto edd boms arer
and Sunday vtolttog retoUvt* at I Baldwto.
Mm. AuguM Gran I* at Kingsley at­ ber camp *l .
tending her Mother, Mm. Beck, who l» town, witu inatt Barnum a* toremaa
very tn.
and Mr. and Mm. Cba*. Walah la
rrge Roriek
nao uje
Barlek ted
the ou*ii>riuu-- charge of tbs cuUoary department.
- _ Tuesday
— —
j Into
a wagon
OCL 1.
infllcilng a ted eut npon his lip.
Farmer* In this vicinity are Ihrrehtog. this week.
* I 00 REWARD, a 100

turning ont quite well.
Newt ^amison bas been enjoying
a visit from hto mother and stater,
from near DerolL
Mr. and Mm. ten HalUday and Mm.
•hompson vtolted the family of Harry
Grey, at KJbgsIey. Sunday aftemoowJacob WoU
stni oonuBuem
conunore to
WOU still
m be to
a verr precarious ccndlUon.
daughter. Mm. George Kote. ct Hodge
to helping to care for Mm.
Guy Goodaell to at home again after
^ tem'ember the name-ton'e-ted spending most of the taat
man. tost Sunday.
Traverse City.
. Albert Lautner ha* returned from ^ake no other.
of Mr. and
Tbe four-yearold
Mrs Albert Wbltlen ted bis leR limb
fractured Just beiow the tede^^ W- per dlrccHon*. I v_.
the reeujt. a* In a lew week* I was
cored and the kidney we*te«* «*
abated. 1 ^ve *lnce been free from
tog m resy a* possible.
kldnev eompiatoi and owe my
Miss'Wealthy Claypooi reiunwu ^ any
re«very to tbe one Of Doan's Kidney
her borne Id Berrien Springs, on Wed­ recovery
nesday last, after visiting friends and
sale by all dealera.
relstlves up north fo* the past aU ^For
mts. Poster-MIlbum Co.
ew York, sole agenu tor the United



$4.7^0 $40

75c to $50





$16 to 75

$5.50 to $27

The Old Reliable Home Furnisher

This year our stock of stoves consists of all the new
things on the market as well as the staple lines.
The combination stove we sold so many of last year
seems to be a favorite. And as this year our stock is going
to be limited on them, you had better look them over at once

can bave a i^odliol lire
In a lew ntanlcs. Thra;
scUfromNcnpIo SS.M



IRC Stove that

S) loBS of son
pol sod
Fire Mil

The best wood
stove made
tor tbe money.
Bas screw
drafts nmcUne faced,
Isrge roomy


This Stove Is

Stove Of


If 708 firore oa banlic Mft coU
here IS a food one. Body made of
h<9T7 cold roOed Mae steeL AH nnis
are recessed la Imat, rrcTeaUtf
ibem from worUnf toese,,te$
ceaier crate tad tauunttlc Uosed
uh dMr.

The QUlCfc MEAL was awarded thfe GMd, Medal aV Hto
SL Louis Ezpositton









October Three, Four and Five

You k^lhat

is remem^red long after the P/lca is forgot^

Insoot so mnch the price you pay as whatjotjrctJor Uie price yo« pay..

it's not the kind we care to sell or the kind you OUGHT to buy. However, we do

sell you r
wise shopper as won ny of invcstlgi

re US the pleasure of showing you the beautiful new goods.

No troubje for us to show godtte.


Cloaks lor Now or Later

Everyibing points to this being a
big fur year. Tbere is nothing more
deceptive in buying than furs, so it
stands you in hand to buy of a hoose
in whom you have the utmost coo6deoce iq their word, and we believe
our word is worth a good deal to the
fur-buying public. We carry furs at
any price you want to pay. and the best

Oar exertional buying {dciliitcs en­
able us to. offer some very beautiful
garments at very moderate prices.
Ac the special prices we ni^e during
thts/apeniog it is doubly to your ad*
vantage- to buy now.
50-iocb loose coat of broadcloth, braid


at any price.

satin lined throughout ..
60*inch loose coat of all wool broad­
cloth of good weight, satin lined



62-ioch loose coat of broadcloth, extra
full sweep, lined throughout with


These goods are rapidly taking
their rightful place in the drets goods
world. Each season finds them more
and more ia evidence. No bouse in
the country is better supplied to fill
:^our every want in this line than
33 ioch Black Taffeta at $1 a rard can­
not be duplicated for less than $1.26.
In any of the finer'*goods call for.
any of the three following tamobt
Mooeybak, 36-in., at, per yd.. $1.75 aud $$
Skinner’s worid's best, S6-in*, $$:
42 in ........................................ 9%M
Bonnet Finest Taffeta, 36-in. $L$t;
45-in........................................ $U$
We carry other ulks in 86-in
at.............. f..$1.16, $1.85 and $1.50
Big lot of fancy silks picked up in New
York, regular .t^ue 75c, 85c and $1.
Choice, per yard, for,............... .69c
Beautiful Ciepe de Ch'oe Silks for
scarfs in plain and floral designs, at
per yard ................75c. $1 and $1.50
We also cany a lirge line of the readyto-wear-saiH> at................... $1 to $4
Beautiful codection of fancy silks, in
plaids, stripes and Dresden designs
at................................... $1. $1.60, $8


Iso ioterlined................ **
52-inch all wool broadcloth. Marehioneu style, in both "Wooltex
and Prince st" ^garments, 110^
ihroughont wi h guaranteed satin
lining, interlined kimona sleeve, one
of the Bwcllesl coats of the season,
and our big leader. Five different


Two other specials at
$19.75 and $25

Mothers of Little Tots
Will appreciate our showing of in*,
fants, coat.'. f*.T it’s far ahead of any­
thing we ever carried. Splendid as­
sortment of oewideal and at prices
for every purse.

Priced from 12 to SI2
Children’s and Misses’ Coats

This is a line that mothers have al­
ways found attractive, not only from
a price standpoint, but ' also from
their beauty and serviceability.



Dress Goods
Big showing at every price.
Special offering for opening in, new dark fancy mixtures at
$1.00. value $125.
We show the pnatest line of Suitings and Dress Fabrics
ever shown in the dty. at 50c to $4.00 per pard.
A very handsome selection of Exclusive Dress Patterns at
^.60 and $2.00 per yard.

“■fee Domestic Department

you're gMting them at less than you can buy them for again.
The following prices are mmcA lower than the market pnee:
85c,.A14M and $i.25» Napkins to match.
Damask in 8x8. 8x10.8x12. 10x10 and 10x12 feet.
Napkins are
sire, except the hemstitched ones, which
are 18 inches square, the proper size. These make beautiful
wedding or birthday gifts.

Outing Flannels


Come where you get the largest assortment to choose from,
aud all the best known brands. The market may be high but
we never lower our standard of quality,
quality. Sometimes we have to
to change the advance price, but our prices wtll always be found
to be lowest for the sime quality. 5-7-8-10 12>4c yd.



weB worlb 9IS.OO.

Heavy Rag Carpels

New Fail Ingrain Cnrpels

Pretty colors and good wear­
We CD pice you—price,
ers at, per yard,
olwayi right—

38 cts.

25c to 75c


If interested to lace cuna*ns
you must not fail to call and see
our new fall line, best ever—

per square yaril and up

39 Cts.
per pair and up.

*5.00, worth up to %J0


are lower than they will be later and the aMitneot
is better. 59c to $2 60.
. The greatest bargain in these we have ever had. They a
4>lack, 60 per cent silk, in a beautiful usortment of handies in
gold and pearl, sterling silver and pearl.
These are worth up to $4.

Not Music, but Bargains

nds is the beat Rng
For Oie Reliable Kaba Rags. tair
on Ibe market today tor ordinary wear. Amixinre oflllire
and WOOL All alzes.

Best line in Northern Michi­
gan. We have a big line of
patterns in alt colors.

45 cts.

Fine Wool Blankets
No better time than right now to buy wool blankets. There are
beautiful goods tn plaids, grays, tans and reds, also
white with b^utiiui uoiored borders, at

This is a very important department just now, as there an
so many things needed in the household for winter use.
Always of interest to the housewife.
While our buyer was in New York, on every side was heard
Ulk about the great advance of Linens. Every piece of iiocn on.
our shelves we own at the old price, so you can buy knowing

We will offer during this sale a big assortment of

Stair Carpels

Remember that this is Traverse
■ City’s

. Ingrain as low as 25 cents and
up to 60 cents. Brussels stair

Rug Store

70c to SI.35
Big-line to choose from.

Biggest lioe and loweK prices.





(ODStlaMd fi
ktf to MUera. br
€U^y d Mpaltr. M M omUwtlcm. ii
fifiA Mr iDfmttat .tflr
macrr to that jMpoaUlM.
Womm^. tha boar« to Oratoon to
tttia anhaBft «t toa vatof^ to C14r
CMD aaiarato tba >io|oatdtoi to ^
I Bto votoa

that tofBl. tBlow WBld ha athto to
■taton sJtoB it a
hat haraln acala. la tot etoah to rcfarto tha
AMdcta Sodetr to Boaltr tad
kaOoMiaaoard to dlrtetora. Thto a^ta^lam batveaa toa t«o aagartSMSta la a naUtr that can rtadllr
be adjaatad whan tha partlaa aadai
tha cosditknt aad tha raaaor
«a tot Biauar. to an nnbtoaad tfi aa
Hit Trta.
Tha atataKcnt raa mada by Ur.
9aB. (hat ao^r.iba had nrrar ad«aad thd Ai^eaf ^odety to to any
«ay aid to dWdaf tola propotottoa.
la due eooraa to ttma It «1H dttalop
a achatna would
t. aad than
tton that bad cma ahont aa BaereUry
Ball batoc an adToeaU to thto toMOaitloa at^ a director to
ta withoot foandattoo. Ur. BaU baitona tbit aone tort to neana abODld
bt dnrtoad by vblA tha prodwar
mm otBtito OB to# MoanodDc *»d
to tha propoaUlOB. aa wall aa tha ptof and-of It.
. ,
Nat Mia Mta. f
That aqtiKy prodnearf and eooawI will ba banaadal. ha
baa not toa laaat doubt to that raapact, but. that tb0 prodooar ahooU
Sauna both and# pf the
to not hU Idea, nor btoitraa Jt to ba
«ba poll(7 to ba toHo*ad out by tha
toata tmtooa In . UKhltan.
toaya bath takes tolfom tbaaa anebaagaa. Labor ntotoi saa to diftomt dtiaa haro aapraatad a d«lr«
Hto wllUngiMM to taka op tola
lltloa aad eooparaU.wUh tha prodns
apn to aadattof thamaalrea at wall ik
Sto prodoean. In ao doing. U will
Utrvf toe produce to toa tom iwm
tba ordinary ebanaala of «p^M»tino



to tot centottata lto|HtoW»4. Oraito Ttaatpaa; Chariw^tfcalr
tmm dainty cblm
tovaO. n waa ratt^ ant tot ate- H. Sartor. Madatta;dr. W. mubtr.'«M ^
ratortea to tot loctoa ftad Un p«>-tOra»4 TitTtrte; C3n»tea A. Baetaoe,'*to pmaale hardware. Talking took,
up all the time there
eaatlj^ to tMr rartoa oolooa u OtaM Traatraa; Cfcartaa
oonaistlng of sand
-—------aalsd. meats, ptcUes. cheese. Ice
An toTlUttoB waa axtaaded to t>a
W H. UcEIiatair. CbariaaotoSL. t cruam. cake aad coSco waa narred
toarmOot u>.g»aa( to to*
aboot ji o'clotoL. tba nratons being la
ieoat at gatau to tot dig. tot a
TOfr: t. P. Pox. Grand TtaTciae; A. toarge of toa Ulsaea las Kanaay.
to toBrar a (otmI atoraaa to i
Emma Pybus. Ulaota Larm. Oerta»&toa h
roda Beott and Petra Aaderoon.
a to tha Saaia^.
W. H. Banaan laada «n addrata and
hhgan by prftoUto tha todlaa tor gw
and thahhtog than
to^hatf to tha ▼tattwa. Hit addrwt
m'foasdad oa Uto gttoaplaa to tha
liodaty and ttt hatie tonat vat eqdty
for all. Thia itoBdrta >»■ «»»*<» ?*•
Barrelloai fro9tt to tha aoclaty
trhteh haa apraad all ertr tha country,
na ABtTi<»n Sodaty to EvUty to
It to raraa)Ua, It to not for ooa bnt (or all and
the pood to all and toioegb' It, tba
tman to' toa toll will ba kings and
and will ba able to aay wbat
tbair produeta shall aatl (or, not tot
mas or aat of maa who bare
dona Bototog or prodnead nototog. aat
a pHca npoa than.
Tba fanner and toa batoMna
tnnoi be aaparntad. the fanner dapandlng upon tba mar^anl and fba
marchapt opoo tba farmer.
Ninetyntoa par cant of tha bnatoeaB
•tond with the farmer In tola great
maramaoi and tbair aapport la atoo
eaaanttol to toa anocau to the oo-


Bst toa farmer mint oot know only
bow to raise eropa. he moat know
bow to miukat than. In other worda.
ba too muat baooma n baUaaas man
that ba may aeanra that which la hla
by Hiht- Mr. Beaman tooted by
king toa ladle* tor thtor
Cammittaa Raporta.
Tha report to the laat i
maettog. held In Baglnaw. waa glean
top B. H. Ban. to Ann Arbor, and waa
■eeptad and ademtad.
fba report of the eonmlUaa on proIp^ and order of bostotaa fotlowad
ud was accepted aad adopted, toa
oompoaed of Chalr-

____ u B. Dofar. Bimeh oonnty; F.

and aa ndar toe Uw and toa (Kts tt
toar be farmerty owned and
whether toe pUiaUC could- tweowto med. Two ougbt to hare killed hlB.'*
anything. It was daemso adrisahU td teadptcil tba bamsna peasB Indlg‘
mue the case ultbout fartoar UUga- aaaHy. TV<-h.“ drawM i
lid-alnHwt “-Atlantic.
OoB whieh was daoe. Pam C OUtoe' auonay for Ua plaintlR
and Doran A DoreU appaarud (or to* .In bis “Cc-Ui-e and O^Ke^T TIMdeUBdant. .
Court adjooned (bis moewtag antil . -------------------------------- eport Foii had wagecid aomethuto Shoto a waistI:M MoMay afiaiBaaB.
: coat which cvuld only be ohuined to
Paris: went tof lo Horer by nigbt.
a Pti.

Frcm TbSTSday-s Record.
Tba g|we to Anna Sladar
A N. B. Railway compan
Palyx Flyan and Uua Leas Bmlth gnn In
were ualtad la nu-.rr.aca at 7 o'cloek is a ault for SU.«M damages.
graphle dewrlpiKW to Daiskl Wcbsier be bad sB hfli-rr rsriog at I
In (be rameue
boor aanutm He charteied n BAtlng boat luond fut
April IS. 1S66. toe plaiBtlE
preached toon after Wefaetcr^a death: i the easternsi-a:u]tiea. Jest got lo N>wtartaa churches -rsdlllae, the
down by an M. A S. E. engine near
Aan to Urge mold, a i market b) ticae fee the race, took tba
mooy balnc wltaeaaad by a Urge toa starch (artory aad both bar teat
gn-at body and a gmi Inaln. H<; powt back to LoBdoB end stopped «N
iber of Mends. Mr. FlynB fau
off. She aao aoffered bmlaca Hwined mode to lust a burelted yearB. | toawuy to dine In tbe middle to tbo
been '^wdth tba Branlng News
aad other lujurlps and allegea In bee 8lnte Socrates tbrre has selows bacB | port and dke after dituv'e be waa
Cadillac for « number of yanra aad Ctunplalnt that the aerident
brad ao mssatrely large aaia tba: caught by a w>n-tsl BMam«>r wbehi
haa maay friends la Txarana City
to the nagllcrnce to ibc employes of stormy feaiurtw to MIrfasol Ang^ | t*e« reartne orte hair to'parlaBd to
Since t'bsrleBMgnc I think tbrre baa ; aaurcb to hldi and temlnded that ba
who will wUh -hint and his hrida much
the company.
tut heeu sarfa s crand figuiw la all bad to mmkc to brlnff In a marrlaga btl
Pann C. Glbert rrpreaenU the rbrtaieodcm. A laire man. deeuroos lo toa boose to eonmaBa. Ur raabiA
Mr. aad Mta. Flyan passed thnuigh
plaintiff ard Duvell A DoeaU the de- lo dteos. digtilflf-il Id d. portmenL be to tto stables, rmebrd tbe bauae to
the city tlds awming on their way
fendanu. Judirini by tba carton) way walked as If be frli himself a ktog * rtmeto nuke s bhUlsoi aprwti In rwMaaistac where they wUI awmala
la which the Jury waa sdeetto thts
abort Uma and than raUra
lookcd on him as oue of ibr great
ofumoon, it Is tha erident Intent
Tba aftamooD meatlsg of tha Afr­ Cadlllhc.
forcca to the globe. Tbe.r m-rignUrd
toe company to make s bard flght
ican Society of Equity wae caUad U
a aatlre kUtg. in tbe seoaie of tbe
BtoUng H Dawn.
among toa qsea Pnlted States be looked im emperor In
9 and a I
Entertained by the Mlaaaa Aymai
*T abOoM Uka ta mwge this paper
present, repreuanllng eonnUes
Piicndsblp elaaa of tba Friends tloi.r asked cseh Juror .was “Would that coancH. Eren toe laskwtK- t!il- (hr abOBt atz inoBtti^^aald the mw
a eoBBtfy ta|>er. “Tba
from all over (he state.
church was dfellghtfnlly entertained
AGar the appohitsieBt of commit, Toesday nltoit by toe HIsaaa Rymeroa poraUoo b&Tc any Inllneoce on iooi him. Clay looked rolnir and Vaji,.praarBt editor doesn't know his ba*.
BoRB bat a fox. What a mouth be ntas."
tecs, and other general boainra. a Etghtt street, aboot thirty being prea opmioor
tba ——*manerr be —
was aafcsd. ’
flw case of the peope TA Joseph badl It waa a Uoo-s roouth. yet there | “Whafs .w..
general diacuaslon was Indulged In by ent. -Gamaa aad fuale ware pleasant
“Why, last Bight I was told off to r».
Holdcroft went to the jury this mom was a asreet gtatwleor 111 il>e enill.-sad r '
delegntca. t. 8. Ilohlrldge.
features but
whea he woOd.' port a arc
Bra In Itraad street, and I wroto
Oaccola county, made u speech, rep- pot luck supper. The gtwats had aoch
What a brow
It r
Wbst eves-llka
------— ..
tt op tn
In grand
utyW. maklug a half
brtng in a rardtat « guilty. Despite!
,1* tot,Dm of « *,ejv column srOcIa to It. I, togxnn Jl to
.ttenUng toe potato grosers' branch
good tfme and (he UUaat Ryi
nis face wn.i ruggi--l with this way
of the aoclaty of Ukblgan. He asked proved BDdi capable hostooses that tola, the Jury rtmalnth out for sone^
that awn of business abliuy, aspcrl- they didn't leaea niiUI after midnight.’ Uma. anally bringing la the eardtet! eoleunlc flitw-great pamlonsaml gtrat. “•eoddwly an the siiU nlgtt air
as dlrecu-d. An arreet to .Judgment; toougblA "Tbe front of J.ivc blmaelf; tang tim shrlU cry to Ote. and at tha
ance and tact be appointed to take
aoBNBt too unit UiAios tsnjmca
was ordered until toe next term to. an cio like Mars, to tbreaten and
charge of toe work for the coming
Court Notes.
to Aam«-NrhDair4^ fbvlus along.
year. His talk rccalTcd a hearty
Prom Uondar-a Record.
the rooTa edge. eanSbntha ey<- to (ba
Circuit court eooecntd at 1:30 thU
Tbe charge against the defendant
spouse from the meetlag.
Coms Near It.
I farth. no kmriemoon and toe ww* oi scouring a ww malicious dtainiclion of a blM»Wit and humor are such elemontsl. p-r playful, hot Orrvv and uil-.-ry la
woy bridge and the rerdict was baaed fondamcntnl things that It ham al- tbolr thirst and grood. lii.- clo'clng.
Q. Q. VMnes made an address on be­
links e.itnined
tcchUlcallty. John A- Uoratger
half of the ladles. Ha nrgpd a meet­
ing toaee tor them ba appointed that
they may perfect plana to organita
a ladlee' anxillary.
iTcreo mat me ucitoso u«uii v
. «».
t-.—«— - ----------------plea and■ toe.........
being toe siiioir. toe .;.-t«ay
Tha BMCtlag dated And all appoint' QoalHy:
wit to
to rr_'
a detilu Buliimrou*
oo BO. On moUon to (he plalnUrs grouttdr.
----------------- —
port at tbe meeting at 7:30 last eren- counsel, John A. Loranger, toe casoj
is that which
•ougrulty■ b
was conUnnrd unUl the next term cm From Saturdays Reeoto.
"t Trent on In fast t lylf tor mpt half
luElcn of toa tccUmony'
U-tweau the lA-wl and'tbe fact a roluuin," R3ld (lit- new n-pTrirr. “rdB
of the plaintiff In toe case of Anna batnewn theory and praetlce. between U;U I* what aptMcn-a In tha |«rNT tbla
allowed toe plainUS.
Slcdor vs. the M. A N. E. Railway promise nnd ^■•rfoftnance. and ixsrtiapc ^lomlng:
As It waa expected to try this c
toe It miKlit l» added that It It always or
“'A tire bnkr or.t Id PtosJ 'trtto
E. Blerento street, was tbo scene to thU
case was,vuu.»~u, yesterday toiarootw.
always a moral IncongruHy. la last uldit but trjs >iaiek}y .aoniraa'
tola afternoon andstoe
aodsUic nc«
abappygatherlngTueaday nlghl.when act for tomorrow morning, this left,counsel tor tne aaense^oroa
nunmr tbera
Ho yon call that JoaTBatiABi)“—
a pt«i
ahont thirty of the g.rl friends of Mlsa
------------------------------which accompanies our pettep-1
Uand O'Neil, whose maniaga tn noon, so an adjoummant was uken’sufflclaBl evident*
the hitherto
wvrui' Uo’.’ ni-.M-'.t H itiai.'
Frank 6. Raynolda wilt taka place bnt a night aessloo wUI be held If any- \ direct a verdict for tbe defendant.
>—de- acmblauce
HtalUtoUUT. ntliootb of chiwk
er *«e matter was —•—------—
------------- ' •' lacongrulty. ^
argued and
October IBth. assembled to bava one thing comas up. The ease of Elmer,The
niupi-llow much ha* ypur
»ira good ume before Hl« ONei. R. Beech va Henry M. Ik-s.^;cl.lon being made by the court atoo
very humane i*r^ndf-Ptmeh.
will promise 'to love and obey." The ‘ set appeal. J. J. Twaddle and Pratt A took tha matter under advisement ^ to
1-^ mr of a


F. Pox. Grand Traeome county; John
Laalanan oouoty. Tha andltlng oommlttaa reported
that they had axamlnad the books of
Mata fba pilea
the aaeratary. B. N. Ban. and found
ararytblng la axcallant abspe. There
. aba acKiparatlon to thaaa two great
has bean »S.S4S racelead aad M-Oto fC
ladBtoftoa, agrietotsnMf wton labor
Uahursed laarlng a batencwin gnS.M
on hwA This eommlUau eoaaNtod
slarga portion to toe' prAl that sow
of’ C/A» ■maiuon. Grand Traveraa
ifema Boowwbara hatwaao' tha jitoc^ntr: W. B. Roblnaon, Bvart; M. U.
1^ and.^ umnmar. In many
Drake. Mt. Calomer.
«bton bpnsiMin
btoivSmi* II
than tha pradmtr
A motion was made by N. 8. Hcdto hU crop. Tba
anOmUy gals out o
brldga that toe election to aUta offiam -ba haid at * o'clock Wadaeaday
mtoda of a grast
toU Ur. BaU morning MoUoa carried.
Tha report of the oommlttoa on
eras oppoaed to P(aaid«t
latoaaUcn waa pot orar until toa next
ISO nstlcmal union, and Ur. B)lfk ad-,
Ing. Ttola
to tba--------------------------naUenal Harjes Uaston. Branch
(ran ipfiblgan ^ go
g to
i«Mnn Howay, »sst Jordan; B.
toSon and'saa aad
Bvarliart Big Rapida.
oommlttaa on eonaHtnUon and
Vhat proposlUon they waw fpjjj W-towa waa not ready^ ra^rt
■pan and than net aoeordtagly
N. Ball, of Ann Arbor. E. J. Klgby and
with fatalRgefkoa to toa hadt roanlts
that ware to ha obtained.
A mga* WM made 'and «Rfcd]r^i
„j^rtdga made a apada)
Chat toa eoDvanUon thank toe dty toca (er toa poUto branch to toa or­
fpr toa Bta to toa opma
der and a Uma waa set for coBsiderawhich they wart ataomhloa.
tloa o( tola matter.
,A oommlttBa Was Appotetad to wait
The prc«r«ao to toa AOMrlcan Bo•B the mayur and prwUaat of toa tlaty of Bqulty waa then talked upon
hoard of trade aaUi« them to .addraas
Chariea HuE On Janiary 1.1»07,
^ matting at 1:U o'doek.
atart waa mada with between
The moUoa to adJoaiR waa ma*.
'-torua and thirty-four hnndrwd
ibe'rt in the aUla and 173 local
A toa dtokaa dlnaer was prepared
ankmi. Slnoe than, an aratmga to oae
hff.tha ladlto aad__awad..ln a_«ry
wnMa a day toa been added to toa lUt
maanar. About^ paopla ware
and the prograu of Iba society dathe offloara being seated ftiwl at
panda upon tbe hard srork
^ head or too drat ublA F. M.
iammoad had enarga of toa arraagaTime ta SrioM.
gpaam and oaadiic^toaB to > e«7
Thl# dinner was
. (ban <
cma Of the' mMt plaaMOt (aaUm to proapeeta to toa Order saying that tbe
time was naear more bright than It Is
t^ oonvantloa,.
Tha arlMaatora to toe
At toa nltanpHU amUna IBkyor American Society of ^ulty
Bqulty realised

asd toroogh toa. wayi to toPkpmce.
a^. that ara now piseUeally platong

Proa Wednesday-a Record.
Tha iury in toe case to Cmnntlnga
I. toe Soott Vetmfnary Remedy Co.'
retired at 2 o'clock Ula sfianooo and
tha work to ae^ng a Jary la the
to Ferle Carpaater Vs. Ora Car­
penter was begun.

Me to the ooBTehttoa aaanring
^Aeruwm on-toa right. sneceam tha ootattry would tore to to
Wq,^4. ,hare
The A. s:e(i|laeeBN to aptve
problem to cw«anlalnc the *
.Tha press to toa ooootry baa real­
ist what toa society meant to the
tfiim toe ba^ to toe A. 8. to E. farmer and tbraugh toe farmer to the
Whole nauoa. and haa taken op toe
M MloUgan
- - B Wife |d*e^
master and N prqmoUB^ (he welfare
d in bbhair to toe aoclaty. Its Inflttenoa bet
nB. a. Holdrtdga responded
m toe aocMy tt^hC the mayor for tiemaadouB help.
The boalams man to tha country
s and aaytog that toe adare fast learning what tot movampnt
aad they too are giving It thalrMvan. Ha all* thanked the ladlaa (or
Sppport aad hgvf a Arm '
^ asoellcat dU»9. .
John R. eanto. AtmUtot of
Tha adoeatloaal work baa beta
toard to trade, waa oallad upon aad
DBA a foothold has bean gained,
Ur. Baata hriaffy topchad apon tto poMrioa (ha larmdr holds ta reUiJoa lo peotoe know tha^ toa aodaty N waly.
(er good and pow la tha time to got
»a rest to the dpagtmaiambara. Under to# new yyw,A reading by Ura. C. W. Marrill
tern, a rapid deTdopment la looked (or.
was so haartHy enjoyed (hat aha
dUcasakm foGowed upon local
Mtw eery BWtal spplaupa.
^ matter to a Aottto ffiowai^
' Tto moUoe to adjoura was made by
■aiOB and alao the' matter to marked
Sari Adanm.
Mg the etop waa disemaed.


r.;sr r=s;



\' M

'.rf-'V u'T.’




On account of the'tete arrival of a lot of the Rented
PiaEOS, due to delayed shipments. Instruments be­
ing retained longer.then expected, etc., we have
decided to continue the Sale for

OneWeek More

Positively End


Had tht,c inslniments »rrived a vrn:It ago they would certainly hove been sold before this, for. notwithstanding the big Mock of
Piano, on our flohrr M the oommeneemeot of rbi. t»le, ncrly every one has already been «>ld and we hove l number of euMotner. «“.og for the
belnted «Mroment.yThi8 h» indeed been a record-breaking «le; never belon: have such grand valuw b«n givei,-never before have M. many
P.anoa been sold in the same length of timer' Such phenomenal Piano selling would not have been possible had this tale not proved to be, as we
claimed, THE GREATEST MONEY SAVING EVENT in the history of the piano business.

Specials for Last WeeK of Sale
Six Grand Pianos. $115, $185, etc.
other well-known makes)

(ChickeHng and

Choice of 6 beautiful Pianos. $155. $210 to $-267.
Manufacturers’ samples, regular price ^25 to $425.
Wonderful value!
Choiie of 10 upright Pianoi. $187.
(Fine raakea

Specials for Last WeeK of Sale
Chbice-bf 15 uprightJ-ianos $2-25. (Reprcicnting
actual savings of $50 to $100. Some of them brand
27 Good '.Square Pianos. $35. $4S, $67,- $75. etc.
(Steinwsy. Chidkering, Knabe. Vote and other Maodard
makes included.. All in excellent cendition)
fine Stool and Drape wHb
Be awra to


Among Ote
After a most axoeUant supper
I by the (ollowlM WlcA UrA:
Grand TravMea; H. IhJner.
r Hammoa^ Ury. Choriea Dmemm.
Adams, tne erealng aearioa o( «ha
aanvantloe was bcfun.
havlag beea enjoyed to the utmMVhy A. B. Pkl»of. Sammit Oly: W. H
Beeman. Empire: C W. WaatoA Em­
pire; John O. Wood. Ormad T^vetee
Wariea MlddaiM>- Waxtard;



Sixteen Stoies
Headnuarters at Detroit

Grtainell Bros.

Traverse City Branch

Stores aim at Adrian, Bay Oily, E«»p.ha. Flirrl, HMurock. Jwrkaoo, KJarruaoo, Lmsiug, Ponliae. Port Huron, PMo.Ie,.^8.giusw. Ssull Sky Mmie, D.lmy.

TIupreMtot. Mn. Ctailaa a. nto to/ Bataral aad aeclety right .to j “Brtobnto tormtag taod to tontoaee
(own aad enloy tta wealth toey eienn. the orape b« tl yk do met c*t prottr
• ru iMt Mm* flT u» A.«. -or R. taetOB. abefWMd.*
•M )m4 iMt aagn tm BMM* teU. SeeiMary. Him JiBa Ball. Ham- Thoob who aR CMteated beaeatt toe ,able prleea, it to a datrtaeat
j bad roof became urn MtleaUagaow. I “Bmlheei men do not ran totor top.
tkb «M ttc. •masiadW%mf of th«
Tiewnrar, Mr*. Kalbew BamOtta'win ba wet aad mtoerabla when It, toilca to aae bow meek they cm make
.MMtlMl M BU7 0( ^
jratae. Tboae who repoae ta tbe abade j wtttomt regard to prleea rector^
ana tt BMNM17 to CD boaCM^ WmtoaHbart.
Beeh edawty wfll tare a rleagreal- ^ while R u warn, will ahlrer .when the j *Toa are aaked to coadnet
ah* Mow ot tta* ooBTCBticn. But mi
'tB pni thm M. th* iMt BMttiic dent aad tear conattoe eiected yeater- htoMs A wlater come. Thoa* who toU ^ haalacaa me «
to fUl toe lampe while It U Ught. wUl deet thetr* at the preeeat Um«. It
jana to b« th* bw or aar- th* day:
Mr*. Fraak Odder.
grope la datkaene wtaa the night hae beea mid that toe SOU eratary
B«n*d to of««r br tb*
Omctorolx. Hr*. Betty Heaalage.
eettlec down.;^Ybaae who ton to falser to a boelneee maa. It to for
cmMott. V. 8. Hatarldc*. U4 tb*
Grand Traverae. Mi*, tail
^am wbea tbe eoli to right win not him to ahow IL It to for Mm
l«C<B«UtiTe of the Brealng Record,
reap tn the barreet Ume. Thoee who that ta eao get what he goee after.
n MkM to ttO« a tmr .ratBarha.
iB^tanaa bmnty. Mr*. Frank Zettojar* contcated ta Coat when to*,Th dhy thA be canaot do thto to to
H* f«opi«a*d ud node odMMte rar
to ep. wU «od IbemaMre. la a tmpeaeb hto InteUgeace. The pwvle
the fam« the her set* of the taUt.
Tha A. 8. bf K. la Me uelhod where rafted by e committee eonatottag of .maddy wacte when to* water* go at large, who lore fair play, win eepjport the Boremeat when they tally
he the tamer eaa get la lowdi with. Mi*. Jamm Howey. H lea Bali and dewa.
Ml*. Ban D. Adama.
Mi oeSchbor tamer and cMb be
“‘Fbratei* srho are cetiaded be-,'
^.^^ratloh aaa a help.
eee there to a ahow of proepetUyl “Usdoobtedly one great and prob>w. wlfl And tbemaelTe* ernatad be- able nnaumoontable ofaatade that
neato a birden they cannot throw off haa hKtarto ttool In to* way of any
WOUaB Palmer then made the baamm epeMb at the ^reoW tarere farmem to tta eHy. tarad tb* key* oA when adrentty impels those who ean.|eSeeUre and lasttng organtoaUon ot
preaeM markeUng ccmdltlona, {tarmri*. das been toe* IsolatlOD
IsolatlOD. M tta
ftnoer that Bd act bear thU addn
MM half the ealM of the Mtlre oon- belief that (bey were on Ita tight to force down tafoe* «od nboorb what 'agricnltnral daaa. Wi*ben town* were
trgek and wtahed them eacoeaa.
we now call prosperity. Merer waa few and •
red.'means ot corneeeUoo. Mr. Palmbr bai beea a
addreae tollomr:
end when tta
more Umely tta tnjuaetfoo
aMrtbl ahlpber at peioee tor the
*wby to U do. toat tta tormeri who wbea to* iron Is hot!—‘
tvaMp mre osa toaCe aoaer la thta
“Prom erery point of riew therefor
*»d wtthoat any means of frebtotiito. The rfCht eod of tb« anew own tbe earth, eontro) tb* food and
tfea for the (amere to take ap 8rM M eloUdng mpply. (woM and oottm) ta* It U ImperaUre that the fanner*,«'«'» commnntoatkm. toe former
the OMttto or' rMlrdal'ralee aod tbb the eieatina of aeariy all real weMtb. BbODld orgaalte. not for poUUcal. but
to M Imponafll ai aar part et the tbe foaBdatiOB of all oar taamnUoai. tor bustoeet roMon*. Barely toe maa!»^^
moth.' Pereooal eapeHMce ta Ibli who are a moat anmereoa.' ahd a* a who ratoaa the crops ought to hare *®rli Ucking taowledj
dam. tta moM wealthy, tare taeoai* •ometolng to say aboot toe price ta
at«ttar clvea Hr Palstcr aatborltr
redneed to tbe condition ot heejpri
get* for them. Th«? farmer ha* toej'Tfc"*
nhk OB tUe copli!.
power to get whalerer he want*.' ana *■ Interdependence. Men la toe same
A mu* eotoposT eompaibd with U wood and carrier* of water?
‘The fact ttat capttattom and tab- to mabUhls life what'll abould ta. he
forther apart than arW
No power '»« >»* *■
n*Parated Matea.
ih*r eoS he weat to the raOnai eoot- orera are eo aSeeUraly
make* It etpediny Important ttat the eicept highly organist power. U of.O'Wlmtton Imphcm aom* etoaeneaa
paaiea at>d toe aaprese ooop*
any ralne In these Umet. The la-,®f
Men mnM know something
imrttal hr oatr a aaMn of 40a tano- farmer* bbonid orgnalM.
someUilog for
«n aod Btated their poelUoD oe the
radrantage either Ita mpljnl- lew In toe United 8Ute* today. Two.«"« nnottar; hare common InteteM*
aanter or freUht aad km tatca.
tologs, therefore, seem -to be , clear. 'and atoo a roaltiaUon M.tbc tact ttat
They mU they «oa>d aMp If aa Malt- toUe or Ubering claeee* win. to '
0 meek at tta axpmae of tbe First toe farmer mutt nw his power their intereeu are the eame. The
toe rate cobtd be eetahUabed. If aet
tiMT woeld let their prodoee rot la otoer w at tta npeeee Of the greet to toe end tout be may be hi* own termer, to be *ve. knew ttat there
d people who cam master and not toe alare of 'otber* were mimon of otoer engaged In the
bodJn of dborganUed
the croeod. The railroad aad aax
ooeupatlon ns hto. but he nerer
and toe burden bearer of tbe nation.
“WhM wage* are toreed op by a
“Seeono. He moat learn ttat the •**
knew nothing abont ftam
r a abort.ttflM tor t
feAlng tost
ttott they raated the ratca aoked. aod atrike. tb* tamer pay* a taw part of only way to which he can flse ihe'»»^
the ratoc by an iacreaai of prtoe
power which Is hU. I* throngh'organ-;"® »« * >®®® •kirmlaher. not eer-Mtaa Mto hanl eft tto mite*
nation; an organIxaUon of his own. .*«*^ whether he would be anpported
ttora tMh cat to halMa aome e
or not He worked
aad loweted to an feapeete ao that clmply bemoae they tare to* power ooBtroUed by hlnmelf and to bto own,*>T
Omt eetud ehlp at adraotaie. If thlt to do *0. tola iDCrmee atoo to largely tntereet. By so doing be will beMflt, ’for tdmself as other did for themmade out at the tamera, who are tbe not only htmaMfi but all elasae* of toand. a* a coni
oobM ha broBCkt aboot by a f*« toep
riely. He abould not wage a war of •« tabjeeted to tbe
total ooatd ba *ne aJoac thto line by
but simply one et
defease. _
He P®****®"
tbe others.
Mtiety with tbe atrepcth of the A. 6. tbe atrtie between 1
boobd to Inrt the am
need not ask for' prtrllei^ but to It^,
»be bar to oiganlxatlon.
• •
Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Baer apee oa .......................................... vhich other •" *bla la changed and henceforth toe
Henaat OaaUii8.
Increaaed aeale ot vagee, Hr. Baer
be strong to toe dliecof BOdety
Tb* meat Idea Mr. Palmer jreeeotonce ahorea up tta price of ml. oot queoticm from any one; ^^‘tlcm cf combtoatlon. 'ibe raral mall
was tbe metier ot booeet dealtoi and tta doner the untana aai'
which to toe farmer'* cate, are Dlrto*.!^'’“*«T-Mvflto 1
*be epread -of toe telepbooe
■Bd beaeet rapreeeeuttoii of prodnee. treau get together, the more obrtala
Power apidled through ofganlaafloo., *®*®
”11*1 eommunltfas, tbe
He adttoed alao that tbe tamer oBty It to ttat the anocganteed mob of
u tb. Ibiunttl In .1 >bi a.r. Tb. '«»' »■>«" Uf"-.
kip that part of thetr prodooT that
wider defaslon of books aod papers,
^ ot which the tamer* c
former m*M nlo hU life by tt.
they voold ha vUtac «> kjr «ha»- atltnte by far tbe largest
growth of efUes and town*
*Wbo would ta tree tbenwelrea
Bateea. A He. i prodaeta wUl o
win tare to pay for wtaterer gain
tghont the rural region hare
Mat tbe maheate and brtac better re- eltber wlaa. bectuae they are not la meet elitke toe blow.'
“Hiere to no mason why toe former
thiito mrr tim.
pcMUea to TOM tt ahmg.
should not ta soprome.
taiM Up A. 8. at C.
tenner can get to town erery day
“As ba* beea well Mated 1a to*
“The forming class outanmbei* any
t. O. Wtoan . tbe Mata nuinleeK editorial of Up«hDate FamCng;
now, whereas 2S years ago be could
thee Bade a-apeech that emr dMe“‘la tact, tta only tolag ttat preOM or Hd not do ao once s week or
Umt raati-the** traaU. aader aaletlat egrlenltom and upon tbem we all de­ once * month^ He meets bis neightoe report Jo . bto ow« local town, 'from abaortlng the entlr*
bore to eocietles and........................
pend for our refy Me. Probably onetoden.
It -toai eraad npoo the wealth ot the conatry. to the new
they dtoenss enhjeds ot great Inter­
dalagatee that they mahe an eflort ta wealth annually created by tbOafam- half tta peoMe to gatoful occupaUon* est to hH. He. too. feels the touch
MM np theSL 8. o< B. toll eoalnc ei*.-which compel* the-retunt flow of
of elboir* on each side him and
ed doeely srlth eutUraUoo ot tta eoll.
ad^ aod that they pot tola plan of mllUCB* of dotUra for the plalp oecM»knows thet mOUans ot otoer*
Their prodeete eenstitute toe great
fighting the eame battle that he has
mriee at lire. IhU to a potmt fact
bulk of cor exports and their crops
«ribr to carry on any creat wort which onght to make efery clau and
to fight and that they can fight It bcM
t|* moM ralaabte asset* ttat the
foadi are neeaaaary, and the A. 8. ot kning of oar people latereated In tbe
ta comltnlng fotres. Rural America
eoealry has. We Bdght surrlTe toe
M Are withhnt toe slneert ot war. lu fanner*. Andl^cc In thU age of
today la one rast ndghborhood with
loin of our steel mnis. Mt If our
tptoer to meet tola U waa proporad
common from ocean
forms were to quit prododag. the

tar aa a ndadtory oBertof to pot
etatc orruHaer toto toe Said aad keep
Mm there. There are thirty-three or
ttMpIPnr toiadred ambera to MJehMta'abd If *Mh OB* weetd ceAtrfbau
toik dtolar a man ettold be pot oot
and toe farmer would toci at one* the
baMdte that wmM oome toom aaeh a
forward awreaeol. The dollar «•
ptoided Id tbU aunner wmM retnm
many foM and yos 'nndn yeer poaterftp would reap the reward.
' Thli tou teeeleed the hearty eopport of aU the deU«atea and they aU
taiead to phi thU plan to tbcin own
'Meui aad ecpiato tbe lenaene and
- •hcto them why aak an acDoo toil
Twatodee at tola tlM fi toe wdetaaee «t the A. ft.'of H
- .A aaotbm waa made that tbe eUte
tecrathry be taatnObfk make idaat
io reoHre thto oontrlbaUM aaTpnt tn
HNtoct thelieae aa ctran by Slate O*fantoto Wlnant.
The report of to* eeatoltteea on
MJnrie* wh mad* aod adopted.
: The tlaa or tho oect
ftaiaday'^ hpAl. lOU. at t;(Kr
totoeek. at Reed City.
' The aaBoal atate iiieMlni will be
held tn Detotdt the Aral
of October, 1*08.
lo eloato« the
toeatlH4 thanked the preoe of the Mty
fbr toatr work aad anld they new
tad I
At the meeting y>
• Potato Oitwere'
domed with (be felMwtoc oCMet*
Preeideau F. M. HamaMOd. Grand
' taeretary aad tra

er. K. W. Van

- nractora, T. C. Fox, Bdward LaeeU.
W. B. Bobtoaon...
Ownnlttae on aalaiSea and hendt.
W. B. H0WaMn..B. 0 Bbethart Ax
3. RlghM.
OBaaMetabto time wae drwotad to
toe diaenedton of markett. etc.
WeMR*a deeUen.
A aotobar of toe ladtre met In
Orakce haR ycotarday moraliic aad
lira. Ftaak KMdar. cd Antrim coaty.
WM temporary kalrmaa. The MfchMan imdler SaclotyjC BaeNy wae
the foUowlDC oncer*;


coontry woold go to nitn.
■Fhrmet* mmt hp tailed. ‘They
luM hare a nsUonal nnlon.
Mate cannot hold up tta price alone,
ne eomMaaUoo to ta effeetlre muM
Include a large nnmber ot formers.
Tbe temporary entpln* muM ta ccb-^
trolled—ttat to a eurplus must ant
appear M any tone. A mltUn or ao
of farmers wUI ta anfflelenL TM* la
only a cemparsUrely small portloa ot
them, bat this number coopetpUng
torongH a central head, can folly con­
trol tbe eurptus of any crop this
countiy prodnee*. and flx the price
equitahly for all farmers to thi* coun­
try and on tlaplea like wbmt. corn,
oats, cotton mad meat aet toe price
tor tta world.

thota that are organtoed. nU damea
oolMd* of toe *p<euuy<»rganlxed esThe Whole Werid.
plotter*. ooght to not only eneoerLondon. Oct for-Accordfng
age and help tta tareea* to erganlxe.
orreepondent at St. Petersburg, tb*
bat they onkt to or^ntoe with them,
amore of an Impending Rssao-Ameri•o aa to make them a atin more powcan treaty, by which toe countries
erfol check
fhl* fearful abeorp
concerned ore- to mutuany cede coat­
tloD of the Batfoah wealth; for If tf
ing stattoB at Manna and YladlorMweie hot for the money toe famer*
tok. distort the anbsuntlal fact that
draw back in aplte ot Uie tniata. and
Rassls to looking out for a coallBg
ttat toeoe* goes aa * new curreut
MaUott near toe entrace to tta Pana­
tote ^ chaand* ot treSe. *U othei
ma CWnal. With ^ deMm, toe trans­
haMnie* would noon be awallowed up
fer of the Russian naral attachce at
In tbe trect hortex.*
WashlngioD to Braxll U said to
Why Aheuld ParnMie Orpanlmf'
cd dIrecUy.
“*81ffip]y beeenae toe wrong edete:
Oeeant LHce Ootolls.
beenuae there 1* an aneonamyyln the
Watolngton, Oct |.-«rlg-Oeoeri1
;whleh saoceto ' de­
Thomas H. Barry.
pend*; becanae toe real ot toe world
organnatlon is
paclficsUon. la. hto
haa It In Ita power to abeorb tbe
more argent now than
'fliwl annul >ep<^ make* h proiesi
wealth created by agriculture. Xu
Tnnr plan to ao muck more practical agginM toe uMalnieM of fidfolUng taother pioducUre tadnatriee oontrd
and tod" objecu ao iquch better, ttat fiewrs. to social poaiUons and
their’output; famere do not.
when toe farmer* are only organtoed snaps whea. be says, they should be
other Induetrim flx toe price* at
-they will reallae aaeh benefits that Hi the field at srork Mto their reglwhich thetr pradnAa aball aell; formtoey will nerar dtoorganise.
mentk. Ite ady«:
m do net. All other* market ttatr
“WbM once orgaatota. and toe bw*The detail ayedem tend* to
a only to meet toe demand at the
■ made by toemadrea; many efiU are once seen. It.wU fiot be long age officers who. tor fsmRy or otoer
“The formers organisation must be
I. are not coorenlenUy or uUsfhmera Mill dump todr all at once
etrotkg enoB^ aad general aougb
foctority eitcBted tn the tine to seek
regulate toe markeUng. The queetlon details In toe staff
glutted markets may ofler. 80 Mfifl to not one of hokUng produels. bM of fine -Of toe main purpose* ta Ibe mtem to to be carried out—that Is.
aa auch practice* prerall tber* can be eentog- them. Tbe proposition
Mieonelity ot labor reward*, no egual nnderstnBd It is ttat your products edneate Use offlcen In tbe dnUee of
baneflt* from aodety, no eonlty tn shall ta hMd only for the purpose ot the eererat____- ,__________
bnaincei and no proportionate or aecurlag a fair price. la a word the thwe deUUs should be uCda ttrtetly
terfoeri mnM make a seeking, market by roMer. abd aD offtcei* detailed
permanent proaperity.
•*But why undertake to correct InstfBd of domidBg tbelr flne. ralu- from the roster without reepect to toe
these ertla when tarmem are cotn- aide prodnets. wltkout syMem like In wishes or tbe recemmendsUou of the
cnee ot bankrupt irtocku.
Coni officer* or toe bnresn chlefo.
fortably proeperou* aod aeem to have
iptlon ot yodT prodneto Is Increas­
reaaoa to complain? Bmi
ing. thereby mskl^ now toe accept­
toeie to a wrong to be righted,
ToMo. Oct. 1.—^e 0**k* Sbooen
change to he aSected. and quality
Satota and tbe Nltaxm Tueseo Kaiata
be reetored. There Is neeer a better operation,
DShlp line* are reported to tare
time 10 repair a leaky roof than when un all farwten will }oto In this grand
reached a frelgkt-tarlff agreement
toe weather to fair; nerer a better
ering the eebedole* to Coreon
Ume to lay tn tud tbnn when toe day*
nM^borlsg port* which wW shM oot
ta* MBg end warm, nerer a better (* toe Ume to net
all nooOapanese compeUUon.
time to trim and flU toe lampa than
“If former* -will organize, one'* of TOyo Risen Kalshs hss ordered an­
wtaa It to Mgbt; nerer a better Ume toe first isenlt* wlU no doubt b«l!e. other 11060 ton steamer from
to plant than when tta aen to flne and creased prodncUon of grain crop*.
Nagasaki yards, to ta deilrered la
In toe osse ot tta orgalltoatton ot toe December. IMl ^
r to make laboring men. toe reauR wa* sborter
“'Fhrmer* ar* able 1
electric Ughta >n Mukden.
houia and tbersby w Aecteased prodi
pUah to* great r«fom. They may or- tlOB. 80 wttb toe former*, a more
Mnkdaa. OcL 1.—‘The ffotaese Mergnnlse and prorld* toe medna ot eo proflUble price would not neeees
tamats' gnOd of Mekden Intends
They muM meM and o*W- _ ao Urge a crap, tbe tewdency would undertake tta tostollatton ta an elecCdBW to* ^poeitloB cure to eontroat! be not lo work eo bard and ent down
U^tfog aymsB for tost city, and
Mow is tta time, tta ausplel. tta aereage. At aU ovenu a abort haa roqatatod toe sabrntoskm of Mds
out Ume. for former* to reocoe tbMr orta at a profitable price to alway* tor toe work. A Japanese concern
caQlag from tbe tardtalpa and Igao- bettor toon a bumper crop at a loMng ha* almedj offrtad to taetall tta cya
tern fora snm ta afaota U».«W.

The fesowtag
oeeerrod to a dtoltoTanenorar. OcL l.—A tew yenrt agol
■y umi w

toBudaeldlrinewtakadndt* CauMHea fistariee department <
m hM *xk«t toe egfo>fc«a tta duty of a twetoar rieegya ta a tatoec a tauh . «t*tal»
ptaa^ a few.kitaten at dtffafewt «pn m
B; *t am
1 pair ta pteebMB. Tta tank, tta u
polBta in tta waters ef Mttob €*!• '
Hid he. iJilrrHlngI Itta Mfo
1 ronw. -no mka csiw Bfoare
Ita head ta toe Chudlan tskhried .
bis morning.WKktbhil
». It now 00-tta ooaM maktbe ba* brushes in «M-| "Pray, atr." n«>Ued tta etoetol pom
Ibg ao examlutloo iff the bed* srhare; e*t 'mtw to remoe* tta poUso dost wltk ’
*’>fo Too tta 'man' wta to to
toMttfi wwf» Manted to sec WbA la-! which It taeomea loaded whOe sack-1 ^ toe prayet* m tta AUtlltoH’
er^ they hsTe made, and be wm;fn*ta tta nectar ta fioweru. Anorbec !
to daUror tta
e that lecMTM tta gtraalngi
la Hla Old taaoa Avaln. wlto a riew to a Urge ptotatog
L G. Wtaale hu tohra a penltfon to
of letateri In tt is found tooae dl- btrx Finally, tg Mientag tta brash
toedlsarrady planted bara done welt
aad tbe iiastat by means ta a neat IHA La
if eoBdlUoas are fouqd foTOtaWe R 6e binge, tta twe become a pair ta 1888. Mr.
: Intended to plant extenUve tads 0 plncAera. Wfaieb render ImigutaM
lobstera. ao tost tn the course ta toor
or fire years tbe lobster-taklag Inanil. After alghi this ta dlacoednMry wUl be cMahllsbel on a large
tlaued this bariMH aad wrat late tta
Tiawed Tsraww
ta tta r
. “Ate yon etndytag ^wrantx Mr.
saay wtare be romalned auutom
^ PrahiMorie ftolp.
Idiotr atoed'tta UagnlsL
, t years, snd It bu be«s Mgbt
yoari sloce be l-ti that poottlea.
Drnrer. OcL l.—The Coforadn SUte
talk too mack In BnglMk If 1 want to."
lAls Is a atoaular rambtoailon ta
Federatlea ta Women's dub* has at
“It la a very Am toagoaje," aald tta ^ dgsi* Meta . Maay otottsm
In UriM tta gorersfriend* of Mr. Wlusle wMtasglad to
mnt take la hand tta prtaerraUoo IT MBlRd.*
see ttm back where toey fiiM knew
forty years ago
and ezploraUon ta toe prehistoric
*Ko doubt" Hid tta IdM.
dis dweUlng* In Mc«e Verde perk. dent car* for potted tangns"*
QTATB or MICHUAN.THBFHOFor fire year* toe dub-women hare
O hate court tor tta Connty ta
worked uneearinglr to property pratoeae ruin*, which, like toe Call
nrt.,r,<_*r, Grand TrsTerae.
At a aaaakm ot aald eoart. bdd at
forma big trees, are national monoSSt^ta^tlag^ toe probate tatae.ln tta City ta Traf
Dents. During tob time the RsMat Ate there any mcra like you In year erse City, la said eoonty. on tta Ittt
dta ta September. A. D. IP«.
duforiwoen hare bent thdr enctgle* fomDyl 'Prtrate—I bare only on*
Present: Hon. Fred B. Walker.
B making the Lewis aad Clark mad! brotber. sir. Chptato-<Hi: And wbat
Jedge ta Rrobale.
orerland trails, a work ta aaUoaal l»In tbe matter of foe. gststo ta kMtersM aleo. In tact, much ta tta
A. langdortky. 48M ta drt
work, ta Utble fedetaUou ta womenb
Hi* Aet of Charity.
rlub* hu tor lU obieet tbe preaerraMr».>.^enpeqn* 80 you did sn set
Uoo and expIritatioB ta utfonal In- of charity to comemnotate the twen- ta aald e_______,______ _______ _____
• certain InKrumeot In writing pur-rest* u well as state ooea.
tleto annlreeHiy ta oar wedding. Mr. porUng lo be Ita tost will sad UtasOenpeqoe Tee; 1 refused a raise In ment ta aald deceased now on flle^
New AfiwtHinltiM Handlers.
Washington. Oct. 1.—The ordnance sala^ to one ta my decks who wanted sold Court, ta odmltud to profaot*.
and that tta admliitotrstloo ta a*U
bureau taUere* that It has found to get matrlod.
eeute be granted to George Arnold or
and proml*.
to emne other sultohle parson.
Om Um For lb
Ing In toe wny of an a
It to ordered that the Hth day ta
"I noUee that you writers om a
VMt deal ta totaaeeo. Docs It eOan- October. A. D 1807. at tra o’MoU to
toe forMwoo. et HU probate offieo.
late your balwr
toe tnrrM In a battleship or ondser. *1 don’t know, but It«—>— yon f«e> be and to hereby appointed tortanring
hU petltioo.
from aeddenb
1 get that youl* hnnfi7.*'*Oe«maad
It to further oederod. that poMIc
The new deriee which the ordnance lander. _________________
notice thereof ta gtren by pubBcatloa
for tore* saeburun U about to try U calculated


not ooly to pretrent f}e downfall ef
sralDg powder.
also conmlMely
I arert any danger from anch apearkIng ta toe elerator rail*. Tbe priaMple ta toe new hoist Is tta poenmstlc carrier found In moM ta the dopaitment stores.
Old Tbeolegteal Bctaet.
PbnadMpbto. OcL 1—Tta Morariaa
Tbeolofical eemlnary at Bethlebom.
Pa., which wni celebrate Us centen­
nial oa October 2nd end 8 rd. to one
ta the oideM tbeologlcat sekooU of
' Protestant denoiMnatlan In thto
country. Otoer elmUgr InsUtnUons
were organized Miller than October
2nd. ISOT. bat bpgan actual work later
than thto date, on which the flrM seselon ta toe Bethlehem Semloary wh
Tbe ttstory of toe Morarian church
In America begins wlto the year 178S.

Wife BaveHim
A Surprise
gr. Macule; Gets a littMa;
Presaat That He UMa
When Mr. Hacauley. wbo Mre* In
the we« end. arrired bo«De toot orentog and MW standing In a comer ot
the pretty parlor a bMutlfol Upright
Plano of well-known make, be could
•earcMr beUere bis eyes. True ft
was his birthday, but be was not pre­
paid for soch a surprise a* this. *0
flew npsUiia to find hto wife aad
get an explanation of toe seeming
miracle. When she teld him bow It
cane aboot It seemed almost too
good to be tr*»:-*-JuM like a fMry.“ as be sfteroard mIA
see." she said, as they de­
scended the aulra togetoer. “we
aoi t 4A'.a the. newspapem tor Mto-

«^n»at 1* tta most aawaeatlng thing m
j, Mrried lifer aaked Dorotby.
r printed aad
"Scooetlmca." hM the bacbetar In said county.
friawL "tfa the bostand, and 1
ttinm ltd tta wlCs."


Steinberg Bros.
wtm «ae of fhc begi'a
I •! Dry
Goods, QoHksIaadClH
Traverse Ctty» ivin ptoee iM MIe fbe foitoto-

For Saturday and
Monday Only!


2d Pir«8 Heavy Fleeced OoHne CloUit. choice
patierns. For Saturday aod Monday
5 Bales Cotton Batting, good quality, worth lie'
a ^rpll. For Saturday and Monday
as Do2. Chddren'i BUck Fleeced. Stockings «U
aiiefi, worth 16c. For Saturday sod 4
Monday ooly........... ...........................
5 Dor. Misses’ Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, all
sires, worth 36c. For Saturday aod
Monday ooly.......................... ..............
2S Pair Men's Corduroy Pants, worth $2JX) a pair,
For Saturday and Monday
2S Men's Suits in Stogie and Double-Breasted
-wofsteda ‘ aed caksimeres, worth $12.50 and

sidplr eooM not loatot looUfot Into
tbe matter, for you know. door, bow
wa taTe nlwsya lonpod for a Plano.
And <I toongbt it would ta just
splendid to get one for yonr birthday
eapoctolly as we ar* gtang to entmaln
this erening.
“After a rery Mttofactory riolt to
GrlDoell Bros.’ store and a talk with
their manager, J. W. aiflA I was conyinced that we could Mte nearly
lion by securing one ta tbelr Summer
Resort Plano*, and. a* too coo bc«.
pay cash they offered to arrange such
easy term* that I eoald not My -no.’
1 Just toito two weeks' allowance I
had Meed op. made the flrM payment,
and I am *ure I thall be able (0 econ­
omize eufficleotly to meet the smalt
mootoly payment*, oithout troubling
yon M all. Isn't the FUno a beauty
and doot yoa think your wife has
quite a good 'bwloeM head* u yea
can It?" -Indeed I do." eald Hr.
Macaaley. "And you deaerre credit

_____ _____ ________pieaaure."
Later, after tta company had gone,
tbe young coopto agrwd that entertalnlag was aever ao m*t a* it had
bera on thto eccaston wlto the aid of
Plana, -TPhy."
Maeauler. -w* didn't bare to exert
onrsclTe* at all; tba Plano was the
whole thing and with it our friends
piactlcalir patertatoed ihemsolTM."
TM.- added her huabanA as ta
woand tta dock proparatory to retir­
ing.' "toe wcBder to me U bow wr
>rer got along without a Plano. I
aa eore we will always be thankful
(or katang takes adraatage of OriaBril bSc Bummer Reeort Sele.”


25 Boys Knee Pant Suiu. made iHth double seat
aod knees, worth $2.60 aod $8.00, ^fl
For Saturday and Monday only— ^ie f 7
25 Men's Overcoats, worth $12.50 and $13 50,
For Saturday aod Monday
25 Astrachao Coats frr little etfi*. in Navy.
Brown. Grey. Cardinal, etc., worth $2.W
and $3:00, For Saturday aod Monday
2$ Laditt' Fine Broadcloth Coat*.,r.O Inches long,
«ilk lined, all sizes, worth $1500. ^|0
For Saturday aod Monday only. - qplXeTV

WcHiMW HMgltoe ofLMIcs* «i
Sklrtt, LMilcar, MImcT mmd OdMrctt^
dto&s HBdFara. eto^nf toe prices toerc
■ever aaorc rrea—blc-T»y hb4 <hU Setarday or Mqpday.

Mm <Mtor « Oi«M BwU* «a
MM the BBT. ■WIDto HukteS t»

. B. pBtuoclU iiMt ft &)• bone


am. fUE
CMaalhii A. T. Swward and bmbMd to Lftfarette D. Csrtte. lot 11.
Me^ E B. L- A Oql-s 1st Add. PW«.
• Hemr Max ftnd wife to Henry Rcnnti and wife. o% of »w%. Sec. M.
~. B. R. 11. WOOO.
DftvM R. Stricklin and wife
T. Viotk 4.
le Oftk Park. «TSe.
.the red cepe of the Comity Une
and' tbo Oeda'r
4 i
I. it
R. R. to Bartit* Rogen.
Cedar Ran
Rnn nine played a| C.■. E. A
fast game of tall at thtt pl^ Sun kn 4. block
btock le.
1«. Fife Lake. «««.
A. G. Ramsey and wife to James H.
MePball. e^ of ae%. Bee. St. T. SB.
B. IS. S3BC0.


Walter Lee ia Ut tows ealUac oa
Mra. Mer:rn aad Mn. N. B Aertut were Leland Ttatton last week.
Mr. aad Mrs. Oiarlto Olftaea hare
goat to MaalatM ter a rfalt.
Mn. Can Walker and TlDy Jobaaea
ire r»e to MOwaakee.
Mr. Mren aad family bare mored
to Tnrerae City.
Mlaa Mary Blrdaey ia on tbe
Picking and abipptag trait seems to
be the order of tbe day.
Prank TntUe baa. wfib a UtUe help,
pidted «nd eold oT*r uooo qurte et
bnckleberTlea from hM berry patob
Cbla acftsoo. and there la more to piek
M: be got ten and twelre cents per

Mr. and Mn. A. Inaia arc elaltlag
friends ta Trarerae City.
Mr. aad Mn. U Soun aad Mr. and
Mra John Daan were elected delegatM to go to Traretoe' aty to attend
the Grange coBTenOon held there
Oct 1.
There will be a pumpkin pie sedal
; the Orange kali PHday ^Mlac.
_ct 4. for the benedl of tbe Bal * "
aehool. Oose one cose alL
The W. P. M. B. meeia Best Toe»
day. Oct t. with Mn. Joan Dan. Din­
ner will be nerred.
Mr. and Mn. Charlee teton of W11llamsbiirg rfalted at B. O. Winnie's
Oct 1.

M. Tbooapm te pmttlag ft ceBftnt
wftll ftnd oftUar under his houae.
Mn. Shiddler ftnd Mrs. Myen
«tftd Mr*. Downer Tncaday.


Mn. WnUfta Zi«lM was ft Cedar
Bn ealMT Sradar.
HftM. tbe lafftat dan^ter ot Mr.
ftftd Mr«. Cartis Asenac. wma qidte
IB part of Isat week, bot abe fa ■
Tra' ..
. .
katter at thla wHUas.
Bertha Tnlei.
Aft Mfi. BtUiweU. teftcber Of the
Mr*. CEarle* Irfah and Mn.'Gook
■AhMa aeboel la 01. there wiD be ao
of Traverse City. vfalU"d at Rigene to many peop
•di^ la diBtHet No. S for OM wi '
L’mlor’B tbe 18th. l*th. SOlb.
i taken from a Netr Tork dally paper,
BftfTr Oahon waa the rmA
wnie CUrk I# wtwklng for a New giving a slmole prtocrlptlon. as for­
9mhriniaea. SaadB.
mulated by -a noted authority, who
a C. PottaDgai «ad taatUr asd Bar­
i, George Poote. wife and oaugnuw. clrims that he baa found a poslUre
ry PetlaBMO aad faarily oalM oo
'Mn. Knapp Mrs. Philips and Mn
atfeaa ed Mapla CMv Sasiar.
Snyder vlalted at Eugene "
Tbft te*B9 or^ ioaatRr are
rangement. Id the following almple
down, tbe tar whittle la ftttll beaud
Frank Rnthardl has a eousln stay­ prescription. If token before the stage
- Mn. MttlM, 8r. was aarerMr la- M It goea to tbe dock with lumber.
day wnlng.
with him from Texas.
of Rricht-s diseaseVictor JtBasoo U derklag egaln in
boar now days ing
Tbe farmen
Jared hr a ^ Otn aa apple^h^laat
Bdd. Antwlne and family visited at
Fluid ISxtract ItoodcUon. ont>half
; she la taeUac a
Oya Newmann'a Sunday.
ounce: Compound Kargon. one ounce:
Mn. Ptntg and cbOdreB of
Mrs" Zaldia Rider waa tbe guest of
Compound S)Tun Sanaparllla. three
Lake la rlalUng her parentt.
also_Mn. Laura Bates
Mn. Bari Gray____
In Traverse City BonW
tonneea. Shake well In a bottle aod
»ed last
niber returned
laM PrlmMn. Walter lake U on tbe sick ^it leeUng
Nearly every one to ^y cuning.j^^
teaspoonful do»iw after eftch
troB Plaber’a Harbor, where abe with a eery bad eold- .. .
Briwl anu again at bedtime.
___ been for tb« ‘ t “
be better soon. Her niece from Solon com.
We haven't bad no frost
I a well known drugg<.« here at
helping care for
Is with her.
Mrs. Knapp and son relamea to
regarding ibU preMn. WlllUm Bates expeett to go to
Oty this mrnnlng.
Isrriptlon. stat-d that the Ingrediente BriMol. lad. the Sth of Oct to - Trsverse
- Hasd r'oote to clerkly la the
Mra D. H. Need
her parenu. Hr. and Mn. Hdnes.
Dwr. Mn. Mabel Green. >
, amall coet from any good pie*- i
rbraaattem'lB her lower Ilmba; she
Mn. Rufus Bale* will go to the Knox atore In Traverse City.
e Bum. ien Friday night on tbe U ImproMng, but cannot dt up yet. soutbern part of Ohio on a visit
Sent. 23.
crlpUon pharmacy, or the mlxtiire
XhiBOeil tor Chicago, after hartng t^olet Mnrdoff la with her tto^w.
wo:-Id he piTl un If askfd to do *o. Hr
see her brothen and reUGrea Tue»•pest a part of tbe eummer here.
' further stated that while thU pTe•cri^ |
Mn. Henry Weylander. ohUd« and
Mta gmw Boedak of Trar'erM latherdD-law hare Bo*^ w
----- ................ ................
,tloa is often preacribed In Heuraailc .
„ a number areund here expect
City la the gaest of her aUter, Mce. to be near Dr. Bhar^
'alfllctlor. with splendid r*u1t«. he
*«• «« to Ohio on the excunion Tuco- Rapids
Mr. Mattervoo and family have re-;^.,,^
„„ reason wh-.- It would not j
lamely. Mr. nod
and Mrs. H. Case,
ot her husband.
day. inamely.
„ splendid remedv for lAney and
The her. Mr Heath of Trarene back from Ann Arbor ycsierofty.
yesterday, ^‘:van
but Wert. OMo: Mr. and Mr*. George
City ooeapled the pulpit In tbe M. B. Tory mue better that he was
„rtnary tronbles and bnekache. a» It
, Habbeler. Toledo. Ohio; Mn. Mary
Miordb Suadty morning aad erenlag. taken there sevenl weeks *P>. 7*
has a peculiar artlon upon the kidney
Bpafford, Cleveland. Ohio;
Mn. D. McMillan left PHday morn- tolE Too woodmen 1^.
atmetnre. eleanelng lhe*e most ImimrMrs. Nellie Pratt and Mn. JeB
'lag on tba oar ferry f« her new borne prfttae for the klndnem ahown ud M
tant organ* and helping them to sift
fravene City were in our
la VltBlala. —
^ and niter from the blood the foul acelven to Mr. Weylander.
WeyUnder. who hto a aovlslUng with relaMlaa
eldeal daughtar dal member ot their lodge.
Myron Tompkins cut hto hand with
waste matter which cause
Mlae Vella
Velli Spangle,
t Mr. add• "rs.
Mrs. J. ftiangle. wbo baa
.jckneiw and suffering. Tbo*e of our
SepL 30.
n c-_____
of appendidtlB.. la Jaat
the school yard Saturday,
eea ao Ttry in
iffer can mi
readers who suffer
aven team Sunday at Maple City. In
««4<wii«r to Improre; Dr. Ptood, aathonght
It a trial.
east kassoh.
Walter I.eke’« team got mired Id
- . Swanton of Trsyerse
the mud tost Thursday, on the Fow­ would set in. but they hare U about
Letter From Henry Ledevle.
ler farm. win
Will rewins
Pewlns had
bad to tase nw
iTfiverae CIlT Friday. Bhe brought lerfarm.
Hr*. Frveman to on the sick UsL
Modesto. Cal.. Sept. 23.
aad Mrs. Spangle hope lor a speedy afrtend MUs OUve Spencer, with mam tn draw them out. aa they were
Mito Bertha Tenny to Eomc better
. vtaT
la all over, but tbeir nose*.
To tbe Grand 'Traverse Herald
thl* writting.
The B 8 tmnvenUon of District No. i Simday waa the laat day that there at Dr.
Onr Friends:
*ӣ?Vannle Staele and Mn. Oraoa
UlghtoD of Croffton U at Mr.
r friend*
2 «* held at Sst Kftason ehnreh win be any Sunday school. As the litAa a torpi- number of
Amon Webster a.
ould like to hear from this sunny
ftti Friday afternoon and evening. A Ge onee are quite Ured of going to
Mrs. Paul had a birthday party
.nri « Erst rate pro- school all week, and the weather to
Monday for her daughter Cryaul and couniiT. our present home.
fair descriiiti
Kran made a very suceeesfnl convenClara Johnaon. this being their 4th
tell J
Sept. 30.
wbat 1 kn<
know to
** The friends and nri^hors of A»os
*’*Mr''Bnd Mrs. Brady and daughleri what I have seen and l here Ireal
Mean Ca. tba past waak.
Mrs. Aatolna Bartlett baa retaraed Kennedy end
Pearl and Helen, -vlalted at Mrs. be tme. We all likesplendid,
from Ana Arbor wkare she srent fOr prise them la« Tnewtoty nWil e« ^
have not had a whole
r Mrs. Baamler wbo to quite poorly. BmlUi'a Sunday.
have lost reeenUy mored late
Sepu 23.
floe new hooae. A niy
that wa* Are mi
Real Estate Transfer*.
rto^ent^““*■ I Mrraiid Mrs- Wareen entertained
lueh warm'
quite warm but not much
who wOTt nau
^ Portland. Ind, this
Amelia Goffer to Edward C. Lake. then In Traverse only It last*
DH of nwl4. Sec. E T. 2«. R. 10. Though one does not feel the heat a*
near- week.
And It
Grandpa Miller ot Morrilla wa
much here as you do In Hieblgan for
ly all the phones
*^Sute of Michigan to Eva L. Brown. there to no mototnre In the air during
Buckley on bnalneea TTraraday.
both pleasant and convenlenL
Hay Myen vtolWd Mra. Miller aeK of nwU. See. 86. T. 86. H. IX the warmeai part of tbe day and there
*pnnMn ^baU left this moralag
BepL SO.
Is always a good Ocean breeie Wow­
ing down tbe valley, dbd <f one gets In
Hamitile Cnwfoi^ visited Mrs.
^MnfcA. Battle left Wadaaaday tor
«wH .
tbe shade It to cool. The nights are
her home la Bt.Loala. Mr. BatUa win
always cool. There are lots of peo­
r ,
Jeeale Gruham of Harlan and Ethel, 1120.
ple out here who sleep out of doom
^Sa. u“ria^?^fferT and
Brady of Toma called on friend, at
-1 ^. ocv. • ■. b . 27. R. 11. 865.
the year around with only a cheese
agnan naujroay.
ii aarBOa to a tarie^ ap ot^ompaoovtlle are vtolOiig friends Bagnall
Edward C.
. Lake and wife to Amell cloth curtiiln around the l»ed ;
, Retta Bennett was at Wexford Sathere.
. ..
____ I

nwi4; See. 8, T 2' frame work. As for Insects. »
A. Goffar.•. nSi ot nwi^;
sad Me
Bol bolhensl with them in the
w'.“‘*tWUi^Mm.^ttoyto Uttof Mr. Stone ot Bagnall had R. 10. 12600.
AmHto A. Goffer to Jame* Rurtqp We an- in what 1* calU-d the
f to lose.!
Rymer. n% of nwt4. Sec. 8. T. 2(
Joaquin* Valley, tprononneed
'^ji.'and to.;■ Arijmr Smith have ^Ito^MpiDc'^bis tothef In the mip 10. 81600.
Utaoklqo.) The son here Is a heavy
rtalntng Mr. Smith's father.
Siaesa «.hla «aa^.
It formed
fr« nunonoiaiDa
mmanotalpi muu
William Smalley and wife
__________ _ »T’u mAng her Bister, and1 a la^ mend tropi Pern, ^^to^*Pera Decker retnmed Satur­
broughtI to It* present pUce by the
day from a few days vtolt arllh rrtawith her grundtareniEW. ftnd
Bi-erythlng 1*
waters age* ago.
ttvas at Traverae aty.
“Tb. a.wt«
as they do not
watered1 by
w, Irrigation,
------- —
R. McOomlck and family vlsiud at
the etote eonvenUon of the A
E* to The have any rain here In the summer.
at Traverse aty are John
^ W. Southwlek's Sonday.
. block E The IrrUtaGon aystem used here costa
Orman Decker and wife vlalted
Sewell. John Raferty. D. C. Vlbbor. A.
Oct J.
about |2.500.(*00 and Is not owned by
Mr*. Decker's mother at Pomona
- - Iver and A- J. Hlgbea.
ny. but by the peop
, J. W. Wltoon returned to her Sunday
lot C, block 4, Oak Park addl
Quarterly meetthg will be held at
In Alba laat Thnruday after a
Mtoft LrhoU spent Friday night uM
tbe Evangelical chnrch at Pomona, tlon. 8800.
•atntflay wtth frienda tn Bdlalru. • ^ shmt vHll with her paruat« Mr. ai^ commencing Friday evening
wnitomn Sparildg to Albert O. Bmsi
-ening 1Sejd. 27.
T*. H Wytdtoff. Her nephew min
Mr.^ Mm. WiBinoits aod aon ht
and wife.. ati. of swU. Sec. lE T. 25
and ending Simday ' snlng.
argent accompanied her home.
Vorwood have been spending t
thetrmysteni has equal right*
R. 10. 84000.
M. Stddler I keeping I
MUa Margery ftreer. who to t^eh* dura artth r«UtlT« and frienda.
Charles B.. Dye and wife to Egbert of the water. The water right goes
> and I
Kr«. Frito GetoU and Mift. Basart Ing aebool near TnaUn. tame home
with the sale of the landpresent
od wH
«C Vfc Rtqdda wute MB driving In
there are about 258.000 acre* In the
dlMriri .md have about 260 mile* of
*‘Dter vtoUing her mother. Mr*. Martha
• Mn. BUppn and two
n- u“ Fridarana
canal*. Of the lands now In crow.
• daughter. Mrs. H. Speer.
«BTMd to tbeir home at Chicago
Tork and sister. Ida Komue. the past
___whool cloaod Friday tor a
which to the greii erhp of the Irrigat­
3. Bnyifslde A.. IIW.
Mri^ Mra. Morgan and diUdren weeks- vaoaOon lor the poUto
Claus. ed lands and a iwo-ycar-old root gives
•ff to> Frodericka
Morrto SIcNeff
Mr. and Mr*. W. Stock vlalted tbeir
' ) Chicago Monday after
lot 74 and e«4
r at their cottogu ^*Wllllam Snell, of DetroU. conductor daughter. Mr*. Jenny Copley Sunday. side A.. 1416.
average from one to one and one-half
George Downer and arlfe vlalted
e Wabash railroad. U rialttnc
tons to the acre each rutting. All
Julius Camp
Wmm Wum aad Clara Aemtoegger la parentt. Mr. and Mm. R. N. Sndl. tbeir dangbter at Buckley ‘Bbnrsday. uUa
live stock and poultry thrive on it.
Campbell, lot 12 and
Frank Lewis waa at Bagnall and
thctoe who win
will go isouth on
Among those
mure dmm from Traverse City over
Btantolans county has grown In fonr
the excursion tomonow are Mra. H MeaSe Satorday.
Sunday vtslEag tbeir parento.
veant from twelfth place to fifth In
Prank Labau lost hto houae and
Mr. and Miu. Geo. Persona Itft Mon Speer. Mlae Margery Speer, will vis­
the stole In dairy produce. No place
day for the aouthem atotes, where it tbeir eon and broUer. J. Vf. Speer contents by Are Wedneaday noming.

Is very
Host everything to grown here. It
prew-nt* ideal condlUoni In the way
Of *oH, climate
and an abundant
ter .supply tor the proliuble gvow. „ or all fruit and vegeUble* that
can be grown in a temperature atid
semi-trcplcal cUmate. such aa fig*,
peaches, pair*,
ipos.-herrleft. Irish and aweet pota8. 4h fact everything you can ratoe
In Michigan and a Ifost of 'things you
iw almonds.
____—. paanuts. 1
must atop now for 1 will be'encroach
Ing on both your time aad apace.
Henry Lederle.



Wt art
fit Ltadtrs of
Low Pntts
ennd Cnotrst

,Cbe millinery
pUNd threoRh ltd fonoal ttage laat week
with gnat BROoea. Kever have we bad noh
erowda axtd iwrer have eoraaiet daring tbe
0|nuBg dflje bean to Uige. Whereas we
expected to ahaply SHOW tbe atyke.
tboeo wbo vkited tbe dt^day eonMn’t le■kt the impake to porefaM
T>iwd_Hdid that it u Dothing nananal to
ffn^UdEwhm narked 16.00 J JQ
Trimmed Hats that jron have been acene.
tamed to paf $8.60 for. ron
1 QQ
find beieSried............s....iyO
fnl Patten Beta which have all toe

George W. OUfOE
Onuitt Court Commtoalaae
John J. Tweddle.
BoUdtor for OomptaiaaBL

mlcal sIKVping center. Is ilUed with everylhlna that Is new In FaU Merchandise. Onr
IS. We are demonstraang onr ablllly lo give you the best values obtainable In each and
every Dcparbnenl IhronghonI Ibis Mammoth EstabllshmenL

-« .-ft -«

Compare Our Offerings With Jffl Others

Smart Broadtdotoi, tight fittiDg coats,
toaped collar, worth $16.00 ^
The new firoedtail Short Coato are all the
rage. 815.00 and 118 00
1 ^ JO
for 19M aad.......... i ^ 40
Panama Walking Skirt*. Uteat at^lea.
Heated and Pand Trimmed, with Self
lolda or Thffeta Silk,$5.00
9 QQ
vmlne* for.................................OCfO

$30 Infanta’ Beartktn Ooata. all colon and
^lea. Special a $3.00 valoa ^

Per Cent Saoed bf Buping
pmr Clotbing fjere
llen’a Snito in new Brown effecto, told

•Men’a well tailored •nita thathaveftelf-retaining
froota. handmade bottoDhok*. in Bla<^ and
Fancys. that yon have bem acenatomed to

......... I2S9

Fall Overcoata and Crs^-eoettoa.
riebt $10.00 and $1200 ralnea

Stylea are
7 QQ

Chiiaroii’a Bnater Brown Snita in endleea vatiety. Worsteds. Caaaimenta. VelvetE Oordaroye, etc. A good Blue. Boater
| IQ
Brown Suit to.........................J............. * »a.7

86 it 66.


60 pieces new Fall Dreaa Goods in new
^da and cheeks as well as plain ms-

Men’a $1 Wool I'Dderwcar. heavy 7Sr>
plntb beck. Special....................... /sL/tMen’a




eotrptbing to
Wear and
to Turnlsh four
Out Roof

Dry Goods


Stnsational Bargains

May Have Awpfum* Hoad.
RichmonE Oct l.—There is a PfUftMbUlty Oiat the Bptocopal coavaatloa
here will dlsentt the qneftUoc of
selecUng a supreme head of tbs
American ciAirch. tbs sams office as
leld by tbe archblsbop of Cantoh
•ury In atgisnd. There are many
ctorygmen of the ^liaoopal cbnrA
n It might honor. Am
Btoho’p Henry Potter, of New Tock.

Rest fttatc Tranafaia.
whom U may cooceni—This to
Ellen M. Adslt to Prank Sladek. all to certify that a
tor slander
i suit
... bavf lot 5. hlk. 8. H. U A Co.'# 4th. 8850.
J. A. Homrich and wile to J. D.
ime avlng been amicably aMttoE
Heler J- Snyder, do hereby artaowlJohn McLaughlin to Charles L. edge that If I ever mads the chargMi
>eyD. loi 47-46. hlk. 4. H. U A Co.'s imputed to me as having bMB made
against P*-*"- Homrich 1 hweby r*d. 8406.
tract the aame and acknowledge UmI
toato-1 B
I hnd no cause for making the uamo.
-. rH of
Dated Oct- 2. 1W1-.
Peter J. Snyder.
Mr*. K. G- itoil* to Ruff A HamMen. lan-rl. arc. ?. T 2T, It 12. fllC.
IMsIer Kilpatrick and wUe to ?'

147; el
lleblgnn. Thl
(dal are»dt In Chaneery.
_ , .
Butt pending In the Oroolt Ooftrt
for Oooniy of Grand Trmvoree nt Ttftve aty. Mlchlgnn on tbe ttlrUMith
Harry C. Harris to M. R. Harris,
ts I ana 2. hlk. 7. 1
Henry U-derie aad . _ .
Benjamin, lots 17. 18, 18 and 20. hlk.
______ ci«*e tt ftcwariiig tbnt aaM
8. 2nd Fernwood add.
Earl J. Cook and wife to Ferdlnani defeddanL Winiam Oook. to n raMKapnick. lot 8. blk. 2. Goodrich. 3rd. d«st ot thto sUto hot bto wbereaboM
C^rge F. Smith and wife to Amo are unknown; therefor*, on mottua of
. parcels. Oak Park aad J. J. Tweddle. atdkdtor tor eogaplalnnnt. It to ordered that defeodaat aater
dns Park, 8500.
Jcv-ph A. Muller t Arabella Muller bto appearanoa to^d oanse on or bofore 5 montha from the date of thto
t 83. bll
order, and that within twenty day* the
cause thto order r* —
Cooper, parcel*, IVimamsburg. 88on.
wd In the Grand 'Travaraa
John Weberand wife to George Web­
HeraM. said publloalloo to
er, swti of seVi. sec. 32. T 26. B
» In each week tor tU
tinned <

The Globe Dept Store

Traverse city-s mn
advance sdling ts <

dUlon. I218S.


........ 39c

Wool Sweeten for boya 3 to 10
jean of age. for................................C/JFW'
Men's .lereey Sbirtr.
5Cc values for.....................................eFJfV


375 pain Men’a s^ Women’a sample .
aboea, light and beevy soles, kid, patent
and box oalf nppen. for

89c. $1.17. $1.79. $2.59
We will save you from 15 to 25 per
cent on Rubbers. »uch aa Ball brand,
Wales, Goodyear and Boston.

... ^24c

All Wool Flannels for waists, chfldieo’s
dresaea and men's shirts.
per yard .....................................
10-4 aixe Cotton Blanketa.
hsevily napped, per pair ...........*t:7S0'
100 riryf.n Boys' ftud Girti* Btbbad

...... lOc

Ba«dy-to-wear Obildno'a
Dresaea. up from........................^
H bars Golden Lily Toifad '
Soap to...........................................

Sce(mr*c Bargains.
They arc wolhi invcsiigalliio


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