Grand Traverse Herald, October 31, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 31, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


VOL xux

^mnh ®ratorr0^ Memlh*

Pages 1 to 6


Tbs npM BtlH On.
share tbe InstrucUn. Courses In ar­
LmmM Rarma ct Lift.
chitecture have long been open to
fir. 11. S. Gracorr gare a verr toThe Injunction wbicn Armour
taraaUflg and InAracUrc ulk to an Company, of Chloago. toaued against women at the HsasacbusetU Insti­
andlence In nftti ward hall Frtdar tbe suu food department two days tute of Technology, but this Is a fair­
alskt tor tbe ben«0t of the Oak Park after tbe sausage cases iq this clly ly radical departure at the nalveiulty
Oangrrgaltoo cSurch. Ui aobjcel be­ bsd been disposed ot, has been
on the Heights.
ing a '-Studr Of the Lowest F^rnit of solved by arcult Jndge CMUdge, of AdvertisemenU an PasUge SUmpa
Ufe.- With the aid of ebarU the Berrien county, and now the depart­
CbrlsUania. Oct. 25~Tbe Norwe-apeaker illustnUad mai)r fonna
ment to free to continue the prosecu­ glan postal autbortllea have under
gennt and told aomeUtlng of lotereat tions sgminat meat dealers who are consideration an appllcatlcm for perof each.
mtssloD to print advertisements on
Belling sausage and other
In opening bla remarks be gave the TioUtlon of the sute pure food tows. the back of postage stamiM. It to pro­
SaSalUoD ot matter and energr. and
In tbe bin Of eomplalDt It alleged posed to devote the proceeds to tbe
the two when so combined that tbis that the defendant. A. F. BJrd. sUte e rection and malntenanro of a aanlociBbinaUoo to arable of reproducing
pure food commtssioner. designing to torlum for conaumptlves.
•aU. conaea the extotence of Mfe.
Will Study Oeasesphy.
Injure the business and good name of
. Ufa. be said to divided Into four the compUlnant hat caused It
New York. Oct. 2fi—The ninth In­
Eelda: Bolnble IIW. nltnmlerotcoplc
advertised that sausages sold by tbe ternational
life, mtoroaooplc life and maacroIn this state were adult­ has been called to met-t In Geneva
oeople life. Hlcroacople Ife. he said,
erated within the meaning of the pure from July 27 to August 6th next year.
la dlrtdad Into two great «eld», the food laws of this sute. ihrealeolng to, In connection with thls'meellng there
animal and vegeUble kingdom. Tbe
prosecuU dealers handling aald sau- win be ten excurslona under leader­
lowcat tipe of life, baclerlan, a one- sage.
ship of prominent scholars.
call mleroorgantom. grows and multigeographical society of Geneva, which
The hill of comptflnt alleges that
pliea br transrerae dlvMon.
has Just Issued this preliminary ansausages
chart was here brought Into
nounbement. Will publish the final
from beef and pork; that spices are
abowing bow tbe minute
program In January, 1906. Tbe numlaomeUmea of a imisonous nsture) usfd for seasoning and that from
W of participants in this aclentlBc
throws out bf itself a digesUve fluid to ten per cent of wholesome cer
tcursloD is ro be limited.
ground gndn to also usd. That
wbicb contains the poison,
Work In^emarial Hall.
peods npon tbe dlgeatlon <jt this other IngredlenU are used. And that
Ann Arbor. Mich.. Oct. 26—Work
cetm whether K to a polaon to man
has been started on Memorial Hall,
or not, but be declared, there are sausages arc composed fre absolutely the cornerstone ot which will be laid
trOlloos of germs which are barmteas pure.
November. When completed this
Tbe defendant baa publicly declared
“immunity." aald tbe speaker, “to
building will doubtless be the most
tbe protecUon we bare to either to tbe people of the aUU of Michigan beautiful structure of tbe campus.
petoosa or tbe lower forms of Ufe.
large entrance hall are to be
Tbto Is .of three kinds, natural, aauaagea containing cereal and
placed the memorial tableu. commem­
aesslred and pMSIre. Tbe natnnl threatened to proaeeute aueb dealers orating tbe patriotism of Michigan
IsBanlty to tbit proHded by nature If they sold these manufactured by students who served In tbe various
The complainant has
In vbleb
American wars.
tala diseases known only to animnls, thereby been Injured in a sum largely
Redwelnp Output.
in excess of 120.000 and If the defend­
saA pa anthrax. b<^ cbolera, e
New York. IcL 26—Following tbe
ant Is not restrained from making
Aetlre ImmimUy to that which
policy Of tbe American copper comaald
provided after a perwm has bad a dto]>aDt<«, word cmucs ibat tbe Cerro
enpe. and as smallpox, etc. He Is sUtemento concerning tbe meat prode Fasco copper mines. In Bolivia.
tberoafter Immune from the disease. docU of complainant, tbe busloem In South America, have reduced output
Pnaalre UnattnUy Is that -whore Im-; this sUte srill be toUIly destroyed
7S per cent of the normal. The
emnlty Is aoQuired through the naa and complainant suffer irreparable ndues bare been turning out at tbe
loss and damage.
of nhU-toxla In
of 24.000.000 pounds, a year A
The real controversy between the
amount of copper from these
Dr. OroRorr pnM a Ugh.tribute to parUes to Ibis case arises over tbe mines to shipped to tbe United slates.
.Louis Paataar. who. he aUd. had done eoostnietlon of certain provlMons of
' Who Will Succeed Evans?
mors tor tbe worid than any other
Washington. OcL 26—As to who
man. bla voik In bacteriology torn- this sUU. Tbe claim of tbe dairy will succeed Rear-Admiral G\-ans In
>ner of tbto stote
laUng tba groateA dUcoTariea of the
Is that tbe use of cereals In the pr^ nommand of the battleahtp fleet when
that offleer leaves active aervlce next
An explanation of bow tbe derelop- patatlon snd mannfsclnr. '
August, there Is a difference of opid■mt of nntbrax and diphtheria culThe three officers upon whom
tnra la enrrted on la toboratortea foltbe
command might be expected to
lowad. anthrax, he aMd. being a tlon npon certain prevtslons In tbe
under ordinary clrcumstances-r-.
native of Prance although now fonad amaaded set of 1895 section three Rear Admirals James H. Dayton.
la America. Re stated that It to al- proridlng that an article aball be Charles M. Thomas, and Wllltom H.
moat sure daath to the lower anlmala. deomed to be adulterated when:
Plrsl: Any eubiunce shall bsre
and that he bad never known of but
Evans Into retirement vc-ry soon. The
one peraon having recovered from the been mixed with U so as to lower or
former go upon tbe retired list
on October 1st. and 25th. 1906. resquality strength or purity.
Be explained bow the system
Second: It any Inferior of cheaper pectlTcly. and the totter .on Derembe protected trap-' certain dla
]~tb. 1908. FAr tbto season
throng tbe nae of toxin; by tolerat­ Bubsunces of substances bare been no other may be ehqren. The cbolec
ing a weakened germ the aysiem can snbsUtnUd wholly or In part for (t.
of Rear-Admiral Evans’ successor for
be bnllded np to lealat a stronger
tl)p command seems to lie between
germ. He Ulnstrated bow anU-toxln this Is as folloars:
Rear>Admiral Charles S. Sperry now
ts secured by showing bow a weak"My oMolon to that the incorpora­ at Tbe Hague, and whu. It to under­
ea«d diphtheria cnltore grown In beef tion ^ cereals with meat wltb a stood. will command one dlvislon.of
tan can be Injected Into a perfecUy designation ot tbe product so manu­ the Atlantic fleet in all probability,
iHaitby horse. maUng tbe hotee alek factured as sausage would be a clear and Rear-Admiral Jonepb N. Hemp­
flar two days. As aoon as the horse violation of these provlrions. It to hill. Rear-Admiral Sperry retires In
has recovered the seme amount can practically coneeded that a cereal U September. 1909. and Rear-Admiral
bs.tajeeted and wlQ not sBect the an InferlOT or cheaper autntance. than
Hemphill In June. 1909.
tens. After tbto enough can be In- tbe moat, which forms tbe basis of
Ts Connect Ceylon and India.
peted Into the horse to kill S.OW peo­ sausage."
London. Oct. 26—Efforts are be­
ple and It will not make tbe borae
Tbe.compUlnantt contend that sau­ ing made to secure the sanction of tbe
aid. Blood to drawn from the anl- sage >18 a "mixture or compound project of connecting Ceylon to In­
■al. and from tUs to aecored
recognised as an ordinary article ot dia by a railroad across Adams
food." and therefore tbe pure food Bridge and the shallow bodies of wa­
To piNUe llio children In the audt- law does not apply to tbe manutac- ter laying between Raraeswarem and
nnee. of wUch there Rere a number, ire and aalo of saiaage.
Taldatmaoner at the northern end of
the doctor told a pretty Indian legend,
Deputy Pood Inspector O. M. Dame the Island. The South Indian Rail­
the story of bow the first doctor will go to BeUsife Monday to assist way company are bringing their line
Marled to America. Not only
In the prosecution of George Monta­
the eztremee point of the small
dlidrea hut tbe adults were IntecMt- gue. who has been selling sausagre taland of Rameswarem. so that only a
«d la tUs.
manufactured by Swift A Company. small gap of water will intervene be­
Tbe atody of the typhoid germ wat Tbe case will be watched with con­ tween the terainal ot the Indian and
next taken np. Uso teUnna <Ioek- siderable Interest tbrougfaoot tbe Ceylon railways.
Jaw) the germ of which tbe speaker
*. Dr. noyd W. Robison, stale
declared to found la every inch
analyst, will also assist the prosecu­
Look Out for Them.
atreet dust and garden noil.
“Tou tion.
From S.iiurday’B Record.
Two women, dressed In the garb of
eaanot take a ptoce of aoirai large as
General News.
Catholic sisters, are soliciting and
a pda." be oUd. “and find it free from
Cape Town Oel. 2G—Julius O. Lay. collecting alms In Ihe city. These
the tntanna germ. All aalt-peire and
therefore gunpowder la Infested with United States coRsuI-general here has women are acting without any right
‘ tkta germ. That to why so many opened an Infortuatlon bureau where whaiBoever and the |>eopie of tbe city
warned against giving them any
deaths tetuU from fourth of July cele- anyone in South Africa can obUin.
by applying |>erBonal]r or through the money.
hratlens. In one year 27 boys
girls In Michigan dying from lockjaw maito. ratal^ues and other Informa­
Some lime ago. Bshop Richter. Of
arthis diocese, made an .order that
Wlowtng injuries received with Are
Mcle they wish to purchase in the there should be no more sollclUng of
etnekers. etc.'
Bnbonlc plegne. Vbleb Is Imported VnlO'd Sillies. In order to make this alms or money for any purpose by
frmn China by rnta. leprosy, malaria, commercial Information bureau a com- anyone without his permission and
yenow fever and rabies were also pleK- success American manufsrtue- permission from the priests In whose
en and exporters ar^ urged to send l>ari«b >-ey proposed to soHclL This
taken up.
Rabies, he said,
to the American consulate, their cata­
not only for the purpose of keep
primarily a disease ot rabbits,
out the UDwortby and the Im­
though many other wild animals si­ logues and the following InCormatlon
which will be carefully fil<« and In­ postors but because of tbe tact that
ne were subject to the disease,
told how patlreta were treated at tbe dexed: Name and address; code ad­ the people of the diocese were giv­
paMenr insritau- at Ann Arbor for the dress and codes used; export dls ing all that they could to the support
disease, and In closing ibU subject counts and terms of payment; refer­ of the church and Its works. Even
warned all never to shoot a dog that ences; nature of good*: list ot branch- the l.lUle Slaters of the Poor and the
os or agents in South Africa or Lon­ Dominican sisters did* not vtoil the
had bitten a person until
proven beyond doubt that tbe dog had don. and whether business can be city this year, tbe bishop not extend­
hydrophobia. “Shut tbe dog np and done direct or only tbrongb agents; ing the ttsoal permission.
also catalogues, prices current, dis­
to n lew days the disease will
The two women tn the city are sup
▼Mop. There to time then to treat count. sheets., circulars, small ptao- posed to be from Manitowoc. WIs..
'lographs. etc.'
the patient. II ratdM does not
and therefore hare no right In ibis
NSW CsurM far Woman.
veiop In three or tonf days tbe dog
dioeose. In order to solicit here, even
New York. OcL 2C—Announcement If they pot tbe bishop * permission. It
hM not tbe ^ase."
A Mlver jlllectloo was taken for bM Just been made by tbe School of would be necessary for them to se­
the benedt of the ehufth. This to
cure s WTltten permission from Father
Itecture are open to women.
tte Bret In a eerlee of -ad
Baner. of 8t FVancto church, or
pceially to the graduate students. So Father Sbeefaan, of the Immaculate
keen has been tbe interest In tbe Conception ebnreb.
change that tbe deiiartment finds
Anyone approached by these two
hear tbe first speaks well for those llaelf hampered for room to accommo^ Mtlers now here, sbonld demand that
date those womco who are auBous to they show their credenUals which
that wlU follow.

Although working for the Interests I peUUons protesting ^nst the Iq**
of the tanners. Mr. Davies has re-' business, and they are confident «b»r
Father Sheehan.
The local factory has been busy celved <
» from both <
"Charity bf«ins .
bnylog all varieties of winter apples sel for the people and the rattfoads
Father bbeeban to a t
this faU and tbe Cbeqaamegan and for the impartial testimony wl^ be
Uttve. "Ana these |>eople. even If they ; the Onekama have been brlngtag has given while testifying In legal
are no Impostors have no right here.'them to tbto city and tbe factory nn- eases. He tviurned lM‘t week from
Omaha. Oct »8—Hartlmaa rail­
Tbe peo}ile should not give them any j ill now they are piled np there In all Minnesota where his testimony play­ roads hare undertaken t e most ex­
| Unds of pine's with more stUI
ed an Impirtant part in a railroad tensive iDsMllation of block signals
I'ather Bauer expressed the opinion: come,
Hi» testimony U-fore the Inler- oo record. Some 812.<m>o.o«io has ab
that they were frobably Impostors j Tbe apples a
sute ctin!tu.-rcv commiMiion hae also' ready be«-n spent by the praseut manand even if they were not. they bad' mschtnery. th
be«‘n Itajiartlal.
agement of the Unlra Pacific
DO right to ask for charity In this ^ swiftly. As they come from the ten
Southern Paeffir for safety applUnces
city. When first noticed, they w.*re peelers, the IDO women Uke them and
Reed City Beat Them.
and with tbe completion M additional
The k.Hd City high scn.»>l defeat­ Instsllations already authorized the
working on Front street
defUy cat them Into quarters, trii
ed the Traverse Oty' High school
Bauer's parish.
systems will have a total of
mtng off what the machine
stsc mllra of automatic signals.
Then they an- cook<-d and gotten
After 8'Kty Years.
resdy for the can. a filling and tool­ The game was close and eicUlngi According to informaUon compiled
throughout, Travery City being the | in
;,f8ce of tbe chief epgineer of
After they- had been submerged for ing machine doing the rest.
sixty years s considerable number of
The work Is all done by tbe piece. tasiej but Reed City being heavy | the company, tbe I'nU® PsclOc now
enough to make (be gains.
] ha« in op«-raUon all equlpiud with
InterestlDg relics, valuable as aoun.rson and lAfon!*-e siurrtd for electric autonialle stgaals 469 miles
venlrs of tbe first steanJtMMt to ply or more according to the speed whfeh
the waters of Lake Superior, have they work. Although 150 are busy, Traverse City end Schallow and Gil- of single track and 244 m1lre_of
been secured from the wreck of the there to room tor more and tbe com- bert for Rv-ed City. In the last part jouble track An sddtltonal ITS mn?S
old propeller Independence by Diver ]>any could use all that apply for po- of the last half. Reed City tuvireU s of double track and 197 mtles of sittouchdown. Travers*' Oily .also scor'lgie iraek'TnilallaUon U under coo­
Thomas Duroeber. of tbe 8oo.
There |„ractfi)n snd will soon l>e put into
The Independence was destroyed by
If the weather U such that hauling ing one and kicking gi«l.
an explosion ot tbe boilers of tbe boat can be conilnui>d, tbe plant will run were several mlnntes left to pUy but 1 ^rvlce. More than 306 distant
near the head of tbe ship canal In until close to Cbrialmas time. About Reed City had to quit to catch thelri,wUch signals, protecting the morefroln.
Jment of trains toward 158 sUUom
tbe summer ot 1647. eight years be- 3.600 bushels of apples have alreadyTbe score at the end of the first and spurt on tbe main line of the
for. tbe canal was built. Tbe Inde­ been canned.
half was T to 5 In favor of Rc-d City. Kansas and Colorado dlvlMons. have
pendence has been visited time and
t^e vlalton having scored a touch also been put In place.
again by divers and tbe bull baa been
Deep Waterway MevemenL
down and a ssMy. Tbe line up was:
tV-ben all tbe Work, now authorited
stripped of everything of value. All
Sterling. III., Oct. 21—A dlsUnct
Reed (',i¥-8mltb. Ic; Kent. It: and under construetlflR Ip
Iron and steel were taken In 1581 and snd Important step in the movement
much of the Umber baa been secured to secure s deep waterway from Lake Wood, Ig; Norman, c: Grapt. rg: the entirt- main line of tbe UtilSb Efa-.''
In recent years and made up Into; Michigan to the Gulf ot Mexico was Soles, rt: Raff, re: Schnlluw. rb; elflc from Connell Bluffs. Iowa, to'
ivenir caoea. etc. . Tbe steamer taken today with tbe evening to nav- French. Ih: Gilbert, fli; Beardsley, qb. Green River. Wyoming, will be pro­
Traverse City—Hull, le; Bauman. tected by automatic signals.
» loaded with hay. flour, boxed IgatJon of the lUlnoto and MtoslsMppi
It; Cleveland, Ig: Peterlyl. c; Mon­ mirtn. line of tbe Kansas dlrUlon.
groceries and general merchandise.
canal, which has been completed af­
Diver Duroeber secured many sou­ ter thirty years of work. The Import- roe. fg: Hanson, rt; Ludka. re; Ke- frjm Kansas City to Topeka, to alhoe. Ik: LaFOnstee, rb; Pierson, fb;
venirs notwithstanding tbe number of
of tbe event was evidenced by
signals. Tbe remainder of tbe line
relic banters who had previously vis­ the attendance of Governor Deneen McGarvy, qb.
Twenty-five minute halves were Uto Denver to protected al staUqiia
ited the wrwk. Among the arUcles and many other notables i Ibe openplayed.
Davis was referee, Kralx, wltb dtount Bwltcb signals, as are al­
were about three dozen rings and a tog ceremonies.
mpire. and Parker, ^llme keeper.
so the lines between Denver and Cbsynuml>er of strings of beads which
The work of constructing the canal,
enne, and I>eover and Julesburg. Col.
• used in trade with the Indians, which was formerly knosro as tbs
Local Option For the State.
The latter InsUlUUon to Included la
strings of small bells, pieces of flint. Hennepin canal, was commenced
Grand Rapids. Mich.. Ocu 26.—The tbe 19T miles of single track algaals
small hand ax and other things.
many years aga In 1890 congress ap­ liquor interesU of Mlrhigan - have
under construction, wbicb will be
The diver says the bull to covered propriated money to carry on tbe
been hit with a thunderbolt. Mich­
with rerrrsl feet of mud and dirt and work and altogether tbe appropriation
igan has a tow- giving local option on
tbto be proposes to dig out with tbe hare amounted to about 88,600.060.
All this work has been done sines
the saloon question to the totrnshlps,
aid of a clam shell. Numerous bar­
The mMn llne-of tbe canal. 75 miles vUlages. and cities of the sute, says January 1. 1904, with Ibe ezcepGem
of two miles of single track and n
rels and boxes are still to be seen long, extends from tbe Illlnola river.
the Anti-Saloon lenguoc.and not only
of double track on Ihe line bsamong tbe wreckage.
Hennepin, to the Mlaslsslpid tbaL but this law bte been on the
r. Duroeber is well known here, river, three miles below Rock Island.
twsen Council DluBs and Oreea SlvsUtute iKKtks ever since spring and
be being a former BIk Rapids boy.
The navigable feeder, about 30 miles nobody knew it but the otncials of
long, extends from Rock river at tMs the league. "By the operation of this
Some Politics.
point to the main line nrer Sheffield law we will be able to actually
Bendon. Mich.. Oct. 28.—OmgratoAssistant secretary of tbe navy. and to of the same geneiai dimensloDs
knock out hundreda of saloons In latlons are doe tba following oooplcs
Truman H. Newberrr. has announced as tbe main line.
Michigan next spring." Tbe above who bare reeenUy embarked oB the
candidacy tor delegatMtdargs
Tbe canal to 52 feet wide at tbe bot­ sutomeat was made by ^satolant
seat of matrimony: Mr. and Mrs.
from hNrhlgaii to the national repub­ tom. 60 feet at the water Uae. and hat
Superlniendeat Holsaple In his office Frank Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. W.
lican convention next year.
a minimum depth ot seven feet. at 519 Michigan Trust Bnlldlng to­
Harding. Mr. snd Mrs. NesrL JoboBrigadier General George L. Helm, There are 32 locks on the ^sln line day.
son. Frank having token to blmsstt
prominent confederate veteran ot
tbe feeder. Water Is to
This Is how It was done.
Mississippi, and a life long democrat, be forced down tbe canal by a great sentative Bunting Introduced what Is Miss Maud O’Neill, of TrsTerse aty.
has created considerable surprise In dam, onc^fonrtb of a mile long and DOW known as the Bunting snrety (Here's to them!) Hr. Hartllng hav­
political circles by an open letter In located at this polat. At one md of bond bill In thi legLlature last ing captured one of Inlands daugh­
ters. Miss Mernie DarU. and Mrs. '
bleb be sirongly advocates the elec- the dam are 21 allcewars which will
Johnson being Mias Libble Rhodes. Of
Uon of Prealdent Roosevelt for a- be used for electrical power developGreen Lake. Cnpid It certainly grtthird term.
ty bonds In place of local bonds. Tbe
ting la his work 4n tbto vklnlty as
At tbe present time three repnbllbin as originally prepared made it
there are rumors of at least two more
in candidates are counted upon to
compulsory upon tbe township boards
enter the race for the governorablp
Detroit. Mlcb.r^^. 24.—Stories of and riltoge and city councils to ae- weddings In the near fdture.
Mrs. Costello bat also Joined tbe
In Michigan. They ore Governor War the "meanest man nbre" are common, cepi those bonds, but tbe Anti Saloon
ner. the Incnmbcnt. Aodttor General but It ts believed that the Detroit League Workers succeeded in getting ranks «( matrimony though tbe nsme
ot the happy man was ii( cerned.
Bradley and State Highway Commis­
to the person who stole tbe the liquor committee In the boi
Mr. and Hr*. i:hr&ber and family
sioner Earle.
• boloniring to Mrs. Msude Wag- to make It opUonal with tbe various
are vtsttlng at t^e home of tbelr
As a result of tbe Hearst-Pareona
formerly of Traverse City, tbe boards and connclIs to accept surety
slltonce in New York city, a trace girl mother, whose pitiful story, pab- bonds or noL In tbto form it passed parento. W. C. Mtoeao and wife.
Mnrrril. of ^>w York to vWtmay be declared belsreen Mayor Mc­ Itohed some time ago. met with so the house, in the senate the Antitng old friends befe.
Clellan and Tammany leader Cfaaries generous a responee.
Saloon league, got lU work In again,
Mr and Mrs. Marean are vtofllag
F. Murphy. There Is even a chance
Mrs. Wagner, whose cooditloo was and Attorney Pliny W. Marsh drafted
Mends and rriatlves In Indiana.
it to said, that Mr.-> McCIelton may
■coming B4rioas tn the damp base- an ani<-ndment which was Imrodoced
Miss Agnes McKay, of Wretwood.
appear on tbe Tammany platform be­ ent at 164 Howard alretl. where she by Senator Linsley and which after
fore the campaign Is over and apeak was residing, was removed In an ward became a part of the bill at who has been vtolting friends here -'
has relumed bene.
in favor of the ticket.
ambulance yesterday to more com­ passed by both hoasea. This amend­
Mrs. Vickery, of Interioebsa. wtm
Robert L. Owen, one of the new sen- fortable rooms at 1ST Third alreet
ment provides that whenever
tbe guest of Etbelyn Landis and Mn.
tors from Oklahoma, has bad active
Owing to an oversight on the part Jorlty of tbe qualified electors
businesii with the govern- of her Wends, the purse was left nn- corded by the last election for gov­ Drake. Tuesday.
W. C. Moreau bad tbe misfortune
menl at Washington Yn the Interesta, ^er-a pUlow in her bedrtxrm. The ernor. shall sign a petition protesting
of the Indian Territory for more than
discovered a few mlnntet against the aeceptanee of bonds oT; to lose a ralQSble borae laat week. Mn. ’Edwards, of WyUe. called on
20 yean, and has spent the last rix- later but srben tbe Wendt went to fert-d for the vzle of Intoxicating
Landto. Mrs. Gregory and May
teen winters In Washington, where search for the purse. It wag gone.
llqunry it shall In- imlaw-ful for the
McHIchael tost Tuesday.
his success has given him a national
a roatslned 82.25. the lots ot which township hoard or ro-jneU of the vil­
Bendon to rewrlendent la new elec­
means much to tbe poor woman. lage or city to ace.-p1 such bond*
.^nk Pierce of Salt Lake City, Worse still, the
And right here U the Joker;
The tric lights. We are oolhlag U wot
who to to succeed Tbomat Ryan as cards and addrvwses of many women 'liquor Intervets accepii d this amt-nd- progressive.
Drat assistant secretary of the Inter­ who had call.MJ on Mrs, Wagner and raent. and in thHr haste to secure the] Mr Shinn ts erecUng a new bouae
ior. has long been prominent In the proirisod to provide her with sewing ^ p.v»sage of the hill le-fore anv other "*■ P***....... ...................A.
Wm. Huddlestone has been bond
republican politics of Utah. He 4s •'and other work as soon as she re- ameadmeinv
w-ert made rushed i,'
graduate of Williams College and a: ^ined her health,
thro.igh, thlnktog that this applied '•••“
.. Alec Hnelmantle and ebUdren,
lawyer by profession. Hl» practice In | yj,p
j, irreparable. The only to surctv lond*. And not until 1
recent years has Included many Im-,
it*, *he contracted In the damp todav/ woen th.- Antl-ftoloon Iraguel*' Traverae City, called on
portant cases under tbe mining and.
logeiher with the exclte- rcpr/^-ntatlv.. dcld“d to give the^rtends Ust Saturday,
with a
other public land tows, and his ex-i„,^m a„endant upon her remoraU matlr to tb- public, did anyone sus-i
to tbe contrary.
pslnful sore leg,
perlencc In such matters to expected;
yrs, Wagner seriously 111 yes- p^anvthing
........ ......... ............--------- --------to aid him greatly In the duties of his
she hopes, however, to be.matter of fact, however, this p«lUon|‘ W. Fuller was a caller at HlUslds
gne ,0 jit up 5n g f,.w days wben she [applies to atiy bonds. Individual, or, Farm Sunday.
Ed. MarUn was in Lake Ann Salplans CO take In sewing to support; other, offered for the sale of bqnor
Seme Apples.
herself and her two ktilc children.
j The leaders of the Antl-Saloon urday on business.
Geo. Bowman's team ran away last
Twenty thousand bushels of apples.
________________; league are not alone In their conten­
One bln contoltong D.OIXi bushels
tion In tnis. but It to wald are backed Tuesdsy. Happily no damage was
Talk to Farmers.
o( the best lawyers
From Saturday's Record.
jnp by
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barton bavw
Ten tbouaand yet to come In from
Edward O. Davis arrived this after-j iroit. Grand Rapids and Lansing. The
noon from Chicago to sp*-sk at; xnnouneemeni of tbto Interpreutlon mOTt-d bark to town from tbelr farm.
the country.
A number of • the neigbbora sub
One hundred and flRy women busy j Grange ball under tbe auspice* of the; has caused
consternation ' In the
working on tb*«e.
[A. S. of E For the past iO, yc-ara j ranks of the liquor people, and thejptMHl
Huddlestone Thursday.
Ten machines peeling and coring-Mr. Davt* has been working in the In-!Surety Bond company that to being
occasion being "BlU's" blrthd^.
as fast at they can run.
jteretis of tbe (annen, altbqogb be organlied at present'by Represroto- Everyone spent a very enjoyabls
Six hundred buibeto being put up ^ has tried to keep tbe scaltw of Justice live Bunting pitotoe* little or no re­ evening.
lief to tnem. Through a mto-concep^
Into cans every working day.
| evenly balanced.
I KeapitoL
The foregoing are a few facto alsjut | He represents about TS different or- tioo tbe legislatnre has given t
»Uto Tut
Howell, Mlcb.. OcL 26.—Though tb«
tbe canning factory and in order to | gantzailons. aod be believe* that if people of tbe slate of MlcMgan tbe
___ ,______ the
20.000; tbe farmers will only stand togelter very privilege that the Anti-Saloon1 istote sanltortnm for tubercular pacomprehend
has been opened, it is not cooh
bushels of apples, one has to be there | they will secure tar better rraults league local option bill would haveI Uents
I pleud aod the central pott^ o< tba
and see this ocesn of frnlL It woold ■ than they srill ever be able to secure; given bad It pLssed.
hardly seem that with tbe vast Is-1 without organlxaUon. The main ques- j In antltipsHon of tbe tbo
t of; main building Is now under c
roads tbe comndsslon men, tbe Amer-Uion at present In this section, be applications for liquor licenses, tbst'don. A building for women also U
lean Society of Equity and the Inde- asyi. to tbe railroad rates between wlU be made next spring, tbe AnU-. being builL In tb - male building six
pendent buypr* are making on tbe-tbis district and Chicago, which are Saloon league to preparing for a great ^pailenta bare been received obd tbraa
apple crop of the Grand Traretsejmnch Mgber than from polnw In la- campaign by which they expect to: more srill arrive this week.
wltb I quarter wllj ■
region that there are that many ap-!dlana to Chicago.
Iflood Michigan mom

Elk RapMt.
Mra. 3. H. King and Uttle aon U
Cak Bapldi. Ulcb^ OcL U.—Un. aprndlng a few weeks with ber bna­
BlnbMh GoddktE. «tf« of tk« UU band at the Lake Mew bonae.
John MUtoii OodEkrd. 4M at bar
boata M tbe TraTarae Cltr i«ad. 8oB- Into the Tloyal Neighbor^, lodge Wdas aVanlnc. a«ad n raan. In the day eraning. aa the mnlt of atdoout
pawing of Un. Ooddard thla abctloD
ork of DUtrlct deputy Mra. Bernier.
lotaa one of ita aarlf ploneert. 8br. The occasion waa celebrated by a
in c0BpaBr with her bnaband. located anpper.
on the bomeetoad where abe (and he)
School at Kewadln la baring a radied, thirty nine rears axo^ tweire cation tMs week for |»Uto digging
rears after they attllad In Bk Rap- and the one at MapMon for fmK
Ma. Mr. (Joddard wai one of the plrttlng.
acn^tmarebante of the rlllage. Mil­
A daughter waa bom Monday to
ton towaahlp warn named after him.
anager Alec Sharp and alfe of the
Daring the aeanons for flowera ber Lake View bouae.
CMDtry bmne waa knows by iu
The Fox Theater co»|any bare
bannUfSl aarronndlnga and IU pn>-- aold their bnalnesa here to two yoang
fnaton of flowera. Many a one dtir ladlea, Kina Martin and Helen Boiler.
fng from Trarerae City, along
* who win continue the bislDaaa in the
plctnresqoe bay toad, to ihli plar?> same location.
hare been ehanned by the apot. and
The gre iigbu were tnmed on UOU'
many a on^ hare ahared her flowera day night and arc very ruttlsfactory.
and the brightncai of ber Iptelligenee.l Mr. Joynt's engine are giving exShe waa a remarkable woman, and cellent
necompllabed a great deal of benlForir cent* for poUtoca.
nloesl.-tnd helpful work among the
J. H. King bought 700 buahels of,


tSbl apeclraena of carpet and
Lost Hit Thumb.
>Tlng and bis prices are always
While Lewis McOute. a atarcta tacLET THE
tory employe, was ninnlng the ecocrele mixer, on Friday.
Birthday Swrprtsa.
A, Tracy Lay. President
hand beeante dmwn Into the machbae
A party of ladles left tbis afiemoeo and bir thumb became tangled in the
R. Floyd Cllacb. Vice HnsldwL
for E3k Rapl^ where they will
Samuel Oartand. Cashier.
cog wheels, chewing It so badly that
Sell Von Tonr bill f-r a liooac or burn. We CAiry nl all times
others and proceed to the home of It bad 0 be slnpotated.
A. J. Maynard. Aam. cashier.
Ik full Use of
Georgs Fox. who resides 10 mllea
A- J- Havliaad. Aaat Cashier.
Mr. McClure has bad several uar
north of that place, giving Mr. Fox a row escapee, having nearly lost limbs
birthday surprise. The party was froze blood poison, three different
composed of Mrs. M. B. Pybot, blra. tlnws. He has been lucky Insomuch
CAPITAL. Eioaooo
J. E. Kelson and Miss Jftnie Stafford.
Ralph PybuB accompanied the ladies.
GH »*ur ficunt
cumpare our j^rmlea before bofiut; -C&Uon
Mr. McClure has a wife and several
Qg. Loot tor tbe Big Bed rU..t
A Geaerhl U»Umi bBaucsi iMc
A Good -Ob.
small children, who lire at SIS N
A b-st of the new rvluforccJ con­ Cedar street. He bad the Injured
*g^v 11 m «m
C-ir. E >ih St and Lake .Ave.
Il-i; :ivO; Cits.
crete roof over the coa'l pit at the band secn^to at the noon hour and
I l^rCuigiiavMunaebepaslu
asylttm was made this morning and although he felt faint be returned to
the atmciare was found to be ‘perfect­ bis work this afternoon.
ly, vatlsfactory
strength of this rai-ihod of construe
shorn n by the fact (hat
Prom Tbuisdaya Reccoed.
weight of Si'.tNiO pounds wns dHveni "B- F. Trairy. of Honor, ts in the city
Choi(» CnoulorMl dapui pxrltfularly lino Il;*^or nud
Ds. F. J. MacHett
upon it without any effect whatever upday
stay on 4>uslness.
oxix'vlional atn ngth. If >ou have Ip-ublo jp uinj a
^d the roof la only' about throe. pn-BldlOK Elder A. T FVrguson lei;
L-* tUH-i» to your liki->a try » a..nj|>1c lonud oftl.i*
Wka old.
As Ume pasM
today fur nortbi-m poinu In his dis
ETE, ear. VtOtB
\Vc will L*k-our eh »nc»>a oo your coming U-iok
trict. and before returning expects to
teas fortnnate.
Bbe leavea ouc potatoes Thursday forenoon.
Most strength becomes even greater.
visit 10 churches.
flanghter, Mra. C. D. Webster.* who of fato-tuVerv are shipped by boat,
Plenty Dear.
j j vallev left last evening
always tired with her^motber. Thej Booth A Dotigherty are shipping
k~iui. u.. .h.., ,h. win
fnneral aras held Wednesday at the one or more car loads of lumber each
ber a...,ht.r. M„. ibwnb Shook.
borne, ber pastor, the Rer. Mr. Vail, day this week.
that deer and
^ ........................
^ Amson and Mrs. A, Brickofficiating, and the remains laid toj Percy Cos suffered a serious face
As souvenirs of bis northern ^
reat beside ber bnsband In Maple wotind from the kick of his new horse vUlt. he brought with him acme ^ in. who have been visiting frlrndi
Buttons Bay. returned to their surprlw uhi-n (old of the accid.-nt tend to tin- hamiy cvi;; l- Hi. .: 1->l
Grore cemetery.
- which had not become ' acquainted •bi-aver clips." that Is. chips made ^
homes In Elk Rapids this afternoon.
Mias MarOig Johnson went to with his new master.
and finulv believe that there
Is wtsh^ for future bappln.s«
t y the beaver In cutting down trees.
Trarerae City Saturday to spend the
Mrs. Jos. Co> and alatiu-. Mrs. These lltUc animals will attack trees ^ Miss Bettlo Hallslron, of Whitehall,
»l.,.k. .1.0.. .1.
winter with ber sister. Mra. Fred Cnnle. go to Kalkaska today for a of good 3lxe nnd In p remarkably who has been suffering for some time Ing bevu caused by the autoaiulGe in
with typhoid fever which left ’ her which they were riding.
Vthey, and will attend school there, woekb visit.
, occupy .the pulpit until the nlirn of I
short time, considering the method
Mias Nora Farrell came over from
' .
they use. will cut the tree down. They ^city this Bftetnoon and Uken
j That tbe boy was lnjure.1 in kowe
Alden and apenl Sunday wltb ber par-!
College Tribunal.
first make an Incision in the wood. A9...UU..
,asvlum. cue »ak^^,k-d by her »»nncr H evident, and since the a^ «<> hU home la Rt»ton. Mr l.'Kk
Ann kk.w..
Arbor. Ml--....
Mich.. OeL
JS —The
In Cbh
Mrs. Dave Keister spent from Sat«<>«■ of tW. city with the
I----------------------------------------------------- .... k.1_____ I .* |_
urday unUI
T>«b her parent, nmrtlon of Mayor Henderson bave ’^' "
“ “P higher. puWng out the
ghlelds. who has i on
his fool, and
It Is claimed la.
lb the dt> »k..
the .k.—A
third l>_____I___
SundayJ in November,
—a _.»i
been 8|>endlng
s|>endlnc the summer at Mon- declaration that be has be,«n permauCharlea n—
Rex and
surretidcrcd (n the stiideDt councll P*®"
• l.i. KlN'lwor eVT FLOWED*
eontrollng theoperation until the tree is‘ ^
roe center,
Center, left this afternoon for enily crippled. Hence the claim for^ Chesanieg. Mii b.. Oct. SO - .\t tl;A detegaUra or official of ifib pro- fbe upper class;
posed new electric railroad company
of iht* •I'ldont body, tholr Jur.j'^“‘'*'”^“Bay aty where she will be joined by «•»««>««>

Editor and Mrs. Willlv
pald Elk Rapids a vtelt Friday. Sev- «»dletlon over petty cases In which!
her husband. G. A. Shields. After a;---------------------- \ui\Ut.
Cbesanlhg. occurred the
Only Woman Barber.
•tui of our boslness men were Inter- students charged with his orderly o™'‘ ^ " L J:, ^i, ,„,v„ ar
marriage of their niece. Bernice May
viewed, and arrangements made with d-irt si'l be hnlrd before the councIlT^"”^
their home at Roni.o..-. Vm
. Sarah Slruble enjo}^ tbe dls»n, to the Rev. George E. Lock______
I removed tinet'.in of .-..MK
toeing ....
(ho w.../
only —Mj
lady barber "‘*"'■“,10
onr bank for the bnying’and selling
frial Instntd of facing the IgnomA- ^ Curtis
Iny of a trial In the Pollee co"rt.
misplacing or havn»m 4 to room 5 In in Traverse atv and possibly In hart.
•raverse Ctty. at 4 oclock ...^TATR OF MtailGAN.THB .FROof bonds.
-Tha Rev.
n —...
k-__ ______ ooH
V I'M... M...O,
.___ oi_____
___ ..^k.
the Friedrich block.
Northern Michigan. She has recently this afumoon.
Mi» Richmond Thomas, of Omeua. DtUd up a neat and up-to4ate shop Lorkban. father of (he gruorn. of Grand Traverse.
Blent president of Michigan, was In dent co-mcll In Its attalnWratlon of
geeurwl Fin* Rooms.
Kalkaska Saturday on omdal work I•’s1lce and when nnv offenders iwfnse
> In tbe city today.
-njoys a very lueratlce patronage delated.
er ,hl.----------- — Death of Mm. Anna HueletL
C D. Tom, .0. t.MIy
Mm t-jM I K: i-.rnra oo„ to lU. olt, oo„„ Sortbport. passed through tbe city tomoDijs Irom the 21t
Death laid a heavy band upon the A RdlfiblC
Hame Dougherty drove to Kalkaska thorltles for trial and at the same
^lock for church -•'~— day 00 their way to Chicago. They
A. D
have been aUow'sd
creditors to present their ctat...
Eatunlay and spent Sunday with Mr. time be cxpetlrd from the tmlrerslty.
^ ,______
shape '***
Mrnda at Milwaukee uVlock Friday murctng. taking from
acatno i-aid den-ased to said court
■ ■
the family circle the mother. Mrs. An- _. , _— and Mrs. Mahan, fonner resldeoU
I’p to this Ume the duties of the , ^
,nt«»ded ■
for examinatlun and sdlustracat and
stndmt council had been advisory and
This ball will be the center of ae”*■of Omena. n« H’leUii. leaving besides the be- Cljf S Ur0iB BSIDI
that all crwbtor* of said deceased ar*
Mrs. C J. Mayer left Tuesday to legtaUrivc.
• 'q'liri’d Iu iireseal Ibrir et«iiw. m
tloo tor li.0 LOrtob ooa lo It. Ibo t.H'"f
► aid court, at the pruuale offlee. In
vlall her dsughter In Orogon.
;-----------------------oo. obureh b«ai~ -till bon
n.binco. moM !. ood H.reld, tbn»
the City of Traverse City. In said
Mrs. Homw Sly returned Monday
B. P. O. C. Proaperous.
motion ..d Uo„ tbo .ooui. ood
l™;- -oJ
oupty. on or before tbe J*th day of
Do^s three we^’ rUlt with bar
Trarerse City Lodge No. J!3. B. P. onterUlnmenis for the beneflt of tbe
Fthruary. A. D. IMK. aad ibat aald
pafmts in Big Rapids. Mr. Sly went O. Elks is having a very healthful
claim* will be heard by aald ODUrt
over Friday and relumed with ber.
stlmulous to Its membership, scyeral
Cl. Friday, the iglb da> of PUbruary
at ten o'clock In tbe forve
Julius Mayer, of Benton Harbor, candidates having been Initiated this ortobitn! lor tbo Vlotor .nd «.mo Ok
ro.tof. ^ tot-oml ol vboio ttr, dood. For tbo n™i ,,i..Uo. K-.U«VrrVr
«ient Usi week with hit mother,
fall, and a class of a doren or more oollobt nrcdtrom. ..ill be Blvoo.
, r.« >tttt .bo otodo bo, homo ,t
th.^o., ,.i HgT T tVt
l>.-H.d Oft r-lrd. A D 1907.
Henry Hogan, who left for the west will be Initiated nt a special meedng
PoMIlion. 0,0 boi.b „..t up «, tbo,
>" •»» >">
OttP™'-, o uracd State stryet. She »as hut 23 years gi«i» t.r liy n;
visit n'4. During her residence in this IJf BiviL.-rs
b few months ago In search of health, to bo held on Saturday evening, that room, which Is the largest in the
Empl"* this morning after
Judg,- «rf Probate.
baa located In Portlanu. Oregon, and November 9Ui. ArvangemenU have
many frleuds by her
will be divided intu ihre.- parts. >“ »»** e'«y »«»> f^™***gone Into bntdneaa. Albert Bacbi Is been made with the, officers of thei The front room will be the parlor and
. and sbe will bo
*• Summer went to Copemish *weet there.
Martstee lodge of Elks to conduct ^e this commands a fine rtew of Front
greatly mbsed by those near lo bei
• Snpt. H. T. Blodgett. Miss Nora InltUlory ceienionies on ibat evening. • street through the large windows.
C. P. Batcai of Lake Ann.
Karltee, MIm Laura Haggart and A large number of Manistee Elks wlU
haTc^’lKwVToMb l'*'**^ through the city today <m her The Rev. Mr. Lockhart Married.
MaM BaMerln-are ,la Battle Creek come lo Traverse aty on a spectal ^
church and "'"n» h®®** “ftvr Tlamng friends at The Rev. Grorge Eihclbert I.ock
of the SUtf train, arriving early In the evening
comltoriablr furnished.
nri»lol, ind.
.hart, pastor of the First BupUbt
attradlng the
Teacher*" aasoolnUcn.
*and returning when the work Is fln-|
^ large
Mtw.rF H, Gallop returned to ?itn- church of Traverae Ctty. util be unit
Hr. Wood, who live* near Kewadln. Uhed. This will be an espetially en- j
lighted by « big skylight which *«'■«■ •f”’'' «
S. B. «d In the holy bonds of matrimony lu
aged *S year*, picked six quart* of Jovnble occasion for the Elks, many
li. owd roi t.rtou. potlbtk... 81.
t o cloob to Sli.fine, htsurtouB black berries one day will be present from surrounding Ellxabeth's guild
already purMrs.'E. G. Rice and two rhiMw-n, n. May Warn-n, of Kalamaruu. at ih<
last weric In a couple of boars.
; towns.
this will be luToledo, who have b«4n visiting Mr. home of the btlde s iinch- In rhiean
chnsed a piuno' and
- Qnlck Step, a three-masted seboon- ^ * —------------------tileyoung
^ ^ Stanley, returnitl lug. th- Rev. Gi'org.- M, l.«rklian. u;
Flailed so that ttie
ymiag pt>oiile
pt'ople rcen
er. loaded 300.000 f*«t of lumber at;
He Had the Bird*,
home this morning.
Poston. aM*s. father of ibe gruom
dance If they wish. The choir
—- .
luflb'lutlng. The brid.- Is the daiigMe:
the Iron compsnyd dock tbU week.! From Friday's Record.
hearctls will also l>e held there. Tht
Gone to Snohomish.
!of Editor tVarren. of the rbe.taiiltig
Sbe sailed Tueoday tor SI
A ••kid" came Into tbe Uttle Tavern | zoom k so large that there Is aniimMra.
Argnf. and grad-iatcd lavi yv.-ir tomi
I last night, tired and'hungry after ai.pgpp
, lumkeiball court and *
. Goldlarb V
Grand day spent in the woods. Tying bls'^f,,
h„ve bw-n orgsnlred. »f '•''"1“
*>as left for SnohoroS*h. K-jlaniaro.. clleg- and Chlrae'u ri.:
I'. I;am!-oni
w ,.1
. c-- matte. lhi< su-ve d
Bapids Monday, where sbe a ended a dog to a Ubie-leg. be deposited hls',j,o young men of the church wish. "‘““ft., with her two children, to vcivliy. Fcciiring first priz.w In ora
-t-.'v «t n iiiic;i i ! I a;uJ w»? wiH guirafutrf • it io
targe wedding at Temple Beth irrall bunch of game In a comer and felLthoy can also procure gymnaKium ap>“ Kalamazoo
n- d tir- H'l h -t-i- { h i-a l.irytt fted door, bailed ash
Tnesdky evwnlng. Her aon Isvall and to eating a hearty supper.
IpAratus and use It there there being
• month ago. Her many collec.- rircb-* and Ua* Wn a leader
i- I'. hv;avv c-■• Iini*'.:':ind is hy f .y the
dau^ter, Simula, were sleo In atlend-j .There were four partridgtw In thcipi^n,,. ©f room for storage when not
success and liappi- fn the church, and will prove an 1-f
j lunch ana a big fat ta'bUU and do*m!|„
“*••» *“ * “*•» h“m‘’flfleat h- I|ar In the cli-jrch work of
Mi*. J. DaridtoB and children are underneath wns a bird of a strange I in ih, back of this. Is HI? kitchen.------------------------this city
'v I ilivf !tn; roun 1 * uv< s.
ainiuht*. cheap
borne from their summer TacatlOD In apede#. which only few of the company ; „rt and cold water and gas will be
«"*“ fo' D»«»*««^ The Ibv. Mr. I.orkhsrl has h-.i,
.1 ikf'na. ill (i(.t an- t-i nii v'»u want m the stove line
Denver. Oolo.
jcould recognize until a local hunterip„,,4ded and the kitchen *111 be prth
Suit by summons was
brouuht Pa*tur of the Bfipilst church «>( this
. Ray Vantasael and famUy returned of no UtUe tenob-n happened along (rided wtxb all klods of conveniences nmlust Walter N Kellev today by '"‘ty for the past year, it Ue;r,r hi*
Wedneeday evening from a two ,nd IdenllBed as a big. fat hen of the
M-rving lunches dinner*, ban- 1’ an Marcus through hi* next fi'-'i charge. He was gradnat- -f
Boniba- absence, spent mosUy In. Plymouth Rock perauaslon.
| r, -et*. etc. There are ijo two lavand. Harris v.ircus. for damage* K-'^^tmuroo college, and hl< ordltiatior
I The hunter nssnred the. company lortr* one for Isdies and one for hi the snni of »5.(*o« albg.-d to have services took Mac- In this rity
is /iiv he
Tbe Chsrle* Neff has completed the tbsi he got all there was In tbe covey:
nod a cloak room.
1 cen susUlmd SeptembtV 2S by the Ah’--' s^iuce coming
o.fcm exeOBtraet with the Lake Superior Iron ,nd on viewing the assortment, they! -pb, renting of this building Is very alleged caroless driving of an auto- »>«>• »<•““>’”•> ftleud*
Cft and has paid Its last vdslt to thU had reason to believe Huit it wsi eo. important as It will give the church a mobile owned by the defeudant.
port tor this eeasom
I However, with such evidence before v m. C A. feat-irc not possessed by
According to the compUlwinl the
A fummag* male Is belag held by them. It to no wonder (hat the “No other* here, it will also provide a lad. HIm-n. who 1* IS yvars of age.
tbe Presbyterian ladle*. It, opened H|inbnr sign* are becoming more*„,.^nn,
fo^ tbe member* of v-u* ntunilng from a imll game (a
frequent and more farm* are b$ctm>- ,n,. <.j,nrch a-ud will make an comp.aov wllh a brother aud anoH;-:
Mr*. WUI Bniee gave a delightful
posted. Hunl^era shoUd bear loiv^e., « swad spare time.
boy oomualllun. While al->ut ha f
afternoon to about fifty ladles Toes- mind the fact that the seasoo on Ply-' jbe hall will l>e rented oc<urioa:iV**.iv across Cass Mre.-l bride- p-uTie Cnbealib.v Klioii.vs Make tapure blood.

'Traverse City ,'Satc Bari

Traverse City. Mich.

We Believe

Price, S$c per pound.






The Farmers’ Store

Before you buy your h mating stove rome
in and se.- *h‘j




A< Prices that are Right ,


mtei Re Kidien Are
Weiketed bf Om-Work.

3l U-r-1 lo I-C C'-iiMrb
that o;.'.,
day. Sbe leave* with ber husband lo- mouth Rock* Is closed all the year ,, ,or private partlr*. no parties of a north, an automobile which was dnv.
urinary au-i Ua-1'
- V for their future home In De- around, except of course to the owner, pnhllc nature In lng permitted, how- ca at 3u mike an hour, so It Is claimbore suddenly ...down upon thy
Trken to Ionia,
-----; three bo.v* without sny warning, the
Alfred Gsrlock. the paroled tool*
D*atb of Charles H. Hunter.
'tody of the automobile protrudlag
prisoner who ha*
CharW H. Hunter died at 10:13 over tbe aidewalk and striking Hluan
iber of robberiro In this Vllv Friday morniug at his home uo Wat- fn the che*t, knocking him down In
ihee m.«t imj«.rtaal
and Ludlngton. left
lor net »mvi. hi* IIIocm dating Irom a * rb a manner that the tvar wh>cl
Ionia to complete hi* sentence. In stroke of apojilcxy* Buffurvd ibri<- (.asted over his left foot.
idaCheS tt.,. O, H; Como*. oler. of .eor. a.o alibo.i.b b.' bar. obl.v 1,,-n The boys so II It said, altempud to
Cut be cured by
intelligem and tbe lonia chapel. Four year* ago the, confined to hW h«ne tor the past two aimut the injun-d lad to hla feet, and
faithful use of Dr. A. W. Chase’s eomlng Christmas Sheriff Johnson wr. ksafter helping him to walk to the end
•r l..!v i« aslectc
Nem Pills.
took Ganock to Idnla. and owing to Mr. Hnntor came to Traverse City of the bridge he fatnle.1, snd lay on buw etrry urgao >cciu* to fall I
^Mervoa* bM^chc ,cornea from • good behavior he was allowed
atom ten years agu from Grand Rap- the ground until Mrs, \V J. Hob!-.
•' Iccl ba'IIy =
years of age April 12 who reside* near tbe Cass stmt
f. “ “•
'Sr: »™''- Hbr-lb. rlolorrt H.
•• I't.
last sod wa* bo^ In Nwt Brainuee. bridge, noticed him lying there sod
Uw aerv-oua erxetn. Hesds- he puwdrra
J4(|SS. On Jan. 22. ISCl. be was . went out and carried him Into h<-r a* voor kidney* arc well they w:II bcip
eqlT do harm aa ihoy fniihrr wrairn on bU old seolence.
rWted in marriugo to Mine'Lucy J. house. > A physician waa called who all the other organ* lu bealib. .t trml
aZM depress. On thr contrary you must
■ae a nervr roi-di,-in« th-n i* not only
Fagan ..nd they came to Michigan in dressed the foot and the boy wa* *'j-v“e»n ma'ac nu lui.took, but rl.h 111 all the *-l "nu-»t> ibat
Of the many
manufactur- is’iai. Ul!!g pioneer* of Ionia county, uken to hw home on EastWashing- uVe'bv nrat <lo«oni« your kiiary.,
go to fe-d tbi--- half slnrioHl ii-rv*
___ , smaller
olty. there i* Mrs. Hunter died seven year* ago ton street.
The wiiil aud the c-xir»i<r'iniar.'' crfcui ui
wcdtelbr I. w-hfi Phn raye--*Wnrn 1 !««e that t* especUIly worthy of a
in resSin-:
l‘f A. W. V' base'* cooeideratiue
Five children are left: Charlea F
oooeideratlon and that
that U tbe can*rt
a boy Aral came to Mr. Kelley ^"nd7thebi^irat f«i! wrindcn'ul,

•inter. Mr*. M. S. Johnson, of Spen-,duringg tbe eveoing of that day, when „»thcmo<i ittrcMunx
...and i.sold
BOt'ki-rp fHil. 'o*lId l»ol »J.TP an,I v.rr ‘
in a vary- l»-t
.,K-. -\l>- hraq a, hed ■Hendricks, who baa been In tbe weav­
Wlltlun F. Hunter, of Kalkaska, hit
called UI) over tbe phone on iu merit* by all
b.-vrl-ih-.-e h--,V
ing busines* for oVer a score of yeats, Dick H Hunter, of Spencer, and Mr*. ,od questtoned In regard to the d»thto-toclir, th t • '
(MctL 1 i- -1 t
f*‘^f«i|» ' aad who bat among hi* patruos
and Fine. , i • •
of ira'crsc City's most exacting Hunter had many friends In this ritv Kelley, soo'of Walter N Kelley, in lav-ca oample buttle tuMWsw
vto- bse-lT- ■ F
*:^p uvll carpet and nig purchasers, has re-___
who were pained to leara of hU company wUh Herbert B. Montague, by mail li«, *:»« a pamoblrt W.
overhauled his plant and with!death
iwoiu, M. 80,„
..o, K,»oo.. I.Udd'
e nr riirh bU many year* of experience la now
Mr. Hunter was
bring a the chanffeur, bad driven tbe auto- whvn rriting to Dr. EilzuT i; Co., lim^.
B.N.Y. lionI t makcany nustoke.
do aome very ariUtk Ro.'sl At^ Masoo In tbe Ionia lodge mobile aboni.UM«Ug. bat MM of the batnton.
rw; A W. (
B. I '
-------- ----to —S*amp-R(
■mber the c
N, T.
jsrork In bla line. At hta place of
. and the
|bn*ineii can l>e sees some very
ocvwrv buttle.



Those Hard,
‘ ldng,fNervouss Heai




t>- Fainters br.(] Ti-»m-«r> frA-ams >o Zin rreimai. T bis is

a to I or from


K» «tfci a' the c!d Li-i-d M-,rk «n

he P

• rncf of F'«m

and ( -ss '•itr. ci- ha- i» cciv d * B.ireil t.f Harn'-w Oil
li win be sold at 5<ic per gillon

15c p r quart. Con­

sidering tbe qaali;y it will give you satiafacti so at this

We would be pleased to have you try it. We

have some other things that you can't get aion^ with­

We are anxious for you to see w.hat we have.



VIM HMAUb THUmojkV. OCTOmi «t, i
1 Oellrered tbe prlndpol n4i tbe camp Are Tbursday
KenoeOy tent degree loam ot De­
troit came to Ann Arbor on a special
car TTiursday and were met by tbe
local Maccabees at tbe corner of Mad­
ison BtreeC A pitieenalon wad formed
and wltb music and Roman candles
they proceeded to tbe lodge rooms,
wbere a big class of
8rfl for fJO.OOO damages has been

go up
You weave intense, dired heil
(rom every ouna of lud burned—
ibac ire no dimp duraneyi or long
pips to wute tbe heat iron a

Turn the wick high
Carry it irem re
tmokelr*. «!rv.« pre^-mta. BraialonlhoUi4 q«^
bum 9 koun. BcijUlJiy tiusbeJ « «*d«l «
iapaa. Every beato vrtf«n|dL

ju*» wbt yew want (or tbe long
evoungs. Mode «l bran, aiekei plated—latest in■roved eantral draft buna. Every lamp warranted.
II your dealer eannol supply *be PeHetUon Oil
Hata or i\
Rayo Lamp write oof nearest agency.

8Uts News.
Mm. Margaret Waterwortb' baa comBonced suit lor divorce from her bus-.
Mud. William Waterwortb. a well
known farmer, tn tbe Circuit conrt at
Psrt Roma. They were marrfod throe
yearn ago and bare two cbildron.
nSac'Larkina. 1). and Mabel Hendemon, 17. of Flint, atarted getting
tfeMr “neat" to order aevcml week*
MO. and not tmill they bad returned'
from a trip to Windsor as man and
Wife did even tbeir parents know
of their raadinaas to aurt bonaekeeptng.
The city of Jackann will seek to
have that cUy selected as the meettM Plaee of tbe SUto Tesebem' asoodaUon In 1*08.
been appointed by Mayor Glaagow to
attend tbe ceorentlOD to BatUe Croek

Gas has been discovered to a w-oll
on the property ot Bmlel llot-ke. Hen­
ry Btroet. St Port Huron.
Abont forty mlnlstem of tbe Ger­
man T<ulberon church arc at ],.anslng
Mm.. Cbartea Kelley, of Sandusky,
deserted by her husband, now under
arrest at Port Huron, la defending
the man.
Tbe BChool savings system will be
opened up to Ann Arbor on November
1 and any sums from a cent np will
be received on depoaJL
The aupervtaom have decided to
bond Mihkegrm county for MS.tWO
to erect bridges. The fatuous float­
ing bridge over Motia lake will be re­
placed at a cost of »S5.«00.
The Thirteenth Michigan Infantry
Is In annual rcuulon at Kalamazoo.
There are 100 veterans present. Wil­
liam Baker Is there from Rt'eralde.
Senator Burrows and Mayor

Film, by Arthur J. OldllHd.
troll, who alle«e8 he m Injund
when be was struck by Cotharin's
touring car a year ago. He declares
ihc msobloe was running at a speed
not slower than 15 or :o miles
George Wearer, a pioneer resident
of Memos, died Thursday morning
of old age. at ibe farm borntwlnad.
where he. had llv»-d many years. The
deceased was 51 years old. and
Oerteral News.
Walter C. Bnerson. of Portland.
Me. wba has unounn-0 bio candida­
cy for the coogressioual nomination
against Rep, Allen, who succeed the
late speaker Reed, ts well and favorably knosm. baring been a leading
of a Kvw
Vr -k paper toe a number ot yearn.
bis famous silver mine bat
yielded him 8l8.000.ft00. Pedro Alvardo, th. -MezlcaD CiwBos.” has U-en
so eitmvagant that he has run tlnto
debt, and has been constrained to
lease bis property for 15 years to
American syndicate.
. Tom Maguire, tbe one-Ume tamons
composer of popular aotags, and author
of -Walt Till Ibe Clouds Roll By.- is
blind, deaf and
living by playing the concertina In
the htreeis of London.
Nctherland ports are to be benellte*
by the widening and deepening of
the North sea canal, aa that large
vessels wilt be able to move ai
EUges of the tide, For night traffic
tbe canal is to be lighted by elec­
Qn<-en Taltu, tbe ctmsort of HeneHk. Is an elderly and dignified wo­
man. good looking according to tbe
Rililopisn point of view, and a great
stickier for etiquette.
Mi«. Augusta Hale Glffcwd. Bister of
Senator Hale of .Maine, baa gone
aUrond tn gather material for a his­
tory of Russia.
Tbe emperor of Japan baa 30 phy­
sicians and CP priests.

No stale to tbe union Lm larger or- apiu-aring nbsulutely devoid of color,
metre numerous springs that Florida, f -I-am tin-d.- said i*r.-«ldi ut l»iukMany of them form good-sized ’ ham, of tbe luuird of health at Honostreams frors the start and some of j lulu, to a newsiuiper man recently.-uf
them are navigable.
The largest :•'! tbU talk about the mariynloiu of
spring to the slate, and one ot the those who go to Molokai to work fo*
torgivt and probably the best known the lepers there. The suiierintendeut
In the United Stales. Is Silver Spring, of the arltlement. the doctors, nurses,
which Is located sis mll<-s t-asi of rishre. and brothers who live and
Oi-ala. nils spring forms ihi- wuirce wtirk there do ont Irxik UIWD It as
of the Iklawaha river, a tributary martyTdom. aad there la no' reason
of the 81. Johns, and ateaiul>uuts ira- why any one else should. There has
verrtng the river etiler the spridg ba­ 1x>en enough talk of this kind, and It
sin. which has an art-a of several Ik lime it sIopp>'iI. The magazines
The water to from S3 to 301 don't want to print anything about
feel dt-*-p, and Is wonderfully clear. Mho t.<'tlleni«-nl uuless It is aeusntlou-

to a tamtty e( aatbem aad wrtten
and la himself one of the foreracwt
tpaper men to Greece.
Bi-Senator Chandler, of New Hamp­
shire. is a good sioBograpbev- aad it
Is hinted that be baa kept slenographIc reports of bU <
pabllr men In rvCevit years.
Tbe first scow ol tbe eeasoa began
falling Satords}. Aug 31. at I3;3a p.
. on the top of iMi. Washlngt^ be1 tog the e
ary of the tat
tall of last >i-ar.
i English wlH be laoEhl tn the. 18
I puMte KchiielB of Hunts Clan pfxs
rtnoe. Cola., nest ye^r. rillamtely U
win be a requto-d study to all -the
Cohan public sebnU.
The stoles *>et of the MUalSaJppi
{•ossi-aa a cnmblrnd wealth, of man
than itS.oM) <>oo.<s>rt. and the staua
east of that river 88ft.oop.wsi.oo0.
Tfac woridV stwvp ah-aring record
Is t.sat aB:niaIs in nine hours This
jwaa'dODe at Hawks; Bay station, tn
i Australia.
j A bllghi ol the tea ptant caused by
Itbe idte of mxsquUoes Is causing
much storm among the
tn India.
wiU imt<d a^l
l.isojcur tuHfs tM-fore' it wi-sra OOL
It ts etati-d that at a de|>lb of 2,MO
fw-t at ()\too. iiliu- miles. fiMtn Nottlngbam Eng. a Uilrk seam of hard
coal has been found Rtepe are being
taken lo develop the fl«-1d
- Ther.- will be tbrw- mm to the wan­
ing congnws who will Ik- c
for ilie honor'of b<-lng proclaimed the
talb-el ilmiK-r.
ai^J|taiowBy of
Ni-w Hampsbln-. mn-'hrela^^dql^v
syivanto. and Anthony
UulUiway has a hi-lghl <4 f. feet «
j inches, but la round shouldered, and
who Is 6 feel
j Is topped by Harrfafield.
... Anthony ts
I 6 feet 4. Rullowwy's
j friends aro urging him to take eser|c|m- In onVr to get rid of his bnsp.
The munlcliullty of Llverpoid. Bag..
'has accv-pled srllh gratitude the o8«r
inf Nathan Sliaus’lo furnish tbe city
French tow gives the a
I w ith a pastenrizlug plaut for the propevery village and <
I aratlon of milk for infants The Dub­
control oV« r posters. No on
lin city counitt Is also conelderiBg a
mined to France to deface streets and i
^1^ made nirough Rkhard
public plsc-s with crude. o«eBUtlooil^.„.^,.,
„ys Mr Siraiis U one of
anuounc nicuU of hto bustoess or oth-:,j,^ gnan-st phlhitiihroplste in Araer tuhjecl lilllboards are Infrequent l.-rtra.
In Paris and are generally built per­
used according J ' their


lAmdnw Corotnilaa. the Grw-k con­
sul-general at Salouika. Turkey, wbo.
according to an Athens cable, hat
toK-n api>oluted mlidstor of his govrnmenl lo the Fulled Slates, belongs

Do the right ihlng «


isrrb. tWu giy'.<-resi» Hslms! eje-w
loaeb »he eslserh pvs-dMs snd swUls. fgr
Ihsy .-.MsiB r.ouee Elj’. tVrse “ '
|M«S it>« s~-ieUoa. tbst ibC - r (be SI '
BWMseis ssd Uis tkr.*l. s lx
> iDwllel
pike s.
...U=.*eery ■>•
BSde •lIUmSTPUrr
n.>at sii-l liwTp yoq bcr»«l TemwjT,
Su peats, or
mallsd l-it Kl) Brot-'xrs. V Wa
K.-w T-r*.

We have now been in business for ourselves
nearly three years and the remarkable growth
made in so short a time is due to our determina­
tion to sell Good IVlerchandise at Popular Prices
and to guarantee everything we sell. A look in­
side our store and an examination of our gopds
will satisfy you that we are giving good values
and that there is no better assortment in the city.

Great Assortment, Good Values, Suits and Overcoats, S7.50.S10, $12, S13.50, $15, and S18


A tod Aecll«itt.
Lo«« for hwntins MUMd the (
•f Al««m«n U Trtfnbl*. th» 11-yMr•M «M W Mr. and Mr*. L. E. Trimbt*.
at 2 aelMk !». m. taturtfar. th#
cUtintai ElaMiarpa of a 2f«altbr* fin*
•andlnf a buHat - Int* bU brain
■ throofA fcia ri«ht ay*.
•hartly afUr dlnrwr tha bay.
ean^ny with Oaorgia OHbarC atartad an a huntln# trip, ffolnc «awn to
th* ahar* of Baardman lake through
tha Para Marawatta yard*. Th* Gilban bay loft him, hawovar, young
Trimbl* going an bayand th* water
tank alana. Whil* atandlng
track* th* Ollbart iad heard th* dlaeharg* *r a gun. and looking down to
. whor* hi* friMd wa* aundiitig
Mm fall.' Oalling tom* of th* yard
men to th* *c«n*, they /oond th* boy
wa* daad upon thalr arrival.
Chtd^ ef Polio* A*hton wa
natHM, and Uking th* father to the
aeane, placed friend* on guard of th*
rOrrtaln* tvhll*
made to convey them to the horn*.
Th* iKtlc fellow had died inatantly,
th* bullet uarfng a ho>« through hi*
right eye artd embedding H*e>f
Jifft where' h* aacured the rifle U
net known, a* no on* at ho'm* knew
'that he waa going hunting, although
hi* paaaien far the apart woa well
known. From th* powdor mark* upan hi* fae* It l* thought that th« boy
muat have been looking into th* muaa«* at th* gun whei
UttI* Algernon wa* a general favorH* among hi* boy aompanlan*. and
wa* Inth* fourth grad* at th* Central
high achool. H* wa* alao a member
of th* O
•aawaa hit bereaved parent*, who Mw
elmoot proatratad by th* tarribi* af­
fair, h* leave* two bretl^r*. Ooorg*
and John, and a •iator Minnie.
Coroner Heldaworth and Sheriff
Jbhnaon war* called to th# aeon* and
after vietving th# remaina they were
ramovad to tl>* Anderaon Undo '
Ing portoVa.

WOllaiaa C«. baa dry] Mr. and Hr*. Theodore i>e&ao left I to the root with hay and fall crt90.|
which eelU for U tbU momJ&i; for Clare where thry’Lo** U well covered by iaaiuance.
wad. They aaedVee weeks In which I orlli vlfit frlenda.
Word has been recelTed by Canton
to dellrer It.
I Mica B. L. Miller left thii mom-! Hollister ihr opltom rank of Cb«
bnti- rharlotte Odd FeUod*. that It U one
Tby Oral Wood Otoh company has Ing tor Wexford o
of the ihlrtren cantons to the United
wood for $S and wlU drllvor It In «
MItf As»ea McKny msmod to brr State* aeWeted to be Inaprcted by th*
natlonni offloers. ThU Is lb* flrvt
The Bart Bay Lumber company hat home la Wexford this moniag.
Mr*. J. Seib*rt and daughter. Mrs. tim* In *ov*rai y*ar» th* boner has
plentr of mlllwood biR doe* not de­
llrer It. W. g. Bead, of Bo*tb Unlcb Hsrgaret H*nOlka. who have b*«n oeme to Ulcblgan.
* j,„rr snak* dsn*d out of a
ntrwt, ha* pnrAaard a qnaaUty of ruiting r*laUves In MnnUle*. passed
thW wood and make* dHlverie*. there thitwgh the cUy today on thcllr n- ^ox addresod lo UU Ans^ Hoostra.
being three gradn. tl for soft .wood. tom to their bones Ic Petoskej.
employ* of the Leonard Crockery
tl.£0 for Biaad and 22 for bardgood.
*, A. W. Anderaon retumad tolco, when th* package waa opened at
B. J Morgan ha* a quantity of her home tn Charleroi* thU artemoon ,he ^mnd Rapids posiofSce for d'ter a rltlt with menda In Matrtste*.
inepectton. It U thought th*
wood for Bale on the CRy dock.
Mr*. Perry Nelson, who baa been rpp,ii,. was sent to «-ar* Miss Hon.
Tberv ii plenty of coal In town. rislUag Mr*. Charles ilsnfleld rctuni- sirq.. either as a J»iir or h> an *n.-

ter* for tt.SO; Dom«ode Saginaw (or
$4.76: hocking. ISAO: Jackaon
*a»hnut. $5.75; Jackhon Hill lump. 16
and Pocbohontai, $6.60.
E. A‘. -Weston, at the Northern
laichigan TraiwporUtlon company*
dock, ha* soft c«al lor $4.60.
J. H. ^cOoujte ha* soft coal
IJIO and $4.76 a^ bard coal fm
The Columbia Tranifer company
haa aofi coal (or $4.60 and hard for
rt} Mercantile
The' Uaanab d
comirttiy has bard, n and *tore. coal
for 18 a ton. srich i big supply on
hand: Pochdiontas for $C.60; domestlc fomp. $4.76; non. wore ,and
range, $4.56.
Coal orders will be dellrered
mediately by any of the dealers.
Leased the Transfer Bam.
The Colombia Transfer company
bam has been leased by W'. H. Hig­
gins. Jack Rennie g1»1tig up poasesrtoD of the premises and busioesa
thU evening. Mr. Hlggln* Uking pos­
r. Higgins will use the building
cily board and feed sUble, and
will also look after race horses,
hat placed seven new box sUlls lo
accommodate city boarders. He has
leased the bam for one year with Ihc
privilege of extending the lease
three years.

Loland.’ Mich.. Oct. ^4.-^
firovlskm store
A new grocery a
That waa tha vardkt brought In ha* IXH-n opened up
313 Rose SUeol
by tho Jury in th* case ef the People by F. 8. York
____ ____ __ new. fresh line
vt. At^aham Fraeman last night afUr Of table necessHles anv-for sale ol
this place ot business.
Judge Mayna oondudod hla charge
Mr. York, who was formerly a resi­
to tha Jury at $ o’clock yoatorday tf- dent of TrwTcrse aty. Is nn experi­
tameon and they tmmcdlatoly bo^n enced man In the business and vows
their dallbaratlona concluding shortly
make quality jnd merit the sUndafUr 7 o’clock, tho verdict being gen­ ard of hi*, place of business ns welt
a* reasonable and equiuble prices
all. Mr. York will also mn a depot
for fann and dain' ptoducU and his
ing to protect th* hotme and it la gsM. place of buslneas and pleasing person
that tha court cam# noariy taking th* slUy no doubt will be a very raluabl*
caa* ^ Jl
buslnes ajnnct to the cost side busidofoittont.
new* drcles.
Tbe ctlBie for which Ftoetaao was
placed on trial was committod
Cedar. Aognat 22. 1t*C
who is a -Begrti. was at a house kept
by Msry Blacksmith, a sqnaw. w snor.
dtwance from the, village of Cedar.
BobeH Plabowski, a Pole, accomptdiled by thne eomptolone. eaae to the
booae. the men having a keg of beer
and demanding admluaaee.
Freeman endeavotwd lo atop them,
striking Plsbowakl a blow on the
Tl^t temWe with Us bare flst. The
mas fell and bU companion!
parsed. Freeman didn't know who be
ttrtKk and when be found out that
was Ptshowskl. wa* In a bad way as
be and the Pole were eloee friends.
The man never regained conaclouanem and on August 23 died, the blow
from Freeman's ftih haring broken
tlwNkntl at the temple.
Freeman was taken lo JaU
land and charged with murder. After
• the prelimtaary examination, he was
hMd to areult court and the case was
token ap Mondiy.

Farawell Party.
A farweell party was givpn at the
home of Dr. E. B. Minor FVlday ■
log la bonof of Mr and Mm. 1
Goss, who left for Boyne CUy this
morning, the evening being parsed in
various enjoyable warn. Both Mr.
and Mr*. Ooa* bare a large number of
friends In the city who are veo' *>n-y
to see them leave but wish them all
kinds of happlneus and soecess to
their tiA- home.




SUn ofWhote Bodv Gwered for «
Year-Awful i^kig Kept Suf­
ferer Awake Half the NightTrfed All Kinds of Remedies but
They Had No Effect

Tbe Sind Ton Have Ahray* BooEbt, and whicb has been
in nae for orer SO Teara, bag borue the *
, and ha* been luado ander his pw
aonal aoperrimoo o1ik«. ifo Inflancr.
Allow no one toderelve yoo in thnu
All Coonferfcils Imltationa and **iTnst>a*>evMMl '* are but
E*perlnu-titM that trifle with and endaugerthe tievillh of
infants aud CbitdiraJs-Experieoce againht Experinient.


“I wish to let vmi know that 1 hero
1 one art of l utk-ur* Kerordie. —
„ . The board appointed by CongrvsaSoap, one l>r>x
rf Cutkvjru
Creek tbi. ariemoon where wbe
Q.^jner to examine candidsie. eo. <wkr <d
Cutieura. but two rials cf Culinira
visit her parent, for two weeks.
Annmi«U* bss an- Reaolveot Pilb —wh«-h eort me a
Hon. G. G. Coyel! arHved from ^„„„^
ns^>mmrnda- dollar and tw.viiv-flve.i-ni. in aU. For
aysar 1 have had what thev raUeioefuL
Grand Rapid* this afwrwoon.
Edward Scott. I nad an iu-limg all over inv body.ard
I would n-tire -for tlie night ll
accompanied by Mrw. CovfM. who
gL Joseph. whm
■ • kre|i me awrtte half the night,
be-n rUlllng frieud. In the eaal.
,„emnle; upd to Aunapoll*. Joseph
w tnun-1 would
mtsi> b. the morn
Mm. William Powle. of Elk R*Pld».'
it would ilcTi. 1 tried all hiud. of rrm«dks,lMit couM a<-i ik> r^-brt. A frewd
I* visiting at the home of Sim. Allou
s^ldort. Colon, .lumate.
of rolrw tnki me to to' tbe Cutl. nra
Grapson. 217 Weal SevenU. street
^ s-utb Haven justice of the pence Benedie* win- h I did. and am very
glad 1 lr>ed tl.-in (or I w*» oomiJet.-ly
George Sntimby. of Ray Shore, has
^ h„„ding out a small fine cured.
If anv --f niv (r.eode rhouw
moved hi* family to this city. Mr.
imprisonment'of three be troubled willi ll>e' aame dl-ewee, 1
will cbeerfiilly rerammetid the Cutieura
Saumby I* to the employ of the P-re
Remedies, and if 1 know *iiy one who
; i,^m(bt i,efore hint on the charge of wanu to know Mm I cured mrsrtf I
/-vN.. F. Simpson, member of the,g^,„g
, ahalJ he glad to irtl tiv-tu. lAallev W.
MlPWgnn legl.latnre from Van Bumn
^be two older one. signed
eo-anty. w.s to the city today on busi- He-ls totere*ied to the Dtinkley
,l„. ,rio
company of Frankfort, and ts toWngip,^,^^
a trip tnrongh this region looking, ^ho new sparrow law. which wa.
after tbe appje crop which ha* been
,..^suture will no Tbe amt 5kin Cure and Purest
and Sw eetest of Emoilieots.
purchased by the Dunkley canning
^ i„terr.i to n«ny of tbe
Cutieura Ointrorol i*. beyond quaofactory.
noting sparrow hunters of iht* Hty
lion, the moet MKoesdul curati'-e fur
Mm. G. W. Cook returned to Prori- sparrows' can be kllle*l in lots of not torturing,di«figurin»liutn.w« of the skin
onl IcMlay after a buslnea* trip to
ten nnd must be presented sod scalp, induding low uf hair. )-iV o-mpounded. in pruif of whsh a single
'*• ®'*yto the township, elty or village clerk. aBototing wiU) Cutieura Oltiiment. pro
Mis* Myrtle Clawson went to her
the ceded by a hot bath wilhCutiruruSnap.
and followed in lbe»»veovc*Kvby a A wo
home to Cedar Run this afternoon to p„u„ty £.1,.^^ jor them to the monib* cf
Culicur* Kevnlv.-n( (Liqsid or Pilb),
*iwnd Sunday with her parenu.
,„f December, Januan- and Febniary, tarfr^rufflJi-niVJafftJrdimiwdia^^^
w,. LOipd Ikf in tivmoet diMnv»ingfonn»or ItebGrand' of each year
Mr*. Kate Coe
Rapid*, who has been rlrtUng Mend*ij,„j
•kvp. and point to a •I'”'",'' cun-w^
and relaOres at Prorement. passed L^j.
^ c-olleeted for th.
most, if not all.-other rcmechcs and even
throngh.thc city ihk morning otf her L^rt,,^ ,^0,.,.
physk-ians (ait
return home.
The tou.l deposit In the ticiglan
Sheriff Kittle and wife, of Bellalre. poi-emmeM savings banks tocrca*ea
arrived this morning with a l>«tlent I
»9fi4l0.o(K» to 1S96 lo 1162.400.f-im ZSf iM-rVift] eree. 1.-t^rCr IVr H^-4.
for the asylum.
loooto mc.

. Oactona u a harmleM gnbrtttnte fop Castor Oil, PamRorir. I>n>ps and K<M>thlnR Sympo. It is I’leamnu It
cuutaiiiK iieitlicr Opium. Morphine nor other KarcoUe
sutiHtaiu-v. ll.. ngr-iw ItaRiiarantee. It de«tr»}a Contis
and ailayw IVveri8hne«s. It Cure* Dtorrbicajuid Wind
Cohe. It reiieveu TeothinR Tronble*. Ctirew ConMlpottoa
and FUtHieiu-y. It aMimlIntca the Food, reinitotea ttie
EUumu-b mm Itmicl-. tflvlnR lieallby and natural aleep.
The CliUdrc'ii'h Paiuicm—Tbe M»*thcr*a Friend.


■ fifsa-ja/i-fas.-*-

} Sean the Sig;iiauire of


Tte Kind Yon Hoyo Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.


T.\TE OK ViOllC.tN.TlIK i'Kn ;
ti,l Trav.-rMI n iH-KKiini uf -iii.! «-..\ui. li-Id ...
prolole rtflr.-, in rii- rll. of Trav-,
- !'«>■. ill »nlil <<»um). <m tb- PtliJ

Th.„r |,„-K vrt |i
I.I..I o( i:..tr6| i-n
Ami Avl-ir tort Week.
lUwlth <l(ft.-.-r .tm|.-nw>ii uf Royal.

**» «■
• >>»!'’'• «■ B*" *“
Jmto- of prolwle.
“I »" ••^'Ibr.-nk of dl|dllh.-ris. .
Ustic a.TOuaut. He was assigned by
Ill tlii^iuH«-r «■! tb- -«lali- ..f Al ! Thr N»rlb-ru lc>' C«-. of I'faMuiO
From Saturdays Record.
riiiied SUtes wcaUier bureau as
Itali.ins m linof iso.iwo
r^, latv of county, d<- !
Prank Punke, C. Schaubel and J“« nielivmdogist in the Wellman irolar onilsrali-il hist m-;h. to South Ano-ri.
» •
c, J
of tmuiwumuun With
Thomas, who have been vlsiUng Diti «.x|>oditioii nnd bus only recently re- can port-*, as a-.Mlnsi i's7.'»m> wh»
»r}-_lt<r bimns fib-d to ttol-l'..
I her iN-iiHuii praying ibal a cr i'*”'
'■( *«■>•
family f*f Mm, William Hucbel. r»-! tur^nd fiton the Iroren north. He alao came to the l'nit*-d Siiiii-s.
tain lnrtnim-nl In uriltng pur|orilng!"■‘''-•"to
** Trust, of Va»»*r.
turned to Grand Rapids this noon.
Ll<-iit. Uihm to gapture the BenIowa has a coni|Miratlv.'i> u.-w 1
i.>lie the last will aud t.-siam-m-.if yms uH. »- «bad li«ni dropey. MO
Mr. and Sirs, G. Ruff and child
Kurope.m airship trophy last requiring public sebisrt leuebeis to
said dc-iniM-d now on fll- .to sald'uas a |•-8|<I-Ri there fur tbirtyrto*
went lo Elk Rapids this afternoon
gnatehlng H away from aome ot dergo slate exanSnailons. apiwrenil.v
t. to- .-Idniiu-il «■ |.r..ltoi-, aiid \,.a„. and !• wirvU-.-d i,v five aon
where they will spend Sunday •iDi;,no,.,
|«,re aeronanls of Europe, to 1m- annua!,
tij.- aa-i;lp) <rf r^aid
Mr. RuITb parents.
: jj„j
pas le-en for -i> years in
Then- li.iv.- Imh-r our .’I'.o.-i ehiirrb tut,’ Ik- grant.,rto li.-na-if or to'...,
nthnr enitiiMo pr-iMUi.
tVilUam Powell rTlumed to,
weather bureau, bells eusi In Troj. N. Y-. sine.TT Is fiirttor fiMli-rvil, llial thKewudto this afiemowi after virttlug: ^^^len the Siwnlsh war broke out he flrsi tr.undry wes bidli there In l».2.'..
duv of .N'ov,-tnl-I.
I> IPi'7. at
the family of Allen Grayson for afv-, jo|„pg
nder* and was made
Spain 1* the simnieM of nil the E>i- Viork 111 lb.- t.>i.-,i,K.ii. at salil |
eral days.
junior major. HI* squadron. Iiowover. n>|>caii eouiitrin-s
1.,- !!l:l ir lii-r.-!i> api-i
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Mllllken returnu,,j„ j,,,., pelore
N.rnvay lias 16.277 iiiiloiilste.
ed this afternoon from a trip to Grand
surrender of Snnilago,. He fe to
The Pittsburg l>l»i>aichs'
............ le- gitcn b> pubil.-atl.m
* the prime of life and is of athletic. York com-spondeni has discovered
• rt
rt tktil. rUrtr-W
-Urtr-w U>>4>!•l«!«*
eoi.y of thlK or,tor. .fot lbiv«- sur- Ulli
Mm. Lena Brown, who has been
new ailment—the "subway head." 1
------------ SIbrfUha—f*
cc«*ir>. w.-ki previous to said <liv llu.rtfcrliai—81 —'S' U. t—M
Tlslltog her partmta. Mr. and Mm.
rs work as diamona dUBqrs to writer: 'The symploms <if the dls- oT beariug. ln» the Gran-I TruM i*Charle. Oberst; of Northport. passrtl
rtoritTn Icy cold «a‘»"
sytmuymous with the grt,.. H-rald. a ii-w8iai»-r prtuU-d aud.Mi
r-j1.itod l:i s.ild '■uutily.
through the city this morning on her
d*rkm-K«. Abont •"«!
Hke iliat .rf the
;.K ■
rctuii. to her home to Si.
„ tnlf mile, down the river ing>n-r. when
are sought
Mr. nnd Mrs. T, 3k|ier left
Klcrksdorp a win- n.,v
b> th- l,e:..,-rs of arid... hhu-ks'. Thmonilng for Alma where they will
om-r, srivrn.-ss of the sir In the Ms
visit friends.
Transvaal to the Orange river •'■I-' «« n-s,K«.ril.le for ihe 's-.bway
Mm. Otto Kyselk. went to M.nton
- The Inadequate ventJUttou sys
Order of Publication.
this momlns for. a «sit with her sis
____ __
fm of ......... .
road Is brine

!«,.uta«,iiii iiiiiuiiuai«a

New DIstricta Now Openod
lor Sottlomom

. - ■ •
wherv- the divem deoceml and work IbK
•>.u.h cumplain. from the
, "m, r—18
8888 >iu i» tm
Miss Myrtle Qtoy returned io Hfe
At l■a^s.•ng■‘^>. l''us- air and n
tiuiiu. ill fliaiini
Lake this momlng.
odor to tne nmm-1 ptoduc.- dmwsln.s'
tl-urg- Wriglil.
0*car Simpsco went to Kingsley,roii„„,rt by toartacb.-. th-n It-iiii 1.. \Vtik:lit. d>
ibU tnumlng on btadiiess.
inteniie darkm-ss All thev are
••sT^usb'n "f
b-tul P.-rsun- ’‘.Hit,
t,t,i»-t. HhbiC88
, .-uMiic fiuui am
aiareh factory, mentioned to a prevMiKS Esther Gray left thl* uionilug
prUenl Is to gni|K- afllif'-d »i«h s'lbaayitto tcty that
,1.:.., lb.It .ilith-ir i-ato to n«.r- ret-n- tUt.I
loui issue are being finished as wp- for Wexford.
I ............................ I lb_
Yrntdou toft this wonttox
orcoontobytog gHn.i
Idly' 08 pisalble. inree re-enforced
It U.l- lU till!iIk>V'
^ l»-ccur. «; faniin. au- — Mat- but Glut |irv<v-T> ft.r b-r
concrete lank* to gather the gluten for n visit with friends at Cadillac.
settling*, have been flnl»hed lo Uke
Mr*. A. Stein, of 124 Cedar etrect.
4ron to.tind win*“
‘’"J ‘to>''^>bti"d as
ft thl. mortitoB for a with „
,0 tb-vau«-which d...v-hi,., tu this M-rv-il iij-iii b< r b t'-ii—n uf h'-r L* Tis'WM <hty
the p'.aee of the old wooden one*.
aliM-iicThe other alteratloni and Imptove- friands at Kalamazoo.
mude n( -aririiig a liilitg. r-i>tl-<l: I kiiowii ptoiv- -f
Mm. E. A. Pelton. of Grand Rapids. *
, am * phllanibtoptoi. and 1 give shi-lmenu are so extensive that Suirtrinhi>Ii-ilc - iiir Ibu aboTi
to orib-nwl lliat
tendent BoaUck declare* that he will who ha* been vlsIUng her sister, Mrs., Eli Taylor, of FalKax. \T.. aecosled
K-tia L. Wr1-.:tal
w-r-tches who hav-no oth.-r th- sato d-f-Tid-!
bo **U*fled H the the pre»ent plan* S. T. Horton, ri-tuniod hoau- UiU Amos Rugg.whow**pusWng a wheel- b-1' np!«-al-. V fi IK- -nt-rr-d in
alone arc Itolcbed Inside of a year.
I »o,. r
c-i.iM- witHn lit'v iiionth!' frvtiu
The warehouse will be finished
■>. d'-faiilt tk<-r-uf
til- dal- b< rvv.l ai
...... h'-r-ti
T18 C'lrcMii* a A A. B. R________
piulnl ti!'-d
norllloitlotSt, ICT—to hoKln,
I.o.vW.. tor mt that lb" bill "■
Wednesday If weather Is favorable.
-unfeusi-d agatoM|A?ra«
.pohJ th. wlhtor «tb hT^mothcr. --W he . Ulr rtl.o ..a tte o«.t
Mr*. J A Sweet
HuCT' stO|.ped only
Mr*. Taylar Daad.
Khie. wife of wmurn Taylor, died
Mm Jone*. who has been itpending
*»*« “ ‘a*'® "« *»**
-----------------------ruuii Oimniissiuri'
Bcardty .of wood In the <
‘he distance in about an
Saturday at 1:00 a. m. at her home th* summer to Northport. arrived to
TnUMtor l «tor (tty 8Bd Prevewea! toava a*
Triiv.-!»e C<>. Midi
farmera (ringing to a load
in Oman at the age of 57 year*. the city tola afternoon expecting to boor.
mediately beaelged with bnyam.
)n Three »on» outvlre her. William. John meet a lad, companion wbo wa, to, President Dtor. of Mexico, who to
order to l«am If there waa an actual and Herman. The funeral will
arrive from Ohio to Join her on her'i-t 77. literally takes upon hlmsell
r. A hitl'Hbu.. o. p. a•bortog* ot wood, a Record reporter held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at trip. Owing to the failure of the lady « very extenrtve ,rtrtlon of the admin- waa tent to the various mllU and Grawn.
tomeether. Mrs. Jones will atop with istratlve work of his govrrnincnL He
dealer* to inquire into the fuel situsfriends to tbe city untti she can se- '» »" varly riser, nnd hto day 1. sys-^
OptloRs on Farm*.
Uon and the Inquiry ahow* that wood
to accompany her an tentatlcally arranged. Few public m. r
Johnaon. of Lynn.' lnd„ who
con be obtained It the order 1* placed
are wore kindly aud agreeable In prlto time. It would not bo «e1l to wait haa been to the city and vIMUng
vale life than the president of MexluUI lb* aupply (i exhausted and the poinu to Leelanau county, relumed
Btata N*<M.
' «>- «»<* *'*■
•" *>■»>«««!
home last nlghL Mr. JohMon h*»-dborder put to then a*
Th. St... S..lhC> »hk M Boat- «>-«.- »'
would ensue.
eight families Mt.r. ..PIUI h.. !»,« .u- «' k"h»'. H, h.T.r ft... .. ...t.-The Sooth Bide Lumber com]
thorited by the etate banking com-1 over petty mattem.
win oell store wood for $1.2$ but It from Indiana to Leelanau county aa
to tranaaet a general bankcan be
to'ke* from three to four week* '0 deing buslne**.
®*«r*l Now*.
While to the city he wa* the gneal
Jlver the order.
The wife of Dr. W, H. Erwin 01
A luouunteiit to to l»- «-rect<-d a'
JohnTb* Travaree aty Manulacturtng
Howell wa* badly ertubod by the Hftdens Creek. V».. to tb- nien.ury
fiefppwwjt ba* tnlxad bard and aoft
closing of a folding bed at her home of Krancis Maketnie. who found-.l
wood, green, for $2 a load: dry aoft
and was rescued by neighbors w>m Pr-sbyt-rlantoro to the Vniied States
wood for 12 and dry hardwood lor
heard her cries. Her collarbone and to 17M. and wa* flmt moderator of
From Frtday'a Record.
•2. They can deliver Immediately.
three ribs were broken.
.ihe general presbytery. The Presby
Dr. A. H. MePhall end wife
M. Dunnett. manager of the Even terian Historical society of PhUad--'
turned thl* monrtog from Northport.
ing Post, a South Haven daily, an- pMa. will raise the memorial
-. and Mm. N*tcu» Wtdte.
A beautiful Celt etoss. r'' feel hteh
Sutton* Bay. are to the city today.
MU* Nora Cork Fent to Cedar thl* Isaue the pubUcation would be sus has been erected at Kang!ho>j#u. Itoy
OrJtaary elotbm are easily feuoJ.
motnuoini morning lor a vlilt with her parenU. pendad. The paper has mrt Wen h of Islands, where M ytar* *e-> Sam
it i* wwre JsHieult to JUcover gariiel Marylen. tbe "Apostle
The ReY. George ft. Lockhart, of paying ptopoollion.
meat* tkat will mtisfy young «« who
BiMam «r prrtrattw eiM «w tank* Boaion. who hm been to the city for
are conflng
Zealand,"’ landed to hold il.r- fit
ntltle/ ot
of potatoes'
—lalO SB* *r«*«rly wm*

a ewagger Suit or Overcoat
several week*, left thU afternoon for
price. 46 cent*. Buyer* are handiIn fllune Vienne.*- -chootoa pb. no^ wh« they
i*-. ^^e it a pomt to
Knlamatoo where he will offlcUie
capped by lack of cam. and a* a re- graph which rei.eaU speechw- as r.- j*e Youag Mew» _Vikmg
tbe marriage of bU aon. th* R
George Etbelbert Lockhart and Mlaa suit every arallahle alorehousc and cited by eminent aeior* ha*l-c-n Ir Oothiag^ mMutoctu^ by OccAar.
.. y Co.. Chicago.
cellar to town Is Blled to t^P door,
troduced to teach the imi'Us dectom
May Warren.
^TW* ••Ytain* forte*"
*• *"
Charles A. Tuck, a farmer living atton.
HUs Edna Miller has returned from
mem ef esceiie-ce—Our Cus'aniew.
. a»BM |- rrsKlio *A waavrweBt im emm. a abort rUit to Charlevoix.
four mllo* aoutheart of Milford, loot
It I* estlmatM that people In ChiJ. A. Muuunr.'tand teiamu of to- two Urge bnra* by Are. spartt* being eago spend $3»,<K» * year to keeping
eomotive* of tbe Pere HarqMttc. wa* carried from the engine need to re- their >bo-» polwhrd.Of this amount
DIMng the alto. The bam* were Oiled pioflw are said to be liu-<8i
to the rtty today on buslnea*.
rm ml* ba SokSM Dnc 0*.



J. 4 «. E, TUIE OT



Rowland Douglass


Two Shoemakers

with a complete out­

fit of the latest Shoe
Repairing Machines
places us where we
can do the finest
shoe repairing on
shert notice.

|Pl Ics•phothudihW
Dr. A. W. Chase's


All welt soles sewed
0pp. Hotel Wbitint

tWnk Oo«Au- Day woold Joat suit
1 am aura the Bmmme girta who
I me. wbac do yen think about It*
help their mothan with the cotoing
I Ob. my' to( thla boose U atrlul bis toll all be glad to try year nice cake
land empty. I soesa half the Innil, reelpe.
I tore la gone, and I aip sore the piano
is out of tone. 1 just doot knoor
Leland. hMcb
' vbat to do. and can yon gnesa vbyT
Oct, 29, to*;.
Dear President—
I am seven years old and aa la tto
„d erery mO* paS of wind abook
second grade. 1 go to acbool every
I dost) mj rlad leaves until the gronud,
day and my teacher's name U Mia
jwaa yelkiw as the trees above. Yes.j You asked wfait my dog's
was. We call him.Growler. -It vnul®*“*EU Rap(da. Well. I muat
> October It the Simahloe i Bth. tto
too bad to give him aneh a namc.U><**«you *1 have a pet cat
mooU of gold, and your i
know Idin when we! o^Md Tiger, and It U a big tat cat
<1» tor. ..J
„ t,.. HO .. o» of
t"» «P- f •ftto tbe Snnabtne Qnb i
;j tl.
tie fellows yon ever Uw. He It black'
cs"T milk morning and blgbt.
bcarted. too. How w abe help It.
Well. I must atop.

Rtitat and Hagiilatla la «f Tha
M*f*M V«M| Falka AwiAbaa
trf mmt ta «Mrnr ar
fral aftaat anythin*,

t arill tay ta to aa topay aa I
aa hr aa
I toll
tol tiy ta to lovlafr halpfal
kJto ta avarybady and h
y llvinfl thln»
If I avar fall In trying *» ^
UwM things I will -Try, try

ery day and -am la tto third grade
My leacber's name Is Mrs. LetctaBcId
and she U a very good teacher. Good
Frtmi yoor friend.
Dewey Makei.
i an glad yon want to be a Bun. ’
shine boy. Dewey, it plraaed me to
get your letter.


Nessen City. Mich.
Oct ta, is«:.


Dea.- President—
I atn having vecaCioa nos. I am
haviog lote of fun. For pete 1 hare
two csi». Tbeir names are Wbitefoot
and 3d I'.ca. and a dog whose nsme U
alii Boy Pt,
Csptsio. 1 have a abt^-p. Hey
Nannie. I sin write a Mors
know. W-11, I guess I will bare to
ieav..» are getting cii-iiv'd and arv tlfi This b>'Cai:M- g'^ese bn^.■ a loog an*
Ulenn Hanows.
T.utt>. Sh. .b.7-v.ot* Well. a. t am itoal joiirvuv to uake—* jourttey to
Here I* OU-nn's stor> »
vmlng uij ^.tler :n Mh.i.C. 1 will the- got** maifc. i
The Ant and the Gttsshogper.
• You see. ta the Iste
Once an ant was bns) at work
F;-.-:i: yr.:ii lovtrg S-iiiiMiior.
stuiV-r a g.e-w market i, held tfl Warstoring up food for the winter, and
As>- Ht
MarthapIlu..itton. ■aovTand g h-x> to the nDra>N.r of S.tMO.*
gratehopiaer hopped up. and said.
ibdti'd. tlv
are l.eaalligrepate |o the. uwn.
•'Frlrnd ant, whv do >ou w.
*2 fu:
t»- ge,v«- march to the ntatkei on foot.
hsid? i di'.Bcr and sing all day long.'
Som.- r-iD..UHi ami 160 miles
The ant said. "I am storing up food
away. The average distance they
the minlir'' ' But. sinter tsii'i'
Kingsley. Mlch.!r.!nie frt>m is fti mile*, and to protest
here vet.
l,atrr hi the seek, thej
- iht IP. 190T. 'their feel tm this long htuney th*y.,
grasshopper gut hungry and wrr.t to
PitM.I.claiv abiKl
To »bo.. the geeae tto
tto ant's bouse and knocked at tn< .
tbo-,:ght 1 soutd'mHie a f.-s- line*, c.aiseheia flr|toiake* them walk hackdoor. ' IVho U tbereT' "Y'our friend |
the- grasshopper, who I* coming -to
3°“ • ““ *-^1 *'••‘<1 »t«»pc when this' and forth
beg a Utilefood from you. "
"1 have 'rarh.-s yo-j it sill nnd you the same.
f«>od fi»ryou," said the 'ant. ' Voii • ""t sending u si.vnip to you. Wilt Cnr iwiid. The result is that they
danced all the summer and I work«*l
l’>eaee send m.- « l.nHen* I did sh.>d «;ih a'good, strong shoe of milNos you may go and dance while I
“ friend of rolnr i-j ur.nnd asnd and H protects theig
Peopl.- •boiild not cMHCi oth
»ere ptaviug with our doijs well on their way to the Waraaw
wall bn llitm.''
*»sd It plim.-d .m her drdl and gnoae-nisrk.i. "—I’rortd.vtce Journal.
^ •
lost It and Se caniml flnd^lt Papi
Empir.- Mkh *"'*
I’miUer lii.rr..- an° piektifg
lUliaa Baa Knows Mastar.
rv-. i.: rs.w l“'' Pftatm-s. School hr. Irt out for a
Th, Italian tav bass very long ptw*
vacation f-r p.«to digging. 1 sill
can vittaei hone, from
fvar President—
to glad shea school crntmeucs Mune ffos.-rs u.etos to other beet,
U has been quite a while since
again. We have Just iH-en ralfhlug u u nwvsssrj It. man, wctlcms (.«■
bu.e written so 1 silt s-me a fs
th.- horses aud |..itiing ibem in the |„,
„|,taln how? during tbe mid-

Cut Stone Work

Laurel ClauKs.
^ ahe wanU there was ever so nice a poppy be­
they have brought > her.
fore. 1 don;i know what 1 abould do - Tiger must be very cuaidos. Please
yon to feel as well.
pet him for me.
First or all UUa week, she wants wiihout bim. for both the little boys
are gone. too.
you to read a lettar tfom Mabel C.
From your loving
Leland. Mich..
Mahn. of Cedar. Mich. A letter with
pci. 18.,190T.
Cousin Mark.
such splendid Sunshine news. Mabel
Dear PresldentHere Is Emily's letter:
sands tt ftve more nami . making a
I will write
toul iJ arty-two members at Cedar’ Dear Cousins—
I have^o send you such a lot of you I
fine? Mabel It ao Interest­
year and belong to the Sunshine Club.
ed la our Club that she has made all love, for we are so lonesome. Mam1 am ten years old. I have one pet
•tna. Bose
friends Interested,
""" ^
I. .
through her efforts Cedsr M one of
Wt M yoar Wtan,. ua
ni.a. ‘
“°™‘“ ““
Ppooldent—Clara Bates.
the banner loams of uur Sunshine
morning and night 1 baveFiret Vies PrssldaBt-tot
US bapffy^o hear .from you again, and
Club. Here is her nice letter:
bitng her i and trum tbe pastan-.
Odar. Mkh..
■Mond Vies FrssIdanU-Mra. Irons
bring in wpod and get
all be gUd to. to»- Cousin -Mabel ““
Oct. i, 190T.
FMnoray Bhisids.
and afhome again. I went o have a Cous i'*‘"
.• Day tore at our houwr. You know
">*'• *
since I
It hM been a voeg j^im
I i it is sio
so targe all of us could be hem
wrote to you and the f
I if you only would
am going to school every day.
Fall FsKtiona.
1 am keeping bouse for pspa while
Tto Maple oaraed that ahe wVs tirad in the flfth grade. My teacberV name
and vr,iog
trying v>
to be
Is Fred Dago. 1 like him very much.
»•» b
““v. auu
of always waarlag groen.
What I
and PpaShe knewthatahe ba^ grown of late, 1 ..U to Un <* to. Oft rttaor .oti, bro.e .o, ,oo,M„. „i Mark ooS
ho passed me Into tbe second grade at P*
«*« »'"• *>» so much. But It
tto shabby ip be seen!
Maple City. Then 1 skipped one year »• •*'“1 lonesome to have the little
The Oak aod Boaeb and ChestnuL and wem to him-in the fourth grade **3'* *0“0- too.
and ho passed me Into the nflh. i | Three week* is a tong Ume. but
then, deplerto Utor
And aU, eaept' the Handoek sad. love all the achotan in both of tbe inhere ta some eomton. for we are eolware wild to ttonge their dress. schools, espoctally the Bunshlnera. l,l«Ung souvenir post cards, aod ahe D^r Preaidentaend live new names for the Club.'
«•'»’ would send us one every day.
I received my card and button and
>'ou "re V *'*'
“ “ “ am -ven' much |>leased with them. 1
Tor ftuhlon ptatea. well take tho‘ Fb«r of thmn are for the Cradle RoB,
1 like *>rr to our collection.
•owma.- the msOlag Maito oald.. Anna
-And Bto the tolp 111 be cP'ltod In ■ card and button. The '
Emily, (be Honsekeeper.
Cradle Boll are Marion H. Myer.
aptauUd gold and red-'
George Myer. Wilford Pourlner and
jear* old. ily hioth.-r Harry was jh- peoetrsted'only by the long pro*
. in school. I would like I have She Is two years old neat Saturday.
Wlltert Fouriner. The last two are
do >wu wonder that your pros
**Ito diMrtiil ansBower aults
Italian bee: Cnder
Fall is here and the leaves ate so tsrnty years old the sixth of October. b„»cls of tto lu
twin boys mamma lovot them. too.
October Is a Sunshine «'l» l^-ti-r printed in the |»per.
baaL" the llgbtaoBo Boedi rek*"”*"* loM- dinary coi.d^w (he ttaltae bee will
They are m cute. They will to four ®o«“h. * goWet-nearied month, aod
Good bye.
■ enuiigh. 1 vri^k*;,
iraM twice as much boBcy
dveoruted wllh pretty leav.v. Every
year* old this week. Please send the one ot G*® »»«•«•» the year?
Allle McCleltan.
'-Ito MartsM my choice ahall to."
the German. Cyprian
' II b nice to hear from you again.
trda and buttons
tto Ctoatnot ipoke with pride.
and ..ibir rmnmuu varieUes.
A penamea make Hfly two members'at: Tiaverae City. Mlcii . B. F. D. No. 2 Allle. I am glad you liked your card beech nuu. I go to school every day. j
Flossie- INliUinan.
cuUsrlt) ut this narlHy U that be
«OcL 18. 1907. "nd button.'
I like my I'achor very well.
Her| Age 1*.
Tto atardy old oak took time to tbtak
will allow himself in time to be hanI

imme in Edith Remington. 1 am In Uie;
can. lant It Juai beauUful? I stah D«»r I
What a iijie Wrihdar
had! 4i,.d. uy hi* twner. but he never (atta
—’T'hale onto gtartng bneo;
omoo., uicl. n- r- D, Xo 1.
"• ">
“ el' M-hirb did IKU like best, the watch
we could all come aad a* you. Thank! 1 have the wboO|9ng rough andI can-;
to have his stinger out when a stran­
-Ito oniyffower, ao dark and rich. I
, ,„.l
llos oo'll, Ipog. 1 «lll clw.
>wo very much for the poatal; you »«« «o anywhere.
(he ting?
ger approaches or when atttacked'Sy
tor my modal choota.’
muri bo'vo koowo wbeo ray blrthdby 'or -o !Ou bbd tbe Sub.hlnen. ror l>-»r ProoMont— *
Frobt your lot1n, SuMhlbor.
came aa tbe nice poet card leaehed PHi I have a dog. it la a little black
I am going to write yon a few lines
Ylyrtli* A. Beeman.
Qeaae Wear Sheca
Bo overytroelnaU the grove, except
me the sight befewe. Mamina thinks Puppy. I have five dolls to plaj wtfh. as t have not written for a tong time.
Goose U toller than turkey," said
tto Homioek aad.
it to a nice way to temember friends 1 have a iltile nephew and nlt-ce who I have a few names to send. They *re heeehniita. 1 shouia like to ne wtia
grorer, -.-ind I know where they
•'And wbl<ai one of the iwl
AeeordlB^to lie wlab ere long In bril­
and loved onea. My latter ta getting would like to Join Che Cradle Roll. Allda. Oscar. AmeXa and Grace'Netshut- geeee."

yoa. dearT"
liant droaa was clad.
Thelr names are Bruce Cagmein and son. and Minnie Nelson for tbe Cralong, 80 I. will close.
"It Is 111 th.- roiintrj- round stoat
' Tto de one de, Wn't do
Vivian Carmlen. Brace Is. four years die Roll. Send the cards and buttons
Your Bunahlner.
War*«w. in the Vllus cSUirlM, They wld."
Aad here Jhey stand through all (he
old aod Vlrinn one month and ten to Allda Nelson. Mapla City. Mich..
Mabel C. Mahn.
•oft and bright October days;
Plew aend the cards to me. R. F D. No. t. 1 will tell you about
Neat comes a letter from Mias Ma- days. Pie,
They wtahed to be like fiowera—Inlused on arcount
nij |i«-l
m-Is, 1 have two dog*-'; tta-lr!
i thought I would Write to you
*mmA the* look Hks huee bou- ‘>'1 Greeno. who taachca the Howard School
School .’ij
account of the n.,
toed, the, look like huge boo
towushln.sHer *»i~P‘hk c«««b. I am in the fifth nan,.^
■ Kldn
have not written for a long lime. M»
grade. My studies are orithmeilc.
vat named Dutch, and
Iriecd is going to write too 1 have
geography, grammar, reading, writ- ®nd one old horse • nanu-d Prince, b* cn ilir at my fileud's houKe fn>m
BlAne Clnb of iwent,--olght mombera.
Simply the visible sign that b^jy’s tiny bones'
log and spelling. Mamma and papa "e take a pall with sonje <«(* in II Satuiday'^ulll Monday. .XIy brother
Tbe offleera an*:
are not forming rapidly enough.
have gpnt- to Indians on a visit and «nil we run arouud the copu.-r. He carur up Sal'jrdB,v. He comeY up to
President. Ciiy North.
left UK girls here. Well. 1 will have coae* after u*: if we hide, he come*
lAck of nouristunent is tbe cau^
Vlce^realdcnt. Sadie Baranek.
to elofc for this time, as my letter is *“d find* 'us. He 1» surh an awfully .
u uvrii.- H..<-man
Secretary. Blanche Baranek.
On tto olopaa the bwchnuu patter
eemne io«e
.“‘d horsc. I tblbk he U twentytwo ‘^ends name ta Mjrtlc B.-eman,
Scott’s Emulsion oourisbes beby’s <
Treasurer. Anna Smith.
and tau.
mu, ...t .t.ra '‘I- »> '-"I
I remain your lov
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Let's all give three cheers (of our
The sweet brvwg nuts that the ehllubUl No.crab.-r. | ubc rau.1.
"™' '*
FVra Carmlen.
baby needx
" O —II II » ""'orau -• dr«t gather
H». ,raa ™ ,.u b. ,b
Then come* aucb a nice letter from
While tto woodland voice* echo
ALL DXUCClSTSi 90*. AMO 8149
Of tbo grotm-up Sunshlners. Her papa and mamma againl Y'ou have
all busy digging tuiuibes now
and caB.
a chance to be a real Sunbeam while was down at one of m>- friend's last
Tto aqulrr^ Matter, the late bees number was 32. and now. Jnst tbink.
they are gone, haven't you*
there are S379 membera! So you
night and bniT an awfully good rime.
bow our Club has grown since ahe
] will tell you about my vacation,
The rattle of leaves to tbe nbhfu’
totaud. Mich.
joined In. 1898. Mrs. Hathaway's let-.
went over to Good Harbor and stayed
Oct. 20. 1907.
ao happy she' Dear Preaidentthere a wi-t-k. and then went to ii
There is no brlier time Ihih right
The holkra whir ot tto partridge
ta golag 10 print it (or all ot you to
. 1 will now take t
_ drop you a
NOW for you to make a Ktart towards
b The cawing ot enwa In tbe tree* read, and here It ta:
well and hope
hiMno I had to cultivate. 1 like
few Un«t. We are
Monroe Center. Mich.. you are the same. ____ i___________
tops near,
going to aend
cnlllvaie. It Is very easy I think.
o home of ymir nw-n.
nerves. It is nerve force
OcL 18. 1907.
Tto brawn hawk naDa with the ktngreclpv- with tMs Utter. J do not * *»• « ‘••’“‘^'h yesterday,
that the brain to vlircct
Dear Mias Bales—
‘ Mrd afttr.
•Von will n.-ver n-gret taking the
know whether you have ever tried it
Uic motion of >our Itody; it
I am leaving some Sunshine paTto beeehnnta faU. and the children's
have and I like
.................. .. -.........................
. it „„„

nerve force tJiat causes y<
step. Before yoS get It paid tor. It U
pra. rail erart .1 U.. HeraM Mtoo
.„ibl.|; rau...
heart lo pulsate, ami send the
more- than llkriy to be worth more
b aMlow aad tweet at In day* of (or yon and I traat that they may help around here now. I have written to Prom your true Sunshlner.
blood through your veins; it
to BCMter Bunahlne in lome dark I jou aeveral limes. Mamma Is sick and Age 13.
Retta Brown,
is nerve force that causes X'our
Ilian you paid for it and you will real
coranr!• »o« feeling very well.-By
How I should like to see old Prluce
stomach to ^ligest food, your
I used to to a Sunshlner mvwelf brother Gordon and-sleier Laurel are pfaj- hldc-and-seok; be must be
kidneys .to filler the blood, and
when our dear Pitwt Prealdeni was .rltlng to you My sister Murel ta fellow,
the liver to secrete bile.
>oa wau to seU you can easily do so.
living and wcU do I i^ember the|foop
and belongs to thej

In fact, nerve force is the
Dewey Maker. Lake Ann. Mich.
prau, little gifu she has sent mejg„asMne Cradle Roll. jVe hive noil
power tliat T'jns xour body, so
We have some, eery derirable raalMonroe Center. MIrb..
Anna Myera. Cedar. Mich.
Niuae when .1 was a obllA
il you feel xvom^ui, irritable,
I had school Thursday
. and
- - Fildsy
. on|,
Oct. 19. 19<57.
we will: sell ch-ap now. See
wnt by Mabel C. Mahn.
am^so always greatly
inter- account of teacher*' exsmlnaiioti.
examlnaiioti. Roar p_
nervous cannot sU-ep, or eat
_.. of
.. the
e Her My brother Russell, is In the fnlt*-d
AUda. Oscar. Amelia, and Grace esied In the Sunshine page
l-'l.»d Smith loffioftow,
well, Ifavc pain or miser}- '
Kobon. MofOa City. Mloh.. IL F. D. -Id. ra.d 1 lo.. ra ™d ,b. m.i. I..-I8U.™ Lit.
lie s..rab.iu.i.u
Saving.station at Milwau-__ _ '.Ji*','““
No. I. NtBiea aeot by ReUa Brown.
Qny North. Sadie Baranek. Blanche ''Tbo«h , .ra bid bbw. , .ra p™udL‘jb.'“, 'b.T'..rt'l’°
,;"ra.Traa"rt“';u7rVi down. To restore this vitali
Baratoh, Anna Smith. Alice Brooka, . think that I wae one of the first also a postal card album. 1 was In have had five weeks pf sclibol alread>.
. Bdaa Ctnlt. Y'ere Carrttt Joe Oana.
I of the BnnsMoe clnb.
|Trarerae City laat month and wanted u dou> not seem that long to me.
Si^SranJ^iien ^and build’up
Florence Campeau. Erven Hoeb. JuWishing you and• the
• Clnb
‘ success -t^lslt
'Isit you but did noB ktJow where Whefl 1 gel home from school 1 pick
baa KrntoehvU, Inex KratoehvlL Cor­ In this great work, | am.
to find
Ind yyou. 1 seat my postal to you up poiaUK*. There were three days . healthy wiihout Strop.? r
OlViC'Avc. and lUlh.
ral Pact. Ruhr McOarry. Cloo MeSincerely yotii*.
of Lake^Mlchlgan Bcsch on the noon and a half that wc did not have .mv ‘
'■>'» *
l'"-ai-i:.y W lOtn.
Minnie Oitinger-Hathaway. tmail, boi forgot to put my name ou school, and I plckt-d up potatoes those
Oarry, Orla North. Carl North. Verna
. Btorac,
Schammarboni. Two other leilert come to vour pre»- it.
... 1 hope
bop, you
roo will,
-m get
ra-i It.
it It
ii was
-ra the
th, <]a'-<
i .-o:,, n-'ra.... .be suo.uo,
1 have fun with
. t.airiti«
Dohaon, Idem this month from
Sunshine picluri- et little boj-s watching cows, Utter*
h tiers very
Lari Store. Martha Store. Otto boy and a Sunshine girl. They were a sail-boat that used to belong to us. «ur d.ig down »i our creek and I huvBmith.
Wltkop- Ito not meant to be printed in the Her- and a gaaoline tanneb that (s the fun throwing eilek* and »toa.* for,
Im- glad Wbeu perfect bewllf.
TtaofMa, Ethel Soeor, Bertha Secor. i aid. but were such genuine Sunshine North Haaltou mall boat I hope you him to r
winter cowf* so 1 can slide down hill
;' letteiw. and brought so much bapp!-: will get IL Here Is the recipe
ra. Krtb.-i-ib,V;
Dr. MIIm- NervtfM |«
t tald by yeur
Wc have three cats, ono horse, nine
tofce UnraahiF. Mias Mabel Craenu. neat to your prewident. that she is go-[promised you:
druaa'n- wtia «>iii ausrsnte* tnat tna
Ing to print part of them, any way. ‘
Allapica Chocolata Cake.
[ HP*
*'»“* cMcken*. We have one
am bottt* f«itt bcn«rit. jr >t (alls, he
will Fstune yeur menay.
One cup sugar, two eggs, throe U- eow. Her name I* Myrtle She i» black
H. Y. F. BwMhlM Club Cradla RelL Ono was from Msrk 1) Kingsley of
MUes Medical Co-. Elkhart, Zod
Mtanle Nelson. Maplo City, Mlobra Summit CUV. Mich, aod the 'other leapoons of melted butter, one-fourth and while, As this ta all.
R. P. O. No I. KoBW seat -by- Betu from hi* sister Emily. They are Sun­ >a*|tooD salt, one and ono-bklf tea- »Rh teat wtahes.
shine cousins of your pn-*idvnt and spoon baking powder, one-half cap of
Mart^ H. Meyer. George Meyer. the first vice prruldt-tii, too. Mark milk, one and one-halt cups flour, two-;
Llta Clark,
■ S'—I
.Till pa.trr
thirds tsblcipooD allspice. Cream
tg your x-acatlon for potato digging
Wilford F-ouriner. and Wilbert Four- saya:
t( it 1* HEST ' PLOl'R. voj ran alwi-y* be sure of the rraulL It
■ler. Cedar. Meh.
by; Dear Couslo*—
butter and sugar together, then add over now?» Which do yon like bvsi.
Every par*''t- yeung man e
woman wtio is interested i
We reeeleed your letter;
i- always uMt.,:m. always bum- rhe 8a-*t bmd and pastry- Costa
Mabel C. Mahn.
yulks of eggs and aiv*|iice. beating picking op potatoc* or going
any way in Business Educa­
otber. Thra add flour
y.,-: lew* Uun some brarvl*.
c^.isil.v as good success.- The fio-ir
Brae* Carmlen. age four yrars:!been rtoudy and raining all day. 1
■nO school? .
tion to wi
r s copy
with all liie Gcordli*-** of
Vivian Caimlcn. age one month, ten,am sure after your tetter came the bal.tng powder, alternating with milk.;
lus. It tells
tore. Traverse City. MIeb.. R. F. D. amt tome out. for it was brighter Then add whites of eggs well beat-:
Lraikc Ann. Mtcb
yeu what w« do and why our
students succeed
Oct. 21. m;.
s sent by FVrn Carmlen. right away.
WtiU at onee-for .t. Enter
It seems so alee to bear from my
Well.. 1 ruu»t close, hoping this wilt Dear rresldent—
any day or
What a nice October we hare bad. conin who lives In the big west, and And yon well. 1 am in tbe eighth. ,j ihongbt I would write yon a few
TROIT BUStNCSS GNIVERSuch loag. golden frost-j
will be gtad, glad- when she; grade and am fourteeen
- Rnra. .Please send me a card and but
SlTV. 15-21 w:icc« St« Oe- •
ls*a days while laavea and fralt atew- eoara borne again. You know folks With lots of love to the Snnahlners.
, h,,.e three cau. One mr •!*
troit. Mich-.
R. J. Bennett.
ly ripaoad. Tton all of a audden tto:
are planning all kinds ot days to cele............................................................
remain aa ever.
left herr'wben she went to Den
P. A, Prin. W. F. Jewell.
cold Bifihta caae. the fiowera weotibrate
Homecoming Week. Labor
Your .Sunshlner.
ver. Colo., aod It got Into a trap an''
to ataSB. and tto iqavaa turaed noar-] Day. Flower Day and Flag Day. Now
Edna aauss.
had Its leg broken, I go to school v«

It Takes

Get a

Smith jRealty Co.


One Thing
to Think Abont



cominf to dinner, and you know what
a lorely coMc ahe It. I timply cant
think of meeUng her on her
KTOund I want aomethinc ao
and norel In (be way of a deeaert that
the i#lll never even hate heard of U
-Poor Mn. New Cook!" laughed
DoUy, aSecUonaiely. "Olte yo«)
of praeUue ahe haa had and you
may even eaeel her on her
none «
■Poatlbly; but la the naandR
9 band.e
there anything new under th^
ao that 1 may avoid compeclUon
WUh tbe t
anntlF. of all peopler'
"Apple fluff might do at a flnitb to
And the locAi of friendly eyea.
heavy dinner." answered Dolly,
Do not wait with crace onipoken.
While Ufe-a dally fareaj It bnken- thoughtfully.
•What it It llker
Oeotle apooeh la oft like manna from
-Like nothing you ever aaw b<>rore
tbe akiei.
npounded of apples, egga and «u
Cemfert Oiw Another.
Comfort one naoiber,
the wMf U (towIdc dreery.
And -the feet ere often ’reen'.
And the hovt U very Md.
There U beovy barden bcArtnc.
When It •eerne tbet none are cn
And ve half forfet that eter «e «ei

salted ao no allme vID be left.
For tbe boiled elder of gnadmother-f day. wlthoot wMcb no mince pie
fruit cake was complete, i
which kept perfectly for a year

gar. addbg two teaspooul of
clnnatnon. half a teaspona of
notme* and a saiupoon of
cloves, one well b^ten, egg
leaapooneot soda dlsolved In

Warm DIahaa ror Cool Day*,
Turnip Soup With Rice—Cat ilk
ground ,^.p.
and ajover Are In four cups of water. Add
half i
handful or rice and one onion.


cider In a porcelain kettle. watchlng|dlentf are well mlied
sttr _
In ——...........
-------------with six ounces of melted baUer. saR
Mrs. Caroline Trunk, t?B6 Jeffnso*
that It does not bun. until r^uced to ly one cup o| wheat flour, sifted to-L.^
, — pepiK-r. Add .two quarts of milk
Arc., reorla, IIU wntro;
________i.k_____ __________________....
"1 bad chrome ,
three pints, turn into glass yaiw.
Of Indian meal. and . .M.U ^ » W..U VMM.* ...
,------- ------------bottles and seal tlghUy like canned the apple mixture, adding a tittle of
each gradually. Ponr Into5 a
a Igl^e,
I called’ catarrh rem«db,w.’'and’« dTm o“ miifletee
Poutoes wUt boU more quickly 4f
two kettles of boiling water
moderole oven for one hour I*""
>*“aLn. and I au. > and ,w„
ft.vero.1 .i.a **“*“
* «0»P»ef«<r CO/»d. AH tbs eslarrha!! me of (he M.rumai ko. i
pared, one of which Is poured over Serve wlth<W bar,I
the vegrubles and after a moment

When iKXatoes are to be baked. If ctip of brown .ugar. molsleolog in tbe'Uble»po.«ful» of boU
penma to all m, friends who
CMarrh All Thf^ngh My !,«*«.
they are thoroughly healed on top of jproces, with half a pint of strong:
•*Ufer from asurrb a. 1 did.'
Mr^be,.. Mruer.. MwTOook. Can,
the stove ttomlng them once) they coffee; add one cup of New Orleans
Co.. Neb, IWx iisvmies:
will bake in half the usual time.
molasses, a i.-a.,Ky.n hf,e one'
"I comenced to take Parana u>»
first of Ia.-t Febniart, I
grated nutmeg and a teaspoon of pow-'^''i^ly M possode .;...,rd.a« to dlro^^
•oms FIs Wrinkiss.
cinnamon, one w^l JJen i^
Uons. 1 also got a I'crnta
*’"’**>Here tre'S few good ideas lo pit egg and three cipu of pa.ln- Bo-jr‘“''”lor the Kr.l tune b .rn.d ih*a ^
in use the next time you make pie­
baking powder, and cne cup of IndUin .®"^
“tt”- or fo^t “"■'•“'h potacrust:
meal. Beal al.adlly for l.n mlnniea!'"*- »'■'*
♦'“t t'nflthwUe
The ovcp should bo hot enough
*«hout breaking the skin.
that the haod can be bold In It Jnst and then stir la a qoari.-r of a pound; *“
hredded citron. «half a pound ofiRemme the poiaio from the shell,
long enough for one to count twenty,

of milk,
when baking pies.
ound of currants. Turn Into a ]
f- and add -aaU and
I puffy pic cruel Is desired, and
rnfce pan lined with greased ■ l"'PI«'t- to Wste. H.-at Ih-- whites of
• The way to git cheerful It to »! -ni try It," I declared with an In. (be buM^ Is a lUlle nhort. Iry addand Iwke thr. e-qnarters of aa; »•« ‘'B***
“'hi *o the pouio mix• mic when ytfu feel had. to think • petuoua ruth toward the kItchcA >g a t
lt> n slow oven. Ire while stiU
P«' *►>.• skins, place In a pan
tbe doa^.
.* about aomebody rttea' headacbe • Dorothy followed ledately.
with vanilla fondaut frosting, and bake a nlec brown,
• when yer own it -mott buttin', lo •
"Pirat, get oac ^roab egg. break tbe plan to place tbtr dough In tbe Ice box.
Browned Turnli*—Pare tbe lusnips
•ery cold plnee for nn hour be-, decorating with tiny candled eherriea
yolk Into a baaln. tbe white into an­
• keep on believin' the tun la aablntnd angolka cut in the form of small' c-ji In slires rnoswlse. place in n
other. and tet (he latter on the Ice." fore rolling it out.
• In' when tbe eloadi la thick
boll}- leaves.
sauHiuin and e<x-r with water. DofI
• awogh 10 cut."-^ro« "Lovey
Indian Meal Timbales—Cook two’f“rt> mlnnt.-s. Drain In a coland-r.
of a tage. "Now. put to tbe yolk one when hiking enstnrd or pumpkin pi<-s
•Mary.caps of corn In sllchlly saIted;P“‘ **’® labl, sisonfuli of bnllvr In
cup of rich milk, a generout Uble- cook the shell of paste unt
water Tor thrcroquarlers of an hour.]* ^tjing pan; when hot. add Ibe turapoonful of sugar, and cook to a thin about half baked, then put Ic
adding more water If ne<^es»ary and'«>'l« “"<1
tabloslwouful of grwnocuaUrd. Now flavor with vanilla and tard and iSnUh the baking.
If stewi-d fruit la to be uaed for boiling to lire eousUtency of porrldp-. i'«'™ carefully
act on lee or In a cold place,"
The Utt of conugloua dkw«aet
"But where does the apple come tbe Blling. It should alwa}-s be |>e^ Pour Into small timbale moulds and “ft"
Mmid be reviaed to contain tbe tome- Inr I asked, impatiently.
fecUy cold before putting It hi the set away to harfl. n: when qdlte flrm.j'l''" *«b sail and pepper and
Caafb Md laageallotL
what mcooimoo one of Cheer
Tbot. Deekwaii, II K.iU:h-.-II Bt,
romove with a sharp spoon the eent.r' Scalloped »nloi.s-15oD for t.
-Right I
said Dolly., with an cnitl. or the Utter will soak. ’
Tkore is abtololely nothing ao InfecttMsi born,N.Y..wrltot:
When a blistered, fleky apitearanee from each mold, leatlng only a shell; [“>■*
^-ot sali'tl w;
of (he hand for ailows at dteer. One dieerfol penon In
"I waa tronhIM with a cowg* stitf/«.
'liked on the top crust, spread Itj tnmold these, brush over with melud "f' “td cover with ro! sllRhlly .
'Now take one large apple—'
. cook the aigeutom. Thank.
your «
i a gray, gloomy tall
with very soft butter after rolling it biHier and crisp In a hot oven; then;®^ **'^“8 quickly lo i
"One!" I echoed scornfully.
.. I on.o„ ,n,u •■'‘R. »„■
U gM tcgltb
aoralDg can set all the hotmeboid
All with any hlghlyseasoni-d cream-jon'*** DO, oolll tho, I e—o* I
mile flour
"Oue." empbasUed Dorothy, with
wheels to running smoothly and easi­ deelalon. "Choose one of a decided from thr rifter. Cut the tKual silt, ed or deviled preparation of
• baking dWi with)
ly. and sudi a person Is worth her flavor, aa a spy or Baldwin, and grate and put on the pie. When all it ready ______game and serve Inverted on,of
to in Uiu
weight in gold. Tbe beauty of the dli , it into this deep bowl, haring beside for the oven, tip tbe pie slightly snd maslird iKdato, garnished with viirlR»,fl'>f ‘rumbs; i
working every day and riwakt highly
bread of your medlelne. I abaU fuel It my
U that It la very apt lo become ' „„ ,
ponr on cold water to rinse off tbe of parsley and thinly sliced Ic-mon.
jmbs. moisten with some of (he wa- duty to fMommeiul I’t-ruM to all my
Cknole. And II U -something from j .prinkig o^er the apple as you work. flour. Enough will remain on tbe bdt•lebty-thrMand ahalf yMrsold,
Wbkh BO OM, not even (be worat' io pn-vnnt It turning dark.”
and fc-l as young as 1 did t. n vearsaeo.
ter to give the desired effect.
Steamed O.vsI. is-vjtrge
y,,. surface with butter and set
A-yreat many teeiimoniaU from peo­
.lied r
niy among'sorae*^
, la Immune. One cheer­
Delirious pies ran be easily and
liesl for this dainty rltah. count-jssjjp „„,i, ai.out ll.lity mlnut.w be ple of high rabk and people I|o the friends, who said 1 lookad at yooag aa
quickly prepared If when baking,
, tBl peroon. who iMolulely refosea to
a llitio dab? ' I asked, vrith
ordli lary walks of life, arc receiwd I did twenty years ago. I thank yo*
lug Ihret'for each p*-rson to l»e scrrod. 1 f^r,,
lilare them In thi
let anything poll h« apiriu down toj.,^
, ^ate waihlng-df^ies. few extra pie crust shells are made
nry month. Cslarvfc in all tt. phases. • I
tba deadly co«m«»le/el of every dayi
and set by. Be sure to prick the paste
larrh of tbo dllh rent otgaus of the '
•ieu»er. .ti-.D, tin- ftmuw.
We will by the very nature of the
through." declared la several plaeee before baking It^ or
!y: aento eaiarrU. chronic catarrh, j
.lion « -ell 1,re.DOS
MW gradually bring her aa«>clatoa op Dolly. aenlwUotialy. "Got that done else All tbe ahell with rice, which
SeShun with salt, pepper and yolk of I and finely chopped cook^ mntton.'
to her own level, not by prMchIng. n,- ,be way. add a few drops of that can afterward be removed and i
Palmer, ItU 1 uwM Ava,
ir<| boili-d egg. run through potato ligl.ily mixed. IMhit one egg and add | CaaliUwR
tmi«.icUoU enawscmani.' bUiN-ilur, Wia.
tat by the elleBee force of the aplrtt
for ils regular purposes. This

of cheer within
1 placard ,
tl half a.cupful of milk and a lewj
a this, the egg while and begin prevent the rising of the crust to
ware to be made, and used ns In oUi- beating and dont atop for halt an galnly mounds. When a pie Is netvled
iliis of Malt. Pour this mixli
thoroughly to a smooth, light batt.-r.
Perhais ever)- average woman U
i. It aurely ought.
‘nxuii and crunilui and bake In a
or easea of e
In a but
mrry. take one of these shells ■■scullopa-d sweet potatoes, with Oyi
then fold In the whites of the eggs the world longs to do more-than tha
prepun-d In this way: Slice ai
to be brlghteet yellow, the color of
1 of bot water or* on lop of the
with frexh sliced fruit, whatI gaspH..but reached for tbe egg «1 ir'wl
bcaUii to n white froth. Turn Into averuge. 1-N-en that longing Is her part
What a contrast a bouse beater.
v.- mitl^ the egg is lightly
kind happens to be In season, boiled vwfci iiotntoes! Place a layer
rh.. r.,.. 1l*“lf f--"'. Or IMO: In the general store of asplrutloa
lie sllred potalooB In liaklng dish
placarded In lUs manner would be to
"No you donX" Interrupted Dolly, or with sliced ornngea or bananas,
vvuiks for goodd. Rut it is a kliid at
lan. then a layer of ovKiors and a
tooaa beai^ the dread atgu of "ft would be too attff for the beater. heap whlpp,<d cream over Itr and your
granpingneas of which circtunstan'-es
Inyt r of sweet potato<-s. Season
aman pox or diphtheria- There would Take a wire whip. or. Ucklng that a guesU will pronounce it a dUb lit for
[serve Iniraedlat.-I}. splitting tbem are pretto atire to cure her. Tbe Per­
wUb1 »Mil, pepper and a generous slice
be a ooaataat proeaaslon of people fork."
the gods.
Fried Saoaagea and Bananas—;
buttering while hot
sians haiflFb-provert.. "Ood take* good '
r butter.
Pour the oyster liquor
veoding their wey to. loatcad
T.U 1. . D.W ™nWD.«D. ud 1.
c.k«-0».-b.n rep «
"Much ado about.
nolMng," I
rare (he tree* dp not grow Into tha
i-er this and bake twenty mlnotea. ».1„ Id rare radlon. u U irt-d
nwny from each a bouae. Mol
Uaas for Indian Meal.
after flve minutes' bearing.
sky. ’ Wordsworth translatea that in­
Oyster Salad—Cliop one quart of
voidd eend tlwlr children to catch It. 'There wouldn't be enough of thli
At first thought the word Indian
,11 Dork DDd .rri.k lik-s™ E»ld.Dd.'„„
to Bngiiiib poetry, and telto us that
an they sometimes do the measles. .staff to snrfcii a chickadee after all'a Heal tnk<« us l«ck t« the old daye, >-<|ers. the «-hl(es of three hnrd-boil1. .onto or . I.I.I Id n-reanDB
... . „
. evi'ii ,-i s'einan who is *a phantom of
ggs. -four st.ilks of celery, sopa"BiMcess" regsrds good cheer not on­ done.”
when grandmother uwd to "put
il> rii-leelabli- dish, selc-rl "---------•' foiirtb cup of tnnlarses. a pinch of delight - oust also l«
nil inseilier Ilcliily and
ly la this UghL but ns a medlrine.
rli>e, jiiir yet too gTe«*n,
Im-nm!" ffrunted Dolly. Then, af­ the pot" on Supday afternoons, long, M-a»oii «Uh a
cr. atupe pot too bright or good
ata Meaks of It In tbe folio
wrk ..D,„... 1„ .hr link, c. tfe .
ter ten minutes- bearing, "what do long ago. and stir and stir, until
little popper. Hash the yolks of the
For human nature’s dally food.
Dl^n ,*k Dill. . Irek tokrep,,,re,a „j j„,
you think of It Mwradd a I huk. «D.
—Vonths- CofltpanlOA.
IDDD, b.mlDI, DDd Ikk Id ■ .J,
"A friand anyt that he r
"to'bat on earth it there In tbli and we sat dr>wn, with a big dish of
large cupful of vln<-gar and one-half
bob. me a boy. when tba old family Bluff to make It awellVi?"
ell'y?" II a
Brred-Sdi ,D...,i„.r
>ti delldouB "Indian nw-al ^sHraiKnil,' i)-as|ioooful of prepared mustard; al­ Ik. tr,1nt MD .in JdM ddddsI. w.ire
pbynleiaa uaed to come to tb<
10 revD, ibD i»ii„D, Di ,b.. D.D,
..J ....
and Pilcher of cream, and'proceeded
A Labor-ffaver for Mnthark
low- thl.-d sauce
come to a btdl. stir­
oo full of life and loy and gladneti
’ll win double Its
bulk.' to devour every last nioroei. But there
mer the fire with the roier pattlj
^ ^g^n ical. To Ibe sifted
\ niotii-r who has nearly brokea
ring ronBlsmly, and pour over the off. m:iH the water has l«)il.-d away ^
vlth annahtne beaming tram every oald Dorothy. amlHng.
are many other equally good dtohe*
r Isick In Kt«q.lng to bathe her basalad.
pore, membera of the family would
■-md the saiista'-e
plumped; then'
And when the half boar had paaaed which depeni for their beiffg ntion
Kiught not long ago a well-mado
il of soda Int
Oyster Cbowfler—Fry slowly until
r closd.v
ly and cook until they are ful of sour milk and mix this Uq iid
Ceol nbtolutoly ashamed to be elek. I found the bowl full of delicious ai»- that stand-by of our anceatora. Oood
"f medium sUe. contaimag
1 to think that God's work, ple luow. which, under Doliya dlrcc liouHekeeiilng gives tbe follouli
tlirough the iogr< dients in the bowl. I “
draw. r. She bad the legs
" «Mck wna made porfoet. abould need tioe. 1 piled irregularly Into a dainty
England Bannocks—Scald t>urik dice, add two cupfuls of sllcr-d
■corchtiig; dish on a hoi
: cut down no the the table stood about
tabbing up.
green china dish, and over It poured eight heaping tablespoons of meal riiw |K>tatoes snd cook in the Int until platter, and then, using the fat ln|p^,„ i‘“^“e* high, and white porcetender, bill II,rt brown.
Pour In our
*The whole
of the
whlch they are rooked as a
toury. Ilriad* made without yeast' Ji'''**' «“'»’ « fwicned to each leg.
. bouae." he aald, "eeemed to change tains of fluff standing up out of the ter. add four tablespoons of flonr. a pint of rich milk fheui.-d) und cook medium, drop Into It the bananas.
eagerly eought by many houK- The Ubie was Orvl painted with e
Hllspoon of aalt, one-fourth of a tea- fur five minutes. Thicken with a P*vled, sliced lengthwise Slid dredged' keeper* who a
tbo minute the doctor entered. Ble lake of yellow.
white paint and then with whlW
economl/lng im lim>'. '
A pretUer dish would be hard to spnen of baking soda, two well beaten UbUi4K«.nrul of rom starch blcndH j ^uh flo„r; «->k lo a golden brown . Corn Dodger—One jdiii meal '
beany laugh, rincliig through
lel. and the drawer divided Into
,he platb •DDDDd tbo |S„.,D„„
,com|iartme4it.i Such a table proridea
noma, as he robbed hie hands before find, nor a more dainty flnUh lo a eggs and suffirient milk to' form wl.h a mile cold milk, add a pim and
a half of oysiem. washed and drali * sausage.
tbe Are 00 a eold winter day. and Us
U.ill. Scald will; bolMtig wati-r lo make ‘ convenient and safe support for a
ind cook nntll thr oyster* begin to
■ore presenee did ua more good than auntie pucxied her dear head In vain after the last Ingredient Is added and
Sausages and Egfls-Cel a pound of ^ not too stiff dough, Tak. a sp-smf.jl bath tub. and with a choir propor•uffle. Aod a tablespoonful of buttrr
pIDe or poUons. Bomebow. tbe very over the delightful concoction Mth Ita drop by (he spoonful Into hot fat.
links or bag sausage, remove threat a lime In the hand s
tinned to ito belght. tbe bath may be
folng the bannocks to a gnld,-^ and serve wiib tooaied crackers.
Iboogbt of Uc eoming after we bad delnslre taste of apple where no
Willie sealed All tbe neeesaa^
skin and fiy roiit. breaking up Into poms; put on ii hot. w.-ilgr,«sed given
Oyster Soup. Royal—This Is pdrbrown. Serve acoompanled by-.-mapI"
wot tor him oacmed to drive away pie could be seen—What to EaL
iiR for the bath, powder, breahea,
kiuall plec.*: wheq the meat D.well griddle, put a clot >rf i-uM'-r on eai
haps thr richest soup miide of oysi,syrup.
ow trooblea.
rooked, drop In live eggs; stir togeth-' ion.-; bake In a we’Mi-at.-d oven. , •oapK, dry spongi-s. m«T be kept la
A PIve-Minute Easrclse.
iring many a atop.
ir. and when the egg* are *1-1. remove I This U very fin.- with gcod meal.’<he drawer
There to a
Many girls really need to leatn tbe little boning water a teaspoon of bak­ a colander, rinse with ont-balf cup­
-tcellent j Make Johnny tsike the same only,
to eboorfutneae. It to a
ful of water, allowing thli
«»'. m tn-nkfast dl.h'for flve persons,
Tba phyolcUn who can Ineplro aecret of relaxation more than they ing soda, adding Iwo cups of sour ■“>
mslie thin with oW t milk and drop;
milk, a Ublespoon of molW butter, a W '«>«“ '»»'■ oytn liquid which you,
I^iddlnp-Spllt oi„-n and hut
apqctoney of something beUer
om a sjiooD.
, ^
t Whisk brooms and large brooms
found for putting this Into practice daah of grated nutmeg and. a salt-i^*'*’ I'renousiy droln.-d off Tut the.^^^ iiwally, twelve Boston crarkei-s;
ooou. who can give you eonfid1‘lain Muffl-i -i>nc tablespooaful; f..r *w«-plngk*hould be dipped occasspoon Of «iU: then stir In equal part. |« Q'-or on the boll and
ts your power to orpreome dlaeaae. than during a railway lountey. aayt
of buiier. onr- of sngar. • i.iailiy in Udllng bot water suds, afIn t Into a pudding dish, then
tbe Ladlea- World.
Indian meal and slft.^ graham j i-;ir. Heat one qiiart of milk *"
tad can make you feel that it
ter Ui, y havi le-cn used. Bland the
>uble l-oller, adding salt and i>i-pper 1 sprinkling of r.l^iu.. und citron thlu;
le flrnt eiep Is to l>ecome eon- flour, mixing until of the proper ~nbeaten s
a man made to do a great
adding the whip s : l.rtioms wbll,- n*-w In lilting water.
alstency and being sure the baiter ls|“
the oyster liquor: i ly shaved. Repeat the layers till tl
the la*l thi
T«rk In tbe world to be ailing, has acious of jour tense condUlon. If you
iii»-e even cnpfula of [and leavt
■ water cools, then
free from lumM- Hare tbe griddle
t»*«ers and twMhlrd, [dish Is full; over all pour a rich cus­
flour, .in.' pin of milk,
Terr UlUe nw for drugs.
D.teaspooB- hang out of doors to become perfscl•111 discover many times that you are lery bot and greue It lightly with a-o'
tard; le't It stand one hour, and then fuks of t.akl.ig powdci
ly' dry,
Aftor Urre .-broom* are IB
I to one of tbe great trj-Ing t6 “push the train along." Tou smafl piece of salt |<ork. ponring the:'**
bake Blowly rill done, or about forty
use. dip once a we,'k In bot soapy
■toacle workera of the world. Jl re- may Ond your teeth preaaed together, batter from a amall pitcher In cakesj'*’^ oyster* be;
Average Woman.
w-ut<T. let Kui.e for,flve mlBules. then
Inloroea the whole man. doobles and or your bands grasping the arm of of the desired slie; when.flilcd push
wbich two beaten
ot cr.-am.
.11.-. woman." do«'8 not rinse and Lang o-ji uf doors to drySt. .imerl Raisin, Budding—Cream a
trobim his power, and gives ni
volki have iMi-n bl-iidcd. and
tbe s.‘ai. as If you were I nthe den- back the griddle to the back of the
1 phrase of higb.compll- In puitlnv- nvay'a do not in- roindlDg labU-spOon of bulU-r with sound
■eentng to hto life. No man is
MowUsfa chair. If you And that you are
onehalf cup of sugar, add one egg, meni- y., the average woman Is Vert and tt.vtid agsinrt a wall, nor
future HflUI be haa lost bis cheer-i unconsclonily raising yourself up ly. Dip each cake when rooked In
ihn*-qiurters cup of milk, and two doubil..-- lb.' most oe<..ded woman m hand upside down: p-it a screw «»•
futnees, hU opUmIstIc outlook. Tbe from the seat, make your body as aweet honey and serve immediately
Ovwler Dumpllncs—For six dump­
cups of flour, with two level teaspoons mod.-m civilization. It-w iLtmatlng into the top of (l.s- handle, and bang
■an who carries a amlllng bee and heavy as paaalble as you sit. When­ plied on a hot platter.
lings take one and on,--balf dozen
iinJiEspirlBgtoseeihatslie hns made by till, o nu l.r.ok. Hufig ,1|. In this
koepa cheerful In the mldat of die ever you dtoraver any tension from; Novel Corn Gems—Blend thorough- large oyster* or two dozen small ones. of baking tiowder sifted' tn. Add oac
if se>^]<-d raisin* and turn luto a ^rkvd progress during Ui,- centuries. wav. -Die bretn «1H kep Its ahapa
CoormgeiucnU whim things go wrong.
Put them in a saucepau with a level
bead to your feet just let go and
buttered mold. Steam one hour and a
much longrT; more than til*, a broom ’
Vbea the way U dark and doubtful, relax.
aweet milk, one well beaten egg. a'lablesptmful of butter, an even tealiquid lovable than three hundred }'<a •"-iihAt r-T.-lves the prillm-nary scsldaf
la oure to win.
pinch of «alt. one tablespoon of brown .--ixionful of *alt. a pinch of P'PI'*''i
|u,r4 saure
1. rarert.. du. to
„„ .|rere,.
idcd. ~Hj,
"How many people there are wbo
sugar, a tablespoon of maple syrup, and Juice of ball a l.mon Place over]
earned Pig Pudding-Shred and’«'"k of tho.*e few l.-ad-rs wbo oakid Will not take ce.arly so much nag
have lost everything they bad-even
two Ubiespoona of melted butler, the
and wbeiS It comes to a boll
p,ibs and more timid
om ni,-;v and canr i.
their hooui and thoae d<«r lo -ibem
,ble.,K«oful of flour with the me.l[one cup of Indian meal and one cup remove and set to cco!.
‘hem H.,. for th.
»Hli it one
one cup
cup ^
of Hght
light br^wn
brown ’
h.-aplag piece of good rich i*e par'- •
•eta. h#e never let gi> of their opCherry CoMomma. ’
molding fane, Jellto. brush the teaspoon of baking powder
Wheniqu.rtcr of a pend, and roll out
Mmiarn! Is mi this success? Wbo Inside of the mould with while oi egg very light stir in half a cup of finely [and cut into half fu dozen ed'dare;^^^
Here lE a MTjp thit to both >gaod to
^ ^Vof milk wUb *‘h,* Hne-an Impzovem-nt traceable
Ma *ay that their Uvea are fallaret. and the Jelly will turn out easily.
chopped dates. Have red, hot gem Ple^- Place three o,-.ter* in the,^^„ ,
^ it and
],«k lit and to 'atre. aa a first course
mo mailer whether they ban
, If boll«-d or roast..d
... that .U . lan*. fill each about three-quarters,middle of each square; brush the

added i
abed to lay up money or not? Theirs be cold Is wrapped In a moist cloth It full sriih the,batter and bake thlrtV eilgt^ of,the paste »1th the white of. little salt. Spice* may
I better bread and better. Drain t*,< --.r.s (quart) of berries
. as desired. Steam three hoots
•TO tbe beads that
wear crowns win Ik- more tender.
jmlontes in a moderate oven
|egg. fasten ih«m tMclher and place
soup than -he n«-d to make; she n-.‘••ir.,-the juice and add from a
j Wheo making gravy, remove ihe| Indian Meal Pudding—Chop fine tbe dumpllog* on a buttered tin.
Ixwks aiel b.-tter on**; :»Llrd to •ni‘! l-all aa much smter. the
Hot BrMda.
from the Are while the thlckectng'half a pint or dried apple*, cover bruih with boaUn egg and bake ai
flrmer btmrl and a more on- ^ the lattertlrpending oo the
OMiy* -Apgis Fluff.”
1 It being stirred In. and when smooth with a half a pint of cold water and light brown in a bot oven S-rve
t> cupfuls d-r*undine hrort with children; *be|rirl.a«» of the Julec. Put
"•omethlng new yon want, to lt?",T.-turn to the ffre to cook. This metb- let them aoak over night. The next,with following dessert: Melt a UbleInch
lul of|gDg* more discrimlnaUzigly, la cbar-lb^'a over the fire, add
gakml pretty OoMto Dolly, looking [od prevents lump* formtiig.
morolng add a cup of-golden syrup spoonful ol butter In a uucepan, stir salt ind two teas|>ooDfulB of baUng
houM-bold. small or large, is pl-'c. of cinnamon bark and half a
•g bom her book, as { threw myaeUi To scale fish eaxlly. poor oo bot wa- an^ simmer gently for one ho-rr: re-'a taUlespoocful of flour, then add a powder. Boat tbrc-« eggs separately;
better ordered; her love h*» more/-T(:^! «f sago or pearl tapioca, and
down bealdaber.
jter slowly till tbe scales curl, then move from the fire, and while they arc, cap
strained oyster Juice or- milk, j add* yolks to one cupful of milk and parity- and more flre; her re-Hgum is ,re'-k .uat l the tatter is clear. Serve
“Tea; *oas*Uilng enUrely new." I werape quickly. TVaafa la aeveral wa- cooling brat half a cup of butler to a'seasotv to taste with Mlt and pepper.jstir Info tbe flour; then add two level more CtrlsUike in lu wisdom and Itr ieczMiId In aberbert glasas* half filled
decland. gimiUroiy. "Aunt Pldelto to im. hariag the tost eotd and wMl cream with om cup of gruulatod ao-^BoU up and st^ and aerre.
jublespoonfaU of butter, melted. Bmt compasE.on.
'with cracked ice.


JTiwmlriw eiltn'i CtUt





Part Two

P%es 7 to 14


NO. 44.


eaya that It I* unable to make dellv-jed npon aa marking a dtatlact ad-| wabaah waa foixfj to pant forcsd the ban to WabaritY S-yar<
All Ratmd tlw Werid.
C*n. CMI. CAlMitttoM.
iBroomBeH VanUwk. Diwmo. Sot^
London. Oct. t>—The new Brttlcb cry a. fa*t a« coMumer* desire. and;vaoce In »tre« mllway aervice to
Une and were held tor downs. Wa­
- CSatncu Carton, of tko maUta-j oruon. O. H. SiqJUL
hence H I* restricting sale* abroad Canada, where atrcel railway devel- J.: f _
^game, hot to bash tritd to pierce tbe Aggies' Uah
ttoBsl coBventtOfi now in aaaaloa atj Ttaanee
and Tautton—VylcM, patent act, which goea Into effect on
opmente have always been strictly
but failed and were forced to kick t»
lASBlas. raatordar nade pnbllc Ue|Nkbo]o. FMt»r. Burt. Mllora. Ruasell. Jan. 1*t next. U of great Importance In behalf of the home trade.
=lly bad Ihe better of Cnyou'* puntup-to-date,
M. A. C The oecoad half. In Itaell
vnrtOM ccMUtaia to canr on tbe OberdorSer. Taraboll. HaJIr. Coomer.
Wabash nsM the forward pas*
It* prOTitlons are emt>odled In
was a punting bauie betweea Vanghn
Buda Pest. Oct. 2»—Tbe letb Inter- in advance of tbe
W. K. Brown. Bbaw. Deuel. Bolber>
praeoadtan (Y- thu <
advantage at time*, but ocand Striii. but at tinte* McKenna was
over 100 aectlooa, divided Into three mitloDa] Congress of Physlcl
imtna froD
ca*lonally was penalized on it. M. A.
able to run around Wabnab's ento
Aatriet bare been pUeed <m Calrir
ICDpeachment and Remoralt frcn part*—patent*, designs and general, be beld at Budapcri, In I«». Tbe emC- also used the forward pass to ghod
tor gains of 20 and 25 yards.
If a patented article or prorirs* be |Aor has given it hat patronage
advantage. Durini: the Brit few bIdf« I Office—Walbrldge. Jonea, Cairerlr.
After IS oteute* of play In thn
SoUcoaMe that sme of tbe defecate* Cook. Ileald. Halt. Memll.
halt Small drop-bdeked from
•ivt-ly or mainly outride the I'ntted municliial auiboritles of BudapMtjwere conou.rvd That was Wabash‘*i^A^
through the Aggie*' line
troB thin dlatfict hare been giren a
Judldary—Pyfe. Rockwell. Knowled.
Kingdom. then.,onle*t the patentee wm giy* u Weir effecllve support-! ge,«t football team at the Agtlmll-; i,nt their good work did not lari tVabash's U-yaid Une.
efcalrBanabJiKof any opwii
Po*t. Manchnter. Ruaaell,
abore 9 to 0 to M. A. C.Y favor. Hsw
Loulaen U billed apoa tbe eominK- Campbell. J. M. C Smith. Wlckaon.
Is manufactured or carried on’Hungarian embassy exprvases theiCaj-on's players left Lansing fecUngjhrace
Small and Vazurim ____ Wabash took a hrace and by a series
Of aimBceneau and pbraae^ Tbew. Caraoangh, Walbrldce. KUpatof
to an adequate extent In tbe Called hope that the Called SUtes will be 1 blue,
inlnred aeveral
aeversl time*
time* during
. very
, blue, while the whole cltyi,uthilT
slightly injured
fliatr. .adncAGoa aad liquor traffic. rick, Brootnfleld. C. E. Baldwin.
^ble to make a touchdown within a
Kingdom, or give
« U...!,, ..a
,w,lv, hmdna
„ .j,
Mr. Bawm ia drea a place on the
few minutes of pUy. Starbusk kick*#
why II U
manufactured or
M A. C. > indents rejoiced over *•Chine** Emlgranta.
>re than any other* In the entire
Campbell. Sharpe. Atwood. Barnett. carried on. the comptroller may make
goal for Wabaah. making'^" potata
greatest victory
pTOTtalMn and pobHe land aad re- Towaaend. Ingram. Dawton. Flelacbfor "the Little Olanta." The Vmi
an order revoking the patent fortb- latest Chluese ofAcUl InvesUgatlon. Aggies. The *rOre«or 15 to C In favor
play of the fimt half. M. A. C.
foroMrattoa and Mr. Kaowlea li ap- bauer, Black. Holmea. Snow A. 1..
tbea'-wned so fierce that Wabash
wlfb or he may make an order revok­ tbe number of Chinese in other coun­ of M. A. C te!I» the story.
This forced the ball from
|.„ux her
l*« I 20-yard .*,.«•
ffetnied opoa tbe
Moore. Walton. WoodmS. W’rke*.
ing It after a speeifled Interval It tbe tries U as-follows; Japan. 7l.«T3; .
t..e yeaiert ever played,Wabash's ifryard line, where Ume was forced to make four substitute^
Liquor Traffic—A. L. Moore, Wat- pateoted arricle or procees be not in
^ad scored but the plucky Aggy pUyera. though
RuBsian Asia. 37.000; Honkong. SI4.- on the ccltige H4d and was *Uef.ded;,„
Robertaoo. F. J. Baldwin.
leantlme adequately manufac­ 3S1; «*m. 2.755. 709; Burma, 134.3,.v.,> football fan*. Hadden.! »nd the game sf<x>d p to 0 much to battered and wearied, played cm.
Jowlac'u tbe complete Uet:
Chandler, Coomer. J. O. Brow tured oi‘'^qrried on wUhIu the United
In tbe Uri two minute* of play
6G0; Java. l.K2r.7<«i; Australia. 34.- of the l'. of M. and Kilpatrick, of jo,, Aggie*'favor.
Ameadneau. aad Rerialoo—Wli- Loulcell. Walbrtdge. Snow. Oamua.
M. A. C. was forced to punt and BowKingdom; but In tbe latter case. If 4CS; Euro|«. l.TCO; Corea. 11J60; PrincetOD. acted as official*, while
Roorier Was Haseri.
aoo. Barnett, fall. Intrani. Black.
MlltOa-Houk. Van Klerk. Btobop.; the patentee give* aatUfactory reas­
man. the Wabash left guard, fumbled >
Amoy. 74.500; Malaysia. 1.0;3.&0«: Fishlrigh. of the V. Of M-. acted as
SutberUod. Tbomaa. Chandler. Pyfe. Boulberland. H.-E. Brown.
It and McKenna, of M. A. C.. was
ons for tbe failure- so to manufacture Anfaain. I97J07; Philippine Islands. head linesman.
Arran^neau and F
carry on within
Wabash won the to** tor goals and tary band ctrcled arbund the Held there to kick i\ ap..and made the sec­
M.TfcS; Africa. R.2O0: and American
1. Loidaell.
EL Brown. Eowe. Broo
............ ......torkick'off *nd‘*“^ headed by th- team's mascot, a ond touchdown,^,
C. , ThO
Babcock. Haacheater. F. 3. Baldwin. time, the comptroller may extend tbe :73.‘i29 The total number la 6.7».- M. A. C.
Small kicked goal:-fwMtljtf the
Kaowln, M. Fater. Cook. Black.
.Bank* and BanldBC—O. W. More. Boynton, Wixaon, Morgan. Sawyer.
bash goal with a strong wind Wowing |
painted an olive green. Then score IS to < In M. A. C.'e ~ lavoe^
Timber Land for Harvard,
Calrertx. TbonpaoD. TurRboll. Nleh HalL
tbridge. Mans.. Qct. *»—It has
ajailnst him. Wabaah began a serieoi^’'- ”»•«>'
»<> •
to Neither aide was able to acore tjiei*Ola. fleald, Babeoek. Acker, MontWashington. Ott. 29—Increased at­ or line smas.V« and succeed.d in get-!***, sftrr and M. A. C. had won It's greatIhlDUng and Pnblleatlon—Bbaw. Just been announced that Harvard
tention to the briquetting of coal for
nnlversHy has received a gift
. ting the ball lothecenterot thefleldl'*'* •***^ »'
Boynton. Holme*. Bamaby, Walton.
Bfli uf Rtcbta-ormaangb. Wickfuel
oneuf ut 2,ii00 acre# of valuable timber
h Century aub.
call. pyre. Bowe. Cocnar.
pum waa blocked by M. A. C.'» big
When tbe TwenUeth Centnry clnb
PUnnigan. MancbHtar. Thompaon. -I'A whkb was offered a* a special - ----- ----------- --------- Boundariea. Beat of Ooreminent
. girls set out to give a party, thera
adjunct to the dlvlrion of for^try Vnlted States geographical survey as center and the ball went to the!
conspicuous by,
and therefore a* pari of the-^lp- to tbe merits of this process. Bri­ Aggie*. At first M. A. C. conld noti““«*
always a generous anllclpadon and
Ooremor—Burton. Tti
1 when tbe party U concluded, that aa>
ment or tbe graduate school of Ap­ quettes. as is now well known, are a make a gain against Wabash's grid‘ Public Land and Beforealrallon—
prepared fuel made of waste coal Iron warriors and was forced to punttP'"" •***
non. Barnett. Kali.
»toP‘| tlripation has been fulfilled to tbe ntplied Science.
Chandler. Horton. Cook. Oberdorfer.
\ The second hall began with Sob!.' moet. Ihrir annual Hallow Een
CtUa* and VUlagen—Milner, Pratt.
Tbe land la situated to Petersham. bound together into small cakes by many t1mo».
The team* were evenly matched to '"f Wabash punOng to M- A. C- and party was held at the CUy op«f»
Hand. Utmaaa. Hawkln*. Blmoni.
Mas*., and tbe larger part of It has a bonding material such as pitch.
Corporation*— been ovmed by James W. Brooks, The manufacturer of machinery for weight, but at times Wa'luiah'a expert-]the ball was downed on the Aggies'
SalHott, 'Ealrd, Adaaa, Walton. Fair
bouse Monday night and was attended
' Sharpe. J. R c! Smith. Bal>cock, Pori. witb whom the Idea of perpetuating this purpose has become an Imjiort- ence at the game forced M. A. C-ISS-J-ard line after two fatal attempts by over 100 couples and all pra**at
Ha. Core. Driand. Btowart. Acker.
industry In recent year*,
down the fl.'ld toward the Aggie's:to pierce Wabash* Une. Vaughn, of enjoyed a very pleamnt evening In­
CounUas — Kilpatrick
Heekeri. Bishop. Goto. Ullle. Taylor. Loaiy. tbe forest growth for the benefit Of
conductgoal. Vaughn was undoubtedly the|M. A. C.. was forced to punt. 8Ur-[ deed.
ibe community originated. The wood­
FMackbaur. T. H. Brown. Calrerly.
at the government fuel ttsllng BUr of the game, and aeveral time* buck caushi the ball for Wab**h and* The music for the evening was
UlUe. O. tL Bmltb, Freeman. Sawyer. well. WataoB. mater.
land about Petersham has long been
Scbednlea—Eckert Mllnea, HaUy. a source of ptosperity to tbe town, plant lit St. txrubi. Mo., during the did bo circle around tbe ends
doatird on Wabash's ]5-yard line. furnished hy. StewsrU’ orchestra an*
Bdneatkm-Fatl. Deuell. Barbour,
r. 3. Haldwla. Woodruff, Cavan- W. E Brown. H. Campbell.
and Itt preservsOon and full uUll- last two years have proved so satis­ gains of 30. <0 and 50 yards. HU roli>ert forc-'d tbf-ball down tbe field every number was enjoyed baartlly.
State Officers and Salarlee—Fm^ ration seemed to ensure a continu­ factory that they are to be continued l-untJng alko kept the Wabash team for 2fl y.-rds allfi the hall went to M. tbe dandng conttoulng nntU very
aagh. O. E Campbell. Bamaby. Bur
with even mon- vigor this' year rI away from M. A. C.'s goal many A. C- I'O downs. ADer the second late. During tbe evening, retnabman. Burton. Powell. O, ^Cai^U. ance of thU bencBt.
tqp. Loniaell. Wlekaall.
new jiljni at Noriolk. '"a,, where times at critical moments.
down. Stuvil was forced to punt and ments appropriate to the cecoaloa.
Eleotion* and Blectlre fi
Btoel ConsumpUott Heavy.
Wabash tried to return the punt, but
SubmiisloD and Addreea to the Peo­
■aghnsts and sts*M
During the first half of the game
Beriln. Oft. 29—The ‘Yteel Ver- the briquetu-s will be burned in naval
BMkop. Bnitoe, Baird. VanKleecdt. J.
O. Biova. WaUoQ. Deoel. Slnuma. ple—Core. Barbour, Boynton. Horton. band" In Oemumy. In a recent re­ vcsselH In order further to demon­ team attached to a buggy boc*me[4« was blocked by the M. A. C. line i rider.
Hawkina. Taylor. Houk. Mntfrt. He- port. stated that consumption U still strate their elBeleney. not only as frightened and ran down tbe field sod Shedd cot It on ^ fumble and j Tbe decorations were especially
Batnent Domain—Stewart. Atwood. mona, Adam*, Tbew Lo*ay J. M. C. BO hMvy that all Its works are occu­ steam producers, but as an admira­ striking one of .the goal post*. Mr*. | Mrrird the ball ncroas Wahaeh's \ worthy of mention consUtlng of jaek
Edwards, one dl the occupants of the, goal for a tonrbdown.v Small failed o' lanterns arranged about th« ball
Smith Simon* PratL
pied to their full capacity. The Ver- ble smokelr-t* fuel.
rig, was thrown to tbe ground and to kick goal.
and stage, corn and pumpkins also
"Pay-aa-You-Enttr** Car*.
Suplle* and Expenditure*—Acker. brand refused to lower Its prices for
! bruise*. She '
Again Walrnsh kicked to M. A. C. being used while tbe lampe aroond
balf-rolled »lee), structural Roods,
Montreal. Oct. 29—The InsWllatlon
ball. Burt. Mead. Towotend. Taylor.
jof ten pre*sed ateel "pay-as-you-en- not very aerioosly hurt and
and the ball was downed on the the gallery were to red shades, th*
aad rails, as bad been hoped by
Deland. Bamaby. Oamun.
T. R
sumcro. As regards steel material i ter ’ car* made In Pliuburgh for tbe en to her home In Jjinslng In an Aggies' 30-yard line. By a serte* of whole abowliig excellent taste an#
Brown, Falrlle.
end runs mnd line smashes, M. A. C. skilful work. Exemption*—nemana,
for future manufacture, the Verband j Montreal Street Railway Co., la look-

_____ .... __ __r.™..

v.u,h«. « ». A. a


^ The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co. ^



Hallowe’en Post Cards

Most Talked of Books of
the Day
*The Romance of an Old Fkshloned Gentleman." F. Hopkinson
Bralib .................................................................................................................... »1RS
"Busan Oegg and a Man to Jhe Hoaa*." Anne Warner .......................... *1.2$
"Clem." (A splendid story) Edna Kenton ............................................ !...*1J)0
"Orrt." the story of a Western Pagan. Beatrice Mantle ........................ *14$ • Morptog." toteat botoc of Poem* by Ja*. Whitcomb Riley.................... *tRi
-Tbo** Queer Browns." PlorenM M. Klngslty ............................................ *1.2$
“My Lady Caprite." Jeffrey Farsal................................................................... *1iS
'Beth NorvaU." Randall Pariah ......................................................................... *1^
-The Younger Bet.” Robert W. Chambers .....................................................tlJ*
-The Tialtor." Thoa. DUon. Jr............................


Two for Five Cents
Last Chance for

The Cutest Teddy Bears
A new lot Just ahived and they are as cute as the rest of the family.
There are four age* of tM* tandly. aud tbe little people wfli want to own
them. (By the army they brought some of their coualos from the north
with them—tbeyYo white oneel They sell tbcmeaelve* to you—II you are
good to iham-tor «$*. *l-2fi, *2» and *2^

Tried our New Breakfast Foods?
^Many people have done so and they like t^m so well that they arc
tolling their friends. Have you been told yotr Yuo will be very soon.
Briier try some at once and tell THEM wbai YOU think about them—the
foods we B««n—"BllJab'a Manna" U iSc; "Mat-all" Is 10c and "Kellogg's
Toasted Corn Flakes' is al«o 10c. Order some tomorrow.

Does your Shoes Fit your Feet?
They oa^l to. If they are property fitted. Our* would If you bought
your sone* of us. They could not fit more pcrferlly If Ihny were made for
you- That to the besaty oI the Mw ** are *clllng. They coit no mor*
than nny other-«Loa *L*a **-A

The newest novelties.
We have them


Hallowe’en Novelties,
Pumpkins, Lanterns, etc.
Our Soda Fountain Service
Is pleasing the people. It is the "Cinvenient Corner"
to happen in at. A good cup of 5)offee.and a good
Sandwich tastes good about ten o'clock in the morning.
Try it for yourself.

It is the Overcoat Corner of
the City.


fV' eph- come here *o easily and ui
here they find just what they
• "Camp-j.V 'Overcoat could
t be finer and tbe pr^s are
(tom *10.00 to *35.00.
Tb-' "CampuH Patch" Overeqat I* by far the 8raarte*t Cent that has
Iwvn put uu( iM* iH-aMm. Those who are wearing them already, tor many
of the ni'-u ure. arv proud to walk Inside one of them, and they only cost
yon from 220.00 to *30J».
If you «i»nt *omr thing jn»t a little different own a "Campus StrODer"
Overcoat. They (cel aa good aa they look and the price* ate from flfiAO

to *22Xa


Got a Tired Feeling?
Rbeg^iktic King Is the remedy that you need. Aak those who nr*
tm from the bad feelings that they had and they will tell you that they
tried this name -'RheumaUc King" aad it only coat them 60e or *140 to b*
free men. Want to Join that dass*

That Great Light is what you
Tbe -.New O
t Keroeena Lnmp that bvrRt n
mantle. It U olm^. safe and sqre. and w:il not exploda. Can W toned
down lowr and wll]
not smoke. The chimneys are Gonnanena Glass and
will not break from bent r water. Bee the aamplas -to the Crockery Olv.


•Tmose HcnM OM gf tM atMik, cjid « tent ft^i




Itt cCteu )Mt u B«ek at • enn.
tterefort «b«D bittetd. tta« bone
•boaM be Utakettd. Bjr obttrUng
tbit, it wU be better (or tbe tertt
and DO treobM wftb tbe Hoaaoe toctetp «U1 (oUow.

Taking Utha.
There are oereral Trareree City
people UUd^ tbe salt batte at lUnlelee now. Datld Sleber went orer
last Wednesday alter a three weeks'
at bis boBe,
. bot la not
mneb Improred aa yet. Charles Hallberg ud Clarence Wltkop are then
ud are
ment and Olek Halbert, of Bingham,
to alaa taking tbe batet. John TbadtThe New Verb Pltny.
er and Albert Helm, of Tnrerse City,
Tte panle ib New Tork <r rather and Conrad Blesler. of Carp Lake,
t flarrp h tt did not approbc^ »er+- called on the boys Sanday.
TNO*. r. BATS^

pule; vat pareir a )oea] iatae. 7«(
tta offteU. ta «M war at leatt, htre
dlacoeerod a doable barreled abot gan
btaa Mt it other parte of Ute c
ttr. 'BhUe tbe epeealiton ud a and two bnea of cartridgea which
bidden ta s lamber pile by
ertaeip aeaBaiad inetltatlou. have Albert Oarlock bteore hla arrest In
beat eaailbt. tUll the people at Itrte Oda city ateat two WMks ago. tbe
vUl reap a beneftt tbroagb tbk from
iving bou BoOfled of tee
cbaBnel. tbe 'flonr hlddra piuder by Will Prebert to
waaiac a loverliic ie tbe prln ot whom Oariock bad confessed. Oar­
tea etoA «hl<* baa alraUr rented lock also told abOQt blteng a aoU of
la a la per eeat Brop 1b the price of elotbn onder a tramway In tbe Inmmat is OHHha and wUI be foUmed ber yards at Saginaw, tbe clothes cmbf a' redaetloB la Ctaioaca
talning a Sne gold vateb which be
<Itet tae eoet to tbe ooH
had (orgottm ud left In tbe pocket
be lowered le oetUed aMboiicb tbia te tee soft.
drop wm Bot eeme (or alxtr dapa or
Aoeordlng to Onriock's own etory
mre m ret boeaaae It voat take ef­ be has lifted mdney to tbe anMont of
fect uUl tbe bicker priced neat le 11300 alDce Jnlr tost. Id addlUon to a
aold tad the lever la worked np ud large amout of goods .which be bu
pvt OB tbe Barket
taku from stores, etc.
WhOe tbe price
by blm at TnTteBda aCeote ulr a ecanparatlvely
City, Manistee. So'ith Boardman.
maB per ecot «d the popalOttoo at T.aldBgtoe. Blk Rapids. 8t LodIa
the ooutiT. tbe prtee Ot
Ithaea. White Cloi-d aad Saginaw.
-teela aearlr ereryoBe ae the perShertir Johneor hi>k rccelred serI o( etrteUr Te*etartana te «o »ral Irttera from sneriBs of the
«aaH aa BOt to be wortbj «( cocme- towns mentioned, rriatlng to tee rob­
•sea. A ahrlakace of a (ev polsu beries. and he hu written several of
. la the ealne of aecnrlUea mar not tee aberiffa In regard to tee matter.
ateet tbe averace ladlrldnal. bat a It U aald teat Oarlock had u ancle
•aereaae o( a tew eeate la tbe coat Urtaig In a town In the soathem part
«( a pond of beeMaak to aonietblBK te tee state, Ud It la teoaght that
! te tee plnnder taken by Oarlock
1B BortBlac op tbe eltaatloB. Ed- had been concoaled In hla house. The
•eraid Codabj. tbe Omaha packer aald ■beiiC at that place wu notified by
be beltered tbe tim bad eome for a Sheriff Johnson to search the premdpaaeral aad
toea. bmlng thus to locale some of
tte coat ot UrlBc It tbe avorace dt- tee stolen goods.
«Mk to to Bbare t& tbe ooutir'a proa-

t keileve,*' ke aald. *^ere wlU be
«W M pnrteoo and aUple aoppMes
. meeiiarj to boau Itte. For eome
kim ere teve beea barite ebeaper
«Bd we tblBk we are leatlted In adl>C obaapar. Tte conaoBer wUl cat
*• M tbe retnOere hare
• tepaaatteB
^ wm Beu a aarlte to eretr mu.
iiWBaii. aad ebUd la tbe country.'
r Max J. Snlsbercer. Tioe-prealdent
W tbe AxB^of Sebwanadtlld A Suit
Wear «fee tbto

^rteatem rotaOor bu beu tote ter
beat wllbtB tte «ut few daya.
^apa tbaiB wu a cat of 7S cuta f
L Of coana. the
t wtn Bot get tbe adYUtage of
It for toztr dare or eo. aa tee
I prodaet wtU aot be teady u«n ttet teae.
.0 *Tte pttea to tte retaUer to based
4dwara u tee eoat of tte lire atoeka.
' md. M 1 do Bot see uy prospect for
Mdhor prleae wtthlB tee sear tntere.
t team telU a coBerml tedaettoa
«pM te Wt to aO
Nov ter Witortira.
dstog to
to hare a couty teto
a •olu
tor aad a
tte old towB wOl blaaaom oot la
teaaiaUBBa. tbenll be crowds bere.
•eorrkodr wU be bear aad tbe rtotoora wQI tBjor tbemaelYoa aad tbeae
two faatBrea will be good tblaga for
tea nglu and tbe dtr. Bot wbUe
«o are planning all tbeae tblngi. wbr
iMt go ahead a tittle farther and
lute oot ter naort bastacaa? There
' te M nuoB wbr we cut bare
drat tkauiiBl vtolton from an parts
tt tte ooaatiT bere darlag tee aua•tr aad tbe'acrtcnitural exhibition
•adl be a raat factor In
tta teftiutr of tte roglm ud ataraetlac tem oeekora. 1>eople wbo
•atooBOKb tor tte sotoaer •
pla of Beans nod are good
te bavo u parBBBent -nBlduta. Too
teUr TtoltOH to tbe aortb ba«
Mu ttet tte people op bare blberaato Uke beate In the winter
tabu tear
what cu be ntoed
bate, tear
change tbdr minds as
te tee aareritr of tee ckmate.

Item tee
i. Bockler. o( Letaad. and reaie. Re to tbe proprietor te a gcaMtoa Lontoe James, te Onekema. were «nl Mere at this ptoee. Tbe bride
aaiud la marriage by the Ber. C. D. <to a eteod teaUer and one te tbe
Atwell of Once cbnrcli. at the ree- popnlar yoou ladlea of BlUtomaborg.
tory Wedneeday. Bote are eoUm-,
yoang people aad . aaeb baa • Noteu-yaah Will Be Hen.
targe nnmber te frleada. They wDI
R. D. Agoea bu recetrod word
leare toteght for Beattie where Mr. bom Na-ba-u-yaab. (The Rer. Tbomas) of udanah. Wia.. that be vill
Buckler nm a IncratJre posJtkm.
apeak la tela city to tbe sear totwe
upon "Life Among tbe Indtons.- tee
proceeds to be used tor the creettoo
exceed tbe legal speed limit vlU be of a ebortb building for a Uttie band
arrested and flaed. TbU U tbe order ot Indians who live near Odanab.
Na-ta-u-yaah. an Otuva Indton.
teat baa fOM forth to tlw police
has been the pastor of a ebure^ at
force ud bereafter. tee drtvere will
Odsnab tor tbe past twelve years, takhave to be careful .or donate •» to
t up v^ among
tee city.
vben they bad bad Bttle religion toAn auto was driven at a high rate
stractioA ud tbrougb hla ovn etof speed oo Bast Front street ahortly
forts bunding them a neat tittle
after S o'clock tost nW»t and tb*
etanreb which Is tbe pride of tbter
driver Of tee ear was Informed by Of­
ficer Salenaky that be would make a
Not satirflrd with cmifinlng bis
agalnat blm.
work to this ooe field, he begu
after looking tbe matter up.
some lime ago to work among a
fooBd teat: ibis vaa bis first offrase
pagu tribe. Ud at first his efforts
and teat he voted have to be proecvere met srite snbh Mule sncceoa that
euted under tbe state tow. ao tee mata weaker mu would have been diaT was dropped. •
eooraged. The Titans cared nothing
Aa other drivers bare beea guUty
at an for hls teaching, preferring to
of apeedlng. It vu decided to issue
apend tbeir time In dance balU ud
varalnt to teem and If tMs to Ml
boMlng high carnival In their ovn
needed. arreaU vlU follow and tbe
As a last reran Na ha-na yssh tried
It la beUeved teat this vamlag vUI
balUng tile pagans with tobacco, per
ud that there vlU be
chasing a fluantlty aad placing it near
him while he proclaimed the gotpeL
Tbe Indiana would crowd about him
OttavA CuaS^ Oct 30.—It to stat­ and one after uolher would stay to
ed bete that a strip of Und 600 feet listen to the sermon while they
vide and muy miles long In Alaska smoked their pipes, and gradnally
.. it
be transferred to the United tbry becstuo Interested until
States by Cuada u a result of the not nee.-»rsry to use tobacco to goto
their aUeritlon.
lolnt surrey last summer.
They organized a church, ud Na
na-yuh set abo-it raising ___

rin^^tee O ^ Tl ^tinz t^t'
K. in
. ?K
,f a■ few
.• t!T«
WtU be
tbe city



From Wedaesday-s Record.
The John L. SUrltog vW (rave tbto
port vita about 100 oarloada of appies. P. noffman shipped about fire
carloads from Bowers Harbor and
1 teU port.
Potatoes that were dug befor,
fnat are bringtog 40 cents but the
others are not bringing ao much. Ooe
logd vent (or is oente Saturday,
Sixty-seven loads of produce came
m Saturday. That vaa the bMl ec^ for the week. Last week, token
^ a whole, was an excepUoaallr good
»eek tor every thing, poutoea especigUy. porf-ntoe loads of pototoes.
gig toads of appiM. three loads ot
cake, three toads of ireo. three toads
of bay. two loads of tin and ooe bead
«( Uveatork came to Saturday at tbe
Tbe Grand Traverse SWppera' aasciattoo shipped their last ear Satnrday nignt It eoetolned severte sacks
of. potatoes.
They hare produce
enough la their varehoose for three
nore cars If they can get them, bot
much trounle Is experienced among
gjj shippers ie getting cars. TBe ear
serrlec Is worse this ycav than it has
been any other year to the history c
ih* potato shipping market


.n irnTMiMDr Mod

u,,. „„ ot

foldra egg appear to the chlckra
park She would not be welcomed with
mach Biore waHnlh than tee up-inThen- were fifty-one loads of poudate hen at this .season. Eggs, the
toev. four loads of apples, three loads
Strict^ fretb. ap to the minate var­
of ai>ple parings, one load of hay. one
iety. are u acaree u the proverbial
bead of livestock ud three loads
bras' teeth, ud very few dealers cu
each of roke ud Itpn. The load of
fvrntoh them to their cMtomers.
hay was baled hay shipped by TurnCold storage eggs, well sorted ud
bull A cfo.'lo Ole Larson, of Suttons
tree from spoiled ones, are to be had
Bay. Thi.s will give the readers some
In plenty, the dealers carrring from
Idea of tbe oosditlon of .the haymar
SO to SO dosen in stock. A (ev groc­
ket ta this region. When a mu right
ers have been (ortnntte enough to socore a omall snpply from tec (anna
direct, and these are bringing SS
have baled bay shipped to him.
when this is done, the new one will
_______ ___
cenu per dozen, and go like *bot
state. Boyne City to a very pro- loose hay must be mighty acaiAe.
be built much closer to tee water.
greselve city and now number nbdut
eakee. Cold storage eggs are bringThe aB{le parings that tbe cunlng
tng from M cents to S6 cents per
6.000 inbabiUnts ud la still growing. tactory haVo been weighing at the
dozen, bnt a very (ev dealers are
B growing so much faster first act la the story- of a lung Journey
aot uklng any more for fresh egm
Leland. who visited In the city'than the streets that well built and an Interesting Industry.
when they can secure them.
today, is one of the most aucc«>a£(ul,churches are located ta the midst of here they go' to ihe dryer owned by
busines women ta the state. She Is tnmivB.
Mr. BulUnd at Old Mtselon. where
Pleaded Guilty.
^e owner ot tbe largest sheep ruch!
they are dried and renovated. From
Beltolre. Mich.. Oct S9.—In
there they are boxed atid shipped to
tse of the etaie against George
Chicago Prom there they are ship­
Hontagoe (or aelUng adulterated aanland,
ped In car lotii to Dordeiix. France,
aage Banufactnred by 8vlR A comUrge part ot U. and they are under
today, coming to the Q-jeen whore they^- made Into wine.
puy ud purchased by Montague of
her personal care, no one but her- ;c|,j.
tee Sogtoav Beef compuy. of TrarChicago. Oct 3fl.—Close—\\*heaf.
self ever feeding them one meal dur-j chopping Tbe ladles were
erae City. MonUgne pleadm guilty
j ,ows; Mrs. Byron Leslie, Mta. John ?:>ic B: com. 56t,c B; oats. 48c.
aad aentraee was anapeaded onUl tec tag the entire jvar.
Detroit. Oct. 3fl.—Close—Wheal.
Mrw. McKerrher Ims made a ■ludy .K^.hL Mrs. Beers. Mrs. A. F. Roger*,
next teem te coart vUh an admooiA8»ec; com, Me; oatA SSlic.
ttaB from the Jadge that teonld be ur of sheep, and her flock te the pride j,rs. Wtlllam McMacken. Mrs. TOllWmtoBK,n. Mrs. Allen Bordrouz.
oteers, after tbe publicity glvra tbe of the coontry. She to a very w-attefew .yffenngs for ymr t
matter, repeal the offente. tee max­ »"1 sbenberdroa. and whenever there ^ri Joe. Bordrsnx Mrs. >J'on Ren . iicrv
Mrs. Phil Griffin. Mrs. Charic-* Wc :
imum dne of paOO won'ld be Imposed. to any dtetitrhaMe ta her beloved
Bock be it nOdnlgbt or ta the early Bramu. end tee Misses Mtanle ud
Gripe* 56 c.‘nte
honrs of the morning, she arms h*r- callte Kehl.
Pcachee. 10. 15. 50 and 25 cenU s
Wants a Wife.
Soote time aga County Saperto- self with a revolver and goes at ooce.
Doing Bos-ness AgaiA
tCBdrat ot tbe Poor Marvin found a to see whsl to the trouble. •
Watermelons. 50c to S5c each.
-When my friend* tho-ight
The has disposed of a large num­
bnabud (or a voman at Kev WezSw.ei apples. 15 ceflts a peck
take leave
tord ud BOV be to looking (ur a ber thli summer, but ber flock *\jX(
Mitskmelons, Sc and 10c each.
wife tor a man who Urea near Acme.
Pt imi. 30c and 35c a peck.
S Y..
The McKerchcr farm Is one of the Chisholm,
Tbe applicant Is past CO years of age
Pear*, ro cent* per foubpound bu
if there w...__
beauty spots of Leelanau county, and
but is bale and hearty and vents
was pers-iaded to try Elec___________
__Lake Ml-.*.___
__there ka
. hooe left. 1 was
behelp mate, so he applied to tee anperand I rejoice to say that
Here are some spectsls for your mar
nn doi
ne. I anr now
Intendent Mr. Harvto baa several tag one and a half miles of lake thev are c'irtng me.
. business aeain, as of old. and am still
candldatet te view but has not deSn- front.
Sw-'«t oPtatocs. 5 eenta a pound
gaining dallv,"
Best tonic medicine
S-jmijer rquasb. 8 ce^ia rsch
on earth. Guaranteed by C. A. B-igMarion Island Net SoM.
F. Wall A i
Calibagc. 5 to 8 cenu per head
U very poor, be
P*-[.|rf-r». ro c«ou dorvA
a piece te cake for the
Carets, 25 cents per pork.
tost match be arranged.
Ca’liflnwcr. 7 to IS cents per hem
Totnaines. 3 to 6 cento a pound
the option held by Chicago parties this morning staUng that Ms mother,
H*i1i*be«. S cento per bunch.
e. C. Fuller, bad died at her
nea vill has-been declsred off and that the
Grt-en nnions. 3 to 5 cento a buoct
dro^l baa fallen through. The parties borne in Detroit. Mrs Fuller w.n 77
leave on a soutbera trip ta about
monte or u sooo u Mr. lie* can
close hls various buslnetz aSsirs in poses and that was ooe obaUcle m health for tee past two years, her
tee city. They have no route laid ont the Islud will be sold only (or that, death being due to old age. ta adbut on the trip will go wherever and also they .offered only «60>“X« ditlon to her son ta this city, ishc
tuey strikes them visiting Key '•rot ! when Mre. Fowler bolds It at »75.o-'i- leaves one daughter. Mm. F. B Kius,
• P»o«r* «s te* •*
TN. prlt. >11. be lii™«d itut
Florida. CalUorwla ud various other
•OUB <H>
I Fuller left for Detroit this aftevnoon.
aonteent ud wcatera tripA Mr. lies S'**'has a Bomber of Mends ta the south
"Pneumonia's Deadly Work
ud will endeavor to visit the greater





SS-------- i

silri^ lambs. Ure wtegbt
Calvee.................................... -----6B5Vy

Tallow................................... ... .64
'»s*« per bnsbH
Cider apple*. P*r 100 Ibi
area t

W. C. T. U. DetegatM.
Mrs. Charles Irish. Mrs. T. J. BeckLwmr-ud Miss F. C. Chapin Jefi this
stternoon (or Xalkaskg wbere they
oili attend a three days' mrettag «f
thr dtotrict W. C. T. G. Mrs. Irish
will read s paper npon tbe sabjeet et
-sitod Culture.Bttten by a Spider.

’ bito. Join; Washtorne of
liie.'^;. woidA^to'iMt faia
teg. which
eh hecame a manPAL roantag
sorv». hod be not leeTi tr*»v"aded to
try 0:>ek>eti-s Aroiea Se've.
writes-. “The flr«t atmtlrMlon
the lletvd. sn<1 four boxoi healed alt the

appiss at
John C- Morgen A Soa.
sspt 27-tf.

Hafsh physics react, weaken


«“<> ««»'«**'rtng tee drop In ,he rtoma'h. cure ronstipstlon. 55c. Sons. Hunte Drog Store. drugglMa.
“* Prt«s
poutoes. Tbe car eondliton
Aek your druggist tor them. .
^ ^ HesdNH-.
j^ls city tomorrow and .. have pttioes
Got tee Prize.
The Rev. Dennfr O. N«edham has
ptaioes Ued
tied ui.
up at
at four
(our or
afrangemento to give
Mrs. James Harris, ot west of the h««n assigned to a psHte In tbe Defive hls.
hls, tectecplaces ud witeout
wtlhout a
a car
car to
to ship.
fire, in which be appears In the In- ^
eonjiuon h«*p, ,p prices will
>»■» received word that the five- irtet diocese near Toledo. The Rev.
dlu cost'ime. u soon as he can sc- probably go away down on local mari*'
butter she exhibited at Mr. Needham to a ftstag young pvtost
hnll and make other arrangeooyers are plenty on the marstate fair at Detroit bad received m the Catholic ehureb and-the news
kvi today but no one to at all awl- • P^** «*» «
•“rtn* «
of his ,
ots about buying.
•'•T 55 other Jars on exhlbl- muy of his friends in this clly.
On K. O. T. M. Botineaa.
The Grand Traverse Shippers’ aa|
-----------------Mayor Friedrich to back trera
trip to East Jordan. Bellalie
Rome City where he baa been on ship tee D :t one as they have no car
b"!>ds np sound health—keeps yoa
Maccabee business In compuy with In the house.
from Leelanau county.
Sixty-eix loads came in at the scalewiitnor,
Huroo. —--------At BoUairo rouse yesieruay.
------- or
.. -PoU
—T --------ints is
lov recoru
yesterday. .■ This
to tee
aud Boyne City meetings were he^d
October ta uy year

-ec what can be done ta regard to
lowering the grade of the railroad
from Washington street to tbe pass­
enger station. Mr. Barnes cOKlndea
the letter by rxp»»Hng the hope
that the railway eu sec Its way clear
. meet the views of the mayor
This letter Is in response to one
sent J.^H. P. Hughart, vlc«-pre*ideM
general manager of the C. R- A
U by Mayor Friedrich some time ago.
Till. iMtpr callod att^iUaii to tlie
Ido. th.t Ut, brldit. o,.r Id. B.«tdm«. w. Udder U»* .ud^dtj utd
that quite m cot oould be mode In
the high embankment along tbe bay
«d .1 ... totior pto. . cta«i or
front ud also from M'osUnstoa
was initiated Into the order, a ban­
street on down.
quet and public meeting bring held at
It this was lowered, it would be a
great Improvement as people driving
At Boyne Clly tbe Tjoltors were
along Front street at present are anwelcomed by Mayor Harris and the
able to see tbe bay and alM tbe
Maneetona team did the Initiation
jtrade makes the Front street crossing
work on the cudldates. After the
alt tbe mure dangerous. It to believed
hA. low.™. dUd i1,1,,
• *"* huQuet was served by
that the bridge
ably six feet or mojbe -more,
‘ihall is a threeotory. double
the bridge to an old one. It to only

r-Tdr. .doTr.

Tbe Muiiisi PstBSUj Haro.
Tbe etoamw PMoakey of tbe Donbtoy-WllBams 8o«h Haven Itee atrired IB port tela meratog at • otloek
wtte Captata Mato -to charge. 8be
was nghl. carvyl^ oaly MS barrels
of salt tor ballast whkfe vm aatoaded ud left on tee dock tor sale.
Tbe Petcokey. which was a
sight on U«de waters for muy years,
to a tvta sister M tee ted steamer
« esoe
Charievotx. srhlcfa to now . named tbe
“ ms. to tee days whra tee betoagad to tbe Nortesro Mkbigu line
she vaa painted hlaek.-bul Mace she
rbanged bands she has acgulrsd a .
■ ■■
coat of while Uke aU ter steamm ot
tee South Haven Use. Her officers
ate as follows:
MaMcr. Captala
PoUloSs. per bu .................... :..S5e«0 Rtsto; first offleer. Jee Waraer; escond officer. Fred Moess; chief en­
.......nett Cbari<e Snow. ■
Tbe arrival of the Petatecy vtO
old tee Norlbern Mlchigu
to a great extent, os her ^parttj is
more tbu 50 cars ud she wm he
able to take oo the sarplut white
tee Mtosouri and SUrltog have been
uaabla to handle.

PoUtoee. per be..............................





Inoreaeed Its Prlee.
V Tte macator Seko. taking eSed
Ikh. 1. «in east kite a tear. The
ptilUkm of tte Bete karo aot made
tela ralee ta tee price of tbdr paper
ter tte pnrpoae of boto probt ud tt
part of them. They will be gone unIt doabtfnl If tber win Babe u aneb
;ui next June.
contracting parties being Henry H-jRaral Route 1. Ckt IlM a mr aa tber did a few
night Short cut of pork. pM bbJ....18.00
pun ago at «l. Not ulr boa the
entertained PriendA
liciton t*rt, par lb
Anna V. Boyd, of Will;
lalM of white paper adraaeed bot
Tuesday night Miss Gra^ Lusac
unper Ib ...........
. 18«fi
I performed by the Rer.' ai my husband brought home a boiUe
■named a small company of
tea cote of aU otber
___,»« iw.
, «
autedftlb aa printing oOlee baa shot friends at her home on West Eleventh Joeeph toaner. in the presence of a of Dr. King's New Otocovery. which "J®™ »***■ P« IW lbs.......... 1-45
street, the home was prettll- decor ' few geetu. and after the ceremony In my ease proved to be the only real, Ave p»i ou
terward. Other weekilet wtQ
hare to adraue aelr prtcu or go ated In Hallowe'ra style and rofieah- tee happy couple left for Orud Rsf
tangs." When all other remedies
H_ L. A Ca.*a BaoL aor
•te cf baalaato ud tber va «mkt- menu of XaMaco wafoi*. fruit salad M. 0. .
• toil: you "T
win in th*
MP. ■TbW
tote tom toOow the Betek enmple. Ud punch were served.^ The evening dren a liberal shower of rice by battle against lung and throat trooblee
tbeir frienda wbo escorted them to with New Dtocovery. the roal care. 1 Middlings, per 100 lbs ...............1-40 .
was spent in Hallowe'en
i Guaranteed by C. A. Bugbee Dmg Co.. ‘ Rru per 100 lbs ........................ UO
and a marsh mallow rout A Saah- Ibe
.«r ««i.
-g. B Walt A Son*. Hunah Eirug o.- «—
llgbt was taken by one of ibe can- . Tbe room is a prospmtto
g,aro. grugglsi-; 50.- and ll.oo Trial
; bndarvw man or Crou nilage. having u>itv- fr.-e,
'_______ jSprtoc Chickens ............................... i.
I eaMi|pta]
aki WOhi •

A Mileage Book to
the -City of Riches

We tksue such a b''oV wheo you open a Sav-ings Account with this Bank.
One delUr or more aectiTeo th* book and
the oftener jon make • de|rwit ^ qmeker yon will mcli yonr deatinatioo. ^

Perrana nttng our hooka new worry aboot
hold-ape. wreckt or other aeddenta tojheir
fuD<le M tbe offioera ot thia bank have nede
l^urity iu fonodalioo and the remit is


\Vefi"d m*ny remoAnt pauenis cm hand now
out in r«« m lots at about ha f
wTuch we arc d s

Sp* cial reduced price on i.11 varnished g- Ids and
whi e bUnk paiterns.
Indication point to a r^ise in price of papen
n- xt season. It will pay to buy now.
A big stock to select from.

City Book Store
Traverac aty, aUeb.

Tbe Hobart Co. Prop.




thu Uie iovMt )TT»|« <r lut «erk.

Will IlMwm*.
Nr»- York. Oct M-~Tbe lUmllton
bank is MpMlrd to rrsunr businrsa
inusl nnt Mosdar.
Knflantf e«l« 0«I<L
• *4S.OOO
LooSon. Ocl.
The Buk of Bac|4M todsr sold • rnmtOD ill fanodrcd
tbosMBd pound* of bar Rold to
A.J.Ib|r>wd.A.J.SnUuA CBltrd tt*t«.
Llllisn RutMlI In.
- -jer Ur. s- *isr«
Nrw -Tork, Oct.
UHlan Ru»CUa*. kn. JsUm t. Banali,
(Mr^ M. C. UtI.. J«tt Mtraa. W.
Bf.ll. no« BbseDt OB a tour, was oor
Of Ibc Ume drpoaltor* of tb« Kolck
«rboekrr. hrr balance is said to bt
about tTb.OOO. This came train the
sale of her household effect* and

»Kf cat >nm«oa Time Defutfi

Citwlailw mis mek. 2.82E


* ■

Oenc te Upper Peninsula.
W. W. FWrchlld left ijils morning
for Tfenarr. upper peolBsula. where
look after the camp of B. J(~A const of the
Morgan. and get ererrthlng to shape
for the winter. He was accompa
M«a.. and U shows that



The Petoakey left Chicago
o'clock Ust Bight boobd for Northpori
and wIIj probably reach tU* port
aome lime tomorrow. The warehouse
U foil to ot^owlng and there wil'
be plenty of bnsfoea for tbe
boats. The Hlssoorl arrived
Bight loaded to tbe bub. and was
able to lake en^ any rrslgbt ar' ihl*
Tbe Chegoamegoti )■ maklug hei
winter aelding place comfortable, bar

Berlovs A«>dMt.
Kingsley. Ulrh.. Oct. n.—-.S'atliiui.
bmitb, an old resideat of thia place
a highly respected farmer, met
with a'very sorioue acrldeni yester­
day morning.
While picking unpie* on hJs farm
p accidently fill from the tree,
breaking both legs above tbe knee.
Dr. Webster, of thl* place, wa* im­
mediately summoned but owing to hli
being well advanced in year* h<- 1* in
very serious rondlilon.

ChaHty Ball,
UI... lb., m
*' ‘
The atiRtml
ml (charity ball of t;
««T inn..™ »... b~b b.11, „!"■“«"«
Tn.».rr 1,b . crl-a
FyUow*. which was to have l>eeD held
U. ». bUT
K.rb.»l>.™u i°' '”™~ ■"I ObW «i,.l|.n.,bi
>tt. 2, but which was postponed, jrlK
««■ aarttr
the fact that]** "** «»P««.d that the operaUons
Be held on No*'. 'C. Those hoiang
(tar. u. bu, ,1 uin-bbbbj bbIM. ™ >•
bbill ■'“( u.
pleUng of the ahlngle mill whkb will Uckels dated Or*. 2 will not have to
bny new ones or exchange them as
Uaa tbaa a dosra rran ago the be aone time In rebraarr. Not more they win be good Nov. 6. The pro
Awleu Bwatr baOdlsg at IM than a dosen men wUI be emptoyed, eveds from this bail will be used for
imtn that time.
BropdWBf. tweotr storlsa high, was a
porposes and the attendMrs. Dorr Armatroag aad cblldi
«orU wosider. - Nerer. people aaid,
also left this mortilBg to )oln Mr ante ahoold be Urge.
wooid ft be ecllpaed. Kow K ts Insig
Annstrang. wbo will work at
■meast ooophred to ame othera.
Net Be.
The Mngar rtsas forty-one storfea and camp tbis winter.
New York. Oct. 2k.—The Pennsyln Ufe. MW onder c
vanU railway offleiaU say today that
■traethm. will break the record with
there te no truth In the stglement
Prom Tneaday's Baord.
be dtuh
Mra. Cari Frye wat to Bellaire that 2d.(N>0 men are to be
iMiadlBg the ItetrapoUUn Ufe IhU afternoon ftrr a week's visit with and that nothing of the Mod has been
■ bMfldtag. which Is not yw Bnlshed, friads.
Traffic for the month of
tB* eMwns of high fanlldings is as folMrs. H. B. Cow;a went to Wiil- October w*'. the larscst In the his­
inmsbnrg this afleruoa for a visit tory- or the company. A reduction of
No. o( BuUdlngs
tbe force would ntx l>e iiracilcuhlo.
Height. «1tb her augfater. Mrs. Hamilton.



m .
w .



To suc(wd these (Jays you
must havg pienty of grit, cour­
age, sfreogih. How is it with
Che ehiWren? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer’s Strsiparllla. You
know ii makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general healih in every way.


a, V .1.

* .....I.l.'.t.


Traverse Ci-ty’s Best Store


A Greet Yield.
W. I'. Ikiiicnid. a CartiK-i living
ni-ar Kingsley. rvuj»-d a hanci from
trifle more than four acre* which
be planted to poiatoe* |a*( spring
Mr. Rancrofl has uken MCT busbelv
of marketable tubera from the
acres of etdl (bbt fall, which s|>caks
well tor the prtufiK-llvenes* of Grand
Traverse »jH when giYeii ihe right iil:

' I ■ H1S makes the people have faith in this
store. The faith of the public has been
the basis of ihe'Milliken store success.
The Miiliken policy is always afisf(*srfs(ig^
always seeking the better thing, the beiter^'*^ ^
MOXEV-bm showingthe NEWEST THING;
improving qualities as wdl as facilities.
Miiliken is the exclusive dry goods house
of Northern Michigan carrjing larger stocks
aed greater varites for this season.
Here are some things for you to remem­
ber regardihg Milliken’s.

The udies of Ihe Congrt-gaiiohal
“ nimmage sal
day mornlDg.
. Wood Wanted.
A few cords of elgiilceti Inch I1r>l
cluss Kceen or dry wood for liiinK*|dlute delivery. Apply at Herald of-

The Price of Health.
"The price of healih In a maUrioo*
bale COUH for the county
wriiee Eaia Slayton, of Noland. Ark. Grand Traverse.
Ils a
of said roiirl. held :il
part new life and vigor to the sysU
probate office. In the cUv of Tear
2Iie. Satlafacllon guaranteed at C.
■ Cliy. In said rouiily..on the ir.tb
day of October. A. D.
tiinuh I>rug Store. druRxists.
ITt-scni: Hou. Ft
stew Managtr. .
W. C. Cook, wbo has been the msuager of tbe Petoskey gas works, has
l.unle .M Paris havlnc filed in said
resigned hli paatUon with that firm court her pcUHon praying that sitld
I determine who
and has been Bccured by the Trav-

of the plant In place of Dan l>tadon, I mbprlt the rcwl esute of which said
who resigned.
dtrraaed died acUed.
orderoB that the tith dav of
Mr. Cof-k will arrive in this city to
November, A. D. 1S07. nt ten o'clock
Uke up hU dutlea as soon as the in the /orenoon. at said pratiate of
Petoskey company can secure some flee. 1.0 and

lud Is hereby
appr/lnu-d- for
■ 1 peUllou.
'to fill the vacancy left by him.
her ordered that public
which will probably- be soon after
the first of the month.
of u copy of this
Cessivi- w«-eVs previmi*
. . in Ihe Grand Travenu-'SDffered
iDffered day and night the lor
Miss Janie Loudon went to Grand
ment.1 of Itching pile*. Nothing hcljxxl Henili
Rapids this morning for s visit with
culnl*-d in said connfT,
cured me i>ermanenily
Hon John
Miss fVnnces Taubs left tbU after­ R. Oarn-ii. Us: . Girard. Ala.
noon for Wesford.
Mrs. L. J. Geider and Mra. F. V.
Dyer wat to Klngaley this
Mrs. C. A. Jaw ad Miaa Sybil R.
Chapin left thb
tado. FU.. where they will apad the
•lx mmtha. returning north for
the summer. Mrs. Jones Is the owner
of a large orange grove ct (^rlando.
Mrs. M. A. ^
this morning after vlsItlng friends In tbe city.
Mrs. O. H. Vadervon. who has
been visiting frlenda.ln.tha .<Atr. re­
turned to Grad RapMa this morntnin
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 8Uau left fas
Bcho. Ore., this morning, where they

AaothCT mtarp^Ingl^h^llng i
letnrlng InatiuHon
of thia city can be found at 416 Bast
BUbth atreet, where tbe Trarerte
CRy Cigar Bot plant is located.
Tbrangh the eouite^ of 1U owner
$mt genernl aumager an Brenlng
Bawd rwporter wan turalsbed a nnmbW of facts which will no dpobt 10^
tmmt serenl wbo live In the Qrmnd
Tnverae region.
TbU company was
Work Mas Begun.
•I yars ago and the atput to dgar
Dan J. AlberUoD and P.
bdSM ud other fancy wooda hoses.
Roberta have gone to Walton
FHe people are employed there
operations on
tbrenghoal the' year ad over 10.000
Manistee river. Although
feH of lumber U naed In tbe munactive work will not begin on the
Tbe eoaarn la alraady two maths
be begun at once, getting everything
baUad a ordeto aad tbe gnaUa of
in readlBOM for the gang of SOO men
aakargittg the nalltog and prinUng
The f«e.'*'’****
^ employed as sooi
roMM la twinao
'spring opens. A small force of men
. a bMng'
iary onjoya th* (
will be secured for the work tbii full.
Miy fnetory of Ha kind id Kortb•n MMii^n and snppIlM tbe dgar
Twenty-flvc Ceirts Mere.
baa trade In Manlda. Cadillac, the
The price of coal will not he ad­
•ao and la fact every town north of vanced Id tbe city, but after today If
OtaM Rnpldg aad Sagluw.
there U no pUce provided where fhe
BM3My. the genernl man- load can be dumped or shoveled, a
r, is tbe dltccUng spirit of this charge of 21 cents a ton or IS cents
saearn aad la to be eangrttulated half ton will be made to carry It i
ngCB the SDOcMe this eoaeern baa ah the bln.
tataod la tb^mahsfadnre
All the local dealers ate nnited on
'this as where coat has to he corried.
j It means a big loss of time and time
Ha Caught a Bteyela.
jeoau money. Rather ♦t'S" raise the
CNHteg k hook and catching a price to all. which would be an
kMyaie was tbe experience of a lad Jusik* to thoae who have their bln*
•BtePday wbo
ao arranged that the loada can
te Bah. Tbe WeyeJe was one lost by damped or aboveled, a charge for the
W. M. MUUrd, of Orinnell Bros., aev- carry ing wUl be made.
•ral week! ago. and bad been given
np as lost for good. Blien the boy's
beok (wnght on the bicycle he
Tbe Lewis Cass
tbo«ht it was a whale, and was held a reguUr meeting Monday night,
graaUy Burpriaed to dlmtOTer a wheelj rendering tbe following pragrara;
It bad been floaUag about for socne | Current events—A. Bennett
Debate—Resolved. 'Tliat it it
_tl»e. the tires keeping « from sinkto the bottom of the lake. .beat Inierrwts of the rnlted Sutes to
©fleer Schneider found the wheel,build and malnUtB a large navy.
b»t by #B. Haraer and retuwd UjAfflnnaUve—Castle. Dmlor. Pleraon.
to bis.
I NegaUve—Scott. Laotner. Spencer,
I The derision of tbe judges was in
favor of the : legsiire.
New York, Oct. 21—Tbe Pirut NaIr. Nye.
tlnal bank baa loaned tl.OOOjno at
the rale of 7S per cent.
Anethar Btaamer.
SecuipIlM Dowm.
,Prom Tueaday'a Reeord.
New Tork. Get. 2t.—A renewed eel-1 Owing to Ihe large
... ___ jnt of
IlMcat with the etock exchange to-Jfreigbi whkh pasaes orer the docks;
day was not very cheerful. Landing jof the Northern Michigan Trsnsporu1 company the •
( Missouri
naMber of lonas and the eoJla-.ersl .and Stirling have been unable
agatnat tbeee loins wa. consegnent- handle It alooe
and tbe atramer
ly thrown over and reaulied in aevere' Prtortey. of ibr Graham and Morton
dacUnoB eli tbrangh thr market.' line, has bteo mgagad lor the reMaay laadlng tme. are ariUng lower, malader of the aeaeon.




Tbe olaeorary of
goaalMlitMa of.ataal Is what did It
UKOag the atael with nnburaable
a oottt. aad nalag tbe aame Batsr>
M lor Boon and partltlona and an-'
dbatng elenior ahafts and atalrways
wade the akyactapera perfectly

Mrs. E. J. BgM returned to her
home In Bik Rapids this atiernan.
Mrs. H. O. Baca, wbo has been
apendlng the snmmer at Bdgewood.
reurna to Orand Rpplds this morn­
ing. being the laat of tbe Bdgewood
roarters to retnn home.
Mr. ad Mrs. A. J. Egan returned
to Grand Rapids this morning after
n bulnaat trip to thU city.
Mrs. C. M. Davis left this morning
tor Pratwster.
Mr. ad Mrs. Oscar Laotner left
thia - morning for PortUnd, Ore.,
where they w«l make tbelr future

For the

NO. 270

Won the Exer-Ketch Iron Auto
H it is not claimeii on or before Nov. 5th another

drawing will take place.

SAVE YOUR TICKETS yo : do not pay more th^n an ariical .
s worm at Milliken's.
That we are always ready to takis back
goods if a customer can End something belter
In^wearing apparel STYLES at Millikens are always Best and Latest-and every’
woman knows it. That Fabrics are Highest
[Auality in every grade, and Workmanship the most careful and skillful.
That goods bought at Milliken's Always Satisfy the purchase:
rchaser and
Always Costs the Least that Etjual Goods can be Bought for Anya
Y(>u cannot be suie that you'have done the'best with your money
either in style,' t|ua'it^' or price until you have seen the showing at MHliken's.
We would like to have you i>ut those siatcmeius to the test any time
you see ht and would be glad to know the result of the test.
Just now we want to coll your attention to the complete fall s ocks in
Suits. Dress Goods. Silks, Underwear, Blankets, Linens, etc. You will
id th«
■ every detail.
them complete

Short Klmonas or House Jackets
> We just received a lot of the>? made up in the finest fleece downs in
pfct:y patterns of pink, blue, tan, cardinal and gray. We have never had
anything to equal these at less than $1
While this lot lasts we pretty
ofier them at 7.5c.
dozen fleeced wrappers, very prettily made, cut good and full with
\vide flounce. Come in Indigo Blai k and Wditic, Red and White and the
Greys. The best wrapper we ever had at $1'.'25.



•dhese petticoatss are exceptional because of the high price of silk,
in fact you will neverr be ab..
able to buy them at such low prices again until
the silk market drops
Js iirjch
m-jch lower then it is now. They come in black
and colors and are guaranteed not to crack. That guarantee is worth
a good deal in a silk petticoat. IVice S5 00 woifh $7.5(J.

Genuine Heastherbloom Petticoats
Before buying Heastherbloom goods look for the trade mark “Heas­
therbloom ’ otherwise they are not genuine. These skirts come in black
only and we offer them at S'-’ 00. Fin«f ones at $ ».50 to

Black Saline Petticoats
in inch accordian pleated Ibum e. with three narrow ruffles at bottom
<)f flounce, good generous sweep. Sp
ipecial price 75c, others from $1.00 to

They are a little' better than anything we have
ever carried.
They are made to our special order—made to
stand the hard knocks that the average boy gives his
shoes. These shoes are strongly made but not clumsy
and we have them with high or regular tops.

$1.50 to $3.00.

linen Buck Towd full brS'l for ix- Tins is exceptional value, for 45e.
A gcK)d tleeci- lined ladii-t Ttuon Suit to wll.
WV Dov.T bad a J»elu*r
anit to ei-ll
•> II at a HAI.K
etter amt
UAI.h I)'
■)■ U.LAK

(lejttor Shrinkproof Underwear
Tbe groitcet nruk-nr
rwclr of tilt- day
n wish. Yarrte
Yam# arc iilllurmik
i Jt, to |.'i.r,o
J1 50
Union J:>uiU JJ.

J’ngitiv<-ly will not BlirJnk. yon cati l«il it if
wcatitii*. Two jiitci- u’srruints $1.00 and

Shirting Flannels


Tlieao are ;il iiiohe* widi- un-fully shrutik. They are juit ibethingfor ts
hliirti. boyt bEnsos ami girl's -Iroasce. C'omr- in greys, taqs. blu«« and white alio
fane/mixtimw. at bj(-a yurJ. tlatctseof Wbib-Outing E'lanncl similar to Daisy
to deliver
cioib. We bought tbis nine months ago an J thy thilli were very reluctant
Jil tii(-^M
dd pricY!
pricYf but wc
wi- have the gi.(0<l-gi.-od-- an<l
and an-going to m
sell them at i*c. '1 hey are
IV now._
now. '(2
<-2 inrb
inrt Per.-ales

worth to day 11. if we bad to ba^
10c foil standard cloths
Thn^ Tiioiisiini
■ yards
____ ^____
prints in 10 to
Prints arc worth to imy t'/lsj 7c a yard. Apron Cbedc
(iingbamsin 10 to 20 yard picFull piecus uTc worth lt>' a yard.

Special in Umbrellas
Ladies 2*i inch. Cloth i.TJaTanlef^l for two yc'-irs. Iinodlc^ c.-omc in gold Bad
pearl and sterling silver ,.n-; pearl and nr.- L'linrant.-.-! not to tarnish. TbU is tbe
greatest maitrellu we ever off.-ntl
Pri'-e:j2'5 Chlhrcti's Jk-lKoll'inbrella at 50e.

Wool Blanket Special
.\11 w.«ol blankets in 1 r.-tty .oini.inatioDs. o! ccki'in. full sizc'aud w'ortb op to
will !i'.: 1m*. I'.r.g,
White Angora Baby
CaWRolxs'i?^ to

Fruit of tbe I/>om Cotton for tbis day only................. .........
U I Unbleacberl Shect^for ih-s .lay only. -............................................2$c
Nou.vcr ten .vofIs to a (nistomer of either one one of these Fruit is worlli
14c teday and the sheeting
a yard.


Grand Traverse Region.

Hn. J. AndrewBOD.
Bedgaa. Mn. Wiochcomb, and Mn.
O. Lace go to Mayfield today to at
tend a lUlioweVn dinner twrty given
by Mn. Prank Sayen.
Ocl 28 •



d t»e laU t« (M*. All eerrMpondCORNELL OItTRICT.
_____ mMt nwli tha Karald oinM not
Sebem began again lo tUi diatrict
Mitf-than Titootfay noon of «aeh «M«k.
ms H eerfoapondanu fall U find after a two wenka' TaeaUno.
Era. Oaorge Miniman. who
msus In, thay msy ka aaauMtf Mat H
hern >ilck tor the pant few daya. Is
MM aflor Uma.
feeling better.
Mn. Hale Spangler retnmed to her
home lo BuekJey.
Mias i.nls DnrU has been quite
-.............. ral aerfvcaa ______
Bich with anre throat tor the past
. .j held at Uilt plarr. wbleb _
boaD,rcry veil alleodrd and euwedDan llalnas und fsially hare aplo
locly Ijene&aal U> the whole cobsdubtty, cloat d Sunday nlpht.
meetiOKK have bO»-n rondurted
fey the Kee. Mr lUsklui of Empire, ren^ hare returned tram their rlatt
In Berrien county.
The infant Alld of Hr and Mra.
great Spayde was burled In the Cornell
Davla of
M apcnt Sunday
aoweena. a great many
with ber slater Uila at Oeorge UtlllSunday after
l2u. by the Ke«. Ur. HaaUin. 1
Balpb Coates was a Ackley vlaU- Ear. Mr Haaklos will now hold aerTlee at PUU In tho ‘ Uartln achool or Sunday.
Nearly all of the tannen of this
Mte Besale Batmaii of Grand Rap- Tleinity'hare
clnlty have their poUtoes 'dug.
B<» Woodbnra haa
has aold hla thorse
Ida. who baa been apeodlng a few
> Marvin Colvin.
daya here, as the ‘guest of Uias OatOcl. 21.
lay, rtinmad boma today.
Mtoa Mb Neaaeu baa b««n apendiBg a few days vlalUn^ ber pareuu
BalMi Pierce U able to
Mn. Henry Wares of Boon U vls. Puner preached in the HoImM*
Mhg her parenU. Ur. and Mn. Bob *^r»
achool house ■ last
•cat In (be bouse wai filled and one
noticeable feature was
Carl CorMi of Cedar Bun la work- were more men than ladles; this sel­
>m ocpura
ocrura In
... churcheu.
tag for H. C. Petteoglll.
Oien Bnigh will make a boaloewi
Miss Hall spent Saiui
iiurday and Sunday morning with Mn. Luce.
trip to Tnverae City loTOrrow.
The,aale at HrVorha
#annera artMind here who hare nOt
tbMr puuioea dug are getting pretty well attended, but nevertheless tbe
articles were well sold. Joe Logie was
amlnu* to get them taken care of.
Mn. Beoson Of Tneerae City li auctioneer.
In lorks Intends to work his fatb.
vlalUog ber psreou. Mr. and Una.
er-s farm. Hr. Yorks Intends to move
Byer at OrUtt.
Mtaa Myrtle Clauaon Of Trarene lo Tnverae City aoan.
Mn. Ed Smith and Mn. O. Lure
City speat Ian Saturday and Sunday
were lo Kingsley shopping Ust Wed
her parents.
. inac Clausoo reinned home neaday.
Mrs Carr returned lo her home
Oraad fiaplOa where she has
last Baiurday. She Intends to remaio
a rtalUnr relative#,
n. J. H. Byer and her daughter here for a few weeks to market her
home last Tnesdar poutoei; after that she will move to
Traverse aiy.
Oladle Bennett went to Hannah last
Wednesday to assUt Mn. Lula Rawlingi In ber household work. She re-


feaan vUli


party who lost a lap robe, o^
Mfeuner weight, last Sunday, at Pearl
lake, can recover ft by calling at Ur.



s.r.;:’, 'T's:,


led Mr, and Mr*. Seah Bdael Sunday


«A M

M 4f»



™ ». .<

No Speculative

was dealt
i* s
« gnat «b.«-k to him. aa Copetnlab were seen In our midat
bis tatb.le# wj
was well when be loft.
Quite a Dumber from hwe at<eod
|ed “
a dance at .Maple City toturday
Dr. J.. b.
b"”Munaou and wWe of the ^

towrAVedneadsy wblje making a trip asylum and Mr. and Mn/Holdeo of “«!•*
l:ice. Traverse
Park I’bice.
Trave rse aty. wbUc oat „ “™fefother,
a dr
Irlve tart we^ took la EmP. i>wen. alenman for tbe Grand
n Arbor.
“'‘8 «tber rcladv.-*
)or. While D.-re
here ...e •>•«»’
buaiocsk lo
thl. pirc and Glen
Raplda shoe did
place Tuesday.
Gnnduia Plaher a

*“* ****' '
Wallace and CsmptM-ll
oi |i1.--a»snt
VIU Crain M
la aasUtlog
anUtlog her slater
Manistee have been ios[M«Ung lutuD. D. McCarty of Chlcafo “trii
Mrs. Will Griffllb. with her bouse
here last Tuesday for a
here tbe psat few days.
friends: s
leSBage fn
him to go bark today
ware Rmpln
He and bis faitmr. P.
The Mira.
h.'Ti- eighteen .
twenty yean diguing and apple picking.
^be faraier* are getting along t
ago tihe yearilie Veraoii
»ii «as
V. 8- I- 8. 8.
h ibeii fall wi>rk.
Prankfort on boalneai.
and Mra. F. C. I
. .
. atM‘nt Mouday
inday and
ami Tuestake
d fanAly.
with D. H. Day
r. and Mrs. Prank liennHi. Mrs.
Cbas Pricke and (be Mias^ 4leaslc titular friends
Mr» Kidder, who ha> been visiting
Kellie and Beasl.r Farrant were Glen When the father.vas ready to start,
,T daughter. Mrs. Pn-d Tabb.wer.
for here, the sun'Vabi -| :,ni not go- r«-turned to her hou.f in Tusiln. MonArbor callers Suiurday afternoon.
A T. Cameron and wife ol Trav­ tog bai-k alll) yon.' ‘'Un>?~ IiIh fstb- day.
cr asked.
'I have a strong Impress­
erse Clly acre In town Monday.
Mefrlflebl, r<-i>rcaenilng
Reid ion." said bis >on.."ihai eoniothlng Brower of Fife Liikv vfsiled at Fr.-d
Murdock A Co., called la this pUc« will happen to the boat." He ivueh- Taliberer's th« fore |«n of the pa»t
ed ht»ipe safely. When he heard of week.
y mUp Monn. M. Doran, qeo
Jenney the disaster, he said
-. W.df Still roiillDue*of bls^sUght
and D C. King have all brought nu- "ho* thankful I atn I oWyed my leel- erahle. During I
Wight have found a
cuertms li>Bda of apples to ibki dock lng,< or I
Imimivemeiit he was brought down
tery gravi
for sHTl^ent.
stain, making It easier to ci
John B. Santo of Traverse
Ocl. S8.
Mr*. J. L .OIbbs w»> in Traverso
was here FYlday.
Tbe fcbooney Weacort loaded her
City on busllies* last we<-k.
last cargo of t)ie season from this
Mis* Mary Holderofl spent seve
The Cedar Run saw lutll will
tcKp,’n*ll>lc for the. ircid.-ntport this week.
•., thii winter and we are very
8mllh. ui
F. Kafka, of Travers.- City, did bu
vvniie sr.. haa
nas rvnledjBaniom.
Jim While
spdeted larmer
farmer in tn. a,ar«n o.^ir,
Decs here Monday.
it and will remain hen- until early In
Friday BlteiiHH.n n rornimny of
jeaoi of
U4 this
im» place,
jiuw^, fell
it i, Iron,
ii«MU *
Tb«L»>arge J. D
Marshall loaded
the I
I the spring, then be e»pi-« la lO move elderly li
white gathering appli~. Mtuidan
hem]Sred thousand feet of
horoe'of Mi»-. J- L OlMis. the occas­ and broke both llmlft. Mr SnAtb i, a
nrih Maiiltou Island.
b*k bere Ibis week. This winds up
ion being the elgbiy-slxth birthday bachelor and lives alone, his otdy
Wynkoop has purchased
this snaluml>er ablpmenlK for ibU
nniiivei'iar}- of Mr*. Arde’la Gibbs.'
IlMiIaUi dlggei.'
nop. all being now rleaied up1
«ob PtiH-ni-an of Kassnn also pur' Beautiful lioutpi-ls of r>«iv. eania- having aied during
-. ;if
Mr, ana Mrs. V. 8 Roed of F.m
lions hnd ' ehryeanlhemums. also
rha»e<l a potalo lUegi-r.
long illLiSf. He hax no
r. la
pirt spent Sunday with M. A. Voire
1), n. Slwrter ami S. H Uwyer at- number of other giriB l•■«tifled to the live* near to care for hliu. wb.ib
and Tamil).
for their Hgi d- iiiukes tnl« pariicularl) sad.
lendhd the 1. O. O. P. lodge In Trav­ regards of lli,I,a(e Ackerman sp<'oi Sunday with
An • eleiiani
w as 1
erse cm Frldav Light.
Mra Frank-Clark vkslted hi-r -moth
his parents In Empire.
Bob I’aytie Mde a buirtm-ss trip to served at r> «'eli>ek,
Mrs. Wood, near Summit City,
Ocl. 28.
rav«-i <e Clly^riday night.
All-4'it Nephu lioughl a cow of Mrs. Jo.ephl
Mrs. Thompson made
a trip to
O. Knhn last w. ek.
rnten-e City Saturday afternoon.
niiiy ha
Th«-re u n cjir here (or potatoes.
The Manistee took loading and pas8imd;iv alternodu Fred Tabl«-rcr
Alvab Payne was a Traverse Clly
aeogers from Nessen's dcK-k today.

• j'

Tbit Bank haa never inrestud nor loanctl a duliar in
any form of apeenktive at'cnriliea but line always
atricUy atlben*! to sonod ooueivative banking metbedt.
Tile iftfe. nuvfal policy of the Bank ja evidooc**! by
liio fact that net om* dollar ba» ever b«*n loat in luana.

Under Sup.
eniaion an-1
Inspection of
tho State uf

Intproal alk low»«d,t» Di!
11 pout* Voar
7 BaaiDwa W

a iDviuar^-


CaRI-KT W.:.vio





I ivaium


*-4 U»i •* cwaocrh Ball ■ t^lonh
OUK'K tSc » MeitM* van- auw Saowate
A>n,4l<i*ltr.wrnity. Ctiarrh Mbs s ewi■tltulHniBV
mjuu^ * roas(»aU«ual
IrmlBiMil. Hall • v'atvrrii I'srr la takiw in
tavanUr. aetlnr •Uievll.i
II- Mmai >*J

She will have a rough time, as there caller aStiirdu).
tlipl ibur Sm'rltng near Hodge.
1 III,- klleben table
Mrs. Ijimar was In Traverse Clly
Is a heavy northeinier blowing.
, visited In
Marian Gibbs recently
relirv-d. and this fell upon tluliy re
I doing shoiipliig Friday.
WlllUm Walker of Travense
; ii|>on Mr*. It. M
Mrs Ross i-aiiir
Payne iiiiu
and •rhlidren
iiiimx ■< and floor during tlx- night, broke an
was here last wwk looking after hla ,;
•, who
there lo
the table epreafl. and tbe
llarsnvlixi ...____ _________
al Uxer oBrr l>nal!a»Mrs. Churlev Clay visited
Mr*. Uobiflre
r her little daugh ,dnal iBOlanfur aarcaaritu
-Ihal 11 tallSSeswr*.
B the floor. Mrs. t
At the last session of the board of 'pavne Frldav,
Pend ter UpI cU iMUm'SUaiMlldri-d.
Mr», J. Ralston und Mi-!. Kfolcr
Addnai S J ( HgKVV c
supervisors they
H»M hr all ImuESlaw TV
i and was able
ODDibrUIr a mpral>er of the county rt>ll.-il Mr*. ^'Itir Ralston Bund*)'.
commmi'.on senlee lu the
Takr BaU p YMiatij Hlb I.
lb)m, to Ml. and Mrs. John Car-(lore serioue......................
board af srh<M>l eiamlnei i.
Sunday evening In conuecllon
«■ chap* 1 Su:
cat after a mouse Is sup|g»ej
fhe Major J. N. H. Ftrry took a mien a daughter.


“The Old Reliable Home Furnisher

rrT' V

Read Guarantee given by the makers of the Novel Universal Heating Stove, the
stove we demonstrated in front of our store Saturday. It is certainly a wonder and
it does everything that is claimed for it.
Guarantee Given By Makers
We Guarantee. That one ton of the cheapest grade of soft coal will burn as clean, ^yill
burn as long and will heat as much space as one ton of the best hard coal. This result
is obtained by the patented construction of the “Utility” firepot, through the flues in
which* extending from the b<^om to the top of the firepot the air is drawn, either from
the outside through the draft ring at the base of the firepot or through the ash pit when
draft door is opened and in its passage through these flues becomes so INTENSELY
heated, that when discharged at the top of the firepot over the fuel it THOROUGHLY
and COMPLETELY consumes ALL the smoke and gases, THUS ABSOLUTELY SE­
The “Novel” construction of the “Utility” firepot unquestionably more than doub­
les the heating capacity of this stove ^ver that of any other stove of this type made.

We are also showing a fine line of Hard Coal and Wood Heaters.
Come in and look them over.



.till thg regular pre.-veMng servloe. H M James will lead the .. ...... ting
II vt .Suuday^veolEfi^ (h;a>hsencii ibe i>a*ior.



The Novel
Borns Soft
Hard Coal
or Wood

OKAMD THAVemi HCRAia THUMOAY. OCTOtElt »1. 1107. '






pAOK tl.

Has Commenced and Premium Tickets again are in order at





























The sale has already commenced and will conUnne nnUI Chrisbnas Ume. The bare i
sends a thrill ol expectation IhronphonI the length and breadth ol this lair section oi onr conniry, lor
this annual eyenl'has proved Its worth and earned Its lanrels dnrtng past seasons.
As ever, onward is Ibe watchword ol this ever watchlnl store, so you may rest assured that .every
possible eilorl has been made to assure tUs Annual Fall Sale a brilliant career.
Every one realizes the tact that Ihe prices >1 staples, as well as llnished merchandise, oi which
skilled labor lorms a considerable part, have been raising and promise to raise sUll more. It was a duly
lo onr cnslomers to loresee this advance, to anticipate 11, and to provide against IL It Is at «»>«. point
where Ihe buying power ol this store asserted llsell. Contraels were made and trade connections estab­
lished wllh Ihe mannlaclnring cotters, Onr opportunities lor spot cash in Ihe open markets were so
tempting that we doubled on onr orders In nearly every line. Ol course ttii» means that every one ol
onr Departments will oiler a tmnsiderably wider range ol styles, • absolnlely perieci In qnallly. and onr
rcpnUltonlbacks op Ihe guarantee. And In addition to aU this, we wlU





Embracing Larger and Finer Stocks, olfering Greater Savings than ever before, and
inciuding a Free Distribution of Most Beau­
tiful Dolls and other Valuabie Premiums
that arc bound to please Young and Old.





with onr Free DIstrlbuUon ol BeanlHul DoUs and Sleds—and GUIs lor Ihe Ladles .and Gentlemen that
are sure to please them.
scat ^"^tster ^^^■'*^'''''‘”.”“‘‘1^^”^ ChAstaa^™?*** daring this sale, and these UckeU are to be brongtal or


holder of the largest number of these tickets we tvill give a Doll worth $I5.CX3
holder of the next largest number of tickets we will give a Doll worth $10.00
holder of the third largest number of tickets we will give a Doll worttv $8.00
next three largest numbers we will give each a Doll worth $6.00
next six we will give each a doll worth $4.00
next twelve we will give each a Doll worth $3.00

And all who enter the'cojtest and fail to secutc one of the above 24 Dolls will be entitled to Premiums as follows:
FOP IhP mriC too ticket, wiUontitle holder to Doll worth 13 .SO
a wa aaix. UU19 cO tickeu will entitle holder to D JU worth »2 i".
40 tickeu will eeouro a Doll wortb $1 50.
20 tickeu will •eccre a Doll wortli 75c.
|«'np tho RavC 40 tickeu will aeciire a daodr Sled worth I1..70

r Ur

aoys 20 tickeu wm

a SW wonh -5c. •

For the Lf&dlCS

tick^^ fiU aecafe a fioe Heatherbloom
50 tickeu will ncim- a Sue Meroenied Skirt

F*np fhp
tickeUwill aeoore a'Sait Caae wortb I3.00
IVA^Al 50
a Sait Caae wortb $1.50

You can’t help but realize that this is an extraordinar>’liberal offer on our part, and the conditions are suwh that ereo small pur­
chasers can take advantage of it. Don’t fail to read and investigate the spec'ai offerings that are quoted in our circulars. -






,’aie w ride laa ct»rt a»a frtar." TW
Tbe iwJp-iumed to the eritwi^a tW"b§t
:iJ aaW: Ut.» “
J» ***^thlrt fTbr t» 4r«f>pad Me tirie «r
of •-»?
thirtr '
ofiUrruti, tKK tbr iirie.«i».T iintfrted far ninTdert ■ hut*. Tbe cajutty «a» very i«*«r aM
Ciacr tq^m a ttar not aaay yaara
,'of Oifforrnt 0«wq,iMtU>a. printed on bad deraioped into in Parr »beemt.: If he «B-tr^beJ tbti iio«. aracaatiacbeai the nUKary tUarlptlae very banh.
bnre p,'rvp»
a issb l*l=*aetvd
AttneK* •* N* Other
!• AtMntf
in tbe rra.r the witueaa baa dntcribed. < FrederVt tVIUlaaii t. rr t« herd. <-r.taa frith a ' ' -a aa^ rte>«t iiaih h»
««t acbotar of hia tlaw. trbnae <
•ritilh Naiml
be uu-l *UrW) have killed ber.“
and allao (od did »< ereo knew ^ >ena t«- a d:. :,.•
Mr trtk^f
CiHler lb*
'.‘Ja.a.JBd <rt
~Rut. tst.v ord."
aakl itecuaaaet. -ft, what U wat to Make a i.wpeBt. . Itli - -V.*fartf. K -.tie t'at'tr' at-ka tbe dorw.
Lord CbariM Bemford U)o cotuWiwd
Ibr moo tmb wbtcb
war a «<wJco«-kn>:'-T'uni&lll Ma*J
' mntalkai «wt av wbM> a(wrad that
"lltaht Urn-. ' *n«ne the man abd
boM. A'UftUc and rbaet»»l ««ta trill
,«w1Jn8 lo tltelr
shia' X becaotr a byword to ear tbata cnan . ia>< hi* faf.iid m the aOlcird part.
ietx* J-ortiabd. EsfUnd. about Oet. U
The colon dacldad ..o for ib*
------------------------------------------ i bad w.tftrd foe tbe birr of Pniaaia , Tbe .l.« u-r •sen* bla. .-aae ttf iaatiw.
Haw tha
seoetf*. »-bifb an vui.i...
' ■
for tbe auranw

____ _Slate.
Tht OL-dt.
: wheubahadd<«eBnoo|TmltBl4eu^ menta and take, iheiefro* frrrr*l dalUr. Bacon -1. waa np to an tba
OM Pr. U.tlaitd. clersysma and ad—--------------------- ^
- j h-ete .•.eaiviwr^ rod a Btimiwe of 0h».
ramSTIC MD RIDICULOUS. to be aocBevhat ainOar
Bmarta* hnby today.
to U^oae
$20; f.Itik. •»; whlia. »100 and
presil’j^ belorH- —
in tb.i
Maalmlllon arv
and **wa
-La waiema.
croO-.tated tape* W<th i
— 1
■ '

- tprins off tbe coaat of Portuita!, »a.r«
«n U aad hit «1 1T« vfere oiwaya rn
Tn»erever that hauattoa air. • 1j Pa- h^tnedt lo make peerttr tad dUbontt
fh OmIm at Oita Ttma the Ap#a«»*’ t
‘•“P*’** “* “**
loiiwvl h.v bto foTToer paplU sad par . loina." it idared the memorf «f UH ®ea»ureu>eBt«, »top]dBg at fre<]aacrt IhOetobCT a voice haa wblanareO to il« teaea
tioM Abpllad ta tSa Kla$ laeaitta
• dwet maoy t
'.e freer l» bearJ
,hould be irre-,
** *“>*"•
•arvita T»ta» Rhllip
--- --------- paaalng breeae
I tbUk ira bi< cuttoai JO .-Ser pra.eer wbeueew ip,n, ^
-W hat ate dotogr ertea the MB
___________ _ taacb be tiKde a uilai.terlal cell. Oj ou eoreed. Makmiilan'e Bna; reqaeat f
-ban aba baa halrptof>»-a.|.4i be < oi a bou*e wbera that
-U Paioma" *bou;.l iw pto.vel «
to an tbe time toi1 wboiD many conaldar tbe *reai»*t
*reat»*t •>(' fuo aroiha maptaaar with v«i>oo Beeked *
__ hetry bn*hjiy to bar laooibr—Tonkara Stateaoan. I tbnw «f hi* fortw r puplia werv tiay
while be stood up hi mrrt H« doomAnd
»w _______
ber ^linlralA for. while tbe n.Ml
■wbAoM «
tat bt»
qnatat aanay -<
-------- -- ------------Ua« Tlie*.- ladW «er« a:: ic«t the He dM wUh tbe tune In Ul» vara, and
-AdTattnra" Mtntad arttb Hof ah la
maneofara and eaereltea wui be rh« douabir
In warm gamwni
Lavaly LHa.
■ thirtieth year mark, but In the c
bU wife went mad with ibS obock of ,
bto esecuUon.
*^7^ d «Ubla my .peelaliy.
before the coming
Mw. Proud-What did yon think of!®' >be old geaileawu they i
diorea the
Do you lake me for a qoaefcl Yoa doHyrite'B aaaay on lUe Lovely Ufer i elrfr. '"I'Wi eiflalua tbe |iefl*»oa be
have. Uvu Uew a t
• pmaaB apon a Jonnmy to know
,>r One la I
T» nil. .n n.™w
! "'S';!
yaara ago;'- l*tft-k.
.-L>rd. Ueee Itove dear girt*. JutI
think that Myrtle dribka eati tie coh«tie
EV-bew—Ma-uuva. U t«ia ever brave'
Ika eompauationa frith wbteb It la
m frith ramered Seida aad tUpa her ilttlr btotber. aroiild budiiiuc luio •'Ut'l woiuaub<«»t "■
Metbev—lie to clwey* brave. I bo|w !
pnpar to addraaa tboaa be bappana to • ,
profrtmma ta beln* kept a atrlrt ruled If aa<
of araiiL
t<>> tuucli fur one of ib; Bat wbat make, you aai? Elacbeu-'
•ant by tha way." Tba author foond
„d U u
aoniv noun* ax,. '
«>~r^-Cbicar» N.wa.
1 ainc a fooiatep on tha ,
—-------------------UsMlf well or m oaad to propoetloo ,1,^ oecaaloo Jou
"Hark^^io “h.
i,.iae.l .HI* I-Innte
rana W
.tU*. l^ rd. biiHdM. I*
bo.—Fllcgriule Blatu-r.
[ gatioa at Madrid. Tto y wvte toteaaeihk.
: llTy ll^ornSL" and n6na will berre.-|
Vam.t and th. Vataran.
< and a. ha tbe«»b.fuUy ^.*ed Ulmaeif eil. faded and Mill uupl'Aedr
‘ l> lalvmti'i to tbe oui<-«>e of the Bo­
-It may not ba Improdant." be aaya. „t Mcepi tba Japaneae attarbe, wh-.
n«a.-e Ven«it. ibe ^t np ba ramarker^ ^wrmder wbM noia.
-to bceoat a paaaen*»r with a title an- „ ,h- MreeentailTa of KnsluwVa alh F»acb iwli.ter of luille a.wnea^eu that wat I Jn.t heerdr-Ncw Oneaae
—! In • r*“llce .wrt two lawyer* t<* daya w«-dcrlug «hv.^«j>uld ^ 22
fartor to what ba may appear to claim.
yeara been the fiirM of »« f*"*
““ •“
Thla wfll aeldom fall to dlttuaa a woa- ,be officer to commanU on occueloat of
"nl.n. the pr.-r|- !>«“ «■>• seP-'-S
-------- ------------ —
ffwful ataertty to bla eonniananc* and .M.nrut
1 were r.ianuo.ia. a ktIcI.-.I old teterao
The applaute of a sluple human
Noyv. of .tmrru-a ba* bevt
ht porhapa a matbod of aoctirin* yoa
Lord charlea Bereaford will'he aes'hela* It of great cooaaouence.-Jobhele.-ted |>t«aldt-»t ot tbe tepubUc at the
Hive me.' K.1.1 tbe fanner, -a half.
'j I a«*r aaU ffm any mlataka of greater Unpoc- e,mp,nled by no leaa than nine adml | “•* *•“' >**“
the north."
k ibos;:h.
IKMiud of luluivuv three )wn> of auap. I
tance. 1 wat lad Into tbaae obaerra,b, tl* tblpt of bit fl-* *t"
A Waatad PraaaM.
Tli;it «B* as.near a> tbe P|<aatah adla
“by aoma acdld- jociuda ta-eoty-Bva batt>abl|«. fi>nr
-What la tbr world aball I aeal
Ibe uui. k te llor eo-;:.l get t.>
lrtir,en:; "ItalbiPgtopayV
- i^w iLVcb are yiMi e i
1 1 lately i
» account
armored crulnera and ten
ten protec
Anat BeWj.Johnr demanded tbe ma» )oJr Id good eo.iK-ndelW.'
r-iM Tt Uayv« lu* la-eiTuommaUd f«
•The aiiit iii. w.TK bnougbi fvirtb. li
e a feet < saU'v^mei. amillnc.
™..v »
I». I Then tbe iudge aakJ
K<-.Wnit t.y tbe Itfiwi.lU-oii uatla^
•••.V franc aud a half.'
t mare ratead ta hooka ^.i^r veatelt. Including tor|>cdo l«ai
ibe ..vmjuwI bare .ouveatbiu." aud It b-ok .U.e^§*
} "A worklwskct or a Ikk*:-" be aag- iqj^ted. uppivv.-.! a^ wnp,.-d up
They i.............
aioe to u.'■ ■■"
than 1 can pratend to ba to the ordera ocieoyera. oumbertoK over tlxty
. ge*tt>d.
fled each other, kindly pnawed u- ihv lU) a week to flgutv II out.
- ‘Very goodT
whl tbe farmer, ■»'» rigbt.
at man. It wtt my fonuna ■» nodes
^be meeting , of tbe fleeta and M
dtoiHited points."
*— onlck
•* •
-Ahd the arttot triib
thka a joomay wbhfft 1 was to petfora nany offlceie la alto to be taken ad*■
taxle. ni tend iHT one .if thoee fancy But tbrre'e tbe dtocunal. You adves
- -Tha bl«d^ Way.
life a - |>er ivul discount, duu'l yout'j
tg maant of toqnlrtoa." After eoamer. e,ot#(e of to teat tha aultablllty of
Her Voice.
-Will yoW^onus to
tbe old man
-•We do. -'Ir,' Mk) the elerk. •lMlt| ''
aang tbe Diahapa that befell talia on Cromarty, on Moray firth, na a place of-Tbe
"You any *be baa her v.-li-e uu<ler he ytrur lawful weddi-d
..Id man paid, tucked tbe Btet.-h • •'*“1
to ber noae a
only on initvhurev of $1 ->r over.'
•Modht of mtoplacing tbe tltlaa ^ aoeborage for big »hlpf and li»|
per“Thafa wbat 1 towed I wr»mid."
under bU arm and carrii t It ... ...
•T»a tbe eouuler lay a iiaaket <if |iOck- ^ perfect ct««itro| c'
-titohd.- -hooa« frtmid." "bonef* erentnal nae at an auxiliary naval
‘-Will you love, honor and otoy berP
el eomha uu>rk<-d at S re-ita apieve. ;
1 •-Quite."
•an." -dams.- -madam." -mr.- "iwaal- j*,,
tbe one belag developed
Tbeo why doewa'i .be eboke It at- ".Mu i you r>i that *wu.he.taroaito.
bim oui-ildc.
- Well. I ll Ju.t take -me <g these.'
toart" ote.; ha aaya naively that be Roaytn, oo tbe Firth of Forth
BOmetliuear'-tVa.blngon Herald
; pan-.n :' mW tbe toiderr»wu:
-•But I did wtwng not to biggie r
was wlthlB a foot of^rdabtag down a
------------------------. uit dear, reall.v"- be pnMeM- aeid tbe farmi-r. •Tbafll make ua
••JohH.''-»ald ;bi- bride eh-.-l. ' ihtot
t’emet .ivcrheard b|ni sty. '1
pcedplee by caUlng anotber "forThe One Id...
you rw kon the i•a^>uB kuww. hu boto
inlgbl have gut It for a fnioc.' ‘
A oidn who wmi aummuiied .'or la-at-' Bto*> Anaprer tbe nueatloeA
* -Wban yoa rtSect upon tbla anbiect"

•ir.*' aald tbe bridrgr.Miti uMk■
In tbe
nuan btoine u,w>n bU u.otber Ui law and vaa
“* »wckno I I! have to. - iitonto
» . . _____________ _ ____
Attraetad AHaMiaa.
century tbe u->m w> puwnfiil
rblded hr tbe l-et-cb fur hU tuik of, •-■■totltutlou.
«vii« ii-'biua uiii'-e tUali the
|T^wtoa’frw*atben' barm and do
f>ne feature of tbe big I.ualtanla. the
^ taeBot to obaerro daewrnm oit ar- Citoard t.irblae ocena liner, which at
-1 nnitl bare a fur overcoat,' anhl thoughtful prmwot. I nder the we.,,
arr occaatoa. Is tba measUma yoa trwHcd orowda when *lie wat
■bay If yoa plaaaa coaaldar tbe yaat lotpectlon. wat the oatomilic Iif'buoy the hunter
“T aald the p*-*w«e .ginst baee a
“.Vh-ce-llerewlth I return lb.- box
tamortanca of aaiwlto tnim wban »blch U fattened between deck* ou a
of abarlng aao,. you »eut me. I aIbtra la no one ao laeadaMerable hot atootln* frame In tneb a way that II
•Bome boura later, to a lonely wood.
»'*> >“ nM.rc late the joke of toU also a T"'~t It torn Influence.''
t'**’ be releaied by tbe prett'ire of a
the panther and tbe hunter met.
|ug reganlcd a« a bearded tody. \ouThe Prlhoon Biabatb to an an- button on tbe bridge, aayt the New
•• Aba.' aaM tbe burner gayly. level- bunt. HeW.v."
datod M*— from -Baifllde"
by Tork flon.
tog bla riu. -bere to my fur overcoet.'
Tb*-ti. but ..uly for
On rweb end of the four armt of
“Aud be ahot but the panther, Oodg- wM little
tl»winA«« tbe omroUy worded aplaUa large traai shaped frame- ork la n . .
—- ____ _____ -•
Blth: -A»d thtm I will (tro- •'
" »o tvelphtcl tog U-btad a tree, eacaped unhurt.
moat that when the buoy atrlkea the water
“Then the pautber rvabed forth be.
■atostlc I feiel'end with
A Oraadful Aaasult.
tbe buntcr could reload.
iMnaMs tbanksa. beaocblng
^ ,
.fnatlte Bail, ati Iri»h Judge,
to towarn yoa to bto bosor. to yonr
are fattened long brattjfyllr.dera
Holed fur bto i tURlSg luanlfi-atatlo;.-


Somt of tho Anoient Styloi of
Royal SakiUtion.






._..._ ...... .«*..»

J. W. MiUiken’s

. Toor Maleatto'a moat taambi* sto
•t Ftox tolto wk aaya tba alder DIB
It night it>r ofllrer on the brider hunter getting bto fur overcoat nnd tbe
naU. that Utoto WOTS aaually addieaa____________
pro*»e* ill- Im'Pm the buoy i,.'* ih- pautber getting hit dinner.
M by tba tltlM
to most
_________ gSVtffTVf fftoto- Tbs.ap-’ water niwl the light* Car. up If il—
The CAoeh and Peov C«ne.
ytm... ^ jogr majMty was Wtob- man overhoard U a awlrntrer be
of wti: b
Amoug tbe many records of Barrow
Em by that Clberlns of Fnaea. toseb tbe buoy to
aM te kpe],:t.jr aebool la that of a AoT. the ooa of a
I Xn, wbaas manasrs ware of loops are ausebod
Tbe ship also a poor local tradesman In b very amatl
M«ff Mtaio- So dtottoct above water
, way of baslneaa.
ffan mm tba Bttoa of Ugtahaaa aad, mark to guide IL
often taunted bUn about bla family
iDaBM Ihto wboB Dos ^oas. broth
I poverty. Tbelr tbougtatlM Joera, alm of PUi^ It. w pormltM to uto

fa* hurtlut ....
bU feelings, draw
the Uttar and tba dty of Granada
& tba
torn aao yoor hlgbneto It i
yulto hte
Hat had boa

wUlch n man f,-r r.> the I...uh- ..f a i.e.r «l l..«
firu w-Itui“x wu* tie- -uuua <lm:ghtcr
of tbe willow, who |,h-ullt'.«*l *le- prionci a* tin- iiiau nh» bad eui.-n-J thbintoc and wniaabod ber luuther'w cli,->l
“lyu you My that the priiixuvr ui
r broke >«>ar uiother'e i hean" waki
the JiMge In aajontohmeiit
"He .lU. u,y lord." ou.wvrcd ih.- giri
..11*. I............. ..I ... I, .1
"Hv Juu.iuM on It till «...
he .lua-li.-l I*

L.arge and Small
Best assortment ever shown in the city.

1 te It to would


inflx lUaatrloas tolongod only
toMS who had mada a apiaadid ivotB*
in U anas or te Utton.
^ Spate tto —•

mm te"ii^ a Bniw ttot Philip lit

gpnitoivivi u act which forbade aarrlto
mA itdlcatooi attribataa. rednclng
to tbe llmida -tto king our lord "
indla^ BSd laotona were high
mmm oBly. PraBda I. who atylod
HmsU tto Ant goaOemaa la hU kin#
aatetad Bcaiy TILL as yoar majtosttc aoeoMti to Ibt kingdom of MoMtootapa. -a aatteo Afileas klngdteD
iP-- for Its gold Bteoa. lyteg te
town CBmtool boMn oad chiefly
Ste pnant MttoheoaUDd. nokteg
3 ttU ngUB U aarroanded by ma_____ I aito pootA who thrive te hU
BiBWphtoo hhd who odoUto him by
^ toM flattertao as tto Ucd
«d o<
a. gnat magtclaaand
,nto kteg of PortU la eatUd •branch
to tonom telrnr of vlrtae. tooe of dol^kt* BU majooty to Ara U called
«od and te hU
otytoo blmeelf kteg of kings
jate npoB being obeyed, as be
to tto ptaiirvattoo of animals
• •
to which
jMt Bo U aUo reguUtor of tbe «tggoa. tho aboointa master of tbe ebb
ad flow to tto MO. brother te tba
ga and kteg to tto foor and twtBty
abrtltea. To mart Us dignity tto
IgBr and twenty naafnl a&d ofiea pietolan arOcloi are always carried tofliro tto auguat mooarrti.
to Arttete a» *ooTi«lgn of the
Ttm. wbooe body U as lumlnooa as
flto son. wbom God created to ba aa
annplUhed as tbe moon at tor plen«a Otar: a king as ^lUltnal aa a bail
to nond. wbo when bo rlaco abadea all
^*'tto age of Aagnatotea “your eter
BBjr and “yonr perpetuity'
d tltloB. A Uw of Tbeodore U»
bogina. -If any nugtetrate. after
coMfloded a public work, pot
. pgttoty.' Ut him be adjodgtd guilty
Hgh troasmi." When Caeaar bad con
.Mar#Bom sod waapot todtoc with
•la gods bo bad tbe good taste to teM 00 M removal of taU bow ttUe.
nflemlgod." tram bU atatiM at



on sale at a saving of 25 to 35 per cent, thus enabling us to make this Sale the Bargain event of the year.

Challenge Prices

The Cloak, Fur and Skirt The Season’s Greatset
Sale of
Our T)ry Goods Dept.^
ChaUenge Sale

Gap Bpevia] for Wooi(>n, Miuca and ChUilren.
in Besrakin, AatraCiian. Angora. ChpvioU
andNocehy Clotht.........................SSctoflJS

A lot of short lengths of Silks, suitable (or
Waists ami Shirt Waist Suits, worth up to
isoo per yanl. sale price....................................89c


:55 pietos Kow Foil Suitings in pipnlar plaids
am) checks leading sbsdi-s. per ) <1. 24 and 48c

I’ntiimmed Hats, medinm ard large tbaiieo. in
Moibrooma. Sailors ati<! Fiaroo. in Fel a ami
• VelveU. for..........................................

Double fold Fall Peroales. dark pattcmc. per
yard................... ........................................................... 8c


9 -1 wide robleacbed Sbreting. while il W
pef y»rf ..........................................

Ladies’ and Misses’ Dreas HaU that oell in axclnsive millinery storea for $8 and SS.oO. Cliallenge Bale pric«.................................................$1.96
A New York Importer and Manafactnrer s»nt
Qfl 95 Beantiful Pattern Hats at Less than
Half Price. Boaulifulaa only Pattern HaU
oan be, trimmed with rich Ostrich Plumeo.
Fancy Wings. Flowera etc., in th<» correct
tone* of Plum. Given. Brown. Navy and
in black. $15 and $19 values, while tber

last.............. ...........9S.9S and 98.48


Lnlies' Tsilor Made Suite, pla/n and fancies,
both long and short CoateTslo

ua:«- »7 00 d™. skim. ix»otit,oij



Styge., Broiofcknh. .od No.oUr
Soiling., to. nuioy .tjle. to J»ct,be ‘1"' ^
tails, sale price............................................. 84R8
Women-. .odMiuc Long Co.u, trimmed io

50 piece* Light and Dark Outing Flannel in all
the Fall s 1‘laids
Plaids and Checks, for. per

Xo-elty Braid., li.n.i n. w.i.i .ith Vooitian
. Cloth, .-low litting neek.. orlli
00 for fSa?
Imiution tliiachill. S. ailt and Thtom. WTO

Cotton Crashes. r<-d bonier, per yard................. 8c
Niokli pUte«l Safety

Pins, with guai^s. ^

A box of 40 Mourning Pins for............

Bargain Givers to the Masses
dnam l bad about your caae. KJ

Fine Hue of Childrens Coats in Aalnnhau.
Plush and Velvet. Zibeline. pWu and curly
Bearskin, in the newest Fall Models. $"-'>0
\-aluos. Challenge Sale prior.....................84.98

Itlack For S»rf .ith ohaio, tail, and oln^
sale pries..........
............ •8*

J. W. FdtwcU & Co. ot Chicago
Sold us at a great retloctionslltb. ir samples anti
bioken lines of Hosicrj- for Mon, Women and
Children, in Fleece lined. Wool CashmereB nnd w-jHh 2hr. :V^ and -W-. sale F'«

lOc, 12,18c and 28c
MarsbaU Field A Co. of ChIcDgo

8oM ns at :i;t' per oeut. di»count all tbeir tam.
plesof Meoi. Womens. D/ya and Girls npdCTwear single garmeoU as well as onion •««*»«
wool and fltw lined Value* range up lo i-1.00
Cbmllcm.’,- Sal- price—

19c. 29c. 78c,
W:oim n'B Fh-eoetl Lined Ribbed Cnion 8^
S|iecial pri?e........................................................... 96c
Infants Siik Bee) and T-x Ctohimere Hoae,
vahi-i. Sa\- price p r |«ir.
One case lien's Fh.foe Liii"d 1 'ndenriwr, shirts
iwerstj omteb
match. All
.411 .i».
t-iMut-nt in the mark'-t fo............- —............. 29c
We plac<- oa sale Mail's Brown Wool UnderwMr
plSshhaik. fljHDiAluefor.......................... 79c



>, T»A!>msAV. ecTDKK H Her.

I« «w
yavr' eUmakee.

mt«( tk* vr>-'h* weu Mdar emiBc. Nor. ut.| Him Boar Darr. of ThonpaoBTflle. emmd that ba la aa AMHran aad land no tUaa far aaaaaMat dvrlac
Yafk, Oot &.^Katp
•* the tovn kaO. All ara cortlally apast eiraday vttli Dr. aad Um. baa Barer beta BataraBnd ta br the work. '
kaada caat and kaap jmr manay In I
kaaptanri Hivan.
! lavlird to atiasd.
; Grrtory. Sha tatitraad to bar aebcxi : btOd.
I . on atm* Hallowe'en
<iia banka.” mt4 4. P. Margan «l;la'
Terk, Oat C.-Tha toaga at
A-Bmnbar of Drawn paopla altaod- work at TbomMoerUia today.
A woman 7i yearn oM mad aecnaed came
breaking up a reoepUon at
”A p«1c la an HoHalmaaa.
boaaa cartMcMaa all orar ^ ^ banqaat at Uonraa Caotar SatMra. C. M. Parker and daughter. at FMIhaB. Engtand. of latoxleatioa the bouse of Mm. Anna Homer, at
urday erenisg.
ftaekaraOar U playinj golf at
Elizabeth, bare returned from a visit land dlKOrderiy conduct, aaid ah* had Saginaw, where her daughter. Mafy.
Bd. OalBB. of tadlOBa, la rlaltlBc at In
Ma aaya tha arartl of 9i1.000.MK> of Import (old haa olrea
and Manloa.
been ‘'keeping up" her motherh birth- and Lawrence Hengetebark. wbo
tka alarm la avar. No ana %»ill ba the dralrad aaanraoea In the SoaacUl
day. Her mother
were married at 8 o'cloek Tuinday
aartaualy fwft If thay kaap thairMada ottnatlon
I WltUam Campbelt. of Stlrer Uka.
A ataUatleUn. fond of odd Egnma. night, were receiving ihrtr friends
Ilf morlBC toto Mia. Ada BUard'a
aaya that there Is a dally tons of not Boys placed wash tubs over tbe ehlmAERSMAl.
' lean than «900.(>0(» in New York city neys of the bo-zse and the goetU
Braatha Hyamel'a Tanle Haallng and
Naw York, Oct.
ayY Record.
were ‘'smoked out". The boys also
through tbrdts and ebeatlng.
Mia Fathar Daad.
Se Cured af Catarrh.
SImpaiii aiaai la iina dwrlag tha
«tsta Deputy CUik. of tha Modem
A learned man In Loudon In attack palated the bouse In bright eolom.
Oaorpe White recMred ward MonNature has a remedy for catarrh, a
aa tha Oaliar bank «a> and nlgw Bmtbarfaood of Amerie*. ii m the dty
wniam While. treatment
that U far better than dos log the r
wMhairt M aridOL Ma aaliapaad to­ In the Intaraata at the brder. bavtnc
pauad away at bia borne
says that this
day and «aaa takan to Uneain
arHvad yeatarday mftar«aoD. He «U1 AUagaB. He left tbU moralBC to alU the boating oils and balsams dutte minraon among tbe idlou.
work Orand Tmverta. Manlttee. Baa- ,end tbe foMm]. aeeampa&ied by hU of Hyomel which medlcatea the air
SUte Nowc.
Alt greet men bsve bad tbalr dooyon breathe, reertalng tbe miKt re­
ak avar tha aoun- cip and LaeUnau oaBstlaa.
UttaMn-ltw. Mra. Myrtle White. The mote nir colli tn the nose, throat and blea. and John D. Roekefaller Is no
ti \V Millar of ML Pleapaut haa
tiy aay «vt tba Maw Yoilc paida ia
Mra. W. B. Spear and nan laft thia deeeaned wn« *» yearc of ago and a lungs, killing all caUrrbal germi. and exception to tbe mie. Tbe man who bought the Hotel Pem at Alma.whlch
'laaBU Tbof* la m awaaaiaaaa any
reftoring hesllh to the mucous mem- ao cloaely rewMublet tbe Standard Oil
WBIUm. Canada, plooeer of that region.
he will manage hereafter. Mr. Miller
liner vlntUiiK her daughter. Mm. Boomagnate that he is at 8r«t taken for was formerly a traveliag aaleaman.
nett. wife of the Rer. T. E. BenDot).
the latter wherever be goaa. is Hon.
Steps have been taken looMug to
Maw York, Ort- 20.—The WMHama- of BttUonf Bay.
natiinl remedy.
gives a.camtive joilah Bell, of Eureka. Cal- one of the formation of a retail dealera' as
harg Trwat Co. ana of tha larfaat
the most widely known nnd highly soclailOD at Jackson. A. S. Glasgow
a right foot Tuesday atU-moon bv. s 1 as powerful healing,
aaneama In eraaklyn. auapandad to­ this morning after a visit with friends
Isentle esteemed old-time
M chairman ol the. committee to
local phyalcUn. which became cm- effect aa that found
iuud in
it the moutiialtw
day. Inability to gat ready caah waa in the city.
pine forestli give off their PacIBc coosl. Curloiisly enough. Mr. frame a plan of action.
badded In tbe Sash a week ago last
etvao Ba tha raaaan.
Mra. fJU Pllklns. of Honor.
fragrant and
Id healing bsi_____
Bell airo U a etplullit. bring a re­
Tha BaraH^ bank branchaa arantad this morning for Orand Rapids where> Sunday. Chamberlain was banting i]' Breathe tbe Invigorating aod bealtired banker, alihongb It U not re­
company of Bay City has just porta banww esdSI.QOO trmf the Ouer- .h«'wiii .nnW w
I*”** *
•"^>11 Hyomei nnd see how tjolckly you
|they Stood their guns agalnw a tree, am get relief from your caurrhal lated that hU fortune la a dupllcalc chas<>d from ih>- C. H. White Lombar
BMy and Trwat CO. bdtSahan fta df- ahe^ll make bCT f^ura
of Mr. Rnckefeller'a. He U described
eompany ot Boyne City, 1J80 acres of*
na adOdH, thay
T. of Lcland, are the guests of Mrs. , anocKuig loem over ana one went, off.
» seen so many cure*. e\-m of the womt as "a gaunt. Arm-faced man of arvikooeking them over aod one went off.
offensive breath,
timber land In Montmorency, eatl-'
fuaad U loan. Aa aflaira am aa bad.
enty .Mld.“ of a geuUl dlppo.lUon'.
Bmbant today.
• shooting Chamberlain In hii right ,
mated to contain feet of
tha taMk.Mrill nat apan again. A larga
The AtehlaoB. Topeka A SanU V-Mm. B. Cook left ihto momlag
root, and/taring the toe of hii left dropping, in the throat and spsamod
standing timber.
crowd gMharad n aaon at tha nawa
Twin Mountain.
^ A^the time the phyaldan Ic coughing, that they fell warranted railroad hat sent the minager at it-i
The Home Telephone Co.
J. H. Johnson, of ManUtea, paasod was miable b . loeate tbe abot. hut It
they feel wai--------- - lie and timber departmenL^a^ O.,
Faulkner, on an exploring Jo^ey »'*”»'»•
bv the eommon
Hawaii. Japan aod Australia, to atudy,« >“•
*“ »“ *«»
and thia aftemoon i a removed.
ft. They take all the risk.
tbe eucalyptus In those couatrtea. 1
» fmbchlae. ha. a
left this afternoon for Petoakey oe
The SahU Pe rallmsd has a tbous-i««>“«
Oanaral News.
Cenami Newt.
*“‘'Post AuatlQ. OcL 28.—Tbe Bihlng
Henry J. Daveen, who not long ago
J. C. Johnaon. deWedve oo the Para tug
Onudatone. paid more than 8S.OO0.OOn for the fa- which are Intended to supply leU*- ®“‘ competition,
Marquette, arrived In tha dty tbU homed at her dock this morning, mo-js Rudolph Krnin an collectloa. phone poles and railroad ties. Tl.ese
Cnknown partlea

Wateilegtem Oat f
‘ afternoon.
doing well, but U Is bon*.l *hat ■ *500.000 telephone company and
Captain Wood, her owner, wet bum- l^gan life as a blacksmlib.
mmay »m «r«l ba I
I In the
Mr. FBulkner can And sUll Uuer «-»r- propose to make a Md for a fran.
The I»n<lon Dally News notes that
Ml.. »
b-r. She was a new b»i and
®hlse at Kalamazoo. Several years
•U., UIU .0.. K

•vRa whieh are maeanalbla f*r tha ______________
sir OUl»rt
U o» H.m., «” •» .lt™« — »•«- te tt. Id“Smy- Svrica Wanted.
With flags la honor of
bCD that haa
D-ort,r wbo moDU.. to te-,. lb. b-WD‘™“ ■» «-i Ibio lb. taa. bol
Europe wolf from the door. Itesidea a ap'en- '*
dirt ho’ise In fashionable lj>t<don. h*Dreenrllle has already shipped llO.“f
to be the thief wbo stole tS.MKl' fma aecm to Indicate tha. mm
visit Vra. Margaret Moatatth.
PrtrvtdsneS. Oct
w /. o™.v - iimw.».k„r.
•"bkr.-as'.ry In Pbllad-liibls last r. rtl-.g t*<e practice ot medicine and has a bit of country real etiate. i»iat «» biwhels of potatoes this aewson.
—The UbIod
delights him it U a atone cottage ; The Michigan Power Co. will soon
Tm> c ih.
"" 1.
“«"»'■ "ttBihm ta tba dty. closed Its doom to„ ’ ^
recognised by offlrvra as the
‘t-hllc a Challey (btaglsad) laborer hum for ■ janting lodge by John of h««ta tne erection of a now steam
«ty Maeae of tba great atringanor . “r j
notorior, •‘Billy th. Kld ‘
m the act of vawT.Iag a w.sp en- Gaunt. The cottage Is ta Homi-stall. Po»er ptant on Orand street at the
tetb. saoim, maikat It.
Tart. Pa'aoo.
terrl bl. morth and otung hi. tongue. S-issea. only aa hourn' ride Iren. Lon toot of Ottawa atieet at Lanalng. Afdon.
ter this plant Is erecled nnd tbe new
'ffttjONAM With deports Of 121.000.-, fw. m.d Kate
**—Motrla H. SloAbo->t 70 pet cent of all the campower house at the dam Is completed,
oeo Of «Udi naarlr I12.00OJM0 U
Z ^^ke* tti.
ta'miB*n. swallowod a phor made U used In tho manufactAfghaetstan may some day be c
of the worid's greatest mtalug dis the old steam po«er plant 00 M'asbher home and died thlr morning. He
The army of American tourista ta W.U. n I. ..ODW ,D b... BID., « !'"•
T Db-DD-DWl.
000 ate onbtaet to ebaek. Tbay bava,,
lost bewvlly in the b-irts'St ventrres E--rnpc last season is estimated
rul'lce. topaz, lapis Uiull. marble and
“>•* ««>l?flng tm'n. orUct
‘ he hat been promoting la'cly
ether stones l-.n, lead, c-cp-'r nnil- f*”* «»“th at 8:26. was passing near
; IM.O'IV.
Marsdaa J. Perry.
this afternoon for m
r-ofiy and o“t - mtalUc arm; salplmr Kawkawlln tbe engine ran through a
I The Mcycle craze bss aUlatt rmt
sad tba rwltag spirit, was s
friends at Ttircb Lake.
flock of Plymouth Rock chickvftb tba OaUalgb Tbo
Medical Discovey
«"'can dty of Vera Cruz. iar.c- several f the earth> alkaline
Mm. r: R.
: nnd metallic Atlia. Coal Is alro fotmd «*»»- several were kiUed. BTien the
tbe Central Railway, of Georgia.
Edm'ind Clarence
bqen .pending tha mimmer te tba oily „
v.lui ' ta Manv Ham
tr.1 It believed to be ert--t.sivc mar train reached Bay City the engineer,
reached bts seventy-fourth birthday.
returned to Brazil, tad, thl. ooob.
•i'e Iran mlucu.
tn looking over bis engtae. however.
New Torfc. OcL 2L—Tba Dalted
One of the moat notable dlaeoreries ^
aocorumg w
Mias Plorraoe Mosler.
RtBtas Buhange tmnk poateAA aottaa

pcrjhed on the
3“»‘ !">■■«<*
7.000.000 mark, I tt-hll. ad-.-oc---„c cold n:«0s for
Mrs. E. B. Cutter and daughter. and one that undoubtedly appmls
more than anything elae to many peoTbe average depth of Qrillsb coal ehurchgoera on Sunday, the lies'. D.
Mtora bstaktag boon aBnoiuelng a MUs Carrie, wbo arrived July 2
“ •*«“**•
tiMpomry suapsBslon. also Tbe Bor- fc-,
ar^.s wintM. ..rf
C1‘>' *• t**® ®““- mine. Is koo feet,
-----------------------visit her brother. Medad Vinton, aad btaatlon of stomach remedlaa ta the
MsF.h>i rtv.m. i. nn.. ii>-tni- F. Ingram,, laetor ot <J.-«st Oakley ,
oitab Beak of BrooklyB.
Eplscopa: ni;-.» Essex. Rugland. i.Aeddenw will happen. Inn the boBtfrtaada and iWaUvaa at WUltaambarg
utUmmi. This prescripUoo'
•Tha tbraa banka vUcA aa^eadad

wwfc^ wondsra. and there Is
rslrt to *i.s..- -.T-cken In tiof golf
returned lo Chleago <
.........................................has 2.anyone suffering
New Torks
pmterday ramataed ctoaad today, bat
on Sunday for business men who ^i,d,
e butts.
weak stomach.
*43 birds,
Mra. H. Coy. of Midland, wbo has'
ipon tbe mi ‘ Instead of being In tbe custody ot
want with I I W>Bbuitr or teas to boen spending tbe summer rasertlng elm of the
"(he trusted body servant' of Jefferleft ihbi noon for Bay aty for
of the son Davis, with the tajaactim never
Women and man remataad all nlidtt with
to reveal lu wfaereabonts, It Is nosat tba doors of tba ColonlaL Ltaooln.
Roy wolfs, wbo baa ban apendtar
and the Trust GoiBpaBy of Amarietu oevaral moatba at Norihport, pasted ting from tho food
Ahte Dolar Baak. to withdraw today. l^mgh the Hty today on his way to that U necesaary ft beaUb'and'n* eoutliern confederacy Is ta pcs
|ot Miss DcHe Ulaeksbfar. of
roe es wi.. p—
to Join his mother. Mrs. B.
symptoms of Indigestion are eraas,
aueb as distrass
| Paris has a new kink. It Is putllng
tag. flatulence, heari-buru. sick head I *
acbes. dlzzlneiis and Irritability. These
modeU ta tailors show ulndoss,
bf tba poUoa and has drswB
litM Birsady. Other bBBks
Grawn, OcL 28.—Mra. Chaa. Palmar
was a Traverse City caller Saturday.
Mtas Ida Johnston spent Sunday at time.
. kanaas Oly. Oct. 28.-Tha Bankers
{ 80 poalilve arc the good effects lol
Tim Go. ehiaed lU daota this foew- Buckley,
Algernon E. Sartorlz. ibe grandson
•can. ft ta aald tbe dtaappaannee of
spent Sanday here callldg on friend*.
absolute guarantee to r.- of Don. Grant, who resigned from the
J. M. Brady, ot the Metchanu
Dave K. CajnpbHI-------- "■------------ --hi* mother's request, when
Mgeracor co„ was partly tbe canae. City eaUM- Snuday,
ordered to the PblMpplnes, has enter
W. R. B'ood. the treasurer. aay>
Charles B. Johnston and Mtas An­ Oct. 24-31
od the diplomatic service lut
tba cBoaa ta tbe faalt of tba tfaBriag derson. of Buckley, wera Drawn calllary of leagtlon at Monterledo. I'm
bone wbo reftieed to Issue eertU- era Sunday.
■ Recoril.
cates and would not pay on call with
Joe Schmitt, better known to hla
There aie a thousand acres of subsaw U-fc tl
msrinc coel mines being worked
friends as Josepber. the atar ball
sylvana. Wash,, where she
Nm On ewaeia Bank.
^tdier 01 the Drawn Potatoe Dtggm.
^er children and make her home ■™ntd Cape Breton. The character
Ohieago. Oct It —A n» »• •**«• dug
and picked up 113 buahaU of po* permanently Hn. Bouraaw bps tax
•A na tba HlbSTBlBB Banking aasoela- utoes ta
day. Now who can best chlldran in the west, one at StatUe ^hB^lco ihom to l>e worked without
Mob Bt m Moaroa attest today. It that for a day's work,
and the real at Sylvana.
I l^rfcreacc from the water nborc.
la 'Hfarded as tbe atrongaat state
mus Tberwa Crandall
s Trav­
Miss Mollle Smlseth and cousin K O**"®”’"’**’"* *" *•*«
tl^aUoB tn tbe efty,
erse City caller Saturday.
Oena Gunderson left this monitag for '«>"•<
»*>st drixera of truck*.
vans and wagons are the largest con
in Bath,
Mra. Milton Harr attended the road- Q^^^d Rapids
■Bth. Ma, Oct 28.-A nm waa tag circle at Traveme City Saturday. [ Jira. T. E. Bbachan and daughter, sumers of spIrUoss llqnore of all
tn tbe city.
taartad on tbe Batk Trust Oo. and It
fire caught ta one of the C. l~
Margaret, who have been spendTbe name of J. 8. Sargent, the ar
was foroad to cloae Ua doora today. King Co. log pilea here Friday
tag the past mouth as the guests of
Tte eompany was asteblUbed ta 1102. tag. Muslag quite a IltUa excitement. tha Rev. Fr. Sbeehan. returned thia aat. bos been struck off the Loadon
HeUday PreelaimedThe Udlas formed a bucket brigade taonitag to their home ta Bay City. municipality voting regletev on the
OkUboma City. Oct. r .--Aetlng and helped carry water i
‘ Esther
Oovereer PalaoB today pr -lalmad a their aaatotance the Are was aeon „olher home and will spend a abort
MMar for every day thU •ask. The -udar eontral.
tlma as her gneat
banks wfll be dosed and lo notes beTbe Gleaners will give 1
E. McNamara left this morning for
Detroit and will also visit at hii dd
hme^ Cbeloea and other potuta.
B. P. Bums left this morning for
Dnsway 00 a busloesa trip.
Mia. C. A. Jones, of Orlando. Fla
win leave for her wtater home to­
To know that we have '-jcured
morrow aftenoon. She win be actbe sale ot Eastern taanufoceomponied hr Miss Chapin, who wilt
turera' Itaet of
remain with her this winter.
Mr. and Mra. John Olln. of Oroad
A most complct eand up-to-date
Rapids, who have been visiting Mrs
Fred Lsrdle. left this afternoon for
and newHtt designs, no old
n abort vtoit with friends at Eltastock, but all bright and new.
Because of the air*
wortb before returning home.
freoh and clean, dlracl from
tight package and
Mra. Fred B'aroer returned to her
These prlcea
glasng of pure sugar,
hOBta ta Kewadlo this
from two to ten
nttendlnc tbe funeral of her daughter.
yards each, and consist ot Out
Mrs. Anna Hoelet. Mra. Warner took
tag FlsnneU. Checked Apron
tbe Infaut left by her daughter ud
Otaghoms. Fanc.r Dress Ging­
will keep It with her.
hams. Percalea. Prints. Towel­
Melvin Shng went to Petoskey this
to you fresh, rich and dean. Every pACbf
ing. Certain Goods, etc, mil at
afternoon for a visit with friends.
csBtainB one faU
pound at really food coffiee —property
Money Saving Prices.
Mrs. >. M. Payne and Mra. B.
naatod and blended—tmtfbrm te quality and Savor.
tVat^ onr Bargain Counter,
Adsley left this morning for a week's
as many new things wUl appear
McLAuaHUH-s XXXX CoppSB aold by
visit wlib friends at Grand Rsplds.
to day.
Um. Agnra Burden returned to
WUllamsbnrg thta afternoon.
Mra. O. G. McAllister went to WIUUinthurg this arterooon tur a abort
rtsli with friends

Better Thia nedicee




^ Ifotable

H Bhaeid Nat Hava Ended Thea
RMlag aarth 00 a .VortbweMam a«*
aae ear. a ywuig inaa allqwaa hlBuatf
ta becema annoyed at Tbe evodnet of
tbe roodocur. The li
Bclal -seemed to be In a horry. Ha
was maktsg It a pncilce to glvo tha
"lea go" algnal More allghiiBg paaaangm wate fairly on tbe gmoad.
Ooce or twice be bad frightemd w«aOB lo this manner, and many an angry
glance followed him as hh car homped onward.
Near FUleaath street the asBOrad
young mau aroae to Move tbe car. It
stopped and be started to swing oSf
the mnulag board.
• Ding, dlugr
The riinductnr had Jerked tbe beU
e«ird. Tbe y oung man. amne mad ath­
letic In build, could Bare dropped o«
without cEort. bot be didn't iBMead
be reached up aud Jerhed tbs Iwll c«td
a single Jeit. Tbe mr. tn the act of
Catherine momentum agal^ atorvad
manded the coodnciur.
"I'm taking Ibe lime too slmuld have
gltra to those ladles.' auawered tba
sthlelk- yiHitig uisQ. with a-watjsAsd
gnu. TUea ruolly. rarerully. still grtnBing at tbe augry maidnrtar. be ata|>pad aS^ntu a puddle of dirty water.
It sboold not have been so. hot tbs
mdurtor had tbe last toBCh.-ladteB-

-Tss." baastad tbe fortuBe bantlBg
«o«mt ‘YU of onr ok.' family castias
arara oe blgb mountalw. My aneoatte-j
BU Uvad oo big blaOs.”

The Wsfwt Ha Had.
“Than ron bam oever had adocm
ttaual advBBtagaar aald a good wesaaa to a amatl b^.
”Na. mann. not aa I kaowa of. Tvo
had alryalpllti. If what you said te
wora’a tliai 1 don't want (0 ketch U.”
• bcfwe that a woman can drtvw. Mr«.
Doylo-Thara a tad of berm, getttag
thtags lbs con drive. Bar bnabaad la
that ktad of a maa.-Ncw Task Prsai.
I bate a tbtag dons by balvta. U li
ba right do It boldly: U It ba wroar.
Ware It ttndo&e.-Gllidm

Basswood, popei. white birch, ptao
and balsam bolt i. 6t laches iosg;
from lour laches ta dbuneter up. Will
pay btghoat market price, dellvarad
■al mill or on any railway aldrirack
wlthla a radius of Afly mUos. Ad­
dress. ”

J. A. CARON « €•.
Traverse City. Mich.

143 Cedar St.


Men’s Fur Coats

*‘‘™D' ?‘‘-. Sr^.^.b — r““ * »e'.
... Sr Tb.
rSb bl

Men will find our assortment of fur coats one of
th# most complete we ever carried we have elim­
inated from our stock everythin# but what we know
to be good reliable goods, buying only from houses
that we know can be depended upon. We have a
very strong line of the following.
Black Dogskin. Russian Calf, Calloway
Brown Calf, Wallabys and Wombat,


These come in both plain and trimmed and in
price from $20.00 to $35.00.


Fur Lined Cpats are attracting the attention of


MUitMin xm (Mhe
AD First-Class Grocers


A l Ladles Will Be

They are not only the nnost comfortable but are
also a very dressy cnat.
We carry these In stock from $38 OO to $ 100.00.

We also take orders for these coats from $ 100 00
to $300.00.
Our line of Cloth Overcoats Is the most complete
we ever carried and embraces everything that Is
right in overcoats, prices from $6.00 to $30.00.



1^. ■

I THumoAv. tenmn it. mr.




Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound

fmeriy a ettteen of Grand Trav­
erse coonty. and from ber gathered

iab I
lot II

•eof Trav. i. Ill
. . _ . ___ Ity. t1
Darld M. Skidmore _ . _ .. awakened « been dealt.
Crotafr and wife, pareete. aae. St, T. more, so I have ventured to write
this. Perhaps some vt your readers,
ElUab Porter to Oeorga Howe. hM
former pupJls or friends, may be
8 end 1». blk. I. of
to respond to some of my qneri
Fbrty-one years ago this fall
tramps from Glen Arbor to Travel
City and aaw (or t^'hrat time from
Mlw Ad. CeiLpben attended tbe Ramsdell hill, that mo« beautiful
ate teacher^ meeUng at BatUa sheet of water. Grand Traverse
•» thereafter 1 cc
Creek tbe tee. -f »he week.
duties ef
Hr. and Mra. l->i Martin are eater“ye aaclent i
id never
talifliig Ura. Flora Damply and
InterestSmalley of bare I met plrasanter.____ ________
lag aad resboAsIvc class of young
people than tboee wbo for two years
Mra. Maerndy te emoylng a
I that old building tor Indays' flilt from her daughter. Mra. gathered In............................................




lity (or • dMffa(«r^
ata with the notbar.
e and tba Isioria of *1U1 InterMt to

r ‘■arJisfr'j.;
mUob wbieb

iMiwd tba ■BoeaM of muty * bmtif«l giti.

• dR^tk»*^au!q^^^
or townr Uvfco. oroa dl^ deadra for
aaittodai wben aba ta a syataiy to
honalf ud frieoda, bar mothar

nakteiaa VefrtabU OompDnH wbaomy
partoda wtn labikaad aid ao« .1 an
p^lHr walL Mama myt *a rat ba
oBd ^ b taklnc
taUiic tt DOW."
NUa Qara E. Damatadtar, of m
■■Ftr oboot a ye^ axeapidolac the
ItbaplMawto taDyoa l*at Lydb E

MPta Md CbaT «m at thU Uma

SMTlte. nitta»r>
•a tei« baHN hot doom h ov WWB

tefala^ldninttettHt food any cona
toaraynOmr. AByoBadMtrOgtolBKnr
farlba ddaib nar^toataandl obaU
basted to (lire tbna.'
If yo« know of any yowir girl wbo
te aielc aad aeada motbarfy adrloa.
aak brr to addran Mra. Piakhan. at
Ltbd.Maaa.. aad tell ber rrery detaU
of her armptoma. and to keep aothtag
back. ^ »m Moelre adrlee abaolately free. Irotn a aoaree that baa do
riral 1b tba eaperieaee of womaa'a
nil, aad It wUl. if followed, pat bar
oe the right rood to a atzoog. haiatby
Lydia & Plnttam’a Tei
Compoaad bade from natl


Ho otbdr remedy baa aacb a leot^ of actaal oorea of feo^e

fik.' IbooMB^ of womeo rending in eveiy part of tbe United
........p ,_______
of Ly^
boar wilHng
to toe_________
wondemu1 virtue
S. PinUinm'e VegataUe Oompoond and what it haa done for them.
Lfg»£. Pkkiu^ TcgmMe Caapina. a WoMt’t Re*dj for WaW< tat.
Tba Mlaaea Bardga ond Orant apeot
■nardv in Traram^Ctty.

A receptton vaa tMdered tbe Re*.
W, D. Roblnaon of the M. E. rhui
rrtday la Tramaa City.
st tbe borne of Mr. iand
. 0«o.
a Pktert of LaUnd apeot
the day
s ronderla tova on hnainnt.
stldk of
Mil. llartto baa ntanad from
I, Bandwicbe«7~pickles
• served. Mr. RoblnMr. hM Mra. P. Warxtai
lenda during
Tbnvday last for a> coaple
being very much appreciated.
William Grom and family and Oscar Dame returned t
d yesUrandw^M# atd famUy' morad terday. after baring spent a week
walling for fair weather.
te Travwia City oo Batorday.
Tbo oar/any nude an «tt« trip
Rkt U.
1b MaalaUghe aad Mgh lalaad yeatorday.
Real EaUU Transfsra
np a BlU.'
Oarlbo and oon ^aat tbe
day to Trateree V«iy.
tlw Re*, and Mra. Bardga of AIdee arrirad.................................
tbla orealBg for
• a _ few
daya’ atay wKb tbMr dao^ter, Mra.
d.- P. Malbewo:
B1 Bordaaox eotarUlood

Nellie A. SImonds to H.
son. ate of lot 4. blk. 9.I. H. L. f
1st snb division. t700.
Robert W. Ryon and wife to Oea
H. Jackson, parcel of lot d. blk. 9,
H. U A Co.'s m sub dlvfaita. fllOO.^
Emery Rice knd wife to the Lutl.
IngtOQ Woodemsn Oo., parcels, sec.
17. T 18. R 11.
ORppw. Ihe eeeaMoa
Earle J. Case and wife to B. P. Say­
lor. wte fit sete. sec. 14. T 26. R 10.
T^a Wonaa'i Clab will ftert at the
Wm. ^key sr, to Rudolpb L. Bosbona of Mra. D. H. Seott oo WadnaaRay aftoTBooa.
*obo*'* **
Min Volte Bpaaglo la able to be
' ' “ ■
~ . Boskey.
25. R ID.
_______MllUgan baa rMarned from
LedlBgUB and baa rented roomi in
W. H. Porter'a bonae for tbe wlDter.
/ Mlae Edith Danw wa*
Byron L. Lee and wife to Fay 8.
lot ]«. blk. 3. Baytide.
atarday erening. Hammond,
Wm. B. nerc* and wife to Wilbur
L. Holmes and wife, pari oflot 3. aU
. DeUdoaa refreab- of lot 4. blk. «. P. Hannah's 2nd.

... _


Mr. and Mra. Will Heldea of tbe
I to John L.
Frances E.
Park Place. Trarerae dty, and Dr.
, loU 28-29. bllIk. 5. H. L. A
and Mra. Mnaaon. of the Traverae Co.’s stb.
Jamra W. OauntleU to Bessie M.
aontletL lot 14. blk. G ^ H. L. A
cottage owned by >
Cak 7tb. loU 4. 5. 8. 7. and 8 Of blk.
Mra W. P. Robei
7. Baywide.
____ o
T ol wbere she atSmith Realty Co. to Oscar Simp­
1 the aUte (ederaUon of Wo­ son. loU 61 snd S:. Mk. 4. Of H. L.
w's dnba. She will gire ber report A Co.b 2nd.
Dan B. Carter to Vlrglnte U Car­
of Har ter, lota 43 and 44. Oak Hrighti add.
hoc Springs are the gneets ot Miu.
llfglnU L. Carter to John A. Rich­
D.^ 8^t
ardson. wl« 2-3 ft. of Mot 43 and
elS 2-3 ft- of lot 44 of Oak Heights.
John Homrich snd wife to Caroline
South Bend. InA.
E. and Lyman M. Horton, ete of swte
Clark Is la town c^ng -c. 7. T 26. R n.
M frteL_.
P. and N. A. Neteon snd O. A.
Mtes BthM Wltew spent Saturday
In TraverM dty.
Royal BIglow retarned from Chica­ nod. lot 9» ol
of Adslt's s
go teat week, where he spent tbe past
John W. Martin and wile to uav
B. Pratt loto 3. 4. 6. and 90 ot blk.
Tbe Cadlee' Aid society win meet Of Baykde.
-with Mrs. H. D. LesUe on Thnraday
Harrteon Speer and wile to A. 1
Speer, parcels In sec. 23, T 26. R 1
Tbe L. O. T. M. M. wUI
AHal- 1600.
■ towe'en social at tbrir ball on Tbnra
;omith Stltes et si to Wilber A.
day eraalng. All are lovUed. Short Stliee, ete of swW, sec. 27. T 28. R r


1%e Busy Housewife
U now eoBRRed in putting up preserves and pickles—
Arc you in a pickle?—Perhaps we can help you'some.

ScMlIwg Wu-Tmertc
MMc-MMStard-DUl Seed
Carry Powder-SpIces

Good fresh pickling supplies and reasonable spices


Olaifs Drug Store

tbe flrat of last week with ber friend
HIM Ada Campbell here.
HIM bertba Bacbl retarned to
•cbool at Bnckley Tuesday aftr
three weeks' racation. during which
the .aebool children helped Irglng potktoea.
Mtes Zells McVlcar learea> •<
tot Elteworth. where she wlb icach
Hra. Gilbert Frederick
Monday for Chicago. Itl.. after
ipeodlng the summer at Idlewlide
- k^ke. Mlaa Mae Admer wl^ them, returned to ber home
at Bedford. Ohio.'
Mtea Walburga Healey wm atweat
from school laatt week becaoae of 111
Oct S*.
Mra. Irene Shields baa gone to %'lrginia for the winter.
Mrs. Mary'Glbaon U vtelflng Mm.
Pease and other relatives here.
Hr. and Mra. F. Hulett attended
tbe funeral of their slaieiSn-tew. Mra.
W. Hulett In Traverse City. Sunday.
'Mlaa Flora Strickler of Traverse
City spent two daya here last week,
as the guest of Mrs. Clyde Hatha. Mrs. Witeon baa returned to
home In Traverse City after aeveral
weeks stay at the home of Blrnlc
Hra. Lydia Pease baa mwed into

I life has bean awh i
rer be forgotten.
Mra 8. C. Sbennan te very low at
(his wriUng.
Mabel Ripley and Pearl Curry
drove down from Travciac City, 8anMr. and Mra. F. S. Soars aad chU(tren s|<eDi Saturday and Sundsy In

given wJtfa
CRch Oothcraft suit or over*

__ .lly. Sr., wte
ioosly Ul test week. 1
brer visiting.
OcL ».


Miss Lydia StrOens of I>it Letend
lends In (his place.

A b a guarantee backed by
1 routable cooean -who baa
been making good dothes far
over 60 years.

but 1 would like once mon
nnie from CUrsgo. where *lbey have
the roll as best I ran from m -n> -y's
record, aad flrat. our pi
Mrs. D. A. Clevette was fa Cedar
class: Clementina and Pann P.
th hrr mllUnery goods Friday and
worth, called
abort. f-’erday.
Elira Corbie. Ehzabetb Paliaeoter,
. tbur Zlmmrrman Is apendlng a
Atel Hatch, and Calvin Langwortby. •y ds.v* St Long lake.
Also as quassl members of tbe class:
Miss Bertba Dull, wbo te teaching
Reuben Hatch, and
Id Perry Holds- school In Bast Empire spent Sunday
Holdtworth, called_ "Peg. ' ft
Another name that must not be for
gotten: Mary KnUek. bright boys spent Sunday with '
Iris, all
one* no le«f bright and praou-Ing.
Memory recalls but few Among the
few stand out: Willie Hnldswortb and
whose ntald-n
Ernest Hasting*, tbe former
atural US1
*. ws« l-orn Itl Now
artist, the tatter a machinist. I should York state, Jan. S. 1K5«'. and dW
Judge. - uealdea tboie named above her horn" near rrandtll'* mill. On
the cititens of .votir town greatly fm- inweship.
mT, aged ST
ishlp. Oct :r,. mt,
preset! me. among whom Aand ont 9
nnth.s nt-d S3 days. The funeral
un':;:», ruui.wns held at the home, the wrltei
your f
Editor. I ficiaUng. X’nderisker Anderron
id Merritt Bate*. I lupposc charrr. Tte- Inlerruent took place in
long since gone to their reward. I the Grawu cemetery,
Jess. Ccim. clear-brained. good-naMr*. Taylor had many friends, and
tun'd, not averse to a Joke and capa- *-ni ih m -ised. hm esiw-clally liv tti.ble of duly appreciating a good thing. - . . ■ hnsiu.nJ and throe eons
Perry Mannah. Ihe quia gentleraa

rjc irn: Imi It 1s a comfurl to
thmougha business
business man. Dr. A«L |: .
i -ou' High Priest la touch-<

the feeling erf our luHnnlId fi
E. W. Wood,
round u
and loos- up some of the old land^ ^
Sewing Machine.



f 'Sohs V$10to$25
Overcoats $ (0 to $25^


„ , .

Twenty fire thnunnd share*
a year for five year*. «.V»
Tbe laymen's i

sctMcrf dtp Conwojf.
Isays tbe Nf* Vortjekibe.. The hewy
by four eaunpo&bRaln'cables
.p« iiu^ WUB mnsi loroe ana
1 tbroe^uaru-r lucbe* te diaideter. bav
Injs an acgregaie weight of aboot 200
J to*. The four anebora between theca
; W I'igb tblny«lx tons. The rabiea IMT*
,« • • " the wrongtb of th««e used for
I '- 'r .g (be largest warship of tbe
'.I.V* navy, the II. M. & llreadotmgbt

wouderful land lu
(erhood of ntatrs. l,ds( SaMiaiA. I
dined with one ot my p.-irishou -:
(* would hardly be seen in the light
wbo regaled me with strawbv-rr'r
i ,*rvatiMi Sestet/a Nesrast Pad
and raspberries, fresh from vines
^hVt^'s the thread and
'lie WA-b-ty Women of ntlsburg are .
bushes. They had been using
as hard
tivea here over Sands;
t —iV •: llielr aei-u lo get Ihtn." aaM
strawberries *.....................*
, -t i ebureb
Mr. and Mra. AllanI Wlghl
As (hough it had been oiled with a would bs groat".
.nabie IVnn avODoe Bwdtele tbo .
llowa- banqu'e't »•'»' • P
pound of lard.
tended tbe 04d Fellows'
.rfbe- day to a rorrcs|iODdent of tba*
■itMi SI same
«»n»e tor
fof tour weeks more and this te
It skips tbe s*tcbes and thumps
Pblladclplila Inquirer. *Yo they can ba
the second crop of the j-ear. A neigh­
HERE TO STUDY OUR ME*1, to siyle. Many of them tell me tb»T
Mrs. Jack Bearse of Inlerloctaen. bor of thelra. had suld from two and
Whatever to do you hardly know
have quit eating com, potatnea sod .
visited her parent.^ and1 other rou­ one-half acres $13<ni worth of strawBut iK-forc I (alls entlrrlv apart,
berries during the season.
R^nieniWr to call up H. H. Hart.
.oth tliings'w-bUb have a teadrory ta
Ives hero last week.
Them if She Fin:. Ci'
Now. Mr. Editor, if you think the One of ^he te^t adJustcrH and repairMra. Libble Wlghlman visited with
k "'em fat. Some wunsen are ah
printing or that last sistement
ent would
,h-t pier c
^ Elteor Glj-n. •■>e
friends here s few days last week.
vt ranik- l•e<■aoae (bey are so (at
the .po,,o„
s •
.1 ,=..r:tr. 'S.
Mra. Ubbte Wlghtman visited wUb Injure u,,
; ere consulting all sorts »f bnoka '
ppoplp out of the
friends here a few days last week. JournalI you can omit It. um It came
'lew to re.lui-c ihelt weight. Many
straight goods. We hove
Mr. and Mra. Clyde Hstbswav
of tbe maare
ssting. thinking failure to eat wffl
potato bugs, no ,, , . . _
drove to Buckley Sunday to see their
iKtead'K F.ateduce tbeir stee." Tbe nme stney ti
cousin, who is very alek with typhoid thunder storms lo speak of. few flies. Ing Houee.
all tbe swell <
cold weather such as .von are acfever.
Starring bas bbromc aortety's faA
Mrs. Sherman IKIgbtman and cbll- . ilated with, no eyclones or wind
r parenu. sionuE, and (mit of every kind raised WORLD EVANGELIZING PUN. Toik Sun. St>e ha* ->ni. to tbe milod
dro t '-'i-kley rtelted
State* lo study .\i.*-r:>aDs aud may
Mr. 1 r. i
F. Hill, a few da}-s last te the temperate cone In quantity and
quality to beat the world.
write » book oo tbe result • f l>er ob
Interdsneminatienal Society te Raisa aefratlotts. She sobl:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlghtman ot
laSJOOJOO YosHy For Fivs Yasrs.
H P. Steke.
"I am much Inten-sted In America
Lo«emet>->« 6p::‘ l--:c:tee.
Buckley came down for the banquet
d the hope of ovangellxlng tbe wor'rti and American* and am an admirer of
Amoeg lute esilng i■ ei*
Saturday : ' ‘
In tbe present geureaiJoa the Layiuan's tbe American w oman. Tbe Amerlrma years fur Ir.. lasliq;
v of raO*
Mr. Brown, wbo te at the borne of
Mlssloiutry movement, au luterdeuom- woman te attractive lu every way. way travel . c jir J .
' i wii ta
In our nelghborhpc now that tbe fol- Inntloaai organheatlon of wealthy and she'bos a knack of drenslng smart- France, ic
lowing advice '
an eminent auly. I am much more of an admirer of pump alrt -i ■ ’ v .■
* ;>'->t8#8
from grand lodge and tbe assem­ thority. who wq
(or readers of a church members. 1s planning to raise
te^e EasternJ
paper, will be 22.VD00.0DD a year for tbe next Ove tbe American man. tbougb. than of tbe . axiaa wbl bly. They
>r visit*
visited relatives
those who au( yesra among laymen te tbe United American woman. Tbe men bere are der Into ^
Boatbera pari ot tbe state

Bute*, aoys tbe Philadelphia Public
wav home.
ly polite to women. They bare an In- plsP>n re sorry to report that Bernlo
J. Campbell White of IlRsburg. sec­ onie seuae of humor and keen nicnul- atrl n
Compound Kargon. three retary of tbe movemeaL who vlslied
Mrs. U. S. Ottlnger anc
Carrie spent two days of test week ouncee of Compound Synip Sarsapa­ PtatladelpbU recentl.v. oniltneil the
•They go to tbe root of thins- at
at th*t borne of the former's brother. rilla. Shake these well In a I>oitlc plan. He Mid It bad Just l«en com­
and one doe* not have
and take te teasponnful doses after
W. L. Brown, of Traverse City.
more than once. I wan*
Mrs. tiarvcy Monroe te vteiUng ber earh meal and at bedtime; also drink pleted by tboee te ebarge of the reasoo for this. It may le
- . . vi
■iptpf at Intend.
plenty of gixtd water.
may be tbe mlx«*t elti." .-i of
Mra. Sam Clark spent a few days
pco|ile. but If I Br>d .-nt
at I
of JWst week In Traverse City,
tims of this dread and torturous dis­ nation* inlerrate.1. Tbe plan will be
t 1 shall write a book. It wUI not
A very pleasant social event took ease wha *111 fall to find ready relief tested within tbe next few weeks.
1 Isxik on socti'kiQ’. and I am m>t
place here Saturday evening, when te this simple home-made mixture,
Mr. B'bite said that tbe ('hrUtiau
the Ladies' Aid soclelj tendered the and !a most cases a permanent cure ]>eopIe of tbo world wer«- spending gntng to w-riCe on tbe lunart "ct fa.-r«-.
Odd Fellowa. a banquet at tbeir ball te the resuy.
82l.3to.niv> a year at present on for 1 am more interested te (be iAi«inc«s
This simple recipe Is said to eign mloslona. of which titnount the man. tbe statesman, tbe man wh.. due* , ftwm,,.
Coven srere laid for about 76 perAdil. tbe flywbeal a
Tbe menu was as follows: strengthen akd cleanse the elimina­
ibliig*. It I* no wonder that Am-. Ira I
r-oi-uter Msrtanlra,
Chicken Pie.■. Biscuit.
Butter. Pickles. tive tissue* of the Kidneys so thst peofile of tbe Vnited sai>-« i-i>utrll"ited procresses while (be old world i' Tbe " l:s
..n ^ toatetateed as teag
Salad., galloped Potatoes. Baked 1 they- can
_ Mter
- . »and
.._I strain
from the SK.1M).000;« Tbis |L'l.n<j(i.i«ki. be said, inant."
i as dc-,l.-.><:. an.' vbe atnmd li ■atfom
Cranberry, blood and svsiem the poisons, acids auppons )9.(S|i mlsslouaries. who
Beans. Baked
Then, changing from Ihe wW e to, ^
Tta blower, of coama
worklug te foreign territory to evaiigetSauce. Pie. Aaaort.;ed Cakes, CoBec. and waste matter, which cause
>. Mrs. Glyn said:
Boat be et the toftee. b« by oaa «E
only Rheumatism, but numerous oth­ tfc 3S.ftm.00i> peiwona. but there are
" your hot corn and yo..* wheat *
er diseases.
Every man or woman HTTk^.imo others who are n»i |)r.»tbe wfatetle caa be placed oay>
here who (eels that iheir
vld"<l for
v«M- 1 have hail sum- on the '.thcr where te tbe boat and a wbtede cbtE
It while here 1 am going to gel na to tbe ateering wheel
not healthy and active, or who suf­
Mr. While declared that 4n.<vo luUMra. Fred Miner has gone to fers from any urinary ltrouble what- Slouarie* wen- needed, whl-h w..uM my Gil of these (biiig* '
Kortbport to tIsU relatives.
•. should not he:<itate
She will be tb<- gue«t for a f**w day*
Florence Oherlng has pone to this mixture, as It Is oertalu
of Colooel and Mrs. William Jay and
u«i,<uo and gto.i
frafeoaor fvdi of Alfort. wbo bM
Jackson to tpeoA some Ome .with much good and may save you from
tour the country from Maine CoOerted t great number of ubawa
..........-................ —
much misery and suflering after Ilou Is to ralMfriends.
next flvi- rears. It I* e-tltnatc-l that , 7® O'lf^rnla.
Hons regarding rabercnloBs ami**
As Ammon Tompkins and wife wMIe,
------------------cats, drew tbe attention «f tbe tuberand two grandchildren were out driv­
Our home druggists say they will fSTkOoii.iViO will 1.. n-relv.d li. small |
ing a few days ago the horse became either >»iipnly Ihe Ingri-Olert* or mix i am-muc- froiii children aud ..ibcrt In.
* MoriUr t
culosl* congrrsB of 1006 to the daageg
d turned tbe bi
: Cn- to buman U-lngs nwaltlag tram <*to
the rliiirclM-* The n-m-iuific 8!ft*,-I F-r Ihe mr—ring
frightened andt
prescri|rflon ready to take If
Fortunately, no
readers ask them
•"■111 Iw obtalmsl b.> the saU. uf ■ oanl torl-loe
Infected te tbia ntanner.
Tmnpktes. and . .
"sburos- among chur-b
..f «be Mersey. uL.-n- lU-fwhich seems almost a miracle.
den..tnln.HlO«* snd other*, a.
at six -r even
l. -•
Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall
For the Herald.
'hour a hug- i-*'3r shuiAHl l.ii..** ha*
siting friends near Traverse• CCity.
In the recent death f Mr. A
Mra. Myrtle Perkins and Madam
Leighton the Peninsula
Perkins hare gone to Grand Raplils of Us most respected cllir.en*.
to spend the winter.
He was lorn In Pembroke. Maine.
F-b. Dwhere he lived
f j uw
accepted a call
he was in years old He then mov.-d
church of this pUl
to Canton. N Y.. where he entered
Dr. Warren ba* been 111 (or some
Lawrence university. Afterr gradome with Sctetlca rbeumsttem..
from the n ■
The Maccabees are going to give Joln^' the army and served In the
masquerade ball In their ball next Koih regiment. X. T. volunteers.
Friday evening. Nov. m.
hi* famous
Mr*. Ellen Swaney Is having her
touae repaired and adding new porchlatv W
Oct 28
>nv:I1e. Ird. From there be



■ '-isj




. Jenny Copley te vli
Ife he preached in v arious places
-. Mra. William
wmia Smalley,
I N V. He remained te X Y. (or
rae Cltv tbl* week.
rvrral rears and then < -ame to MtebMra. Edna Sayles te vlslUag te Cado( the penlUsc this week.
Lew Warren moved bis family to
e met
Indiana, ibelr f?nner home, this tte. bis prose ; wife. whom he mar“We t&oed in aesne of the
ried te IKTC.
_____ _____
iwrenee reHenry
Smith and son Uwrenee
, htcr 'were finest botda aod restaunnts, but
born I ) them, the eldest. 7Y,
did not find acy coffee to exed
irdav. where they spent the snoimer. Lelghtoa.
la. of
Joliet. 11!.. —
.. ....................
- Curtis
Frank Lewis and
visited N«. A. Leighton who lives on the old in quality AfbuckIcs’ARIOSA."
Tten at Bagnall Saturday erenlng.
(arm with his mother The daughter
_TKal i*' what one Lujy wr-jes and
Mrs. 'MeUiaa NoBateger and ton onlv lived about 13 monilu- He was
sigTtttuie of AHxidfa Bntben,
Hairv of Mooroe Center visited at a m
<d other* prove they beSeve,' 37
member of the I'l '

vt^jdi entitles yoa to piesenti.
T. MyeiH- Sunday.
and for several years was
Mary Well* is B the sick list.
of that deoomlnatlon
At tbe lime of hi* d.a«*- he w*c
‘m. Caaswell of Bitckley
living on the farm, aboot three miles coSees m tbe Ui^ Staim fmt
ootb ef Old MiMlon. where be bas
aed boy* wbo aeoc^ sigh {or a
loeether. g
OcL 22.
lived for yhe last 33 years,
op of good cefieeGm" mother'Bade., ^_____ ur-ll'
a member of Peninsula grange, and
The fact that Arbuckles*
an active member in all tbe social
“Mother” probabiy med Ae otd
^lOSA'CoVee coa. Im
- Aifarffa" lb, b
V ytm ffoca- won't an^Jy. wiAe
Editor Graad Travarae Herald—
a highly respected by
By an aoeWest I aaade tbe
iim temperate In all h»s fluked tbe healA liad^ of paefamed
qualntaDceo f a lady. Mrs. Hodgra.
taott American people for overj
Sec that you geE, dm sealed

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