Grand Traverse Herald, January 17, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 17, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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P%cs 1 It 8

A Trwt I
Jm’ ■ tutu VMiT. B*rb«.
Trwdsta’ dow« ibc ro«d;
Kov u’ Uin I RH to tblnkhiMlae-s « iiMvr kmxI.
BooMtiam MMTov w«iii* to hli mt
Hard: am tbs u’Ib
I 4oDl Mioni to bare nurh iraabU'
Not wntb mentloiilD'.

A ir .

lo gaseous exchange, as. I
Some year* ago.what with the ship* I sign, very nrimg.blghlf lempared and
Landnis and Sterling, the ehminailoe going up and down the river,and the ; Mill very .urOd. The blit f* at white
bC mrlioiilc acid gas U reduced one- ferries passing back and fonb arroe* | Urwss. with the porriua • technleallv
dourth. arhlle the abaorptloa of oxy- ‘ it. the wfatsUlng on tbe Detroit il>er: known as tbe basket broken
H ukes four poonds iff fnNb leaves
s rHalively Inmasd.
e great, tiring e
to make coe poud <ff dried uw.
d-eamily a
■n. and tbe Detroit '
About S700.0M Is I hag root at fhe
Em* Prom AuMralia.
"Nioa~—Salty'a tone waa low and slet-p h the {tartial iwttaetioq of tbe
1 passed an ordinance
engtwes on a Brwf-Hass mu-<ff-«nr.
regretful—"la he leally goingT*
treelike branches of tbe eorl'teal brain tetying . stiff fine for
The British Isles are swM to cvmuin
stenmer service
Celts, so that the nerve currraia are with a steam whistle 4n tbe barlsir.'
"Really and truly. I think h
nearly one million too many arowea.
between P<ui AdeUMe and Lon
iMwdlng for the llghtbouae ptrr thla bitAen or rendeird ineBectlve for the That stopped all •*! tbe offender* ex
There is not one chance la BRy-fanf
For aowe year* i»>ulirT farming has
Wh»n I or» Ibem mra wli|i mottejr
It U rein a fewjnd these were one by otKhillloo <if two finger priau belni
been takea up more and nwire
It of'the taken to court and mode to pay the
Stiivln' liar br <tv.
Sally reached lor the Bahpoie. which claimed that such
Boalfa Australia, and tbe qoalii}Tlltb tbf itKWMnd. valtlB' on 'rm
Sheldon bad ca«i aaide. and threw tint brain ch-IIs ba* be<>n found In animals full price, which made one of the old
The perfect man should wsdffb
egg* pprsioced has Increased so'n
whk-h were suddenly de*trti.ved while captain- so wrath ibai be went and
Fur thru fsTar pay
fhrJIor rarerully,
that the.local and caminoaweaUb tweoty-six ptniads for every foM of
ThotiMBda Uuitl niarbr hanger
“Well, Tm aorr> for the last one asleep.
bought a siren for bis boti thai made
market* cannol absorb the ani^ly bis height.
BT tbrir plana don't irln.
then." abo aaid.
Such are grincipal theories of *leep, a noise like the wail of
lost aoul.
The king of EnglandpoMfoaesebiM
I The South Aii-oralian government nh1 don'i arm to bare tnneb tronUr:
Sheldon ralaed a paranol over Nina while It ha* y.< lo be admitted, as
and loud enough to b<- beatd for ma.D> : deriook lo advance the freight M
estimated ton lie worfh.jjro nffUiuo
NoTvaih nsikmin'.
with proprieiB'y Inteteai. and abni off Weh- Mitchell obsened., that. »e
miles In any kind of m.w
I small trial shlpnicni. tbe producers delUrw.
the view of the yartii ta tar fclaaed simply driven to bellete that It I
After be had It Instalby)
Before It produrew bark .rf commer­
' themselves suppiiing the eggs, with
state of the nerve cells—and why
Tonnr ) bavr mj ilitir grtmaFC.
sel this vengeful raiitnln never agali
cial value a cork liee must by fitly
the resol- that Ti*' rases at egg*
"Pity me, Sally." he said. - I'm
«>f the nerve*—in which Ib4-y become arc<-pted a caigo to nr from Detroit,
Btil I'm glad to are
shipped by the sieamship Briiacolca. year* old.
fuorUooally acUunles* in a varlaiile and every time he had occasion lu
Tbit ill openth»<n (bleflr
last one.
We were tingagcd
Tbe first glass window in »ep«e.a
The) bate arirlv<-d In first-class con
degree. Whether thU U- true also of pass tbe ciiy fee did It on Ihe Cana­
United to me.
wa* pul up m aa abbey aboat UO.
dliiun. and li wmdd take an expert
FiirV man M aiull at I am
Sally tiim<-d her bark tactfully, and Ihe other C4-11* etroclure* of the body dian side -of the national boundary,
l?alUcwnia harvesta about TM.M
tell the dlStui-nce belwein them and
we do nut know; and sleep may and. a* he hugged the Canadlao
To rotnplalo'a n »Id.
the while siititionoet was mlrnired
Iona of grape* a jear. worth IH.IMO.ftto-b laid Rngllsh egg*.’The
be a universal functloo. a* would shore, he would let go with Ibal awful
Relr. I ain't got much traable:
"What did be aay?"
have not been froiM. but m
se>-u) reaMmable to those who Is-lleve walling klren. and keep it np unlll all
Sally heiiiaird and her ryea were
Acordiog tn a trade paper there ara
•■Do It again. If you want to." si
ehltled lo a ieiD|>erature which ha*
that plant* sleep ]t Is sure that
—Waablnron Sur. lender. "Donl you langh
living p^iple In Ditroii groaned In iieen praren b.r experiment lulie mo
said gently. “I *-oni peek, f>nl.v i
ihlrly ihoiiund exclusive dry giwda
staMplog brain conUins le*-: IiIikmI.
agony, and all Hu- dead, rolled m.-r In
away, or you'll scare tin- «*lie*,"
kuliahle for them The quesilna <d fu- store* In this couairy
The •rwh in Wintor.
la the
«I|!*4 (here are ITT
Wrmtan'* Hume Coniiuinion
lore supplies from South Australia
A anowr liAth for aqalrrel and fox.
“Craas your heart. hope i
awake, ami this I* the limit of
The bill pending in congriws will o--'. win depend more or-les* upon the auc women engaged ai^HiM'ry MglnIt vinda between the wintry fln.
we know.
ever yon tell you'll Iohi- yi
reive favorable uctiun froin tbe com- cess commercLsIly .if the present.ship eer* and firemen.
The MyMoriao ed Sleep.
Snow-thitned are lU inn racka.
It is rtfiateil of a niio*-M- merchant niiiiic oD niercbani marine and,B*b-^
chanted Sally.
mittinn somMimen
Of all nniiirul pheuumena there I* who was convicted of wif<smurdee
And o'er Ua atlllneM nothing atlra.
erle* and will doubtleK* be pass>4 by'
"Wbieb eyer*
sell* for : cent* tier pound, there be­
none mi mysi.-rious a* the nightly
.m.l aenlenred to die by U-liig depri' IiOih hmise*. It places in tbe hand*
"Vou'rr Uughing nrrw. I 4<
ing no meat mist m ihai coimixy.
lapse of eoDkcloumeas wi- call *kep. ed of aJe»-p. that he'was placed 1
Bnl low. bMd low a llatealng e
nf the sui*-rAi*iDg insiMCturw and the
4 waa a lovely Imy. And he aaid.
In Germany iheie are 64 mopMIt I* n modliion we are horn wiih prlMin with guards chtngitl lionrly
Beneath the saak of mot
Certain aiilboritles on geography alneering clubs, wf'h a iwal memhaf
‘Sally, let'* run away and never come
»up<-rvi*lng insp«-rior-g«Uieral ihepowand Into, for a* infant* we sleep from f»*r the putiKrse of ffTnentlng him
cr to act a* a laianl to make regu have been earrythg
back any more.' And I aaid. 'No:
ship of I4*«i<::.
eighteen to twenty hour* in the iwen- fmm sleeping After the
lo whal Is the coldesi place
rhiaper w
sorry to hnn your feelingi. but I
: wbistiing. and will
Rngllsb medh-al man are
Of bltda and itIoBaoma. loavea and rr mil forgei you or tbe hnttor you ty-fmir. No aiqieilio |* more lmp>-r- mem of the t-ighih day hi* suffering !*• a niH-ded njief In many crowded earth The burden of proof seems
Ing Ibai iMkers should deli<
ntlre; for while w«* may live for forty
so iiticn*(- iluii he implunsl the waier*. iM.uili by reawin at the nnnec- be tn favni of Werrhojansk Siberia, b«ve# In oiled paper hags
have done me a* long a*
—Oharlra G. D. Boberta. That's what Nina always aavK. And day* wlihmi) fiHHi. man * limit of <-n auihnritirM to sitsngle. guillotme. luuiary noise it w ill «lo|iAnd because where a temperature a* low as slit;
ll ta said thal wolves stay wtaert
dumnee aiihuui nl4>ep hi <mly half Inim him. drown him. garrote. *hinl.
iben I let bim kins me: and he want­
it will i.-nd to anevtaie tbe confusion nine and eight-tenths degrees cent xwi.don domwiic animals, valned at
ibAt lime. Ill the lower animals It I*
"Ton won't 004* her that war."
quarter. hl<iw it|i wllli cuniwwdcr. nr uf signal*. Heicafler it Is piolialdc grade ImIo* freering ha* been regi* te.ononon. every
ed a lock of my hair, ao I ent off a
even more n'>e<-*sary i<i Ilf*-, fur they put him to d'-aib in anj coneeiviible
The Laet of NHa'a Levera.
piece of Nina'* long curl that she
that all rapiains wtui desire to pen-edie In from four to five d;iy* whtm fie.
nile any cMiimunily s ill have to take Russian orllsl, B..rrisholr. that hr
taekn on the back of her head when
Dug* ate said
e quite ■
e oottag* and looked back. Tbm tber»‘'* a hop- It waan't lii*i the odor prived of »l4H-p
Natural sleep ha* lK-.-n defln«>d
to alien water*, u* ih.- capiain who found M-venty degn-es In Novaiembla ble III smallpox
waa aa old balf-tunken pier at Dea- of my hair, but br didn't know,
There are various llienrles Vi**pert. mental rest i>i<*luct-d by a- appetite disl'irlied Di-tfidl had to do.—Mllbf. He *iat'-s4haT during an exeur*l<m tc taluahle canine* often hsra
Ur'a Landing. One aide eloped almoet
that’* whal Nina doe* when they all
to tbe water, but the other waa high
known as ili« physlologlcnl. (lit- cbem that mental resi means mental inac­
In an exploiw> cnche two tfaemome^
beg lorka of her hair. Why. al
It 1* asserted by tbe American MeRather Miaed.
and aafe on Ita pletareaque piling,
irul and the histological.
tion I* hardly tenable, inasmiich as It
wouldn't hffve any hair loft at all. yi
The wrlti-r of a report of a picwenta- Wow. one <# which rt'clstered seventy cbanlc Ihai In railroad hnlldtag tbe
aialned green by the lapping river. know. And ifien 1 let him kias me
The old theory pOsliilaied conges­
frequently happen* that the so tion to Ihe Rev. Dr Mudge, miaed up ludow frefring.
. He. now rosi twice as mneh
. A Egtire In pink waa perched at tbe fpw limes more lust to let him know tion of Ihe bmln. while the present liition .of unsolved prubb-tna Is the
tbe rails
the d.'scriptbm at a patent pig-killing
far end ofithc pier. Nina never woce I wna really and truly aorry. and hr nnd generally acn-pted theory implle* first thiug to appi-ar In the
New Ua«a for SnwdusL
In Brazil a targe percenUce of the
machini- in the rulumns uf bis paper
pink. She nnld It wna qidlnary.
the o^pusiie. namely, a rmiuceil sup­ netut on awnkening. and thus the mind in the following way;—Several at lh><
weal away. Yfin've got a I
people go barefoot eacept on Sundnyn
Sawdust was looked upon
nn'a gftwna were all In panel tlnta.
have bt^-c cipeiolive while
Shrldoa did not notice the bobbing, ply of blood lo rhe brain ns com pared
Dr. kludge's friends railed opoa time as waste material, but daring and boUdaya.
AJao, tbe igore wore a Urge auabon- cork. Hr sra* eiarlag at a while tall with the amount In tbe waking eiaie. asleep.
An Immtgrvit Is not permitted to
him yesterdayand aft4>ra brief conver- Ihe last few years a proreea bu been
net. Mm aaid
Dr. Mamiah. la hi* work. Tbe Phil sallon tbe unsuspicious pig was selx- discovered which fiat
that tUppad blilheiy to the breeze nt Uuasa an Iiatian Inventigalor, ba*
given wwduat land la South AuatralU unlesa be tarn
ordinary, loo. and topped her own
shown that during deep the amount osophy of Sleep, stales that the noted ed by tbe bind legs and slid along a
thr north end of Ibn iaiand.
a vaine greater than that of aolld lum apmk or write Bigllth.
of blood gfing to the brain I* siibji-ci French Qcviml PIchegm loformed.
"Isn't that Cretrtoii't yachtT'
One of tbe fire-department bonea
s till he rwafdied tbe hM-water her. By the u» of hydraulic'premure
tUB in chiffon and
apiurciitJ Sir nilbrui Btnne that dtirinc n whole
'The While Ladyc? Tea. that's hit." -to iliietnailoa withom
In Baltimore ta extremely femd (ff
Hi« fiiend* explained the .d* and inienae h.-ai the particlro
■mWdlWd. UWog theae polnia Into She looked at It attentlrrly and sighise. And here It may i*- stated
year * cauip;ilEn he had not hsii
cbeeae au esta It vftk
nf their visit, and preseni.d him formed inn. a solid maw capable of
I. Bbeldn waved hit cap
lioiir's slet-p in <hc iwcntv-foiir
If* JuM aa wpIi you didnl hunt the tm<nim of ldn.*l siipi l(e<l to
with a very bandsnoie gold-heod«.t being rntridcl into any shape and of
m-SOhifSSe taahloo and stalled for
Nina. becau*e abr* out there. Crea- gmy nuiiierof the bmln ta thin bvor tncrou* oJiseiT.-is have «iaie<I .that tiiuehir who grabbed him bv the tall. rwiving a brilliant polish TTie <mly
There are now about
tbe siirliire averaging les* tlvia It is no imcommon Thing for exhaustton'a splendid. He'* got money
acre* of permanmt pMiure land In
if him rroiind. sill hi* throat material* imed are sawdusi. aim
•TlMi'l wblatle ragtine." aaid Sal­ but i|iat iMi't II. I know Nina's In love <h>e-tenih of all Inch in thickness and r*l soldleni Mtadlly ta pursue their.
from ear to .-»r, and, 1 h-ss lime I and glue Imitation marble can b.- the rolled Kingdom of Emgtaad, BcMly. aetrprMy. when he wat bealde her.
mih him. ami It will alt be flzed ^bm Known a> the coru-u is live rimes match while wund asleep.
than It lakes to tell It.the
inanufacinred from a mixture .rf «aw land. Wales, gnd treUnd. and Mm
"II SdBatd the Srii."
ter iliim the ammint supplied
Aecordihg lo .UacuUh. a Dr. Moore
they come back, I'd never let
In the ww'cr. Thereupon he enme dust with Ivory waste, nwur. glass ■ ban IP.nHiAoo ....v* nf arable land.
■1 don't nee nay Bah." he returned.
body propose to me on a yncbi. Just (he white siilwlancc nf the bruin, slepi twenty hour* out of the iwenty- fnrward and said that them were and glue In Norway a.Deofl -.e, .aught in net* (a Bra(iHir. and Qnin. a noinl aetor, could times wh^ tbe feelings overpowered wood naptha, tar and alee' , „
get nicely stariivl and have ihe sail while It I* still a matter of .dispute
equivalent of nhowt
■*There are ktta nnd tola. If yob
whrthcr or not the arteries of‘the slumber for iweniv-foiir hours surresflap at you. or flomeiblag. And
., a i»..ind. ]n Ameriean OMmey.
and for that rrason he would [ doced
~..l.- OI
keep looking ateodlly at tbe water you can handle a yacht when there's pro- bnin arc under nervous rotund,
aively. A person by the same of SluL.iud..u, They are used to fMd
ati.-mpt .to do more «b*n thank I sawdust,
CM aee them. I juat saw e great Mg po*log. ran they? Irat she going
though it seems nHire than prtdiable Iwth Orvin is said to have slept threecage
those annind him for the manner in [
patch come along and he chewed ny
that they an-. Mow-ever this last qiies fourths of her life, while aniriber wolittle topply now?"
in ladU there ta still hiimtng n
which such a huge animal was cut up
A Remarkable Liphthotrae.
bah right off and tailed away wUh It
tion may be fiMUy w-iiled.
namcil Cllzabelh
n fvrkins.
i*erKins. slept
Slept was simply asiooi*hlng. The doctor
snered fire thal was lighted by tbe
Flak are tbe meaaeai. amarteat thinga
At the entrance of Odem harbor i*
known that the jimoniil of blood In from a week to two w-<H>kbreath, nnd iiimed back to the cc
»-4H-k« at a time. concluded his remark* when the ma­
-* twelve ceainrim mpk.-nm
ytN ever naw. Want to Bah?"
a sunken rock, which has been
(be biain varies with' the smonnt of ami a Mary l.yall sleptIt for six riiceeslemplaiion of the cork
fed ylih sandal and other frachine Bcizcd him. and In less than a
"N« today, thaaka. Sally."
cerebroMpInal fiiild in «hc severwl
"But Nina won't mind this time,
•ive week* fiv spells. Di
Di. B ^SUughwood*, and ta replentabml fire
"Ok. I forgot, you want to Bud Nina. gueas you don't mind anything wbeo irlcles or vavllie* locaieil in the
I r. of Tennesaee
■d a yontiE wo- menls and sjitkPd up Into dellciou*
times a day.
If yon go down pam thr boalbonar. t-ou're really In lore. He * going south Ire and base of the hraln.
elded to ertwi on ibl* rrwk a light
iian paileni known a* tbe "sleeping
Among men. ;i per cmi are atranff-*
up the board walk to the hotel, then lomomiw If ilie doesn't say ye*. He
house wbi^h will rival in originality er In ifae right arm than In the leD.
Bm It appear* iliai the niluctlon of Iteauiy." who had slept almost ronlembervd^ by ihe doctor > friends
over ta the bearband Interest any iightbouse of ancient
told me MAHd I told Nina
blood In the lii.iln when pnu|iict-d by siantly from her eighth to her twruityIn — coses the left am t* the strongrme of the most il- iighifnl of their
"Ifn too warm to travel." Sheldon
or mudeni time* This ta to bet
•They have meted smiind. and are hemorrhage is a cailM* of wakeful- sixth year.
!! In the rest tbe two ann* are imual.
s. TIte Ir-mI piece can lie secured
aaid. "I’ll Bab. Lend me your pole heading for Ihe pier.
gantic figure of Christ, hiding aloft
It Is commonly siipposeil that the
Instead of shwp. so that nu-te
One apple stump of an Oregun fam
ten cmii* a m’und: and we are
Sally watched him thoughtfully aa
In bis left hand a crow The light,
"l^aylM the lay is rough Voii'll
Bn-at€.*i depih of slc.p occur* alioiit
of bhind In the. brain is
be tebaiied Ikr book and caai out er mleh a single fish if you hob like
a efficleui cause <# sleep «nb>t. ac- the end of the first hour ThI*. howev- under his ministry will rejoice that one of exMiiii.mal brilliancy. |. to tic 'wcniy three rarieUei of fnilt. inclndwith a broad tweep.
that. Maybe I ought not to have mipatiled by oihi-i conditions.
iniariably tiu- mb-, accord- he has tiecn treated *o bandsoihely.
lOg peaehe* plnma. prunes and enm
*Tlahlng'a awfully aoothlng, when te)d you. but ynu're the only one of
,r own oliscrvaiioti* in 'fhe
Mime nut*
In snppon of » th»-of)- of a reduced
yota're worried." the aaid after a
Ihe whole Im that 1 like and when I
Conk Conniy’ iChlc.ieoi Insaud Asy­
- Condanaed.
The Secretary Bird 1* so i.vih-d bnCat Atfopta QwMr Sabiaa:
tISM. "Ton bare in keep atlll. any­ told NTua you were In love with her circulation of bl«»d in Ihe brain dur- lum. made some jiearg ago. when t
A certain army chaplain wa* •given
luse it has upon lit hnail fcaibern
aleep we may n-fer lo the familiar
Ing »l
Even the Maine f.dtho* are b.'comway. and the water makra vou ao
:hnt wa* after you gave me the Bsh- Hct that the fonunelles. 'or 'soft spent two awceewatve nights in hotiriy
Ing imbued wirh the idea of raising to cutting the serrlro sh.irt. and. a* which suggest a PM bsbind the r«r.
•leepy and rented when you bear >t
pole. ao I linew—and that I wiehed eptrts" on the head* of infanta, sink. testing the depth of sleep by light, RoiwevHiian fanitli.-* A handstreic far as pos-ible. curtailed ev.-iy |wn of Indlgeoiou* to South Africa. Ji ta a
Upping agalnn Ihr pler."
sound, and louch. A mapiriiv of the tirown cat, nwn.-d bj Norris
she'd marry you- she said you were during *li«ep. and ul»«
llrtii*h »ut.j.-ci now. and U represrnli>* congregariori. how. ver.
s Smyt of
"I** not worried. Sally.
taller than Creston. and a dear boy. tl^ czpoMsl brains of sbwping dog*
1 had unib-r oIim-msIIou this place, was et-ldemly n.d entirely more than a*tonished upm one <v
I in the lamdan too.
“Tea you are. Of rourar you don't
showed the grcaicst di-p’h lo be at
And uue day i fonnd her crying and
cashm -when he «.» rending the third
In the. siraif known as tbe "Llitln
puliee it. hut everybody else dors. asked her If she was In love, and she pnnided with watch-gias* rover* aliom :: a. m. More r\c«'ntly Dr*. •atisfied with hci fat running liiilt
tdiaider 4d ItaDlel The fifth verve
►It," eleeme lamp* are to be fixed «
And I'm awfully eorry for you—about threw a pillow at me And then I show a omsiderahlr leriudlun In the Same de S.inrils and N Seyms, at :ii« i.r c«.m kilties, for only a fes
ref.-r* to the sound Of "the cornet. the bottom of tbe channel with the
Mna. you know," The white aunlron- asked If li was yon. and she threw calibre of the arteries. Pntthermore. the I'nlveixiy of Rome, 'tested .th-- <la)s ago the mother
h I* known that in state* of mental
orkloE j Ihr iniere*is o( her fam-:*'"'’b-l'-cy- dulcimer, object of d<-t4TTlng cooger-eelB from
: nodded at him ay
pillows. Bm whim I aid ('tiwlon.
depth of sb-ep In f.iiM normal iwrwonI kinds of I
which he making ihetr way out to ibe o
1 short rime Hha rwinrhed , '
• "You roally haven'i the gboai of a she Just kept sflll and rrled. m> T egciieineni there i* an Increased Bow . ,
upon the icmpte. One of * 1th a DiouM-^.red bunch of fur la 1 read. On coming to tb» a
Tbe milk pall used 1 __________
of blond <» the brain, while
chanee. You know Harry Ration and knew. TlU'y are ctiming this wa>."
land of milk and butler, leotlfiea by
tervtsl that worker* In the nanufar- ] these
Wallace Slevana and wld Mr. Drau?
"IVi you think ahe'U take Creston ?"
*econd*and fifth hour* tli.- I-.X with the kittens. The owni-r ;
ihr rtreogtb iff thr milk­
of nliro-glveerine suffer from' *^''^1’ *"
"nylng. ' band a* usntl "
They all had It. loo. Wallace had it
asked Rheldon. wllboul looking up thrt.bblng of (be atieri.w of the nec.k>'*>‘'f
maid who carries |t, for ll has ow>
*h»we.l th..of the Cl ion cat lujpiBised il lo be onlv
woiae. He wanted to lump off the
1..,.,.. ,b...
handle only and that I* the cxmllnnOh. yes.t I askfsl her and she ud Insomnia.
Bm tht^re
llghtbouae pier uoltl I loM hloi that
j But very soon, a* the old <«t tv-; .A grammarian was talking aboat •wm of one of it* wooden aures.
lUrry and Mr. Dron bad chosen the laughed Mxl said it the didn't marry meroiis other evldi-ncel. pointing to a
The gveait-vf rurreoder on record ta
Talking in ste.-p
more, common ’ ,„med from a second expediiiiw.tff(*»““''<'nl
'1>A«. rfm'njgh their
MBr pure, and he rbanged hU mind him sh<-'<l accept the last one w-ho icdureil rlmdatlon of blood In th>
Ihai or Met/, on October fTtb.m*.
They all tell me about li. you kno«-. pmpiwed. I wonder who that wa*. Wat brain iM-ing a coodiilnn of sleep, for than geoeraUy mipik.m-.I, ArmMroac «|ih a simllir mo-iri.ftil. which wa*! magnitude, merited imoiorality.
d Chfid 1
stua* carelglly placMl Jp the boa. fhe' "There I* «me *eniei»ce," be said. ^ The *..rrt-ni(*-r tneluded three l«Mbecanae I'm her ataier. f can tell when
of (weat>
f„,, rhrio-ity' and examined "ihai has lived for a hundred y*«r»j “**r>bat*
gsoeralf. C OOO other nt-.
CMO'a to lovewtihher before the
pen sc ofjhe test of Ihe .body! l.y a ' ai?d thirty '••ars. that forty-one per;n,e result- of \be hunt. Both mouth-!** account of its tremend<ais
. «>• standards, and
Plret they give me candy and loan herwlf than take Wallac-.
RhcldoD took one laai look at the hearty meal, which we ail know l* ,c»-nf of Ifec m*-0 nnd Ihlny-i^ven per this of gray fur to be young veclness In this secteoce every word, IT.VSi rank and file.
me Ibeir ‘frar pint, and aay I’m
liully rbnm. Then after a while they
■ are the longeat-llred
of any class net even excepting clcr
Kay they with they had a alater like snd suddenly devoted all hi* auenilon
; ihe family railon* wi’h the k|t»en>,
"The sentenre-was spoken by a IH X.V Tblrtawo of tb*. gresteat aatrouv
me. Tlwvi threy want me to tell them (o the llabpole. There were three ini- more b! In the l«o.iv surface and .ducKtion*.
paltHl iMuiitles to his string when the abdominal ve**el*. while there i« a
Dr, Cheney relate* the amusing; and the aiwher appear* ro tblok ks He girl in a »l\gep pasturw, iJxdiinff mers have been over ninety at their
all about Nina ever alnee I can
IVhtte laiilye slipped gently aiuaig- slowing and weakening of the heart - :ca«« of g gearleman who was In the,much of them as of her own—New;at the Bock, tbe -.dd ro th.. *h^. d’-sih. and (hlrty-two wer eii^tf.
her. and I till Ibetn up."
aidc the pier, and when he caught nctlon. the pulse iRdng reduced froniiliablt during hta Bleep of taking iBuft; York World.
herd:To bang In the gram conn of Um
■Pill them upr

' la them •beej* ynamr
-Vaiiunaj Poauffice Department a Bag
Salty nodded contentedly. “Tell the rope that Creston threw be was ten to iwetiir heat* per minute. In ad-: from a box which he ke|>t under hi* ’
*wotd of John Paul-foiita.
i Tbla senienee. with every word In-' will SQOD be made, which it ta believ­
them a lot of fairy tale* aboot how smiling almost cheertoll,v, and Sally ditlon. Ihe glands of the skin arelplllow If ihls box ww rswved he7«wd jn
ed. will be the UrgM-t In tbe world. ,
l••rri^ »be ha* alway* been, and bow took Mart, Nina w-aa cool nnd sweet aomewhui more active, while tbe teni- sought fm it as usual, and falling to: in pracTirallv the same condition as'*^'^- **'’''‘*
It will be cn f*ei long by sbost SS
Mie saved mv life three or four time*, in while duck barred In blue, and she perature usually fall* u fraction ..f a find if, he lMirar«l d»-*atUfacilon ,rh« It was u*ed bv its Illustrious
smiled luick at him at he helped her
feet wide.
and never udd a He. and
aw.dce —Harper s rlVner. tbe -word of John Paul Jones
Among the chemical Ibeorivs of ^Weekly,
powrt.-r. or rtirl her hair oo an Itoo, I the pier,
in the library of the navy
The Hardest Lanpuape.
A celebrated London physician. Dr.
"Coming. Creston?" be asked.
sleep la tbe theory «f autMnioxi'raticm !
or ntiyitalng. And they- keep tm liking
liepartment. where it baa been placed
Cskimo ha- the reputation of bHag Wynn Wesicott said at ao inquMt ro
me nmll Nina h-u them fall over, and
Crewton shook his head and be rais­ resulting from acid w-a*t« productr
To Prgvefit Noim.
: by Commander Reginald Nicboltoc. ^ a difficult tuDgue to understand, even cently that nearly ererj petmm who
Bfltr that they romr and I symim
, More -shipping peases thrm^h the* ti*ls believe.1 that fhe weapon was' more than to apeak. All manner of
suicide by drowslnc partly
thltr with them nnd tli-j- tell m^huw face wore the same look that bad the atilvlry of the brain, and which;Detroit river than goe* la and twt of origiiuillr given to Jones by the North parts of speech may become joined to
ring the water.
they would like to dir. If* awfutly been on Barton's and the real when are thoiigbl to Induce a susp4d)ded',a1l the ocean harbor* nf \be United.Carolina colony of that name at the verhol roota and the whole may be
Tbe enlB of a
luirrvwUag. Will you ukr to thr pier Nina bad finished with them: bul the action of the brain cells until more or; State*, wbicb fact give* point ton bill; time be changed W* own anme In conjugated like a simple verb—which ever made by this couniry waa the
wh. n Nina l«« you fall over*"
band that held the wbt|e duck skirt less ellmlaatloo »f ttai-se effects pro-1 new pending In congress, giving gor-; compliment to them. The sword was; it muddling to a foreigner. One mls- haif-cent piece. || alto enjoyed the
( In danger cd laklnc a turn- from footan with the wet side* of Ihe ducis takes place prryer thinfs tbsi ernmeni Inspectors power to regulate I glveo by Jones to .Tbeodoela Burr, abmary brongbt hack a word wbieb. dtaUnciion of being the first note |m
le. thank you. nl*ier Sally.
pitrt vote a single dlalbrwd ring, and lactic achi ta the cause-bf sleep, while! the amoirat tif whistling any one tblpjffaogfatST eff Aaron Bor
wben WTitlen m the blacfcbosid.
sued and (he first retired from Hrenjn.
Oh. dem't be n>..n»e and gnmipy. gaily pondentd.
Ituger aitTibales sleep to a tlecreaaejinay do In any barbof.
| It is 3» Inch#* long^ bsMtifuI in de- ,qniie two and a bait ynrds hiag.


tfa a tore al<B yoo're worried. And
It's t-oibing at all to br
N'e'rIr rvrryooe tella In lott eiio
Nina. It'a pari of tbrIr raration. Wal­
lace kaje. And l^r doean'i mind, oniy
»be ur* ahr doea wlab tber'd ail prr.
poae br mpoBlIgbl. aa It'a more rffreilvr and •■'trirating."
"Did anronr rvrr piof«o:r to jop,
Oh. my r»-*; and it wna lorely.
I.aat yrnr—no. two yeera ago- : wat.
rierrn, going on twelve, and th- S<venty-aectind RrgIrarat ranie Onwa
here to ramp. And there waa a baglrr
Ik>.v. Hr waa rdIdk on Snero. |l>
waan't very pretty, boi you know
how they loidc nil dreaard ap C'lir
nnd he could blow the bugfr »o it
anid 'Sally.' And hr uaed to write me
notea. and blue ifann In ireea. an I
afAr aupper we'd alt oo the porrta and
talk and Ulk, Jiiat the way Nina doea.
And the Dicht bWore be went away h.'"


book ......................................
Mr. Jeffries the potato buyer trau
Roootots JBB. 1 to Mar 31. .. ?4.310.7< ed to look into the matter of field
#M« Thmd^t H«ewiL ^
ta the poaomiion of E. P. Oiiced boataeas here Saturda.v.
31 W Dae. SI.. 33.U3J3
t« kppolBtM to eoorer with Cath on bud Dec. 31. 1»0C..
47C.^4 WaicrntM alao reported this taonilng.: TW tagular aatnal bustaesa awel
a found thai tbe Grand Traeeroo tag of tbe Sunday aAoot wax keid
m. mUraOB rouble the 8u«le
tfU BOUO oad tbe
I1S3AS5.3S noiea were loiemingled with thoae Sunday Mwaing Followtag T«rr the
' d to oppolat Utrea to
other nearby counties and the officers
Hontlo B. Earle a«ked for a aultable roan ia wblcb tbc hicfawar com- proaecuUDR attorney doubted the Thomas Baird; Ass'* Superintendent.
Yte ooutr aetb otode bie anneal
hnera ot Laetanan and Grand county's claim on them. Mr. Vater- Mrs. Ellsworth BlUntan: Secretary and
ltdWit thla ahemowi. 7%e eoo) ‘ - Trarerae countlea wuld meet Jan. 33. maa values tbe notos at 3130 and the Treasurer, Btari Cork; Organist. CtoU
Tbe annual report of the conntr. committee reeommended ibac be be Culvt-r; AW't Organist. Msyme SulllTrecfac-r of Infant Class. Mtv
waa adapted as a-af the report paid 373 for copying ibeee mluing
Class. Mrs
(ko teet that 33.000 hkd to be bor- of tbe eooniy p
from tbe county's records and puUlng
Baird: Voong Peoples Bible
Kiaad axainat 3C.0A0 of laat r*at- Tbe
r. W. Wilaon naked for a clock for tbcm with the latfer. The board
Class. Wm. Johi
doaatr tax amounted to more doring the rexiater of deeda* office.
voted that this be done.
1M3 b«t tbe atate tax vaa teaa.
Tbe RToonds and balldtaRs commit- ^ Mr. and Mrs. N. Skiver w.-re called
Tbe ePopte'a Barlmni bank arlTI conTbe caoaml autemaat of am
ttnoe to be tbe couoly depoaliory le waa.aathoriied to aecure a new to Cedar Run Saturday evening by
carpet for tbe aUlrway in the court the fUaess of her mother. Mrs. EdceK
uoUl April 1.
and purchaae aome ^eces erf who sustained a painful injury by fall­
Alben Ufet appoated before the
fumltare which are needed to tbe ing wWch re*ulit4 tn a treciur^ of the
board yoaterday wltb i
for tbo doeorattac of the court bouao various offices,
Tbe many friends of Mndred AllinrSiipeiTtaor Tedman'a bond waa ac­
Interior. He want^ 3343 for tbe Job.
t<». who has l-ein very lit, erf appcmli-j
Tbe cotamittoe on graanda and hclU- cepted.
cllea, art- clad to hear that she is on I
inga waa inamicted to have tbe coart
to Supervisors Davis and Hamlla
the road tu recovery.
room decorated, but vbo will do ibe
work baa not been decided.
‘Total ........ ....................... $!06,c:8.»«
Hdnor. Mich.. Jan. 11.—George Van
Cedar. Mich, Jaa. 12-C. D. Staaliy and John Walton of giitloni Bay Biarlcom of Alba. stayv<l over night
At 3:40 this afiereonn tbe bnerd of sa-ie in tosm on buslnpas Thursday.
with his Irfireot* last Friday night.
supervisors adjourned wltbont date
For v-arioiis rriaaons the
Mrs. TTack entertained Friday even
iWina Rood after a six-day aesslon in which an ing In honor of tbe Missca Palmer of of officers of Honor Camp. M. W. A..
luaually laice amount of Imslnest
bad oa the chanRtDR of banka wonM
Traverse diy wfco were visiting their UPS poeiKUied ntitll Thursday night.
loth. Iptncb was served after
■Itfllala another montlng <d tbe
hniihrr a few day*. The evening was
Inwd, tbo aattar van referred to tbc has been given to the people as they pleiasntly spent In vocal amd iasira- the inMallatlon.
want it; the committee
M. C. Van Ulsricom and wife wH»ti
meotal music and Ughi rofreshmenta
groondi and iiuildlnga vm aiiemrA
Jn thank all who in any wav aJdi-d itii
mmm t» coator with tbe proaecuUaR
were ferTetl.
adil the Rbust of the. surveyor's
attorney aad detennino vbether
tHiark-s Rlllman innsseted business caring tor the children during their
notes; the iongesi atrtng of claims in
-Mt tbo faada cm lesally be left
t Chief l.dke and Goodrich Thursday siege of flickni-sx.
the btstory of the county wna allowed
Mlxiv Hattie Abbe, formerly eleri.
Hta mt -Apm.
and IVlday of last week.
and field notes that the county has
Mm. Rom uni little daughter Irma, In the <IAjs( Office, left for her hone
never possessed will i>e secured.
apent a few days with her parents. In Ijike Ann lust Thursday.
Tbe grounds snd btilMIngs commitoooalr
J. J. Speelman and family B^e raov
Mr. and Mrs. Heieer of Katwin.
a farm ot loo was ^req power to act on the arMiss Wright retimoi.1 Friday, after lug to Ih-ulali whe re Ike Is to nnliarimore and erect anlt- ranging of the siirvoyor'a and prose­ apendliig tbe boliOajs at ber borne in in (he grocery iind drygessis busiuesicuting
Ik>- is a gesid Jolly fellow and tbe Is-M
^ •»# bsUdiniB lor the aopport of tbe
Kwthem Micliigun.
^.Eoor cdMU ODunty al a ^ not to ex- which will probably be fettled wltboiil
Harry Tiiomiinm of Cedar Run wishes of the cxtmmonlly aceomiitoiv
him. 11 leaves (he A B. Cast- Co
^ «M lU/KW. ud that aaid 313,^ be diffieulty.
The oommlttee on claims and me ;p<nt Sunday with frUmds in i<
fix ax they wiH have to inpurl a
News wa.K yveiMvixl Saturday
lod therefur, said bonda counts repurled this Mlernoon. There ing <if the death of (he youngest chIM clerk from outside to fill the tucam'<
tp bear iatareai at tbo rate of & per were lltc cUlms agatns* «he county of Mr. utid Mr..'. R. R. Hhlnehart, form left iiy nt-ighbur Siiet-lman.
wiilch is tbe largest numls-r over pre­
The llllh. child of Roirt. Mllcliell ;•
«Mt «ar aaaaia. ud be laaued la
erly of this place, now of Illgley. Mich
EalBitlnai of |3J>oe oidi. latiraWe sented at one time. They
The Mvices were held at Kassoa con- aeriouxly ill with puetnijpois. sn>l tie
dueted by the Rev. A. A. Allington
Will Ituatz had the gtxxl liiek to
••two **^•*’‘*1 doilare Jan. 1. ISM. Only one bill waa thrown out and Tbe sympatlrie* Of their friends In
bonda re- that was for board aad washing eoo- Cedar are cxlen<1c>d ti» Mr. and Mr* s|H>nr a 3K4 pimnd pike tliraush the
ice in big Platte lake Tuesday bjuI
lag unpaid on tbe B'tv^dar of necled with tbe Waire case amount Hhlnehart in tilts their hour
ing to 3I0£0. It was preaeoied by
iiiakhig a post mortem of thiberearetnent.
Nancy KfatodivH. A few others i
• MM boada are fallr paid.
Harry Palmer spent Siiminy at .hi* fish, another pike wvisliing 3 tsiund'
•Banlvad fartbar. That tbe quea- eat to a more or l««a extent.
home In Traverse City. reCirolng and 21 lnche« in length was found
While tbe report of the comiui
on the Interior. And It was not much
IMa ct borrovlni said sum of 3I3.M0
Mouilay morning.
being read Sidney Kelley
.ind MaaMg of boada of aald eonatj
Miss Ollle Ulnlaati and Cora Diisen- Ilf a day tor fish rtilier. Geo. Weaver
tkmte- be BMbmfUM to tl>e elecum Green lake township appearetl at the
iry were. gucKts nt tbe home of Mr. ia auiboriiy tor the abov*.
4tf mM coaatr in the manner preand Hr*. Elmer Ulllinan the is
Richard B-own Dead.
.Hrfbed br lav at tbe aprlng electioti asked for his bounty.. Mr. Walter part of last »«-k.
.MbabMdMtboBretdajroC April, itmk bis affidavit ud bad the com­
After sinxxlliig their vacation
il which sated Mr. Kel­
r. XM3. ta Tbo aereral
ilK-lr iiuQtea Bear Muple City. Pearl
of WmiaiDsbuig. |>asM-a tiwa
of aald ooimtr: and that tbe
TbomWfg'and IJzxie iUckcr returned mlilolglx. - Mr. Brown bad Isx-n ill.
Tbe i
jUpoMUM at bonding tbe coaatr for
thek' hlgb Bcbool dntiM Monday for tbe laxi two years, haviag s'lffereti
County Oork Walter waa read and
. HUM far tbo paipooe of
n stroke of parulysix Abiral two
carried without a dlaseatiog vole.
f • farm «f elgbtr acrea or
Fre)(Sil..£ta37hc did Ehppplng Jn weeks ago Ite was attackml I’.'' the
a be pnaoat' • -GenUempn—During the time
Traverse Cliy Monday.
giipaad tollowiog this bv Ixx-amt- very
«d to Tbo elaetora ta tbo foUowtag have been clerk I have' not charged
The ComelU Reraetly Co, left Mon­ ill with pneiimonla- Last night two
for certified copies of ilealhs, births,
day morDlOfPfor Paris. Mldt* where more paralytic stroke* came and the
tb# oommltloe on the coontr poor marriages, divorces. vtc_ when
they ate billed for the remainder of cad foUowed.
Biado their report same were to be used in the securing the week.
Mr. Brown was Stt years of age anri
tartuMB aad the mat- of penalona; neither have I made a
Charlie Host who sustained
leaves uwife and.six son*. He Imd
charge for taking affidaviu or executinjortes a ahort time ago. while woih- just com|ilet.-.i a flue ne«' resid.-occ
log penaloo papers, and I now make
rnrnp ntwr here. Is very slow- iiii bix fam near the village, lie
out between 7& and 100 voucher* on
npect Mated that altbongb the
Ir ynprovlng. His father. John'Host a memlwr of the WiinaniKburg
Ptaa ta ilBa aaetloo of the auto bad 'pension day.'
arrived Satiinlay from his hikne In
"I have always been glad to do tUs. Brunswick. Michigan, taking his son t>f Maccabees.
tamad taat a tarso fam would aot pay
The funeral »t'rvlce will V bcici
B^I understand it. it is thought with him upon his return Monday. •
that Oraad TiavSaturday nioniing at lo o'clock
MM aoMtj erect aulUbla balldingx that your action in voting my^ salary
Joe Slionek transacted business In tl>e WUliamrImrg church. X'ndeiiaker
M a aaau acro^. tbo viahet of the as clerk does not leave thls*i
Traverse City. Monday. ,
Carter ot this city has charge «f thv
ary with me. and I must
faagli aaom to pMnt toward a tana
Mayme and Herb Sullivnn reinrnrwl
charge for the same and turn the to Traverse City Monday to resume iirrangemenis.
taMaad «f a garden and -that It oraa
ey into tbe cemtingent fund,
tan boaMY datr to carry oot thoae
Funeral of Harritofl fititea
their work In the high school.
else take It out of my own pocket if
Ml»s Agnes Mahn bus n-tnmed to Frt>m Thurwila>:» Record.
1 exmlinue to do as I have in the past
T«« mattar of tbe eoamy a
her school work in Chicago after a
The fdiit-ral sertire trf Harrlsun. sseems to me that this is
nearta. thongtt to be buried a yoar
vacation to two weeka.
than a mark of reflect to the
agto tniMd over vtohmtly ta ita grave
Mrs. Frank-fnther and Mrs. Jobi
noon from the home of his father,
tab tatacBOM. Proseeattog AHorney aoldlers and their widows or orphans, vtslied friends In Maple City Satur­ was buried at Circle Hill cemetery.
Vratt adireaaed tbe board. tMIlng and I would apprertale It very much, day.
to apply to him freely for latv- as' I 'am''aure all wHi'who are
Mias Doitie Hsher passed through
Harrison Slites was a bright ymmg
taattoa aad tbea aUUd that he wontd ceroed. If yoo win waive this matter here Saturday on her way to Traverse mao and one of tbe most popular iti
with■ka a roam ta tbe oourt bouse where
aty where she Is attending high the village. He had just returned
be talked to la prt- out charge as it has been In the past. school.
from the south and the day after
“Respectfully submitted.
. pata aad arhma he coaid spend part of
Charles Borough of Maple City look Christmas.was taken ill wlth.iyphoid
••Robert E. Walter.
■ pack day when the board was in aot
the train Saturday morning for Trar-I fever. HC was only 19 years old.
•Xionnfy Clerk."
taea. Tbe board hid. tsariler In tbe
that tbe Janitor of’
«ka kandteg trmaafar bb
ta tka nom now uaad as an office by
tap aarrapor and that the latter be
atvna tka larger room.
Mr. Pratt aald that be thought the
aaiiayar*a erffioa abontd be on the first
•oar and that tbe amall office would
.^be Just the thiog for him to use. This
The action of the heart de­
On aoooniit of these g-icvls arriving toe>
Ira^t about a dlscuartea telaUve to
pends uiwn the heart nerves
late-for tlie Holidav trmle. we hav.- an
vketa the records of the aurreyor
enoroiotis Block on band tluit
could be kepi They are now tn the ind muscles. When from any
exup too much room
wanlt of the register of deeds where
; the paMk cm get at them readity. It
you tS-aiit .1 Rocker.
waa saBested that a safe be pur- sufficient power, the heart llut^ akaaed Md placed ta tbe room wbirh ters, palpitates, skips beats;
private and in its effort to keep up its
^ ■ans tateaded to be used
work, causes pain and distress,
Aed ben- ia where yon will find tbo li«.
sMee for the treasurer, the records
emt aBBortmeot and the lowtsal pii.-vs in
ha kept la this. Somoone staled that such as smothering spells,
the city.
sltort brcatli, faiminK.
Mr. Brown would be willing to do this sliort
irl, arm and sluul*
and to show the records to the pubite ground hcai
Tbc ToIlowiDu will giro you an id<-a of tUo r»lnctinn we
ders. The circulatioo is im­
arben Ur. WatenuM was not In. Then,
only a few of tie many:
have made. Tlitac i
in a few
Larco ,\rui Bocki-r, goldn oak ffnish. n^lar S:: vnlne, at $1.4^^
hack: and said that Mr. Rrowa was suffers from lack of pourtshrogular
.......................... 2.H"
Colebler Seat Kod<
aot willing to du U.
11 seat,
niivly carvtxl.
Dr. Miles* Heart Cure makes
ak. roll
Rocker lil
In tbe meantime Hr. Wall
a heart strong and vigorous by
alwa^aoM loreo.w.I. now ooiy.........
BBggestad that a aafe
1 put in bis office in tbe SuiherUml
Sewing Chairs from iL'm np. Uorris Chairs from 4.75 up.
halldtog Md tbe records be kept
All other high grade Rockers Bdd accordingly.
there. Hr atgm>d that there was al­



Sale of Bookers.


Tire Insurance!

Plan Class, Stsam BoBar arxl Accldant inauranca.

Money to Loan on imprared Real Estate Only.

Traverse CUy. Mich.

v«r I'itU 1 »m
_rt txtt-t thsn 1 .
II lx »U du* to (Iwi

BiM do-

no win refund ywr iwensy.

’Tmmm tattod OoFTta**

Tltvv a e the bett.



Mila Uedkd Co. ElUuO. lad

• iiasg. a i>


wi^rrulLCiU v

SoV *« by

Dr. P.



Want H:fn Here.
No x'Hini-r v.i.i i'i«- anii ■ iiic. jk-m
maib- <rf Uu- viiolo- <rf WjmuiM 4ld--iAlii. K1KD6 OP OUT PLOWERB
tabABBBB riTTEta.
Smith tor I'nlltxLSiM* x K*-naior th;.ii
03 BEfiNMt
sbowt-T uf (Higntmx (nmi .Traverx-I'lly wiir- ^'nt to S>na'or-t li-ol Smith,
•-iti-n'-'iiig an IrtviUi'ii-ii
a>liIn->< III tiiix cilv
lio' o'-<a
sltin rrf.tbo. Lin-oln-dull iianu'*--'
wbk-li will tal «• ;ii!aci- pnituipty u|»n
ffwyw* Creaty Bank Bli^, DPTUOIX
in or m. Tc Ifjr.tu:: w, c- ^,-ni
from n..l.. ,-t na\Va't,-r. >-vtc;i.r> o.
h.- unrein dub, and E W^ltostingx.,
prov.ia.wi of lb- Unrein cl-jh. and
many ..thvr promin.tMt republicans of
the city.
An «---iicri,vl. -ff'irt wlU i)i- made to
xociit.e iIm- consent of Mr, Smith'to i«c
prt-ii. :ii on tb1> ticcai-Uin and . it-t* a
fwpm.- rosiclii>.l<.i! lliai tti«- n«-w
t'nltr^ SUit-K seoatix will nwivc.a
-Ici.nii- wlileb will
In ;uTv.fd w-ph
.We- bfiveao 1*^ inch airtiulit lor.................................................... 80c
the n-sanl -with Wulch ii- U la-ld tn
ThvGiiiud Travers- i.-gi-iu.
A Sb ineb air tigUL cost top. hot blast draft, for...............S4.7S
A 21 inch air tight, esgt top. hot lilHtdr^ for...............$4.00



The Farmers’ Store


Is xll ns >'J(Tw


Ell's Cress Belie
Orerere.•ootiM* xsU fereU
Uv dinSM-d Betul-rwr
U euiw e»e»rA xad dn «•
any ■ cold la Um bred
I. Jk-xerd luin Ux ap.ird»,v»1*
uwrUMiMiiaai«w.dlixl»«l-d. talietl.iD■retUa*iki*wr»f<Ciuir». li l» Dot dryt«
(Iftior t-yml; Tnaix «, :<>gci;».
SLT liUUTUCBSs ** U Utre BUa

A li’> inch -levt-l Combination *«>od or oool, hot blast
for................................. ............. .................. ..............................$16.50
W.- also leav <} a fc-w Jearl raugui thnt «re batgfiioB at tba
an-offering thc-ni.

Before b-jying a stove or range come in
and look our stock over.


Kow1$nd Doufiia$$

Our Diamond F Salt ii just the thing.

How arc the Chickens Laying?
i'ratts Poultr>Poiiltf^- Food will help them, and eggs
arc ■ oui of' sigl
light" too.

tfS'l/BtTSHjSe at ifClfiSr PFlC£S

Young Men
It will pay you to see our
line of

Your KcUable: Furniture Store,


127 S. South Union Street


sm4 Mmam

Kmm« ta'o-«»rk«

James Means

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.


H 1 vr roD cvm Uicil the


Your Credit Is Good



All kinds of shop work to-ordcr on short notice.
Get our prices before bujing,.
Pbom-S. Uell
rita. :»K.
515 Lake Avenue

Now is the Time to Boy

ways someooc in the office and that
It was a more emtrai loealin than
tbe court bouse. The matter was aot
aetUed at 3:30.
Treasurer^ Report.
The county ireasurt^'s miorl was
RUde tor the year 1»0C and M-fcrred
to the
ThB caalv statament tor tlx- county
iB at ftdkros:
Jaa. L IMIC. cash on band..! T32.43
^ Itnaafer from State bonk ace
cooBt to IVoide's Saviuga



LUHEER-AU kiads.
DOORS Ud WINDOWS-Ail styles. STORM SASH-Tle taifiB ktad.
ROOHNG-Tke best ud cbeipesL

Bargains Worth Looking Into


Trmvsrss City.

Room SlONswStats Bank Building.

Perfect in style, they will
stay nice and will we

I'se Toledo I’ulp plaster f'>r the wall-, will not
freeze, ask about it. K-ep busy during the
wrinitr months.



•: Lake A^ Nlek.. ^
' «M twk»
br dlMatrow CM.
te feet both cmSMntien nnrtr Cn
trapwl Uu nur* tMra ud owb Um
Mm tlM Mkw teC owM off. tbe
•ad alter
a prattr rflU«e

A Bomber ef -UoM wbo have ben
mpoMtble tor lu pmetnltr •<«
netdeaU at thli pU«e aod io each
; ud bard,-


... --- --

in the manofactara of tbe nate. Geo.
Habbler sutes they
impressed with the madilne and lamnd to Inauil me In their plani
and other potnU where
they hare mins -at this time engaged
Id tbe tnanufactur* of sut
The Habbler toctory Is running full
blast these days aad employ la the
of thirty men. Their
ootput is mainly stsTes and barrel
beadiniDS and their commodities
shipped all orer tbe Lnltod 8Uies.

«<tlu Ion,*. UUM«. « IB. flF ■
lag* at they have beea berrU»fore.
8. 8. Bnraett. k tb» keeper of a
general atore at thU place, aod carriec
a eompteta Une of BterMndue. la
addition to hie many ■*«« datlea. he
. I* the nilace pofUnaater. Mealaohai
charge of the telephone bueli
thb Tillage aad nmnadlog cooBtry.
Mr. Burnett baa
the bnaliMn. raial U>d edotndoaal
iDtereata of thia Tillage for narly
twenty yenre and deriog alt that time
haa not been fooad waaUag In the
datiea Impoaed spon him by hla Tillean townmao. Mr. Bamaetl. U
thla ttme eertlng oa the achool board
and »".^f the dutiee w^lch are not
I by law, be la oomprtled to
peifurui U.ihe keeptog of tbe path
waya to and fiom the bonae of eductUoa free from the obalaclea kbown
Catte freqaeally here la the way of
aaow. and Mr. Barnett Malea that U
with hla ehnaent he baa
fonad qaite aa larlsolble foe.
J. O- Tark. la the man the hangry
ftraTaUer and tbe thltwly
an alwaya looking «or. Be la the
gaalal owner of tbe Donglan HoiAl
and rana a bar In
place. Daring b
YBlaga. when ibe mUtti shat down for
repi^ Mr. Turk flada reerentio
Other Uaea «d boslneas. Being
aonreefnl at mind. Mr.'Turk occaaloasUy eantoraa oat m the road aad the
Wnade be sMa while inthe-dnuaiaef.
man’a** capacity hare found great
faeor with Ue people ’ enrooto
After reading a few of the adrertlaementa Isened by Trarerae City
elmala In the holiday edition issued
' by the Rseotd. Messrs. Henry Bates
and Fred Oroham. two of Lake Ann’s
hied tbci
> to TrsTerne City and after purebaalag a load of glRa to gladden tbe
haarta of their may relaUTet and
manda at tM point and after apendlag a few sodal hburi with a----oC acquaintaBeao at Trareree Oty
they hurried orer to the M. A N. E.
degot and to thalr great nrpriae and
kdttar dtaappolattteat. coupled with



tbeir logs to „
HabUer's mil) at this
PoUtoro are being boaght here by
Mr. Perketfs inepraemtatiTe and the
tnbera are bringing SO cenu 1
M. U Lake and A. B. HueUi
hare ratnrned from a hunting expedliloo made eome few days ago and re­
port great sport. They were success­
ful In killing six fox. eleven
an innumerable number of rabbits, all
in the course of serei) days,
being seidsh In nature and being parUculsrly ansicnn for Traverse City
hunters to enjoy this sport they in­
vite them to bring thoir chniresi ra­
nine flesh and tbrtr best guns to this
spot and enjoy tbe best hunting
grounds found in this region.
Lake Ann is the -possessor of two
very active churches, the CongregsUmal and Free Methodist. Tlie Rev.
H. B. Rhodes is the pastor of the Craand reporu a large grow­
ing membersblp with a splendid SunB. E Smith is the r

a blacksmith and woodworker^ He
also rellevM tbe troubles of the stlpplDg horses by aitachlng new shoes to
their nnster-dy limbs on these icy
The stork was kept rery busy In
these realms Christina* week. Is eonJuneiioo with the medicsl skill of Dr.
ShilUday three little boys and me
dear little girl were ushered Into the
home of Nick Humantel. Dave K.
Rascr. Bari Beckwith and Bari Griffllb and the way the faces of these
proud farfiers are wreathed In smiles
tt would seem that the ntcc suicide
agitator's cause was lost.
George Habbler and C. Wbltbeck.
Iembers of tbe traveling frtlemity.
are very thankful these days to tblpk
that they were saved from bodily In­
jury in their rooent mishap at Bendm.
Their osertage was overturned and
after a ftsutle struggle by Mr. Habb)^ they were saved from wbai might
bsTb'besB a seriotfs sfleldenL
Habbler's general store Is the scene
of activity at this writing and almost
every article sold la a^general store
can be found at their place
L. Humantei reports a very flourIshM busiauea at this wriUng and
comes a very complete line of drugs
and groceries.
Samuel Ward is another mercbsnl
of this driving vtUage and hts place
of basInesB is well stacked. Mr. Ward
by years of experienoo and falroesi
has built up a very substantial bush

their hoetftSW^ey Trere *eompe'lled
to remain onr night In aetrongeclty
and among atiange pet^le.
WMding a aleepleas night and curaing
tha ffetea whMi had ba« no unkind
to them (bay returned to Ibelr home
tha sect aoralag and tha laot reporta
heard fraat thank their home eomiag
waa the ooeaalon of great Joy aad
jetUheatlOB by tbe ^Uage la general.
L. D. SpaSord hai receatly purdiaaed the grist milt at Lake Ana.
and haa laatalled all the modere ma­
chinery Mccaaary to make the heat
Caor. Mr. BpaOard baa mored hla
tanUy hare aad vIH deroU hla tlnm
to mlUlagWd the baying and selling
The farming locality surrounding is
of frmla of erery deecripUen here. Mr. being developed very rapidir around
BpaOord reports a rapid growing buallAke Ann and Judging from the count
neas and Uke Ana it cerialnly fortun­
less numbers of farmers seen drawing
ate la aeeartag each a wide awahe their prodore Ibroui^ the streets of
and alert basli)eat man, as Mr. 8paf- Lake Ann througboul the day ihel
ford for thalr buriaesa drclc.
farms must be as prolific as any found
The eoageatal phyalclaa of Ukc
in this region.
Ann. Dr. Shtllldlf, has tmuaed great
The Record and Herald is ln.lco.1
comment la bir hoaw town Iqr the
latrodaettoa of a aorcl lop for bit ioriunate In having S. S. Burnett as
Mr. Burnell wi
carriage and alelfh. The unique cor•itag la cteead enUrdy by black formerly In the 1
leather eartalns and srladowa. The and rajoys tbe work of r
the columns of
enrrtage cmplete makes a rery
forUhle bet kierd rehklo lo trarel the Record and Herald very much,
is hoped timt tha villagers will not
about in. Bartag the stormy
and fa tbe aubject of a great numbe' low 00c item of news to escape bis at­
tention tor remember, hts various
of peontlar remarks and e
duties as general merchanl. postma>
Its praaenoe In oeveral con
la tha oeaatlen’cr much nnrest ami ter and administering to-the wants ot
aaxlety nntll tbe teal mduioa nf the the teaching faculty of Lake Ann>
deetor'a patient la known and wheiber schools as the dlreelor of tbe srtoi.I
thla knowledge la aad or Joyous, tb- board mskes ft
learn all the erenU that haj>deetor-a prrwenee helps eome. The
busy doctor says that tbe hedthiui pen each day In the vlllagenemi of his region and tbe aetlrlty nf
hla Tinage aad aurroundlnga la gen
Caller Siding. Mieb..Jan IS—K. 1
e<al deatand Just such an eaempla:
warning of the aingular blessings IX-smoud made a business trip lo Ca
r Prtda.v,
which Ihey enjoy and also the WoaaMiss j. Blodget returned to Old Ml.laga of haring an endlcator of hnman
skm Friday after spending iho hnli
wees and pnlns among tbra.
J. D. yiynn la ItTeryman of the days ,1th her parents. Mr. and MrsOro. Blodget,
toam and stands at all times reedy
Mns. UnT was shopping in Honor.
transfer members of the tra*Hlng fra­
ternity from town to town as they Friday.
Mr. w. Robinson of Honor was in
scorch for places to place on aale
thalr rarlous meroantlle eammodities. town on business Saturday.
Mrs. He«cu who baa been sick tor
Mr. Bryan also supplIeB rigs
^easurej^ purposm and particularly the past ten days is n^ried some
raters 14'tho youths who are want to belter at this writing.
Jimmie McClmchey is on the gain
bold the velrei-llke hands of
fmaciaatiag Tillage maldeo as ther under tbe car,- o| Dr. Cornell.
Mrs. Mcaincbey and Mr*. WyacoH
drtre romsnUcaUy through the ptetureaque ceanlry surrounding Lake were shoping in Honor Friday.
F. M. Camp i* oa the sick llsL
Oeaeral Managw E. A. Ptsher of
' Uterioeheo and John Wylie, proprie­
tor of the Wvtie Cooperage company
of Inieriorben were vUltors
Habbler mil) a short time ago., Their
purpoee la Tialllng here was to inspect
a new mnrblae teeenily laatalled by
; tbe HabMer company. This dertee u

eik Rapids. MfA.. Jan.
aiin is emptoylng «
hoDdrod bands during tbe cioeed sea­
son. ud will expend in repairs or«
gi:.000. Ii is a busy place as well as
noisy plsee these days.
Duncan Dearing ^turas to his stud
lea at Aiats eoDe^ Saturday after
spendlBg the boiidayi at home.
Ralph Wlltae. C^niy trees
spent Wedneedsy in »k Bapida.
Harry Hirschburg aid wife did not
start opon their trip to CaUfombt and
c coast, until Toeml^ of this u-eek,
ihMf^ th« lr depana^ had alniort

■ soat this wM
A. a Phlrbaaks bmight » basbrti
of clover Iseed last week for whkA he
paid the neat sum of tlATO. One
hundred and flfly-sU bushels of this rendldste for the r
Arms A Cole will norei send a ton-e
amouat was.raised by Richard Fox c4j
tUriern years of turn to CharlvToiX shrrv- ten cotoHittoo township, for which be re ! aco sad esUbUshed the Traverse City
1 wiU be InstalW by
islnesc college. He is well equipped them to the Cbarterolx laa. The Pere
celred It-ICbAO. Tbe speeUI In-!&usi
» bookkeefHT oh a
Marqneu* railroad will make many
Improvement* si the big hotel and the
Trwta-rso City firm will do the plnmbliesi he had seen
i year and An-| still 1
.'d im the liOartl cf aldermen
mm „««„
Hlway* Ik-cu ai
the raising of clm vr s«-d.
' ' -l>ui>lican
- ^ as wt-l! a> •
J. \V. Coi'k irf EaM EIvventb sln-vl
Th<- aortal club will indulge in aj
usquende dancing parly oext Tu.tday evening.

mora^t detained them.Xbul they aro
now cm their way.
Elk Rapids wUI entertain the An­
trim County Teacbers' and Patrons'
Hathm February IS- aad
Every eKort available Is m-lngseeured

The village dderk’s report shows a
neat record tor ihe new mnnlclpaj
dock for l»M. Tbe first boM to Und
00 April 11 and the last one oo
Dec. S. There were shipped from the,
pounds of potatoes in
sacks: pease.
pound*: apples.
Sl.tto pounds, and other merchandise.'
making the total shlpniem l.fifS.lOd
IMunda. The ferti torned Into the Til­
lage treasury amounted lo ISHit
During the seunon' seventy-seven!
troalx made a landing at the new
A. O. Douiriteny is In 1/xnsiag to do
what be can tor bis favnrilo Candi­
date for'tlolled States senator.
Tbe Rev. E II. Vail, the new pastor;
of the Presbyterian church, filled hU
pulpit for tbe first lime Snnday. The
house was well filled both morning.
and evening. Tbe welcome accorded 1
bim was generous and helpful. Hts!
family is now setik-d In a cetuge on,
Truvense avenue.
Cart Boswortb weal to Marshall
Saturday to- visit h>* *«ister. after
speodioK tbe hoUdays with bis par-j

Elk Rapks Savings hank held Its
annual election of offlcerT. Tuesday
with the tollowicg result: President,
R. W. Bagot; Vice President. M. B.
Lang: Second Vice President. Harry
Hlrshburg; Cashier. Charles B. CarIMroctoni. E W. Ragnt. M.
n. Lang. Harry Hlrshburg. C. D.
Towne. C. A. Wh.vland. A. R k'airbsnka. C'haries Carver.
CTyde Cole and wife and Mrs C. S.
Beecher and wm Clyde <rf Kalkaska
spent FVIday with Mr: and Mrs. W. J.
Miss Todd of Jackson Is the new
teacher added to the High achool
forep. The Ipcreaae of studenU and
tbe addition of an extra study made
the extro tfletnictor necessary.
A Sunday school eonvention will
be held In the Elk Rapids church.
January IS. A fine program has been
ired and Tisliors will be bandstimely taken cure of.
ipcukers are expected.
Jcdin and Amy Tomers of Mancelona
spent a portion of last week with
their brother. W. J. Towars. our pop
ular grocer. They were £.eeompBnl««d
b.» their little niece. Genevieve Middlelon.
The Winneiiago. ihi- ore liarge that
haa msde this port regularly every
m tor several years, will no more
be alghu-d off the point in the early
dawn as she steams towani the iron
company's dock. Those who I
enjoyerl watching tor lier Unit appe.-iranee in tbe spring and tor the first
sight of her return upon each trip will
tbe pleasant sight and regret her
loss much as though sbu were an
mate being who could return the wel­
come greetings exiendod her. The
tost baa been sold lo parties on tbe
Parlflc eoast and will bo taken around
the Horn to her final desilnatlon to
Join in the Parific coast trade.
Charles Marian and wife of Sault
8ie. Marie, former ^k Ra)>ldsltck. arc
spending a week or more among
friends in the village.
Judge McLaughllo Is meeting with
tbe board of supervisors ar the <

Milton K. Smith, presldcui of (he
LoulsvUlc and Nashville MRallnud
rompaay. wil Iresign oo March :. Hla:
advanced age Is tbe reason assigned'
tor the step, he being now ”7 yeirs
old. He will lie succeeded by Vice
President Gv-orgu B. Evans.

White cutMg oystres. Friday night. Ut
epna a bard aobmance and. <a iavestigalloa. found It to be so ctyeter pcari
abotu the mic erf a pea. Tbe p< Arl w-s»
taken to a local j<-wclry eslabU*tim-nt
tbl* momtne. but was not pfrteci an-l
therefore was «rf no prewt commervisl
John If. Plett of Cadillac has Jussold so elm tree that contaUH-d f.«>.'>;
•fret .If lumber
ibcr for
f. tlOf----Miss EUicI Gli.h. of lomalBg.wa*
rvnil.-rvd uii.-onBciiyu* for »«-Vftat
hours by s *b->ck nvv l».-rt while i.-le
lih<mliiEiai the home of William i:i<d»
iluilug a Uiuiidcfwi.wm.

Imported ^hrpet-^
blended, roasted, packed in air-tigterpackage and sold direct to dealers.
In this coffee you get full value for your money. You get the
extra quality in the coffee through the saving of profits lost in
other coffees which are sold through commission houses, brokers
that's why M<=Laughlin’s XXXX Coffee'is
SO maefi better than any other
„ ,n — ,
^ coffee at the same price.
The handy air-tight package i
and the glazing of pure sugar t
keeps this coffee clean and
afresh—protected . from dust,^
f dirt and foul odors.
M^Latighlia’s XX3BC Cofiee ia Sold by


Ml First Class Grocers

Wr win flT.- Ore Hundrat IMkn for sny r
o**o nf Umfreai ireawd by esUrrhi that era I
B»l be cored by Hsll'iCsUrrii Care. e.TBdfor|
etrcttlsr*. tlre^ ^ cHBKgT * CO.. Toledo. O.!
lua'’RM!>%^^rtUs tor oowtlpslte^

XXXX CoFFee Chums

tbt 6nad trsvtnt' Btrsld
Tsrm sad Tirtsfdt

jg ^

Two papers for the price of one.

Pays for both a full year,
neuneemeni elsewhere ii


&*eat Inventory Sale of
“<• Organs


Grinnell Bros.


Ik-rforti Fi liriisry 1*1. when we uke our Annnnl Invrutcn.
are dcicmiiuci to luni Into cn*h «>r gnwl pit|w-r nil exebang.-d an'l
sbo|>-woni I*ian.w and Organs now on our fl.«>r*. We 'pn-f.r m
SACRinCK HRtVILV ralhi-r than carry them ..v.-r imn re.r n.-vf
bUBiorsK )TU and bargain reckcT^ywIII find lids .vn .'nP->rliiii ',v
they cannnt ufford l.. ini»a. SENSATIONAL RKUFfTIONS l.av ,
»«HD made, even from our iisiul hiw pric<>*. and tbe re.ull l.-<


IN PIANOS we offer W.i WONltBRFl'L HAROAISP. emi-mbraeing nearl.v .ill the k>adlng make* sueh s* Steinway. Sohrore.
sterilng. Chlekerinp. Voae. Knabe. Weber. Haines, etc., etc. Alt
have th^ughly overhauled al our J'aciory and are in l-est )*>*f!ldicondition.

Good, ReUtble Uprlrlits at $130, $160, $185, $195.
Hltb-Class, Goarantecd Uprithts, $200, $210,
$225, etc.
Parlor Grands at $150 aad upwards.
Desirable Squares at $25. $40, $50, $60, etc.
Our Bargain Plano* are far »upcrtnr to tlio-t- olt.'reil .-Ihewhere.
Tin- rva*nu i* that we have in the Steinway Piano abd tbe Pisnals
Piano Ihe Very $n-eate*t Induo-nienl* for people lo l>srt with hlghei*** irianns <ff other make*—frequently eipen*Ke Insirumeni!. and
n.»rly new when we take them In trade. People who aspire to the
tawseosl.m of fine Pianos of Icmlinc malje*, imt who ilo not care w
invest *ufflcl--ni to pureha*e new- insmiment*. will find ihls sale a
IN ORGANS we offer ISd BArgalno in such fine old makes as
Estey. Smith-dkmerican. Mason A Hamtin, «dc.. etc., all fully rwpairel
' fine order. Elegant blgh-clas* Organ* at S2S. StO. S3S. etc :
many siyU'w cheaper. Any Organ may in; , ' ■ ■ d Iat*T for a new
Plano and we will allow full price paid.'
is all we reqnin ind th':
Plano or Organ. A small smi
addrea*. Stool aod Scarf >
lostniment will lu- delivered t
Book FREE duriog this sale. Every tnstrumei
instrument Gl'ARANTEEI'
sai:»exactly aa repreai-nied and will be exetangod if
Mall orders and Inquiries eolicited and will receive our very
heat attention.


Brancli: 159 E Front St.. TRAVERSE CITY.


Sale |

Men's Overcoats soldaU the season
^ Ae
lor $», <10 and $11. now ...;..................
Men's Overcoats sold all tbe season
o ne
lor $12. $13, $14 and $15, now................... OmUO

Y ,gv« O
Overcoats, size 33 Jo 36. sold all season
lor from $14 lo $17. now . . . .................. O.TO

Men's Overcoats. aH sizes, sold all
d d Aff
season lor from $17 lo $20. now.........
Included In tbe lots are extra large
eoats, sizes 42 to 46; nice black
goods. . . These;, lots are on1 our
front cfmalers. . . Look tbem'over.

K SegCCR88888MR888eB>»»8B6e8€€88eQgy




the boto'^ Ue T^rci^c. of bvr uauAicr, Ure. bUri- (luzxRid
jan. 6ih. after a V>bi; tllniw. apwm bt?ld


Otr Motor Baal canpanr

alsiu In tbcofAn' of Ibo ac^t«Urr. Oao> H. Croak.



C« tka oCleeta dtowod UuU tbc co«-


Mr*. Iluruitl anil (aniUr hi

the *.>-nipailiy of iheeml.T

Of tydia. e. Pinkham's VegeUble Compound, the
Great Woman’s Remedy for WomAn’s libs

la Uivlr tad batMtetncei.

VUr bad bad a rery good yrar. rna*

sldeHnc tba (act that lu propertr <m
Bay otroet had <o be graatlr Impno-eJ.
It wu ataovu (bat Uietr waa a :«>od


lane amo-jt.t ot noner had

Euiphe. MWi,


ben expended


Imprormenla i f

the bnlMlact. equIpBWBt





pic take great Intemil In (be school*.

There arc nUic mwbera of the senioi
clasK this year, the Uigost to tbe his-

Oeorge H.

Croaa and J. W. Hannen.

gry of tb<- aehod.
Bari r. Carr iratiMCicd

TVsa praMdnt. Jobs R. Saatb.'

Beland tbla week.
Hon. P. A. Bunting ia now at Mnr-


Traaanrer. U. F. TUui.

it.C altendlnB to bin dutiea


to tbe Ferria InsUtute:

_________ _ _ Uuolvmil. s»d tia.tuit ■)I*.-hed
IbecTio OB lureab.ry -d all lb- eiuaie, both
e«el-aad pervoeiU. In U* sad .viuliy of •wdi
carpor«Uui>.aad.d oU Ibe book-, wmeben. and
......................... ..ataU..‘a.landlnK-



Mabel Hnebser. to tbe UU Pleasant



lannehea and aome row boeu on band
raadr for the aprin* malltet.


Mr, and Mra. Wllllard and Mr. and
Mra. Miller nidalutanti drove to Shet­

land Sunday to visit with the family
ti la ex-, ot Fred AUdDsott.
Miss Amy AndrwB


It baa atraady
an iBdnatry of tbU kind.

With aof-

It la oMfidaaily benered^tbat It will
baeone one of Trgvefoa Cityt moat

Dale Reynolda to rialtlng rctoUves
L Oockema.
Misa Jeaile



Tuesday to Provemoni where ahe Is
leaeblni; aebool.
. Raec and

fiaperiataadeat Suntoo baa lately
raealnd a rash ordar fibm MinceKma
lor a laobcb and baa a largo number
tt preapeota wbicfa

promlae a busy

Ida Dopaldsoo. vlalted witb the Mt«.
and Mra. Hebert at Maide City last
S. E. DcRan of Traverse City wa* a
bwlaesa vlallorhere last Tuesday and

An oOoa tttnagor win be a


aad Mr. Suntoo wlU give bla entire

lo tbe aapertntwndcnce of

tba foetorr.
president of the

YYawenc City board of trade, returned




Onad Rapdda and Cbicago.


While la

Onad Baplda Mr. Haatlngs made a
eali «poB B. A. Stowe, wbo baa been
choasB hrprMdem ot tfae Grand RapOf trade, aad

Amos 8.

tnber of that body
and con ttf -Orand Rapids' moat progieaalTa badlneu men.

After some

I. Mr. Haatlnga aectiiod Ibe
I of bMb 1
atuad tbe

annual banquet

of tbe

Ttaverae GOy board of trade to be
held tbe latter part of tbla nontb.
tbe boar^ of trada to fortunate In
neeuring t«b aocb excellent men for
addiwnaea opon tbla oeeaaMi. aa both
am prograaaivc and bare baen IdasiU•ad with the developaent of Grand
Bnptds a great many yean, aad

familiar with


aad ottar beuetu of a ^rawing dty.
It has been dadded to hold tbe banewet la Pomaian ball, but the exact
date has sot bm fixed.

That will be

dona, however. In a few days, aa soon
as the date that tbe ball can be secared en be mcoaeiled with tbe date
wUA wn be muel convenient tor the
oeUMe apeakera.


Rlcirs'place as cashier




coBunitteaa will bald a meetlag as
aooe as tba dalaa are fixed to •make
defiatte arrangemrau tor Ue mcoUng

Mre. l4. F. Carr and Uangliter Vorea
loturtiiHl Wednesday night from Ml.
lani. where they have t>e.m vIMiIng. Mra. Carr’s mother. Mra. It. BClenient.
Mrs. Mary Martin, mother of Mrs.
O. C. King, has gone to Chicago for
wlslt after which’ she

will go


W. H, iBcentan. Connlv, orgatilxer of
the Atoterlctin Bodoiy of BqnUy ’
to Cwlar Friday and organised a local
Durr Gclman. jr„ twelrq years (dd
bad a very narrow eacape from drown­
ing Saturday while akaUng



mile lake here.
on business Tuesday



l4ank Moran is building an addition
1 to his bnm

Niagara SL.

Presiding Elder Ajrguson of the M



services Sunday al

Bnrdickville. Glen Arbor and Empire.






very in « this writing.
Ester, the eeven-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Frank Moran, fell
the Ice New Years day and has l>eon
bonflned to her bed since


bruised hip and knee.
Some verj' Una




caught through the loo on Glen lake.
Some of the people around Olenmere
tnsVing null’' tut Incotue by selling


.A. OomaU to qolte tick.
Mlaa Oor^ Noad

Henry Grand W Walloon Ijike and
Fred Orimd of Cbicago relumed

to vialUttg her

atotar. Mrs. NatUa DavldaoD at Mania.

tbrir homes Wednesday after a xlsK
here with relatives.

They wore ac­

companied ns far aa Traverse City by
Mni. Win cisrii aad Mrs. II. 8. Cor•Ml am OB tim olek Itoi.
B vtaltlng mends here Sun«*y.
k Raasaey
of South Grant
’ -Mra. 8amh
vMtad In town

tlielr mother. Urc. John Grand and
niece. Miss Vida Collin.

dart and Walter Brown of KaUmo-



I>y. Bei.-ivt.-f.

E i «. E TIE CMB

od ette NellM Ee


/*|RTitr to snnu < a i sg-Hi.i. <d
V/ ifiMi Th»fin-i;in-..arl f.T the C
n( K^em Is t'lM
At a vrodonot .Old o.«r1. hebt at Ui.-i'.mri
•ai-ein the Ciiy .4 lirond KaiHb. la m.d
j^ly.tiBIhe i;ib day of tAwmler. A I>

Annual Statement

..s is

Pr.—-nt. lion Alfrwt W<,)..*4i, I'lreull Judfie
Arid>'-ati-oi for of in* raiTrnml
ilioB. a Cor|eniT..iB
.nBual maliwirot (ur tbe ytwrendlnE I>ee At. KUk of the r..o<bilc« of affair* oT ih*
. •* thv a.tali-^<i(
Df-sell bsvToc I—w,.n*d- la paymm) -t
Vis Cnraawa a A A H H
*'’Mlltiiri nre Iraarann- Cen.paoy. l»-ai.'<l al Travel*.- 4'tty. Hlrhina. a>d dotac Jani.v A Hunt. I
______. .li—.r!
Anur.aiem. le-r.w^Bi
• ia fhrt'..antl<«u(l<rwndTrBr«r*i'. AnlrlRi and Ln-lBnan. in *01(1 Slate.
the oed dof.ndaiii ibe I
veniaU.1 R~-tM AvairMIhm. by it. direru
MnwhiTot^siibras. r*
s Mrvr.-teT-B.-rfi, lorn aad rraKawbrr (if Bnuti-rs a
lenieberTHdl.y lire ................
prvMiai yrar..
X..t a Ida r. Kuviim, he.e»e aad eoo
1 tor Oadar Oily sett naysmoM tsava a*
deferltwa m.
m^ ^_________ t_.|..
raid .lefiHidaaT n|ein tlie
theeaMt tbeeemof FtreBes
d-f»d«nt l> iiiadvr
Ui*«4ven1. and lisvini.- sttoi
SovW Mary t-.IVfifi. boa.
Wt.riomit year and pulii-|e« .s
_______ .rou.rv .if all the oiUlr. loth____
and i
i raiiRal. la law and eiallv .4 au.). vorp.. Travwa.CtiT.^rhGram
mi Forty I.Ui r~-l of lx>t N>
1. an.) .4 all the )«e*v, ...ueb.-v- ai..l >ero B
IbTveiTJ.of Oak Hnobu Ad-------Numl*Tor^Mlwn now Iwlanriax
rrUilhfi ■ (all. jo-t nnJ tru.. Isf
Nor tfl E K Kmurr. bon
n->ir r-ll. . of Tr*Ve|*e *.-115.
- --HI of tliecai.llnl
of •neb .-..ej.e*
, seo.rJiDi.-to lit.-rrtn.rd.d th-r. „
•.n^^f^Siprrly «
ll.m,.po-(fytn« tbena.i..*>4 11- «t» l.l.ot
.o«i«T« I Ibne. ar*tnl»> will l> vldml lb- fr-oit
hWai Bnfig.. torn
their vi^daew ab.-e buoun. (V- ------. '«l the I'oar* Hobm- mite rtiy ,if Ttb«
axed by pnu»T1y I
aborip. le-loBfilni; to mieb. Irm •
'" Oily Ithoil-uifi ih- pUv whwe th». On
JSar. Cbon-J., boei
U|Biii vu.-h •boro. reviM.-tiv..:v ai
[^."’I’KiOoertforOrand Trsver— Oousty i. beM..iD
m*. NoeUe«srW
•undue tlif.rv.-a aIv. a vlaf
tv fir*
lira Saturday
day of
t.roprny ot on. r. e.iei»"-itlujn
February, fllnete n Hurtdred
iTiod. ■'lber eltli a full ou.l i
' l, Tewrera
.VUksm OJfism xapie
Amount al risk January I. IKC .
■caxarix *-«.r»irxa*' oaiamix*
* alteeoVlork is tbs eeUsfy tbe Xt Wallse
liatsm «msm (Mpsa
>x> on tiaaanr isci naxi. urai
____ . ma hrrvdltorandof evwj l-n
aiBHmt do.' ‘B void martfitg* os sbuTe siai-d | Ar Pmsaka
nuu Ilua
. errdiior.
S Wynkrop-atteadlaxaaaaal DiMar»4lc.R Out. bouse damaged
aaiarred each dead
.. __________and tbi
riTtom' iBeetlag ...
l>y are.
roawondcvmslderaiion.dnvh indrlderiiw
tUe^ea^Mtn^attendint aaaaal
OaeiMloauf Howar.) A •»ltnior
Bar n Hrarr Balkiric. bouMdamV'd
tordefmalaal. IT Id oBDKRKD that sU par
brr•oBs talTtroied iaMx'h e.>rporBlionab<nrcaam..
imekjmrn and eretenl*
Jidm While. aiieiuUec Dlm-toT*' son
Mester-inObai'eeriK.m ih.'tvili day <i( Har.-lt.
uat meetlae'--. .. .
A D IWd.
ad. St luuVl.,'k
luo'i'-be-k ill lb. bs
W.Sii-wari. stiendlnB aeaeol Dlnlttr,-in IbeOeen
Oeen Rcrav
In IhrOIttid
ihrOittid (■(.rand
Kapbls In said Connly. And ..u like niolnui
l>n>. W. UrWethy. lOlary o>9e.-'y
TT IP ri'RlMBS ORUERKn tUt noU-e of
tentstniniMliby llahtnlng
ra.,-..*w,..u,...v. ras.
'rartrm CUy8e«*»eel.
b-nf ihl>oid<
ihl> Older vball Id- pnbU>lM.i gTATI
nr MICHIOSX -The Probat.Cmirt s »4p m
• in-eiti ea.-h »e..k. for 111
Iv.ui Th.- l'hr..n). le. a
AtassihKi of mid enori.l^d at ih* pro
Rsrly wnryiinfi true has hrtor Bad Umax.
BBd.’in-nlaitafi In-aid I
PiMoce . ...............................
jiaper pBldlsIint an.l . in-.
■nlalins in tb. Coumv
awm. 1
llrtn. ai .T"- ll>._ frln^
Boa. Fred B Wolbsr. Jedge el
Real I d <1 rsnee Kail, aaai]
Li« <d Seb-»1 IMreM^.
Hay bliolwrtP.Uarland. botaw and
i-urpurallun Is eituai.
Adverti-dnc ..
Inibei allcr .it tbe salota at Ckarl.a Lon .

<«ilent*:*uppoM<eanM de
ALFBfa} WoI.'YiTT,
•• Ifrfnm--.. .. .
(ectlveebimsey ..
t'TI-rall Jiidfie
Hay i; (bw. Bichin, bara di
A.IJovIllU: l.*e
11 A.fbsidn.
LiU IH H laif.AX:
Oip B.1.-1.V1.-T
■A true enfiv
mid felaietnmid rea1.--la1ethere,Bde».-Tihad.:
tlb.otdar.d thav tie E4ta day .4 January.."',^ IS Slmdm
JaM&J<WTbMasiaw«kl.h-.ii>e dara.
A D IWr. at vn selork m Ibe for»nie*n. *«L,„ nan dslen
aeod 1.y llahinine
..flu*-. J- and is herel-y api-eal»l’'^',7'
t-a«h on hai*l Janea
prnhala ol
Wm. Hrlola. *le.-r killed by
I 'sMt. .^leetJVl on a
f.n-b«annfisaid !•
It !• fnrtbsT '....
Coah toreived from
laty of Grand '
Tweed lllWir
Caehreeetvod from
. .aist* of Jol
JiinerB.-ier Panek. hasM aad eon
tale of sold eviaet.. . - _
.m daily Imlsoer
leale burned: -up|**wd caiur
NoOira Is kseaby fiivoB Ihet four moBtb
dfdecuve rhiiuney
ilOBWitt (hr XMi day .d D.-«.nilwr. A 1> Itlfl. hsv
aUuwad tor rreditoi* (a fiTss»ai (bear <
ogalamsaiddeeaesadlomid «>ort forek.__
in the Grot^l Tramem Hscold. m.d pnUira
Lnwn paid that .erorrod dertnc
. Rcfmud Chnreh.
OTATBor MR^mOAX-TbeProliatsfoart ttoa to t-ee-eiunoad -met le smb w—k f.» tsi
I»ar* paid Ihsl oeeomd ianr' -damaged
ted hyhi
by (tchlatnc.................
t. si
at ibs
lbs i.Ldiis
i.rrdBIs ofRr*.
Bstomid ooart.
^«ri*. V*ld"^ live Pro
July eRermaa arhiater. .1
■ •ity of Trtv.rm City, in asid rooeir, o- --r tele ofiire. la tbe eily .4 Travenra *
1.V llfbta'ni;.
Il^e of all I.lber eipen-e* S
JelyBI^Ulr^^lw. bora daieagml
t an TUeadsv Un. Sab day .4 Apnl. '"p;.







rnc:^“s«T.s.:sssT'-'.5U’'s;d;^ ■


ss SE," JJ- sv.: Er™





:_i^..ber;i.y «-.u-iw.!'‘v.:?b":r"e.rr4SUtn, «-* d-ftmAmo a





rb^^-ifSair.i'i.r-UA. I'y Si


The Bmp(TP litcal A. S. of B. met at
I.aOoro'8 bail Baturday night and the JriySMarab Brimab.
toltowlnp ofileora were elected: Prcaldenl. Mike Mlnuiaugh; Sccrotarr. II


;n wbo refuae to accept anrfbing cl»c are rrwarded a hundred
i.r (licy get what they want—a cum. Sold by DrogguU
oe aU kubaiUutaa.


union with sevcniocn member*.

Capemtoh, Mlc>.. Jan. IS—Mra.


Watch meeting service* licrr held
Monday night In the Fn-i- Methodist
churrb mirth tif town.

ileroifinMl .MV^TSi^S^me
i/.l'ISH IMI1.AS'.
Uty> Re(t>trr



P. Dally went lo ‘rrarerse City

butrd of

VaBt'*Mk.;aBd tbe boat methoda of


tbclr liome lb

f Bean the Signainre of

The Kind
You Haye Always Bdn^t
In Use For Over 30 Years.

sS!r^NerTooa 4>rtX«Uon. Headache. iScimtoI Dct.iijiv quickly rield to ill
canolng (toio. dragging M-ii*atinn* and naekacbe.
I It act« iu hariDony with tbe female tystem.
tbsl wearing feeling, extreme la-odtui!e. ''don’t care" and
‘waDt'to-be-left-aloae' feeling. cxciUbilily. irriUbiiity. nerrousoeas. ditxlneSK. faintness. sleepleoaneKV flatulcncv. tm-lancholy orthe "hlues . Thew
... . .
-------------..-----------------------.u- —

Mrs. A. B. WlllUnl lias taken Mabrt

Beard af Trada Banguat.

Ms board

Dr. J. O. LaCore and family rclurtiod' nSiutday to

The CbiJdreu’s 1‘auucoa-Tho Muthcr’s Fncnd.


laMrr in Chaere«T- on (he
Bpre^ aad nnqnall
has such a record of cures of female illni
Nooihcr medicine

friend), a*_______
ha» Lvdis
E. I’inkhsm's
Vt-geuble Ct
boat-of grate;
H it baa
boa been
curing all forms of Fcmoleto
than 30 yean
ion. and coONequeot Spinal Wei
Inflammation and Ulcvratioo.
and Local Wrakoi
‘rakneaxe* than any other
cured more__________
teud^. It dioBolvea and expels lumni^n an carl^amgr of^dcvelo|wot.


BL W. Haallnga.


few dava.

that thia ia a moat exedint field for

It relii-tcs Toethlnff TroiilitcK, nirrn Coastlpathua..
iiiiiilae— the Food,
-------• .1
It to.Miiina(cs
rrgxUaU* ikM
the '

Mtoauu-h and itovrcls, iriviiiK healthy uod natural slc«|>.

i.aKsir.iiraf.tSffi'ia -srs;


from Chief Lake, where she visited tor

(Went eaptth] to nabte It to apread


U drwtraya Worm*

It -cures DhtrrhuM and Wind

and FtatUlruey.

tor that paVpoae the balance of tbo

a moch Urger aeala than Uat year.

Jt is FleOsanL.

Morphine nor other Xuivtrfie

Its age Is iU snaraatee.

and ailay-s Ft-veriohnnw.

eiv.n eorh oban* mien-tln-lT and tbr omiduit
•iilldae tbenvm
Ab..a>tateBi-ot Umi tbe
propsty .if eerii eonarailon t« aat rarom
1-rwl. amMl..T *1lh a lull on.' true aevount .*
alllb«rT*.l:t..r«..r ra.-b
rat. tbereof. •iir. ihi- lOa-v ..t
.d eerb ermUtor and
to aboia Morb eerafioiB.'Biv arre mo.le. if
kninrn. tbr oum owiuc lo .*eb .-redltor. the
natarr.daeebdvhl .« drmaad and (be
eaem and voaatdswUiai
at wv-b u>drld.vlniw


It waa

treaaury atoek wilt be add.


the Kainmsoo Seminary.

daeldad to laeraaae tbr bnaineaa .and

pasted St win be run tbla mr upon

conuuns ncitlu-r 0|iiiuit,


have inapected tbem.-..^o companr
about a

BwH<% l>rn)» and NeMdIiliig: t»ynt|M.

The ervoral atudeots have niumed
boeu and all of to their respective srhoolK as ftrtlowK;
theaa beau bare found great favor Foiwt. Reed to the I’, of M.: Harry


” nr« tout
Experimontit that iHHe i rlth and MKUniror tbe hcmiUi af
In^U hud Chi
tperience against KxperUnento

Oastona is n harmlcM Mibstltute for Castor OH, Pa»*.


amoag the pufebaaer* and thnae who Collin

at* this.

.B-m Alfred w,> OtroltJBdce
___ lion for dlwolnteui of tbe Keebts


' bar a( flna Ubnebes iaat yeai. alao
fMM call and

hm beat tlX' Itth day u( tViewnhte. A D

btulneaa at

The company prodaeed a larpc num-


BM for orer 30 yemro, has bone the signuim of
— «nd bos boeonuMle under hu

,’(lwTn’^ka4w2‘53ar* d’ibrE'au.o( Jam~
A Heat, doremwd. uoiuplaiiiaBi. n Kewi.ts

<•. B. Arkcnz|Bn. Daj'toD 6elby and

ProaldeBl. C. L. Qrellick.
SacToUrr. 6eor«e H. Croaa.


OltHEb TO eaiiW l-At'M-tX:*!.
'-r. iEu> Th. otroll i'.«n iiw Uw sv

Tbe perr

w. WatHoa:- 1- F.

Ttoe Kled Yoq Have Atorwyi Boo^it, «bA


aa ftdlowa.''

^ttt, Oeor*«


wortt to go forward without delsy.
with a complete attendance.



Tlie iili'aanni
ncalber has given npptinunliy for ibo


XNraetoni. C L. GrellWk. Joho



AU et (be ol^ffgccn irarB le^dected

aanto. Tbomba

Kotl~ )• he'<
jf «*ja-wt.
.............. ................................ —
IBMBSkja toluks aoal S"
ia «>,
anrt ot Bb rions.m Hnwi»»Vst»l a-*ey Xa
amiiiii Ja»n.nni.t.vth* k ,
tt«rt,oCeB..t».' ts.Twr W N u BBW.aaS
tool Bit WwT will br ■dm!.' brl'WerooMy

»iil nnilcT coflutmcOon at iblk plarc

>■1 OB the boala awnDtaetDrod ard
that a

“55l* 'I






July mHM.^l'tettwbo.' two honm
fcPM l« UthiBlea.....................


County Organlrer. W. H. Hoenian.

Mra B. DIxoa of TtaompaoBvlIk
la town lost
Mr. and Mra. J. Rinard took dinner

t imn Kolaa. hern and rontenw
burned: by lUhtaiiic .
m WllUe D. BomiiM. fner >beeii
kUM by Uebt^x .
1 IwO. HfUiild^hoMeeon-

with bto brother George and family at
Oeoa. Sunday.

Brimmer returned Bninr-

day from a three




frimids et TI
Adab Sheldon la quiU sick at tbla


'. Ji . .

Fanns That Grow



Mra. teab Caasrimon baa gone

. •

____ ____________ thirrof U gtrrn ly ptMioalion ofseop.'of
thisorder, for thro.-turreaBre aeaks prerioes



Mrs. John aollaad UrMU abde
Mr. aad Mra. Mmoa Perry of Bur.

A quira wMillag lock placw s


dlekvIUe am visiting their daughters


TVxDpaon^le. ware visiting frlrod

_________Deriag tba present

New Wheat>Orow-

here Sundd).
Al. Ueoant and Ralph glmona left
Moeday tor Marilla, where Ihey

Ins Territory

>1 br«B made scerstible
. markets by the railway

driving wclU.
Mr. and Mra. J. D. Holland '
called to Grant Saturday on aecoant
of the aeriouii lllneaa of her mother.
Mra. Wm. CViok.

grosang. mixed larmiag
•od dauvmg an the great
' Itics.

All report a very plcasaat

Mrs. Annie Shell. Mrs. Alba Brim­
mer and Mra. Emma Bimnas


Meads at ^sen City last Saturday.

Misa Rllcu Harrow i.; this «li>. the.


Ret. L- B CiriH^-iier -facialine
Mr. anO Mra. Tiiompsuti will i. iiuilii
!n the rtfr fora (cw 6*F». wl«t> 'bey .
will icatfc tor tbclr n-tr hoiui in Win !

1 heir commendationH would fil! a col-

Little Cnilff Dead.
rivSe. tbr child "f Mr. and
Mr* Willatu
Lniitner atlghoiVlniod. 'lie.l Tli;ir*da.v


imi -="'g-

matle fif the host of
.rdiithted housewiftb and their
a'sis'.an'.b why hav': used, our'

t- c-<wtracling psrti-e wer.• -Vmxi
3nM« of Wlnnipi'C, Mniiimiiii.
MniiiUHiii. an.l SEUI?


oral ladke last Friday with n carpet
rag bee.

Jadee c4 Pratet

poshed lore

Mra. B. Blllingiou enieitalned

mflernooai and fine lunch.



ti •irat-l Ttmi-,la> .-ti-nliix s! T:oi

Mra. John Oonath and Mra. Herb Harand


niriilui.inetpirm.AprilA- l»P: b^it««m^^ti^

Meadoa to opewd tbe winter.


A D UOT at ten o'ekBk in tbs' fm ,,| m

SeerBiriord I


<rt tMiw.-l tnailiic.
FuDOfEt will be held Saiurdai ninrnChurcb of the ImnuwiaaK
eption .11 1li. •('■•l.irL- lu cUann ctf

.Vntlcraoa I'adcrUkiDg c xnia&y.



.umn of this pao«T.

hin: :o







be ti’.c

Tsrm amd Tinsidt
Two paper* for the pr«e ot one.



user of lies: Ffour now,





not a

this i* just

yinijle sack.


Thai will

of many.

& Lay Co.

fmmi AM» I
MMT •• «

«alvai l««h
In'«• M Iwta^ hMM
U wnMUl •• *»
•*«rr ti<rtf>9 tth*
K I «Mr M to tryM
«WM Hi>t» I «W n>y, toy

are milked there will be a big pan.
lust for them. Sometime* there hare
been u many u twenty bnagiy
lapping out of the name dish.
Bare they moat feel eery gretcdol.
ea U they don't know bow to aay
nuiak you." Their friud told me be
liked to have them areoad and that
they k^ the rau and mica array,
thlak he mut be a growa-np Sunahlner, whether he kaowa it or not.
Btbel Uwreaoe has brought i
paper* and ptcture-leafleti for Dr. LyYour preaideot yu eery gted to


Hare la <
a ter thia weak. It
!• called
Th* OaoM *f Ssraaping Cobwaba.
Thar* muat
aa old vomaa of the
Mty with bar Vooa, aad two of the
player* mwi each hold the end of a
Skipping r^; the other pUyera mn
auad la Uae. The old woman aaya.
~l want a helpor to sweep the sky.
Who can Jump high. Vho can jump
She look* down the line and polnu
with her broom to one of tbe pl^re.
^MWMy MttoM*.
who oemea forward and ataod* In
front of the rope. Holding out tbe
broom, tbe old womaa aay*:
Nambw af waiwtotf
*•*>■ *nbke thI*. Uke thU. *
Be Bure you don't mlas."
Tbe player take* the broom, bolding
l»«oer twA.
with both hand*, and
Odw oa * tiDtt, In ter Japan.
tbe rope te held for him to Jump. He
TlMW U*wl • >“*y
haa three (rtalt. Rach time the rope Is
■o merry and •<> Mil of ^
held a little higher. It he Ukes them
Thai pryto. canad him lo-door 8on.^
all. be ateads on coe aide: it he teUt.
Mov iB-door Sob made mirror* Boe. the old woman baaU him viib the
broom, and be. 1s out of .tbo game.
Uka thoae IB pour bouaa and miBe.
And la thoaa lookla* c>«bb^ brtght. Wben all tbe jjayers bare been tried.
Hi* owa tea* aaw from nora tni nigtat.
Anal trial, and tU one wbo can Uke
all. Jnmha 1* aMecied to be tbe old
tde him te«l ao rary aad
woman who sweeps tbe «ky.
To aaa bia face kiok craa aad bad

\ smnitB y

That ba basaa to Uke treat Bara
To heap a trraet tmUt alway* thai*.

Sutlons Bay. Mich.. Jan. 3, IW*..
Dear Prealdeni—
1 thought I would write to yoo for
■ooa ha fBoad that thoaa ba Imaw
Brat tine. Thank you for the
amaad t6 Mka him bettor, too;
card and butimi. I think they are very
FBr. Uk* the mlrtor*. arwy ooa
pretty. 1 go to achool every day. My
Bacaa to aaina on In-door Stu.
teaeber's name la Mr. Hauon: he
Is vary kind u u. I am 1a the third
Nov try Jut tbia OB* day aad aaa
grade. My atudlaa are reding, apete
Hcrv tarlcbt and amUlnt yon cao bo;
ing aad arithmetb-. I *U vtlh Chris­
yool) Snd both happlnfaa and ten
tina OeUaesa. WeU. I mnst ckwe for
a ptayteg yoo'ra aa In-door San.
rrionda and N*l|d*ara.
klra. Oraaa te aprlBgitana.
Mr*, ftvva 1* teii.
Mra. Orvy i* a ratey day
Whoa the elond* are oror all.

Pram your Simahloe glrL
Age S.
Martha Mork.
I am very glad that yon have writ­
ten to us. Martha, aad that yon like
year card a&d button.

IhB 3. tW7.
Oanr Prqaideot t tbo^t I would wr^c to you for
tbo Srat tlmo. 1 thank yoo very muck
for tbe cord ate button. I think Urey
or* very pretty. 1 am going to achool
erwry day. My teackar'a name U Mr.
Hanaan. I like him vary meeh. I
in the fourth grade. My stndle*
reading, sritbaetic, language. apelV
lag aad geography. { ait with Cht«tina BUcken. I have’two Utile Sta­
ten wbo would like to Join the Sunshlna Cradle Roll. Their names are
Olga and Myrtle. Olga b three yura
old and Myrtle Is tea months. I most
eloe* for this time. hopiBg to aee
this In the Sunshine departmenl.
Prom yoor Siinshlaa gtrl.
Age II.
BUS Mork
1 ahall be very glad to put yoor lit­
tle sisters' name* on tbe Cradle Roll.
Write again, name Ume.
Maple City. Mich.. R. P. D. No. 1.
Dec. 31, IkOC.
As I bare not written for a long
time, t wilt write now.
I am nine
years old and am In the third read«^.
Thank you for the plh- There are on­
ly three of us home. My two brother*
this winter, and so U my
slater. My oldest brother Is twaniy-oue
yean old. and my youogeat brother U
aixtaen yean old, and my Mster Is
old. Ms and pa and I
all there are at home. My olde:;t
brother Is at the ump and my younge*l It doing chore* lor Mr. Johnson,
and my siner Is working In Traverse
City. WeU. u I have written a long
letter. I will close.
FTom your Suublner.
THUS Oladys Amanda Thoreson.
It must be lonoly for you with your
rlster and brothers away. But I know
are a tnie Sunbeam, and help
your tether and mother.
Nonhpori. Hlcb.. R. F. D. No. 1.
Jan. 5. IMT.
Dear Prealdent—
ira a UHla girl eight year* old. I
would like to Join the Sunshine Club.
Please send me a card and a bmioii.
1 am going to aebool. I am In tbe
thin) grade. My teacher's name 1*
Mtes Moris Holton. 1 go one mile and
a half to Mhool. We had a Christmas
tree in our school. I bare a Utile
brother. Ris name U Jullu. but be
too naull to write bU name yet. He
it three year* old. I hare a big brothirbo Joined tbe Suuhlne Club kmg
ago. Tbe number on hi* enrd Is CT4.
eH lost hts button, but be doronl
care for a button now. It Is bani for
me to write becniise I am left banded.
I h<H>e to be a Sunsblner if .yon can
read mr letter. I guess 111 close for
thU time, ae good-bye.
Amelia Bourdo.
We will put Jullw' name on tbe
Cradle Roll. Edward Joined In Jan­
uary. 1»S.

and made the eonch-aheit
Patty leaned bock inaOr te tbe warm
ennshtee agntest the oU crag aad
watched a white anil go flitting by la
while tbe iiatened U> the
BbeO's low aoag. which grew loode*
and sweeter each maoent. Lulled, by
gentle mule, abe w« soon lost to
everything around her.
Tbe next thing that happened, atae
as aslHag lightly over tbe blue
aves In the cobeb-aheit.^ for
retned to he the piak fairy. now
was golBg back >o her bomv In tbe
ocean. »>e uiled feorlessly on ore.r
ibe'wmer for a tong ways, and after
awhile sank slowly down, down to tbe
bottom of the sen.
Here all wa* beadllful to look
Stately forests of Ull green trees

. a^d fr
fro with tbe modoo
water., while lliile flsb with eye* like
In and out among
their bran^e*.
Lovely reefs
caves of coral Uy all around ber and
scattered here and there npon the yelV hundreds of conebsbellB with pink fairies loMcIng from
their doors.
They all seemed very glad to wel­
come b«r home and set up a merry
dance. In which she Joined and was
dancing ns gaily as any of them, when
suddenly she beard a great nolee.
Opening her «'yes atae saw Rorex
standing right In front of
barking loudly, as If trying to drew
ber auentlda. which indeed was the
-. for tbe tida wa* coming In rery
fast and bad almost reached ber neat.
Patty sprang to her feet, and grab­
bing ber doll, book and ronrb-sbell.
away ss fast a* abe could with
Rover troTiiog by ber side, wagging
his tall gayly. as M to as
"How brave i was, to rescue ynji.'
Many times after that Patty took
her eonrh-shell to the seashore. sCIl
hoplbg that It would sing songs of fte
But never again did she dream
of the pink fairies or bear anytfatne
from the shell hut the same low.
sweet song that-It had always rang
wben the wind Wew the rignt way.
Ladles' World.
Dog Saved Hie Life.
Cuddling up to bi* tittle master ami
keeping bim warm Arwigbout the
kmg night in a fence comer, a big dog
saved Roy Francis, aged eight yearf.
from death through exposure, cm
Ifst night of the old year.
Rov lives In Owosso. and. accomIKinled by his dog. started ou
tiring the cows home. 'Ilte latter hM
wandered far away and. In seeklag
Them, tbe boy lost his beatings and.
vns going terfber and farther from
home at every step, when exhansilnn
.-v.-ertook him and he lay down in
fi-Dce corner. His dog huddled up
him and protected hint fiom (be col.l.
-drirzIlDg rain as best he eoiild. and
thus gunnletl. tl\p child slept until
Shortly after he started again o.
what he siiiipnsed the way home h
met by n mao who told hlra.whei
qnestlnoed. the right way to go
We woalB all tike to pet Roy's dog,
wonMnl we*
A Now Way.
Cells came home from school
IT so very snlier. and seemiog so
lMM>P}'. 'bat her mother asked
what bad gone wrong. Celia had only
lately begun to go to sgbool. and she
not very welt acquainted there

Monroe Oenler. Mich.. Dee. 3t IN.
Whitarh Mr*. White,
Dear Pre^ot—
and Mm. Snow (tbar’ra tolu. yon
Well, t
V I* New Year's day.
The ^neb-ghelt'a Seng.
I wish you a Happy New
Mra Blaek la nikht.
Fatty CaritoD was a sweet little
thought I would write and tell you
what I got tor Chriatmu. 1 got a doll. New Bngland girl, and ber bomejiras
Friday. Jaa. II. 1BP7.
very ter ftom tbe beautiful orean.
r. a book; the name
of tbe
la “la Her Palber'a Place ' where the fosm-capperl waves came
rolling In on the golden sands every
Atealia Sasdo. Nortbport, a. P. U.
now dreu. I vent to the Chrlstmw day. Patty toved tbe big waters, and
No. 1.
tree at Monroe Center church. We so did Uncle Jack, who was s sailor.
Beute Ateaaairr. Travarao City.
spent most of his time upon
OaiaU, IM and 8y)«aaiar Boyd. had a Bice program and a nice-tree. them, sailing from one port to anoth­
jMaaU BrawMI. Myor Hyataa. Lae It atormed nearly all night; it la
a very alee day today. I went to Sun­ er with varied cargOM. Jack told pntWhrd. Travene City.
ty such big stories about tbe sea and
Myrtl* Bope* aad Daratby Blood day achool Sunday and I auyed for tbe lovely shells and coral reefs that
MiBteh. I vu down
Bood. Tr**a»a# City.
two or three day*. 1 had a nice time. he had seen, that she longed to go
and see them haraalf. She leased
H. Y. F. Sanahlne Club Cradle Rail. W’e wni cutUr riding. It mut be
him to Uke her «lth him oo seme
■Oh, mamma." she imld. -| don'
Jaliu Bottrdo. age thive yean nice where ybu lire.
of bis voyages. Jack, however, only think the girls like me. They all' like
lortbpori. R. P. D. No. l. Baare aeoi
asM that he conld not think of uk- Cousin Matte so much, and warn
Bou Clark.
ly AMlU Boofdo.
with ber at recess, and tbey
Thank you, for your New Year’s
TM- praMdeot wonder* bow many gtweung. i am sure you most hare her mamma, but If she would be real laugh and talk and have sneb a good
good ate learn her leaaona well, he lime, and—and. oh. dear; tbey don't
t bar Smbtaan bare bad a chaaea had a very happy Oiristmu .
would bring ber a nice present wben
■bout me at all." And now she
^ teed Yba Wrd* thi* whiter. U yon
Monroe Center. Mich..Dce. St. 'M be came back the next time.
crying in earnest, with bar head
^ve acrer doaa H. yon really doal
Dear PieMdcnt—
Ate DOW Jack was home again and
mamma's sboolder,
Idtaow wbat a good ttm* yoo bare ml**thought 1 would write a letter. I Patty bad her present.
wailed nnill ber little girl bad stop5 ed. M^rea tba eaW. ftoaty day* come
What do you think It wai-! A besu- jx4 crying so hard, ami then the said
• your preaMaal Ua* a place o( anet to like to read tbe teoars la tbe Herald.
! went to the ChrlMmu tree down Iltel coocb-sbell. all fluted and seal, very geoUy.
the Mmb or a Mg Hlae tree a«ar her
the oburch. I apoko a piece. The loped around the edge, and of a gold"Cejls^car. are yon the only new
UUe vu "Our Om." I r» a doU, a
mingled with cream oolor scholasT'
of perfume, a toothpdck holder, on the ^iBlde, while tbe Inside was
K«o." Celia aobbed. 'There's
. Theta are the Bngtteh aparrov*. of
a lovely pale roscddnk. And beuer Mher new girl—Maty Earle."
oouaa. They are regular liiU* iag«!blef*.a It Is a bad day than aU. Uncle Jack aald^ with a mer­
"And have you done anything to
mutBu. hot they gel hungry Juat the
viy tba alaar btod* do. aad tbay* tei today. Sh* baby gM a rattle-tea ate ry twinkle in his eyes, that a pink give beg a good timer
masic boaand a fairy .used to lire la a once upon
"R-hy no. Vo* see I don't think I'd
enongh for am They come in flocks
and oo taovr. atarmy days vbat a new dress and little rnrt. I would U«e. and she could siiU be beard Uke her very weil.'
have liked to oee Teddy whw
ateglng song* of tbe ocaan if P*tt.v
ehattartug ther* It,
-Well." answered Crtl*. .slowly
BopmtlBwt there will hr tvo docea all Played sneb fmny iridta 1 like to go would only llsteo sharp.
Pauy bad lUiened. aad Usieaed. "she hasq'i nearly a* pretty cloihe*
trying te *ai at ooee. and . aaylag. to Sunday-acbeo). .1 mlsaed Juat Sve
some of the other giris. and then
“Paop. peep; (%e(p.' cheep! Don't
gentle mur^iuring.. whlcb sounded s-he's so qnlel."
crowd:" Then there are the baadaom* That 1* all I can Write.
From your Sueablne girl.
very much like the were* did when
•Is she good in scho.dr- questl.m
^;ib»Bfl Jaya. The flr*t tlrtie Mr. BloeBeoaie dark
they were In motion. Listro as i
I Jay aaw (ba aget be dUn't even atop
eil her mother.
What a alee Chriatmu yoo must woBld. she could hear nnlbing mo
s. to cat. He peirhed on a branch near
"Oh. ves. but we doni know her at
alL yet. I think maybe she's a little
hy. aad Jiiat yalM at the lop of hit sra had. I should bava enjoyed bear- How was she to get the pink fairy
sIngT I'ncle Jack bad said she would lonely, too—1 dool know."
; rolna imtU hi* wife came. Then they
Mamma looked at the ie*r-*ialDe<i
both au- Bi €»ee. The dear liiile chickOld Mission. Hlrit.. Jan. I. l»f>7. slag of tbe sea. ami Patty did so love
face with s queer smile. "Suppnee
.. adeoB come, tooa, with their qnIMt. Dear Prvsideat—
every day when tbe weather
you try to make Mary feel more at
^ pretty aoUons. and Mieety tong. Onr
received a pin several years ago.
home, and be si frierullv as you ran.’
old frteoil. the nuthatch, comes regu- but lost It; will ymi kindly send me
a walk, and aluing in ber favorite abe said, drewing tbe lirtle girt upon
' -iarty erery dayMidbrlng* hi* mate,
srat near an overttangteg rock. whei;e' ber lap. "Peihaps she's crying too.
aad-yesterday for the flrst time this eenl stamp I sprm a very pies
had a call rmm New Teor's day with m.v aunt. Mrs. tbe sun aboDC bright ate warm, she because none of you seemed to cartdaonr woodpecker, who wear*
Holmaa. 1 wish you a Happy New would play with her doll of rend in ■bout. her. Celia, dear. It's s great deal
^'bright red band, like a ChHstmaa ri
Tear. We had a imie rain Sanday her tovorito siory hooks, while old l)Mter to try to he loving to some on>
r'lwm, on tbe lupe of his aeek.
nlght and It froie and is very slip­ Rover. Ibe dog. who alwa.vs aerom- else than to be Deitlng because yo.;
In the winter Ume. when birds a
pery. I apent a very merry Cbrist- twnled her. would Jay close, by, want to be loved. Jnsi try to make
^acaior. we sajoy ibose that do eon
Mary happy ate you'll be surprised
mu at my grandpa's. \Vc .nlways go aslcefk.
Psuy always look ber eoncb-shelt to see how Utile lime youll have to
I (ho more, and your presMent Is there ter Christmas. W«- hh
aMaally vatcbtna and tUienlng for Chriatmu tree. Tbt-r*- was a boose with her oo such accasioo* and laid ihiak about bc4ng happy yourself."
T “Htlle brothers of the air."
full of people W’e iuul a wry nice pro- It on tbe rocks by her side. for. some­
how It seemed to her that ibe pink
fairy would be more likely to sing
The other dgy she stoppnl at a marCtenkmon I* the berk of a tree, sod
Your Snathlner.
, he* to get a piece of meal for a atray
U grown Id Java and Ceyioa. Only
near tbe sea.
Marie Stone.
• cat visitor, and the meat man told her
One day she ws* rewarded for ber the young braschm are stripped
It mut have been deUgbitel
j about hi* cau. They duot really be­ have apent Chriatmu at your grand­ trouble. There ws* a geatle brecreltbe rinnamoo bark, which U remove.1
long 1.1 him. or anyone else, but they father's. I wonder whai your program Idowlng In from the areas tbsi tosa-|in strips and scraped on both side*,
have fu'iud cMt that when tbe cow* wa* like.
led Patty's curl* about in hi^ glee then dried te tbe son.

cant do It ailehs la the mvC ha<
Try soon' drags ibe wagoo out ^ the *
Tbe fox anld Try. ate te g»;
awej froir the boonds when th-yi f
*lmo;.t snapped at him.
Tbe h?ei^ ,
said Try. and tented flowvr*| f
h..uey. The squirrel saM Try, ;.n^
he went to the top of .1 beech
said Tr.r. aad bloome.l ■
Co t:-e cold snow* cf wlnier.
sun said Trv. and tbe Spring *o.m
threw Jack Frv»t out of the saddle,
fite young lark said Try.
fowd that bis new- wing*
over hedge* and dliebe*. and up
wh<re ht,: fs’lu-r was shiglDg. The os
aald Try. and ploughed the fletd from
end to end. So road leo rough #..rTi>
to trump, no bill -too steep tee Tr»- i..
climb. Bp clav loo slltt for Ti> l*>
plough, no 111-!.! too wet for T;j o.
drain .tio hub->«i He fur Try to mend.
Why a Cbcstmrt Peps.
A tev gut* to know whv a rh<-niit pops.iiwn when rnsstinc. aud siiv '
pcpiiliig makes a noise. Th-' cbesin. ■ ;
pops open because the air In It l< ei j
pand^ by the beat of the Are. and the i
pressure ln«ORn-s so gr>-al that it
bursts the sbtdl. Tbe uui~e is (-4'i-vd
by the sudden ntab «>( tlr to fill «he;
luinUI vacuum -|>niducrd by tie- •-\- .

A Pash* of Thrw Tail*.
How tnsnv tiovs sn<l girls know
what s "Pasha of Thtrw-' Tails"
That seems a qu*s-r tltb- to give iu|
officer of hif^ rank, and yet ji )s |
of Turkey. A pasha Is the
governor of a prorlnre. or a militaryJ
and Ms r.'lative rank is
Indicated hy the nuinle-t oTh»rs<' lall*
Intrne on his standard, one. two. or
three tails, as the case may l«‘. three
lulls iM-lng the highest rank.
Stone Tell* Westher.
Thi'ie exists s stone which is -^aid
imfulliDgly ftireiells r-tsliges In tbe
weslbrr. TbI* stone was found in Fialand many years ngo by an explnn-r.
nnd has since lieen walrh«“d hv scien­
tists. with great loierest. It presj-ul*
it white mnltJed appcwrance. In sunshlae. gr.-tdnally turning from gray u>
Mack as a rainstorm appmarhes. The
h ctimposed of clay, niter and
rock salt. la dry weaihei the salt In
the Slone 1* prunilnent. but when the
air t« fliled with ntrl>lt:n- the salt ab­
sorbs the ttrolsture and turns black,
thus forming the liaronK icr.
Chure- Cats.
of catt
In Naples mere exists a
which live In the rlinfchi s. They are
kept and fed bv lie- aiithorliies on
]e;rpoee to osich the mire whlcb Iti
f.-g! all old iHilblings tle-rv. 'flie uni
mal* may often be seen walking
Stiout aUiunc the ciincreg.'iiion
ling drtivHy ledore the a
Ibe llrue of mass.
Natural History.
The d.iy befnt.' the ein-.ts. R.iy wa»
odd alHilit the .lephalit When - bi.
father came.home ar>{iigi.- he ask.-l
Ray. ' What doe. th.' elephant .-at
wilh?" ,Ray. hair.rememla-rins . wlmt
he bad U-«t told, teplb-d-. ■ With bissatchel,"


Scotfj EmatiSion an
Ibkked tofetfaer.
The giH who takes Sc^tf-X Emuf»
plsnfy of ridi, red bioodj abeis
pl-niip, active and energetic.
Hie reasoa »that at a period when a gbi's
digeslion is weak, Scott's Emulsion
provides her with powerful nouxishment in
easily diges^?d form.
It is a food that bo3ds and keeps up a
gill's strength.

We Can’t Change
the Weather
But w*! can !ix both you and your-horge so'QcttlKr o(
you will mind if. We have robes i f the wamfeflt
—I'ur. Abtrachan or Cloth full warmth for the driver
and handsome enough to go with the tines! turnout.

Also Driving Gloves,
Foot Warmers, etc.
In the meaniime, don't forget the horse. You’ve been
wrong in thinking that because we have auch a high
grade stock of Blankets, that we have oothing good
for the man wlio wants to pay less, and still get a
good. *arm, serviceable blanket. We have
some warm onet.

Wc also have a First-class
Line of Cutters.

Wm. Hoolihan & Co.
Carriages. Cutters. Harness. Hardwara
' rm Implements.
and Farm
va StaUf Stroet

CiU. Phone Ml.

Bdl PtwBe 188.

WhiB you ask tor ite




re.-uedr. sod you ar>- <ntitK«l to the

Will pay Highest Cuh prices for

that can le sl.-pi.-J ^ r any
sndcnrecougbiihat.-annuti- .xr-d

At ai droggrtts. SZ.. 7.

lu-d $L



Maple, Hemloclr, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
rdephoni-Ci':. ‘fl. Bell Ifi'*.

In all the latest desitms- Sat­
isfaction goamnleetl. Pth-D.
matic tools atfl latest im
prociil niarbinen-.
f ifficiaod worka 1121 Bar strei t
Citizen's phone No. i>IO.
A. W. Rt KERD. Tnrene Qi.v

6rsad Craptrse fytnid
Tana aad Tirtsidt
Twe papers ter ta* price of »

Pay* for both a fuU year. See an
nouncefnent elsewhere an today'*

We find that we a»e overstocked on a good many
things in our line, and as we wish to move some of
them before wc injrentory on F.bruary 1st. we have
out them Out and marked ihw d-wn to cost or below.
Here are a few samples;


Martine/. Wines-yoart B-ml.-*. .50c............................ at 38c
AU Ladies Pocket Books at ) off
Many more bar(."*ina-.comL- and at« them at

Wait’s Drug Store

& W. Cmer Front and Union Street



ThefpTiicas eaa prow la water. Ibe
Freorh Cabbage—Slier Ibe qoaatlty
make rylber
flbuch. roll o« tniher thin, cm
UDe as the hyacinth. Tbouah they of cabbsg; w.-eded
(US battCf. Have trwdy a small dish •trips t»r any desired shape, and ffy
S»li arUl romam , fomk-Mk «tal<
are not fracraat they ate la bHgbt
few moBMU wlib a
of rbonted annr apple. spriwkW light- In real hot lard. Tbls can be Bbc fiom a carpet
aad. cbeertui it la a pleasure t« base tic water Md two tablespoonfaU td ly wtib H pint giuuiated sugar and
wbrw dough Is flfsi mixed. |i will 1
merlngwe. awe ffrwI la wtater. i tblak boweser. tbe; boiler. As aooB as tbt cabbage cs
add (bis to the water Just afler tbe when It comes in csmtact with the hot daled sugar m prsference te powdi c-'
neat aaiisfaetory when piowa ia pierced with a steel fort, rover tfUh •nal beating, la wfllrb <me lenapooa
lard. Wheihet It ha. prwloasjy raXwd 1 MB>r
rou or liaskela of mosa.
diesslng made from one egg.
o{ baking powder U blended Drop in
For peanut nndwicben mat* the
if yoa bare aeier tried prowiag fmmb spucjD salt, pepper and one-taalf tot lard by the. spoonful aod fry s
nota in«> a powder. sea.<« whh oah
buiba la water, t would adrlae you to
cream and two UMespooBs of ti
•rtsp brown.
JuR •« OI*tf.
Orewing Aulba In Winter.
•ad BBiMeo vtih cream
. .
s Ibe eipertineoi this whuer. Ii egar. Ste-sm for a few accoiMls ui
O bMrt of Bts«. w«^ liHMMn't
Obrn Cakes—One egg. 4 pint flour.
The rallowlog eiin(eaU(B« for brUbt
When making siarrb 'be are \o hnfl
be a little late to aecore bya- serve, flobe add a lUHe fl.utr ai
W01T7 m!
'« pint rorn meaf. |-S tewapixm atida.i
eglag the borne at a enuill exp
r. one egg and sw»»t milk,
It weU or It will »nci.
4^0. and
elMba. but Mpec while narclssas and
■ often olive oil is iused in pla
. Wkat »r‘r*
or eain 1
lal'lespoun aieJied fryings and enougb make a Ihb-k tiatter l»r..{i fntm spo
dorlog the dart; wloler da}«. an
h it not airunvd it will be tu^rrUaese lilies ran undonbiedly be yet eg batter.
cur iir bauermilk b> owke a good twt«ml4Dl

ea mn Vick's tDagaxiae.
hot lard aad seive al'ooce
Oo over the xinc under tbe ato*q:
obulned. aad you can ^aye your
Cookltig Winter Beets—Tbe w.nt.T er. Bake till a guPM^ n brown,
«•»*. r»n kpow:
NotbtBK taakee a home so eheerfsl
vm* a flay with « rkub'
i» aweei with flowers at khmII es- beet is tougb nod not easily cuoki-d
orlmeal or Rice Cakes—Makea tbin
BM of stonnr imIb.
la winter as biooBiaK plaats. and a
wHb Icetmaeae and It .
tn Ftr-nrh fiuTl bend,
They should be-iborcMghly scrubbed «nrake bailer, aod before adding tbe ia ratber thtrk. alKee. bave s<
^ of ocbtoWb iJrirlBf nlo.
few bulba bnajclit ahwjc fma il»e to
andrlhe flrsi boaihg water dmln<-<l baking powder, beat tn thoroughly 4 :milk la '<«
eu I>«t9r Bo« oinio.
fliae srili fire a surcesstoa of blo*s dish and a ts-aieo eg tm! U pflMMM are ludM IP
Making Pumpkin Pi«.
Bff to remove tbe eanby flavor. When plot of cold oai aaeol at rice
> and brlafatao laaor weaks that
ancih.u. s ill la*>b -iiahift di|- qi lick and iba ahlnv removed wsi b«fldr«
A writer Id the Twentieth Century ender throw into cold wnier to >1
pint of baiuH. Hake a little looger
onid otherwiae J>e rery drearj'.
wendme to tbe Is>>le (p...; w-UI nn^ :
Parmer gives many good hints tn the: or ih^ skins, cut them In even site
iban usual, t.'seful for using up tefi
Wo h»vo nrmi in ilwt dart: hoar
Nt^biag In a way is so easily
foliowlog ehaiiy story;
setve wUh vinegar, leiutni Juir
overs of eervals.
, We b«v» knovn.
done, eren by a nortce. as antwlne
HoHsework Should not le l,.d.,tl up.
"Oood morning, auntie. I
Oyster Frincia ■ Bent together 1
Vi’liiHisur leara fell vlih ihr ■ho«>
bulbs in water. Ii is so rery etoy
on »s dradgery U won't lerTv tq lighth>ucb
m. 1 plot of milk, and enough flout
Far th* Winter Oxnur.
All Btant!—
tench me how 10 make pompkln
•aeh a prof-ision of liloom
cn II sav and will nul> sere.- m makff*
they sluiuld
I make a Miff batter Add sail Iti
pies, for 'JMn say*, yon make iheflwuu shape prrferr
.k R,«JS1
Ik.-V. -Take a fln,- l.irge
Wore Bot ithiiip aBd Btadov liloat
serured wltli wiicb 1
Who taa> to do tt unhappy.
in cold water
Ixmr or more, liw-ti
isie. and just iM-for. Iwking a*ld I pi<rk (Tiastius p•,'.'<' place |t ;n a l-ak,M ifce crarkxii Mbmot meanir—
rmulile. that It Is a .qnratioo wbeifaH be ever ale, Bgas have bfen so scarce
When planter of Pan, U B.-d Xot’
dried ua a towel b.-fote ctnklng. Slice lensjHKsn of baking powder ib-al light pan wUh a vt-ii :iit;.- dVippioe un-lvr
Lm Iia lonpM-. our roaleid
one can aSord to Use srtthoui Ibetn and high ibai 1 Lei>l putting off mok
the potatoes lu eighths, ihr- length ly and add 4 pltil of v.-r,. small oy, It an,l cold Aaier .-u-iush u, well ctniu mending eracka in pUstcring. mi« if'
Whh Hl» own.
There la a rhuAe every day. aad
of the vegeialdc and drofi ib^-m ioc lent or large «im-s etii m |ii.--es. Hak- Ihe ta.tiom-of the Iiaa l*Tit it in a well *Hh rinecar inaleMi of w,t'-r, li «i||
"My dear girl, I never put eggs in
ry new leaf, every bud and blosaon
Is- nvnre »dslly wrorkei'^ITb^
For. «e kBAv noi eretr nnmw
pumpkin pies, no matter how many holNag fat. Tbe pieces will float wbec in hot fat on the griudb- •imil u sold heated oven. IHII mil 1<
VIII eieaie Intereni aad enihnslat
done, y-4-t shuuld remain unri; they a
en brown
.III two hours.‘ . Make fagga << bonvy
QI4W flan-'
Cm be a«d;
Hj-aeiaths eaa be very aiiceess
gohh-n hniwn. Place In a dish ai
is very large ;«>-l with a draw mriBg
Potato Pancakes-Crate 1 pint raw
flo. tomeuhiK ell Uir uormo
floaeml In water. Sueh a variety of
ive ibem 11 dash of spit and l>eppei
pulalo. and iHUtl into it 1 egg. lalde
e worn.- tm-dfum-rixed sweet t>» plaie over the broom and dust the
Thai »e>« had
make a batch this morning. I very sefeolora ran be secured and the
ii,»-s. faired aOd cut Into roun.l
»t'fl Have tbe foisy side ofll,
iM u* lar aeide oor feare,
ui the pumpkin ihrouidi a colmnee Is ao platalog that by maay
Mewed lomat04>s or nae quart 4>f c
Htooo baking powder and eitoogh flour,
-s y.1 as to vui each poial,. imoj Clean nilrxrrra. window, p--nc* Mr ,
Ad»d piK br our flWiliih'ieare.
ibey are conaldeiwd the n»oM satls' lander. You see bow- soft .and mooih
on< small ooion. one I
to make a thin batrvi
ihitv plera-». plan- the sli,-es ..t,smdj by waabtug with a cMIl dlpiwr! in -gl
And ihroasb ail the romtna ream.
I is. lent li-ln small pieces and pit
(artory of all bulbs for house rnlliva'
leaf, one stalk celery, one sprig
WaOles-Ono pint. J.rtt milk
JuBi ba irled!
he pan alter ib, meet tuslcobnl and |Mvlishlng wttk a rbanyol*
more wntfrr than mt were to l>
lltn. Truly, a flee apike of hyaclalba.
-ley. one leaspoonfit] sugar. 1
«ggs.4 icpcilp melted butter. | u>
; for alsviit 1
hour*: Tbi- ! skin nr crumpled Uane paper.
in full blooin raanoi fall <0 please all pressed through s ccdlander. Mining It level tvasponns butter, font level la:
• TM Happy Daya.
ifOstRStn MMla dissolved In a tittle cold, Jlbms thtecTiuaHers of an h.uir foi i - j,, |„.,n.lrie* nurvbed cloibet gre
often and cooking down well. If ymi
spoons browned Boar, nnv -half cup
TtBeWa b«4p ia keeping laity
water, sail and flour to (iiake a
fs.tatoes Seive .m a v-ty drte-l .tn.I.sHn 10 keep Ibem Miff. If
■ un asbestos nut under the ketsaid
milk. Put the tomaloea in a sauc-ii
Of our host of happy daya.
thick iMller. Bake-on well gre.ised
wilt, the potat.o-. around .ih;,
„ ^e blenehed Jbey are
(here is little danger of burning,
buy hyarlnths to feed my soul."
•Ith lb«- «iui«m. bay b-af. parsb-y a
Thare'a never cMe that dawnetb
waffle Irons until a nice- browt
see. 1 never set ibe.ketile In. but
in aeiertlng biillis for growing In
C*-Iery; let it slew about !« roioul
Bat it bringeih enuar to praise
C<0B rrltterw—Bi-nl logetbei
Onion Sauce ~Paii>'and cot
using u granite Iron or istireialn. rook
^ and ,tried
srater, large, solid ones sbonld be
Press ihrougli a nieve^floe efuiueh
TbP Lawre that erer waicbetb.
[JlBi 01 flout, a IJrtle salt. l lenspoou sllee* four ni<-dinni'six,-d nnliwiT.
on tup t>r the lids. Three full piots
Don't wa~e ao.Tihlng. Meal ImUh.
rboaen. Ilyaclaih gUMes eaa be ob­
Tta rHand Ibu'a ever arar;
king iiowder and em.uuh sw.u-1 milk
a Slew fan with t-nioigh cold wai,-r -roqiiMles. wiup slacks. MC- *wn he
ihe pumpkin will make three pb-s. lemove ttae.feeda. Pm it iul«. a clean
tained. but any vaseor receptacli
sapcepuii. reliirfl 10 Ibe fire and bring
Bn, tboiHlfa one iryat with aormv.
maki- a ibirk baitei Beat w
(T»er ih,-m. still lioil slewly imlil ua.le fi.m. Ia-.d .veraps; pot* can be _
lUl two bearing tablespoonruls irf
One Bueds aiM'dwel) wllh cheer, which will aupporl'ibebnlI«alnre the flour, a pinch of soala taUnii half a
tsdllng p.'ti
e adding the. Imktng powite
1. Drain tiff the water and 'fsHir im-d I,. M-aHin beans, breed wrnpw
and fliMir Ingeiliei until smooth and
>t fd ail adil--l Cup of canned
•r the rmion, one plm of sweet';„; „
cl ieas|tonnfiil I and ginger nccoid. dressing and podlir Into the iedlinc soup,
When irouUea Battdi to meet yM. iiKi tWck.iisi- mote *w-<rt milk and. with a fork, mash Jjie oaiooa in
; to the strength and bow one likes
to watch the growlh of the white.
lantlr until smofth. tliet
flnlaie thea nt the door;
thin, and drop tnio hot fat on the '• tinlll ih*ty are reiy Pni
II. We prefer a gtfod last.- of gingej^.
Ibread-llke roots, and they add to the
rhllk. suit, pepper .-iiid s
Krtepd b^ hnnda to greet then.
griddle. P.-neb flitters may be nude
lurk m-er Ihe file, and atid a latgef
Iieaplng tnbiespoonfui Is none too
beagty of the ptani na a whole.
snnpi* Aida m BmwipSutr worn will aoon be o'er;
ifcls wav hv draltUog all Ihe juice-from IM.-ce Mf butler_u«.| one heafflng tabbsj
much, if of gomi strength: a lesspounBreathe deeply
Scolrh SlMflibread —Itiib
BiiS down tbeir atomy bogita
ranmsl peaches and rhiipidng them
When placed in ginssm for winter till of salt, one and a half cups of ausiKKUifiil of flour made to a am««»thj
into a Miff shofi posie. two
Kmal] pieces.
'inib year own rejoicing drams. \ flowering, the base of the bulb should
paste Wllh a little milk. Pour this loi»' Breaibe Kb.wly,
>11 iiigeiher tialil .fine
‘ ”
And. Balled In'Icrfiy courage.
Jnat touch the water; this will soon iand smooth: then pour In gmul rich flour, otic (Mumd of biiljer
mixiiKe wh.-n ihc-mllk has be.;
-raporate a« that It Is'lltilc’bMow ilic new milk iinill yoti have e.iimgh for ounces of loaf Maki
- -ci.ldlng hoi. ami keep the w hul,-: Breathe |it>te air.
—Youibs' Cob
bulh and nysufflclem qiianiiiy should three {lies. When there are 00 c«c« Kqiiare C!ik.-s niMiui oni-half an Inch
w-ll stilted HU il has tmiled three’ ilreuibc thtiMigh the nnoe.
Many- of the canw ifant one- nu
be added aroeedM to keep ti at this the mixture wants to i>e ihickei thick, pinch them all ahutg tli.- (Mscat h.-tviet (be housewife's burden ;
lies. Season :■> inMe with pepper.! Never lin-ailM- tbrmigh Ibe moutb.
f *........................
Ho-aibiug .--bould Im- nu abnllow mat-'
point. Sol the glass away In a coot, Sprinkle rinnamiin over the top of Ihe top. and sprinkle with eaiulied car aiiiKhing le-fore h<-i iucrcasiitg kno
V He 4hat baa light within bis
away seeds, I'lace tbe cskes . eke-ely
dark place nniil the roots have madr the pics iM-fon- iiiiTlliig Ii
nodeiful posslblillies
*^v .om%Wr breaat.
Washing Oiahea.
»>“• »
ri tbe.
a good growth, then bring to the light, Do not bake ton fast nr ton lung. Boon logelhei iHi Him And bake in a slow of p-flned Paraffine as'n labor-savei.
• :ilay. nit r the r«iier and enjoy
A gteif,belp in washing dishes „' King rniuirity
but do not keep la n very srarm place, as cnial is well iirowned sod top a
r.-irafflne Is one of tbe most iis4,fiil
r:.- bright day.
Apple .Saiad-;Equa| parts of diced
hn..t/ih;(t the dri.,l on panleie. ..!> Tk»’>nh breathing should begin al
for ihia will force them Into prema­ golden brown, take nut
all wax i>nHliicts. 'its snmil cost
apples, celejy. hianchtd aimtmds m
ture bloom, before ibe buds ore snf"Aunty. I bellevo you are a horn Eugllsh walnuts. Mix, with cut.-ah Is making it w-onderftilly popt'lur. tind II Ifle dish Is lunied iHUiom skle up Inj ^kyviral exercih,-. ate nselew WithflWenlly developed. A good plan Is
the ii|>-io.,iele hoiisewlfe finds It al
cook. It nil comes so easy lo you ui
dish pan W hot water for a few mu :
•’'•"tlar breathing,
ti well Serve in nuisl lndispem.iiblc.
to keep Ibe glasses la n rontn whencook well and cronomicany. Now,
tbe lempemaiure Is low .bringing some
Sill- {.p-»erv.u4 her jellies and Jtnis lent.. The%aoie hint hobU good In. " 'Iwflltag where tbe air is bKavy.
going In make?"
a square. |«rk or the
forward into a warmer sir from lime
by punting a little-melted paraffine •aaid to piiddlnB pans and 'mher '*”
•- The'Ooapti) of Cheer Is the keynoie
lutteart <if the mayonnaise. Tit
desin- If put luick in­
toil of the conienls nf
of all aneceaaful and happy Uvea to the cooler room at ulghi. tbe flow- eggs In a cup .iiid nil up with ibirk. a t^lendbl <lish ftw dinucf.
*° Ke healthy a arntoB Of'
The luttafflDc in (Tailing, ii.e, s-wiy-'ll ,.nb is ihu.ightrul enuiighj
•r>-am; one cup sugar, n pinch of
Hate are ’a few iw'nnoaMtea which -ra will reialii Ihctr tveauiy much l<wg
“h'xH-f tu- practiced, that vUi
SWMt p,ii;iit|«t<—Cut cild rni'kis! lortns a perf.T-1 air-tight seal that 10 fill th'.- sanu. with wat. . as mhui as
are dapMally Stted for readers of
■" 'he tnnscies of the
r. Think wbnt beauty and fragmiice salt, one ciiji of lloiir.wiih le « . l i«*a swvyt .jioiaioes .lit iliirk sllct-s. I.ay I prev,uiis nxiiild and aasiires cl.wnll the r.Mi.1 is taken froiii them. If ihi-1'’^
depanment whoae name Is typical of coa he had in raldwlotcr with Just this apoonfiil of soda sifted In vli h-flo...
deep bakiug dish, siason willi. Mill nea». II oaves tbe bwber of rutilng
d.uf. .1- •-"*>
You see. i put nil the ingredtciii {■epper. sugar ^nd butler: pimr ove
A lltth- tan-lc srl,i water, the proper
•fl>Uia cheer and hHp It wonM bdng llllle iitiubh
l»|M-rs and filling Hdt. as no other
urcoffth fur the eyes, dropped iaio
la tta rradera:
' wflgHber before stirring or beaiinc u milk to neatly ctm-r and ha*e lu
cover Is necensai}-.
The papei
them with a dropper, qnat before ns
'VhearfulneM Is a habit. Just aa
icaspoonfut of any flavoring ex
Anoibcr and Myniewhai idmUar
grown In water with even less imubic tract you wish twe like winiergrcen) noileraic oven foi am' hour.
tiring, win greatly benellt tired ejea.
mpeh as worrini—only It is a good
Corn Bread—One cup nf corn mea: MM- ior parnfOne Is for jmnling froli
than hyacinths. I like best to plaM in this kind of cake. Iieat well for
Back Ooor Scraper.
dmb pfeasanter Yor^raeK and- ev^
jars after the lid has been acrthem in a giass dtah'aliout eight Inch­
body tiae. Get the babll. Ihea: aai
minutes find pour tn luiking iian.w-hlch .porinfol Mil..'one cup .if flout iw.
A nice s.-.aner f,>r the lack 4loor Is
Pa^a That Will Keep,
**u. As every wnmnn knows, a dees deep and twelve inebea in dtnmeter have
grtweed' lM-fi*re besiiming lras|>o«ns bakiu: lutwder. Ib-.-ii th
rba hrai 'Ihlng you know the worries
easily i^di- l>y taking nu tdd broom 1 Take one-half teacup uf dry wfaU«
f.T-iive lul.tier, C4irol*T*a handling
putting shells or pebbles in the bot­
cake. Tlie baking jart Is of
wia hare UhM flight. They cannot
and sawing off the handle to within' glne. put It tn .uie quart of water, nad
tom to keep Ihe bulbs in place, and importance, for if 100 - hot an oven
a -fwi of the l>ro<>m Mid. cuiibig iIk' bdl •ibii) the glue is ihoroaghlj disnnad annahtne. in a eheerfnt atibosIbMi in the di- Sfmlleif fnilf
then pouring In water nnill the Imllui it will brown over too soon and often Uc melie.1 biiliei.
pbere they flad Ibemaelves so disUnci
cr.rn .-VT'II
the Irt.iuim. I rolv.M. TbMj stir aome flonr Into
about half subraeri:e<l. Prom six raise in the middle, Fsperlence Is the mixtures -and Itake lu a m<sb-iat.-!; She can intmre ,-very ran of her Dull ibi-u <lrii
ty *oul of It' that they prefer to make
.0 the handle iHi,. th<-gonind crrld Water, beat out nil lumpn antR
tiveij. When stuir mill. I« Us.-,l s.: by Inverting th.- can after the lid is
10 eight bulbs can i>e grown in u itesi teacher. To hare it just right the
if the tiround b sun plaiT- a h,-.,v-y peitevily smooth, pul it in ibq boBtbenaelvca aearce. Therefore be cheer
»4Tew.Ti no and dipping Imn g pan
dish of this Bixe. Any,_Hlsh can be cake comes out of the ovep even •la shtMild be tiMsI In plac- ,if
sl,.n.- on each -Me <d ih- hamlle to ; ing gloe vaicr. hliilg aimitt fo t bull,
fuL It Bfly aflat you
ui'-il'Tl paraffine.
-used for growing them hi. hut 1 like icross tbe tup, light and delicious."
flnt. hat It will pay in
krs-p it fitm Another use Dir an pid then add one leaspnonfnl of emtollr
a leaspoontui .rf mcil.-d p;irnffin.
gives cooidderable room for You did
1-r.e.m K to cut Hr- worn bmshy acid which wiil keep it from aouring.
riTTl into the boi starch Improvea
; so that the plants an not done before.
ty. When ymi tiroke
pait and using tbe -tubby h|jish foi . Pni it In tmlilew tbal ems be covered,
A Bta'a kooe ahonld be m the hillThe OHIrliuts nieai d1slp< of
' gloss and ptvvenis the MIrking
forced up out of the water. It la not Ibe eggs you
fsiliahlng the M,.ve aftet appblng to kto-p it from drying np. Utd yon wDl
tog of dwetfnioeaa and aerenliy, so
aited out tlu- shelU. mniheiv ate praciirail.*^ukuown
necessaty to pul (he dish in the dark and what a
ratpe out. I always
high IhM po ahadnwa rest upon l|.
iiogci geiii-inip.ii/ If >im |i>
rhl|ipi*.l t^raffiiie tiiiied with the luvap hUrkentng One can -land le, k louu ivaA- tia- sl.ckewi paste you ev-cr saw.
when Ihe narcissus Is planted in wa­
throw them a
or liiini iheiti. I
aad where the morning «cwm« no ear
made head cheese, or pickh-d on wash day i- a untuferfiil mv.-i «l tb.- s’ovv aml.ioH- foic- that bring,
ter. I have always bad Just as good
white left the shell
ly that
day baa twice at many
ruccesa when they were placed at once when first broken and tiiimHl out. pigs feel, there Is a iroat in store /< lalovr.
O..U . ...................
golden boon na those of other men.
yon an<l y.uir household, if ym. will
- hich.-st grad.- nf |ur;iffine i,
In a window where the sun shone on
He la to be pitied whose home is in
bunt nr throw avray the
them nmt of tbe day.
•hells, as you call It. Wash tbe eggs
M>Be valley of grief beiween.tbe hills,
To F.H Hataa .n Platter.
sillT. t and more glom>y
Hug's liver Is very touch improvc-l Co, fnr li.iiisehold use. and is -ssdd b>
Tbe pure while Idossoms of the nar­ before using and ktwp the shells to
with the loogest nighi and the ahim
: old ti..wv|s4|a-r. Ini., stn-ail t.lla,
by piiiting Ii inti- a luinc m.-ide )iy p..a-ers. It. is
A •vasiTxbfuI of impMiilBf- addi-d
beautiful iron-c
eat flay. Home should be the center of
Wjili water and cis>k until It to every quart of starch, either hot
dissolving a bauinul of nali iu one UM-nt wax. iaKiei<-»s and «»t.«-,le»,,
fragrance exceedingly pleatanu The fowls all such things are ulijired;"
joy. enoBiurial and tropical.—11.
>4 Hun past,- and with a or cold will glre n bririsotiy iKdlKhed
quart of wau-r. I,i-i the liver rensiln t is ptii up in iuoulde.1 c.-ik-s ^
bitllw will bloaaoni In four weeks lime "What do you do with pb' cnist If yon
wooden Iiadriic i-n-„iiiK if In •uiface and prevent the iron MIcktliK.
ill this hrint a day m |va-t. Un-f llver Ikiui •ine p-.und earli. an,I nValty
nfter putting in the water, sometimes have any left, aunty’" -jf ihetv is
II, le>rit,-ii tw, ni.* tour bniirs
In the nba«ticr
lurpeoiitK- kero- '
muy Ih* treated itf Mint.- way «ml is
1-.IPJHM1.Full .itiv^
un.enough far a pic J put it in a cup nml also improved hy the tp-atmept. Both
la a world where there are always less, I iilways keep relays of
you fiapei This I- ... sgitsfar- sene will do Bsnriy a, good work,
s in order to praloug their season. turn J.nit|chotlaidover*it; itaal keeps
, plaSI.-iu;g .11,d |.„, ib.-.addi
angle who arc
pig and bt-.-f liv.u can be iMihsI with
flood lanndtr w,joi*'n '.dway* rob
it fresh and it will not dry; ImMotTOV. a greot deal of good is don<
the p;iris nl the head until ten­
siU ap ; Ihelr Irons |u salt l» (naka
A Raiivy Day Cloaei.
good for anolher time,
by Ihoae who go about as beaters o lalesl hUstmed tu llic shortest
'» .Tolls ' smooth before piiHlng Ikem UpOB tine
der enough to emmlile easily., Seawui' .. .jliiy--,lay elusi-t is a dj-vi.-, in
KUgMilne. faimply by being cheery «< Prom six bnlbs I have bad eleven roll out and liakv In gem
' nm»g stafrbed C,»d«. and 11 'floes tleafl
with salt. !>cnper. (and sag,- if liked,.i u'odef Tot th,. alleviaibm .*r the r-.i.
may add to the cheer of our friends stalks of bloom: aiirely n good re Jam or any kind nf fruitth.-y are nice Sirain Ihe liquor In whieh they were
k. .
.them .benuIif'iIJ)—Iw-Uer than ff.-'Xmnih.-ra {n it are |dare.t idv, 1,
for siippet. I renieratH-r whiti a cbil.l CTMikv'd. return in the ketlie. add th<aad’Ocqualnuuces. Rven In a place
whaie nil atound ate strangersa rad tuvestml. The blnssoms will Ust Iw of visiting at a place wlih my nuuhei. finely mine*-,! liver and b<«d. ilitckei
itiierc«t ha< i,-rai>oraii1y d.-pxtied
iso geteiioallly dlSiises chann. as. for weeks or more., if not kept in to where the woman was a hoie.1 cook.
____a stiff wush i.
h corn _______
pb-Mtrev t,. )h- rut .rut -and is4sb-.I it.
instance the beeuiy of a young girl warm a rt«nt. A nnmlier of dlshe> For •upp.T she had ihiTV kinds of j f,>itned L.i cortkslowly
ih>-n M'lgfi Issiks specintcn. ,d •„ i.- t„ Is
llgiKlng a ferry bcmi or a street ear planUNl two wei>ks apart, will give
very nice cake—fiuit4¥>iiDd .und whl<
.'jrilienwan- dishe- ciasslfled. a Isatk ,rf roniiudrunis oo.
na a dull day viihoui her knowledge; beautiful dlspl.iy of flowers all through cahe. All were.fiostct and one kind W-hi-p cold It may N- slice.i. and fri*~l
familiar sricni',- fi<,n> wbl.h
If winter.
the moiherly bwcMuess <>r a bealgcolored sugar, which greatly in imtter 01 laid It make, a -nli-,
cvfH-iim-ms ciuld be tul.,t» l..c t-i*!
The Chinese sacred Uly is a species delighleii my childish eyes, but Ih-sI hreoktasi dish.
i. charode Imok story lN.«k.; auew
narcissus, and rivals the paper of all wen- (he little )>ice.' I calb-l
ihoagb ahe U ntuiware of Hi and the
Head Chi-etM—Sfink the npper pari amr old for Till ag*wt. cr*-|>-' iMp,-;
winsome aiiractlvetuss of n child's while in Ihe opinion nf many. It is. ihctn. tan shells with rasi>b<-rry of the hug's heads liiriw'o davstnwator Riakiug flowriR. picPiie, .u
fresh laughter, the dearest rnuak on Imlred. n very desirable bulb fo preserves, and 1 n<-ier mak*' ihr-tii Itw. in wlifrh eunugli salt -hn. >HT-n put
|s-t>ona and pU(T s moUDie,! on --at-i
the Partb, Simply being cheerful our- blooming Id water It can «»e grotfi
thill wivadeiful table 10 make n fairly slttmc brlue This
• IlfMusic H(Maa We -vi,l»oatd, .-vod tiit,-nil4Tl s-pa-ciallv f,i« in.
on.- IH Ike Hade. «'. W. Kimball CM-ivea we htd^lo mnke others rbeer- In shaliow dishes with enough pebbles hiailetl with good ihiogs. loti all ton will renK.v,. all bbuHl from the veins
ouvaieso nt wai,|-in the cMI,|„„ .
-41 I‘n-u4>i4:iapb C'«a
ful and iherHflIe abWr 10 bear Ibeir lo keefi tbe {dants from toppling
•irh Tor n c*-ners1 di*-i. In ihooe days and tvndtu ibem whin- ami |iure. Th,;
aomelli;it Sr« I—Buy your piann frotn
huntens. whRb Bar Iw heavy enough
' hmse that I,a.
lUKhert look tbeir eliildren awl wciil heads nhould Is- iti.,roughly rleamnl
g maten.,:,. stamps t,> i..
M Mrisfying the pub:; Mi Pto. weigh them down If no one gives llmes sent np from a single tmib.
to aolghborfl .-tod friends in spend ih>- l-cfoiv placing III the brine Hoi) imill
■naierialv lot kll,- niaUirg
au,„ lu Older tn continue in 1 .-in--.during a profiudon of silvery-white ifieraoon and had i-a. Fiicii inihgs as the imnes drop out caMly I-ei cool,
iliMt ii llfi —I'hrtstlaii Intelligencer.
Ihni No :-. Be nine |b* h- >
■1. anylbiug. a list -f the at
I 'd-al with ktiowe aplano
l>1osai>ms with goMen caps and dc^ (aahlODBbie calls were mu known ‘ Ihi-n cluip fine; seasoq iii ia«le, with
•aliy 1- stiTi .lues not rogmld-r r
a pi.,.- «,
d .sb. If where^,‘a,'k >•> I.,
A dozen
“Try IP enligh.icp KOiue one's palh iigbtfiil fragraorc.
'1 Itelieve. Auniv. ti was, lots nicer Mil. pepiu-r and any herlis liked, aurli
all iij-ht If 11 dues r. ‘- t-'lire >ilisl,je,l.
wa» pUce.1 on* tlf'd* ft »h,staVicd ai intervals wiR give a
with a smile and clieery void,
than now. don't you ibtuk m>?" 'Oh. as suninici oavory. sj.g.. etc l>j;ice
, Mill’ Nil. r - Dn Dot -plac.- , t.y 't-^e-ndfore^ -i;-.n
fl(o>r. aud a ,cu.M»dlan. genet.,11, ,1,^
ymr own liwubles will t anish. When 'ton nf flowers ihronghoul the wfnier. I don't know ; it was in wnne ways, dev'n tllshes. and wvlgh •l»wn
■>ui HiikAlown penpU- -who ti;a. itos aloolul.-:- noa.
v:. 1 a piai4.> with a fr;et cU.,. repu-aHoc.
lemplful .to bfpod oyer fnarled Or reni The price Is much hIghiT than that of
world-shntUd grow- lielt^u a-i press Inii) A firm mas. l.e* renu
o It .that the iirncle ch,.M-to wss de
liitii V. 4-lnrenlgate any -wonderful ' offera very
irovbiM ||pd aoweiMng to occupy the tbe paper while navrisaus. but mo
time passes.' 'Thank you. aoniy. for, uinii wvll set.
Il nuiv-iu' alii-*-<l and ir,-f'd |o the rhild ehnuklnc u Tti,..ring cheap inferlof eouda for a
mlpri and hands, and your prong« those who grow them think they n-lesson I pil.e it much."
served cold, or sUn-d. roiled In flour IWH- was kept, iockoil at ad .Hhn
It .'andard ymds.
than you m<
win lake wlngi. We need not culil' ndvc the full worth of ihelr ntonty.
and fried.
' lines No mie w^s all»WiM r„ ,s|.
rli-lng ii-piauo. In yo-jr- nwn-bome"
lltnl No S—Beware of
myself, though I And flinch to advnie imikles; enough of them will
Varieua Racipeo.
Figs' Feet—Thoroughly clean pics' ,*r anvihiag dlffervni iin,hH an hoii>
I h .Vs a Biailei
er of fget, n-sH.r al. liif-’i'-r p!an.» are sold that
mlie in the Chinese Illy. 1 think 4 pro>*pring np nlobg. our patbnwy
lur the Iraple ressoi,
Roast Million—The aluiuMer is
lij. v wxiuid lo-'laughed at in Ui«
Cl. then lioii until the tames hecinne illbmieh nrticie, eii'ilii Is- ..micaldv
the paper white narcissus It ia. bent pl<we i<> rtmsi. Hnw ike butcher loose or ready to drop '<*ui, when .liatt
of a Brsl-class pi-i,<r •I’lWler Tbe lanoreory of tfl« pornteirhanged —The BcientlBr Ano-ty;
cbasri peitalii tbb. pit
-»,-d vMy often.
•«>eeffBlncaa. boiiefulneas. faith bow-ever. simply a quesUoii of taste remove the bones, leuving a fwkei idled. Wbep.cold they may h-idace-i to
Hloi Xn C—Buy a KiMBAI. I- Piano, if you want a piano that
and will are the keynotes 'nf psychi­ lor both are bt'aiiilfiil. frec-flowering. for bread dresring Remove all ihclhnl spiced vinegar, hut the very b.>.;
Is p.-ifeci lo lone, p.-r»-.-t -u «t,h -tru-Hon, perfect in rase design nnd
and fragrant.
cal IHeraiurc. and the man o
pink skin from the miiKlde. then sew-jwTy ,«if scn-iag them, to my mind. i<
•oroa New Waya.
the l.-M piano on earth for H.- home, "wI who feeds on sut^ mental food
i have grown some yellow narcissi
with aali and pepper. ReaNoa the to roll them in flopr uBd-ftr hrowi
have ren-iv-ed so many help* from
We aetl everything. SBOwn it I tbe tnasic hnnlneM. rnme ani aro
Steps Into the sunlight <
Of tht
I water and they flowered nicely. bread erumhs with aage, salt, pepper
bnriH- jiases that | wish m go.- a
from' Ihe They were nniBBMjd vavYelles so i and meiied butter «nd milk. Place
la reiiirn it is aomeitoies nreesk^ep.
One gslns courage
inable to reromntend any paiYicn' la the baking pan and bake in a mod­
Sgiy to have a substitute for lireud.
*wt«cn^ fir i^lrarier. and llvws
Ur kind. One winter 1 fried tome erately hM ««'en The meal ehimld
Goad Batter Cakw.
l.n a burry, so will give two ways
tflf>' hlomMmod beamiluHIy frequently be basiMi with the iMt
l:;i Str.T t
M. B HABKER, prop
Apple Frillers—Heat tr«Mber 1 egg. that some of the reader* may kpow > |
Uquor \i t^e -pnn. ...........
pint’dr telft.'TTe-npBMfli«ldd -bul- TTrtt-TfSe B piWe of ftffht breiii

------ -

Baaed IH fldtrw’.Ob

Some Valuable Hints



(SiTiinti ©urati^rdiC JljeralJi.



An 'Announcement.
Is sseurs Fsrm anO FlrasMa as a premium with the Grand Traverea
Herald far the enatiln« year. Thie epiendid tarm paper wa'a siven with
tht Herald far IIOS ta every paid in advance au&ac^r and thYpremlum was ea astiafSetary and aa many af aur awbacribera have aakad if
the asms arranpement cauld net be made far 1S07. that we have canMadad ta make the aa
SfS Sf Farm and FirasMe have.vary kit
arvanfament aa then mads with them,
tvWy aubacriber te the Herald, wha has paid in full ta Jan. 1,
1SSS. at ttie raU sf tUIO par year, will rsceiva. nat only the Herald,
bwt alaa Farm and Fireside which la issued an the . let and ISth af
each manth. pivini 24 numbera af that great >aumal each year. This
la the beat and mast aatiafacteiy premium after that was ever made
by «ay Michigan aawspapar. This premium has given great satiefaaUan during the past year to Herald raadera. and we knew that they
Ml W very much pleaaad at the ^partunlty given far a csntinuanca
ed this arrangement far the neat year.
riTnl- remember then, that every aubacriber ta the Herald, wh«
la paid In full ta Jan. 1. IMS. will rccalvc Farm and Fireside absolute*'4y free far the full year.

r wamar.
Amos S. Uiiwelman of the Musseltnaii
FbmliigUM. Mk*.. Jan. 14-“I have Grocer coni|»ny n-ni lie tbn speakers
M |H«parad spaMh. but I will always from out of the city. Both of these
day tho beat I can and iix to do the
have been active In the
Grand Rapids. board of trade for
dghi thing at the right rime.
WIfb tbeaa words Fred M. Warner great many years and lioih are well
here. Mr. Stowe having a sum­
tmiarad upon bis locond term as govjjti
mer cottage at Traverse Point nei
ensorof Mleblgan. He said: -I do^
in tbs oath, affixed 'bis signature
Ne-ah-t»>wanta and there Is hsrdly
man In tbe city who docs not
the doeument. made 4be above ad' dr««. kin Ms IMle daughter Helaa know him to be one of the
and tba ceremony was over. There tnergeilc and public apiriied cllli
was aeareely a dry eya in the room, of Grand Rapids. He Is the
of tbe Michigan Tradesman, the legd■0 aolania was tbe oeeasloa.
ing trade paper In tbe state.
Tbe govenior was confined
Hr. Mnsselman is the head of tbe
bed la bU P^tagton borne, bavlag
been oaaUe to go to Lansing at the
Cu.. which has a
appMaied tlma to take the oath. It branch in this eiir.
waa beHered that be would not be
wlth Sam Eller, chef of tbe Park Place
priiiat at tba Inanguratloii.
gisaaa blm the governor decided that hotel, to prepare.and serve the ban­
K aboold take place Saturday, tbe
quet. which sflll be under ihe direction
of C. 8. Oavis. whose fame In prepar­
STaaaHin depan lag for Waabioj
ing large buuquets U ao well known.
Eatarday night.
While tbe program Ja not completed.
II has been decided to secure Stewart's
amnad as he aat up la bed and wel- orcbeaiiw and the Queen City quartet.
nomad bin goeaU, one by one. with ei- Addresses will be given by prominent
ena upon Traverse City's intaRdad banda.
Tftoae'who ariended from ogt of the duatrlet. future development, public
•eboola and various other tnieresu In
nOlata mma on tba 4 o elock
reUllon to tbe elt.v'a Indaatrial and
civic development white the laboring
BecTMafy RVahk & Neal and Mrs. people's view will be discussed hy M.
Warner. After a brtef chat In ibe porFuller, president of the Crotrul
lors down alBirs tbe guests were Ijilior union of Traverse City.
■abered ta tbe governor's siai rbamAfter each address It Is expecle<F
that eveiy member of tbe bMnI shall
h waa tba BrH to have ao opportunity If be so desires.
aslaf and was followed by County t^dlseoKa the queatloos treated. Just
OmR Brosm. Banator Thaddeui at this lime the annual meeting of the
board of trade win have a special
BaHay. Repraaentatire Hariy
OmebM. OecRge DfcklnaoD. etaalrmaa aicnificanee. Inasmuch as ft Is fully
of tba Oakland aoimiy republican cdu- rocognlxed that tho time Is ripe for
nritlee; Harry Coleman of Pontiac, energellr and united work for the In­
niant Smith of Detroit. Mrs. Warner dustrial development of the city. Com­
plete program and names of speakers
aal cUMren and Frank 8. Neal.
It was tba goveraor's wish that hit win be announced later, after tbe
farm haads should be present and board of dlreciors have given the matfnrlher roBsIderaiino. It ts detbay. too. were ushered Into the room.
After aU bad been welcomed by the slpied that the adresses or dlaeasalODs shall be educational ao far aa
tba sruRs et tbe room and a bush fell
oa the little gaihcTlng.
"WHl. 1 am ready to take the oath, meeiing will result in mutual benefit
George.- spqke the gevemor. Breaking and give fresh las^rallon for the ex­
rise tdaoce. as be addreeaSd tbe coun­ ercise of hiisiling and uniieil action for
ty elerfc.
the lieaefii ofihe city.
Tbe banqimt Is Intended for mem­
Advaaolng to tbe bead of the bed.
where Oovemor Warner sal with up- bers of the board of trade only, but
this does not bar any business man or
Islered ibe oalh. al the cbme of which working man who Is a ptvgiessive
tb« chief executive said, 'I do." and ritixen from beeomlng a meuilier of
Mgnsd a copy of tbe oath to be flle.1 the board. The annual dues are but
with the aecreiary of auie.
tMHi and every good riiiten Is invlinl
nffillaie himself with the orysniza~Tbere. thaiH do for two more
o 10 help push Ihe be«t Inierests of
yaara,*’ exclaimed tbe governor as be
radioed on Ihe bed.
Traverse Cli.v.
h waa Ibe first to
Tbe cost of the banquet will lie $1 (M
eoagmlutate Oovemor Warner, but re- •r plaie. The matter of a lower price
fralBed from abaklng bis band, aaylag
as consld(-^ed. bat when It is taken
lhal be did not wlab to tire him; Inin consideration, that the miterinl*
Jilted a speedy recovery to health most be transferred to tbe hall after
*Vlr proceeded to leave the room.
cooking and much of tbe preparation
He waa hmded off by Mrs. Wai
(tone outside of Ihe hall, requiring ad­
■ who aald that the governor desired ditional labor. It will readily be seei^
. the party to auy and lunch with him. that a banquet of this kind cannot lie
This appealed to those assembled and served for less than l).W> |>er plate,
hut It can tu- aald with Ihe utmost as­
Oovnmor Warner partook of
surance that Mr. Eller and Mr. Cavis
vtaada with tbe rest and be
will serve one of the Bneai luinqueta
beartJly. mnarklng that this
werjpreod in Traverse City.
abo« tbe Erst solid food he had eaten
stnee being uken tick,
Empire. Jan. IS—Pat Baraea was
able to gat to Lanaiug within the
hen- from Trarevse City tost Tuesday
twmiy-day limit fixed by law.
Then. too. bis dose petaonal and and Wednesday.
Mr». E. A. Voice vislied la Travpollileal friend, Coagreasmun Bam
Snllh, was partlenlarly anxious to be crae Cliy several davs last week.
Mrs X |. Dailey has returned from
Beard «f Trade Banquet.
a visit to her mmber at Manistee.
The date fixed for Ibe annual i
W. 8. Reynolds of Honor visited in
tog and banquet of the Traverse City town the firat of the weHi with hls
boar.1 of tradr. Is Thursday, Jan. Slat, twin brother. W. p. Reynolds.
^ dsle has been fixed bemuae ol
Phil Bbeildiin lighthouse keeper at
the couvenltnee of the outside apeak PolBl Belaev-. wa. in town last week.
era In -accordance with the date upon
Rev. Father Ooldpo of Nessea City
which Potesters hall nmid be secured. held aerrtces In the Catholic church
Tbare waa a meeUng of the enter- here Sunday.
talametit and banquet eommtnee* last
Hiaa Oral Jeae* of Boyac City Is
•venlng in the offiee of l*resldcn* vlslliag her anni. Hra. W. H Morris
Haailnis and final drun. for the ban­ of this place.
quet efierted. As has already been anConrad and Marie Christeusoo and
MWKWd. S. A. Stowe, greaidmi of Mlaa Inire Better of Frankfort riUted
tba Gmad BapMi board of imde. and friends here the first eff (he weedc.

Hb. X

ISoiptae Smith's CaroM-.
Forced by t|| bamble (lrcum«tanWilliam Aldcn
Smith began early lo life to car* fei«
own living. At i: yt-ars of age he trfl
Dowsglsr. Mich, his biribplacc. weal
I.. Grand Rapids and, hcaan »lt1aE
IXIIK-Oivi on the •trw ij therv.
\V \V Hannan. •< Drtrvdi. to mid to
have given yviung Smith hi* first »w
ripe i<ir sugaicoated po|ict>rti. Smith
pr«i«e,i to Iw such a aaccetw In the
txt|Mv<i-ii huxinexu that hh> profits soon
ami'uuicd t.» a> much a* ITi a aaiuth.
Hls first Job In any way eunnected
with ixihticawa* glico hlm\to Speak­
er John T. Rh-h. who appoitflS^aSt^lm
a- a page ia the house (ff repnwenUHv>e at Lansing in inTSt.
He liegah to leiMy law |a IkX;. He
studl.xl wkine for awhile and later im.
ram. axxiiriated with the law fina >d
Smiley. Smith A Steviuu. -He was admill.M to the Iwr al Ibe age nf :< an-l
li.ter iHcam.- general ODUDril tbe
Chicago A W(n.| Mlchlgsa and Ihe
Deindt. Grand Rapidx A Wemern rail­
H.a®^raori(«ec In
His find wmfgqf.a
r.mD«K-ilon with his imTRNRTsliflb-s
wa< at the.time when the Ute J li.
Mulllkcn, g.meral manager of tbe Detmli, Lansing A Northern, deteminefl t.i run a line to Grand Rapids.
The lark »ecurlng a right of way
wa* no eUKy one sod Smith waa employ.-il for the purpnee ,rf tmrlw the
ne«-..^.aty praiK-rtv at Ihe right pticea.
HN w.ok Ir r.,n;i ciiou was highly
d IU consideration otK
riic .frupany gave him
III.- (Oiisx.-e which it was nerenaary
lo more 111 gice idare for Ihe tracks.
Thexe crMiaces b<- moved In hls own
pr(HK-M} and wxm Jiad houMW to ivmt
as w.-ll as huuM-t and tots to oell.
lie was made elate game warde*
under Gov. Luce in 1K»7. which posiWILLIAM ALDEN SMITH.
tlim he held until IkSI lisler be was
Insirum.-nial In building a logging
railriMd from Rapid City to Kalkaska
and itiralfoni and aRerw-ard* hla
4: l>nrell
A llastlBga branch to BcUIng.
Wiilfatn Alden Smith ......... 35
41 «
Whm tbe Pere Marquette wanted
Townsend .................................27
27 2 thcM- branches it It. said lhal William
...................................... 26
26 . 33 , 33
S -Alden Rmith made a neat snm. iwiineMcMitUn ...................................22
24 2 whero In the neighlrnrhood of IK».IMKI. lie was cicoted to represent tbe
S.W. Smith . 13
fifth Michigan distrin In etragie« In
CW. Smith.................................. 2
tWl. He was re-Hected In ls»6 and
has lieen Heeled by lnerV>ix-.l major
Itles i-arli two years since.
Lanting. Mic".. Jan. 11.—Af f'cely <
Mindful n niy own shoit
Ill Msrrh l!>of,. be bought a rtmirHIforecasted yesterday afternoon. Con 'appri-ciat I- of the cli-BlInc Interest In the Grand Rapid"
grexaevao Aldeh S-vith
. ■'"'■J
h>> ribl''''. i-aii <iplv.s.--v 1.)
In which pe prevhwUy ownHi-rald.
, , -ynn from ib.- lionom of my li«wr»
Grand volt be yhe nest Undtd
imI stuck. .
Mr. Smith was boni Hay 12. IK9.
States senator from Michigan. Tiie .
u^.klng i„,o your fa(^-s I wish
was married in 188S tu Maria Osierlandslide eam>v^ the first ballot l»«;r<itini ui eaHi oiij-every one my j
hoiit. and is the father of <a>e son,
night, this being the sixth baliot cf i P«-e>a'!”ti. , li. ihe presenc- of t
WllHain AliRm Smith, jr.
the caucus. W.iliam AWer receiving
f---'. rj'd«.r
. .
Ill-, vid l(uri-tac ov'T 1 see hv ■
98 vote* while only W were "etexsyry^
Can Stovt Explaaton.
for eboiee.
ih.- swe.-i face* i.f :
What might have iieea a nerlont acThe result wax received with the nioth*T ;.ud faUi*-r."
eidi-tit. ri-Bulted only to the binorlag
out of a large window, the tearing of
greatest-pieakure by WiUiaiT. Aidc'i't ’
Tbankad Mr. McMillan.
.» Hiokliic with Ihe oven d<xm fn>m a gas store and
Irienda. not only hgre arto H Grand ■ - Mr. Sniilh'
breaking them against tbe onmotie
• .
Rapids, but ai1.^'ver Michigan, cov-; l-moih'nernof Warner expressed h.msrif s«' ' "eow bU-ssed it i'." he niiiilnond. wall Saturday evening at the Elks*
vMlI pleased with the of tne ' rtiai In ' luir n-pulillr .mportunlt Huh. i>. a ShlpparaxM- snd Marila
esueuo and ih-i onsucc'kfJul eandi-- m*-.iu- nu sliackb-s. Hen* In the th- Whalen were in the kitchen where Ibe
dalet qave every atsuranr* of t«c at- ^ at-r «f w, many mighty crtH.-spi 1 fe-I arcbhmi happened birt were noi inmost.friendliness.
- 'a- iheugh <bi< awn- hulhiwcd griKiait. Juied. Thi- rauM- of the exptoeloa was
aecumulailoD of gaa In the oven
, Made H Unanimous. '
: , :'^hi- is a wfciat offiH- an.] ougbl to
Biickicy. Mieh .'Jan. 14.—The town
Th-- filial r.-Mili c-i tli- MvTif IwlVit' Itii-idt'c the, hcati iuf auy nuai. To m,- after tbe light had been blown out hy
Is booming now. The mills arc Imth
A pelllien was filed late Miuiday slutwinl hSf.'r SmMi,-.-..; I-M-T..w BS.ei,.i'Mtistvng>it>,lied fricu-ix 1 ri't'urn ipv the el./!-1ng of the doors.
huay and saw log* arc coming from
the maul.''
‘|Sral.'f..l ^;ip|ir.-cwrt'it.
■Mrs. Shippacasse had lighted the
for the delerniinallon n[ heirs in the » foJ- Ctmrh-i- smith ati.J 1 foi Hi!:.
four wny«. A printing office ln a rhi- riimiai n-e'ili- wW« '(i:; eLarai':.-r m-jh.Jr Wpalgb."
pil-.t" light ta the oven preparatory
short time will tie esialdislied over l- Charles E Soutbwriek l■M!l.Ie, Mr.
mniorc.1 S5-i,;iiur Tu-i. , Turn .'..I
'■ Mr Sn.Hh ttot.l hK cumplimenis ; . n, lurnlnc oa tbe large V'. He ckwed
Rklnner's harm-ss shop ami tl.T;ggeii Poiuhwick db-d 21 vears-aeo h-aviiig a
.!•-•-!.ii-nl. lire. nmHiiim-A- "Mr. Hifl an-l.l'ix coniacti', fooctvsx
he d.nrs harriedty and this prohnidy
™->»■<will supply Ihe
.-bi.lce ul ih- c,.mx,^,.aI:d 0|--.m.e-..-:_Mem T..v.ti.,Kr.l,:and -d Mr, McMHI-vu exilngnlsberi the stnaU light. A
lights. And not
a is to' bl•, ,
moment later, the whole supply that
Ti:iB married wiihmit the estate ever rwiTipd.
• '-T.. Me 51(Mil';.n, who.u: dcfali.fd Is'uM-d to benting Ihe over was turned
being settled until now.
' , | TIuki
A Maddlsnn Is now )oca(c<l In his
ti-CK w.'iv ’•ap!>'Unl.>| -.-nj (-*cbn Ih*- bet lii.tii dek: -.- bersux-Uii- 1--ai
The property ennsisu of a farm
and Ih.'.air tight chamber rapidly
-w cement block hotel,*
mine.- iiud Ih-- ib-t-aty.; cac-ilcat--:, ittg
of, 'o.-iliixMnc*- - ha' /l -li* fili.-d with cax. raable to stand the
.Grant township one mile from iuDra. Purdy and Eagon held a consiittin->p‘ak.':'-- pratfiiijnl fon»l-r Cb-.'r bit« uuiC r th (-.VI. I.f UN |diy>i(i»n prossuie. ih.‘ donrv- burst from tb(4r
laihm gi Mr. Shepard's over his imie I soiiihw-est eoraer of the cmintir and its
piTvIiable v alue is alioul
V M.-M'*'
hinge- and w.-re badly brvAen a*ato«
v-ntinf T
boy who Is not expected to live.
.gt-niiirit- v.vqveH and wv .uhd.'lus af the o|4H»d’'- wall. Binh panes of a
8choer<-Id( (d Ruckley Is now
Nearly Perished.
8.-iia:-« • I-vi .qmnh A.W civcc aii A-rtton./as t-he iVMi;t.H hi- c-ner- large window were blown .out almosl
eliglUc to the married men's Hub.
K ghrSpshlte ew-e- iK-longing toltn-uil.-n wh.i- he '..piK^rNl, an! r_ri,..-;ty an-l Un.lnews tiv.w iia ihN cuo- ax (I'-an a» a carwnter co*ild do the
last week Best wishes.
job' one door was open and the other
Frank Moore went to radiiiac nnrt i
Smi'li of wmiamsbiiig gave min.-'in,.. i-y pejiai-r r^fe
Mamon Jan 11
^ j birth to a lamb on the night <d Jan. |fn.*ra!. i.-tuu:..-V-fote he c.k.'d
Sin.itl.-.ifirii • broitgiu forth » is t«i swina htngex «r more damage
«-oTt!d probably have resulted. Mr.
G. Hand Horn Is vlKlilng hi. parent* I'' **"J
twvOty.four Hours the llnie;(v..l Jj, p*;- h. said: ;;
.,i,;^.;rrv^by-J.lI Manioe
! animal lay to tlu i-now bv It* mother's ' • ThN ehambef hat l>(*n th. ,c t<- aff.Tti..n vif
rl.nv.^rw.r Ri.-h th- Sblpparas«e was slmon to line with
Bert Bdgeti Is doing
N^tohtoir* saw It and told Mr «f m*
*r.-a.-*t trf-imph*. ;M^ n»k -ho hv!
willinslv- app.«LJ-d the iloor* and bad.they struck him. a lot
i.M of
.*1 custom
(vjsiom I'-—.-.
biokcn boli<-j- w'H:!d probably have nworii at his new fe<>d mill these days Sf»Hb who could not ivltov.- the siurv apis'to'ni.-p'
Fotlowii-g i.riii. ih*. »ihi-f cuTilid.’!*.Oeoige* CTemi-nf* daughter is ooCte '
l««»blng time comes aUmg In April I go sNbv>
He started out to u-arrh. howevi-r. and , i;|mn me to ' i|o
.if .v •’i-j.c.
irv»-rvi a-M»
^ Viin;n>i.'i-.'’-'di
rk at present.
A>- ' rman Abbott.
Supervisor Willis Wighinian was at
eaiN- lor ward candlCadtilsr last we,'k aiiending the se*'*®'’
offi-prtng.' The lamb
-- p.-i.M.'vmc*- thvnuHves for the
slon Of the board of supcrv'lsora
ica»«d for and seems To W xmicg and
i-ii-.s-l. ■•( «.xhrtiir..r- Jti l-t-x... , I» i n'(i-N'oa .
h'li neverthetosa thora
Mr, and Mrs. Prank Wightman nt-|*“‘^***'^*^**“^ Its chilly ,recept:nn,
■ ilt-l Ma--a< h'!?! • . r- - -vb is aln-ady con-ldersble interiwt manltended the Odd »Vltom.' supper an.| ’“*“ ****^''“’'
' '
t'H- tfc.' !e-t-dixpl^-.liyof which xbe N y ,^..«-\i;vi ;ii.
fr>te.| in the matter nnd prospective
installaiton of officers *1 Monroe Cwi-i
------------ — .
, 6->m-Hii. kl^v ..lid I'i.* .lOr
(-.jBd’ltfe* .if
suggegied. On*
■r Saturday erenlng.
Two Funerala.
■ ro'ud aimI3 W tpV. .l(ira; «,.-i ,. thv‘-iin ij'. o'li- ,t--n fcavlac -. (e-rfect. of the DKis’ M>ne|u<'uijus In this regard
SHiool enmmeaced Jan. 9' in The
The Infant son of Frank Siilic f.W
new sch.vo( house with a latge aitend-^'**** Seco'ail street, died garorrtay
»**bough the ftork this vrat i- . .Mr-. «:'.-waf!'..N..''■•(-(T«.Hl,*.-vera5 i- Aldetman W H Abbott. irhUe Mr.
.tbWi has not xTinounced hls eabdi;and was buried Sunday
The f.inerai '"" to a» .stw+mn
at-1a*t y.-«r
-I...- f.l.
Jabraas of Tracerae City was a i ”* held from the church of 'he Ini j .‘Uuai Jauuaty >1 * ..-S'ewart «-otetvd
Three car loads of isacbliiery atGraod Rapids. Uicb.. Jan. H.-tHsrived last week for the oew saw fiuil
pairhes from Pillsburx state that
and Is betng put In place.
Dunn baa relumed to Empire Joseph Wood, first viee'prestdeot of
after viaitlas for some iimr at Oneka- the PeonsyKania Uoes west, was
■na with btr mother. He siili walks rboseo president oOhe G. R. 6 I. iwllKiirreed James JlrTfea. rewith Ibe aiil of erutebea. the reauli of j mad.
■llns of the l>osr,l of
ireitlnK bis led brokc-o and hip dUlo-! ricned.
ruled IssT June.
| directors of the mad. held lit PlttsMrs, mehsrd Quire rHtirued from | hiuy Friday, J. H. P. HuRhan. W. B
Acme last Wednesday, where.she bud Shalby and M. R. Metheany of Uruti.I
■teen to ftrtp care for her -brother. Rapids attended the meellnc. •
Cbariaa Kelderhwise. ami on Thurs ] l.o«»l G. R. A 1. officials say
day tDomlDR she received word that I Mr. W<skI Is the loeirul successor of
he had died during the night. Accbm- j >*<<>*«. who on Jan * was elected to
panied by her busimnd. she returned the presidency td the Pennsylranl.i
Anne on Ibe aPemuon train to at-! lines, Wttod was second rice presllend the fugeral. which was held 8at-| dmi until MeCn-s's ^ignailnn. when

in —
Traverse City. The fiimily <i j„.• became first vice j
This fact, coupled with bis bmg and
Ihe ytning man lisve the sym>uiiliy of
rariml service as a railroad
tbeti many friends here.
made him the first to be mentioned
Miss Lulu Haakin bas reiuriM-d
her acliool at Cadillac after Spending for the place.
Mr. Wooil has iH>cn connected with
her varathm at her home here.
Peter Wagner Is working at Cedar the Pennsylvsnlu for ihitly yea
Sinning as a heljicr In the civil «
nr In a saw mlU.
The larger pupils of the Empire glneertng deparinivni. he graduslly
Bchool have organised ,a basket hall worked himself up until lie iiecame
team pud will pmrilre (luring the win- siipi-rintendeni and general manager,
•r months in tin- K. O. T U. M. hall. and held several other posliluns until
Miss Mattie Haskin is vtslilng he bt-catiie seconff vice presld<-nt (
the Pi-nnsylvanln lines west, which
friends and relatives at Monton.
Mike MInnangh and Oanlft Froate poeltion he held until, he was praattended the rtwntv meeting of the nioied lo the, first vice prc.-.ldency e
the rekignsilon of Jam<-s McCrea.
A. 8. or B. at Cedar last Tuesday
The new preslib-m it well known In
1n Ihe writeup of Rmpin- village
which was putillsbed In the Evrmi'ug Grand Rapids and among%. R. ti I
Record last wetA. the namtt of Mrs. officials, and It* is said that his Hr
Ubhle Otiaaldson. the leading and vaihin will cause iio change of p^cy
ras left nut: also of the load.
of JJIen.Forrester, the hust­
Sam* Old Story.
ling agent for tbe Grand Rapids Pn-4s
Thmiieh their aiiomeys Prait A
and DHroii Journal.
N. P. Dailey has bought a saw mill Davis. Janies Ikiyd. and Catharine
filed a bill In chaDcery
for the purpose of nitUng secondgrowth timber, and will soon move It agulDSt their aon James lioyd. Jr.
The bill aUeg.-s that on S'ov. IS.
to Empln- where it will be erected on
Ihe old school .bouse grounds on Iji- 1906. the conple diH-aleil ihelr. fiftyCore avenue. The mill will rut any. acre farm near Rates to the son.- A
thing from four inches to one foot in rooiract w»s made whereby he was to
diameter, and lengths ns short as four pntvide Ih'-m with clothing, shelter
mill of Ibis kind is very much, and care for them generally Especial
needed here as tberi- areb undreds of wrest was laid on the tact that he
of secoDd-gcowih timber here wa» to take them to church whenever
they desired lo go. and riutl ii iww
lhal would otherwise is- worthless.
providiHl them in the Catho­
Mrs. William Ifanman. living near was In
Pcdri LAkc. aiiffered a slioke of.par lic ehiir^ in this city. It Is said that
alysia one weric ago Saturday. She the sonVid off the livestock and on
for the north, laktag the
bad-been In her usual good health and
time was helping to scrub the train al Bates, aaylag lhal hn was
kitchen floor. The vocal organs are through with farm and bis parents. It
entirely panil.rted and her A-esIght is wild that the sales
about tng and iliai nlmni til wcr>
It also affected.
paid out for gmectle* for iheju
J. J. TweddIc of Travonu- City has
They now ask iliat their forfiii i
returned from Ashland, WIs.. where property lie restored.
he baa Iktii loosing after the iDtrre«is
of Mrs. Mike Nimnangh in the malipf
Emily Heat Dead.
connected with the sbooiiog of b<-r son
Mrs. Enrily Host diiil Monday
DHbert Reel, on Ik-c. 11. John Tueloff.
the bartender who shot Ri>el. ha> had afternotut at her home In Atmie « her-*
preliminary bearing and Is In jail •he has lived many yeaiv*. Par.ilysU
at Washhum awaiting* trial at the was the cause of lu-r ileaih apd sh-'
May term of ctnirt, |i Is alleged that was Ca years of lute. Jlrs. Host W4S
thy widow of Philip Hoai. a veierun
the shooting oeoiirred after a quairel
game of dice, and ‘sevenil pets of the. Civil war and a pioneer
pie who witnessed the deed say It was knowu In the c^y.
Two children are left, Charl^TlV
unprovoked. The many fReods of the
mother and aon here hni»e that what hlis and Mrs. Wellington Silil
wiiB seemingly a oold-hlo.».li-.1 murder fifteen grandchildren. The funeral
with till- imulKlinient it ile- wilt Ik- from ihc Acme church tomor­
row at : o'clock In tlie afiornooii. \V.
P. Anderson lii chnige of the arr.iligementa.



Good Read* toatityte.
t ward propto have urged him to berome
caller here Jon. m.
j manilate Oooceptlon.
; ihnu in-x!.e'_ tt'i-ivo n ihow ivt O-h
Th.-co.-*i-v ros.i jn-ti;nt.. f.r Grand <»I>* republican candidate for roaleqWilliam Tooley is quite Mck.
! The funeral of little Fredfrick Fei- ik<Nh ai;>l o’p' oMh* two oieki T»-|- •me
Travii-eciiutr w.i; to I.-M ai Trav.lttosthlasprtog. Mr Abbott wtH '
G. A, Brigham is at Empire on htt*-i FH-held from the home in East. cpck\ fiw p'lUeJ. ..nd thfv henbus second term thi- spring and haa
Carter! ven-i. •-iehi of. :h'
re^-iw-d ovcy
j Bay Saturday mnining.
. toginnir.g a
iven a coasIMent and rHiable mem­
thu- .U-ftig • Ts:k.- to the .nr-t
^ I had
of both funcialis
Dr. Eagon U now located In. hit____
ber of the council. Tberedt no donht
; prjre and ih'.’'-'''.r tbtw we-p.!-': ij.^tuav^ '
suite of rooms over ibe-hank,
but that be will again be a eiadtdaio
. Hieible t(» ihe —--'Ud ptUn*. the low- ,,ace wiu'rMrw. Dot* Bell is risittog her par-'
New Mill.
enl*. Mr.-and Mrs. E. Brigham.
] Alden, Mleh-Jan 14.—The Ford *I<T'
Ev.-ryooe iniereaied to succeed himself.
Mr. Abbott bas. daring his term of
The Social Hour Huh met at Mm.-; Dunn Lumber C^. have established a| k**'’*'*' ™ weight. They tx-tog young jn ij)p qoe-'inn of g'-id rrrtds U cordlG A. Brigham's Jan. 1». Next meet-! mill ca« « Alden and will nit 4A«w!f'"
Ctarto- MeCtav.- was
j^rtu-d ti. at'en-l. The sesxioa* (Yflce. gained a raloahl- •.,»-rte*c«
and i>ecame iborooghl.v infonuud upon
tog at Mr* .Otto Bsrrieo's Jan. 24 at 2' toth. ^i,o.ln shingle* and rS.C** fee( of 'h" Judg.-.
jw-n-M iq the n.urt bouse,
the Htv'* affair*. TheiHote b* will
Ilamber. G<-orge Dunn and Dvxter R.' These. ohleVef;* arv partridge,'
Yafig.v. ry truly.
be a good eaodJdatc to go bef»r.- ibd .
Ralph Brigham shipped two cart of | Foed are the ownert. . A lumber yatd j coebtos and cnantiiu; h«r points .at ; .
^Muralto 8. Earin.
people Ui bta wat'l.
poiatoea Jaa. III. '
jwlll he eskahllshed at Alden.
) th.-iVNeonsto xh w.TIr- Si*-»ait .wi-:
5tqt.-mghway (


MV. JANUARY 17. 1M7.

6md Thtctsc Henll
li *nnn> Otr



Editor and ManoEoi

Th* Pt*pl**l Ch*k*.
It «u • ■wtnISOMt vtriorr t«r

wmu* A1d«B 8mllb

that cannot tuSer from too much agltatlon. There was a time yet within
the memory of wren the younger cUlrens when all that was ibonghi neceesaary for country nadi wan to aanpe
the dirt aad vegetable matter up Into
the ecoter and to let It go at thaL
Tumplkea were mended by loads of
atone being dumped into the boles and
worn ai>d crushed Into ab^ by pass­
ing vehicles., which avoided the task
os moeb as was poulbUleat
Now. mad building has become an
eaaet acieane aad an eadeevor to being
made to kh bark that which
country lost through Its c
In the past This country, by
uf bad roads, haa loat many miljtona
that It could }a«t •> ««11 have had.
The meney thrown away on improp­
er mad balMing it not all that haa
boea toat laastMch aa the iaeroaaed
crops mast also be
■ratloa and charged
every tormer baa had
experience with bad rofide aad knows
jam what they meM.
Good roads are always pmfluhle.
Without tkM. there would be no rural
fr«« delivery and iu
without them, the namber
of teams that mast be kept would be
locreated; wWbout them It woeld
be peeelble to market prodaru at any­
thing Uke the profit that good mads
bring, well bnUt roads are Um best
any towaahip. county or
sUbe eaa make and ihetr returat are

kM rreolnr wM« upon ibe »l««h l»ltot of tk« repobllcM c»ucu« be rt~
eetred M rotee. •aough to elwt atwl
M to »p«to: C. R. Smith rocetvlng
two nd CoogreMiBiB TvwBmmd *t.
0« s tooUoo
Mr. Baltll rocdred the eBlIfc vote of
tko lopablicn cmiico*. 127. and *e*
tberefore declared the ebolt*
tbo catMoi tor United Siatoa ecaator to nceeed General Alcer.
It will be aeaa br the yot on the
atalb ballot, tbu pnetlcallr the
eadlre aMgtb of UUI and Metom.« went to Bmitb.. <t vaa report•d that ab arrangweot had been
Mdo dartnc the dap vberebr
Smith vaa to roceire the bolk of Ibe
voto of CoosnunaB Tovaaeod.
ts are Just
VM iMltored that the TOte would be
aa aeeaaaary aa to a term and there­
jOMtfclly the game oa the Oral bal­
fore the peemie of Traverse City
lot aa K waa on the laat ballot the
as vitally latereatod to the "good
•l^t before and that open the aeeroads tosUtuto'' whkdi will be Md
d'a atreoith would
hen Jan. 13 la charge of Horatio 8.
bo avoBg to Smith whl^ would be Bari.
oidMoot to nomlnata
the farmers. This Institute should
< It woo reporttd later, bowerer. that
bava • Uigs Bttmdaikce as Mr. Bari
I Townaeod h»d deeded
has gives the
to olMd flna aod tniat to a dcftaAkn
Btndy than probably aay other a
tlua the fotooa of HIU and^McMlUefi
•ad Satth for a nomination. There
Tbe value of good roads to becom­
woo another report aleo, from Detroit,
ing more aad
ttat the HUI and MeMUlan foremi bad
evorywhan atttea are taking up the
tamhlnad to down Smith. Tha result matter, it abould be e matter of deep
frond othorwlee. It vaa yery erlr^nt that Governor Warner In hU
•nt to the Hill aod MeinUan «upabould have bad to state that
.'tbat Smith bad the right of In this regard Michigan, uaually ao
way and eoold not be aiopped. The furenoat Id ererythiDg, is lagging be­
toamt ladlcatea that they believed the hind.
’ thing under the
Michigan people should beitiD now
wia to yield to the evident vtahee of and ana that no
lat number of the people of the wUI have to regret but rather will be
I and Urov their atrength to Om-. .enabled to point «ltb pride to that
nun Smith knovlag that he MIcMgan has accoiB|>ltobed In building
be elected.
good roads.
Ooagraaaman Bmllh was clearly the
ckaln uf the people of the aute.
i vaa eondneted decently and
i «lann Unea. He had the cotifl• of hit pupportera la woatem
who resolved to stand by
Urn to n SntML It wu theae people.
Who knew him best, vbo were detWliKI td place kim In ftooemi AlSMk peat in the United State's senStn Oengitoeman' Smith has aeired
in the tower bouae twelve yoam
kpp Hrmd on adme of the moat
m\y the
» and the
iwinittnii on foreign aSalra. tb« two
laaat Impaatnnt
SNWL Hla wortt upon theae ooraroli«Mi nS
- •• mamplnuriia. that ha waa oalled
mm to Md In the «eu»ella-el the pdaMBtapthm upon mnUera wf grant
He haa aerred
mmor veil, and haring made trips
•fend for the parpaea id better pentS« MaaaeU apun
SStOM. ha to proUbly aa wuli toHi mmb our rtoattaas with fornaUona as any othar man to the
Ba hM bean a ataanch anpporter
•I tha seUotoa of ProaMenl Rooaevelt,
and haa bean a powar to -the houae
wt wsruaantoUTea. and wielded
STuatoa toSaaace than aay other conla tha Michigan delagntlon.
Ihr thane luaMaa Congressman Smith
ww togtoaUy the candidate
eand Oaaaral Alger. He haa worked
hto way (rum a newsboy fato
tlaltod Staten aanaie mad If he bad.
not tha qnUUea which entitled him,
to thto aoaltod poaltloa. he would not
hnvn Meomd It. He haa aeeurad tbU
I hy bit ahllity, hto
> of right aad Juatiee and hto,
of nathm^ afUirt.
iB the United Stales senate he will
hneome a naabur of power aad laSMM from the auit. No other can4MMg who oppoeed him ooald have
I aa much in hto first ti
aa wnitom Aldeo Smith will be able
to aneoBtoUah to a atagle aeaalon. He
li imsicdaa In Waahtogton and resardnd aa one of the strong gien
of thinoantiy. Therefore the people
be proud
of the netlon of this scssloo of the
la thto oranoctioD It may be veU
to aute that It was The Bviwing Rec­
ord wbo made the first authoratlve
of any newspaper
MtoUgan of Mr. Smith's caudidacy
aawasd Ceaeml Alger. At that time
we beUeved that ho was the togtcal
CMdldate for the Unlied Slates
ate, and the beet cnadidate of any
Vhoae asplrmtluBs had yet been made
known, and we now boHrvo
Smlth will make an able, aad dt-uf Michigan
to the aenate.—Huc»rd.
The Geed Reada Irtatitot*.
The gmwtton of good roads Is i

Real Estate Tmnafera.
Wood Oiab eompaay was boM yeoterPranres C Van Wyck to Cathe.-lnc
aad the home for tbe fsebis mladsd
Rapid City. Mich.. Jan 1!—Henry day.
Croold. *w«, of nwV sec. « T 21. R >. Smith uf Traverwe City wa* in town
committee, also Ibe
No change* wem made to the ■>«towns and cottattoa.
firm of the romiasy but J. M. UmgEmHy P. Oillet to DaaM p. OHM, tbe firm of the week.
A. J. Stroud
CharlevoU to a i
ae>, *e«..18.T 27. K 10.
Tbe (anersl uf Unit Beulah Fux. I Decker of Della, u . and w'c Htwl
From Wafineafisy* Raaord.
frto, W. Bunker and wife o Abe S. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira F»s.^a*{ thto cMy w«rv addr< to the l-iard of bsr of tha commlUaa ea the todaatrlai
Wenbentor, parceto. $2500.
carafully c
batae for glrla rallgtoas aad beaevoheld at Hr. Baheock'a h<JO>e Wedneo-| director*.
leat BOciaUw aad sute again.
habr din! of loosU '
T M. R 1-.
pricea am
ouppUod JT
by local daaieru. vand.-rvort.
Tho outside quotatloa* by wire, not
j^hn M. Franklin and wife to Ik-ra
mom case, of dirMb-rta ye,
Carter* Siding. Jaa. IS.—GocM dipped f«om other papom of tee piw Richardson, parcels.
Mokuamsooeo ba*
I DanlH I) OHM i„ Emilv P. GilW-t.i"*’ overyon.- l, .buptng tto- ridd;
Weighing at Carter.
bero piugrveotog r»r leo boms the
' aen.,inei.i.
i »«-ath.-r will drrtr liaway
Hits Maad Wyrkng left Wednesday
I Samuel I. firacetiridge In Winnie Tl I
Fr\-.l lUrfceu to vtoiling with lava fiowtag south a* in the rt^Koa
for BeldUig where ahe espects to work
Fifteen kiada of^y and giato wem| Bcwcebrldge. w>a of *el4 of swl.
fri- nd, i.t sioulh Mlllua.
"i “"*• hat U l-rancbe* of iooatd
to the Bilk mills.
etohed la at tb^ market yeoterday. 127. T 25. R I2.$l.<*>
Una fjetn-iit was Ikjo».‘ for g.shi-n KaVnkt rwMh. Tli- retmiioo m ac,-.1 Levi Coxet 111 ToCba* D Wemmni
Ooontt: brown bad the misfortune lo
Price, rv-maln Purwml. Uealem
„ al
.1 vlj
el, .f wH
w^ „t
..f rtrt,
rtr., aee. Il.T 27. \toti durinx tiM-boIlda>>
coiutaui.-d by an ••1-vtrtcal disptoy
lose one rrf bis horses while hauling port that about e-Bough eggs
beineJare beingj
r t;
Jim RorHl.-of Htmor. 1* dvdag thej»'«' ‘"'•‘■y
wood for F. C. Uaamuad. Tbe bpese
.supply local demand.
E F. Ferris an-l wif, to L. K.
oiKlil work at the P. M . -I.-pot again *
aUpped breaktog cm ktod leg.
Dairy baUer rwmalBS scarce; there is
Mrs. Hose KohlasoB was an Aldeo!
VpaHaali Bhoken.
P. C. Dmmand made a fiytog trip plenty of cimamery among deeler*
! Tp-ilanli. Jaa. IC.-A shock sup.
Hux-de and wife to Hcrtba vtoHor Tuesday.
Carter SaUintoy.
but the pried seem* to alert the sale O-nri-n. lot, rs aiKl 2s>, U S Ht>x«i.-»
•artJtqaak,- lastlag hair
Hen JacubNon’wa* U, .41J.-n T-i«
Mr. Rockwell of Homeriead. made
•I add.. $M-.
minute was fell at 8:15 ihto iMRn
a bastoeas trip to Carter. Balarday.
Wm Ih-xters-In.. lo CharM Wilson.
Mm dealer* report poultry a*
the regiCM of Thu- rtty. At
l»..k W... -7... h.. I—-n .... m,
R off north siib- of >» of nw r.
wmie Camp to very 111 with pnen- scarce. Freah fish from Lake Michl
V-I!l, airtlbml. tt
T 27 R 11. $Cfo.
motila uf the lungs, uader .the cam of gaak* offered at ISc'per lb. They aiv
FrtUe and wife )o Je«>e
Jl« AM.,,.,. ...
Dr. ablUldar of Lake ABB.
It and Mark fins.
d Mr*. Ssmocl .Audersou
Mr. and Mta.'M. Ralph were
• h- but tt-cemly atoved to Uonway,
parrel*. $1 i>
HoGor. Tburaday,
By Wire to the Evaning Record.
. Jam<’« E. Mahan to G,-,, TM-ker, returned yv^tenUy. .Mr* An-terMni's
Jamcs.DeMBoad to in Carter today
.71. villag.- of Ras-t Hay. 1225.
health f*U,-d 'there makliiB it
Caiti* and Maeaa Hide*
Detroit. Jan. 1C.—tVboat. .S'o. 2 red kitJohn
on baatoeu.
Reotiie and wife !<■ Christian
lo „.un..
!J'22.£"S"v 7»»-a»
764ic. com. 441»c; oats 35icc
J. tilrohni. nS of
of u,-^> uf sa V
Ciikago. Jan. lC.-Wheat.^ May. MW. 2. T 2d. K It. $42r*.
Cedar Mich.. Jan. It—A number of K Me-Swi-en el a’. In Charles
Oval Weed Dish.
rr.^t - iw am u
R. Snyder, panrel*. $5o«
tbe Rsdtekah long of this place vUtied 7CMc; corn. t4t«r: oat* 37-H&
Toledo. Jan. 1$.—Wheat, cash. TCc;
The annnal meeUng of the Oval
Roxie WiiROn to Charles WIMm
the Rebpkah lodge cf Traverse Cliy
seek. 'AaaoM other* who west >ro. 44c: oats SSVlc.
Mr*. Lottie
Juhnstm lo J»l>n'
East Buffalo.'Jan. l6.^aule-75., Qitalfe. n 27>, ft lot Id. hlk. C. C..nn1-.
Mr. and mA. Joha Tuakar. Mr.
;;rd. $12»h.
and Mrs. Morriana. Mia. LaUrope an>l
Mrs.’ txxtie L. Ji»tm*,m to John i
Mrs. Oroav)
Tha nemben of the C. K. soclly of weather*. $5.5d « 85.::,; ewe*. $5 C.'' ::iil fi'rfiii
thto place will give a hex aoeUI tiest $5.25. Hog*—1551), active h1gh«r:J John QitaK.- and wlf.- ifi 1j..tiie’
Friday night Jan. 18. It to hoped Iherv yurken. $G SS 6 $C.iMi; mixed. $e.k5 1. Jubn^u. lol« 7 sn<l 4. !>. Goo.!e
vUI be a good attendance. The young
petqile be«g am making preparations
for a general good Ume. The social
will be hrid to tbe bas»MM of the
BalHng Pricaa.
The C. E. Boeleiy held thMr annual
Jacob Van Weeiden Appointed to Take
busiaaes meeting WedneMay eveatog
. 18.DO
' Charse at Holland.
to the efautch and the' foUovIng ameera were elerted: Preeideat, Mr*.
Grand Haven. Mich,. Ja,n. 17—Si|M-rinli-B<lent t'harles MoTtici au- '
Blllman; vice-prealrtem. Mia.John*oa:
nuonced yrwient:i>' that JiKYib Van ]
Mcretary. Cloyae Culver;
WeddcB. kecpi-r of the life savins {
Mr. Hanalford: orgaotot. Mrs. Elmer
station at South Manliou. ba* b)*- !! ap- *
pointed to t.vke ,'liarge of the vtniion \
There to one case of diphtheria to
H»Ilan-l, formerly tn charui- of
child of Cfaarica Parob to Appi~ ..............................doeco
Chaimrcy It. pool, who wa>i dlMiiiinu-,1
111 of tbe disease at preseaL Thto to
after tbe toveslleation Into the Hoi
the first case of this kind to town thto
land broakwai-T horror. Rli E. I'ugh.
aurfnan No. I nt 1‘eatvraicr. 1* given
Mr*. Grosvener Is sick with tbe Feed. H.. L. 4 Co.'a Ue*l. per
charge of lh>‘ Sooth Manitou xtatlon.
...................................... IM
The Woman's Home Mintonary *o- Middlings, {per 100 Iba............. 1.35
«ty met Monday aftentuon yrlth Mr*.
Myron Culver. Prayer meeting also
In a Just t^ht,
h«-ld at Mrs. Culver's M'Many Children Are Sickly.
wmUtur* proofpadtattk
Moiwnrm,'. Pweri l‘DwJ--r<for •'tai ,
Mr. Johnson was quite sick Sunday
■mi I,/ Mother Ur>T. • narw in i-hlU-re«.
HoiNf,. kew Y,c». tWYWku u). *',*!• m JJ
aud Monday.
Butter, crpmen per
Mr. and Mrs. Stoworth Rillman vis
M-tiTi^uhW Twlhinc towderY nail i>Y«ico;
w,Nm« At nil Unirrtr. :Se Mei.rtn irnkted
ii.Hl frienito al Maple City. Saturday.
KKKE AitOroi AllanU <ila»UU. Lert-j, S' >
Mr. und Mr*. Baird received a.visit
from hto father, from Wllllamsbun;
the first of the week.

Growth Has 8een TeeRapId.
According to Ktaleini'Uts made by
James J. Hill In a leiier to Govevnor
of Minnesota If the railway)of the west ore to handle tbe buttuna
of that aectirm of the oouatry, an- taThe reguinr aervtcea were held at
Tceimenl of one bllllonrme hundred
M htaanb Sunday eveatog. Christian
mlBtoa dullaia would be rattitiedr
order to produce In five yeara the nidcavor at seven. Preaching immedIthOM mlleo of new tmdi needed. ' >■ iaielfjti^. The subject of Mr. AllingThe bnlldli* of thto track, according ton's disoourse was 'Am I My Brolhr It was a deeply apiriiual
lo hto figuma. would cost $75,000
mile and two mlllloa tons of st^l nermog.--The church choir was to at
rails would be required. Tbe taA of teiidiriM to addlUoo to ___
gave a selection that
bulMIng this Immense amount of
as.cptayed by all.
tiadiage wowld-kesti XMLW addUioaal
tobprers busy the full five yMr. and Mr*. Ray Hannlford attend
Mr. Hfll gives the great growth of ed church at Maple City last Sunday.
the country as a reaaoa lor the car
Mf!" and Mrs. Roas received a call
aboriage and the coal famine of the from lwr brother Ral|to Mateer of
ocethvest aad r^ima that the outlook
on Coaler Saturday evening.
for the future to dark. Bbat the pres- Bdaa Mateer who has been vtolttog
est facfllttos of the road are iaade- hem roiumed home with her boither.
quate to ahown liy tbe report (4 the
H. Hahn has been quite skk but to
lateratate commerce «
some better at this writing.
Thto report shows that to the inMis* Barih of Solon and a friend
toml between IBM and IMS. the
frttra Port Oneida called at Mrs.
lUea of trackage Increased II per Hahn-* last Satarday.
cent, tbe number of htcomoUves 35 per
Mra. A. Hall went to Maple Citv
cmt. tbe namber at paesenier -caia S3 Monday.
per cent aad the number of frMgfat
ears 45 per cent while the passenger
»6 per cent and the
Beadoit. Mlrh_ Jan. 11.—Ift. Miinfreight ton mileage 118 per cent. These
'raon to spending a few day* to
figurea show a mighty
Gniitd Rapids.
tween the Increase in tbe (radcago.
C.eorge of Grand Rapid*
us la town Mondav.
tha rolling aiock and the
Mr. Koon of Grand Rapid* returned
and tbe buslneasa of the rallrundaa.
Mondav after «i>endlng a few days
The fact to farther stated that with­ with hto parents here.
in tbe last ten years the volume of
Liewto Wbalen Wt Thurjdar tor
railroad buiinesi In this country haa Watervllei where he wlH spend the
tocreased 1]0 psresnL
'' winter.
Bert Ahearn who has been vtoitlna
The CMnmtoaloti'a figures prove that friends to Trav^'rae Ctty for a few
the railroads hare not nearly kept davs returned Thursday.
Mr. and Mra. Wlitanl Marsh and
pace wUh the growth of the country
and that to order to handle the to- children . retnrned Tueadav from
Michigan where they spent
creassd bostouas which must bs cared Sonthern
the holiday*.
School becan again Monday with 4*
more tracks, mom ears, mote loeomo- piiull* enMled.
Ures aad more enra labor is neces- . .
where ihe.v
hate been Msltinx
Miss 6aw>-er returned Monday from
n Good Cor
Frankfort where she *peni Ibe boll
tees hsT*
tuimed and tbe iv]iTva<>aut'u>« trura
Tbe Hendon M. T. chorrh will be
ihls region have fared vey will. J. dedicated Sundav, Jan ISlh. Even
Invited to attend.
Monroe of Grand Ti^verw county UMly
Benle Davis I* quite III with pneii
to chairman of the local las-Ui'.n co'ii
mlttee and also ba* a place on the
Herbert Hummel had the misfor
school for tbe blind committee and t>ine to have one of hto horses hmak
leir leg Sundty.
Sundttoe Michigan emploi-im-nt Institution
Mr*. Cory Adam* and children left
for the blind commlltee.
Thursday for CaliforntB. Mr. an-l
A. P. Bunting of (be Ljeelanau-Ben- Mr*. Adam* will he mu^ missed h\
ile.dtolrict to chairman of the fl*b and their many friend*.
01,-0 Maynard was a ThompaonvlII ■
a member caller Salurdar.
47f the n
Is and liquor traMc c
Mrs wm«r WItaoa ha* been ei>
tertalning her sister from Tmwrv
Mi** Memle Davl* hns returncl l Charlevoix after *t>endlng a few dayand the lumber and sail commiltseu.
with her parents here.
Mr. «TH-tton of Traverse was a
John A. Barry of Wexford county is
a member of the general taastlon com- huslneKi caller here Tuesday.
Miss Viob-t Thompaon 1* vlslttoc
raliiee am] the upper penimuiU aaylau friend* to Ihicklev
for the toaane.
Mr {Mow- aod Hr. HaUer vem in
N. W. BunUck of Antrim county to 'wn Thiir*dav, ' .
Wesley LandU Is wotkiog for H. A
-liairman «f the committee on
IlgluuK and benevolent f»riettes..G
Hr, McLellan to on the sick list.


of the most nutritioia of Boor

foods—Uneeda Biscuit—Use
only perfect sode cracker. Tha
be able to


Earn More

because a well-noarished body
has grater productive apadty'Mna you will also be able to


beaiise for valiK recriv^ then
fa no food so economical ai



--- ---------- —

Buytofl Prtoas.


A Memorable Day.
-■me of the days we rememlK-r witli
pleasure ;is well uS with pndlt to ,*ir
hvKilb. In one on wiicli w,- b-cuni.
aequaint>-.l with Dr. King's New Llfl»llls. the iminless purifier, i*si cui,headache aod li||lousnn.-s. as-l k<-)-]>
the bowel, right. 3Sc at C. A. Bugbv,



Long Headed Man
Is the One Wbo Bays ■

Traverse aty
State Bank*

One «-leciric arc lamp ha* been In
stalled as an experiment ’ tor strv-ei
llgfattog at Augusta. 11 oitivr lampv
are ordered the ewnpany will winresMenres. The feed wire* pa,»eR
through the town.


When You Start
in to Save
Tour Money
on )utir persou <>r lii-ie >t
about tbe Innise, but place it
iu SKoial.strom; ami roliabl)bank. su--k us tti«-

Calves ................................................ #5
Oroep hltlc* .............................. Tfr S
Curs-d hides ...........................IdCM'i
Tallow ......................................


^ Waterman
Ideal Fountain Pen

It wears for years.
It writes aaltoffi^.
It rcqaircs as sMdag
II does Bst skl9b
not blot OPT drop

when- it will oarn yon :i per
cent iulernst nnd is ;myabl,on Bcaiaad. Ai»o]ntSafety is iisstin-d, W«- soHcil
yonr pstruiisi;,-.

Traverse City
State Bank
Tix- Okl-at Mid Stmrci-st
bank in Xurlbeni Mi-'liigan.


City Book Store
The Hobart Co.. Prop.

Traverse City



t 4 Sons.


SoUed Pieces

Odds and Ends

Thursday Morning We Place on Tables in the Front Part of Our Store Some of the Greatest
Values Ever Offered You in Remnants of





When taking Inventory we Jaid aside everything In short lengths for this sale.

Include Short Lengths
to Full Dress Patterns.

Dress Goods

Table Linens


Include from Childs
Dress Pattern to Full
Dress Pattern.

Intli'de All ^Lengths
I'rom the Best to the
the Cheapest.

.A: a Saving of at least

There is a big lot to fhoose from, but we advise early selection. Such bargains as thctie wc offer wUl go <njt
very quickly. To say 50 per cent discount from regular price on these remnants would be potting it very mild.
Cost is not considered. Price !• to each and ever)' remnant by Saturday night.

The Globe Department Store
P.S.—All outstanding coupons on enlarged pictures must be presented by the holders within the next thiriy
days to be redeemed.



Steward. W. A. BsU.
Assfstoat steward. Ralph Worden.
Lady asstotanl steward. Mrs. R


Flora. Mrs. John Kennedy.

amC*AA-A- TimBT *A7.
fM OKwA. TtM ProUaMi twi
MToa*l«: A.J.lliir»r«.A./ B

Ob Jbb. S. Umj new otflcen f&r the
Bk Lake Rtmo«c were InoUllcd. to a1dlUcn to iasullioc. Mr. CrUp mTe
report of tAo ■UteRrusc. bdi] tbli re­
port wu BlM Klvea at WUlUmabars
laat nlstaL

UBacTOBft-A. Tfwr i«r. ■-


Mrs. F.. M. Hector of Am
Get Hie Man.
Sheriff Char^ Johnsoa went to Is vtsltleg
g bm- aialer, Mrm f
euleb Tnesday aad. after a ntneir ver. of this dtp.
>lle drive, iwinrwed with Albert CunMre. U Elliott reiamed to her home
Ingham, who was accused of StealIn FUe Lake this monilng after vtoRonlngbam pleaded guilty before tng friends in the city.
A. K. Erickson left for Jennings
Judge Curtis and will spend sixty-lire
this morning.
days In. Detndt.
He and Anthony Ccorge were .at
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beach ate
work In a camp In Umg Lake town- ing at Manion.
ship, when ibe latter bung up bis rest passed through tb/city today on he^
with the watch in It and stepped out way to Peioskey.
of the shanty where they were at
work. KTicn he returned the watch
1 New Shoes Always Use
gone. Cunningham has a bad
lecord with the ofoccra and has l>o>:n
Jailed brfore for petty ihlever). The
Idea of going to Detrull swned to
affect him for although he la a
SR years oM. be broke dom-n and wept Ti t~lli i~ II tiiuni nt itnTSt w suit: ifoMrUlU'rlr. Prosecuting Aiti>nicy Prsit
;ed him why he pendsKil In steallug and the man answ«-n-.| that h* Trsww V>lr. Iltea.
nxildn'l help H.

l-<nuny *4 Uraad Trwvwaw
Balpb HaatlhRa. Leri Soule. Amos and pressure was bronght to bear
Unieham aod C. r! Dockeiay au|l roe thu village council with the above .re­
of these will be Mr. Huellmanters op- sult.
*t^v B.« rrd B. Valkw. Jed., d
eats at Ibe spring election.
' la ta» wnstlw C< th* wtats nl Cbatb* T
A. E. Sinpham a Candidate.
Amos B. Bingham, for several *Tra“v-K!S5Sf.hivu.e «.diBw>d,ro«w lus
Tax Returns.
The state and enunty taxes are oofti- years alderman from the second ward
and for many years In cbe weal niarIqr In at a very satlafartory rate i
biisiiiest In which he made a
City Tieasorer Huellmamel staled
also today announce* It It wUmd. that the SG day ot Tstvui
great success,
day that the collections so far were himself
Idate for
. • the tepubahead of thoae last year at tbit time. Ilcan nomlnatiOD for elty treasurer
idate for-mayor
The total roll Is S26.499.30 and oa
n few years ago and aks defeat^ by
Jao. 10. I20.171.M bad been collected, only a uarro* majoniy by «>-er
about one thousand dollars more Friedrich. Mr. BInghai
than last year. On ian. 10 the four
cll has given him an extensive know­
per cent peoalty for colleciUm
ledge of the affairs of the city and of
added and since then the balance of the cllj'
;ll}' t_______
_ offlee. In bis
the roll has been coming In regularly. early days he studied
iindled law and prseilced In the clly of
of Chid
Chicago, coming
clly and going Into business, subthis
Pees MarquetU Wradt.
becoming alderman from
At 2:20 Tuesday afternoon a rear- sequenOy
Second ward. He has been a loadBoa. rrad A Walker. Jafoo of
end colllalon between two freights on the
- ,n li
Id the Second ward for
Ing republican
the Fere Marquette occurred near the
•astiwor «a* wtet* cd Ehxabrtb
LtUle-Manistee river which rcsuUed
Id severe Injuries to Coodnclor HenryOaks. delaying traffic twelve hours,
Grammar Grade Lyceum.
tho pUl&g up of ten care and in badly
The grammar gnides <rf ihi- C.-iilrul
damaging englDe No. 154.
of yelewT
schnid mc-( y-esK-rthiy afu-rtimm and
_. twiaeoo. el
Two extra frelghls. Kos. 155 and 151 organlzcil two lyceiims. one cotiiI*eM-’l
twrsby appolaMd
were dosely foUoWIng each other of Ibe Hcs-entb and eighth gnub
ll la rufthw nrd,
north bound. About three-fourths of under the leadership of Hiss San
tbnwd term by
a mils from the Little Manistee No. Prull and Miss Bertha Camplxdl. The
other, the fifth and sixth grades under
lU was flagged by aeetloo meo who the Iradership of Miss Annls Ixjsn*
ere working on a broken rail.
bury- and Miss Caroline Ihirdy.
The following officers were elected;
Tho «her train In charge of C.)nSeventh and Eighth Grades.
duclor Oaks passed through Peacock,
President. Harry Hold*worth.
the last station Ibe two trains passed,
Vice president, Josephine Grellick
twelve mlnulM behind the other. The
Secretary. Bdllh l*arr.
Treasurer. Albert Davldtum.
flagman who had beea aent back from
155. met the oncoming train
President. 1
Two papers for the price of one.
sharp curve nnd 154 was running
president. Ihirelianl Ri»ss.
about fitly miles an hour with eleven
ireaeurer. Viola Straub.
Secrotarv. Della Mat«-r.
empty sicae care. This was about
The offlren* will form cxecutlv.
three-fourths of a mile from
Pays for both a full year. Bee ancntnmillei's who will appoint the
sUlled Iraln. Engineer Palmer
At Intel■rvals diir- houneement elsewhere In today s
essary c«>mmlUce.«.
mediately atUmipt(>d to slow down but tog the year programs
ns vwill be glv,-n. Herald.
Id not
and struck the way car of the other
tralh going, probably, at about twenty
miles an hour.
The first four can of 151
ditched along with ato ouw of the
other train which was made
Iweire loads and seventeen empties.
Mr. Oaks was leaving his caboose
when he aaw that the colllstOD waa In­
evitable and was thrown heavily, sustainlDg a severe bruise on bis left
shoulder and slight cuts on his head
Mr. Palmer and k'lreman Smack Jump­
ed as did Iwo brakemen who we
sUghUy iHUlsed and scratched.
Jnst ahead of 155's caboose was
potato car with a stove In it. This
caught fire and the car was consumed
This isB barghin
along with a small amount of other
dean up all tbc odda and ends l>efoT«- inrentory (Feb. 1).
ao have pnt lUem on the Unsain toblea
A wracking train sras
aent from this city and another from
Grand Rapids, the track being cl<


•o that there

aMTlna machine. Mr. Kenney
Hannah A Uy MercantUe
company for aome Ume and waa afUrvarda appoleted aasIsCant atala aseat.
Oa aeeoant of a lack of anow. B. i.
Ilorgan's InmbertaR enterprise et
Booth MaaNou Isand Is practically at
a atantotllL
gaoega H^ opened up
•esretand and stationery atore In the
OnstaS building at Nprthporl- Mr.
■ JiMUe win handle all the current maif—t— and merspapere and In addi­
tion «ai toTO a Srst claaa line of
t of Fred H. Umg
r of thla city and Mlaa Helen
o of Trtedo. O.. haa been anMoaeed and the wedding will take
■teoe the totter part of AprlL Mr.
I^gagMckv to aaatstaU ascretary of
the Oral Wbod DIah company and has
aaay frleada In the city.
A Good Dead.
A bcoetl dance was iri»en Mondsy
IP the Second street ball tor the
beM«t of iooepfa Pomaxal who haa
PMo 111 lor some time aad an sodaasor to batag made to ratoe enough
Moy to aaad him weot whora It to
hoped that be win bo eo beoeflted the*
be wia reeorer. About 1160 - ctaaiadtoat-oToatag.
Thomwtowaa ^ralahed to
Qeeen CMy band, and wal
•ood. tbo whole aSalr being
entoJhbto. Oaring Uie orenlng. Aloe
Haetoaatai was preamiteA with a
Tory tea and valnahlo waUh. '
watch bolBs a tesUmoolal of hta waiulag abWty.
Good mslBhiiiG
Kith the alight amount of snow that
has tallea Mnoe Saturday, the roads
baTc imprwred etwugh to make log
hauling a posaiblllty. There baa beeo
a thaw bat what lltUe anow there
was has aatUed and farmers lirtog
within a iPdlns of a few miles are beglnnlac to hanl to the dty.
The low price of potatoes has made
farmen srbo bare standing timber
tery anxloas to begin hauling end it
Is probable dhat much Umber win be
haaM Into the clly before spring.

A Orawli»B Clasa.
Tha nwng mao-s Bible class of the
Pint Maoist Sunday school, but
recently msanlted U growing rapidly
and moA latarest Is being taken in
the work to lU members. From a
very smiUI beginning the etorn has
until about thirty are o;
boto end more are bcAng added every
Mr. Duiloo has charge of the study
aad many good resulU of his and th.>
boya’ labor arc looked for.



!•' 'V'

.1 W. MlUiken

Saturday Jan. 19

■; V

We Wind up the
Remnant Sale^


The former price* win be sUtl farther cut.
Vou sill find the beet values we have ever given yw dnr>
log this sale.
Don't fall to be here Saturday tar yon will miss it If yon do.
You can not only save cenu, but doUsn.



6ran4 tnpent Jytnid

Tarm and Tirtsidt



6ood Shoes /
JIre Sold Cheap
At Prices That Will Surprise You
No doubt yon can find just tbf slme

Death of Mrs. Palmer.
Mrs. l^dto J. Palmer passed ««-ay
11:30 'Tuesday nighi at (he borne erf
ipruce street, where she has beeo
gradually ailing for the past
weeks at the age of £1 year* and Ifl
noolhs. She was born In Columbus
county. New York, and moved at an
early age with her parents to the
town of White Ook. Ingham county.,
Mich. She leaves two sons Perry
and Nathan and one daughter. Mra.
N'-llle Bpelker of Grand Rapids: also
IhiTo brothers. Charles Irish, of
Spruce stroet this clly. Albert Irish of
BUnwood township, aad Chester Irish.
tcHmerly ut Oranil Rapids, but now a
reeident of Callftenla. besides one
Mpter. Mrs. Ball.

Oanui «r C. W. Ksidsrhewes.
Cbaitow W. Keldertiouse of Acme,
son of Prank Kelderhouse. died Thenday morning of consumptlonfl Deceas­
ed leaves a srUejwe brother and oge
MMer. Both brother and sister are
Claud Pound of Trenary to in Ihc
The- funeral wlU be held Betuiday at city the guest of ir^-ing Murray.
the Disciple church at 1:S0 lb' charge
Long Live the King!
e( B t. Hughes. Burial will be in
to the popular cry throughout BtiroOakwood.
pean coimtrlo*: ahile tu America, the
cry of the present day to "Long Live
Dr. Kings N<-» niscoverv. King «d
Throat and Ixne Remedieel".or which
.elegxtc i._____
grange at Orand Rapids.
1%e officers were as follows:
Master! W. K. Ayers.
Overaeer G. C. McAllister.
Leclsrar. Mrs. George t,. Crisp.
Chaplain. T. R Carpenter.
SeergUry. Mrs. Henry Sage.
O. K. Lindsey.

v’^i ':-.o


I candidate.
J. M. I
While no foroul announrr-njt-ni
basa made before today, it has l>een
that J. M. Huel
Imamel. the present occupant of the
a tocepUve democratic
dIdate for thf> <dty trcaMjrr-r'* berth
TMar Mr. HueiltDantet
that be la a caadidate for tin- dvn»
cratlc nomJnaUoa.
Mr. Iluellnantcl waa
the office by Mayor Friedrich to fill
Kalkaslm, >Hch.. Jan. IR.-'Rwry
the unexpIred term of M. K. Haskell,
-hine In Kalkaska has bc«n
resigned. Mr. Huellmantd has been
for many years one of Traveree City's roDfliwalni and removed by the vil­
prominent and sucrcsaful business lage authorities. Them has tieon conchines for i


' -1.; /i'

3 give immedials relief and to quickiv
cough or cold." Mr* I'alne-p oplBlno to
shared by a majorti, of tho Inhabilanis of thU ctmniry. New m*rovorT
cure* weak lung* and »oro tbraait- af­
ter all other lemedlee have faDed: and
for coughs and colds li e the only suit
cure. Guaranteed by C. A. Bugbee
Drug Co.. Hannah Drug Btotr. g. E.
Wall A S*ioa. druggists.
and ft •*>.
Trial b«Ue free.

The Hannah A Uy Mereantile Co.
‘THE BIG STORE”—De^ in Everything

With ideAl, dependable goods, makiog this the
Ideal Shopping Store io the city and regioo.
All the standard goods and many exclusive
lines, up-to-date, in best quality, immense quan­
tity and lowest price. No need to leave our
newly-remodelled store until’every
want is supplied.

We are Sole Agents in Traverse City for
The Whllv Si-wtlig Marhiiic. Ihc King
pf all mabblnes. scllaai $35 and It"
The Ladles’ Hoojc Journal Pattern*,
the mobt popular pattern sold. None

you want amoop thorn.
Mon-. »l 00 Emmel ”Widk.nrer” Sb.».............

Men. Ptlent Lctbrn. tordi««. tot ........
Men’. *8.50 Vioi Kid. to .-tan. to »P .........
Womto. DangoU Kid. Boo.1 .«,rins................
Women'. Kid Sh,«.donH.toI.
Women'. Foil .InlielM. tnr tnmmed.............
Women'. FmtclW.rm Slipper......................
Wnrm HonwSlipper., common mmto Stops..
M.-n'. Fmm, Em\.roid, r«i SHppnr.................


. m

Women’s Storm Rubbers

The TUi-Kenny Men'* Shoe*, the beat
$4. H.50 and »5 men's faeblooable
shoe sold.
The C. P Ford Ladle*' Pine Shoea.
the aboe-that show* the dalMy lloea
of a woman's foot to the beat advaniage. Prices. S3. tT5o and 14.'
The Johnson Bros' Celebrated Shoe,
the shoe f< medium price: 12 and
The Author's and Publtohera AtMdailon tIftO copyrlcbt* for 50c. Etolhl
most popular book* now on tale.

storms with rolled sole 6Sc

Men’s Sandal Rubbers


Enbbcrs lor Cblldren SSc
Tbia ii hilt a few of them, hnt it will yivc
yoo an iiliA of how tbc rest run

RobUn'a Celebrated Ertenalon Wa­
ning Tables, the best lino of aUlctly
first class tabiea on the market.
The Gunn Bectiooai Be
lutely supplies every * t that was
ever iSosgbi of to home book oases
or office filing eabtoeta.
The Knox celebrated 13 Hot,
bight of hat perfection.

Tto iilmmimo' »-« Km. Ih. b™t
medium pri^ bat that to made.
The Braodage. RlDcaid ft Wood
Fashionable Clothing.

seueR Of GOOD SHoes .

The McDudCall Ktlcbcn CabiMt, tbo
DKwi <-ompl«le,lat)ar aaver ever InveBled.
The ouiy Acma Hom« Mate Panu.
The UoD Brand of white and ftscr
The Celebrmed Wall Truska.
The pptoffraff ft Boo'a lined aad nalloed Fur Gloves.
'The eptogreff ft Boa'* lined aad uhThe Bari and Wllsoo Colton and
The Yale Brand

Macba and


The Red Dragon Tea.
The BQpreme and Tb» Marvel Beal
Heath ft Mltligao's cwlebratnd Palala
Berry Brae.' Vanitobea.
Oliver ChtiJed Plow*.
The Majestic and Model Steel Ranges.
The to-|ei,rat<-d Uadsiid Sloven and
The only Beckwith Round Oak Btovea
Lowell Cream Separator.
The Davto Swing Chora.
The Ctoura Sbenra aad Razora.
The Detroit Burner Oaa Stove.
The Cooking L'tenatl Co'a. Aluminium

IUi>» TMUftSPAy.^ANUAKV 17, 1M7.


TTraverse Region.
Ur. and Mm. Tatman of Traverse
I with Mrs.
Urea before

toter «h*f> TuM«ay noon of «Mh WMk.
H corrMoent'oirto fail to fM
Ihoin In. tMy iM) bo MMirod that It

8h4>ri<ian of Cblcaco wu bcrr
teat week vlslllni: hla father, L- V.
gbertdan mod famll/.

Henry Jacltaon anrt'alsier Una
here, the euevti. of
tbelr aunt. Mr*. Pnink Flahcr and tam''’tern, Warner* of Bioplre and her
two <*lldren wert> here
WMk rialtlBB her parent-------------------------^
Franel*. the Infant son of Mr. and
ten. Alfred Mlllinidoo. of Glen Haven.
after '
paaaed away laat
ml waa htid


stpk for a few dar * hut U better at
lh«- present time.
Guy Thompklns l» tr MGng his pi-lghhors to aomo niee nnisic »n a n< w
Miss Belle
Frank si>ent ..
ter. Mrs. Ooy ThompKin*.
Some of the neighbors of Mrs. Jnbn
Smith have had a leiii-r form h.-r in
whleh she save she n<-vor *!tw siirh
snow in Gnind Travt-r<e as she bn*
smti while on her ioiirtiey (o Reallle.
They were t-lalUsI aboiit Iwilu- hours
ih a Wg sn<>w drift
Mr. and Mr* Andrew tlllmorr. Mr.
and Mis. Tatman and Mrs Uiife Me
riusky »
.ind Mr*. Mtl>« Gilmore'* today.
Mr.. Snd
Ixiw Znulek ha* Ilte Gmber cut on
Mr. Golden * place and is now cutting
on John Fraaklln-* idacc.
PTed Warner la
doing »nne Jobs <
Win. Man-lial! ha« l>«-n sick for a
few ilays. Also Mr. Golden t.sik a fall
on the Ire that shook him *•• that li
made him sick, but I* much iMticr


Urea at Milwaukee, retnrned home Ited with Mrs. John Whrelcr last Sim_
Mr. atui Mrs. W. U Dennett rrtom- Wedaesday.
Beo NowhallTnd atm John stoppeded home laat Monday, after .spending
Jan. 13.
a few ^*y» w «h Mr. and Mra. Alkln've on on their way to Ntwth ManilU.
up here a V
Wm. Pray of Trareric City, la in
Prof. Jacohy
nash his foot a few <lays ajar .
ago Monday to tak»- a, few |■lclare* of town.
He retuthMrs. O. J. Ransom of Sortbpoi
LsOKin Seeley went to Travvna- Cht>
Michigan winter <
attending Mr*. C. L. n*)H». who I* ooe day last meek.
d tome
Mr and Mrs. DHI Fairbanks of Elk
Mr. Atkinson and son George have
S Johnson dfove to 6ntloii* fUy Rapid* vlBlted In tbv
reiarrn>d from Chicago, they
w.-nt to spi-nd the holiday*. Their W-liiesday.
(Tiarles E. Andersen spinil Sor-la/
mosin MU*. Emma Tabor, armmpanHoward Rii>wn was called
In Traverw- <‘lty.
led them and will stay a few wei*k*.
from ih-Ilalre. w-tx-r.- b>- has Ns'S Wi.r k-i
Frll* Atkinson returned tn town last . Master Arthur Bon:, who has been log, oo acciniti
the fl.-atb,
Monday to allend High srlxsd
at Milwaifkee for a few wu-ks. neurn- father. lUchanl Drown.
and Ixwm «e.4.-yi
Ih-nn- and IJn.v Jackson «rf Osh ed heme last week.
Saiurdy . wtih;
terao iirv rislllng their reiatites. Mr.
G«s> Atkinson of Shtjlaad wai
r..wn M-aiday.
and Mrs Atkinson.
H. J.ihti
iihns-ut h
Winnie and daofilniT Ollie.
Dr. J Slepieka of Sutton.* Day
moved into
ih.who spout two wrs-ks with her pno-ui.* in town Monday.
hoHse hv . „
Ernest I'nhl visited
Mr. and Mrs. Pheatt..reinnied to her
Jiin. 11.
lioine In Mesirk. Tuesday.. •
Rhrtland was the scene »r a nieiiy
gaiherlng Wedueislay eteniiig. wleii
Dr Ccs.k has returned fnim MuiiUMrs. |v«rl Haniilion vislDM at Jen­
the >XMiDg people of lh<-Vield>ls>rb<sHl
i.-e f.-eliBB Imnnived alter his neat nie Dlncinau's -j f.-w itays tost WV...K.!
helped Frank Atkinii
shU totbs
A large
bln Inlay.
Mr. aiul Mrs. Damon SoeU-y sp.-ut;
Btirn. t«i Mr. and M/s. Cou­ Itetimla. and Siindav at Acnte.
numl<er was priisfit and nfl'
honor, daneing
nlBllng the
J liroimih.-ad w.«t to 1-ak Rapid* i
Napoleim Gaulbiei has gone to i
enjoved. amoitg ihbe
nod gam<
ller.lalliT "Happy
Miss Mar. Rruwii U working at r
Mr. and Mr-. Grismore have taken sal H..1.I.S.
!■' lali
<m (lie r
yotmg folk* sat down ui a Isniiiliriil lip thiir rrsid..vic-*' In Traverse City.
Mr*. J. I. W*rn.T erf Elk RufO.h is
School Ik not 13 aesslou cxn-plinc
BU|iisr. prepnn-d from the w<-tl flilei]
visiting at Mrv. Nell llrwn *
Ilia- twHfib graihbamiN-rs whleh hiid
Th.- hay toler* bal*d hay In thel
Wlllle Uaiitliler is at Manipt.
along. Wednesday
•sdav tiliernuon.
nlierncsm. »eJ,
neigbtorhmd last week. .
tlnson and Henry Jackrn<''«™atJsm t the Ml
Jan, 14.


faitcresl •{




beanUful white caakel was eovered
The CltarmtPEWaman
with wreatha ood bouqncta of everU mu n>*-.-*SBri}y cm^TtKis-rlis t h
creena and white n>sea. made by aymand f*-ai>sie« Many a |«am
he rartT '’hat''th'.-t'r!
Grismore l<M>l.4*d after Ills Inter
pathiziDB frirnda. The remain* were
mUt- lair for
: G.«al liar who .xMtId never anrte a* ma aitlsi >.
nUeed In the oemMery where wrveral
Bhs> nr<- was very opportune t» vfnl.e.i‘‘>‘’» here last f-Mday.
mrab-l. iinssrsscw (bowe ra*e qiiallUes
.. . in
... the
..... nature
of lu redailve* are roptwln*. The par­
Mr. and Mr* Ih-rntp sp.-nt Sunday
li-sif. as the party
[that all the wnrM admire* le-alne**.
........................... ................................. baud*
Irlend I in the eountrv
ents and family have the aympalh; of
surprise and it
of where with friend,
IlniwBi John' Kiniir aud Ed Musil M. I <-lear lo,-*. smocUh akui
Wi^.Jos Mosler fiij.o'ed
their many friend*.
i-leome than eom‘ spiigMImraa of alep and aciiou that
Ral-cr-lav. ■ jde City iaii.-i* Batiirda.The lAdie*' Aid tawlety met with
pany. The gen.-ral uplnliui is tiui the
arconipany good hswHh. A idiyaN-ally
Gran<lma Vuli*-.v Is
s|M-ndlng the
Mr*. Cook Wednesday «flcre««. Conatlranlvr. a
Cri. was ilie gu,*t «d Mias Cora Dray ■ «n-- COy mi. a.vy l.v*l W-.-.-W,
link Is bdping W. A. WUhing- anme good lime next year will
winter with her ihiuEiiier on the farm.
amerable work wa* done. They weeome amiss.
a few davs iast w.vk.
lon.v .\v,ui.--k;d ilnsve lo'.la-land’
> herM-ir. Electric Billers i
... .
Gill.. ri Gauthl-r id Cellar iransacn-tl
•ervad with rofreahmenu and eoB<
Ura. Hajek callisl on Mrs. Jklkinstm
Wall.-r Watson caught * muska-' shtturday ;.n4 fvliiimsi horn.-,y..*ter
H. Warren and aon Fred are helplngt
Mrs H. L. Neaaen and her al*ier frrmi
I-. Whaley «r.ii loga for n few days j last Tues.iuy
l.wigo1hitmgh the Ire •«) lUomd lake;-lav
Chicaco. who la her Bueat. contrlhuied
Mra, Wm. Wine vlslito with Mrs.
ilurtora and J.-nnle Alskochil
Gnaiuired at
that weighed .1i> pounds.
F S N-iq-skal f<»i a vaiuiUde ow
largely to the pleasure of the meeiloB
railed on Mrs. Atkinson last Tuesday
.' .4. Itugh-w Drug Co. Hannah Dtim!
Shrehan cine dav last «
Mr McW.-il.ev of the Fanhvrs Mir ^
'lA' last w.-.-k
by giving them aonie fine n. uidc on the
Hev. J. E! Saunders vlsltcl with afternoon.
tiial Insuiaiiee Co., was hen-last w.s-h ‘
John Hlatka h'lrt1 tosiii.-M. in C.^f«r ‘ Store, s E. Wall « Ron*, druggl*!*.
Jan. 14.
and splendid singing for wbit:b
Frank Ylakoebil Is sawing wood and
-as- ,
and iidjiisi.-d the loss hy fin- of Mrs.;C‘l> Friitay.
-, :av„
H. Wam-n's folks laat Monday.
were heartily thanked by tbe teMr. and Mra. Chas. Rial and tsro splitting It up for kitidllDg.
( Badle. s barn to their **U.sfaction
Mr. and Mrs J visit,-d with
Soafar we have had

Fird Avery is drawlpg the teller's patadJl*. Mr. and Mrs; F. j
aoa* Ilonuv and Ramie..and UtesIda
^ a' little anow fell teat wwik. hut
speak of and the loggers hre wsaiiiiii;
■pent Inst
ln*t Thtiraday evening
Mi. and Mr* Ole 4»K-«w 'of this
ShiinV apent
Mrs 1., Hrvti returned Friday from
tbe lumbermen are anxiously looking
(dace visited itn-lr son JuliiiDle
with Mr.
Ur. and Mr*. Warren and ghll.l
for more, or li« cnUlnK wlU have
Arint* last -wwk.,
■ spent In'aing
rrn. The evening
.„rK.n™r ..,..,,111,..
atop for -want of, enow to draw t
with their skues.
Mr. anil Mi s. M, C. Ranch and faml'*
'A Wnndarfiil Happening.,
i n-rv g.**! h.aith at pri-seut.
Jan. 14.
|V visited with her pan-nts. Mr. and
'"hir. and Mra. Wm. ^'Ine ealle.1 e
Will Davld-ain Is drawing potato.-* to
l^g1 Ilyioii, X V iuis wUiM-aa«sl •me I
The S 8 has .Wldral to not have
’^ very Urge gatHering at the dancMrs..‘John Ihig.i. lost Sunday.
Philip Dome's one afternmih last we*
of Ih,, most K-markahie raw-* vd h.-a!- Suuda.r srhnd diinng this quarter v
lag partr In Ray's halt last ovMlng. to see Mra. Domes who is veo* slek.
Rev. nmiit of WlUliimst.nrg preachLELANO.
r, Anios F. King.
The fin
“We bad luat a splendid lime." I* the
Mr. and Mrs. Hownnl Webster look
Alton 6<nd. who has
working atti-ndid tbe -Inilre at Gl' ii Arbor hist
report (rf aomc of tbe partlclpanu.

dinner with Mr. Warren* folks la*l at the I>s-lunaii hotel for the past .
The D M l: R. C.. i.v h.-iving it nyw
sSalve .niri-il *
................. ,
- :h<m we
Jan. 13.
Bunilny and attended Sunday *rlinol 11*11 for his home near Siiliim* liny
Mto* S*-hniidi of Fitinkfcwt is ben- mail .-ran.' lUac d l.-.,- t-l-y.
which I'had mi-r k<> yvais
nvi.-wi-d with iiHire h>ter<.»l.
and rhurcb al the Rice schtml bouse. .Mm..'
visited her nnele. G<«. 8rhmld1 find
Jan. 11.
am n.»w eighty
Guatenu-vNi i
lam.-. Days is asaUiing G. ft. Marcloaed Tmiulay on aceou'ii et family.
Mr. and Mr* F J. Miller. Mr, OU NORTH UNITY.
o RorkealllnijB on - Hilda Marg.-ir*‘l. the thre*--nioiithold son. Mis* I'earl Igiiir. Mr*. Rranimer
T-«»' ... ...........
r' his saw
il Saturday. ilaiighler of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. farl- mid two sons ealiral on Mr*. (*harles this nioriiing.
Mr* Unit will enKHaln the Uadtes'
Koii dbsl Wedn.-sduy night of diph Uh-soii last iStinii.iv.
John Kiul.m-r U the pi.iu.l owner <d
lenjamln of Trav
"S'lm'd Mra.rjohn Beniamin
Mrs. J. W. Dairhin and dniigbier. .Md Ibis w.-ek
.Miss Ella WIicN'Ier is ulU-odIng a new Donlaiid coHet.
_____ ___a visit
-It of a f|
e City made
Th,' CarMNi Bisters were Klngakf
Mr. anil Mrs, Osetir 1‘rirc- who h:iv>- seliiHd at Don Oneld*.
Miss Al-iii . *Dvoiai-.-k of Sliellan.l 1* Blizalwlh. o-tuiiK'.l frt»» Hot Springs,
•with reJatlveo In thl* place, a
visitor* Saturday.
lu.-ii s|MHding'the holl<lay* with i*-l.nMrs. Henry Eekerdt mid family vis-. Ih,- ..fJierj-i'^er.^Mj>^^^ra^ .kikausaw.
Jan 14.-



Special Sale Price on tour room OulHI

This outfit would cost yokkbetter than $100.00 at aiw other time. This special price, therefore,
enables you to save more than $40.00, something you can not afford to overlook if you con­
template furnishing a home any time within Yhe next year or so.


I Couch upholstered in velour.
1 Arm Rocker, cobbler seat.
1 Arm Rocker, cane seat.
1 24x24 inch parlor stand.
2 pair lace curtains.
Carpet to cover the floor.

I 6 ft. extension table.
6 Golden oak dinine chairs.
! 00 Piece set of dishes.

6 Good Table Knives.
6 Good Table Forks.
6 Good Table Spoons.
Carpet to cover the floor.

1 Golden Oak Bed. 4 ft. 6 in.
1 Golden Oak Dresser.
I Golden Oak Commode.
■i Closely tufted bed mattress.
1 Ailateel top bed spring.
Carpet to cover the floor.


Number 8 cook stove.
Full size kitchen table.
Galvanized wash tub.
Copper bottom boiler.
Heavy zinc wash board.
Pressed tin dish pan.


pressed tin water pail.
One pint pressed tin dipper.
pressed tin bread pans.
Roll edge pie tins.
Roll edge cake tins.
pressed tin wash dish.
Crimped cookie cutter.
Handled fried cake cutter.
Fine wire flour sifter,
Double action egg beater.
Copper bottom tea kettle,
Copper bottom tea pot.
Copper bottom coffee pot.
Good long splint broom.
Japaned dust pan.

-i'-> A

YOU may wonder how It Is that we can make such an unheard of price on a bUl ol goods oi this kind. It is simply this, we most cl^n op oar
slock before inventory so that we can gel ready for the big shipments that our buyer will purchase daring the January markets of Grand RapIds and Chlcagow Don*t faU to take advantage of the biggest saving ever offered you on a complefe ontfiL

remeiyiber vour

credit is oood

J. W. SLATER The Homemaker


Save Money
Buy your Glasses at the
ri({ht price and still get

BEST that Modern

5cm nceOffefs.

Quartet—Mn. Anna Fcnionilr. F«m
ton. Mra. Crotser. Prof. A. H- Clark.
Recllailoo-Bernice Slinaon.
HedtailoD—Winnie Rial.
Otto Lodge. I. O. O. F. Installed ofllcere last Wednesday evening as '



b In New York.

Mtatrean nl-krma—Mary Nlckereon.
BergannI—Nettle Deyoe.
SeottaH Btolae W'nrxburg.
Picket—Rose Taylor.
The following program waa given:

A ntmor b bHng psiMMrnmf «dtom
toted at Onawa that aa eoatora eeo>




interest.'s,. p„pt),

lae t^
i mystre- of Umber from Horriit Chaadlcr..o(

enmllwl in the two

anuind New York and Se»- Jersey-r • r«>ms. Amoug Uiese ate trine non-rednelf
a great deal to be seen Itae! dents Dorn tbe nelgbUrring
All grade* arc r.preacnted Irom the
-nierr-are 11 pupil,
churchea. mniiun* of people tTw»cJing,(n ,i,«, p,h gnid.- <.f the high sehcml
day aadjitghl.

One of the anninitms ;depanm<-ni. taking algebra.


waa aceing the old AtlanUc. oeean
©rean stcamere; also the ptciurr-^jix

m,.r^*'^oci*B‘i!.",khreptng and"U



FostiT of QuIncT was
M-aM.ll aUmt the fiiv by: for the manufacture of lumber: Itla

Ihe rxph’.tidi td a can i>T water which also said tbe aame enflccrn U aegnOashe placed nn a coal
ilng for the purchase of the M. S Cifle
«;«-org«- H l-X-klt'-*. aged «. a vei.T
and beading mills
an. died rriday ai the tumie of bb
wii) rebuild them for manufaetiire of
neid... •
nas'es and headlaii on a tow
UK T-.i i.n>Tb..r* survlv.-.
Then- Is a large qoanrity tt coal i n
1. Mt-MlIUn. earner on RriHil.' fiom ahe eastern coal Adds for
F n N.t r.o-ii il Green\lI1e. ha. had
le for thn-e y.-wtr.. and the Dakotas and other luicthwesitini

and hlstorle Hutton river. Havi- iMK-n [ preiwrlng f«r l••a^tl«-r*' examination
favored with
weather—no; in the s-inimer. S|>ceial eotirtw-s wilt
Ktiow a. yet. olenty of .unsblne; eaii j t«> given In ik*o.)1 law. tliinry and antwry da^wlthobl an otereoal i and state manual d-iring tbe .piiuc .l-miic all that, litm- has «l».c.l bul
e demand for fuel Is
' r for sight see. ! lerm.
I, Thi- fiillowlUK
fcillowlug was add.ll
addnl to «;
than '.h-‘ ear. an- awaJ:I ter.' mild B
. KC-htwi]
;r. .»f Saginaw. """
r here. On l • way, east
earl I'
I i.ell. two
risllnn at Ann Arbor IbrI the sick
. Henry Brooks la
toll headlong
II Ihe eitv of Deti
. : l.rwn'
It hi* house. A»l tnin
'. UaVxdto
nark thi- rloxlng ,
These _...........
cwr ft try I. •■f^trlP'd t• n-rtiotlon w
ilrb«>sl.jckUf.t..wvcibfJoi.*KTs p^u
matter of water■ work, consirncll.i
Irip-. in order l«. bsuJte
here. The mains have been ItW ihi«fo« sfouDd to proprrir oorierl oil deferli
oittiiig it* way;
iri-M. and MK-c-bil
gasoline engine ha. Iwen InsUlled
RD- Farme-wto Read,
the pumps are in readiness, and about
lu the Gr;.nd R.ipld. Piv*. of I>-e. A ft-aitiri- of
FlM*']'*’*' [''’•I'eet id n.eri.iu- .li.irtage ill |
The «lgu» at B«-nir^ Sprtilire
all that remain, to Ik- done to the if.. Iktui. I. i>uMi-,hiit on
|«g<- 11. holditig tif eh.i|» I
the ,„i. the ..[H-n wHiti.r
Twit.., ibi.-<-*>vLa , rimMih-ml fsiorable i.> the eiptriu-npe
tank Is tbe matter of painting U. Th- •fontrel of Trad.- " The article I. a mnruliigy. during which iIok'
earlv ihl. .prtog
|.irt>*l retK.iT of lilt- Mu-eial m.itlng iiiti lt-.T*-ti tc. t-ieriJR,lt-.na1 talk. It
ifti will proltal
RoonoU-'ed Rold fliled fimnc or
rf 111.- Ulehica.i 'I'oiato Sblpp.-rs as- l7<-us 1-r :invon«' ltin-m--t«-d la
(he hose arrive
a few days.
MwduKon nmvi-iiid In Ih.milltarv w.*rk;^Earh advanc-d
A sold sued cholB. oolld sold cor loop ot
Ib-nj-inilit S. Riid l ■« Mii-Legoo. ba. | to 'he IV-rtlen Kprmgs Ib.wcr C.i. «f
rliili roeni. In Grand l<K|iid>. At it-a.i
gr^nd ol our CodMloc Foetory. Prices rigb^
Jan. 1&
«i>p' of the oil fiatnllng of j which riin. I'hapm 1. the fln.vatgal
•b.-,lam.luA fnnitierMiian. I»avy- Croc I! h.-a.^
Tto- nimpaav ha> remitl/ sr
GOOD HAR80B................... -...........................
I.. II. which i* in (Hs-,--i-.»l<Mi of
AiighsI Poriner w-em to lAaiislitg mi . of ' Henefll. to Ih- Derlitii Frt.m M.-m-' rrlday reomiu
'luiMil rlshi .rf SMv liH u *pnrthai Will
business Saturday last.
|N-r.hip'' waalulne disCu.M-tl, the j
Tb. .li.Uri
lifelike that' If run fc-m th.- I•.-It• Marquclto-rtUl
n. Peienum wrmi to FrwnkfoiT nu statement was mad- that stock <D»ia-\ >ng Im in.; Ih
I n>iTe»iH>n.| road I,, til.- »lu- -.rf thv dam ai-ovr
business Ibis forenoon,
I trw-»i was pnrchaMil
eeiils per biiah-1 school bouMw of buyinsf pMi.I't i*iand and a inu-l^YIirrif. laid
The Diamond
t«a**e<l j e| le*. this vear than woul.l-hare l i-n ,
M's Ouml-i
here looking ftrr dye order. : w-en- It not
for the vircj.nirtilion . pilmaty r.’'.m
Ml that Ruppll.-* can to- d.llv't^ ■«
been lald'Nrw-' what do.-* -. rent, per
;-th.-adtaW-mi n
the griaipd. The .die M-torf»-d f"i fhc
mau- wi'l. lUii t'roiMary Ito.-'I-M> m-an •<> tl>. farnu-i. of MIrM.;
. a ei,len.-I in 'he i.-u-I
dam to a llltli- abnvi- the IstonU nd .
is rerovef.j Ban? Simply 5 .ikiI. |K-r l.ii.h.-l,
i';iDton eounti.
.. ............... .. , ,
t .If xhc Int'-rurbaii rslire*il
olhre '
of theli DoeketR. bundteds or iIioum |
Ing. w-bicb i* good newi
Ihe oplIilMli that Ih.-. ate being “dllrb
snri* of dnllars le.. ptirrhB.liic In
. ('bri.tni
eni* anil friends facre.
i**" * *'*
e.l to d.-utli - and ha».- drawn ■p
up a s's.-i
Ed Rvanaon* saw- mill started
tor Hu- cnosinictlia «rf the prejort.
'ower pn-M-ntiil him with k;
Sebomberg Saturday, and I* doing fine mirift anri*^w-hn .lo"’iht-y^tmtl '
or Mn.
the drain la* ••hicli '.nil during this p<TU»d of coaHru-tlnn
fi.ll.i of diawliig.
thejj^l chang.
MUiA Rou
to w-hnt l««t. I. y.’"r fuiun- i.riato Urge p
Ihe vlcilmi during the past week.
Wimatn A SortOTwIIl ' n.,rri.m Spring* *111 ire
nf B.•MgliB wfckti be porchsoed one t
;ril.t. McDzet. diwllng with
Moae Kllney'. new l^boree power crop, to Ibe redueedr Yon hB'.' aliout [famoii..
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halllda:
an.-apt to get
last ireek.
•rliBIK itln.-ii, in which ■ u,,u,y,,
irecilon engine arrtve.1 n few- dav* agoj .ixiv dan
il.jerre of the time of Fr.-dtwo of their children drove to
Ml. and Mte riiaiine.'.- «I'a*.'
a»- "f
«i I I*'*'**'-''' pi'tDls in tlrrricD rnunty. It
; i>> miislder
City Sunday, to visit Mrs. Halil- and I* dvlng nnlveml saiiafsctlon.
*ill trquitc tbi- M-rric.-* of Scroral '
CiTKial. have ti-lH-nit<i| th<-li flftieili
WriUtMl. Hope U win get olong nlcelr
Jan. if
itirint ki.1** r

Harrev lake la noer sUriog wlib
.Mneriean colony In laro.lon n
face of President Rnns«Ki-li
n eciw-iia'h. .'i.-n In the town.hip. wli,-n
kit usde. Walter Uke.
a tore., forec of>Wlb-d gneu and ii|itagainst
eoml.lnaiiim--, this
to von eetiily extended eongnilulsrlons to tin;
Mr I'BM- took. up fl*' aer.i of go».TB
HoM Halleti cane hoi«e SeUirday
J the sick wnrwt of-all "Inin." I. organUml. A.l- newest .American |K-er<'»>. iHiily Kllni
land in is3:. ai 1 hi. iKteioffir.algbt rnin Carter's SMIng. where be
oiir Traverwe Cllv pres* to cotiv and
borough, who Is the daughter of the'ami ni-an-.t market was Unlb. 2f
it working for bla father, rotumliig
publish tbi. -Cmiiiol of Trede" that
Hr. and Mre. John Tatman of Tn<
Mcmdar nomtBg.
erse Cliv are rlaltlng relatives here you may all read li:
The tug J-i
Perry Burgest .li ataylpg at borne
before aiarilng for Callfortito. w-beio
Helen R Hlirhroek.
and an heluKis.
Uud Ell.-ulrnrough
u Kabb-.
ri. relunnil i
Mrs. Chas Swstoab has gone to Cbl•gain.
thev expivi to live tn the future.
1. a rvttnvl eumniandi-r *rf Ihe myal
She went.;
lest lake 1
Peter Bales enflod on,bis unde. Rn- casn for a visit with her mother.
Tbe Ladle*' Aid of Ogdeasburg will
From Rev M-r. Burftoc.
Wm- Gagnon and Oscar Kitchen
tns snd ooasin Carl Raled. Sunday.
bn. '^ng
give a chicken pie MCtal at
their vliii.r of Grand Tra-rerae llcrnld.
- liim(M,r •
Mias Rdtab Wilson la now working hare rented the blacksmith shop and chorch Friday evening. Jan. 1*.
He partieiiuii
Sir-1 have
Rs a total
will soon lie ready
ready to do all linci <(f
for Mn. Dave Otnyom.
Tbe Udles- Aid will meel Wedne.- •bout 17 years and h BVr-e^Ki'n general ' rvl iti
on. In the Hnllb
-J and L .
il wt-aAior
-- I. VloU l.akc caUed oo Mrs. Ha
day- Jan. 23. with Mrs. Uxile McClus- V interested In It- eunii-nts. hut have'a. I.ui
llusidBn war <>l
Sunley Rilaon received word this
bel Bates, last Pridajr afternoon,
iirlng the trip
m for It n-it feel
H.- U Ibeivf. • of full age lot
le and Uarve)' Uke are morning
lornlni that his aunt. Mrs. ^ma
Walter Uke
Wedn.-sday inomine. Jan. 9. at f:JW.
Mr. and Mr*. Minton Wtllolwe and
rure this dis
. now That l« if
, of Cleveland,
leveland. died suddenly
eottlng wood for WUI Fewloi.
Mr. and Miw.
Gilmore. Mrs.
wan an historic hour for the tnamoHil
shall think 1
-.irlbv .rf a >.1«ee
dlse«M- l> by applying heal
ling of bean
We are glad to hear that Mrs. unil Utl
Llazic MrCluskev. Mr* Mary Gherf'oiicri-ssnian
Ing ni.dlrail<ia> direct
ri lu tl
lal Salt Co . <rf 8l. Clair, the new
,fi about two months ago
Hartman It a little better at this wrll- GuylIng and Mrs Edith l-o-lghion all at­ esteil it
our serll...' wrili-ui , of llon- sumiewbai al».-m mindul aii.t the fan
winter at Cleveland.
t and bope ahe will keep on the spend the
<rf lli.-lr plani lieing partly thrown
tended Grange til Traverae City Iasi •or In Insl w-rek'- lU-ral.l and more s
h.-r »a} can thi* hr dooa.a*
Will Darrow of Traverse CUy si
wot l ies him not a little m tlui'*.. "I
..IM-nitloii at that lime, the rest
Saturday and Installed their ofBcere In one naracrwph Vo-ir .crll«e hrv
MS by ibc OS.' of llyowrt.
Asa Palmer banted a toed of wood rived Monday last to spend a couple
rail ! .'Xplain It." li'- toM Congrcs.mal
course of tin-rnnsldenible nrecaiitinn. have l»-e
..............._ ihrougb the neat porkei In
tor Moat Halteli Saturday.
Jan. If.
llatitt-Il. "but II worrle* me a grea' llltli- *«H-k*.
token bv Gu* Hucknev, Prenl' Wrlghi
Sup* kTiil W. M<»re ; hal'-r that romc. with every oulBI. •
Fred Allen, purser on the vai fci
MIm Bekah WHaoo was the guest of
.l.-iil " "Oh, you'll- not ri-ally abw-nt
ent to Grand Rapids last Satan
Miss VWU Uke last week for A few
inif.! «m the »t.-*m lou. ihc oc* part i
avoiding any dlseiM- epidemlr. >t->iih
inhaler nnd ihiti for a few rolnnl
The new- pan of Ih.- plaiil opirn'il up
Ison has treen improving Ing from the drinklnc of e-iniHmlnaiiK I mlii0e.r' said the north , side man
. let the At
^SRe"^young rolks et this rlelnlty arc
Ing built a
hi* properly by building an addition water at Honor.eteSow | have ,.l , ’ At. abMml-luInd.-d man Is one who for wiH-k will l«- d.-voied to the mati-1
riH J hi,
>nie ihruugh
II. in t%'
Mgb to house one loeotrolll
'hich he la ubIde as a barber shop way. ihotighi tbni r.isl's waii-i «a* lihinks he has l.-fi bla walch at home iifaeliire of
The Nortbport
High school nltqppl
lake and also Well’a lake
nun-, espcelrfll when ns at Honorl;,,,^ Hii-ii pull. It tint of his. rnwhet lo
throat or the lungs. I»
IL ue
Inciwaa/th'-i-aiM-ily of the pianl ; pm
give an eniertainmei
' avenlaga.
, vlll
‘''J?j“Mlw. Laura (Join U workinng
Hiram Hsllott caa»e from Carters hell on FHdar evening, Jam Ik
by f-. lu.m-1* ,K-r 'tay. Wh'-u the re^
I Mrs John RIchisod,
l/-t me say that t do not know any of,
lug thc
>n W cenfa. Children
to ecuUBiding after a load of corn one day mission
MIM WadIc Bridge wh. 'has Ireeo these men. and lht-r<-for.-*bsce nothing
1 get It "
malndcr of ih. plant 1* placed Jn »p .
Mrs. Wm- Wilson left Tuesday
Mrs. John RIrbison re- against them1 pcreonalty
Th.-y -----'■ralion th<- raparliv will be still lur ing all rata
loin a
W. D. Pratt. 1 hauling
her home In InicrIochcn pH be fit

Keep Year Blood Pure.
iDucouB a^Id I..................
like more snot
aod.mys be would
th.-r l»cri-»
• and h.-..Miig
• >n< can b. hu|.py, light heart'll
■ Bdd ftroiAs Is now bsiillng also t
Not ..nly is Norway to liave a cberee ; bran'-.
MIm Sarah McCormick 1* w-oiking
i-ulthy with u IsHl}- full irf bloo.1
Thi- Biiielll aoeJety wli
,1 diM-aM-s
Mrs. i'ei.i} Budd on Frid iv aft.-ree,.n.

rcct Irom Ike Ibken i


We Otter You


Dr. P. A. Wolle.
Dr. B. L. Pkolson.
-WlUwlkiBIk. Traverse City.


" rrnreT RIchTin'Zi-'--*^ ’h-



•- 4


h„ „...o-.-.a. ...s-

“ '• “ I *.*.

Mra. Henry ScMl wtmt


thing worse tbiio Ihe g
that wbleh to known
That kills l**ly an,I >.„il


- Tbard Wiu be an«|bor
meotlag at Wm. Wilson's More Ibv
-one be sure
algbt of
.. Jan. *1. and e^eryi

■ *to attend.

Rer. Haaklna ptoaebed here ycsier
'^tUe Fanny. Infant dnagbier. and
Wrty. Iba ^lldratt
Jaa. Wilson.
"'rbe toamstofs anion of Ovlati who
hare been working tor Joe Chase.
week..8ocae or thm deserted
fen jmd gotamed to work for Mr.
Chaae for the same old pay. in the
name old wa>'. Tbe others a
looklag tor Jobs.
« Ktad to learn that Mrs. Will
k. «Mbo taas been aeriouaty Hi.
Mias HeMm Barr la working for
Mn. JBS. Wilson.
We hear W. L. Allen and Mr. Dewnig eapoct to go to Taans.
Mr. ud
d Mn.*Huff
and Mr. and Mrs.
D were la our vllJubn Oibome
Inge Sunday.
Jan. H
Mabel Cipland called

,r,TR &:iunlay evei^i.

Alter a vneallon »; Ihrvi' wre!;«
Woman's Club resum'd Its t.ieci
Will '
Frank Wilaou's shingle mill. Saturday, last TtieadayHn. Margaret Stover, who L-i. '
cut bla fool on a saw. Tbe doctor was
cry alck. Is coov#lc*el)i".
summoned to dress ihe wound.
Mrs Wotllngum |a rer;- .Ick al ihl*
|ao« hanling has eoramenn-d on See.
1 for the Ward Bros. They are hauling writing.
Jau. If.
to Holmes' Siding.
Mr. and Mra. W. 8 Saxton called
«m Mr. nnd Mre- laaac Ncwmarch Sonsociety of I>1 IV
elected <'flr4ji
•^'rt; sundclis rewrned to Tiaverac Klneab'v f:.i. i-, hi
B. Bt^nt:
llowa: Presid
Vice Pret.
I. J.

One of Hr. and Mra. Wm- ntzger
d-a chlldi
c CUy today by the Itloeas of her
^ ^T^McLIn who baa tieen coofluM
to the bouse tbe paat week, la o«t • for a few days.

‘ l'The i“o T M •• •>»« •Ctol

aertred. The U O. T.
A khorl prtJEtwm con-iKitag ;>i.
mualc hy the orebestra and reel* )
th.ns made the evening pas* all KJo
Mr.. 1 -reiaol relurnnl to hci home
in Traversi' Cllv the lusi of the week,
fiiatl's I. Wrisicy
Wrialcy has
--> a.'i'ciai
. i*.«imaator al this-place.
Preridlng Elder Fcoroaon will ew■ a................
In the _
M. .................
E. thuict
,.cl the - ...........
<liiring the 8rel pdH of this Wees.
Head Spangle had the mlafortmic
to break hi* right am Saturday cvmlia.kM 1*11 pla.-Ing.
«ng while
and MlH'Audvnwn
Sidney ^rkl
the reBid(ii-:e of the
l-RriWIs. Hr. And Mre. Geo.
irklsa. on Siiturdar aftc.-nuo’L Rev.
, H. Hnrtbiil performed tV e«-fiiny.
The bri.le't loungeRi stotar aaas brtdesntald. Followfng itti cere­
mony a lerv eliiboraU- snpp-— W'l.
aervotl liy the groom's mothi-.-. About
alxiy pieaia were p,t'
aMe a - •

John Seek; Trcaa.. Adam HocfUn.Th,
next meeting of the aoclcty will be
bcld ai Kingalpy. Saturday, ian fi.
Hr*. Fred Seegmlllcr I* very 111.
. B Hackman, of Mason ru"»trpurdiaacd the stock ot the Hathted hv Ih
■k relate formerly owned
-. Hackma
late Hcuit Hal«»tock.
place of buslneas being well located,
doubi enjoy a good trade. It to
make the store u
his tnic
date ID
w'iv viKitore from South Boai

John Wilson, wbo got one of his reel
badly Jammed two weeks ago. U able
d of a crutchto get out with the eld
Mr. and Mrs P. W. Burch return
ed to thrir home in Rapid City today.
S.'J. WyrVoff. who was badly InJui
Mis. Jennings, teat
ed on Der, ft. while leading a colt
water. Is getting along nicely now. sc •millate room in our
he is able to be armiad.
AlmoB E~ aged one year, son of Mi
l•retulrinc to lake poiilirr to the Gniud
and Mra. O. W. Bnreh of Rapid Ctn
Traverve Pimliry- and Pet Slock Assts
was burled from the borne of Mn
elation exhibit at Traverse City. Jan.
liorrh's parents. Mr. and Mra. J. «
Wflsev laai Sunday. Rev. Mr. Platt of *2. 73. 74. and 23.
Mrs. Cdd Green is minilMTcd *
Kingsley offlelating. Interment In the
alck this week.
KIngslev eemetery. Tbe child died at
Merton Wood arrived from Oraws
Ha home In Rapid City Frtday mornIng. and w,■s brought here for burial vewterday lo visit hla brother Robert
Jan It
Wm. Wuribiirg will give a dance (n
Vonroe's hall on the evening of the
Thos. Pnpler has movedI fl
from the 251b
Poller nelghborhiSMl in this pi,
now occupies one «rf B M. Jnmet
hooii«t.Hni nrplerwsriaken aertous- narked a publie installation, a
ly 111 Somisv evcBluc Ur. Jay Brown per and an entenninment. A large
son of Ktnssle>' Is attending her
crowd w-a* present The offleer* In­
stalled were as fullows:
Reuben Stites of Kingsley visited
the home of Ceorse Pcpier Sunday.
Arch Gibbs of Traverse City visit
Com.—ftorirud* Hodgwa.
bis mother Sunday, niso Bird Gibbs o
Matcbett called on her Saturday.
Brd Kce
U grtppe la oulie prevalent here at
preapnl. My*. Gran. Edwin Grua. Mra.

Put Com.—Mjfcr t



- foun""ln

I a he:.llli
Nske of t
w..: family r
« kin*
bring* ,
11,1 mlM-i
V tioni'M Ml Honor iiii'I i-v.-"

n M-11 f

Ralston and Canfe Rosn "hHi 'ih.-*.-hi'-ii'^aii.l
tiii.iiy oihc-r. .>
railed n
‘•to dtopensiiig ■,«i-,i
OviHtI Siiiidav aflernonn.
Inai'il w-iiier, when to MX-ak Ih.- trot!
Mrw. Roh Pavno visited Mrs.
It Is Ihe wor«i eonlamlnnltou on ..aiit,
Harvey last Tuesday.
I am vfMirs intly
Jesse Ibirdm-.
tn Install a Pnslor M. E. Chureh Ib-nroiiia »ii,
nin by a gaa en- Honor.
ginc. Rob Payne b .till assisting him.
The saw mill Is not
>lng this
Nr. While is pulling In
other iMillcr and other repairing to
ItchJg done.
A. C. Wynkiwip and niece drove over
to Chaaes’ camp Monday.
Jan. If.

,I>Rve Ncwninib ha*
t> ranads
-Ixlting relailvo*
Mr*. AIk- l-ov- I* qiillr nick, we ho:ir
The Sunday
m-hoiil convention
m<-els at Ihe M. E. cliurrh Wednre
of Ihl* week.
We hear Horace-Phillips m>t quite
idiv hurt falling and slnick nn hi*
head, which
ieh made him imronxclnu*
tr a while.

Tn the Knights of WllliamslHirg
lodge No. fil«. K. O. T M M.‘
Your committee to whom was re
ferred the sad duty of drwntng ri-solu-,
he death of our beloved hroUs'
er, Richard B Brown, beg leave to re­
port as follows
< it ha* pleased the Com­
mander of the ITnVverse to call our lie
lorcd brother. Richard B. Brown, from
therefore Ite it
Rreolved. That we hunibly tons to
ic will of Him who dneth all thing*
well and will reward, us according to
to great mercy.
Resfilvcd. That in his death the
orSer has loat an
hnuest. faithful
Knight and a tried and true friend
and brother.
Resolred.That w-i- tender the Ik^
reared wife and children our slncen
sympalhy and friendship. And be it
Resolved. Thai the eharlei of «.,ii
lodge be draped In mourning fur a pe
tblriy ilavs.
a copy of these resolutions Ik
sent tn the bereaved family and that
they be printed In the Cread Trsv
crae Ueiald.
'. Bock. Sr.

nation of pure an
hlurt*. nuikliig It
. Ml p«rlfl'-r
iiipri«ltig r»*ults
tiave b<i-n In u*<

,r„;i,.'.'.nr,‘ ri:

c plant as»wcl1
BIxty lav Umdiilon*. and you wIRrmri hav.
liN-r* wi-iv in alti-miiino’ at ilie me,-l-,* um- It liuig b«-for'- yui find H
mpli-t.- a
ing call<-.l to eonsM'-r th<- rboretvmak- ‘ ff'ei'-«l a coiiiplinand tostiui
a Son * faith
................... „ 1* 8 E. I
ing proist'lilnti. and that portltm
r- ctth'- power of H'c
the capital Hock
rhal troubl.-M Ihat *lib cvitn- didthr
y bwBl iKisineae 0.1! Ill th.-) glv.- « guaranio- 1.1 nrfiS'l
•r to to Ih- to-ld Ihl ni.»n.-y utib-»* the romrdv
I proposal from tMiUfacil'm Th.-) Uke all ih«- reap^i*11.1111)- and ».«. cannot *ffoni u. nuf
tor brngiT »lili cgiarrii when an oScr
Ilk.- 1*1* to ma*- to youShnuld extra iNrilIre of Hynmul he
with the rh<i-*e fMC'o;
III* •Id th.-y can I-.* obtained for *0c
lime a Kjmllar plani a (ireen Itoy will
making l*il* ..lie of Ihe »osl econom'tn< lu*|Keted by a e«ii
cat as *< II a* the most reltobli- rgmdb-* tor catarrh ibai 11 knovn
for Ihe piirpiiM'.


Way Below

Here is a c!iancc for you to invest. We have just a hundred and forty-two
Overcoats that we want lo c loseout .^T ONCE. We will make the prices so
low that you cannot resist the
temptation of buying one or more.



the newest, up-to-date garments that were
$lft and $1'J. we will sell at .......................
ihat were Siri-Of! and SlU.^iO.
we will *cl!at.................................................
that were $20.00 and $'2r,.n0,
we will sell at...... ...........

With high btorni cnilari., woith
$s .7(1. will BO at...............................
Canada Gray, in light and dark
colon, ail sires, worihj.’. at
Boys' Heavy Wi
Pants, all

lot of Overcoats, mostly medium and small sires, ihRt were
ci-i.lNi $s.(n and $'.*.00. we will sell at........................................


For bijrboys.worth $4 to$IH,
will BO at S5.j*i, $:t.75 and - • • •



1-or little fellows, worth
to $7, will
BO at
HO. S'J..I5. SI .'*f) and



12c: “-%a".srr. !3^r?.‘^"-38c

Better Bargains You’ll Never Find than What
We Are Now Ottering.

Mr*, J. W. RurgiS,*. the wife irf Pro
fesaor Burgess, who




Roosevelt chair at Berlin university
is devollng much time to the Kaiser
Frederick museum, where she la eopy
tng pictures by Crejit^


■n you11
i11 mash '
. bruliw
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' El«
eilevre the palp —
trie OH inslanily relieve
qnickly cures the wound..

Steinberg Bros.




Jcr «7. uv.

Badyard Klpttag. irtio dlslikm the


winter citmate of bglaad. will blot
fttaUa te Martnc '

t bor. tMdser.

The cement



to make hto mtnre bone at ^ts irtac#; out ^ wloter awaths from bis calen-' has abut down after a


The Htehigan Oeatinl Ralhray Ga.^Bu1rw(m mas « placed one day last'
"Had dyspepsia or Indigestbin for
propoees maklag 8t. Joaeph tbe grrwl-jweek that she and Qu«-niin ILMseve;: years. Ko appeUte. mid what | did




cst shipping pcMni for frtrtt ta souiberaj were to take bold j>f


another *

Mrs. J. A. HomHch end Mn. J. M. dar by a
a visit u South Africa, where months, daring wblrb lime Sn.Mo bar- MlPhigan. and In <irder to make guol, hands aad marrh imt
Tbe little girt txin. Ohio,
WiUlBiat niteoded the sale at O. W. he baa a beautiml bonse near Cape! reis cd cement were aaaatoctnrod and they are now emritag one cf the larg-1 held baita when she taw the presi ■

-tOHM fc*«e torn iMt 8*tsrd«r.
It Menu to be the st;le to here Connlne A fru i at Wextord Sator- Town, given to him by Cecil Rbades.1 morw tbao wwre paid
,est kwhooses ibat wUI be found in the dent's sen with esumded band aiencAon F-NerUncer andj w. ivirh'n
rllM. mUr hones u>a sboulden hurt
In Ssaaez. England, where be passed | there for wages and suppllea.
j smtbora pan of the state.
During| side of ber
"Take bis hand." Miss tiansaerad buv!o»-s at tVniiou uM i.i
■ UUnrlea.

Mias Della Sbeparri was called botoe the summer, be bas a farm uf ^oe.

Word «ras later twdred

nertr ot this place, had three
hrokM. the resirtr
nf a
hrre that a team ran away with Tom
Bnlth between CDpemlsh and Thonip
He was thrown from lb.:
ind after he r»ache<lI home it
waS^oond be had three ribs hrokon.
n»d colUr bone and nhoaldrr injured

In Boardman Lake at PreaenL

Carp take is losing some of its at- brit 'MT rbriher literary plans bare
traeUoos for loeal flshernwn as the


Capuin Ji
•e superta^drat


A number of




Bey S-M.




present lime rallwa.v |si<li»r


The case will be Investi­

e effocu uf tbe e
ce whk^ afaook the Island of Ja­
maica on Monday afteranon was re­
ceived here at 10:30 o'clock last n

Bkathtg OB Carp Lake is fine.
Rtauu^ and
Pertnan Reynolds
hATe been
D ninnlag
nmolog their lee boat this

persons, were

day afternoon.




eluding the Myrtle Bank hotel. i

I have been making some
rMnarluble time, they run from Foueb
lo-esBCtly live mlnni
ham liresBClIy
are beginning to arrive a
d It will start up'about b
IMh. hdth

partially wrecked or destroyed by the


Fire fullowr-d the oarthquske but ll
was conOned

to tbe wbar'

the water front,
last week.


fiames bad subsided.

Mias Grtmore is from Au Gres.
A anrpriao party was gtvon on Mrs.
Sootaa and famny Tborsday evaning.
RamahBtenta were served and every

sixteenth of tbe city

by night the

Only about oae-|

affected by

ttae fire.
Tbe general hnspUal


not de­

stroyed and it is crowded now with
Bontai was proses
jce of her
-bCMUroI rag In rc:
1 friends,
B. C- Davis and wife of Traverae
ware In town Frtday.
nw'Rev. Hr. Shelcy passed through

the injared.

Tbe military sUUon was

wrecked, tbe amp hoepital being de­

One British offleer was seri­

ously wounded.
Tbe first shock was violent and it

ton Friday.






tromblera of lesser degree.

c nice ealebes are


Most of

those wbo pcrislind lost thedr lives by
being caugtat In the falling buildings.
Tberc are many Amerteana la Jalalcn, but none arc among tbe miss-

. Mich.. Jhn. U.-ft.
of Frankfort was trair l^al bnainesB in town Tnes-

OcnernI Netfsn.

^‘rt. UM Ackerman- la eonllned i
? by a severe attack of

Fifteen men are known In lie still
alive wbo served as eontederalc. ron-

Jfaerabeca are going to
Bam A peitay aoclal in thetr ball Turnr1
>y allot

t Beery team t
Wtataeaday eveotag.
Mra. I. J. Qnlek is able to be out
artiand afur bMng emillncd to the
tamne few a namber of weeka.
The beme oC Brine Oarr was totally
dnttoyad by Bra Tuesday moraing.

Ihe sword cd Jtdin

■dc of Stratford Is 111 witb diphtheria
•t Mra. Babeock-s.


been working at Mr. McFarren's durlagtbelr lltneas. Is now ill there with

gis-s for liKig strolls thrmigli the itnrtli

more, and Mr. Kuirbanks rarely has a



ed If he fell perfectly safe in being
St such an hour almie. Tbt- vice



It. was unsafe for him in do ibltigs ijiai

habit of making her gtiests feel

elmreli In St. Peierstmrg.

home and tbe faculty of drawing them

yc-an. nf travel in alt parts of -Europe



address a mmiti.'r .4


clubs on Russia, as few meif have a

tires, had an i-lea a time ago that h-'

that tia trne

would prefer to

tbe king.

seoBio and went to 8p<'aker Cam

to avail himself of

nhom It.


tbe chaplain


la now

"Why.'' .-xelslm.-d

'■ of liv-:




. William Tooby who has been very
atrk It out again.

How enn the wife


a .lay * work." ttenat.rr Tillman wand, i-

Carrie. Hansen is working at Mrs.
G. A. Brigfastn'a at present.
Mra. John Guger has returned home

Aanghier. Mrs Jaaep>> Rsner. who was I

aticnddd the dance at Wexford hall
Mra. n. A. Orlgbnin la able to lie nuW
Her Sunday school call U glad


i-!ainn-<l, nw--s tin-

P.vUersnn. it



Msj-r tl-HUg.- W. Evans, eluef r4
the divisiem <4 finanre and -lishurM--


deiuirimmt r4 Ihi- Int.-rior wav

elalms lit-his answer that iln- f<irf>-ji ! rv-nsrat.ilaieii t-y
m<«iey It not hi*,


the T.-nnltutl



The p-ioltry slmw tqMmevI Tae^lsy
at tie- a-ttnioiiuni jii is.n -Hutv^Jhank
J. Haynes Is .nliiltiilng a turkW weigh


head <4 tli<- dc-

Ihis w.*-k because In


I-: poslllon. imd<-r sixl«-en different
-wrelaries «4 the




evi-r made air --rrvir In liis aeomiii*.

of Asli!.-}. Ind.. feJl into


dri«l ntilliis.*.


The fifth annual mcctitijj 'of ihr
Northern Michij'an Poultry Associ­
ation will he hclil in the Hculmaniell
East Front street.

uowsimy with the


Traverse City, Mich.,

Prior to his ni<i*dni.

while sK-ppiug .nil of his engine ne-.r

■ be Poiomar.

A.lilaii, an-I broke his k-g.

ihr-aler when t.lnetdn was assas*itia<.

lie wio iiroM-nt at th-

Jan. 22, 23, 24, 25.

The Alh-gan eoimly hoard of-stip.-rvisors has d--»-ldi-d to submit for ad.rpilnn the ].M-al option law i-i the voidrs
at tile spring eb-ciion. '

The link- -laughter nf lte{>r<'selil;i
VO Burleson of TeXi.s gat®
line Si-hc«d IJii.-ntiii

.Ml*. Frank ronklln of F.-nuw. ha*


t.i th



Tl.-y hiiv- a dull eiu-h da.v i-

sold the Hou-l Feaum. which she ha>' niarrhhit

- .-■olii.

Little Ml-

operak-d for th*- past y.-ar, lo Henry
Whirney <4 Cedar Springs, and Chas.t--------------------------------:-------------------

.«ha;r -4


r.-o-nt grndiiiiie of the
-Michigan, will praliahiy

Ala.ska next summer a*


Trouble Mikes You Nlseribic.

La>t year mtirc than IDO birds were OB exhlbiii'jn.
and from present indicstioos there will be
a larj^cT -nnmbei; at the <
mceiinj; and the stock wil!
be of a higberijrade.


, nU.Ir 1-r Iw.

.. -Jiiit-t.



K.*i-.,thv grva-. Isl
im.. hve. :.mj I.Ud;
•icr ivTUelv.
t*. i-.tlir'jrcatiiK-ilTt k:.: u;uim« of tbe

i-iw 'll* from ihe^ (j
ciiunclil ki-iney au
ki-ine» tro
iroiild.'S follow
I'lable- sx«--''i:r,i»l. sB-1 !* -wi-niicriuV
1 dlala.-ies-..RfiBhl*
Iiiayi sure.-» itt t-T'-TTiT-tlva-uritia I -ni' I-o> •
thM fatal end.'
jufic a.-..!- .-al-tr-i .if tbu J-'.*-!-..-: ae
Yo;i will glad'i i.’oiBt I v
follow-, Br:«
pfiyh: * I>i-a-a«e. will.* i» lllv v--:;
ng -•xjs'riene.-.
Tis the stulenottl of i
Ur. Kilni'-t
imen-icl t-r c- e: -"thtn-g i-it; i:
<«• l/Ia-l-icrtroub!.

, ....H'S"'

t'entrs'l cou.lur...r pu'!
---------- -- .
...1. i

T. W. McKenzie
of Criti'Ord, Mich., one »tf the
best t hl. ken experts in the state,
has been sccur«-*i to
judge ih«- l••r'l*•


Hi* leT. 'w^vrk

»t*-i-ial wrrangemtnt h»» licvti lua i- t-v
th-i«.n* woubi
>■ Vvhich all reader* oS tin* tot*;?, wi;-li--.e
young member of ivarllament
work that r-q.iln-r t»4 alre»-ly tncl t-., may have a
“hr 'K-er.Vior.
-K-*r.-i;»r.v'ivottleacut free t>« tnari.-»l»oa Iw.ale..•Unvld Uavte*. Noi;,.,g„n ,nd was being carie.1 away *»*«>piiig *-r bea-ling. The’
d bolb*-r«'--.hini ttg more alvstl <» snip-K-w.. an-i li-vw to
highly- e
only has be given Aberystwyth college w-h.-n he sud'Jenly mrae to
________ __ ..'othing **i «’>'«'>utif>'OBl.*vfi..-incv.Bbia.l.:rr-.r-.:1 iilgh'
collect Ion of Soudanese
tnanded to know where he was being io>.-lp hint until he ptx-ured IVvan's i
When niciitt-n rca i ;:g l.i:*
prtKDlaevI lo be r
Uken. He had been afflicted wiii) .t Kblm-y nil* In a *hort time ih*-y re-; gencT..u*..3erj:;thi*iaj'«r
lr--.r-t .he aefa.-s and pain, i-r-i ror-] a'ldrc**!*! IT, Kilmer
$!l6.noA. the cost
nri-vl th.‘ Hdnev- troiil IH- ha*,!-: C-v., Binghamtor.
ai The college, but in u.ldltlon
e regubi!
efi.-D leeotrnietjdv I
Iks.n - K-ln-y
K-lin-y. N. Y.
he bas set aalde a sum <4 IlSu.tkki for
PHI* and-l* clad m endor*- t*-- p:e-; fiftv-cent ..... --minlHterial education
In connection
dlrrmess: languor, hrait {Uiipl.a- vlmi* *iaf--m-a- mad.-In K—; ‘
' d-'.lsr *ije hmile* are ■“
Drastic physics gripe, stckeii.j
For sat» l-v all -1-uler*. -TKee .
•■-■I-l bv gll good druggist*
with the Welsh Calrinlstic deoomlna- iisin
»«u retnenil
Hon. to which he Ivdongs.
: genilv 4(id <
IVvui's Ilonalre Is Just :« a
dls fresh from'ictW*
ctWsilpMilou. ti cents, A*k you: Jnig-

I Trinity. Cambridge.



Tweniy ihm- year* that he has held

ililioiiuh hi-Iris
iSs hnn-lb-d sev- i'Hl huo-

Wi.luiBb Encineer Edward E. T<niI.

Thluking Uta man wa-i'li.iovirai.-t, ‘kidn.-.- f-i Mvme tin..

Ch.-n and even pc-u pouktts.
Wales has found Us Caraogie In the!

tbe grippe has recovered.

to weleoBK Her baclu

"This 1* inroD-|ihal is only 3H cents for the hen's full

duehens eveiy day is in tbemyal Mt-i

Dave Ixrgle who has <>een slrk with


At a m.-at market, when she' rarnllnan w ilh Indtebatlon. -1 am iotd

meni. aho declared:

Ur. Bagon Is tbe

Batnrday night, all re|K>n a good time.

wns allaehiHj.

The paUent lie-

Senator Sp«v>ner and Tillman
in wer-j

and made purchases for the royal kit-1 ing.

attending phyrdelan.



by tbe K-iilon Harl>or I'eniilnal <'<>..

told that In compailytu flower gard'-n.-

was told of ibc present high price of the eggs cost t-i-cenis.'' adding, "but

she hat been

wlit-d. III--. Il.tS*) foifej) IiHHiey |iiil up


-inn >


A few young |u«qde from this place

rent Is shut off un-l witb a deeld>-dty

diH-hess of Sachsen (Vdicrg-Golha. The stays tooger in a gravevard itiaii fi.

Uule Wallace Sbepard U very 111

ill with typhokl pneumonia.

lomes eonritius the Instant the cur­

exi-riileiK <4 tb-- J.din Iti-ll estate. It.


•'The house Is a flower garden and the! When Will Traverse City PeopIcLcam
the tmperlance cf I'

od to Lake aty.




One of the must impijlar of all the aensle Is <1 grave yar<1."


weaknes.* or languor an-i shsoluiely no
v-ffwl vu. the hi-ari.

ilie altarhmem

. go^

What do

Hurnrlcb and Mr. Bengnt have return,


A. A. Patletwon .4 Ib-iil-m llhrimr.
Ii:is made answer io Ihe eomphiihl la

there for:" sio.rnied t'.K-le J.v-


i-vciy other r«-Si*eJ importaul ailvanUtges are aerure<l. Then- Is no nausea,

ago a^mbb-d his baml.

-tuiti-v-i for :i rallroa-1 enmpan.v.
be rbuplain of
f the'''-'

King fGorge is not the first monarch

reeonily shopped at a public market | discussing th.- itirre:

from Muskegon, her

famous horse ihb-f and oiithiw, yiar.v

l-lin-l j ' "*‘**'®tor.

that the algnainre waa flctiilous and

Germany I*

luwrats sasMtar

was $S.>M-o.'
i''’ *’''‘1 '*•'*
•'>' sebdlfig a mild
g hranehea of the i.lternaili.g currenk of
ihraugfa the brain In Ihe same geueral


nadside and which gave the farm it* maj.nerasinelrxtrocuiloa. Inthtsrasv!
name. It Is said that 8ile Ihuy. .the the patient loses eonselmifc-i.ess, hut In

Rev. Starr, son of John T

Rev. H.-nry N. Coo-U-a. tbe

chaplain of the house of rv-|.te*enta-^


Th* bMthladel

gnurW tree, which stands

l.-ad.-rs In church utnl etate.


the editors, hut It had been learned



In rase of e-mta.

This is one reison » hy Ayer’s
Cherry Pectonl « so vtUitble in consumpckiB. it stops
the %'etr sad tear of useless
couffhiee. But it does more
— it controls the jRBfimm«ion.
quiets the Fever, fOOtbeMwah.
Ask your doctor about this.

<-r Adrian, has Is-en s-dd to John Spiel-1



with nne of her ladies in walling sbej


One <>rratei; n friend met him and ask­

years minister of the Hrliisli-Ameriran

royal i

bm aick tbe past week. Is uah! to be


‘ vldeiniy ottsuiii-l l.y Mrk titltln', on claims un-l

WBs di-feal.J in

ion. sociioD of WasbingliMi.TIutrwps usuallv consume an hour or

tion of tlis day.

Mra. D. C. Lynn U on tbe sirt: list
tkia weak.
ClUtord Var*oaoo-e baby, who has




l>ofs. hill she has the


I-mcJ of

It Quiets
the Cough

diills the p&in — quiets the
nerves and induces sleep
At &II dealer*. Price 25c 50c b’liOO
Dr Eaji S.SIoejv, Bo5toiv.Mess.USA.

publish bis views on a pending ques­



Klug-I. >

wher.- sh.


article isire the slgnaiure of one of


of th.


odl ni<}ht lon<} from toothache
neura-.lo>e. or rheumedism


conditions In the Island of Cmc.

Mr. aad Mra. -Burch left here Satarday tor Kingsley to bury Ibelr baby



lW&-lgl*-. of Miir.-. llnii.

attendtag hpr.



long article was published la a news- more accurate<- -4 th.- cwr
pa)«er of that city dealing with the country or have come closer

dl^tberla. Dr. Ptrased of Kalkaska Is



1.. <;rand Kao


at King George of Greece In Paris

Miss UHdle Wtaajco. wbo has been

A nmarknbb- bnn.ght


DoKt Suffer

In the course of the recent sojourn

moihtac « Mra. Kenn^'a It Ul wlih


! "> ........ -"""


.u.rvi„.!vsi.-m at the splng at cad [Durand.


^ toad Mrs. Peraoas who Is ill.




by rooBDs nf her tact and ronsidcr- and Asli. haseon.e to America to study
beon invii.'i:

Dr. Babcock of Kalkaska was callod to Panoa'a Polni Saiarday to at-

Misa -HaUle WlIklaaoD.


Jones BOW rests In the Hbrary of Uic arc done by ordinary eillr.>-ns,
/lavy deiwrtment at Washington.
Rev. Edward Everett.Hale has been
Mayor Wraver of Phlladelphls tiax
iilleoding while house rerepli'ins sIiH-.'
apittlDied Miss Margaret Fui4crer as
ISK:. On the latest iK-casliiii he pre­
his secretary, the flint woman to ocsented,one of hi* gtand-cbildreii.
tupy sucb a posltiiio. Miss FonJesrr
Wolfenden nnd
lllonkrtey have n<u missed a sinclr
fore he iK-csmr dlsirlci auormy.
sesslm. <4 the na|Ui--i 8iinday seliisil
Tbe chief hostuas of the Rrltlab omllpliin-1. P:i.. in twejity-huir years.
baasy at Washington will romroaari
11.0011* K. Draper has Iwrai prv-si-iil
ilratinn by her vlvai-liy. charm
every scsshm for the ^ttsPriw-eoly
and high biii'lllgcnce. Mrs. Ilryee dis­
yeiiru nnd Elias Ev--* and William
likes pttblieliy and bas not coveted ills
Taylor have atlende-1 every Sun-lay
tlnclhin as one of the “Kmartesl" esifor ten veura.
UTinltirra whose d;diigs are ehrotilcbvl
Rev. Alexander Fninds. for fnurie<-n
by the paragraiiherK of the soelely pa

16—Mr*. Ira

J A. M<miagu<
da}. I,

Mrs, Oeors.- Half l.-ti i..
1- WKirning

• at r.BTinna. u- the auiouiii ..f Mr. W.-tm..r.-l* a »eml-r « the ««.;

Tlie pmimsllbin l.o submit theof adopting t»..- county

as when it was used by Its dlsiiiu-.uliyi-

Rapid City. Mlcb„ Jan

Jan«w rulf. r

•• etty oi- hpMjH-s. n-.U}

tbe board .if =”’"' dls-uo-s the |ttili-ni i. ’P'-'an'
li'' lorT-ViV}-'
Jliu-I au-t s-ipidH-s arv furulslnvl »-> „c... rbslrman-.d'ih.- Mr-hi'j
when t^plaln Wlilt.- entered lb- s.-r- .surervlsora. Twelve voted
llu- hstti iMiSt-' i-l Iwabh wbirh ib-si |il»ytD--ni iiiAmutinn for >1vleb only 32.«>0 miles wen- so w rve.l i.i'-a:me mi-I nine upponyl It. bul-ll rc
pn-M Dts Its 1.111 I.. the e..untt. Fr"n.
,'he eoinmlit. .
Ex-Vico President U-vl P. Munun
i.icrnlal Mh..Nd
k.1 Muiqu.*!Elrirken with imralvsis while driv­ the .viluidi- of th>- sUpeiviMrrs. faow
nf all tbfi old men in the finalcial dis­
priscni at J-e-kMUi
-. the bfll. Of Ib" Ihiran.1 Isvard •<!
r-mmiii.-e <m t
tricts in New York is iH-lli-ved i<> furn­ ing home. Giuirtes Kiiiior of Hesperia,
'by B'V
ish the most vmphatir n-bullsl of the died without ftai- a:icn-tancc nf a p
from fMrau-1 diiigglsis f.-r 1v*yes. Cady a
OshT theory of ti-rmiiiaiion of useful- sician. He was found kneeling In
whlskej by Us- pint qwart. and even
Mr. Murton'i rig. One KeHu-rla doctor refaMvl
• rtJfi. T IfoUl
hy ihi- gallon.
span of life Is more than d.Mible that HticAd him, Olliers were bnsy and one
rbliig nr It!.- »kin
K I. -4 liav-tRl.m'g was 1..IP* sick.
'* Olnini.-n■ ••» .u*l.«u. rv-IP f
limit—he is now in his elghty-Oilnl
qnirklv f-rl.:
Franrls M Ihick. .v civil war vct.-ran me in push ail'empty ti.-iaht ear liilo
he bas never iipparvnlly as
All -tniggi-i' <4 Adrian, claims the riii-cker. chant. |>i-liiitt to that It r-iMild. IS- liia-IH
much as contemplated reilrvmttii
when tbe car strui-k tin: dn*n grade
Is to be seen ai work as president of pluQslilp of Lenawee county. During
end started to
the past Srt years, b» elalms that
the Horton Trust Company three
hastv-ned to the t-ip . It was dusk, and
four-days a week. To all outward ap­ man has been able to beat him three
in ninnlDg fnrwai-t to -t-t the brake
games out of five atone sluing.
pearances his phyvical condition Is
II off tbe for
Port Huron policeman are eeraptata
strong as when, for inslanee, be r-ndi'l
luind suffirlenily bj rail haMily off the
bis term as govenntr ten years age. l:ig of tbe rarrHessness of tncrrhanta.
wh.-et-i. Me retaim-d hi-' pn-M-nne of
He is by no means the only ociogea- One man on his ic-ai a nv-eiu ev»-nmind e-jffiiieoily to mli buMlIy off tie
arian sUII In the harness In the Wall ing found'six l-usines- '(iLices imlucktrack, and eseaiK-d with s-iWe s»-ver<Btrecl district, but there Is nn^promi- ed, allbough ev ery merchant was r.-ady
part In business and political to swear that be had Idbked his d-ior
I,aa-i<-tice .Notier. formerly
cn departing for home.
TIteIr train, a spc-elal freight having Hiss Ellen RU-hninnd. for many years
Senator Allison of Iowa ni« with a
a Huron eounty teacher, dbvd <4 tubermost flattering reception Ihe other pulled out while they were in ili« deentosis in Turson. Aril. She had been
moratog when, for the first time this isii at Delta, a eondurinr and a brakemarried nhnul H nsHilbs.
Wsslon be appeared in bis scat. Defti- man "hoofed- it Into l,MHiDg. a dls
Rev. Theodor.- L. Ciiyb-r. eoniemtance of seven
miles wbero thuy
and repubUcans vied with each
caughi up with 11. They ran most of poraiy of B<-eeher, 8lorn> nod <rtb<-r
other Id cnoffnitulaUng the dean of
Sammis piil(iii nralnrs. eeli-hrated hU
the distance.
his recovery. The Iowa
Tbe eiedilnrs of Murray Slew-art elgbty-nr.h binlnlav lost week at his
siatcsnuiD was murb allt'cled by Hi*'
Membwrs uf ihc
Renton home III llr<K)klvB.
warmth of Ills
Harbor, have . failed to sell the La.fay.-tie Avenue Prevliylertaaeharch.
d and be swallowed a lump in
niitomohiles of tbe Iwo TDttt. which whose iMilpit Ur. Cnyleroccnpied many
hii throat several times. During Sen
had previously been siuched. It was years. «el«d>rau>.l the anniversary srIUi
Btor Allison's thirty three years of con­
U-ared that the men did not own the him. Ur, Cuvier I- the loim survivor
tinuous aenrlce In the senate ho has
iiutchlnos iluimM-lves, and the emli- of Iht- old group of reJehrated Brook,
never missed lieing present at the
tnre did not want to take chances <in lyn lueachers and Is himself a divine
opening of n session until this one.
-of liK.-rnallonnl ivpiitaiioD.
fiiltir.,- llllgation.
Vice Presideut Fairb.inks nesrly ii1
The latest diseiiverr in anaesthi
•'Ii.-nt Oak Farm.- for the jMisl fO
ways walks from his resMunci- to the
Van llnreii
l«-,k. 1U..I ,.lu.n,llm

Pryor. Virginia: A. 8. Colyar.
... ,
Atkina. Joseph B. HelskH and John V
Wrlght. Tennoisec: Hiram P. Bell.
Georgia: Henry C. JoiHw, l-Torida:
James L. Pugh. Atalttina; 8. B. Cal­
lahan. Indian territory; J. A. P. CanipiMdl. MIsRlBslppi: 8- H. Ford. Ken
H. ITblir North CaroUna.
In praeiteally
the sam^ r»ndiii<>3

•**Twra«fih reeelved a brak.


The other Is gli-.-n Vni 3»0.n<*0


BonJes^ADd i

Jftaelr annual miKdi


Tbe money was | Qnol Quality rd riier |c- as Matt a«

That was in M«rrl. iw:r. Sipi d-'i«.i iinron e|..u» but was not

Ross llentterwoii was sliol by one of

will th-e.

mall! wiltlhig : iiiiivemar} . tnsll cJir*. of wlileh t

his eompanliKin. Ihe charge taking fd-

EanbQuake in Jamaica.

John Sahh was trsnsArtlng busl
mtm ta OgMBish Tbn.aday.

ling at

Mr. and Mrs. Arrblbnld :Hay.
of,an i«v bmiiH. TSsI.t** fw-t btng the MorKoulf. were prcMHIed with ^purt ■ of, risen ehatmrl <if !bo Rt Jiw-'f* ri»er.

general I g“!d on ih- occasion of their goldf-D J which tbey


there an- over H.OtKi eiert:s. who have, 'y In.tirod.

H - Sun<la>

■luys. Ray Woiml uiid Hngn Weggers.

. r. 8ool<>s haa rented a three
btandred act* farm and will com■aence farming In the aprlng.
CIlBl Richards was to Traverse City



while ml liiinrine with Iwo other l>nys.

claim It woB necidcntal.

• eaptoalon cd----------was saved wseept one rocker and a
hAby cab. Ho tasnrance.
The all moatha old baby of Jtrim
Bradsley dlH
Wednesday ' morning
-1 aad was burled from
a Congregational chnrrh this aRer-

E. While,

-Ba-rauM. I'm a deawr-n'.-

«i I »i»-nd a
has ToslinM'd
»fi«T .servlnit' si‘er i-y thrir children and grand.'they get mid eiinaeh meatber. The
a da>^
a sorrtue. bas
number ar* being }-anked out every sixteen yenrs In that positinn. He re-lcL. lo-n^
A,. E. Ihilver r-l!;;:..i„
< peuiral also -|>rnpos» to be alik- t;^j
day. 'One cairh was almost uniform tires lieause of niltealib. When Cap j
AncuM SehulA’s hoiwe ran away at houdh- 1<ni cars'of fruit out of Ss jo- Summit Cii> :bi-. ii'.irnii
la sire, the flsli wHchlng alrout a laiu White entered the s<a vice on lh«-j l'"rt Hunm, and Ilircw the ilrivi-r »»r1. y.Bu-|>h p. r daj' during tile friilt tt-aOn Coon Coonnittecs.
p>Mind apiece.
ttttfe between C»-dar Ropids and.'«< his luwil »h<tt the horse and rair. wui.

I'h.- al'illtv -! yv,.t (. Wetm.ue,
IVmne. Iowa, there
Ws'riage siruri: a trty. Srliulix «-as ntt <


Tbe origin of the lire which

been divulged.

pertai are hcclaning to bile good in

Blni^in,. Mb-h-.. ian. It.—Misa Km
na Obertii
tia returned from


-Why mdr'tbe teach.

u&nn'Bftar throe Ixmr* of writing In’from $3no.i*o» to tl.MO.rtm.. As thefts get loe frun ihe locsa doaieTs to »bo sjld and in;isi>d on walkinp d..«nT a « Uwk r- which
. are statpped
. outjSl'tie.
his dan among the gables of his Ella-1 atork is sold ll will by jarwlcd In im-jsspi---------jSappip Ite.mrs
|.|; ihb a«.T»lB=.
l>nhaD house.
He saw
proof pnnrenenis and esteaRrm uf t
•y>-|t-v<'ry night. Just on* Ibe r>-ntrnl fass
sheets of fab aew book tadore sailing, tem.
{a fr>r(-<- of carpeniers at work eredlu:

fert .la fab sldi* and fare.


Michigan Teb-pbutie ibe heishi of the peach waaou tor aev-| Burlenou said!

gfrrE io which be devotos hU aft>^-|Co, has voted ir> increase Its eapltal|>ral yrars paat is bas l-e»-n ImpusalMe,er asked.

ness of hCr li:lk broumr.
Some Good Catenea Are Being Made

It la hoped that bit resorery will bo
Tbe youBK folks enjoyed a rood

■ • r. ai « danre In
Ai we hare rood
tbe Marcaboe ball
naaie In town.ywc
noat any time.'
Mra. Orlee went
to aee tbe denll
nllat. Isal tV.^nends'
aad missed her 1
I in <V>|.cmish *
Id to remain there alt ulphi.
May Riebbina returned l« hersch.Kd
In Platte,
rlatt hi I

tag lIUs annia

Tbe Southern

from Mrs. L. A. Sklni.vrY by th- £j«t.

Cash and Ribbon Awards


> other.

jerety bottle.

Persons with fancy slock arc urged
to place the same on exhibition.

EiUries most be made not later thaa
l« a. m- Jaa. XZ.

General Admission, - iO cents



Caroets, Rugs and Linoleums.
Traverse City«s Best Carpet Department.

Good Quality

Pretty Ruffled

net Curtains
Olbile Cbcy Cast
Per Pair

Bag Carpet


Per Vard
Uriyht. I'rctiy Patten

A Dainty Curtain at a Smail Cost.

Our Day light Carpet Room, 2nd Floor

IDaliind Room Tor Hew Spring Roods

EverythinginRemnantsofCarpets. Mattings, Linoleums and Odd Rugs, of all kinds and in all sizes, mustbe closed out in the next two
weeks, Also many odd pieces of Portiers and Lace Curtains--AI! must go.

Extra Heavy

Fine AU Wool

Ingrain Carpet


In SnuU Pnttera. Color Tan
AHontW Yards.
To Close at, per jard..........


Brussete Rugs


Fine Velvet

and A\minister Rugs. Ueaup
Good weaves all nice patterns These will wear like a body :tiful Floral and Ornamental
brussels, always sold at 'Jl.nO Patterns. -25.00 and




Wlih or without border. WorthI np
U|T to
»V $l.2S
I a yard. Choice of good line of
I Colorsand Pattens at only per
i yard .......................................

18c a Yard

Worth 45 Gents.


200 Yards of Velvet and Brussels

.\ few pieces leffthat must j
be sold our, mosily ‘J'i and ]
'.*r>c quality, to close at

:iC,^4 and 72 inches wide.
Abhut :100 yards to close al

Brussels Rugs




Ingrain Carpet

Regular Price 17,00

6 ft. wide,ynecrs from 3 to 10 mnniot
uiuuBS jaius.
Worth npio TOC.
To close at per sqnre

m f;


Ball Wool

IB Good Colors. SeUlar Always
at 50 andSSc. Toclose ovt at
Per yard................ .................



Our Uesi Grade of




27x60 Inch

Royal WUton

Axmlnister Rugs

and fine'Axminister Rugs^ -Rugs. New Patterns. Worth
today 40.00 to 42 00
worth up to -iS.OO for


Floral or Oriental Designs.
To close at



$1. 98


|We will give 25 per cenidlscaniit on all Portlers and Coacli Covers
K.UMIMasHn Curtains.
lor the next two weeks.
SidtaUc lor chamber or
Bcgnlartlmiaedninllearfalnswiaiballenberg 7Q., wna>i> ni>
lace Cnrtalns must be closed out All marked cheap lor qolck sclcdgeandtascrUon. Nlcdymade. Tocloseal
U"g. Every pair in the store at a lednced price. Good yalnes from $1 np.

asr,S^“- SOe perpr.! J-4 0FF

Heavy Wool Arabian Rugs.

Hob Fibe^ Chamber Russ.

Thu rug is suitable for any room in your house. The patterns, mostly orjental. are a
work of art. This makes a very satisfactory, inexpensive rug. Come in the following si/es.

This is the prettiest bedroom rug on the market. Very dainty colciings and artistic pat­
terns- They wear well, sweep easily and giv<- satisfaciiun. Come in the follnwir..

Sin 7x9

Sin 9x9
Now $7.50

Now $9.25

Size 6x9
Now $5.50

Something New-Linoleum Lustre
This is the best Linoleum Varnish on the market—makes the oW look like new—put on at
night is dry and ready to use the next morning. A child can apply it—we are agents for it.

8So a Quar^ Oan

5 Cents


Each for very good sash

For choice of lot of high
grade carpet

Extension Rods
as good as any made.



Size 7-6x10-6
Now $7.75

Size 8-3x16-6
Now $8.75

54.\l«* iiichr-t. Worth


Size 9x12
Now $9.75

We Gan Save You Money
On your window shades. Wc make anything and everything in window shades.
figure with ypu on your iub .
For lirg<‘.lapjiii. s. MhTiii;-ILifc's .Sia-:jr.i72. This.-are wtll worlb $].2->
All C'Mkl .-.lors


Grass Rugs


Let i


Grass Rugs

Grass Rugs

Wonli .50«i for


Worth Ui fiO lor


.-:y , I

£ .

Stair Carpet


To close at, per yard





America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,



ABSOLUTELY FREE to every subscriber to the GRAND TRAVERSE HERALD whose subscription is
paid one year in advance, to January 1, i 90S.-

*; v::

lis is the Finest Premium Offer Ever Made bya Michigan PaperF^


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FARM AND FIRESIDE has from 24 to 38 large pages, 11 by 16, each and every issue, containing
the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
America. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by
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The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made for a renewal of the great
premium offer made last year and that the
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Will be sent for a full year for the price of-the Herald alone



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OINL-V $1.00







The only condition is that $ 1 be paid in advance .for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
the price of the Herald alone.

The Publishers
have secured a limited time extension on this fireat Offer
Send Subscrip'tions as soon as possible
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription is now
paid to January 1, 1907, send $ 1 .OO this month and you will receive credit for both the Heraid ancf
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1 ,T908.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1907, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1 .OO in
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advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.
If you are already receiving the Farm and Fireside as a premium with the Herald your subscription
Tor Farm and Fireside will be extended one year from date of expiration of present subscription to that paper.

This is a fireat Offer-lt is Good Anywhere in the United States

Traverse City, Michigan.


ay.,. '■

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