Grand Traverse Herald, February 28, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 28, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ijymib gl^ateeygje tteyaljb^


TIm OpUtnIM.
Tkm WU opee • mu «bo imlM
BMsiiae tbe day vu brt«bv
BcemvM h* al^ u nlsbt.
SenaM Ood save him aiihl
r« faaa i^oa hia child:
Tlfeanae bU ttiUe om
OmM leap, and tedgh aad nia.
BwaaM tha diataat an
8«»ad oq the earth, be amOed.

that she tamed to the young
come to. my dear. How yonog
“PardoG me." be replied. "I didn't
He btkvaly rapraaaed the eompll
know yoo were sensitive on the sub­ you are sad how pretty. And ao
her gown, aad she bore a email hand that nae to bh llpa.
ton knew yon at ooce. and you
-Ah. come. I didn't mcaa it Ittenl“But I am not. At the ume time good friends already? He was really
As the boey train lollod asray Ab­ iy." be aald. “I wanted yoa to coastdafraid of yon wheo be started. AoJ
aer asked cme of ibv depot loungers er ytmr own case.what did you talk about r “My own ease?"
Then the professor langbed still
to keep aa eye OB hU horse. Then,
be deliberaieir alighted aad slowly
"Yea. Yon hare educaUonal aspl- to bo equally Ignorant of all (1
more merrily.
approached the woman, who
nttona. haven't you T*
, *
"MotUy about Creek verba
aeated on a trunk of raodeat site in
She nodded her shapely bead.
He stared at her. Then be laughed. griddle cakes." she answered.—Cleve­
“I admit It."
{ SB attitude that soggesicd to Aboer
"111 leave my mother to pursue the land Plain Dealer.
Ha amUed hecanae the aky
that she was sralttog to be called for.
Ho smiled triurntdiaatly.
BvesdgatJoB to deuil." be uid.
Waa high abofe hU baad,
As he neared her she tamed aad took
“And bow do they beneBt youT'
She drew her fair brows into a iitUe Vepstebic Leather Made from a FlanL
Becaaae the toaa was red.
ed up at him. He made a rapid
It was quite evident that the tfri
The depanmeot of agricultaro Is
Bacaace the pa« »u dead!
tai note of tbe fact that she had srary sraa puxxlcd.
trying to totroduce Into
Ha Barer «<mder«d why
hair aad cEarmlng biee eyes and that
"It sroold be a little mora ran
to Ibis country a plant native to Ja­
The Lord bad blimdered so
she nras quite young—certainly no ble." she aatd. "if you turned tbe oratlonal opportunities?" she asked. pan. which furmsbes a sort of vege­
Titat all thiap hare to go
it sraa quite Impoeal- question around and ask wherein they
"My mother is aot a wooud to form table leather.
It is a pretty shrub
l^a wrong way hare below
bie to tell how old nhe was. Probably fall to benefit mer'
<!eeldcfl opinions." be replied. "She called the "milsumata." sod Ur toner
The omrchlAg eky.
she was older tbaa she looked.
He lUred at her. Then he smiled looks for tbe beet to every bui
bark, after going ihrougb a proet
and pressed bli advantage home.
character, and is qalte too gentle to of maceration. Is converted tout
Hie eyes paaaed tbe young we
He toiled, and etUi waa glad
"Can you turn a better griddle cake discover Its weaknesses."
Bird swept down tbe platform. It
substance as tough as French kid. so
Becaaaa the air was free.
sure I shall like your mother.bare of all femlnlBUy save this blue- because of these asplrationsr
ibaL one can almost see
Baesnae be lored, and abe
It was ber turn to stare.
she uld.
eyod stranger of potsUng age.
through It. sod as pliable and soft a>
That elaised bla lore and he
ktouWhere was tbe professor?
calfskin. In Japan |dpe
Shared all the Joys they had!
“Yes. oa a dou^nut?’
hearted that even cnlloary weaknesses
pouches are msnuthclured
Tbe professor wUh her black gog­
Beeaase the graasee grew.
She looked at him blaakly. .
to scarcely disturb her."
gles. her cc^screw curls aad ber anfrom tbe material, as well as a kind
Daeaaae the eweet winds blew
"1 don't qolte catch your mcanlag.*'
Tbe girl laughed and then looked of wall paper, which Is already
guUr form?
BaoaM that he eoold hew
sbe said. “But I aasnre yoa (hat
lag fashicnisbic in Aranica.
Sbe must bavc missed tbe train.
ABd Hmawr. he was glad. '
a griddle cake just as wgll to
-That is a thrust at me." she nld. wall pa|K-is of rc-g-iabic leather
"Can you tell me. idease. how tar
spHe of my edneation.- Thtoi abe aud- "Possibly you connect me in i
it Is to tbe Foster farm?*
turned nut In beauttriil ilcslens tor
Beraaae be (Ired he smllod.
"Or a doo^nut wsy with a cooking school. But I am wall aud et-uing (lecordUoD. being
The young woman with the Upe dealy tooghed.
Aad did aot took ahead
jl guilty."
eye* arms addressing him.
stamped and modeled by band lo most
With bittenaaa or dread
“But tbe edocalion Is throw
"Not guilty of a techalcal knowl- artistic patterns.
He looked down .qnickly.
Bol Bl^tly aooghl hit bed
fsn'l itr
edge of cooking?" Then an idea
ft would seem tbal we have a giKsI
As calmly at a child.
?al to learn from tbe Japanese about
Asd people called bin mad
obtained In tbe home Isboramry. aad iper-niaklng.
-1 thlak not." sbe replied.
This must be the aew maid
Already w<> Import
fhr 6alag ahraya glad
only diploma Is a mother's appro­
mother expected. A auperlor girL >me satisfaction to be able
quantities of another kind of
WHh each tblnga as he had.
Why. of coarse.
the constitaent paru of a griddle val and a father's appetite."
paper obtained from the same plant.
< Aad shook tbelr haadt and amtled.
“There is more'credit." Mid Abner,
"A little too far to walk.-be replied cake at the very mameat you are fiap1ST as legal • documents, dlpto-Salikted. -Are yoo expecieUig to be called for?" ptog IL Don't you agree with me
oracularly, "la preventiog one case
doeds aud bonds. There
“Ton take it lightly." be said. "The of dyspepria than In conquering
*T am aot quite sore about It
Icokt •■Isbt fMhcr plants Irora wbleh
said. -Bat I want to get there.'
very best bread maker I ever knew bUDdred Creek verbs."
the subjeclk of the miksdo obtain pa­
The yoaag maa la tha light
"That sounds very w^." said the per stuB. while.We depend Tor surb
Iteaai a nttle forward and amlllagly
aer said. "I am Abner'Foster. Let me I spell her own aame and didn't know girl. "I'm surprised tbst you haven't material npon wood pulp and rags
' thgatdod'tba gray-balied lady oa the
taken up epigrams as a eteady em- cotton sml linen.
oBer yoa a seat In my wagon.'
Z-from Bxodns."
Tbe yoong woman arose from the
"Or dough from Dcuieronoaiy." sbe ptoymenl." She tuned her Uugfalag
“Aad ara yon «oUe Bare I wni haow
David G. Fairchild, trae of tbe g>
blue eyes apoa his fsce. "1 would
lauded. "Bni yoa have never
the praOaMorr he aaked.
croment agricnliural rsplororii. wim
•'And srera yon sent for mer
pled my bread. 'And just think of the like In know." she mM. "just whst h.i>. miKle a special study of this sub
tH eeana yoa will, my
you take me for?"
Ingroddoaht aba la A peraon of aupertor apjert. says that It Is not ploasani
He looketl at her gravely.
lents of tbe loaf while lingering by
think that the brilliant white note |
pearahoc, A womaa of aoch/atUla. plied. "Bat I kaew yoa srera con
Tbe lady I eepecUUy designed to n
"I take )-ou for a well meaning per whk-h a lady uses may have in
door; Nobody cau pursle
Mhts poaMbt totdt ordburr."
hasn't errlved."
you by asking 'Ifhy docs bread rise?' young woman wb» has started'out
*ABd yoa hara aerar sees herr
iwri of tbe flilby garment of soi
He looked aboat the platform.
aad ’What U fcrmeouUonr and 'B-by the wrong road." he said. "I will be Egyptian fellah, saved by a rag picker
*lta, my MO. Bat I hara burd a
-At least 1 don't see her.- be said.
frank with you.’ We.have had screrai
blscolu harden?' "
grmt daal aboal her. Lydia FaUer hma
fr>«n a gutter, yet It Is a fart that
kaoera bar atoca aha waa a child.’
He sinned op tbe horse wboee gait
hun<treds of tons of Egyptian rags
hood. They gn ii> the village school are tirougbt every year to the Unlteid
'WdB. mother. I srlll try to pletnre
had dropped to a stow walk.
and fancy they see Uterary careers Sutes to supply our paper mlUa. At
her oat oa my way to the atattaa. Bat
“t caat eee bow that benefits tbe
opening wide before them. They go Haanheln oa the Rhine the AmeriK aaama to taaay. Too mast remembiscuits." he said.
-I could answer the quesUoa better
the town academy aad waste their
herl hara Barer aeea a woman profceHer merry laugh rang out.
Imporiera have rag picktog bouses
If I had her dcwcrlptloa.' said the
years In adding knowledge that conaor hilbiii”- ' — . '
—TWlira BOl quite capable of puiwhere rags are eolleeiN frBBI BO bvw
n<K help being useless. They become Riiropt- ttbr dlM-ar.- IfifeclM Levant
'“Ut Boa. bo aotkma.' Pxd. Loalee
Uag yoanalt to the biscuit's place."
Maaea la a lady of the higheat coltere
she eald. Tn fact you hwallow (hie'seepted*. snd where
aad ao doaht eaa be eatremely ente^ dluiiles. and Aboer's attention to the biscuit srithout a tbougbi of the chem­ thought of—of niairtmouy. When they children work with wet sponges tied
find that their sniatierlngs of learntatotag.”
ical aclloD involved—or of the po>
their mouths, sorltog the filthy
not lu demand they are
'■And yoa We* ao Men bow sbe
stole danger to your toleraa) reoni
scraps fbr shipment U> New York. Our
obliged tn accept such employment as
-Bhe is tall and thin with a homed my." ,
l-cst iwpers are inadt- of these rags
• *No. my HaJemly luwwabc-lxblidi- Boee and large Klasacii. and sbe dress­
"This is a hard-beadod old world. ,
Paper making from tbe toner hark
UMp the unpalaublo rcaliulicm
ty noommaaMd to at by my dear es In rusly black."
be aald: "I wouldn't value your pro­
of life. Naturally, they cannot help of plants, like tbe -mitsiitnaU." 1
The youag woman shook her head. fessional rerommeadaUon half
friend. Lydlp^roller. It was Lydia
feeling uiQlUled for the lalior they are crcatluD of the Orient.
"U there hsd been any such person niiKh If It were written to LaUa."
who asked Umt ^ ml^t rlatt oa for
calleti upon to perform, and daily ri- softer. silUer. tougher and lighter
a few days of taat and qalet reerea aboard," sbe said, -year admirable dr"ilkat's too bad. Berause really, Istenee becomes bitter and hopeless" than our papers. If wet they lose
tloB. It caama that abe has bees de- aerlpUon certainly would recall ber^" you kpow. It could be wrlttca to Latin
ihelr strength, like tissue popor, but
He paiiKcd and looked at the girl.
- Ihrerlag a oouras of fatlgnlDg
"Then." said Abnec. "let me oBer or In Greek, or even la Sanscrit."
-A sad plrtOre," sbe said. “Yon Ml drying regain It. They aiv atually
tares darlag tha aammar aad needs
» a seat to tbe Prater pbaeioo.
and for ibis raaaoB were
"Who would write it?"
paint well, and sboold enlarge yoor
n chaaia of acake.
And I eras This way. pleaBe." He escorted ber
highly valueJ formerly for sorglcal
“1 could even do It mysrif." she canvas.'*
only too glad to ohBge Lydli:across the ptatfortn and seated her la smlllagly aauwered.
purposes—New York Herald.
Im'■Taa. motbar. yoor deareat delict the carriage. “Itave you a truakr
“You!" be cried.
preseioD on you." be aald. "You are
-Yt^ lhal'e the 00c on the plat­
la to oblige BOtoabody. Bot aren't yoa
"Yes. at a pineb. I'll eonfeas (bat young, and—-and so aliracUvc. and
Oystera Artificiallr Fad.
tsklBg galte too m«eh opon youmeU? form. Here's the check."
I haven't any ilkliig for Sanscrit, and yon bare not ln»t hope. But I ran tell
Lynnhsvee. Va.. tbe Ualirtl
Hara yoa are with ootipany coming
~I will arrange to Imve II sent ap I fear 1 couldn't do myself josilce yoa that where one woman sueceedr ftiutmt bureau of fisheries has
and BO maid to help 700."
early this afternoon." mM Abner, as thiough its Btedium. but I wouldn't in estahlisblog a reputalloo ai^a working for several years on a plan
“niahetb Otahan baa proralaed to be stepped into the Isigtagcmaater’s be afraid to try."
scholar tbousaods fall." He pat^ a to establish an ariinrtal faiienlag bed
aesd me a maid today or tomorrow.
He came bark la a momcat or
He dn-w a long hrouth.
"Have you ever l^rd of for oysierv. The oyster llvea ehlelly
Saimboth ealU her a rery aoperlor
-Your Inmk Is of very modest
-And yet.- he aald. 'you wtrald have Umlse Mason. Professor Louise Ms- on diatoms aui^oifaer tnlettmcople ma
V girl. Bat. there, you moat hurry aloog sue." be aalil.
e believe that tkaqe rcmaikabh- soar'
plants These plants require for
or the trale wU be la before you get
“It's quite large enough for a short gIRa ate not wasted?"
“Ixtulse Ussoo? I have beard of tbelr growth a large supply of toor
there. Aad be Jam as alee to the proganic salts in the water. The aeces
atoy." she answered.
"1 have no dcsiio to nuke you be­ her."
feeaor he yoa know bow."
Abaer gathered up the rtdas and lieve anything of (he sort. I am even
ury plant food Is supplied fay patting
"Tea. mother, bat It •eena eo rery
iraereiai fertllirers Into the water
started on the homeward Jountey.
scilUng to admit that there
field. Sbe Is the author of several
odd. A femlBlae profeaeor! And am
"Yoo may change yoor nlad when subsuntial nntrlmeni 1a one loaf of text iKK^s. She la at the head of a The faltentog bed must be in ahallom
I to eaU her pfofeanr when I meet
you come to know ua." he said.
good bread than to :!« pages of Sea- groat whcsil for girls. Professor Mi>on low water, so as to haveji r«laUve)y
"Abool^wbatr abe asked.
scvii. Caa t we compromise oa thair
my mother's gueal for s few high temperature A wait Is main­
'’That's her Utle. av eoa. She nUght
She looked at him qalckli.
He shook bl» bead.
w'eeks. Yon will have an nppononity' tained around the fattening ground so
teal oCanded It yoa didn't nse U."
-About sUylag. I'm sure you'll like
to retain the fertlllter and dial'
“No.” he replied. The coareuloa
study h«-r. You will see the efieet
That woaM nerar do. ni prateaeor
Even after the diatoms have m
mot her."
Is ton small Let me put m.v Indlrlher to her heart'e ooateat.’'
That's crediuUe."
plied enomouslt tbe oysters receive
mem In detailed form. I object to
"Aad are yoa sure you will knoe
He looked at ber wltD a cut
ucatton In women, becanse >aluahle object lessnn to youV
treneSt from them unless a enfreni
I' msimaUicd to the water to cart-]
It Is Urgely wasted."
"You have seen ber. then?"
*t3u } imsuke bar? Sbe weal
“Yoo aeem." he aatd. "a llUle
the food tn tbe oyeters.
"We have heard (bat charge be­
- No; but I ca^fflogjae her."
hare (o parry any B. A-h or A. B.'a or
above your sialton."
fore. Go on.“Oh. yes. Your picture is not an
Salt water U pumped In to preveat
Li. 0.*e oa her trank. HI know her as
"Do I? Too are qalte oheem
Tt unfits them.for tbe mtsatoa In attractive coe."
il>e fattening lieds from Incoming Ion
for oa I COB ape her. A femJalne pro"I mean that yoo give evidence of ate for which they seem specially lo"Walt and sr<'."
fresh and a little lime i> added to the
feeaor. That-a too good. Goodrby.
bavtag received aa edaealion.tendeB."
"I sHII. aad I thank you so much." water m prevent the growth of algae
mother. Prepare to bAold tbe protet"Let me again commend yoor pow
"Sad.-lf tnie. Coon."
He looked up soddealy.
and other plants which would give
er of observaUoa. Aad what la them
“It makes them ne^ccUul of their
"There Is mothCT 00 tbe poreb, wait
Bavcw to the oyslcrs. Too
Aad ho was ttiu uimblag as be to aa edueatloa to eoaSIct with what home dotlea."
lag for us."
much time, on the other hand, will
ataitod the aplrltodWouBg horM. Thee you call my atatloa?"
.He spoke to 'he horse, and In a destroy 'he food plants of the oysters.
as he tamed toto the highway be look­
little flostrated by her
moment drew up at the steps The
Tbe process sec-ms somewhat comed ba«A with a laagh 00 hit merry qoestloa.
gray hatred lady ram achrer.
i idlcaled. but It has been demoastAted
face aad hla mother fancied that the
"Yoa cetuialy do not need It." be
"Dear me: 1 wonder H that's truer
"MrHher." be gslIr'caJled. "the pro- j to be reaslhle and "• yield fine
srord ’■Protaaeor'' sraa on hla lips. said.
■jL<rohs them of beauiy
feasor didn't com' . but I brought the
Then be paaaed arouad tbe bead In
8be opened her bright eyes a iitUe gnc« aad of that fine feminine tothe read and waa tost to al|hL
sUoet that prompu them to make
Tbe highway that led to tbe railway
am afraid." she said. That you themselves a» ebarmtog as possible.
Farvstry in ^nado.
auUoa ran down hUI a goodly share
trying to convey la a aomm
•That's a hard hit
"I am glad to meet you. my dear."
Tbe CanadUn Pacific Bsllway
cd the way. U was Are milee from the
idabout fashion tbu yoa do not and her hand stole up to tbe ablntog said the gentle mairoa.
"K'bat Is, pany has begun tree planilQg 00 quite
rosier farm, aad Abaer Piwtor cor- believe In higher educaUan for wo- braids of ber colled hair and patted mr name?"
j an extensive scale along iu westeni
ered li la qalck time. As be reamed
Utem icnderiy.
"My aame is Lotose Mawoo." ibc'}to<-s A eonirart ban been let for
the brow of the last bill be
He toached the horse with the wUp.
"And It makes them old before girl demurely answered.
j small acreage of breaking near Wotsmoke qf tbe eomiag train aad a lit­
■1 itaaX" he asM.
There was a snddea clatter of hoofs 1 seley. xm which It Is the Intmtloa
(betr time.”
tle later II Bathed actoee the traeUe
Sbe toughed merrily. It was a mttsl"I hope that's all." she said,
aad a whirr of wbedls. and the light: experiment with tamarack for Um.
orer Badtor't crock aad drew ap
ral laugh.
seuada ao very dreadful."
hair way to the hare when ^ A piece of groood Is also to be plaaithe lowmofM euttoa.
-1 gosaaed It" she cried.
"it's overwfaciraing." sbe cried. "At the aurtled wooiea lookad up
• . ed at Medlctoe Hat. with jack plae
He nightly fresraed.
least. It Is quite enotigb to coortoee
-Louise Hasoa! " repeated lbs ly and tamarack for the sane
- Ahaer wae there almoet as aooa as
- the train, aad holding la tbe
-I object to it" be quickly aaM me to a fatoiloe that can't be ahaken." wildered axatroo. "Bm what did my i Over I'lO miles of trees are
by bis straage r
hoiM with a Brm grip be eat to Uw becaitae It la almoet tovarlablr
am afraid you aatorally are na<
planted between Winnipeg and
Hgbt wagoa aad IcxAed aeroes 'the itowu away.or tbe ansbakable sort." She toughed
The girt toughed arerrily.
gary. for snow breaks, aad at aeveral
ptotform. r
“Do you thtok aor
eoftiy. -Apd now." she added, “pray
•That was merely a bit of bai
suttons trees are to be planted around
title station greonds. and prixea are to
“I know It Look at youraalf."
satiafr my cartoelty on a emteto
Ttet sroold sKtear valo. But If I potot. Why have you redetred ao fre-:
be oSered tbe sectlcm foreoNa srbo
tMke 'the best abowing.—CaaadlaB
Aid what wouU 1 aeer
qMoUy to callaary mattera-ui bread
It cattalBly wh a ebarmtog IBM aad btooniu aad griddle eakeer
Is limitoed t»-b« shy aad raservad.1. Fpnatry JoaraaL

HO. •

Harper's Weekly, was compelled- aot
long age to give tiriet orders that,
while be waa eogaged to tbe proparaUoB of bis sermons, hts yoong too
must be kept reasonably quiet,
spite rt this, howr-ver. there arose

A Uttlo ed IvarytMng.
There ara'oely 150 miles of rallwaj'
to Itoragoay.
Kerosene was flrat oaed for RghUag
pwrpoars to tt».
One mllllea doltora of gold coin
weigh 5.<«6 poaads avointaimla.
Tbe women of Basel. BwItaerUad.
are among (be ablest ribbon makers
1a the world.
LoRMBMlvea of Amertean pattern
are used 00 the aew fast expreasee
betweea Ootogne aad Berila.
A postage stamp, addressed oa the
gummed side, has been delivered at
Fife. ScoUaad. as a letter.
The moM expensive ebair to (be
world is owned by the Pope. It la
wade of silver, and rest fifOPap.
In JapaasUtepneenuadar hi auw
good pay (or aoskllied lafaoren. It
was six cents lea years ago.

banging and hatniuering. wbkh
ed to Indicate that the sfCaw-beatlag
pipes were b<-lne knoeked to pieces.
Burrytog out of fais study, the miaUicr encountered bis wife.
“My dear, what in the wot^ Is Bob­
by doing?' he asked.
“Why, be Is only beating oa ’ the
radiator down-stairs." was the some­
what surprised reply.
-Well, be must stop It." the lalvls(er aald deddedly.
“I don't think b«> will harm it. dear."
bU wife aoKwered sontblngiy:
<■ only thing that wliuibep him recently a Crysantbemum plail'.witb
a green bloesoffl was estalbfled.
Tbe aame nf Jfae Bmpreos erf Jagan
Some Flpurca. '
Is O Haro—-Spring." Tbe aame of
The twvBiletb century will have tbe Crown Priaee to Yoobl Hlta..
twenty-four leap years, the gtsatest
Tbe sum of tto. <W»,«ge «UI be apemt
number possible. February will have by tbe ArgeaCtoe repabllc wttbia tba
five SuBiUys* three times—l»S". mi next five years oa new rallwaya aad
i!i;«. Thf earliest possllile dale broach lines
oa whk-h ISaslcr caa occur Is March
thttes aad mrlaas ara almoet tbe
The last lime It occurred oa that oely (ood of many of the poor In Jedate was ISIS. The latest date that roaalem Ksaally only
Easter ran occur U April ti. It will day to taken
(en by tfcom.
occur bat one time la the ceatury on
If Berlinn ai«exbdi^^^. tt
that daie—iStr. Tbe'ralddle day of
the cTOlur;' will In- Jan. 1. ISM. There and would be tbe seeoad eUy to ntoe
will be 3S« eclipses duriag the ceatn- la tbe world.
la IKS there will be »
lYhIle cattle arc ptentiful to BraxIL
eclipses. There will be -eight nolar and pasturage costs hardly anything,
eclipses visible to (be Ueiied Stales— butter in Rio Jaaciro average* aboat
ISIS. tkss. is:r>. tsis. issi. isTS. lieire In cost what it doea to tbe
1SS1. and 1»St.
Called Slates
Tbr explnilug rx|s<dmua under
Csra-Cradl* In Africa.
Ueut. Ilourvt which raceaily rtduiwed
Prof. Predertek Starr, who recently
from tbe gpper iracbes of tbe river
rHumed from a fifiecn-aanihs' trip lo
Niger, rairtod pbooograpbs with
the heart of Africa, speaks
his dlswhich the war sougs of the nalivca
ruvi-ry iif tb<- game of ral'wcradle
among ibe aatives. Hr says:
Snow to aold for s
t pound to
I m«lr a study of tbe natives along
the north of Strtty. It Is a «
(he Katai and Batua Rivers, where the
I nwBopoly aad after twlng gmibP)-gmles are wmatlrr than anywhere
ered on the monauias Is retallerf (or
clae. They average only three feet ifi
rrfrlgeratlng parpooes to tbe eftJes.
toebes to beU^. Tbelr most li
n has recently hooa dtoeoreeerf that
cstlag game Is twlhtog more aor less
the hair In the eara of stoera to of a
than "cat'a cradle." a gante kaowo
qnallty which permJU Us betog waed
most American boys. I saw them play­
to tbe BUBofarture of camels' balr
ing the game ju*t after I reached tbe
bnishca. And the nekevj— fegve aaCongo, aad I speai moeb time loreMlotfaer eource of ravMtie.
gatJBg tha Mme and Its origin,
Tbe first eapitol d( Obto at Oilllifound that the uilves played over I'M
cotbe. was built of ki^. It was two
dIBerent forms 'of th# game.
stories falgb, which mafia It a buBdlng
of mark ia^ lu time, aad lu dlraenManchuria’s River Highways,
la Maaehoria the rivers have loag sloos on the ground ware M feet by
beea tbe great highways to 'sumoter 3t feet—which woe Mg (Dr Cblilkntbe.
esident Rooeevett to a jeaior mem
aad their Icy surface Is much used for
carting nercbandlM' la wlater. When
tbe ground Is frozen bard, there air
Mher roads which serve tolerably well deaeeodant of a maa who eitber voted
that are of IitUe oae to spring aad for Hale to 1S62. Fremoat to liK. er
Kewchwaag U tbe principal port Uacoln to 1M0 dr lfi«4.
Tbe makiag of wooden spoons to a
of Maacburla. and last winter It la
to Brlttaay. m
said that from 1.500 to J.OOO loaded
ilderaUe importaace. for
ully there for table nse. Many aa
old sailor takes up the carving of
ceaaary utcnslU as a »Mas
<jf llvrtiboed.
A Ismpless ligbtbooae to loratud at
Aralsb Hock. ScoUaad consL It to a
cone of rastlroa platre sarmoonted
by an arrangement of prisma nnd n
mirror w^lrh reficets (lie llglit from
tbe lower on U-wls istoad, iW feet
A cht-niisi iu Wlcebadea. Germnay.
by bn-cdlag aad feedtog bit fowU to
a special way. has bemi aWe to mt
The CIgci
A phonograph which can )m- beard a loeresae tbe natural qoaaUty uf Inm
mile away is a new French Inventloo. to eggs that they are medicinal and
call'll rile •iK'-phoae it was foau'l Bseful (or tb.' cure of varlou dbenees.
Tibet Is reported by (be geotoglst
if a liralag fork be struck. an>i
hrid in a t>rigtit flame, the soand wbo acrompaDk-d tbe British coralaienslBt'l. I'sins this principle, itoaion to ibat cniatry to be strikthe inveotor mski-s the needle of tbe toglr poor to valuable miacrals. Tbe
phonograph travel through a flame of largest ykid of gold was .U graia u
producing the loud sound desired. too of gravel, and there waa no trace
tVhlle the machine b still In the es- of coal or-indigenoof gems.
[N rinun'sl stage. U promise* much.
Tbe height >rf (he great Victoria
Falls of the Eambest river, to S>Nith
Africa. Is moeb more thsa d>N>ble
Titnea Hav* Changed.
Nine years ago. by actual oW-rra that rrf Niagara Falls, bat the average
tkici. there were I.24T likycles around volume rrf water flowiag ovif the Af­
the junction of Broadway snd Seveo- rican prt-dpice Is so mucb less than
ly-Seeond street. .New York, between that of tbe Ainertcu river that, to
sunr}>e and tanset on a lat* SL.pu m- horse power, 'tie Meturia Falls pr><bab:>-i> alNiut fificeq to twealN*r day. and riM automobile:
abile, according to a eareful record ty per o-nt. a* miich as tbe Amerlrea
made ooe day last «*Ntk. four biryriea raiaract.
The Mialk'*i toe* ever printed haa
been poWtobed by Swlmto Br«*. .rf
Padtu. It bas P'S p*vv aad oieuitu
A fipider titat Fiahe*.
■ iett*T wntico fty nalltoo to Qtwen
^’rofeseor Iferg. In Biir>n>/s .t.rro. Christine of ty.ratoe to t«15 Every
has discovered s •spider, which prac-! P»gc has nine line, sad stonH lOO IrtOshiag. at times.
In shall>ywj
periertly visible to the ashed
pUres It spins between stones a i*v)- W notwith.uodtog the *01011 type
larterx of
Tbe book 1
winged, conical net.
by twiHlirilis of aa laeb. aud
water and raptarei aoull fish,
udpoles. etc. That it uaderMands IU s s .wnader of the typographical art.
work well. Is shown by the nomnous
to rellto(,A large tree to Clrewtesshriveled skins of tittle rreaUres that er. GlonceMerwhlre. Eagtond. a Wrd's
lie about to the web art.
mt eoBtalaing four sags was dtocur
iered lachwed to a bMIew near itot
heart of rbe trank. Tbe sap rings
showed (hat nearly a eanury had
etopMd Mace the eggs wera laid, aad
It caa be nude a p
obTlqaa that Ika boltow bad
We import t:i.«o«AiDD worth of goat
ecci were
Intact istt aUgbtJy tafiofi. i
sidna a year, for abOM.
OeteeUnq Otfara.
An English dortor has beeo stsdytog Ibe coraparaUve seaslUxctiea of
and women tn odors. Tbe averman, It was found, could eaaiiy
detect the i>r<-i>ence of Icttoo essence;
dll'itiHi with NWOOO times Ua own
bulk of water. Womca could only
recvgnl/e It In a mliture erf one part
tU-OOf'. Adam must have had a
cold that day Bve proflered him ooe

■ aad If poariWe. a can

Ilth. O. C. M<«»U. FVedertok W.
Moyne. E. B. Bsbeodc.


A Doctors

(Tuk Rodb-E. R- HrCay, W. tl. C.
Ommatae. F. «■ Muds. W. K. Moon.
Amn P. Kedtagof.


Id the order, ^las U bl* babbr ana

te Odd FaUtm ball, tbe cere- talkiac It an the tine.

After parlag H. Ft*U.

br Gnsd a bearty trlbate ta tbe trareillas naa.
by reclUai; "Abou Bm

OWIar it a. Bowtu o( Oeirait,

trnkm br OraM BKrctair J«m>
.Cook m
«i« IM Saprene

PrlBllBg-^T. H. OlHle. A- B. CoiV. F.
This promlres 1o be one of the i
Importaal occjuilon* aonhera

CAPITAL, 9200000



a simple cough syrup.

of tbe


eouadi alto apoke bnefly euUes that
Petoakey waa willlas ta aid Traretaa
tmm Mb tbe Petoaker eoaaell and

aiy la aay way.


poeta .(be ooaaal aloas aad (bat ^1
pull tasetber.

WliUaai E. Bnith. briefly


Mt pleasure

1; cures hard esses,


desperate cases,!

risy, btonchitis, c<


Ask your doctor tbout this.

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Blalc Only.

Tbe bast kind al a tasumoaial—
•"Sold far cvCT alaty yar*."

bnra. might have rvsnil«-tl seritiurly.

Room 3 to New StAta Bank BulidlnR.

fur overeoal.

tbe prostoiB


The cork s-inked crit

.mJL s«s*raiUA


through hto ctotblng and rn.-uing 4n

after aaotfaer orchestra aeleeliini. tbe cuauet with a portlno of hit right
You will hasten recovery by tak­
bosqoet adioumed.
thigh. The sirougust ponicm of»ibe ing one of Ayor's Pills at bodtime.
There were about Bfty preseal Id neld sottiM to the bottom of the bottle

Pace. Awe nauart.
flaatM. c. A. Tniibeek.

V A. W. Jahrasi. all at tbe baaquet and ueetlas aad nnd this was the part that n-mataol
all eojoyed tbcsiBeircs buitOy., Tbe Id IL Had that, loo. came Into eoDiacI

I, Sr. A. U. HidUdar.
be «ark «aa aoBCladad. tbe


bum would have beeo taflicted.

am aMuBd< s» tba Park

Oeorte P. Craw. F. E Scott. F. M.

tbe aaata aad analtar a«C> oa tbe P. W. Oerpeater. H. A Bartlett of
Ml. H. B. Ai
abnitatata. Oa
tba uMee

ROOHNG-Tbe bel aal ctaepet

IhU tiDi.'

INTERIOR HNbH-Stackafld special.
All kinds of shop \vork i«v ord»*r on sliott
lh-aler» claim It' Is ;i, i.rari-li>

R. rnmplM^I farm ov. r rtunday.


IkUk anil the ii'ifKl* fiii !b>- wm-k i-'

WllltomHeas to Mill v.-o-.tov.

t'bi(-ag<> Jibcia a

If. r. Biifl Is at Tni»vrH> City

Phones. R, 1! .•••.O: Citz.

.M.-i l.aLo As. tiui-


Un, r n )i-af :ia«>

• ZY r; Z's: 5 21:;^--

Uaeota Club Banquet.

Tba hMDet waa aarred wUb aaeh

Bich pasatas

'day brlsbtcae

proapeeta of a moot





thai firls it tin-

(or tbe kib of Harrh.
It to probable that it will not lur held

Id. Barber to htane fmm Ihv seb».i;

I'hui.v l’ii-i<I .fl -l.iptii fiirtiriiliirly tine Iluvor aci!
exe.-ji! aiTi •Il!ilil
If 30-j
Imv.- trmili!e ceUini: a





this date,

however. a»

Sluraiil the tSrawn poiilo huiers are jwylag
that be l be case, ample eolicc wilt be rlc a huRhcl. ■hiey are buying and

F. J. MaoMctt

i,tnjY,,,ig try .t stinpli- ,mtm.l ofUus
AV.-«.ilt.k.....r eWito ..1. your rv-tning Iv.-k,

(.'olted Del, farm.
flanioca Flakaa
Mm. P. L Bird ti. enlertalotag'h,r'
----------------------------- '
Statu Senator Winiam Alden Stniib
School Fom
will be the chief epuker and it may friend. Hiss Pepper from l/mg
t at iMkt Treat Spaalab Sasce.
___ ______________The
rrf llie*tau
'''I''- •■•..•iMirr at il.e*tuu . f; M.. li>
be that bis dutlu Id WasbtaetoQ wilt

VVe have the Best Tea on
the Market.

We Believe



quet of tbe Orand Traverue Llaooln
Otauita at Caetar


' rriee, 50c per ponnd.

etAtogia PITTBB

»« will reitdve a b.ial ..t'.-.: .

dcMiD him beyond that dale.
Cerrast Jellr


Gel our prices h' forr Imj ing.

.'n.llKT with till! Iiicb piii'r of rm.u mi-l

ttaw aC-mtaaaaotara were tba tarora.

-ataBd la aatlttad is cnat credit Tbe


'hlKb«-«i mllh onv t »cvi»U<*ii it

Grawtt. Mleh„ Feb. 21! -K.1. Pbillll.R


IMM ^Ib eaadlebra while eania-

■ iataUtr aad ao wan that tbe taai


STORM SASH-Tbe warm kiad.



Baker. C. B. WIIttoiDS. A. H. Wise.
4ar. 4ha diatac nem was dacsfated Trarla.
brand Rapid* wae repmealed
tana taai at tbe wda at

LATH and

DOORS and WINDOWS-All style.

I>H(hh to ndviUB'e a IlMliW. Anntroos. F. H. Bcoaett. R. U


Hog* are High.
Ti:'' Ui>:!i lUltH-O uf diejn.-il huy--

with his flesh It is probable a terrible


Traverse City, Mich.
LUHBER-A'l kinds.

h, A. L. Jaree.

M. «bata as alabonta aad

s per Ceal allowed w n«el>ep«lts

Travarsw City.

He had a fo-jr<aioc-e tMtle of t1>ei

was spilled Inlo bU pocket, so;iklng-

Tbia coocluded
OiaaMlia. L.«. OadBMB.


Plato Class, Staam Boiler arto AccMent insuranew.

and alwiii tbrvc ounee* of the M iff

betas prtsaeaL

ataaOar Me asd tbe


polsuo In the outside p'Ki.el of his!

H. B. AuBur of Detroit, spoke very

Miar wiiloi. A. r. Oanani


It is s

chronic cases of asihma,^pleu-

Dr. X W. GailBtlett ha>t an expi-rlenc with cariioUc arj.l

ymmt artUeiaB ai tboae wbo teak tbe arsed (hat every nan take bold aad

imior rmiiim'-i


Ray Thacker at the local cnascil. while It may amnuitt to liui a niilai

Mir «BrtL ta ararj raapact «aa be-

Tba MtoBiBB are tbe oftem:

Might Mkv*



ern part of the Mate.
Oaadoetor Seott

•M four aw»»caUa«a. t«Mtr«tx is

Tire Insurance!

Ayer’s Cherry Peetorsl is not

Jobs M. eWelda. aeorataiy of the aad II Is a futogoae eooclusiao (bat
GMMlar^CtedM.Wi Blee ot Kev Petoakey oonell was called spc
there will be a very large gaihcrhig
T«k. Tba sew cmaell atarta wltb save aowta adrice (o tbe aew
tbrtmgbuoi the nortfa-

Sivqn of the chanse. 'There has been
(bat a special ecwuloa of

Maltaped Orateia

tU Ualled Statu ecoate will be

This betas

Smith could



the cate.


here iinlil


close of that sesatna wbirb In any

R«imrt Rasey baa mm.-.l l.i tSraati.
ontm.,, r. Tlili. i. .«.« h....™
net anile annul in iln- lax tuentnit
last ytwr on rallrond n

E. Harr.

fenure being due t« lliV

Maaqatwade ball -tii be given at ttlb

Must Be Ltcenstd.'
n-Vy, .I,'.','., •



•I'll,- A,;:i.- i


flge nf taxes throughout tin- Male r«i

T Inn. Feb 22. I»i7.

Mm. Uharira rulnh-r li;i» rvioru'-il whleh the (allroinl tale to ha>.-.l. H>u
event would be bul a very few days.
. Mat'a . mtbeatia tsmlabed
It to aa addlUun n> the eiie.- prtiiiiii}
TlrfceU Id tbe haoqiirt will Ih. >1 from a two wei-ks vtoll at CliuiimMii.
Willie' IlHTe vbe altelid'd. llu- to-NnI fiiii.l un-:ii«T tliiui i-iei'
aad the auaual fee of :K) rents to
mnilefroni that snuire wjili i|i.tained. tbe bta bit betas.
members whlrti nahu tbe person pay'- MillineiT whiOeeole ep.-txing.
batyn to aaaber Laad Bel Teti aad
last vi-aT» tax.
Ids that aaioopt a member ddUI Feb.
Ma," tba auraa betas aaas br taia.
1. 1*0». Bach member will lie sivrn
Death o( Nbah Fuller.
The many friiueto irfliitle Mis»
■Hit Aa— tbe Bumbeia on tbe
two saticry licketa. Slewart'a eleven
lAke Ann. -Mlrli. Feb. 2r- -Ni«aU I 1,1 Biiros. tlaiiRhler of I r. Uiirt •■i^m waiw ’‘Atwertraa Faataar.';
placa oicbeatra ha* been enitased ror l■■^lne^, aged 4S. .lied (IiIr afternoon
I Ih- pleased
111 leain lliiH -t •• i.<«-<Ul.:i
w Tba—I. Tellpe aad PaBtaea." bj
tbe ocGUloo and will ronlcr a -pro- hto home here. He l.m. Hv«. i« Ai |
-otttarkai Orertore,*
—hi >11 tba aeealsf aad It waa maeh


t .id/-- i i(d

alley- - ‘-all to-

!■ li !»ii



F-L-ORIST ; Che 6rs0d^ CMtitese tfersU
Tsrm and Ttnside

i-i> .................. .•a'l.' i.V.;'


flial toM.i I'p. i.i. .. r»i-


• if III.- iifi-'i-i-.

VO paprr* for the pns« of ••*.

-Auk Ap'proprialicn.
IbMell H.vib'e. Kf h. Iw




try a herald WANr

AD jTo^^rr;«r’;.:iU;*"ta
! Herald.

sram of choice
little rblld and has many frienito hero.'
Tbe prosram will be IHumlnatod by

The faneni aenrlee will be Snndi:}

addtuau by United Btatca Beaatar Mr. Fuller leaves two brothers, San-!
CM Ibe paalttaB 1a a eary ptaaalas
William AMu Bmilh. State Senator lord Fuller tif Traveme City and Wll-!
—r. Tba fiat aaaalier be tatreFred C. Wetmore of CadlTlao. Hon. J. Ham.Fuller of Rfe Lake, and one eln-;

* Mad «— Onad Oeanaritor Ho^raa.
aM wtaw ^totadr.

Mr. Haenaa aald

N. Wfaelaa of Orand Ledge, epuker ter. Mr*. George Potter of BeoEonla.


of the bonae of repceseDtativu: Hon.

Canadian Goveramant

— M aap-4 earr ataaaaat dtur ta
WfUtem A. Nortoo of 6L lohas. mem­
W laalltau a egaseo aad It waa tba
ber of tbe liODM of
Me mt artaora ooaacUa addad wbtle
ba aad tba (Mr.
”Aboat atataaa r—<• •Cb." be eaid.
-Ota oMr waa Brat atarted.


—n ara aat r«He«ed wUb blatorr.
bat We tbUk

tba ariadptae


"•Rsgular a* the Sun,"
1 capreasion a.-, old ai the niee | 11 run « ouirrhasd dn X
b doubt the rtninp and setting of the •«*r a cold IB tbe bead
Perry F. Power* of Cadillac, ex-audllor
cAam Bnlm i» i.'arol .lUitbe o-Otr
senerol of tbe state and C. A. Paimei
nm the ainntu-iie
wai«bfd. Bel-et I.-bof Maatotee. peaeldNit of tbe State
he liver and howeto when rei
w»ltoU*"rv Itl,ool rifylac—d-.v
Leofoe of Republican Clubs of Mtcb- laled with Dr. Klng'e .Sew I,ir.- Pil
Bo-.r«idnr«»Br'Aiu. Unu-FW.«tta»AUtbhRiiaranteed bi (' A. Bugliev ilriig C
isnHannah Drug Srme. 8. K. Walt
At tbe tost meelins of (be eMcntive Sons. tSc.

“The Hardie” Spray Pump
aO‘l if you are giii'ii: t» liity k spray pump il will


Mnmillee .tbe (onowlng commltlees

wbUk H to Imdad are alraadr old.'
.Aflar a aataetkta hr tbe orcbeatrai



P. C. Ollbert.

J. W.

laroicr-. ol Wexlcrn Canada,
wtia ttc- world hii» to be
led. Ca-.tle kaieiE.:. I>a:ry■ae .asd Mixed rarimcg
ore also rrbbubtc caring*.
W«l. aood ard w..ier in
idasre; cbors'bea asd

Ua had beea a Irerel- Wetmore. A. F. Bunting. I. B. Gilbert.

ttn'M for tblrtr ram Ai It waa J. W. Palchta.
■■Mllhlai to


look back

W. Rickerd.

Elmer E

ad tba trareUDSA— tbea asd R’blle. A. B. Cnrtto.

n wKh BOW.




ttad tbere waa ao other aseacr that CUck.


M. a Holly. Jens


TTbM«« <d Amrica.


We Will Show You
how till-Agitator, li.v Iv-ini; attai'linl i<>the liobilk'of the pomp,
atrxiner cl<-ti . why you never iiwyt a pipe-wmooli to gdt at th*
v-.tlveic: liiiw i;i}mck the ijliiiigiT witoioat ntmoviBg il fmin (he
pump, aud wiiy'Tbe Hardie''i« the
kiiirfs I'f epruyiog.




The order la


Maitad OB thiae s»at prlodplea oa
wbMi ararrthtas fooi to


wdMM asataat totUas petty Jealo—r
want kdataal -toe sood of (be order
aad tboosbt that



sMdwtMa far tba seed of tbe coaodl
aad tbo oetaena tor tbe s<wd of tbe
Put •optotaa Oouatfllor Ktre <
_the Beat apaaker asd he talked os tbe

lirtt pamp made for all





thofoiichiy iu;iute« tho mixture a»<l at tbe same time kn-pi Uie

had deaa aa aoch for the trarelias Malcolm Winnie, sr.
I at bad the Onited o

Im to

ilAnliB” liM

er other niituy piimpa.


r cook, wbo etated that It Samael Gartaad.
■aea U« Stoat ideaaure ta be praaent
Prostom—H. A.
Ml secMs.

ioterest 1 lOkllaii l ofw llieiiiHU3r1l<1vjinta*;fla'Tuv

Buiheliof Wkiit

Banqnet—O. P. Carver. J. Vf. lillU-

Oraod kea.

The Farmers’ Store

toder. aarlBS tbal

Kovland Douglass


. Our Seeds Will Be Here ‘

H )-ou are in this conditinn,
your nerve force is weak—tl
power is



- *•

tbu wore sot eo mi«cb wbel tbe i


her set oat of U. bot tatber wbal be

•'slowed up," and do their work

tad tar hie tellew men.






This, failure



the system and brings distress
sad disease.

When the ner\-es

are weak the heart is
laotaltas the obJecU of Ue order,

to force the life-giving blood

bo aatd that It had a siembanhip of

through your reins; llie slom-

ddAM.aad that it carrtad os three de-

ach fails to digest food;

pirttatata at oalr a allsht eaeau coat


oear what it would carry ose alooc.

irilics from the blood, and
impti.---------the poisonous waste remains m

Thau la tbe fratersal future of tbe


power to

the system to

that roarutau that tba widows asd

Nerve* energy must l*e restored.

orphaaa of tbe weatlxre wool eurre

ine will do it.
Dr. Mnes* Nefvir

or dta 1a tbe poorbonae aad accldut


laaaraaua at coat for tbe menbera.

nerves; it is a nen-e medicine





order, the widow aad orphan' (usd

la tbe coatM of bla ratsaika. Mr.





entire nervous s)-8tem.
.- tbodiraad eonsaaUor of Puarlrwla.

n«s*fl iskinc Dr. »<■-«'
and wd sluwvltar «*ht

Better than Any Other
CoKee at the Same Price
The largest exclusive coffee roasters
in the world import this coffee direct,
blend it, roast it and pack it in air-tight
packages and sell it direct to dealers.
Think of the profits saved by this
direct dealing. This saving is put into the
extra quality of M'^Laughiin’s XXXX
Coffee, and you get the benefit
The handy air-tight package and Uic
glazing of pure sugar keeps this coffee
clean and fr«h — protected from dust, dirt
and foul odors.

to Ttolt tbe botaU tro
1 rveqr Susday asd Bad
•at wbathtr tbara ate aay trarelltss
U tber
vhatbar tbap ara amabara er aet.
•ewoia or tone etbar tokn abowtas
that they Am trtaada. abouM be left

............ ..........................
City .Siv.1 Ho

.... , ................................... _
,Wa I„vo Miisfio-l roost of tboto

whu hkv» li-Mjjht a^s of ii* berotifors and luit-nd t'l do oo Ihia

giving' out. the or­

MCUushlie'* XXXX CoNce is Sold by
»wortb A*-*. AUtabray. r*.
ew.WIM tosfvlu I* SSM
tails, ha

Wi-httv^ onliTod

W.-ix tn.-l I»l*Tk W;ix

Early Blon>i Turnip.

iraiit— firrola


Oxh«art. Danvr-r half l'>nc *nd ln»|ierial lonR
varii-lK-it-* **h»rt and fkin'vr
Thvoe.... c*r«l...................

for aifw-lt ;ind Ion;; oraoi:<UMiraoRi-.for
.. _.
. u**Ur*. Lrllii-v-

Fimoa tbo

Mamr-1. MAmmolh f^oR

Ki-f. Rptfular Sobat and (ioldno Tankard Itflcta
(u-vt-rAl vartaiipa

navi-rol of tbr

Uir.1 fv,uaali. Water Melou

’ --a.-aiTiin<'thur *wl*ar»''aj^oi-

aorfs of Radish



bar,:- H-! Wnathamfi-l 1 And Yal-

low Globa Onioni. PanoiiM. ffar1>-ii 1‘vai. a f«w of tlie
Finest mixetl Mwe*-l l’-a« Nasturtium, otr


What wa want is vnur onUr for your
Aw-tlfl; maka
out yotir hill for your Of d* At on-pend il Vj «s and in caae

W-Vf SY-rg*rY •. gri

that we do not havA some of th*- ai-eiis in

Bernice Felker

lh«m for ytm.

'loeli we wooM got

f>-t »s know what tWne you want tb«(B aent or

what lime VOII will Im after iheo and »*’ (vdl aee
der-are pn’impll.v ffllt-1

(hat your or­

IKm't delay this onler.



you lime aa-1 motnsy and will antisfy you.
of Ititi-lh-

tl V-IVR. ■ T'•

ti.> In ii i;i ;nd hi« I'l -'i



A.Mn™.llo.i*ni|-n*.,pKr.-. lt..™ iI.lh« if. to, hnii.




Tbto:«lii«firHt rorr'-'t aiww<T.

N’onr of .■.h'- !•-}» I'Til'ii

liorni'-v ran pomo


apairof phots fr*L «od alu-r
warint; tlp-ni a whiU* ahv will

All Firit Class Grosers.

writa and

tall ua

liktto liipm.

how abi-


MOm Medical Co. klkbhR. Xad




• te-

rn«i>m^ etvk


no bann to anybody.

. Mama Ooartad*.

Harry Gaaipbell. Leeo SbUaoa

Tbetr paraoH of


arallr oboerrad la tbe ctfy eebooli to­ Aabury M. H ^arata In iba atiarooon.

9tm wtf tkt iMker.



train, which be wa* building at a
fa 4t.»ki.noA. wUl be a raoanmei

Mr. and Mia. S. L. Olaiy of Ue a ilriQc U an Iniaraidhic slubt aod

\ At Ik* MotbarY slab M*Ua«
( ai
a tka tire. Balpb Vlakoiebli. Will Toinba. Waet KiBlh eiraal. mara mairtad maav aiilm vcrald ba vRlIdx to pay a
Bari Oordoa.
'Mi:?ut--Ai«dtBc TMtarterr ■n•^;
ymr* rrWUr.
la pnod price lor Iham a* part faatara*
honor of tba avani Mra Olnay amar■ (b* topic vaa "ruiluHas Tala*'
-Asarlea.’* aebool.
Here Wedded.
Waaktaaioa-a Mitbday U balac s**- latnad (ba Ladlan’ AM ■odaty nf Iha
«e Wwnal TnUalar* a»d Mlaa Martoa


Bow Many Perfectly Well Women
Do You Know?

was piesideni fa elpfat. general man

Bennett, the Charlevoix

aper of three. vi«^ presltleot fa three,

surfman wbo raved the life of a boy

Ska lw*n b; clTier * MK klaiory day. Neariy arary o«e «( iba prtinary
ercretiity fa
tteasutvr fa «.ne and
rooai* bed a ^htcrau and all tba wban tba caaMe lafi tbay «ald pooilby who skated Ihrouph the ice tpin Glen
a diterii.: in ak itn- re«i.
iovar sntde* bara bean
dotas aK ■* ibnapb tbay did ooi la(a*d i» ra- take ChriMtba* day. was united in
After aeppar. howa^ar. ihay marriace l-Mday. Feb. IS. to Mis* JesM'. Eekier a Candidate.
rbCTria* nod batebeta dsnred larya- rama bark vlih ibalr baabaDde and fele M. Hanabew fa Cfaarierou
Wiaiakt or tb* trad* aebaoi* la OarW H. Eckl-r lOilay anDoune«'<l 'ha'
rnsmape reremony w*» iicrformed a»
• mnr. akowtat ko*. a* a rwalt «rf If Id tba dacorathuf.
be it a ciin-lldate fur justice fa the
Ib^ lixnie <if the bride's parwni* in
tkaa. Qagaaay kaa b*«e «ia or tfca
iu*ace to fl;i tarjiJi.-y. Mr. Bcklct ha,«
seleeilonH, reeliaUon* aod la other that city.
leadlac Moatrlal povart i( tka
1 bf^ In the ci'» lor Ibe past Hteo
Olad From Anaeathetie.
Mrs Ward W Bennett ha* been forand ha. had ratiNi.Ierfa.;<.,.-x«atM.
IfaatM] ttalalv niwt kara
James Purri* oT ibl* rity wax calM pirasinp wsvs and llpht ifareshroenis
were served.
Mra. Olney ws* pre­ some time a posi
•aacUoal tbIm or iha iaaaamal po*- in Grand Rapid* Friday by a
!"*^':‘‘*^*^'*“;per|.-t..e ,u th- ;,i-.lee U-.-lncA
kn or tb* votM vonU not atra It pram annouocinp ihe deaib of
and iv.tiiiiar
The young peopl^ wili[
gig Lead.
**eh paver. Mw aald. vhlla tba aekool moiber.
rvmrerning ibe aad affair piece* a* memmloes of the event.
m mMal'traWst *M lia rro«tb la
^ aekaola of tke DaliM ktataa as*

Mnicn Kmstrtaa aod alao «**« a brtaf wor* Id ctmnactton rritb iba da.r.

d*a* not alB to taoeh tba trad* it


ibe Grand Rapid* Herald today nald

IM or *»►
trade* srataaiS In tke woual iraleb« MIsb aebool*. bat a* a nalorltr
^ bora IwT* aebool beTora nterina
^ Hlgb Kbooi fav racalTa benadt
fim aaab

iralalns aad are ibrovn

Into Hia bualiiM* world vfilioat prapkiatioB.

The aannal trattlas tausht

bMore tb* i^sb aebool baoedta
owtpla *st*pi. bni

la not aafSdeBt.

Aa far tba Mrb lor tbe flrbi. loelodtas aevfas a»d

eooMne and


farfai dr doBantle artt tka raanlta are
lory «f aaeb
«opM nnttr bo. laaraad In tba bona.
Tba followlDS pratras vaa flm




rvinl* 8ehomb«rt and Pan| Mallbarf.
Mra. Joba BaMey gare a fine readfaf opuHad ‘'BalaetloB rmn
a'a Wlfa." and Uter followod vlib
■ dimaaka oC tb*



Tdfan. tb* breodaBlas or tba odueatiM of tba orboola wkteb 8ta paplU

birthday of Mrs.


Ken-j make their home in rharlevcux durUisi

nedy. wife fa the Tnrmc-r pastor fa the : the- Ilf.- savine service season

Sim a risbt foondatlo* for tba laani-

adre dlraniy fer tbair vork ta tba

ihivHigliiMit the wlniif.
>r. While mranilme wa* elo«e
One young Indy, who 1* veo' interbead.
Vkenl ante. Miee Bibal Bannhvalte.
••After rhe iiKual tenpih of lime esiid in life and hn* ronile it a
Baelutlen. “Brier Roee.“ Alberta when Ihe pailem KhnUId bare reeor study fill some time, i* In the habit
ered conseioiiRDnie. ii wa* noiked Hut fa dally haticlng up a piece fa suet in
Bdenl aafa. Rutb MUm.

Khe did not rally.

Bfaiia.dnet. Mtanlo Adaan and Hai­
Work EvbibUed.

Oi»a1.| H-ikuer haiiJ-Hl Hre hicc-st
p^td of Ii«<

the yar.l.

Dr. Wbli« at

The bird* bare come to

look her In band, doing' crerythlnp

know Ibis and dally there an- a larpe

l*>srtble lo

briap her bark

niimlier ready for their meals.






falleil. ba* carefully oliserviol the varieili-*]


Death of W. C. McMillan.



dtc-d at

M.-sil ioi.l Mid-


the tuo-i



• He bad Ihs-u

Impnoiiiu lint intlauiiiiiiiiuu w-1 in in
hts l.ii lung Wi-iln.-sd.iy.


and rearing'not even'that'rainmon
enemy of bird

eat.'. •

tka boyo of tbaea grade*.

they raid, attache* to Or. White i

Those jay*, -their plmnage makiog a j

ibo denllxt*.

bcauMfiil coniraat against tbe while-1:

or nU tbM* i«aeblag geogi


Xo blarae wbaK

life, tbe hon«e

of an lnqne«l.



Mrs. Deveodorf. raid:
‘•'I examined

row atOeninL

who aiiende<l ne*'» of the Know, when they put in an ! '
appearanre. dine alone because netleven the pugnacious sparrow ha* the I

her carefolly and

aaw DO rea«on why the anaraibellr nerve to 'wittisiand the ability and ! .
tba BonHmaa areaoe be
ibould not be glrcn. Her be.m wa* generalship of the winged warrior.
IIMU MarU* or tbe Cmwood arenae
Then tbe nutbatch Is another ape-”
soitBd. aeened normal, pulxe regular
and *tmap.
After tbe paileoi bad ric* that is a frequent visitor'. He is |
Bbre tbe report m tke geography talk*
chubby, mufirular bird and I* very j.
prepared hcraelf hy loonenlnp
<« Pte(. B.- O. Calkin* giren
ly but If one 1* piUlen'l enougb its
clothe*. I proceeded to gi»e the anae*Klngaiey'
ibellc which wa* taken nicely and confidence can he won. The downy |'
■ethoda' «t teacblag tbU inbleet In
wliboqi ctiy apparent »lpns of danger. wnodperker. with hU red plunie. also < ,
ewr arboola.
After the dcnilRi hod exinicied *lx puts ^n an sppearanco as does ibei
Oroamtlaed gtorie*.
teMb. the palleai began to show *lpn< rblckatlec. the pine prosheck. the piir |
On Tbnraday wrening tbe
ple-fineh and the ubiquitous RnplohJ
gr tbe third aad areond grade* or the
moment (be polie became weak, the sparrow, 'nic snow bunllnp Is another
ctiy b*M a meeting at Central
pupil* dilaieil and the patient com- visitor but.ho I*.very rare, pteferrinci
tke chndten oT
tbe eec
i>|M-n raiimry to ihe elty • •'Re-i.i.i, I
menced to bnye pecnllar resplratloa—
giade dfnmatldM uorle* told them.
a Ions. hMwlnp exhalation nod
TMa (kova tke taterprauitoa oC tbe
Protect the Oucka.
amy that midiwn bare beard
" 'Tbl* cnndlilon remained for a moCaught on a hooli and hanping d.-od j
. rfad. it la a great allmataa to reed­
tent when her bean aeemed to b^
tm the end of a Hoe. oih- of the IH-J ing and fa thn* tbmring the child on
anlyred and I could And no tipn*
e ducks 4h«t come into ibh river;
fan own remeribmty hli originality
beat or pulse, but Ihe resplra helow the I'nion street bridge every I"
toderelfaodna writ aa foralibing tbe
cceilnued from »lxly to ninety winter was found yesterday.
bam ot langnage eiereiie.
aeeoDds then stopped at
hud evidenlly iMilied the hook
“'Bretythlng poralble
with a minnow and then caught the
Tbie BfiorMea at tbe Elmwood are restore the lutieni. as dllaiiDg spblncduck.
The fowl must have died s
ape balldtsc tbe tollevlnc fwogrpm
slow, cruel death and who ever was
wna gtran by tbe eereaib and eighth Miychnlo. ntim plycerine. Inhalation
guilty should l>e severely punisb.vl.
or amyl nitrite and artincial respira­
few evenings ago so'mrooe shot
"•oag. “God Brer Gtorlona.'' eereath tion.'
at the duck from (he bri.Ipe
A num­
M« eirttb gtndet.
ber fa people heard the shi.l hut whonagaalotA
Prabably tb* Milk.
dld it made his eaetpe. If eaiiphi
Bmy. “Ute or TCachUistoo.- ThroHcallh Offleer Martin Is In receipt
Midlac and ' Bap*rtnteiide*t OUberi

fare AriBltage.




Owraet Plerve.^

’ nnother letter rma the etnie anai.r-

(he eiiy o

*1 SI

rharpinp fa lirearnis wiihin

Lanrinp In


Bfag.' “America.“




whieh be

sample* fa


front here a* unfit for use and

law which proleciH the ducks.

sample* fa water taken from hou«-s

The ducks in Ihe riv.-r an- not pood

where there were typhoid pniteni* as

I eat as they nre divers and they do

free from ga* producing bacteria. This

' RMdUtten. “Wbco faaabingtoo Wa* form fa bacteria vbilo not
Tofag." J*m Kilpatrick.
lyphcdd. Is fa a su*plrlotiK ehararier
Bong. ‘‘Kidlee'a Amerlei
aad should be In no food.
eighth grad*.
The sample* of milk were taken
• Bncitadan. “Three Famoot Speech- from the milk vupplle* fa famllie* In


or UBeote.“ emy:


tbe fever



lliMi n Wdl B In tit Me
linnMe h KMl ail


Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
diacouragrsandle*-<iisanibiUon. heaaty.

Ip furnished by a private family
the other hy a dairy doinp a larpe

Seng. “WMhlagten.“ aerenib grade.



afa*i.“ Vera Atward.


Tbe analyslst naM In hts

letter that they were "quite anelean
id that pas producing' harterin uie


Tbe water was taken from the eby:
Bong. ^Battle Hyma ot tb* Repab- laps at the home* fa Frank Trashil
Uc.~ aeraatb and elgfaib gmdcA
and W. H. Broil on Seetmd and Fifth

. “Rereiailoaary


In rvepeeilrely and It t* etideni
that the disease did not have that as




aemth and rigbih grade*.



Tn my opiulnn the milk I* largely

Central Lyeewnu

Marne for the typhoid ea«e» ' said

The •orentb aad elgblb grade C»B- Di. Mtilin this ufieiitooD.
lyceam program vai:

. “Star Bpnnglad RatBer.'' aebool.
- Rendlag « mtantea.
Ron cdl.

OKin tor a chiW lo In­
born affiirted with
weak kidoe;«. lithe
chi 1.1 utinatentoooiirii. tithe untieera.ils
tbe fioh.or n. when IhccbiM rearhe>i.ti
age wiien it siiouid tocomr.iiibe
pa»aee:'’ii'•« vet afflti-te.1 with lied-wv;Onp- ‘ -neisiu'pon il.-the>-aa«e ul'the.iilli'.iHinry Ironble, and the dr-t
rulti .
lii the i.-eatnivui <>i
step siumkl he





Veraoe BelU."


Oectamailab. “Waabtngten'a


tfcm 10 HI* Cmfery.- rraneb UaniiL
Reettatten. “Cncle Bpk-a Hearea.Chartou* legrii

Duit trv lo vu.lnrr, but «-iirr tbe
eauve of all voi.r »i/rvr.Uk' l.vdia I'.
Kskbam's VogrlSbir Coiufs.uuJ St
owrv rrmov.-s sii.-ii>.
foiloivtnq Irtlrra prove tliis :

1.1. t I fais. Il'.s -.11.1*

>ln. PittiB^lvril^'tt RMa.
Wuarn suffering frufvDJt^urai uf
fruulv »rak<n-»>
’(.loinplly <»uiiuuDb-alv with Mr*
ruiLbaiu. al l.iuu. Mass
From Hie
syjupt uii* the trouble may ^
bswu-.l ao.l the qultUe»l aad aarrsl
wav oi r. i»vi-rv advlMst. Out fa her
ta>t voliiiut' ..r rsperirjuw- lb treatibg
li-aialr li.> Mrs. |•iuLhaal probably '
ba-. Ibr v.-rv kl>owli-d|rv that will
twlp v..iir ca~-.
lierndTKc U fra*
au.l alnaysbclplul.

Logs, Logs
Will pay iliiihest

Cash pries (or

Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and

At «ll Dealers
Price 25c 50c 6 ♦1.00
-Sent- Free
'Stoen'S Book on Horses
Cattle. Hogs 6 Poultry

Traverse City Mg. Co.

Address Dr. Earl S. Sloen
Si: Boston.Mess


»cll Ifiy.

r^HE prices we made on goods lo close has resulted in a great dimunitlon ol
I stock. We have aimed lo keep good varieties by adding each week to the
many lines advertised. We are now closing into the following lines many
choice things and the prices will exhibit great reductions from regular sale prices.


buys Chilli s

»d by the Ceenty.
“The most popuUr ramedy la Ot«o oooniv. and the brat friend fa
my famlty.- wriieu Wm. M. DHtt. ediand publisher fa the Oim«o Jour­
nal. Cllbertsrllle. N. T. “I* Dr King’*
New Discovery. It has proved to be
Infallible rare for eoupb* and raids
maktag sbon work fa tbe worst of
them. We always keep a bottle lo the
bouae. I beHeve It to be Ibe most
valuable preceription kwown ter Lnog
and Tbroat dhteaBc*," “



()vt2rc>.ai« . ^




Mlat k 1. nlinished VVorsie,|


Still, aji'ts I-; to JH. sold for


l.uvs Suits ff>r
,o y

from loi so].' for



httvs\outh's hi ick f'.'hiiishfH Wovv'.-ii

W’e have


Itiiys any fffmaininK
s;7.,K( toS.OO

for $l-'i'«i.

U-.I.-S li'. ,io



the saler^ds.





Suits, sues





Hi lo :>H. sold as



-JO years, breast mcasur»*s il'i to ‘X>.

^uif s




ages I’l to .’0.


J*iiit for a.»f> It', and 17. Mtlii

values tip lo Sl.VlM

«reholOc>. Voumayl
hive a sample bottle
hi- mail tree, also a
Minphlet leUing all aboot SMmp-Rooc
im-iiidiiig manv of the tbmisandi fa trattamoul lettrn. received trcin sufierrri
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer K Co..
HingbaBiton. X. V.. be rare aod menti.»


sold from ji-J -*>" (<>

added to" this
it IrMm


M cn ’ s

and iKMh need the
Tbe iniM and the ------- Sar^mR'RPM Usoonvewlited.


suit! from $2-'>h to $4H'I.


aged Ti.

Bfagmghy fa Lnagfellow. Hotle Ffl-.

trout liltlivr I
tbe (>->-ord for
absuliite enrr'
noriil lias vs.-r
other one c-iUR-il.i
knon-uaud it I-. t b«- ifTcatrst bW-s.iiip
wbivii ever cam c luU. the lii.-' of
wuffrriup iruBivs

R)r CougK.Cold.Crou,
SoreTKroat.Sfiff Neck
RbeumaJism and

K. n. Baztoo fa CoMwaier. tor many
year* ooe of the l>etn known

12.'2 -.Ii.l-

s.i,;.. ifais. i.-:,so.ia*.

Kupltth lanrUBgR- .'vu.ia. u (aiuluur. ■
sluvuii-ui»-r u»
drprvs-i-ii of spirits. rclut-Uai.-v. to
Wbal l.vd.a K l•.ukl.*a■•
go aev't bvr>'. bwvsa«-ties. bva«la.-be».
table 1'omiaH.B.I <lld lor Mn. Kurd and
Hvrvoii-RU.-s», *levpl«ri*u.-s>. bearing
Miller It willdo
■ 'forolber
oibvr X
isatlouv displacriuvots an.1
III l.kv muiiitl.Mi. K'.-rv aafferlDr
n.uoaa in ttir I uiW >UUw l> aabvat
b-oos-pt Um-f.illowiac lutltaiiou It
U free, will liriog hcallb auii uMiy
Tbv samr «
-oi-.r your l^fv



teeiR In southern MIrhIpan. Is dead,

\ nano aolo. ifaad ne*.

u'.* ...ii.u

I t f.ds.

rtaiWu - '
•l-^.ln.vscyl.fa cud

SloaLD’s ,i

^ QK


a*or.- fUby Wert*.

afaittb grade.

;:s rau.



. I.v.iia i “
M.«v !hJ
E l•ink>li•1
the soiiri-e of orariy ai: Ibe Riiffcriiip j

e ptnhiblilup the dis-

Bobmt Biadek. .


12.: S..I..1S


i1 m».
I .ult-i.^1 t------—

Vrantv;:;'; 'v:.'.'''"'

limits and also un.lcr tbe stale paice

edibtb grade*.
RadUrien. “Conddeoe* Brirayed.'

mr Hand Chance.


No. I, t " fats.



lb.- .i-'-lIls Islt.r.

2. 4.2 lalv

Mrs W. S. Ford of tVU
St.. Ihi.-.iuier.. .Md wriWi

bully any dl the' olbcr_ winter

tnm md aad nnkta. and tb* wood at (tore nude by the coroner*.
VO* whldi waa or kalfa work, aiow- Ibey decided ibot there was no



tioul.le. tollow.-


ills tesMcui-e. tT.; J.,-ITersiui

ui.-nue. Iasi

Mis 4be cnrrlDi and daalcaiai

Tlier* wni be a teoefaare' meetinc

Ho- < ii«

It-st.-d M-ti-li satiiiilis .'1 mils ■|‘u>iii*:

Ik-tniii. Mlr-h. Fell. JJ. -William C
Mi-.Milkiii. ultii all eight w<-ek« Isiltle

' Mi-Millau was Uiro lii D>-Tr.iit
IV Bftfe. alKtb. aaranib and «lghlh Twenty minute* after *be went Into anrt Insiend fa there helnp only 'be!
n.| w-as Metilifl>-a with
sparrows there an- eight kinds that I ”
srpdea or the bolldlns dbada an n- Ibe denUai'a orgee the died.
111.- larp. l.nsh.ess iuieie«l«*ar that
• “Death wa* due elthrr to a bemor have rame there anil dined. Amdopj
hfW ^ tke work dona la
tbe birds are the blue Jays who
. tfatklAB. Tkla conalBted ot metlaa rtuge flC tbe brain or to an -obNCiire
■r kant trm .work, IV baaketiy made heart trouble. An Inreailgailon wa* the “cork* fa ifae walk.” Itciog able

Tenekar*: Meetlag.

He- -o-a-.n

;;«ietiLi}. The- loc» were niapl- and
»^>eked tc Death.
, tfcc.v scwle.l r-"-> fe-v.
They were.
Ihe pale of harlnp leeih esiracted.
Fild.vy's Keraid.
In .Ml. Flcatiafll and evrapralnlalUm* jFild.vy's
: hMnicIi; !?>lv-'«i.-r Pr..v.n i f*nii
tills vliy
city lias
has 'e|,„
leextended over the lone disiance phone j
" '' lUnmilll of '•“•“
,i,e ota'
o'clock yetnerday arternoon.
e<-lvt-d a lette r inun *hc- pnntraaster of Wei.l l>-.h cs.miiuny,'
“Mra. OeVwdorf llre<i la BaMard.
Rapid lllvi r elviag -the details of the
Injurad Hit Feet.
Waab.. but wa* rlKitlop bar daughter,
death fa tlrover llammlll. JOUcMincc'
Oppertynity Clast. Baxion fa Kingsley suffi-rt-d
Mr*. W. J. Psitenion of Byron Center.
mem o' w-blrb was niadi- some linH '
-•e, il.'l.'li .f'.lN.i.t .Old Al'rsShe wa* a p.-ulooi of l>r. Wiliam H. .-i Ki'vere Injury lo one- foot while loadnvelilllg Reraid.
le h.eo--s*-. lo tile. (Ipg..:
inp h>gK at
lleliiies siding Frida;
Grtn.-r llammiH. ap.-d
V>. wa«t„n1t; S-uolav .. i»-d ck,-s. of ill.
A log wa. lieim: rtiised <
“Bbe rame to Grand Rapid* yexier- afleniocdi
iUc ked lodraih hyi. boro- la Mrare s,
,i„. mm.........
day ofiernoon in enniiuli llr. While, a ear when the inckle pnve way and
camp, tw.-nty n.l!.-i nonh of naphl i mi... mu-.i. ...i WvtJ. .i-.s-t Frida; .-v
lie look her from hi* fatce al Moniwp rolled over Mr. Baxiun's foot.
River 1.11 Feb 2 and o
1 tie was Ivlina. The fir.: isirl ofib- ennitig w
and Ottawa aireei lo ibe orflee of lira. membci was severely m*iipl<-d and
r. -;i.,
d.’v.ii.-d I.* a t"i»tiu-ss tii.'-Hiiii -.11.1
Beard and Barie. deatiai* at
Mon- ■ he'amioiltilloii fa ilje great i-e- was
r .m.l
was deci.b'cl i» ll.Jil
me Ktn-et. He bad examined her and nenvsarr
J woilicsl at Ibe (wmp Bbrve he
nta.le .-jady ..i MaiHa.-l
m-xt Fat.ii
believed that *h* wo* fully able
j l.ill.-il a short tinie.
Fi.llowiuu lb.- iMi-iTl.-sR iiu^-'llii:
e Bird*.
lako an anaevtbcllc. He adfanloien'd’
The y.rtlUg maa’had been aWa.v from |
11 i-Ui-.-r;
In Ihe editorial column* yesit-rduy '
the nnaesibMlc known a* earraofomi. I
‘ p.fipb-iMISN.Hi-na Ih-I.y R-™,. ......
................. ....
Tbl* I* ofii-n plreo hy denilMK and U .1.didn't know w'hcri- he was. Wli.-n li>'
people fa the eily fissl the birds, The
had iMN-ii cone aliourtlim. tnoiitli. hls:
bird'lover* of Hie riiy wen- pleaviHi
falliei 11 letter from bllu from
Mi-n t:..!.' lU.'lh. .o>
nnder the inSuenee of the opiaie. Dr. with' Hie plea Init home.lake exrepilnn
feeil liny bitl Hie letMT di.l nm stale
to the Ktslemeat that Hie Rnpllsli
Beard l■egnD exiraetinp Ihe leeih.
wbai h.- was doinc Iheie
all he took out Mz. '
ebpreh, occurred yt-sierdiiy. so .that j
evening sbe was railed up lit her home I

$14.95 and $17.95

lot lur place

few‘j'ood- ones



t.vtra values at



I'reslicninj; these





up enabl -s one


K'"! ihclrest \5h»es.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Ia the vtMRy at Royatsa towmMIp


bars toiapecMd tbeir vines aad many

there .was apt SBongb water tlwre. aa tbto moralbg.

Bberlt OiarMs Johaaon waa able to af them tad them aalajured.
mesa tbai Iboaiaads of dollars
ttt UK «( MUMttoU W tte ■
to keep tbe pampa imiy. The up pipe be oat doora today for tbe Srpt time la
vrill be saved to tbe grape gravers
wIB to seat Ufikt Into the ground thine werta.

mMt •»
Dtbal diairM. Other reports from
wmiam Jeaataga to oat again after
jniawMMi. ooir oM otefev Mat la boipa at Aodiac a larger vHn of
*44* In tb« WHuty «ut. Ool. LMuit watar. If tbta doea aoi prove aocreea- aevedal weeks' fOaesa with pnesmotasadbeb

tbe pnasat lenL . Tbo material aad

asm tpdsy and work «lll be ressmwl short UBS wUb her daughter. Mrs. K.
Boa aa pnaaBde nader the aapervi- K. Began of Webaler stieei.

lSt%. has brat awarded a verdlci of

Mill BcUa


Albert C. Veil, an en-liieer n~t^
nn Arbor rallrns.t. wbo was Injured

Robert Wylie eeni to Bingham to- In a w^k near Mcelrk. March 18.

sloa of H. p. Joyai.


Oakley of


Tba Btatamsat that tba Bt. Loala passed through tbe city this ntnrniug
bar way to Maatotee.
war oompaay paid oat $08,000

vobnj, DcMt. bOMd tbo fnnaan of Gratiot coantp aad In
that TldBlty. daring tba beat-baying

Mia D. Sekall^ ToeouM boart of oaaaoa raosatly Mooed, is a ttwtber

tC.niO damages by a Jun
-iill coup at Iihsca.

State News.

board ottrnMi


■or*. -

Sprague nf Rhode l»ian>1 an- the only


traMaaa of MkMtaa BBbooi tor tba tbs oaotlnoed development nf tbbt Im­
portant aUte tadnatry.
lag heavily nnr St. Helena and Waters
Victor C. Vaughn. Ana Arbor, auto
tbe Mackinaw division of the Mlobbeaid of hoallh.
Ossth sf Jassph Hildebrands.
Igan Central rallroait. He haa a
ParMoal. ataS-Col.
joeeMi UlMebraad. a plooaer of
illl at St. Heleok. which cu
HolMa. aJdadaaamg. DatroU; Ool.
LeMsaaa coasty. died last aigbt at
luch of bla proditcis.
WUUaa «. BiMran.
tbs booie of bU stater. Mrs. W. AnPhillip Brushardl
‘ nmti OoL Tbosaa B. MocgM. aMadraorta, wvea mllea arett of tba Miy.
aged 10} years, wboiie father reached
cawp. Batua Craak: CoL iotp^ B.
aged er yeara. The caaae at tala daatb
> yaars, aUrilmtev hie eiireine agiWalaoa.,aididaaaM|t. Braas^a; Col. waa long trouble. BeMdea tbe one ala.
cbeerfulness and an aUUiy to inrradartdt a Btaa
ter. Mjt- ABsorge.
be kavea
diilgf in
plenl.v ot
daeaaff. Dotrott.
farolber. Edward Hildebrand.
laughs. He Is a i^rdener.
WUUan. T. UcOarria. adjntaat ga«Tbe foaeral waa held from the
Prederick Sly of Pontiac. age,i 8i
aml, Oiaad BhbM*i OaL Aaaaa N. Ooa.
charcb at Soloa at I o'clock Monday.
he rcaaolMaat a4loUBt •aaaraI..CalBroa(:
fuaes food or medicine. He Is grlcv>
Major miliaa O. Mudr. aaalataBt ad:
Banqaat at tattaaa Bay.
tbe death of his wife, which
Jataat gaaetal. Graad Bapidt; Cari A.
Suttooa Bar. Mkh- PA. W.-Tbr occurred last Wodneaday.
Wata^. laapaeior gabaral. Pott Harbanovet
tcndrmd br
the Modwn
Chief of Police Boyle of Jsekeou
oa; Ob). WBUaaa R..TbMiaaa. aaalatWoodorn of Aiarrlea to Daebea* hae ordered tbe closiog of Sunday
aat tnapoctor laaanl. Calumat: Major
imp of Travanc Cfi* Id Wallrra theaters, has notifled the managers of
Joiaaph ITalah, lAMauat taapaetor goaJl waa a rarr plrawat aCMr. Joha Indoor baseball games that they must
eral, Port Horaa; iawa H. Rtdd.
a Dunean prraldnd aa taastataaiar
' bare games Sundays am} aaloun
aaartrmaaur taariaa. loata; OoL
a pragtam of noaka) and "roeal men. resiauranls and dntg etores anIMtar O. fUvera, aaalttam ^jaaMorarIrcUenB *a» gtran. Thr Traratae terfol wbai may- be in store (or lUem.
■aaiar laoeral, Ootrcdt; Major John
lodge perfotaMd the eerwacka
San Jose scale has made its
W. BaanawfiA Jadga aBrooata. Daof laatalliag the offtcara, the drtll taan appoaraaee la moat of the counties of
tndt; Mfejat Artbar P. Umala. aUlbeUtg under the rooiBiand of Captain Mleblgaa. aad la some townships neartair aaeretarr. Ionia; Major Haarr W.
Klaareo tnd the drill being very floe
to Inteated. This Inaeci
Loach. cmbBlaatODar. Detrelt:.CapUlh
allacka all kinds of fniit tteea and
Sapper «na served In Ihe Part hotel mtby M tbe oraamental itees ami
and plalea arere laid for nighty.






- dlag betag known to only a few nntil
aUter of tbe brtda. aUeided tbem.


State Telepbcna company,

.left this morning for Battle Creek,

la tba eliy


and ban


. frttMa who will wish than happteeta.

U a nanbar



of tbe



ginetr'la well known la aodal circlet.

Uvea for a abort time.
Steffanik of

Maple City

paMed thmogh the elly ibU moralag
OB bli way to Manistee U tbo latereaU of tbe Dewey SUve company

Andrew Bricson

of Sooth


atreet wsii to Muakegoa this uonlsg.
where be will remain natll be recovers

poor, tbo eonntr agent. J. W. HUIIker.
and Jadga of Probata Frtd R. Walker
aada tbair anaaat taapectlon ^ the

Sbeffer pained Ibrongh this city tUs
ling on their way to thHr hose
In Pouch, after apeDdlag a few daya la

conaty Jail tbin moralag.
waa found

la good

aba»o and tbo earo dwaanMiila
beaplag it no wba of tbe boat.


laterlor walk will have to ba patched
la a few places aad tbia wfll be neom■abdtd to the anparrlsora. together
with interior palatlng.

inprormast that baa

Haretofore tbe beda ban been Iron

blaget on


Over tbia waa placed a atmw


Tbia waa an


bad and no aaooat of wort ooald beep
It fma being to.
bara been

Wire Baattmaaea

parebaaad aad wUI


placed laatead of the old oaet aa aooo
aa Sherit iobaaoa U able lo be about

Pell Prom Tramway.

streei todt tbto moeaiag for Owosao.
where abe will visit friends.
Mim Ptorewee LaVaUey


Pmak miBoa. lOld Barlow atreet.



otrtking tba groaad ttteea feet bdoa




He en

lined vrhen 14 yearn ol.t and n-rv'-il
tbrnughnat the etvll war.
Brazilian admlrera of the inpi- have
wsi him an album rd wrild gold.


iho inaide la a likeneaa of 1‘luv X. engraved on n gold leaf or



gether with a map of Brazil to (ace it.
Uiamohils are Inlaid ■« there naive


(oiir karat bonk wiHi an addn-.-<« tha'
alaiei the love and iv»pe«-t liorne bint
by Sti.nirt.ftOO irf HrarillaiiK
WooibioD. a ivMilinl id

Oeiiver. I* the «lde->l IMnn Vale gradurgantzed the fatnooa Scntll and Key
cai coHege fraieruiilea its the world.
Mr, Wciodaon gradoaied In the ela.-.*
He waaa tunihomore when the

w-sR n Junior.


of Kiagaley


way to Milwaukee, where be will Uke
up bla work In tbe llfc^aring station.
Mr. Alpera baa

been 4a

IMa sutloo

eight yeara.

IfO is K:i yeara old. but


It relii-ve* T«-rthln|r Trwublranrtire* CewsUpaUu*

and Flutuleucv.

It axaimiUtr* the Fuoil. rqrnlates tba

Tb* Childreu'K l*iuutceu-Thd Muther'a F'nend.



_/y Bears the Signatmre

The Kind Ton HaYe Always Bon^t
In Use For Over 30 Year*.

H. & L L TK on
»s“ •




cdna’a oBka wbero hit Injuriet were

.lr.r,lT.mvr,-v.. *„•*,

IVaUialartMar Our *a4 Pr,
. ;i .Ttiua«*raUa,lM
at 1 Ua ta-andSiw p.ra
; — . Ha-a ba.

smmmt ■.—-...
lENKN, Araaa

0 Rcai

lime and }o gallons of water, isilled
hmir and then dilute to no
Mlaa lieae Phillips, a pretty wailwa In a Uongbion cate, while In the
act eg swallowfag an oyster, found a
Tbe total nnmber of deaths In the

• ii« I'H-aU.Kaaara
Leana on OoUatenl .
lalar^t dae and actned
Roato^dwsMd ac^d


. '


Not Deferred

ary. im. hy 3C7.

It was foend that hu right forearm
waa broken, a Jagged cut Indicted In
hB tbrebcad and two riba broken.


iruatckw i4 tb, n wAai
- tlb day <d *aUn-h.
ta Ww (rirmaia. at

TtrraL AMrt8

Thcie were S.TCT

a n-.-i*i-T i-nulel a.--l -ir

rlh eerilBraies n-tnned in January-

Death at Jacob Ertiart
kaowa potato buyer, dkd at Wa borne


will wntplQ)- 180- laNi regnlartr.

S1.6'.‘U 61
7J.813 43
4;6.(WU GC

board of trade is doing wooders
for mercanUie and manufacluring In
dn.'.tries there,
Tbe Kawkawlln • Creamery
Co.'s {riani. Just, aouib


. ^ .

which recently was thrown Into hank-

lacroaao te Aasets

roptcy. has been sold by the referr-c

iBcreaae ia Surplua

to George Swlol>erg for $1.5li<i.

PoBcIm ta lurce Dec.
ANint Insured

orlgtaal cost vrns H.r.ts.


it will in-



Rev. E. M.

ptrems of il;c

Ciillinane of SUM. wc*..


Harbor Spriaga.

Mnce Organization.


a H IXXySHt.

THEHuX y. UlDDUfUA C..1.1 Sugl. u( Ac-vh..-






friends and


.AlUi'vuefa we have mad<- a greai <-leaoinK <’01 f -r tin- last
there are a few who
bad weather.


Peter Scblagel of Couoty Uae la in
Mrs. W. E. Moon Mfl today for a

1:30 at Rtatgaley.
He leaves a haa retuTwed from CMcaga where he
wtre aad two ctaUdren. a soo la bast- baa b«en purchasing goods tor A. J.
ness at Loralna. O.. wbo arrtved last WllhelDL
Mtos Ulllan Short nf Barker Creek
made a bualneaa trip to this city to­
Head Mari water.

Mrw. Wiliam Glbooa baa returned to
her borne la Bates after spending aer-

laaUliM la the vlUage of Kiagaley by eral daps tot ihto city.
Bnniea A Joyat of tkla city,
Mra. W. N. Retley aad daogbler.
tested Tbanday aad aliboogb
the Helee. Mt this noon (or Bellaire.
and where they wtll spend a abort time
amaoihly tbe water tailed to pot ia so
appeaiaan na taat aa was wspsotad.

vlaltlog letoiirea.
Tbo Mtaa WiBBto aagaow aad Ma^


not uei


here <m account o

•• la*



*«r te FaWWMy.

4-ra.t a wa*.,,



i- it

■ •pporluDity nmi oome .loJ see u« at oo'-i-.

Ask to See Onr I
Back lo the fain I
TWs where you
gel good ccicc.
None ri rital “fresh roarled loose
by Ihc potmd" store stdf Iran
Dobody knows where, fuB cf dust,
Mmo^bere aad soiled handi, but
tfie real old. genuine e^ and sugar
coated AibucUc'; ARfOS.A
Cofiee, which the folks keep in
tbe odgiaai package aad griad m
That’s Coleel

One lor $14.75—kiniabed in (JoMen f)ak; iln-sser La* i«vel
________ ________
Fr-iii- 1t plaliplali-glaM.
ulaM 16x21;
a«i-U loj.;
to]>: div-Med







. amd. ;tnd -ura


. • GOOD . .


• •Jiluodv.

Lots ol other suites ruuglug
la prices uccordlngly.

We Need the Money and We
Need aie Room.

buy thu II. .-i I- ITclutl.- Wb
lbink.ii'1. iH.: IH'^ST Craham
Flou/ <.n lh<- iiiurl:.:!. and b=ynii will think ftr. too,
. . . w hen you try ii . . .

Vour Reliable Furniture Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Uoioo Street

te AKraU


Therefore wi- have liev-idrai to

utvl tfive v-vOTyune a vbai»i.-e to take iidvauUu.'>*of Ihi-i

retntaed thts

anmooo from Lcrcrtng where be has

the city today.


mn this sale one wi-uk more

Mancekma this morning.
A. P.


w giAYNZ

» [i_tTak.«w.

, Cut Stone Work


relailrcs at



One Week More
of the Big Sale

E. J. Swine of ibis city left for a

iQttUMtMFVi ItJCATIOX-maUot Wk-»

’ I $454,947.87

celebraied al their home Friday. ' This

B'aaUiagloo (or the past year.


Tbe sy«e« of pumps which


Tpfal AoMUnt Paid l^llicy•H6lders


sary of Mr. aad Mrs. Michael Cntlinof surer Creek

$9,902,784 77

of Standlsb.


8 week’s visit with friends In Grand
o'cloek at tbe age of •> year^ of paial- Bapida.
C. 8. Araold of West NlBlh street
ysia. Tbe fnneml will be held Bonday

tfllo. N. Y.

that t-rtrttr asMa*
afbiwtiw, lataatNw

by Miss J. Scott

Tboraday tnoralng abortly

aigbt. and a amrrted dangler at


Boyne City U Jubilant over Ihc com­

waa otberwiae bralaed aad generally been laapectlag Umber.
John Bweeaey of Old Mlaskn fTTn
abakea up.
the city haviag fata eyes imied.'

Jacob Biltan at Klagslay, a weO

IVwaMit. 41m*. rrwl I


7 600 00
1«)|9: 60



state for Janoary. im. eaceeda tbrn-e
of Dccemher by 3€« and those of Janii

last year was emiiloycd at the North­


cared for.



I _

Don’t Miss It




couple were wed in Stirep Creek



It destroys Tlutmta

«U>iuMi-ti UIH4 lh.wel>i. ffIvInE healthy aa»d nMontl sleep.


UFB IliSUWANCS AUENTS-Tbv Kb-huan Muiual litr •.;!! pay bni«
mm>B>—i<.i.,unall,— lb.-B.; 1
aw--..: - i.aiitnllu Mu-kira
The Missea HCUole Gagnon and
They had ID children, all ofj ApHy tubaBMtiakweradlIrrwT. r. UUAlNuO.
JiCvraun Am.. OrUWt. Mlek.
Margaret Boodteao left for Nortbport
whom are ilviag. two arc pricets Their
this ntoreing. They will visit al the
golden wedding was an ereni long to
borne of Mlaa Qagnoa for a few daya.
be remembered at Silver Creek.
Mr. and Mra. Herman Klrcbner of
Reportv concerning the udai
d<Uto city left tbto aarwlng for Boyne
ruction of the grSp.- erop. which
City, where they will visit over Sun.
ere cttvulaied at St, Jusefih earlier
In the season have lieen pnirisl to be
George Evans went to Wallin this
panially Incorrticl at least.^^Trawers
momlag to vtoll with friemla He waa

it la PIcataaau

Morphine nor other h'arroUd

liH ace ia Its piarantre.

and adavH Fi-veri.slinem.- It cure* Diarrtuea and Wiad

la hale and In poiuvxsion of all hia

waa covered ern Michigan asyltim. paisrd through
the city this.mainittg on her way to

He was pU4(s<i up by

taDow laborers and taken to a pbyai.


mid riiKtlhUiff Ky-rupa.

rutitumn uHtber Opium,


Hadley of Yale

with now and ice and tbs man prob
ably slipped.


Too much etrvai cannot be plamd on
tbe givai value id t ute-urw Koap. Uint.mivK. and Pllla in atiiiMfitii- itraOMnc.
thus affording pure. ewivA, and ecnnwiii^ l«M aod oODatitut^ai IreaUMI

eociety. whlcb U now one of Ihe larg-

lather of

Caattina Iv a harniloix auhatltnte fbr Castor OH, Par*,


iiaie and ia aide Mirvivorof a trio win.


_ nril** are tint

KspcHtut-uik Unit (Hile wHh and endanger the hmltk at
luntata and Chiklren-ExpeHcmee aga^ntd Ksyctlmuik

bad used the firat boz id Oiotnevx chere
wa* a great Improvetnenl, and bv tbe
time J had taeif the aeconil cel id Cullcura fkiap. Culicura Oiotnevn. aitdCuCe
CUTS ReniJveot mv cliUd waa cured. He
is now twelve yemw oM. and hta akin i.
aafinraDdctiioiXbaaailk. MNliaelSteinman. 7 Sumner Avenue, Bria.klvn,
K. Y.. April 18. tW5.••

A depulallMi of

the (allbful prescmi-d

An effectiij


fan from a tramway at tbe Oval w<vV

of Snalh

Valrrn atreet lelj this awrnlog for Dig

thtoogb this city Ibis morqlag on bla

■ade and that It ragnrdlng the beda

Mra. D. & Tbomaa cf Weet Tenth

J. IL Alpen


aaaded tor aonw ttse will aooi

tmaMO let down

the wervlce ahoal llfiy yetnw.

Prederick A

aonal aaperrSawMi atacw na iaCaac7.
Allow no4MM todeedveyewU thao.

ing of a Urge wheel Uctory which

Tba aonaty aagMtatabdaate of the

Tba biAdlag

route til the Pbllippliie*. luui heeii in

found in sulphur

amall pearl valoM at about $lon.

Mlaa Mary Wanly of Elk Ra»lda to
vtoiUng friends Is tbe city today.

from a aptalaed aakic received la a



Cnlnnel Ciiarh-ii I.. M•>tg>-«. the new
lin|ie<l Staten infantry, who I-.

(IS pounds of sitlphiir. S3 inunda of

where he will vbdt frimula and iMaCbsriee

Plraak Mniar and Mlaa Ada Kaaaon.
Tba yoaag eoapla wlU


r. O-Briea. local manager of the

. Tbo dtblr was rerr golet. the wad-

/Mlaa NcaBon


Mr. Holbraok celeliralvd his

Dlnetyfourrh Mrthday a few days ami.

tukena of reaped.

a been tnada wader hu per.

All Co4iut4-rreits Imitatiotw a

“I widi to infiinn you that your
wobdevfu] Cutxura baa i-u( a »io|i t-twelve yeara cJ tniwvy- I pawed wiUi
my son. A« an infant I nutked .v>
ha body a red aput sod treated ••tieohh dWervnt remratkw fur ab.«i five
ywa/V but wbeo ^ spot b.^ Co
get larpr 1 i>ut him under tie- iwncd doelora. I tnW lleir treatment tiedaeaae ^»ead to four xliH-reni ,ari4
t< ha bodv. Tbe longer >U- d.^u>ra
tivoted trim tie- woiw it gnw. I>unng
the day it w..uld get rough an.l forau
like awlea. At lugiit it would 1«cvwcfced. inflamrai. bihI liadiv vw.iUivi.
with terrible Imming .and in bing.
Wlao J Ihluk </ hir vuffering. it ueaiTv
braaka my brart. Ha ectrana Rmid
be brard duwn-ataira. Tln' auBeruig
«r my am made ite- full U rai—rv. I
bad DO areliitiio tu w.rk, in i-at. n>^
GOUM I Sleep.
■' One doctor toM tnr that mv aon'i
eraevna waa incvral.b-. and gave it iii.
for a bed joh. Ora- evening 1 new an
artirie in ifte faper alwul lie- a.inilerful
•' •------------ ■ deivUed to give il a trial.
I that Culirura Oiiiimetit


andtof trees m-IU he killed daring the

Prom Batordaya Record.

Ncam were nnitad

■arrtaia by the Bee. Oeataa CoebUn.




living war gnvernnn In the l^niied

u>« fur over 30 years, haa bort>« tto« ajcnatiifa at

promplly Ukeo to destroy- It. thmie

Pebruary 10, Bib»m A. Taylor










Vital aiaUaUci for December, l»AC.

The Kind Too Rare Always BooEbt. and which haa txwto

Veit was one o(

four pei-ei.ite were fcllt^

•I aeoi to CMIumei. in the Hletalgui
tun of Mformatloa lodkailag the laBolletin for tbsi purpoae. show that
Oonina*. portaaca aad nine
(or U>e whole upper peoInRuls ibere
g aad of
I CM Mriba. da againid SM draiba.
tbe beet anger making tadnairy to
D. B. c; van ttaiBc. H6nao4. board aUte. It has baeo estimated that not One more tally for the anil-rnce sect.
While out on tbe doorstep to gel a
of l■^^ar‘»a efBoldtert' Rooir.
le« than $3.TU.e00 wera paM on
LOQI* Raato. Maakataa. board of tba fanners of tbe suie' by all tbe brealh of freah air, William H. Krcpiiii.
one of tbe oldest resldenis of
li«n- Hoata.
Mlchtgan factories during the past
Jolias, dropped deail He iraa tbe MdA. R. WbMitr.a*. UiaJa. aUia bcNird
on. It ia not to be wondered at
eat or a (aailly of eight children, the
that Mkblgan cosgresamsn aad Mich'
Dalbatt H. Povar. Batioai Bar.
basiaaaa mea are aggreaalveiy
leaves l•esMcs a vidosr and are childC Bah
«sted la all ieglaiailon
a H.- Baahla. Mat. board of threauna In any way U> tntsrfere with

If ■

l» the clr-

he engineers in the caUlelnn In shicb

eoBUol «r ataio pMIe aeboaL
WtUaai -A.

Bor in Misery 12 Yars-Eczenii
Spread Over Body ia Bough
Scales, Cracked, (nflanied, and
Swoltefi—Case Pronounced Incur
able, but Completely Cured by
T«*o Sets of Cifticura Bemedies.

Mra. E. J. Wayae retnraed to her
we In Maalstae after spending a heavy.


». DvtM Pifkcr, DMralt. Imr4 <d



fnl then more .polmj aanh

PMMII giTtu mr to Jota w.

Hannah & Lay Co.




::t-' i’/: ■- f

«IUND TMAvemeWfiAtA yuumaw. mm^wv n, mr.


be considered s good subBiitute for
bBtler. Too will agree wlib me that
he bad betlev have used that boUer
wl'h the long nsme-oleomargc

where the (anul.v put the staff. Tom
would find It and eat all he could bold.
Al last be ate so much It killed him
No* wbat do you think It was? Let
me tell yen: It was linseed oil that
the paintera nix in paint. tVbat do
you think of that greedy crow,
wbat do you think of n person that
What Is that yoo can keep afu-r giv­
will cat stuff that Uey know to
ing It to same me else* Your word.
to make them sick?
I «M tqrtato lM«i»
Why la a iitUe dog's tall like the
MWyMir Mi M
heart of a tree? Because It to farthest
Forent City. Ark., Feb. 4. 1W7.
from Che hark.
near Preridenl—
M I M«r «M IN tiyliv to M
What is the differoore beiw«
It has heeu a Img lime Mnce I have
•m» thtapk I wm T»y. try
nr and an old chair? One gives seen a
milk, the other give* way (whey
Why Is a perann with his eyes Hay. I moved here. The south to very
closed like * defective eeboolmaaier? much differont from the north. Last
He keeps falo pupils In darkness.
summer the vegetable mao would
How thr Ja it from ^bruary
come along with okra, yard-beaus,
April? A March of 31 day*.
watermelons, cantaloups, and many
\ stntsBOtB y
fVhen a tody falnli what figure docs other things. ! don't suppose rasuy
she need? You must bring her 2.
of you know -what these thing* are.
Which musical iBSirament Is
because l didn't'bcfore I came here.
oat hoDcsir An upright pUno.
It seemed very queer to me to be rid­
What Is It that nothing is and ycl ing through the eouni'y and see fields
IS a name? Shadow.
white with cotton. We have bad flowWhat la it that will gw up the chtm- era until about a week ago It began lo
hey (losrn that won't go down a chim­ sleet and has been rather cold ever
ney up? Umbrolla.
since. We ^ve violets and flosrors
What to It that has neither wing* that grew on a butb called the burn­
)r legs, and yet flies fast, and Is not ing bush. I go to school nearly every
slopped .by rocks, rivers or walls? day. 1 lake musle Itosons of Mrs.
The voice.
Petty*. I must close for ihl> Ume.
Why should a thirsty man ntwaya Hoping all the Snnsblners will be glad
irry a watch?
Because It I
to read ibcse few lines from "Arkauspring
sas. 1 am—-trying to be
0«Mm Itoym.
Whal to the sinmgeiit day in the ,Your tnic Sunbeam.
A buMb or goUn k«n to nine.
week? Sunday, beednae all the test
To Bike oacb 4»r vltb gtadm
U Mildred Portias.
week (weak) days.
1 am very happy to get a letter from
thwl toonmifc- UuU% tbc golden
you. Hndred. Ton bare given
A Qroody Ormv.
doseripaoo of ^-our
rilMi tcir tbs BeaslilM- Dn
Tkni ttnlocfca every day for no.
souibera home.
WbM evening omnee. '■Good Nigfai,'
Tom was a real citrw and not m
Sumner. Wash.Fcb 4. 1»«7.
I eny.
atory crow al'all. He belonged to peo­
And •Mm «be dear of eeeta gUd day. ple In the neighborhood, that for
would like to Join the Sunshine
When ml (be tobto "If Von Ptoeoe.'
venlenm. we will call the Barlow
ClBl>. Will you please send me a card
> take mn of my Inmeb of keya.
and a bntton? I am seven yarn old,
Wbw fttonda give anytblng to toe
Of all the knowing birds you
111 we tbc mUe -Tbauk yon" key.
tw or heard of. Toro was (he equal and read In the second render,
t^kenae Me.” ••Beg Your Pardon.- loo. If not the auperior. Sometimoa be lived tn Michigan a lltUc over a year
Wbw by Blatofce eome barn I do;
.seemed to know as much' as folks— ago, bnl .we live In Washington now
was a big boy and conid write
Or. u nnkindly. him I've given.
quite smart fOtka. He was not a
good. I srould tell you about thing*
WItk -Porgive Me.- 1 shall be for- model of behavior for all that,
that we have that an different than
from ill
Ills beeetliug sin
they are In Mtebigan. I hsvr a lot of
On n golden ring three keya ni bind: greed.
■ friend* In Michigan. We had p
Thli to lU mono: -Be Tr Klnd."
tfe took great patiiK to hide t
big flood here Ust fall. II washed «
131 <dtcB nee onch goldrn key.
OB the hens. It was absurd to
i And then a ebIM peltte 111 be,
Mn pot a leaf or chip m'a kernel all the bridge*, nod two bonsen.
—Setoclcd. of cora and ilten gravely walk around will close by »endlng my love to y
It with hnad m me side peering with and all the 8uni.htoe Club.
hto bright eyes tp observe whether,
•new Plnhra.
Ttorr Crippen.
by chance, It could be seen by a palna0 beaeurol flakes of snow.
Burr has written a uplendld letter
taking chicken. Others kernels be
Pbllhic BO eoAly nromd.
carried to the roof (4 the abed and. for a mile Imy. Wr all hope be will
1 nrwder v|iat good yon do.
Bith much poking, managed to aiufr write again, don't we?
Covering at! Uie groimdr
them under tbc edge of loose shingles.
Traverse City. Mich.. Feb. lu. 'o7
“Dear ehUdrcn,- ibe UtGe flake* Mid.
Like Jackdaws nod magpies be was

th0mtt fMiy Mb

We have oor work to ilo.
By covering the roote and ptoaU.
We keep then the winter through."
p*day. p»b. «, 1*07.
Mnni McCowoe. ioeeiAine Cai
Maigem HollUny, Leon Kr
Tievetee City.
Mlnto aigbl. Howetd
KlngMey R. F. D. 2; Mnrie Preinan.
. WllHoneburg. Nemee eeet by Mine
Loolta Maker, Utke Aen.
Bor Crlppcn. SuniDer. Wash.
H. Y. r. •enebim cieh Cradle Bell.
Hvety Beelry. age three ycnie. four
toontba; Vera Marsh, age me yeai.
twr mmtba. Klng*lry. Names eent
by ^ivln Serle)-.
Hqw our SunsUnr Club Is groelng.
nil the time, and what Kplmdkl loi­
ter* we have! The inaU man. with
hto Ug aark. atnpa at your proaldeafa
lenwe ever? day, mad the lltUe white
covrtopflB flutter in al the door a*
tbeogh they eonld hardly wall to tell
tteir happy neaaagea. So many lettan keep coming that all can not be
printed nt once, but they are aafr.
will each come In luro.
On PPb. IStb. a bos nf valenilnn
vwchrd your proddeot from some
Bm^lners In Manlater. This U what
the girl* who made them, wiole:
-Manistee. MIrh, Fet'- 12. 1W>‘Dear Prealdeei—
We have read of
nebding Italac* for poor or sick poo|de. an we thought we would send
* this boa of valenilnea. and we hope
they wUI get there In ilmr.
From eome Manistee Sunshlnere
Fdllb. GMns and Ada JrdiDaoa. and
GaniM Burt.
Kow. wasn't that a Sanahlny art:
II made »«ur preoldent very happy!
Md she hastened to aend the dainty.
IWag* on tlielr errands of lore The'
flrt* had made two dmeo. and they
wece all Jest as pretty ■* could be
On the two Saturdays before Valen
fine [My, the giris la the lluir club
that meets at mr prtWdeat’a house,
ipeot the nfleraacM in msklni; valeuUaea. Thoae they took to srhool with
them and put to the Valentine bo*, for
the giris and toys who would not be
apt to have many valenilnea sent
them. That was alee. *rain t U?

Last week year prealdcni promised
yia a atoi? from onr friend, Mrs. Ray,
aM la aero
wUl eojoj- every word
or It. Vera Oslioro. of Kingsley. R.
r. D. 1. has wrUtcs a atory for us.

coinc lo pHni that

Id the ulnib grads. My stvdier are ab
gvbrn. physical geography, rfartork'.
and Gemma. We win have exsmlBstloB* next week part of this school
is getting up an enlertalnmeni. which
I think to gMag to be very nice. As
this to the fltwt letter t ever wrote t«
the Sunshtoe Oob, f win make It rath­
er short, but will make the next one
longer. I remain a member of tb<Sansblnc -Club.
Rets F. Cook.
I sm glad you are so iMeieatcd In
our Club. Ye*. wrMe again, soon.

Borne of tbc other rbOdrea of the Oob
are so pleased over the ewtoodar that
they are going to write to'Ibe (Tub
We have to trad a book every montb.
1 have naly mtosed two and a half
davs Ibis term. I hope I don't mto*
any more. Hoping lo an- ny letters
In print. I win close. : remain
Tour Sunbeam.
Mlnrwva Pnlmcr,
1 am pleased that you like tbe cal­
endar. It will be very nice lo* hear
from the re*i of your friends, loo.

Traverte City. Mkh . Frb 13. n:
Kingsley. MIcb. Ffcb. 13. l»o7.
nroi President—
Well. 1 thought I Would write aud
I have n HUlc time, so t win write! thank vou for our pretty ewicodar that
you a few llaes. I am well and hope' Mlnervta Palmer brought us for our
you are tbe same. I go to aehool rr-1 school. I r<-ceived my pin and canl
ery da.v. i am In the s^-entfa grade. I tost winter, and so I thought f
Wc do not Save to go far. U to about write. I wear my pin every day. and
twenty rod*. I received a raleniine think very much of it I am to tbc
this morning from my cotudn It to seventh grad* and my studies are arvery pretty, I hnvf a horse and allthmeilr. geography.’grammar, phyripci calf. The bone's name I* FVed. | ologj. writlne, aud spelling.
eair* name I* Cherry. 1 will
school.'Mv teacher * natne
close for this Ume,
Mr. Charles Will. • have a nice i
dog. called Bnrae: lu- i« rcry big
Age 1!. ’
Robert Seelpy
like to play with blai. olibough I'm
i should like to *«e .voiir pet*. You'pretty big. too 1 like to go coasting
lUBi have Dice Ume* w|ib Fred.
<<inarn hill N-tier than anything eW.
Well, a* my letter to pretty kwg,
Kingsley. Mich.. Feb. J3. Ik07 - will dose, hoping
Dear President—
ceire hns of posiala and valentines.
As I have a llUIr time. I will write
Frore your Sunahlner.
and tell you I sm well »nd ho|w you
Stella Atlgaler
are tbe same. I go to school everr
OatMing down hill is great fun. I
day. My teacher's name Is Mrs. Dahl don't wonder that you enjoy tt.
Shaerer^ She 1* very good to me
My lllllb brother Heury. age three
Bruno's Tall.
yeais and four mooih*. and my cousin
When Rol'bit- Cray came- home from
Vera Marsh, age tree year and four fcchnol. the day he was len years old.
raumbs. would like to iisve their
he found a pro*cnt from bl* rncle
name* on the Cradle Roll, l have x Rolicn w-atling for bini. What do you
pot kliieo. her name to Susan. I hare suppose It was? A .tear little Scotch
a pet calf, her name Is Cherry. I will
collie puppy. Roblili- wa* dcUghled!
close for Ihto rime. So good-bye.
Hi- look the puppy up in hto arms ani
Prom y<>ur«un*blncr.
hiigmi) it -and I shouldn't wnader If
Sylvia Seeley. he ktored It. io... right .ui the top nf
It ih nice to put two morehamro on it* ciitiiiing li.-ail
mir Cradle Roll. Henry add Vera are
“Oh. mamma." hi- crl.vl. “S.-e
true Sunbeam!-. I know.
preliy he to. Ill* hair to all yr1k>w.
except rtgbt here In front. Why.
Kingsley. Mich.. Fel*l3, IW7.
hat a while shirt front—and lour
Dear President—
A* I have a IIKic time. I win write white paws—and oh! tee the funny
.roil B few lines to let you know I sm white spot on thi- end of l.l* Ull.
well, hut I have a bad cold. J have think -he'*' Just the dearest doggie
three friend* who would like to join that ever was. and I'm g»rt«B to caff
the Sim*blne Club. Tbeir nauics are him Bruno."
Many happy i|m.-* did Bron-i ahd
Mlsnle Slight. Mark Ftt-nian and Mr>wsrd ncaland. Will ton please *md hi~ llt'le ina ter -enjov tiimhting a
llieni a eard and toillon? Wr are £<• »n ill- gcar.t. t.vgclher. i ha;.llig each
In a merry game of tag. or ivlng
flic to have a Valentine l«»t si mit
for a nap In the *h.vd«- of the old
school houKC next Thursday afternoMii.
aud Friday night
arc gnlug In have apple tree that grew lie*|ib thr b>i..»c
R-ddile taught Bruno lo sifyp ah.t
a aleighlng party that to going lo end
U|i with a p;irl>. There age 27 srhnl lirg. i« *rvn.l on hto hind legs, and I.
an In ncbonl today, l will send you to- a wellto-baved do: always. Brun.:
tbe address of tboso who want to Join wn» a I lever dog and taught lilBu*-ir
Sunshine Club on an extra shrei of n number of things l•rBldcs
When Rol.ld*- Wii* iwelvc year*
paper. I will close So good-bye,
hto uncle gavr liim a tikycle. .iiid ih.-u
From vour Sunshine girl.
bb bapidneM. wgs complete. He coubl
Ace 13
Mina Seeley.
mischievous. A favorite trick, which
Plense send me a card and button,
the two ruiles to town "In let
showed •* love of fun. was to slyly
ValcDilne boxes are great fua^nrco'i
would like to Join the Suu*bluc Club
iban no lime." a* h<- wald. and man
pull the cafe fur and then look
brve a pel cal; it* coloi- Is yellow. they? Did you have a nice time i« were the errand-i be run for maniiiia.
vllh a Sac appearance of unconcern,
Dd It to BO cute: It'* lua wo* fooltoli
Bruno wasn't qnlH- so pleased ovr
it admiring the scenery. This was
and lu pa Is dead. I bod a |>ei <h«.
Siimraii City. Mich.. Feb. 11. l»tt7. the n-beel a* Rt.bliie. for.Iike all boyi
not n nice trick, as you know, and
but he died this morning, rburlo.1 l>ear President—
Robbie wanted to ride just a* rapidly
puss resented the Injury by spitting.
him this afu-inwm. cH had a ill My
I huve*becn sick for two w'odis.aud a* »>e eoukl, and thnl was n little
However, as cats like to sleep, pass
mamd and papa live in town, but I haven't l»ecn out of doop:. This mobih fart for Bruno'* eomfort. He wonbl
would cuddle down for another asp.
live with my uncle, Vsl Dunn, on tbc to a busy month. Y’esterday sra* Ir­ run along'al hto very besi pace for
the per-<
farm. I go to wbool every day. M> win's birthday. It wa* a lad day, □ shlle. Iinl he would finally gel
formance of tweaking V‘r hair and
ICBCher's Dame to Alice Arther. GotHl- W.iso'l If He wa* live years old. I Hred he would Just have lo .sit do
walk off SE If he bad never
bye for Ibis lime.
havo l-x-n thinking al«ui wriiing for snd rest: nn^h.-n he «a>. read)
caf. and wouldn't know n cal If be
From your loving Sunshluei.
a nionih, but got sick and rould not *«!’ .m aolu, IMlrt.le w.Mild to-tait >if
met one.
Likm KrtNipa
write then, vou know. I hvipc you arv Mghl. and tb.n wtmid d'*ronrage Bni
Tom had inco
1 am Borry that yonr dog died. You well, and all the Sunshiner* are. too. qo »o that hv wouid Jurn around and
otr-t^ I
ruM think all the more ot your cun­ It snowed hard la*) night, and the go hontwns*rei
mow fflurt be pretty dec|i. Whal did
B-uno didn't enjoy being left luto tftke in the srash. Thlsf>03s1bly led
you gel for Christmas? I got a bamto hki'l in ihiF way. ;ind iluatl-.' he team
him doing a trick that made hU
ILaVe Ann. Kcb.‘ i:. lJ*u7
kcreblef. and a blue hair ribbon, aifd cA how to make RoliMr go at a spec.:
master some estra trouble.
Dear President—
r while nue. moS a toothpick bol^. a to *uli him. The bicyrle path was
Mr. Barlow fishes with nets. Thes'
have never wrlien U> you l>0'
MS required n great number of wood' fore. I (bought ] vonld arriie n few lilUo box of peanuts and calmly, t nnrrow. ' Mirneiimc* Iwrdered whh
ditch on
1 peg*. So Mr. Bsriow set shorn line*. I srould like to Join tbc Sun­ sack of candy, a picture book, and tree*, and sumclTfcK* with
nuts, l guens that was all. 1 had cither side Once on the path. Ihrrwhlllling them nut of suitable timber. shine Cluh.
Please send tnc a card
He sat. while doing this, m a bench In and button. I am In the aecund grade. a nice Chrtotmas, didn't >•<«,? TUi- wai. no way m leave it and no ol.v
Loys think Ibeir pin* are nice. Well. place wlicrt.- there wa* goo.1 ridlnt So.
the yard, whittled the pegs, one by
seven year* old. I go to school
one. and threw there In n pile behind every day. and I like n»y leacher very I win close, hoping to see this In when Rolible aiari.-d nui l» ride I'l
town, licuno wnnii] run ahead of him
him. Tom watched the operation much. Her name |s Mtos nenjamin. print.
Then, wh.-n he to-gan to get tired.
with interest. Then he got busy. As I have iwo brotbiTs and a sister, (lood
Age It
Rhoda Muletl Bruno would slacken hi* pare until
Mr. Barlow whittled a peg and hye.
It sra* ton had that you were eJrk Rfdilde s.iiitd l-e s«> .vfnild nf running
no the ground. Tom picked II
I am glad ytiu were aide to write at ..v.-r Mm (bat In- smil.l have to rl.l.up In hla bin. flew off with It and hid
Luella Maker.
a IlMie more slowly Bometinies Rob
When Mr. lUrlow made
You have your c*id and bulUm by
l-ie ue-ild run Into Biuno and glv.
mind that he bad auffldent pegs he
this time. I am sure you will be a
Traverse City. Mich . Fei>. 15. 'i>7, him a gentle puih «Mh h:--- frou.
roae. looked where the pile ought
real Sunrblncr.
0(4r President—
whnel. Briin" would MtHrt up and nin
be. but. to hto astmiiihmont. not
Tht* to my- first letter t» the Club a little fast.- tor :i TTi'tiu:.- ..r 'wo, ti«<ras In l>e seen. Nothing srns In
Glen Arbor. Mich . Feh. 13. IW7.
My mother 1* gUd I to long to it i Hni be a**.!! would iu-cin In tag ugabi. an-1
sight ^rl Tnm. gravely walking about Dear rrestda'nt—
ten year* old. and 1 am In the fifth Rot.lde w'e.M h.)K t.,
ken l,i:
and walling for more peg*.
Probably yon have foigoiten me as trade I would like lo ten j^nu abou*
*p«“l. -tsd 'bto. you :-ec w*.. ),i.i
Where the peg* were secreted
one of your .Sun.^blneni. but I am sore
the didl's house that Florence Price whal Br-iiio wanted
ever knew, and Mr- Barlow -was I have not forgotien lb*
I tnsde for r*ur doll*, that are alv
-tme night, when Rol,bi» wgi. almo"
obliged IP whittle more peg*,
nub. Wbeo I Joined the Sunshine inches high. It ts a piece of cJolh
rh[il*m. Ill* mamiiu. >-Mne i.. ht--. tu-d
this time he pul lhe» where the crow Club I lived lo Lelnid l.u> no* I lire
stretched out on the flont of about
could not enn? there off.
In Glen Arbor, t go iq school every Ihreo feel by two Tbeo we put ral side aud wakened him. raying. "Ro’i
bb-'' Wake up*
Tore learned lo know the iiaalry day. and am In Ibe iiinlh grade. My
enilncs all aronnrl it except In tlie v.-ry ,.o'l ^nd M.iijelstdy itiuM go f.ii
and what It cmtaloed a* well a
We play our doll* are prin- ibe .I-e.ot Th.-rv's _I.o tme b-..- to
of ymi Sunshiner* He would
-*. Then I lake a piece of yellow send btii.voi, I-.0 yo-j tbink y.m co'.'-l
inside the door and flutter hto wings
el.iih and nut it In a corner for their go?'
fn- fond. Ills hive for buller got him
rbe^ na
throne. We then dre** them up In.
many a Hcddlug for the rrsaoc
be hint *
Wf arc going silks atid ■■hlBons and laces l» go '-i-;
he wmiM help himself If |i sat
l>alto and dance*,
brother latgan.'
rbere in sight ThU was not only the Hr*t week In March Will ><>>i
little toivk sod myself m.-ide «>ine
had maimers, imt i« *ras l>ad for the piMBs send me another hullnh fur
r neii Utgan and hi* frien-I
appearance of the butler. When he the two rcoul emclosp? Well. I think
made the man. Rol^rt Hii[.tlnr>. ihseeded be would flulfer his wings
will rkwe or you will not bate room Itttic t>b> and myself nisde the lady
and cow hack, which was very rade
' put lilntbepap-r With rcgar-l' to
We raile.1 them Utile Jimmy, of tbBut srhm be asked poliiely for butler *11 the Sunablners. I still cenialn.
funny paper, hto fither aud mother
Wni stop mmy coaok tR*t
to crow language be was gi'
Your Sunahlner.
Well, i mnst cTbse.imw. Good-bye
mneh of the dainty yl was cm
Paarl Lee .
Your Ibviog Sunshine girl.
good for fats hCBlth.
Indeed I brndnl forgotteti you. Pearl.
Donna H Degsn
He hired the famll> droriy. and It seems nice to pet a letter from you
I am clad that you told us about tb<
■ U alurmyB Ike best
Bbowed hU devoUoo by bopping
rw WSJ lo make a doll bouse. What
CBSRb emre. Yo« csnaol
tbsir stMuldera and nipping their
mnmrC to tohe ebsmees m
fun it must he:
cbBOka. clothes or hair. He took this
Ohm Arbor. Mich . Feh. 11. I»A7.
opportunKy of palling the hair pins Dear President—
Omwood. Leelanau. Mich..
deniy from bis mlslreas' kair and
This morning when I'got to sehodl
Feh i(. IPI7.
dro^ng them on the floor.
my teacher. Mr. Dumbrille.'handed me Dear PiTsIdeat—
S«B In Brat Btsfles.
When the Barlow toiBly were build­
Sonsblne butuo and a card, for
I srrtMe tost week, but f thunfbi
ing their new house. Tom raostod m which I thank yoo very mneb. I Join- IM write Bfaln to thank you for our
a rafter In n storeroom of toe twcond ed the Club to Jaaimn-. and I will try^ mlrodnr. I 'loolc it to school yeater
floor. Ahd here It sms that
bard lo obey ibe rules of the Club. I day. and the aal> tboogjii It Fas very
while rtimtuaglng around, found whnt
> school BMriy every dsy, t am pretty, it was an awfully pretty one

Banner tbas msMa had darud (o
Robbie waa wide awoke Joat as
expect BohMe wps back Is tor arora
s be heard that hto dear papa
Mck He Ml up to -bed and knkM with the good news Ib^ the doctor
was already on the road.
"What rinse to U?- he asked
-Were yoB afraid, ay darihigr’ ehe
'Twelre o'clock." said mama
“to tt dart o.iU.IJcr' By Ihto Ume
-n. ao. mamma.- R.dtWe
Hobble was getting Into-his eloibes. “Bruno ran ahead alt tbe way. 1 hs^
for be mnst be toady to do all be be woBld keep in the path oo an I
eo-iM for papa.
had to do sras to follow U* whits
"Ve«, it'# very dart. dcat. I'm al tail. Good Bnioo! good doato:" pato>’ afraid to have you. go. bat whal Un« the bead that rested oo U* ktos.
ID I do? Wc must hare the docirw,"
"But Just suppore hla tall bad b««B
and RrMle could tell fiTMi her voice
blach. mamaw. Wbat would 1 havo
that mamma was crytoc.
done Ibva?-—Rose Woodaltto p>SF
'Itrn't cry. Jlaroou.' be raid, saal
Iflwinc a lump in hl> own throat ' I'll
go after the donor right away Tm not
afraid—U I r.ia only mv the paib"
HHpmg One Another.
Robble was dressed fay tbU time. | Th7' bartrl ot Mock* was «• the
td ran for bi>.wheel. A'hen be gut ground, and three rather cross UtUe
the door open hr looked out O. but laces loDked down at IL
night was d.-ok; M' dark tie coold
"It * too heavy for me.-aaid J^way.
nothlnc but inky blackness,
aloioM hesn*l.-,l at the thought',of «he[ ' Wrtl. joure Ug at I
steep ditches <.n .liber side trf lhe:»Vre twins," saM Nellie,
path, and then of the lieec In other | 'I wool carry it." said tbs lltUe
place* (bat he might run Into.
Jcoosin with a pout.
ihv door to hto* ! Mamma looked from her opcij wla
biir good byk'
do*, aad raw tto ironbte.
to.!' .h. UK. -B-!
, ,,, .

„.,.i «,

w a. fc.

h.,...«». „
c«» ■
Robbie nodded and Jumped
'*! It was ten targe for any om «f ttom
whet-l. Just a* he did so. bC
* ; to carry. Wbat do you think they
nding toward h
; didr
s a queer time of night for Rabble |
"We don I kDow.' raid Ibe twtsa.
iw iming out for a ri'lo. hut ilrtinu'
lo'| -They ail ttKvL hold of It t«»«ber.“
was ready to go with him 6o off bv
•iai>ht-d down tbc path, hto plumy l a _I said mamma. "FDd the* they coaM
waving above bt* bark, the white Af
rtatiding out In plain vh-w against the { The cbibUi-n laughed and looked at
tdacknesa of tbc ciglil.
;<arh other; then they all took boM
tbc bs»k.w logvtbcr. and loqnd tt
Bruno didn't know- bow Ibe sight .d
that wbll«- spot cheered bis little mas­ wa.‘' very <-sir;'h
ter's heart. With hi* eye* flrtniy flx"The way I
<-.1 'ipnn that beacon. Robbie -rode ■hi. world." Maid mamma. "Is toFercry
st.'adlly nhead Just a* rapidly ;is Bni .'me to help a little.
Or would inivci.
Ih'-in all. but ever? o

l- ,,

Mwt pvtopJo know tfwt if they h«Y«
i»e«d Svoii’j £.muljton to Inin^ Imck IwMihh end gtrcDgtlL
But inc gironcert pciot Rbrm* Scoff.S
nmtiijion -ib diat you don't have to Le
pick lo RCI rcflultr- from it.

U'iicocn up ibo Glhlete’fl iMretteth,potato
on thiM pco;^ makes a fretful btibr happy*
brings toior lo a pale giiTs checks, and pm*
Tents coughs, colds aad masumption.

And it contains no drugs and ao alcehoL
l&TSj 606. AND •LOO.

The ANTHONY Woven Wire'FeiM
TBs Xast IBal Wm'I Cam. Ofl


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li M fart m waff as aama


The Bc5t on Earth ”
Tbs Blrwac**! Last

rfa.7Mp,No.0to^J5N»IL Sura la tbs tad.

used.'Md the test, beevlost «■!««■•
^ obUtoed.

STYLES-An^j^i^.w 7 bar 2S tech HOG faac*. ta tto ANTHONY rtatosN
roe »aix to

Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils
"Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Rest.”

Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Citizens Phone 99
Bell Phone 188

Kemp^ Balsam OUR



Food m concentrated form for flick and
well, youn^ .ind <dd, ritd and poor.


' lor wa? of rltiiDc bosiooM ia to Mve
■joBoyfriroarcMtoiBcrbin wry kgitiraata
way. We giro Micr quality for ieaa motwy
- Wa deerMao our pro6t in order t-y increato
ourT-uatomera' aatiafactioo.

We have ltos>o d'liiw: this ever ainen we atortad in basionas
and find it pay* If you bare not tried our atora we a»k you
tooome here the oest tioe you wiab a&ytbiag in tbe peiat ot
drag liae.

Wait’s Drug Store



If -


that for I
»-tn rapldlyland nerve. If Ufced half a pint of n
cipM flf hal­
boiling water, let U qutekiy reech the can be Added. wUk a UtOe bnuer aad ter. rubbed with two eopfal* of sugar
until creamy: three smaU capfnU of
bmnng ptdnt again, then move the ket­ floor to thlcfcefl U.
tle where It cannot boll, but will sim­
ChlAeu Broth—Weigh the fowl, an floor, four eggs well boatea. one cup­
mer. Cook about four hours.
old one is best, and to eadt pound ful of milk and two
Let is parttelly cool In the waUr. allow one plat of cold water. Break of baking powder sifted la tbc
then take It out and pack it In a brick the honta sod cut the meet smsll. Bake In three Uyers.
loaf pan with the fibers of tbe meat Cover with the water and add <mc
Filling for Cake—W*hlie of one c«s
roaalng lengthwise of toe pan. Press ishlefpoonful of rice. After tt comes well beaten with enough
A OrMm wnttin • Dr»am.
1* dmtiar.
The varbtUm
by covering with a board or another to the l<oll. let Is simmer for twoimake a frosting. Take out one-half
n kU vbo lute would love tu.
Ibe Ume of cooking, wkich depends
pan with a weight on It. Such meat hour*. Sirsln, season with salt and to Ice the t-.p irf the cake, then add
And ell oar love* were tnie.
upon the sise and shape of tbc cot and
may be served in slices cold, with u'pepper, and i>rrYo bot. Only half the to tbe remaludcr tbe giated rind and
The *Un Uui iwlOE ebovc ui
in tbc kind and method of seaam
... once.
. one small orange and
iowl need be used at
j] Juice of
hot tomato
Woald bricbteB In the blue.
which need never be twice alike.
Puffed Cracker—Cover the square I more sngar to make It tUu*. Place
Hearty Bouf^^Save the srater where
' If croel word* were kiaae*.
How to Bdl Meat—Tbe tough libera
le moat was boiled and when cold cracker*.\dosn as soda biscuit, wltb’tbis between tbc cake*.
And oveiT neowl ■ nnllc,,
of tbe meal must be softened. Thai
> absorbed I Yankee Cfaorolate <
remove the fat i
be clarified for j cold water.'and i
A beUer world tbna tfali i*
can only be aeeompllsbed by gentle
half cupfuls of sugar aad hall a
shortening. Use the liquid for soup} place In the oven nntll thoroughly
Wonld hardtr be worth while.
next day with minced carrot, turnip i heated afid ptiRcd. Servk with a lit- rupful of butter worked to a cream,
Meats begin to a temperaInto a
ibbage. Half an hqur before tie aalt. and a few spoonfub of sweet aad ibret- well-lH-aten eggs
ire aboni BRy degrees lower than
If poreco woBld ontlKbten
bowl put right
serving add a Isrgd Milon minced fine. cream, whipped, and place
water bolls.
To meet • brother'* need.
a more delicate sobp I* preferred, These puffed crapker* are very dell- grated chocolate, three of sugat. and
The kwd we beer would Hstaten
As all the Joices should be retained
simply salt and pepper the liquid, catr-^d especially liked by the Chll beat la three of boiling milk. Add this
Above the (rude of freed.
la tbe meat, apply Intense beat st
to Ihe cake mixture Immediately, ibrti
adding a aemtter of celery seed; thick­
the o-jtsel to every part of the outer
If tho*e wbo whine would whistle.
en alightly. serve with loasted strips
Beef Cakes-Take the moist tender add half a rupful id milk in wblrh
by plnaglng it in water almost
And thoM wbo hutfulsb. Unfb.
of bread.
piece from a slim- of rump steak, trim half a teaspmful of soda has been
The tone would roul the thistle.
-bolllmt. and kept boiling for twenty
Or add a minced onton to tbc liquid off all the fat from it. and remove any dlssolvvil: two ruptula erf fiour srIth
. The gmin Mt run the chnlf.
minutes. Tbii coagulates the Juice
salt and pem>er. thicken with well plecea of grhrtie that may -un through 030 tcaspoonful of riram of isnar
the end* of the flbera. and tbe solldlPul this Into a meat chopper, and sifted through it. If preferred.
soaked sago, letting it cook In tbe
fled Juice acu like a atoppci. It pre­
If benrU were dulr foiijr.
soiip fllircn minntes. stirring It ofu-n. when chopped fine, make Inin a flat, heaping tcaspoonfuls of baklug powder
vent:! the escape of the Juice*. After
if crtcvtair were forfot.
be ust-tl Instead of tbc mkU and
.Or iDstcwd of sago, add half a cup ronnd cake. Broil this on s wire brollthat tbe meat should simmer, geutly
Ahd tears end tnelucboly
m of tartar.—McCall's Magaziutof rich milk and tbe yolks of four eggs
few minutes, turning frequently.
Were tblsfs that now are not.
taking the kettle off the Move before It should not be cooked, lojg enough
. Ihen love would kneel to duty.
How to Buy Bsaf.
stirring In the egg yolks. Serve wtib to dry the Jnlccs of the meal, but
stock a small psniry with
And nil the world would seem
The Mikrting of good aad Inexpen
should be raodcrviely rare.. Sprinkle
strips of hot toast.
It and vcseubic dUbes. A dol­
A bi1d*l bower ot beauty—
Appetites vary, so we cannot give with a little sail, and put a liny hit *lv«- ruia of btw-f Is u problem i« many
lar will fumiib a supply for a year.
A drenm within a dream.
The New idea Wtvtiiai
eiBcf qasDtliies tor the average tauiBalt, pepper and ontmiH. aegr.
.Magazine gives the following dear dibut here we have tbe meat for -sprig of parsley placed on the cake.
thyme, bay leaves, mint and parsley,
Mutton Broth—Cat two pounds of srriptioo for their iKuicfll;
at least Bve subaianiial meals lor a
pepper^oma. red peppers, allaplfe.
In sdcrtlng Itet-f it Is well to know
lean mutton into squares, removing
clOTCS and tnaec, curry powder, celery
• . *«owiy th* thousfat Of kin
ovrry imrtlele of fat. Cover with cuie that tbe ax furnislics fat of a firm
salt. Worcestershire sauce, tomato
For the Invalid.
quart of raid water, let it cour to the texture and til a deep cream color.
catsup, capers and horsendiHb furaUb
'While there la so much tllncss prev iKiil. and simmer slowly two hours. Its flesh will iH- i.righl red well mar­
In this old world of our*:
a good variety with rice added o
alenu the followlag hints as to the Twenty minutes before U is uken up. bled with fat and II will have a thick
Bkiwlr th* darilcht grow*
atamlal “ihlclicnlagr- of a
care of iovalid's arill not come anilsa:
Out of the dark bouni.
id one taWespoonful of »-ell-wa»hed outside layer of fat. The grain of the
A little 'book latelv pul
with plllna-s ee. Put In salt and pepper to Ustc. flesh will be fine and close. Tbc cow
Yet nurdy the genUe light
(lUed. "NlDcty-Dlne Practical Methods
coverlid should liavo lt« place
BhaU coaquer the.'realm of
Farina Gruel—Stir two lablespoon- beef has a cIom- grain, a white fat
of irtlllslng Boiled Beef." obUln* a in tbe Invalid's room. Tbls will serve fiils of farina In throe of milk, i>our and tbe flesh a paler red. Pour and In­
long string of recipes ebleJiy through for tbe nurse while the patient still is
As nndy the rcifn; at love
boiling water and Itnll ferior btef will IK- of a dark red colvarying flavor of the aauce or the in bed and when be Isenoueh ufacon- imlll thoiti'.igbly cooked, stirring of- i: and the fat will Ite skinny. The
gravy served with the aicsts.
vsleaccDl to upend part of
Ovar the turmoil of hatred and
•n to keep it smomb. Take ll off. add m«tl of ,a prime animal when pressed
Braised Dinner Boef—Use the com­ It alll furalsb a restful change for
plneh of salt, and two gills of cream. with ibfl^flnger will quickly peturo
pact ^cce weighing from three to four him also.
Apple Water—Pare tart. Juicy ap­ its hrlgiaal place; but a |K»r beef
pound*. Reject nit skin and grislly
Carpels are out of place In tbe sirk ples and rill them in slices, takeuboui will slowly testinie Its shape or will
porUons. Wipe with a damp -cloth: tom. A stained or painted floor is! half a pint measui^of them and |M>ur not mum at all after being pressed.
leccssary Uc or skewer the piece bcalthier in all parts of the boiiM'.
Bach side of tbc iK-cf Is rut into two
over about a pint of boilijg water.
I good shape. Rub It wilb salt, pep­ and anything less than this la fairiy
Let this stand until raid, and sirvje In {laris, the hind and furcquarlere. and
RusUn fives a dctmuion of the irtie per and flour.
criminal In the case of the Invallrt's
glass sdlb some ersrked lee. TbU Uiex- In turn arc divided Into various
home which Is w^ reading and reHaveveady In a frying pan a few abode, which should know
a pltwaant and Iwneflcial dnuk In sbap'
■MMberlhc. Hc^ys:
epoonfnlg of fat from previoiu nmat
hsrbortpg c-irpeta. fever*.
N'atm-s Ilf cuts vaiy In each locality
*Vam* is a place of peace: a thclfrom salt pork. When It Is smoking Small rugs which can be uken
Brawn Bread Colfee—Put the rrusl, to such an extrat that If one asked for
ter not only from all Injury, but from hot put in the meal and turn it nnui
pieee familiar eiMiiigh in one (tlacc
denw. doobt and dlrlsloo. In ao far It Is aoared and brown all over. Then and aired and shaken each day arc and tlilii slices of liruwii brratl Into
only proper coveriag for any l>edIt
might not In- ideoUfled In another
■a It is not this. K la tut home; so Car pot it in a deep earthen or graniten. The floor Itself should be wiped bum them. When dried, pnl iuto tbe loraimy. Tbe animal is divided by the
as the anxleUea of the outer srorid ware dish which can be covered.
every day with a damp doth dippcil coffct- pot. and pour over Iheni liniling batcher into the two sides and then
pnMtratB Into It and ibe unknown,
To the fat left in the frying pan In water, whendn some odorlea* dls- water. Cover, anil let Is siec-{i a v.hlli- shipped all over the country., After
amoved or hoaUle aodeiy of the out- add enough more to make two ubieInfeeiani baa been pouroo.
r the flavor and nourishiiieni I the beet reaches Ua destination tho
*r world U nUowH by ellber buaband
this fat a smsll
The window* shoulu bo curtained
riilUng Is iiucely local, and It depends
or wUe to cron tho threshold. It onion chopped fine. Add two tablesrith light drapery over dark shades,
upon the uiarki-tman Into
' censes to be home; It Is then only a spoonful* of flour and let Ibet brown.
ao Hut although the light can flood
shaiH-s be dividt-> and how he names
part of that outer world, which you Th,en put in a pint of liquid, either
K will not blaze Into Ibe pa
Carrageen—Wash two lisinll i1- of
have raoTod over and lighted fire In. water or stock, and when It thickllent'n eyes. A screen for pn.iccting triafa moss Ihroiigb two oi; Ibire w-aThe foreqnarier Is goneraJly divided
Bot ao tar as n la a aocred place, a
Slightly strain It over the meat.
from tbe glare I* one of tbc
lets, drain, and pour to it Ihri-:- pints ! follows;
vaMal temple, a temple of the hearth Also in a bit of doth Ue a piece of
venlcnt accessories. A small table of Itoiling watei. Ix-t It slmmci imill
I. The neck piece, whlrfa furnMies
watched over by
tay leaf, a blade of msec, two of three aoowily covered and furnUbed fori^ the moss beeomc* a pulp. Ihi-u sliaHi,
Hamburg steaks for the least
fbee whose teeea none may come but
l>cr-coms and cloves, and put It In with medicine fiashs. glaascc. spouns. kweeie.i to taste, and add Uie j-alce
-y and is also used for mincethose whom they can receive with;
gravy with the meat to be re- and kindred apparatus. I* a necessary of one lemon. Turn into an tndividnal
and bashes. Excellent croquette*
love, so far a* II Is this—and roof, moved when It Is sufflclentiy flavored.
article of farnUnre. and should be mold, ami sene cold, with swi.-eu-n- can be tiirnicd from this meat.
and Ire are type* tmly of a nobler
Cover the meat and pul in a sitfw kept In an obtnialve corner where 1 whlp|K-tl crt-ani.
". • Chuck" riim. from which are pro­
Aade and light, abade as of the rock oven for four or five hours. oCcasloiithe patient need not hare It In
cured small bleaks and roaat* of good
la a weary land and light as of the ally turning the meat over In tbe
D'-Iieiou* Cakes.
irvoy and tbe processes ranflavor anrl piece* for braising. sUrwl>hnitw^ the stormy sea-so fsr It gravy.
uccted therewith in constint ren
Tlhdknte* the name and fnlfllla the
nlnlasscs and half a etipfiil of lirown Ing. hash, and pot roast*.
Iron dishes are not sulUble for so brancc.
n. The 'Mlcking piece" U MUsfacpnlne cd home.
sugar together, until Ibo sugar U meli
long a period of cooking, a strong
The wall |>aper Is best when
"And wherever e true wife comes flavor of Iron not improving Ihf meat.
ed. nissnlve one tcjiKjKionfal trf »oila iiiry cooked as a brown stew or brais­
least obtnislvc. wljh rcsifni hue and
this home Is always aroi|nd her. The
U a little warm water and stir It ed. Iis name la suggested by the posi­
Leas Jolce comes out of meat when
Invisible pattern If any design
on tbe under side of tbc neck
nUy'U over her.bead. the lurroonded by a thick sauce or gravy
quickly Imu the hot moiassch. n-rw
at all appear. Wall paper figures arc
^ow srorm In Um nigh cold gras* ^y than when water la used.
famoua for annoying the sleepless pa­ add half II cupful of butter, sllghil'.
thin, flat ends of tbe chock
he the only lire at her feet, but home
in this same raanaer prepare a flank tient and for lK.-coming Irritatingly
fe ydt whnmer ahe la. and tor a no­ >r a slice of- meat which has been
flour: adding during the prm-esfl nne and prime ribs and Join* tbc sllckingo Ihe dally gaze.
ble vomag'U atxeudtea far around her. ipread with stuffing and rolled and
tcaspoonful of cinnamon, one of gin {ileee. It derives lu name from the
Rocking chairs are best in otbei
ran be dlstlngiilkheil
brtler than celled with cedar or Ued In shape.
mme than the Invalid's. They an- gcr and half a niiitni-s If uci-detl. add the thin eud or i« suggestive of the
patpted with vennlllon. uhcddlng Its
Braised beef should be served hot Inclined to creak in the finii place, cmmgh more flour lo roll nut thin. (■late piece which b> placed on Isillers.
'quiat' Bght tar. for those wbo else ke roast beef, and Is someUmes cuUCut In sbiijies and liake In qnick oven.
and in the ^eeond place they make
Soft Molasses Ginger RpKad—Stir etc. This im-ai Is ofienosi usi-d I
I a pot roast. A compact piece of
still person nn-vntis, A large easy
eoruing. bill makes giKid stews,
stuffed neat will slice well when cold. chair la really l>eUcr In any caw f«i locelhcy^onc cupful of i^assi-s
u. This Ik Ihe eross-rib piece and
Pbra Meale far e Deliar.
Any remnants and the gravy msy be anyone If nepresare In eonsl'deratlon. tcaspoonful of MMla. otib leaspn
fur l^al-lng. pul nuibt*. and
of ginger and one table*poonlul of
As ia example of good living
The room as « whole, and In all It*
ig and le the ftnest corning plriKtrf
"cheap meat," says a writer In the Dethey may be chopped and served dflialls should Ik- daintily n<-al.
Th<- ribs, which an- next lo
troll Free Pma. let a family buy
In croquettes or bashes. A five-pound sunshiny as posKlblP. and altogether ter. Then pour on tlil> half a rnpfiilj sirloin Id choice for roBSllDg. ibe lirst
pouada midway of the hind leg after braised piece usually fnraishe* an or- tbe most-Inviting rrmin In the house. iKjlIlng water and flour enough In
live ribs Iming the choice out.
all desirabte altccs of round steak dlnsry fsmilp f
tbree meals, as Give the invalid Ibe best room avalla- make a thin batter. Bake about one
pl(K-«- known as “Ihe brisker
Inch deep. This Is very nice If pains
have bean enid. The price will vary in here shown.
arc taken to have the wai-r l•nlllnl9^ and used lor coming and for cheap
dtterent loeamies from eight tc
Frfed Cutlets or Stewed Steak—A
Moeb depends on the footl, whl.-h
teen cenU a pound: tt ought nc
Bllce one and oge-hsU to two Inches should Ik- mnirlKlilng, well preparrd
s. Fore -.hank whleh Is u*<vl for
coat over ten eenla.
thick Is rut In pieces suiUbte for In- and daintily served. Here an- some added.
llarrlbon Cak<—One cuirful of but i-oup* and th" tneaiK
The bvtdnr wtll cut it op If he Is dlvl^t serving, and all undesirable recipes which will fill all n-qulremeiii
ter, one cupful t>f sugar, one cupful of throeiffi B mincer for liasheK.
toM what U wanted: at least be will portloos removed.
Gru)-I—Throw a handful of
qiii-ttPK and made over dUbes.
rpmoTe th# outer skln.wblcfa U worthbroil over a quick fire till well raisins into a pim of water, and let nitdassetif one cupful of milk, two eges
5 The lower bhank. used for m
and three rtiplul» ol flour, one pound
tai. and apt to have a stroag flavor,
roed. but not c
them boll five or ten minutes. Mix
lo Ribk tiir ntat-it.
of stoned ralbllic or less If <lt-*lre<l.
tad also cut out end crack the bone.
Put the plocea then In a tomato sauce
s of oalmnii>ttl
^>h a one tcaspoonful each of cIovvk. cinna­
The musclee form natural divisions or a brown gravy, and cover and cook mile cold w-aler. and pour Inin the
Letter Party for an Inva'id.
mon and nutmeg. «n*- teabpoonful «rf
aa4 the larger oms funiUh a compact for about iwd hours, or till tender.
Boil thirty minutes ami
! One of Hie pitytllest Irfeas evt
gtaca weighing about five pounds;
This is a good way !• serve the flesh strain. Add.a little sail.
laricr of o tlMuigbi of In eonoceUon with w.«
Iluieh Tea Ci
Is BuiUblo fw^ bolUng or braising.
ends oi slrioln steak.
Beef Sandwiches-Scrape a mile pound of billler, liair p pound of mi lovalids U that of a letter part
Tbs smaller Bactkms may be sliced
Sometimes tne steaks may be stew­ raw beef from a rtioioc. tender piece. gar. half a pound trf floui. and lout' Anyone who lias ever lakon care t
tor cuUeU or rolls.
ed first, then egged and crumbed, amt
vritb pepper and aalt. and wcll-bealen eggb. Beat the wbllw | an Invalid know* how very depressing
All ragged portion* of clear meat- fried In deep fat.
spread tbe beef ov«- a tbln slice of and volks wpaiaU-ly. rllrrlng In IlieMt U to have scv.-ral VlsUAf* In a day
nay be chopped for Hamburg aieaks.
Beef Rolls—Cot the meat In pieces bread from which the crust has l«ca the whl^-s the laM thing Spread ibis i or e»on om- who actlica bervelf l«
Scraps of fat abould be clarified for
three by four Inches, spread thickly removed. Place another Ibin ailee of 1 “7.
' bat ing it quite | xpend the day. Tbe Invalid brightem
i.™.d bvc,
with sauMge meal, or chopped onion,
BO thin as for wafoc« Cover the lop'up, but tknre's an Inevl
The various bit* of bone sod gristle
or a sinffing made of soaaoned crumbs through with a sharp knife. Into tri­ with ehnppi-d alroimd-, ground cinna-i table reaction, irylngrio both invalid
will farolsb s qufrt or two of strong
Roll and tie. or skewer with smooth angles or long thin strips. If ihc lal- non and a ilnle sug-ir. Bake light ’ and niirw.
•twp atodt.
plle in log eabln fsshlon on a ilnyThen proceed M
Bul hnlldays that Itave to lie sptmt
No housewife need loar that tbc
platc covered with an embroldcrt-d
with Ibe cutlets
t while all your world
Pound Cake—Ojo and a half cupfuls ! quietly
neat will epoll or that ibe family
' unaelBsh one. w ho
•tf butter iKwten to a ercam w-iih
wei Uro of U before it Is eaten, as
you eompanyi b off celebrat­
ntgbt be tbe case with a ten-pound
as cloaely a* possible. In a bit of whites and ycdks beaten separately: ing. l» a* de|iressing a.-- the reaction
strong ooriTO cloth, boll It four hour*. four cupfuls of flour and oue teaspoon- from too much company.
Nor I* H neceaeaty to cook H sH at
«rett covered with water, then take It tul of mace. Bake lo a rather quick
So someliody thought of a letter parTbe Hanburg steaks will keep fit aali. a little pepp^t- snd one
out and let It cool. BtrfI a plot of milk oven fort) miniite».
tv for one unfortunate Invalid: and
a day before cooking: the cutlets or spoonful of onion Jaice. If liked a little
over water, thicken It with a tablepowdered
Loaf Cake-One cupful of butter quietly canvaased Ibe long Ual of be:
rolU may be partially cooked and kept
ounce of tat pork chopped with the
robbed with two and a ball cupfuls of
aavaial day* before flnuhlng:
day M-i—It was tbe eomlng
1. Dtp the bands In cold wster and mixed smooth with s little eobl sugar, one cupful of aonr milk, tbreei
plow for braising can be left for two
of aaier-l onl-day of her best (rieod. and abe
days in special vinegar before oook- and shape tbe meat into about tea sol­ milk. Bouson to the taste with aalt eggs, one
four cupfuls of floor. Flavor lolwa* draperately bloe
log. and afterward It will keep for e id oval cakes an Inch thick. In this •nd a bH of sugar If liked. This I*
week, as will tbe eoup slock.
r twenty-four hour* without injury. of bowel trouble I* very efficacion*.
Chocolate Cream Cake—Bake a rcr snivod. Some nf them held little
Other cub srhleb may be used in
When reedy to oook. dip the cakes The floor balls will keep for mootlw cake lo three round tin* as for Jelly gifts—Hm merest triflm of thing*,
mne of the ways to be described
cake. lAlmost’any plain cake role but enough to carry tbe feeling of the
In melted butter and brofi. or fry. and In a dn'. eool Pl*«* -aMeh bone." flank and -Tieck
serve with tomato sauee., If any are
Clam Brath—Wash ball w dozen win do.) Froal two of the cakes with
Tbe letters weren't a bit alike. Tbe
lef taerve cold, cat in thin sllee*: bard sbeli damn, aad pUce them In a chocolate frosting and spread the
* la one V
whipkettle ovwr
over the
fire with c-.*
alx tabletne me
----- ------- girl arbo bad plaamid the party bad
e these cheaper cub they are alro good flliing for sand- gaui*
opoontal* «< boiling water. When the ped. cream, sweetened aad flavored primed everybody, and in m
•t neat petiUble one must he wUlthg
"Simplr BoUed.-—For fwMsIng Uke sheila open remove them. Strain off with vanma. Pot the layera together there was a redroshtng dtveralty of
to take pains with the cooking. Tbe
style*. Ow girt wbo coold sketch had
griinl prapatatlM of all wagh neab eotsed beef, choose a pfeee sUnllar to tbe Juic*. seasoo with nil ^ pepper with the cream In tbe-mlddl*.

"/ Qmsider Pe-ru-na
The Finest Remedy
On The ^

Mrt. Ceiesie

Mrs re>«ie Covsll, formerly Ptc
and BensroIrnt Boriety, write* from
•rijnly ibose who have inffeml
Bpprmsls bow gratefnl I feel that .urh s «pl*flffid i^hl
• een placed si tbe door et every a B and woman. 1 only w
r iuen*qnsl:tt*s.
-In eases of catarrh of the siomacb and head 1 have seen some ramarhable
nreathTongbmtue. • ronstder yonr Peruna the finest remedy «• the
market and worthy of the ronfidenre ..f aft g-iod people.”
Mrs. Alice d. Bordnrr, Ittt Maple
At*.. Harrtsbnrg, Pa., writes: '
-1 have fonnd a cure la Perana. I can­
not recommend Peruna enengb. I also t» profMKioDsl people and to tbs pabUo
tbank you for your kind eiieattoa to in general.”
me. I am as well as could b* ever atnee
Pratic For F«4»-w.
1 began taking Pernna.”
' Mis* Ells U Malthrer*. box HI. RtU
A Utter U tbe PwbUe.
GTiy.Tenn., wnice:
Hr. Test Johnson, IDS) bgtb atreel.
‘■From eajicrtcnrc I have decided lhal
Bath Beach. Brnoklyn. N. V.. write*:
there could Iw no greatar msdictJlo in
**Ia all my expenmeiii* with medi- the world than JVruna. t stnever rsadff'
mne* in the effort to improv* a condl- to praiM Peruna to my Irlenda.**
ly nifle drawings stuck in betv Wltb the'mlxt'irc. nilrbltig till the body
Ihm all through Iwr letter. And - Is aglow. Then fnllown an exhilaranulber was In rhyme.
lailon akin lu surf l•alblllg.
The nurse added to the aunvaa of, Icate child siirh « liaih Is recomm
ic plan by boldlug back some nf the |ed as apccdll) bt-nefleial.
iGitere. ao that the positnan seenxwl
limes that day.
Make Home a Fun C«ntsr.
Ikia'l be afraid <
< llUle I
The (rfeai^re was almost as gn-st as
visits would hZve been, but oirrii-d' home, tkm'l whiit ytmr bouae teat tbe
with It no element «f czctlement— sun should fade your rmrpets. aad
laugh obako
there was no
The funniest pan of tt ail was that, down ««ie of the mnrty old cobwebs
after all the work of the girt who had there. If you wish lo ruin your sons,
g<K It up—the "bostcaa." as she per- let them ibink that all mirth and
alslod In calling bcnu-If—tbe Idler social enjoymeoi irfitKi 'Iki left on the
ibrcabold wlilnnit when they come
tbo invalid most enJoy<-d was oi
home at riiglii! Young people mnat
from the debutante, for It inclnsed
seraii of her gown, and went into elab­ have fun pnd i
orate details about its making aad If they do not find It at Ihclr own
about everything to ilo with the party, hi«nhkUin<-». It win be sought at
other l<-s» pnrfltalilc placoa. There­
the ctrfor-eefaeme and the supper.
fore li-i the fire Irurn brightly at nlghl.
and make Ihe homestead delightful
Some Hearty fialada
with all Ibose HHIe arts which pareaU
Ham Balad—f'b>q< some ham v<-:y
Don't rw
finAnd slice twict- as much raid pola M. perfi-cuy underirtand.
toes very- thin. Airanfe the Itani Slid irreas the buoyant splrlu of yonr childr>-n:
half an hour's tnoirliiient ariMind
|K»aicH> 111 a salad dish in Isiers aud
lamp aod-flresidr of home, blots
>l>ririkl<- twrh
double layer with
ihi- nmcmlH raiKv- <d many a care
chiip|M-d ct-Ur>. then pour Frenr-h
dresRing over all. (iariiikh with liani and annoyance during the day. and
».if.-guurd lliey can take with
l•nill■d egg', ctii In sllci-K ••I In fancy
ih< m lino the world Is the inflii'tirw uf
briglit mik- domestic sanrlum.
Salad of Ib-v-f's Tongiie—fbmk *;
MliaJI Ihi-I k iniigiK-. cbop. add half
qnanllly of r-fioptx-H r-r-lery. chopiK-tl
B illies nf iwo or .more urus, and
with a mile nf Ibe masbed >>ilks
lintuec lesvoii. or kllre.|.and slit riuiU-d
with lieela
Bacon Dressing-Heat iwo taUlcspoonfnls of liaeon fai. stir In nmwilhiy a labk'Kfi'sinful of flour, and half a
lcacu{iful 'if hot water. Mlrring unili
the mixture ImIIk. then add ball a't<-aciipfol of vinegar, half a teaspoonful of
sail nr l<-s* If the fat U sally. Kasp<ainfiii roch of sugar and dry mu»tar'I. labh-SKKintuI of I'.-mon Julee may
Im umid'-l. cook Klowly four or fl«ctninuie-'. Can or bottle.


be found in ram coU which have
iK-en dipped In kerosen*. Danger will
be Icem-ned and waste avoided. If »
niimlxT of rah« are dipped In Ibe nil
at one time and put In a ravereii lin
pall or can. ready for ime. The safest
way to kindle a flr>- h to crush a
rtjupu- of Mieeta of nowapapef aad
111*'-.- a few dry chips .or split kind­
lings' m. lop. then light Kindling
w/yid stiould not be patdted la a abed
In a gri-'b 'ir wet coadlUoa. but b<pot 'ip during dry weather. The wood­
shed should I* floored, for If the
wood tv*u on the <niaB4. the di'rtstiire wm drive up Into, tbe pll>- an.!
that oo the bottom will be damp afld

Claaniinssa and Health.
people who have nr> opportunity lo
enjoy sea bstblng will be glad to know
that a sub-.ti)ut>'. nearly.If n>it quite, an of Conking Odsra.
strengthening Is found In an ssimnn
U l«ib A gill of liquid ammonia In a
pail of water makes
by tyi
snlulion. wh'ne Btrengibenlng effecv liag a lump of’ blcsd
'inly be compared to a plunge In Ibe p..' with the ir.ilipg greens, bams,
the surf To weak persons tbl« if et'- TbU win atworb tbe gaae*. A
rccommcncl'-d as an in<roiDparable Inl­ Tew r-'I [K-pper* or pieces of diarcosl
and tonir. It cleanses the sktn and |.'ii Into ib<- pot are alnn said to stop
stlniiilaie* 11 wTOderfulIy. and l'-av<-H the mipleazaiM odor which gr-netally
Ihe flesh as firm and cool a* marble. fllis the ho'ise whTO green vegeta*
More.ihan tbif, the amrarmia porifle* tica gjc boiled.
tbc body from all odor of p>.-r>piraii'm'
Those in whom the secretion Is un
A •"ssfcfMt Dish.
Ikdl one pint or milk, add two taMc- :
pleasant will find relief by iieinc a
spoonrnl of the tincture in a tutslu spoonfuN of coroaureh, mixed to a
of water, aad wssbtng meh part* of smooth iiast/- with a little add milk.
body as may be necessary. Many TOe-qoarler teaspotmfBl of salt aad
pe-rsons find great comfort and iK-oe-irae wHI-liraien egg. bat do pni aUow
fit from a salt-water baih arranged le the mixture to boil a/Ur adding tbe
this way: A coffee cup of the fine. egg: turn It into a sqaare mold to
sail mixed with a galkn trf cool. When arid cut in alieaa holt on
waur.aad with a hair glove or coarse Inch thick, roll In flour and hrowa la
towcL dm body thoroughly hsthed a tiring pan.





Paces 7 to 12

AI«M.( oae Uoasud peoph- attendod the Ami-Saloon leniw ttoloD meeiin'r aiibe Clij-opera bouac Sundajr
nlfbt. There «a« a *r«at deal Mtni««m namfeated and the apeakrra were
frequemir (mnmpied l>r appUuee..
The meeUac was presided orer by the
*btr. U a BfauHI. blmaeir a
of the state ieainie.
and ttae paatotw of the riiy occupied
the pUUform. The oxnle was fnr•Ued by the Church of Christ orAeallB, led by L«iBle Beardsley.
After a larae coaifretiBilon had «<»<I


Is also “the young nun's eluh" and had made In the soulh where IS.lklU.
1 preach a seraiun but bare (ec- spoke lo an Inienst-ly Inieres'td most fall} are the German*. Accord­
B. W.-Hasriaes of Tfttriw CJif
many voting men |ear to drink liquor 006 crat of 2S.IM0.Apn pt-ople Kw-d Ir1 left ihat to the pasiors and lenijx'i- uiidlence.
ing IIP neeni figores It Is showh that anaarted ImsIneM In Cedar last .
because of this soelabilKy.
trioperance preeincts. prohibition. h<f anee oratoni.-. I have nu sermoo tnii
Kls talk dealt chiefly willi the wmk n<fnufl.r has a larger percentage of \V«lne»day.
The third eietnent was that of uM, Is making greal ga^ns over lb<s a heart lo h<-aM talk sbh yon on this and vnnsise of Ilie Anti-Ra1or« league laud under fpotatn c-iltivaikia than any
The eniertslnment gk e«'. at the.
mcjney, many men going into the hnsi Inereaae in popuUiiun despite tb<' awful eiir«- lo^bi- ci-amry. Ihe liquor and he siwk-e of it as three foW.
ioUier ttalion in Europe There
school house Fet, }.qh. i,v pnd. Eika
ness tor the money there Is In II fan ihai over a million foreigners ar<
I -t S s.-res to vvei v ten thousand
was B.u a very *teal sacceaa.
There Is miirh lamenl tiver the fart coming to the country every y.-tr.
‘The one elemenl Ibe ptJser. the cmuilon of a, pilillc srailDiMl riiQ- ' li.ibiiatiiK. BgaloM 4«.* in Austria and
Mt> A A. AlUngton of Maple’CMy
tbul Ihe great eorpriiatioiis lake Ihe
He then took up ihe work,of the!nn<- fotee. on.- ap>nt In this cotiniryjeemltiR th- evlls of the saloon, this
in Franc- Th-t.- ba» been
called <Mi' friends <n Cedar iaat
any and pul ii Iniu the Anii-Salonn league, stating that aniibai 1. .-xi»<^ted i» solve the saloon' l.elng d.m.- by , bringing lu^ore iU«m Sr* Si temlrin y <■. laerease ibU erttpae Wedne*dav.
haiiilK of » few but the siiloons do the averw' of over ten mtetings a- week i queslton*nd Is es|UK.i.-.I tn put r.ui of j the htMory and s-ork of On- llqimr IIS iip-K hate etikirced The chief use
Mrs. Nesrsleari was a Travetse riiy
same thing by liiming ll over to Ihe had been held during the y<-ar and busineeythe saloon is the rbiirrh nr|lrallir. Dr .d.eiwn Siaie.1 ih;.t ihe f»i nianiifnrvurmc Is aiwilUnc
vl-tio. tart Monday
h-ewors and distillers.
that over
people bad |»een sd-|fhrtsl. The outside world eip.K-ts ihej saloon had
. Korb-ty lls Ian- trt.dia. poutn di*ti1leri.*«
Mrs J(*n immuan r* EmplN
"If yoii can take ftom the liquor dreriaed. He appeali-d to all lo : i-lnirch lo risi- up «nrt solve ibe liquor; gteaiesl atfllrtKins. nsmel>
|tioB in thv German enipln-, t«UM> ,.,f passed through town r-nroute for
Inifflr these three elements then yon for good nten nn-malirr on w hat tlek^-t ;-qut-«ion. The sakiuit k« expeeis |-l«tn. rfirai-. idlcwv and luaanily.
which ri-ptwwni ibe chbd s.-HTify id
erw- City. While walllag f«>r the
can maki^ li respeetal.h-.- he said. He
re found.
; to kco it I waht the church to il.ii H*- gave Ihe sec-ond R'nn of
the farms Oil itbi.h thet-sn. loreifed
' she calk-.! on old nicAda.
then gave various nieihods for killing
Morrow eonriiided by makinglitg duly, take Its place in the woih|wotts as legUlailon by which
»nd 2.(»« di>iill-il<- play-h serondsry
W 'AVilsnn weni lo ■ TrevenN •
The first was hy high license, but an apiM-al for funds and passed pgi'and solve the tiqiinr problem."
| league Ik endesvoilnc to M-cur*
Iasi Monday.
Rev. W. H. Irwin <if ihe Asimrj- U. K. this was iBcffecUve. The sheoml was pledge cards which were liberally i h,. then qiiottHi Abraluilii IJncolii cu new laws piui
w Vanalyck of Maj.lei'City'did
church oho reail a poriloD or the
TIe'se ejrds plolge
a syalem of govemni'-nl coiitml, signed by
Brakeman injured.
•unancipsitbin slrinss and r>-culstlimK ^ipno tlx
-hopping in Cedar lust Rsturdkv.
tmih 'chapter of laike and followed
Kil T Ric- of LT: West Mnib
rather, the goverameQi going Into: certuia mrmihly i
fur the siippurt prnrlumailun, said
isaiivwis 'and giving the imbllc nion
Huehradel was in Travrirsc my
the readInE with a prayer.
' bostness Itself. But he said many of ihi- league ao<
I privib-xes legardlng a voice njvon ibi sltc-l. a P.-re Marquette Ixakeinan.
that this country has

Mayor Friedrich.
people obleet to the government gc^ng man <4 the city was one of the sign Ihn.w I. the liquor iriiflie.
while guliig to js-oi-k- at 2 ?o MoDda>
llqixir question.
Mrs Grnsvenor is verj--^l£^^t Mit*
The Sral apeuker u# the procratn into the business. 7i Is already a parito
The last form of work he. gave a-< >top|N-l
He ihvn spoke iii b-ogib of ib.
was Mayor A. Vt Friedrirh. who wel­
Chalk's jSiewAM A» he siaried up rh<
he sahl. because It licenar
the eofurremeiit of ilu’-' old laws
After the eongr^tion had auttg|or the saloon and what it was dui
(‘haries Crsok of Glnt Aihur we*'
comed the rarions speakers* He iraffir and Is Ji any worse to
"Amertco." the ipeoedlrtloii wna pro-;<Mir «>rietv and in retar.ling Ibe gardinc i-loslnc time And ibo illecal steps of Mr. Rtewart'stMnne'hrslipped Traverse City TM.-sday. PMumtn*
Btated that the peoirie of Tnverae Clt>- partner than a comiJeie osmer!
noiinm-d by the Rev. F. Meredllli.
iwork of the ehiirrh and that pt-ot.l.-j sale of Jlgiior |>r SieiKon said tbal and fell, (rartiirlug his left kae>- oip. WedneKday
were not ashamed ,to have the enl“How many saloons have you here.
Morning Servicaa.
jate not alive to In . |Kiw.-r iiliill 11; the U-signe wa* not getr'-- — -•-■ A physlrtan wa- called who rediipod
MU vUllorn come here, not saylnK Ir. Mayor?" he askt-d.
Ihe fracture but staled that Mi Rbe
Yewerday rooming were nlne:MrikeK home. Mr. ilolsaple took .ipjfonn of work by pniilng
ibai Xtarerse City Is the Im%( city on
■Rapid niy. Mich. Feh. 2».~Mrw. 8.
"Tweniy-ia-o." replied the mayor.
-peak.T* who orcuid.d the pulpits i>f;l.ii.-Ily the work »f drink In .•omiplng (“inre bm l.y eami.s tli- anenilon pf would tv- rimfined to bis ^
the face of the
In lespect to law
t'limraings has Is-en very sk-k with
"That ought to supply your noMs.'
Ihe ehnrelK-K In the eli wlih one i|,e pnliliral life of the
the p«ole
and order but because everylaidy truil- said th«> apeuker and the remark wai exet-pilon.
grip, she is some hetier at this Writ•l•c^>•1.-nl is all ibo me
"This stniggle 1* le-iwi-en Ibe (hem <lo the work ;.l III-- polls.
laed thst some proerees has lieen followed hy loud .-ipplaiise. "Rut sti|^
I Ktrs- had Juki n-iniB'’ >I to work
The Rev. Alexander Cooper.
Tbs Hew. G. W. Morrow.
ehtin-h and the saloon.'' Ii<- said. "The
made In that dliectloD.
1Yx-ptsMWger train Thuraday eve*-It* afii-i A month's lay »R •«
mmrmi would pm three
Rev. <i. W. Morniw. slate mipei ehiireh and saloon are In a life and
The Rvv Alt-uindei 'Coopei
“A year ago the apcakeiw were here here, those would Mkc care of the iniendeni. gave an excellent address d*-«ih struggle that will I.ihi imill one
was . iwo h* taie. Caaae.
Or.-«fiville spoke at iheFilradsehureli
telliac you what you should do to ve- iuiainmis done by the twenty-two. Men
Irv-igbi •
the Oragregntlonal church,
or the uiber grs-s down. I say one of Hi the Dionitns. Mr. ri>o|K-r.i» a ve
Ocatn of Mrw. Fail,
deem your city and I believe none of would be pul In charge and s-oiiM be ginning, he spread an Americrm flag
the other. I knoy wbieb oue will git erutt In the Ki-rvire of the leitgiie. ha’
you are ashamed to say to these men; paid fixed sularies so there would be
lake City
pulpit and then said that ll down, it Is not a question of which Inc made il bK work for the past
Mrs. Mafgaivi Fait, wife nf Cenrgt the funeral of hiB w:eiHno(ber.
*Whai do you think of our city nowT
indueemeni to make idg aalet for gave him great pleasure to speak In will win Imt It is a question of time." ihlity years and. from 111* personal
ait. or ToT SU-\eutn »liy*i. dl«d at '
Om'I think t ctand here and cUlm
Hi-nty timith of Traverwe City,
the sake of profits That would ellni-hureb presided over by the ilean
He tht-n tw.k up th- hatve-t •-xiieriene.-. h'- s|K-ah« with n know
clock Funday morninc ot the age o
have done anyihlng pen-onally bnt
.tmeriy of Ibis plaee wn* a Rapid
Inate the financial end.. There would of CnBgregatlonallKrh of the state Mr. of Itoys made tiy the snlivin* and gavv I lidge of the sulijeri. Mr Cor^r war
t years She was .*nly HI a ahorf iiy visitor Triewday
taayor and your reptmcniaHvc 1 have be no cbalra. no conches, no rausi
Morrow sMd ihat ho
figures lo'lMck up hl« rtalement* l*oro in Engl.vud and at his faiber'* me und an op<'fWrion was necessab
endaavoijd lo carry our yonr wishes pictures, nothing to make the saloon
Mrs Frank tk'eman I* qniie lU wNh
iiranger Init as a i
.After dealing wlih that iihaKC of the ilexih war the pos-a-SHtr of a furtune IX months ftsim her wedding day. to
nod nfitve II tn yon and aak yon. are a aodal rendetrotii and that wnuid the church's Interest,
questlnn for some ttniegfie pooh-pooh­ amouttllng to $I0.<nhiHe T. 11 Into evil u- himr. kb'- wga placed on the efV’r-'
you aMiamed of your action
Word of Travetw- flly was Ih
the socUl aide."
league men on the i
ed the idea that the 1<>»' of rrvennr ways and l•e(n^e be >T-aU£<-d his rot ating table In addlikm to h>T hnsyimrr
Ti«-*d.iy He |. 'ariendlag hU
tn coBCluding he advocated prohi­ selected and elected.
from the salc»n would • afleei th'- dltion. ih- torinne had lieen wasiv
and sin- teuves a fathei and '.ue at*- rtcr. Mr* W,
Tto ai^er aald that he was glad bition as the only teal mned)*. saying
She haa
Morrow spoke from a portion country if the)- were aiKtlishi-.!.
through drink, Mr, ro-.|>er was Hi
-I, Mrs. Fait was foitueijy ai
to M th# America* flag nn the plat­ that sraa whai the ABtl-Saii
sick tint is improving. '
of (he fourteenth venw> of the fourth
in taking up the work of the leapie first to sign the pledge wlih Franei
■nd.vni at the as]ium nod b«-r •
form Btatlnc that in the slxtiea many Mood for.
The Odd Fellow's and Rebekahs
chapter of Neamlah. "Remember
he gave some very inlen-siltig sUtls- i Murphy In i>iil»harg and immediately 1 also employed In that catiai-iiy.
men we*i oat to EgM for that flag and
ive puictusod a piano for tlieir new
Lord and Fight." saying that It was ties showing how- the south
RaeaHpa of Yaar.
He has spoken iHly will Is- taken to Mivta-la Ir
praaerre ft and the Hag aundi
necesfUiry lo pray and preach for the pressing much more rapidly in the-'in iweaiy-three of the vi:
nitirnlng and the funeral service
llteHy and law. “Wbes we utk and .Mr. BUaell then Nad a report from work of Ihe league but it wuk also neW. Dnmphy <4 flotitb Mlltrm
work than was the^iorth. He closed | lying mostly in ibe westeni portion
held from the Mecosta Caiholk ras In iirwn yewlcrday and took the
speak tfl regard to law and order we the Brooks Auditing company, show­ rMsary lo put inio |i the same force
by lellng something of wbsl^lhi- iesem-1 of the country.
rch WeducKday The Andetwon
almply aaS you to preaerve the flag aa ing that they had made an audit of and energy as in priraie Imsioess. The
was doing at the prosenl lime.
opening, he spoke of the evil ibi Undertaking enmnony has charge ot rain for Traverse City.
the aoMlera did In the sixties.'
Lillian JaeoliKoti s)M-nl the afl«>reona
work is n buslnesK proposition aad the
saloon w.vs doing the working met
W. P. Marah.
aald the w|ioie queHloo was simply condiiioB. The league had started the church and the state should put forth
w-lih rioial Eliaore.
year with a balance of about $100 on
W, P. Marsh of ivtrolt. atiorney for ami made a plea for Ihat eUiss of peo­
mandlng by the flag.
Zellla Tedball has been Hi
inited cEorl.
Mi& SUrted Fire,
the Anii-&IooQ league oeciipled the ple. This w-as rolluw-ed up wit
OoBtlauIng. the apeaker said that band and the recelpu In addition had
ui is better at ihla
"The truth mart be spoken." said
string of statements to w-birli he defied
ttonk Bay. Mich.. Feh. K.—Mire
hla only wish and greatest bm>e was been $I1.SS8 and the balaiM« waa Ir, Morrow and trHd of an experience pulpit at Ihe Preshv-terbin church
contradict Ion. He than iix* up the
the cause of a fin- which i
abont the name as It had been at the
t^ when he laid down the cars
Mra i . M. Wright Ik able to be mil
In Onaway when a saloon man bad
ind open manner the story
his offloe he would leave the city
midnight, he didn i
tmipllshed: what it Ik ueemnpUsh- fessor Kline here this morning,
flr« Ume the books had ever heen
ieague work. Mr. Marsh opened his
.Wilson eaiisvl o a Mrmda la tow*
know whether he wSs going |o meet
and wbst It will aecontplish.
rndiqils had built a nest artHind (hr
the oliject of the
took hold of It and that his aneeesaor andlted.
with viobwee or nut hut l>e was mil lo
The Ree. S. T. LaGear.
Itairabie of the rblmney and the beat Friday.
The Rev. G. W. Morrow.
would lease a hetier city than when
IJrtle Marian Sicken is ridiing her
tell the truth—to Tk-w io the line, let
The polpft of the Raptlsl r .rch 'iiused this tb catch Bre and
"The Saloon an Oiiilaw." sras the
ilnon hy nstng ilie ehiirCh as a
be took hold of it.
the chips flit,where Ibey may." In the
K held by tb. ri-V S T, UGes, of flames ran up the wall. The local grand parents. Mr, and Mr*. Wtlaoa of
^TM mayor Mated that be was proud subject spoken npon by the Rev. G. -nd. he won the liquor dealer's heart mMlliim Thq wo,|. „f the ehuiTh
SiMiih Milton.
of the Mty la eveiy way and the peo­ W. Morrow, stste superinUuideni. "T<>
a1<in>-i,nd wirboui the itroperorganira- JackKon. The theme of -bik Islk wav brigade extinguished Ibe fiie with a
rjlilc riana Kinney baa bvti ill hot
and the man told him ibai only w-veu
of alMHil |'d>. The h.illding b
but the the liquor trame and Ihe cbtireh, .Mr
notvery effective
ple were alae hm there are man> make logs into luml>cr." he said, "is a
la improving.
of the sal(»n kt-f-iiets in
shtTWt-d that the Ilqnor Was owned liy p. C. ('rf)ldsmlth.
prupi-r liead ud
* thtnga that could be done to Improve business hut to make boys Into drnnk- Mirbipin were making money.
been very f|l
tl. He took comfort tn the Ibougfai nrdt Is a crime. If it I* wrong to
leapie l>elleved that it (-an counlernct (tlreclty opposed to the church In many
for tbe iBNi eight weeks with hnari
Tribute lo Traverse City.
fiwallowcd Hoe Handle.
•e in Ibe home was
make counterfeit dollars it is-wrong
hi- work of the saloon. Mr. Marsh
that them tH^ga were being done.
The Anli-Salonn league Ik not any
th four jind a quarK-i feet of hoe irouble and It now on the gain.'
lexl s*po1.e Of the Wfifk the orgnnlta*Whee t have been yonr r^reecntamy organlrAiinn. It d(M>.« not seek to
le (Jown its Inirrlor. * T-iuonthi
Infliienee on the mid) Is aniagoolsloii ha.- already done In the line of
Uve asd this Is the Ihint time. I want noted vartouB famous men In regan!
ar down any party hiii it seeks to
alf Delonglng to I). E. Wright of
Ks the evanfrelUing ideas of the
to say for the benefit of those coming
In -thr
makr^ a man n true man in his party, Inlliiencinglegislation l>oth
m it. He alM brought out the fan Boonvilic neariy choked lo death yesThe speaker then called attemlnn*tn
lie and national capiinl. especlally
nfter me that you can't do your duty
Mrw. S. Gardner of Rlratford open
Mr. Morrow iit this polni said It was
,1 the liquor Irallto di-morjUied lenlay morning Wore the silc-k wns
and idMM both Mdeea. Yon must the Indlgnatkm that had bocn caused
tbe mailer of the arihy ninieon. He
Funday with friends In llupid Ctly.
te "carrying eot^s lo Newcastle", tn
■lety, a Along that the church was. pull' d out hy main foree.
ehoene one aide or the other. Y'ou hy the puhlieath>n of an article de­
XI spoke of the nqw bill which will
Ttte hpe I* kepi in Ibe calf* stall
hold a field day here and It was with
an lie introduced into the state eoncaaY phase the aahwns snd the AntlAbamathy-Sriatet.
to r-levate society while liquor rxk the animal has lieen wont to cJje*Salooo teague. You must dtoose one the little ducks in the river published
cKs and its odvaptnges over the old'
At the rewldenn- of R, P. nark. 231
s Mribday,
n the end Of the handle but while
a.i ElevenUi street. Willard J. Bria'or the ether and woe to the nun who In the Evening Record last week and
I. The old Idll allow«-d a saUsm to had Ihe opposile effeei. Yir. LaGear
legal holiday.
closing claimed that the 'htlltude iking Its morning chew- yesterday il lol of this city and Miss Haxei V.
agreed that the person guilty should
chaeaeo the aaloeos. This Is only
inenic In any part of a city either in
protukle that Ibe lx»sy ramrped
the ehnrch -liould Iv- one iinrom
severely. “Yet your lioya kahnns closed. n»i only elosed but the business or residence eamnmniptaee of advice to my snecessoi
nalhy. formert* .rf Winchester,
with the curtains nils<-d so that It
le (itfaer end ugalnM a arnit w-ftb
promising hoKiil-tv.
being led awny every day anih you
(Unghier and apphnse.
were united in marrlege by tbe
could l>e ruK-n Ihat no-husinoss was lif-s. The new- bill provldtw tha^.T
force enough to drive It alraoM
The Rev. E. H. Jamieson.
g he aald, "we wchomt are MiUng still." be said.
stilnon shall nm lie alliiwrid in/hny
Joseph Dullmt cf the First Meth­
roniinnlBg. he said that he Insisted
you to our city, lo our hootccs and ir
odist chiirchc Monday afiemoni. Only
(vimniimliv of city without ths''Kinr-' The Rev. E H Jamie^in of Big
Field Oay.
Wright snmi to the ham after
Immediate famiUes of Mr. and
: our heerla"
Ihat the aaloon was an outlaw a* no
Hon of the majority of the cMlzenit of; Rnplii. K|K>ke in ih<- EplKcraial church
Te«tcrday ihcrr. wore iwt-lve of the that city or commuDiiy. Mr. Marsh:
young man could bold his ancJal poaihnaihmie the fact that tn brnakfast and saw the blade of the Mrw. Clvk were preieol.
The Rtv. J. T. LeOear.
Bristol has S'-ived In tbe t.’nilnl
IliiK weii.l wle-ie . lerj man bt* to iw- Slicking frrmt hi- ralfs mouth. ' I
The Rev. J. T. LrGaar. pastor of lion and frequr-ot a saloon. The cor league workers in iKe field And iweniy- -) •lleves that It will Ik» rovalry in the w^-slerw pari of
.ect'ion n.H-d.hJRe saloon
hK>k out for hlnrseit there must be a h'mchi at fltKt that iRbad ■•een lick
one at the laigeM Methodist churches porattons are closing their doors sev'en meting, were held. In thert.y'
ing the blade which was ptnlfahly
vsinity nod also la ibh Philipcertsiin aruoiini of .-cicriflee and atnigtn JMdcao*. was lalicsluced after agnlniit the drinking man. 'The saloon
B-anis it.
t U) the c niry^md '
pines IxUng munered out aererai
gliOE. He thuucbt-thai a centralised
-Them's no Land Like Oun." had is an ouiUw because It tends to draw,
Grant M. HudMn.
said. The animal w.o ehoklDg v
at KIk Rapids, making elei-cn in
ihs ag's He now owns a'thrm at
would arteompilsh more in dedng
been aung. The speaker began by men from the way they should go,"
ilv and Mr Wright I.«k hold
l.nng ijike. where the eoui'le will
He declared that it was an nuilaw It is the endeavor of (he league
r with this evil than any other
Mating (hat ft waa probably not koocm
the Wade and pnlk-d hard luloie i
not only one Sunday but rrveryt author of the Kiidsen fdll. sp
- Ibeir fplure home.
but there was a new tempenoce or- by the Supreme court, that it was an
plan that eoold l>e adopted If ell the
thing was gotten out Ti.e calf dldi
I ilieir strength.
ganlaailoa In Ihe worid. that bring the outlaw by church anathema. He de­
much diKrv»mloried afl-r the h
A Unique Funeral,
NMtaoa] Uanor Dmleni' asdociailiM.. clared that ft took the innocent boy speaker. "If y-oii flash a- lay of light \ Rr»’ M E church yesterday inoroing
oveiromlBg the
Micb , Fell.
Before a
HudKon said In part: -rhurrhes work of «c Ktl..
hole, you destroy that hrdi
ent him home a raatidlin fool. It
He then read the riwolailans pasae.1
.Mr Jamieson
-rs Ilie Indy of Hejdui
IS Womfns. The ^t/,^v i- >
puriMKO-s" |i Ik ibeJiusineM are united tn this grrat moyenH-ni ended w^llb a
irf til. wvn-t of
by.thinnanociatlon at their mecUag In took the gmvi hiiahtnd and made him
uy many pciplc who s.-«w t
Row- Klngsl'-y. a rop.-miKb child who
beat hU wife. It look (he kind fallirr of the le.vguo to Hint ijie search light ;Gnd in (lie ifuUn<->s cif time M-ni Hi- the li-affue, ,4 II■.oalavine last Juoc. Ihe tesolutlc
•e l.rani^he* and
died of diphttierla. repow-d on a coark
id made him ihnist his children into of piibllcUy oil vieinuv men wbereve^.eon lo ttHlcomthe world. In the Tulldeclared agalaH the low bsIjiob a
ra-k-* m the dcmlde wlDd>ra- .of tbe
ihry are found and-tbus .U-siroy themf ru-sK ttno- thi» great movement will
the aireri.
The Rev. Howard Murrayy Jejn*
dmakennesu and Malrd that wine a
h«-ise wM-ro she likrt tor two boors
jeai K ofi worVj Ihe Rev, H. y. J<*e>
said there w.
spIrilA If property used, were bleaa-! He declared that liquor dealing was: »
ff-'-t|d>- pjs»w1 r.y the p|a<-(- In
tern-! •rtor*' Klav.-ry w-us nh<dished and i:
crime. He
tke at the cbiirrh of rhrisi. deallogs to mankind. They believed that | not a busineiis. Ii '
Btothd-rkood nf RailwpT Train-j vi'-w ifai- t»*)Blns
that the gT«it -lave euri-e a.-i
! exriiiKively wHJ; the work of the
the legittiaate manufacture and sal.'| believed wlih Judge Armmn of Indl- persnee Iraiked w> bright as-il did roJbeltW'
’.u the ex-rilDg of Tl.'ir-day.; It was a unique fiimu-al. The girl
1 roniptirisoe with this gre.
ef wt»s and aplrita waa an bcuiotablc: ens thai ^ihe government had no right
tt. The l„,ti la.t >.-ac w-as one; bad, many; Ip (he vfltage who
III opening be mcri-i>- spoke of;
trade and fell that • saloon could be j to. license the suloon. He believed liquor men showing the menace to ihe'n»estr ri we have lH-f(»re us today..
luokt pleasant K0(-lel event* rvf.deptpri-d rive p.i».irUlity that they
uot the ed-iea'i-<l man that
ssW-ii a.v lK-ms'^'Hie;*-e|l known:
Ddneted that a man would not | that an orderly saloon lo an orderly traffic «te league was. lie followcl: • I' ’-on Slid ll 1* expect'-d lUat the] Btlgbr IM.I .*ga41 l—'k upt,t,. la-r face.
this with figiir.’* showlnc-th.- ngmlM-r »'••«>' the *irong>-ct they rn-i-i hat
"he pnlillc, e'njMi»ty- thinking rh'-'
ihamed to take his wife and | community was a nnlsam
s year -w-lil V still iiukr- .'rl'-aj.-., hoti.e ttw.ught dee ,'h< plan which waa
a moral
"wvrai film-.
ill. ui.lts work to i-d- aimervskary.'
children them. Mr. l-^Oear took these \ lieved that the rniird Slate* Supreme of eounliCK that ha.1 \»xd oat thei " .rtvous
s-rij'-sc affair- riie l*r»e-'|q'..tr1e|| n)it. -rtre ieetv wo* 'tobr-d In
"Tiie Anti-Saloon b-ague i( tiused riBn;
le 'hen look up the n tnedy fo( ihel
reruHntiana as his text.
; court wiu some <lav stand fade to fare saloon.
be Miganuatkrti, the lu-'innate ' whlu-.tjun's veiling 'and pUtwd im Ibe
What fioet Ibis mean, he a»ked and j to fare with this questlrmand will
Contin.iinr he staled the object*; btvad Itm-s K non tudirin
liquor '-vil and l.ilVed for *(>me limei
ivs large sn-i-K v-iy eBjo' a'bltk ;C'mrii •>.a»k«-t, tbe casket wn*
answered the question by aiaUng that finally p,it it under a tanas It did the•"«» *'''rk»itg» of the leapt, and said;"
al.oif. ,i|ic legiklgixm tbe Iruigue i*
.aKsiirvl ead. pui.ha-e't'of a|wb«ek-.l im.. th« window and back r4
the llqvwr men either Intended to , IgiulsUna lottery and prise fighting.
that It was new earnestly v-ndeuvorluFi
The spirit of gain I. tlw-one gr-ai doing iilooc With -tl-ur si.ik in thtj
•! b .weri-^acK-d the'tltriv-Ta. filOng nearabrdish all low greggeries or by pal-! Tbe saloons are not an industrv rhat tojjare-ihe local option hiw fxt.-ad.'d.
roui-i* 'This can only i>e dii,qi. kv get-)
!'-!f 'h*' t(sim‘- There was -a conling on a pRma front hoped to disarm j rtesen-es prmecrion. The saw mill
ran vet.- tor local. ri^-ct k
har-t to
tins the liifhi kind of men'into of j.
■ -'uut "leem trf 'r.»B-p.-d>pje while kh*
aosplcloa. Indiiwctly. he said. It was take* logs and turna them Into turnoption h«t « township or viUage ran- «-m "v^rthr.m: the Uquot
Ilf.- The leagjd. Cmdar. Mich. Feb 2.'
iy1n.- ,u -isie. ■
an avowal of the liquor men that they I her which Is worth more than the;
‘ntf k^arue would h:,ve the la. ; «he rime u mmiog when the drinklnj: then , toched upoii-and ih" , o'hc jjrdink.nn
j JfHirtsinn wawa-.»Ik?t,to
called, «.
UC; ; choir Jgry.
saw that Bomeiblng must Iv done and! raw log The grist mill take* wheal I'*'■* • tornshlp. vllUcc. j w*" »t'> »»“• "«
inti''*' me'lKsls of tbr-.r work 'pong ** a^wH-k
aiww-k -kv the
th* iUrves.
iUtve»* ,g-te.
„ .r,-:.- «. te.J a. pgHtoearera
they were endeavoring to make tUejand coni and turns ifacin into flour <•">
the 'tial world.

whol-. a .xiry compr'-);cn*iVc idea of_Word
of* Word wa-.
wa- i'-r.-lvvd
I'-r.-lvvd TueTuev
d the temPns
Th, llquo.
.M .,™i ,hJ U,„
-onh oor, I“« "■
Th, «...
;_Tb, h,.
,I Okl.hhm, ..J uhe aork o| the k-nsue
I j jp,.
l~a.T™d.o.,h-T,h|.„BVll.:tl». ,h,
™„rthl Tb,
, .do, T.rrt>t.r,
*-Wi;! r?ilver ha« iK-e.q very -kk with;
-irn-fth. b, nid. .dd .1 Ih,
Ilhn. np,r Im« old
™«»d"l ■ I'h ■” 'Ph™l 1*!'"i"™ "-"I.™,
The Petate Crop.
he qutnsA 'rt' i- m.uch. lM-t«er
Bi^e "Big Load" Roeard.
Iln, im, Ihm. Ihldd. imd in d,'Th. praln,l nf ih, en mill l>
mhlln.ii, In Mlnhlmn I, hn,. i« fm,
Wasbinpon. F«b 21.—O-ir potjitqlw,(ti^
While rtorlet. dbovt lilg (ruds bate
(All IWnnidl, lidiiurl,, m,h in dl.-i
«. N. Hnlm,-.
,n,« H«dlne fn,,n„ •rop 1* worth
:,o.l is in-’ Mi»s .Sblv-iey <.f rhief Lake. ha»j been fl<>aliBf aUett la the air Atei
The ^rrt of three Is appetite, he play their ware* to attract lui.Ter* but; The Rev. R. N. Ilolsaple. asKistant
•reasinr The pitrsr.— of food pro-.been, vMiinr Ix r broibec. ‘M«w-*rdl MrXauBhlln think, h- hie rUe* all
rhlnas.ibui will '
stale superintendeu: occupied hi* . "There are no three
This make* any ptare wrherwr the gin mill wanta It hidden.
, .iurllen In mr»deni mn>-« 'is shown ini Shivelev and famliv. for* few dav*. ! beat
fay He Vauled ren wapJ*
in to*
nquor U sold dangerous, no matter
In 1993 the Aoil-Saloun leafine was]fpnner pulpit at tbe Brangellcal ;i.lnd a man „..a t.e,,er lif.-. ,b,t
Iqg* fnwDihe Helnifortlt cut torheOtt
In CWtmibn*. Ohio, and was ^ corch yehtertlay morning and gave aaf
fbd eh'.rrdt
Europ-wn snd Armncan peopleligtrt Friday; eiriThe aeeoBd of those elemeni
that jfonnded on ibe fact that the saloonirxcellent talk upon the Ilqnornii«ti«0;^,^*”'
.'■'be thri-ej ' j p’ RTilie of Maple Guy p»s«i
lAM wc-k which scaled 3C:.2 fe»t. The
of anciabllliT. |i has beea said that!must
forever from
distance I, el«-ven mile* amf] Ks*
•iI snd Ibe wor

-T I- M-A-r.
"the aalaaa Is the working maa'a' "and. will go when yon and t stand up| league..
' : .
< v
vT^ ^
]rle are eert^alk, root enq.» and meats,jfo,- Traverse niy
ihn-e bbur* and a half.
dub." ‘Thu U too inie. be stated, aad and nay no and mean It. when we' - In apeaUttg cm tbe snhjeci that
movement an-iy^,.
twionc* u. tbe second <s\ Geo f'leneiJ’ of Buckley !
too maeh money goes from the pock­ aund upand speak manfully."
jure all tateremed In today, and that;'’"’^
ithese. Only in recent centortc* haBjihroigh towa.Usi Monday an I
et a of the working men over the bar
aald license srotild never abolish: 1 am arifveiv iniererted aad engagej,
L- Bletaan.
j, become incorponvied Into the I*iiu-;tn Maple City.
srh«« 'll ahould be uasd for food and
• then gave flgnreaj in every daj; J find it difficiilt. to' At the Ashbury Methodist church; lag systemk of Eotope.
I Mrw. J Fta«|iuher. wbo-ba« lern of the villagera base bc-n rapmsvlto
NutbmandrtnatagefortheliMM. It ahowtag the gteal atrldet prohlMthm'pTearb a sermon; la lad. I haveat>I>r. H. L. Stetaoo of KaUmazoo «d.j The-people who deyeblp thU crop I very k^s. Is S' theI- gain.

*• J


•RMfP riUVCMt MClULB. THUMBAV, nMlUAtnr II. mff.

«T9ia TraTcnc -Herald

« Vwnni CRr.


froa 4 and] P o'rdoek dnrtng tbe week

lag last evening and^fited t

9t0 srlth which to parebase aoa

tbe meeting of tbe board xf isglstrw-

iwrnuis at once and the report of the
with sU bills paid.
I^or new tnenben were admlited

rH08.T. BATES.
Editor and Mana

City Offleiala '
Now that the date of tbe primaries |
previous to tbe city eleeUon Is ap-.



Fifty Went.
. The LAdleO* Aid soeietr of «b<- Pt:il
Hethodlsl ebarrb spent th*- day « the'
home of Mrs.-J. U. Mclnioeh on ibe
iheui drove oA

emincll bHd n «

Tbe epparalss comBlttee was glvea

iicasarer showed t&S -in tbe treosory
4.W. Mum.........
Omu ■.

The Cnawcll. '

days snd all dsy Bnndty.



resutu b becomtcig maalfest.

In ae-


Ikm. tbe rrmubllean primary elcrtian
and the general eliy elfFtioa.
Tbe .mlgnatlon of ramer F. Bn<wn.
Jasilee of the penre. wbone
plres July t.

Tbe r-solulioti firing U.c date, "f J m
the meeting of the board of teglstrs
Hjtubiiry. N. V
as Toesdsy
and Wednesday.

f^om Wednesday's Record.

. IfctoJUraBM eordance wilb Itae act cd the ieglsU-

wsi. burned terribly al-.iii
lb- fart-, n.-rl. and chest. I awii-l
Thuma*' ITlertrIc "

was acr>

Mr. AbtsMfs lursirm.

Theac quotatlena are carsfnlly coe

Mardi 12 and IS. la Ibe various wards

Tbs local maricM of tbe cyy was adopie.1 on Hr. Mur
prbM are oupplied by local Oaalers. cliKs DHMIW. The meeting jilnctu «rf
Tbs entaide <Hiomieiia'~ by wira, rtet The bnsm^fll
fweted avwy day.

•• inMttc u TtMtP. OWf.


nie acil*() vortc<rni of tb« Atitl-8«‘

dsy of. March, JWI7. wfaleb will be Prl-

First Ward—

Osy of this week.


Candidsies for of-

tftr M Snadtr. bad inuir good tblBC* .elecikn ate as follows:
City clerk, term of two years. CKy treasurer, tern of two years.

aat'In favor of

J}idge of RecOrtier’s court, lenn <

daring Um pntn


One nenil-T

Mr. M<i

Impmsod wilb


otilet oboefTsiiro of (hr etmtng law
)ir the local MUoona.

Tbo me«(ln|!B In

of lownl of


piilille woriis. term of three yearn.
One member of boani of edonaiian.
teim of three yrarii.
One Bcbonl Insperinr, term of tbre*

tbe vnrlooa cbarchea end In (be City


Opera houe were largely attended end
Crant Interest was maalfested In tbe

One jnstice of lire peace, term of

four years.
There U certainly |
One Jasilee of the pence, term of
In tbe (Wffipalgn wUeb these
cestlemea are malting tbrooghemt tbe three yesrs.
In eneb of the five wards;
Their purpenes are


' wnrtbf nad their efforts to be con—fled.

Howerer, they hs»a a Mo-

peadooa task before them, bat it b a
•mree cC




sefiool buUding.


on Cass Btreei.


the voting places previously

III the morning anill 5


For city treasurer. Ralph Hastiufts.

Mitliuaat In this direction.

t Docke^ are eaiididaies fqr nomllaUon on' tbe repablican ticket.

Monday. April


In the

A resoliilldii ordering that the Air

............. ■“


be used

It also developed that the AhhoU



ta W'lint roiiotii.

Mr. Moon presented a eommiinira’from the Swedish Baptists cx-

presslnc their thanks for the ose of
Stale street nchncd iilid asking if
Ibey eotild liny it


present irensarer. J. M. IliiellmaBtel,

priee fur n-Hgioua purposes,

win have DO opposition for nomloallon

city iHiln’i want

This bill aa prv


jIgSd men making tbe i
a for this violatlan
xt tbe law.

Thomas Bhane. the retiring memirer
of the board of pubRc works, sill be

With tbe p
r for minora, in

ffMedon of tbe responalb:

ty placed

■PQB the saloonkceiiera th

uselvea tn

•Mtm n ymmg man can go Wbertbaa
)ba ankmu, whleb arc open nigtatly
eortaln hour

and wbinb





BaMe and social gatheringa.

The aa

toAs tbAmsnlves. pay large lleeugia
tor Mag btislaeaa and arc eniltled to
aa RtotoeUon of the law. Inaotnr
Oelr Ucenoes provide, bat should they
TioUla tbe law. they abouM be sab|act to tbo praseribed penalUes. There



of seilltig the Imildliig was referred to






It Ik to our mutiul advjniage to

Frank Heads is tbe retiring ment

iiwHe. I'iitl nnd we pa.
Traverwe' CHy Mllllng Vo.


woman caadidaie for Ibis vacanry Irui
to tbbi lime there bas been no
Cbas. Lanranter's term on tbe board
of ediieatloa expires. He is not a can
dIdate. and Ed Thiriby is mentioned.
A. B. Curtis and W. H. Grider will
be candidates for the republlcnn nomi*
nation for Justices of the peace.
The present sapervlsora. F. W. Car­

Rubber stamps made to order io five
dav*s time!
School Maps. Atlases. Maps. Caiefi
and furniture furnisfed ai lowest {^ces.
Sporting Goods. Piciorc Frames.
Window Shail'-s. Wall l’ai*er. Crockery
and China.

Iiitf«*ai isa silent worker. Iml tl
works for you

:b;> <layn





.\eeonnt litre.

• Till

•k Store
Traverse City.

Tlie Hobart Co., Prop.

Traverse Qfy
State Bank







Nurtiiern Mieliiii.-iii.

Ksrw Tu m t-laKs<B» T-otwl-lu. t'all >t
tuu W..ila re Are «r ■ddree J. A-fabwer
AitBi ni

been some tolk that there will be

deoee of activity In this direction.


$l OOoroiofu.wi» start a Savings

hiclu-st t-a.'h priei- for



m o

and mill lu-odurtK. H'e will ]iay ton the

for renumlnatluo.


A fine di-pIay of medlc-etcfaed Rod
star-cut patterns of glassware.



r« i<l ibloivst e;<it<p>iuii<lu.

ahd .«-Il you our prodocl* at whole.


can nlT.iitl

tbaii you know af.

Mr. Mis.ii mnnil that lliey

will be Bd. llofSB. former

declared that he will nut be a cai

U dtlM of Ibis aloe thi

Bhena of nBnaeniont or eniertalnmenl


EH™-' -»

IMT cf the boa-d of education and

this rainrd.

wlmiev.T you

week at our Saviiign

vi-ar proviilnt I1i>- <-liy (11-1111 n<■•■d

On Mr. Mono's inolion Ibe mailer

bn no rc-

1. batA


:.1lnwe<l lo u--<' M<e biiildlng for <

and teed griuding. Vo'i aani our flour






candidate for'rencmilaattaa

m there would be e


the two menikmed

to wll tli"v a«l,.-.!

ilig the right at any time,

Judge Umlor win be the oppoof

i« a

WeiWinji Stationery and
V'lMiinn Card*.

the city hating tbe iirivlli-ge of n-voU-

opposltkiB for tbe democrsllc urunnsilno.

toon, hot tiiiere sbonld be the i



e W. H. ttmlor will probably have

be saok A meaaure. making it a

Lttl .Upoail

QH-iit aoi! you are liiiitdiiib'


F, Nertlrger and G. W.« are can
dlQalMi for the rc|




that they lie allnweii in use it in i

tbe legialatnre. inking M a Bisde- on the democratic ticket.
POr Judge of Renrrder's poiirl. Amll
BMtior to enter n saloon
Jtoaora over the bar.

Depotitioi; aoviiiys
w.«kisncot-l jilan.

for a reasonalile

fie BlootLs la a matter of grave Impor-

■pentad wOi not pass.


lachhies cannot In- need at
maty rieeilon

Buying Prieaa.

voting raaclgne

'ITir; Ann Arbor Gasoffiie Lamp—i
!iglit if'ver unexcellttl.

. OF

adopjed on Mr. Winole's tnoiion.


A biU has been ftitiodnoed in


form 7 o'clock

iHtii'e motion.

Uea tn tbe laglalstare. bat tbe biatory
imoB B. Binghsm. Levi Soule and C.

‘Variety is the Spice of Lite.”
You will find it in our stofe.

c-1pci<-d w;iS adnptol

J. H. McGongb. A. W. Wall.

of tbe past two or three yenfs la the

Wtu. f: lUgl-}- tind sife i
S.simder>. |

Tlie resciliiliiin flaing the officers

For city clerk. Tracy H. Qlllls will

state has demonetrsted a keen public

H. ii 2nd. fi.370.
Jalius t'anipli
E, Bocon. loi> 2i

l«.ti's motion-


wm doaMlaas^net with moeb oppoal- been no indlcnilon that there witl be


ariemnon. was adopl»l on Mr. /

P. Ner

they daolre a aaloon la their Immedl- probably have no oppoaltkn for tbe
This bill, bowever, repnbllean nomination and there has


^ ••*'! ^-

IS- held In t>acb of tbe five wards, at

R. Ooodrich ‘of the Second

JusUec* of the penc


A resolution that a genera! election

ward; Alderman F. U ghuter nf the

•to Inenlity or not

Tbe question of ndmisrion of minors

Kpemor. two Juilices of the peoce. one
years in fill vacancy: one niipervisur

aetres iritetber they want a saloon Hoyt. W. O. Fo«e:

a realdeatiat

ratlrm for three years, one school ftt-

Third ward; Alderman George W. lar-

«r tbe Beasnte has merit, os it Is Unger. G. W. CoHls.
Membetn of tbe board of
proper that tbe people of any

yegis. a memlrer nf the tnnrd of t-du-

w.-ui adopted.

Members of the board of edurailnn:


llic-j«ird of p'lblic works-for ihr.-'

and one consiable from each ward,

H. Monugue. n. C. rhundler. C. K.

portloB of Ibb city, nball nay whether

cr's conrt f«»r two y<srs. u itiemlcT of 1

One mostaUe for one year.



for two years, a jediB- of Ri-oinl-i

The officers who bold over will be:

Tbe bill propeoes that the peo­


.lab- of the rejiubllrsn primary ee--

for the purpose <rf nnmlaailng a; fiam
«t «eti n
dry clerk fur two years, a city ltes»-l net* sec. C-.. T 3'. II it’.

derTuan from each wan] for Iwo years

ple at any ward shall say for themVltbin their ward or i»ot. ThU daute

Cborle- A- IhriK-'. all.- b, Ar.111. •; .4
f.i •,
Marcli m as the. drew

from each want for one

. tbe'Batter of local option In various die of the Fourth ward: Alderman W.
-AMelaaB of city and county govem- B. Moon of tbe Fifth ward.

of IMrt Hp>. I32i.

(liie aildoman for two yesra

A btU Is BOW before the legbbture
tloa <ff stkMtia One of Its


L C <•-. , l«li. Km:

Firth Wanl-nfth ward city hot!,

ewe superrlnor liir one yesr.

C. Palmer of the Rrst ward: Alrter.



Fourth Ward—^glae house Sn. 3

lor four years and tbe other fur three

Mayor A. V..Triedr1ch. AMeman Vic

W nore rigid regubllon of tbe opera-

3nl. fi7-“


Wsrd-'-Thlrd ward primary

PoUtoeSv 25eand27c
By Wife io ih.- Kvening Rr-cr.rH.

four years.

proTomont Id cnudlikiiia in thl*
WM Mpeelnlly


the spring

to mr nUUro to th«> crowing pabllr
ta TmTrrar City nod lln> orld<>ot In



fli» should bear Ibb In mind.
Offices to be filled at

'Im taMM vbu b«<>d mt^iinc*


-A farewell reri-pllnn was n-ndi-re.l

|^C.\ WAKTU-TI.I.U.«stil. leliur ..r
•VI nnliHl Uy • forre «f unvafa- Llrte-soe.
aflilisioi with tti- otilotf. ..troone-i ai«l ii—f
Meilunlisi D-'Oetlvr ora>mia>»-a is tbe s-rlit. oor v—I
tuui l« suited In >«-li ■■-sn. nllr and etK>,l
ctmrrii Miimbit night Tlu-> vill leave dJ-tri-S
erpenelke tl-d Sr—lei. I,111
driving iroerer-rec.-e.. PuU tl».
the Rev. and Mrs- U ll..(’ar|M-iiler :it




Mr.- C-»n>eiiier

Tno<1»y. *e-ti

that bis nliatiered hroltb will lxNioreid by tt ctirapleie re>.T, prolxtldy I-u
the hahiDce of ibe year.

Thetv was a large crowd pn-wuit
STMalaBd Pii»ca wad PMT Mchard. art.
last evening and durtiig the evi-ninc vMl.falrlmlMlBg. Mu talks Iran WiUl
bOToath.r-rknrsr.wtlb •. ■». at <
program was
given fruet Will bvaoidlaua. traet. aed <ia a
the Third ward. W. F. Harsba of the
tMAc generntlon of young
universal regret lielng expressed that
GadUine, a aboil Ume ago. tbe people Fourth ward and U K. Cleveland cC Mr. Carpenter sliiuiM he cnni|>el|pd to
the Fiitb ward, will doubtless be
fit that city raised SIO.OOO by rolnnleave.
didstes for rettondnation. as there has
Uiy sabMripUon for a T. M. C. A
M-rred during tbe evening.
boDdlng. FOr this Cadillac Is deservMr. Caipeaier has only l-eeu in (he
tac Of oOBUMBdatloa.
Many efforts
ly o little over a year but during hi>
Alderman Winnie of t:
have been made In Traverae CUy lostay here has nuide many friends who I
tnrda a tlmilar end bat have always la a candidate for rent
regret tn sis' him ami Mrs. Car]ieuiei
opposlilon has appeared.
failed. Tbe beet way to wean young
BSA away from evil

Important to Churclies
Schools and Lodges

ver of the First ward. S. C. Uarrow

eff the Second ward. W. W. Dean of

provide for them will not be a candidate, but A. W.
Other attractloni of a moral, elevating Rlckerd. former city clerk, seeks the
;|y no oppo- From Tuesday's Record.
nnd inspiring cbaracter. Let Ti
Attractlona la to

n W. H. Abbott of the

CRy ruraUb a Y. M. C. A. home for
thn yonag atea. provided with propei
I and inuring

u and tbe ronag
Oevole their time to such an InsUlntioA in praferonee to nay btber.

didaie for renomlnatton also.

It ba»

night and attended the meeting «>f ib.

been stated that he would have oppo-

ical chapter. ‘ He left for hit horn--

sitloo. hui little action ha* bmiraBe ap-

I Muskegfm this morning.

neogalied as taarmfnl.-RMurd.

t oC bydaws and Door rules
adopted with Improvements over Ibe
•Id ones that have bee* In nse siace
ike dab's orgm
rlsisra wero

Regular gym
organixed wUlch

aeM every Htmday evening et 7:4S.
■tartlng neat week.

Lucy O. P<rrr went to Prederirk

Then you need ^^cDcn•
aid s Witch Hazel Cream.
Xotbinjf like
it for
chapped or rough skin.

« -

; For the purpnse of making the name

Grinnell Bros.
a household word in your community, ve will, for
sixty tlays

Donate One-Half the Price
of any used organ in our stock.





I n-<i-t fe- -eni to GRIN.VKIJ. BROS- TRAVERSE CITV. MICH., signed B« trd
I'sMor. ulficei. and bi leas' 2d tuenibcrs: it from a w-b<v>l. by <bv Trarhr .fr-itr. B lyxlFf. by ifie Offieeri- and
im-m-i-r'.-in good sTandiag.
«1 the fl:e- ti,y il-Oigatu- froru wbirbI .»-liTilos. m-1) »H- made:

Cherry and Honey

...» 66

tlilr. mornlnt:.
«. Kennedy left for Boyne Ci'y. t.>
A. S. Hobart and .mw Ralph h-fi for
Grand Rapids this morning.
Blood was called


Siiimuit CJiy-tti» morning by rhe ill
•ss of her parents.
Mr. Lowrcnce Has RMighed.

Mrs. C. C, Cooper left iWs moniftig

Oeorgr U l^wrenco bas resigned
•r a vIkU In Kingsley and Cadillac.
Is pnallloD with tbe Hanna# A loiv
K. V. wnsim went t» Kingsley thi-'
Mereantlle companv and will enter
tbe employ of the new firm that will morning.
esublish a faouoe fuminblng store in
H. L. Wi'lgalirt has rclura.-d. frou:
tbe Campbell bunding.
Bnlfalo and Bay Ctiy.
For tbe past nine a_Miss Flora i$rr1ckland murned i-iMr. Lawrence has been
tare and crocketr depanmeni of the day from a bustneas tnp to Elk Ra;>
store which be Is now leaving snrl
'--lag that lime be has acqulrod an
idleai working know-ledge of the
n Thla Town.
He will enter upon his pew
.. jitay and bare charge of the

Tbe abowvr bath which has pretl- furniture and rrorkery deparimrvit.
onnly bpen aeasKlIde to tlxme who snperiatendlng the placing of aiock
bdd keys only wilt beranficr be open

Mr*. J. Vanderbilt went to Fife IAle

Mrs. Carrie

elerailDg attrac-

tlou for young men and lead them
away from rosoris that are aniveraally


for bluskcgnn

IRgh Chief Ranger R. J. VcDonaM
no opposition bas been
Jamfs Hurcble is a car- nf the Porrslers was in the cit.v kjc

l^t aa evil there mast be a more ef- pateat in that direction,
Everett of ibe Fifth ward will hare
fKUre waapoB. aod tbe T. M. C. A.
opposition In the penon of J. M. Mcvndar (he clrcnmauaeca is ooe of the
tbe grocer of East Eighth
best that
Traverae CUy is now large enongh
Indications are that the contests
to support an Institution of this kind
will not be very spirited! «cept for!
and It only rmnains for Ibe :
far city lieasuror.
means snd notive pabltc spirit
vMe Insplriag snd


Third arard is a candidalo for renom- this morning.-

. with Inailon and
nIovAtBc I

A'illlam Moody

Do Your
Hands Chap?

Ifyoifwaman URGAN httre is an offer that
will certainly appeal to you.

TWyei.»-«..hiieiinw MaMaasirStreMu

This is a cough remedy
that is fast proving its
merits, and is sure to
give satisfaction. We
make them both and
know they are good.

25 cents.


-:av>^. n slops. • awellv. tu-h top. wnlo:
'. KimWit. high t-i'.
So ■!». MMin'e.' t m.»ro-; 7- .xdavev >; -ro^-. : -w.-ll,, gd-ri si'acw!"!'

. -7 oeinv**.


!<■.. srory * n.ri,.
.xI..^e^, !,irt iw. .m'.mliTo,
IT. remnm. r, Mjl,




l^g Store

il.i- i!i' ’I'lnKiiti cj



I nkimt, 2125

OiaUiieaui cotwaa. Aettws tbe top
aad boUoa are tbe vords -NorU
Aaerica" aad oa tbe eada. ‘Tolled
SUtea." Oa tbe back U a maHe leaf
but why Hr. Wileos doea oot koow.
Tbe Bumbera of all tbe bills are < '
ten la lak instead of printed aad
ink oa one MU b faded but the oibera
are «utte plain.
Seves BlUloo doUars worth of moocy
waa laeued by the oomlnooial eonsreaa aad by tbe autos bat ibis U «U
that Hr. Wlleos had seen that Is Id
good eoadltton. He caw oome at tbe
Raa Aiaerlcan espoeltioa but It was
Two of Hr. Wlleos's great aoeles,
sa aad BbeiT Paiklnsoo. were In the
.auie of Bunker Hill and ooc of tbecn
fought sereo years In tbe reralutioaI mosket all that
killed lo the Cherry Hilt t


t^Ttbln the past few yowrs
pic of the United SUies have been
lies atnong the child bborers In the

n: DePojr. **U ►!»*■ iB tbU
titr. bM» panteaed Uw KalkBBkUs.
Nb-. Mr ku bm conaoeted «IUi
tte wper for boom Uon aod hu Mode
«M of tk« aoM nodabto oountrr
la ttoo HKk.


oalaro a ^ patiosar!. tu eotaant*
•M tdMB add «paik11aK aad it U roMt■Mo (1^ «m to lut That Hr. Deaiko a noBOM of U*
ton. «m wl«lK>ut qnoatloB aa be U
^oathable to ckaaeaad captare tbe
elMlTa Ilea bvt i%eaaa»r aMe to co
iBto.tho'tek noa’ aad gut U Hio
- Th* Kalbaeklab Is easllr
<t tb* b*a Mpera that tofat* to tbe
the -Bmiac Record.

Paath a Ha. A. T. tay.

-vaa mdr^


aaaaMHRaiid. oaabler a the

l^atoiu tbe’^lld taboreni in the
-ilddio east and aoulh. North of the
loMo and TXkon Hoc the problem
haa been praeUcmlly solved. There is
a oonpulsory acbool Uw which ukes
the younger chOdreo into the inibllc
acboob despite evea their paivnU'
wishes while the faeterles are foreed
lo recognise an age Unit to avMd
proacculioB. In the coal mining and
coUoD manalbcturtikc. dbirlcu. bo«orer. the eondlUons are. in places,
frightful. Not onl:
Uvea or tbe chlldt
work Ibsl sltould tall upon stronger
shoulders, bat lU InAuence Is widespread throughout their communities.
Their oducattonaJ and tnoail condi­
tions sre slUDted; their Uvea boeonic
their • offspriog

rtdlow In their steps.
41 of the matter
going op among oome of the
has boon go
lending periodicals of
the countn
which Is doing a certain
It only Icgisgood evident that
biloa can
B step the evIL
iphtseo Veara in Mitla.
ibead or
o Haabiec. represewUag tbe i. H. Schulu company
sras la the clly yesUrday and granted
Herald an
Interview on

Jtend' Rapids Au Sunday ni^t.
last reporta be was in a critical
diUoB and as he U guile feeble In |
geoersl bealih. It is feared aBong bit;
Meads, including many in Traverse,
aty. that be will not recuver.
Bishop Gillespie was bom In 1SI»
In Coaben. N. Y- ami waa ordalaeii;
priest In 1841. He was rector of the

ererhauled and
(greater speed next tensoo. 8be will
run on scbedule limb and make
trip, ronneeilng with all trmios
i^mt will also run Sunday ■•xeurslans
.nd ttsblDg
Mps between


>ears. He wsi coaseemted bishop to!p»se«~oM it a
Grand Rapids In 1873. He Is a m" SSwSl^rnaaiSil. proMs^^
mg iBtellectUBl oower and of abbu 8r*j^hsspr.i^
esiarrfc In
m -bnseonb*a
singular godUnees. charity
Charity and deto..........................
Uoo. He la deeply inicrcsicd in tli;
tounanlUriaa iand
ss-; Otao. is'tJw^^y
. refonnalory mcas-;
rssUr <n d<w> moi
area, and Is regarded a
aoclal Bcleace.

We Announce



•oaatf of education.
1 eesaloo
list o»-etilng,
suned about 7:15 and havW
pieied »n
the bu»in<-x»
Udorc the
bouse at 8;ir.. spending fifteen mla
ales more discussing matiers of interwt and'Importance to the schools.
The first business before the houwcation from
I- UWrlghi. superinlendeui of public instTOcihKi. advising that the board send
the m«s-iIng of the city and sute superlniendenis' brancheaf (hr NBitooal Hduca----------In Chicago ibis

atlendancc al the meeting.



of cHpvi)

Suits for Spring
Creening Nursery Co,

Thit it is complete you xuill *dmil token you hsW seen
the splendid eney of cherming new tdees toe offer yoa.

Muurue. Mlrfalgati. uno of the leading
nurberj concerns in Ilic Utiited Blales.
write us thill they want a good live
bgent in this section to hulltil oiderr

As stronjf as *his stnre has always been in
the Suit and Cloak Depanment. this year
hnds u« better prepared than ever to can:
for vour needs in this line. This is espet ially true in low and medium priced goods.

(or tbilr trees, shrubs. niH-s, ole
perleflco Is not neccseary. They •■Ifci
good pay weekly and furnish asiiv
sing outfit free.
Wo advise any man or woman
ir eommimlty. who Is In a posiiion
> lake orders fOr The al»ve bouse. ti
write them for (wrilriilan. Inmiedlatc
Heuilua this paikV.

Dnardman avenue building, was sc
led. Tbo tcacheni' committee and
(he hUpcriuienllcDt
l-n» rroto'rl... fill her place.
The report of the truant officer,
tXvrvr l.»»
which was received and filed, showed
that be had visited thirty-nine homes,
investigated thlriy-nltic cases that had
been rt-portod. had two tniunis In Re tkrir rWiM SgslMI said dwwssrd i . ,«i.:
coidcr's coon aud one was ctKivlctisl mrt for enminsrloe. ssS sdly-tirxi I. snu
and (Im-d.
bad carried
packages, hxikcd after llilny-i-lEbt
names from the ci-nius irporl and In
go of his duties had iravllcs.
rt of tbe treasurer showed
oiThiuiil amounllog to
of the superintendent
0 r
jhp Bummary of am
mThe*month ending' Keb. 1
elved and fi
The repor. —
—- -claims and accounts was accepted


In sooilo that retail

from t<n to

twenty-five aloIUm. we have

niielo a epouittl cfTort to get aometliiui; Imltor than owr.
at tlii-ae urim we have VALl'Kif THAT HAVE



From evryy wurce comes the word lhai this is
this idea












a big‘suit season.

with the result that







you have an

assortment lo choose from that is equaled

in few cities in Michigan.

That h evaythins inmi Ihf'prtUy ioj!
ihwn throusft


to /«-


/on,tf w/.i/»//>.«

thf plain colors to Ihc Macks

handsome trimmluss.



All the nnv ideas that

Every ganneDi In Ihe Cloak Room marked In plain figares
and no reducUons wlU be made from the prices marked.

•IMalh .eMln. *. T. lay. »hlcai oe•3;
supervisors. .
----------1 lb bCT bene a Chteato at I snbJfCL Mr. Woodbead la as well arid, t; Janitors' salaries. S2Su.
await, aattdealr troa
to speak on the child labor sjieclals.
This wUl ba at aara
,nie matter of paying cs»b for wood
aaailtoa. not only
7 of the oM^ae Trleals
was brought up by the clerk It
that the ftrmers who supply an occaka, kavlng apaat eighteen yMn
Mount load of wood object to walUng
wootaa mills or LancasUblre county
AMland. and Uter made a caretal
atody of the eslatlng eoodiUons in the
sum could be set ai .......................
Is of the Garollnas.
couoa mUls
bills. Is was the^lnlon rrf^the bimrU
_ the age of ecvrn and elghi

Priec $8.5® to $35.00

apoMa tea and a half hourt every other
day. Thla was tbe longeM- he waa al­
RaV Crawford, who Is in Uio
lowed to work et that age as the iasra ploy of the G. R. * I. lUIlnuid com-; -----—--------In .Aid 4iairl r..r pismin*
,t the age
of the oountry forbade It
r ••‘Wpfy large MrMo^or those
pany. spent a short lime lo the clly ^p«t>dwbj»«'
of 11 be was examined by g physician
„_'ika ooagMerad It a privUege as
yesterday, rcinralng to Waliou this morolng.
^“MSSilSi^l'of the frt«ds
tebor every momlag etong wltb the
a Oty vBI be atteaded to
Ida of other children aad young
yjHia.kla femlly la thdr afALL ORINNBIX BROS.' pnblicuwho made up the bnlk of the
Uuns of popular ahoei music now -'
hU work In ihr
' teen years hi.
INrPrtM OMiiwkia.
Inued and be then
loeatlne in Uanlstoi
ly-eix years ego Monday,
ice his tearing tbe work Glad­
stone aegoUaled the
tbe passing of
.. a hill
ty tewMOd. la NMM?'BrUlsh
in pariinment dealing with tbe child
la. Tke heat la kaowB as tlw
Hhor ptablem which required each
Travana kaoekabour and Is
chljU to pass a certain exaiUnaUao

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



r Hert
g ffpm a load of lugs and Us
■■wd brtweoD two of then
i IWrd fMI npon It, Rneat
» Weal Tenth street, narvowa^t^^MwMgwe

eforet-............... ....................
_____ “half-timer" and before
work every day be must pass another,
faaidcr examtoaUon.
Like the Work,
d apoke ol
laboring classes, caylife aneni
tbry took the work ax a mat%Uiatil
................. »rae aad were eager to be at
IL even the youngest ompteyes eagerly
awalUag the lime when they should
becene a -fell timer." Their mcwal
training Is kept at a very high sUndard bvt tome degrading coDdlilons
cannot be kept from existing. The
h children ere stunted physical«me extent, he said.
I After

- The IM was OB top of a targe toad
-*—t WhM tbe ehalaa wore beiag

oni^f^a num^ of years, bis lorritofy lyinc la fk* Carollnss aml.M
....... ........................ .....................
tu study th© eoodlllons In Antcrk
He Biys thst there U no eompsrls
betweea the preseot oondlUons in t.
souih and the conditions In Rngland
thirty years ago. tbe Bngllsh being
fir superior to tbe Amerlran. and that

was before the pasting of tbe eduratioasl bill.
-Bomethlng must be done." lie ssld.
r^fellow wwkMB knittod Id W» “or Ihe standard of morality and odiitM aad roDed the log-away to djM calloa Id Use south will become frl
lew. especially In IJse manufacA# -Mood dowlag from coU about hla
and it will have Its efiKdd and d«Ml He was unooascloas ' '
nIliBa Meked up aad medical aid was
CX I I from tbe dty.
The c
than they
sled, bare Icmger hours
mhik over the left eye.---------------------I In England and mai y of them work
fit Mft oar aad several teeth being
1 tbe Bight
i*. a
a thing whi
famked loosn. Akbuugh bU escape
unheard of acnaa the water.
waa a natspw mre. his luiorlcs
Taken From ths Farms.
oeupanltvety trivial.
Utributed many of the desriird
farms tn tbe factories, saying that
■ame CnrieaitiM.
W. n. Wilcox of' SU Best Nbrth
I the numbers that <
atrfwt Is tbe peesesaor of four pleeea dragged dosm l« the Hie lived by t
<t Ooaunenui Boney which are an\tr
•cing classes, acquiring
ilrlng tbe (lit!
hab I of taking SQiiir and
the race a
whirii makes
matters srurse.
tm'huM down In
Ho spoke of (be eommissarv s
Me Wllea temlly tram geaoraUoa to
operated by many of tbe blg-mllli
n fKigland.
'• tbal never evlsted in
Twoof Ibeoe aotos bear lalerest
urn the entire
cent One U for . .
- The factories are ruining tbe
U csBla and aceordrace la order to pul themselves
of thenrat Natloeal
to a compeUUve posiOoo. Uklng the




Great aean-iqi Sale




t isaar

Items that will interest you bemuse they are the
things you want to know abouL
the goods, quality and price.



Fish Food

111" llradbHr., lit- SiiiulM-ri. tlw ll'-fi

For Men

-- ltl.ulI<l^ Z t-*r !'>r

1’-'- s


(lid ................... .

For Women
to $t«0.
To buy from these means s saving of SOe
Odds and eds Inun V- •■■•I bnes
Stylish. up Jo-dsle gno-1 wearing shru-s
Gaud .wearing Dicss-Slux-r

For Children


uii.ti.' ('.rlliHlr


a |i'.'ni-l


Ol‘l; ,




I.I-iH 'rH--Tti- Vale Id'-Iln',

;.:.i - -TI .. ArKl..-., l.amis.-T;;3.:-S>..cN. .
.-.V-Tlii- lluM.-e


giHKi quallilea. ^lulddag r..-.


.biingovi fw.' .'H...dii«>l"ii >.fT"i liiadei
liy auy iHiMuii-r and We will dopllralc
P.for yn-i and aave >«« nil the lime

Unm-n, th.-,

Il- llh. Die M.-vr.Ja mid lb". Ibil«-lr Java

ap.( 1

i I-al; »r. eriider--411

j-eir Its. ..f msgxrlm-s ;t i"!i,-|.liope

tbe • v*np'l

(..H-kag.-s w- btve ^



Ivaiitiful iiiKiriiiDsats and

fl-. a..v iK-WM-ai- r or uiaga/ii."

c.n«-nmi«-nl M'h-1u nii-l Javii t;i-- Mr*., ,
H..V. I s .mil HH-cjhl ld--Jid

We waul lu show

We Take

Il.-c-an-.- «•- lis«i- ill'- i-.fli-'' llial .-.p
Ill Ih-JH-want th. lH--t

llie test'of yoans and

. i nr pltaUMil cnal-uieni are our Ih.-sI


Coflec Headgaarlers

TIciki la-t makes of Plaiius.

P'lK-y Itsto

K«Lc-.» 1hiii.-I.-k - St|ii«l.e.|

ii |•■.■^l!l|--^■mIlan ILiddi.»- I3r

■r l>n-as shtiea. P»r .

«« H.-ndllig fr»r it,

«<-tid us

. m.d'w.'«'l> teli youatn... " bu* m-wh

at l>-

-;..: .VrbU.-Kl. .a- ISe.tkf to....
Thi-.f<Hiiln'iilol at

, at any liiiH-- Tb-

r-H- au.| til" Ih linsU'ti a. "?

'.ht\e altindi



iiUre-J-art- m'ri..- rian

Bargains sre ths rule, not the eseeptien hers.
sin..'* bl.ii-m Riitil.irv vi.ll.-il .fill. ...
Men's Sandal f

Children's Rubbers .


' Spring*F^shlngs
liu-- of

.Vi--si-.Hl-i ;«bat,


Kboinel .Sbl.'--


•m this womh-rful nrtleii- «Kir>i'laf-i- ftiur .;.l.leBiK)«ofuI« on the Iba

M.-I. * 1' l.:rt .hRGtaveF- H.-n%:

..«ls where you are using soft e«J

Spring mps-Mvo r Spring .S.-rkwwsr

,i.i.d the fume- wUI eomplelely elesn




rottnn Hnrw-M"n-K tonnep Handkm-‘

seufN OF aooo sHoes .

We i-an'i fctdp but eall .vour a’ti-liitua


.hi. K-.I.-OU.. ,Mvn. M-gii.-i-

Shin.- «eo'»


Hives, octwna, Uch or aalt ihenn
aeu you ernry. Caat bear the loueb
of your cloUlag.
Doaa'a Oleimeol
eersa the awet obatiaate cases. Why
snter. AD -druggists sell IL

We put

forth our b«t endeavors to please you with

and the prii-e. v
int y-ou to. «uul you «ai
«<l fuolwesr.

keen esat t
s toaae If tl
d'ly tbe atM «lr&ylaad*
«to «dat
X «f acM
a« of
«' UsadlalakMdd
r a eoataty aad _________
y etaea-tkelr Mgalng tbe

**Lcst Yc Forget’


nnt to ttzn.Sl. Tbis woMd
_________ ______________
___________ IWIe neat egg for Mr. Wllrtghtt aad bUedtoidlng Utemaelres t>
gfeg Jt to wen able to eoUect it but
overytklag but tbe almighty dollai
gtobriJiirfy tbe btOa ere worthlees
•n» romedy must c*»me through Icgls-


"THE BIG STORE”—Dealers in Eveiylhing ,


Eieryihios In th.-se at5«b.. ' ,

:: V'

>AY. FCMOARV s. «mt.

Qrand Traverse Region.
*Ws?"g^te UallidBT Tisited II
Tnrerse oror Bnnday.
MAMri tM Mt to m*.
««M niMt toMA tM NWMtf ««M Ml
Rob KlnkiD and Mias MalUe MKJae
ry of Kersione rlalted Mr. Klnglo'a
anC Mra. Bert Chase. Saturday and

intM im itwy NMr ka rnimti

_iaa CwV Bcliafleld attended th^
funeral of Mrs. Lucy Rtll. wkleb was
tadd St Klngalcy. Sunday.l
Percy Tbompaon and Mlaa .Martha
- A Jolly Slelidi load of younfi pwvlc Shorter rititsd at Keyatone. Sunday
rn>n BHtMr «ltb Iholr tcacbcr. Mrs afternoon.
Liu Haicar. attooded tbc -Parenu
There was an address at the church
■weUBfc" betd at Monroe Cemer. Feb.
omu BSIIKSI i.iEBaii«. uy me Rer. Mr.
Dutton, pastor of the Rrst M. B.
tally enjoyed by tbe older puplla.
church m
of Trarerse
City. niB
His owvuii
' Henry Keioi and ramlly have noi
was very lutereaUng and meiiced
H with George Helm, bis father m
' irgyr audience than it recelred.
la quite poorly »t present.
reb. K.
Roy Wbaley. Erve Youmass end
Mt. Conroy bare returned from KlngsKJN08LCV.
wy. vbere tbey have been cutting
<Tbe Rev. Mr. Thuralon iii
nhingie bolts for Mr. Crandall.
. Tbe Ladies' Aid wilt meet vltb Hr*. Jay L. Campbell and Mlaa Bessie Lerall In marriage Sunday. Tbe young
i. M. Crandall Baiurday. Harcb 2.
' Will Heim has two 'teams at arork people have tbe congntuUUon* of
tbeir many friends.
bnuling logs for Mr. Coflroo.
Miss Vida Stauiter pemed Sunday
.^Ilra. Routt and aon Paul, of Trar
- iirac City arc risiilng wUb Mrs. Wales. * Hannah.
- Mr. and Mr*. WillUms riihed wltb
tbeir daogbter. Mm. 3. E. Say. of Long
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bald- vialtittg tbeir parents over Sunday.
Mr. SUdelbancr ha* Bored Into tbe
old MeMorry bouae.
'Ttere at* aboat ' eigbtecn learns
My draelito brick yard arood.
• Miss tda^mrter of Oraen rlalted
oer admol last Monday afternoon,
t Mr. Oobm Is rapidly disposing of hit

SH Is csring for Ihc baby t

HalUday and Mr*. Wm. Spanlillng nttqndod Ibc funei}>I of Mm. Ocrt Scholl
at Klnssley.
Will Jackson was faiimo over Sunday
fcom Trarcrse City, wbott* he baa
caublltbed a ph'itoc-apb studio.
A party of ten from tbit place at.
tended tbe Mi. Pieaaant moslcal at
Klngsk-y the last of tbe week.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Stij-onc and
llodgc Satoi
1 daure Saturday night
Us'slslor, Miss AHie Pierce, of Hodge

week, to attend tbe funeral of his
rather. Jacoli ErbarC
Handle inaber. who has bom
quite III for tbe past two weoka. U
aof iBprtftteg.
At a. aesUon of the rilUge e
E. J. Case was a business visitor n
cil tam WAdnesiUy evening, the
Mcslek today.
Ibwing were appointed membera cd
Fch. r«.
tbe nn'
are arywioem.
departmenu riro
Rro cniei.
chief. "
Linden: assutant Brc chief. Ctyrge
Van Oordcr: first plpeman. LeUnd
Mrs. Charles Salcsh returned iaal
Tripp; aanUunt plpeman. Robert Nd- Saturday
evening from Cfakarpi.
aod: seoumd plpeman. Paul SctaoelMra.
Tavlor *ad sonn Harry
Ue: asslsunt plpeman. Cberiea Code and Joseph, spool
Saturday in'ii*
Ipemau. Frank HaJIaday: fourth
M Porter
Pr.n«r Is
I. alefc
.M with
.tfh the
plpeman. Bam Wright: nsalatant pipr- grip.
in. Charles Rogcre: first bydr -'

on Friday evening was wvD atundmi.
Mrs. CUa Briggs and Hiss Anna Nel- ,
son received Oral prixes. The MIsacs
Lottie Nelson and Alice GIU se

plnk and white carnations- Tbe guesta
were tteated to a royal good lime sad
a pleasant evening. Tbe Lady Macca­
bees wet* dressed In colonial style,
rome of the.gowns worn were over
a bnndred year* old. Mlaa Fannie
Steele reeol\*d firm prire anO Mrs.
by Mr*.

«>K> atsdd bDbihd a bnk {McRDian iUebuMlni
OnratiMora an agmoMd,b^». TVqi h,*e inveated tbotr awn moutf in thu bank, bom (nguMiIr
in .lirmdnra-grero WoobIib
and pravei books
uddbs sau
sad eecnnsina.
secanbfls. aeaw
deads spem tbe

W. B. jobmneu). sod iraag* by the
guests aod B
Feb. 2$.

businegaabUit^ which fagTeoMde Utem aoeoiaifal in

the week with her’
Barnes and family.
laadore Stcbbles of Buckley arrived
Tuesday for a visit with friends and
M. Brown left Mondgy fur Denver.
hand. and the pros­ relatives.
Colo, where be will spend a wert.
pects for a hmg cut are very cncourMr*. E. Haro left Satnrday for S««taging.
lle. Wssh, where she wtll J<dn her
Without a doubt the past year baa
fauMraad. -Maro." the Magiriau.
>ea mere improrementa of a public
W. C- Nelson went to loula Toe*has any
period of time fu tbe I
A. W. Price I* spending a few dars
Tinafe. Chief among tbe« com
Nortbpon with bla slater. Hn. H.
I* that of the new water work* aysHall.
tem. Without haring bad any pre- where they will live during the v
Mary Inman of Gills Pier Is altmidre along this line, the
The Clltseu*' nauru* will be held In ing Mra. Leo Miller, who la III.
village authorities early last
Elmer £. Chandler left Hcmday lor
grappled with tbe problem with a de- ic town ball on the evening of Cedar
Rapids. Iowa, srbere he will
terminailou to provide the be« kind Msreh
JcdiB Scott has moved bis house­ spend a few day*.
of a system for the least amount oi
L. J. Gronseth of Sutloos Ely I
moner. Tbe meetings of the village hold goods to ihn home of bis son
Ed. at Omena.
John Bolender baa sold bis saloon council averaged several a month.and.
Dr. A. J. McPball aad wile lefiined
to Tony Weber, and Mr. Weber bati at times, when radical differences of to Traverse City Saturdav morning.
gpinluo existed as to the expediency
taken poesesaloD.
Tbe Woman's elub will meet sriib
Wm. Wright was In Trarerae CUy of certain measures, tbe sessions be­ Mias Julia Hiller on Tuesday after- Korthporl. was *
came quite spirited. Tbe president'
five venra at Ionia, and left yroierday
H. Monroe's dance Friday erenlng and eunoell bare serred without pay.
llUle daughter of M . and Hr*, in cnatody of W C. Netson. wbo was
the affairs of the village often taking ’. The
was not very well attended.
deputUed in tbe aboenee of Sberiff
JobosoD. wbo are visit!
them away from tbeir business. Their
Point. Idaho, are guests of tbe form- efforts have not been without its
Russell lllosbaw and daughter Celli
er's pamntB. Mr. and Mrs. John Raf- fnilta. bOsevor, for now we have al
of Bingham, spent Sunday with Z. E
completpti a system af^rr pro- eral weeks and a* yet is no better. Hlnshs'w and familr.
tery. ' Tbey will pass a few months
Mra. Agnes Cole, who spent a
The Benefit society will meet with
J. AMpaefa is I:
Mrs. Charles Nelson on Friday after- days in town with relatives
Delroli OB buslnoas.
friend*, returned home last week.
Mr. and Mra. Geo. flecker were in
Charles Buckler of Onekama it vlsMrs. R. E. CampiK-lI spent a couple
town from Traverse City Sunday ' Ik- niiirh Intcresud Id the ouieome. dnvs In Traverse City Iasi week,
lllog his mother. Mrs. A. Anders
Mr*. Kitty Ban-Cooper, an Oklaho­
altendaore at Ihc funeral of the k
j. Vaunaiier arrived home on Thiirsma missionary, will lectui* at the
Mrs. Luev Hin.
after having spent « couple Ttomc In Milwaukee aPer an extendcti
D. E. Wj-nkoop was down from Baptist churrh this evening.
with her annt. Mrs. M. Dunkeseeks
The ronotbly ravenani m»'iing will
raverae City Sunday.
Mis* Lottie Nelson of CadllUe spent low.
Hr. and Mr* J. O. Crotobr were in lie held at the Baptist churrh next Sat­ Thursday aitd
and Friday with
wltb her par­
Traverse Cily Hooday.
ents. returning on Saturday to her
While spHIlinc wood one day last
'l s-o iiinrrals. that of Jaroh Rrbart work. ■
week Chester Putman rut bis leg
that of Mra. Lucy Hlll.were held
.. • and was bom
Fn-d Gcirge. of Lyons. Mich.,
quite Iiadl^. Dr. Funliut drenaed the ID Kingsley Sunday. Both were veo'i visited bis nloctvMra. W. E Campbell, Sweden In IS32. Tbe ftfneral waa
largely altended by sorrowing Irlendst lust week. TbcT bad not mol before held at 2 o'clock from tbe German
Dr. U J. Tedman was In town from
house gre
Linlieran church, the Rev. J. Maal
111 tweniy-thrv*- year*.
Summit City Salunlay.
participated In the rtK^ial party at
Mr*. Wm. Thomas wa* again num- sted of Sntions Bay and tbe Rev.
While doing somei •

• • the Rapllsl churrh last Thiiraday
P. Engelbert. offieialiBg. The rematUK
week. Weber flf Hannah had a rvenlnt. TJie enlerialner* shov.t-d a
were laid to rent In Beechwood c
ttti CallowMV mite stolen fruin off his
The Rev. Alexander CoopiT of the
hen-se. N<| clue tn i)h< thtifi fans been
Allen Itui-y, who has Ixs-n rialting
Aiili-Saloon ix-ague will m-eupy Hi'diseoveml.
imipli In the M. K. ebiireh next Sun­ al Mllwnukee. relumed home ThuraMrs. George AIiIkUI Is very sirk.
listening to surb treats. The pro- day morning and eveniog aud e
Prank Eriinri was in Kingsley from eeed* were applied on the puieliase iif evening of liexl ««-i-k.
Alfred 1*. SVh '»r !• home front TrarI^oralo, Ohio, the latter part of last some new litirnry lasik:: for the imhllc
til'y ru.' ;i I'-u d.'js.
The masquerade al ihe town

I,. pimoid sad bring lo Ik.,.___
fonne to br
tbe aanMeaMt
of tbe bask tbe auto sooDd jadgnaBt. eaatioa sad


A new Bell phone was pot In tbe
residence of the Rev. p. C. Engellmri.
Mr and Mrs. Bert Findley and Eelda Brazlngion ; r.- the gu*-M* of Mr.
and Mra. B. L Pease'of this village.
Feb. 25.
“Evaeybody Should Know.’*
s C. H. Hays, a prominent l.ualI of Bluff. Mo., that Burk
len'i Aralen Balvc u the quirkvst and
surest healing mIvc omt uppllc-d to a
•ore. bum or wound, or n. a ease of
piles. r»-c used It and know what I ni
ilng about." Guaranteed bv C. A.
S. B. Wall A Sons. 25c.
Miss Myrtle Blrdsey n-tiirtiist
her home in Glen ArlMir after a i
weeks' vlait with her aunt. Mra.
Mrs, John Frits Is visiting rdaitveu
at Copemiah.
Tbe little daughter of Ed Brooks,
after a long illoesa of appendicitis. Is
getting bcnier.
Alklnso and Martha Anton
ijicy Atkinson
were Traverw City vlidlora.
Percy Hmwell i* on Ibc sick IW.
Mrs. W. J. VaiiOIslrand has added
Ihe nttrens ph'me to tbeir home.
Mra. E Wilson and »« Fo
wcie called to Traverac CKy on

cvaiBt of the accident of Prank Wt).
J. H. Rller ha* added a Mock of
groceries and unadtea to bis barnras
abop. and h I BUr frtvndt wish Um
good luck.
Bom. to Mr. and Mra. Harry We»Mdar. a aoa.
C. A. Judd of Detroit made a botiBBS call at Fbrront'a siurv. \
The masqnenuie at Glen Arbor wm
srril attended br tbe BurdickvUte gem ^

Tha Ufi^'or Ufo.
The most ewlneot medical adealto an- Roanlmnus In t&a pnorlaakm
that the geneioliy
------- -------- '
years below •
It possible with the a^ '
of which the raai
The criUcai parttbat driermlMs Ita dnratMB,
seems lo bo between U and dO; Iba
proper care of the body during Ihli d»
cade cannot be loo strongly urgad;


evlty. Nature's best helper after (A B
Eleetrie Biller*, the s'leailftc tonle
medicine that rerllallKro every m

To Be Closed Out At Considerable Less Than Cost.

HAVE ransacked oiir enUre store and
-V” warehouse and every piece of furni­
ture that is the least bit damaged has been col­
lected together and placed on our third floor
where they will be sold at prices that will cause
a sensation aniong economical buyers. These
are the accumulation of the entire year and our
recent inventory brought them to light. They
must be closed out to make room for the heavy
shipments of new goods that are coming and
we have kecided on a sharp, quick sacaifice.


Several of these have been
twed as nmples on our floora.
:■< have slightly -rtoarred
trwoo*. others tbe upboUtery
U a mile solM.
One IsB a rro<
rroulai- 17-fW rourh
In good eoadllien, small
tail pi—rpi'
of moulding broken from franir,
ua good sa
a ever for uervlrc

One reed. 3 without Ubles and
2 wipi foedlnff ubic. all at 1cm
money than you will ever be
able to buy them again.
A good, heavy, wHl made high
rlislr. finish allghUy marred.

ONLY $4.25

NOW 65 cIs.







In veneer seat*, solid wood
seaU or eane. many of them
you will have to examine closely
to discover a flaw, still It'* there
and for this iwaaon you tiiy
have It lor hall what you would
pay at any other llae.

In all grade*, lull sets and
broken seta, In several ln«lance«
hiere are full set* with but one
chairs slightly
and tbe iierfcrt once wc pul Id
lo make the *et mnipleie are
alone worth mote than we ask
for the IfH.

In six. eight and ten fool
lengths, some of them bare
hardly a scratch, these have
been used aa samples on pur
sale* Roars and the finish Is Just
marred enough to make you a
wouderful bargain.
A good solid G font, golden
rmk iahle. a small split hi one

In this lot are Ipeluded all odd
beds as well as'damaged orm.
lo many laatanri-s the rest of
the suit has lieeo sold with
iron beds iearlog uereral good
beds on hand that we wUI dUp>jM of ai damaged bed prices

FOR $145

FROM 60 cts. UP

FROM $1.75 UP


ScUEromSXJS up





dilloo. some were slightly msrred or Jamed In shipping, mhera
were damaged on our floora or
from earcli-ss handling In Ihe

We have
that, bad we the time. ii would
pay us in refiolsli. They were
Stored In a damp place and 'he
finlab ba* heeome dulled in
Boote *pol*. idherwjse they arv
perferl. Can von Inin.tglDe ti.
a solid oak rnmmnde


FROM $14$ UP

FROM $445 UP

FOR $245

$640 CLASS



Ail aamplo porilerca



closed out at little more lhaa
half price,

dome Is now aad

boy a

purtlcre fur K-OA.

You mar as well make this sav.

P'VERYBODY HAS an idea that it is necessary
to have a lot of ready money In order to
buy furniture. This is not so; our easy payment
system places the possession of a cozy horns
within the reach of all. Here you can supply all
your home furnishing wants and pay for them
as it is convenient to you. It makes no differ­
ence to .us whether you are a millionaire or
whether your day's pay represents your wealth
your honest reputation makes Your credit good

......................../ rocKhr
s a cheek or mar has I
t in with the damaged c
Come eorly as the Ipost
go first. You can gf-l a big comfortable arm rork*-r with roliler
seal. Just nnr cniali check ip

We have dozen* of these in aU
atm aad tlnta. In aomc a rod
has been a little benL olbera
have a IHUe enamri peelfd off.
any ef Uinn are worth twice the
price yoB can buy them at now

We have dozens of lace curtama
that bat e beeu used as samples
these are slightly soiled, in all
Instance where you are willing
to lake the sample, you can buy
Jtttl one pah- at U 1-3 percent
dtacxMBt. Odd curtalas at less
thus coat.


YOU HAVE an opportunity to buy ferniture
_now that will in ail probability never present
itself again. Included in our list of sli^tly dam­
aged goods is nearly everything necessary for
the home. If there is something lacking in the
parlor, sitting room, dining/room, bedroom or
kitchen you can satisfy that want now with about
one half the expenditure of money t^at you
could under ordinary circumstances. If a sav­
ing of money means anything to you, you can
not afford to overlook this—Think it over.


»pa<e preveni* <

FROM $5 cts. UP

The Homemaker

Jardiniere Stands


Some nice ones that are in good
eondltlofi wiib the BulLb marrel
in a few pla'-e*, ibat we will
close out al 2ir.
-Also some easelr. solid oak.
braxs trimmed for

We have Is-n or three adjust­
able end davenports that
JusT a lltild shop worn Tbeir
coDitrocil'm Is perfect. You can
of these for about half
price, oee I. big. maisdve. steel
r-Oflsmieled. iipbolslered
lest velour, worth 111.0(1.





Including every pair that has
been used as samples.
M.W portlerep. now........... *4.«
9«M poulere*. now..........UM
And so no down to an ejegaat
pMr of heavy ope ilisperles

every remBaat la otir enure
Carpel depanseat h tncladod
la this cleaa-up. Maay pieces
large eaough for aa ordlaary
sited room. Borne la grasftes,
Ingraioi. Upoetry bniasen. vrtvela and axmlasters. We are
BOW .oCMtag yoB the Mgimt
Mvlag of the Btam M carpeta.




, • _W»LUAM««UIIO.
Mn. W. H. Atm ku tern bavlai:
B Mi«r« sttMk or taullldi.
Mn. mak PeMek, who w»a cbIM
ben far the deotfa or tier tatber. Jafao
ttoliuo. flonw Um bco, msniod W
ker bOBw oi Heow, MM). IMI voHi. M« caw, of
ecufa ore raponed. anit ibere U ■
or Rdp arooiul
The Re*'. Mr. Moncer of Detroit.
flHa oocreiorr of the AaU-8ekx«i
lABfoe. loelored hen taiit ew»ln«
> lo ipiie Of the Inof the
le weather,
Manfer'a aadrcoa wai hJ^lr «k<«^
eailBC and laoirtictive.
The dSnoer that the lAdlea’ Aid w>aletr wax lo have held at the town
haH neat Wedwwdar. haa been -te8e8Blle1r poatmoed owlnc to the bad
wawber and oo nneb *enenl aick-

Robert Bartlett, who live*
town. ha« been bavin* cioublea rtf hi*
own the part wr*k. Hi* wife, alii
la-tew and hi* faiher were all in I
anffertn* from the irrip. when he bl»aeir wa* an inrrmsbleniu* aa lo fall a
kletlm to It.
. Mra. Will Prmr, *bo I* vlaltln* her
Rareota. Mr. and Mra. Koah Stitn.
VUlied at Mabel a few dar* laai week.
FV-b. tS.



Mn. Roehe 'la til with pneumonia.
Miaa Ida MctUr rialied her Mater.

r. Cook did aboppini In Tn*ene Cilr WedaeadarCbartea Moaler and wife arrived
from ibc weat OB Tneeday evenln*‘a
Mra. laabelle LoBnote of Tnrene
Citr apent a abort time rialttuK here


*. .

Mn. Beal b cooflned
ibfoiiRh lllneaa
Mra. Fred Oontarier was abc^iplDs
In Tnvane aty Mandaf.
Mr. BrltiB. father of Asent Bricfa.
poaaed to ibe (real .berood Wedneadar oonlng aboai 1 o'clock. He and
bin wife eame here to live ahortly after hla aon wan laaulled here aa M.
8 N. K. a««l. b« bad been eonflned

^Joiw Lannna, wbo baa been working
ter Piank Hahnanber*. waa taken '
hia booM. aIck. laat Saturday.
Mra. Tboa. Flonwadoo ti conflm
te the hooaa with la grippe.
NapolaoB OantbNr spriit Supday
arllb bia pareitB. retunilog te worit



HMa Roomoa Bchanb returned Satarday everiag fnmr Chioagn. where
nbe baa been employed.
ioa. nawnaami-a temlly have heea
baTtag tee-grip.

^^e are havtag,___
wlaler weatl
lr«ging t* B««rir alt
Ibewialer. The logs
^all go 10 the Kelley
Co. at tee hMd of Ibe bay.

WM. Alglre baa lakeo i.—.
a( kla new pnrehane of the Warner
Uraty bam at BIk Itapida. We ate
ao^ te ace Mr. Alglre leave tela

H. rUe'a.
at W. H.
A; M. {

k; . '

it waa well attemded,

M?rtttri Oieaia U oa the sick Hat.
Mrs. R. Oliver weal to vlrtt
friend Bear Oopaolah last week.
Mrs. TFaraeas weat to Ftaakfori
laat Monday, to sec her tlrter. Mra.
Perry, wbo
........................... ..
of her cMldi ...
Cart Walker, wrtfe and aephew Oeo.
of Orady's Isib-

A Bied
DanM’S hoow laat Wednesday. .
‘ them a terrible fright. Ready taclperw
pat K on bWoM »«* damage —
Tb# Aid aoriety met with Hr*. N.
B. Bbaridaa teat Wedoeaday.
SberMaa treated tbrnu to a alee aapTbe report from the masquerade
ball i*. “teere was a large gatbering
aad a very plcaasai party. wRb good
Ibere will te a big entertainment
le Ray's ball oo Ihe evening of M^h
»ih. for the beaeSt-of tee school. I^e
teateera. Mr, aad
are practlelag tea aebotara. -Tbe pro­
is Site. Oetae evarybody as lit
gram it
wl» beI worth llrtenliigf toi
2S ceata. cbBdr«B tea ceals.
Him Freaeb paaasd aaray this
Ing. DMlb waa A MaatiAi te her. as
■te baa beea a great aofferer from a
eancer tor aereral years. Nearly taro
years ago abe fell and lajiired oae of
bar leg*, aad has teeo
ever rtnoe.
Last TaeaSar B. RoHaad bad the
mUtortme to toae one of Wa horae*.
He bad a heavy load of toga oa hi*
sleigh, aad a htavy leek chalo on.
that after sUrtlag doara tbe Bi. Peter

................. 5b wakaewD to ... .
to fastea. so wbea the team aiarted
dowB tbe WH they ceoMn't bold ibr
load, and bad to ran. As they aearo4,
tbe foot of tbe trill itey were golog
>ch apeel that
arllb such
__ V that he could not make tbe turn
la Ibe weed, so Jumped off. The loud
forced the horaca acmts tbe read,
where two tiews
lariirs apart aiood. lurelBg Ibc off
borne ie tetweea them, killing Mm In

eera last evealag la f
foIRNriag are Ike aai

J<8n Weateott. raeord keeper.

away at wortt for Owe* Merrill«
speared a SnMa-pooader: Henry J
Ml*. Ma (tahlY baby waa amiwly!
penintula Is h<e>e for s short
Forum and Fred Qrabaa each one
______ ________________________________
burM a l»w days ago.
that weithvd nine pound*.
little aon baa been quite sl^ with the
BSwanl Canniea has last retanaad
Fnnk B. Flaber. aerceani.
........ , - — .
The aioTlDf picture eniertalament i whooplay couch.
borne tmn ibe lamber woods
Jamea Keaaen. maaier at arma
ladlan friwidjat the EMi Head achool was r>»d.
and Mr*. Bert Leach oL^t north.
Mr. nod
Wm. Kitchen, let M. of 0.
^nc Besidea
Mrin* pjctore*
thw was |, Bay visited
viKlted old friend*
friends in the felcb
, . ......................
Feb. 22.
Fred Fowtiae. Sad M, of f!.
The nebool hoo*e borhuod Imrt Satinday and Sunday.
Peter Haaam. aeimnel.
Ml ereryhody was,
Mr and Mr*. Fred Avory aneode<l
tanrtay •eb*M Ca
■pat MrCauley. ptekei
lick hiB psw Much f
Ideased with the entenalciment.
I the wedding tveffaloB of Mr. and Mr*
Report of the forty-ak
Teb. 24.
wtwlher. not roaeli fal.ti
In the fall of the yiwr your mrre* j Claud Warner at Elk Rapid* last Pri’ the l.ABg Lake and GarAeld Sunda)
I KUeiui Jim bit the nail uu Ihe be*d imndenl lived at 8li*ht. He for a time, dav night.
Id St Bllver lAke
(or that rnld msp we experlenc>-<l for wa* engaged la <win* the one man |
'HMMna* Simniwihad the mlsforiuhe i church. Feb.
a few day*.
jmwer in tnaniifacfurin* hi* winter lo l.»e one of bU work home* last
Merilag called to order by vice
- --ACarnu
C. L. Uomine and hi* nephew Bir furi. Ai ■
• prvsldeei. Mrs. Eord ntnaln*. by bav­
be part
ney Porton are the can* that U eui- to the t
1*. he used tc
little irwln Webaier who ha*
in* son* aervice M by HU* FVwcnre
of F
llDR loc* in Octare Uomlae's cedar arapped
■d op ill a piece
quite III with pneuincmla la boom
Page, by aingto* lb« followtn* pieces:
Bwamp. Thatsday they cut a cedar
)utd lav it sgainrt *
tei^at thi* writM.
Noi. 72. 14. M. 110. sad &. Prayer by
I n^apeal the part
they called the liaby <rf the *wamp.
masquerade ball at Ibe town the Rev. U B. Bissei!. Word* of wcla sraadparenta. Mr. and
Mr*. Fatal bring sbseoi. Mr*.
t. of Bart Empire.
waa nearly 4H feet on the stamp and toad of cornatalks,
RUey Crain gave o* a very beany
>me. of tbli plal'i'.
nealed IIISS feet. The luby will net ent tind Hirani were noonVneaged in
Mr. and Mrs Matthew Hanillloa welcome.
Octave over Hu. aa there were five; D.i animated
Elk Rapids Friday, reiumia* Bl*ae)l.
h>*s In the tree, and wlU lutfki- nesrlr -................ Rlrnn) exclaimed." Coufound ! Saturday.
Singing. 19 and 41.
Addrsas by the
le care of the doctor
it. my 4o* Ir eating up your lunch!"!
Bei-eml1 of the farmers6 are eelllB* Rev. l. B. HI*»Hl. Sinning. “Sweet
Mr. and Mr*. D. H. Dar were Em- all No. 1 sHnitles.
William Welch .1*
haulln* - Move Votir oorTesi>.ndeut turned around itbeir pulaioe*
r iweot;
iioiir of Prayer."
AppoiBlmelit of
re caller* Wedneedar.
just la lime i» w-e his last piece of.while some a
Mr. Bnemer. wife and three aon*. nviod 10 Traverse Ciiy.
S.'iinniay the McClure mill clianyed lirend’anil butler dlsa|ip>«r After a ] pric-s. Several
however, ~l.<>aalB* on the EvertaHilo* Arms.
of (lien Arbor, were In lawn Balnrdar.Social and dinner boor.
Donald Gordon of Rmplre spent ital- hand*. ihr.-e of the Dmnine hrolhi-r*. while be Ml the |k>iick of hunger.; weie vhipped hisi meek.
Mrs. A Webster and
Afternoon aesston calKrt i< .Oder by
iinia* and Sniidar nt tiie booUf of Octave. GiiK and Fr<ii and
Marlin ledn* the irireha«T*. Gu* and
Slight. His wlf>- saw liliii cvinlng.tha t'eun.-y weui to flai
Preshleni RolM-n Barney
‘■’m. Benn-ti. of ibis place.
"I II Go Where Voo Want Me lo IM."
Mia* Lulue Lavnnre openi a few Fred have aume min esia-rienca-. Pnsli •luwii the rtunhal a 2:4U gall and
hapiHUed and;
A very quiet wedding took place iakt' Devotional exercise* vrere led by the
day* of the part week wlib her xlrter. ma* fmnieriy •■n«ln«“r for the Kelley
l.mnl>er Co's mill and Giix waa u« ttsktsl. "IP-ar. '
lh«’ maiierr'I Tuesday aflemnon at 2 o'clock at the Rev. Mr. Hinodl. a
Rev. Mr*.
Hr*. Fnnk Bennett, of Glen Arbor.
e»*r* Oeo. Banford. Ini* Harvey,
Ihe ptirehase
gi»*l wife «u»oti ha<l
t lM>il
Beni. Rlcknei-. who are eoln* lo
vn' lintiberinan;
l>itiiberinai<; HanV,cup olieii ready. As *he wa* pourin*!
sthur and Mi*« Manic Pblefer. both 14*L 2i2. «CU.
Solo, His* hloteoce
South Hanitoii to work for It. J. Mnr- wHlknown
tmi the i.-ii shi- mtide the• remark; i
Elk Rapid*. The Rev Mr. Voiing ] l*age.
Secretary's rwpon.
have been wallln* here, for the so'an exix-rlencMl nil!l
the (tontine "Whik- eiei atiil Mirtini were iiilking:
Inat since Tuetulay erenln*. On
They wisli to >:i.\ alxiil |aollii>-K. Ilinaiu's yellcm cur a|e rereiniMiy
'I; baunce .m hand.
I 72. Rejtort
I, 12
account of ice and wind the buui In*
................................. .....
Ixen unable tn cmi* to the nuilo land, that they are prc) ired to do eusliilii tip vntir |i
F-k M.
log and sblngle Miwing
•dng and will en;
Messrs. Nick and Ben Schaffer and I llnl.eit
for the part week.
I Mis* AmeJU Schaff.-r of Srdon are viv ' RH,.j- fniint »errt-inrT. Ford F.-inuIng;
Merton Voice of Empire ,wbo ha* deavor to meriiI iwtronage by attend
i.ig strictly to business.
lliiig ili.-lr »i*ier. Mr*, iitwiry John-{Ireaaun-r. John Brakel: primary subeen workln* at priliion for some
Curt IVtmlne haring purrhiised
|H-rinlendcnt. Mr*.
time past, ha* teinmed borne and acitiTerert In the McClure mllL hn*
A. 11. W.-l»i.'r U the prouikuwiier. home depariniem. Hr*. Ford Fannin*:
moved from Euw Head to the house Iilni uiiill t.
He aiii»*iiur
Intend* «in l.vke. leanh.ww' training. Mi* John Hen**
Illl.ig up. Hi> wa* lake.-i i'
built by him on hi* land last full.
Fari>-;Bon* hy E*ter Crala. Report from
I Hil’-.led
®'”' ei-lkbing
Ed DnmiBC is working for the Oval
convenihm by Me* Martha Har
B’anl Bennett mirprlaed his many
Mrs Riirvell from Traverse
City I*;
iwnwai <te«-ler lias hail a lei
I inrtnirllre.
ney. very Intercwi
friends and acqiuilBiancet a few dnvs Wood DUh Co. *1 Travorse-Ciiy.
' The Black dUlrict '»clitHd begin*
Ilf Mr*. Nahum Atetr.
!insialhd at hi* reKMcace.
dosing lit slngin* “Go<l He Wllb Yon
a*n by retnmiD*
The |vc.u.m wa* well aitend.rt :.l j
R.,win Olk.d.mtug U ,lowly
We %loei A*aln.with his bride. Miss Jessie Hloshaw. Monday. March 4ib. Tlie ncboul boanl
have the
beglu, Ho.1*e *eh<»il hou-c Si.i.mlay evening..
of that fdaee. wboae acqualnlanc* be
in the The delate wa«.
'Hcw.lved. Th.v ;
while aervli......................................
there Is moiv pler.spn* iu country Ilf..-,
llisti In the city'■ It » t> deeid.vl
. Van Sickle and
Pray of i
Orrin McTlilrv haring ndd hi* mill.
f:iv.w of Ihe ntftnnallve.
City, who have l»een workin* leave* for his home in CooperiVllte.
V. Holme* .vnd
iwlyD. H. Day's ttrm bouse, have com- Mirb..Tii. sday He ha* a lante amount
Juckib I'lsrk will M*in
U- bomtpleied the work and returned home. ;«d log* nwatlln* at hi* mill a t hOIlM',
tnim.upending the wIliK-r In Grand
with Mr. t
A. 8. Burke, who baa been snendlnR 1 fof cus'om nawlDg.
!•* sud .Mru. F..
winter at bis home. Cedar BpriJga. f
ind|ia and Gratidnia l*<-p{
It and Dry.
bOlb on the sick list.
_ *e. baa gone lo Des PUInea. III. D. T*y;
................................... Aurp
for a vlBii. and will return the middle i
.\fr*. William Edwards 1* in Trava*kP-4avt-r Alim'* Fart «H*.a|>HirdM It
Eilt-ii Muicbler from Fil- Ijke atlend- a visit
of March to commence improvemonbi I cno- City. .............ullng Ml Oliver EtI
I1i<> (yceitm at Hodge school h»n*e
for the comin* season, the erection of! ward*, whu I* qui
ille HI. Mr* Edwards s,i.„dav evening,
another cottage ami other grmintl Im- '
and ha* many call*
RuaSmllh and
lea Noitusli i« wojking for tht-ni
and Is ui
inablP to attend to one half Gallon wer.- visit iu
Most «>f liie nirmer* atv drawing
Front and Cam, before buying >imr
dho enti I
saw lug*.
oil Slindav.
EdiaoB and Victor ai
«}•Dave St .1 and family havi>
Warren Taylor wa-i a cjilhT :il D.
price* .md term* better than any mail
Our ei
riv.-d n> I
luiy i* noted for the l»rg< |jice«- Kridav,
order house In the countrr
-out that are sjtr.iied iiii
Win lllackmnn viKlied hi* Sirteh much; it Is like Kumiuot there.
Grace Rllrj i> working for Mr* voor n-coril. by hearing them or tund
dor Ihe ire eviTv winter. One after-;
ifler-, Mr«
Mck. p
F. ,St
Kavton. <ilie da> tart w<fk.
Will. East.
Frank Wheslhvi |


S'S'^cr.S'" m» Lrjss,'



talqat fW«M F«W
Md para with BtfrBlood Binm.
1. I_m at«|8y. Uka
cxerciaa. keep ekan and yaa will ba«a
loog life
Mr* AlW Brown iwianad to bep
borne in Travetwe Cilv U4ay. after k ■
few day*' visit with rwMtlTaa.
Mias Dells Archer rtsitfd at D.

Mr. tRldrig I* no betle.,
f^rrte OHta*er and C. O. BalMr

attended Mr*. 1
* fimeral
at tUagaley yesterday.
Mnleom Hargravea and faWly tadk
dln^r at I' K. Olliager*a yerierdSR.

"wiisiiT" com cvffis.
ran do when affeeud with a coogb or
cold 1* to M*e a tnedlclne that cuataMi
whisky or u tablet that is made of
some cal tar product. Pnitlag aal4B
all intiral ol.Jecllun* to fllUng up trStb
whiskv or drug* bceauae one baa B
ndd. (he iiijurioas
physical effM
should be aufAcleol Iu kritp one fiwB
using ihvwe rtroa* medtriBea.
The mnsi arnsltilc a> well as Iba
way lo treat a caagh «r
>nl> •tck-.ulflr
Citld t* l.y inballr.
. _
will kill Ibe germ* and give rriiaf

way. Ilnnari MAAds pre­
eminent. It I* bivAihed thmagh a a«At
■•□eiet Inhaler that cotaea with evetr
ouiili. and the fliwl hrvalb «f Us bear
ing air lellevew Ibe IrriialkMi. and IB
conllBsesI use soon effeet* a teoriMfh
The b>«i neuple In Travetwe City Sl----------- -.-.,.1...-^ .. u..^ ,n uv, irtnaympioBri
li trouble, nae ibA
remedy and piev< .1 nerteg* and laa^
lug llltie**. If yoii have a r dMMB
a* Id the effccis of HyoBtel in dsriM
coughs, colds and hruaeblat tmuHa^
the guarantee 8. E Walt 4 Boat gl«A
with every otiifti should cMvlace yea
ol It* ciirallve i«ower*. A Hvoowl oatIII «Mis II. and If U doea not give aab
iKfaction F E B'ali.* Sou bill t»
turn your mpiiev.
. Extra bottles of Ily.Hnrt. If a
' *

several colds.


■Bargain Bcckoncr Sale

Staried With a Rush and There’ll be no Let Up to the Great Tide of
BARGAINS Wtdie Tbts Sale Goes On.

It Gives You Goods at Your Own Kind of Prices
EVTRA SPEOAISSPBINGUPEVEBVDAY. Here’s Ihe longcd-ioropporbmllylaiocldiia at yonr
Sow. “WoaM yoB like any bargains today. Madam?" says opportanlly. Yon say, "What bar­
gains have yon today?" Opportanlly answers np, "Most anylhtaig yon want at a wholesale price
or less." WoaM yon eh»e tbe door la opportonltyts lace? Nrt^neb! WeU, don’t do it now.
This sale Is your opportunity and we are selling goods as yon have ollen^wtshed lo buy them,
at wholesale prices. Not(, will yon, can yon, aliord lo let "Opportanlly" leave yon? Here are a
lew ol "Opporhinlly’s Knocks" lor FMDAY and SATURDAY ONLY.

Vil Uce Sfeciil

Fiae Napkins Special

Dress Goads Spetial

At Ona-Feurth Off—oOOO yard* of floe
lAtv. Iiirludlng our enllre line of
Bvw Sac Val I
Piaiic. VjiI. Cliiny Ijw. TorcJiun
lAcc. Inw’iiion*
on*, ami
li Ijtc*’
Special for Frida)
» wgf
and Saturday oaly.. J^|| 8t 14 ufl

For Frida) >riSatgnla|i Only

S3 Napkins at

*»l>i a>


Lace Cnruin*. choice

]ht d»?ci>.

Fit Friday and saioida) Del)

Si*-cisl. I«t




Shin Wai>t> iQ white,

4^ |0

FoTFriday aad Situtday Only





rie Blankats at 44c-te pair* of Gor­


Oder*, and pii-lly yda;-!*. thni »<re

w-v:r. extr:! qitalfy. i.-guiariv «.ld

regularly sold at II per pair. Special

$1.2-T. gl.r-. ami

at r-c, *!«■* 1* to M.

for Friday and Saturday only, rirtper pair...................................................OZC

Friday jm.l

Far Friday and Satwdayjlnly





For Friday and Saturday Only

Men s Fine WmIM Special

Ladles' Coirs Special

3Se Fine Wool Sex at Ifc-Men * flue
t'ashmere How-, colqd black, h-nwn
graj. also hluck wtih white f«-r.
and 2&C qualities. :il«o beat)


Fat Friday and Saturday Only

and Misses’ 12... tz:. and ite ('.*-.1*.


Friday and 8idiird*y only



lii-ni:*-i». irolor’'




white •





Doys' Orercoat Special

Men's Oreicaat Special

»4 OveccaMs
gno<l tlxfnr.l




st.-iv Ovcrcnai*.





Sy- -

’•> lo It;. r*-sn1.nly - wild

lal for Frlila)


For Friday and Satarday Only


FpeeJa,! for F:Mey and RaAiir
rt.-iy. riolt. per pair .

For Friday and Satarday Only

tiit.-r I’l.ivh. all ! l.-ngth*


ton flc*.-r»-.j

For Friday and Saturday Only

made ot flnv inoaelcloib. K'-rx-y. amd

For Friday and Sataiday Only
Olanker Special


hl'iivy weight 2-<-ce

deaigu. good width and pood length,


tt-SO FincTafals Linens atg1.11—Our
An>-«t'Table IJneu. T2 Iqcbea wide.
In Ki^c. caiis. sud tulip ileslgns, la
ya-rfect amteh to ili<- nayriilos adterrisc.1) r^ulatlA Sbld BI
II !.» ye-r
BpecicI fnr Frl'bi: and
I ||
Kuietdsy cmly.................................. \.\\

Ondeiweat Special

Udias' Waists Special



FHclay oi«l Saturday only,



TaMeUneas Special



niv-. calm :.iic! i :illp

■ Isee Cattain Special
It LAee Curteina at e2c—te pair* of


Napkin*. 2u





g9.7b-«cn's IIS,




" 9.75
Far Friday and Satarday Only '


For Friday and Satarday Oaly

Traverse Clly,

Mra. John <\>twa baa been
Elk Raidda. Peb JT -The ladlea .if
verr Rt fur acwie time with a maptleaIbe Noeweetas ehureh Edve a
Itoa »f dlaeaaea bat i» better at tbia acieial Tbnrwday eieptsF
The lusv.
avemeeH iwn-.|nlUt* e and ov. r
.. Manlalee rtalt- fony dollai* aeie teallri.'
The pi.e
Ina Udallv..- aot.-tal <U?a last week
reed* po i.iward the purrhaMbs «<
Btol ivturn.-.! f'lilay.
a bell for tbHr ehufarh
Tin- Ke\ Vaihe: Colit-n of Seaaeb
MrM. Clara JohawMi and iwochiMrea
Cal hot kare (ialllas at the home of her nrlh. '
rtuirrh here Snurtay
Mr TeUU Dufrane ,d South MilMB.
Mr . HOii
'Want W. BennM’ and
The danee fitea by Ho>e roepanr
Miae Oarrv- Beane-t .if m.-ii iiavee
•So. : Prtda. e.etimB wa* a marLwl '
«eye in town ftomlav
•urtvw*. and .-n)orrd i.r Ibe lai^
' iUnieMi
wiho l» worUnc rniwd pteaeni
in ibe Empi-e l.'jiuher C*" > raacbine
Mlaa Hilda IHby rd gUnith Mtllon
»h»|i bet- w.'tii I.. UaniMlee -tjtunUy
ivialled rrteed* hen- laai weeir
i.J tlMli <>v.T H-jBtoj with hi. lanit!,«. '
|> r. Jofaawn t« TtaitlBK >hl* alaUtr'Th». iri-n siriins ix beiui:
■ IBB In t,
C put
pul on
Etnpl'e l.uii.b.T
w Riin I
E. fi Itu.t. Keoetwl tnaiiaeer of the
Perfinaala SuniUy t
and the In.Be .•i-naitie will I.- p.t'
Smidar tntdHa.
Btk Rapid* Ittw rotaiwDv. flowed b»»‘
Plarv t
MarhJte-tv f..i 1
appivrlaMon l«: the Bte depiirtm.-ai
tttill U
kill a. th. M n chmrh !*«'•
?' r'hermab
hy maLtne the tnemla-m a .tl
hunritt-d and bliy Aullaiw.
Osili-n-lemi. WBich
Miaa leoJ.IU- MrljiiBbl^ of Thomp I'l.lkibE' in Ne-a.1;
Ik-y.Iloiial .••..Trirf.-I hi- Kei.
ilivtlle aa- sladl.'. w. lr.inieH !■> h.-i tM-ll OWl

!*unv frt.nrts hi-n
btow- ««al Club.
, ;.1Kl
i.'n.l ta •MWV n
Ail.lri-a-- Tliolti-v. »1 i: iairkhm
Ml. .-imH . Mra Ward.
While It I. a little ejrly to diamaa
n<a iiiillon ifUdy- Haiti .>
Mi-s Seiiir iUain <rf Ok isaiy . .'
Maivin I
‘the nuiiier. Ihr nrotoi lust nw-nera uf
-Thia tini' Thitiu 1 lb. - Mia. A.
ihrir iwionts. Ml
i-tfl. UtT.
nm iHwl.p
and family -o. i Suudav
. Btt.-tiil '
Mu.irMi- MalUiv HiU «4 «'Ua<i*ii.1.
W.iibet- Alt* ilarisai.- HUI
On Jtet
.m.l Vi>. V.ol.. !«tmtb.«d Tbiinii>-Mi
i„Htie »ht> v.'sn.-^ wvli
1 ;;h,
1.1.1 i.\ Mar
«ill.« W-r.- ttUO-Js of Mims .PI.BI-Il' .
‘ JJ
Ij«*.-'e Mll-l »K>11 .nrlioetrii
ttiliiini.'i RaiiiHlai.
- j p.wi and Or J l» tar.... a
I'lonitii.' K'-hsioue- III. Wari.n,
Voral -ok. -illunie I'uMel.,
„ ........... IV-oi The ll-> I.. II ll«-a-U
Mra K. K l.»wl» wh.i l.a* Ix-en .fiUe.
Tbe .KeBrral fe«4l|l« aeema to la*
iiii-.'iiiic ami i. jaiito
Mar? S. nlioriUk. Soi-)
e> J
i'hai tb.- c»wtn-ra of
The Ij.ll--* Aid of the r««iKt.
thia year ev.«inh.-y donut
■ntion 'tioos' '■•itii.-li met with
iwriit? ta-low
t.HtllMBV ;
Annvtrom.- U*t Tbiir*.U.
Tt;.-- wa*; . -,-f;

Wclion C
, tlie U. iiuUllraii
nijieh thi*;
j» KOO.I ,.lleti.l*n.-e
hay.- Iv-n woiLms
A line s.ipfo-: »i.» wiiiler. Tli.- i.'e lYi^oe...! with -.ind ..
i>tiH-i» In ihe ranks neat ae^sMui.
h.T.-liy ni.iiil-,1 tlu.i a ll.-iiuftu’e-is s.hi.-n
nti 1- .-Jll.-I I >»''■*■<' ■'> the -hoM.
iiiiil»-r of olbet citle* hate tb-M.11, e-|»-. Ialt.» Ml’- reeivihioc will M ry-'
I foiitt i.MUii: antullv •■ti.iio-d I.' nl
and th.-lr reRatla* ate annual
EmniM Stiii
The .luitoiil. I«:
Ciu .If Triiv-'-l- HeMl'iBion ati.l Mrs
e* of miieh Intei^l. A regalia
int.ii.K will.tM -i‘1 ii .|i|ii.- taiuralilinmld . iHaitanRcd
Man h T.
I'livyduv. Mai
Mrs IMa tllliier' of M.inion iw iniw
■hie anil a nnnilMYof tlWtlnR taats
n . fur the i.
ext.-i..i.-H to ,.ll
IjUii.. i„ ..-10111 til h.T wo-W i.l lh«?
lilinlins a .•aiidldiite »ur tl
'WaliuD Inn nfn-r a ahot* lila*—
r.m»iM .•iiiiimis-lQuer of «:h<».l- K'
■ j EMPIRE.v.itilipoii will have a ota«' h
il>.- i...iiitv .iftlnind'
:raiil.-tty nmiiKiny Itn- jii-t fin
Ilii- ••quIpp.M with a 3*ii-hoi-e
EmpH.- Mi-h.
27 -R.l«nf.l;
Imi.-I fvii. tt. i:*u:
'a IW'M tmuifhs p>b lai the inar-h
StmMti Id
i!len Aria.r i- the ii-'W ■
Jbpk*H. M«nne‘. rliairiiMi.
MiiiiT. B.nlne H ' t.* fiecin
*-4«hie' HI X.--*»-o Hro* ", -tote lii r.' K. tVah. i. 8«-ey.
earlv. in the spline, "nie.
0.-us«. Ji-tine, 111 ins sp.ith «*f i.-wo
iIII la- vets iU- .
in (Vweiaor Warner
Ruphl fiiy. UJrli. K.I., Ti
-B appolniinefli* t« .
i»ilie»* III
Mild h. i l l.ii'i'
Hooey - .s.............................
i-e* •! the Sortbrm
th.-amditmi H»- I’.ie MaiMl I’i
I a-.limi ill ihl* plaee: Hm
.mi da>s 1:
U.ty.1 of Uaniwee. who *»r
IP-tatan livIliBihiiv..- ~ • Li* Vi
..nd tuiiiound’n.Ueot-R.-A Hart <4 ibeimm.*
._ .own* iMjs. toia-af.
Idatc and Thou T. ttaiee of Travel*.».-.V Rolwiis -..f lb., .tain r.impany fir.
Mr. I.ypn. who
who s.ife.-.-d* hlniiu-lf
ns .in town Tlii.r-.tay
li.itt-, n.lw-il, fi.m ^|i«
liat-u was fii-i annoiDittl >« «bla poal...,i
««..L.I -...-h ao.l! for 111- pa«l l«0 we<s... el..(-liir .1
iiy ivuemur AIrit. and
ii-.ipno>nied Ibmline*.
>.-rvliic eouiliurously fur iwnuy-two
1..IW .liivinjt Mdid luui.ini on whlcli
i> the• )toncenl aerrlre
m". Hemie or SLuiih va, tni'laxt- »a ' week
nu unei.hiiil-l III- .liini. Th> y extieri
any mi-tubei oT
tbU w-.wl„

W V Rey?u.t.Wer,i.tne.1 nu
I tnaid in Mfo
.... T,.
. Hiekeit
|CK**i. anil a.--. Elniut.- ........
, J*"*.”;' l-min-er
Mra. John Kmllh «bn

n-ald<'.ii{afrtuuel> fll la on tlx- isila.
the biMiM
R. Herren ta niafined *
■re atlsrk of the mlppe.
Mime tarent? Teem aso, Mr the we^t
Bnoknwy'er tif Tiavery Ctty
h»« returned i<> nuke north.-rn MIrbI
Oan bill hnme aealn. afid aa- la ihr
Hty TiiexUr. \1i-liiue til- btoibei..
Jiidv.- K K. Walkei Mi \Va1V«T a lil;
Kierrone Is »m»7 ib.-ae .U)> puitlaa
Urfnn- at
»hieU Ir «4 a due quality

Mt*. JidlO K'»Ue-4a *a
ftitjeS h.-i.- al u will lx> chfl l« Wei ;tB.ale «1lb Mte gri|*pe
Welke.t'-- )■ Him'and the,
Mra Wui Bi-aid baa eta
|a.«Itlp ul IbirM.-r ,.n>l.ilciBil) ran wiw_>ikee fir a:i r-»»enJed vial
lethal wliaifvi-i .l>uaiueaa rntei!
> . • ... — . ■ ■ —
pri»e ho mar itKii ttni.e at that ;|>la~-i
wiU 111- anrre.aliil
Hr will havo the




TO GUARD ‘SHIPS agmiM the inseen dMfa* M MA.
«ie Untod States Government meinuuns Ichtboiaea.

To guard your home against the un­
seen dangers of food products, the Govern­
ment has enacted a pure food law. The
law ^impels the manufacturers of baking
powder to print the ingredients on the
label of each caa
The Oovertnxat has made the ^bet your ^tefttonao e»t you can avoid sJum-mad it carefuUy. if it doea not
aayparecremn oftanar hand h back and

Sajf piaitthfROYAL is a pure, mam of tartar bakinc powder-a pure
podwt of frapm-aidi the dic«ati»-adds to the health-


ftikM of food.

' p,-*

- •■=

""S:- '»Er......... .- -I,-. IW »«-

W. nniwii. wil.- iind ilniichier, «.
Viaitnra of Ml. uml Mn>, F. I‘l.-ree.
The A. O. <1. of IhoMiieN ArlMir
polnicd a rotnmlti.y to titwi with
Lore l<> aee almui Reti
Nett Raihim lo bilUil ibfdr bnll .
ttrdsy fvenlnsAbe liidse t iil liK-et In
lleetdP whelhpr the? willI aeeepl ihe

w'orMiiK III Tmvi'
hoiue law Ruiid.t?.
)lrs C. Uawit an.l xmi CIiuih
IPaal Hartair vlalleil
_____ F. J. Miller am
OlM'ti luai Sunday.
Hen Holluhd Llllc.l a horae while
■Irnwlni: los* tor Mt. Flaher;
wllh nil while rtUuinR down

i“! tH-oice M.iiUuMias Aiiuu Mniiiii Btii'tnl.'rt the V.
eiiilii.- sia lal at
•-v.-uliiE. Sh.- wa- the BiM-w ot Mr. an.
Mra. Hairy Sli.-aivr Siitm.liiy
Theie Wil- « pivtiv Riasl al'« n.I;ilH-<
at t-liim-h Sunday .
Fell. it.


.ta..Bht. t fl.u-1 t.a.k .lliinei wlih Mrs
Orta l-uce look a load of po<i|.le
ish III Delrull. allnmey fur
the lyeeiup limi Bntiirdny evealns
l..niis alul Hr.-, k-nldee. Midi
ItiKvisit w-iili frUmdlliP Hudae arbool houke.
Mr. 1
J. I.wn- *|ieui
wHh 1
r.eitha Hull, who I- leachin
r dauBhier.
to ■ Manei-lo
Hr. Hooper
l.rofher Orin.
•or Ruthart*' SldlniL ap.ui
Hr*. Carr waa a vlalior ol Mrw- Methe! nilth her nmtber
Th<- death aliRel ptis-eil
Manua laal Wedneaday.
Lttzle RyM-r. who i- n leiidins ^hI"h*v Smith «if Ttatei*.There will U* a Idnhdaj aiirptlae bome 111 Mr. ntid Utw. Olaen, ijik.j achiKd III Travvfw City, apent thn— Mis* lV-*-i.- ut Kew-aitln wet
tnB with him their Infan; and »Rlr
pant on Fred Pleree
ilUOR m
amt. Herhen. he lielnR <Mily one month day_. ul her home in uiii xillase
Mlas Ruth Pnrorib and
und three dav* old
The Rev. Mr.,
r A. Uami and lumlly mi-hi Snmliiy
iiB< sl-meil -I
Rmtlh were caller* here Raliinlu?
,i Otielda.
at t*Oii
FAieelhen ofaclaUMi
The remain* wllh hiiivl over aiimlay with
ind Trav. r-ai •C.mjneRational
The Cnin
were Inld to rest in the North fnity
e. ni.dery. Tin- lierenv.-tl lurenlshave ii*auriail.iu will
tl..- h.-;.ilf.-U -ympailiy of the .-n'ii’- il.mid chiitel' i:
di-ni law Thiirsilay
; und i:th.
kudlnR hoca ..It Ibe SiiIditiR luR rolled r..mninnii.r.
t^eail TJionihury of Trav.
Fell. "
; hi* toe* « ■ on hla (onl. hi
{-pent HiiD.lay in h.-r Imm.-,
o nmioved.
Mrs Mill Mclawd was
Hulnic* Rl.1-j
While- lonillns J
or* at tin
wtdl a* cat! lie
T-wvOive t'it. .............. sh.- will »-•
S. Saxton utjl
Ihr law - Idnv.
tore.1 fur .imp*. .
iicvldeni. He R>a hU fum
wlih a »
The famien. heo- al*nii :.«• bn»y
lUind up ibclr lee.
W. I.AIlBlre has IwuKlit Mr. Wfii
Ml*, rnrrle rniiidaH i« Oft the slek
Tliompsuu'die. 1
IH-erv MiWne*- :il Klk Rapid*,
IIW Ibl* w-e«‘k.
io«.u-«slnp Iasi Mon J.-nliiu- ul
AloBEo SparlltiR of
KlncM.-y an.l I M« Altai
i.Jativ.-- Ill town
Ml** Ainy Fl*he. of tb.- IVnln-uhi day.
Hymn Matwh wcoi lo Traveiwe City
ueic Hnlled In tharriaBe Fell. 2;1.
hi- fauilly to xlie I UlKlIII I
TbnrwdAv nlRhi.
Mr*. John Sewn.inch
and* lllth-N.-k*
Tliev wlll.lHr*. Hollenbeck I* on the «aln.
diiURhtet Nila. win. Imve be.-ii vlkltlnuj jn-^e.
f»d Olendenlns l» witne Mie
friends and relatUw iit Unekley.
\ their it.-w hcwi
uime.1 houie Siiuday nlpht.

------- -

ta.k.- >..1 ;i B.asl physlHan
wantiUR tu ebaiiR.- places would do


r‘ ItaisiMl«* Alire StasR
i viait.Hl theli erandi
last w-*-«-k
, llr.tnn. ll, in Traver
th-oiRe Wilfv «rf rhlraR.i
'town fiotn Tipwday
‘ •'

(or I he

J.din Rv-erlint^ls now aid.- to be
iiiu-i a
oiiark ot tunc (ever
'* * l4ii1o i- handllnc
t...-qnlte a huwl. r and 1«]IU Inltaartea Haa Saan Fall




.-n,,.o -.IS-.- «-««-•

am H Hooker. ITi East I2lh
Traverae rily. HIrh, <ay*.' "I
mhii has
A- -'in.rise tiarty was eiven F*-b. 22.jMreei, 1
Mortis wh.i
laBrlppe In hum. „f M.s smith, f hetaR her hate oaed Ih-iin'* Ointment (or saiba«hi
-slxlv-thittl binhitavThe eveoitiR wa».eiiBR pile* and fonnd that It
and innsmti* Is nt.le i" ta- up
, Wliee’epetit in music and Ram-s ami a taP|betoiBR remedy of^ niw* mer«.
■ “
Ifciil-.v an.l
procured Hoan's
w^ti.Vo Su.;,...- my imu hYiday .... 1 fciii.i«-y beltis -njoye.! l.v x

lir Shank bi.d the mi«M«tMn
slip on the -l.lewaft. J.nd Tail in -i
to s-’t a lA‘l Riisli h
.ut. .1... last w.-eW. :
...............- Sitill' 1
.yjtiiini.'II li.-i.- .
ht>-r. Ml-.
i .laiiahi

,VV l.iOteflel.l

iQ.i.- aR.-nis for Ihe tJnlt.
K o-n.-tiiatt.-i

<ht I


FHday aflrrooqo.
siwlul pi
I cojoy«l-tho ran. hee. »
Ntw ■mama*
Thima* Fmy**
Fiwy** laal
laat Wed
Twtoil»-two iwtmda of raita were ww
Td bhd a flor dinner wa* »erted.
nim and Tom Fnty made n irin ir
BIk Uaidd-Thurwlay,
Mini <%arlolte
"Hamnobd. Com and (Tifford FrtLv
vr«t Id Ttnwiwe City today.
Clarence Hardner wt-nt to CadlUac
thIa mumtaR. fnr a few we.** vl»>.
f%<b. 24.

Ejurence (T.v- ta w-.ukiiu; fui MiMr 'un.1 Mrs Win. M-mti ttaltci. Fmlit Hnnliei ut Yuim who i- .iiwith their dauRhier. Mi> J. Ho**. of;wllli rli..iimali»m.
Ci-dar Siinila.v
Theiv I- u Ki.-ai .l-al ‘d ss-ku.-.-.- n
Mnt M. Sl.-veas .d C 'dar Run enll-lnroutld heu-. eM<-1}> whisti.uis eoi'K
«n1 on li.-r ffh-nil. Jits Miii;. I*.s-k.«ai- nnd taRrimw.
itav la-t w.s-k.
TIh-pitly iti W II k.fe* wii* w.ilrs Sley. ». <if Tmv.-rsr CitJ-. Mt« , attend- .1.
All n-m-J a utaul t-.f«:-,.np. Harth-s si«iei. alnu Hr*. 1^OetirRe ttalT)K Wk »-n^- ta • rivi.i
n-il ..................... of S.VIOU iind iinuthetWill AUfrfTewViMin. hauliii!; hi- pv
alslei* hiixe ta-en Msltlnc Iri-nda and..luce awny
tvlfitH.-s UHh heie and at Muph' Cii.
Smith l- ivta an.l I tiarl..- I.lllt?tt_i.i
(or •.iim- time.
-siil! haiiltBK lpi:> i»i «> S'''”"* •
Hr and Mr*. Ftvd Atkinson vtaUed
Mr uml Mt- lliw.k-called Sunday Y-ilia.
Ht and Mr* Touj Swutaslii ol r..tar on Mr and Mi-J Wni. Rrtrler ot
‘’i Uk lt:f!.l.i* c,ill.


*■ '



ver?^anxious you!should all see Ihe beanUlnl new patterns and the very hiw prices



- 'rK.K”l.; SS .vr
w«*it lo N.irthp.11? Vil'iav. to vis>>
Albln Vlskochll. who ta w.wLiBE ih.-t
n Hr. ‘
' ........... .
the fnlluslns
„ ,
FoM Alkltiuoti took M« Mik-nU
Haide Cltv to Itav.- her anu Uri-aae.l.
Mr* \Y IL-Mitau iinti
necR ol OslKim mail.- n lei-InVas Min
fo leltn.l last Tw-sd.^y .m.l «m Ih.dr
way hiwne «p.-ut th.- nlKbi al the Tiav
erwe latae n-sort.
Matul and Hart.-y I'healt. Katie.
(Tnit* ab.l John llaRch an.l Amm Mi. k«4a«all'*l iio.lho Atkiiisons Sunday
ftjflr, Jpeoi.y Is xisUlBR heie lor

w-«rt ,
AUital Ikt'ta i.> .Am...
Well, i Riie-S The I imls-.rmen will,i a-B.t-k acu to tatve <d.niv'.if'* flni*h ^Wr^apiu-ndic-tll«e hat*- m
-a| dliv(B< itol.l
lri.-li.ta :ne lu.pim: f.ll h1m-|-!.*l »'r tear
-----------J. R. O.nluc and O Iku
he.-ii sfsm.linB a l«
I eol.b-1
..-en ta.k.
r.e wo'k nun
Ml and Mrs H..n"t
M.-t.*-r lii.eiBhi
Mt* II. l.enH-ooS sp.-il
Ti iivetse
i>e (Tiy.

of Ml ro.*‘s luea
The,.- are lumtbritiR for F Vvn* nn.l «aL.> ditim-t and

.„p,tat with Ml-*, rook.

ui. |Y-Ck‘« intaW win ha* ta*-o quiy;

The Sbeilaml .

F.'h :ri.

Phn.-eM Dre»-'
M-r like nil
f'liKrlertal Oik.
Wlnl.- Maple
■ itb K
mirror 1-y
V.-ry laics', pat
lems. f..r

i.iRhti-i i-aui. ii:> Hunt ^
Tli.-y «>!I r> t

Out Mh.u.l will he PHI u--vt hri«Uy
fill two wi-rk-’ vavAlltWi Mta- Ikdta **’j: .-S-Ii.-ll and •!
Halvepuui. tie; tearb.-r, will spewl
h. i. .i.i-ail.’ii .1' Soluii with h.-r


rip Hui

Utrle MIII.-C vUl:.*
M», ntvtt l* RaiiiiDR Mowly and
last aainiAat' And Ft-'
Pattlita w,- iKip.- to Msm s.-,- her .1111 as*ln
Tony Nenteskal a
It SiindAt aflCP
W<«l onl for a ilrlv.fieoiB'- Mi.tta’t ami Mt- (Tiiitlef baiipl- Ihi-tav .-.Hm.- from VViimill.- to attend
noun and h
_________their fare* when they r
the fnn.-ral of M>- Amli.-w MaHai-ed iltej etldently enhsy.d a ; Roo-l Tli. v win return Itslay
Ohiii1.-s Hanmlt w.uii to Ann Arlmr
-Whv don't you try." is Hie luo‘-i
Pewlay for eti operail.m tV.; all hope
wma bi-re. and all the race.
«>st sliweti-ly
:miiRh nl riebt.
Frtx *5.
lay .ni-Bii.i:

Thi- v.Ninm-sl child ■»( Mr and Mr*
J.weph Schttai.T wb. inith-d «-«*lne*Cnpl. Walker of SleepinR Bear life ilay. the fnncml Im-ius
>MViBR ttallon ttaUeil with Mr OlaeO ichool lu>n*e.
Mr. an.l Mr*. «ou*c will move In
and fan«t oqe day last w»wk
Kou**-'* hixilhirr. Andtr*
Mia* Olta-e Obro vIMied wHh her
•Inter. Mm. AlW-rl Frquse. last Siui
"n iCniko.
Geo Ipwr Itn.l datlehier Pearl tnade Mnn.lav. a liov. to Mr and Mr- Wm Tay-kw.
a bB*in.-»* «Hp l.t Tmverae nty
Wednewtay. iTimnlne home Tlium a Rlrl.
I^w-ivncc nod Ray Hul. tt won- ciiiHIM JbBa 1>tfpaa(L who bah hMwB tlas luev a comik ol tlays U« •« k ntinin ot casai-eMt^



ro..iny. n.-h gol­
den poliali finish
iM bl Kreach
mirror, will cominre with any
Ollier %-ir> busrd
< hir price

Moore a
Atwa.Y fi



Com b i n b t i o ri
Dri-hsen.. -Just
Ibe tbim; (or a
•mbll mom. Sev­
eral pBitetDS 1.’
selev-l from Omlike cul for .


hcAllhv ami s'nmc. le.i a uoai iitati
w.iinen. me mu. '.«in
to Ih.- iinnaliita' oi'Uilui.m ul tta- lu.
ww lead
H.-edacbe, hacVarti.- and
tite.1-.vm.iuiun Are [...-vsIH
th.-M* oondittan*'women r
-uejtist* lot a tauii.- ol *<
tircoarali.qi -iiniNi*.-! to
Iv li>r tbem mid .•'Uili.lulnR—non
know* what. H ih-y wo.,id iu*-t
a boi of Hrllidr.-ih * Pllla. -uid I
them fv«utarly
nlshi for a tl
all their troiiUe *ouW di*;iwe*i
pill* p-eulai- Ibe ontaiE. .<
(eniiolne *v*tem
The si.m.- d.**.
way-* ba* thv -ante *-n.-ci. nu ina
hoi- ion* tb.-y are n»ed.
Bi-andreih - P'lta bate been -n
fur over a centuiv and mild in ev.-ry drUB and rn.-dl.iue -totv-^ ellh.-i

Snlobiiu nil like



. Ella r.s.r.

few week*.
, ,
Otnadm* Vlatawhil 1. on the sick

F J UiRi-r Is vtalllnc his brotherIndaw. John W*cn nod fainHy of

we have attached lo same belore you purchase
even one article lo Inmlsh your home. II means
a saving to you. Come and compare with catalog
prices. Always a pleasure to show goods.
Alteuuiiful Buffv-t )ii.v cul.
^..Iden rvti. liniali.
jiUte u.ifP.r


Onr Xcw -‘iuwl Batii

Otjr Wall Pop. r Stock sh-w- some v-ry preUy pattena
for. per .louM** .......................................... .....................................


A goo.1 showing-( Carpew. Ungs. Malliuga- »od Linol.
prii'.-s tlrat suit you

The Globe Department Store


|i a B.sttI lia.le.
Many Trateraa City Raadara.
W. Utili-fleld went-to
-------aiien.line Ci-.'Flf- Lblie FtHlay -m hn‘lDf-*»
The sooin nc infltx-nee of ivtlef.
aiien.iinB vi- ,
Mp*!..,, i. shipplnR limber.
Aft.-r soff.-tlOB ftron ItchlBR pB«.
t)r 'RtaJIaee w.vs In lown alu-ndlnB j
Ponu .-r. nia ... an. Itchlae.* of ib
• t-o il* Wneti.-r. William and M'S. OtItaTi who ha* ta-sn
ta-n quin
quite aick. .skin.
Jim foil- lliii maii
Ih U
Maki^ <ni-l.-el Biaieful to the rem<
l-ndiitar •
, .
iiined I’hone e.Htinan.
pi-lb.iou for -otne time
Thnisitay TepaiTlnR wires.
fVian's Olnimeni bas taaulmtl biiu> 1
. . 1 a
Rarh Stahh ta on the stak li*t.
nl (Hen Havet



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