Grand Traverse Herald, August 29, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 29, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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E%cs 1 ts 6


i time ago. to now tooted to tUd rtty.
reach of Buckley and ar*
Irire Buckler nod rtdDity a bankloiid St all Um«
for gardening and fai ing pannsM. They have erected a building oh the
prica t:
e rasonablr.
bMe depot has bm-n InstlUUoa that wUI represent a reribay shor*. wrot of the J. B. GnfUck
mill haa fiutobej
eat Market.
suned by. blm. so that any who hare table
ruraltar" of safety,
busy loading cars company * ptonL and wlU soon bo la
the men are
Kogluod and Anderson will shortly
hides to sell can find a ready luarkel | V.'ll'a 'VlgbUDan A Sun conduct
new enfflne and ecUve operatlco. To bring tbto lawriiUng.
build a mat mantel at Buckley.Tber
j, T. Telford U tme od the TtlUce'a for their pcoduct at bto piace of bu»l • a lurdware More at thU place. A
boiler will is- insialled this tall and dairy b*r*. required tlJWe. Another
8a<^e7. Mtoh. A«r tS-The alte
huge boildinc with 3.«KHi l«et of floor
woe vhlcli tba
ud wide­
r msrkt i burned. Bow are young other nc-dv re-jalr* made The offl- subscription U« was elroulaled an)
siAce Is uUUtCHl for the above biui.
and aale stable In coonecUoD
hustling biuiu.-ss men and are wel­ cats of this ctMicern are G. B. Dunion. a considerable amount ise*lT«d but
awake vlHaca at Baekler oov itsnda
ihe shore bnelneaa. A fine Uae . J. 3. Wootarer, Is another pioneer; n«g. The etory cairlea a full line of comed from Wexford cornera, where prwldeni. Thomas McBride, vice- n« eoougb. Tbto plant wbmi la op1«B tkao tbme y«M a(D waa tui
ihahltant of Buckley. Beglonlnic In; shrtf ware, stores. olU and paints.
they were l(v-ate.l this winter to the Ptroldent; I. N. Swift, treaurer: Nor- eratton. will employ forty to ifty
sabrokw (opat aad the buHdlne of
« nail way. he ha* built a new. com-1 farm Implemenu. wire of every de»Purklus. soerelarv; F. O. Ben-, haads at fairly good WO*.
Ibe kiwtieh TaUroad loto tbt* wetlon imrses are found at thU pUee of busl- modous hotel together with a Itrery crIpUoo and in fact every thing that Ih-eiy village.
u and a measace dellrered orer
Brigham Has rec»-ntly pur­ nett eoglneer: Jno. Bordrt, hrod sawll It will be seen by tlieee Instance*
of the eooauy bjr the H. * N. B. rail­
hard-r: Emil J-hni-n. filer.
nof Citiseni 3S. from an; member
ffihet the board of trade to nceompUshroad. fare to tke-raatdwu the privilrer at loss when in thi* village for. »are slock and properly belnoging to chased thirty acre* of Und for plat­
the trarcIllDC fraternity or rlsilors
J. ..T...l-y runs a cigar faeuwy at,tog g«od srorh. adding to oar sUUed
eleta ot esartlac theoiaelvea In Uk
good. whi^e«nne meal or » oom-;H Mr. Wlghtman U the village naaesils plare-.
; working population about fifty people, '
this town, from any of the surleady been dlspaed of and hy Septem
aetloB oC a eew toarti-t e«abtuhr
rouDdlnc railroad points will brius on fortable bed and as lor livery rouvec- j sor and U held In high sateen aa a bi-r of this year the supply irf lois will
C M. Johnsai to the profuletor of with the prapret of forty tw fifty
UucUey's drag sb.r*. A full line of more when the eicelMor plant to to
rig nnd csreful driver IcncmthelargebosIneasMr Woolavtirj dUtv-n and busim
■ found the In: exhausted. The new race truck will
•om this bsrn to transfer the traveler on)0)-s Is but a mute tesilmonial to, plan- of I
, full operation.
The sutweriptiems
he laid out in this thirty acres of land
bl* uielodate anil comforublc euuliH p<«toBice with the cmgenla! Frank
> bis desired. dceCinatloo.
sptvlaliia are found at bl* place of have been made cbeeqfully. but Sec­
and the villager* maintain they
lents and fair and imiianlal prlco.
Wlgbtman as paunsster, and reporls
Also a complete pharme- retary I'ffllor atata It la rather em*
make It one of the best tracks In
wortt, an Iher «*oed and r«-«*06d
Sa«» Mill.
Mrs. BoUe Bunion 1* the milliner i a gradual Incrt-ase in his volume e<
cedlcnl deparunem a* w-ell as an up- banwaalng to be caastaatly cirealal*
Frank Moore a Sons are the prosection ot the counin'.
throash the tnlrraken fo<wt save an
f the Tillage nod maly a femlnloci laowl buiilnt-Mi each succeeding QunrJ. Hamner. a wrollhy tanner of tvedate soda fountain. Mr. Johnaon tog petition* among th-we who havw
awuwmeot to the eurroondlac prtelore of Buckley's saw and plan^adened
gn.luaie <-f I’lg l(ai-ld* achnol ol already subMribed and u there are a
About twenty
ooantiT the tacU ot a new town'i
L. A. Skinner conduct* a tmnem Mayfield and Geo. Nichols are eonof Mrs. Bunion's beauUful 1
Misnuucy sad uni- of the_ Imy* of the great many who would doubUea be
find employment
maoufaclure and repair sbop at this
cratioos and promonada up a
Wexlord county
Mr nJhoMin 1* willing (o eootribute tor the ladoaA eabataatlal plooeer elemant of
vllUge. ss well as a cobbler shop. A writing and at this time nearly seven­
down Budley's n
and congenial and It gi-s wllh- trial advancement of the city, he roty
human Und morMl here and hare left
fulj line of home ciothltg for sale and
savliig that hi- win In- successfal quou that the nnotilhulioa be seat
no ««"»»««
to make the vllor'hand at all lima anil at prices construction. Over three carlosids of
to him.
in hi* i-h.jien Jmslnc.-s at till* place.
laia at Backkir ooe of the moat wide­ UI and this industry U hailed with deMr. Skinner is an cement has been used and any
parlors. These two men are
everyone who etndlro tbe ettooUea
Mrs. M S. Seymour conduciH a
awake. tetUnc and ujeto-thomlDOU Ight by those vrbo hare heretofore experienced bucloea men In the experk-nred bualnas man and bis one t«r of carpenter*, masons and other
building fioisbers could find work bere restsuraui above Julinson'e drug store. HI reollte that tbe ettcan at
gone to Trarerae Oty and Cadillac (oe
towM of the mioe.
above Una and conduct quiet, orderly
Being iiD
experienci'd re staiironl aanl at trade have npblll work, that
: tbto Ume.
Not oMtiBDt With a few atore build­ the seme. Mr. Moore waa formerly pUoa. Their "goodsf are puse and cess Is trying to ploaiie bli
keeisr and painstaking and proficient, they are seitously handlrappod. and
r at Haire, Mich,
Good Opentofl*ing and almiile aatahJlahment
she haa built up a very Urge restaur- that In order to accompllah practical
in bis chosen business, to­ unadulterated and their "smokes"
A deiiltol would find this quite
trading point or an adrantai
ts tbe villsgt-'s candy
fragsnt. with lots of good fellowship
reaulu ,tbe orgaalxatlon most be SSF
oumeraUve spot If one would bnt 5t buirtnr»B UI ihto village.
ehlpplac etadcai but by oBertni In- gether with his public splrltnees . mix In. Their placa of balna*
I man. and carries a
pl]ed with sufficient fanda to vnrV
duemnenta they bare Inrlted Bllltn* aka him n Tnlnable ajimel to Boclt- re nicely fo^isbed and they enjoy line of clgsra and lobacca. Also is
Tbe Oingre-gaiional church hae been with, and wllhont the|A po eatlsfiaeA cxAbler and shoe maker would
Indoatrtea. faietnHea and other tinea. y's batnos circles.
proprietor of Buckler* *>pera
lory resulu can be expected. Below
finished and the
Bert Bdgert Is tbe feed store end
oKetinc ataadr and pndlUhte employhouse and dancing parllllon. He baa Dd this a good place to locate
printed a Uet of thoee who have
le milling InsUtuilons and ibldily pastor. A wide-awake Sunday schiwd
meat, reallxlnc that it I* mvA more custom mill grinder of tbto locality. choice plena of alraber and farmlarge building and enjoya
has been oriianlzed, and a great deal
wltied farming country, furntohro
eiwdK to a v»Ia<a to bare mere em Hr. Bdgett ha built a mill for '
kinds tor sale as well as some deslr- large |ism>nagr at hla place of bu*l- great deal of repair wort
ithDslssm and
ha been du
. «*»ee tab »"«ny poipoee and reports a rapidly growing
rllUge property^ Mr. Bengnot
played by lu members In making the
iisiness at this wriulng.
gcheel Beard.
focmetly In the hotel business at Mr. Baird's soda fountain and a
ebureh a power for good In thU very
o the pert o( the
Tbe Buckley schori board oobsli
BuUding New oh
dispenser ot "goodla" and "palatable
Heoreeunrn and very successful.
strenous village.
I o( tMa rUla«e and lu loA. H. Baamler ts the v '.Uge barber
Blacksmith Sundisb Is kepi quite sweets" Is Just tbe "candy roan" in of A. C. Hall, moderator; Myron BeldLadies’ Club.
win, treasurer. G- A. ^gbam, d
haUWta and twa aoburtan aettle- nod his place of buslnesa Is located at l>uy tbae days In his shop. He does
"sweet place."
Tlie Ladles' Social Hour club with
n*hen Buckli-y* new school he
mrau known better to the raaldeute Onley's furniture store, at piaeut. Mr. flrat«laM work nt reasonable prices
Brssi Band.
tU effleer*. Mr*. G. A. toigham. prealbum U wn* hoped at that Un
of tUa lacatitT and the trareUer
^umler's shop was burned a short
Buckley ba a musical ort_—
Mr*. D. W. Walker, aecretary.
‘WMfoid eemera'- and *tMakenile." time ago and at preBenl be la building trade. J. Wilson is his nsslalant In St this time known ns "The Bhckley w ould be large enou^ to anon
and Hre. J. J. Woolavev. treaaura-. Is
aaotber. neat to The Farm^s Mer
the tonaer toeaUty ooeuibuUn
Brass Band." Band leader Edward date the school children for *t least
tbe shop.
organlxaUon thal exen s great IncnotUe building. Hr. Baimler la
Cornell reports very good develop- tbree yrora. but the rapid grovrth of fuenoe In church
and enjoys a large
__ the pert of his fourteen regular the village ba* made It neceeaarjHodlBOn
every locality. TTie benevolent and
tkm known aa The Weiford Uimbet patronage at this place. The new
player* antf hi* twenty beginner*. The build an addition to Ihe seboM build­ hard-working India have by firing
ing this year and to Increase lu staff
shop when complete and i
CO.-B ptaaL
bouH. and enjo>-s a large patronage boy* all have new instruments and
soclalt and other social doings 'been
BaMaa thU biBuz of baatoeae. Buck- ished will be known as "Tbe Cneeda at bte hoetelry. Tbe building is built have alrady ordered richly tailored of teacher*.
able to b-jy the church fortillure.
Shore Pnrlora." Mr. Baumlere sb<^
Flour Mill Nstded.
ley haa haary raaowoaa of lu
They will furnish
from cement and flutsbed very- neatly
bell, the bauUful colored windows
A flour mill would be s rei
two BdniBB IndUBtrtea and a tipldly win bore a reading room nnd sere
music for the Buckley parit and
ar well as artlstleally. EMch
of the ebureb and now ase making
9wwti« iarmlnc oflontry. so that
large end airy and the business he notable event* In Bnckley and o
pay-meats on the grove. They also
Urge farming country Ua all
eetahttahawnt and srowth are not
enjoys at bU place Is s strong teeii ouulde. where their servlca tm
provide food and clothing for the poor
be wondered at when one stops
required. The fourteen regular rousl- here and with tbe new Iron bridge ind needy, and thrir kind fbea and
Bookley has a base ball club that moatal ns to Ihe quality of his meaM
Bll iralneri muslal people built across tbe Montota river about
s'llllng hands ore
stands reedy to meet any baseball aghaving played In similar organliabong elx ffiila from Buckley, another very 3ver tbe tacro of thou who are 111
Madison alte runt a barber sbop
gmnHtrti In Northern Mlebl^n. '
larger ciUa. where they formeriy large trading country will be opened
bnslncss nnd-enonatc enough not to hare
ts largely <*osen from the
lar InhabltaoU of Bnckley and they' leys-a Mu«s pskronage. He Is also w-ctlou wuii the work In Buckley s tr»« of farming land sUll nndevelqpcd rtlend* or teUGva to help them.
ot tbe pioneer btftloess qnen of
Such a band of noble wtguen are
f IdonUAod In hare a nice new pork for home play­
big mlllltiK iuduotrtes oT liiu-lnas In till* locality which will greatly rredil to even' community and do
ing. Tbe boys present a very attrac­ thU vlllagp.
Tbe Farmers MercenUle Co.. U an­ places.
tive appoaranoe when they don their
Buckley has a baullful ten acre treat deal of alievUte tbeoorrows and
Rod and Gun Club.
pretty gray eolU. red caps and belts. other prograsive
iwrtt, generously given by lu founder luRertog of lu unfortunatM and tbeir
a a tovvords mUbt be saldJ
The Buckley Bod and Gun
.ork ohouid reerive every epcourageThe managemont of the team is very found in this village. E M. Slaek
lOSdiVMtod In Idereh.
another organisation recenUy organ­ and promoter G. A. Brlghsin. Large
Tbe etUd«» *U Incorporated Mareh amUUuus of geuing gnm«
ised at this puce and iiracUcally beauUful shade trees jat as they
puce ot buslnea evorylhlog Is from
Tbe tnternUlism of the village
II. l»OT, IpIdlB »ral eet of oKcJab Traverae City or Csdlllses best and needle to a barrel of salt. He hi every Inhabitant of Buckley, who en­ 'stood In olden days. BauUful flowShrula* of every deeertptlon, ihown by tbe roiabllshmenl of The
Wben OA nMitate placed in o«ce will make any inducement wlihln
4000 feet of *lore space to dl joy either of the above sport* have
Gleaners. H. W. A., and the vllligera
are: dip A. Mibaia. preetdent; Oeo. reason to further such pUns 11
slgnlfletl their InienUon of Joining this
igemraU of any the clubs from play goods upon,, together with
flverythlng that goa *1th a park, re now busy to perfectlnfrtbe F. and
CleniMt. 0m*-. M. B. Baird.-----sloi^ that approxomalely repraeott club or have done so. A large club
M.. organlgallon at this place.
bond will give coueeris every
nrerb/ WWia Wipoaan. at-------- these two cilia will come.
sum dose to 130.000. They emdcf bouse win be built ui>oD the *bora of
The amblUan of the Record bu
seek in the near future.
Cowrf. r. b. Batden. Oea W. Brown
_ pleulog Stan of sala-people and beautiful Duck lake, on a site of land
The public would probably 4B«»tlon .-en to give a fsJr Indatrlal discus­
U A. Sklosar. CSns. Harrltbew. Frani
sell at prices that have revduUoniied given by A. A. BrigUam and It will be
uo Buckley, wilh'a conservative
very rnluable bueinea ajunct
VrMfrtaaan. Lao Only, with
Ihe amblUon of the people of Buck­ 10 fact that there was over *00.«K> >tlroale «>f Ils rroourero to the radtbe prica formerly asked
All ar* Editor C. D. Bice is to be oongratuHalt ha^ nna- le)- to have rocrwallons us well a* l.u*hi-to of poutoc* shipped ait
chants in oorby eeUlen
village alone thte yror, together T» of the north, a* quite a number,
Uted upon the eeUMlsbment of anch
Slack hss a pleeslog personality with
ton ton* of hay, 25 car loads of wheat lave vague Imprrosions of tbe "youngneway uplodaie paper within
praetkn tbs a
Fif* Department.
■st big town of these pan*" and to
a large amount of ground feed.
salme X new pros, equipped with throughout this enbre regloo and it U
A fire department was recently orcorrect three a drtatlod dUcaralna
Bulter Factory.
Is to be latalled and hi*
they do IB thMr private taoMnea and
neoreury to add that their '
ganlxed bere with the popular V. S
been uecemary nnd If any one In
butter factory Is soon to be startare afM|B wBUMal few the villager' belleva at this time
I IS tlaortobinK and rapidly grow- Hall a fire- chief. Th* department
l this village and 1* 10 be owned m- village ha* b<-en slighted or not
Ilshed at Meslck, where he 1ms
beet iBterwta
A new addition was recently will be a volunteer department with
exclusively by one man. Xboul five i.ivnUolned In ihe writeup
the -Maick Sun" to share his fortune built in order to better dlspUy their
' Camadt Walks Only.
l.uekei brigsde. chemical company, t people will be employed at the sUrt Intentional.
with the "towB of many ^poruinl' Dnitng tMr -brief oacUl caner.
gether with a ladder company. A hoi
will be a great benefit to the sur
ria" and it to tbe wUh ot all Us exienaive stock.
tew MlnanW . have been pass
Need Mer* Money.
H. O. Woater to the prtRirlclor of cart and lire engine purchased i
wbkBi if iMllBUd'br odbsr nUagi Meads that Us success In Buckley another grocenr store at this place make tire fighting In villages much rounding farming community as ii
The board ot trade. In It* work to
give inem a selling pMnl Iw their securing new manufacturing lodtuioCMals would h* a grok beoedt. bsk will be mantfold nod oontiuous.
and enjoya a very extensive trade easier.
aa tbMr ordlnonee. make cement walk
ba been for year*, and Is now, L Hoc. L and P. Oo.. |U: Caldwell
g the rosidents and rural dwcll- 1t*hat a rillaipe esl.vbltohment means
smith shop at this village and report*
The Schratnen A Suit salUng an-i
bnBdIng the oBU Bad of
isly handicapped tor lack of nee. A Loudon, m; Cbas. tolUelm Oo,
Mr. Woater
to a locality l» bat lllurirated by the
rapidly growing buslnoe. Mr. Cl­ 1-ionoer stoi* men of this locallty
•led to the TfUige boom
praclleal worth ot ral rotate Buck- pickling Ktatlon here, have a big acre- ei>*ary funds. in former yean, busl- 110: W. H. Umtor. fl«; Tbe Hobart
in this localiiy tbto year. They
n^ilBtlon of gBeeu and the conduct an was fonneriy In business
men hsve,* cheerfully |gr>ne doorn Co . tlO; Strinberg Btoo.. |10; Aaorlsnd from a small beginning hss bum ley'* valuation as apprals<-d in 1»05.
lemplaie enlarging their plant and
<d th» ptafita so far a the bat Inter- Kinisley.
thrir pocket* to as-tot to raising can Drug Oo. ■'tlfi; R. Brodhag—,
up qolte an extensive biwtnes*. He waa *2000. ou Jan. 1- IW'T. U was
Dr. bgoo. the busy physician at also bandla in coonecUon with Ibe
I biilldlhg a canning factory. Tbe the necri'ssry.-.lonrt* lo premioti
etcu qd Urn wbcla are coooe^ and
given a* close to
Not a
tIO; P. Kyorika. $U; A. BoathaL
with brA bno at the bead ofl^llage Buckley haa hU office rooms above above boelnee*. butler and eggs awl person lived when Buckley non stands latter addition would furnish employ­ induslrleii. Tbls. liowi vi-r. Is ve
*10: 4. A. Whltkop. to; A. W.WolLto:
tt fodr wttbisat aajrlng tbnt a village
*Bil*faciorT: us a f"« mi*i furnish Oeo. G. Covril, *6; B. C. LewU. to:
In 190a, and today over 6<»1 people
other /srtn product*.
about one yiar and a half ago. "
must grow and proepsr.
reside here. 200 being sc'hool children. would be balled with delight by ib< ne fund* I'T artditiODul fsetorte* J N. Hartlnek. 13; C. A. Bugbee. to:
inhabitant* of ihe town and furnish
1.JM J. Cart, ene of the oldest bnsl- enjoys -an immenee pracbee at
rhich benefit evenl«ly.
Baebaat A Raseoe, to; P. C Gilbert,
market place for garden stuff at
mvw.meri <d Wexford Clirnera. saw time and Is held In bl^t ateem by
1 » very •atlsfsciory way. however, to; Frank Trude. to: B. Wllbrim. to;
One of the largest mllilng InAistrie*
subsuntltl and cooservatlve buslnas
ihfTiby benefilUiig the rur
the sdpector btialnea advanuga of those whom he ha come In coitrsci
s i. inukel a constant dram upon the Julius Campbell, to: Prank Biadek.
found In this vtllage I* The Wexlord
men. have given to this tocaUty
> Mcisl or professional
Boddey. over the Conuwa. and
to; Smith A Price. «; C a Tajrlop
l«nklng Institution which was a long Lumber Co. This mill employs
Brt^ U the noUoo
le ti« place. »lr. «wl ow ns W aerw
RiilpU Drigham and Coo. Edffiore iu*t n>-e>'*serify be ItnHied.
Co. to: Bv-entog Beowd. to.
fell want and necfirtty to this rogion It sixty men Uio year around and
in bond*. Issued
of vnlnaUe real •slat* m the village baxur dealer'of this locality
of Bdmore will erect
The bank to cnpalUed «t |50no.o0. V.ONv.rHP feet of timber is annually
and aronnd It ahd expect* to improve
the depSt and engage to
luml—T each year. They
ing. Mr. Brow* erected a new stor spd opened It* doors for biistnns Mar. [ Mined
le bm-lnew. All kinds
B-hlle doing Chora aronnd the bvh
, H wmMasfsbly this yor.
f trade has done, and
The Oongmdal Chat. Marrithew »
farming producu will be handled by
Thorsday, Willard KgMtovsky hod
cement elrncture. two stories hlgh.'|«r at this |>9lnl and an- aendeavoring lo do, mast be acco
one at the piooaar boalnoa men o complete Un4 of prica atoolahl:
one of the bona to Us rigU hand dtou-niand Entobed off exqutoUely. «m both; buying nioro. Ov.t
located. Mr. Hsukrrafcy wu to a
Bneklay. -flSartte" aa he U populai low and the same to all. Hr. Urowi
pushed entirely upon vcdunuri- w
member of the rtllage council the interior and exterior. The second p,-n*e«t over thrir pay roll each
Secretary L'mlor sutro. burry to get his oBora doas a ha
011,4. nama her* when the. rtllagr
the village Mr Foxwortby came from
■toy to used for office purpose* and j a new stave and heading m
I type of clbrenshlp that a
ipleie iho work under way. was intendtog to play ball today. •
aUrutABd not a few troa down and
Mantoo sad enjoy* quite a large
the lower for the bank.
} be built this summer
least 4*00 more must be raised,
While sundlngdea ksg It Upped and
ImmsdUtely bagan the ertcUoo of ■ village would be JusUy proud of.
A new burglar and fir* proof *at“l railroad leading into their remote tlm- patronage at ihl* place.
ki the annual meeting of the board be fell, and In pmUng out bis hand to
atora building. Afire flnltblog thi
Another big milting Industry found
wa Inatalled togeCber with safety per ioterrot*. -J. S. Campbell 1s the
; this place of bualntw.
amall atoi*. ho earned a few armfuli
trade 11100 was contributed cheer­ break Us fall dislocated the bone.
vaulU. etc. A general bunking busl-i general manager and vice-president In this village to the Th«- McBride
proiirle___ ____________
* into U and
fully and promptly by the busim
nro* is condncied along conservative ot thu concern and report* the de- Lumber Co'"', About fifty
of the city. toOO of thla wa
aeatiered them here and there and tor* of Buckley's only himllnr*
Tbe depO»l«j m*nd to n5 greet that their lumber to ployed here each day of the year and
A toll line and praeUcal line*.
1 to the expense at th removal ot
3. G. Btroob. exalted nUar of Tra*.
rrg— to pose as a country mercbanl
are dltburaed
Frau this small beginning be has rt'furoliurv. cir^, waU-psper and ,how a steady increase from mobthl pracUcally sold Just
tbe Schuyler Maoulacrttring company rae Oty lodge No. tU. B. P. O. Bb,
gTOsrn OKU today, be ha been oom- high class ptolura are sold here at|i„ month, and to tact the buslne*. leave* tbe
ba received for tb« lodge a voy baaa
Chicago to this city. ThU
done by thi* bank is far in excess of: build a supply store, stables and boardUful
gift from Oust LAiaon. tormar
palled to b«!M e Urge oddltloo to Ms price* thst are reasonable. Mr. Ouley
Ihe expociaUon ot it* owner* tod bids tng house st this point this fall. Tb. f. et of timber Into tumber and dlmen
baUding and earrics a complete stock U a practical embalroer and enjoy* a
brot In the communltr. K emrdoya chef of the Park Flaoe and taaubm
fair to become one of the strongrol different heads ol this buge mill ace wlon stortt and to Me of t
of BHieral mer^ndise and by hi* large furniture trade at this place, to
labor that U skUI<-d and commands of the local lodge. The gift com
I'.ebifg insUlulton* In this part of,Bert Tbooiptfoo. engineer; Jo^Hte- modernly built mills 'found
dose buying and fair doUng
Mr. McBrid* high waga. Tbe Parson Door Lock from Some. Alaka. where Mr. Lam
thecountry. Special atlentioo l* paid'«-orlh. head *aw>-er: Dan/Cllnton. part of the country
now located. It to a very beaMUol
all bai -hdlt op a couslderabie pres­
factory wa secured through
but recenUy finlsbed a pollUal
H. U Horton 1* the meal dealer tc lc-"« upon good approved eecuriiy.'filer: Jno. Woolsey book-keeper: Wtp
tage ss the oor grocery and provision
forts of tbe board of trade and ts do­ carved Ivory gavel, made tram the
yard foremae. Walter Pence allhl*Tillage at a cost
; this place. He bays and sells all Mr. Walker ha* also opened up an CempweU.
tosk of a walrus. It to finely eairsE
noa (f this loalliy.
ot cltiiensUlr ing s good buslneos. A little
Mods of meou and runt a mai wagon Insurance bureau nt tbi* bank and Erickson, mill foreman. Mr. CampNOW Pavllllee.
capital added to this concern would with OB elk's bead and the name Bad
Into the Cooell. Grant andieevwal old line, and substanUsl life tell also says that his concern has.^NL
iber of this lodge engraved and
H. R. CoralDg Is St proeni etccung r^ralarly
. .Insurance
------- -------------jjBve gome verv- desirable farm lands for I come Into their midst. Tbto compaa make It much larger and one that
He hu I
BDd. fire
a maoBtoth akatlng and danclDg pavll
fine farm lands tor ai would employ a Urge number of enameled oo the sldaa Tha t
very reasooable priero and >
4 him a their re
toe. The buOdlng Is MixMi feel, sad
prices and under libera bonds Just at proenL they are em- ^ u alao of Ivory, made tba ahapa of a
ploying abooi twenty. Tbe Carrou b-|walrns. It la a vary'approptlau gift
wUI be
very eUbnrately both
o officiate at tbe block as
OB fte Interior and exterior. Mr
d a| sauted. The land* owned by Tbe Me ceUior factory, whose plant was de-iaod very valuable and caa that tba
a bis many custoisere tbe bat
Coraliit M nlso buHdlng a seed edlai
v all within eloM siroyed by fire at Button* Bay somenodge will ippreelata vary tnoeb.
obtainable In tbto localUy- Pish ,lllage sed his whole amUUon i 3 full line oC home teked goods tor sale! B,ide Lumber Co
04 this time.


are alu for «ale b

>Av. Aueurr a.




Mn A. J. -ChTTer remraad to bar
JMcmh Bleder. aKbeugb a man of
M hr
J-«e Morphy, a .
one proportlaas.-jcoved tbst be can
Btt lUfridi. Wdi. AusTIM borne ia Oilret after apeadlsg tbe In. ot Lm AngMes. CaUfornta. Chnriea
timo alBce Cbttatntaa with ber atm AshtM of HUtadale was ben man.
still travel aoaie sad voa the tat
CMp«t eotD|>uir U laMAlUlic « b
nie Bianlace look place asder
man's race.
«Uek win eotirwir cUnlMle aU taturw Oaihler Carrer.
Harold Sprlag went to Oraad Rap- arch o< awaragna plumoaa wbl^ |
traoble «twt oWalalnc mes or bora to
idr Ttwa^ to Tiait hla graadpareata. doatluated in tbe decoraUoos. After
Kortbport. Aug. 33—Two fleree ball
Mra. C. B. Carver, Mn. H. B. Lang tbe ceremony hod been performed
■ares were played yesterday afterProd
entertained and Ue happy young coople had re­
a (TMt dMJ cT amtoraMM oT«r ttrlkca and Mn.
ooo. at 3 o'clock. Korthport Redi
twenty-four gueata at a 1:30 luacheoa ceived tbe ooagraulatkuB of ov
«( Ox aUclUTa.
boros with Bntttms Bay Red
fourSatnrdar wrcstiic t£« HaaiatoarifltBocim. and Ue gore of ibe former
Landlord Sharpe, hit atater, Ufa
Muwe wedding mipper was served.
tbe Ceaeal eospan)^ dock aad
Bllit of Ataata. Ceoigle, and Mlaa
After a Uritllng eerape from the spilled all over Ue Held, the aeora
• took «• *130 barrwlf of ceoem.
standing 1* 10 0 In favor of Suiunt
ctfTM maar exconi<«i<t> wbo did MalneB, all bf tbe Lake View bouae, bouse, amid showers of rice and con­
fetti, Hr. and Mrs. Montague managed
Um- lewB wblM wanlDc for tbe load- apent Tuesday In Trarerae Cily.
roach the depot where Ue private
Will Mowbry and wife of Peru. Ind..
Omens at Ue same hour Old His


Cbarlea Wadpert and

wife of

eaet Side Notca.
Tbe Anirlni coiBir Bondar acbool
Mr. end Mn John Couturier
araoelatloo will hoifl a ooovealK
liirnod to tbeir home Saturday 1
tbe Prabrtertaa ehurcb ibo Zk. and
weeka visit with trienda and relatSIb of AuKiuL
veu In Proveinonl,
Mtea UaCKle MaJnes of Qrund RapThe Ri-v. P.JI. Mana of Grand
Ida la a Kuest of T. B. Sharp.
ifaven eondurled eervlcea in Sacred
Oewdnetor Bd Sbeon wrai lo
kaeka Mondar to anbiUlute tor iwb- Heart ehurcb Sunday. Fr. Mana wna
formerly of thla placo and hi
dBctor Mrlhwar r. who taken a
friends here were delighted
nlm again. During hla abaence from
The Rer. Obaae of Old MiMlon waa
Grand TIaven be was r*T>laced by the
npOB oor atrecu ytMerdar. He left
Rev. Ft. FOnrher of this place
for Mairitowoe. Wla„ to rUlt
MIsh lioule Loa-e muroed
home here Friday, nflor vtalling
Hlaa UarfiaiU Brace tcare a Uwn
friends In Kortbport.
partr Satnrdar la himor of MIrk
Corning A Bdgeli have
Joae^ae Carllale of Tirarretwe aty.
and will manufaclurr lath and do feed
OoUleb Brataebc la III wllb typhoid
The Sunday aehool picnic at Wex­
Loaia Senia. teacher of aacient Ianford held by the c, A- It »
ewtw la the JolloL IIIlDola Hleta
attended by the nurkley scholar*, six­
aeboiB. who. with bia craadmo
ty l«ing
Mra. Unlf Bean, baa been tpet
Mra. Ralph Brigham hod-tbe mlst^ MUMaer at W. U. H. Sean
fonune U> lose her gold watch ot
taraed to Joilvt. Mondar.
day laat week. Ploaao don't keep It.
, There le to be a rwunloa of tbe Arch-;
baM ehUdren. nett week, at the I
' of tbatr motbrr.oD Ottawa etreet. John
and fMaUr of Chleapo. Mn. Will and
(Andrea of CUeago. Mn Id^oa

• of H. W, McMaater, auperini-mr sl'.n pounded out a well earned victory
,ent of the Wheeling A Lake Erie va^ from ihe lytme learn, the score siandawaiting them. Hr. McMaafr 1
iDg 1 lo !. In favor of Old Mission. '
uncle of Ue bride and look the cojplarge audieuce witnessed Ue
Frankfort. Their plans beyond
e from Ibe hillside.and Ibe rootare not known, but la U thought
of ibe Omena girU was an Inren
they will make a lour of the
Ibijl should haw hruiigbl vleltiry

to cut bit foot.
Mias Pearl Reynolda of Grawn Is
It la a
vlalUng her alsler, Mrs. H. C. Staffipa.
happr oocaatOB In that tamllr.
Mrs.. WIIIU Wlghtma
Mra. W. O. Crawford U rialUa* la
eighteen of her lady friends ot Sber. Trarwaa atr.
an August IC.
Bartleu Doe of Big RapIdB ii t-UltAVtbur Rraa df Mason, MICh.
lac hla aUter. Mra. Hoaer Sirirned home after vUlting his brother
Trot. H. T. Blodgett and Mra, BlodFrank for the past ten days.
pett Twturaed nidar from their ouUng
Mlaa Orpha Foster relumed
at Ladlagtoe.
Mue at Owoaso after vleUlng ber
Treaty with two children, are here

The Weakness
of Old Age

They haven't bMO able


3 per Cat aUpwed ea run DchbUb

Room 810 New State Bank Building.



-but it dldn'u

Cannot CM Hsip.
Ara-n eomre that appeal for help
The bride Is a i>oi>ulsr yraing ’
from the- eannlng fnetriry. Tbe beans
man of Cudllluc and Is
also w
eiSinloK In ai such a rate ihal they
known In Travenui City. Hr. Muhlsnot Ire rated for and 200 more
aon of H. Montague, Is a popular women would hardly Uke care of Ihe
young man ut.lhla city and has hunts nmcium of beans whlrli arrive al Ihe
of friends 'who will wish him w»
hla married life.
They will make
AlKiui sixiy loads or flfli-CQ Inna artheir home In Uii< cily.
ve dally. There la no reason why
le wumi-heof the city whose


Traverse City. Mich.
Sell ycu roorljUI for a lioucp or bam.

We i-arr}- at

all liti)t.-s


a full line of





keeps Ibem at home should not make
Al Ue Church (if ChrlM pane
mile pin money In their spare mo­
Thursday evening u< 9 ••'dork WaJu-r ments. as Ue work Is light and pa)w
Benton ami Wm Alice Ihmker. l«lh
I. The eoiupany Is miw turning
of this dly. were iiniled In marriage-.
3.’i,n<« in 30.1)00 cans per day and


Get our Si^oree and oompart* onr gndcs before buj-ing.

Call on

Look for the Big Rfi Plant.

Cor. E. Hib 8t. and Lake Ave.

. J’boi^eg, Bell 3B0; Citz. 308

The affair had been kepi quiet and Uls nnuaibt will probshly Inrri-ase II
cxnnea on somewhat of a surprise
friends of Ue happy emiple.

Da. r. J. MacNett

necessary help can Ik secured.

They are l>oth well known and hmla
Warked by 1
of good wialiea MIow them. They Fp>m Tuesday's Record.
Anybody who knows John Monroe
left for Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo
tannon 0
Ball flyer.
III realize that hr- Is a man 10 over
came ebstaeles of soy sort, but he
The Rev. Demas Coehlln iioltei
bert Blnaale of

We Believe

iiirned a llllle trick Iasi evening that
•ieaervra special er«Ilt lo him ns an

great crowds of apecUtora


Hoagland A Anderwoo will of the players
Ibelr new meat tnarkel August
early enough, Uese
They are both well known young men unUl after noon, where the chamidon
I Impure, and ind we sdah them
ship of tbe Uwlnere Men s associa
(alls to supply the noorUhir.enl required
The Buckley Bntecpriaei made Us tion league is decided.
to keep Tlullty at hleh-water
list appenranee Friday. August
Campbell A
CireuUtloB gets bed. sad Us c
t a neat newsy sheet and deapn-ea Ihe grouDds and made
-syststn aufrerw. Besides Ibe pains aod
tbe patronage of werybody. The edlUe day.
Before going 10 the
echee. besides Ue sreafci
Uey paraded Frsr.l street slop
sees, there ara feelings of numbnew
receive the auKiort of every bust- ping at aeveral places and rendering
which teU of Ue approach of garaly^
I mao In Buckley.
and Wcaaeter ataala.


Tftraree etty

N-fon* SCrwwW.

Mr*. Joseph Gaumlell of Mill
tuning her ■•on, Dr, J. W. Ganiillott
•If Ihl* eiiy, HI* aUler. Mr*. R, Koe*-


ler and *<m 1‘aul nf Washlngtiin. Ii. C..
iiro also bU gue*ix.


Gre.n ftnvwt flrw are btaxlng <m

Fred OrMhiim. r«f iKike Atm passed

Mill: Tc«U.
The following milk tears
BtreeU at noon. Tlir buys ebowmonth have been made by >
Ue effect ot much work on the
Milk trapeclor Oockeray:
of Ur. craifrard. who la their

Wlttralm SWek

Price. 56c |

Itelu-cea l•l^lgeti. All Odd Fellow* mid
Phe moon waa bripiht last evening,
familU-s are lnvli<-d to bring
a anchoring the Koyloi In a jirop
NerUpert Cadets. '
l.;,sk<'i« ami Rtay all day,
place, Mr. Monrtie set his err-w nl
The cruiser Joponlca owned by C.
good tlnu- Is assim-d.
A. Boiile of Kortbport was in port work bjr moaollfffit. The splits were
-n and Ue erafi went on lu way
Thuioday sritb a party of reaortera ud
Norihport peopleon board.
The boat later In the etvmiag, saving many
From Friday's Record.
I.TOughl Sam Porter and bit troy ca- hours' delay.
deta ot Kortbport In the cily
they gave an RxMLHIon drill on


We have the Best Tea oh
the Market .

Choice Unoolortvl •la{«n
•Ia{>u particularly fine flavor itnil
exo-plioniil slreiigOi.
If y^ru have trouble goUiuR a
a that is to vour
our liking
______„ try u .sample i>oand of tbit
)e. Wcwill takeout cbancea < 1 your ccniiug bock.

Bay City and

rhange their shins since reiurniog. gamn were arranged for Uls a
for Bah bone*.
owing U Ibe fact lhat som^

alile* of Touioci. and two



till. al-iKsl. Troop* arA tnakfog d>
(rernl.- i-fftirl* lu omlrtil the fire. 1


ihiiK far with Kllli- n-»nli.. n«Ing in
E. F<-il<-rs <.f ll.vrrb-lla 1* llii- Ei»-*l
of lr»-n.l* III the • liy.


lilcli Wind.

B. rtimk I.f Wert Tldilh street .

No. 10 .
No. IS



TIf- Mls»-*
and Minnie Car
ndl left for Mackinac Island IhU lor-


n.KK. ,h.-,v Ih-y will *mmd a w,-k
No. tS
..Mr Dnckeray Is having cnosideralile Irefiire ri‘liiniing Ip Grand KapbU fur
Irtwible wlU Ibe realdeou of the city the wlnt'-r.
who Itavo one w two cows. They

The fall i, a ,a)cadid

Mr and Mr*, llum-y Avery an.l
.l.mchter of New firb-iiii". Ijt.. an- vl-

taken otil permlla for Ore
miiM do at> according to law.

palming iimr—nu c«ii> anti fiirt '
Cu ulii to fmh paint; not lo
many ijin, to euk into <h« Mrfair ;iiM l■clt>lr you paint; good thing to
piuint llir houK a^iM ninnr alarm,.
■ I you tiaintmna

lilng Mr*. Av-ry's molL't'. Mr*. WM

Will Build Warehouse
Graw-n. Mich.. 32—At a meeting ol
the local nrenilrers
Ihe American
Socb-ly of Kr)uily. held Atig 2nd.

Mr, A

UM-nlhHl ,rf lb- Gh.l..- iwSioi.- lofi ihl- imnrnliig I01


N',-» Volk and |lo-l<m ;im1 olht-r Iii.d- |
ket md'ils on a tht,-,- w«-.-k'r- piirch"

was decided lo erect a w-ar.-hemre
ing It ip.
this place to cost about
Mrs. Illimirti*. n. neormiisini* d
Ibuilding. w1l! be used for the pun-twe IKT •kiiiclilt-t*, M.ssfs ...................
of storing produce w-tilch the farmers H-Ion, |.-It for ih-ir lion..- iti
themwivin will ecnd !•> lh>- large
• his tiu-rnliii:. nfic-i a fonr ai-..,. m
k.-w. thereby iliinklirt to


Are for some llnic but Hie olfle^-rs ol
the or^lz-ntlun, have worked unceas
liigly and will see ih^-lr efforts m;i
[•-riall/e. Tli'' officer* are: F. M. Hani
Itn. pr*-sldeTit: C. H. Mono*-, 'l•••- pr^-<
Idem ; VT^*d Hill, secretary, MalcolnIlangraves. ireasiirer.
This Is the first cliapler of Hie big
org.mlziiUon to lake tbU tb-|. lo north
era MTehigan and one ..f the first It:
Iht- suie.

■ you’ll grf the lrv*t ot rranltt and aaic monry.
Conre in. lalk it (•>»
and gel rokit tarda.

;i w nil Ml-, A. Ro-i titli:,l ol IJ' " -

mlddletuan'H profit.
This movcnienl has l-c-n hanging

Mr,, .lark Mlll.-r ..f tldraco
KIt.r.-ntf Ibtrn*



Munhi-.- and Mr

l.tMi FiiiwkII <if K;iiik:ik<s-. III.
visiliiii: Mr». Jotin I'o-.-k.i'oiB-k\
M.oid.- Ill'-Mi

I. visliln.; In I l.iilw . Ii-


.MI..nil. •:.,
r \ I'l.itk

:f-f?aimk -TRUDE


The houso will Ik- fliilshed

Id time 10 handle Ue n*-xt potato cn>ii



Hakes Yon Miserable.

Alert for Hay Fever.
Biifrcring from hay tevi-r Mr* rath

Old ^o»ho-ffto^ Bulldlns:^___

Here are a few Articles
. we just received

ertne Tone of Ramona. Indian Tern
irrry. Is In uls city stK-klng r-Iief snri
so far ebc Uloks lhat Ihe air In Ihh
ri^lon ia better than any she ha.found in her travris. Mrs Time wa;

I lioDcr PuIIyTId W.iter I’aiU-Fniil-lar Fill<TS,

originally from Uma, O . but she wa:
forved to leave the Buckeye slate or
aecouni of the fever.

She w^-m

Indian Terriiorr. Missouri and othe;
plaeez. but she did niU find rvller Sh.
arrivt-d In thla city Irei Moiid-iy uo'

The New a A A I. Agent.
The fonner agent al Rer-d Oty, E

Muhers, Tautrrs. Brail- ri, S.ik •

Mad.lrr «rrecia:i*l, an-1 > ..........

"il and Gasilioo Cms, Sa Bmy





or SboD-Fiy mn

If. !Harticle you should have ifyou Lavd acowor a horse. By qiraying


this prcparalioii on ihcauiuisls it will keep Itic FUm


IJddy. ha* taker: the place ol ibi

late r. B. Murray a> agent of the G

The bualneas aertloo ot the city R. A I. ratiroafi lo thts rit.v. Mr. lJ<i
assumed almost a Suoday appearance dy look up his new- duilr* rrlda>
today as only half a dozen of the ing.
HU family will come to thi.
larger aiorea keiit open. Tbe drug city later.
stores were oacesaamy open a portlou
Oid Fellowt Pieniy^
BentamlD 8. Hoats«ue of tUi city
OaUn erdtnsry snegtehu
Tbe Odd Pellowg and Uylr timllle:
o'clock UBlil 4 p. m.
were enlled In marriage al Ua home
of Uelr iropular gooThe ball game betweea Ue butehera
of Ue bride In Cadillac Thursday
Labor day
and grocera was called at 3 o'clock times at Popular
erenlag. Ibe ceremony bad beet
buUdU« up the syttem. M ewaU a box formed Ue Rev. H. C. McConas of Ue wlU Braacb and Seder batlerr for! September 3. Games aod foot race:
at all dealers or Or. A. W. Chase M«4i- Cadillac Oongregailonal church,
.••- fonner
The chief features o
Darrow .k
Mae Co.. Buttslo. W. T. The portrall
. ^will be a tub race, a bal
playing those positions for Ue gro- the day
Tbe bride looked ebanuing I
end slgnatura of Dr. A. W. Chase. U
........ ..................................
Grand Traverae lodg<
I the end of
gown of white marquisette, hand
(ampoa racMpt book anthpr. ara «a
Ue meat choppers were shut out by a’ No.
and Equality lodge Nf). 503
latao a tug o( war between Ue twi
Par aala y dehaaaa Orag C&


iuL* C«ps.-T«ta .md Coffee Pots. Diiipers.-Ttyi StraiuerB. PotaU,



9Mglng (torn Um eapwlence «f U<
tbaeaands of eld people
While tbe strains of Kevin's 'To
eg Or. A. W. Chase's Kerve nils, they
Mam to be exactly aulud
Water Uly" floalsd out upoo Ue Bow­
Ums oaodlUona. coaae«UBBt oa old age er Bcsmied air. Mlaa Mabel Momey and

A GeRenl

Plmta CIasb, StmARi Boli»r and AccRdant Inauranc*.

money to Loan on Imprornl Real Estate Only.

Hiss Haaaey waa the rccipirni
many beauUfoi gUu which
striking array al her borne.

atater. Mr*. F. Wigbunan.
MUa >^Ue Uule Is visiting Mra. A. naaicT. ns moat of Ue isrilcs aod
Bramler for a few daya.
maneuvers are faulGest .
Ifn Mabel Baber and aoa Staaler
Mr. and Mra. Professor Carr of Em­
of tMnlt are WelllBg her pareoU Mr. pire vlst^ at Hr. and Mra. G. CleB. M. A. Pienta.
nda Mra. r. -8w*-ner.
Prom Tlinisday'a Record.
Mra. i. rei«oa and danchter
r entertained ber moth­
The Aenthor man made a very geo
taaoillac la our prettr Tillage.
er and courina oi-er Sunday.
erouB contribaUOQ today In behalf of
Tbe aaaaal Oennaa picnic comet oB
H. J. Doim made a boalneaa trip to the TVaverae City Business Men's as.
aen Buaiur. There will be aoiae- Manistee Saturday, returning
HooUon. and what was frae of Ue
,) thlac doTng all dar natil tbe wee
■rweather, wn# Iruo of every other conMail hottra of Monday morelng.
F. E. Hill, masegrr Omwn Rural condlllon which could be employed lo
Hha Oraoe ESdred of Trarenie City
Telephone company, has been al Buck mak^‘ this outing onn of Ue great pleaeapeat a portion of laat week end UiU
ley for the past few days and put
uiv- anti success. From eai-1y morning
at tbe Bailey cottage at Waa-wah-gonof men .at work to exu-nd their until nwin. business men. w.itneti
- ^ lap, abe reurned home Wedneeday.
line Into Buckley.
children. |«oureil upon the groiiDi
Otmdoetor Beekman baa ao for reWeiLwi A .McKenxIe of Uke City Popiilar PulDl in crowds. The launch
emrered from hla tale IHaeaa aa to
re In the elly prepared to take
■'Eir' made many trips, loailed P
able to reenme hla run thla week.
bntn on ahori notice.
gunwalfw. whlh- a large niinilH
The ILoulavHle party of alx n
S. Wlghlroan of Hartior Springa vehicles conveyed oth^'i* lo Ue shores
their ouUng In thla Tillage
take th<
has locnh-d h<-n< and will -carrynuBlIr. returned to their home
line of jewelry and optlml goods and
Th^-re Is no Is-tier place aroiiml
Xen(imkr thla week, w-lll also repair youy )ewelry
Travem*' Cily for a picnic Uiaii I’opu
B. A. Holden of Lanaing. aecrelarr
Cbarlea Jobnaoa Drug Co.
I'olnl. an<l a visit !•• U.- grounds
of the Patrona nre Inanraace amiBuckk>y school ofOdals have been today demonalrated that Ue idoa- Is
panr of Michigan, waa a gueat of G.
very fonunaie in a<>curlng for princi­ spprapriulely named.
ta. Perry'a over Sondar. He la repal the coming year A. P.
took tMBunoeks .-iml hung
TWwIag Ttaka for tbe eorapany In thla
of New Hulfalo,'Mich., who hna
re iuvlUng
■Ktloe and CHd Miaslon and prououtiperlence and a Ural grade cerilfical
l.ln.‘S. Many swings were arrang.-d
«ea them among the boat In the euie.
Mlaa Laura Graham of Walloon lake among the In-es and the*- wen- liber­
Elk Lake Grang^ waa among the
ill have charge of the
ally imu-onlzcl by Ue iJ-.sing folks
chaitm-Orangea to enter the a«pera- and Mlaa Caroline Johnson of Cudllof Ut)Ie fullw who
tire ooBcera with
the primary and Allen Wlghiman UOrouxhly enj..yed thentaelve*. There
and hM twen a strong member all the
have charge of Ue Wexiord dey l>uats avallaMr- anil there
fmrof lu oxtaloBce.
paruient. Sclioul frill begin Septein•nstsint use. Urerehy ei
Mrs. rrad Long left yraUmday
lake Ue first Ihrslneas
her hoaie In Grand Baldds. Sbe and
H. OIney A Son recelval
plenle a sMnd aueceaa.
her buAaad were IKe hmg realdenfi
week a car load of wnll liaper. They
niero werr- several boolhs for re
of oor rillage and win be greaUy
one for Ught
re having a si>eelal sale and will
Btaaed ham by a targe dirle
3U omnuXi to paper any rotim fo
house eoff<>e ronirlbiitrd try Ue Mus
sMuan Orvreer company, and aerv*^
Hobart Lewis and his stat<4s. Miss
John CiU-1 has hla new house ne
everyone on the grounds. The
Ida and Mlaa. IMen,
n. ]>eamil. candy arid
Oraad Baplda the Ural of the week.
Skinner Bros aod George Brawn A stanils dW a flmirtahlng business
Sod apeni a fi-w days al Duck Lake while Ue wheel rt rortune Invlieil

SURPLUS. $30.000

Tire Insurance!

Ml» Indnttrious peraoD.
Mr, Monroe has a contract b>r a
Clara Josephine Swanson of 131 East
Front street in marrbige at 7:30 last hig dork on South Manllou island to
evaplng. The couple were attended by be put la for the Oval Wood Dish Co
thla city, ud k-ft with the .floating
George R. Wlntie and Mlaa Emma
M. E. Cornlng-a aunt from the south
laon. A flue'banquet snia eerred dr'ver John Nayler,' late ycslerday
Ho also had agreed
irt of tbe aUitP Is making him a via- after the ceremdny.
The couple win make their home In some work for William Oob«I and RobPrice on the dock at Sp^ng Park.
Wallace Shepard had the mtofortuee this city.

and WHt la expected eoon.



<iBdi tbe ewoKoU DbtIdc tba
■Mr Ibe nuMsenMDt hai bm p

Kalkaaka. spent Sunday with W. J.
troD tbe bar U> tbe tbbad lakea laei
Tosrere. «cefe br oor cMlal drannaa Adua
Harry J. Rrigp returned Saturday
Sebular. Tbe Uitle ciafU were frooi
fiom a month apen^
Tyaverae Citr. Omeaa and Beat 'Head,
cu tbeir war to Ibe AJdCB'resaUa. Mr. •ouniy.
Mn r. M. UoBworth ta enierUlning
Bcbeler did Ibe work ia a *>-17 aalieher brother C. W. Wlllla at the r.-aon
(actory maaoer and ctnodi rwadr at
O' Wos-wah-gno-lng. Mra. WlIIls
aar tUae u> r«p«at tbe M>teacher lo Georgia th^ poM
Thoe. W, Preatoo. tennerir of
earn and In Bepu-mlM-f will
trlUa«e. wae tnnrrted laat week
rdura 111 On- Ferris Inalliutn where
Utchdeld Ui Mn. MIonIc Richard
hi laugbl aori-ral yeura U-firre going
proprietor <jt the dnie atonr of which
be bad been tqaaatwr tbepaai rear.

TraTcrsci atr State Bsok



Bumber of hours.

which all rra.lrf. ul Ui* tutref, who bar-

lay mirtake. Imt
Swatop-Roo«. r>r. 1

Drm •-make



for B

TrythiaaDtl <»nvinoe ..our aelt abont the


^ -i



News of Granl Traverse
Summer Resorts.

Hr. and Mia. Rnbart B. Raaecna orday cvralng of
and dnotoitor ’’f Datratt. arrlrad on part}, totonnal

»ce- AH- TA - WA9Crc«
llwind ■ piMitf tnm ihw«tf ««nMr,
Of Mn- ran* *M Traym* B«r.
NMitM mtvM wi arm to «hW4 It
Um M« wavM atomy play.

Alto tMa am. Na«hto.«aoU
<aa|tol« toew tha haitoar bripht

Unto wHIi alma aito pinaa aito liamlaeka.
Baaen and Mapla tomarinp aar. ,
Tarraeaa all elatoto wKh yardua
Whara tba aumae'a rto and praan
Bland feravar with the eelan
or the watofa chanpinp ahaan.
Whan the Indian draamto of Heaven
•ueh a plaea hla apirit found
And this dear Na^htowanta
Waa hla “Happy Huntinp Ground.*
H. H. C.

Chanfiai to tha flehi# iigtit

Tlisnday laat for a Hrit at “CoUaca
Bob RliM.*- for a •tok.
B. UoDtroaa haa juat reUimto
(lOQ a boalzma trip to Codar Raptda.

, HlclL. Ans. 2(—Tbe
/paoBle from the clUea «bo are crowdut boat IB Uio dly are the only
tedtCBtlOBa Ne^h-U-waoto baa had of
bed veufear.

Dayi not
evenlBBi cool

Orand TVarane Bay kaepa anooU
•MOBb BOM Of the time for water
toTOTi to rere) in aatUnc and rtMng
not to BMDtloD tba Ularloua Ume bad
erery Botalas at the Waal Bide bath;«,ba|toh.
---------------------troo OocinDatl wto bom early and
Maya late came In ooe day laM '
wUb ooe laae flata. In reapoow
aone Uaalnc remarka from the hotel
•Mfla .ha said. -Wen, 1 csOBbt ten
•mMdrday nod )oH aee the fan In bar.
Kuabtoe. aceoery
good liwMt Mr erery day and flab
aotoa dam.A.abort tlM




Woeieaak. Anrlng the inonilng dtp
made ap bar Kind to awlm u the

and • workt cot a mao’e oaivatioa throogh

houra to a very piraaaiit maunrr and . thrmiebnut tb> day. tbe T, o'clock car­
at tbe eoDClueloo of the play UBbtUlro held liy that CTilppewa dirtne.

Iowa. CblcaCD aad Rock lalaod.
lefreshmenu era* enjoyed and Ibo*
Dr. H. T. Cray of Detroit hi
hoetesa lighted tbe big grate fire vbeifl
tomed bone. He baa be«D at Roab- the crackling p'.ue added lusire and ‘
ore houae aloce Jiioe is.
orairim that needed

NMhetha jaab-iRcv. C.
piutvd to be tbe banue
tbe entire week * nieei. Noh-en a-yaab

i-ddreoFeil the aiidi-nre in
Hra. B'altor S. Tniinbttll and
naugbt beyond the <ifveru««> gf Ihel after wbicb he Int.'n'n-led hi*
Chartca U. left on Str. Hiaaoari. for' hoetew to make It Unp-r to memory'word* to bi» oan eoimlrymrn. taking
wceka atoy to Cbicaso. They will
the gueela Mid paid
bye iUid'Jol-. chapter vli r.
turn on Ibe nm Irtp of the boat
paaaed through the j-ard and Houii,-Wliat I* man dial thou ebouldal
Hri.'Alfred Oreodorir and Hr. John tile terrared »tep amid the light ul;oiaBi.lfy hlmT and that thoa ahouldil
Black are amoes Ute late airlrala
Japanese Ianl«-rn». they looked out set thine heart umm
Ruabmare house.
moon-ill Trarerw- Itay and;
’ S^e tme has san.l." the speaker
Dr. an^ Hra. J. Waller Vaughn of oondered
he enthtirii^ni of Inii-nsweil. "Hint we an- animals,
...k.. were 9t
.1... hahltoni of "ilonnle IVind" over don't like the nnrd. I U-Ilevc we t
Vaughn rottagcldie
Tor two weeto returned h-une on Hon- New allssion l*oint and


imsur. • tbe offr.prtng of God. placed above t

day last, coming and going to thelrj passed beamy.
iCIi of the c-a. and the fowls of t
automobile. The evening before they
■»lr, plured here
left the young poople on the rcaort
Indian Campmccling.
Iibeni and subdue them, so long aa
gave them a bcMto eupper near the
Northport. Aug, :*-rh.- ear fi-m-'tlcj permits.* !
LeBIngwell BluSa which waa enjoyed
ils morning brought seventeen wc are placid altove the antby all,

NB-Aff. Te4- Wea9<^<A


limited in number. Buebre (raa ibe tbe power of undeniable lolrrmtoo.
game tbat eerved to pare aeveral |
With almqal

ans from tkiliilh. Miriit, MunlsIoR ' nials.*
1'. J. UMoerback and three and Adanab. WIh.. Inrliidlng Nab-en-a-j ''Some one baa said, too," he contln-

of Highland Park. III., are jaih iRev C. T. Thotnasl that btll ued. 'tbat we were first an oyster,
spending a oou|de of weeks with Hr*. lltni Chippewa divine, whose work at Hien a fish, then a four-fooied monLouderback'i parenu. Hajor and Hra. Sbaeko-ke-zblk brought many a pen.
py and then a human being."
J. C. Darragh of tbla place.
Item Into the fold. Rev. C. T- Thtonas
The speaker then
e need Of &sl a
day bringing borne
Ted Oolltoi of Chicago arrived on
oat nation*, the Brilans during the
n of broad education an.
> in fighUng
I dn-^d enemy.
Old MtacioD. Uleh., Ang. tt.—With­ Monday Iasi and Joined hla family,
fluent speaker In
the olooe agt'. to the l.ronxc .tee. and the
out doubt the tooM talked of. the moat who are spendleg the summer at J. D.
OJlbway and English languages
Amrricno Indian* lirfore. the discovery
With sunrise pi«rer moetlags in
planoad for event of the aeaaon la tbe Haiohall'a.
dMierra bU sermons unbesli.-itlngly. of America lo the great English speak
charge of the Rev. John Jiioobs. the
Hr. and Mrs. R. p. Harsball of toterrretlng with a quickness
tog nations of today, ''Today. Uiey
day began with a cold wind Mowliig
Callaway and Hlaa Uarguerlte PWroe. Chicago, w-bo have heeq for two weeks
th^ holds
chill vSrough Uic grounds i
which, will take place In the Congre­
Ur. and Hra. C
WTSPI tllenUon. He H also s trans­
U-aden Bky toiled to offset.
gational .Miarch, Saturday evening. Jamieson left on Wedneoday last lot
lator of unusual merit, a large vutume
) a. m.. when i'rot, C M. Stuart
Angoal 31, at elMit-tolrty o’clock. Tbe homr.
of well snown hymns having been
of Ibe Northwestern Itolvendty.
Doay will be performed by Dr.
Mrs. Oarrie P. Steele and Urs. Han- plaocd in the hands of hi* fellow men,
to deliver his exhortation, an •
nab W. Crane of Chicago
With no literature of a| baa> l«ll on Sunday.'\he
lilagt' faced bim that demous
Ulakloo. guesu at the home of Hr. race fast dying out every line of trane-| shop, the vices ow tie great cltle*."
aston. Hlaa Bdna O'Brien will May and Mrs. W. D. Bagley. Hra Steele
lation is eagerly sought after, by thej
"l^t ii* never liellev*' for one mn
Hendelsa^l's wedding match, as the and Mrs. Crane will
Oltowas. Oiipp-'Waa and|nient" »-ere his closing words, to ihii
wedding psrty take their places at the by the older reMdentt as Carrie and
Potowattomlet. the dUhrences I
, where the Inpresslve ring ser­ Hannah Parmelee who lived
Scripture lessoo by- Nsb^a-a-yasto
with three languages of liiese tritna lie in are of offspring of aulmslii. but i
vice will be used. The bride
jirayer by the Rev. Antoine Couture.
their parenls on what was then known dialect only.
I’d In the Image of God. Wo have
groom sunding under a wedding bdl n the Parmelee place. Mr. Parmele.Rlvtog thank* to the Great Splril
Jim Paul of Omena.
thing greater than this. After we
erns and magkuerltes.
Hiss Irene coming here frpm 8u Joe. forty years
oiesslngs Iwslowed upw
bunch of berry pickers into
huck- w-andered uway from him. 'fallen to
Warner of Chicago Is to be msid of ago, being a very succeoalul fruit
liniple. a hymn or two and the third's
leberry fields of Hanistique arrived on! sill, he has a son Jesus Christ, who
honor. And will wear aa embrol
grower, planting all the older tree* the csr ferry this morning with seven'came Into the world to redeem ns. prayvr. precevded I>r. BUisK's exhort> of while over pink silk and will now to bearing oa Ridgewood farm,
(cknded to substance upsui two
of the best pickers, who will enjoy thel and Him we seknua-ledge. even to
cany pink aweei peas. Hr. Alfred an apple orchard of ooe bnnderd and
Math. 3.v:30. "Lo. I am
four remalolog ds>* of tho c8rai>|wrHing a letter i a friend. Look at
Cailehester of Chicago will attend the four acree Is sUII yielding fine fruit.
•tc.." and 1 John 2:39, "If
groom aa best msn. The brides dress
know that He Is righteous, ye know
It has
Is one of while Ilngrte embroidered in Un>. Steele and Hra. Crane visited
tlial every one that dortb right


landitod awln ahe did a dlatonoe of white margueHtes and ahe will cwtt Old Ulsslon and they notice many
a Blla and a half. Bach fetea aa that white sweet peas, and will wear a improving changes snd while
full tulle veil. A reception will fol­
ooe la tod to think that in an <
gone whom they knew In those
Milpwr^ Mtia
would low at Bans Court ooltage. and from old days they are surprised that
aland good ahow of reaching land there tbe thiead of knowledge teems many of the old settlers are still hero

L Montague and Gerald went alto,
Mhrtal Bood bad a few cf bar llttto
litMtoi iM-fui dinner oa Tueaday laaL whao they Ml went to CndllUc to at­
Tbera were Anna. HargerM and l*ar. tend the M^y-Kontague wreddiog.
oooe Bmltb. Siaabope Woodcock. Har- which took place-the tweaty-firsL
tba and lAodm Davla. The yoing uftrr wUch they return to Old Mis­




week's visU at Beech cottage.

the tn-ssurery of the chureb beneflied

Mlsj Mary Dofileld. who has been

Ess tllead trip. Uklng a beach dinner weeks.
'. E. KUlen of B'hlie
Ir the shade of over banging i
The weather waa oa good behartor. Hall. Illinois, are at -TTie Oaksresnin nnUI the middle of Sep­
glrtog a fine sMUng breeee both ways,

an the nme crowd went to Omens oa tember.
New Ulsslon Point has not neltber
Wedaesday Isaubad luncbcon abovd
does It eovel s reputslion for social
eoMr are gruaUy snjoyed. On Snaday Gem. and while they had fair
gayety neverttelass the cotugen
last the Blabep's talk waa on "What golag over there was none at i
are not without their plessanl
It Msaas to be a Soeeesi or a FaUnre come home by. so the Anna Theresa
of keen enjoyment
to tJte." Me made special me
went ont aad towed them to. reaching
Tbe Boaday morning services
the hotel, coodsetod by Bitimp Wood

et tbe good behavior of tbe chUdren hoots about Mae o'cloek p. m- Ured One of tbe moving spirits of Ibe Point
prioroL—The oeertng token
ts MIssRlctunond and her home B«i
sad bongrr—twt said they bad i
nle Bank" cortoge was the scene Sat
0VOS to betnelesa children to bouli- Ume Just the aaiar.

Smith rntertmUi

l-elng Mr. BmIUi's Mrthdsy.
Mr*. E. R. McCsiy of this city Is tn
Cbicago on buotoeas.

QensrsI News.
l>iie of tl

nearly IM

his Iheroi-.

the mock charity—home of the wialtlly, when- buttons arc strip|«il from
cloihlng liefore Is-lng si-nl out as a

Andrew J. Blaskfoot. of Harbor Springs.



nilssinnary gift. Iho s}teiikcr took his
M.idienre. and Ills wonH, lmere|s-nt<»l

with wit. hiironr and iiiithos. found
What does It snyT
your silviu d
sympalhcltc soil to which to thrive.
Ivo for brtlii- work ihereliy
-llHiTT' -lu GikI We Trust.' "
An Indian Serrnon.
Vesterday tho sjdrlt ol Hn- camp
.In influx ol mqier ponlnsiila
o'clock the Rev. JMm Jarobs
meeting was imensiru-d. The morning al* added maleiially to the tenied|
liM'iling and no dnubi gain

u infill

Kervous Women
Suffer Ro More
sataaj ni Alme To« Beu> wtik
PaUcbcc, Bardm TMit WmM


prayer senlre was eundneted
Louis Sbaw4in<lu-!igy. Norihpoii.

by l■ol>lllullon. tho Riv. Frank Roquetle addn-vsed s mixed audii-nci' u
Ai of Town. Minn, an liidlun tnissinn and while men. taking the text. "Tliy
filled with consuni suffering.There is
10 o'clock the Ri-v. Milton ll.-ni-dn-l. a aiy, to !iealbi-n red men of the north, Will Be Done. " The will poser
■he duU headache, the dragging batAKludeot St Albion college. sikiKi- In the lieiiig among them.
the will iKJWer of God. his ache, th.- hot flaabes. that awful tired
redmen trora the test "For whai sbull
The Ri-v Alexander Cooper, tt-m- co-atiM- were discussed liy this
feeling, in. »kk and fMnt to work.
It prom a
ito> well to gn to bed. Hra have Ut­
|•e^!lll^e eiangi-lli-l. of Groenville will redman, who likened Christ U
world ami Intv> hi* own
ciimee up: but In Cbrtol's ile knowK-dge <i the irafierteg titetr
en'er the cnniiicls today to deliver
women go through day after ray.
edict had a gosiN-1 miasugu
s*-veral lecmre* Pi--.f. c. N. luaru of romliig hn saw the will iwwer <
Many itm-s such Itlneas ia attributed
After ^•xpollndillR. fortifying
Norihwi-st-rn rulvepslty, a raenib<-r Father, who sought ii^save mei
After a streuuous day. another lurgr
tog home tbe query ol bis text. lii-|„f
f,miiilsM..n for pr.-pamtloo

Ilsrevcrai-d the question In a niann.-rj,,f
M..ihiKlmst Hymual*. si«-aks
most pteaulDR. by
original, a.-kliig Sunday. ii„- gj„s!i,g day.
what a msn could not well sacrlHre

lor the saving of hi* houI. H« made
his final apiieal from the ineidcni of
hart Vaa.Anadale of Daytoo. Ohio. pected here next week.
gr.,,l liidiau camp mei-iing Is eodid,
occasion wss one of marked fesUvlty
ChrtM healing the Ie|s-r. mho nppi-al- i-mli-d .1* It sh..uld, wUh a spirit of
Oea p. Ottaaon. Mia. lUehard Waite
only a eucces socially
Tbe Mltaes Ruth and ElU MUIlams
ed III him.
Mr Benedict prv-sentfl
and Altoe U WMte of Toledo. Ohio.
c--Kl fellowsblp ihnt galbi-ru
left on Btr. Mlssoari last Suodsy for but also financially. Ihr
old thoughts in ui-w and forcvfu! nwllh Ih-- lellllic.
Mr. aad Hia. Jobo Gates and Mr. their home in Chicago.
They had amoKolIng to tH.OO. .
To the untmtig en--tsy
Sunday arrivals at New Mission
end Mrs. >)eta Allen have rMartied been gursts of Him O'Brieo.
to the afti'rnoon. Norman C Mor.
young pastur th- Rev IJoyd Maynard
Point were Mr. F. H. Rowe and daugh­
(rea the Hadnec Island and Boo trip
Mra. V. C Vaughn returned
gan of Omens. «ho us u twe- frli-nd of
(« U,v nral M B rimrrh. Northp-rt,
aad report the time a cDOtlaurd pleoa- home In, Ann Arbor on Wednesday ter Milllceot and cousin Miss Tiltsthe Indian. hhtIUiI a plaee on the
•ee bom Use Uipe they started unUl
Tbe night before she left there
program, gave a plain I'-i i-onvlnclas
were many h'ands ex’i-ndth« rMnrned home.
a beach sapper given in her Roc Is ovU known to llllooU where be
ar-umeni for the af.-pnLf of a

* b. K--;, It.- gwM W.,r* ntlng. The
A mme tot of girii end boys are honor t^ the eouagen. Ml rMxwtlng was ebalrmaa of the BrpublK
Christian life.
tR-v. J-hi.
looked aft.-r the
Central commiUee
good time. Mrs. Vaugtm la
bavti« acme good tlmee In the bowlMr. Morgan a* .i »a- .*> dree- -r-l. assirtfl by John Big
now president of the National Life
tog Mley. On Tueeday lost they bad the pioneer resorters. hsvlng
ly associated wlih the IndiuL* »
Jf-. who sr.-d fatthfnlly ui the gata bowling party, s^ ol a conieai. ooming to Old Mission over twenty Anmity Co . of IlUonls. He expects to
section that be ••erly aeqaiiir.-d
Hlaa fVsneto Smith boidlng the hlgfa- years, comlpg first when Dr. Clsrencr build a cottage in Omena and bis sons
language, and
inday stand*
a»' “
S-v-nil d-pmlow preserved order
MM score end Mias AngeU Mltebrll Vaughn snd Dr. J. Waller Vaugbi are' coasting on the novel experience
,'vy o! y.uing men 'aw lo it
cleaning the ground and hulldlttg isiriiiie sponsor for lh<-tii.
was a ctosa seoemd. .ReCreshi
Mr. MrCiesali. el» rinien'l'l;r ”f tll»
trihor iletuljr w^r- not n-;
the cottage tbemsrtres. Miss .Uatbers
new people on the resort and I
vrwsw swao. y
the owner i4 a trad near Long
hotels, but the warmest wrtcome
W. K. OObb'^ family left for their
Tbe ttai -p.-ay-r m<«1
Lake and came to Traverse City to'
given to the older resort InbaMUE
home In Port Worth. .Tokto on Mon­
1* iK-yond !h- expectallun
look after ber property Inierasu.
day laat
t sanpiine .A large Chippewa
Hias Matbera is a tolentgd musician. braska are cxpecti-d tomorrow
Or. aad Mrs. Ouley of Denison.
i-bt. a nsimy H”.iwa teat, and
J. W. Walton of Jacksonville. III..
r Montague boat'he ••Gem" h
7%as. who have been at the hotel
Kv.-ry , era! private rents, w-re-opened
XorlbpOrt. Mirh .
Is among recent arrivals at "The
recenUy given two -good limes"
for tbs laR two sreski rctunied home
g-liiile. f) eh*rl. c-v-'y^^ti-ro'*,!; and th- *
an. wheUu-r he I
Caka" on New Mission Point.
the young people oa the Point, i
on Thnraday.
• uc. ; prav-rs and fti!
tnlkv rvnanailng
Monday last s Jolly company took the srife and daughter have been here two white. Mack, -r tpinwii, •

left oa Botordsy lost for s vlMt with
trleods at Harbor Patou

Mr and Urw. W.

ed a euchre club BtAheir rottoss M
Birebwood lost evenln^hr occasion

givqcraphy Is found on the souUieni
tbe Mlaud at Ceidiotoala, to
tho fart
Crteee. It is a olcMm of see wsler
lat It dra ihK follow that l>ocausi!
which for an unknown period bos left
■an was l«|>Uzed. or i-Bteted into (rlthe alDcisi Udelero sew and flowni
Iiiwship with a church, that b«
Inland with a volume surfideDt to
cbrUlIaD. "A knowledge U
furalab water jKiWr to two mills.
thing." ho raid, -assent to Ibe tratL
Tbe wpeech of Covenior Hssley st
another, havfog your
Hie ruled by
Elkhart, tn whloh he took stroog
Christ is a third."
Id agslnst some at the pollclea of
Uv closed
caraest Prtvddent Roosevelt, has been follow­
vurds: •'Culllvale to your heart id ed by some very harsh criticism. Gov.
hearts that pcraomil ae«^latk>a with Hanley dopioivd os dangerous,

Ftom the bar room to the miKher
i n her knws, from the sanctuary

On Batordar laM Mta. C. B.

a guest of Miss Har1<» Woodcock

lly . of Qk Rapids, al a 6 o'eiock dto>
ner last evrulng. to honor of his moth­
er ami suier. who ore vlsIUng him
from the south.

egcralM oC
Alexander Own­ ti-deral ixiwer. to that It wouldr^'i^
er. who Ph* "The Sidril itf Love" for

Brltb <be' bammoek and eaay diMra



fir. J. W. Caunllett enlerlMned kls
brother. Dr. J. C. Gaunllett. sad tam-

deliven-d by tbe Ril

died at his'eummer home to Old Hls-

Brady. Gordon Williams. C. H. Rimes. bis mother and sister to Old Mlmion
hoping to be benefited by tbe change.
Mtos Jells
i time be seemed to be improvBralnard. Jr.. sU of CUcago. aro
MDIerorCadlUaeand ber nolber. Hra.
tog but a sudden turn for the worse
Tanmr of CtoeeUnd. Ohio, bade toe • Pioes."
. Tuberrulaeis had too firm
Mrs. FYed CbJvW and two eblldroo
ratbar a- rolnetoat gooi-hyt to Ncahbold, it was too late, and on Wodnes
tawanto and ‘*rmy Ooed." aayl
day morning laat, at st-ven lhirty the
turned home after a two weeks stay
they wooU harw aothlng bat pleaai
patient oufferor cloaed hit ey<
at "Pine Orove FArm,’
■toiiwtoa of NeabUwanta for l»07.
this lirf>. leaving the tonwlng mother
Hr. and Mrs.' B. J. Brinkman. They
A paitytoM
and sister, who look the remalni
were accompanied home
started on their sad Journey hoi
Itaa trip acath o . theCbw
Theresa Brinkman, who srill spend
Montey toft- A moch larger crowd
Ibe srinter and attend ec^l to Sag­
had plaaned to go hot the Ugh sea*
roUtog at sUrtlBg time caused ecmi
Bdwsnl O'Brien of Chicago, arrived
I add feet, ao eoly eeven wait bnt they
0 Saturday last and will spend a
1 oaM they had a good time. The ooe*
Last Wednesday an eveni of aa
couple of wcMta with his fsmlly at
f Mr. and Mts. Chas.
Juteresl In Ibe village of Omena r
their cottage.
f .Bnwe. Hn. Q. P. Hunk Mrs. aan
LouU K. Miner and ebildrni. Mrs. tbe Ia«u fete given under the j
' Mewtoa. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Hr.
raison snd Hiss Watson of Spring- plero of the Presbyterian church
! Barrto:
field. Ill- here arrived and opened the grounds of Hr. Aod^ Jacubson.
Tbe hMel ahows the foilowtog re- their cottage. OakburtU Mrs. Miner
Unieras were hong about the
V.. ctat anivato: J. W. Stoddanl.
gouds and the IllumtoaUon from
has been quite III and to now a
■tedfiwl Ite; a O. Btoddaifi. Her- bosplUI to Kenoaha. Wls- but Is
decidedly attraeUve.

lie of real .route to the eaUte
lAicy Bateman.

Al 2 Ii'chxtk ail Inspiring addreos.
bi-lieit! a federal
that n-ached Uie hv-urt ol every biar- Jsw. carried to lu logtoM
er In the vast aildh'nce of over l.OoO in the maslmum rale of
pctqil.-, assi-mbli-d lo bear him, was pi>r d-nl. a valid

and now It Is Joseph Walsh. Jr
Mrs. J. 8. Anchtoelosa sad aon and
Mrs. George Hulbert of i^M Orange. also of Grand Rapids, a boy about
New Joeey. Mr. and Mrs.
Murry iweoiy years of age. who came with


Ditied to iirobate today.
Judge Walker today conflrtDfd the

Christ, that will oDBlite yo^ to over­ taking. In oeriato tosloDces. o( the
come youraelf. ami show yoarsrtf to shortiwt route to apply mneOiro tor
be a true disciple of G«d."
evil* of the body polllle, without •«The Rev. Alexander Cooper Bpoke.
precedent. He added that he

every resorter same, saw and Me and
while coming Mmcist caused a famine'

I-'W the first time to 13 j-eurs OIil
isslon resort has been saddened
people pUyed ganm untU ibe tall sion.
tor dinner name, a call tbat
“Alfred Knlts'cd Paleetlne, TVxms. death. Then U was the late Hon. J
Wonderiy of Grand Rapids who
strived on Wednesday last
At -Tyny Ooad“ *

1 bail today. ,
After thU week the nxie per cent
will be charged on all city taxes.
The will at Julia Jnhnsoa was ad-

L-ss I bom lu him. " .
Thi’ aintskiT em|iha»lied

t» be brokedi, as It Is not known Just
1 greet them.
where or Just how tbe young couple
George Bood and
Hr. and Mrs. K Or Briiato and
«Mm aad Becnlea. with Uietr gneMs will iMve Old HIssod. but Ur. Cslla- daughter Ellzabcih of Nichols. Hi*Hr. And iftn. Norman Rood of Joplin sray and Htos Pleree know aU about auurl. arrived on Tiisday laat and will
Htoaonrl. Martod on Hooday imt for It and they wHl be at home after
I the n«t of August with Mrs.
November first at 43W Berkeley Ave.. Blg^ parenu. Mr. and Urs. A. Ulner.
a few dam ftahtog at Carp lake, i
with the lasnMi “Middy" at tor aa
On Tuesday evening the ladies of
Buttona Bay. then dtfrtog to Foontato
. A Montage left for Traverse the CongTegaUooal church served
r on Hendsy laat and on Tuesday hot supper from five to seven wh

Rolwn J. Walter o€ ClnclnnaU who
as anv»u>d yestenlAv was rrtesofd

the I^eseagi- which Sab-en-a
orgiliiii. It se-ma a shame that women should suffer so when there Is s
safe, hsrtnleaa itmredy tJuil will re­
store to them the eplradld farslUi
n.oming rli>se>l a o-u day ae*sion irf ihal fake* perfect wrmtanbood. di*iH-lB oervous disorders
prayer that has Imi-ii fruilfiil In
r wotnra Ix-rauae It regulste* tbe
harvest, and fi^.rearlilhg lu Its
id n-llcva Ih
- |«ln. It
I* woiiorTiuiiy enocviTt- in tne core 01
prolareua tierauae it clrengtheos the
niiiecle* lupportJng the psru. sod reFaRSC-NALS.
U-w* the u-nc forcf-. It removea aad
Sn'Urilas'i Rr-corri.
and unnatural dlscharg*- from
UeiUni MasOD U-fl for F'sich Ibl
g-ntui organs—these diseases tbat
morning on lea-ini-s*.
sap to- very life, drotroy the tissue*
E I. ftlvbardson V"i b. H-«-)
and finally -shatter tb- nervous ayatem.
It Is marvelous In Its Ionic effects
his tn-.rniliK on Vusinof.
jasb had for bis ]>-ot>le. He look Oe
theme • L-.W as a Guide," Tbe
It ennrise praise servlee




Lawr-nce went tr. Ch

ocn yi-si<-r,lay m-rntoc on a biisin—
S-isi-. NelMi- .Hid Anna Funieyr .
'a-lill.ic an- MsPing Mr



111 Ftrrii-y of this city.

B. Dougherty of Elk Rupi*t is I

be City OB bustoes*.
I. Elk R.ipid- o
Aiis'lti Overbott

bngtit. happy. .
Unit is amre In I
be.-a,i— ih-y liave n
sirvcx-ti !.'■ ipTform
tigiie. -Imply l.y yae

lew and natural
lu.-m wlthwii fa­
ll th‘- wonderful

Z.E. Phora has h-lped bundeixla and
Ui..u*knd» of wvunen
Herman K;«n*r of Chicago b. the strength, and tbe Joy 6t living 'Ht.' on­
Ani:I N-rlinger
ly way In which you may r*<y-lve the
same Uncfli. i> to do aa they did. Co
Ih's city tor a month
X J Clark of Suium* to your drusglit and procun- a dol­
.nowlpdge that J-su* Ch;'i.: c ne to- friin tli-s- !a^v prlva;.- pitherinpi
to-en visiting to Utii lar botUi- of Zos-Phor*. Begin using
or-ler wer- evid^:;t-e* of th- s'lcc-.s* of their
at <mce acrordlog to plain directldC*
make hi* check Talld."
obj-ei. M..jiy c-snverxlons resulted city rvturiH-l to ihvlr bom- yroierday
Jfi ma
found to the jiacksge. If any faitber
Walk-.T of LoGriinge passed int.irmatl'iu nr privau- advtce Is de"Itb this icHlni: «taii-mer.i- a star-- ;.-.iriis tie votoic
Many i
sir.-d. th- Zui-Fbora irompany. Kslmeal founded ure-n a
‘«-rs of nii-'r i-h ireh d-nomitiatloax thrr.ugh the City yesterday otT.hU
rill gladly answer all
stands so long^. the world 't'ws^fnal .q No-thioit, who have not given alt to Nortbisiri. where he will remain
writ- them. Just ask
questions if y
great Chippewa divine, Sab-eB^y;v«h. t., tt,.. i-.dtxn ramp nie-tlng by st for some timZoa-Ptora—ao other
Hsrold and Mart.* Gibbs relumed
I Rev. C T. Tlionia>> cl.tloiec* (he soul' i. ndiiig. ha'e n<g tolly roiue into th<
e given—and yon
of one doubting heMhen red bro:b*.-r. aioottcls.. nut liBe lent spiritual aid. lo tbelr bom- at Mayfield lhk> oi'irU'
Heine a'
to Just t
way up to the uuk'n-mn r-rvinlrv of the
Tt- R. v, Alexander Cooper, Green- tog after visliliig in ihU.rily.
It up in se
Rainy Lake reH-oatlon Yesterday, be viJje, fca* len-n a*sldoo* In his elforu
r. G. Heunianu returned today from
Will yoa
lured, uoe d<d1i
caiithl his wbU<- bn*tb.-r iif Shnh- to rericli the hearts vt ihe»c red petv rbie.vgb and iUlwattoor-. w*i ro he
a.i mro while i e oppoflUDlly Is besko-kf thik to his difbehvf and set totj.)-, ti* lecture* Saturday and Son- putvha-sed hi* fail *wck of wooleiu
lore youT

... . . .


N Mr. C«v«ll S*y« SU/ H*M.

Klllad Hla FHcnd.


Cadar, Mich.

foilowlDg fivm tb« Or»d
PtMi Satardar* ■
ld« Kmb *<II proT* oC laUwt is

U>« boss «M1« <iem the aoealled
gloDlam wmL tew frtaoe* an ao gc^

kaaa aUhtad-dlMtlci alUnar dlaerad.
Ite* the woed^l ttoriea from AJbe<a and GaaltaUfcaraD.
». Coveil't sdrtea to all la; -BUf


clal fouSd guilty of refuaing u

24—Raaultin# the ratea provided to IMMe to
the 0001
than ninety days. wUhout the

•wan. a nagra. Rebart Kaa-


option of a Sne. ludleuneni. U uca nec•to. glad tola yaatarGay a(- eeterj.
'raaman gave himaetf «g
The rellroada are bound by Judge
to tha eflioara and ia new Jalltd at Le- Luchren's restralnliig order nm to!

ihO ttireusti ar their
aai BBHkwc* has wturard aUfe
Dewed r-TfU-rnt im hit bMe ttmU
•eatH af the eJtjL
asd ttm eeartctio* tfeM. in «plM o( all

as* none b«ter than »Oc«*b*.
pMWiy hat t%« chaarraUaD <4 tha



dib dMUad:'
aUMcl stumer (Mrs* O. Ooreli:
snar s ibnt wmIu- utp Ib th« h



Tha skull waa broken at the obey the coamedlly rate tow. Ttry
will l^ug thto up as a defense, and
tof; temple.
waa Btruek Thuradiy there the guestion of cunftcttog juris­
with both light and pewtr aerviea.
diction will aitoc. The program ca"
was aboot half pact twelve, that nl^'-M tha raaldanet s( Mary Glaekfor brio'Kini; stveral aulii. both
Charlea Piriwr. engtoeer on the last mnith. an Indian a short dial
Heonepin and Ramsey eountir*. andi
Bight watch, bewd a rumbling nolie.
tags. The murderad
naming the prealdeaC of the bead
-and w» gedar out to aae
irafSc ofgctali of each road as partrouble waa. nxmd that the east end
tin defendant. The suit mill affect

of the dam wat breaking away and
few mloulrs later the inasa of co

grain, litmber, coal and live

CTwIe gave way with a crash and tl
m«Mlr m a boom tor tha CaoadUa
Kcaheaaki kneeked at (he (rent
water roabnd through In dooda. ci
Paaddc isflvar.'RMMa who can teU
rytng everything before it.
Several and asked for the seuaw. He was
BDd have mooej- enough to take them
large trees were torn up by the leou by one of the ether women whe. It is
oul^'er the couot^. aiv iHirnrIsg haeb
club are plaoulnp on a big shoot for
and loga and Umbers were carried alleged, lives there, that Mra. Bisekto the TOted 8ta»*. Ttaae »ho eaa'i
Labor day. similar lo Uie one held on
away and spread over the aurroundt wat net in, and that she
that day Iasi year. Many eunvundarm full. e< eronderful atorlea of aucIng lerrrtpry when the water bad sub­
Itles among which are Petoekey.
Gbeaa}-i that ar&ei
r in the bouse. Gbing to the
sided. The Good covered a large area
Ij- 1» tad them a bujerfor their an
Hanlelee. and Cadillac, Have rtjtoldeer, he forced it In. to be met
and lati a sorry apeetaele when
boMm'si in order that they, too, may
belr willingBess to attend such s
fsUI blow from the negro. He
water bad receeded.
tarn Iheir hacbi upoo th«
rendered uneonseioue and died
Forty Feet Gene.
aarthweat and aeorry away.
out epeaking again. Freeman made
Osnsral News.
Aboul fifty feet of the concrete
Mmoolon. which baa been prephoCaaadida ptortoeea b

Bled at the Cblcaso of.the northvett. carried awdy. together wUh the pint- no attempt (e cSeape.
baa tampeiatarea of dny-tvo desreca form, galea and machinery for open,
below tew. People die Id their beda tog and cloelDg the gatea. Mr. Parker that nnything ether I
tartas (he BdmoDUa wiotan. Tap
ban fist wat used.
yoons hardware mercbantt on their the engtaeer of the Otut watch, who

Institute of Technology o

helcht and nearly WW feet in length.
One of these walla was broken
ly In good yeara.
KkMgan fannera can average twen- several Mecea and
■ ty bnaheU and doof ha»o to (reoae mains of the other. There was a head
tt daatt (dtber. Up in Albert^ Ur. of thlileen feet of water yesuntoy
more than twenty baabela and this


the Pole crashed through In Jail. An appeal wo* token and Immedliitrly pollcenten liegan arreoitoK
the door backwards. When
uf other
PrMmin picked him up and diseov- mntormen ad eondiictmu
car* not properly equl|>|x-d
■red to bis horror that he had t«
Two Missouri c<Hintlee-»JVanklln
injured a frieito. a
ami Dem—last year shlpixul 2t;,l»n.11S
of corn <«b idpes.


rouDty. where the


fldffarsd a gtrokA

From Saturday-a Record.
and as the pond covered an expanse
Ooeen learned, the faimera have
Honn- Kendall, foreman at tor- Ou• Une atretebod from booae to barn. of fifteen acres, the force of the water
tnil Bllulllhic company's plani. suffer­
The wind and anow baa a airalghl can be better Imagined than describ­
ed a slight stroke of upsrlysls
•weep of (bur hnndred milea and ed. A mcaaage waa wnt to William
many a day It woald be Impoaalbli W. Smith, manager of the Hannah A morning.
Mr. Kendall has been srorklng hard­
lor a man to tad ’hla way ftran hla l.e> flour mill, warning him that the


eluuim" was flrat perfected, ha*
yet reporwfl. Perhap* grt.'Ssi.-"'
pipes are manufactured and sold anniuilly In toe Culled Siut^—one pli»for each lubabltont—St. Loul* Ulube

Bears the

with diir-eeiii« for about five
yeara, but sb.-u the spot began to
disssse •preaU I- four diff.-reot psfte ’
of hi> IshI,-. Tbe longer the dor^
Ussled lum ibr worae it gn-w. Dui^ .
toe dav It would g<-i rough and fdra I
Uke sewlea. At lugl.t it would be-.,
cracked, inflamed, and bsdiv »woUrtt.;|
with IMvir.le l.urnmg and lUhuie.'
Wbrai 1 think of liU -uffiring. ir nesjlk ;


For Over
Thirty Years

'nrr.s •

**“One dwflor told me that my bod's
wa: ineurablr. and gave tt up
' ' '
ig 1 i«w an


machinery, appllaneea and help with of feet at the (op. This waa ear(bUr pick of choice land get a yield rted away with a craah. together
with a part of the rtiui*' wells on each
of thirty to forty buihela to i
tn at ovarbrt afardlnDoblallog
ehrd side below the dam. These walls are
thick by aboul four feel In
iii favorable yeara. the oveeage U not

jStedabie 7ic|>vadaBlvAssimOaUngtlErcalanilBrtula--

ej wUh t-' irtfonn y<>o that your
wtuidefful rill), lira ba^ rut a ttop to
twelve yeara ef mi-rt^- 1 psawd with

ID gnIIODa of Ur and flve gaHona <
*We bad Just reUred. but all they could
parafln and It la eUlmrd from the
LeUnd. Mich. Aug
«OBl«’nt apaad another winter there do waa lo look oh and ecetbal portion
rent of ash innumerable by-pro­
in jail here and urill ha (
of UiP dam carried away. Word
(or the whole city."
telepbned to William hearing Monday morning at 10 e'oloek. Uliilx-.
iid uwvt'l'iir'fliri Ixix rtOininient lh<-n>
Cold Kllla Liya Stock.
wa* a great improvemefit. and by the
One of (he blggaat ranch owner* of Loudoo. president of the 1
Mouager UeMIlIan.
Tha warrant charged him with
time I had used lh-x->«.ndeetof run- euratviap.rutieuraOlmnvnt.BndCuti.
tha dlitrtct admitted to Ur. Oovcll
Hunllngiog Bleeuic Hues.
■ cura Riwolveni mv cluld wae cured. He
Immethat from » to M per cent of hU
Augeles. was fined A>0»' or UWi days to
Fraeman was a friata of the
lire atock pertahed during the winter UstPly drove out to Inspect the daoi
Jail for operaUug a ear wlthoui the
whom he klllad and Is broken up
man. 7 Sumner Av.-nuc. Brooklyn.
kind of fendiv prescribed by the elty.
and in the matter of wheat ralalng. nge. The structure at this point eooN. V.. April 10. ItKli."
while aome of the Canadian compsu- stotad of a concrete wall thirty feel the tairible deed. He did net I
The motiirniau uiid oonihietor of the
tea with plenty of money to apend In thick at the base, upertng to a width who it was. until the blew had been cur wen- each fined $l«0 or 10<> .'toys
W out aald to Mr-

|The Kind Yoo Have
Always Bon^


of me SOD made roe full << mUcTj-. ^ i
bad no ambiiioo to work, to cat. nor

nUtort'rodua-d loo.rwo feet


4«« Dum^)
Boy in Misery 12 Years-Ecemg
Spresd Over Body in Rough
Scales, Cracked, Inflamed, and
Swollen—Case Pronoonced Incur
able, but Completely Cured by
Two Sets of Cuticura Remedies.

Qggg aid LossofSueb
fMSmhlt signature a(





Too much atnnw cannot be placed on
the great value of Cutiint* fkap. Ointroenl, ami PilU in ami-o-plk- ik-aiuing
«hu»afliiedina pun-.
and.viiiiuDiical local and tn-aitneiit
for mflammatione. ii'hinci-. Imiatioru..
n-laxatiomi.di«i>locemenl>.aml pain»,a»
well a* eiK-h svmpalli-Ue alTi-clsitw a>
anirniia. HiloroeL-. b.ratcria. nerrousnem, and det.Uilr.


The Strike.


,'Ylieii King Edward w.-of tn takn

,\i w Vurk. At K. 2D—To Iiitcc'tbe of-'ni tin- raf>-uu)UU-» «I dodU'atbm

t'.- W.i.t.-ni tiniim jud

the new

........................- "I
be tin- Striking t-legrai-hers;




•no.- Ul lO
pn-m-at look thHr halo Off,

1“ t-tii.l r wilb 4he l-.»-ad» I'l the t*o|exccpl Dr. Siflible IbTrauL Ihe pTfigie c«ll-*e. Who cimld OW.
riiiiitat.b.-. ITvsii'u-tll Small dn-liled
Shanghai. Aug. 23—A I
d what she ouMit to
uptm this i.„.ve when told Uiat thoccurred in Nganhwtt
, I do and ki-fit her bat on. ’
of ti,.- rimtftaal.t. would
Vince. The rebels sacked the small - F.i i.;!
v.i'.i r.-torai
town near Tang Chmg and murdered. .-i-uf.
Chin* Teouble-

w regarded a railiei
tollesn a
undeplrable li
er than usual for eome time aod
iNwne to hla Mrn without thia rope. dam bad broken and to lake precau­
|trol«bje that toe rale will Is- gener­ the authorities. A general revolt is |
>een wHl. He has feared a
■ He eannot feed the atoch beeauae of tions against damage to the Hannah
ally tocreaued. lo IS ycais Tsi fire* planned lo start at a given sigbreakdown.- This raornlag while
* Lay corapany a dam- Mr. Smith
i N -111. i he - e.-have oceiirreil In ralleg.- bnlldlniai enthe eoU. wind and aaow. and It
1 bis work he was suddenly strlek
I East Bay and he Immediately
tailing a loss tt! Sle.DOu.o-si In mnoey
- i :-.d-:- .o' ;iy•d In Calgany, July W. Even the Mg,
id fell ou a Umber. Hr. Kendall's
to the cUy and caused the ge lea
-Wtaat yMda do not amount to ao
and a heavy loss of lUe. Thl* mak--*
MMb by.the time they are tranaport- of the flour mill dam to be oi>enrd to
the average money lens i>v.-i
their fullest width. The nisb of water probably be eent as soon as hr Is able • Daisy Diincau Rakestraw. the l>e
ad to UarkaL
B moied.
■ooe came down the river Into Boardiron child-bride, who loughi lo win
- '.Farming, too. U done o« a larger
back ber boy bnsbiind. who de*.-ricd
•eale and by Mtarent metboda than In man Uke and throogh the Hannah A
Had a Good -nme.
Lay chnie. eatialng a pereepdble ris­
her In Detroit when she wa* chara<-d
■Chlgan. It lakea a fortune In ma­
To forget the bustoen earea.
with theft, has instead of gatnlng
chinery to «pdp a (air aUed farm and
quire a coat ef ton. and. incidentolly.
affecUuo. loci her own freedom In CiuLaunch owners whose boaU are
catch a few flab and braatbe ibe pure
clnnaU. A cell In toe house of detencaied at the WequMong club, were
air fit Northern Michigan, a party ofj
her love
atoo notlBed and several of th«n msbtec
. be piepaied for possible
police docket her baltle I* d,-*iRnaled ^
week near Marquette, paaatog through
danger lo the pleasure craft ia the
as "dlrorderly conduct." It Is tip togroerera at th^ eoanuy.
the city today on tbelr way to Teioa- Judge Lcuciera to d.-eidc wheth.-r a,
ver. fearing that Ombera or logs
Uquer Cwwa of tha CesaL
key. where they will break op. some
tove Is dlsorderlv.
light be washed down the alream
.liquor to the eurae of the coasL"
going lo cnilcaga and tbe rest
and create damage to the Weqheatya the dtotrict attorney. He found
turning It) Pltuborg.
tong boat houses and the launcbea
• tta wagaaTd^. hot the llriiig. too,
The party waa composed of W. R
atoag the atream. It proved, however,
was Ugij. and aaleons are evenSbelliy. rice prealdent of Ibe 0. R. A
that the force of the flood wn spent
where. Uto obeerraUon waa that the
1.. J. W. Renner. eoBtroUer of the
before reaching the mouth of tha-Hr
Pennsylvania lines, C L. (^nen. J.
e-. the water rtolog only a abort dtiarcGyand dtaattofactloB than all else
M. Lyon, and D. C. Copperatone. all
iBce up on the town of the club
He Manned a vtolt u
Pennsylvania auditors. R. R. MetoeanIDWB. bat learnt I
ey. andllor. O. R. A 1.. F- H. Reeves,
Muskrats to Mams.
•aetion, elevee atkMaa. one general
auditor C. A. A C aod ex mayor Hon.
More and aavacal boarding hooaes.
The cause of (he dam’s deMrucUoo Charles C. Belknap of Grand Rapids.
Kot «vm a hotel. Jkad the district at- to laid directly to toe fact that
Tbe men have been the guests of





|.i.-l-at.- ntric-r. in il..-




tonwy dtoMed not to ga Everyw

ony of miuk rata had worked around Charles Shafer at hU camp near
toe east end of the ttmciaiv
queue ou lake Onoto and sjK-nt the
when the extra preaanre came after time to doing nothing, a rare week for
toe storm last erenli
big railroad man.
worked lhrm«h the hotos Bade by
Tbe weather for their oi

'georly. the same pregooderanoe
Mloooa evUted. Sakroat follow
•ry ndlaray conatmcOon gang am
ery mlntog camp has about ten
Mow to every other plaoe of twali

the rat*, and wto-n toe bank
gave Ideal and they greatly enjoyi-d iliem
nM end of the aw
rrem lie atandpotot of the west
selvra notwithstanding the fact tha
iwrtfewaat the saloon and Uir drink without support. When toe work of Bshlitg wag not exeeplloiially good.
clearing away the refuae and logs bo
«VU are serious problems, accoftlli
"W.- didn't go after IIkU. Ihinigli,
to Mr.'OJvelt. proWema that will goao gan many of the rau were found,
lid ouc of Ibe party.A' We merely
have to be token Into conalderallon «
nne dead, but many alive.
cm up there lo forget (luraelves "
One and one half'hours
the M«at west to to prosper
While to tbe cHy. they almost raid­
Id Che aan who tarns he miyit leave amned from the lime toe dam broke ed the fruit stands and we
MUUgaa,Dtotitot Attorney ooeell rae- nnUi toe pond waa emptied.
thrir praises of Grand Traverse fruit.


«tolM «Cer

and' Oregon.

A sorry ■peetocle waa presented

for when toe offleera of the Boardman
River Bectrie Ught and Power to


■4S& Talstog. tl^r and talntog. and

arrived on the aoeoe early this
e wAi chute, remalna

m tat so Bold that a white
V.*d Uve-bomfortably. Half o

MTS. E M. Ekkerdt of 7M Bast
Pnmt strew baa just received an-emrals Of the iBsrrlage of her

Noble jetanaon. toof hit stock wUl not be frosen each toe chule at the east e»l betog U»
■X. ef Beattie. Sept
stWto •od tier will demand leas at- oaly one serionsly damaged. Had to*
SoKlon. taeapt to event of an oceta other ehnte been token alao. the dam­ will be reoiembered by
tonal bltoaard he wlH alwaya be able age would have been much grvDler knew Mr. Johnson that

kliv* Edith
it. l»o:. It
many who
lor cevecal

to tad Ms way to the bam wltbcut and repairs wou« have been more dU- year* be was employed to toe
deiartment of the Hannah A
flcult- ooe chute brtng totoCL repairs
a gnMtog ropA
• TiMta are oppoVtunlUea to Washing, to the daiAaged porUon will be great­
tom and Oregoo. but Mr. Coveil't ad- ly fadllwiod. A force oI men boa to now a iravallng hartware salesnian.
Tlce to «H1. "aUT In Michigan." Wash already been wt lo work » repair
damag- and the work will be
togtod^aad OivgoB are all rtgbL be
mrm. bgt MtehlMto li joat as


• and even bHttr. Above all keep asray
from that moeh totaled boom country
of the Caaadlaa previncto.


rufbed with all possible
roger dam will




cMflicL betw.


and federal court* over
of ralltoed rale re«ulaUon.

change toe course of toe atream. while
toe tamaged portita Is beftg «
sirocted Above Ihe dam Is an I

like toe recent eptoode in North Car­

ealing apeetaele. ibe trcnmoUll.


logs, biapebes of trees and dead
bets, which have berettdore been

flelato win not be psulle* to toe troub­
le. because they are resUng under

berged. pnaenHng a eight that it

The movement come* from toe Mlnraoto Shipper* and Receiver*' a

Utoly not preMv.
roUl the damage I* repaired the

In this Inaianee the stole of-

tton. Member*of that body have all
firers of the
Ught A Power company request thal received letters- from
consumera of llgth and power I
of light and power be as


and declared them-

selves willing to scL .
Tbe program It lo toy complaint be­
ly bandleapped. and theretoee raquMto
the ladulgvDOe «# IbMr palroaa and fore the eooBly attorney* all ovei
against the liighest railway ntflikcir aid to rvdarlng the eobftjpilno
of eleetrtcitr anUl the dam can be
made perfect again.

tor violation of the commodity

Under that law each tfffl-


Thai isD*l all you save
know pct^le
who Have drank ArbucUcs*
ARIOSA all Iheir lives.
LocAi at them. They like
it aod they haven't
. quit drinking U.


Don't Id any man sell
you something instead.
4hich may mm your
stomach aod




r-r^u- Herald a ro-»si»ber iirlBled

Judge uf Probate.


, M. i «. E TIH m

It Pays
to b.:y the Hard I’an
Sho<--i for Men's every
day wear.
it's true they cost a little
mpfe than some other
Shuts blit if it is wear
you want they will please



”’d ',:“'f,Scr"orfler..d. .hat l^ubllc
of be ..-D
r. for
f..r t
ti..u Pf n.ccmy «>f this .urivr.


tJ JkS-KS. Atral-

The IJiijiapl Knsilaue CuU.-r u.fts






after pi'icv is forjrottes.
Owinctotbe scarHty of hoy ill the

the corn

cropahouM be well
token care of





be done

than by nseine the

B LIZ Z,A R D ia
conncclioD with x



The Queen City Implement Co.

wlcrewr Engil.'H."
Catteraare oaC'l.
SoUamlCuitontaod by

ISl Stale Street

Citz. PboneTSl


MMftWvfeftlt MtMtftl t»4Ufl^V.‘AUeu«T CK ffPC.
trddt. ahd’b^"be'1ta» wtot'WHi Jo# aad 'toy Viri a{ Orandpa'e Ytfhfe-ns
dp UB'mmte- od'tbe 'vkrtoba enlaced paperi ai+*[
Ihe trauhle. a Btle Mid Uy oa tbe apala.
petbev tad down tbe loop corridor tbelr outline*, then cut ibem ouf- The|
idM roM M
a acemod quite belpThey were pbyl« tmder the Up Flora frit brr>ourape ellppini: before brown sofe we* the *bore. the bine •
apple tree by tbe hoato oae day when she reached the while bed la the airy rar|«t a big lake, a small table that I
-Oh, Mary:- called Joe. -oom* here they beard a kind of cemneth
room, but idie kept a cheery tsce sug stood In the cornrr wltb ao old sheet;
quich! !'«« pM amaethlac
(he tree abtoe them. A pieat flutter- met Lydia’s welcome- with aa am
dratted la bunches abemt it. a rock'
ioc aad chlrplBp. aad looking np they lot smile.
Thoufta the way be
wUh the waves dashing agalnal luj
Mary came rnaniap to tbe window aaw that two Hrdt were bufldlnp a
-Tou mart come otieo." aid the aides: the clothe* bosket served for’
riftal II Willi a will;
. SBd two pairs of eyua new loefced neuL >.
nmse at tbe top of tbe atolr*.
Krrer atop to look bebtnd
down upon aaother meelmeB of aorIbink you've done her goad. She *
Wbeo clIaiblDjt up a hill
A few day* after that, as Many
They caught'*tbe flsb by trying tn|
t«w In the Jhape ol a llicie
about to atari out for a srajk. the gettine better very fast: we abut book Ibem In Ihe eye wltb ibe beat!
fettoered life.
fbenerer you fret and quarrel,
ud a peenlUr lltU* --Cbln)! chlrpr have her here loop!''
Nu. irtiich was not so easy -a* II j
"Joe. Il'a >urt." said Many. "Poor
And Flora tripped down the aialis looked. Enrtt fish as It was caugbl j
(be window nearest the bip apple
: . Wbenceer you tivwa and cry.
e. How familiar It sounded! It was ad Ik* Joyfully home to tell the
p-.:f on a siring, and when several;
iTbere'a a Uae^oB yoor face that triu little tbinr*^ Chlldbood U not
ato* to aympatbise. penerally.
JDM like Chirp! Yes, there on the pood news to her motfaer.—Young were Obuutied, taimg on the knob of
:il2 Bay St
beeated manbood. .
window sill be perched, calUnp bis IH- People'-x Weekly.
And «U1 tell It by and by. .
the do.-u so Ih.y rould not pu away
-Can't we briap U In and take care P frieDd* of the prevlou* airatmer!
And wh« you fain would look pteaa
More, fliih w.-re added from time to
of fir Hie added. -It will die
CbariUbI* Birds.
Polnlinc to the window. Mary cried
lime t,. th" rollivilon. bill the play
?■« In ttyliM t* *•
there in
eold rain."
Once ui*,n a time a pair of ^Un*
^ ^ thtot^ I WUI -fi». t/y
r.-lm-.| Tor rainy day* «m!y. plnee. and Uaggle luid no plv*aa»t
mn. -Why, Itt Chirp!
The telMale marks will say.
Dear lIlGe
had tliilr neei in the fence newr the Oth< r tiK.Ihi rs III aid a! out Ihe garni- >urd lo play In, nnihlng but the dirty
I the work of a few second* Chirp."

"Bbe or he nay try to be pretty.
e. while a pair of catblr^
to throw open tbo window, rtl
But have been croee in tbrir day."
nnd when rlie showers fell then- wa.i: city .-.trot* y. t she was a haiwt.v IHThai wax tbe first of many ideaasnl
on the roof. pl<* up tbe wounded bird ristta. The next day Mrs. Chirp came,
general llshlny time on dry land.
b- girl Oit.‘ of h. r gr.uit trrasiires
lairs batebet] unt Ihelr young
There'* Beyer ■* rose In all the world and bflnp It Into ihe bouse.
raa a pretty plant .which ber {hmdaybut she wo* more Umid. and kept a
The Same Blrttwlay.
'chool tracher bad given her.
t mahe* MOBe freed
little ol a dlstanrei at ftisl. but bye- about tbe same lime; |uit soon
One summer day Maggie had M
Ilule heart beat ao hard and fast, in and-bye she pot friendly, urn. and robins dlaap|>rsred entirely. Very '.A bIrtMay In J;.tan d<«« ii«i tn-an
tv-al blrtWay. Ev.-ryh.dy has the
Thery* Beror a wind in all the tky
Ham on Ihe wide shelf c
Its Urror tbac Joe could feel It apalnM every day the hnppy pair flew down Ukrty they were shot or trappetl;
ante hlivhday.
canae tbcie muri liave been a<
Ye;.r-« day.jiiiHr wimkra. She had given it i_
i auhea eome bird winf lleeter: his hand. It* eyre were wild with from their home in the apple t«
TbeiWa never a alar but bricfs to trtpfal, aa If It expected
water that moraing. and tbe
pet ihelr meals at Ibe windn*-.
horrible irettmeot et th
waUT had run down throogb tbe
ler In the summer three flufly.
SoM allVer radUnoe tender.
piBBotle creature* now (aatenlnp pretty little Chirps were broupht peared to be slarvlng. When the cal ihirU d:iy of the third month, whu-li Suw.T-tHk and AIf.-d Ihe aaoewr.
Aad never a roey cloud but help*
Hy and by Macgte tsaw.a wpwrrow fly
r eye* upon lu More ml trouble' dosrn there as Ihejr first lerwon in fly- l.lrda came with a Ml of fond fot
nm ^ VnMMMMi k»m To crown the aunaet tpkador;
lo th.' Rhi'lf, up at her wltb a
In enotber shape. Tbe s-t.rld seemed
Tiist was indeed a proud day tbelr yoong the b-jby tv>Un* would nrih da.v of the filth mmilb. which.
)«TH , wi.iil.l l-e May
The motnenl bright lIttJe eye*, theof bop qulekly to i
Ko TUbln but may thrill aoma heart. full of It that day.
the chHdren’t first fesebered make a gn-nl noire and poke ihelr
beads out as far ax they- dared.
blinking, almvndey-ed --Jai." Imhy
Hla dawnlifht-flBdneaB voleiiif.
the plant and take a Jong, deep drink
While the children were' debstlnp friend, ffilrp.
Presently It was noticed that Ibe I'orn. he, nr she. I;, a year old. When from the saiH-vr.
Ood fire* UB an time amall aweet what was beet to be done, and liytnp
He ilrank tmee
New- Yewr-s day eiimes he is :
calMnU w<-re feeding the orphans.
N«»» .1
iw-itv. then flew awiiy.
Wlrnilftp a Waleame.
lure tbe frlphiened bird
Every- nieht. ttio. while one of Ihe
. Even If be -was bm-n .is the twll
»«t,i. 110^. ant.
To art the world rejoleink.
ll almoet seemed aa tbough tbe
they .were not pom* to do It
Flora Kenderaon walked Into tbe calUrda envered Its own yiHUg. Its
the temple was ringing the Inst lin.wn sjarrow must have told Ms
harm. Grandpa oime Into the rooi
ause with an Injured lot*. Site took
performed n like service tor the
'. he w.uild U< r yesro old when frieods about It. tor antne line later
-X>b. Orandpa! " exeUlmed Joe.
off ber hat, stabbing the hatpins Into young robins. In this way. both
first Mrok.' td New Years .Uy two nwuv stkirTOwa cerne for a dripk.
Aua. IS, twa.
I t»Mr n ntib
little bird fell from Itae Mp apple
Ibe crown Impatiently, aod tossing broods were reeved, the robins prowDear Preatdenf '
When Maggie told her molber about
(ToBt Ota, no! I
JuK now riflbt on the roof, and I i
lb«» hat on tbe hall rack as she passed.
p oa strong and lively a* though
groat Wi-thday. Tli.- ll. ibe raid:. -W-hy ptww Uttle Mrdlae.r
I thoufbt 1 would try and write
out and pot hln.''
" Why. what has haitpcned?" her
had been cared for by Ihelr own fun th supfKiBcd two wneka.
lew lisea as I have not whueo In i
“He't hurt. Orandpa. " anld Mary mother saked In surprise. "Ho* did
■ni.- Kiria nn Jh.-lr binh.lay g.i out daye! 1 eltl give y
Its.—l-hlladelphU Record.
toBf. The drat thlDf 1 will tell you "Look at bis winpa. how funny
1-ou find Lydia? Was she well enough
Ihelr dcJlR. Vixi hatv arwii JntaB.-w them. Maggie, and yw'i may (111 II with
la my little twin aliten, who holds II."
. Akd Ufeita ihe dlmplei Ib:
to .-cee »-onrFishing on Dry land.
(Inibt w-ltfi iiltik check*, lint
bom the twentyfltth of June.
.-r every tnotnlng. nnd pul II out,
Ihta pbekM up 'her pretiy tip*,
• Was she Well enough to see
-Lefe see what is Ihe matter with
ry.w tiiirt 21 Hub' clrdn of briatly.
It was snrh a dreary da* w
They wHfbed aloe and s hall pounds. him." said Grandpa. Ukinp
ihim "
^ the* >tae *111 i^o:
Flora repeated croaaly. "No: not well
hair gluwl on ihe U-irk of ihrtr
be next ni.wnlng Mnggl^ put out
Their names are Beulah U. and tremblinp rrealuie In Ms bip. hand. enough to see me; but they let Mar­ A'inU<> Mabel stet^-d In, sbakleg
imt nat i don't m vkr!
the amall dish her motber anve bur,
. _ They are awfully cnle "Why. It b a map Mrd. TbI* Is Its ian Crosby go up—at'leaat the nmue drop* of water from ber macklntuuh
AD Ow others *H up tele,
Taaroncd on Ihrtr harks. Just aa tbolr caretnlly filled with fr«*. tpai water.
aad have hnrdy blue eye*. Pla*M Sr« summer (A this earth. Some bad did. Lydia was well eooupfa to aee and amlllng like a veriuble':
ADd iAt «i ir,
"fm a regular duck!" she cried, iBolheni once arri.vl them. Llttlr ------- not very long hefiire a tbliuty
put tbelr Danes on the Cndlf I
her. It seemed!"
l«y baa tried to aboot II. or
'and I iiaddli-d nut Jnit to amtise my girl* and Imy* the world over, when
We had the twins Mclures taken
me, perched otithq edge St the
Awther NtU* fill 1 kso*.
Mrs. Henderiwn turned the corner
hrown a atone at ll. and bun
■hey ran hn\-t> n chance, tike in do dish and had a piod diink. Tbea ho
otber day. I bare some twin cousins, ring."
. WKh eurir ptte
’ a buttonhMe with precise.'
Ju*t a* -grown-ups" do.
WIIB a rapturous shout I
h.ipptd Into tbe ditdi. and took a bath,
'WbM fa * ctea. Me
stltebea. "Perhaps there was a
fet well we aiv fMnc to hare a pifmaking a gront splaxhlng aad apatferm." abe ventured.
of nrangr Ash. which look oa If Ibey iBg. and seeming to eDJoy, it wry .
tuM lahea |or all the twin* I bare et aod made a nice, son neat of i
• ru *n up (Me:
Flora oat down beside the window ras kissed and hugged, they all we
barn. Mned
trying to awlm againsl Ihe wind. laucb. Wbeo be had flown away. Hag
But UBMRM'aun *twlIJ BSk* M* been plchlnf atriap beaaa, and earned
and looked out. The ann wax shin­ nto Ihe sliUng room to hear about
bandsfed u
They are on top of palen and et-eiy gle filled up Ihe dish w1tb rTv-eb’water. ■
lew rainy day play. For quite
fonr doilans in two anoths. 'n'ben I
lx>y 1* holding ono of tbi-ae up. Tlie all ready for the next cotju-r.
vhile Ihe silence was unbroken s
Blfht I am asrfulty tlied broken srlnp. and put the Invalid
tau u eerty Mrd.*'
bllthHy la the elM nearest the ho
rein by ncrasional shrieks of delight, flab are of paper. The w-lndl.low-s
that Maggie iwl Ibe <H*b of
aad like to po to bed and Bleep. I am
Bd tahe ud dellr tnt Away
"Due u-hy can she see one pirl
through Ibotn. making Ttiefn wiggle muter fur Uie Urds every moroiBB,
fUd that acbool li 'foinf to commence' No Invalid ever had belter
inlerpersed with sundry "ohs"
WKtMBt Mother void.
lot anothM-r abe naked stubtiui
bock ami forth, aa if they srere aciobIthan
inurniBg tbe briMttepwd ^
Ota. auMr omOa ahd eye* *o bliM,
'Company Is company; and if *
ly ewtmmIng.-Sew York Tribune.
lie for a drink and a Bood.
ABd-ya. no* I think o( it.
well enough to see people,
When the lunch bell rang
spiaablDg bath.
act M side comb*, and tour pairs of ■aved for It; the tttieal worm* In
^ loafca tike you!
couldn't I gU up too? The nnrsc Bays
parden were dup up for ll and served
peeped in the door. The blue carpet
Our brlMUeycd bird uetchban ap­
abe-a belter,Haggle and ber molber lived la I
covered with paper fish, yellow,
babim •oat dreasea. I fet them In proper Mrd style. When It pre*
preciate kindnesa. In Ihelr ow* wuy.
Kronper, It hOK>ed out of the basket
blue, white, brown, of every aise and small rooms up on the top floor of
ready for bed at ntfht.
and we mlglH often make friend* with
and began
and walked around and chirped as
Papa does not take the Herald a
shape: each one had a big eye-and old houee In Ihe City, says Every tbem by giving a IllUe tbouMtt >Bd
flMp>e lOBfb Md Boitt, find and py.
overcast It.
sweeUy. and prew quite tame.
*. aad I would like to hare y
the body was bent ao that it would OtlUT Sunday. It was net a pridir attention to tbrtr comfort.
A* hop* are Mi to ha;
‘Tbe kind of person i
the floor, la a clothes
TB*r ton to aboM and mp aad play. write to me. aad aleo the Sunahliit
I would po CO Joe aad Mary, perch difference In the worid
barkel. with n straw bat <« bis
In Oraad Tinrene conDtr. Harry and
'tk «fU aad baaltkfui dtou
their shoulders, or eat out ol their
said tbot
Ib-rcy. in Ms hand a grace hoop
8M,«a thetr apoitt they never b«
bright face cheers the Invalid
^ Well. I srin hare to close i
srfth any one else. II Would look
and makes her feel better: liul o face stick (o which bad be<-n tiUnched
am fHtlBf Ured and aleepy.
wrappInB cord'and a large
them wUb lU IllUe head cocked
' The effect of malarui lasts
latti a long time.
which rellicu anxiety end worn may
a. -I ve caophl him!
From your Sunsfalncr.
side and chirp na 11 to say, "How- make, her uvrrse.
ctiaghi him!" he cried In great glee.
Yoa catch ctJii easily or become nmdo-you-doT' but It did not dealre any
Blenn Dell.
Flora drummed on the wlnduw-slll
sluifl, too!" Seeing me. Ihey
How happy you mnat be to hare tit­
, I do «Mt daad tbatr hrtar* yaaia.
down becaiue of the after effects of malaria
ttd made no reply, lot her mother
luid to explain bow they irorc fishing
tle twin sistere. I am rery flad ihai
fkr Baaiy key*, .yoa feaov.
At nipbl It was put Into 'a cope and iw that her Mteeks
Strengthen yourself with Sccfi*s
want them to be Suniblse hunp up out of tbe reach of old Tab­ Pora wa* thinking—her mother's
dry land, "and we don't have
“^lUk* aadty aea. who dare l« aUo^
muddy or fall In the water." ssM
Aad lae* a Mend or be:
by. for «he had been canght
word* had brought it MiddeW liictvrc
Mal>ol. "UD.I It's Iota of rnn.-too"
Aad youfha vko
looking at it out of the corner of her »>efore h«-r mind.
It builds new blood and tones up your nemo*
Auntie had made palterns of diffei
VSHUsaubDrs. Mleb.
Tt win thMr BiMheria prMae
eye. brlib a son of hungry, yearning
They were anting together I
It Ash and the children laying them
Auf. 17. IW7.
Are b(d to wla aueeca* aa well,,
look that boded no good to birdie.
little hall ootalde the recetiiinc)
B ahd hoMtud day*.
Dear Prasldret:
"Wu ought to name him,-said Joe
and Marian. A girl friend of
I wilt wrtU a few Unea to yoo and one day.
' —0«MM Day*.
tbrtra wns haring n light run of
the rest Of the BaaahlDe anb. I am
“Why not rail tilm 'Chirp,'" siigges- fever, and they had come to ask afi-r
vlilUof my anat at nnillAmabarf. aad d Grandpa. "He.has such a funny
Pora had neter been In a hospi­
my unele takM tb« Herald. I Uioufbt little chirp cd his own lhat be mokes tal -before, and fell norrtxis and frighHater and I would like to loin the as If he thou^t we ought to under­
Mortan's face was hopeful and
ve- .
aad ftna Odcdl. Bk RapMi. Sunshine Clnb If yon would plea* stand tbe meaoinp of It."cbeeifnl—a giwol contrast to h.
aead ta a card aad buttoo. We wtTT "Oh. yeal Let's call him -Chirp.
They were whispering together
try and keep the mla. My slater's Thai JuK sull* him." snewered Mary. le IliUe halls-ay. "Don't look
VfTOU can own a place of H. V. F. •mutM eipb Ctodta Rail. name la Bma. She la aeren and I And "Chirp" he was from that Ume down-hearted. Pn ' Marian so
• your own If you‘ will
D ten. My brotoer U iwelre and
Baatrlea a Dell aad Beulah L. Dell,
Every nerve is a live wire
"JiiK think she's going to get I
just make the start; many
a oarae la Arnold. For pels we bare As the bright sunm ds^sped on
I twins. BfU twu amtba. ‘ Lawrence.
connecting some part of tlie
r soon—took on Ibe bright sit
eat aod three little kuteai. and
Hka«B neat by Bteaa Deli.
a man dates his prosper­
Ch^ prew- stronger andd sWonger iin Typhoid'* not snrti an awful thing; body w ith the braiiL They are
Utua dof. The dora name la4Jidy.
bit broken wlap traa entirely
here, anyway; lots of pcoMe have tl so numerous that if yo9 pene­
ity from the , time he
She la btadc and wUta. Please
I of a talk this week
and he was able to take care of hlm- very Ilghlly, you know. \nd after­ trate lire skin with the point of
bought his home. . It
our cards had bwtona to Dk Rapldt.' sHf. Then the ohlldron knew it would wards they're ever so much belter a needle you will touch a nerve
it fslnf to firu yoa <
won't take as much
v«a« that aba tUaks yoa ■a that A where we lire. I will eloae. be cruel to keep Mm In captivity,
than they were before. . Come, cheer and receive a shock—pain it is
From yqur little friend.
I l{k« to leam. Re)« tkey
money as you think it
they left a window open for him
up; you'd frlghtea Li'db, with sueh' called. Aches and pains come
Haiel Odell.
from a pressure, strain or in­
a dolefttl face!"
fly out of If be wished, aod one t
will and you -will 'never
tad aaervllr wWI* yoa can.
Juat then, while Pore still sat »*'h jur)- to a nerv e; the more prom­
»* away.
taking the-step.
Frtond Chirp.
her band over her face, Ihe nurse
> and Mary felt very aad «-t
We can build you a
a dark, rainy day In tnld- Chirp left Ibem. tor they had ptoiro croBBed the halt with nuisetess tn-ad pain. When the pain comes
from a larce nerve it Is called
home in any part of the
^ the ioM thil<B played on
Joe atqod at the window
be firm friends. They kept tempt Marten'* bright greeting ph-ased her.
city, or we can sell you
"She's doing very nleely." she
WBtehlBf .the ruin drape patter, pal­ Inp crumbs on lha window sill and
one already built. Pay­
let m the'roof-na II they latandad ' ground alt the time In hope* their In reply to her Inquiry. "I think tt. whether it be the facial ncrv-cs,
or the heart, stomach, sciatic
ments on your own terms
keep on patterinf for erer. and be
might do her good to see yoo
or other prominent nerve
SaderM If they erer woHd etop.
see them,
Too mustn't stay, you know.
There was ao much for him to i
itlog tor fouraad do ouedaoru. Joe and bis aUter leaved clover under the wlndou'.
Tiucii: JuM gire ber.n friendly yon must relieve the strain or
Bdva yoa had a kkBdaam Mowbt
smile, and remind her that you’re pressure upon the nerves.
hi heard a fluKer of wings, ind
!•■** H oe.' >
Dr. Miles’ Ami-Pain Pills do
Ornadpa> out on tbe bff. oM tarn. In^ np he saw It wa* Chirp."
thinking of her."
•Tw pot ftrea Mr you bloao ‘
»Bd there were
K> was n cheerfnl. pleasant look- this.
••! >unrr»d lntro»» pain. c*o*»d by
IhlBfB to be seen that Joe feared tbe.
nurae, Pora remcmbere^l.
Mnralgiw. L Sacturrd
u*«4 van.
bad not forgotten his fiends,
nicdK-Inri wuhe-ut xvlltn* r-li-t
OH it bavel Bowb ike yeaib.
tbaaner would doi be Iwf enoufb for aod he bopped about so pleased, and suddenly tbe left her Hislr by Ihe ou>
until I Cnenn takuw Dr. Stilr*'
XM li wipe
ABti-PaJo y.lU. TLr> did oi» mors
him and Mary to explore tbe farm In ebirped »i If telling them bow gtad
wlfiilow aad knelt dotau liy he
gonl than all tbe mrd;. .ne« I rvrr
TUI iB bcaren the deed appearu.
I leaetta aad breadlb. and to, be- sat to see them. He even Jumped
mother s side.
ws*d. Thrr erver fait to cure my
hradark.-e. and u.- Jr uM nrr-r 1-avt*
nm* R oa.
aequsloted with all the wonder­ their hand* to es( some crumbs from
"Mother, it did make a difference,
any bad
ful four-tooted and fratbived frlen*
After that Chirp wa* a dally she said penitently. "I was Jus
>57 W «th Bl Tri.- I*a.
A litUe Wrd'a dbof
Dr. MIIm' *ntf-U*lfl Plili are eaid By
vlaltor. and
always found j>lenty of about scarred to death—It was m
year dniBS'it. whs will ouirantes that
Made the Imaedtoa woods rtof:
aa he stood tola rainy day. dole­ crumb* waiting for him.
first peep InsWe n hospILil. you know. the
hrvt prekaae wMI Wneet. If It
he Will rsiurn your money.
A nui* rflld'^iekRM
fully wairtslna ihe drop* at their
And rni /aiie 1 mt»t have shown
£S -rtTT S cents. Never aold In bunt.
As anlumD feme the days begai
Hade ihr eweeteaallBKBprU|;
work, be fWt
f<w was trying to cheer me
prow cool, and one day Chirp did not when the nurse came. Marian was aa~ tcilci Medical COv Elkhart, lad
A tUtle kowerk BoddlBC
and. It was cue 0
come *1 ail. Nor the next,day enter, bright and cheerful aa «b<- alwsys Is.
- Hade the Mr earth MBk brt^tar maqu or uorniwi you Mfht call
in everythinp. Especially is this true in the kitchen.
A OlU* tabUd-t lenab
e( childbood. Just aa keenly felt hy nor the uexi. unlil Grandpa «ald. "I No wonder the nurse thought It would
Get the best ihinps you can find to cook with, and above
Made sad beerta prow Hfktor.
Ihe ehUd-heart as the traublea of Uter think your friend Chirp has gone do U^la pond to aee her! While I—
everything else get her GOOD Hour, witen we say
when Ihe life I* more mstuie. boutb hnallng for greener tree* and I*, mitber! Well—I'm going
warmer winds."
good we mean good all-arouud (lour, tbe kind that
•appoae the worid doean'l pirate you.
ifh to Mder 'minds they a
and meet Marian now and walk back
From Tuesday. Sept. 2rd. m
Then the obildren went bark
Nor the way some people do;
tridluf {blofs. to ablidbood they
wllh her; then
know all aboot
all det>artmcnU of Ine well
Do yon ihlBk the whole crMUoa
aa i«al aad freai as tbe llteoonowa their city boroe to ochool once m.tre. Lydia!"
known Detroit Business Unihe altered last for yoo*
of after year* Tbe whole world look* and Orandpa'* was forgotieo for
Mrs. Heoderaoa smiled to herself 11-21 WilMa Ave.
Detroit. Mieh.
This Crasl
Aod iaa'l it. my boy or firl.
dark aad dismal, all eniytoent peoe. lime.
at tbe froBl pate awuag to with
This is a flout lhat has neverjisappoimed a housewife,
School It up-to-date m every
The wfaant. brareet plao.
But when winter was over and the click aad Ftora's_ quick foouiep sou^'
•M tbe toture uneertaln aad clouded.
particular and
invites th*
Caa fraua ftrika' trouble* assume any flowers commenced to show their smtlwalk. And she wa^'^aa
most- eriiiesl inspsct.on of
To do the bcM you can ?
tarper ahape* than iheaef
Inp ftces . above proond. and the sir pleased a* Flora when tbe nest/rlsUequipment, work and me­
thod. Our New Catalogue
Joe was JDK about to turn from the
so soft and warm, and the *k> Ing day came around, for then Porai
sent on reefllpl of postal reNevH took Mind. bops.
window to fu la aearcb of klary tor
BW« a beauttrul blue, tbe cblldien
lorlled to po up with tbe pleaaquesL W. F. Jewell, Presi­
Vp and Ob the way!
tame of acme bind to past away U kmged for Ibe preen trrea and praas anl-taced nuisr.
dent. R. J. Bennett. C. P. K,
Tin* MHWb tor toal. keyu,
country, aq^ tbe
bourn, whea ha aa* a flutter
Hopeful, amlhng race* are as pood
Oa son* 1sterr day.
at wlasi aad heard a UUia cry at dis- atnplBp tr the MrtB. and b«^ long os ntediclae." said the



Stone Wort ^
A. W. nCKE^


V, t?iu


** *



A Live






Your wife deserves the
best you can give her

lulu'inn Term


■ H’



> M*ilen Tima
> browned flowed, boa ap e
kettle UnlBg this and oonrlag the eneumbere with grepe vioe leeeee It you
—--- ----can procure Ibem. To a keUleful of „ore geoerel fawrUes than water Cocumbers a to Creme.—Prel One. Into floor and sauteed In drippings or
iraAC4»drHtntMmailMit Cmm Omr»
material allow two teaspoans powder--.melooa and eanlnloupea.
Every oce'larKe cocumbere; then cot lenglbwtoe.
r0mr fl-.tfy Otuaeif. CMtfmr
first Into halm, neat into quart.
It over each layer „ tanillUr w|: the ordinary ways
/-sv-vy /kfiimOy.
of tbe encumbers. Of water there »w%-iBg t
sinetal obcar.- and again Into elirtttbs: amnge In
should be only just enmigfa to cover ||„bi th^re are many ways of prepar-(psn. covered with boiling water, sdd
tbe vegeubles. When tbe period of igg
daintily and o( combining .salt to season aod rook gently
Ibree-fourtht leaapoonrnl cHei-)buoyancy, an etostldty. about tbe steaming Is at ah end drain off the|tnem with other frulu which add. tender. TTsntfrr by means .
Har THumM*.
one-feurth leaspoonfal pepi>er.
water and throw tbe cucumberi IntOjgrBally to their flavor Home Cbr-crlrualner ii> the serving dish c
Fbc irat u rooBf u «>>• oMd to be. middle age of today at which
But <ter teafhUr wu never ilcbter. fathers would bare shaken their heads very cold water. Change this tour,offers a numbw of suggestion* and »qu*r.» of loaa and dress with white
tlmea In four boors. Tton weigh the
»bo earn' thfm oot will be de-jrsuff. uslug for the sauce the water duced to a pint, then let them beThe gulf which
Her hnlr ti blutcMiit. « jk»o tnayeee.
be eggs, add them
which the cucumbers were cooked,
niddlo-aged parent eucwmbers and allow for every pound: lighted with Ihe resull.
8ol the pleMuree-of routb delict
ingrtrilenu to tfae
Salad.-PUce a melon'
fmin hU children bw beea fltled up. or Usree. one pound sugar and half;
I sklJiet thoroughly,
«u. dIum-sUed cucumbers.
Bbe bu kept Uw btart o< a |1r1—slip The curtain which shrouded ihe mid­ cup cold
f cblUed.
leiiBthwis*. quarters, remove drop the UII.T m i,y sponnfnls. brown
_ and
_ cut 1_______
dle-aged man generelly from the eyre gether gredually, and when they
move the hean
lU s|s>iiK>- purls, and wi|.e dry.
each »i.l- .ii;.i H.-rve hot. These
of youth and which caiiMvl him to bo hot la^ in the cucumbers. Let lbem-~-j;;_ ■sifi 'tog^er a small cupful of
aiMM-tlrine slili alimvi any simple
regarded with i+spect It not *lth gwe simmer very slowly until tM”!";' jsi*M.-rsd sugar, oue teas|«nful of
of *■> “
"ret one and onedt^f
has been lifted, and lo obedleuce to lake tbem out and spread upon dishes. Cinnamon, half a t,ae,«,nful of gin.lUtbles.mons .,t butter, add some Bnely prepsratiei, ,,i .-eg, siul form an
- little
- seeded agii-<-atil<- t.iniikh f. i vi-al or mutton
J. Sprinkle 'tnlncc.! c-...........
tbe world
' ■ gt-r and a dusting o
green p«t>per. Fry for abou
', Ihe melon ctibes with this, anunge
Chlm.-e lluii!idii,i-s -Two eupfuls
minute*, siirtlng occasionally.
cumbeiw. and to every
mnned or ci..u,l usual.STI. two cup­
I then lay Ihi- CIK-Umbers over, fir
- ,
julc-and set'
B-bal does It matter about her rear*
**’vn> *»tb sail end a llitle cur- ful* tt.i-ii. It;;.-- louri!-. riipful I
Staoe tbe r«ee of routb attend middledigcd man .>r woman of today,each of ground cloves, cinnamon aodj nu»i;n„.ioo
one-halt cu|ifiil |'»<k..I m-at oaeI rj- powder. If liked. Sea'
her? *
taldespoonftil l>;ii<--r.
Dlll Pickles —Make a brine slrnng
carefull). clean und pol- ono-half cup elder, or clib-r vinegar
Bbe add* to oar slee and icMeaa <
baking (sis.lT.
enough to bear sn egg. Iben add half
Ulie the sbells with Very inseli illUiied. and Irl lio;
re«-1|K- II t, •;
niimili-s. Then «> t
water aa you have r.-d raspberries, fill with the melon
■Wbat a aemoe that la to iwnder.
... vesi h»f.
tirlne. Wash the cucumbers la cold
in bits and a garolsh of whipped
Bbe amilaa aod unable at oeoe
Tbune who are so fortunate a
water, and Into a stone Jar put first
tni. IHspose fruit upon s long thirty mliiuif*. sod baste onre
' departa.
tas been thoroughly c—Cu
layer of cocumberu. then a layer of platter with ehopiwd lee, and garoUh while. Servo hot.
flbe Mvm new coorace to doobUns ive cucumber rine* In their gardens
sod not wait till cucumber* get grape leaves and a layer of dill, using Ith while clover*.'
Inrh square an<l- •’and s-adrown cucumbers and cut Iqio
Ah. hen U tbe blsheat of ail tbe arU ebsap to put Ibem up. Tliey can do leaves and sti-m*. ConUnue in this
Muskmelon Basket.-Select round
niwdtd Itat the lotn-it..-. In.. .i
until the jar Is full. Pour the ult; cut two section* from the flower locA lengtbs: caictully scoop oj
few jars at a lime and In tbit way
nu add to tbe wortdh car epieih
nd flll tbe cavity with minced low saucepan with ib-- liui’.i. i
tn get a much greater variety of
over all. and cover, first with a Id M> os-to leave an Incb-wlde band
cfaickeii nicely sewtum-d with frunbs of a lea»is«.t.liil of sail
pickle*, by using a dlllerem recipe cloth, then srlth a plate, and pul a
' form 11 handle. Remove every salt snd pe|>|>er Arrange In a b
an-elfdilh of a l•'a*lw•.tlrtJl
How Seated are Ibey who think • Mcb time. It It almoat no trouble to weight on top of the plate. The cloth
trticle of membrane and seeds, which
-I vriu to 1*11 you «( th* great baere
and mokten with stocl. Cover I'lace un th.' stove to h--ji win.,
prepare Ihe brine, and take tbe first
off and washed fre­
fit* that Psrnna has accomplished tee
discard Then cut the flesh ont so os
lug the dumpllngy. SIfi th.-1!"
co<-k tender in a steady
steps, or to put up a can or two, while quently. as In making waueriu-onl. ,
me. It has rursd mt of catarrh aad
■n»at jwara are the onir Bwaanre!
' form cube* or amall piece*. Set SServe without redlshlng.
tag powder and half a t<-a»p-*«n
attending to tbe kitchen work lo tbe
Cucumber Pickles —Fill a fruit Jar nh basket and melon m<al on Ice
seemingly aU tba etbar Uls that 1 wa*
flbe nerer baa fooUablr pot awar
salt Into A bowl, stir In i|.c
Fii.d Cucumbers.—Pi-el and
Ing and tbe re«uU will be a well with cucumbers, put lo a tew cloves
subject tc
Tfae rnotb ebe won bore to treanre.
itil thoroughly chilled. When ready h-natbwise in thick allcee; wipe dry ing a m.le more. If ue..v,-or
Her MOr to UanehlSK. but In her eyea filled ehelf in the cellar, almoet. with­ and aplce. with a pod of peppers, and I w.-ke. place basket on fresh grape In u clean cloth; s|>rtnkle with (uttt make a batter that will dm;. ■
Tbe clorr of hope eereneir Uee;
aves on a dish; dust the mat with and pe|.]»-r, dredge with flcnir n;
anew Baa."
from the siwoB. Ml* In thdone.
With weak or daranged dlgAttoa, th*
flbe aeas no iklea but tbe Maeat akiei.
|K)wdered *ugar and heap lulo tbe
•luickly. and plaoe by snialV
l.ruw-n ou both sides In iiiilier. '
An easy ^cklA—A vent easy plckje
A New Short Cake.
M.ivce of strength and vfUllty U ^ '
ol serving U
Her wnrtd la a worid of pteaaore.
ABxmg the table atrawber- repecialiy nice for social /unctions.
paired, tbs Drrvesar* weak, th* btoo#
—Oblofo Record Herald. > make Is cucumber chop. Oood
dumpUng* must not be eollrel>
clrcslate* feebly.
rtes, raspberrire aod blackberries are
Summer Queen.—Free half a waiertbe surface
Summer Laundry Hintal
hu man to eapaUa of IhinUng **Chop three dosen cucumbers
all pup^ar when introduced into a iiielun of lls fruit. Place in the pulUittiily BUIiik' carsiely or doing anything vlgoraasly
eighteen white onions as for plccaUlll. shortcake. A blackberry shortcake U Ished shell a block of Ice. und around
To wash dellme ginghams without w-lU nut be light.
• He Ueeth lone «bo llretb well;
•be pan and
• Ail etoe la life bat flime away:
twenty minutes wltboul lifting the lid.' Tu rla the stumweh ot catarrh will
seeded Iroll. Pul a large pink
clean, bealthy mneoo* m*m• He llreik loc«eat who tam tell
Berve the durapliDga Bot. re a luncheou pr-rince
leacupful of white mustard seed, two fer a bakiogpowder biscuit mixture (be Ice. Set Ibe wbolt- on a plaiU-r cov
Uanee aod Ilia* correct th* dlgesUML
• Of me thlb^ trely done each
heaping tahkapoonfuls of black pep- to tme for shortcakes, but many
Peruna ha* tb* reputation th* world
grape leaves and leadriU hour; afterward wath clean In warm dlshTumato Croquettes.—One cupful oreMor dome this very thing. Aeour**
suds. Du nut let the article reewlii
of a different opinion, and for Iheae Serve with French dressing.
..r Pcevo* proovKy 4UM
111 the «uds any longer than Is iieceathe following sweet shortcake recipe
Mehta Frltler*.—Are a delicious
set* (he dfgcufrr orgaa* «f OMr
s farina. i
»*r>. but rinse It quickly through *evU given by the Woman's Home Comtvoa/on.
ay to use niuskmrious which
! butler, three-fourths
■lent number of large green
paniun. Cream one fourth of a cup­ ille rt|.( 4-nmigh to serve In Iboir leral wstcis. and band In tbe-sbade to
onefaalf tea*poonful onion Juice.
jiMWff tk*
uku >era to make on quart when shood. ful of butter, and add gradually, while
<tae-half leasitaonful salt, oaedghth uti-s or uiilll firm. Turn out carefnlly
me quart of liny cucumbers, one boating constantly, one balf cupful of
(ens|>oODfuI pepiwr. Bring the urniato and serve hot with a cream meo
quart of bnttem onions ofid one quart sugar; then add one egg well beaten.
summer dresses. At night put
Julee Ui a UHI. sift In the farina slow- containing gr.-pn paaa. Us^torndbs
There Ew beea a martted chance In of green lomaloet. meMured stior they Mix and sift one capful ofjlour (pas­ dip into frittei ’ .ler and fry In deep plec-s In warm water lo dissolve,
Dm mental ai well aa pkyaleal at- have been skinned and cut Into quar- try flour, If you pleasel. two teas|»on- fat until a delicate brown, then dual the morning add sufficient lukewartu Ij. sUrring consUnily until boiling, ner ur luncheon entree; or. OOlt tb*
Utode td womanblnd alnee tbe day*
green peppers. Break fuls ol baking powder and one fourth
watei tu luake it (be cooslsteney of then coi* in a double boiler foe sauce and *erv-e them as a nualsb
when Dlckena' beretnea flulieredand the eaulinower Into email flowerets
very (bin water starch Have the^- twenty minutes; mtx In the test ol around a bol veal or beef loar.
teaspoonful of aalu and add
' kindled and were married while aUll
the peppers Into' WU- Then nately with one fourth of a cupful of ol muakmelons. reiccling Ibe seeds, mentt wa-sbed and
(hen the ingredients and turn eat lo czml.
Tomato Hosb.—Tsro cupfaU eoaMd
In Ibdr mlddie- ’teena and donned pat all the Ingredlenu together lo a milk to the first mixture. Beat aad press ihrongh a sieve; make a sir­ wring them out of tbe gum arable Form into eorkehaped croqnettes. or cooked lomataeia. two eagfals
coat with eg* and breadcrumbs and cm*ed meal, rut Into amaU btoeks.
cape and beewne old Indie* at thirty. huge wooden tub or stone jar and thoroughly, and bake in a buttered up of une pound of sugar, one quart wstev, and bung
ter. and when cold add Jul.-o of
The -new woman- doa* not really be- cover with brtno made of one plat of round tin In a moderate oven fseniy
When partially dry.
bring fry- in deep fst. *moJln* hoi. Drain .me one haif ciipTuI stale biwadcnaih*.
lemons aud tbe melon pulp, a.ld
Mn to tnd out her capacity for en- sail and two gallons of cold witter. minutes. Cool. apUt. and
on pupiT and *en-e hui, alom- «t wltb Iwo tal>iesp.»nrula buUgr. aee tablein and toll. Allow Ibem lo stand
Jorlng Ufa. tor thlnUag deeply and tor Let the mixture stand for twenty-four enwhed blackberrlre^lhal have been enough carmine to tint a delicate ..II hour IT more, then Iron, if they cr.-nni saiire or -i ch.sM- sauc-.
slKstafuls onl-m Juice. Melt tbe but
n Inio the fr.H-»T ami wh.'n should chauce to liecome too drj-. just
Uiiked Tumutia-*. wlUi Ctierv..- Stuff ter. |s>ur II over Ihe breadcrumbs, add
«rf<i^ll*btnt tboae iblnc* that are hours. At Ihe end of that lime put .sprinkled with sugar and allosvd
worth wUle in the world'a work, un- ail the Ingredient* together In a ket- stand thirty minutes. Cover w
sprinkle. Oue or two trials will show lug.—Slz medluoi-aUe<l. smmsb tzmia three-fourths of a tereponotal of aaK
-urn and roiilinue freezing.
toe*, three cupful* stale breadcrurobii. and ont^righth of ,
tU Che ha* reached matorlty.
the proper amount of water Ui
and let the water boll until they heavy cream whipped, sweetened and
ae«n the atedowa a* well ai
Five cenu wor^i of gum arable
thoroughly scalded. Then drain flavored with vanilla, and- garnish
HU tbe :
Hellcoo.-Pm one quart of pared
ntmhfnt aod ba* laaroed Ufe-a toe- free of the brine and aland nalde unUI with whole berries.
srtflen several dresses, and they will
Id pltipd mellow peachu). or siprlbutter, melted, one and oneduiU
not only look like new garments, but
BOM UHooKh be^
needed. Mix six
Pastiy and fruit are always
lU. through a ouarse sieve; add Juice
teaspoonfulB of salt, onefourth lea- a baking disk, iben all of tbe oaoL .
Tbe women who are
s-m never stick under the lUi-lron.
ground mustard and a cup of flower celeat combination, and Marlowe
In aU good woib* today have hair Into a paste with a little vlnefar. Tarts but ompbaaize this truth. These of two large lemons, one pint of augar.
Faith RochotfPT. in the Agitcnltui ►poonfuU pei'per. Cut a thin slice
one quart of sw«-t cream; freeze as 1st. says: •boubtless most of OU from Ibe tup of each tomato and and the remaining crumbs on tiv.
pIwUMly Blieahed wjcb gray. Capa Than add one cup of sugar and stir
flUed with sU-wed black­
Bake in a moderately bot ores mUI
•ad eaay cbalra In th* chimney cor- the whole Into two quarts of vinegar. berries and have a very good frnal- for ice; serve In tall glasses with readers have heard of the method of remove tbe seeds. MU all th.' «her the lop bntsrtai.
Ben are relecated to thoae who bare Pour Into a preMTvhig ketOe and sUr Inp. the reWpe for which 1» as follows:
wathlBg withoiit boiling wbU* doihes. Ingiedivals together, stuff the toma­
Dm-llled Tomatoes.—Bit raedlainFlower Melons,—Select small- glob­
loofl paaaed tbe middle tnUeetooe of eoitoUntlr unUI It bolls. Add the
Pick over and wash two cupfiils of ular nu-lDDs: cut every other a.-cthm I>v spreading the clothe* fresh from toes ivamding them on top. and bake slxed liauums. ona aafl ooebaU tatda
life. And In fact, the line wtildi pickles and bon np once again. Pack blackberries. Put In a gninile ware
the sud. in which they were washAi In a moderately frisk
spucmruls butter, on* and euadwlf
down from the top leaviug them
marba old a|e 1* in tbeae early day* in jam.
and stew uniU soft with hlugcd at the bolUim; with a sharp l.. Ikleach for an hour or so In Ibe bol twenty to thirty idinute*. or until the
icmutue* are tender and the crumbs
or tbe twentieth oentury. drawn only
sunshine, then rinslng-^tbetn in
DellWous Cucumber Pickles.—Wath enough water to prev-cni bureing. A
knife remove the seeds and tneniby deataei. not by yean. A tew day* and wipe dtr-smsll cucumbers and
cl.-ar waters, or 'sudsing' and
ste. aud one eighth of
Vrane: then fill coviiy with frozen
Huggl.-d Beef and Tomato—Ctae
■CO a Bweat faced, brtcht eyed woi
'lug ib.'^. This metbod save* both
of salt. And DOW let tw
idace in cans. To 1 sfillpn ®f vinegar
I papriks.
lean, uncuuked beef, cbopfa-d ride «Mb tomfig* im.balraa. c
■Tdl asleep- after many year*
iptnl salt and a piece
m«ting. Beat tbe white
grape leaves. The nearly l.sieened
fine, oue and ond-half cupfuU atralm-d wise, and brvil] over'll dqsr fire. Mean­
•eUre life. To the laat her atep wai aldm the else of a hickory nut
until stiff, using a wire
tmatn juice, four lo six allr" drieel while, beat the other tngredlaou
ttlbt and her bean a* foil of eternal cold and All the cans.
to spreiid your cloihos."
. Iben add
ymitb m that of any dri or sixteen.
n,M. ot ,
Delicai.-ly-c«li>red lawu and organdy loasi. one and .m.-half tablespoon- (they should not boil), amnfls ibo
Sweet Cucumber Pickles.—Lay beaUng constantly,
U any one naked her re*ardlnc her
in brine for three cupful of confSetionerv' suiai'. Flavor globe-ilke effect. This Is
dreKse*. if wai bed In »
lomatnsw on a bested platter, poor tba
Joek at re It Is u>
| i.ol lade a* from uee of strong
yean, ebe eoirid tnithtnlly tell them days, then drain and lay In fresh cold
fourth of a leaspoonful of
sauca over and serve at odcw.
Mehta Sherbet.-Wlih s spoon re.
she wa* nlnety-dre yeaie younc water lor tweotr^our hours. Une a vanilla, and ctHor with fniU red. 1
MUp. Itat two quarta ol bran in ;i,ly rhopp.-d oniou, .
aod that the had made henelf eo. by preserving kettls with grape leaves presume you all know that ifai-re is move Ihe pulp from a number of ripe rack and boll It lo four galloius of otie^fourth leui.|HS>i
Helpful iuggaatlasta.
keeplnc pace with ererr step of Ui< and arrange tbe cucumber* In Uyer* quite a difference between powdered sweet cantaloupes Rub Ibrough -• water for one-half Hour, then remove the butter In a skillet, add the onion
Prtilt stains oBd otfcar dtoeoior*-, j
sieve snd odd th<> juice drained from' the sack and cooteuta. Pour off -vomejaud cot* until sllghlly colred; put In
world'a pr«c^ It waa always i In thU. sprinkle each Uyer
and confectlohers' suga-. PilwJered
Hot* may be reined from dlsbaa
r'~n~ to talk wlUi “Aunt AdeUne.' small pinch of alnm. Cover with cold angsr is sllgditly granular; confec­ the centre*. IMssolve Ibr.-e cu]>ful» II- the water and set It aside. Wash Ibe meat, jacking It down sirild. Cook by nibbing tbem srlth cooudod bak­
the dresMt In the larger quantity of filrring. until ft beglca to
and aa load ation
a* well . She waa Mier and aev-erol Uyere of leaves, lit tioners’ sugar when api'lied to the
ing s-xU motsteoed with watirr. laM
und when cold stlc It Into tbe |uilp. ol bran water, which acts as soap and brown around ihf- edge
a MTlcad example of the fact that by a Ud on the kettle and suwm the con- tongue will dlsuolve at once
s'bicb there should be a quail, and starch. Now- add ihe reserved bran I will break, t-ut this d-ra. n« matterl will also serve the same purpose.
our IbcNwhU 'do we create
ting them where they will
Here are some other blackberry
add half a cupful of orange Julcc. * liter lo th.- rlUM- water and put the land cooV iiiiiil almoat dry. I" *be
elraamenu and enr bodily aod mental
for six houn. fholn.
Turn Into a freezer aud freeze to a dre»j--» Hi. ring out and hang In the meauilme i.'ii Hie btaia'o Juice, salt
wal«r unUI Arm. then pack
Blackbeny Cordial—When pulling
soli mush, tbbo arid a merinpie made
agateware sauceA* tor middle ace. » should be the In jar*. Pill Uie jars to overflowInB
hrinc -o boiling point. Mix
scalding vinegar that hu beea
turn when we be«iB «» *»l
cupful of coufecilon-ie sugar
W..I1 wi.h the meat, turn Into ’’““Ui ironing, Btaelng
Tomatoes i« Temptlag Ways.
of Ufi, 'atwr years of preparation. allowed to come lo the boll with an for use In sickness. Poliowing to an
.-ork down ihorougbly
Tomaro>-a. avoided lo (he ago
- «-nb-i.> Juk-e. stirring until It bmlsl dissolving a package of blue dya tor
allowance to each quart o( a cup o! excellent recipe: Hash and strain j
Says Browning:
' cotton in a quart of but wslar ls verr
siKiiula and fliilsb □ accoiii. of iVi' ciizM- botanical
1 tliiiA'ttaf Pour
sugar, eight wbole cloves, black pep- the berries through a selve To one^
■tlraw old ahmff with me:
or lunch satlsfai-iory and not expensive.
3iio:> lo certain |s>isoni>iis plants. :
,1 -(^e hot. fm- bi
pere. allspice and bUdea of maco. Seal gallon ot juice put one pound of sugarr freezing.
The beet U yet to be.
To sew on shoe button* qd^y.
low- classed among th» most wh.
The last «( life for which the
boil and add one tablespoonful of all
at once and set away to ri|>en.
Ibresd a stout needle with double
in Veffttsbic Ceeking. onie v"-g.1ablc-». -.ay, the tb-lln«al j T..m;.i'. Finger*.—Six strip* stall
waa (node:
The following reclpre reqnlre more tapice and ime tablespoonful of clove*.
-ne cupful strained lomatn linen thread; double this again mak­
•hi- large .mnunT of water and .ixalie
Um In their preparation but the
Onr Ornea are In HU baod
Cook unUI thick- When nearly cold
ing fo'ir threads
By taking ttiTee
leasiesjnB'bo SBlth -A wbole I planned.
suit Is so good *B to warrant It
add one quart of whisky or brandy,
etitrhi-s ihrutiub ibe eye or sbaak of
one-elghth t.-aspoouful
a hundred iwiiilculzrly coollai; lo Die sytl'-ii.
Pickled Gbeiklns.-Pot tbe “prickly then bottle and seal.
„Xo«h diowe btil half; trust Ood
the iKiUira
It held by twelve
t they can b cooked like „r.rt hence U^ef-Jl 111 tbe summer men i..p,, flried bte^cnimbs The strips
knows I
by the tayerSlo
all. oor be aftddr
Blackberry Pudding—H
( other vegetable*. Those who Siare- they are so frequ-ntly *are<-il'ut bread Min-jtd Ire alerut four Inchee
crock, vtesrlag each layer thickly with of fresh blackberries, and
Hold a lighted lamp above tba
three-fourths of an Inch Indaily menu, raw. one sh-mid b.-ur in mind .that i,,,m
flays a writer In the London Specta­ salt; then pour lo enough cold water hot, put in a buttered baking dish and enjoy variety
mickneas Add tbe salt m-uth ei.d you may blow out the
tor. who (oUewB out the same Une of to cover them. Lay a heavy plate on pour over them a batter made as fob and whn are willing to t y new recipe* Itaib the epirare and the hyglaulst «idih
Mat., and n-d le;;ve tbe wick amoMeP
glad to add the following f r<-ciimni-nd a rimple dn^Og uf oihl ^ [e-pjs-r in tbe t»m-Mn Jolce an-1
tbe (op of all tn keep tbem frpm float lows: Beat Uiree «gge and add a cup *111
„ver ihe brrad Angers Let
• Half a centofT ago a man of ftxty ing. Leave the pickles In lirioe fur of sagar. two ubiespowiluls of milk, their list of d»*1nil.le summer vi-g.-- salt and i-'npet, VIneg-ur on tomatoes
To res'iT-- gilt frames, rub Wltb *
1, a mistake, as a mlxuir- '>f sod' ro,.n, .oak. bsAlng and turning nc-flee was regarded almoat elderly, aod twelve to fourteen days, frequently a plaeh of sail and a cup of flour with | table dishes
K-.nge tri-r.-t-a«d wHh lurpewtlM.
a wtmwfT of the *eme age waa expect­ sUrriog them up from tbe bottom. a teaspoonful of baking powder sifted ^ Stuffed Cueum1>ers.—Pare rip-.- eu- seM'-ra proviu healtUl iL In warn, (^sionally until all the liquid Is iibKen.—lie ts an excellent window
In It. Bake twenty mlnOles In hot • Aimbet*. cutting the peeling as thin crather, when the wise bi>u»e..~.-t“'f, »orbed. Beat the -gg slightly, dlj. the I'-anse- Moisten a wootog doth
ed to bare long alnee cut bereeU adrift Pick all over. rejecUng such «
from all ttea.blDdlng her to ber youth soft, and toy the Arm one* tn a kettle oven. Serve with a bard or liquid ’ a* -possible. Divide each cucumber In jTOride* n-mpBriititely Ullle m-a. f"' [,| inln li. coating iiD all eld-v. s Hh It .1:1/ rub the glaaa claan. Pdmil them In dried breartcrumta
I half lengthwise, an-l carefully scoop table, she finds it necessary to suoeti
and to amume the appearaoce and de- lined with grape leavrs. sprinkli
s;-:. ii pi-ce Of CbnBOto.
q^ep fat. vmoklng koi
Blackberry Cobbler; Make adoagb'i ui l-e -eed? and soft pulp, so that tute such jTOields at ehi-et*- an-' eg*,.
pertmeet of n suM. exemplary
fenerous pinch of alum over
Ke-I '.'Ver bung bi a fooa and
paper snd serve hot. wi-b
titw. All IhU baa changed In a parti- layer of gherUn*. Cover with cold ks for baking powder blscall. roll oue-' Ihe walls of the cucumber may be With both of thewc aniH-s v-n—ire-i
i-f • 1-. and abed lU tolnt frariven ,^3 c-jllets or ye-rk tenderirdn.
water and three tblckuessca of grap* balf of U a fourth of an tnch thick left Intact. Prepare a fllling as fol- cotnbiaf well, eaaitiHles
enlariy Inter^Ung way. of wbic^
;--o'jgb tbe air will drive away
I Tcmaiii' Cnstard.—Four cii-i-ii'
and cover IHe bouom of a wrell but-'lows; One cupful of floe brend- In several ‘d the rei-iita* le-l-'w
pramlneot feature U a seeming .
leaves over-the gurlaee of the wi
Tomato R-ibbli -Four medi im-slxed choj’ped raw tomat'a*. or tti«- c.ji,
uedlettan. If the three-year^ild diUd put on a closely^tUng toj>. and steam tered pudding dish. Cover with black-1 cromlis. one cupful of minced cold
egg.- ..r,e( today to a* knowing as wss the six- over a low flte for half day. Then l-erries. sprinkle with sugar and add chicken, one u-a*i«otiful of minced lumatiKS. one cupful flnely choppefl^jnl* canned tomabe-t.
A PercAIng Bird.
onion. sJ-ced. ope .mall
yenrold of bmf a century ago and the drain the pickle* and throw Into ctfld i> few- bits of butter. Take onediaJf |«rsle}-, ten dnsps of iralon Jnlce. one cbeete. um-tblrd c-ij-ful cream. >olk.
|tiprika of rayenne.,
parsley. ihre.Many person wonder why it Is that
UB-rearold boy of today to In many water. Hav* ready one galon vinegar tbe remalalng dough and cover the'tablespoonful of melievi butter, two One egg
tevu>po>.of'i. sell, ow-eigbth th< bird aaanma* a sluing posltioD aod
lo which has been added eighteen all- berries. Cover ihis with another, tablespoonfuls of cream and^’t snd Select a uoft American cheese, pre-1
TewpMis quite as math a man a
layer of blackberries, sugar, etc.. and_ pepper to irete. The
msy be fcrwLly roll cream Fut the t-nnatoif* | ie«,oon(ui pepp. r Simmer the loma K-- perch while aiteep. Tbe reason
hi* grendtatbm at eighteen,
spice, three doten clov-oi. three '
onion. ba>-|e-af and parwiey
is That the teadoB that runs aloog tbe
mgbt nawrally, expect that H
Mack peppereoros. one dosen blade* mil-, a top crust of the remalolag'softened with more erv^ If it I* "“i li. halv--i crosswise and broil them
OBdatloB tbe moder* mlddle.aged -of mace, and one cup ngar. Boll this dough- Cot the top through tbe een- sUff. Fill the cBcnmb.4 Ikbiu. round uv-er a brfak fir-. Keep tbem nut covered saucejian for AfiM-n nlnulre<' leg and Into tbs dsw* eonOWCU when
ihrerngh a aiere. There the bird aaome* a rilUn* poaitlon. s»d
mac abould be old bi^d hU yeare- vinegar for five minute*, ibni smit ter both ways for three or four Inches.' Ing to the top and idace in a baking- while mtoing the rabbi’ Scald the'tji^n
keeps the daws In close cootwet
the cold gherkin* In Jars and All the ti> permit esoipe of steam and bake dub Pour around them a w«Ji-s«Bnt such to not the case.
until cnist is well done. This msy. stock of gravy, sprinkle the cu­ Btantly -juill It melts; d-w to the qoc add stock or water Be*l the'with the perch. When In that port-Middle age. so far from hurrTing on jar* with tbe scalding vinegar.
f„r all Ihe Ingredlenta together u«, the bird haa no eontrrt over Ms
Into emillty. so far even from stand- Sweet Curumber Phrkho.—Select be made with but «ie Uyer iJt fruit., cambers w ith fine bread<nimbs. aud back of the stove add the yolk,
nogit greased baking-cups. jeUw -v and could BOt relax Its flrasp
used, j bake covered half sn hour, then oo- slightly taaten. and ps{-r.ka (0 taate; '
mg sUU. wuold seem actnally to bsre rattier •mall, ripe encumbers of uniand j „,od them In a pan crmtalnlng b«
] iftried to do ao. for the b
re a'corersnd browti. Remove to a plat then iwar It over Ihe lomaioe*
Blewad beakwird aod marched alchg- form aUe. Steam them for three
the tendon cooUBCtad.
Iter, and thicken, the gravy with a verve at once with dry toast or w-mfer*. | ,.at,r and bake for about flileen min j k—
bonrs In a cloacly-covered preaerrlng
eWe of youih. There U a J

lii,l."SJ"r..“««rs..S'QOOD DIGESTION








fits X ie 12


Th» StTMt Railway. .

fioaoKtad «I(S Um trtel
sad iBtanntss raHwar (or tUs «Uy.
Mr. DtBM faw cai^raur stodled tbi
frssddaa as ^stad by tbe coodcII
ssd has aakad tor om or two lalDo:
(^aagaa that wOl not affect the giMf
el term* o< the pnvoslUoe. He statet
be bHiSree that the chaasee «1U be
' Made without heultetloB by the eoao-

be made to pobUeb the praepecasd bc«bi'tbe work of aelUoR the
hoods neecaeary (or the earrylnc out
p the contract wt the Carter Oooirwetioo eompeay. Mr. Deeeeo Katee
lat (be recent flurry la the d
market will not affect this pr
(be aUsbtaat. aa the (soda Euaraaleed
by the Carter CoottroeUoD com
are already prarlded for.

lac to loclede mateera of purely local
-I hare at leaat 60 letten on my
deak already.* aald the coeernor yeelerday *aaklBa (or the paatace at
local acta, hat I will not ioeiude any
of them In my meauge
-1 hare decided to ask (or the
use at Booe meaeai* aboUiblng

No Mere LebbymG
Detroit. Mich, An«. 27.-C«Teraor
Warner win include In hit call (or
hying .ahould hare lu limitations and
epedal aeatloo at the ledaUtoie the abocud not be permitted to work wb<
Be baa presand bla proopeetaa
M eooD as be ntorai. «bkb win be matter ot lobbylnc. bot he will tfoon the senate and bonae are In aeatloo.


*Lanalng hat been flooded with pro(eatloutl tobbyiita In piat yean and
they were in erldenee daring the laat
■eaaliM to a gnat esteoL That they
exert a baneful inflaence cannot
doubted, and I am cooriaced th
ttept ahould be taken to curb them.
An eSort it beltig jntde to Induce
the gorernor to let the special tewlon
reccoalder the guettlon ot comp
tlon for delegatn to (he eooatltutlonal
conrentloo. Whne admitting th« the
matter had been brought to hla alteotion. the gorernor would make no
comment bat- It la hardly likely
be will Interfen now that the nomina.
Uoaa hare been made and the election

win take place before the tpedal aearioo ii caltod.
•Tt was my IntenUon to call the spe­
cial aeatlQs (or September SO." tald
the goternor. “but at that (allt on
Monday. I win pot orer a day. In
taking up tbe primary bill 1 think that
the legltlature thould be glren tb*
opportunity to amend any local acta
where there It a demand."
Tbli will give the Graod Raplda
delegation another chance te gK their
rrimary bill In the Umellght again.
Wreck Averted,
tgnare. Mich..
t^'hat would bare been aa <

and .poaalMy fatal train wreck
tbe Soo Une In BrhooIrrBrt ec
waa trerted by a decMedly na
maiUn Tbe fact that Darid <
neiu !• an old-Ume ball pUyer and
o( aibletir UuUd saved the nUIrcnd
company many (bouaanda of doUara.
Local frMidtU Hot 41 and 40
iQToired The former left Whiledale without waiUng (nr a ck
ance and would hare met No, 40
a curve near the Rugglee farm had
not the heroic efloru of the ManlaUquo depot telegraph operator and
Mr. Coualnean been eSertlve. The
White Marble Ume company's plant
at Marblehead had telephone connect-

ton wHb tbe dty. and the o(S
awa at once called up.
Tbe tiiuation was nplalned to Mepertnlendenl Coualnenn. and. dnppteg
the telephOM receiver, be ran at top
speed to the tallmad track, a mile
and a quarter away. Tbe train waS
paaslng aa be reacbed the tiac^ bat
the engineer caught Ut stgaai and
•topped. A few mlBules Isler !4a ••
came In aigbt.

Bayonne. K S. He is vrell known
the dty and baa leveral rTiatlrtn

The Hannah & Lay MercanfUe Co. ^



Is Traverse City’s School Supply Headquarters
We have absolutely cyerytMng that is needed by the Teacher or .Pupil from the Kindergarten to the Senior Class.

Eadi ikm in our Iaii:c aidcomprclicnslrc showiig has been selected wilb an eye to quality. We arc certain that tbe follovlos list of the many desirable yalncs to be
fonnd bcrc will convince you of our readiness to supply your cvciy need.

The best of rubber at Ic. 2c, 6c. iOc; the Emer­
ald Eraser at 6o; the Typewatter Eraser at 5c and
10c; the extra Erasers for the penals at Ic; the
Ko^ed eraser at 5c and 10c. These come on
square, round, flat and obloog.

_____ Everything used in the High School/'in each of the four year's courses.


Latin. Literature. Algebra, Botany. Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial (ieography. Civil
Government, Commercial Law, Coi


Little and Big. Long and Short, at Ic, 2c, 3c, 5c,
10c, 15c, 25c. We have them in wood at the above
prices and in rubber and celluloid at 25c.

I. German. Geometry. Physics.

While the school supplies fhe tyioks to all below the Eighth grade, yet there are

Such a host of these, at Ic, 2c. 8c, 6c and 10c.
The Fabers, the Dixon, the Eagle, the Amencan. all
these popular pencils in black, red. blue. pink, green
onyx, jmHdw and white colors, and m round, square,
hexagonal and triangular shapes
Every time you
buy one you get a good one.

many parents who would like to have their children own their books to study at home, so
we carry alkthose Arithmetics. Get^graphies. Grammars, Spellers and the .like.

We also

have all the different books that are used in all the District Schools in this part of the state.

A V/^KIQ The greatest line that you will 6nd and about everything that is used in
wl^O any of the schools, and the whole_sells. for 5c each—Crayola, Charles’
•WaJ^ots. .Bradley's New Colors, Map Crayons, Oil Cfkybtfs, Colored Pencils (14 colors in a box),
teveo colored Chalk Crayons in a box.

Water Color Paints
The Little Artist’s Paints at 15c and tbe Prangs'
at 25c will be ut^ again this year, and everything
that you want in the way of brushes.

PPW140T rSp^RR We have a Une that if not seen every day. for there are all the
I-Csi^nV,/L^i^£:srkO different shapes that are made and all tbe colors that yro.cao
think of and the prices will be Ic, 2c, 5c, 10c. There are-little ones forche little ooei and bigger
ones for the bigger ones. Any sire to fit any hand.


Waterman’s Pens

One of the most important items in tbe life of the scholar and we
have literally thousands of these in all grades from

When you go to school you want a good pen for
your work. When you take notes you don't have
to keep dipping for ink. and many times you need
a pen when it is not handy to be near the ink.
We have a full line on purpose for such work,
and they come in fine medium and stub pens and
different styles of holders.

1 cent to 5 cents
Four great tables filled fall of the most attractive covers that
have ever been made.
Those at 5c and 10c wiU be ones that the scholars will call for most.


Blair'S loU line ol 5c, iOc and 25c
iqsecially designed for scho«d purposes

Note Books
Forallthq different kinds of science
work—the ones with tbe cover with a
button back instead of the laced, and
an kinds of papers suitable for these

Drawing Papers


For ihe different kinds of work, in

We have all kinds for all students, at ;
10c, !5c, 40c, 50c. 75c. $1. $1.25. $2 n0|
and $2 50—any style cf binding to suit* 1
A book that every student should own ;
so to never be at a loss how to speil a !
word. When you want one you want <
it B A D and you should always have ;
one at hand.

white and Manilla and three different
sixes. Sells at
< Ic a aheel.
2 lor Ic,

different studies.

4 lor ic


$2.50 to $6

Many of the occupations that arc used
io the school you would like to havp at
Colored Blocks at 25c. Parquetry
Blocks at 2.5c, Stencils at, 10c, Word
Building at lOe. Something to amuse
the little ones.

? the Only J

Raiaa and Reeds
For use in the Kindergarten
or for weaving at home.
Have it in all the different
colors and different sizes of

PencU Boxes


-■5c. 10c and 25c } All the newest novelties and'all we have sell for..........................................................5c, 1 fie andl5c each

For all kinds of work. These sell at..





Kindergarten Books

That 18 what you want and we have the Esterbrook's Vertical Writer No. 536, and the Esterbrook's Modified Slant No. 702. These are used most in the school, but if you want others we have
the Esterbrook's Falcon and Ladies' Falcon, the Spencerian No. 1, the Giliott's No. 30:^ and the
the Jackson Stub, the Aluminoid, the Lyon and Patterson, the Glucinium and Bank and dozens of
others. Alt kinds to suit^ail writers.
You may need Ruling pens. We have them at 15c, 25c, 50c.

Mother Goose Songs, Ethel Crowinshield. 30c: The Overall Boys, Eulalie Grover, 50c; Occu­
pations for Little Fingers, Elizabeth Sage, Sl-10: Bunny Bright Eyes, Laura R. Smith. 50c; Phe Plan
Book, with Paste and Scissors, Grace Goodridge. 2oc; Finger Plays, Emilie Poulsson, $1.25; Lady
Hollyhock (a book of'N'ature Dollsj, Margaret Walker, $1 25: Educational Gymnastic Plays, Fanny
L. lohnson, -50c.

Thfi AvAPacp Rnv and flirl Can cause more grief with their shoes than the gas
iue Aveidge puy d,nu uui ^an. They rip out the uppers and grind out the
soles in no time. A shoe to stand any length of time must bebetterthantheaverage shoe.

Our “SPECIAL SERVICE ’ Shoes for Boys and Girls are better than the average shoe. They’re well stitched
with silk thread and have extra good soles on them. Shapes and styles are as men’s shoes.
Hic Boirs’ Shoes ScU for $1.75 to 2.50, accordios to size.
The Girls' Shoes sell for $1.25 to^OO, accordiog to size.

Mkv. Auouar n. mr.
(ctaTE op HldaCAN. tba Wobats
Ne Ugirer Here.
Oourt-fot tbe Ctomty «( Qrebd
Bvldeatly tatog a streag
Tbe O. W. D. baaa ball team tailed,Jabea Rabler was ealtod. He
of the temperanew cause, and vranUnc
tbe Acme pltcber Sander- side tbe boose when the Pole trted to
aaM court. beU at
do everything la
____________ tbe blow etruck.
___ to tbe cHy of Trav.'
fUpOrt Kltlcd.
LBCity. to
In aald
said eoruty. na (be fiOtb
weQ played game by the score of
Taoflor, Abs. *8—II la repi
w of Anguai. A. a l»T.
wUto 1. The O. W. D. team made sev­
Here dm Attdul Axlx waa uaaaati.. .
PTftm-. Hon. Fred R.
" Walker,
i«, mt . ,1.™ I. ac
aena and be was on tbe sUnd at 3.30.
«KkO.Bat»............... .....TIrePMMa
lodge of Prolate.
to the palace at Fes br <me of tb« M- eral ceetly errors In tbe first two sec- luete are two more witneanea to fol­
reading as follows:
■a ol UuUI Hafle. th» nev lultan, tldnt wbld helped gnlte a bRln tbelr
•Tiiu,d«-<1 I* npoo tbe egpr*as»j^„„"^„^;j7^'^»« ™ «
defeat. WlBlaina. tbe Acme pltcber. low. Justice Nelson U besrtag
who ii not yel acksowMced.
condiUoe that no beer, whiter or| ValenUne rhinn bating BM In saM
. _ exeeOenf work for Ue visitors,
other Intoxicating bereiages anau ev- «™.rv ou onai aamtnutfaitaa aecnoat,
striking oot IS men. and Deltner for
Cenwr ttana.
. Death of Mrs. G»xabetb HarrlSi
t eonier atone of.Oraee H. E. be O. W. D.'s also Sid good work.
eboreb wUl be laid at Btee.Corsen.
slrirrions of law as to dreg storwa) of aald ecuir.
Tueadar afteraoon. BepL 3. at 2:)0 POau are flying op and local stores and In ease of »ucb sale tbe aald' It U ordered, tbai the J«tb day of
Tbe Rev. doeeph Dutton and etb- Jerry 8. Doe of Omeoa and Htos CSly tort now of Great ^alto, Mont.. re baying for 67 and aeUlng for 61 premise, and all Imprtwemen.s Urere-' September A. D. twif. at t
I vrlll be preaent to dellvee addreaa- Chanoete Fisher were unltuO l:i mar-'will be grieved to hear ef ber death ntto It u bard to tell as yet wbeth-,^
at tbe home of the bridt-s pir-jWhleh occurred at her home
aod a moaical program will laao be
r this scare iri
"“>*, heirs or assign* at his option aid this !□*
Hr. and Mr* Hues. 11 Ktoher. u« «tor. Aug. II. of bean trouble and otba specutotion^ It will be known 'l^-lj.-ed shall become null and vtdd."
It 1. further
Haple Ctiy, at bUh noon Saturday.
ever, about the last of the month. Tbe : ^
Evertti wan the purebast
DCiUce thereof be glrre by pwbHcnlloii
A. A. AllingtoB offictatlng. Tbere held from the First Pi^byterlaa price about Ore first or tecood of S=.-i> ^
tae featnre of tbe occasion.
of a copy of this order, for three aoe• aboot twenty-five friends and church, tbe Rev. J. H. Oriffilb official (ember will l» tbe approximate foij
gtpmhen Witr* Paralys.a.
cewtlve weeka prevlorm to mU day
Heme Coming Week.
I wedding dirr log. and burial uklog place at High
of bearing. In the Grand Traveree
I'f year’s crop.
j Albert Weeee, an employe of B.
A -bosreoomlnjr week to becotnini;
Herald, a new*|«per printed oBd df
land rvDiKer} .
ras served.
Tbe marker w.vs busier than usual 1 Morgan s liaro was slrlrken
an eatanltobed event In manr cUles
rnlated in said coanty.
r- gmna to the reral free drllra
cracked rib and various bruises
yeeterday. Deve^ loads of bay.'lour J ulyvls uIjoui a week ago and to
FrrvJ R. Walkrc.
ta tbto eoantrr. Tbe dtx at Bnafflo
carrier out of Otnena and about t<
day. tesulUng from an attempt
Judge cf Probate.
will bave voeb a oelebnUoo tbe fl
Truvtiae City when U waa nothing
ove bU stone horwe Uock. He bad miles from the village, owns a fi
Tbe price of pis limbs to'Ing lordly affectedstock
1 a wllderiiess. remalnlog her
on which he and his hriile a
wblcb the Herald boa received.
seven years ago. when sbe n
Srat dar. Bondar, will be dercnneti'a
tbe west to be near ber children
bad fall.
father and tuoiher movi>d here aboi
dar. when reunlnna vrlll be beU
Old Mission Regatta.
ID her declining years.
■ «f tbe ebarehee and -addreeiHS will be Ceorpe Send Was AMe to Walk
F. Hoffman, buyer lor Gridley Mu thrrw weeks ago, and |lve ai iSt 1
At a snadoo ot said cssurl. hold at
>ld MtosluD. Mich.. Aug. :6-Tbere
dtfrend br lonner paatora of the
on A Co.. Cbicsgo. bu eslaWtohed Prool Slrert. where the yoimg mr tbe probate ofllee. In (be rity at l^tI a good sired cruwd present on
Oaalb of Philip Perron.
Sheri Olstartoc Today.
?r*e City, In paid county, on Ibt'Oth
Iwing taken earv ol.
vartowa eborebtw. Uondar. LAbor Unr From-Tuesday's fUdord.
p|pr;6.xurday at Old HUslon to
News bas been received In this cUy hendqnarier* at 118 south Unton
ty of Augustl A. B 1*07.
Win be devMod to tbe worklns peo­ George'Bund, who was so aeiioii
the regalU. The Ahneep, the flr*l lat Philip Perron, for many yreiw strivt and is d<dag a rushing hiiKlnesa.
Present; Hon. f-red R. Walker,
Hunting for treubla.
ple; Toeadar. will be Drcman'e dar; Ij Injured while walerng a horse
idge of Probate
It over the line, finislifd first * al­ rceldenl of tbto ell}’, died yesterday Ho stales thiil Aslrlcans and Tnurs•i ve lived In Callfontla 30 year*,
In the msuer of tb- i-siair W BltaWadneadar. Canadian dar. with pa- Ho}>kio's Ice bnuse yesterday, to d though the Alidia gave her a good In Uh Angeles,
parenu are bringing more than they nd
am still banting for imuble In the
M. Harris, deceased.
radea br Canadian troopa; Tbnradnr ing very nicely and arms able to i rice the first lime aruiind. losli
beay of burns. M>n-s. w-ourids. boll*.
of Mrn^Josepli Perron t.f 635 South
Mllfonl R. Harris having filed la
■ fore. irncbesK are bringing |35o l»er Its, sprains, or a caw <>f pile* tbal
win be McKlnler dar. with
Union street, and fmnd walk n shod distance lb fumble at the '.t.vrilng buoy
court hU petition praring that
of tbe McKlnler monumenl; Piiday morning aricl he will n»l be token
larrel. Astricans and Transparvnis Huckleti s Arnica Sahe w<«i 1 quickly lid court adjudicate
second trill amnnd tbe irlanguUr made bis home with her.
wUI be devoted to fratenuU aoclellca; the hospital. His par.-iiu arrived In course.
hringlDg 83.
Mr. Perron, who was SS year* cdd.
IV. Sierra Or. No use banting.
U-cal hell* of said deceewd aud
tbe cel^ralkm to done oo Satordar,
lerv' are a few specisla which
In the monilng. there was
uiie to ijiis city when he was but
city from Chl.-f lAhe
entitled to tuherti the real esUli- •<
- rlwe l>nig
wblcb to deaixtiated h« rbtldieo s
P-1 fur yinir iiihle luday, of your iiinnuiK-ed C.
Authw'iyii wind whieb went
• y.-ars of sge and riinalned lor six
are now with (lie boy.
llannab Drag wblrh aald deceased died selied
I. a Wail A
he aflemuon so that tbe Jack and -en year*. -Hie rumains will pndMie
It to Ortlcved. that the 3flth day ot
Some time a«n. a movemr-nt »
e. e. cenverttier).
Jill and other larger buals did not en­
arrive In tbto cHv on Saturday, and
Se,,|e,„ber. A- D. 1»"T. at ten o’clock
started In tbto ellr. for a carnival
Ihe foreniiofi. at aald probate office.
The officers of tbe local council
le arrangements for (he runerel
ter. the Ahneep, the Alpha and Ken
Sevtnteen Pennies tSoten.
. and Is heti-Uy u|M>olDted for heal­
Icat one week, wilb Ibc auicgealloti the Christian Endeavor Union met
neUi Ransom's sailing canoe Itelng the hleh will be held fnim the SL Fran
aald priHlon.
that K be made an annual oveoL Whr the CongregaUooal church last nigh only contesunu.
cis church, have not beeu cowiplelod
The power
Walermelons. tn to Ch cento each.
further ord-ved. that publir
wOBld it not be a Kood plan for Travmade plana, and appointed c
P not held.
but will be announced li
Swi-et ap|>U-s, 15 cents a peck.
by pu'
pennies st.den on Monday night. From notice thereof lie
«ne atr (n bepln oarir next year and :mU(ee* for the coming dlaliict r
Ilf Ibto order, (or ttaree sueJliiskuielons. 3. Id. 15, and 30 cento the alallon the thief went to If
prepare for a grend cwnilrBl
(WMlve'wra-ks previous lo sold 4a> of
venllon to l>e held in this city In
A Cloae Call.
Nclaon Morris Dred. loon of Jnm.-H Torch and Irl.-d
btWM«aalns week? There are bun- latbT iwrt Ilf SepltTtilKT. the exar
Chlrag.., Aug. 37—Nelson Morris, i
While ruiuillig fioni Elk Rapids
Sw.vl iM.I.-ilws, k eenis or tw
to entrance liul *'as not su
dreda of people, former rttidimtt. of date not Iwlng fixed <i|k>ii. There wll
a ncwspn|H-r prtiiKvl and cltculau'd in
Id Mission the Maivsia. a (wenty-fooi pioneer Chicago luicker and multi
The nothoritles think Iha
tbto dtr. located In varlouf parU nf seven euunlb-s represented at the con launch belonging lo l»uls and Brackre. died at his home bere t
_______ ...._____
roldM-i?' was the work of an
tbe eountrr. man> of whom
venllon and « Is exiweted that Ihetu
Heigew and carr.ving the former
leait disease, aggravated by
leur and as the person seemed
bare to apeod a few >eeka
will be over Km delegates in tbi
and Alfred Moore and Henry Hull,
rsmillar with (h« office.
dajB dnrlne tbe summer •
at that time. Tbto is the 191
of ibto cD'. rnn.lRto a heavy aea Sun­
Bummer squash. 8 rents esch.
One of the lesIdeoU was passing
-'Tiwveree atr should atraoee a prend nual convention of the enclety and the day and for a short lime the Imr#
CublMg.-, 3 cents u pound.
(he deiKil alH.iii IS o'clock and saw
iMMBfrcooilac t^ebreUen* we woald local people are planning to make
a precartou* situation. The
Radishes. 5 c<-uls iwr buucb.
one In the offico. but liiinkliig
City of Mexico. Aug 8J-H to an­
pot oelr
bandreda of former
the largest convention of It* bis
coming from three ways and
^ath of Or. King.
H was tbe agent. Ibuugbl oo more nounced here that peace in Oentral
Ideata but tbotwmds of others 1
In trying to dodge all of the waves
held thus tor.
Word ban been received In Uu
nloui until the story of be robber?' America to now assured through (be
tbe samncdlnc coantir to come bere
the boat took Ig considerable wsier lai Dr. Xing, foraii-rts, a well known
- on. He said that whoever It Intervention of tbe t’nited Btatw and
and enjor khe featlvlUea.
A Forger at Wnrii.
which short circulled the Ignition practicing physician iu tbto city hud
Mexico. Forraal stotemonU glrtag the
seemed to lie very familiar
Tbe Herald would suintest that tbe
An nmateur forger has lieen
and stopped the engine. .
patrti'd away in U»* .Angeles, Cal.. Ur.
(loiuils will probablv be'laaued Within
the place as be was looking ove
board of mde take this DiaUer
alJnginTrav-erse City and basmanag
moments tbe party King was well known In this c
In few day*.
for carefol coaslderalioD. and we be- ed to get 831 from local bisslnesi orlfled helplesajy but by bard work lupber of year* agi> when he left for
Bere that eelebrelloo at tbto kind houses. Alfred V. Friedrich
they balled tbe boat out and got
he west, .viid he has a number o.(
That* qvotationa
wo^ ooDsUtoto a Krand cennk
Hurry Back saloon being the viellms ranning again. They made for f
reetad ovary day. Tba local market
allves b'-re.
former twldents and aBotd as
The name of J. W. Uarkbam
ahore and landed at tbe farm
priaaa are aupptlsd by local dtaier*.
splendid enlertslnmem for old fHeoda signed on both cbt-cks.
George Roberto where they lodged
Death af H. E. Wifaen.
n>* eutoide quotaiiaim by wira,
sad the people of
Although made ont to different per over nlghU returning lo this ell. with
The funeral >ervlc- uf H. E. Wilson
cnontiT. To arranko a celebraUon ol sons, (be ebeebs were erldenily the the boat Honay.
as held Mouduy al Conii.-a.
thH kind, would require leveral work of tbe one mao. Tbe one passed
r. Wilson di.-d of lyphold-pueuMoathn* time In . .
at (he shoe store was for 816 and
Plaaaantly Bntartalnsd.
monla Friday afternoon at the age of
In our savings department we wUl op«i
d begin early ;in (be made out in favor of Ralph Jt
On Monday at the reaWeace of
year*. He came lo tbto rity Iasi
Galling Prices.
an account for you aod issue you a Pass
9rtag in order to make It a a^endld while the other was for 88 and mad mint. Mr*. Morrison, at Tube. M's* spring and with C. A. Torrey started
Book, when you make a deposit of $1.00.
oat to Ralph Davis. They were delect Grace CorlieU will become the brl
the Thretorum- He haa since resided
Why not begin early and arrange cd at local banks this moralng.
of Ehwln Baker, of Dwight. III. and
In Conneaiit iilUioucU he relalneil Ills
aonelfalag.of this Mod?
The man came into Mayor Fried honor ol the bride-to-be. Mn. Her lull-rest 111 tbe buslu'-ss here.
This dollar is the first of the hundred that
rich's place of business late Salnrday b«t B. Montague and Miss Helen
will accumulate almost before you know it.
Farmare »iU«fled.
afternoon.,bought a pair of tan aboes Stout entertained twelve >-ouug
«ra Got Fooled.
Pannen aod frejl grower* of tbto and cashed the check, as It was afte dies at the home of the former yes­
Illy ccHigblng mj-selt f
■eeUoo have «verT reason to be gret. closing time for tbe banks. The oth terday. The afternoon was spent I
All deposits will earn three per cent inter­
Ued with tbe aenaons’ pr^ducUona
cashed either Thursday
making bidders for Mtos CorlK-tl and ]
est, compounded twice a year.
dbga tor. ad a preapect lor a full bar- Friday.
dainty refn-shniecito were served, con­
vaat. <3ore to doing finely, nnd polie to God. I was induced to try Dr.
sisting of
100 tbs
......................... 1.80
tgton PriMBlse a big yield. Apples
King's -S', w ni*.-nv..r>-. It trsih Jui-:
Fruit Cocktail.
Great Friut Crop.
wUI be'pleDUhil and will bring a bigb
Bensmila. Mich- Aug. 37—Farmers Creamed. Salmon in Tliuble Cases four one dollar l.nliU-s to omi.l.-t.-ly
cure the cough and restore me iiigiH*] Hay-I-erlon....................... 16J)0&33(
, pttoe. The aeme to tree of all other I this 'teglon WD jubllaol
Bread and Butter Sandwiches
sound health,•' wTlies .Mrs. Eva UnfnilU yet to be galbered. Grand Trav- fruit proapeeu. Apples are bringing
litocaIlo|>ed l*utotoes
r.-i|iher .of Groverttiwu. Stark Co.. Ilid. spring Chicken., per lb .......... ^
«ne farmere and rrattgrosrers.tbercChirken Salad
cento per bnabel. peaebre $1.40 '
' Olives Tbto King of couch and cold cun-s,
nod bi-aler of throat and lungs Is
tore are to be envied by tbelr
the white vnrtetle* and blackberries
bv C. A. Bticliee Co . 3. E kSigs .................................................18
tortimate brethren In various other is per bushel st the depot.
? Ice
)nig Stnr.-,
poniims of the eonuy.
Oldest and Strongest Bank in Northern Michigan.
The region is fairly peppered with
Trial l-t H«n. per lb...................................
Tbe amoep rioted today,
The d.-eoialloiis w.-r.- g.d.lcii glirw
apple Layer* after the big orchards
which George a Owell describe*
One train Lrougitt in five buyers >nd and nasturtiuniB.
Witt Gather Fruit.
trip In tbe. northwest terrUorr. w
i-w ones come ivery IltOe while,
S. Doh-nn Ims civni up bi
make interesting reading fur Orand
Prinea Wilhelm Here.
f^so Bros. Lumber Oo. have their
flee rivims in Ihi- llaliilllnn Mlllik'-u
Traveree tanner*.
York. Atig. IK-Prinn- Wllh.-lm
r^v cement cold storage house
bhick for Che
us to- mill
remetaing that lerttory. put out some
up; ll has been aircwdy leased for of Sweil.-n arriv.-il today from Provl- fully emplcoed fur the ii.-xl I
. 10-00
very tempting advertising ma(t<T. but le season to a Chicago produce house dciice, ui 7;;i<> and went i« Hu- lioiel
. 5.50
wivks In lakiiii rale ot lito Idi: t>
ll to true, that no soctlrm I
for Oyslei
who will buy fruit and cabltage tbto slor. He left ;.1
. ing brmight to the nttcoUcm of the
I-ast }Tar about 150 tons of cab­ ay lo vlsii the pri-rld'-lit.
Michigan fahner. jnwnu ii*g>»dop- bage were atewod In (heir eement
'tKo «imo for
ptwtnnliles except In rare
Freeman oBond Over.
storage built last year.
Boolcs orkd
Ue good old slate of Michigan, and
Letond. Midi.. Aug. 3s—Aliraliniii
Ur. CoveU'a advice tor Michigan peo­
Freeman, the negro who killed Roto-rt
ScHeuaiy Hurt.
............... ! u
ple to sUtjk to tbelr own wtaie U good,
George Bond of Chief Lake, wbo Kusbeskl. was held lo Circuit court
and should g|y|n sertoua eonsldcra- It been in ^Ihe employ of the Hop- by'Jusllce Nelson bisi evening, the
MUSKEGON. GRAND RAPIDStlen by Abose 'wbo are attracted by ktoa Ice company, tuttalned a very charge being second degrwe murder.
We buy
W^.e are as
Sunday. Sept. 8th.
tallnad advertltlng. '
immediately made to
Buying Prisss.
acrious Injur?- while at work la tbe
Train will Trtiverre ni>
; 1. I
house almul noun today. A horae (be Circuit court commissioner to ud- di.To a. m 8i-"‘ i«ifteri. or .irk III k. i I'ol-.t,usual head­
and sell sec­
It srwms that some <K the small
Wh'-al. jH-r liii

.Mond band
kkked him the right eye
boat itwacr* of the city anD. 1' A
iineys rruli A Ikitis onii John J. :i5:i.
g».h a.....
four inches
Ignorant of the rale* of the road but
actually take ling chances In running length and tvndcrtng him unconscious Tweddle of Traverse Oiy. while C U
close to Uio Urjeer boats. The C»e- Two physicians were called and h<- Ilntlnn, prosi-cuUng .ntoni<-y
lansn county. hanilUH she
taken lo hU balding bouse
qaamccon has tosm troabled •
Light M-irs aud l.,.-;f.-r* ... Six to 3
(he iieople. Thi-ri' were a numls-r of
133S Caw st>»l. V|sm examlnai
Bring your
ber of times by Ibis and last
Sle.-rr and h.-ll-r* Ijuo lbs
It happened again. ' Had trot the cap- ll was found lliuc the skull had been whnesres csiled In tb'- esamlnatlun.
Dressed poultry..........
old ones io.
Tbe aenllment seems to fat tir fVeiPens etc.
Ulo acted prompUy. there would have frarlured ami a small piece ot tl
K- weight. . ...ELK RAPIDS.
i luoae. He waa iJaeed and. man. who 1* terribly eiit up mer tbe
-been a dtoaaler on record.
stpring Clilckenr . ...
the InBuv-nce of an anae*th«-tlc ami affair, ll s.wms that there whs no
These laoricb owneni ran close
81.00eight siltcties token in Mbe wound. Intent to tuurdi r, the testimony show­
(he Oregnamegon to see wbo to atox
Sunday. Sept. 8th.
nevef rrellilng that they are In grave Bond will be'taken to the Grand Trav- ing that Ihe negro would have gotten
Train will leave Traverse t iiy
hosptUI as son as It to po^ble away If he could but was surrounded •Oil m. III. See pi"-leps oi ark lic'r
danger as If they gel wo cloae. there
by the Poles. Freeman and Kasbeskl' gents fur i« •
-to nothing to prevent them being
H F M--l!er
liolh bad been drinking. Tbe two men |
drawn under the boat and UDed.
Charged With Aaaault anS Battery. were friend* and Freeman lake* Ihe
tbere boat to apset. the eecupanis '
Upou complaint ot Jane E. Hamll affair very bard. His widowed moibcr.
be drowned before they esn be res-who
coed as the correnl created,.*}- the ton of Green Lake luwnsblp her bus.
Oat>. per l..;‘h.-l..........................57
over tbe tragedy.
hand. David K. HamllUm.
vrfaeel will carry them under.,
brought before Justice George W. Cur­ Leland. Mich.. Aug. 37—Tbe exami­
T»e prepeUrr of a slremb
Trolling (or Trout.
tis Chi* tBoralQg and charged with as­ nation of Abraham Freeman. Die ne­
pimbing on the wsier. cre*i«
Trollliic (or Mackiiiaw Iron!
rent like a millrace, a twisting, atraln- sault antf halter?. He pleaded guilty gro charged *1tb the murder of Rob­
Grand Traverse Uy to great kpon
ert Keoebeski. was begun yesterday
Ing current against which the strrmg and was sealenced to tea days 1
at present and a number
afiernoao and conunued over today,
cat awir^mer would be poweritw* and county Jail and If tbto does not
launch owners have graieo out it
Um tbere are other charge* awaiting three wltnresto having been ex
Actticnt <d G. A. R./i^Uon»l
this woold mean death to ev
and are aflcr ifa>- bigl'llow*. £
campnient at Saratoga Spring!. New
him Tbe Judge thinks that short 'lord op until 3;3ii tbto afternoon.
avenge swimmer.
egood caichiw bh'c
The first w-Uoess on the stand
term In Jail will core him. The trouble
The larger boaw should be
the round trip. Tlck«-t* good g«loi
i*lrlkf-«" are frv-quent todh
Isabella UanleU.
Daniels. a yaung squaw stoy-.j,^, SapU-mbar
s wide berth and no chaoces should 'started between the man and bis wife toabeiu
•mbar 6. 7 and 8. with retun
east and west bays.
October 5th. 1907. Ask
be token.
Another thing, every tost Snnday wben they bad an alterca­ is at the boose of Mary Blackbird.
Over in Boat l.ay. the perch a.-* ta
laaneb owner should carry a proper tion and ll is alleged ahf hit him over Sbe tenifled ccfccrrelng Freeman and, for drtaito of ptdnia which may t
““ *“* ' ing bold and some good catches have
light. It would eertaialy aeem Ilk* the brad with a palL 1^ rraented tbto the wbera coming there and atoe of
repon.vl. the p>'rch ma 1-eiiie
.tbe arrivsi «»f the Me and the fithl^
|| p M,>»ltoT. O. P. .A.
•wnera of these boats wxrald be wlll- and proceeded to black her eye
large but citrem'-ly good roliogIM to act lor (hotr own pratrcUosi but otherwise bretoe ber.^
Which raraiM.
* 'rt-fi.

Grand 'Trarcrsc Herald


care U> do ■>.






Farewell to Vacation

Pere Marquette


Pere Marquette

Pere Marquette

Here you will find any Text Book
used in this part of the State.
See the fine large tablets we sell at 5c.
An exclusive line you don't find else­
' Special prices to ibc tflslrteta.

Book Store

Traverse aty.SUeb.

-ilie Hobart Co. Prop.




With (be evident lolentkm u(
isg «bo «aa aboard." a aaall UniiA
Married, at tbe residence of the
with a pony of man and vfOaen had
' CutlaL
$200000 a iiarnnr eacape from being nm down bride's mftber. Mrs. Dtanna Moore.
Charles H. Batk and Minnie Myrtle
• »«,000 by the ateamer Cbegnasiegon
Wllaoa. Miss Pearl Moore acted as
bridesmaid and Peter Bates as
O^NCSHE*—A. Tta» hv- ftwMm
n*N CtaA. Tk> PnMmt;
A small party of reteUvet and
A.J.aUrBvd.A.J.H«Ttkad. Tbe little craft was sighted u toon near friend* were present. S. S.
as tbe ileamer beaded Into tbe bay, nett otilciaUng. Relre.*ment*
MMCTOM—A. T?mt 1«. E.
. OM. Hn. JbUh T. Emma. Ihanil
served and a very pleetam time bad
tben tome disunce
Imd. ■. a DmIa itnr amSUrm. W
held a course dlrocUy on
boat'e -bow. and as ibe distance beDr. Vsugnsn, Flcseed.
tbem lesaenad. Captain Welib.
S per cot enwrc4t«Ti«e De»a^,
ProfesMr E. B. Vaughan. M. D-.
wbo was at tbe wbeel, sblfted the
coone of hU ,bost. Tbe Hide launch Cblcago. with hi» wife and daughter,
altered «* course aod kept bow* visited Ibe Gnind Traverse hospital
on. Several times be lurard the yesterday and was delighted will
wheel ffWover aad each time was met geneiul appearance of, things.
wtib an alteration in tbe course of VaugbsD U pm-ldeni and bead o
Chicago Vnlon l»>s|>ltal. and U
le KBSoIlne boat.
' Ftn and ftunaway.
one of the elected eurgeons t'
Wien the ebon dtetance
Whll« driving Nang the Ea«t Bay le two reached a critical point, the Cook county hospital, lie Is ot
f«ad ywUrday Mr. and Mra. AuguM launch was heading cn th^teamer't Chicago's loading siirm-oni and euio.vs
a very extensive practice In the
Moaotn. «Mw raaldt Mar William*- starboard now. The capuriRf the letblew one blast aod ibrew tbe boat of Chicago. Mr. Vaughan. tngeiUer
Aarg had haap* «r traubl* in the ahapa hard to port *o hard, that the turned with his family, it spending the
^ or • Winawmy and a llr*. Mr. Mcquarter of the way smand. mer at Alden. where they have c
The lanocb skipper taw the
Oevran had llghtad hla pip* i
at Iasi and cut serosa the other's
apark from th* match eaoght I
A Valuable Leseon.
course, with but a few feet lielween
hay and for a tUn* It leaked a* if the him and an accident, wttb bit green
"Sts years ago I learned a valuable
leeaoti.*' writes John Ploaunt. of Mag
hnggy would be conaumod by fUmaa. light showing dimly.
noils. Ind. "1 then began taking Ur.
But few of the eicnnlonislt who King's New Life Pills, and tbe longer
. To add ta thiB th* harae atartad to
run thus fanning the flamaa. They itp (be mtle ertft rolUng heavlli’ In I take them tbe better 1 find them."
the steamer's awelt, knew bow netriy They please everybody. Ouanuileed
otaipgad before they had gen* tar
at C. A. Bugbee Dreg Co., B. E. Walt
they bad come to being wit
over and Mr. MaOamen get kit and a tragedy, due to earelesanesa on the t^Sona^Hannah l>nig Store, drugaatinguiahad the fiamat with
part of the lauoeb captain.
"We bare been boUtered wiib th'
Atfmiral Davit Retires.
launcfae* all summer,' said CapUli
Washington. Aug. 28—Rear Admlrnl
Webb. "They bold on our course and Cbariet H. Davis, one of the most efFive Drewnad.
Bcleni and acccMnplisbed .ofSeers
■altlmara, Aug. 8*—Fiv* man
Many of the ownm know nothing
the navy, retlrew today. He Is succeed­
drewnad and twelve caved from Chaetbe nlcs of the road and bare their ed by Captain Edwin Conway Pendle­
paak* Bay. twelve mile* below BaHl- boats Improperly
vrtih ton ot Virginia
bMfo, in a eetllalen today batwaan th* ItgbiB. Semebody wUl get- IL
UnIM flat** Fruit eempany-a ataam- keep* on."
Rising Pram th* eravc.
Someone trill get It. too. A steamer
or Bwfatabl*. in-hound, and a
A prominent luanofacturer. Wm. A
tbe site of the Cbequamegoo
Fertweil. of Lucama. N. C.. relates i
towing an ayalar dradga.
wt remarkable experience. Ho ssya;
easily bandied and cannot be expected
.fter taking lees than three bottles
to do^ tbe many smaller craft that
TngiM Blaw Fp.
Electric Bitters. I feel like one ris­
the waterfr of the bay.
ing from the grave. My trouble U
Oadartown, Oa* Aug. 2»>-Aboiit 4
Bright's disease in the diabetes stage.
o’clock thia morning an angina on
I fully beUev' Blectrie Biitws will
Scered Buoeeea.
me permanmtly, for It hat siOld HmiOD. Uleb.. Aug. 28—Mlu
Contral Railway blow up and killad
ready Slopped lb« m-er and bladder
thraa man, Rnginaar* Hutchlna, Fira- Luln Holme* made her drat public ap- eompIlealloBS which have troubled me
after ber gradiution from for years," Guaranteed at C. A. Bugmgn^ Jahn Bordara and Bnh
Talparatao college ai aa elocudoolit bee Drug Co.. S. B. Welt £ Sons. Han­
Waltdwr, who wora on tht tnaln. Ttw here Iasi evening and scored i
nah Drug Store. dniggUte. Price only
man wort Mown to atoma, Th* eoua* mendoua iuceea*. Ulta Holmes' course
has added to Instead of detracUi
of tha' oxplaalon it unknown.
Pretty EnterUinmenL
from ber natarsl ability and tbe mi
In honor of the Hisses Katherine
In vhlcb sbe bandied ber voice,
and Era Strong of Battle Creek. Urs.
ber Stage presence and ber geotures
ChJoago, Aug. » Proaantlng
>, Kellogg enttyrtsined a number
vrere all Tcry pleaaiag to tbe latge
wrieta for handeulh. without o <
of young ladio at her borne Monday
audience who bard ber.
evening. Ihe evening being spent In
of prdtoot, Chariaa Cennora, allaa
-Tbe affilr. vblcb was for the beoedarfea, wanted In Dotrolt. Mich., for fll of the Methodist church, vaa glv- various pleasant ways, games was
music being among tbe pleasure giv­
highway rohhtry and murdnr cor
mbt«faall and Mias Holmes' ing haw»enlng*. Among Ihe games was
tad on Oct. 20, mi. concluded a
aatlonal fifty thouaand mil* race with
chewing gum. ai(d In tbis Miss Fergu­
d gracefully with a
th* golle* hy ourrendartng today to
son received, n |>rlzc (or proAcleocy.
^le aelecUon. Her teat number was Refreshments were served and the
■Tbe Eleventb Hoar." a piece full of whole affair was most enjoyable. Tbe
palfit of- fdctel* whan
power spd pnthoe and when she con­ Misses Strong will return home Thurs
id frsm Ms bearding pine*.
cluded. ber audience was spell bound.
Tbe Old Mission boys band funlsbCOFCNNH.
ed music during (be evening and
menu of ice cream and cake
Oepemiah. Mleh.. Aug.
were aerved.


tti: wt^ 2.82S

Mia* BUsdie Brimmer U vlalUng In
Montetee thu sraek....
Manted. Babitday. Ang. 23. at the
hnao «t Robert Lesrto. Bsg.. Hiaa
Oara Taots aad Horbert^on, both
tt KariJla.
Mr. and Hia. Oooiie Ogpta of ChlU.
lod.. hro TiMUBc thoir daughter, Ha.
Bobert Danville italoadad a
throahisf Bhcblne. clover hnller and
fmr pioaa hero Monday.
Mtea Mamie Barry of Traveae City
vltMcd la town teat weak.
'Ptank ChambOfs baa naoved I
tomUy onto tbe Uckout lam west
c Ketebam of Bealah t
r Baivte and thmlly Wedi
I TbiROday.
Bay MUter of Onekama eallod co
frtMda hara Wednaaday and took
Mlaa Hand B»«o of Beiuonte was
a goast of Hn. -S. H. Peterson ImR


Mr. ati Mr*. Operge HUt and chlk
dnn of Vaoaen aty were goeats of
B. H. Brimraar and family Senady.
no Oeactegauooal lAdlas' Aid will
mast Bapt. Sth. Itf tba church pai^
lor*. All are cordially Invited.
P. C. FUber wife aod two chlldtei
of Cadar Bapidt. la., are goeau
A. Laraee'c this weak.
B A antler and wlta of ML Ptcasant were guesta at the home of Jacper Paric St^day.
Tbe Ladle*' Aid aoeleiy of th* Ooogi««ttlonal ehnreh will oerre rwfreahaaests la the park dnrtng tbe acddler*'
renakat. Anyone not wliblng
bring a lench nm buy of them and be
aaaared a good meal, aad help the
Prahk Hedor of Ptmaanten. visit­
ed bte acmL Mrs, tem* Siraona. tbe
dm of tbe week.
Mrs. UiUe Bartley and Mtea AlUe
BifBimar are vteitlng friends at Chief
Mr*. Zero Vllaon te vtelUng at Kaleva ter a few daya.
Mra. Tleaiy Boae sras a * Traveeaa
City vMUte Saturday.
Mr. and Hn. Klody aad Mr. aad
Mr*. Charire Ware, who have been
vMttlag mendi bora, eotaraed hoete

Plensers of Almira.
Lake Ann. Mich, Augif—Mr. and
HrA M. BnrMtL'Of De Pere. Wit
wbo have been riaUlng S. 8. Burnett
and family f(w the past few days, have
retonied to their borne in Wlteondr. and Mr*. Burnett were pirv
in Ibis tosrtehip back in
■60's and removed to Wisconsin tblrty-four years ago. They Bnd great
_ . In this county. Shade treet
ptonled by Mr. Burnett tblrty-eicbi
years ago at Almira Corners sur
prised blm by showing a marvelous
growth, acme reaeblng three feet
diameter. They shook bands vrltb
many old Umert and enjoyed the
newed acquaintance. They UxA
ante ride over the prindps) streets of
rseaty, and they exprt
anrprlae at the change made
FToni street forty year* ago was a
stretch of desert sand and today mag
nlBcent buildings greet tbe
Tbe atreels and walks, ateo shade
trees were very atlracUve to them
and they declared after riding tome
forty miles that Tnverse City is the
beauurnl and altractlve city ti
has been tbenr ideasare to rialL
Farewsll Sarmon.
The Ber. j. w. Rhodes, vrilt preach
his farewell aermon at tbe Cungregu
tional chsrcb la Lake Aon next Buii
He win start ImmedUtely for
the Paclflc coaau
Will Go West
Fred H. Ciuham. for several years
in the employ of tbe wnium Habbeler company, bat quit his )ob there,
and In company vrilh hU family lyid
Meter SpaSord and Byron Hamner,
start for eoutfawest (Ditgim, wberr
they expect to locate.
Miae Sman of Ceetrel Lake baa ac­
cepted, a posJUOD as stenographer
wnb tbe William Habbrier Co.
Mrs. Mila Stillwell has commenced
her sriiool at the Ball echod hoose.
Crate Buckner of Kalkaska U vis­
iting old friends In Lake Ann.
Mrs. Dr.' ShUllday and family arc
visiting her mother in South Franktori.
Family Reuftion.
was a tv-anion of the Spafford temlly test Sstnrdsy *t the resMeoce of Judge Bpniord. Abo« Iklref the retetlvss were preuent

at Auction?
At aoy me, you seem to be
geoisc rid of ii on auction-sgle
principlei: “eolDg. going,
g-o-a-e I ” Stop the ‘auction
with Ayer’s Htir Vigor. It
certainly checks falling hair;
DO mistake about Ibis. Ii tcts
as a regular medicine; makes
the scalp healthy. Then you
must have healthy hair, for
It's nature's way.

Travorso Ci'ty’a Bas't S'tora

kind of a MUseala:



Auto Auident.
Plitslmrg. A»C :T—As n re«ii
fslling Titini an iminnKibili' this r
tag. ou<- man. B<-n Herman. Is dead,
and another wbe tried to hold <i
In a serlouEcundltiun at Ihe Homropalhlc hnspiial. The other occupatit*
ot ihi' machlno wcaiW without In­
. The automobile was crowded and
In order not to crowd ihelr conipan
Ions, Herman and Quartz, tbe other
man. stood and a suddeu turn cauved
th«D to. lose their baiancv- and plunge
(be roadway.
....... : In Kassun Tuwnshl|>. 30 iicrea
under cultivation, good bouse. h.irn.
cellar and well. Teiijis ,-asy. Wm.
ScotL .Maple City. Mkh. ..35 imo*
I hereby potitv (he public that
for any di-lil
either by iiiy wife, Mn-. 1
or her ......
r thU date.
I.. C. Hayes-

August . Coons.
Lucy Ooons. IMcndanl. Aug. CJ. 1!>"7K saUsfucturlly apiN-aring (rom ottldavit on^lllo in this esuse thin the
above named Uefendaul, Ijicy Coons
-* not reside In tills state, but Is a
Idem of tbe Slate of Wlscmsln.
tiioUon of L. H. Gage, sollritnr
fur Ihe complalniuji. >< is urdeii-d that
Id defendant cause her appearance
be*enter,-d In this cause either wiihln l(
person or by sollclu
months from the date
and In defsnk thereof i! t the 111)! .
___ ___..1.1,.


Court ComnilsFloner.
Iraud Tniverat- v'.o.. MICh.


Travt-rMrCiiy - Mich.
Buslni-s* addlvsi. TraverMr.'



The FaU of 1907
will indeed be a beautiful one. Nature has been lavish with her gifts,
more so perhaps than we deserve, but we will give her thanks just the
same and take all she gives u«, and perhaps a few of us will grumble
because it is not more.
On the whole I believe the majority of us will fed that GraDd
Traverse region is a pretty good place to live in.
We are doing our best this season to. make people think that
MILLIKEN'S is a pretty good place to trade.
Manufacturers and wholesalers are always anxious to get their
goods in the BEST STOKES, 'which gives us the prestige when it comes
to buying, and buying in the quantities we do, we are always able to gec.-,.
the lowest possible price, with the result that we have values that other
stores cannot duplicate.
Tbis may sound a little strong, but we are willing to back up the
statement with the goods. All you have to do is to make the test. W«. '
will stand by any comparison you like to make.
We like to be known as a quality store, and, while sve have high
priced goods, we are not a high priced store; _wp..wDuH like to have you
keep this in mind.
ANY STORE IN MICHIGAN, but not^trash that is dear at any-pricf^-'Before you place your fall businesi ire would like to have you come
to this store, see the goods and get our prices. If you will do that we will
take the chances on getting the business. WILL YOU DO IT'

We are ready for the rush with the
best school shoes ever built.

new Suits
new Coats
new Skirts
new Jackets
. new Silks
new Dress Goods
new Gloves
new Underwear
new Outings
new Hannelettes
new Blankets
new Carpets
new Rugs
new Cinoleums
new Curtains

Ask to see our Nature Shaped Shoes
—shoes that fit the feet as nature intended
they should fit


The Boys and Girls can now dust
up their books, sharpen their pencils and
ffet ready for school.
There’s one thing sure-every one of
them will want a pair of school shoes.

everything of a summer nature at some very low prices now. aod there
are some good things to choose from at that.
That special sale of children’s'school stocking ends Saturday night.
Better make it a point to stock up now.

mis store will be closed all day Monday. Sept. 2, Labor Day

tbf oouauy bekyng to other* than boainen men. Faiin. er*. Uboring men.
hoiiaekeepers and ecbool
teacher* bare hnndrad* of million* of dollar* a*(f1.v hi
bank, drawinj; moderate interMt. in rcserre for a “rmny
day'’ or awaiting opportnnity for other inveetment.

and famBy drove n
Mm. Joele Bliard drove
aiy last Saturday
Elk Rapid.
Oar mt thod* meet the need* of all cU*m*. We
Oren Prion and
Traverse City, are cpendl
Bk Rapid* Son
•hoiiM ho (dcMNl to nomber yon amootr onr cuctometa.
time wtib n-UlIves here while be 1*
I titereat oti depoaitB, <x
laid op with hi* broken
TravC. Unke and
U<vl week with
wbeel t
pkked alKiui I
Raplda Sunday.
berrtet to Uke
•Ssltlng at Jstni-p
Harry Sculliig
Will Conk hat the foundation laid Stoops.
for a new hotia». The cariienipr* will
Aliiert Bclsmier hU Ul-ll' bu'me i
begin work right awav.
Vic !»r.-*idenu.
Beulah Canute v'Ured her annt.
Betwa Pmy vl.ited at Geo I*ray>
C.A. HAMMOND. Caal.i. r.
Mr*. W. bizon. part of last week
Wetl Union Aid society hsd a meet
E. L. EDW.klUlS.
Aug. M.
Inc St tiie church laat Tuesday to
.-ksa't C'aabiar.
era. The tame olflcert were
reelected that acted last year. Pre*.
Mia. Wilton; vice president. Mrs.
r Chicaso Kennedy; reeonllnB *ecr> Ian'. Mrs. How a Trsveme City Citizen Pound
Complete Freedom From Kid
Haren; treasurer. .Mrs. Schell.
ney Trouble*.
vIslilDS at .MUAug. }6,
t-Sundar acbool pieaic wilt be held
tbe -Harbor Tueedar In which all
If you suffer' from backache.
A. Hul>ermnn from Uiiiflas ealli-d
are inrlted and hope to bare a good
From urinary disordera isego ; Several aragon l<«id» i f |ieo|ilc fnMB
bore lj*i Friday «i:.! pul a new wind
Fnmt dlStase of tbe kidney*.
illv III this Incallly atl.-llih-d the SItmptog
Kilwj-t sraln Acpar- hi.* been -Ha
Mr ana Mm. Mlnloo Wllobe.
Be cur<-d tu alg)' cured.
• lu-ar life saving eahlbltUm Thursday.
Id Mm Mika Ollatore and Mn. Lit- Btor.
C< r'sr^
Diian'.-* Kidney Pills hi.-ike Usilnp
Arihut Wlitrel 1'. d- Allen and aile apem Sunday
. Horuiu a
lllowj _Mr John Kmpp ;md her m-uher. of
e HcClutkr are rlilUns
Ruegsegger Bros., are putting
a,., visiilag with J. H. B.ver and a-lfc.
Chlenso. are riUting here at presenl. wlml-niill
today for J. W. Rlnehi
their parents. Mr. aud M: i. -J. i-. .Mra. 1... T. Boll who hla been v.
Mist Minnie Toliac of ('hlrngo. who
Ethel ninehnrt expect* to go
-ing in Flint relumed home Sunday.
ha* been vlsltlns hen- fur eomr ilnuPontiac, Mich., to spend the wlnt.-r
Mrs. Dr. Burke I* homV agaliu
; Mrs. Guy Benson orTTverw- Cliy ;
retamed thi* morning.
lacc Sundkr.
Mrs D. H. 1‘ower*
Hre. Jirim HHIrleh it t
Several of .the young pr-opl
-fleven ream ago I gavel *,.>'““*'7
“ d Mn.
/ ' I
“ I»ke for a s-urrl lliiie.
.-J H. Bjer.
daughter. Hr*. Kraeaa. and her
from here to Glen Haven Iasi
e. Hlaa Hiller of Haaittee.
»av-:i~iM.s w.uuv. r...., a. ***.. lime.: A very quiet wedding .Keur.1l last i k, r. Peltenglll Ji.tcod* I > Btait .

re to
Moad Kllwy Is going to sinrt
t Saturday.
libey-c.ite,ln« of kidney tioubW after I ^''>i'l»V»'
‘•''ift'r Calllor
nuebess applM the
>r tbit
thri lling tour tielay.
•r AmstelnK-hler. l-ara Hock-! physleiun.-. and. various
In hit owD orchard.
and Erra Wlaier* of Travers.-1 failed. Tin- kldii'-y merr-tioii* were to., i'h.- oldest .lauitbler,
I m.wulng with Mw.
I been to nee
Aug! i(i;
Hra. Dudley OHCTen
City. weiP guests at Wm. Brlgl.i'S' frequent », issrslng and many titnesjw«i "''I'.il
'“^Harv, IWw ,..g^her.
at Glen Arber pareOta for a V(
Sunday, Mr. Winters will leave aoou, eoniaitied bl.K.l. I ab.. had severe |-’f
fys-vernl peraona frrzn ibl* platw at-'
for Chleago when- he ha*’ aere-pte.l, jsiinR all through we ami Imekaches • T'^ [ad' .k ibis
*“** '*' (tended ibe'^uly Sunday school ctmMIm Aggie Gritfcn ba« been helpa pcsltlonwith Alfred Thurtell au.iiand het.daches. A-friend ad.iaerf mr-to kroon. Is su R. E D. carrier from I ‘
Inerting 1« iieiirly
Ing Mm. Guy Tompkins for
will also continue his art studies, ■
1 use Doab’e Kidney PHI* and they M'mei.a_ Ik.Hi bilde and groom
era have I
Mrs. Wlllla Qmon of Elk Rapids It
quite badly.
Rinahart took
dlnner| cured me. There has been no return Iriend. in ilil* plan- e*-Mr. and Mra. Rlnafaarr
ir»k dlnner|ci
«ri\ ramgraiulallousiind iK-«f' ’
Tisitlng with Mrs. Diirld Qmnn and
Ulile Ckvi Broadway U very ill.
It A. J. Thombury'a Sunday.
o the trouble and I
err*|. of hlaekber-*
withe* to them.
Mr*. Hellen Elmon.
Mrs. Canie Ibiniej- uf Kul.miaKsi Is
pnriv! r-reeiiuiiuetirt ibis valmibl.- r.-medy."
Mr*. E. S. Packard gave .v.1 party!
Idai'klierrying arih
Aug. 2C.
tb<- giK-at of his sister, kirs. Willis Friday CTenlng In honor of the Ml**.-*
Miss White of. Indiana' gave an!'
For s;ile l>y all dealer*. Prlee M
- r a while.
lii(le:.v.jr talk at Ih,- l-Ylend* eh.ireh | '
KIva and Altn Cooper who have
IB lb.- gu**l
It aefl
last uigbl.
days. They N
M •* Man Whlnnery of Travetse
Barkberries are ripening foat. here or tome mi-niber froih
return to Trav.
City today atwll States
Tbiw are very plentiful and of a fine tly have been camping at
from there will
Macklnu* iu| Ren
tbe ian week. O. H. Earl. H. McFal!.
the coming year.


^ oC Hr. «ad Mm. Dlrld ProreoTbe ImpioremPoM on tho Back
aehool bouM coaUu IU0.00
............. CT. woo rtOtPd tbs Tom
Barton rarai. roeelred a letter rnnn
Tom «bo ovna a larve farm
Detroit, rom aaja In hi* letter:
. had o eold. wet aprlns and drjr
mer. The fruit crop la a total fa
ud tbe potato crop ttearlr ao.
am a^lios for 11.10 a buehel."
ABd be wanU to kaow about tbe fruit
Bod potato crop bem. Prank wrote
lt\t tbe aame old aloir on
fruit and poutoea. We beat tbe tarn
Mr. and Hra., Hiram Cole, after a.
reeidence of tw* and a bait rear* In
tbe etate of Waablncten, hare re-



DlnlBO RoomTables




$4.75 to $40


Rocking Chair»
Irmn ^


Bed Room Suites

75c to $50

$5.50 to $27

$16 to $75

The Original Home Furnisher

Fourteen years ago Monday, Sept. 2, we came to
Traverse City and bought a small stock of furnitura ^^,^^
at the corner of Union and State Sts. to run in connection with our other stores.
We started to sell
goods on installments—something that had never
been done to any extent in Traverse City.
A number of people told U8 there was not enough business in Traverse City to make a success of it. and after looking
into the matter we found that it was the prices people had to pay for furniture in Traverse City thatsentmost of the
business to larger cities, so we cut the percentage of profit to a figure as IpW
as they could buy for anywhere and started in.

In the last fourteen years we have grown from the smallest furni­
ture store in Traverse City to one of
the largest in the state.
We claim we have accomplished this hy selling goods at the lowest
possible prices; selling nothing hut good, substantial goods
and by giving every customer a square deaL
We Funiisb



' as Represented

- -«Nr« «r CdocMiwi.
In wooU be»M«ury towpM •notberi Mr. Hon reported ih«t the Are chief
^pertaten^ OUbert pre^Bted ipom there. Brery areiuhle put of. bid bti»«ht up the Bitter of alarr.
T«pon U the herd of ed-,the Cexru i. .t prereut 1» ore. uid boire .t the «d>ools. he boird
mtloB Ust ereDlnc uhowto* tbit thp the put of It slreu ap to the high cnned the miner for « »hile and on FTom Tseoday’s Record.
m per capita for the diUdren la the lehoal U enmded: It li a rery dIf-'Mr. Thlribyl Botloo. It trie referred
A pOBCe of people from tsadore and
S?er*r H
U“.«o ‘he eomoUttee on bulldlasi and Cedar went tmt earty this morelng
W.7L la the Hight Khool. the eoet edaeree through the halla beea«e of ground! to report it the new meel- and began tbe search for the miming
number!: trhlle the Urge numberi
sister from the school at Isadore.
The year brtore the coat per capf- Aererel cUani! cren noir demand!
Father Andrew Rientawshl. the par
— •IIM. The Total
.- ---------- --expeuae
-c----- —
I-------------- -----------a-----e but there ii
Sister Mary Mitsins
Ish priest, returned from Detroit this
inetmtlen wat R8.dt3.83. making no aeallabic
morning, where he bad been to break
Was Sister Mary of the
the average expeeae per pupil for ln-| TbU matter ibenld be gleea areful eoirvcRt kidnapedf
tke coovest where the
•tniethm. 8HR: U the High Kbool eonilderaUon during tbU year by the Thst is the question that hat net' sUter came from and Immediately
ItlJt; in Urn grmdei. tllR. The cx-[board of education. A cempariwn of Catholie eifclee in Lecitneu county'
Isadore. To a Record
pen»e cd-the aebooU wan 810482.8*.
beeuted that be knew
in a whiri of encltement. She
efUre of the lUle Urger and the
exactly ss mnrfa a^wben he bad left
peared Friday sfUmeon
sire as Trevorse City shows ou
liar circumsUnces. leaving no trace Isadore.
8W.786.78 agalnit 888,778.« for the rollment sod the numbtus graduated
No money or |>aios will be spared
of her whereabouts. After fruitiest
from our high school much Urger|„4peh*s
> make tbe aearch thorough and ef­
than many dues that are Urger than
fective. and all tbe woods and streams
this city.
win be gone over In tbe hopes of lo­
To the hoDorabto Board of Bdaealion.
parish, left yesterday for Oetreit. the cating tb« sister, dead or alive. The
Eapentt of Sehaela.
' Iberewith subDlt the aanual report
woman's former heme .in .hopes .of case Is a meat baffling one as sbs has
Of the school for the past
StUry ot
smoke iato
finding seme clew thst will lead to
EaUrtes Of high
finding her.
The taaehlng force of the eebool
No direct eommunicstien could be
Suffered from Heart Trouble.
aykten c< last year has been with Soloriea of grade leiaehere. 27.633 01
The prieet took s snort fiching
Tcty few
Tbe mltsing sister was a member
BaUrteaspedal teaehrrs ... 1.187 50 eurelen Friday afternoon leaving the
eiage aWUty and U the earaee
women alone in the building. ’ the Pellclao order, being from the
.............................. «2^20 51
with srbkh the woih has been a<
The Mother Supener and third sisUr Polish convent at Detroit. Sbe has
Expense ftor Instruction per
>labed. UUs U shown from the fset' eaplU.'falgh Bchoolr.........
been In feeble health for wme lime,
in the habit of Uking an i
that several have been offered far Expense for 'lnstnictim. pef
nap and . after the dinner had brtng a aulferer from heart treuble.
better peattkms In some of the beet
nnd aliout a year ago she was eent
been disposed of. retired to
capita, grade* ...
•ebool systenm of the country; this Average .for Instruction,
In (he oecond story. Sister Mary from Detroit to Isadore. It brtng
has been la spite of the fact that onr
left below in the work room. < thought that the change wnuld do her
per caplu ........................
aaUiy aelwdule has beep Ueteased
ear of the building. There ie
Current Expense.
Ust flve year*. SaUry Anxount paid for book!........
Id ivtnrii. she bad bccu leaching
door leading from th.e room out-of•ehedulMhasb
and wheff she came north, she took
Amount paid for fort ........
doort which le alwaya kept le<
Hairy, and bid tali
up the same line of work In tbe school
unleas tomeone knocks there am
Amount paid for KOppIlos.,
toeraaae sUU fsrtber. We bare, how­
Iiudnre. TbU being vaeallno llnii-,
(a enter, when it is opened, but
itnonnl paid for Uboratory .. Rl 36
ever. been able to bnlld Into enr force Amount paid for light .......
r duli.-s ol courei' were llglil.
for this next year leecbers from some
the afternoon, the door was found
Amount jiald for power ....
ot the heller sysUuB* of the sUle. le. Amount paid for Unltora ...
Was an Orphan.
open, the nun gone and her prayer
Sauit Eu. Uarte. Unsing. Big Rwilds.
When kh<- was a girl 9 yentH of ag<'.
ToUl .............................
hook on the sill of a w<
Holland. Mt. Clemens. locis. Hiccesp- Average expense per caplu
she cMcrvd the convent, her falher
olU and Epokase. WUh but one or
That Is all (hat li known of the lielng dead and her mother In the asy­
Toui expense per caplu
two eseepUons the leacbers for next
lum. and there she recrtvi-d her i dufor schools ......................
20 71 matter. Searching parties haw
year will have had some Normal
calion. When she w-as 18 years of
out since thst time and every
Tbe above does not Indude
- tralnUg and experience; thU Is the:
EDOuol paid oot ISM year for building country obut the convent hat been age. she took Ihe holy vows ot -the
purpose ot belter salaries. We have
ehureh and became a nun. She Is
ovfr in hopes of finding
ibe addition at Oak Park nor for the
an opportunity to secure experienced
payment of bonds and inlrrexi then-thst would lead to the finding of nlmui 33 years old now and as she has
teacbers who have ehown Ihrtr fftthe sisUr or. at least her body. Al­ ui'Ver eonie In rootaet with Ibe wo. Id.
on which should be spread
nem ol^bere making the risk to be
most distracted by the cccurrancc, the the idea of any love allair U pivpos
yesre rather than spread ove
nu to Urine wholly unexperienced
pense of (he year when paid.
ebuined with cither the mother aupet- torous.
teacher* very llltle. But one question
A conqariaon erf the expense of In­ ier or the nun at the convent which
From tile fact that her luolher has
sbouM be asked In hiring a Macher
and that U tbU. Is sbe the bwt we struction In eeveral dlles of the !Ute throws the deUils of the otrsnge Moryj .Wn In Ihe asylum for many years.
but the facts
show tbst we are far from brtng (be
II Is feared lhal her mind suddenly
can aeeare for the aatary paid*
most expensive to Uxpsyers; Adrian, as could be determined, run as fol- I-eeanu- affeeleO and that she is wan­
116,59; Ann Arbor. 821.80; BaCUc
dering in ttpr wuods. starving herself
No. npOTtateadeou,
Creek. 817.18; CadUlae, 812.27: CoM
No. High school teaeben .............. n water, $14.76; Bsennaba, 814.66; Pllnl,
No. giBdo teachers ........................4( 816.18: Oraod Rapids. 83S.I:; lonU.
No. saperrisors ot music ..............
821.63; Jackson. $18.1.1; ikalamazoo.
Na aupurvlsors of drawtng ..........
816.33; Lansing, 817.38; Manistee.
Attandanee and Enrallmeiit
817.38; Ml. aemen!, 81649; Ow
ToUI enrollmeot during y«ar..?740
817.42: PeiQskey. 818.11: Pomlaf.
8I4.S9:oPR Hnroa 814.01; Sault Ste.
..18I2R Marie. 816.87; YpoUsnU, 816.86; Trav­
..1873.SS erse aty. 81741. nteae are taken
.. 84.61 from Buie aoptendenl's report of
Many elUes are having manual
With R2.76 U the high school. 709
alnlag and free text books while
the grammar grades, and 830.61 in the others have but one of neither so tliai
primary grades. The sctusl number the pereapiu expense ot running the
It wlU teU yon how this
of pupUs In attesdanco at tbe close school varies greatly.
or the school yoor was 18*2. By the
fanner dng his potatoes early, qnick*
These Hguree are Ukeo from the
Opening of the addition at tbe
ly and most eernKmUcally: how his
Ust report of ihe Mate superintend
Park bunding the eblldrea U
enu that of 180$. which would be
ACME HAND DIGGERS ln<3'eased the
srade nawi of tbe school were nice­ lower than at tbe present a* saUries
profits of his crop; bow be was able
ly bailed. Bach of the four
flC the addition were iised and Slled. sUte. while tbe per csplu expense*
to get the very best digger ol his
'There are two raonm still unused at for Tkaverse CHy was for thU last
wide experience for hnt One Dollar.
the Uaion street building, but skonld current year.
there be modi ot an increase In the
Very truly.
eosns of tbe third ud fourth ward*
L a Gilbert

Read Ttiis Letter and
Let It Solve the Potato
Digger Problem lor You

Tbe portage of Dk Raplda la a hard

»^|tbou^ (hat,tb« thought she has W
^__ ^
|*lowed U|xm the progreni ua> ca-jsed one. although the diay roan. A. P.
jEbuUer. la as careful a* .ponlble.
Uon and the fact that sbe is a sntfee-j
Mary was deepU plo-is aad'Tbere uhonld be a tramway or a lock
'-i ' SI
er from bean trouble.ri 1. feared th.tS,,,^
•‘.lov, her wJTk and the ch-urTh. sp.n^'there, as the trip is
sbe bu wandered sway, become lost
^ pnffr. She was I Mr. Shuler moving as high as sU
and In the exrliement suffered such.i^ m the imilsh s.-ul.-mcni In W>.'t««ts
-is shock that her lifeless body will bc;„
' •
this strte. and ectered
e only reward of |]
Detroit 1
father having i
Money intact
Ibe SBier superior of tbe
convent, and as such had charge nt
II the money of the house, the books
PISMSnt Trip,
ipera elc. The money was found in-j Mr. and Mrs L. U Stevenson rfict and Ihe office was as though sbeltnrn.-d Sunday evrtilng from a wc-k's
Jd Just left It, everything beiug In’rrnlse na the intermediate lakre la

|il-ilr luinich. nixie Girt. The llixle
The Rev. Joseph Bauer ol SI. Fran-] Girl, while onlv nA-nly iwo' fc-t IA4
cIs church In thns city. 4s si a lossp.ngib. ptmeU a v.-ry able and com-’
iticp our Black
acounl for her going away other, foruhte cruiser and dtwplte the fact
Mffrtxriiei;d I’cuicoatsin
than that her mind became suddenly that there was a wind -In some qoarour oast window at
aftecu-d. cauaing bef to halve h-riter all week, the trip was a very
and friends nud wander In the'pleasant one.
The tmly arcldeol enocunt ered "n
Is nothing tangible to!
Iti Ihe middle ..f Cra^l
also have finer
work upon.- said Father Bauer. -It lake, where a uuhmvricrd log w’li''
^nc *ffi imitation Silk.
must all be conjecture. Brerrthlog stnick luul both bludes uf the ]imiwll-.
maiide"UT" Meatherbloom
that can be done to locate ber will be I IT pul out of cvmimisslou. Repnlrs'
and Dafiodni goods.
done and no money or palm will lie
Dfade at IMIalre. the temloal!
On all these we give a
liaek was sllhoui Inridrni.
ere probably some bruthcra
Gamps a. re made at various idare*
1*ER CEE,T for next ten
slriliTB. but Ibe family, jw ur|>bana ulonK Ihe rout-- hut as llshiiig was
win. luid iH-cn scaltereil and no <
|s«>r. Ihmc wen- veiy short. The |avniiinlcaiion bad beim had With
pie living along the lakes and rivers
As usual, first buyers
ibers of ihe famlly for tbe are very hnspltable and eourteou*. J.
have hht choice.
past fittecn Of twenty* years.
I’. Bnicc of Ureas lake nut tmly giving
Ihe (larty iK-rmlsston to i-ani|i on his
laud lint extending IIk in olh-T favors
From Mnnday's itccnnl.
AliliuuKli the PP..I-U. around l«ido
nhleh made tlielr sla) then- very
wiirklns 111 n-l.i>-» searching fur t>l<-asBiil Inde -d.
IstiT Mary, no trace of her has Ini'ii
found, and her itlsain-'iiiaiKW I
much' a mysteiy as ev.-r. The D.-.
Iroii detecllvo who tins bci-n i-ngiigi-d
Iilwn the cow. It Is said, has dlscovi-r.
uoiliing as yet uiid at Icosi I,
Till- whole neighborhood is grriilli
Filired up over the maticr and
M-arrii is brtng extended over a
BverjThlng tsa»lM<- is Ih-Ii;* to discover the nilssiiig wonmii
or her body. Tbe facl thst »he
gone so luug DOW. If she 1
while Insane, leads to the iH-llet
ilmi only her remalRs will be found.
The achool was to have been lilessOil «u ^ptember 3. und Sister Mary'
had charge of the delnlls of the pnv
glum working early and late upontlu-ni. Tlie school l« the third one to
Ik- hulti at Isadore. Ihi- other two
having been dielroyed by fliv. II is

Pettiraat Sale

Only 9c - each

Traverse aiy, Michigan.

Fall Term Begins the First Kondaif in September
Courses of Study

English, Shorthand, Business
Graduates Placed In Paying Positions
Write tor Catalog

W. P. Needbam, pr«.

Holders of Premium Tickets iSRoTY^rioRV"
Don’t Delay tickets expires 2riagniese
[ember 1st
Every person
bringing in

One Hundred Tickets
can bavc ttaelr choice ol



Comes* to you in
clesHj ssnit&^f9 sir*
ti^t psdo^—
sbvays frerii sod
it*&fisvorsod(]OBlity are sIwsyB tbe
same — always
XXXX Coffee
AU Flrrt dan

They mayor had been presoit bat
r« foresd to lesve. and In his abmce. H. Montague was elected cfaalrun of the meeUng, tbe flret business
before the bouse being the reetgnattOB of MJts Roth Spencer. Mndergsrten teseber. This was received
The commUtee on buildings and
rounds recommended that Mlrbart
rmlor, }r.. be emptoyed as janitor
the Pnlon street ocbool bulldftig at
BsUry of 880 a month. Adopted op
motion of Hr. Foele.
TTie committee on schools and leacli
rs reported that MMs Stella Prretoo
bad resigned on aeeonnl of sickness:
Mis. Caroline Shaw, tesdier ta, the
day school for tbe dmf bad resIghed
Uke a $1,000 position to Bay City:
Mias Roth 'spencer had resigned to
Uke a poaltJoe U Los Angeles and
His. ChrUtodim Ross had alao
signed. The -committee receaum
•d that Hiss Bemirice Ctereland. a
grsdoau ot tte local seboda and of
ute Normal be offered a (
It $45 a mouth, to teach at l
Park; Miss Mabel Rdred. a gn
ate of (he local High achool. and
perieneed in Ihe grades, to teach at
Bconeville. at $45 a mnnlb: Hiss
GeorgU Elas. a greduate cf tbe Nor­
mal and experienqrd at MldUnd and
tbe Eoo. to Uks Miss Presion-s pUce.
Accepted and adopted on Mr. Hoyt's
Mr. Gilbert repotted that Miss Ld*
• clerii. 1
I) at the c.
ntag fa«ory and he recommended
tbst His, Irene Poberal be given the
poaiUoD St $20 s' monUi. On k
Foote’s motion, the rewignatlOD w
accepted and tbe matter <rf hiring
clerk left In ibe hando of the superllntendsBt.
I Tbe report of (be commUtee on
: eUlm* and sceounu was accepted and
Mr. mriby reported that tbe commlltee on aupplka bad decided to
purehaae cfacmlcaU and dnVlng pa­
per to the amount of aboot $100 Ac­
cepted and ad.ipted on Mr Hojl's mo­


Mr. Ferdinand Laut*
ner, of Leelanau county,
is one of Michigan's most
successful farmers. He
has a large farm un*
der cultivation.
year he raises a large
acreage of potatoes and
naturally the diggiM: ot
this crop is the big prob­
lem of the year.

A Phonograph and 2 Records,
12 Cylinder Talking Machine
6 Uiic Records,
A White Enameled Bedstead,
A well-supported Bed Spring.
A Ma^eilles Bedspread.
A pa>r of nice Lace Curtains.
A White or Black Underskirt.
Suit Case, or
A W-piece Dinner Set.

mis Is the letter which tells bow he
solved this problem:
Po/tUa ImpUniettl Co.. Traverse City. MuA..
«E^i.l!iip--1Voyeare^g-j I bought one of yoor Acme
Hrad Potato Digger* and after giving it a •bort trial in the
trto were <l«ging my potstoee. were eo pleated
with the Acme Logger that f now have five in u*o on my farm.
The Acme
is just
'ist the digger wc neeilcd. I'filike tbemachine digger*, it dig* detn. get* •very {totalo in erery bill,
doesn't gear tbe stock ami is not be
yotbercl by tlio
vio». The
-----------men work easily, yet quickly, and do
tired as with
ordinary fork or book digging.
1 know from my own eiiK-rienc- Unit the Acme Digger
doea better, oasior and cheaper work than any otIuT digger I
have seen, and tbe be*t recommendation I can give anyone is
timiA tn
that I continue
to nsi>
use It
it nn
on mv*
my Aw-n
own farm
I am. your* truly.

Here is a^nan farming with one essential objea—

Experience proves 10 him that the Acme Hand
Potato Digger is the most profitable digger for him
to use.
Can you afford to miss the profit he is making i
E*nd for our pamphlcL'^PrsfiUbl* Peute Digging.- and learn
of our free tr*l effsr: nap just how the Aenri Hand Digger is ^g
to help you: soe
you can prove K without one cent pf/titk.
Wriu today. .Address,

Potato Implement Co.
Traverse CUy, lOeb.

For FUty Tickets
you can have choice of
A White Crochet Bedspread,
A Suit Case,
A White or Black Petticoat,
A pair of Lace Curtains,
An Oil Painting,
6 Cylinder Record*, or : '
3 Dia: Records.

For Twenty^iive Tickets
you can have choice of
3 Cylinder Records.
1 Disc Record,
Oil Painting, or
Spangled Fan.

P.Tnics not having enough
tickets for what they wish, can
trade out enough to make up the
difference, or they can pay the
difference in cash.

Fllty Men’s and Young Men’s Salts.
Mme were $6, some wered$7, s
aad quite a noiober of tbem were $10.
Your choice for only......................
Fitly Ladies’ and Misses’
.that were $!, $1.25 and $1.50.
Your choice lor only.....................................
Misses’ and Children’s Hose,
too pairs wbite and tas colored bose,
wonb lOc, I2!c aod iSc a pair, for only...............
Ladies’ and Misses’ Hose Supporters,
also cblldre&'s, aU sizes aod all colors,
worth lOc a pair, f<» only.................................
New Fall Goods now on display in
every department

lYaverse City, Mich.



Roll or Glide, Slip or Slide,
but get to the
grocer’s quickly
for a golden
package of


Mr. and Hra. Lou Bratelle ot Tiatcne Cltr. were sututs of Mr. and Un.
Rm Bonday and Monday.
The Rev. W. Benedict ot Leland.


wndd by

P. B. Whitman returned
to bJa home In Harbor ^inga Saiorday. Hra. H’hliman and dangler
Mr. and Mre! P. Wuraburg foturned
Sunday from a trip to Grand Rapida,
Sebool oagina Tnenday. Sept. lOtb.
Mrs. R. a Campbell and dangler
Majorle retnrned
Clevdand. srberw Mm. Campt
derweat a serloua
Ohmpbelt la laueh Improred In health.
Mm a B. Ptmer left thla morning
OB Ibe eaHWry for MaalsOqoe tii
spend a eonple daya, Mr. Power Md
aoBs swat to Tmvene
Boralag for to apead a .ew days.
Sanford Scott returned from Troy.
Idaho, lart week where be spent the
*'*Mm^’tter and daughter Carrie of
Chleage. Mra. Philo, of tnd.. Hra.
Spallaoe of Ohio, and
HaroM of WIlUamaborg. are gtfeau of
Hr. and Mih. iay Bpsagle.

Bora to Hr. sad Mia. Geo. HcCmy.
Aug. IS. a boy.
Arthur Voire of Denver. Odo.. U
vIMttag relaUrea la tosrn.
Mr. and Mra. L. B. Peek spent the
day In Lelaad.
Iran Tbomai and family
lor Foraythe.
where be bat accepted a poalU<
megraph operator, oo the Nor
PactSe R. E. They will be grreUy
mlaaed by their many friends here.
Mra. Icasle Bmbant and cbJIdren
Ml Oils aRenuwn for ber borne
Tmvome City.
Mias Jennie Grant of Travemc C .
relied on frieodt Sunday while In

‘“m^McD--.. ------------------log at Jobn Wblles with ber daughter.
Mrs. Geo. White.
Aug. 2d
There were quite a rrosl
eveoing of the tkih. in our Wnlty.
L R. F
Mm Carl BatM and Mrs.
Bates drove to Traverse City Satur­
day. and Mrs. Addle SmlUi rslomed
with Mrs. R. R. Bates, for a week.
All of the ladles were present at
Mrs. W. Fewin but iwo.
meeting arlll be wlib Mrs. Charley
Bltck^rrytng Is the order of the
day. Also benn picking.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lake weot
Traverse Oty Sunday
loo to see h r parenU.
------------ Hr. aod 21n.
- ick Nelson.
Nlek Nelson and friend came home
with Mr, an^Mrs- \V. Lake for a
flkbing excursion
His. Haltle Omy drove to Tmveme
City Saturday with ■ Wi
**^'ls. M. C. Lewis' brother and wife
rom Kingsley drove over last week

Mr. WilUston Keene and* oo Howard
of Chicago, who have been gureU
Axirelel Lodge, returned home f

Aug. 2E.'

***Capt. Walker, of the Sleeping Brer
Saving Sutton, gave an exhibl______
Mrs. T. Whybrew
and t
drill, last Thursday whirl
uiog Mrs WhybreWs mother.
re vlsUlof........................
Ibert Bartium.
frs. Albe
Hiss Li
Mrs. Dob Howell sad sons are
was In shelter here Friday afternoon
rpcodlDg the week In town with rela- home on^h™bS’vT Irimid^
Ur. aad Mra. Howell expect after an extended visit wlUi relatives and Saturday. Her owner M. T.
sldenl of the Rltleoto leave for the west
tSmpbril and daughter of FH houso A Embree Lumber C
aboard, accompanieo t
Lake spent Sunday srlth Mm Prso
Candler of Detrol
he It
returned from F'mnkfon on Thursday Thompson.
here fhile here the pany w<
Uacey Winters, from Texa
last, where Mr. Huribot spent bM
. and
w. D. H.
md by Mr.^nd
r days,
visiting relatives
for a few
' “ ........................

Hr. and Mrs. Bd. Oole o( Traverse
Qty ipeat Saturday and Sunday wllb
rl Oarlhe of T
Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mn. Bdna Kelsey.
. City are guesu
a of Hr. aad 1
Ur. and Mrs. D. A. McUlUan apeat
T^Msday at Cbarlevoix.
Hra. Harwood and son. who have
Mr. BatUe took all the cadets and
the guests ot Mrs. A. H. Mill-.
all vbo took part in the entertainmeat for the beneflt of St. Joeepb
Id Grand Rapir
Chores last Batuiday evenlne. on ''
Mrs. Jas. Kehl and non lu relumed
lannch Japoolca. ou a trip to Trav>
St Thursday on the Mtssoud from
Qty last IbBSSday. Lunch was served
on board the heat and a very pleasant F>ankfori, where they spent a coaple.
^ra%?r^Jobnaton and daughters
retorued Buoday evemni from their
catnpfhg trip.
Mm. Stevens and daughter Ruth
• returned to Traverse City this afternoon. after having spent the peat
a«ek arlth relaUvas.
Behe Dame and family and Mrs. B.
T. Dame aw spending
at the

Panlre seen to be the order ot the
day Joel at pteaeaL Tbtre were
aboot SO of Henry Boren's Mend's
surprised him Tuesday evenlag. the
oecaaioa beiag hit Hrtbday aonb
On Wednesdiy the young people
Invaded the bou>e of Hiram Taylor In
honor of his daughter. Mirs Nenle's
16th Wrinday. A alee toilet cate and
spend a few weeks as guests
many other bcanUfnI presents weir
Mrs. H. H. Oar of Lorelei Lodge and left to show the love and-gencrousuess
Clucas with his
of ber friends.
- The Chicago
Carroll and
Also Friday night a Urge
Choir'—consisting of about twenty- Mrs- Chti. Bower s frirads a
I for Cold Springs I
bors called to remind her lha
year had rolled by and she must add
one to her number 'The peopi? left
at a late hour, wishing their hostess
i Hargarvl
many happy r«urn* of the day.
O. Luce and family called on War
ssr*. Rogers, travelling salesman ren Tavlor Suudav.
1. E. Bucklen t Co- Frank HolChas. Chappie and wife were In the
I. travelling for the Jnn. Prtulaff neighborhood yesterday.
Hardware(. CoCo„ and Or.
Dr. Scoti
Justice Luce bad the mNforlune tv
lan for the Scot Stock Pood Co., tran
break «fce of his ribs Saturday.
irtod fauslDeos In town ibis i
Mr. Hueletl and famt:>. Mr Bogart
Frank KYeeland of Qnplre
wife and son. snd Hr. and Mra: Das
town Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon of Fostorta. Taylor were entertained In
Ohio, arrived oo the Missouri. Wed- Taylor's heme Sunday afternoon and
oendsv on ibeir way to Burdlckvllle. | <-<■venlng
Miss Iva Bogan spent a dj.r
where' they will visit their daughters
night at home last week.
Mrs, Fred Fhrrant and Miss C

party « r ahoat flftsea rreo
left for thedi booea Monday momlog.
The "Wea BOU" haded alapa
* HorleolturaJ nocieij. wilx. day
forty reaorten arrive
a lorel buyer was throngh here look­
ing the apple crop over.
8. B. Cate loet a bog from retfog
tab mwiy apples. It having got out of
Blaekberriea i
and there are g

w'm. Voice left this morning on the
carferry for HanlsUqoe.
jJts. Arthur Bordeaux
and sister
Carolina Dewey apent Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helnforih of
Helnforth’s Crowing arv guests of
Mrs B. Kelsey.
Warrtii aud Grant Gill of Muske­
gon. arrived Saturday (or a weeka
auy with their aunt. Mr*. D. H SootL
Mm. H. R>-an aod children and
GMdya Dame apent last week in
TrSverae City, guesta of Mra, Ryan's
sister. Mrs. Bazelll.
Albion WIskocbil. accompanied his
brother to bis home In Maple City.
CampmeeUng closed today. Moat of
le Indians lelt on the carteriy.
Geo. Magdon ot Traverse City,
spent Sunday the gueet of Geo. ftime
and family.
HHa Dorothy Power left for Suttons Bay this morning.
Aug. 2C.

... “fc.,--



s. Will Johnson I* risiiiog t
parent* Mr. and Mrs. Rk-kerd of Tn
e City.
Vlll Erne

rvUinjisl that the same could not be
tally aenod upon the defendant
KIsTwrth Cirie by reoaon of bis conllnoed aloenre from bi* last known
rov within Iblt sUle.'
I. page, willHtor for

l'S^dTror^^riN??m^ All?^

M^ MafoUna entertained her niece
from Chicago last week.
dda did biwlncss In Cedar
City Saturday
Frank Bj-an
Phursday to spend
lister. Mrs. Thomas Kel
Mr. aod Mrs, John Dago of Maple
spending a few days with
on the farm here.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rjanl are >
talnlng ‘company from Chicago.

of phamphlK
»f the United
r* .and' laformnrhenp. Irrigatod
farm .i
tlon of splendid
free fa
lanulug ... Und along the
iwilway IIIKW
(he Chlrego A
Konhwestere Ry.. m South DnkoU.
Wyoming and other ststsw. All npeats
Bpei-Ml bnc rair exeufwloo tickets
»otue..*-k. p> vta The Newth Weetl.loe. Full intoramUoa on reqnwl.
B. Knl* I■na*eng■-r TraEle
Manager. Chicago. IIl

r. und Mr*. E.ld CorU-tt of Cedur
Order of Publkst.ab.
M-enl Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
ate of Mtehlgan. Thlrteeath JudlFrank Kroui«.
Circuit lu Ctianeery.
ML** Ethel Hunter
. Hunter.
Ill |M-ndlag In the oAiult Court
Hines of
fur Outroly of Grand TreveiM at Trev.
era at Will Dohro's
we Clly. Mlehlgre on the thlrteMlh
Mr*. Frank Kroptw I* entenalnlng
»y id Auppit. A. n., 1907,
her paii-nis- Mr. uud Mr* Kaainer
Mrs. Wm. Wood >if South Htllon
Lena Crook, CcnuidalDanL vs. WIIalso her sister. Ml** Lucy Kaslner
visiting frlen*. here thU week.
lUm Crook. Defi-odanl.
Mrs. Pettit and daughter Leu- Siralford. Oni
In this caime It appearing that said
na of UenzonlA Is visiting relatives
Mr and Mi>. Henry FkkMeln
-fondant, wmiani Croidi. Is a rreltill* nioi
o Chlcug-i II
and friends here.,
nt of this statii but his wherewbont*
Grendma Hall of North Milton 1* Kpending a week visiting friends and
e mikniiwn; theivforr. on motion ot
visIllDg her grand-daughter. Mrs.
relatives at Ihis'plaee.
J. Tweddle. sollclbw f<ir romptaliiThe box social held W I
d. It is ordered ll..................................
Marie Highland aod l.efo>' Caros of
•aid esnse on or l«Ik Rapids are guest* ai Wm. Cur­
OOI the dale at this
decided auccea*.
Set procre-ds
at wlUUo twenty days the
r, and that
The tiimtly of Mr. Ollplo have got
eomplalnant reuse thU order to be
France* E. Oriffln to Trii»te<- First
le dipilieria. but are getting along
puhlUhed In the Greod TraTWwc
,M. T. church. lot 4.!-«. blrwV 7.
Herald, said publlretlon to he coo
Mto* Carrie Foote of Chicago Is the
tlnued once In each week lor six
side. |M«t.
uest of her sister. Mr*. A- Urqlor. for
weeka in succensloo.
Aug. 27.
couple of weeks.
George W. CorilA
Mr, and Mrs. Thoe White
ClreuU Court ComlmroBe
aplds. were- callers t Wm. Curry's
J Tweddle.
r of Publiretlon.
Solicitor tor CumpUlnnnL
Util.- I....................................
ilgan. to the Clrnill
of Traverse City.' ar.- visiting
Traverse County.
-and par.-niK. Mr. and Mm. A. InnI
n l>
Winnie returned Salurdi
from Lone Tree Point where be h
worth Cole. IXendnnI. Aug. 14. I9A*.
Iwii visiting hta daughter, Mabel, f
It *atl*Iarlorily appearing from alfl"'Mre 'c^Ies Osweli of Elk Rapids davii on Ale In this cause that
subpoena Isaued therein has Iteeq
and her slst.-r-ln-law, Mrs.

spend a few weeks
do. rived Saturday t
Lorelei Ixtdge.
Mrs. Hieronymus aod daughter,
Mela Mrs Zetimelst and daughter
Irmgrade, of "Idle-a whlle- took Ibe
Mlts.mi1 for Harbor Spring* SaturIsv returning today.
Mr*. R. H- Day of LoreW l^rige,
entertained a Urge number of people
from the dillerent resorts on Glen lake
irday evening.
■ ue choir of the St. Jamos Method­
much sympathy for
bereaved ist church, of oAgo, gave a »ong
service at the narfows Sunday which
*MrI' Harold and Mlw Marian OlbUa waa largely attended tiy re*orler* and
attended the Olivet college mlley in the iieopie of llils loealliji the lug
Alice J. my.wking a large inrtv from
Traverse City last week Thursday.
The M. E Sunday srli.iol lor
here for th<- nervlce.
Ide to Elk Rapids one nighi
Aug. 2S.
The Rev C. H. lilsby. who has been week to see the Iron furnace and
ndlng some time wlih^Mr. H. Dornorth' unity.
They called on
wev at Glen lake, look the Missouri
Mr. and Mrs. VIscoehll and Mrs. B.
for his home in Chicago, Mouday.
Louis Dean goes to school at
Vlscochll and Mr. and Mss. KralU
Aug. 26.
Rapid* this coming year.
were the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Prank
n Hsnl_______

I thU pUce.
Sunday evening. In a--------le minister the Young People*
society ted the service and a v.
teresUng meeting was given,
topic waa mlBBlons.
Mrs. Ray Jackson spent s few da>w
I Traverse Clly this last week, .

21r. and Mtw. John DUar ot ChkACB.
rctWAed horee today, aftnr vlMtlAB at
home of Mr. nod Mrs. P2aaka.
te aty
rw. Mary Ptahek and tei^Mr. rato Chkago today altar visit. at the home o( Jobn naafca. Jr, '
rtenr Maple Cliy.
Otarli-S I'hler of Chicago r
____log John. Tuny and
Joe Flaska of Mai
iple Clly.
•nfr■ • — hrdi nil rdlu hrdlmm

Anna Sullivan. Admx. to Bdwi
DavU. e»i lot 5S, all of lot 26.;. block
; H. L A Co a 1st. H».
Wm. B. M<»n and wife to Cbriallna
Perk. lot Ih. block 3. H. L. A Oo.'s
Slh. Illi-U.
l.'avld W Stevenson and ,wl(e to
Cl)tle 1Roblhson. lot 74 and 7C. block
2. Oak Park. »l«ito.
wife. <
EUri J. Oo
Walstin. jurcvl. '
Hmellnr D. Fhirionks. et al. to I
. Gardner. *eV of swV,, Sa-c. I. 1
R, ?, $Ui>
George A. Burrow* and wife I
Eire W. Hutu- and wife, lou II an
12. block 16. H. 1- A Co.'8 10. $2200.

dcred tlint titould defendant. Etowonh Cole, reuse hla np)ireninre to
be entered In this rauae eltbor In per­
son or by solicitor within three
months from the date of Ibla order
and In dcYauIt thereof that the

Mr. Branch to vlalilng Ills cousin
Gerniiiniown. I
l.-rb Hall, for a few days.
The dance at Daymon Seely's
^ery largely aiteoded and a gooil
le more Seniltr
• i-t-jMiried fr
Mr. TlHimpf
Mrs. Slella 1Mattersam Is on
, We hope P


menm Tompkins and family visit­
ed Myron Tompkins for a few days
land, and ber
last week.
_. ______
dlm^lem 'of
SouthDakota, were
Fniiik Freeman and family s|H-iit
Mr. and Mra. Frank Shalda
with Mr. and Mr* Juhm
belter as the result of a rbre" last
Philip Young* and
Wednesday. The ladire served dinner Sunday.
THb harvesting Is abf ut flnished nales, vl*lle<l with
GIn Tom Whites orchard and all bad
_nd the people are now waiting for Sunday.
metre than a plenty.
Uireshlngthe yearly vlsUoi—lh»
Mil-. MalH-l Tompkins
Mary Cate, who has been oUylng'a
'r work at Chunc- Si-«-ly8.
week In town, came home Sunday.
Aug. 26.
Aug. 26Jobn Ferguson Is busy potting up
buildings to shelter bis stock and
chickens, ns they have been wlthoul
eoinmlll.H- of llio-*-. ro
Miss Georgiamia S'orkon . of EmBbellerwtnce the bam was bunted by
Anio» Ikn. .Ml* Dyi
plre, Is visiting at the ho P of Mr.
lightning a lew weeks ago.
Taylor went

Mrs. E3U Good Is doing some sokUke“ loaded maple ley Sainnlay and orOi-r<'«l a eari>et for
e barge'
barge "nne
Ing for Mis. N. W. Herrington.
and basswood lumber last week for the new church.
A *|*-rinl aid was held at ill
the Theo. Futheur Lumber
of Amo* Box last Wednesday
15 wen- present and enjoyed «ottip dr
Mrv Wm.
Bennett k
:r. and \
Hr. mid Mrs. Gm. White and liule
Ilrlous Ice cream and assorted caki-s
the Missouri
Inesday on
girl, of Detroit, are rislllng relatives
Mrs. E. A. Wall visited relative* In
Charlevoix, where they will visit th
Fife Lake and Walton last wwk.
Mr. wtd^is. N.
Herrington ron, Ward and his wife.
The R.-V W. H. Herle-rt preached a
ere Traverse City
very inslnicllve and hlgtily :ippr.-el:ii
ed st'rmon Sunday, which will Is' hi*
Mr. and Mm Prank Bright snd 'empire. Mn. Albert Harwood a
last In the acho.ll ho.-oe,
aoof. Lreter and Laverne.
niece. Radiel Harrington have Myron
Taylor i*
Chtejevolx. and Mrs. George Ht
turned from there eamphtg irti.
Duchess apple*.
exiievt* to ship
them to Detroll. ilirough the Glean­
P Cate was home Sunday <
Platte, Msed through here Tuesday ers. They eiisecc to K;jid a In
0 little t
Summit Tuesday
Oh Ihetr way to the lain
she la V


r her hume In

of complaint AM herein may b«, tak­
en as confresed against him.
George \V. Curi'ls.
Clrruil Courl C

e brother Thoml*

mhport li
a Ulklng
Aug. 26.
Real EaUle Tranaferw.
Frr-d A. Blue and wife to John A.
Tompkins and wife. s<.-t4 of net*. Expum-l, S.-C 27. T. 30. R. 10. |910.
Siiillh Ui-aliv Co., to Baniey Ai
►on, lot
id<wk i. H. I- A r«.'s
Herlwrl to Amo* Sweet, parcel
T. 30. R, Id.
Hariirv And-'i>on aud wife to Prokop
Kvselka; lot 3. bl.wk t. H. L. A Co.'s
4>h. *310 '
Marv r. Hennessey to 7. T Swan.
parrel In Srr. 1?-• T 27, II
11 II 1»I2-‘."
Cha-'-. It. Mahn
c*-l In S'-c. *. T.
John A Smith

R. f>. »600.
Loiuard 1
Harilaiiil. h

Whenever you require anythinjj in the line of Paints It
will pay you to see us about
it for these reasons.
1— We have just what you
want; you won't have to
__ go farther for anything
' required for the job.
2— y-If there are any new or
improved materials they
are here and our prices
will be based on the best
aod most ecooomleals
you can use.
3— You are certain of the
very lowest prices to be
had. Nobody can possibly
beatourfigurin oo goods
of equal quality.
We make a specialty of
such well known goods at
Carter White Legd. Boydell't
Mixed Paint, Caimans Var­
nishes. Japalac, Adelite St^t
aod Alabastine^
If you jRant right paiou
get theirt

Bemitlhd KoMfldtte

UDsIne BiisiMU UDherslly

snf kind of o®«e brig.
TRIAL WnX PUKE, sad •wialog Nr Ihs
laturmtotoo -Tito «bs
H. J. BECK. Manager.

Get Our
Paint Figures

Drug Stoi
Cor Front & I'nioD 8t.

Lansing. Mich.

Traverse Ci^, 1


to fake advautaoe of this money saving opportunity. There Is a lot oi aseloL reUable merchandise here Htted lor Immcdlale ^nsnmptlo^ and yon can «»uy It for
leas than we did. Thousands have already visited this sale and everybody satisUed that they bad their money's worth. The time Is limited so come and get yonr
share the bargains. In every department ol the Big Store you wUI find bargains.________^
Men’s l»ncy lOtton worsted suits.

25 Ladira’ Short CoaU, loose and aemi.fitting

$S vdne, for................................. 11.97


Sample Suite, pure
ud cBSsimeres, well

t^red, tl2 and $15 rafcee.
for .........................................................$7.77
S60 psir men’s ponU.


irt ukd $3 50 boys’ suiU. &11 this
soYSon’s make.............................. 9L8S

Ladies' Silk Costs, looseand eton styles, ac­
tual value 910 an.l 912.50, your
choice, any coat in

EXTENSION TABLES, 98.98 to 919.75.
We hav, them
in all the different lengths and all the latest deeiims.
cboow from.
Hith grade in material, construction aod tiniah; wonderful saving price.
Table in solid oak top. -J-t
inches »iuare. supporuil by five legs :i inches

20to'l Turkisi: bath Towels. 15c value for$e

Chosp St $2.50
Extra large, massive, beautifully tlaished solid



Compare this Rocker with rockvra offereil by other houses for

Ladies’ Cravonettee in prays and w«) nn
tans, special price for this tale... .$4.3/

;t00 Elockcrs fio choose from....................... ................. ............................ 98c iqt

and boa'-y sol's, worth 91.25.


$500 and yon will readily s<e that this is th,- best value

!.adics' Vici Eid Oxfordi, patent
tip. inarkiiJ down lor this sale,

Ur 93.50 aod 94 00. this sale at............$1-03

Alotof boys’2 piece suits, regu.
nls^ s^ for two dollars, our
price for this sale......................fLM
All our 912-30 and $l'd.-50 Men’s
of fancy worsteiU.



Men’s Linai Collars, sises somewhat
brcAen, per^.......................................................... $®c_

special prlbefor this sale................................ tSc

30 doxeu Ladies' Buraon Hose at.................. 15e
Lwlies' -50c Jersey Bibbed Coiset Covers


Men's an<l boys' canvas shoes and
oxforils, $1 SO valnee. for..-74c
I.a<iies' calfskin slippers, every
ptir. solid uppers bm soles,
worth $1.50. for...............................98c
Infants' kid shoes, bard soks, sixes

Hen’s Turkey Bill Bandkerchiefa. each.-2c

2 too. -worth :t5c and 4D -. .29c

8c Work Sox. special for this sale, per pr..5c

O 1. O BE

per jiair

Boys' grain shoes, will stand bar>l
knocking, donble soled. wort)>
*150. for................................................98c

Beat foil sine 50c Work Shirts.
■ double yoke, for........................................................$7c

25 doien Men’t Checked Work Shirta,


.................................................. 91.89

High grade children's shoes, light

Mieses'and children's short ooats. trimmed
w« gn

9d values, nn sale at...............91.72
Men's higli cit work shoes, heavy
uppers and heavy double soles.


Ladies' Dress Skirts, made of plain wi pq
cloth, neatly trimmed, a 92.75 skin. .al-D9

with velvet aad-taffeta silk, r^-

' Women’s band turned ahoes, best
shapes. Rimlgr-Kalmbach make,


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