Grand Traverse Herald, August 08, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 08, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pages 1 to 6

the other dar, that
tin cop. ud the akk t
drank It
lumped this claim, aa—I rectum wc eagerly. Then she went out aod tried
wor a illUe hutr. I had took i
It U «lii« to bt tbe rtcht 0140to eat her supper; but the first roouthAt taut, tku'a how I foud It as lYa claim, u’ the Boomen wor going
full chocked her. and li-ars sprang into
see that t got U; but now—"
her eyes. She again entered the tent
ir ooc Kioki 90B UM brlcht Mde.

A»d UY «oeor bow shadows vaalah.
Aad now «a«r ita to bulah
Frott a bfisht «Mo aoh


«T®TT dotaful thing away.


Ttwre are two aUaa to a qtieetlon.
As we know: ao the sua«sUon,
CK the aide wMeh boidt the aonUctat

ir we will peratat In ooddllos e»«7

of f«mr as she saw the strange faeve

"Not for s ralmmt el war?

|enc..iiragwD. nt. "and-the jviuog Udy'

Ircr. you aie g.dng t/> conquer
[of whom I spoke Uj .VOQ. "
PUmv leather is Ibe coaUlesL Oaly
"(Hi. my papa! Where Is he? He's dragon!'
"Oh!" exclalm.-d Albert aisworth. oDe tanner can inako II.
going to die—they are golDg lo drive
•Tha i I* w>
ler should j Then, linerrogatlvely. "WUde* Wax '
"Aerr^Unes built to rodor" reads a .
him away!" she sobbed, tears stream­ have writleo. 'Thrtoe Is
«tr father s name Claytra Wtide?' jelgn outside a Umdoa motor factory.
•Vcs. r*s-" answered tbe sick a
and eealed herself by her father s side. ing doom her pale cheeks.
who wear* a prerty dross.' "
Rnsine ossrtued
t^igbind usra t.nuo.OOP gaHoos d
hastllr. *1 understsod now. This Is
He WBS sfalvrring now. his teeth
The f<>- against whom Miss Rnsiiie
"Why. ef It batnl the squatter's Ut­
"A'nd yeiir mother■* maiden name guai per year for postage stara|w.
roar rlalrn, sad ni go awar
fsirly cbstlering. and Bessie browlit ile girl!" exclaimed Ike Jones. "I Wilde purjswed arraying beraelf was
a* UognoUa Kingsley?"
| Since the BboHiloa of the slate, tbn
■ I am well enough."
a pile of bUnkets from the wagtm and seed her that ter-day when I was the obdurate uDCle of her hondaonie
"Ob. dror, no' Aunt Magnolu waS| sight of sebcM children has tiaprored.
■ Partner.' aaid Bill, "re air not spread theei over him. ud once more givin' her father warnin' to get ooL lover, lb- bad promptly and perverse­
mothiTs aame
Ah Atlantic liner must earn tXO.MO
gtda' awar- This Is rour claim, an' r<-sumed her lunt-ly watch U-sIde her On' sIio's come all the way through ly tipisv-ed tbe marriage of his nephew.
s Madeline Kltigsler l»-fore she can reckigi oa any
the llule gtrl-a Ye got here fust, aa' father's rude bed.
Ibe darkarts."
The yming felhra would have tgnored
-Rh!" cried Ibe dragon.
If anrbodr set this ain't right, he's
lun slowly sunk behind a dim
"Little un," S.VUI Bill, kindly, -if the rofusiil of hi* relative were It not
The fler:,l color had fpde.1 from his
Tls* links for the rabica ot the mrogot me ter whup.'
wooded bills, ud a gray yen Jlst tell us what's thr matter an' tiuil the i-ld gvolleman had aJAays 'obev-ks. He was tugging nervously at
nevan groyhounda wolgb
"Yoo bet!" auctloard Ike.
twitlgbl H-llled over the broad prairie. whnr yer pa Is—"
lieon vx-ry kind to him: had. Indrexl. his <lark nustarhe Hv- looked agluted i jvounds each
Fbr aome Uaw there wu alleoce In
Still BcMie SSI l)> her talber's side
atid fsTl'Iex.-id.
-Hit's tbe squatter over thar on yer taki-n the piare ofhl* de«d lathcr.
yield of an olive traa
ibo tent.
holding his hands In bm. y
claim.' repeated Ike Jones:
"u' I be had d<-ctdril that Ktadae should
"My mother died uui year* agu. " Is (wo iNiebrla. which girrei twn ^

SlooBjr tblDc we sea.

Then BeatIr.-wbo wu etUlng at the
Piesently the chill w^ro off and a reckon we'd l>eilcr go see wbafs the meet hht uucle. and unt hi* projudlee Held Rosine. 'and since then I have
foot of the bed. an»e. ud approached burning fever set In.
Ilvx-d with Aunt Maguelte.
Bill Btokra. said;
Tbe sick man uttered a I»w mou.
"Oh. lay flaps—my papa! They are
Mr. Kllswnrth regarded her grimly.
-He is coming to visit an old friend
The wide sktaa tlU wc dlaeovrer
"You have been ao kind to papa opened bis eyes, utl gated blukly' going to kin him if be don't go away.!
"is that." he asked ubtuptly
' his.•■ Cyril had «ald-“J iidge caurt
RmieUaw ctonu are ew the war or tb ud me that we tloni want to go awaj- about him.
and he s sick, and— (Ml. you woo l let
-au. You kites the Chariroan family
aad we're not,guing to have this claim
•Bessie." be saiii. a strange. a1ld. tbem burt him. alll yon?"
The soft tv»e nro In'Hu- girl's cheek
Of eoun-e. you have heart they art
And the Mae mar IbM be biding
UDiets—oBleas rd<i VMI star and take look In his eyw, "I—I hear them com­
And she rose up and clasped BUT* going to gtv>- a fuiiryxlri-ss ball next de«i»-ni-ii.
Back or dooda wbtab awlft are h<
. Wont >DU stay no*-, and ing. They are going to-to kill me. hand In her own. and lifted ber tear- month In honor of the coming of their
How m tile world dill Vi
live close to usTWe must leave hero. They want
slaints] faro to him with a
site nejiiler-qiiesIhMnd.
daughter Usciie. You will , receive
And she turned her ejes appcallnglr clsini. and If we doo'l go away they anguish and nutte snpidlcollon.
A qiiwT. wavering smile
cart. You W ill allend You will mo
> Blfl Slokee.
will MU me!"
A great lump H*e In Bill's throat fncle All-rt. and ym will take his, only roi-ly.
-Oh, papa!" oxelainied Iteasle. burst­ He turned aside to brush «wav\dr<^
A smile lighted lip tbe wu face of
lined silence ensuisl. ('yril
heart by »lonii! "
And while t^ will Iasi foreeer
moe Biggs as he extended his bud ing Into tears. "Whst must | do—w
of m'rtsloro that gathered it
llopi-fully he lind planned
(For the trac blue fadeth nerer)
> Bill.
can I dor
"Lftlle HO,', he said. In a sirugelyMagn.dls is au old
srheme: enlhusiaftlcmlly bad he
Tbe dark eknda oast aeon or later be
"It was ]int what I wu going
Amos Blaxs only answeivd by
Icnder voico. "thar's no one
Mr. l-ai/wonh. ahniptly.
plalntxl It. But Ilnelne protested,
dUparsed and tade awar:
Ik." he said, "ud I know ro« woo l etrneimt mullerings. and
Bessie burt >-er i«. not while BUI Stokes ken
If she is." ,-ri.vd R.wiiie. St
was lo be a grand twvll. and she bad
And tbe aweM ~brf«ht Mde'
buried her face In her hands ud sob­ I»revent It.''
■ensv by a remark Mie i-.ninothing' to svsir.
B<-sldes. she d
"Heaven Meu tbe child!" exclaimed bed aloud.
ru.h-. "it I* Is-caiire sli.- was ms Ii» ua
"Bill. " said Ike Jones, extending hit
not like-the idea of pliktlng to nul
Will meet tbe er«a Indlnlng
Tbe twlllp^t deei<ened
ill. “She ought ter be Judge of the
uiiwenhy low-r.
hud. "this llule girl's a trump, u'
a fx-rson like her. And—
To waush lor It aad weteone It. how- Sotirenie Court. I teckoo we can’t go broad waste of i«alr1e.
I reckon tear ain't anoiher
Mi - Kllsworih,
"Bless you!" cried Cjril. "hedoesn't
erar dart the darback oa her decltioii:'.
huDlaous star burned In the gray wall OkUbomy that would do what she's
sharply thalv
And siidrtlsllko you. I d-m t Is-llevc tic ev'
o men closped hands, ud of sky.
done ler-nighi. an' if anylmly trie*
d.-tily h«i lunied aad walked away.
knows yinir name. Ills rnH'nlment
seU tad.—Selected.
barm her |io. he's got ter harm i
f.>Ilow1ng day ho insIsT.-d on’
min's miilterings
gnoTBl. nut partl'ular. A* soon as
brtsbt Mde.
arrimiiwnylug bis ii.iihew
more ud more inroth-rent. lie talked IJcrty bad fast"
him I was In love with a sraitbe
Jo« tbe han>r. starloaa ri^t aWA
Tbe boomer* were an orgulxed wildly of some one who was coming
guuni. ramshackle, otic.- aristocratic
Tbi- two tuen rlasped huds. a
girl, ho—-he il have to drop Into slang.
Which will dre ua faealth aad apmu colooy of settlers In Oklahoma, the
In the hYvni-b quarter w here
him harm while Beside, sitting Bill. Uying his tmnd gently on little
Rosino—ho sal squ.-iro down on
iBR ao lOBg u llte ahall iMt;
object of the orgulxalloa bring U
Heslite lived. As th.-y were passing
IT. a great fear al her heart, sought Bessie's head said:
a southero girl Jilted
And tbe aorrowa that roll o'er aa
Ud Ita members In securing claims,
vaulted ealraitcv to Ihe little flag"We must go ter yer pa now. an'
comfort bim between ber broken
Shall net alwara go before aa.
and to prevent outsiders from settling sobs.
p-d courtyard. Albert hniswirtihcaught
e'll see what ken he done."
If w« keep a watcb for bine 40ea
tbelr midst.
sight of a familiar figure moving
Suddenly she rose In her feet.
Then to Ike:
asd win hMd Ita aauhlne faat
f( a anualler wu found on a Boom­ Birange look of deienntnallon on h
"Bring mer the hcoses.
among (?T potted lalrus and box.* of
hfKiild lo rapluiUiP'. He Is a regular
er's claim, it did not matter wbetber ehllfllsh fsce.
e'll go an' see tke sqimticr.
Urlek—I'nrh- AllM-rt!"
be had settled there Erst or not. he
Ike hurried from the lent. om| In a
Bending over ber father, she prenaed
• (;.> im, lad!" be said to Cyril
!t|i I have nothing » wi
wu notified lo leave tbe claim, ud ber Upa lo his burning cheek, and
;w nmiut-t returned »1ih tw-o JiKxv.
lte.| lansed. and wa* l.stklng through
fit iiion-. 1 cannot buy adress for
placing her tern simw hat U|h»i
saddh-d ud bridled.
Tou saver cu tell irtiat roar aooghu
bri<-r avenue Of ginom to II
as used.
Then, taking Bessie in his
brad, she hurried from Ibe tent.
will do
hrlgtilnres hcy.nul
lia and I—tin- as p««>r as the proverbUil
The Boomers being well orgu
Stokes m<Hml<<d bis horse, and the two
She knew (bat her father was
la bdagins yoa bate or Iota
ril was about to quention Ui
church mice."
nsh- off through the darkn.-ss
Ftor thMfhta mn thlaga. ud tbelr they usually otrried tbelr ptHnl.
111 ud must have help: and as
vagary, wtowi the thought of
But Just then Miss MagDolU
-on tbe tJnd of April that the thought of • the Boomers who
the direction of tbe squatter's camp.
alrr wtaga
l«culixr ■■wsll.lmy otadu him catch
. Roalue's relief, like a regulai; HUle
great rush was made Into Oklahoma, threatened to take his life If h<
The next day found Bill Stokes and
An awlfter Uma carrier dovea
hfa. I.realh and do as bidden.
fairy gnd-roolber,
and u nearly thirty thoueud home not go away, her (ace paled and her Ike Jones still at the sqintitcc's
n*r (OOow tha taw cf tbe nalverae
kn.K-ked al the barred hlach door, and
"The yory thing!-" she eried-“my
seekeis entered at . the aune boar.
doctor had be.-« brought from
Eheh thing matt craate It kind.
Ups trembled.
admlllod to Rosine'* radiant presImrotH- ratiu."
And tbw speed m> tbe track to bHag Is not aurprislng that In many au
Where the Boomers were, ol whom Oklahoma City, ud be bad mnalned
■ And meanwhile his rm
two or three would aeUle on tbe asi
Kosine renrded her duhlunsly.
Fhc had so groat a dread, she
■several hours, doing i->erythtnc
Ton back
lnli| the eoiiriy.-isd. The lllUe old lady
Iighudly. She knew her aunt bad
Whether went oat from rour mind. claim at the same time.
not tell. If she could only find some power lor the sick nuni. He
stan.ling by the banana-tree looked up

TiHra'B A war or aearehlM o?er

Juat at twelve o'clock on the 22d

one wbo would ptoioct her father from pounced the ease serious, and ps
April, Amos Biggs had craased the
hu]H- of Amoa Biggs' recovery.
ese dr^ful men!
Caaadlu River, thirty milts above
She remembered seeing smoke and
f could have thr- l-esi rd run
PureelU end entered Oklahoma '
number of wagons far across
prairie lo the aoitb. If the could only
find her way there, she (ell sure she
Fbr oeeriy three boors be urged
could uhtalll aselstaoce.
mules at a gallop, till at laat ainriog
Klgfat wa* fast d.-ei*-nlog about her
at a beautiful little valley, watered by
1 she sped acroKS tbe prairie, her lit­
a small stream, be stopped fau puUag
tle feet falling notelossly la tbe grass
team and oooduded to take a claim
as she hurried along. N'u sound came
Ibefv. as It seemed to be the best
ber but tbe w-lilsp<’ring
place he bad seen
slooe entering
Vlad through the rank berbugi- and
of some nl^t
ne a oolooy of Baoaiers I
bird as It swr|>t by'on rapid wings.
arrived Id the vldnlly ud taken
she sped, tbe damp gross
nearly all the lud for two or three and weeds Awirllng about ber ankles,
about two thouiud other eager

"WiMt U be Mag tharr asked Bill
Stekaa, eaueiiAag from the tent ud
stralnlag hU area wenm the pslHe.





cmir Sterth' tear.'
*'Wan. he wWt be doing that long."
TWa Jtat w^ I told him."
-What did he aarr
-aar Said ha tackoaed wT'd give
him a iwaswabta length of Uote ter
to get oE. u' I laid him a« wataT

miles around.
Scarcely u hour after taUag poesesOB of hit claim. Amoa Biggs had en-

coaatrred one of tbe Boomeia. who
gate’ ter be bard oa him. u' uked
had ooUfled bim to leave.
Urn when It sroold suit him to aiove."
It wu near sansec A balmy spring
'Wall, what did he sarr
wind wu blowing through tbe teoder
*110 said aboot Sve rears woold be
grasses ud rocking tbe Uqs ed the
fcrng enough tmtaea we could —'
snmaes to ud fro. ud stealing
. Urn a deed la a ahorter tlme."
tbroogh the bruches of tbe Jack oaks
-The impodeot dog" roared
Stokea. "Ill give him to uderatud with a low. mwIcaJ sound.
that be ean'l give me no bac





“Bold OB, BIIL" eicfalmed Joe Box- perched upon tbe top of a wild Indigo
“I "U teckoB ben corae ter Um» weed, pooivd forth bis harsh refralu
wbem ha aaes we meu buslaeas—ther in a high key. while the sweet per­
fume of the wlldAoven was mingled
alhm da"

"Yea," aaawMvd BIU. "bat hit's jlsl with more familiar odors of frying
a oae of one nma. u’ I'm goia' ter bacon and boiling coRee.
Anas Biggs Blood near a covered

call ce tuk alcoe u' oeule the mat-

wagon at the rear end of which two
He was moving towards bU home fflniea were eating their evening meat
of corn out of the feed-box.

when Ike Jeoet stopped him. *

He was bolding a smoking frying"TWs ho tmd e( tbab BHl." said be.
“The eaa# must be reported ter the pan over d blsxe. while near by a little
Iwder. ea* tbe thlag laveRl^ted. I girt between ten and eleven years of
was busily engaged in arranging
Utd the aqoatter we didn't allow ur
patatdere ter eetUe to theee paru. u' some tin cul.^ ud pUi.-s on a pine
if be didn't wut ter form e partner8be was a beentifni child, with a
ehtp with a tree u' a rope. >x"d bet­
ter pull «K before eonrise ter-mor- cloud of sunny hair falling about her
shoulders—hair that Bc«ned te havr
*^AH right." eaewered BIU Slokee. l•orrowed ite gold from the sunlight
•Tm waua' ter taave U ter the on the ripening w-heat—and eyis like
the great violate that grew In
-Tbe Erst thing ter be done now." deep shadows of the wood*
■‘There, dear." said the father,
UW Ue. ,-u ter us ter go over u'
DOUfr tbe other members.
ting the smoking pu down near
A few BMwu Uter««fter Ike, Improvised Ubie. ud ' putting



im>. BUI Stakes and Joe Boxler hand lo hit forehead: "—I don'l
d^kted aad rode la dlBereat dlrec- wfll. Toil can eat ypur supper,
tkms aeroaa tbe prairie to droulate cu't eat uylhlng Just now. Bewde."

‘ *

A Ltttia of Bverythinff. ''

ll-eadlng over her.

Ike and IMII romalni'd at th<
td watched over the tick mat
he had been a brother.
three daj-s before
Biggs recovered consciousness
dlscOT«red the two strangers at his
speak, when
s about t

way.< guarded Jealously her tninkful
' livssiin-s. ber Jewels, ber lares, her
ch. stiff, gllsleiung old brocades.
"ix> you mean It. auntie?"
MiSK Magnoli-Vs bright
mtnki-vi very


rapidly Indeed.

my dear.

I w-a* young onev

hau of oli.
London la paying Si neats a dosea
for egg* shipped from Austr«Ita-a
dlstsner of IS.«(i(> miles.
Oerman st«deaU Iteve



Ihe emidre'* iiaUresltlea.
•n.e first Turkish bath In Luadoa
iintler munlcliial ouitrol w-aa opened
eenlA '

1'fae ewt of • liaih to 10

-There arq aaid lo he M.OQO has
women than men io the SUM of Iowa.
the stale is also sbori of school
Cau aro rarrtv.d ** mascou by taaffy
pet* are well known to globe (ratteta.
Th<- av.-nige life of soap bollera Is
Ibe highest and that



makers the lowwst la maDufaetariaff
In the aortbi-ni I

Tbe CanadUn lauDtffraetino deptrinieni expects WP.noo iffllgranu this

Ovfw 2i*».<mu anivtd last yaar.

More than IC.nno operative* are enploy.«l in the India rubber Btanabetof
the rolled States.
sbout 120 (sctorles.

Tber* are

New York BIsekwell's Istahd b1d|e.
ml Is exikvied to be opened early
i-xt yoer. will hsve twice the capaty vt the Brooklyn bridge.
Knglsud'a iwtoto crop avenute* orer
,k toes aa acre.

Runta grows bare-

iwo ton to the acre, and Italy UUte
ler ooe and Ibree-foortha tons.
Recent explorers loslst that there
re three nuural brtdire la aoothcaMera I'tah oa much larffrr tbaa t]|*

hatural bridge la Virfflrta as Pike's
the Miiinil jrf the step on Ihe slams.. la-wk is than Mount WoohiiicUM.
"Alagnniia! " b« cried.
itenet itT.OOO to feed tbe aaloial* la
Miss Magnoiis gux«l at him in a the LondoD Zoo last year. Tbe prladated- lialf frighH-ned way. IMd ghosts clpai Items of food were 20? bones.
appear in th.* dsytltmi? Sumter 2Tb guale. 34.92I pounds ufTtsh.
than he m1«im eh.' had known, and
C.lvkS quarts of milk and 1ST
hair grown gni.v
the same.,

iiiyselL "

Around her, in a fantastlr danre.
re. Hie.
„ g, „,iniate.! by experts that Irish
iHgl was how- Rnsine Wilde broken fountain, the Inag-losved
‘‘^'ibogs are capable of Inmlog oat fifty
U. l-'.llie belle of Mme. Chari
true and the gU.nt oleanders went

Taneyslr<-ss ball. The pr<qiOe«-d whirling She didn't faint l«i she
,.^81*. snd If this were aoU
jterly hart spell. p.vrtner. festivity ha.|'ls»n the talk of New
•ar to It Uian sti.- . vr biol n
aujiop jaUara
e ha|>|>r«i-d along
Ork-ans for several we»-ks. The night
thought vir-'d belter stay around till long annelpated was c<s>l. crisp, swiwl
gut better, an' I reckon >wr getUn' and pearly. The broad-baleooled old Magnidia? VVb<-n I
sculptor, wbo is said to be aecoad oUy
St. Charles street was Sonh on hu*ln.».
around ag'ln. Ye baln't knowed much r* Kidence
t«’ll.-v..i in y.ei:j„
now. modeling . moou.
since yer l-M-k that congestive chill an' linllianily lighted up. Many n rarrtase
never heli.v.-.l
of the Idle Creim M. ^Ilman.
, rollrt off. tVhen Rnsine siiic'. And Willie *wi.y I h.;
the sawbri<>rw culling Inin her lleeli, fr-ver thive days ago."
which Is to he put up In'^tanjilngtea.
"And you have bi-cn with me all
1 from (he larouche of hei rea.l Hist yuu had tuarri.d tha
yet she uttered do erj* ot pain nor
There are abuut lepera In
ehaisToii. *h<- f«-ll somewhat nwvoiis. Wil.b- [ used to Is- so j-uioUH
lis lime." askr-d Bigg*.
(alterod in ber
Colombia, or I to every 1.000 InhaU“Yes; Hut I'gi afraid »e eonldu t fhougli conscpiiis she wa-s looklug n-VJarope and I sUye.1 there."'
Once she stepped into a iHwlrie dog
unie. Most iit them are now laolsied.
l-rtoe'of the product lo less than one- markable well-os. ludeed. she was,
But Ctofte* Viihh' niorricd Mad-,c»sra »re rareiy found amraig the
bole, stumbled ud tell, bat hastily
of Ihe prew-nl figure
liquid Uulie a pirluro was Hie pretty young III..-, 1 always Mid y.s. he cam" io el»»es living with hygtreilc rare.
rising she hurried on. The night grww
air has Ixm made conimcrcislly
figure In the elinglug gown of pate
darker, ud wiHrd, shadowy (onns
New Bngllwh l*tHreblp« are ffrst
•iiuwlsh satin, picturesquely puffed
several years, but Iwcaum-jif the e"V.-s, I know Uiat—now. I was a niudel.d In i^reffliM- wax and the
seemed chasing hur through the gloom.
not ireen used widely. In some
id quaintly fashioned. The roniage. foul to b;.v.. Is.-n s.i i-*>ily erairlnced nsidt-I* ti-si.-d In a tank: The wax
A bunch of sumacs was conslruod Into
It pmndly. r<-veale.| tlio firm, full
Welsh coal mines it ha* fipir-vl
n-rt oljsorh water or
pureutng (oc. ud the sudden scream
explosive, r-speeially
places throat.
Tkilnty npuischkln swallied
a b.i. 1 knew you the motiKHi I »aw wHghi and pertnll* of easy alteraUooe
r a pralrie-uwl filled her with a
w-hirli if -.lemler. were also
nameless terror, ud .lAe ran as ^e ubr-ro on the oreuiinl of dampness all
; without loss of malerlal.
gtin|s>s'der aro Lneflr.'Ctlvc. exquisitely riMneted. iind the small.
Miss Magnolia smited deligbledly.,
Sharks wre almost tmknoWD In the
Bd never ran before.
lew process, ievr-nted by a fnee was lit to lovellures
She ,ii,| n.A kx-w be ha.l expreted to Adriatic until the gnes canal was
She had galni-d (he lop ot a little
Hue. ;tn ulUmale l>ric«- of thr*-.- cr-nts
p.msy Id-vek eve*. A flash ot adnri
hill, and then she mierod an agonited
opened. Now the hnrbora of noma
n siici-eedivl tbe sen-ne n<*nehalanre
gallon Its-promlsr-d.
I i). v.-r r.,TT: d ih. .ire*. y..u wore
infeilpd with them .
ciy of fear and half turned about, hut
Cyril n«»lie-v s roMintenanre as hr
the lost Ilrr.- I -aw you. " .i.eUi.*i Mr. ,h»t rakdi-uts dare no longer bathe
was oaly a JackrahbU that IcnpC'I
RMrne't RMnance.
He tn-adt- hi» BIlhW.Htli. waxing fen-eni. "I rerogWhen JHi» MaimoUrtearofully wlili- eniutbl sight 111 her.
ros» the path at her ver> froL
kv- to le-r d.hrlrcw- the ilress from Uie gri-ai r.-an
nir.-d IT .... v.eir_ul.-.e W night '
G«-rman sailor* have flnhbed
?n. on she ran. fear lending speed
"Queen Hit'iie-''
. unpinned the old damask WP1<,}- you
u,,.te tiote and Join the re­
her tijtiig fen. and a few minutes
shlib envt-hns-d i;. .lUd spre-aiJ ■'Veii tv t.y fat the pivtllest glfl here
el rve. they don th.-lr "leeerre flask."
later, bev face while with terror, she
I’owr I'mle Alla-rt!
S shiulng f->l-ls for the admlra- tisnlch'.
w*-ar iai»> adorat-d with ribtWDS wUch
arrived at one of the lloomcr*'
•f ber. oieiv. Rosinc.-that y<-una will Is- hi.- surrender!"
r-,-—th- ilracu!" f;,iiei.-.| Mis- reach to the grremd. sod carry caneo.
And fell fainting In the door.
She -».-pt him a iuocl.1iic ouites.v
lady eiasiHd her |.l••1ty hud- ud
Magii- ‘M
<al*» urnans-DU-d with ribboos.
A llUle crowd of Bonmers.
-Ah!" she sal'I. smilingly, "it tha’
qiioir^ Krote:
. M: HllAWo.ih sull look.*! I.latik.
' A K.-yrer-tdd Hungarian girl. Urtag
«TP gafTierod alxnit the door t
"A thing '•! IsMuty U a
f--r- c-mvlctl'^n wi-!v- t ut mlu<—'
■ n-iiui'ircil Ihf IlHi" lady, hi Denver, U said to be the only fetent dlseussing the Wt method nrj^_
I'eli. .. .-nij-.f tU „ I'Ulg.
it-r.' ■' she sail'.
f-- i.iiu .-he wo. in for It and might ar. male oiaker «.
disposing of the squatter wh.o bnd |
iUss Magnolia nodded and smlh“l
»..!I mak" a «-t»-an
n br«a*l.
K what, She has Just completed
dared to f*-llle on one of their claim*.',
-i>» K.ini'." he lagan, '"('on• as small and'rrsmd ami brosn
d CTril's
H"»‘lti- a
and all ot th-m are said to b* of flne
uttered excUinaHons of astonishment j' ”'"
I !e.-v--r reti*gi.i Diy Uiiigue
maiden lady 'rf a decidedly cer
w.irkmansl.ip at.'l eieelleot tone.
Kwine 1 ji eranx to reuuiuer h
the child's appi-aruce.
Th" saying
tahii.g" eontdls-. But h-.r hrartwhich around y»sir rre,.h-tsm!
-A little girl!" grasped Bill Stokos.!
however, tha’ If tlxTv- wer«- no sigh, had lre»-ii full of seh'lment oitee. was a
"tv.-ll. ah- did.
in the produtUon of honey.
It Is
; III the w.fid the wt.ild
eviima'.«al that Uw-re an J.tdW.m bee.
ry Madeline's iV'Hy dMghier
Now I'r>-I«ii'i to faev
w.ii. Maeno'is. yrei'll marry n.' .'"
hive* In that ' vuntry. with an oMpot
20'.ai ton* SfiKlD is seoocid, with
-'Oh. dear, no; i n. >.*1 i.:-!! '
•WTiat is jl? Whar'd' she con;
h.- w’>--it. lie s<«>ti n-turnsd
thing. of
"Yes. my d‘-ar. I'
a piTjdurtitm of !?).'*» tocs from Ufrom?" asked a halMozen vuin-s. ii
d- was a .-'u-dy oM ge.uti'"
l«-anfy. And to think 1 never wop..
w.tkri hive*.
the Boometw erowded around, ear
;bnt twiee! Oral, dear! "
-|/.V*-I1e«t wom-an ;n the wor'-l
In Asbury P»rk. WarwIckshlP*. Boganxious tel get a peep at the IlLtl
Rosine'ii heart Is-vt eevre rapl'liy.
"Ytm had -a hner tbr-n. aun’.ie
ni* , ' ln«l*ted th- dragr*. loyally.
!*nd. the ancestral srec of the New.
"The driig'irK^" sh" Said.
ashed Rosine.
-lU-ss you. my ehildren." cndexatew. a uper<4 (dKar
"Boys," uswTTCd BIT! Stokes, "
Silvt-ry hair had th" drac-n
"Yes,, pel. This
foiro .
threewtepped ped«Mt
1 mile girl, an- she's In a dead
dark m.aitaHi.- had th'- droty^i

r my marriage
.•Kin-yard glsneed ha* been -rectsd t
Somebody give me a cup rtf water '■ j
a»ay_on huHness. h*- said—‘ florid romplcxiun
of 'J.- Itia-r balnonles .memory of Oronte BloL
• "Here ye sir," and s tin cop. full to
never cam- tnck. It
And a nunn-r that was grav>'. digni-;
R«»ine and Cyril.
Gticier Ice ts now dtiliverad tosooe

the news that some one wu oa one of
"Paps-^, papa!" exclaimed tbi
the Boomeee' claims.
child. -I'm so soriy you are sick.'
■s dooe much good It we hadn't 'a had and she put her arms about him, and
the brim with clear cold water, was the gown for your fanr.v-.dr>'
nan. fl-d. cuurtou*.
the doctor with as psrt <g the time."
turned her Urge, lovely eyes up to
"VanUh. you sc^n*"' r>»red th*' of tbe largret ronourneT* of L^ons asd
Tbe alek mu held oul bis bud.
Is. “Cut I help you In aome way. exteoded to Bill by one of the net
hurrtrd on Mi.r* MagiKdla.
"I'e-cfe AltoTi."' explained Cyril.‘qr;,^n.
!'i'b"r ciiie* of EJnrt*pe. There are ao
dcpOKlted the little girl <
, short, of cuarstq. but there
“I dooT know wbo rour art." be
wiih t«yisb .apTnres. "'bu U MUa; -•( *ha'ot allow yrei to marry a n
r rallwaya In th* Alp* a
op lha/yna Riieln. Wilde"
blankets, and bending ovcr;pi„,. turned in si Hre top
teU. "bat roa have oared mr Ufe.
"Ka darting." be uswerod. a cold
fsouthern girl, sir!' shouted hadtCyrH. t
all gd as a
,,, *,wn. You fhall
aad seme time I bope to repsr rour shiver passing over hJs frame. "IH ber. forced some of the Water between I
-Wiliv! " Tbe old geoik-man suite-di^ h<- and Kosine beat a brisk meat, gather this ic» and traaspoet H ta th*
her lip*, and was soon rewartrt by ;tody of lopOl*,
ta- better soon."
percepUl.1}'. H^otdted at the Wu*h-j„ he and Romn* beat a brisk retr>w'. cities, where H ts preferrad to oChar
y£> very Xiong seo." i.rotested lag girl, at the yelkrwWh qown. He'crh other In the old arawlng-roxn- Ice because of Its hartaeia sad laatlhg
"TtlB-t 00 klDdaeM." aaawered
And he tnraed ud approached the seeing her open ber eye*.


BOI; “bit wor Bat ear dootr-sa'—u' mOo tent near by. and threw blraseh
He then
bathed ber face and'Rosin/with a^ugt "But really, bowed.
; "Bveryihlng U lovely. s*SHthe*Tt!', qualities.
Yhto tee Is blaated bdA
tbe little girl tbar—t redua we ain't
1 tbe Mufcets bmeatb.
templea. and *be presently sat up and-a'anlle. I donTIWe to take it: It 1* too
And," avowed young Rodney. a«cd-leried CyrtL la aa eratacy.—Pealasiilar. mined la th* aame iMatter aa «<»• li
tbe mew ter ehlrk our doatv. Wei
Bcwsle bnmgbt some hot coffee in a
about her. utieriag a lUHc cry:l..v.-#> "
swnethrort a swift smile o'jlidme JouniHl.
I quarried.


Kinney Nya.
The marriaxe of Miss Flocvnce
Util 'OOiiauBittoa atm* 4«J ponoie
a appeared oo State Kinney of Big Rapid* to Prof. R. L.
wa-s aolemnTelegraph sod wife, retaraed botae
It Is Ju« possible that when th*
la»t evening at the hume of;
pevsBce ol tho 3-ye»P<ild dsti^ter HoBday after several cn)orahle days
patemeot was laid last year that
tbe llrtde'» parents, il7.Soulh Warren
e( W. R. Wbltc. bardwsre merchsoL spent with the Drrden'a at tbdr saaiwas lowered and la grading from
vooue. Big Rapids. Tbe Hev W. 1
A assrciilBe psrty «ss orguiUed ud m«r home at beam Paint.
rwln of Traver e CUy ofActoting.
Mrs. Edith Tbomiieoii of IjiBriog the Bldewalk to the pavement
sfter four -boon tbe llUle one
of thg trues were uncovered,
Miss Kloney was attended by her Ris­
fond Uie 10 U» Afumooo. three end Mis* Ida Msy Piper of runl arc
again It may be that with the pave- er Kaihleen and W. N, St- Peter, inguests

miles from bosne mr Ftoboco, tired
stroctor In physical seienro In Ferris
Conductor fWkmsn went to the
sod Mghtoied.
aaiisKd as hret man.
Orand Rapids bospitsl Tuesday, where
Tbe Rer. A. T. FMsumm eondi
The bride wa* one of BiR Eipld'.
he hopes to get a few days' rest at
tbs lost quorterly oaifeieBee of the
possible-for the trees to obtain enough most popular yonug ladles. In Isrth
medical treatment. bavtoR been
Kovmdia M. E. chureh U»t ereoii
moisture In the narrow teerace. What- soebl :inil rduentluoal cirelra. Slie
tore than a week, fighting off
the reason I* the fact remains a graduaie id tb«- Kerri* Im-iitule, h


couple or meka «ur spent beds wit I tbs death of the trees and are look-

Towns A Cole Bros, bore pot
■esrly psioted dellrerj- wseou oo Uie
Tbe Blesiorr MRnlsloe took on S.OSA
taorieb of etment Bundsy nnU the
Peters 2,100 bsrrols l«o day* liefore.
''ftnoi the eotnenl roinpajiy'* do<*. Tbc
•diocawn flelfai st>d the Dsvld W.
Swl were a( the Irno ooiupsny's dorJc
be Brst of this s-n-k. the former Uh-



Bk RApl«l*..lUcli.. Aug. J—Sondw her rousta. Myrtle Bewmsii.
D. McOlboey. editor


E. W. H.'X'dTINGS & SON,
Room SIO Now Stale i

Traverse Cily. Mich.
Sv-H ytu voiir I'ill {or a li.-u,*-.---r Uirii.

your Incrva*. In weight while using It.
Dr. A. W CbaaY. Serve PUla **^ta
nbog.atnDdealeta.erDr. A. H. Cb**a
Madlrln* Co.. Buffalo. N.r. Ponratiand
gignarare of Dr. A. W. Chaee, the fti
MMB racMpt book aatber. oa evar
For nala by jehiiin Drag Co.' ‘






al! liim-s

(i.-t cur ti:;iin-E and cnmjBire "tir ^rnd.s U-(ore Imyiru-.


Look for the Big K..1 I’ltnl.

Cir. K. *^th St. ati-1 Ltiko .\v.-,

We Believe

Plicncv,. Bell


We have the Best Tea on
the MarkeL

--•ptioti.'il alretiirtli.
1 that i« to your likim: try -n antn|ili'- |>oumi oftl’is
Wo will take our ‘•iiatie.'* ou your ocmiiig Ivi.-k.

I Wilhelm Biook

Traawse Oily


Price, 50c per pound.

Rev. T. Beyd Cay.


Atimmurvlii. nl wa.- m id-.- Sundsy
thv re.-iiri-aitl'n id Hi.- Fir*l Pr.

.'•lug ihi-:.‘ .n.-ic...... the

Timt tb.- t-..r


-'.iy ntxlrhv.1 1- siman 1
•I lii.-y have i>Iaye.t iw*1 b.-.r-u .i II. '. and


ihiy.i.- Pity .akin: I--II1 .-

*d n-;trk-il -J:j-.')4.rtiiy aud iy dr«-p1.
Ini.Tr-rt.xI ill iili.l ■ •l-iralii-iial
• I.-veln)ini< n1.


Mr. Cjy IVMI.. y b. the rny with ’!.ti.iu .-f. b.-li!g d'-iily •»Rlrili';i‘:
l.|- i.-iuie.leu foi-.n in.fu m i-i- lain


Old roos-fco-fflce Bulldine-

Itogsiiils Hais KilitT
Ttmble atd Heiei Susiisc! il.

chairman: 'V. D. C. G.uiuaJDe Tlios
Miw. Charies Powell are 'm. S{isne. Jatnev Kekoe.
~ Itce—E. W. Grellirlc. eh-ef; Wi . t...,;
liam F. Gaines, B. P. Bnro-.'S'lden!
Burn*, rlhur Despix-s.


Seaton is M hand . wr can
you with lint,
Od.irt and haU k'aHon Mavjit Ja*-, Rubber Kin^s,
Kxtra Caps. Ht*alin'.« Wts. raretiat: Wax. Curry
Powier. Turmeric. Caraway. P-Ji>,'>y. .Amise, .Must.ird
and Fcnnil Seeds. Mixed Picichn^ Sp:cci. and other
spices .such as you may need :o [.atiotu pickles, pre­
serves. etc

tcrangrr. Judge Jam*-*. E. Campl.-'ll,
lley SwW-ra, .Angus MeCol!, clerk.

Ladies and Childna—B. P. Burn*..-rhalraiaii. G.wge K. Anii-ti-. Robe; t
Price; Ralph Anderson. J

P. Ql"’riin,, j'!, . j__ j).

Wiillam Trade. Chiirh-a M. H-vrs.


tb*iri»''Cti -e8.»i*r. If.' will Ih- n v.-i-v '
.l.•*irf.l.l- a-lil;ii .n in th.- ineu In
Ih- Ilf.- in i!:.- cily n* he 1* nil onohr '

i.v-:ty <-f iv;
-v;ir:r.i ttic 'ivy. s:. t

Te the

Y«A.- Aut

See our Granite Preserve Kettles before you buy.
they are the prop<;r thing waen you cook anything
with acid in it.

tin-extra-: hnaryv:!..

KfU-n T PcanYork tonight to Join hi* '*hlp.
Roosereli, on which he o-i',! *ail f'd;
the layl Umi- In flue-t .of the torth^ ''v--': iiav ha--ea *?; .
jlra-'a Shat t-.-"* at!

itUnena the 1*11 game between Man‘'^jhvwail. -ViOrresDr.^B
tor K:'.m--- A: C...
with this tree tragedy Is that the trees ton aid Bueklej.
Dav* Campbell hi* gone to Chicago;!North Sidney, where-the Ebkliiio crew'hara:-;.=.N,Y.
aouth o< Ekwenlh street where the
wlU be taken aboard.'FrcBn there ’^1!,
pavement eadA all aeem to be healthy
air aau mr*. X.I,V4W— xatiuv.
.w: .urveinj
'•tulne. i-r. E-:rar^'-' Fwsr
with two esceptlotiA The property
1 the addfcas. hiaghaaton. !
Sunday with frlCTid* lo Traverac City, 'there the-party will winter,
A alsnlAcanl fact

We . n-rj

;i {uU lilt.-of .


moving mowing machine and bad her friend; Margaret Mrlmnsh.




Mr. Holley stales, that while there
The bank will bo open ereoin** perod and |«iln«<l and much new fur
B. P. 0. E. Picnic.
no objectidn to orderly picnic par­
ftoB 7 to S;30 op the night* of Aug­ blture uddedTl:i- M-cood annual cliarity |
es visiliog tbe Island, yet. In th
ust 6 and 7. to reedre tases.
of Travers.- Cily ludg.' So. r;:;:.
A Fine Meter Boat
u-resu of bs clleol, he derma tl
A Sunday school coovenUon wlU be
O. Elk* will take place on loilor luy
The Japonica Col. J. M. DatUe'a flne tsaary to prohibit all from Its
held to »k RapM* August 28 and 28.
September 2nd-^The cnmuiilte.-s
Anaagements are being made to motor l-oal. n-turned to Nortbport Another reason for this iirecaution now oil been appointed and a
PolBl Friday, after a
short stay Is that on option has been given
make It a grent success.
preiwraiirms ute tn proogivsi^ tor ihe
Ibe purchase of lhe.island to a synditbe city.
The Japonica Is
-Dp Tork Bute- will be glren at
biggest fralemal picnie ever held in
cato of Chicago. This <vUon will
tbe opera house neat Monday ereatog Urge«a and finrel moln- boat
Trav.-ra.- City. It will l«- r.-meml)ered
Grand Traverse l>a>. being ninely-two pire in thlriy days and it Is' quite that last >vwr this plciile wa* ji greiit
load talent oodw the anperr
ible that a sale will be effected.
and wUh tbe aaslstaiice of Will U. feet Id length, wilb a
success, mid the event wn.< a gala
lieem. Bbe was hiillt after Mr. Bat­ The price at which the option b
day for the cJilldn-n a* well »i
Is *73.000. nad the parties who de- Elks. This year pivnlsluii *i in- made
8>a Brotbers show here Saturday tle's nan Itleas and 1s of suefa ataonrh
and seaworthy eouslnietloo that she
of t)ila week.
for ii still greater <-oJ'Tmeiii t-i
navigate any of tbe waters in the sort puriKises. Should this tninsfer llul.- folk than last year. Titer*- will
Master Jack Csaatlett spent sever
take place, there would doubtless
he many sp.vial-frotun-s to affunl
nl days with bis onHc. Dr. Oauntlett world.
The JapnolcawnsbnlUInHandshoro
tiinusenieiii. and .-veryon.- will !■
at Travefsc City, morning home yesMin., last fall and was.Aral used by
HIU-.1 u Rt*>d tim-. Ananpem.-nt' hute
Mr. name In
IK.VI1 nude wltli Ihe TruvOMMiss UHlaii Crawford 8<Tompanh>d
eoutbern waters. On April 21. Mr.
inivliiR Ihirk a*»is:iulUin for tin
Mias Latira Hamlllon home to Hfc
mitude nnd make M.arion island
Itelllr and P-irir left Paa* ChrlsUln,
of the driviue iurk grtiiiiid'. where
Lack Friday.
of the most beautiful and popular exceil.-nt facllill.-s -are proviUivl tor
:y miles from New Orleain-. and
Jlia. J, W. Diyden Is smiertaj
stoned Boiib. travelling only by day- resorts tn nortbcni Michigan.
an outing of thL kind, 'Hie' fuUowinj:
Mra. B. O. 8*«Titt of SI. Louis. Mo.
Mr. Holley rays that lor a gr
IlghL and stopping whenever there
X. the commitieesr
J. T. Waglcy baa sold hi* One
blow. The trip was an Interest- many yeore. Mrs. Fowler refured to,
lAmce on Otuwa slrccl t<» II. Alpero
e thS island upon Ihe mnrkel,'
« Incinding passing through (he
Exeeiiljve l*Eirtl- A. 1. Ji.yee.eha:
wtao arill oocopy It ae soon as I
even at this"time she gave the op.:
ran: Angus MeCol. u-r; K. OHrien.
awmted by Hr. Kran|i.
very reluctontly and would rather
New York, the Japonlra eolered
K C. Iimiugs. Jolm
Jfdm Ferguson it^rta having
the Htidroo river, going from there the sale would not take glare than lie C. Siruiib.
celved tPO for sirawberrira ^own tot
In the nienntimc A.
Albany, where they went Into the
Reei-pllr.U—li.Mi- Gorge G. C..nell
a bjdf acre patch.
Brie canal. Iniveraliig llial Into lake
rliuirmaii: R. Santo, a. W, Jan
The Rev. Mr.. Vail and wife arc
sentative trf the owner in tliL-. city,
Erie. Stop* were made at
l.'liar.-*, Jr.. W. W
eBlerulaing tbclr cousin*. 8. B. Babin
alll have eliaree of the tirujirrtj'
points along the great lake* at various
PiiiT. fTwirl.-s E. Quirk.
of Fob du Iac. W1», and Mrs. C. A.
it changes hands.
points, and tbe'lrtii was without I
llmilir.—I.. 11. K'lrkta-y, rliairmsn
Oodtrev rf BeldlngI who have Iteen in the hahil of
dent until the SI. Clair river was
Sliitlli, Sill....... tiarl.ilid. .lol.ii
T. M. Boaworth and wife arc compusing Marlon island ns a
and there a sunken log
, .mrutib. J. H. Metbuiuh. nuiil
tog Bl WaswaconbiR this week. Sev­
tlu-ir r;im|>ing
fclraek. pulling one n{ Uie proiwllers ground, njusl se.-k
I-;. Hall-.'
eral paruca from town will visit them
9f cbmmlaalOB. ThlK was repaired grounds elseahen-.
Mu-'-ic - KixkI Wtir. biirg. rhaliui.i'
them doTlnR the week, r.ny Thomp­
at Oieboypan and lh«- parly iiroc-ed-d
Wiilani 11. Caip;.lsll. C!iail--> S V
son is S|>eudlnR the eiilin> wivk
Injured on Tramway.
its way.arrivinR at Northporl I*uint
tniiiil.-s Skeirhrr. l». W.
While at work on lliu OH l,'im1-<'
Jnly 21.
M. L- Ollle^lo. the ‘new alatlon
The Japonica is a triple se
Gr..uii-l* -E'riiiik
Mnicturc ■thirty h-vl to Hie gnmnd
agent to EUk Rapids, look charge ol Ihe poaer lielns fiimlsheil by
■an: William Ian--.
Julio- Paie.-,
Ms duUe* last Friday. Mr. Wilson, his Wolverine enRine*. two Iwenly-aeven nnd miraeiilou^ly esroin-d injury. *
Willi.iiii J. Irwin. ArlHBr U (Jr. ili. k,
l.nek w-iis wnIkliiK ulmig Ihe irunlw
prodteesBor. held the po*ilH» here for
horse power tnachno* and one thirtyColtil.-li. Aiiloi) Lar.b*-- Cliiirh*
toward Ihe slnira its In- was roIue
eight roars and will enler Uic employ
bU home power motor rIvIbr h<>r a
he dniwbiidge down to eniilile
of the cement company.
erulslnR six-d of ulHKit ten mile* an
Amusement and Gitnt.-s - .Viiinh K.
hlm to take a tourt load of himlnT
Several Bwedlah resldeiils went to
hour while she c*n make thlrn-en it
Flninh. ehiurnwn: (•nail--* Gi-rnudii
«. Ho was Wiilkliig im tloBellairo lael week «to take tjut their
neewasary. Her construction is W. C.
Hull. Jaoe-e
of tbi- tramway alien oiiu of
oatunRsatlao papers.
heavy mid the aceomiiiodallon*
l-oaixls belli: dcvuii-d li'i him ihmitgh Keh.>-. Fred fniii. .'i.ii.pi-'n.
Hoy MarloU returned to hi* liomc
ample for a party of sixteen In addlHeftvalmiriil#—Cbuil.--' W. Fiiusi.
he fell to the smnitKl latidin.:
at tbe Soo Mcicida}. He mient several
which eemsists of
hands and kiiMW. Wlili the
week* bero wirtag for electric light*.
capUlD and five men.
Alliert Nutciny. Philip Sh-riii-i. C
eeplion of a spraiiu-d Aii-.:i'r am'
M. E Lang left Tuesday for De­
The party vivlllng to tills eit,v co
Leland. k'red Dut.n. Frank X-y.
troit and Ann Arbor to visit friend*. slated of Mr. and Mra. J M. BatUe. general shake -jp he Kiisiaiii.-.i no
.J.fc-. i-h Itotiliera, F J. B.Thi--!, C'l.urI injuries.
Joe Lears and wife. C. D. MeGlbwy
and Mrs. EuRene Smith and
I’.tieknrr. G. K. Cliu.pi-ai-iia**—. Wil­
•ad wife. Mlase* LouUe Lear*, and two children. Ibeir nephew. Archie
Charle.e Haill-rr
C Broken.
WUsa Brlngman and Mcear*. Walker Oeen of North Carolina and Harry
• llich, Fi.vitk Xuv.itny.
All prt-vioii* record* lor Ain
r^n,, Dnnran Lestrlag and Will Jal- Jnnldch of St. Loul*. Captain FroK
Harrtf. Js.-pli Shder. ’la'itls Rl.-d-r.
gar spnt three day* last week at the
The ‘partv will return to 8t. Louis •ere broken wIkti 5.1.':‘> pli-c--»
Greger ftosl
WilHam Dill. R. E
gun and amJers' club bouse oa Rap­ by the w.v of Chicago, the darinage
Weaver. Louis Kaufman. Jo.-ei-h K-.rposD-d Monday.
id river. canal and the Mississippi river.
1. Coitheh.
Dr. J. W. Ganntlelt was rall.-d l«
B.vilgr and Priiitlne~J. W. Hann.--,
Oaylortl Monday to a professional way
Had Tbuoib Cut Off.
chairman: Dr. T. A.
Graw-n. MIrh., Aug. 2
Mias Theo Bowman murped to hoi
mra Ranks Ihe lO-yesrcdd m
ry Gllli*. M E. Ha»ii.-II.
borne in ftiy Shore Salwrddy alter i
sod Mra. A. W. Banks, who live
Invitation—J W.
frlend.-i here aSiiinla.*.
alsnil two mill-* south of ibe city,
lan; A. L. Jo.e,-. Aiigu* MfColl.
Mrs. Rt-na BIsard of Gnindvllle.
some manner cau^t his thumb
Trapspoitoiloti — Harry
Slonro.'Mich., arrived here Saturday to visit


3 per CcBt liiswet *a nas DepwUg


and W-. E. Holley, is ill the eiiy
Tmbla at Seeul.
House Bumod.
S«m1.AnR. 2—Tiir ulRht Iti tbe clty InteresW ul Mra. Marion H. Koa-ler.
Moima- C.-nU-r. Mh-1i.. Aur Incl oiilsklrl.s was one of u-rnir, out­ Ihe owner of Ihe Island. Mr. Holley
It hiidli't l<eeu fur the the island this aflenumn for
Us nice. Mrs. Prsnh Vernier.
breaks occiirilnR one after another
mind of MiswyRose Woo.1. Wi;ll:,m
Dr; H. Breeh Horne mme Rsturdsy Tbtf dislamded army, aroused to fury the' purpose of posting "no trespass'
Lang and Mr. and Mra. CUni Coiilaiid
plarards all over Ihe Isl.voil. He stated
le klliiig of-sixty Kon-ans,
U> nblp hi* honnelinld Rood* to
w-vuld undoubtedly have Is.-'ii
the owner frar* the constant
Tlie Japanese
City, where he hs* located for epeeUI Unues tbe atlaek.
mated in tbi-ir l>eds.
.\t midiilRht.
•wrwfc. after rneBdlnc serersl months lurni-d maeliine guns on all mobs of at tbe Island by people from Traverse
jSi.s Wood was awnki-ni-d l-> a etty
In study and praeUec wot* on thi
and eye. Mr*. Mon«> csino down from
cif smoke while the flnnu-s w.-rties. ‘While not inli-ndlng to be et
Oiebo^D Ttrosdny and aner a
plainly visible.
niay leave flrrs barnins that o
days they trill proceed to their
'Withiwt liesitallini. Uie yoiini:
sooner or later sweep the entire
Hotel Lealanau reopened.
home. .The doctor'ha* been after
an w.-nl to the place when- ttu- .aliers
speckled Utmt and Is unstinted In his
The Hotel Leelanau, under tbe man- land. There Is a laiwe quantity of i
were sleeiilng and awaketu-d th.-m in
prolse ^d bjee of B>k Rapids and vl- agomenl of Peter nostrum, is now liable limber, and besides, a Are would
time fur. them to make their escape.
opi'D for busInevR. Mr. Rostrum will damage the island for resoit punioaes.
clBtty.William Lang owned the house and
is probal^ that a fence will
peraooal charge, plenty of help
Mra. Joseph Parks la rlsUIng her
it wu* entirely destroyed. Ihe less
lit lietween the smaller island and
luis Is-en provided Sud the hotel will
son Joseph In Superior. Wki.
ing I2.0uh. with some insurance. The
mdneted In a flrstclass manner.
The little pli-asore boat tbe Anna
oriRia Is a myelery ac there wie
Therena. brooght over thirty passen- The enllre bouse has been renovated the araaller island from ll<■*pass^us
a lamp or Are bnmlng in the h
|Km the'olber.
Inp to bollr.m, the rooms repagers Tuesday.

Judges of

Stulffen Dmc

i insurance.

Jloncy to Loan on ImprovcJ Rea! Estate Only.

JndsOB Tsoner of lotils ta vlsltlne

Mr. and

h Ceaenl

PlBt« Class, Stsam Boiler and AcC

ABd tbe latter pig lr<a for BuBslo.

tbe proud jwreol* of a baby boy wbicb
* SADUIA er hi ■edlearnc** I* »r
arriveii at their home J-iIy 20ih,
Shad* Tree* io Danger.
dl.aied *y oslcnr** of il>« lip*,
Mr. and Mra. Harr tfre wileoainlag
One of Ihe prelllrat shade tree* in
tbe gum* and ryrUiSc. and I* most frvIbelr friends. Mr. aud
gurnily found io girl* and young Traverse City is the m&ple and the]
isas. This is the Arst time they
cily Is noted all over the coualry forj
have met in twratj-nliie year*.
the large numlwr of till* specie of,
Ut*. impjlu-u dlg.suoa. Itrllable
Mra. El Aldrich I* eniertalnhig her
p«r. aboviiirw uf br-utUi. dlzrUu-ss. iroes u*v<d on the strecU for shade. |
ratnUng. bradachr. easily fatigued -- I'liloD street from Kliffilh aouth near-' brother T. ffisnrri of St. Ignace.
I!i;tr P.-.-i* if able to l.c iireand
ly to Bougbey s hill 1* lined on botli
Th» blood >• ucking m th« lift
town ou erulche*.
sides with large nu>|dea that range nil
talMng povrar which 1* nreessary
G. A. Briidiam mid Chorb's John­
working of the bodily organ*, the way from two to Iweoiy years in
of DurkH-y W(-rr' Crawu callers
end can only b. rrsiorrd by tbr u»* age. A few weeks ago Ihe resident*
•f eurta a blood-formtng preparaUen as
of this street awoke to Ihe fact that
Dr. A. W. Cbaiw'a Nrvvc PlU*.
The Mr> R. Blrafd and M. McIntosh
On account of th* way in whicb Dr. (he beauurnl tree*, some of which.
A. W. Cbasc's Nrr-o rill* etirirh
»..>d b- i™.hl
bb mmry. TO
i»™> U
►resort today.
bleed and bWld trp th* vyiarm. Ibry
•lowly dying, 'nte leave* are ,be«MU-['^^
doubt tbe most effective tn
Boytan and D~ronda
inent ter anaemia and almUar wasting log yellow and one or two trees alCraadalt went to -Miinton Mundar |c
dUraae that was eroreompouBded. Nets ready seem to be quite drad.

G GARLANa Cashtm-.

SURPLUS. «30.00d

Tire Insurance!

aboiil cme In every thrm; maple lansht fur wv.-ral y<-ara in Iluyiie
tree* 1* rlowly Irwing life and t
City iifirt t'le.hist year iit Hi.- p
thing should le done immedinl<-ty to schoil* in H01I.-UKI. Hr. Nve is a I
RocreUry fnilc.r of the
preserve the life of <«e of the fea- ei Mudeot at Ihe rnlvifsllj of i
trade states tluit at>nul lln.onp bu a1o( the city.
lean* and tor tbe last Ave y.w •,
oady IKVUI ple<lK«’d toward the paper
u pniiniial ol Trav< ri«- Cily High
Marlon Island Closed,
mill prvjei;t. AH those wIk> desirp 1o
will be a !-ource. of P-gret
Identify'Ihemwivts p!lh the project
Mr. and Mrs. Nye will i-i- rid
shcwld infoCB the wvreiary at onre launch oarneiv and plciile parties, i
leiii.-yniisin •«! a short .-aM.-rn
o Ihsl If juiyiliiiig is dc.iie with tlie Marlon Island, i«pularly known
loiU'liinR Detroit. Btiffiilu. ulb-uni. N>-a
-lilg Island," is to lie cut
.niiKfcdllon. the matter cjia be closed
from the piihlie.
W. K. Holl-r of York City. Jam<-siow
up Imtncdlatel)-.
looia. a meiuber of the Uw Orm of mher isnnis of Inierrat

the end of it cut oft.
A physlciai
was 8-jmiDoned to give it projier care.

A. TRACY LAY. PraaldsiiL


lU S cargo of IiuDlwr for Cblr*«o.

Pale, Weak,
Anaemic Girls.

IraTcrsc Oty State Bank





News of Grand Traverse
Sommer Resorts.


their arrival at

Nn«h-ta.wanta for Inating. the flne bowtlag alloy of
Ui< ) looki-d the ground over and witc -The Oak»" is ktyit bu.y.
From Mondaif Record.
»o |.l«nM-d they *-ere almcnt decided
Very good livery •.‘rilce la furalshwife returned
tbla city Saturday.
then, but when the manager directed
Hra. C. D. Mllhv. mother and
fteouem to Carp lake.
Path" a beaaUfCr
where they
shady winding isitb with Its steep Putnam s HIM. U-land. Cat beuJPulnt

III Vlelt lor a l«ok- weeks.
and Pniveonml.
Hares, made eually arceiurible by
Hra. C- R Wheeler of Peoria. D!.
"The UaniMHi" opened lis bn-pitaNe«b-U-aa-aota, ^e latest arrivals rustic board nitir. orrasinnally there
He gates one eveulng and Geo. ami 1 - vtslUng friends in .the city.
teUIng of tbe Interne beat In anclneiinshliK' where
Miss Angeline Monlon H Reed City I
nau that they are fleeing from. Hay the ire*-! are cut aaay. giving one a Mr-. «. H. Grit-rson gave tH- glad!
tian I If wrlriiDie to the whole colony. > h-'" reiurntvl ib bet horae after spendfever patleoU are now begtnnlng
aiuirkllng oian> feid below, ll seemcf!
of thHr guest*. MiHs Reiv. otih'K lauue. time- in till* cl'.v as the
OU HMm. Meb.. Atig.
arrire seeking relief In the delightful li> them they could *■ no IxHter. aoj
of friends.
IimM Unn. afl*r ail the pietaftce air of the north. Tbe firmerx and all they bought a lot on the south end.'
,.'.|^"’|legi ^v! and wlity atorkw of travel in!
Miv. J. T. tsi.-waii of Chicago 1*
that thU
to be
•riy oa-nera are making every
eiertod tholr hand.«une cotta
I \Val<>9.
I s;*'Udliig the siuiuner In this city.
ar." the like i]( vblcb aome of the
to keep the rag weed do»ti
n aadjp
Piu«»." and each >ear enjoy ft more
nadartook to mnember. haa aot to
A pleasant .11101X1100 was spent at i
Hr. and Mrs .tan-n Moos *it ihU
ina Inl
Tbe hotel ngivter shows the foHow ,
lUvDrk.Pcoi>teare Drloctothe eoueusipriltv. leH Satiirl.iy Lonieviile., Ky .
annoying to hay I,Mr, C. A. Craghe.d. Mhar*^*'"'* Banka" JUtenlng

;T~-and the nature of their datiew. in
' many •-sm-w. qairkly drift them into
the horrors of all kinds of femak
complwiBU. orv-wme troubles, ulcerwtioD.faUiog aud displacrmentw. or
perhaps irregularilv or suppremioe


trr-aiKl OU HlMlon baa
-Into QBupetoed vietr.
Darlns the

.\lar-! wheiv ihey eX|<eei In

and there 1. verj’ 111- Aa.Hla Cmgbead. Ui>H T. I'hipple*.



Women every where should tomember
that themedirinetl
the record fur
' the Iwrgvat tii
actual cures of female ills b


Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

'Mle» JJarcar,.t Degan. ..f Ilayion.
iiuihiir. His* Kate Hale, anjl ^ilas Minnie Welter of this arity
» declared wmiam H. Stafford. Mitw.

made from imnle native roots and herb*. For more than thirty ji
loteraatlDR erenta ioctudlnc a faiier
it haFrank Sullivan. Willard Mack, He-j
.'■ducaiion by Mrs.- Ssturd-ty hw t!:-and Haphl* where she
helping women to he strong, regulating Hie fiinciions perfectri
dm tUnelac parfV given by Htae
tRin- el tbe Oberlin oime-rvalery aiH will tnuk- her future hmue.
□ . It has also proeed itself invaluable in pteMrs. William .Hunt of Cinrinaaii
Guliel. Francis K. ’ Gray
paring for chib H“A"h^lSd™the
the iTiange
t-hange of life
Obrien on Tbunday laat to honor
a gu«i of Mrs. G. ,P. Hunt at th<-ir Answr Smith of Cinriuuutl. O.
!Hls. I»ra,~T of the Ililnol, «h.-l f..r.
yn.l Mrk r.'S.-r-i.>n. -md chih ■
liagrrmann. of Hay hbore, L. I , vrritc*
<4iier gneala. Mbs White ot ihtutb. colUge on Indiana ayenue.
. suffi
red fnun a d^p:a«,-meTil. eM^fT an^^s^tui
1I.B. Wallac- of Oak Paric, ill.
, _
bad Hiaa Ryedoo at CblMgo.
fnnetiun* so that 1 ha I to lie d-mi or sit still most of the time.
Him May Resnr of ClneinnaU
i.-w we<-k* In lliir.<-ii:-.
E. I'inkham's
Hlaa PiMre enteitaioed with a rived on Oiday for a wa<>k auy wlib
The reguHr rbnreh s-n lc* con-1 ,;a„.re bo..k* for Hilldr.-a is .nt he.,
------------- Vegetablet'ompound has made toe a well woman •*>
U:v- S. T. Kaifrman and H. L. Wnl-i
that I am able to attend to mv duties. I wish evrrv suffering wuman
.liifUd l.y Bishop W.«<K-ock of Ken-j
bridge party on Wedoeaday laat, and Hra. H. R. Walu-.
im.n ..f tlrance. N. J„ are staying j
Vegetable Compound and seefwhal relief
lucky. In llir- hotel piirlor* Sundays'
- gh.. hn* h .»w iKxk In thIn that vay celebrated her birthday.
It wUI give
Judge Paxton (ft. Clndniwli
the park HUu-e Hr ill.- remoInd.T of ,
al II ..'rl.a:k stand.ird Um* are very'„„iij,.d 'Th.. Ulle* and ibelr
Hlaa Pierce came drat to Old MlaaJon peoed soon fur a few .da>-s' t
twentr^bree yaara ago a year old babe: Price cottage.
Mr. and Mt*. S. H. Steel and daiigh-^
and baa been here every aommer'
Dr. C. K. Hiller. Mr*. II. I- E.leer.1 Cherokiv hii^e the Beriters have I i.-r ot Chicam. are >i.q.Hug al the'
with the eaeepUoB of thi
ton aniPC. J. McHugh Kpem (he
than tweaty
f.-w- days.
veatw. and before Hi.. .... _
fpent abroad.
and Mr* J. I*. B<Tker oT St. IhuI*.
end with their famllloB at T>'n.' CoedMre. Uills'll M-mgey- of Chicago li
ham in advUitig Th. eef.irv aU’u'eapiiiaTiy
is dlvId^H equally between nn orjifaan^ ^Tde
over popular hold. “The
The young lads on the r
Mi>, who a - Himiim-rlng a
Clinrle- vUlUiig friends iii HiU city.
sick women hark to health.
In Loutaville, Ky.. and missionary
Pinea." have a olee eroad of people. one of the jolllret UnM>s at their beach
work in this dionse.
Prof. I. B. Giliwri. who h.-ta be*-n
Among the lent arTlrala an
supper. They aid the cooking UicmThe St.-amer Chequamegoo also
tenrhing nt ili<- *iimm<-r normal at
Urn. A. i. CroM of Rivemide. Ill, H.
nd Bitbroiled
brought fn.m Chartevoix Hlsln-p till
Kalaniaron, rtuuni'H
8. TIKany and wife of Chicago, H.
fling m the southi rn i*ul ..i th.- si.iie the Hannah £ Uy MervauUW com-'
potaioen and <|uaallUes
Irsiile's daiighler Mnry Bird, whn wllli
B. Belnoo. wUe and eon of Chicago,
other stuff with all a boys' rell,h for
visK friend* at the roilil and S '?nn-|
Mis* Riiliy THylnr -if Grand RaHds. luuiy. I* In the elty <tn Inwioen.
ad Mrs. Tieiniue Bunion i
It. K. Joni-s sheriff of Ktiimet eoonty
set IXNlge."
good things to eel.
who has tss-n tin- gtkwt of Mrs. Hut
Mr. Ony C, Shaw who with hla wife
Itiirneil Ilium- KViday evi-ning frimi
wife nnd daughter. Mr and Hre. John
tie M. Strong, has riuunn-il home.
With On. and Mrs. Crienuni
The family of Judge Smith took
Gmenr. Aug. 3—With the opeslng
has been f<w nme time at the Pli
^"'■'itow w-.-eks- vlsii In rbiroli. with Mr.
Hymnn. Mrs. Kllu lluell and Mrs
been Hie MJs^ Jane C.IIleli and
bay ride to Traverse City, where
Fny Crawford. t< tlnuid Rapid*,
U a ooMat of eoate note, girted with
«„. J. «.
the "Deanery " aud "Thp Wigwam" riel Keeee of Korihpiirt Polut,
John Kuilih <i( |tt-l<iake)' spent Sun­
children said good bj-e to (heir father
who has bei-n in Ihe rlty for the luist
a baaoUful baaa vdoe, when home
visll.H in lllg Itapids .ind Grand Baplast *fe*'k by ^ King* of ackaunday with Mr. and Hr*. Oliver IX-rr.'
General and Mrs. Cnlebeon of Maple-I
who was rettirnlng home but gave
Wiik visillng his mother, has leiurnalsglog in Sloal Temple, the Urgeat:
vllle and the Smiths of Springfield,
ill W.-st Si-ventfa strre-i
warm welcome to Black Beauty, tbelc
■woiat have bad a visit from th<-lr
<-d linme.
aynacscue la Chicago. Tbe gueata
III, all the cottages are now filled
G. K. Newman left this morning
Mr*. Rtiiiua Shank of Dupixi'- O,
Ebrtland pony. ThU pony la a fancy
niece, Mr*. EdwHn Anu-lrong of DeMr*.
the hotel are very esjoyably enter­
nnd young iieoplo from various
hii has iK-en vlKlIitig her idaler. Mr*.
for Bay Shore,
Hick pony and doing ao many cunning
lie of tlrunil Uiiplils .in- ihi- gtiesls of
tained. On Wedseeday
Hr. Shaw
li'ges form -a 'large proportion of the
camping al leiitg lake.
things that it U no wonder the childMlss Latira Bc-nnett <d Grand Rap­ John FtiU-liiher. returned home Tues- Mrs. Hattie M. Sln-iig.
gave a imnieale la tbe parlora ot tbe
C. I.. Iiaytim of le-land rriun>ed to
a are proud of her. Black Beauty
ids I* enjiiylng the bospiiulliy of ■lay night.
hotel, the evhnt being the aeventyRoliert Walker, i-niplnyi* of F
Of course aqualle ti»rta are greatly Camp Lookuitt, the guest of MIss
Mis- Inna ll-v- of Mlmlstee 1* In (he
his h.wm- after Iraiisartlng bunlness
B w<m sereral prizea at .mny shows
foorth birthday of Hr. Brady, alio a
Knox E Co., is enjoying a varailup in this «diy.
H<y visiting ri-laiive*.
Kraneea Hughe*.
I favor, jind excuralous have
guem at (be Pinea.
Urn. Pnntler
Miss latulse Tayler of Grand RnpHs
Till- Ml-se* Kellie and Mlntile
Carl Harrison of Cincinnati is
taken to CHd Mission, Northport. Ce­
With Mrs. Santo at Honiewoi»l are
acted aa Hr. Shaw'a aceomp
dl ridurrietl from Grand Rapid* Sal- the etimmi-r camp of fhe unlverelly Is the guest of friends In (be rijy for
Mrs. Titu* Ilf Traveyse City anil Mrs.
Overlook for a month.
dar Ijydge. Traverse City and pv*ti
a pleaaant time waa had by all the
ttrdny fur a visit of two week*. Mr*. cngfni-ers at BnrdlekvIHe ntnrned
Ti few iU>».
Charlevoix in (be nitioian'a Bfardihrd Cowles of New york.
A Jolly load of young pe<mle>
piaaU. Several of the oMtagera wi
Sbtiul.iii was their gi>e*t over Sunday. his lionx- at SiWUi Boardman l
dooeo or more, plenleked at the Old Cbarievolx in Ur.
The Urthday cake, one
Mkuion light booae on Tuesday laaU laoneh. tbe Acooe.
Miss Miirj- I*lleb left this moniink
Thi 8. O. B.
BnUiiard 8mlth and
Mlos Iji-len
the cheTa triumpha. waa a picture
Mr. ami Mr*. Frank O'Drien liave
reiiort a good time and a floe place
Captain Swanson's boat. I'm Com­ Smith Ilf Springfield and Meaare. A1- fur Grand R.tidds. Ikdndt and Tidi-do.
Abivjl iliiny of (be 8. O. H. dob and
aee. bin atin it went tbe way ot all
0 go.
of C1ilc.i-;Wilt make her hmue In Grand Raiilds relunii-d from a shorl Irln to Mauls- ihHr Invited friends had a picnic at
ing." was canghi by the electrical
rrt Sheldon nnd W.K.
good thinga to eat.
ii|i(in ndiirn.
Tbe imndaome laundr-Uiddy" own­
last Thursday night 1
Marion Island Tliunidar. retch taking
Hra. A. A. Leighton and little grand
Mr. and Mre. John PfNfley niA-e
William Dittman of St. l.nul* 1* vis
ed by the -family of George Rood, of off Cull island with a party of toura wdl mii-d basket, the viands be- *
Mr. nnd Mr*. .1. Smoke luH son.
■op. Leder Onrtta. arrived «d
iKwrd. Including the Rev. liing hi* lirniher anil admiring Gnind' Misses RutherlDi- and Gerirnde Nies- in-ned front an eitendi-dXiil'"> How­ log nil put together whk* made op
Bteaner Mtaaouri and will apend the "The Pinea.” gave the young people
a dellghtAil moonlight boat ride
Han Bradley and family. It was a ter­ Traverse buy as seen from lfi<' Ui-ck hall. Thimio* Marsliall and A. O. Pitre- ard nnd Reed City,
a mm-i appetlring lundieon. lo .pRo
eommer at tbe Leighton hone.

Mrs. PliInkham’s Standing invttatloo to Women


D*. Lnclua C. Pardee, the famoua Wednesday, taking them around tbe rifying hour they spent
der and lightning and
Island eourwe and all
dermatolagy apedallit ot Oileago.
wind and wavcv, but no
eclipse of the moon.
again at Old Hlaaian, a gneat
raised lo distract
Mr. and H re. Rood are Terre Haute
Rnthmore booae.

nmldri thun­ of the Alcyone.
(be roar of
human voice
the anxious
Arthur McKcwn and Lottie

man u( Milwaiikii- an- vlstlliig at the
Mr. aud Mr*. Randall W. llarrisou
................. K. W. Steaai'l.
Ilf this city left this noon tof Jolloi,
.M. B, Hiilley. who luia bemi enjo)-|og III, where thi'v will sray Ui deflal'cly.

vaeatlon trip to Gloveisrille. N. Y.,
SeaLest Finger Ends.
Harold Osltoriii- of this riiy went to
Bcnn Calloway of Cbknga arrived people and years ago were doing the skipper, and he flnally landed his brook were united In marriage by •'vnd utiier tsim-rn iHiliit!-. has returned Grand Rapid* on btisincMt (bis noon.
M’hlln at work on a cutoff oaw at
and will apend the week end at Sea northern resorts, suet o' wanderleg drenched passengers wifely al G<-n. Judge Gerge Ciinis Saturday after- home.
hank Uitmbaugb of Cbtengo is lo GrtlllrU's
Mrnday. John
Send, the gneat ot Hlaa Pierce.
around looking for what they called Greireon's iloek.
nmtn. Both young people live lo the]
lotiii* lllnlsall. who has completed the City.
Sk-der had the Ups of tbe two midWln-a the weather ■* unfavonihh'
Tbe hennUfnl moonlight eveclogi
Ideal spot for th<-lr summer home.
ami are well known.
j l-is eoui.-- at tliit-i. is home afn-r
. Fk-td Clinch, 'vice i.resideni o( die Ungers of hi* IHi hand Uken off..
have been made tbe moat ot.
Wednceday evening ot laat week a
large bay rack toll ot yong people
went for a drive np la tbe country
abont foor mllee, where they found
an ioe ereem aoolal in 'hill Maat at
one of the Stna houaeeond tbe young
crowd proceeded to buy all
craam they bad. adding not a little
to the proceeds of the evening. On
the way botne the moon


prleed into an ecUpse by the diatterIng. noslc and college yella.
Hr. and Hia. Lotham T. Souther
and baby. Hary Lonlte. with ourae.
from SpringAeid III., are at the por­
ter Heime for the acaaon.
gnedJ St the Pgri^r Itouee


H. Ddred of (Mnctnaatl. Him. Bdwln
Fox ot Hew York. Oarl H. Rerick,
wife and daughter of LaGmnge. Ind..
end Hlaa OiMtman and D. FrtM of
Tbe Roabwore Honie have Hr. and
Mfw. Uambertaon ot Obleago, Ur. and
Hra. Joseph Proctor and little daugh­
ter Herletta. of eoria. III.
Him Ucintyre left on Wednesday

Our Great Sacrifice Sale
Will Continue 12 Days Longer

Extra Special Whirl in Clothing Dept.

She WH B gurat of Him


(best kind in the world for boys'
with every suit.

Fancy Vests free with above.

isiae and Donald, am at Pine Grove
farm, the heme of Hr. and Hra. T.

Hlch, hava been gueata at the farm
home cf Hr. and Hre. 0. H. Jamlaoo.

Men’s Suits
Great Snaps al

althooidr coming In the hurried cher­
ry eeeaon. they report a delightful
Utne. thoroughly enjoying aeelng the
cherTW on the trees and the cherry
phStera at work.
The Old Htasioo Yacht and Atblel

$6.95,9.50, 9.98,12.50

and base ball committee. E. i. Brinkmaa Areas.; 8. HacDonald. comtnodOTv; Cbarlri g. Trumbnll, chairman
of Oom.: A. B. P^er. PuWUtIc Com.;
The #r»t regatu of the year will be
beU on Saturday. Auguat 10. There
la a ailver cup for tbe ainoer Of the

1.85 2.98 3.98

lor Suits
value lo 53

lor Suits
worth to 54

lor Suits
worth to 56

12 pcs. Cravenette Cloth

Sale on Men’s Pants

56 to 60 inches wide,
value 51.50 and 51.75,
choice al


$3 values at



98 cen-ts

sail boat race which wUl atari at 1:10
standard time. Another rup will be
offered the winning team of tbe base
ban game, which will be called at
3;M. A third Cop will be offered for
the launch raeee wbkb win atari at
( p. m. Any one wUhlng to enter In
nay of these will nddmaa Fred Hlner,

We stm have heavy stocks In neariy
every department In spile ol the
great rash of business since this
sale started.

These Are the Prices


k dub held lU >ifnual election of ofBcera. Tbe fallowing ofdcera wore
elected: J. 4. Cummings. Prea.: Bert
Bkntlne. vice Free.; Fred Uloer. Sec.


S10and$12 Idnd at


J. Brinkman.
Hlaa Hanhall ot the H. A. C. at
Lanalng and Him Ptnney of Oeniacm.

That all may have a chance to parttelUclpale In this sale.

Men’s Outing Suits

last for her home eU Toronto. Oot
Hr. Prank Eneell of Chicago. Hra.
Fred Culver and her two aont Ler-

There are 2 reasons tor
this extension
of time

Others at 50c. 8»c. 51.28

Other Special I^ces on Wool
Dress ^RkkIs are

Straw Hats Half Price

18c, 33c, 45c, 69c

15 Ladies’ Fine Wool
.lill on hand:

Choose from the lot at.............................

White Lawn Suits
$5 <)ii values, to close at.......................................................

Long Kfmonas - 87c and 98c
Short style at half price.

Shirt Waists,

84c, $1.98, $2.98


Noab-ta-wanta. Hleh, Aog. S-Clndwtail

pMple are attll

cc«|bi to


Mlaa Matle Una haa iwtomed frem Dath of Mra Amanda VanHjmlng.1
two wrrita’ vtall with her alster.
Mra. Anna an HyulSg. aged 53, wifer
of LouU Van Hynlng. 229 West Six-1
Mrs. Arthur Bounler. of Burhley.

What Roekofollor Saya.
CUvaUnd. A»B- b—*A«dat

mn •MurAar'B iUeerd.


til bo dead a long whiit baforo thia
•UbAlka htr
e Rev. A. BenUII and family
with • hcl pln«nd brMkine »b«at «iK^ flAt ta paid. In fact many thlnga will
were al ^nkfon during the Congtv
incttM 9t tt« weapon off In hi* ch^ happtn htfwo that.” Thia io tha only
aUonal Aweably.
M olMUlAor. MM* Kmma 'OMorit. 224 dlroctummant .publeor privta, that
Mrs. Herb Locaon and Hra. Frank
taM TonUi otroot. purotMd Uio
Waver look In the sights al TravJohn 0. ftoefcafblltr (a known to h
•Mil ho ran botwoon two hoimoi and
Clty Uil Tueadaf.
laia tho alUy aonth of Tenth atiwot. made on tho MM«0,oao ffna alne<
stcrtopuicbn exhIMUa
Tuaaday av«n<n». Tho young womai
Impoaad laM datttrday.
dmsc ball tat Mnday night en­
' «MlkW tho publioltr connoeUd with
titled - tbe War in Cube.“waa attended
T. i. A. Picnic.
the affair, but ooHy thia meralni
large and appreclailve audience.
Tlko Trpveraa City Balnea Man'a
mp- amt into tho fiteord ofAeo and
Prof.. Kennedy bandied the subject ts
woclatioo Mil give a picalc at racb
- maaieriy manner and the alidee are
D Carp lake. Tboraday. Angat 2t.
with her. whOM ovary word and
u dee aa the photographer can pro
aad thia pleale arill be oea of the
taro baopeko iho oapabllity and
It BDil mat gorgeoa allalra erlaianaaa of hor natura.

leenlh ilieet. died at 1:30 Saturday j
tfleracsm. Sh«»leatra two daughter*, 1
Ml* H. A Allen and Mr*. L. D. Porter
of this city aad one son In Jltinlana.' I
A. 8. e( E. fflenic.
The anuuB] picnic of tbe Atnerk-an
Society of Bqully will be held at Ueueter's park. SutKms say. Aug. 14. Tbe
following ts the program;





grouBda at I0:SO. lAineh will be aerv1 tbe grounds In picalc style,
il—Welcome addrew by Dr. W.
H. Payne, village president.

er bald by Trareraa City cllltena.
Mlaa Oaberia la an ampleya
Death of Mrs. Adeline I. Smith.
ere erlll be amiathlag doing every
tba Ml Ulaphent company and laavat
imrnt of lhi> time from the depan- From Thursday's Reccord.
tha oMa rvtry avanlng at • o'clock.
f of tbe train until tta return at
... the ninety-atb year of her life
Tiioaday avanln^ aha atartad up Urn

Responv by W. H. Beeman ol Ou­
Addreas by Hon. George G. Wlnan*
There at present, eleven local onla of the AmeriaD aoclety of Bqui-

His. Adrilne H.-Smith passed away
ion atraat. and whan batwaan Ninth night.
Tbe program baa not yet been anHlllcreat. tbe bomt of Mr. and Mis.
r In l^Iaau county aud all over
and Tanth wat eenaeieua that aonwont waa foltevrlng har. OUneIng back. noitnead but among other ihinga. It E. 8. Pratl yesterday atirrnoon of old the country, the r.-imiera are Uklug
She bud been III but a few bold of tbe Idea veo heartily. 125 l»
Ward, aha made aul a man alouehing cnnlalna autii a auriirlw* M a ball
M-lsg organized In tfal* cuiruiry
along In tha ahadowa. Thdca

>k> a a woman of half her age.
r moolii ol May.
Mrs. Smith was born in Coteralne.
? next meeting ol
la iimlble nine Innings will be Mass.. Dee.
10, 1812. On November
No. 1 will be held the la*t Sat­
the atraat. taking tha warn aidcfof
S. 1648. sbe was iiiilti'd in marriage to urday In Angnut al Martin btIkkiI
Union, until aha reached tha aoutt^ be iBitled off before ilaric.
alda of Tenth. Mlaa OaboHa had turn­ iJaypd, » not as many a can be will Thomas N. Smith sod later they mot- bouse r^6 p. in.
tbe atores of the oasocialtOD
J to Cairo, N. Y., where they lived
ed on tha north aide of tha atrot bo-’
Broken up Camp,
will be cloaed on tbat date and U 1*
1 a farm. Mr. Smith died in 1682.
auaa it la not aa huvlly ohadw
very probable tbat many otbere will
Fifteen yeara ago Mrs. Smith came
Whan eppoalU tha Holy
> tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. E.,8. M'rhigan junior engineer* who h.-tve
lock tbnlr doors so that It will U
aaadomy tha man croaaad over and
at Gleii lake. flnUlied
like Sunday In Trwverae CJiy. The Pratt and has slure lived at Hillcrest.
atappod upon tha walk but a ahort
follosrlng comtnlltees
) was tbe lust of a family of ihir- their work Friday tina the majority
dlauna behind tha young woman.
n children. Dr. A. U. Ljons a ehem- paased TRrougb tbe city on their way
Walking along and acuffling hit faat appointed:
> their homra.
ot Detroit who Is n nephew of
ha aoon averteok har and whan
The Slimmer .wbrk extendod over a
Frank King. OUo Kyaelkn. J. A. Wlb Mra. Smith, has tnioed the family
mMt oppaMU har heme, grabbed bar
ko)., L. ft. Sticknry. and Joseph Sled- back on her mother's side to the j-oar period of six week*, ditriog . which

heW Contotly-ScrrttW Until
Blood Flowed -Suffer^ 10 Years
— Doctors and Medicines Were i
Fruitless—Tries’Cirticura and Is :
Completely Cured

me the eiadema rolU*l om at t:"".
iniinl III ni 9:30 and hlk.-d many
Mrs. Smith was veiy Innil of
mlli-s over sand rotids and through
broidery work and many of
friends about the city have daiaty irnsti during the day.

and ran, making acroaa the

"When I wai about niine rear* old
■mall »'nu at-trared on *ur)i ofTny
lower hnite. I ktucM them with a
• pin and
*honly afievwsnli
Ipotb eftbi-e limlu
lecstrw -• wife that
I cx.uld wsrc-ly
walk. Wluo I had
|.*.n .ufferiiiz f'C
ai*'Ut a mnaili tl>e

u they did from one of her uge, they
much treoahred. IK-r last work FitMD Monday's Record.
Mre. J, Birdolt of Uil* city went t..
of ihle kind waa last year and it com­
pares favorably with any work dime Keystone this morning.
Ci'orge Ixm-ry left thi* monilitg for
: a younger person.
Mavfli'ld where he will remain for
Mrs. Smith ba always neon a Pr«me tlnte.^
bj-terian and wm w member of the
Mra. R. C. Izowiiig of. Hoa-ard flty
Presbyterian chttivb at Cairo and al
s n-turneii to her horire after vi*lithe Ume of het death wes n mem­
ber of the Preehj-terlan Aid society

and ha altarod hla eouraa.


on. A. F- Nerlinger. Bd Broach. F.


I-. Slader, K. R. McOoald. and J.
•, Bcn of Arthur Armstrong, died
I. Me Oougta.
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, The
Refreahroenta—H. R. Macdonald. N.
boy was only IT years old and ser«Tal
and dlaapparod In tha darfcnoM of A. NeliMjn. M. E. Soofield. J. Omkw. A.
years ago met with a fall which retho 'allay.
T. Petertyl, O. Schoolcraft, lotn Nelsuited In an Injury to his spine, mak­
. J. Hazbauer. George B. Colei
-I waa not frlghtanod." aald
ing him a cripple, the injury flnaUy
young woman thia morning. “I al. Jooef Urban. A. U Bachanl, U R<»- cnufclng bis death after ranch Rnffermoot up urith anethor barrier.
managed to got through both, hewevoi

B. C. Dam»w, W. J- Weeee. A. J
. wagra carry a hatpin whan t
The funeral win !»• bold from
night. Ifa th# only thing wt can an Carey. Sol Goldman. R. G. Paulin. the Wlllti
John Slmma. T.
ry. tf wo wofo aliewod to ur
1 in eharge of H.
Turner. Thomas Beamish. Charlea
uolvara. I umuld have ahet hir
U Carter.
Hendricks. W. H. Anna. William Cole.'
nitvor thought for a aacond that
oommittad a tin.
•I wM certain that ha waa followIM M. but did' net walk faatar
g$«t nearer. Tha only troobW woa
that^ pin waa tee ooft.

It broke

off or I would have etabbod him again
Ha awa rough looking and a tout
gtranger but apparod to ba about 2S
yoara dd.
~Whon ha ran into tha alley. I atop-

William Broach and Gear Johnson.
TrwnaporUtlon-U. P. Hunt. A. 8.

Oath of Mra. John BembaugH.
Mrs. John BomUugh passed away

Hobart. E. E. Miller. P. U Couttade.

: the home of ber son. John.
A. Wtkop.
But EtevesUi street ut 2 o'clock
The executive cotpmlttee will meet
Friday. She lived here formerly
again Taaeday evening. Aug. «th. at
come here frem FTanklort her
7;». in tbe aecreUrya office iroom
present home, three *v.>ek8 ago.
« Butberiaad Woeki. The chairman of
medical treatment.
the various other committees
a deceased was 52 years of age
urged to be present.
and mat of her life ha* been spent la

tbit vkloity. Sbe wat the daughter of
> In AuguaL
the Rev. Beniamin Hunter, formerly
James Hilbert of Bmwood town­
of Keystone. Besides a huabaad, Mrs.
ship Saturday nfientoon flnUbed idekBombaugfa leaves three sons and two
In tha allay ha might have dona mi
tng ten cases of atrawberrlea and
daughters. The funeral was held
aoma harm.brought them to the h»cai market
Sunday afternoon al 2:30 from the
MlM Qabario^ la an attraethra and Saturday evening.
This estabbahed
residence of her son. 420 Eat Elev­
popular young woman and what few
new record lor Ute airwwberrtes.
enth street. In charge of the local
of hor friandt have known tha atory
be berrtM were sold In tbe city.
of L, O. T. M.. tbe Rev. D. CoehThe matter la aemathing that Mnnot
Mr. Hlibwt states that the vines
lln officiating. Tbe Anderson Cnderhor dlillkt of the publierty.
re still a fresh and as green as
all admire har pluck, however, and it mtirh earner In the season. He has uklng company wUI have charge ol
the funenL
la aaft to aay that If more young
been selling berries (or some Ume afman ahewed iho umo amount
Duth of Mias Glliand.
be othervi quit until within

.-yx r.r.':?a

. » 1--.-0. tliax I
y Iinie tsiwsto 1 w*»

unt‘1 1 l■■•rslne !
accurtumej t.. it. I woui.i wratch th« ;
l>'nn to n-w.
*or*w until th.- ld.«.*l
1*1 !•'»
Thi. would . . il*. itriiinz luf
day*: hut *»«*ly plarre w.Htl.l I
again and Ui
.If tlc-hr
Tte- t-ru|ili<4t. bv<iii-iim<-lia‘iap|iesr>*i
on pan .*f mv i*»dv -zrejit rov
tso- and liai.-K Hr- '»"l dw.inf in my
naiivr r..ui;lvadvi-.*l in.- to u-r sr*.-oic
in /ruali d ~-* Slid s-Sire. lih-nu«*l
to i-atl*-th.- *ore- m a mixloiv wh«.-h
gsv.-alm-~t iut<4eral>i.-fvun. tn ad-lili-.u I u-*l<'lbivmn'*lin».- icha*i-*lm«.
sul|iUuf. ziiM- »al'.-. ——■* Salve.
-------- Oiii'-iu-ni. au'l In tori 1 wa* contali v g.vius - uiw
a fair trial.
<vu*i:i:;'<— lliii-i .'ui-.*-1*.. U>xi-*or
- - Fine"- '


Tbe UtUdreu’s l>auacca-Tbe 3loibcr’s I^VicwL

F Scan the Signaliue of

__ _

The Kind
Ton Haye Always Boii^t
In Use For Over 30 Years.

1 u->*t
nv mill-after.
viliing ri-.. 1
uW Ira- riitk-ura tJintmeat.
iMi-lv u-*l I'ultraira &>ap
wi-*l wiili ii. .Afier-wiiig


i—the nral

Mass'. Ii:i« ih.- o'de*i
OTaTE of MICHIMAN. THE PROiiou in i.*c Ui .Auu-ii-j *3 hale eo.i:t f.,r the f.mnij <4
I'ulurb/i rlihivh. Tii-' Gtt.hJ T.anrx

id.llding U i2'.




Al a vreudon of said Co-jrt. beid
the Pnduilc oBl.e In Hu> City ut
rav-r-... 43iy in said Ctmnly. on tbs
Hi <lii> 4t{ July. A- I'- 1M7.

has lev-n eexl»n and ie-II linzer ui -Jlte churrli Tor
5 ear*.'

tiioe- rii.-u


from Sjulu

General News.


Neli<-niiah D.

chief ouree al the St. Mary's hospital

The ranadi:iii

leiiinied to her home till* morning.

viit eziieci*

Mr. and. Mra. A. Pollard of
boygan who have been visiting friends




t. rta.v of Jiiiy. A.
ilb.wp-d fivr cii-dlI th-ir ciaini' 'nemnst

itiitnltrntlon depart
inmisranu thi*
. arii\.-l liui yar.

in this city p-tum-J to their home
tills morning.
ih-ss (turn
in e....:»g
Mis* honi Strickl.vud of Ovid, who mait!l.-,iiii:ig iiili!iii.t.n» f wire f.-iu-e.-]
l:a> lieeu wurklni^ln this clt.v. went lo »Mii;o! the laldjlt le.-t, , .Mthou-»-h '
to her r*me thi* morning for a vacalarge stim. 11 i.- robiin.h-.l t.ui h;i.— '
Mra. M. S. Sterling and Miss Gene,
va Reinhart. Who have l»-ei; spending
some time in the city .and nelzhlmring

l-*.-n a wise outlay.
Wnt.iry, p...,,,...
ply civil s.-:Ti.v rule. i„ 11,..
di-lziittlieu: with

Miss Angeline Oilland of Bingham renin*, reinrnral 10 their home al and t-a* is-zmi -i-v
lU her hmne Tbunuluy uftvt Toledo till* morning.
<le**..rvliig woniMi <i.-rliK
nooD of pneumonia. Sbe w«* 22 years
. E Wllllain* left this niorufna [■’.ac-i iii.d lilaiier .-nln-ira.
Honor. Mich, Aug. S—Friday and years of of ag“ and wa well and fa
a trip to Moekinur wh.-r.- he will
Tha matter it aomithlng that annet Saturday. Aug. 9 and 10. there
vorably known in Bingham, where she *l»-lid a few day*.
ba avoided In any pUcc. no matter
grand fleld day al Honor. There baa lived for many year*. A niolber
Mis* Lillian Rabadra- of this cil>
bow thickly tha pollca are aattarad
111 be two balloon ascenskms. one three broftiera and a slstw survive b It for a few day s.

CoFtorta i* a Imrmleu nabstltnte fur Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drop* and Kootbln^ Sjwups. It is **'-ssniii
ooDtain* noillier Opium, norpbloe nor other Narcotht
age is (ta guarantee. It ttectroys YVm
erUhneso. It cure
ling Troul
and Flatiilencv.
umIUtes the Ftwd, regtilata tbe
I healltayaud natural ■
Stomurh mui Umvcl*. giving

M. & 8. L UK C«jll

and If ha had aught mt back tbora



Mon. Fo-d It. Walkzv,
Tile ini|»ri* .d the t' Slate* Judge of Pivtiste.
lor the c.ilebdar year*
In Ihe rui'ier.of the relate U Jiib*
t'eiO anuMtiiPd Up »li.ti2;v»sp. an In- A. Browm-ll, d-ceased.
an ,ttvo. aud exCharicR and Frank Bomluitigh ret X'-W Haven. CzHin.. the oldest IWiri* aniouni-Hl to $2«.55S.p;iio. an In­
tiirnod to their home in Frankfort ihl*
liiid Jii* |petitioD preying for the si•r br the iio-iro of -tepiOsenlBlives, crease raw I4.:;sp:.1ipu on IW-S.
luwajiie lliereipf and for tbe sjulsnmorning after aUendinc their ninthj« -j'l.i eulej.taii-d
vlguU-lh _ T.hudp’ IsUuil. uliVb ha* fOi pet iin-hi iiml dbtrlbniloB uf the residue
er'a funeral yenlerday.
wiB-i lu Ibe s.iuun.-'no-p-, i» Ihe niort of nald e-lale.
birthdiiv. ^
tieti-e !y fH^iiiiiiilis] p-iaW in- the L'nlon.
ordptr.*!, that the 9th day o»
A c«4i*'i; at TivUlzoad w’lite* that
Pf. at ten o'rlork Ik
'TlH- figure* ar- .1 r«-,;il baJlv--_ A'**';'*forp-np»m. al said pmliale offlcu,
Prom Friday's IUeerd.
■•'Ci'Ully it took r-iuhl lolmlh* Tor sulli-'
till fri-Ti rti.- e.r,i-is ipurepu.
tie and 1* li. iv-i.y sp|aplni>*l few exfU-org*' C. Ikit-s. wife and diiiiabt. r
t'iiill, *t,i<h ba- file, p^ of I'mining mid iillo»inc Mid acrvpunl
t Chicago arrtvi-d Uil* uiornlug and from .‘.in-rie.v ;.i 4 |..irt on l!;e Bhii-k
Ivnil glh.- PI..-:'
the Mid hinr.itg -aid |peiili.pii.
will be tin- KUi-s-l* of Thin-. ,T. Bal»-*
It I* r-irtlip-r ordered, that psbllc
."tpani-h-ftip-akiiia (•oiiiii:|.». ha* ovi-r'
iKMliw ibeVraif be Mveghy pubitratlun
and family.
le un- «d' dog fi-h 11* fivid np :',‘ttf niiiiv of raiiitMd ’ iud ll.»t»
ipf- a copy of this onT^^Ttpr three ne1-oui* Fleiw’auiT of BerilD. Ont.
nill<pii uf telcctiiph.
Ceioive we* k» previous to said day of
visiting at th* home of hla ristvr.
P. J, Qmwli-y, an employe In th* hiutritig, lu Uip- firend Treveree HcMd
Mr*. Chris Llchty <m Cedar street.
the coii*i:m]itioii I* im.’*i nnUre- Otuaiui i*i*toIfl<v, i* the tmb' iian In -a newsiiaper prlnip-d and clrcuUU-d
le Misses Anna and Alice HagenIn K.ld ciiuuty.
rnli‘.p| Sltit.-h who was in the fabecker of liidlonapolU have reiumetl
colleg of foreign
>■«iw.Stirtpy mirtlny In India
their home after spending some
b-eii op.-md m Cuntnu. Chnu. the poit
le In the clt.v.
om whdi mom emUrniit* nail to di*fra. J. P. Crandall of Holmes Sid­
,nt pail* of iJie g-wbe.
ing )>.n**ed through the city thi*
K‘R= i;-.':*.:d has off.-.-, ,! .-i Pri.-.- ol
Cpiauty of
moniing, on her way to her hornBeulah wher.- *he luis l*>en vl*- ISo.oOii for » fiH- ihe ei'-p tlrand Trsvifse.
ill the matter z»f tin- rstste of Mart
ing sicknes. wbleli i* wiping otit hi*
lilugHum. late of said ouiily. decet.M*!.
Mls* Vera Ciirttv who has been kal.J«-ls it Africa.

pad baauat I thought ha might .have
a woapan of aoma aert or bo crazy,

that there vrould be fawar man hrdhi



E frimtl* io this ritr.

with tha young woman at h
I-ddlet and Children—Oeorge Hoyt. of Cairo, having kept up her member­
l.oula Tinkham ha* returned to hi*
nif I avar aao you again
, V. Friedrich. W. t. Roxburgh.
home In this ctly after attending the
ship since coming to this city.
know yoM."ahaahoutadaa h# tan ba. Prank Trude and H. 1. Knapp.
I'n^relty summer Kchuid al Ann
twaan two heuaa an the aouth aide of
.Oama and Amaementa—John Lamtha atraat. A lanM waa anoeunlarac



AH Coantrrfeils ImlUtions snd“3u*i,a».^MKi*'nr« but
EziM-riaient* iloit trtfl© wHh and endtuiger tbe brallb of
Infiuits and CtaUdren—Experience acalitst ExperimenU

nmg l»ld.

pieces of her handiwork, and etxning

atraat Smith and Julius Caraiibell.

in use Ibr over 30 year*, hiu borne the hlsnMnn' of
and has been tuadootidcrhu pern.


two othar man atanding ondar tha gmeeia, Marqula of Qiieenabiiry rulea
and no laatber-lunged motor barred.
amor light on Tanth and aha cn

« her from har ft
Uarabal of the day—A. V. Priedrtcb,
Mlaa Caboria had tha pli
Aid de Camp. Howard Musselman.
hand and tha moment aha wta- aura
MeOtmgb. C. H.
tha man wat following har. qiving
Johnson. T. J. ntm, %V. D. l.yon and
Nla taM ona oaarehing glance
Flunk King.
aura haroalf that ha waa a at
anc«^. n. Taylor. J. J. Btetlna
and not aoma frtand attampi
U R. Stlckney. A. V. Frledrtch. and
play a practical Joke, aha wheeled on
E. Laulner.
him and drevo tha pin Into coma
Music—W. R. Poole. J. M- McCor­
. tlon of hla chott or theuldara.
mick, U K. Clovetand. Frank Mamla.
In«aet broke tha pin off about
and F.d QarUk.
liwh and a half from har hand.
InviUtloa and PitaUng—M. P. Hunt
Without a word the fallow tuntod Otto Kyselka. Henry PobI, FSoyd

The Kind Too Hat* Always Booclit, and whk-h baa |mm

last few days.


,;.te .Pffire, in the CUV j


— __________

Ih.- Hib ti
at Hd O'el
iHiV'd J
iTj:!! ih w'Ahxbi.
J-Idge of Prvpbaic.


tJ.JKSKti. Asrel

that there would ba fawar
lOM to Inault them on tha Mrocta.

and tha fact that tha leal offleara are each day by Prof, H. 8. Martin of
doing all they can tc MOp it haa bean Grand Rapids. Good band In attendpravjautly damanatratad.
a-ce. Two ball games between Honor

The funeral



M.irUl Ain.norih,

Chlago. Aug. 3—Judge Landii


foi a few dj>*.

Race# of all kinds. Good

Death of S.

prises. Everybdy Invited. Come an

I. Stephenssn.

Samuel Stephe •on.

who died
■ W<>doreday

United SUtea diatrlet court today ao- mingle with ua and enpjoy yourself.
oaaad a flno of «29.240M0 againtt the
Sbel Clark. Van Barber and Bert
frtmi Ininrle* received some
Standard Oil Co, of Indiana roamly Clark win run a flrsKlaaa di
. fall from his carriage,
oonvlcwd of violation of the anU4rvtt the new Wyae building where alt may
known In this city. He wa» formerly
act in aecaptingrebatea from tha Chi­ trip tho light fantastic. Alao an u^toeongresaman <rf the twelfth dislrin
cago A Alton Ralleroad company, ag­ date lunch counter and ice cream parand represented this section In coograding «22U0D during yeara tMl.
r. where tbe wants of the Inner man gress when the upi*’r peninsula was a
tM4. ^ IMS.
>n bo supplied.
portion of th
At tup clooe of th# loading of tha
J. A. Gilford and family are camplengthy dacision. another grat
ig nr Crystal lake for tbe season In
priat waa auaad whan Judge Landia their new cottage.
•rdarod tha drawing of a grand Jury


avad 1*4 paa mewy hack. Jfr, Ckga
WaXan, laMvw, MahMa Cttp, lad., myat
wiwcrtbMdandimscmatdsaL TbaMrala
MaaHaaaimekefpam. Th*y UcMd
gdMy|MM^«a«M»A MhMghalpM
MmatBIaHdIlr. A.W.Chaaa’aOMMl
IMIi.llMf Maaha4tandaa]
•».A.W.Ogaa HMcgnOa, BiAla. K.T.

resulted In another rtetory for Honor,

fclhjw was struck on the nose by one •

of Ibe Uiw of the pHchfork.
The j
score 2,and 3.
Art HuDl»r and George Mathewy fiinorel service w:ll be held at 2
Sunda.v. in charge of the An
left for Pterre. South DakoU. Wednes­
day. where they vrilt , endeavor
Death of Mra Joseph Holderoh.
make a stake and send -for their fam-


MoFt hcalth}-<
vigorous men and
vomen in the
United Slates are
nised on gpod. old.
M fashionedAibuckies'






Mrs Anns Maud Holdcroft. wife of,
Harold O’Brtfm of Bockley. former Joaei* B. Holdcroft of near Mayfield |

Spy tfajags to Ute msn who tncs

I>- tbe local tonsurial anbt. was tbe died at 5 o'clock thi. -momlng of heart 1
guest of bU paiwnU Stmday bMora disease. She sre* 26 year* of opc
and leaves h two<Uj*ild child, herl
tau-Jand. her parents, one brother sndi
t No. 1*7 for Aogat

to gwildt VOU from AAuckJes’
iP»y* ™“ *•<
pra6ts st die expense cf yoUr

g be paid before Sept. J. one sister. Sbe wa the daughter ofj
Mr. and Mrs. George Weidmsn <rf Me-

fbr atf* far JohMM Drag Oo.

The New Brandt Spray
nfe latest of all devices lor exterminating all
kinds ol Insects.
No waste of time by stopping to pomp it
aheaiL Can be done ns the
operator goes along.
.For Ois'tribu'tfriK
Paris Green, Bordcanx Mtxtnrc and etc, this
sprayer has no eqnaL

8|ioo of New York U the goat

for tha purpoaa of Indicting the rail- of bis sister. Mrs. J. A. Glttord.
Death of Lockjaw.
DMda and otfklala charged witM«avprank Huntfr returned from Chica­
CbMn. the S-yoar o:.l son «>f John'
. ing paid tha oil company tha illegal go lut SaUrday. bdlnglng with him
rebataa for tha aecoptanca of which three of the hnest hors« seen in this Vandeivort of east of Mayfield die.l,
of lockgiw. A few .lay*
the tfuit wat Indieud.
!ago. he and his, little brother were^
The ball game Sunday before
between Sonlb Frankfort and Honor playing "making hay" and tbe little



a few i!»y*. has rvtuniral homo.
Ml«. l.tlbn UaUii!..- of Hi- cty i.-fi

and Thowpaonvllle and ttvo other outborne Fine.


Uke notice.

M. C. V. & drek.








It Pays
the Hard I’an
Shoes for Men's every'
day wear.
h's true they cost a little
more than some other
Shoes but if it is wear
you want they will please

Will B,

,r two*of I'ototoes at s limt-ss fast &s s

ninu walks.
Will spray



Will Spray from

laUe long with onlyonerniinBofthreegknoBS.
15 to 20 Hilis Of Potatoes with each
stroke of the pump..

Why *|w-n.i tim- «-ifv-.diu"ai;!.s.
» brag iliu* Wn l-vikii-s

ran nrt what you have
“ r"*-'’"aabls price. We »IU show

yon ,hi.w It i> d'pa<- if yui: wi:i ca:: at the



"Tben. to stead of this ridlculots'came that her Iroiher wv riek. and
old ibtog. i should have a great laug ^ die pit It away asain wiihovl maklag:
sword to my- band, at.d I'd bold !< tba doughnnls."


wireless know I won't get him the same tiUBgr"
Molly looked tituilipd. "Thfre
danger." she said. "I,ul. If | should
It will not lie eery many year* befort
tell you. you mlrdil let It o-jt.—soi
yon boy* snd girl* are grxrw'n up—When
l.urpnve.—i)Ut 'csiuse It's so hard
wireleu telegraphy will be so
I don't want to ever have the
uad-TMood Ibii: \u- win
'eponvblllty of another eeeret. never!"
wonderful. And rnuybi- twho |:nows?t
-Well. well, and >3 you ran
some of you boys may lie sludyliiR
me.- Mid I'nHo Torn.
the tnys{i'rtinu laws that maki'
"I wHildnt mind luiMbig y.u
hWB telegraphy pnsalble.
If I luuln't pnnnired I wvMildu'
Uul while we do n.M >el know all r.-iid Molly.
"And me and Araladls
about Hugo's kind of wln-I.ts
Marla niiist k.s-|> our siH-d. >vhi »-e.
wfaeat and best mice

tinTrla^IlS S* "*

** '


•very living thln».



Th* QiH Who Smile*.
TSp wlod »•■

and the chlmncy

Aa« the eld browo beuw leemed
J<ter netrody nnllnd end eebody Joked,
TSe youns folks gnimWi^. the old
fcdki eroeked.—
They bad eome home chilled am]


T%ee opraed the doo>- and a



TO homely—very;

Her nose was pus. ud her rtieek was


There wara'i a dimple fnan braw to
Bot her




She apeke not a word ot the cold i

B-ti Molly Immedlauly
right over the ]HX>iiIea beads, as If I' “She did smc!l them, then." aald
mouth up tight, and looked op at the was to Bgbt them all!" You aee'Ceceluu "She had a prrtly good aoec |
St.v. "It's a BJcret," »be saU Anally. he was a boy. alihougb only an Iron after all"
"But not from me. to it?. Yoo know one.
j -She smelt a i:t;ie fet." trplled
he's my mnuasake: and how do you
MeuwhUe ihe air to lb.- garden l^dmolhtr. gravely. "Bui. sa I'acle


was growing mete luid 'more s-jltry *E-.ra sald.'nn eBgsl.ell In ytrjf d-x>r-j
fJl he did not fetl it In the middle }-ard deewn l prove that ooe of .vourj
of the cool fountnin. The pro|de In bens has batched a big
the hoi. dusty streul kviked longlusly; riilckens. ahd that your

flock ofr

ill the I.-Oti. Bey lu ,hto snug little neighbor ha* Molerfthem all.
How they wUhi'd That ! don't know aiiyihiag about


A postal has come all the any fmir

"Oh. tdi! " aald Molly, daiirlug up
end down. "Arahrila Marla, we'r.' th
happiesl gli-lf In thib world, I km»-.

He !i«,l.«-d excdlngly fl- i'Ce as he
w.i»,d a sLvil wiHXliU swutd In hi*

One duy when r«celia Bamlo cat dinner with Her grand
*h« talked a great deal cbo-Jl
aaefcet ehu bad lost.
"It was a iovely perfume,

ill-.lo l.aB,l.
. j
''l.aiHts and p,-ntlem(-ii." nlc«l FVud.
grand- •:. ,iu will now s.v the lu>n-taiuer piv

Hit. Reeammendstien.

i>.v was small uml bwd.ed «ery, |vabos," wiiW tnamma. toughing,
ud ibln. and ‘rilthougU, he had mi
l<41 Aralwlla Marla. I.ut no
~A Utlie bird sat on a tele^apb wire.
intrill-ri-nl, look, yet tto doeitw eoiiClite."
And said io bto' maiea,
4-1<id,*1 be w;,K l<*> KtitwH for his otfiee,
■ If wirdeas telr^tAy eniies
besiitiw lie brought Ru veetonmen*
TonrciMiH- ruslilnp in from scbqo?. and.
than before, but
■'ations wiili liim. .
told Molly about inily'.H new Impruved
a hpoon, com
Well all have to elt on the alr."
"tVImt i* your iPiliie?- .-,Kk.-.l A'lUt
►afely. .
Q withofit luoking
Murilut. .
"I'd give something If f knew I d get
"Ki-alik ljn<-|t," he answetvd.
Prlilay, Aninist !.
wheel f.m my birthday." wafd he!
"S-'Veral dnys agtfc’; c^Unued Auul
Tour preeldeal wonders hrrw
"BUL when falto-r was telling nUwil
is a jKair. frlen-lle** Imy from
Of the Suoslilners are liileresled In ihe the scnrrily of tiiiiDr-y lust iiighl. I .Muriliu. "I was at tfee'^iUhHto. Hotel.

silllKg al liie wimtow, wiiltiiig for ,v Slate Ref<irro Sebixil. The boy’s n
aUsBCC and
knew that minnt no safely for Ibis
friend. 1 bic*e.l put ii|,im the siri>-t. wuoi H-‘nry. Uncle Erra aud his
ft printed In the i
S.IW her coming
She hud her vrere kind to him, and he lived wlih!i
nfln day. A abort time ago she read.
ig Molly to
* so full of puir.'ls lliui i.‘,e di»]i- them for year*, and made n g>x*l man. :|
•uA a fonor thing about a boy srho Arabella Maria, who, lierutiM- tdo* w«ts
hut that fln-i wiiiior Uncle Err.i nn-l;;
U only etxUen years old. His i
of nigw. imd limliOT, Molly lovud.
,aw iU pleki-d It up .viid iiiilub-d !' Aunt C.vr-'tine w--iv both ealksl away .
fa Ungo Stabl. and be Uvm In
as she said sbe was no (lire and '‘bugr. nnd w.nild irt.l take any pay for suddenly, oik- day. uud Aunt I’.iullnu !
City oi WnshlngtoD near Ihe navy
Molly kept her eye« shut tight
W<||I In k,'<|, house. The ncvl duy I
Ids servlci.w, do yo-j know that
for (ms Tom would see a ulekl- plutrvi
i-he came over here and Ix-gan to talk'
Hugo has been vmy much ltiten>st- bicycle to tlwm.
alwmt H-nry. 'He'd cleaned i«t IU<rw Mu' mu.- answer, d tli<
.-d to that marvdoua dleeovery. wlre"tVhy don't yoo talk .nnd be a
dn’jgknut jx-t before I got.the.-e.' she'
what embarrassed.
He has Sited
irir deirmndef Tom. "I suppose. If
said; and I can't flnd out’what h--'*
C doctor IwTnratC Intrtvwteil.
wUt U cali^ a -atrelem station"
wn» your lilrilidav . eoraiiig.
’em. clihiT.
1- was btoievl.-waru'l he?'
bto own borne, and he and a friend of wouldn't miml. You'd relher have an
i all. for Caroline alwaj-Bi
hla. Harry Loveleas, who Uvea a
old mushy- doll like Uull! " IndlcatlUg
h,-- l,.'i
"All to.y* etiuold be h»lu'*t."anrwertwo ndlea away, 'talk" tagetber| tb<- Iwicned Arabella Marja with a
she knew there wus any. but she Mid
•i Frank.
through the air, Biit the strange part soomful Huger.
sIk» am-'lled ibem. 'Jun ntude.' emy*^
"ttui not all Im.s ate bonest."
of It was that the boys g<« not onb'
■*hei 'when t got thetc.Er.ra and Caro­
Thl» wa. le,. nm-h for Molly to
inued Aum H.-inba. >ly, biotlM i- miiM
tbHr own meoagua. but alsu Ibuec
line hadn't 1»en gone an brmt. aud :
lienr. Herr-ycf flew .iifn'wlth a flash.
;i\v uii l;i,|i--rl offUv boy, "I'liie .Iiiy
|( meant for them at all. Tile navy
the -mitst bav-- fri-d them the last
so -M nil!- she said. ' I
B.-I w.u-k. I Bxw the Mine bey utciius sUtton began to notice
tiling. I kuew dmiphnul* when I .-tnri!
wvnldn i want ant.ilur doM at all. and llv kindly helpi'd
utd lady acro-s
InlemipUona In meaaagaa meant for
Idcycle. Kveiy «irt In the tbe street, mnl-later I leai-nrd be 'em,' she *al-l.
that place, and y the same -time the
block has one but me. And Arabefu bad Ihe rare to his mother who Is u
boys began to bear atrange wordeMarla Is nut mushy, and she kuow-* widow;, and has hfen sick for sev.-vai hunltd
naval term. wMch ndther hml beard
time. Hrnry wns a limi.-l l-iy. i.*ed-to
deal that y.wi would W glad to
betere. The comahdant of the navy
-Thm will do, my l-y: d will take a very Btrla rule an-i t-> lo-lng fu-iail
yard wu noUSed. and a aeaich was
fait): w::;,. utd h- w-u* *r- a?!..,.! ’•?
And then Molly, fi-ei'lng that
y-un m the rccommendMUua id uiy sirbegun for the trouble. The
her he -wouldn't gv imo the hiruse it
looked at all the electrical machlnery
be eould hHp it. Ke ste *carce!> any­
.And thus honest little Ffauk
to the navy- yard, and
thing. and that made her feel *'ill
V against her moulli.
! a go«"l pusltioD,
' .atrm cars, and Dually, after a tong
that he had & hoard of .jo.ietVicks Uastuine.
Vncle Tom nud mamtna wer«
time they saw the wireleaa apparali
hidden away.
Hu Iho'iphl she
windows i ting on the is'reh ijuite near the
rigged up at one of the
iraiy: *he talked au much
window, and bojr.l ol! his com
Tht Bey with the Umbrella.
ine bow aurprlaed they were. Accord- tlon. I'nck- Toni was ni'jch ant'
-In the middle to the gqrdeu bI,*k!
lug to luivy methods s "complotol" and mamma very proud.
little buy under a <dg unil,n>ili,. H>
was Offlclnllr made which
uiway* kept ll Bjiivad uo matter -wba:
trachod the cooru of the District of
the weather might U-: uod winter an,:
; CctambU. Then a tepresenutls-Try." Mid mamma. ,aa she
aonimer. day and night, be wa.s xt
of Hugo'* home!

You cat Jual Imag­

graotast lawyeiw don't I
Slop Haro » to wants to ;nke or said Midly.
So he and HiuTT ar* I conldn'.

hla Otoe. anJ we were afraid bi^
would run aware teji Uncle Ecru add
Aunt Carwltoe came home at tho-^d
of the w-B,-k. and iR-u Aunt l<innu.'

to carry thi* old tunhralla!
I the settJpd tbe spoons In.tbe bolder.
wish 1 wa* the «ti»oe general over
"ThiTp wa* noT any u* take. Aunt
there In rho i«irk. and iHRn I could CanMine had put tiie pm to .liMcbnut
m to heal when the mistoigcl

nlwa'B ride on hoiwelwck.


A. W.



A t,v<ii ,.ir no a .sain h»« heea
kno*n TO 1 I a «b»ie tl.wV to g««*e
I li b witll .1.

n„ ..o.- twriudM.

,,V. ii„i i We M,nc. s lady weal out

lie- h.ibii .d K.ninc lire to ih r plaltifor the pjriu.,»e if dt.uvi'yii.g

■n. >r,- town und Ijgan to pUy on oa
.-..r.U, II 1. i |Ih I.-tu fir to tbi- guewl*.
A flo-k «>r getvu- h.-*pwmd io hr f«od-

''■i- lug In the rnad bear tile hoosn. Wbaa
flir;lhe fowls h.,t:d tbel murfe. they

w-«h.!!k Ihut mrftht Int.wbtv i
-irci.-li.vl vlx-lr 11,.-kK and irumjMded
amsili of viftMien wh>-n the ndirKiihMr.
orid mwes to Joy.
■ i.n.'
-Kteiytt.lirs --.a.: down tob-relThCy
the lawn, and a
th.» Ct..-.' fir- K. oit ai.d ye-tiiB trees. I «.hit» gander danred a Jig. keeping

a- wf!. U* :>l! we -d' .-ve^ tiliig e»rt^l, good tiii-e to the mwxir.
thi* rb.KKi;.: ITV.S. til,hi,
sur jmu-iule,. the. evelt.d 1.
ugly pilin'. Binall uqd ray-n*. to the drilglit of
' ^

wliirii appituded ilw

QiaMli-r in
rldtUy to 1
wniriui, «-i
ofwh!-b, to



The •-xperinn-ni wo* tried tm

a Bumlmr of areaslima. aad the niaia
- froBu the annidinii m-v.T foltod 1
|.;.rk, tPe . liter juft
gwura im tbe pari
d -1,11. to .L.H uH inrilj .,{.,1,^ gBBder,

i« ioMie'd,.o... .,u ,i;-attii..».lU4e
»Jm-b ,wl>- will nto .li^i. itMdt..

“' I ii‘"‘’

----- ^
The Baby'a Curia. ;

IxUto Han Id wev the |«l,y .


H.ckname-. to SMteo.
^ Virkname.


«-*“'='aiv M«,m to ibi-ni; Maipe. fine Tree
! I Alar. I - Vermoul. I'.nwi UoUBIolB
'Sisle, Sassaebn-., tl.-. iluy Slate: Coo'Oa. ;

Nulim.* Stale. Kbude Kland.

uftmii.ui t.- -was lying tost ad.-eii on;'-'"'" Hody.

f’e„n«-lvanto. K<-ywtone
•k. Bmpfre State: Dclawon-. IMaamnd Bute; VlrgSola. Old
in Inr vto-klDgwhair iiiider ihe.utnd.,- luaiifolon; North ran.llna. Turpentine
Suite: Sislth C*un<llnii. 1‘xluuSlhSlate;
l!.-.irtli.. Knipir.- .Slate of the SovUi:
A iitile br.riVB Urd.was pi,-kius
Fh-ii-!ii. IViituBuIu State: We*t Vlr-'
-.trawB. threads, tsher llitnu,
giniii. New lyimmiioti: Indhuia. Uooaler
her nCKi. freKcntly sbu >uw Harold's
>• Ijiw einl* Iiungiiig ibfuigb tinII- ,-rari.. virginta.
Fim.-; fH,P,. II.H-p.y.. State: llliBaf*.
At iir>t *[|.' hopfsti uboiii and bulked
Fiwlti" Stiitr; Mii-liiisBn. Wolvertno
*1 II. Tli. n Khe to.« It in h* r blU and
Stnte, Ti-nnerMS-. Great Rend SUIe;
luilled geiiilt. HaAdd f. it It and'' n cnirii.

il-l u liflle.

Ills cut iH hung'l
Stoter iUusie

The llule bird pulled Slab-. Wianinxlo, Badger SUte; Mlnneaou. Star to the North: Iowa.

Harold .qnuiid and shut hU

Then ih. iHile Mrd pullid hard, for
sill- 'wanttol the pretty y«'lhiw rorl fur
boa- n-Kt, Harold «.,ke up und looked
u hub' rroead

Iluwkeye Stole.Kentueky.CorncrackCT
MisxtsKl(>|ii. Raytm Stale: Arkansas.
Ri-ar Stale; Luulsiano. Creole Sate
Mlowourt. Iron SUte; T«aa. Looe

-luui'i pull my h.-iir." h~ «aSd.

Star Sint-- ;lndlao Terriloir- "nte
Naibm: KauHa*. Sun-Auwer State:
Colorado. C.-iii-niiiul Slate; Nevada,

laueb-sl. n.iid ihe hlli
SUB fnghin,. ,| und flew u«uy.

Sn?,.- llriiKh si.iie; Oo-con. Beaver
Slate; |-.ll■l<•^lla. New Kl UorUa.

^T^effect cr Sro£f'^ Emzeljion on tibio,
it miiJiee ihe:r. plump, rosy, active, happy.
It conUinr Cc-2 liver Oil Hypophoaphiteg





and si.oo

If yrm are in tiiis coii<Titi'>n.
yiir'ncrve force i* weak—tne
jvivver is giving out. the Of*
"*-lnwr>J tip," and do thetr work



the work Tcipiircd.



the fystem and hritig* di-tre-s

When you can buy a
Flour of such excel­
lent quality as

H. & L. Co.’s Best

and di-casc. W hen llic nerves
arc weak the heart is uiiahie
force the life-giving li;-,od
ouch veins: l1>e stoni1 fai'.s’fo digc'l food: ilie
ki-incys lack power lo filter


Why experiment with
any other kind?

ictpuriiic* from the blood, and
the poisonous wa«te remains in

! a:-ea

tlu svslcni
N'erve cnergv musi be re*;,-:,Dr. Miles' Nervine will Jo i
nerves; it is a ncn-c nii-iinn
;l rcb'.iii'is ll:


eniire nervous svst

Invest your Money
in a Home
UUes Medical Co..' Elkhart. Ind

about eating on the aly. and coafesB-

the district govemment
■ways ll hi* pjacf. A fo'.iotaltf fell tm'fuund out uUsil the doaghnuts."
Indoors (o Uu»t (be muffius U-t,
Hugo, and was rbown the wirelesa
to Ihe umbrella. srhU* w»..|
"fid the l-oj' take them?' Cecv
Molly iwvaemly found herwclf seated
ouifll utd nw how well it worked. .
bad finished ihv pic. and war. listen­
Uncle Tom'a knee: and after she
mid all anjiinil the boy. who
Bm the funny port nr U was Ihati bad Iidd him all about
measles. ItOU. llRX
ing eop-rty.
t law mndejaud tow If was u great Buiprise I
I dear." Ihuughi the boy. -bow ■
Grand mother laughed BOlily. at

wead meanagea!

Cut Stone Work


(xie wn* piinipliq; water out of ihe'I pleked It up in the floor after you*
KviTvlHsly rushe.i bmi,.. a -' bad gone home. Satunlay."
I hprsc power. .\ext t,me
I UK INT-Kli.le. A Hup- *eb<sdto>> 1 ■ I'm vu-ry glad to get H again." try_Mic* Axix Gary

mother." Khf said, "and' the-dearest' r-.ed
little I,bo- silk rase—a kind of a p.ib-’
Fred guve Columbus a »1r poke to
t iihyaidxii c
returned liecauBe the nddross
blue—Just lovely.
But"—she thutik w.vki- him. Celimibu-i opened hi* eyes
Nor y« of the skmm about her;
liii-d la the want eotumn to a J'iisht.
ig. If Jessie win write agalmind
Dat she mended Ote Are. and llsbied
h,-r l.eiiil »i.,wl>-- I know well .•m.iigii' and gniw-led at Fnto. to luacb him
■r an boneai. reliable oKIce boy.
t(ll JUBt where to send them she shall
the lamp.
pb'-e u-ticr mannors.
A numlHT uf lw>>t answered the ud- of p!e. grandmother? ' We never have
And she pot on the plsoe a dilterent have her card aud button.
Tlien hs jvw enbticil. Columbu*. with
.itiaemem. but none of ibem seemed this kind. 1 know well enough Ruth
a miidity bound, w-a* at Ihe d«ir. hi*
. suit the toiyslelan. HI* ••Iderly *1* Pculuglir*—well. I'll Bay found It—
-great paws upon ibu llule fellow's
Keeping a 8ecrwL
r. w-bo was kr«(>ing btsiBc for him. for she smella Just like it. und you
rram that it had srldioiit her.
when Mollla was gening over
a* Bitting by the window, busy with wah't deceive my note."
TheyfonpM that the house was a
the meaale* that mamma (old i:
>r k-nlUing. while the boys came and' • Gnmiiralher laughed as he pushed
oM place.
about Tom’B blrthilay lutriy.' It was
luck hi'' chair. "Pb-ase vkcme me.
And smoky from base to rafter.
bicycle i«riy. aud the boys wt
liiulcv <at-h <iueC.-iMstii." lie said: "Hut don't lot CurviU
And Eloom departed from every (ace
ilut Ooluinhus iiihl Ids shaggy head
> bring their l.lcycloi: and Tom's
i> last boy was JukI going away go until yoii'ti- itod hi-r almut her
«s they felt the ebam o( her mirth­
t'm!y ii;»u. Id* Ititio muster's hri-u«t
father was going u> give him one
wh.-q Aum >larlha K|«>ke up. "Uall pi-ai. ro-at Aunt Uuiiliiiu's no*.-. She
ful Rtace.
und licked hto fate, wliih- his big taU
birthday iirwnl.
liiiii bark. Aitbiiv." she said.-»
And the cheer of her happy iaufdiw-agged joyou.'ly. He bad been taiiiEd
Tile |,|i)w|eiau was soim-what Mirgoody!" eili-d Mollle. Jumidiig
"C.iandfaihi-r ^ores to nmk<- fun."i
long ago by Joe's love and kiudnoss.
u|i and dow II. -Woii't Tom be Juk
,ilK.-d. bin did us be was fold to do. .sighed (Vcidin. a* h«' Went o-Jt. uuil,
Tlie, chUdivn Happed their h.-.nds
He did 11,-t klHiw the Ihj.v'k name, xu gruixltiiotber l»-cAn to giuln-r up tliej
hapi<ifl(d fur anythlQg?"
(A. Ktvp pro the sM that wlir smile
and *ho.ii,-d. In-tier pleaactl than If
In,- meivly wUUi1-<l for lilni. Ih- llule forks and sprrm* xtui iml ihdhi luio
Mollie." Mid mamma.
and sink.
the light had r,-ally tak.-n place,
r liirie.-d around, utiil eniui- Inicl; a pitcher of lurt water.
V€>rj- Chn-fiil not to ii-U Tiuir
And make, all glad toRetbur!
-• gr.-iiT, grriii Aum
anythlug about It. Ycm miiso t ttc-n' i-utlier hi-siuilnp!y.- A Fireproof Tree.
To be plBln or fair U a hauler thins:
"JJy id>l,T wi>h,-s.
sill- Kidd --ph 11,-.- hitiiO y,"ir uim.d
Dai a kind. unadSah heart can bring look HK If yvxi knew alioiit U. '
le dlS'lor.
fiitlmi's nip aud
k.iii.-. r
TanT 1 (ell anylKidyr Nut
Good cheer In the darkeet weather.
"Tuke a ehUlr.
ymr grandimli.'i's ;iui,i. Vuu m...>
Araltella Marie? " miked Midly. vfa.iso
Hill Maiiliii, 111 :i very kind
ill surely burst If 1 don't." '
h-iier In Jessie Newman b.t>. le-en

friction W almost
DOlhing by appl.ving

to Ihe wheel*, i
1 PcHltietU's sarh.y. but if you will look'
No Ollier lubri- (,
At la-t the »un came inn iijaiiii. and ; in the uin»'r left hand drawer in your j WBM cantctct
iinoliicr. ond'ilwii It ne..uiivl as If siiuie ' grandfalber's desk, you will find yourr ,
wears to long

j scat* for the*.
When y.Mi g.H the olber (he lawn, ami look iii hi* new wlwHrl. S.-.I.I thut Kk,-must go.
have saves m..- ;ife. y-u« kluil.
hutch was eneh«ie.I on all aide*
Uml you must run quickly und flx
S.1} :
Stpe* g daisy!"
KlK- said, gratefully.
"Thi- i,y- ,,re oetiinp. with a door at one
"key" becaoae you alii not anul
lui-ti t«.m.-r*aulls imllll
wlrek-as to gel out of order! away ,..,r UitJu me.
p^tocipal event of the ahow was
Aud when you send mesaases It is
-How bMieh nicer to hold an
,ho • lion-Taiwr' sene. Joe's
Just 111.' same. Bemember. sr>meb.Kl.r mplu.-vHiH stgneeie w
hielto over Koeh a helpb.-** UttV thing
.\..„iom,dl.,r,d dog, Cobimt.u,. war
will gel your wireless tiieSHap*. uiid
ti:a» to no otol. a *w-..,d Uke Ihxt big
think tiow careful you ought i
•pfl-uv dolt yonder-•' And waring l.T. Columba* was iK^uH-d
Into the
lu soud.niiIy the riebt kind.
By Iind by ihuy all w.-nl » It for a
prettiy wins to him. away She flew.
hatch and the door shut. Finding be
spin amuQil thr* Wuck: aud
"1’eri.apk Bhy to righi." ttomgbl itj„j.
I^t week. JuBt too late to uirtlre Hffluug the Kbining wbeelK. was a -dear
It In ilw paper, your president re- illlle one. whom no •■ueehilmed. Tom
omHvIto riiuluht and high, a* ,t
, «mspap.T
celv.vl a most IswuUfui boquu
pirk<d ii]> a card on Uw tiandle toir,
iwlMinl into a Boldier's cap ui>oo hi*
Malwl e. Mahti of f’.BlirfrT'he fli
ami read;
were ro pretty ulirl lakud u
head, iniu which
"For Molly and Aratolla Maria, two
fiiitn tin- duster. A red tnble-BC.irf
yimng women who know how to keep
Aunt Pauifna'a Nose.
was tied uNmt liU walsi.
w-en-i fn>m even I’lteje Tom."
main U) our Buushlne Club..

The horse can draw the

they ooulil cbance ptao, * wiih htni'

last attd l■••k»1 up at th*- Io*n Ce?e!k> “Id *Iiiwly. a minute or two
graphy. then' is ancithcr kind Hi
Nos. if u was alHKii my birthday. 1
lxi< r. her tK>«e Imrt.'d' to ««' sachi-t.
Jjtat os wunderfiil, aud Just a.* m
rould tel! >.* ju,.i
-wHI as nut,
I 8he. sealed ho-lf on the aofa
"WikIi f w-OH (li.,l
Ms resulta. It,; >,» kuow what Iha' •rauBe 1 wcMililti l know- - '
.'watched her giu'iJmother.
Bb.HH.-d. "Hullo, h-i.rt UB your
lis the
Hut I’nHe Tinn whs laugliim: so
1 mother." >bo ;g.<l presentlv. '
»>r." But the |p,n Boy only Kti»
Thought Wireless Station.
Wu can bard llijl M.illr MopiN'd "C'shI foryou
j gulng in MV. •Nott you ifc>c.'
have that kind in our b.iiro s. Sup Mtdly." be sold: -yoii'i. a trump! '
may I eomi under. yruir um-i
.] “So.’
“No.' Briindmoilier
grandmollier KmilidKmil«-d. "If you
pose w.- ,^rh rig up a stall.* In onr
Molly dldn t kuow at all what be bn-Ho?" grawisd a iHmerfly, who w.u'can't »ee and rem- nilx r for yonrrelf
h.-arta. aiid Ihfn Jurl lor fun. eve ho» mratit, but shi, wim much tell,-v<d
eaughi in her new spring dn»s. "Him ! >' “n't mw* uxe to do it for yviu."—
Jl he was nol ofiend.-il.
wls# you are alw-nys to carry <mr! -‘ A M R- Hawiw. In S S. Visitor,
messages., tun
WJ»n Tom* birtiolay.
sat rn hi* finger abd dri.-d h-r;
know, tliai ore "tmud" li> yonr
iriy. Ihe saXi-ty xml all. really eame.
und goldjtult. The rahi f. II fnj j,^
hi* litile o^ln Fred de
was hard to tell wlih-h was the
s all nniunil I
•l-d III lia><- .1 i-liiiw. The eliildieii
mersages will | liy. So >{M happk'i-. Tom or Skilly,
• _J amund were Invlied.
boys and girls ran und.-rslaiid how
Bvery time lliat TJmi bit Ihinss
lasl the SUB came ouU sain '.ti.d ,
,be n.bblt hutch to the gsrneetssary U |. ,o koep >.«ir own Imillug within him to Kuril an extent
■ a raii.l-,w in the sky. and a lit
benches. l«xes and
“win lest," r<»dy to it,et ive Itn liig.
he couldn't iKHotlltly stand
o» in Ho-f.uuitain, -nm huttirflyi
...j fl,.w.u ,«rts. i.»
happy. Ii.iisful. pssi. and eoiirag.<nis nnotli.T rolniite. he woiii.l rush out on

from our frienti Uadame hlarie Pt-iT}.
aud b<9trs a pleasant greeting to ue

Don’t PDsb
load w itiiout help, if yoo

Business University

No b'uticr invesiment can be made ^hau real es­
tate. We sell you a home on a contract and if the
properly advances you can sell and make a profit od
your investment. One customer of ours sold his prop­
erty for S<Wi more than his contract before be had it
paid for. .\ good many have made from $100 to $200
on propeny. We have a good proposition to make

Smith Realty Co.

edr- Umraara'TeBetaliira. wd oh my. '
ud boUJ«« will be bri^t mad «leu.
Oreen Tbmato Pte.—Na t—Dee
B pooraat
-------— >—
--A new awtlKMl or blaaehlDS almoeds xreeo tometon tbel ere fell cnm. wlihia the reach of
all-what naore
to India and ibey could be
to soak tbetn orer nWt In cold bat not beclnalnc «o color. Peel, nod


1 for a my small prtce even In. chartra Edesbury who for
Improre- with a tbia. sharp knife shave across
ment on the usual method of throwlDg <not lengthwise) In very thin slices. districts of gieat ecarrity. Bieu the tlci>e has been working In the
Allow a cup ot sugar and 2 heaping per^Ie by having a plentiful supply ptnlnsula It tack
than Into billing wato-.
Tbe (late ball game played Sunday
In the times of:
ublespooos of butter to each pie. nut­
Poutoea in their jackets are
afternoon lieiween tbe Acme and Kel­
nntrltioiB than when peeled, becaose meg or clnnamoo to taste aod enough epldrunlcs rould tide over the Inftw-' ley Lumber «
Shingle Company

others the taste for it



there la much gaa.

right trader tbe skin Is all the rich vtorwar to give It a

Uke ooe o( Ibe aalota of old—

Loos <>are t watched ber. with wos
dteins er~ralthml.—and #weet.-and atroofc.tkiu






prevent acorcblDg.




cooked tender crumb a allee of breed
and cook only for a moment. Add but-

Tematees fer tbs Dinner Tsbie.
Torastoes and Cheese.—Scald and
remove the skins from ten meoltmi-

pepper and salt to taste, remove

WIUloKlr tceadlBC the



That leads po the Master^ feet!
I aw not the dull, sny cotton sown.
That la faded,-and wont, and <rid—
But the ahlalns 0eua of a nlnteet
That sllaten* in erery fold.
I aao not the brow, that is worn
Ptoo the anxkuB, toUlns yean
fint the halo Dtelne. that sloril
OMns beauty—fw aabM and tears!
Somewhere la waltog



dayUeet for inch InBnHo •moe;—


shall be.
When the ansel




pUoeaoee to the Father, and bear Mira aiy.
As he tenderly Uda her eome.
•Out of tbe Talley of darfeneM and
My child, tbon art wetoome Homel
—PtoiwDce W. Ooa. In Good Housekceitot.

MmuH ttt emt’t Mil

Klxed tomatoes and pia ihetn on lb
from file and serve.
cook until the Juice haa evaporated,
To some a dish of fried tomatoes U
which will be two hours or longer.
genuine trrat.. Pare and slice green
Remove from' the Are. add a half teaonaloes as shore, ndl In flour, (rT
spoonful of buuer. salt and pepiier
in butter or lard season with pepper
and a quarter pound of cream cheoMand salt to taste and serve boc Green
or any good American cheese,
also aald to be deli­ well and serve Immediately.
cious prepared in the name way. .
Tomato Jetly.—Put a can of
Ripe tomatoce are to some a luxury
toes Into a granite saucepan and let
served with sugar aod cream or vineIt simmer twenty minutes; add oneBot almost all who like tomatnt*
third of a package of gelatin and stir
Id any form relish them pared, sliced,
unUI dissolved. Strain through a fine
cooked with }ust water onnugh to keep sicva. sraaoo with salt and pepper.
them from scorehing. Let them reBud turn Into shallow lums to harden.
the stove only until boated
When flrtn, ut In Inch squares and
thiough and soft add a t^poonful
serve on leliuce leave* with mayon­
of sugar to 2 Of 3 tomalora. salt, pepnaise dressingJust when about to servo a
panned ToMtoes.—Now Out fresh
verj little butler.
tomatoes are^beromlng quite plenUfuI
Many consider canning tomatoes a
we may properly serve them
very dltrionlt pnieesa. In our own exdelightful dlab s-falcb msy well take
lierienre It seeon little more dlirioult
the place-of meat. Select Arm. ripe
than ordinary fruit, and Just what the
(omauws of Ibe same size, wash and
between this way and
wipe them without skinning, cut each
the iiBsuceeaBful one of friend* seem*
in half nronswine.
In a fr
larwoly In the fact that the
beat two ubieapuooruls of butter or
fruit is pared Instcsid of scalded to re­
nice drtpidng
Dip the cut side ot
move (be skins. What If It does
each half In flour which I
a little more pulp. We want
seaBOoed with salt and pepper and
them to keep.
place dtwely ti«ether in i
Examine cans for defective covers,
'Cover and draw slightly (o
SDd rdert any such. If possible nse
'where tbe tomatoes will coofi and
new robbers. Prepare the fruit
gradually brown without
above aave that no buuer Is use<
This will take about U-n mlnutcii.
canning, and the sugnr may
Carefully take each ploec up and ar­
omitted If wished.
Cook Josl long
range. browned side uppermost, oo a
enough to beat the tooiatoea thorough­
platter. To (be (at In the pan
ly through. Keep In a cool, dark place.
(add a lltUe more if all is absorbed)
ItUbestUi deferlomatocannlngunUI

large tablespoonful of flour
time for frosta. as they will
and cuok unUl very slightly colored.
then have less hot weather to tax
Pour In gradually one cupful of milk,
Uielr keeping QuallUos. But du not 1st
stirring until' smoothly thickened.
rac aetmcBS are preached every them get frosted. A laWespoonful of Strain thU round <noi oven the tomamelted iwraffin added Just before scal­
It My be a chance seniet
ing forms a covering which aids'In
d by Bcme cne. wtthoul
•maloes Stuffed with Salad.—Se­
t ed Ita deepw maanlnc. per- (Mr preservatloo.
This recipe for making cold cauups lect laige. well-shaped, ripe
e act cd kindtll^ from the top and remove
•ana. Indeed, if we an looklac for coBMS from a Mend who baa used It
tbe meat Have prepared a salad of
them w» can tod MpfnL Inaplrtnc
kind—ebidten. lobater. crab or
Half peck halt-ripe UnuatMiM whteh an 10 make «» onr
fill each tomato corefully
kle with oalt and let stand
MW place omronndlh^ One of Ue
tbe salad, replace the lop and i
beet of theee Uttle eeemons. wUdi If j boor*, then drain; H copt.l grated
crisp leuuce leaf, or garnish
H cupful of salt, H enpMithfaUV Uead up to w
WWW celery leaves.
ful white nnisUid seed. 1 t
cf tbe moat dISIeuK problems In e
black peppers cnl fine and without
The salad dieastng may be re«
dally Uvlns. was preached the other
toy by a ewwet tdd lady whose face seeds. 4 buDcbra of celery cut the slxe unlll the tomatoes are neariy Ailed
cupful emell onlou.
with moit. filling to tbe top with
ta toed from yean o< ejcpertenee.
and Bbowa that she has learned life's spoonful ground clovers. H cupful dressing, leaving off the coin. Garnlah
sugar. 1 teaapoonful rinaamuD. 3 plnU
dlrecled. or |mt In a ti
leawms mil. and mastered Itt ptobhake flfteen minutes and serve, garn­
inegar. Mix cold.
leme In a way which only Urae and
When troMs threaten pull up
ish with parsley.
paUeoeo can
Tomato Jell)'.—Pass thoconteuwof
•peaking of a dlffleull Ml of fancy of the-vloe* having moat green
toes and hang up In the cellar or
knitting, which ebe bed worked
oul-bulldlng where they will keep lee water.
Crwible the yolk of
there to ripen from Ume to time.
chop_ tl
fho(«ht at first that I could never
Pul the }-olk Into
to the bottom
atndy it out tbero was so much ct It. It may be for weeka.
In saving iMwd select the earllesL Ihe molds, add a few spoonful* of
and it lookad like a Chineae puxxle.
tomato mixture, a* given talow. When
abe aaU, -I was almost coo dlseourWash off as much pulp as can be done
Is set dlspeee the choi>|>ed while
seed to begin It. hut l took the dlrecagainst tbe Inner and upper edges of
Uona one at a Ume. Inaiead of icytog
sod let atand a few toys unUI
mold*, and-fill to the lop with the
to nodentuid aU of
It became the simplest thing tmagin. Brads sink to the bottom. H will fer­ tomato.
kVhen Ann unmold. put a

wmlded. from wrltteii Arectlooa.

toon. Dredge with flour or cracker
crumbs If much
vinegsr Is used.
Either mix sugar and spice with tomawiih

alternate lawyers.
Needs to Iwke
lay of Adair. I'ntor
slowly for a long time, until the (amadesert *un. tbede vast expao >«»
qulle tender. If well baked
apje anmci.' t-f masses of mow and
and srasoiHd. there is nothing more
delicious, bot If half baked
nallty pure carbonate of soda
igsr and butter are skimped. It it
eiMmgb l» make uneouBte.
n fit to cat.
tout of tons of soap sod pane* of
Tomstor* Stuffed with Cetery. Cuglasrer. There Is but one other pUce
cumlH-tv nnd Green Pepper, served
wv'rid »h. re naJuraJ soda 1*
iih Prvpcb Dressing.—Select twelve
found In commercial
quanUe* and
i-en-sb.vd. ripe tomaioes: scald quick­
with It arilllclai evajanwtlun must be
ly. slipping the skins from them esreresMled
(iilly. removing the stem end with s
( Adair. I
knife. Set on the ice to chtll

Jkme of our relghlors.a
backard in
cmtiug noth
on ihMr (arm
A stitch in
pitch 1
Supirvtst ' Edwin^Blark
cireulailng a (v-Ullim for
'he t.oi-B hwrt toridtki
I. would t-e a pxM Ume

rut a slice from tbe blossom
lih a sharp knife, and with

Oflielatlves in ChK-agn.
the tarn'll wand dun<-s
, '
Three (amllb-s hair liad I'
the desert. The sea. howevei
only some 2,‘Ski ynrd* away. "'“idurtiig the.|«a*l wifk.
Iter side.
Bflordtng easy and cheap transporla- those <•( M McCanhy. Mllt.u
Chop three medium-sited heads of
Ak Rial.
UOD for the soda, wbkb can b<' de­
rein-)', and three bell jH-ppers; removt
D. C- VIbiK-r of Summii Cliy
livered In Mt-xlcan port* for some-' Kingsley visitor Frtdiy.
tile »e«-d and core from the peppers:
thing like
per Ion. It-U eellmaied
J An*]iach was In
peel and slid- three c-ieunila-r* and
that there Is enough Boda on top of Kalkaska on a iKiaiiin* trip .
smalt dice. cho|> (he
\V. Dunn's mill started agi
the ground to wipply l"' ton* ilally
lakeu from tbe tomatoes.
liiii.-t part of the w.wk.
i y-ear-.-Trahnical World Map*
l.he v
Hake a dn-sslng as follows;
to a soup plate four lablespoonfuls
tea^Kion remove as much of the me
! possible. _pdlhoat

■ olive oil; arid to this a level

Smoke Rendered Vslusbic.
Alfii-d U Tburtlon. offleiaUng They
Bnuwels, Malliies and (rfher B.-1- left the
<1ay on a w-eddmg trip

s|ioonfiil of salt and tbe same of pep­

B*al 111. slowly.

fuis of vliM-gar; whip with a fork until



getber seasoning with a tea*|uKintul
fcalt, then mix In lightly, with fork,
(be dressing.

Fill the lomolo sbells

this, pul the caps on and ktep

glan low-ns a nnv-el method of
”wtaS»n of Trav
only petilng rid of Bmoke but lurnlliR'(.„j. v|slt«l with Mis* Vida Shutb-r
this place.
gooa acroiiiit ha* twiiily b»vn .,nd nih»-r relativ.
lH«i t-roployed- The smoke Is drive" Saturdav and Sunday.
HntnsKK-V . of
ventUatlng fun into a Alter
was in Kingsley jiviierdH:
wtili porous muterial, over whieh a
» on H
grading and gravoliug of
eir.-am of i«-iroleum. ben*. Ih<Utaihol o s-rfue liquid hj-.lnicar- Hluir aiid North >aln ■ l-eaiuty of OUT lltl
now*. The nsult It that

smoke Is enUrely su|.prcws«-d while the j J'j'i*' jtlsVl^i.Moiiaiiy'
Alter )1elds a gas of gn-ai heatlng^Biate ilu.i there !•- •
Scalloped Tomatoes.—Thtoei maki
IKiwer. which can ta used fordonitatlc lirovemenl within
delicious dinner dish. To 'prepare, purposes and for driving gas englm-s.l
Aaron Mem
i-jiverse t’lty yesterday.
peel large, ripe tomatoes, slice
The Altertna malcrtal Itself also ta-l
_ O Crotwr
................ _
_ wuf" and daiighJ
sprinkle with salt. Cover the bottom
ter norenc*-, iico.tnpaiileil by Hi*»
of a taking dish with a layer «f stale ,,roce*».
Minnie Diiss.-I, came down from Trav
. . Oily the latter part of the
bread cn*nb», then slices of (nmain,
Mrs. lAirrita Parrm-I.w of Traverse
I’lrad crumlw with hits ol
Chinese Paper Fana
ily. jastad Sunday with Mr. and
•all and |H.-jiper. Continue
The almost universal use of (an* In
■ tomatoes and bread crumta many parts of China gives
j''Mu”vida*!^uiler. Marl.m Ablkrft.
Nanking some tv-nita- SilBBon. Ruth Jacksmi, Alice
with Ibe seasoning until Ibe dish
Important Industry. In Nat
Abtati. Elliel Hackmitn and Fl.nvnce
full. Spread lh<* lop wiUi bits of b
fiu.onft or 70,000 people are emploj-to
Crolwr exis-riene.-.! a very enjoyable
>nd set in a bot oven to take
In the work of making paper fans. cnitlng at "Id!<-w1ld." the A. II. WinSugar may be added to suit i
Hardly any mnehinery except thnt of son farm on lirvwsier lake. Sundiiy.
Adiilph Wolgasl of Milwauk.-e. who
the simplest kind Is used at present,
Ms a feather weight pugilist and has
T<imaio. May-Soiuiiise—Scald, at
bill .'iiteiiirising foreigners are liives-|
•ally WOO some mrfalile vlcU>rli -«.
«.-ol one dozen selwl lomutc»-s
ligating the possibility of supplaatlns
m-eii passlug a few tora henveo *lze iiud Anc colei.
Cut -o
band we-v
wwk tie
by miehloerr.
machinery- Doubtless
DoubUe** I with hi* parvnfk. Mr. and M.ra. John
oough (rf the blosrom end to adn
mochlnes could be devised which | . Wuigast.
A verv quiet wedding occurred lust
be insertion of drerelng: pr«-p*re
would reduce the demand or
fan- Wodnevduy evening, when Mis* Hattie
Arrange the tomatoes makers to lee* hundreds than there Manchester, daughter of Mr. and Mr*.
Aat dish.heap then
are now thousands employed In Naak- Did Mancbealec. became the bride of
Mr. John Hertiert FilrA«rald.
each one separately, and suntnmd the
would happen
Cora Wright and Mr. G«W Man­
whole with crisp lelliiee leaves.
A displaced thousands. That
chester attended them, and the Rev.
pretty aod teiupling dish (or liie lea
ri. Herliert was the offlclaUns
table In numnier time.
TUelr many (riemdii
•xtending tlH-m congralulatlfms.
Mi-alcan OLb.—Take a deep,
L.-slle Chase ha* ivlurned from
earthenware dish lalway* use earthen.lear Saginaw, when- lie lias a good
Low.'ll Stiles and
.. even the Anest metal Imiart*
who huve Ihe Job of making the iiii- IKisliiim ** brass polisher.
■or flavor to the lomatoi. pour provomeoU on
Into it a eup of cn-am. having cut lirnise. have a tom on
the wrhool
verv thin *1lcs*, as Itiln a* wafer*, of premls«> and are tenting with their
Mis* Anna Mcl..-at. of Om.-na v
egg plant, sailed liberally, line th" wivra and families.
Mr anil Mrs. Oeorgn
Forton of -Mrs* Anna Mclpean of Omena. t
dt*b with them; next slice full;
■‘''iTraverw- City *en- Ihe guest* of Mr. miesi* of Mr*. Col. Ilariiee «m V
psiay l.isl.
loniatoi-s nnd p1ae<- a layer of
'■'''•‘land Mrs Ortave Ikimlne lor a few
ft' I’. Jolin.
Hiey enjoyed ota day's Isiss
•m the eiqt plant: next a la.v.-r ot d.-iv*.
macaroni: sprinkle ihla with half a flshiUR In High lake,
Some of tbe i«dalo<^ planted by
dozen lump* of good cheese, aboul <iiir ndghlK-rw
ilH-rw il
dill not come up, one
d«). visit at Ch
the size of a thimble^ as many of
y had six aciv. mat um i
H, A, Hudiupn
anrnher two acre* out of
sweet fresh biim-r; pepin-r it thickly;
s- was pot.r s<H-d. Thw that had W.'iInt-siUv In t.-----again cover with slice* of totniito and
X ^and ^^Murvln ;.f Laurecta.
gisid ground und good seed have nu
Mre. Berry's
a top layer ot egg plant; ta sure that cause for cinnplainl.
They har.- e
liolh of these are well saluil and i«-P AncYdand of iioiaioe* in *om<' place*.
S. Chet Sielpldn* died St
pen-d. Set the dish In a slow oven,
dunutgr- to vegeUlpb-*let It os.k cently for one hour and
Oitave Domlne who had log* at the afti-r loi' a wre'k's illness.
Iweniv minnt)-*; take oiii and serve Hamm *
mill that ,,f the di<i-ip«'d and hi* wife arrived

leasponn' of
Doing It stitch by sUtto sod not ment and give off a tad odor bat Just
remove It to some place where It w
dreasing in each cup. and with this set In the dish in which It was co.*.-.l- mni.-d ..ut n-eemly. Is iniekmg them
anno}' aod let It work aw-s
iragUB tip*, dressed liriilly w-lih With a Joint of beef, roast Uimli or o Is- suwed at the Kelley i^imtar L
onity, and tbe first thing 1 knew. It When tbe aeeto sink pour off tJ
;idi dre*8lng.
Garnish the dish ; veal it will U- found a nitat d-llclrms
*''’*'be\wo.n'!mt«i’ schtponer INs-rless,
water aod dry them rdf for storii
WH finWMd.*
with leuuce.
Tomato Jelly.—osa the contents <rf
Tim umtoe with our tolly probimns with the other seed paekela
Sulurday afiern
U ttat am Cry to do the whole thing will be coated with a gray fuzt Just a can of tomatoes throuiffi a sieve, n'K.-lley Um
Moiid.iy .
JecUng nothing liut seeds and cornwr
at cnee. It we would only be content
Among some "scleiire nuie»" n-pubfessional sedman.
ThU method dis­
ny. Put two eup* of ihl*
to take one stlUh at a time, each^l.-hirHK
cs, with oavlng seeds on bits of
the Are- with two slice* ol lishod by the Indian Mlmir tin- lollowtta raptor order,
■. and we would
onion, two clovra. a sprig of parsley, Ing relate to the vlriiu-s of (nill.

trying to read one bit ahead. It worked
Itself oot srtlhoot the slightest dim-

^--------rsato tbe end otourdayswirt.phyaltbe!»artelle* draply wrinkled and creoso.1:

Read What She

nine*, was a clean, well-played game,
and conslderiDg tbe practice they baa.
the Kelley Lumber A Shlagle Com
Lakes Abound In Seda.
l«ny did wHI. tbe iwere being; Acme
Near the Gulf erf CalUomla. In
fi K; U * S Co, .1, FrtU DeJtner of
tl, are to ta foand «me of the •u'-'^ Trav.-ra.-■ Cuy
Cuy wa,

the Kelley, Lum?m*rkal.:e lake* In the world. Thesejlur * Shingle C
IiUchcr. This *a«
ate ball In seven
carbonate of soda lake* of the' '>’‘'

arid tk>n with great credlL

potash which is so beneficial

body- If peeled. It must be very thin,
from It.
aod they should be steamed, oot
In sotne
is prob boUed.
In making fruit pie be sure to bare
soon be
a small opening in the center ot the
equally appreclaiod.
crust, and keep it clear with so earth
Some Icam to like them through
eating them green cooked with onions.
I'ara and allee ewen tomatoes which
cooking greens maw be {
are nearly full erown. Slice a small
small piece of k™wd is
on loo very thin, and put the two Into
tbe a-aler while boiling.
granite dish with water enough to

tronomlc enjoyment derived
PellenUr. d») «/lcr day—
WmvInK • sanneot o( ■blnloc HBbt. and If ooe liken Jost a iitUe
parUcnlar way of serving It
Out of Ibe cloud* of gr*s:
Besrios the burteo*. and Tejlii*ear*«. nble that other forms win
Making the best of a doll hard lUe.
With iU tniserle* aU nntoM!


ITsB *«r ^artf. -« jysrrxr Stra**
Hn/a StmuMug
•f luirmi te AU H'emm.

1 to'neither of Ihtwe which show Indlcatkras of rot. The Bartlnsn* I*
ler \l minute*, then skim out the
taor. aad with the rii««r which <»ly
oomes srith a saoae of work snecras- of Um- )-ery earliest, a heavy and
vegewblc*. etc., ami add half a lea drinks.
cropper, smooth. Ann. and conUnuw spoon of salt and haU of a two ounce
IS -aid that an eniinent Japanese
tolly tooe. aod good sMoeiplUhed.
bear well through the entire
■-rtologlsi has recently shown with
package of gelatine, softened by stand­
A CaUntor.
tss tnai the acids ■■( lemon*,
ing wome time In threerfjmtricr* of a
On Monday, hope and work and trust
cup of cold waU-r Stir until the gela­ pie* and *ome other fruit* are Capable
And iaugl/a litUe. too;
of drairoylng all klml* and varietic,
tine is dissolved, then ii»e as above.
In The Kitchen.
Ab TMtaay. go to wor kagtln.
Wllh Asparagus —Mold tomato jelly o' the germ* which csUB<- dlseaw ard
When flavoring nq'ip n«-vcr uw- pow.
And hopB and trust all through:
1 a shallow dirli. having th- Jelly luiif pain In Ihe human Italy. Th- *eid*.
When Wednewlay comes, renew with dered spices, as Uiey form a srelln^nt
n Inch thick- "nirti An to a clean rlirtc and nwllr. contained In the fruit
(im of thV plate and spofl
Bhert of paper, and with a knife dip­ Julcf* protahly have llie effect ef kll!The program as above:
the appearance- Whole clovra
ped In hot watercut the Jelly In cutas tng these dt-eafC gerrof.
On Tburaday. work and trust an^ other B|>lce* shoold be stuck Into the
Pour over the culu» i-nough French
Cliolera germ* are said lo !•' kiltai
ilrcBSlng'lo mobten the j.-lly and dis
flfi.vie nilnm.-* by l''ii>'-l‘ j'**''*' •«
And laugh and learn and love;
supertiir to ground,
pi»e th«»c on a bed of li-ttuce leave*' ipple
Jiiler- luid even typhoid eenns.
For Friday's schedule, takeonceroo
quire* set-eral hour's boiling.
that have been carefully dlpm-d Into!.which hnvc great reMsUng pi>wer- are
Teacup*, even when carelully kepi,
Tbs CDS lor Thursday made;
French dresaing.
Above lh«-»e dls k-liled in thirty nUwit.-s by
On Satorday. work hard, and b«i>e.
sometime* have daric stain* at th.
poie rooked asparacua Ups. dreosed cither of these acids.'even In a yery
cau«cd by the action of the
And never be dismayed:
with oil, vinegar, oalt and pepper diluted firna. A tuml'ler full ^crUd
CM Sunday, think of all these things. lannla tn (he tea. SalU slightly molaFinish with a large sj«onful ”f mayon­
uraled with cho!er< bacilli
And plu (or ail more toys
tened. wlU remove these, but . In the
ones throat
naise aod two or more lengthwise
Of work and Utist and hope, for these
^ fine china samriime*
quarter* of bard N.lled egg*
lemon has
ncbatchee It a little. |*owderea whit
Are life's most Joyoim wi
Myrtle Kooo Ct
tag win be found quite harmless and ' Green T«’matee l»|e.-No. 1-P«el
twreoly minute* prior to Ihe act. The
a sufflrient numb.equally good.
safety lies here in lb- ab-olute cer
Alwayn nave your eggsbellB and
ublrapoonlul of vlne|»raddoneUb1e.l talmy of the rtevtniciUm of the bacilli
The foHowJiig from, Tbe Michigan (hem for the purpose of clraulng
iful of vinegar and enough nut- py the arUon of the lemon Jnice
Farmer ta osoeedlngly praeUeal and tie* aod croeu. Store them in a box.
meg to flavor. Potrr «hls mi«ure over| Thtw. the two most dresded disease*
and when >v« wish to wash
bmutors and pot on the npper^i,, Jndia—ihat U, Asiatic cholera
acof hare a naUiral liking for this lira eruBh (he shelU up very fine,
t. Bake very slowly. If the torn*- ryphold fever—have a simple ret
1 ■iiiiriii vaoetsWe which our grsad- partly fill the botUra with thewi. pour
are slewed flrat there will ta no to ehepkmnie their ravage* These
1 In their fiowwrbed'
Iftiot wmpsad* over them, aod then
Jiuerai.-nt And onlveraol dtoea**, hare
It a* -tore oppleB;'' »lU»]iJiakc well. Rinse ont is cisar woler. tongra of having the pie u» Juicy.

%> th- wa
,( Chleaan. a;.-


gp>w.r r.-al:.
tost >-ar th.'i
s.tUtv-diii.z this
. of Duch-'p
were nuuv flu............
that wen- allowts]
Art ..........
The prtchs.di-1 WPt pay th*- |.icklcs
in a g-n-ral w,y tbe anpl.- ■
v-ry iitavp-r.
Sppjoe orrhart:
a h<-avv <r.-p. .rfh.-h- a m-di
«.-m- srarr-lv any,
luany cases on th- fur- ai:d l"mll-

“sT'i.l'i'h';":.'.™'. .-"nJ

S.SZT.: 'sS.

after taking the first l>otU«, to ase a
trTrttrhsnge for the hytter and t kspi
completely iw
on improving nnttl com;

teeemiaend U to others.”—Rose HnriL
No ailing woman rsn (ail to ta lnter> _
rated la Ihe a’-ur* waUmonlal. Hloi
Jlursi was persuaded by a friend to try
Ferana, and she I* now perfectly wall
and fi-t'is likean.pthcrwomaa. HaebM
her story to brlet
John, bnilh.-r <rf the gr.sini and Mis*
Grace King .rt
Mr. Floyd
Mu.vKanl is-rfitrim-d iIm‘ rcrecnony.
A rvrciPilnn was h.-lil lit the (U’cnlng
at the home <if Ibe grewim'a mother,
Mr*. A. J..lm. <rf thl. place.
bu friend* of tbe gnxnn and bride,
were ipiumm.
Many l.eaullful and
uiicliil }ir.p*.'tits w.Tv tvoHved.
cr.-«iii anil cake w.-re aervrt.
leir nuttiy
II Ilf tTilrago. Is
MIm Mlldn-d I
Ku>>sl at th- ia-sli- eMliu. PMliii Ihiriie
tolmday. ntl.-r a muaiUl'u etay with
her Bister. Mra. W'm. ~Uaovw of
Trav.-rae <!ily.
Mra- J. Des-U boa reoelved two very
large erpenoive Narajn rugs tran Hr.
DeetB nnd several other thlnga noto
and used by the wild Indiana of the
Aug. 6.





great ln<^'

Caripcnler spent Sunday
with fn.-«dB III Grand RopidB.
Man Baldwin 4i
visited hta........... - _
iSaUwtn of
thl* pl:iee
-e lout
lanl week.
weelT^^-Mr. and Mrs, Henry E.

vlBlIIng (rii-nda b.-rr.
A largo numls-r irf An.- i»»t **rt
vIew-K of ami Cns-n lake are
on sale at Mr. Alh-n's store.
Will IMnn-ni.-r lep Thursday for
Alhenfi. MJcb.. where he attended
the reunion «if Uh- Cirpennw family
held there Aug- 2nd. He 1« eapretod
to return thl* week aornmipoaled by
hlB father HolsTn Caripeiii-r who bo*
been vislling tb. re for the post chrwc
"^‘taocy and wvinn biscuit

ivlter W'tan^ay ev.-nlag. Aug. 7th.
Bvervlspdy I* foidlsHy loviu-d.
retnrn.-d last ^'rl.lav (rmn a w^h«
A mnwlcal will ta held at the
;,I Charlevoix am! East Jordan, don M. K rhurrh Sat.inJay Ten^
ipf and Mrs. SklllPin of LAurMire-. Aug l"ih. Pind-r the ausrpfcra of the,
with ifielr iiMdlier
W. V.. T. f. A large au-ll.-nce la
• rs a;p-#SrrUPi>'IUK
lHP|v-d for.
. A.q:. ;.
, .

dav fn.m a week's visit at the I
I,.MIS- with Mr. and Mr*. Unitara.
II. \ I'ow-er* and Hr. Gibb*
dav frpT * trip to Ihe S«*i
• Misses Mary und Kelb.-t Hut
lie sisudln* tta week at Cbail"
pie ILopIds to
with friend*.
at (he sanltarH Etta) W'llsim arrived Ihli
t Uxllv sWol|p-p.

piece of bay loaf, four popper-corn*. This is sitppbwiiial to 'he wellI- a hit of griwn iwpi>or- and two leu- kfiow-n elf.Tt of the juic-e of add tni|i>.-is limta, apples, plneuppl.-s, etr..
,«ioo» larraison vlni-gwr.
Let aim-

4*T WANT to *ay « wort fhr Parwto
' 1 for systemic catarrh and irnti
oOlera who read this mar fry A and r»
cclve the same good from tl that I did.
-I had been mlUnt Mr a Mag da*
and nothing seemed to do me any good,
although I tried many doctor* sad
msny medlrlne*. I bsd become so had
that there waa no pleasure In llrlng.
•-1 was finally asked by s friend to

,Ernest Clark -if Ald-i: artivetl (hit
/...rning to visit friends
.Mr Iki-.irissau of th.

Mr and Mra. A. Dirks- a: p enter-.
l.-ilnlpg r.-kiUr<w feini IVllatun.



fTii.iI'e. IIron.on of
K at the


li:.„ n-riha *>i.l
toium Balht
. i,a\.- >■.<-* spi-iidlng the aunmar
ciiff-'i.rit lepiiii’p ixprih. havp re.
Axusa rrf Tr-v-r.- city
vt of Mr*
Iluru'-s t

Ir'^ .-uid'mc*. a.
. Pklria M.srfpfer. bom*-

Hnckln of Crew
sKter f Mra. »towith them.

• at Klusaley to *


r. geo.
. . .
market n-isprt tii the Dp-troit semi- Max Srhnv-d-r
w.fklr journal c< ih- is*u- of Aug
'Ind wiilch aays' "Ther.- is I'.tU- uw oil the eXClirapPh giv.
of quollng U-nie*.
Suppli'* ar- » ferrv on
rmall and prtees so high that
th. Manlst.que t.p Ib-ave;
vr B E. Camptall. __
bi»in.«s amounts to almost nothing
other frtgt* are Arm and acU.-Jton. Mewtoi
'Harb\egrtBliP.-*'ar- in ecirpd demand and Ralph
tta supplv is
Potatop-s are HumpM*. W'. a Johnston and family
O-jr woods are
wi'b Ml*. J.phn*ton and daughters remalm
wild June Ipen-K-*
Basplperrte* and ing there f.PT a few day* visit witn
o-ir m1!d black benles will fcoon ta
ripe, Ob our plains are found huckle- '^Ctartie John
beme*. These can all lie had free Brown were married at the hem”
and ireatlB for, the picking.
l.ride Mpii
gruipcT^r^^ l» biud to 'bcol Id ralaing'groom WWW otlMujed

Th.- 1—1.1.- 'rf KalkOBka had their
•imuel pPnle at Deeip Water Folul
art Frvli..'
About 306 praqple apfM
^'Ata'u '!rf^ty-Ave friend* of Mra.
-.rt.r.pd Bkcbl Invaded her home Uat
.oalng P> renilad ber of
y anniversary. Music and
talpe.1 to
moku (he
evening "tu. of pli-aaore
Fox Ur.1*.. brought their aaw-mUl
houp- frr.m near Rapid aiy where
itej' have bene oawUot la« w«^
They will BOOR- BUrt cpul with Ihelr
tlireshlnc isitAL
F. C Hewjey, our nira! mall carrier
I* taking two w.-ek* vacation. Suhslliuie Floyd Chn'tib is now (.-.klllg
rliarw <rf the nxiti-.





Pages T to 12

THURSDAY. AUa & 1907.

«tail<Mx PrMeAM.
elty to nee the tracis free for ihr
On Eighth from Mupnaon avenue to* Immediate edfucimsaj Ihe fiUng of a street lost night. John Moras, fowtd
rnw S«ur4a7's Record,
rail! and tweire iochee on wfa aide
Gang bells.
purpose of runniac sprinkler*. Mr.
jwnuen acceptance and the depcalt- In an alley and Albert Bpteeier. tokea
Tie tMpoMrf ftmUcUM' for Uir Oer­ and the rune aball be fcnir fm. 'Section IRt-Uong bella or other elc- Dencen accepted ihal.
Boardniuu aveuu ' Irvrtn BIglith Itojinv .>1 * bond.
<m Slate street. All Ihnw piraded
ter OoMraetlMi eoniiADr »u tekea HRbt and one half lncl>er.
nalsrholl the enrv lur'sarDine
lavls susc.->i.--l that a clause. guilty to a dnmk and dtaurderiy
upMctkmbrMGtiaaby Use diy cans
Diagram and Appliueatien.
lYont (null Katlniod avenue
Sectlou M—At tlielr own .-X|iM.*e.
l-riieO '111 fh- iraochlse iha^
eharg.- and were s.'ntenre.t t.i a flae r<
rtl la« ereelBc ud la the eselo. the Scctkiu *—nruien daja befure nukStyle of Cara.
j u null
Ibe cruniKUiy shall put all bridsre Elmwood av-iitn-.
$1 or irii dt}a In jail -n.ey wwra
voftcoi OKUose were odJiBUd eetu- IRC changr*. exienaluoe or new conSeetloe 19—The cars »haJl le- raid- uscl for their tracks into suiubPProm a ixnnt near the east eolrancej Kaplds
not biiili Mr IK-nevo -was given an hour t.. hunt up the money.
<>ciiitlly (o the eouodl end to Mr. rurileaa, the company shall subtou' ern. repaired avid reiwlnted wl«- ‘tiaiie for atiw ««• traffic; ahall of the driving juirk to Garfield ave- wiilin,;
luvepi ihl. a. hi* company Harry NTchelv. au idd uR.-nder. wan
Deaeao. the ctespur'e repiowateUre.
dlafram or plan to tb<- council for rer nec—iary
n“ce-*ar>| aulotatn
BUlotatn U>"
the eiirfacc
eiirfucc l^i-tweep ihv
wants io J,-Jil.| the Kik Kapids branch. urrvoli-d on a cdiarge »f horse airalUtg
The leucih «( Ume the frmachUe approval.
The fim seciPiii gave Ibe coiniianyj tracks; ' rhall pay ISO annuallr for
Carfi- ld avenue from,Eighth
After masld'-ralile dlscussiun as upon the euenplnint of Willard Themshould nm WM left bUok. bowerer.
Mr. Dmeen objected to thif.
F-nnlaikm to .rert and malntaio vleach
vWh bridge uaed into ibe bridge Sum.
UI ih- Iluiv. of Ui.. next IDO-Cing. the ah- Mr. TteHsas say, thal be drove lo
Bending of Ralla.
single track street railway with auli-lfund.
On State from Garfield avenue
(u-Juetl udjotinied. the c«ly other bosl- the IWsciide church and hitched bis
iDK to decide whether It eboiUd be
SecQon k—The company ahall pro able s«1(cb<«. etc., over certain! '
Railroad avenue.
m*s t!«isucl-.t S-sld-w the reading of lu.rse la front of it at about 8 o'clock
, tor atoy yean or e thorl time, rrly bond the rails to |,rv>vi-nt He
Un Railroad av>«uc. Slab- to rraoi. the frunchise- is-iiig the autHorljIng imtl when be game out the rig waa
tbeiw tMinc only ilx aldennea luewal tiolyala.
=, I, ,1,. ^
On I'ulwi from i^VoDi to Four of .the Hr., cl.i.-f lo purchase ||.s) f.-el gidie. The raniage contained none
aty AUoraey Derb Mid that the
CrMc Walkt.
of Ravi Cno-K IsiM- I« repiBa'e the H-M- ftwvi and groceries. Alxim l<> o'cloA
frenchdae wm not esUrwIy ullsfec- SectloD 9—The coupany ahall tnal
Hours at Rnnning.
Park from kYoat t« Stale.
ton hits.- which hail-U-m eoodenina-d the puilo- nvdvrd •f'
ThU doesn't apply U* Sre apperalut
tory to Mr, Deoeea or the coninlllee lain the Cftwaw-aikK acrt*s lui tradui
The csn< shol
On Stale from Hark lo Boardman and Pi-luru-'d.
which has the right of way. and If a
;<wll aaiing tlial ll^n- wo, a Iwm
M oereral qoMUoni bad
oricn ak ni'cnwary
and lw*-l»«. Infh<n on ouch side:
^womian do-en'l give It to tlietu. he nvi j.iic,
iiors.- over uo the MUlh aide. UtflBcer
pDMed on, the tnon Ib.
date irarnc fur sixlet-n hours a day.
Street Creaalnga.
By Vote.
Th<- franchise is also void unliwa
biay be .fined 123 and coullned In jail
Jennlugs cvmlM the borae and It
which woe the nutter tt the time Section 10—At all KUwt eiwelnsH
glii.ivsi ||..i, ,i„.a exjs-nded
teu days.
a* identified as the missing animal,
Tfi-‘railn«d Trai.chl>«‘ maitr
end oleo what etreeu ehould
R.-riloii Sl-Nr. ram shall si.h> on
on unpavid atraeu. the ronipany aball
fclruriuo by May 1. Ipys,
OfScB in Traverse City.
de iblli-S bi'si—illy .••tiled by
ut the feed and groceries were mme.
snnted. the atieets In the ordtm
collatweeo the ralU or idh* cither;
&.-ctli.n »■—Tlie company shall es-' Siertlon 3.1 pro\i<l>« tliat any failure lie •-xpn-ssb-n of ih.*'|w-i*iile >
ftviiy Ibis murtilng CWef Ashton
beloc praetlcally the Mine u oaked material to malie a aultable
lUloos. When atopplng tar pasaen- KoWisli and keep an office In Trav­ of Ibe company lo comidy
Ijie borae from the chur^
by Jlr. Deoeea.
the atop will be at the far side erse City.
order to remove pole*, niake repairs. Krledncli lia. call.-d a .|»-rial .meet.
in the alley betw.wii Bhhxh aad
The elert thea read the
Of the Intersection.
shall subji-ci it to a fine of fm Ing of the couiiHI to owa'IVi- Ihe re KInlh sifveu aenws Vnlon and down
eeetlOB by oeotlon, there beUc JortySpaed.
a day to )»- p.vid lo the general '
atreec to Uw home at Hanr
the omimlitis-fc aiHsiliited to
eae eecUosa in all. the followtst beSecUon K-Thp ai>eed shall not ex­ roads coming to ihe city may use the fund.
ing frelghL Prelsht carta cannot be
five Ihe franehlM- n.iusld.-raUiwi, liichula OQ south Union nncL BonloraaoisBaryottheji
bauled except on a oortain route end ceed fifteen mile an biwr In
company's tracks in the cjtv bv poy.
Tills reimn will
.iibmilted at the ddfring the fact that the rig croastd
not between £ a. m. and S p, m. The city and council may bM a lower
log S cent* a passenger.
Secunn .Id-Before beginning cm-^ spi-clal nu-etlng Thursday evetiliig. the pavement and that them bad
in certain secUoaa.
ipetiy aball bare the right
Expreta, Etc.
| *‘>riiniun. ihe cnni|>any ahull file a' Tin- <-ummttie<- will not U- iiuaui Im-n irtber traffic Chief Ashton's work
Seetloe t—The power aball he elecCutting Wirwa.
iMnation cara on their traci
Seclion 32—Othee llne» shall use Ihe ifor lli'.<s"i lo cover daaiagi* ,m mous In lls receiuniendaii.Kis. Some
trkdiy or other aultable power except
Section 23—Wim may Im rut
Ught Freight
IK-rsona and irto|sTt}.
,.>f til.-t-oivisioiis of Ihe friiuchls.- will
lief then looked Over the
comiany’s troeks in the city for
MeeiB. If other la uaed. It ahall be aa
der proper aiiperrtbdoo for mo
Section 1*—The vumpany ni
Wd to ll
luvoilsaw and as he waa tbout lo nopress, light freight, etc., by an UKiwe1 Duty.
rdteetive aa any deetric line:
rxpceea. mail. «c_ buildings. <)hvner trf hullditiga to
111.- eoiiiieilll fur d>-fltili.dIII.- chicken cu.ip a small boy told
m<-ut fixing the .oompematlon. In
oul at then- aa they wencase no ran u- rtach.-d.
The conatnicOon aball
Water. Gas Pipes. Ete.
ileslre 1,1 «i t M iMibllc .sprewshm If fumigating. The rhUC round one ot
Ibe mutter shall be settled by a suit
be of Srsbclaoa material with the ties
Section 2i—The dty hu the right in court. The company I* n.d obli­ removing snow. Iro, etc, the city ahal IHiaslble uiam Ibis fronrhls.- and Its
aacka of feed In thU building,
eoltehly Imbedded.
1 lay wtiter. gas pipes, etc., in Ihe gated to IncreoM- its tracks to pro­ ro It and charge U lo thi- cominny.
priHisi.Nis. im.lii-btig lie- provUlon howei-er, and In the wroodabed fooftd
le temalnd.T of the plunder.
Damages to Abutting Property,
for a term of sixty y^rs. In the ub
vide T.h- this outaldi- traffir. Tlie obmBeetlon »—The ralla ahall be the
Snow and le«.
Pjany using the Iracka shall be lia­ fteelion 3Ji—nie cunpany idiatl pro . M-nce of n p^vislon in Ihu ebanev
Hiw NIcfaolB aald lhai her Irashand
moden T rail welfhing not Ine than
11 vide of the peoole umm n’fran- was norklng oo a tam oouthweA at
aereoty panada to the' yard except

racomduniige. The commny ahall not be
the city budding a barn for her fath­
where i»
liable t» any fith.-r coniimny if preer. BbcriE Johnson wu noUfied and
Pollu Powers.
Met, Wlrmi. Etc.
on each aide. They shall be allowed venled by legal proceedings from run­ Heciion 3;.—The city shall no 'eb-ctlirti. Ihnt an unuffifielal balloi be drove lo the farm and gte NIcfaoli.
Section 6-Tbe pol«w ehaU be aet ao led by parent ch- guardian, frae:
;tiik.-ii, ns to wbetlHT ihls franobliuning cam.
waive any ..f lls lollce |x>w.-ni.
On the way lo the cUy the priaoner
aa n to Interfere with tiDfSc. Wood­ children under £. accompanied ty to use *aa to kec|i
made a futile attempt to escape, but
Eatension of Travk'a.
en polea may he oaed except on the paredt or guardian. 5 ceula; tranaferw from snow and icc.
To Provide far CarUin Events.
ft-elion 4iV-Aiiy lime uflor fl»..
*"l R*'"® the p.-opie un oi.p.w- was bnioght before Judge Kerllager
pared ponioita of FVWDt aad Union ahal Ibe given if asked for.
Section 33—If the comisuiy abnnOffidala of Rra Deparini
Section 26—If the city orders
•traeU. where the polee ahell be iron.
dons ^is fr-anchiee or fulls to run y.-ara.lhe dty may onl.T an vxumskui'Ih.-mwlves, and In and ehargud with borae stealing. He
street pov d. the oimpany eball pave
IraekK Hlimg any of th.- atn-ets!"”- meauilme, the couuell will doubt- piraded guilty and was aenlMcad to
As other atreeta are paved. Iron polea
for dixiy roUMCUtlv.- dui-s. unless
between Uieir track and twid>e Inch­ prevented by clrrunislanees over named lu the franchise If the po|iula-i'••»»
**"“ fraiitiliw prliMsd In the Uetrult bouse of eorreotloo for
shall be aabaUtuted.
es on each alfh.' or pa^ the cost. Ex­ which they have no conlrol. It shall
a tumi of ninety daya.
iwx such an exiaiahm; not
Mr. Oeoeen objected to the last
cept wfaera.s(atulithlc. uphall el
1 one mile to be urdi-red |n ;<'aivfully aludi.fd bef.MVfPiicxt Tww
becumu null and void.
Uae and said that be would be willNichols Mid that be was Intoxi­
used, th^^ roiniany shall have the
8 year. If the .wd.-r Is raasuaable nod '!=*)■'’• <t<-gtiuo.
tag to have Inserted the dauae that
Failure <0 Comply.
cated yealerday and the lodge hopes
right to use vKrifled brick between
iron pdas, on pared streets, shall be, Section 16—The atroete torn n
Section 34—If the comiiany fails to^ jiistnndtlincomisinr folia to comply.
to cure him of the habit with the
repair* shall be kept aafe. Not
rais and twelve inches on each construct so much of Ui- nxid cover­
(ran.-hls-1 n-gatd to Before Re«erd«r*a Court.
nhedUiied when It te i
ninety day*.
This ti not the fim
than three blocks can be tora o
repUM the wooden ones.
ing the following rouu- by Jan. 1. lat strcvl.
lime that the offender has been In
Prom Tneaday'a Record.
rime; forty daya is the limit
Repaira of Pavement.
190S. Uie franchise is lo Iwom.- void;
TracksLimit of Franc
Judge Nerilngiw of the .Recorders roan, having been arreeted last April
which alreeu can bo kept lorn up,
la-lrinolng on Uunaon avenue at the
Soetien S—The uneks shall not be
Sectlun 41—Thu Ufe court was a busy man for a few mln- because be ran some of the Here
FIra SIgnalt.
tire all |uvom<«t naiuved for. laj-:
corpiiralo llmlu, thenm- over the chlse I* llntlud tu — yrars. The iiles this morning, taking rare of the Uanjoelte engines off the track at
elevotad abore the autfaee of the
SeetkHi j7—The company- alia Ing tracks, ropalra. etc.
following streets:
roadaay. they aball not olutrect tniffranchise Is conlinga-nt
raising! manmders of Ibm night The flrvt to the round bouse and threw dubs and
maintain a elgnal for the ininttme of At thU iMiinl Majvir Hrledrieh
Sc; tae-mpBRy shall mail
Miinsim from tin- .-;»t rorjairate
lalntaln the
biiibliiis tiH-dty line and! Is", iisli.-r.-d iin.i the .-.mrl w.-iv IVil- chunks of coal at Urn ooipIS^-tB tbs
.-Ing notloe when It la necc*
esied that the coui|iauy ullow
■> Kiclitti.
llu. KIk Kapids MiUlCh, It is lo tak<-;
Sanfurd. pi. l..O up <ai fnlun yardr.


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Compai^
IVlicl-iigan’s Big Store
They’re Good! Oh, So Good!
Swift’s Premium Ham and BacoD. sold either in glass jars or by the pound.
Full line of "Beech Nut" Bacon and Hams put up in glass jars. It is as fine as any
that you ever ate.
The "Beech Nut Jams and Preserves are known for their e.\celleni flavor. They are
sold in glass jars.
Pennant Codfish is one of the best that is sold. Comes in 10c packages.
Imported Irish Mackarel, with wine sauce, put up in tin cans, sells for 25c.

Good Maple Syrup

Baby’s Wardrobe
»«ff manner of n,.icrial.w>dUl,l,eJide„„t kind, of trimoing,.

With Uifferentatyletof Jancj-l>frilfrtapric«i at Sl.OOanri $1..VJ.

Fresh Honey

Thi« is the kin.1 that you want for it is the best strained and sells for 30c a quart.


- Maple Syrup that is purely home made. $1.35 a gallon.
The “Buckeye" Syrup that you know is made in Ohio, sold in gallon, half-gallon and
wart cans.


fria. «« fion. 50c to |2.50.


Such a Lo9t of pretty design* to adfct froai-

S-II from .50- to $12 50.



■" '““<1 pi-i


in -II .hl.e. pink w.,1 .hid,, Ind bln.

Sweets to Eat
Dainty MarsMnallows in little tin boxes for 30c.
in bulk at 20c a pound.

The five pound boxes for 75c, or

Good Relishes
New England Dill Pickles. Sour Gherkins. Crosse vS: Blackwell's Chow Chow. French
Capers. Brandied Cherries. Horse Radish in glass cans. Chili Pepper Sauce. Ro>-al English .
Mst ard. Chutney Sauce, Halford Table Sauce. Tabasco Sauce.


.. ............. ...



P“ “I-

EITTLE bootees in pink, white, bine amj lavender, and sell from lOc to .Wc.

-10.1.5.. the litUc on. ronrU


Con., in nil the fancy color, urd ... priori

Mmle nr «t tinl, n, tke lody nnd »U torn, foo ri 85o.

Tk«e con... in wool, off .ouon, nnd wool Uni «lk. Priori from !5c to »L25,

Hannah & l_av Meroantilo Oo.

Big S-tore


Grand *IraTcrsc Herald

Harry Hlnea wfU be laid up
tor the next tew weeha as a r

t<ltn •fwr'nvaiv M tiwimm Cttr.

the ersak of bto gaaoUae engine
toner. • «t«leM of the Uw tBE tet etrildag He rlitot toot and terrlMj
,ad and laeetstliic It.
ratde t iliHlr
e engmc to one of Mr. R
tb* tUle. Mr. Oom wenM be t voir
manufaetare and to a Bve4
dnlreble eebdldtte tad iboald
tm-*rds Mr. Cro»«, H« it u tbl«



celre ounlltl tm«ort (ns hie ho
itr at »«ll as from the other CO
Tbr ■rtber etmdldatet are eolte e
ttunty I


Haro WrMka.

BerNy isjoeM.

k For

Rmsburg. Ra, Am- » Raaatngaz
train Tfl. taavlno KHtaning for Rltrn-


bwrg at 11:«7 tbla memlag ectshed
IMS a froight train en lha »uffal<i
Allaghany Valley division of tho Penn.

Ho U roeelvluB the earunt aghpurt of worked and It WBK aUll projecting.
advanced - another
Senator Wetmore wboae lofliMDoe ta nU noticing tbto be got bto fo
Northrille. Mteh, Aug. 6—Crest
yesterday and In the afu-rnton
The mauer of BraoUoc a ftanchlae powerful la tbe twrolr-terenth aen- tbe way of the swiftly revolving fly
citament prevails here over an
fruit brought ll.oo. The suppig
wheel, the handle striking him
to the etreet railway eoDpaoy la Ttar- BtorlBl dlatrlcl.
1 the toei. cutting the shoe thantic story that a Pera Marquette good and the quality excellent. Ite.J
Judge C. L. -Bailey of Bellalre,
rawherrtea in ease* of twenty pint
away aa neatly as though a knlfs peaaenger nearly
Orant the Franchita.

take deflalta action. It It
rer. that aooe of the aUeniKai are op-

were used, lacersiing the flrsh and
mornlng. The psaaengar was the
ly able attorney. He to well regarded bones and maablng tbe foot.
Grand Traverse county where he la
Tbe engine never slopped running due to laava Northvlllt sUtion
10:15 o’clock for Detroit
Kbiy ealeemed* and well knosn.
and deapila Ibe pelsfot naluh
Just as the train was pulling
bto Injury, he managed to get the
Antrim county be-occupies a high

ore bringing 11.60 and tbe btoekt h
caata of stoleeu quart* >ell at tl-C".
Hay and

rioM enough to the boat to get It
at Him traa opposed to hmg time ney of the aix, live* in Boyne City and
a a landing net which bto companla backed by CharleTOix county.
frgDehtoes. but after gtrlng tbla
rlea to a bright young attorney Hm. Tom Maiarell, also of Milwaukee.
ter serKwa eonaideratlon. and lookholding. It It said that both
rngnponUfrom a pneUeat. bnalnm
Maiw'ei: and Mr. Smoke wm
atandpotnt, we bellere that the proInleraated In tbe proceeding that they
The leMlt of the primaries I
motara ot the enterprlae are juaUfled
to draw their breath until afmailer of apecufhtka and it will
la their regoeeL
he flah was landed and ooraebard to pick tbe winnera. bob
The franctliee itadf. with

was broken today by Finley
mond. who sold lie bitohel* .rf Rural.
Malcolm Winnie at 33 cents,
spite tbe fan that it to August 7

self amlag over In one comer.
The meetlag of tbe aaioelation

Frankfort. Benzie CouBtv. li{i: ^
For one of tbe throe iJelo^roten. ^Ttb Seniitor-

E..I Buflalo. N. Y. AUg. 2-C«tle.



OT.VTR OF MICHIGAN, the Probate .

M-Uic count/.

Runaway With Binder.
T-III Wrolhnr* of l-kisl Uuy t»wn.hlp was In iln- «'iiy Mouda.v with a
badly brat Wndi-r on which *»m.- »:/
shimi of » farm haodMr. Wraibervi wan vrorking I
Sold yesir-rday and left

BHIlag FrieaA
Oearbaek perk, per hhl...

clal reaulu for all who were c
MW aewalona. Northpon to convroof access at Ale time of tbe .veiir



staadlng for •ome time. A farm hand
was w-nt to rrouror iho work and



■ v;' ‘ J



^ Cram for the Ononty of Grand
X! a sroslon of said court, held al
'hi- inobaie office. In the Oly «*
City, in said rnuaty, on the
ti day
.If Aogtwl.
..............A.A.D.D. 1»0T.
- - - Wsikar.
Present- Hon. Fred
Judge of Prolmle.
in thi- flisner of the route of Parnitlln Tuu-r. deeeaaed.
• ■i-l.iini P. Tuller having (lied In
il'l (-.siri hto petlUon praying that
d.l nmn adjudicate and determlae
ho s.-ro ai Dm- time of ber death
ceoaed an
I route of

-------- -------------- jetsed.
when mtle distance fram the horaea
ordered that Ibe 31*t day of
sbouled at them. The team started AuKu.-'. A. 1> IU07. at ten o'clock In
II- (oreiuuii, al **ld protmte office,
- and to hereby uMsilnled for hearR.iduir cluiriKl I
ig said |s-u(lun
II to funber (wdered. that pobUr
Mice therouf be givra by publlCBon of a copy of ihla <irder. for throe
, provtous
Whs: H* Thought
day of bearing. In the Oraa^ TrapUtUe EreeaL only four years old, erae Herald a newspaper prtaSnl aad
d county.
alter standing at tb« window for a
long time one day last aummev la
Judge of f
silent admiration of a torrifle tbunderBtorm tuned to hto mother with
deep eigh and aoid. ootUy.


Bky to geuing some awful big cracka
la It. mamaa.’’


For the man who gets wages oat of a iob* or
• for the man who gets a salary
out ol a posltton.

-«> -


K.dviiiL'a i1i-js«iu maik- iliiring Ik- Crat five
il.kjB Ilf tliia III >iitl), Oraw iotereat from Anff. 1

.......... •'="




I >;di-at aii'i StrcoKeal Bflak hi Northern Michigan.

City Book Store
TTraverse City, Mich.'



Elfctiie Bill
feel .
of El
grave. My trouble Is
Ing frmn lb
Brigfat’a dine e in the dial
_________ permanratlj.
ready flopped the liver and bladder
eompllcatlona wbieh bare iroubled
for rear*.' Gnaranued al C A E
bee Drug Ob. & El Walt A Son., h
nab Drug Store, druggltt*. Prict- o:il>

Pere Marquette


Sunday. August 16ih.
Big Ezeuraiena.
Beginning August IS. toe Pere Mar-

For rale* sod timliuslcn-. or a>k agents.

For^e t

trip to SeAshore. MountAins. Country or wherever
you mey be goin^ for your
Summer VecAtion to .ley in

aupply o/


AWAy the idle hours.

boohs to help


On our counter* At one-

third c/ former prices CAn be found meny c/ the
lAte leAdin^ sueceeses in the field af copyright
.fiction, Amon^ which we mi^t mer»tion«
Brewsisr'a Mllilans
«r O. B. UrCeubroa

SW wing.




■Hie win bring ibeir annual ex
ch day P>r
sloa train* into the dty each
four day*.
The firat Mte will leave Ti
h. ^Tlng
6:3fi the morning of the 13th.


ttEFORE: gtnrtin^ on yavr

By r.. B. llcCstcbroo
Menslewr Bssuolro


Pere Marquette

hero at € In tbe evening. The other
will Irare at 7;I5 p. m the same day
At S;M there will be a base hi
from tbe home. A’hlle Iranlps over, game between the Old lOaaloo and and arrive the next morning at 5:3d.
PET08KEY. 61.00.
At ktl5 a. m on the 13ih a train
eauaa vMiing team. All entrtro for
>UlnSunday. Aug. llUi.
lag him to whirl ao saddenly be die- monowk races most be In by tmor- will leave Chicago and reach this city
Irovc Tr-jvt-rve Ci'y -H
Train 1
about 5:30 in tbe aftornoon while the
eamgetle work, amoag the people of
a m. See poaisrf or s‘k ilrk--t
other leaves tbe Windy city at »;5C p.
I for particulars
as many eounUes. George H. Cram.
OBd arrives hero th'e morning of
e dislocalloo teraedled, but Mr. VInaecraCary of the club.
H. F. MOiaxta?.
GraDd Trarmae county's candidate.
the l$th at 6:«5.
Aug 1-B.
C. P. A.
recHve strong support loo wUl be laM np for some Ume.
alighted from the rig to remove a fir


damage was Inflicted by Ibe uniiim ly

rmi detalto later. Wilbur E. Campimerpteter."
8o read cards

held In this dty last year and aP
a latge attendance with very benefl-


Primary He

■WD. the Northern Michigan Pt
aaoclatlon will meet at Northpori
Tuewlay. Bepl. 3. Arrange to attend,

bearing In addition to the readlng.a
llfedike tdroto of tbe taterpeeter him-


potatoes are still hard and flttrm.

It to probable that tbe alien
silBor axeeptlooa, la a maonable one. them win receive strong support from queoUy both were tired out.
aauremeuU taken later showed will be fully aa large.
on county, snd tbe result deCom, per bu .................... .............. 67«5g
Thla being tbe
I upon tbe strength develi^sd that tbe fraah water shark was exact­
K ahoold be granted, and we know
ly thlrty-aeeen Inchro In length and
in the other counties. The oot
Zalma Cbaaa Back.
that thla opinion to
when the sealro w«re brought Inb
gnat many of the hearler tax pajen
After ser^ moriUis la the hoapitaJ
bto wwl^t was Jual twenty poun
terest .
and othen who hare mai
I Ann ArtXH-. little Telma Chase Is
Hr. and Mn. Bmoke and Mr. Max­
Kone but tbe most able men should
intaraat In the enterpHae. Tbe fad
home again, and the child, who went
ell teturaed to Hllaraukee yetterDrnt the Hannah A Lay interasta have be elected to the cooaUuiUonal eoothe huwpital blind, to now able to
nqnallfledly endorsed
., The little one was In lh>- R.-e Hay, iH-r ton.............. ............. K..onh'JS.Ofi
and hare atated thaebtty
ord office today anil readily dlstin- Sprliifi Chicken*, per Ib .............
and hare atated that they would In-golabed colors aud objoeta although
being given too little aUanUam at tbto
ved s Urge Uboamt ot money
e has to wear smoked glasK-s. It
era waters tbe j-aebt Gem owned by
enterprise, to U lull a strong Eua^
hoped that she will not have i
M of tbe counUea In tbe district J, A. Mpnlague. returned to tbto
nntee ot Its antaat
Iji lo fRe hoepllal. Dr. I*-arker
jeeurday. Tbe larty which took tbe
lU future hendlla. The ^nah A who do not know that a conaHU
Hr. and Mrs. J. A. HnUgue ins iditced her under Hie cat.Lay intereda are the hcaeieat tax al eobvenuoa has been called.
local phyMctonJlelmu is «iil>' 3 years
■ are others who do not raallae Ua
payers in the cKr, and that whlcb will
of age and that site to mil lniall>
Mie. R. J. Mercer. Donald Cameron,
beacAt them wlU benefit all.
blltnl now Is due m Uie eflurt* o
and GeraM MonUgutb The pony left
Mr. A. Tracy Lay. preaidmt of tbe
Irienda. who k«nii her In the hospital
this city oS July 20. and went directHaanah A Lay companJre. has wHtUn the Usrs of Htoblgali and to which-aU
Charlevoix, when- they laid for
a peraanal letter, endorsing the pro- tbe laws of tbe state must conform. II
sighberi Get Fooled,
recognized that the coming two days and vislled tbe Beulah home
JeM and warmly reabmmendlng the
literally coughing m>-*elf to
be composed of for-boyt at Boyne aiy.
death, and had become t<« w.nik to
Caiter OonalrticUon Company.
From raere they went to Martlnaw
; and neighbors pr<ml able, stroMeat and o
in Rself'abould exerctoe i atroog inwbera
would never leave it
men. Thae ahauld be n
e to faror of
iUcago yacht races in which the alive; but they got fooled, for th:la jte oonventloB for isdkBi
Indurt'd to try
'eneedore won time prize and the
coosUtatlM must be bnllt up
ra New Dtorovery. It took Just
Hawthorne waa flfal to llnlah. Alur
one dollar bottles to completely
aen of l««rBlng and ceod J>k>sIhM thpr have emhraed thla project
leaving Madtinaw ibe party we
____ the cough and restore roe ingooil
to Tery strong eyldencv of iu ulitlty^ ............ Among those to be Heeled In
Buying Pricas.
tW twenty-seventh senatorial district Detour and Whluier* Bay where they sound health," wrUi-s Mr*. P^a
and pracUcel wolh.
capher .of Groveriown, Stark Co.
Pets..--*, per p.vk......................T.'.frv'
III not be dtfflcuU to select men fished tor a few day*, then leaving (or Till* King of cough and cold ci
There to no qu^lloa that tbe
the Soo.
und healer of thruil and
tttUaa ot tbe Carter Conatruetlon with tbe neeesaary qaallflcatluos.
There they devoted their lime
guaranieerl by C. A. Bugbee Co. t
Co. that the binda could not
Wall A Son*. Hannah IJriig Si
sight seeing, visiting both locks i
Juvenile Court
•imted on a thirty year frnachlie U
50c. and ll.Oe, Trial
tbe two younger membera of the inrty
The Juvenile court law baa been
It to*
got wtoe to the fact that an
aUo, to aaptmae. that in a community declared unconstitutional and this decan put np a akin game aa well
For Seven Boeta.
of thla kind, with nniettled aurrouod- ctoion to leave the state srilbout
white man. The two boys mj
Capuln Dave Duane M* received
inga. aach a projed would not be­ rate courts for tt-ylng boys and gtria. bargain to be uken through th«
order* for seven boau to be coti*lnict
come a paytng inreatment for aerenl Thai this decision was made Just be­
ids by two Inlian* and were
ed this winter and more are in sight
yean. In the meantime It would fore the conalltntlt
much surprised wnen the price called
making a prospect of the busiest
the purpose of rerialng the conaUtuderekv tbe dty and a
for was mneb bigtaer than the
tnr aver put la by the captain. Throe
tlon qf Ibe eute of MlMigan is an
The derelopme
ot the boatt are launches the largr-st
Important thing, as It will give tbe
sumaiadtng territory
From the Soo
the Gem
of which to a thirty-five loi.ter and the
delegates to tbe eonatitnilonal coovengiuwlh of Traverse Oly
through the old channel u* St. Joseph other four are sniiiag craft ranging
Insert la the
•tlmnlaUon of our bnainesa and manubay by the way of Debom and th
from alxieen-footer* oo up. H>- .<
new eooatlt tlon an act roabllng tbe
to Georgian bay where tbe ladle*
has a large number of rviair ji.tis.
t ot such couru in tbto
Che party made a very fine catcb
flah. The next place vtotled was i
Will Resen.
Another thing that to necessary la
Snow Islands and tbeo the boat a
A party of >-oung ladles constotins
raghm about Grand Traverse bay. to a place where crinUaato. or rather ; headed for home. l«»l Sunday •
the moct sttractlve In the northwest dellnquenu of Uie cUaa of the yoong spent at Harbor Springs. SuUons Bay of Mr*. L. U Stevenson. Mrs. Fred
Noteware. httoa Hazel Harris.
and all It requires to brtng a lapia girl In court retlertay can be kept
made Monday evening and they
and heaHhy development, to rapid hi tbe ease of the giri meoHooed. a reached this city jeaterday afternoon LoMse Buck. Mias Myrtle-Miller. Miss
Blanche Barnum and Mis* Georgette
prlaon aentenre would be the worst
1 UdllUta.
Tbe trip was thoroughly enjoyed by
Morgan left Batnrday morning f«
e weU for the people of
rery member of the party and they
e City to bear this 4n mind seems to be no otter plaoa for ber think that there ere lot* of worse Banium cottage at Carp lake to spend
nnd eaprees theraadres to tbe aider- except tbe Salvation Army
pUoea to live than en a yacht,
men. so that Chat body can act Intelil- borne.
speaking of the reaortm. Mr. Montague
Riaing From
Tbe boys and Hrto of MlcWgaa who
gently and aecordlng to the wiahes
says Ibat there are none of them full.
the people. It doee not follow that make mlatoiepa should be glvan
Charletldz being the nearest to hav- FVrtwell. of Local
athto auggntlon means that a peracm
gmarksble •
good aeosoa.
37 :i.
H. F Mrwller. G R A.
.... Uklng leal
mint not express unfavorable vlewa make tbemaelTro good dOioaia. Tbs
It to well to have all ddea of the «un- state can aid In this by providing
Hunting for Tro
tlon. and optalona both for and agalnil proper conns and proper InvUtstloD*
detained and and am s'
freely advanced. The Carter Ooo- where they cu be
■traotieo Company deeires to begU |uugbt tbe prlnclplea ot manhood w»y' of buTOS, a
e of pile* that
9d wocnanbod.
operaUoua aa soon aa poaslWe and
Bucklen's Arala
This would not only rronlt In moA cure." write* Ch- ..
as It to important that an Improve­
No use hunting.
ment <d thla kind be started before good to the boj-a and girit and to ghany. Sierra Co.
sute but would atteci a gzwai
whiter. U will be seen that It la necea,
A.'B^^ie^’Dnjg Co..
amr for some deflntte action to be saving as tbe cost «f maintaining such S. E Walt A Sons, Haanah Drug
couru and InaUiutkiiw would be more
Store. 25c.
gained over tbe decraaae ic
Tbe Record believes that the grant
OW Mission Ragstta.
Ulnance ot penal iostiiuUons and
tag of tbto franchise according to the
The Old Mlaalon Yacht and Athrequest of tbe Carter amatruaioa
leUc club will bold the firm regatta
C«mi«ny win bo a most excellent
*. H. Vinton InJurM.
of the season Saturday next. The sail
thing for Traverse 'CHy and mark
WOllamabuig. Mloh, Aug. A-W.'klto boats will start at 2 p. m. and the
iww mile atoM In Ua aabataatlal ptoout collecting for the Bell Telepboae povrer b<aU at 5:30 p. m.. cups beii
greaa and davelopznent.—Record.
company this morning. F. K. VinKm the prizes tor both et-eoto.


llv<- stock predomlnatei

on the regular luurkeL
The record for late seasou potnl«»-*

andrihe laM coach drew away, the oot
poaed to a altty-year franchlee. Oth- altlon In tbe regard of tbe people ot boat to shore and make bto
erad porter on the roar platform d>athat seetioo. He to a strong candidate home. The accident to doubly
___ will doublleaa receive etmsldeisfortunate, aa Mr. Hanea baa orders cevarod the Norihvilic operator
tbe tixtr year term. Kowerer. thla
ing frantically "rtVough the door.
a mauer In which iho entire com- ble attengtb from all tbe other coun- for a 'large number of bto motors ond
The porter waited for no oiMra but
munUy la Intereeted. Erery tax payer
to complete a large
flfieen- yanked the bell cord and the train
C. L. Dayton, proeemitlng attorney,
ahOQld make it hU bualnen to inteaed. It was hurriedly shoved up­
extreindy well known In Traverse horse power engine be to turning out
ti^te the matter and expreaa hla oMnon
a aiding and Jutt at It drew I
City, and will g« very strong support for Dr. Scott.
ion to the nUerman la bU ward.
cisar a freight rumbled by.
There U no doubt bat that the al­ from Leelanau county and a good
A Big Piekeral.
dermen dealre to conform to tbe wlAi- many votes tram thla county.
Press Moating.
D. fimoke. while flfblng at Orec
M. E. Loulsell ot rrankfort. Benxie
ea of the people of the city, and tbe
-A white man's time la a red m>
lake Monday, felt a tremendous bli
only way for the aldermen to leern eounty-a candidate, to a young i
tbe witbee of their conaUtnenu. to to ney of etcelkot repuutloa and well and when be undertook to haul I
> flab, found It was a qurolion as
get In done touch with them. Tbia he- known abtlltlea. He bna bean In Trav­
whether be would land the flab
ing the caae. the people of Trarene erse City many times and baa been
the flab wou^-land bim. After play­
CItp ataoold maalfeel eapecial Inter- here recently. calUng on ble friends,
ing with tbe animal for about balf
eat ta a matter of tbla Und whid) seeking their euppon.
hour, be Anally managed to get it
U r.' Knowles, tbe youngest attor­
meana moch to tbe dty. The Record

---- “SSMU-ttl-"—
Farm.MUH Jaly. MBt.

twofity injurod and a nuwiMr will dia.
The diroci cause of Um collUian
power. (Mr etrohe.
Ingle cylinder
motor. The starting ersnk to i
In tbe fly wbeel whleb to polled out train. One ear of the froight left
and before a flagman e<
aud when tbe engine lakes

bt sent back. No. 76. bore down en
petui from tbe burned gas. li
Fnioi Wedaeadny'i Record.
Bsed snd fllee back into tbe wheel wrecked freight.
in the <coantlrc
relief train reached the wreck
Sewyer of Cadflltc, Weifortl
Hr. Hines, bid juft etaned
E. Ff 8
shortly before 1 o'clock. The scene
countr'a candidate. It u> able lawyer i-ngloe and bad ber on 'oil
terrible, the msol lone tUadlBS. a teatlemao of .
. 6-.» Tuesday night, whan be
■ al ¥ra*WM Oltj
era being from Hipped tram ether pM^a at ine pe*
ed for the reverse lever. ~
who woold Brace aoy
many of them women
which be Blsfal be called. spring on tbe vtrting handle had

the tsNAcil hai not yet


DhlsRBte to Oa
CoBTettka Bgcdkin
Sept. 17.1907

BW Teraa* Levero
;:y H.cnce Hewkti
SW Hermit
BjChsjtnc. Xtscs
Fable* Iw Slang
hr r^'irgr A'.'



Az>a alxta* olkwra jvaat as g<>«d c

SO Cents a Volume

City Book Store
Traverse City, Mich.


MB, THOmOAY. MIft. t. 1*r.


. 145^


B-A. *rwT Ur. B- *f«rd

resicoed to tafc* the of street
conmisalfloer. Ww worts of bcDdia*
e cement tldewalka « Ml be btgun
at week and will be poalied rapidly,
sidewalk eight feat Ha wUih. srlll
be biiMl alocg tbe east aide
SL J<v
septa avenoe for Its endire lengtli. tbe
material to be cement. SnfOcieni
wUI be left, taoarever, for tbe
proposed electric line Erom Traverse

L C. D.O». tmrr BdIUt*

3 per celt tOcnreA ob Time D^lts
trtirwmCUj 8Ut* Buk. Tranm CHr. Bkk

A Valuable Liwaen.
yean ngo I leaned a valuable
aano.'' writes Xobo PleaaaD>. of Mac
}1la. Ind. -I tben begsa taking Dr.
ln*'» New Ufe Pill*, siid the looser
I Uk<
uke tfaetn Ifae better I fiod tbem."
everybody. Guaranteed

Cirnlition this mek. 2,825
CeMr, Mich, AiiguM 7.—Jerry Bullivan'* big lumber mill wa» completely
deetroyed by fire l*« night. .LOM
BtMOO; Inaurane*. BLOOD. .Thirty-five
men warn thcewn out of work bu
mill will be rebuilt a* eoon u
4 the Are ii
Mr.'suHIvan hae been lumberingfor
the pact twenty-five year* and f
Are laat night was the fiml in all tl
time. ThJ* wa* not due to chance,
he ha* always taken extra precau­
tions and Instructed h,* men to be
Last night when the mill
ahirt dawn. Hr. BuHivan was or
the last to leave, having satisfied
ssff that everything

wa* all


HI* foreman did not leave until after

Ml** Mary C. Hurer who to aupernurses at the Uolvcrsltyi boeplul. al
Arbor. Is vtolllog at the homt
of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Po-k.
Mtoa Beaate Tyler of Kuitoa to vto
nine at the borne ot Mr. aad Ur*. A
V. P*«k. '
John LaniHi of Konhp it
beco In Grand RaiJde lor the pasl
year, passed tbrouMt the city Ibb
lorolDR on bto sray to bUi home.
Mias M«r)orte. Clarkaoo of Grand
Rapid* to vtolUnc friend* in tbe dt>
•r a few dajs.
George Bailey of Bred City I* to
(be city pn bustoeM.
Anton Novaaki of Ohiea4m to visUIng friends to tbe city for a few days

7 o’clock and he had made a careful
tnspeetien of the planL
About 10:4S. the night watch
who was upstair* cleaning up a* wat
his oustam. smelled amoke and di
oovered that the engine n»m and
portion of the mill were all ablai
•stora anything could be done, the
big atrvetore wat a maa* of flan
and today It Is as level at a floor.
The Are apparatus of the mill e
SlaU of a staam pump and heee while
banlo full of wattr are all about
tho yard*.

The Are appartu* in 1

mill was among the Aral thing*
bura leaving the structure at i
mercy of tha Atmas.
■nw ataam pump In



Stave eempany wat tat to going and
the mUI heae attached to that but
R wa* an hour before ataam could
be gotten up auffldently to work the
pumpa and at a conaaquanco. tha mill
waa ptbcticslly gona. tha water be­
ing la protect tha lumbar pllt*, log*


and other bulldlnga.
Almeat the entire vlllag*
out to aid In the fight and a bucket
brt^ et aoo men wa* toon farmed
' bo^thelr efferis were ueelee*
tlieS|)li they did not give up the AghL
The barrels in the yard* were used
with good affect and water wat
Ukn from the -*oup hele" and frem
a pend under the chute which it alee
kept lor Are proteetlen.
The wind cams from the west and
kottHttfaellaald trie saving of BSS.-

tbere wqs a OB Front Btreat and that U an attempt
bole to bb aSdewalk. Refentd to tbe wa# made to ran a sewer along toe
boar* of puMIe work*
shore to the river acroaa bto land,
toe 0. R. that toe whole dty would meet up
t I. railway, by C E. Momy suted wiib trouMe "If yon fellows try it.
that toe company would set the rere yoo ll see how you come out," said
of paring brick on any desired aide- Mr. KelAerfaoDSe to coocloslcsi and
track in the dty. Received and Bled. previous to tbal. he Informed the'
An Invllatloo from tbe League of council that the street was tbe ptom
merlean HnnlelpallUet u> attend tbe for the sewer.
meeting at Norfolk. Va.. 8«pc 38, 1$.
Mtoa Nellie I,«derle of toiy street
and »> was received and ftlednotlBed the council that she would
A request from Thomas Young to
rave a barn from near toe Peru Mar- of the d
r stone crusher.
etle tracks on west Front
to This dust ban nitned ber gardec.
the rear of S3* Maple
made It tmpoastble for her to do
(tented ^er tbe usual restrlcUoas. lanndry work, bad driven away her
licensed mover lo do toe work.
roomera and when tbe wind wax to
The bolldlng* and grounds ctMnmU- the northeast, she had lo rloec up bur
!* Of toe board of educaUon asked boose matter whal the tem­
*or a sewer fraol the Blmwood avenue perature. She t-stiffiates ber damage
building to Second street, oast on SI tfl. divided as follows: Damage to
Second street to Division, south
Division to the creek- The mailer wm.| Jiriuundn'w^^
referred to the Iraard- of public »
will vlfil her;
srtlfa power
{and endeavor to adlust matters sailsA commonlcatlon from the !«ird of faclotlly.
public works suted that it wa* neces­ The rr-poit of the meal and milk In-'
sary to replank the Eighth street and apeclor for July, the report of Ihe dly i
South Vnlon ilreet bridgre
treasurer for tbe same period and the
md asked -that suffifleleDl funda be report ofthe Judge of recorder's court
•rrovided to pay for the work. Refer­ lor July were aU received and filed.
red to the way* and mean* commltThe clerk repotted two paving
notes as bein due and there not lielDg
*rbe board of bealth reported that tnffleiem fi{^8 on hand m meet toem
a sewer was very necessary on lAke
necessary amhnrtiy u, irarrow a
ivenue and should be built as
sufficiem aum was given.
vs iramible. Referred Co the sower • The bnnrd of health rcirarted that
there were a numbe of stores in toe
A pencil sketch showing a propored city that exhibited fnilt and vege­
idditlon to toe city to be known as tables out to front wicb onthing
be Bariow farm addiUoo. was
protect them from files or dust They
vented lo the council by r jrethought this wa* dangerous to
lulla Barlow. It wa* askedVsl
health of the people and asked that
nailer be referred to toe proper t
an ordinance be drafted which would
inictee and that final action lie l>
make it necresary lo place these disAng. 1>. as was desired tost toe lots
be placed on sale Segd 1. Referred *
•be streeU and walk* conuniltee.
Transfers of gS.CHP.TT from
petition from a number of the tlngent fund to meet last nlitot's pay
realdenU of Fifth
nreesaary and as the
be street b
contain tost much, a loan was
■adsm and U
suted that tbe
rs. asked to act quickly on the mat
^ Wellinglon
er ax toe Improvemeni wax much deWaxhingtoa and
dred. The cost would be aboat «1S had paid to toe cUy treasurer. »J9T for
i year for five years for SWoot lots paring toe street with macadfun. comind as it would be a hardship for blnalion curb and gutter. The lioard
rame to pay toe whole cost ttjs year, of public works was Instructed tu
t was asked that toe asaessments do toe work.
I>© extended over five year*. On
Tlckerd't moli n. the necessary
•lullons win be prepared.
A similar petition for Wadsworth
>elwe«xi Fifth and Sixth streets wax
Oso presented. This petitlOD asked |
hat toe mayor agd council "omit all
■etty tecbnicnimes" and rush
rork. On Mr. Abbott's moUon
necessary resoliiUuns will be jirepard.
The clerk t

Ceunell Meeting.
From Tuesday * Record.
TTie city council last evening
through the cBorta of Dr. Moos, wbt
a very Imponant engagement
performed a feet of aaaembllng s
quorum and geUlng Ibe work of a reg
ular meeting under way ahead ol
time, Tbe last row mretlngs. tb<
couDCtl has had conalderaUe difflculty
Id gelUng alerted aoyttatog Ire* than
a half ah hour late owing to the
neaa caret of tbe membere and to the
tact that several of tbetn were o
the city and one caofihed to bto home
by lltoesB. But Dr. Moon got bux>
toal night, the raoetlng w4s called h
order at 7:3D and Ibe grind com
meoced. there being conelderable rou
Une buslnes* to attend lo. At t
o'clock all toe matlere In toe band,
of tbe derfc had been attended tc
the doctor bad left lo keep bto ap
pototmeoL while toe other five mem
beiw and the mayor remained to die
other matters with the reaul
that there will probably be a specie',
mreling tonlghL TTie electric
ny fraachleo matter will come up at
special meotlng whlcfa will probubbe called for Tbunday evening.
A pelllion asking tor permission
him referred to the council.
build toe C. 8. P. 8. ball on the corn
imitation was signed by Jamev
of Front and Oak streets was granlcd. Kelderhouse, and Informed ihe <
F. 8. Priec. who resides at
southwest corner of Bcoond aad Cedar

OOO worth of umber and about UMO
wofth'0* .oga. only thro* or four log*
being burned.

. If it had been in any

othbr quarter, the -whole



wairtd have bean swept dean.
Ttemll waa built In igoo^nd while
net at large aa the on* at Empire.
WM one of the largeet In Leelanau
eetmty. It waa alee one of tha beat a*

day It la worth juat whet It would
brtegforjank a* it It ieatterod about
In the blaefcanod timbam In all kind*


*1 fantaatie shapoa.
Mr.SuRivan et^MtOaRaeord npIin—' - that h#te«*itferd ttie Are
a fortunate ana biaamuch at the lum

WhsrvtvJisS'!'' sndthorowrk ~«r— sir
--- —- —-.T*^ tiRi.-.a.. wr rtre p^
on, -rmioB Tl ««wishlf: »r; r»r Itrr pud lo LanUBf.
- . i.d to plBTWBloTvihvyeaa
rorkfarthnr tiwRl. If dsir«d.
do Ugbi woi
Correwmderve BobrlUst fron rartlBB
who vuTtocniploT say kind uOro help.
~ FBEX. Bird rwtskw fv the

H. J. BECK. Manaser.
Lansing, Mich.
The city treasurer n-poried those
of toe Eighth Blr.-.-l rceldenis. who
had paid their paving axsesementx tn
full. Rqrelved and filtd.
The report of tlie (nnmiun- on
claim* and accouitia was adopted on
Mr. Moon's motion.
Mr. l-ar.ll.- rep<«-p-d that in order to
make a good job of the Eighth street
paving, it would le- nect-siutry to pare
a small section at the «-nd of the
street on Lake avenue. This would
cost Ihe city alnut }33<> and toe owneni of tbe private frontage about $9o
Mr. Lar.ll- niov.d Uiat th.' matter be
referred to the five sldcmien pres­
ent and the bnar.1 of public winks and
It a sprelol tovrting U held tonight It
will be held to take up this maun-.
Me Winnie suggoste.1 llial ibe nrdlnane.- for lui electric railway as
dcawD II), by Mr. Di-ne<-D and tho commlllec be printed In toe R<-cord and
Engle. Iliai the people mlghl have a
chanre l<> read It before it wax finally
acted upon. The rret of the aldermen
agivv<l with him. but no artSon waa
lakeu ax there was no quorum pres-

Tb B beet ktod of a taraaealal
*-*QlA lr,r r,wmr aotv mmmm


L»ee Curtain Flgurca.

Appllqii-d .vnlo colors and
border on the niffle m-vke a l^retty pllOr the ngur>' may be appli
bobbinct sad sirctebed ovei
eso same flgnrc* are also
useful when applied in thin set for
sash cartainx. or "boa-femme" cur-'
talna Mantel draperies are very pret­
ty made after tola manner. Tbe figure
be tinted dull tapoetry shades, ap­
plied on net. stretched tight ovei
window giase. and larked to toe faaide of toe sash, and the effect will
be that of Maioed gUsx. It Is especi­
ally efferilre la this wa>' if toe dcslgna
geometrical or very stiffly

Kvi.- Conn for the Oinnty of
Grand Travivwe.
,AI a ;e»»l..n .rf
Ihe Fri.lwU' offlc*'
. r»e Ciiy, in said Cmimy. os to* ISth
day of July. A H. IM'T.
Fresenf Hon Fred. R- W*lkcr.
Judg.- of Piv»h*te.
In tiM- mailer of toe estate of George
Wilkin., d.-c.waed.
Oscar haring filed In aald
court hU final udmlnlsirellon accoml.
and bis pitltlon pArjing for toe aBowaucc ih.'veiY and f.>r toe aaBigaaent
an.| dIsiritiulloR of Ibe rreMne of oM

orilernd that, (he ISUt diw ^
Aiici»l. A n. IF'T, at K-n o'clocfc In
ihe kmrn
FOR SALE—The trull farm <>t
aald prnimte oMee.
1*10 laicy nsi.msn. slluaicd es
.vnd 1* hereby I
mile* nnrlh of tb<- eity on ili- pen mining and
ar allowing said aceonat
iRsola. House n<-arly new. The prop­ nd hearing »
erly cost U.IRBI. A ronsl beautlfiU
Iher unleeed. that pohUe
It U furtht
place. Will sell to highewt private noUcw tfaereuf Im* given by puhHcalloo
bidder. Terms to suit purchaser. ot a etpy of tola order, for 1/
C. T. Bateman excculiir. Addnws
d day o
3:i Kiev.-nth street. Toledo. Ohio.
M? Heral
pap> r printed and clrc^te
WANTED.—Mllllncr>- appr.-iiilcc.,
rs. C. M. Pierce, siicceesor of Wood
Judge of ITldmte.
A true copy.

This store closes every Friday at noon dnrtnfl August.


Steinberg Bros.
I Tomorrow and contlnnlng for

we wUI place on sale
one hundred while and colored wash

SKIRTS ’5S5.5”'


aald that the mill had about
woohs* cut Idt and that the

BeautHui Hose of tfea

Uisinc Basioess Uniimlly

Do yoo like it? 'then why
be eontenied with h? Here
to be? Oh, ao! Jum put oo
Ayer's Hiir Vicor tad here
ions, thick hfiir; soft, <
htir. Bui first of sil, stop
your biir from eomioi'out.
Stve whtf you htre. Ayer’s
Hsir Vicor will oot diupp
you. It feeds the hsir-bulbs;
makes weak htir stroog.


anA was the beet on the markeL To­


• Odd Japan*** Use* ef Fan*.

VUitoiw to Japan are usually Im
jircsHd with the many counuus ii*.-*
to which fans ate put The umpire at
wrevtllnc acd fencing matches uses
large fan. the vanoua notions
which constitute a language that t
«'im>atanta undernood and prorapily
herd. M,-n and chilJri'n. as wc
women, use fan* at all tlmee.
servant has a fiat fan made of tough
paper tn blow the sharroal firre with,
or use as a dustpan. The farmer has
a xtivtit fan to winnow hi* grain. 8U1I
another vsrleiy Is made of waicrprvraf
' iuii»-r ii» Wow th,. cbnn-ual Br.-»
a pleaeani cootoes* by, oaporaUon
wltJkml wcuing the ciutoes

My Hair is

Three Days

the machinary wat entirely modern

bar and log* war*


oa (be reM aide as a alle for
ebdreb. The efty owned a kx (
Webster street which would be a aolt
able Doe If It could be pnrehssed. ReIcrrrd to toe ways and mreim
The ajoncil then adjourned unit;
il« evening.


mill would b* built aa aeon a* paaai-

pair of Uidies White Canvas
Oxfords. Goodyear Welt, half price, were
$2M now


SuttoBt Bay, Mich, Aueoal i
the naetlng ot tbe vtllage coukII
laat orehla*. Tniatee Joaepb Sleimt!



pair of Ladies Blue. Pink, Grey
and Tan Canvas Oxfords $1.75 and $2.0$
values for only $1.2$.

Why Pay More?

Miss^and Children's Canvas Oxfords
at less than cost.

We baTo never offered tuoh
borgniat before. .Toot think
of it. Luge 16 and IB inch
Uoatl^^ ....I4ctol9e
iOc XJorored Tareeujinly 2oo
CHaBre)eg“ S6c
Butter DiobeolSo
WePitohera, Si qto....lOo
IJqto.,.. 5c
1 lot BowU. ..-tenad 5c e«h
1 lot Dinner PUt« . .4c Odcb
Hen\7 Onp* 4 Senoeia.
reg. HoW Ware, only 4Sc oet
Covered Chamber*, lH. SB up
lOc ench
Deop Diaben, 6 to 15c ench
Baled OombauU, 49c 4 76c
To miM this sale u to looe
iDMtey. Chll early for fint

Now Is the ttme to save money on
footwear. Come whUe the assortment Is

that were $1.25, S1.5<i and S2.00. at
Others at $1.50. $1.7.5, $'J,'25. $2.50 and $3,00.



25 Misses Colored
Qolb Sidrts
Green, 2S to 34 inch lengths, that S'! 50
werej$'2.50and$ tJFinW
Others at $2.50, $3.00. $4 00 and $-5 00.



made of Plain Panamas. Novelty Suitings. Mahairs.cit. that were $:{.ij0
S4 00 and $5.00. at..................................................................................................


made of Voiles. Panamas. Novelty Suitings, etc. that were SS.W. $10.00 Itff AA
and $12 00. for only, each...............................................................................
Other High-Grade Skirts at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.

'You Can’‘t A'Fford -to S'tay Away-tha Sooner 'Vou Coma, 'tKia BekLer!for





to save





now • during


Summer Clearirie Sal


iQtithd Traverse Region.

TSTmrnt ivMh tM HMI4


S5»j»r*Sr5^ M




gueats 0................
Snoday aftemoim.
Mtoa Or«» WItooo
om her receol lUnen
Mias Hattie Miner of
who baa been vtoltlng Jamea WilM
Mw>A r»mily, returned home Sunday

mncE 18 coimucTOiis *


___ _______ id 19 aad
Snd, FemHock S, Smith Barnes

Jamea-B. Delbridgc aod
tach«4 Kewld. lute 4 and &
Interlocbea. >40.

Notice Is hereby given that aealed
ids will be r«n-kd by W. C. Ndaon


Letaod. Mich, at anytime before
untoy. Aognat 3rd. 1907. at 10 o'cloek
in the forenoon for the eiectioe of a

wbo nuad bebind B bsak d^eraioe ito cfaancter. Onr
diroclQin nre a* nnmea below. They have invenieJ iheir
own money in ibia bank, meet freqn.-ntly in dirtt-iorn’
- nH-otinten. pea* upon evi-rj- loan, exuaiiic and prove
’ books andweeariure. ibtade upon the ooniee to bn puyaned and bring to the management ot the bwk the aame
nound jnilgm.-uL oaution and bnainc-aa ability which
have mide them aixoeaafal in their own btuinena.

P-«rr House lor Lecfanan county.
Said Poor
I* lo he erroled
‘■'^^Haxel Caae of Almira apent; H U k Co * ixi. IIIW.
Suoday with Ml*a Farrell Saitln- of;
K*»e A. Wilhelm to l.eon F. Tit ns. Ihe farm <if Lelaoau nninty In

I et. al.. Tnxrttee. I« iO. block
Knasmi ownsbip |n said eouniyIt acordiug to plans ud

Michlean- larct-ls. lOOuO.
■pecIBcaihns rurnislied. and
to be
day afumoon.
Audllor General U> BurUev A IVviig- completed wlihlu six mooih* after
Quite a nuoAer from these-iinrU
Bor. ». T. »ove be.-u going after bucktoberrie*. to* IJinib-r Co., lot
to Acceiu.d.
The superinteodbe, aeem to be flulte plenllfm thU
IS. IS.os.
of the Prsir and Building ComAlice B.
Town lo U»yd
- B Thomie
' - ‘•
- ■
-d. >135.
mlltiw reserve the right to roject
fda E. Krause, h. al,
qV. Idd'.
The Ptoaa
Mr. Whaley expwu lo
impmr.Vaudethoof. nu
of net,. &
tbe look* of onr acbool houae with
ion> can be Inspected at the
. ....................
new coat of iialnt.
office of J. C. Peteiwon. Slate
A. Brugh with bin <
Mn. Will Goble and
her atoter
MIebIgu: oe
Min Uda Gubel or the
G E. Pattengfll and a«n CarlIsM
the offle- of Chart.!. B- Ackerman.
roi-e to Keyatone toat Thi
ere to Travetwe City 'ou bu»lii-R
Larpett In Michigan.
Aug. 6__________
Emplr.-. Mlclilgiid; or al the office of
lat week one day.
Tlie Church of Christ of this c
W. C- Nrison. IseLind. Mlcblgu.
Aug. 6.
has the largest cradle roll In MlchlT. W. Hawley made a trip to TravDoted, Mich. July K. 1»7.
imn. irresprclivv of denomtnalloa.
i.e CSty laat week.
Charles B, Ackennu. Chairman
3. U Curry relumed Saturday night
Tb.Te are SSO babies
W. C Nelson. Serietary.
om TVavene Clly. whore bo waa
yesterday afternoon from =;3<i until.
The ni'^’ing wu* aiIJoani<-«I
called on Jury.'
1 was given for
4 o'clock, a tec
Mr. and Mr*. fVank Muoro from ley. apent a few daya 1
c.i wc- ka. at the samt- Ume and
fully a biudred babies,
Denzonla. I» vtolilng relaUvea and the hi>l of the w.-ek.
the tilth- ones. fi
lend* here the paat week.
with acconiiuuili^ by their mottera, prila Qiille i
ir Hulett
■ug 5-7-9-lJllC
Mn. H. B. Oowiea waa rtolUng at
many Ireglnnciajind cradlo r-rll
Wro. Oirry * and E. O. Wlnnle'a laat
Miss' Iva Bagort of Kingatoy and
era wore present.
Thuraday and Friday.
Mias Anna Martin
Tbe reci-pUon .rjiencd with
Ourimator. the Re>-. W. E. ThomoBn-ll* Saturday and Sunday
IVr>- Margia-tie
Bon. aod Ihe Rev. T. Young, of Wl|.
ire (f the group taken by Smith A
and rtlldren
luiin. fell from bis ..uglm- tank while
Ilamaburg. exchanged pul|*lW yertcr- Troverse Clly nr.- visiting n-lailves
Price and this was tnllnw.-d by a |>ro
adjusting the water sihwI
this oelgbboriiuvd.
gram which rnnsieied <>f:
‘we are fMlIng rain enough nt
Iractimof Ills left
apoll all of the llilie pouioaa.
Snog of wrelronte by th.> iH-gJnneni.
wrist. III.- brvak ■jccurriug at Die low
A Bood many from here attraded
Real EaUte Tranafera.
IT end «1 Die radius.
the dreun at Elk Raplda Saturday
Solo. .Mlaa Olive Oolwon.
Jdim Corry and wife u. la-ondei
aleo "Uncle Tom’a Cabin" Friday
and al
’ajuiate.w. ne«* ot ne\,. Sec. 13. T.
S<4o. Mies Cluru Muoro. ,
CarU of Thanka.
■5. R. 9. >9-78.
I'lauo s<iiu, Ml>* Nellie Smith.
We wUh to ihiiiik our tre-nd* an*
charioiie Hollldny to Edward Meday with Mia. tuil tiee.
Vocal duet. Hilda Lyons. Aueou Ly- n..‘lghi-i> foT Di.-ir a.-ud*t«ire during
farnsra. part-els, O. P T. C.. >3r*».
mlic boxes will be opened.
ih’e slrkn>-»* and death
Allle P. Brown to Uan E. Carter.
Aug, 6,
Song. Primary dc|uir1inefiL
Platio dn.t, Lua Crawford, Olixe
i S.. Carter.
Ihm T. Carter
Mr. ailJ Mra. A. S. Pray v^ted .
inrc-ls. >t.
eo. Prar> Thura.lay and Friday.
Remnrks. Mi*. W. N. «ln|*aiii and
CUB and Tom I*ray drove to Acme
Hannah A Isiy C<i- tn John Hild. r
Oltal Pray and
limndi. isirrcl*. H. U A Co.* 12lh.
drove Irt Traverw- Oily Sunday.
RefreebuicaU w.-re a.wved in
Oiuuty. MIchigar.
Mabel Beckwith vialled at Gilborl
In acenpdaiire with Hie i.rorlslod!.
larior^i lo all pr*-a*-nt aad Mi- atu-r'Howard Whiting and wife
of Act N... 373 ..f the Public Act* ‘
lot* :i and.....33.
fiHMi was iileorantly and prohLibly
g (or Bd. nio Bui
19«7, 'oil ar.- li.-n-by notlfiid ilial
S elb, >1000.
lfl..eii.*n I* to !"• held In tl
irter to I-yiin S. Cuiner.
________ FBlrtiank-a folka retunicl
Slate nn the third TVM-sdiiy In Sere
I. >1.
home Friday afler a few week* resort
I Be WeMcd.
lemlrer, )5«i:. al Whleh ikue .tejegaie*
John NccHtiger, Jr., to Aniil
iw 1“ the country.
are out
for lUe'wiul- in nn-et tn eonveniion f.rr th>- purpoas, ,T. 27.
Neriingrr. luirce!*.
Mn. Thomaa Bro.4* and dau(^
wlicr.s‘1. i hate hi-rmiiitii
*" ■
of CadlUiiC. and B<njaniin S. Monter Carrie, called on Mra. G. A. Bmgl
h day of Aiigtist.
of tfl* eity.
The eeromniiy
Monday ariemoon.
will lake plae.- ut the born.- of thc
Horn of Orawn. have been vtoiUng
with tVynona and Mary Crandall.
Mr. wmiama baa the work on bix

Mil* Marioc aiLta and Emma RobUaa ud HaroM GIbba ■peal pen of
ate w««k put at Bar View. iwtuminR
rrUar eveolDj.
Two fooerala were held
aluircb here . that or Ut*. 3. %. Hoid«ron. sttodar aflenwon. tte Rer. A.
Ttuntoa of KlDpiler. oRldaUns. and
that c< CaMn. UtUe bob o( Mr. mod
Mn. John Vanderrart. aged 2Vk
Tcan. Monday anemooo, the Rer.
/oat Platt of Klnfftey. omcUi
Mn. HoMcroft. a* Miai Amy V
out. wu well hbown In thU eielnity
iWtt UBcfat the aobotri bare for
Sw TWra. alao bartn*
Xit«ri«r. and waa highly ngarded
wbaeaew knoa-n.
Mlaa Andie Taylor apent Suoday
bare. reUimlag In Traveno
_____ © aiy.
— Lowrte,

wHe and (hmny
IbrnHy ofTnv
of 1
tended the rnneral of
otMrB«rae Oty attended
I .,
lowrte'a atater-a child Monday afterMn. BoTT Jainea U duHe alck being
fintlfie.y| to bar bed. Mlaa Artie
Piene to tn char*© ot the iKH^old
dnttea dortac Mn. Jatnea' Indtopoal^r. and Mn.



AHona. and hla

an^' ii^e,^.

were called here by

the aad

^ uU of*ui

wbore they expect w


L«e Olbba and dangfalar Oiwl
or nfe Lake rtoltad rdaOw here
cm Bonday.
Mn. Auguat Onn enjoyed a vlall
man ber aged mother, Mn. Beck of

nad out now. the bulk of the crop
ifnf;iitie on all nt tmee.
Mr. Tboa. Pepler la at h«ne as^n
anar vtoltlhg In her old borne nedghbSSood. ^ to at FUe Lake
tag loca' Mr. and Mn. George Spaolding of
Ktagaley. ntoo Mr. and Mn. Muaat
Bowen aod daughter,
were down
Cnnday nnd aueoded the tuneral of

^lUhouae by the addiuon
tolasd to rtotUng her aont. Mn. Rich­ l^nt.







H. S. Hull. Prf»ident Oval Dinh Co.. Preaident.
A. V. Fri.-.lrich. bhwa; Chaa. Wilhelm, Wilhelm A
Co. Vico Proaulenw.
C. A. HammoiKl. Cashier.
J. M. Huellmant^ Loans, Inanrnuce, R.-al Folate:


Wm. Loudon. Caldwell A London. Pivtident Boardman
Light and Power Co.: .1 O. CruU.-r. Caa
»r El.-elric
Crotser. Kingslev: Stephen Lautuer. Farmer; G. V
Ijtrdie. Wbol.-anle Produee: F. C. Deemond, Ptttaident
Desmond ClieniicalC.i; Beiij Thirlby. Ttaveine City
IronWorkt: Dr. H B Uam.-r; F H. Smith. Smith A



Hull Co.



Peoples Savings Bank

raverae C-ty Peepli
That Thi*


Alden RcQltU.
Th.' annual Alden rcgnlia will b>>-ld Thuradav. Aug. IS.this yror aad

will lie bigg.-r and better than evcA
A enid. a strain, a sudden wrench.
BOW b>-ing tor the silver cup* and
A lltUe muse may hurt the kidney*
srJIuble prUes There will luSp.-ll»
buckiuih.- .•fu-ii f»IU>w. ,
Or MUiie Irn-gularlly of the urine .!p.-iaug» for all kinda of boals aad
addIDoa to the xacht rncea. there
A citaln remedy lor such attneks,
A uunllrlL.- that
II be aports ah gamca. Aldvu to
Ideally IneateiWof races being cm Ih.I* IVxin * Kidney Pin*,
slKBv* III Torrb lake and is quia oai
• Many Tijiv.t*.- City peoi.le rely <ib venlent of accewa.
immlHT of local IkmI ownera may
H«v 1* Tr*v.-rae
. .
• the trip from here, portaging at
Mr* C.C ThompMJO. 125 Qinwo-id
I-Tlk Raiild*.
t.-. Tratcru' fYly.
H- tuive use* Doan'* Kidney
putchHMnI Bl Ihe Walt Pharmacy >nd
fiBind lliiii f.rr ki*iK-y tnratdua and
u.iiv kidney I*il(is Uul accnni.
(lanv Dll* iumplnlnl. It is a rronedy
thill>- com.* up tn the claim*
*BUtgV A OO. Tetode, O
.............................................-ils standard
tc.edy. We ti
liiai pro
luidorsed Die use <if iSwu
rent, brounblr is Dl l.a.lar*a maroeiio*
tu •ith.-i-* sii*
aad AssBolallT at-tr to. arry wo aa> okUtal
plFusnl in .lo
m any time,"
WalJ>l«i. KI»***AM«BV1«,
For *:ile by hII dealer*. Ihiee
Wb-OMt* Orarnst*. Tidwia. • >
....................... M.-r .\>;ltiian
New York.
Jtememltcr Ihe name—DounV—eud
take till otlier.

How’s Tbis?

I .ssa'ssx’jsyTs

Bk Buying Makes little Priees
Big Selling

makes little profit?, plenty big enough.
By foiiowing this motto we have made this store
the headquarters for aii economicai furniture buyers.

And this year we have bought heavier than ever before and we
figure on making this the best year of our history in Traverse City.
WE WASTE NO MONEY in buying flimsy furniture. Everything
we buy must be made of thoroughly seasoned wood, and the work­
manship must be the best. Our buyer has spent his whole life in
the furniture business and knows good material and good work­
manship when he sees it.
So you take no chances Of getting poorly constructed furniture
when you buy here.


The furniture man who does^just as he advertises.



«aa»«»a»waaa»me»a» eoroMMweaw




1 2 3 4 8 1318


for Every Woman
to Her Needs



What Do
iThey Mean?!



Remnants, Short Ends and Odd Lots



TmS is our first annual Notion Sale, and as we do not believe in doing things by
halves we are going to make it the greatest sale oi the kind Traverse City has

ever seen. Our other annual sales are watched for eagerly by the wise shopper; we are going to make
this even greater, tor it is made up ot litHe things that are used every day in every household and the
ssvtna* on these Uttlc things help to boy the Inrger things. These are aU new goods^iorchased from one of the largest notion houses In New York. The
goods are of the gnaUly that you can buy knowing that you are getting something that is worthy of the price. We know that yon have never bought
aotlOBS so cheap ^d know It will be a long time before yon will have an opporlnnlty io bay them so cheap again. To make this sale doubly attracUve we have added
all short leagOs, odd lots and remnants from every department and have placed some very attractive prices on them; prices that will make this sale a bargain event
saeh at yon will rcmanber. Come prepared to get the most for yonr money yon ever got in this city.

Sale starts Wednesday, Aug. 14, and ends Wednesday evening, Aug. 21
Ihese goods will be <

1 Linen Corset Lace
1 Colored Bordered Handkerchief
1 Paper No'. 4 Adamantine Pins
I, Card Hooks and Eyes
1 60 in. Tape Measure
1 Child's Thimble
1 Card Black Darning Cotton
1 Lady 8 Thimble
3 Papers Invisible Hair Pins
1 Busch Non-twisted Tape, all
1 Paper 20 Sewing Needles
1 Paper 20 Damiog Needles
1 Ladies’ GoliLBeauty Pin
1 piece Sewing Wax. yellow
1 Lead pencil with Eraser
Card No. 2 Safety Pins
Box Jet Mourning Pins
Dos. Brass Rings, any size
BoneC^het Hook
Card jet 3bawl Pins
Do*. f^I Buttons

1 Card Fedeiiioken Hooks & Eyes
1 Honey Comb Bib
1 Card No. 3 Safety Pins
I Hair Pin Cabinet
1 60 in. Sateen Tape Measure
1 Darning Egg with Handle
1 Curling Iron, Small
X Do*. Jet Hat Pins

ntly arranged on tables In the center ot the store and Uie entire week will be
* e In the history of onr bnslncss.


Fringed Wash Rag
Ladies’ Hemmed Hdkf.
Doz. Gents, Bone Collar Buttons
Ladies' Open To|> Thimble
Piece Ironing Wax *
Doz. Agate Buttons
Fine Rubber Comb
Gold Pearl Back Lever Collar
1 White Curtain Loop
1 Doz. Pearl Buttons .

1 Piece Feather Stitched Braid
1 Bottle Petroleum Jelly
1 Hone^ Comb Bib, lace edge
1 Paper Enslish Pins
1 Ladies’ Fancy Handkerchief
IDcz. Shell Hair Pins
1 Men’s Red Handkerchief
1 Vegetable Brush
1 Box Scotch Plaid Hair Pins
1 Curling Iron
1 Tracing Wheel
1 Emery Bag
1 Men’s White Handkerchief
1 White Curtain Luop
1 Mending Tissue
1 Doz. Fine PeaH Buttons
1 Embroidery Hoop, size 4 to 7
1 Honey Comb Towel

1 Shell ud Amber Side Oomb
1 Eitf* Good Hnek Towel


I Fancy Lace Pin in Velvet Pad1 Lailies' Fancy Kmbroidered Udkf.
1 lioz Blue l>'.-tl V.'isi'linc
G yiis. Finialiinu Br-aiil
1 Doz. h in. Kid Hair Carlcrs
1 7 iu. Rubber Dressing Comb
1 Card tfiifil Hair Pins
1 Mini's Wldte Hi-matitcbed Hdkf.
1 Men's Xsvy Bloc Handkerchief
1 .^ab-stoe Iron Holder
I Fiiii* liutilwrComb
I Turkioii.Wash Uiig
1 Cube Jet Pin ,
1 .Silver Thimble. ai/. Sto I)
1 doz. iViiite Pcarl’Hattons.SOto^I line
1 oOO yard Spool Basting Cotton

1 Metal B»<-k Horn Comb
1 White Celluloid Comb
1 La^ Cube .let Pin
1 pair Jewel Curling Irons
I Spring Darning Bid!
1 card Fancy P<-arl Shirt Buttons
1 good Chamois Skin
1 Gyard Finishing Braid, white colors
1 Silk Curtain Loop, whitit
1 Tapestry Curtain Loop
1 Tooth Brnsli. G styles
1 Fancy Hat Pin
1 doz. Shell Bair Pins

1 Pearl .Shirt Waist Set
1 Buttcrtiiilk Soap
1 Stock Foi
led or straight
Hair Pin*. 200 to box

Doz Ball Pearl Buttons
White Wash BeU
Pillow Top
Sideboanl or Dresser Searf
yani Pillc.w C..rd''Box :! <wkes Witch Hazel Soap


1 IsTce si-ic Brush Broom
1 Bristle Hair Brosh
1 Powder Puff
1 -Manicure Bnisli
1 Tooth Bmsii. I style*
,I Fancy Dressing Comb
1 pair Lady's Fancy Hose Supporters
1 fiair Lady's Bell .Supporters, black
1 Child's Bib
1 Shell Back Comb
1 Lily’s Jeis. yVfBl
1 Extra (tood Hues Towel
1 pair Kul.ber Lined Shields
1 Ladks' Embroidor>- Ilandkcrchief
2 pkc- Fine ToiJi-t Paper
1 card Shell Hair Pins
1 dtz Hail P<-arlPultons. 10 to II


A 25c box of Mcnen's or Col­
gate's Talcum I’owder
A 25c <ake of Cashmere Bouquet,
Cuti.ura or Pear's scented
glycerine or Savon toilet soap
A 25c bottle of Rubifoam, Zozodont or Sanitol tooth wash
A 25c box of Sanitol or Pf.
Graves' tooth powder
1 pair Ladies’ Fancy HoseSupp’rs
I Fancy Suniped Pillow Cover
1 Gold Jeweled Brooch
1 pair Hook-on Supporters
1 pair Scissors
1 pair Ladies’ Black Lace Cloves
I large Shopping Bag
1 Fancy Dressing Comb
1 Udy's Silk Belt
I Lady’s I'ocketbook
1 Fine Turkish Towel'
1 pair Ladies’ 35c Fancy Hose
1 Pillow Cord.
5 different kinds of 2.5c Perfumery
I box 3 cakes Kirks Shandon Bells
Toilet Soap
I box .’< cakes Cosmo Buttermilk
r-Toilet Soap
1 6o.x 3 cakes Armour's Siloiaa


5 different odors Toilet Soap, all
2.5c goods
1 Turkish Bath Towel. 25cquality
I Peter Pan Pocketbook,25c quality
1 pr. Ladies' Black Seamless Hose
1 pr. Lace Hose, Pink, Blue. Gray
1 2.)c bo.x Writing Paper

Stiirt Waists at 59c,
JACKETS- Any spring Jacket in

Light colors must be aoU. We do not
osny them over.
fiOc Dieaa Good*.................................... ...S»c
flOODraa* Good*.'...................................6«C

SUks at S8c,the o5c quality.
Silks at 48c, the 76c qoali^.
.snks«t 78c, the $I quality

One-Oiird and
One-Half Off

95c, $1.19,1.50

store at jost half prlcc.

for Waists worth from Sl.OO to 2 50.
$2,95 for your choice of all the
Uogerle Waists
Worth S3.50. 54 00. S4.50 nud 00.
Shirt Waist Salts to close oat at
5149, L50, 145 and 245.
Val«e«»l To jO 4.50.

Silk Copts and Jackets at
One-third Off.


In lengths 1) or 74 yards. This menns'
fLot 1 is a lot of Skirts that soM
everything in these lengths in the store.
at S-5
Choice now..................... |
Yooll need some of tbese.eilher now or
in a fi-w weeks. Better bay now. Every­ What's left of the e]>ring line going at ' Lot 2 is alot qff^kirts that have
thing that is short length wilt lie marked
$6.95 and 12.95
been selling at »I0 to
at the aluve discounta.
Valik-sfrou $15.00 to flO.OO.
To do*.- at...................................... I


Five dozen Saline P.-tlicatit made of Hoe
Saline, full sweep, rle^p *|iirr«->i flounce.
< This skirt is a liig largain

At $1.00
Another lot of Uve dozen
at 7Sc each
I Big lines of Ueatberbleom Prea de Soie
J arid TalTuta Silk PetticMts
At $3 op to $18



Drive Straight for

Mr». \v. C tlll->o<i Is vUlilng at the

She will S|a-nd the Butmui-r in

Zv Zu

. telllBeoee

ber husband baa charge of ooe of tbe.
hospitals of the canal eommlssluu. |


rrturnlng in the fail.

Mr and Mrs. C- E. Bx'Ck of Chicago, i
who liave been tlaying at tn»f f'aikj
I’U«- left this no««i for Macllnaw.|
where iN-y w|( Rp.-u.l the n malnder i

with a nickel
and get a
package of bappines.
There’! no
Cinger Snap
so crisp
and enticing.

Mr*, ilb-ii I'.iw-r


«... In-j
qoallficaUi .
of tbe
r should be eon-



.5Hi, and a-rompna.
• —- -r ..............-ek of J3(ai aa evP Id gm,i F,.r .my fiirthPV
. tbf.wt-iaijor.. addrx.s ,s.. und..r»i*»..d
Ire amt ls-nev»l- c-mnilt..- ai Kalij^aka. Mwhig.n,
Jaenl, N
» party I
Dd that I



I aClllell. iis r
E U HoR-lie-i

,jr slate as lki
will o-n b*\ •
I.illilnil ad

Mrs. Ant:.. M.B.erder. -

El<ct.en K««e.

Mich., n Him. d to In
sie-nding u w.'-t III Ud.

■got ».,tei, of Grand Traveran

and |•^«'^■<-nls

aU-.- q.-aUl-s-n an sr-llsoT.
'.v''" ! Priiiiary
a tuan w hinn. 1 your roi:
-. wl..»e|

w-us aer»nip..iii. d to h< r |;.i»ni
MeKetirli who will :l-il at I
lor a t. w -lays.

m roiitenlion for the pup.H«
»l making a ps.f. ■' retish* at (he
ConsittiKlon of the S.air ..f Michigan,
shall be uomltiai.-d l.y all |>iiR>cal

iirs. (P-.ige F.-rp is-m of
w-i-iu U. f.-dnr Run 1.. \i-ii
nlivi-s lilts moriilhs.

: .-apjvily tor wori
.-.HHl.d .dily by I
; nty td pcriswe

Mrs. Aiidivw An.l- r>on and elilldr<-h
have n-tiini.-d to (li.-T Lottie at Mauls,
tee- utter visiting liMhIs city fur some |

Circuit Court
Ftoid Tliamlcr'* Record.

yoimB man a :

• lecture before

sentencing him.

mcOMr." abe toM lYcaecutins Atior- bard
Bey PraU thli monlos.



medical uvaUueni.
prison physician

The slri haa ahown
no emotloa thinks
vhaterar dortns the case and ami
Inwire no repetltHm of his crime
•poo the Jury, offlcara and audlraice be will be given hla Iberly.
a food ahore of the time, but
Tbe case of Frank W. JtAneon vs.
Boretnt when the matter waa beins the Deemcmd Chemical company came
dtanmaad OfMoly. ahe broke down and
morning but technical
««VL Tbc/Aae la one of the moat arose which colled for the revision
detteata that haa erer come beftre
: the bill. It waa oirried over tbe
thla oowt. aa there U aUll a chance
of aarlaf the yoims woman, but luat
what atepa to take In order to do this
la the oiMatloB. The aalvatlon Army
reacoe mission waa aucseaied.
Adrian home would be an ideal place
ptaMA but Mlaa Totten It above the
age llmlL

Clacton L. Dalton

Mr. and Mrs. Ott.. Eiidenstrom 'dj
MioilRU-e hut- r.-tiiraed to Ih.-lr home
•s. Bvu


and the


-------The many friends of Clint..11 U nc.y-:iit.iii ."'-tl; :. i.-ig f;:lly In eynipa-!
oimr.- il- it lie' t!;«
the i ..till!..-a
I From Friday a Record.
.11 lire pi.-.
Ii..n..naii..u a>.i
11" 1- hi et.ry w.iy—-i well
-pie rase of Oeoiw W. Benhai
. :t caixlldBlu
(ittfoiii-. d lawyer, a iiinn of B'sid lnisl-.,ho Fnrrox-ra' Mutual insnranee
delegiite to
... -..e o..,,. :it He.-llii. tl|.! ;".ltni. T;-. ^.n..vt of |«trisaw iiiid
d Charlevoix. Emniet and Ch>..s,«iity. Mini, forty y.uts ..Ko..xtiio
..g...•«I". 1l-U-v.s
ih.- eonmi.ii. ptvipl-ifv.s
^BUes, has taken u


4'ter visiting

£. Sa.;.™." “> .-ae


aftmoon. Tl

•' In.lK-s of the PrvwbySerUin J
plarnUfI alleges that the company r
tid Rapid'. -Michigan auj fri.-Ml.'
.i.-.^iiV -1clmreh and rtmgtv*aUon arc cordial-1
t.d from the law il.-pail that
ly Inviled to me«-t Mr*. C. E. Mlll-r;
I'ulversliy of Mli-hlitin ln;co.niy :-nof Cadlllar. Pres, 8«t, of P.-losW. y Up. cliiss ><f IXSt H<- r.un-- t i le-land m-'ii i.ii :il. 1
Presl.yy.dy. ut lli.- tvsid.-nre of Mrs. tl... stone yti.r \V;is I'r.i'.-cillliic At-' .li.-iht!. » '..avc
will UDdoubt-dly bo finished this
a Gkituw on Sixth, Weilnys- iern...v id ias-l.iiiiiu ooiiniy fiom Jan-; i- .y ti n's ic-lia. r'''Tli- issiple .d Travi:iii-jp or early tomorrow.
uary 1st. IxW. to the rad of tie- year., i.- ni. and Irand Trtivers.- cinmiy
day afternoon at 2;3o u'clork. A short
Ida U. Huff secured a divoiTe from!
1't'P. and aciiiii -i*ecam.- rtos.snilUicjh;.... Pinrh ii
program will be given and light re- .Aitnraey in !'J"2 and Is sHII liolding| j,l,.
Waller Huff. Edward Wi.atheni waa
las la
that ofllis-. 1^ Is a man of inssl uat-1
U -i fri' >!ly- senlimi nt that will released from bis mainmonlal ties
'lir-al ability, I fik-c-s-MI lawy.-i
wife. Cora, and the Cummings

For Ddeizate to
Sept. 17,



vim Tui-sdi

Iona! isin--. uiioii.


Street Railway.

About T

s R.vuid.


llti-- to Oi.ii'l.-uilv.

jedgi- Davis suited In on tbe taic

Ri ly it.-rc very muiti I form of tbe l.-u II m niartc of pieces
i,."«..iil,: inhe home!
nistcuol bj l-rouAe
... .. ii...,i
..f .1, ; tiA:l« to :i rc.i.Jeai'O.'.-, Two Irviii bars.
Ill t. vviil.fllolis of ,tU.. ^

a I^vsT.I n IS
Ihv I-ark Hare ho

of Charlevoix. Emmett and Chelioy-

0>-n»-i-n wild itiai 1
clly deis-nded .'iiHt
tion ihi. o..,m,.ll mum n.k.- ..n th- lire .

coonUes, thla afternoon,
he eaae of the People va. Nathan­
iel Yetto and Anna Ilaakina (Totten)

reghm^aud its p.-,tple.

jse»>leii el the
would J'lst fv


. .. li



in the paat four years, he replied that

the total would be about 50 cents.
From Tuesday's Record.
•That eavea you six months.- said
Mrs. E. J. Hodge of Ninth street has
Ibe Judge.
me (o Port Hunw and Detroit to
'rise yonng man's honeaty waa verf- spend a month with relallves.
Mr. Hanrey and wl/e and Mrs. Har­
fled from hla autamenis U
veys' sister. Miss MUitr. all of Grand
lag by tetei*onlbg to per
Rapids are visiting . H. Uracken of
this city.
mcalbs at DetrolL The Jury waa out
about an hour on the case lau

Aoday they are M Suuons

Miw. G. W.aiboon nnd daughter Hel
en haa returned from a week's visit

if Ihi- skcl.-ton.
. 1H.+Jb2 to a ralb.-r advau-sl
J In the decline uf an (about 3u0


Hard Weric
"Todr raonuous'f filnne haa refulled
In .wiufort ai.d case fur yourself and
your fanilly.eWcll. I dunuo that It bas." answercd Mr Coiarox. 'It bs. conii--Iie4
moIhiT and the girl- t., put tn a terri­
ble ainmint of hard work givln' me I«a|
•ODs In cil,ioettc."-WaBbjngtoa Star. |

Charlevoix County.
lid l)f
toriai DigtricL

Primary El^lon Ang. 18,

terday nfureoon. The Judge gave the with relallves in Petoakey.

We have just what you
waot; you won't have to
go farther for anythiog .
required for the job.
If there arc any new o
improved maieriaU they
are here and our price*
will be based on the best
and most economicals
you can use.
You are certain of th
very lowest prices to be
had. Nobody can possibly
beat our figures on goods
of equal quality.

exto-oilly uf tbe

be li«;.;sl at soum fuluivJ broiii*-, A 'luadrllatenil plite of Iron,
^ round near tbe luslliuo of Ibe foot la
d -Bf!, tli.-m.
Ibougbl to hare 0veo strength lu IL
There U no (rare uf (be fuoL and tbe
K.iewles a of, u-.H-slca core had uenriy crtuablrd
mat skcleion
njrroumle.1 by a U-lt of »hc.-l bronze
.It H.j Msi-.etji

j, ^

PUSC8! fram-lil'.. f..r tl;.- .itj.-ei
railIwtiy; dial th- u.iirnili..-.- v,-i-.- in t'lK-'

t.. i

OldMt Ariinctai Lag.
What is said by the IlrlUrii Me-licnl
Jouninl to Ih- tuc oMesI arUB.'lal leg
lu exi-uence If in the muR.'Oai of Hie
JH.yal i'oll.«e of ?urseoas of England
-itilre Imsluess emuIt was fuunil lu th- tuuili of Capua
to M.iui- <-<in«>ratli>n
auil Is >l.-s.'rilied in lla- .-nlal.qni.' as
■th of thew- n.ssis.
'fulli.'-y>: 'Itiinmu artlli.-UI I.-s. Tli«
•111. r that
nriilicial limb a.s-Drut.-ly rv|.rc-..-iils tbe

f.icimies and capital: and that


of Geonm W. Ik-nham \s. the FarmMutual nre Insurance company

adv. divnre.. case was also heard and gnati-d by Judge Mnjne Iasi evening.

......... - yyoald mn.'ia hia opinion, lie

111.- laei tminlh-iii iximi.siion wn;: the'
pri'ieMKil stns-l ra.lwny ami i'lt-Tii: ..i.j,.'.'igli'

Paint Figures

Whenever you require any­
thin); in the_ lioe
of Faiau it

'li— U Ti' v. ai.n. at this
ar-- iw.sT.dd—Isdl.-r trmisiMjila-

Mr. H.n.s-1
f Carter Construrtloii comisiiiy. -


Uoyd HulberL her partner in ertioe
put over until next term and
received hia aenieoce thla mornlns Is proliahle that it will not be pushed.
end will apend the next alx moaths
Bloom nod Sundeiw divorce
Id the Detroit booae of correcUon.
were heard and granted
When aaked by Judge Mayne -how
nightmuch mooey be had spent in saloons

Chas. S. JohnauD,
Sb.-fiff tif Grand Tn.«eva* Oownty.

... Get Our

Misses j

Hello and Viola llomliailgh biive n-;
lurm-d to their home at Frankfort af !
alleiiding the f.iiieral
of tliHrj
er, Mrs. John eUmlsiugh.

In wiinesa wbervof. I have herensla
s.-t my hand this .Sixteenth ^ of
July. A. D.^tftuT,

] that with hit sanctj.'.ii I
lUnt will presert
; ooiblUB bat
Inipnne the
I pu'-llr rri-dlt.
f mi.rullty and eooMi->e
I mir 111;
y-uIgmeinmenL-Boyrte Cy
11} Cllu.



ufter rlRllliig In this city.

One |)atheOc feature of this ense Is
With the jary-i iwllct acRlnit her.
lat the young pan's mother, a hardnd.slmdr well doun the path that •orklng woman, was foexu-d to mort­
lead! to perdlUon. Anna Totteo will
gage b.T hfMue. which Is still only
•wait the pleaeure of llu- court for
pamally paid for, lu order i» secure
.peritapa a wecL and iiertiape udUI I
i>ll for him.
port term of court. JudB* Moyne
Jidiii Meinlyn'. clmrt?ed
la at
■ crime against nuturv. plunded pilHy
to make of the caae aa a let
ilila morning. Tlie ctwrt .KxleiW a
Debotl booae of correcilon mlRht be
phylral InspectKm
by a doctor and
the wont thins that could be done for
about noon. The physi­
the slrL ‘nteie U one place whencian reported thsl the man is affected
aka nay so—to the home of a alclerhy imiiljle that detrutced greatly from
Iftdaw la the aoulhem portion of the
Ills crime. However. Jtidge Mayne oratatA and thia pikce win be InreaU
derr-d him sent to the slate rutormagated.
T a perlof of fnmt .me to five
*Td nther go to pnaon than to my yeaiw, wtiere be will bo aubjicl to

la Cewtactora.

’ -hefll.sf r

ct.iry^wti'i li a l.s-'lteg
-e.-ri;y tUi will e
Abfl laMi

ibis ciiy l-ft:

1 Mrs


Sealed bids wtll be received at tha
of the county clerk of Kalkahka <
county. Kalkaska Mlri
dlrhlgan. tor
ere»-U<* of
tVV now apprearh an elertloo which, . county yall and Aarwa
acnirdaare wllb plana ,
I la of more Vital lmi«:nanre
------------- 1, t,s t..,-. .on die ill -the '
r adnilsaion'^
■ e,n...eas -^Tajsaay sin
.efftev r! .,i,i ,;.,v srut o(wn to ex'as a state wvixly >•
,am‘r.a;‘rei Fid* ,,r..
.el* ih«-• rwndidate should'*
inprt»vnl iht; highest Inieilu-nre.
*''' '"'"r'd i-e mnae bcUh
'vti*-.' aa.1 muralil- .d the district
whK-h he reptxW::. a

home ol UGiuson. 4«« liial
Eighth street. Sire. Gibson has re-'
ceeily re-turned from Panama, where

We make a specialty of
such well known 'goods ^
Carter White Uad, Boydell’s
Mixed Faint. Caimans Var­
nishes, Japalac, Adelite Stains
aod AlabastineIf you want right paints
get them at,

Drug Store
Cur. Front & I'nioD St.
Trsverse City. Hich.

ciiSid IHis^J^elves that we arc oUerlng GeaulDe Bargains.
25 Lodiss Short Coati, looM and somi-tittinK
•tries, plain blacks, tan and fancy
ehseka. worth 7.50,10,112, choice. >0.3 /
LadiM’ Silk Ooata. kxwu and eton stylet, acctnal Tslne llOand <12 50, your
choioe, any coat in the lot............ ^0.3 f
I^ee' DreM Skirts, made •.( plain
okitb,neatly trimmed, a <2 75eklrt.>I.D3
iliaMs' ai^ children's snort coaU. trimmed
with velvet and taffeta silk, regn- »i aa
lar tS.50 and <4 00, this tale at.... >1.03
15 ladiea' blaok and bine Panama Saits, elabomtely trimtn^: values
*20.00, lor................................
Black menejuud sateen {letticoaU with
deep flonnee and raffle, for this sale.


T.«AiiM Dress Skirts, made by the beat tailors,
trimmed with {teU and slrapa; Krays,
tans and all tbe stylish checks aod plaids;

Best full size 50c Work Shirts.
doable yoke, for........................................................ 87c
Men’s Linen Collars, sites somewhat
broken, per doz...........................................................85c
25 dozmi Men's Checked Work Shirts.
siK-oial price for this sale............................... 16c
Men's Turkt.'}' Red Handkerchiefs, each. -Jc
ttc Work Sox, special for tliis sale, p r pr.Sc
Broken lines of Men's 50c I'tiderwoar.
plain and fancy, while iliey last................29c
for this gale.................................................. v-- -29c

Men's Snspendcra. fancy web. per pair.... 8c
Our beet 50c neckwear for.................................... 89c

A lot of Silk Bow Ties to close out at.
Men's Straw Sailor BiiU. to close out ui

140-142 fRONT ST.


Men's Black Seamless Hose, maile of
good EiQiptian cotton, l.’xc <inality. for.. 8c

ra's50rand75c li
with soft collars, i
sale price......................................

trimniinp. regular f-i.oO Valin'S,
and priced fur this sale at ....


Mhck Hibln-l llos.-- UOO.I FLtpt|
till! • ..ttoD, p-r p'lir ..................................


.■iO Jr.r^.u I..i-lies- l-!u.,3on Hosat.............................

w..m.-n's S!,..i-v..le».s T..p-i N.-'k


I.:vli<-s' White P.trasols. with eoibruidery
:iT-1 L- n.Etit-'iied t ib'-8. 51 valmsfor. -89c


4 ®» value for L96

S inch Fancy China i'Istes.......................................9c
Large Granit.- 5Vash Basins....................................9c
txluiision Win :..w Screens................................. 19c

Summer Cottage Rugs. i5'ixi2 in......................ttc
(ioo-luuality China Mstling. p-r yd ....lie

Sbi.'. Torkiili ibilii Tow.-Is, l-5c vahi--. for 9c
i'.xiji •'jtia Uuinask frii.iied Towels. 20«'
>»tio Finish lluinask. fiU in wk!.-, worth
fur this sale, p-r yard...............................24c
U" miihtiti of R'd !ind W!iit--Tab!e Lileu
at irreaily redta-oi prices.

75 LaJiiW Silk and Net Waists, eiab. ^« gre
orau-iy trimd. vsloes up to SJktor JA.31


MJ8 value for-96c

8,00 value for L47

La.-e Curtains, per jiair--'-.................................... 89c

line assert

foiris. this f.-tson's
Men's Tun Siioos and
AUl *:■!-.■» ao' JIOO
season's liost stvK-s.
Wt-lu. Bliieh. r and I4al


Screen l>ours with irimminfis........................... 89c

White Shirt Waists-Tue greab-st ban;.i:n
V1.1U have ever s<vn: mHile up in the lai.-sl
•Ij-h'S. Hiibroiderr and laoe trimiia-d. plaltI'J and tucks, your choire- for the

Tlu-y will m-ive fast at.


at................. 15c

i.:idies -50r -I.-rsey Kii.l» 1 C-rset Covers

msl.-h: x'mbroidery ami la.-c, liund -nj
broidercd; tine qc.-dity of lawu. recuiai
00 values, and pried for this sale

trimmed with whit- deny lace insertions-

iU't.irdlcs, lo.iuwutat................13fC


White Shirt Waists of all the laUx-t dx'signs.
trimmed with Vnl It'v at-! ins. rtums t i

Whil<- Shirt Waists—an

iladeofshrumk linens, pleated, tucked ami

ih-s' SuDiDj. r N.-i rjrfs. ts. a's-'- Wliite

m.-Dt in this h-l. made in tm k.-.! .-ffects. lace .-ilgeand embroid.-rv'. at • - D/C

7.5 doz. men’s fancy hose, silk embroi­
dered. bust 25o and 33c line in the
eiiy. for.............................................................

Ladies'Wbilo Sliiri Waists,
up il
tioi’ .[uaiity Frei.'-h L:twn.
.- liCi- !
hibwi styli-s. iriinmci! with
tions. ^adoir .-mbr .idery . tTn-ts. I.and
and ..ppli'iu.-i
made Ikitt.-nburg, tu_____

at 8L42 and.........

Boys' Black and White Overshirts,





200 -lariinier Stan-ls. lik- cut. genuine .(uartert-.! 0.:k and polished. regnUrly tell xa.
for 7->
While they last, sale pnoe.HOU
:t00 Bi autifiil pictures, 10x20 ins , with a fine
1* in. Kill frame, several pretty sub-

il<lt.(i«nite MiikFans...



. Su.OO ami <il 50 Un siioes
t.ofer make. Bal and Bhicher
T!:ey must be sold



4 <[1 Granite ritew Kettle* ..


Larue tiraniu- Ff)' Pan*-------



j(-:U tu .-boose fr-.m.........................................

4 ijt Granite Su-w Pan*-------

traverse city

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