Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 11, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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par WE

P%cs 1 ti 8

«RHa« WIbRa
1 beard U»* winds with na«
Pass 19 Ue loss a»d wmir

T>b. lit you;~ she sshl with sesot Issy nut.

Yes know • loeOBKMtTe Ik'hi

on the team, tut Hardy w . Iiot Ibeithe offic was . aecessUy. whirb l■raill»B» of d.dUr*. Tbe aamber of
A LMtl* «r Era
“Conae la and leU me iheU Oyins niac-hltie.
..aid ib.- Ik,«. in tnaa to •pate bor>- . if k' itq^ them j could noi siHKer .^y myielf. abd gleie i ,pial! birds .mcnally imported
The Alan twb* tb* fora finger oafitw
see you hare been ui the answer to one qiienloo
Verved his PUTPOM . le-uer
fully V
If m.v Irtend
the Ebigiand and Prance may he computed I tbe Bowe as a aaluiion.
-Konb id Hi Hardly; Ibat WwaiJ
He found the place* 'ue wanted eas-'bunHshej
li: would accept
|ai 1 V...10.1
Kermaey exporta yaarty^
Preoeh capital sunk In RmMnn taesrae 10 hear ibe news. J«n: I make track in the shape of a letter S.~ lly. since Ihe village wa* ejaciiy asj
uiorniag I bunted to myj
(ea'bers which ar« worked; dustrles amouni* to tl3t-3«**a*
hoslui-s^ with u. well-tfefiiivi| plan oti
for my answer." said the man as : replied tbe boss eoodnaiuredly sad tbe Lefor.' .ally tfaai 1
Bnrland laio bat trlmmlagt la I
N.-w York CUy has m.fiM tehe
To unrk the brows ot toinns aesbe sealed himseir in Ibe Mule parlor. llaquIsliiTe man depaite-i with curios-' wi.ler and# Mprare had been saved fori
-nt intruder;-, when: Lo...:.o th-,-. ar- held ekerr month | phou.-a mid r.*o wommi ofieratora '
a paik neat toe c-Dier, The twaw hciwhti w..v n;» surprise npon opening ssdo of birds' skin, mnd feathers.
as U II was n problem ity satUfled.
^uuull rhlldicn may be bonahl
'^Iwt eHb M* kwow and feal we In arlibmeilc." i»uu>d ibe elrl.
If the rood turned north of tbe hIN wanie.1 was a in'tuge'ln the aubutbwjuiv Uo.r to fli id tuy gray-eyed friend.iludU alcne --ipidying some lo.Oon.wtn {mo. ,ba|r paienis for a shllUag aad
ih^prolilem of our lives. Jean, it wi.ul'l (siBtlmte down Ibt- north side and h^i' l.e «<ipped and knocked .at iin almosi ito- Mime jwsiijon .waltmtjisaib.,. .Tlo-&>.,:h American repob-' up

The Em tolai bnathlax of iko sprtnx. and you b<dd tb<- soluiloii. I've walled of tbo riw-t
il Ml niSa* Bras ley. '
umlnou< news »ns c
lone hut luolshi I wanl my answei."
To sweeten uan. and siraH. and
looked at bim with iwbell store .v.-setnUy whei,

tbe fatniliiir door.'-lt was Jean, be-'luy eiitrabtr.
"Ibxvl niMiiiing." I Mid

Aa4 HgbtM nil (be dasir idr.

blBi in Ibe elasa at tbi' Hawley srbunl

“Tbs hllN mass wbteh we conn )M

loo years badore when they bud
streomh and be oei defeat.
secure easli-c ueeoijitlaB on a r<s
Ibut left bIm ulierly muted and sum-yeil by the elnefn aksletu

IR acoMblnE or a Heber lUbi.



-Well, said Hardy. "jro.i


the rafl

r<ud .ild.n.u cim*- to nrawicy.'
' "That." said J-mb wa< ii.u ibe wind

and lawyers met to

••What Ibear
ui's Tolee wa<
was stem and eampHilBR.


or litiecate

'Th.T.'f..rc?" said tlie man.

wou.lerfuHy,shs.Jed eyes. I. knew, the i„r«wx-ar the

•UI wa>. wbe muI;
:e for n.methiBc to do."


"I married him " .aaid Jean

opiniun no longer wa

Bi> l.wi.-is, ni. n-n«e n.-rve- pti
10 an uncoBM-l-ius degno ht u'W

word. Jean raniphHi had a icen^mur. preHCnce and, finding the roBipuii.r
share U Henirh elublximess aad dull, be wlihdiew and la>lo»k bli
ibrlfl. All ber llle abe had known

Ing ray .d
sMusbine whIrb
ihroi'isii a r.'ni in the roiiXln

Thns Sana the 'wtnds as ap tie afrt
They pursed wlU bcntd.-bnt unn«

poverty and her elderly suitor. Hardy,
'When are we^ to be marrledT" he
eould Bive her rlebes as' weshb was asked with the asMiranre of un acceptisured In Brawler. Hl> sharp deal-

In- adihilt.^ .'xcepi the |MWt Iny.and
was wiesiliag with my leticrs and.ei

And. as they went, a rtood sbow

true sltnlfteaiipe: to ber Allen llnrdy
Buceessful buslninis man'r-aad

had not lieen revealed lu ber in lie


she worshipped enreeos.

id." answered the girl tartly.
Then the time Is tip und you
mine." uald tbe man. ' I'heroad

"Theyll ]ulai Rle me a
Dcred 10 paas the coroer. ' said Me

1 hud git •■11 onlelt. Huil nc oB.‘shn.iI.

IMTiIng him i-x.-ry



il uputn no door u^matk. firs
I :>ud Iheii lu.Te .le-'id.-.l. As 1
was tbi- .d mv l«iy to >0 .-xprvs

wl.te a* from Kew

"If the road r>e» down the sonib
baak It cMaas a town at the forks aad
artll be End as old HcrotKe." said a
partly, taldbeeded mso In s roiee Ihst
was a deep, catietnl baas

"Whai't to bIhEer 'em?

Mike won over each MUi>bom

Tons aial



In behalf of the town. Huah

> explain tbe meaalRff 'af ihe expdiis

At least tbe court honse.nnd Jail would
flactlB' ’em 10 atop." was the penlneni WortblamoB obuhied ibe cooscot
remark of a aUm man with a stubby
uckram aad Sterna, the railroad remain an be crosse.1 ihe commons
» lowa to
heard and aiilaOBlsUlve oipmseton on
■rneta. for a snrvey Ihrauah Brawley Ihal bad so recently
Tlie jqll. a
od their dark. tscHum chief emrtaeei Interview ibe officers.
Ma plhdwd rtoiuma.
lact wrocitire, w«.s lein; jaci,.
“Wa maat oEar them a free riptatilb bis cbalB «aac mm cd toward the
af-way aad anbsrriba



adImmediately Brawler expericaced u

by. boldlac

lild boom,
^ropeny rose In value
ew buildlBcs were plsaaed

-ill bead the lUt." apoke up a
need, middle aced aaaa kaosm aa the

B who eked a livtac

d dlarasalosts were held each olKbi at

Excuse me. I

had glv.eoj^nlers

hat no *bog|,i w adni;iied. and

forg.iil.-n. ' W
—wllb a clanee ai lh>- <ii.flni*hed
—"iMiw ran I wnre ji.u" "
: want -ame.-ibiag to d»." sbe s
ih. u I wa* temlnded,-.rf ihc I


screwed onto tracks under the super*
griwii.'d inwardly: She wa<
vision of Mike, Ihe gehisl sheriff lie f.Mirih who had calh-d liun'ing
ably and rbeettullv as-i*ied hy
'ew prisoner* who were .•iblenily
I'liJorlnB the .Minna
"IaAk as L" vou were mmingT"
narkrvl llanly InterrogwHr.Iy,

ahsri bemate of Ui sharp dea

•That * no He." Jaugheil Mlke.
'Where ace .vou mdog*" said Hardy
pnmag the pn.irar.iiwstion.
see. " Mid Mike m muffled lonew
cobiIbk 10 Brawley
aa OBletmdMl sir of aalaatebmenl.|why Allen Hardy Is always selllns doe to his head beluc .mdei ibc buildIne where he wiilchcri a serew, "ihe
■ the bac« of the
loan prup.-ny Instead nf bu.vinii.
ter that he would coatrlbule and alao!
Others wondered at IbU policy on bull,,dprhe.l town J-vck-'.l ii-el( r>vpr to
MylUhly combed upowrd ctrlac him j the road is


- .
lift v! <00.1

Os is cetmraMi lielu'.ed, but It Is tb*
Hossunis.'iliiif aie gaihered befiKc

nyil'iiiB ■> .pilie innoepntlv.
I said. irroKitig ri'-sH-ss '•*
ei.. to put '..•. to .yjo—..ti

•Rp;.;ly--' I was .t.-i«Taie, and that

i,'«a. aiw u Bin oror MS

Is It acc-i.i.Hl* sIk; said, demoiely.
Whr. .d course,'' I .-..aculaled. Pil­
ing that 1 lad tS-nred a ireasnre. and
Binklfigof iBc num‘e-iIesR tnierviews hai! Wn iUrol.-d fi.rtuer rtsp>nrs. and how w-ll Ihl* one could man-

The talking machine U Jnat 3« y«at«

Alihough It Is generally regarded

tin r unfoW.

as a musical toy. ibe nsHims <if the
AJurut a d.nen I.f ihese blrMSOms world are apeiidliig mimosa aad mUform a cinsi.-r at the iro.l of each Ibroa nf .lolUra for H eseh year.
eranrti and twig of a tree
Brap fnimd In a *>ia|>-hnller's shoB
Clover* air gaihered In December in tbe rains .if Tompel!. afi-r betng
and dried qnlrkly la the shadA
buried ] Sm> year*, still rraxio* lu «tff|.
ca. v

fkiap Is twice meaiKroed ln th*

Bible and has teen in ns. : non year*.
nyvieiw cunol lire In Ih* Bsltir

Jaui.-si^^fb' ■•;

.tM-a. Ih.- reaaoo being that M la HR
i.siiih aatilrersary of the
Mil eiKMigli. They can only Hr* ts
Eagl!>h M-iUrmenr In, made water that ronraln* at lem« ihlrlyin..-sti.wn. Hoy
Ifif.T, to he —V..0 ports .« salt in evert l.fina parU
JameMown |*
off the face of

Fraore tiovghi f.nSfl.AhnpM pomid*
Is almost wiped iff foreign grown wbrai In Ifisfi. of
earth tiy 'the re- which only ss.two hinbel* wero AaMrileniless action ft the Jai
ras grown ■ In 1HM ne did a hsndrad
the federal guiertiment
fTing to iirae* beit.o- sopplyinq Franc* wttb Te
save Ibe i.-ni/iani of Hie
■..•ic placeiMCj;- •.u.h.l*,
by building lireakwal.'is
Iifond It j The fniied Slal-S .applied KsP
Noihing of Ihe orgio;il .
►'ll*’*- K-un..-. w;th
mains, except ih.- ruins nf il>- iii.iiida- •d


’-:.5..t.*AT potmda <if tobniw

which that tsrrt received la l»d-:. aefirot church erected tftfue.
• trrdlng u> a tvport made by OmBal
Tbe eiprnmtnn
u> 1-- hHd rm the General Kkinoer. /’
•horo l;n'.' nf Hampron H-rods. In from
When Ihe H.nei Kirby In Grafton.
if Newpon .Vewa. where batilesbips Mas... waa bulli In iTM. tbe »xl2
ire hoill. Newport K<w.
pane. i4 gtai* ta the window* werw a
lid has Inhiibltani
C.irioslij the-- wero w large. The
•jironiely busy die.
Ibroerotorv brick bulhling wia then
considered an uu|u>slng atructoro.

He Wa* Dcovray.
Tbe tortoise is a great. sl<

An impnsred p.»tabie scaffM for
painting, fixing. i,r r.palring electric

-Spectator " bus had a M.

•xpecied ooly my post la.y. Wbai 01
las the affair. Then relievlas him with loads of goods of all desetiptioaa I do f..v
waied. rill your:
peW of a spent chew of tobacco he con while In the rear the coops of -tbe
-be was
d. "I reckon If they *ct by heie fowls followed oa rollers m:ide of logs.
Thank >0.1. no
In Jusilce to your
w bulldlags of more preteatioi's emplojecs. I iA.;*i tell XK1 file rts
fit be a dark nlBhl."
-r.- etnpiy. so I i-aine .lli-.;-:rly i„ ;
By iircumcnt. Joke am! lltjaor flask slse brought up the rear.
Hardy kok.-d aboui for some

One hundred

-iir'aaiy I'P’iunds Of 1
happ.<iiiis Ib Ih..
Hooka andjalHM 1
1 g;iiHered'ft»ni imi- tree.The <-r.d>s
1 women'* atltre. There a
It is only «»re m
I wlsbe3 sh.- wnuld not ka.k I m. I ubeertaln.
“Irf makes ,rf bor^s aad eye., and tha
Jy.tan. that it is ul.utidatit.
Si- stradll'.
ananal outlay for ibem U eoilmaiedal
Tbe clove live is a native of the gaio O.MI
".Anywhere*" InierrogailV.-ly.
Uo’.uccn Islands
li i» said to la
Wb. re l.»i to IMI iwvrolc live to the
I woiid.uvd how snakl-s l.-li t
square mile the death rate avMnSMI '
trees II is runioBl In form, aad J« per Ham. Where there nr* e*«r
111.-gaz.-Ilf ibeir cbaruier one hundred to two bun HI to the square mile ibe death rat*
"Yoo warn m.' 10 rv-ieiit aavlw>.|yr"
dro.1 years. Tbe •plcc Is n.« the frail. Incri-asew la «1 per l..»«*'
and from wheiv- I'l know cu

was « riiriuas priwv-sshiD of non
script roBveyanecs aad sibjects tl

better trade Eotra the opposite bank
tiild not he descrilte.1 by name.
of Brawley rieer. PubUr opIaloB. as Dooald at Jbe cross roads.
Wacons hiade.1 with
"I baint maklos presents to rail
repreaeatad by tbb crentet calbertet
>sdA~ said SI Botu siopplnc befote sqitaking fowls were auinerous in 1
at iho porn oSKw la Jobnaoo'a atore.
la mbln to Iran on hU cun and dit train and ib*«e were sandwiirhed
dscvaaed the matter la all Us bear-

besiuUul evergreeu. Tbe Bowers are
Iceland i.mle. are a fad la BaglaBd.
small an.l do mu mate much dtsplay.
They aro In great detnand amowg the
In Jamaic.i the ire.- grow, witboni an«
British wbo can afford ta. Indidsa
car.-, hut -he fnili is w«nh so mnc.b
ibetr whims,
ihal the ptunters gl.e invr.- all.-nlion
Araa.-on It king .<f rivera. The vaV


Ub Kl.le of Jean's ebararter came from

lace Instead o( uklaE ibe aomewbsi

South America aad ihe West In.lira,
ispeeiall) Jamaica. Tbe tree is a

'R..|»i;l whatl" she iulerhipled.

The eoquel
Oaimy lilac ia-ucll and a small
fats adveni. I sans »ui. "(' in .-aii
»t to Brawb-y u BMHith ago.
o»r uad dhl mu h..k up
•Not till the Iron is <ippo>.iie Brawber dark eyetl FYenrb i^olber who bad
Keeling lhal I was faltly IreppiM. I
The isTsisielfl ray. ••nulneese.i b«
marrietl John rami>betl. ibe prospee- ley oa the north ebl.-." iileadrvl
said. d.-sp.'rat.-ly
il.. fare.-/.- wulnsi whi. li 1 l«i
II papa to w ir a nmlUBB face
Brawley was but a mlnlnt' girl.
Bg wr..ih as-my japers n.-a.n 10
h oar troublea down;
"Very well, have It your own'way.
eamp snd before he iierslne llieeturd;
"Al>nil wHatJ" —iwn.-it
i.i'— me t.i .(oi-h
my an
rae an oar linio iitMiWea wstc
larksiuiih of the vlllate.
A. tarce bni when I ivturn ftttm the ctiy p-Ihti'
' .Miioii Ihe tilings tiu.i bus mar
I i.i- the fnnber si-le. and wl
Oar IsRcUer or ,oor fcoo.
family, uf wlilrh J<>an was eblest. bad I go 10 iDv<-si money, there
lou.resie.1 you lai.-l>. and l.niig « un
Id with ifiy liac'» 10 111.* ininiUer
BramUi lbs made of a smile
laaed hU reMJiirot* tu tby utmost, us end of this honsimw." luid the nun
ThiitMlay iha’i I
rosy. know ,. yoor
nntiniie.1 my wrinue. sUnring .
Oar daabu wlU lade away.
Inlimuie with every torn wllb scant patience.
at <he'clock -hd final!.'
AS meiu the frost in Mrly vrinc
ItomMlIaldy UTWHi
of emoorny To esrape Ibis oeeesall;
Hy thV Ume I bed said this t
Brnwoih iha ammy my.
of aavinc. where others wasted, wai Hugh Worthlnston from tbe county
"tUcliaid was himself again:" a
I'll be'bung-d <1
r -iwe umbliidD. and Allen Hardy seat, which mean-* corniiy capiinl. the
h.-Jd Ihe opMi.
in.» and k«-p
It paya to make a wortky eaane.
rilgnlurius of the town held
ih bU.Ijodtvl pmiMTiy rsn
"Thuiih yoi."
( everytssl' Cxm-pi 1
ayWlpInflt. oor oarn:
that bote peciil:
ber Kiandsol nf afflneiirv
ttlm.t...w. .l. and then, as I h.--rd the
To Ktre the earrent of oar liees
r Allen Iliinly when hi
peoDlless teerber wbo had noiblns
ouii-r d.wo swmg to. I tiniited that I
A line and noble looe. .
.rtnlSht lai.T. fi'om
bis salary. Tbna Hncb Woritali
knew neiilier her name nor addii.-e..
'.dee, where ii|uro I swung lurk,
If diys 10 eomfort beory heariA
wnl out Into the moonllabi wl
This was Tuewtluy so laro days latcl.
that sun ray so ilarallug my eye* that
Ibe plrl s rblMUh Imt willful answer
as I .rpiroed ray office d.svr there sat
When his hired livery drew u
I MHilil >ee hut an IndlsHnci object in
my latest reporter with a t.vpewrtuen
rineteK la bis mn and the certain loro bis office door be saw. with what
the further eoro.-r,
his bean that abe loved
manu-nipi lisieeir .fpiderl In- ber
miabmeui you aiay imagine, that
Oi...liiaMy ihe'»h:.|w i.-*olv.-d liself
i(m and -wished the rallnad
building was ibe only one left on lull, a l.hms.-d nmiden ..r .iraigti, elen- Ip.iids
• Btawivy.
"lK«yl niQi'iiicg'. .1 bilve brotig'ii
In fan ev.-n the >
il.-r iir..i»rno«»; gr;i> e,.e»th»i looke.’
jiMir mau-is-ripi ni.g.ui.i'. 1
-Mike," the town sheriff, fat. aonai cuiild not be said u> ti-nula. u>' me Sleioiilv Willi no > o»
• ToaMe.wt^
"Well, yes, .coiir ar.' . certaint.r
happy and popular, was placed ni ibe walk, wlifa Ihe exceptiem <1
tb.4h;dd..n ih.eighi. haml* tI.'so'h] «V
TMr roaraa
prompt. " I cmil.l p..! help savint
' I
own vecilon. had disapp.'arefl
.. I.M.srfv clasped and litic-l-well.
ani glad i< is tvpewriltrro."
taken up into the clouds
secure the ripbt of wsiy for Ibe
ni;-.-hi. v.ei* -uiile-uni arconnieil
~I always fyp<-wriie my manascripi.'
of a Kansas cyeloni- liuii
Many an<l var1e<I were hi
s liiighiTii-ss— and a munli.
deosl ovei into their pj'ft of Dakoiu
*de repllydrlenrea with obstinate seiih rs.
dirate.l,hy 111.- IdsI knock.
"Voo hate reported nefitre'*" I aald.
first occurred to his mind In exi
'Vat, yoo take my land, plvr I
Jlecoverms my<elf. *-Mi.w -lid
to make car roadl
.Non: eef he come tion of the mystery. .
-I 10- i':,.-k-.-.|, m.oe i,.-iniiv than
When Mike Moved the Jail.
h! no/ rtei-ldedty. - rihall I waltT'
atop him for wutO." was the firm
*Noi that street onlv hut ihe whole
Wrtuiamr IbetlHM by RllMbstb Rsy.
tnde <d an old FYencfa Canadian w
town with scaiiei^ng etcepiiona
Tha town tt Smdley wanted the
"V-s. * 1. bad liM.ler
wiped off Ihe fare of the .-irth,
mllmad that was then buUdInc to­
on the prairie nun'ins towimi the river
ward them to pasb tbrouEb tbeir rll—Good Vords

| woefc-df l«.nan.*ofl peraoRa a few yaara '

' Well, th.-ii is. whai I wanl —a
I porter—some .me vb*. can rofutit
s.-:it^ -■o.tii. d-sk. borrymg ilii-oiigl


g „r feath,-; -.

Allapiee-and Cloraa.
Tb.' home .if Ihe aU-'pice tr--.- i-

ithis'oiatier u'er> Ha'.- you eyei’

Public opinion roasted Alien Hardy
fur taking aavuniage of bis fsruighted-

wblcb was hanlly fair
.-In that «»■ I shall marry Alleti:
Hardy." The nnswi-r was riven wlih bad merely profited ns the
SB wreoni nf deiennlnaiinR ibui the dose oWnatlou. However,

irfbea. .ib*

j,_jve pa*W law* regal-'ure. Imii shave iHHr heads iteely

ing of the conlrart: you know I prooi-

Iasi tb« Itirl spoke:
leie was but one altcma
saw ii. M* aeailug roy■ yourWnswer Mr. Iliisb WoNb' vuKpicioiKtfy ted when Hiigb called for word was a quielhih.
a Binmeni on bU way to the county
"BrawUo has its,': ; .MWledtiielf tosisn.vllj i
I will a
. chair. I said;
r iwllmsd and seat wbetv teachers met for'liKltnles Ihe girt.


Bant downward teaas of


If I1.n,rie.i for tbe .iB.«.eol..thai:.ilng it,c|r.h...glm.r In America ha-:
A» engiacr deeUres tbs' Mjrod
tbcie.wa- a gh-am td mischief In the! town f.nm.sVa leav;.e wSim.- ineiulK-ra; p,T*CB» now di> With machinery the

Ised to marry libgfa W.-ithlogton If
Brawley bad a fit of iho Wuee imiud- tirawley ~tt a lailnwd "
ing Jean Cani|>tu-ll wbitx-

mplive of the sweet rebel.

Tbn taSK. deep tiens and s

TW tirds bare fsncbt
To throb with Joy eorb

Plainly Huckram au.l

iksaie asrak.-ned to Ibe danger of the;
PnljVe otber Afriraa
iryins t.i jextertaioattnn of ilieir mom oniamen-i Dinks w

la. rstoie-;

ious i-jr-s-tbe Moie l.sik ibai deSed hunter n-tnrned tbe follow tog rvyaiinc

pole* wiring, etc., ha* taron InyeaUd
a an Rngby a painter lo England. A pole can
be palmed frtio top lo botlam wKbouf
getting rdf tin. acaffolil. I.«ddcni are
irtiyr In the dlmlr lit raalv-ellai
BUI reipilv'.l
here romprrsed hlmaeff to sleep
Often IB France a SMB atlYSBl U
sw ctxik whs appolBtrd soon al
employed to do houaework yrhbh U
She knew not turiowo.
la a
America generally |« regarded ad

"1 )N-t
1 poi'ing -«p fbe ,B>.iet>o..l
■--Im-m. the lads of ihe hoo- r,.«ndj.,.„
cr»k gazingJn iiwe-»ir>ick woo-lei.!
[I 1* only o;
and eiclalniins. fi* with un*ie*dy hand:
We<s.-iy ro A'ienna baa dl
I am to write oa tjje dlfficoiii.v j”"” ' *;
- t.wtome.
"My ^ffi I“ P“P7oi* eome new auyi
h women expeneiice in foribog I ' *''**'"
.. . S.,c
tso..* at .he Strme Which In-1
‘'F'*''-- ■ni'T"
ra i
the •—W..mi ins. niii.. of whFh I_

a-winter;______________ ^____


.vjluBBi aie l-glbie. but II muet

<.vn^: dlspo- irt :i-' ;
OeldbeateV* Bkin.
coniivlned alr.oi itaree bnndred
I ex.-lalmed. i-calliog.
goldbeaier* is drlie* rd tbe philosjiober. .
isn * daughter
I mad. fiom tfi*
liie municipal ■iroei railway uywtnn
The saiM.'' "be saPl. now latighint. •n
li uede.g
pii.-,or Glaagow fnnihibe* private early
"I am a W-nd' «.f voor tatber*." I ce*si-» to friv
Dorolnr r-trs f..r danew portie*. A
]M. jrenienilu-;iiis Ht<- gieutnlng hair, riom greaaejn
ror w..aie.) f,« *»cb a porpoae crime*
nd trying 1-. i-c.r.'-IU- all tb»- riicini .s Ib.-ll c:n "B
Bi an} raqiin.-.l b.ui*e u. the potaf
* lena-ineare-I-ibe plare where the daortlBg 1*
■ i-H 01-. A'.mi know l-have city and power t>f . rv-li-taj
■hot ililieing held aud.takro. the tfaaroTa u>
.‘V i.-tiiracl rr<.iu ahrtutd ,
will stand tbe coniin'i.fu*
ra rrf !. aiir dewlred pMnt .ffi-Uie road,
iM- sl..d to irf-e you '
fhlcago li
; I -md. feelitig .iire.1
• has consinici.d t
ile.l ti.-r to the doo'
' euMon. vrili. jT joori
C.o. placed at iaterral* oe
"Miss S------w-ll-Sn.iini


'orts where the r.iilrrvad passes
kept niBUlas op and down her
the part of the ahrewd dealer
in B,.,...
were equally mystified. Iluch pondered and I'm taking the ;al! along "
it il shone like l.urti.'sbed gold
,I-.:tinoire man.Jfarttir;ng ,liy
ed hla oEer cic aollclilac the bosna' Ibe muter us be wfsi i« his boardina
Clear as a flash r>f lightening on a
Reail}. I bate ti.ii.hincat pi.esept that
••iaims Ihe adraotage of Ootna of the fidk iikiog tbe A’lan
sad they IlkewUo appooled a com , place across the bit of prairie.
dark night. saw tb.- ncinlnfi of .'..0 .-'.loW ibi. an-l. iii.l—rt I ani'wei:.,
.»y V.Mi .tie nevew.My of rarrylag
or til- d.riie riT ihs'.itic eruist. so as if. tiMke compre-s-d
aitteo of two to oMala the land | called that Jem seenH-d itouhbsl and Ihe b-irren waste about him. itlace ..tppUe.1 wob a.f.U fwix-e cc-pi
le: and .-nctaes
'.he *blp Itself,
sunlight on Imi Uai-. and fhai tnxnu-: nir. A plant has he** erected at 80-ih
1 hesllaie.!,
tbe road would not ctinie to Brawler.
oaroer's consent to a
rtibl-of-way j he wondere.1 1/ she’recreiied hr
a-chily Ibe SufTun -d aahi g*rw
.ihWllpt is -l-ept
ibrmiEb the territory. *
Irtslon and feared tbe possildlriy
own bad rooted bodily to the rail­
"Except whj’T" sKe sa;d ^agtrly.
e p.u.r! B»ten. ahcs,i hi* Amerkuin
wife aifl myself.—. vai-p. of tbe Inieniiofi
-“Th.- pers«i I need requites experi- trensuro—b> n
likeartae. reqnened Hncb! losinit the rallrnod.
road—a aori of mountain that-went to
them that
HlustrateJ Bit*
Worthlaipoo. the slim, emnnit, enev-j As time p.-issed. tbe man witl
A. a weaver naCre produr;.* fine - '”"7 could have .11 the peart, that fHI
ceUenaa In^harce of Brawler'a one leoa physical sinictnra. ainhby beard
‘ I saa get rgperlensW." *be rBm!y|
In «»d I Hardy drove,
wo-t. Certain ir- bark, and tcave-‘
b' wonld kswp
iRMUaia. of leortai
and laryw Inqnlsttlreness. wbo uansily
WemMi and Bird*.
livery team that
furnish excetlem ciotb. a*, for lo-,
»"uui»v< <*n the sieves aI-

aecntw aicarra.

wllb Ih* bulldera of Ibe railroad.
met with the town di*nttaries at JobnHaib eoaseated readily, then gath- aoa'a stoie. drew attention to himself
•red op bis letters where the post by as nnwooied absence.
matter had laid then la waUlac for'able
irioslty bad induced him to visit
Urn on the eouater. and Wi the atoee.
•oe of track teyiac for tbe Buck­
Ha walkad with fins
ram and Sterns railway. Here, with

bronglit him. hark to the county sewi

aaieow sUe walk post the small fraa* Vaakee laiteaaily he had wormed
hnotaa that comprised Brawler and scrap* of laformailoa from tbe road
eat ta the surberha to a cottage swss cans: the laforamllon wu me
was bafti well back la a Eower bedded snd leemed «ff no tmponaace to

up the whole section for a town and


offtew directory,

Ut rtac was answered by

maeb «p»«uH>B*d boas nor did tbe

I of medinm belcht. a
BMlU hnaaette w

whroe he sought the land office.

tbe people he represented even made
tbe tnnial arrangemebU for ibt name
to be legaUzed and put on the post
bey my. only it a^Ufeient piare."
-Ym. 1 .know all abmii that.' aaid

Md Eark hair that corled la wiiifdl i
"Oolac orer that kiU? sNo. I ahooM

I derorred ii for wealMing.

To bis eager inquiry reganllng land
pointlag to the chick and n
at tbe forks tbe agent tepliedI come afRlR '.' and foi
-T.» Uie for Und at Brawley. MUshe allowed ber eyes 1
ler. A fellow railed Worthington took

10 lu feacbeied folk If BiiMtn

^^^^|S.anre. .be famous Mpa cloth u«.d in !^^^.*** 'Zt

their alaugbter.
esM- rntnttig tbe pewri fiabeiira there.
glawamaker. t.»> according ,*
tr» the
specie* of the rarest uBd most heauti jdlan Review.
The TtirlMi fralt aelier ne«4f ao
Bv dlkchargitig -.
thr-at..ned wi-h vxter-1
poah c
He carriea bla wfgro* irpow
■ diidaat date
bitaati..a ai no
In onej,„„,. e,,Ol.l.e lifie p;pew of.gIas».'“»
“ -aormona tmakra that
marks, aioqe lately were sold at ooe|s^^
yal.aWe rorma of varii.i*,'* fastened by a atout rape to bin
parak.-is kiBg-a,b«rw.

'•®*!klnd* In the ubape of iroplral Tine*! •••‘“1‘Myw
The manner le whirt be
cteeperv and ahe 1* eren a lace
bU acale. In both hahda make*

For tbe life of me I could nor get algreties, and thousand, of other «or-,

-he uce troe, nf the: »
'«> Wr, the beayy
Ihe face aad the figure nil *of my geons Bouthern birda of diffemt | xcevt ladlea
.bard^. The weight* for
three IneSec
ha dove* and eyeo*paT-|
• . - ; ha*e tyde, la the mldffle. n
Lual attempts. 1 put on my bat aafi rows. France reerfve* et -evy year; The bottle tree grrrwi la Aotralia.. placed, when noi ie o*e. npea 1
.^rolled run. mencally determining that from America. TottUe aad India Bttl-i Natixp. apiii the intnk In two and dm aOck Aatcned t- .roe side of U

Hatdy and ibew be turoed aad raced
this Brawler, wbich was hard an one* boy who abould never learo non*

Mrd* which ar* exr: iangedyor|i|M- balrew for baaia.


M ]

' «iuN» tftAVEine nenMA thumoay. a^kil
A M «• itoy. e. e. ampml
A ««a ku bMS «>UBM to
Mr. CfeMlH a AtvM <« tibpntlftc.
MIMVII «tertk. Hr. At•«
UkM tb« MttM u4*r •«THWit ud nu ciTO Ui dMltioo
IMMo «( A WMk. Hr l«n for OraoA
MiMi tkt* aoralax.
: Ite-HriaH rf Orw
Wm -ncnt Hoot the rolcoattaB cf
pH Mr. <MrtH T. 8Mt HM NotIMH. M«r*tH«hHo kH* HCuUrA.-B. WHH
«< iHdtMtoa UMl bir '& U -8HMM.
M. AMI hod cAono of Ibo •

Mm ew»M Amh.
NUDOrtiM Bhwri ON brtM
H tho OMMT floor at th» J. V.
•OdA-HorOHid.WbM thopareau

ChariH H. Qraham. who ha* la*t
M at MHMk. Va, at tho ate of ««.
wat wfth Commpdcitw Perry on the

itoWbeiMH latlar-i oMfllUae to Jaiaa more
half a eHtary aio. Be wai a p<
Jamee J. HUI aetcr took* bU office
nk and lUowa aoM d hi* tmmed-

eapocHr of th* corpTt ima.
Wtm tlw ehaDtn ore all coap
tlw cHHt rcwB wiU bo UtolM fHt
Ud «m H UMd hr bar Wlodoao on

tote emplore* «o «aek tbetn. Koi loai
ego ae emptcre who *Maied the role

devs and «lx okrUM. ■Mai an Idoal
U|ht tor ohHrrlBf calon wtd chidoo.
Hat th*
MH «tu M au NOdr br April M.

I. ooe of the two
Adetol S. S
llTtag The ptealdenia |hi(* to
trapefiag ahput the eoaatrr

fooBd that a leekaadlb bad opeoed the
oAHdtoi deek before fall arReal tbe

TtolUDir reUUT**. wbow

Ms <Mkar td aUlltr. Ui ihonsbt U
Hotted ta laaioace of clearooM i
■hm aad hli aUlUr la aneh aa
Hite hlH BHor moada The BMier
MUe «H rapMted h tho Horalag
—dJH hr Uw
Mood etcenwt.
Al It vu pot vllbiB the fonr <5*7*
■< the BUIcr tidr. He. Atvell
MOM t«o tecta, ‘^br ai«k r* ttr
, BUM aioeai iho dtad. He U aot here.
Ba & riant.-' aad the other bom BtPnl. -« Chrlrt be not rtaeo. oar
ttMM ia TOla.«M
«•«' deeerlbod the fliol
OH* «Hdar Tttea the HaaHr huai
«Hd a«M the eroea i» tho eren tide
UHI hnr the dleeiplee tblaklac that
ttphrf— la whom th#r had taith bod
aakfterea auoai aooiHb for HU
MM rare »reparia« to *o bach to

Tbe toUowlai were the mUk teau


tegtoo. panlentorU U tbe eoulh
ai Mt comfortable but
Blapa but Utile a
I home ,In I

mode bp laepeetor Oockorop tott «wek
for HU:
No. A 4.

Herbert H. Walker, who began a«
roaetiger boy In the employ id <1

only 3« yenra old. b*t hie beni iwmlyHalag steadily thtoupb merit* i

No. S. 3.4.
No. 9. 3.6.

King Bdwsrd bn* decl.h-d to granl

No.- «, 4.4.

tbe wMow of air WIIIUID Howard Ru*-

Plat* Qlaam, Stmun Boltar and f

A Geacral Buklic IntieH Mse



) pv Csit tUiPei w Iltte DcHfliu

TravorM City.

Room 310 Naw 8tAt* Bank Bulidinff.



Traverse City. Mich.
Sell V:-U Vuur l.,U f. r« iiuua<-or Imiuu full line of

We carry at ull tiuuw


ibe war correapoadeni. a
90BS in Hampton Court patoee.
On tbia ibeDantlgeraeliung remark*:

detour limit. 1. and couipuo-our j^ritdcs before buying. C^llou
ns. Look for tto big K.-.11'Unt.
C .r V.
Plioiica, bell S90: f'itr.

»t to uke a wife and Hklag i

l^lr aoveretg*!"
Hra. C4ara Ooitschalk Peterson^ of
weary Journey, be couM aot marry Anbury Park. N. J, a lUsler of the

mo*' tuluaUle .lee«r*Ui«s sod Ulter
roopaop. openiing a large na
aad cedar yard at Alfred Dlekiiieui
T>r. Oeorge W. Clarke, now W year*
corny have flnallp bMo nnlaagd

SURPLUS, saoxioo

Money to Loan on Improved Real Eslile Only.


anted pUalat and eomposM-. buuK
MowNf. Ttie biabop * repl.r vaa
Telotnip eeaclae. It said:
-CouM Gottsctaalk. ha* prenemed to New
Orteaa* a «plej>did ruritle bust of the
poo boiy yourertf?Tbe affalm of the Unrtalep Bnaroann greot composer as well a* ooe .


Tire Insurance!


four yeara in the company* service,

No. 7. 4.

A. TRACY tAT. PeiHiaJl.


Tfce action of the heart de­
pends upon the heart nerves
aod.fnuacles. When from any
cause they become weak or exliaustctl. and fail to furnish
sufficient power, the heart flut­
ters, palpiutcs, skips beats;
and in its effort to keep up its
wrork, caused pain and distress,
such as- smothering spells,
short breath, faiming, ):ain
1 and sjiiu!-

cowDlp dlertior wrote U*l BMter Um* "Ob. that German Joamaltote darct
Bl«hop Pottei uplBi (hat he
iMpe to receive eucb hooon from

Mitr o» tta flm dar at the veHt
MHO Tiiani rat to the tomb aad
tottartlh them aplOH and
Malm the body wWob om not laid
H tte crooDd boi In the oevlr hewn
•M «< the rloh JoM ■» ^t the
•Htttam wtra falflUed, that Ml evea
MAHtt-vonld there be eorr
IWhHtha moaen reeobed Um tomb
«p oaiH told them that He hed rUae.
t>a ¥imr- told thU ttmad abou
ttM ntaned to the tomb aad o
Wtf- hMA. Jeaaa- appeared to them
aid Me preeloM thiacB.
Mr. AtmO eUaed that there eare
BOHMl ttanrlH oaed br ekeptlct aad
rnmm rae betoc that the *o
mm tte MHlar merely bad
•HI tte cttH am HU lOtloven ta
tfePttMHaa armed pHrd ' ~
•AHitt hMka the aea) of the loab
Htt-etaU the body.
^ Mt H ta Here than the dream theOM Here ttM -tte bead ibeorr ha. «HM mNfnhUit ta the Mrlptaiaa
Mttta toward the reawreetl
MH tharo to MOMthUff her
•MM M ttoH «t ttto worH.
TM veahar thea told of the Totot
H-theehoiah ttrougfa the llpa d Paul
attl. nt Chrtot he hot I
tmr ttitt U raia.”
•Mt, MHt aad be meRr for tornot^
tom peAto.- tap oome aao hat behiad
■ )Mtte HphUtry aad ahepUd—
M.m dHrtotkm that there la
jIiIM to «M. We iHOhed thto ooHd

.CwrtMll.r>ts lAMeM.

We Believe

g wa* in til

•ertir t'hs

have tbe Best Tea on
|[\ mA.rai*s..ixu.
the Market.
*«k t ria^.
.T.^l .l:i|rab particularly line flavor an.!
eic-pli-.i.:.: .»T.jii-tli
11 *»u liat.r UouWe jfeUiiiB a
likii'g try a «u.p'.■au>|/<- tc-uti.l
iciutid ..fll.ii
:i that .V,j..url.kM.g

lusto-i* >• t.
M"ke”iberi'l,g ut tiU li.HSi'.u a

I JwiTrer «if Ki'tul' k-l
r age. Leiw<-eD the year* ICI4S and
-• w.ll takur.ut i ljaii.TU ..u )our cwtoinff
Uteraei <d B. A. and A. L. Uadain:. of U80 taught pany hoya In New York eti biiaine*': iD 'h>- illy liMar
CharleK B r.v if. WiuiToc
p uim
HdBae. and to DOW la full coo- who afierwsrtls gained celehrlty.
A banijuet will to -.(rved after tb.tiol. It to annomeed (hat the plant
thrashed Roseoe conkling.
be operated w^b a fall force d always said," remarked Dr. CUrke one
Hcrmaa Kirchner wi.nt to Boyuo
day. -tbat'the Bound thrMblag I gave
City today.
mm* tt-w»v** •*wm«*.
him made a United Riatew araator.
J. MMOHberl retunS-d tu-bl* home
gradtog of ihe high tehool at Wolvwr^ Amoa Marlin of Newcastle. I
I pension nfl.-r visiiiug in ito
lac. baa stirred up do ead ef oppqsP
the dlsUnctkm of havlm;
ever Btiiiilay.
tkm aad a apectol lamKlng of the lived In three ceuturies. three eoontriw
naceoce Murray. M. Ibl* im.n.iu;^
Tt..bHiooI board, at whleb “thoae with and eerfed to two wara Bore to
kiek* to rwglatnr" will be beard, prom- aeetland ta 17». to went to Canada for Chlnig... where a p.»UUm to a
drug Mor.. 1* him.
'n.. luo..-. -m- i.u'.".". 'v H. J. G- -.tb be tbe wanaeat event In (hU Biitecn years later and at 17 located
Mr* <-ale Tom5.kii.'...f tVatral I..k.-ller, hn* 'sk.-n Fr. n.b l.-.r...,alot.a..ncd
piaee In yean.
to PUtodelphla. He aenred against 1* visiting Mrs. fto.Irs T.m.|.ktar ..f'kU t,u.fl> i.. .b-m.-rry ..f .be rn.s aud
In eoaaequence of playing with
tte Hexleana and In the war between tbUclty. .
i mira-, and
i« wbb-b dir.
tntoalaaUag cap. ffrank Norberg. a
the aUtes. March 13 be celebrete.1
•Mr*. M. Fiiiiiir trf East .I.'.iJjii.
yMT«ld boy living at tbe Aorora loea- bla one hundred and ninth birthday

A. Bautnao hna aeqaiiwd the oae-balf

I^Ice, 594f per 4*



jlDn. F. J. MacNITT
BPMiatMtaif -


car, mow

Wllhoim aim
TiaaW MR




tloa at troowood. baa Buffered the
partial lota of bl* atgfat The young­
ster found a detonnlor In tharoud aod
BsplodAl it beiwaen two ntooM. tbe
force of the eapUn^ compl
craytac erne eya.
Tba T. H. C. A. baa toaoad a neat
Uttto pamphtot eaUttod -A »t of Hittory aad a SuiemeaL" In wbteh It
latereaanglr oMs tortb the MOty of
the •nanctolhHi for maa. ala
CttalBA to Iflflfl. Saeretary Van Ncta
to making a taU huatle lo boom tbe
totkm for the eomlng year, aad

Fla# Lawawh.
jjatm the misMTtotoa d Capt. Dave
IHMp a tatymeeamfool boat to hatog
.hMM Into a flae vaoUne laomtt
Wtm'Oia be My for tba «awr
•Mot Hay 1. The boet ara*
rtiir-r Bebakah of Carp lake aad to
mom OMad by A L aad P. A Seott.
Wbw T—aba wUI to oae of
ttto taalaat baaU to theae water* and
St for a large party to e™t“ t*Stowatd wUl to a roonv naloon;
—la th^aagtoe room aad aft
Off ttto tta
«ett|H Mya feet toag. New rib*
•ttbtoag ptoeto to tto bom. a
MkiB aoBie plaaklng and. la. L.-c

which ioola to ready to do battle. The
requen etthe prea«t ga* company
that It to.granted a SO-ysM fraattiae
with ll.ft ga* doe* not atrike the pub­

^v.:men may no. perr..i..el .0
Ben Mi.niagu.- wm' I- t.iwnil
f..pnisl. ti..- lUa>i». wocsl-,
Cbi-U-oitt. vail*, ceillns, furclliirr nr
Of all tbe novel and beAutirul loci ■ ycsler.lay- IJ'.-r lu- »ii! a>.

•*<-ra!rh..i siinac- wlih
dent* of ttsi
Impreeslve than the "aunrlBcp™,; p,n.,..-P., .....: to ir* D. Banker, the
e blind’
Wind and bed-e ait.miliug the How.- Mlllitar.'
Flint has seciiicd an .ui'i-m
I his borne lo Braok- .rbool .1 U», I.Jetoger.
I. .l.|„
lyn. It ' s an Impromptu affair and M',
1 tod to
He take* long dally wolks and
votncloaB reader.

Frederick Mill*, the singing evangel­ itme In tbe city.

ly is

at Ito,.**!.


ist. with a large choir from ibe Han-

J. E.
rrawfnr.l was
home frAi
atm PUee Baptist ehurc*. Mr. Ban- Grand Rapi.lH yestordny. relnrnlng Inl
key heard the flrat note* of "God Will
Take Caie of You" mod asked that all

m>w flnii. ibe Allegan Furalt.iv.
ha. I«.n ..rgauirod-at Allesat.

pSvd Grianiorc of Wasl.ingt.iu *lr«-i. will, the followiiie ..fllrerv
>r..t 1
tbe windowf In hi* room to btdaied proprietor of ih<- Prov. slave and
rhU.h..s.-r. pr.,1,1.-..'; W.lltom Vae
and hi* chair rolled to one of them, »aw rnlll tofi for D.iUilb, Mlhu . v.hi-r..Keiitvn. v;t-.-pr-»i.i.-n-: I. 8, U1..W.1..
aod to Buccessloo the singers sung he has gone t.. look up and imy
sccre,a.y anil .r-ai-uie-r: Angus' Scbe
.keys favorites,
valuable IlnilcT liiler.‘hl«.- He also m:ii r
1 l~-i-. iilial Moek i
CbrlttUn Soldier." "When the Ml*'*
a tlti-s-tH.n- ii
Have Rolled Away.’ "No Shadow*

rtm »b4 rin$Uf


He to a pensioner


Cbt er»M4 XnHHtJkM
Two papera foe ih* priee'af aa*.


{ Pays fer heft a full year.





The Farmers’ Store

lic fancy favorebly. A eommiure of Ttore" and many other*, while
tbe council reported In favor of e
fronehlae at tbe <1 rale, but
tma^lae turn been granted aa yet.

A twenty-tvs bone power ga
HM erlU be rned tor p>wer.
Bettde* ttto toat Captain Duane U
Stttac up a tblrty-twnioot Uaekiaaw
to Uwitf. Tbe hJcl wUl be u catoo
attymrr aad ready foi tb.
•otoa tlBw am month. I
wbooMr be plana to make the trip
tom tte Miaatosippi river to tbe Golf

Knighta of Cotumbw*.
A torge tuimtor of Catholle men of
ttto elty will tousdt a oew chapter of
tta Katgbu of Columbu* next Sunday,
the totaltoUim of offlceri taUpg place

The eODtrwa for the erection of tbe
pw etty hall and opera bouae at
ay baa been awar.kyl lo P. A.

Mis* Utnl


Hr. Wioeb naya he Is an old

|omrto««f the vtoMB.
Man Ckam the doctor suud. eaa
to fftowa good uaHM vlitoa <
gnpor care atoeb wUl to neee
tm omomt wMto U her vWea to to
to piMirvaL ffriaoda have iatereat-

Ifyontutveaii} aluaiii* or •toara: you trigit to
t;c'l ri'l 'if, try Ajak Uynniuitf

of tbe projosed new Maaoolc temple
Flint, he say* he will not octvipy
the bench In the suit of tbe aasoclattoo against Catherine A. McIntyre.

W. K. Bpeucer aod wife retained lo
their home In Ioola <»untT tbU me“Mtaa Mabel Anderson rt4uraed
Ypallantl Ibta morntaA where »be will
reanme ber itndles In tbe Stale Nor-

this morning fori
Hia. Ira
the city be bacame opraerioualy
wilt visit her;
the Wailto'. where she
daughter. Mr*. W. H. Smith.
poUee. The pdm official* were noU0 G. Howell went to Baldfteo. and be. was teton beck to the boafnes* today.

Mrs. C T. Grant retnreed lo ber.
pealireitaTy i<r ffotab out bta oMtuce.
bc»e-- In Newnvgo after vUUing r
which wtjl lake him the nest two years
frieod* la the cily.
Leon Hall I* tranageilng huilny
. Grand Rapid*.
Pred Lewta. who naderweat two |
Nlbq yrar* ago Ihe Frist M. E
Miotimu fn Uoicy hospital at 8ig|
opld*. returned yetterday attareooe.;
_____required He ta still venr weak but I, feeUng,

____ _


vu.,« «

ft will oave yon

twim- UKiuuy.


■I Coffee-



rremoeter of -M. tod wanted to go
properly eonalsls of a floe brick houfc
fb war when President Polk declared
and about one hundred acres ef laad.
war with Mexico, but bli
relae of the gift ta eatlmated at
wDundnY tot him.
Ittaamnch as Judge C. A. Wtoiier

drunk, and was flcltad up by

ttawa towRr hUeu ehUdren and U

mite, tiit-Kn-itvit Giiimp ivinovitf in the world,

has given tn the Rho<lc Island hospilul \
her country home at Quldnesset. The;

aaaoeiatioa that the agrremeot
Pray wa* aummoBw
made for the purchase ef the McIn­ ,Poit Ryan. N. Y, yeaiardoy by a i
tyre profieny. Mrs. Mclotyre claim* sage announeiog the death of

that tte has entered Into BO mitt coa- father
J. D. Skinner and family returne.1 to
(hrir bmue In Grand Rapid* after
Cborle* Beboor. a fonner prisoner apeoding a
weeka Id the cl'v.
Ure. George Sale* and two rhildr.m
at tto Marquette pcnlifailary. ha*
vtaltlag at Thompsoovllie.
munied to that taatllutlun. bav- are
J. D. Andrews went to Interlocbre
lag violated bla partrie. Scaoor was tbts morning on busluesa.
up from Ore eaee county for from
Mr* Frank Gale* returned to ber
ZoimsCto Rucever.
two to five years tor lonway fix>m the borne lo Grand Rapids today afu
friends to tto city tor two •
A totter reeetvod frem the Univer- potaoD. aod wai rcleoaed on pare ,! liing
a B. Roolger left this morning
Htr kr^'— where Uttie Zelma Chase lau month. He ohiained wwfc at lito aoeihera part1 of the »i*ie. where;
to 0dm treated, etatee that the little
be will trar—•


\V« W II li. Celebrate* “AJAX" Dyna-

Tsuda. i.riiirlpal

Iralnlng school for girl* In T..kya
Japan. U on a visit to this coiioiry.

Miss Tsuda was ednreteil ta America
Kirotu. of that city, whose bid wsa 13*.end after graduall.m ivlunmt lo licrj
Bld* were received from Harnative land, where she l»cam“ a;
qoetlf. Bmanaba. Hllwaukec. Harinteacher.
lAter *h» esiabltahed the
Cite. Sanit Sle. Harle and
achool of which «he ta now the heod.
boUdiiw Arm*, nine ptopaaals In all.
Tto Inailtuiloo 1* nodded on Aroerl-j
the higbMt of wfalcb was «31.»07.
lines, engllsh being- luughl Inj
I Mr*. Ira B. Wlnrh celebrat
every class.
«d thetr (my-al* wedding anulveraary
order that Rlrk chlldroii of l»r..v I
ay Bangor Wodoeaday.
Ur. Wtneb
Idcoce. R. I., rnay have Ihe toncfli of
wa* bore In Ohio to ISSl In IWI to
fresh air aad winshloc in the summer
married BUrgarm C. Rose, who waa
months Mr*. Anne Crawford Allen
alae bon to the nme county. They
Brown, widow of John Carter Brown,
have lived here aloce l<fg. One child

M. Bay aty.-Gread RapMa. Haals*s* CBahoygm and aeverel <
f(Ma ttiDugbout the aute. tbe Manmm tmm doing tbe work of InKaliatiSH. The ehapiar will to known ni
tta Oread Travwrae oounolL The
m*m to » vary atroog em and the
atMttag of a chapwr ta lU* elty wUI
■rtmtTiillr to a great tooeflt to the

to mmoddrn to tto «oaa Md I
tddog mom to <■» f-w tte gin.



U DMninloa SteamaUp Ctompany.
hH beew elected It. president. He is

No. 4. I.
No. S. 3.4.
No. C. 3.A



etortt on one of the ihlpe d the I

ii. i«7.

results are obtained by using

XXXX Coffee Chums at work

Toledo Elastic Pulp Plaster

XXXX COFFEE will <Iry<iuiek. ami it c.*3 be otti in roU
weaiber. FftozioK do»-s n-yt iDjun- it. It i* not Ibe biwrel
pri.-ed plaster, but tt ia tbe cUeoitoi if r>" conaider r.-aolta
Send t» na for booUet that will explain evefytbiaK in regard to
E'ftatic I'nlp. Thoue who have need ELK PORTlAin) CEMEIfl

Tofltefl good aboayt—hecaam if$ alwayo good.
Always the same because it’s alwaj-s blended
and roasted just right
Extra gtJOd quality, because it’s imported direct
and «oU direef to dealers.
Other coffees must pay a profit to un^«S;
brokers and jobbers. You save three profits in XXXX
Coffin The saving goes into higher quality.
That's why MCLaugbHn's XXXX Coffee is so
muehbetterthan any other coffee at the tameprtce.
The handy air-tight package and ^ gtoinff «
pure sugar keqjs this coffee clean and fresh—pro­
tected from dust, dirt aod foul odors.
McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee Is sttd by

are oatiafied tlf^t they cao get do U tur.
Von nia no risk of
not g.-ttuiK a Kwl job done if you aae Flk PortUnd Cem.-tit. and
it ia a* cheapBBoUieto that arc not aav’f»i
BAY SBORE LtRE ia aoiiranUw.1--^uaranU* is on ewy
barrel. If anything goes wtool: we are anthorixed toeetUe
difficulties as per gusrant.*, aatisfactofily looor .roatotteia.
Prompt Delivery. I'ricee oo Applwatioa.

AH iniiuiriet promptly anawen^J. addrto*


All p-Irst-Olasw Oroowrw



R«v. O. E. LoeUtkrt OrdMMA

Ufa. If He bad not bad atored up la

Haa Becored PaUnt.

CaupM From Lanm.

Jirtin A. Wade of tbla city haa re­
O. B. Locktert. fmnoi et the Bkp- Him a raaerrotr tt haalth Be could,
not bare borne the great burdens and
eved letters of paient dated April S
: laat obUlned Hte gnat triumph
propdler. the principle of which
wtaliter rn^rday. tto ««r«nwstM
mr daath.Is embodied In sections ten and Sneea
tauo tvo aarrlcea. the
He spoke pf Cbrlat-a fuUneas as giv­
of the apeclfleatlooa which rend as
oM ta the afteraooB oodiMIdr of bli ing ns a cooccptloc of religion, ssyfiHlows:
«miiliiaUoa and the evnlat'a aerTtee Inglnpari: ‘-RdlgiaD U not an aSalr
Section 10—The principal ulijert of
«f the parlor or the chntdi boose, bot
Mag (be ordlaatloe acortn pl^
le present Invenlinn Is lo provide a
it U powerful and Tlgorous. Rcllgloo
Dr. C L. Steuen of Kalamano
weakness but strength: ooi novH form of laeehanlam for propdllege preaeblag ibe amnoo.
quietneas hut aggresaltqMss, the per­ Ing air ablps. carrlagea and v.*lcl«
7%ei« vere a nomber of dclei
il grappling of the jfcaril. tough of all classes wherr-ln atOHiMiberle
trpra ctaorctaM la (bla aecUoa of the
pressure may
be succossfully
lUngt of life."
•tala praaeat who weal largely
ployed as the propelling medium.
aiake op (be cctaDcll before which the
SecUon IS—A further object of tbe
Turning sgatn to the personslliy of
cxamliiaUon look place aed
the Master, be aald: ‘ -There also » inventlMi Is lo provide a device of
paaaed ludgmcot oa the eaedidate'i
in Christ a rullneas a great Intellectual this rlBSB in which a fan or similar
fliacM for the mlntatry.
ttot ^onh. wu Mr ordUaed u a

The Rcr, C. U Berry of Charlerolx

power. The office of the human intel­
lect It two fold. The buslnras ol our

opeaed the aervlce with prayer oJter

speaking of the aloa-neas and insrcuwhich the roll was called and the fol- mlnds is. first of all. to pul U
lowlBg delegatee aoawered: Otba Hola poasessJon of tbe meanteg of
CrackM. Alden: Frank BUIr. Boyi
world qbont ns. to gel the truib from
Olr: .the Her. 3. B. PUtL Mr. and
flower that blooms and every
Mre. Wealey Daon. Kingsley: the plant that grows, erery
Her. Mr. Bayicaa. Kalkaika; M. V.
twinkles, from the voice of the win!
Ooold, bstport: Cbariet Carey. H. W.
expression to some of tbe great
KIrhy and tbe-Kiv. C. U Berry. Chap laws that govere the universe. There
toroU; A. Sriekson. BpanbOTg. It
it nothing wllhout meaning and it 1s
tben bored and Ue motion carried,
thai Dr. Biouon be Inrlted to Join the God
The Her. C. U Berry was bected Ihla

bualneas lo know lu mean

Calebing from a lamp, left scar Inflamable matter, the- borne of J. W.
Lane. 4?0 Monroe street, was damaged
and rtethiim bniaeU. both amoui . .
loss of abieil tlio whirh !,< all
covered by iDsuranee.
Tbe I,aue chlldim were giving a
party Friday evi'ning and alxjui thirty
etailrlmi wei^pr.-d.-ut. At Ih.- tiiue
refreshments were M-rved a jsirof tbe lllile BUesu weie upstairs
with a lamp. They went d»wn ti
dining >™>u>. leafing the latup
paper napkins wliirii ha:«t
flaim-s, the fire Immediately rur.nine
to a ne,vrt'y -closet where i-l..ihlrtc
as hanging.

l)er is arranged to ei
acuum In advance of

tVsH-r was .lasii.'l-on;.. ihr
id it'was Iliinichl thni the llte

9r similar member ogalurt wbicb tbe
pressure of the alruasphcrc may i

.Principle Simple.

formed Ibi-m lliat tlx.- flio was u>
iinullu r tssvnul came a third i-all

The principle 1> so extn:tu'-l.» sim­ log lhal the fliv was i.iuiilug Ixtaei-n
•ulls. Tbe deliartliiont luadi

great Invenlore who have applied long run In good time and hy ill
little cliofipiug gut at rile blantheir whole lives and niillinna
money to the stilving of this iiruLicin and oxtlugtiifhed it.

"You aee. tbeictoie. It would
easy ter the Word to aet forth

"trbai Is love?" be asked.


U the love of Jesus Christ?
Is Christ pouring out bis whole life

things Christ has precmtnoace in bot tor my benefit without thought
tbere are other thlags set out by the ccrulng any return for hlmscir."
He spoke of Cbrlri's fullness of
text 'fbr It pleaaed Ibe Father that
trouble msde by taking the trials of
In Him should all fullneaa dsr«>U.' “
In taking up the dISercnl parta of outers into bis own faesri and
all the qualirlos of Christ, bt; drvw
Chrtat'a CuUoess be said;

nnuih Bart Klfitii
Tinkle »f Ntisi Siifecl it
Hew To Find Oat.

STkIS K. S-SidSJK-S:;;

For Over
Thirty Years

Apofccl Bemetly for Comrtpalio^Sour SKUDMh.DiarrfteCa.
Worms A»nvuL<joiis .FmTrish-

Sew York, S.S'.. Nw. l. o.aaJ T, I'Asi.' j


tKSS gxiLossorSixEE
TaeSm^ Sitnolurr of

Removes Dandruft and 5ootbes
tfarai -luimrx--' wi'l. I'u'e
d iigtit do—me- will


;eS!PS iBfflBImim n
I;n-. I
cb.- fail.- Fm all I
l«lb, ai.'l ii'ii-n




M. L «. L mnaw

Hard Times «n Kansas.

•^reii .rf I'orl.-ll. 1|a.j e':i-iii'n

' avFUlM Rlnr ...

.le! ili-.--,.iirpC" .1 I.,, i-iiiKIniiK nil
I 'or. King's Ni-W



sum,.1' liuiii. -s

flsbcribin ii:i-ef"p


IL- dlM-n-.l l-'-te.
farms, dnrim-. tintor s'-v.-n SIS mb-


.•ll..|,l.- i-H-.-h ii.el eui.- nil.I |.
lei Itlllni’ brab-l
uvei di -n--i



I Trains lw'(>^ tnir sad PM


IT^ rtSn tw Oliy^ P---------- — --------

■'•T "e- y- 'i le-r

little home }s >fi..s.-.l in.
IMwari! ?',w4tuq 1.111. i.r.'/.i.i.s
. i.l.l ti-iil.-ul of .Diucl-. ...I.
-.1.1 III b-.; In f»v......... .. -I;


QHi.Kiii.Kri iu.K-anuN-WMi-■* »i-h•
.'.r'-uli I'.iwri for ib*
ir.puM* .< iltnod Traf.ra*. In <»»arvry. ••

Alfii-.l Wllkrrsirl. f.iiin. > .•" i."'fi..itk ..f Inwn. wle-ie
liv-l .il-.L.-

Si?— "


Uortl linv-.ll.i .orplsinwit,'-- H«b»Tt L

Tlie eiinw.-l-'X inTii-a dit.-riolneil
death w-a« «iii".- to lan---. He
bad qiilro a ripMi.iibni |..r'
laiiiK w-alUux.

.<'.«.|Jilnsiii.UOiml«fT.l tlMl Ihe UHonteaS

.Mr*. J. A, Matti-eili. wle. 1-: .--lir.Mly
diranp-il from


B’lempl.-il -bOi'-iili.- bi -takiug iM.nj.
f.,rm .11 Saciii.iV.
s:ii- win rit-.-.-r.
from li!> i-frp»t*, i'lili-i-igli teiy sb-V

1V-SIV>. I- ,'s.tlnnvl uoreu. each wrek for

Owlng tu'llie I.u-I ^blt iireaskr err
Jirlisw paTi'Hi.*!

eplibimir in Flint, tie- s.-b-ml Isni.l ii:e
drcldi-d not '•> i.-ipiu tie-w-lilrd.- -m
vacsiiion liaV b-


Af'cr living I.
Ualia.i ■tt'.*el,
near Banc-r »-.

Farmers' Attention'
. .•» will fiiiil al my (arm
s rrad B. Wolhtv. Jadf* a(
my doiililc slljmJard. poUed
Umham bull, rc^istcrccj in
both book?. A Min: breeder.
Nearly all <>f bih calves .ire . ' u ordsrai, ths> the IMh day «f April.
*i3re”;^rjy "«
Prices j-1 -Vi .j.'-b wiiii reth.1 ........... .snre
'.i)r:i priviteyes.
l.W. Slater. ll'»raKI.«*w«^.papw^-MiMaS^^la»*d to

r rss. ’.sSr'i.ssc

paigii. S:i;ai;-pa


•: H'"

will IHJ .li-tnl- r -I
cliibir.-ii. ;\ . :

How about that New Buggy
Vou Have Been Promising Yonrsell?
ii- of wnicfi
wbich la
. .....I- 'A
... Vt-})i.;|i1».
......................... .
rr,<K I*
l<y one of i4n-most relialilh
birli »d jx-i iidiy
M:e!. . crnsiating of

State News.
Afii-r litl.12 ..a a farm ri leuinallas \Vi«iil. a ' Weli knuwii faihn-:


near Uatipe-. has sold th- •.'■! bomr W. If Hh-M-. Tbe furin I-

Tofi BblCiCfi

ui Fliui. 1.. iloai] at Ihs age .,r xx i. ui.

\ (ifatlmn’fi


.Pie- cus a.virtim .if lu-igbi - iJi--.-e.Sb- mint- ko.Hini ' y«-ors p.uo
fre-tn Harriion. 41'iie-ta lo.niy. wlieriIior t'iiiviiis. ri .-idiA quit h.-1oiisCog I.. TbuOIA- lv>>Ii.
'if flini. h.11. tbr I's kMw af «h«. r, -til'
bauiliiiie '-f Im jrn»* en il.'

wot hare twrfonned HH work srilboot the other by Robert Bdwards.
abost it. bothsent free
phyaleal rigor. Dr. Slelaon spoke of
l.vmail. A<ldresef>r.H||
Cbriat'r healinga aad bow they wen
The Robertson ahlrt waist faeiory Kilmer & Co>.. Eingnet tbe mere aet of a few srerda bnt is Btartlag a braaeli factotT on the hawion.N.Y. \fhen hras.
wrrting raenlion^ihi^paper and^drol
that be liivarted a portion of bla
•an side «r the ring at Bagteaw. aad
fifftnm to the enSerera.
vlwD comiBeted will manulaclure sU
D«ne. Dr. Kilmev'* Swamp-Root, aad

iif U-Ing a i-iu ef large iir-.p.iiil'Kls. Is
vai-au>. siiv.- fur loii- ami sire

the address. Bagbamton. .V. Y.


nod tben appli-J lb.- t'uls-urs timltre-ul. In s (•■« w-wk. tte-v bad i'niieovvcl. and when tis ir head- were w.-ll :
vou could ore notbm* .d th-- ocow. I ;
sbould be V.W glad t- l.-i ..tis re i-isiw ,


lari i-f siwe uuk-tiin.’i a ann'b auar the Ifc-iie Tonu In Flin* losiohip
Tbe Inle.'l slfll' k Ihi- M.IDlhi 111 Ml -

asist •alts In Ihv braa'b v-jnerru.

ItMnedio.. an.1 1 ItsjucM 1 --------- ------yi-u about luv cw.-. and wb-tl 1 C"L
the Cutk-nr* Sap und 1 U.ih-sl 111-- .-hildrre)'- Is-mls

He hail liomi aja-nding the iflnter
tyinier In
L lh.i ^ti-r
m-riuuda am
Thuisday nilbt. Shortly
iy afi'^ie

of i-ari I-

Ktngaley followed, and after the ordi-

Bears the

ftuinofcsT)^bon£tanfiilwuand RcsLContaiiis Bfiingr
OpnantMorphine twr Whw-rai

lilt- di-a-wre
.1. Ill

ugi- IlLir lalgi-aisMl. ill.-.l w-|->'.s'i
ilrltly tn X.-w York Tliiirsihiy i.,s'

duniiE tbe dav. and lo get up ms
body, but by feeding (he souf' and he eatloa prayer by the Rev. H. V, Gonld
time* during the nighl. 'rhejmH_
apohe of the Christ as ctetbod
of .Bastpon. the Rev. Frank Blair of tbe exlmoniii__cfiecl o
aticngth by a fine, invisible veil and Boyao City extended the hand of fel­ Urtiem realin^.' U 'stands
brooght <wt the idea that pbysiml per- lowship and tbe Rev. G. E. Lockhart for its wooderiol cure* of ti
re-1 n OTcdi.
trtasing case*. Ifp
teetton was necessary for two rea- prohounced the benedlcGon.
you should hare the .... Soldi.. .1
Buna. tbe first being that the offering
During the evening two solos were gist* rafifiv.
....................;iR: mkt
e'hav-ea sample SoV.!.- an
for sin be spoUeas and that He
soog. one by Miss Olive Dobson and

"U He bad not bea a fountain of


Ibis till}- t

out.bU power to aave. saying: "Sow,
-Firm of an Is the fglli
gnnrtog out of all theae Is aneibc
phrslcal rigor. Oar Itord has been
glorious power aud Umt is Christ
repreetmud la art and literature at
power to sare. As the sun in Its mid­
eety pale. weak, worn cadaverous ao:
day glory, onisbinea tbe pale
of a p&aon who sunda on the edge of
aur. to the posrer of Jesus Christ sutthe grave ready to totter Into it the
mses all his other excellencies.
Iso convincing proof that Ibe kidneys
moment He is given a serious blow.
In conclBsted be summed
I. two
ud bUddci arc out of ewict.
TUf Is'dsc lo a strange misawoeplion
It be
tacts, one that Christ esanot
which nrose coocernlng sin and piety.
There i« com?^. in the kndVlc-l::*- to
classed with nxm aad tbe other how often expii'scd. that Ur. Kilmei »
In the middle ages.
U was tbea
SwamivKoot, the gre.: ti-Wr rttnrdj^
great and perfect a savior we have
thought that the body sraa the aeat of
iBlblls wciv w-ish mcnringibeuiRCuah.
sin and sin waa uuiy cured as
pain in the Iwii. ki-lneys. liver, liadder
and vierv t>art of llie urtnary nmu|
body was punlahed: bnt we have
The charging of the candidate
It correct* ioahilily to boM wai
learned that there Is no necessary con- tben performed by the lU-v. J
and scskling ptitr in pi—inR it. or h
nsctlon between the palter of the face Berry of Charlevoix, the charge of the cHeets followtCE use of liquor, wmc
and the piety of the heart. One must Miureh by the Rev. J. E. Platt
not purify tbeir self by starring

The Kind You Have
Always Boaghi

“Me three . Ud.lim bad •
fire rhcnilw. .t link- mnv
iswron Its- Is-oil an.1 mviis.I

> Iuif4iiiuk lo

tlmg mdicatesan
Unhualtliv con"liunefihckid-

Jar Infmtff rhJ ChiMr—.



ple that It seems iH-yoml belief llial



just flnlslusl ilieir Uiicli whei
phone again rang umi a volci

gives us minds In order that
abould have'been baffled for hundreds
know what these mean. In doing
But like all other great dis­
In Four Days.
work the mind proceeds In I
coveries (and all lnveutlou> are praeFrom Seartic. Wash., (n W.i
moderator of the council and the Rer. srays: ooe slow and careful in |
Ueally discoveries) slmiillriiy of «»lly In four days Is ibt- flying iriji
Hr. Baylcas clerk, after wblbi the
and be dcacribed this way
slntclIOD Is srhat solves the pr6blanade
conneil mac prirately to dlscnsa
that of learning a plant or animal by
ad Ransom who al l iv<tl Just UTm e
An Illustration.
tera pertaining to the aerrlcei. The reverting to the laws uf acicocc.
Brat point the candidate waa aaked to racy due lo mUlahes niudo by the
To Illustrate the i.iiiielMle of Ihe th" lMid)Y>r his brother John wa
^•ah npoa waa bis tbrUtlan expert- raakcr.s of the lass and bow
prc^ller mentioned t; is only neces. teried Thursday.
E. L. KausoiM Imd wired Ids
enoe and Mr. Lockhart told bow. when greater part of a scientist's time was stry to lake au onllnar} sized cnvelbo was at U-hitcfisk. Hunt, lUid Ihe
a child ei 6 years he had atood up In taken up in. correcUng these Isws.
». place on edge, allowing It to lean
an BflenKxw meeting at hJa father's Taking up tbe otbdr. the other —
trifle aw.iy from you, against an Ink latter queried to find the time c
funeral- lUs father ausweied Irllius
^nreb and giren bis first tesdimony
be aald: -BTien some minds
U> come and tbe ynuni: man.had
take another aafor Christ which led to the cocrertlon
face to lace with truths ibcn
ikc the trip or oil miles to Si-.u
> .of a woman wlio waa at that time al- the very heart of them al once i
velope anil brush In front of it and it
moat an nnbellevcr. Hr. Lockhart know Ibclr OBaeiicG and property. This
drop toward you. I’ass R quickly lie lo get the tiicssagr. lie arrivtnl
that when be atuined the age of
in front and It will Jump low-erd you. Pcioskcy and was lold by a Tiavleaniing the u-alh .ls rare,
man that tin- fimcial was bclnii
( yeatw be began to wonder whether few of the world's great men have
envelope you pass
In front
hla experience was regeneratba
brushes the air from In front of the held that <lay. Ti-leidnmiug to
minds that enable them to get al
upright ciiveloiie. entiling a partial city his message r»-.-|ehetl the limiabeneath the surface, and this Is
»s the mourneis weiv l<-aviug
VBcnum and the pressnn- on the back
power Jesus Christ possexsed in
follow the casket In Oakwoud. T
nectlDO with moral and icllgloiiv of the enfelopo drliei. it forward.
His First BanpeiL
bo<ly waa luken lo the Anderson trne application of thLs principle
After a few quetUona which fol- truths.'
jdcnakltig tx-rapany s ronui* nml held
He then gave some examidi-s of most easily luade by making an nr
leered. Mr. LochharPa further experi­
nan- sited, two-bladed fan with blades here uoiU the young man's tiiriii arence as a Christian, he was aaked to Chriri'B magniflcent mind
almost a square angle aad project
poirer lo grasp situations
apeak dc hit call to the
sunt, framing a ready answer to all log In front of a solid disk w%Icb
^ke of bis childish
Czar May Abdicate.
brushns the air from
besrlng hts tsther premdi to fill a qnesUons put to him by fals enemies.
London. April 6,—The Daily Mirror
creating a.partial vacuum and
pulpit and when, at U yean old. he
announces on what it claima to be ex­
went on. "la'to. make known what ntilixing the pressure on the back of
was naked to flU hla father'a pnlpll
that the czar of Ruswhile be took a ewontlon the matter wn know, ao that the wbedo world may Ibo ardld renter or disk. But In order
rill abdicate within a recnlh and
make us eomi««i-l aud itowerful i
•eemed loo great for him to deetde have tbe benefit of oor knowledge'
that the Grand Duke Michael will be
a«a be apoke of bow this function of possible It Is applied la the form of
•ad be took It to the Lord. aft<
inted repent during the inef­
the^lnd was tbe one thing that broke casing, closed al one end. with t»
«ooaeBt<i.g to attempt the woT
ficiency of the czarevitch. It says the
containing exhaust
smoke of bis fint sermon and how be down tbe posrer of snpcrstlUigi i
duma will be abolished and a military
pellera wblrh draw, the air from ll
could collect no thought until he apiead tbe true gospel of Christ.
dictatorship formed with the object ol
■tepped into the pgljflt when the
stamping Out the revolution.
partial vacuum, pnicllrally making
He then took up over ctuphasU
wrorda came to bU llpt esnlly. He
The Mirror furtrer says that the
neumatlc tube of the ei-nter cwsltig
Ihmi told of Ms college edneatioo and what we believe and showed what a
rjr's mmd has complet
greal mistake It was by tbe distorletl
Inventor ConfldenL
Us wort: during that time and since,
and that he has shown
idea of
The Inveator Is u>nC(I<-nl uml hr
naaaad With Candidata.
e ol performing the duties of his
aorerelgsly and bow they preached
appears to be right, llial he cun
After a few quesUona put by the
k. He is unable le sign his name
oa nothing tise. "Some said man bad
struct a machine of this pattern
membere of the coandl. Mr. Lochharl
limes and trembles like a child
lag lo do with determining hlr
be carried In an ordinary band
rend a written atalemenl of hla doc­
en state matters are broached
efaaraetor aad deeUar aad
grip which property placed on
trine. abowing his' I
l. Something like a panic re.gni
apUl In rellgloo by the
floor of a buggy, on the deck of a
ala of the doctrine cd Cod." Continiior an ordlnao' sleigh will propel
The immediate marriage of Grand
he said:
“In the U
speed tbnt tbe same motive
dwUlIng on them at length,
uke Miehael to Princess Vielerle
Christ we find two great docjiow-er would proin-l it if eonnceled Schleswig Hosleln. one of Ihe mi
ftrilowed by many queatlm
the sovereignty of Ood and tbe
with tbe axle or lo Uie screw wheel of popular of English royalties, is a
irtleh the connidl left the ro
freedom of man. They are so preSt. aud for pru|iclling sleighs
tnn In » few minutea with tbair deelannouneed. This will give the Ei
aeated that we never find a contrapractical method haa been devised liah-Runian all.anoe strength. Grand
alon ta wblA they expreaaed tbemdicUoo belweeh they and they riae
that can be compared to this pr«H>eller. Duke Michael will then csUblish a
•efna highly pleaaed with Mr. Lock.
like two beanUtul pUlara in tbe temple
.hait'B axamliiatlan and heartily raemnIn tset. the wondciful
miliUry dictatorwhip and abolish the
of trath and we are able to se
mended tUt the worit of ordlnaUon be
power of this machine arc bard to ex- duma and the anarehistt.
truth though neither displaces
Umate. If ail that is etaimed for U
UgonUes ihe other."
trite It will revolutionize not ttuly ;
A Fish Story.
Cvefilnt Borvtea.
Dr. Stetson then spoke of Christ's
.forms of vebicies and bouts Imi w
. IL lliiiii-;.. it r.»m>T ).ii-iiil..-r .
The Chuirh sraa well flUed at the
•cbing that we are membero of
i lai^ figure in railroad traaspi
Traverse Ciiy fiotl.all team, uji
craning aenrice at wUeh Dr. Btetaon heavenly kingdom and of tbe fact that
UtJoo as it will practically do aw
apote. taking as bis test the nlne- be never disguises the belisr that
I. fur X visit ilurinc itu-.-Mmimitoaalta trerae of the firm ebaptcr of are also children of a temporal king­ with all tracUon ronnoelion*. relieve
FnraeplaUetothGColoBslBDa; ~Fnr dom, bis icachlngs being so true that the strain and tear no rails and road Mr. Hurley is lueaii-il ai Itanilnn. On
beds and be available .m Hat
sa.ts it's Ihe ut - I fiii bini.
• It pleued the Father that In Him
ir duties never conflict.
St Miiuincr. wjiib- un a fishing iriji
ahooM all follnesa dtren."
His Great Patier
with J. O l.«iiKwii|(|iy and null,
After resding the test Dr. Stetson
He tben spoke of Christ's grout pa- varied man lo which this mai-lilnr aud
Iimh ff.rnierly <if (hU cjiy. they
Uence through all things and .summing Ibe priueiple it involves
got Ik'i niuuiilain trout anJ an nid sln^e-preceding rerae teiu'ua thu up all the previous excellencies of the Ihe Inventor Is cnofldent will be. uppiled would require a targe .miounl of bciir and two cub*. They ouiy bad n
Christ hold preemlnoBee; tells as Haaler set over and above them
space and would read dike u cbupici liitlc fox terrier wlili iliem. Lmi sbi'
that by Him all ihlnga were crested. the gTMt love be held in bis heart
llrcil the oil! iM-xr .im! Mr, l.ane'
everything. He spoke of tbe tact that from Jules Voruv.
«jid in tbte aame way we lears
worthy. »r, did the IV-^t wilh a rlllr-.
an things
were created
for Him. -human love was not of the same qnalThis machine is doubly
that sufferiag was not relieved a* It has a Urjo- beuiiiig n
From the name soaice we learn that
O-ath cl L. J. Marita.
He has preomlBtace in the work of threagh love bnt more to pul men's lem of aerial Duvigaliiin.
I.. J Mart,-, iiwner of Smii-et .1
rcdempUoo; forther we are (Md that minds at case.
•U tUags eoBBlat In Him.


One Mother's Trials-Little Ones
Trerted at Dispensary for Three
Months —Oid Not S«m to Improve —Suffered Five Months.

11, Itefpn- this, Liiw.-ver. the fir
partmrni bad Iss-n sumnioued

for the purp^ of moving the dick
other element and any vehicle
which said dlA 11 carried.



Tie--iiori- thiiiins lewii ol
Ilarlsw. a j.lare- *Ti.-li liun- preun:*'-

asema-’; tt.-ai'--. -t
ti l.-!
a-ift opi»'f !i«iie r.m wi-l V. .t!i

n>r fs >uis Mre

Rugers h»s llviil there


t'oT Xu yrars

the bos lived a recinsp. But oaco In
the 48 vpar* has 'tbo renturod away
freaihtia:-. 'hta -be r^oj-^y.j ciTuu.'.:

Auto Sell Bites
'.r; BatBopesaadtai)



fai-e. b.ilf «J> l- iaie I. ibe nerinl -la-:
the yo>, aiui v.-mdnit.-n ihe «!•*”.

a wuuiuii.

BuvioesiWac»3b \Vs-

siU; til-. ;')

T' :ri'-


1 :i!i iip-in-ilaleraT.
i-rerjll- -n;: H-at ah,,1,1.1
m Ii.e more popnlar
IL fi-aitorjr. ’Hiia l,>i«inity
Vi.’if ni.::rtalxjra aroaatibfied.
nuke y -ut n k-clion from our atork.
*--uiMi-. ati'l «'• i4u.iraateo * very jub
-liBlIj- I'lVtii j-'.ii toi-iUbihI lonk 'ivCT,

Cin. Phone 7Si

128 H, fram St.

Queen City implement Go.


rn« pywa.»-« r

It means
hottest and cleanest
flame produced by
any stove. This is
the dame the New
Perfection Oil Stove
gives the instant a *
lighted match is ap- plied—1
, 1—no delay, no
trouble, no soot, no
dirt. Forcooking,
•• :.the


is uncqualed. it gives quick results because its
heat is ta^ly concentrated. Cuts_fuel-ea;pense
in two. Made in three rizes. Every
stove warranted. If not at your deal­
er’s write to our nearest agenc)-.

M.*of bias.

Perfectly constnicted; .tadutcly ttfe; unexcelled
in liehi-civne r«*«r; an oraament to a
P:»eiy iamp warranted. If not at your ^
dealer’s, write to our itaitst aeeocy.


When You Want Lumber
You will save time and money
by coming hero direct. We
« carry a full line of everything
for building the . house.

Prices and Quality Guaranteed

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone—Cit. S2. Bell ICO.

Bow JIre
Your malls?
mill Cbey need
Recooeiind this Spring?
. If they do then c«>me aod look over our ntw slock
of wall paper. We have just received our spring line
.^11 the newest brightest patterns.

tbr icr rmaiB uianula-t a n-nt and
FnnD RhSay o Record.
rra <ai'I laLr aitaotacr nt tbiK.
limLU-j.Mirb..-A|ir.l i. - M. K. CnfO
eonpany will tundl<- all ibr tnnste-n
tne is rrraratiiic („r a laisrinrDi aod
to bbv iNdniK rniiB Ihr NortV-rn Mich
dine t"»Sl>. with a leal
igao Traii-ponnloo o.niimi..,
I' has'Onrnl I
all. Thr tnt
Connectiena With Manitou.
■>r> will 1.- >iK-,| fur wandr.iu-r ana
r-K-«U...! (.„m Ihr
r K-<inid Mo;v will 1.; a rr.ll.T ikate rliik
romtuiR.v ■.anlue The st.-ni.T.MauUou
that amnErtm.nt« had la . n •itadc
H^irkho- Ik still l-rjinhiS
pa»Khus-rr Inm rhirup.**
.liiliri- h.,K piirrhar>s| Twf
Trarrr*.- Cliy nl tin- kbi
Is. Dr. I':acati imr.
«BK chintrd liriin Oil a
.. Chirlr
rrr and tV. liiil n«r itn Carrol

sepr. A llnr' Mrainpr. Ufk-t
l(t>Ctb asr! hram Ifaiin l!
ha,i bmu pnrriiii'.«ii and
Ibl. Hiy and Chai
irlnolK. Tli»
ndDiaoy Ik ftim|Kn<.d ot iirumiDrDi
LitaiDfu IIKQ AAd tnr eumiuin} la son
u^.nxxia tif iQcqrponTioii.
hr llor wj.
H. J. Wrl.l
llir«.r jrarK at" Ibtrr Imaif «rrr ran.
Il.r ColtinHa. ttlv Cr.Krrj,l .-.nd thr
lojal roripauy L
Lou fiimnilnsK. tmi Ibu f::raii:!n?»
. .
. ..'TOlt d
rar alKO aidd, lra>
the OdutnkUj
Thr Vaniio.i I

Thr saim- «...m.«iiy ba..^ |.ir. l.asrd
Ill-- Mnnll Island |ii.< I'ovili of Mario.i
iKlaii.l and will uk.- Ii I-.- |.|rni.-a and
.••uiiiKionK Ihi' Kiinn- aa b> l »«'ar.
Caeital Stock S2S.OOO.
TIh. Trairrar Itay TraiiaiK.tlailho.
>'irin|ia:u Ik Ihr u.imr of thr rooiiiany
and till'raultal Ktork Ik {;r,«Kw which
is pRirtiralti all-tuild In, Thr orKlIii-•

127 S. South Unioo Sireet

...... .............rut.

H. II Nrl-Hili i.iiThaHHl 1
Mrnm llahlwia ihi. w<h-k
K- A. tliichau 1. .l.RKii




frma'r w.-iikTi<-k.-<are isrllod Ur

Frank K<«fS:< hii.l thr -niislortuiir to ;
i-ni u Biiil In hi. f'»"' T'K'^lay.
Sh-K, t>. W. and rtaurhirr.'
r.ail. UHiil a Irw Ar>> al h>i dauxl>,
Boat It a Beauty.
1-rs, Mrs. ^
N iv S'am|.,

Tin- (\ir<).|.iiiH.Eini is a laaiilv Jo
Mr>. Wiil.a
Wiiliuii V.iiib.nri
ru-.y r.-..N.r.. Wlitl.
f.iir lulsh Ihis w
i«riti i;f r.tai
“ho-.I.I II ai any
ravr ihle. II TTHdhri' s
iliui-.lw iH.rrM.aiy iW* .|••l>r hy
» railmc
amimd ihr ui>i"'r d.rk and iikIhc ilialj
for p.v>»dierr.
Thr b.iai has i»t»I
Thr Drath RMI
sImkI divks and >«i ti«Rroird

i>- and tbr i]tiickeat asdaurrst

T...«Kp.<ro„lou c.mnany.

.............. .


.Miirtilf ... .........................
n-sn<^i. Shei’''f''Kl><«« >'"'1 h'rA.ilp.HHl
rh'iipwl • with a i
vaa hunt hy Mlfioii-r nt 1/lditlston
pnwrrfal E'Wrrh llcht. whirh
ptwidnit of tbr NriiN-ra j
‘■ “•‘•f*'- ......... ..........
Trsnsporinlhin rompaiiy. for his ana ‘•v'*. hoih fom;
I largo Kpar»- foi I’nssi.n:
oo fl rnn Imi'
I drrk of lb,. r.du-jihU «:o
lire a-nd M’bllrRi-h 1»y,
vidr- louc-li ^
Irgllry lim- w
Tile ■wjo-.lbo
I, liowi-vrr. and cut
ami I. ivrv hiniilai lo h
lo <nrh na rxirin
I, tlliiiol. and MiKKoiMi
iil«iid>nir,l and. till
Triple Exoar a.on Ensine.
Ihr TiaVffWr Ciiy
lo art '•
II- iiiai'liihri'. hrr
,r fhrq.
- va.j. |„.ij„i|. )t Is <d thr

Spraying Cime
.■Afly int

la n.-.-iMil ltan-1
ofiJ. r lo

clc:icd as ycL
' Ik
(n-ntlrciMi'; ral ln al-o In anUo irJ iiooii;a.n Ijm alshi ai lar bo-ur * I
la Fine Beat
|«'*'aud foraai.l ilM'rr L ajMj'i. r .1, Taylor. b«-i .i.aiU irmc
The rii.Kjuaui.*on wa. l.ulll j'llnins t.»H» so that lor tbivnch


for t>iie piitp^.' Who Vilr.o! iCopprrSnIpb;ite)g
liii. I.iwr .•( Sul|ili.-r nwl Lntniburg'a iSinZ

Ani'iiic, For
Ifymi willpun hime tii-iir nr(ir!.-«<>( iia.yoii wilUt-rtoioly
iiol I wi'oiii; iiA U> <|M ilil v or priisv

.».... .

• u. olh.r m.ii. V l>1a'

$, €. malt $ Sons

k n»- IV... A1a.“,i
illV rntfstng. hr.- buslialtd waj!,

hy tk >■t■r■-'Mal1|n••II•' liain and iDrlanl■v/Mlb-d. Tlir'bwiy W3K tlimwu np

Cnoerst dtp's Ctsdltg Drug Store

OUIO ibi- Idhn i4 Ihr K-nsIn.- and thr
IR-In was larLivI to Ihia <-ity with the
iH'.i) >iitl otiJhr ptini.

j alto,nr, «ya apSi.iiAir
- The
-. MirhlKPli
llir *-«lrr i» of
|. iLig... ,d. ‘-■‘"•'r Ib'K n'.aln.'l n lawyi-Fwtid lim
'.nt.-.-l iy|H- with all th- -afeiv
oilair oiMi pBKS<-ae<
I. ns-i.-ia v.-1-n'r.
ii.ib !-.i. .,d.l 1. K leiWiii-.. ill «ln-i tnaiiri will imd-ahl. nwi-h raiort this
ill hr- favor as
i-i *• \V. -I-in r.-. I.i.- -.Bilwav. I
fr hXc-ii with a fnll V«iil no list r.m Biie- IK t.lHi-i.-.|
■ iit.^ihi- hi
l-r ......... .
IVuil v.iUiurt to lh.1.1 | j,*. v.-KX'-r. all .-ti,ph>>. of Ihe AUDI
. iirilml ns hn- Imaui Ik bnud and
•r tiravy .-ncliic l-i Kt so low ihal II rn-llncb stilt.'
J, to Ih-- K. ■ .air MtHiie -'U.I. , ManntnrltiiliiB .■omiany. wax'raixlali
n hr iiisland .rf Ml*. •ranrttt iJthIs ax Iwllanl.

ilri'Tv flitril out iH*i.-i.- shr
on li
.4 n.-..H,.i>i' Tie- r.Md II.I .
iK.g-i exK.dln-.. nglnr hy a nlDdlasa
nil. tin- work i-nlirr broi;; »|«iiir In
. hii and look
Run to Chariavoia.
,r1iy y.riMi . --jl lud I a .«u.-l--; „ i„-u ihr riank -U|ip.-.l olid A'blrtnd
* .
to SI. laMiU.'
Th.' I'brqnutuifniii rail eaxli> UKkr or at l.udhieloii.
- I - u-V .' .ullr
a,oBi..l. tixuiiig bix n»w>.ramphtUtlf
improvements at laUndr
iiri.K-ii' or flflc-n mih-K an hour and
I- hrld lomoT.........nllway In 11111-! ,i.- •.•..•inly |
||r (Lbk rrmo.i-il nt nsre to Ur
T run will he l.rlw'-ci this rlly and
Thrr" v.ill u- .1 n.iiiihrr of lni|.rni
1." 'M-'l|oil|.t
,1 wvml.l I,- • , It ;.»ti
'I Tb,-, .vinia xanMaiinin. wln-r.. ihi- nrao- w^
• 'harirvoix. thr yonnd trip Iving niaclr
dailT. She will l.-avr this rlty wlK.nI
•r.hy I .s u,::
' -.I ; ; .1 id lie ■ n-wvd <m
UihUwx h«l>r l» ware II.
forint. !f'
k o'rlcH-k In U.r ntmniiiK. i.nrldiiB at
an-1 hathitiE ►
. Nitiitli 1a- gwaid-d Ur ropIhr iLih- Island, Nr ah ta-wiiiiia. onie- .
hlas.-ih.- nwlatn T.|i-;-!ay 1
lui and .S’oilhnorl nod ih'-n airoKS ihr'i
Ibl . a'< . b»ir t-«iK and .ili- .langbl-r.
j, tie- rrorlkiu of an opera
•, *''h" ‘*>"1hiVr lo Chailrnd}. Ointata will lir|.
. riniiloi.
____ —
; .Vld-n Si.T.I L..II Ulvrr. TlH-hu.ldlniivUI
n-arhi-il al 10 «>Vi<« k und NoriliDori l.Hsiancr
I. tm.t rM.,ar-U.
•Hir'fhHttal' ...-IAI,- «f
m.-;, i-KiK i-a. |.h
1 It and K*ir will iiiHvr In Chai
-ntvrtahiniriil i
hlrtl Wl
■r l.Mrinrh r.-,!,. „,t, lose SU»M. frait. wad •111 b«
1 xl 1. Ii'nwine on (hr miir
.rl, v.h.. frll th. O.olW....d -T’tst-.»! and n-arhluc this Hiy
■| i.:.Kl >i-3r 1
II ih ewry )>arli.:ulai. It wUI
iKb nuiiuanj'x tiuiiiwv Tiie*iln>
■iiitjl Jnlv blit
gilt tiiiil Lis iirrh. will In.- Ii-H • ’>tt’i Je-'ir • eo- Ul
Imvini; at- b i.'Hiurk. Ihinr
‘• ;liini- in J'~ Ihr homr on<l hUri-l to-'b>'-' xr: -'i* ■leli^ri I■'■ -.ih
o- III lilrnlr <m Ih.- llt-li- I
.A p-iilii.ii has li.ti .IraRed caktas
Dcdendt on Peepic.
have a long ilav whih- Uhxh
iaT..r. nt.r ...-l-a k.
.•tn»:,'tn..-:sl;. »«>lr.|. |■|■,|
111' .k’slKlain.T lo anu'-.; I-Yivwdl towniUKir.i-1
(. Kr.ah-1ii.waii1ii ran ai.riid ;
t,e-lrnKky .illlrUilinC. Mr. Sirpan-i ,'hr
- nil t.. ManlKi.-- i-ouiirr. asd Ibis piHiIhr I--I
- u larinlxtr id the >lu -<Biirrs.
ri.'m war- nigntsl by |>rat1leaily oreiT
I.rartlrallv i]im<H|ini
,.i-ii it going,
nd nt Norlhix.ri half
K.ii-rln Ihr lowuxl.lp. TIu- next townix bum four
.liilin F Hrakr. n'w’xidraii «if TraT-1 prnia-T ■K-'.-i ftirl'iii •
IpH- under Ihr old ncli.-dnlr was mnrh
xhlji A-esL Grant, erill RiUuw aulL Tbo
•hnrlcr. only tirtaeo mlnotos brine
.•rKrfi.y f.nM-v.-.wlyrarainth.-e.,iy|tK-lH-bi
TIh- wnn,
.llKiatm' Fna-»oU to MaaJxieo u
.-»i» III.- i-rt
.11 .-ev-i int .11 I hr 1
»- •'"■'t
^>‘k lii.n.o nror I,ani,t«ic, - to .1s"t.-ti niUra ii-KK than tu l>tdlnglnb
liltrr .v.lnni
iI.-iI-iIk. X'.ll.;n; t..v.;i. ef li.-art fi.ilnn- .Man-h IT. HSr-1 j Uu'i.
IMHi|i|i- Who .ltd not favc
-nil two tnll.-K k-KK than to SeollcTlI^.
:UI wax IIKK-.I li.:7.-: y.-arj, II.' |c-a.;< i-iid'W
.,.n. J.din
'll.' i. KnM tinx b'vn lhai the farairi>
n l.rri t.. 'Ild'rr ,.|,J di'.ugt)l-r, nHi, wil- jlird iii-r tl Sii»-ad. Jaiii. J. J. M
r-..rkK X.1.1 i:.r fe-:
'j..l that .lUlrtH lisrr pw^.-nod fu drii
'with MrulKi—
T« IIK-V.-m Ibis. I' U
Thr niraiuny <I.h-k not i-xira-l to pal for "ur w-ork*^
«'elb-.e.-d. III.' Mbm.ii roumy oEIrlsU
|| i;v. :.iiia.ll.-«-Ml M..n.i.iy.
,'l'k l-au.l- ••■n i:h- riii.-.^hiue
....... n.-w iKial
hr. lone r.m niiUI
l|K,;iUI.-;i r|'
I' t-. d O', roniily' n.'mry to lm|.ro»u IhS
July 1 Lilt xhe-.wlll atiivn h.-r,--aboiil
iU«l ha.i A i.-.n Irnuhl rarryln
Jiini- 1 and durlna the niiintb of J
• ; tT5«ilK I'-.i'llRgo. Manlxlr.-, The ootiut^
caparliv she i I .iml.nihlnll.r do..
Sophia'Hick, i.emi Zt.y.srx aU'l SI
will Iv nw-d for rxcnii.loOH and
Tcty Ui«r ImKli •K and ilK- .MJil.Kik I
|hiH.- Ill's flvr niilrs woalb of Maalw)«4
)ni>ulh-r dnoghirr of Mr. iiml Mrx j
In'fhrl Ihr urw boat will pm.
i‘AI thi- Ki.ii.f tmi.'Ihr Waxoo coitniy
Ariiini Uirk. .|ic-il >rKl, i-.Liy. niorniif, u1 .
Capi. Cli-ri.-K '.•111. win liav'-r:,.3rc
i i i’»in.-i«l« biiv'- failrd pw^wrly lo lia-.
1-.A-li«i, <d I'liirriiiipti'ri
- hr hXK h.-rn ralHn,
r'ii arr
.ij.i.nw Ihr r-Md« b-wdiue nortli. Ir»l
:i faili". and iiHilb-i. Ih:isK-n, aiid |
ti Claud Tr.i-.,
rinebl w-jifk. Thr . i.niisiny has th
' j--.. h;.0'V s„rh work michl beorflt
two hrothrra.
r.inini'-l In irans|mrt all Ihr sliiosl*
Frank Civilirk. <
li.r r.-suu has bei'il .tkal
lor thr lUnnah ic U.y
rliirf rnelTr-. r .ni
hex, Issm wUhoirt coiwi
.utii|.ttl> Iroui the
i-haree nf tin- i-irIuiMuch BiMlnraa in SighL'
HanlKlra- eosnly
t Ihr optnkdi that
It lx ex|H-nrd lliai Ihr tviniiMiiy wi
n«4 w.nk nogU of Uife
also suc'iir Ihr ixinli-urf for rarrying
.-vr^'pi,”' iV™. a li
fiab fmm Nonhimrt to Charlrvoix nod
.1,-* ki.» II'.I y.-i h
.Mux-oHnuin UrrH-rr roniiwnT
I ih.dr treighi ftom ifllK <dt!
ili-i.rix and I'rtosk.-} by thi- rhi- l.-i- kiii-*ii a-. R^l-tiivn r,-iK,.-. yfi
Iicaiii hav- cliarg'- >4 th- IkLiii'1 afi.-l
C-harlrvolx Ml I ..Vlocl.
lie ha.K a taig.- n iin!--r .-f f. i.-ii.lrfS. h,.
rhllr II II was KUlpixd
.11 U-glad "I w.-;.-.ini.- him l«-k.




r .


; S:„

Vour Reliable Furniture Stuie.


‘,r;'"U . ..1, , .P .1' Hr.:;. ^

i:hai|r« A. Wrt,!,. A. V. Krindiirh. AO-■
ihoiiy Cr-illch and w.ii KratiS. mtk
K-Ki.. K. Hanuuh. It Klov.l Cliiirii And.
Saiiiui'l Gailaiid vaa orsani/c.l lo hity. '
nor onlrislii. Tht hoal |in>vli« KaljrfuHory in rv.-o-rr>prfi Ibla haa h.x>n

Special Baraains on all Cast
year’s Stock.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Contpoimd
ms.l>- fomi nativr
and b.-rhs. harr cKrapiKl srnoas nprratiooa. AS
cri.J. n.-r-l hi Mivs I; -•Mci..iTs,-a.-<.ol M.k Pinkl____
iu;-- Lydia
K. Pir
rorr-1 nir of th.r, worst form of f. male Iriiuble and 1 wish Uteaprraa
to i.iu iiir dr-iK-.i i,'n>titu.|r. 1
I st
Miffrnwl intrnsrly for two yrarwao that
nd lo lavdnlK
■d willi.nilv trmn.,
t.ian oprnitom
lorh 1 was adriMsI to
t. nodi-ryo. I di-i-.drd to trt lirdla
IL I’inkham , V
it run-d AK- of ihr terrible UoabU
lb l.'T!*T brallh than 1 harr hr,-n
.ntotrTl.y• ii. h raws sh..uldrno»iirwpr»-rrr\ »
in operatsoe.

iiniAiiy. ia li


^ ^^


l-o-n d.s-UIrd op.'ti ws i In-oolv rurr.
MIbi I
111,- slr.>iiir<-st and lu.wt grot, fnl
Ktauuoeoia possible to make CVIDC from womro who by taking

a lias nn>\H t” '.'Wt

Kciyl.Y «hlrh ia a xruuil rti
niid I’lruauro lu Ibu
lU TK'.)|il" nt Traverac m
«M>. The?
of a Ir.a’ ji l.uaiac J;tirr aKCTlalnins * K-MaT f irh a ;

Wbra a wrunaa auBeriiiff (ran
frmale tisiuhlr U tohl that aa ofWTai..« is m-.rwsary. It, ot conne.
Thr vrn th.mxhtur ihrbaapi<a’thr ..)>.ratinc UIdr aod lh« iuifr
sirlk.-. Ivris.r to brr hra:i.
It i". .jiiitr true tbal Ui.wr troais
ma; rr'Moh asUfn- whr«. ah t-pr-

K‘r.a“itI^ov’r».S!!.i h^l“uvo rarca

• a.duaiTc
iW-T lo lawHiErr l»»l, loiialns ilm
c City
(nim ttilrBso in n.arl .V..U, I'
il.wki.v and M.irViinna-. TI;.k
>fc thr a lartt"* nuRiltri of n^rorlri

inu lali r dlKiMj>«.d of llir Tn
Oii.iiir lurtirs. ilJi-^l Tra'.
nilliAiil a iNuil oil the »«v.
Thr l"-ard li liadr Ural

Women Avoid




1*n>ld.-li1. C.-,-,i:.' II. K’lkiia*ri--g,
Vi.v- pr.-rl '. nt. 1! I’ T.iwnsrn.L Ur


Winnell Brothers

Beekeepers' Conwrotioi.
11.1- annual mDv.'ut|..h .4 ’hr N'l
•I. Mlchlpan llrrkr.-r.rrK- rw-ii.'
III I-- hrlil at K:ik? ,Ir.r.!.n WM'
IV i.iiil Th-iivdav. A|.il! M .wrj il In
F.-II..V.K h.ll. Th,..- w,;l
rilling.,...ii HII.I t-l-miig ;v-h.

Ft-r«-«ar,-liraKiiir|. IrJ I'


Atjrort fo-t/ yeora age-, when i:
wl'ieh l,a» djvtloped .me '.'it gre.-t
if eLOftlNNELU Brc.3...
■gr.t,. heno'- ami iq-.a-c .h
publ.C hy an jnswer-,-ng ef
itl-on. ilixhenexi advert'sirg am: q
lorasle meirad:. n- fajg*
reliable merchj’ end l-o-rbi •-calr..ent
lusiemers. Ttiji
.> a metier cf Msto',. ’sr ORIXJ NEl L CROS.
today Ihe Ingrit mol
ii’orcs; b large piano f.’clsr, al Ott'e-t. l .t:
•0 tmplcye-i. ard a fi.'

atwl on

;:iK; iz:.

Hlest way. the business
r fh- ccnlidenM of lh«
Sides by unfair comps:d where others failed.g«n. with 16 complete

Mort kealtliy,
MV an-now randy ti> ruulrati fw lb" aro-. and am I-- glad b.

vigorous men
women in
United States
raised on good.

lure you call at iniroElre vbm il^lowu. «Ta>dlHK >onir, _ \Vr ran
sU.w you p,.Ki prnfltx and pnnr to,*oB Itat our pro|..-.iil,Mi is a nut-

The Traverse City Canning Co.
Commercial Printfng
All Kinds

Berald and Record Co.


Never mind w4>at the others
drjnk^^ want lo be well

II :s -«ir cr-st.’-'t ■’•r~ t'r 'r'.i'i this p-j‘iiie torfde.iee w-','i we
n.vl 1.1-d r».-ui;is. tillidiyxlciati natloc 'h- r.r. .nliiih III.- .'oi’ig !

wi-je so highly and wr.tii is i ■' :^rgc i».ea'--jrc»rtspe'>s-sle for ou'Wonderful sutceu.


F.atix MjoirJI va, bri-ig-:,'
JoluiK’fit'i'i l)Wr.ii' li> li- Kh- riH.
rompti.Jnt fca-.lng b»a-u

to sMitch you from Aibuckles’
to coffee that pays him big

landlord ,-1 Hi- Fti-1 ....... . chare:!.
Manirll. ■whA-r a tin-- wa.- .-!-rk a
■h a xhrriagr -1 »i-

profits at the eiqKose of your

Fostr lime .tgn Matiirll asked b-ovr ;

b« rh

to IViruii in liMtT hU tuoth- r.
I uot reCiiu.

he tolerated, fe- we want r.o bossjp:rier eerv.r.c and hono'able met"

Our hest advsrt.semerl .s fcu.r^ Jn oiir ti-ousandi opsn l*iou

.ng purthase:s.


Say tlmgs to the man who tries


Eve.y emp-ryt is laugm in.** t'.tv

and rtnsrcprcserilasioa w’l

ness tnat wt eannoi get lh.-oug*i

the., w.itr ia::r;i
In jnin.
wm.-fl at'rr


The iou*her ,U sH

*.vhat»ver yojr
smt-nml. the very
1'or. cf eor Mouse n,
cloLa'- .n a Motieal

:cev me mof, lo
H te'ore you se.


k--e in, b-st mav*,. ro r.;ie' .e from, the greatest aterm: serv cr beyond tompare. And the repuu■et*e w " alwa/3 1-: -.afrgusrled. Oe not inveot a
r.estigate the m; ny advaniaget we offer to all.

sirEEii hi HEioiuHitss »r ffimoii.
Brdtich Store at 159 G. TrontSt. traverse dtp





iSSr -thill





A. dreilick & Co., Shoe Stock (Formerly owned by Frank Friedrich)
WHioH We Recently
on 'thie $
Iktt slock ol ioo« shoes seeds no eomoiest; as the Fre<drlch.Gre|llcfc slock Is well known in the City as weH as In the si
I Country. They had the rcputatlm
oieriiytiHr hMUIe bnl Aood goods ol besi and weU known makes, snch as the NelUelon’s. Plngree's, Mayer's, Rlndge-Kalmbach, Dullenholer's, elc. Al Ihe prices
vlioes Will be sold lor II i«411 pay you to sapply a year ahrad. Gaz^ at the ioHowlng list of prices.' Bear to mind that the earliest comers get best choice*
Lot 8


Hip Boots Special


59c 1;89 25c

Mcn'a -firai (|iuilit; Hip
Rohber Uoou. Sol.l the
world OTpr for S’i and

i.*l.00 liod Calidkin Slip­
pers, Old Ladioa’
■ H 1.
tierh-eOaiten and
kuuvu DiHkHi.
Ez- While Kid 81ipiPDgiiTn
and |vrs.
Lola and



and are fidlr wrirlh prir.i of
Sale prii*,< ...........................

LOT 21

Men'allandTomrd Vid Ki.i
Shex'd, poailivclj- the oaaipst
^ge made. Sdd in FriedriohGreilick atrek for



n. SOorrice....A**li




lliia hit you

Slioea and

will Gixl

abocaaold by (irtalick for
Every pair a


Dress i>b X




LOT 24

Lvlii* Full

lofanla' Blaids




LOT 26
.. 1.. II Ml


sold in Friivlriob-tirciiii'k

7 TO

hand Inriied •
•Sohl ill tlieGmilick
aboo sioni for $1.35

riivliil iip|N-mnmi
arr.'w l.iUoins.



r-™"... 39c



n tlilii lot.

I«;r ps
Sale 1

$1.7 and $}r.i>0 8prin;:
Siiits^. .-i|ua! to Uiior.

Cl {

I) : 2i


made* made of nil iiew


1.W Mens and YotilhsSaits. IbiUitht
from n

Beaulifol creations in
of triiiiiiii'il

price ...

S4.48 to S9.98

20 do*. Corduroy Kii«» I'.mls,
bhickand )>rowii. reisnlar

Mowers at bi«

Hats and Caps

Supporters for ladiniffU
niaaea and chiUmi l7C

. iOc

over for #15, our |iricc


imted Toilet Soap

/ ?Cr

...... 49c
.. ................9c

r«HllBJ,^IivH«’8prinK Neckwear.



! r;;:;-.......9c



I'oicjile »





;u; :uri M«d,^ td..u> {. r
abiria nn>i waists. w>.-ih
'iwks. |»-r j-r. . .3r





.«..d Siik

itews. for

II . -sle.............................. lOe


aaleeri'-n.................... •


Kv -lll'i'e MRenU for tie-


I'.ilirst K.lfrrtitli
Wahh Fab'icb in tt.e
tiiy at special prices -

Taper Pallcrns
. I. ii«T ^•B^lerlls for 16c.
W»-',!'>»'an1«<' wh o6«i to lie

7c to 24c
pir yml

in. a petf—'t lit.

\ pal# fa Parchiierv of |





All aizea

;.n-l slmj-'’' W'

Lowest Prices the Chief Attraetfon Here
'Railroad Fare'



■ i -...s.etli.. SIX--

Wash Fabrics

I. '1.

PI .in and Fsn. y All-Silk



..... 3Jc
.......24 c



15 n c t .


Men's .'A- Work-




Pi’l.'V Toj'«.


inliiea for



l-‘i0pi»V8of ('limy HlKKIyarrls l*o”nl 'hliHc*-b, With inser­ Paris Lsees Up to
tion Ui inali-ii, in
:> ill
. wliile
Worth op to lOi'.
S--rfs. liUek. np to 7 in
i'l wiillh-wortli 2'W- i.'s! anil So<; per
e)e . aeliiiillj «'■
.H'ld :iV- .^lepri"
yspl. Sale pr'c•^


lint: nib*»
,S0r nnil


$3.00 Values for $2.00
is wh4lwu claim .uouf GOLD BOND HATS.
A wrillfii ffnaraiii*-" in every hat.
dine not u'iv<' uba<ilnU! satisf.tction

A l«r,:e :ise*'>rliMenl
«.f SUlI>i|«<!

i ifC

. Powdee. per boz ....aJt-

■ SU9



!e..«eh .

39.- BIwselif-lTaUeeloth.
IWoBsed Tah-nm


You"C Men’s Sponi: Sut^ in nen

GcBb' Fuinisbioss

5c Peari Bnltona
perdwea........................ jbLt
25e SavpleTaolh
BmiMa, 14o and

Men's#! C.<ll/in Piiiils.
ilHility I'olloimde.will i,

i’lidcrwear ■•onsislioR of
riaiu ai <1 Fbii'-y French
itnibi iircsn aiul Fonndit


48c CZ3l



■-■> dn-/eii

Prtrol^m .MIy
5c WilrJi Hsari Xu-I

Child-g Siiiu. made
blouse <-ei

not rip. for this sale ••Illy c.

Uen's Dress Suita, made bf (ini' Vene­
tian. eoW the world
* - -

Bir Valves, Lillie Prices

«diea' Frill Fan0»
Hose Sii(^iiprs f<


price »*r, tale prii'e-------


«)8a-p0-5hs Mourn.


Men’s Siiriii;: Snil8.a<>Jd^^

Crush’d Eosos

48c,19c,8c 48c,65c«p

Ibc Black aod Wbile IW,


spit ensli. Suita amonS
tliein wi.rlli

$7.50 1O3I5 00

boms for

Little Trinkets

Top Coals,

maniif'forer who nmilsd

•ta 'No
hats like
1-asI limn
ih< SI'

Bsbj' Bonnets Hnmimls of
SI real Hals at
wonh froa
toSl.aaleI price special prioea


200i«;iir men's Dress
Mmiiaibla ■.•li.ut .'..III..

•.ah'priee.............. .. .......................................................

Jiave Idfi n |>»yiii« *o
for. Ill a'lthes«as<.n'a
ali^KW aod ndorings

I'fs. Aciudly wenh 3U>

39c and 59c

S|iritiK fabrics in cli<-<:ks
(ind plaids, silo pri<'<'....

#2.00 Drcaa Trinimcd HaU............... ................. 98c

worii rooni.Tlieae look
as «ood aa Uiow yon

Si ll urain wnter proof Shoes
for Ihiys ami (tir's.tnsila with
soliil hiallior soh-s and count-


For Men, Boys and Children

so Dresa Trinnni d Hata, with plenty of i
fon. ribbon and bockWs.trfd by ^

L>n«s Trinimnl
Hals made in oiirown


liliirk.- tan and bli
Hi>nvy as well


iIooIm' s.iW

Shoes, liaiid titrncil wdiis.

lur(;iiiii ill .... Jit, -J 7


In Itils lot J..1I wilt
Y,,,„d For (ihUdn n’*





Lot 23
ilam r. ft


8aiidali. uvi-ry

pair ivorlb Si. Sale prii-i-,

a A

aolid. Sale.price.^wAv



work' sfiiH-H



1.39 98c
Buys >li-n's solid

in this H>I
Th-> willK-iMjiidly at



I'riistridi Greili*k

TIioh'wIio hnvo woru Ni-tth-lriii'a gli H-d
I will
wjll ik>asidi-r
this the crmteel lsir,;mn


LOT 15

giTririf] Ik>I loiiii, livery ptir
.. iiitisl go]
dol d. i>in(:<i>
i>in(:<i> and


Netiteton Men's

LOT 22

$2 Shoes for $1.19

S«tiu . CiK

Kot many in t)ii« I >t.

Bit; faeapinctalile full <>[ wplKnuida I‘dt<Mil Colt,
. lUl
Kid, v. lonr and B« Calf si„«,
— ,'iU auil f4.


pizn in this
Sale prill-.

LOT 17
Mea*s StoSO and S4 Oxfords

aizds aoinewhateff.

Ciili>o licvii


Shoes wittivstenmiinwoli-i.

3.97 5c and lie sr'::*.... 98c



In th alotyon will

Lot IS

LOT 12

LOT 11
Iidnnta’ Sifi Solo Sli.«
ill lilar]i and o^oni; not

Aoy patters *10&


[Other Side]
For BaivatBs lo



BOisi^HiNe I
I aM «7 SMT • .

mguago and apeUing. I like lo road
ibe ieitert In ifce Herald. aM I like to

Haich II. t»07.

load Ibe Mortra. toe. My papa «M
Aa I hm time I will wrl
baallDg tact. Ml be baa got pretty llnea to you. Will you ploese
It BM haoHbC a card and batiao:^ t tare to
logi today. Ha li going oner taoduet. letirn la tbe Herald. I go i

w' In 'ibc l)fP*r l^nlo*uli »hi
.m* U.f3, *re galDi to »un a Ctub
be U gotsr to pat up none Ice. I woold •vary day. My taoeber'a name it Mlaa
tmoBg dMiBMIrn. 0«nni« ta «nc
Hire to tola (be Suaahlne dab. PieOM lieee Morton. 1 ilka ber very much.
ar our d»ar SaoBbloero. you know, ani
tad me a card nd bi
I gw MX valenllnea tbla year. I am
«wk you aball raad h«r toiler.
gelling tong 1
In the third grade. I had Iwo brolhert
loBK Itol tk aaioea hai come from
but one died. Hls aaiae was Harold.
waller Bloaa of BIk Raplda.
I have one brother, bit name to Lawleilct li priBled this week.
Age 7.
Jesafe Brigfal
ranee, be to thirteen yean old. I had


« fv M I

I wIB tij «» M
Mi Hub «i •wfMr Mi »i

We do have alee letters In the Boo- thirieea dolls but

tr I MM M li
to to
•pm Pii«i. I MB -T»y. *r
Rlrerolio. I. O.
Saakalelieoan. Haw
Mar. It. 1*07.
ear Praaldeot
II la guile • while two aipee
left WehidPa. bnt a« atill take



>lne department I am glad that you
of my Meadi. At I cab not Uiok
are wrliieo oa ooe.
of any more 1 -wUi atop, wo goM-bye
.^nlloat Bay. Midi
Esther Beverara.
Mar. la. It07.
What a lot of dolls you have! I a
Dear Praaldeot—
sure yoor friend waa very happy when
thought I would write and ask If you gave oae to her
I coo JMa Ibe H. T. F. Suoalilnc Club.
Trav*i»e aty, Midi.. R F. D. No. 4.
Win you pleeie send me a card
Mar. II. 1M7button? 1 have three slaiera sod three Dear President —

rrald aod | eujoy reading the leiiera brotbsn aad ooe brother it dead,
would Uke to Join tbe Bunablne
am Id tbe fourth grade, and my aliler Oub. Pleone nend tee a card.
'ty «ui btwa (hal ny
la In the Sfib grade, and 1 am tbe
We had
le second raadet.
I go
aery pleatuil titp out here laat May. youngest one In our fatally. Well. I Rlack aebool house to aebool. I iiito
raaT think of aay more for this lime. my teacher. I base a liuto
We pkta four daya <-a (be mil
Tour Mend
many alghta, tome aery pretty
la Dsme li Albert
and Mher ehlldna wHie.

Mi CIJUU MTga iwtM

algbuand aonenoi BobU-e.


the dm rev vaaka then
we got up a IRtle oae-raom btwae aM
now vc baa# up. two other aod



- WpHUiw arary day.

by totok. Wfek by Mak

ijOf chametar yoa lay;
Bniy wotd yon aUar,
Prarylbtog yoo do
iMiaco (be lonadaikm
BUber tolM or Uoa.
Bm a brfpk of boaor,'
TbMoabM e( intk.
' IPkIla (be work-a procraaPbc
; Cbtidbeed tani to ywtkl
' A* the watta ara r(aU«'

Son tbtt Ibey ara |£n>b.

Saida of orange mtea. WO can <
about thirty bulldinga north and east
<d OB. MoaUy all sodded on Um oqI
pUo to make them warn enough at It
(barn BaBlUeBUy wpm.

»be tbaJM^Mballtor
jBBttaa metaa lo aU.
BMdtbg ter (be ptoMt.

1 Ukfa

prairie tery ikII only (bare la
aebool yet. as there were no aatilera

They biaai alaad or (an.

la bera until last aunmer. We «xpoet to gat ano aoan. I hare a avaot

mtla baby itoier bora ea (ba (bird of
ty. Tba am white hahy hora
Omractor tbai aoM day
on thU Ude cT the Baakatebevan rirar.
Ood UaaaaK abalt tIow.
Can aba plaaae Join the Cradle Roll*
OnnUlUe Onea.
ame la Bffte Lorana. Mayba abe
Iter Ibe tenia, too.

ffiip iha arerld to gm
Mror. brtcbter. better. •
dMadar an (ba while.
'All BiHh'a datbaat eonera

bit of Bimahlne In our borne,

i nual

nose for this tins and hope I am ny
T la print. Wlnblng soercea to
. Saathinara and praaldeot I will
aay good-bye.
rron a Sunahloer
Anna i). Morgan.

Barat Into a agUta.

A game arhleh la rery popular with
Jaaala Bright. Maple Oty. Mleb.
nag people ia played with all of tbe
Ain CaraiM. Tratana City. MMl. gueeta la a line. The Sm wbiapen
«. r. t>. No. I.
to the aeeend a long seoteoce. abe reHuty Donlne. TtaTanotniy. Mlcb., paata It In a whisper and rery rapidly
B. P. D. No. A



Rendon. Mirh.
Mar. 11. 1907.

with scarlet fever, bat ws bad a
Jesse Tuller.
a good time, anyhow. I g
you are a real Banshiner.
iDaglr lantern for one ihlag. 1 show
It It nice to bear from yen again.
It a tat. DOW. Weil. 1 must atop by
Buttons Bay. Mlcb.. R. F. D No i.
aaklag yoo to In ny baby aUter, Raby
Mareb It. 1907.
Mae. Join tbe Cradle Roll.
ar President—
larenty-oee months old. With love
I thought I would write to you once
hope this letter
From your Suuhlae bpy
will find you (be some, t am la (he
Waller BImaa.
fourth grade, my. atudlea are spelling.
I abould IQie to nee your angle It
nrithmeUe. writing, geography, and
TB plcturea. They must be very lalanguage. My teacher B naate Is Mr.
Hnnson. I like him very well. Aw pels
have a cal. her name la Beauty. I
Maple aty. Mich.
liave four dolls. 1 all arlib Mildred
Mar. U. 1P07.
Gellaeat. but sbe la cm bera todaf.

will be too yoong but she la certainly
•tegaaongara .
Too nay aerer k
Bov yaar doada
eda ot k

Suiiona Bay. Mlcb.
Mar. It. IM7.

Mar. It. 1907.

beea aery doap here cat Ibe prairie and
lo) of narnea of soma of my frleodi
tery ooM. Tbe oM “northwanera"
I will write yon a few Haas. We an
Edna ‘O.
apy thle baa ben the hardest winter tn who want to Join. too.
all wall aad bemt you ara tbe aame
Bman. Ahmao Bratcbl. Albert Bratr-hl,
twenty-iae reart. There
May Yanderhof aor] { are aewirtg can
wild atiniiAla h4« yet, such aa lynxM, Perry Bacon. Rayraond Hooper. Franpel rags and gee ten centa a gound. I
Traoimnn. Friedrlek Trautman.
arolaoo. bodgen, anialqpe. gophen and
puppy dr.f at our bouic.
qaHe large aaakm. Wh baaa Floyd Bargy. Verall Blakely, Harloo
My baby brother ia cuaniag. I hope
nonan any largegdlea of buBalO Blahrtey. l bob my cousin. Julius
the other prasldeai Is well. 1 go to
I and rings of otopei where tbe Marpbtn. at (Nd MMIob baa Joined.
Sunday school every Sunday. We
n* camped Aoneilna aad nklned
have a new horse and cutter, i am
tbe.bntaloa. There are aone pretty oT«r here last July. I sm la tbe ascirying to be aSuaahlner, Well U la
ttowasa that grow beiw.
There ara ood grade; and my tbadisr li Mtot
getting late ao goodbye.
caensn. vBd roaea. dalales and Ur Vagt. We were all sick at Cbrlatmaa

if too far to bring lo lambar to make
VbM ky Ibdr on mailu.

BIk Rapids. Midi
Dear President—
Jollied the Bunablne Club a abort
time ago. and now I am going to tend

miles aad nlltw away,
fou are liuia buildera.

like Albeifa name oa the Cradle Roll?

a auntblny monilBg
sed mlragea abowlng op

uiMliisa and

to the third, and so on until tbe end

Mber Seeeraoa. Ba
a Bay. Mieb.

nan rwmta what be beard aloud and
the eoe who gare the aencnoe lupeati
pynM toaiger. Hagto air. Mtab. It aa be rare II. Merer do'the
NankoeM by OaorgaBbaMn.
oabtetiees bear the ailrhicet re
OnitolM and Prank Send. Bnna.
!• to each Mher. aod the
Alloa-nof Otto Kptey. Suuaan Bay. comes Id compaHog Ibein and aeelog
HUbn R. P. t). No.
NnnM an
bow far tbe uai gireb seoieace n
LfM H. Bead.
Alaaaa and Albert Rreaicbl. PnncU

Dear Prealdrai—

Well. I guess my letter 1> getting long
AS II baa be^ a long time fines I
J 1 will close. Good-bye.
wrote s letter I tbougfal I would write
From your Suoshlne girl
well and hope you sad all
Arc i:
Neitlr Hawkins.
I know you and UMured bare nlngoing to acboo] every day
times together Do >-oii and she play
am in tbe aeteath grade. The a
iriy all gone but U saowed
Klngttay. Mich
nitfU ao tbat there to about six loches
Mar. IS. 19AT.
of baow ag^Ia. I will be glad
Dear Prealdeat—
tbe birds will be singing nil aronnd ua.
thought that . I would take the
We have tb«.i«e( eooa yet. He la
plcasuie of wrilting to you a'nd tbe
playful and nice we do noi want
am well and hope you
kill blm. Oae of my frIcDda would
My brother Horry got
hit foot rut while working la camp. I
please send blm a card and button.
school every day
Ilia BddrttoR la Frank Steiger. Mnpta
Ixlb grade. My studies are as
aty. Mich. I bnve lost my card and
futlows; history, arilbmellc, penman­
imttoo M pl»ae send me one sgnln.
ship. geography, grammar, physiology
Aa my .letter la getUng guile tang I
and spelling. I bare two pel chickens,
will clora ftw tbla lime, ao good-bye.
one of them Is a banty, and twelve ki>From
George Sbalda.
You have your Uew card and hiiiiuo
nw. I am glad tbai Frank wani.s to
hr a Sunshine boy.
Glllf Plsrt. Mich.

and Ptadartek Tnainnn. Vardi
Hartab Blabaly. B«M O. BImaa. Party

9<itlooa Bay. Mlcb.. H. F.' D. No. (.
Mar. t. 1M7.
Buoa. Rarncmd Uoapn. Piayd Bat«.
Dear Frealdeot-:Rtk Rapito. Namea aeM by Waliar
Mary gave me my raid and. buUou
Oa moralag

1 am lo



Mur. IS. IM7.
Dear PreridsniI tbougbl I wotild drop you a fei
linen nnd tell you that I would Uke
Sunshine'aab. Will yon

Age II.

Flossie Wbliman.

R’bai A tat
killens you bave!
irnt they rule wbea Ibey play i<«eber?
Old Mlsahm. Mich

please send
gnea-t I will close for tbla time so
Mwslo Otto Kaley. wani
other? We lake tbe Herald and I i
BPie Lortsa Hor«an.
tbiao Join the aub. 1 have three- aUtera good hye.
glad when Friday nlgbl comes
From your ffb-bd
Bxiitbs. Blreralde. L. O. ■ Baakairb- and Jwo hrothera. There la a large
My mama a
Age ti
Joseph Scdlacek.
ewaa..CWda. Naaw Mt by Aabla pieco of lee In (be fleld near
Traverse t'iiy laat w<
aebool boaoe arberc wewkaie and slide
You have youi card and button by
O. Horgaa.
>oaa. I go in aebool every day. this lime. Joseph. Isn't to alee to be and bad a 0ne lira.-.
Yourr. irtily
Brer »o many ntaa ihlaga have pood-bye.
Tou mast have had lots of fun on
tiro ice. but I am sura you ara glad
that tbe cold wealber to orer now.

HBdrad OaHaan. vbo Htat n BattoM Ray. tt bad a brigtat pictara an Dear Prealdeat—
It. aad a taetag BUtar giaaOng.
1 am a UUta girt alas years Mda
Tbe aen day tbera cum a pai
woBid Eke to Join tbs Suatolne Cli
of Banday aobod carda fren laex and please scad me n card and buttoo. 1
■Btb Bartatt. Somnii Oty. R. P. D.
Mo. 1. Too ahall aea tbalr leUen
print pen week.

maste Icssmis at tbe coavci
m mnale tea^r very arell:
- to Bister Atbalbert and abe to
kind. I go to eebool every day

Age II.
Next rime you
City I hope you «

to see tbe Snn-I
InUnd. Mlcb.
Mar- 19. 1907.

I will write you a ibort l«ter.


to tbe Sral lime I bave wriiicn. I will
My taaeber-a write you about my aebool. l baveooc
a day since Cbrlatmaa. I am
I bave> four

la tbe secoBd grade.
TbM. one day wbea Mr. Batea came
Hloa Sheily.
bona, be brauglit year prealdeat a aad ( MB ia (be fourtb grade. I bare
sixth grade. I study teadiog,
My brolber's
pbetograpb that bad baea leR at Ibc
UiUa yellow klitea. ber name to atotera.
orilbmeilp. .pelling. language, pbyatlicraM o«ee. It «at guile a large' Marigold. I named ber that bseaaae Ctaarlea. Alvah. OiU. and Everatt. My
My leacber'a
ara Mabe;. Mattie, aad ology. and geography.
plcttre. ukea by Prof J. H. Jacoby, aba to yellow. Well. I artli hare
MU. Bertha Sharp. Mr peu
Eva. 1 have three brothers aad i
or Iba aebool at BheUand. DIatrM No.
gold flhfa. and papa baa two
siatera who ara married. I hare a
4. Blaa Nettle Paolut li tbe teacher,
Tour Mead
nice colls, their pames art Maud and
U« neiec who to lour years old.
aad a nomber ot tbe acfaolan aie Son___Gypyy. I will clnae. aa ray !«ler to
would Uke to have ber aasra on tbe
, fdittm. When yoar praaident uadld
ibel< getting loo Icmg. Good-bye.
Cradle. tiM.
the paper wrapper abr joat Bald ~Ob!
I sroald like ti
From ytntr Sunbeam.
Urea at Sooth BoardB.iSi site
Oh!- fbc waa to nrprtaad aad
eiwood Jaquiab.
raia Mrda. I am
pirated. Sbe baa (be Metiira ea her
Maple aty. MIdt
So roa have somw gold flsb. too'
glad tbat spring to ao near for I like to
drak. and baepa Iraklag at It wbito

Mar. IR l»t7.
ib«-y preliy things?
bear tbe bliria wingahe worbf. Bhe (htaks It bH|0 bar— Deer Prealdsat —
what do you think?
i am well awd hope you are li
Another alee leUcr fron Cenrade same, t go lo aebool pearly every day.
Owen cane tbla ara«k. telliag that aad lifcu my tsoeber tmt moeb.
poaie ol (be boya aod girla M Ktabla- name to Hiss Lydia BieCcoa.

coward, am] of auhinllilBg her to vei
I. to order t
her iim l« lie ofyal.l. As. for Intuanee,'
nore she and Hob were in a ih
room, when he siiddenlv ran nut. bt

nerves and induces sleep
At <JI desUrs. Price 25c 50c b'lOO
Dr Esri S.SIoari,Bosto-v.Msss.U.SA,

lux the door staui on the outside.
■hsi she eo-ald not f.iilow: ami no
mher time he and Max cnaxod her
down n dark narrow iisMafre to i
e ronni at the eed. where they
rr. and ran away
Pisir.Jeanle. In runnlns »Per ib«-m.
fell and spralne.1 bi-r ankle, wblefawas
rhal they bod <-X|iectetl. All this,
however, oiilv -eived lo make her
' timid. It


I il.lDl h- had uiK-

Id g<i with Iiie."
iMissible. and did u->


Mild '

MBMer tlei.i-:tl. \ lip M- ;



and there w.. .irna of:
fumlog tears—an e«e<.i always
£U>aCria.Btira >
e>l. If piisxllile, in ll»- t'aiii-t |
someilmes with tear?
'Ti's aa lisd tit le- a .rry Lahy a.<
.-oward. ' said ,Max. olte day. afler
leasing bPt'-.inill sbe cried.

Getirrle's “«nlHV fti'" were *•" |
) . CM. la U*a
laVe R.Kid caieof Mm." said Jennie

This roused J>-unle's temper.
-'I'm nor a cr)-l«hy." she said. In

And *h.-n alie oiiide a pnunlse. bn i

itaaLsM .Uiitn"teratehL
_______________ ____________

lUOlhei knew 11 would !-• ke|U, and l-i t »f,«f.w^rn4. Ui*aaus.*aa«at»«Baii.
dignaiioa drying ber lean; "und I Iliwin go
. i gup ft bf*s“: Trial Bfs. II «»«•*» aril
more it a coward than you,
Tb-y paired along the Mrrs-t \-ryl M.t imownt.MWwm,Iraa.Baaftob.
Max. t lei IVieiar Rmlih pull ha!.pil!. the' two le>>s 1
Ih wilhoul a word, and ;
Jr-nale a few sl-i. Iiehlnd. . b tie..-,
would i>m even lei him look ai y
n-ouih. and came home and cried
liiiddenl) ilii-y trf-eid a praal b.-i i .
nigiii vlili the tniibacbe"
and |>e»|‘le i-hlllii)leeiking hs- l..
Max l.stked sbeepith ;,i thir.
born*-, wiih a wj-<« el
nd had nothing to say. . He was vei> larbed lo liiTii, ciipilng furiously in
lad at ibkt moment to bear bU
other call him
She bad been sli

ard them no ibe aldcwBik.
"Kill!. riuV shnnit'd Rob. as In- ai»l
ng ni the window, and overbeatd tbe ilni riurted fm ifar eteps of a h-u-.e


"1 a^sh yon would not teara your

ear h>
Jennie niiiM not ii:n wlih her Hub
slater ao eou'sianlly. Hai. " abe raid, brother, an-1 she m-v.-r IbiUiglit of
"Ii doMi no b-avlbg him.
fan. she nnei

aa he came in the mom.

thought of beraelr at ail.

Cut Stone Work

Rbe ha.l

•'She ia ?iich n cowardly haby," be promised lu take can- of little (leorgM
said, by way of an excuse.
and she would do her ht»l.
baby. Yni boya tor­
Stepping <]Dlrkly In-hind him. lui’
ment ber ao abe cannot help crying,
lAi abe aboald put taeraelf belweenj
and I am not at all aura ahe to aueb him and tbe danger, she tbi
coward a* you imagine. Many peo­
losely about him; aa It. pnor|

, TtinM titi eiilnri Ct.
Knvftm vo Wnruniiuima.

ple wbo ara afraid of
brave ritouib In tbe face of real
danger," was his niother'a reply.

Sbe AU1 ber eyes. There w . .
Max was not lo be ranvinced. but rattling crash. Sbe wus cunsrbi
_________ __________
refrained from teasing Jennie any
ehtrp Min aooiewbcre about hcr.iyj5«^Hbiliia,oc
ore that dny becaii.o- hls mother ex, iv«t
noaaly fnrlade it.
M'ben abe rnmi- to hcrs.-lf sb- w.i*l..........* '
Mrs. Caner felt tery suriy lo have lying in to-d. with J..-i h.-a.l bandar.xl i«n™l»g, Ibe wagon bad
her' IlMte daiicbler afraid of the dark,
Id ;i uue.-i. eilff fet-'ing In tmt- ai in.' ':'*»>«■»' » 'fc and been
becaust- she knew It wja foolish, but
she dll! not SIS- any way to lirtii It.

Jtisi ih-n lift niiuii.-. ram.- to m.-ltewoe ponion
of It had
j.iiii.'l. Jennb-. bruising In-r bead and

Iiogieal in time Jennie would out-My dear, brave llitli- girl: ' sb.Jhi.-aUm: un.-arm.
- It. She fell oKlle sure Ibe lioya raid, a* fdie ktswed Iri-r.
«>«»rgle was tmliarmed. Tbe
could do no goml with their leasing,
-Was Oimntie biijfr Jennie
ami put a mop to It wbenever she faintly.
I him
Rob aod Max were very kM
•No. mv rtaritog. You have rav.-.i:*'"'' »'«e"il»e lo ber during bur lit­
is life i,y your n.tirase and pieeence ; hrss They never called her a roward
I faiher.
r nilDd.”
lalit-i Ihsl. Their fjiber had a very
ilahe i-ii with ihelr grjDd
Jcmii.- etuilcd. and tbera b.-inn no
talk wilt, iliem the day Jramlecourse Ili<-v tvcci- In g great liiir- Ihtng hptier to do. fKl aabu-p
! was bun. In which be afaowed them
sci off. ami liielr motlirr allow^i
J.-mile was a long timu r.-oovri1ni-' h-'w ituly Mave tbclr aimer wai.
ibem lo go .-uiiae tinic tw-fora the did. from Ibe |ni.irlc« she lia>l rac-ivisl.l
Tliey muhlbg to say. for fraoi
Jennie had rhaim- of lloureic. nnd her TI..' t.iid, Jiisi as 1." rcarh.Nl ihyl'hc ■i...igcr she had faced so bravely
rooiher gaio li-r iiuiiy clyiieo's alsuit lUllilT.-n. a.ii|.1.-n1y tnU-n the s>r.-ei 'bey bad ii.n away —rinlden Ilaya.
iiiii o iiiiiiil -■Ku-'lbiuiT sill liafi
One day the rhildrcn w.
iled, nilb their nioilier u


CoOAumpUun ia legs de&dly thRO it tucfl to be.

Kenii^ Balsam

Certain relief and usually complete r^very
will result from the following treatmoit:


Hope, rest,

40 DOSES. alwsjv that KFAfPli
BALtlAM i. Ih.

Best Coniik Core.
It has aavrd lb--UMail. Cr-su <s«.
ll^tuu tavr-I ILoouudx-f liTea.
At all -Iruivi*’*'- ^ - . '->1- »--l «l.

Waa Bhe a Coutorri.
Jenale Carter waa a very bright.
gnod4M>DMred itnle girl, about iwMve


air, Aod—Scott'J


And rack dose i* more *dartiva than
four Units the toiut i|usaiity •-( anv
other fsingb ramedt. boweter well
adiritisedaadboweteratnau-lv ree.
.rOButu-nUed that nmedr mat hr.

A'.L DoLCCISTS: SOc. AND $1.00.


;The ANTHONY Woven Wire Fence
Tba Kael tM Wm1 ComiOO

auouMCTVRa or

The Antthonv Fence Companv, •


!• to Uri aa well «

• The Best on Earth ”

Clara H<-rh«n.

am always so happy
City. Mlcb.. R. F. D. No. 5. abioets.
Mar 8.1»07.
li| '
Dear Praaident—
I arould like to Joia tbe Bumshtne
p£T Frexldcni—
Please send me a card and
button. I am etgbt rears <dd.
to aebool every day that I can.

kills the pain — quiets the

the older hoy*. xeUntn losi an optsinnlly of leasinE Jennie slxiui lielag

A»c. Bottl* o«

From your loving Sunshlui r.

by Walter Waiaa,

U tba am ptoea. rigbt at tba atart
aba got oarb a pretty poetal (ran

eJl nl(}ht lone from toothache
neurelQlev or rheumatism

only two year- uid. he could hardly'
l>e < spect<-d Ki hate an opinira about
itM- matter. Ridi. and Mas. howeter.

;uera chit ii*BlI for Ibis lime so good

1 am ten rrara old. we hare

kiUpMed to yoar proaUeat tbla waok.

Dontt Suffer

IJiile Georao never bad anything,
to say <in the aubjeei but. as be was]

ens and one old cat. B'e ara going
o move in a little while. Well I

Mar 17. 19n7
send me a card and bultoa? I go lo
H. V. r. baoPriM Clab Ceadta Balt.
HaHe iloMp age tear yeart. Soaib been playing -ThU li n Vary Bolenw Mhonl erery day. My study is trai Dear President—
I hare not wriilen for a long time
A. & C. My
nnarpMte Mkb. Mann n«t by Ada OranalM.- we learned it fr«n tbe Sua> will write now.
I go to aebool
bUm page lo the Herald. My coualu
ncher-s name to Mias Clara Holl
have staid at ray grandpa's one year. every day. Miss Currie Is oar learber,
KMy Mao Btna. afo tvaaty-ooe Cama aad AJtce Kaley. and my aUier
noatba. Bk BapldA mciL NaM.aMt Obartaite. aad my brother Frank. He promised me a calf but it died. I »e like her very much. 1

(bat one fault. The fact «af.
afraid of the diiik, and tbla her tw*
<-Mer hrauhers loiilJ n<-l underaiaad.

Ollre Indergard.
Indeed you may belong lo tbe I
Age 7.
Harry Domlne.
thiDB Club. I am gUd that you bara
I am glad ibmi you want w be a
wnnea to nc.
SuaahlBS boy. Hnrry.
Wouldn’t yoo

Tbe prairie is aery protxf

etperlally oo

Indeed, her hrothera htd hat «M
latili to find wlih her; Uii they
fy m^
aged lo give her a great a
comfortable momtiiis on ae

Farms That Grow I

No. TI Wire

“li. I »U” VKIT

(SbdHkna teoadi to tea Mri 1
sra Ktratcd ia the *
•tCsaadisB Ww(.
I where Kumesicadv
I cd 16B aern can be
uBUiDcd FKrE by
every aetUer williag aad able to
coBply with (Be
Homettead the prticat
year a large pvruoa U

ins Teerttory
has beea Bade acceaiabl*
pubed lorward ao vigocosriy by iBc
lBe (hrec
Railway Cvmpao.aa Blaed faraiog
aod da.ryiag ara the great

e=stoaaateastoBaa grata.


1 irRiyg^ ^

^ oMahteri-


STYLES-Mhri^ta^m 7 bar 2S toch HOT. Iowa, lo Iba A.*mtONV o^oed

Wm. Hoolihao Co.

Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils
' "Not Better Than the Best.

Sut Better Than the Rest."

Wm. Hoolihan Co.

Citizens Phone 99

Bell Phone rss

ariBM-aiui blarkuam vaU paper, to to

Proaliieiit People ItecoBimend tlie Remedy

nor » M-lt «|tib a hrooto DUd aorur
ranioo daaarl or mDi rbrawr'rto.n
Tte ilir r lolh o*rr llir liiuODi. -o-t
artth'Ktec. rtm, tm xruluo aarap
(br rvlHb*

a car mill atotor Ibr raMab Tbr
■ito stoMiUl W (rantrrl la Ibr •>■»

Proved (II
j lion.<W tv. 1loo<>.!(auoaal C'bap*
Mfttn I'. V.r.. Kv-> l.ft|iteift atbWtaruO'
;>iB<-avftlr<.Ki-rr>^.blaiaof tVwroBala and Kx x|. Maai.r ti.aaral Hiaia of
Taiaa.C. A. n.. ariiaa Iroai l>|l
.tr.. i. X. V.. t\-».Liu*ton. I*, t.-- at

Dr. HartmaD’ii World RenowBed Catarrh Medu-iiie.

ADMbrr ao. to rlraD daat a^d wa.i*
to bavr an band arvrral toorm r>:
aula brand and lo ii«o thla taataad «f

a aMMEy i»r tiM orfa.
l sraiilvtop ro-

broa-a paprr "toi thm and par
Iroa bvar II
Hrp-ai ihr prann
tba ispoi dtaappr-’i'


■ tor'lu woBdftrful
6m4 Ti
' Oftb. M. n. UniUr. of Hoalb Oftroitoft,
OirlW* trtm Wotblnston. 1>.
•'J can rfteoaarito Hftrua for dy<
•la and atooiftcb InwbU.
HrlB. lifn. I>.
-I bar* bcon nalac !»>■' mallotoft Cor
• abort parted and I tMl rarr nnob roI’, wrllar ivurr-roii
. tVruoft,a« lolloftM
"!t It todMd
-------- ----------------------------------------- 7
-r-rmtoa or mme tonri
■ a«todtoalr.*'
Penaa cmUrrii eu
. -,- ■
U yoedratMja, imimprraaa^wlth
lam Imprrai
' -- revBowmaa.latU«ut.aadAdJl.
H to thaaa who
: ah
dih U. «. «. Car. VoU.. wrltea h
iMbate. Md^at tollova:
An itodiorMtai Toate.
oTboosb aoowirbftt arerw to palrni
■todWan, »ad atlll taora ararM to liaKaar-AiTihlra] HIrblurn. I'. H. Nary.
eOtolBB a profatoloaal aAdtalt dub, U tra.IilayluB, I). t'.. mrll' «:
•wna oDly a plain doty In tba praarnt
**Aflt'r Ibr u.e of Heruna for a abort
laaUftca to add my aaparitBra to tba prrbid. I ran c .ir rhrrrfully imrjmiOOlBBW ilra»riy«rlllauaoD<xmlBS tba
cttrallaa powata of Pamna.
> tavlyoratlny
d and Ibreai.
ItoMatoraeldalti ii
for CMtoTbof Ibe Staanrb.
-I bar* baaa abla tu fally a*ra lajaair
lien. tv. tv IhilUrl.l. tVarblUElon. ]
of a «H«t ammr* attark la loHy-olplit
bo«ra by lU nto toeordlaf todlrtolloaa. tt. <*., wrltea:
faniUt .
••1-Bto iraa a ptaraallra wbwurar
and harbfonud ft a valuable ii fdodue »
driip .1 :
••MaMbsra of my family alao naa it aad taka plealo all wbo .ufTir from eatarrh •-r tlx •
atomaa-h or ui-.'. re.|ulr« a to■nil- ol i
••W* art TMMm*Ddin«

i^Gen A.M.Legg.

••Haaln to aay that l hart ttMiaO Pentaa
I! tobaonoaOer/ulramaly.
tobeoo oo^rtulramedy. /
oaly «acd If for
• a afiorrr lime aad
and am rbonfayb/.t- aatto/lod
._..s mertr*. I aball glmHy reoommead
^ it loallauUemw"

T SrSuWfrrdMtfrtea.iM.

e Savlnxe Itenk Kuliams, tVmalilaE'i'.n

Cen. A.M. to-CC. '


••I Uk« plrarur.- ii
Binl rratl of l^rutia. Ii
manyuf ihein.

“WV alwaj> tell our alrk ami alllnic friend, of tUe .rented!
learned, frotee’xlierlen.n!. wire p.««l f.-r u* mli-n elUiiE II
and no do It a< a liulywY’frel that wa »»e lb'in.
‘•tVbv I. ti a:iy llo l<-». ouriliit? loailvi-e all Uie |prop;.' ^
and .Y>ii.para:ivr>y iuex|>rn--i*e rj-niedv
rure..anJ i
.• la a.Ii'


. man,
iol 1.1

ib tM *UB. •
inth barer a tbmRUt of ihe work

• ntj

hM b«t oaa nouitat—
Tbo wdHar I* paaaed—abe muat th

«wee( »ODr
or tbo Hr«a aad tba flowera ai«

.With • layer of duat. white (br iraM
U mftite bkark
By tba Boot which tbe rhlmbcy-awerp


brukoo Ihirud. '
Wh.-ir love .-nn.dJra all.


Tbi' Ib-A .d I4f.- Hi.- .bltiiUB r.



_ __






duidr rid tbe eonarleoee of a M( to«l>«.IMtiiy and the bouar of a death
SiippoHBs the relttr to be djy.
\i tMne ii to keep It ^ry.' had.

lime aa •
"la "tbe bias. Ka

piecBUHnn seema a llllla
teim..lnies U; yel. agata.
IS results are rerr oftea
Ur reaeblnx. A ph;s1HaB traced tbe
sermree of mallaauit dtpfcihorls. whirh lal.l l»e a wbola finlly.
some (iiranii.-n, rablisie teay<"> left
ml in Ihe e.-ilar, Aad Ibis U but
«m- of many similar eaixs.

U'ln siiL ahlch moat womea undertake the spriaa rleaBiOg. If ll is. Iba
v.iliml 'lick ami a proaHsa"

-.dh-d driEei, ;.nd p-repir
.T BK-31 tmsiakr o<»

Tbe Inlilsiory step to IhH sprlDjC
chunine l. to throw Open doora aao ‘

I M. sru.-l.m. 3 »U|,pI>

wlttdovrs and finM Iba apartaWBI arttb

n-it Ihe suilaam-y
bloa. reptoriDa
every .ln.-d Of rcaetaL!.-growth ; then
spiuikle tbem fieclt ulih ropixras


Aad wbat more eaa ym:

11 we iH*e ib<- albdows tit gate toward Mheai younelfr'
eenuil «kl«,
If ruch LcJi.fnl pWl.twqihy
,lfa Him to pm aetrema <a. to keep! wen- to .ntei .nir li.e., lu,
emt Iba Ilea:
l»ovy tod .Hworaler. wo.ijd h e nruh!
Abd cmti wbM the ortan-maa cooxaied. .N.« that on.- peroon may not
down onr alreei to pUy.
Ua desenrlB* of the smd ihlofi. «fr
•Tbe amiBd ol bemiae carpels dmans-a* aBolher ■•-ho I'-e-W"’"^ «>•»'••
oat bU laaafBl tay;
I'ham. bnl. not havlec rlrber. U
Tboofb hme lor Urn Wro ••Hod. could atui aaloy evaiyttiinf beauUlal

jonm. ircai tto- walla to a geacrous
coailBg of whitewash Btedv anile yel­

aeli its from ibe mala ponton of Itae


low with copperas, liaaWng ll well in
ru Ibl- orovrs. As sB addlitiieal pre
caii'iiiB. to' ■> U dutlDg tbe anmmar
mtMii>:i 'h-.: tberwis Ibe graalest dana-i. us.- suliiho-aaptbol freely la varlou. pans «r the rellar.

h-aritie :’oi
nH-Bto-l-s. 4l-appiaied
ast"v i
- •
■ Uuodcnng CurUina.
I- IS u ei»«l pl-n to Uunder
■:-liruiii.'abvrh i.e-.i u.fnrterlng just i

id oiU-r>.

l„-!i-*i -N-


If |i IS oecessury to TO ban«U and
iKiie- for 'siortBg proviateas of aar
son. sever set tbns dlrwrHy open the
foni. A good plftB Is loelwvata iht-m
upon iwfl thick strips or i-tosL. our

• nrtei each end. TbereLy u . ..ireot uf
« .ai.d '-i'"' ’f"
'"•"•r have Le-n: s:.' Is Sdtellied beneaib iLr Wm abd
of the iie-ial -c. umula’Ir.B «»f ife j
aa at; amuialteo of damp eartb la plw
. ••i-u *• “* atV'’'"'
1.1,-ro: All teta and ..tber veuaels COB"
uv.-r Oisb' m Chur iiikea*rm »”l' ;
■jinins frail abouH l» wiped ot bej'aaier lo tbe motntup to ih;. e-'e;; li.r- to log rwuined in their place* oo


Ih. alK'IVes.
In sbOM. BOtblag Ibst
savor, of dampnesa or din muat ba

Ti.-amieH- - was ,
B,.|>B|»-is -.hv
Lee aoik. aix-lyl M-ndlnk *.*».•■
11-0 hi ia,-u»u,.dl«'‘l«'» tos.Hw'i
in rl>e_pr,q—tiv j» tk':’l I"’. ..«•

the .

particle of din aad rubMsh b-s baao
luketl unt from lemMe oornera. aa

ttai-'Ven.-eae. then ihe sreond cloth wltb

>IU.u u
dr'tmilt a
We dun'l have lUoe lu walrb llieapplr
bloaMaa blow.
: <bea naM. In a craMal tone:
Bacaaeo. torwoth. the boBae nerde: -Tbanl y.w I.U leinE' ai-llB? :!<■
claanlDC ao;

j -h-rr -‘“r b «a5tulfl..-nt p-artv wlih luokioc w.Hle niiu- a
liito eaie 3«d lioe-.-*:
Then batlnr mtoted tbe bbiaeomi.. dnime-



, .•uu'airodiHl. and flti-H,' 'to 'b;
s i.t -«ih -w.s.
ur l]ii-.--fl o:!. rulibllif

Ainiplr v-P"'h''''• -u'ntt-HO
,! a 4>mi< aonten, tioikm-.
••' Yv . Ifi.', .-n.*riet i I.1U.» tno';a';.1i


ibHvcs wlih Strang ands. and awdop
down the wslls and floor. When every

,-hy.;.;ain lu.'E to-'n i.l'.»aed to Maisd
:• lime, Iiust-V.:. filsi apply

It *r; • V-.omiv ,!•■.«--in. .Ironi j. kVH~‘i t*

ortete'a. wt watt.
jthem.- was the quJei-t'Tly
Aa or* from bcblbd UpM Bp.-Itele;

i-.nitalnlnc.' one

11 at ..iicc,

I, ..(ib..:-. i-li otoar..]a.I i j.tori: i.> tto- .w.., ,_j,

One day .n im.a <4 stem rlrhito ana|tb.r-- t;|.mi aUBio i.-,- -.iiiWine-.'b-k •aHH’'". •■"• ol'
CuUm.-bu.lf.>rbtopo.-.t«|.Urhl.fulMrt lvr-«i lb.- dto*.ln of - ,,r-.lmi'y. -Tuto. .b.mid lo rJ.-4:o-l
that apple!
—Ilettba P. It. I^>al. la lAdtea' Home
AmoiiF other waya of iHH.r artmim, -trtlb •* )n^ hto
'Uf ...ot-e
'l■nl^rtatn1np hi. Tiioiid llu- tu—'

aprlBC anil.
.io you meaBr
Abd H to bear ibe robln-a nose, or] -Why. von alhx.d tee i i> lOJk at:

other sermln: dust

I- c! j l.c-osea.- :.-; raa liii-A'.l '*1' *« upp'i'-d



DM aao tho buddlog Irtill
''Share ih.-ia with yoo,
BncaiM ll'a time lo aemabout a new jeljlmed ibe l.iei in om*>mir

•I. trhlrb Is an esceilcoi illslafeei
and alao drives aaay rats aad

Wtoi is mi :«tvuetii-l w-.ib -al

: ik.''.-v,e. otu- al'.,l,"l atiil <me v
• -!u,i,
the ,k.-io..;m. ft:.t i,!


. /


S'evar alkta 'daruMdsb to


; to,4 ,je>t«", tie- -iintoe :."'Bt tabtofj
il-.-n l•'nl••1> huf- n-.--:, ih:-c rlntli." i

h. •I.-Mil^'to"

e.e il-oil-i. tv*'"> t;.-»o,k-.Aioi a.i..-k

lac Buu» crap^a
BacBM OUT tm BMibac partook ot


di ilmt ibl. drat eaaebiial raaaoi
riired even fay dralaape. tbea. by
ean.. dll tbe roller up. and la ao


•jn....... when n*'W. •>, >1)0 'lie bi il.h la 3 B
b en lul-uilitre p.dtnh.

in'llb a '.xai.’ and, und.-teh,;.--I !.•-'• “f: 1" »i>l ’'•'fed P"
'lire utHviV. not oitV. '.'""' u: h',’ ' l-atl ov ^,ll , T‘|.- Pin -l.‘l
"*•-". •' oqiuli; ■I'n- m li.- i-la--ldn« --Tbr-,

tall." in III.- IViToli n. wapar
When Adam aad hXe were ■t«l llvlait helpe.1 tnaiiy w.imaii i. to*:iT
iwa tiraiid} and wdl. ha- a bmv-ii’'oPet.toseSber
'Tbay'd boiung to do bat eatey ibe b.-lped many a vumea to lrf«r Hfe ii -Sui-h
Sprtoc WMiher;
the .lally ronud o( j.i.y diHlro. .He*, >•
AM ncm ibMr dearaaduu with rtem
Her them.' to and *h.>ioii l.y

(or a wlaler bat. wo late -


aoni;.::. Prepar«.Otl*.^ Hl^cieaninfl Tii

JlrMMlf tbt CMpr S C*W#', ,„.,aiuiu.-' Ih.- .t'iMivi.l-u .d 1*-.' le
■>.'aiip-1.-' .he ua- . e,j,toi. !.

lb Mrtteai a(ea of Paradtee (air
Had (hay Bb>- tipring-eiemUBcf
iWoaM I were there! I

In iho Pr»l pUee. itaV<4>lar ma« bo
l*®r dry- If Ibe aalnre of tbe
■round ittuDi wbirb Ibe bouto ctaade

i-itoi 'to .iMsty-its.' a fine palm liiu-li. .;ipp.-.l
;.V. .t jin ketoM- ull. t-llirb Of I ILr- <i
j„Hns tbi--Hrm' to -..
i-' m-h

ime. -»I:.-:u-.en-I.e1'y Spn.T'J hi va-'-i «.H'
; hiH-dic! h>
ho.'-Td.l'-.-Mh-.-al •!•-'

.bouadt tbioub
Aa be aaatebea la ralb (or Ma I.vor
tto Malr.

into Ibe .late of ber rellar.

|..•!U ins* aru! 'Vcy wll!.apl»--i Lilslii

F TliilH.'thto ;MA-.|d.:nnnd.i!


air and euallcbi. aaturc-s powerful
cleanM-t. and dlslafertaats. Then pro­
t-:iiih. Cue. tiuii-h to ceed »i empi* fhe cellar of all anpI 111" :ir.Jiii.- tto- .'iu:-h. especially .-f poltol--d |dl.-s and otevable obleeis. a«b aa
;.i-tr-l Ii.rniiut--. n,r carved'forai
li.ineto and hosts: aacep. aad ctean

ll Hio lytinc jr.iVT.i*.

ihuy, jitoi n foa
-'■« r-.rbH.lny:: !| nei- in lllo (I' ooii'e- lm:


rbaiaber.. breedlof dtoMao aad !»*■
Thl. Ixln* tnie. It certalaly
IxhiMve. Ibe taoaaewlfe ta look well

h'lik J.1.U -«'! I!"P» i •*"'d . hoh:: .'-■.k trotn ibrjefaunee

H';.H| u->ni.-;!:inc. »*«i knoa.'

rinp no bni>;

vapor, find ibeir way to

Ala.'t. u..- m., c-lo
uiH- IB

Ill -lii'tls


• Tho a.ivlj inayaouudtiutiiiB>l~-to

laatrea la hto track.
And (bo pUlni ot the

Wboae dead.. )»ib

• Aro rloroktiii aiinnda of ;in ii"

blled with poiaoaoaa nbalalteo* arx
rns from damp eartb aad daeayed or
.h-eaylBK vrsHable matter

imll.tfd - ir


'hihh-i >.ytbvl.
.'--h-c.l ■:n-ir
, ihr\ ail! Ciid­

Ibr eluH -f'J it P
■ henT have ih.o

narrd to a damp aad uarleaB erlUr,

chance, aie tt Will ba givea tbo pna

doty wi-d.

•rM era h»(

-My tH,y. A all, snlBn duMlns
ne.m on Saiurdav.- 1 diiolii:^

' •'The swemeal. Uv.-s nre lun»e,i.

Kow baMlBS << carpoia obararea

ran.- and even dntb. eould hr dlimeily

work fthonld be done, li ibooM bol
i-len «•■• to nivilax lorr-ll bo .t.dnn IimklBc wet liter aiib {uralllo oil
ll-; |i romaia hn >wn bourH Apply tbe to- leti until the upper Doors bava
housewife and servaat -re wont out
oil IHM^Bly. -0.1
"'P *■*"
■S Iho llit.-ie.l of ll.o llmo ^tob wHIi Ilm-n .an.I rhtmoi' been pul Inin summer dress, aad both
BBd Ihe edge lukeii og of the eathaas hud stiU. II HUau TliU-fx .■^.•anlnB. at

ltd,hunili'' '‘••"■••II ulu. 1.1 loir, >.:<• .

in-i of aurb d-lli. .- fblnv- a
r..rabJliH»bK- • •
.V'.v:. ...

I ~KalbrHite i>. rnib-r. in ikkid Hoir«-

■n Tahle Talk
Many a 'dUpeaaatlM
r« Protldroee." In the .hupr of dta>

•o aeasoB of Ihe year aboald tba
r rone la for seeb a IboroBl^
foi somilnr poh
hanling aad rleanlac at la tba, keo.
ahen all traces of sritiipr atot
d i'o '.mtd henllil.-* )* to nitnu-i
ape should be removed; and as aooa
jtoi U'l-.o.y iHilp, ..ii.l .hiu uinalaIo Ii all; I. roqnm-d. When llu- imltobnl
its the weather will wamutt It. (bla
:!o’• ..-h.:,.-, . lli ilito e.-i«i. a «-:au.n uho-iH

aork ■ in , ■

).oi wriHhl fin.r I‘r- d.i tiiic

in n proai taeaanre, upna tbe mdliton oi that aume rellar. ui. a wrilx

;.nl' Itoi--ko. |H-i; lo hi:.-

mueh ol ll,.- l,!Iloi-|tbaI lio!!u-.l

I >iri]H'rl'inlli<‘r.
i lanttb lii thi- hiok-;lHei> to a>-i
rrt loom if ihl-1 ;
IhK. If a...........lid luteii ailli ph-UMiio ' niJ'o iln- Ir-.-l of Ino
HaMd.i--.-, •- lUiI,. UIICll HO i|ld< •'! • 1,.iiiin«iy .iu rhawt-j
to oehu alone on r e.i.v. hna m-l--li of I aliiili' hiini-Hli'thiiiiVt
lhi>;diNeoMl id llfi . W.Mlid lH' forjnii'-dl. j ioqilli<< tiitilhdm o:,
on: hi 'ili;-. nmiliiioa.
A |HH>r aouco aiit,
abi, work-sl
•.-mih'i- ihni
the day. hoaM-dleanlliK, ••

, we dve up honilne Mji}llua.-ri. to
Kprlckh- cnupbnirl.

»hr may be. tbe laei renulc. ibai the
loaUb of lier bouaebolrl will depead.

J urrhal trouhl.Iruuhlrd Wltb tor two irara made lifo
CoBvtoert Of Pent oa^ MetIL
muerthleaad I waaunalur luatiead to
Jlrie.lien. i. >hi.vd King. tVaahiB(- iny bualBeaa halt Ibe t-iiie. 1 larked
un. I>. r.. write.:
|r:irrvy,bad heailai he mo.1 of Ibe lime.
••I iiuh'.iteilurly .lair that lam run-' and my f..«i duir.-.~.l me and did not
Ttm-vd IVruaa
a no-di. ine which mil .mn tod-, me aparllrleof rmI.
; .•iI--'a..1l.3t :K.iaim-.U.-rii.u-.-."
, ••■IradiOB of the many rurr. per*
TI,...... .hiiriuir -it .ihie,n<ue »[H-.-*al , turuird hr IVruna. i dr-ldrd lo try a
! dlr..-u>-3> n:(h roE'ant to ihc u.e of - lioiilr. ll.h-ir 1 had Ukm many d.xa.
w-,!.-:. I»r.
IS. Hjm. Ifcll'xllif.
I'r--l.l•'nl .-r ilo- llaMuian San:--1 i...k it aa d.reeled for two muaUM
tetium,a olumlMi.,'>n,.,.
i when I aaa a ae»l iaaa."

Ihronah aliil'-r'x fro.'l .m l ri'i'o.
honsi‘i« nhirh wmo La:i.i-0'*i<-:,v fa:;:» \\V citil.i catch a hndioii Klroi!i of • Tfn tohoO. .KjH-inll.i ufih v u;i: he ealliw:' to., v . T, tin-toi''liy tif on.
Coiel Old S-tmmrr Tiino. '
•■I.iidly ktih-.k-knae:..;-- iiii-.i.ilijs l,rJc'■•u.'-.o-ihlf- I'.u' con
ll • Warm rephyia ubtopi-r; • Muili halU".
■ I'u’h. aioi «i“l .vi ecflr.'
oiii bealiK fll! with ivcrol
•-Ito.,- I ..hi -T -h.-.hl .btok

TM.badBUoa. th* rharma. and
plaaaurM ot bprlas;
Tbry cu alt U tboir bewori. or luo

ii-nrr; for. BO BUMrr boa akapllrd

I Jame.J.ib.t»ra.tU*Wabaateh AeOo
.(-••loradu S|.r<n):.. t'vio, haa dlled all
d Catarrh.
I tlx p-.m.-B* In KnlRbt Trmplara
' <l>n. A. T. Haaiey. U>i E-tlli SI.
,Maaimr ttrder. waa a Maaon alare
I \V.. VVa.blBilUdi,
ll'..;, Judre .if r'oUBty 4'uurl. I'llmun,

-I liarr uxd IV.tin. and find It very ‘
i alMi <-unty l•ullarluf uf
; l.nrlt.-ial for kldui v trouble, aart r.Hr wrlie*.
• Ko..t lot euusb.. ould. and ra-, - ^
|iv»r ohhh


Ibal wo

b mauk MTU w


Ealoyf KcMwcd ItedMi

I prompt einea- .r


Pc-ni-M. « standard Tre
Catarrhal Dtecaaoa
Mr. Joliu I . X. Imoi, lift. Ion. Tran.,
.-..bisi.l and null mu enriurer. rnljilr a
o.'rel Arm. dunac ibe
4- a .-a...of rbriuiia'
ill.111. TbU m.'ioit me. .•..n.unt and
' ]»'r.l>lrnl. lii.lui'iOE iii* de.ehipaieat of
■itber aiinieui.. ml.oh al^ bw
• l.ridtb'.
Alirr (akinv a •'ouree
l'eruna.4>i>I.Nel—n eirii..;
-Having lio-o ixilIuII. alB'cted wltb
■ limnie rlimiua-i m and il». adjaaet,^>.«.mpl|.-ali..i.. f..^m
I niatiy yrnrral
arid .prelil Ireaiinenr.
j|k.rary relief, I read v-nr .-leBiltla
itrraliiM- »a ralarrbal dix..*.,
I " VI nil rr<|Ur.Ii..U|irrM'rireila.prrial
l.'ou'.e ol tile iVruoa rcmrdi.., wl.iob I
, l..o-l«-'fo:ioae-l.and am happ.v to rep.,ri iliat iii.i
y.oir^ auslo at the arc of tt* year..
••I’.ra'oinmi'la- ••rpl yiHirrla..inr-ailoa
•>f raurrhel di.riwe a. trlraiiAc and
true, and Uie IVruaa reraediee aa a
.tandar.l irraimrel fur Ihrm. I thank
i.iO hrarlilt l-ir voor akilled and hifl:-.I adv.. r,’i

tised Pe-ni-ne^Satlsfied Ast* Its Mertts;
--^ecDminends It to AW Sutterers.

fteceainendb Pe-ru-m
t« the Affiicted.

It ,1» bU very well (nr tbr poela

aa lirtliE
To ramora km,.'... .|k«., i*j


i hftn bad «b« honor i
tolfftdo of b«r T«ur»n f«»ftlrj In ft
jw w»r, toftT ftrrvpi lhl> v«ln«

lb ttP HMi ddd WML

MBtandatoib. Thin illn^ abooM
Dt Oil 3. -wri a. Ibr trnlBb. lx■ Mtllad Tl-i. BMHbrvi <r||| aurrl)


OW. W. U. HkiM*., K£ K NU, N. W,
VMUBctoa, I), r., vrlM^urullw**:
•‘Opo* tbc rvconaMDdblloB ot {wnoa*1 rrtaadaasdnuy •iruari»"nx»‘l»U
to Uw «atoe;
IN.r«B» In th. Irc.imrslar Ui*Buto»n>n..rinpiom.«>f U.e
trip wltb wblcb 1 b»v« i«ra
fn«ir Math* pMt, I bnrr Imb lnda--ad
to aadtopo • tTMtoMHi
toU JwUy,
Mtotoatod rormnU.
-I iMl ft dneldM rbftBK* r»r Ux Wl W
fcy lU owfor ou
uol-. ♦.pc-lmUy
« npaft luy ftpixllto.
• fMl lUtX-bBBBIHirftStd ibfti
imjilvtu r*.iufft'

Tbr etolb <m Iba broom

ba rbaatrd rra^otoUr. for If thrto at all rttrty. tba daaBal «1ll Im
la aurfa a rondlili* that to cMtlaui

CKsfi-ng Purolturor
i'-,:.! fttid .1 trl’in^upTr.o' Vi:-.

1 ot-.-ltH. •lO.e ..I i.-H
{ufru-idac kl!i«
■i taV.-:- onfind a ■-•.-

fce.wl{.; 1-ie.o.'--.t
4, I., i.-ii -.i.-ii h-, .1 ( n-.-h .*r '!*vn> -.•’•-iillri.
* ?«1-p ill
,.n'r viiii., .
:-ufU.I, :i-.l.LUfc T' *i'V,l«]a«-ol'*.,
inoro'u'rto-B, to-ori to-me,.' ;• oc;.;,:ihU*.-'
*boirn | *b..i;l.l t|.« le.bepi
rv-.t.'O-lumto ■ , I; oil hr-' .

|;.i I'l-..- WHicr. tlwav. Mj'iee/ine. ’

■.i"tl>.ok>d la Ibis gennral apbeavai.
tVrins ^
odI) wben such a coaiac bat been
f itainuch 'hiD toiii-d -dariv <.ud plac.- '
-...•i caa tbe boasawlfa ba assared
>.uu the stroiclu-r. !• llu* couvenleflie ,
licr greaieai bonia Bscplag con' toiKe. at b-nd pin eht-ts.-ve
nnience will BOt provv b«r dlrpst fOe.
out -with



.teen pm -he mnalns down, one nv-

, Nor Witt Ibil sBBiml Cleaaloi suBlev.
boosekeeper-. eya mast a:

'tremc the .erK-rcarefull.v and evenly
-on, ,.f
rt,., o-hee, tb-y m-y to .wr.;-.",'.
• away told.-d tod p-K
.e- The Iiiing

tot oo the -ten to detect atol
^ j,,,

3U„i.' umii -ea.;i .''*t

t.U ehk.;
d :.i
-;,o„i.: Wall Baoers.
Tba shoes norn when cltBibiBg Ibe
'e*---ip.tbe -uno
> .-ie.,-.i
with eight
.scr.soaw: p--m-!. It the wall totor b»s tP-< t» pH- •«'“ »“»♦ •'•'•♦I woke,
fiiralsb silk 4,ft- Hue 3i.,rr *o4 ibe family flnaBces for- poiota pn»eeilag
, ,...e.1 d.-«: i.Ul.- .-i. .ui::= h
-■Ik. cbceseH.Nb •
; l*llinc-t
i-umiilhKi of ^ t«lu-il..-r I. me <m. si" hr
done i.iBBrd improvine Ua
nueict q.derodo ihal belp.-d w make; If a'»i:im= a.d»i-«i .-an to- rre*i-.-.l to, ■ ro lu- rn-it. f-s> niii m
„ appear^ ;.r .mull ewpeoMenJmaUe. uh.le at TbeVei.ih to. a daj fir |a... and a man
.h.h .i4MP;--e'.i *;'b —h
method olcle»BlnedUil>.
same titu* 1 cxMttad an aimmfpbare.elwn carpets, ii U luuaD,' e.-oBoiu} , ul*«t luraiiair dampen

In Ih.-.'oiv .*f Hii.-imp!.'nmii.p'he alHe P: . "!■-•■•
oa- t-nd her* Wh.-n'to-Hicr--Olso-.

;hr,i to .•nmbJra.|H-i. and do il»- i.*' h-'-J a-vV ^ h»ai o-.| .;o:l.,-<-!i4

IbJ Thalia


par TWO

Pigcs 9*0 16


at Uie asDD*l tnaeUnc nf tbr a'ork
kgidan of the W»^u<M«.s <-l«b was


On blr. Cu.liTwood-a muttua
boat faoures will be so repaired

The npM of ihc in«rrrt«r}

auO li«Mui«r aboved ihal Ibo rlub
«r«* IB nceOasi nhdiilue and tbr
proapects tor the comlae y<-ar are ibe
brtefaiMt Id the bialorr <rf lb* orpmi-

Band. m»w or small 4>o>b

tbe more than one. that It be by ballot.
ihns were amde durlnE the cvcnlns.
Tbe realcnatlon ol Trary II. Clllls Tbe jinvwd* of th.of Ihe
Ii4l-b alEouiiti-i] lu $IM
cannot itrtn a* director 'wn* arcejiied
At Ibe rooiliieion ol lUecBMl samen
did not bavc time tu *

Jiio. R. Raiilo aiiiHuiiiml ihe n-aiiliR
O I’, (’arrer wbh uomlnaicit for and rlticd Ihai'lhe UOies witeinpled
Irr of llic rollcclloii of due*, ajiyinj!
s.'aui In dlM'hurse tbe mort.
Ihni iMiine «rf tlie membem bad laxui p^'^ill<■llt by Wllllaui Voftelaonii.
sate ou Mr*.
home, and he
dllutotr in tbe iiialtvr lundlrai>pliii; waa elccu-d by ueHumaUun.
H. C. Davis was nomlnaied for vice sunteafiHl
ilial caah roBtrilHitlomHub'a.« ibe uu.iHiy waa iioeded
(y V4r C Pa
i. eeuileui.-u pn-jHuii »
wtx n « war d-M- TIu- in<-mbei« liare
Ix^ai K. TltoK bnuKlit 'ir


8. K. Walt waa ii<nnfna(e>I

wu' ll appreriaird. . R>
? priira|il!y i

aaUoB. TbInecB bow moBibora were the month c.f Apiil lu wlilth
their dne-s iii adviiiio-.
Ki*l> day*
Tbe report oC Socreiarr falmer after the due* u-C’iRie *luc tbe idorl. urer hj Jxvm F. Tii-ja. There twins »•*' raised. luaMiiE a vnal uf f:t« lowarrls
nuniliMlions. Mr. Wail
was 1 the amount n*i'iired
afaowod tba followlsx toeelpU
can be HOW and the oH-rata-r forfeltu other
ba*! In i|„. ludp' loom thlnv iwo euchre
r(*r: Due* collocied. |M8; ooa-realie]Dl«r*h1p iimvldiui he he's been

▼oted Ute ttac dub.

r and apoLe of the i
--------* '*

tioblen. a nire. blit balu.
Di. T W. Thiilby. ta>x of canilyCalriek H.-ti-y Chw. netn.
oihei pilres ira-attli'd 'fveiv;
Miss iJrare 42.1rcd. jdanl.
Miss lierlb:< Stepan, plaul
Mr*. Ibiwar.1. booh.
Mrs. thmuMiu. luvad knife.'
Mr* E C. ll.**u. plant.

Mi*> lb alaii Covell. haudbaje.
lum , table* were »ei oodateaily every table
E. <• llAiaui. i«.x of eigaiw.
I wa* ’flUed. It w.v* a )oili |iany 'and
J. V. .MelDinOi. I*<x
I «-vci voae preM-nl lia.I a iiwH time
Oflleera Elected.
The foim.lne new di;
E. MeNair.;ii*. Ime id flour •
On motion of Mr. I'udvrerood. the
,4 It.
bnium bos.
-;|nE *u» n-iid.-ii<i. The iutto
bowllBK. ISOtSt; bnilaRl* aad pool. club proeceded to tbe elecilun of of elecKst: W. C. Hull II.
I»r, S O Sawyer, pound of roBre.
1784$; dub boat tl.i:: ((Aal.|1.7iT.S8. H. MoBUfuc, tbe president. caucy cansiyl hy ihc nulKUatioo of <dwclory niitiiUT wa* a 'very*^ne
Tracy II. CiliJs: Ho*ard A. Musrel dniin
ThU was one uf th" rausi plcwaani *el.nlun liy Misww
Tlie dlaburaemeM* durtoc (ho ^T
mac. Prank W. Carver. C. B. Murray D'Ul*e
Mnward. K*Ie|la foie ami U-ali Catherine* thiit lia* been l-HJ in Ihc
were Jaat 63 renU Irea tbao Ibo reand Dr. R. fl. Minor. W. M. Ke!li«s Ruyei',
They rim.lered the ".Bdella' Elks- ivamiH thi. year ami the ladles
cdpia. wbtio tbe bllU clue laat oUbl
WBB Dominated lo run nsaiD*l
waltz nnd in reaponve i.. anjenoio- ie«|K.ii*|ble fur the omrilalDmeni.
amoDBled lo $68.74 Tbia W an excelj Minor to Eire Ihe teller* emiiluymroi' sa.e
ftie Indian Mail llallup." It. were creaily rompliflbmp.1 upon ibe
iBBt abowtDc cooaldMtae that a new
doBt taeiBbera' doe*. »I0:




nf noliSed by Ihe n-ervtarr. All the dues
ere cullericd laal year.


daBrea. III7J&: eaodr. tlU.13: chid.
tl«-4S; dxare. $76: tobacco. 115.06;

boat bouae waa built and a number of
other Imprerrmenti were made laai

;aod the rCMilt was that Hr, Minor re-: Verwey N-gK. who' wa;.' lu exceplumal
reived thirteen votes aud W. U. Ke! ,ly k»*I w.ire. runE ' Noio" nnd "Just

Tbe dub ha* ootiKidcrablc
eaadr. d0ra aad tobacco ou hand^

(a W.-arylnE forVnti'’ Mi.* Helivi
j Tbe dirrelora whose term* aid not j iDnuen ,.:i(.-nalu<d with Ihe pielly'

rrom laat rear.

dancp food. There are Sflr-dve aharea
or aloek ne basd.
Oa Biolkip of O. p. Carver, the
pun waa rweetred and Bled.
Tba raped cf.tbe treaauror. wbirb
apreed wtth tbat of Ihe accrularr, vai
reedred aod Bled.

wiwild be lohl hy the end of the year
Tho nK-etlns Ibrii adJcuiiiiiH.

U L. filevetm o( the building ami
sroaBda eemmlitee' reported varloua
inproveneaU lor tbe .dub bouac no

Oreal Sucee»
The euchre parly slvfvi In the '

crounbi aBd preaeoted a peaerBl plaD

Hub rooms Ttiewlay (veuin-z Tpv

The report eoctalued merely aussca'
tkHia and 0TC no etUiBalee ot coal

Twice Five club of latih-* «** n Brailfyinu Bweci-s*. both MV-lally an.l niuiiii-iullr'. The iMMy w.-ta Biteii by th-

tbe natter bdac left with the dlrocIon t« do wtiat tber could. On mo-

Surrender ef Lee.

Ill roiui.ielui.ratluu «d :.«•
I expire 1»M nlpht are lav* F. Tllu*. viiiHn aolo ••nreeeone.-and in response ol Ibvi I,.-.-, .lie Ire-a! ni.'ii -.f th.- II.
j Irvins A. Murray and A I. Harhaol | to an encore Eave auolh. r ve ry ph-as-.
Tii.-xiiiy evi-ulUE »ud i!*tea.-d
Prraldeni Carver wn» called to Ihc lug selrellon. Mr* N K. IJeEan cave:
1! and well rendered
chair-and thanked Ihc nicmbera for a tery pleUsliiE piano niln. "Slieha
pinEram The iiddre**.-* w.-re all well
■hi* election, ataiinc that he bad
Van."-and was enihuslastlrally en-. delirenxi and .h'alt In a sen.-iul way
I president i«re Ircforc when the
Ilorsl's cwi-lie.-lra furnl-hedi ... _ tlie effe.1*
was not an prnspeion* and wheiher he tmiHie .lurluE Hu- .-art Earn.-*.
j „a,„tp- a„d *|.„ ,,,1^1,1
would make a pio.1 presldiuil nr uur
Til.' awardM.E <d lb.- prires ereal.-di ti,,.. iH.ja *-i|„
Uie blue ha

Tbe atpoant paid out.

fnr tnualc lor tbe daueo* au $110. no
that there la a balance ret lo U>e'

I'rcwident of the' W.'<)"e-loiig Club.

tloB of W. C. Hull an wllmale »( the
tiHik iM-Ouioii lo Mule ih.vt he did in
coat will be proddid.
desire ti* la- a candnl.iic a* he i-ould

ladk-* lo rake
OlorlcaEC •* Ihe home .rf Mrv. PTwoh
I'rashll. wbitw- husliand dbal ren-nlly

kmvinE a larwv family in alratti-ned
Elve Ibe elub (he time the iKisiHoD clreunistonces. The ladle* have Ikhui
very encrsi-tlc f* the pn-|>aralbtn for
O. P. C-arvre thsl the chair Ihe party aod Ihe ymsequeueo wa* a

Bdward Paraoo. J.
nrewB. Will E. Martin.'A. 8. Hobart. appoint Iwo lelletH mid William VoecI- «i-ry larcc altcndnnn> and llta-ral con
aiid I/iulH lielE.-s were named. liibulloii*Gi-iicrunK don8tl>*.< of
Alfred C Wllbclm. H. J. RurcIm. Law
Mr. Cartel- Ihi-u made fal* llme-hcm- prises were made by varinna people
mollim that wheocier Hivtv wuh
le city, who are Interested In the
*e caudlilutc (hat the Hn-Onn la- welfare of Mrs, I'rashll and family sind
>y BcclaimUiiui and when there was iK-slJc* these nunieriHis ra«h eonlribii-



I wed pad li* .-aeri, i»>ne the country j UHor *
tj He took up tbe mailer nf the coiiBliy'* ' orv condition.

a Birai .I.-U1 of umusem.-(ii and wa»;„
ple«*ltiE,{.-alun- id the .-V.-UIUE. Tb.-];,.•llltle Ires e.ipalile
iN-rplie the *,*
|>rlxe& Wer..' an follows:
I v.-rily of Ilie w. alhei- the . hall wa*
P. II. Cfose. elsnr jar.
■ eitiwded
Hrm. a G, Covell. iw.r PKuueilh
tu Ibe uh-H-iK-.- of the rliaplain! It. Ii
Rorl: h.-ii* :.iid a Jack rahhli.
ttani.-i, C. H Joburam BOve tli.- opeiiDr. Truelilo-H, lialr hiush.

o be Id a

I pnwpcHly and *ald th.ii it waa <*Iy '
Mr. Q>*el left Ibe ear la (bis <4ly
: Ihr.-ich th.' .ffort. of the Cnlow aol land e,«ifemM *Uh 8B]K-r1nlendeM of
I .her* '(..i! ;.i-h a o-udmoo »*» made' Motive Power W. 1.,- Kell.«c of Del|«H*lI.’e

; tndt..who eame north at m**, rcBari-

Ml*.- Jessie Kllpaii..-k save a veiy me tie- r.-b.iildiiie of the round bouac.
jw. ll ires 11. d .s-eiiation. after which Mr 7Jn*.'l ii-H.-rald reporter
I . >4. riage CUV.- a talk, ib-allDB largely j thi* mornlDE that work would bw con■ with th.-retolitiii* auU Ihe early day*; ineneed in the m-af future <m the
,«f the rmt.-d Stji.-, Another cbortis hou*e and that the Mnictiire wtwld be
;t-y the ehiUren was followed by
reclian.-n*. the iir*i by Clara COddtnEii'ii and Ihe mvs.u.I by Mmvis.Marvin,
alt.-, which, ifie rh-ldn-ii saBR'asaio.
I.. K. Cleveland KHve an ImiKnmpiu l.iilMlnE :
lallc. d.-aling with the n.vtirmal capital
at W‘a*hlBEt..n proved lo be Ibe ».-.ith.-r, DiakhiR tbe work of carvery luiere*itnE.
IDE f.'ir them murli fiwater, Tbe
Ptwsibly (he hit >d Hu- etenliiB was debn* ha*'all h-e Bcloated asray abd
the n.-sl n.m.l*-r, a M.I1C by C H.John et.-rytlm.E l* no* r.«ily f.u-Tramedl-.'''
WlihiMil :ie»ini|MUlmen( Mr ate w..ik.
Johnwvii sang one .d the 'old eamp
MICE* with Oie aao«. f.-r»..r Jliat In.


Death o>r John Brief.

Mr. Tu,reUy u.
h oVhwk.
Mr. UrW
foicrel lo ft-spoud w
.worked at th.., a*ylum a short time

• aii.l ev.-u then bb. h.-a.
It and kauiod
lore hut hi- n-fu*.-d to ainE ORaln

summer nod ra. hi* return borne

Garnet Pierce rniid.-red a
after which Robert K Wall.-r ma.le


at the asylum


veiy iDtervudinc addn-s*.
II.. *r».ke' tivw sou* and .m-' dauEhi.-r IM'IBE Uvof the irialsidiheidd soldier* Inih.-ii
nmisBle for Ihe |ir.w<-i vatloii .d
couniiy uiid how they had In Ihe
(rtumphed. He then drew

The futivral



I*' held ' rndoy

rm-rnlBE at S u'cloek frum'Hbe Imtaacnlale Onte.-pihm chttreh. tbe Rev.

flrwt teeuatks tliai tlMUK* that

Father Sli-.'hao offlelaliBK and Itndwr•taker Can.-r in rhniEc. Ilurial in tbe
Catholir .-i-nu'l.-r.-.

bad si-t-ompll*bed

country that w.nil.I t*- an evertaaiiiiE
tnonnnr.-ni i.. their nH-oiory.
Maude F.TSUS.U1
a recltalli

liig pr.i.wr after whleli Cnmnuiudcr V.
Death ef Mrw. Mary J. Bvtirr.
r.dlowed l.y the eh.ini* ahd
11. A!;-i vlu aav.' th.. address .it welMr* MB'. J Hutli-r. apnl ..I. pBS**4^
In siutlns -UarchlUE
He 111 a Eenerat way td lli«-n .HI
aaa. a. if.e rviyliini 1'n.-Mlay at’orol th.- t.tEii?ir;.itr;- <d l^-'.s stitr.-n.ler ThiouRh ticrEia
TUKHi of ciui-aimpiiiNi
iUie had bvwfi
Hidlu-s .'leaDine l.y »>ti t Tfalmer.
nn inmare w-ihcjayjum Muee ilMX.
Mi-s. C. D M.ller, r.-li;l. dish. •
y but til
She ]e-al'i'*% bii*lS«iMja-^—: 1 Hurt
I MUs Wdhclui. I..0I ►t.s.l,
i-jOH-e wi-r tbe il.-leat of Hit) CoiifcdG<-neiai
of Sh.-rman aud two >a>D*,' and
E M Garrirk wa* the winner (d .Hie' emio afiiiy.
'I'ruuipor the IN-re Mii'.|ueitc wtanwds H. U. Erl'.! it*la> and Ihe
of the Diy»terl.a.s-pure;, whiefa was:
A Chorus of tweiily-flvr vote.'* from In the .Ity, a few h.«rrs y.-Merdar, body WWS rblpped
lo Sberman hy
rl..-l.u-,l ir. I, Eival, pieiui.- bat t-.x; tho seveatli made at the ramwood went north 111 Ihe uveninE lo P.rl.i
P.rl.*key Cndertaker Audertum.
Thu t0«ral
ifwmiie scli.M.I hulldiOE wa.s pres«nit and p8**.d tbrouRb
. r. this aervU-c will I*, held iu.t^C
jaiul under the .llrection of Ml** Ellrji- morniDEon his return In ItolrDli.
lional Hiurvb »i sheitnan -dbmfcTtnr
Mr*. Chartes th-nuairre wah Hook.T Si
litiminT of nrnE*. Trump was in his ear -Snittnaw".and afr.-rruKrt. at * oVI.a'k, Her hnaband
luiia.e.wlum-r of an.>t#-r one of the
first • • Iw'lnE ■■<••*1 Kvi-r Gloii accompanied by DiviHlon 8uperin«-ti<l
I* an old ^dkr and n laoncer of Sher­
mysieriou* pris..*, wiru-h, when the
Th.wdoie Bnw-I of Detroit.
Ih.- man. havliiE Iite.1 ibere fur the poat
liaekiice was ..p.-iu-.l pi-ovisl to lu> :.
J \V. Mtlliken was (1u-n c
was <in.‘ of tile rre.|uelil In.specle.u f.'ny year*.
II X llrail.diluTE. l".x uf . isaif, Ml; Miuule Wall, i., ..
Mrs. +:. S. I’rait.



The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
_______We Furnish Your House Complete
“Pot A Little SUNSHINE in Your Home”

From Cellar to Garret

We can furnish every room in your house, and you

do not have to leave our great store, one of the greatest
conveniences tiat is found fn modern shopping, and it saves you time and time is money. Nearly
ererythtat yon want alonfUiese lines wUl be foQiiO on tbe seennO floor-anotber convenience tbitwebaO In
. mind when Ibis store was re modelled. Oor show windows are an Indea of wbat yon wm find on tbe inside.
SUN5HINE Finishes
■estk a muigaii-WesrPaUits
We can recommend in every way
They have stood the test for years and
we have always found the most saiistied ciatomers when they have used
them. We carry all the colors in stock,
for both inside and, outside use. Ask
for a color card.
That will transform dingy, cracked and
marred furniture into most atiraciivc
articles, h is most easily applied. 1 en
iffereat colors.
That we can goaraotee to everyone.
Gives the very best of satisfaction, ai
you surely want to brighten up so mat
articles around the house. We can si
them to you in any quantity.
We carry a full line of While
Lead, Oils. Stains and every sire of
bru^ tbat is used by the painters, and
are in a positioa to make the very best
of prices. Glad to figure with you
any time.

Our prices we knoW^ that, for quality considered,
are the lowest in the city.

One of the finest finishes that is made
Gives a line glossy appearance to any
article to which it is applied. Some­
thing that anyone can use. We carry
all the colors.

The most varied line that you can find.
Muslin Curtains.'most suitable forbedifps. at 47c a pair. Brussels Net. an
entirely new line, with Cliiny Lace, at
S:i50. S5it and .^<>0. In the cheaper
grades we show those at 50c, 7-5c and
SI.' Havesoraenice Kitchen Sash Cur­
tains at
a pair. The newest novelty
in the Cathedral and Madras Draper­
ies, sells from Ibc to 75c a yard. The
new Striped Madras sells at 20c a yard
The Novelty Net. is another new arti­
cle and sells at lM-75 and 5.00 a pair.
Another strong line that we are show­
ing this season. All the new colorings
and patterns, and they are priced from
$l.-25 to 20.00-


II.' was l.mi In Oermaay
and wa« II,.- father of ten eblldren.

We can say w
without contradiction that
lavc as large
wc have
a line of
tine anywhere. .\ll
you will find
11 Wool
V ... In- i’ll.' of til- greatest liriuj of O-IJ Pressi-rs. ranging
n. best of
I Body
in s 50 to rW.OO.
_ . ,, Brussels.
-....... ..... Axr
Axminster in all the
tl newest
. _. designs.
Wilton Olllfoillers-.^b o"or,-niost a pic-e offnrai.
Veivet. These wc know
as handlure HS yoiK-an nan ami our stock waa nev.-r
some M you have S'
Jim r. Toe i.oMun Oak am priced at 7.00,
tJiis season.
10 00.1:4.50. 3<1.00. Tbe Ijoautiful Mitiinn ai
make/ these up in full' size for your
L‘2 oh nnd '.’T O). Tim MaJioijauy at 24.-V) ami
room or in the rug style. \W arc
can sa%'e you money
DININO TABLES—\V.- ,Jk.* li,.- Ur?rtt :f*k U,»RUGS
J'-u naii Iiu4 ;i: i!ic «.'v. Oli-l Ihvt prU-r-4 are iTuii,
Wc have nex’er shown
$(.l‘. In 14:. Vw .an st I Ihe 61x Fool. th» Etrti
sorlment of these
icse beautiful
F'*-i. Ha- Itn-.iuil. ili'A,' wi'b five Uir. or th-- r,.Q'i..T
Every si/e of 1 ig that is made
Jc is he
displayed, and te patterns are
re so fi_ DINING CHAIRS^'nriv fivr different Mvles am vbnsn
Hie prt
this year. The little ones att 7-5c and
$1. the5 larger ones

___ .. ___
wi’hcmt. hiEh banl. or muuE
The 9x12 Rugs from 12.00 to 50 00.
IvikE UI vlalloiiarT. ai] loaliu'-! i,|
the pnr.-» are fT-ni Sl.W lo $22.
ROCKER^SoiiK-.lmiE for every toubi laH.- li-ui*
All the new ideas in japanese Mat­
Botlrvxtm Rocki-ra at 1.3S. 2.50. ;i.00 and :i .50.
tings. Many of these ’ are imported
........ ................
: "’.:4.35, : - direct from Japan and arc new this
«n |Ro(
year. We warn you to see these new
1000. 15,00, 17.50. 20.00.1^5.
goods. Prices are from ! 2c to 55c.
Turkish Rockers. $25, $-35, $42. S4S, $-50, $52

We have never shown so large a line
and the patterns are all new,, You w-ill
find tiiB American, the (ierman and
the best of inlaid. A fine line of Oil­
cloths in all the ucw pattern*.
That is the line that wc arc particular1--------------- ...
ly strong on.'

Last year we

^ J

stock, but this year
y ar wc have,
double and sometl
ing that will
the most e\acting.

from .5c to




Priced all
the way

a roll.







and Den papers in endless variety.


Breakfast Seta, :4l



Full Dinner Sets. lOfJ pieces, at

$7, $10. $15,





Sideltoards. Boffeta. Serving TbI.Ics. all tii>neweat .ntylcc and floiahea: Combination
Hal! Trees. Parlor Tablea.
Parlor Suitea. Kitchen Tablea.
CabincU, Wardrolies.


. -



(nut Traverse Herald

Bay. Oineu aad the oweera ti Cedar
inday Acheal Canvmdoo.
Report of Grant and Green Lake
LodBC Qu Nocthport PMoi are anxious
Sonday schoot convention li«-ld at
to lake the power and now that it Is
West Uiihia M. E rhureli April d,
known doAnltely Jun what Kerthport luff.
will do actlTc work can bepla.
Prayer and praise acrvicc vondueu-d
tt. bm..
by B. H. Burrows
An expert on water power looked
anclog .Vo. V.
ifae (round over eoraa Ume ago and.
Address by tbe Her. Mi. \Vu.<,
In his report to Mr. Tweddle. auled "How can we ioduev ibv S. S. Hcbiitaie
I attend Ihe preaching servicer'
that Ibeie was from (00 to SOO horse
Dtacussion br Mrs. Gi-orge Ib-rrea
I»wer artllaUe, Mr. Tweddle U o(
and the Rev. Mr. Holmes and oibcis.
the opinion that lhl» la posrer enougli
be patvii
One ihoughl wae thg
U lal.e II
to do all (be work in that localltr (or should go 10 the s>-i vlr<‘
Al'in <hsl llityears to eome.
for Ihe
Meurt. Steward Foot and O. K.
Singing No. 563.
Ward or Qrand Raplda. Interested parPaper. -Sunday School Succe^—
(lea in the NorlhpoH Point meorl.
I'liMl Is Its true mca.'UM-T" wrlncn by
were a) Nonbpori last erenlOK when Hn. I'. 8 OUlngnr. aud read by Miss
Carrie Olllnger.
(he liBhl natter was decided. They
Dlseusalon »• C B, l>ye. tbe Rev
hlKfaly favored eleciricity and the lines
Ir. W««l an<rthe lle>. Mr. ilulmr...
will praltsbly be atnmK u> their re­
Singing No. in'.
Rmt HmM PrMUm.
Dinner and social hiMir.
sort. a distanrr of tweoly llTe miles,
At th« MMUAf or U>« board ft auAdernoon sesahsi opened wllh sing
where (be power will -be used for a
X’lliMi vbicdi will beslD OD the
tag bv ihfWesl t'nioa Junlorspumplnc stalton aa well as llebis. Hr.
Reporu of committees und eUs-ilun
IRk. thM bodr «rUI be eooffODtod vlMi
Tweddle's offer to Nurthporl was (u
[ otflceiw.
tbe poorboo>e proMem acalo. The tuSinging No. 5t3.
to (he vlllace. thiooib a meter, at
Quiel service In charge of tbe R<-v.
lour eenls per kilowatt.
U» «eu«at of tbr pwple to bond
ir. Wood.
Local basloess men are Interesled
Singing So. 31(1.
A poM tam. On t»o ocoMlona. tbe
In (he venture aad ready tf> put
"How r
MRdlAf propoalUoD &u bwa tamed
inday s<
money Into it. tbinklaff that (I will be
AMm Md bov Uic aoperrleon aut
lylnf lavesimeot as these
wm tbe condition end do noBetUai
r small mils, etc., (htouchou
Ihougbis were broui^I out.
to piOflde tor tbc care of onr poor,
terrUOD (hat would utlllxe (he power.
Singing by Mrs. Bigger and «Aiki
a n wNHuovn ibet Uiat our proMnl
fiUUUoa am Inadequate (or our neode
AttUude of Home Toward tin- Sun"Ai
Dlseusalon I«1 by C. Band aoowthlni oust be done. A
day tchool."
. the Rev. Mr^Hnlmis and Itic
At the anntMl Dcetlng of (be Omnd
frepooUoB U bclof talked Tory tavor'
Rev. Mr. Wooil.
■Mr thu any be teonible. It U pro- Traverse County Humane sofiely Ir
Appoinimeni iff |•T<lgreIn c.iinnilue.\
Cmoae hsll Mondar nUbt tbe follow- Mrs. sbeeban. Mrs. Wbeal ruid Mrs. f.
MMd tkW (he eonncll «l»e
yl Und In the ooUklrta of the Inc ofBcers 'were rleclcU:
11. Dye.
Oosed by singing.
Prcaidenl. U. W. Underwoml.
ditr M« that the board o( auperrieom
Mrs. i. N. Krumily. I*r?f.
Cecrelary and Ircaauier. B. L. Bd««et thmob a pestboum (or the
Magglo Sefaell, Secretnry.
«Rya nae and on the same plat a wards.
Board of dlreclors. Ura. A. W. Peck.
WheieaK. We earnvsil..- U-llevc- that
It U gone probable (hat
Ihe present customs of Sabbath de«e(Iva.
thto nocld tm done. K the dty nill eon
cratioo are detrltuentui lo the liest I
MhMa the noeematy Mud and inav Bowen.
terrals «rf Ihv peopl. al large, iiod a
Mark Crew was rreommeaded (u n hlnderaiiee In o'lv uork :is S im;,
awb os a peetbouM would be pr<
elded. 11 eeema to be a propoalUo the board of directors as humane of- sebool mid cliurcli «uik<-n>. lx- II
ResoIvtHl, Thni we d.-ploiv ll.e far!
tcer for the coming year.
n by the cousell.
ml »o many arc spending ihi-lr SiibThe reports showed that the aoricly
to'order to mUe I
ilhs In ifieMloiisbb- wa>s and tbal
ad acromplUfaed much during tbc
e wniibl favor Hie more sTilsl ol>
puat year. There bad been severnl ar­ servann- mid enforct-meni of om Smirests and convlciinna and the influ- liay laws. Also ihai we n-giieM timi
other Siindav schools In the couiily
of the society had bewn felt In
SH ibemM-lrts on this suhleci by
People knowing that th
ir ivaolullons
Also Hial Ibem.Hr,IS Is- imbllKbed lo Hie li h.-vi
ever on the alert had beiiir (.ki inly impi-rs. Alsu
Jdvr.1. Thai *r iippreve Ibr pol
Mrs. A. W. Per* reported Uial eveu
CMC be prorWed for preoenl needa.
•Mil sISK-'dficers In pUriug Hie
the amallr^ outside villages the ef­
WhBe thn amonnt o( money roaltzod
cash basis. I
. .. . s-e ran In sup|sn
«• the two pleeei ct property men- fect at the Grand Tni'crse aoelely
noUrealile. one ■( least shoeing a he stale .rfUceni nnd H.elr woik.
tlMCd tflCether with the oppropriallod
withte the powera of the board would
The report of Iho sccrelary showed
not he enonch to boibl each a poorGeorge S
K II. mil
,howt aa we rtoll need, a bulldiof: that tbe aoelely sUrtol the year with
dean balaace sliect and eccellctil
*eontd be erected which would answer


The Pfo^ermst West.
nd see for yourself Plmir of
Cook of MayflobI l:.r! leutevtl
gevernmem land oloag new
lUis Itjti.; lu- w:;i w,il. in ib.-l'-’
f Iho Cblcagr. A Noilhwr
mifl and the Isirc wilt work the farm , ■JSaiUb Dakou opso to
Mlsa LuU Biriekbuc. freni '
‘hom'virad setllrnntiT, Bperial
Ii^en b sp-ndlng j Irs dtv
j i.-.le tickeis on .sale itrHn I'hicago ih>
.flestaud third Tursd.i' of each mi-i.iu
. and MrsOSeha-ib
retvs I' U ID'.IltVlsll.Hl with >
t..aL Oppomuiltl.-r
smlly a i S' days last wi
jieivt greater
Harvey and family c Tnive
Ed. Ha
City arc moving onto Mi . MrC

Mrs. G. W, G,i:-b- r teitirned !<• h
sik'iit a very ploss
MoGarry las; Sal- home In Muno Iona after vbliinc b
irday: Ibey tied , !T qullia and sewed larvuu i, . Ibr ,i:; lor a Jew day*.
.-irpei rags.
George Helm ol ibl place dint Suitida«- imiriiln* ot rancor ol Hi.- live.
.Hei a Innglllnosr Il<- suBervil gie;-.H..
during the last tnontb. "
three daughters
• Ughters and ilin.c
bln Ue.-*. bi-side.^
1 brtrtlH'rs. The Rev. C.
Baiileu crmdiictej
rburcbea. lodges and school to gei sc
emd-taand organs at Urlunell Broiberv
at oue-bair tbc regular price.

tinna of the city and eoiinly.
In aJdlllon to tbe l•nsincf
For a Paper Mill.

pregrem was given. Miss Rnby Grey


tlf» meadwrahlp of tbe butn! of Uade by Mias Ore Bveretl with pUau •
by Miss Molhersill was
tothhe op for conalderatloe the paper
■01 pro)ect which has been Invrwii- the concluding number.
by the varioni commltices ot
It Is probable lhal several tneeiings
At bemrd. Tbit pmposIUon Is gel- will be held tbis year In order

... Point


i^ r. lialtiliiy and wearing
(;i:-.ll if-

Erncat Ehic of 8li
Oeoive W. Lardle, on»o( Trevetae
couniy. oonc over lo
00*8 prooMneni potato boyon, re­
week aad bogan work on Monday
ported to the board thal the reilioada 4oha Monroe oo the dork, tn some
hoA decUaed to give the same reduc- explalrabic manner Ihe heavy we
fta In freight releo. on poutoes and lumped Us groove and fell upon
Eble's toes, eiitliog off the large
Mu aa they have done In former
f smashing the others on his rigbt
palta. The reu from thU city to Chi- foot He Is now resting comfanably
the home of bis brother. Arthur
MB Is It eenu. Heretofore. beglB-

- McVIckcrAaloiiuiHc
Casolioe Engine

A Hot Water Bag

«f our


N" nu’ii-'.i] "r


©yts wo lihvi- Mr.itRlHi-uer!.

Potatoes, aoc to 25c

lo yini in bi-yinj;

Rubber Goods

We OFfer References

arieee are eupplled by leeel deilere
The airttWe quetatiene by -wire, i

Traverse Cttf. Mich!

I.vniliig. In Ho- Giaii.l TrjunM- lb-

of Truvcfix-Cily

Vmt IB ehape (or deSnIte action and tbc work cooslaully before (be people. Hipped from ether papere of 1
0 ttte people of Ttaveme City warn
vioue Asj>.
Oris paper mill they win bare an opELK RAPIOB.
paftnity to express themselves. Tbe
Elk Rgpids. MJcb„ April i.-BlOCIrlc
,»oMtng wilt noi be conBoed exelu- llgbla begtn (o thine, or at least tbt
Magfy to membere cf the board but all prospects for them have brightened
oKtBnn who (m iotereited In tbe es immeatunbly this week. H. 0. Joyni
-brongbl a car load of macbtocry
loUtAmett rrf tbe paper mill In thU
are busy gelling tbe poles
eStff are oordlally invited to be pm- ready U> be plared. It now looks ae U
gpt. The meeting win be Tuesday Bk Rapida would surely come out of
Into llgnl.
weilM at ( o'dack.

The Hobart Co.

o plobab*.
of .-Olid rstiilc
leiiUlick .

BtirffU’sl tr-'nlOH'iil iisc-l.

Tlwaa qvetatlona are carefully cor­
rected every dey. Th* locel merkel


lined Hiai the mb -Uy of
.n o'clock ■

pnduiie olB.-x-. U- and i» hen
i-d for heariuc «*ld p-'liiiov
•red. Thai p;ibl|.
*i- fuiKirr

gr-riiti'l li'iiS're.

tAt the ra^r nMeUni of
son opening the meeting wllli aa exActors of the board of trade Toes- client piano Bolo. She «ma followed
Alp oflenMoa Secretary Umlor i
by Htaa Kale Dockery, who gave
humorous Irish recUallcm.
A soj
fUMMsd to eill a meeting of tbc

'i'm not giving any advice.but—you sec
their line and do your own thinking."

( tor ilc-oiiuiyotCiaml
A> a seK.s|oD of Slid C<et. held s' tbe
Traverw C-ly. K-d'.Office. C-ly
pi-obair ofBcv. In Iho vllj of-Tiaverse
Cliv. in said eoiimy. oo the l«1b day
Opera Houss ElosW. Rcom 4.
<rf .April. A. D. IIS-:. Preweni: Hpu.
. l.i' -alfl e_b-I
I'j. lliely' Srip|il> Go
Fred R. Walker. Judge of 1‘nibalo.
Id the uiBitcr of the estgie of Johe Ti.iveiM
Ileonrirk. lute of said ru-jiiiy.
\Y. v(ordi'j',;ia Gi|,.
,-lsrd. Minnie llenuiirk having
Kiiid eoori her in-iiiiini preying
(Mile, I .

Ity til,-'Jiul

■ short

"I don't know how it is. but I can get
more for my money there. T he cost is
little and the variety fine. They arc-pop­
ular—that's the whole story, h’s the City
Book Store papers for me every time.”

. National Cream
V .*. Separator

Hers la Relief (or Wemto.


ward of (he city and all the Iowb;

If 1 didn’t see another roll of WAUL
I* M’HR afur'seeing the City Book Store
assortment. ''It’s like setting down to a
well cooked and nicely served dinner.
When finished 1 feel well pleased with my­
self. and pretty nearly filled up."

■The Women Folks-

■reablaa la.
Mother -Iiear me. Ihe baby ba» snai
iweil a piece of wnrsid. l-'atbcrB by (he board (or necyasary so thal all the mnney will be available
Tbal's nothing to the yarns she'll hare
cl once.
In addillon !<• the
eleeleil to swallow If she lives lo gn.w itf
Aa the board of i
last evening, the iMtard of (llreetors

ablpe of tbe county so that (be society
vrtll have a repreaeatallve In all |ior-

Care a Picayune’

fann which be will work.

««r pnrpoae for this year and next l^lospecls. Those who will eolleet th<
dues win do It In Iwo weeks this year

will appoint vice presldinu from each

“I Wouldn’t

ti* t

l-iiys II p-l'l aj

(^ / •Os7tJo-]<' ur •■)-(• L'loAs
friiiiie iTtUiGiiil-H-d toar;,r 20

ihdt won’t Irak anil will
i:ive saiiyfactory rervice
for several years is de­
We have .t botllc which
wc can M.Tnd b.ick effor
two years.
You lake no diaiices on
such goods. They cosi a
little more on the start
au'i make ii u;- on ihe


Examination Free


Dr. WolfE's BraEEh
Wlltirliu B:,-..

Drug Store


Dr.B. 1. FlUlSOII.

ILts (mc-ihinl 1 he number of po'.s of any otlicr'make of
lengiii'i. No gearing, no tumbling rods, ratt'iicis. eu . Write
for catalogue and prices.

W, J. ULONE, Slate Igent, Traverse City, Mrch.
Ci'\ 0|>cra House Blcck. Room 1.
Sale of Stele Tffx Uods

TTi.- aiiiiuul
nf the tocnilK-r*

ireu'sa.-l.-nor..H.-. l.-.Mn-su. „rrux-nt(M
(or|,l.r..llo« sill to li.M at Ihc
M-.rU.M Hmoo- ta .tm Gl.v <d Grund
K;.pl.l> Ol. Tli.iTsd.-.y-h- J.'-h of April
a. ro'.-:.wkp m .of ds,.
t; (•
TV i'



Correct Apparel


tn April, e reduoiloe to 13 eenu
W beta kUowed Vr the rellroeda.

Tbe teaefaers ot Ibe echoes lendcred
Mr. UrAle cuted that be bad been a farewell party at ihe bom* of
Hisses UForge lo Miss Mabel Bs .
aottted that this reduction would not too. one of Ibelr co-laborera. srho
he Made' ihla yMr and be expUii
leaves tbIs week with her parents for
tbe wesl for a permnoent residence.
|hii the mfunal of tbe tallrosds
A Bourenlr spoon ot her Mtcbigia
lira the redneed rate during the ai
home was given ber,
amr moelki sroold mean a heavy lo«a
l-fae ladles of (be Allar aorlrtv nf
U the tamera because tbe price they
Racred Heart cbnn* will five • pro
vouM receive would bav-e to be less ffresaive pedru party, lunch aad dance
than oonld be paid If this reduction at tbe opera 'oase nest Wedne "
eveniag. April 10. Prtire srill
para gnateA as in former y<
le winners tn (he r
^ ne ukRer was referred
ffoM to nee every poasibte a
b the relIra

You arc alyls particcUr. of^

**Ruier E'tslire FsuchersndIhib sl.ebelr of
ter. Maigare
,™. IHT I......
church al Ihe pa
8Kf«4 Hmi
O.H1-I-...................................... ■■
ace Monday
rolng. The boys n
t-l..,.- —-I.......................... ■ ... 1»
a moat enjoyable time.
■..Till* PDcM.
Richard Tower at Rapid OU
bis daughter. Miss Amy. ef Mane
spent Easier wlih
Ibelr eon
brother. Willard Tower. Mlaa An
. «:^(s
mainlng iinUl Wednesday.
Mr*. 8 J Cot went to Grand Rap­
. 1(»r If.
ida Monday for a two-weeks' slay.
Mrs. W G Crawford and eon Wllllc
are spending the week In Fife
Hanlon and l^ilUr.
F. A. Brett of Cbkage Ir among (hr
early arrivals lo eome north tn put
bis collage In order for ihe aammrr
HoDday was eleellon day 1
than half the number of vole
east that day than were (rest .
village election In Harcb.
Tbe fol­
lowing offtcers were elecicd; Super­
visor. Andrew l.aForge: treasurer.
Cbaries B. Carver; clerk. Fred r.
lustice of the peace, Edwin
Ung; Juatk
'iway roramlsaJoocr. WellingWalt: highw,
Charlas B- Whaaler; menber of bMi
w. Jnne U Warner: poundChrts Erickson: eoasuWes.
_______ Jiiam. iamtb 1
tiel Crempun. Martin B


.■mer moatha.
CHetridtr for Leelanau.
Ptaai tor aupplrlng L«clanau
ty with Moctrldly thal have



MNfally MW by J. J. Tweddle of ibU
dty dnrtag the past few monihi
halag brnughl to a head and l( Is prob­
ably that wlifaln a abort time a
paay for that purpose will be organ
Jaad. Hr. Tweddle bolds an option
the dam property at Lelaod on '
carp river aad the prospects of a a
M for the power are bright.
Nnrthport bat been poadertng over
the matter for norae time, tboa ddiylat tbe eompletion of the plana. The
dUeeas ef (hat vlllace waai a munlelffOl piaat ot aame aoR and at a emsn-

aa Aeetlac hut night decided to pnh
cBaae a gas pradodag pUat and eagM. Ldtad. Ptovemoot. Buttoaa


^ coarse. You like clothing thil |w
^ will put your spptsrsccc abov e M
5 criiierem.
Then Cloeherari Is the cloth- ^
^ ing for you.

styles are dc-^

Kt Rianded of Clotbcrsfl designers ^
K and cutters, esclusivc styles ^
^ are tbc resell of their work.
A good 6t-a cotnfortsMc fit
^ —isalsouiBincdwiihctrtairty.^
^ Tbc ell - wool Diaienals
thorough shrinking by
special CloHtcrsit proerr
^ tbarewghneas of care v
Za makiag—aievetydeu;
clothes that start ^


right, auy .ig!:t.2
•Every doIUr o'^ ^
dollar's wonh of ^

A. J. Wilhelm

partial to our tloihing ilu' season. We are
showing suits with all the extreme style—points
that may he conbidr.reil in good taste. I’atieriis aufl tailoring better than usually
shown ai these prices.

See them at $ l O. $ 12.50, $ 15,
$18 and $20.
Complete U»e ol

Hals. Shlrlp, Neekwepr, ele, al

E. Wilhelm’S, Front Street.




MtapM Ittfur- Tranmasler E
want north with the wrecker early this
morning to clear np tbe trooble.
While awlleblng is (be Baldwin
yards fral^t Ko. U put two cars off
ibe tmrk at I o'clock (bla inomlu*
delaying her about (wo hours.

l-A. 9nv W.
L rtm fri Hill; SMtl S
the. l-yeir-old son of a. H. Webster of
Boulh of here, fall on a clrouUr saw
^ m. C. DM. tttTT s*nr». Om. W.
t o'clock ihU af.eroowrand cut a

s »er cot iBowe^lUte D9Sdts
The child had gone with his father
> a aawmin five miles south of here
and while nnnbaenrM crawled up ou
saw (able yhei»- a -Haw was lumlnit
; a fearful rale <d pp>»<i. in sum*manner the rbilct felli pu head strik
Ntw AM.
log on Urn rapidly rerolrluc teeth
Dmrty • Cu.-Sliw
The fact (bat he cu-aped with bis life
li it U retarded as atmoct miraruloits as
an Ineh ftrlber would have meant ihai
RMpUod naurlvit-Work flbops.
would hare been killetl In a hair,
yerckoS Adr. On—H/obh“I.
Orlitaell E
Obir 30 d«r>.
hie manner. '

CltWlllioi mis wnk, 2,825

Mr. Carpenter cBtter.
A letter recoired fnun rite R«
B. Carpenler l>> il<« Herald sialee lliai
Mr. CariH‘iil>-r is >lowly InitirMriny
health but Ls aUc. i,> <h> ».-ry llltl.WLm« til,- weather KettiK he
In hO|>es it Improving r*ter'
and Mis. Carpenter ure
Clarion at present and expect to *0
Croai yillago ncxl week tu spend tbe
ler. Mr. Carpenter states
The Trarene llir Motor Boat Mm- they had a wry |dea:iaii( trip «in (heir
PABE i> «A preseat eoaalraelln* a very drive thptiugh front ' this cli>
piMt/ fauprb for Loals O.
Clarlan. At Wllliamsbarg. Barker
Bndiea 4. Helpaa. Ttie new rraft. Crock and Acme they visited with old
wUcb will be iraOwB as Mareda. will, friends bul found tbe uiow going
be launched on Ma; 1. weather per- fast that they had tu leave iiuoi
nlUia*. It will be twentyoae feet
than they Intended In order Io tn-t
iMCib. romproalae Mem with a Ibrungh. At Norwotul they siwnt
bepiB of See feet. The dedca, paneliDK ■•bon lline with their daughter.
aod Inside work are all oak stained
dark and ifa« planklo* it of cypreas.
The power arlll hi fumitbed by a
S Bellpae en*tne and *ood speed is
On Thunday evenlii*. April II. the
Knlehts of Pythias aod the ttsihbone
Blstera wOl tender a reception to C. B.
Boa Seelal.
Weller, chancellor eommonder ol
A b« aoelal «U1 be held at the Pythian lodte. alao Mra. Weller. There
Blnnler nebool Baturday erenln*. wlU be dancin* and rerreabments. Mr.
April n. at 8 o'dork.
W'eller, who U tbe district manaaer nf
felropoUtan IJfe lusurenre eomWill LMAura.
In this rlly. Jias beon‘calle.1
Prof. W. K. Perris of the PYrria In- New'Tork city, where be hua accepted
aUtate »UI deliver bla popnlar lecture
7 reaponalhle poaltlon with the
“Makia* the Worid BMIer '
Bpdiler OoBcrecaUonal church Prldv erenlas. April IS.
company aad able
rf a much broader Beld than this
aectlee of .Michigan affords. He has
On rurlowtfb
Donald Vonieith. a Mrveant In tbe tharofore been honored by the comTmiUd BtnUa cnvalrr. ti bone on
paay wirii a much more lucrative.p»
foi^b. riallla* bla moiber at h
altloa. Mr. Weller was ' reoleeicd
bdM on West BUteentb atieet. M chancellor commander of the Pythian
Uonieitb baa aerveS nearly leu yeni lodce In IhU city because of bis abilbM laat aerelce beln* In the Philip- Ity and impiilnrlty. He baa made uiio
of the best presiding ofScers tbe loalce
had aod 1l Roea wlthnul saylii-r
that the m-eplltm lo be tendered on
^ ftalpb A. Smitb nnd UKa Haael Thuriday evea|n* will lie largely alToBtpkInt were nniiod In mnrrlai
8 o-rloek WodnsMay by A P. Nerllafer at tbe borne of the *»
tpoiher. Frank Smith. l!C Eaai
Elcresilb alreM. The wmldln* was a
bl* vnlee of the steamer MiAsotiH .in
very quiet aSalr.
ired (hat faet at II :lit a. m. TuesBoth yoon* people are from Maple,
tdk and bare many friends. They day when she shored hernoaeCbrotiKli
Ibe anuwsiorm and made ready to
wU| make ihelr borne al Ueplelon.
land aillio Northern UichiEan Trans
wtipre the *room owaa a farm.
purtatioa eomiiaiij's dix-k. Alttinst all
Ibe whistles in h»wn unhed In welcom
By Only If.
Tbe board of county caoraaevn An- in* llio first boot of Ibe season.
boat lay at Korthpnrt all night
lahid their work tbU momin* and
t^d that the piopoalUaa to bond the on account of tbe sionu, afier niiempi> gain aheller ui S<>ulh Manium
ooimir tor ib» puepoae <d erectln* a
There was a hear) U'S run
cqnaty poor boame on a farm b
11 the lake aud she hniiip..,! hot
*p«iebaae«l by ihe county was icwt by
n Ihe making It almost'
n^iy aerenieen voiee. Tbe total numlary In prtae<sl to Norltiporl 1
bv of'emeo^aai was 1.67S. ai of
wUeb were tOr the pmpoelllon and*^ Jusi off Cat Head |M>ini al kirre field
was mrniintere<l that sir, tefai-d
8ti acalAM II. Tbe unorOelsd oonnt
al^ed tMt II lost by thlrty-seren away to the iic.iili ,-is fnr su. the e>e,
coaid roach. TTte
wan lolle^i.


il A*ro<*y—Tbn Prosper>f.
on* Wml
Btt. J<dia KenBrirk-Probsle will.
Slelnbsr* Bros.—Spriiw op«i1n«
Julius Campbell—OppflnE.
J. W. Uimkeo—Anniveraarr sale.
AmerIcAB Dm* Oo.—Blue vllrJol.
K. WUbeltn—Oonert appatel.
■taerman R ilimief—llanllr a nan
J. V. HUMken-CArpeu and ru*s.

For the

Send lor

To succeed these days you
must have pleoiy of grii, cour■ee, sireoeih. Hov is it njth
Ibe children? Are they tfiip,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
in.1.4. t:.« S»wl» ,rv iiT^ti.1 'i luiu'l".*.
t«n a... ceMUf«ij.e It

^ Calnlogne

For Spring Housecleanlnfl


hus<->er. and olTer>i| lail lime t.-i i
aitce u. the learner.
TaetalU Kimtraii said ll,...
that the frelKhl taken out nl flu. an..
previous iviordn for 'prim: 'liiie.ii.i'Tti.;-,. wan mete or n>Ev. fr.i-'l:i
every |sirt and Jf' aiinilH-r of f.a- ..-n
gei-H left riileag.. im li,e boat
The Mlsaotiri has Iseii

of the line. The upholsleiinj; la ih

IpT WILL PAY YOU to travel many miles tosee this beautiful collection of new floor covI erintr. Our Department today is the B E S T of its kind In Northern Michigan. Jn fact,
I we show as Kood a line as many larse city stores. You- not'only save a little money.:by
L buying here, but you yel the blck of the NEWEST and CHOICEST goods produced by
the best mills in the country. Buying most of the goods direct from manufacturers In
laryfe tiuantities. we buy just as cheap as any big city store.
jAUaiiiirul line of

We bIkiw 11 liL’ lihi i.f.

Ingrain Carpets
ill ................


ooloriiii's an'1 rlesiffua ;

Velvet, Brussels and
Axminsler Carpets

■' uiiii or niibciiil Itonlerat

25c. 35c’. 45e and up


85c lo $1.50 yard.

Ko lilUc eirifc is anlicipated l» Ih,
action taken at the last qitarteil.
moelln* yhen It was declde.1 to ni,.i.
Ibe Downing M. R cbiirclt lo UatuleFully ItiO new nientben were a<ld<
during a recent rovIvaC
AuguBi L. Mix. aged sn yx-ars. « li <
as born In Ceqtuiny and cauic to
Manixtee In IScV. is dead One re:
two dattghters survive. Hi
Kathrina Bruins. :ig<-d 72 years Is dead
al the home of her wua. llcrnun Biiinx
of Parkdalc.

stair Carpets
in Ingrain. Velvet or BrnneU
a. U aiK] 27 inehro wi<le.

25c to 51.25 a yard

Rugs! Rugs! Rugs!

----- ^
.... easily please year taste iaad
We Show Anything and Everything In the Shape ol Rags.

.........$9 to $40



Carpets, Rugs and linoleiims

SrM'I >r(He>Ma.MSSE .



I In NewCotorlngs
al SlsaiO. IZPO and ap lo 17M

of Patterns
Big Showing of Lace Curtains Hundreds
50c pair up to 510 pair
best makes, which i;ivc-s u'- a ran(>e of pattiTiis and colors that is the BEST ON THE MARKET,

“Derj) Heavy Genuine Cork Linoleum, 6 ft. t»ide, 45c, 55c, 60csq. yd. .

kdwin 1*. Trary. kuown lu uioity ut
the oWer iravcling juen of the stale,
For skle. a Bargain.
Gasoline launch 41 ft. ktng 9 ft. dicj al Uuislog Tu<:*<1ay nlsht of
beam, sinnding ttad full length, en­ drojisy and lifav: .Ubv^uic. ag.-.l f:i
closed plliii hmtsv. Hi to » It. p. r
cylinder. 4 cycle eiicitie. All in flrstshajM-. tvaily for th<- water. Owuers hiive boitr.hi larger i>e:ti. I^lr full
-iihirs aiidr'-ss.
roticliuis IlneE..
Maekinae I.~lati.I, Mh-h.

A1 a gold--n Jtibikv i>ar(y given I
hcBur cl Pruf. FVeih-rtck H. Humph­
rey. in till- Blues' iinnofir at Flint,
ihr'o Re:ieistt«n i>f Flint famlties
i'. l-rfMaileil the half eecinry Instruciirui -.r this veteran .laiK'lun ntasier.
Leet and FmikA
sex ard

Even Father Works.
Stamp nf Buckley receallf
rame in piwirawalOD of n rare apf^imeo
in iIh- luitn of a wtamp of a ba*e deDomliiatinn. Not a postage.* sUmp
exactly tmi nearer a |l,nw rovenue
kump av It Is a boy.
Even father works now.

Rob Uaugheny ol fUeh aeddmullr
•bol himnetf U ihe aboubler wfatio
Oork bunling on Squaw lake. He wasdrawing hla gun. muolc first, toward
him when U exploded and kpockafi.
him down la Oe bual. Htul he fallen
ill the lake he might have drowned u
I be was unconnehtu* fof some lime. •

trl. h. itarhe. Thf- la-s
! .-• liti.l.ti.; -n f. A.

TO RENT-UHII Washiucton Mrvt.

mohV'jh>"I>iu'’s\iVif.p" itoti *■

l»cr:;'ri.... 1 '< li-


-J-ICKETS^on sale


You Can’t Stop Him!

April 2


Hb s lller a fair of flu:


Sherman & Hunter

who reads this bul will want in the near future
some article that we carry—be will want the most
he can k'ec for' the amount of money he wishes
to put into that article. Now we make some
pretty strong claims for values
we show in

Cyms J. Olasa and Miss Grace Hea.
kBm were united io marriape Batue
erenln* al the home of the
■lipan's mother. Mrs. RIU Glass. r,02
nin rrool alreel. ihe ceremony beln*
fiRtfonned by tbe Rer. Demat Coehlln
and wltneaaed by only the Inune
friends and relailrm of tbe bride and
ktoom Tbe bride b from Bellalre aod
both youn* peofM hare w lar*e nnmb«r of trteads Io wtab them bapplnesa
They left yesterday momin* for Bellatre.
Death of Mra Hpmer Koala
Homer Hossle. e*ed U. died
at W home in Acme, at 1:3(1 Friday
aftmeon. bn^ death beln* due to
lapa fmn the *rip Mra Hoasle bad
ImtB 111 for years and harin* suffered
an attack c( *rip. sriaing too aooo. tbe
diasaac rMureed and heart failure fol­
ike was bon in Brie cotmty. Pennaylraala. la list and came to Acme la
lac. Her boPbanA bnt no children
anrrlTe her. Mra Hoxale was a membw rff the Methodist church aad
Icnres a lar*e nnntber of mends.

tbe ditch near Kaltbu sldln* on tbe
Kalkaska dirUioo oo Tuesday, pul
lla* lour tuts off with her. The
eanae of tbe wreck wu found to be a
braken mlL No creai dama*e was
done altboogh the dllch Is full of mud
Into whiefa tbe tank tank and almoat
lipped oree. The tratn wna In charge
<f tVmdortor Tbompnon and engineer
Patrer, Tbe engine ctww lamped aad

On May 1

Plow Shoes


Farm and Fireside

Brand Traverse Herald
After That Date the Premium
Cannot Be Secured
Up to aod including May 1st eveiy .sobicriber,
new or old, whose !subicriptioR''is paid in full to Ian.
1. 190S. will receive Farm and Fireside absolutely
FREE for a full year.

Kvory Man vi'kb has worked in i>lowcd ground
knows how ntucli more he enjoys his v.'wrk when he >'an
keep the dirt c#t of his shoes. We liave Shoes that
wont let the din fall in—shoes that arc made honestly
and wont hp open like shoes ^o.) liavo worn.
Ask to see the S-im h Top ?a'.in Galf Shoe with
bellows tcnjiiie-ihai we are seniri;

Now at $2.00
\A/as $2.50

wouldn't it be wise for each aod
every interested reader of our
adv to call and see for them­
selves ?

We know we can satisfy you.

Suits, S7.50,$I0. SI2. $13.50,
$15. $18.

Sherman & Hunter


Grand Traverse Region.


Tboraao KDldertwooe. Jr, of Glen
Arbor, spent o tew day* thb week
with bU OOOt. Mis. M. W. Fomat of
tUa place.


vented the bn* fnim
hrlnglag the
pn^s from the WeWier diatrlo to-

A desi was completed last week by
last which Wilbur Stite. leeomes owner
of the forty acres of land north of
those he Uresdv os^s and George
Mr* Ries* and lomi
SUles becomes owner of the tony
the winter at
acres north and west of H. K.
back eu their fanu laxl
Mr* olesen .»a#I .isutfitc.-. Mrs.
lie son. visited friends
> Traverse City

John Rankle and Mra. Dla Hanalford were united in marrlace last
Tbelr msnj
ftteods eiteiid

■v^ WMk cAiTMRAnScnet H r»
M*¥M tM tete to IN*. AJI cofgtpottS.
later UiM TuooSay mm of toch ivaok.
Wd If oorraopendonls foil to M

Tbr UitbrniB Lo<1i<-ii- AM met
>lra. John HumrUtod'ti rnterdiir.
: in J^nun U boor frua Oinebom
to Tl«lt hU lamt*
He olio broucbl
kU rooilB Mlfio ran Mren of Tnv.
me aif allh him.
. TTierr «oi o Mdol ot the ttcni<iok
dlouiet BCboo! flaturdor bljtbt which
«u writ attrodod. All hod 0 floe
tlow but we did Doi bear how much
the proceed* were.
- A noBiher of j-ouni; folki from here

insi Uanr KnlatIk woo 0 pleoooBt
caller here Pridoj erenllie.

Mrs. Dr. Buriie has cone to Klnssley
to uke care of her dauchter. Mrs.
Wm. BUckbui
a Da<
Mrs. C. J. Bloom and children are
slaltlac lelaUrcs la Ludlaeton.
Mas Cora Dmon* did sewine for
Mrs. Dr. Prsllek last week.
Mrs. T. Ketderboure of Gli
pai^ throBSh town Saturday enrouie
■ for Ttseerse City.
BetllDfter haa eone
bout Umber. I. Cievette it la Empire wlih

•-M .Ml t

a poram»D(o ooU the ruaeral oer
wwVid «i the hooe Friday.
Tke fomllr hove iha oympothr of ihe
ommonltr ip ihtdr nod bemrenest.



Hn. Dio Ooo<i le drei»moklnc r<
BcHho lAiiii

D for severe! weeks visit s


I , Tuesday.
B. Oliver and
ijCIty visited fri*Tds snd vdaitV'
this place Bnndnv agId Monday r»
ina Iwsne Tiu-eilay

E E t-hafepi.* .lid
■ Tniverw City law Fildar.

’ srhnol a

'SS'^ sri,.is;;.^i‘s.r£;sr: -ts:r

week< lowing logs
from Rurdiekville
-U '
to their nun
Mise Olii
sa Glen
George Miller from i
Tniver.-e, i.i*ier. Mi>.
pr.i.:se. Sua.lay,
gresUv enjoved Pv-all pr.-seol,
Ole Tb.uCity called on friend* here Inst wee!
Pha-. Skinner has bought Mr Brigp guests 0 liBhi's lentnl house and moved II
hlB parents Mr. and Mrs. W B Ihile
-ben Biirflend were
who were among the llr*i si ttleis
Mis* Rpail Luwr Sund.iy
I across from Th--o
Is-mcool s. and
Miller HUI are non- restdeni* of Ti
Mr. Mliehel give .i fine r-nipnaln-''noskd bis-fanilly in It. ster.-.he will
jraeni In the Pom OtiHdd *rb«ol houi
erse City.
toushis futuc- home.
James R. Merrill passe.l away
I lust Saturday .-ri-nlng.
Tb<. Sunday *.hool mnv.mlinn
»y morning, aged
years. Mr >
by nil who n!i.-ndPi1
, , ^
^ W^ord ehurcli last Stui.l.-iy
II was born In Canada, bin has li
Ml-s Jalla Thetps-.r visited with . urgelv altendcl deUpl.e '
■ Mrs, Tout Keld.-rhoii.-a- last Monday'
le nioM of his li





WHY is it better to deposit your funds with C
us than to cany or bide them?
BECAUSE with us they are absoutely safe. •
while on your person or in hiding J
teey are *»f»/safe.
BECAUSE many a life has been lost through
* '
keeping money about the house or ^
on the person.
. ^
BEC.-\l!SE with us your funds may be earn- *
tQ((f a moderate interest for you
institrad of Mog idle.




Mr- W. H. Dlmn retiiraed
.lay evening from berv;
Imre and Traverse Citv. Cleveland of TrnvevM
a* Iwiislit the Roij. Uet'oruiir
e is coming ui* here lo ele.ii
pieo<-or>|.Bd ami pul In i
- ha* re
ilin P^il .
Oregon. Mr. and Mrr.. Patti w.-i
ahoiit six tnonili* ago. Mr I’
worklnr. at a miU «i As'etl.. w
•everelf h.iri by a f.i.-re
falling ind striking him
Infant'# OMtK.
brad, rnishii
Edoa U. Taylor, Infant child of kir.
rielnlly and also
a bo*(>li»I and
Ww. Taylor was born March
afnienf in the hoia-s i'
hat roiiM b. don*, hut d'-aih
aged lldaj* Th*
rvstorlTiE her health.
M.tivii I...
i?o; - funeral wn» h
and relK-trsl
c home
held at the
Dirl ijngvoMliy and Mr*. Nellu claimed h
Ills U<*!v is expeoled
er lifflcUtlag.
Ihi m two rhildn-n'r.un.lall'* mill
Itrowii. Iioili liiiv.-view windmills.
this week
His parent- otilv ..... of wirieh . miw
Th. - Kings. 4 W. -1* It t
Willard, the t1ir*-e'j*ar old sou of arrive hei
o-tiated with gri-i The
■r. ti. M
al m.-iehi1ilT ini she answered It |*-well,iie.yl;
Oin Cariienier. h:.- I.'s-n quite sic!.,
liuiiy liax.. til.- Iiearlfell rymloeh-.he «a *ior> has southed the apirli of
mu Is lesiiPT no
injnv and m'
.ii.n-;|*d.e of herliuiri) u pan-m. and Is stilt fraught
pat by Of their
Mr. ati.l MrIhi-lr scimw.
ibeic. and Iong<.d - mih ruasolaUon.
htirtr in tl
Rapids visited a Mr- OM.t Higger v-MM-ei lo i„ *o The spvmtwi was pi
lirPAcbed ffoinl
Ui and Mrs Taylor hi* our branSllte.s last Week,
for the west the- week
If If. I.y the iletMeiid J
A few ladies nave a Hel.-el |iarl«
and Miv Allied Ihi'is ate dln-lA. /luimertnan. i|>.- iiev<-iei..l
Wednc.dtiy eviiiUitf to Ihg ladles of
..111 Ml li.ipiii-'s folks la.i Sitn 'Ailinglou lead in pniyei
ilie l-bubn.lik-t)- eliib and their hiisi
Dear Old MalMr.
liaiids. AIKOII n d.t/eti eouples
ih*r. who-tS'O.iw
j.te.seiii nil.I Ih.-y re(atri a vet
year* old. thrivni oo Klees
juyald.- line-.
Kow’a Ttila?
iliiiers.' wnips tv. H. Brimaoh.
Edson Carpenter is nlglit-watclung
I>ublin, Ga
-Slu. has taken them
In llackay's saw mill:
lor two >eani and enjoy* a
Victor Schofi.-I.l has ri-oted
<-•'ll•■nl apiM-lile, fei-ls
, ;-ing ot. a Urge --ale lu.
Uttore a
.b-.-ps well'
Tlial's the a y RlnTric
will go (ti The peninsula wheri' he i
; j*)!^_.rtHiijroeitre.l ami wlo-n the new »;;;.sko Bittern afT.-ci Hie aged, and the «aaie
wru-l. Ihe farm of Mrs Srlion.-ld'..
ele. BdhJ. llawkitiK
€wcty rat way ! sewer bVi lent h.ts iKs-n installed, along happy 0-..I1IS follow in all em* at
female w.-akn.m* and giHieral debility.
The loeal IrHlge of Reht-ei-.vs («t
Weak, pithy ehlldron lou. lire gienUy
taini-d alioiil It.', of Ihe nieniln-rs of
l.v tbem.
1... Is-tter in the eountry. An eleeirlc
Kik Rapids l.Nlge last Fri.lay my
H»U'« IWlarrh Curvls
ukeo Inlaeh. liter and kidney
Three new ntemliers w. i.- tiilllaled
iroitbles. I.v C A lltiglHT Drug Co, B
and then an eliboraie supper
will (H.iiti.-e
llaunah Uiiig Store.
seneil at the town ti-ilt.
Tsks UaU-i ruelly PUl* lur «e
Ileoio.i llsilH.r

The In-avv snow lull of

nor .ind |u
a farm, then the
louse. Up
Ed. Tirmaln has rmurned from of the l.akP Side House.
bODornblp and rrspectpil clilren. ni*
SOD Marlon from Wllliam*burg. and
Ivan and Nellie Hebert are on i
Mrs. Swariuiit liaf g«ne to Kalkaskj
Kik Rapids, ar
tick list.
ir-nialn Indefinitely wlili liet.. sot
his deaib.
Mr. Slerrill
S. O. Belllnjter and wife were Tn
erte City vlslton one day fast week
Rtnie roiipfT has iiii.ved fnim'th*
bul seriously 111 about flvP week*. Hi.let f.-trui to the
wife was bl* umlrlng devniPd uosse
■ Fox farm and *
Waller Tobin of Cleomere «
caller here Moaday.
The Misses Kuie Van Biiskirli
Idtoa Oleson of Glen Artior. we
(osro Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Finn Becker
City »en> callers here Thursday.
Mrs \V, \V. Pulrchlldi. who bat
been spendinir some lime on South
HanlUMi n-Uad. poised through faer<
Monday, on her way to her home in
eanen. smo in auraataplre, spent Saturday
h her parenu. Ur. and
lett of this place.

the rallied at preeepu
HIM idnha Buaek r . . .
last THdhday ereoliic oner opeDdlng
Violet and Alice of Empire vtsli
bsicr ★•111 her uncle oad oi
with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Voiee
we« of-Cedor,
tbU place Saturday.
i Tortiii DilU flBlabed thU aeoaoe'o
. D. H. Day's mlU started Thursday
CM laaiTburodor
^ maa.J«^ IblviTBOO epeot ber voeaHr. and Mrs. M. W. Farrent ylalts
tkm at komr.
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farrent <
_AlHe jS^ih and tomllj; morrt _
Bait Empire last Saturday.
D. 11. Day baa been beauUrylBg th
Tburadoy. Seems
grounds around bis new fsnn haul
by w
•hr^i ^itiilac and olnglos.

abort funernt sehvi.'.- at flic
house this r-venlna. ’nti- Anderson
hearse from Traverse rii>. that brinks
Ihe casket will *l;ii1 ts.-k veiy early
Honday mnining with tlie reniitns.
fallowed bv Ihe rvlallve, and s.-vecal
friend-, inwling other i-.-laiiies in
Traverse City, where I'te remains ere
to be liil.-m-I. Tie vivici-- lliere Kill
bo coiidueted lt> memlierr .d f
A, Jl.
April r
Clia*. Olsen visited frlenih.
relative* »i TiAvei-je City and
Ini-.l week.
A ver>- plwisani pany was giv.*n at
the home of Ml. and Mt*. Weaver,
last Wistnesitav nlalit.
Th.' .-venius

Horn, to Mr. ami Wi
Mar. M. a doughler
Mr. util V


„7*..^rc:rv*5r5s'<iiirw“r.jJ3';,«« mak*,. h*.k n

Notice! To Economical Buyers

: Our ever increasing business has fully demonstrated to us that the public at large appreciate, and have full
confidence in our business methods. This steady, strong increase in business appeals to our ambition to such
ad extent that we have bought for our new spring stock such an assortment of goods that our showing this year
will be far superior to all past efforts, in order that our stock may be new, bright and dean as well as the larg­
est in Northern Michigan we will make

Big Money Saving Discouni Prices
bn all home furnishings that are part of last year’s stock. This means that you can now secure good, staple goods at much Idss money than you will be
able to buy them for in thirty days from now. -


In this department the vartely, M
choice Is much greater than In raaity

Bcaatlful pallenied

Wbut do

ynu Hliiok


A Urge cobbler seat arm Rocker, one

TI In Vel-1 00

All ToananU In carpet* or other Boor
. eoveringt at actual cost.

;itil ear IMM! patterns in Lace Cnrtalns.
X l«aght before new goods are tinpacktd. at 20 per cent discount.


rented, worth «8.M

e rrti e
g only .


Just at nobby psttem* as yew will find
-In the new stock, but to close them
out. will gtve a :s per cent discount
A r»d pair heavy Rope Por-t nr
tlcres, only ......................... .....|.D9

The patent Sebren
severnl to choose

spring Rocker,
from, ftp g

Our liberal terms make our
goods easy to buy.
Our surprisingly low prices
make them easy to pay for. If
you are an ecocomi^f, prudent
buyer you will appreciat^he advantage
of placing your patronage where your
money reaches farthest and where your
credit is always good.

We want your opinion on a bookcase we
are offering for $14.50. Don’t fail to see it

The Bedroom
A regular $3AA Iron Bed. any enlor
A regnlar KM Iran'8*4. any cedar ...............................................................
In fact, (er the oni few days yeu-wlll Sod here the besi bargains In
Bedroom Goods that it has «vor been ynur pritUege lo secure.
There are aevorel litile things ttuougbosi o«r arere ihai lend to make
the home ‘sarth'i cosy corner.''



In <hl< depamneni. where s« many of
Ih.- liiiie home oereiijHiiini are kept,
the pilees will be fdlind lo lie Just
a* aitraciive as in the larger plecA
raieni Oil Can, 6 gallon, regu#4
lar ll.iu ran ...................................

A goo.! set of veneer


Heavy Tin Water Pall


rirh .lark giii.len iwk fini.h.
in a




Good Japunned Dust Fan



Heavy aelranixed Tiili


I SUIH nak Sideboard, to lhaf popular
Mrs mtt-s Rad Iraas

1 I.,;i„ u.iar,er

a:iw^ uak


Iinii'l iK.a-hed. ca*i l.ra-k ir.n.unngs
it-i.e “drawers,

and *too.l iMfItIud



dour. |

AB etegan.
, inn plores.


and' inIvl’nR’ bwlre. » heaniy. j gg


Don't fail to ask to see the couch that
we are selling for $ 12.75

. for only .........................
A good, large 24x21 In. I’enier Stand, solid osli
An extra heavy all wool Rug. Kx!2, f..r nuly
We make a sisylaliv of l“iiiun* Frauiiiij- --.II

Miscellaneous Offering
■ Many pieees f.f p.-drn>ini riimli-i-f- aside ren-ral




»lriKIi<«i all ihat would 1"* rfesiied


^hai %r are p.r>i. n'arIv anxir.'i- "i n-’t*' •"■’ before the
/li.-ir rir--k.







I A beautiful ri.lid ..:.t; frame. thre>- fian'-l dreueh' screen for.. . .‘•iSS
An atifa-Tive iliilc- Romao seat. In eliber oak or mahogany, for $1.79
A rnovealenl Wall rnblnei. M.edUHie caw. and Clock Hhelf.
Lined, wlih swing d«..r and I«st2 mirror, only ................................ ftJM
We make Window Shsd«—spe-ill alteoiten given lo -lire site*.

iwo oofM. Mn. VI.U Tobta. of AH
oethlDB ovvr a hundn-d beiiiE pTce-Ilbeir dansbier ktynle. who
Mil* Nettle Metralf Of Warmu
/ A. H.
MB Hslpli gm
Roben of KlBKolev aBd Myroo v
«miib’i Satordar.
I. And wblie our yoiins i»w>|ik- are, IPR down there,
SBdIr col wllA • bui uor Uie Ultii of htn slnra lived with hl« notli
UuUv« nuiDher rrom ibli
led i'r>- Ihelr Kooil Iwiievior at all*
Mt>. 1_ E. Bale* wru tb>
Is the only womna ia America An
tbX Btootl) vhllc pUnnjc IB ibr mtll
Mn>. N'e-Uoa will u> icrrailv silaxid
bood aiii.ndeH (he Mie ut S
ie«. Mr. ssil Mr*. H-ji.-ii arv l.eid Ur*. D Crahnm and Mi»s
■a IhrooKfa
Tte wv paaaM
bead Ihf ebnreh and onclal oihL. Rbr <vaa : Saitirdix.
■:hU bor,i.. Oh R..nn„.
. Mr. Ilil; ha« oTRlaated a i.ieedjof chickea*. '
fmm Ibe foreheBd throopb lo ihe tael. , alwi-v* r*»d}-. lo (rtve a liHpiiif- hatiJ I
Abril V
apeelal Iln.e. Tlie Potter orvheMra
-V-...............- ihM n-ibert •
* Inebe* k>a*. orbere idip m.ild Ao r»d. Ttie I.ineral
we*e then- and :i-ti-lei>tl
caouie ie abb lo be out apaln.
H. Hall haa reiunied rrom a Tiact vlll be beld Wedneiula}-. I'odenakci j
Ml* t.leorRe Hani.tei U riel;
k far Aiicn-i Poet-El
iB the aoutbem part of«he aut*.
J. B Bm*n of Klnp.lfj- win have,
apo retliine.1 lo her
Bamle Cooper has moved from the chaise of Ihe arraasenieoia.
na Tlmr-lay
TVptater farm He will arorl. for FJoril
;l-ei Tioo-rta.i niermna a. ns .->’0.1,
Ftea (bU mimioer.
iiiid-was b.r.’t lae T.iiii*duv, .Wt
Mra. S M- Perry la yerj airk
i ~"fS.inlord Plneker
» roov(v) on C
bronchial irouhle.
Tbe Rer. Ur. Plan rlxlrnl ihe heirl|.i ||e Box'a farm net
UUa ivnha TeaBle la <m-«lie sain.
rmriiiKHl Tiieaday of lart
Juxtl e .Kmipp and Mb.« E.1lih Salter
Hn. Chare frooi tbe cjly U aHendlBS
stay-1 weal
> Traveiwe Oily gatUKlav. nfew 1 liimli
W. M21M® BOd it. Tompkinr r:...;..
» •
re .true.! to Joho IP
limi : , It 1
dee!rte.l ai n loeeUna ..f the
bnslDeaj tilp i« tbe city «te i;./ i
louitd .«! iviirir
■tees, Titeaiiav xiahl. u.
flnloh up the rh
Imreh at thi» jila-e thL«
Hra. Daman SeeleVA
■n rii: .. I'oiJ
■priflc. Work 1will beelli jilst ae ontail
vlBltad her o
.1 CT
aa the lupibir can la- ue-ii
The B<-v Mr. Hcrlo-ii iiceiiv-d two.
nienilM-iv lilt., tbi- i-lmn-h ilii- a1«-i •
IM.rr lltlett enroi- up from T;-jv
Uta. F. llBidy ut TrAvei.-e C i;■ e* - Ciii- oil. day lari w.-el. n-tnnilus
^ That it fun Hlam
beeti faeliilbs to euie for Mi . i:. .-i. •

, .
,............ 11 aii.ioi-l
-S.-v.-ral fn.:., h.-o-
Bluer. Mra If, NclMia
I.. like iL
alTb I
i'ii. rrai’i'-e
Jaiisee Bewell will more to Flf'
I 11- .-Jblairb-si I a
IhU WPrt where he |iu lomslil ii ............
And lot. mi Howell will m uc

1 • : B-uI*!i Barniii ai>d Joltn Ham
Haven* cali.-.!
Mlnr.l- when-tl,.-v b-xc i.en vi-oiai, Mr aiw
B.. «
caller* ai Bm-kley Sun-la.-.
I1m> huuae be b»3Rhl of Ur. Hew. U
rs Ji-s-.' H.-illt'it.
A.lari r:!A|'pel. ar„ loM a vjiliiald.i
. Wo. tla'pd.v of ijinolrd rpeen n
W1.1H111: t.ii E A ^^Kbit.r^Alil.M-^ bi.:^ ,
"ays iKdIicst tuiriix-t ji.j-.- for lldtla-r auil
da}N ben- Xr-i week vitllins bla alidvr h-.i • tn-l w-Hi, Th.‘ horre was lu Wall.
Mr*. H. KHbon.
Mr. i.i.'kV Latn. Sllpiiinc Ita buliei
Urd. Haimah Selann died At 7 |i. tn tot liehlnd c«her
CO** In i-vi-iy V
Rtuda.v. i?he had been In poor heaUh kickK m-liiph broke Ih.- Irtriee's i. R, C.ild
I. I— TV..Mill .,f a iti'i -:.,il lei.-i.
Tbe hoiis<- u
for a luoE llMC bill had not beea (xin-;

•' 've.1 iia MiSeiins.
C. B
tsed to (be hoooe for only about «ti |
Barrnii enbl a horn-iMO||i..r s-np|H-r for alK..lI four b.mi* in xvlii.i ,
M1. aiM Mi
II H.ilbv.
weeke. She lea*^ one daiishler andlCtin!
r; a|.preeia-|ve einwd.iC
• :V Si-iine ta-n Thurs-Ia-







Have Yoa Heard that
C. H. JOHNSON line m-








Have You Heard it>at^
it Ciilb i)rix-.l iwr oa Utin aa'k.


CH. Johnson’s





Out Anniversary Sale

Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19


Aay atore io Ik- a®mieei-*-<
miiKt half the cotiflileiiec of il.»
people. We acarted in biialneua
aim Ihe delennlnailon to al­
ways niertt Ihc conflilaBee of i hr
Our pit-aeot hualDeo*
hi prrxif eiKHieb that we have
“kepi faltb- with oiireiian.iuanc.
Oa tbeae aoim- line« we anOtarUOK iHil on another year*
baHariM. «<c idmll endeavor to
make It the beat yearlii imrhU
lory. We anoute you *v aiipnclate rifur eonfldenre in ii« and
iniM well merit It la tltefuture.

i-'-.-d l-l.-afce: cud wi- an- jpa
IwR p. |*ive i... Mr two -hiy..
Ro-al.-r x.-lii>-> thiiii evil Ic-fiu.
• uM- .1.1,... xaloe, uie-le.i



Tailored Suits


- {

Three styles—fitted, semi-fitting and
loose box styles, made from the very
liesi Cravenette.
Colors- Tan. hlae, gray, o.xford
agtl hlack.
Cannot be matched for less lliaa
SIS .Vi.

MV Aatv ukeiedfifty suits Jrom our
slock-, r»«.pTKf /k frier Jroiu
J.y;. iu Jiton. Pony awiJockrI styirs.
Tkr best values rxvr oferrd Jor Ihr
marked pnee. Just to shenv you that
we apprtriate your trade, aud to make
this the rrtord-hrraking suit sale.

Priced lor the twodaysal


AHeraliom wilt he ekero-rd tor
at this ptiee.
Matniats Checks. Stiifes. Fancy .Mix­
tures. also J'taid aud Panaium.y. '



Silk Petticoats

nt-w this spring.


li-e store. Aiiil if i'-iti

and !‘an. y Mi.Mnie.


T'vvi) days only at.............................................................



lie irmeihber'd as;

1 >ress (iouds li.irgaill.


■ ir;> Mil.- xvi;/i j-.u

You may haje vour pick from a hit of
our T.')c. sr.cand$! Dress
This will

Ladies’ Skirts 1;;' , 1-,“'';:;'
s lir .‘ii: ;tig tiv«e IV. II d;iv? that

39 cents yard
You will be glad to buy.


About 40 garments in this lot, both long end short costs infitt->d and semi-fiUed
Whio- Lawn Waists that will make
styles. Ages 18to20 years.equal to32 to 3R «?>7.=iR. Clnthsam Coverts. Fancy MixV->n feel glad you came to this sale.
a few Blacks. ALSO 48^ISSES’ SUITS, siz s mostly 16
WoHh $1.50 and 3.25
and 18 years, equal to 34 and 36 size, an'd a ff^w CKildren’s Gartnems. It’s the entire
sample line of a New York traveling mao.
through with his trip he delivered
them to UR You ran buy anv Suit or Garment in th'is lot at a
saving ol 25 Per CenL Figure what that m-a-isto yj u.
5.00 Garmeois.............. $ 3.75 $50.00 S^il or Coat.......... $ 7.50 SI 5.00 Suit or Coat............ $11.25 Saline Skirts. Special, ft,
r.50 Garmeats .......... .. .3 S.63 $12.00 Su I or Coal..............$ 9.00 $20.00 Suit or Coat............ $15.00
$1.2^ and ft.SO

Dress Goods

l vxii strong niimhers on
*;il«- at
$1.00 and $2.50

Misses’ Sample Suits and Jackets

One lot suiting during th>« sale at


Shirt Waists
Anniversary Bargains

Lawn Dressfe^,
Shirt Waist Suits
At this sale we wilt take occasion to
show'the most extensive line of tub
dresses or costumes ever shown in
this city. Come in white and colored.
SPECI--M. prices wilt be made
on every suit dining the two-day*
sale. Regular price from .SI.'J-O to
$7 50. A suit IS yours at this sale
for less than you would have tn |i.iy
for the making.



Yiiii «ill a|.--rei Mi'e ih<- v:!l-i-i.nd Ik- d.-iijr*

'uthe giv.! ■

you I... k im- ir,.



a skirt




:ii-s spnng'you-will

Muir saving also,

t :i H ;i: i he (.lojk Section during this *:d*-

Heatherbloom Petticoats
Si-me very airraciivebargains
fur this


S2.00, $2.50 and $3.00





The way custbmers respond to our announcements proves that we en­
joy their confidence. We neither misrepresent nor exaggerate, so that
when we tell you anything, it’s woi th investigating.
With a confidence born of the largest, most complete and best assorted stock we have ever shown,
we urge you to see the many new things we are offering in Men’s and Young Men’s Clothing, in Shirts.
Hats and Haberdashery of every sort. Neckwear, hosiery. Underwear. Etc. RIGHT NOW this store is
full of things you ought to own: your money will actually get you more value here now than you will
believe possible without seeing the goods. To emph^siz^ our unequalod readiness and to attract new
friends we have arranged a great Spring Sale in which a great many of our New Spring Goods will be
offered at special prices.

Smart Clothes for Men


W« want tO-caJl yourattenlion to our new lines of Men's and Young Men’s Clothing which we are showing for spring and summer wear.
The stosk comprises a mo«t fascinating assortment of confined patterns, artistic celohngs. faultless styles and perfect Qualities, inciudirg ih.o
‘‘Michael Sterns" famous Rochester clothes and a choice selection from several of the makers in the East. The showing comprlsos all
the neweet expressive effects In light and dark checks and plaids, fancy woavo stripes, blue and black serges, lino black Thibeis, unlmished
^rgteds and fancy mixtures In materials of the highest character. Too Innovation In style this spring, will) Its imperceptibly gliaped back. Is
provlngtobeoneof the best Ideas the fashion-tailors have ever conceived. Ourpneesoro sure to appeal to your koo<1 judgement. $G. $b.50.

Suits at $5.00

Sultsat $15.00




At Uiis prion we sliow ae pretty a liii*’of Suit* rs you will liml at
etorci at 11*' tO'l $'*'* Single or I'oiihln li'i-ash'! suits of Hue wjrstiil
all the new rhecks aaO fancy weaves, fine hlsc-k Thibets, bine ami ^’^k
Sema,et«. All tailored in the most sppro^ maoner by the best tailors in the country. W.- have
mtrked them for this tale.......................................................

Han. There are


In this line we have placed many of oor 112.50 Suits, made of very
find a very plea»ntsan>riseawaiting them her. nl.,..



$10 00
* vr



Men’s Tdj) Coats at $6.50
......... $6.50
Men’s Cravenettes at $7.50

Suits at $10.00

S[K-rlal price ..n M<‘3 = Cifiu-arur.. »..rlh
for iliia ,aIo
Kill! I.a- 1)1’.i uradc CravnciIwoilh Si.'.i'", 81 S10.00 nnJ SI2-53-




r man. Wo only ask that you Inspect and compare.
"TRUMP” SUITS for bojs (7 to 101 in
novelty cloths and blacks
The double breast­
ed square cut prevails—pants plain or bloom«;r.
all made wiilt double seat anil knee.
Priced at
$2. $-2 50. $ $4, $4.50. $•> and

"TKUMr SriTS lor little fellows Cl to s.
in the plain and Eton Nrrfolks. the m w Sailor,
etc., in fancy worsteds. seri;i'S, cheviois and
The preilic-l suits u,; liave ever
shown. I'ricrd at •>J5ii.5;{.
$4 an-1

il.iii- i:i Tn|.





.S-.. X Is a hUK


I. jK.tiis.ii.a.1.- ci.i’,
. ..UJI
il’i 1,.- I..,.1-1.! .





The Best in Shirts

Men’s High Grade Pants

.. I'aiilllcas Iirsn4._ etc.. _bUi«s nf r>-|,utall.m. Tbr n. v
to b«okI.Ud ptallR. IMX plmlf.. knife pliSl*. mau-li and
Com and rtmod fr.xp Ftyk-s. lalortt •tilninRi.. satin ftrlfw uiaclms.
barn-d err-pi-a. mal:i- Khado*' prints, Irlsb ditiiii]’. eic- .at

. -1,...11 ,1, ihl.H .. I8l.l„.liu.ei.l


5«c. $1.11.2S ana tlJSQ
6PCCIAL DURING THIS SALE—All of oiir l.n;l (l.oa and ll.^’’.
tftlfls In ahoTK iiiakif. joiir rlmlc-r at
A Erral vari.-ly of tUe Ir-sIWORK SHIRTS .-M-r off.-e-d ai 11,.-si- i.ii.- '.

Irlfh'!. Pan i;.,

1. ..


25e and 50c

50c. 75c. SI and 51.25

The Newest in Headwear

- ...... i;i.

Th* beat mak«-*, aarfa
the ' MPKlI.liln.- the -Howanl, ” ctr. A
CTval variety la all the UtesP abape*............................................. SI to*
SPECIAL IN FINE S2J0 HATS. Men’a aofl or alls Ha1». all
(A* aevect Niapet. KsaUr SS.W Hau. darins tbla aale at
SPECIAL IN CRUSH HATS—Men’* and Boys’ Cmsli Hols. In
black andeokira. all abapes. duHag Uils sale at
The newest and lalASI fads In Capa nl

............. I m:.,,' raim- i.i- 3-


lOc. ISC. 25cand 50c


26c and 50c


our IsriI V. r. Ki.l Gloves doting this

.NVA8 GLOVES. tOc qnallly - :l be told tturins this sale, r




lli< , .

$1.00. $1.25 and $1.50

SPRING NECKWEAR In great variety, all the different sbaive an.1 choir
ett eotoringa of allki at

T^ibathc Machin^.indudiGgTuto Rw)rtfa.that umgwefcrgQCnTckets.


-i,.,. 7> and iM-i.


25c. 60c. 75C. $ I and $ 1.50

Bate, ner oalr

a l,.t .,f Ki,--.- I’ai.l» :
l..r -Klj. (R-r pair
. f

tUMMCR UNDERWEAR—.t , ■,i..i,RK-l,i,i->,f

The alx3V<-eut J-'pri-5<-riis li..- l,ii:
■ wilt !
mieHUil tw"recurils.


Wi-will ds-j vue yi-vxu-U


di,!.!,,; viir Sp^ing%R:Dln>: Sal.-.;



3wwilLweli.*trtl««. r.-tpr th. .rsti,-re^s, IJy
! ui.ii! Sept. !«. l'.*J7.

This Talking Macliirig and Ttuo Records free forlOOTickgts.



This Talking Machine and Tmo Recohjs free for 100 Tickets


This is the Machine, indudinq Tmo Records.thaf uieflwfSy 200Ttcket&

This lange Disc Graphopnoac u>o/th’yj5^frc«fer500TicKtti

very bcslmichlnes Ilslc^d in the CJlumbla PrtonDjraph Ca.’s cataloque. fiie ^-Columbia •Imoerlal~ fhr vr^M
'•isc Talklsfl MachlM ever constmeted, worth *75. Ihls offer bolds good until SepL 1st, 1907.




Thousands of
Dainty and manning

Special Valncs

Von will Iin<ni-ir<ia luporh collia tioii «>f Wiii*U
in tli»* vi-ry iifWMt un<l m<»*t l•xr•lmivfl niud-l». .iiul
nowhbni clw will yon Oml biu-Ii
ih Cf

jUC 10

We wilt oot aUeniiit to dtecril"^ tbum but if
will Ukcalooknttbe
a look nt the Wnitl
Vt'AiBU yon will nnulily aee UiTl
W(< aam mskioi; ou Botno nf lior
Sprioc 8ale r/ima w»<
6oa*t Hi^b QniK^ Lineerie Waitto at

$2.98, $3.75 and $4.50
arc in ev.‘ry way Iwtto/ am! pruUior Ihim »;aista
ntnally «olil nt fmm *1,00 to .tT.-'iO. < >in- of tin* pirticular fontiinw of iIiom wniiils ir Ibt'ir jiorfecl sliip.'.
aasarioK an ^tet lit iii omry inttanoc.



*1.59 WAtsrs AT

s: --aar-i,.»

We arc already far spring wiUi a grand assorlmrnl o! New Spring
Merchandise in every line*-!n Silks, Dress Goods and Trimmings, in Unens,
Wash Goods, Laces and Embroideries, in Ladies* Tailor Made Soils, Jackets,
and Skirls, Shirl Waists and Shirt Waist Suits, in MusHn Underwear,
Hosiery. Corsets, Elc„ in Men's and Boys* Clothing. Hats and Furnishing
N^v^r b'io.'* hJV^ W2 had sack a stock.
Never betore have we had sach varieIy»-Never beiore have we
made such low prices. The more you make comparisons the more yon*ll
be saUsIied to buy at Steinberg Bros. W'ith double emphasis this applies to
onr great Spring sale which begins Saturday, April 13. and w ill continue for
two weeks, during which time quantities of New Spring Merchandise will
be sold in many cases at less Uian present wholesale prices.

r»w at
iiolw-.'I. v m.i.'li |.-.>iti»r<mr«aro
al VS «n1s. VV.
l iVi-n ii-iiirl ,■ »>1 of ..i.r prctli
Wliiu. WriRU Ma«l,t
al *1-Vl B»v,r»l

.\-nu w.-.Ut V..rlh l.f itaai. *l.:/)fila3 .ar>Bl
«vba».- ma.kol
t; I'm for
. Sj.r;,.;;
j-,.,,, , !,„io-.,i,ly


Til-r-'i«« V. rv fciy.- ft..m
l<> p; ant rnHliy I
N.. .1 J. a i: wa..t ... Ufa! ..f lJ,.«i *l,.-n>

Stunning Spring Garments at Interest Compi^lling Prices.
We desire to give special emphasis to this sale because It is tticgrandcsf siiovvlngol Tailored Suits, Jackets and Skirts wc have ever made
at popular prices. The variety of slylesand fabrics to choose Irom is very large, and as tor valncs we have never hclorc been able to oiler such
clever st)des at sndi low prices. We can 'positively assure you that these garmcnls cannot be duplicated In styles or values.

A Remarkable Sale of
■New SpHng Skirts

Attractive New Eton Suits
Bpr.ii mo>lelo. rrc li
In the ivry lateat and most nsolaiive tpriii^'
dtodo aod- other
cilon and mixtun>t.chiffon
... potmisr
BIHBB. lineL-wrKU*
aoTKO* and
aiul novelty BnilingB,
sailiogB. Uffela
Uffebt Bilk li.M-i
linei eonts. I' k*:ki.U
imoJ* witli BilkB, a4ipIii{Uoa. anil braidB. {>le.-il»i gon'l skirtB.
folly trimmi
Soiuof Xbe.-.„_____
forlmthaa »:25
»25 and f30. Our spriiitf sare j>r.eo ^2S 50
only .............

We slnw a SpladM Varlely of Satis at $l 1.75. $l 3.50, $t 5 00.
/ ItS.OO, $19.75, $23.50, $2500. $30 00 aaO $40.00

■ • If . 'ijiiic. i.. rnnk-- sii-'li All ..fTcriiJi: r
' In t.ori iiis
frtct-jry lo m;ri.ii,;r <r{, Unii i!.;.;.-fiif*. ».<-l wr.
I.M.-.,.r,„K SkirtB ..................... ...
IV-rf-.-ily Bhaprd. P.-rf.-lly u-.I1-t.-1 N -w. SkirKvitL sMli,.l, <.1,.I l.l.
iri Iik-iI r-..)..niu;-i. Mvlidi. ti. w. \V..illi 0 C flfl




; $1000


llrr^wl ,
LADIES COATS Wo show a Wc line in all the diffoirnl slyloB .iml colom.
dotbs, VeuatitoR. CovarU. aud Tropical M ileriab. etc. nf $4.30. *i, $'i. $s, $Hi. bj*. ,.i,
fecial lor This Sale A hiu ahna-ini: of eiccml now moJela
8ivt>di«iirnB->amoiii: tliem 30 iodi lenj{Tafr<itn OontB and Ixwutiral.....................
Jni-ketB. Pony Ooata. Box Coats, <-tC.—in black bmulolollia, envaUs. fanoj- phids ;in<l mivtun-s, oir .
lonKlrW6.-T.rtiri8ldaBiKaBiiirovurt8an1Scol.4i M(xtiir.-»; Tar.Krjst.-v. va- 4^/0 00
rirtyan-1 l.*l value* owr ofT.-rr-l at................................................................................. ...*/>/ U'UU
AUDther Snap all of oaruew Jiisketa. worth $'i.30. will tw niirk<-.l rliiririK tlii:; |snl.- at.. .$5.00

Wash Goods, Embroideries,
Laces In Creal Vartdy.
Almosi Without End >* Ihr- >>iK showiriK of wliilt' iiii.l i-olorul wash p«sl«. ttalisUw. Orcandioe. Silk I’isam-c. ('liiffotia.
nl-iiD and dotted .Mulls, India .. ........
Pi-arlino Iawos. liarr.^l
Musliaa. I'ocyr.'t' SoilioKB and oiIut* Ux. iiumr-muB tnniTH'iitiou.
(•real variety in r-ru-liaiid r«-ry |iriuo:-

lOc, 12 l-Sc. ISc, 20c, 25c, etc. op to *0e.

Embroideries and Laces

Tfireu liOKS tin- varir-ty of any* si*».-ii
Embroidcrins nuiKo from 4e to

range from 2o
prT yard.

IS inch wide, worth it-w. at.........................................................2W

........................V-■■■■■;..................................... ....................................................

................ OuVi)

^•nu!.fvrtiro,in of ChiHnn Pnnnm. ii,, ..y i,-.| I.r -.v:,. .,1. ..k„,i„r
in l.iU^H.mkrvi pli..|8.. I..-.rk,.;,i,| St-.,,
t . rv 1
slyi.'S. \\..rUi $1(1 uii-1 JlL’.V). ;i-......................
rath,a:,abln Black Vaila Skirtt in bilrat pl.-vtr-l m ,!..|8, ,-i,^»cir-i.:_ »UJ-■ nt ;uit1,t%il'iri-.t with c:irr', oil,(.f»ot(;iiil!,.u Prt(,,„iM ir,
-ni.n s,,r:i.LdiL-mixtorr s Wr^rtii

fmrj'Sfttia! On»r in Ltiitt'n line nf Kid'll and IViniV atiil lino'll i-iii'cts. v«-rv
$13. at...............................................................


f/nf Onf/Sl'>U atlh» Abo„»PrUat l.,it y-.j-ii I.. 1 h
I.n,-! , i, of n.-w Sprio;
inn ?•
i„ Si.,. Wu bl.owa l-.y lu.I..-i„al,
Vudr.M'1 only oiio r,f „ km-l. at pr.c'l run,;.!..; 1 -.r,:. «*^J |o *25.09.

). *2.50.


aliT.w:.,-.' 1'.>-Irr.rr-sl ;ind r
ill ttn-.!ii-ili,ry .-f I'le Blar- lna}.il.MV
1 r>{ I'le f.vt
iK-xr;y -VJ \.,.i «nU li-i 1 ifiito • j.r^- »r..

sdJc an.! v • .1 fi!,r!t-s Iihv- .•..fv-an-'.-l
!i«' .in-; lu bt.. .-..r.-i :.or,-r l!.;... ! ,M yr-nr.
fBBey Sdix for Shirt Wrti-rl^.r Siii;.-i. nil I'.-w -JrT.iKrt".-i‘iir-1. s-'ll- rs (
...................... 59c
24 /nci PafnrafCahr Pangta. w -i*^, ;.t......... .................................................................. ..................^
P/a,4. Stripat nn4 Fmner Silh t >r waul*, etpiti-rns. Jr-.ri .................................... 75c |0 *1.00
Steel TaBaItt -ao cnar.inlr'e to a-ivr. yr«t fr -in
.t t.. :t-( j. r ■- nt .. i v ,r 1 v , i. 111.
Taff-lrtS IJ .'H .-„«,rlni-„lalol.| priv.-.
Waal fleet* Ce,«. nn^;..r-.rt:rt-ut in a'l .Hc
U ,n ; sir;,- 8. V. 25c, 2»C, 3»C, SOc,
7vC, 53.WIF lO DZ,Oo.

Two Extraordinary Items
.‘.l iri-di r.ininit.- tlivy an! ii’.i-k, efkga
only, wart!i ?l. at .............................

•'-i in-i. W'-i' ii it
:.'l. •-./-••s. .-.l.-.
i-i.-li anl whit... T.,- wl-.i'B. at ... 5UC

l*TilIMMING5 t-.nn',;ay.f.l.upto'
Appli.iu-vat*i|j r yar! <'
,n aou l.-f a. c jjvmc-y r., fnw.- w ! s
n .nep in t!i.-*r'
pi^Ur a.-pjrtii;-uls.


Tt,r,:,s,nil, f,( I,

-a .i'.ilul Biiritry « mu, i.Brij.trul8 in

Muslin Underwear ‘'U.JJJJ,”,!?””

Goims fmm 50c io »2.50
Shirts frooi 50c to $3.60

Corsets Corers at 24c to 75c
Pants (tom 25c to 11.25

Skins wnh wide tlomice i

r •./ ■}

'... :'.98c


i.irii'ly ..f ny(.

A Snap in Corset Covers, a

-I f'/'ins in a

ry . i.-i.T .tyi- iri,nm.-,f

IMII, I,'..' „..■■■ t».. f,'** ..f !„.vr:ir,n, w-,rt!,


""‘y ............................................................... ............... Z4C
Childrens' Pants,»i--ii.l i-.rinuaii^;-,.*............ ijj.jc

ST .^-J. and Sl’<X) ' -----

Traverse City,

MV. APML 11. 1W.



IVE it food that will not irritate or
V Xretard the performance ofits natural
functions, and it will reciprocate in a w ay
agreeable and comforting.
No single ingredient contributes so
lately toward wholesome, nourishing,
agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder.
.Royal Baking PovvdcrV active ingre­
dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the
most healthful of the fruit products.
This is why Royal Baking Powder
makes the food finer, lighter, more appe­
tizing, and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the
stomach and good health.

' l■ltltiH Bakini Powders Cintaio tiai
“The use of alum and salts of alumina in
food should be PROHIBITED. The constent use of alum compounds exerts a
ddOeterious effect upon the digestive
organs and an irritation of the internal
organs after absorption.
••Pnrfcssor or Cheinlstry

Bd«ar 1>)«r
City SstaSar.

a trip to Traverse

Ui m Mjnw Mwsk both reunIng to Trsveme Otr Bstarday.
Hr. «Dd Mrt. 1«B Ptay of TraTerae


UtU sreek.

of i

Webatar o(
MriotMly cal m a sa* nm
tn laat Pridar.
Igblaaii aUtebea srera takse la tin
auiafeHowt baad. He ^crswlod andar
tba clrela
Mr. aa< Mn_____
Nr. KoasaU SUtaa t------Hra. BiMult Partr. who baa baea
«MU 111 li aa»d better at thia writ-

**OUbert Pray hae complatad Ua aew
■Mte Ltedarteaf of Elk Bapidi wai
la tba ealcbbofteod cac day last
Pwaak Rtsdley made a trip to Trav'
etae ettj^ laat Saturday.
. Tba tabat bob of Mr. aad Mr*. Cab
vM eparttat dM Stmday. AprU 7tb.
aad «at bailed Mrmday^prii Sth.The
.Sneral vaa haM at the beuae. The
may friaeda of Mr. aad Mra. Sparllns
eitcsd tbHr synpaUiy.
Mlaa maeta Campbell of Hod«e.
Md nuk BIHolt srere married Bun-

nttaaa of HlIQam Baxtoa'a tri
bUpM him cHebnie bla »ih I
day. niad waa piayed and lt|d>t reIlMbMWt arcra aerred. All report "

to llodce Baimilav. taklue with
r Miss Joaepidiic Seely, who bas
I'D speodlog ■ two week* vrllb her
Mr. miHia Is epinytne a vUll from
la Hlater frian Maaton.
HIM BtheJ Clbba of Travrese City
nd Mias HnaBeld of Her Cove vl

His. Tteker wss Is Tnrsne ClUr boagbl the WBlUm Ftortoc
Tbr Amtriran Snrtefy of EqRlly
-jeriliig at the Black scbonlboa!«laE(
Jan»« mtui:.-.- r.i>d wlh- lo William
Friday evening wss well attended aoJ Hahl.arrt. parretr, H 1. A Co's Tib.
and Hr. aiul new member* were admitted. Pre*lI siren Downev lo Rachael HolleaMriL-Demip spi-sl the Sablisib at the drmi Edwin Black was chosen a dele- iNwk. w. a n.. of lu! (?. Oak HelgtRs.
plrsaaot fanu borne ot Mr. and Hrs. gate ti > atiruid the oDuoty cteiTeiiErt.
tIOD Of potaio growers whkh Will be
jow'pb Scliran and wife to M'm. W.
Hr. BrteB* porcJiaW a row fm
sld at MoiioH' Center.
*— Wrtohrrc lait wcick.
There wax a dance at Ibrtev Mar­
r. Cnok^rhlldroo are al>lr Ki
Id wife
aKBlo. bartna bad erirrc ruld,.
wir town merlittg
w«, of .
In. Jd». Apitll nr Odar retnni> .
.lilc i.ilk nb-rtn bulldii
I. $10".
jrr bonr TborMlay after >pmdlp;
It wax <lecidnl that
•_gr.d '
j jaltlos Otr |ian-iit» at homr. .
heard had re-jn-.! i
Tbotnaa l*UiD(iudM haa a new pho- special cleciion would be
If r<mnd<ng sn<l wife in’
the town hail prupoxillm.
i!.i.-t and wlf". f.anu-:*,.
April ». ___________________
Whenever ,vini
*y he I. f.Ho.,iiaRip who I* n«-arlT
It Wiii-1.
Win-1. Jack lx a Wiim-r
jarr-l*, S<-c. :i. T. ».|
Utile imtnp 4l g, who alter Iwlng liorv
and away tcHuiirrow la many;
for over tu-.i ycarx paxi hot
day ia town.
iK home with tbe hard. He ha*
Mn. J. r. \
1.1 .-arv.sail i:..-r.vt*>ly Ilk--.:
rant and Bnrdci* rriumrd Saitirdt
Ulih- JiicK the ref<-inH--l tramp.
rrninp W«.pi,Bcr.zonia.
Mon-lsv wiinex-cl .• m-v-tv MiisierPrUT Wurrbme ln-maktnc Munr ii
;ng rn..«-»iorm. Many liH1.-hlr.lx will
Sunday Bcheel Canveoti
proTriticoia on bi:. buildtoe.
xuIf.T from hunger. Y'pur eorresp-i •Roy Slrrli' hlis Urru roiiflneU to h
dent a tew .e-arx ago. alter a simlli
bene For tbr- past ts'O sevkk. by 1
storm fo-ind rasiiv lllth- ground birt
X h.-i I'
des'.d, lu sonn- rase* file ninther bii
D. If. Seou apcDt Wedooaday
dead on hci nest. Many eatllp wl
In TrarcrN- City.
had iN-guii being i>*slurcd will hav.- to
Mr.. W. B. Jnhn.ton loft iblf mors
slhllfed. Thcr.' are. tiiany people
IDK for Trarcrae CMy.
the sick 11*1 eaiiwd b> the i siresieU Howell retorsod froni Ibe west
cbanp'ablv weallm-. '-n' w«- iiiuM
laat waek where be haa bees for Ibv
-e whal <ioj! setids ns r.iid 1-c• vv.-lcotne «.«* cl.en b> :
taat ail months.
for all trf.l.
B. E Campbell apeul Hooday In
Traverse Clly.
Balpb RobiDsno rcttimcd
evealns from a trip
icly evf
'cu*wxl I.) J..-.epb Tbouivx wbngave;
,'.‘^|»."vrral go<*I H':.*. The iiioTPlng *e*
Byron Sweet of Easip<irt 1'
*' ston rioved hv siiigtnc ' Jiixi tln-.Banie
Ins her daoslucr, Mr*. W.
After ilinm-r ami so<i.’l bimr ttnr*. C<o. Helmforih and wn *d
vt-nv.-nl!« ,1 w;i* ■•nM-d 'o ciiler lo Ih",
llnlrii’s <T.w.‘lns. sinoi u few d»y.<
Iirexiilcni '
last week with Mm. Cdoa Kelsey
.M'-W xinriiic ■'riie Crnts.
O. GoslalT .‘•pent Saturday in Truv.
rse City on bnaliie^*.
Mr. amt Mrs. Frank Moiton ent'-r
taloed L. R. Peek and family and MIsr
Edith Dame at Easter dinner.
Bauml.e'rBrr nml
t-Sw IS bltwk • IJ - II. I. A G.
dauehleiT. Jessie. HPcl Edna and «
Fred. Jr., of South Bend. Iod_ airtvi
n-wUt .1. BtiriicM aim wKc lo
spend tbe «upimer ua tiielr fan
Cbaries II. C.rvrr
-,t ,w>i bf
Mr. Baumltergcr will arrive later.
Nr*. R. «’y*e an<I son of Emnlro ■
.KdiClng a few daj-« with Mt*.
PriniRry w.M-1 hv Mr* MHIll,-‘n. wlm
n« an Int.
-- .^nd Mr.. F. n. Davis |r|t h.
WeUnesdov moraine for Cesmni.i
Iw> a IHik
where they will make thi-l
m. block S. Hk.vfl
.k* .igr f>>i-nt;-. l^vculOi .i;.
Clifford Voiee ot Empire arrived Corn' and wll
Tuesday evening for .i visit wHl
OlM".. loix 9 and 10. i.lrvk
gnndmolbrr Mn.- A. A. Power*.
A. H. Power* arrived last evening
.Arrlill-.Id Glbhx *0.1 Wife
HVlor. Pr
A. GlM-x. loir S and 10. 'dt!rl'' S. Va'" |
Vill'a-y, y
gave *
field. m rn>
per In the Conereciitlo«»l elmioli
Pt icr yoiilek and i
lor. last Tuendny evening.
7..iilek xwt., of iiw*,,.
I Good R-«erd.
The B. I. New England suppei
been po*ip
" cwr^e iv. I.fillefleH f- Msmat-li Dtil of all the erierlial yeimsllex -efieo. E Dame■ lu.s 1.
for the building of an .vciddltlon lo bli
mideoee to U R. Peek.
* ShrtMler siient last W.-.1


3Xr ..... . ...

Empire Erii
pmspecla of iHiwe I
They lelQmrd Baturday
.......... who
Irk Koch
reeenlly Inst hi
pilrt by Are'has moved to Keysfun
baring a Job at Jaa. Crandatr* mill <
that pUc
to work
there he will move bis family there.
April 9.


II. F. Rlfliirh hax tnoved r>n Ihe farm
r parrhaaed of Don Clcland.
Roy Monroe has moved from ii'tchi
nd I* occupilng the house f»nnrrl\
ecupled by H. F. HIo<irb. Roy Is In
:or1t for Albert J. Courude.
Arthur Doinine left
Axhbury. Bomb Carolina, on lmi<"<l*ni
r». Jerome Forton ildlml for day. friend* aad rriotht-s In
Traverse City.
otHu. UJ idr. aod
Mrs. WlUlam
We are aorry to hear Ihct Hi. a Hal
Blackhur*!. a boy.
a ftirton, a former resident of Eds-i
Bom. to Mr. and Mr*. WllltAm E.
with rousumpKim at
Tbaye^r. a boy.
IC. Mr*. Phllomenj
aytor! a pU-neer oi

who haa b
for (be pul week ia able ic

* one day laM we^.
Mia. Hoarard Kewmarch ap«t
urady and Baaday with her pareaU
aur Waxftird.


body was n
dence of her w
where the fiilfera

by n male qimi
dIMrict. Ther
irtbutlon*. Grundma wax seveiiiy-flvi
ir* old n kin<1 and atlectinanithcr. bt'hived b> all who knew her
A com
eoneourre of friend* aud ni lghlKjTfollowi
ttielr Un


e A Crouer'a mill bat shut
_____ for s lime, aad Ihe crew will
Della Yack a^*J- W. Banmai'a III- flnish the cut at tbe Hannab mill.
U P. Adam* bas returned from bis Rapids
Ue boy both bare the paeomoaU.
Dlw WeUa 1* very tow with the booie at Baginaw. aad
ehat«e of Uk local cheewe
“IPh- Harrlll who wit MoppInB with again Ibis season.
It is expected Ibsl (be riteew bebla brother. J. R. Merrill, dee.

win begin operalloos the last
1» at J, D. Bledman’a aod quite
dyde Rouia and "
--------- over
HorUl prole
e'a funeral,
ably toeate bare ao» aod Clyde wfll
ran (be farm tbU *ui
Then waa a very targe altaadan
at Mr*. Hoxaic'a funeral. aUhoogh
WU a very atorvy da.v. The Rev. Mr.
TboopaoB of Bk Rapids delivered the
The total offctlnt® w
taaeUfuL being lllltos aad earaatioiui
furwlabed by (he Ladles' Aid. the
OmateTT usaodaltoo and nelchborv
t by friend*;
w una
unaWr to aUend
rbo were
Aa Monday
be old friewda ud nelcbl
NR attend tbe funeral of J. R. Marrtll
1 Ttaverae CHy u the,- would liked

Bay* tlte

5* ma




Hiss Cora Srbofleld mnned
wmiamsbun; Saturday evening, and
school iKiiaD Monday..niter n week’s
I) of Chsrlr-volx assisted
U. M. James was out for Ibe llnit
Hunday after three wreka' of tlliieas,
Hr*. John
Wacbeomb of Htslxr
ling In honor td Mm,
eslled on her atolcr. Mrs. B. M. Jut
-leaves on Wodaeaday
Saurday. aad took Doris aod
bomc In New Vork.
Janm borne vrUh her. npoa her
Mias Mina Middleton, well known It
IhIt vidnltv. writes friends the has
fallen hoir lo tZ.
a large l
Iddleton a
nlhcr half
n make UiHr bomr.

latic a br...________
Tbe band aund has been nKwed
1 ne* tocatloi Just aoutfa of i
council room.
Fnitoo I* 'making *ocne altr
“•ft. Nawmarch wa» la BlB Raplda _____ In the Interior ctf hU oltf di
store building.
ea boBlBaa ose day Uat week.
IVlIh the coming of spring base ball
HIM Amy Baecralller t* vUll .
Jk Is sgain apparent.
bar aubt’a. Mra. Wllllain Saxton tor a
Henrv Koeple lx the purebascr of
few daya.
r. and Mra. WU- new driving horae nud rubber tired
The lofaat_______
llaa Saztaa M very

^Tut. tut/


n-UM-a. Uirtlg. r.TMI. bl.xnl
. weak. pslv. rirki,
lf.r,ln.-l. Kl.r-1

V.'biu-ccre. Buffalu

Ililtrix mgsex the bl.Kwhllrb. jed. pule
p.-il.T-l hi-alili.
Vl- .'wl* itrno inc f-.unren f-wi of r.
lev ran.will fnnn ih* Atlnnii-- to i
bead «f lake Bii|iennr. a'distance

When the borne of tl. A Sinidy *1
|r;,.t Hock wax tiunird bla huir rhll....* e.cBlH-d riad only ID Ihrir nlgbth-. and Ml* Biurdy. who Iw-very III.
had to u- e«nW from flie biasing
IlinlUllog on a ctrt.

Sio|.-. ilrhliig I-JI.1..III'.. I'li.-x ).i;.'- ■
f. z-'ina. s-ilt ihe-iin. teltr-v. iirh. Ime-, ] '
hell*--, ei-alde*— Doan'f tllntim-Ut. A- : ;
any .intg m-j-c,

. single d
TicaimcDI i
eoacilpathdi. Tr eenis a
r druggist for them.

Scolts Stockfond aid Veterinary Remedies

iiu lu-tter nrticlt-a on.tlm in-irlu-l for
1 S'I'DCK. Tlioy are ribtiirew oati rooinlin
«r«* put tipBolanl'1 iiii<1prn {swiiye sdunnUT.
If. liiiil>}iri(;




\nur (Irnier haa it. If not let ua know
II idl you uhoiv it'-iu lie ft.untl.

Put up only by


Jnci: Sergmlltcr nd wi:- lu

M., pain* i.nd a-lev

it I- '-m- ;>nie.Iy *.•


Heavy, la.p.nv bbrri make. . m..d
dy. pimply cmpl.xi.*. heatUch...,

..... .................................... ....... 1.™.-

Scoll Veterinary Remedy Co.
209 Stale Street


Julius Campbell Co.
123-125 South Union St.

X lUe will Open Our Doors

Saturday. Jlpril 13tb

The Kingsley uportarnsn's dub am
e*peeling a consignment of las* and
pike fry within the courue of I




was heW from the
German I^lhnwn eburob unlay, the
Be*. Sehoettic rdBelilIng.
non Sehanb was in Manlncs Iasi

Ottr April mow storm brought about
four loebe* of *now today and bnucr*
are drawing log* U> the Bill oo sleighs
Mrs. Jos. Valiev I* conffoed (> ’’
Oirougb illocsf.
tbe wlaier.
Nrv. Briggs did shopping In
J. W. Smltb auned tbe wall for Hr.
etae City Saturday.
Mrs. JobneoB of LcUad bas
rialtlng reUOva* here the past week
ed hrm**foDm Inlabtnc It.
before Joialog her haaband oa tbe 1»-^
B. W. Thytof aold a Site emt to W
Saoden of Grawn Uat SaUrdar. 1
*“joa Ballanger burled a ten year oJd
has asoUier one at about two Bit}.
Sabbatb momlag
April I.
throat irooble.
Mrs. >nulag aad children left today
to Jele her tauataand who has naptoymmt In tba aonb.

Blue Vitriol
(Coiner Sidphalei.''
any quantity
at the r^lit price



With Ihe most up-to-date store in northern Michigan, occupying
TWO ENTIRE FLOORS 45 by 100 feet, with basement 45 by 120 feet.
These floors are ail filled with an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of goods
lhatare the BEST that we could find in the market.

If you are going to build, vve can soil yoii everything but the
lumber, and when your home is ready can furnish it complete with
the best goods money can buy.
We will sell you House Furnishings on EASY PAYMENTS, if
you wish, and sell you goods that are strictly dependable in everyway.
Comeand see us Saturday. You will bawalcomethen orany other
time, and you will always find us willing to show goods.

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