Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1907

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■k lupld*. lUeb^ Mmr S4.-NM1 C.
fwnr. «bo fttauAtM iron the AgriotftOMI eoarw at H. A. C. next
la. M tar w U taoira. the only lopr^
sMtatlTe at Anthm comity fiBlcbloc
Ml ooorae at-lAat tasUlnUoD.
Nmi waak U aoDnaManMit Id tbc
aelM. Tbc acnior claw ooiuliU of
Wac nenbara. u fo»o«*: Halma
Bataa. Cora BUaabcUi Patcoe. Zclla
UMlla MeVtear. JosapfalDa M. Var■Ser. nairy FraaKUa Farrell, Harry
Janas Brim. TboBas Francis tiorao.
Wslkar MUloa Laa«. Eion Forbes
Tba azerrlfies begin at 10 o'clogt
TDuiwUy raoraiDg. »hen il>« members
flf the dais read (heir eaasya and daliter tbelr orathma. In the evening
at « oclock the
are hdd, at which time llx«. O. A.
Osarloat of Buffalo deliters (he addrews to the claas and

aaBodathn. vHtas tor
t lafonnatlon of
MlHoa A. Matas, a b
m Rapldi. who nay years
plaesd bla son wHh the bone,
boy la am a narrM naa and a
Dad bla tether. Anyone bavin*
knowledse of ibe preaeat whereabouu
ot-4iu> man will cooler a tevor by
wrltlngKr. Sly at Lanaln*
Prank Johnson was Injured at the
MW uUl Wednesday by (eulng hla
le* caiKbl In the sprocket ebalo drUla* tbe rollers carrying the lumber
rram tbe big saw. The leg was
Blderahly, lacerated and bruised.
It lomta as U Decoration day would
*o with little or no observance. This
place liaa no Orand Army post to keep
up the e^tbualaam.

(atr. For futare years, howerer. It U

daetlng sales, prevlena rtWetadag
clips to be offered, etc. With
the earaett omoperailoo oT wool grow.
■wool sales days-may be w ayalematlsed and enlayd as to be ol
mutual beneUt to both wool growers
and wool buyers. Remember, all wool
giowen <d the surrounding country
are lavlied to bring in their wool and
assist la making “wool sales day"
Kingsley, Juae Ith, a great aaccees
farmers who brte* In wo.4
should r*l«rt ai A. 8eegmlller n
John Wood. Master. Secretary

Honor. Mich. May M—Polalo bujera are profuse bat can are not.
Misa Myrtle Redding la home
Ann Arbor.
Kart L Smith made a business
1 Maalstee Thureday.
Jas. Wyae is suffering the lo.« of
his mile anger of the left band.
B. C. ChesMielr has rented
Hotel Chei^ler to Mr. Nightwigale.
giving poasMsIcm last week.
Frank Satlerty. ffreman on
Henor brmocb of the M. A N.
moved hit family from Manistee

it. He hu refused sn offer of for anorfaer tract and hu also]
„.d a piece costlag btm »5.o.i-> two
year* ago for gltSAW. Vanleo FuII-t I
or the refonnaioiT. aad other Idols
men are In on the deal.
decld.-dly novel eulerprice li- IsIng conducted at Iteueurk by a cutupany of lycal u<«. It ,1s the creullon
of new real estate In (be West Han­
cock addition by waKhlng down the
adjacent IiIIIh into ravines Hie ti>.lnullr syneni Is used. TeMe ot
practlrablllty uf the unique MCheni>uade Iasi year, and with such
*s that operations on an exic
scale were insllluted this &ea.H<
Dsiderable urea ol new Uiul a
have been rxraied wbeu Ihr plans
the company are rarrieil to coiii|iletioii
s-m be plaited and sold in ■
petrels to pmepKilve builders

Trarerse Qty State Bank


; A TRACY UkV, FrsiHufi.




S-OARLAMO, Cllktsn

BURPLUB. tso/aoo

Tire Insurance!

BoUta and Aocldbnt tnaurAno*.

Moicj lo Loti 01 ImproTcd Real Estate Oily.
Room SIONww SUt* Bank Bulldlnf.

A GcBcnl BfiskUe BbsIbos M


3 per Celt ellewefi w Hae DcpMttt


Money in Rubbees.
Mre. A. W Heck hu pecelv.d
■r Iron) lierruau L. Swift, mijk'iiu
pMffiam M plentlfnly latersparaed
leodeni ol ibe B.-ulah Home loi f
wUh mnslesl sHsetiaas. All the
Boyne City, informiug her ih*i
Traverse City, Mich.
erdaea are held at tbe opera bouse.
barrels of rubber had Mild tor
Si*ll yoti your bill (or b
On Wednesday erenlag tbe el^tb
These barrels were not all full. >ui1y
grade dass of thirty mambera. as
oe being filled as full av P could Iw
tows, will bold tbdr exerdass;
gotten aad the other:; only |.».o-t>
fftra Huber. Albert Nelsoa. Haael
while one was nilher shoii Another
MtffBger, Marls BHfga, Csrl Caras.
thing iliat kepi (be value .
Omrade Hawley. Mllle Scbaler. Harry
cloth had tioi been
BSUOa. Mary Moe. Abble Smltb. John bout two dom people.
Tbe Hsniatee took on M7t barrels
(retour fivrurea and couipnr.-our tjmdei before biiyiiij; f..lioo
Omsrtaon. Larrslne Hansen.
iluMr. and Mrs. R R. Ruaenli
TkOtepano, Lynn Hooper. Irene ol eeniem Saturday evening tor Mi
□s. Look for tbe Lij; H.vl l-Liul.
tmi tii)* I'uble-n* Into slu!|u*
drove to Bendon Suuday. aitb frl
tumr. Henry Kala*. Bdyth Paacoe. aukee.
fouiHl lliHr Value; Hie doii.iiloii Im-Mik
Cor H Mb St. aiul LukvAvc.
Fhoneo. Bell :iW; C'lU. SOh.
Paul Wright, who graduatee is phai they bad mitertaloed ' tbe prevlou.H
BMW Mayer. Rayiaoed Turcotl, BerIbe same as uriuul casli a. u chis-k;
Mower. Ulea Beraain. Hart Mas- many at the University of Ulehlgsa
SOM tel t'Wll.ia 4Hy«t
l>ad already , leyi-u from ib.J. C Barker, the genUl cashier
Ith, has accepted a good posleM«Aly ear er M«k'
Mil, Freak Mdbwsa, Charles llod*«.
rubber <-otii|iany. Tbla aiieujiit dies'
h n firm ot taabutecturlag
IWa Hotey. Howatd HcMuUlu. Mary
not uvriude the last band.
southern pan of the atate. It is
We have the Best Tea on
■orrlBsa. John Aseehllmaon, UUle ebemisla In New York.
W. 8. Boatbron of New York is here ported that Mrt. Barker wll return
the MarkeL
shower and had donated -Ii1e.-ii
auditing tbe books ol the Iron com­ with him.
Clioifc 0iio.>lnn,\ .lujiau jiarticnlariy fine-Huvor aoi)
With prospaeu bright tor Iwidlng towels ati<l u pair of pllhiw slips i.i
.iotiel atrruk'lli.
atmik'Ui. ..
If you —
Imvu trouble
« county seat at BeW spriug elecProf, and Mrs. II. T. Blodget
MM toffdmlaBtoa to the High setaod.
for Uii-se. staling that
uiiD]|>l<- i>;>Qn<i
i>;>Dnd •oftliis,
i«i llittt i« lo your Hkiiig try a uaDiiiliBpMiMotod
on and a visit from Gov. Warner
WHbtbetwwpUon of Sunday school served Ice cream and cake to ihi
le arthles could lut put to excelleiil
uu«. We will lake..itr cluou-wo od your o iiitig back.
DO oervleea will be Held at the Oer
«•. He requested the iiamee ot tliuiw
Honor ts going some.
Price, 50c per ptNuad.
aan Betorwed ebureh next Suoday. lowing tbe eloae (d stdiool FYlday.
Mi-morlal services will be held at ho roniisMed ijie •-Inn ibal iiro|>ei
Capt. Joe Hawley baa realgned hit
TB late pastor, the Rev. A. KeubeOLABBEB FITTEB
•edit mlglii IK- given.
evenMaha, haring praaobed hla larswell position as baggageman at the depot
WllHMm BMob
Ti««*»ta mty
Mr. Swift expects to le- in this city
Special iDvItallon Is extended to
IMPWM aad left (or fats new charge la and la fllUug out bis boat for summer
the veterans and tbelr families. Bvdry- III June and hopes to have nutre time
gneeoaalD with bla lamUy Monday.
than lie did at his last visit
Tbe Rev. W. H. Vail was uuabls to body U invited to attend Ibis service. bring wilb liliu a "boy wunder."
At-the FresbyterUn church only
As the day waa floe J. W. Craie und
■offatB smdcea aad Sunday sdiool on bis polidt last Sunday because of of Murray post- U A. It.
few of hta friends with tbelr wives young eliiculluiilsi (jr m
«flt he held next Sunday, la (he ilinehs.
tliau the other boys wbi> were here at
Muple ntv:m.lw-a--;a.IJiitai.I at 111Sam Cromie has accepted a poalUon drove to Plane Lake to «ij.^ a ride the last visit.
•vSatng WBlon aerrtces will be held
| me .d his .IcstU. II.. was Bis.,-;,
U>« Lake In bla new lauDCh. Dur­
tt •• M. B. Wareh when the peetor.
rinding be thanked Travetwe |
A heavy frost Monday night but no
the Rev. R. W. Thompson, will pesach
the .hel|> for the home nnd ' grang.-.
broke lopae from Its moorings nnd
tbtSrsad C»p#m 0rr«M
Is >el reported.
drifted ashore at Bdfewaler. Mr.
The (iiui-ral servlc.. will h- at hi'
Bevtsal cedlnaaoes will be present­ Mre. Bam Seeley hu heen In the
Cruse wu notified aad went there
h..m.. Sunday aftert.m.n al-2 ..•.l.wk.
ed at tbe oeunell meeting next Mon- township of Mabel lor the pul ten
Tam aad Ttrttide
It is .-xi-i-ted that the U. V. ,V. W
days eating for her mother. Mre. A. and located the launch on (be beach.
dV •eeslng. among them being
Sunday be carried a ten gallon can of
Twe paper, for tha priou Of ano.
VVillh.iiis will official., ami ih.-, l.uila!
tstbldElag (he palotlng of adverti
gasoline a mile and a ball to bring
Will U- ill SoliMi i-<-m>.|<v>-.
eight <m the stdewalhs and tbe prodhU al HI o'clewk Pil.lav iilglii atlm
the launch bark. He found the b<
■ raiMil-.ih Ia.ushic.1 .If I
■IWmiili taclOafc of tlgni and adver- die (Inter of bla right band while
aa he left It to all appearances a
uu-l 4. c' to dcalh on
tbdng matmr on tlje buildings an^ nrorklng on the Clam unloading tbe
Pay, for both a full ywar.
Bco an-'^
-al'-iv |.iii .vhu'li slu- |ip-k.-il II
•e barge.
nounermant doewbera
cimiplicalion .d Iliiw.vs.-s,,I- . Al-.m f-ny I; of
feacbn Mmnt lawn. '
nice place lo leave unytliing. Just
II.Hii. Sh- desi III ammy..
Herald. ■
Albert Ruff hu quit his )qb
nm Kwwadia eebmis close Friday
l*HliC ihc primary c.viiso. Mr. Dickei t.-Iidi-i.-d Mrs. Vciic 1 Sle.i.-r u v-ry I
safe outside os It would ba locked
1.1,-asuiii suiprise Thursilay I'vciiiiic j
«( dWs week with a picolc la Beehis iw mill aad ships as second c
John pracuedea to lake off the canvas
Sk'ilcr will tasin Irave for Ku ’
•rose. HMs Jsule Green of Central tbe ore barge.
Ulckaad W ha threw up a portii
Sunday afternoon the Rev. Charles
and the Miiiirise waa Hi honor of
lAtm, who has taught the put year.
ermau was born In ls»id.,o. N II.
Daniels condueled tbe tuneeal of Mrs. of tbe cover he could hardly believe There he enlist.vl 4u the TliirtwiUh
c‘V>nl. Music was one of tie
iMPRlxeB exeellont saUsfactlon.
fats eyes. Turing he aays; Say Stacc.
^#be a number of yean Goa Fisher John Taylor at tbe Presbyieiian where la ibe englDeT Some one had
infantry nintiy |,l<-aKam (vwluies uf ihc ,-vi-ii
being serv.'il aud
ot^ls place hu saRed as ffreman of charch at Yuba.
and Rsn-ed Ihns- year,, In tbe !
-Bplnaler’s O
music Is-liig (nrolsluvl diiriue ih- »
«p eiaamer But*, which alranded on
neartly nnd eomph-le. No ciue or of IIP:c he cBine to ^loii and had freslinieiiis hy Mrs, Bil Ncwi.m, laiici
QBe Boperior Uit week. It U not gives Tberaday evening at ibe opera
since bwldis] ihore con(iniiuii,dy. Iii
by local talent lor tbe benefft of (race of the vandal aa yel.
RMSra whether he wu aboerd at not
July. Ik'J. be WUH uiiAsI in tnarriag,. the yileoti Cily liaiel callcl aud gave a
Barred Heart Catholic rhurefa.
and his wrifo. who Is now In years ol mii<','il. Klurak ■•riiilii-n.' <|iiait,'l als.i
I stated «l
Tbe-barge Ctarlu 8. Neff, charIf you arobaiMini; a liouie we wcmUlike lo figure
reprtng tl
Buckley. Mich., May 24-—The Buck- age.-and one sun. VV. O- Hjckertiiaii. i,-n,I,-ivsl a imiiil»-r of wlwiloiis .\
terfd by the Iran oompany. made one
v.iy j.lcasBUI lime was luiil ami on
with you on your Sails. Vnllcy Tin. BuildiiiR Paper.
dBoWer boaL and no won
ley baoeball team yeeterday afteniouii survive him.
nmelTiil tram btm since.
lliiring Ills-forty years’ r«-sid»-iirc IcLvliig llie gve-sis pr*'s,.||le,l *Mi>
itarted their geaeon by defeating the
Locks, Knubw fliii] iliiiyfra, PoibU. OiU and Vnmiabei
drat ot the week, teevlng here nt
ihero Mr. Ihrkenuau iiiacle io:iii> riWerw irav.-linc tiaml sjiu-le-l and .,
Harrieta team by a aeore of 4
mod oU-. for we .-nn tave yon ooup- ntuaey. We Bblw
o'clock OB Sunday tor Bacanaba. m
li'icnds In and uboui Solon. Ho was IIIIIUlST <,f IS-Ull'Itlll fioHI'IS.
aapwinity of Liiildera l.nnlwnre aud ouryetanof extrip to that point and taking and ihl* deapiie tbe fact that Har­
■rnn yards tad a band crushed and on her cargo of ore and reartiing here rieta bad Imparted Heteraen of Cadil­
^fpiTieiice ill tliia-jineof unrdwnre cnabUs ui lo gtve
Mtarated b«ween gie bumpers,
on Uie return trip Monday afternoon
betas were brtAen aad he will be at
2? J'»u Itie. nrwiLwl puoaible vfllue for your uiuney. Como
nt 3 o'clock—a trip of about SWt miles, (or Buckley In tbe Brat Inuliig wo
•Mtak la a tew daya.
laat made hy either team unti
gg in anil l^k onr atork over and
cor price* and we
besides loading I.UW tons of or
" Bttdrtay F. R. WlllUms la looking
alith. Tbe batterlrw were; Buckley.
argf-oattslietl UihI you will uj Tnnkw ii ttie pUoe to
all In abowt twenty-eight buprs.
tdlar Mgal butlneu m Grand Rapidt.
Shearer and Mayhew ; Harrieta, PeterW. U Decker of Row Haw and Wlllu,y liHnIwnre. See our itaay ruiiuiug. Can’t ct>me off
Br. Ung wu called to Ithaca (he
■D and Peteraeu.
iloriison of
llaru lloor KoUeruTbe Bueklqy team U compored tif
flist of tbe week by a telegram
Buren county, were guests at M. L.
bmmctng the death of hla father.
genUemeu and Is now open (or dalea
Ctapp-a over Sunday.
any amateur team In uortbera
'-iViiid wu received Tuesday at
W. R. Carlisle of Traverse
Iran company's ofdee annotmelng
City has been the guut of friends
coerteoui treatment and a fast game
Mih of Joaeim H. Berry of Detroit.
couple of days ihia week. .
pSSiMset of Ibe oompany that reeentMonday tbe Hitaourt brought in to rtsltora.
dF '«tanM the furtmee and chemical fifteen men sent here by an employmartoL '
Womad Help.
agency Id Chicago to work
Leaving her borne near Williams
Tha JC O. T. M. M. give a dance at (be cemeut mRl. The next roatning
buig Wednesday night. Mrs (leorge
«ta MU Friday evening.
(hey Tislled the mill but refused to go
TM Old
to work when (bey learned Ibe situshMW JUM U.
tlon. eiiliDlag that matters had been with her young son TbursilBy and
[lexander wu ffned flO and misrepresented
plied to Sheriff Johnwra (or help as
: to tft-SS by Judge agency, and all but two took the.neat qbe bad do ckithin* or mooey.
IMmagbltt tam Friday for a glorious
The woman fold ter side of Ibe
bock to Chicago.
dswnk and general hnarious time.
•tory which Is but l|ie repeHUon
Sta broe^t tack from Kalk
ly told In tbe court room while dlWool galea Day.
tatakp mbere he threw a deiHity eher.
« cases are being heard. SI
Under the anapteew of tbe State
BUM tad arrested him. out of tbe
Orangn Cooperative
DepartmenI, laid that her husband treated her In
BaBty.^yOepMy Maxwell.
manner and bad made
• wool aalra daya“ are being eaUbTbe Bur. W.B. Sly of Imnslog. presthreat
to kill her with a iwror Fra
llabed ihrooghowt the aiate. Cltlea
Idsni of (be Rocky Beach Beuev
village, moat (avenMy located ing that his threats woidd be carried
out she took the child and left the
lor the aaeembitng of wool are
home in the night, coming to this city,
where she has friends.
•Orange Wool ‘Buyer
this is to let you know that 1 Prokop Kyselka have
The sheriff drove to the rarpcnleT
e all aalea daya
home yesterday afieraoon and talked
a fresh stock of fineground land i’lasier. Ireih LavanThe Ui^est exclusive coffee roasters
to tbe husband. The man denied
burjj Paris Green in one pound packages, pronounced
in the world imporf this* coffee direct,
he ever threatened his wile's lile and
la <4 tta kady M tfer dlgvmioti aad kjcaJ buyer, are cordially Invlled
10 be the best by past experieiicetold Mr. Johnson the troobles
blend it, roast it and pack it in air-tight
dUUon or food, and In thii Pra­ participate in all tbe privllegca offered rauaed the quarrel, laying tbe blame
ia conaamed ao •nemxwa quanUty through Ibua awmbUag (be wool
packages and sell it direct to dealers.
rllpa of many country neighborhoods on (he woman.
The Acme Potato Planters, Corn Planters. Sifters
He rcBsenied lo giving her cloihlng
ta tat irault the mcmeot dMordert at a central point. Farmera having
Think of the profits saved by this
lo (he officer and said that she cunlri
etdta narv*, aria,. dlgwatHo te Impalr- wool to aell are
and Sprayers manufactured al Traverse City. There is
ta. and tbe vary aourew of bealtb.
have anything that rigfailully belonged
direct dealing. This saving is put into the
no doubt that you will have to buy some of these goods
tn thU enterprira and
itfWMtb and viuuty intcrfetod w
iwmanently eaUbllablng
extra quality of M’^Laughlin’s XXXX
so we sincerely ask you to see our stock and give us
Te prevent phyxleal taankraptcr tha
ney to give to Mrs. Carpen“wool
1 da)w~ by taking tbelr wool
your (lairona^. We guarantee ‘juility and PricesCoffee, and you get the benefit
•wm^aSTau'^ ^br w ^dVa- w! eJips In wagoos lo announced aMem
Ctaaaw Narva Film, a praparatMe
bliug placea.
paqad at tbe vary alamanu of M
Inquiry by Mail promptly answered. Address
It is not incumbent upon any tarmei
the longest
whidi go (a torn new blood and
The St. Joe river
to sell If bids are not nUatectory . Ai:
reun In Michigan,
BeMdaa tUe reatorntlre bifluenea oe;
between buyer aad oellei know that. It rise* I
mall Take.
^ clean and fresh—protected from dust dirt
tbe wiiote aywirm. Dr. A. W. Chaar'e
1 to be on basis cd spot called Baw Beane, tn HUUdale
•terae raa have aa Imowdlete and dU
‘ and foul odors.
> South
of taaw and loKingsley. Hicb.. has I
MCLaufthlin'B'tUpcX Coffee is Sold by
aaJIva to aid digea.
. dace a good flow
Lake MIcfaigaD at St. Joseidi.
dHw. Ttay enetta the gteode
' of tbe
tl all
mafe «nd proeocw a pWatSul at
imber speculator, according
Ail First-Ciass Grocers.
irreuil sioty, A tract of timber laod
t purchased 20 ycare ago has brought,
im filMuDOfi. a Ml profit of IM per >
d tWe by JobnooB Drwp Co.
_____ t presents tbe dlplomss.

Tbe pupils ol Mrs. Nellie Graves
Blodgett gave a reettal. at Presbyurlan church Tuesday erenlag
crowded house.
W. N. Sailtfaury has arrived from
Toledo to spend tbe eunumr can
a Bk lake.
James SenUy. taggigeotsn on
usenger run. has returaad from his
Tislt ln the southern part of the sUte.



I! A.

We Believe




11 tmmm



t: i

The Farmers’ Store



Mr. Farmer

Better than Any Other
Coffee at the Same Price

toss of Power
To Oloffst Food.


Fruit Grower






•. KliH-ly
f«it ot ihv
S«TvtafT of lUersWiv. Vrv. Hariirt
(hn ot Nee York and Chicaco ere torl^ehucr, Kalkaska.
IKII bom.
Secrciary of sopplles. Mr» Ansa Jlauclin, Peioskey.


Min Eoider spoke feellnriT ot the
slim dialricl. letrlee wiBrllilBe of ibc
Talk by Idn. HUWara.;
The Una] talk U the niomlns upon brmd .eeld fur work (here wbere u
Ibe sohjew The DUterenl t'unda of tuny •* tvPDly-flve people lire
t-lORle loom at!h bo lde«l« to
the Socleiy," «a» plren l.y Mrr. '
There are llv differed dlrl.-W spoken
Matien of Crand Rapids. SIk
So'jlh Thtraso.
rniraso. s-nne
duc.ed n ill n eouversationil »ay und in South
ipoke e.ninH-Jr of the thrve In.tx'r-j eiswr* »ho ran i.rlih.T read t
uut fundi or >ho8orlel>; general fund, wriie n.u undr^nand Ih- fu kri v.

NM Um klti4 tbat fl' M you fits or fJ*as yoa the i
wMriBf • stoat nu’s siM k'ben you roqulro a suit o* mod

MudrntaClotbcnft Ootbes tfa not do tfaese ttalacs.

CMbcran CMbes give

TMiaoappeanaceol style because they lit perloctly-a J4 l»ch waist
OMASuros J4 inches, first and last; the arm aims do not cut or pinch
the tailors know how to cut, shape and sew to prevent these
faults, and there are no wrinkles In the coats—where they don’t belenrIt U details like these that shew the superiority of CLOTHCRAFT.
Its makers perfect the many paints that most tail^s overtook—they know
bow to mata clothes fit the man-tbe thin man and stout man-and do
net depend npon the man U fit the clothes.




She three Wi-vU aficr their arrhal In U

tooebeu ui«m ibe IniiKirluacc ot pay country

The *ork ot the w
Ing tl.-ds.r and c«aiinm-ui. lumb and the toiiMonary aoru'ty l«
h>dd mother*' BeeUnRs
floalns i».v lellii.p of th- Impurtane.- Of

Clotbcratt-tbe dothin* which eshlWU

real rlirfht-f kaowMie, and which should lead you to be a dotbcraft

fhorouEb ay


the churrh Inn In the ch.irrb,

of de.irone*. aoik. mien sort
nrsikl that tin- plan* tor the eurletlea on the sestini frontier >et Inter
Ui siaried early lu the year,
apersed with a eualnl .biiinor. rriieio-mtultteej. uppolntfd »e


ine turm of thrlr sor« fcatorea and
koMlni; the InierMt .-f her audli-

The alieriiooa soss-.i-n Wi.s op.-ue.l

AfteriiMn Eena-on.
«Hli It itniel hour *.Tvi"-.- .Huidurt.-d
Coiiiinulnc the aflerno.*n' ae.^loi
by Mrs. I.eil Master ..I tiraiid Kapld*. Ibe diffin-ni h.un--s of the socKi:
She took as tl..- keynote of her le*. weit- r.-ii-'W-.l liri.ny. The Susanau
S..11. "Isive und Seniee.- .lerboliiR Wesley Home in Honofiihi
tlim i-ai-li ba» a mission li« to In- ac- Honed by Mrs Hanleti l.rtim-r of to ber own slivuisih but Kalkaskx
Tbere aie three h.mses
in tidlli uni! t'niM hi th.- Master.
with fifty rooms and flf'i
I’n-sl.lluz . HdiMkViRuom
a-u* an drhildr.-ri to th- him».•i.lle.1 to til.- platf.irm for a

How Would You Pronounco


I -The Home (Juard* eany -.'twr
[Every Mtiwnf In a v. rv - pleuams

a I’luu.u.-k.


1 care have eoablod

tbc makara to ka^ their prices low.

or ^

. CatspU-Il,

She belicTee there la a (rrand i
la-maiion for the wortter* in ibren
Uiv. Ia*»'is.
Cre-'l'iilia!i—Mm. nieivsea Haiil« a.-ld* and a cry soej up fnun all '
Eurulliiicul—Mr*. Edseiomli.
I the laad for ronverraled w.nkor*.

And CLOni«AFr waarars am oM ooly welt dressed, but they are

Pathetic Scenes.
Mlii* Snidrr lo'..l many

ilie iTiiin'li awrkinp lU'i ^parate fitun


not ioqni»«> *»

ml inMturt in rooklnp, eealng. etc.

uusicn In the iniraiouary aroik. »a>inp worootrOi. an In«idratu)n to

Then add to this care the

of always all wool material, the careful shrinkloc. the up-to>tbe*
iH^deslfniBEMkl »«•


\Vc pronounce il the l>cst in the world.
There is char.-ii-ter and style, good taste and radkaJ
worth in “Viking” clothes.
We guaniulcc them; they deserve il.
If y.iu wrant the l>cst, you want “The Improved V’ildng’
for boys aud “The Vikiuj: %stcm" for youug men.

H.- spoke of work to ihb
!sp.'ke .)f 111.- Aldiil h is ..rim. *r H-ihef.T.-nt <liaiB<-s in the .llMiiet which
“jid Oran-1 Rapids wbl. ti I-bmss exfi'l 1
have IsH-ti niaierbilly li.-lped liy
fclidiy to the MK-blpan roafen-n.-.. .it the Woman's lloni.' Mi'sinnaTy Mr* Keih-ts told .if lU-- ard.j,ms w..ik
wvleiy, sholMns .-onrlnslv.-ly .that Hie of Mrs Aldrich alio f.-lt that sb- !
w.irk dmie by tbe wK-lety is fur rca.-b- found-d the Uimie uii.lcr iliiiBr c-ii.i ,
hiR In ils .-ffi-ets In I«»ir . bartc*.
d.-|iarini.-«il seeretari.-»
Mil* wen- slalne.1 a .le.-p. rich
U.-lsiris 1
. IPUf W l-e
salil llUs Snider, -an.l then.
_ m. itrr. P. H. Campl-ell
with tw-ent;
with toy Monia.-li loll of ton!
rlniileiviix BhlnE the n-pnrl rd ot'd .-ludeuts.

A. J. NA/ilhmImi
d<-nts ah.- had in-Hi-cl at the hmiie lu
Pram niday'a Recotd.
, AU.m) N, M-. Wias Kiilder then
The elith unual (vtiri-ntloii of the t..I.l of the bom.- ill trrtami. 111. There
llliy elilMu-n tb.-re iim: a kin.l
Cisod- Traveree Ulstrlet Wotuan'a
omrlct CoairanUBfi.

tieoie Mlwlonary aoclety of lliv hli-thediat

ehttreh opened




MetbodM churrh last eTcnlas *1U>
t«Wt^4vo detesshw ntid n number
Of local people to nlt.mdadce.
^mUni last ovrolne wa* reiilete s-ith
latercst in every reapoct und
Bpnsker.^lHa Nellie Snider, ituneral
arsablser. cloaely beld Imr audlenre.
The convention opemM with Uie r«-

Wadt by lacte.Wayw4Ca.Chk«(a.

For Sale Id Traverse CUy, at


Mn>. Mary K-'ll.-SC of Tisirrsr ni' 1

From Street Store.

1 DUS siisr..'>t*s1 Ihsl .jiviiljli-ei «‘l

t.> lb - millail.ui delivered M
K- .-Id s.ildii-r* nad salkin will
n. tills .-liy
11 to Ihnulhl lhal

...fiiTs Iv. i-ti.-isirRC--d, sml, Ifuit tl..-

.-rulanre C»i tbc Ibnte day* will

• "f lb.- . biin-h f..|
ll-.1 h..s|.iia!ii>. a!s.i l"i tiiiisb.

y. lai'cr
!-i.-s It- liiereii.., .1 fjem ifiv Hi l-n
Th.- Ijl-Jiid T.-iv. rsc aaksK-lathm «Blose dlKtrlcI* llieu- i» very liltlc mile lu«ei.. shew ins *Z3;i“.
The IK-N-c* lume «if s-nrs. Thi- h- .ilii'i'-ns w. h- ad'.|ii.vl .
fV-arie, Unetoanu.
Tfu- silv.T iitf.-ritis w.t* i.wi' I I'laix
Mrs. A. Vausliii l-’l.l id the aork of B‘wr. Al-I'jma. was f.iiimbd In Hm'Sonieliui'-s III.- lax I* suIRioli-on. Some time as<> u s'rl .-nten-d
i| 1.V Mr», XlttsH-ts ..nd Ml-e. «lnl |«'liaiV i.-lx. i-biiiiii-i. rbeboyRon. Hlne Home Hiijrds.
She leatieil wbul alie fl.ieiit t.. bold »rli.*.l Ifoui ii mmitb
atid In n-uT Ih.-r.- w<-.-.- M3 applleant-'
a half to Ibiv-e month.. In tbe year
Th.- R-«. Nr. Haskins of Emii're
• s. ven j-I-'. l.riuRtoR b"iu- loi. lbly' 4.i fty sauk.s-. Kalkaska. iMscRO. Wexford.
and Ihm married a yuuiw man
be Woman's Home Mlssi.niaiy soRS to th.-.|.latf.«m and spoke
Tb-imar ifi“' inito -'-.n-e .'f ibis sul. Mt.ntoi.-.-. HoMs.inimui. C!m«rf8»d. Maand moved wltb him to a dlstriet
Ciadunt.-s -tbi'
-11. I.ak.'. UsevuU. Clare. Heconto,
'. in some dlKirirts. lias made nine
few words ..f .vuiim.-nil.H iou for lD‘inimds where ll—re wn* nf-liber
Hit* report.
of Uajiisi.
.1-1 .-con and Newtiyee.
unmllis isuisihlr.
otk of III.- sia-lety.
who'll niir a eliiirch.
Tli'e jRl-aneM. Hem.- In San bVan. Is I
.fonilnuins. she Kdil of th.- lui-k of
The» <d ihe Maaetoilua arc:
Till- lairy Widib. .NkHoliill TrallilnC
tiudiitmli-il by Ibw luthorsy of lii-r
, was .Irsrrito-d by Mot. V H. C.nni- ;
I'omnitit-h-r. M II MurRnn; nMlor
lit WashlURroB. was siveli t-y Is-ll Id rharleroix. This lionte wa»
busliatid in lhal dlrvTlIoii, Hie wife
c»mmaud.-r. J. A. Newrttia:
sunlrod n Sunday «-ho.iI whWi *
,iv .\iiiia Vauphiin -d IVlmikry.
.lund- d in Itoi.': d.ilnc prar|i.-;.J
Imy .ind two sirts. unlkinp slxiy
-this vHtoK- I'liih.r itiv eHmmandrr. John Safford;
sTiiI that a rhuirb .was
Kusi IbtIM* all II should In-, u.-ei.lo- icrkTlir wom.Tt me<T th.- on-an. t;. !.rcr K ll.tlda-i-'i
miie* over Ihe inortntulu* Iwi'- Iiuabiiiiic l:r. wliiil-Dls and lwn«B
io.-r> and 'Hie siilr aiel8k'-n dlrertly
lo sate.their ulioe* Ibut.they lUiMb-m 4-«iiiveniruces.' The h-ispl'al
lb.- h.-io 'rf H«- «"-sf ev,-:t'|i« oiiidwav
to Ihe home.
nilelit mak.- n piu-d npp«-aranee when eomi.xilon with
Ih-.- srho.i1
Mis* Maul'- of ICntpire spoke i-i.-r s-m h.-tr and .vHItoiiRh «b■^
they .-alilo lo th.- sNtleinent
.if Hie ti'.iis.- -, th--
r Harwood llii-iu- In Albiiqaero.i'-. i.incu.- id t‘-.‘- nz w.i'- tashlliE Ihe
elow-d Willi no el.Kiuent ^p- laliilliR
K.RliO'ii.d hiu .
in >im Cf.ri-r
Heme Cuarda.
the siipmirl
iipisin of.iiii'M'
of^liieM' Ihomes.
llility tile tiiirs.-s In atlelidaU'X.
TTuf Il'TiK- .
.................. .. Tli.t-e
:iU aer. pied ■ Th.-ir amt I* th'- cm s|.-e-I .-fioris, |s-.f t..lliOd iiii
ming Setalen.
JO.' .Jlo-. S Md.bvl.i tto-m IJI a s'.'-»d>
Tlie . vnnxel.csl and lodualrtiil w.ith vendop’of Hie eirto.
n- jK.yK »n.l airls Jrui.i l.i to If. year*
At ? .I'rJork ihU ni..riilii»:
ii>".; wriiO-Jl ;• M-:ulrh. ,t!
band in hsml. Ihu-' Ih.w l-ui\lBn
In.rolcnit.- s w. re descrHs.d by
td ape and the*.- sivo
eeiii* a year.
fp.u-s nirt la the ITivl W.-thodlsI
i.en up
he rati reach Iss.ple abuiR
les. r:lton.k
Tifi* mom-V wimiori* pupils In the
hrlsiiiiu tine.
V-IIIIS woHi.n m-ed Sti'icBs -There :ire id th'->
industrial whoida whirta nix- rliurcli fur a momlus witch which was
full Ilf Inspiration I»i- the f.irtherant-.- his -...ipiiip
I.si4i'»"i - .«i"-IiuiiLs
.t.i..,i r.-!-..ui.-ly iu,N'.-w,
eiuAlurie.1 by the society.
of the day's awk.
- ,,n n»tii-ii and one ...
-------- -- .-------aliuis these
In ----------I'bil.vdellihla.
j into ...... ,.eM.>i'H.i-Tt».nmig -.lid
The lust division I* tl»- Queen BbyUMin. e.iu'liu->ed Hu- snrvl.s-. r.-!i'lloc ____ the remule Mii.f ib-i'raved |s’r-!i-|,„^
bgatr^icii people arcjli's b.m-ir was b-l-ltiiS Ihr lto-,*.
ler circle and tb.-so pay M
Ig.vco a glad w.-leoni.- lu li.ese home*, .is ., ii.iul. ka* l-tujod iiiio iBe wngoo
year, the luooxy also supiaiitlng iiuplls fium the )irt«a-ntli ebupu r of Si John, H»n.« ..f tbc t-ouniiy.

mpum of the delesale* which was tol pudzrvl. Now there Is » pms|<erMii*
towd by a eery ideasanl aupp.-r clinre-b Ihere. nn exe.-lK-nt Kumlay
•OTred to the parlors of lUe church. srtaoul aud abo a wbo.iI for the m-lsh
Tb» vtolltoB delcfitea wore pink ear- borhuud.
■attoaa and the homo incoilx.-t» wore
while. After the wipppr Ibe rveutos
Mrvtae opened with a aud;
Base Onarda, cfaildreu who cumpuaed
«» Choir.
TbU was Tonnwed by a whorl welmme addrcaa by Mrs. Jnseidi Diillon.
who In a few well cbnnen words made
the dricsalca feel at honiu-ln Traveiue
C«y. The reaponee was by Mlaa Oar
lie VanOotter of Petoakey and was

lu the iudiiatrial acbools.

Tbew- Indualrlal .K>-honl«
KlTCn to a very pleaalny manner.
FWIowtos a reeltatloo by Mlaa Ca- lered all mer ihe weat und tbe wmlh
llats Dunbar, the report of tho.corre- and areudy li'.«ob Rlrl* bav.- Ikh-u
spoodtos secretary. Hn. Ai
uraled und made dw-ful rltiioiia.
MCk of Harbor SpriORa. was Riven this la Just a I.eRinhtoi: as there
aad Uim mme Htas'Snider'e addniaa. thciusaada more yet to b.- rvuebed.

nr. i: A. HoUlduy UsI
Tiiiilon 1s fre- aii-1 ..u!y »l«o u y.-at j
Women Are vailed,
R.-|H-rls were Riven
to asked f.T Isvii'I.

The n.-T. Mr. il-non was ralk-d t*.
lion, .thi- treasurers ri-jH.u sbowiUR
The A.I. lit..- Suiilh bi.itH- W.IS H.k.-U
„ j,.*- rxnmrks. He
tijiu at tbe benitinlnc ot the yi-ur up hyMn. fari ic- Seat!.-if I'ettiskey.ljj,
«-ril as mtto
JR,-!:: dues; eoliiM-iion last i-vnilns. st-'wliig Ilu- li'i'oe Ihnr.ricbly w<Hl;,r,.
of li'id. 'fhousli not many
»i:«<:; loiHl iiTumini on liand. Ild.tS.
"luiplV'I f'tr th.--l.esl tialliifis.
,a]k-il to work in f'.n-icn field* or'
A wvit-laiy |-fu tera waa eliosen
Mrs. Sbephi-rd of, Clmrli-vidx to n.i


MM Snlder't Addrcaa.
Tbe hpi-akcr then tol.I of iwti Rlrla
Til'- .p-i'-gHles present ui'-;
liuiKi-r a lueiutM-r of the rtlslriri.
HM Snider apoke on -Voune Peo- w hu bad raised auc*r rune, eouveriwl
I'.-tis.key--Mrs. « S Hsrns*. Mrs.
Ttiomas Ray of MnniBtre being filveu
ple'e Work for Voune l>eople" and her
into aotRbum with teltoite ubor
Cuirie Searb-. Mrs. A. f'uugbn. Mr*.
the temporary offlee,
Ulk dealt larrely wltb her experiences and Ihin tried lo trade the mofaaaea
Currie \'atrth>nl.-r.
lUslrfd uot-rv-lariv-s Rate execilriit
aa a home mlaatonaiT in various por- for their r-ducatlon. That not l«-ina
Harisir 8|ifiuss—Mrs. Anu.v riii'
ttone of the exumtry. prtoclpalty tbe aiallabU- they went Into the woods rxiiort* of the work of Ihelr resiu-eilve nock..
sorjelles ahnwinc an inen-ased Iniei'
and rut n load, of stove wood.
iifw-Tbe lU-v. Ur. Himklos and
When they euU-ixd the achool their «l l'> ihe 'erk .< the anilllari.-s and daucblcT.
Mlaa Snider aUted that yonne P<''>>nd* weiv slo sllff and hard that;» hope expieascd that more effecUe.K.TlkaskB-^Mrw r*>adto--.
ple ware needed in the work, not only
:. Mi>. Leh[i>. Harri*. Mrs. rri-vo..t.
la the mtaaioiiuT Held but younc pees ■ hey- i-oiildn'l handle a needle and hi.d , woik be done, duri-ig the year.
iebelaiiphithe«ltctie»wlthdamlnB| The auxlllari.-s rt-iires.-iited
pf. Ml*. Reed.
p)e wbo would add tbelr mitet that
aud : Mis
Ue work mlfht be carried on. There m-cdic* lull bt-fon- Hiev J.-fi they were ; Petoskoy. four dclegatesi
Cilv. one; Kalkaska, six; tnialIrvoix.
mend and uukv Ibeir
Bmdy. Mr*. Tlinma* ILiy. ore three divlalous of thoac who con­
MahtoU-c. tW'O^: ilarbur Springs.
Chaik-volx—Mrs. I». il Cami-todl.
tribute to the aopport ot the hnmn. clolbea.
Men Cbewatf. Wemen Olpfed.
Irs. Julia I.d-wl*. Mrs. Wlllluui M. MilThe trdt 'of them are the Uothen
Tbe n-|SirtK .d the btoili'-r liivli-a. k-T. MisK fris n-std.
Mis* Snider il(»ciibr'*l a vtoli t
JeweU. these sHx It) eenU n year
which belir* aupport four home* In
* Ihia country and one lo I’ucrlo Rico
Tfali heme waa made poaalble throujtb


lionix wheri' Hu- evenitiR [ Hh-young p«>i-k'» sivletk-s .of Hu-

iiK-ul eonsisi.-d of salt fsirk swlrntnliig ^ y.'l'niuli'ei.
Id lai.l auil,s»da i'lwniis. mostly soda. - Hii- live, ais-ak.- work Is-ins done
That night, she -wi-Dl to ehiireh and ’ iiy Uie y.ninc la'lies of tb>- district



firan.! lUi'i-i*


Mri". l*-'l

1- mayor-hail k gis-l grip
ti'jl 'k-«i-iu- i1d. ti'.- ts'i-.-

The .-;.ild:-0'k hour fiimtoftert dl• erslon from tbe aeri'i'is business ot
b.-afterms'U. Etrven lllHr.glrls sami




cave appioi-riai'- r'VilatioiiK
of lb' H.'ttu- Iki-'r'to SMB a preily


I.- .ari..'R.- lu lii- sltoLl. and bought
I tlrkm to riilesci. hps Is-eo looted
m a fsini lo Huk"ia ihrooch roirws4lls*pis-aiwinv was as oiurb to ■ mya-

lUnland lo Mssir--

In hi*
I ti"i aiiempl ll
Mrs Kmler ba* storied
• -•'I iij. oiit" l-!flil iix.'iMte ho b.'ld' -lisrE- II
i-lliin tor a divore-u. ill giaO't. styie
Th.- I'laiuw.-ll nish srhoid SDStoln*
... thi- crii-jnrt , n-p.ito'1.-" giadiiaHiig mon-U.i- .eopli- ihsu any <dher similar
ali't he ait wi-Jil li'l). tjo-air
-HI of Hs Slrj- In Ihe aUle ttaU
;. Tfu-hucEy LUd leani tolled

h entho»l.j»m by the bom.' r-jitbusi. Thr io.iiiiry cii'iicb is .-ifetd.-r



4 -m. Hi- kw luKlhg co"i ls-iiis to-' I il,’.’

1 the f'lrclzn 4nto.-i.onpry to fill'-d

Blrdk-r." af'cr

Urwrs. raiKwortli Hale; adjuunt. Alnsslstam adiutanta. P.

Us-isriOE that li'T hufbanil baa
i.-b Isiw l.-c* lhal he weara six palta
of ;.aiii-. t» hl>le ils-m. M» Don De^

Wivrk In th>-*e honu-*. (.-arJi Is ealted I"
work in h»r .mii uiwn or vllUg.


.pijiHiiiuisl.-r. Chart'-* H. Jobhaaa:
Tfuanennastcra. . William

elsH* to 19. 12 rtf whom
mi'-n This oiakes a total

i 'till-' lb ii^hik- tip- tpayrr an
•ni- wbule I.ian was out .and li.e
i was l*rc-r if ll.iil]uiii a, Th.-

i.-r*EiliE 20 tnembern each.
II,'iP-einent will take place
evi'tiliig. June 7. Prof. 8. B.
V had s>:iie;i Hi.-..yJll»E'-- T
llalld. <1 ilii- YitolRDll N’orntol faruliy.
waz-Hi was .oily sllEhlly .himkE'td
............ ........... .......................
rmn tba aub■Hlraiii H.Htot Ml ttol..y Mr llriilsli i
s> op>- awl value ot educa-

Mr*. Tl Harris of Kalkaska spoke .-olDtnl'U. WbvT,- IP, will He l.on"
UKilt w;.’. him Siis l.-ffrtily pi.-f'wn eai
............... -fi'nl • of tbi
............................ ........

ilonc H.e bn- to imius people'* w.i.l.
!h- sal.l Ihi't hi* work 'hJ.nK"* e-.n
lnii*;!v, Tfctn- ;ir. d«o Q.ieea,IJsll—



einl'.-Mn ili“ iltoHlrt, on.? in riiari*
v..;» uii'i ..lie tn f. to-key with a ,»oto

-'-“I.. --------------------- ,
go* to. Encampment.

I '.rVuu-u stv.d many to Ihe
.i„R..s i.r lb- us.-to l-Minrxs.
Mr* KMto K.-J^-s

tba aU

The l-e-.l .■..i.i.M.t- s of
I.,.,” ™,!
* w" Jetoiac
iiienilM-iship ..f K3
H'lBP- fiiiard so
The evening tneeting •■f «he Grand
eieil.- ,if 111 Tjav-i-e'Cl'y an'l Hai r,*'. -.. .S dd;.;. I.,„l S..:i.ns- —« 1 k-/-?: to .. .......... and . daughter, .lllx* ,
eii-ty woman In the rtiiireh waa clutw- n.iv.-( aud pieasioe wsys '-f liulillnE Trav<-t*o lilMriPt Home Mls*|-inar
.dinff slick while Hie im-n were ib" Iiileivst aud riiisiiis lunds todoc sdrie’y of Hie Mcih-idt';i rburrh w-..
bi.t Kpr .iic."
atidiaaa beioR cared for.
Re.-ril-jiloni. w<:- read bv Ml-. f‘
cfaewiDR tobacco uud spltilUB >« the Blvea till- n-Tsnt of MIm t'arrle !
What One Obi DU.
liil.T.--' to d--l--Ba"
ruuside'nable disluuce j|>, Oorder of rcloskiy shi
El.Tug'e*r7i;;,;|»'-b:’-'tovluE Ui-.uks1.
After dorrUdns aoiue ot the tuciMis* Kliiri
-I--." ......................................Lp,” r.“to>'k.n? rmtdemnlng tbe
keen work akilis liito
...issiun fi.-M
liistohl lino Hie h.i
• -.V.
n. '•"'••au’lhm, ,b-,c to upeah at
The presid.-Bl. Mr*. Hamer, spoke
whl.-h she lalion-d
"I Hu- ImiNirtance of ^liinc the real
--•M, .
praise s.-i-v;ee wa- ecMidticl.-il ill iv-poriiiiu tbr mm-tlnes.
as I'kili* iisM by the luixiliaries.
nir. after T.-hieb P V. rsey Eec- sang!
CtsTMTliri x.i-1 al. rctjui'eTHSirjcl ire Nai»*ial Pure Food La^Guarsi
ccltlns ilu- itii.i-i'-silut sliiik-8
. Mnavwomfnaolferlnaileneennd
l>eanii|:il s«'l'- “1 hesftl Ho- xolee of [
drift along friun h*d U> worse,
t-j"* adilinc spiix to Ihe reiiorl.
.fesu* Fay.”
lug well Uiat the.v ought t0 bate
Mi^ Kiildvr spoke btieny "ii*iale assisUnre.
Votees F’om the HemHanil. ^
; i-Ril-ms lor the sm-triy., .She saM Ih
Howr roanv wrmten do too know
*.« Siild.-r *'j..>k s
ii- iiiivr.-st »ih"r* In these fil'lh
« perf^lI.T well and slrongt
ffillFlhe t|..rr.
may be easily Uarc.
tlon< «"ii innsi iTlb-vi- in lh--ni yv
Tbe ne-sl* an-1 e.-l.lMl-aome fetntnine derangement which
-Hf Children enJ-'yChlMren's Hot
manifesU itself to depressir-n of
ptXfa.x.l b-i 't.iIU (ly -xpUiumc
M!.-.slnny and sIii-mM hav- it. It Is I:
*nee to p' anj-wberc
>'f the W'lktKgt- to Hi. nait'-nali
d«-*lre Hi." ;to.'Hsi .i.pi.-s
lo anvHiing. backache, dragging
orcani/jiilon ihowincThst It i* R la-s i
acnsaliona. fUluleacy. nerrooaneaa,
. Wo.'iau* H"aie, Mi.-Vt'-Us. !•* token
I and slerplessness.
making body aiid ba* to do w ith li-iM j
.'til« y-ai.
These svnipinitmarehirt warwnga
il l--Be;..|-nee Baefil
that there is danger ahead, and un
New Officetx.
Bietnto-r pa>? « ti)'-ml-r:.hjp. fee of]
leas heeded, a life of aolfcring or a
E'-.T|--n t>f .-flteei-' V
■visitB-.-.s of imporianrc. Ml.-s Kniil'-r
Mtj- ^torr ih--T wen' on '-v men J
ii-ie.l as rlialnitan. Tin- h1-«;
tbcae aympioma U
’mn tUr elRMr- to people, dperliyl
L-nii'd .H* folinw-:
h.-lpad M the -w-.rk , Si»- told of the|’re=rd'-tit. Mrs' Fjitma U
iBUBlErant wmk d' HP sorM-. |
w.i;m- ronta
T«ntm and
and herbs.
herbs. Ko
Ko other m«lK-ine in Ihecoflry bM
I'l tb.key-.
made from
lualificd endotwcmenl. Nootbermedireertved such w idespread and uoqualiC
ViT- presld-^ni. Mn= Otive-Bwipz. tn-romiBE vevKi* ar*- 'o-i; and f-e«|
Arbuclles’ was the Ent roasted (nek>
tone ha* sneh a record ot core* of female ilto-I sh-ite, prnriikd l” 'Ip? (rien-ites,
“Fr«H RftoRtrd Coffee?-ball!
' Hari-T Sprlhg*
aged coffee.
: t-i-mwodtos so.-ri’ar>, Mr/. An^ prto'b'. tittfe Hiildnm are Hl'i* ear-'-l’ Mtoh'f didn't tne (rcsli roasltd coffee,
,bi-5 are tiM'. by frlen-is 1
Storing mv health. 1 Buffered frvm female lltoess w-hich ransed
Tbe porcj of eaJi coffee faorjr «e lealed
, l-utno-l., HartsT Sinps»
Th'pjMiods are rai.-d Im • *e||
in , she had Arbuctlw.”
Ui^Hliue .P-erxi.l'y. Mi-' -TUoraa*
ahto Toaxtois witb freJi eggi nnd gtriileif
ihto w-ay, Ivins Elreti free m<«f* au'l |
nir toRV In get a gnoj 'tgi of
sugar lo bold the Rrmbieas at and Bake rite
Rsy. Maoistee.
Female Complab
.S-iari. J’e- lodglnc '.
cdlee leirie deaf and m»-kJy: aa actwl afvlk
towm li'xe Ctolre toil.S all iFic iWtCMfii fUvor
Another bkaneb to »hi- travelers'
cation by macbmeiy. of “ Motba’x" Me&odr—
tad nroma
« to buy a pactnge of the
Feopie .'omlng and j'-lne f*tna
S-xi.'-t:. of Bl't.- Js'Xf.. Mrt r U.
as palralfri by Um fern,
and daring Uie Change of Lite. Iicures Ner
old dngiiu! .\.-l
ARiOSA Coffee, and
irafns and b-sa'.- are ralntsleped to
Geaetal DeUlltr. aad iorigeratea the wl
« nrtow ssbdlHr tk* <*MWf'.*Mns.aaaOTWMf
grM e. SI you w-ani lo loc k. Ent warminc « a hitle lo
Lira in Ignorance.
’ !Mrv»'lar* soting p.»>i'fe s work Mrs
:.k.b. If s—
Nt*» FnWrr sta'.-d HlB> Jj<s\nr>). dmiop the Bavto
tbe pmdiriE e*«y.
' Tb'jtrwsot Harris. Kslkaska
UK pmeroaltv of a Mk-blRao
the work tbeiv to vei



K CUP OF §00©



Lydia E Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound



Mrs. Pinkbam*s Standing inviu

to Women

Seerxtary of syvtemalle Ismeff'-eaev.
'Mr?. E B Mlut-r. Tiatr.-K Oil-

pecdrie ram* t" niir-ahor^
losei il* itieowy a* Caff re Ji-r bcui*
or exposed to
of wboa ;."Ca fotild .avithyr read -cor
fi« air tad i- eaiii ccn'!'^ b"-' Kir.dErw■

>AV. MAY M. 1907.


epbere »

fort wUlb

I. T. i. CoDklln, Mrs. Ed Hana
iDd Miy» Emma White

Amtsbeuefater pointr. revcrfrcie. knlrra and other-,

‘ LMtvIng • baby «<.•/ a manth old. abn did <h fert Id prarlke l*i;l alcfal too DODvrable to mraUae.
Mvnod eith 3< fret 10 lortaee.
It n. Squire* b*^ a laipr Dumber ot Wednesday night In Traverve City, to
Mr*. Clan Him*, «gul 25, 619 Webatiepd The Hidden Hand '
iinK upd knlTcs la the cabibli.
«9r atrcM. drank an vunec «f carbsllc Parkhurvt of Rerd City was tblnl. Tbr
W. T. Waugh Is at work pulling a
r the ni'nt latciesitag of Ibeoe is thn
•sId and dM •herlly afUr • o’clock wri^t tape were aO badly fiondi■uit of paint on James Enoesf.
to bav.'
fRddy memtns. It I* tbouoht that her napped by the cold wind aecepias revolver that la >.opposrd
«> a fit of temoerary Inaanlty.
Mr*. HUM* had bean gradually reeaecring fntn her illnett and TuMday
teak a ahert walk and vlaited
aenic at the neighbor*. Thl* morning
hhe tgok* of net wanting anyttiing
eat. which waa nothing out of the ordiitary. but her *1*1*7. Mn. Ctyd* Cllcl
df Seuth Havan bcrauaded her
dre** and take a cup of t*A While
the mathcr was dre**lna Mr*. EIUI
taah the baby Into the •itting i
and began to drew K.



killed King Strang ou Bearer bland
srorR the Ac4d
John nbyd of Elk RapMs -was plv'
The tOO^urd-duA
(be mnel Im- lie also has nevrral enns that have
log an exbibliiun of Ihe cvcctlenl fish­
paiic-iilly aerailcd emt ip ibe nnin i;Bnp Ibmucb Ksn>|>ean eaif.
Illllikrr. Harvey Ungerorlb). ing in Ihi.^ oetgbbuiho-ra to a (raveling
. ..
Tim dope lisil n that the cmau
Manln. Mrs. Ou and nuoy
liiry laid' IK-Ivnro Fnrri* of Prtt»kc} F. 1>
Mis-J Ccorgia SaiiDtlcts A (rained
and C«l-l»in Mlllnr erf thU rlty. on, it others hart- anicle* to ibn wlndcnv
line of Traverse City, is caring for
amoes llir most InieivsUn
wv-mml llul either Uillcr or Perria
;r-. John Acker, who has been very
d>>.llmil (or scrood place but there Is the allvrr Mar captured bybul Ip-pow a mile belter,
vlxro MJIIcr came dosn the tnek Mr. Langirurlby while doing duty i
h^urkri fishing Is getting quite a
trsdlns Ihr liuurh ouslly with Slnipron
arrangement <•( tbr wiudn* in liihtlme nowadays.
«-u»y bcrxwd the irmier* »ern onl
I-Mgsi Hill catDC from lb* peninsula
prniwrrd (orll. Ponis Anlebed Ibiril
today , and will probably remain for.
tlmn. ; lit 2 5,
rnpeidcriup tbr <nato7.
.e remainder of Ibe summer with his
»r*lhti, ean very good. .
•n. Elyron.
r Inal (•vein l^n- noon *a» the
Muskegon, Mich. May 24.—Two car*
Ellss Bnaes arrived from Urs-kern thru*'
«as won by Amlr-

In a fawmomenu Mr*. KInc*passed
,llv last Tuesday, and eipecis t
threugb th* room and went inte
n ths Muskegon inlervrbsn line, on
bcucblrr e lih PI fret 8 tncbns. Frllers
al.e Ills hrane with his sod James
kltehen,wh*r* her sWsr had prepared pHtlDK srcuiid wUli S9 (orI, 7 locbea.
baggage ear and the ether a paeaci
Ml. and Mr-. Prank Slafford and
a light bnakfset. It waa In a
Mo.-dcr «C Prtookey took thtrt place,
ger car. came together with a terrible
;o children caiilc today Beaver
beard there that an aunee bottle of
noon thn imlntt. rloml;
near Muskegon Heights today IclauO (Ml an cilrndcd visit with rel­
the poison had bcon placed end
Ciiy. 32; n«.d Cily, 9; Pr-toel;^
Two men^were instantly killed. C. 0 atives here.
woman reached for It at cnee, drank 2: Charlcyoit. I: ManlM-e. <i.
The pnplli^ eif Ihe schools are prethe acid and returned to her bedroom.
0 of tbe freight c
Mr*. EiUI Sik«d her H the felt ill end
Grand Rapids, and James Edmond* paiing an Intccesting program
Memorial Day. which will be given
th* women replied' that her stomach
One of Iho pit4tie»t xhowers
moterman of the paasengsr ear.
d(d net fbei ^d but that the would

many that have been giren In ihic

tic down for e few momtnU and prob­

was tbr one at tbc home of Mrs
Robert £. Waller on Eighth street

ably feel betur.

baggage ear was running

ucsl Thursday aCteraocm.


was In the city today.
W. R. »I(4uld of City *tbadly Icn.lcd the luterecholasllc (meet today.

tlilnga lhat go to make these affairs
Berlin. Hay 25.-A plot lo kill I
plcnssnl were omilled.
H and antidote* were hurriedly a<
waa emlnwitly appre^riaie. the kiil>4‘i- U said to have bec^ discovered
ieUred while two phyeidan* were
hoime was decorated with faearta scat and aavcral Riuslau students hHv<
being eommoned. The pdeon '
ThJrly-flvo conspini
leied alMxit everywhere while Japanden* its worn, however, and life
n all bare l>een arrested. Iiieliid
lanterns added to Ibe general ef­
eetinet within a few moment*.
c. women. The arrests were
fort ill a very pleasiug manner. Hearli.
mnib' quietly several days ago,
Bcaides her husband and y<
The |i1nt came In the knowledgrthe evening wns a heart coniesl
babe Mr*. Mine* leave* a daughter
Uie iKiliee when sig persons s-eie '
2V4 year* old. two eieter*. a brother and of this Miss Itostlng*
Serenil of the prisoners w>
wan (ollnwed
by an
and a father and mother who are
ed Mid olbeni are held awaiting
atrbery game, the targets l>elng
hearts and many lieing earrled uS In

From Eaiordiy’a Record.
Thv Re«\ J. n. Oect* cd Sortliport


Jerse naveoporl (3( Sira«ord spent
Ibe day in the city.
Mn-. R. V. Mink went lo Chief this
. .
Frod'l). Hines returned (o his home

Mysliv CTrrle

The sung by the company.

tire satlalkcllaa.

A number of ChaHe-

BteaUDer fcwvcr this mortilng and al,:

tbeugh • bit late were In high splrlto.
In the nrellmlnarie* of the low bar
die*. wSltlng and Miller took tbc tuv
■rats and Ferris and Brcnm.vre. both
of Peuakey. sceoad. tbc time (or both
hetto being 2»:-S aecaods.
fhte hammer throw lived up to the
. dope. Amtahcudiler and F»»cra get
ting Brat and second with Dnrgcw of
Charievoli third. The dlrtaoee was 13C

a etdlncllun of rurlos the display

people In and about the elly.
In the renter of the window Is

nail cwohon which Is used (or i
Brordsly and Rehallow.
t4cH on wbk-h lo sc4 a large pleliirc
no! was
the local acbool
of AndersonvIUe prison. The plrturc
third \a4 the time made was
sric'Stieloiigs lo J W. Hllllker, who
If Umre Is anything thai ihe loral*
guest at Audersonvllle for several
are .proad of it is t^ir hurdle and
for aeveral months.
they have a perfect righi to be for In
To the left of the cannon la the colClevelaad of


_ „ l.llMa’alhhMit
ror tale by Johnaon Drug Co.

} Bears the Signalitre of

^a l^r'lai'.'july lV..’m3 mnTOe]>L

5oothed by Ciitkara, «4»fl All
Else rails.
Poe ra-hr- ii,i..i.c>. ri.a(ine-, iiiflammiU -wlp. 0-1
lii.iH)-. luboic.
3U.I •lUUIis-.«-leaii—

The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use .For Over 30 Year*

School House Burned.
1 ..u- ...wnshtp. db-iro-l Mo. 3.
..ijll, .1, siim.-l by tliv May 23

I tl "-V

E & 1. L
- ).I.VM
tiair,.ii «.| lr>n> M"uniaili.
,. iiii.-bi O liar I
Ip- niiie._iatin.;e I '.'ft
.iviy . - •l-il.ilul .
To.- 1-nn.b.
.-ill.-d « •.(--<
JnlH- Jn, !.ii -

Ste Years Old




'ebV-H..u*'ro'ie- I,.’.'
t.l M.iiiig ii
ts.iM .Ouii'lri- f.rr; 83J'rr p.-(Vlag 'pnrrtos.lonc Id; the

liniii .Mn-ii—"

Be time at the daore TYiday cven-


; i


' Trstp, l-/rpt»r t’Ti, Mid Provswaaa Itoto *•
<.!wui n'

(Xm til, aad Pvsvamatoltolto

Percheron Sialiion
BIIEB .irr: W.ICATIOS-aiair of K--h

nr MiniJUAS. the PROl-.Mirl for Ihe CnuBly C(
,ter>e. Id the mailer of lha
lliiiaphn-y L. Fiab. Ia» at
•y. .Ici-camrt
Is bi-rcby givtm that foulP»ni Ihe 3«lh dny of A
1»o7. have bt*n allowed Id
Kn- 1.. (ii.-»-ul Ibeli" vlallD* i
aid d.--.'ari.-d 1i> aald ouun (or
and adjuMDieni. and I
-rwlll.ira of M
III prevent their c:atm« to *ald court,
ai the probJite office. IP the city rt
Travem. CUy

:(;raii.l 1
rt Inr tbe C'.stitr «( !



Three Years Old

,Id rial’nu*w1U bt

Terms $10.

ay 'It s-f.i-Pm-V ,n lb' l.eet
t-d April



AWM r sKi:i.i;;.-Ei!

Keystone, Mich.


The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.

Mrs- L. Traverse la visiting her par-

WcJiavc-muvcilimnthfi Ij\S. A. MOORE
Slate Sircci. where wc have
unc half acre of floor spate devoted to
l-arm Implements.
Machinery. WaRoni.
Hii«]{its, and cvcrvlhiny lhat you (.oiild expectto find in ail establishmcni of this kind. W«
arc in btucr shairc than r.vcr to serve the
wants of our cusioincrj.

eala, Mr. and Mrs L, Way.
Mrs. E. Mnalon of South Miltim
called OB her eld (hriiaB and aehool
mate. Mra.I.. Rlckeit. Thursday.
School closed ThiiR*Uy for the sum­

The teacher*. Arlehcr
lienbarger. will have a picnic

Friday. The children, all look forth
to taavtog a good time; the learheri:
turnlab Iho lee croam

Mr*. Fnliek. sister of James Ennset
(rraii tbe Arabian dca<«1 gun down to and Hr. and Mrs Itaninginn. father
blonderbuss. many i.f lh<-m being and mother of Mrv Qmist. all uf Ma­
ple Cn.v. apetii the day at the IRmctl
very rare abd valuable,


hr-vtl ^nn
pr-./ .liwut-r.
kv'-nry tr-.n
allO'. rd(..A'’
Ihelidnr.| I'i'w-l v.tII al...................... .. organ*, lau^iiig rd-.-rl. <>i
Se blaJ-lrr. or the kidnc's them-rlvr-.
vrak down and wa-ie av.»vee:i In .-ril.
r.’.a.Jder troubles altnorf
ram a detangement of tbr "vi-inr. - ..n-1
ri-re i«eVjioe-lqai<ke»t 1-. n |.-.•per
.re.-i:tnrn;nftlirki<ln('- liyoe«rt IrrlingUJly y-oneatt imVr n- nn--JLe 1 y
tehiiiv I«, KilmerV ^w*mp*R«Kt. tbr
grr.t -e.-iiir.. Iivrr .-n-l
T -r..e-;!• roiTvelv tnvbil't-lo b"b'- ni'H*
-l.nBMiii in pa-s:nc v- -.n-’ m-.-ile.liial uap'irarantnecosUvo- l-:iig
ipiir-l l..go«i(ltii.tht<nigU '^r
niL-h-.° *TIie*miM arid the eatranrdinarv
effe.n.f i-»ani[-Roo-. in -vn rrilio-i.
I; F.aads tbe bigUo: ('« it- w'lr-irr:!:;
curr»,jf the m.r-ldi-trofiiig esK-.
S«amp.K--K is plc.-r-ant to tii
w-'-! t-.- all dnag'-f- ’h h!t'-<
_^bM:irr. You may lure a
- of this wonderful prvi .i-sW.k that iell**!l •'-nit it.
iliscnt .tdirese.Ur.K-l
cr U Co.. Biaghani 1. N- Y

Brotvl 8al<-nsky. who has eervtd In home last Hoaday. Or. Fralick
Suiea army
la Cuba. for them In hie iww Mtomoblle Jhat
t mate any
China and the PhUippine*. has a laipe rvYSlhg.
a thie
WUllam J. May (If BeUalra *p*at
of arib-ka In ibe window, in­
Rm. IJt.
eluding the uniform of (be Chinese im- Sumto} with his daughter. Mr«. Cbaa *ddir«. Btoghaa
perUl troop*, opium pipes, Uasaf-EatOB.
the Gnlled

Tl.. tiif. W'Ar (tisi'.-.eml by
,y 1B’illart
I Mai.-h. a iliroi-ii.r. <
- pan. b-vt aciTding In
! I..:'
. .
. .-jii,.. i« ..nln.'wn as Ili-rc was DO fir*
•>) Ih- I in iln- luiil.llnc wh<-n Ihc ii-atwr. Hlaa
.- nrauulai-i-W'-l in Mi. l..-.;aii; Ma' Hail «>f S>-s-.-li Clly, lefU

Rapid City. Mich . May 2r._R. Gart­

hideous of war club*,
the rlghl of the srindow Is idared
I. Beers- colleeUon of gun*, re- and Mrs. Tracy Hobbs of Kalkaaka.
vnlrcrs and awnrris which wonld make took adrantage of the eacurslon
an cgeelicnt display In tbemselvea Saltirday to visit relifira* her*.
The pieces of the rrdlectVm

tiambletanian Stallion

im" given In the opera house Iasi
Kill'- of SI. Jo-i-p
evening, by the young ladles of Sa M-iileiii-eil in sts-nd
lulling I
Jark-uo plis.111 lor
Heart pariMi. was a grand sueink w|ll
n«-.l Clty-s tie*
both BoclBlIy- linil financially
Maionie Ill'll lilnek -...
proceeds gn to Ibe rectory of Sacred business uill be eoinlnri.-tl’ until tin
liidillg I-
Heart chuirh.
.Hui lUir' of Sagin
. late Gov. A T. Bliss. :

dagger in Its Ivorr sheath down to Ihe

Ta* to. ms » and It tot
itogtoWtoTbmfc »-.Ctop*r
------------9. /sd..toto>

Tbe ChUdnmV PuMM*-Tbe HoUi«r*a Frteiad.



Mr. and Mr*. A. Bebc* of Kalkaska,
IccUon of knives owned by E. Many of were In towti Saturday on tbelr way
•nd Pierson of TTavwts* City t(«k
Ueland. TbU coUeclum Is one t
to their bummer home at Torch l.ak*;
both bents in .18 and ITS:- een^s
but Ecldom found and
Mrs- L. Miller and IlUIe aon went lo
Bmiih of Ree<l Clly and'
a buhdred knives. I'allJoaxPs. Aldcn -Thuraday to call oil oH trieoda
Brenmyra of petoukey finished eecood.
and war rlnbs. picked up h^Nr.
WWtlng of this clly sprang a siitMsro and earning fro mall eoriiers of
prbm to the abot pat. sboring the Irtm
rauglog from a Thlnese

Or. A. -IT Ch*>-a

MibsUinee. In ago l< lu siiantnCoe. It dentroya Worm*
«ad nihtys r.-v.-rl-hnnw. It cure* Dtorrbo.-a and T^tad
Ctrfic. U relievtrs Tertliliig Trouble*, cunm Couotlg*UM
Aod I'biitileDev. It miuuiunatM tb« Food, rriHiUwa tbe
Slomarh ano Isowela, Ririoff biwltby bad nAtanl alM*.

cily today.
T. J. Voud of MaulMec was in lown

ner and little son of Slratfurd. were to
veiling id .1 m.cmor;*! t;iMcl (
program was given;
cr Sunday.
Violin solo. Miss Oooslance Hoyt.
W. RolyartMO and daughter. men ol ilmi city, foriy
»ho enlistp.1 in.tin- got.-rnoi"'Voral w>lu. Miss Blassom Garland.
Mrs. E. Harger, WTnt lo Alden on toisi pauy Iwfoie the .-Ivil wai. Tlie rr
Violin solo, Miss Helen Hanueu.
?ss Friday.
lion of Ibis
I-- Ihe 1—1 1--I'"
PUno «do. Miss Ruby Grayson.
Money was taken oul of U Uu-ureV in the will of Cm. Bliss
The irlHl of VYrcI Hoffman and f
ore one day last week, and also Ibo
eniploycs. al
Port H'lroli. eliart.-o
leat market, by some one quKc bandy
Vn Interesting Window.
lre«iia»s-t»y thThe window In me Hannah t Lay with IboTi finger*.
li, wa< brokenI n|i l.t 1
............................ w-lfeirfJi
Pray qf Traveree city was In
tIcrcanUle eompany-s storo wblcli
She declared lln.t If 111
has bees given over to relics of
lown Saturday.
slMed Id making so murb ii
Mrs. L Rlckell and daughter. 0«a,
world's ware, has attraeted much
trstlon all day., the sldewallf being returned borne Mailday frrnn a tew
writ filled In front of it at almost any days- OBling at Torch Lake.
Th* young pc(^>le elnjoyed another

They were


CAKtoria ia a hiKmlrM aahwtltnte for Cw>tar OO. PbiwRorie, I>rop* and Muothlsr Synipg. It la PlcPuU U
ruDtains neither Opium, ttorphliiB nor other SuraOe

iKime Id I.titheV. today.
G. A. Carlson of w.vs in the

The following

s with many In large museums
feet and two Inehrs. This doe* not
and much lime could be spent lo
eonte *p to Amlsbeuchlcr's work In
studying the ImpletuenTs of the bual
that have been dnciuled by
• Th*'half-mile run was a surprise,
all dope being upset by Reed City
bringing two me* aerasH Uie tape first.




The mieraal

aUTter, W. N. 61. Peter o( 81g Rapids
and the rest of the officials giving en­

Inranu oiid Childrcn-EsperteiKW

farther invwllgallnii by Ihe secret pis

Morning Evants.
Joyed an "old fashioned party Friday
Rlaklng a thorough welting
erraiug. the affair being In char]
pma lo Ihe finish « (atr-sbed crowd Mrs. C. J. Bbncr, aaslsted by
gathered at the race track this morn- Edna Wilhelm. Old fashioned
tog to eee the track and field event
Dients nf popcorn, candy and red
ran off. The eventt, however, were leiDonadc were served and at the con­
eaierod Into with a* much ginger as If clusion of the program old songs
meet w*a very well eooauctad.

All Cortnferfeita, ImlUttoo* Pnd “Jnwtrii*.Bood”*r« b«t
r*prrimeiits ibat trifle with and MidangrrtiM htaOlh pT

Ibe cmHiision Ilf Ibis Miss lias

F. M. e. Parly.

the weather were much warmer.

- ____ »o rm:

we would liatlK- irir ........... ...........
and then aisdr C-j-ii-.ifa Oinll.. . .
would drv- tie- h»i tip to ruiirii qin.W.T

cliyMl>.s Minnie Coray teluniid I

l-iUla.-M Keivi.r
ful woman and leave# many friend* tiiiga was Invited to go ■•■it uud plek
Roy ol Cratid RaiUdBlk'Raptds. Mieh. May . 33-S
will mourn her lee* and ertend
III the i-liy •« biii-iii. -i Kslay.
flowers, being provided
CbristlinsoD was In Rellalra Monday
their eympathy to the heartbr
U Stiiishall and wif*- ;iiriu
t for that piiri">im and when she
king out bis naiiirallulion paper>.
;IIV l.iM eieiiiug.
Ml Mill
o^ned ttais, a ahuser of .ieUera of
I.) KIk Rapid-, wl"'
HabloD Hyland haa accepted a sitinterecholastic Track Meet.loasts and gworl wishes wrillen by her
will lal.erhiiice of Ihe 1-I----I1 i.-ill pl.nit
ulaUcm Id Bast Jordan.
Ho has.lw'-li einiiloyed
Procp Saturdar’e RoconJfriends drsrendol -u|too her.
The Juniors gave the (arcwcll rceep:il eoM-ent in Ciiieng"
Aftar arelUlK In vain for tbr rala (air was a mlHca-llanerras sfanwer and
on to Ihe seniors, and teachers of the past
>r ai....................
and a half.
to eeeoc. at 3.3 mhia anemoon (hr all over Hie bouse the preseuls nf
Mies iK'lla limt-ll I'-r'
inch school, at the home of almond
InlrnurholaoMc tbow Iirem-ot were blildeu,
•riiioii for C
Cmitoiirler. a member of the Junior
trwk locrb «at railed «B- Traveme tion being nnii’iiunct-d by :> ixd car
win spend a monlh vl-l'iug.
The evening wni- greatly en­
Fn-Ii went It. Maitl'-la
lie. lu:
City was victor this monilng by
nation. As there were almiil flf
joyed by oil piesenl.
tills luniiiiiiE f<« a tisH.
5 and Ibo toedals (nr ihU momlne'o gnesbi present the bride-lo-lK- bad
Mrs. Mav Niotniinn t."iiiii>sl
Tbc Ladles- Ailar snciely- will meet
evnita were awart«^d but the flaff laige Isniniiet wlieti ijie bad mui-liidi
Mrs Tliimias Marriott nest %V.;.lnrs•sd other mrdaU .wUI l« hold
fri.-ods in Ihe
her search.
day afternoon.
I Cadlllae ilo"
Toni Sban.e
«*UI bert y(*r wbm the four illpfa
Prank Johnnon. etghlera years of niornilig.
acboola er«l a^ln cowfe to Tiavcra*
l-s Anna M».> sent lo Key lone
S', was Injured w-tailc working at Ihe
iw mill W(vlne»day muntlng. He got
btislinois a!
tv, wilsini
Bat tbe wcallicr man .a. aealnol
the right leg caught In the sprocket King-ley tod.iy.
(be boy# and they had to b
chain propelling the live roUers that
F G. Jieiiluan
perier force.
Willie bis fiance was being enlernrry the lumber and slabs awaj I'liil Union she.. .. _
Tbe dcclKlon e-as not reached nntil Ulned the groom-lo-U-. WUl R. Fbole.
Inc of the eraii.l e.MinelI Royal ,-ind S-front the main aaws. laecraOng and
Ma-icis and grand rh.tpiei Royal
UK track pH Into euch ohape that It was tbc guost of honor at a troui
brnifing his knee and arm. He was
I Mo-ous.
be liDpoafIbIr to hdd
per at (hr Ulllc Tavern. Thera
atlcndiy] by Pr. Caunlleli. and he will
n Cook, win. liJ-t lieen it
evesta. There _wa» unlycnial ingrci about twenty-five young men presenl
\< about again to a Bbort.timr. His Il.iruii ali.-n.lin* tire IPoal .Ai-'
over this as on'account of the large and they acted as bouts to Mr. ITmtc
-liapier ineviln?. ii-lunieil
escaite from (iitlbcr Inlury w.vs very
aUepdance and the Inlercet menltert- The event was enjoyed very much.
ed. the meet bid fair to be one of the
The Thursday -SplnKler Convenheld.

■ II. Isv t:
W.- liatlabout Cull,-ora
a K.-modieK.-me.
(tal w*
(tsMtgfal we w.-,il.l nri- ihem a (rial.
We did eo. Bfi.t ii ha- now hren alKut
(otw vtwrm at.d -Iw lia» never hada*ign
(d rorma >iii-.-e. Sbi' alx> uwri (liem
both al*.iit a v-*r ago for her wwlp.
Bbe bad veer tl.m "hiir and Cutienra
brined le-r l.»r gi-ctU. I mviwtf
i Cuti.vira su>|- niid « aihur* Oinlitaoni-lo". t.c- r.w (Alone luiir. 1
;bawa v>,-<y I-jvv
ol hair and

111 Mauislec today after visiting I

Mr* Hlnee wee an unueually ehwr-

Tbe Kind Ton HA*e Aliran BoqcM, mad wblcfa hsg taa
ia oae few over 30 yev«, hu borae tbe gtgttotaiv qT
^ wad hjta bean loAdo naJw hm—w.



Mufkegon from Grand Rap'd*

Friday evealog In booor of Mlsr Cnee rapid rau ef opsed when on a
■''At thl*.juncture Mr*. Edward Tay­ Hasiimrs. who on May 28 will Ukc just asst of Muakegan Heights
lame Foote. The hostesses were
lor. who livee next dobr. came into
pasatnger car bound for
the hauoo and inqdirod about Mr* Mrs. R. S. Walter. Mrs. George Cn>». Rapid*.
cars were
Hinao. Et^ng into the bedroom, Miss Grace Eldred. Miss EMhel ‘HioinelM epo^ to the woman but received .IS. Miss Marion Pratt and Mr*. E. C. wracked.
Rllllngs and none of the myriad litib

sfiwpoiis CASTORIA

Mother SiiffwKi Six Years with
Eczema—B.’hy Cured of Heat
•Rash - Fatiier, Motlwr, am! Child
Have Scalp and Hair Tfoiibies.



Work Shoes

We wi.h to call Cij.ccial aHcniion this
week to th.; lKf>X A(iK hitc of fiarden drills.
Seeders, ami Cultivators. This is the most
[.opiilar line of (iardcii looLs sold in this scAkm.
\Vr lordialtv invite cvtrrv farmer in ihe
(irand IraY.:r^; K-’^irwi to call and look.ttt
We have m-my thinRs that interesl you.



l-.-rtb. r - ao!»1

V)U- kMljtr «c.!o«.


Queen City implement Co.

Miulc / .r com­

fort an.l IP*"’ 'rear.

131 Stale Sneet


ttMAia, TMUftBPAy. MAY BB, HM.___________________________

It By Har-

B. F. D. Wo. 4

well TbeSMiw It all gone. now. Will!i« yean old. I
have two mile'
Their aamea
Sylvia Koch. OoMlc Koch.
Ac»ea you plaaae aewd my friend a card a»d friends who wonld like to Join the H.
MUka. Ribgaley. Mkb.. R. P. D. No. 2. buium* Her Mine Is Kalla RhemeUk. T. F. Simshlo* Oub Their nai
ru«~eee Steffen
Pleaae aesd them each a card and
pRuilt U neven and Clarence Is ten
bauoB. I have my card aad bottoo 1 wUl send a recipe for a eake
Send tbe cards and bullooa In Pr,atTour lovtag Sunsbioer.
yet. We bate ntoted. It U ana
la'i name
l iott mv button but I
today. We are building another
Helen Kovarik.
ir bnuae.

Well, aa my letter la

gelUag loag. I will ckrae for tbla time

I Aiall be very glad lo have your re­ found It again In a trunk. Julius Stef
fee would like 10 Join. As my letter la

ceipt for cake. Tou must be a great
lo good-bye.
b^ to your mother. If you can cook!
brank. Suamlt City. Hkb.. R. F. D.
From your Sunablaer.
Monroe Ceeler. HM>..
hlo. I. Nnaea wai by Rboda Kukti.
Age 11.
Floeaie Wbltmab.'
April 21. IMiT.
car and OaiMre CbrlMluiaoa.
It waa a funny mlalake about tbe Dear PremdeniOlca a»d BdPla Johuta. Nortbpon.
kllleoa! Twelte would be mote than
tboogbl 1 would write 111 yiMi toMleb.. R. F.- O. Mo 1. Naaaa sent by
penOB cooM take rare of.
night. It Is nice powadaya I have
Suiioni Bay. Mkb.. tmve been going lu aebool
I have
April IT, 1*07,
I had Ibe appendlrlllt
H. V. r.
Club Cradle Rail,
rnd was at ^ hospital,
lyabellr Mary iobtuoa. Monmr Cre
almost ibreeBMoths. I base a lliik•trr. MIcb. Name aesi by Joale John- linn to you I bato not writien
aUter. Will you
for a tong Ume. will y.iu (dease oend
the Cradle Roll? It will not lit- very
Jtart Oury. Floaair Pov. Mltwrd Sub-

« «IH «ry • b. •* MM •• •
I wtu tfy t« bt MvlM. h*l^

•r I Mr <•« bi irylAt U M
tiMM UtiMb 4 wlU "Tiy. try

me a card end luiiino? I lofd my olb- Ihag BOW until tbe flower* begin •»
er biiiioo that you ueni me, but i bate blooiD. Tbeu I will be glad
I have
my card yet. I like ibe cards and hiii- found a few mayflowers alread).

Rna Perbail, afa fair yean: RIU tona tery mticb.
Papa bun his leg
Mpblae Rayen, at* alsbi taoDth*.
day a» be was wnrblag la tbe
KM«alay. UMi.' Naaea amt by Ber- woods and he lias lieen laid up
Aloe Sayrra.
since Imi be Is m that he ran walk
Clara, Mary. Walter, and Cearge
rruirbea. I am home loulgbi
noar. Suiuwa Bay. Mirb. Name* tomorrow I will bate u> go to srboed.


^•r BrM4M'»

I kMT M« hU*. but ibry tol4 mr n>.


iUMac the ‘yaUslar «*• nr sraMpa‘» Mae.
They Barer bMr4 of Ma a«alii. they
AB4 M wa too* tfa»t|KtSB4M i
AM vhM I think o( bim. no r>od and
t «M *0 toe* wbm be hM toiutd

I M M aid. wtd I
. «o AM <ha anidlMB-crtCM •» n*raM

a* lt«MM UUl* ■owbm CM BboiiM

«nat CIW.
n lOM bar ab. K (hate acaia Be
aba'd lair.
ffbr cvBtoM'a eeite. tUI* Daeoratka
-The roglb-a CoapMka.

I. yon boy#


Thin atfwwbg wlGi Bowen tin grtaa-

and yet eueh a happy ooe, too

are Walter and George aad my

wa eu have a Memorial Day In
ktoru, We can aay to ounelves

Not almplr a nbowtime, boya and glcU
t la thla day of laHmg Bowen:
It la aometblng motw than tba day



' hauta
TBr Me wreck and lb* wrong eg It.
boya and girls.*
Par the terror and 1o«b aa well.


How nice It is . to



I am afraid she 1
yei, Her uame 1,


tb* ami of the Blue and

tUs week, by RatberlDe


Adelaide MaUory's card and bulloa

tdMM-TBtch. Omeaa, MMk. ft


O. Nb. X.
BeWbdt Jehaana. Northport. MIeb.
1L F. D. No. 1.



Naipe seat by Heten KoraHk.
HMHetu Poaalag. UNaad.
Hama eem by Vkda FoaMag.

warm n-biy.





S-iii-biiic Club


are g<Jbg

^ jlo m- a imuiian. .be li.*l .Ito


1 bale a |.le,-e lo S|s«k. I
u-<-*d <be i/venib gra-le ikia yedi 1
■•iav.,1 .mi j /,-tss.l ..niy .m* day.

.. young I

v.-ui Ruii-'bll.e glH.

Hla I

I- ;

CUra W.-11HB.
Wl.-i. WSS VOIII va-bool uiii* I wnu-

My friend Clara I* wrli

noi know wh'tber 1 i-asM-d lu all my
!,Indies or not. \V- ar<- going in have

From youi SunshlncK

place yesienlay

That hacking cough ceatmaeB
Becaufle your fly»tem is leahauBted and
your power* of reaUtaoce weakened.
Take Scotfj Emulsion.
* '
It buildfl up and Ptrengthens your entire system.
4 ,
I , prepared that it is easy to take a^ euy to digcfft


Are You Wideawake

We bod

hot kiigsr loo.

If y<Mi aud the

Riinl-eaus would lik>makc afaidc syrup I will writ- Kiid u-II
I. Paiut-sald that the flrsi tin
s In Traverse City ilie stumps
Fnmi street.

Ferii.O'I>-ar> would

I got my card and bitii»ii huig iliiie

Rhnda lluleti
60. I like my ear.1 an.I l.uiltui v.-ry
I wonder how many , goldfliib you mueb anti 1 thank you very much for
They are Interesting
schisd every day
teacher's name Is Ml>s Jeaale Hose,
Northport. Mich.. R. F- D. No.
I like ber very miicb. I am ten year/

IS been retmtied by tbe poslofflce

April ;n. 1907.

am in the second read<-r. I
brothers, Rsten and N.-|.

If she wilt Dear PresWeni—

wrtie again and give her R. F, D.
! thought I would write you a |e
E.SII-U U w-veu years old iiiid Ni ls l«
ber she sbsll have her card and l.ui- ter as I would like to Join the Sun­
fallen oould tike 10 J.dn ilushine rliib. I will send m
lOD right away.
Runsblne Club. Will y.ui pb-ase m-ikI
names, for which please send each him a card and button? I would like
Cedar. MM. a card and balinn: Oscar and Clar­ lo have
April 1*. 1»A7.
Dear Presldem—
hi I wonld wriie you a fca

ence ChrMtaiiaoB. Oimu dSdsiu. Alma Cradle Rrril if you please. We live
and Selierl Johnson.
The l<
neighbors to HaUiad's and I go .there
please pul on the Cradle Roll Alma

Alma and Relien are regular
about ihlny-Are scholars romiim
aebool. Tbe dock are on -the lake now.
Riimtnil City. Mleh
The robins are neariy all here now
April 2U. 1*07
I Joined when Mrs. M. E. C. Bale*
It U a long time since Dear President—
1 am a little girl l«qi year. old.

have for pets a dog and cal. hare three names for the Sunshine
The dors name Is Rover, and the Club; Emma Kcrindoter. John Koin
le la Bpoi. Rover la black. dofer, and Eddlo Koindoler.
Rover ti a year old. Spot it blacd:. tend me cards and buttons for them.
gray, yellow and white. We have
have brtonged about five years.
twelve Hum sheep. They are very Someilmes mamma has to remind me

begin studying my music soon, I have
ting hmg. to I will dote,
taken twelve lessons. Mrs. Fenton of
nvim yonr Runatalne boy.
Kingsley Is my teacher.
Vaima bth and Fern Ol^ewy. How
James Horton.
From your Sunshine girt,*
or. Mich. Namea eem by rhaale MarIt It vciy Bice lo hear from you
Lenzena Brett.


«erc rolug

I am ul M-h-ul now. W>- atgoing to have prunioilott raids. 1 di.

April r:, IW'T,
Dear I'resilleni —
There are many of my lilHe friends
that are going to Join tbe Siiushine
Club. I woultl like It. Join mo. Please
seud me a cind ami luiiion.
ery day.
Psracs are Arthur. Rufus.
*. Lloyd.
^.yd. and

I had one brother die alsmt

Ibree mimihi
Nathan. I am lu the ihini grade


|*Mly. tosier Sunday was a very of the rules of our club. Our sebtsd
re reailiug. ariilimeilr,
be out lo about three weeks. The wpelllBg. Earl Is in ibe fifth graihMIcIl cold day. I was very cold last week.
of my briotliers are win-klhg
* I like lo read Ibe letiera la Ibe Uer- teacher and scholars are pcet>arlng
only went on-half
so Is Earl, .bni be goi-s
for an futtenalameni. Some da.v I will
yeaterday. The flowers will
Ite you a story. I expert to school. We have one cow and 1

Baiea Tlagsaeaa. Buttons BSy^Hcb.
Name seat by Hattie VlogaaeM

.1 i;.o,Kbl

: vmliir weaib-i la.w
I have a pel dog^;His vum- ,s floVT We have f.«r-


D It Is lime to clOHe. Oood-bye.
bloaMmi now and I will >
My grandpa. C R Domlne. wishes
Tour true Runsblne glrU
me In this letter.
My |
I have all his grai
Cerinide Bii-mer. II. V. P. Siinsliine Club. My brother makes maple syrup. We Iibv<- biiit
I am gUd to have four mom llule Albert and I have Joined the Sunshine •If folk* here 10 eat hot sugar
unbeams on the Cradle Roll. When Hub and I will add these names: Nre *)>ring. If you enmi- we wcnild 1

beeaose Adelaide did not send any ad­
dress bin Traverse Cily.

I JelMd. The snow it nritlng and fall
ftlday. May 24. 1M7.

uy Mica Axu (iagug. i

I woitl-lj

r- 10 l«- a Runlieani. PU-.-ise M-iid her
Bag In known, all over the world, My Ashes are right on the stand, and
■ard and luiiion. I
Age 7.
Ilmry Ikuume.
mil aland for the rlgtai. fur Justice tbey are twlramlai around. I have
ide. I am going 1
I am much pbwsed that your grand­
for liberty. That la the way we
names to he pul In tbe pa Is no interested Ih our Club, aud am
lib- exurninatlou it
can keep HemorUI Day.
Sunshine Cluh. They are Enrl Ourr. glad lo have )-ou all memlier*
huivleen y<-ars old Fur p<-1s 1 have
nosiile Fox. and Mlnard Suubmnk.
IKUIH Hit}. Mich. ihree dogs and Ibre.- cal*. The dog's
Tour presldenl bad uuch a heaiitlsend the rants and hulluas in
.- Ik-wey. Ciiiiner and Mage
fnl boquet of unilums brought her my name ! will close with love.
Di-ar President —

wsi president.

ortal Day.

New meaberv Jolahtg ataee last re

Mi Bay kaC


eight moniliv
•tb. and has black hair, dark --yes.
d a ligbi eoniplesbai
li 1. v.-iy

I did no( write for a long Is ftuir years old and ReJiert two years I/uils. He b. ICO niombs .dd and he
well aad hope y»u and old. Please send them all i
cunning llnle l•'tb.w.
0» btorta moat hold a regret uaiold; llme./i
diess. I am g-iliig lo mImmjI nearly
un itUyiag uiib bin
Aa we think of thoM triw tell.
neariy every day. Th<*re every day.'My teacher's nahie Is Mlia letter Is gelling pmiy buik. wt I *111
Bat their iifoai. cm wbWtevw
Grant. I like ht-r very tuiu-li.
clote'fttr this time.
they fongbt.
Mr. Amore'a Idler IB getting long. I win dose for
Ftom your loving Runsblne girl.
■■■Ill tbe nailoK and progresa ty-sixth of April, at
this time, an good-bye.
Our learber's name
Muiiie Vingsw-ss
brought 1
Age IS.
RrtnhoH Jnhn-um.
1 'bojie you have iiiii raludeil waiting
The fighting aad tlghlng. the tailing Ayiesworih. We are going to l&ve
I am happy to have so many
moBibs of arbool yet, We i
so loag iedore yiuii Idler was prliiKsl.
ato dying.
Sunahiners In Noitliport.
I i
(knu-na. Mleh., R, F. I>. N..
Were bni atepa toward the fotare betj. leaning a new song now. There j

tha any
Look with love and wlik pride. Mem


have her name put ou ih-- Suit
Age ri. p
Jo-ie Jobnum
shine Cradle Ridl. Rbe i> ii<-arl> l<wi
1 am glad that you are mu sick any

they get bigger tbey aball each bate ra. age >: Charics. age S: Oruii. age A;
pledge card and I.......on!
Maliel. age 4: Edna, age
Susie, at
Riimmit City. Midi
2; Dorothy, age 4;, age 3.
that we will grow up to be such good
R. F. n. So, 1., April IS. 1907 have two pet puppies, I ibank you f.
Dear Presidenteeiidlng me another tmiion. and a eai
eeuniry vrlll grow greater and lieiler
well and hope you
f<rr Alliert.
becaaae of our lives. And wherever
1 have lieen going to school

aaa hmve?

la the Honk aad the Bmtth. Memorial


Cut Stone Work

to the wheels, i
No other lubri- V.
ant ever made
trears to long
and xaresao much
hone power. Nett time I

Our i-chool^ will he out the 26ll> ^
of this n
ime I- nils rerltall


Tbla talk of the Mae. aad tWa talk
eftto Otar.

ice friction to almoi
nothing by applying

thM we temember. all day tont. ibe Other brother Is going lo be eleven
Velma would like to Join the Suoshitie
Cliniim Johnson.
brave an who gave their liver
year* oltf tbe ninth of August. I a
Please send her a eurd
I was pleased to hear fraui you and
We feel
that s
goiag to be thirteen the ibineeai
biiiiiin. Her address Is Honor, t
hir slatera. and hor«e ibqt you
where, aomebow. tbey muat know of June, I forgot lo tell you that
R, F. n No, I. V.-lmi's mother
all wrlid again some day.
that we love and hnor thorn, and the would like my two Uille brother/'
ago. She wa* a very
Traverse City, Vllcb- R- F. I). So. 4.
brave things' tbey did. deeds
amm oa the Cradle Roll. loo. I g
lan. Velma has an older sister wlm
April 22. 19<lT.
live OB aner tbe mortal pan is put
ly letter Is getUag guile long i
is veo' good lo her. The mayflower*
Dear President—

growB grave:
Tbla deehlag wHb garlabdi tbe aut-

e^ any flowers, liiii

the brave men wbo died fnr >u shall
not have given their lives in vain

- Ik mw~'"n crave wbere »*va

War mrnwlry. nthrob

April 22. inoT
have ;us written to tbe Riipshiii>-|

The borae can draw the f

Club lor a long time. How are y» ij
g these nh-e epriug days? I luv--;

Monnu- r.-nlcr, Jleh
■0 about with grave faeea and a
Imes we gel l« quarreling and cry
lol„. IO.I •
- . April 2:. 19«7.
iway look In ifaelr eyea. and Ibere lag. but siUI It Is fun to play M. Schoul
Dear President —
will be a feeling of quiet eadiement will be out next week Friday,
Honor. Mil'll. R K. |i 1.
thought I would write a few leleveryvbere. Tbe boya win all vrear sol like It whet^liool Is out. I have
A|.t1! 22. IlMiT.
, today. I ara in the third reader. n.-ar Preaidenitbair beat clotbea. and (be luile girta
tluera and three bmibeni. My
. to school every day. My teacher's
*111 took like a cloud of white bullet- tlaicra' names ate Clara and Mary.
I n-celved my rurd and bniiou Rai
le is Grace Piitriph<-r I cannot tirday and I think they
flea, and tbe flega. oh! ihe~ Sage will Will you please pul them oa
Cradle Roll? I have two little broth- think of anylbtiig mure to sa>. i.i C,ira and Amy MeCortnlr and Reriha
good-hyr .

Tea. HwsorUI Day is a solemn day.
did ooe big one. Tbe l
Crawford and Velma Eiu-h

Heawnal Day oelfhratlau. or even to
aee ooe. la order to kwep tbe day. No.

TIo TOO kBo* «Rbi tt
•■B firta
Wlw toll fm Ibd Noift

Klngaley. Mh-b . {

• Would You Uke To Know. ’ Anoth­ sblDf biiiino. It Is stormy aud
er pkee
Backward lure itslay. I go lu w-boi>1 etviy day. a vnu.ll pmgraiii the Iasi day. 1 think
There /ate only two wivk.s uianima is going. I must close for this
Glance.- We are all well eicepi papa.
My teacher's name is «!i
lime because 11 Is almost closing 4Uai-.
The day IhU number at thr Hrr- 1 bate 1WO cousins. Tbeir names ore
ald la printed la Memorial. Day. and Helen Horn and l.iKtie Rgcler. Tbey PuMfdier. I cannot think of Wivililng I-II I will .write agaiu. If iuy sl'i-.-i Is
.we, sc good-bye
not 1U> yomiK, pb-aM- lUil le-i ii^tu- -.11
am lo ib; Aftb
loealdeai wobdera bow many
Uie Cradle Roll
of bfr Sotiablnen are goiag lo keep reader.
Uy studies
Age i:>.
Ella Johnson
From vour Riiiishiui gnl.
0 aooe places ibere will l>e pree language, geogiapby ami siu-lllng
•Are you-noi g1.-id iii bare vacailon
Ib-niiee Sayers.
aebool li Is luis of fun
renlona of aoldleni. and procesKlona
)W? wLii do you d- lu ibe siinmiei
NolKsly is Ku) small *1 be on 'lie
at acb'ool chlldm. and music and Wo play Pom-Pom
Hnll. so Elia Delphiiie cun le
apeeebea and Bowen. The rrotni follr lomeilmes we play l-*r. and some-

But It isn't aeeeaaarr to be

vlth. Boven.'
While cttodM «•««

Dear President-

MIeta.. R. F. D. No. 4. Nameti seal by
Harry DnnHar.

NiHuMr tf
t ttM. 4MA

AM k«r. After • betH*.

lon again, becaa&e ibe buttons help os
our ple^e

Wt by Oertrude Bmner.

OrfinlMd OMMiMr A IMA


FNiber Gilfflti.
I am gUd that you found your t<ui-

roal^ng a null' today and toMontne t'enier. Mirli
Alma JohaaoB. age tour yean: Rewe will make another one
April 24. I9«7
bert .JnhBMa. age i«o yean. Nonli- Aunt Minnie Is golug to come minor
Dear President —
port. Hlota.. R. r. D. No. t. Namea
belli ua make ili- null'. We
ihoiighi I would write a few Hues
>ot by Relnholi JohOBOo.
had a aocUl and a program. I was In
<HJ. I have a little sIsK-r.
Bdu Domlne, age three yean: Ru>e other glris, too. Tbe
t- Is laalielle Mary. I will send
tie Doaloe. age t*o yean: Mildred
“So Ikusg. Nary.” and
rents for which send me a
Doalne, age taro yeara. Travene City. tbeo anoiber one that
was called;

CLAftA lAfeS. CAit«r.

•MMi VtM
^tntMvy bhKM^

urea I will ckw. so guodl>}e
Vour loving SunsUner.

getting quite lung. I will Hum- for
Ibis lime, so good bye.

Don’t Pasb^
load wlU»ut help, if you /


Ooe of them I.- mine.

ooe of my friend* ilu-t name L........... ^
Cautffi. last Bigbi. Well, t will close

I should vety much like to bmyS lor thte llioe. boplog to o-e my IH "
Pronla. Gtoreuee. and Julias Btefea. agala. James. You have been a Sun-r In the paper.
story fram y«m. and hope you
Namea awt by Mloer a tong time
Kingsley. Mleb. send me one soon,
From your loving Runsblne girl.

Monnm Center. HlrtL
Mather OrttBa.

April IT. I««T.
Ijrdia Taicb
Oineoa. Mleh'..
tema. John, and Bddle Koladcrfer.
Ton and Alice must have nice time*
April :l. 1907
Bummli City. HIM. Namea neat by Hear Prealdeai—
logeibei Rbe lx a Rnnebiuei. ion.
Lensena Brett.
I thought that I would write a few Dear PresidentMonroe Center. Mlch.^:
I lecelved your letter and was ;
^ia Koch. Ooidle Koch, nd Ag- imea to you and the Sunabioera. I
April 2k IIH.7.
hen MUka. Klagriey. MMi. Name* have been having the loothaclie. You glad to bear from you. 1 am aendii
•eM by. FVMBle Wbtimaa.
made a mistake about tbe twelve kit Bessie the pin and Carrie the card and Dear PrewidepiI thought I wonld write to yon laalay.
Nora. Charles, Oran. Mabel, aad DnI have only two. I will tend li pin. Tm. Pervir ’knows Mrs. Stew­
folhy OMto*. Tiarwo Oty. MUM, thiee namea. who said they wuted (p art very well, and aba Ukea ber very I am rtoff to school evety day. J pwj

Special BargMlDs on
C«n»et8> Rags. etc.





Your Reliable Furoiture Store.

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

It G>sts

127 S. South Uoloo Street

find out for a < rtainty
cart id
whether or not yutir
affccicd. One jicrson in fniir

has a weak heart: it may be
If 90, you shuuld know

Smith Realty Co.

it now, and save serious con­
sequences. li you have short

Cany a complete and full
line of

breath. fltiUeriBg, jialpitatiun.
hungry S|>el!s. fiol flu-lirs; if
you cannot lie on left side:


you have fainting or smuthi-f*
iiig spells, pain around heart,
in side and arms, your heart is





Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re­
lieve you.
Try a bottle, and
see how quickly your condition
will immove.
"About a rnr
MUr* M/dl.-wl <'o.
w** auflcrjng witl
bad bc»o loT two , -.........................
Ill n> heart. Writ >ad b-n siJ-. /rsl
bad not Wn aW* to diiiw a deep
brooth fnr two ynir*. Am mil. cx>-i(lon Wo.Id c*UH- valiuuil-m. sm) t
wjld m-I Ua or. fn>' Wt sid- w,u-*jt
auflmng. The> advised rrvr to ti> Ur.
Mn-« iTewrt Cur* and Nervine, wl.irh
I did will! IW cwaull lltat I am In
totter towllb than I mer wu b-fOf«.
Iiavinc gained It i-ounJ* -in.-e I •'vmmrn.-ed taking 11. I lu-k at—01 il.irIn-n bottle*wr tt.e two medlclno, and
bavwn't town t»iner-d will, my beatt

Farm and City Property
For Sale.
Prompt and Coarlcons TreatmenItoAlL

Floyd Smilb. ninaccr.

Or. Mltoa* Hoart Coe* la ooig by
IS nm'BnU’C^i toJS'LTf*^ uS
to will refund yowr money.

Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind

I w,

10 a coDveniloa last Saturday,
nice time. I staid at the h

TliiDk of a Concli Hat has always*^1hr
$18.00, now $9.85.
Kitchen Cupboards $5.85 up.

Spraying Cime
Ip neur at lisD-1 nu-I you had betb-r gi't your wanU

Want to Win?
Tben troin

lor Ibr purpviw. Ul u. -litett
aodcarelorvwu. C-t i, .mall,


Mwi. W. F. JewcU. Pxraidrut



Wf carry for thii piirjatpe Blue Vilrjr.l fCopper Sulplmte)
Arpenie. Formalin. Livvr of Sulpber awl
Paria Grei-ii

<I| four* you do.


onler to gvt thr- U-st materiaU

LaTeobiirg'a Pure


If you will purcliaac thesearticleaof ni.yon will certainly
not t’> wrong aa to iiiiality or price.

$a £. mail $ Sons
CrsQtrse Otf's

£)mg Sl^


before taking them from the Are Mir

ligliily with flour and grated n

1 \ery UlUe water. Bake in
In lome wetldwsteo egg*. Berve hot.
Sweet poutopa left from diaper make erate otcb. This Is the pie that grani
an aeceptnble lellrb for sapper if ent mother teaae. Once eaten it la a deIn ellcek ahoat a quarter of an Inch ilcloo? memory.
Ouxolit* Ple-Heai «*ie plat mill:
thick and heated In' sllghUy salted


HiKxm of leiuuu. Bake ta two uyer*. tepid water. The short Ufe o( many
FlUUat—Tolk ct one egg. one c^ of piece* of glattvare 1* due to the ahaiilt. one-halt cap of suEir. two tca- rapt dranecs of temperatare to which
spaon*. of ccrestircb.ccs haif teasposn they sre commooly subjected- A dish
ol lemon B- it tbe yalV: of the egg and tbit l.a« lecn o»‘d fir •ervtng ice


all logHher lUl It it. tbIcl.U <om‘-<'r

In a dOaUv Imll
Ktalloped potstoe.. and Ekp—Two

Thi Coming of Hit F»«.
- It nay be In ibe nortiliiE.
Ere the dew M oS ibe (ratt.
When the Utile Urda an tlosiDg
Tbrtr tweel weleone aa they put;
Ere the aound of buty tbouianda
U heart uima the «trwt.




■■otaioes. ibn-e

No one paused at my gate:
0 tme eniere.1 my nrtlage door;




light bad deepened.
Id not come
And the* Uasii
entered some «her idoor."

layer »f the egg sllcee. and emer
Ith white nance, and ».i on Hll Hie

H»' liilior hud b»o for nothing.
bnw<-d.iny li««d and w>-|ii:

dish i* full. Mis the emnib' with Hi.r-beese and paprika and put all u.ei

And the whirr of noUy inteelk
comet from oni the pwssy bed;

Uy httari ws. siwe with longing -

Ibe toil.

Filling 1« it.j.b- of Ibe

Vet—In spite of U all—I slei>t.

In the oven, llaif a cup of ch.t»e on
each layer of eggs :is well as on li-p

I will wall me, hopefiii listening
Vm the eomlbf of his feel.

And ins face was grave aid Islr,
•Threo limes khIu) I came;i<> yon

will make a good variuil'm.
Urtovncl i’oiat.s-s - The

H may l>e In the ereoiug.
When the busy day In o>r.

And 1-rave.l your |ii(y and cun-; .
Thret- times you sent M<* onward,

Or dm mooo la slowly rising

was lost
And your cbaneetlo serre has fled

Behind the meadow bar*.
And the dark bine heaven la studded
With the tender light of star*.

"O. Lord, dear Lort. forgivelme:

That I will alt and listen
With a lore ao ilnmgely sweet.

How could I know II Was Tliei^T"
My very soul was sham<-d and bow

Wrapped within the Hearenly glory.
. Fbr the coming of HI* feet,
, But In patience, iineomidalning. ‘
TwIU wait and watch alway.
Tmatlng that the Heavenly I'reaMoe
Wm tarn darkneti Into day:
And along the lessening dimness
Where the light and shadow meet,

hashtsl bntwned poiatiss w> g.iierally
seivi-d at lioK-Is as a. I.rcakfasi or
ejieoii dish ai-e slint«iy

high seasoning of salt and |»-ii|--v
teuspoonful »!■ elitq.iH-.l |uirsby, .vl
'thrcf ubiespoonfiils of sw.s-l cresi

'-If I can atop one



1 ahaU not live in vain;
If t can ease one life the ntdilng.

Or coni one pain.
Or help one fainting robin
Unto Ui nest agnin.

I ahgff not live to vain.”

,«mmf Mr MtWttttk
The bMnillul poem wbleh uke« ihc
idMe of Home Cbeer's editorial this
week U no fall of suggestloo that a
wort of eomment would mar It. -No
one ran road li withmit feeling the ImpQlse lo let no opponunlty pass of do­
ing a loving, kindly deed.
They said ‘-The Maaier Is coming

the potatoes

-Mr*. Kiumn (t.Is




clse holh Ingeniilly nnd Ihoughi to
make ibis vegeiaUb- as aiipe^UIng ami
iweseotable ns is.ssilil.- to ilielr fam­
ilies UDtll the new «iues can te pn.cured.
Smothered Pouincs—Parc the imli
lues and cut into small chbes. Pr
Into odd water for a:f.-w nili
then Into Imlllng water and h
boil almul ten mliuiles, -Hien
off all th>- water and T>«l
oes into a double Isiilnr. dredge
wlih a la1.l<-spnanfur of nmir.
same amiwm’
Ils of milk. ru|.-.-r them,

add Bhoiit 1

and cook gently, for iw.-niy minutes.
Season willi


pepia-r on.l celery

salt. Serve In a hot dish.'
Potatoes and Cheese-Cui
5tg Imlled


.me clip of nillk anil r..v<-i will,
luiiiered eTOiiilMi.

ven ntmui half an hour,
iiashnl P..tnto«-s—Suasoii .me
.hk-spoonfiil of .salt and otietblrt
f a ies*p.«.nfiil of iiepiwr. Pul • a
hg i«au uiid till Ibe flro. BHien tl
ter Is hoi. .idd 111- pulatne.-. at
nnd cm with a c-ase knife um
jKitaioes ar.- very but. Draw bac
the |ian lo a eooler plare and stir .

add one-

Miff eniiiigh to dnni. Oron
nnd fry iinitl done.

uii inu-rt-d pie


Is ot lov-ei milk. !
_ -lolil adil nui- i-gg. ■dii.-lialf cup of bill-

i-ggs. on«-haTf riii.lul of
e i:ihb-s|uKinfiiI ofesur



ll.dii.h. .rfa enp m

I'vcs imill Miff with iw

worked kidnej-s and headachc

,ept with a ch.sti l.r,.-..
Ill I.. I,iishlen-d *.Ill,1-1

MAM-A-UN van be relietl upon
yjiruduve a jfvntle action of
usual recipes-, and who do .nil ml
going to ennslderahle work sud irou

■■rge bunch of asparagiis lips in b
ig. salted water iitiHk tend-r. o
illy saving the Ibiuor In
icy were cooked as the foundat

far the Jelly. This is made by add
to Ih.- asparagus wal.-t. a teaspoon
ihroe- of les-l estraet. half n iFaspudn earh
cmraiiU of choidH-d rt-b-ry and carrot, im.


lous to small while woitiis.
Herbs for Winter—Itegin

u sps.ii only

The faluf. sw.-ei suteli'.i the- gi.s-u.'
tilings -rowing'

. 1 m.-al. fniui H.i.-e KugliKh

Iii.t to w-nirh the happv Hfe'of myiture tn llllle lumps raj Ihc
gio-n things gr«.«in'g.'
i «ninc crackerw. and hro.
In coajilrv lionten. tin- first -issfe.rvulek oven.

Tli-s amount

sulflvi-iit Jelb

shii lid

I fins iN-fsic arranging Ih.-;
ilui-c: at st-rvink Hiut- unmnld
|. paiH-i iiBi.klii, KamUli wllh

I.'- laiilltig.! "’fl' 'her. foniiing a hall, which leaves not brtiwn It. Serve lmm--dlaicly
lndl*id-:al Welsh rabbit plale*. with
'hv pan
Stand away to ^1. When
a isiacbed .-gg arranged on the lop of
Idd one egg at i. lim"-. be
each tiorllon.
Ati-i a.IdlLg thAsparwB'is Soiiffl.—This Is an
lH-ai vlz.iiviiisly fo.- five ndti
lent method
iiHliring is.nlo
Siiind in « w-4r.^, piae,. /,
from l
■rlimallv. then dt.ipithe veget^itabli-.sp.'Kinfi.i. on -biitiert-d liiis.'vlous di^hi-r. •i-speeially for an i
.. . latwra-n | live h*l vegetable or enir- e, I't.
quick liven ’ the lender portion of *he s-tslks. re:h.- whli.',

-;ill ysirl. ;s ofl.T

about iwmtv m'u-ulc. ymin*
very iislalntil.- g

Tty by pick-j Jectlng Hie tough, stringy end., sn-

tng them up. If nerfrally tight they with a wooden sp<«ni tnasb tbe sspSi
As ih. y burn quickly,wmlcb' agus to a pa.vl-. moistening with a lit
arefully. When cold make an open-'tle sw.s-t ereain(^ when .rf the consb

lUl wnot.-n ebuhing. Heiw U a wog-

rstliUI tba- Is eusily carried out.
Strip idl yi.nng twlgw and the gr*»o
Asparagns> loutpnfl pr*ekb-s ot c-dsr. pul the sOlpplBgs lo
utter thin rounds of whoh- wheat bags. pii-fetab1>- made of chOescctoUi,
n-ad. covering each with a layer ot and distribute
Ihe Itogs
omke-d asparayms cut
In -orinnt. iiiiioug ifalDgs pucked away, such *■

graham bread

d .'.nd eoiilaln a luHe soda,

■ if thi* is oDiltl.

t of Cedar Ch^


of sprL-g" rome, with the' ^wslli..)'‘»=ns
snua'e «allln.-«.
liois.-i.i.Usli lop. dafib-llon. purslau-fream I'uBs-Oue half niDI of wa.-vnd .mustard greens, lays Itonsehotd.l ter, f..ur oimct-s of flour, two ounce- piec.-t-: sprinkle wllh tall, cwyenoc.
preparing greens for the tahle flr-t jof botter. four eggs. the water Jew drops of Worc-sli
if graU-d /
w-jis-h them.- le:.i l.y leaf, in warm wa-(and butler im to laiH.onil as soon a- and a thick coaling
r an choc.-e, C«»W in a hot- oven i
nic watia III wMi-h crcen‘|qu!‘-My ov.-r III.' Ure until it sticks fleien-jy long to melt the chees.'


lan herb*.
Carl Whe..| ah*d»—A gm«l siihitll-

choppi-d hard

I sluuilil III..- H.-hv-, wli.-ilier 1 stmlel a iHr a lable*i«ju of ciosm and four
or -rteve,.
j laMv-i,KioBs of. sugar. Drop Iho m**-

spring I.< Clu-Ilsli and cultivate yo;her1is, Wl«-u they- have grown, pi.

nlmvc. only add enough milk to main
III do for other pan- powdiT, and jmi up lu j.-lly glass*
Bccnrdhig to dlree- putting the mime an.l date outside.
She had corns to trll me her sorrows
Don't forge* csHiip—«' tnaiir (.eoplc
And my Comfort snd old to Implore. tlons. they art- delicious.
tni it for ih-ir rats. The lumblen.
Stewed P.rtstoes—Three and a half
And I sold. -1 csnnol listen,
'll readily lo |uuv|.l.. wlir. Itk.- fresh,
cupfuls chopped jmlplotvi. two tnble.
Kor help you any today:


-gxs in an urnamcotal mold: il
-The Green Tlii'og* Growing."

to be rtaiK'-fl

A Pose or two of Mon o-lln
is odvisoMe In sMtW febrile
oltacKvla irippe, coMs ond

Mirring until the gelatine is dissolved all well dredged with the flour. This
eggs, Strain the .nsidv through a d.mble racipe makes one large cake or two
cloth and mold the asparagus
anull on.-..
with ulternatiiig layivu of hart boiled


rh Is-tler than liquid me

maktfiiE pills and

a-.lic calhartu-s enlifclv

Ilf dlssol\-.t in s llttla'eold Wa
ly minutes, and then a.Id an oun
H-I, four cups Id sifted Ilnur, one not
geUllne Hiai ha. lu-en sbaki-d in half fe,- cupful of walnut meats, broken
a cop of ci.ld water for ten mil
up. nnd one pound oi *<w.ded raisins,

drlpidiigs. inti

some Garten Hints.
e iMdI.-s- Woihl gives Ihe fol­

the Ia.wvK

to Bfuinipllsh the rvHulis
Asparagus in Aspic Jelly—Ikdl

leaf ami three whole clovra;
light i‘""'
oven ]
OrjMg- fake—Two cii|». of sugar.

s'lii eroiitiiaied siigai.
on pic nnd at ili-tii

Remove constipation ond
or ttieoe otlmcnto tfU*

is llberiilly sprinkte.! •


lii pluci. of the m-rliv
le iml.m l< enlored.
.U.ut iwo,>ni.f.

inactive liver, dyspepsia, over-

Mida dissolved In

n -fia. .........
'■"I' "f
,jj„^Jon- h«lf cups of

doiil-le boD-i' oulU Ih
r wllh vonilhi Whip ii

• tlo'ie duiliiB Ihe ahsene.-! powder.
WlilpiMsI creani'wWt

I the Ktiade. Ihi-n ml. to fit

dpounfiil of flour, three tablesi<noniwo etipfiils milk. M.-Ii


f'.o iii.-r.s , Fi-itb
drirt ;ipid--s sijuks-d over iiiglit, Phop

ed poinioes Inin Jii-st rounds; t

whole over Ihi- sliee.l poiaioes; sprin­
kle bread cnimbe over tbe top
put In Ihe oven lo hrown. Serve '

i.|ssui of l.-iitoii

frcani PI—;Bake :i

• ''n pie,' easily jhalf i iiii

five ol

in it on.
stir nnii


.re cooked. Seive hot.
I.yoiinuis.- Poial.HS- Slice e..ld
ttf l.iiii.-r o


vlinv-olored and pimpled skin,

I pie l>l.-ile. vtilks of Uiiii. eggs,

-aslonplly iititll the ch.ips and bacon

medlnniflr.ed onion Inin Ihln si


stijiation. BUch M biliousness,

r eol.l lml1e,l potatoes witlui level

Into 1^111 sllerj

,ind put them ini<i a baking dish. Taki
iwn tabu-spoonfuls ..f biliier: and meii

Hake In a iiHid.-c.t.-


•lircv-tly dvj(cndent_u^n con-

eggs, oiii-h.ilf cup of sq—t lliilk. one
half . .IP .d, bdiiei- om- and ..........
liiv isiwder, one

The old |iolni«-s at.- geltlng Mrong
tasting and waiory and Ih.- new on.-s

But right In the midst. <« my duiies.

■ side abo-ii Ike middle of tency of a'luir-.-. turn Into a granite

wooirnv and fun,

Nuihlng should Is-

put awut
dote on
gra-asi sisAs Sun. brush and b<.ai ovs-ivHiiug-Hi-n. with the help uf the

To Sav* Creasing the GriddlS.
Ibai two Ol three tablrspnonfuls of .
meliol luilleV well -through Ibe batwr
fur wb-ui pittfakes and griddle rakss
and toil will not rieed to gtease the srid.lW- In cooking them
A Belled-Rlc* Innevatien.
Hete Is a clellcluis .ubsllliiie foi Ib­
id way of tmillng rice: Put on- cup
Il uf rice iDio a puddleg luig Hull
ss n rapacity for »nc quarte the bag
as to Have room tor

O- rice to swell, and pu’ ihl» lalo a
Ibi pufl an.l n:i with the following: j'■s'lceian, sea-ouitig with a pinch
tileTsI quaotity of
iie lor missing shade ire's Is made
ilonhte hoth-r. add flour,
II!.- b,.lf i-Uii oT milk -gs-. oi.-'r'.wjl-r.-d r
;ofii!!>. with".lit -epuratln- the :
s follow-s; inaur a stout |msI. nine
nnd silr constantly for a few
mliifra;u !h- ,lc.-iv.~. ih<-ti i.I'ins.'d
si. that It
will Is- perf.wily f.-ei' high, wtu-r- you want ihe shtidjgar on<- teasiusmiul or''iI Ihopmglily h-a'cil. and-i
'abed. Isilliitg wslwr. In als.iit ilirwe
selllug the |Msl Itl two iC'I of carH:;
Ih' Ad'd Ihe milk a li>
he milk on to boll In a i in on- well le-atcn t-gt. cooking only
■liiarters <d an take out and dialn
let It boll thtwouglity. Then tlu-n nail flitnly to rhe'top ..f It. »'
Beal tbe eggs wlthou-] for ja lii.labi aft. r tbe .-gg Is added.
A srhUd" In your home, 1 pray!
'(I a coUnd-r. piessins .|«wn wi'h a
add the potatoes and li-l theiu cook riydil aiigb-s.-two s.-«vn-fviO' strips “f
1 the sugar together un-| Allow It to cool. and. fllte-n minute*
1 hara trareirt far since morning.
l.-irsc siuam KI teuioi- all Hie moistwo by two tnrh Mulf. The nen lliinc
them the cornstsTWh' before serving whip In lightly the stifI am hnngiT and faint and weak.
rhop a Iltil-. .-.t~.n i.l.-ntif.illy
iMiIiug m.llt
Slif' fly beaten white* of twoeggs; tuni Utt
E.aporat'ed Apple* and
My heart U full rt misery.
In eluqiping traV, but to ; lie * sliced wagim whc'ls. h.v^- th*- blucksralHi
i .dl .> p.riid ..f -vaiairaied apAnd comton and help I seek."
over lb- fire —-'i' rjtbei thick Iln-n Siiodiat.-:y Into iniiivblual souffle rtlsh-1
letigthw-lsc In slices half an Inrfa thick
lu aful ‘ta.:d away lo’r-w or t.iitt.-r-d j-ai-r raw-s nnd hskei
.-1,.' -H-a-.- ring, of which ar*
Hu- i-ing tighilv to Hu- c-nd
i|ti s h" ov.D f.jr sl>0.It twelve min
rm- .iitllbary dried article
And I said. "I am grievod and sopr. and then cm Into lislMnch dice
Tosthabme GaKes.
Se:illo|i.-d 1‘tUiiioes-Tjke teiUsl pm, Tosspli-O's.
S-t • a
. ^
a prt-ased one)
Bui I cannot help you today.
lames: slice ibetu thin; put lu a pud­ irapi'Vlne right suaiiisi ih.' post.
„ |S. ,:.d <d i:.i-.i.s. Bulb must be
1 look tor a great and noble OucsI."
ding dlsii a layer «'t luiiaioto. a ihlu ■ • to rapid growth ami the wn
Five Coed Cake Reeipet.
draisi-l and the ralalns
And tho cripple w-rnl swrsy.
layer of Milled craeketw.niriukU- with lone. Will 11 the vine lap ovi
And iho day wore emwart swHtly —
Lady. Enngers—Five eggs,
sail, pepper and three nr four small rim. let Them hang down all a
And my task was nearly dote.
iiav u- pifces of gi-1
,. ince* of flour, loru ounces of pow*"*-'
, Alway- stir lu ui.- kuuc.-- . -pieces of butler, ihim add antuhtw
may be se' und-rai-atl
V Ol’ hours. Sirir g(-blly
And a prayer wsh ever in my heart
•he Clleclion. Till
-ft sugar. Beal the yolks W *b<’ eggsi
,n.| do not >l..i.^i| th.-,-u..- <r.
layer of poinioes. erai-kers, etc.
That the Uaaier lo me might conre.
.Tly. will te |.reset
o.nd the sugar logclher, Ibf-o gradually
e Startler Sex. Ibe dish is filhsl: over all'ponr
alii iis bnninncy a
add the flour, and last trf all ih- «t.f
'cream or milk.
. d-li.trn* diab.
And I ibeoght 1 wouU spring to mee
car r,j b-aten whites of th* egge
1* i:
Uhl-.- c-f !te eggs
ilol prefer piciv.,1
.MHOtn of his hi-arl .1
Anoiber way; Pp-part- ' a
Sums (lalaies
I" reseratil- lii' | ihrougb a pastry teg on a brown la. .
,o auy other f..rni of
lut-e by nsing ooi- cupful of
-1..U of ralslnr.
And servo Him witb ultno^l rare.
Id. Only :<-, ;a-r-and baking sheet and bak.- i:< w
cream, ihir-k-ned witb uuc Inigc table- lo mn b.-l.ev.-it. try ...............
When s mile child siood by me
CM Ca-stile or;n,|^;..r;,t.. oven
ipomifol of flour rolled in one tabh- lolUswing recl|>es undbov- i'John
Left Over*.
With a face BO sweet and fair:
1 U- used U'r.
BO( l»-qui with j.iy foi' 111.- r«-u ■>
, me iiiur.y good ways of usfac
Sweet, but with marks of teardrops-' Spuontiri Ilf butler. Season with Hlh
-,i,d a -mu
.me «.
n ite-smsllett scraps of meat.
'< And his cIMbeh were latleivd and and eliOppivI iKirsI.-y Inry is-tatoes ii
i>1n Fb—.An ese. lb'iil vold n-ai.
an earthen dish -umi.- a- the als.v.M..irh ai- as roUow's; half capful of *c«d-l
aiid turn Jhe saue.- ov.-r earh lay.c
, -ites.-.Mince flne the Iran of
. Th.,- Vice.-. s'HuiU s
two cip* of raiSins; ttoivalde ]nm I-UI «f ea-ll
-w-| «lnsi'. take lliirty mlniii.-s. gai
him. b-ui the yolkj .if «wo
vi*d. one half caiiifjl rf re;5i..
«l«inK crnsuieli. two cnp« telling S flour le-loie f.t.-finr
nIMi w-lih larshw and sv-rra hot
ind with a llllle crew snd buttwo bca
r. one and a half eups 'Ucav, a i
I’—.i Man's r,fiu~On- a
Cientned Potatoes—Cut vipe pint o
'. w'f.u the bam Pot in a aktlAad I hsld. "I am sorry for you
lam-dcr. one fourth of a ica-:e».ti
huiiei, iii.J two 1,-uion;-. M:\ the .cpe t-f .iiiar, mebti
cold iHiiled p<UBloe* into neat dici
« --ir until thick: lay on luA
You are sorely In need of care;
thi-e- cup- r
oiw-liair Inch square, make whip Contsiarvh .lu a little erild wsi.. and |:in -gg. mu- eup of water
But I cannot wrap to give it.
•t c'.oij cloth wi.'boii. ,.n;
good batt.-r Ate-Jl IWO or ibt-v t
slice, of tow.
fwntr the telling wau-f vneg i’ '!"J fh-jr. Hint- i.a«i«"in* rd teking- .
sauce wirli pint tweet milk, two ta
You must hasten otherwhere."
fuU of will be r.-quii. d.: A- tb”.
I'..-ca-te-Ofle bowl chopped m«l
.houtd Is- u*c.l l”i- the
nU!j. Uake;a
lil.-sjssjj. of floirr, -sesKtn highly witl
Aad 81 the worts a shadow
last stir in one half cupful of wailut -’-.'i''*'” »dd piece, will do-one
E. l>ttall« sho-. or, wmit
Swept o-er his b
,meats tut Into small ptcres and <lr«Ig-/aii loniaiur-s. one onion, sliced^.
:c-ha1f}of t
I fetid and elolbf,>'Ou. stir gi^lly HU Well mls>-d. let sis
t-1-, va,e-s etc. Suchj.-a
n,„-r Ice well and r.rtaoienl Outi.-r me of an egg. on* egg- hs«uptll isuntiM-s are ib<>:ougbIy heat
0».kjlnai-liaJ p Uk' ly -O tkcrai.-h the gla-.jwlth whole raivin-and nu-kernel«- lyn.-raie ruptui sweet mfll. a pinch of
ilBrtcnt fra-two pie*
■ lltOUgh.
Itei I am too bnsy now, '
M-t-rti el-aning*
Frail <?ak<—To foir w...;i-te-*t-n t w.". •dit-quancr of a green pepper
Hall Apjile I*le-I-e umW cni-vi
Poums-s Wilir latss—A good wwy
Ir.'onejM-ratchrt- will 'how T-» pievenl this.legg. add two ru|rt of light hrawn .-;i j or-pineh of cayenne Cook flficen Binonly.' Choura an apjde ihat will cook
warm over cold boili-d pomioi-~ is
At last the day was ended.
at., ms-btivs. ■ lesvii.g'g*r. one cup of bufr.-oo- .md
Uf-.:.. adding egg and milk; Mir
kly: {w-el. cut Into halves and ffll
Una cbo|. Ihetn-oot Km flne-h.
AM my sMl was ever nnd done:
,air'.v over night, w.jhalf -up. of sou- .-reniu. o-m
t. - | it in and when h l-dl. serve wilk or
I Fill Hic center of each half wllh
My house was swept and gamlsted— ,some butter In a frying jan and f
,is, Iben waih o-Ji wUhjspoon/ul
each of ground ^inbattipai •• .•btet «.rar*«-r. or dry loaei:
AM I wsiebrt In the dusk aStins.
And tbe pleader lurnrt -awsy.

(light <*i.-s Uifamubei


Old PoUtoe* in New Guiac.

And I hsKsted nnd worked the fast- nail and enough sweet milk «o male

I have greater thloga lo stimirt to.”


this way Hieu eiit u honl4...i1.-il
I! lo'sUc^, lay .n-cr, tiu- lop. p..ur

ml. it bit of
And He said; vThe sis Is pardiuw-i
t.iiirwr over the to|i.
But the blessing is lost to Ibee;
-Poialo Scallop^Huti.-r a
For comforting not the least, of Mini.llsh and lay in iliin stives of e..ld
You have fsHi-d to ctmthin 'Wc

Is enllrcly tnoffeuslve. A (.
To make my home more neat;
dish In which Ih.-v w.-re baked.
I swept, sad polished and gsmished.
Potato Fritters—One plm mashed pul Into the w-aier of liy-avini
will make the bloom stalks much rich­
And dsieked It with blossoros sweet potatoes, mash snd beat
er m color and stronp-r. The llqtiirl
light. One pint of flour, two egg*.
I was tnnbM for (esr the Msstrr
Hlght ome ere my tssk was done.
baking powder, a llllle has the further innil of iK-iiig

And wniebed tbe bunring sun.

Vlnt-tar !*ic—ll.-n- Is a

Uiiled pMaioes; seastm wHb s.v1l and
. iwiHWr. « few bit' of bolter, nlid.

r.mli slowly
r are evenly
arefiilly fol.l

lowing giroil gard.-ii s.igg.-nlons:
FiTlIllrlng for House Plsnls-Dlswell mUAnd I thought while By heart beat ed. then remove from the fire, ind add
ilve thormiglily in a pint ..f Imlliug
aler four oiiiires sulphate of amiwo-lbitils nfa eiipfiil of grau-dehMcm.
Wbnl If He BboaM come to mine.
niunla and tw.' onnees niirale of imtthree eggs, well lieaien. sab
How would I strive to enienaJn
lloiile the liqnid and r..rk lightsiwck of eayenne pepper. P
And hooor the Ouest ravine.,

Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.

iT.-r to make a iriaugb-: w-ei
Ib-.-iiuhi l.iyfi i.n-l tu.i iti
dsos iM-for.- fuldins: l*r.s.s ii|». of a
and- on.- d.-iri;

-y smisMh and use
.pful ‘<t siiiair. lottier sUc ..r an
ency d.-slre-l
■liuin-r of a ciiidgl ol viii.--ar,
Fig riiK.--r-e rt-cliie giv-n lor HoIt Clip Wilh-Ciih! wilier. If vinegar Itglii .tsirt of luiiibU- -.11.- riiop Anvery slrani;. <im- b-sr.
Heat all im-Hiiwiior of e |suiiid of figs and Isiil
iiiMiibly wlHi a Iicaplnr laUtespoonfitl Iiiitil soft w-iHi one-half cup <>f sugar
r flimr. and^Hill Hm-<- niiiuite/. silrand a IIlH- wotm. Spi-u.| hetwivn Ibiig ciini-taiiity to toeveiii biirnlnc. l.ty..|> and Host rh.- lop of the cake. wiili,es.«i-n<-e pf leiu^uaiid pour
HrandiiM s fake—On- enp of sugar;
•to ih- -r-udy lok.-d rnist. Make a
I,ne nud .ui.-li;ilf i-tip. ol no'ir. lwf>

frying yuiu and turn i
loesslng them out tin
wMhoul stirring itiiin i
l.rnnneil on Ihe Imtiom
Ov.T like an nmclut. aii.l

In Ibe di'Pilw <■[ liuoiilliy. !

in a granite saiieei<an: add
To tenor Ihe town today.
tsbles|K<onru1 of flonr. ahd
And none can tell « what house or Iborouglily Wended. Then
homo bnlf pint of soup stock and
The linaler wlH choow- to slay."
milk. Stir until

And straight I turned to tolHBg

’♦•'^-Imlll;. mps ..f flon..
of s-tli.mjwwiTs <if taking i«wder.

Melt a small spoonful

cralUy of liousewUi-s. who raiisi eser-

IMtk tart. Two r-np.

of , ynii-,

ind grat- sisyons of grai.-d choc.iui
.-a rltt‘1 of one Iftiion, on.- cup s tgafj jeas|sjon of aiirtti jllss.dt.-d
oni- Clip t-hopip-d se.'il>-.l raisins,
i.osprxHi' of hot water, on.'-hslf tea-1J
-.quari- .-rack.-r,; stir in imh
SI.O..I. .-arh-of cloves, .uinanum and]
naiineir, .
.mr liirli s.iiisies, pul m sp.»>ti1u1 "f rai-lns .vti.l .-litwn, TUI> .-.-••ipe n'
li.' filling .ni-.arh squill.- and fold

loH-d careful handling Chop fln.- nit.
Is.ileil imtsi.e-s of csid sit.-, adding

ire V'-t a few wi-eks off for^ the gen-

g of Ilia fbet.

fourths cup lard an.l

Tlien the Master st««l ls*for.-'«ne,

1Inliel|>ed and uneonifuriert;
Itid the blessing .n»i mlgbl ^\c tin

of vaiiOla.


Add bits td l.iirer and luttsrn

Wbrai the Wind U sofily tifchlnc
In the iree-topa as ihey tneei.

slab or other
rv using- tune

cup of corhstaifii iliswdved in pi
e.ip of sw.-et milk, whiles «KT fo
eggs. TWO cups of flour, llliys* U
spoons of lokoig powder, one leaspit

als)fc»r the very thin sltce*
jiotaio. .Siirliihle willi sail amt su.l,

It may bo »■ the noonday.
When the cud Is hot o'er bead.

in tmniedlwte

Mnildv fake-tJcJ.t jail: Two co
of cigar, ono-balf .-up of biiucr. n

sliced, one cup
ns salt, one-hslf enp bread crainhs
teaspoons grsied ebee.,e, one sallI paprika. Duitera haklngdishand

1 could only pray—snd wait.'

And gladdepetl some other home'

Wb<« Ibe aettlng sun Is throwing
Uenftbeiied shadows on the floor.

lulud inllk. •
and ..dd ;i
;i mistun- ihlcketis, then sd.l

and one half eupv «f;Ml«-,l Isilb-J


Hot soon there came aaotherA cripple, thin, pale ami gray—
And aaU. "O let me stop and rest •

ll.oicv-t. y-ming 1i -IS make Hic ehidr-

Pages 7 to 12


>>ay Tcsoundnl viih liir rxhniixl of
laimrJieu •whllr autos sklnimrd over
proa Mondoy* Record
ihe streets. .The rhurcb-Kolna: i>eople
Tor* ln«hM e( snow v»«r« on the luok umbrellas lAit only a few tetaps.
ground thit morning and It wao Mill A Ultie later and lh.^ bay sas covered
wlib a bisukei of /up
At nuuu Ibe
fracMng and It was thought that the niomle WHS so chirk UirI It was Impoksihle to see more than a txiat leneth <>r
fruit «rop of the region was mined. Ml aJfeiul. The oM Mesoier Oliek<tliB.
Howtvor. the mercury began to grad Mill I

e<iur»e-iif reliulldius
•r wt.rka
«'«rka lore of plan
planklop. s:i
uaJly elimto until at noon it stood at her upper
waiidertiwr alioiit sonndlnK
idinp bi
her whisll
40 and unless it takes a big drop by
at IniervalK. Then tlie breeze
night the fruit Is safe. The wedther up from the northmsi and the log
report says anew flurries tonight with lifted. A »piit drop in ibe temperafree* Tuesday morning and warmer tun- iirriirred and hy nlebt the buy
tomorrow afternoon.
Aeoompanying the enow was a gale
e«M Of tha north that caused Grand
Travaroa bay to rage along the a
lino. Along the water front there wap
not much damage except at the Wegue-tang club where oome of the walke
were carried away and the breakwater
dohn Monroe had just begun the
ahsst piling at the river meuth and
tha cross pieces were tom front the
puss. It It estimated that his damage

vrill.amaimt to prebably 9100.
The^truh . .
........................... .
The grounds at the club house had were not In Ida-u-om. only a few id the
Just been pul into shape for the Bum­ early rherrlee havlne opened
Jiudh, I 1 the tree* t
mer by Jsnlter Owen snd a number of
new walka buili. The ttorm covered drop* lu-luw fn-erinE li will mean that
the beach with logs. bark, tawdust all (be fruit <>f the crand Trwvrme rrand other eefuee until now they look cion will Iw ruliii>d.
Ill other portions nf the miiniry the
as though they had never been
fmil m>|i had been Ui'lly lUmaged hut
touched while a large section of the owlne tp tbe bite season In this hiralnew walk was tom away snd was IIV It had eaeatied I Ik- eariic-r ruld and
found hanging to the piles at the river fiosls. Kor this reason li was Ihoiisli
iU KOO|Jf1 pjo-ui
mouth and by tearing the planks from
. B drop of only a .
the breakweter the waves took away
U'-aree* ii Is eooilhye to all hopes. '
portion of the front lawn,
tml telenhoned all over t.
the roi
On ths northeast corner the wati
of opinion was ihui ihe damue«.done
ran under the club house and had the
now amoiims io prartlcally noihins
wind net gene is probsble that but should tunlKlii turn cold II
mars asrioua dam^ would have re­ blast tbe blp riup.
sulted.. On the east aide of the club
Graden Truck Gone.
Many houM-holders had Ihelr ..
house tha waves crossed the point run­
dt-ns well under wuy ami the srealer
ning bite the river.
IKirt of Ihew have lieen nilm-d nil
The telegraph and Ulephone com- Onions, I'-iiure. rhiibiiri. and <
paniat dW not ouffer to any great ex- early plains were eiii down and If thi’
home tnhle.s are lo be siipplf'-d It
IsnL tamsef the Ball ilnaa were
mean n-plamlnp.
wertiing pood this n)Omlng but
Birds Suffered.
liras while they were clear. The Citi,WhOe the sloviii may run in
ssna company had a few phones put bravy tnom-lary loss iSeie wdi
out of commlsoion and some of their artaal physical sufferlnK exerpi umonR
tell linos but these were soon o. k. the birds that had reinu- mirlhwsnl.
again. Beth te'legraph companies were klany families were caught wliltuui
wood or coal hut that was soon omoable to i^ls bueiness.
dled. Tbe hlnls: however, wen- wlthThe temperature stood at 32 degrees oiii shelier and Ihelr food Kupply was
this meraing and that was ths lowest covered with lln- snow. M»n> klmlIt rsachtd last nIghL The snow storm hearti'd houM-holdi-i> spn-a.l cniiiilis
for the birds and aided them in that
.caasod shortly after 9 e<elock and tha
-■mm *pl9d.4»_ah4ne, succeeding this al'tuMday Opened Warm.
Suadsy brake «-arai Ynd smIlinK.
nablag parties vrew mado up ami ihi-


amt Ihi- vain f«-ll l,m this mnnilns <hiriliri-nu. wi-n- aklODiHh'-d i" ►•->- 111'riirth ami the trtv-s mraurd in a man­
tle uf white. Tile yrai-N wIilHi. iiiiiler
the luaueiire uf y<-..ienlay uiid Ihe
mill* of Kaiiirduy. bad tak.-ii on a
vivid pnv-u vuK hlddea by xiinw. The
tree, hud JciM liepin to unfurl their
leai-ev and ih.- hicleaalkii sv.n- eover.-<1
with hiid». Il wae a lale full
wene and the ciiiiInK north wind
madi- warm nvermain and vapi. dintrahle.

way 1.1 du.vlighl. the'bay
a awful siKhi. Tlie gray sky
t Bonibrv appoaranoe while

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1907.

'finally -draeged oi
...... aweeplng waieis breoklng wbei) degrees w.ns recorded b-i! tbe fmll]always had an earnrs-I fiillh In the
I.H. kIcMauit.' piO|
) i..t of her hu-’.iand a '
They slnjcC shallow water, gave on was not hurt at all.
K. 34. Jewt-tt that
Ibeja cemmy U-(«;v Lis
expression of ih» power lurking with­
this J would |iniphe»j
iirophev, ibm he.would wnmeifruni John Jaek«on if CenintT iJbr
in Us de|iih*. 'Wherever there wa* an ground frote snd that at t; ..eliiek thUiwould
.Alter vecelvtiig ] and «a» alseit two years nW
mtwnlng the mercury Mo.w| at SnI de-;dav be

Idislacle the waves l<--j|.r-.l hl?h
. ................................
schiS.I ........
and collei.-i
er Will make his home
II r.iisdli
lidly waiini-tl up .. , -a liberal
> spray by,
the air. beiiig dasheil
tt.lsv'.-.ft'-inrsiQ -the srhooner and
|•'liuealinu a |s>rtum of Iter ;:{rib'ssl
vlsli.-d ilie; rtamase
huiis.-tiiSd xissls an,I lishloe 'aUlOl
the 1..W.-: 11,.. meicnry;w:.s s, i.t b-t fa-her's tumk.
.......... ............ ......... .„ ....
alehed Uie j
In tli.
Sunday I w.-.-.- l,i..jcbt in i.v tm-.AIneketna..
water iKiinmer Ibe tieaeh.
At Suttons Bay.
-----S'leelal to til.- Kv.n'ns B.s-*iiil.
!*- fi'spanhe, fiomi
-. Ih'-.- ,
of the Stat« teJI of biu-'
General Newt,
ti -w.widiDc trip an.i |
of-S'-w Jersey Is


,lowing f,
ih- iai. st !



•is.i'.-.» liic

l.'idilictoli ihete

a' U

Xesa'ineii tbt- so'und'wa* cov.
6. E. WaiL-government obaerver, w
ity- <
.\l I’.-i.e-key sly .1iii-l..-« of
eaamined hfc records for twenlyRecord to->l'hi»
Rve yeara back '
today'a storm t' <'<,ldw;il.'i- Also itssiilisl
day and found
Ihe latett to that time.
IS. 1894. two tnchea of anew <j ...........I Itapids ha.l two In.-Ji-s




. • •t..-'l.-ii.ei'r

l.i-^skdown and tl,..:.


l'nlv.-:.,:v .S.-Kr-i-I M- -le wifi
new .l.-i,.itvm-i;t till., vest tu a

I'-iu t-l t^-- r.iiintr> a- S.w rjiglaitd rvsos-iaiuy

w.-i- l..'n two .laushiers,-'
I. CIltoMUas IkTI ami Ida ‘ Udil


offlenei..! fl.u K.arny and
Achilles Ho-‘.If Sew York hps
elected the m-m-. of the Medh ,.; .AiudHy oi-.Athen'«

r-sNUtuilMm .If hi, laUusii.t t.n.rnt

-y^g*" ^ ..........


:..»n -s'laiacai.i

' Maiki
^tward l.'s-aiile fa-.,
• MeKmiev esu-y-.-. This’
u.. sc.-P.-, -haP.d-1
—. . .

llv.t eoib-ge.
r -I
■;i -v ,.i.-»- -■

the i.v-biileal m-sle al laua'iaac .d i-h>MeKmI-y - b.iix illness
■mu •»ie|y -I, ou- "I tie
at:.; ijoviomu- McKinley
hart ts.m;d..i.-d hit. teini. they cam.; leading luedical, oig..uUbls.:u-^lu the


-n His. WI1-:

P Koi i-s
Th.-y have a storv in Washtn'M.m «f
BoM.m UsI w
After the Storm.
"a promlu'-n! ei'lN-n“ *le> was.cmf'T t V-I I»s—ngers knelt lo pisve, for
There wa» a heavy Iohi last nlEht.
..t.g With l•,e,■td.-t■.■u...,.rt.•■. on the im-.r d.-b».-iance It.iin what weme.1
and g:silual that il was • iili .ilKhei
... i. I. (I,might iluil the Claud Travi. tili.'iid QoestMi
vWhv d..n'i -..Mel ■ •-itaui disa>(.;r .luting a slormv pass.
esciipe.1 praellcall;- !
Ijiik ji I.ver-w-(th K'M.IT ■ asked »h.' \u- ,gc.' .iver Irom Hussis. Ihrre was one
.lea.h. .Au .■t! -aid hv-t night:
iii..n 111 Kslaniaroo wh» .,lso iifl.-rvd up
. rev'-aled
Jli.r on leatitlg
a grateful prayi-r. Thai
mall was
damage, only a lew i-ariy ehi-i
Jar..!. Voreiiia-. for tm the K.iira wa*
b.>liig hurt, in.- l.-si of lie- IniH
his wife an.! five efiilriten. fiollt IJhea,
hop.' »f
,||V.S||-| i.gtvs- wl'h
being far emiiigh nhing.
It Hanna. .
At Old Ml-shm le.- f.inmR liiti Ih-j
Ir-Kinlev- rntme wi'-n demU-t.. me .>"w: othe. kiudr-d ,-.p,.The $|.i..Hsl damage kiili sgalnsi the
w.iiilil fall fii.iii hei l.j.-. ■
trees w.-if is-rfiv-i.lV dry unj as I'lraim- thfie
lent SS
Crand Trunk Hsllr.u.d fo. bv Wimani
iiieut of gray gr.mite at bis f'.niaEd MaUvne whs tsk.-o U|> In the rirrnll
liinie.r WArmi-r ihU uioming.. S. R-j (•„, .-ivou
IS M <• IUl-_
Walker Wits of th.- npini.m that if ^
Sarah lliineaii, Justiis' and,
llill fanit. Rcienna. to the nieniory
MouiIhv. Mabine
Schooner Aohore.
there was any dittnage It wotihl Is-j y,,.. nMium, « I'iav. Iir, l».imnaiin,'
1 switch t-ugim- lb
of [tap'oii Oiamond. an
ls>ad"d Willi Kell.-y Shingle
very little,
, [i,. rk.-v iin.l
Idly disfigured.
.iiiv s lumber, put nlsuird at ('.-t-ll Hay
IS short
Al tost R.1V ICiiwIn niaeV siijtvtl
.- whistled when
..r Vitality Wonderful.
•i.mml f.'t fhii-.vgo. the stfvnoncr,,^,,;^
that the ground had frozen bard but
...ise npio a ear snd Ibe
. Mi-Klilley iBst.vl hour* lotlChe Ili.InT |H-Ile\.- Ihel-e wiw any dam­
t h-adtng s
ed. Ihtowlng him under
I we exiK-rled.' said th- si-ere.
age. A-few of the early ehi-irles wei<e deriar.-s tbe engine ran
Her viialiiy Was w.uid-rtul."
- I'onmann.
of (imnd Junction,
John Ik.msetz hf Saginaw, waa.alOn the iietiinsiib O. H. SIrMi.llen re,,
s„-r.-i.iiv i-iiiti-lvou iliat
IV y.eing Tie Itidlaii a* her .on
11 safe and working;,
at'ked hv a dog and blllcn while o
ported that
there was uo dam.nge! ,j,.. a„n,„,neenieii; ..i the d.-nil«e w^is
pumps. As 111" windjj r
She K-iw tie lad tec.-nlly
. to work ai the HagtoaaL.IMal
whatever, the luemiry slaiidiiig at IP:
puuue. As this
llUlll ’.1st 1
u-as sirurk with his l■1leltlg•'nee
Billet ^1^
woiks. (living lliile ihimg
[ .s]
ie'‘'!at.d William
n. I.. Ransoni out hi Carflcld lown->
ieorg.- II. Harter
post. C.l
m- i.ere**arv to veruie a ha.l no itarenis and the widow- offered
ship said Rieii' w-tis n.i v'ainage <!n his-,

foniilnc In line ., idioihi ur.v-kliigtti-.ylitot'd.-rt'i. noit thevet- :. him a liome. The boy 1* known nniler
place ami In- liudn’i ti.-ar.l of atty, si,ai;i,
1 l«ii.l pluyiug ‘ T - .Mart,-lH not [all <«i thejihe namt- .rf Earl D-mnls. and
round alKiiii.
Snow on Yet in Long L
- fli)i- 'la 'was load.,! with ir;.f»-' ■’priol^'*,
Trioes Allu-ri. the heir lo the fV'l
-iiioiii.l address whii-li was
R. J Kasi of 4Aing la.kc inwiiship,
Dr. HiiMon, .Hr* MeKiiik-y's
gian throne, and hi. w-lfe wifA. Eltra
o'lsinisl ihtii eight iitehes of
offie<-r ha...............
yesterday and the groiiml
ht-iii, have given RrusssU a fu-s hos- f..r the Tanciir tieatmcnl.
On ihe Beach.
The gruiitid froze'
still covered todiiv. Tl
Ths fimei-.ii service will tie Indd
fv»r eonsiimpitves, and the prince
A rapla* has 1*0 it serve.1 by Deputy
flv.-ioii iw'iinastcd schooner
a* could W told Ihe cher- W.-dticMlay al 2 o'eltick from Hie home
so fi
ha* written a tthiy, - Romunda.- which St.erill Paikhtirn on Commodore P.
Inc to AV U Shlgri of Nurw
..oi biiruiml th.- apple* vrere the Rev.
Buxom pfflelaiing. Th.Miller til Montrose. It H elntined that
enough along to f.-el (he cold body will be placed In a v.-ml In WcstMMlei hir-d n liofwe and prartlcally
telerj- tllilil the .
<-ffot;Uvi-lf. the funds raised In this drov.- 11 11» death- Thr animal was
ibin nnd
I Monu-'"’"'';'
uf the Xaiinniu iiiiiiisr>1.-iim
Damage In Elmwood,
•ckage , mriiint'r going to a fi-sti air fund for own.Hi bv WaWam D|^ .%-ho,*ae» lor
off nii'l t
red iM-l'voiks
11,1. si,,-. „ .11,
rd lAuiiti-r ot Klmwood town­
J-SK. .Umiiges Milh?^^N»ta.7«»-l»e
alone ennsumptlvv*.
ship repotted that Ibere had been e
;an 'vwlewman
preaih.-r. Tlat
! likes.
It bow ini
liuirb mi-m that Mr*. McKliih-y
sideiable damage done .but
Mated that hi*
and fanner.
.. is
beconid not it-ll ill pie.
t The fro-t .l.-ii>-d to live to s,-e lilll
Two X.'W York society 1< .adf-r*. Mrs ................. .. g'svdj. atw^ptirter
n* parked, ready f
I; v.-»teiday motningi
very henvv ih.-re
Id:, i;.xl«n MeKinley wi
ll.iriy T.iyti.- Wliimi-y and Mrs. H-r
n-it III, .ntiempi cii
*. IXIT. in t'uiil.ui. Ohi-i. i
tl hay were isjih
luth damaged.
iiiau H. Ibii.vea. fotni.-d :i mirtiiershlp lias'seettied n charge as iiasii
ic-i until 11 o'rlot-k
Oti the Kneeh.nd farm on'shalt mile
III.' rhiiieh'-s In that ni>.
*t ot the city, a temper;

■ZiTu”'' T^d'fu

v-i-fcS ,,'n


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company




Delicious Fruit

What’s Nicer Than Cocoanut

Have You Eaten Milky Sweet Corn

What*s nicer these days than fresh
Oranges. Pineapples or Bananas. So
many dainty ways of serving them for
aupper. Telephone and we will send you
some. These are dandies.

Riflit out of the shcl!. Have you seen Ihosc
that VC have now? TUcy arc fresh and sell
at 5c, 6c, (C each. Order one and try it.

It is sold in bulk'at lOc a pound and
eaten as you would canned corn, only
this seems so much sweeter. It'is ne.v
coming-this way. and we’re sure that
you will like It if you try it once.

“Supreme” and “Princess” Coffee
PencU Sharpeners

Two of -our best blends, packed on purpose for us. The “Supreme”
sells for 25c a pound and the “Princess” for 20c. We guarantee it to
be good and we think that a trial will convince you of the fact.

Shoes for Yon, Ladies! men’s

patent kid shoes Win


In every ofttce where there are numbers of pencils
Palest Calf made iu bolb
Going to make your own Do<v
used there should be a good Pencil Sharpener.
Lace asd BuUon.
or Window Screens?
We have the best that is made just . now. There
tha; -old for S4.5D ami
are several new patents, and three extra secs of
We have everything that is needed in that line and
S-'> and ^ get them now (or..............
knives with each Sharpener. They sell for $3.
the Wire Cloth comes from 2Si inches to
and are worth everj’ cent of it. We have sold
wide and sells for lie a square foot. Better make
[Oiggest kind of a bargain. That i*
several all ready, just showing the people how it
them early and have them all done when you re­
r are scllijig these day*.
works. Glad to prove the good qualities at any
time is worth lots of money.
not regret it.
They arc bargains, every one of them
lime you can come in and sec them.

Oongola Kid, Patent Tip.
Light Sole and the price is only



Cleaning Up Your Door Yards?
Rakes and the like. Start now and have a nice green place with nice grass and flowers.
Beauty Spot." It don’t take much time if you go at it NOW.

Make your yard a

Dressing Jacice-ts snd Kimonss
Some new Ideas in Cotton
--------- Crepe
------ and Lawn DressingOackets and
They are such bsauties.
Kimonas. Sell from 50c to $4.50.

Another line of Linen and Indian Head White Wash
Skirtsand these sell at $2.00. $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00.

Shirt Waists
new ones we want you to see at once.

some of them. They sen from 91 to 95.50.

You will surely own

Hie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company.


dRAND TRAveme hcraia. thuraoav. hay IQ. 1«r.

Grand Tiarersc Herald


of RcreraJ bandred ■m»ll boy*
«qalpped with *)I tb« URmi Mid DU*t
cauaST tbw to dUperaa .
latt-r a Hamtadlnc pany oiada Ita a|a
peanDcc and did Dot loav^ anUl after
a abort intarrirw with Ibe crtKXB.
PrevtouB to learln< for the aocn. .
le brtde's brother, where ibe Dlghi
afi apent, Ure Poole threw her
uuguei and Mtsa Calklsa was the uoe
bo caupfat II.
Oenpite ibe fact that t
froom told the Kueata that they wonld
take their irata in thh city
of their frtnrda aroae eai
faaDil ut the depot with a pleti-


From Wi-dneoday's Record

aas gsatatlaiM ara caraTully cor-

SOvwrtuir Hoeb-t SUnd.
At ibp lam mwMoo of <br Kbuu
l«SlstMar>- a law wai. raartem makin*
ft i ntMoffioanu-1« bold any rarblTal.
drsB* pande. Imll camo. horae lartDR
•r MT oUwr ap.inlB« «ilff1alnnM^t In
patdk oa May M.

Ooremor Honh of

tWit bull- baa laauod a UaiDurlal day
a miilbs alli-iitloD to Ibe
,i and decUrlBs that h

ir law ohoiild be on
■■^A alibnar


atw of every aiaie in the nnloa and
dMd Mt be allowed to become
dM letter htrt ahonM be rl«ldly t
forded. Sports and gamcB hare i
place on Memorial day proerams and
*Oatd *01 be tolerated.
«fy M a rellflonB oecaalon. a day Uial
i^ld U enahrouded In deep aoliilWlr aa It la the day on which tbe
MOO* aoumt for iboae that ptre
iSai- Weea that It might be one batltm
liuRaad of two.
- As tbe years roll by. Honorial day

lere they boarded the t
SiiopeeilnR that «n ..
illoii a ]>lent1ful snpply of rice had
ahipped on the train and whm
they climb.....................................
ed with M
a newly married coup
II and acted accordingly.
rill Go tto Jan
Hr. and Mra l-'note
. and fn.m Ihere Uiey
proceed by water to Slaftara Pulla.
New Tork rll)' la (he next point of
atopptng where an oreen eleamer
Pe taken and the Jameatown expmb
vlalted. On their return they will
e their home allli the parents of
the bride.
The gr.wtn Udbe son ol W. O Poole
and IstMeofihemoHi
leoflhemoHl auecesKfulof
youupT bURln.*B*
bURintwa men of the city
•rywhere he la known
hSR friendt
a great deal aa hla
bat la naylng
jf sctiualntances
actiualntances la large.
... la the daughter of E. W
tin and la n young lady of loral.le
ed In ounil
her frMi.Is 0
la a v.Mtallst of
blllty and
rtoenaUR of opinion I that till- grtKim
The young
.. Indeed a lucky m
iwople atnn their future
abundance of good wlal
ng prea
nuRilier <if wedding
_ show tl
bwuly and variety,
mere wuida.
iRhes extended,pact
• •

ahoold Uke on a deeper aignifleance

athof Mr*. Minnie Dunn.

«a me old aoldJera are rapidly paaalnR
4PaU BP« Ue tulnre generaliona
five weekR,
jWpli obaervanee of the day wll
pdAl OnTonimately it la tbe younger are left to mourn her, Willie. Ruby
and L«o. In additl.m u. the rt.lldi
pa^e that deUre to make the day
leavee a father and nuitber. i
otW than what H abonld be.
n>a MUoa owea miudi to the m<
who ira watterod in tbe cemeteHca
the conntry or thoae who still tirli
airaet. Many frtenda ... —
»«ar (be InalfBU that ahowi that they
The funeral aervlee will ta
(HBt ea( and foagfal when needed and row afternoon at ! o'clock from Ibe
It MBS (hat oae day In tbe year, hottse. Vndenaker Andernon will have
Mdd be freely glveD to tbAi.
Ooeernor Hoch baa taken the right

rtpted avary day.

imnmlance thereof and for aa
tesidne of aald ee-


Th* local market

prleaa ar* supplied oy local dealers.
The euUMe qvatatMas by wirs

SI •«- cub'.'.! ...
KuAiMOadCMb ..

alippad frem athar papers of the pre- y.4rt_«yb <ob»B.

II IR Orib-re
rdered. that the tsih day of
_ o'clock ID
D. ISUT. at ten o'cloek la the June. A. II. IP . .
- oMd iirotmte offlee.
at saiit prolwle-ofAre. be and
herehv appMnied for braring
and allowing saM aceouni and hearing said petPInn:
It U fimher ordered. That - puWlc
said le-liiiuii:
s.w< M
notice thereof he given'by pubnmioD
II l« fiirile-r ordered, that pub
Of a co].y of IlilR order. Ic.r ttirer- sje
notice IhcM-of te- gheii by piibliceaalve meek* prevloua lo said day eg
tion of a cniy of Ihia order, fur three
iring. In the Grand Traverae' Her
BueceRRive weeka pn-vlou* to said
. a newspaper printed and rlteu
g, in the
latled In raid eouiiiy
newapaper printed
rulaied li
Judge of IToliaie
** FREu" H- WAMvVIR.
Judge of Probut!Hl.

B. PMrtl*er. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. HarriMD Pnlclpherof near Yubs,
and JuHu* Udike of ManUee were
nigrringe,. the Rev. Ur.
______ _____ of Elk Rapids offlclatlng
Th# ceremony was wlln.«ed by only
............................. relatives and a tew
>eople and
cloae friends of the y
The bride
waa a quirt home veddini
waa attired In ailk mnR.
ony. the yoim
After tbe
:ely for Mutilate
coaple left I
tbe borne of the groom, be being
member of a lumber firm uf that uiiy.
Later they will take uii extended trip.


There are a numlier of big luuda In
«• fannila of tlie growers.
One mull 111 one of tin- nearby
uiiR Is bolding eliAil llumiuind biiabela
>r a big price.
Five loads of hay wa« l.n.iigbl In
yesterday. One bud w-as sold for »ro
one for IIP nnd the lialance for JIS
Five loads of live stork
»•welgbe.1 and sold 10 Uwal l.uyera,
•ailing rtlcasb
aearbaek pork, par bbl............ |U.M
Oloarback pork, per lb..........
Short cut Of pork, par bbl.... U.M


Lard, per lb........................................It 14
hacou. per lb.............................................. «
(lorn meal, per ItW lbs.............
Muiir. H.. I.. * (Ui.'s In-sl. .VtkJ
pwd. H, L. A 00.1 Beal, pat
Ifkilbs...,....................................... I.W
MIdiUngs. loT 1«>0 lbs.................
Bran, iht mo
..|^u.n» aiKl 2
Hay. |u-i toil
CblckeoA per
Pouioc* .................................
Egg* .................. ....................
Ham. per lb............. ..........
Cbrtse.'per lb......................
Balt, per bbl.........................
nutter, creamery, per Ib.

.A. Wede.'Lle.. B «'*d. .
•kD WadrKaliUiK.Jaue*.
iai«ro»Bi-eBBdbT viisreut an unl«r aad
dem-uf iBvito-nri <-oan fio th- Ouanty ul
tiroadTravurieIt. Ctmactn. an Ue- 8ut<- -t


NaU-vl.lieerUyrtvMithBi I •hsll-rtlBipab
uitfeahlahad bkMw- «t tbr fruni
Utba CuyvrTraveraetrny. t'ouatyurtiraad



koow bdBB tBe ploee of WbIJ
C-oart fur mid CocBly .« Uae
218T DAY


A. 0. 1907,


uflUclug»o.u.*-it; Tle-wwi fr»-.n«»l ball
.,r tliesoulh we>t Ijoariw. and tbe luinb-aaat
rrw-U-Ml'.uenar.BlI 1b-x-11-a. nineUian (1>>
.•w—l luiU..f Ui-Biinle*^1<jOBrlw.BBd
aU-U.- i».rUi*BeluUBrP-r ut ll.»Bi.«l,

Btean Mid b^era. IIM Ibt..
DrtBBed poottry ...................................... 1*
Cbickeoa. lire weight.............................10
Heus.................................................................... «
Hogs, dressed............................................. 07'
Sheep, with wool .................................... 04
Spring limbA ll»B wBlibt.................. 01

City. Ml'-t


CMre* ............................................................ 0*
* been h
nnllrlling commlllee,
Qreeb bides.........................................?•
d bare b
oectirlBg eubficrlptlaii* and
BO suereoAful that il Is now sa
Cored hides..................................109UH
announce Ibnl the cel<-brallon
Marek. A. G !«:. m * -ertBtn mx thma
take- place. They Hill luck »30« or
The ehurdi waa redolent of awe
By Wliv lo the Ev.-iiing Record.
Beulh Side l.urobw- >'<,n.a>ey
•oaated apple Uosaoma. Over t
East HulTalo. May ISi.—Cattle-:,
malh Male were two large areha
eal ami c-alvea—5'a.: active, Stu-e!.
they gel the full amount required,
lO lambs—3JK«; artp- Hogs—l.7a>:
aentlment thranghont the city is
s.rnnviv In favor of a celi-l>r»tioi
(tilcogo. May SS.—Wheal. Mtic:
very Ifew diortmrage U. i
over the platfonn were the white wede<iri..<54«ir: oats. 4t»jC.
P peopl
-atlODR nuw are that
dtag holla and the platform Itoelf waa tDdkatldDR
-troll. May 29.—Wheal. S9'..e; at Ur*.
spirit .
Into t!
deeortted with erergreen and apple generally *
, IT^ct oata. 4»e.
;lhe oecaalon and make Independoiire.
L Tbew. -22D I
»y a grand success.
of May that
*1 T«B oVlork IB U
The eVecutIvc eommlltee pill cut.the* •ecorflUotia migtn be of these blee
tt^ATEOFMICHinAN. THE PRO rBM>lhr Bn.uuBldi
the ai
iiler the details of the program which



Chicken witlles.
Proll Salad.
Cheese StrawA
lee Cream.
Ml goeal *•« preronted with
piece of bride'* cMte as n aouvenlr.
Daring tbe wnddlng supper the o
cbbSob was enUresed by the flppea

will be annuunFeil
•verrone should jirepare for n (•rand Trav.
pn.bat.- irffliw.
. . .
held a
clly of Trarerwe (1lIV. Ill ••oiinlj,
-U ....- :ih das of May. A 1). 19"T
IT.-»eB1: Hon- lYed R. Walk.-r. J.rtge
uf Pn.liale
-A Te«m of GoatA
-ter of the wlate of ThomIn he nuitti
Dr. Harry Geinian la the o
Irieii. lull' of aald cuuaty.
. O'Uriv
Tliotnaa C. CRrh-n having flIeO
rahl conrt his petition praying that a
rerlaln Instrument In writing pur)»r11>>- Mr. (L-tmon for Ih.
ing lo I*- iIh- lari Win and Teklanient
eblldren. 7101 they »
of aald dereaaed, no*' on file in spld
rlthout Raying. II 1court, be admitted t.. pr-M-ie. and
th.' team will rer.-lve i
That llte.admlnlstnrtUm of oalcl eetale h.‘ granxMl <n Saniii'-I Gailand
or some oiln-r siii'abl.' is-rsun
This a Why.
It la ovdere,! lha' the nth day of
■ cause of
June. A. D. I9"7. at ten ocl.wk in the
been explained.
forenoou. al said prol.ate offlee. be
Indian aboard the Mlaaonrt.
and is hereby appoinie.1 for hearing
fact causing n-' Utile dlacomforl aald pelliloo. Il I* further ordered.
•mong the erew nod threata of
That public noUcc tiu-ioof Ihj given
made. It I* aald.
t.v tmbRcallon of it copy of this ore redaktn
from Smion
il.ree Hiccesaive week-....... -.1. the Illinois
said day «( h.Miring. In
k hand. Arriving at Chicago last Grand Traverae Herald, a newspaper




Jmtgv id ITobale.

He Fought at Ccitycburg.
David Parkei. of Fnyrtt.'. N V^rfni
oai/a f.s.t a!
El^rie Bluer* have done me,
.ooft than any m--.llclne I ei-r took
V**‘veral V.ars 1 had slonia.-l. in.ul
(<and (s.1.1 out nmeh nmovy lor medl
iue to IH'lf piin">*^ U“ti> • began
aking El.'ctil.- UIHera. I would not
ake |5irt (or w lu.t they have <loue for

Bvndsy, Jun* 2.
... Bill iemve Traverae CUv at
I m. See poalera or ask ticket
by C.
.ageni* for partl^lara.
H. P. Moeller. O. P. A. Drug Blore. !
glats. 50c.


W» bawBipKlBl bookla Ml dUrsMi U IWtry- Call a •m* let oM.

Imerican Draj Ce.

Titvtm City, «kb.

lUM-S |i4lni>-d fII.-1 A Vnsimai P..I111 |...k I,
role<-l.-d il.iin if (S',
ai«- |ji-Mri' pro',
paints ,
wo ye.irs with
Pr.ikiip Kyra-lka

Notice of Sale.
hy virtue of a writ of Fieri Facta*
iRRu'-d out of the Circuit Court for
county of Berrien. In favor td '
Fanner* d Merehnnia Bunk of Ben
Harbor. Mlcblgan, and against th«goeda and chattels and reel eaute of
RavDund B. OilMte ao.l Henry
rev. IR said County. c> m* directed
1 delivered. I did.
April, A. D-. 1907. levy ui
following desrrilMNi real esute.
Lota One II. Two (21 and Three
:i- Northrast quarter |>A) of South.01 qaarter (>4I: Southwest quarter
,1 of Soutbea*! quarter |»4I,
. Section Five C5)
Also that .
of Sontbeasl qnarier
I of Soalbeaat
quarter H* I of Section Five <61 lying
North and Wrtd of a line drawn across
said quarter qnarier neciibn and parall.'! with and one-hundred (100) feel
(nun the renter line uf the M. A N. K.
Als.> Northeast quarter
'Ll of Northwest quar
Nurlbeast quarter (141 of
quarter i>4i: Northwest quarter (5>l
of Northeael quarter (141: Northweal
:#r (14) of Northareel quarter
Sonlheaal quarter (H) of North
quarter (la'), and Sontbweai
q.ianer (>4> of Northweri quarter
) of Seedno Eight tai. all In Town
,Dty-Sve 1251
twelve (121 West. All of sMd jtropertj

\A/ool \A/arvtod
1 have maite

,I Mills

srrang.-menis with

•itiSTy ^>■1.1

till' abm<- lurDtluUid Jul<-. und they
iiul bay any more woi.l at those |.r

jUdwiBg owBrib.*

at i»a w> W"

**AII Of which above deacribed rea
at# I will expose and oBer fsr sale
puUlc vendue, to tbe blgbeat bU
r, at the front door of the Conr
Iluuse at the City of Traverae Cll)
in Grand Traverae County, that betu.
tbe place ot holding the Clrcnl
Ckiurt wtthin aald County, on TIlf^
D 1907. Bl ten o'clock
In'till- forenoonn of that day.
Dated May 21. A. D., 19u7,
Sheriff of Grand Trave le County

‘ ',:rKa,s..D„N»o».

Atlorpejs for Plaintiff.
Boslne«» Address:
Benton. IfarlMir. MIehlgan.

for a largtw one.
1 wish that the public and whoever has any w>ml lo offer, would
try and have It ready by that Haie. au.l yim can be auro you will t«moaej ahead. Do mg fall In do so.


R Sebomberaer $ Sons
CMlrens Phone 4*1.

U.-l! Pbpn#

Personal Control
by mameil won«.

D-^iartiMdit mwl"

or l»y



Bflbject to UieirpoMOual crinwol
Such dep.«iU an- payable .liroot to them'
r-ipir-l'eBB of liii&bflU'l. parent or I'OflrtliAM.

Oil Saving* IhipoBiU tbia Itot.k paya thro.' per
cent inb-reat. coui|K>un<led iwim- a year.

We solicit SavioKa.
Sl.OOaUirtaaD Acoouut.


Traverse City State Bank

’'n.o oMeataiei StruoKuat Bank io
i Relief and Core
If you h;.'<- caiurih. ■
lirealli. bin.ling lalllb It
diflirulty in breMhing. r
eiiuR. dischai-g.' from ihe
or droiiplng from Hn- b
Hiiiun, coiishlnc -spa*m*

'rw»*r~, M-eklciB. la •»« U»alv BBd

lie In a luig>- m.-asuie to abuse ol
Itowels, by empli.yii.g drastic pmgmlve*. To avoid all*-r use only
Dr. King's New Ufe Pill*, the oafe.
gentle cleanoera
and Invigoraiora.
(learahlei'd lo cu.e lieaiUiL-bA.4.Uious•ss. malffria )am..lir-y€l C. A
igbee Drug I'o. Hannah Mr.ig S'oie.
„E. Wait A .Son's dru/ stores. 2V

- wailing

They claim there Is a ilertliie of two rents a |rtiiml ami

Deposila in onr Kavinyi

Hay ah

tha<hHde Mntngo
Apple SloaaemA

a cofOn and sbipiwd
uri lo hla runntr home. Bad w-e.vthleBulted. When tbe Monn nhoi In
slrtim.'r off Cat Head, tlie cr.-w
il al
wanirtl lo give him hasty burial
. »ea
prevented. .
t Ibis «
P l«dy . s nnlnad.-d at Si.iroii*
ly. the Blor i ceased


Yaaatcd-------- WiVbbbw
djolMtcl OBd ktU PBIBUUS.

KTATgt.i- MIl'KiUAN.

. If. lip
_____loose .................................
Cowa ..........................................
Ugbt Btecrt ud

Hooker. Dolly Wj-nkoop. Neva Wri|
and NIU Bngbee came next, folio*
hr tte mM of honor. Mtaa Heart Calktna. all marcblng down the main

Or«sd Raplda.
That the bride waa charming in her
pare white gown of cbHfon twllate
(rimmed In renMaJumre nnd bah]
lace waa tbe oirivecaal lodgment
*nw 'canght In l4r
-luster of mieeuf Ihe
dart balr with a cluati
.a a ahuwer
raUey and her bouquet
of these
e*e same I
c maid of
was attired In flpir.......... .........
carried a bouquet of roses. Tbe bridesraMda were nil dressed in simple
gowns of white lawn The ring bearer
waa Hnater Robert HasUng*. son rtf
(be brother of tbe bride, and hr car­
ried Ote ring cooeeMed In the heart of
a liTie BIlB Illy.
The muate was turalabed by Mlaa
Oraca Hamer on the 'cello acc
panlcd by Harry Hamer cm the Mi
The •Mbcn were Lobengrin'* wed­
ding march played through three
tlmea. "Melody- by Mnaoenell. softly
daring tbe ceremony, and for tbe reeenloDal
tnarcb waa played.
At tbe eoocluskin of the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs, Foolc rrtwived the con
-gratMthma of their friends la the
enlry ot tbe church.
Wedding Sapper.
FMtewtng the eeremony a wedding
supper was nerved to the Unmet
rellUve* of the bride and groom
(be bridM party al the home of
Tbe decoraitoua *1 the home
le blotsonia and tbe table,
arerc Ml
led to the general Idea.


H. Rli-kei.1 liimrs loathe Herald nf- ^ hate r.mrl lot the eramlr »f Grand
ce a hen's egg weighing-three nmir ' Traverse In the matter of the eslaii
id mraRurlng Castk Inchei. It Is •
ne.inp. K. NewcriBllw. deteaoerl.
Idem Mr RM-kerd's hens are trying
.Sutlre Is hereby grien tbai f
I> up lost lime on the bsi-kwird months from the eMi, day .g May
n. IfioT. have l»s-n alluw.-1 (or er
inis to preaeiii il.eir i-laliiis aga
derrmoed In sanl r.iurt Inr eu
X Mioklfaa. Oonaty «( Oraad
A Kart OeVi to Pay.
a<l]ii'imeni. .vnd that all
^1^ Oa^ad.^>aRbi^cJ^t^«b»T«
ar«' reqilliefl
aald d.credl'ors of m
« preoenl th
1.1. Iowa -lor
'for my resene
............... ilu- rity
at Ihe prolw
from >
. by Dr King's K.
Mild rouniy. on tb lungs were so aerl.iusly Traverse Clly
we tklai^ affected Iholii death sn-med Iminliieni. l>er«re the Isl .lay
■ ^
• when I comi............... - . ..
1907. and ihol sal.l
: coverv.
The omlnmis dry. barking heart by oal.l eour
in on Tii»-s.lay. t'
Maury l»aniie.
tbe firs' iKHIIe
eoiigii gull before
H. l--i7. ... i,
•I day of 0<-(ol--r.
!■ I«ii1e* mad
uM-d. anil I'
eliick in (he f.nvii
eqnalkHl I
Dale.1 Ml.)
i-olds 11.11 ill throat an.t lung
aninieed by C A. Bugl.^
Jiidp*- <d.l'r..l.a.
imic f IOC. Hannah Ih
Sons, dr.igglat

•or«.i«UB*r»«S!u. irUuD «.«««« OT.
of Lobengiln’a
"Weddli ..
March" ware heart and as the melody
wai repaatad. the two little rtbboo
SMMra. Maanne PWe. alaier of il
Cmem. sad Hits Ruth KaiUnga. aUl.
df the bride, came op the main Male
o( the efaoreh. followed by ibe mintstar. Tbe groom and the beat man.
aayu* Laidte. came from a door on
the Hit df the el^I mM took their
placee as the pdHHt platform where
they weaa met by the Sahara. Dr. Ed­
win L. Tbillby. Ralph McCluaky. For-

Orand TrkTCM.*‘At a^Asatce of aald
court, held at the probate offlee, In
Ihe clly of TnTerae City. In >Md
y. on the Mlh day of May. A. D
Prooent Hon. Fred R. WMker.
Judge of Probate.
In the matter ot the estate of latfleU
Brown, late of said eiounty. decenoed.
W S Anderson baTiug died m aald
luri his petition praving that Ibe
ImlhlsirstlOB of aald eaule be grant

■ tsss:

Flfty-oeven loads of potatoes
weighed In at the city market y
ay. liie price lu-ld steady al
I fJi cents.
Tbia morMiig Ih.- market Is a Iltllc
u outalde
weaker owlbg to a decline ut
There are a number uf bads con
tracted f. r ai fioc. Iiul thoae that have
iCt win have to Is- contebt

e wedding ot Mias Maudellne
and Prank A. Martin, occurred
Corn, per bu...............
Tuenday evening at the home
i East OaU. per bu...............
bride'a lather, Wlltnt-r
Society Weddln*.
ire and
Clover seed...............
While the atmlna of a melody by
WD clover ...
hUBdnedt were being played aoniy
and aweetly al 6:30 Tuesday eve
■;Si» by the .Bev Joseph nation In Alfalfa ..................
MM Onoe Sarah Haatlnga nnd
Ibe presence of the many rolatlvea and Alayke .........................
Ibm Beabeh Foote were united In mar- frtendsof Ihe conirsctlng parties Tlie Timothy .......................
a at the Baidlal ehureti.
i-aldent of Mam "
Oerman millet..........
Tgyman bell
log th.
r. 0U.I Mr*. Mar
arian millet .
. The full rl
the ceremony a
Me was u
by MmhH Uo hundred
ataad and more poverxior should folWw Us example.—Record.

bale court for tbe county of Orud
of Bid CoBrt
Ihe Probate 0»re In the r«y
County, ea
ot the
iJudge of Probate. In Ibe matter
William E Wlla
wmiani Dearer kaviBr

rramrse Ciiji Stale Bank ™


.thing •Hl< amt halsama and
n- Ibe g.-rtii-kllliiic prore-rti.-- o
le w-m-l*. I’- Is t
with--^be -vlr yn.i hieallie. so ih;.' :h-- phis' ri-iiio’e v-i
respiratoiy o.gaiiRj^ klllinc^ a
he riBirfai g.-iPis anr »
I the mnoous
Th"- comple'e Hv-o-mei nu'fit <
iHii II: ami S R'-Wai' A Sons
th-it pers-.n;,! aiiaranlee will. ■
pavkag.- lha' will b,
nnless Hie tt-;iin.enl d'»'S a,I
claimed for H.

All Over the City
is where you will ficd


Korthtrrn Michigan.

Flags for Decoration Day
are hero is Rieat nuttbera and at any price .lebin-.] for tbe little "TiDy"’ onea at 2c per d-wen
lotbelarBi- BantiiiK

Bak Ball Goods
madebySpaiditigare witboiit 'itwriti ntbennest
and bi«t quality to U) fosod- '7ura itI the moat
complete stock nortb of Gr^d Rapids

Wall Paper and
Window Shades
Season ia now on in full blaat.

Theresa reasoo—
It has proven its worth
over and over again and
will prove its worth to >-ou
every time you use It.



Wenever badeo

gnwt a btuiooe as now ami it aliowt that our glm k
if the iarpeat and pricea m<vai ntwfactury.

City Book Store
Che Bobart Co., Prop.


. $30,000

ard 1

M. V



Uallbew Olcndeimlne.
wnnl, city; J. R. Uncoln.
city; Kilwstd Martin, fo'inli waiU.
city: C. C. Mads. tUUi ward, rily

Destii of Ceorage Walur.
luitou* Hay, Mlib., May 2.S.i»-siib-ncv In S.iiKiu*
lyi-ichl y<........................................
Hay tim-DSUIp.
isUlp. Reoree
-o aii.,i 11I i.ii odml.^ i.iinii
Ilf lor
OB»-A. Trvr Ur. R
W-AaOw T. RMBah. Owa*l <Mr
1 Dwu. 3«T7 OalUn., Om. W.
dlHO trsllR »or«- Hi.- ihIiiHiniI ............ . ..
I lived. I.. «-e ll;e eomitiy
u t.'i-llls faitii- and jih.rim joiir fiitiinitkit.
I>wa»<-<l WhW l>rir||.|M tti.liMi It,,0.11.
niianj, In 1S"S and In IMK, wl.. n lia a }T»ulh irf tai-niv >>«|y. •h,’ ii«'V
|iiTiniUi>-iit part In llie n-lalMon In
II iv.uiilry and «a>. »ill. ilr- arniv
It made ill! evc-aiH' iniu tiulin riund.
Alltir a time lie »aa i. iiii».«l a- a milI'ary pHaoner and ana i.,'IiIIu<hI Ib .i
foHn sR In ft.Melli INdatld.
8(3U! biink—Report.
After III* re|!'Hi.e lie eani'' lo r»nart-i
■U. John Leeco—PetIUoo to SrII.
and willed iieiir Hamllmii. He li«e.l
»L Oeorsr K. Newconit-—CIhIidk.
lliere for Rome time, niinlly ei.niilic 'tn
■M. Williun E Wilnou-niul
ttiilleiiK Hay low-ni-liip. where ib.' Ia1
an«- of hl» life wn* tijmnl.
Wbca Ur. tValtets Drat tnoved to
SnilonK Ray lnvn»hip -there were tin
t. W. BliUT—Tbr HoiiK- Maker.
mad-i iiuil all Ivavi-I aa>. I>y ipdiiui
A. V. Priedrteli-Orfottls.
All RiipplIeR rami-' Iriilii Tm»
Wterttaa A Honlrr—VMw Recflvt'd.
»ne.l,'R loiinir^i
m hi* home li> tin- « lt»
Ar he bad to carry all hl« Mippllc;
P. K.—Mr. Fsraeralid Frail Crow- hi*
liack IhniiiRh the l.le wirbIr
were nm InrRe,
brlaoeU Bros—Creal Pbouosnpli 'tree* were Hie only ftnide.
In addllloti to hi* wife Mr. Walter*
^ WUbPXu-'Youlbii’ 8uil».
leave* four sona and two dauehteni.
BrewBello-Ncw Gond«.
the chlldien ladiii:: Jiis.-ph, CetiiKe.
3. W. Himkeo—Carpet anil
John. WllIUiu nnd Miv J. .lliiin* of
Charlevoix and Sir*. Voeluier ol iMt*bur*.

3 OCT cnt Altowed sn Time Deposits

Ckalttioa mis mek. 2.82S

^:a.i , W. B. C. and Spanlab
...................... am IfBvo Oran*e bill
prampllr at * o’clock and proceed to
4ba ewnelery Id eonveyancea prided
tor all atddlera, oailora and Uic W. R.

» (ivao a.
Beat, at which place the u»i
daCB will be tfiven. Music by MUs
Uoober and acboiH children.
At 11:30 the W. R. C. will hold their
aaarelaaa for soldtcra and aallui-B at
Caaa atreat bHd«e.
At IS. noon, dinner. All noldiera
and tbelr famllie* wbo dealrc to do so
can brtBf tbelr Inncb to the Gnntnr
hall, where coffee, ausar and ct
will be fnmUbed free.
Prooeaaloo win form at Granec
----•eaded Uy the Qi
wed by the Spa
0 apeaker of tbc day
I city council in .
nnuUlnc acbool c
dm lepreaeDtina all the
G. A. R-. the Travpiwe City school* and
D elhen
who daalre to march In the
Irtb on
0 WtH-

City opera bouse.
Becepilon of tbc Vnited State* llae
bir BtxtMn acbool cbildien, solo Uy K.
It White, O. A. R. rtual mcmortal
by «cr
Umlor. I
tr P. D. i
hr Oommander

Poor Old City of Traverse.
Chicaso. Msy is—Polios,i.k ih.-fi
se of the piulns
,enty-:wo men
n'ii«*d liv a squad of polleenK U
______ .e ship
the Soujb Clik-*EO i.U-r
ere aircM-d on churge* ol
d any piTroi,
.•anif.i show an
h«»n-ii iiii-an- '•
t he own.-i r- oi
.•foi-c Rtarilng
h-rsr. ni.t-R w. iv*<.i-i oil till- iBiai
all those ln'lllua mi ili- wii-ln*
mi>li relntu-. would I"- mi.-Mi•schlns Bhdre.
Till- dc-ifi-tiw-* made.a o-i#.irt
11 Jneti .wep' an»»H'l.
llbli into |r.i|lls|'»'lieon?,a|-l
imiii e, '
The rMi. o|b i,iO= loit-ui- ll,.
UlliMi imil the owuels. l.i.oni„l
till- M,iii. »u.1 til.? , 1,.
rolitlo!. .
iiitii Wedoi-Mlay h: Ilieiiid
Altl'iir lail-li- l■•^! lot Ml
C-aliada. till? Il|iit!iill£. i'..n.->l
.—lloill- Hill.
o| l,i» l.iili. I.
Miss- f-lMi-lla Ni'Imhi h i.iiim ,|
Pli'a-atii till uroriiiiiB
Mrs. W M.
home in
Ithti l."lai.
.laiiii-s K Hiler and wil.- ,.i.- \MiinK
at M.i>n.-i.l.
Mtr.-tteorgi*. NeweoniV. ;i(miiiipsiibl.y Mavis-r William CHIkII. till to

When the
Hair Falls


Ho. 30. 3t
Ko. n. 13.
The feHowlag juror* wciv dr*
today tor the next term or elir
eotrt. eommeaclnr June in.
Henry KoefilB. ParudlM-: Alw Sa
ders. Green Lake: Will A. Clark. 1
taw; Lewis Avery. Whiiewsier; _
McManus, first ward, city: Thareas
Omnn. second ward, city; Barton Jen
Mhgs. third ward, dty: I>au' Wei>-I<T.
Inarth watd, city; H. M. FVisa fifth
ward, dty: Daniel Reynoida. Btsir:
Oworge rtsb. Eaat Bay: 8. K. Cooper.
Oartald: Prank Bmmona. Me take.
Adalbert Ramsey. Hraot; H^rv Calk
IM. Mayfield: John A Dobhi peiiin-

Carpet and Rug Dews

Tb« brsl kind el s iMUBonl*I

taken from Ibe IH-dlusd* Ually
•Eddy H. S|Mwr. who wns strlrkeii
with perlcurdlllB two «-eek^ aso. dleil
hix homo «l in:5o «i'rbB-k Isxt iilEht.
While bis condition hiiil b<-en rrilicHl

^1., S|ii
erday afiemo
ils biothor.
itHhsr. bud Juxt i................................
from lilx tni.iliiei
iK rctunii-d
clown town, and was iilNuii
In the room to lx- iieur to iirsIrI the
Durae. althuuRh be wa* lolrt that the
patleol was ao much Ixdier that It
US not necessary to lemaln. Timiini:
the l.od*lde. the nur*- tih.-erved
It Mr. Spoor moved
In* feebly, and nil
paaseil awuy without
nie nr any Indlrxitlun
“EtUy Heilieri S|K>»r s
Jefferson. Ohio. July «, IM
-eichili I
ile yi't u sniiill liciy 1:
bis iiarentx to Olierliu, Ohio,
his faib-r. the Rev. 1). H S|sx>r. Wine
mlolKter in the CoiiBrecullonal
church, and tnovlui: much fiom iilaoi.
,................... mile liilor they WTUt to
Vermontvllle, Mich., wlu-r- '
side.1 III
years of
erso City. Mirh.. rcmai.ilnB ther.
The familv Ihi n went I
waglao. Mich., and l-I. H. 8|>o>ir
to Olierliu rolleso, enioilBC iht- (■

Valieinnif Inxi iiiabt.
nf romiiatiy >1 Imiv
P. M. it.s
)» livliiff In Chli-iiBo. iS tixiliu* I
The R.-v
lun-li :?iiq8

.Window Shades



i bi.i-iMi.i Co.

.mil W



I..1 ol


Il.ilx^i) llHg'.

\V. li ooiHi »: Tii.n.-'

|..||I 11] MK-loaaii

. ' -


iLioir huii-ciiiis oi.r hia



Cocoa Door Mai
■ C.-l

Huy hlgti-srailo strawherry p'sutf
,.it will =iov. 1 Imvi- ?l>. \ariei!.-J.
atooiii: ilii iii the fanioi- S-lia'oi- Inn
I’l.m'x II iiernioaMiliil It Dane
plHUir 12*4. ■I'rawilic City.

... 35f ......

HM- ini..:



See that new Porck SSnde




Clothes to fit
Prices to lit
the Clothes.




E.erylxxly will lu w.iiiliuu I‘if-.i.l. Thr lln- ... - l f. e
wivk*. I'nr they «rt' iv-ruiiily tin-iiinat .•..inforialdn ,it,.| .at.s
fa-l'Ty Siimiiitir riliou known.
Ttiis 3.'a3oii w. Iidvn lie: ler.o -.t ai.-i gnr.,iti -.1 Inn' ivf'ifds wr liav-.-vi-vv niiuwji. x''


I ixTorilB ill Ixiti-e. liMkni .lod Bin- ut r St>Vs
tfxfortis Men,

It lys. MIm.-k a,.'.: Ci-.M-'r

Oxfords For Everybody

!!j- ,





in and




nothing so cheap but what

See our suits








111!' :

“Show Me”

Stipt. C. M. N'ovnk. of • •livrt, will lx- with -ns a^aln
also »'Ciif*»d tiip serrirfs of C-oiiniy Crtm.lndaionorGeo, L Crisp- who will a\re sp-i-iai attention In {triutary
Methmls and ScUool Uw.

s£U£fi! Of Goao sffoes ^


we can fully guarantee it.

Cool, (•■riif-rlalile ;i:i-i ■-iuiv '‘xf -rds
I iii'.ir-:-. in.r>- '-I1 -■ -ll T ii'rl '•'■■! 1-•■ ti.*




CoinjteUd.t instructurs. low expeosos. i-tvj] and pbinsant ijnartcn bav-e made liur l>a<nairr N'oriual v- ly frpidnr

W. P. Necdhani. PresIdcDt.


Z50 to $5.75

oi j


. Spooial sumuier rati's will l>coffiTLxl in Coniiiii-rr'a
and Shorthand roaraea. Write for further infonnatiou.

.1 .1.1.1 .i|i|il>

Cari>ct Sw'ccpers
25, 35. 40. 50. 60
^nd 75 cents

il!tl|..l--.iidl-'lil tti-1’ iiid.l..
1-of U- al't.'ii hy piildiealiol
if Ihi? onli-i. foi tlirtii,--'iii


Tlie Xoe<Hisiii Business ColieKo ofTfavt-rv City i»
callinuyoa. -Da yon wisb to prepan- {or iho teacbera .-x
amiuation in August? If so. foroll iu our Ntinimer Normal*
It opL-oa tbo first Monday intfujyuud coutinura sis weeks
lavfStigHtc our rc<-onl the ptiaHwo aunimers


Unoleim Lns^c

.SI ?ai.l tirol.ah' ntfo i-..;
y .ii.poliiii i| til li. .ii:ni; ?


g.x.dx :Ill'l?!' in-.



15. 20 and 25c each
leplu-ii l_siiiiii-i- havilia fliiil tii xtild 1
II hix [ (iiavln
d, «-ui|S.nii-rt .111.1 11
|i|-iv:ilv lalo tin- ii
i of Miid esial' II xahLieal .............
oldie...] lion ih. -ijinl

Will S.
Mill's h
ftoiiilli xtii-1'1 1.1 U Ina eomiili-i-l.i
iiKHlHoil iin Hit- inn'iiiir and wli
fomidoliil will hr nioili-i-il in < vi
ixitiii-nl.ii ilir e\iciior alone net-ivi
no «-hanKi*x.
Thli: house Wax Imilt lliinv-ni
yi-;i:x iiaii liy a Mi- iJiiid and I
nirdlately. on being eoniidelinl «
bouglii-liy Sami. AuilerxoM. .Mi-i And
Iii'h l.ilher,
Thii, Irnixe wu* I
1st one «niili of the rl«i-r.

Wheat I
ilirago. >
raxVa iin
a wild ore-niiig t>
iKiard ol tvadtoday.
Wdi-at •
»■ thr hich.-xi
gilidatioii Krti-her
' ibr>izti
.ifkx sail. Jir>
ai 31.-l>. and
IJeernilH-i xiKitvd to 31
Thi-iv wax a sharp, earl bin o?i sii’.
eegiirni iraiixariloux
■‘Oiling lor protitx

Lace Curtains


, K.:.!

New Goods

% milk lests wet
Inspeetor Docket
1, fau. 3.S; solids. IS.t.
N'o. i. fata. :.S: solids. i;.3.
No. 3. fau, 4.:: solids. 13.
'Wo. 4. fau. 4«: solids. 13.
Ko. s. fats. 3.3: aolld*. i:.».
Ko. 3, fata. 4: solids. 13.4.
No. 3. fau.S.d: solids. UJl.
No. 13, fats. 3Jt; soHds. 13 S.
• Ko. It.fat*. 4.:; solids. 13.
Ke. 3i.1sta. 3; solid*. IS.S
Ko. 7. 18.
Ko. 10. K.
Ko. IS. 1».
Ko. 17. IS.


Jng niai-i'im . U'.i*-l-Mi.-d a (lap-T. 11
^'.VUs''Eil’el Pleimui went to Pll
-Ked llU-r rijn-eial." wliii-li liai ll
laikc tllie molaiiia.
.lii--il.iii.,nr of aij.!- fsti-r i\
Mihi K.".e .SiiUUnn.of Maple Cli
passed Ihronsb the city toiliy on lie
printral at Hattie Cr.-ek-J.iiBi..w-*v to ik'imit. .
11-11 ^iilitiiii);.
idii);^ Ilia
iiialx ai
Mr>. n. II. Iti'Vc.iin-e of KluBili-v.
who has been vis.itinc iri.-n.l- at M.iide
City luirtai! ihronsb lo“H toilay oil ivliliini. To iiiiiil .
her wav hoiiit'.
. iU<- p"'.
Mi*. Anna H.-tuniaii is visUlus ^ii
Ri-and lliipld-t.
Death of Eddy H. Spoor.
Mi?. RoI„ m
K. Waller left , rhir
Word Inis lenebi-d Ihi* Hl> >.f i
inol-lilns for Hio .tsilculloral eolb-se.
death of Btldy H. Sp.wr. a form-, w.
Mir? .One Hoh- I* »1»lrtiiK Hi Milllknown Trajerse CTiy yoiuiR man- >
Spoor dted at his honi- in neilliiiiib!. tilli.
Mi?< Ruth'Wilde ri luiiinl to KaiHim-** of about
Cal.. May IR. after tin li:
two weeks at tbeApeoff*.
the ape of
Mr. S|Kmr karka IibIsi.
... .....V.
-.. . Ida
1— lli-iUily
lliilidj- left
left for
for !Sjiol,
enicmlKTCd by
older I
will be v.ell-renicmlKTed
the hiK-l W«eh . . yi-jitt-rd.iy. when- . she.
residpntR hen? as tl
? ormit'.'A. I). diV V‘i.^
: Him ,
a f-H.- w..iV'kX..
the Bet. Ur O. R. Walk. ■ Hrfi-- »I .!■

Sell Ywr Cream
oui ereaiii to tlio 3‘ravrrxi
A Unl«M Monumtiil.
Ml Civ.iRii ry. Toil priri-x am
A. W. BJdenl baa Ju«t fiDl*b<sl <i
very unique nionumeni for B. Clier.r write?\:!<‘’mii^ *i»wl.
venba. of tbia dty for his son.
Mr. Cherreoka i» a wood worker hy
Unde and the monument was made
after his own dealsn*. The main i>art
of It I* a square of blue Portland mar­
ble. the top of tbl* U Onhshed with
Tnliaein t'oniiaiiy. Ii.iwio
aercral width* of mouldlns* whiccb re­
• clasx i<t ISM. and;*'ssimiBT work |'l'■|"•'l •' «onsiilrrtiblc iliienn i
quired • great deal of labor to flnlsh
properly. This I* aunnnunlvd hy
iKoiirtirthr |s.«-Mg1;o- n-'i
___________________ _ ,
pul.Hr. which hr owiiiil
d Iililiil lor
anted column of white aUliian m
niinilwr ol y-aix and nniM nr nUc.
lived to Siiiiihern CaliftmiU in I)i;il,
On one idde is the name, date
Mrth and deatb rut in the luuial mt
t iirrivlns here In- seennsl a imsliioti
the Find NNttoiml Isink. whrrr h«ar. nd then Iht* Is glided. Between
the aamc and tbo date*, is a photo
spenl two years, alter w-hirh he 1« •
tbe aoo Rudolpb. done on porvclaln. ime axsorlaied with 'liix hrolhrr-io
whIcA makes It very lastlm:. This w, A. <i. IH’bl'aril. in hiixi!ii-,?x, look­
will be the only monument of the kind ing alter mam of Ibr drlaJU ol Mr.
ti the cemetery. Mr. Blckerd cx|>cels IHihliard'x fiimnrial affalra. niid <-ontliiuliiK wjili him iiiilil hix d-nili
ea gat It pibcei tomortow.
About Iwrivt* vrarx imo In- wax in.idr
n-eelver for Hi- Hear Viillry IrricsRERSONALE.
linn company, holding tliU iKixilicBi ut
fitMU Hboday> Rocord
Prank O. Balcb returned to Chico the time of bis dewtb. and was alsu
go today after apendlng a short time the president of the Finn National
la the elly. Mrs. Bairh *ni remain lutsk of San Jarlnlo. having iHx-n
to the iBixltion iii the Ia?1 an
wRh her mother. Mra. Lorin Roberta.
Dual mi<etlng o( that linHilniloii.
"Ho wax marrlii! In IMki in Mi??
AUmi Smith IHt ft
lAWise Pruolo at Franklin. I'a. and
8M Bay. In the yipiier
since that lliiio bux conllniiiil in Ti1 bBuael
bBuael tbaslncaa
ha wID
sldc In Ri<dlaiidx. having n iilrasmit
•ilk a
jer dealdeal.
home on Ihe T-rrn-e
Koiii- Hiildrru
1. C.
C. J.
J. Keimt
Hcimer returned 1o I
have iBM-n tuwn lo them, l-^dy H-ispcnill
■ 1 Reed CTiy after spcnillng
tHTI. ]r„ Ihilr llewr.v, leoqlxc Dale and
in the
It. the Islt-r twing hm a f<-«I Cadillac ,
monllis olri. Ib-xlrtr Ihr chlhlr.-ii hr
withiii ih- jiixt low da?-.
Is ^urmixl by hix wife, on- xixlrr.
to hia
»c ly niurli diiiaig-jl. W.
Mr*. A.
Hiailxird. ■ lioilhor. H;. W.
after -. .
iiir or.ji' iTN-it-axi'il• .n:r Ii
t'timc In the city with iriends. L. Olid Ulx. imiilirr. Mrx. (>. H.
Mias Mable Uawey returned I
Itae In Cadillac this moraine.
.W. N. St. Peter tvtumed u
Bapids i-eslemsy.


Then it’s fime lo set! No lime
to siudv, CO read, to expertmcRi! You want to save your
hair, and save it tjuicMy, too!
So make up your mind ihix
very minute J,ftat iF your hair
ever cornea out you will
Ayer’s Hair Vieor. It makes
the, scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. Ii cannot do any
fhinc else. U't nature's way,

Don’t Mistake
the Place
Sherman & Hunter
236 East front Si.

Tiatorse City, liichifan.

»AV. MAV M. 1M7. -


Grand Traverse Region.

eonversatl.ti alul 2
Clmrles Smlifa ar I J.ilin r
Arroe are etfCtiaE
Ge.1, Wliilson,
Grandma Hanna o i-iriH-d ‘
imia ao exteodid vii.ii with Iriends
TiH-ker Is on the slrli and Ii-ltitlves ju Canada
s. F. i
A bc-si id
Everr «**ek cam»pendcfvc« it rv
iriends weleom.- Im+ hnai-
■loll Canine lias g<iii>Crhnd Rb|s
Mivtd U« iatt le «•«. All corrttpr '
I. .1
W..!....-!..- ■
Jidin, L»-4ler Ims Jii-i ....................... -i
I l!.:i:**CitlTwd^"^.;-:. Mi Hil
Ids lo visit r.-unn-s.
tMca mutt reach the Herald emec
• new kltehen, whiHi add- luati itnll' 1-.
Ifcilii. Chare of Ttm.-tse Cily »
iatar than Tueaday ««en of each week.
'ihe isMiiroit aiid ivai.iii-ilie of Idc.-dsr Run .-alk-r over Sund.-iv.
•M H eorretpondenta fall U fli
Ja.m, K.-p...r l.-li It... nu,romgfor w1.kJ..o„-,-,.o ..tmosi 1. !^ininienia>
lirauilpu Remlugion'e bniih.-r .
•Min In, they may ba aaaured that
and' s|s--s-ber.
i SHiool ilose* W.-d.ii sday, May ;!*.
l~-.'n >i«liliiR them a le«- days.
aama after time.
»nler..-,.s.,l c.iU a.M-esing pHo.
!nnd «<arbei and o-imIs ai--'|>laui
.Mti;. OHIe Kuhn and .on Curl d Fl.>-I 1.-fi IM: m-.tuliu- fm ILi; ,.-todu.K M-h. r t;..wV, iii.vra-e,;-AbKdl
to Iraverve Ciiv mi l>ii«|ni-s
Ihev.m-, r
I Pri-M-n* efpiillib-d«
Ip- ehee. bi-»ul..........
........... .
la-ltu ■,.1 .mAt tlr-elo..-.
beaullltil c.
M., and Ml*.. M V,
AnuUirr Hi-iir. sloitu tmxir ic n
AIkmiI iweiiiv yoiiME folli giivr■ai-'^'il .\ d'-l»ri"u li.neli'
• 111 '-I Sut'oii'- ils;. .1
II Sunday cwiiliie. acrompaiili-d
Ciovtl Dtsl.l a veiv pleasaiil sorprise
. wal'-is and <ahe clos'-d i
Ik iinfc lirrkhead tun;
a heavy fn;.*! tiu- (iilKiwluB ul/ihl.
. mi aeroum of hhi
. ,n ^-.,.-.1
liie s’nd
Mr. and llcv. Alben UTillleii hav<
Carnes, danrlng and lat^dMillii
^ Mi s
it- t.i Saimiay lu,
mnrcft Inlo lli<- ta<iun' varalid ■
order (III after the inidolghi hour.
a Smilh
MeflHU'i:il m-ivI-h-s were‘heM In thi
Nr. and Mr* Jo.- Herman «.■:
t. wleuvU-engregalKUiul elmr. li las- Sumipy
Ann Arbor two w<-<-kk ecu. Slrr.
lining al Win J.a k-.n . and -i-ve'ral
■nJ II IVa-ir picachm! hi■■
Iill-ITI. .ale IM- ••nj->‘.<’d"Tlng
■an rrtiirne.l Ia»> Wedoeaday cr.-Dinc
lo lvli.,t, ,,-s-i|i, tl„. ll.M m Jn!>. Mj
.e-sell seni,.-,, last
Iral Mr. llermu .will remain
- ■
I Ih-- sJiiiinK r, .18 a iiuuilK-i oi n<-» li
Jhecai loir;
M--, Is-.-ts haCOUNTY LINE.
i nrv under course oi '<s)i..t,,iciim>
-I jviiitons. Buy mad. iiiau. friends while hv-ie win
MUk Amelia Shelter la woraUiR al
llTlli day «f May and ginund si-le Iboae alli-adv m.-iiiiinu-d
• ■
fi.-ld o
Koiieh for Hra. Wrlslrr.
Iwgiu »
aging for Hie furmers.
Milt Llr/.le Wtnalaniey
lonhcw..- -Mrs I
TravenK- Ctiy one dav lurt ' i
W H. nixon and fainlly ai
May 27.
tor tiK-'siiniBei:
wHi! reiii.vi1i h
where «6e will work for Mr».
Essie Vlmontate dinner at Mr, latug's
lusi Bimdav.
;d,.v rvvhit.2 lo N-cnd 'j' > 'aca.ilou
Jolm K.-nm-dv, Jr.. ,.T tVexfonl,
Quite a number from here nilende<1,ihe met..,tune to,
M ,s. .I, H, Taylor, aed -wosops.Hul
was so tiadiy hurl aiih Jhe wmal
the funetal or J. W. Ik-ckerman 8u
e to'
chine sunie time ugo. In still fo ■ crii.
day. A -laice crowd wat lireeent
leal motion. •
aidle 'or Ibe diaaRtoeable weather
TiuVfis.' Cli.i vUlt'ii.v;.. Mr>. R. B. Caiiiple-H
Mis. Jubn Biggeis Is some Istler at
Biticey Shaffer hart hie hand qtiiie
of last week.
iMaiJor.e. s(s-td Th-Ji>d«y
iMUiy 8-Kbon:iime aso wUh the Ijarb this wilting.,
te City,
T W. Hawley- rcutiied from Trav Mii Travi-ra-Thr.s- new tnenibei« w>-ie |nllifii-al
«re fmre and U unab(): lu «ui
nil Cnisi
,Mrs. Kdilli
In Miim-a illve pi Wexford ih- U't •rse city Thursday. »-here.lle wa* call-,
tbeariu aheep at i-rescnt.
seilmis illTie: s .
uess lot-the sur-------: Ptouch depot opened yealordar
wi-h In'r i-at.-ms. Mr iin.l
Howard, leaving him
-• niarh I
The Ijidles- Aid of West imino
Mati DoBocr aa acent
Old Ml-Shitl
at C. E. • Caiuiii-'R last Thiirsda;
May S7. ^
•n>e Be.'. H-ath of JVavgoodlv minilM-r were prefeni ar
Mr. and Mt* Will liuol
Imin. which wi-nt
Citv •ill.dellver u CO the
Traveritt Ctiy yeslerilay. <exm-tdln*
nice tint*- enjoyed. Ire cnAm and i yif IktconiHon lia.v.
r-'turn today-, inn -will im
.-n- served In the afternoon
rotrahly »
IS pupils who look
UIss Kssle Vinton closisi
very 81
until I
is they w
'ssltil term
of srhoni In DIsl. No
rhoiita... ••.... ....
I Ruth- Iasi Monday. IVspI
Uinit o'l-hK-k i
,ilte the storm the day
i-ne Isleeic.
Illy .'iijoyod hy the rhlhlNm.
a HI1IIW etorm Snndny
We had
Wlss'Vlnion rave them
candy, iieanuis. lemonade and cake.
<•ipl. yf 1'. m>b< ri--tm 1)
Mm. A, C. epeni
II over'S'iii<
Every family in the dlatriet would
loi-'nls n
, with herparciil".
day In Travem.- rlly
gladly trelrom.'
.................. .. ..............HuilMi:,, Ml
il Stepheaon.
Mr, and Mrw. Fretl
ichtsd aiioil
N.-aily .,11 Ihe s.'.vls have 1
Id not
give a danee
D. G. Shorter did
ley narls.
y night
n' ' on acrount of ihe i
slek lor the> pasl’lan weeks. Is able
are Inrltcd t» come next
lie. We hope she will stgin
sit up a
urdiit Diphi.
lie aide
In- oat again with her
Arltiur RalMoiy miule a bUKii
lung assochiie*.
hall SalMIdiiv.
;|d.i. at Omei.a Tliiii-sdav . v.
trip l<» Triivciwe City tint day
Max 27.


The price ol
il very



‘ Peoples
Savings ysank
caoltc ruliitvl uptn whenevt-r msateil anvl while
awnitioi: yutir w*o i"»y
U- ilniwiny; iiiUtr-wi f"f



"s., aC'-rarsTKtsrtK




anaoiiuiil iu i!.-;





......... ..


Plenty of Trtwcrec City ttcMare-Mare
Ttve Sam* Eapenmec.
t peglivt au arhiug back.ill get w.inM- evety yret.
karh. is r.-ally LWney ache.
you mutt cure '

•JUy Ihe
wrlu-3 J. C. Joui.lns.
X. C. ••!: .lulcUy i,
II f.-lon for iiie aud ctir.-.l It iu .i Wm
deifnlly shun lliii, '' Ib-si on emih t,
Ms- s, Mulls and woimds. 2.V si c ;
[liiglH-e Drug Co., li.iiitiah Diuk
S. I-:. Wail E jLiiis drug.,stores


lon'i. other kidney IIU «UI
Iioubicn. dlabe-tre. SrtghCa

-IM- Cliy ciiixcn tells y«u
•me i« eaay.
Cradaaled Honorg.
A Murrel. tSI
.M Ihe eiitiinifnceim-ul ex. ;, is...
rt.i-.-t, Trav.-nu- City. Mich., aafi;
the CiilviTBlty ad CbIII'ktiIu. Mik
nueen year* I wuffered
I5S-7, Wlllixsl B Ulxby
and kidney utnhlr.
Calif., a gmudiKm of the lat<- H.
M- PGstes of Elki RspiOs, V
Thi r.- ~H-oied lo Ik- no wlrength
til ii:\ luv-k whatev.-r. I alocloilid (ml
'•i.'sit.-sl iio rr-ll.-f onitl I proevtMd
ai..: It 1-.I isau S Kidney PlIU. In IlMl
I z.iv- a puldlr Siaicimmi tegardlBS
^ _
li,. • o. .-e.-clixl t.y the use of UoM'a
Klilm-v nil. Slid BC-Htta
Uino ant
tSelenee .idi-ai-.-d to cudurse It "
,__________ _
irat.iry u. Ihe.
Ci.p sals |<v all dciera. Price- H
CosP-r-Milburn Co., Hoffak..
lEV a ..-o., T-.UJo.. >.

»....... .s,.

ir midhl
8, C. Oraggoo wna w
Saturday night and S'
^"l:ay llmtoti Is-liavlui: his well i.- ; 'Mr*. J, ^lladlel.Ul .
Win. la-e lias tiislalhsl n view pin
rrenk Allman
I his it-sidemv.
_ ................ .... ...I week,
Mar^^"■'«^^and Eii;. Wh.eler f.i.mj heart*'rnlliiny
Mrs**' Middl.-iou
Hiaa Abbie Payne viaJted trlemla In
Samuel AMliniore of Ciiloii C
Mhh.. Is suiHTlmeiidllig Ibe liiai
Lake Aon Sonday.
for Cluuire Sis-ley's new liat
w Sh.irUT of Traverse Cliy
A S .rf E. was nrgariti-d
d her mother
medher Smi
liraiidma I'Irkaitl visited her .laiichl.u.uMille. Cl. ,
Mi aucl M.N, I
ter. Mrs, l>. «. Shon.-r. .
-liai'ier tui-mlHrs.. The fidlouliis otlay ev.-ning. May 21.
were . lei-ted- I’r. s . Wm la*
hsel week.
them with a l.-aiitilul
Pn-s.. jrdin la-liei; Se.-y , Marti
Bverrtt Crain Is sick »
ev.'uidg wa.8 phni.aptly i;p..|.l m and Ml-s OliHi I
Oreei): Trea*. Thomas Hanna.

QU.W1. CPy




; ?iv\'ajaf»KiriTC.iit

II III pl.ell.-., il, li.t,.pi-uil


J. W. SLATER - The Homemaker
We want the people ■who haven’t money to throw away to look
over the prices quoted in this adv; or to come in our Traverse City
store the first time you are in town. If you are on the market for
anything in house furnishing goods and want good substantial goods
that are positively guaranteed; and don't want to pay more than
they are worth we are sure we can please you.
We want you to come in and look whether you are in the market
for goods or not.

Cace Curtains

W) different patterns and colors
to select from, selling up

14 different patterns
select from, selling up from^*^^
Jj We make a specialty of making
pigs. We will make them any size
or any shape you want.
Extra special. 27 inch ^4 4 A
by 54 inch Tape«r>- ru« Vio-i-V




an buy any amount of
jgoods yon want from:
|us by making a small
Ipaymeni down and
{paying the balance a
I little at a time. And
jwe guarantee to give
jyou just as low a price
as you can gel al any
cash store in the coun.

{Window Shadts\
We have an ex­
ceptionally large line > All colors and grades
to select from and
you can find just irbey sell at
what ^ou want at \tSc, 2Sc, SSc, 45, 55f.i
you want
just •
to pay.
W'c also make large!
Ishades to onler.
Rocker, just like
cut. with heavy roll
edge and one piece I Brass.extcnsion rods,|
fall sires, from 5c up. 5


Quick Meal
Steel Range


7he StoxK yoa hear so much about
If you are figuring on buy­
ing a steel Range don’t fail to
see them. They are positively
guaranteed for 20 years. We
have handled them for 15
years and have never had a
complaint on 'them.

Here is an extra
value. ThU chiffonierc is made of select
oak. has live good
tlraws, polished
for only


Combmalion tiook Cases
* gimil assortment to select liiim

Steel Express Wagons

/^n.r.xira large (ombinalion


book .ase




“ ’ inches high. 1>'' inches wide.

^ Ladles Desks


12' I'J



SWe are fshowing an extra large
assortment in all sizes and tinislics,
from a full size oak case, well
huishefl and well made
up to a hand poHshcH case, with
French plate beveled ^4 i» AA
edge mirror, at-. - - ViVoW

IYout Credit
Is Good

Our lioe of lace Cur-|
tains is one of the best!
;in the t;ity. We have!
them from 25 cents;
jicrpair op

For your spiirc room or sitting rotim.
Can be used as a couch dwring the day
and either a 3-4 or full sized bod at
night. They sell from $4.50 up.


-fVKi I II.. 1--. -SC f-.-itlii»r


p ' j«iir .................. ......................... $3.00
Heat -Jt.wn piH<stra. wvidix
per jmir


lust the thing for buys to haul wood j
in. We have them in all
am 1
sizes, from........ .................. I
UP 1

\Vc arc handling the same line
of refrigerators and ice boxes we
have handled (or the last 15 years
and we know they arc the best conMrucicd line on the market.
They sell

The Original Home Furnisher Of Northern Miehigan.



vMcti ««r« abed br a eariboa. Tba
Ulph Simons’
Mr*. J. I.ePoln1 made i
Hev KjJtMay U.—A l^MIkps (rack* or tbe aUmali eosld b« ac
Marina fiatur-J trip To Bear Creek Prtday
lb* Ml* Mrf paopt* who bar*
Hiss Kate Martin ol NonI
«• l«l* R«ral* lor aooi* tin* aay
,1 visiting In
Cnniell WB* called
«r* t»o b*rd« ot mooa* bnd ra
t wiek ou account
Mr*. Mina T*T«t of Kaima was
00 lb* lalaiid. one al ih* *aal *o<
less (If a brother.
ralllug on friends In toaii Pjiday.
uo* at tb* van end of ihe Uland.
Mrs Grate
Peteraon and Ml* Icuty
Miss Alllc Brimmer tNiii-d friends
.......................................UcbiBinc took a freakish ioi
Pinly attended
itended the Mat
Msccaliec rail) at
Manila several ria)s last week.
I «iaS kJIM III ib» Hril *Dd Plim Sunday durloe ihe lerrlflr
ianliR>T> tan Tlmraday.
7 cMoen. MMatonirln and irical sloni. *b«o a alOfle boll alruet;
Edgar and SIrocr Brlmnier received
nn vrrtMH MOhsM.
fire houaea.
Aside from teartOK
•day D
night that thi-lr mother
r et U* mu «*MMA< hav* plaaler o# Ihe valla, bieaklng dlahw
Mrs. Jnhn Brimi
s very daop.eyand maniac two or ihree amail fires,
rmslv ill at her lie

foie: ground covered
eal damace vaa done. Navbat>l-I
nnreute Joliilsoim m Thfiinp-|hai<l on Ma> zTih.
sited lu town iSm we«-K.
Mis, C. C Si;ies of fri.lion Is villi
watching the slo
friends at I lug frleuds
been aeat lo Ibe riceroy for
ed by a flash as IlghtuI
thing *11
The young ladles ,.t
bunch of leiepbone
l!**rss gave M. A. Hyi.u I
» Trtad Boetety la lb* lantest
e pole to anolber acruai tbe
well rec
■rcaaiiatlon la tbe *urld. W1
street. Ibeu bit his buusr and eom-


tbens -are Cblaeee ibere are
ilvaya ktokli
a alvaya
kuklac (or trouble. Tbe
fiMbia^la la tbe
HfiftebrdTaaair and to restore
•Wbc- dmaaiy.
tm Jme laat year ibe Triads In Bara«ML Borneo, under BritMb preiertorata. (omed a eo«ai»iraer i« oeertbrow
thecoreraiBeBI.' Slcbi T*re beheaded

me.uced a lick-lack on houses bekuislug lu Wm. lilackliigloii, Mrs (kv>iK>Jen^n^^ Mrs Maty K .Mills and K



iMineral MTVire* ..-r.- le-i.l
house .111.1 ui ii.



M-'-ved. 'be
games. .H. . nn.l hs.,i,r:

General Ncwl
■wo Slelej..
Tbe hnndcedtb anniversary of Gnii
her loss
S loovltiK hi" biMi-ubaldl’s UrUi Best July win |»- eeiehere Ki-lilar lor liein.ll. Hpis-ce Is .1
tie,, lilen Is
braled by the dedication as a perpiauve ........ . JO a|iiial Ing to havele WrdI pill nrid.-i
Deol monumfiui of ibe house In C'llf
tun. Staten iHlancl. bceupied by the for llvaiioent. The; w
ji<-> hi.i
Italian llUiTai In lh>- early '.Ki's—.i
Crofii.ii. wheie III- bn
eelebrsilon urganlx-d by ilu- llallBii
socleile* Id Ainerlrai.
King Alfonau of Spain Is slmui lo
start esille farming on a Irip Male
Ol.t Mission Sr
He is pegoGnling for the imrchase of
i-.ili>.'<l I
an island sliiiaiMl in one of Hu- beauiiful bays of northern Spain. Hen- he
nrofa*es to build n summer residence,
lay uiil a farm accorriiag to the nKisi
modem Ideas and breed Iburoughbrvd
No many women would be ubie to
..lake the n-cord wfalcli Mrs. Praiil.
Woodward of fit. riiarles. Mich., ba i
establlalK-d. Wliliin n few years sluhas earned from the slate IJ.S'ci for
sbooUng wcdvev. fibe and her hue
live in a liimberman'M sbaulyi
Ontonagon, Mich., having mmol'
-lu faenefll
l«r. Woodward's
Before she le-came <]ueeo of BikiIii
Princess hhia of IbilicnIaTg had will
ten a oiiewct pl.-iy In J'lvuch. Jlei
lUeran- baullltiK la to lie prodiiicd
lime this Miinnier by u company
of noble anuai-ilr* iit iione of Ihe royal
villai. When a cjilld s f proved1 Ilivi
self to be a clevec'llill
Ing appeared im one or two ocrasliNis.
Hanry OalbralUi Ward, ibu new
United Staiea Judge for the seroud
Jndlclil dUlrict (New York state an.l
Connecilcul I Is a iiaiLve of New Yura
city, born then- in llir.l,
Befon- lii'
wlmment to the la-ucli lie was u
mber of a New York legal firm and
• attorney for llie IVnnsylraiila ]
Iraad and for the lolemaliolial V
itiie and Marine Company.
Bveryene knows that Ihe greal
chnrm of the Amerinui
girl is her
vivacity, while 1Hie ■repose
I>e ver
easie of Vc
he Eng­
lish girl. An Ingenious suggeslliwi has
been made that by sending American
glTla to England lo learn repose and
■ending ntglish girU to America to
acqnlre snap and vim an Meal Wend
or glrtbood might be nchlered. It Is
'■ '.at Ihe extierimenl has been
a-good results.

....... ........

t ali^t are glre
eas. By hla Inln'pld. adrabced
_____ PaMp tbe preaezu prealdtim of tbe
UbHad SUtfw baa beeose pmnbHftily
ideetnirri with Tbe aine and vifonns
Bdraacemetit of the eause of polltlna
aoelal and bvalneaa raforai: and.
•sphered*. The work which he hi
uadenabea aad la now earrylnc fo
ward alooc tbe aforeaalil lloea. aad <
wWelube la ibe laaat adranced and
dlatlncuUhed exponent, is as yet tinSolabed; and.
“Whereas. The great body of Ihe
people of Ibe lloited Staiea. without
r^id to polllical Hoes or pn^fler-

^l*ty.*^” ^iltMU iBwiTrir*^nrt unaelfiab fidelity to bia iruat; iberefore.
be K
“Baaolred. By Ibe aenale flhe hmiae
oaeearflBgl. that tbe beet Iniereeta of
Ibe geoenl government and the xueceaaful eocompaaiiueni of Ihe great
public meanLire* wbkb have been and
are being toaugurawd by the preaent
noalnatltai aad re^ieeiloo of 1
r Boanerell for a aecoad elective
lerw lio tbe pnwidency of tbe Ualled
Oave HMi Ring.


. - . L anrpriae Tneedty erenink,
Mng ffreaeaied vHh a aoltd gold embjwytic^^c by
made'by*^o??^huier atS^thou^i
a of Ihe aValr.



Mr*. Andrew Keleh find daughter of
Boiians Bay spent tbe day in the cHiy.
Mra. D. Mimgan of KoHhpon passed
tbrough the city Ibli rooniing on her
way U) LedlagtoB. w*erc abe will vtsll
Mr*. Ester Lewi* of Bingham.
*" M^“ *a*W. Tboraon of Seattle.
Wash, Is tbe gneat ot Mrs. Prsnk
*^Mr. and Mr*. T E. Bennett of fiittlona Bay paaaed tbrougb tbe city ibis
morning m route for Ft. William,
Cbaada, Mr*. BaMoUY former home.
Hr*. C. Alpera of Bam UUnd was
broa^t to tbe Grand Tr*Ter*t> botpl
tal today for treaimeoL
George Perrier and family returned
to Mayfield today after rlslilng In

8 W. Bums'rar'to .South Boanl





il Emi.rr ,if n,i,;c ha*

MuTui.-l McC.rihv «»•
g-Carrie .. .......... of ihiv place.!City vl.llor |e*i.-:da>
.1 irf Uie r; .1 Saianlay the’
WlllUmi Rick cli~ed
-■ »'v.-ry wtcci*.Iiii temi III Kclwk.i III ibi- Sicker.
I.v Mill a. they had plan- «M^di*tiict. Prl.iay,


i-rstE: ;.irsrs^


bimiir Iff MlOT «>(-! i


,.t >i,l-c np.ken for alonf

Mrs. Emerald. <>f Cadillac, has been
passing a fe« days with ber psjvnis.
Ml. and Mry 4 C. Wnigast,
Tbe annual FVee Meituidlst eamp
Oji-cliiig fill lilt- Trsv.riie tUsirlci will
begin 111 the KlngKlvy vltlage PBik. .
June IS
Tbe niea-pnga will hulil
Rev K \
are giie.i,
bU Win. K
n 1. Rnwgn will I.SI
fur l.aiiaiBg. where he «l
A, C, aei

M.iiiWri ib.. m.iMi'■ jtrEil, lb‘.‘ la.ii’ T,
I Mai>luM ban le*-ii s,.-nil '

Grinnell Bros.’ Great
phonograph Qtter



• I ii-ii-ni-iiii |iiii. iia-I - .-Ml., ii.iii

A bale of •i’epi.cral R” cue of the b.-si unleached cottons, yard wide worth Kic. for Sal* m ^
urday only, per yard.... .............................

Light ShirUng. Prints

One lot of twenty pieces, worth tic a yard, for
Saturday only, per yard......................................... *2^

iStockings al a Big Bargain

Nice black hose for I.adies. Misses and Chil- ^9
dren, best lOc quality, ali sizes, for Saturday m fl*
only, per pair........................................................ "

Men’s and Boys* Caps

A lot of good styles in TyOc and $1 00 Caps, for *1 Qa
Saturday only...........................................................XiF^


Cash, cr en our Speeiji Easy Pay
invni Term* of S4.?a down and $1
a week.

. A Rare Bargain in Conon

N'lle llial Ibi- p-iienmR nffer 1'
marie isi
the Ip-niilne
' itlaiiriunr' I'hiimigiaiib slilrb la.
eyarlly like tbly pirliiie anri him
CfillflBd bar

lai.-Ri luii.nived Spring Miriiir. it
nimi mrim-li-Rsly and nmiarilily. «lid

tUt Gniffd Home

IK uR diirebh- as a flrRt-cians cbirk

The EDISON PHONOGRAPH Is the greati-M id .-nleit
Thoiiiii- A. Krliwiii. ilx liiveiiiui. x.iyr: "I waul lu w-.- a I
GRINNELL BROS, me muklijg -lt eaHy ommgh fur ev.-n fa
t Ringer* and the niuhie u
e iH'ict
il rarie.i an- Ibe Ri>mrils marie for the K.llwm i
a Kliiile yeni. wiilioiit re|ieulliig a single liutubei.
and MiniI frlenil.R half hir miii-li |ileaMin--







Bands and Orrlieslt**, elr..



1 try iliii iiiiifli
leiiiiiieri at inn
iRfanorv It may
I Ill>>r:i| iinipiivUlim IsTjuise
have full eonfld(-m*> llial ihe genii le EDISON PHONOGRAP
iiti.l even mon> than «e claim, [■all luilav fin oui -'Kequeat lu)' >' I- Trial" blank, whieb *
iMlIIil III yiiiir hoiiir al iiuce 1 111 make ns no iMiviiietii ualesR. afte ■ rial, you riiTlrii- lu buy.



Traverse Cily BraoeS. Corner Front nnd Cnos StreelK--.^

Gaunllet Gloves for Railroad Men.
l»oo*t fall to call

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.
Travorao OI*ty ^aioH.

Surplus Sale
Youths Suits
Ages 14> 15.16.17 and 18 with long Pauls


Many parents prefer liiissule of suits it has a stylo of its ou*n and
gives the boys a real mannish look. We arti showing some very
nobby styles and at prices that will aiqical to the parents. Ages
7 lo U years.

Two Piece
This is anoth'-r attractive style, they do not button up so closely
s the Norfolk and can be worn loose if desired andi for this reason
appeal to many parents and boys for a summer suit. We are
showing one of the best lines we ever carried and the styles are
certainly verj- swell.


$7.50, $S.50, $10.00 and $12.00
About TiO Suits all together.S


The Price

These Suits are all made of fir.<t class Cassimeries
and Fancy Worsteds, also Blue Serges and Black Cla>-s.
Regular prices were

man on busineci ibis momiug.
Sam Benda went to tbe Son today.

Nile* experkmced lam October killed ail tbe
peaeh trees for mites aroand.
Radevald. one of the blptgest gi_..........
tost all ol bis tiers, as did acore* of
other*. Gkiora bis untied over
eulire fruit bell. Tbe oullimk Is

. great mi_provemer.i
Two of Mrs K Wall' VHteiv, frimi'
Holland, spent a day or iwo *'|ili her ;

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.

10 -tn Mr. Tbaekm-'a ptare.
llroad, when hai posllloa was
AftM^^be iwfidiar tadge bvwuui. ■ offered bloTTbat h wcefil $16000 a
percentamfiah topper waa enjoyed, tberrs being
ir fixed salary,
abewl erwaily taeeibera nl tbe order in
whatever Inercasi- he could
■ •
iboiii lo the gross earniiigs. Mi.
son demurred to the arraugeiiienl and
luked for and nwlveil a siun-d siUari
of IJII.ISMI a year. If lie had arceple'l
PtoiB Tneadny'a Record,
be former prufiosiiiub he would have
B. P. SbeCer. foraerly of ihla city,
now eBMacted wiib the Pacific c
Lanber dfinpaiiy af Aatorta. On _
U in tbe fdly vlfittMc Ua pareM*. fie
waa employed by lbe,.J. B. Orelick
eompnay aad U wHI-kaowr here. He
ropemish, Mich.. May Jh-Mi-r Bet
baa a toe poaltloh la Oregon nnd his
friends will be glad to know tbal be Is >»)• Dwyer Is moving to Matiisiis-.
Mis* Tina Rickeit of Twin Moiii.lalii
doing finely.
was a gami of Alllsier Schell Snnduy
Mn. Bfiaaid Hewtaa. Hr*, i
Mr*. A. Ramsey of Oiyiiii wa.s eiillnenaalne. Mr*. John Ounn aad
CatbiwlDe Bleder le**e tomorrow for Ing cm friends here Thursday.
B. Cornell .mil wife l.-ft M.m
^ TiaK la Babemu aadeiber Buropean
day for Dclroli.
Mra. Anna Shell Is on the sick list.
Mr*. Charles Berilnghomu- of Tmv
we City was a guriu of her datightei.
from Chicago, where she
nvllle over Siilidey.
Is at Thoi
a bamta. While be'.....................
tbe goe»l 0*15. L. Hughes and farnHy
D. M. Rogers of Chicago, one o
tn FOreM Lodge n
Bort. was Is tbe city today.
Mra. P. Bawnioo went to Hatches
rvoMinv this morning afier apendlng
a In the city.
a few daya
lag fbr Copemish. fibe will visit be
'k. Sheraun,
Bide* that plaea. Hoaick.
. Buckley and Wexford in the iotereali
of Ibe fialTallon Army.
Ml*. William Annsirong telomed to
her borne In priatt today.
Mra. N. B.'Beeley
Robert Dewar left for'Glen ArU.r



ISfi.. Iff Ihe Interests r>r Ihe American ling a few days
r daughter.
Min Irene HolII.Ier, who hat ls*en
Society of Equity. Bverybody eordUlIi ' Mr* Wm Pratt,
leaching al Htmor this rear, passed
Ml ssu Mr*. H and Mr an-l Mrs. A. « few day* with Mr* L R Tripp,
Msy Si.
• I Montague of Traverse fliv look dinwhile .-nitwie m her brum- at Ualkn.

.J her al the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mr* rharleii Cook was ewiled n,
OLD MIfifilON.
! Marshall iht other day. oanbig .town
fit JuliDs $-rids« by the death iff her

Your choiii- at only

These arc especially desirable forbo>-s from :s to 10 years. They
give the boy the utmost frecdotu. are very dressy and come in
such a variety of pretty patterns that are sure to please the mother
as well as the little fellow. We show a wide range of fabries and

If you want the little man tn look cute and have a dressy look, fit
him out in a Russian Suit. Some of the nattiest styles
brought out in a long time are now ready inoiir ChiWreo de­

-y crop will

ink Htark.
j.ifa) pel
trees Ihree year* ago. and be Is a
pulling them up. They would have
bnmefiMi s»im for tbe Br«I time.
It H Mfeved that rariliou and BWa
e«si n* iab- Rgale This tt a mat
Ibe laat few yam. W. H. Psueeit. u.
nalunm. who 4s one or tbs owoers of
Ihe Matson Mand resort. Tlslted Isle
Royble and while Uert paw antlers

Front Street

Five Story Block.

Molbm ar. fast leamiocdiat thifii* **1lM CMIdren’S Store.** Wgtilkf sperrfil
pride ill g]«ay« k.-epinu thifi dejArtment always fully *toi-k«r(l with Ibc Imt things we can
' gut for till! b-ys. .May wu not have till-pltaaiirs of sbuwiDgyuu tbsaer



Mrs J,..-.
Ml aii.l Mr. ‘
M< !■.1l t M.Will.-i
lltraiu' llalMl l.'fl»ilay Jitlai Joliij Itau-. |;im
IniiTk.fhr'n tar rnaiilln. raaadu.
Mr». Naliiioi \\my »p.4t lii‘i
Mr au4 Ml.. J-lfun'r AM»- mut.4 lojio Tra.n.-v iiiM . vii-iiiui:.fHi*iii)' .
K4il.4.-ka (.11 th< humiwr
Mi. i aiyu i.tfi-.. ..i w.,M.Th!
It,.- WV-t Alui.ia
wlHivt,;ti.-.i>i* iti.ii I,....-. Jtuiula,'.
III..I Ilii.Ml- l».i|i Wrlrlil..:
l iit.,!,!,.,!! .J HI., Ijl-- • :ini";
■iH I (,.,i. ,lii> ' .ili.'iTiikiii
Li.ur .1111 \Vr-,il.<,
.,11.1 r^itiiii.ij rii4j>< •

When the


;ome home


li.illli ILii-s lian tall<-ii a l-.rk jiili.^Un. «ia. halt,.


.Mivilai-, Clallam liu'- .1 m-t- |i|.,
»ill Wmiwii- 111 lUi- alt
ill— r.iiiil- i<i.-.a 1. miiklni:
iMi^ h.-icii r«».
iiml iV/i.'- Ita


;:-t.-.i. i.f





. »;-ro

<-iu . i!Ii-r . M-.-Mlai

iM.l aUi.
Ti,.n-lay ,.ii
Ml... kliTi.ii Ttfil.i:
Kiln-1- Sn.i knr>?;a-,i..
t:;«ni ilu- d|.> v.t'.l, IC
nit- SiTiiday.
tni.i-. t'lmtii.l. iihd

1., iliinkai V
Muln'l Fan
I Salat
Iji'ili.i . .
II • \vat-.i
Thlaml I.

liiB 111!,.,
F. A Williuhiic lia- I


llariT I
jli Kmidiiv l-U.
' Sli. liiUnn Tt"1i ' IIUKUillK ,
and hi. nifr m-h ,


A Summer Varation
in Your Kitchen
Don’t swelter thU
summer whh the tem­
^* sumtx

perature at 110. Get
a New Perfection
Wick Blue Flame Oil
Stove and have a cool
kitchen. The

Mr» IbiiT. l‘|,’i,-nclll I .dh d an
A!l!-Iimil-! im Ffidni ..fs.-ni-ui.
Till- ii-h-ii!mm- win- 1- »*■>»■ si
ihioilKh Oviau. aud Wi- h-ik, in davs I,, liai- ,>111 nlann,. jnii in.
Tji., lutti or Simda'i. nti.,

FaiTOcrs an- al-rf ilnam,h i>


mck Hue name OU Cook-Siove

illinE n-Hia- In Uahirn Ihr
.f tnun.- rlpauInK. I» tn a|ipl>
anlrli, jan.,,«-tii i.I lVmia l«ar t
111 lea. ^ -.rmi-hi-l. .hahhv
' > I' Kin-lka
1“. »b-.
«ni Hani-m ali.l •lf.,,1*. t-nSw* IS. j
------------------------------ami «H-.,,i>, Old Mn-sMUi!
It, 3-l>
TL-. BQ.I1 Mann af May 4lltli and'
■ J-I.n V,-. Mai-,. all- li’o. Par,l::ih ,l»n-d ant »lllaR-aUa.
> ; and 4. Idl.. !i. >■ l( >,
Mi Si IimiiiImtr hu- li-ali vliillillB our
I villiii:- ihis hiM wti-k.
T.aioiiin ia I’.di.r l.a I
Mi». Ih; Fiaiir*, of Klncnb-y i|»Uil
^ ^
S. Id I.n.t I.'., blk.d.OiO. .Snmbiv vlih hi-i )Mi.-nik, Mr.'and Unt.

II Ettatp Traiipfera.





Travarsi, <'il>,
l.ydia Riaffin* •ppnt SuDdiy
• HI, Jtrand Mrs. Aniln-w FlabPV. '
VV r; A-hlav ha- bi-pn haniHiB-irrfl
|i..i-,| juJSuipli- i|ii, ju-l wpak.


-rsr-rs.'sjrrwU-it- .Siinilai.
liBkaia .4-1
d'y' hioitw-i. X i'


, Wall... Ijki-.'SnnSar.
Ml. IJlton Gray .
■bn iiw.ihvrSunilay.
! ,


1 ....

Tlic Globe Dept store


and the reason why we’are
always busy is that we are
first to have all the newest
styles and a full line of de­
pendable merchandise: and
our motto is to undersell all

Do not forget to look
at our special counter
that we have for


pour choice



kf| IS the best lamp for
all-touni bousphaU use.
A.. I____ -1______ l. • ,t. and J____..<,.11.
he-autilully nnkeW. Perfeitly
conttrucied; abwlutely saiV; utK-xcelk-d in liplu-eiving
I power; an omamcm 10 any loam- Lvrry lamp wariamed.

STAKkiutf oa tmm.

Crainl li
. lint



If not at your dealer’s wnie to our nearest agcttcy.

ih.- I


Hai.l.,, |«m-l.. tl. I.. IXi-h »
1; M.»n. lat. T:• an
and'7.T Harllamr.
a.1.1. Siaai.
I-Mnai H Roblnww and n lfp 10 Carl
• li-aii sn.l mil-, pam-l-- S-M«i.
I. 'M.ithi-li.t Aid 01.4 Hi:li,'Mi
IMnaiili I'. Cr.inklill.- nii'1 nlfp 1
, I..
.1.4-1 ,\V.',.1li--.Lnk an
Mali.a-I MH'aH.v, )iBrr<,ls. 1.
.t'il)ii4 a vi,iv liii-.,iiiuilf liii Ml.. Il-v
II i: Winkonii* in Tnialpmi td M.
. .i; . lunraU. |:s.
'Ti hi- ..i.L'ihi- <u|i
Kdiia S Fl-I. lu HillhdRh C. Whlia
M-lid.a*. nil.,..: k-r, ii»>, .rt n«>,..*-p. rj, T ?t. U f.


•n off »' 111 ibi' lap^
r l.iHi-T. l-n
-s. »nly hnrKirR
(alum. II
M. U Nesaan rHiinind an Thuraday ih-m sbuhilw b,i| ii «.v» a lin k' —
frvm a bualBahS trip lu Mllwaukm- And aapr. •nn-> l.a.l nmn- 1.. l.i- J.vlIi.-rS
Tb.-. ailiiln-tlu-a' l-i-rriims' al tluMr*. Ollvpr ivlnrnad la-t w-i-k afivl
Chm Ail,.*n s.b.M.1. mil d.-miahl al . .
mu abarncr- of thivi- iiionilii*.
Tha haritp Nph»pii l«id«-d wl'b Inn', Hav’. bill!.. Tom-lay a.I-ultm. .Iim*, 1<1-- .liaiirt an Ilia llllinri-. mir
At’aiTii-v J. \V Ihilahlii af Tiav I- ' ,n Ibi Chl.-ai:.. m-i ami I
bpr from NPnaenV dock 1.-u.i •••<k. ■
h> 1b '•
ouDR Ktrliard
Tobin, wlm «-ii- hal|i
ihHkl iiiiidi, and ih>
" lb n
II|I anin a |dla al
Inc. Maned 10 rllnib
•lliMiad aud fall. I'ani- ml ilia
• r. .lllMial
>. M. Kay
^bopp al Allainb- t'liy
lumlM-rr falliie
falliiR Ion hi- less. hnrimE him j elian, 1 sik-rl.ll
rvk aii.-iidlns
I’a-ih Hb' ll Is PVqnlip Itadly.
l.iimli-s in-ii N:,llaiml'^^»
1 Srhik'i l.'aannlir' Muk. Tnyln

Made in three sites.

" ■ ■
at vout- .t -I -e circular.
Mtrew agency tor descnpiive__________



h-f 1.1-11.1. Taiia.
rii\. via-


All*.i:il fraiii



1 lu-db-r. X. f; Keldoo. and himb..
IWiTI. riiuiuiUR bomPlasl Tbur-dai



atidriHaai lndiaiia;ia:
, '
'I'hi- laiili.v. Ai-I »a

Mr. .Ksall l,:i. Iln- »all m ar
Id-md unit.,I la. liauM-. anil will
.Ian III., iiiMlcru. inliiili li- 111

l—tniil.iil-.-Mir-,.1.1. Wl. . iMili il ai ili\- i-la— mi,.h*inarki,d ‘J n i.h * i-**-Ii^l> ■ fain.lj
Mi- !?u. KiUy and h-i- Ma'h*,.
APhtMil dl.lrln,
' Frr.1 |,
■ dll., v-a->11-; IMnl Piwni m-i Sunclaj add Moii.h.y
fbuop Ilf our n.HRhbnni
niHRhbnni linva plaiii'-d ha'a l—vi bm-.
- POi-M.y^alt. >1 . Sbr-rldan l-Bi- lii.ini Tia'crw' Fliy.
yili-ni in.-li-r la «all
.vi 11. tr.:
S*.im- ul llip fann.-ih wb,*. «<T- In a
a Ibp Rnniiid will

y la plNUI cni‘Ji ulli IiHVi' a rli.iiio*
plant Karly IX'iii
i-ivml u Iium1.i-r .11 toTniii a laiuw |ilnw awr iln> I’.in. ravm
FUni cum.
.. nil- Murrti.! Bi>- ll a ulianr.' ii. prim.
Jiin- i>ri-*i‘ri-. O .. «
. eut an an
Kvi-rylhl»ts *11.
111 nliii.
. y.,|luw 'fllnl 'Piwii tba j rnrklliR a.liiiir.
lla Rava .n h or htp;
Of pl*hi rowP*l
lialCilol-. Hil» nmhiluc nml •lilln ih
Poarlh of July, and It rl|i.-ni-il in coed jsr.iiid rhlblH'ii a iMipli. silv
w-rll av.-li.kiiiRi
wao an iacli af slum. ■
•i11p lliat fall, n«a-d of lha'Iar, oln^n ih- ,ilin., Inr li...,.
. ahiiip. «hll
inmn-.l iciiim-, nini iln- uiu-di- ••■r- wt Jiln-11-lar-i-nl »i,tPr ■iinl4ir>'
tlin:i' varlpllp.
him yn'anv hapia, i.'l'ini- ..t lin- d.t. : ! im 'IpikIiIiik.
but «pr«- .imrk by ll
ih.- friB.! wliil- i
.. ............... Ih-; |..\Mm: ai Hi.-, j , Ml*. '|■mnM■M^l
a milky ftam. makii
aiir ar»- RaliiR m inH Hi a‘'limiki, dll>. •
ptaiidNi -Mii.I.liSaljinli.y i-r a
paub of foildpr lywn.
; hut., i.i.n- i.nimlay.*. '
nl. ml-.
Jalm l>lrkpr»on «f l^ast H-ii.l'l- Iw. '. niri.
...m,. »ha,lK ki-i-'i at
Ma) 1,.
dug irtulad for ranm-r 1» a -inviallsl IMhii Ik-i-y Ii-ahibanm-. sHiii-il Horn*,
cmmnr dorlar from oiUKldi-. al bin i.slnv niili l.'i-n il., am! Ujib-diaidiiar,
HamiT Sill--, wlm
. Th-y had iaa- In.i ;y IMii.r «ay whin
i,«, da\> uiiii I
niih-i fa-i. lh.-ir
May 2*.

level, ensunne a undorm llame.

r -iil.



T .fai 111*, na-f Ira atiMino,



! n.,! lla-.-jilhal. itjnt-pU. O. I'

Flank MlKiila «> Kniriiril W'hliliu:.

; til-,If 'ailnn-n

lilrih.'.iv, aa.l I,,


' '’.t.'i-n’
Mir.iii mid llm-n.i Tallin


Tlim-il.iv iifmitiikin
Till- iiliiini nu n .nr.-.inl>«- l.ii.'j- lii
Ilia; .nlaiit; Hu- xiln~. .
TI.. ^raim.T. a;. - all »i-!>hiK ,

111 - Kniluii 4. ImiHIliB a fi

III.- mark kriUMii •«.- la dlllia-r. ' HI. .an Fi.-d ...t.rhi
iillalil- la Ja.iy.-, hi. lias;
•iV.iihiii'l l.llli
lAii.lan III
blu nml idpaaani ilnm. Ke(miiiiiii<-ni>l,nii)Uiiriii na. i>i.-v«iiiinl liv .kl.ih;>t-:
».<i. m-n-pd. ThI. H , UI«h
t'annlr | tin- ip-i •mV all iln-m and «r*iiil.>



Tli. ■lani-i- al'i




r. iK-r n
i:-> Kil,;

ROYAL is absolutely Pure.

KlU'll I i-nja).,'

.Tk.TiJsris? srsi



Baniiarluni, I- dnliis
•IHt-Olly rPPOH-rltic^


lial.k IU-, - ali.l l.i.iij.-^ Siilm-»^ nil! , Ul..,|ll..l

Royal mailt* a difference in yoiar home->« diffmnee in your boaltb->
a difference in your cooking.



-ml tMHIiii.mi. l liai.- -iiW 1I..11 liui ' l>aini;i^ u imil. »i..ii..iy Sa,-..ii

You remember ihc hungcr you had
—Home cooking'counts for much
in the child's heahhi do not imperil
h orith ahm Iboct by the use of poor baking powder.
Have a delicious, pure, homc.-madc .muffin, cake or biscuit ready when they
come in. To be sure of the pudty, you must use,


Ml— l>ii:(-- Kajjii' .iii4 Si!- n K-- r
mi-i III IMa. I.iii.iii \i.lii',i Ml .11.1 Ml.
K I!, KlOI^l'•c•.JtIla,l..»
vwiil III Mmn-linl.
I;i-i W.'*lij**-il,ii. rt'lijritiii:. 3'friiS-1ai

They usually want
someihinj! from
the pantry

and rtiaili-ii I-Ms.-miiiili h.i
l»T^ niliiiuinl rnim Ann Arhar, tiaviua SI,
UiUi l»H.R uiidi-r an ..i« i-nil..n. Mi jm
llnuab Uir luomarji imnli!i-. aitil Sir.
EdRMtomI) for api»-mllriilH.
Qulif a nuRiht-r •<! rhlldivii Imv.- (hi-!-l i> n.i'
BK-aakni. Mr. auil tln>. Oriuv.- Uniiilm Manimi
have JliitT do«m alili li- Vma, fliai [
Mi <
k7 aait Aanm, and Mr. iiml Mrn. lin - i-'m-.I..
Ornnlnn. .ini—lltlli- lliin v.
' Uvimn.
WV ai<- afad in lu-ai iliai
Mr«. Kan., ,,


Will V',liH. till. Ti.« lialli
Mvnksiiil iJlikhs ll,UJii; ' l■•ali.- I., him.
li.n <il luir ..i.-i-r:
.Mr :ii„l Mi- t;.-.!. SVilii,: i.f Inl.iurt I.Sur. imi.i Wi i.i-y^iitay
,tj. l.r.«h.-r Will.
ti.--.!.. i:..„| i-,
AhMlS.- !;,.
IthUlia lt.ri;.-i.i,. . i.( fu. l.aV.->i.if'11
Mr. .M..I
i.'ilt..|J III.- H»ll.-ii :ii'i|i,- H..!.i,. .
It.iiii. I,.I,I .111. -ini AlU-it ha- tiwii.-ai
.Mt.-. C.i-i
u. fajllla.- .iii .-Sai ■
•Jii.i ilj. I.M li-iiiii- iilir.-,
Mr. ami Mi-. Callili Bruuku
..Mi,. Win Wi'll. «a-<-aM<'i1 • i>>
I tiiti.; «i'l< li.-i" ii.iii-iHv Mr. .ami r Ji.liii, Vi..l;ii uum.^'-hi .« '!-• -i- .i:,'
Ml- Will
.iTtM’i t.,.'i-i
Mr;: lJi>l^a Ilan -. »a- ui- eiii-'.t .J: Mi. n .,..
.Mi-. Jt. . i;.- , I
V;' Viiilii lail..- Siimlai.-.
.. 'r-T-ift a.--,' i., S: .l-'lir- Fri.l.ii ;, .,i ;
-M:;. .'..a I'tlm-ir alili .•lilti!ii-ll m- I. ;icl itai
M. Jt. 1;.^,.'
I Mi,.-U I.. ilh-ri iHiim-In Tiu>.tmi riij'i Mi,-.

We always do just as we

The Globe Dept. Store

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