Grand Traverse Herald, August 22, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 22, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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\ Ns. 94.

Hr. HcOormlek ^ofce oo tbe awt- lU coetnet for tbe eoneat reqi
wbleb went over from bera were Ckr ing adulteraied mrau in tbe shape ef eroe weathnr. Mr. Crosier to ao aer
ter. eaylag that be waa aot oppoaed for tbe Washington street
eace and Anbar OrMUek. E E Al- fraakfurt rauangea. The comph
tlve oaadMatefertberepqbUean nomto tbe fruaehke asd tbat be bada^
So far ns tbe Bitnllthlc Paring
ley and F. W. Carrer while la Ir- were sworn out by Bute ftood
tnatlon tor auditor gmevai. He baa al­
Appit Tras InsaeL
'iHl town kat Tboiuday to eaoMW paay U coocenied. this closes tbe
ring Murray's boat there sretn Irving apeetor GUman M. Dame d Nortb- ready reerived tome very atroeg bal­
rotlog oa IL aad that he had oame InddeoL 'as tbe repnaenUtlref
Marray. Laois Unkbam. Heber port.
ing and to being flnniy supported la
Hlebl^ are bdng seriously Inluied StouL Mrs. c. E Murray and Mn.
CMW t* cMMnon. malfiMn an« agar- back of Eb owB accord, but
Both men admitted the charge and Kent eixmiy nod other eouatto* in
by an insect commonly known as B. J. Morgan. Tbe trip over was de- waived exnralnstioa. Mr. Hmmt purat» a Btraat ralhvay in tha etty af to him aa tboogb tbe dty waa glrlag
tbat McUon of tbe state. Mr. Creoler
oyster sbdl scale. It thickly enenttU IlgbUul but on (be way beck, tbe chssad bis aautsgrs from a Chtcago
Trmraa City far a (Mrtad af ai«ty eooe prtdlegea tbat ought to be tuto well known in Traverse aty a^
tbe smaller branches of tbe tree* and boats were forced to toy Up st Elk packing bouse while Mr. McCormick
yaart. tha has many friends who wilt be lnl«tbemselrae arliboul effeetlDg tbe gui­ by sodiiag out tbe asp checks tbeir Rspids beesuse of the storm.
Mr. Moos at tbU polat look
msnufsetuted hi* own. The adnitera- eated la hit mUtkal soceoasm
a* ttw thw baing built ta Ilk ilwi«a
tion consisted of potato and rice flouf.
by Jan. 1, IfOg, and an Ma aaU a( floor aad apoke a-.ral*ht_ODt from tbe lty of tbe work they are doing for growth and aomeUmes dratroya them.
He It eemng bis aeomd term aa
■hooJder. aayio* tbu be waa belog
and Biarch.
MOOM aaarth «r martgaga banda.
ireasoier or Kent county, wbleb to
Insect will make but little growth
gnldad by the rolck d the people.
"This to the only way the depnrtTba ordtaatioa wax takes op a
one of (be most Important eonnttoa la
The Oraatdk-s-Plenle.
and produce but
Mr. Palmer auted tbat be bad faught
aRJ'lment has of getting at the packers.' tbe Slate. Tbe expertenro gained U
ttas by aaetlMi tad aooie mb
frnlu The oyster sbeU scale when
onal said Mr. Itone lo the
rtiatigaa made U> aatae of tbe aacUosa. tbe fraaeblae all alooe but oow tbat
that poslUoD srould be InvaloaMe to
charily basket picnic to take place at
rown Is about tbreeMxteenths
SaeOaa oae. la ra^ to Btata atreat, tbe people bad tpokes. be waa is tahim in cue be abould be eleeted aa
tbe driving park oe Ubor day
inch In length, brown of cMor
«M dmagad as tbat tbe raad wOl ror of it aad would rote lor It Hr.
auditor general. Thtwe it no qaeoUnn /
agraslng finely. Bach committee and pear shaped. Cadenieatb
nib «a State fnm Baaidmaa to Park., monk aald that be bad (arored a.
t Mr. Crosierb ability and ibto
doing eoergetlc work for the par be found a large number of white
tt bavlag laaulaualr taad to Pine
added to hta extrimlre experience,
ple wanted a aixty-rear fraaeblae be Uooiar department assigned to IL Ber egga fniB wbich minute lice batch in
make Urn a Httmg csodidato for
waa heartily to kror of It
sidered and It It asured that UUs wfll nnu begin lo secrete tbe shell.
From tbe present outlook there
There were Mgbt aldermen preaent
Many^qf these insects can be deasoon to be morti building artlrlty
oUtara. the r
lest erealng, Aldennre MDieUe and that of last year, which, however
Death of Nancy Imery.
trayed It the trees are sprayed during
along the west |«}-.bhcHV- of the pen­
ly BBtll after aaetiOB 42 had twos Ooodneb beliig tbe abeent ooei
was BO ideuanL that no ooe bad any July or August with k<
e of the oldest . aelUero d (bte
insula near the city limita.
nadilathla aeetkm tba tema of tbe before tbe meeting coocluded.
tsnlt to find.
alon rasde by dtosolrUig one pound of
F. E Walker to now preparing region died when when deatfa claimed
CraacUaa balag glTt*.
L^rdle asked to oe eicuaed. baring A large naraber of InvttaUoos hare
two gallons of hot water and.
Mrs. Nancy Bnory of Bowers Harbor,
tten up out of a aick bed to
tba dty alionay waa called epoc
been Inaed aad a large attendance afler adding one gallon of kerosene,
: o'clock Angwt IStta. Sbe waa tfl
E. Adcock of Chicago which will be
the meeUng and tbe hour
aa to whatbw^ a. (nnehlie for a loeg-,
to aasuted. Several addiUoos bare rburalng U together by means of
located Bl the inierscctioo of Prnln- renia of age aad had lived al powers
«r ttee tbui thbty yeaia «ai legal or Ute. Tbe aldermee voted in favor of baen made to tbe commiueu an
pump until a cream-Uke mass has
sola streel and Carfleld avenue. The Harbor alnee she was » yaais old. A
ML Mr. Darla aald that tbtrty yeara alhniliig him to go how and be left
m formed. This should be dilated
and two eoM torrlve ber.
■iruelure will be imdern In every diwaa tbe Umlt of tbe eorponte life
time before a rote
make twelve gnUons. To remove
The funeral sraa brid frega the
storles high, with a stone
d tbe conpuir but be oould lad
Mr. Palmer aupixwtrd Mr. Mooe'a
Executive board—A. L. Joyee.ebair- the old scales from the trees It would
led Wednesday waa beht from the
foundation. Tbe land was y
deeialOB ai to whetber ibe fnoebUe motion to adopt tbe francUae sad a sn; Aligns HeOooI. sec.: F. O'Brien. also be well to spray them at soon
(tom the Bryant rsute.
F. TItts gdeatiarg ebureb Friday mmnlag at
could be graated (or a toager tloM
oall of tbe roll reooUed In erery al­ Tracy H. GlUto, E C. BUliags, itAo
tbe leaves are off in the fall, using
) o'clock under the riiaige «< W.
of tbe First National bank,
ML Tbe eky chatter ta attest uptm derman proa aot voting k favor of C. StrnA.
are pounds of eauaUc soda and fire
purchased a large lot bordering on . Anderaon. The ebureb was fnll
thia matter altboagb Is tbe "blaaket tbe ordinance, tbe reonlt being recepUon—Hon. George O. Corell. pounds of lime la fifty gallons of
from ad many beanUful flowen wars eut
dbarlar” asdtr whidi dttea
ceirud with applaoee. ‘Hw motteo
■man; John R. Santo, a. W. Job water. If this It
the home of Frank Bnaeh. Bwerwl by the triendi of. the deeeoaed. A
(oanb daaa work. It samed thirty adopt aa a whole cam« wbes l
raw. Chnries Pracbaxka. jr. W. \t It will destroy all the acale and th?
other pereel* of laoA have changed loocblng fsaiore of the funeral srore
yaaca. asd la Onsd Bapida the cimrhad 0Mn read pair. Cbartea E Quick.
bark will bare a healthy gUsay ap­
hands and (here U a TKMaiMill/ of the men aeleeted (or pallbsamro. '
tar add twesty yeara.
and adopted eeparately. os a moUoo
PlUDoe—L. E BUekney. ebolnnan; pearance
They were Meesrs. Fowler. HcMaairn.
bolldlng aettrtty (hero
aU op be aald. 1 aerloualy goeaUoo and rote.
W. W. Bmlib, Samuel Oariand. Jolin
Zodak. Lerdle. Dome aad Obrteupber
tbe raUdlty of tbe traadilae after tbe A petlUos fnmi residents of tbe G. Bltwob. J. H. McOouA. Cbariea -Rev. Thsmst Penn Ull
The A. E or E rvwT one had long Bred in. the '
thirty yuan bar* eapired."
On Thurnday evening at Antioch Tbe plans for club rooms la
Sullone Bay. Mich.. Aug. Ifi-Tbe reHoo and had known Mn. Emory
Third nod Fburtb wmnk nsked tbat E Hale. J. H. Hoellmaatel.
IL 8. Baaigre of tbe Ramiah S B pared of ksd coutainlng about
Muale—FYed Wonburg, cbalrman; Monroe eou^. O.. tbe Rev. Thomas baaeraeni of the Cougravl
American Society of Equity picnie for nearly flhy years. Tlw Her. Mr. '
lAf MetMstUe eompaoy Mated tbat
WiUaid H. Campbell, Charles B. Va- Penn Cllom was united In msirtoge church which were made at Ibelr an­ here yesterday wok a great <uc
Chase cnelsted.
erea lyW a<«tb of SereaU
Hr. Daoaw tua an eapert laUroad
der, Charles Skelcber. D. W. Blew- with Hiss Mary Vlrgtoi^ Hechler. nual banquet by tbe Mayflower club fully 3D0 peeple brtng In attendance
atruet be aeeared by tbe dty i
ttraty Bbd tbM be had apaet about
the ceremony being perfomM at the are neariy materlalUed. On Ibto o
and tbe day bring passed in variooi
. Tbe pedUon waa algned
•Iff Fruit Crop.
twa mttm raadlag up HIditgaa kw A. W. Young and nomenma otb
Church of ChrisL the Dr. end Mn. Ion tbe boys planned to raise from rlrnsul ways. In (he (oreitooo. the
Oiarles Garland.
has a butt
la ragord to rutlruada and be
lather A Irwin were granted per- man: William Lore. Jullua Paige, Cbariea Reign Soorille of Chicago, ll.««0 to 91.800 to make improre- crowd be^ to assemble at Deasltf's rrm of eighty aero* oa tbr iwnlrmU
leiad tbat a alxty-yw fnocblaa waa
ig in charge.
ments in the basement of the church. part and at noon, a pleale dinned was
liaahn to pile bolldinf mntertal in WiUkm J. Irwin. Arthur L. QrelUck. being
noo<it a bard wlator.
oU r(|bL HU prlDdpala would aoE h (Mien d the estee
Ooi OotUleb. Arthur Lardle. Cbarics
There were already flfty-two i
bla «H
oept bethlac lau.
Is held ft
bers aad a large number on tbe wall- Owing to Ihe fart (bat 6r. W. H.
a ball OU front and'Oak
«to were 9690. He a-iU Ure no
■ At thla poki U K. Cibba took tbe
log list but they bad no •oUabie quar­ Payne, the village prasjdenL was eoll- tear than 700 barreU of fine appla>.
and Games—Antcn P. ntfleent box of prcMnta. comprl
Tbe clerk roperted the rote oa the
floor. Be objected rury
dining room table,
ters. Tbe basement floor srill be low­ ed to onto Pier by illona. the address 'or which he baa olrnsiy bean obrStraub, AairmaD: Ctaarlw Oermalne.
to aay imate la gaaakit tba froAddaa frandiUe aa S?2 for ud O agalnsL J. J. Oevooran. W. C. Hnil. James sent from toe ehnreb here. Mr. Ul- ered In. order to give the boys room of welcome was delivceed by tbe Rev. ed 93.40 on tbe place. .‘4r. GsrUrTs
total of 911 rataa.-'
Matiag tbat tbno yaara ago wbao ba
KetaoeJYed PratL David CampMI.F. om has many friends In tbe city who for Indian club tsriaglng aad like exHaakstead. who lo weU chosen experieaer la (nut raising tMs year
bad a maa bin to buUd a tullvay.
L Bbuter. Chris. Boss. Henry Toanlel- wish btra a happy Journey through eretoea and (he rooms will be enlarg­ words, made the big crowd feel
It as agamplc <<t guay otben ta
MaMIng Surd Pubile Werfct.
oouBoll Md worked over tbe Craslife and while his bride to not known ed. A flrst ctoas gymnasium to be­
■er. H. V. Smith. Jos. Mnrcble.
locallt/. Tbs fryit U flatr Uiis
ebiae all omaaMr tod tbw bad gnating plaancd altbough they expect
-Cbariea W. PaiuL here; nhe to • vary
In the afternon. there w*i-? tv
than crar bofse. aad foMf
apeetal neeUng on Botioday to de­
g tody with many friendr
good gomea d ban. Sattov Bay play- prioM are being rosRviri by all fiutt
termine wbetbar or noL tbe Miy. Albert Norotny. Philip Shermor. C.
ber home town.
plumbing and a shower both on: also winning both.-games.
peopie kak Satarday olght and that under Its atraagemenU with Ute Hanlieing figured upon.
Lelasd, Fred Dunn. Frank tier.
Ing NofT(.vlllo and NorthperL
: Lay HercanUle company, Jose^ Brotbera. F. J. Beebtel. Claire
waa tba tiat Uwy koaw <r IL be mid.
Trouble at River Mouth.
By the kind eld of tbe members of
Aftar James L Sbaw.
be required to purtbase
-aad adt eih ta Are
Changt in Dispatchars.
Buoluier. O. B. Chlappaeaasee. Wil­ John Monroe to having all kinds of the church and the fathen of the
Sheriff Johnaon tort this ntorainff'
tbor bad fotd oo. -Tbcy tbooght It diaa 4.0D0 at cement this eenson from liam Bloodgood. Cbartos Hallberg. trouble al the river mouth. When be boys.
__ __________
91.100 has already
been raised J. 8. Keiler. flnt tr(<* dispatcher
inbmltwaa a dalaiea ad a talltsad or ao
and the commiuee to working bard
Boardman. baa rroigned tala posl- (or Mscktaaw.wherobasrill get JaM
Mode tUeb. Frank Norotny. Harry ook the contract for extending
who to charted srIU anbasled
rallroM asd. wolod ttat way." Ba
oo the remainder. Tbe project Is n 'tion. He came hero when tbe dlvlalon
HaiTla. Joe^eh Bleder. Louis Sleder piling to protect tbe new part,
tbougbt ttat there were pdota k tbe Tbe bid for the season's supply
nd as. one of the-buslnra*; keafiffnartero were moved norlb from tlemenl by J. C. Morgan A Bon. It M
Gregor Geret wnilam Dill. R.
which was nceepled by tbe Wearer. Louis Kaufman. Joseph Kar thought tbat he wonld have a chance
fnaAke tSat abould be kreadi
a Herald reporter this Grand Rapid*- B. L. HcDermid. will charged that Sbaw waa givmi 950 iMt
to make good bU loss on tbe other
toll to buy barrels wltb. He went to
dty was for from 4.000 to SOOO bar an. Owi OotUleb.
job. as he would use tbe floaiing driv­ afternoon be thought the menlMkg^hU place and T. E Kane srill
TMs. Oty Attorney DarU gave It as
Badge aad Printing—J. W. Hannen er ^ohn Naylor. This driver works of this eily would Ond few better ln-l«ork the second trick. Mr. KeUer's northern MtoUgna and when be roturned aald that he bad bou^t elMl^'
bU opkloc. tbat alaer the dty bad chalnwa; Dr. T. A. Penballegon.
kraa. aaykg
rc-»uiirnis (or the Uoya. The hoys Plans are not as yet eomplete.
fast enough wheo there It i
barrelB. aad. as ft was too lau in the
Udeata tor a qoaitsr at oertak Umes procured 4,000 baneU from tbe Han­ ey QlUli. H. E Hnakell.

la tbe river It to very crowded and
fall to afalp them down, that Uey w««
nah. A Lay Hercentile company It
* M tba day and tk at all ttmao.
miergy diaraclerUes their
InritaUon—J. W. Hannro. cbalr besiflee there Is tbe curron
“■'T Kellogg and Hri- Stored In g iMa Jt Is aald tba
man; A. L. Joyce. Angus McColl.
llr, .OIbba Mated furker that be
tend wltb. Good time could be made work in (he future that has In the'
up tbia
at tbe price named and
Transporution — Harry Monroe deeplto this but for the fart that tbe past there I* mue doubt but thsi'tn Hauaeii enlertalned Tburadsyevt*. barrols &Ied to^-agow'
had bsM badMd by ‘Yom who conk
could go Into tbe market
aprlnc so toe Arm
cbalrman; W. O. C. Oermalne. Tbos bottom U a meaa d slabs and edg­ their plans will successfully work i *“* »’
'“*«• *“
be found la BradatruM-a." and aamad
tbe legnlred WDOnnt of cement for M. Bbane. James Keboe.
of Miss Anils OorarlAt of Homer, who nunleated with ta Detour sriton' tbe
a Bombar of dttaoM. *Wa got ao
^ dty wherever deemed bed and
' ba* been a guest of Miss Kellogg. bairols wero suppoaed to be etoced
Pollee—E. W, OreUiek. chief;
AaMO. wbaterw,-’ ba saU. ■HVa aald.
theae before the sheet piling
l would be I
Wreck at geuth Msnltou.
*»«dng was pleasanUy spent to aad failed to find any traoa of (ban.
llam Gaines. B. P. Burns. Beldcn pul down, making the work slow- and
*glda «a a (roMblaa and well gtra
Thinking that Sbaw did not buy tbe
tageoui to tbe dty.
Burna, Arlbor Desprea, Ed Brash.
ywa a raUroad.' sod yoa did ootblngf
hard. Bxcrtlent progrea to being
South Manitou Island, vto. Glen
barreit. they swore owl a wnmot for
BitJudge* of court—Judge John A. made, tbe work on tbp north bank be- Hnven. Mlch.. Aug. I^The m;hoonBa euiiead It waa not tbe peobis arreet. He was Ukaa ta a omO
wba bad apant tbatr moMy aad not ulllbJc Pnr>BC eompeny bad had snSI- Loranger. Judge James E Campbell,
Imoet eompleistf while tbe tim­
town near MaeUnawAnd to being bald
deal autbority to porchau
Riley Bweeea. Angus HeColl. clerk.
klr to ka puhUc.
bers are in i>lace on tbe south bank.
unUI the autooriUM from this dly eon
eleewbeie than d the c4ty. was.dlsLedtes and CbBltawn—E. P. Borns, The work will be all done by SunTba mayor when Mr. Otbba bad eonderelopcd
cbalrman. George B. Amioiio. Robert ly.
Kbeltor and wrecked Ihn headgear and
chadad. oUUd to tbe eousdl aad tba
BUuliUilc eorapaay bad received pe^ Price. Kall'b Andrrson. J. P. Oberlin.
dtMa FtoMflt- that be bad bot
It Was Hoi Thsra.
•euth ManHaii.
from ucta member of the WMlaa Tnide, Charles M. Beers.
and Mr. Monroe has lu>en endeavor- Belle. Capt. Pugh imd crow of the
colled tbe apeeki to rnah thinga
Awg. 19—Tbe
burd of pnMlc wWs. under
Beeh member of the lodge to ap> remove thla.' Tbe snag, how­
through but beeauae be bad to ba
Rooa Brito aad Petryl ieft
aad In view of
M«, . In ni.>.nn. . ,h. .,nrvAilxona. ffVDersl manager of
pdnled a commute of <ne to help
to rr-ally a Mg tree
«M d town Mooday and be didnt
tbe barbor Sataniay aftornoun. bavteg
dn^i in the price cf tbe material ntake this event a Mg success.
strung engine of tbe driver to not able
FlJgerMd am aaal.^'light
want It said tbat be w«i away when
budge It. 98 worth of lines baring
II homa up. Ha waa wHUng to ky wherever tbe company oould buy
ling. Tbe Bnaa Bella was sllgbUy
the ebeapesi and M tbe same time
S<B Ptealc.
already been broken, and the tre
It orur uMU tba next matrtlng.
damaged and mailed ter Sboboygn .
maintaining tbe Btattdaid of quallty
Tba Traretwe QkV Business Men's still there.
Mr.,Morm then moved tbM tba orunder her own canvas. The PetryTs
mnlntalaed by Ibe dty.
will hold lU regular meet
'Tn get her before I go," said
dl^ra be adopted but there waa no
damages are rotlmatod al 99M. Her
Ing In (be city clerk's offlee ibis even- onroe. "I ll pul a couple of charges
aeooad to tbe
head gear bring ton out gad to niao
(hermomcer in (hr camp In.
o doss up matters for theli
of dynamite under her and raise ber
Hr. Wiaale—“The qnraUoo la .elm- BHidlUOe Paring company had
leaking badly, bring foreml on tbe
picnic August :2. The various com­ 1 that way."
MU* Gladys Jklwanto, of !
ply tbk. it to MtbM a alxty-yam traa- rloUted Us eocUact but bad euBleleBt
beach ta (he eolltolop. ' 8be is being
mittees will make their reports and
Prom here the Naylor will po uken
cblae wMi a Mtulghl B oant kr«
towed to Milwaukee by tbe ctou
antbority to poicbase Us eemeci else­
large attendance Is expected.
b> the Uanilous where a big dock will
BO railroad. V tbia to not granted, where tSTn of tbe city.
barge Susy Chlprasn where she wlU
srill be one of the
then we might Jbm u well kilt tbe
dry dock. Tbe life earing ei«w
no c-omplMlnt comjDg.
When the ooutrmet r . tl^di gest daja the cJly has ever w
way up, Htopa will lx- made at Graeoa.
wbola bUBlneaB umt^t and In klUlog was made with the BUnUtMc
temporary repairs. assMed ta
The mine'to Hosed until
He hvli that to. practically all Uir stores will Noribpon and other liay point for
It. we OM Tiarerae aty back — cempaby tor tbe paring ofr Wdahin
month, when the heat
c will bare ehecklng the leak aad worked tbe
be chieed and tbe big Ume will be
Out Oebeen Injurod.
yearn. If tbe fraochtoe to goo
pomiw to keep ber afloaL surfmoB
ton street, there was a di
Poplar Point. The news of* tbe pro­
Rapid CIO . Mleh. Aug. 15—Gu*______________
thirty yeara. it to good lor alMy yeaia. contract, which provided
accompasrtag ber to MUvri*'
gram to not yet ready lo l>e broki-n to
Aldan Rapatta.
Dobson, of Aenw. head fireman al the
SwsHowsd bsfMy Pm.
you all kaow that tbe road wnet company shauld pvehase
asstot at the pomps.
public but win be announced
The Alden regatta was i
hoop mill here. «a» badly ecalded yes sw-allow1ng an opeoed safety pin
make a deUar k tba oaxt flfteen years of tbe dty at tbe same price paid by
few days- There will be free poji cess yesterday, a Urge number of terday by the throtUe on a dead en- Augutl
If tba copdcU wants a raUtcad. how tbe dly. Tbe bonnl o
corn, free candy and free prwnuu for locql people being In attendance and
Mr. Dobson i
to tbe ttoM to acL" In oaswer to
and Mre. B. i From M'<Qda.v'a Record.
the lilUc folks, so they should
being fully sstlaSed
' shut
Tbe plan of roorganlxalloa ef tkt
McDcrmld. 409 Wrot Eleventh alrect,
Mr. Olbbs he aald It
tbte Paring company did
brought along nlso, fri-c coffee at i
per* M^uette railway to to be onto
saved from strangling by 1
Why be didnt want a ftmcblse grant­ tbat the Interesls of tbe dty trould
for everybody and other tree features. In tbe village and all kinds of sports ta-hen he found that he couldn't do It „oiher.
miued to toe atockbolden at a meated.
bo Jeoimrdltcd in any way. and there­ The program Includes a ball game Hod games occupied ibelr atteotloo.'
endeavored to g«, away, Al (he In- The HtUe one bad been playing
be held OcL 98. aexL Tbe idn
Mr. Motm-'-l repreaeet tbe Ptflb fore gave the desired
etween the butchers and and grocers Tony visiting launches were there.
turned, the- Ihroltle blew out,
floor Mil bow It got bold of i
* toe conaoHdatlon of the Pww
ward. There are two Wehrre tbe/e which created a Bring of about IfW under Marquis of Qneensbury rules,
There were two boat races, a fre
him tn steam. His arm* p,„ ^ , myatery.
Chlld-llke, u. Marquette Railroad Co. of MimtigM,
and MT progreolre people.' I vote
BUulitblc Paring company on with W. C. Hull and A. L. Joyce
•r all and a handicap race, the free
Pero Harqoetto Ballnod Go.
yve for a Bcent fare jea for a alxty- It cement contract.
Ibe nmps. in addiUoo to Uils. there (or all being for a silver cup. This
inio the threai. with tbe spring flnt. of Indiana, toe raising of the reoatryear fraaeblae aad yea (or
This oontravnay came up
wilt be foot races, swimming races.
Mr. WllUama of
Druggist Morse droesrd (be Injurerahlp, the caacellatloD of the towee of
ter pan of July. aHanager Bandets
: races, wbeelhtrrow races,
Mancelona. He had a Trarerse City le* and Dr. Hoag of Alden was call- ^
the road by the ClnetanaU. HanriMBR
Hr. Otbba ektnmd that be bad In- or the Hannah A Lay cempany. after
mocking races, for tbe kids and Motor Boat eompunr's launch with - Had the accident happri.ed while
Mrs. McDeroid noticed the baby A Dayton, and tbe ratolDC of KJtWAm
tormaUon from roar dllerent angla- Hr. Cramcod of tbe Bltulltblc Paring other foaturei.
Eclplse engine. H. D
In a
ra» endeavoring to »hut off the pboWng aad hurried to it* «**l*tance. hy toe sale of 95.000.0M wmtb d
em lepnaenUng bond btobera aad company bad stated tbat be was aot The committee on transportation Traverse l^i■y Motor Boat emnpany'*
.rsferrod ttoektaoMan of tbn
etoam. he would probably have been opening her mouth. Ue piu could be
required to buy the cement of tbe announces tbat (be Jauneb Ear -will launrtt with an Ecljacg t^idiu hrdl
they an aald that tbe road wouU
fatally hurt
ood the oothro managM to getl Pere Marqurtte.
(fhm tbe flrM year. Mr. «taMe
dty. consulted Oly Attorney Daris.
Cass street bridge every twenty boat and a T. A H engine took secro-------------------hold of It aad J-rked It oul
ha bad InfarmaUoe. tbat It wot
who to also tbe auorney for tbe Han­ mlmitos and the fare will be 10 cento
wokI), a portloei
Birthday Party.
pay-tir tawnty yeara.
nah A Lay MarcAUie company, a
for the round trip. Bnaac* will atob There wen
s la Ibe baodl- For the first time in the history of ^
Mrs. George Craht of Grant street
M. O. OOhert addreeeed the ooundL was ndrtoed by Mr. Duvls. that t
leave down town points every twenty rap race. Including Irving
-log Mur
\he local police court and among
t, now out of danger
was greatly snnelaed at her boros
aetdag forth some petota whkS be
could submit
minutes nnd tbe (are will be 10 cenu hi* dty. Tbe Ethel B.. which had \ toe first cases In Michigan of their naFriday afternoon by the airtvnt
had eorarad k
I the BltnlltUr company tor tbe
way ao that all can get (here IS minute bsndleap. eame la fimiture. two local butchera. J. W. Simms
e. a. Craxtor s Candidata.
frieeds who helped to oelar. and ukad why
It -er raqulrad. Ttato was <
wltbeul sralklng.
toe Bad Devil vrito a S mliRito^ east Front stroet and Jamea Hc-| e A Crosier of Grand Rapids, trees brete her Mrtbday. IViiUa ware
ta was imp'MU that no other rand but k tbe mean time the BUoUthle
It to expected tbat this srill be tbe headleap, second. Irvtag Murray aod.Cermick of esist Btghto strori agpfar-'qier of Ksst oounty. bos been In Ue reerived and a sorial Chat eajoyad.
WOBld build bare it tbe OrnttrOmbad received a satlsfaetorT iggrat buMneoa men's plenlc
Mr. Brady wero tbe scrauh boata. led before Judge Neritoger on Fri- city for aweral
viriUng after which loo «<«aro asd wmoftod
ttrwetlon temp any did ooL
I I4d from Profcop KyjMfca aad i
held in the Bortb as ihe cmstnl'
la Ibe M«or oBat enmpany'a hoat'diy to answer to the charge of aril- friend* and MUnylng the Grand TraV- eakea wve* aerred.
TTm rraMhiM OrMatf.
M»r « ■mini lasting MtH
•*«lMk lh» eMx MMell TTwrMay av.
Ing pmm* lh*ai«tii»i«agrMtmat




cc........... 'Z


3^“ ir r ^ ^

K MtRAtA, TtfUMOAV, AuautT tt im.
nk ItaiMs. Mleb. A«r 1C—Kczt
mmim. eo-MneiM *t 7:#0
o'etaek. « nian bmUm win be hdd
im the ci«ee oear the dock m
^bMCk. Oeod oa«e mmA good epMfcbic W be eipeetad.
' Htfrr MorrtwD. mmber of the
1«th racUMl iMBd. attUdBed «t
Fort l^aCenoe. St. Looie. Ho., ti tURliig bti pareau od a teft dari' hrK. eprtaf aad aoa Howard. Oar
ThoopvB. Keal Ptnt. Atec Parka. H.
Alpen, H. Klrrtiborg aad a few ottaeta eatered the last dare of trout deblar OD Rapid IU*«-.
Ifto. M. B. lAOK mUrtaioed
tawa party FHday aneraoeo for bar
daubteia aad ca l^saadar with
bow party for Hia. Oarrar mt OlhreL
BoU ware pleaaanl affaire.
Bi Bagaa baa booght the aottage.
-eotaer of OUaara aad Eba atreeta,
bettor knowB aa tbe Lowia eottage.
aad will more lato it aa aooo aa Mr.
PmvT eaa racata It
A BOB waa bora Tbsnday to Mr.
aad Hra. Hacaa. Tbe alawpoaad b(V
Wte fair to be a twitter o( tbe hdU
aaoal to bk father.
Oaly 44 rotea were caat at the
tun electido Toeaday.
Wu Ctartotte taPorye nturaed
ber dnUea to Oraad Raplda W^caday.
Mina Atleae Clereland rrtoraf
Oeldwater Wedoeaday. after aevcnl
daya apent arlth ber alater. Mia. Keb«
Mra. T. SolUraa reursed to Chlrapo Monday. baTlas rUited Mn.
. Wlinama for two weeka.
■lea Oraoe Corbeu attended a looebeoa Tnesdar In Ttaeerae bUr. kIteh itT Mra. Hoover In boaor of Miaa
Hawy of'ctadlUac.
Mra. Bdwanl Moore of MenptaU.
T«tB„ Mcadaioet 0. W. Hcdteoald. H.
H. Betbet aad J. W. Clarke ef Loulavilte. Ky. cnhic over from Petoakey
yeaterday aad are gaoala of the Ambnwe. Boyd. Ctirry party, all of LontatOIa at tbe Lake View Hooae.
Mra. Winiam WUtfleM aad Hitt
Clara Deariof leturaed PHday erea.
lax timn a ftoor weeka enilae. They
aallfNl twice over tbe route from Du.
lath to Alyeaatilfria In tbe BL Lawrwaea. Tliey boarded tbe beat at Port
Rnren aad left it at Detrott.
Bara. Tboraday, Aog. S. to Mr. aad
. Mia OroenmaA a daughter. On Aug.
a daagbiar^waa bora tn tbe bamew
at Oaa Laraata aad Bea Brickaoa.
Pha Lyteb Ml opoe tbe floor tn
Me aateoo Toeaday and broke Us
t. W. aster bra a new wodertaker
aa Ui plaee on Mate atteet. Mehrille
Hank, late of Bayne City is SDiag tbe
Tbe Sunday aohool of BC * Paul a

beld Iba awarai of biunanlly ta cheek
la apieodid «yte. The ballaan a
Slone by Prat 8. W. BoWlell. nader
tba maaaggmrat of ProL Martin of
Grand RapldA were tbe flnest ever
seen In northern ikteblgan. The haU
game between Bnekley aad Honor
last SalinW was tbe best ^ame cr
pteyed on tbe Honor craaodB. Both
team* worked bard for anprwmacy.
Tbe flame was won by Honor by the
score of 1 aad 0. by a wild throw on
Ibe part of Buckley.
The midway people bare aaariy sK
gone to Frankfort and were oa deck
for tbe grand caralral. begtaalag
IStb. Their unlling cooatrai
sad wtonlng ways will be radly mtoted in thk little berg.
Os Monday. Aug. 12. ' of tbe
Peace W. B. Covey united In matri.
mony Thomas P. Smith sad Mra.
Carollne Roat. May peace and proeperlty ever be their lot
Hra. Joeepb Dewitt bad tbe telifortune to slip and tell from their back
porch on Hoodby. Aug. 12 and bn
ber leg aad dkloeate her ankle
tbe samr time.' Dr. Bdmnada te AledAng her.
Prank Chapin Is homo for a threw
week’s visit with Us parenta. Praak
has been attending acbooi thh----tner at Penis Institute.
Hra. George Speelmaa ot IBfl KapIds 1s visiting Ha and Pa Wewvcr.
Piimsry elrrtloa did not cut moch
of a flguie bore this year, there be­
ing only thirty aeveo votes cssL
UtUe Louis Van Blsrlcom eami
very near being badly trampled undei
borsrs- hoofs test Satorday. Had it
not been for the superior borseman•bip of Lou Roger*. Louie Van would
have been converted Into hamburg
steak tn a few seconds.
Hr. and Hra. h’lgfateagale, landlord
of Hotel
Cheasber. coatem
moving to Grand Rapids this we
To alt whom It may cxneera: Wa
the UDilenlgued otfireni and Dtembera
of Honor Csmp No. «4M Modern
Woodmen of America, sincerely con­
demn the scuon of JaUtor H. W.
O'Brien who without the ssncUon
anlhority of the csmp. rented sod
permitted a danceto t>c beld in Woodban on Sunday eTooIog. Aug. 11.
We sincerely hope and trust Obt the
people of Hooor and viclulty wfll not
be too.bareb'in tbeir criUdtm of tbe
nemberA but will ptece tbe bias
where it bolougs.
Jos. McCarthy. ConsuL
H. C Van Blarlcea. Clerk
John Hughes. Advisor.
Oust Heldermsn. Banker.
A. H. SrnlUi. Bbcort.
R. H. Gilbert.
George Pierce.
County clerk Ely aad famfly wire
among the many thoasaada who help­
ed make tbe raralvsl a succasA Newt

TeiUi laba Wadaeaday.
fSaada Oate aad bit Siaday aehool
cteaa of Kalkaska p4eaJcked at Old dollars Skn what he conld get Into
MiaMfln yesterday. Th«e were thirty tbe auhtreaaury so be
ar aaote and tbe. bay larited them, would Invest it Into a new awning
teiBi as a aummn- moratng.
Mra J. B. aritfln retaraed Satur­
day from a two weeks’ vialt ia ladiORAWN.
Grawn. Mich.. Ang. lC-4rA N. C.
Stamp and sou David N. return,
ber home at BncMey after a week’s
Ualle Wagtay of fMdUiac sprat vtelt with ber pateau here.
Moaday ta town.
Mn. Allle Burt te conSned to the
Mite JoaapbUa Carver of Tmvanc bouse by Uln«>a.
aiy U e-gnaat of Dorothy TawnA
Mrs Harr Wanders and cUldrra of
Hlaa Daraahy-eBtwtalaad ia ber
Traverse City are vlnitlng Mends
or Monday eveolas
Utoa-HMrten IMtks sprat a porttra
Ptorty resortera from dlEeront parts
at the w«ek la Ttnverae City..
of Oblo. arrived berv Wednesday on
Min TtlKle Tnrner leaned to ber the escuralon. They ura camplBg at
home In CBaaupolto Toeaday. after
Mr. Mason’s Wlllowdale term.
piraaan'i atuaiw w^ib her slater. Mn.
Mr. Riley's family have moved In
UcBiy Turoer.
the Joara* Schmidt boura.
Mias lielee Butler te vMUng brr
MtA L. Hancheu and Mn. P. Hanmi and Jameu Smith, wife
cousin of OhIeagD. arrived here last
tbe w«ra at Ua lame- in Traverse
c Co spend snate time at the tan
City, where be U naratng bk baade at Silver lAkc redrt.
that are rat of oommlnioe from
Mias Prari Reywolds went to Bucka* ivy.
ley today for a abort visit.
Mr. aad Hra. Tnner rotarned
their home at Wayland. Mich.. Satur.
' Hooor. Mieb. Aiigipt l«—Tbe car­ day, after spending two weeks visit­
nival of last week was a grand
ing friends hen.
aoeeasA emytblag on the
Saxton BroA’ teeort at DwR take
gram brim; eatried out to the letter.
Is very popukr wUk tbo tshrrmen.
Vara Reiter. Bdwtn U Bockwcll. Twenty reeortera from Maritn. Ohio,
Prank BUwp and Frank Muater who
are eipectcd In the menllng to stay
The Duck Lake lodepeudent ball
. Lolb of PiNver
team goes to Hoeor Bubday to play
I To D^t Foo* hall.Batuiday evralag then win be
dance in the ball. KIrehaer orcbeetra
Tha wieet Inmertant funetteo af tbi*
oraans et the body is ibr digwttM and
aaraniiauari of food, sod la tbk

TO pravent ^tyakel bankraptey
aarveea ayMem maat be built up by
autMde aid aach aa the uie of Dr. A. W.
awsao Kerve* PUa a

I tnflurore eo
arstera. Dr. K. tv. Cbaae'a
Herra Pllla______________________
I bare an
leet eireet on tbe dIgesHve ayatm. They
MmalalS the aerrea et take aad ladnee a goad flew-of aalira to aid dIgee.
ttSA Tlwy excite tbe gtanda at the stderv.
■ra abd predoea a pientUa) anpplr ef
gaptHe dMratlve flnlda. Dr. a. W.
ChMHk Merva Pilk.
Ik. ta eu a box. at aB
. W. CbSM ibMar

It Wat I
street, left home 'Vbaradsy eveolng
’'end dou'l roneciriierwbedteroriiottae
turned o4f bte gastdlne Move. He
turaed aftev mWalght to And tbe Aremen pouring two straaat Into tbe
ebell of tbe hons)
The blare had
building when the apparatus arrived
but they made short work at It wheu
----- Matted. Tile —.------------- ----—
an eacetleat ran. arriving ta a IHI«
over two mtnntes.
Tbe bulldtng behaged to J. W.
MllUkea. Leuimz loM some tarnltnre
and dothcA
CMar. Mkh. Ang. id—Tbe pnplls
r UUa MetUe A. White Muteud
MrA C. W. Prallck. gave a rtwUal

Iho Oos^agathaal ehmtfe lam Tm«- In the rallra^ hMtneaA ke baa beesi
^ evading the tollowlag belag the regarded as a veteran ta that line of
Itadnatry. He was a traated agent ot
Hilarity Nandi. (Hero) Mta ■*-'jwe
the G.
u. B.
B A L raOway company In
wertb BUman. Mia Baby BlUmaa.
this dty. aad had tormeriy held the
Tbe Cowslip. (Smsllwood) MtaaI'rMnonsIhle noatUoa of tnveUlag audl.
Nellie Packard.
Lullaby (Fbrman) Htea Lena BritU (Trace (Bobm) Mtea Orpba PraHek. HUs Mayme BnlUraa.
Joyous Parmer. (Behamann). Mtea
Bllxabeth SnlUvan.
Bells at Brenlng. (P. U Ryder)
Mtea Lena Brittoe.
Readlug (Selected) Hra. O. VPMrallck. '
(knnuT Dance.
(Kerin) Mtea
Mayme Sullivan. Hiss Orpba Pralick.
snver Nympb, (Beta. Op. IM) Hra.
Ruby BlUmaa.
Pari TwA
Poet and Peasant OvertorA (Suppe) Him Orpba Pralick. Mtea Mayme
Sulllvaa. HrA Ruby BlUman.
My Mother’s Prayer. (Robert) Mrs.
•Daworth BlUman.
DoU’a Dream. (Oesteo. Op. flOfI
Htes Uxabeth Sulllvaa.
Bong of the Waves. (RaS) MrA
Bsworih BlllmsA Hra. Ruby BlUmaa.
Mtea Mayme Sulllvaa.
BabbUng Brook'. (SmUh. Op. »).
(Durand). Mtea Orpba
The Ptetterar (Cbomlnade). Hiss
iisyme SulHran. Mrs. Roby BUli
Pon^ Whltpera
Htes Mayme Sullivan.

that Mn. S. C. Wiutm. formerir >
this dty and P. U AmWbucfa
SoioB bad been nnited In malr
under the direcUon of Wnilam Mlerete, to (he emlng Several selectloos were rendered sttee whIA rA
freMimente were uened.
Tite wedding took plaee at thr foruer home of the bride oe Nlotb Mnvi
and the ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Borough. Mr. Amtsbuebler
prominent farmer of Elmwood
and hte bride has many friends 1a the
city who wUl wish her much happlo(T For Trip.
•L. L. Stevenson and wife left early
huiday montag in the teunch Dix
le.Girt tor Elk RapIdA where they Intraded to pdil^ the dam and eonttaue throngb the chain et lakes to
BHtelre. They will be gone a week
aad the boat bss been so fltted out
a* to make her a comfortable living

OR. SNYDEIR Tiavcise aif State Baii

pleMc at Sutloos. Bay. Aug. 13tb, i
well altendod. There were about
people, and a more Jolly crowd
farmm waa never gathered together
for the same pnrpoce. Farmers ar
deed romlng to the front tester than
they ever ^d Lefore. as reporu-d b>
Hon. George 0. Wlnans. stele organ
Al the rale fanner* an
ruling now this stele will have S«.l»r>n
mriul>er> by next year. Hr. Wluans
delivered a very ablo address at tlic

A Uuneh Dock.
Robert Plica te coBStrucUng
lanacb dock i
at bte cottagA Tbe dock te already
forty feet la lengUi and there te ^eoly of water for laimcbe£ John
roe win drive socm mote pUcs and
you must sllend to the dteu-ibutlng
increase the length.
TUs te tbe only dock on the pen­ end of your bualncm at o
insula abora between tUs dty and Mr. Wlna^a.
Old Mteshm.
From Monday’s Record.
The Misses ftetberinc and Eva
Strong of Battle Creek are guests of
Jeiale Vivian to Daniel Worren Webw W. M. Kellogg and family.
A. B- Xacy, of Albion, returned
ter of Steelton, Pa. Hiss Vivian ««s
a teacher of Eagllsb in Ue bx-.-l bl-gh hi* borne after visiting in the city.
Mr*. J. HcLane and B. C. Jone* a
•cbod' for live yeuts
liked among the stud-;.u btnl has family of Grand RaiUd* are guest.
many friente in the dly. The wed- Fred Richter.
diag took place at the Lsaie of rhe
HrA A. Robenaon and daughter
bride at Moarce last Soordny and Ruth of this city left Saturday
after a aMbrt trip they wUl icaRe llielr HaitlD. witecn tbw wlU vtelt with relborne at Steeltoa. Pa
aUves for a sheeCtlme.
Mr. and Mrs John Westgate of OHr. Tmkham Injured.
dar Rapids. Ia. who have bees vteliL. W. nakham. superlnteaden
tag Ur. WeMgste's brother. J. A.
the Oval Wood DIsli Co., waa aererely Weotgata ot Wwbtagt
cot oti tbe lote^ aad nooe
turaed borne Rktacdsy.
telling plank Friday. He was -at work
Hiss Alberu Dundo
on a ecaflold at tbe factory when tbe
who has been visfUng with
supporu gave away and let him
(his city. reluroM to ber te
the ground. A piece of the tsUIhg
eiracture struck him on tbe (oreMIe* Marion Fordham of thb City
head and noee culUng two deep gaabcs. A Anger on hte right tmod was al- left Saturday for OadlUac. wii«(«-*be
will visit with friends for a few days.
Mr. and Mra. Waller Henson of
Found in the Bay.
tons Bay passed through the city Sal
Lylug In aeverat feet of water be. .urdsy morning on their way to Mon­
side the Grenickville dock, tbe body tana. where they will lorate.
of'John OleaoA so asylum paUent.
Prank Schenk- and t£ Mimes
was found by boya wbe were flsbtng snd Ethel PaUeraon of UmA O.. are
Sunday morning, dearing up tbe guesU of Mr. and Mr*. Cbarica Edgemystery of his fUsappearaoee which
comb of this city .
. Mias Flora Heck left oo the Missourl Isst night for Chicago where
eiel dAV*.
Hie only theory Uul weras pisusi. she win visit the fall millinery dlaplays
ble tor tbe man’s deatb Is that be
G. B-Turner led on the M A >
was in search of stone* which
made Into variaus trinkets and dis­ this morning on buMneas along
posed of about the city. He w
ny aad went shout almai
Rowland Douglass I* spending a
will selllBg bis handiwork along with days Id (Silcago on bualnesa.
Bsh bait and the tike.
Guy Sayre, a former Traverse City
young man. but now 6t Grand Rapids,
te vteltlcg ivlaUves In town ibis
C. W. Qltchell and wile of Grand
.tn Inques.
held this
Rapid* are vlslilng rciatlvc* In Trav
and tbr totlowlng
y JirelKX- Gage
cr»e city ibte week.
drawn as junrre:
Mayor and Mra. A. V. Friedrich and
V. II. Sturm. Jsme* B. Catupson Spaulding lefl today for Buffalo,
bell. dflha Norris. W. N. Coddini
wbere they will apend a week.
Join itoole apd Albert Wbite.
Fred Hoover of Katiras Ciiy h.vs
who hid examined
Joined his wife who is the guest of
body teillfled that there were
mark* of violence and tbe rerdlct waa ber parents. Mr and Hr*. H. HouteOteMm -came to his death by gt»e. ’
Mr. and Mra Win Wetite of Manis­
drowning In Grand Traverse bay,
Grand Trarcrae couo^. Michigan, tee si>enl Sunday with Mr. and Mr».
through canaes nnknown to nw"
II. Montague, on Bute
to the loeal InsUtnCloo
iwenty-ooe year* ago from Mnkegee
ity. and was Bfly-three years o(
Bendon. Mlct. Ang, IS-Mls* Mina
He was welt knosrn to local -Moon has raturaed from Pomona.
flsbermen. many at
here she has beeo vlaltlog friends.
bim for Ibeir snpply ot bait.
Mrs. Melville ot Holton who has
He v^ a akltlfnl woiiter with stones, been visiting ber daughter. Mrs. Cba<.
making many pretty, trinkets and Bowman, has reinracd home.
pipes from (he Petoakey stonea pick­ Mn. Leri beake of Salem^ vlred op along the bay shore.
lUog ber SOD. M. M. Deake an<family.
He was unmarried.
wreuce Kenney of Traverse has
been rislUng bte psrenu a few days
Oasth or C. E. Mwray.
Mr*. Dsrid Gilmore of Qwosso Is
Tbe people of Travetae City will rislUng ttr brolher. H. M. Deuke.
Join with the farnHy of C. B. Murray
Tbe Bendon Sunday sdiooi held
In mouralng tba death of that gentle- Ibeir anniml picnic at Green Lake
on Sxlarday evenlag. Hr. Murray Thurwday. Aug- U. All report a very
was wry popMar and a htgUy asttem- •njoyable time.
RteeA and bad beeo a rewtdent
Born, to E. T. Haaktasea and wife.
boro ninre !»• Rngagsd all hte Ilfs Thursday. Aug. IS. a bal^ hoy

ta EARLAMk BmUmv

Tire Insurance!

•took COMeanM*.

A ficKnl BtEkHf Botam Dgse

Ptote CUsg, St*BB BoUar «nd Aeddont Insuraaota

lescj to Loan on Improfcd Real Estate Onlj.
Room SIONow Etoto Bank Bulldlns.

S KT cot BtNWM M lUM Mtotts

Travoroo Cttp.



Traverse City, 'Mtch.
Sell TOO Tonr bill for a boose or bam. We cany at all times
a foil liae of
Get oar figwea anA oomparr onr grades befoee baying. Call<M
ns. Look for the Big Rnl Plant.
Cor. K 8th St. aad Lake Ata

Raees August 14th.
Old Mission. Mich., Ang. I&—The
Old Mission Taeht and AlbleUc c
wtn endeavor Co hold a meeting
Aug. 24. This will be the third t
11 U to ^ hoped that Here will

A TRACV UkV, PimlliA


Pbonea, BeU 8D0; Cite. 308.

. P. J. MaoNett


We Believe




Choice Unoolorud Japan partioalarly fine flavor aad '
eioeptioDal atrength. U^yon hare troable gettiiig a
, tea that ii to roar likiag try a tamplc'pomid oflbia
f one. 'n’e win take oar ebanoea oa’yonr oomiag 'back.

Price, see pe

J. J.Emate
ta-rarse Btaraata.
laker OH for the time of seven ^y*.
that bis dau^lev who lived nut west
might have Iho opponitity ot attend­
ing her fatbci’'s rum-rul.

Tfug*— *»*

Cierrlasa. (Most, gstsb. HH.



frcuii Grand Kaidds.
Ben Dangri-uonfl te apidylng a new
coat of luliit uii Burke’s hardware

No Mwi te Be Had.
Agent Wi-xton of tbe .Northen Mieli
igun Trans|iort*liuB company had to
Daisy ThoiupMD te visiting iii-r rr'ciire tlirve tueo from Snltons Ikiy
oiotber bore.
IJ do wane work on It.e loral di«-k.
•Jlrs. RolM'rt McCormick irf Wexford, Hr could III)! ►m-ure the labor io (bis
te vtelUng r«-U.ilv« In town.
Mrs. Chas. Uarion te enririalalog
ber sister and niece from Chicago.
M. M. Deuke te very low with con'sumpUoo..
Bthleyn Unodte was ta Intcrio^en
Thursday on buKlniwe.
The Rev. E. A. Duke of AOa Is vis­
iting bte purchU here.


The Farmers’ Store

Suttans Bay.
SiitlOD* Bay. Mich.. Aug. 17—Jobo
Ott made a bustacu trl|i to Lclaud
Th r»day.
Farmers are now quite suit of
ing goCNl crops and th\y atoo tblnk
bisb prices will be paid for tbem.
(hey an- offered II per!
Ihelr early applCA
Tbe steamer Mantetee of thcN.’
sen Tninsporiallon Co., broke a shaft
test week, so atKAher boat mark
trip to tnls port, arriving here Sun­
day-moring about *:J0, There were
hcveral iiussenin-r* that w«itc-d <« tbe|
dock all nlglit a* they expi»t«-d tbe
liuil about It u'rl>x-k Suliinlay night.
It «a. u rather a bum l•«•klng enisd
.lieu the IhkU diU arri%e.
wniUam Haskins who dkri on the
Tib *4. Nikei. to the Kliigham n-ni
<-'erv for Imrlal im Tiieedny the I'th
The rr-maln* ».-ie ke|H by i:ii.J--r

The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.


We claim that tbe "1904” Automatic Washer is
the easiest runniog machise made and that it will do
the work in less time and do it'better than other
”■* '

We sell these mshineac on 30 days trial so that
you can find ont the merits of this wonderful washer
before you buy it.
You take the machine home and try it 30 days
if you like if you can buy it if you don’t 1 ike ft bring
it back.


Here are a few Articles
we just received
iJiniier I'alU Tin Water Faik-Fnitl Jar Fillcrt, Drink
log Capa,-Tea »nd CoSue P.ita, Dippen,-Tea ijuainms.
Misbera. Tuastera. Broilers.Slake Pjunlera,


o:i anl Gisaliae Cana. Sy b>tto K'll Fly'or Sboo Fly an
article yon altould Lave if you have a cow or a born. By spnyi^;
this proparaiiou oa IhesoimsU it wiU keep tbe Fli4 off Iot a
onmber of hours.

Try tbii and conrinec yoar sell aboat tbe

oigb’_ Tlie miW
efieel of .r*imp-i
• imp-Roo:
It uud, the
be hig-oe,:
big'se,: for iti
es of the most ci-4rv>.ing rasn.
&wxmp-Root te piraun-. to te'.e an-1 te
■J by ail difffegists iu £fij<-«it as-J
’-.Icillar size bia-.Ies. V<n: may bate a
ipie bottle of this «ua<lcrfoi 'new Ui.vry and a book tba; lella all alamt it.
haeutfrwebvmail. AJ.lrevi. L»r. Kilrdc Co.. Bingbamtoc. .v. Y. M'ben
K me^
Dr. Ella





Nfws of Grand Traverse
Summer Resorts.

It Is told M the resort od a aphodld stelB. anrlaiiati; Mr. aad Mrs.
dress. Sunday. Ang. SS. Dr. B. e DmH pound bus WHIM Ur. Oallfacr Pchmtd. Mr. and Mrs Jiiilire Krotbrm. iK<t, pastor of l^aa arenue Aurch.
caught down at the pier a few days ClDclonall: Hr. and Hra. S S. Stein Ueirmt. will bold two een-|ccs SsDago, It te alM aald the doctor need er ud lamlly. Cincinnati; Mr.
day. Ang 18. Tbe Rev. P. E. WhUa surer booh ud bait that eatehes Mrs. Henry Frrtberg. son ud dangh wu, live yeara resident pastor at
ter. CloclnnaU; Jacob W. Mack,
ibme uy time ud any where.
Noribpon of the First Metllodlst
One of tbe Islevt eouvcBlences for family. CIOclniMtl; Mrs. Fred Kramer rhuroh. will arrive from Harbor
Sprmgs Monday it> assist in the meet­
home Saturday the resort Is the branch livery suble duiigtter ud niece. Uttle Rock.
from Traverse City, which males
ings. 'rtie K-v. A Cooper, llteenville.
Ust. while Ulaa Ai na C. Beech
of neglect of such semptoma as
y. giving.St
also will b.- In altendantv.
Rleeialde. III., and Mias Cornelia getting about the country easy.
Baekmche. Irregolarities. Displacea chance to take s
e beaut!- cii Ill: .Frank W. Klichoer,
meota. Pain in the Side. Dragging
On tbe li>i of native dlvlnet Is
pM Miuh«. Mteh.. Aac. 17.-Tb« MagOD of Champaign. III., came 01
SensatUwis. Dusiac
children. ClncInnuU; v
Sir. Hlasami and will stay a couple ful drives on tbe ;
fi>jnd that forceful expuuent of
eoDdWcws of aoeial ltf« bera
\1etar Price of Clunclnnatl is at U Darts and daughter. Si, L
Seeond. that Lydia E
lim^ MVMlAiir » now
S. Pint
- - - ’ mad*
' from
brtSbt Ot UW MUM. IB BOI
It Is expected that next year a large nail; Mr. and Mtvi. H. A Leroy,
native rooU ud berba, baa
__ cored
yl at Ruabmore bouse ss
a l>ark tep-e, with nature's clothing,
U>* vater «port« pluBed I
asnre eaaea- of
thu any
auto but win be put on the Newb-ta- family, 8t. l,oul«: R. Jarkeon. CIncIn fur his swaddling riolbes. bred In
I a previous write up—
8*tordB7 fell «bon o(
expeetsother one
regM medirine
mediriue known. It
(lov.rty and lusulsm, li U all the
strengthens ud lestoees women's health and UiavalnwUwlB
tlM* «A OMItr VbQ bid BOIM wiib pleasully domiciled at Pairvlev. the
Cincinnati; Mr. a:id Mi-r. Samuel mote ('■tnatkahle to hrowthe clear Inround tilpe dally, ahlch
» of Mr. aad Mrs. W. R, PratL
pre^rtng women for cbild-birth and dunog the period of Cbasfd
their Mil bOBU to CBny bone the
Wulfeetlu. Cliielnuati. Mr. iind Mrs u.naiion of bis magiwdfc voice wrhile
ss Harriet Qy and Mr. Dear make this quiet u u arquUliion
•Utter cup offered Ite etaner of
and grateful lestlmonlali
Ne-afa-la-wasta lesom.
M; L. Creenbaiim aud family. Lnub be delivers Ms
diseonrse iu both
file at the Pinkham
nil boat race. Bat)(fae h|bt bteeie ranaler of Chicago, are at the "Ploe*vine. Kv.; Mra. B. Siaadheeker and bniauigi'r.
time lo tiuK
me being
’ ’
pabllsbed br special prrmirainn. give absolute cvlthere tru tt^C efter dloher mood dted ir one week.
daughier, .l/•ui>vlIle. Ky.: Miss An
le T^ue of Lydia E. Plakbam's \ egeUbleCkjmpoond ud Hn.
. dovB and a tut cslai pretrailed.
Piskham's advice.
nie Van K«oten. Cinrlnrtatl; Miss I. tlaiTi-y Smllh of Bay Mllb, and Ftuk

Old UlsdM Taebt and Athletic club
F. S'anceih. Cincinnati: Mrs. )
requeue. Indian MLsionary of TowIs a elerer., traatllns organlcatloo. for the past month, left on steamer
New Mission Point. Aug. IT.-lUr- Si. aalr. Mra. Jennte L Rbodi-s.
Mln:i.. will anlM- early in tbe
mil It Berms to bare no control Hlaaourt for their borne lo Bvuslon. veloualy colored ^un■eta now fro
For marc than BO years has brwn coring Female Cc
Complaints, and as
sa Cllv. -Mo.; Mrs. X. S. I•llell. Krin
k. Mr. requeue is now laboring
-----=— ------Sensations.
tvnj. IVrak
B«k. Back.
FalUi Falling
‘ “ud Displaoemrnu. la•haterer over wlod and ware but nn»aa Oty. Mo.: Mrs. Oliver Hulmes aiui«e pegans and hu- address will
ColUge "Boo Rbne." tbe Major Imporunl feature of tbe puoi
flsffimaUoB ud riceration.
rration. aud Orgwie Dioeasea. - ud It dlmaivsB
' dlsoonracad by the flukes, (bey are
of Omens Bay. and the mile Parsons, Kanha.s; Mr. and Mie. Frank
ud expels Turnon al u early stage.
acBiB pluolDC for Saturday the »tb. Ruaome borne Is euterUinine unite stretch of broad walk along Sunset R. Mrt>«, eiiirionall; K. C. Hall aud U- of inii-nse intei«-al.
use party. Besides the Major.
vltb all the ardor of youth. Last
Terrace hu It nlghily string
■fun.CIncinnatl; .4. Rnaenliaiini. L"ni<Xorthpoit. Mich.. .Mig, H>-WUh no
Saturday dawned dear ud bright— Mrs. James ^tb and ton Bralnard. ated premenadera. wlw.on the return- ville, K>.; Mr and Mra. Willlum SllWomen suffering from uy form of female weaknens Are Inritcd 4e
smoke of city chimneys 10 nirest the
write Mrv llnkham. Lvan.Masa.foradTice. bheUtbeMn,. Hnkhamwho
. la fact It ww one of the botieat days there are Mr' and Mrs. Bniett Suiilh trip have rhe added delight
veu-om. Oinclnuati; Mrs. Murgarr'l light thill broke over (bo elearwaleys
has been advising *icii women free of cbarg« lov “aire thu twenty
daughter Ernesia. ud Mr. sod
of tUs uBuner. sad lo tbe forenoon
yoaik. ud before thit she araiated her motber-in-Iaw. I.ydia F. linklight and an occaslonni: Klrchmr. Cincinnati; Mlrs LUIIan of Grand Tinv.-is.- b.->y. dha-yiqheMrs.
boats becu lo srrlre—sail boats and
ID adrising. Thus she Is esfwcially well qnalifled 10 gnldt slA
gnmnd^ Is-rame asllr e^y
women back tohetlth. Writa today, don't wrait until toolat*.
Utmebea. The • Tarpon" was In port, of Chicago, who aUy the moalb ct
DUiilng-.sloog ihrongh the opsic- and wife. Clnetfibatl; Mra. S. Spencer yesterday morning.
a flue pleunre yacht oiraed by Oil- August.
eolora of the lovely bay may
lanaii: Mr. and Mra. Ralph W. Mark
llennelt of Detroit was the
. Proteaaor Roy Neteware. of labpem
<aiD. partlea. Tbe ‘•aim" slao w
log. upper peninsula, who have been seen the white-winged sailboat, tbe and Mra. M. Ohmao, CiarioDati; Mr |M-;iiri|>j| -i«-akei
St aaebor. Beiu too big to enWr
nimble Uttle launch and the grac-fnl anf Mrs. Jacob Beidan. CinelmiaU.
“When we do honest things, hind love and aene Him. ihen my »uprei
at Old Hlaaloo tbe past wee
Tbe govt-rnmeul bureau of pUnt InVM lataaded to be used as t
•mere «-as a grand ball at tbe L-e things, generous things, w* aro help­ neeils aro Ihe Ihings that will p
whence float tweet sounds of
tnmed home last Wednesday,
dn'siry finds that ground ffranite
ludca's stud. Tb«B. there were •
oau last week to whirh the rtllage ing ovraelves to sea and unddtwUnd piro me for ihat dratlny."
music and merriment.
makes excellent fertilizer.
era! smaller boaU with plenty of ean- feasor Notewear has ebirge of the
Few nsorta have such u extended people s-ere invited ud all enjoyed
kind God."
schools of II
Emphasizing the untold rteb.-s a
Oigllab locomollvra srhich wete Ixidt
raa. awaiUoc tbe breese wUdi
and beaoUfni a water-front as Omena.
'•Wlon >011 train your ehildren
'■ goudnera of Cod. HU limlllfsa
In the year lUC are still ucff M
not. «o OB Bcoowot or DO wii
Prom -The Olovere'■ <Hr. Keys)
The Clovers,
3 these things, when you train them j sources, unbounded lore for us. j
Swedish railnatds.
sail' boat races were called t^
the Clovera: Mrs.
past "Sunset Lodge" (Mr. Wheeler)
i go on an erninil of merry, yi
.children, the closing tboughf’ w
Ten million laoiple have opeoad SOthe day. ud the crowd beaded i
ireund Mlsatoo Point and "The Oaks' vlleh and daujdner. LouUrtlle, Ky.: lal." said Dr. Benn.ui.,
most fitting for those that preceded eounu wlih the Poxioince Sarin^
014 Hlssloii boys band, proceed
Hiss Barn, to -The Leelanao" (Mr. Mrs. John M. Diekacm. Miss Margaret - As he delivered a sermon taken It: -My Cod and j-our 0<d. who
bank of BngUnd.
ib^ball (TDonds. where the base ball
Dickson. ClneiJiosil;
DorlBod). whe{ice-.Uke Mlch(gu
from Paul’s EpUtle 10 iho HhlUpidans ' the rattle on a thousand fields, who Is
Six or wn en mllllour la eailmtsd
Ibu yelled tbemaeWea boaiae. orer.
Robert J. Clark and children. Evan­ written while In prisou al Rome await, a thousand times richer than a Rock u- !»• tbe number of rubber tree* in
be seen. Is a floe drive along
vh« they called tbe beat game of ly to the August gaitles tbe pati week
ston. III.: Mra. K. Q. Ollpbanl. Waco. lug Itiist.. after many hardships, mis- efeller et tT was—out of the riche* ot the Malay states.
Ud the piQDScle of the summer sea­ water's edge of nearly five mile*.
tto SaeUB pUycd t
his gold and sliver will be bring His
Tons of grasshoppers have beea
and OW Hlasloo tHib a score of 4 to son baa ben received. Ns-sh-u-wabu
I mldaoBUDer. have made driving uend, Columbus. O.; MUs Mildred
text -used bi-inp,
elilldtvn through. What
found imltedded In a ancleni glacier
S iDTaTor of Old Htsalon. ^lien the is filled to over flowing with visitors,
very popular, and Hr. Sud intends to Harris. LuiUsvIlle. Ky.; Mrs. J. M. -hall supply all your nt-cd. accnrdlnc God and Sartor we have; Let
ot MontanA
vme was o*er the lanacb raeea wen from all-pans of the eanatry. but a
Weir and daughter. Chicago; Mrs.
enlarge his livery another seaoss.
his l ich.-s' In glory by Chilst Je­ trust and obey Him
Tbe Abyminian «
ealled. Tbe -Oillereat" the -Padneah.- large majority are from ClnelnaaU.
With tbe aid of the "auxiliary, Mary B, Cocldns. Miss Maude Cock- sus."
This Inspiring sennohwas delivered
ICn. J9hn Allen had one c( her dc
were In tbe race. Tha' Anna Theresa’
ssillng eiafU are now nWe to ply the Ins, Columbos: Mr. and Mn>. E. T.
Men Desire Child Natureat Hi:30 A m.. the afternoon services,
^ndlcap.: ligbiful four table bridge panlea on
badi 'about a flee minute Mudlci
wind or no wind, so those
Howard and oon.^liimbur; Mr. and
hundred I
wbM she abunld have bad att let
Mra. Samuel R. iame« and children. ilelM'K." said tbe speaker. "If be could OJIbWay tongue, the Rev. James Wau-;
who prefec tbe "^llut mast" u
servM ud a Jolly good Ume bad.
•flltaeiL CMkMertng the differ
cel back to ehlM-naliire.
shn-ge-zhik of Soldiers Hume. Grand: Russia.
Mrs. 0. P. Hunt entertained with usollne engine may leave port with- Louisville.
fear of being becalmed. sciuarelr with men. let him build R-ppIdB, delivering the
bridge party on Salurday
Fvery year the srtioaJ children et
tbe wlMl or tbe -Paducab"
Mr. Ayera of Kanau City Is
hlK cliaacti.-r on thnne Unrw and lii-'l]
Indian Camp MeetinQ.
Dr. Bennuil again sfKAe lo a large Sweden plant sUiul W.MO treew
hooor of her sister Miss Heudonhall.
abom half way la. so abe wu 0
here with hU handsome yawl '
Korthport, Mich., Aug. IT-That ali have hie fra-t planted ii|>oo u evei- audience at 7 o'rtnck. taking as
put In
Tbe aluminum booba for tbe bUnd
the race ud tbe "Anu Tbeteaa'
Not." thirty four feet In length, four good Indians are not dead. Is ^i- la-'tug rock."
text, this declaration of Paul, a
the proper time ud tbe MU
now being printed lo Edinburg are et
U> caloed OB the GlUoreat. coming in
•beeu In Uie wind. The lioal. after Henoed M Shah-sko*raxklk IGroen
k!r. Ilenuett said. ‘'You and I ought the Heavenly vislim: "I was not dis­ thin slieets embossed in the usaal
Snaad carried off btrth prises.
ahead, but Hr. Brinkmu refused
wintering al Cfaarieroix. has made Skyi camp grounds, where Iasi even­ not to be afraid uf things in this obedient to the H.-avenly vision."'
way. They are easier to read than
accept tbe sUeer cup offeted. saying
summer made s cruise ibeough the ing. under a canopy of pines. maiiUs III.- \V.' are luone lo wut lo sit
Visions Gifu. Not Oeeama.
paper looks, do not soli, and are
It was too easy, and did not look fair Thursday UaL for a weeka' aUy
great Isaes and Ooorgtu bay.
ud birdies, uid no light but (irlmi- down In i-ase. away.from cate*, but."
Hr. Dennett' emphaalzed.lhe dUllne- practically indestniclible. Their exto blm.’—u. tbe eup ta.itUI waiUng tbe 800 and Haenac Island.
J. G. Porter of the ClnclanaU Obblreh bark torches, the opening he ».-ild. don’t you know It's the llon between visions and dreams,
All of tbe Awl family of ClndDnati.
penslveness is ehelr drawback.
for some one. A meeting held recent­
•errainry has In comlaaloo the alooo service ol the great Indian camp u>H-t grrui trying ihinn that educate us lo rtslon being a gift from God. and
The oyster beds of tbe Bay ot Nsly by tbe omeera oT the Old Mlaaion •c at the Awl cottage—poslUvely all
"CygBua'’ ud a smaller boat "Argo'."! frg took place. In charge of their know Hit- Codi"
dream a stretch of ImaglnaCon. Panl’s ples are expraled 10 reqolre two
' them. Mr. Cbas. Awl 0
Taebt and AthleUe club teanlted iu
fallbful learter.the Rev. acobs
"One .if the grout effecu of the ml*- virion he wald, caused him to see blroira for recovering their oomat
ptana that arlll afford aome good Umfea cenU.v.
(Ka-wa-banoo. center of mornlngi' rtODHiy movemenu" continued Mr.
he mtlly was. "H's a sreat rondlUon. The cUdres tram the erapChaa. Craighead and Mias
imerpreier, Beiini'tt. "Is ihe efferi it has upon the thing, when. Jike the prodlRil
tPhllllpa lataroed on Wedoeaday last' onr beantlfol hays from Traverse Cit> cxhorler,
llon of Vosuviu have smothered the
I are out for tbe I
I Nortbpon. Charlevtdx and Omena teacher, eriwhlle John J.vrobs is n l-'i.ple iheniM-lves. Don't be afraid
bivalves, funning a reanpleie eorerrtage o( Hiss Marguerite .Pierce ud
Having no general eotertalnmeni full bloodeil Oitnwa. a pioiege of the III lilt- Liirdi-m- and pavelons of life, then showed Ihiul what be might be­
iver them.
On Wednesday Mrs. C. E. Miller
Hr. Bcsid Callaway, both of Chicago.
hall, our young people hare to be eon
came. but Mr. Bennett oald. "If we
Tlie pmty, aernce tHIl take plaee at had a very pleasut llule afternoon
e Amazon sune found In small
with sample. Impromptu affairs
could sec ourselves jiiR as we
near Colorado SpriimCol.
tbe Cotaffreghtional chnreh on August affair, given la compllmeoi
they seem lo get oui of them a
ns slnltil as we are. wq might' lie
to demand. A firm In OerfllsL and toUowsd by a reeepUon at mother. Mra. A. J, Turner. R being
of tun and frolic. Of this sort
cotimged. Thanks be to God. when many ordered all Ihat could be pro"Baa flood* eottage. The happy be eighly-flrat birthday, The only last week was the little musical ar
He makes a nan see himself as a
yoang couple will leave for Chicago,
ciirt-d. The sume U greeo In oOtor
ruged by Dwight and Robert Brad
aud bard at flint.
on .fltr. yiaaoorl. srtiere the groom •of Judge flmllh.- Late In the after­
where Mias Katherine Barr
of fkri. '
baa htwlaem Intenoti. Hlaa Pierre noon Harold Rood took the two ole
vocal soloiBl and Miss 8uNin
"When you buried n father, m
la wall known and vary popolar yoong ladles for lunch ride In tbe -Middy.' Brown the brilliant piutot. Al
er. or child, did noi God ajwak
Mra. C. J. McHo^ gave a snppei
ladyt with boaia of file^ who wlsb
Helen Smith's ud Ruth Dliiman'a
yotiT When you did an unkind deed
tor the hoys on Salorday Isst al
her all b^tDeea.
the beaCb-tiartles have been equall>
spoke an unkind w-ord, did u rin. did
Hlaa Ogiesple. Hr. Hobart Lewta. wbkdi the boys HIM up In Une style,
«t.l Go,I s|wak lo you? WbenyooforIda and Belen Lewis ut Gnuid Bapidt tben^^y bmit a big fire on tbe
an enemy, when . you helped
apeet a few days Isst week with Hiss
there meets a portdi reading rirstune cue who liad wronged you did
walker at Wateraedge.
It Is now enjoying "Tbe Cruise
Pol Uu.1 speak to ymir bean?"
was sort
a farewell “good time.'
of the Shining Uglit"
Further, he sold, "Has not God
for Monday Mra. Mtfliogh ud two
Mushroom gathering Is also
again and again. In ways I know not.
hoys and Miss Breene left for their
pleasut morning iMStlme. and
spoken 10 you?"
Miss CcUls aad Mra. Fabsr aad home lo Cadfllac. lliey have been would like to know 1( any one <
In closing. .Mr. Bennett said that
flaivfatar Helen of Chicago, will apead with Hn. Miller at -Tyar Coed '
Veac tbe record of Master Norman
nd gives us thsae vlsloiia that
tne Bwmth of Augoat srlth Mrs. John 'ge.
Wright of Oberiin. who bronght
may have a bold 06 aalvallon.
Hiss Mary BheffleM of Detroit is a
three bnnehes weighing four ud
Thejevenlng sermon was liiterpN-ted
Mr. sad Mrs. W. A. Leighton ud gneat of Hlaa Harton Woodcock.
BsautiW HtMM.of the
half pounds; it was s splendid speclThree onawa Ind.snt.
h>- Hfilurt Agosa. of Traverse City.
Hr. aud Mrs. a*or^ Rood are al
Mra. Bdward Baisoe cf JdleL IIU arof the variety known a* "pleuroi was liie first effort of Dr. Bennett
d cm Prtday for a ten days rltll Maelnae lalud for a few days.
tin." found fifteen feet up the tnink rolssionary, laier nn ordblned minlu-fCod will u
deliver a eernion through the aid
Tbe WtKuo'a Bxehuge of Oncloler

at the Leighton tarsL'
: a beech tree.
ot an _hileipreier.
Oae of Che aeddeaU whidi the by natl baa a consignment of hud made
'CtMl wl -upply .,11 nr-e.1- Therv’t,
Judge John G. O'Connell of Hyde ordained by the late Bishop Xtnde .
The Ri-v p, A. Whitman of Harataadms never (all to tay. "It might fancy articles. All kinds of pretty ark Cincinnati has purchased Ian-1 Bsy View. Strong In ebarartci. an
treat dnrei-iie.. Iwtw.-en nev-d»
Sprlngs. resM.-iii iMst-rr ol the
have bMs worse." called, a udden things In collars.
adjoining Prof. Porter's, where he gular and athletic In phyvique. John nm| de.;iri->-. nfi'-n the greatest m-ed is First M. E. church, of NorUiporl. lor
halt to, tbe pleasure of Mrs. J. A.
et rid in de»lr.-e. ” said the s|>eakMl erect a cottage this fall ud tbe
yrara, will M- in attendance durIs humble hrelliren In
Mnim- of Bvusioe. Ill,, who. with her hibitloo. and for sale at tbe hotel. ro geuT^men win unite in building
the wra-k. bt-gInnIiiK today.
strength of character and manly rig-'
rlilltaw are vending tbe summer at This ule will be on for one Spek. be­
floe dock between Mr. Santo's aud
or. H.-’a a firm believer In Ihe ram;i
the home
Hr. ud Mrs. John Har- ginning Wednesday Angnst 14. ud the vOlage.
In charge of Hits Frances
meeting of old, where tinder th*- In
Bbaa B«Ue drirlBg. her horse be­
The Rev. Mr. Ford of the Baptist spiratlon of the honr. In <5i«l’- 0011’'““'
e ne, .,a.per.
came frightened by Dr. Vauglmn't Smith and Mist Angelo MItcbell of
H. J. BECK, Manasar,
rf.t-5 w.-r<- km.-ti fliid
woiindaetnwutrile. ud Mrs. Miller jumped. Clnelftnatl. who racently arrlred and church at Bdgewood. Chicago, who tabernoele of green, thu spiritual
Lansing. Mich.
sing hit vacslion at Snnset qulekening reached young and oM.' '
1 t.aiilinr amoi.t tht-msHv.-braaUng her leg brtweeo tbe uUe win be at ."Overlook" for a ,eouple of
aad knee. Dra. Vaughn and Grey rvIn the Presb.vtrilan church
lurked In the background before th'--- ]
dnead tbe fractan and Mra. Miller
J Howe with the hearty c«v
Congees with ail requreaent* the Nstkmal Pir Food Law. Cuntdee No. 2041. filed at Wad
services closed
now qnite u nomfortmhle as could be
• of the malda gave a birth- Sunday afiemoon.
Among the recent arrlralB al "The
axpaeied. but not spending tbe days
rise party tor Mra. How*.
jnet off aba bad planned to do when Tbe big rake was rorthcomlng ud a Oaks - are Mr. ud Mrs. Klllen
she tame.
line time waa had generally. Ur.ud Jacksonville ud Mist Ellrabeth Man- old time Are descended upon tbe
chraler of Deirolt.
Hn. Jcsepblne Wdsb. Him Sarah
iwe. 8r.. were present.
bowed heade of thCM.- wur-blfM-ra. and'
^Uab and Jouph. Jr., of Grand Rap­
essn F. M. Staples of Evanston gadenccs of their qiutiiilly rendered:
V, Wright of Clndnnatl ar­
Breweter Hooker of Boston) have hymns rose on high, with the Increase j
ids are at Hr. ud Mrs. W- K fltoaes rived a few days ago expecting to
lor tbe month c^nguaL
slay a couple of weeka. but was called Joined their frtends al "Sunnykl^' ! the wigwam fire.* and tnrrhef
Jr. John W 8 Pierson of StanTbe pleasure yartl “Gem- owned home by wire, so be was ouly here
Opening Ceremamst.
by J. A. Meetague of Traveree City. but a few days
loib Mlch_ is enjoying a much-needed
The opening praj.r. wiih no chan-'
BOW at Old HIsslao has just beturned
Miss Cbarlolle Woodcock Is spend­ at at “Pencrofi. "
-I lail hm R sapl'-ss Inc. and the
from a teveeueo day ernlae. atoMilng ing B few days with friends at MseMr. aad Mrs. Becker of St Louis, printeval eafih lieoeaih, wae fu11ow>-d
al all the northern lesorta Hr end luac Islud.
■e vlsUiog Gieir children and grud- by tin- hymn. "Uli,w ye Ihe Trum|H-i,’
Mrs. Moeugoe had as gaeata. Hr.
A very pleasut time was had by cbildren at "Cherokee Lodge." and al
." which has iteen retained as
nad Mrs. B. j, Mercer. Mr. ud Mra the young people on the resort, the The Deanery" we have an alert the opening hymn through tlie forty
HeniT Smith. Donald Cameree and outcome of an laritatloa to a suppev newspaper man In the peraoo of Mr.
i existence of the great gaih'-tGerald Montague. The HonUgue 00 tbe Island, given by the Rood Horace H. Bancroft who is connected iog. and il» dentlerlng has hwt mmei
cottage U now open ud they will yoang^rople, who took them nvc
with the Jacksonville Journal and
of the old lime vigor.
aUy until September l. They are the "Middy." They all report a Jolly <Tilcago Trllmne.
Interesting Speakers Coming,
An old soldier w?ite$ about
eatenalnlng Glen Codmu.
Tbe time.
letinatm-a-T brd rd1 rdl din dlum
The R.-V. IJoyd R MavUai.i-d,
-Gem" started on FViday Iwi from
Mrs Bert Howard of Grand Rapids, .f of the First M.-thodlri chuj/11.1 ARJOSA Coffee: Your coffee protedioo <i cootua^ tnaffrd Ir
Mr. and Mra. O. L. Tearbout ud
Traverse Oly. at 3 o cloek with very daughter of Adriu are gucau al
ahleblc-law of Ambassador Thoa.
Xorthport. 1» Iw-ndlng all
and the fuses ol each bory sealed ividt
bgbt bead wine, sue bad to sail all H. H. Cobb cottage.
O'Brten. Miss Ella Howard ud MUs ward perfecting tbe plans as c^lnril
night, reaching Old Hlidrm uchorMr. Chat. Howe reently treated Josephlue MacBrtde are with friends
be oraip mceilnt committee of!
'61 until I received your coffecjir bold the goodoet. m aadm^thejn^
thanyoucage ahoat five lo the moralng. This fats doobtlag friends to a Bne flab fry
"Camp LookouL"
which be Is (he »ecr««ry: t
same craft hu oflen nmde the dUthe jtstcfday." * A soliet bmwx coffee coffeesetdecSearsnd quicUy. Betterjway. These are
the hotel. A few were from Htosiding Ider A. T. Fergusoo
Unos In steam 'boat time.
iri and he flraaaeded to show them
Grand Tisverw dls(rict hwe enlisii
j>y the Urte. and tbe way it makes him than
toast" WstiDing a ARJOSA told m the DiMe
Mfaa Jbrdan of Siaingfleld. it a
• mull of fals catch, moch lo tbe
(he itervicea of severaJ ’ interesilng ted. and wotdd ao4oef go wilhaul Me devdopi the flavor nod "ra^ra the t ‘ban al^ tbe otho’ CeBee f
gaest of Hn. O. KJirloder.
eojo)-menl of bis friends, who
vers, JatlBdliic I'rof. C M. Sdurl hit bread than without hit coffee. gtmdng eaiy. Our aoRoou coffee ^
Mr. NcrIOB. F. Hlggeasoa of CMprepared to swall ow any flsh
If yotr gfoeer wl not aqifdy. wdH to
AibucUet' ARJOSA wat the firti bimtem, examfag the next fo« Wgert
eaga, who has been at Beech pottage
he MH.
roaried. packagref cefiecv packiffcd Jot!fimaiu tbe worldRwdwT. reduces oig




Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

Mrs. [Mnkham*5 Standins Invltatioii to Womeo


UDSInj Buslnss Uahtnltj





•irr me flow
tmrst ruTieut mrr

Foa YOUR pwrienon



r [•


Mtii «MMfM ff*« th« ata«M %MWh

tit VMIHM mindrMi tT rttldtW «l
•til ^Mt art lM<ria« Mttll th* «M-

rtlpi m ttrrtr has Mm lMo«tt
ttiftughtirt tht tft|>''« hr rtvtiiiUtft-

Ikoncta ntar Cannr* dock, aboot 3:09

so popular to tbl* section. He was one

oi the organizers of tbe We-que-ioag
Saturday aftamoon. dltd at
club, and many year* one of lU
t:M o'clock Saturday rrcniny. Dr.
He was
popalarly known
K. P. Lat'ton carried every effort to
hi* boating friends as "Conirelievo Mr. Mufray. who «aa coca-:
for about au hour after hl» re­
turn to bl« realdeoce. While Dr. Lawwaa esertiOK hii eHoru to relieve elected alderman and served to (bat
bit patient. Jamea Kehop. aicent oftbe poBlUou for two rear*. At the clone of
Pere Marquette, i. W. Hllllken. B. J. bU term of office, be became candi­

Mlt^ trtileli ttUtk* tMr elill«r«n.

1 and a ptittnti frland of

VHt •pnfMmi rttMAIt t|i

JthnatMm. ^ At*.

firut to IntredBce motor-boating on
bay ani waa really

Death of C. E. Murray.

hM iMMr «■•!«•< MWMtykM lib

«trt ditMt tht tnw thMMl

MV. AUMMTtt. n07.

He U pwttoB of great plraaare. Mr., Murray
serrlog aa guide and general enter­
tainer. Mr. Horrsy was one of the

S«m»i taau froo km vUl b* ta

eifit toam and talft i
and two padaatiit

and W. D. C. date for Ibe reiinhlican nomination
Oermalne were preaent and lent (heir for mayor and wa« defeated at the
tMl inhit M«ar atartad back ttirardt
la praaant of a caneertad alfan on tha
liaianee. Ihetu* geutletiieu Ivlng InU- lirimnrto liy only one vote. Person
Via turtaM twini to a dtfaet In
part of tho ravOlilUonlaW wrhieb.
lie neighbor* ami filends nf the ally, he was very highly regarded In
wathlatty and at tha top tf tht ahaft
Tniverw City nnd iwpular among nil
thought. Ineiudaa an atlompl on
(oriMd a atnttrtaHll drtpptnp
cla»see. especially so srlih the ralV
Mr. Murray Buffered n airoke of
man 400 fttt.
Iliad men over whom he hud superApoplexy alioiit a year aen. and had
vislon In this section. He U survived
Fh>t -wort kHltd.
Thrtt ea
imrtergoine Inui'nieiu ■
Tha Tsnplara Trwubiaa.
by Mrs Murray and Ibelr son. Irvlngj
hold «f tht timbtra an Iht way d
Tangiara, Aag. lte*ln a tamfle bat- time. During the iia«t few nHinlhK lie
nppeand in lx- Improving and only a
tia today, tha Praneh rapulaad a
few day* ago. eipre«!wd hl» eonfldby
Mora Htlp Naadad.
1n Iillltniile rermery and .waa^
tba eOBBlBg toelory haa.eoinpleted
a wu a trawandeua loot of lift
s ..f permant
V- chrerliil I
amagsaOBU u> deliver beaaa u
among the netlveiL Again aed ag
FVom Saturday's Recoid.
aata i—about.tbe city for they threw thamtalvaa apa<»at
Saturday i.firTponn, Mi Miirrny In
Stuart L. Gain of Kodkib rity.
MrlMtM ond onrooe dealrtug to
Peanch treapa, but a hundred me- compuny with rt'llli- W'iikiv. one o/
visiting hi* motlM-r.
bsooey by UUa work ahould toiepboae
the emidnye* »f llie <1. R. fi I. took
chine puna with powerful ahalla from
the factory ttnd tbc baana will be dehi* lutineh .viid WnrK-d for Carter'a
Dr. Kaoy. Honey, wife i.iid son I'aiil
UviN«d. Ite work begllsolaE Monday tha maaaad war ahipa in the hartoe
where Mr. .Murray was to lake
• MattM iatt tht ttmntfi Matt tf

ipotAliit. Tbe cotDptby will
call for Ibe beaiia wban oompteted.
OwlBf tp the niab <d baana and tbe
Mok «f I^P at the faelory. tbla metb-

r. M. i
quarter mllea nouth of tho city, left

leillea on u trip In Omeua. When nnd Harry Itarclay of
1 a hair mile frrun ibe dock per*. Ohio, are visiting
Mn. Alma J. Smith
t 3:<>0 ir'eloek, Mr. Murray widelllp sfna have IXx-n
denly fell from hli seat in (he Imat

CoJIege C
In the dty.
und dnughti-r
(he gtiesl.

Tt«o Illinois Girls Suffer fewn Scalp
TraiWe-AiKitiwr Sitter Nesdsi
Tonic—Friend Suggests Cuticurt.
—They Use It anoNow Give.

cake <g Cutlruia Soap ai>d one box
Cutievra Oimnem. as-that waa all
that wa* required to cure
1 was very much troubled
rffthehrad.andafrieDdcr rotoeuddnw
to use tbe Culirurw
________ ...•'-jedira. which
1 glad lossy that they ruled
my eraema emiiely. Since then wo
have always ki-pt the soap on hand at
ell timni. My slMw wa* ale» cured
»# (vseraa of the bead be uiing the
(-ulirWB RenwHlie*. AnotW «l«lrr lias
tued Cuiirura lieiMilvenI arid Pill« and
think* lle-r ar>- a BiilenilidHonie. 1 rare
not nayexiM ilv hi-w long 1 euffeied, Init I
think ate-ui >.b montiu. Him Kdith



Northern Spy apide at iba Herald

eondllioii of collar-M.


zu na«
use lor
for over ov
30 ;yratf*, bag borne tbe il(tiatare af
« and baa been made VBtler lug pww
■onal guperriaion glnee ita Infbarr
Allow no one todecetve you in Uiu.
atlosig and “ Jart-as-good'*are but
Experiments thut trlSe with and endanger tbe health off
Inlante and auAdren-Expeglence acalnat ExpnlisieiiU
AJl Coil

Caetona is a hnnnieea mbeUtote ftir Castor OB. Pare.
Eurie. Drop* and SooUiin* Sj-mpa.
It to meaeant. It
eoDtain* ncitln-r Opium, Morphino nor other Earrotle
wabntance. It* age to Ua piaranteo. It deetroya Wonua
and odayTt Frrrrishneaa. It cure* Dtorrbtna and Wind
Colic- It relieves TeetblnT TroubIee,-mres Coustlpatton
and Flatnieuc)-. It aaMmOates ttae Food, regulates ttae '
Stomarta and Bowels, ffitinc taeallhF and natural aleep.
The Cbiidnui’e l>aiiacea-Ttae blotber’g b>ieud.



} Bears the Signatxire cf


Afflicted with Torturins
DisfisuriiiK Humors

Become* an nbgra off the facet tofxkr
toliriinde. not onlv heraurr of it< Buf­
fering, hut beeawe <ff
tl>e dnedful frar that
vtffbw wUob
thow ttae
Wara MarriedT
tie-di.figtiraiiun 1< to
be lifek^ at>d mar
In Ibe re«atu at Alden Thnraday. ble keeping powera of tbU fruit. Tbe him. He wa* unsureeaxfiil. however.
Ura-' W. A. Aldtlrii iitid
it* future ba|4<ine.«,
IrvlBd Mdnay of tbU diy captured apple waa grown and ripened li
(he meantime. Chief of Police don .-ind Mr. imd Mr». C. J. lli"ene
aetMOd pace U tbe baadknp race, hit
AKhton, In company wiih Cii-* Ctmlleli. ot Toledo are vlriilnc
duir << moUwra eff
boat beiog one of tba acrateb boaU
Kucfi allUcied rtiiTdr-n
bad Irecn driving near Cnrler'e mill liaeh’s father’*. Fool Fkiiulng of Long
awl am aarardalt a One lasacb Ugfat.
The baat it powered with a Moiae
i imolde In Mr. Murray’s
On Wedneeday. Aag. 29. tbera
merit available, Tk: warm i«iM with I
Staaller and glviw aaceUeoi ipeed.
----------- ---and
1 Immediniely
hurried to the
be a mooBier denlc at Copemlah,
dock where Mr. Murrgy wa* finally
Modem Woodmen being behind tbe
Cure. Cureii marie in infancy and chiMNow Cbrtaln.
removed to their enrriage. They loleh.«xl are inually »|>»ed}- sird pmnanent.
affair and tbe Woodmen picnic
W. M. I
phoned to Germaine Ilmthers for ;i
r drop cwtaln for the clallon bring (be apon»o™.
carriage but started on toward theelty
OiwbA opara bouae. Tbla curtain will
I friend.. Almii
be one of tbe ttneat in tbe aiau and
Germaine started
tbe oratory Ibere will be baae
will bo a oradlt to tba booaa. to ad­
lor Carter’s with a rig. iind overtook Don’t Trifle erith It. Don’t Neglec
.Guard ^ At Your Deares
dition to tba new drtv eurUln. ttae game! and other athletic eveata. Two
mm kehoe. who offered bU a*sl*tTreature.
band! will be to altendano
aeesery U alio receiving attentJ
ce. but Mr. Murray wa* not reninved
and la betag freabeitad op. Tbla
>m Mr. Ashton’s rig.
The Oleanera.
getbar wllb ttae work tiiat bu bun
From S-iIurduyV Record.
Tbe Oleanera were organh
tbai paitlaa. aa waa later proven,
A fiarty r«i*i*tlng nf Mr. ami Ur^.
evealng ai Lone Tree with
win make tbla pofHilar play bouae ah
Roy Kaiglit of Ailriaii. Mine Ullisn
iber of membera. Tbe folloviog of­
■Mat like new.
For Maiden. Wife and I
Horton, Mr*. B. U Kelley. Mrs. \V,
ficer* were elected:
First Indications of Oi
T. Keiim-dy of Traverse City, end
Chief. Robert Barney.
New Factory.
rangement of the
Mistoul.ili Jiid«m of U'Diiwie
Vice Chief. Emma Harris.
wniaid CanpbaU. David Campbell
wtail .to Omena today
Secretory and Treasurer. ' Lmey
and Waliar Campbail have i
• —
hit, OUtlllg.
tbe OIBairi patent U^talng airaater Ransom.
Dear dauEhler. nisu-i-.
wife or,
J‘’hn Thiwv*on of Glen Arbor
Chaplain. Mra. Ernest Wetbom.
aad wUI aatabUah a factory In tbla
moihi-r, ilo you rvaliro thai h>-a1ih is ' It< iou-ji iiday rm biisliie**.
Coodoctor. Charles Welbom.
tity tor tbe maantoctiire of tbe arUmon- to y,ui ami your family Ihaii all
son of CMLecturer. EUa FUlUps.
William OUlord. tbe inventor.
luner tluard. John Satohleben.
>■»wOl have ebarge of tbe plant aa aushould be your grciilesi dcslrv?
lor ii. few d.vy».
Outer iiosrd. Bbri Freeman.
periatendeBt ' Tbe tiaufer laeindea
Dccjiisc hralih—.1 wotuan'*
I.. M. Hcntictt and daugiitor Morelle
tba Tighta to tba Onited Statea.
>rmal lieaUh—will imsbip yon to l.e
Tbe OlSoid ligbtolag arreater
od baa beeoma noeetaary.

The Kind YoQ Hnve ATwayg Boorfat. aad wUch bag

wa* Mra. Hattie M. Strong, teimtied
their home_ln Grand Kapld* yiwter-

The Kind
You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years

> s 'Xsr,„‘is I



darloe that U'dlfferent from ordinary Ptom Tbawdgrs Baoofd.
Miss Nettle Gray has gone to Chi­
amatera and doea lU work pertaeUy.
It hu bad a long and exhanaUve cago for a few vreeks' vWt with


assist nature in building itp her dell-



A midllK-r of mmpUInts
luive l*fn teev-iv.-d that be litis Itevn

Chifto* e. Murray.

Jark^rdl rdlii rdln rdiu rdle rdlnni

Thursday. Jacksnu waa at Hie t«i-remarks to.ludire dor nuTCles <rf tbe brewery wurkera
e aouihorn [art of ttae slate, who
mill swearing St IhiiMi who lefuse (O
oomc Iheie tor'a lolllllbatlaa.
buy hi* ware*. .
iiiaklng ‘in(lt>ceot

Hay Welsh, the l*.y whodlaVerfirm’a Jonah, the large frame
9p|M-i:riu1 frvmt his htmie In that hlly hulldlng, formerir n lox factory, asfi
:i few days ago. 1* thnugkl to be to
wtalcta Vernnn ralsrd a >10.909
hiding in Port Huron. Welch former lumiis and received no benefit was to1y resided there wlih his parenls and

Inllr dcsiinytvl I4- Are. A spark frem

li 1* th.H he tnok a car sm!
locomoilie Is llioiig}ii to have caus­
came to Port Huron Immedkiu-ly af- ed ihv-flre.
H-r l.-avlng,hl» home.
Clay Gri'en. an Aun Arbor oapiiall»i, iiu r with u had arcidcni.

QTATR or MICHIGAN, the Probate

gy to talk Willi him. The (artner was
hu'iliug a load of two ton* of soft

At a session ot said conrt. hvU at
Ibe probate office, to tbe Ctty o(

In driv­
ing In iron hi' I.IIHI b.- tuei a farnic-r ^ Court
uhooi hi- kii--wa«d goi .oiii of hi* bug­ Travi-rne.

for the Cotnily of Grand

Trsiverae Cliy. In saW^eatmly. on the
Cth day of August. A. t). I>fi7.
Preaent t Hon. IVed R,
Judge of Pr.ibafe.
Ill Iho niiiiior of the (Slate of Parniilln Tii.ri*-. (IrtYsised.

A. Samii-r and Mrs.

Suddenly htai i(«m atorted ap
the sMvl* ran »mt Mr. Green’s

fioni house Id house (bren|!|i Owusso

which Is Home Coming

......... ..................................................■



Tho-• poller are InkOig fiw a man toe*.. cni*lilug ilw big one w> badiy '
rvh.) lias l>ren solliiig fnrnlture igiltoh- 1*1 II may lx necesiiao' U» vmputnle

Now lifcten' Zoe-Phorti Is made for Benmit aill take pi'rt In some of the
It Is admirably adapled to miirical evciils.

(act at the Boardman
River Elec­ (riendi. sad Mrs. W. A. Dale of MBtric light and P^er eompany'a idant waakee and Mrs. W. F. OusUoe of
Cadillac are Maying wHh their mothan^ eltbou^ there have been
aaaara eMctrtcal otorma. it bu done er during Miss Gray's absence.
Hobart Levria who has been flriUng
tia vrorfc wltbont falL

prcwenl. It .1* lo IhMTiili- hrreufKr.

CoUiim l‘. Tiiller havtog


ailing U is a nervi-toiilr. and iIbmu«*'Ih;1 and Ml** Emma Ivlrk.
hullder. It contain* no opbte or oar- Chlcucii. are visiting Mrs.
cotlc. drug to injuiv the »y*tcm and is Walsh. 1127 Wavm- *ii

Tbla arreater ami ondaobtolly be friends to this city, baa returned
driven dlroetly to the Mur­
la large demand and tba local plant Elk Rapldi. He returned to bis home ray home on’ Frankllti street, where
more seriously olllcieil—women suffer nml rtaughier Jessie, rviurned >v>»ierwill do a heavy boatoeaL Practical to Grand Rsplds today.
D' .Lawton was eallid. Bvery effort Ing wlih any form of womanly weaK-Uay tn,ni sevenil wreks’ trip to ScotHerman
elacttkeal mao have prononi
relieve Mr. Mtirra.- was fniltless.
s extended business trip to Ohio.
onooeaa In every way. Waller CampHowever, he retailne*!
Himdreds ot
ilu-se women i '“A l-lare* of grval liii|>oilaiire In EngTbe Mlaaee Josephine Core «
batLwbo Ulncharge of tbe KaUuaka
Betousnea* nnd himself did everything
Slau—vc.nic Ilf lle-ui land and vl*lliii lelami-* ........................
etoctitoeplant. bu tbaroagbly taated Mabel Scott Irit this morning
he could to aiuiist the phyBleini
the land »! Ihe lieatli.
Grand Rapids where they will remain .stroke wa* fatal, however, and he
tba arreater and U aatUAad tl
Mis.' (Siiidii- Iteiifmd .mil
V some time.
u tovantlan that wUl mve.tb
passed away at s:on p. m.
dre.1 Itidd of
D. CaaOe a-ent to Detndl this
of doOara' wwM of'property.
Irving C. Miirptiy. was on a launch of Iheii aunt, Mr* K
It will not only protect power Ing for a visit with ralaUvea.
cruise in the chain of lake* above
at ilic Hamsdell fa;m.
pinirt-, atinol car ayMoma. etc., but It
Elk Rapids. It was difficult to locate
can be nerd to private eonecni
blm but finally a telephone message
General New*.
and Detroit. They will be
Bare moUra pad other valoable
found him at Central Lnke. He left
Gov. W,inner luis iipixiinled D. G
ctnary (ram being deatroyed.
bis friends. Trlx Tinkharo and Heher
Mr*. M. M. Martin who has been the Stool with the launch, and dretve
Piilnp'i ot JiieU'ipn rouniy. ngeiu 10
Rudder .Want Wrong.
gueut of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, MllUken
Micri-ed G<x>ise-'t. While.
Elk Rapids, where he »a* met by the
Bobatt Price bad a rather tbrilltog tor a few days returned to 1
F W Weinioie. of Galesburg. Ill .
automobile of Wni. Witte and hroiight
ezpertoBce to ble
*-8pray' at Ann Arbor this morning.
has l«>i-n iiidKilIiled phv'iciil dlnvliu
borne, arriving at l;«n o'clock yesterMrs. Cbaa. Webb left oolheMoamer
wbOa coming to tbe dty from hi
fnt 111- Is-js -U the .\iji; .Vl-ir higli
fiaj' morning. Irt ing did not know
aummar home at Spring Park Satur Hlasouri for Ludtogton this morning
that his father was dead nni
where she will vlall for a short Ume.
day morning.
arrival, nllhoogh when told the
Star Alvortl Tatiierol Rncllu'-i
When nndar way.
he dUcovered
Hr. and Mrs. John Huber of this
of his father's nfflicllon. he hnd liiile
Alvord. who w-;is III llie wr.-ik j
that aometbtog bad gone wttag wUb city left this ummlng for the south
bope* or seeing him alive
in shirb 'O many Iniu.i isoph- sir--|
tbe mdder and it bad abaototely no where they will spend the winter.
A Veteran Railroader.
kill.-d. 1- d.-iid
contrtd over tbe totmeb. Thera
Mins Bernice Pierco left today tor , Mr. Murray was a veteran railroad
A case of >rnai!|«i\ has
heavy ten mnbtog at the time bat ha Grand Rapids where she will visit (nan. having been in
Uie niilrosd
kuc on and managed to keep tba with relative*.
HI hU life. He was Itorn i
I.i.m Si ,lohn«
Tb. disease to pn-'
boat beaded toward! tbe dty by wMra. H. 8. Pew. wbo vras recenUy
1 In Lincoln, Maine, where
.til at ..-vi-rai places In Miihlg;iii. 1.'-'
log tbe.-carerae lever (rwquenUy gad Injoiwd to a runway at Omena passed
bU early manhood was spent railroad- ditt Retla Griffith, CoH
letUog the aeu tbiow brr bow through the city tbU mornteg on her tog to the employ, of the European nnd
Til- fliemen of the Miriiigan divi
aroand. When off tbe mouth of the
ay to BaUle Creek where she goe* NorthweMern rwllway.
Immediately (hem alMui Zou-rhora.
|jk>- Shi"<- liid an ouUng
rWer. it tocA nmeb bard work to get
V treatmenL
sdier bin marriage, when 4ie was
On March 7. 19'C;. Mi's Rrnia Grifflih I
-'e l,|k.- Wi'lTiesda-' -\to' -1
tbe boat aurted np atream where »he
MU* Charlotte Tteat vrbo has been
years of age. be came to Michigan of ColumhlavHle, Mich., wrote. "I will I
waa tied np and Ibe dlmbled rudder Vlslttog George Myera of thl* city re­ and entered the employ of tbe 0. R. A gladly send my letuimonhil for Zon
Phora, as the greaiesi. nioei siri-nginturned to ber borne at Howard Cfiy
railroad as agent at Howard CU.r. cnlng tonic have ei-.-r known for
I suffered with leucorrliea
He remained there some Ume.
OM Mlaolan ftegati
Mr*. C. A. Weaaeto of Harvey, 111and painful menses for ne.vriy six
later promoted to rhe reepm
has returned to ber toime after visit­ position of traveling auditor, which years. 1 look dlffen-ni kinds of nu-llThe Blizzanl KnNaxt Satwday tba Old Hlsaton
efneo and doctored with three dlfli-re CuUcr
ing fri«.-pd< to lh.r city.
position be held for nearly jr. years,
Yadit aM Sailtog Oub will bo«
eiil dociorw. )mi iliey did me no giasl.
Mr, and Mr*. C. U KUburn bare re­
Urey come to Traverse City to 18!*5. Th.y Mid 1 would hav. 10 have an
oavtei of- aailtog and power b
cBuae (,iaality is
lumed to tbair borne at Atom after Hr. Murray havto£ been installed
o|M.-r.itlon,’but thanks to Zoa PiiOiu. n
lacM. tba aailtog race betog at
vUIUng friends In thl* city.
local agent tor the C. R- A 1- at t
e'deek and the tonoeb race at (.
after price it forentirely cured the discharge
I 'was
Hr. sad Mra. C. U Whitney and point.
Long service with tbts a
so weak when I liegsn taking your
two graadeblldrrD left tbU morning
had Inspired his superior offlcUls
nxuSicine that I could not sit up a
for Big Raibdi where they will vUtt with every confidence in his Integrity
whole day at a lUae. Isit now 1 am
city of hny in the
for a few daya.
enltrely-well. ’ On April to. 1S*|7. Miss
and ahility. He «a* a valu
countoy. »be corn
Crtfflih writes. -You may refer any­
for the company, and aside
one <0 me and I will still gladly recom­
crop should be well
Tigaid held ^rhlmtna bust
mend Z«B-Ph.uu-- Dims
Kw. A. T. Faesuaea Injured.
token care of. In
be was VW? highly ezteriDod person that the results from
vm lie UM- of Z<«DO better manner
rrem MaadayM Bacerd.
J’hora ve permanent
While coming Into this rity oo the ally by the officials of the rompany.
can this be done
The best way to heco^
irrev was a thorough sporU
excuratoa to« evening the Rev. A.
that Zoe-Phora wiltI help^ou
u in go
T. Pergaaoa'of tUs city bad bla right toMU. bring a boating eathnstost
10 your drugjdet and
nd innaifi
ifluain a bottle
. devotee iff tbc rod and I
........... once arbegin tbe In-aiinent
loot badly cruahed batweeo two
coDDdfftioB with a
ling 10 plain illrmuicis
ttsndtog ou the pUGorm and
r Zoe-Pbora
rkage. Just ask
the pack:
bad U* toot to the apsee bMweeo
wherever Buiilnpther expUnaUsm-wUl to needed
E 1. and Pennaylvania railroad
M hen tbe cars slopped
Cntters are used.
no mistake wlD to made.
andGuarfiosen Us foot was eaugbt
-d. eompounded In Jurt the right
taed bj
ttae bBaspsaa and badly crash, deorhuntYnttaeupperpentosula being



Shn wore *i (he time of ber dealb
III.- li-gal heirs nr aald dfveesmed gffd
entlil.d In inherit the real estatfs 0(
nhteli Kaid deceewd died seised.


II tl* ordered that the 3liU day ot

u... »,„■ ...... ........ ...


Is- uiiil U herehy appnhted for beato
lug Mild [Mdltlon;
It 1* further ordered, that public
notin. Itaereof lie given by fiubllea11.111 of It copy '>f fhla order, for Hire..
Bnnpv*slv(‘ we<-ks [uv-ykni* lo said
day of heorliig. In 1(10 Grand Tr»vcine Herald a newspnper printed and
circulated to said county.
Juilge of Prolmle.


It Pays


to buy the iUrd I'an
Sho,^ for Men’s every
day wear.
It's true they cost a little
more than some oihcr
Shoes but if U is wear
you v^ani they will please

Hi Priwsmeel I«st* at

rj Jisgs, Afwii


MS atek Tag M am • sad U M
anrt M pear aarav late. J(r. Oav»

The Queefii City Implement


Ml stale Slreel

e was tofcea to Us boas

»*'i I.™'.»wui"

Cllz. Phone 7SI

but my folka didat go; ] went akm
I bad a Bier time. 1 aaw your pU
aad meant to eoeie aad eee you white
1 waa op there. 1 wna there a week.
Uaawa baa gone to Boyne Qty betauae Aunt ESlea oldeet baby Un'l
eapeeted to lire. BM I hope It
I pnmed to the fourth grade thla year.
I hod a . birthday party the twentydrat 6t July. I waa twetre year* old.
1 got a nice It ol preacota. Well as it
to getting pretty near dinner time
wOl cicae. so good^.
I am eorry that I mlaoed seeing jon.
•me again some Ume. won't you?

plcUiw. nM (fell—Into a ttd.v Sower
traase arrirwd and Pnaleote took
up the stairs blmerif.
Md In tbe Ironmcmgn-'s bnek.rard.
Bst tbe pletare was still ibe.e—u
And an this time the ifonmoafer
wiO ba till the end of lime, lor
bad recetred nothing (or tbe
-Wen." be said to hla fereman. "I was their own Undscape they hod
get Ibe plrtuiw. anyway, and If It flu been loeklag at snd bod never tweogthat Ug (ranw It will }nst about cover nlacd. because Ibeir eyes had :
liurtf. mnd alMdi op tm «lr«tiA(
MJM T<_( Mb ihaiu.
been opensd ti> ibe bcalily around
one of tbe walU of my
M*r. It «UI pwh IB betwM*
■toMo ud ■(»*• tbcai oot at pteoc,
So be waa very patleeL Indeed, be them. They had all bewn too busy.
One the windows casing—fur that
too. alUumd) tbcT on oo Ms uni
DOW began to think It would be better
II was which surrounded the picli
bMirr csB^iJod to thf sntM bUdeo.
to have the pictore than Che rent.
At last the artist announced that was pinred a note t<i ibv- Iroamni
Toor praoMrat tbioka It u Me* <
It read Tans;
H tar aa I aaa.
loo. Tbe price o! sdmlsThaaka for tbe ure oi yoor loll
have taika that are hard t
caiher blgb. but Ibe euri- Tbe picture is yo-um
srooa cold to the auoe. -Tbere
ualty of tbe people was excited, and
Thes Ibe ironmonger laugl
Ua-t aav ooe urtos Iwcau*
isnghed loud and long us he gazed
pooolbir Itfl W.- whr tbeo It would
pie flnu. then people from the country Into tbe aparkllng simsblDe.
r move tbe atone, woald H» Bat
What Bobbie OiA
and from faraway ciUes, for Ibe fame
"I think we have all got out aaoo
It )nt sretra IttUo br ilule. everr
dor. and taollr the none hoa to make' One bright moruing Robbie Dale of the mysterious picture had traveled ey s worth,- be said. "We have tooro
ed to see. ’
war (or the fraaa. Bureir we can be sat quIeUy on tbe doorwtep. H<
en everybody laughed, aad they
ak pladv oa the graoa blodee. cob'i planning bow to help hla mother, who The people crowded up the narrow
away alngjng and talking orrri
poor, and needed money very flair and fouod a mnall apace roped
off at the end o( the loft, wbeiv they ly.-Cbdange.
Tbere! ttnr preMdest didn't meas much. Baby Rnth had been sick,
id: the picture was bung
> -penaeh.* Too SuaaUnen will Juat there were many bliu to pay.
Aunt Bally the Faithful.
"Ob. deer! I wtob I could do tome- Ibe farther end. with tbe Mg i
have to talk to her. too, tbe
. Sally was a soHIng-ben.
frame around It. nod while all the rest
doeo to roo. and teU her aboot tbe thing." aigbed Robbie.
ne of sis pure-bred Plymouth
thinking awhile longer. Sud­ of the loft wna dim and obscure, the
tblBSB ran oee every day. and tbe
denly a bright Idea came to him. "I’ll picture glowed with a wooderful light Rocks whose nests in the ben-bouse
war uter naka yon (eel.
side bj- side. None of these sis
aak mamma! " be etelalmcd. Hli and the people all maid: "Ofa!" when
had names iinUI they begun to
OedOBhlavaio. UMi- R. r. D. No. 5. mother waa Ironing In the kitchen. they flrsi looked upon It. and then
Bbe looked greatly surprised when they'said nothing more. Tbe> Just wbrn the poulinman's children beinly it. 1M7.
Intrrteted In them. Aunt Bully's
Bobble told her what be bad been Stored with rbelr mouths open.
«a.* Prwaident:—
was at one end of tbe row.
landscape, and tbe corious
neaee aeod Lney and Mary Siali_ tblnktog aboQt. Hla pUn waa to
who bchcHd It ffrS aaw some dUtoi from the beginning Ae seeme
card and bottoo. They live at La- I email stand at the (air which
the twelve eggs l>eneaih hc-r
mouoMiDK. with soft elnuds flecking
eer. Hlchl^. IL r. D. No. S. I have lo be opened the next week,
M 1. tNT. BMa
wings were far nicer than any <xh*ws.
IHinile shadows The*
loot my button, and vUl you pleaoc thought he could adl k-monade
by oue Ibe licas left
candy. Perbapa. too. slater Alice strrtnh of meadow load, a gentle slope
aend me another?
with One Moods o( chick
would make some o( her olce doughToort very truly.
d rippled lu Mue length through tbe
und Aunt Sally was alone with
MS and sandwiches (or him.
In wtntor all tbe otnra are hish
Bnlly U Perfclnt.
her twelve unhatehvd eggt. In vslii
And «nM mmt tnma In the oky;
Alter a while Bobble obtolued Us meadow. In the
I am glad to have Lwy and Mary
I nee Acb ablBlns efear and hrtiht (or SwMblMfB. Your new buuoo
mother's permission to have a «<«"d pand old cmk tide, and a red root or she Itolened fur a sound within
bMiind It. The people shells. Not a peep was to be b
Whip I no taeked In bed at night
the (air grounds. Breryborty In
Aunt Sally ruffled hen- feaiberg and
the village who knew Robbie liked stood spell-bound.
"He surely to a griat anJst! " they prepared to peck anyone who dared
Bat when tbe onnuMr ««
m very much,
11 said, and they bowed low to Fbiinear her. The children kept
be lair was to last only one day.
safe distance, but the 'poultrylento, who returned the aaluto. smtl
AH wtta cd creoi and
BobMe could bacQly wUt for the time.
man lifted Aunt Sally off her nest and
: hto mill smile.
1 thoo^t I would write and aek you But Ibe <)ay came at last a bright,
Thn nte eoM down, and (riak an< U I could pleaae Join tbe Sttnablue sunshiny morning. Robbie was at ibe
'The cIcKids actually seem tomovc ro-jutod the eggs.
"Ton Uid. old lady." fa« said, "bul
said csto. -and when a bee passed 1
Club. 1 am well,
mods at an early huur.
Jwt m Ike nIeeM kind «t way.
fconl of the canvas. I could almusl tbe lime Is up, and your eggs sre
dead and my eiotor Anna kept
r arrmn^ hU stand.—d(
sworn that it was a bird flying spolh-d. You eomc with mc-.'
ever eloce. the died. I am
d sandwtebes oa one aide, and
Sally had to go becaasc ILc
nine yrara old today. Pleaae aend me candy, glassea. and lemouade cm tbe
When each bad gazed hto All.
man carried her under bis ami. Uvw
card and buttoo. I have three sta- other. GbbUe prided blmaclf on bis
And fone. and lakmi ■way tbe nghl en aad oee brother. I will cloee
she squawked and slnigIt must have been good, hurtled back to his wurti. to make
t «dlmb oM «( my had. and mn.
sled. It wus Impossible lo get away.
hPplac to aec this printed In the Son- (or hU UiUe stand was soon quite the lost lime.
And waUAcd them at tbdr aporti sWae deMrtment. Oood-bye.
Bvory day came cr.iwds. i
T»-eot}-Uiree downy chicks Ju
aurroonded. It kept him busy. Among
olK-y flowed into Ibe arlltal's |>ocl|:el. Uketi trom an tneubator were walling
Ibe group around Bobbie's stand
Your Sonahlncr.
hay for some one to care
old Jacob Orcen. who kept the rillage n sun the Tronmongv did
HasM Hawklna
■he his rent. That did not iroulile for them. They must have been
ttam »layta« blda and aeek.
Tour leUer fricaaed me very much
him, however, for a picture like IhM pleased when they saw Auut Sall.v.
Amnu the vaaoee by the eraek aad I hope you will write again aomeAM«aaelag»y tbe trtwuoa throc«h. day.
le^w-as such a amulberl.v-looklDg hen
waa a great trtcud of the lamlly.
And dated aU rd like to do.
id hes- wings w-e
saw bow busy the Ilule boy was. and himself growing rich and pmaperous.
The oot-of-town people bung
first Aunt Salty pretended
be decided to belp him. Robbie was
Suuooe Bay. Mich.
AM anaattlmu. In tbe mMalght deep
glad ot hU asaistance. Before nignt the little tovcm of Nunepnrte. and rtw didn't sew Ihe little ouea in the
July it. 1M7.
Whoa all the boaae la teat aaleep.
r Pieaiaent:—
everything was sold. Rol.ble eountodj‘alkeil of notbing but-Che plaurv.
bay.siiiid began eating dry breadDear
rni gatec to oceal adowa the etalr,
thought I would write to you. I tea money, fladlog be bad made neor"WemdertuI!- they exclaimed. "The ernralzii as If sbe were aloac. One
. And not into the mMdew there.
r one Ibe chicks ventured nean
well sad hope all
ell et tbe Sun- >> bn dnilara. With a joyful heart be light 1s man-etous."
urled betne to hto mother.
tboaght hto tninotalas
Id then Aunt Sally began to scold.
eUnen are tbe eaine. I thank
Ant tear with ata» at hide and aack low the card and bultoe. they were
"Will this help you. mamma?" he 1’'“^''." said one.
Instead of speaking plrasanlly
Amang the gnaaaa by tbe owek. very pretty. Hy rtoter Hazel baa Cried, paaaing her the mooey.
I ' Pun*-*"
ihe rhieks. or telling (benj she didn't
And awing antoog the treetopa Ugh.
back from Kantolee.
“Yes. very much." answered mam-J®’”^'
»«• H “ s
le Is- their mother. Aum ;
And Atmaai toneh agalnat the aky tha memlng Hazel and I go watdilng
IKTkod ui ihem andJ scolded
ina: "but it belts me a great deal1"
Vou am all wroug. man.
ive a alee Ume pkklag mote to know that I hai4 such a
one of the im-eoly-ihrtw bnani
•'rbai I***' f™n
I- at Ibe lop of Ihelr volee*. TWs
We hare a little popple, good, thoughlful uule eon." She
bit name U BobMe and he to very- elaaped (be lAy to her heart, kissing
I wonder how
tbe poulirv-man so out of patlplartuL For pete I bare a kitten him tonderly, and Robbie was qulte'<^’'‘d *’vcr palul that gold.n haze
ibal he t»-k Aunt Sally by the
1 love to boor tba boa sing
the meadow
end the d<« and the cat pUy logdUier conieaied.
tebU tba Uoasc^ mfaof.
win*.-; and gave her « toj#., Tlir liivmy moA. coly toaMUmca the dog
Then s boy, who had been suimlliiK riiUilor ehleks w-eie put In « warm
To me tea drowaj; mteody
Many times after that he fouix]
gM too coo^ I will cloee my ahoi ways of belplBg hto mother. He grew M-bind tbe others wblspeml to the broader with dozens of others, and
b awaatm than tea hoDay.
letter. Oood-bye.
quickly forgot the hen that didn't
I I0va to beag tbe wind Mow
to be a good and useful man.—Dors nan next him:
"I hare been every day to ^ee It. U
Amid tbe MniUbg petoto.
Leslie In Oour Uule Folks.
Yoor BtaahlM girl.
zas never tsrtoe tha same •
And trhaa e fraADe flower talli
Age 13.
Nettie Hawkins.
Ta srateh K aa ft aetUea.
Your cat and dog tniut be very cm
• The Marveleua Picture.
I love to He npea tbe grass
Idb/ I sboaid like to see them play
All Uie petple In the Ilule town ol ■round the boy. with their eyei. fabAbd bt my gtencea wander
Nulleparto i^re wry IndiMlHous: ly bulging.
different every day." repoatBmteiward and-skywaid.
they sueuded strictly to business and
»y. ’One day It waa gray,
r J petteer
Maple aty. Mich.
went about with their heads down,
another day the sun shone In It. an­
k of potmt tecasura
Aug. ». I»07.
thlnkiog w-hst they were doing
b holdt for hto deltiht
what (hey wrere going to do o
Dear Prwaident:—
same landscape, but with
Ikes Ufe's cap to maaflare
I thought it aboot Ume to write They never bad any Ume for foolish
Everything depends upon
’ Naaghl but to Measlnci bright
again. I came to Maple Oty to worit
and even tbe tove-maklng among dlSereat weathers
“It to not possible!" cried even- your nerves. It i& nerve force
the 33rd ot April, have been to Trav- tbe youug people was brief and
that causes the brain to direct
ctM aty onoe fllnce and hope to be neas-like.
the motion of your body; it is
"H to trne." said the boy.
there u-nlgbt- I hare become ac­
One day a >tmngc man came
“He must pwitit It ont evvo’ night ' nerve force that causes your
quainted with s number of people the town and wlohed to hlrr a large
heart to pulsate, and send the
•Wo will go and see ihv plrtui
here, whom lainglad to kaow.I like
t on-r au Ironmonitow's shop.
hlotsd through your veins; it
Bane] Hawlt^ Suttnoa Bay. Mich.
quite well. I was at my
'What do you w-aol It for?'
So (bey crowded up again Into the is nerve force that causes your
Imcr OBd . Muy Smith. Lapeer home near Traverwe aty.
stomach to digest food, your
likA.. B. P. D. th. 3. Names seat hy teeotb. twentieth, part of tweaty-flrwt
to filter the blood, and
Into the roped-off space. All (toy
tour U Peridna.
W'cat to Long Lake, bad a picnic diuthe liver to .secrete bile.
all the next day they ctanibcrv-d
oer Aud lovely rideco the lake: It waa
a moment
In fact, nerve force is the
and down the narrow sUIrwsy.
Smam'af time and play time means lovely. I enjoyed It very much. Tbere Tlie name had i nice forelgD
power that runs your body, so
IJren the Misy biUscas of the town
what tbey call Old Settlen' pic­ and he might be a very (luiuhis
a QUlet liipe ler our SiteahlDe pw.
If you feel worn-out, irritable,
found (Hue lo make a secoad tnp
ud yat ttera ace Are alee leUera Ihlt nic the 3rd of Aagust at B
in hto own coat ry. Then, too
nervous, cannot sleep, or cat
Mooey flowed again into Fanletito's
of «he Inni OBler'a loft would
well, have pain or misery
vmek trom amlly. Nettie. Baiti everybody who went bad a lovely
Mtoeva, aad Bneaea Toor piwaidani time., A large dance at Maple City bring him soox
anywhere, your nerves are
to a large sack.
mteme tbe trig epe cf ietfers thal tbe evealng of the 3rd; bed a large artist bad any money.) and people
Tbe next morning, after-all
aa«M U t^r wtotoc, bw abe to happy Bieodaime. I am atayiog at my grand- coming to buy Metnres inigfai
ma’a Jcwale.Newman of Ovlalt will Ihloito out of the irou shop, ' II would •en the picture a second time, ihc
lb knowlag tbal yoa ace all harliig
people met In the Uvent- to eomiisre
to Traverae aty this bring inde.
toecty Ume.ote of doeca under (be
was abandoned
erenlng. She to a lovely little glii.
So Ihe Ironmonger drove a good
bar^tin with Uie artist, and Fanleuie evenwhere. Some
healihv without .strong nerves.
She Ucee to go o« of dove hM^ She aleo to a Sunbeam. My •
“For ' »i*h(»»n yMr* iW. Mil**'
eelt, aad Just at tbla very minute to
Suitor Loaf yeatenUy.
agreed that If be failed to pay Uic MiM plcluiv l>oth times, but nuwl of Kervliw
snC Antl-T'ain Plbv hsv« bt«n
cnllrelj diirereiii
my cl«w* Vtampwiilofn. Kxrlr In msrBteUvaa's mill at Cedar burned to tbe rrnl the pictoto he Inlcndol to paint
rlfd Ilf*, wtall. rsising Shlldren. my
ground this week. Hoping » see
would beonpe the property
nvTVM bwwmr *11 worn-out—could not
I print, I close remaining
sMIs. Th'n I b*w*n using t>. Mikr
Your Mead aad Sunbeam.
TTie nan day the artist arrived with
Jforrtoe, and *t onro I hc«wn to Imtriek of the
praro. and soon fouad mi-sUf Id
Minerva Palmer,
Ills big easel, a roll of canvas mid a
hcitor ^ ^ ^
n zuTw you are having s piroa- stretcher, also some points and ^rusb- qthrre,
i:i PUtsbur* Si.. Now
twincr. and hope next Ume you
Bv^cryUilDg was taken
On. MIMf Ntrwio* Is ss>« Sr roue
l1 Traverse Oly you will make
and Fanlonte lacked the door eo
drvoelst. wt<* will susrsntM that uvo
win S*n«fit. If It falls, M
play Irteks on me:"
no one should disturb him
me a call.
Thfs Bred the crowd.
work. SomcUi
UUul?e^C^£lkhart. lod
"Bring the antot! Brbig Fanlcnistairs would btar him humming
here!" they shouted. "He shall expUhi this myatery. If be has irleked
i we win bang him to tbe big oak








It Takes


Cut Stone Work



■Jli Eay St

S-X-m afior. ihv chlldreo fo-jml Aunt
Sally bark on her nert trying lo
hatch the spoiled eggs. They knew
a» « t.liier dlsappnlntmcni for
Sally to have n., rhick* of her
own. and wamd-Ted how they r.iuid
ler to leave h, r liert. It so hapJ that while the rtilldren were
wairtiing Aimi Sidly theli- lather
died ll^ni lu see a uewly hal
freak eblcken—a otrangv-looking
wilh four legs that wvre
weak to hold Its frail
When the eliililreu l•-^<lil•-d
Ibeir father liitendixt lo kill .
ehlek. they bt-sp-d him lu pul
Aunt Sally's ncM.
•-H.-II I I.-t her see you gwi It ii
ucsi,- <-a'jilun<d
of the ehildrun,
-or rhP'II know n Isn't her own.'
Carefully the ehlekvn was slipped
beneath n:<- wings of Aunt Sally, who
•;uuldn'i tailr fi^m (be nest. Uiougta
ail tiH- lud I'ggk wi-iv taken s
trnni bet. For a while sbe spiilli
and K-uldeil. us usual, bul siiddi-nly
her loiies c hang’ d. Aunt Sally
Ibuugbl oue «>f the twelve egge
Ud buirhrd when ohe found tha
tie chicken In the uesl. The dellgfated
children lieard faint peeps auswsred
y the tendercst
luolber-heti talk.
II Aunt Sally was aahaiin-d of her
he queer chicken she didn't suy a
'urd nUrji It to aiiylwdy. but (oedt
bc^T care of him than uoiue hen*
did of their eullrc fioeks What xhe
ibongbl of (lut (our legEed chirk uol
n llie children amid guess. Some­
rs Aum Solly gazed at the curiou*
iiw ns If she was evriaiiity ostoaIshed. but abe believed he «ai> her
own ebild. aud she did Uie U'Ct she
(vjuhl to gtr>- him a good Rtart lu the
w.Tld. She guarded him fiiini every

dangrr ttud gave him the chMcesi
f.«l I.. Ik- f..uud
Whenevw Aunt
Sally weoi the lour-legged rhleken
toUoa-ed. Hr. dWat like to be tar
away frum hto mother, bevauae the
eth»T hen* peeked at him. and even
Inrul'ater chlekcws wouldn't play
wlih him
'She to the mivM falUiful nioaherhen I ever heard of." declared the olde«i girt, -and she never seMds any
He Is growing three times aa
fan oa the rhirksns that were batched
: the same time as te waa. JW bs■ase she takes aueh «are ot him."
One day the pouUrytuan aald Aunt
Sally was waaUng her time with awob
worthies* chiek. and he waa gutug
- negatrate them. True lo hto word,
■ put Ihe fiair-leggsd chicken with
flock of liieubaior (owls, and Annl
Sally decided u>
wt Sally didn't know what be- ■
eaiiie of her toiir-leggrd chlekeo. aud
U may to- that she forgot him. be
-eause at (be end of twcmiyooe day*
after he wns gooe shi> was the mmltsr
ol orieeti high bred eUeks.-New Idea
Woinnn't Uagar.iiK-.
Eaparimeot With s Psa.
ilun a ne<xlle Ibrongh tbe cealrr «if ,
* |M». taking care i.i gel the pea ato
soiiiiely In the eeuier uf the needle.
RUrk one end of the needle in a piece
liww laliout Three inefae* longl
and. iMldlag the atraw lu a periwwdlc(Ilar poaiiloit. blew Uirough II. first
slowly and then atrongnr and strong
The pea'will l<e rslard from the
iw and floal in Ih-- all- with lively
motions a* kmc a* the pmimre .of
s even and nnlnterrnpted,
Like a Bicycle.

ptnlewaur's buy wTiu to about two
and a half years old. Bcetng Ihe other

■(■•ky there, that boasle'i. got handls-

Scorfj^ Emulsion streogthem cnfoebledmtrnng inodierB by inocBOTg thdr f!esh aad
oerve force.
It proTideB baby with tbe skecetflary hit
and minenl food for heeUiy growdi.


Do 1
It ^


* your own if you will
just make the start; many
a man dates his prosper­
ity from the time he
bought his homeIt
won't take as much
money as you think it
will and you will never
regret taking the step.
We can build you a
home in any part of the
1 city, or we can sell you
( one already built. Pay1 ments on your own terms







Its economy lo use best flour because it will
make more bread than many other brands
and costs you less money and you will like
it better Don’t uke our word for it, because
naturally we would think it all rifirht. You go
and ask yourneighbor she has been using it
for years. SHE KNOWS.


Btrtpa tvo tMbn knc sad a Sm«r la{ A Oeylmi La
milk, a tan
*idUi; Viace oo boUmd abeeU uidj quart
they are' powder and halt a ctMul of sapar la
■old color. Theae flopen wtU be' a double bailer: sUr nalil the mUture
hollow Inside.
I reaches the aealdlnp point ; strain and


-Rvfc Up an* Smilar

For Um rale's ao dooble^cUnt that

Onpe Catenp —Cbto tbe ^npes tm
rader. strain throagb a alere and to
thraogb pastry bap oo greased Un la five ptMBds of palp add three poaads
sugar, ooe taMnpoeatal each of
fhrm of taertague: brash with beaten
egg and brown In the oven. Dellcloua. ground cinaamrai and tpke. one tesCabbage la Cream —Chop finely one apoonful of ckn-ss and saltspoowtol
Bov Oakea-Prepaie a cake dooph «•“'> **>1’ “ «”'■ " aerrlnp-Ume
of two eupfuU of au^. two egpa. >!>■*»«* two epps. beat the yolks unUI bead of rabtape. Bon tnlil tender, each of salt aad cayenne penxr.
Tranavo Catsup.-Thirty ripe totaathee drala. Cook t^telber one snd
If a teacnptal of sour cream.
“>« *“''»•
two tore, stx iween peppers aad five oolrau
tsacuptal of lard or bolter, half P~r ibe lalttuie backward aad for onetalf capfuls-of ridi milk,
•pooB of praied mild cAsswe and
egg yolk to evefr Itot of aquato. I

three tmble- cliopped flue. Bring to a bod ritot
tea^Kioafal of soda (disaolved la »«rd Iron, one vessel to another, and
water!' two ublespoonfuls of boUinp,*®”'^ "> tumblers with prated autmep tiKKmfuU flour, pepper and aalL Pour teaeui.fuls of tloegar. two Ubteapoo
I'cr the hot rabbap aad serve.
luls of salt and ooe tea'eupfni of brown
eaonph floor to permit of. “n top.
Mock Oysters—Take uacooked com aogar. ato the vegetables and cook
' We can debt It off hr
till the
Biceiy. iieasonlBp ss preGlaper Shrab.—Put ■
and slit tbe kernels tbroagh the mid­ until thick, run through a aWvo. hast
pivMiod Jamaica Itoser
others start to fria!
Whr! Scr’a chaer lor da Ukta.’ «tiri‘
tt'ape ibeeakea'lB aay fsicrl”In
dle. then with the back of the knife and bottle.
qalcli oven.'®*
cheeseeloib: ihron
Los Aaseiet Herald. form and bake ibem I
■ss out the pulp, leaving the bull
qusn of cold water: brinp to boUlnp
Currant Catsup.—Mash and strain
Ba rrtdlaaa' ebeer>a la da b«art oC
the cob. To one jrtnt of polp add ihroiigh a cl.uh, ten pounds of cur­
n^d half a pound of s<«ar:
OalRtr Cehea.
Far Peiaan Ivy.
> well-t-viien egg*, yolks and whites rants. Add ooe quart of vinegar, five
Bammer la K’orthera Hiehlsan
sUr uaril the sugar Is dissolved: add
One of the moat effective anUdoies
■•spoonful sale
of granulaird sugar, three
De a«m ala' set loa.' ftm pan aaprnfor Ivy potaootnp la to batbe tbe af­
Ublesptsmluls of clBtiamoo.twotifalllittle aoelsl satheriasa and rose
aside until very cold.
iQ'fii] ctdie:
flicted parts with a lotion made of one
Drop spnnnfaU on rpte«- and one each ol cluves and
minch-gUsses or lomblers with spoonfuls floor.
FVir theee hot
Da da-k brmsa da davola;- Hea': ieea fonnal parties.
part tincture
e of
prtadrlta and four
greased griddle and i
and ooe teasiioonfta .u red pepper,
the mixture; add a bndsed sprig of
perk ap aa' amlie!
freely and frequeutNever add milk,
boil slowly fi-r hxI) minutes and aesl
f out o( place.
ibree or four stoned cherries when brown.
I Ml roa. my darUo*. «t rw «aa ■
« applied soon cnouph U.
III Lotties
retreahii S cold drink and dainty
chip of the yellow riad of a use rooked corn.
IrritaUoD. a thorouph and
Pea Pud Snnp.—How many k
cakes are enoush. BUeky layer cakes
lemon to each glaas There aerves as
Urapr ratsiip-Kivv iiouads
To liaap up da aaBaWaa aa mlaara t
peratsteni use wlU prevent Its spreedist the shells or pods of peas
are a milataec on toeb occaaloas. aad
drllcate flavorings a« well as garalstigrapes. ma»h“>l. »ii-«.d and
tnp Another, and almost sure remed3
DO fur cn-am of peas Iseupi. When through a siralnc
Dr •asbla'a ob periAla' pd’ rom de
results of Ivy |mlsoolnp U
when there are eo
teacupfuh. uf sugar. oo>- tablf-spooofnl
xlcodendrnn. third irinratjon.
favorite beverage at the soda
of ground sllsfdcw. onr trwspiiciorul
• Tou'd al'ajB be sHmaiMo- orab wld
This can be secured st any hoixicoow fire to cook until tender;
fountains. It can be made at home
«-ach c4 ground cloves, selncim
palhtc pharmacy, with dlrrcUons for
Bqoeese drain them, add milk, a lump ut
be foudd delirious, and •
.black ret'per. an<l halt a i.-acpoonful
Da b«’ 8>d- ala- hid U da noaotlaa
e. A iccullar thing about this
pepper to taste,
lemons over sugar and add a little
Ibing'out or the ordlnan* run of cakes,
of Mil, lloll all tog.U-ir until ihlck.
aa’ rocka,
medy Is that the more easily a peritbe in the thicken until like good ermm.
Cucuml"*r Cal-sitp—Twelve large
aose Wafent—Stir tosether un'
» Usd up fen «e«I] la boa'a aa- la
B U poisoned with Uie Ivy plant'the
Panned Tomatoes.—Finn' tomatoes cncumlcrs. nv<- good sited onions,
proporriou of Ocwx-rl stroanful
noolh four ounces of white ■
jre quickly the drag sets upoa the
•e cut in half, the cut side floored, large uu.apvxxnful of salt, .mitumbler
Bll-a free aa de air o< Ood-s hearaa: elEht ouneea of sifted flour and the
111momewT All up the pttch.-r or punch
spoonful of popper. Grail- cucumbers,
yolk of one etep. Add four mine
Jaa' see
butter or drippings. A right salt them and let sund' m-.-r night
.wf with any sparkling water
De apJotcWaa dat florlfr ole boaer- butter dUiolved In alf a teacupful of
Hot Wasther Dnoka.
Id the stenm Is conUncd and
rate the loilons and put In frrsl
sweet milk., a larae tahleapoonful of
Good Thirds to Learn.
What U more pricful to a thirsty
softens the upiior side, and as suon aa
ext day. Add rm.ugh yln.-m,r t.
Da Mttahcwte S0i‘*
cbearlaW oranse-flower water and a pinch of

>ol upon a hot summer's day (ban
the Rnured side Is browned onch piece
over this quantity. Biunighllv salt.
Beat llshtly unUI well mixed.
•Iter than medklnc.
some cool and delleious beverape
•n a hot plalter. Flour suBiBe ^'MiKd'a tUne pnU 'heart In
Butter a Un. pul on a Ubiespc
Geueo IVwkt Catsup-—Fill a p>*'c
taare how to tell a story. \ welltvmidingly pre|>ared. says a b<
al’Scirb the fat 1
of batter In a piaee and cook quickly.
iln lined koule «>t ten pound, taps
lid sloiy Is as welcome as a aun- dredged, then milk U add.d gradually
bold mngazlne. The weary and Jaded
Da da* apaidaa btlsbl la de s^a When all are cooked, roll Uicm
city wlih the hot variety of grwi
-am In a sickroom.
mortal who recks the shadiest corner
I make a niiooih gravy, which is
small round stick, let stand In a sieve
peppers. Crush a lableapoonful eaci
M'. tar deah.
I.eiru to Seep your own troubles tu
of the veranda aad throws hlmsedf
aroiK'd and poured round the
and dn'. Berre with Ices.
cloves, allwidce and roacCand siei
A twm' ahlala- 0obe ter each
psnUng Into a reclining chair, or >-ouree»f. The world Is too busy to
Aifioad Cakes.—Beat to a <
among the pepperw. adding five large
' low speah:
ire for your Ills and sorrows.
stretches at full length In a hammock.
Bak.-d Corn In Pepper Cases.—Cut
fluelv ch«pi>ed oaloas. Ftl! the kittle
Da sU-B BO maa'a eounted wink oae-fourth of a pound of fceeb sweet
himself dead to the world.
fi-om the eob suffkiunt btHled com
butter aad half a inund of white
with vlnegsr and eet on te boll nnUI
■olden (o' ron:
been found proof
iitcesnre <nie pint. Scald 6 or 8 bullsuimr. Add a beaten esp yolk,
itie pepjmrs can be readily mashed.
Oo noCB shakes her tforr all
IP bad to }-ounel(.
pcpiiers for 5 minuter.
third of a leaapowiful of soda
aside to cod. keeping the kettle
In de (due.
ijearn to attend siricUjMo your os n
sherbet cups. The flrel fsr distant
sedved In half a pint of sour cream.
carefully eos-reed. mud when cod dip
jfdncss. Veo' Iniimrtani point.
arrape imt all the seeds,
sound of chipped Ice tinkling
. the ccolente into a sieve and
De eioods ta ai-rtla'. Hon'!
Iteani to hitje your aches and pains
Ibclr crj-stsl aide*, be It
good ereaui sauce srlih one ti
through until aotblng reiaalns in the
Dder a plrasant smile. No one cares
peekin' oat!
win Invariably cause Uie drowqjbutler, one ublespoon flour. shapes; into the centre of eat* press
eleie'twt seeds and nklBs. BdUe and
wheriirr you have the earache, headto cut short bis siesta, and alt Up a
thin cream tod half teiiaimou salt.
a blanched almond, dust over with
corit UghUy.
:hc or rheumatism.
take noUce. Surely the cup-bearer
Fill the pepper shells with the mixed
De Uwd’a atandla' promlae. Bis tala- praaulated tupar and bake oo floured
Cdd Catenp.—Two qnaru of fltwly
Learn'"to greet your friends will
the gods In Mount Olympos was nut
corn and sauce, rdaee close together
In a rather alow oven.
chopped ripe tomatoes, one-half a tea­
smile. ^They carry too many frowns
bev, ie brMrt.
hailed with greater delight than
In a baking dish aad take In t
But Iceorcam or
cupful cadi of gral^ hofsetmllsh.
De pot o’ sol' waitin' at ban' la plain
I their own hearts to be bothered
wbo brings ns such solace on summer
ovfii for half hour.
whole musterd' aeed. ^oos and naaaisbL
with any of yours.
Corn Pudding--This delectable
Be don' dole out «iittahlBe witb Upetnnlum seeds, chopped One. three
White Glnper BIscuU-t^SIIx thor-:
To Clean Flower Vases,
TTie wlae housewife, wbo. taking
Is made by adding to one pint
stalks of celery and two ted peppers
uphly a cus^ol of butter, two capfuls Ume bv the forelock, prepares simple
Una an' onp:
a few drops of ammonia
pulp two tablespoons flour, one
finely chopped, one-fourth of a cup­
Creatton'a plam tall, an' de tneaa
when you arc washing flower milk, lour eggs, two teblespootu
syrWps of tbe vsrtous fruits In their
Da talD U a gaUla'? Black douSa la

O. there U no (utare comles with
or trouWe la—
Dar-a BOwartodotMtlcaetdaraa-



-Ths malnrity of womsa who are aa^
faring from disordered perteds aad
(alih la doctors that tbsy^lowthere
tosxpsrlmsntoa them torktdasy.llvsr
or atomarb troubles nam Iher beeomw
eempUtaly discouraged aad thstrmoney
Isgoas. •
•■rwa wwg mr maia'ttmu «xto*
rfsMw tarmuttx fwwyoara wBm «y

• rlgbl atsdielaa, bai as I
hept ■ nalBg H and «M flnallr eu~d.
eootdoBly thaafcOod and tabs e

uTherewbo followsd mf adrles tis
tatter today ato many an tally restored
Mrs-Wllda HeoMa, R. F. D., He. L Lsnts, Orw, wrOre i
“For lbs past (ear yean I was a
WTStched woman, tafleriag with rerres
backsebet and ether palas, IserlBg me
re wswk sod weary that ll was ealy
with dlfheuliy that I wst abls Ie etisad ',
to my boussbold dniles.
Mj vsoff tofafMt rwaredfas. M
(Bwadoeratofataff/tod tried Firaam
••Wiibintwowreksiberewsssehtage(or lbs taller aad la lest thaa ihrw
moatbt I was a weU aad hvW *o»»

era snr.




• Bo-worrr nto >»» dreariest dar •

Win Sad an end toother-"


'I^e oU ada«e. “l^ugh and prow
tsL" baa been ehaaped of late yew*,
to "Lnaph and pet well." mod with




o ruvwrlng with odd
dill, and .<
boiled vinegar.
Thrwe large eapere are very pmd

relish, and when told Uke
ful each of aaJt and mw- two tewaround or In ggUeras ocreoi a pouta.
spoontuls each of black pepper, clovea.
, or lettuce aalad are v«y orate

' D<ace rinnamon aad ota plat of

TTiey are also veiy ntew H
pk*rd when ripe, washed. uRed ahd
added Just aa they *»»- to pICklM,

tlder vinegar.

>vls or salad.
Two ta (h»v



realise however, that they have any

yield eoouto tapers for a toodwlaed.
Tbe gay nsturrium fatenaon

use'except In bouquets, while la
they can ta put to almost as i

thenmelves "v»k«» a very aaniry aalad.

whlto St tto name rime (s “too
I. as aay'hert) or regrea- pretty to taL" For ll tto Moaatwa
flrat real tarWngers of the fresbIn boiling fat and serve with a cream
Late Summer Vegetables.
i the kitchen g^MI pteked. "wnterto' with vlzMtor.
frolt scssoo.
Crram of Beet Soup.—Wssh —
Whiak the whites of (our epis t(
whlto a small tooppod ooloa has
oranges or lemons, can be toed in rmall new red beets, boirunlll tender] CRnllflower au grailn.—Wath and leave* combine with breto and boUee
dellcions. sandwltoes. and it owe previously been steepod and tightly
ftoth. then mis with onV pound
thf conrocUon of beverages warranted and mash through a sieve;
add a trim two fine head* of eaullflower.
white sugar and add to paste. Shape
restore exhausted nature of give rounding tens|>ocntuI of soil, a table- boll in sailed water; then drain and wlshe* to add aUracUvenos* to flavor teased up with a very llUJe pototo
into mscarooos on peper-llned Uns. additional zieal to veranda
salt. As a garaUh W pocate Mad.
iful of butter, a sallspoonful of Ln-ange In a pudding dish: make a


lariag plenty of space bciwceo tbe
cakes; duel with powdered sugar and



laurel-leave*, a sprig of (eoari and

paste, moisteeing with

And ln«h at atorw weather!
• And stbf lite's laoesone ttoes *

"All ths prates te dne te Furama."
whole white


- In ar «r*>!


ag*•■1 bars had most ssitsfylBc rsaulla
Rom the ass of yonr madtelas sad bare
advtssddossaaol wodsb wbowstwsah
fsrtag with womaa't Ills to ore Feraaa
aad Ist ihedocMre ateae.


out. cspecUIly If they are the ed butter, ooe teaspoon aolt and ooesesaon and stores them awsy
use. knows that the>' will prtrfe long, spindly hind Impossible to gel Ihlrd teaspoon pepper and baklni
So wipe 'war rmr I**”O*® three beaten ems. one labtespoonful moat opportune at picnics, bouse
band to the bottom of. Or put a moderate crocn until Ann In
ann'a la de skies!
of glDper. the Juice and prated rind of parries or informal aummer tees; fc
pouto parings in. exactly as yon dc renter.
Bnt It roe nmt to' him. Hon', look an orsnpe and flour to roll soft Out with these fruit syrups aa a bnals.
when you are s'ashing oat cut glass
Into blseulU and bake. Just before great rnrieiy of healthful drinks ci
Ada MHTffle Shaw In Christian Br taking from the oven wash over with
Not only l» Uie IIUlc f-edlment
eaally and quickly be prepared
brancbi-s and dip each It
white of epg. Serve Md with pioper thouto PlDcmppks can be obtained falU to the bottom of a vase unUdy.
batter. Make this of a tables
lce«rewm onager sherbet.
throimh the Winter. It Is uot until but It Is ilkely to Interfere seriously fill of floor. <wie ooiwe of butter, oocb ihelength of rime the next flow- balr cupful of mOk. the yolk of an
they appear plentifully that we feci
• Itai let na aMIe when aklee
oimeea of sweet almoods and pound Spring baa reqlly crane.
They are
egg well beaten, malt and peppei


Poople who study the dose

l the direst of dog-days.
Pur HeMiie Cheer readers the ftdlow
bake for ten mlnoles in a brisk
Ing recii** have been complied
with more heat at tbe top than hotPineapple
on. Serve with plain ta-ereai
grate a ripe plneai.plo. Pour over this
Ch(«flate Macaroons.—Melt three Uie Juice ht flve'li-nroui. Kfake
oottres <if <!hocolate over a alow Arc;

ol grated clieosc; stir over the fire un- The spicy stems, eaten with the
Apples cut la Irregular htocka.T
whole clovre 111 thick: pour U smoothly over the dainty rodls look when piled high on
take more qtdcklr la a pls Uia* U
pretty plate for a ct,rapany tre. Still
and a bav leaf; cook genlly lor flfieen rs-ihfl.iwcr; duK thickly wlih crumbs
mlmitc-s. itan add ihv beet*. Pre« and ch-vee. sddlng bsit sod pepper oihcT >»cs for rills impuUr pUnt
of In Ihe firilow-ing tittle s
the Sh<de through a floe *|e»-e. iiod and bake half sn hour.
from The Ldii|J«v' World
serve with squares of tussled rye
when i
1. Tcimmle. sto|.;' rrb-j. the
A Catsup Chapter.
bread or wUb croiilon*.
ColA left­
tbiB siloes.
Tin- «|.pr<Mchinc autumn diy* lirlng irartml
This will keep for months If put In
over wis may be used for making
Oaefounh tMspooa of a
si" and as she noted the dlmlm
«iili ihem a drolre for a reliirn b
co«d place. When serving, pour ov.
to the water la which cabbage oP
iKsy-* look of wide eyed wonder,
cracked Ice. and put s maraschino
Onion*. Soiitheni Style —Pour boil­ K>nieshal heavier diet iban tbe si
oaloiis are cooking wIlL la a great
she adds:
"V<« know what capers
ing water over a quart' of small onion*, mer seaium warrams. In addition
cherry In each glass.
prevent dlaagrceablo odors
dun'l >.m?“ Whereupon ToraiBlc
regular niHnary duip*. tbe av
Pineapple Punch.-Cook ooe cupful ivmm.- Hie *kln«. i.h.e.- In » baking
Goto them uncovered- By «hl» itottod
wilc'mnl}. "It's them red and yel­
age butin- roaik protably And* lierself
of grated pineapple wlih one plot of
they will retain their nateroJ cotor.
low flowtTs glowin' along our tack
bii-y t*i. M- days with ihr
irliikle wllli a Httbwater flfteto minutes- Strain through
In salting alawnds nse a uWe^Oto
b-nm-: we pick 'em and cot 'em.
cheesecloth, ato add a
made by
place a Ml of bulier on l*arai|.-li ol co«nllmenis. eal*up«.
of olive all Instead ol hotter ato woW
r and ni-: don't us. Sallle*" 'And
Catsups ar.- usable
boiling one pint of su^wlih one each onion.
Ckiver and bak<’ In a for winter use

' iiodta-alu very solemnly—and the Improved flavor.
| :<t all .season*, and now. when v
nt of water ten mlnote*
Add half ir,o.lerale oven until tender.
If one »lij<-cts lu the drops of liquid
something >1
l->call<>|Mxl Ca«llHo»cr—Take cold] ubb* are pl> ii'lful. folly matur.-d
cupful of freshly made te
that sorocllmro cover riie top of a like • Vian.
ll Into, rlieaii. I* Ihe lime to make them,
julee of three orange* and ■ tiitvo l<oilod cauJBower, aeparaie
meringue, tel the pie or poddUtg hte J .
d It Is Hboiit oor eapera—our
-mall piece* and arrauee In a baking { uu.kUig rateup a granite -r |«ro.-la1n
lemon*, and two quarts of water, am
come slightly rooltd bsfare poUlBg oa
finally, one eup of grape-Julc- to liu dish, nllrraallng with layera otewhlte-k.-tilr .Hmuld ta UM.-d with a wtKden ec.nmmn
the nxTlnsire. Browa In a slow errea
b/vedv blosaoiDs shading from light
Sprinkle grat.-d eh.u-se und ^ .--i-inii f.n- sUrrliig
The vegetable.
part of pale violet color to the b.-vcr
whent-vfT It I* porelbte te do Oita
Pour thi* mixture Into a ininch MiUercd bread cn.inbs over the* sh'ould
without Injury W the more mhoUte
moderate I from d-vay -vnd i«'Ud
They should -range-'MIow Into
bowl over a large lump of tec.
Han portion of the dish.
firM ta pat llinmgb A rolauder and eon be sueoeMfully
w-muB. mil a couple ol Ir«h viol.t
In luiklng a cake In a round Ua. It
gro«^ In Ihr smallest garden-pateb
sniaU|rneii tlirnuEh
Stuffed Sqiliisli —SIn cscli cup.
i. not nec-wsary to cover tto whole
IraltH-d along any city back-yard
Pound, mix and slit
Hiul Julep.—Orate the yelKra rind «imum r squash, cut out the stem and An-' and smooth
brrtiom of Uiu un with an oOed paper,
e. sod their table porelMlille.
scrape out the weds. Prtqwrc a mix-, tUKetber all eondimenU before adding
ftom one orange: add U
r ffor the
nil a small round of paptw
Hist furnish the topic for ihisarticir.
Ihmr i
strained Juice. Chop fine and rub
-c of c-q-ual i>arts of sausage meal ihi-ni b» the pulp
r. nt.T and oil the rent of the pso» all know that murtnn with l»
pulp four aprlg* of mint; add a tebKl,igbly Mtaauocd chopped cold meat shlls bet Into bottles, cork
This save* rite measaring and flulng *
far more |>alaialilr Hian nuiUon with
c&»l place
spoonlul uf powdered sogaf. mix with
d *Ule bread cronibs. season witJi
o( the pnper and the take ctanea otrt
penixurr; a
-r-, Cr.t-'Up. like frail butter m
Juice and add half a pint of plain
lb- l-IdJ.-. Utalled - picktai ca- le-rftat.
Mlrt.-d roosOi-nU- te i>r<-v»r.'
or eflarvescent water. This flr*i mlxA. sMi floated cloth of dock or tanp<TX" Standing In groi-ery siiHiowfn.m bnrniDR. H i« U"'
maj ta strained If desired,
I stiifling. Fin the sqnash s
vss I. tatter ttan a l«»fd for handl­
snd oil grouKiy shelves. But we tnaj
„• „
IT i-ra*-. kciile lu m
from trmint has l>e<-n robbed to a |
ing reift dongta. Th* du-igh data tot
tut U- ww-arc that our ».rd*-n nasiu''
ihU, win not be necessary.
minutes U> 1 hour.
' ■:e pli'kb-' ur rmsup. guthe am
stick so easily and Hui* rtr^Ita taBCh
Hum-led will furnl«h sev-emi jars “f
Paked Onions-—Boll small
while, f the vluegdr cm tbote metal*
Punch.-BcW » eood'’'‘«''^
pitcher. i«ur out the water, and white muons unlll tender, changing
the ■al.lcto prod'ice a rous pi«M>n. -this wppeuzlng condiment, which are
Faithful Fir* Hors*,
*u cosy to pick and idckllt.
(he pitcher i» hot put In two table walcT twice, then butter a
pudlng- teltbir sbouM thfv condiment*
t, Chltf Meoalager of lli*
a quart dish. arrauge the' onions symmetri- Mil Intn claiol Jar*, since ~<;r
Shu would experiment w
of tea: pour ovei
- fire department told Of the
inegar .ill taacirate :he glare .od well-tncd ca|<tr rwujie <»f i
(mbiy boiled wwuv. cover and
^ batter here
d<'.oti-.p uf s horse to once had. It
an housekeeper, which I* s follows
stone jars
stand aside for fifteen minutes- Strain
adding a l*ineh of salt, aud pruduf a poison. Glass
Of the large Bres la the
Pick your capers—the "Uire.Ic
Add half a ponW of sugar; when the
pepp.r. Fill up with milk, should ta u*cd. I'au-up. for conv.-nIde of tto City. The chtad
3I-" seed of the naslorrium—tafurr
hooie uso. shc'iJi; be scsl-d tu
sugar Is dissolved add the juice
a cupful s|>read over the top
tto flrat to arrive.
•plui unite*
Pickles need nut ta they tuni )-eiluw. The *mallc»l
ihrre temoBS.
At Mrvlng-llmc ud-ij^
brvad-cnimbs, ans''
half a pint of shaved ta* and a Pint
preferablyi: a.ld two

of one pint of granulated sugar an.l
dd a pouad of powered sugar aad the one plat of water bolli-d together
rbites of three eggs- Work the mix- minutes. Mix and add one qnari
Die to a paste with the hands. Roll
rater, and

coaneetioa batwees mtiid and body
have coma to realise that pood dteer out mieJourih of an inch thick and
bM happliMBs at« to physicist sreU betag what aaMl4M U to aoceeaatal Slltotly batter a baking Uo. doarwiih
flour and' sugar In equal quanUUes.
^ant growth. A belptal hook, pubplace the stapes on this and take I
llabcd a (rw yew ago. went to prove
:r Aek
that (aarttooiiltt and halwU.otitot.ln
their vartag taram are the aonreea of vanilla Icecream
Angel ©ike.—Freparo a cake
oar bodily lUa. We all know pecwle
who seem to rsdlate bedth and bap- ter of one ouptal of sifted flour,
plaaaa by the Tory cootagtoa of their third of a capful of oorosUrch.
c( cicsm tarter,
warn nataba. Thay pass down the


aliwat and laave a trail of amllea la whites of six eggs and three-fourths
cupful of fine granulated sugar.
their wake. The morr »• toM of
•ernma tavaOd who etoeted a penna- Flai-or -wlih rose-water or almond
Mt onro by sitting
troot of her extract. Shape like Udy-flneer*. but
oo paper-lined Uns;
looking tfaaa ercir mornlog and
(ar three rntnutea. The cx- with sugar and bake In a moderate
Serve with sherbet.
Imperial Wafer*-—Allow
hM after a while abe foimd Umt laugh'
ter MS often daring Uie day. ' imund of powdered sugar, one-quarier
or sifted pastry flour, one
wplrtU Toaa, toe ao Kmger looked ut

«r«laa was famed (or a tew mocnlnpa

-aspooful of vanllU extract aud lour
(he world thmuto W"* «*“«»•
logelher until
wlthoql reallzlag
It the ggs. and tast all
ctauoto (ran a miserable. baU iU smooth. Carefully cleanse a number
wrack, tato a happy, strong woman, of cookie Uns. heal them ihoroutolr.
lltarally wlUi buUer and set
whose pmeeneo bnmtot ehcor
Did room until the gres*c
with whom ihc tame In ooauct. The
n«t ttoe the wind U In the east. hardens so that It will not mix
(be alove smokee and the ann refuses the tauct. Place the batter by qpoonfuls upon the tins, spread the cake,
to eUw. try Uw power <* a emlle.
win hamVaci a marvellous effect of with a *o!i gr»-sse brush unUl they
ladoaf aifiiStfi that before ton real- are as Urge as bockwbeat cakes and
\wt IL the clouds will vanish aad the oa thin as paper, then bakq in a
: quick oven for two or Ihro-c minutes.
day wni net itaelf to bariDOoy.
• browa
soon a* they com
St thi edgre remore the Uff* from Ure
oven. H« tach Wafer with a UHo
knife, uire ll bottom up and Immed­
MItot hurry with Ihrir change i
What oiwwdi wonld gather there:

white pepper and a ublespooDtul of eeuce of ooe cup of white slock mlxetl sliced bread and butter «mn bo rolled, and--also served by itaelf la a bewL
wlih taby ribbon and a aa«ur
is very effective and delldaaa.
grsled onion. Put a quart of milk In with one half cup of mlik or crewm.
the yolk* of two eggs and one oul!& Uum blcesMB caught under tbe bow.

iately rail it UghUr oter a amootb.
Hubbaid Squash Meringue.—Much
round wooden or Iran sUto sbtwt of either plain oc eflcrvosccnt water.
tVa punch No. =.-Makc a
ol the best pari o! the sqassh '

one-quarter tech In diameter and —

], well covered, a* cxptaiue to ihe





th^ shell; it Is wasteful t
Corumbcr Catsup—Thit 1* a <
the shell before cooking. Chop
the squash Into convcalrot |liorrioo. up. the Baking M which reqnirw
(3»!on or Bi?U*h breaW*«
mto would do or aay
After l--ellng large, ripe
Om-JM awe Bad thlag every day.
retnov.; Ih* reed*, grate
monda. two eegs iwhliesi. a risAspoon*Ld pot Itam In a /^earner
T* MR mate etowr'a
fine snd .put in a evUu-'er flftren minthe jBloc of trivet, in a ketUe wlto but liule
of vanilla.
Grate the almond* Juice oi th'
drainTo every quart of pulp
until tender clear through
three oranges, the pulp of Julw o! • —
Itee: brat the eggs stiff:
1.0 tabiespc-w-lifnl. of grated horsesbrtoded ptneapple. and one pint of
rind. Retnove from the fire,
LM ta laugh away the trouta thongh sugar. nnU and flsTortnt: sprinkle
1S-hen the migar is enUrely
any scorn or fibrous porrit
tbe baking board with floor;
oar eyta are dimmed with teara:
careaae peppei
f Ilee «*!*'■!
serape out the sqm
dlsaolred. add ooe qnan of
Lctw laBtoAtraytbe trouble thooto o« tbe mUtnrtawn
v;t In small b«Ue* sod
Mt*h it well and fine.
add flour to the top and karad aa •ad ooe box of fresh slrawtarrie* <
(to worrita aad tto (tars:
s sperrtilv
rataberriea. oaed whole. Poor ovgr
thouto bftad dooto WtU
roU Ota thlB as a kaile blade: out teto block of b
U yooTw ta«>7. toWU be gpta
Y« there were emlles enough.
AM tato might hare his stare,

inches long, greariag the stick a

VtaUirnagera-Vre *9^1^

lafuslon of tea- pouring a qnsrt
— ..,1

Wash them, lay on s duh.
vprinkle with ublvsolt and test'
th.erv for twelve bonr*. Stake t
from them li- s canrst ruiantpT and


I«»ur them into Jgn.

halfway c

the heart of tee fire wa». At tto
landing be met
has been'added
a ptnto of salt- a dash
of pepper, wc- hit of whole borrerad wtach turned him tack. Groping hla
Ish and a sprig of dill or feooel <or waj. he came' to tee foot ofriie auin.
with good Ikilled-op vinegar


be was lUTirtsto to And a
Set aside; Aue for the sauce
and buggy. It proved ri> tohla
wheo needed
The larger seed* are sprinkled with owii horse, whlto had hrokCB locM
vsii and 'Xt for twenty-four hoot* and folicrawd Us master dOwB.lto ah

Thefl they are put in jarw in layer*— ley', throoto 'he door, and Itow down . ,

ifliM the roiwra. th« a acont lajw


Pages? to 12

L- :i,

Northport. Mich, ABg. 21—The deep laden we would be. and be
a and Roberta tdll b
deserving irll>-|l.Ie and tmik- tht-lr slaj- a Travevje; on hit way from the Mayflower hat I am eonecroed and tor the eights in
.ooda of 8hah-alto-ke-zhlk rang to promises ua rest"
e of the c St .ddjci’.'- pleasant.
JiWi, A»B.
j been searched.
and fee all. let me may that as far w
The apeaher closed by picturing |,oUlie„
I of the stair. I The rump gitsinils selected
«« seMcc to b* coDdacM Id the the anthems of red-akin voreblpere,
The president was met at the deck months et my presidency t^int remain.
the Savior, also as the creator, the al
- EbsUA laavMce m Bh>b«o^^lk.
Offleers of McPherson |K«t. Includ-! "________
_ _______
change In the pe«<y
It 10:49 by
Gevereor Guild. The party
t«* pUoe thu *n«»ooD ai t oetock. fore they rang to the varrrhoopa of wise, all proa-ful creator, the
whe^ tb« Her. p. a WhlUnan. Har­ aeveral unlamed redaklna »ho blew friend, the same person, who came of the assiwlatlnn. it^hu.- *lth th.-l’'”''
ra"** '“I''
eerememet were held.
bor SpriBsa. fonnrr pMUr or the down the track fit>m Suttotn Bay. to earth from kra-ly parentage.
for I regard tl
cxcnalve commiiuw are dillgenUy at
^ -Thoo* wtw
rs. —.i,.,.-.!
where they faa^ aasltnllai
fit's Bueh a privilege - he said,
rir« H. E. church. Northport, held
have lelowshlp with the creator
•errloea. Th* BomlDE pralo* oerfloe akitle-wa-boo (Srewater)
at « o'tioek «h eoDdueted br Juiob
esi and largest ew-r h.1,1 by ,be awes :old ls.„ will again
"JJ ~
the.r governm.nui agentt. er a few
lal«ir like clalioo. The acme of II..- organtza-i’’™'’•'f ''‘r:
SolemCB. «iborter, trapper, berry pick (very bad eptrit) for (be rent of the palhlre. He kuom-s ho*
There will
a-. H.'domineering men wheea
night The deputies on the ground
er BDd ceneral wiiitr toan. The
loed the warhest whooper of the
Mr. Whitman In cl.nliig x|K>kv
odock aerrice waa fo cluuw of the
*'•" '• •« -“'P
wd In the village basUle. and the
e d'Klrr for hap|i<n>-ss. lying In the
Rer. Jamoa Was-aba-Ee-zhlk. Oraad
lollu*-*: Grand Trnv.Tsc, AnInteresiing, Congr.-ss^
,„g .very hencet eerpemtien.'"
trim, Benric, I^wlanau. CUarlevolx. n«n-Ih.rragh lias 1-,-n imUed togetl,The crowd wen, wild when th, prewj
___ ___________
Bapida, vtoae fiaant. eaay drtlrery shock sobt-red up the other meniben lire-jst cif everyrme, taking oetasUm
er with ..ih. r distingukJicd
made th.t declaration and cheer i
rsptlrated eras the pale-face Tfaltora of the iiarty. No further trouble is on- call sliralton to the lalw Ideas
Bmsi'-t. Cheboygan. Mlssaukiw.
happiness, eapeciallr dwelling upon
A. R. ni.-ii
t-mmiiiencw. AM .*«"«««« «*'«*''•
The Street Ra.iway.
who ate imahle to
The Rer. p. E. Whltmao. Harbor the danger of socking n In titrong
The pceeldent followed (hit by a| I'h.trice Denssn. attoniey for the
Sprlnm. who arrived on the go
I severe criticism ef Judges and juries: Carter OmstrucUun company of CWThe bich wtodi yeaterday n>(
fa^scimimiMi. Crawford. Clar^, ite.
during the morning, will n
The evening service enllrely In
This *111 l> ., llg thing for Trav- of the land. He aeaerted that they | cago. has rstarpsl to Trtrerae CHy
bt*» op a tslD that deloRed the
Mason and Manistee.
Ojibwny tongue was in cltarge
the week to assist
- C.i> at-.‘ '
largeei G A H were tncllned to cenaider the righta
t railway and insreoBda. hot In no vlae dampeaed the Rer. Floyd R. Maynard In caring for PeUT Xaab Kaw, Omena.
While the nKsorlailon ••mlirarvs
vuDpnieHi .-viT held here. Every of the offenders rsthcr than inlereeta
He will study U;A
•pirlCiia! ardor of Ita oecop
the welfare of their charges,
Ftsir service* will Is- hi-ld (ud.-iy. the K- counties mcnUiKied. a otirdlal luBl hi the «-.ninil-s nientlon.-d wSIllof the general public.
fiBiichlve and the pron<-dlnga’ln coo- .
tov recutar aerrleea at 8 o-cloek and o'clock Mr. 'tThtlman delivered
in o'clock' morning »er> ire being in yltaUon Is • xlstidr.l ■<> all old s.d<li.Ts
by the «oun10 e-eJodt a. to.. 2 o'dock «ad
I. the Rev. John Jacobs In- charge of the Rev. Milton Benedlcl,' in th- Mute who can And it ctwveo- bring :ilmi*t, If
Uu- necnstsry
o-dock pi m. were held la the W' terpreUng. tbV text being Halthew sludeni pastor of the M. E. churcli
present. All soldiers and Trav.-rs.' Cliv
spriwtl hemolf ,.ti'who,ccept the vew that unless a i
OTore. th^.e«re9lDK aerrice betop u
xJ Y. 2A-39. Mr. \^'bltmall called aUcD- at Ix'land. who arrived yestordny for a salloiv Wh^have serv.-,l In the V S.i„.„ TOju.p,n' and nuke
- Idc cn bt preven guilty of seme ed. Mr.Dcoeeo will also file hb hood
der better •eonditloiia than those Sun^ Uon to the fact that an ooverwhelming
„f thgrounds. Norman army and navy aiv .eilitl.d i<> m.-mlier | pe,t
r and one of the i,r he shall tsi held as a good as provided In the fraorhlae and file
day erenhis- aa aereral large gaaoUae
|„s.torj-. It will l«. rem.UR- ■ cititen no matter how infamous Or also his sreptance wliJi the city edmk.
C. Morgan of Gnieiin will atidrvss the ship In the .-isociation; also Uie W. R.'
torebea had been added to the arasll
.. K.. wlviut a
young people Ibis
Iwcaslons before■ per„,cou, ,,,
pectrinet or p
He win then prweed wiih.ths pretiinlneu UM U..
advice will be Hstetml to *iih earoc
enranipm-ni of this association : ficei "
o.vry step* to orgsnlte a Traverse Oly
Jaaes Watm«e*hlk. held the Bind,.
Gtadsiooe met, being : attention.
Mr. Morgan has spent, and sailors are iuvlt.d to be present p,,
y-o nmident said that in the
railway company, and with the assls.
' ptalae aerrice. the 10 o'clock aerrice ltim, dirisUi
said "the many yvare
the close friend xif hls'a« il"' renml.m. The Invitailun extends, events are still ivniernhered ns bright ,i,
,sr oevernment-hid ahi
of M, B- Sanders. msasRet of
betng eondocted by the Rer. Peter Lord Jpsus Christ was the poor man's red brother,
■--------rosldlng at, tbs. to Ute Spanish An.-ri-an ,-nr vet- ,p.„,
"c Tri^^uTihat Ihe Hannah * Uy Mercantile comNaah-kaw. who drew hia subject friend and was Identifled with
Onieiia. where he gives prodigally of
paiiy. prepare the prospectus of Uid
“Fhjth” from Matthew, chapter III v-8, poor. Wnllo a great many of the rich his time and ulent, to up build tbi-ir
Amuigeimmls are Is-ltip made for
pnNKfSlUon of a street railway and In--------------------- • sib.'irty of pjr.shment under the I
,At 2 o’doek Lewis Stm-an-da-sa and mighty were Christiana, the great ehnrctcr, and node of life.
scver.-il lands of Imislc; tbc C. R. A: I.
Plain Talk by the President.
l jhe prea.dent esme out mrongly
terurbsn Une to Elk R^ds.
addreaaed bis red brethren and at 7 majority came from the poor. Christ
J«*se J1. Brabant..
park Just eoM of the railroad 'has Providence, Mass.. Aug. 20—To greet favor of (he en-.pleycre' liability law in
When these deulls are completed.
-o'clock an Indian exhorter. Paw-bAw- IdenUflod blmaelf with the laboring
Iwen mail- *1ih th.- <»fficers of ilnpresident of me United States and rase of ice.diiri. He
Mr. Denei-n will SMlM in the sale of
Soab. of Snaan Lake eonduetad Inter- class. He could sympathize with them.
The OreAt G t. R. Encampment.
,and this will |w> hinvl up ezpr.»ssty
participate in tf« laying of the cor- strout that a man or woman crippled bonhi to local panics and lovoUats
dsttne erangeUsUc •erviees, having
as they felt, becaase
The camp grounds of the fmn-teenlb I for th- purpose. Arraiicem-ni* lia.c
work should bear the burden outside the dtr. who are Inteteeted
thM been entirely in the OJlbway Ian born In pormy. "
annual reunltm of the Grand Tr«v-i been lusde with the oftters ow ili.- this little cape town is Jammed with' ef the accidenL
He said: "He Is the poor man's tne Soldiers and Sailors assoclalloiil Michigan Nati.mal guard for .-i supply ' humanity tea that renders mov-; president Roosevelt saved his hardfriend He promises )iv>t what we need. 10 bo held here September 11. 12, and'.rf lenL- but the iittendiu.c- *111 Is- s.- ing about almost impossible.
' eat knocks for an addition to his oci, is very much pleoaed arllb the
[ Bder A. T. Fergn- Wo need loundeiatand the personality 13. Till bo natnod "(^nip Koliorts.''| large, that all old Hildliws who liavBecause of the congested conditions, speecK He said that he believed that cxpresslcm at the primarHn
aoo. TnvatM Oty, In which he of the man who promisee ua real. "It's In honor at tho lalo Judge Lorin Rob-1 tuns are requesti-d to bring Uicm j exUaordinary precautions have been the corporations were trying tp make last week, and sUtni that the Carter '
ernabed hla loot, be wxs..nnable to iM uame sympelhizlog Savior who ort*. former commander of MePher- altmg. In th- inoanUm-. the local ■ taken to prevent any accident to Pres- an impreseioo that the
Constroctlon company believe that Ihe
reneb Sfaeh-eokeohik. and yesterday lys, come unto me. all ye who labor. son post No. IS. Judge Roberts was| mmniltlees will mviu-c .-u :
Roosevelt. A squad, of Boston interference was causingthc unscllsd hiavy vote cast on that day la aa avl.
The speaker aald: "He saw the nervl widely known throughout northern iira tents ns p^.sslble' Jn aii<
hla son mnk Fergnaon airlred In hli
police and secret cervice men are, conditions In this country, so that ilencf that the people of TravNwe City
fstberts ptaee to care for the details, of the people. Knew bo* poor the
guarding him and every house in the' they could return to the eld order of want a atrect railway and are wHllng
that an not yet competed.
most of us would be. Ho*- heavily I
town by which the presidenlwHI past things, but. said the preeidenc -Once (n encctiragc the onterpriae.


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company




Of the “GREAT MAJESTIC” Malleable and Charcoal Iron Range


A-t Our S-bore





Facts About the
Great Majestic Range

With every Majestic Range sold during this Cook­
ing Exhibition we will give absolutely free one hand­
some set of ware as shown. It is the best that can be
bought. We don’t add $7 50 to the price of the range
and tell you you are getting the ware free, but sell all
Majestic Ranges at the regular price.
You get the
ware FREE. Remember this is for exhibition week
only. Ware will not be given after this week. Thi*
ware is on exhibition in our store, and must be seen to
be appreciated. Come in any day of the week. Make
ourr 8store your headquarters, as you know you can
from what we have told you many times before,
b^ur guests and have Coffee and Biscuits with u

Pot A CcV4C

] I is the only range in the world made of Malleable
and Charcoal Iron.
It has. b>yond any question of doubt, the largest
li uses abcni'. half the fuel used on other jaoges,
an>l doe*; b< ucr work by far.
The ^alestic All Co: j>er Nickeled Reservoir heats
the wa’er quicki'r and houer tha«< any other. It is the
only reservoir *iih a removable frame.
The Charcoal Ir.m Body of the Gr«-at Majestic
Rarce la'*> three limes as lonjj as the steel b..dy.
Beini^ made of non-breakable material, there is
practically no iflpense for repairing the Majc«tic.
As for bakitij;, it is perfection, not only for a few
months, but for all time to come.
* A GREAT MAJESTIC R.ANGE lasts three times
as long as a cheap range, but it doesn't cost three times
as much.

Come whether yoa intend to bay or
not. The information and instruction
tamed 7»itt serve you in the future.



We have the largest assortment of Kitchen Cabinets that you will find in the City, and at prices that will please all. They range from S5.75 t
rwife needs In her work of cooking. We have all so that her work can be all the lighter. No trouble to show our goods.


Alumiuum Ware. Tin Ware, everything that


GnmJ -TraTcrsc Herald

Ooart for the County of

toe dty. and tbe nmol awrai
cholera inlantiim. which U a co

mimily the edd soldleni bat ^ Mng Dayton ..
tbotrsaodB of people who are not vet- Kaowlcs ,

ided that an ordlnaoe be passed
; noee became active in poWlc affalra and his ^Uon as agent Of the lieensing Junk dealers. It was i
«. H. & I. made bim espccUlly prom- red to IIS committee.
Ollier minor affairs came up In tbe
incut among the Diunufacturlag Inter­
jurse.of the mrvllng and wen- dlsests. He sceved for lwv» years a»

that killed two pereont
two ethers.



whleb ta from Oct 3 to 19,


memory will la- cherished by every- laiHVing i«etaU.

,Ud are to tea- five per ceol Intercale
and will be a Dnt mottcace upon the

with whom be came In coulart.

(Ulway property, Tbli will be a enod
, tovewmeot.
There are hundreds ol

This Might'went.
The Grand Traverse county farme-w


.w™. N...—
n Cmw.-rs. Nsrional

eroBSA-d the eliy

iwr larrel.


paopto urbo hare Isrpe




ho are ex|>erienclng trouble In se-

clear stuff

TUa ndlway pioposUluD Is one of




■Bch to tbe city and the turtoandlng
* territory. It nill mean the rapid deTMopmeat of the rcaoru, tbe itlnulaUon •of onr



and the siren
trial proepeeta. Tbe Cat
ttai company comes to this city with

Rev, lAoekhart and n
fer the nudlenee gave short talks in which


•tnAc bacUac and are ready to de-

Tbla belDC the ease. It is op to Trav
• «rwi City to get busy.
We want a railroad and

PrlcnA* Quarterly Meeting.

Tbe Friends qaurterly meeting held
In IblB city at theli church. Filday

in spite of tlie cold sir and all
A Busy Piece.
Ono of toe bnaleat places in

turned to toe city this erening very

to ibo Salvation Army for

we have cUy is tbe canoRig facUMy at toit
their day's outing.
needed it for a tons Ume. Tbe opporof toe yrer. Ono aeea noUilng but
> , tuoity la here.
Tbe amount required
oen and lu-nns for there arc
Womin'i Club.
la a larife «me and doubtless cannot women nr.w at work pr.'partng
Tbe Woman's Club will Ixdd
be reused In Travetao City, but there N-aus.
The farmers are
bringing first mectlug of the year Friday ader
fbera arc scores of farmers la the ter­ iboul 10 toua ol lienns to tod" factory
noon. Sept. 6.
ritory ts be eovered by thn^lnterurtu every day and 28.000 cans are being
This is •••remhilscenee" day. and tlu
ai well as thoee in Traverse aty uad lunied out dally. In addition to toe 300
old setUera will be Invited.
BIk Bapids, which will, be beneBUed aumea at work In the factory there
Club memlJera will please send
■ by this enlerprlae. from whom a iarge are about 2M more who take tbe wort
ante and fiddrass of friernls toty
amoaL of the fimd required can be
their bomea. maUlig about 50$ al­ wlto Invited to Mrs. A. W. Peck, this
procand. Svery eilUen with a little together. Sblpmepis have already
week If iKisslble.
Idle atancy can assist in this enter surted and by next Monday night toe
prlss Md thereby become a factor in comjtaiiy expecla
the progress and Increased prosperity
at this cammuoUy.
Camp Roberta.

to have


Salurday ani^ Sunday, was oue of Ih.
Urgesi and




tot y

have ever bed. Tbelr local pastor,
the Rev. Franklin
Merciltb h.vd
charge of the Sunday evening

. to be held here (>a the lllh. i:ili unci IS Ihero are .uily llilrty nii-n nos
■ 13th of 8.-pteti.l»r, • Camp RnU-rts. ' tdoyed aud most ol their work if
; In baar of the UU- Judge loxta Kob- Bide.

Ind..»t-hed a Bborl seruion follow­
ed by an earnest cioruUon by Uie
Rev. Mary Meredith.
3be program of tb<- C- E. rally was
curried out os pobllsheU.
Sninrday morning's sexiicm ennven-


and a very-

Merc Help Needed.

Tlie cvHiple will make their limne in

pnriCDcn gvouioe esolp Ufe and be
•tartalaed In a itosl manner. DisUn. guilhed apeokeri will be preecnl and
there will be all kinds of martial
ale and allrertloos that will bring

VtvMly- to mind the eip<Ti<uici<s of
war limes.
Hve. wit] be an opportunity for
Trarene City to display the hoa]>luilh





ally contribute toward the entertain-

Ighn and pa*t experleece has shown
that toe city reaps material' beneliu
from tone mtherlags. This eoc
mat wlll not only bring In tbe com

Ibolan. Rdoa Kirk and toe Ueedanas
The gy-io-l.'s ■•f Granada. Spain,
unique amtatg the race os cavealwell- K. Saucecler and John WUIIaMa. qll
of Chicago, are gueau ot Mrs. Frank

eiv. living in rocessew hollowed out

Just the Place
For ValuaUe Papers
rent in our burglar aod hre
ptoof vault Just the place to
keep your valuable papers. Ac­
cess at any time during bustoess
hours. The cost is'$'i a year.
You hold the key^

PoUltoOS. |«T P<'<^ .................

Whinner). piewidUig.

Wlu-,.t. p.-r bn...........................

After toe o|>ealiig luUeit.-'
lead, ihv uanil'O o( the delcgai.-a


Ciilled. Of (he id apiadiiled lo alUwid
Ih m.-eting all but four wore preneiil

"“>•• ........... ....................................

MiiU-1 Marsh, the

Watts of this city.

bUUlde not tar tram the city.

We have safe deposit boxes for

................. .................



Mary Live Hogs ...............................................


................................. •

City Book Store
'Traverse C^, Mich.

.. TO .*

Don’t For^e t

Oats, per bu .
Hunting for Trouble.
• bird m rai.P.raiu
11 1'ilt hunting ter ineiM.
f pile* that
1 quickly
R. «1 AH1 hiiatmg.
<-ry ea«B

ly. Sierra (
malicious reasont. peraons of late
Rising From th« Drove.
Mr. W..iisr>
A prominent manafaciarer. Wm. A. Giiaranieed <"
been defacing the big show win­
•m*. Hllanuah Drug
dows of the Globe store by acratcblng FbnwelL of Loeama. N. C . relate* a
moat remarkable experience. He says:
• After uklng leaa than three bottle*
The windows arc of heavy plate of .Electric Bmer*. 1 feel like one ris­
N.-w V.iih. All:. II—Tie-re m |■ruf■
glwe and It b probable that the work ing from tbe grave. My trouble Is. Urally no ctia:i«e lu the rtrlli.- sltoabeen dose with diamemds. It has Bright's disease In toe diabetes stage.'
tiid..!. One ot ID.- chte-k-'i-B al ihe
1 fully bellev- Bleelrie Bittera will
been gulag oa for some time and the
tern t'niiin wtvo ufuaMy haiidieB
Huanagemoat has now offered a reward

■principal Dffieers' Here.

llEFOBt DtArtin^ on your

trip to Seashore, Moun>

tems. Country or -wherever
yon may be ^oin^ for your
Summer Vacation to lay in

supply 0/


ewey tKe idle hours.

books to help


On our counters el oae-

third 0/ former prices can be found many of tKe
late leading successes in the field

0/ oopyri^t

fiction, amon^ wKich -we mi^ht mention i
BV.-...V. Km,.„ ^

'‘■tog. a/ to.

8y n. B. xirtl.ubron
-Tlvwr. V.relch
aiotk Twrtiwtow


Walt A Son*. R


PEttE Marquette

Sr XlRvrk. Ucwlnt
B.ecluiTlreC. Urbs



Al Arnirtrong. on .-mployee of toe

besbet factory, suffered a very palnfiil
at Tuesday's coaacil doctors foe toe mdoth u< Aui
Mr. Armstroi^
toe dty. as toe moato rart tbe bouotfi stamper and wkBe
An ordinance was pasard aa»ending elosaUness
G A. 1:. Naiion:.! Kti
seetlou 30 of the {ranchHe whieff baa of Angiiat Is usually a sickly rntmUi. | piling some bottoms on top <g xlif ma­ eampmetit at Saratoga Sprinv .. .S'.-*
void a; lorn rat->
been gnmti-d the company, and spec lt b the universal opioion of ihejehlm- he plan-d his bond under toe V'-rk. tick.i*
for th*- round mrw Tlekv's c-e«1 going
ifire toe locaUuo of scaeral otoccs
on St4>t.-iiilB-r• C. t and y. w-i'h retarn
the general health of toe vicinity b to ' the mauhine was in moUOQ. The mld- limit October 5to.
Atk agent*
and toe appoinUnem of an agntt.
icb ma; '
The meeting waa called to confirm toe beet eondlUon that b baa been'dir and third fiogers ofhb right band (Or dftaltb of polntB
this trip
(or years.
jwere matoed aad toe nalb torn off.
toe primary eiecUoD of last week
it b a splendid tbing lo note that It was found tieeo*w.-irT to anipolaie
(he official city rote stands:
Croas ................................................................. 541 (here U not a coaiaglou* case in'oue of them.
action taken

It event Traverse City has e

Foreman nmroed to their banes la
Already mote than lo.ikrt eehools Milwaukee after a vblt wtlh. D. W.
have been ewiahllwhcd lir China, where Sleaart and wile
Hlaa Myra Muller of Manbtec U rbCblueae youths are taught precisely
lilng In tbe city.
as toe youths use taught In
The Hbaea Katherine Gabel, kiary
ecbouls of Ibis roantry.


Jl.-reilitU. Harvey Hartford and E Kliuiyeu are (heir alu-raales.
SuiM-rlBtuodenu o( (be different d.-

TlK- Carter Construction com
a large crowd preM-nl and tbe three
wHl bavo to malutaln their principal rated, they will unroubledly be
days wtU be an occasion of greai
Joymeatnolonlylotbe old soldiers but burtni'es office in Traverse City and veroly dealt with.
designate some resident (rf tbe city as
to the people of the city as well.
A HbiMhy aloam.
toelr agent, upon whom bills and
Timra are nnumwlly dull
tices can be aeAcd, according to tbe

This cKy U becenlBg recngDirefi **
(be coovecUc* city ot Northern Mich-

of Grand Rapids, and former
news|>aper man. b in urea on tab way
i>f tbroat and lungs is
gnaraote.>d by C. A Bugbee Co. 8 E. frou) toe Cbenreux Islands.
The Miasn KaUierine and Gertrude
Wall A Sons. Habnah Dreg Store.
moS $1.»0. Trial betI>ru«3riP(«.
lorwlaill. MUIk- aad AllMrt F.

' Buying Prices.


1st on -Squaw
John lunmenta of the work are as IoHowb.
Peojde in toe vlclnltr of
Evangelistic and paHoral woikMonroe completed biK work of pulling
City toouW become aware of the fact
In 250 extra feet of piling yestorday Ibe Rev. Joeiah P. White.
we have nn excelsior factory
DM-Ie Bchnol—Ben Johnson.
afternbon and what was In the Dlsbl
nearing compl«loo. J. A. Carron the
Home nilaalon—Bertha NN'righL
before, beld toe big eras without
head of the firm, when Interviewed by
(rouble. jilUng the sand high about .Chriauan BndMvar—Etoel.TIumios.
Reenpd reporter toU morning sUteO
C. B;-Neu Wrighl.
Hm-H on Ihe water aide.
that Ih> exi-wi.-d to have Ihe plant In
•A'illiaai Wright,
Tbe i-hanmd ts a«mln cl.-ar w-llb tout
running order by 8e|*l. 15. The powdjffer.-ul d.-i
et «d Kwlft water In It.
of Ihe plant wlll be fnrnlsbed by a
of toe church work were
1<‘-horae-power electric muuw.
of the machinery will begin com­

ing In nexl^eek. The capacity ot the
ty for which this county Is fan
plant is nboul twenty toos a week- As
Traveine City will, without qnestinn.
soon as the factory is In mnning or­
«pen her doors Iw a- warn reception
der th.-y- wlll be ready to receive all
to tb*-veterans ot the Civil war
contracts ftw woll wood Iwlta. All aptbeSpanlsb-Amer^war. U win take
Hons lor this kind ot matter
a ccpttedrable^monnt of monejshould be addressevl to Ihe J, A. Cardefray tbe expeosea. and we believe
I Excelsior cooii<an,v. Day slreeL
toe peufile of Traverse City will cheer-

: ' Mt Jt the veterans. . There wUI 1-e

the e-wgh
1 health."
•r .of tlrovenirtni.

Sm 'iSiv:;:;::;;.':;: 1:S

of the ebuieli. by ni.-inl«-rB id H


tbs state before. Tb<> G.-il. t I. isu-k.
dost ot the nllruad. UMkee so admlra-

tbs poipose. Tbe old aMdIers will


rw days,
Mrw. E. B. Cotter and dMcbler Car­
le. iHi this morning for Northport
here they will be the gnects of Mrs.

. J. ttpangle.
Mrs. Horry Helton qf CUengD Is
» try Or
he guest ,.f Ur. and Mra. W. H.
It took Rut Schuyler al tbelr summer place at
0 completely
; Umg Lake.
L CrosswHl, well known atlop-

ins4iiring pialBe eenic-

lollowedDlon.-r WHK M-rvtvl In the buM-

Traverac CJty aud lIietKe lo Grand .xil liietGn. 10 *3 or Ml ik-iwohb.
The bi&llie»s m-b-i|'«i 0|vUiivI

bavc ever pxhertd In this secliou «t (Ills city for a Uuie. at IrosL

hi place for the encampmeot and It
will be put In e^t class shape for


and woB in charge of ibe Rev. F.

: brace the grand army posts, from motoer. coroi-r Ninth ami Huloo. Th-t TbLv Is not toe only facKuy that
The R.-V. Gerva--. A. furet. th- R.-V
3’, twenly-trre eountlee. and wlU be the affair was a <>f a ipiiK naUin> and but liandlratHH-d. however. This mndUbu Franklhi Merejilh. Si-la Wngbl :.ii.| SUvTB and h.-lt-la MINI II...
le elianee for iH.y-n and girls
Dressed faniltry........................................11
. largest ev<y held in
northwr-stern few- outside of the imniedtile tvlalivea
.Mary- Whlnnery w.-io
• Mane B|w-iic|lng lu.-m-y de|e-gal«> 10 ati-iid rli.- uppTTMrbiiig
aOehigan. It will bo a big affair in learned of It. The Rev. G. B. Uickv^.-faiw.l t.iarlj>.
ye-jrly- ni>-<'liiig held at
liirliii'-.iMl. j ^pnne I'Uli
every reepect. and
bring together hart perliuineil Hie n-remony.

Neighbors Get Pooled.
-I was literally coughing mywrif to
death, and had become 100 wewk i.i
y b.-d; i
hat 1 wr

i-d al IP o'clock. This wa* devotional

o'clock, p. m.. with the

Tbe candy- factory «if Straub Uro.A
Wuller HaHiugs. son of &
•poh hr Ihc ofllreni of the asoclation HiKdings and Miss Ada Ih-sle Prnsliil g AoiiuCte H rusbed w-hh (nvlers nowand this aeOon »1II be appi^ated by ^ugbler of Mrs; A. I•ra^^lll. wi re The foctciry n«-eds belt, badly thoueb
arcouiit of this fact the bu*lu.-sthe peojik- of TVaverse City.
nnlli-d In niarrtagi- at k 30 ttatiirday
Tbe encamimHiit this year will cDi- evening at the home of U.e bride's or the fai-lory has iN-en handieupi.


Mr. and Mn. A. Hoffnmaliw of Udi
dosired v-onrornliig
V Dolry Show can bi- oWaln.-d by .Hit, b-ft tola monring for Oraad Rap:b wh.-re (bo* win visit wito frieadi
dr.-B»lng tbe Scerelary-Gcneral SianH
Bhort Ume and ihen go to Alle.i-r, Mr. E. Sndeod.trf. 154 Washiiij;.11 wlit-rc- they will also visit for •
u Blr.Vd, t'hlcwgo.


-Mire Evelyn While of KnlghlBtown,


Ki, '.erta, is a fitting Irtbote to tbe memory

Boramld soldienc and

III l>« d-mpmotraled <Utly. and there Jackson. Mlqb.
Mr. and Mn. U. Moatague left tola
III alro la- daily denionsiniibuis show
nig mothers how 10 pr.uv-riy ni.wllly mnrelng (or Cadillac where they will
milk f.iv'lheir liifatitB and h-.w lo test aiien.1 toe vreddlng of their atm to
milk for quality and purity, Auy m- Mire Msiwl Umoecy of that rlly.

Death of Hesorttr.

sumption for some Ume but denlli w
I cxiieelMl for severil iiioiuIib
me. lilB mother and slrter weie
-I lartBlile. Tho ivniBliis weie si


From Wedaemlar's Becord
b.’Id. 4'hlBU prit.w I» 111.- aliioul.l of
Miss RMS Legg who ha. bare vleUtlti.<KHI are lo be I«ld fiu eallle. but-r. milk and eb<.eee exhibits. Prweil ing her brotoer D. Veray Legg 1
inliuns nMchlne Onp-ua. has relncned to her borne at
ul w-orkli

. .
loads of bentai to ship to St. Louis.
A tiiimber of earmr-l prayt-iv
Old Mlsshui. Mich- Aug. 21^i»c|.b
p room where the iKans arc out Walsh. jr„ of Grand Rapids dietl hr
nffervd. followtul by a seipuin by toe
Ki-v. bUi C. JohliMHi ol - Rn-litipnid.
are eight long tables -a-ito womer
IhlH morning al ilie age nf
Ind- Olhera gave ennniragiiiK r.-niarkB
girls on cntdi side tiendlng uvei
He hiiB iB-eii 1.IW- wlih et

Tbe naming of Uie.ramp ground for
of beuns. and the seenc If
■ the amuil Grand Traverse Soldlets thill demands a second l»>k.
od Sailors tutsociatiuu t^ainimieot imuform u minor, part <»f toe <

of a brave soMler and a popular
•omrade. Tbe name has been decided


Some of the children went In the ten

dally •‘ale*.

i-iliin. of (lien.ugbtnvd Holstein,
Oiits-nsey. .Vyiwslr.v Brown

Theoa quotations ore earerully
some very good auegesiioiis for the
reetad every day. Tha local marlwl
wwk in Urn Sunday school wenThese and
similar exclan:
pricOT are cupplled by local daalera.
brought out. The lecture of the even­
greeted (be ear at aa Bvening R
The outside quetotiena by wire, not
ing was delivered by the Her. S. A
each day. servew every hand on
reporter as be arove up to toe groiind
De.-in’of sbinduekey. O. He spoke ou
farm, delicious pastrj- made by
where Uie Salvation Army v.aa giving
As’a result, that imitlcular
the new methods In toe Snodey wchool
the |H»r children of the city a picnir
mer has all the help he can use
and .-xplalned how many would
ISost Bay today. The carrlagCR
toe interest of not only tbe children
a long wailing Ih>L
toe Anuy ball at 9 o'clock (Me
Selling Prices.
but of the older ones besidew- The
morning and toe children were picked
addreeu was toorougUly enjoy.-d by
Danger in Matches.
in tbe street cornera until there
Tbe danger of children playbig wUh
about fitly of toeni ready for tbe
matebes Is ataown by (be
days' ouling os (be bay shore. Gi
w-kbere be will u^teud the
little glri by her brother at <»ewhich young and old took part
convention ot Sunday seboofe.
goygan. A search ot the pockets ol
re played on toe beach and there

poaU a bond to (naranlee the toll per’ Cortnuee of tbelr part of the contract

«*”“ ^ pebUealloo

This week will undoubtedly end the Pw-tsa and Dutch .ante, will lv>

and tlie Rev. Wood of Urawn.
Uooal service w-aw also bH<l by- tbe

were low of walenmluos and
cream and stacks of other good things

ly.-alei>. I'c-umery Ot-reiora notice

I new j«.lat'M-» ilw latter |«rt of to-- .ludilorlnm, I* on

Bonar that fi not eeminc five per curing help nitgfal profit fiTMn ai
eent who will doubUeas take advan- ample set near Granite City. HI.
tMgi ot thli opportiinlly to make
wife of a farmer there, three Umes
pitifitaMa Invcatnetit na well aa
aid la dereloiring Trarerbe City ai


A load of early Alexander pearb.J:nd Bullvnuak-rB ls,i.liry 40.I Game
i.mR To **Itd *ttay
were seen on the «tr.-et» yewterdav ; I'eahra. etc.
1,^ hearing, hi the Grand -Traverw.
The price ask.d was *,1 |wr bushel.
At Ihe National Ibil.y show, (date Herald, a newwpeiMr printed and clr;
nuyeni eipi-et to lorglii
hbippUi: i f which, at the gnat Si.wk Yards colated-In aald eouny.

gelt, Fleming, and Canby of this etty

Chlldreti Happy.

the forenoon, at Bald probate offlcv.

A few Uirrek-- of ai.ple* came In yxs |., e.uii.-ii.- -iniiuil ni.i-iine»
U-rday nH.rnliig. I'liee being ain-ii f: .u, di„i„u the
i--nod Include

Bhott addn-wire by tbe Rrv«-ivnds liar-

From Tuesday's Record.
“Gee. but aln-t dal good stti


wo bold Ci,nvem..®» In
and «MrtlwtloD of the reenoe
Among ibeee -rill u- the National aa- of said eatata.

hay asd

cherry buying. No car was shlpp«-d
tbo rnnehiie IbU cx]>crience, snd very highly esteemed looked like a varnfcihe.1 ball, so free
last night and none will go uoUl
from blemish waa its surface. The
Tw o Interesting meetings wun- b.-l.l
owr not bo entirely oaUffiotoiT to among rallrusd men. esporlully
nrday evening and tost will probab­
cnrrbodr. but tn tbe taaiD. the fnn- <-nipluy<K and'ortlclalB of the Grand plant began lg grow indoiws b
i toe FoAirteeoto strvel H. E rhuieh
ly be toe last one from here for Ue
cUn U B fair one.
Noer that tbe
Tuewday eflernoon end evening, in
coosell hai taken definite action, and sented In IhU clty; He had been In
interest of the local Sunday
Tbe price remains at II SO.
ad. the term aaked by the Carterr the cnRilny of (ills rompsoy ever sinee blUxard aarepl over nurtberu Mlcltlgan acb(AK. Tbe me. tlngs were w.-ll aihe moved to MJrblgoa. more (ban ihlr- blit earoful ntlenllon savtd tbe idaut (endtd both In tbe aftem.Mn au.l
* CoolmrUoi] company firaoted,
East Buffalo. Aug. I4-Caltle.
that remninB ii for the people nC the ly years ago. and Irust.-d with niany although it was frost bitten and the evening and Ib^unday school work­
dull: veaU 123; to-ep. 1.000,
' lerrilory Vo b<> cuvcivd by the
Iniporurnt Interests by (Uat company. imrtloa' then above ground died. The ers i.reeent received many helpful sug■r Is a deiiealely shaded orange giwiinm. The evening meeiiog wnw hogs. :.35l>. 10 lo Wc higher.
,Tt»d to lubieribe for iroo.lKM) morlb Ilia aon-lee for the R, It. * 1. hnd
a long and faithful one and his and <wb blraoom has rtores ol long iwpivlBlIy InlereMlng. There wer.'
; of the bond!.
Tbe bonda at« to run Ibirty }


IKS' sns £

Eleven lauds nt

Minor polnu in


Tho King Cariee was scab-* yesi.-rday.

l■nlhl■sia^m as a lioatinaa and a sports
May Go Out.
«, made him very popular at
A Fine OaMla.
dovutcus uf yarbUng. bunting and
Far away from iu nslive rliiue. a
New York, Aug. 3i—Seventeen
It^ Now Up to the Bote of eendt.
At «a« cxi>cctcd. otter >lhe olnoot fishing, lie was a gnn<l rlllien. whnue trific Mnall but none tbe less l<r«ull'
eusead maehinicu bavc asked fer
HBUlxnoao vote ol U-9 people opoB
I increase of 2S cents a day. The
apotOexy canUifl daliUa hlonms in Iho gurdni ol
was slrlcken with
the prqpoMvl rajlwar fraDCblse. the
empleyera have until neon today to
t a ye.-ir ago and made a brave Mrw. IaOU Cole. SH Pine stn-r-l.
dtr cottBcM Uat nuhl voted ananle bulb was shipped to her from consider the matUr. If It is refused
ncFOOtr for prantifiB Uie fraochlBc fight for reODVen-. but a sv-cund stroke
•Iked by the Carter Coostnetloo com- Saturday aflernnwii. raiteed bis death. SraUte. Washington, by her brother, the strike witt be called tomorrew.
railroad man. he was one of long Dell laivcjoy. and when a arriveil,
fnr ot Chkaeo. There nay be wHne


Tble will

afford to fannerw the optiortnnlty <tf
of toe esute ot
making one trti. .o:dy.
During this Laura Crain, dres^d.
same iwriod. a large uumber of aaso-i ValenUne Dunn baring flt«d In said
clatlooa and orgonlrailous In which ««rt Us tol admlulsiratlon aOBOahi.

oated a great mass ot lettera which
•hew Ihe ploc

saved by a narro« margin.

tbe aldems-ii of the rily and bla IKnod of.

of toe Narioaoi Cora ExpouiUon's date, day of AaguM A. D. IMT.

ram Wodneaday's Record.

The police have eenfte-


e Nallooel ■<

thtwff daslag toe laoer paH«f A
I. members of famlUn ot oai- LonlaeU .
delen, also, who will come to reJoy Rawysr ..
(be reunion. Lot Traverac estead a Bailey ...
The committee baring charge of (he
royal welcome to these vlalbn ud
make them feel when they depart, river mouth tnsitor repoetad that Hr.
that this bsa been (he greotoat cn- Monroe had completod bis work there
1 that be t
csmpmcDl the ssEoclailon baa enjoyeinate King Caries and M>ae toe
TTie bill of $1038-2* was prsunitef
erment of Portugel waa revealed _teallowed.
be eommlitee on licenses reccrni- day through the cxplosien of a I
When be eamo to Traverac City, be

And aUtw olbvTW JxMk-aa good «m our ennR CeuB

50 Cents a Volume

City Book Store
Traverse City, Mich.




r be eompsllad U concede

Cfraph epcrsterc on ctrike have ■
From Tueaday’a Record.
Hr. and Um. Sage Ryon of 84! E.
by the arbttfatora of the Aimerr
BiKhtb street, enterulned Mias Kern
Federation of Labor which eonand ber nephew. Hr. Byett of Detroit,
n«« aiMk. Tta.---------- .
et John W. Mitchell of the mine
and Hra. John Huff of KbRiley over
iMCCaAttr: A.J.IUrMr4.A.J.K
workers. Oamel i. Keefe of the LongSunday. They retunied to their borne
choremen and Samuel Gompers.
DIMBCtOB*-*. «W7 Uf. *. IVt4 yesterday.
QUA. Ml.. Jika* *. BMMh. BiM.1 e«Compers who la in Chieapo with
teiiA. E. C D>Ha. 4^7 ■•Uma. «
idem Small made the anno
irned 10 Detrdt where sbe will siiend
I that the men will arbitrate.
ihejiert tlx montbs In compIiHimc her
President Cbvrry of the Western Un­
3 per ceat tnnrej^Tlne D9«lt>
le in the St. Haiy's hwpUnl.
hat been meat err^hatie m
. and Hra. Swan Oleson of Jackme. Fla., are tbe piesu o
d that tbe plan
and Hn. W. W. Smith. Hr. Otesoo
lot be considered,
was employed In this dty thirty

• $4S^

Cliailrtwi ttis wot, 2.825

e efficisls of


this decisratien It

IS likely
Hr. and Hrs. \V. F. Dean returned
- tbeir home I n Sacinaw yeslenluy. that the strike will be continued for
an indefinile period.
The men
after spending 1 o weeks with W. It.
Pitun Tmdv'a Beecrtfirm in their Stand that they wil
Abbott and wife.
A luHtob cm^ br J. A. Carraa
return under the old eenditiena.
Him Bale Beerdtley and brother
tUc dtr br^v a«ar from iu B>o
82.000.000 STRIKE FUND.
iop at OW HlaaloD Snitdar aad ihr Leonard returned on the fi
Chicago, Aug. 17~That the striking
owner aext beard of it tbu mmloic yeiaenby atfer spending a tew da>e
telegraphers are preparing to make
wbeo It was repotted aunk to (ortr wllh relatirm In Kalkaska.
tbe present labor battle a fight le the
fret M water near Torch lake. Tbe
if. TuKle of Orand Rapids
finish waa disclosed today wheu Presboat »a SS feet tooa. lO feet beam a* vlHiliag hU wife's parenu. Hr. a
tkaa a tt bocae power eDpioe Is II., Hrs. F. £. Roberts of iS9 Webster Idenl Small declared
I. Mrar Tuttle has been here for ion dollar fund would be raised with­
lAat Friday Mr. Carros ran the boat
in the next two months.
or three weeks,
. to Old Mtaalos and there It broke
down, so aacfatwlnir it there, be ca:
. and Mrs. I. Uptlir returned
The strike todsy spread to other
to this dly with the brokeo pans,
Ibelr home In Detroit wwterday after
trades fo the first time when
have tbea repaired. On Saturday ilsllbg fricoda.
Hre. j. Lewis of Kalamazoo baa re- tricians employed on the drainage
tilght-be left this dly with a mrery
team but tbe driver loat him way. the rued to her home after vUlllns Mr. inal quit work.
Orders calling them out wei
and Hra. Ruakie of EBsl Front sir
, boraae’ pave oM and Hr. Carros
ed when it was learned that
' forced to walk three miles. »Tien he
W. H. Ralne and family have
telegraph companies were nego'
KOI to the place wbere be had left lined from a abort trip tbrouidil
hla boat be foood that It bad broken uMbern paK of tbe sute.
tbe aadmMc^le and waa drittlsK ou
PVank DeVetin formerly of this city.'
jm of Onroit. U back bere
luio the la^
He made a deal with aome flahei vltit
men to go after the boat, but they
Ulaa Stella Davis of Jooesboro. Ind..
New York. Aug. 19-A feeling
did DOL Ure up to their bar(aln for It
cxiiitnlion-pervaded Ibe he-adquarler»
waa reported thU mortSE
of Ibe sinking lelegropb niwnitnrs
laottdi waa sunk near Torch lake. It
day wh-n it maa unounci-d that Ihc
ta Ur. Chtron'a optnloo that tbe boat
F. C. Heuiaann left yesteday
Poatiil company had favorulily
atruek a pound net tuke and mw. Chicago and Milwaukee where be will sldcftfd a plan lu M-ille the elrlke by
If be an locate tbe boat be will raise purchase hit stock of ftll noieltlet.
railoQ. It was di-clared itiai
and repair bar.
grstlon!i of ovt'riurrs have tiecn made
One on Paninaula Shore.
by the Pcslal ofllcials.
Rapid CUy. lUdi- Aug. jn.—D. Wa.r
Sooebody elae'a pleaaure launch It
Striking telegraphers In New York,
-bleb and dry on the west shore of tbe
nnsloo. Chicagn and other principal
couple ot weeks, "niey have ren.penliiBolt. above Traverse point. Tbe
clile* of the rouuir}' today -began Ihe
. Bcbee'a cottage and are enjoy­
owner of tbe craft could not be deter­
collection of a delmiw fund of ten mil­
ing tbe cool breese of the lake,
mined althouKta a dllicent aeareta
lion dollars. I>re«ldent Small origi­
all mlsa Dan at the More bat know be
made by tbe Record this tsorolnt.
nated the plan, wbicb in to nmasa tbit
D in mocb need of tbe resL
Tbe. wreck waa slgbled by the
great fund by comributloos'Trom bu­
U Tilball Is enjoying a visit from
■Third Uleblsan.^ bound from
siness men ibrougfaoui tbe country.
dock «< tbe bat Bay Lumber com­ t moiber. who came all
pany b Beat bay to tbe Foa klandt. from CalltornlA
Mr. and Mrs. Bmore UxA their
New York. Ang. IS*—The
The ta« made Butmis Bay this momloK and made Inquiries there but daughter Ckwal to Detroit hospital for. ports on the loliwvaphcr*.' strike, from
operators' point of view, la that
eoQld not find the owner, k la pnd>- luedleal trestment.
J. Trvmpower. who baa been M per cent of nil the O|>enitors are
able that tbe erntr slipped 1
out. 'Slieaklng for tbe PoauLOo..Inpi (urthier down tbe bay yasterday rrel HI la aome better.
and waa driren aabore b last nlghfa Mr. Dobson, fireman at the factory, vice president E J. Nally snid today:
was rery'Wly scalded a<
would he foollBh for ua to aay
heavF north wind.
atomach. last week. Dr. Hoag U at­
conditions are as good as they
tending him.
e before tbe strike. We c.-.riainly
Punaral of C. E. Murray.
Frank A. Oardner la bere from
regret that our men left ue ilod the
From Tuesday's Record.
AU that ta mortal of Charles E. Hur­ MIe, ^labnma. vislUng bit father. C. company regrets the loss of good,
Cardiff of this place.
competent men. and hopes they
ray was laid away In Oakwood c
n*e has a new anaiaUnt in the
tery tbb afternooa. Tbe funeral
vicea-wbre held at tbe borne on Frank­
lin Mreet. the arrangemenU being
imder tbe dlrectloe of H. L. Carter.
Ure. J. H. Irish Is on tbe tick Hat.
Tlie «Mkot waa completely anrrdondFloyd Chubb is driving the mall
«d with beaaUful Sara] edferinga
3w on rural route No. 1. during'F.
from the Dummoua friends of the famHealey'a vacaUoo.
tu;, there being several set pieces of
Field tey has come and gene ^
grant fragianee and brsuiUtnl design.
Tlm'i#i1cca were very touching and floe time wha bad by all. Too eould
see buggies, wagont. earw. romlng
the ^toda of Hr. Hupm: .
to pllf their last teapecu were visibly from all directions. The ballooD aacenatfectad. wbea tbe Rev. Demaa Coch- slon waa tbe best of all.
T. Tiler and family of Traverse Clty
lln of tbe CoogregatlooM cborch paid
ere guesU of Mia, F. Rickett last
maaory ot Hr. Horvay.
A qaartel constating of B. B. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Gotden of Honor, are
Urs.-N. E. Desan, Hri. A. U aBcbant
and C P. Hunter, rendered "Asleep In gnesu of Jim Trompower. They will
return boine TuesdsF- Jesua.” -Lead Kindly UgbL"
and Um. F. RlekMI and daiigli
"Abdde in He.- during tbe aorvicot
r Eva. vleiled W. Wilson in South
the Cb»«e.
«■««» •»«« "Near.
MUten over Sunday.
Oed k> Thee.- Tb^ wai aiarge nl

A Hair
Neiriy every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Somethinf to
make the hair more mantee*
able; to keep ii from beiof
too rough, or from splitting
the ends. Somethine, too,
that will feed ihe hair at the
e time, i regular hair-food.
Well-fedhair will bestronff,and
will remain *herc it belongs—
on tbe head,'not on the comb!
n* bsst fcisd ei a issumomsl "Bald lor ever s»ty rssn."


nir.-, which tf the world's leadic;
c.r. ,il, is also tin- leading crop cnl'i
v.iii-d In Ihe Pliillppim-K. In Asia rii
cousiltul.-B fully one-haif che fiMai <u iply of the populatlun. India anmuiH'
)i’o<liices u rice ccrop of greater vali Ilian Ihe American cotton crop.
Chailes H. Lonl. of Dumbarton. N
H„ lei-euily cut a Isige pine Ue.his farm, which, from ibe riop., u:i.2wi year* old. The tree w-aji lit hi '
■all. miasiiied r. feti 4 inches cm tlistiinip. and at the height of I'si h- t
Pi.nsnivu a feet in dlsim-i. r.
A Valuable


I* year* ago I leonie.1 a I'aliialilIei.iMin." writl-s John I'li.oani. of Mae
mdia. Ind. 1 then iH-gau Iiiktog Dr
King's New Life Pllh. andtihe longei
I lake them ihe heller I find them
They please ereryliodv. (Jiiaraule.-,l
C. A. Riigbee l>n.g Co. S- K. Wa.i
a; Sons, Hannah Dnig Slor>-. dm;:
gists, ,5ic.
In sis .vesrs, with an increase in ihptipuiatioii of t.ino.faio. or Mim-thlnlm-rea»ed the value o; it* fiirin pit;.ucu by ITSk.KiP.Ohn. or .'.T IHT' «-n'
Ihe value of It* iiiannfaclure•
nci.wlh.hno or fi! per reui.
Freddie Dehhard. nm.<t -.itne v..v-

o ilic wine tiiiKliic -* in N, w- Yer,
conmelion with W,.Id.. .■Iio,,. i!-sri,'ptnr.

__________________ -» .1.-

slso Gsorse W. I
tag tbe aodttoiB- depsrtment and J. N.
Morris of OCt Waynr, Ind- represeullag the Adams Bxpres* company.
ta addition to those menUoned were
Mrs. Marray. stepmother of Mr. Mur­
ray. aad bis niece. Hla* Cibbe. of Kul
Mr. and Mrs.- Scott of
Howard City. A long llae of carriages
followed tbe remains to tbe eemelery
Wbere tbe body was laid
dr, Ob^Hn spoke of Mr. Hurray
* .tat cmectloo with hia family.

h Strike.
Omaha. Aug.


of tax talagrapher't union enroute
Chicago, aaid thia morning: -in thraa
dtya from Hew thara will net be
aingic tdagraph wire working in the
Uniud ttaiM auUida of thaaa used
in tha tranaperatlan at- traina.”
0«ralL Mich. Aug. IS—The onion
aeaaion all day
balding 1

hero - today

We’ve had an immense
trade in Oxfords-the finest
we’ve ever had. We’re going to
do it again next year-but we
shall start the season with new
Every pair of Oxfords in
the store must go.

any time they ware called.
few York. Aug. IS—A eriais
reached today between tha


linaa and tha Weatern Union
Talagrephar company. The WatUrn
Union demands that the


their centracu and handle

rnoeb latenst In IL looking carefolly cbmmqetial busineac. The railroads
out for the welfare of his fcmlly. As have inatructed their men not ta Uke
a ritlzea tbe deceased bad been prom- thia butinaaa an the graunda that
taanL Hr. Oocblln said, and ibe inle^- they have not .the time to handle
esta of the clly were alws>-a near hla thia axtni work which hat been great­
heart. Tbe same zeal that waa stao^ ly Wneraaaa'd during tha ttrika. It it
la bit home and imlillc life was
axpactad that' pic talagraph company
evldeol tn bU business life. His whole wiU Uke oetBO agtian bafera the day
life had been speoi in the employ of ia aver.
different rallrasds and his worth
By Wire to Ibe Evetilttg Record.
re /UiSd and apprectaled by his cmPltiaburg. Aug. 15—One flrenian
pfeyan. Hr. Cocblla said that he bad waa killed and oeveral Injured early,
► fid many responsible poslcioot and thia morning when a big cxiension
I nd always proven equal to whatever
Liberty and UarVet streeia
asks be waa aet to. Tbe speaker orxt collided with a brery hoar cart. Both
spoke <ff Mr. Hnrvay in tbe light of a
g at a hl^ me of speed.
natan lover, laytng spedal atreaa on
hta tors of tbe toresL
Hr. Cocblla
w Yorka. Aug. 17—Although
sammad ap hM retaaits fay aayliig they are peaiUva that t*w WeaUrn;




Saturday August 24 to August 31
During this week we are going to offer
three thousand pairs of Children’s
stockings just in time to get the Children
ready for school.
This will be a splendid chance to get
their stockings. Prices will be

7c, 10c, 12^, 15c, 19c and 25e.
so this \ffill give you a chance to buy
either a low priced hose or a high priced

Cast €ail on
Summer Goods
Wash Suits up to $5.00 for - - $2.95'
25c Wash goods
50c Wash goods ------- 28c
18c Wash goods ------- $c
50c Wool Dress goods - - - 28c
50 and 75c Lisle Vests for - I

All Hammocks 25 per cent off
Saline covered Sofa Pillows, good patterns
worth 65c for.............

37 inch standard Percale 10c
25,15, and IOC
Bathing Suits 25 per cent ofL
$3.00 Nottingham Lace Curtains, special

in praparatien fer a

only two Aaaoeiatad I
eparaiera are working and they
navnead that they were only an duty
temporarily and were ready to go out




I’aiu-r l.rirks are n-d m n-tlii: fcinivtng; many tHecrapU i-d.-. a.- rov
made of Flitted sbi-i-ls nf jiap. i ; |upi 1
coffins .n^UM-d in Mime |d«res. SemV hale, into mhlrh enter* pot rii
I Ilf straw. eoDKiM of norios p.,
jier strips, riyetl yidluw ; nrtlttrl..'
spcmwis can b»- mndc of luiper pul|i.


ber of men and #neien present <
were Intimate with Hr. Hurray and
Ua CamMy. The (wll bearers
L. DewlU. B. J. Hor^ milla Witkop. O. P. Carrev.-)!. Montagna and
V. C Palmer. Memb^ of the
man eomdl and city Vtctkl*Jtt»ded
tbe fimaaal In a body. John D. Kromer.
travate fret^l agent of tbe C. R- *
1. rallrosd was present, rep



Another lot of sample Couch covers.
90c to $5.00


less than cost.

Rag Carpet, good quality 38c
JUST RECaVED-Sevenly 9x12 Rugs ■£
Brussels, Axmlnsler and Velvet 19- 10 94V.VV

Just Received
New Suits, Coats, Dress Goods. Silks, Flanneletts OntlBfls,
Blankets and etc. for iaIL

. asd Mrt. Smith L«wii of Tnba.
mmt r«Mti tiM HvmU •«« bM
r#N« TMMajr MMOX «a«h 9-th, <rn« vtiUlsc with bti bloUwr. U. C.
Vrwh here UK- *eet
Hr ud Hn- 8. 8. Barnett end
wife were Id our Tldnltr Sunday. HU
brother U from the *««.
Aug. 1>.


>. M. Smith ne In Elk RapidK Uat
Ur. and Hro. I
OD bualnew.
repnlBlW H. E church Is bHSg r
or jks.................... ............
P. Detn wife from MUsUslppl.
work being done by 8. P
««D LodU. which ImproT
Sunday lu
H. Doe e' ■
iir rlllsge.
I* Bp trom Rerd
Mr. sod Mrs. F.
ig old mends and nelgb- ileo Hurin yrslerday.
aone ot the frleods of t..otlie FTsber
It wert^. twhirh gsTs her .
Te»7 {deassBl surprlae
party Saturday.
to. and Mra. J. P. I
DitM was on the nmd beiw lolBing their daughtr:
_ Ust week doing some anfln•aw of IndlsBS.
wurk which was Wi from
AUK- 1Sor the saBlinFe.
t Corttsle Is bidding n^lval


John Cortlale oold TtminerTaan.
ve otock oblpper of Traverse City,
Krrkley Sunda
ne bMd of cattle snd eleven h<to.
i this neighborC. L. Dotnlne sold Sleiter A Son.
utehers of Traverse Qty. two fine hrod Sunday.
Miss Liirle Mart, who has. bet ii,
ead ol heef cattle,
sp.'UdlUK a few days ai the home of
tow. Herrey Martin of East Head I
j. J. Newmsreh. rtionied to her home
ODfined to her bed by lllni-r-i.
Ben Hannon has moved to he;
tone. He h to work In the Jli
|l. J Newmareh. W S Ni-wroaieh was
CTandsIl ihlngle rail).
rlday for,!ii Trwverw City Monday im buMoess.
" Carlisle I
see M:>.'
A. B^ateone and doughti-r .Me:tba
Maple ----------,
Ymont St I « ....
s n.-leMv^rlimwl
oelpblxirliood Sfoudav
Carlisle who Is under treatment
ihe sanliarimn there.
3ii<s< Amy S.vpnlUer s[«-ni
Mr. iind Mrs. Janie.o D. Il?.-irh vveiel
Ihe picste
picste cjwr Siindnv of Mr. niiifl iidi.v histil Willi Mrs. Sill-all Saato
Nr. ni.'l Mrs. B.

• [wnlns-.ila.
_..i. David
nrh of C.sdil
r.sflillo' '
Mr. and Mrs Ira Deerh
jpnd Mr». V
who were the guosls of Mr. snd Mrs
Beech will b>- the giiesty
James D. Beeel
and I
S few WM>kS <
Elnmn of the l*en
Mr and Mrs t;- o.\ K. .
The r-:,, liT s.-a«.u 1« ]«<■ i.iid

«! **’


a Trcaanrer. Usaplian.

Treveroe'C'ty Women are Fiddlii# Ra­
il have more
■ han a (sir sbiv
pains that uff-:c.



t: they must;
mi»- iilieiid u> duties
of cieiM:-i.ih -srhina bsrki. or
nealarhes. dirrp spell.. .wiring down

i.*At^ Smith and daughter
were Tialtlng with her perenu
tisUllrea Ust week,
irt BaiM sod wife and Archie
Trarerse City »me up
_____ Jlon Sunday
_ eseunlon
Sunday to
to oee bli i
I, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs- R R. Bates:
^tia. Floe* iKke Is » she la able




for thcffl

it on Mbsolntcly

SMledepaaitory.tbot Uiey may be ready when mjpin.l.
Tills back IS such a depository.

All oor depooiuare

payable on demand and !nii<U may be t.> *1. pnsit.-d as
to dmw a tmvleral.- intori-st.


..■hvr .-rmm .rt the l«ty. Keep the
khlc-vwell i.n.l b-alth I* e.vsily main...,iied
Rend ;,fi,r.-n..-,ty for ki^e>.



,.|.|v llii.1 hefW .Hid «•> • the kidneyx




a„d n.:my aehes f..m. kidney llW Kid ,
,rv. e,.nee ...nre s.iff. rtnc than st.y

So— lav «.M H.-lr niCllnUm Pmy went to Rapid niy Satrest. Titiv-i^ City
iirday to ploy bs
n the neighbor
•aM ex,.-rienee with kidney
Dottle Woloon
bond lost week.
I. laosh' ni» thi.I thei.CUB
Pray and
Howard Drown
cure for kidney eomplalnl 1
drove to Traveiuo City Sunday.
InR friends here.
- of ti.«= . Kiduev PilH.. Ilh-umatlr
Cecil and Alice Hodgw rolurned.
Th Kome of btiae loll
“■’'Idoue and ar.- cm- ready lo coniiiieare
r ehoiilders. a
Kinjnley Tburoday after vlalllng
played between tb.- K I- * S
1 aniTihe flood Harlnr leum
to i«-nd. Hoop .«• lift
afierntoo. was a fl/ile. as
, Ih-gniw of Ti averse Clly.iir.Pray* laM week.
Good Hailior buys never aho».-d
liinl I hn
Mrs. Orin Undaey went to Troverse
and many that went lo we th.- u.
A- Riiiti'd. I find
City Saturday.
emtlliu: 1. .
Irbenks and vffti «
..fiiiR ate a tine remedy
Andrew Fall
Rniiii s I
Oarenoe Edvnbury is wcirkiiiK
11 here from camp llrairy E. ftolisle.
C. L. Dnmllie has a flue ivaieh oi
,■ '‘T”*’ iiii .-mlotvltia
IC flhturtay and Sunday.
I buckwheat that was sow.-d
sow<-d June ";ih.l
A harveat irfcnlc
Jerome POBim wepRound L
the gnesM over Sunday of their
molhcr iil the IsM.^ n-w Ymk. sol.- iismi- for the I oiled
llert Konon of Travorw City.
The electloo held Too«1:i.v. eh<
that the oentlmenl ot the peo|.l.Hiy In favor <il biilldim:
hall, Th<» trmu Uiaid took
e visiting her slater, _ ,
action at mo ani plans and skwriflr a few days,
rntlons will be drawn
ore all rejoicing
il -biughii-r ii
ling be let and th.-JralldbiR^
the return of our school from district bulldl
No. 4 back to'district No. 1.
pie of lu.ot Bay
'I ,ird Mr.;
The Kinatlshere
mente a* It 1» ihe only way
r.l tln.lld Rapirt-^. h.-io,- !u I'lneliiUiiU. Ohio.
a town. After this ytar of-h milltil
tlveoXe latter pan of la»t week.
.- viMilng Mr. Snell> paiept
fruit and farm crops, many from
' ypsllatitl are the cM.'rls ol her el»KT
NsSrly all of the farmera attended
side w-ni visit thin favored region
- rAmerican SoclKy of Bgul^ plc
• u.iliiill and l.^ndly. ^
,.d .lilMr..,
an idea of lor.itlng.
...y at Ro^d L»hv.
All reported
people of Traverse CTiy
.. parentr. Mr. and Mrs.
ho 1> woi'kliig Iheri'
_ imanUnoiia '
“ torir'Ftweman and Mabel Tomp- nearly
give a franchise lor electric c
e City .called
kina went lo Traverse City Friday.
w. V....__________
lened .s. fi
dty bus awakened
UWa Mabel Tompkma is home vUli Shows the
dream: yon might say. from a Rip
Ing hw frienda for a week.
• . M. .leff.-ry
an Winkle sleep. Ld the r.iy and
Miss Ethel Smith went
- their Rhoiilil- Ml* A Fk I’lllKT ;iUt'ni!.-ll llle .-..m-, ii....
,lav srli.n>l cmvenllon at Moyll.-ld Sal J rl lldr.-ti
i u> the
Aag^ 18.


,.iid l.en.1 :.nd work wlib rorllnK i.ltis j

X Si


If y<*. your first

paine ..Rev m.iwi »ioo,. m-er. when to;
it.sni means Ibrlsre. They must walk ;


be busy bees will meel with Mrs.
1 Pewlns Thursday aftemoon. Lrt

Ado.iiiistf*lor,onk) yon iu any

capacity bokl Trut Funds Y


•assaommwmwmw waoMWtAeoM
Olive,- and
l.imlly -ui
■aim'd bis sister nnd her tiio-iuiKl. >
KalTiiigti u fri-pi K-Lsr-iii., an ol.l-lim-- r--M- ;il
here but now <t Cb-veiiind. Ohio. «
his wile. si>ent several
lelaiivts arm frieods. He l.sdu ae li
lime bill! d<>-ali kindly with hiiu.
Mr. nnd Mn.. Asher ol AtklUM.,, .u
1 ardrviiie. called on

'W liVi griilltiide In a e ll,,
wnnei- oSen-d a five dolkir
ti he r. fused, as he did m.l
bay. loit sbe left the Ull on
I, lb.- hotwes raoefted taoui.-


tl.-ridiiy. James [.angrlrk wii.!d..y »,
drivlnK a two horse rig wlK-n the dri,W| >='‘
l.-ttllig Ibe e.eiiei .iiid| ,
. riiiiiiwav. John \Vr«e
Working on the mad henrd
il knowing that u thr.-.- sealed
A wry pb-a>aul ..elliag «-a» Slienl
lalurdiiy . v.-nlng at Hie 'home of
MiiUdm lliirgnives ),y his nrighliors
VHirh them .«
dug into Ihe i
.1 iliem but
lu ..
............ __ _ _
oroimd ih.- load of geople. In |anu.lng,„f lit. bliibdsv annlversar). ■
W<-. Ihe even>-r which wak RWinaingjty^.k <e~d forth, siruck bin
lini isi hi* lee.
g the
Ihe skin
ekln off for
fc a few days si
ine il badiy. laking
ill seven
veral places,
he suffered imensel) «nd Mrs.
lor several
everal dnys and is not aide tolvIslUng tbetr si
A land Mrs. Birch,
e was hurt .vud
Mr. and Mrs. IVed . Mulliwy visited
alile'.v f'-w date lest week at Ibe liome ol
nkediM II. Gllberi.
' ‘

I 1M7 Clotpr BuvVour0an>«fs







We want your business, and U you want to
save money you want to give It to us.
New goods arc arriving dally, and II yon anUcipale baying lornlnltnre or anything In honse furnishing goods we would
be pleased lo show you through our slock.
IT new goods wc"SoW hundreds ol pieces Ihal were bought at u big
disconnU and a numbed ol samples ttiat were bought at the close
of the furnlt{ire exhtbilg which are big bargains.

cumins and draperies where
can buy them on
the same percentage of prollt you would a large piece
of turnilure. It will make a big saving to you.

Ingrain Carpel-


I’p from.....................

Bmssels Carpet
27 inchi-s wide...

Velvet Brussels Carpel
27 iDebea 'virl.‘........................................................................


Room Size Rugs


io Moot] Tapestry Hruiscls
I 'tbers at ll-VOO awl............


Small Throw Rugs
27 iocbfs iri-le. up from..

Cace Curtains
Rope Portieres


TapiBtty (.■oniiin* bp from.......................................................................................I-IS•
Beats (xi.'iisiuD rods..............................................................................ScandlDc
Siuir rt«U per

......................................................................... SSc Wid 65c

Kui; friiipf. per yard..........................................................................lOc and JSc



Naaliailoii of L. F. Kaowlei ol B>yar, E.
Sawyer at Cadniae and WL E. loalacU
oi fnaktort for CoastUadonal
CoBvealliMi CoaBraMd.


etalea (o the aute eoBBtKoUonal coovemton was completed In tbe tarioue
comities la tbe tweatyeevenlb senatorial dUtilot yesterday. Tbe unofD
rial figures glYan by tbe Reconl Im
mediately after tbe prlmsriea ahosed
(be nocBlnstloa of U r. Knowles. E. 8.
Sawyer aod H. B. UMilselL Tbe offi
cisl canvaaa does not alter that re­
sult although some of jhe Agunw
111 the rarioua counties hsve beeu
changed, tbe total vote beinc beavler
Ibao annotmeed Inunedlalely after the

laittv«p<MeMla dM clTC^alBaM* liAaMtaB


umoB acreemeat are baeebr

bc effected and tbelr aereama
crlea of aDfultb caoaed ahadden of
horror to to over tbe enat crowd
that bad coUeeted.
8t. Joaepb. Ho.. Aut. 16—A terrifle
wind and electrical atorm posted over

to laat
B aodd wife, lou M. block 16. H. ttooal guard. Seiffcant Major Hiller
L. A Co.'a
at inatantly killed by Hsbulns.
UlUan LMUr to
ura U Cox.
K, T. tt, R •.
Taaclera. Aug. 16—Rrporu from
ofowMofBwM. 8
Casa Blsacs suie ibst tbe IrtbesmeD
^ H.' 8. BrowMoa aad wife to CuriU eacapsd to tbe bills anwod the city.
. U^anpUa. lot 13. blodt 1.I. KUi*aler.
preparing for aootber attack on
Chartaa K. Tborae and wife to Ttav-| the oily.
•no BtT TVaoa. Ob., lot 4. see. Si. T. | Thla time, tbe report aay«. tbe at­
H. 10. lisoo.
will be a gmeral one la maBy
I. H. BoaaU to D. 8. Webb and
.tta. tou i»is. blatA K. 8. Fife Uba. different directions so that tbe alteoUon ct tbe defenders will be divid­
ed and it U hoped that one ot the attaelclBg parties may make an entranea. ibe tribeamen aiw balm
urge oo by bold and faoaUcal priesu
Oao. W. CwtM. Chwlt Court Com., wbo are endeavoring to have tbom
to Wm. H. Bbner and wife. loU 3S. maaaaere every foreigner la tbe city.
fifi. V. block 7. Baynde. IBIS.
Tbb Bewa meana that there will be
Jaha R CUBpball and wife to O. H.
'toerae. M 7. block 7. Ooodrtcb UU much blood thed as loag as tbe
Prwncb warMilpa arc In tbe barter.
Oao. A. Upler and vlfo to W. H. Ibelf BbeUa ran do terrible eBeoutlun
.___ 1 aadid_ trito. lot »2l. block 6.
Tbe saltan Is greatly vorried over the
r H. L. A Oo.'a Hfe, -fillW.
to Peter attllade of the tribeamen.
B aad E. &
r. panel In See. SS, T. SSB. R ».
Fowlcrvine, Mich. Aug. 16-Ralph.
A. U Naah and arire to J. U. Kan>. the 4-yeaeold aon of flsrt WUtbeck.
membw of Che Detixilt fire depart­
'MofawHof naH. Bae-fit, B. ll.lM.
’•“Thelm A Barlak to Harr E. ment. was Niort and laataaUy klUed
I. BoM of nwM and bwU ofneH. by hto brother today. His broCbrr.
( 6 A. Bee. 17. T. S7. R. 11. aged 8. was playing with the rifle,
Bd wife to Uon P. and tba ilule bey was ailUng on bka
4 S. 8ac. I. T; 27. mother's Up' when the weapoa wa
aecMentiy diKbatged.
nh Hall to David DUos. ae^ ol
New lork, Aug. 16—A work trail
L Sae. 61. T- »• R- n< MW.
OB the Long UUte rallniad backed
~lplo* Bad wife
into a enrwded aueet car today and
Uiree people were killed and slaleea
Ocateal to Oeoiffe PaUer..Ssr.Sl. T. 56. R.13. IS.r* injured. The car was rrawded with
people on their
to Coney Island.
Oeneral to Georta Palb
Tbe blame U pUerd on the work
aie- «• T.
traUi crew.'
f. A. Hllcheoek to Goorire I
Hrrlln. .\iip. IS—A heavy explosion
a. aarU. Sec. II. T. K. R "
of dynaiiiKr oecum-d thla moralng
- -Bd wife
In a fcetory lu Duraiu. It la-raporteo
thm ibe explosion coat over one hoh.
________ _ joa to Raaa W. Pen- dred liver aod that the rmtire town
I iMttiwn. lou It. U. Mock 10. H. U
waa destroyed. The list of Injined U
^ A Ob'a In. lit.
aald to be eoormoua and the dti
Jamaa B. Dalbrtdfla and wUe
> Bbakaek and wife, part
eaaaoa bs ealeuUted at preoant. Tbe
ffawH-Sae. !«. T. M. R It.
_.-ion 8. Clark tt OusUe Scbuin- cause of tbe explosion or the quantity
Mqr. a% of lot #, aU 10. Nock I, H. U of dynamite that let go U not ka
New York. Adg. IS—Several people
^ i OolB »tb. tIOOO.
Aosmta H. LawU to Wm. P. I-------- - were klUed snd many injured in i
listen between s Brooklj-q Rapid
gbj^rt. kK 81. btodi 3. Oak Park. Transit train and a trolley ra
Hanbaiun Crasslnx. Coney Uland. to­
R HamiA. ac al.. to Vlcter A. day. Tbe train hit the trolley
'Ifitrtek. lou tt. tt. 20.
while ruunlng al full speed.
H. tnd. »60a
Jeaapb SohaiU to Anna SehnUt.
Nmr York. Aug. IS—The Standard
H. 6TfU of lou 16. 17. 16. of BUck- Oil people are apparently determined
»6Bd. II.
Wm. A. Ml tod wile to Tbemaa J. to cause a panic oe the stock market.
Gloom settled over the market to­
day and It la openly suted that the
' Wm. 8. Herald tDO wife to Jamea Standard peoide an endravortn
i^rk. pareel ln 8cc. 4. T. 2f. B- 0. brim on a panic that will equal tbe
ooe of I6»3.
I'nder tbU duweaalng Influence.
Amalgamated Copper sold today at
toor ^nu below tbe. very lowM
of leecnl years while New Y'ork
Cantral stock fell below |wr. Other
stocks also look a tumble and the
CHiaato. Am. 16—The loo< upcet- market today was a verr dieerleas
I M Baaerai atrika order came tbit pUce.
J ttoralBc when PreaMent Small Uaoed
Kiel. Oermaiiy. Am- 17—Today's
■ ,thb roUowias latsar to tbe opermtora
ice of the SonderkUase yactau for
I •( the eoutry.
Emperor WUliam'a enp waa won by
*A}I -oomueretal taietrapben em- the Wansee. Thla la tbe second
#Wad by rrrnimnrlal talmnph oam- lory for tbe Wansee and tbe AmedHuuaa. all nmiinlitri pnaa opatatm
yaebu MV have no chance of
I aad aU o >rat<Ba vfwklBK on private taking tbe rnp or orre ainnlm
aim an a-orkinc aoder a of tbs taem.





inasaiicta as Iberw has bee
democratic nomlnallijoa, ibe electluu
will be simply a matter U form. The
follosing Is tbe result ol the official
ennvaas uf tbe votes In ehe cumUos
of Antrim. Benzie. Charlevoix. Grand
Traverse, Kalkaska. U-elanau
Wexford, which TOmpiii-e the twi-utjseveotii senatorial dUlrict;


-fly authority of tbe presideot and
Ch«l PMU pm down a w il • (bort
Um mb ud U bo* lavtBg■ • wind ■estwal eiaeotlve board Of the Com■i:: mnp.
nerdal Telacrapben oBten of Aiser
Mr, Bad Hre. R cook utd rblldmi lea. 8. H. 8n>aU. prealdasL
ot TrBrme. rMted Mn. Oook'» par
Thla orfer went forth ibta nornlDi
«>U. Hr. and Mn. Kepbov lot week
mod about ninety per cent of tbe openton obaj-ad it.
II la declarad here that there wit
-Kn. HoBI and ehlldmi of Tr«v«rae » no Btrlke of tbe raUway taiesrapb
au«io. ABC 16-Chleaco
Bm tWW Mr, KepheWa parenu atom awept tbit moraine. Bre peo­
laat veelr.
Ptidar Anc. Id, It07. «$ relatives ple balDS Ullad. five people fatally
and frlcDda met wuii Hr.
Mn. and twealy aerlouily lejared.
LnmiM Nepiiew. to
tbHr norm, whloh laated aome time, caua«dU« voddlBS. Tbey were manied
two ttorr brick bulldlnc on Prye
ia Burne. Alirviir Co.. NeiP York. In
4 to collapse, and there Cb
Itn tkor mm» to MkdtiBaa. No*
Ifeor harea tM hoax wbeee tb«« waa talltlea oeearrad.
vfldcmaa. Hr. Kapbew U 73 and
a BDfprtgnaie victims
Mn. Hepbe* U n. boUi are vtil
causbl by tbe (aJIlos walla
•etlra. Y%er kavo uo ebUdrwo
were held by the wreckaie. It waa
of wMeb wore prearat. There ar
I dhUdrcB. Thar reeelrad aome nice
praaaBU from frteoda feed ten do)lara
to MDU frtMa tMr OUldran. it waa a
«W7 plcaMBl catbeeini and we wiab
than naar non ra» of bappia
ABC. It.

mined that Mr. Knowica of Charlevoix
primaries, it U now poslUwly detorcouoty. Mr. Sawjwr ot Wexford tounly
and Mr. Loulscll of lienxie county will
U tbe csndldacca for drieiwtr* to tbe

•tots Newt.
The summit ol Pike's Peak la
147 fec4 abore ibe level of tbe i
Par tbe past 12 years this amzimit
has been rceeh-d to a cog rose
>w proposed to Necirify tbr
tern at a cost of
Ktm Lcopoia nat offered a prize of
130.006 few a rcBMdy tor the aleeplm
sleknesa. which Is wiplm out bis subjecU iB Africa.
The total area of tbe BriUah
plra U nearly U.400.000 square miles.
more than ooe-flflb of tbe earth's
Th^ Is BB average of one child
killed every- three days la New Yqck
city by being run over by vehicles.
Ihe origin of cards Ilea tor back In
IS hlddM mtUqulty of Asia, no
rd so tar Imvlm been found u
ravel tbe source. II was from the
distant orient tbal cards, along with
cbeas. ware flrat Introduced Into
Boutbeni Bunipe. Spain aad luly. es­
pecially. The earikst ol Vbeeo cards
hare been lost. Dafatunately. snd no
record ot them preserved.
"Mr Wliilam Orookes. as a result uf
•WD tesearchca and tbe experiof Profs. Krowalskl and MoscieU. of Prelburg unlveralty. has dU-

charged with aaasul.
fine at Ann Arbor.
Hiss Jessie Vender Bogart, ot Me
nominee wbo rooenlly recovered
tlO.ODO ns cocnpeasstlon for injuries
received at (be Msrloetto and MenomInc-e paper mill, several yesrs pgo.
tuslaloed a sevtJv- stroke of ui»plex>
while vlalUng at Mllr.-aukee.

X next big Indian camp meeting
be held at FYosI lake, uotlhwesc
of etandlsb. tike Ian of this luonth
Indians will te presen^ from
Michican and Cunuda. Including
Sagatoo. tbe tamous white Indy1- shy
married two differeoi Indians I BagonniugIn trying to go "just a UlUe fuitber
Jt.- Mbs Jess^ Drew, who was In
bathing In G<«uac lake, near RattU'
Creek had a uarrow eecape from
drowning. Girl rompunlons seeing ber
in dlairaia called for beh< ami an un­
known young man swam to her nsIlstance and had to dive, for bt r. A
phyaldon resusduted bcr.
Residents ot South Haven living
north ot the river are up on their dicnlty over tbe deplorable riectrlc- light
condition. John Irving Pearee. jr . a
hotel ke«-per. says Its worse than d
mining camp: Unt It's ImpcKsible lu
> INdestriau four Icct ahesd of
cess is available for hommerelal, In- you and u robber woi
(tuslrtal and agriculuiral purposes,
lu a hold lip.
and Is expecled to rcvolaUoolxo the
nitrate (ndust^ and the weld's food
The czar’s one sad only great aunt,
the grand dnebma of
aefovona. of Rnasla. bought two para
of camels some yean ago. whtle
visit to tbe CaucausuB. and at
pUoe outside of 8L Peteratnug
devotes mueb ot her time each si
mer to her somewhat uncommon peu.
has now no fewer than IT of tbe
Tbe Circaasiaus. who live
Bortbwesteni inn ol the Caucasus,
and who tUnh It Is moiv huoorable-h<
live hy plunder than by tednslry.
f H a rnsiom to brim 'heir
dflugfalrra op to Iw sold as Kisvrs
the Tuiks aod Persians Clrrasslun
beauties, therefore, shine tint In their
osUrc liDil. but Id the bareiiiu ul tinorient.
Vi. Sliirey Mattson. Yale graduate,
aim lOf a former governor of HlnA. great grandson nf Marshal
adoUc, whom Napoleon made
king of eveden. and onotedme bus■ ot Bnma Cania. the cnmle opera
singer. Is booalng a gang of workmen
Ip Hew TOrit Central rallrasd tunnel
In Manhattan.
Howard Dexter, a former resident
’ Saginaw, was killed by bis leeomore at DIeksoD. N. D. He was an
engtnec-r, t* years old. and nnmar
rried. He went west five yeara ago.
Tbe Lenawee omsty fair will be
held BeM- ts-tt. and tbe ouUook this
la most Mcouraglog for a pros
m exblblllOD.. The seating eavcltf of tbe grand xtand has been

...... M,.sr- •'





Mayor Bell of Port Huron has
claimed Aug. 26. a ctric bNldaY.
that day tbe chamber of com
ouUng wilt be brid at Tashmoo i«rk.
Nearly every boaioess man la expect1 to jolB the jNllficallon.
Tbe German H. E. church at Sagiiw baa jost celebrated Its golden
jubilee. Tbe pastor U tbe Rev. Paul
Waerfel. wbo came there three
> ago from Detroit All rellgloiu
ces are held In tbe German language.
Because be utooed a sword on tbe
arm ot RuaaaU Wallace and fixed II
that William Bothka will have to
earvr a rtyi and Mue Indian about
wlih him for Ute. WiUam Blanebard.



A ceosiiz of Marquette la bow being Tb WriatloB figures tor 8wlUr-j The
The canine targeoa to King Bd*ani
completed by the postoffin- fotce.luad
Aug. S. IWB, were 2JlS.M3.ot! has come forward with sooie corrveTilers are upwards of I2.0U0 psvple.! wbum Mt.lTi ww Itwelgnvr*.
Uons of fwpular ideas sbout msd dogs.
It appsara frtan the«- reluras. com-| nny-flie vrrie.. are coosimitly «n He putaiu out tost dugs who froOi si
tbe mouth arw not mad dogs, but dogs
lb 16.S0fl,ln tbe sprifig of;p|»y«i In toying nad repairing
fiU whose bite* do nut ctmvev
s giving kUrqueUe tbs dto- ^uUmarinr esUUs of


General Nesra.
In Spain that i.aoe ;s like.y^u be sent
There Is soeta a shortage of olive oil I
tf America this year.
Jobasnesbart In the Transvaal bar lJ.Tk..~-. imrks’ot cards io l-Ui „'' liands. Throe Umeg
“J*" ..““j
H prosperous Amcricau club and twOi average uf a ,»ek for ewwv two lami. I

^ Ibe l**«rers
while s>
liuski L-ase ball nines.
| Ira In the .-.Mniry.
' Ibeir vserfc wlto delirtous pastry
The JTluc- ot \Vsk» is an alOei Clrrulalli.:i .rf s|h,.r ColUir lu in-i AeeocJlBg to Ibe rtnsus of. Ih.1 New Vwk city. Hy <-sl leant of hmlib. M.vmls has tl.022
crilte and keen InspiTlor of liiu-piials.f''"
and IlH-lr work.
1 llu.t where: houses id strong material. 15443 r
Europc-ao m.llL-ry onglnccra «v, the" ordinary citizen n-o-lv. d one lu a ^ ,,^1 material and 5411 erf mixed
working OB a form of automobile wlnon.h a yrar ago. be now r,^•elvs*
^ «,-,s houses. Hie
draw anilery.
j three Rm.iuianu and small sh.u« population is
ToImu-co is M-ivetl mn to tbe lialtoii larMruIarly liave an iiuresscd number j
■V i.«-..r»e Wi«hingtou Jsii
soidu-rs ie i«m of Ih<-lr regular i
irf thr Kiril Methudis’
------ Pob'l-o. for Ur ,»M seven
The .Xiislrian governmi-ui gives il»
agi d a 1M-iisiou nf nrarly 6r.50 a wm-k.
Tho Hi-ctric ciuilr for exi-euiions Is
iiscd only In Ibo Vuiliil States.
The marriage of Miss Amu Bre-se tbe heud ot dev.-loi,ii,g dvialled spoil
of New Yiali lu LonI Alwsulr 1iiues-[ fli-uUdcis.
Kor. brother and belr .f the of ^ Tl.e' Trausbrazlli.iu rallwav. r.wmevOrder of RuoUuKOn.
Roxburghe. will uke ptee to Itoelob,,,. thel SorocaU.t.a railway; wblrli has
In tbs first week uf «rctoU.-r.
iMsn piirrhasnl (ly I'.in.yilliin Auiert
In New York slate then- U a black-. ^ capHalbis. and Is now under the! Chani-ery.
l.Nde. CompUluanl. vs. BIssmiths slioi. which Is rsmdnrted by
Aniertran railway ex,»-ris. sonh Ode,
nefeodanl. Aug. H. ItoT
c women. They do a
is making h
11 sallsfaciorily npp>«ring fnim alfiare- said to b.yve made a sucoesa
i.f pulilic affali
lira; larli on flic In this eauw that the
of II.
spimd tiielr viicalloos more qul.-t•tly t snlrpuena buiuud toerriu bos been
porilnn of Australia Is vir­ than iliH-s Elihu Root, aer
returned thut the aame could nol be
jN i-sonaliy served u|>on the dsfatdam
tually vmidy. The ratio uf while imp-! elate. As suon os tbe heat
ulatloii In Doribera Australia Is about Wi-Iids mi w.ysblugtoo and the affairs Rlsworili Ode hy reason of bU COUiiiud iitotenre from his lari known
>e to every 700 oqua^ miles.
of hU department can be put In th<
lace of realfimee wlihln this riaie.
Traveling hy roll In MBuchuriaco.«ls httods of uu asslstunl xecn-lary. Mr
u nlulloii <f L H Gage, solicitor for
43 cents u mile Id Jupam-we wsu- Root aud his wife go to, N. V
I tbe said •
Hr«. nr 3 07 cents a mile in fi lUdj,.|
which has lung l>etv Ibcir count ;
wdrih Cole, cause bl* aMwaraecw to
sutes money.
I'raoce has nu uld-oge iusursnee
Liaiig Tiiii Yen. tbe new Chinese be eotened in this i-aiate either la percosurrs. but a large auiuuut 1» an­ miolsier to this csunlry. slnillrd tores aon or hy ooUcItor wlUilu three
mouths friun the dale of this order
nually spent In relief to aged native*. years at Yale, returning lu Oiina
The town of Orwon. Sweden. Uwiih- Ittl. at the Ckiee ot hla junior ywar. and in default Ihr-rr'of that toe Nil
iit taxes. The neeessary revenues He iMcnme eonSdeniial to-cn-ury and o( i-omiilaint fib-d lu-n-ia may be Ukan- derived frum a fiiresi reweivatlon. advisor to the lihentl and progrvwslve <-u as ernresanl against him.
Geoige \V. Curtis.
The diiehosis of Aosta is luxsiona'e iiceruy. Chang ChlkYing. und for 3"
flr<-.i.t fourl C'ommlxstooer.
ly fund of riding- lovivi diets ol ull years be diwbarged dvllcale duUi-s
Grand Traverwo County. Midi.
with wisdom aud skill.
kindx. aud it an ex|>m skater.
L. II. Gage. Bullcitor fur Complolnaal.

This store closes at noon every Friday daring AngnsL

Ladies' Summer Coats
At Less than Half-Price I
Bcgtnnlng Tomorrow we will place




Duck Coats
in Eton. Cutaway and Double-breaited styles,
worth S:i.50, $4.00 aad $5.00 at $2 4-j. $I SOand..........


White Skirts
our best styles, made of Pure Linen, that were $:L75,
$4.50 and $5.00, at only....................................................


WMIc Skirts
made very full, elegant httiog, special values at'^d^

$2.50 at....... .......... ...............


Other White Skirts at 75c, 95c and $1.35
White Shirt Waist Suits
wonh $.5.00 It $2.50; worlh $2.-50 and $:i.0li a i.........Wl.aS

Ladles' Short Kimonos

Ladies* Long Kimonos
worth $1'2-5 at

at 19c




Bchutifol Wash lioodg.
worth V, and SOc, si... .VC

We arc also hsvlag s
Smim o-F \^ool Drmam Ooodm Rmnn-imn^a
2 to ' yard loogtbe-jiiat the tbiii^ for W&iaU, SKrta nod Cbildrc-n's DraafiM-mnny
of wbicli are marked lest tliao half price. Don't fait to see theM remnants and inveeticAte the thsny bergaiiis nil ihrouifb tfie store.

Premium Tickets ‘sSt u?*
Eccrybcly having Premium tickets will please Uke notice that the lime expiree on
Si-pt. let. IM* ami that the tickuis should be brought or sent in by that tiiiie
bnpdred tickets you
'' a ........................
bare yoni choice of a 43 pi<«e Dinner ScL a whiu EdameW Bedeiead. a «. lI-io|>porled Bidtprini,

Kfveraii.le oottoo top
a Fine
■ '
PhonoMareeillt-s Bedtpread. an l uderakirt. a Snic Case, a Pair- of' nice Lace
graph witB two Racotdi. Six Disc R>vcords. orTwelce Cylinder Rnrxirda.
For Fifty tickets you can gi t Three Disc Records or Six r
Cylinder Records, a White
or Black Underkkirt. or • Bnit Case

DoB*t forget that the time Is op SepL 1st. 1907.

**T1ie Store that’s Known by tt’s Values’*

Steinberg Bros.
l-rfs Haiuil't

Traverse City, Mich.


t. Dnrfita from Trareiwe Qty is
Thoae from Klnplay who attscried
iTeoOoo al Marfield SaUrakdtlns her parents, Mr. and Mia. H.
day. report, an
a ezcelleel Ume a^ an
Mra. Will Chrr received a check
lotetest and profit.
Val Unden expert* to be In hi.
D<w block In lets than three week*.
Dr and Mr* E C. VanDeWalker are
Tbe first t
emertalBlns MMs Moore of Marseille*.
for years w
111. sod MU* Anna Oronselh of Suitons Bav
i set o
returned Satu
taJned Mr and Mrs. Vnille Wilson and
children from klOBsicy. Geonge BsncTofi and wife. Kinsley: Mrs. Bert;
Bancroft and tAlldren from EVc Lake,!
Ust Sunday. In honor of Dr McConkle

‘ Two's company,
Oiree's a crowd—
unless there’s an
extra package of

. leave for their home Friday


A|iple buyrr* have bven hero
.ast week Irjlnc to contract lb«- es

OiNOM Snaps.
My. bnt tiicy’re

Hra. dutTOM Ort«n and dauAbter
Mailorle left Moaday for Ut«4r lx

Matbova. 8h« waa acrotnpSaled by
Mia. MaUidira who vUl rvmaln a few
^re. Frank VakeUne and aoo Wal­
den ot Norwood, and brother. Adelbert Oornell of Lanxml. III., were
rxMa at Una. B. Miller a a few da) a
the Brat al the week.
Mia. Artber Bordeaux and three
oUMren of Pblladelpbla and alat'-r.
MlB Caroline Dewey of Blc Rapida.
arrived Wedneaday and are cnenu at
the botoe of Mr. and Ur«. Gll
Arthur Bmdeanx amreid
on Saturday for a vlalt with bla
enu and family.
Mr. and Mra G. H. Dame and daucbter Beulah, left Suoda}' for a trip to
Orand taplte.
Mtaa Jeaale Brabaoi and datmbter
Marjorie and friend. MJaa Bckler. arrlred Friday to attrad
the camp
neetlnc durlns the week.
Bd. Wolf la qtfCHllns the weHt in

and enke were soned luiil a fldi punU
added merrlnienl and fynde to Uie
enlurVUnment. Mr BaMlo Riive jtev
oral numberw on (he program.
Tbe Rot. Mr. Ma)-B8rd spent Tin^
day In Traverse City, returnlns Wed­
nesday mornlnicUr. and Mrs. W. H. Hurlbut arc
Bimndlnp their vucutJuu vtsiUoK friends
ut Frankfort
Prof. R. H Batlev and son Will, of
L-iwrouce. Kan., arrived on Sundny
last (o sprnd the remainder of the
Slimmer s1ib bU family.
i. C B. Battle returned
It from a trip to Hack.
on Saturday
Mrs. Uosebe, with her im F^irman.
id duuebtor Irma, of lojulsTlUe, Ky„
airived last wc<-k olid are Guesls at
le D ia be-Wln-nlnf,
Mrs. Byron Sweet, mother of Mrs.
E. Campbell, idurned to ber borne
_. Eistpon, Wednesday.
Mr. Camp­
bell accompanied her to Traverse
The Sunday school children of the
pleiilc Hi Trout Island on Tuesday
Mrs. W. B. Johnson and danfiblers.
Clarissa and Katherine, returned Wed­
nesday from the Beaview where they
spent the past two weeks
Fred P. GIddInmi. wife and daushter
Harel of Lowtun. Slant Ui<- post week

Mon^ to ioln bor hoabaiid at Lower
Dorn,'to Mr. and Mrs. Fred La
Brale, 8. Da., where ibe baa acoepled
Luude. Tuesday. Auc 13. a idri.
a poMtfcm to teatdi In
the Indian
Mrs. Jamrs Kell and non Isa left
Thtireday to visit friends at PreulfMr. and Mn. Charlea Nelsoo
twlalned a lew fHenda at their e
The Misses Beta and Frances Woerfmef home oo the pomt on Wedi
sey arrived last week frocn Valimraioo.
day laat. UUt« the gueau there and Ind., where they spool tbe |>sst sU
back In their Iwmch.
weeks atteodlns: school.
— _ .
^ piaaaantly aur
s- Fred Hyder ol Jemey City.
eplny by a ntiiaJcrsc)-. M vlslUnc her psrenls.
Mr. and Mr*. A. Virtce. Mr. Voice I*
lat It'waa bw"urthday. ulowly ImprovluR In heuUb.
and br1ncti« a seneroua |ML of money
LarRC number* of Indians are ar­
In token of eeteem. Tbe erenlni; waa riving daily to attend the camp meelapent In cooreiwatlon and a" abort pro- ililt Exo-llent speakerw are secured
sram of inatramenlal and vocal mualc (or all the servlres autnarse numbers
and tetdUUona waa Given.
I InlereeL
D^elB were <
loo cream, cake____
afwved at the rloee of the evenlnp.
Mn. Deeta and ctalldcen will leave
ahwtly for the wcaL
Mn. Oeceola Pooler of Burr Oak.
MM>.. who failed, thou«h nn fault ol
her own Ao be here on ETIday evenIni ap achedoled. save a apleodld
-a—of readlnpi to
see oo Tueedny
m (tlv«l
under tbe auaplos of Ibi* Epworfh
"^and Mn. 3 M.
otRbra of the PtdnU pi*e an enurtalnmeat Saturday ereolnR at t^
ball fer the benefit of tbe CatboUr
ehur^. It cooetsted ot drtlla by the
caiMta and aoncs. daneve and .Greek
poaee by tbe youn« peoide. who took
pan In the mlMlrel abow. ice cream

"t'K S."



Harbor Sprtnts strived on Monday.
The Biv Wlimoo will u*atot at the
eam|i nud^nG durliiK the wwk. Mr*.
t\-hllman remalnol at the Point unUl
Tui-edav. the pieei of Mr. and Mre.
JJ. Wooloej.
AUC. \9.
Mr. Prtiidle and family *|Hut Sunay at Fife Uike

... vlaliltig her from Si. John*.
Karl and V^Bla Smith from Almira.
Mich, who have laen vl*lllng their
grandpan-nts for a f--w weeks rc
turned to tholr home Friday.
mile ones come alone, th.' idrl. Is nUe
}-esiw old snd the boy _1«.

j]„ ceorpe Brtl for s

Gene Osborn was the cw«t of CllaMte ^rJST^ Who la. been' too Biwit last Sunday,
in Walton for some lime rettraed with the missies hot M some better al
home last week.
ibu writlncMiss Ehnma RobUns who ha* been
Srane repslrtns 1* belBc dooe a) lbs
Rlacktooo orbotd house by I- Wllkrr*"ii
School win besiB In about two
wreks with Mr Ji«es a* teacher.
her home la Wlsceosln.
Mrs Ida Rouse Is keeplnc bouse for
J<-V«ph Holdcreft's new mill bes*e
Ml Marlsil
runnlns last s-ivk
A IU.~e mtle siirpnw party w**
Wedc'rday cvenin* the 11th. a *o
Slven Jimmie IVcI.t Frtds.v alterrial wa* slven bj- the Yoons
-urieiT un the lawn near the boar<Uas Uf».n
sUvii flfi«-n belnE Iffrsfo'
-Udeoee.. after
hou-v tea
■ pan of the

prop ram
My Country TU
of the Snow
Fhnvl HalUiclay: Wallt.
Arrub-'ii. E-.isvnv Walter.;. Xom
ten: Gladys W,
.\nlta Han. IXslIv Halladuy: Dunahy
Polkii. Fean*. L.nui.- Box; Wain.. A.
Miller. Dullv HallaJav. JenUT
Lind* Favorite Pollu. Ida H-wflin;
Fvail*. I>-orlna Bivil;
T-. Ida ll.a-dln; Jlanctw
lorry Us* E^ari La Parse,
"I 'I
ih Caill>ack:
(;•‘^^lde■» llreaju
Wiiliii. Beelhovi-n. Ekilih
Duel. OM >*011.* HI Homo. J O. Case)
itina Nelson, Anna E'rmtoii.

childi.-n aiv ranplns tor

>"•«»- —'i-iiil--raucc

whidt would Interest tbe -edd ttmwa.”
Tbegr are view* of this dty takem M
far bark a* '<T.
« >n the West

. .


guie. •

|N.«th«.-*l.-m R. . ,n
I W.ieviln.. .eH ..ak,.*

...... .


Th«T.- wen- two seesum*. uftermam
-o.d ot-riiic
Mr J. W MUIlk.-n of
Traw-r*.- Clt». .-iiid.Mr. E>Ie» ul Yuba
.................................. _.e aftocraa*
lelki-d. ihe Re>
Mr. Cochllii
Robert Wiill.-r* oomlDS for Ike
Inc M-s*l«u
V<-r> hvlplu! and li
• '*llns talk* wen- clven and lie- :
day nhiKil run les help bu' eifl
U'-w- eiiihiiMa*ni ln>m ihe i-iXiven'
Man) delvoit.a from thi- viiit'mji»
>chi»d» were iir«-*cal al*o

OM FheWrvh*-

’ "

the ^ United

South Dakota.


t the chiif.-t.,.-( E:nsland for

She -., .Iir-rned by her
Ocdcr er PublicatiM.
uil) child *d.,m Chappelaml
t. of Ui.-liigan. Ttaineealh Judi­
childn-ti .,-1 preoeiit
ilii.-r.i: ».-ru,kk. . vcpi Mr* cial ClrcQlt in Chancery.
Suit irandliu in th* armli Court
e( Cka.-' *1. . 'krmisti *irk
ol Diaiid Travorw- at Trav
e Ctly »>.-htg*ji .Ml the ihlrteentJi
1 at tlic It..,, kwou *chnui
. .<'Aucu»(. A D. tMf.
I* Mr op4 M-r ^1* BarewU.
>*a Crook. Osnplalnanl, »». Wlla Crook. Defendaal.
n this caime U appearing that said
'«dn.->-Iay afi.-n. .
'TCidani. fwmuffi Crook, la a vesle E>win Hul.-ii i
,t of this state but hi. wherrsboutH
are ilnkhown; Iheref.MV. on moUim of
J J Tareddh'. sollrllor l.w nMBpUtii
lyi* onlered that defendant enter
'^pearsnee to said cause uo or bemonth* from the dale of this
* E:bLii*’in ik.ui~iii 1* •upiylng or«<. BOd that wltbin twenty days the
ri^iplalfiiuit rouse UiU order to be
T Willi fn.-iid* al C..iliU;i</ubIUbed in Ibe Grand Trarerwe
and Mr*. Sol Uinsl.-r .d
'Herald, said publloaUon la he emi.hem.six
hrolhet. Mne-.w Rllllller . ml lauilly Ilnufd once In roch week tm
weeks lu succewloc.
Cronce W. Curti*.
CireitH Court Commls«l.>o*r.
. Alla-ru and .-htldivii .d Eai.
J.din J Tw-eddle,
at th.-lr home hero>
6..IICII1T for CociplaiiianL
.* June (Ir.wn itt IW-Ilair..
f.-w dav*. of Iasi wwk ' •
Walhorga H-sley.
Mr* A O Campla-II Is Msiiing
uncle Rdd Moore at WllUaUralajrg
for a few day*.
Quite a number of our iiCHik'
ici.d.ri Eleld day at Rapid City S.lav
jdiiuric.. Corey .and Glenn Dlckeroim
of iVntnif laik.-. passed through ih.'
n.-lglilairhiaid Sbirday.
E-..X Bro*. Iwwm thivshiog thnaigh
this last Thursday
Alaiul thirty of our young p.a>ple
w.vti- .-merlaln.d al'the home of Miss
Enirala-ih .BrTKi*.»n Tuesday evening.
Tip- .-v.-jilng was reported u

Mr und Mr* K. K. Barnard of Monrw Ci'nier vlniii-d at Wm. IX-xipr'*
KratioUi Holmo* t.ft
(or Grand
Rapid* Saturday ab^rr br.vzpedU to
lah«* a poelUonUls* Lulu Kryuolds TtsItcH Traver«e
aiy tn-er Sunday
Quite a nuiuln-r of >i»ud8 people,
Bi>rii. 10 Mr. and Mta. EM. HauklBThurmlay rvc-iiliii:. AuR. »Slh. a from Ka»-a*B Ceiil.-r aliei.iW the Y
P. A. al the church la.i idshl. Come
Mr and Mr*. EYnnk IJnd and Mlb* osidn und lirfns more with yon.
Lulu Brow-TH-lI of Calhoun, eountv. arJ. \V Rinchari li:i> had iso
Day N.mman of Mapb' City
their uncle. trisR^s I
In ivjr luldst Stindat
.1 the lamse. H B. and,
Rnbert Carpenter. E'riday.
John Taci-r «i.nrted lu* lhri*l
Caltin Caiyenter our R. F. D car
did the w-ork.
Tier 1* tnkins « two w-eeks vacation;
*, Wm Blekle have a niaclitiie out Salunluy. E'rank Ho, Can Wrbtbi and J
bis aubstitule Will Carpenien lake*
r are working for him.
(be route. Calvin, hi* father R. Caran-a-nt to them from
Mr and Mr* StoTmaii IirasKW
penu-r. Mr. und Miw Frank Und and
b Ulrkle of llaiilc creek
Travel*., ritv tl*ii<<1 * C W«-iil
Mbu lailu Brownell are camping on
UIM f-vinlly SuikIh)-. ivtarnlns to T
Duck Ijke this week.
.*! week to atlciid the niarriuEv
ern- Cll) Monday.
The Kamerer thre»hlns erew have
..-r du'wmer, Mr*. Saiah Wim
Solon Thei
Mr. and Mr*. J<»- Totnlinia.n
been at work In Ihl* iieishborhood ihv
Frank Ainl»b.;
Hinior, vl*iK-d
past week. Grain 1* turnins out quite
family Salurta) debt anil Sunday,
well. They went home Saturday nisht
S II Sawyoi i d his iixwlier vUllcil
rill not besin work asaln until
.. ot the bride 1’n W Ninth sir« i.
Itlalip- Mar*l> a I wife of CoiaulUh
Seal-ert had u "bee" to reshlnslv
m M. E Sunday
lay *cliool
houee Saturday. ,
nistne M;u>h und wtf.-. Sat,, plrnlc
held their annual
on the north
are TvpulrInK a
R’lcesa-gser I
Thuraday last.
Green Lake ~
The w-idl I*
•II for Lyle Swario'il.
About sixty tumonk nf the excellent
QnlK- i mimb.-r T
ante ie-lw
dinner and enjoyed Ihe day's recrea- .... .... deep and the pipe which w..«
a large one leak* at about halt that
JcEle Smith and little duushter di-t'th. They uin put u small.T |.l|»TIh- Mlaw* tlllv.' Sb.Kl.T; Ehla and
and Mira Winifred Smith of E'Ywnktorl ll.*lrte thr- old «
* pujThas.'d a n.-> Louie .'twan »f Tnivor*.* t*!!)'. vlHll.-d
K. S Packard
visited with R. B. Reynold*’ family |
Ml** Sh«rt.-r * parent*. Mr. and Mra.
' CrKlsIderatde w.M-k ha* t
D. c, stx.ner. Sunday.
on the roads lately »1ieiv it
Mr* McCoy of Traverse City is
Iv nef#f.d.
iislIinE h.-r brother, D G. Shorter and
The Inland Biiwonh LeoBue
School will beglii next Mo
give nn lee cream social In the :
It of R. 6 Reynolds' barn. Friday linard ha\-e piirHiaWi^ a n
Ther.. •’
ninp AiiE. JlnlEveryone '
id Mra Savery
cordUlly invited.
Filduv-evening, for the benefit
Th.To wu* a very preiiy wi-dding
Aug. IE.
jiastor. All are InvItnI.
v.sui'day Hi the home of Mr. and Mi*.
Wm. Hlrkln 1» home from ColniBMr Downers hw. In-'-n buikHne a Harvey when (heir daughter Edna,
f<MCb and having some rerairlnc done was united In marriage to Ivan Cook
Mra. E E. VanDeWalker. Mi B. J. H. to hi* house.
of Tiuverae Cny. The Rev. Holme*
Monroe ond-Mrs. G. L. Fenton
Mr*. Norris aii.l daughter lo I* rfi rmed the ceremony
Traven«»Clt> Wcdntwday.
C.iiar Run. Sunihiy.
Mr* Cook will take the train kl Kar­
n. a Fortney, wit.- and son. of Day
Mra Matjv! Enjraironi and daughter lin this-morning for TravtTse Citv
_m. Ohio, are*lnc a week with .Aiuliy. w'.-4.t to c.-lar Ron Sunday, on
the.- will ra-slde this summer.
Mr and Mr* R B DeFTanee.

the -xciiraioii.
)>jr Uam*.-y and John
\ldn Shutler was In Travc-rse
of Travers.- City, visit- ,„,^,.i,lne
ireshlng machine an- b
lioih In the hi* place last w-.-ek.
rily Saturday i-veninc and Smidav. • *l will! Mar. Roa.-I* U*i *.*-l ) r..itEhb<irhwa1
had ' their
Mr Ikurari^ and toiully vtsllod at
of Mi-» Tina Worktimn.
he g-«-*t o
Mr. anil Mra.
V.'a thrarhlnc d.irn- n*i week. Wheal 1*
-Hey waa up from IhMr*, -lohi Wiley
, ,
C. Ciimiie had S *aJlllI^'v.^^T^'l». who ha* iM-cfi
';*iwlii II rdistrict Satui
....... w-<*.k
per.-,, that vl.-ided it. bushel* p.-r aen-, seriously ill. I* b.iti-r and H i* b<d>ed
;o Inch Ule drain conniTllns.
Frank Eiatll snd children
Mr. and Mra. H MrCombs tUUo.1 the danger I* paaL
B1air"ud1 North Main vtre.'l* and
Hannah, when- Mrs. EIsrU went
M)T*m Taylor drove to
Mr. and Mr*. C, Har-.T yc»i.«rdny,
Neww was received here la*l
placed Ibis week.
lluhy .Millar *|
Eldl Crapo and friend retunml to
fiom Peadletim. Orepm. of th.- .
Whlle- loading log* at Hi* W. L. Ci' last witk.
of Miss Alla Battly. ehicat daiuriiler Hancelonn Suiurday.
Brown side track M<mday nfiernoon,
An organ ha*
of Mr. anil Mr*. John Ikirily.
Jneob Puher was struck by a flying Ihe beliefll of Ih.
LjlUao Taylor. Mra. K. Bugart and
Hartly was well known h. r.- for
skid, breaking hb- leg.
srh.wil ut this pla
A few J^i„ Nettle Taylor attended the roviwas born und ralsayl in Grant
A 1«> will b- held al the eerocu-ry
Ultle Mlldr-il
\.-ar* ago lo r l.uher »..ld I . farm v.-niion at MnyHehl Salur.Uy and reon Thursday of next w«h-k. Every.ui.I in re imd iimved W.-.1 hoping a chanp' |Min a flu.' program.
Is cordially Invlb-d to a»*l»i. Dinner
H.mry Ik^art
l>.*t hJs riverroal
'..f vIliBiii.- might help AUa. who*.-,
win be sery .-il.
M Koiil'in*' fai
h.-alth had always lawn dellrale, The while at the dance In the Arbiet.r*
. Ula* V.Ttia E'ewhi** of Big Rapid*
rhalige of fliniale dm help her^for' hall Siiiiirday ex-nlni
J.-*.- Il.mi'oiig
I* vIsliUig tvhiiive* ill Kluimley.
Mr. and Mr*
Hurry Sh'-arer of iiiicl.- al Traveralull sin- was v.-iy luiilellt Ihroiigll II Will 1
H.TITV Ri.->llMniL
Buckley. vDlK-rt ii.-n- liie k.If.-r part
It of Ihe fiin.-nil
of the WM-V.
Ctiappl.'. III.' sId
Th.Tv •
Mary K.vt* *
I daughi.-i
Mr*. Nettle Kob
III--I with Mra.
and Mr*, land *
Travel*.- CMy la> ■
Bessie, of T-d.-do.
ui»n-d here! mi W‘.•.lii.'od.iy Aug. 2ki »
ot Mr. and Mra. llvmi
m 'Rioter**
ihi'ir sou* at SIui
Mr*. Julia Tripp. Mr
given In honor of
li*.« and iMHi Roy. risll.d with -Mr.
blrthiliiy ETIduy
and Mra. T. .1 Henik-rwon at EiiM
was s.-rv.-d and It g
Biiv Ihe laller (uirl of the wiw-k
Ihe y.imig* h
Miss Julia Keni. who ha* l*-cn ibei
guest of reUtiv.-a Iptt. ho* reliirn.ri: Ipio ihe
D.U roil.
Mis*. I'. 11 H.ipklii-'M.itrhel' Sunday,
Mnw.'ll .iiol duiiglib-r
. Hopkln* Is visiting
e n.-Igbl-.jrhi.ri laoli
Aug Hi.
•n.ii-iiy ll\.-d III Hi.- Milage a
-Icllliig ffli-iid* for a lew da!
Manv fanuers In Ihle »crtlon nr
A n.iini--i i.f (amill.-* from tbl.
Had Second Plaeo.
Ikikcr aii.l wlfi- ..f AniN-i
nimpelled <» cut their uals b.-for
ii.-lghl«Th..ri -i-'in Tlpiradiiy *1 thr!
Frank R.*? "t thI. city and Hazel
they are sulllci.'iilly rl|»'. on account: u.illanii ir.- visiting felaliM-* In l1
Aiid. rr.m Cl--, k It lo'liig 'he la»i da> Kvni„,r „( ijaifl.-ld lownzbip
IMin o| Ih.- oouiiir) again
of mroboppera being *0 nume
■ f Ih.. .. .i*.m Mr inelt fl-lllng
' inarn~l. ....
_________ ...
Th.- fisherni. li of Hil* pl..r.- nia
Our martial l«nd I* getting ;
Friday aflern.a*
by Juatiee
for the Soldier*' and Sailors' .■ ramii- m>iih- fine eaich.-s on Ih.- lust d;
'' I tl-orc W fbirti*
Several .n;i*id.-r» --.I-.' '|“-iii ih>- d
nicnt nt Tniverw- City n>-xi n»" Ih

Get Our
Paint Rgures
Whenever you require any*
thing in the lioe of Pxiots it ,
will pay you to see ufi about
it for these reasoDS.
1— We have just wbat you
want; you won't have to
go farther for an)rthing
required for the job:

If there are any n
improved fnateriaU they
are here and our prices
will be based 00 tbe best
and most econom<caIt
you can use.
You are certain o
very lowest prices to be
had. Nobody can possibly
beat our figures oo goods
of equil q iility.

:. «

Mr ...1 Mr.

We make.a specialty of
.such well known goods as
vVhite hoi. Boydeir.
Mixed Paint, Caimans' Var>
nishes, Japalac, Adelite Stains
and AlalMUttoe-.
If you want' right paints
get them at

Drug Store/
Cor-Front Al'nlon .St.
\ \
Trarcfse City, Mkb. j>*


nlly. There Is a lot of nseiul. reUable mercliandlse here lined lor Immediate consampfloii, and yon can boy It lor
to take advanlage ot Ibis money saving
leas mail idedlA Thonsands have alrea.^' visited Ibis sale and everybody saUsUed that mey had Ibeir money’s worth. Tbe Ume is limiled so come and gel your
share oi me bargains. In every department oi me Big Store you wiU Und bargains.
M»i>VInKT«>t*«i ««asd rail*
$& vtlue, hr................... I1.97
worsteds and 'caaaiineres.
tailored, tl2 and $15 valaps
/ for ................................. 91.T7
S60 pair rorn's panU, Riverside

25 Ladioe'
CoaU. loooe and s
Laduw' Short
id fan<
tyles, plai


Ladies'Silk Coato.rooeeandeton styles, artoal value $10 ami $12.30. your
m nw
choice, any eoat in the lot.....................jO.Qf
lisdiea' Dress Skirts, made of plain Wt nn
cloth, neatly trinuned,a$
Laditw' Craveneltes


ineys and

wn gra

tans, special price for this sale-------

S3 and $3 50 boys'' snits. all tiiia
•eaKm'i make-.-.y........ $1.8S

Miises' anil children’s short coats, trimmed

AlotoIberes'S piece anits. refeunlailv aells for two doUara. oar
price for this sale.........
All o«r S12.30 and $13.30 Men's
t^ita, made of fancy worsteds,
all wool Ueck clay woreteds,
sinetee and oheviots.

Best fall size 50c Work SbirU,
doable yoke, for..................................87c
Meo's Linen Collars, sins somewhat
broken, perdoz.................................. -SSc
25 dozen Hen's Obe<A.-d Work Shirts.
special price for this sale.................... 16e
Hen's TuAcy Rod Hsndkerohiefs. each..2c
8c Wo^ Sox. special fortbia sale, per pr..Sc




O I- O B E


EXTENSION TABLES, S3.A8 to $19.75.
Wei,at- iii<m
in all the different lengths and all the latest .le»iens
-0 t<>
High grade in msterial.
m^rial. couetnu'tion
coiietniction aerf.-.n^.
acd*.‘iQ_ih; wonderful saving price.
Table in soiiJ
aches s-inare. supporttd by five legs :! inches •

....... ,

Ex^l^^massive. beautifully tioisfic«l solid


lop. -l-'i


20i:i'i Turkisii Bsth Towels, 15c valne for 9c
Isx:}*) Satin Damask fringol Towels, 25c
values, for................................................................... l$Jc

Satin Fipiib Dn»»k.'ai..,id..,onh
Damask. 'iO in. wide, worth


:n*c. for this sole, per yaid..................................$4c

Compare this Rocker with rockt'f* offert*! by "th.-r bousea f ir

RemiiSDti uf Re<! und WhileTubic Lioi'o
at greatly reduced prio'S.

S-i 00 and you will readily s.*.' that tbit is tb.’ Ust value
;i00 Rockers w cliooie from......................................... .......................... 98c up '


c|na------------------------------c|nartered oak and .pobshnd.
200 Jardinier
regularly sell f-r 7.=/c. Wuil.-tbey Ust. sale pnoe..................4$C
10x20 .ins.
I picti.................
.. . with a fine Ij io. kilt

Lwiies' Sunim.-r Net Corset*, also White
Batiste Ginlies. to ‘ lose out at................ ISfC

frame, several pretty snbjecu to choose from
t> <)t. Granite Milk Pans
4 qt. Granite Si< w Kettles
4 qt. Granite Stew Pans
Large Granite Fij' Pans

Misses' black Ri'<Sed Hos. . gool Egyp­


75c and >1.00 sboi-s. This Esie..................................................
Good two and three strap Lailiea' Sasdalt and some .lulicts
in the lot. Some worth $1 00 and $1.30
Vonr pick.. .S9c

$'i values, on sale at...............SETS
> Men's high c-it werk shoes, heavy
uppers an<! heaiy double solesChiap at S2.VJ



> High grmle chil'lren’s-shoes. light
and lu^vy soli-s, worth $1.25,

for....... .................


Ladies' ViH Kid Oifoidt, pslent
Up. mark'd down for this sale,
per pair...................................................$$0
Boys' grain shoes, will stand ban!
knockiug. doubts K^ed. worth
1150. for................................................ 98c

tian cotton, per pair................................................... $c

50 dozen Ladies' Burton Hose at . ............. |5c
Ladies' -50c Jersey RibbedCoiset Coven

Misses and children's laoe ami bmtoii shoes, edds aed emls

I Women's ban‘I tnreed shoes, best
•hfipes. Rindge-Kslffibscb make.

............................................. Uic
Women's Sleeveless Tipi-d Neck Vests.
10c vale*', for.................................................................... $«


Lsdiss' calfskin slippers,
pair, solid nmen and solas.
worth $1.30, ?OT............................. 98e
lofsnU' kid shoes, hard soles, sizes
2 to 5. worth :t6e and 4Ur.. .$$c


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