Grand Traverse Herald, August 15, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 15, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Wk RmMA A<«. »-Ob m»Mj «f

o look tor eomethlBg to eany

Ckarla* Kyer of Ann Arbor c
op teat weak and I* ipendHig a

UM «»ek the w—tni «t Mn. H«lcs
fatber-e. M. & Ung.
E. cooper. eMee o» E 8. NoWe. eeH. -E-EMta tBtartaloed hla alater,
eenpnM » b« •» M«rj Oaopw.
Mr*. TVlor. and Mr. TVlor o( Ml
were Uten«a In the TfllafO oencterr.
Inawt laat week and thU.
Mr*. Cbopw w«. <*e o* tA* ow t»rtMr*. WlUam Archibald • and>»D
ante o( Bk Iteiodt. isd
children ot Chicago caste Toeaday
IreowB br tbe people o( oeTei
r a couple of vaeka auy.
raen a«D, wImo *he letl (bla aaettoo;
H. Kfogp baa rented the Dr. Conk­
to iwlde wftb • daocbur In U
lin bonw on Rlrer iueet and will «e
tIL. WICA.V1BIII *be Bred nmil;
It Sept. IBL The ptweeat oecn-

“Wbttkey Merr.” e t .
talent Tueeday ereolng for the benefll
rer bw lore for *nd todnlww* In «re of the band, waa a charming Utile
vaur. M eerrliMt e thjrtf d*y«‘ *en- pby and elegantly r^dered. drawing
tenee *t BeUaire for dronkenoeM.
of the Urgeat btwaee ot the year
Jodr Med^ashlln U
aoBe good treatn Utely to loebrti

east waa at

UbiM Boom.
aiU the bbs wvt b
Ldaod has a bemn. a real geooln*
oea. Btaee tba Korlhera Mlehlgaa

Ot Mr. and Mr*.



dbd Mooday ot
d by the
a bold Tonaday. <
Ror. John Haahatad ot BotUma Bay.
and Intenneni In Magda Orove <
The lad waa bom la No
bill had llvedEere alnoe be waa three
yean of age.
SIgteen Udiea and gonUeaten took
a trip to Old Hlaaloo



Mr*. JoMpr Bntlar entertained WedMiday atiemob In htmor of her nboe
Mil Onea Oorbeu. The party wi
wtHmptlBl aflUr and wno attended
yon« ladlee ot Traveiwe

was held Tuesday at t:00 o'clock
10 aU. ptwlng the paat week. »*.«» from the resldenee. the Rev. C. t
worth of real estate changed haods well oSIcUUng.

atf. They formed a tbeatar partj- In
the evening and ntteaided tba dance

Traverse City, Mich.

boat but eighteen feet la length,
engine turns up ao fast that the

A aninber of south side reel

Sell you your bill for a honae or bare.
a full line of

from the ezbausl aounds as though
%omebody had tied the cord to i

cb as when she hit* a
she plows right Ihrtw^ and gr»
:t that by the time the spr
idy to, 1*11 Into the lake, r
wHl past the |>Iace where it drops.



went by him so fast



Mr. II *


me Market

' ODI-.

rrlcc, SOc per poond.


able between t end 3
iBBaaity. faidng slekBess.
era asm* of the tv
tuKs of worn-out ervet. Ke on* would
a disease.10 dreadful In It* raSuMa at oerveus cabautUoa If the dan>
■ only rcallted with lb#
o begin tb*T<
• use of Dr. A.
Cbaoe's Ksrv# PiUt to when you
ynuraelf unable to oirep at nlghla sul*
(cring from loadacheo or neuralgic
r«nw, indigMtlon or wrafc heart scllon.
liM at flesh and weighL growing
vreaknets and drbUlly. a tendency to
neglect th* du-les of tb* day. gloomy
(orebodlnt* for th* futore. are other Indpwsu^s ot depleted ncrv<
Too cannot bfceo Dr. A. W Chase'e
Kerr* PIU* to any medicine you ever
They are a nerr* vUslUer and
UiriT Y—"**~ ot aaeepilona]
Natnratly and gradoally they rtUndl*
Bt* to the perve eeUe and form new
led eerpnactot In the blood-lh* only
mdw*. Dr. A. W. Chase’s Nerr* FDI
M eenta. at an dealen or Dr. A. t
Owe Modlcla* Ce. Biasahk E X.
Per Mia hr J*hM*« OrtiB Ce.


morning In the rsateyn sky. A
ber of peraoD* asw the pbeoo
and Wmism DeirUL engineer a


will iM- remenibered that, yi-stcrday




last yi-ar'a gulhering wus one <>t tin- where sbe will Uve with
finest out-duor events Traverse City
Miss Florence Menrid
ihls y.-ar'K outing will
Is visiting friends in thl
rclii>-',' that of Inst year lu almost all
Mr. luid Mrs. M. J. Sievetm
Hundr<*«l* «r
Brunch are vlMltiig irMid*
iKsii.Hl and

from !*■''»•
miinbers «f

.Ml*. Wilitom Poole of Ihi^ ciiy
*iirromidliiK,lowii>. SiKwial .HUnlloo|_
[j-estenlay for DetrolL where she
will b.' given to the e:
rt-iin.lii until lull. Sli,- will In- ........... I
,.r tbe children. Tbi-n- will,
';it Grand Ha|ii.l» l.y Inn- h>i*|,au,l.
pesiniits. |,up corn nild |»>p
Isfy nil Ih- mile folks on Ihe griMitnls. j
clly. only to find the horse in Its siall Bvaaslon. HI., who I* spending the
They will have a gveul. big feost. nn-11
summer here, wa* thrown from the
-ntedly tmiochlng bay.
Ihe older folks will get add’sl ,-njoy-rig and her left leg was broken.
nit-tii In Heriiig the llltli- folks havliu;
Mrs. Miller was taken to an adfa
From Xburaday's Record.
rat house snd Dr. Gray of Detroit, ;■ gold time.
Thp.cmnniiit«-s will meet In tfcwho Is apendiiig the season at the
Sherman G.
Riuhmore bouse, and Dr. Vaughn re y:iks- cliih rooms next Monday niglii
dneing tbe fracture which was be­ to make n-iHirts. At Utai time further
gib. at Cedsr Run. at the home
urang>'nieiiU wIHIm- nude to push lletween
A. C. Wynkoop.
The Rev. Demis
pieikiruilnns to oimix-iluu. This w(ll
lien conveyed to the Marsh
Cehlln offificlaied.
home In J. G. Mills' spring wagon
Old Mtoalon. Mich., Aug. lO-Fright





The Farmers’ Store

A walking Stunt
lieu of
When Ihe pony became fright
C. U Domlue. of FjsI lay-#ld
eix-mtle walking sumt in forty mln- the hoy leaf bis head, threw

steamer Hantoiee of tbe Keaten Tran- too and daughter and Mrs Oalherlnc




Sleder. who have been ependlna the

irtpe Into thl* port every Saturday a

summer in Bofacmla. returned

S p. m.
Mrs Stebbln* of Nortbport Mich,

homes in thl* city Friday.

older generation. The funeral aevvlce# died Sunday last and wa* taken t<
Alee Pnrk* and hi* achnol cbnm. will be held from the resideni* ol her Owosao. where sbe wa* buried.
Prank Umpert. at Ann Arbor, ate
fomorro*' afternoon at I o'clock
Tbe new public school
OB Uodertak- •bleb ha* been erected thl* »ummer
camplDg on Rapid river.
In charge of the Anderaon
Green 1* about completed and It 1* or
ing comimny.

The New ComeL


We will take onr cbance* on your ootning back.

Wednesday evening, the pony driven
able 10 locate H. Then putting
9-yenr-oId son of John MarbintMa onto hlmseir. be hacked into
Bhull. two away. Mrs, T. A. Miller ol
tbe nhafta and dime himself Ic

to bar botne In BaglDaw.

A Urge bright comet ws* dtoeero-

WllhMin BMek
TftraTM My

Choice Dnoolonvl .Tapan payticularly fine flatw and
exa-ptiooul etrenffth.
If yon have trenUc gettiiiR a
108 that ia to your liking try a aaople poimd of this

until Mr. Domlne started out
she will Save to spend the balance uf
WaahlngtoD. Ang. »—Advice* tram
Bix-mlle iannt with the Record office the summer vwy quietly.
Howaid Fife of Traverae CHy risU- Dulgirta have been received by
a* hta-destlnalloa. It wa* Z o'clock
With Mrs. .Miller Tere her two
ed at Peter Moritton'* latt week, and depaRtnetil of sUie to tbe effect that
then and he bad unUI t u. do ilf daughters, aged » and 12 years. They
wbUe in this aectlon weat Sahlng in prohablimes are tbe harvest this year
•re both thrown out btil escaped
trick in. At 3:40 be blew Into ththe bay and caagbt a Bood aited aiup wUI be a poor one. and that Bulgaria
, Recdrii office. iMnlred tbe time, se injury.
The party
ot be in poalllon to etport the
cured his wltnemto and went off dowi
1 a very ple*
Dr. and Hra.'Mort* left Tneaday usual quantity ot grains, etc. It Is
the ttreet sgsin a* fast a* he earn
p Leelanau.
for their new bone In Bay Oty.
brileved this Inlormalloo may be of
MMs BfHe UPavfie leturned today use to Amertcan exurnters.
Returned From Europefrom DeuolL
perty consisting of Mrs. C. Ger­
Mitt KeUJ# Bayder of Detroit ar­
Death of Mr*. I
maine. Mr* P. Dunne. Mrs. Bd New
SttOae* Bojr. Mlcb,. Aug.

From Thnrtday * Record.

^^CYE, EAR, Note

111.. W* havc thc BesI Tea oo

looked to
If hla engine wai
nlag. At that, tbe Ileunlt man <JHered
a line to tbe Ilea man and the latter

lag nleriy.

When the nerves
Are Hayed Out

Pbexstk a riaip.

Phone*. Bell S90; Citt SO®.

Dr. r. J. MacNitt

sy moralng -on what promises
him by hi* broiher-ln-Uw. Pete Up- the planL There Is a good supply
jwsterday. He *ws at Bust bay lines and Jumped.
the^vefl who abet the antmal near
a on band and there will be work
when an argument arose as to
Mr. Miller bad Just started fa
BdKT latt winter.
tor 600 women and girt*. The age rePERSONALS
walking and Hr. Domhie adm
home in Bvanstoo and bad gollen ui
Bd Beekman raturned Hoaday from atrtctlon ha* bee* removed and
tar as Traverse Clly when the
From Thursday s Ri'Cord.
Oiand Rapid*, where be wt*tn
or gin. large enough to do tb* that he used to ''go some." He
past CO year* old. but thought
of the accident reached him.
iMirtore Sii-uiims .if Xnri1i|«>ri |p;i~teeaperatlng in the U. E A. :
Hgbt work can find employment.
be wa* aUll able to lift bis feet pret­ Miller I* doing nloely and no serious ed ihmiiali 111" <-iiy .''•■st-rday uci-'niiHI* fever I* broken bp l be la Uw fee­
ty lively.
The discussion continued letuIU 'will follow other than that lanying the miuilus of his iiK,lh-r
ble to raeume hla run. bnt U Improv
poor HarvfiPL

rived Tueeday tor a week # auy at
Hra. Beniamin Cook of Green lake
ThcMBM HantoCt-B.
towBshlp died at the home of her son
M. J. Lonsger ot Dttntb I* vUliiog
6 o'clock Friday nmralng of old
hM bfotber WUI.
being M year* old. She was a pioneer
Mia* Bdlth fieller returaed Monday of thU regton and well known by lb*

C«ll <,n

L»>b for tbu Big fil'd iUaot.

Cor E. ‘■th St. and Lnke Are.

about seven or right miles an hour,

ent-d at


ull lime#

Get our enures and oompare our grade* before buying.

The owner Is quite proud o
craft and a few day ago whei
Ilea was contenedly allpplug

There was nothing to hitch. He troll-

The canning faetoo'

We carry at


toned steam whUtle.
boat_;|s an exceUent sea

Hra. Kellie Kyer SeaboU and daugb

Mr. *od Mr*, a ,W. Wilbur of Grand
Cape Jnbl. to tbe south ot Motocco.
Rapida are the parenU of a tnby has been raided by Arab tribe* and
gM horn laat Sunday. Mr*. Wlthur vrrtaon of 400 was Uksn by anrwa Bfonnerty Mba Blanche Morrbon pKaed and all killed or captorad.
ot Ik Rapld*.Tbomaa MltebeU reorired a beautl-


twelve bora* macblne and

anotored their raft about ten mllaa firing wlib bMTT gimi. Anna and an
aortb and ran Into Bk Rapid* for
mnnlUon are being dlslrtboied t
BBIgdy oTnoal from O. J. Power*.
tboee in the city to make a defense.


Traverse City.


FouDtala Potat and
delight la
Kiting over the lakeT The engine

polish tbe brass.


13 per cat aUtTM M HBC i>eBMU

boat oo tbe lake and she goes so

they are unable to tptt whether
the tlver there now InelodiDg ererythey are moving or not.
iblng from home built craft to sou
aer Is making his home s(


A eCMfll BfiSklV BBUfiM IMM

Room 810 Now Btsto Bank Bulldinfi.

movtag or not. The rraooo Is
Detroit man has loiradneed an i


Mahlatee undw command ot CspL Tangier sute that an attack by
E % Blyfield. waa in at the dock laat natlTM on ihat dty wns begtu
ThiMday nod Saturday. The tug waa inonitng. Tb* ^ropeans who can
towh« a nft ot lev to the Krily away are leavini to tbe rvwseb In
Lamber A Shingle Oo.b mill at Boat
arbor. i
Hand and ran abort of coal, ao they
The natives began the attack

iTOOa COttPawitO.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

fiomething ef a Launch.
Sam Ilea. Fred. Bertitel and other*

of the big boau with a "nlger"

Tbe Tangier Trouble*.
London. Ang. 9—DUpatebes



PIsto Glass, Stoam Bollor and Accident Inauranoo.

who own lanocfaea oo C*rp Lake
certain time* now have to put their
the water to are If they

toed: It Just to see how H would
gan'i llvmy sluble and bad driven to scoot over the water. Tbe i
to Slights. Tbla Is the way of IL tloo was great, eo b« bung on.
ter <d Ann Arbor apent from Friday
By and by tbe Detroit man gut
order to eojoy the fishing
unUl Tue»day at H. B. Ung's.
iKmosL season geuing short ]
Urod of acUng as a tug and rooUcpne.1
Mba Vivian Morrbon of Grand
t. be unhitched the home i
foe Hr. He* to ettst ofi. But he dldnt
Rapids liTlsltlng In thb rillage.
east worth a cent. The resorter didn't
turned It knee. The home wus h
D. P. Curvy and wife. W. E A
a great Ume eaUng the green want to cut his line, he eimldn't get
rose and wife and John Boyd a
graasy. gnssy gnu* and kicking
to the other l^ch. Mr. He* wouldn't
wife ot Loalarille. Ky.. are gueeu
lu beet* in pure deUi^L when along imlle and there you arc.
tbe Lake %'lew bonae for Ibelr anni
came one or Mr. Morgan's employe*.
Finally, the Traverse diy, roan be­
immer ooUng.
He recognized tbe nag and wondered gan to throw a few hotshot and alter
Hra. E L. Beekman and Bva rw
bow It had wandered ao fay away he bad read a little faUierly advice
itb's Tb
from borne. Mindful of hla employ,
the yvKing man, let go.
It with trieoda in New Toi^
era inteiesi*. be corraled the animal
Jul do aeooter null acoots a
Mb* Bditb Thompeoo returned to
and led It back to the city.
musses up the waters ot the lake
day to ber borne In Lansing after
the meantime. Hr. Filch was
great rate.
reeks' sUr M the bom* Ol Q. 1
sUli fishing aud whnn Fitch bad fish­
ed enough, be went back to hllch up. Runaway.

feUwwtni tto pby.
TRa tog tbe "Third Michigan." from

Tire Tnsuratice!

IttUo town with a eonMqomt bceeSt

r« much interested la a park. There
acre; Mr. Band. Hr. Oardner; Charley
< a parad of twenty actes situated <n
Rand. Mr. Ooldlarb; Jack Fhrquhar
Fred it i
Rapid* boy and
wbeeler; Phyllb Howe. Hlia Me­ o the eoutb side of Seventeeolh
In the TwsKrral ot bb family from oar Alirine; Martha Howe. Mlaa Fair- street whirti they think could be »e1 St s reasonable figure and be­
tnldat, Dk Hapldt looea two popular beaks; Virgle Rand. Hli* Arcblbold
lieve that It would make an tdeal
yooag peeide. and they wtll be greatly NIobe Farquhar. Mbs Parka.
elle for a city park as the laud Is
Kb lol« ezpeeieoce In bl*
Dell Fblrbanks ai>d June Warner
and b well covered with sil­
gnteoT ha. glreo him a thor- BIT In tbe market for buying
ver birch, ook and other trees.
shipping apple* and are ready for the
‘Hie matter will be brought t
lt troold aeem that only euecoM am appearance of tbe frail.
Bwnlta him in hb new ronture.
kboadey to Hr. and attestloa of tbe council asd an en­
deavor made by the rasidems to have
Sam Bbnp and Hra. HenitetU Baui Hra. Jacob Spinner.
thb piece of land convened bto
were married Saturday at the bone
Hra. Joeeph ParU returned Wednea
of UIrteb Rnuoing. la the erealng day fran her vUlt in Superior
they gave a fenat at the Qertnna pic­ WU.
Tb* Hers* Get Hem*.
nic fioimdB to aeventy-dve Inrlted
Hobart Lewi* and hi* »btef», Ida
John Fitch, hid a lap robe buggy *bd
giuoO In honor of the oeenaloo. Danc­ and Nellie, all of Grand Rapids.
lamea bifi no horse yesterday,
ing wna abo enjoycdl
Mwta of the broUer Rebel. OtUw*
thoogh be had blied ooe from NorNeb Anheraon. the IT-yearold

A. TRACY LAY. Piittitttt.


beea stopping tb«e oa tbe ap trip,
reeocters have beea pouring Into the

Howe. Mr. Grimn: Jotham Ford. Mr
Pktd Ung baa engaged in the gro- Powwa; Ward Andrew*. Mr. Wblt



on all foora atu

panL Mr .Henabaw. will nurw Into the tibre and moot ot U waa for snramee
e DOW occupied by Operator
There are a number of fineeottages
tkto oeeik* wlU be beM *t the PreebTeooD aa Mr. i. can gel Into bl*
lertu ^orcr A^ntt H wd tl. Chei.
cemrae collage which b neaHhg going op at pre**iu ioclndlng a
000 structure tor a
Mr. Starr
a Cnrrer uul the Rer. Mr. Veil ere
In addltloo
the piopreB eomlttee ead the enterL. Aikmaon and Joaeph Sear* left
there Is much talk of a big summer
Uloneet eoMrittee li eompiacd ot Friday for a *lx weeka' ouUng
nel to be etweted in tbe near fnturc
t Rei end Maine.
Mr*. M. B. Uac-Mi*. B
nfty-two bundles are tied up
Mim. TbMiae MliebeU.
"Up Torh Stale." given by

Travosc Qtj State Baik


tt and while they were gane
e way fiepped llaelt

1 tr EIss KrWodiTil a

day* with hli wife and baby at th«tr

to Owosso.
Mr. sad Mrs. llynm ,T (>>bli ••(
Fort Wnyne are visiting Irtends lu
this city fiu' a few w.vks.
The MisM-s Mary and IVIla


cea ol Chicago |Kis»i-d through th>clly yesterday on ilieir way ui Oh»-im

We claim that the 'i5i04” Automatic Washer is
the caMest ninniag machine madcaad that it will do
the work in less time and do it better than other

We sell these mshincac on SO day^Hti^ io that
you can tind out the merits of this wonderful washer
before you buy it.
You take the machine home and trv it 30 days
if you like It you can buy it if you don’t I ike it bring
it bac


where they will sjeiid thc pi-m;iUi'h ;


Jetmi'- Moran of t

Ollei Tic Kllurs lie
Weikeieil b Orei-Woik. j

Thev left the City.on May
CiPealit.- VUne,s Hake Unpnre *h»L ]
left New York four day* later. The



trip over w-as made on the Kalwr Wil
helm I which stopped at England and
landed at Bremenoff. The party flr>t

went In Bremen where they vlslipd
,e flneet In Northern Michigan.
relative* and lh«i went to Prague,
Ole Larson, proprietor of the Park w here they remained six weeks a* tbe
hotel, to having tbe ratlre buUding guesu of friends and relsllves.

repaired throughout
They were to leave Bremenoff on
Joeeph Strimel ha* been appainted
the Kaloer Wilhelm It but one day 1.............. _,l**looer and. tbe building
fore the l«oat wa* lo leave thc crew
.. cement walk* and the cleaning of
smick for higher wages and when re­
(tieeu will be rtarted at once that
fused the raise ooe of their number
they wUl be In readiness for the coun­ cut hole* In the Iwtiom of the hull
ty fair which I* brid in thl* plaee and tbe boat sank at the ducks.

luirtily y..

lauUy.-^' begirt
\ 03 are rick or •'feel b
___iiig the great kidney
Tbe company which owned th<
KiImei'«Swanro-Roo'.. l<ec;
pr Ott wa* called
If the weather to clear In the 1
imedlately cbarteivd
two smaller a*vonrTudnev»arew-ell the,- bdu
hospital at Travetwe City to remove
ing the remei can again he wee
boats to carry the 3.00ft j.a»*eng«rs sU'the other organs to berilh. A trial
the body of William Hawkins, who
will convince mnv-otre.
tween ! sod 3 o'clock.
which were to take ,ms**ge
make no
If von are ut-k too c
died there at 1:30 a. m. He w»* takWMbelm II and the trip to th
lim dnctorii
dnrtoring >out kl.lnc^^.
-■ l.v nr*t
tbe hoapIlaJ <® A“<- •
nl the extraordmarv
Tile mild ami
extraurdmary cnect
cnev. or
Crushed Feet
try was mode In the Trave. a
Swttnp-RobL the great
ADer landing at New York
Joseph Kiuzsk. a teamster In the
Inrr remedv, i* soon realircl.
,e party came directly to th^it;
employ of WlUUm Bricaev. arMered
ndi the h;xbc»t for lU w-ondet lui cut«
A Big Turtle.
the mo»t distieasing case*, au-1 !' Mil J
painrul tajury to hi* left fo« which
The tlfiie. It. the oirt cmi^try '
Two small boy*. WUtord Wares
win keep him In bed for three week* Tom Freese, were walklbg alow
spent vety pleasantly.
at least, by dropping a heavy slab shore of East Bay Friday after
visiting a cousin who is a packer, hi*
upon It Thnraday afteraooD.
when they came aaros* a monstfwi* plant being about a* large as the well
have a Sample brttlc
member was bedly ciwttved and
turtle. The boy* turned It npon
known Annoar planL
bv wail free, also a pamphlet tc.lir.g yon
amall bone brokeo.
back and
some of the residents
bow to find out if voa have kidney or
Th* Big Picnie. .
bladder trouble.
Mention this paprr
of Keels Mokraa to see It and a tape
measure was brouttit out. In length
Ig chanty pIctUc of tbe Bk* for Ls haraton.N. Y. Ihm'imakeaBytmstake,
BIward Rraloehvll and Mto* Clara tbe nbell
bat remetnlwr tbe naroe^
bar day are pnlitog in some hard
Bceor were married at tbe Oongre- Inches, asd---------

^Seawn is»i hand, wc can supply yoa with PinL
(Joan and hall Eallon Mason Jars. Rubber Rioi(s,
ealing Wa.x, I'arefme Waa. Curry
I'owder. Turmeric, Caraway. Foppy. .^mise. Mustard
and Fenoil Seeds. Mixed Pickling Spied, and olber
spices such as you may need to pul into pickles, preser\*es. etc


cHy water wort* **»-* that rt was
fully as brt^f s* tbe ooe In IMl. yearly.

gaUooal parsonage Thurwday. tbe Rev.lThe boys leti the

vroi-k to make tbe Wg picnic 0 grand dress. Binghamton. N

See our Granite fresen e Kettles before you buy
they are thc proper thing when you cook anything
with acid in it.


traverse city,



News of Grand Traverse
Sommer Resorts.

Tbey have been at riatt wUh Mr. and Mn. C A. Bkoteher.
Mr*. Lloyd Christman of Indianalontroae oottage.
Mre. Tboa. atom and daa^liw of poua and Mre. Bd. Bborpe aad baby
Chicago are at “The PUes." alao Hiss are vlsltJsg tirelr pareou. Hr. and

cm Hcmday last

JMen Hall. BlHh Codwln aad the

Hines Great c< Oread RapMa.
Onpid got busy last summer and is
OenMon. Texaz. Wm. H. Cobb, wife still busy on the re«n. In fac
and daughter Della, Mice Cborcb. and iairengemenU are made for oae of
H. H. Cobb of Fort Worth, Tea. are tbe preuleal little wedlngs oo Aagust
Tbe brUe Is one of oar charming
enjoytog a few daya good flsblng at 31
young ladies fram Chkaigo, wblle
Carp lake.

Hra. C J. Lincoln and farally of groom is oire of Chicago’s rislag young
reas men—whose aamca we wou't
tMutA At pTMcnt exceed tboee of Chicago, arrived law WedDreda.T and
ear prertou yeer. Never before he* torii poaaeaalon of-Uowood. Cottage.
George '
go. Jrthe preOy pUoe prereoted eo coeioo- famlUee at Tyny Coed.'
Atm Arbor Is a guest of Wi
poiitaa AB appeeimnee. A tev Teen
Afo «r|K« A romc lAdr packed sp and
The latest thing for the convenience
Yeni to a ADfUDeT i«Mrt for eren
of OM Hlarioo people to tbe two trips
ebon itay. ^ Inrerlblj’ bed big
by Ure launch -Ridgewood" beBaretosA tniBks—where are tbeyf—
lueeo Old Mtoelou and Elk Rapids.
tbe trath la theY
Mre. E. P. Walsh and chlldm of
The complete cbAOce lo tbe atyle of
(Md HlaslOD. Mlcb.. Ang. lO.-The
O-and Rapids, are at Hillside, t
drooi from train covna with beavy weaUier Uie put week haz been flne.
borne of Mr. and Mrs. W B. Stooe.
and oreate trtamtaca Um wodM
Cooling (howere. Uen bright nniblne
■nre Ruabinore bouse to full with
bear Mdlnc. to tbe light fliray. <daatlc and oulte a few picsics—beach aup
re praepecta cf steady |
fiocka of today, baa midered them pere-oad bathing parUea have
lkrM0 or


falb luirenu in this clly.
Archie Camrron made a busiceas
Ip to Uanirtee today.
Miss Alice Moss who baz been
ing Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Montague
left tbls morning for Mantotee where
she will visit Its- a few days.

Birthday cake, caadieB. tou of gltu
ar I a floe time gencnlly.

w at Vaughn cottage for
weeka visit, leaving Detroit,


home oa Friday last, and arriving
Old MlaloD




their Ford runabout, The doctor aaye
AJoily party of yoong people at tbe tbe reads averaged good, but Urey
Porn took a trip tp Trareree City
through eome tetrUory where

oa Towday la«. They irit la be early no machine ever iravereed before.

and VlrglatoLouls RuUardt left today for Alldo.-f, Boeblloges. Germany, where he






Blanche Banmm. Haiel^arrls and
Mrs- Fred Notewarc have returned
from a few days al the Uarnum cot­

uge at Carp lake.
month. Mr. UU«r-Raa been librarian
s. H. Oberiln of Bingham is in
tbe city.
Williams of ol the Detroit public library
twenty yeare and was president of the
Mrs: M. L. Cummings nod
is ^ow aad baa baea Synodlonl aecre- Chicago arrived on Sir. Hiaaourl for
Howiird of this city left yeaterday
lory for rigbteen yeare—aad odweeks "good time" with
Htse MIebliZMi Ubnrians asMX-iattou
many yeare. He and General Cutcheon
i few daya vtolt with friends al
drmmed tbe meatlag.
Jack Floyd <* Tetre Haoie. Ind.. it
Walton JuncGoD.
Perfaaps tbe beat Sunday eenrtoe of
Hleblgan from IbST lo U61.
Mr. and Mi>. C. A. Parka uf Evansexpected coon to vltit Harold Rood at
le amson was on f
Mrs. Helen JUcc and Uie Rev . Dan vllle. wbu have Ixw-n visiting In this
-Tbe Ploea.- (or two weeka. when the Dr. 6. M. Campbell
the Preabyterian cborcb.

Hra. Miller

Mlm Roth and


per." The tree* spoken of here were
probably idanied b.r King Solomon In
bis magDlScent gardens uesr ennato
and lakes and were alwaye supplied
with water and bad uo (adiu:t leaves
and no nafrultfulneas. TbeCbrlBliao la
planted, not aelf sown or droiiped In
hi* place b.v chance, but divinely plant
ed. Sustalnlug such a rloee relation It
■ ■
raya fruitful.
"He alsc
hla fruit In bis season

> ourselves and I

* et growth <
rds aad
wbicb It rlMbrs uarlf.
They b-come Ion nnaJI with the pasring
of tbs j-mr*. Tber wear out and tanai
be reiKwod. It nwia litas, pnlns and
taeiMT. but II Is wenb whik A Preneb
OUtbl be a* esuiirul. :
- aa a livi
) Endeavor tweniy-flee
he live bsbr Tod»v at
having not
ret siiaintd. but presalna lossrd the
mark. Ms faults bare been thnw- Inrldent to ^Udhood II* sucrimets havebtwa
oortton to Its opportunities sod tbs
at supplied
nng III past and raralllar with Its
L I have a vlslipn of a fulure for
as Endesvnr worthy of botb and
ireh and tho
.d It ha* beea
K In the rl

city, went lu Ib-loskey y.-slerday
two bojn will make the return trip to­ preached the sermon aad Guy D. Bredlry and wife left Tuesday i
fellowship with our termer general oeereIng for Frankfort for a abort risl
gether. Both boya attend Roee Poly- Shaw favored the coagregatlon
Mrs. C. H. Walworth uid Mrs. M. lariea. George M Ward, wh-, he|pe-l e..
■a Susan A. Diairer and Miss M. Hmiilltoii uf HuaUnpi who hnv.- labllsh Ibe prtnetple*. John TVillla Baer,
teehnle lootJtate of Terre Haote. lad. a solo which waa much enjoyed. Hr.
wbo helped lo extend Ihem lo woeldtrld*
TMwe Brilewa Wriftit. eon of Hr. Shaw and wife bare been at "The Mary E. Armstroog have returqed
vIsltlHg at Mrs. WiHwnrUi'* iwr- Umlfa and Vos Ogden Vogi. mho hsa
' after a very pleasant vacaliOD
and Mia. J. V. Wri^ who waa Pinee." Tbey left oo 8U. HUeourl for
Mr aud Mrs. H. Walwurtb. left ewnaerved them and applied then to tht
special needs of to-lay
spent st "The Oaks."
breoghi here 111. frem borne. U very home Id Chicago on Hooday last.
yr»ierda.v for ilwtr borne.
e Mi»es Viola Clark and UtUe gifted young Urm-n. I ufce up ih. work
Bocb Improved la bealth-ln faet be
Mrs. Moses Shields and dau^tei
la ao lar recovered aa to eet three HuTill of KlebolaoD. Pa., an- guesu Chicago, on Thuisdaj-'a boaL
Hamllbm have reiunied
toelr nut becauae I feel eousl to the uak. but
because I believe It Is clod a i-sn at - I'sr
oqaare omaU a day. and oa TUeaday
home at Fife Lake after vlslltug
aa aeverwl other* that made radiesl
-Leafysrlld," the borne of Mr. sud
chnngrw Is my plan of life Mv perposs
Mat enjoyed bb flret pluage In '
hU city
n. T. T. Recee. Mrs. Sbleidt has
la espriaitt in tbe first clause of our
erater. -riie braring Oraad Treverae lioen taking a trip through Ure west­ Pram Monday's Record.
Mre. F. Bloomer and MUs Mamie ewvenani pledge, whleh'haa had ao cooiair and Dr. Oallhw are reopon
r. John Sanborn and cliildrru Kurrall of Northport pas-sed through mandlng at: lofluenc* In the tsolfisg at
ern states, stopping at Portland, Ore­
my me, --rTuaimg In the Lord J.-au*

f-ur otrengtb. I promlae Hla: that I
gon. Salt Lake City, Denver, and
to Nonhpon baiurday oa
Owosno. where toi-y will usll fur a
Latcet arrivBla at the boiri aye: otber i>olDla west.
Chequaroegon where tbey will sp«iC a
w day*.
Mtaz Horriet^bridne. Hre. Aitbor
Clmndler B. Beach of Utile Rock. few daysMrs. 4v. Johnson of this city leli
RuBodge. Arthor RoUedge. Jr.. Wal­ Ark., came Wednesday laat for a short
A Bit of John MscNaill W-t.
Goorge Snyder and family at
ton W. RoUedge. Bdward RaUedge,
ay at each cotuge.
Pleasant are gnesu of Or. J. A. Sny- jwlerday for Ann Arbor wb«T«-, she
has areepirsl a posittou.
HMa Tdna
Hr. and Mrs. A. C. Crass of River­
Mis* Fbira Swanson of Nurtoi*>rt
Waddy. Mre. a L. Creel of UmlariMc. side. 111., who have been at "Tbe
A. Johnston of Grand Thiplds !•
paw-od ihiough Gie clly .Saturday oo
Plnea." left on Str. Hiaaourl tor home. Ure guest of friends In tbe city.
vay to Hied City, when- she will
Bebop Wooteock took a trip to
The Mat week recorded the first ac­
Miss Emma Pj-bns went to Northvisit
for a few- days.
leavlag oo Monday bol cidents of the sewBon. Wairen Vaughan port to visit Saturday.
re. L.’D. Nash and da;tghlor Mawin return Satorday and conduct the la carrying his am In a sling from
C. S. Brooks of Cadillac was In the
have reiuno-d lo toelr home at
nsoal Sonday morning aerrice.
badly cut band. Mn. Beach fell oa
ty on business Saturday.
Howard afwr spending some Ume in
Mra Rota Smith, wife of Jodge tbe ebureh stepa, caUIng her face
Mrs. H. Daris of Ohio, has rrturned
riiy as the gnpesu of rrtoUres.
Sntlh. left oa Satarday laat for her and spraining ber ankle, while Henry
> her home after vUlUng friends in
bon* In Ctoriimati. Ohio. She
preaehlag tbe O'Brien UUS ell}'.
> bendls;: •
Tbe etuplu.-c-r •
aeeompaaied by her nephew. Cari dodt his canoe "Lufe-a.loae" capdxed.
IB ElUe Beardsley ofUiis city left ulde !o.ikJog St,the dlreeiory.yTh*
Luckily U
■“ *
this morning ft» Kalkaska where she new office buy slU-jwd up
poktwl a uote Into hi* band. Tbe 'UiHr. and Hra. nilleRoo and two Ing la nothing but a good ducking lu will visit for a few da>-s.
priaed employe.r opened It and read;
rtillMvai <ff ClnclimaU. Mt laat Wed- the srater foe tbe young man.
Mr. and Mre. W. P. Kmiey are fishRoBored Olr-Ter pant* ts ripped.
amday lor St. Oalre FUta. where hearty laughter fram the girts, on Uie
ig on Ure Platte today.
Mre. tae«Tb P. HoMoa.


thrg will be Joined by Ifr. Fallrrtoa'e shore.
Charles Barber of Chicago U risliKaUtryn Merrou of Chicago came ing at the borne uf bis aunt and tmcle
paranta. and they will all
a Ure Hlsaouri for a two weeka stay Ir. and Mrs. C. A. Bkelcher.
Dr. C B. Miner end C J. McHugh

1 Moatraae oottage. Ute



Cecil Place want to Lansing today
of (Mdinae apeoi Smtday with ihrir Hartca Rian.
gr a visit with her grendparenU.
Mr. aad Mra. 1. D. Cobb with ibrir
Mfw. Geo. P. RJaa. Mn. Snyder and
Frank Bente of Grand Raplda has
gaeria Or. and Hra. J. W. QnzKr at aon tVlHoo of Cbicafft, left lor I
mnrn<-d to his homo after a week's

BewrtlM Horae ot m
•' ^
Ix>nlour sUHlv tills a»uninre ta

lunt lift, of Christ. Treei are’
Tbe t'hrtstlan to ^
often used as figures of God's praple. I
“*» boo-laxe of tbe law of Mn.
xe.1 wi..n th.
..... >*.. IK..'but is tlie eblld of IohI and enjoys the
fteedom of .hlWr.-ii
Tbe rbrl.iton.
trees of tbe Jord
.1 tbeo, tbe adi']-IM'
may suegowt the rentlDoal life ei
Ills si
|,ardeaed, and
The law has
Ibe.v resemble rjod's |*o I
Isi, and we are
pie. ir tney are tn.I.v UK tbey are| »-ceu kept for
never dwarfed or *tuiii«l or llfelen. j ""
bot rather to l« liken,-d to tlw cedar' Tbl» Is tbe onl-V true morel aiul stilrtioand tbe iialo, wbleli p.w>e«<,<f a
•'*“> **
*" hnniUite to *in or lo
da'ot life and are abundantly friiitful.
_________lesson fr,«D tills pnisage Is ,
■*» “"J •»“»' “*e ,voke of l«»dOod'i providential care over all He hfS
removed the only wire aud effeejnade. The tree* give abeller aud pro- :
" •J' "f
** “
tecUon and home, to the blrda of the '
""f »i"ult*X
air. Tbe ^•salmIsl s|»wk> of the tr«-* i
Tbe Infemperaie luau w6o
of ly-Unoti as toe m-e* -ra-bleb He Usd I
planted, where the Wrds make lhelr|
,' free- give him fm-d-im ftnin both Ib*
neeta." Ererylbinx lu tbe world
made to help something etoe. and God guilt and tbe jwwer of sin.
Ifj tbeo-fon- the Christian. Uie man
cares for all aud much more fiv ns.
who are His rtilldreu. created In His wb<. walks afl.-r tbe Spirit. Is ibe fre*
It follow s that tbe man who walk!
Tbe First Pnilm also tearbes leasoai after the flesh, wtm la held In grasp by
and lininurallty. I* il,o Slav,-, and
from the tree*
It likeu* tbe rlglilcous
man to -a tree planted by a river ol Oilz la tr*, sadly true. Xo gn-ater slave
in Ibe world than tl
water, whose Inf also shall not with­
bundaxe and stovetyer. and whatsoever be doeth iiball pros­

abiding lo Him. "If any man aldde In
Me and I In him. lie ihall bring forth
much frail."
I Chron. ivl. 2M4; Xum xrlv. 6-P;
Fa. zdi. iff-iS: isi.i!iv.2i>.ui; Man m.
arrivals ate-The Oaks."
Ilus BrodbsBPO arrived last evee-' b-10; Mark xl. lS-11; John zv, l-ld;
In addition to tbe bowling alley, the ing from Flint and will spend his va- Bom. XU JO-24.
)<auog iicoplc of tbe Point are enjoy­
itiOD With bis parenu al Uielr coiing the tennis eoun.
Hia First Act.
Uge. Fair View, at Kerls Mokesa.
Tbe flrat offlelal act of William Fhtw
Tneaday afiernoca Mrs. Waddell
J. UpriU of Detroit Is visiting at
aa general aeereiary of tbe United 8o
entertained the children on the Point the home of Mr. and Mre. J. H. Stein­
Piety of Chrlallan Endeavor was the
In honor of her dangater's flRb Mrth- berg.
toaulng of Ibe following comprebenalve
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Arnold of Grand message:
‘fMonday eveninr for Uie first Ume, Rapids who have been vitlUng the
I benrvs In Arlailan Eadeavor-nat la
tbe towner of the "Oarriiion"
pareou of Mrs. Arnold in this city, OB« psriieulsr mMhod. not In one unebanglnc form of word*, but In ih« Idea
The effect waa boauUlul reuiniod to their home ibis mon
that for iwenir-flv* yrsre baa b»*o a*AiBg
esprcmloo through nethod* and
from Ure water.
Mre. Mary F'orzylfa left this n
Tonday evenlag was made <
ing for Mackinac where she all
I* born, not ma

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Utley of
a pteale to Old Mlmtoa laat Wedoea- In tbe evening.
Paul Brinkman cf MoMJe. Alabama. Detroit, arrived at Muplewood. the
Mm. C. B. hfUler and Hri. C. J. Mrs. B. T. Brinkman aad S. E. Walt Cutebeon eoUage. oo Tuesds}- the Cib.
they will be the guesu of
MeHngb went to Ti*vene City 1
of Trareree Ctty are gueaU ai
General and Mre. Cuteheoo tc
Wedneoday where tbey attended
Brinkiuan borne for a couple

• umuher


mid we ere Included "It to lie that
bath made us aud nol we oureetvea. ' i
'!“•' blldtru of ti.wl aud
"Know ye nol that you are not your
own? Ve have been torngUt with a >
price; therefore glorify God with your,
Te bate
bndire and spirits.V-bleh are not yours. i
rec-lve.1 tbe s‘irll ..f twodsge ;
hot Hit"
again to fear, tut ye bave
, toi
„ spirit
___ —‘ufadoption,
wbrn we cry
a second leaaoa from tbls paaaagt

a four months trip to Piiuburg. Ohio,

BDRilBg boora. oa the Isnadi ‘ Hlddr
Herbert & Montague and wife of
apant tbe day la town, dined at park
reverse City, came down and apeot ually pleasant by a marshmallow
Plaoe and Morsed boane In tbe even- Satorday night at Moutagoe cottage, on Uie beach at "The Oaks."
George Caratoers of Howard City
The Omens resort base ball team ha* returned to hla home after visitspent Sunday allb Hon. aad Mn. J.
III play In Northport Thursduy.
log friends In thl* city. .
The family of Oecrge Rood enjoyed
Robrni and returned to Ure city

Indlca’ Home Uiaalociary neeUng of

tfaam and preserved them. We have a
letaoD here of Ood'a ownerehl,. of thel
srorid. -The earth to the Lonl'a and
the fullnea thereof.- -The cattle a

silver is mine and tbi gold Is mliie.'‘»‘«> “I-'" ““*• •”«>«»
oallb the Lord." Tbe trees aud all
Udngi else on tbe etnb are the Lotd's..
‘-. to usik lu the S|rtrl. retto-r Itain


day laat'wtaea ererytldag that goea
make a happy btrtbday waa be

of Bzp." -The tree* of Uie Ixitd"‘"1
They are the Lord's because He made i

fer a few dayia
Dennis J. Slater has relumed from

III spend sonw Ume with relatives.
remainder of the season
tevor. while aome of tbe matreaa
Mre. E. R. McDermott Is spending
reoeot arrivals are Mre Lee Brainard
Uh. reaoii have entertained with
of -Bprtngfleld.
Mrs- week at Old Mission, the guest of Mre.
now-a-dayt aad one oftea acre ytamg Iioreb paniee. SomeUmes Urey iriay
Arthur Van Deosen and
Hoos E-K). LacTd.
womea get off tbe boat with Ught| earda. aomelimea they aew. and
MUs Ursula Bingham of Chicago Is
Archie and ArUiur and daughter
teieecope bage. oulte
gencnilly have eomc light refreahCatberliM- of Evansum. III.. Mr. aii-1 the guest uf the Misses Lelab and
etay a week or two. Tbey look plain
MyrUc Miller.-^
Ure.'Geo. Lambertson of Chlcsgo.
enooffb aa they leave tbe pier
drive to the light bouee with
parly consisting of Mr. and Mre.
Hiie Elizabeth Ht^ee. a
their way to tbe hotel or aome oth«r lu picnie dim
fiom Chicago Unton hospital and Mias Granrlll Knight and Mr. and
plaoe, bat In tbe ereolng or Sunday popular. But Ute old Unte rleltore at
Lulu Holmes fram Valparaiso Univer­ Rip- Knight of Adrian and Mr. and
memlBg aerrloe yea will eee them
thia intererilng apot. allbough they sity. Ind., are spending UteIr vaca- Mrs. C. E Judson of LrnaVei- Juneweartag pretty white gowna ao aheer have noUilng but words of praise for
the bomo of ilr. and
Mre tiia, arrived in the dly Saturday for
that oae ot tbcaa might be folded
tbe new light bouse keeper and biz'
visit w-llh the family of W. P. Ken­
John Holmes.
and thmt into tbe aide poekei of a
keeping the light. Urey
arc made for a ney and ». L. Kelly of Elet onUi stre.-t.
nan-Boacjcaoatirttbaat being ercaaed. tbe old reign, feeling -the old I
good Jolly time for Saturday. August and J. S. Horton of Uie IVnlnsula.
Quite a few deil^tfnl affaire bare
Un-t what Is used to be.” They miss 10. at Ure regatta. Many eyea bs
Tliey will also visit
Uken place tbe part week. A bridge
Jovial Capt. Lane and bU boRUilg lit­ gazed longingly si the sliver cups
Monroe Center and Wexford.
party at Hra. O. P. Hunfa on Uonday. tle wife who always gave vlallors
'. and Mre. Samuel Garland are
exhlMUcm at J. I. Cummings store
aai BMKh ealoyed while tow blrthwarm wetcome. showing with pride
spending a few day* at the Santo eoldaya oa the reaort gave tow good the well-kept lawn. beauUfnl flowers be awarded t(ie winners of the sail
tage, Omeiui.
and power boat races, wblle
tlmea. An extra good Umo waa tbe
with bright colored geiaalum beds. league ball goes to the winning base
party gfrea by Hra. i. V. Wright lor
wlUi boiOere of foliage planu. making
her daughter
the place a thing of bcauiiy. but a Joy Omens. Ne-ah-u-wanto. Traverse City From Fridar'a Roeord.
frMida «aae and helped ber eeletfaU did not last, for last winter and Elk Baplds. W'lnd and weather
Anpis Morgan of Suttoos Day is In
Sixteen young
denUi ailed at Uu home, endii
a few da;-s.
permiUlng. a good Ume to looked fui
happy married life of nearly
Harold Harvey of Grand Rapids
aemd. A nn
Mre. Lane has rooms In
IMssed through the clly yesterday on
plAjod. pertapa tbe game moat enRuatamore eoUngee where she
bis way to Lcland where he will Join
}oyed waa ■'Tba Benae of Taate.
will be glad to aee ber friends.
his parenu. Hr. ^d Mrs. C U. Har­
gitto and boyi were bUndfoldi
Major W. C. Raireome of St.
vey. and remain for the re»t^^ the
piraalag from Uatlag wltboot aedag
has arrived and has opened hie cot­ Special to tbe Evening Record.
-aaeta tblnga aa salt, pepper, aploea.
HIsa Amelia Anglos of Reed City
tage "Bon Rhue.* Kls daughter wbom
Omens. Mlch_ Aug. 10.—Mrs. Jpm'-u
floor. ao0r. etc. a prize bring giren
lany srill rearember as Pearl Ranhas relurned to her home after visit­
MacBride of Orend Rapids. Is rlalUng
tbe boy or glri naming the largeat
acme. U with him. She Is now Mrs.
ing friends and reUUves Is this city.
Mtos Richmond.
manber of tblap oorrecUy. Tbe boyT
Smith who with her husband
George Martin Mt this morning for
Mr. Washburn of Uie Beldlog
prize waa eaptorad by Tom Oaltker
and ace. Bralnard,
Andcreonvllle. O- where bo will apond
Hills spent a few days at Camp Look­
zoa tbe glrli prize by llartha Daria.
last six yeare abroad. Mr. SmiUi has
a few weeks vlilUng rriallve*.
out. Ute guest of Hra. sad Miss
Mlaa YaUetla ima
Hra. W. H. J- Clutr. formerly Miss
been American eoasol at Le^Kn.
tbe day.
Itay, and has recently been pnanoted
Daisy Sbadek of Detroit, baa arrived
The Rev. Dan Bradley preached
consul general to Bomba, Congo
In the city to spend the balance of
Snttnas Bay In the morning. In tbe
Free Sute. Africa.
Mr. Smith's
the summer with ber mother and'
Congregational rtiurch at Omens
former home waa Gtaafl RapMa. but
tbe erening and took pan In a Unioo
tbe fact by a few Meada of tbe Poial,
Mre. Frank Newton of Haocelona.
ce in tbe Preabyterian church In
It at CMd MUsloo. Mrs. Smith and
and daughter. Miss Nellie Newton.
Ure evening.
aon will be here
Charlevoix, who have been the guesu
been (n (be t^y '«( Judge Smltb wheat tbey wUl live In the old Rev.
Mrs. J. W. Walton and daugh^ei o< Mr- and Mre. W. H. Watson, of 60*
for twazre yaare.
Honcan Smith home. Brainard Helen, and Mias Susan Brown of Webster str^l. left this morning lor
Kfw. C a kflUer'a Urtbday wai Smith, tbe young lad. oa exact counter Jacksonville. IlUooto. are the latest Boyne Clly for a visit with friends.
oa PrMay laat with
part of hie faUter. has been in college
Harlcn lalaad ptcolc. where they dU- at Lauaanire. BwiuerMnd,
poeed of a good aiaed hamper of post four 7«are.
•^nod mn^.Aodtber one
Dr. and Mrs. J. Waller Vaughan
Ww Amta Smab birthday oa Horn


Ben Montague has relurnod from
Cadillac where be baa been visiUng

QDIU OMlcM. A plaiB akin aad the
loerltaUe abirt walat flUa tbe bill

alao olnerved


Proyre Mwling Tepia For tire Waah Prayw Msrting Topic For tire Woah
•opinaiAfi Aug. 11.
Boaremna Ju«w IR
I Mn. Isaac Brawn of Elmwood avenue.
Topic.—Tba Uoebing of Ui. IroM.—Pa.1 Tuple.—Who aiw aod who on
Mtos Anna Kingsley of Kingsley,
rtv. ISdl; L 1-4.
itiw* meat-Rom. viu. IJ.SL tA temp*left this morning for ber borne after
The first aentrnca of tbe eight-,•*“'’'***'•*
vlatUng In UiU city.
panOi veree of the Ono Unndred and !
Baauaa to OOP
Mrs. A. E Gilbert and two children Pemth Paalm ma.v teach m. an Im-,
vuOferUug mesaagre erer
hare returned to their home at Kln^ ponani leaaon eoncefalng tbe treat, i'
ley after rislUng friends In this city. Tire paalmtot opens the veree bv «ay-'
It to tbe rhapter lu tbe great
Cbas. Ashton of Hillsdale Is risiling tag. -Tbe trees of tbe ate fall Ephrtle f tbe Roman, upon tbe mib-



. Udiei' Home Jouraat.
Th. •po.dl.e Teewu
Bngitobmao-In England we ••stand"
for paNIsmewt. l«t In America .von
-ran" for e-.iigrea*
lieeaiise you are slower '
New Vork Frasa

and renaln hla slavery
we apply this truth lu toe dnmkanl
alone.' This to one of inan'a grealeM
rieea. and lla curse ii|nvi the human
race ha* l-een moat blighting, but thera
ire other form* of aln around them
Fveu more luathsoroe than Inlemiier
anee that buM uinn In Its grasp, nere
are eviui greater sinners In tbe world
(ban the army of ja»r wenkllngs wbo
have fallen rtetim* lo tbe,degrading
taste for inloxlcftlng drink. There are
•trnng men. orrupylng high insliltmi
life and bonoml ami resjieetej l,y
flety, who engage In vh-e* loo
mention. Theira la not
caalonal fall from the (uith of rsctltodc,
tint It Is tbr srodled piin>o«* of thuir
live* to bring *l>oiIt the rainaitou of tho
pure and Iniuvvui, simply to gratify
their seHSsh and slufiil desire* Tlie In­
temperate man annii shows his lark of
aobriely, but tb-se moral liiH-rs may
spend a lifetime In foll.m-lng toelr
viclon* imrsult" nml even ille with tba
world at large Ignorant of their fi
cbaraclers. and they Iwvome slaves
their vires and are mure degraded than
tbe beast* of tbe Oekl
Men are
alave* to the |>asslotiate desire for
weatlb regsnlles* of how It to secured.
Blare* to ungodly ambilluns, slaves
slnfnl pleacttre* of all kinda aud th
aetets. No man la a free man wbo to
held In the cluleb of any sin or rice.
Tel all may liecome free lo Jesns
Christ. lie ean save “to the otter
an who will eome unto Illtn." A
realize toe rountless numbers of '
who ire slaves to sin In uoe form or
■ Dolber. let II* h-ild up the Christ mlio
faithfully before them, that they may
Aud him aii'l learn the great Joy of Ilv?BC In tbe freedom "wherein Christ
hath made us frea."
Lev. I,!», HI; laa. e. II; Amo* vl. J-fi;
Dent ixl. 1R-2I; 1 Cor. rl. 10; vlll, M3;
Eph V, IR; Luke Iv, IC-TR; II Cor. I't
J7, IS; Gal V. 1. lfi-20.
Time to Quit.
A newly enlisted firerasn of miy
average plnck wa» *en-lng at bis ft
Are, and the chief rusW up to li
and shouted: ';«hln up ih»i ladder
tbe eighth sts^-. >-rawl al-ag the •nice to toe fourth wln<luw-. drop down
three stories and catch that wooden
Bign you st-e smoking there, awlnl
yonreelf along to the .second window
toat toe rod glare 1* coming from.
hreaV the class and go (n aud
those Three old ladle*.
the deuce nre yva waiting for?" "Kor
pen and Ink. sir." said the
"I want lo hand ta my reslgnatlon."Argonaat ____________________

lusilig Bssiiieu UnhHSitj

H. J. BECK. Martaser,
Lansing, Mich.

Flying RHsa Foe Lush.
Oa tor nlAh day of toe ninth mooth.
aconrdluc to tbe Chinese eilendar. all
uj young alike, be> the bUl* hehtad
toelr towns and a
ej-lng kite*. But aniusemeut to not
the sole n-aoun fur this eeremnny. It
eomes fnmi an old Clilnrsv Irgead.
an^ If a Chinaman did not fly bU kiln
tm Ibe gltrn daj' he would real uoedaily fur the renialnder of bto life In (Mr
■bat nitoftirtune would uvrruke bto
family. Tlie lefrad ran* that mipv
years ag>' a teriain tTilnaman was
warned In a dream that a mtofortnna
wnuld rnmo iu bto borne on a certain
day. Accordingly nn that day be re....................... and amused
nlly by flying a
kll* while lie waa walling for Ibe dto-

In and Inirled hla pigs beneath It. Ha
and bis tielghtom Jnined In tl
tag for Ills narrow eoeape. and ta
memory of the event every year ae<«
toe flight of rnimuns ,.f kite* In Cblam
—New Turk Tribune.

dinner during Ibe voyage tn Coralea, lo whieb my father tavUrd to#
passenger* wbo Ineluded some officers

of tbe mllllary school a:
reading at Ibe end of tbe boat Tba
young man refused.
M. da Belloe
eame bark Irritated and said to my
father; "I should like to throw tba
nnsoctoble Uttie fellow Into tbe sea.

"No." Bid my father. tangUaK
‘lad 1 am aot of your oplntaa. Ola
face sbow-a cbanclrr. and L-Ain mua.
tost be will be heard of some day."
The nnKOcUble fellow was the fntnre
Emperor Napoleon. Belloc has related

tbe ere be would not he turning tba
srorid upside dosrn today."—From
Meniolra of Comtesae de Boigna.
FanoD (on a hlc'ellng tripj-Wbere
It toe other mau who oaed to bs here
tl keeperT
I'trk Gatekeepep-Be’d
dead.Hr. Paf«>B<icUhtarltag>-DMdl
Poor fellow! Joined tbo^aMt tBaJeitly,
eh? Park Gaiekeeia-r-Oli,'I wooldn'l
like to aty that. sir. He waa a geod
CDOufb man. oi far at: know.—PsadL
Tbe salmon Is for short dlsUncei tbs

Fitilalily nne of ihr> miwt succeaafuI lui-diml spcctollatK in the treatmi-ut uf wumret's dto<-as«« eras Dr.
He f.,muili.i«l Z««-Pbora
liy tiritic ;i ii'imto r of mcdlcjnal inci'-di-.-iif- wliir-h
chown hiui tu le- Ih*- l«»i. and coml.ln.-d lh.-ni ta ji»i the right proporiKin* to pn»liic<- too desired effm on
woman'* .IHIraie organism.
my yisrs of actual
e. be It

lo a mari**! dejrree atleiid•-d lilh ireatm*-ni of all ibuM- di»eaaea
iuu! •Ii-rang'imm'c of the geolui or­
gan* w'hicli are laoiilar to women
*,::!>. It l» UK n*-ce>u«ry*io efium*rriiK- lii-r«- the VHrioo* ftirni* «if weokCharcoal an Antidote.
I-t-i- and uiiMsiA*-—all «<*m(.-n know
Japanese physicians dec lare It to Im- what itey ar.—which Dr Peogelly
poe*lhle for Internal polsoolug
ii*-ai<-*i M, sucrissifullv I,} tor nse of
cor If powdered ebarc«l Iw owallowed
aa soon as the gaairo Intestinal <1MFurih.-r jinsif *>f th'-**- stalrtn.-nts
tnrhanee 1* felt. fTeneh physlciana If >lui-frT-*1, mill Ri'ir,- <l<-ial1**l OR to the ilwuilu oMalncd from
have tested tbe power of cbarcnal
proved that It to tbe moat aeilve of all the i;*<- I»f Kuu-Hhura. nan bo iibtala**t
I-.V urlting Ihe Z*»i Wiora Company.
No. 2 pla.fonn the ehslrt^n ; Lnown antidotes. Tbe eb.rcoal
Hu-y will Madly
ta rather a weak v.,i-e announced lie taken a* soon as the isileon taken Ka!-jti;ar*a.. AHeb.
an.*w*-r all Inqidries and will send
tbe hymn, x^nt Vour Blessing*' Put
begin* to show its effect, and tbe dose you copies uf letters frt>m many wotbe response waa feeble till llec. John
must lie large, riiareoal is in no way u,*n «h.. volunteer wurds of pratoe
MaeNelll sprang to tbe rescue, sbvutlojunou*. and as mueh a* a soupasmn- for Ihe rl-s'Ciirs iMCitmenl- Within a
Ing: ‘Now. toen. -Count .vour bleaaftil may be taken in divided doan
d*-matid f'lr Zrn-Fbora
Ingi." I've got a wife and -wven How mixed In wsur.
brought a
many bave you gotr Tbesinglac waa:
with a awing after thai."
it* uae. Iiecame to great that Ibe *d«
A Qrsat Night. JObes-Flne time we bad at tbe elob tor could not pertumally attezid e
A Leoksut CommI
toot nlfcbt. eh? Brown-Tou bet! Did pauent, and now Zna-Fhora U bang
uke locc'Xrr for « M
sold hv reliable druggl*'* nearly <tryon get borne all right? Jones-Nn. J
ersuadr ib« mdlSsrri
e-v-wb.Ve. It remiew in aeoled. atorilsrsa arrested before 1 got tbere. and iM-d. dollar toiilca. already preparZpesk to ibose^o sre not korpln,
spent tba nixbt lo Ibe police aiation. <-d. and (ioaii>u*iDdi<d In Just toe right
BroirE-I.orkT dogt 1 reached bome.- |irt-;>*>rtk>aa. There- can lie uo mistake
Comttrwd those wbo do w*li
Idndon Taller.
If yiei ask ft.r Zoa Fhora.
Bxsenbie late tho rautre for sbsene
-Ptoo Tiwo Eftdosvo
In each package will he found a
copy of ' IJT petigelly'a Adiroe to Wo­
Not a QuM 0 .
-y.Hi were
all i„gniV- sbe
always men.- a medical book giving inieresilag and instructive InformsUoa about
-I her* f:urlr "Tea. <>«»»« ■> qo1«ly- Mr*. B.-He doa
WeMou's e;
all dlauavet. of w-uctec and toe way to
lado a.; preaeoee •»*- Too ought
.succ'-wstully treat toem In the privacy
fcnuwD. but frsred you
,.f y.sir owu homo. Ttm hitsl not tell
the JalrosPia; Juij bsiv. k^'t Ju? eg
>..ur iroubka to an.vuae.

A Unhil Pbi
doing for many yeara back. Oenenij
Mix Onee UbImU of tUtcbc* Ctvt- Krifer deeiarcal that peUtlet In hli
Plortaa bcbtcl. sped C2, a
ttaf «WM a pantit that bw arM u Slate are not nearly so asm as eut-!dnd by hU brother yesterday noon
a flMthar t» Sflr locabatv cblekoii aide people think, and sddfd that Ohio at bis Ikirm- n Leelaaaa county. Bve
aaecGaatuIlr ralaloK Uk-b to mainrltr. rrrublleans hsrr a way


plaee and when the little cbicknu
ware loaaed la the bHbdor. the pai
beame rery aodi Interested in lb
The fact that tbey bad ao one to care
tat then ao iwtred about the iiarrat's
natamal luuacis. that she gathered
the HtUe dowor ball% to btwaetf and
aasened ebarga of the whole bunch.
mto the dog or cat that cam
wHhin readilog dutaace of the green
Mrd, Ibe aharp booked
«ed a wonderful tweaking quality and
. ' the Intruder, If be came loo c1^. re. traated nlnua a bunch of bair and
with a aere apol that taught blm good
tnauncaa for aome time to cone.
With buman beloga lt wu the ume
way. If they came elnse to the chickeuB. the parrot would bristle up and
begin to aoold energetically at tbe
adme Ume piesentlag a bold front aa
though abe arere bidding deSance to
eren the buman race.
Aa a reauli of this


the whole bunch reacted tnatudly and

pink: paxliw were given x soutmlrs.i

S^ng mlles fruu the city. U H. Cage coodocied an inquest and tbe ronmer'sj lud wafers w

not oBl7 a veil as a moiha Him, bat among tbemselrn unUI evcey one
•»« b«tw as Pour soea to the booaa Ifae outaMc thinks ererythlng is going
aad beta for bar rbarcab.
to smash; wbeo It comes to this point,'
* TW parnN was sent to HUa Daliell
Oeoenl KcUer. there U
br a Meed la sootbeni MieUcan aad a general 'gnUlDg together'
it a anail bird. vbkh. while it easaoi patching qp of all dlCerences. ThU,
(Atk. was kept no aecotmt of its wars.
There Is as locul’stor on .Uie lislwll

Ohki. It belrtg Fredcr1ck-B eighth |
Urthdu). BIgbt bo) a sat down lo the j
lalle pnitlly trimOH-d In gre-o anil I
uil Lxmg Is-i

Jury's vcidict was that death wx doc

fileep VMM News.
to Mtorel rauscs.
Mr. Schlel wx a xUve of Austria,
op yoqht. Neva, of the*
coming to Uils country when but a Chicago Yacbl club which l»ik furtlij
lad, and for the imst furty-foun years place In
be predicts, will be the case In the re.ldlng wlib his mother In Leetaxu
s.-akon. was In port Salur-j
rounty. Alsait a.year ago, his mother day aHenioon and ev.-aing, I<«vIok!
present row.
died, anil since Iben he has lived fur Charlevoix at 9 ii'cluck Sunday!
Drank Mineral Watsr.
akrae. Ills brother hud visited him nioruiug.
During the last year the people of
a boot I 'o'clock Saturday and found
The yacht Is own.-d by C. T a>ihy,l
le t'DiUd Sintra consumed -ctiongh
him apiHirrnUy all right. Hv wx
A. MOox. Gisirge Mickh- and A. M ;
ninmil water to float
Ually dlsiobed when dlsouvertd )-es- Hamilton ofChlragoAUd Capl. U A. >
AmtrdlDg to figures rampilrd by the
Thompson Is In command. After th.-j
i:. 8. gpologlcal surrey, the toul
Tbe funeral xrvicv mill l>e Tux- lace, Ibey went lo Chxlevoix wherej
prod-icUon of mineral waters in Ihu
day from tbe Solon chuirh In charge they have *lnc\- remained, i-unoing i
United Slates isal year was tl.-SlS..
of rodcrtaker H. L. Carter.
down to Nortbport Friday and ciimlUKj
2»6 gallons, valued at M.OCJAtl. This
1 here Sainrduy.
b a gain of ncariy two million gallooj
Passed a Bad Bin.
The Neva !► a UandMSii.',
In output aod more than tl.S00.000
i*anliig a five tIMlar lilU Usiii-d by
jat. belug slxly-v-lghi fral.
talue over tbe figures of 1002. UlnIf Meivhuiit's and In.iuter's bank of and flity.flve (eel on the wu
nraou leads ihe stales in production,
Oeorgla al the Ume of Ihe civil wgr. beam U-lng about slxte<-n f>ei. She
but not la total valtre. the mIiw retwo atrnng<TS made iiwa> with a |>aek earrii-s about ;2isi square f*el of coiipranentiog
age of toliercu uml ibe rhugv from
ould have finisbeil U-tler In
marketed iotally.
Wisconsin Is
■ho worthless bill Sutiinliiy oigbl. Ed Ihi- Hg race If the weather had Ihh-u
cloao aeceod tb lllnnenou la produc­
Newton iielng the vlcllm.
anyways favorable.
tion Slid far <-xceeda all states
The mi-n had ln-'n loiifing alHoit the
ralue of Us output. VYoin tbe figutvs
gnxrery alnre for *uhi<‘ time and purHit Initial Sermx.
It appears that there wx more min(Misrd the Tobart-O ......... a boy clerk
The Rev.~r. Boyd ot) who
1 water «
] Ihe United
who did uol notice the iKCullurily of calltil to lake Ihe pulpit of the I’li-klies last fxr than in any preceding
Ihe note. It w«B »wm dieenvered, how byteriiiu ^lurcb prenebed falw iuttlal
and an ultemiit btiid-; U. notii*
ion Sunday and gn-ally p!.-.ii«l
Michigan fer Rhaxvelt.
the police. The lel-.iihonv wouldn't
irge coogreguHon with the sub

. wore cared for by the parrot from tbe
:, and It sias «.o<se lliue before
If the rcpubllran national'
ce and di-livery. of his henuiui.
tine they left the Inoebator unUI they Ihn wem to be held before fall xU the offlceiw got al work on the .
If text of the serniou was rtviiii
were larger than tfacir foster nwth- in, nothing cooM prevent Michigan The ilewrtplion given I* very iin
Saiiiiii-I tllb rhapie.- ami totb v.-rse.

or benelf.
It la pnibahle that the men
'H.- liHik lili- kioff In hik hand ami
from cxiing Its solid vote for Presi­
tbe appetites of ber charges were dent Roosereli for another term. Ibli crcoiie.
eliow hlmn-ll five smooth kiiiiie^ Irum
a gnat puule to the pamA until
of the bitsik." 'nii flu- kl»n--'
^ the oplnlciR of Wm. D. Gordon of



sight of Ere Destroyed by Oissise—
Tried Five Doctors but Grew
Worse—In Agony Eifht Months
— Parents Discoursed, Until
They Tried Outicura Remedies

mment eventually wlll eollect the
Axlstaat PonUnaster Oenoral mjW.OtfO floe Imposed - u|ioa
Prank H. Hlteheock allpiwd quIeUy Standard Oil company by Judge
out of Washington tor s lour of tbe lAodla. They ncree. bom-cver, that
Middle sreat
While Uie statement tfaU big sum will not be collected
WM givdo out at the poaloffiec de­ without a fllUit. aod It U expected that
partment that he had gone on official
sase wll roach the United Biott-a
tasiBess, It it gcnnally regarded
erne conn within a year. Final
that hU quiet disappearance Into the! decision may be expected
u few
months later, and there Is ttO doubt




peUUcal altasUon there.

Hr. lillchtoes ns to push the cam along.
eoek bM been the presidem's poIlU- A peculiar coodllloR of tbe law is
«al paUiSoder and
found In Ihe fact
tbe Standard
dlBM. Only a abort Ume ago. be went Oil company bu two strings to lu

IK teen struck twice lu the past few Heed cunsbinlty wlHi the
ilnety.nlnr tlnies nut of one hiiliiir.-d

OreumiMorptiiM «x kfaexl

“Our liiite girl, nne wear xd a hsU i


in the (smilv O-il-c and lie xve aonie {
csliksa sn-l said khi- wuuhl l>- all nghi
h^g few
Thv-^ri«ema“‘y* ^
said slie s-os Sk nsio x the
Ijwth wen- Hin.iigh rlie wouM lie all
nghl. Hut >Jie Mill geew «ur»-. Hial.r Nil. a soul It wm-ecweix. By ihb
(lx- >l«- wok ii-slunc but a velk>w.
gnvsukh KW1-. W.-llTne -aid h.- iviuld
help lier. sn w.- Ii-i him try ii, alntui
a wik4i. Ole- iie-niing we ilt-kk-n-n-O
a IllHi- vell -n
on ms- .if 1st
eves, i;f .-.lire.-w.' plsjlevl (or d.KCor
No- S. Hi- .nine ..VT ami l.iokivl 1st
overand-sul Hial ts-r..ukl iiol d,i aiivthuig lii-.n- for 1st. ilial we luul Is-lier
taki- 1st !■' rox- I'Ve k|«» ialikl. >iii.e it
was an uker. tk. we went to Urwego
to Hoelor No. 4. and lie said tb.- i-vttigld wa-gum-, lull lhal ls-<ollklts4l>l1.
rte tle-ugiil we w- iild irv- il.uTor No.
Well, that iev.v-.Tl tie' "^ii..-, only he



Apofcct Remedy forConsU^
lion. Sour SlotDach.Di*n^.
\Niras£onvulsk>ns.rev«risht»s» aid Loss or SLEEP.
TtoSunls Signature


Miss Nellie Zigl.-r of this city Is
vlsliiiis (i I-lids n[ Ni-UMII rily.
Miks l,k-iia KeiiiHTly of this ,-lly 1»
vl-i.|ng ii-t-illvek at Vvt-xfonl. ‘

not a Kllkeniiy affair by any means.


KMin-Uifir PBi

Ml-.i Franels tSust of flin-f luike
l*rc>.Til- IliMi. l*red R.
Judgo of IToUvU'
lu Ho- nisilei- iw ,he estate of ilaiv
J. Ilaymel and Mrs. 1», McCuiily of uiilln Tniier. diTToSfTl.
Cubvirn I* Tull.-r having filed la
Glen iliiU'U li..w ivtuiliiTl til
ii'g in this oily,

tndiK- alter'M-M-ia1 da's rfn-iu in tRIs

e frf her dooUi
-Mrk. A. Worm fit this city wont tn the li-gal bHrs or raid fiecs«a«d ud
visit IIiU eliHlIi.d 111 liip. ili the real oslalc of
which kiild dicvo-i-d died sfdzcil.

SiiinmH tor a few days

It is onlrn-d Hint tin- 3Isl due of
Mrs. ni;;-. llopslns. w)m has luvi.
AusoM. .\. n IIWT. ut Ira o'clock la
vl-‘til-g her l.tMlhi-j. Chu*. Umeiisti-r the |o,.T„.,|, al :.,itd p;,.Isile ulTlco.
Is- iin.l Is hen-bv aiqsjiliiiTl fur hear*
lug wahl iM-liiluu;
MaiKvtf-na this mnrtiliig.' .
it is further urd'-Tvd. that puldic
Mrs J. S. Wlm-car of Ch.-irifittc has
iwiUtv UmittiI Is- given by jiubllcsri-tiirard liond' a!t--r vIsitiuE in this tliin of a mtiy of this fsdra for lliiwo
rurive wiT-ks pivvl(>[fi~'-'V> mid
Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Allyn of this
of iKwring. 1* the Grand TimvHerald w ii- ws(«|u'r prtnl.-d and '
Cliy left this BHirtiiog for New York
l.;tvd 111 said it. ml?'.
they will visit w-!ih ivlaUvf-s.
MI'S Draco Anslia fd Gilbert h.vk
Judge v( I*rvibalc.
iiimiTl to her homo afti-r vh.iiiug
l<|.-i>dk ill this ei;y..

of IMu f-yy rvluiniT] tVi ti.-r home at



II. »iri;nt of lbi< rily


b-n this mortilng firr a Hip in Grund
Il.ili.nd rvi.iglas mude n Isuilneiii|. Ill 4'aiiiUue ilds'iniiriilng
lieoig.. tllll nii-1 sous Howard
Fr.d wi-iii III Ri-ed-TCJIy on ba-lii-*s
J. f>. CroiM-r made a l.usinesp Iri.v
II- Kuivsh y.

! '4®'



Mr*. VV. S. Ikivi. .aii.l daiigl.ler
Saginaw- lieof \V. 11. Alilsilll

-ili.l laniHy



d.i'tallii-r, .Mlrr KuHi W-rti.

erwad-r AU-r-

___' » It____________________________ HMpm lor Codsr VUr owd pro».»M« lx»s at
TrMuk fras Colsr Cfty usd ProrsBoat arrlTW

tJ JXNKH. Arx'l


biinte pf William Othorw.
'. Orborne. r^.rrwebtlng the Al­


’ the congregiUon were o\-cr. xtd
Hie s|M*aker. No new llghtt will Iw

You fought a,guud figlit, lie


said, addrrxlng ibt- old soldiers, you
want tiut when your xUon needed
you. you bxrd the call and you fought
good fighL

But ■WM that your real

I pier al the river moulb and wlU fight r
be kept burning hom aaraness until
You fiolabed tbe course In triumpb
dayllghi. making u efficient beacon and you kept tbe faith with your oafor motor boat owners

wbo ux
But have ywi ket’l tbal other
faltb tbX means so much. Mr. Caaby
The eiectrtc enrrent Is furnished by tben deacrlbed the great Olympblsn
the We-que-tong dob and all per
games, how the viclorw were erom-ned
who keep their boats to tbe river or with laurel wivatbs and concluded by
ux Ihe river are reqneoted to pay TS telling of the great crown that awaits
rents towards the expense of parting tbe victors in this lifes race.
the light there, oter iceo feet of srlre
being oted and tbe light itself coaUng

Vary UniqM Party,
preuy and unique party was

paid to UottU O. IMgea. Tbe Ubor of botior of Sam Thomas. Jr., of Cblrago.
(^nulling the light was donated.

The New Brandt Spray
The latest oi all devices lor extertninatlng
kinds of Insects.
No waste ol time by stopping lo pump 1
abeatL Can be done as tbe
operator goes along.
IFor Dia-bribu^ins
Paris Grefitn, Bordeaux Mixture and etc. this
sprayer has no eqnaL

The battksi for the older inrailier*

be money can be left at the Bec- aa Baturday afternoon by Dmald
otflee. the Motor Boat works
RoxboiMb. JSl &«• Ninth strert. In

‘ r«r fiMn by lobAMP Drag Co.

dih dny of August. A. U. ISW.

KesradiD. Mich.. Aug. 8—Mrs. Ed­

fred J. Brown Seed Cu. Is here look­
He bellevea Armly that srhen
ing after tlieir rrnps. aad rr|iorts the
time fnr real action cornea, tbe Taft
I looking fine. and Peraker fartions will get together
and srork to a eemmen end. x tacSignal toe Launehas.
UdSM la Ofato bare ben In tbe habit at
green light kx been plxed oi

UtR40IIE ~

Hio pi .l ale ofitce. In the Iflty tif
Trsveive niy. In wid c.inniy, fin Ibc


ban rtWiinii^ to l„T botM- ufter visll-


be could enrne wlllilu i> halls bmadlh Fnitii TliurMlav e ll.-ixoid.
Mle> J. Ki I'll of Ik tni.l who Ik Vleof the murk. Mr. Gay wild tliiil It was
Look tor CemeL
ell to Mive ihi-orli-k It was la-ttei' iHlig In IM- i-ily WI ;-.l U> Kiiigwlv..The general dlkturbanee utmMig the
I liBvi- pi.ictk-al expeti.-licv Iwlb lu loi a vUli Meli-i-.Uiy,
ors and comets Ihst has recently
.Mies f'aiTlc Sd-wart wlid liau Ise-n
b-Jelmss uiid spiritual life.
beem puuling axirouomtra] ktiidi-uls
s rliv, r
The ni'M Slone clue-en
and Is being wlioessed alt o\er the
one i-r faith. 'I'kltb. the intnisler. .'
country .has not akipiH'd Traverse
Ill], was a tbiiiR hri,H- for and Hn- evMve. F. II. I'ull.ik of Muflbm who
City by uiiy luxns. Tbe large comet
Icl. nc-i- Ilf things mil n-i-p. Wlihciiil ha-. Is-en vl-itlii,. h.-r sister. Mrs. \V.
that Is irwvelllng at llm rac- of sevenfaiih Hand raiild urn have snc<-i-ei|. II Fit !--, of ihle e;l.v I'-l'inil-d to llel
miles a second can plainly be seen
<-d. If he hud not bad faith lu blni- li.'i.o' vi-Tii-i-iluy.
tbe eastern sky
while meteors
si If und God he A.-0'im am have slew
.Mis. r. .1. t'aiaii of Ulie city went
enough to make a small shower have
Ihe giant. AVhen a man hues lullh In to Kslknska for a few days Melt y.-s.
falling every night for the |>xt
hlm*i-lf uml his fell.iw men he has Pre-t lenl.iy,
week. Monda.v night, they were excep­
Mies ls;-h.1 H.igtia of Kalkaska
iK-el III life.
tionally |ik-nliful. The meteors «pi>eur

At :i ki->bi.>n <if raid court. In-Id at

ami lli>. Arthur Uarviu b-fi

Ihi- imirnlng 1*t y.i.|-Ie City
il.y will visil fi, a few days

.Tbe sermon text was frvoi Second
ward Owegsrare and fstber returned Timothy, fourth chapter, seveulh oud
In. his work la
tbe Unlverally.
from an extended trip through Can­ eighth verwe*. beglnnlug, "1 have
Or. Richard D. Hsrian.
John AuH Dead.
ada and southern Michigan 8aturdo.v. fought a good fight. I have finished ihr
rsnaitaUve of the UnlTeraliy alx I*
III. Auli. ugod Jc. yi...i,, dl.d SulMrs. Owegsrare'a sister from Ver- course, I have kept
nbinnd invanUgnUng the ooUeges of
met her at Detroit and returned The speaker then deervlbcd a picture oidsy iilglil at Hu- Asylum rtie n-.
tbe pedUeni aelencM In Parts
,S wen- sl,i,.|s-d o. Ma:o lor burborne ariih ber for a visit.
bung on the walls of bis home.
lAMdon. White Dr. Jamm H. Gore,
vlr moniiug By ihe .Amlen-on I'n
Tbe Mioses Bnima and Bertha- Ba- ThU picture played Us )>ai1 throughprcjxsar of matbamatloa In the xme
chi. who have been visiting frlenX
his whole life and he advised par- deriNkIng fo
piMTWMty. Is absent In HolUnd. aad
for the pxl firs weeks x Sault StA
i to he careful of tbe pictures tbey
OaniBny on a similar errand.
Marie.- 81. tgnaee and Trout Lake, pUced on the walls of home. This
OwM Ben are preadiing tbe Idx of
'turned to their home here Sunday. pletui
the aotahUAment of a great national
Mix 'niUe Sackett who bx been hood xd old age in a boat cruxlng
■alraraily tt the American enpiul—
spending m couple of weeks with her
T tbe river of life, and a verse bea poBltloe that the George Wxhlngtister. Hra. C. O. Baraes. left for
lib told bow tber regarded the voyis tmlvenUy 1s eepeclally well edaptRaidd City
Monday, where she will
ed to aasutee.
spend tbe summer with xothrr sJsPoses Will Come.
r. Mrs. L. LaCure.
bope. mubood with courage and old
J. Warn
Urronx Brown
age wx but waiting to bear tbe kt-el
Grand Rapids are vlslUog at.
grate on the other shore.
the Buckeye ante Is





For Over
Thirty Years


.ng'ld'«e’'n,l'd i'ri

hita the aooUt. on a pallUeBl mlxlon bow against the government's one.
and caao back fa Washington with Although convlclcd. the big coipomle Mime of hiimlllty wuk next «1io has li-eti vUlHiig in 'ihis ril.v
glowing reports of the Dnaalmoua ensiart^fcvni the uinlheru sky
B can carry the Chicago decision
Huiki-n of. Humility. Mr. Gay wald. Is leuiriii-d to her home y.i-tetrlay.
doraetaent of Rooscrclilan pulieies to
Ihe Circuit Court of Appeals and travel lu a general woKterly direction,
•weetckt thing of life Thom- wliu
be found among the people aouUi of tcanpomrily defeat the federal govern­ all origination lu seemingly Hie i
hold the most gamble vig'ailnns i>ru-n
Mr. ami Mrs . 11-n C..iilis reiuruiTl
the Mason aad Dlxta line, it was stator that tribunal abuuid reverue section of tbe heavens.
....... to Uie miisl exImUed |■lsi1lons. vevlndav alU-niieiu I their iumie In
ad at 'the department that Hr.
the decision of the losror court. It Is
ui^ Ikivid was humlile In hie own Ihii-yi-ii,. o.. after a I.-w ilays vMt at
cock «ni visit CbiW. St. Lo-jit. and loaes out there, it can appeal to tbe
Old Feikt Seevin.
eyks and Ihe eyes of the laird
In or Ih- li-.iis- irf \V. H., 1» Bast
a number of othc^f ibc larger cll- Supreme court .but If it wins In the
An "old fiilkk" service wu
n live a proper tlf.- we must wiilk Tw-einii slrf

Ms fiPM CIndnfiatl West.
Circuit court of Appeals, the govern­
le Church of Christ yesterday wornhnnibly In the sight of God.
Tne MikM-s- GK.b. ailil
ment will not have the right to obtain
ig. MePherwop Post. C.
Pun Feed Cmgeasa.
rviliage wns the UeXI InplC Kliokell tniide a nip to Muv1|i-ld Jills niuriiHig.
writ of appeU from the advene de­ traded lu a body and wen- Uie guesU
Word was received Uils week that
iijMin by Hie kpeuker. Ibavid wue
Mi» Vliiu llmw-ii..11 of
There Is every lodicalion. of honor, the sermra lielng fur
I>r. Barmy W. Wile)' chief of tbe bu- rision.
K w-..-ir visit
leaili-kk III kill and fimglil i«niau tin
rcM of ohemtotry of Uie department however, that tbe SUodard Oil corn- gulduce of the older members of
hik own giiiund. and like David we
will oquirm without result, and cnngregathin although all. l•oUl
of agriciiUure. and professor of agtiniiut all lu- fearli-k» of sin und figli’
M. A.-Rial 1,
colurral cbemlstry. In ibe George that the floe will have to be paid. If and young could profit t.y it.
cnuftamly for the right. The liiei
The Rev, J. A. Canhy took-ns
Washington nolrenlty. wilt recom­ It escapes this lime there aie, acklone wu*. the Stone «f .smci-NS. Ikivitl'
ti-c yi-illng ill Ihik eitv
Dg to government officials, aoms SertiHure les-son. the 12lh chapter
mend that the Amerleao goven
was deiiTiuimsl to •Mieni-il and with;
Mi— Kih'-I Dana oiihik .
hooaand other cases that can be BecWlasiles. tbe chapter cumnieBlr
cnll an loiarnatkmal pbre food
this detannlnuHiMi
roiild| ui..rii:i.K for Vunderl.i'
grnx to ectabUtk internsUoaBl food pressed. Altog<-Uier the Oil Octopus known as the "pxlm of life." After wlHiklaml him. .and It khi.ubl he h>|
s to hare been plunged In decid­ Ibe Scripture leseou. a welcome
aUmfiards. Dr. Wiley is at pee
III eveiyday Me Iba;
sbonM w
lh-i-> .................... Maiint.k
edly hot water.
(Steoded to Ihe visl'ors and Ihe pastor
Ms on bis way back from
an.I loll for micccsk lu whatever
Ihi-oagti Hie iilv Uslavv on Uis way l.i
apologised for not Including
s wine Industry in
;ittenipl Alid ever ktciigglr m.wurd .ihd Igike wl;-,v J- will l.taiisjct
Woman's Relief Conis, x where be
Whne nhsnad be bx
oiiwaid towaid a heller-and biigliu-r l.-J.-IllOSk.
had come from, on Invliailuu to tliv
F Yo.-man>
of il„.in.
G. A, R. included tbe Undrtxl organlbrias back wlUi him a fund of Intonnatkm Umt will be of ondoubtod value

Bears the


!>te will be Uirown to Secretary Tart- liosrd and s rafter spUuU-red but be- hs»k«l useli-sa beside the ainior of the
ytmd this, no danuge was done.
Will Collect Big FIna.
The barn, which Is lorated ucross
UtUr doubt Is expnuaed by officers
le road, ami only a few I'Ods away.
of the department of Josllce Uiat tbe


|Hie Kind You Have
Always Boa^


d to go to the bouse and beg
Struck by Lightning.
jblldland. Mich., fonner speaker of tbe
For Uie third time. IlghlninK wtriiek
food. Anything given her^sbe would Mteblgan house of reprxenui Ires,
building on the furm ut C. A. Ham­
net cat benelf but would Carry to the nr. Gordon believes, however, that
e siieaker illusti'ali-d Imw wHIi
mond In Garfield towushli*, five miles Hll•Kt■ five Mimes one could conquer
obIckeeL At ber meal Ume she sieu
apnriagly m possible and
koulheast of Ihe city yesterday ahoiil Hie Wiirlu and it was bocamn- of thewe
srsnt to ber chargea.'
.The faoux was struck by n Urit klraok Hist David slew Ibu giant Ho'
Mix Dalaeil U natnrally proud of fsvor of a reinn to conterrsUsm. In bin where It entered w went out x s
The stono practice wn> firet
the parrot aad x though abe cannot tbe absence of aoy favorite son in bis roysterj'. Tlic ridge boanls and a few llalb. Tbe htonu "prurtlci-'' wx flrel
Ulk. ns said before, Uie bird la wel- state, be believes that Hicblgan-s shingles were ripped uii. the frieie
sn iiiklguiacsnl IliUe sling and It
•aiat to a bema w long m she Iti




Fredertefc Meyer of Cinrinna'.i.

You wiE do bettes vi'ork for
• cq> of fngrant ddidous
ARIOSA Coffee—find
— ana jva
vfffl t^l>ettcr
Cut* your coffee
m hfilf.
Sold in ooe pound pfickagei
oofy, fiCfiled for
Loose coffee rat die taine—
it Ofiy be dusty, dirty and. bad
for your rtocnacK and nems.

It Pays
lo'buy the Hard I'an
Shoes for Men’s every
day wew.
It’s true they cost a little
more than some other
Shoes Lut if it is wear
yon they will please

Wiirspray row i milt-long » itb only one tilLingof three italkma.
Will Spray from i S to 20 HHia of Potatoes with each
stroke of the pump.
Why UH-a.l lt:ac Cip-Tlmrallng. when y«.n now can get whst you bfire
a long time been I wiklne for. -'.i a reasariaWe price. Wo will Show •
you Ix.w !;

.' If ynu wi'l c;.H



MV. Auourr u, mr.
At ibe Btoed bafora her mother, tbe to tbe hI|jM that
up tba soup we'd better beg». I think watar into the InsMe of Iho rriinfier
pietnre at mack aOabtlon. her UUIa lag of II
heavy te- Ibeie't coougb rice in ll.'
at ovrry rt»c of the piston. This waa!
baMs cbopad bablad her back
As the -caercrence men" rose
aermnpitrted by two xto>t c«x-kt.)
her obadbnt eyea followed erery more ebe called out;
the table the oldest uoe bowed lorn- which was lunicd by baud, and tbe
of her raotber'a Ups. for tear her mra "Ton Kathrln! Ton can just go and said, with a islnkle la hlx
whole action of the machine d-pmrt»d
might mtaa aonw ot the important straight around to the back door."
-S*TS. H—. will you permit me to
cm thl- aurnilon Iif tbe i>»txnn who
kutm tnri RtrilMiui «t Hi«
ttwedona Intended for then.
TTiare was eibsce. so she added: graiulate you on your dellcioaB dln- watched tJtese isro cocky.
N«f»M VM*t Mk«
The buey Ilub mother need to aay "You needn't think yoa can acate
Humphrey Potter, a \<ot r-siployed
line ealM a jerk line, and the fieigbt rery often: -luttisrine hat so
10 lead one of Netrromens enpdne tw1 will try Mvtr U ymrty or
Then ahe wailed and Ibieoed. and
il thought »he heard longing to Mr. Betauloa. found the
teami wear belb like the horaee do ia feaUag of mpowlbllity thai bbard
fW abewt anythlnt.
tnrst her, er< though abe b ten. to her horror abe beard a murmur otjthe luily crying, eo she slipped from e.nsiant watching sc in;-.itlv*w ihit
Micfalgan In winter, and kMa
tnices. and then another |ieai of the Ihe i.wim-^'.oud IlirMekeepIng
I will uy to h* u happy ot I
'drtrere rtde ooe bone tnatend id on and the oldest, 9ut Janet! well,
he ss-i hlmoell III ror.inve a •x> by
where to Si
She walked
tbe load. They bnve enaar ealla to always knew ]
w hlch Ike co.-ks might 1»- «--imr-d at
Child Inventera.
make their botaCs mtnd and nae Utile Janetthe light lime, and yet allow him an]
That many chlldTvn have cr^nl oiqianmiiiy •.{ playiug with the Iwys;
roefca to make the beml team horry
I wilt tfjr to bo lavlito, MpfHl
aaramIng the Csrsa of the bouse, and
There stood three men. in
mind In taxhloolng toys In the rttyti. lUiscrvJng that the;
and kind to ovorybodr aM ta
up. When they want all the boiwn
•vary livint tMn«.
taking orden for tbe day.
tsterlal black she noted, with a quick oi vcrioos kinds 1» «ell known. That tairik i;.i: momunt at which the valrc!>
poll together, they call "Jerry!- T»
“Now the rooma are all swept and feeling of reUef that Ibe next minute they have very fi»tinenllT turned
III do for thb time.
nquif.l-ii. 'u- opened for the ndmli
If I a*ar fall In trylnf U da
le beds made up freah. sad I'm leav- lumMl to dlxmay as ahe said to
quality 10 gissl use In the ineeotloti ►It'D tf 'I.......-am was I'lai at w-hirhj
.hi well .rfa
Xhm tunta, I wll7*?ry. toFrom your Sunehlaer.
log tbe duaUbg for you. child. Tre •ejf; "Conferenee men!'' There was and c.mstruciifui <rf some of
the piiiiipiod ind <if the U-iiiii
Bennie Canwell
iisef-.l mechanleul
lime. This tx a queer
tatotld to IIS bighrai. and that the
I am aui« all the Benablnen woold told Katharine |n scrub the porches a moment a pause and theq on
i.i-ldr luuiii ixx.ji’e art watching us.
iL.inieut, at which the olher cek
ke to aee the tanma and the way they
nd help ^•ll••Il cxinics when, and from
childiTO of a IViteb speci
qiilreil to lie opened •-«« »le-n i
re driven. I wax very much inter waah tbe dbbss and get the dssUng lull, said'
IxHu. we h-ast expect. I'onfldaarc
"1 fear we have made some mixtake maker hapiiened i<i le- idaving
plHon rod end wax nl its higbext.
eeied le your deacriptlon.
There's plenty »f bread ai we are looking for Mrs. H—'a hcrjxe,' day wlih.eomi- <>i their taiher'x gla»»e«
In which men often dev
hy .litaching xlrixgx
milk and baked apples; II I'm n
irc.-tmirtn; and ar you
of Ihe shop dtnr I'tariiig
Janet's hospitality rone superior I'
.. Biul c-.nneqling them wfh|*“’'“
Rockville. Idaho.
by dinner time you can have
he gliiiee-s together they
her ireplflatloa as housekeeper anc
r^i'.is |SiM*
■iMs of the
ih-t Ixams. the rising
July IX. IMT
hineb. And when the baby wakes, she opened the door cordialiy with 1 peeped ihrou^ them, and were ex­ ;o;d fulling of th- < iul> w.niW
There to a rieh reward
Dear Prealdent:^
don't lorget her milk: il'x la the Srtt slight laugh. "Come right in. mother's ceedingly asloalshe.* Ill *--e the
j :ii HU
which none but those who
c.sks 'a* ...x-essaty
received my, card and button and
aiM CLARA •Arcs, editor.
Ul 1..1.
ref a skulking ley wm
(blDk Ibem very preUy. Thank yon pan on tbe serood shelf. Her clean expecting you. I thought you were westhercork of lh>- lii'lghlx-rine steeple
eiMWant—Clara Catoa. and pm-.icall. ...Iopte.1,
tell you
Why Doqt Turn Reuntf.
-But. mother." the child broke la. rbe's always doing tbiags tu tease me. their eyes They were uaKirail
nm Vlea Rraaldaat-<«abal Bataa
f.,r the -t-
j A llule Nry once asked his mother
the Hot
Iboee people get here.'
It you1l Juxt go rl4d<! upsialrx: }•«. lied, iiud called i!:-li Inth-1
.li,tt.t:i l-jt-;;:!-.:.
I why liruiio. hix dog. always itum^
Sprtnga. On tbe place where 1
eaannd Vtea Rraaldant—MrA li
"Janet, don't talk nonsdnse! They tbe drat two mOIIis to the right; ITl
ige eighi,
.... _ _
..._ _
- himself amunil sevenil times tu-forc
anni wdrfci. there are three t
P*0»tpy Mlalda.
re not coming Oil c. and I certainly tell mother you're here." Then she
Ibe wt-ectacle maker lo.*ed
xprloga. One b In the houie, and
Haw To Succeed.
j h. Oiully xeiiied down to sleep, and
hope to be at home long before that flew back to the kitrhen, leaving the through the giaswes he was nn
I’ •>«. nie W.irl.l lx wide. If you i melisps those t>f >T»t who own a dog
b hot enough to waah In. by putting
say I'd ihree jiien to divide the two r»>ms aa suriiriird than the ehlldnn had
••tail to l». s.nnebody. "pitch In.* The-jlutve iioiloed him doing the Mme
OOP kettle of boUleg water In a tubful
lake them, but the chiireh n i h.nve Ih« they r
He W»«I IndiHin. and ihimght tbe roat- binve iii»ay, hav- friends Wlu-ce | ibiog'atid havr> «<uideiixl about H.
of epHug water. One b jual warm.
What Thay Hava,
eonfeiwnres and K'x lirile enough
could she do? Nci. iii.dher! i«r over, and then ihe Idea
I.ihei. have gTii-...uni .an go. If the
N'„w. ir >,«, bad ev.-n seen a fox
tlw antaluiTe eaeta a bnab aad comb. Two milec fnim there are tbe big Hot
t.ld linrkx diui'l silt mhke a tU-w one; seuling himself m sleep, yoa would
A pocket baa tbe bee,
Bprlnga and they have a big bathing
only be two."
toy which wtnild glv.- |>eo|>le
didn’t ahe come back? No dinner nMimelxsly will wntk in it. Aiiccvxx lx Bud him slab laining htinM-If anuind
A qaar. tbe alender-walcted waap,
l•avlllao and hoaiAtal there. Where
■Pie mother had hutched the door cept Ike kelilp of soap that was buUI deal Uf amusmncnl- He did so. p.'.-7 .d.tuiti.d in a rte.mrr lUe this- and roaiid. lev.rpi time*. alBklog
■ be apringa oomea out of tbe grmmd.
That you eill fee], Diybe:.
whDe she K|K>ke. and somehow the Idlng gt^rly on ihe back of the stove.
ftallU-o. hearing ot ibl* Instru. will.... . nn elf. rt. If you full once 1i»t r with.each turn, until he ilmost
U la boi enough to cook an egg bent
child's face wilb lU straight hair
I ‘that wax <ald to make distant try II agiiin II you fall duwn. ci-i un x|ilux :>li>xit on the grouiiil III the irlace
Then a hapy thought eaiiie to her
The aplder haa her iplDnlDt-wbeeU.
in three minutea. I bO|W I can go and
direct giuy eyiw looked very pathellr •ni go and get Mary, of ctKirxeT" and thing* apitear cIum- »i hand, raw- at . II It lx .lari:, »lr1ke a llghl. II where h. to guiag to make a lied
bathe In there aome day. It ta i
The moth a pair cf aheara;
and londy and bnve.
what a valuable help li would be jou ail- lu the xh;nle. n'ptve aiitnud:
tinThe fox due* thli. 1b uolertti mnooth
The alow.wann bcara a liny lanp.
lwenty4re mllm frem where we
"I bate to Wve yon. child,- she words in hiT own mind, she dlad ■ the xliul) of Ihe htvteiix. Ke »el loi. If I.heix- Ix B.Fhiid.' nn one side, down the l•|gn lutd grass that mar
Tiuki almya brlibt appean.
MoatVl of tbe ereeka are dry
ODd tbe abow baa }nat gone from tbe raid, as she bent to kira her. "hut I laiiidled the dellghlod bnby into the > wiiik hitnseir ini I', and soon pits there ix .utialiine ••■> lb<- other. It hi' under him. also »iioke opt |ito king
don't see any other way. '
imic red express wagon, bad given
takes Iiiag.v m *kln an elei.!i!iBt than; huir life light WO). Ml that It will
mountaloa, ao we can't aee any.
Jauet tuned to asmime her duties Jolm life and death orders ncH to leave
A i>cx»r SwIks. mimed Argand. -1n- n n-.iise. I.ut Hon U.e xkln is worlli ktf|i <.*1| th.t cold and wi-t. Ills leg;*,
won't get any rwtnt now for a long
Ihe yard, and was running at her liest veoltd a lamp with a wick fllied In
xi>meibtag Never lie ciinieni wllh do wlik-h have no lii-avy hail or fnr oo
lime, only a tprinUe now and then.
nae ax to make her dreed the empty toward Ihe ii^ro seitlement a quarter
holhiw cylinder, tip which a curve
Inr wliat anoiher ha* d.«>e—exc-1 him. them, arc riri.led up In •tde, and hli
Imt tbe ground b ooon dry. after
bouse. Suddenly she wbeelol about
as alkiseil tu pa-w. thus giving
ih-xerve xoccr-s*. and U will conn-. . montli. niMf and i-yes are prnteeM
tain- We are glad aa It rt awfully
‘ a thought atnick her.
But for tiiiee. Maty the ever read) , Mi|iply o( oxygen to tin- interior
Take lltuv. Ikox: J.hi'i biitn loo liy hlk large Uudiy lall which be carta
Wtaate'er ibay hare, tboae erea
muddy when It ralna here: worae than
' Mother! ' she called, "have you got the aiwuyx reliable, wax.nix 10 l>e had, • ell nx Ibe rsierlor ot (he cin-ular faxt. i;.> sh.w. . x|xx-lull) till you kiio»- alxuii him. and •lilrb sr-rvea him for a
any cUy In Michigan but It driea np
road or Iwcouie xrquaiDKxl wilh pillow nnd comfortable at the same
MO. It b better than clay. 1 wl
Mctk »Mr nae and wetl;
there's aouii."
with a sick beodacbe.
your t.-ani.. Mind your own buslne«s. lime.
I wcoder If an boys and dris
eay good-bye.
'Bleu yoa. child, what a mind you
• Land o' gnoduees. chile." she Vx- tion of which Iniiatrtanl adjunct would Don't stop to dub whlffels Um'l
Doga, a* ynn perhapx know, are
Aa ever your Sunahloer.
niia ot themadraa «ab tell.
Xlop to retail tmxsip—bui go on mtod- tuiiaina I" the fox In the hwg. long
Lillian Caswell. hare for things! I'd for gotten them claJmid. before Janet had time to doubUews have been delayed for
entirely." I'd for 0>tton
II not bes'ti for the Ihuiighl- ig your own |iu*lne*«.
stammer out half of her story. "I xholy
ago they, iirv wne •Ud uud livsd in
The hot aprinv are certainly wo
enUrely.- And after making a hasty would come If 1 cciiild. Btit )-ou »ee l.-xx juvenile experiments of his little' You are li-ai-nlng a trade. That Is dlie fiitexi where, like Ihe fux, they
Be prayeth beat who loveth beat
derful, aad quite difftrent from any­
note on her grocery Hat ahe hurried what I am." <
good thing to have; It to belter than
Ir taidt in tbe cold aad wet
All tblniB both creM and aaiall:
thing we tapve In Mtcblgan.
lie lUy when Argand waa busy in gold—brings a larger premium. Hflt and curled their bodlus tu kerii IhemTbe child struggle.1 with leur*.
For the dear Ood a«e loveth na
witrhrtiom. and xlltiiig liefure the to bring a preniltim, the tiwde mutt
Back In tbe honae. Janet waa havine
nre Lake. Hieb.
"But 1 tell yc.u what I cun d...
He naade and loveth alL
be peilect—no allverptated affair.
r. thoogh they have lived 1
July <C. 1M7.
honey.- the old qonam went on. 'T'll
do these dlihes first, and save tbe Jra send my Fanny right down town blm*-]f hy placing a l-ottomleas oil Determine In your mind to I.e a good long 1
I. xmd do nu need 1
Dem Prmldenl; —
lecetred your card aad buticm ^uaUng im last. It's fuo to do that ■fLor yonr ma, and shell be back here flask tn-er different artlcleo. Sudden workman, nr let Ihe job out. Levn- slevm in the old way. tb^ bare not
voht .io her daak aha found that
placed It u|>on tbe flame of tbe ing a -tnide Is different from esllng forgnlii-n their old batrii. and we often
when you know all the hard wmlt'a mo*' foh you get hom«youraelf."
<Joe bad daeed there a box of ahella
lump, which Instanily shot up the mush and milk—meohanleal education see them turn Iheroselvea around even
. ' No! ni do tbe dusting llrwi
from Florida. She lifted them In her
the front of the house will be
lllile^retl ’'”**• e*cful*r “c^k of the flask with dn«* not Flip ilown wllhoiii chewing. on a floor clave to a fire. And If you
card and button are very pretty,
flaaera. toratac tb— tfcta ■
If anylhiBg happens. 'Cause fl
sagon squeaked In mild and perslMent 'Increasrd l-iillianry. Argand did " ‘ Never slight your «.irk; n.-ver. Every care to watch, you will find them al­
aitlers have Ibelrx aba I havp.plxked
that ta aicb tbe lld>L and a
thing I know ini be I! and tbeni
o longer made and 1isi>l>eii III lie the man to allow such jol, you do is .n sign. Pisw xlgiCl nre ways dtdng *u when they are oblljmd
•r the corteua and beautifol abapea, about twebty-Svp quarts ot hurkle- well all be hungry, and If all the'
Mary had ;i sugg.-.-.iite .wciim-ncs' to eocape hlui. atalnxt xticoess IVxipl- always speak III xhx-p out in the cttlil.
M). I am In tbe third grade. I am
and the Uvea of Ute Uny anlmala that
The Plea ..f the lump chinint-y *

tan yeore <id. I like to live in Mlchl- work's In the kitchen anyhow. I'll 1"''^
bad naed them for their botneo.
Imni.-tllaU’ly c.viue Into hix head, uiid
I am staying with Hattie Strahan right here to aee to Iblngx."
tlBf there, ahe aaw In her mtt
e dIOIcully j.rlln u xhoii tiiiii- lilx Invention
My teacher'a name last year
Kunnv n-.lghi tuirr
pletarr of the r«at ocean, blue and
ness to duM and make ihini
rtppilhf under the Mthem atm; and
a homo where funiture is A
One of the early difnctilllew with the
A New Ortean* wom»n was thin.
ebe Itnadbed ahe could thluk bow the adioo) begins. Our school will begin Itlaln and brieo-brwc Is an unkoowii hail been no use In telling her fear* to st.-am engine w-aa (list of roatlenslng.
Becaute she did not extract fiufficient
ooeao would look If ahe were able Co la September. I have three little klt- thing, it Is simply, even when bands Mary, ao *be had wiei'ly kept
tena. Oeod-bye.
hcrselt; and now she irle* to put Hicm the tieani in Ihe cylinder. Savary
lire uoder'the
bad P>
aside and make her idans Instead.
Frtun yonr Stmahlner.
deep down beneath the
babies! they are n dltfeival matter.
She Creirt quielly lit at the back Ni-w'ccnien afiern-iird linentixl
Oella Smith.
, She took'Seotf.r Emttijion,
Did you ever atop to think, SunJanet
tan't it tun to go berrylagt I used t
g-ne l-xt the guesw sboiibl see her unil niethisl ot diix-ctiligFirtuon of cold
baama. bow naar little Urea there
dishes with a comhiruble feeling lealise the trouble they bad made by
wete.—In the water. ftylUK la the aky, like to go when I wis yonr age.
about tbe reel of the bouse, when
coming earlier than they had planned.
I I wax yoor age.
She gained a pound a day in trcigiiL
andnnnltigabaalOBtheUBd* How
cry from the baby called her npslalr*. Kind lliile MXII that ahe «a*: How
many ea«er. happy Urea that know,
Her little spirit rebelled. Why should could she know that
All. OWCCBTS, to,. AND ftCO
(Hen Arbor. Mich.
perhapa. only a little, ■ouch to eat
that child rhoose 10 take a half-time weie stjiniUiig behind the partly closed
Jaly X«. 1907.
to creep, and to fty. The auiatner time
nap oo the day when she luid so many shutters »-aichlng her. only too ready
U the bcM time to flud aad wateb Dear Prealdent;—
10 be of service If only she »-oii;il let
I thought I would write a few lln<
than, aad you boyt and (Irta
comed that waking cry and had
live in the eowntry b»re a better telling what kind of Umea I had on been auapecied by her mother, 1
When the busy ntoiher came tuitryChahce to aee thinca than the city the farm. We have three honea and times, of aiding in the awakenini
; l^EEPon paying rent yearaftfr
To find out for a ccrtaifity
I can . ride on aay time I
Ing horn- about l o'clock with a bag 01
. folk.
eager was her desire 10 take the child
ivhethcr or not your liean is
year wheu you cm own a
under one unu aui^u |>ack.
TV other dey. In yonr preatdnt'i
ontdouhs 10 play. But uvday thing*
ot beelsuak under the other, she affected. One person in four
; home of your own. pay for it on
«arddii ahe aaw aoch a entlona little
• ere different. Still, like the unful
nelghlel Katharine at the gate
aplder that ihe juit wtabed yoa
terms and be indepenmile
bon' girli come orer and we all three
"What have you done about
mKht all have aeon hlia. toa
A amiling tace. and taking the' fat.
1 dent. Do you know we can build
it now. and save serious con­
sr?" ehe asked breaihlexsly.
you giria aRwld o(«pMeci* Some day. go honebatA riding. When w.
rosy baby ta ber arm*, and the
sequences. If you have short
torae ia the paatnre alcate.
; you a home in almost any part of
"Done?" queried the small
w«eo yon team bow Inteteatlng they
dress In her teeth, ahe trudged downbreath, flulteringr. palpitation,
away in amazemem
; the ihe city, do it right, and do it
ere, you won't be. nu ene that abe breaks down the boardx. I hao
stiiw to that center of operations, the
three little ones and thre.
should I have done? I m Just gelling hungry spells, hot flushes; if
aaw wax oo a pink aad while tweet
I cheaper than and one else?
you cannot lie on left side: if
M'benever 1 lake up one. abe kitcdien.
Imme myself."
pea Heaaoan and. do you know, that
you have fainting or smother­
If you own a home we can paint
aplder wai foat tbe color of the Sower!
ing ypells, pain around heart,
day?" she exclaimed half aloud
the church people think? Whal we.
! or remodel it for you on easy
Tea. he wax all pore white except two rubf her face on mine. I live 1
:hey thinking of anyway to sen.! th
lovely piDk otrealm «a bla tat. prtal- Lake Michigan. In the evening

Now is the time to paint—
often eee paaaeager boata go by that the bndy ttlll ta ber arms and tbe jjen six hotirs early, and with an e:
ahaped body. He locM
Dr. Miles* Heart Cure Vill re­
; less flanger of peeling or cracking
dress in her teeth she opened
ra one at thu?"
pan of a bloaeom that tbe little Site are alt lighted up. I will write ant
lieve you. Try a bottle, and
1 if painted now.
At the door she was met by Jnn.-i
that ate the aw«M pea Sower never • •• :ou more cert time, ao goodbye.
"Flease. ma’jim.’' began a whining anxious face. ’-H.vve yim brought the set how quickly your condition
nodeed him at alL
We are the people to see about
will improve. ,
voice, bat It went no further. The Wg. ersekora. dear? And I hope ytr.i'v.nme Thom
in the apring your prealdent waa 40
1 any real estate deal.
"Abnut a resr ago I wrot* to th«
You mast have Dne Umea horseback rough tramp to whom it belonged bad. broo^i liie meal with yty.i.aad there *
iDUreated la the etory
Ullr* MrdKwl Co. vKIne wU'l—. um I
■■erhap*. a spark of humor in his
thrm stead of two. and.
banaUfoI BKtth that aowie ot tbe Stony
to<'B f..r tw.i >»«r*. I Itad p»m
make-up. for he grinned when be aaw tnolher. don't tell them >0.1 weren't hxi)
In my hrort. bst-a utd Irft xkdr, ur.d
Beteh SonaUM Qab told In their afraid'
hxd not b-x-n xblo to drxw x dr-p
first the large baby and then Ihe vme all tbe time 'cause I pretended
laitaia. She wiafeea that tbe reM of
Ill-rath for tx.> rrar*. An> litUo rx-rvery atnall nttrse. and be asked In a
Bendon. MIrti.
rnitld cause pxlpiuilon. xnd I
yen Bwibaanta would tall her what yon
not Its on sny Ir.-t bid* witt.uut
July 76, 1907.
She didn’t wait to hear any mnrv. swircflng'
svtrrrlng They adtlnd
lod iito'to
P)« to try I.e.
hare aeee tbia audimer 00 tbe abore.
Hnrt C.i* ind Nrrria*. which
roother?Dear President;—
s she passed through the .lloiog Ullrx
la She woodA or near yonr bomea.
I did with t- - -..........................................
ce the Sunshine |>age Is intevesi
Ih IhSh
. .
I ever wws
Janet hesiialed for Juxt one aerond. •am the noted with a xlgh <« relief b«Itrr
liuvtng ghih-d
'.•d U pound- since ) cotntag.
xV.ul II.:t.
There are no new namea tbb week
• the twu ntrdicinrt snd
I have twenty rhickena and
lean pertniUed: "She’* gone
was ta the,kitchen before her
"Mother.‘is it a half cup
bu:t- r
irtteie. u dona yoor preaMent ao thin(CB of them ate little. I will tr}' Utwn to do the markeilng.''
L'pprr SwDduxky. Ohm.
nd left you to look attec ihtogs? you put In Ihe yellow puddlug rau.-.- "
BKKh good to get them, aad she en- to And a story or a veru for the 8imDf. Mltot' Hurt Cur* !• sstd by
Vu poor young 'un! " and t^ tramp
• Don't he silly, child, there s !.•• your druagift. wno wui euxrxntM txxt
Joyi prlatlBg th— for rna ail to retd. line iisge. Heie U one vetwe;
the first braw will bonofit. (f It (xds
Do your best, yonr best.
turned away.
time lor pudding now . "
h* win rotund your menxy.
And do It every day.
Work waa prmeresBing nireir
But Janet gavr a tired liiile nKrtira
RockvUle. Idaho.
^ttle buys and little girl*.
spite <tf the alarm caused by the
of her hand toward tbe oven door, ami
Arc »hat j-ou are after
Jaly tr. 1M7.
Well. I gtteu I w-III clow- for
ince of the tramp: and,Janet
her motlier made bawte to inve*iigxi.-.|
Dear Prealdent:—
when you buy flour. This
There she found potaloe* Ju-t 1
We received our earde aad bUUMta
beifi); tht; case you
honae to tease the baby and to ask her
Ibe point of eoftening. a <il*h
aad think them very nice. We are
should buy
ta the Heral^. I will dose,
help in bis play. Smalt boy* of stuffed tomatoes that bad alr-'a.Iv
haring aaoe very but weather here.
four aoutellmee show a tendency
gstheretl a deltcloiis bn>w-n. whnkli
Mother and I have bwn iirtgatioc onr good-bye.
From Tuesday. S«p'. Srd. m
wander from the bowe. and wt
look, iind a large ouiwce podding just
garden and,faibrr ix away baying. He
all deeartmcnit of me well
Jesae TnUer.
p* are about, it to a relief to 1
leady to be lakeS out. Site tunvif
tax been gone three weekx. They
known Detroit Buxincxx UrnI'or it's vastly superior in the
Tour little verse h very nice, and peraoB ta charge if the little l)oy*| quickly to «-b(we Janet siotid l.y^t
veraity. 11-21 WOeoa Avsare Juxt on tbe Sret crop yet. but they
results it brings to any other
Mich. This Great
gel three and four erope here. Thxt
Setvool ix updtMate m every
flour. Sirong statement, but
strimeDt of household affairs.
'•Janet, wlio ha* been gening din
b mainly wbal they ralxe here eg.
particular and mvitea the
can prove it.
ccpl abcep and cattle, honea and
Suddenly Janet was startled by
moat critical intpect cn of
The CoafarwAca Man.
equipment, work and me­
•Why. I have mother, Just 1. Yot
doga. They generally nae four hone
jangllng'o! the front dcor bell. "It's
thod. Our New Catxioqiit
teama here for everytblng Oo the
Tliu hot— had ottaa bun desertbed Kathanne. come home and doing that see the children have been gt«*i and
sent en rece-Dt of pottal re- wasn't faeie to bother me.
freIMM tMBf they nae alx and et^t )• two ahoH words, "Naat and pi
xae me.- ihe said 10 berseU. ' but
queat; W. F. Jcwxli. Pretlhonea. aome tlmca ten. but we a?w heae taune words would have applied 111 fix her and show I 'm not afnald! ' and I told them yt>u were here, so I
dent. R. J. Bennett. C. P. APrinetpal.
one twelve, tmree tatm bitched to srilh equal aceuraey to tba 1
She marched Into the front hall «tth had to'do scanethlng. I guea* this'
tbree wagona. They aet the bnkaa on Janet.
firm step, and with a voice pitched aleak’s about dune, and If rmi'll take’


Cut Stone Work

It Costs



You 1
It? 1



Autumn Term


* vis'.i :c itostun I mast
hsvsealen semnl :ng ihktdld ooi agrwa
w:ib my stomscL. a. « terrlbto eaaaog
lodlgcwtion tollowed. Prrena vraa r»>
commendsd »o me. and after ustog Ihraa
to.til«/•wsenare/reurafi. I therw
fore reromnnud I'enuia to any waa
auffering with svuaiarli uouble.’’


for thU means a soggy- pudding.

Re­ find a place on the table und l«- caremove from mold Ui a hot serving dish, fnlly cooked and neatly s.-rved.
and serve with Huntington
cracker, or mailed milk, or
The digesllbillly of vegetables de­
always II abould be taken sluing and Bight hero lot me say; De
pends uiHiii till- degree uf tenderui-s.v
D mlnulea rest. The whole allow a allvor knife u> become healed that can to- given to their o-llutor tie
by bolding l( against (he hot pu^ng. sue. Rapid ctMiklng is lieeiled for
lUy will go oasl^ for it.
before attempting to cut
Swnollme during Uie day,
Strong-Juiced vegetabb-e. sueh as cab
• A light lunch in the middle of
forenoon; a drink of



J.Kdwin lirowne, Xsllonsl Commander Armyaud Naryl nionuf V.s
timiih sir- , t. X. K..tVasblaclon. I). C.. writes:

For Hunting (on Sauce,
after dinner, take half an hour's sbI iigi-, U-ets, Ciiilllllower. catvols. i-lr..
solute rest lying down, with the eye.. fourth of a cupful of butler, and mid while gentle siinnii-rinr to iweler.ihb. ciow-d. This to not a waste of time, gradually, while beating consUntly.
-Juiced vurli'ilin. such as
hall cupful of powdered sugar and ln.-iB pnd Iteans.
In any sense, because a refreshed body

*1 have DO beiiUUon is etidonii« yonr Penmi ai a most efficient i___
for catarrh. Xjr own experienno and that of manj friends who hara |
been benefited bjr iu tue recommend it to aU penone nfferisg from that |

off work fssler than er en a H few grains of sail: tlien add
Few house wive* know that iiid8U» b7 *U|> ii»n
of milk and om
BligbUy tired one.
iahiB. celetT and cncunito.-rs are di-llmOti
law for the preserva- spoonful of vanilla.
rlouslioiled. anil simply >easonud
TD do mr bMt.’- oDto thr eotiMleoee U<» ot good health to to sleep
water, stirring conatanUy and watch­
p.-ppcr und sail. The radlsbigood stepping stone to that to tbe ing carvfully. until the Ingredients are
. flavor like turnips b
nfterooon rest. Many a tired woman perfectly blended and
d.-lk-jte; ilito vegetable iiu..- also l-e
her bed for hours be­ crt-ainy Ip
consistency. Serve
iv-oked nhd served with hut en-uiu
U»e day by lUy.
lu.uce, and II is very gootl when t.iill.vl.
Wby an tboa beadlas toward tlie fore rhe gets sufficiently rested to
then .llpi«-d in egg. eninihed. and
tadtward amy?
Also, do not work too long In Ihe
fried in deep hot ful. Too
' One smemlt and then amUter Utou
evening. It does not pay in the long
Bbalt mount;
Specially, do not read late. The
Vby atop at eaefy round the space
must be tolrty quiet when re­
Tbe past nla|^Tt tliou must aUll tiring. If it to be easily ^»mi«icd to
Perhaps you say ihst crowding work
Watch not Ibe ai&ea of the dylnc
compels tote boors.

Good friend.


cu|i of sugar and « c egg well beaten.
Mix and alfl two
pastry flour, four
powder amt one half teaspoon salt,
to first minute allCTiuitely with
cup milk: (hen add

Pnt all thy fears yotty Kmmeys bod youll look back ries mixtd with one third c
Bake in buttered gem pens in a tnodcr
along the road you've

Sladto thy hope.

Every Trace at ^tarrh Qaae.
Mr. Jaaiiw T. Bnu kco.qioTvnU. Are,
New York City. N. Y, has oecupisd ifa*
other of Water Inspector o( New York
niy. for U.« past fifieea ymrs, H*
carries on an exUosive pluablBg tomlnsss at SKI iOtb Are. He is Past ttopaiy
oftirandKalghU of ReignarcIiaOoaacll. Kntghu ot Colambua, N. Y. Be
-For nearly a dnsen ysarscatarrh has
bothered me in one form or another. ■
was (rvubled w1 Ifa aasa/cafarrff, that
I affected my atomarh,which Itoubme must In the morning. My appa
(ftewaapoor, and 1 did c
relish my foo................................
was sdvued ^
; I’rruna. and I took It as
■led lor


closely, place mold on
Many of
in a kettle conulning belling ni« pr»M-»s a high
acrounl of the saline
p around niiild, cover elosely. tuilK'd they nrr valuable at all Bvastiiis
tarn one and one half hours, and esiKclally In stimnier, when they
needs to husband all her strength. Lei adding more iNriling water as needetk. provide the syst.-m with large aourev*
Never allow the water to reach a of pun- *-jiier. H Is iben-fnre expedi­
s santest a tew -'litUe thlDRs"
temperature below the btHIIng point, ent Uial j:«;getubb>s In should
that line.

Uv» dv by day.

things you now call neces­ ate oven (or thirty minute*, or in a
buttered shallow pan If a loaf shape is
xJnlto Hants Hay. In tbe Atlantic. sary. that )-ou eonld have left out
easily—Indeed been beUer oB without preferred.

If 1.1 tii. lung, it i* apt to

Says Peruoa Saved Hto Ufe.

up eon- j

stir into Ifci- rl.-t mixture; then add
i-ne lahlt-spoonful of mell.-d butler
and the whipiied whibw ol the eggs.

I'ake In well si eased waffh-lrtm* and
mediately after eating. Such a habit variety to the dally menu:
time pat the corn over the fln- in lends iiM'lf to Ihe ,,i«paiiition of u st-rve wltJi simp or atralned boney.
persisted In by even a very strong
Cbeiry Salad in Banana Skins.— rairtilty boiling water to w hlrti add one gieal Vartety ot atiltictite afld fuilal'
percOQ. means ultimate dyspepsia. U
Strdigth for tfaa daUr lUe.
labii-spooDfiil of sugar: do not add ..Ilie .iisbes. The apiu-iided n-eiiu.-» by.; hull ciipfiiH of tlce tender In omlong, loosen a strip uf the skin, suit to the water, as this makes lUe iio lll•■;lns exhaust Ibe.fUiHSibilities of -m nillk. Tli- n laki- firmi the fire
would seem ss though no other one
A bleaaed atoie.
For the amaU worriea and tbe paltry thing could worit greater havoc with carefully turn it back, with a spooti. ka-rnais shrivel. The lime lor eoaiklng lice
-Uilr thfough It. imlug a fork for silrMomaebs. To draw away a part of take out tbe inside in small itiecr* and viiri<w_wilh the age of the corn. icn.
nice .:nd Ch.s-i.-,—C<u.k one ciipfid; ring, one rHpfiil of mlno-d date*
For aD tbe boat dtaraitlng Urael.
So. toe. U freely given.

the allow half a cupful lo twice the mluuta-s to-lng tbe lima- allowc-d for
aiomacb has Just been glren work to amount of cborries. taking e.vro to yniing corn with the iniii-r lea»-> b-fi
He hath Hto great anppHea
do. tuihly weakens the digestive ap­ save Uia Juice from the' toller. The am. eoiiiiling from the litiia- It to-gms
IkwaU ofir waya,
paratus. as well as the brain, and so, dresalng I* made by l>Ii-nding with the lo l.'Oll.
.An utal-rashlouaal
For Umpeat drear, or for tbe iimny
gradually undermines the wbule sys- cheny Julc^and three tables|>ooiis(iil ol which to an excellent guide lor Iliat
and oirange juK-es.
ThU is i>oured young hcnisi-wlfe. to to i-sl the aca.rn
Whetber we weep, or foogs ot Joy
over the fruit, which is placet! on ice. 111 tha- a-nil of ten rainiiu-s by pinching
the blood (o' the

As need to. I«m or more.

a.s s



• “I wMi you








• Ooulant







Just before servinK. lightly stir tbe inHuckleberry Oaintiee.
10 part of the United Sute* do gredteatt together, pile in the lionana
iberrtet, or Uueberrie* as tbey cases, stand on separau- plates and
teo called, grow in greater per­ gamlih with cherry leaves and frul
fection than In the Grand Traverse
Cherry Soup—Add to one pint
There are many delicious cherry Juice an three tablespoonful of
ways of preparing them lor the table, strawberry Juic« enough sugar to make


beuaework undone
extra ruffles

to leave
tuck* off

poaajble la her llUle


And this is I prime requisite In fioil-

afford them all aai.Uiuct- peulblu In
storing up strength for Uu- futuiu.
This you ran do by keepUig them m
a warm (dace antll tfielr foltoge ripens
und die* off, and by



good Iliiulrt f.-nlll»T ocraalonally- The
variety caLuIogurd as n-fraria all«.
I- white, to mi«l generally

nibs of this Hjrt lo thilr orders.
The (n-.-st;i produce* II* flower* on
»< ry sl.-T,d-r stalk*.


Theao are sura

I eriukU- down if tiot given support.
:ii< wlisl'-vi-r sufipurt Is gives muat
I ute.i-T-isiv- or tin- datnly effect of
1will Is- iP-6in«y<-d. 1 would
dv.M- (le- UM- o; Mender wire, bent
iniDes long. Insoil and twlmIks over It and through
luiiner that they will not
f then- will h
to to- sevi-ra! suppurU of this kind to
' ."Ct. tort id plant*.



Wlo'ii (to- li'iliis



,,.,1 il-i'ir sniiual grotrth—you cao tell tU*
vlll !.} till rtyii.R;,ffvf ihHr foilage—w«h-


I-.Id w.ii*-r afil s'-t the boxes away In
a quiet pUre vltiiout dlsiurtdsg the

In ih-vu.


tbe others with etber muds are net avnitalde. than a* ,
Set aside to one of the (met nuirlliou* uf toods. |

tpuonful of baking-powder Mfted inj^rrira vrith a little water and a cup eR-Dtly oourirhing lood without being
rounded eupful'c* Mftod flour.jof sugar lo a rich prwerve. Cover heating, rice to-cinse* lepKlally a* a
who taken <mre of her bcnlth. will find
pint of well-floared ,be iwitom tff three layer<ake tins bM-wcMber dish and should enu-r
that erttk no*wed ntrength there Lastly stir li


Till.Ik- I- to to hax-e hyacinlhs,

-r part of them' o'0 tnakevhift dish to fill in gaps wb.-n ,

chBdren's dotbes and omit some <d UblesfiooDfuU of butter wllh one cop {i,4rq,.n on buttered poiwr. Keep in a w|
tire eMe dlabea for dtimer. But tbe ful of sugar, add one wril-heaten egg.l^coi, ^ry place.
cup of sweet milk, and one te*-[
cherry Puff.—Cook a pint of pltte-J
Owing to the fact that it is a sufli
woman who is ayatemnUc. as far as

Be'carefitl to not

li t Ihi-m gel dry at the rooU.

sticeess depends Upon close atieattoar

josl liHi-ly flower lo Inriu'lle a few

-.ij.ivs lin- fitigraiiei.
-^'...-soioiuf plimto in
C.+'-a, l:oWev.T,

soft butter, put on a thick layer ot
Rice as a Hot Weather OiW.
. ,
Crrsialllred Ctwrte*.—Beat
hucklebenie*. b«ap
Boretng. and added duUee for the sugared
The di-detie value ,if ricv^ to-> Ii;-j,
very once ehe baa ben tning to wave. whipped riewm. em-er wlUi the «*ber white* of three eggs until stiff, toy
,• apfireciated by the avjk<ipe hoiis,-- ,
Sorely it to better lo wUrk a UUle of cake, butterwd. finish with more of tbe e)uau.|> of tbo cherries in the lieaien
uf course, out-j wlf.-, who rek-anlt li ruiher in the light ,
ihuckleberrie*. and smother the <nUnthe cake vrith whipped cream. Serve
the quickly a* possible after U 1* done.
Huckleberry PaUl**.-Cre*m ti

<ult Uiem piwfnMiy.

with orange throat- and would advise
Ihitoo who atumipl till- ruliiire of tbto -

A Beautiful Plant.

Leave then there,

ih'.j dry. until you ore ready to atart them
li.m growth f-ir another seaaon's flow—
1 plant dnalen luc^ <>»■*<
h. r<-;.|i.-.-. Ii to u'A a)ilaiii
-d • alo.- Ibe methi*l, lull... II. -p*k and tell them at t-ery
lil> -.1 ihe valley.howi-ver
-iti n,;-! To grow il In
A f*retty Salad.
:it, |.i»;t5pl and
d d-ci-J.

faotw* of tong, tender watching and


When IOfs growth begins lo

show remove than u> tbo window
wtiere they- are to bb om. A tempera­
ture of aboiiL 70 dtgrra aeem* to

I mown by flouristo bui I iiamcutorly
aomire F. Ie-lcbillr‘1. crvwmy white,

u two until tbe dish la full, bread on top.* tender are drained, and v»u-cjr, salt ^
At a rcnulu not only Is (here possible to roU out. and bake...............
n theovenooehour.;«tid pepis r .vlded JiiM Is-i-.-re s,-nditig .
suffering, end at b«wt a lingering coo- layer* In a hot oven. When do ctear]
t- talili-.
Hie tlsh
vnlsaeoee for the invalid, but anxlosu the cake quickly a|iart. spread with uncover and brown quickly. Serve h.


of froufc

^i-aar. on ■ etiplul of luiIUng v..vl-Tuibd tjti- or ihn-e old one*. Keep •" mind
iu u is at n •
and mrn tl:- nllxi'.;- i-n. cn|di,| „f fyi.H Julie of any the fart that these bulb* are KetUng
inn ;i l.ufi ie,| lukius dish, ei.ver i;,-; ii.ri.-j i.-.lor,-d. Si-rv.- w'lli ilct- n-jidy now for next iu.aiuMi'* work, and



sure they nre kept out of the nmcb

giiilrd ehe.Toke oil the tire, siir :

Jhm^ tkt eHHfa UhU

of the elotiies

plant* In. away tn a eqtbBT^or cloaet
In foim root* at their Itlaure

o’. 1 ii-t- .e-nu ding to dlK-rlluiis for | figs. Have rvady u amoilb sauce luiide culiuie a* it to la all tbifigs.
l.lalii boiled rice, tli'-n . iidd enough i l.j lih-iidlllg over the fliv om- Ublto
Afierflbwiuf^^low tlwm lo remain
II ilk 1.1 rii-li
while -iig-k- lo make .•
of eonisjureh, two tiibb- In a wafftf pfare'-off the new lulxitm-. :il-o one hnif ciifiiiil oi ^|...,|,iqto-of.huiter, oni-balf vu;ihd of bulb, wliich will havi^IiToed at the

one of'lhe kernai1s;,ir tie- milk dass |-.,1 v.iili grafi-.i t il. .se uioi -iiitid in a: raid suius- Jioi..
1 steady live........ nil ' si'-i' .ind tin- rli-u-.- '
111 -. Snow llulto--Midd plain iKilb-d
not flam-, the com Is dame.
1.11. lop to u delleale iireuii m nibtr
' n< e |ii .-hieII iut.*, and. when cuhl,
u a ftyltoh
Hie.- Ih.irtdgi-.-WBsb the require-! i -;n ...... j-: .-.'eu.ers f-u Indliidaiil lu-rT
or wax I
cooking (
qii.intllv Ilf ric- chan -.dol -iKik ovei
l-re|mre a i-.'istuM of the fidluw
them -on ihc bins.'' os the Germans
alwny* d.i but after Ir.-lng tills ni-’iho,!
It of fr-nh, >
ree ihiii there w-eins to I»/

appetiilng. Place cm the range and
n better flavor than when tli-se i.-ite.

Huckleberry Tea Cakes.-Slft toge­ when the llqold begins lo boll, ihicken
labh-* are siia|,p<d or nil oft sirulghi
• A tough ao open, froe and fair.
ther three copfola of sifted flour, three with a lal.lesiHmnful of corn-rtarrb
atro». If the Wii* s,-e;ii lough wnen
• TwUI make a cimahlne rvery.nfols of baking-powder,
which has luum nr»t moisu-ned
sect from Ihe market, plaiv ibi-ni In

miul tff aalt and one braplng cold water. Tak.- front the fire and
the Ice chest or hi cold water to ertop
Ublespoonful of sugar. Add one well- add the Juice of one lenuni. Set on
Uji; then, with a shan' knife cur off
iKJolea egg. one and one-hsif cupful* ice until thoroughly chilled and serve
the ends and remove ih-- sinncs-. rm
sweet milk, and mix the baiter un- ot, chipped Ice in lliUe ptoasv-t with
ilie lui.vns fiom the U>ii ifwaid you in
perfcctly tree from lurope. Then wafer* fur the first course at luncheon
thin slanting pieces not mon- than
stir In two ubiespoonfuls of melted or dinner.
one Inch long, pbre In keitb- of l•oi^
Cherry Shortcake—Make a sponge
There to no one who does not desire butter, and two cupfuls of flonre.1
Ing waler lo cook until lender. Hole
good bealth. Too few of us. however, huckleberrira. Bake in hot buttered cake of three eggs, one cop of sugar.'
irudy one mundlug ioMes|u«nful bul
fvm tins or patty pann In a quick oven. one cu|i of flour, tw-o Ublesitnonfulii of.
atop to think of tbe old adage.
ler. one-feiirtb tetispiKinlul |>i-piu-r. one
ounce of prevention to worth a pound I when done, split quickly. s|>read with hot water and one and a half of bak-|
I level teasi>;>nnful
rcasiKUiniui salt,
sail. om-tmirlh
I'm-iimivii leai,-a.- until we f^e* the giving up soft butter, aprinkle over shaved
polat and are obliged to send for tbe maple sugar, put together again, and
witbo-it whipdoctor. Wo use our will power ss
filial till- water und ptoee »n the butthen vrith chopped clterrles lhal ha'
whip for our tired bodies until nsto re iwd creem.
minutes' or until
at last rebela We any that there to
Huckleberry Fingers—Beat
lieen sweetened.
Pm one layer i~,
A eupliil of hut
ao much work to do that we cannot cream one fourth ci»pful each of buUeC (be other and Ufft with whole pitted -a.
cream added will Le t.eind a delloio is
aaatefa a tew mlnuiee Id tbe eoorte of and sugar, add one egg slightly beaten, fi-ult fprlnklert with sugar. Before
extravag-ance. |,ui when thi>- to not m
the day te eompleto retoxaUoo, and one fourth of a leaspoontul of lumon aenlng .cover with whipped cream
Ih,- had. a rreara sauce made dl w!li>
yet we UW. deep In our heerta. that extract and floir to maho soft dou^. heaipcd high. Uiu* making a luMuiifui;
will make a luilatalilc di-h.
dellclotiE dlsb.
the time to bound to come eotmer <rf Spread over a shallow- buUered tin
IP-an* cook.-d simply in wai«-^ and *.ilt
CberTF' Betty.—Batter a deep link
tote, wben ti»e orervorked body, re­ and bake quickly in a hot ov-en. Cut
somewhat wishT.w.isby,
laxed and nmdosrn. will becanse ot in strips about five Inches lonf and ing dish and put to, layer* of rtoocdl
From our Soulh-rn cooks we find'
that ooodlUan become a prey to some (our wide, roll up and (HI with sugared cherries and bread crutii*. the fruit
first Hbi-rally spritikUid wlib sugar.] he cnmblnallou of bacon and iM-ans.
aente disease wWi* it could casllr hucklcU-rrti-s.
pood one. A piiH-e of tiacon I- cisiked,
Huckleberry Shortcakr—Make s nutmeg and eocoanut; add cherry
bsve reetoted. it wr- bad but exercised
Ih.- latter -shen
a tittle common eense In our dally good biscuit efust. Lsring It a* soft a* Juice i-uough to moisten and cnims with the brain
a few of whit* are aa ftrilows:


••I’eruns has rar.-il me of catarrh,
I ti.r. veteran ~,ldler of the civil
If las-ated in thekidorys or tdadder it promineot lirand Army man and comcao work mil day. eat bemrty. aleep
men. ami mv dlgesUoa la all rfrfct. prodoax-s urjnarv dlamtdcre.
■oiiwlerof the oldret poat In th* United
I was Cot able lo do adsy's work tosi
IfiDlbeliowa-lsttderangcaibelMiweli. kutea^ John A. Kawllna Pest Ko. 1,
year. I candidly f.-.-t that using your
Caurrh Turdicine. Inorder |..U efTee- ‘*"PAt*“'’“*
til* Potomac, Grand
im-dicluo was llir means of saving my
Ive. shaiulaJ tae an Int.-mal remedy, and .
“•* Republic, write*:
life. I lind it is Justwhat iilst.-.-om- nut a W.I appllaratiuD.
IVruna —
wa* r.-.,nam.nd.ul
recommended to me by
' " ‘'•■ron.
mende<l 1- to-.and 1 ajoak in hlglteU
maoy of my auociates and I have given
praise of Panina. I si,alt nIt a fair trial. Have tonod It a tnoet .
ta.r many j c
IS A.Nelso
fry in l.uiftjr is another methiel. in
itgreeeule end elTecuve t«Dle,pleaaant
ra-medy. It opersla* tiifaugliout Ilir
MWtliing, aud leave* one free from the
which insUiiirt- the |»ng radish Is used
. ltt-nefll«*ilarrha.f the
-flea-u praidueed by the
instead of Ihe luHim vniyty.
tlio oame a« catarrh aif tbv
many niotram. naiw on the market. I
Celery and rucuiuU-r boiled anti
Jiave suffered from eaiarrbal allllcUens
fried in butler will In biimd
the past w 111ta-r. and have famnj Paruma
petlxlng uildlllon lo ibt^iem 1. 0«-Iery;
Whcnany-.inebs-catarrhof tile WonThe Family Rcitoa M Penna.
ku gnuiii or celery. In bi-owii sauce, is! cliLJ iuto-< ilii-y are o,’i i|uiit-iK>api t
what it be* dune fur mr.”
A. Iluwlll Niekcriaa.n, Cepl. U. 8.
good: Ibe fuilage may to- minced for' ra-eognisc tba-ir IruubU ss cstarrli, alRdlevea MM aad BMy.
Cliough llie.e are a great many people Army. .Adjutant tia-na-ral dn General
toup. there U no ni-ed that any tsirt
Hr. G. W. AVuudbory. Roger*, Obh
w iioU-gln toappre- iate Ue- fsel thalcx- M,-i'H.k'e staff, w-rlta-ai from thef'i-nim.
of this vegetable to- w-ast d.
IB .and
larrh of the
Building, tYasIiingion, P.C..asfoIlovrs:
In some wwjions ol the co-iiuiy! create a c-ui
"li affords me great pleasura- to rc- Hiram '
gret-o cstrn Is In fine condition' tills;
a-aimmend IVrtma a* e'mo-i cxeeflenf i •rtte.:
month. In selrcUng it at ilie mnrkei ' to tia« place In the l«.ly wberatlicca- ttmie mlth many medkinal quai/dea
••When Imdy and mind
_ . .____ '
___ ..._l________
an ■__f____1 _______ w
see that the silk at tin- end Is blown* urrb to |,s-atc-d. CxUrrh derange* tii'e
ious il)-- u HI. which the luiniin fani- ut peruna rt-sinred Itiei atrength and Inand |•Utmp. T.inij fuaetlon ofaiij a.rgan.
1 1-often allUeiud, and to alw-ay* iu vlgnraisd quirkcr and more pcrsiaIf tbecaiarrii I- in tbeaia>maciilt prolack Ihe busk
|a-pil) ihau anything 1 knuw "
daic • ily-pa ii-iat.
mill Into the kernels, if ilia- skUi is

>cauae of the saved strength.
When Ctwmes arc Ripe.
After a good idiSifB sleep, do not
hurry to rise In tbe morning, unless
Northern. Hirlilj:im lias Ix-on more
This in spite of old—and (onmiate this year than the i
May Ue a abadow ot great woe and
foolish—maxims to the contrary. A the world, In that it* fruit ci
^ lenda-r and ihe milk flows (n-el... li to
A Imrdea aura of earttiog care and mtle rest, or sleep. In the early morn­ large and of excellent quality,
ing may do more good than the whole the severe frost* have killed fruit all good corn. Just u* w«ui as the corn l.iicely into Ih.. family dh-iary during
over the country. Cherries were never cainies (root the market, huskli. !a-uv- ■he summer iiioiiths.
Ha stores HIB pramtoed atraogtb.
Another. ''Ilttlo thing” with hlg re- more ^litiims than tbey are this sum- liig the inner layer of husks on, but
Not ihr bust liitne rlcv h;.‘ to com. and while fresh one* can be oto ra-wving all silk, tha n pm It iu the
SDlU. irom which one abould always
But at the manna f«l
to. reading tin-' tainrd. the following recipes will add ire-cb»l until rendy to cook. Al this wife Is Hie readiness with which It
■Mh day fran beavaa.
Strsngih for the Day.

Met for amne future yean
Within wboae mUty length

IS not a trace of <-a:»utbceiutiunlli


A Prrity Salad.-S^ect Mood be«tt

I 1

of untfonn aixa.



tendra and

put in Ice box for a while. Skits tha
make •- Ti.i vtii - of a. In ri'-li si.i.dy bwiiii. I plant Uu-tn from becAB. cot off a allce from atem and
Jri.p I’ Wti ;i .'toKiii..'WO to thiM- .iiu-li-' a|iart. arv-ordtnc that they may atand firmly, remove
srld-l!'with' i>, si»-. rov.iiiii: >li.m an Inch deep ceoter* until you have only hollow
Film il.-- la.jl well about red sheila.
Fill with risegar taUl
-Vu' ts’i cupfuls '.r thi-m. and wirt.-r wMl. at ptoJiting lime, needed.
ftKir out vlne^r when
t lander, add lut rather spariniJy ih-'-reafter. Aim ready to serve and Dll heaping full ot


loffoir two-teaspoon-. i« l;---’p i: ni'i;.i; at
a powder



-i-e beaten egS .rtdk* wUfajtoixe*. isitfcuir wIiMi.ver you



all crisp, (topped celery and mayoiutaiM

cot frofo

Put on tup c( each a ring

hant-botted , eg*


Pages r to 12

.................. 2?|qalckes tbe aplriUial life of these City laat evening
ed by CbItT Ashton last evening The] Kew Yohi. Aub. 14-The railroad
loeldewtal Mutl*.
....................2 iuteretatias people and to point out o'clock this monlne. Tbe trains were robe was taken frt>m the pbi'SicUn'H - leleBraiifaerw. to.i**) strons. will piobm»Ur;n
One afteni.oti a eoople from Wa qdnot o* crowded as usual the number eulter in the wlnt.-r of ]S»i| while Ajally I,- forced to J.dn the sirll
Do tht p««pl< wont an alaetric railjmolng icxvu luvsoutcd ibemwelTM to
Only «« votta w«rp ca»l.
Han principle* to the every day ex-, of people KetUDe off here wn* not at wa* standing on Eleventh rtrswt.
| the Cienierclnl ..|-rat..r« as
a Itosiuu diiiue ami asked to bw mats
lierienois uf life.
■ i large as usual. Tonight the flrxl train
Ara thar willina to
Uta Cartar
I'lil.ii, i,j, cuitmcls wit)
rlwJ Ju*t a. h. was about to eottp tba
Tha paepla of Travcrta City have
llmt-of «!•“ ixftlo* *111 InGerman Pieiiie.
Canttrwetlan aampany a aiaty
I rallnKPls and
ibai they handle ^Iplt lo .Hindu,1 au afteraoon aerrlcw.
In today's election shewn by decisi
I o'clock, ;
A German picnic will be h.-ld at
uimuirr rt,.|,eJ that be legrattad
vote that they want a street railway
land Ruuduy next and a number of lo­ I The- Xew York fVcInii has tisw-d that hevoiiu 1,01 at ihalBona-nt cama natural e
ivmieUuie In ih« niaht.
Traverse City. The ballot was an t
Tha vata TuaaSay aattlaa
wiih tMr wisb. but tbwt Immedi­
cal Gemuins un- gulnc. A Irwin will j.ia;-n!c!n« s.-iving U;ui if Its o|M-raiora
oRiclal one, but nevertheleaa diatm
exhorUtinns of these null
quaatlen arithaut olaputa, tha aantllly declarvc.
Has Bought Show.
leave the city at x::ui o. m. Sunday ,do n.s want. i.. l.uiidl.- t\,-stem I'nlon ately u)«i. tbe con.lusioB of the serw.
preachers ih.H captivati-K even tho '■
would take pUw.nrv In perform.
been some ditfercnce .
A. E. A*klnw>n. wht. omducled the
UiinUt.-e and ih.eai who desire to Imsliiess tliat liiey will not I.The objaetars ltd in tha First ward, opinion among the aldermen at to the who cajinol Inlerprei th*- laneuaae.
liiB Ibe o-tvmotjy. The lovers, after
to IWand sl.ouid get off at FOuefa l-dled.
The Rev, T. C. Thiimaa. whose In­ recent diamond conicvt f„r the Even­
wisdom of granting a tiaty
demun-iig. whiUhI tbeo.selves tn tto
there baiitg aialaan there, but
ing Record In this city, has piirrhnaed
ih.-. biircli, Wlwn tin- miniate
was ellstt by_i41 who favored i
Detroit Working,
Company for a street railway
tbe TTieatomm at fecanabu from F. which connerie with the train. Rebad finlsbe.] tbe serrlee he made Ibw
Odunuh. Wia., whose arrrlce* wer
the Second, thera were five objeetori’
— —'th an interurban much enjoyed Isnt year. Is expected to T» Shuter of this oily, who some
tk-iridf, Ml.h,. A«E. H—lakit* h.-re folhiwlng aniiouoivmcni; "Tbe partlcw
turning, the Leelanau will leave Le.
and ISO in favor, while in the third, line. The decitlon
submit the mat
to be Joiard la matrimony win
Mevan people voted against the fran- ter to the voice of the people however be present tlirouBbiwl the camp ineei- lieger.
present UNmseK.s at tbe ebaooM Imtrain hack foi Tnivt-rae CK> at Kuneh. strike, rhe \V.«tem Union aur
evanKellstlc lorce 1»
hae ahown the eatent el public eenti
Ghtaa and 2S9 for
Ibn-tal im- l««h han.UIng hu»liun.s mid medlaiely aft.-r Ibe aloBlag of hjijin
meni upon thia propeeilien. It will be
The Bscanaba Mirror In speaking of
Souls Tbat IXHwm of
error in laaT evening's Record leav­ Been by the voice in the various wards hlms«-ir. I'nlon Ohl.-r McAr.ll.- said
The Hev John
,rf Omhiia, a Mr. Shuti-r states that he has made
Uauvunr “
Dog Lest Ta.l;
ing SOO off this ward's affirmative that the majority In favor of a eiirty
vljKMniis and Inlen-MlnE preurher. aoil inany frli-ads Jo the nonhem eliy and
Ri-siiliinK from t<«> luuiiiiar assorln-' day lliul b.- nisl.l ur>- Is., nu.rt- n
veto. In the Fourth ward. 108 favored year franehiae is overwhelming,
the fallhful and efficient interpn-rer at^ that the amnsetnenl place bus steadi­ on with a BUM.llne engine, Shep, in.-;-------- - --K and flvt objeettd. while In the Fifth figuree shovring only 39 sgsinat
Tttno to Quit.
mission, and wn-erul other Indian ly BH.wn In iiopiilaHty la-cans.- of the H doK of Mrs F- hails of South Union }*
five wsrde and 86S
“7^“---------.bvt two didnt favor tha propotiUon
A newly ealUied flremnn of only
preachers, will uiki- pait In the ser- hilA hliindard of the Mils. The Mirror' street, U minus a [airtion uf his Mil i
favor of it. The vote aUndt aa
vand 207 did.
Bvriagr pin.-k was •ervlsg at bis Aral
also Hs-alip^vcry hlghiy of .Mi At­ and mueh of his dignliv. '
I T.«
i« i., ts- punlshisl by
This 0<vae a majority of 82S in fa­
fli*. Bad th.- chief rushed up lo bint
Favoring the Franchise:
In adillUmi to tbe servlow in the
end Bbouted; "kbln up tbat ladder to
Mr*. FJIIs went launch riding with
vor of tha projeoL
Indian laninuige. tbe foIloaioE white citizen.
party m Umis Culman's launch and!
b-Yon.iuu a the ciBhJh atWT. crawl along tbe ccrCon. Con. Raturna.
nU-e to the foonb window, drop dosra
preachers are expected to be present
Bbep went aloug. %\-hen out in lhe|.!!’
The rets over the gpuncy i
■ police Ibis merrutiK and' spent three atorka and catch that woolen
durinc the melinR: tbe

triet on the eonsUtutlanal eo
siderable dlspleaaure
Hen jou see amoklng there, .wiB4
a lew hourii In nu-dllainti !>-hlnd
Rev. R P. Bennett. I). D.. patilnr of
dcipgatss wat light and the returns
art Of some of the peninmia top sisnvl Ihe canine wagged his tall, liars. The K->.tirs.|.l Ik>v liv.-s with yourai-ir along to tbe BmHiod window
Cnns Avenue M. E. ehnrth. IVIrolt, ii
that tbe red j, coming hwA
pranatyoteompleu. Enlusivc of Kalwbo say that a lurE" niimlwr flipidns It Into Ihe couirilngs of the Ills niolbi-r nn Slal>- >
pulpit alililiy will pivacli
kaaka and Sanaie eounttes, the
of Ihe wealthier fanners are ntK Itv- shafL The opiH-nduge was rapidly lias almost no coiiti.i] .o.-r him. ac broak the (dans and go In and learM
uo Sunday, the ISth. The Ref.
those three ..Id ladles. WrtL what
'rrend''"^ *'>’
regarding the cut wrapped uIksH the macblmvy and be­ cordlng 'o the story mid tie- iiollce. the tlcuro are too walling forT' "F«
f-N-nnison. presidlud elder
fore the engine could be stopped ha:.'
TraV.Tse district; the
pen and Ink. air." aald the new man.
of it was gone.
ttiits ire ina nslgfaber tins morning. “I want to hand In my rvalgnatMe.''Whilfau of Harbor Springs; the Rev.
He was located at Hie tj. H. g- i. q.v
temperaocn ev
Otath of Mra. Chappal.
s muy fidluw.
■ giving iTib-f Ashieii a m.-rry
getlKt of Crvenvllle and tbe Rev,
Klugsley, Mlcb.. Aug. 14—ilr*. Su­
Charcoal an AmideU.
e thneiuh Imns and amiin.l Isnt
R. Maynard, pastor of the W,
Rope Co. Failed.
san cbapim-l. aged S4 yt-ara. s mootbs'«-;„ Is-for.- he waa Bnally caiighl.
Ja|>aue*e physlclaiia decUro It It inchiirch Ml N'orthport, ore expected for
New Haven. Conn.. Aub. 14—The
poasll.le for Internal poUonIng to oc­
■ day. w-i^ buried Jhls after-j jVddle bus I-h-u lm,dlca..^
or«- services. l*rof«
cur If twwdcied chtrroal be awalbiwed
Ptqie klanuf.-icluring compuuy today
Her .lealb .wcnrrvMl MondayIt Stuart of Bvanslou. a member of lassed Into the hands of rvreiveni.
4» Boon ea the gnalro Inteslinal dtomenlnE,
(be Joint commission for preparation doe to tbe Inability of ihe conijiany to
tnrbaure Is fell. French phyaidana
Where ahe has made her home for the
,^e evening
hare Iroted tbe power of charcoal and
w-curi- accommodallons al the l•anks. past fifteen or alxleeu years. ^
prov.d that It la tbe moat actlva of alt
AIlKTt Pope was apidiliuisl receiver
walilns for ihe police have dlstarlwd known anUdulen. The charuoal ronat
lu New- Y'ork. . ’

Lodiaell toeelved 192 votes which puts
bis *IiimlM-rs in Wllllsni Miinvll'* he taken aa Boon as Ibe polaon taken
Indian Camp Moating.
Meals may be bad at the large e
Th.. Travers.- City T.-nl No. IJ
begina to show Its off.-cl. and tbe dsaa
him a an equal foaUoc with the olh
The aonnal ciunp meeting of the lug lent, which will be In rhaiite
must l« laige. Oharraal U In do way
T, M. bud a liouBowaru.iug and Inor esBdIdataa. Tbe Record wa
Northport Indian mlsaloa
M'm. McUackivi of NorthporL Order
inJortouB, and as much as a a
ShabBlial, Auk. 14—News' of an illau-il ib.'lr new quarters on the third ■Im.*. ..r late.
OMBBMUdeaUon aereral times
Method E-plBcopal church will be held and quiet will U* malnlalm-d by Ihr earthquake of tidal wave Is anxiously
r of the Hariok lilock last evey
on the beauUful camp grounds. In
Help Wanted.
exi>elced here. Violent seismic dlsThe time wa* sju-nl in danchiE
grove ovedlooklng Grand Traverwe- The camp meeting nminilltee la aa turi,anri-s have occum-d and the ca­
"HelprInspeciinB the ball. Horwt'i ara.1.A Oratt NlghL
bay. near Northport. Mich.. beglpnlnR rollows: Fresldent. Joseph Pedon- ble ceall-s to work.
was eyiptgiHi fur the evening and
TTiai's Ole call now coming from the Jeoes-noe time we bad at tha dob
Friday evening and closInR on Sunday qult; Seeretiin'. the Rev. Floyd H.
tbe crowd
cannliiK fa.-tory.
lanalkhl. ebl lirowB-Vou twtl Did
evening, August
MuynanI; Tnosurer, the Rev. Julm
Perhapa Earthquake.
? wn.wl diirine Two thuusaiiit flve bundivd'cans of TOD get lioDie all ttgblT Jonm—Na I
This Is tho great meeting place of JaeolMi: Jim WotiglsUng, VTIIIam Bly lly Wire to the EvenlDg Record.
slrlnE Iswuh are iH-lug plW in the waa Bireat.Hl bef.iro I got tbere. and
Ihe Indian iieople of northern Michi­ Joe. John Big Joe, John Cobh.
apent tbe iilcbt In tbe police autloa.
. ShaoBhal. AuU. 14-The empnwa
warehouse dalty.
gan. who come long distsnera
dowager has announced lier liiirntloD
The' Strike.
All six cookers are BoitiB, ibKibling Urown-Iaivky dog! ( reaebad bomarLondon Taller.
Uclpate In ihls -Foast of Tabernacles."
Eseuraiona Coming.
III abdlcal<i on the C'liines,- new year. Hy Wire 1.. the Bvenlng Reconl.
; U>e cupiiclly of this d.-|iartment ..ver
II la tho event of the year to many of
Aug, 14—Judge Undl* to-ihwl yrar's w.irk,
\ Net a Gulet Oraaaar.
them. anUclpsted for monlha befc
Mayr Abdicate.
iday swore to a Brand jury to liivrotl- Three luin.Ired and flRy wotiH-n i.nd
Mt*. A—Your bntbaad Mwaja
i.viiy iiiis niormug. i ne esriiraino was
After beloB lost to Ihe owner, nr.lE-..t.' tbe Ctileago & Alton rebal.- EiHs ar<' wotking on tbe rough slock dTOMta *0 qol.-fly. Mra. Ij.-He dOH
Iroaile up of four sertiuna of alsyit six O, E, CliHK.-. for three- y.-ars. a bufTa-lcaws. He then ooiillnued jiroeiKdliigS! "i>d ’I'c roauuKeni. nl want* more. noL You ouda to hear him wbao ba
Tho punioiie of tho tn.-eting is tojcoach>-s each. The first nrrlvt-tl in tli.r..lM'. now ..f blub wil.i.', was l.wal-ji,. S.-pl.
jniid of il. *
tosea a collar butloe. — ClrreUnd





No matter what tbe price is, the quality is alwaj's good.

^ Last Chance
Wash Goods
... ON - - -

Look at tbe three spefelals at

Half Price
5 cts.
Wehiveulten all ihe
beauti^ colored wash
goods tbat are left from
our summer stock that
we have sold thousands'^
of yards at 10c, and place
them on sale today at

5 cts.

6i cts.

17i cts.

Those beautiful sheer
lawns, in figures, stripes
and dots that were our
best selling fabric all
summer at
be cleaned up at less than
the price of calico.

Wash goods that rival
silk in beauty, permanent
in color and lasting in
wear, fit for the best
Better wash
goods have never been
produced or sold for 30c
andS-icyd. NOW-

6ic yard

The Hannali & Lay Mercantile Company
Our Big Midsummer Shoe Sale
Begins Saturday, Aug. 17
Fully two months more of hot weafber and yet we are going lo seU everY pair of


Oxfords at Big ReducUons

Our warmest weather is yet to come Yvhen you will need them and they are worn with gaiters in cold weather •
We havcreduced the price early so you may get the benefit of thsm. and we will not carr>-over a single pair

Nothing Held Up in This Saie Except the guaiily



All this season s styles of Oxfords in patent leather,
gun metal calf and kid that composed our S3 and
$:i 50 lines. All in
O y| CC
one lot at......................... ......................... iC.40

Here is
for the girls—Patent Leather and Kid Ox­
fords. Girls, they make your feet look smaller. The
price will look smaller Saturday—

These are from our $->.50 and 53.00 lines. These sold
so well that we are out of some sizes, but may have
your size. We only ask that you
1 Qfi
see them. Sale price ........................... «..A*570

Children's Oxfords and Slippers at
50c, 69c, 75c and 89c

In cither patent leaiher or kid. We sell them at S1.T5
and 'J.OO. but here
they go lor only .



Coolest, cleanest, cheapest shoe a lady or child can
wear. They aregood now and will'ije for two more
months, but they won t be good when the snow i!ie>.
We will accept a LITTLE PRICE. It is so small we
are ashamed to put in print.

$1.10 and 1.20

Men say they never attend a bargain sale, but watch
how our Men's Oxfords that sold at $4 00 and
4.50 go w&en the women tell them wd
Q A r|
are selling the same ones now at ..............
Those that sold for S3..'0
will be offered at.......................................... ^•VO
A table of odd pairs that sold at $iL50.
sale price............................................


1 Tic per yd.

Thew prices will do the teliiog oo short order. Be wise and economical.
better and save money.


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company

Of cours€ there will be a crowd and we will not be able to greet every' one in our usual
way,^t we will wait on you the best we can. We guarantee the price will discount
the service. Come and wander through our Big Store, use al! the conveniences and
comforts, have Madam Smith teach you howto be beaustful—it will not cost you a
cent—and then buy shoes and be happy.

Tk Hannali & Lay Mercantile Company


ttanil -Trarcisc Heiald

a the fCMie of the
nnr m» a«i. a abUw of Ik* tat- ditvtnc park.
peph operaton of the eoiiBtiT VooM
There will be a

tfcMilw « »iww Okr.
etve aty oemmaiv
trade aad comioeroe. bat a ttrtfca todar Beaaa oot oolp a blev to tfe

yon to bnni
A» Ibe yo
tbe shop sbe turned

duairle* of (he ecuolr? but to tb# Borwilt
FrHimltiary arraacemenu
iMt at trell. aa the ■oreTB
depebda Urpelr on the tHefra^ la made for atartlnc a Botiday tebool.

in pase<
o ber c

Olarfc t Bemua have moved their
barber shop from bnlOB street to tbe

buUdlBC Xeemeriy occ^led by Quick
slier. OB Ibe comer of Ftoat aad


Cass atiweu.
-loe means (Sat thousands of
The W. C. I. U. will have a picnic
pie will be Inoonreoeieiicnd i
thooiasds more will auBer actual Iobs. la the etnre at the comer of Spruce
mail service of tbe country la faM and Bay atreeta toskorrow atlemooo.
la hoped that all members aad tbeir
and efdelest but In this age. i

CakM and as
“Gntmany is tbe Uud of vartely In
aaosaaea and cakes." said William
Georae Bmcc. "When I made my visit
to that CDtntry recently 1 took oecnaloD to eat at tettauranu In practically every city 1 came to
t am not
stretcblnc II a bit wl

TnrHem thmugb tbs Byctan desMt
I] haas seep bones weep from IhlrsL a
1 male hss be.m
i« .-ry from toe
llpatoa of rn
f,«i. and cumel*.
>'« Is aakl. ,W. ,,.:r i;, ;.,«,mv. A
cow aoM I) it-, u.!.tress wbo had
tended it fr m .-jlf.i.. k1 wei.t plrtfollj-.
A yvunc ..-L- ai«. itseO t. . ry from
vexaikm If l.litoc’ lUlii't uurm II
to bu srms wtiro ll a>ke.l biui ta.
WouniW n|--» have
,tv1ux. ami
apes have wept over lb. ir .veous ostee
slain by btnii-r<. ,\ •'_,iai.anx4v train­
Ftoat Wednesday's Record.
Bnyen were as scarce as hen's ed to ■■arr? wji.-r Jiic. looke one
I B-vrylng wbb-li prored sorrow,
teeth on Ibe market site today. He
though It wout-ln't tbe Jug Hats,
cherry season Is over aad they
diaroTi-rlRg their .voneg druwu.vl, hare
now luralng to other fields of U
been moved ta i-nr* ..f grter. A giraffe
berries, apples, elr
wbl-b a bunuiuan'-. nBe ha.l tulored
There were twerity-nlne h. ad
tvgsn to .-ly wlien appnv,it..vl Sea
Uve slock weighed up <m the m

bine more rapid is demanded- Tbe families will be pr«
Queen atr Sewinx Circle No. S72
kmc dlatance lelepboDC b aa aid In III meet Wtlh Mrs. WlUlsin Krun. too varieties of atutaaes on tba Mil <d
bot with the pnialyslac .of tele"
OMlr* ProgrMt.
yedterday ind ten l-odr uf hay.
1104 a D^h tomorrow I
tears trickling down
entpb service tbe lone distance
^«Mrrd4r’« UBOCDcUl rota npciB Ui»
"The same bolds pood of rakes,
Tlmsa MsatotUna am saratolly esdying elephant. And e,.-o an oreng
panleo have met srltb ouch a ntab of
enter a restaurant or a bakery la wbl-rb mstod wmry day. Tha laesl ma>
rmnr fnnehlM «m ma Mnpiutle
rratniig wbeo deprived of ttv oisnrs
busloest that delhya ensue.
«f the people of Traeprae
pfteas am suppllsd by local daaisN
nas so vexed Hist ll t.«.k to weeptag
Now that the operators of tbe i
srIU set before yoo a S|iei1aJIvdeslc^i
r^Mlee to cnattnc • fnn^lM
ITis asttsUe qusuiiona by wirs,
There It llttta douW. tborsfure. ihrt
rake boWer on whieb the aevrrsi ,
try have seen III to leave their keys.
slippsd from otosr papsra sd Um
ta-tbe Cuter CatutracUOn compur
nellKitlonal Coiivantioi:,
Ibe covemmenl should uke tblncs la
, f0{ a irm ct «Utr t«*h. Tbe people
band and eadeavor to seuie tsatterj
«I^Tr«T0f»e atr erldetitly Ae«lfe that
want wUho-jt dlaarranclnc the wi
Evelulien ef Equiiw Family.
•llteaa. l%e lust In rerennes to
a^racrewiT* poller be pursued le the
loibliilr. are larug made to
Determined efforts te and tbe nii
Ibe complanlea is'offset by tbe de­
rant.cosloma In Germany that stnKk cherry buying No car was shipped
Mdopawol of Trarefsc Cltr and ibr
Deacou KUen Ubby
U, .:gton 1 Genuau) sod are scU t>. have afi.
ak In tbe erolntiua of tte borar
creased salary list and will be qaiekme as out of ibe ordinary. While per
nlgbt and none will go unUI Sat­ Uw. was a Biau u( rugged v-i-iue* xn.l vantage* over toe tnelal aud enaateb
llg tenltoiT. Bonte of the memben ol
beli« made bj an expedition from tbs
Ir made up when business la tvtumed.
haps a doaen rakes an- set before you urday evening and that will probab­ Indomluble will. Koine wmiv-rs ag.* Ibe iwlurlpal uur bring Ibnt Ibey ai«
titi eouBdl base been Tetr otBsarrancaa Hsaeum of Nainral Hisiosy. M cbooae fTO€n._you only pty for tba
The 0|wratorm at this time of year.
wblle working In bl* wo.d lot he eni ■ mD. li . b-siwr. Tbr.v are made la u
ly be tbe Inal one from h>-re f<
Up* .relative to tbit propoalllcn, and
which 'rveently arrived la Booth Dw sxnet number yon set Wtmg yon
■ tot Boiler to any crval extent by
ala foot bedJy. luit. I>ainlaglnc iu i solid plrt-a aud ooe .-an la- lunwd out
tMb eonaerrsIlaiB baa been shared br
keta. says tbe New Tort Herald. 1
done with your haebeou tba waller easoD.
taklnc a raeatloa, biit tbe craat hss
wouinl roufbl) aud pultlug su-.w ‘.Bl}| couipvte lu ahoBi five mlnulvs.
Tbe price remains at *1.50.
«*W boilDMa men. bot there haa|
aunc out sf that gap wonid be
Will Count up wbat is TcmalD*nc aad
bis bout to stop tbe bleeding, to tbe people of tbe country
b«n a verr Slnmt seotlmeBt feceotl:
BCblevviinDt in paleonlolocy which ebarce yon tor the dlffereoce."The Mwi In toe Tvreet.
ued at bit work until ulgbifsll
Mn] who are dependent on tbe lelecrai^—
wattkeo BentlneL
btafaror of the Carter Ooastruetio
twr sr* 4r*4
rvlste. be took .vkL and ■l-nib raRecord.
-n.r> are t
C^paar'a proposiilcio. It li realicet
sulbd a few days Uler. .1 tocnl .-brnr>f tl- t-.g-e s-rantarw haul
bogs. 2,530, 10 to Joc bigher■e.u
bf the pMple of tbe ottr feaermll]
s thuoSer ibrsllt
men s ficnic
o. dvit. llviugh |«-are vai
mIrenlUw In the search for a perfect pbysIHao Is dednltenesa of dlrw-t
I Uie <-uml.-rUuf
tkit a atreet rallear .«Kb loteforliar
Tbe Trarerve Oty Bualnem lien's
fossil aketeten of tbe sbinM retralred To prsaertbe a dsse "once In so u(t
House It
assaclatkiD will hold a Me ptealc at M complete iJw chain.
Is (u Mare a wide margtu of cbai
>l Of Traverae CUp a
pbpltr Polnt.on Boardmaa lake. Thurs­
There have been fonnd on tbls cos- eapeclaUr If Ibe drug be a puleui oue.
Ibe iKitel ngister from dny to day of
<n«Dd Trareraa refino than asjr bthe
day. Auc. >2 OBd all tbe buelneea men tlsent a few small bones and leeUi of LM U te hoped that Ibe guwl luau
luesl eveala—tbe wcalber. etc. In bis
aNMit MpnaatUpda
of tbe city should shut up shop for this prlmlUre bona which has beM wbuae prescHpHoe Is quoted beluw
Hirualvlc of tbls tad event be ultbed
ooterprlae of thU kind, backed the oae day and attend this picnic. chUad tbe paraflppta. bat no eped
to luAlcale tbal Descoo Ubby's death
kfeaffteleiit capital and the enaro This plcnk will five the merchaau -----------snOcIcatly psrfbct to eMaMUi sic acid. Tte letter U taken frum
was uauM-eraaty. rbe fallewtog may
• typa bavB y« b
"Iligbways'aud Byways lu Sussex"
be «eeu today oo oue of tbe old regia
tAbb charactarUaa lallinx pn>)ecti of the city aad Ibelr tamll
ace la tbs scale
ten at tbe Cumbertaud Iloura;
•TrUOa Utw. iPit
BDat peeeaaarUr brim
tbe dscior in aa bgllsh vUUge a
"Dea.«u EUeO LIM7 died today. Ba
l^adMal reaulta
and will give them aa opporuntly tor. hippui.
ceotaty agu:
cot fait foM badly, did DM bate Ib•ttoe
a aacb bdho
U directed.
eiebanglng ideas which will rasall In
Thrdbcb tbe eSoRl of Professor H«nMr. An«r«»s-1 ham sent you sows Short ust 0* pork, par bbl....ll.«d
wMiud attended to aad weut to meet
tifWld. ttader ordlaarr dreoBataacM mtiA baMtt. It will alao dve tbM' ty FattMd Oaben and otbar weD (hlnns which you may take tn Ih. manbit Gud DDcalM for."
bl ths fatto
outing which they can en>jy with kaowa sHtnUsia bam bom tmred Ut I»r loUowim. vk; at ibai to
marSad wiu. a
y-oe may tab. et it*
bat ihU paper reallaea that a praXc
quanUIy ol a apsoalul or so. no* anJ
«•-» "• **- ME
The Cestlaset Pieturo.
-of'ttala kind, banked vllh aurSelea
1^' <mnuns k'moa^wimtr’S^'stilr'^^
reatbesi idv-ture In
eMtal. aboald be doalt with verr ten
The pntrie dog hsv tbe taagalar hab­
spend In tbeir alorea.
j ^^or wUl be mCBcleU to demonstrate and In tha moroliis tak* i •i-uoiifuls nt
oue luliilvd by Rspbacl
thal la toa otbar bolUe, faallns an, bvur
alADalr. beeanae the reanlU cannot
dly tbia alio, the ramcbaula an tatcrmtlbg asd Important tbcivy of alur It, and then
DOW owned by Uie DiAe of Her), it of tiiakluc iisetf a fres'j bed erary
n yuu
you may
tnay m
aa>> snn,cit
b« be bepeBriklTrarme Clir
Tbe} always utru out all tbMr
am more closely allied in tbelr-inter-l evolutlim.
.lae sd tba Ursi and <
buruuito- 11 is known as tbe Bleobelra airti
old U-dJIug
ta Um tnora
bA anterioc a ata«« where a renewed e»ts than they are la a larger rity.
Ur. Albert Ihomsoo la ta charge .of Qtotat a pUl ai
Uadoona fraui tbe usnie of tba dnke's
1 hopa tola wUI
tl da
d. you saad
which b
atbt at prasreu will Mni rieb
altocu all. and for U>* «« P««y. aad three aaaii
palace. Tbe picture Is eight feet bigb
Wbat affects
him who la yuur lolut
Card of Thanks.
bare been aaaigned to aid him.
taika. «e hare abnodaat reeoui
aad ritweMU the Uadouu* and Cbild,
tbli iwaaon the)' aboald
Wl- wish to etprtaa our
be explored U aoutbeaat ef
<ui a Ibrooe. wlib tbe figure* of St.
I win be rnpMIr developed
la impotalble.
our frieads and nciHilKtr* whu so kind­
n» Bunday scboul teacber was cxtbe Black HlUs aad baa many outcropJobn Ibe Baptist and St .Vivbola* of ly aselstid IU. during ,.or sad tierravet ffadlltlea. We have fell
r^ transH
of tbe Trarerve aty iner- ptagsod tbe iowarmtwCBe period. Tbe plalutog tc bU ikolliab clam tbe parBari oo the left and rtiiit respectively, nient In the ileath t.f <nir beloved*
tte need
Id for
few at
aacb taeUlUaa for a
atile of tbe man wbo fell aiuoog
ebaau should dose u|i
explovrs wlU derote
ll owes It eiiurmoos raluatloo of more fathiv and the rntiM.llng word* of the
p of-ycara and thejHople of
thieves. Then he asked the elssa why
Thuivday and po to tbe Ug plmlc that mmtha to tbeir task.
tbal fSSUASW to tbe fact that it is ona pa«i>w BiMt for till- staging .-md brauUcafhnuikltr have endMtlr awab
It will look like Sonda)- In tbe dly.— aUtaoHtles wlib to complete the col­ tbe priest and Ibe Lcrlte passed by
ef the brat prearrved spertturus of tiil floral offerings
oo tbe other aide. SUenie feU-uutU
t«tke tael that we mM eserd
as rapldy
tU|>bael's work In exUteove.—Mtoua-‘
Mr* M.tHs How and family.
the small boy saM. "They knew be
a to tliat''l
■iMt of llberalUr t( we are to tectfre
spoils Jonrnsl.
stady aa Profsaaon Cope. Mardi aad bad been robUt already."
f adnialia of oataSde cepital. The
Oaben have attmeted tbe notice of
Uelghbors CM Foole of the people eapiwaaed at tbe Ftom Wadnesday'a ftoeord.
tbe adeotlEc worU by tbeir acbleves literally
coughing mys.-lf 1
. ... cougL
ik ywRerday. will doubtleaa linpreu
who baa been
mmtt to tracing the botva from tbe death.
had become
II very forcibly and the vUlUv her daugbier
pRBltlve type, tbe oMtlppaa, a foxilfce
my bed; and
il nkoold rcdoralxe tbe aentl
April, leaves today for ber borne In animal deven to<te to height, to tbe dieted that
______1 would
________ - - leave It
tooled, for thanks
Brunswick. Her son Austin goes with preaeat tboroagbhmd. Tbe teareb Is
- d, I waa induced to try Dr
of asptdal toteteal to tba United
ber for a visit ew Dtscovery.
It took Just
Hr. and Mrs. Fnuik Koch and cbllddollar bottles to completely
■n left Monday noon for Alterfown.
cum tbe oougb and rrstore me logoud
that all of his kind
:lad to tbe old"
sound bealtb," wrltw Mrs. Eva UnPa.. Ur. Koch's WtthBlaee. He bad
of lbs stesdi I
Grovertowh. Stark Co, iod.
been them doee dx years of age










nHlway and Intnrarbn Une and will spend nome Ume vlstUng re­
be a fact srttUa a very few latives about Oot. Ut
ilutaed of as nneertala proa-


A Plea Fee EnliaUn|.
Ko man who wui look carefully Into
tbe work of tbe army or of tba navy
the past few weekr left Jhla momlng. ^
^ ^
for her hosne In Beattie, Wash. She ritpet branch of our mUllary
The Drimneiea.
went to Uanisee aad will go acrosa te m one to wbleb---------------------. .
- _ may give
Tneadars vole tbrontbont tbe diahimsaU with Ibe tuUest devotion aud
trVl for deleaatte to tbe eonaUMI
Hiss Julia O'Connor left this mom- srub tbe blgbest Meats
log for Maulstee where abe will tMII as a mie. know nttle abont tbe actoil
werlc of dlber of tbess •erTiess,*aDd
few realise that wben a mao enters
will be one of ibe nwat tniponaot__ _
Uiaa Martha Prieberg of Big Rapids tba service of tbe army or of tbe nary,
ia% that ever aalbercd in the aule ol
who baa been the guest U Hr. and wbetber as oflhwr or enlistsd man. be
lOdUsan. bnt U b evident by the ivMrs. J. O. CroUer aodXainUy returned enters a great scbool. q school in which
ISIM. that tbe people of tbe twenty
Is taught not ool.r the disHplioe of
- ber borne this
ae^ oenuortal dtatrtet either
Mrs. Flunk Foster and sou Arthur aeir mairslot. of Heanlloess. of devo.
ive r.-ldiird Ui their Uome to Oraui tion to doty, but In whieb are langhl
h tbe seeds of ear sUte
wMdi (SB be supplied by a terlstoa <

tkt eesaUlsUan.
Powever. while tbe vote was
tka-ressha are IstereeUns.


Kspaiea Boyite aty's bricht yeuna
Urfksy. leads the tU essdldstee In tbe
Totss received, whieb waa a anrprtse
ta seveiw aecUoos of the district.
Ifr. Ksowlea baa sot been ao well
kMwa. psMUy. as the other oandl
damn. He baa demonsiated however,
that be enn aecdre the voles.
tty, aad eoDee from bb borne county

BMda after vlilUng Mr,



eulteied man who enters a reglt
of tbe army. barHy aW* to rrwd
friepd: write, comes out. If be be a ms
who have been the guest at
ambllloa and Industry, at tbe end of:
of'kr. and Mrs. H. Montague, reinmed tbree years to poaseMloa of tbe funda­
mentals of an Kngtisb edocetlon.
> Cadlltoe tbtf momlng.
Julius Steinberg relumed to bit ofDcer stands to bliu not only It
relation of military director, but 1:
gate In Detroit yetlerday.
relalloo also of a teacher aud a friend.
Them la oo career open to an Americ--in
Leals Moon and
Blrdaetl boy. unless It be that of a icaHn'f.
which offeis a larger otiportaiiltT tlua
ftahed at Ultchell'a today.
that of the army or navy omcer to
A. P. Gray and wife of
8 D. are visiting their daughter. Mrs. mtolsler to tbe service uf men.-Presi­
dent U. 8. Prllcbett in Atlantic.
M. Norlbrup. They will vlHt othFVed Wuraburg.
Miss Mabel Massey and ■ a

rdatlves In Michigan before return-

to kb ability, that be was plve


Prom Wednesday's Record.
Regular meeting of tbe BHu tomop
nill returns iiom Kalkaska and
BW night. Nomtnallon of treasurer
BduOe ocnnilet have not yet been re­
> socceed Chms. Probaika. Jr.
ceived. bat the resnlU so far show
that Ksowles p^JIrst place wltbent

Tbe Royal Nei^bora of Cedar care

enjoyable dancing party at

Bsy anesUos. S. T. Sawyer of Wex­ tbeir ball in Cedar last Saturday ere-i
ford coosty shows sbent JSM ro«M ng. A number of peot>le from Maple
while Dayton appears to have third

aty and Burdlckvllle attended.

ptaee srfth
CroM coaea nest wttb a feta votes in

ffbe Cheqnamegun carried 2t< passeugera to Marton Island last <

esecss << IIM, while Bailey shows
sCBettriaa over I.SOO votes. Loubcll

IDalng From the enve.
A promlneei manufaclurer: Wm. A.
Fenwell. of Lucama. N. C.. relate* a
m-i*l lemarkaWs experience. He savs;
-Afln- laklBg less (ban three botllev
of Electric Btuerv. 1 feel like ime rtslog Imm the gram. My trouble i*
Brigbl'a disease In (he diabetes stage.
fully believ' Electric Bltlere will mo |•e^tlaneo^l^-. for It has sl-j
leadi slopped ibe liver and bUddereompIkullosB a-bicb have troubled me
for yean." Guaranteed at C. A. Biigbee Drag Co.. 8. F. Wall A Sons. Han
uab Drug Store, druggists. Pnee mil)

•he Wairtad a

ng ^pile tbe cold north wind.

Petltloos are being elrcnlalet
came tnw a ta^nre n.
beimi; 1 css t baa
However, lesldenu of Fenwood tor tbe Improve- cuntiy and apiwoacbed a salesman with ^
of the pro|H>sed park on Seven- Ibealalement: "I wanlto get a book-i
red book-Bot very thick: No. I!
ty food vote fma hU owa couaty. teentb streec
Tbe DoclMBa Camp S34S U. W. A., don't know Ibe name of It or wbat It [
wWeB may nomlsate bte at one of the
ibouL because I haven't tuafi
will bold ibMr firui mewUng to tbeir
has a picture In tbe middle of the eov<
IV vote for Salley. Cross asd Day-at least I tbiuk It U a ptcune-ll (
tee. Is ao cioae. that complete retanis Foieeler ball, next Monday nlgbt. Tbe
loae in gilt. It ma
may ebasae ibe complesloe .of the nwetlng will be a large one aa all the be tbe name
*1 wish you would burry and bunt a
aKOTcs. The vote for Mr. Kaowles Is Woodmen and tbeir wives am toritsd.
be book, because I am taking a tra:
a tglendid Ulbste to that yount* man asd tbe ladles will serve supper.
to New Yolk and 1 want It to read >i
aad be irllll doobtliot make a pood
W. R. Fool'B delivery borae took
rip. I saw wme ooe readlug
roeord la the ooorraUoD. Tbe other tall, for Itself on Union aireel this
It train tbe other day and laurd
caotidaus ate all coed men and win Doming, broking the abafla.
lag over lu and that's why I waul IL
A Udder drill was given tbi
‘Of course I am not expeetod i
■en nt Odaa street chgtoe bouse this fcuuw wbat it la. but I akouM (bink aa
M whe knew bwifca aud was baodllag
hern all tbe tone ought to ki-ow:
Herbert Cratoe baa Jaat compleCed
"i'u, I dou'i Ibluk J1 wa, eiibry qf
very pretty sign for the Hannah A
l^dbdl will donbUess recefTc a pret­


By depositioR your Savings with this large,
safe bank you obtain an immediate invest­
ment at three per cent compounded twiw a
year and also receive the absolute protec­
tion afforded by our .conserx'ai've manage­
ment and our capital and surplus of neatly
a quarter million of doilaia whU^ stands
between ourtlepositors and any pos'iRUeJknr

guaranteed by C. X ^gbee Co.
Walt A Sons. Hannah Drug I
Drugglats. SOe. and tl.<V>. Trta
lie free.
Ftading Wvs Pishes.
U young fishes are removed for aatoty to smaller |>ouds where they may
cxbaimt tbe natural food supp]}-.
will be necessary to feed tbcM.
tb^ am pet to small nursery iioads
wbcm they are i-rowded. feeding ts im­
perative. The principal natural food
of fltoes la Sab. wbleb abeuld be per­
fectly freab.
For young Ssb
■ cut and buned. tbSh rubbed
a fine wire screen.
liver mnat be pn-pared In
same way. For tbe delalls respectUix

........................ %•’'....’1.’“
Spring imnbs. live weight. ...

or some other work oo ibe
Jert. Adult fishes kept in rv'irci-ted
quartern will also require feeding. They
may be fed largely on Hr
Among tbe fish foods used at Uw New
Tort aquarinm are live minnuwv. live
slirtmpa. choppud fish. Iwef, liver and
Hama. It Is a mistake to su[>i>0)>v Tbal
llabes do not require an abundau.v- uf
food. They may live without II. but
cauBot growe-OutlBg Magaztoe.
NSW Point In Paver of Cell.
To tbe Hidless virtue* claiinr.1
gulf Mrs. Madge KeudaL the aeirens.
bas added anelber. ae<-ordtiig to
e dispateb to tbe New T«rk
luesenilng a eui> »
petition sbe admitted that |>er><DDally
sbe knew notblug of golf, hut under
stood that ll was ■ game hlgblv
mended by excellent mothers,
found II mads tbeir daughters so tirfil
wMm they gut borne they w^
stnIMt to tmB.
HuiTtIng for Trouble.
■Tve lived ta California 2" ye
and am still bunting for titrable in
■wy of burn*, sores, a-ourds. I*
cuts, sprains, or a case of piles
Bucklen's Arnica Salve w-oc t
cure." srritea Charles WaJtere.
8,8^,, Co.
So use bunting,
Mr, Waller*: It carra every
Gimranleed C- A Bnghee Drag
S. B Walt A Son*. Hannah Drug
Btody'ef MaA
Tba OAly scbool for toe study o(
human nature U toe world. The ^y
test booka ara toe works of men'^Iike
Shakmpeoie. Hugo. Cerranlas. Ste
and Mbcr atndaoii wbo learned
that aebooL Bot the effectual stody
of taffita aature denmnds from the
stndeot a vast fund of love and sym­
pathy. You WlU never get admitted
Into tbe heart of a Mknr creature uhieas you BO as a Mmd--Bobcrt BMUbfotd to aarioB.




• lUeot aud StreoReut Bank in Xortheru Michiggn.

cutod hid^....................i*ou%

Tbs MarginsT Nets.
At a rev-Mtt sale if dd nooks end
curioe tbe auctloueer sold. "TbU l•-L.
gentlemen. Is e*|s--lully valtut.le. s» It
coDlalns s marginal uMe In the bandwrillng of John Iir.vdm. FPe [•.luudi
Going -going- gone.
It It
yours, sir." The autograph m-irgliial
oole by the renowned ».-Lolsr wa* as
follows: Tbls l-o-k la not nortli tbe
l-ruited oQ." -Louduo
paper I

City Book Store
traverse City, Mich.

Ibe lomta uf Kg)pt daGog iiruuoulr
;.:*rtye«re B C
A IraiHioa log .
11 l«T c-nt Of
•• lump
a lamp
wllb SB torandevoeut raanl


trip to Seashorw. Moun­

tains, Countrr or wherever
you maybe going for your.
Summer Vacation to lay in

supply- 0/


away the idle hours.

booKs to help


On our counters at one-

former price# can be found many of the

late leading auccessea in the field of copyright
fiction, among which we might mention.

Sj r. B. iicCowkeor.

Monday. August 1»th.
Ticket* g«d to return until Augu»
For rei's and time <-f ireiii;
pom-re ,K
Pore Marq-ietto
H. F. jilortler, C, P


&EFOR£ starting on your


Oto Itlag <w Dtoreoad*

*b»S» Sarr

Sto H.C.I.

Pepe Majrouette
Bunday. August tstn.
For rates aud lime
sioler*. or ask agents,
H. F. MoellHer.
. K X

r.Mra to SUag


alaxy ottowra Juat aa good on our BooK Cousiwn ai

50 Cents a Volume

City Book Store
Traverse City. Mich.



• t4S,000

TWa' Hatahlna Pteona.
Oorts Uacbot. ibe Pmcfa JoonutM.
ererp tlar toad faira a atupendat
peM ud darllit flUod bio ertr-flro aombw of ecfB. A adeottat twcelTad
ffit of lift w»b oBaritat rxcito11JM5 ten from ooe toad, a ncccrafr
Bont to Buko blD vorUir of cptcUl
fenUltr. alDCe tbe rbancea of an en
nmtloQ. Out of bio cUIbi to <tb

Preocb duel wbicb raaolltd
for tbe other maa. Be wi
pratnooa radical and waa <
x>B tbe ctaemb
loaolllsf reiaafla to
wbicb did DOT at all curb bio.
•A. Ito. J.U. t. rnmmk.
ad IHr- wrote a Dumber of aorela. poesa and
L B. C
MtttM. W. W.
plara Id wbh* be aooebt ro ai>mid
ioriallatlc rropaciDda. nud be wrote a
piTleatJooa Are an drama In rerae
railed "Le Soomrll de Danion ' (-Tbc
Bleep of DaDtou”). wbicb waa rrodoced
tbe Opera Coolque. Bla wife coB-.
iributed brf abare of excllemrat hr
killIn* a public oaclal Is tbe paUre
of juaUce becanae of aa allea<-d luaolt.
Before tbe waa tried abc
acted “1.B Veceancr dc Mme. flovla
Husbea." Tbe plar dei.I. fed her acc­
ented ber aa
Mokot Pua of J. P. I
br tbe
Hpmnt •una Htrt Art
Moeh df BnjcloiHl-o troooiulc. oociil
•ad Mllclooi pncrm !»• cou>«
‘AuMMea. accordinc to Utr. Dr. Cbarict
Biiaili and Plump Mutten.
F. Akod. pwtor of tbt Firtb Artniit
*^aat people would Iw liorrltled to
dumb. Nttr Tort, wbo l«c- loan: dbat ibe Raaat tnonoo lo tbe
tsrcd at tbo Cbaoiaoqnt soonsblr tbt worid cornea from abeep fatteued oi.
otbfT dir. BOro tbt Now York Tribuoe. aoDlla." at.rt a lance breeder of Sonth^ Wb>fct wn “JoMtbiB to J^d-“ down jbeep. quoted lu tbe Ixiudo?

a pa* eett Rllcwtt n Time


Ciml9tiOB this week. 2,825


to BbgltDd tbat tbc Eocllib prople
carried ptmito tlcntd br tbt Wall
atrtot floaBcirr ptmitUac tbna to
walk an tbe tarth.
IiwIdtnUllr bt Bade tba aaaenioD
tbat tbe brsot obbc Ib ABtricaa
t BMitlr awrt docverel
aad rabblifa.
Tbt war to aoi Bca to cbtnvb. Dr.
Ak«d aald. wao b rlro tbnii a dltferaat kind of rtllfi D from tbat oBend
■oata. ~Wbeo poo

boBoeta. Wbeo I caBt to
try IB 19CC roorj. P. Uorvao was IbtB
aacaped to ■MorxaBeerlBr tbe EngllBb
ataaBBblp lira. rcachln« out hU baada
for tbe peonlet Id tbe aubwari aad
aMeslac pmtr ueartr ererr otbei
1^1* aitorpiiaa
I am lBt<
tbat proFcta were <m foot to bar tbt
Tower of Lobdoa tor tbe Wortd'e fair.

laat^l <

“Trying on” Pumitura.
Wben you gu 10 liny a ault of fnmitore Dowadaya Id one of our deportatorra you d.m't have to apevoKail. -Nevertbeleea II U o ficL U tow aa to bow It will look la your room
whether II will fit in or not. At
I at tbc aaleamau acca llmt a par­
mutton from our abeep baa a dcUoluuk
ticular auli baa met your fancy be callt
r tvqi Imaf

i porter or two aod lurna tbea
Boat oclentlAc form of fc dllitt.
t On tbc
diel of analla la u tetnler tooae In ooe of acreral rboma fitted «p
anmnd Ibe main abowroom. teiting
cure fur cooauiunioD aod b imlil
tbcB at work renioving all the furni­
fattca and nourlab (be borl.v In n n-<
darful war. Tbrte la a ixipular auper ture in It. Then tbe aull
V after la placed In a
atlllon tbal tbc unique ami dcllralc
proprlate poaltl:lot>a in it
Stror of Boolhdr>wn msttoii U '
yon can tec al
(bie (
■ paf
look If you buy tbat panlcnlar ault.
There are a doaen of tbe*c amaller
roam agound tbe main abownum. and
at each one to decorated In a titfferent

'Oood anall year, good abeop year.'
become alm(«t a proverb among abap
berda aod breadem.Thay Won't Talk Bhap.
*^ere li Jual on# line of tnda tbat
men cannot be Induced to talk about In
pnbUc pUcea.- aald tbe dty aatoaman.
Tbat It women-a faablona. I taw a
In tbe car a llltie while ago tbat
MaenD Is OboUbI park, while cap!t wanted to Interview tbe worat way.
talMi wan ptonnlag to acquire tbe
but I knew It would ba ImpoaalUe to
qae«'a realdanee and aoebor It in Lake
Ulebican aa a dortnltoip for tbe Unifrtlj of Cbleage.
D wbo handle women'a gar-At f«r tba erarrdar Rritliber. from
Sgtita aby of tbe aubject In
tta tlma be aiUee In tbe monUnc froa
I eo tbe ground tbal nothing
blB bad. after taklnc two tittle liver
fUlA nada In Amartea. ba gaae i
to feminine eyea and tbe eyet of other


•bBiice nqneeta from tbeir coDstI
aiftt. bot probably tbe moet cnitooa
•r received eamc tt

n a tbouaand. WCbln two weUa
after tbe ana are U Id tbe roBne tadbealn to an>ear and feed flrat
OD tbeir teUtiDOoa eotwiope. Next tba
tUmr dcpoalta commtB to pooda and
awampt are attatAed. Steadllf crow
tbe rounc wrtcclera until tbeir bodlea
eolarce to tba alie of tbuaib nalb br
tbe end of Jaue. Tbe loss tall now b
abaorbed and tbe lepa dereltB Tbejbefln to bop on tbe Unk and dleperw.
r to return nre In Ibe breedlnc
a. It b at tba apHne -^f tbe ;ear
tbat tbe loadt awake from tbeir winilaep below (be rucki and aemb.
Tber ofteu bare been IKerall; frotrn
otlir. bot ibey relnm to life a« bealltu
at ever and on tbo tbat baliu.v nlxhl
Blcraio toward tbe nearerrt breeding
ratuilT tbU la Ibe old bomeI where they were born, for ibe
toad b a doBxatlc aBimal and will
I a rulle or more for tbe take of
retnmlDc to the place of Ita balcblng.
-•CbJcago Trlbuoe.

dlacoaa fros
atandpoint tbe tengtb of women’t coata,
tbe cotor of Uieir gownt, lh» abtpe of
tbeir bate and tbe atie of tbeir
ttoeTeA"—New York Globe.
On to Him.'
-No." aald HI Tragardy. “I i
ten I tiaral.

approximate* tl
at borne. Like 0
modern waya of
lllng gooda It la ext^oilve in Uie be
ginning, but It pays In tbe end, for tbla
lit inu
A Widow Who Waa Calm.
A lawyer waa enterlaluliig dinner
foetta rm-Dlly wllh atorlee from hii

When the
Hair Falls
Tbeo it's time 10
No time
to study, to retd, to experi­
ment ! You Vint to save your
hsir, ud uve it <)uickly,ioo!
So make up your mind this
very minute ihii if your bsir
ever comes out you vill
Ayer's Hair Visor. It makes
the scalp healthy. Tbe hair
stays in. It cannot do any­
thing else. It's nature’s vay.
Tha boat kiad ol a tMtlaaonlaJ ••aeld tor evT alatr yeora."

trepla 'acii-lce of Jidin Rciu-LI
reading waa counemned by
edict* of empetoiw and fclnga:
ralaHon waa prohibited by popee and
theologian*. Twelve tboatand coplea
of tbla mosuiDentBl work weiw bo
at Cremona In ISnO. aud n almtiar
befell S.)«0 ropier of Ibe Korau bv
der of Cardinal Xltuloea on tbe lakiug
of Grenada by Ferdinand and Isabella.
-Boateo PoaL

ter." be aald. ''Sbe
IB very pHm and
aeir pOBncMed."
“ -What can I do for yoor I aaked.
"'Well.' tbe said In so easy tone.
*my buiband was bun in tba wreck
tbe other day.'
”t noticed abe waa dnaaed In rnoom.

Ib ber buaband'a accident.
■Waa yoor bnabtnd badly lojoiedr
I naked.
'Tea.' tbe answered In Ibe same
«UM voice.
-He got bit bead cut
ga.' "-Kanaas City Times.

Kipling's RtapanaA
Tbe Caniat), the ranil>rt<lBc milveralty weekly , once aakcti Umly ard Kip­
ling To contiiliutc to It* folumua. In
les|>ou*e eaiiie the follcuiot IV|ily:
Tbrrr enrr wa* a wri'rr wim wrr'“0«ar 8lr-In reply in >uur note
or y.aierAir e dele,
Il'a no good al <iM> unevB vuu quo

Wc arc beginning fo

la uotblng
a a alandli
e local paper calling atic
tloa In dlaiday trpa to tbt gooda l
haadlaa. It iMda at followa;
a aaetely. -Banw



Tbe Arm a
aad lb tbe

law bhte fat/to make tbe “ice creamobaolata at York. Pa. Uanofarrurcra
aod daalen have practically al
ddad to term tbeir froeen delicaciaa
“eream to*a.“ They aay they cannot
adten to tba letter of tbe law la manDtactBriag a product eontatnlng ao
per cvnt of batter fat and no colortog
matter wltbont Incrcaalng price
toeing money. People In York. «
a corre^nsdent of tbe PblUdelpbla
Record, appear to be very well aattadad with tbc quality of tbe alleged lc«
cream aold by local dealen. and
dealen aay tbat If they are willing to
eat It ui^ a new aaoM they can bare
tt at tba aame price. One dealer wbo
refnaea to Join with tbe othen will
charge 10 cenU a galtoa extra aad
preaerve tbe tlma bonorad term for
A Reoarall
A newraper corrMpoeMent tella a
•Uty wbUb be aaya Preeldent Rooaeeelt related to a few of tboae aeated
etoaeet to him at a recent dinner. Hem
It la, aaya the Waablngton Herald:
Two women were dtacnaalng come

C. A. Bngbee Drug Co..
A Bona. Hannab Drug Slorv. dnip
glata. *Se.
Ht Waa a Ooad Roaatei
aaaJgned to .■ amall
New EnglaDd town not long ■
Dpen bla arrival found bla new field of
effort alBoat all tbat could be wlabed.
with ooe
lug old I

Intention to bring blm to eee tbe error
of bit waya.
"Waal, of coorMk w* know you nman
right, parm." one of tba elden aald
alowlr, etroklng hb while beard, "but
It would be a mighty bad tbing for tbe
town If old BUI waa to quit dnokis'.*’
•Why. what do you iqean. brotberr
tbe puaxled mlnlater aaked.
"Waal, pamon. Ift like tbla." tba
elder explained. "Tbef* ain't a more
convlndo’ ulkar oowbae than old
Bill, an' every ttme be get! dmnk
and aoberi up he gcia aomebody te
alr> the pledge wlib him. an’ tbe other
fellow pretty naorty alarayi keepa IL"
-Harper-a Weekly.
Final Advioa.
"Now, Jtmea." aaya tbe old pbyaldan to hit Bon wbo baa returued from
medical college and la about to ael op
for blmaelr, -Iheie to Jmi ooe ptgee of
ndvlce I wni give' 3
tow It you cannot
and aucrefornL"
"What to lt..fatberr
Trtl every woman that ibe need! a
hange of arene and tell every man
tbat be to WBiklng too bard."—Life.
Fyoably—What to Wally doing now!
Bamaoo—Well, when I laat aaw blm
■a engaged In a literary poranlL
ily-Indeed: t didn't think ha
nongb bralni to write. Uairtoon
—Ua waao't writing. Be waa cbaalng
Dcwapaper tbat tba wind bad blowa

dty. -Tbey ntem to be very rlcb.mld Che drat *<»h. yea. tbey amr' re­
plied tbe aecomt **lban you calir
aaked No 1. - Decidedly.'' waa tba
anawer. “Are you quite pure tbat they
aro-er-qnlte conert. quite er good Ulfgal tn EnglaiMl. and,any |•erBOu performr Inquired tbe woman wbo bad Bitting It to Iw played on bU lau] wa*
atartad tbe
liable to be fined i'20 and to auffer
Ibree vaata’ tBpitennlneDt. In apiie of
ber felmd. 'Tliey bare thirty
rae penaltiee Ibe firat county uatrb
aata, eigbleen burw-^ twelve doga.
ta |ilave<l between Kvul and tiuxaai
devan awomobilea and one cbild.Bavesoaki In l7Xi

Close Out

our broken lines of

Misses and Children.


The Sale Will Last
Until Next Wednesday Evening
and you will surely be paid for a trip in the
values you get.

The Remnant Sale
which takes in every remnant of all kinds is
just the thing that should interest moriters
now when it is time to think about getting the
girls ready for school. Every remnant is
marked at from

One-third to One-halt Off
And there are al! lengths from I to 7 yards in each. Plenty of chance
to secure dresses for the young miss. aUo skirts and waists
for women. It'-s a chance yon can't afford to miss.

Tailored Suits
There are still some very snappy t^gs left
in this department.
All Ladies’ Suits from $15
to $-22.50 for.....................................
Any Suit above tbat
^10 AC
price for......................................
Many of these Suits in the darker
colors are just as good for fall as
the new ones that are coming in,
but we do not carry goods from one
season to another, so this
is your chance.

Women’s SpringJackets at
Half Price.
Silk Coats andJackets at
One-third Off.




Last Call on Wash Goods

Shirt Waists at 59c. $L1« and $1.50
Worth from SI to 2.50.



SI.7S to $4.50 Wash Suits at
SI.I9. $1.50 $1.95 and $2.95

tbere arc a lew of those Dress Goods left at
28c, SOc and 75c. '



Wc arc making some very low prices on these
now to close them out. In many cases you
buy them for the cost of the material.

AU 15c and 18c Wash Goods............ »c
AU 50c Wash Goods ,.. .V................... ISc
AU 25c Wash Goods..............................14c



Now is Your Chance fo Buy
. a Shirt Waist Suit

Plenty of time yet to wear Oxfords
—but littifl time in which to sell them.


The Koods are all new and opened up in tine
shape. It is seldom that such a chance is
given to buy these little things at such re­
markably low prices. This will prove a great
chance for dressmakers and the houseu^e.

Oxfords for Men, Women, Boys.


Is an Opportunity You
Should NOT Miss

Caerquarod St Pater.
A Boaton rtergymao tell* bow a
ty Irlvbnian stood ■■•frirc tbe ga
tbe other world. a»klng for admlaalon.
aaya IJpplncoifa Magailoe. St. I*eier
refoaed him. however, telling bit
waa loo great a rlnuer tn enter there,
and bade blm go sway.
Tbe man
went a Uttte dtotaore from tbe gala
aod then crowed three tlmee like
rooaler. St. Peter at once threw tqmn
the gate and cried oul; "Come In. l^tl
Wc'U let tfygooes be bygooe*r'

Chat li
fence, w
leter knowa where be
a alway* elipplug tlwoL
alaooA V
dreaming, 0
take a firm aland on anytblug. Every­
body draplaea blm. He I* a weakling.
Better a tboDund timea have tbc repotatloD of being eccentric, peculiar and
cranky even than never to aland tor
on.viblag.-»wce*« llagaalEC.


That Notion

Oen-t WabbL^
There to one eon of mao that Uteea

■Idea. In caae of aeddenf"Tea." Interrapled Lowe Comerdy,
OaptBlB 3. F. Allen of St. Paul, aayi
A WaatalngtoD apecUl to tbc New "T enppoaa walking to mJer."-Pblln.
Tha Talmud.
Talk TlBea. Captain Allen atked tbe delpblaFnaa.
Ttte JewIA Thimud baa come down
■ambtf to look up bla arm. wbicb I
After meeting Tennyaon for tbe
> ua only Ibrougfa tlie bmic cfforti
had loat at tba .battle of Antlelam.
time an BngHabman aaked tbe pnet'a 9f the Jewa tbem«e9vre_ aud tbe In.
Oapula Allan leaned tbat tbe an
friend. Jonaa Bpeddlng. if bit temperawbo perfwBcd
Beot waa aa melancbaly aa bit counhit pcaawitd tba member and a
tenanea bxUcatad. "Well." Bpeddlng
la tba Arm; Medical moaeum. Cap began tboogtatfully. *T fancy when
talk ADaa axpraaaed a dealn to bare
he to atoea Tenttyaoo Snda blmaeU la
^otgerapb of tbe arm. and at be wr
•aiy grave eospany."
a Terr ladMatlal man In tbe duirict
tba coMnnautaa Inatnctad bu aecraA Valuable Laaann.
tal7 to make an Inreetlcatloo.
"Six yean ago I learned a valual
Xba arm of tbe capuio waa found
aaoD.” wrttee John Plcasanl. of Mag■ At tba BiiaanB la an cxcatlent atate of
doUa Ind.
"I tbta began lakisg Dr
fwaarraaou and a pbetoenpb
Klnra New Ufe PIHa. and the Iooi
ibewarded to Captain aiLm
Faalar'a Ad. Par Eternal LifA


high grade Waists, worth
$2.-50 to 4 50 for ........,•.......................



Grand Traverse Region.
'«vwy WMk eorr«wei>d*nM U l»
MlvM *M IM« te BM. All MfTMpond.MW OTMt rMh th« Htwid •mw net
wwr tMn TuwMy nom ef •aoh wwk.


nd R wiiwn«»d«n*i Wl to 4M
■Mr* to. thw may M wnfW that It


nie A. 8- ot E. piciite

- -» hall
li I T'
There «as quite q
etaw at Shuner-i


f'^iu Martha nyw. who baa becu
•orUof for Mra. I. Skiver of U»*
tor Che fiaat tea DioDtlia baa
ocrae bcrae to »uy a whlle.
Tbere waa qulle a nniaber met at
the Almira cemetory Mouday to rleaii
up. There abould V more Intereal
Ukea la aiieh work,
8. H. Lawyer and luotber. Mia.
' Uarrey vUlled Will Sailer and tamtly
' -Of DWr OvUtt. Sunday.
John Tawrlnieoda so aian out wllli

Ortffltb Saturday Dlfhl aad r
Quite a number are plekl.^.
JOt Otwr Skiver and Arthur RaJaloD

“SJS'ii™.. ..u Ml- MWh

Mra. Mary Trutmau of Cedfr R.ia'
it.l Tuesday, Jay Conklin, Jr_ of Trav j
e Boorladu of Uetroli
Oty. waa
was the guest of Mr. and' vd Capl- Emory of OisrlevoU were
arrived last Tli.iraday to spend her
rrae Oity.
IcHlled here-rrlday by tbe *erinoi I!!vacallcm with her parents.
■aying. ihat If lt| l1 imir nj«:t» r.
Mr. and Mra. C. Christianson
pleasantly aunuir^O last FHday

Mi*. Ivan TUoiim* and child of
Im-! day* In the week
In* by sixty friends. The ocoisk
r 'nhiiorf n-iumeil isiune after »p«‘nil„(i J.wee Wellr I.
Us a few days slib her cousin. Mr*.
guc*u<Manllou. Island.
moog t.
Kiank Errmpa.
« andfihe Oval Wood Di.h
were three Lull 'ran min
Mrr, W P, tJesr-a* and .children tvprayer meeting i Id Binging hyniDs has a *1* y,.ar*’ lob at. n salary rf
Icrned bonu- Mou>biy alter spending
were the order
f the evening,
lee flfai.'si per mouth.
Mr*. Noali IXiToor and five rhUdr-n, mouth
............. at Bo-..-i> HarU
Alden before they return.
cream and cake rere served. Many
Champaign and babe.
Mrr. Maggie
Mr. and Mr*. U R. Peck apenl a few beautiful pres
iresenu of silver, cut gl.isv Mrs. Taddy
Grace ar.
day* la Traverae City, returning 8at- and fur;
luu. all (.1 Tniierve City. uad. a walk Mr. and Mrr. Janie* McMsmi*.
a late b<
try Tderrtay to
MIs* Mvrtle John returned to Grand
t Mr. and
relatives aud pick
:k rhorries tor
Rapida Sunday afternoon,
own Use.
They rrelurai-d bouK
lug ap*nt
other. Mn
Cr..po and
Joseph Syiclke U buHding a
Roy Steele and family and Mlaa Ida
llavl* .'f Maiitelona
house; Elmer Beach has the
teele left thim morning on the earid*
Hugh Alleu la vi-.IGng rehi'lv..* I
The dance Saturday evening at
irry for ManlaUqne where they will
Xi. Tuy
Wella was well attended; all I
jend a couple weeka picking bucklehome Saliirdat.
G. Muaaetman and
lanillv true
"iy enjoyable lime.
Mr. Havt-n* ami w
.Ml** AggK- Fu:li>n. who wuiked fur
Sebe J. Dame of Bvanaton, arrived Blned F. Powell and family S.imlay.
fci Andiew Mai bill,
Mr*. Ben Uauni-n i> bnuie again.
8u iday morning to apeod hi* vacation
Tayl.n- and
r P Ta
all picked.
with bla mother. Mra. E. T. Dame and Ake Ann on business Satanlay afie
I- he
naturaay .viigiisij
bla family who are *peudlng the *umluih. lit <;•>• a. ni„ at the ag- o| tr,] My run Rtindav
Ea«t Jordan t» nuking
fe have Uef ama-mlteills. To tiimiru hi*'...............................
rf ihrlr new
IV leave* a widow
and thne
Jonas Kesseii and fi.mllv ..pri.i Rjii- cblldieii. He wa- ol a qiil-i di*l>oMday In Gl.'ii ArlKir. Un-lr lortiier hoiu.-,
on and Imliis.Hou*.
own on muuDtma loaaj.
day In Traverse City.
Mra John Sanborn and children i
A.-iinC. A.
Hnigh 1*
will net have their stock ol lug* sawed,*"
fariop U-an* this m.
______ .
. Iriend*.
before the vm.w Bie*. ’They me rt-j
*”SHarry Pelteuglll and family rail*
Obaa. Ransom arrived thU morning
to apepd a few days with Ua mother. ou the Na«h* of Maple Cllv Sunda
Mra. Ranaom. who is III.
>iiv vUIUng relunu-d htini. MonOav
The Rev. Hitchcock and brother of
There haa been quit.- an Impiioo
,eV-^;”M.. 1* a buMX;; wen Will -rrarera. City People Le.en
Chicago are the gueaU of their alater
enis made on Uie io;d* In ib-*.
t of It?
Mn. HIcox.
all !■ huH'e aad arlhlty. ar..m.4|
* “
he BeneHl society 'will give « ten perli
The -men are paid -imsll
a simple thing a
rent lea on Mra. Edna Kelsey’, lawn _,Mra. VFm Wllat*
*aud hm-th,.
t,f;e..d. ar
oo Friday evening.

SwtBrtor 0 m .♦ W /■- C. V ytkoop.





Bert are $ome

J. W. Slater

that might intenst you. They are ukeo here aoH
there through-our mammoth stock to give you an idea '
as to how our prices run.

S-Piece Bedroom Suit

I? fin

DfemerhM 18x24minor........................... .--Il lUU

Solid Oak Dresser

in nf|

18x24 French plate mirror..................... ........lUiUU


SoUd Oak Commode

to match dreaeer...........................................- • • “Tt fc ll

Solid oak cmaoBier







The amount of cash which the cherr>’ crop



of Grand Traverse Region will bring our



growers this year is, probably approximately






ani! nearly cveo' farmtr and fruit grower in, j


the region gcis some of it.


checks required to handle the business is al-



most incredible.



ire a lone aoJ Ii.-ifipy <lfe
Prof. Chaa. M. Slewarl
h of their mauy IrlfUdv.
the wlah
occupied the pulpit In tb<
Dolphu* Newman
mail of
Maple Cltv
on Sunday morning, law
towpl’i Harry linker’* -irlv'is 1
■Hie Rev. Hltchi
Hitchcock c
■d of school lu*|
V.iii will gladly pn>«i by the lollowe pul
.ISC of the l<iwn*bi|i
uplcd the
*^rT^C. Wrnkoop *l'lted Mr. nn l
iiliono eirciill
Sundayi--------------------- E. ,1. lavlor. Monday.
lug expl-nelice.
i-*l,ifnre l.-sl week,
Hn. Drattoo at I’ravervc ‘.Hiy Si.n tloual cbuich 1
In i-r
I the M. E church.
Mr. Aye^ ot Traverae City broaclii
’Ti* the vt-iiemeut of a Traver
id Mr*. lr.i 1ei.cli Ur C
J. D.
some cherry pickers Tui->day to plrk
City cllDen.
Mr*, imvld Eiman «r t
An*. It
cherries for A. 11. Ciirll*
The tug Third, MIrlilgai. ol Muni*
MT satid,-. .
k’l* Jessie Braliant njiedl Frlday
tee, early Monday nmrning brniichl In
i. l>,
Mra. Borrow* Green and
II ran of logs fnim Fox Island for tlitowb .in busl'iesB.
na Id TtoV- .•
Majorie of Harher Spri ...
rely than the
K<ilcy l.imibi'r A- Shingie conipany
left side-nclletl
C. B. Kehl.
Kelli. O.
... M.
Dame. Cha*.
Thnraday to apmid a few daya.
many time* the puhi*
their f
famine*. *Mr*. J.*n
San- The rafi contained Ti> M t>s-i of log*
ley and their

finet of Mr. and Mra. J. F. Matt
llIKi tile slioiiMt-r*. H- Idr«-u and A, I. lAslie Teesclay she went to Eavi Potni
Mr. and Mra. S. B. Nicbola leli Sut born and chib
do aiiv wmk Ihal n>qulre<t
ear U.e broiigfal III tl raft of Z" M !e -I log
enjoyed a pirnle aupp>-r
nrday Bonjln* I
'be srercllou*
Monday afiernooci,
Mi>. f.
Niarh hotel Uiia evening.
. ,
bothered him
Archie Magnnn of Traverse City and Domino eaiuc near being gorvd
InfurUted bull.
She sik-m thl«:lli I.Pilit and it.iy. Nothing seemed
*<•— Edith Dame furnlahed thu mu: ’
with her son Oiluve’* tdmily
h.-!p bini until he piwim-d IViaii’s
tbe evening’s entertainment.
B of Travenu* City
time they
edar Lodge
Sutunlay evening.
of Mr*, and Mra. Geo. Cedar
a the
her ntnra home. All ui one
iiliinv'.-d ilfe .leln* and |mIii« aud
Came Baiurday and Sunday.
heard the bull Is-llowing nml
rity.l neli il tile kldin-v trtnilde.
< morrtag after hanr
phell and I'rod Alien ar- Fox IJMl.i IL..................
iifi'-n rerinnvaiided
tVian'g Kidney
running tosnnl her on a tali
Batorday cvenln* from
Though Mra. IhnnlAe Is :>K
she Is qulle active aud the
Mr and Mrs. John Stafford
for dear Ilf
.Ml** Faiiel Suium
thl* afterticwn.' children of B«mvcr Island arc gu«
Ihmae. drove to Leli
liuco. the I
I ya* only i
slllug hei Him:
Hiiiii. Ml*.
la and Hedberp Mr. and Mra. lUmrlKaii.
ar-ay. It
Mn-. J. T. Ciilv■el ol f
Mrs. Mnliel Rlck-rd ami cbibln
day* at Haplelon.
ns *he ni
Ing the siiDijm-;
""mSTaIIc/Hrtmfortb of HMm’fonb'i*
Mrs Alltcrl Kn.




We want your business, and U you want to
save money you want to give it to us.
s are arriving daily, aud if
z buying lumlnitnre or anything In house furnishing goods we would
be pleased to show yon through our slock.

New 1

B oar new goods we have hondrcdsol pieces that were bought ala big
dlscoont, and a number of samples that were bought at the close
ol the iumlture exhibit, which are big t

Peoples Savings Bank

at Traverse Clt,.

1 flll

....... ..-•liUU

Dinino Boom Tables
goLtl oak. will seal S ptopk

Ifl Dll

aa" irTPgiSi

Mr.*. Holme* of Tinerrivc t’tiy
vLlliny, Mra. Hattie CUnktier.
Miss lle*t.|e Jam It 1* *|»-iidliig a
ftw day* visiting lu Traverse City,
K. P. RIrbaid* <if Weldon, wb/
luwu Saturday and Sunday lonklnx

Solid oak. loilher seat.........

............. ..........OiWU

Others from $:i,25 to....... ...........




d(did oak, 12x20 mirror, good finiah.................Ililw
Olbom as high as............ ,............................*....00.00

Arm Cfe^ W Mitdi DtaKra



quire largHy aliHUM. Tb.- foUnw\V H InglvHehl; Vlre Hn-,l4rat. J.
W H. Ihglvrlgbl; Viv.- PresM.-M. J.
W. laireii: ».t.-r.-uiv,
Trea*urer. Chas. Wll»on. Ttrey hofuto hav»- 11 vory arlho imi-li-ly hrre.
Au*. IX.

BuyVour Carpets
; .... :........25

Bmssels Carpet
27 incli-8 with.........................
Velvet Brussels Carpel
27 inrhf* witk-,............................................................

Room Size Rugs

a on

UphoHWrea in imitoltan l«th«r.
Ii«ne................... .Ut
OUn» nt W, BO, »15 ......................................................*a«0

Our Regular Prices

-..•DO '



ioKood Tapestry Bni.«b.........................II.ZD
< Hbere at 115.00 and


........ . 1.00
Cace Curtains
I ptrom
L7S ’
•Japwlry CortAini up from.................................................... 2.25.
Brau cxlt-nsioo rods..............................................Sc and 10c
Sl.-iir rt>ls per <1ox>-a............................................55c and OSc :
Iv’iL' frinpe. i»r yar<1............................................10c and 15c


n<w Ones 3!rt Jlmoing Daily
\Vt^ ilmwin;; a good V.doar t-oueb. full iiw


are lower than the special prices of others.

to iSfand"

Rope PortieiTS




lace curtains and draperies where you can buy them on t
the same percentage of profit you would a large place*,
of turniture. It will make a big saving to you.

............................... ........
D C(|

• 1



mmiio Boom Chatra


Holiert and W ill U. Oatpenler ar-*
Saturday fnnn Albeea. where
uiteuded Ihe Carpenter mioloii
tlierv. They re|iort a very tdijoy .
.Uy- I.S. week •< “JllL lime
; llapid*
between tbe ^ndon
Mrs John 8m1
camping for a few day*
r DtWT; ■
I thin.
In ■•'or of Hendon.
HiirkleL't rrlts a
Id ill t
: was oul
............................ y largjfaudience
In aUendiUre.
EByd-claRy Bne '
Flank Freeman made
trip to ,1,„r Mr* lAOlb. Agne* IViweu.
Tiaverse TTmnnluy.
Holm.-K and..........................
Uorl DangreI Keiin................
3 addition
Earn Paul 1* buildhig
id the*vhi1lii nixl pilUr duel
o hi* house.
and Culvln Cari'eaier.
The tiai* and rye crop are very i*iA
his year <iwtng tu Ihe dry w<-aUi<i.
Aug. li.


without anna, up from


tmried a good lime.

B «in

Bedroom Bockers


fold acqualnUftce*. He lived <« the
Mr. ami Ur*. FelU Miller *i.-ni niau-, ‘'ha'If* Kenney place ..vcr lony yea:,

6l8fge draws.......................... -.......................O.JO

The number ol

Sectional Bookcases
Leads them aii. Can be bought anyMdierein
the country and are soid at a Uxed retaii price.
Wt havt tbt heal agtnep. Call and see them.



coaches with ail steel c-inatniction.

tretiuiBeleBtherooqclie* S2o. lip. S:L7 and .................50.00
Alf steel Jianii iry Conebee. Si ■>> and.............................. 5.50
Mattress to fit f2 75. «3 7-5 apd...................................• •■4.75

Our Out of townCustomers
• Can have the bench: of our Liberal
Installment Plan.


Ittrmsteri Who tnherK Their
Bloodthirsty InstincL


.mj- KIU Frwn a Emm m fUlltiMM
Oirtr. and Evafy Corpaa te Thalf

OndH la a Etapplac EtaM to Haavai
IMhada af Thaaa VielM,, flMnada.

' Par Mot^aa bafora tba aopramaer
ar tba Bfitlah crows is India tba an
ara Usd. from Bancal to Bombay and
r*om tba Himalayas to Traraiicora. a
baiaaaad by banda dr flasda kaoini

•Hub.* ba nij. nurs

' In 1ES7. wbaa Bscland daposad ..
Mara and placed tba purpla span tba
■Ebonklara of tor rapnaastatlvc. tba
chantm. 'and.
utwoE atbar octncaa. tba Ibaci ware
Asalrd down and rettwd
iAarOe penal
ilttaa or tba uaw Uwa. Far
nnheard or. and
tba tarrora Ibay bad
llaarMd rroiD tba Ppa of tbrir forrAitbara. wbo cotuldand It a prlna doty
to easttoo tbMr childrao acalnat tba
An«m tbit wouM baaat tbam from
i«*a>a«ota Oil death by tba praralanea

L. F. KnowleA

<.la«* Bitrmr* wara known In SI A.
Te Maaaura Flew cf a W-ll.
i'"I “• oakliie tbadi waa
To .-a|.-.,:tito tu- Wiv of h-m- of no to-l nuJ wan no; rawi-atod nnimnuO


r.SUlr-i tor tin- dul.i i.. :cfi*mrat

atamallykM. ,
< Ba loaaf as time:
. imt ayrtam ra^

Pf?***^ ?*’*


klla worda ai«
more than tba

Mdolnm. “Kill sad laln hesTarf: fall
CTbedaoi.^l.te.bMin. B« b.
Jtattt falls Tba nets ba Uya are Is.«Mte. bli plaat complaz. Interebanca«bla. Wbare eoa tails abort anotbsr

n>e tbtir Is ■

Nowbars U
and any Jnn*!.,

in Michigan.

The bOlldinga »nowi. m the p.:iure art of I

tbluu. 4n 111.- Mrs! pl.tiv. Ibiy nin*t ba
of ebrerful
aud iiut aiibJts.1 io flis ..f Ibr blm^s. olid rr«>ry luan ' '
must uadat-siuml In advume ibat be
ina»t niert ilir yr<.itc«t bardclilix and “
self drnliil-. II.- ir-ial to willinj. i..
suO.T .-old Slid buiujar. to fort-uo'
-In o wonl. to br it-ady to lun-rdi'-r b.s:
, Iliin ' Inujiecluni. carefully hr
Jifr. If msd to, fur tbe- auverw of tbe _
count of tba
uoiU-rtaklue.;SI ou lioard. Tbta pracau.
•lUtr you fuuudMi.blucnr
B moNwiB— <i.-m n> B..— I
precaiittnonie dri>unad <«
•Hr DoddmL
tl!!? w^iinTriJut,
' otbamlM not nrieSn- l alaailai from
■ y.-s. For tbr inortpartthey ara)
affecllna a laudlnc by Joinlna ib« mrraonttoDsI
tbr salua uiri^wbu vriil nl;b u»- I.
,rbauta as tbry c-ame aaborv after lak
for.-. 1 .'an trust rviTy one of tln.iu
•««•» ear wor^ or pbranaa and
loe a caremonl..u» torawrll of tbrir dl»
soon repaid for our paloi. Polly bann
undiT rirry ouvimisiuins-."
Uontebed country man Half an hour
Prary boa U-ro K. loin.* lu tin- ar, Ii.~
•.Cl.l. frK,U.4.4I
- tlinl llir .lucstl..!. i-f dn-sN for iliboard ..D« of Wu'n rrcTvtarIre ;
-nod1 miuy aalf a
north lm'..'raMsl i.i.viu.rni liliu. Will’.
arrived on tba do.k and waa hurrjUut ’ IT V'i“
irl|is to .i.-i-iB. Ill III,.
.I...V .1........ u ........................ I.. i ^
.oj p,p,,
«t"‘n air on lb.In u rl.vl-iuk*
apartor aelanl blni by tba urui aii.l
of rooka. Har plan
wblalla w.nild
of fur. clad .nilj lu (iiu umlrii.biM. |'
oftaii ca»e tba mill
WTn-L h.- nrto-». bi- lu-illj irii:-. .m ii I
|Wir of <1tuw<-n< tvliirh huir frozi.(i,l
aroond. tblnkllut tbr rail was
dtiriiiE Ihr ulsbi. Ills ir>iB4-rs <ii..(|
.soi'kK are lill.-J M idi mi.iw. I.ut b.tlinu >si, Birl .luli-kly li.
cage ,bava and call tor ••Swart, sweat 1 The
The fhim-ar
i-hinfio ■hn.d;
.hB,i- Innsions- tto
ito i...., r
p,^ lima l.lck: pretty littia Dirk.- ! „?\:,d
1.M T7
o, wi!''"r-


«(M ba stbsr artaaleatlob baa erst j c^on aba said to ma.-Halloi Wbafs
a to pSMsad Blmllariy. Tbei tba matter with you? Arc vou aulte
M ia cMBmlRsd aa thoo^! wcUT’ 1 replied. -.Va not unlta w.-ll,
PoU.r." wbampoo ahe r*t»llad, -Not
~a BSCS pSMtoE <d tbs conest and quite well." SIw was otii-a In tba room
«bs Aaad la OetML Tto method cf pto- where a maubar of tba family
toAora la this;
prectlclne aiturtok and prasantly i
Aftar prayara bars bses aSared
(bo remark. amphasUing tba tost word.
I Eto todtoa of dMtb. KalL tbs sot

.... .w,-i


Si:.Vole on Coi

I Conveatlon Delcgtotcs


Fir*t . .
ima Is
ast to you. 1 am a mambar of bis
ezcallaacy-s wlL I go on board ibis
steamer to leave cbls country never
again. I hope, to return."
Tbat rustoiQS Inspoclqr is still on
tba force, but never sloca bai br tried
inny wllb a fbloasa gvntli-man
rsnclaco Call.

to tbr %vl'j.'lty ..f dow. It la Tu.,.aad
that tbis ni.-il;od rlvrs t»-*ult. as a.
raia m. a wrlr. Tbr diam.-i.-r of
piiv la-iuc kuouu. tbr rate of I
mdUy foUowa.

Wbo was aver allowed to att up lata."
-W'o.. vrbaa was Via aaosr vUb
-*Ob.'lia U ooa of tbuaa rblldreu that
say ttj Bjaari ttalaga
U<=U« »■ •»
mC. u wueo wr nad about tbam to tbe
nr.-.-s'-it*rs atid tual drtia us distractt-d wbru Me ba>r to llateu ^ Utemr

Vote on Francliise


1 1
: ,1

i' 1 H

ftiui.-r* fr-Mu M to Ti-l.-l.,w c-r...
and It .7 man tnk<-s mre of blms.-lf hr
tb- v.-atln-r. ■m.-re Is daug.-r of freualiig to death to the
arctic aonc.f




IX- n l.ik.- .....................................

liar., yon any

Ji.irtb lllnr ra,W

llaino blan Esid to Hava Takas a
Basvar With Fly.
">'•« Tberi-'s norillii. He bii< luH-n
While W. E. (>111 of Euslis. Ha. I trying for yearK-tp g.h lb.- uiiisurUss
waa fly Bshlog oj tbr l>rod river near adilnn. 4r> to-M.-va lie
Ledge Falbi. SJc. bo nullcad a young JnH-irj-. bnt b>- nev.-r cii.v'-.vl..! In S.'<iIjivm for toe expadmoe.
baaver auddaidy coma to ito *ur/an> l»c an.'.nie wl><> W7>ul,t anvi-t bis
I EMb strips to the toto. wsaito/^ |
With tlie of tbe water
r wiUiin
wUbin fifty feel of where rer-'es until a few u.-ek^ sgu wli.-n
I E MEbt taattor c»dle about tba waiat. >
iCDt of .......
many i..-------v
kb^aa. Ct«i
m-k in tbe •“? bain.enr.1 to waml.-r into Ihr .-Pnw
waa caflliig fru
I ato lUdla ia fqnUbad
> Tartoos j our return Polly Inquires, “tniere bav
earn. Not baring bad' i
rises of one M l... iihivad to tie a very
. BssEata to dMMtot pitM
EtHp|Md,|yoa bemr and U|>on balng lofornu-d
lovkiug yomic woman.
She bniiglu f.w any dli 4ka tbWi SBCMS tiK a ttow lii'ato- aauaILf replies. "Glad to tea you back.'*
s-hJii- of ItN -.inr nn«I now br i« irvmg
from Ibr monntouyi of tbe
' le ESBaa. MMb as wnstllsc asd rasItorinc last winter my wife was one
to I'glin- <MI1 Utolll.T *Iu- .lid II I-» to ordtr to ba pbytoeally fit.
morntog putting op an old stove for constant CBslIng and only .■.-.•a.loual
sUr oniu-i'l brl|i fa'litig iu to.a
IMIl.r's banrOl near har mga. On tbe atrlka, In purr sis.nlvanr<u ba j njUj biu.
..........................sight.I topkDot to
' 'Isw.rrl'
g the
half liudlnc tba bird wnt, Iml In-r wllb to try hb* skill hi tempting
LltllBC Pawar.
great tolarasl and twesriitly said. "Do
Tba sbcll«.s limpet j.ulU l.tKt
\.9^ tlm
Ibr Cbb
you fed coMT’
•fount your Ulrssis own weight when
leTfir ui
«..ur. double wliCu monaur.-d lu tba
tugs- waa a pbrasr Tully found great rsgo Inter Oi-ean.
Uaking one of tba l>ast casts ba had -water,
dldifolty In mastaring. -fount your
Fleas pull I.4H3 limra tbrir
^Wlth tba ataaltb of tba tlfar tbe band ■■
■ d In utu-r- .car .made, the By druppa<l just In' own dead weight. Tba M.illtrrreni-aa
I tbreogb tba JtmcleEoma- tag and soon droiq>log this ns too trou- fiVDI of the loallanliva antnial niiliio
cockle. Vcinis vcrnH\>-«. <-nu efl-rt ..
at otbats crawl. Msaoms. ilowaver. after a time wa
fret of Ua jsws. By Ilia csivrul pulling iwwar rqtul to i071 time* tba
________ _ ubrob. la a raMagu VM bar again. Now' sbe dro|>t out maneuvering of tbe lender niid n .jub-k
weight of It* own Ivwly. So gnat is
L asd tbltbar they sack Mteliar on tba -bless" and Bolcmnlr axborta us to
t tbe rigbl innmeiil the U-nv.T tba power i>o»».w-iei! liv the ov.irr that
i sUfbtsst nBgiMcm. nay acaro^ "Count your, count yonr-stoii.- A faw
a failsD twi* to craekla as tney weeks ago a sarvam was nicngcd lu
' a swift poUsbing bmaswnrk near r..llj -s .-ngi',
Oicn cnmp|Mc1y ttred oof by hi* ^ qnfr^l!'7nbJbum‘iii‘h~.i*^i\v^
• aarpaafa. Tbar gllda rsther tto sod tba Urd
starird tiiik- strtigglre of twenty mlnulc*. tb,. U-a- .trengtb a.s in |.ro|*«i..n a-tlu-.t
□ally, and tba snaky gleam of, tnj to bor. -Il.-U... rollyi tvbat
rer ctMisenlcd to I.C .-aiptiire-d. and. ifi.T of tUe*r »b.-Illj-.U Ili'c a,ara-r m-m
. camplstos tba almlUtude.
poQ tmnH niiafs tba motlcr
axblHllng him nt tbe Sliaw llou*.- for. wouM lie at.Ic
P 1b« rsqeb tbs appolntad *pot-(^pu? are you quite well?
t''’"™-Ur. imi earefdily renint-' wPlglil of iiCi-Krt*!
ahmg a kiMy rea5 paasltw
ooUl! T\-hcro have yOo l.-enri ed blm to bU ,m.lvc b....*., Ur did u-a same degri-c
degr.-c n, the lloirL *vn.i
b a toaoly (onot So light Is ,ml much taora. EiloRtog no rn*l.».'
ba\o'"'T wM
- man |.nllr.l
h toe
in tl« same propersbsstiouMd oat "Why don't you talk?' I not offer to Mia. a* sow.
some of the wmurn • tlonala degr-e ns tl.r c-'kle br
and drew the retort from t!>a wouan. 1 «nd chOdrao held bin
snslain a weight of uu less tbau 3.1'ifl.J «»tsE boogba of treeo and oven
'Breausa I am too Ussy. I’clly." I*<-ltJ
t'HI tblak* br I* ............
num vJho ' gm |„una«.
I EW sbnbbetr. Tbs band anmi
rapllad, -How shockmg.——U. Dans to I
innded a lirBv.-r isi a si'li! IctuI In sUsnt confswca for a faw mcr t>UKlon'&pre-ialar
' Imm. o.* net
...v .m,.
.mci I
I Bsnts. Tbe lender attara a faw wonls
The Hain^rhsad Eharh.
k mystortoM tisgo. Instantly aft bit
One .'f tba siniugt-Ki sharks, and. In
fnat tf tbalr sambar dlaaniaBr to tba
) tessL ThBt bare been chosen to
t pscfotm tba deed. They eoafar aager- loras iu the world. Is tiia bamuM'rbeod'
ChiM of Hunganan Mather Will Other( ly vUb sneb other for a few ascooda. --an axeallani iisiiir, fur Us bead I*
wise Lass Big Legacy.
EhM depart to sppeslu dtreerktos. cyltodrhni. will, a width two or tbrer
ratrUnlsir iirnuipted riiiii.-a* It.
I t*a sneb way alow tbs roadsldr. At tlmea aa gre-at a* the Irnjrtb. Tba
PlK-uirr. ]>rcri<lenl of tlir i'li-.cbiu-l
F a glToa toterral each man baits. Ues
Natlviial tiiink. who .llisl tli.. oth-T *lry,
I flbt on4ls ttoffloeh ca tba groand and
make an cnB«utl pr»il*i,ui In hi.
will. Tbc^ are tbrvr ro«« of trinngnlar w bito teeth to each Jaw. Tbit wm. says a nevriand <0.i »p.vis! t.thc New York World: H.- left
Tbs trait to a tea«A^ tsdlooa one. rsnclous fish reaches a Iruk-tb of Of.
to bit granduepbew. FMleri.-k aIUti
»at tbdt msttoca unto. Leag sebool- Ires fart bdA. tbougfa Uiare Is lltUa
R. F]M«crr. two years old, but sti|in
teg to tbs ait boa taagbt tba tbag tbs danger of Us sttarklng a living twinlates that tbr child ruiist n-nmin
[ omns of psdsws. and ba lies as tmof tba fnltcl State* aft,-r b
body. One. alevan feat loag. wl
abls aa a Mntaa of bioims.
l» terenty
Tn.-O' C..s|. >houI.I Ik- >.-.'11
. JdMy a long laugh It heard aboTs SUS killed «t r.. llsriwr. had
Several years
to tc appr;elal.-d. N.. .oh.t
[' E'bHd to tbs mad. foHowliii a cbonu portions of a man and hN ctolblng.
aiontni the
L« tt toaghttr. Tbs tnvslam are bartag
, hb« nephew. Frank Siianc..r.
k n mfl flino. .wins Is Eowtna ftmmtr.
I to nni Gats.—New Trek they arriv.-d in New Vi«k. a pretty
ItuDgsrlan woman. Jlargaret Tunimsky. was having tmMe wpb her t-agA Gusar Ltxaro.
nitd Forks- SjKsins, cie.. will isilesse.
An extraonnuary rri.llle haUt U da-Hrip bar oot" said tbe lankre to
ckkIk on III.- mark'-t.
«pai- ocrlbad to a UkA by U. L. Kitmare of tU nephew.
Tbe nephew did gnd felt In love wjiii
MiOto are oflTD sded tbs
». -Do tba New Y«1 Jto..logk-al |ark. A large
Uexienn b.!ncd louird. rxcilad by at tbe woman, marej lng bar a .war iai.-r
Ranker Spenrer left nrariy .ail bis
I bsva baeo toto measure It. ruined a rasp­
1 to say -Tas.- ao atrlklog bat ing soand and expelled a jet of blood, wealih to women and cot bl* nephew,
Albert K. Spencar. off with tZ‘
_______ tba fitnaao cf tbs Mrds' remarks;
Would l-r pteaMcd
which stnek a waU
fact away
Mis* Julia Knmebt. hi* sten,«rspliar.
y.-'.i Ui-!-- -Coode and explain
MMs(bt*tlihea.“lte." When a kOrd has
and fortiMd s trail of too large spots ba left fJ.rtet; to Miss Mary f,**!,-;;...
Heir tm-nu.
■■■M enrefaUy taagbt or baa karead
nleac tba Poor. Tba Mood esma from bis boutvkaapar. g^noo. and to Miss
IftOH bto own oSrelkm a cooshtortba ayaild. moxDautsrily much swollas. Fannie Hobans. bL* i-o-yk. glo.Qtsi.
nbar sf ast phtoare sad asM

..........................I tba
tbers are cortata to artaa ocaattbsn ooa or aaotbar of his axEton Rapidly .with tba condeobted lu realm.







I absitar or a plaea
> ttshered Into tbr dining
•• -ti a .I .
- gtartlfd by tbe bird aicUlmlne: • HHlais TtoHma ara Ukawtoe trevdsre. fc», |e< Wbafs your namal Wbat do vou
« koaly road and a forest path alcme \ waatr Sba aprpriaad a lady rliuor
todt bis pwpasa. Ttw city and ttae>an one occaaloa wlib tba ralbar nooalaea are not fw bim.
uanal intjolry. -Are you nicar About
The system, which la so mltnomer, iti, uma 1 sras eaffartoc tna a very
tfpe Hm msttiod that U need to tbe pemtoi ceaplaint. sod it srould aP


bud a pwos&at
Util for oba a<


t modern and eomplatt flaaring r concern
d by fire on the evening of Saturday. March 9.
In hlf deadly i
tEMtIto of the tb«f la tbraaToM.
ifwafbtbara rer (eaaratlooa waw bl<
renatKin or •-irrmnaianraa of imA Croatfallan Inapaelar.
HfalrMoa. asd ba comas by
Ut call- masL Soma faw limtau.Tn of au. h c
Wban former UlniacarWuTIns Faag
ItoC tbreneb barrdity. Ha moat hare torldanm (for evaty one of wl.k-li .
laft (ilia rouulrj- ba wa« a«'>Uiiuinl»l
(feteodvba will die. He mordan fiom
by an etii-naira raiiuin- bimI ullamJcd
Ibr klaaiiwr by a drl.-piiloo ’of lo>

itMtD a aaua of KllgloDt dsty. HU
fTteUlsa at* a aacHfira to tba coda. Tba

are roma

If Ilovni- n >. Momiaa-iv; fnrlMaeaia
to Con»iiiu:iiHiul Ci>'is»'ii'ion.

Thlaja tba a

iS^ "u


This store closes every Friday at


dnrlnB Anmi«r

A Clo-tHing

at Steinberg Bros.
A Salt Offer that's bound to make
a rush for oar Ctothlng Dept


Think of h .•Ml our choice*:, finest, best suits
in tbe house, indudinq Novelties
ivehies in light and
dark colors. Navy blue Serges. Black Thibet?.
Worsieds. etc ; none but the newest ]‘.Ni7 mod­
els. all higli-gratlc Suits worth $1S. S'2" and S'Jij,

Your unrestricted choice lor Friday
forenoon. Saturday. Saturday evming and all day Mond^...................

Only SI2.50

Who can keep away from
such a Suit offer—surely YOU can’L

Steinberg Bros.



l« W«a a _____
Ml] and ISot) Flcm^ hara
)t»t nuiniad fran a «*taiaf trtp ap
the Boerdaaii. ibe toneer


b«A i«e Umit ud the lattn- nearlac
thlrty-ieTen. He veold hsee had the
limit aUo. bat-------, Well, it wsa a
deep bole and there vaa-'bOtUac to
and (be cprreci of Ibe Bcaidtop of Ptaahead vaa joat vUlUe at he vwtt
rolllDp alini:. asd the vonU be tried
u> sar Uiil> reeulu^ in bubbled. Af­
ter the river e>a Un<d of pUrtax .foot­
ball »ltb him. It apit him out. but tala
-IH.- -a* all
Irlsu »od bantohlp o( Oshinp trip «a.^ ended
becaaae of the
. «iM.rt.«,
Chlri occup^iun ,aler W. rk.tb»av »r. *iat M:fd*<aid acixiM OImi

As Clyde Canute *d» out dritlnc
:ki evening his horse became frlsbteobd att a bicycle and started to
ti run

I. Flora Dunpby reuimed t'

Ine IHenris I
Ethdf^nd ljiuranc<- Biidel. a
ala wtvka visit wilb friends 1
Archie Ponlne of this place,
retumlns to Ihi-lr h
Mr. Graham and friend, of Chlcaco
CaiHll. .
arrived on the boat Wednesday and
llerl Gaston Is hiivlng
It (0 The Oaais.

tii have
ich he eipecta
Keltic of (he U. S. L.
Itm Carolyn
S. S.. b^!
Ethel and Ijturance BuileJ afie:
iv went to Cadillac July:
■ r weeka with relatives.
to attend the annual meeting
1 Dana hns ome toVandetMichigan Hardwood Lumber aaa<
1 some time with relatives.
Mrs. Suiil
RanaU Gerlier, who have been vt
: at Idle-a-whlle. left for Chic;
MIkk Allee and Cedi Hodges'


B roost for
Order of PuMicat.oe.
Illtle (rtrl* giate of HlehieaB. IB the Climit Cooit
IV eomiauif aadl lor Gtond
Trarene Conatr,
ca!m down they I Cbao^rr.
be could SO
Aioe* C<rt-. t'cmpialuabi. TO. I
of wood. He «a I worth Cole. !». l.-hdant, aus- H. I'
knew him.
•* aatlsfacionly anpenrlns from
lT»£ lalber aod <!«'-« on die li< IhU csoae that
subpoena Ueiied itMuete ha« t
letumed t
n the delendaai
KOeMr. I*r. u
tm Ibe br-s'
Ktawiwth Cole h> teat a of hla cooKlnc»li >- taiUK and olher*. ,
I Untied alsMUic* frum
a law kaovB
ev>-niaK. Iri'
\V.vp'rirt! that bis'r.
plate c
Is tUa a
.» errved na '
r.d Btaat we ma> rest
On motion o
When our work
the above nnoMd eumpUlnam, It U op
>ieli! »i:
Eril<> Him I.

him of the many friends he has made
here. Mr Olbba and family have la»Q |
n-sldent. uf UayflebI f..r n«rly rt^t
years and all ate wury to have them
ra. Itiy P. Jackson
daughter arriviKl Miiiiday ■
eaieiidefl Vlrit with Mt


wunb Cede, oouf bU appearaooe to
l« eolered In thla'c«uae either in per­
son or


Whenever you require any- ^
thing in the line o{ Paiots U ^
will pay you to see us about ;
it for these reasoo*.
1—We have just what you
want; you won't have to
go farther for anything
required for the joh^
-—If there are any new or
improved materials they
are here and our pricM ,
will be baaed oo the beat '
and most cconomicals
you can use;
3—You arc certaip of the
very lowest prices to be
had. Nobody.cim postibly
beat our figures on goofb
of equal quality.
We make a specialty of
such well known goods aa
Carter White L^d, Boydell'a
Mixed Paint, Caimans Var­
nishes, Japalac, Adelite Suisi
and Alabastine-

. .

get them at



Mr T“ri “^9"
inebea square, supported by five leR* -3 inches

$5 OOand von will readily see that thi* i» the best value.
:«0 Rccker* to cboore from............... .. ............................ ..................
200 -Tardinier Stand*, genuine quart
nUrly tell for loc.
While they la*t. .ale pnee.,
300 Beautiful Piclnree. 10x20 in*., with a fine 1

1-2 in.


All ear $12A0 and $13.50 Men's
8niU. made of fancy wonted*,
all wool blsok oUy wonted*. oa»umeree and cheviot*. CO 09
Sale price......................W.OO

Beet full *ixe 50c Work Shirt*.
dooUe yoke, for.........................................................$7c
Men'* Linen CoUar*. tixee tomewhat
broken, per doz...........................................................$Sc
25 dozen Men'* Cheeked Work ShirU.
■{lecial prioe for this *«le................................. 1$C
Men'* Turkey Red Eandkerdiief*. each..Sc
he Work Sox, special for thi* atle. per pr.Sc


6 <)t.
Granite Milk Pans...............
<{t. Grai
mite Stew Kettle*------. qt Grai
4 qt. Granite Stew Pane.
Lai^ Granite Fry Pan*..
Miato*' and children • Uce and ba;ton shoes, odd* and end* of
73c and $1.00 shoes. Thi* *al^........................-.................... - • • • •»«
Good two and three *tr^ Ladies' S.indals and some .liArt* in
the lot.

Some worth $I 00 and $150,

\onr pick............ $9c

20x36Torki*h BsthTow^. J5cvdne.for.9e
i Satin Dsmask frinued Towel*. 20c
alnes for................................................................... Hie


Extra lam. massive, beautifully fiuiahed solid
oak^ker. for............................................................. - - • . . WOaUy
Compare ibi* Rocker with rocken offered oy other noose* for

frame, several pretty *ubjeci* to choote from .

A lot of fam’ 2 piece eniU, regnlariy eelle for two doUan. onr
prioe for this eels............. $1-09

-right paints




Cor. F»nt i Unl->/SL
Trsvene City, Mich.


25 T-a<tt— Short Coat*, loose and aemi-fitting
Lsdie*’ Silk Coat*, loose end eton e^Iee. ectael valoeSlOend $12 50, your wn q-j
choice, eny ooet in the lot............^
ImdiM' Dree* Skirts, made of plain gt mq
cloth,neatly trimffied.e$2.'i9iklTt.)l.0w
Ladies' Cnvenette* in gnyt end
eq nw
tone, •pedal price for thi* eale .. .«Z.9/
liieMe’ sod childreo’* abort coata, trimmed
and taffeta silk-rega- g> aq
- Ur $:J.w and $4 00, thii aaleat---- )l.u9


Get Our
Paint Figures


Men's fancy ootton wonted aaita.
fSwlnfclor.................... Il,»7
98 Um'M Sample Sait*, pore
worsteds and caerimwes. well
iaikted. $12 end $15 vsluce.
^or ..................................$7.77
250 pair man’e pants, Rivenide
Wonted in a vnrietr of new
•tripe effects, for tbu eale. $1.49
S3 end $3^ boje’ enile.

aollcliod- within

ill <iur Fbthei's uiansiun fan.

s ROClal held In West Unlm
Real EaUlc Transfers.
. iHH Wealeh and Baneat Buasa. solast Thursday evening was
bampMiled by the Rev. Wa»lch of An- <
I nlied .. ........ .. of Ameilra
hitisebold gtimls pr-luiratory t
si affair. glO.TS was the anuuiil
kHI arent to PMoakey on Ibe excuiv I
R Campln-II. parcel.. See. C. T. 2... II
I lUK there,
visliliig al A. S. Pray's.
trum sale of buses aod lev
ton Sunday.
. ilpli C
!. daughter Helen, and maid, arri'
Mn. Sanh Tbotnpaon U «t Bk Rapmudeled
William :
.,)utMas Kolekel and wife tu Chari--s
t. Copeland Is adding nn u|irlslil
the Missouri Wednesday and w
Ite (or a fcir days vialt with relatives
nil reier
ni«i» nave iMfO
H.iwatd am!
- i.— ..................
U) hla buuae.
ihelt summer home. Locust Or
and frWnda.
ling iV eaitw-nter work, nrtd ClycnelghlinrhiKMt
Mr. and Mrs. Eiiri Cook have mot
v..dtage. at the Narrows c.I Glen Iji...
Mlaa *Walbursa Healey returned
Hausael has l4-en doing the paloUng.Cuoklo Lewis Rulhardl.
home Tiweday after a two weetis stay
... Crawford and family rislted
Traverse City, took the l>oal hTc.
Willie Pray and wife visited at A.'
'■‘m,,. H.„., »11™
Tr.,^ C„
«. T. ",
Wednesday after visiting at the home S- 1 ra> s Sum
entertained Ki««l Hnward'a yesterday.
KiiihartP. and wife to Gush
Traverse City visii.-d with relalives htro over Sun-'
Blackberries are BclUng ripe. They'
r H. U Neaaen. of Glen Artror.
Mlaaes Ullie and Belle Frink of CresNanman. lureeK, See. 1. T. 27. R. IS.
■,.- nlghc
■e aitlte plenty and nice
Prof. Ralph S. Heath, rac of
Jay Rlekar4 Is In the neluhburhood
The German Lutheran
istniclora of the U. of M. eaglneera.
to Jubo Smith,
C. GabCTt and family siieni last Sun- »*8 called away unexpecUslly before
past month
tin- village park on Thiirday. Angus! sei^
of s«
swAi. tlaml eonlract*. Sec. 1.
'4 uf
1 day at the lake
They were oiH Osh- camp broke, to accept a p«»IUon with
d. Piay'.“.
Urn. Jos- Paradise araa e
27. R 9.
when the hard storm name upOra Drow-n and IjUtltv^Valson ditiv.
Che United StaU-a Engluvra at Nash­
him borne at Alliance. Ohio, S
to hi
Mr, nitd Mrs. Chas. Van I" '

fllbeaa of hla wife.
I.iviiiptiuii, Montana, vlsin
Burprtaetl Mrs. -Mabel Bracebrlce la
In the cousiructUin of dams on the
Mrs. Mary Hadley la vlsllinp a
M.-ssrs Alvin and Lee KlSi nnd familUlM Minna Crooks of Chtapi is Wednesday evening to help celrtwate Cumberland river. Hr. Heath is well
le« the first of the week,
well known In tills vielnity. haring
enjorlu a vlatl with her mother. Mrs. her birthday. They had a good
M-dor E. lamlsell, the ■Con-C.on" I
and abundance of rake and Ice cream. been here the past three summers and to visit
Oeo. Peraona atPerpefn'* Point.
ntnk- camlldato ffrom Ik-nzle cuunly was a-ward Le'
The young people all enloyed the Ins friends will be pleased to know of
Jf R. Button's folks
Anc. 12.
I Kingsley vl
visitor Sunday.
J 27. T. 25, R. 1". lb
party of Mrs. Champion'a last Wednes- hla aucceas In securing a good l<osirt for a short visit.
Mina E. Bryant
day evening, given In honor of tor* londUngi
Untia c. Btyant,
Mrs. BaclIey'B brother


Alward of Tmrerae City, their gueal.
Capt. Walker Is enjoying a visit here.
tnna Fenlon's pupils 1
ce cream and cake were served.
T. W. Hawley went to Trat
Mr. and Mrs. 0 C.
Caroline LsKilsa McKay to Alexan­
from hts brother Henry wbo lives ul
It her home !
aty, this Boniliis.
Aug. i:.
der and Sarah Custm, loU ?>1 and 902.
Grand Haven.
aiternrniii. Refreshments in
Mr. and Mra. Lanrenoe Kewaome
P. E. Moore, arehltect. of Travonie
and cake were sen-ed.
1 Oak Heights.
uf ire n
fnan OadtUae. Is risitliis at WUIIam
City, was in town Wednesday-conferAnionc t - Kingsley people who! Ouw 1. Campbell. Admi.. 'o J**,"
ng with D. H. Day u|<ou plims for
-f F,ed eiijey.-d
«»cv..<i tb
tne steamer
ex- E-Campltell. M 7. block .. «.«odrich s
Wr. and Ur*. C. Monroe of Traverse
Curry iwtoroed to Trave
Marin, inratit
rge burn on bis farnu The bam
were out
here Friday.
I-K islcurslon lu J*el(rskey. Charlevoix and i adrtlUon. »47C.
H.-vold '
Monroe fried Harry Oowd'e engine to be as nearly Brvproof as poaslble. ,
' Harbor Sju-lugw Sunday, w.-re Mr. aiidj Ja^m* j. Bunn to Arthar B>idrlc*.
and Mrs. Monroe visited ut the home steel roofing, cement floors, mangers, ,■
'Vh.-iMf«- -J«*>n Robert*. Hervey Tripp, iwa is tuid 19. block Id. H. U 4k Oo'.
P completltm of thlf horn v "•
Leland Tripp. Mrs. Gertrude Tripp jsi. gs::,.
*’^Mm.*C.^I)ye and friend risited _____ . decided Improvement uf
Evangelical cbtireh. Ihe Rev, and Mis* Alice Schell.
Oswegatehle farm.
with Isabel Thayer Friday.
^^Hany Morrim wbo eBllsted in th
Chss. Oelsse oEiclaUng. l.'ndertak.-r
Puu) Sloyke U home from MJddleH. Daniels of l>ort Onelds. Is vl.
Hr. and Mrs. Bates and son are
■UMary bud about a ymr ago I* ei
John Oit of 1
rlMUng at the borne of their cousin. lns,hls daughter. Mrs. Alfred Mllll
pMtad borne today on a rorloiigb of
of the funeral. The funeral w-a» largetm of this place,
Christening service* were held at
Warren Horton.
ww* or tea daya.
.. attended and (he Itereavetl parents IJte German Lull
Mr. and Mrs, Feeny. of Chicago,
S'lvVster A- Oloey and wife
Mre. O- Thayer is on the elck Hat.
Ati*. rt.
e Rev. FapsdoU. Oeenr Prause. lot*
Mrs, R. a. Gilbert has returned
aod 34. bloiSt
slsted Ihe local
.rom Buckley, where she has been for S|>ond some time at Cold Spring house of (ho deceusetl wish to thank ihHr of Saline, Mich..
Oak Park, *7jn.
many friends and kind nelghls>r* who { pastor, the Ret . Schix'tlle.
oil Glen lake.
_______________ _ ....
Je- se O. Packard and wife to Jowei.h
Miss Carra Bennelt has relumed th-nn daring the sirknees and j
"lergri-eii Cemetery Improvebbre this mek.
R. 9.
Klalu.n held a sp-«eliil meet-,.U. Rex. parcels. See. 3.1. T.
W’fnkoop of Traverae City heme from her visit with relatives llT death .d Ihelr dear daughter and
Wboat and pea harreat is nearly
The association fjrssi.
a cnllcr at C. H. Monroe"? Friday. Cape Vlneenl. New York.
OTW bere. '
Islied the music at
phocographer w
o David E. Wynkoop.
. j*. Dt. Jarvis and slater. Mrs. Mefur the l»-auilful flowers.
hotel ThuD-day
at praaeaL A good many : e harins Cod of Traverse City apeni the day took several piclui
Wednesday with Mrs. F. M- Hamlin.
■ore nmtb ud throat. Mr
and Mrs. S. Clark expects to locate 1: Te"urS'’rew’
tta '
ard. vhe bu been sick for
In the near future.
Is a UUIe better.
Hr. I
Bddle Wilson has pardiased
All ten
;■ i Ml. w 7. i,i,A« 7.0-E-I.1.A -MM-...
brother front Beulah, on Sunday.
buoy of B. Blaekhnrat.
Several flshertlH-n arrived In ti'W"!
of Empli
lb SI
Miss Blrialx-lb
Tbb ftrv. Hngh Kennedy of Mount '^Wm llug baa rent^' the blaekMonday for Using in the various trout:
» very <
■ ■ '
PIcuut wlU Join hlB (amlly wbo are ■mllb bouse and hsa ffoved In. Hr. been
l- Harwood.
Sion w'
In'll, bn
Tinidns hU paiwnta bere tbU week. and Mrs. Bneaard are woriclng ftw *”Mrr'wm! Farrant of East Empire
JCBfph Huldcrofl and slstei
by I
. pi-rformed
rm. (1.
He wtil eondon the «usrteriy me
Weldman Friday la
spenl Friday night
Rev Allred L. Thursiiui.
The coonerriee In the West Union cl
— -..........................
trading lonb .-wer;. Georg-W.Ho.Kk I
.tudllnr t.en-ral
Misses Bva Day and Jennie Farrani
Wednesday etrenlng of tbto week.
i. uft.wU.S<-e. S. T.
B 9,»!5
violet Harri-.oii.
have returned from a visit In Chicago. Rapids vislW relaltver i.nd ivlcnds,
We are eorry to learn that Oren
Anlhii I). K.-VS to Catherine
here Saturday nnd S'inday
Mies Anna Maxtor of Burdlckvllb
priest of Ttaverse City, fonnerty of
Mis* »hel GIMR sfr-iit a few days
ainpIs-U. w>i of nw'-i- Ser. *. T.
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Lain
• tUa plaoe. had the misfortune '
last week visiting rebillv.-s here
Chss, Murphy of Chlca^. dined «
week to break his left arm.
the hotel. Thtusday_ .
Mr*. Joale Blsard bod the misfor- .,.7 . A-w... There will ...
ing”;^ h"ea.Vh
M- Sunndera, fonuerly Mrw Best
The schooner Weseolt loaded slat
tsne to loae her gold watch while speaker, alto the SUte 8. S. President
Mrs. Platt Bariium was ealled .vway wl.k of tiiU clit. Is tl-lriiig
and baric (or Mtlw-aiikee Saturday.
■ bnckleberrTlng down by the Manistee and County PreMdent with several
Capt. E E Pugh was over from the to her home In Allegan u
other pirimlnrat 8. 8. workers. Eveo'

.. «n, m. craw,ns .ttraotion. You-va noU^. havan't you. that this store never


art. mimlha (rom the date at ihU order
I and in default Uieretif that the bill
On the iHirderland we W him
of eoiuplaint BW herein may be ukS.OU u. itie.-l and lor
When we leave tlilj- world «C rh.ingi-fc
When we leave this world
We shall And our missing luted one


Satin Finish Damaik. fiO in. wide, worth


Remnant* of Red and White Table Linen

3'.ic. for till* sale. |<er yard..............................$4e

at greatly reduced price*.

; Womea’* bond turned shoea, beet
shapes, Bindge-Kalmbacfa make,
$3 valnea, OB sale at.........91.72
Men's high out work shoe*, heavy
upper* and heavy douUe solaa.
Cb-sp atS2.-5U. Ulanghter
High grade children’s sboee. light
ud heavy sole*, worth $1A6.
\ Ladies' Vici Kid Oxforda. patent
tip, marked down for this eale.

diet' Somnipr
Net Corsets, a'so White
Batiste Girdle*, to do*e ont at........ l$ic |
I Misses'
block PihKaA
Ribbed Hna»
Hose, tmt\
good Egyp'
lien cotton, per pair............................$e
; 50 dozen Ladies'Bnrson IIoso ut---ISe
Ladies 50c Jersey Bibbed Corset Co\-ers
Women's Sleevelese Taped Keck Vesta,
10c value for....... .............................. $C

Boy*' grain aboee, will st^ hard
knowing, double eoled, worth


boy*' eanvas shoe* aod
lord*,$lfi0ialnee, {or...74e
Lwdies' calfekin alippero, every
pair solid appera aod eoiee,
worth$1.50, for.............. .98c
Infant'* kid aboee, hanleolea, size*
2 to 5, worth 3So aod

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