Grand Traverse Herald, March 09, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 09, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




O. R Carver^l^'

GOIM.II L L L MUi«, mOtX 11. BM.

•pd PM <lw «ler»at sew Iirp of
0prlartltyl« ot WoolMu sow
OB pkle. wbScb' »m te BPde up
la tb« UMl Kiflca. aad at
MKb La^lYiMt aa •vill aorprlae

TnY*i«e City. Mich.

)npf Iser-omc acciu<1<iin-<l tt> tbi-ir nne anti ><>o ara loot
villioiit bur. Wr IiAvr- them for truilbTatUrr. for ilairj- Oiw. fc*r aWrilizing |iorpne«a, aiid for tlirTmonit^erM
BriuK Pr<«ifHi)(ioiiii and Paaily.U^fiiaia tn tie. We- till ilie-m
riKlit. erilh-elniiiR tkal'arr riirbt. at pri--oa that aiv riirlit



t)o ^oli ,
l^noW fhi^?


Imene Qtj ScbMl ot luic!
■ «lHll,MiB«t

. MlelsTWS. BTO.
All ouil onlera tcceive prompt

F. M. PAINE. Florist

no W. nereaUi Hi.

\ ^‘a.—Koney to Loan
iunreyoraiid Civil Engieei
£wVeas^^l£mU*aaU4^.' Tnamf^c



:b that .loa I. W n an .Nail Iieigiil
.br aarf.lE- ..... .n'U. .bp
l''''‘■lS.‘ ■'« '' "I
s' her baau
1 muT got a bit o' um
teeni an' if 1 .aya*flning, .be taro*. I*
>a U 01 B. an' hr', at Claudan to rar that f was lu.rrlad wbaa f '
an I'ea., barn, I la'. heal. h.H '.h'r lima: aad aha i-. or



aorrjyof it arer aioce

T*e Fronbecy tor lb
bei-< wataani
Tina, by K

I wanly

tta prrii.-lad a great
amrof ibalaal year
br bar not failed for
yaara 1 a proph-ay corrawlly

Ur pra.!iei,on l->r tbb year » a big
war Willi Kranaa and Kc«rad wlib ItuaUa.
■ axt'ubl
any plara ibai •• a good od H 1 wara.v.u. Mr. lla.kma
a popular rote nf tbc Co ■na after
placa t
ibraa nr four bumlrad
■ ilaredtluban
girl, an' oung "H'U an- all faowdsrd la
■ Ihr ulai
.1 work, an' where Ibara . tha right of that Joa
A law day. lata . Mr>. Dtwrci
if.s ha. ID ihik country "
ifuaaa.sf H illatid
and will Bl
Barry and
-f'hara sra< a y mb*. fellow
. what IbU wwtirir of your.
.iwu Vrioca o.'i-rBaoc
li -rmany w
will br
bara at the oftii'r in aaa 'OandU
Idoueii.u: Ifyou.'ju’d haipmrb.briD*
|i'laudia hr bar ______
aeoaa. 1.1. aporacUf
it i:
Tbera Wiiii br c.binal
I eary much.' I worry di-aiclfully abinii
vraral eabinat olHie
: bar 1 d Ilka to git bar on 1 of that bn
oortfi :ioa.
iclory and in sunoa place
There w:l ,ba a ui rath of rrootd'
breaking w.-aiber dur-ng Uia year, ane
a gra.i deal <>( rain will
■hfk*Sa'’tor. 1.11.... w‘how I
,oi. iaa
inu.. ..n buina with bar wban »ha l- ft tha odiea U*a rnlladSuia.
IltTgigd. b-eha.paranl fo»d
wril wdaarar.
rc w 11 b.
larnatiiroaV ID.
uoknowo b .eoa. beamwad
• that, oaabjjlar than rt.;. ».rr f.r ''laa.troua
A new i(Dudarati
agraad to bara Mr*
Tha arm
Lawaea.'a apeak to (Uatidia aoool Use
r.d f.
Imk.B. i:
liar ay.a m-M.lenad aod
□a n
TO ea w.. a littlr
liltia nortaady
a. Uia 1
will c-ralrol lb. Amarican
"7t>!ka*V.>**he'r abrul Ilia
-It'd l.^•l oa to bar
aaid Mra a..wrencf? aftar turf and .bear w I ba a great .anu•ion io tba a.rjy fail.
Out OJl t ri. tir.rp iwy aod rea l it the
amblUou. for
Sratdayor ir-p.
.-roebocy if
1 i.aa aa oTanbrow of the Spanlab
ChicagfO Prices Paid. It will be for your b>: but abacc
an.-in ha- atair.. and ,br oadc u'l
would, for abt . .
.. t laudia la. 1
ireromuat w.iich will bt Adja.ied
beBCW-to-try tne. It doesn’t cost you anythinf:. Addre.«s. if I that aboDldn t 1 aay it. abr'» pot* Ipr .B'oa. regarding brr futureoBdual
itboulopeo war.
. •i-.epjr/lm ma anra and mom null
big. .naopln-b s-k aya.. an'cur.y
Tna paeu dent of Kranoe will rmlga.
732 East Froot Street.
1 druifo trward lbe girl, aad 00
:k batr, an' a ecap'.czi -n that mrey
i.'ia-o Viclsaia W I) die aod the
'oab^' befall ber if I dan help it
bar oe.'k fir.
arch girl
■lec.' of Walau will ba crowned wltb
Sbr I. beadatrong aod iinpal.lre, aod
aal magoifli-ance
■•tnuch wUdnm
Tb' h'ng Ilf D.-u
l.-u«ark wi I di^nd
ba. bran rear

1 ha.a I i® • C*'-bar age who ba
raw of China
Uie Dowager KBor^
bar • I ed a. >ba ba. bean reared "
Telcpone 130.
Traveise City. Mich an'ae
sea you. would you
loul Karopa anntia
. eomr i "h* da/, a weak or two latcriCiaedi*
ira of great proapTrily

;l eo ti rank aod
U-oited M-au-t, duaBcia It
lerlMarku. a wrallbr friaod, of the Belfvgmu if MimrtUiDg ain't d.i
rrpjiitical psrlywill
11 bale
ba foundil'Og-Haod Soriair. brougl:
sre'B I ayein ablr Ur do
• bare w
ba fi/r pi
.Dual gift of iwi. bundra in cpdldaMu in
nra room) h-ar '.''
ic.a-ling t
>. Tba II
taonlol. nrMibiiinnlsta
"Certainly.'' 1 ea M
ilsU and pjpnliau
Two day. later ClaudUand her loorb larbilla. aod I pJt tbaro ou my d
* Tor gorarameot Will Uk'c:
Oeatraelor far
rappa.rad at the room, of tba Halp with a glaa. naoar weight on ihein
ng-Hand do.'iriy.
.uilt la tba
Kira sin
Cirri tg as will ru ■ wiU'SBl.bE
"Tha brx factory a'n't ruBoi-r mliddy and than west on bit way
n' Clandia batlad.v rff" Mr. Ha. oier later a ■naas.asgrr caoia haatily io
. tha ro'iel Staleu.
in. aaplainad- Tlirrc'. U k «.f it .hut 11 tba . Ill-e. aad tuid ma-lbal a frieod
.11 dress likr BCD.
a. in derby
in' down allogaiiiar. an if Claudia of mine had bean it.juird iba.trmi bau and u'si^ and tbrre will bean
car accident two blia-k. di.unl
I bni. big slaara.
ould gctah-itber p'.aca .ha'd lak
Ciaudta bore not bi-r tr .1 Bar'* 1
Tn*aaof tbcfaa>uso;i as«<
sent ragardifig tba giri'a i^uly
( nilal SNtei will.die. aod will
aaa dangerou. r pretty, ano Iter »....
Inaa bar utda.t lean.
lartwata-iiilataraud mof'rabo. d than loft'c* and UjanioBay wa* gonr
had aav-'c-'dlhamtolw attar B? con ,
"I>4 you pm tba luooay awi
L Pu.'uiinr Plowur
araation *'lb ber'mothar on tha o«a-' I'H o" '«y da.k'' I a.kad
tyin--. at UuadalO'
lOB of bar brat call
Hut an m-eaaion
d an ln'.m.tii
ting popori to
at UNO of bar baa'i. a i-ar'a n gleaui i”
on a p
ber See black ryaa. aod ber p>r(a<t
p'.iBl growing wi' ' on tbr.uland
i'laudia got up from tba table w
aelf poawaaiun iodiuted that Claudia
.my. that .f any 1 f be broken fr
wa> alen and that .hr had a oisd an l .br. dim- addn-rklog anralopn.
und pioerd to tb. r.!' lene
cama and -.100.1 by mr daab
•f left t'lc tojn-y right hear,!' audia.
lb« leaf begin . /, throw
a ene'in H^t
iaady-suM.a that it i> bo- here
rof wbif. lhraad:ik.
in tba girl,
: Ba. .by one barn in .luca 1 wa»
ny plant bag.
eproal. aad Uia
ira a g sod dai ). of tact1 a
-Vra. a lady casa in an-l left a note
1 or three s
nttnin. a belgbl
Irawaanca. and--and-" »hmtterca^i^od^
>d forahraranct'
if two
Wban Ue leaf
a. no',
oppad a paabieg .oddanly liar fac.
____jiatod to dare I pthr alrooi rand
aod than became crlB.liMi and
.1. week, to ibrae
■sBia. tne y
beuar traiu in bar .'baricfr
1 aye. fl
planf. may ba cal »«
A KNIFE iWt will kecD an adgr.
althonrh a Ti-v g . d«.
and or.naiurai a* aba .aid
.nd put in the gruno
-uu-aii'-oably i'D'l of ' .t-idia
A RAZOR awd STROP that wUl
rapidly atuin fall
B Dial batroc a d w th -.1 o|
make .b* ibg a plaMure. or
bc'm tO'T Imaab'd ( ii't know bow my Ii* took anvihleg that didn't he r.laf tbay all.
and prodnre gtod al waalwwUb ifa. gl-i
loog to ma. aod' I barer Md a lie
ciL%lih. oooe
Clsn'la had gona tOM-hoi B ■morn
.ralb.n .don't .el op to b* a arry gaud g>l. bat
in and,biiy o«e of Uta "ELKTUC '
il-l write i I don't Hr ur .teal
I Drear louc-ird
a a da-arable boUoaee or
Trrr wall, and Mr. Haal
ia-1 t-ii |thai m mar. but I—I-yeso juat wait
Hrand. They are the fiDeat geodt
garden fl
et. Hi. report With npeci
tba truth whan .h- mid.

-- -

Apples, .oy
Beans, Hud picked or ureened.
Potatoes, Empire. end B. H.hrcn



"irz is:k



isauy b.lf bonru workiag
wbao be woald not Uiink
_. ..
lha'gardeo for that length of tlaa.
The garden »b suid ct
all Uu
as baarua, carranla.
. in uiagla row* asd
uo U.i ibi-y cat b.
Aaily cuIlytuM
.................... can or daroted to uoaa Tugetabia,
wbiefa will ooaesri working aroand U.
*‘lf iu“a.
fro* It-n toll.oi
3 half a do.uD men
ore dnilny»- worth <if produce
a Mild of many large tarau.
ay not tha faraaa grow
gardan ariicim for food th
the pisea
pi sea of
---------muabol Ua 1
re ."jam sditlcs b-sugbt in towa^ ^ae
. br
bad wilbon'
wiibont l.bor.
cisBkidarlag tba
orjducad. t BB israi(ulred for
farm crops
ba grown upoa Ue aaae
groun laonaMOeoa.
fuw butboo uaah U* fa'rdaa
aolruforlha UbI
sla a>l ll
Ta« y nrtcur TBu tsettar.
Bssl«-iiMald'l*ll.a.U>ry ot
.ioc-sIb and SanalBa Simon Caaeron
wtaii-b is new to us II raUtea Uat Mr.
Caaeron called .itbaWBlIe liooM aad
auked tbe Frenidenl to appoint loa iotaigb .'snsnUla anapplicaat 19 whoa
ba was ib a>aa way boned, bol wbo
wu particularly dlallkad farba p«rsblen.-s in deaanllng faro"Wall." saldtb' pr.
do yon wanihlauantr
la tbe roMu elojt a large globt
Caaeron went w It. pot eon era
aronodita.tarM he eoald raaeb. aad
"I doa-t koow wbat ay lagv ta oa.
but .rod bla there.-'
Aod no It happeand Unt Ueroht nraa


Early Wnnda

ra atny dlgsml kind* of

weed, and noaa of tbea nun ol early

In the uprlag. nlmo.1- brfiau
‘ ■
ue Ifrou
U,*es Ue geonnd ll b U« early w
tbe Bout tmbia.
that gia« the farmer t'lc
If Ue lead wa. plowed I at fall erew
plow ItUe oalng.oring. aad Um
barrow it aa often aa aaa
dnna nnlil the tiaetopai in Ue
d. Rrary Uae tbe lend li culUratH
Boro wned. will germinate to be ttUlad
aad Ue morn wemU Uat caa ba daatroyad before tbe rogalar crop elaru.
tbe fewer (here will br to coab.l laUc •

rad ter Ue
■t Ue Laba
* that Ukt
Bnperlor ba. IsMB abore lUeraaefc fnh
tbi pMl twain- yrani Ultae Haion
aadHiebtooon* foot b.loi^Ue leeri
nf Ue la.1 twenty-eight ydn*C Uka
Krie holding ber own
Tbeae rwp-wU
theory that rainfnil nteaa
Ur lake I'm!, and that
deepen ng abannel.lbaa BwUlagtedo
with It—CridiosKK

When you want



made and fully warranted.


W- iJ. :HOBB3. TnimeOtj.





Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

9c imu's Gompoiuid,
Tk Uknt IM hrifin.
i MUM IM A. Ut* ut Uh| Gat

TMOS. S. SFEAeur A se«.
UtasamaUral loalraad a

uaud labor, srbicb is required ^ *aUIpliiU
If aura IS grown than raiirad forborne nea it pao ueuallj be
spoued of at eomr aadrbi aurkaCor
Mstoe aeigbburwbi. wtil ool ba*t a


Provident Life
and Tnist Company.


Best Liven ko Nortfaeni Michigsn.
i*rr1 and-ttala niaWr In Pronarlhin

Waywa Cwtu. 9mk BMIc-. DETROIT.
IMiaataw. PlaaMt m taat*.

tVaat tbe>'urm Uuraeu Sboukl Se
Tha g.rdaii should narars-ontala leu.
.ban bait an as-ra.-aad beutr betw.i
A gardea of thi. eii* cu eatUy


MPM raalMaacaaralh*.


naior Vatt rrplird U«t it eoald do
i.sra than Bake bla alek. tiarlaad
lowed tbauluif. aiUougta be wa.
ling at laa « ruth from the uoap
Jle ralaieu the Incident ^lere.rd witu gra.t aal nuld ba
would b.TC .wellowad it If It bad killed


Oa kaaraxa.bra aai *tty F»P»ny-

Carpet Cleaning Works

la', aaimg Ibea. Wml
Tba .toff uill kill bia.



U^rUod ara.laj aoeecond IntilnUoa.
sod pick Bg up two <sr three pUoed'oae
in bu mouth
Steadily he chewed
tway. hi. faer betraying 00 alga of Ue
loaflsct witbin oiai.
Tbia alaraed
Viwbee*. wbo want
Vat', daab aad

ain't bl piaM Idr no girl is
I) go
gi> w wiin ,


aghest Trices Paid.

waarrllM tvwyaalf.

"IVaal bareyoB.ihcra. Dear' be in■ie<rtd.
Vprrheaa Inokcl up enrelaunly boa
uU wnting^d rmp.mde<l. ."CMraaialu:

r, ise,


mg eboeolate earaanU eracand. vUh
the leieaior Blled with baowa aoap.
Thaw they took to Use eesau chaabee
aad \ Jorbee. placed thea oa Ue d«b.
«iog pS whea Hr. UarUad
down the aiate. be aoUead

ril-,E'!' ■"

ivo BLurn ss?*M.
at 315 Front Street.

"Wbat4ay>o makaof bar— l4aki 1 ***^
f Haa Laarrascr at tba aodot vl
i I'iaodla went bvk to



^ Bullr«>.U.«

piapUcal Johea-----ca*t
bla eeraicc U tba
"Nov *na can fo. aad t arm <
-.oroad the Uagb on hi* noHingat
you V. 1 lok at or aaeak to^r a(i
--------a Voorbee. and Vnav wHh
aaH Ciaod|a. palaUac lotraM tbas
boa be wa. friaadly. aeally dM*e>
' VouTI baa* In i-I bimco.ifr tleaao
■iaed to turn the tabDa Ur. Uailaiid
I proiaitad bln'd be I'tro II b<
ad a habit like Voarheea of BaanUw
broucbi back tW Boaey.
Boney. aao Ii'K
candy, and \ <at and Voorbaaa aa^
By »ord eaeo« a tblaf il.s bow. Jot
un beiwe.m tbnm to lake adeaalafead '

' *h'T'

iloney to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

su w H. **sr^>«*rTiiUf»‘i;ii,, mu.

mta CUqdia


•To or fraok with you tha p*rl pur laAr la Ibe di^.be ^VleaBklj^^Ha
aiaa ma.' iwpU.
bar n.'thar aay
Urra U a oiixKr
f. while ba «a
e. Use I
bara.'inp'sMlfOt.. ui*ih« >• timr of all I
II raaf 1» lb.
la-da a pvsd I
deal t» a yirl wbo baa bran raaa^’
n lia Isrok Uia m.matanameDl'bouaa atuysapbara
-rn.niaad that i' waa
itAaaaatc ma
I barr triaf 't-s draw
rt kuow it voi I Ur
IB bar c-oaBdarjaa. hut 1 d.aBryaad -rryaall
raatiBaal -loii-a. and Bay be losrsac I toaiid bim ;
for Ibc Urc'lirr aurruundiiuia at the b» huina. aod I*
Ura. naakiu'a Ciaudia
I rai-t.<rv
She la not laaWinp in forva .If c-SBa with Ba or I
lrhara.-lar, aad 1 aaa ha-d)y this, that . riphl Ibaa and ibr
aod ha
ora llaabcaa b.-^uiaonaa)‘>ti..ap wl
ialie ia • ear a. I«blliaasU'i] aa bar SDUib- Ibat I niaant ik Hi .aably c.i
abacama to tba cfli ■‘a of. tLa Ua:pi
>.aballarebrf Ui'ba "
and be Uied to r-afr o
Ha -ffar.
Hand A.d
.............- •amUa ' faror.
alter o
I briaif 1
, y act
I Ua (oioE do
.urpnaiu^ array
T. Whan I a
He aa. a.'iuailr afrai.l ot aa. and b.
of oboip'y Kor«'”na- hut isja-B'. and iio.ra-faiilr ubunarti at tba door, but 1
aiatatl Karnrsu.
Toe tailed-blue al.k
ly .1. ..I. hi:.i .vrair
r>. iblak that I b
baac|ue. with c-ueap aliisa lac' trioi
iwsof pi-rhap. twra
ifoisr wii-i
11 a thf.f
thf -r To lb
aiuK. bad Ocit baau ma'le ori.-iaally
ra of a*:a.
It I --I - ' eba aoddanle a-irerad b«y
torUn.. 0 IVilll.srd llaakioa. iijrbao
iLsiaa tbae it i> bar 11.01*. Ward bar head
UiaL." t I bar .laau. aad bui.l inu- panaUm.le
baip f
infar i aapinf.
lao of tba s
-I.aara bar with iiir.'' aaid Mra Irawlaniita
out of Aba ordinary liua wf r. .|Urata
-wafgar. .od|br ■iffaclrd a dashicsf
r. Mr. L.iaiea.-i'. own aye. err.-., varfakum at tba r Huy of Uia .Halpinjr Ui
indicattra (iraanity 1
C' ful ahae .be l■aln•• iml of tha room and
l|foo<: brraJmg, f it did not ini
b> ma: "I bri are that Lbe riater.'
-I wanted to ne*.‘ aard Mr. Ha.,
'i.aou. (bat tba go^ in Claudia baa
iaa. *-'il i-cuu.d (it you to iburael
'Jian'dm bi^ad wban vhe >a«
. tnumiibad •■ear the wrak and ttaetaad.
ai. cauiThler Haudia
I..I that .baJwkad a
r’lf weari- p.Uantanu forbiarisg.
. but .tar rapUad oO> H
ii. d'l our foil dulr by ber. I bc.irra
aaroinr.' and want .m
r.abewiU dra I >q ioto a good and
..ue .did not btaar liar rwp'j I
laipaniou. wbo nek. d brlorr I wa.o
. .... . .1 have
lek. tta
‘ ".of ruaga of hi. nw'.-oiti'bad rou 1 ar.1 mat Mra H..diuw
j^anniiu' round bights, an'
and -I
you kfai:


Plat* Olaaa. Staam Boilar and Accident loanrance



• 'piaar> ao i


Johiuxn Block. Phone 7:t


. .. ,.c Bis saarta.Bc f«a1
raai badabtat
oaa aatat tao ■ ain't yen
abe' bard to o»b-nsiad.
nsab- nsiad. and
cGl. oalr abe'bard





therrbaa bm li Ae maoifoalaUoa ot
It«i inrwid of her Brat sreok ja tae
sstHor ot tb* lirlplDr-haod S vUly.' Saa '
bad O’urbt.d uoleUy aoJ railbro ly. aad
had mamtastod oo llttia iBteliiffrnrr la
jrT«ard to bar worli . She waa undar
I ■ibr
hr aulb-trltf
aulb-trlty of
ot Mra
Mrs Danranec.
Daseranec. a lady
ofarry acBla e-aeap^bsaa and of wida

Real Estate


' Wbtc Pa Gau Bick



cboagfa to do urB-thluc
werb Is a buy-f* tory. I
.hat abacorld gat a r <
nd Blbba rlar clear op t
x-rladf of wmadepa la
U b.pparad that tba
boe'iaty rardad a<ma one
.rllngan" otbar
■of I'laudi.'.ahili-

ar ib.o i She raebad i£ts tha nrzi room, and
■ea but lemma oat with bar hat oo aad her Jack totbaag
a.tore, let partly on
Hot indigBatlon war
place ofj maaifuat in bar fac* aad ayea

plug Har.t wa. gone before I conld rcacit. ofBr' to' from sy .nrpriM al bar word, aad
>ak wilbto'tion.
: rba efaiBe i
Ur. Uwraaoe cama in a Bom. iron to tba later, and. when I t->ld bar about
Tbeyonog giiwhohad baas ' niwaiog Bowey. abe aaid "1 feci 001
B-rf -rmiag tb-ue doth, bad decided to Idem that tba girl did not taka
*• h-wH for te.rhingand bad rnte-ad ItVauk aad fooli*h a. .be may ba
a train Bg echw 1 a few day* before ,aoBc aaegsreU. the girl i. not a ibiaf. or
aaadia and b.r mrtber appaarwd at',all my in.iiucU bare p'ayed Ba falae
tbarSixof tba wreraty
itata.wat for bar return before we
After a cmfeaeoca with tboac io > taka aoy fnrtbar aiap. in the mai
eaibaritT. it waa «ni i: r decided to of-1
H’cwahedafnU boor with Inc
f. r tttr pIsoeloCl.ndIa
piToa to Cl .ndla Uaek
Her {leg aaxielT. bearral perMsoe bad
' waa far more toI
' sI'
la e»-1 ieto the 01.................................
praaiag bergraUtodr. Una
u> tbam w
Oca of Ue girle COB
light eoBwution
tion In tbe
tb ball ootesde.
andi 1I
heard Candle ay barahly.
poteeaod reoerre
IiMna-4 b.rdts •Voe'ea 3-4 usgu
go In. I ull ycobnlleae Uat Claudia .-ould begp.ltycf
TbenUe door
o- wa. deag open, and
mead, half pwUlag aad
M-Dicing aronad after Ue fru'om:' _________llag Joe Lea a into Ue rooa. ber own motber had charged Hendlaa ol Ue preaenee of etraager*
bar wiU >b>*
Mrsed to be OaadB aarcbed tbe eaae-i.Ilcm Jo* np
Mr ranaoo for fearing Uat It a'lgfat to By dcak a_______
aad ealdi "Fat that bi^
right ha< k wlsar* yoa took I
"Sbe'e deep. Oandia U." Hr* Han Lafl-nl Fat it right dow
kina had said when I nratend tbe gtH-.
-You daw'l hn<s«
a* haag b» head wiU a black frown
Uat gtri a. wall as I do. Voa'd Ulsk. TB kM sriBeom tec*. Ba faaUcd ia
to talk to bar aotoetiBhe. that aa^ tba ponfcai ot Ua uiBBBt terameBonldnt anil la ha- anwU. an' tbn aMV
MV and Um diwB
diWB terU UatMty


Inaaaa ba. broa enbmiued

i tbn dash wnddtod
Sebaamberg < to Jncobii—"Yaw ena n
lU-and a achoandml. D.yoa bur
dot?- Jaeoba ito 5eSaaBb^)-"|
bear yen alrwtdy. aad I dinhi yoh cm
lalkleg to yenmelf.
■S-ie. I

!Tir;_“V‘'b...iu: J1.-. ,
fnl how aafrol Us Lord


•Tblage M gattlB-

HaBdr.- aaU

Fara-___ ___

by Sameel Kiocam. who wa* bora
"aigbiy Bisad Tbe pnfWrtnM ws
Rleh-aond R. 1 . In ITUI. aod died la aU tryls- tar tell Ua teruats ahsM
i-awte-kcl IB~ Iv'-l
In l»o
lOO daanel termintemiB' as- Ue farasm air teptn’ ter
Slocnm waaiaUc Isle Of Figat. and-, tell Ue
tbOTe inreated a Bacbin? to Bake
I'B aoowy aad blowy;
rd nulv wl
I'm freeiT. breezy, *ad whssgyi
■e Bade by ki
lb Uea *

■ Vaeli

slag it to Ue ptmi
might bc made ta aa impri.____________
oa a prsaaipla railar to that of bla
-aakiog Bachiac.
ll took bla
e tlB* to deeelsp and perfael Uia
• and fissllybr abnt hlBtoU iaa
1 for ewhl
fB.iabaying hi. I
•yi. neeiag
meslapaiweal in to hi. at Un^piraUM of wbieb eersod
sod be WM aMto
pswrlalB ^ bta
1^ saaMUoa pauacd

BBlry. bairy. Saryaadee

■m eUagiag. riagiag aad el

. t-B
bUloM. todloM aad toagfe:

Ue Aacnean lie Coeipaay
Be—-And ao you eaw Xlegaaa FalM
Ibcir winter r' “f. How I-------■■

I'a terribU. trteky aad anb;
>'■ fMrIann. Ueaeftoe aad rowgbi
I'm bad tod .y aa.. I.
"TmwUI nberei.-eate tba pnUaMW. “Uat Ua Ugber Ue alUUdaMtalaad tbc eaite tbe laaipwsiaia |*
■Bet tea-t M waraur ap ia tU-asaaUlaar- aakad U* yowU at U* tool s<
Utd^wboac laUar Mia Usted-

-Oautaly aot.' npUad Uaaeuu-'
ice eakaa'Mtoiar abbot Hh* M My Me. "ingd^yM Uiak U b^Tu
doeotod crafia. Ue tarrllda piaag*. U*
ebml^ Batoia. Ua raahL^ M. .»I«a«
teadoUar bUlt aad laU Um sa ar jt^ Bla->T«i, tt ^IkmSSr


Traverse Herald

rrMar Beralar. uratbcr with all lu
VocalBolo..... ... .brkerP^^
- -iroeda libiaU
HNiHta BawlrjbalUafira la-------------Ib tha aoralnc and UK tka boaae
faraabort Uou. Uarlar ihelr ebild.
ahoatikreayaaiaotar*. laUe boaae.
nra la aoppoaad V- •••“ ~«aaud
tha Uaaa bad- reload
d«ay aad
■w...*tke«bUdmis er
na loaawa**boo«»l5B. ooU
XstarprlalBC Sondar Bcfcool Claaa
ember » of the Kirat U. E.
at Hoed*} D
OaMldarabla baaioca* waa iraaaaetad
aoda aeatUtaiioB adopted.
war* aleotad for tha anaalaf three


Every paper praaaeled waa good.
irafsUy prepared, wall daltvmd aad

UJnrad oa Soaoay.
Mra. Wm. Wataoa. who with bar
baeband. hai abargi of oae of the
. B eotlagaa. aoffaiU a apralaed
aakle aad other brabm Saadays
log oo Casa street bridge.
Bomber of people from tM aaylam
were being drireo boma from ebatek
aad wbes oo Oaaa street bridge Ucy
notieod that aomethlng was amiaa w|lh
leoftheboraea. Aalhaoe
tha rig were grtUag ooV the boree
staggered aod fe I orar agaloat Mr. and
Wataoa. loflietiBg brabet opoa
both, hereral other paopl* ware


Good Tamplara- Prerraa.
Alarraaooi^ay alteodad tha opae
' Baallac of the Good Templars Satardv
aianl^, aod (b* folloolac prorram
dael-Hark BoMeb
Baaitat.oe-Blaaebe BaakeU.
Voeal doet-Inoa Oabalarbam aad
Addresa-Lerl T.
Trie. rioUaa-Blasehe Baraom. BesHaaadfHleeFalrham.
kaeltotlea—Hta. Uayme Laacaatar.
Plaaodaet-BatUe Braady aod Ida
Becitatloa-Wwer Browa.
B. Boiley.

tdaoolo Utaraty Eodet}'.
maatlar of the Uoaolo Uiaraiy 8oc
aw aatarday alcbt la whldi Ibe fo
loertar prarram iraa raederad:
tey. •'Bior*aai,“ E. B. Chapman.

-llenadar BaBiltaa." Ortoa
“todury aetiU« I

Mrs. E 8. Jobnaoe of *os Wmt :th
atreel. #ko died Ttaaraday moralog
at e;4S. was sick oaly a week, aba bar.
log taken a aereta cold on Wsdaeaday
eeeolog. Kebmary K. whila aUeadliig
the wadding of her aoo Elmar aad Hba
Cm Dolbeig. vibleb caaaed aa attack
of the grip. reaolUag in death.
Tha deemed was borv Is Port Bymo. N. Y.. Hay K. ItU. Wbea she
was I ynn of age bar mother died aad
^ber father died when abe wi
three ycora ebe wae left alone,
then foaad a home with B«r. T. Wak«a Uethodbt miabtar. 8b* lived
with them bdUI bar Slrd year, wbaa
was married to Bdmead B. Joba-kepumber tM. I«6C, wboaarvlven

Hadle coaei. They willHra. F. H Asbioo wa* grasted perweek and tbelr VraverM City friend* misaion to bolld an awning la front ol
will be mwiy to have them go away ber milUncry tto^ similar to that In
Tha booorod eoaple were prceenved front of I'arbcr Broa tboe slorp
with a silver batter dbb at a token of
Tb» eommitlea 00 ways and meant
reported Ibal their efforu to have Hr*.
tbelr fratamal friends.
Rathrioe Swobod* dbpese of her prop­
erty In a manner to relieve ber dUtratt
ilartalned'aboat twentyflee ynoag had failed Tbe report was accepted.
An applIcaUon was made to tbe city
>le Tharoday Bight In honor of bar
a. Hl« Bemb LeaaoB of deecland, iWBDcil a tew' weeks ago for aocac
meant to be adopted to provide noeeaOhio.
sariaafor Mrs. Swobod*. and aa sbe
Tba evoaleg waa
baa eome property It wa* aaggested
gaiae* and aeearal aelectl
Warm that the bs Icduced to dispose of it and
rlcwarc rajoyod Ly all.
have tbe pro-erd* devoted to ber
maple anger aad eoatecUesa wa
Tbe committee oo ways aod i
Mrs. Bleb was aabted la
isonmraended that all of tee lelepbdnes
tainlng by
of the Michigan Telepbooe Co. In nse
Oaovga Lardle. B. Brblol aod Hl»
by tbe city, be taken oni. except that
Banka Bristol.
Him Lennon bna been rialUng In the in tbe clerk's ofllcc. aad
dty eereral mantbt and daring that the Xoribem lompauy be plseed In
This recommendtUon
Ume bae made many frlenda wbo will tbelr sieaA
made in view ofthe proposition of
regret her deparinre.
Nortbern Co to aopply therily
aaa No. « of the Pirel U. E ebnrcb telcphosca free of eoaU-..Tb« report
b proparing lor a novel eodal to be waa accepted and adopted- Aldcnncn
given Friday evening.
The Dig Kootagne and Lardle voted against
gl« family of Ptmpkia Hill Bldgc. adopting tbe report
VermoaV will be preeeat to Inraltb
Claim* were alJowcd to tbe amount
nftl.CiKa'.' aod Ibe atatemenl of
famil> noatlaU of alxtoea ebarmlag boari of pnbllc works called for (I IH.I).
daagbtera wim are Uleoted
Tbe bill of tbe llanhab .« Lay Mar
b aad vocaiuu. A ladles
>nUle Co of (v>i for tbe beaUog tya-

Mrs. E E Wblteeatortalned a
a a member of the bar of yonag people Satarday avi
la honor of Hlae Marioa Pratt. A
plcaaaatiimewaaeoivyedby all

leatorea At U

aaartbtleaad flaandal
giran li^ thb city. Prolmar C. T
Mrativa- Wayaa Watara aad Otarlea Gtawa 'bee eorapUed aj
Oarbatt. Beeeral olbera look part Ib tha eourae which ebows a net profit of
The daeUlon (UZ.tT.ol wbleb (US.Ol baa already
enavlTaartvaaU favor of Ike afiraeapended for books tor tha High
aebool library. Following b the i
which wll) prove of Intaiaatto
Tbaak (Mbrtac MaoOat
tbe patmoa of the peblb eeboob:
Haw of
FlntH. cbi
a iM-eaBt sapper la the ebereb parlors
laaWavealarlreataBUlTo'eloek. The
kaMthaievealacOammaarlay at 1M a Utenry progiam la ohat^ of J. k. Bieody leBa
glvam ItUaafellema.

■ nuTrauW


■ ‘-Sk-“•
PreaieaOverw .......

Join tbe orgmoliatioo
of Amnia* gave
bostodal daterdsy eveelog la their

ladcfs and dMmed it beat that
eoeoell should act opoo them as
•a pcaaible Uowevef, only four of
them were taken np and adopted, a*
the Urn* wae too short to dbpaae of
more tbao that number at thU meetlog. Tbuae adopted are aa follows:
An oMinaace rcgalating a Ileeaac
r.M- opera houaee aad plaoca bt poblle
smusetuent. Including halls
act provide* a sHcaaSe of Srt
forSteinberg's Oraad sod the City Op­
era House and >iu each for balls J
Slelnbetr wa». prvaenl and objected
totbelitoDsc Hr slated that bl* opera

ball, tbe 8iau etroet school boot* Tp<
sold St aacOod. each brieg booM was a beoeflt to the city and
lug prieta ranging from fifty cenU u betleved that the city abould show apdollar. Aboot forty dollar* wert
atlon of his heavy invMtmenl
n u. Daadng was a feature of Botimpoalng the licenw.
did not object to the
like It taid that Traverse City
HU* B<
ipellrd to license tbe tbeatroa.
of bar friend* at bar boss* os We
After some diacuasloe it was decided
afreet Satarday In boaor of ber
birthday. Ike yoeng omn aad Vttle tbst owners of ball aad tbeatra* aboold
ladim enjoyed tbe evening with mnele. have Uie Option of paying each quarter
a and light ref
T^nrd^eSBca rslaUve to
HU* Carr eatartained twantyalgbi
straeiioo. repair, aod tbe p
Bsmban of ber daaday school els« at
on Waahlogton street Bator
An <
Tba gamu aojpyfi^ OB-Elc
s Elmwood I
m with gsmsa and aeoatest.
An brdinanc
Him Carr dalightad aaeb of tba eblldreawltb pop eora balU aad coateet ralaUva to
tloBa,and h* they west b^e sbe gave
aaeb aa orange.
Mist (Hrr was aatltled ta eatortali
lag tbe litU* folk* by Hiss Oovertaad
balora diapartlag a photograph wa*
laksa of!tb*
tbs groso-

Woman's Clab-

■Bg the army a*
arctoba taa^ranJUng
snd wrlUng darlog their ria 'yuan’
wrvlea. aad where it b--------- 'l-j
' '
be trained for trades ad msU.


mnag a* Nti

perfect -bvattb

mtly IcTofvS*n

Tbe pro^m at the Woman's Qab
Friday aftaraooa ander tha laadarshlpof Hra. W. D. Tnreer. was -ably
bandied aad weU ealeoUtad ta Inatraet
la modara Fraaeh hblory.
Tbe Arat p^nr. eatltied. "Hodera
ektlcaod bat cparty was given
Preoch Btatofy” was given by Hra.
Thuradsy avaalag by tbe Hlasa* BanTnroer. She likened French hbtnry
see and Forala at the home of the forto the drama, la !■ .-apld chai
Boatamaa Ava. Aboet Ib'rlyptraeated her papw in that
five yonag people were present aad en­
Beaofike Maeimbea toata of tUa bringing tbe c
joyed gamot and maaie. A temp
|t. Hty baealaeelead aad aeovpiad lavila' bearer* n* they appeared apan thb
W tkma to attaad tbe eelebratloe than
that aeaalac.
Tbe degree
Tbe leeteearv of the Barenou oa
Ooanml Heeting.

ocMaeb praeeatatMonday alght't
lag. bat there were not enoegb In farnab tba ainiiry two-thirds rota
earry Atdarman Dsamaad-i moUeo to
aatherta* tbe parehaac of on* of
Tbe reign of tbe foplab eoverlgn park altm which have baoa ander
XaJea Oty. Lake Aaa. Bear Lake. LoabXlV we* roviewad abowlag the
adaratkm fer arvetal moatba.
TTaakfart aad
other ' aarroai
weaknm of bn obaraetm, moUvea,
After the disposal of tbe roeunc
and iofloeooa.
bnaiaw. jest a* the eonocll waCaboat
■aka a good aboerli g at tkb aaTbeo slaty years more of w
t> take ap tbe acnaldaratien o4 ravitad
followed, aad when Loab XVt
polatad «o eacare raue for traaaporta. ad tbe lbroBa.'tboegbaprlghtla cter«aa aad leek after the maUor of
he ooeW do UtUe to rotnedy the

ordensad the a
rxtciuira ar-'
the demand

*'®®®**'* IVl'l--' *'urv bof-t-d :
bas dwui.d s lif--ti:iH-tu u--.iii>v.,i

Order, arv being deUyed. nnd ruUa-'

and ba» acqoirwi s «..riu »id.- |v-|.uuiiuii

rurrrro.etlrodiue hit pnBttC*
;i _i. .-uoodroUv «.-llcv«l Us pvnclka ■


mersln foreign cities are piliag In all
kinds of complain's and,..
acd using every’
^----------------------to getthjfroi-------------tb|}r erdrra sblF
-- ; .
b the prodnet cd tbe --------I skill tad rxpcncucc ped fine Never in tbe hbtory of tbb‘
I er a rtcnlailv giadn

sr.. __ .

li. a -.I.L-,.' jror *L*-. of U..- ucdlnsry. pructllW-r In fi
i:!ig« .iti 0.-VI..-S1

,>t>ta2n.d unWrvsal ap(*ovaL

. c.f.Ltv ... <1,. sinirw,! lu Uic M-v-iioa o' thb Bamr^',
rot- rmro.
d-i'- r . c.-<-.;!*i Ulii, lull d.->cn|.ii,.u sud cartlt>caM of *am*a<

ears has snccewdally
Ttar applet which tbe

markable rwrr. ever arblrsed by tovulMaa.
Fer Ball by

ritliVkiodVod To mc.
tbcivfoic. craatc a cisriag for stimclsct*

t'Ssv TLs-snbi^’txn slBW ulTS
•od I eea hsvt s Ssc assttl? bssr
Tba fonowlDg table abowt tb
aria of maaataelure* aad total
porto in the acvco maeibancadiDg i'eb
■ of oseb flscml year from K-v to -------

;li If
. 4«] V«J liS'.'

the aatoclaUon, to be held in tbia city.
made for May'A l<i aod II.
fallowing applicalioDs for mr-mberahip
Mrs. Lila Frost Opragur
ol Grand Kaplds. ____ __________ ___
Hums of St. LonU. Hicb . Miss Wbe.
.S'urtbrup of Mt Hwis. Mrs. Ids M
— L.V, II
llaairflsnd Miss Isabel
d of Treotoo. Mis* Ida'.F. Wain. Ml • Bert* O
Sherrod aod Mias busie 1.1 Town of Iteirolu
Last evealog an informal reeepUnn
was beld ie Uie parlors of Mrs. Leggeli
17 tViuder street, for ins visiting mem-

General Nswa
sonament to i.eorg* Wakbisgtoo.
to coat (zZ.iao. I* to be erected in bbi-

t Eabsfcb. F.vW. Izni and J. 0. Icb

Spilrbcrgeo ipple bpher eujsaly just


twelve yean ago, and sin^ then a acF
ply I* yearly sent to Windsor.These apulra. by'.be way. era bfigblv polisbiV.
each one b wrapped la rari-<»’ared
tlksoe paper and the barrels are paldteo in parallel strips of red and green,
aod gloosily- burnished white around
and inside tb* top of tbe barrels, apple
blosaoou and leaves are realiiiieally
pa'Bted. outbe bead of each tarrel





We are Closinfc Out our line of


Tbe naval powder magazine
iToubran. betweeaLa Seyne and
lOD. la tbeiirparttncDt of Var.
era Fraoee. exploded at half
o'clock .Sonday mora'iag.
All of tbe
soMivro on duty at tbe usgavine

While it lasts will give you Bargaius.


wiled and a number of iDhabuaou of shall ^ntiuue to Carry the largest aud best

■rouDJibgdbtri<-t.lBthebai!diog* linfl Qf
also fell vleilnu. '

Forty corpse* have already been rei-overed. Fifty tbuosand kilogramme*


of black powder exploded it I «ka as j jn thig Mctioii aud 8611 a^ the Lowost Prices.
iboBgb a volcanic eraptioo

HI. Xj. g A.:Etrn:Bi:Et.

.-orred. the rouniry being awepl altnual ’
bare vritbio a ra'dic. of two miles. |
house* dosiroyed. trees overturoed and ;
distorted. Qc-Id* drvasUtod and cover-1
.d with stone* aud so Impalpable:
Wn acencatoly tbe number killed, bat'
it is believed that no fewer tbao l»><|
were trjered. Altoougb It waa a clear '
nigbl tbe explosion was so ti rrific as I
to pnrfoce a slight Taiiifall.
Korlun- j
ately tbe neigdborlog nlsga/.met ea-j
caped. it IS UUW beliried ibai Ibe es-j
plosion originated in chemical- deeom-1
position in amnbeleaa powder. There |
is Doanggeationof foul play
Ycater |
day tbe whole city wa* la -mourning.
fTaga were at half-mast, ttaeaun ware '■
draped aad casino* closed.



Allow us
to Suggest'
tlin^ O'lw would W a tfiaul time to paint your
buctfy.'WazNMi or any iniplemeiiUyov may want to una in tbe

Paint your IjDiA!}'eIiIi

Sherwin Wniiam^ Go Paint
and y'lia will Lave, no traubte and di> a fltit' job.

A Bfizn Way to Avoid Onager.


want* to ba a !
■by Is Ihrdtaain
ol herlif* i
mg glory ol_a
_________ _____ -T ba known '
I bii-ssings a rbiid briiq^.
ordeal thniugh wbkib all :
I must naa* is so full ol pain,
and fear, that I



paint is tbe same - U will wt-er for yimrn «nd n<M paal off.


HtiinI, While Lead,
Oila, Vtirj-risheM, BruMheft.
uranyll-inK in the Paint lim'-. we have it.

hyena in tbe San Francisco
to undergo (he simggle---------------------ileofebiklUnb.
raceotly staoneof bU hiqd leg* std
It is not necausary to auffrr in loir
ing new life Into the world. By t
bad to be ahov
use of "Mother * FrieriiJ.” tbe soBi
A amelting firm in .New York is busy
• dsUB
,.W»-a of iu dreed
meltiag lip large qoaetitie* ol silver
aqd bronre beiu aad <
B brought
from Coba.
________ to |e*rn biiw to avoid t
A number of land owncrs.copirolllos pain uid suffering which may bo —
atoroforber. Tba little book. "Btrfore
abost KK.nuo acres, near San Aogeio.
IBal^ isBun>.”wiIlbeseoifre«

RemarkabU/fecraae* in E

the axperu of demeettc maantactona
amoantad tellHl.tJu.rd). or an average
ol (1.000.000 s dsy. for erorr bm
day of tbst period.
In tbe seven mooths ending Febn-

Spanish mla
AU deep as* aousding records are be­
lieved to have been broken
BriUab eruLser Penguin, wblvb reporu
having aonndrd to a depth
of . 4Ts:
fathoms, or :s,zt: feet, in tbe Pacific
Ocean between New Zeeland and Tooga
At Angles*. N. J.. a few days ago. a

Deo’t SxperlmeDt.
When grip attaeka a person of nerv' are 1s oaually a
great depr«**iun of sc.ri
vp.rits. Uiv peuesv
i* plangvd into deopalr, and no smoui
of raillery bas aoy efferton hi* miarr;
iboae herve* be­
oome *0 tbsuared that Ill U a tortore u>
remain In bed. aod the night 1* a
in a vjaia attempt to get a little
k an tb* doWa grads to ner

ary 1. liv.', our expert* of manufsc
tana won (T^.TSi.Pll; in tbe aevea
moatbtaadlagFebrnaryl. 1*W. they no tiau_______ ______________ __________
(lM.ZM.soi. an
and nntried rcowdica.
Neg^ct or de­
par eoat. In tbe export* of manafaetar- lay la Ibis rnapect may prove a fatal
mulaka. .
art daring tha decade.
Oo tbe ether
r. MHe*' Nervlae I* the beet of aU
lo lb*
aad alarplm* vlellm ol tbe grip, just aa
ermot. d
it Is tb* beat remedy for all other wcafemp!ng p
tb* fact that tb* e
n**M» and diwwdara of tbeservou* *yitom.
Itattocka tbe mianrgrrmsor
Impurity clustered ia to* blood .
tborougbly rwula them out of ei
oath* ending FelnaiT
hidden comer of tbe body.
"I was axlaremely nervon and
tbongh I doctored with aeveral pbyalending Febrnary I. KM.
eSare I could not gain streaglh
decade ago tbe Import* n< n
taetaibr* wa a asor* than doobta tba that I ooald acaicety sleep at all. a____
Uought I should Burely die.
I begaa
itactorcu: B0w tbe ex­
.kl^ Dr. MUm'
MU_ Nervla*
. ____________________
and la lea*
port* of mane lactare* are U per
laa n week I was (eellag very much:
After tokiag *J botUm t wna



la tieoeuled ibes^drcM. "Tultae L’nder Siewai|d of tbe House. Windser
Caatle, Kngiand."

Mia.«W*-*>^ Illaalaoearyf
larrlbU eendUloo wbbh had aatUed
hto tkat they wUlmnabaad with UkaarmUapaB-ProBea.
Ivm every year and teat
draplls the fact that the bom*
thMS. 4 apaeial trala wUl laaee bar*
Tka aaat paper wae preeealad by
negleeUag good opper- demasdfor
•tlo’aloehlBtbe avaelog. retarelag Hra. C. V. Wrigbi. "Tbe tblrd Bepab
A trial ^ekage of Dr. Hiloo' to<
tanlUo* lo aeearabnathlngppott w^ub paroeat. theongk'S rs par <
treatsret for tbe grip, aoaalati., ..
Ue." Mra- Wngbi ravbwad tbe throe
• appreciated later oa. Be
lir. Hilm- Nwela*. Dr. Hiim' AnU—aim ThapaopUof tkeUUarpIaca repoblica. keglnnlag with tbe DIreoaaU that Bon. i>im7 Banaab bad held moatba emdlog Feb I
I’aln Pills sad Dr. Hilts' Karr* aad
will aarve a ba^avt to rialtlag todgea
ta.Tbb ptiiad la Ptmaee WM tai
open his peopMwa to sail tbaelty 4M
Urer Pills wfil b* aaai abeolatoly
aad pomba a g^ time to all eibo atof paaea.abd
of ooat to any pmuon sandl^ aoM
kaad. Thay Imva a baU large eooegh In lb moat bUUeaa faraa. Mhshto^i
aad addrare aa a paslal card. reqacMI Ua largaarowd^wMeb tha hlatory op to
0 the
praasbi Um.
a Tcry ba iriiiM.


Kemiij eII cases of DrHpepsUt are attended witti
nt’ACTIOK or TORPIDITY of the Stomach. BowhU.
Urer. and other alands connected with the digeatlTC
Some of the following symptoms are always pres. ent: Uneasines.s. weight or tension over stomach.
Tbe greatest wave of pee^
heartburn, sour erTictntions. spitting of food,
rare baa struck Pilbknrg and
not a mill, factory ok workshop that
belching wind, offensive breath, constipation or dlar.
-aa be toond with Idle men
rhoca, palpitation of heart, sick or nervous headache.
mill aad factory is overcrowded with
At St Peterabavg. Saturday evanl^
s carboy of ^i<n* exploded la n thlid-ItaalraUway raniage ea tbe Uoa to
Owlnak.aonUi of «k Petersburg. The
rarriage era* buraud *U women i
man w«v killed aad atxlaaa o

_____ iovlgca^^
tto time m trial aad

prairie dofs-

porttof the I 'nlud Stales daring tbe
ten years U worthy of eloa* attanUoa and roeeoUy compiled Agaret lo
Waablngton prove that the prodneU of
onr mills and farms are meellag s rsptuiy incrvusiog uemaou evriiipu.
^ "x
reporu of the troaanry burcan of ataU*'
Uoa, eovcrinc seven months of tbe Atad tba Hen-t WbUt Cleb at tha Har- sal ytar. show ihat the exportaUoa of
Wasblngtoa straat.
Tbe araolag wa* devolad to wbbt and
flat apraad Of
taetoca made lo tbe o
of Dr. en moatba of tbe fiscal year.
Hartia't birthday aaalversary aad
the seven moolb* endiof Feb. 1.

Tbaeene Oty Tihb So- **'. »U1 do tbe Bartbolemew eve wa* revlawed la
Ib horrors, ahowing ibe pewm aad Inr tUa asetiCB are c
flaaaeeof Oatheria* Oa Madid who
■aka tUa maetinga great frater^ llvad to see throe *<ma epee tbe throw*
whUeahe loigaad la a^oat


field B^laur Co., Atlanta. Uaoagia.


Hundrada of rabbiu
have been tonnd in Bollow trees sec
nsdemcalb rocks'in the
ilruaan. They bad token iBfuge from
l£a eb- tbe cold.
EnermoBS fraud* have been found in
tbe water dialributloa of Havana. fcLy ^
eec fifth of tb* beaa*bolden having!

. yo.Bg people
i* profit abovmba* been
I letter ftea Tlaataae-Chlaa
red a pleasaat sicighride
realbed thiongb the hard efforU and
.-Hra. J. W. HiUer.
! Ol William Hosedlag cm tha pellfol managemknt of bapariav
'The Wda are erUta.'• raadbwalnsala Tbaraday avaalag. A boaaUUrawnaodmoeb eradUbda*
Hn. Mtaale Byde Nilaoo.
tal tapper waa aerwdby tba glib.
Deett. -TbU It k«aiB.'^n. aad lor baring given the people of thb
dtyan o^rtaalty of enjoying seoh
Pridsy olghlUr*. Ur.J. EHartla.asaW. J. Paikar. aatarUtastadbyHrt.1

■aao OtloDaer Depaty Orea* Com
V.E.O.T. K . baa rataned from
a ba baa beee aoUslUac new membera for tbe I
tMtaltbatpUae. Be baa b

Dr. Fenner’s
Dyspepsia Cure

had ovldently bash wa4h« la the «al«
andhadatoppodlnlhaopantag of the
dam whUe taealng.

Executive Meeung of J1
Han-h Z.—The executive
board of tbe Uicblgan Woman's Freas
mri yesterday afternoon
he Sprague Scuool
Membera preaent
Lucy A. Leggett. Det-'oll. presi
Hiss Kmma B llower of Aon Arbvr.
first vice praaldeoi. Mra. Belle M I'crt,
of cnarloue. thtM vice presidrol. Mrs.
Usrte o? Msoiitec. rtvurdlog
■4 to the e
eecrelary: Mra. ^stwl U Ayrra lieand water. .
After tbe<diapoea1 of matters ie
trail. corraspaocing secreiary; M>v H.
bands of tbe clerk tbe conaidersUon of
Hate* of Traverae City, and Mr*.
the reriaed ordinaDeea was taken up. P. J. Sbermaa.
Tbe committee op ordinaacea together
Tbe date of the annual meeting of

bariag joined them
I the Urn* of
Friday algbt tba Camera Qab mat at
tbelr aegaalssUon.
The remain* will ba taken to Ht. be hoe* of Ur._and Mrs. A. W. Peek
Merrit lor uiermeaL where the de- a East Kiat&~attoeL A fine array ol
I doriag tba wlstei
ceaeed lived from Hie
I viewed and a pleaaaattlme eajcy
riage antll IM. ramorlag then to
Hra. Peek aerred dainty rotroabBoyne City. In tha fall of
meau. It la the purpose of the club
to Traverte City wber
to have another meeting
ed ever elnee.
have sevaral paper* pmaeotad opor
bealdm olbei
amatenr pbou

■eWethcy.aad Barry DmprM.

gaoMr hfllsd a dpek with b laifa dam
sltocheilPcmaaUb font. Tha daek

Parfcwand LardU voted againtt tba
propeaittom Aldarmaa Lardle aigacd
that with vratarwork* to balld. btIrea bridge.
weald be too groat.
Bmjorl^cdthoacpreaeat voted for the
psrabata.wUab woBid Inveivs the pay-*
tbiae yaara. the
draw five par aeet. totoreav Asa twothird* majority b ncocmiry to warram
aoeh a perabasr tbe moitaa was lost.
The board of poWieworlm seat la
that ther had

Wadsworth strvcv to relieve a part of
tbs travel oo t'sion street bridge, dnr
lag tbe
Ume the proponed new
of Travome Bay Hive. L. O. bridge b bring bollt- The board aloo
T. H. accompanied by
stated that tbe dty engineer had the
gave a bapey anirrlae
aeirrlae open Hr. aad matter of atUamies ander .eemalderaUra-W. J. Kent. The frteodi galhemd
to pey their loepc^b to the cauemed
laniestiOB was sdbeplad
cnopb before tbelr departore for tbe aod adopted.

The family was eempeaed of
eblldree. foer of whom Barrlve her.
they being EOa. E A^ar T.. 0.
ban aad Elmer D. Edgar L. dying at
trio wUl be eome of the featnree.
the age of Are and Lydia P. foor

raeope Toveala rrealar eroodan than

alien call.
■*Tha moBvwHtat teplre attaedamee ar tha reaeaaa lar abeeaci*." paper
—Kn. D. & Tilaa.
‘Tha ortfla of Tbanheffarlac.'^apar
-Hi*. Braady.

feraaork....,'Mr. Ornmcnd aigad im
madHtaaetlea and waa aapportod b;
Aldcromn Cook and Jabiaaa. Wheal

bridge be belli acrott MUl creek oa

also allgbUy lajarad. bat not aarioaaly.
Tbe braaat oollar of tbe haraam be­
ing too small. ehHted the bone aaUl It


flea BmA and (dmlra'My adapt_ _ ___ _
ad ter a Saa park, whiah ooold ba!
by Ball Mfsot iritb tha rails HJ* w
property o^la Hr. Bannah't rad.



B&AMD SQUOMtm MBatl), MAbOH ft. KM.

aHoa. lha death af PimUmi Itara
JekaVrabatMU KnabdlkeataatkmotLoabaa.
allot Ikk alv
awitad olOtd
Tba«Bb}aet.*Tha0au8M ofTl.’HMas Widawrtiy bf «*r. A. JL Wall waatreotad by Mia.fcJ.Blwwaad Bar
feel after tha Tn»ol that pUo*. Hr. Probarl te a •amtnetor aad plaiMv aad h »«U kMira ao-Pra^a war. Ori^e badbrnnaa a
baalatw and a paaUma. Woaaaa aad
■ nr* bar*. The aewl/ aarrtad eeopU
•(«»>>. TWetia* Ik* •
la tba amt
Id b, bli awka tkalr ^aa* as Watt Klalh t«
belnOBaarbaasaadeat iblmly sowing
vOaaadalabt Uaekm troa
1 E*lkHfrteaafO E-Soolal.
ha. Prafawor Lalbar la aaf»rlal«aI* as Ifdid ibdaadly work and
tata(tb*BICh aaboot at Iba lattar
artng of tha 0. E doelaty of tba maoda ^ alram flowed erith blood.
at tba boBu of Mbs EtbalTboB
Tba obly atnegtb tbe meo erh ■ orlha sarkad aUaattaB ik* lotal ifaWsbatar atnet.
Nearly forty
gaalaad iato tha Oamaaac eoald boaat
ta H fOcaHrlar
«lk*r adas.
wee adbpotltloBto pUlage aad dalUdattariactolteT—rtalnlag
PabUeaed pHratal property
atwQO a* wall aa Prolaaor Grawa
d. oad many of the Beat ealaa
PiVU> Solo........................... Ciarlotta Helm
m ofartwareaaariflead. Tbb
Bab}' Maariy Cromatwl^
a Paaay Hide of a
was the u4a mbieh abowed the lomat
The naUaata of wnuan Bairlar. I>
erHl^Ula waa datreyad by Ora

See the new Embroideries. Pull tbe thread and you
have a ruffle. They are entirely new and shown only
by us.
AU tbe new and handsome tbin^ in Linens and
White Goods are represented m this sale, and you can
save money to buy now. as many tbiogs shown cannot
be dupUcated again.

oxjO a


To make a clean sweep of tbe Calance of our stock
we have taken our $7.50, $10.00 and $1S 60 RarmenU ,
and put them aU in at the round price of S5.00.

...WiJHelm Bros...
Union Street-Sonth Side.



Traverse Herald

* Homes
Cuticlira Resolvent
alareaaea =r-J5S*rartr2»

TilwtTB U»rek 1.-Tb« Atklam
WU WM puMd br Um MMto ttU WkfMT


HaheU* B. WaUaea. ac^ S>. aevaU
.CaUloemla darter
ladwtUAnaiBi la tbto wmtf& lOoptev raUtell I^.CaUli
CbumU Fwder. for
kaewm yeav tedy. raided te Bedfctd
tb* pact weak *vUI add
towuhip. anr Baute Ckaak.
•n. Tba prompt afarleal of tb* Are
WhBaeboeaUvMwla U* taawl AoUar* to tbe trait erep.
S aaalU* pUyfal aftadaaB at a day atorstef trom a ataralar
rtBCat avarwd a dMitrea* Ar* yard* at Port Berea
Aha bad a atoat lazriut aad baavy
Rlee WB**ev«raly baraed abo*(t CWIaadhteBU. Aaraat FteUka aad Uatbodkl ealter* te WtedeU. Kaa*.
mlabrated W.Utertea'a MrUdv by rrewU ol hair. wUeb <va* fear aad .*,^2;. a on
tbc haadi aad tee*.
—e^ loaw. The wwirkt “T*
dowB by ayardeartae.
BblCBU patellV • aairbbartet Urmarb Pte* a
.A Mr baab ban* oa Oaa Barvay-i
Ir ivat BO rnat
at Uat It had u ef
. katabl^ kUted aad bk body badly
ptee* la Porter towothlp, (teaa eeaaty,
apu her hvad aad braiB. wUeb Aaall
wiU rreae wbtebev* aad a r«d body, tbraw bar lato brain freer, naaltiv
oarB*d.aod wltb' Itaevaaty^ecp Burlad. white inatikaraeevtedMeioa*
1a bar deaU The hair wm ao Ado ud
aad thirty baad of dtolee blooded lajarte*. ea*1v bciv Mebaa te aew- alter whleh Uey twd U* ulmal to Ue
doorol oa* of Ue aolk«ej
boranaadeaitte- T%e lot* iri <1 raaah ralplaeaa. Tbe other bu w*a wbi'labt rvluad to tove it cal.
.w buk aad mapod wUb effialate. •ercralolU* •tadmk who
aevMol tboBiaad dollara. with esiy
al>rb( braelta Tba bb* vw U* u- partxlpated la U* pruk aw to b*-*a•eoo lataraae*.
Oee dealer at Headoe baa boarbt rte* vpn»teter but tappoaed it wa*
>lV u aaotber track aad Bade >
(balrie Ar** are bnraiar ia Naceea.
1,000 poaad* of aepper^tpl oU atoo*
Starr ud Do»al cooaUea. Tezaa.
tba harrtat la*t ftll. Tkte wa* tb* effort to rot oat ot it* wey.
ba* aot ralaed te Uat ***1108 (or B'w*
^radaet of aboot t,soo ecr**. aad a*
Ur. Saedea bad
there arf •O'O'M other larre boyer* la walldv batwwaalrhtysad* baadrad UaBctzBoatb* aad Ur r^att bava*
>aaty. the »rr*ar* la»t year Betl (eat deep They
adotupnieto aiov
bare beea vary larr*.
the well had spaH* of blowiv. Uer*
rureadVtwrea Larmlo ud Co-pa*
A. Battel dtockbrUre. wbU* driv- helv a *trov Barwat ol air coauar CbrkU.
Bear Arutelarea. W UUm
Bp oot ol Ue well. Thee taddcMy It
«!.wr. araaefa toreBaa. aad two Uvnald CBik yu«t a* *trov the oUer
burer*. wee* aarronaded by tar (la«‘>
»*y Thk eccIMd Ueir carlotliy *o
Iricbteoed tad anBftBar*«¥cbryrotaUrr* dreetereaw.lroB Mr. aad all Ure* aerkfaed.
leeelv^ a kttkoB tbe able, breakiar
0*B Uaepar S. Uehe*. Ue oweer of;
Suedra'* BUI ue laid It over the well,
both tmaea la two pUeva. Wben loaed
terewed ftkleeB wbtelle tetoUctaw. mlBivlaadoD Popocatepetl. Uevol-i
a «*ft* la a eriUeal eoadltloe. ,
ud tbe prvaaare el air froB betow caolc mouatais, ba* ia»l cloBbdadeal,
Win SoKltier ol JoyBeld towa*>«ip
Mid blow Ue wbktie load racoyh (or iu aalc to a ■yt.dicate ol BnrUah
Brnil* eoesty. killed a wry lern
be beard fully a mile lro« tbe well. rppkalkU. the price beter niso.oou te
wildcat la aawampafaw bIIb »oatk The*, alter rvUiv
pniup and rold The Bn*texue*l**a*lphar deof IteBUBlaee Boaday. Taeeday ba pipe* In. all worked well uolil It eaaic povitlalhe Woiil k loealed 1a tbe
weat oat arala la eoBpsoy "l»k
(rrer v weaUer. Tfavy (oaad crater ol tbe eoliaeo, a&l It k tee Inra. mod •bntaaeeoad wUdoat.wrr that when She well took oa a kpell al traUoB el Ue kyadu-atr to balld a ttgwberr be killed tbc ooe the day aucklar Ur water ^ Ue pip* (rut* wbvrl ra lread toUe topof tbe BonaMora.
ula IB order to budle Ue predn^
eulld to tbe bouoa. Then it
A (lond EfBd* anoelfttkm bah bees
Sunov PcBool CooTcnuoa.
oefftBlevd ftlKi I1*y for tbc parpoae el
- SecDBd Bwtivol tbe SaudayStobool
IsprovlCr Ue eooBlry road* aroaad
A**ecteli0B ol Otalrlel No.
of f.w<a.
tbfttplaee. Aa eaterUlameat batarOeaerai Mewe
ua eoaety. to be held in Sauaoa Kay.
day Blfbt Betted owr
and with
> rnnbtbt Vuea k te be aeal to
•that the a Boclation aln-edy ba* will )ote Admual llewryb Aevt 1a i'biltp
faeataltofli ap the taady rotd* la ptee waten.
lii:l*>-lle<ollonzt aervlce. Her. Ur
Ur*. Sarah Stewnau. Bother of ci- Bokhorea.
UVIS. WordAoiw
wleoB*. Ur*. Stu
At Maalvlee a .i-yaar-old div>>t«r of
tee Prevldrei htereatoa died al JW

Bot in ft iBftBBW to «CmI tbe
^ladpl* ct Um MWftfft.
Aftctlos I wu ftaftoM to ft*
tkft ftlMWlftf -bQftrd
of Ibrft*
br tto
iriHthUicooftmtftt U* ••


Um> boftW. Ift inppoi. ftftd tht
ftVilarCftftWBl mtit «h»lrM. '
Wllhoftt mrjto. Tht orirlobl bUt a»d«
th* lioftrd 0M*i*t o( the CBTOTVor. ob


ftftS *»«T»*ft7
ftt««.»oretVr wlib two panoot to be
' ftd far tbciroTCrnor.
8*Uon : wft*Baand(4 M ftf to iocraft** tfa* tftlmrr ol Uc ttmtorj (roa
SMiloa It wm* ftsoaded ao that rail
raftd eoaputM will oot b* tn)u)rad -U
npgrt ibr rMwipIftol rftcfa alaUna so
tbdr llBwie Ulehlfffta. faaiftlBpl)- to
■•a«kc ft tUlMaai ol tbc
reealr'o trtm wfa»u»er mro* drritad.”
(trvUuB U wft* ameoded ao th«t tbe
tnaefaiae will b* Ukaa IbIo
Udft witfa other prapertr Id faiar tb*

Free farmsof 160 ceres

fftla*, loetMd e- b*(v
SeeUoBtl waaftsesded to that the

Farms for Sale!

to pen
rreaebb* (or ^11
dar. laebftVM loa peailtr ol : par
' oaat. a Booth. tb« lorteitare Baae* baIV *»rl«k*B oat
SeelioB ts ■* ftiB^ded by radoelo*
the iftlftry ol Bambera of tbe board
from dt.oao to st.soo aod exp«B**a.
By ft vote ol 4 to J the cobbIUv*
ftotesded *o.-tloa If oy etrlktaf oat tb*
word •‘Other" la the proeUloothftl tbe
WMtay derived thoald r> lato the vtwr
(aed ft* -other apeelfle Uftee." lb*
potat baler that II the word U left In
tbe Ulereacr slrbt he tb»t Uiv lerUUtare believed tb* U< tob* >peeiec.
ftftdtbtafftcl mlrht taflaeaee tb* dapepaaeouriUdMdlar lb* qaeatloa.
!■ order to r*! h eaftelaoa* report

Aldannan Thotna* Abdertoa ol tbc
ia. Ill .hired uu.year*.
Fifth ward wa* takea wltb a aavar*
Kx-Meerrtary Mbamae vUI *air Irea
pale la the bead Thareday airbt aad Kew Voik Ul* week u a tour ol ienacelOB*****. dylv ie a lew rceliraUoa tbrearb Caba ud I'orto
boar* la eeaealeloa*. Tbe ea*« 1* a K‘rn.
pimle to phytldaov.
, Tbe Soule I'ark and Blue Birer Bail«year* patt la'ce oombera
la Colorado bare been ao deeply
ol yooar brook trout bare brea plabt- •eowed in Uat (bay may aot be dv
ad aecb year ia the CBall ttretaa* la out lor a bibU
loeco aad aelrbboH v coealin
wlator BBBy ol tbeae atrcaa* hare
(rexaa aolid rlrbtdowB to tbe hoUoia.
aad It b tappoaed that all tbe treat lo
Tb* eoBBitta* ieolded to report tb*
olHeato DoBlvo.
them bare beeo kUled.
WlloottbU allersooa aad to bold all
Heavy rate* cu*«d a laod>lldv near
otbB tax blU* far tbe preeenL
HuDllBfrtoB. Pa . and a (••t trala wa*
OoB-eiadooer ffeetell** rvporu tbtt
Bndinvwr UcCaIcbte and

U* Klotairaa eftrolsr* ol railroad* lor
DeeeBber were U.Tto VT'.i. an iBcrraae
' olpm.TK over D Ba>b«r ie»T, The tbt board of •apervleon. ooreaer. jo*-

irvB*D Troev w,-rv klllrd.

oa 8oa-

At Bates Kapldt, DoaOld*. arad is,
atiBFl aad cnid tall aaloraby bte aaei
wa* bitted while trylaf to eateb -oa

Brrlar. a bachelor, arvd <o. Ilvler
aloae at Beolldale. a railway •ulioo
Dlae Bile* •oatbeaat of Hb Jmeob.
iBlUed •alclde Bueday airbt. etiv

T*ro laBaua of tb* Bwrlep ees
peorboete have Joct died, after a t
deaae la that latiUaUoa of forty y<

M. B'.ffhJ,Alia L'.uMl.'Jnit.,................................................. ft.76
Suiin. from U Ij 18 ........... 'T............................................. 9.60
IJ.iy*.' U-ller Suile, worth $5, (or............
8 96
A few < 'liiHreti'a Heefera left, -1. 5 bnd «i yra................................
(.'hildren'eH lt«-f.r» for ...
\ few M. n'v rUt. r» and Overvoai* left at price* that beegftr*
«'hii^.lr.-n . Suite.................... 60fc 78c, 91.00. $1 96. $1.76, $9 96
Tliee- (>ri.-vs (or K-nzle alniuut wortii doable
Inwt now

Un Wheeler.
U T»-Select readiay. Ul
11:10—Bible readlny.
Lifv," Uro. A. CraWer. ■II to-KuBtevto.
l;:iw—Backet dteaer.
.. Be*.

and Inkc advBiita*;e of tlie low'priew, even if yu


on Ibie fruol K).


in a i-oni

Will iu<H })ic HO H<-r<n. .>r aid

divide it north ami Buutli Aiid iwll ............i^hlt

iw>"l '‘H’liHi.i

S«‘V«uty arr»‘4 iuljin»««<t nod ftof fr.mi »tiim|p-.

fnrmiu*: t*‘unfry: miwtly (•'‘ruiHux



with lAHvmi-til midi'r lli<-wliolt-; »iwill Fraiii*-H
wind mill



tVe liave ttoiiie J.-fi and i-i uiake room for new gtunla
have luark.-d them Udow i-oel, U will |«y you well to bov t

Kttv nleiut

with. Ijie iuii>r.>vv

SO atiria


(voui al(jiu|>.

eeut.,,'ui ra-'U-v iiiviwtcd. You ci
tuiiili.'* |«,M. We iu.lud.-iu (lii
iliin offer Ladn-a'
abd Hente
Ma- kiiiaBW. eiiH Kerwev Pante. Imdiv'

-derwenr. Men'*
t‘api-it and Jnckele

Pri>-v (»r *0 wiili buildim.-x ami oi- liHnl. HoOII: tin

Uen'8 Good Wool Pants. 76c.
Better Ones. 98c.

»therX). S>i00
D30—Uodal ete*A. le*aoo tor Uareb
IV. lauybt by Dr. Frallch.
;.iiiK-‘'lde*l work la oar towaubip. "
Hr. E Wbitmaa.
s ?o-Slv‘or-A A. Aeaaloaa.


40 Acres

be o.wo'pled
f»>l! in l‘-■lHtla*« .-..rmly; lUl a.-ivv .-Wre.1.
..........le'unb for worali a >p>od twinel-iry hmitv--. eijrfit *i r<"*»lBe U. Lz.TT, Prea.
to email fruit; iar^'v uprit)*:'-rrok Vuua iLtuuKh north part id fl'
I. l'“UT»0l.
ih Hpivinlid plai-o for mark«-t i;atil.‘ii ami fniit irMwiiu:. ►'Ih-ict- S'i.DuO.

A Nice House arid Lot

tViihio three year* ud alae oouU*
. m* aST' _ ;____
IV.MCtecow oward by K. D Oaoe, of
Not Obc
ivn (ormer'* I
obr child dlee'wherv
d ito'w I
KellA. ba* prctoBtod falui wi^
Ir died Irom rroup. People bare learnbealUy calve*, aoiov them UrMpair* ■d
.. Ue
u.. valaeof Uac Uteule Coayb o„
ol twin*
, Care aad a*c It tor arrerv lev
tbroai irouWeu
It immediauly * *h?
Caoadteno(H-laUhav*advu‘-ed Ue'
It aever tail*.
Hritkb boundary oa Ue Daltoo trail
lato American
territory to wltbla
•*veoaillr*olllate«e UkAloo. Id Ue

I*'"*"' A'"' I'Wt.-ieJ nml pill in N.. I bh«|>.-


lllr arToaad bl* ootlar* tbv aezt a
lar. tee aelrbbor* broke lato the boe*e
aad foBBd tbe man dead, wltb
b1oodyr*>orbTbl**ldt. KectaMler
The leader of the rebeteto Ur Fror
Pbaab Oitahaa, who ha* beaa a roBl tee deed 1* kaown.
teor el Aa IIml iNr4h'H^i’-''htea Ue
at tba Arllaftea betel at Vorl Haroo
aetoriou* Jeeperado .NuU baa bvea
A baby died at Uklarioo i«o
feralk noatb*. Jtwpod lato the rlrar
caplnred. Allr-lwdot hk Midj yaerd*
aad wa* droa^. He wu doBratad.
be'tafferlar rwat eroey aad belv killed
Tbc worat faTuard la year* atruek
Tbeueliv yorertew oMIliaoik ba*
w«k (Sled.
. really
DatreUapd tb* aoatbera part of tbc
abewad teat a pte owr four lacbea ciyard ablllapproprlatlv Ah h'‘"lor • ^*turWd by eouyhiv eoa reyailoB*.
Otate oa batarday alrhl aad Sasday.
Noe*en*e (or It oow,
J. I . JehnwB.
lev bad peMtrated It* fall learte la alaloc cl Frabc** K. Wil
Majiiifaclure Um;i;u-K. Wntpimi'aud Sli-ii'lin i>f all Limle.
Baew tea* a toot daap la Itetreit oa a
la ol ol U« eapUol
tb* ebildb brtsat. paaaler tereerb tee Placed te tbe roll
li,'.|iair Work. It<-(miiiliui'. VartiibhiiUf am) fpLuleterini' |roiiiptl>
heart. Tbe pi* ira* wlibdrawa. bul et Waabteytoa
a*Cfw.u* I Ml Haim aad iwi
' A ranaway bone at Badcoa plowed lb* little uae'a 111* eoald aot be caved
At Ue War Departaieet It k eallBef^ ;.a*t (panes'* r^auw^u ‘"i!.'’'* "
Alao (ien'Tal llte‘Ai>DiitliiQ*r and Foi
tbravh •
wiadow aad leaded la- Bow Ue pla caaie Uer* I* a Byelery edUatihetoUl eolIrcUoa* from all{
" AliUilt bau ohanri- of lliir
. Bp..
> tedeibeboat* with bb fore teat oea
irc«a Ip Caba for lb* preaeet caleoIVrr* k oae (araer pear BaDfor
li.'w to du a cmvj job i*
uuej.b V:
depantneut, and hiB repu'
bad oa wbieb aa tefaei bad baea Irlv
dar year will reach between tUMWO.who will pfobaSly aot be carried away
. too Well knoan to neinl lotniueiit
a aMBcat ar two belora.
laad ^n.onn.iiuii.
bytbcU'a*o( iBBcnee proBte atade
Work in the Hty will )w '•*1l«l for nml il-liver-il
T.lelibomAad aew It b 'be people of Bad Aa*
^ rrowlar kurar beete- btat year
Pile*. il.Witf* Wiw-h Hazel Selre No. H*0.
who arc dbeatbOed with the
rataedvOA baabel* of oaloa* oa Im ya'ioaul charob at Cbil
atud* 4*1 <ad beat. UuAi oilV lordkThe |iUi*<>. tlie ni-,w brivk fbi-lory al i-or I tiioii ami
tMr vl ter*, aad petitloe* are belaf
Uaateoaerr* of tead. aad >rweUy Wo Kuzie. tbe v«f ■'Sinn. era-, kill- boBWl peepiv wbjtaryt'' iiallaie and
•«eli it ^i-a Ueir eadotwment
by liybtatey. which *>.> Wrerked
Bold tefB lor A/iy evau per baabel.
I a fund artlefe. Wnrtble** yood* are
ebaar* it to Bevarly.
' With all Ue ttortek n' tbe proAu la Ue froBlol ib* chun-h.
.a imiUted
<3et DeWiii* Witefa
After rail* a paaber rf panple of
beet*. BO oa* bw yet barn fooad
'he wrarlny away of the rock le Vl. Hazel Sal re 3. U. Job
TrawarsM City. BAfcMyar
WalervUet wtr* vaedaeted
ireCbrye k more appareot tbi* widwbor«sll**daayU1v>lb« tel* Baa'*
' oat Uat tba reperted-eaaeof >Bal1poz pr..Bt ol over r;uu per VT«
tar tbaa for many yvara
Table rock



aad will r>ve a hoa<

•40,000, if

M.-u a i-ond half woi>l UuuineMi Suit, Ozfikd Gray.
valuM$'tr.O. vlv price.................................................................................. $380
W. ti'i. IS double hr.a«tvd nil woil Kerwev Suit......................... . tejw
M‘-r)'e 610 faucy all wool Tweet! Suit... ............................ 6.76

160 Acres

80 Acres


* /m urn ‘-reaie more coqrtertUUon tbaa the sale of oor tS.000
Haiikropt Stm-k did amony our competitoia
Oor buyer who
i* Kaet hatitu; picke'l ap ibeae Kood* di 50c on the dollar
eleaa. new aiock
Many lota are entirelv aold oot, and the way
Ui.-~ ^•rKaln« are urabbeil up isan evidence that the puUic
kiixw M lend tliiutf ahru they ms- il. Thte week we havaadd^
many Iota froiu our nxuUr abwk. which we hfve marked down
•o low that ilic mote di-aperale efforts i-atiDol.touch.
It i* impanible lo eiiuuerale the whole ioi. o. just mention a wry few

IS rniW M'tith of (uwM. kn<iwn aa ihi- I'oiilun farm; a N-> I Imt'.. U’l'ki

V P B WbltBU.

Tbvtrantpori VorUaad Bailed from
*0 Kraeclico 'or Hull* with reerait*
ud a yrvat earyool aappllr* for tbe
J. Sheer, Sedalla. Mo., coodactoroo'oin-fourlli di>*-n. ImUin n n looii ti
aebool olHeer. Dotary pabllc. altorar.t,
electric *1***! e*r Uoe. writva Uat bl* ’
army aod ury la ll>* I'hlUpptevk.
*d aeBber of tbe towakhip pomBltlitte dzuyhlcr wu* very low with
Tbr I'bUllau army k to W reduced cruap.ud her life eared afirr all pby*.
y Srto aieorklfirti k rumored al V»1 Iclia* £ad (*lled. ualy by oulv "o'
Job** Bi*bapoli:irard..dted reeeatparalAO Uat tbe *ale of M-reral orui*en> UiDutc Couyb Carr. J.<i Jobo*oa.
ly attb* are ol TO year*
He bad beta
to tbe I'olted Male* k outemplaled
blladforlbe laat thirty year* ol bl*.
Ibw* rnriv* acre* n III
Fiiiir milie. fMiii Liikr .\iiii.
ai-rr*i lm|>n)Vi«I: utnnll fmim' hi'iiAol ezlrcme poverty. Ur*.
Ill*, bbd yet bi* ■*&** ol touch wa**o;
' w^land liura. 4W ni-^i of limb.-! »n llir
will -i- !r.tu— this j-'in
lie tb*t beeoetloued todo butlae** I.aura Hrowdv of UontarlUe. "re.
for Tr(ii‘'rer t'ity pro|vr1y.
■nerly aa well alter beta*: bitclrht a* poUosed aod *bot heraeJI to deaU.
*B*B Ibateoeldiee. He made eb*v« alter Ictolly pokoalv her Uree cbildrea.
wltb paper BOBcy with uaerriBf li

total Blebtran eftralnr* (■>' !*'■“ oa
wkteb tftxee will be paid Ul* year were
$»l.#te.*7ti, aa laereftae ol
All.epB^ aeav over ISkT. ;It i* eetliBftladtbat tba laeFaaa* lab

white MUlareaab lee boat

| ^ «S^IOAOT,000


New PriiiiB. lalewt deefgnft..............
N. >• (iiut;ltemf.. die very luteal


elii?anl Kliirl!

..4 and 6c
..6to 1^


_____ _________ ...

tfMi.i NEW. up i—dau- SprioK
equal to merchant Uilorin^/arliMie htiil tevlieh
In eliort, every (wa of oar deparlme.ui an- tw-iiur tilled with SEW. FBKSH IHKJDS fr.«i
K-fteterc luarkete when- lowiit pricew prevail.

Takewlvantau’e ‘A the af ireiiientioned vie and Olotha
your»elfafldtheboy*foratritlinK aum. aa they will not
laet l-.ii.; at the prii-CK'plai'ed ou them.

Monet Refunileil if liot Satisfacioni.

Traverse City Wagon Works! The Boston Store,
Olua Block

Traveraa City. Mleh.

A. J. PETERTYL, Proprietor.


wa* BOBrtblv v)**, aad tbe exeiteMBbt I* DOW dyinr d-***.

eacOBlda't mvIboc Wllllaa Ar
1. ol Dexier.Ual a rold mlo* U -le
At Xod. Joba B-i‘a. a^ klily,
with a rrerel pit a* a *ar* (n
taravr. eoBBiUad ••''.:>de Moaday by ol iaeoDe- Ue be* a l«rB Ibat te
baarlV blsarU Ur bad
ISBeaae rvave) pit. and a‘lew yean
4aapoad*Boy«aa«*ltbeaet. Be laavae VO be aold a *Ball portioa ol It to tb*
a wHbw aad two eblldi
MlehlraaCeatral railroad f<
Ab Atbea* Baa aat ap alcbu to tava Uoniaod dollar*. La*l week be aold
Ua putol4*e (lOB lro*tdarli,r tb
aaotber p< rtloe to the **Be corpora­
acpt Mr free**, ably to loa* tbra
tion Ice tt.onn aad a Ilf* pa** (or btsday* later la tbe dn wbK-b dretroyed *el( Ud IftBily over Ue aoBpaay'a
' tbataUdlortbay ware Bored la.
mUeaBBltb.ayoav adrrled ^
B*r raeMlar aaar the Arricaltara) IvlthoB* Wedaraday Boralar to attaod aa aoctloa
He ba* aat bc*a **ea

E. A. Ktd»..ayad ;u. heather of Ur
faa>OD*(Vlb<erwhu eoaalruc’ed the
bridye orer the Ukciwilppi >t St l«ek
died a'cme from eipoeare ie bk hermit
Iteeple UvlBC Dear Sbwweed Mr* cibka te Hike yuleh. >.-r K lutoa,
baas eery Bach easitod tor Ue peat ilobl.
ate Boatb* by tbe aatle* ol a atraar*
W-* iV If . Wiirk'naB. a d vbler ol
Hlt*a> that ialcated chlekva coop* and . * o .r*nior RuHock. ot UtuHcbui
kt'-'i layliHlteoBa wheel
banter* poald But k<II It aed claimed iraveiv inibv Himalaya aad to p'ana

At Detre'l death etar to Aar** He
*rat la bv J At'*

Uatliwotiddi*kppea-ia* twiekller .'I unhiuc'Dml leteriat te tbe p'.ateu
te UecarU by dlreior Tbe ulsal •be ha* already eoyervd *.(■>■' mllea

day evaalar. white baeellar Ie pt«yi
. Hr. Hewat wa* M y««n of arc aad
bad •mSrwd froB heart Iroabla tor ^welrh* oBly tweety pnuate aad dor*
aot apprer wsrly a* 1 .naldable a* <ra»
•owe yean.
liaarleid befoie vyoee rot a good
HfBday aoet«lB*aad leader
clew ol It.
Aaranad oa lb- Yp*fl*eli road, tbraa
Tbe Mr Aoorlv «>ll> oeder eea*
Bite* can of llllb^ala
tloa at Oadllla* will be coBpleicd ud
badly wnobvd. Tb* carter-' •
aeeUoa baad were
The tetter ready for operattoe April I. ft will be
UeBceteoBpleteUIVof Ite klad 1a
trill preUMydlr
tb* c->aaUy. ud wlUb*>opereled urerfoi #B'tb .W s..oih**b*. o. laal
tiraly by rlertriclty. lueaeaalty will
eeDBty. helped a pollr>B*a vt>p •
be taouo (set of saple Boorlv perday.
away b‘«a* lu Cbkaro. Rbhea.wlU (aellitte* (or iecreular Ui* o^t•rtuhid kr ibe wbaal* paaalnr o»
pattoCd.WO (ret wbea aeoeuety Tae
aad ftBpitaUnn tono*^
L rkjtw
deaaV tor hardwood limber aad lud*
MlaaadtbtBaa died.
1a Uat-Tleleity k ebpreevdeaied
Oaytoa V. Fermw. a welMriK
ynacr aaaol Battle CreV. af'.l
trbll* la eoBpaBywith a arm . i

eblldira work a* mneb a* ciybtveu
b>‘ur* dally, Ue meo (or (t eeau a day
aad womea aad ehildrve (or uaeh

The pr } vl atorted coon alter
d. *i-ucin>eu( Ue Hatae by Walter
• lid a pzirtotle Cteeteaaii bo
b>rr a b>^,V.falp to he called the
A-»-rc«B il y. coaatracted l>v cc
bnlW* from tbe yoath ot Ue to<
wat Doi (•«bly acted apoa by
yreu». b-i- Pr.odeal UeKiBley, SacreU e *ed pvomteeal mrmb.r

At Ur*. P. Ate**pi!n*e
band a Ar* ta her caaolla* cum

dr.-d and one <-Ao»>e on the any. aome of whi;-!i we hive alret U ptec -tl on -lie et testoniatilDgly
Low PrioAA Ix«d» of Cloibin»; and ShcM-t have IxHn iiii|«R. kr-il
Tliej en- iH-euti.-e. ii|> b.
llii- lowee! ■•a.-ii liiiiu
■ ilie»e prii-e* and ''.'inimr,. i

Sixty-five Second-hand Bicycles
ill good rna^lag ordv

A Man'e Biiniuem Suit

Man'* Brown Pnion (.Yteui-


mere Suit, well Worth f>‘i. for.
A Man e Klavk t'beviot ai|aare
i-at Suit, *6 ralne. (or .................
A Man'e Brown Misnl Caeiii-

men' .Snit. rbeap at ffi 50. for

IXongola Shoea, teiv and




ii|elo date

Btoi-Hip. well worth »1 60.



^ QQ

yli lolid inneraoh-e ami couoiera, made of
t(U(id IVnuOila atuck. U]M“dAtelo^^or...........................................
“The Colonibia.''a i.adie*'


Kid Sh<e-;

warranUk) kll aolid: made for comfort, dur­


ahoe in tbe vitv.

Our price...........................................
Meo'a Hriftly all wool. Ifi tiQnoe Bteck Clay

Men'* Katin Calf Shorn, in lace
up-lo-flate toea. well worth
•f 50. for....................................... ..

rd not to fade, wel worth SIO,


aolid. wonli *4. oor price—.


/t Q

>r i-ont-reae,


•'no UladatODe,'' a 1^'a aol=d Knaaian Calf
tan colored Shoe.




A few amall aiaca of Men'* abJ Boy*' OverduaU to diapaae of below .manufylnrera'

ud Bi-Tflpa that mvl baaoU at
• new whfwU
In order to botu
tiiea.' wheel*, for the tfext SO Laya I will mII them

From $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00.
Don't tuiH tbi* ehanw to get a Bicyde for such a troBmdnuB low price. Come quick aod make a aelartion. for they
will awuD go at tb««e pricre

-‘The Exoellent." a Lwile# Shoe, warraui-*!

A MAo'arSatiB Oalf Shoe, all

STk.-.iss’CTiasTifiirssi' ‘:i*x


ability aod atjle: roiuparv lliU ahot- with
Men', black Oay Woreted Suite

A Maii'h aoldim' blue Fla-viidt Sait, warrant-

> IremUatiBccI tba tedra***! o( Ue *‘wr«l*^“‘nZrftuevee tMUf* Br .
• Blate- Thk i*M to far bub ol tb*
• cariteM aatater that piuaw bliiny




^ Suit, well worth #7. for..............

Mt*«i.R.AI ^allTo*A^b«■1lt>^^*-^rtl•U• ballet to U* nuuld* earteee
tockey. !•
BtF baibu l dte4 a
eeiowh. uuiv* M opvhiu* Uul M luiumre
year* tgo.

Prices from $25 up to $50.

dale, well made. uvH worth •
Year Monay by boyiiur of ui
g»kle-yon i.'anuol fool yniina-lf.

tbe uaavpnrt B-umani* bu* reaobrd
Siolteyo (r.mi Sea Juan .with U*
■« of ].1. Bjldiera ahodled te For
ri Tbv rreOfl£"af the war de
Bvalthew t*iatab<9i »*t> arvbcrlvd te Ue Drlyuboehi^ of SaatTayo.
aai Ue work of epeoiv Ue ytavaa
ty take I wo or Ufa* week* tfterwrator l.adluMi ba* the work 1a head

r>u^el*'*towlu^ ^*^wS >^)'uv"i*
n*i»e .wnCui-wel 'W ««.■««• Hu*** ol »»v
, KeMurkloutl-w; B'Mu I.M lub> I. luIluwM
>o« *••*. rvwulwe MUU* or laMrW..' k>ue
*.00 <1 w MIU*!} rUM. li-ur-

Buy a Hume Made Bicycle!
I >ii‘- that U built ntrort; and dorable. and-aa handaorae aa any
made. < Miaranieed fuliv for one year. 1^ aew V9 ModeU ar*
ready. lK>tl) iu-^-aud :«) inch wheel*.
The laigaM Mock at
WlU ela in Uie eity

Cell iiH'l B-e ni‘- I'-fore you boj—I can Mv# you mooey.

A S^Aii'a Mark Haw Woreted

IWavM Caaaoi be Cared
arvIV-aWM- *. Ifcvj VMUsv !»•
41*v*.v J )^ow* el lUv vwv T*rvr h. ,‘L

Bicycles Built to' Order.

iin Bveyythiog ill the Ne« York 8i»re
BArgAios upon BArgaina niy li.n|u..l ll(•■1|| .- ‘r
Btivlvi»«uil iiiiiuU-rb, and We nioet have room for til.• N«W Ooort cfaily ainviui- aivl Ui- liun

eoayrvwiarc caeoarviV Uertdea.

toDBr «* wbowew IlfUrp w- rhW
aad aUviBptlrr looatdciaael.ef

Tbry wan ealllv *ood on tbe (arm
of K:i Alebard. a«ar NerU Ktaach.aad
I felted a hard mapla tree wbWb a*,
{and more Uu Awo (aat aerua*
Ur* Am^ OBV ol lb* verr V* Ho.t, Pat^ which UeffVooB-l a tead b* I .t
ol U* ploaoar avttiwa of M.n.wK.-.* k; imtoddad at a d.^te ol more Uaa
Avd. vod »? y»ftfv Un Aiwn -bbo uird ol U*tro*‘* dtemetor. There
ta Hearwlooa with ber hg^eed >.rar* u* baadrV aad laltiy-flv. ••rro»ih»“

Low Prices Prevail

H. E. Gibbs’ Bicycle Factory.

Mtaaea' Ormia Leather Sebod
Bboea, fv.. ..'.....................................


Repairing Department.
MyrcpairiDxd«i>artaeat U complete—fittad with powv
and OM'-oaary mtrhinety to give you the beat work <4 a^ ktei^
ia tbe rvrtjair line to tbr city.

LATHB prepared to do all kiada <4
lathe inmiog. ao-b a* C me*. Capa Shafte. etc. Cka duplicate
any p«rt to old bicycleo, ud my priee* arathe aott waifMiabiti
.It will pay TOO to aec me before guing elaewhora.
Kooa fast
cipcneocM help employKl.

Enameling DepartmenL
iu Eoam-ltni; and DcKtorating I am Bare I COS give you the
beat of aat.ff* t ioa Of oj charge. WiU make yoar old wbul
look a* aiev ae a new one for a little axpOBM.
Ckll aod aae
Mmple* of roaraeling. Tour eheiee ia colors at the mw priea
Satiafaepoo nuarsateed.

Remember the Ptece............


Opib C. * W. M . Depot,

SlOi Oor. Sixth aad Uoio Ste.

TrarervOltY, Mieh.

312 South ITnion Str^t*
OppmiteC A W. M. DepoL

H. X. GIBBS. Pt^.

BitALB. Biida h, uoil.


' OowhlU^
OtotoMMoiT SloMkto
JekorilloAMot Uo gii» than-1 Ailhaaauol
of Tntmn»
•'kla boai* M Oato Bortor. jQiy fV»aa>io4at7.Kail.Kolfbu Tm,•• loM M mmmfUij
whtm tor
Tto, »tor. kwt oUtbL toa toOBwi^ a«*n
uv ....... ...
MKMT M • MStar «< U« Daaoaoad waa K rwit ol orabU* )BdMpr M mU M to kte4»U7 Ute. «• taoMl <toa toM itoMftor aMtoc at irica alaaiad:
U. Mto took
M ook
^ toll 0• Imneml ^rW»t-etoek trototoa Oatoalk atefo&uj K Qetoaaator-S. Oartood.
am. I

oad tool vUto •• I

__________ KC.OUbanofUfmto T»ot«aa moir. Bob. niah R. WUltom at
Aalrta aod Pr*d W, Hayoa a< <WJaaolB. TbaOalacaiaaefOraBdT(»*aMa


Bat Im-

laooa aoaatr’i dolafatM ohlftad akeav
Tkalrrotemafadfroaiwola ito tar
SUkvt aod to* watadar for Mojaa.
of Frad W. Mapa* aad
. balap to dawi Oraad Traeorw. hr Oao. B. Uroa*. that
tmd toallac aa did ibia ooa. Uartair
a« afwroooa and araalac aod lota tba Oraod Traraiar at all baiarda.
of P. CUUbart.
AtUr to* prallaloarT proeoadton
loUotoi^ •orotof to* frtaodlj *»ia*l
aeatlDoad. Aolriai- -Caarl*«.ia aod th* aoalaatloBi oeoaplad '
Tb* flrat ballot atood. Aatrls:
Us*, aod oaab caodldal
Uraad Trarora* aiaadlof lofalir
aaoUd olto a rlforea* ipoeeh.
a. aod LaalaUraad
Afwrto* ink ba'lot too 1
tap** «. blaak. L
Uaralloo. balae tb* oal; 00* oblab
■r diridloc lu rota a
' Trarara* aod Charlarol*. tolb a »a)or- foood It oacoiaar; to Wlot. baaasa tmb* Mapa*. I*. Will
I9 Jaaolof to CkarlTTOia. Bat wbeo Urad aad Vt'llbor UiU sorad a
TM eeeead ballot psT* to*
SfMaa Blnaua Tb* eoaroatloB
tbanoBlt •a* aaaoaooMi oe th*!»»i
Belt swept that
oharttabltaad toe reeee* ww b
ballot toot Hr Uaraa had rcorirod tor After toe reeew toe.aaaM old etorp w*. rets far UUbart aad i for Mayes, pir
ai^laitir- all difr.noeia aod dirU told for aereBWeo saw ballob aad topultbortto; Mapa*.
Wa tfek waah. aoto «Kb aaeh

aappar. Barb delapaUoa
abteat a* erar. howaeer. aad whaa the
Itoroa saa. TblalatnM^I
eoareatlaa wa* wllad to order Bpolo
tos aad rood pomiea.aad to* part; atrp B U was a ropeUtloa of the
The halloltof
paoiallr tbrooebout toe irt
lev aron dropped aad {argottea aa
ororp BOO to too eoaraoltoa «a*'

•Ul aoeapl toe deektoa ol the eooeaoItoa to to* aas* apirit lo wbteb It n»

toe order ol tuUop ie ohaopad *0
, that ib* dalapaUB who laditldoallp dewall a* to* delaraw* who were to* a*- .Irto to break *w*p eoold da *0.
wot toe part;
•eppwtad that iMh drlepatloa sarok
Mr. Mayoa U lo toe prls* of poaoi ap to tb* irllerB-dwk aad depoelt^ toalr
aoaaplod bp to* defealto eaadidato* 0*

ballot* ooe bp 00*. Thb eeei^ *
U*UuaWaattom*p. 1
boppp Ide* and at leaal oBered a eellaf
10 the moootoop of the Bcro*. aod Ur
Be ha* badaoporteoaeaod SOUOD preralled
Bel there wa* ao.
anoadad praoUer la hi* pn>r*a*loo. H* breaklof ewep. at «s* of to* aaoalb a ftaauasaa to **1*7 mo* of to* datas aad tbelr aapportord foadlp
hoped, aod th* rwsit of to* ballon op
H* b truilwortor. eapabl*
to to* Idto resaleed the Base as coder
tbeorifloal nloo. Wrorioeeeorerws#
sab* a elaaa. aprlpbt. hoowl. abir
>of tor drlrpalaebp tob Use aod

Up to to* nth tnll Jt toe rwali
proetkallp the wse Aolris n
Ha evtw eolid for tTilllasa. CharleroU
•olid for Hapaa, Uraad Trarerw eolid
farUilbsrt, Lwlaaaa pbped back
forth betweaa UUbert aod Nappe. Tbr
hlfbwl rove reaaberi bp UUoert
ts. bp Hepoe.'lt Ueto* lotb beU^t
Leelaaaa ^ast oaerow tw WllliasB
tie the olato J A. Idraapw po
•otw from Lerliaao aod 00 toe uoto
H. C Dodpe had two relW tros the


saa of pood jadpseot aad aoaed oob

WUlbfsa Oo toe »to .. ..
bad twb eotw fiM Laalaoaw.
After toe tub ballot .hod
wlto ao Boteriol ebaop*. ao odjeoroBcoi was had to T o'clock, p. b.
Upoo raeanrealop toe Mto ballot
piTetiilberts:.: Hvo*
WllUass lb
Tbe t'.to. ITto. mb. tlst. tSd. ttto.
tetb. tiobd toe eaB*. Tbe Ixto. 40to.
tld, foee Uilbart ft: Mapae
Issa 16 Tb* ttto pare UUberl m.

Jadpa UeUeoUtled to toacoafideac* .0 soUoBwas soda to odjoeni ooUl ib*
aad to* ifhortp and earawt aapport tf Deal Borolof at elrreo o’eloak. There
wa* coeBlderable sbJwUoo a* to the
to* poblk aad to ao aapeetal
boar eed H wo* rotod dowe. Thee ao
fcio partp.
awelapt WB* Bode to hare to* eeareaMr. Mapa* aad aossaad* bis oati Uoo onatloa* to ballot aotU IS A s. HapaeiUWUlUoi* in
Oa Botioa to* asDoar of bnlloUof
haartUp m to* eotwa af Uraad Tear BDleetaaholaewaBasdeaoobar. Thw
waa ebaapod attar the teto ballot, aod
wat eooDtp aod to* eotlre dreoit.
alto falird aad doollp It wosdaelded to
a* the eoaotwe ware palled the dalctake a reeew oatll u o'doeh Wedocodsp
foArard aad each d»» l* Coub Tot**
poalted bla ballot Id on* bat aod tor
The Bipla eoetloaw lu esdc
re lo toe clip.
roaalt wa* anaouDoed bp toe
tsprwapee to* people oT all pollUcol
rwc eede lltUe about toe
panlwtotoleloeoUip. lotoaeateeto'
Haolp C. Dodpe. who wda one Wlh ballon resolted: Ullbert.
............................. B Ibt, toot toeoute*!
af^e Uraod Trareree aaptraou, wa* Mapoe. Ui W^liai
forelroatjadpeboporelp ooa-parttes
boeored wlto iworotwaad A P.AaoV
I toea takea entit
sonar. Thb b toe arpaseat for tb>
lap. oT Uelaoaa ooootp, rMlred ooe.
Pasaarato to tob alroalt to toe ob
. AlSo'cliwk pwwrdap sirelnp the
aaB*aof«a*Bere*ffe*Ur*. Itbdltl
eaoreaUoa wasealltd toordsr bpcbalr .
aalt, howoear. to oader^od wbp a

la Ul* wap toe tTto. ttto, i»to a

. M*aU«*d wlto to* OsBoeraU.

• 1h* eblp aototloa *1 to* prohies b
toattob b a •abtortop* to catch K*
. pablbaa ealaa. taeeaoaa. a* (b* raw>to'
llaa* adopted to to* Doatooratie 000
vaatloa daelaiod. toara eaa be ao D*s

Uraod Towdap afWraooB at f e'cloek
WB* called to order bp Jodpe J E.
.pbdi. of Leelanaa ooootp. who lod'A. h. Doophortp of Aatrls.
Boa. Ws
toe chair Wsporarllp.
Uarrb of CharleroU. wa*
porarp ssoretary.


oe*. Aootoar arpaseot U
Dasoaratle aawloe* b toe b*»l
saa. baooaao b* ha* «ap*H*Dr* oad
hs sod* o esoeow to hi* practice
Oiaatlat that the DesoeroUe aaodl.

WBB Doophsrtp aad to* Met ballot was
praspUp eaUsdlor aod to* wbob saturol tbs aoslaattOB wa* a* prosptip
•SUM. Tbr ballotetood
Fred W.
Mapaa, If; I'. C OUbsrt. »
iiasoUoo Hr. Hapa*'* aoslaatlea
was at ooe* sad* aaaolsoa* aad epoa
fartoar aBoUoa to* aoeretarp waa, b)
aaaatsoei rot* ad to* ooorealloe.
dlTMtod towst toseaUre eat* of ibi
for Mr. Mapo* a* <-aodi.
date lee tbrobort t«
Hr. Mapae recelred the eotu
of bis owa eoeotp, 1
wallas tbe eolid rota af Aalrlo, in.aad

The tollowlnc

A Bripbom.
: Hshao. FredL
Maartp BaaOp lor eaataaat
B. Borll. F. R Walker. C. F. Taller.
Th* Kartb*ra Tbtopbooe Oo. biap MarobellBtlleU. L W. DiwH. A. E.
Iblr pMUap raadp to start boaloeu aad Falter. P. F. Lardb. E. T. Ptap. O P.
tob woah to* plaetop af toleohoa** to Cbrrer. 8 H Browe, H. C. Oarrow.
to* clip ha* haeo eossaaesd.
Thomas Hoaltoa. Fraak Fredrick, U.
PrMap to* local ecchaac* was H. Croee. Thoa Bbaer. S.
dahnot. Oeo F. Uarrieoo—».
lanaa-Jasre K CbsobeH, Adas
Kallstba. Fatoskep. Ooehoppao. Mol­
P. Krltoo. II F. Botie.
ls Laha. Toplosbee. ladtoo Hirer. K W. I
a. M. Borea. ,’Pred AtWolrortae. Hart Uk*.
90. I'hre Tboi
Harbor dprtapa. Bap View. Hopae Oiip. Ws Core, W. ♦, UllL
Bopa* Falb. '
. NUseUlA I
Maatoa. Lab* Qltp, HeBala. Oadilb
Barhar Qroak. Wmbsrbafp aad A
Th* Ha* eoato
b hot pat eosptotad hat


ootloo pnaetailp. pledplap bi* own
oad bl* friead*' aopMt to toe Uekel.
aod eloalof la o aalorr to add soap
friaads to toe bnet of thoa* who bar*
koowa blB toroapfa three dMBdn of
raaia.aad koowe his to be ataoacb
aad tree to evarp orlodpl* of ripbt
aad jaaiia* be has aa ablp adroeatod at
II use* and la all plaoaa.
Mr Ullbert did hlBaalf prund Id bii
sny acceptoaoe of toe sluatioe oad
Be atadeaaaloqaaalpi** WhiafriiBd*
aad to* Repabllaaa* of the eoaoty to
plrt to* BOBlaee of the oooraeUos a

salks aad order of bosioeea reported
We reoossead that too tospeorpaalBotioe of tob eoaratto* be
I toe ^saoaat orgaabatlo*

d toe followisr tw>
The eOBiaaU<
ctnroitjadpe for toe toll
The aoslahUoa of a
clrcolt jodpe to

Joha McDonald Robbed.
Tbbrw eawred dobs HeDoaiHb
ataad loeatod between tor
Whltiap btoak and
Bobba* bard,
war* atare. astlp Taeodop . son.
iapaadaaaaradbT to wih. Asaeptoi
arO^tboto boU dollar wi • bfttoto*
drawer, fres whbh to*
ww shea, aad ae .tobaeeo oroipan
W. J. Ball, to* habar. res* to* dtet
towUat tba ataad Toeedap son
aad bttoaad to* boat wtadowc
ported •• foltowo:
toe deer aatoekod. Aroaclop
BcooIrM. That w*. the Rw
■laaplac ooaapaat aa toeoatlpaths
of tba llto JodbM Oircait A
B foaod tosttoepba* o*r bIbiiwo rafrato a* th

laalB' talk ef Hr. OUkert wat
! hit bappheat aad beat *aoru.aBd
be kav* *ver beam bla apeak
what that me* If, aad It left tbe
la tb* very b**t ofapiriw
Wlto * vote of toaaks e toeebair.
mas for fate (air and abli

'. C. E. S«*Mr. efalef ceetnet
,t of tb* Padfle Geaat TcUpboM
a. B*w aaaaglog tb* eai
of to* MteUgaa Tricot
toat every pem wriag gaa or rir«>
trielty toooM breoa* a telcpbee* cab^
iaoribor. b
Tb* Hltoigaa
folly tadomo* tb* aknv* aad i* arraaplog lu cxteM'.** agrirsi throagboat
Mlriilfaa vrito a vtewBf laerMsiap
■etfben to *0.«00 dariap to*
TbcMBlfMtagaatwUl can 00 yoa
aad eopUlB tb* variety of •awtee tba
eompaay te bow oE*rtog.' Fiv*
par Aay aad ao otetpa (or iawBH
TWaaHnatT aorrioiBi
loCow Mto terooldVBdwitbF

Then you thought—-'!'. but wbrd« can't exprefts all vou thought. pimI
ven,' naturally iot>. that the lirst time you h'ati anI opiHtruinity
ooiKmiinitv you
vou would
buy an "unbreakable corset."^corset." ^
\'ou w cfT /oftun'atF inde^cT il y

Brrordee-4 W 8«Ub.
Slasdard Bearw-VlaBor Petertpl.
Mward«*a>«r-W A. Newtos
Wardar-Jaaob Forueb.
(balloal-A. C Dwprca.

Klopaiop. dbd I
Hoodap serslap of pooetal debUltp. 1
Tb* fooaral wa* brid Wadoaadap *fiar-1

« S o-elo,^________
WiUbs L>ada* w.. rieebd sesb
Iht beard at troatow
tor tbr
Patrteb Dopl*. oeh of Jasw Dopb. |
otBatw. died Ifandap attoraatefeof I
pTlp. apod IT. Tb* foearal waatoald I
oblle tostollatloa and parly 00 the
81. Fnorb ehorcb W*dowd*p;
reolap of Ueod Friday. Marrb J1
ilop at 1* o'clock.
All N**on* aod tbelr famlllee are
Aotol** Powal died Toesdap crMlsp ‘ isrdbUp Icrltod la aluad.
attoekoseef FraokKratoehrilof E.B-’ Aa larltolloa toattepd dirlae sere
tlBBiBBUl wa* M pedrs of ape . <ce bttor buoday at (iraoe Kpbwnpal
a*d ba* lirod lA toU oectioe tor a«a-lp cfaerab was recelrcd Iroai Krr C. T.
Upaar*. Tb* toaaral wa* b*U W*doa»- Blout. It wa* aoecpnd aad the bir


day Boralap at too e'cloek from Mr : Kolpbto wUl elMd ie a body.
Kratoohril's boose.


usueoaot H-




• ‘•-fl'



The P. N.’s are Unbreakable Side Corsets.

Moaday.bp l aderiaber Auder-,
»»• poisooed Tucisy
SOD aod were
wcompaolcd _____
bp two
a peoUe.
louff.-asix‘e asiiaai mn.i
ter* aad a broibrr from Uraod Boplds (tber* was ao rxcose iar tor
roe oofortaoale yooop san-e mother '
dop I'riooe. was al> with e»tra Slaps re-inforr-.-ng side.St**'
iujpa.t fl'sibi'.ty of r.w*et.
ThisPrsiur* wlU be appreeiatcJ by tb.we who at.os nwie ) the nobreakaUe
.-■rsrtS are so rigid oS W be uocvmfivlab'e to the •
.n:ur.. «; u. ibe^h.^
Tlirwe iwo gr<-al ubstocliw arv overeosie .
e iiHibfng tar snto a
gari^rnt to try one .'f these nuBbers and we w.
-,-e *oi;.o«U.f*.-l.-... .TT.
Corseumadeol line Frenrh .l.-ans an I >.t <
, .1 lhr..ugfs..ot «Uh tiiwi ...,aiitp
sl-prdul >l«v. boolog! I'..»tble os whalebone aod lu.-rr diim*
Madwindtwb whileantl.ia.-l. Ilhish.-,.
. e.!gi,.g
Tl.m-orvrt while belngsu-wlaniia;
,wt»i IS . jli.h, 4-.J «<Bfurtab'*< add pu,
• lUa'.ities in m grwaler di-gree thau an. other meB>l
mr*>l at
al a mu. b hlghe' prs-e
rwral-i* fratur.* rnnia.rsir.i in this ad tost corsals have SE»V-

aod aaotoet hroiber. also from Unod i but did not die.
Rtplda arrir.-.! her* Mopdap alpbt.
Richard Faffrr of Kalkaska .

Tbe foneral eras beld Taeadop moralap
at vo'eloek from 8i- I'rsoels ehorcb.

Aaoirersary Social
jb"» wascarrisd dowo with It, fall lop a
Tbe loorto aoolreraarp of ^ ia»ll- dlstaocr of flfiy foet pad re.-riT,op
loUoo of Tra.ers* City Kullop So. r-st fatal it juries ^

MAS S t >U1K l■UO^K.Tl:l< L: sr
very iiu|>>rt*ul

TheMicblpao Telephooe Compsoy
^ oetTala of l.v.r. sabsTribers 1

esjftwdoie from rusted

y S.tvrji f..r yuu ao.i eoti

ramsdefwp. N.'.'
•1 -AM' A M.iV O.UhKr 1*1:1;^ II .-M' .

-Bbert on*' i'-bruarj la iheelateof Mich.pan.
their famillea
At aloe o'clock mr.

, .
roBpaey was seated at a .tooietaoasl ^ WUbela> :returoed I'riday. nipht
bsBHoel. alter which Ueo. E H m ' frooi Sew York aad other <nsi
acted as uastaaiter aad la a rerr «■>!•■ where he porrbasad spUappoOd*

1. .jb'.

We have other good Corsets, too,

pleaalnp maoetr latrodoeed Ber. A K (or Wilhelm Broa.
Wells who rare a pleaslep addreu oo
Ur*. Dora Cros teWl mos- to K b
j Repidsaod will keepdreeunaiop pe.C J Ehoerporea resdiof eaililed ; lor* In coBorclito with ooe of tor
"fheParm " F P. UofTsr pare ao lo- larpe dry foods store* there
UrsUep-talk oa toe F. M. C. Ueul
Mr. aod Mr* Jobo dhoru-r of fed*.
B J. Koapp told eoBeol hlseoolheni ] Rsjo. came to the city yesu-rdey to SI
raperiooce. which pmrnked ou end of lead toe produeilua of-'Tlir A<
Uuphler A A McCoy roadered *: at Htoiaberg s Uraad

s the- «rll klU'un 'U . 11.

Cirr-srls .1:1.1, till- I.op'li-T

<.‘‘>r-;«rit .iiul l

W .li-i-., t i..

In Lower Priced Corsets



\.f .all y.iiii aiu-niimi


cbarmlop rocai sjlo
f S Vsder 1
Huo C O Torner retoroed
worthy treosuiwr. rOc* a Ulb 00 beoe iDlphtPryMo a lueetlap ol tbe
Ueary L-derle read a 'Mard of oatdoos
rery plyaelop scteclioo eallUed toe
-New Hedatrad " The rvroiap cloaed
wlto short tolks bp srrerat BCBbers.




The .\lvivtf Itliioti'utCK a I'cw ft the .VlirdcU.
< bir show nitiiluw ha> a >il<j>l.iy ol •H»ny: .
1' \ '
di«iilay li 11 do you >;oo<l.

ha* beeo esployed as icpsirvr t>y ¥.
A. Kirl tiDse l>i>r
He was an i.illcer
Peter Oleasooder died Buodap at
*:of OOBpanr M. <4to Nu-faipao
hose la WoUlD of eploal weaplUsfb* pooop maa ^ well ki
II Mbe Alio* CrOWfordO pel.ddp.

day serelop from t

ol to* Pratcrosl Mystic CIrrie, was!
held leat eight a Moeta^e Rail wlto

BRLAK.'\H1.K and cost you
each. That is vert- cheap fiT sii.-ii ,y for
set .mil tie want t‘> show vou it.

who has

Hr aod Mrs. tVilUas dmltb *t Hot-1 beeo esployed oi HaiDos A flarl .
toot Bay. ore sooralop lb* daato of {j'walrp ttore. has reslperd bi* pusiiiou
Blsllar pJeee

iht 'ivl.-w lir'..^, i.ncr- §»l Cvnlss.





TbU popular Irateroal aoeiety alchorus rhnlr will pnciirc I rids/at
ready hM tiblto a large BeBberebIp. ms p
i-racUoe w-i- last h.'f an'
and new sianber* are gobIpc In .jiii * hoar aud
tnrooph In time for
Thb work.oD th* wlodows toy tbe an
De» of I'srk Vise* which will be* par:
of tbe rcBOdelIng. baa brcn surted aod
toe ploBbiap work Will begin
tor halb tab* aod dsiurve *rrlr«

• .111 fill u'aiith in lit-

> S r B s^ial and lycrum Al
bars of choir should l>r presrai.
l^rayrr meetlnp tots ermiof.


-iTt-s. iig mutter it is to
thr i hrai»est to tiiv i.i-st.

BefBon SendsT al 1‘r.V's u
BoQday school at Burn
Junior CbrUlian KaHcar.-rr at .
Young l*eor! -'* doeirlj of l'bris;.*n
Kadeavor at

Let I f5 Slum- Vmi llic Styles,


Eddie Wbeeler who played tbiril
Benday erening aeivire at T
bMC tor tbr Huslirn last aaaaon and
Have yon a cborcb home It) Trsrrrv
tbebeoaOD* BCi-epted an oRcr I'lxy" Those wishing I13 unite




\Mi Cl.'THIY..


Xr-a-vrei'se Oitgr, IrlioJ-j. i«iiia..


Ono-Fourtli Off (•
Shoe Sale (•I

jodlelal aesBiltoe

Beaolatloas-Antris. C I. Bailep:
Aolris—A. B. IKopbertp. OfaorleOharlarola. Ww- Hoars Uraad Tra*- ToU.J. H. Horrb.
Uraad TraerrM.
a«otpe B. Oroas: Laolaaae. D. F. O B. Crow.
K. OampBoEb.
TOioosBltleoaorodhaUab raporV
’BbB'«paia»i •d a* eoUU*d to a**u in tb* eoaeaa- Uoa In tbe oeitjadlrielctnireetloe
•otdetp bp lalltop to toW for him from
pisaed at OM delate for each MO votes
**Tolris-A. K Djapbwtp.
*. W«t*a-»rtbaa (laadpotoi.
east for proUdeet at to* last praaodlap
bvweeor, the Uepablloao partp of Bapot. A. B. Ooaphrrtp. II. 8 Orlall.
aod oe* veto lor
toa Thirtoeato Jodlelal elreall hii Ohariw Mabao. R H D«w*p. L. E oaBoietp.
Blotaar. J. B Jnikiai. C. B Dsossor*.
■aewal poad saa toft, aad oo* of toes
A B Nieholaa. J.
Hahao. C. L.
Ml bp toe aoarenUoo to thb H. W. Nrwklrb. Usarp Chasbarlala, Raiiepaed W. F. <
Harris. .J^sw
dVpaaWrdap. Fred tV Mapae
ontacC. U BaUep. liaBa*l
10*1 Cnaipue.
Ira A.
Ohariapotoba pood lawpar.
aad iovlte tboB to
whaac Iwpeapertonae to law adslrCharl*T(rt>-Ws M*ata.J. H ^arrii appear before tbe eooveoUoaT
ablp «b his for the beoeh. Be h ao
Tbap wore reoaived with
A J.ain»d.W. J. IdarMa. B.
keoeeod elttoeo aad a saa wboee oblll
r.B N. Cllek.A B Nbhelaa.Ws. p'.aosc. aad Hr. Maree la aeeepU^
V aiod IntopTllp eOBweod his to toe
flarris. L.8 «•*. A. L. Oaoltor. F. J. to* DOBiaatloa aiade an -cieeadlaplp
totanof toadreolt. be toap itopabUM*r«h. Ws B. MeOartoap.O B. Wil­
I of asp
the dolapaue aad t|
ber. V. A. Reepoo—it.
Barba were tlselp aad la poad'taat*.
Uraod Ti

stated Fr|.
dapto eoailraet to* Hat areaad I.**,
saotp. aoaaacUop ttotton* Bap.
(»B*B*. Kerthport. Ldaad. Bn|rire.
Otoa Haras. Ulea Arbo*. Proetoaost.
Maple atf and etoor patob.
Thi sata oBe* to tft arw TisooUer
hiaek b bolap pat lo ihopo for baatoaoa
•od toe fsUlap* *oeln*tnp th* dw
reoiw to be rested bore beu potto.

The f-a«^ b^ at ]

•rotoetroB Leelaoaw.
Hr. Ullbert
bad toe tf eotee troiu Ura ad Trs*«tee
aad 1 troB LMlaaaw.

data b a •aooaaofal lawpar. that boo





Wh*o 70® wv l>rMMd Up
wad Awbj from Horn*. ^

You stoopd over and away went your corset


Wo. ilKAaa.
Uto-H. Cm.
a r. Houa.
C. L. BaiUY.
aad Ohorioiato pafolataollr
Tte aaovaaticB Uai
iki aall of aeoatlaa lor

tls* wlto laral t«co>aiitr.

Some Day

J. Bebba

IMO m UUaoM eftboal


•) Something more about_

all Pa per!

Has saved our custo-|(t
In .Ktiliiion to our alreatly; enormous S|>riiijf St<r.k we li;m- ba.i] sibJc to I
mers mone^.-andIgaveig
gave 1^
I \ pit'It uji .^.SOtT Dotiblc Rolls at a tvonderful bargain. nn»l tliis.wc have marked to scU ^
tt^em value received.[JJ
If you have not taken advantage of this|(«
sale you can do ao and get the celebrated PIN- fJ
ORES & 6HITH Footwear at tbe above cut in
This is absolutely the lowest price pajM-r
the market this season.

From 8 cents a Double Roll Up.

This Sale will Ceetinue Until Match ISih.


I 1866





^We are ZDsTot


Funeral Director and Embalmer. j
"Without any question our slock of funeral goods
is -second to none in this region —and our ability and
reputation for handling ercry detail of a funeral in
the most practical and satisfactory manner is a fact
tve need not mention.


BUT we do believe in SIGNS when they are as jcohvincing as lit
those which point to the increasing demand for ohr. “BEST’|


Will S. .Andersorij
TeWphont- Nu 43.

319 Uaiuo str.v-1. Traverm.- (!iu
-d aed ratesiW* rvaaira are br-

iw.... !i.™. ... U, —

New Furniture Storel

teleobcwe cnBpacy baa arrived
froB Ckarlwola to work for Hcaaper
Barry OB lb* lBprov«a«aU u( tb*

About April 19t I will open my store wiUi rnew stock
of House Furnishing Goods.

Mrs Hatlteraadaoa Fiord of But
Eigbto atr*«l. Itft Maeda.v fnr F>W,
Paw. M.rb. wbB^Botoer Is very siek.

t invite ^1 to ghre ms a call. It will be no

'^*°°*Geo. W. Thomas.
Houas Fumiahw

2QI Cor. Union and State Ste.

k**p. tk.l.ri w.r- ..te Pr,

Rapid* Te today,


------------- -----------------------------


State Bank;

W C T. O. ABBdhlTh* «kora> akotr 9t Ik* Os^
Tba regalar aaaoal naaUag of Ibe
UoMl eh«t«h will a*M rrtdajr at
akea tar aawawat iMt *a* eaogi
ptompVj for r*k*anal- Pi«eUw W. C. T. L'. wUI be bald is tka parlan
,oald. wfaMbantled ae W laagki at
wiU b* ihrcMTh ea Um IbM all who oribaH B. tWarea PMday aftaneos
Hllefaallb Bill at Baat Bay la bow | wa* treated la a aoetb by ber faall
■ar wiah caa aUaad «ilkar U* C. B at baU paal two e-eloek.
■ joaected by lalcpboM with tbe city, i pbyaielaB. bat gm------------dasaal rrpertsasdclaclioaefof
b> tbe Sartber. THepbea. ’baapav*:Jgf'
-m eeaprtoc the bealaaa aa
ewy bar. HerdroggUt aeg
badnotkaaliwaibelB Uc fora of
waerlal aarrloa la araorr of Hn.
Dariagtbe wiater 1 will
H. J. Jobskoa.
Tea will ba aaecd aad a tbaak effar- eaU* fa aareaytag
Patrtek'e Day by Ibe aaaben of Bt.
lag ukaa.
Ur*. P. J. Bow»id. actieg
Fnaeiaeba^ Than will be a dn
DHtrict Pmldait H espaclad to t«
aa. which baa eat yet beea felly
pnpared. aad a eopper wbleb wUl br
.1 Hocai V
aalaeaeaaytbiag errr yetapreadt^
Laedlord Oeaploa
oabera. Bpeeial feaUrea^UI be
Whltlag ti gndaally pladag tbe hotel
ia antflaa**bape by addlikwa lo tbe
atlraetioB* aad ceatforta of tbr plaee
euap a*ar Biactan. Walt Uarwiek. Ue baa bad Bat brwaael* carpet Uld lo
Bra** Uaraiek. Toca Blaaloa. Her the tnaaleot room*, mad tbe wait* of
SlaalOB aad Fred Lead* teiBt eooa tbe bal '• aad roeaa prettily ddeonted
haaUac eo* dar laat «erk aad la


VVMkw*lM ■Mr»».ia



PCKiiwl.* ^

tbra* boata captared eixhl ooaa». oa« I ^oar aaUi all tbr roeau areredrcopomplaeaed a blaek •4alrre:. all** 1 rated aad are earpeUar* laid ihroufbTt>«bo7*an keeplas theai allA and loot Tbr parlor* were eolp papered
It laaaedleealo*^ Ibe; faraUb treat [^od carpeted a abort time arc aad al­
ien far tbe eaatp.___________
| torri^ ibe boiel will prearat a taoeh

witb"‘“‘“T T

Circulation this week 2.200

Stables and

"‘“b ..Ik I ^‘*?‘hrr”a^«"e”te'i^rVr

.,r; sr■i.Ti":::'.:.- -i-” ■“
proapect* la Haalaiee for a M.m aie j
»*rj Batteriar aed a aaiaber of the en-1

Hawllion Ciothtat Co a Aoomop
Tbe Haaiatae Clothia* Co. Lw opes

ibaaiaaUha>c eariaeod b wIlllBto***!*^ «•• “»» depaniarBl for rhlldrroV
lofaaekauaia fi«a thrlr eiebeqaer. [doikiat. which u Hh* «(■ feet l<;aard
Leoa Wallen, fona^y with tbe weal- [ fro» tbr rear of K HrSanara'* Wboe
era laafaa. will probably be tbe eoaeb I alore Tti. will *olr* tbr problrai of
forlbeaew laaoi aad ooe of tbe pllcb ; bow w> dlaplay to tbe bnl adtaatate
' Uia eaieBded’aaporleaae Bla bin »• tn*i ‘took of the .torr. . '
for the poeltloa aad be caa brla* out ai bueiaraa baa iacreaard WJ rapUir
will play wlaalot ball.—| let tbr pan year that rrrry »brll
I breo orrrcmwded. Tbe portloa a
Haaielee Kewa.
' .
atore hrreiofore uaad tor cMIilrca'a
Big Lrna o. i^a, ^
i clolhlBg will be derolrd to hau aad
Thelarfeailoadofloalof lofa r»rr j^p.
drawp to Tra.erM City


SM V?" "?-??!'-?.'!'.-'”

wa* baoled t, ^^.*1

Tbe arraateairaU aader

Tbonday. Hareb.S.
They were "I* the arw order of Ihlat* hare aot yet
j beea ■ perfected, but Uir addltioaal
They wereeoaled br Hr. I.ieta aad
banled by Altert Coorud.’. iran bf [
Ban Bay.
The taanawr
ibiag ^k. Ur. Ilanidoa I* aow fa
Tbe lo«a were aawi
1 wbeo
• Kajibuyiat
' gooda
Oonlncaad Kl B-lch
the apriag atocka are Id tbr
•kMdedbytiat Dotaia* witb tbe old barraylargrr abd better aaorteirsl
teaiB. aaid to br ibe beat akld- Ihaa rr>r brfae,___________
iB tbr eoBBty. Tbey
Had Runaway Acciarot*.
loaded by Coro Cob SBith. tbr erteker
Jack loa«erof Gan Hay.
Sobool Note.





you m adTance.i



,„^ 'TliankiiiL .
---------- Yi Youn
for •buBioeB*.



I while reUr^iag to ber bone at Old

The laat two parUn of tbe acrira I

booka bare been added to “>*ioo 'row tbe city, aemmpaaird by
aptaJB Joba.toD
Oapiala Joboilna
the library of tbegradea la ije Cealral
balldlat ae followa: "i-our Mreal
CHr aad Hr* Berben Burtoe of Honrola.. loeladtar tbe Here
raaOeatre I.It bare Hcadayoa tbelr ol WaahiBftoo. FraakllB, Wrbater aad
way to Fraeom. Arltoaa. where they I.laoola.
"Foar Creal Anerlcaa Fatrlolr.' 1
wUI e»ke thrlr boor.
rwaaten'fball will be oa Harrb

Ur. aad Hn. WrJ. Krat a
iad by Bay H'owa.will nan tbb oiora
latoalkelrtripto tbe f-aelte coait
, TVy will antle ia traeblartoe.
Tbr Btoabllcaa ward eaveaaea wi I
baheld aetl Hoaday rrealat and the
t BtalDberr'. liraad.

Tbonday tbr Hbaaab A Uy HrreaaeaatlUCaWbrl*ada fall carload of
■olanea froa Kew Orleaaa
TbU b
Uwlaivan.blpowBl of Kew Oriaana
aoladea erer abipped lato thb •rity at

not tbr Bay'* Baod i
baaUiar with tba arraarealreu
>lr Ug miovlrel abow to bt girca
laberfa Urmad OB Ibe SUt
.abow el tbe blad rrrr girea here


Jeba Heoaa. who w*ot Iron ben a

dele*" read.:
abort tiae agp to tabe charge of a large
-Brrry woaao who kam* moat ware
•awBooriac oiiillB fbotller. waa la
tka city Uosday.
Leatar Joan aad akaUk.rd.«aBap*r.aDd lere thrlr
poBgbdeal dorg to ban
Ckaa. Beaa ntoreed with bla aiMi
'Beery geol Ben .rare than
erill Wa*c good poaltlooi lo the mill.
elOM and Bagml with a bilrd ablnas
laadlord Fletebereftbe «oUl Ool- dode bailor will bee aload to kaa -oBMbb eaicrulaad bb gareu at Haa- lea br pay* a Bee a* :■ ceeU "
ipilaothBalte will iBierdnee
' day .dtaaer by barlog ae orebenra for
•bh Boale. dlrpaa * family on-braua ktraagar* ae leak arf-her tbr baebfoil
frilm." An adaiaaion of tea oeaU
wen tbe aualeiaat. Tbb laterei
aopprr aed tbe bsil
Ibleg " Hterybody toTliod
fheaae'(larriii->a wa braeybt ap
Clerk* Bar* OrgaaUed
batore JMUeaVrrl* Uaeday. chary
Then erai aaolker aeeDag ef the nadwilb auallaga hwae aad eatur tall alerka Hoaday eight la tbe parlor*
fTMD a. HdJlaA< of
Dakoe Of Foraian hall at which the orgabltawaablp
i!b enalaatloa wa* art
tatioa ofaoaloo ^ perfected.
far rriday. dhaitfr diapeoe dro*e
* arraagal to bold regalar aeeUeg.
enr la Fib Lake daaday aad am
cMlad iBlerraU aad
tara afnred bare at & o'clock.
Dr J. If. WUhria renlrad a eeeaw

Uoa ItwaadeetuH ufr la remorr tbr
■ojaro! woaiaa aod «Ur wa*
back to the city lo the bumc
Aederaoa. where acareful rnminallob
waa made. Hr* Jobaetoa waa foaad
to be badly breiaed and in great pain
It waa feared abe waa fatally iejared.
bol abe it gaiatng lo an eacoDragiag
Tbe back part of tbr eleigb ef
cbptlli Joh'oawV
i* raaaway .occurred
Bear the piaae where Hr* .lobi.gtoa
waaiejarod earlier la tbr day. 'Ihii
accideotreenllad lo eetere ibjary to
Hr* C K. ('joper. who wa* thrown
from brr cDtlrr aad bad ber left arm
dialoraied aod fraeuired at ibr elbow.
Ur* Cooper wa* drIrUg froai <i:d Hi>aloo aooumpanied by brr eun Murrit.
Wbea Bear Carpratcr'* hilltbryarla
load of wood aed in liming out tbr
ratter wa* lipped orer and *ibr borer
•ran away, Hr* Cooper la a very baary
wosaa and ib* fall wm atlceded with
rrry paiafel raealla Tbe aortr kept
^ „„ing aod finally .topped at
where br Woiigrl.

Odlmr* aecrfleBU. wai that Ur*. Cooper wa*'1
eared for by Upiaio asd Hr* JobaPra*tdrav-U F. Hraaette.
atoo who were aleo oa thrlr way u> tbe
Vine preoldCBt-Joeeph Kiaaiea.
alty. tibe waa l.roogMl V* itir ofli M of
becood *loe praUdeal—Jake KamDr. ifartio. wbo wMa*>'-ted by Dr.
■ Mrne la red erlaf/tbe I aclore Bad
FiDaaelalaeerrtary—J. F. Dlxoo.
mrlllag thr '•l•la-*1rt horr.
Treaaorcr—Kilaad Doogtao*
Ereordlngaaereury—Oee. IV. e Ks


ber* are meetlag ,witk graat aoroeat^
and bar* already aeearod a large earn n ••'••i.m
bar ofnamaa for semborablp lo Abe .SarouJ V
n: of H
H-e Peekteworhlag la tbr later-


Mttof ABaeda H<>a.aBd H-* Th*ek*r
Oerpeatrr'* bill *t«ae to l>r a tad
forTrararae Bty UlT*of wbleboha b
glaeeforaeeldeauUb Boaib
loadlady ooinrai
diUia to tbr two aerl-pii reaa ray*
Ta* eaaf
eanfldate* (or
HaaiarMMoenmdaVaeta we.', age
•Ubrr bir.wm br ialUaWol at
Uwbkb Hr Bl/ecaab aa.l Hn
BBllag. aad that win take plaee
I^bltof Bdacatloa ,
NcUIr C. liraj
ttdUfrieh ol Uapletaa
wrn i>adly
the erealag of tbe ISth latt.
abakraapaadtbe oatur wa* kicked
are that
lata a> lawn by Un bor*t
la all
tbere will be orer onr haadred eaadlHyria tVUary
Uneeawa therletlatof tbr a- bape
dalB laillbytbat time, aad
wen boaplubly cared for b/ M' apd
ladlBBfeprapartag i.> tatke lla graad
L o T. H rally day
ttebool ................................Lltakf
Died a Haiaral Death.
Ueaetal BaalaeM....................................
Hr* Aaate Harray. wife ef Patrtek
Hb* Nettie C trray. eoedty eoami*ngalnoftk. A H.
Boillday'* ral
Herray.dMat Satloaa Hay aboat a ekBCro^teb*!., srgm errry teacher
- bapee, which waa neeaUy damaged by waek ago aad
la the eoeaty lo be praieat aadatay
an. The teaa by tbr Brr «a* aboat
OndaV Ull tbe eloa* Tbe prevraa hM beea
•eao. wbbbblB pronnef adjeeiaeat arday tbe body
earefally prepared aad the epeakere
Dr. SollUay wiii ad^ oton
M Uib
rm eatBlnalioa b.11.
eeleeledfroa thoae a;ha*e rSoru wiU
aaoeat aad naadrl «br dwrlliag aad raaa't waa ao erleraor of fool play, bat balbe Boat prefilahk. Thr *«I.J-eu
make aeeral attrarM.e latnraiaaab
to be di*ca*aed are lapoqaat caw
Tbr ebaagn will muaeM aaoni ali bad died * saMral draib. t
grery teaaber otaavt bet be eaterwaeia. U .Ue aeahtla* tbr deelor there era* no earae to ball**.
taiaed aa weU aa urntraelad. Tbr a»
Md Ua taaily an ataylag at Park
Hoa whl begia oa Friday oraaiag. tbe
*.wWaetbay wlU raaala aaiu ^ Bar baebaad b aa emptoyi ai iTthaad iiiiiy the Iwragii oittav
tbe Hasltoa Ilia



... :1L C. L,<U. Elk Rapid*

‘ h‘L*d


.U. AoU *11 liu.laWM
.r aoC llb.r*l tiukiK IrmLwi l.-J



Now is ihf time lu prepare your p<iuUrv liouscn against
thf ravages <if lice.
' One appticatiuD of Carlwilincuin Avenarius to ‘the in­
side of a chicken coop is sufficient to destroy all lice and
keep ihera away. Results; Ileallliy ciiickens and plenty
t>f eggs.
For sale only ai


ymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmffl ms
I Our Bicycle Department |
1* iKi*

Ui.iroiiglily n|uip-

|Msl for tlir Bi

__ ________________

• yclo araooa.



Tlie Cldielinil, '
TIk Riinbler,
Tbe Sterling.
Tb« Foi, •
WiKrif ud

la the arw atjlea.
Illace or Taa.



Tw buy Shoe* now
during our great


l(\t:i;i.i Ks 41


llnai.rrd*are ta'uing tdranlagr of
tbl* ratraordioary oppnriunliy

liood ivrarieg
.Shoe*, arrrral


Teg Cu bU Kc IlsUle.



cr seora,
b or KIH
of»i '»oT»; 7J, •prela!

iWKs felloe
TlD*. Oirr


ttul or I

ap-cUI CDl lo
Shoe*. Bier
rrgn'.ar •1.%n Sbi
eat to


Aboat ITI naira of Ladle*' dboe*
odd >lr** and *lyk* regalar prirr*

The i8oq Pric« is


¥e Hue tie Bet Weiring
Cliildnn's SEoti in Town....
Errob-dr tay* *e
Voo lema
rber ap tbr family sow at eatiprter* asd
■are * lot ef Boaey.
Cbildreab aew Doegelt
Bottoa or
hecr Sbeea, oew toe* with ti^ regalar
>1 nsaboea. eat V> 00c.
Seeeanat'TSe.BSc aad $1.10.
cat prlra*

These Shoee we have pleoed cm t$
pieiaiy.moyoacso meka your own

The PopBlar Sh«$ BMW0.

TUr dilli-f-

.-ni makra wr baodk> an-


I of gathering.
-ere elected at follow*

Oonoty I'oacbara A.aoMation
Tor *eaaal ga-Uieriag of tbr ii.-aoJ
Uoldr—R S
Tr*Trr~r Teicber*' A*~claUpQ will
likSpiareoe the iTtta aad ixttaof thia
Poal prwidrat—F. Z. Uyar.
Bmiaiaibr UIgO arhool s**embly
Laat Friday
errelag tbirty-twe
IrwB. The followlag rery iotrreatiag
friaadi aad aelgbbor* caUed^opr.prctnrpaty Ureat I.* ly C tm sasdar* tfr* ! ..,arraa wUi begirea:
adly epoe Hr* d. H. ifpde at brr boae Peek of l.tkr City, aad
CtlI.rj '
^vea tog.
, wratof Timrmc City, to brip faenerle- rhaeker of.ibl«el-.y. who are doing |Viaa.
btaU bar ee-b birthday
earn work foe the L. O T. U hlcM v.iorof U'gber Bdemattuo.

Altboagfcaartprcted Ibegant* were
■ wtleear aod aooa afuvtbelr arrl**!
wen eelrylag lfaeBe.lTaa at r>aea
IWaty refreaeaesa wm a d. IwbUel
leatar* of tfa- r.roief


role . larladlat Urary. UanUtoa. JaekThe pole o^the-io/giny alrigfa.
tbe eeck-yokr. atrecUMra -lofaMioo
•‘Foot Aaericao Na*ei Heroea." ^
ToU.. laeladlBf I'aul Joara, Perry. Fai- lie tbr back aud threw brr campleBly
I onr tbe dwbbara. I'apUle Johi
ragel aad Dewey.
: war alao tbrowb violroily oat aod ibr
thirty rolai
beea pltind for tbr Ulrb nhool ,i. i «*»» etarted to rua aw.y ate frlthtfal jraleofr aperd.diul
tbe capuio rrtaUiadI
•a ol tbr nio* asd Baally
In regaieiog cooirol
of tbe city oOB.ri
krlurnlng to the apo
rt Tanday erealag. the Hn. JohoaloB
ea Protreaor Crawo'e foend her uacoBacluu* Takieg brr to
tbrsaarrat fariaboakebe murord at
OBOe to tbe city after Dr Aoarraoo
Artielog In town br eagaged' another
that dale C. R. Harray.
team aad with tbr doctor alarlrd to reof the.U K A I. nllroad.
tarn. wbea ID turalDg a corner, tbr
addmt tbe yoaeg aea apoa that
partaat braseh of boalBna
thrown ouL fcrtunalrly wlihoal la
Hr. UnwB U fonaaaw io aecoriBg jary. The cotter wa* damaged and It
Hr Honey to apaak opw tbla aubiret. waa oevratary to go back to Uorgaa *.
a* he ha* beeo in eooir way coBoected bare where ibry procered a back aad
with nilraad aft.lraaiooe he war It baaleaad'to-tbe place where Hr*. Johayeanofage.
atoa wa* anfferieg Afar aa eaamii.a-

Satarday While werkleg with aa
Hard Time* SoclaJ
au. Pplar Doga', aa eaploye el tbr
Traterat City boaber Co.. Bla«hrd fab
A Carietiaa Hadcaror hard tiaa ao. latl wrial rery badly. A daM> gaab clalwlllbe glaee Friday enaiag at
aiaeat whiob will deprfea Mgal el ibe bear of Hr. and Hr* Baroey
OB WaablBftoB
B atmt.
. tbaaeaof^ehaadroraaaetlme.

abakiagapaad eoa. paiafel braba
Taaday. He wa* dririag bt* rig to
the bar^ adplalag bl. rraldrarr. wbrs
the bone beeaae aoraly aad tried to
i na away. Tbe aalael eaclreled the
\ yard aad la Uyiag to paa betwera tbr
>oaM a^ teace tbe rig waa eaaefard
aadUMdoatortllghllyUJareda*. '
• Bribed.

Our-SaTings bdpafimeot
rrcrin* d'laMu ol tlAi *i.c
•liov* lau-rr«t la.rro* All


ootBprisni a


aaoorlmsnt nf wheels Uibb
iu any other stngw in UtO
Wr will alau iiam- ibm *-rk a OlevelfiDd Cbeislee# and i

BterUat Obaliileee

Till- trill ipt« H(I ..pii.iti lu til* Beveled Oe&r nod &oUerOh$ial<

Bemember we taeve

The Only Complete
Egg Crate Made.
It is most lBdlspeB0$ble to FeroMra

Price 86 Cents Each.
g Don't forget we 0T0 the Eeedqiuirtwrs for 8^$^


I Ttiff Hannah & Lay Mercantile G(k
iuuuutwuaum umiuuuuui.uiuiuuttuutt tuiu

^..d HB-^d^UMw.


B. TWa «aat «a TbaMaa »
laat Moaday.
^ ao Hr. aad Hia- Uiaadi.
at Cbfay Hi
O. 0. Taa

Tvta Loua.

Htaa Syltla OeflaU baa tha frip.
MdlylMt waab Monday.
•abaci baaoloaod te Ua irlatar
. raesa ol Cborlaroix. a at
ouo rrafia ia varUai (or EU)ah
It la lowB laat waak.
Will Jobaaioeof TrararaaCity apaal
^ Haaala Oai.haa baak qaltapeer- Baaday wlib bta (aally at tbH plaaa
>a««raaad Waliar >‘alaao d'Or<
Jallw Oor. e( Da*b«V^ BmIbW
Hlaa Ada
lUwtealaOld HWaa laat WadOalUf* vp^ai Seadv M Bom.
HIM Bnaa Hilbm wrat aoiM^
at aoodaj fritb Hn. Baallteo^^
tar at
Tbo MImm obtTlla ood HIm Bate
Lari Ooa U temt battar. aa baaaa alt
Mor wm Io tbaoiv Hatarday.
ap a abort Ua» aaata dayMlnoa WlliBO aad IlorMt Hllbari
dylraeoi Kaaiaortby aad aoa Will
.laltad Mr. aad Mra D>myp*rO( Sal- arc eolUaf «aod Iw Joha Ooa.
loot Bay Haaday.
Klljak Cor waa throirB (ras k:
, 0. Parkka. wb^ baa bece al Tra<
Tboma. Llndlv aad Hlaa Martba aana tlm afo. harUac
rUac Ua alda ae ba Cliy (ereosa Use alucdlaf Ul*bbI
Haat wria aDllod la Batriafa Wodaaa- bta cot baaa abit to do awytblBf lor a
osa atatlan. baa rrluraad.
W» oitaad btal witiMa.
Tbe Iblsot aoa of Mr. aad Hra. Oeo.
ChariM Baloblobaa aad trlta aUaad- Uill dtad laat Friday- Tbe laaoral,’
ad Btatlaf al tbo Prlandi' eboreh dat- bald Iras tbe bose Baoday cooo
day aad took diaatr al bar fatbar'a.
Hn Caarff mod daofbtar Alice of
iMCrakrbeaUwBlek Hal.
la Otub.
Ulll'a Piaribara baeo rlailiof with Mrs
M U. UwU tobaollBf Isfft aerCM
Walter Nalaoa durlnf tba peal waak.
r«ae iska to Wylu.
titcer SUbbiat and Uaewr Ubbc. wbo
hnra bate ampluyad ie tba iec baalDtaa
at Trsraisa City, arc al hoBe afaln.
____ ______
_______ brotba
bar a abort rlalt laat waak.
A latter bat jutt born reoelred lallHIM Mtalla BasMoed will ,______ iBf Of the death ol M.
arary Maoday alfbt at Ula plaaa karallbor Tailor bM sarad IPM tb« aftar.
tcaabar hrro aeraaal yean, i
a lalelr
laulr occopHa. ^ bla brotber.
Mia. Btapbaa Oarwls diad ytauitlay.
Uarsan ToH
laartara koabaad aad thraa .akiliroa aaoy ol our realdeau
Win Harrall of York Mteta bai
No more uppl cil
boBffbla (arsaootbof Hr. Dafraaia'i
VIetar Posarn
tbip to tba L ot A '
aad^ bo.ldlBf a booaa oe It.
Hra M H. fWboro want to Trarorai
prcwrsai lor tbe next
City iMt Monday u rlalt bar alaMr
ba Uiloiallona
Hra. J. W. Kent, wbo alarto (or Waah
ersBia, domaatie and- torclfe:
iBfiae aext Thoraday. whrra aba ax bloek-aawytr. bad tba slalo^laDa to
r Spalo:
pacu to saka bar base la tbe (■iara.
l llarldtaB. and read
>b la»r aaariy ot tbia soralaf.
t aaa ba aarad tbe doctor tbibka Inf and auidy ol

TbwcwUI b* MT*kMM tlMitapiA tW riiy ftSSSr.*"
Sm. A^tkl UHtoOM I* MUbM
«e»n C«M». o»l wu bri*r >»■'«k»dM will) jot
BA«T (WAB ■«O'

U D.WUb>bMtolapr»<iV««7tMi

.U'SKS’*" •“ ”
rM io wdoe*. b»r back.
ler> <>T»w»
J. a. OjB^bMhtaJofi

arlaad aad Hr Krlly ai
Hto Kaltir Htwklaa ta bow
dliaad Bapida.


. Luio aaaa.
Tte balaa (rarala*.
MlMAdaOo«rl«aoa»tllaUrday aad

wJ ^ Mp. Aatablabaa «ara la tbit
--------sokaol claaad friday fararaoatlo.


HIM Nalllr

Boyd ot Wmiaatl
altarsal aebooi

Prmc attlcc dt
*^2'HcWa traded boraM wUb
a. Potrara datarday.

W, U Prtmh aad C
dtcrala Uaaaalew Fi

balar diatra tbar* aow.
Moallad bast Motor



BarcM la ablo la ba at work

■ua Barber b abltluf la Praaklorl
Maa Wapaw fstaraed (raa OaleabaifBata^y.
. . ..
WlU Boltoa al Honor waa a. lBlaad
rbllor bBbday.
Hay bboak ol Oiswa riattad (rleadt
frlsaie bars orer bssday.
J. W. WlleOB dfwee (rOM SwtOBb
•aurtay. murniaf Uoaday.
B. T. UarlcUoa ha» ipld bb Iara to

Plwiaeaerriea. lad by Bar. A. A. Well
AddrwB ol weleoMe- Hra. B BOoldoa
«iep"e«i. Hr. Fraaeh.
Heele. Bwedlab Or^eeln.
Tba Bodara Maeday acbael. Bcr. A.
------------------ lad by r. I-----------------


MiMlon aebooi

Haele. Mwedkb Orcbeaira

Darotloail. Rer. t
kOoB. Victor
... rlo Ob.
(ars. B o L
•dbyC H F
tday acboil laa-ber. Jm HrlllIpa. Ird br Mlaa Mafor.
Muaic. Mwealtb nrebeatrs
RtelUliob. ChaTlIa BetberL
Rawy. Mra ilrubb
OdramloQ. led by C. T. Rimnodt
Houf. M eedUb Muodar aeboJi.
Talk by Rar. A A. Wtl'
Muaic. Mwedith ftrcbetlra.
U .ItuiKHiN Praaident.
Htnrri liMcniM.. Merreiv^y


|Has always been Che best wheel made, and this rear R is as preVy a
jwheel as you ev«r saw. It has all the latest improvements, in foot it
jisa strictly^‘99 wheel~-aud what do you think -I can eeU you an
j “Eagle" wheel for $25.00. Do not look any farther when you can buy
a bicycle, made and guaranteed by the Eagle people for $25 00.

J. Wr Slater's House Furnishing Store.

Saeaay SehoQl AaaoeUtioB


lao i-ront.'street



baldal MoIob.......... .. ......
aebooi. oe Maoday, March
OpcBluf tarn

L by tba au par :

■a Erriew u( tba qoarter.
eoadocusl1 by R
B r J. »• tVblie
ecitauou by. Jerry Sullivan
Il.tu The relation bl a d b. teavbrr
to bb cIbm. Him ol-vc ilraenuv
U;ai guartol by tbe Cedar vbC.iT.
li:«i lliDBer.
•l:iiop B llevotioBal aervieea. led by
Walter L ADeB
^I M^Beptrt ol tbe itata Beetiof.

Rob HewIlL wblla worktaf el
Rapsrt ol ; irlti^rt cublirtch
alera (eetory. had bla hand badly
' ; <di A paper. Tbe Sourcaa ol Kclif
--------‘■•d oaa day laat week, bat be tbr Boalb el
lout KInjjyBWBl, Wmiaa Mumo
tblaka be will ba able to c« to crork
■ earillrd'"^?!;.' firla. *1.;
I IS A paper. How lo- Bold tbr At.Vui
arcrafe dally iattasdaeic, IcBlIon ot tbe Cbildrea. Hba Nellie
Mr. aad Mra. Clow are ealled to
joara tbe lost ol tbeir lltUa daafbUr
NuBber ooroUed IB Ulfb acliool
wbo died latialfbl
.. ...........................lati
room. <7: firla. tl: boyt. in; arerafa
tba county by tbe o>
(arer. Thay bara-ibe ayapalby i
dally atU'Bdnoee. IT.
tbrir aaey (riasda Is tbaSr aad am
NuBbersBrolled la mafuar r
A I'lraliir llaculoB'I.iy
ST; f^rla, »rn boys, II; arersfs daily atUoute to lluute Vltitation
NuBbar aerullrd in letanaadlata
leabla berat
n>OB. M<; ftrla, 21; boya. 1«: ararsfr
ite Worl
dally atiar^a'Bcc.
CIwlBf *»Pf
II -oedlrtion
Old Hra Bllla U rery poorly Bfala.
makiBT. bat
J.uis Waiiik I■re•ll^ellt
Number anrulled la primary room.
Wil’ard Kllcban baa-bad a aeraw atMl.
«R» F. L MiA 1.y
ICck ol qulaay

Bdick and Wckr arc c ittiBp wood lor
A. H. MBits.
The tick oata arr a 1 l■tm>rlBlao
ar al wr saa loaro
B. JL ArMid la aUll ’Ultlas B tbe
astb part ol tbaaUU.
K J Waas rlaltad at « I'.Utao-a

Iroa Balordas' a

Better Than Ever!

PaaloMU tewaahip taadar aebooi
-ticclauoc. to ba ball at Ofdaatbaif.

Bwata Hr.aad^rwC^ 'KaBLi

1S4 Fi cut Street,



i'ater Morntos loot a ri
seara Ulklaf lofar
I rues It will hara toyal
baJBra they fat Boeb Mp.
Cbaa Porter la fe'ef to UnalBfoa
His. MuiaoD. who bat btea
.Vaaea ol ppupUt IB order al matll ■
bar brotbar. Bormea Hhilllpa. dsrtsf
by tbe refular qloolhly e>
tbe winter, bae rslaroad to bar ‘
MIb TrnnUaaeel AafrllUeewli
amlBaUoBt asd br fenaral ^roflvlanc)
■apueer 0
at YpallaoU. __________
for bar asaL Mra. PraU.
Ulfb School. iwelfUi llrade~Fran
Brnry Scbellerir of Trarerea City eltLralie. Frrd AlloUer
buabasd ol nur brioted sis’
•pent dnaday at Old Blaaloa.
Meud Uodfrs. thereby brlurn
Raufar, Obrtollnv iltribe. Cbaiira II
His. Wb. Toapkina b akla to be i
bei Ue core vllt .-llop ot
Cuttlac a r% wood la tba order c
afala alter a aarers elUek el thafi
widowhood. Ibviif -re be II
be daj
IVoolaay. Jull
*°Niaih rrade—R*lU
Beaulred, by Klnfsley lodii<i';*1
Riobtar H earlou>y III at tbi
Chr'at B-itOB.
Crsca Abbott,
1 tbr Ladies
• o .................
... tlooltl
^e( Traeot^C
Kl^lb frada—KlratuThoum—r.ire*ia inome*. i»«iiv cabeea. Uat «e deeply aympt'lnr..
'm. MtrobB wast to Ruflalo. K. T
with our bereaved »Uler in hrr'A..rv
Friday to rlalt with Maada.
dUtrras and teudi
r --Karl Wexteu. Wieolv
C. B- HallBaa. wbo baa baaa hold■d IbearU van give.
laUuB a* kindred
lUitbe. Klla
KMa Wilson
araoB. Hi ly Ciaivie,
iBf rerlral Baatlap Is Ksplra.
RauB. atxlh Uradr-Roy
Mra Cooper anil bar two Boaa of
taraad bosa ya
- •
loho. Ulvebraprrad upon our journal and
lua. Ida FelaraoB. Cbarira
TrsrerM City rUHod bar abler. Mra
~ " be fueoUbed U> Lady H' .lev-, eo
arullne WacUi
Baflay. OTca Muaday.
K.VM1 T«f>
to t
FifU (Irade—Fred Voice. Edward
Its U»-Kti I. fur pub
gultee BUBber ol tbe yosM lolka
urf HoBday.
sBaom. I'earl Wntau. IrauradarUe
Tba latl qaartarly Bcotlaf In tbit who are atteadlsf ecbool at IVaearsa
Fourth Grade—Cora Ilarllett. Martin
City wars boat orer Seaday
Kiiji» ic
oenirranoa year will be bald la tbr
Ireoo. Iliyal Kifclow, Uertrode Hour
Iriij* Am.h.i .
Hra B II ol WilllaBebarf came orfr
BfaiMtaUaal ahsreh hara Batardayaad
Sunday. Bar J A. Fry*. P. K. al laet .reek to kelp asree her ebter, Hut
iBterBedlatP I'.xitn, Third lirade—
lined Bap da aad Bar. J H. Naabar Aebetlerly. who b atlll eery low.
Addle NalwiD. Amcm Uaofer. Mary ;alwlltoffielata. All arc Inrliad taattaed
»un. liarrr AIT liter.
Joe Helejeek aad Carrie Cox war.
A sterUiBf locidesl u! which Mr.
ibenDd tiraile-Ncv* l*e**afe. Jasper
aarriad at tba boma ol tba brida Hon
John fHfvrr, uf I■hlladr1phia, '
.lire. Ethel tVlIaoB U»e* LarsoB
dayaeanlof al last weak.'V Rer. A
A. Well.
First Cirsde-llrlla Varoqubl. R'X subject, IS Barreled by bim as
bade tba faraM
'I was................................
w-steii. uraoe Kehi. U-iIa J
last two Boatba. left to
Retold lor tba li
My skiu was elmuet yellow, eyes si
Frimary Room. -Cla*. I
day (or Trarane
City. Iroa wbais thay
aiLvaa L*kl.
I. pala euntiuuaJ
CD. tuufue 1-1,
r, (ll*dr*
Deme, Cbarib I
l*rir* Demc
will fo to Orsad Mpida aoA Fowlar
Imck and side.
Kufeqa Hteele.
rllla t^rblt with Irlaada. and than li
Caleb Cooper. H
frowlDf weaker
date at WabbarrlUa. which
ilBBermaa bare p
physivlens bad' flveo me up
borea. (bear
their fslura baaa
uaii-ly. a Inaud advised irylng KU'c
The Hifb Scb-v.i rooB was < l uad for trie Billerv'ajid L-n.,\ crval j-y et.i',
surprise, the Brat b..Ille mede a devirteC
au lU report it lur Ual lime
ImpruvrmreL I vuntloued their use
to BUS Ur KifbU frada ei
Frank Browa bae a rary tMi bona
lor three weeks, and am now e well
1*. but look forward to May
Hn. Cooper hi
man. I kuow Ury stvrJ' mr life, aud
Oliaar tardb loala taa diirtaf bene MbaloB tbe fa
rubbed Ue frsvr of auutlirr
Moaday aoralaf
His. Befle<
tryUem oiiy
uiirr IlK
s. IHopbcB HeUsrry, wboba
reBU p-r buttle at M E Wait’s s;ut
oroati; 111 fore BOBU, bn
li Johnson's llruf Slo*vs.
If eery slowly.
Bill et
BoblaMm loetadiuob.
•ucJtlua* Ara.ea Buica
ra BeuraMw wae tba fsMt ot week wlU paralysU. Tbb bis
MIm Kra________
Raitard:nf Mr. WiUon r Farm
Tux liUT SaLVS IB Ue w
"--------fray team
HitaCelb BelMaa dui
•re, ita’t
earpiof that my »ketcb ol Win. L Cute, Btu'ses, J^urra. Olcei
CbarlM Jatwiek U •pendief a f
him Kmat Lardle euterulaed a
WilKMiS placs’wa* delactiraly flrea uf Rheuiu, Fever Horn Tetter.
days with V. Uuoo. pieparat-<ry to •
BBBbtr ot bar trienda Buaday.
isurs'crib buridior. frsaary mud wafuo Busda. Chliblalua. Curas, asd
tbed. 1 respeelfuliy atk tbr pritilefv 1 •uplioot, and positively cui
Hra J. HubtOB waaeailed to Wallla Uaf bl* broUen in LuiiBflee
O' DO par required. Il U f<
Boyd domed
of pmnf It Uira
taoeeuatol ibelllaeMol arelalira
tool la
Ue Uow
Tbe ooro crib bucldiefit lUxJ; lect, t'flce perfori aatlefaciloa ot
Hr. aad Hra J. .N dmlUi-i little UTB ol ecbool
'. and• wUl rei
rafaitdad ' tTioe li cetiu per b<
12 (eel hlfheod tncloaed with t-ii
LUfblor Cora b rery aleh with tbe
■ tic be J IIt. JrihDS'ls sod a 11
herd wood stripe spaced .r*limaU-di
Till* buildiBf cosuint inrer
D RllHlrawol Batt Bay bae been
rrlbe 22 feet lc«f
rbltlsf bit pereau. Hr. and His. U. R.
The franary
frenarr U
1* IT feet P> U* weal uf
tr. Hra. Torn Dyer, ha* bean uklat
It la Kixlii (cel mod made ol
Joba Kelly of Ratt Jordan '
. ..
planed and sited mod alood I'
; „ .
Frank Dubb kae sold
feel ol (ran plask
fuMt ol Mr mad Hra Ibmm H
. fht Sided 00 the oulalde and
,«i s!-.?
bardwoed ^op to Ue Ural Wood Dbh uprtfbt
a lew day* laat week.
paiated. t>o Ur inside it ;• fined with urs.-c-.u a> u s .ii tfactory aad b ac
ikfcii Irob
K’r it-utsvr.. »v U'srTTB
(ieorfa MwaBrr'ol Old HIM
for Beat wtaUr.
.Tb’e wafua *Ued tiae between.
It I* V"r'-V''.................
“ .............. .
Hue Auna Lardia were tbe fi
ISiiT (eel, citpudlof to the rear. Tbe
nalby-JobatoD Mbader ereotaf
-Dive Be ■ liver rcftHator anl I
iree are or.-ird by ooe framed-and
MbeLIxxw^ileSmaebed tbe
ilDflrd roof.
Ishraill have wrtltea refulate Uv world." *ald afvclus
lae of apratalBf her wrbi quite bedly
y buluf thiwwB Iroa e cotter dorlaf
Will'* Little Early Kieers, ll.v la«
laBce McOarry of Walsrlowa. teulL aerra la place ol tweot*.
.kola, mod liltle aoo Harold were
little pill* J II JohBsou
HImm Aeae Lardie. Nrllb Bdfe ealled bare by tbe lllaaMof bli Bother.
-.mb and Mlaaie Beiarta* we^tte Mra. dtephes HeUarry. He relursed
Ne-ah-ta-waola do pdehlaf aapaditioe. yaaterdey. after a alay ot too div*.
The yoBBf ladlM enjoyed Reblaf. alibosfb it wae rather eeld Beblaf ea
tbe Ice.
When they retaraed hoMe
eeoh bad e loaf atrinf p( dae pereb


Ad elegant Pure Wool Black Clay Worsted
^ Suit—any style—Round- -Square Out or Frock,
i such as are usually sold at $16.00, for only

Do not fail to see these when in the city,
sizes from 34 to 44.

T. J. Host’s Former Store, i



TM Afst laetofe #l»ea
^tor. BBdar rteaaeploMof the 1 O.
CTt.. Baalay arealef. waa fewl'y aaiofoi h HI r
Wean ‘
_____.e A. U Klatble.


mSr Both are feacily laprored ta

Er’iTurp'sier Mbbltaa.

Hr. Wlaters baa aabteribad (or
Mr. (Mb aad Hr. TaUer Iradad borsM
.—a aboal b...



r. iv.

Jlied al bb r
M la FlalU townbip. oe Tbei
Harck Sod. at t
__ TaryterloM
Mr. aad Mrs. A L KUpbla bare re- Wei alt Caitfetua.ttr.
leaf*. TbOBai'Rcae. afed »J yean
Uraad. troa OelHoraie. where t^
Iter ^eL Mercury only Itir abora
"----------^ laaraa a wile, alfbl eblldrau
Uar to Bouro bb loam
.ireieea rreee be id at Ua
in by
aebooi booaa la DbL No. I. oe SetsrMr BerfCM hat badfhtaaiea new ^y. M^hiU. at so'dock p
_____d to rret ia Ue vemiery^"
Hr.DerldaoB bae sold bb fcrw and tpea of dai^le frty hersia.
na Naiaea Co. ral«d the aaoba jaoaat^Haeb^tyBiBUy b tall (or


V--r-u'p ..131

i r,s."-s.T:i:=s:3s
______ uatl«yad9«
obllflaf aelfbbora o

ataek (or their sew atll yMterday.
Iby Bay ba* baea astaridf with
Bb laea b badly i


I a food citli«a aad aa
ibar. aad ba

Oroat Mea Only Aehbea 8
It aee

Uood Harbor Vt»b or iwolra eouplm
(tOM bare atteadad They wms ao
ploaaaaily eaterlalaad aad bod oaU
aplawlld tlBS they hope Mr Pbool
will Itao to erlebralo «ny-tra mm
Uay all ba Urtied l


ii _


9 pMBde Mooareb Rolled Usta.................................

Dr. OUmta. lormatle of New I
aad uhliL mow of Ua Srs ol Dra I
O^. HaUelOB.
jw. aaiea
Hbh . Uroefk
rieadaaad pe^et
deobtad to tl"'<
eowaalt wfU hlB peraoasXy by elaltuif
MBmtTrasaeaeCItf.TharadaT. Harab
IA la the prlrate,«arl«r ol tbe Wbitlaf
a. to » p B Oaa day
tat^aa aad ataeOy

mpldte I'iD* ot Fiab for the


and wo Dctter Whed at ad^ Prkw.
•or a ooLiisa apoie eon wcewraTioa. a»a e


Traverne Citj, Mich. J

»c 5 Jfa*»**»*aa«»a*»»»a***»«-**»»***ww»«*»**ff
«• I



The Herald Job Office




S Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
Linen, Band and Parchment pa­
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every dascription.

. V u* a i-alt Kii.i ww Raarvilaf aatufaettou

Enterprise Grocery,


15 Cass Sjretl

Salt SalmoB. < Smokad HsUbot.
Balt Whtuflah.
Smokad Bloatara.
Bmokvd Herrtag..
Salt Black Pica.
Wbola Ood.
Salt K. K K, Uarrlng.
Boaalaaa Cod,
Salt HoUand Barring. .Im(Kfrb<dand iXxneatk Snrdlnad

S88 Front StfaiA.

I bate ihv acviuy for


Aabuckle. Lloeraad Jeiaey CoFea. per pouad



whal wheel to l>u^

Handled exolusivL-h --because Ihcrt- i> no mid ”1 a Chcajx-r Bicydc-^rtaccnta ^
CbainleKs and Chain Modda sow ^
L‘ jjuaranleed etjual to any. Sampled of
cxiifiition. Calalutue onn application.

lkH“u paying.

Spear Head lokaeeo. per poaad.................................

tin- limy to ^.'<1 lb.

kTiMMl p'tinlK Rm] iK't'it]’'

Crcscont Bevel Gear SOU
Greseent Chain Models - - - Go
Crescent Juveniles - • - • ■ -o

i _ ,
. .
Wa t an aare you nioni-y
Rrravrie* of the Knl erprite Ororerr.
•k Try na. You will be au™sed at ht.w
every tlay in tbe
Oonpare our urieea with wliat you have
rbcap you can buy.

Uood Rice, par pomad......................................................
Froae Juice tataaeoo. » pluf* lor...............................


Tit© I>idLC©e suoe EigiLt.

You can
can aouD
aouo own
own a
a ali.v
ali.s- o(

Ar« aad BaBBtcr doda. par paekafe


The Popular VTied at the
A liltlv variy
jx-rhaps. bul —

t poaBda food iBUBdry ffureh

tleat study, ploddtaf r
dalrlBf attar keowladj
uUlBate *uoerM u be
alfhiol la Ua a
ecMtul larBlaat
IiT. OttBas ateadiBf as
a, prweguaaatly n ' peer of Bau
ap^uaebad' u
bl a<
> bb
loae power by a w
Hartiu Audenra. wbUa worki
P|Mtloa afw
tba swamp, tteppei down betwe-_____
, roote el a tree and (all. hartiu bb.1^ yean ol tmttllBf with that
teaalaeat there.
' '
^ iMafoatehei
J d Brows baa bold bb leaMeasa to qbiu bedly
iadfs. Urasfh
. Twj ateu wiirklaf loc the Nms
---------tbr traat
eewad dowa e tree that Ie «u (sll beat
aldedbyaUoedowB e aaplisf. (tea of the Baa chop
Bale with m
ia Ur bMteol
Ward ea«r Taeeday awalsf of Ue
lefea aad boepiiaU ol Ua old aad new
etiiklef him j«»t abora Ua left rye world. It b bet Icula wooder that ba u
Boklaf as uflr lookiaf wooad No

ohildrea. two ol wWa ere llrlof la■ tbb etdalty -

J 9

Scf wfiat we have for ’W.

Um ve a«* Tm I Fn Mw ttU lUi GMMUm Sqtln:

. Obar mod w lie ol Hapit Cfty are

His j. K. Fuhar waa Tt yeais eld on
Uoyd HettMald rieltad la Treeerta the led. aad U Ie rery food haalU lee
aiy orer auaday
« parsaa of that afe
Joba HcOarthy end Karl Cbm r«l<
B F R.y Bade a ImbIbom l»
•d to BIf Raptde Haterday.
Trerena City laet week, returstaf
M aad J. 0 Orotear Bade a bea- with elerfo luad ol food* (or hbeture
Untad Rapid* Iwil
Mr Baker, (roa Ue eooUera pert of
tba eUte. bpeat Haaday with bla eouala
Frank Telln and laMlly at Olea

Do You Want
Lhe Earth?

let’s talk
I bicycles

Of BB7 oft M Borth of Onad iiRplda.


W. J. KOBINSON. Propr.


Come aod get pri^ »f »»

“J peinttag. or addrea

mmar.n OFHOR Travera* Qlty.

ftkAiro TEdtktttt «ndLP. MAtoOH ». la**.^
HlKnmrse HeraldlS^r^.'TIIlL,.«

...... tTn-^»nuir»i«fi

».-Wvd« OtouH’ Mlk«('MhMli*Ullh««.»r«.m.-




-_____________ _


kitei Ik* *—ii« ■**» >» lb* («***•■
I a*. Il to *lili*< lh*i U u** U«**
'■|»nUl«Mli ua UTMd 4on lb*
• •n** *ijuMMl as Ihbi •»
«U1 k*clualb***MU U **t toOOTi
•■ hto MllM U aoulMllkc.
WikfVMIhaUfaad Traak«^u*l
kr Ik* laaaU aciuutU** ea •toualBIf* aad tator* UU«*r. W*(Mr.
n*ad.4laM>d. Meilall** aa« Moor*.
Tk* aarU to aOaalaf at Ik* 8a4*oo.
wkara ■ l**«b*aa »u urrad lo ' '
a«l asu* lau auu* UU
Tka Oka**** Mil will (a U Ik* *ta<

iwurdajrat »»•«»•
Ik* Ul****l* at iba sawfalca Owaaad
lltoaolearuU. but Ihrr* to* uati'
aaat t«* laawdtoUbcUaa ea lb* UxalU*klU.whlekhMBet
wdUuaalDaaw. Oaa**aaui
aMta*hk*tk(baaBMaab7 hUaoaatitaaato; "I *arUlBl}r (M— fttrCmf.
Ih*f woald aal Itoiaa W raa*oa or arffBMat Tka:^«ald lb* peoplt bad
kaaa wMUar iwo raan aad tk*/ waev
ad H faaaad aad paiawl quick ukd
Ms'lftraadauuwkulkar ll waaeoaatHailaMd or aoi lUidI aaadB’i ulk
•dda tep i
•aaa bf larautadwcst*. Wb*t Ike
fMtU waaud la' kto a*ek o' Ikt w^
WM Ik* AUlauoa kill bad Ik* x
tl wa* fauad Ik* bauar. a* iksr*
a Obaail Jude* lo ba alaeud
' haiac lala«era( **adlar tbeWllio*
aauuliua tkai wUl M l*k*l Uk* Uai*
toNkdU Ikroarh katora. raporvuc It
aaltwill'barifhifaafar* It It pa
a*k*M loraa Ulaki lb* ••eau tboold
fMaltjaataiUtto aad without delap.
ItoMtar Urabaa doa't tblak It tobep

flf* «MU'te*' k**a iiuiaiii r
••aiutkai M*a*a la*aiaa*»
w***aaa^ 'tat. It Ikh bill h*>
ta tk*
Ik* mu
Mat*.. m
Ik* hU«.BMr*uaala«
laUvaaa to aatwaad w
*a*k *U*ar* U Ik* 4aoaal? or aoBBlto*
of Htoblcaa. k»4 U* IviaiMa*
adjalatv tk*
Ik* aaaav '>• «ktok Uau
loiund ika *au* aar a*al a* U
BaUfsaak kOl U a*au*t U*reto -totlUoa ct dMIan u*ad w aar MUmh.
rroa lb* rapwlMoar laearaao* camtlyakd uak* *ra* au«ad*a ta oau
kaloa Ibto aUU pa>d for ptaaBiu***!Ik*
■UUaaf Ik* *teu
trkaU Iaad a>a«*4 aa Ik*
lal or«*r. V.;
ler.iw aadata
auriafota aUlloadelUa
* totarau^ •akuiwad U Ik* I
w It'|uiU
■quiu aaa (M fv a
faavl *4 a K. MeO*lek*a. u*tB(*a-.hjt*kr Tkat.lbar* to i
■f Ik* »uu eouatoalu <
• pubU* d
aallarallr a
•kowe la tb*
1; Ik* *au* f*MDd o< utroecatt aaaaar poailbl*. th* raacral
tk*r.aortM*• U Ik* XacUUlare la UckoflaforatUiu ai U tkc pnaeal
■a*. *a**u,i.(
lUuetaudUeaaiMblabaaHu w
BM wUeb aalforu Um viih Ugaa b* dwlrtd trow eueh a aviaar*.
Pbuippta* Oorauiuoa H*« kmv* a



AJoUt raailailo* torai
iiatoaaMadca toBtOUIrcDBBty waa
Jo*lyM**dky IkabOBUby a roto
UktoBf. Hank A-Tk*r* ai
ledky a daUfalioa of pi
‘k^au uak boa Teiado wbo
tolkaUUiBilofaB approprle
kMtoblfaa aaUMi at lb* i
MSI yaar.

Tk* parly to beaded by

■.JtaokU. Dr. W. i

■I kdlwr of lb* ToUdoBlada Tb*
*auaUl**ea naWaSain btoid
rBBU*BUattku*OUo rrpi

A «M> Ueol bill* bar* baoa paaed
auuf #Uek Ik Ik* aaaato to deallyto
MUpraa. ukflk* Bkkkw U MIeb


aaaaouM fUauae to a*
fkUto Ubrary. ww pa«**d.
Ttor«*kaw«adaypa**pd MeCklluato
Uiaphoaeaal adtocafu attaali
kUl by a rou of :t to u It to ULdaralaad tkto MU to a tbeialatotul appar




The Remarkable Way in which Adam Salm
Acquired Success and Happiness.

Tb* lorec* ollbr teroM**l*M already
Id aad about tb*

Laaeior. Hleh . Marob e.-Th* coa
altla* oa UsaUaa (tea tb* t*e
At dayllcht tod., Oe.*A] Wh**™-. j
win bold • BM*Ua( at lu o eloou
ntpp*t* dtoooeerud a laif* body
roofbly v**"
at wkkh tia* Ueary Bn*
rrb*to aitru^lac to onto U* ri.,f „„ ar* 1* th. loro* mow under o.^
ofOairoitoa babalt of tb* Ulehlfua for ibr purpM uf reloforeinf tb* *oto proceed tolbc Hhllippiau
Caawat railroad eoapaay. will prc««i
UuaHalepe A fueboai ad.
Tbefollowiucthlpa are
wbt Ma.
It to tbe eoBwltlcc ou ibe
■Oder kcavy Hr* and poured nlla or Hoof Konc indcr oomaaad of
Chserac bllL
It to aedareiood
abol into tbe jeiif U oa both aide* el Adairul Dewey: BalUaoru. BeaaUf.
lUaulonAlwo^ aad Lvou rag
lbrr..rr It .beUed the earay . p». 'ton. Hoatoc. Keffalo. IbUao. Cbarla.
— '-'• lawodaoxl WIto Mu.*
allloD Bi Otadalape effectually.
ten. CcuHotd. tnlfoa. ItuaJaandeAu
OBibaa •cllaua* tbe Cbecter—At- tompnrurUy. watlcnnf the rebeto.
atria. Hcleca. lala de Lurou. Hanll*.
■taaro will atoe appa
''be cocay'a lo*> wa* bury
I uf Ikair
friratr John Otoe of tbe third anil, olyapU. IMirel and Yorktowa. Tbr
o-y waa killed. Ua beard tbe fun. (toctlee aad tvinuetoa ar* oa the wey
boat IVI.aua Wa. Wbeolcr aad Loeto throufh tbe lied aeo to i tlu liewey.aad
iUrrlru of Ifar ttoliforata raiment th* Orccoo and the aiiccdaat *o
at wUeb It BAJ aake * roporl oa lb* rr* wounded
the iria. are trarollof tbroaph the Ph
Krbeto in the TllUfe ot Sap Joue cldc for the eaa* deoil
Batter at tb* lortUeo at tb* Noraai
w York; .March
aekool upoa wUcb cubject a twelr* red un tbe fuBbdBt^eDBinftob lo.
boar •oetlaaou baarlaf wd* bald kat
Uhl* from Manila uye that the robrto
and oinei euburki of Malabon tbto attempted to upWrr tbe water work*
tbere lael aifht. A but ft»bt .
Vt’aeblnnoa. toarcb < -The erar dc The KUipInoa ware drlren oS
Itoen killed and many wou
Two Amerleaa* were wouoded.
.torbaejuatarrleod Tb*
Tbe drul attack wn> aade on
iroQjia are In cood nraltb. Tbere w** outp^to of the Second Orecon and
inecatualty on the acrMenul I'lnl XebranharewlarnU
rhe line of
tloa aoUtlwl to attend the acboMa.
Aoolbar would prarewl any prrMta Th# Senator carried ( ooipanr'a A. B. flirakon ealended % lOBfdtoinec*. Tbe
flehuof waa rcMined tbto laorainf
clkf *ouB«bMd wbo U a married
t>. II and K of tbe Twenty eauoad
e ntln^ka
Infantry and called hwn bee KrueUro
to mile* froa the city.

trou tb* aorthark part of tbe *uir aad
B*Uth*l«*l jauaslt to.
BUkaaU* to oa**eaator wbo do** apparpaalaMtUM bMac dwded with
patiUoao. to pr**caltbc kllllof otdeei
aal weal haU/acUoa. '--Tb* bUI
aad for tbelr protoeliaa. Lik* IM
ahaaUaolk*raabadlhroachlh* aea
M**lapiybaeu**lb* taw bol bead*
arkal It (or poUtleal patpoaaa
UBU wlUkoldIkeaaaaU laaau
•or Ik* uaaBufa. aad it akould b* *o

lUaUoirtaUcktikr taelUltoa U Boar-


A Fanef^Fortune.

■ie*r* now tarrUf la abe Pblllpplnea wbueaaawr 0*1 will h* non
aJ.ta VeiMW leem
eary wben the peace truly to proai
ha. >*<ei** lar (w'uir«wfti
dayi. hi. Mrp *wl
All Uee* troope will fo frt
ertr be wksew. ku .or* t. rr-i—-a-l.
dan Punelneo. lb* proaiiUal aod u
... i.l. .,Kl
the lael harlBf dulded that ibe Pa.idr

traa Hoar Koar. bttisc abiard the
eitU arabrra of tb* V>lud buy* [eouatol of tweety trfiaieuU of Ufaa
'try. ooe eafiBear batulUa *****
I'hlllppikc c aalatok.
j traoto of uealry. elercu »«»erl*a uf
■riillery. ao affrcfat* of ce.tou aea.
Tb* lapwt of CbalfM* Hoon o( ib* Biral’aboard tbelklyapta
aaau «l**ltaa ooaaltta* dad* ibci lac aad wa* ealnud by tb* eva* ot tbe *
*to. wiu aa affrcfat*
•raaaal laeuakiMi. Itorrl*. •oUllcd to for**, the forci^a eraraulpa. Bmtob
.ic- aea aad -rii oiarlMt.
cratoer Naretoaua, tUraan rratorr aakr np tbe aaraleoatlaceal. Thto to
■lo*ire of Ibe traaaprwt Sola**. wUb
Katoerio Aufutu aad by all the Aaer-

aotualackoclpolofehUdrea. Tbeae
two bill* do hot reeeir* the uaeUoa
a*oUoa* c*a*rblly aa they toud
■’hokaraW* BUB weald qallaquliau' lOflreadiaudTaaUce to tb* loekllUe*
a U* w«aib*r will not parult alMau" bat h* waau u fit* lb* paol^whai tb«r

Tk* faaatal Uaauoa eoa«llu* will
aHhartofotloattoTorably aa laoou*
Ika bUlwaapplauakUlUihe ea»ort
they bu U uak*. which will (ae** ra«Blrlaf »w*ra tUtaaieU troa all U>pvata. w Ibv wUl Iwra reoa tor a
utkcrtv rtow U wbkh lb* taaoaa tax
will b* Uearad.
m today pataad Ibe toeal act

ruflaiatat aretUccy. oil of tb* racnlu
!*. W*r*er4arcd today to u
toMaalla. IV* urtaaaaaffaeMd atr
II to prebakl* Ibal b* wUI
Math. XlaU. TblrUMlb.
aiarfapkitaf hto tor** IkWaotuak* iWeoU aad Tweatraiat Ufaauy. aad
a* too* a* kto rrlafuccaakU au all at
oaulBiBf battwta* of tb* dutb
, aad aaab.llMM la paiailtlllac*
■Ublckt Ibnach lk| 1**^ atoana*
Obt Ik* laaarfto U amrf dliuaUea.
to aoreaaat to Ml Utteudedito to
•btoree tienatal Otto' preuot eoaI but to pm*U th* withdrawal of

kkd bukterxorar T.ouu dear were kl
U tkto aUU Iwt ctaacc.
Th* kmi*r of dwr to MW problb
I lb* foUowlaf eouotlu Ala
il*Caa. Buna. I.tpau. Uaeoab.. Utuwa. kaailoe. TuMla. si. Olaii aad
Ok Bolt Blkke lalaad.
lu*t «***on a dear woa biUed ta tk*
ortb«ra pan of Keoi
atorUillikoa Mo lalrMdbal tk* bill
bluof tk^llliaf of daar for Are
_____ la th* l,wer purtunla aortb of
Ik* U. O.
A H. B. B to
doa*B* of Uttar* atory day to Uror of
>f tb* MU.

we* Alleo wa* the d-al while **l
la HiitodaW eoaaty nod tbBr*t wbltr laaa to die la Ibakeouatt
^be lumber for hu oc«n wie aawe.
froa u eberry lop by band uwa. *•

nun me. tap of Ibe M K
la of the bay t'ltiu oa Pridai
Bipkl iaaupuratod ' la tbe Midwur
tsbttich wbal to uitod ibr
iwenlirtb ueatury motemenl la Meth
wb lea propo**. to ratoc .iatw,

Kiuit Outlook u> LudlafWn
Uninfioa. MIeb.. March r.-Tbe
fruit tree inauja^aare nopular in Ma

run* our San Podro.


M';«^.y*tti u»* ant*
.L iua »^i.

rr.-lf lu

u.r\Jc rl.!>


<■ to ooav^

Winter Needs

In Blankets. Bnbes. Cloves and liticns.

A 8taU«.Blanket for 76o aad up.
A Ikive liu« ot Wool Square Blkiikt-u.
Plukh, Wool and k'ur Bobss. kU pncM.


Clnie.and tiitens in all Crides and Prlos.
Trunks. Satcbold and ToloBi-opes to suit all tMtos at
prlcM tbst lusuro ready ralM
4 I am hIu.uiu.; „ Kh„,tin,, i.f li,.
li-iua. Ulii. ti «r.



Uuild* up tb* eyateis. putt. pure, rieb
midwiminrr KeprtaeoUtirea ot all Ibr blood ta the rrb»; make, aea aad
leadiof aura, to* are here and farm womea etroup and bekithy—llurduek
bnylny many tbuuunda of Hlood Kiiteru At yuif dnip etore.
youBftreu. muatly peach



Traverse City, Mictaifsa.

Consultatlm] and Eiaminaiicn liee and Stiicll) Cddfidential

DKS. li. S.cS: CO.


Americin Uedicil and Snrgical Instllnie of Idskegon. lick
Hotasl ■Wlviving, XVavorse Oit^r,


- -

March.16, 1899.

OOer Boiitu from B a an V-4p m

amoop tb* old I«c* holdlnp fact

away al tbe enow Hue and

'** way Pibcsl^'pw^c
laproaL It la claimed tl
iia hare bewa obtained la ihto man
WhUt OD bury clay land* ba* been
It U pradnally becomlop rviaeni badly lejnred by burinp. owlnp u Ibr
that fuiu other than peacbe* ar^ In Ihawlnpaad trerriap wutber of ib*
jarmtuioce than *ra» at Sral eappoued.
Yuruof •offerlap irl
llebiap pitm yield at m
tire pruprrtio
Xerer tail*



If yu hare a cvmrb. throat
aliou.w-ak laup*. paio la the
didicuit ^ruthlup. crunp or bcaraeoaaa. let a* euppeat ooe Hlaute Coupb
Tb* <1e*t(U. t10B of the trait lailaatry (Mr*. Alwaye reliable and tale. J. U.
ba* ImpAtcriabed bae-iret^ ot «arawcu •chneon
____ _______
fruitrroweru. It baaiVuM*
For a g^ek remedy aad uae tba
parary check upu th* prowth
nrfeeily wVe for c^draa ivl n* reoi
larmlnp oouotry. It muu* that tbe
eodiior Mlant/Coupb Care.
buaket. fuetorir* aod eaaaloc factory exccllral for eruap. burtoacm. tl
will remain idle for ea indcBalie peri llnpialbr tbraat aad enuph*




od. and tbatouratalpplacialeruu will
fall away more than oae-batf dnrlup:


'bcoaomy will alway*

tbeaemmer moatha la faek It to ue
awfaUlowaad wlltbe koeoW felt by


A* tbe tune of the year wbea paruOalaeeat ecboolomrm* are *aid
oala. la pnape, .or* throat, ouuphe.
to be laroetlap all tbelr maney la oopdda. catarTb.. broacblil* and luap
oubic* art to be paanled apulort.
per etoc'u*
s>me bare made pood
"to a floe eabaliiute. " will
prod la and olbera ar- penallem
aaawer tbe pnrpoae." or l» joat a*
pood" a* ooe Htautr Coupb Cure That
1* Ibr ooe lofaUable remedy lor all
loap. throat or broochlat iroublea lueat riporua*l) upon bariop It if •'ume
iblop rite ' V offered you
J. U Jofaa.

Crippled by



toaearprhlap fact. ' uya l»roJ.
Houtoo. "ihat ia mr trareto la
part* of tb* world, for the laat
"TV. oppor pealaaeU elt era. are in tbe--------------- ----------------------bytbrduotor.
, ___________ _ V I bare met more people bariar
(aeor ot IlmlUap tb* buah-r* w bihiup mvitsin mercury
anl poiaab. -rbicb u|.
tireu'* Aapaal flower than any

r remedy. for drapepaia. derupped
ooly teudM each lathe apper pum
‘“‘'""ft ibrditoau by uuy.
Urrr aod •tomaeh. aod for eooetlpa
eala. and tome
.................................................. ...
I Sad for u-nri*u aod aeleamoo.
ba UaDtad lo on
B. S. 8 ba* b
or fur poraoo* lilliop ofl).-, po-tKior,
Tkara I* M real UP
where budacbeo aod peeeral b*d feellop* fnm irre«ular taablu exi*< tbet
wlurti «<ainr<l almoet incurable.
tboold aot pam both bone
rlrun-. Anpuat Rower to a praod rr%
iy tad b»Mm. a law of U
Udoeenol injorelbe ayalem %
Irequeot Oto. and n rxeelleni for couf
etomacb* und ledipeatloa------S*
bottle* free at J** il JobaaoB'*,
LcpiataUT* Dotape
•ilr.or ir b Koley, Cedar
Laaalaf. Hick.. March < -Sea
i by dulere ia all ciriliaed .
IWU y«Bl*. I e. .aid '(,•

Tbne* wbo hara I


while Dne ruxui

lalUa^'e MU to •ataMlak tbe offi «
of Slaw Flu Matubal fur tbi* atato M
I Mot atom* Stowu to*l
wortbyofaoUu ThM propoaad new Umidyur
a. c.s..aiid
*atoo paaud Wapa^ Mil ohaafiaf tb*
MBemlia takea tram tbe Mam.*
koa* at Ik* Ukktfaa aayiaa ter
ii* law which w», paaaed br
dkUNroat kkd erlataal Uaak* at I
tbet lerwutare la iuM. Seactor
Maitland «U (or hit MU: • The
ertfl* Bt-*u*y dr, -tophi to be loruvIfuMd hy aoeo* public oOetet autbcriaeel tocammeawltaccamaad com- ^y^JAood^rncdyle^ only pra^

aaib a*y Of Ami. aJ d. ibbb.



iuton.,~-.u.., ■-..eto ir iiu

' rjurara BtAUir nji»aaia Dias^ . ■ vr

Tar Ikfaat* kkd CUUnm



___ _ !■■■■■■ uno «^*(^ aal/
1. a__
Jkih* bow* the couBltui of Ik*
eAotopk**odU«oraMy epootheiiUi towtaptbe flra. while tb* (
awautlai tar th* rMM
Wa T.
D*a*Mr*.*rbela*l both hto ara* aad
UW^iklAdrlaa U IMi by tk* orw prodaS^ aalu^Cy flto. Uet
P«»ly Ve,*ub»e. poatibaol~
■kUf* dto*kkifi at a aakkoa. h* MJkf yaar
year MeeeaabueeMa
br her flr* marabal **• »«7
• P«
. lilt's*
kkakltoud aaa la lb* at^ulllUa.'Uw
to tb* rooltaoUaty eo per- SITmoo^
Qpu Ibto ttaub* kto »o6^^ kturijuketor
«tt kkd wS* wUbaoV kU froa tk# uera ww

„„ tXSSl:.----------------


‘“-asatsdk^ '

iJi >I!JL ruaati.1 M


*■ WU amfZota






iX'ef »ui wTT CeUUw' «*Mb

--- -

ru arrui* Iw.r Our**

-^rSS: HrsrftassaT*s?Et't;!ai iiEEocmfSAlirrwiuM.

a «< Ids mhMa aMs,


.iT-r-tl .11 Ij.w.’eT |u«m!,i,.

ise rmt »tr**t.

Will Coannpbl. wbo llru our Xewbypo, lo«tduriapibe rwvjv cold aaap
:.uou peaeb Iror. tad Krrd Jaeohiul
tbe eaae Tk-ioity. loai uut leu than
«.'.Mlu..erery up* of hto. pur aad plum
Many.pToacr* arc loth to cat.douD trem beiap killed.
leir treua. but they ar* bepiBniap to
Mliir ibut it to tb, only thiap to du
bar, already bum
Some farmer* will
out oew


l-jurkl^lto l,.« .rfii,..,.. ....

The fan. <

coualy fruit prowera.
Tea eeou per
Irw in larpc ur .anil lou it the eaafa
price ateadliy held for.yonap tioe* by
'le aoel reliable dealera


rw*'to’Ih,.*f.* umli/
«*r r*lr IV-ylr
kfilil. I'r-o -l.-lr.-.e,mrei. All iiui. el >1 e...l
hi«w r-liei i.u. •
Ibal hwi n-u-r 1.
emiuai -in-*.....ur ir..., r
tor * ,:mr h-. lA..

*j.-. .l-.lto'. iw .'I."Ul andioc leto-t *r..|

a* D.> .uator to be had.

The balan.'* of the luCiaeDl <
San Telan
eooaan-ireuolbetraai^lObio. wbicbl Tb, mu uf iJrarrol Bale', brifad,
followed the Senator.
) u<aj located r.h. icurynuk with

Cberriea. peuru aad plum* and la many
applea. ar* ruined. Tb* ouV
la that tbeu will b* lltll*
aurUUItkeould -TberetooolT
Mfrahai all la tbia tocHoa of tbe
two Ulac* to do, MUer f1«* tk* koav
itrytbl*a*a*oa. Thobmiap of ibe
Ota aa epaa taaaaa of aboet tero
• tbrmtolm alto maaai
•a Jilb* aad let tkea kill off a«ery dear be aeeeral yut* before Use.
ihalUrae and Ut ike ato
be produribp fruit 1a the u
aa* of tiodb erutorw be
uaele yuiuput

to aattofy ana* •porUua't aaMuoa or
a aeibry
all otkar aokl* fOBir. ut Otoe fire tkea
prouetloaaad altow tkea u tUeaad
"It to eatlaaud that Ibero ar* aboat
f.MO dearUftUtk* Uwar poaUanto
aad U tkto aUM wknaaebartty to world
wU* woald pcorael the alaiifbUrlBr
of dear la tkto *UU tor dee y*afn.tbue
Ikatau left weald aalUply. aad if I
way 1 woald bow problMt the
. »( daar for all Uau to coa*.
There arc no aauia! Ilrlof ptacea for
doar couth of tko D-. ti B A H. B. B
MteUfOB ar* iboowad* of
rleor bottoda, eoearad with fiua ikat
wlU eerePbeutUed. Tbcrr br« aay
aaabar ot aaall aod Ui«* eodar
awBupa wborr they eaa bid* and roar
youBf. If left alone for dec year*
oaly. Uto euu will be aMr to preloMean.aal uiber au-r*
ipertlaf doer, alk and other
browalnf aniBato;ib*re ar* no rooauae

t Ltocup. a fl-utof I
.luUy to buu tb* ruldeaoe of W».!• Chrl.ttaary. a aoi of tbe late Jodp.
Cbrtotlaacy. oa Tbereday aipht
Mae o'll wo. peered over the •ctoi.
d* aad tot 08 Are.. The (laioap.

£v£iS'*S‘'2b.=3,* snsi afaneasd IB.lltCfl.MIBIMIM.MMaM, pa.



__ enn amiY^al^

JCov u


TraTorss Ouy

KeUInf by way of aa latrodueUoa eould be added u Uu caperi. piee.


left u draw i_.
- ______ Ius.oae
Meed ea each ec
uu cU sea cCers.
Wbut U
IsekiEf in rr^leace like tbU t____
Wy a dyM la-thc-wood doabUnp

Cbaap Floor OoTenacu

Mrs. B. Duaelna. of ?U Webster
street, says: "1 frit badly tor slslern
ysaru, aol down rick, but my bestib
was BOt fuA
Pata* aercas By bark

«i»ee it. infhurr.
—AHotT oo oue to deceive you IB thl*.
All <'<Mii>trrrelts liiiltalioiiu and Sabutiiniai are bot Bx>
TM-riruculs that tritic Sttfh and endasurer tbe bemith of

mU and Chl

ordlaary plain eartsly. wbiek eoeaea
BOW la oUmt ODler* b^e blat. an-,
ewms eery walk aad U eapeelal ly pret- {
ty it the lipbter absde U pot orcr Ike [
attacks of beadaefae. dlu'isMs and
mala part of Ue Boor, and a atrip of
siakiof spell*I ksew It mould not
tho darker aide B lied around Uerooa
lei U po
au} loopersed beef
for a bosder. TbU quality uells from ,
AaimnZmbtMM*. -Whjwwl
prostrated In Bed in the wiorer of I'vT
bit ol eerseudaywebsye
twelee u flftMB ceoUayard.bat 11!
Ihsa a physician ti
Uere---U --------------------------------a beorlcr |
-iff. U.. bmd wck .holt Bform
---------j ,...............
------------0* by Met bupbaa Pray, c
• ibalsellt for Iwenty-Sre -------r,'ii7iHu“u liuo7“?or®:i.3?ral“*'^sHckaSbadit maaInduced to
t l.-y 1
a^ uphoUtery aad has haadtome Bjr-'
ed.tor eaa well beliere
Who hon mo atraacth V> »lri»e. bo room liotwccD. apd Us store at i
id tl
Ury beipcd me
lel^bi. Uey were eerues Fills rad
uret of a llrbltf shade. A carpet of' H. tor. U her di
tarUmt rad of Ue kliehee; woald a
u-ed four
lour Iboxes In all s
bolld s t
reW* wken •hrwsssjV^
wiU Ue resnlis that I d
sey woBSD with ta if tiphtle Stretched down, snd sppU i
tossy. ~oip yesrs-^spo'
atoB ef respect lor hereclf or ber Bsy be wsabed or scrubbed off tk The ,
-I oaptat U lore ay
•t in fact
lac may be
leepU of life do Ue work Is It? Hot I wbolr carpet
know s woBSS who for forty Breyears andeTcaliil fade tllpblly It
k*«B tboBB
hasdoae Ue work ie jast eeeb sbcAee; Injure IU
iU uppearance.
uppearance- ll U better
_______KIdaey Fill* tor sale
dealeiv Frice to ceata
with po ten. Is hi* crTsUl aad for UIrty of Uo*e years—asd loop hare qnltc thick paddiap under it. nod
hbe lored me I mp ape
ler Ue farm wa* paid fer aso Boeey 11 no repuisr carpel waddinp U at
Foslar-UilbornCe KulTsle. N V jioli
On uarUl there U noqUer
the bask—ehr bad sot eres a cU-


CMoriu j« n Iiuj».ilhii<- for Ca-tor Oil, Pnivenrir, Urope
hiid Siuitiiing h>ni|»». It I* Ilumili-M aud PIrasanl. It
coutiiiiiH oel^iu-r Oi.luiii, .Mon'ltlnp itor other >'nreo«lc
wibsiiuiee. Jls age ts U, guBriiiitee. It dratroys Wonna
and ullut* l-'overisbtu-s. Ii cum Dlsirhoca and Wind
CoHr. it rrlieves Teething Troiibleu, etires C«nstl|Mitltiai
aud l-lutuleney. ll aHsIniUali-u the K«hI. regdlatrii (be



ta' wet wise*, sod 1^ U
Aai.*tlll Tcpisisf. traclrt htedsU;
INgllsC SDd wsterisr the Bcod7 *01]
AhoBt hi*

be I

fnit with tboM who
esm thM wtj.
.Boputritbeerael tho<« sad
IheTe^sod robe* of Ineeler* hr hi*

tbe ihsrr stoMs (rea the
• b^wi*^lcricM plodded.

Waadered sloaf. la wesfisea sad

That erer lared Be so.
_________.<es a acre bealUleUtan'saed take
. eajTei Uan woo.' fjr a room that U ;
When n weak babe a
icb asrd. for It doM not harbor dust.
I esnsed her. and rt
aad Uere are no flying partIHeu of
Forme no *.-11 denial
itbe Into the luups hare
_____ nnseeceesty drsdfery Is wool to breathe
FrsokKofson. O il's Flcr
Or labor did she spi
floors are beaiufbl alu, bst are bard'
Usibome' A BUe. say, '------------IM Heory Cbriatitasoa. O il's Pier
Whes in my cradle lying.
ry walkisc
walkiBe daily for Ue ordinary to keep clean.
^T7 Lsrert Chrislianaon, <■ li'sFirr.
Or on ber lorlnp breast.
work; a*B
Bttcb Boreon IraolnYdsy*:
Sbepeol’y bulbed my erytni
Harry Clark. Uiir* Pier.
eren when
as aratmee of iweirpred* daily for Ue
oil makes'
well watB. bait way oereas Ua yard:
s»» Ireio Corey. Oili's Fief.
two bosrs' work weekly in winter pre- rsry pretty, cocl carpel lor somaur Is:
When she U III. lo attend bi
iMi MsryBubey. Oi;"*-f*irr.
parlac water for Ue arasb. aad a half shades of blue or creen. an< I in Ue fall
My dally eare ebsll br:
»*l Leigh Robey-r, ,Fier
boorio aomaer. carryios water is end reps miirbl be Uid around
Such help a* I cun reoder
*'.■ tvaiie lisrnbsrd. Oil: s Ficr.
out. ‘All Uiaaheer wiuu of stresrh. Udapb it saswers for a wu
Will all be Joy to bc.
as Well —Sriertol
Sh] L'lliao Bsrahard. Citl's Pier.
^Sat’V^ eay. belpleealy: -Uiitwbst
*•4 Ueldah Uur.lry. U It's I'.ir.
to do whi-B i*a boete U pissned
s*:. Ellery Hardy. Tfsrerse City.
I'll honor and obry h
t'lssUorer, TbesoBBcrws^
Kerros* ebtldren w II not bear reiy
Sir. FrsoK Lewis., Traierse
. While God oar lirMufaall t|
of ihst lonerd for plrl. wall-aapendMl. .lacb cold bsUiBff: Uiy bare hot pot
■olpht trasaform aey ss^''
■•rore Jooes. Trabeet enough lo Uelr bodlee W react,
'Bilifsle, against it. ueVk a medical nnUont/. I
arayseae «
Sto Bari Fuller. Trsv
lie beplnainp ol
rtrryiteoief drsdrary without mj
1)0 not demand too much eserclse from
!fiV Henry Miller. Trarerw City,
hlurub shows us w> I orer eight bun.lore at
Mionie Voiruba. Trarerue City
oor. lost wilbie Ue klichra;
>9 not let Usm etudTtoo much or' dred In number end till tnarohinpOB.
5ul Utisy Sjsd^k. Tfsri-rse iM.v.
ilry. wlU oorolOB k
lototoetboiltooeuTly. Dfeourue Uelr , Ee*,y
les toohr number.
alioaltbeoUer aide ior |
Lillis Wbeeler. Old Mission.
os* eapboard* If Ue paotry be I
Sin Msbel Tompkins. I-ake Cbaries.
iafi. WlU Ur diolac table rcawio
•r they nre three year* old, C«l i-j<Wal

Ua sane door, will briop all
eatc In Uoa a lore ol nalurc aad ouv |
We can tell you now abeulUat U.ll's
I of preparlLB isaaU wlUie s ra­
HsrUa K-leb. Keswiek.
dios of sis feet. St miut. bund* asd
Lillie Krsllek. Ketwlck. i
iboardt for Ue kiteben ean be U
Bobtn Loudon. Trarersr City
ihoe boars, sod Ue wife wosld
tu; Helen llopelrad. Mub. i
ter lesre ool some bit of drodpery
Olre Uem a pooB eomfortable bed. { dacentary- binale Brown,
wblleUeoooslroeted aoBc aoeb he'- wbere Ue air U* pare, rad
*g» NemaMiUer.TrasritrCiy
a do aU jrou
y- | Trmuur^r-tdprv
thaa to do tbe Sam* hc^lesa tbisi
sw May Kimbsll. B.k IUp 1>
nrerasdorer Urooph erer reearrisr
CiN) BiyOo.l_4rkirkV.leL»ke.
dsye and aooUs asd year*. Tbia, of oftenbelpsUcmlosleep-aoresoondlrloa'aieetlsp last night .Feb.:)!)
■;i>l Ljcf B-jwo, M ip eUn
Use they oUrrwlse would —Seirtwd. was ssao^se
We bad ulnpinp. speak
sot do ll
AO.- D-lbert Kroeo. U-.p:e C,ty
lag and rssdinp. a bleb was IslcrmUnp
A Grip Tea
091 BrrbsrL Disorr. Ksple C;iy
or triple teliaocc
OU:. «line CrawforsJig ^spids.
laniaocr?) for Ue rell'f
•fof la
KtpIrodfery No other reaoorceeare opra proprtsu to tbe season of cold* rad:l» • oae brclnnlnp. borees*
to os: DOT U Uere eoeh eerloni seed of
prip. b-s. Lopaa ha* been qsita ill: Ul'I's Pisr Saoiblne Club'
oUrrs la most boBee were Ueae well wlU the
EJoab be l-K n«leje fusblr
fssblooable complaint, but
y,troi Juuranl.
iBued b show her’*lntormtln
I M ItieD.o'-ioo. aUioo.
Tbe Sum-nil City Club U flunriahlnp.
other* a
A few deye
I Cbarllp ItsO'ftton. AsH>u.
os,to bhOhd
The socreUry. R-jib Usrlinp
Oomoion Bass* Oongh Oorss
I Aoot I>iaiel*>o. .tvitiu
« lake t
It U rathar bard ilBss u ba utd Uai
.'eaaic tnd-rsio. Aobign
M Usl
Ue allffhk haeklsp ooeyh that u so thrlr own bessu. At the sppoisted day about It wbleh we woaid like you
I Bllen Asdjrsoo, A«bl-,n
.ffersr U aersly s hoaruerrsnu bearing trn)S Isden wlU ell to read. Urapb aoiaa of it |fib« laI A'Uor Prtereos. A-.lit90
ad habit.
lamptleg dalleaels* appeared el Ue teoded lor a prlrnte iktMr But K ith
. Frank dchiolu.
. bowercr,
. of saeh ol Ue puss
Oarltap win excase us. Just tbU ouee.
rbes ll U BBder ttar
itrolof Ue will
-. JoMpb dehm'll. Urswn.
lehostleg eneb wn* a sole
.aboold bcsUrcly i
. ........................ .
The oldar aeBbsra ol Ut Bsrald
Mrs. Lopsu's ■'imsg
lo tbe suScrer asd Uoee about blBIss’chsoB bs*- *bees
- ----------ristsly Voucp F-J.ks Uspartaral will all re
Mary flcbmiu. drawn
ihas UU baeklap eowb. aad Ue oatud
edUeprlptos .■klr-ird
member 04.-dsarmiBbrrt. K-ms.Butb
olilshould be Isreatlirsted a* soon as
Hsrrlvia He". Urawii
laud re.- ,uiu..-u'dr?tlir
Osrllap. and rm «•/, wUi hare writ
pusitbl* so Uat eoBBoa seas* aay aid
Orrap* Roly Poly
All Hr Oisp. II lies
sarerslloe and seed foBrswsst or
Bessie ij.Mk. Men >
HBstlas* Usarsla, lbs pasdulaaa
Mist Hiul Huirer and Miss
Fetu eLjok. M.nie .Viy,
I of U* soft paUU, at Us bach of
1^1., .
... isouU. bssMSB rolaied asd r
\,J*«»PB-r,W,nieiu 1.0-g
■SStpyuBluliil Ssll.OBS Ublempoinlu
K* Uousen'is iif t
peist kisvha* U* kunru*. prodaslh)
Meul i-lsrg. ... .......................
aluufsr and nss iMspoualul of bsh-’ways k-pps’ Untie .1
f tniak we, i u* ihej
Hub into this iwu tni’ie injs
il iii-.'sry insmtiers. do im yog. Nun
‘•ultor nnil all In sufll
H-Iuld ll« Wllil pfolS
A lItU* dry UstU Mid pst is a iiuin
<lk to nis • suit diiuph ■•uiin*' Mil 11 uur Irlltr
ilioglil lir I gilt if tre
aid blupp MUearpia will MMirMi oUati
wall I1i>«r.,i| twsrd. ml'
lias* li'Siir IlsiKl <iur duutli'ni
It, iir hall 1 tat*Bs«p(sl uf Us powder Turi 1
- ur'ii. sp
Club Itawlul Bi.i*
tt'.i hsts turb i waran.l liu ills,I p>-> I I lau -1|., ib -iif U'
wbsi I'l-y •miMi'i **i t" l ...........
etirrwi Into hall
ll sitls**<il were wtUsupac Hull up. mill ll tlir rndts< ulue tlm* urary tnii-wu mwl. Him
lie Wiiaue* lbs ws> Irotlu. 9n.l
ut ss ■ rsFfi*
Uhl Ih* juia* will nqlfua oui, u> on dtuil i'direr ii s> hisj W us and
and all unt »l eniKlu trying to
' lias bMS I
hulfa|r*<Lplnia sud ttosw for forty tsukot to miny nire Iblops
pa Inasl l,ii liiin. iiavF as, an
•Id U*r* U a soN|k, with surtaiss al aatlnaloau**
aisi'c ib Ilia arun until
il III the
uiuvii w'riNg ' Hi'
U* Phssi, preii psrsshusld h« Mbsn lbs top It itrMtot
KaiU Nu.«ly u ainil tu us, tug. bulth*
atfrewlib hbrd
•ht utu'i laasi wiui ue
Ulous Siuadtaiw i.l ili« p'.iS'si iiat
• *sl w i ptut^hiuitod all.
oause shs bs* hi t**<ib tubu >i and hasp i>r a wiiPk Ilf ii'iuiv'n'lsH
{.II tiiii
MmiipIrb luf * Bursfehy Fsii
liuNt* lur bpr ItiH*' she bssi'i lay elsu .St W'lriyiiig Msrili'ir nn , bake
"All MB* Brsilibs t»m«,'t*iii
I 4
if pfui-fiCd ‘'tier »
WtbnpaiHd upn. «a *» •All ..I'W. an-l fry *Hil els 4
t *N*«IMS HUI allli sail IIH|
'iprur/Mtiif triobsH. "aM *n p—,
"iT^i pohim'm
luiid aoJ »• •Mb
•lip fill II "IHill ipiMiil*.
ivi|p<ridh ll.•l^•"•*l
•s. bot


water it
la winter
Iter for washlDr:
, sod Ue wife of



•seed the weak fleddlloc.talles froo
OalBtad its wlU tear, sad warmed U
ia hi* breast;
■mea*i the drrflj from the spider'*
had asat It sa Its shlaiaf path is alr^
I' I

had was a helperaad a (rlead ladeed
seSsrlaff eraatai* is iu
YataUthe whUebewatled biilaohof
had ■areetlad what his see eeaU be
' (•aartit.

•nirhu htsb]

aeSamdapt bsdali


it hi* had of beafb*

A tati white ^aiW»> -dheed haMehIa

M dAr^'Tbaa hast had waa/ uu to
'•OUajiaa.aad hatifrtdfdd iaaell-

fl aa dWth, ar tsar
'^kwMtaf all wltli Mp aids ebar
Thw lUMaiaw kairMMIr b*ka<
IUb a^w pHMta. Aad bt entiMl.




it'^ a






1,1 IV

S •>




Irraal and psii-rnul. iDStanteuewusly.
Ofido.rr sio.e !•)■. An •, d reliable r


Vrs.wsv l-ltr


•Hr snd Ihflstumsi-iry U'I'aBiatlsB. Neurolple.
1 r.iiililsln-. IvuHripii. aid Ir.flu*t.r4
A IfUily in.'.i'rinr ,-besl ..I luell.
V»u sboolr

iHsliH.iitliip AguliU.



leiac "stylUl
ric la Uy ns

tha Ink. lU»d''7iSd^lB'*Ue
nl a Btlsb for a few seronds.
Itearafuny. dip It Into the IM.

Miud and llJ tb »<

"" ..... .

Tbr-Usf' h pulsp to bsrr
faaby piSM to sp«*k
Kras was amt
slob laii werh tad eoulda'I go to

school and eould net po to Hai
sad yos hare a pen Usl w,
I a pro •akoe! today
I.lttla aribar. Tba
find Ut baarl within you
e^I bars surer known
falT._ |*nd I went, and Us roads were to full
of Ice Usl Kilty elaosl wanta-tkav
ling. We badsoiue dunday school la
Three Good Things lo Kbosr.
loarnaw , iiurch. Ue Aral Mae we erer
mlr* Beds by stowinp
' had flonday aebool m IL
Toi In butter will eort er
store a
rubbed d?“' on u
rtsiogor ewellinp will uealtorit -Sr
A Morel Bnsh.
end aeaioa biphly your oc
It Ulna baking dlab wlU ao<
prary. sboei
boat belt dll ttte dltb. thep-p
Bssbed potai
orer the top ai
brown Is tbe <
.1 win parslttenUy eniUrat* a leellagof friandltnaB aod kladrxrd
d Uc.___________
Uaae she
dll ahortly Md bow her ree
sme tor worrying
lop sKpawsy.
slip awsr.
If we
only b'inp ooreetre* to look for good
- iMlrev inatrad of ill. we will toon hr
................................ ew people at
•11 are Uere r
ilBcliB* tewi
snd fr
IBrea ll
tool oerselrrs Into UlaVlngoaly pond
ef people, why. e^
erpe Uso wr aare hap
pier than If weodiy traded 111.


Your lorlap llule girl.
Iti'ni lusuxii JsiKti,*

I tall yoo. we'wlll girt
Bout. CncKU irad»cq,toir wnrniDgnnd
take Uelr jlWe page Deal week.
Wbnt do yoo eappose Uey win thluk
of that? But they will be good tone
we are anre. for are they not moat ef
them the d-er taoUers who lore nil
Cb IdiSB. bmtusr U*T i
'ill trust Uelr loeing

ckaisetcr in oUera
----------------- ---------------------- tor eookies.
ScBcdy: To each plntof aUk med
. . does am
Ueeueurd allow ira teaspeealuU of
Ue sod* la add
in oorssurch. ala wtlli a llule eold allk
riaccar added to
aad utralB Ue csrdled osstaid
Ur Bilk will I
oyer Ut Bre and lot U boll:
tired resslu



Serra ss orirlaally ieUaded.
tUuees art soBetiaes thin aad y.‘ hatBaue Ue proportlOBs baeehaoa
mUtakra. or Uey -arc too UUfc for Uei

ItcBcdy: For Uia taeees add ealis
wfera a atariat plaoe lor tbe beard Boar. Bised Ulu wlU allk or wal
U tbe sauce
aad briw
briv u
a b
^ wrlacsrs, aad Bay. if i
thick sauee.add aUk,Tittle 1.
• wjUbjh beard ow. farm s k
until Ue sauee U of tbe rirbt
Wbra icily or esstard U torhod tros
sold it toBetlBB brraks.
Remedy: -Brosk Inu sasll blB. heap
towaltfaapaoad wkileUe-------------hl«b la a (last d U aad jKmr around It
wbiaprd erema wiu u l-wdarof lady’stoward Ue eloae


If pastry U burnt.
^msdy: Urate et tbe I
rsut. tooeb llrbtly.wlU________
whlUof ccf-apriakAwiU esysra]

ar U
Wbas sfaquetu mlztaraaara too wm,

«W* AaslypaapAaBUsaA



HictM Hpmtp. WmM’p M
0*M Mpdal. MUw|Bt«r Mr

Boashins Cloi


Henry Kclcb, Sstuoa Bay
Aapssl Kelcfa. PalloM Bay
Joeepb Erdl. Battoaa Bay.
Bay Beldinp.OM HWob.
LosiaBeldlap. OldMlaaioB.
Pearl Tulier. TraesraeCliy.
Beulah Miller. ‘Ibseeia* City.
Prank Barhaaa. Trueerae ply.
ArUur Darbmu. Trarerae City
Rcrliw Coai Hn, .N'ral
LiolrU (telaull, Traeanr < Ity.
Bealab Welch. Ha I'UB.
Mildred Welch. Mspl-toa.
Lottie K«!ley. ftoiplie
Maggie K •Hey. Emalre
CAme Kelley. Empiru
OoraKellay. Bmpir*
Baiel Harrows. Wexford.'’
Waller liinda.towir. Wexford.
Prrey Howard. UI I "u4’lw.
Albloe Hsteruow. uni's Flar.
CUa Pstuesra. tiUlb PIm.
ApMB PblBsnB. OUb Ptor.
Rd NMil IgiMB UUlb tlar.

1 L'udstonos
■"'* .Vlarkcrs

EJJ'I CruB Bllffl


Minnie Brown tends ui Ue names of
two shot-la children wbo sbsn hare
some earotteat tbes.
Her story of
UAdesr lltUe boy asd gir! it pittfoi
Ds« .-hlldree. Uanh your Basrenly
FsUer erery day for bctlU an'd
Aod be tender and hind to
all Ue sick sad bclplm* ones

WAl.dera lilUr letter writers, here
we are- turoolomo fulland not ooe of
year rood interu In' What nrr we go­

uuukhtht»h;k of

a:i grstmni Uraulie. Marble aud Htoae Work, bad .reUi kvn.p lur prlee4 luw. coatlderlng Ue qanllty ol work
•blog iJur 'Stratire bsndl|sp ol monamenUI work ea;ure st ►-« uo tbe met adrantageous u-rra*. rad tbe WeeT UI iDu« ooisior.j
obtsior I rerrrb
rerprt* lo oar customers- If you arc Ulnkli
f log ill oor Hu^ card before plaHop you.______


ms Otiidb mmt a ouc BlLi., w
tor 2S cants worm of ftotYWrt.J^
■one vopaubto cMda
‘ ISct


RRW, Biy ouy, Dttrylt,B«wa
•11, Ana Art)«r,
pOlMUlMlMdlMlL C1«M
••BBMUeaa bI 0«y«attk wUh
M.A'M.a. Ey.

w. u.

EiuuuUn'ttlwMn.-------------- ---------- "

H. D. ALLEY. Propri.lor.

^ ,401 West Front BtrraC




Carriages, Cutters, Seighs, Etc.
Carden and Floral

‘-9 WM

I ■ Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, |


"1,1 •<» Mfsll tries Bture-siiaueehrauelu

*r^*"«*t iIm i‘I? ib^

erta; as;
rs. -- ---------------- -----

mm. .rad

rT‘»’w JuSeT^-toiH*-?*
**_*^*sC I*"* rran' «jpinien As si


Borsesboeing and Generat Repairiiig Done.

Ibelesaie Prices


V tck’B kittle Cem Catalogue


nral tatilip

Be-Painting and Upholstering.

•weHna inra rasr-v'.' *

If g«w«jir.y«.rti.g rrawahle

Sute St., sear Uaioa.


aocHUTUu. n. r.

.w pmtiyrorib-trasurutpe*
eowTMMur waee A ee.






's’.'-.TiE.-ra ■


. 1*U.\1.LA CO.. Siminaw, Midi.

erwue iuMmI i
dira Ih* itriUM
'surlaeM iwhuh sr» hrpl' ibiltinrd Ilf ysu’ ftrw ps* h*i»**-i yitur i-p> b*lu'r 'and tlnfiaf.

IB When be U


yo-wl i_n. HomBoaa..

wK«'.\jiiiv Tiiic


^1 tto hSM be ^



The Ralar Ilay tnah «t New York,
jBsIsrty chlled Tbs Ralay UsUlsa. U
oomposedof alarr* auabsrof hrlcht.
Tbeir object UUe
I tashloa. whassrer
lU sre Baddy, bf wsariac sklru
that sbsll clear the
iacb« laasl. '
... abserdly fearful of ridlesle.
.... aeeded rsfona wosld imp aiBce
bare bcooa* popolar.-. A* It U. Ueir
meettlDc* on Ue Jaet of Ue woold-bs
funny penaya I
Why llUUeoorrttt Uloctouwaup
Ue streelv YTsluiioiisly. ol BIU aad
Bod. U is bard to uay. At preeenl the
tralllap slrin U laeriaeBee. ForUc'
woBSa who Bcrer seu ber Beat little
feet upon tbe parearat eare at tbe eatart or Irarru her esrrU«e. It U oar
UlBf. For Ue Isrre BsJorftj of wornSBuud. UU qnlie aaoUer. Aad yrt.
Mi.liieSBd.Julia sad Bstlie slarUbly
hiluwlBr In Ue wnke of tbeir aodi
Ue Insurious lew. Bsehly
ekiy wsik ap
ad. sba eosld pomlbly sl_.
-------- ------------------sadad tr__
atsad ^MuTtBUW hi
-------brosdtbs oTur all Ue mire a
refose ol Ue
strrau. ~
They asst a<
held up Uelr sklru. ob. ao; Uat
. ad OBS-Uird ol Ue quite out of date
Let -Uta Bi
ArpAtmy iUtad Iroa the aeblBf lack, ufulBst Ue askles. aad curer Ue bo
could she be relterad of UU.

feather^ weirbt sddal to waU-day'e

araT^___j»__* |r__a *, -n.|t- ■

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.




Tha Paawilii' t^lew ea the ratm
^■aftwaeM doaesUe help^qMUae
-.a* well Ifsote
■ the euteet. fer to obtals
htoad help
Ip fer
for ti_________________
the larahowe h. as a
' iapeasIbUltr. and Best eeeae to he so. The eUm trsB which
http BUMtaeaM will Bot Isart Us bettsr wMss aad shortsr hosrs of the
etOss: tW woBld bs Isobtsf Is cobMSSM sboald tbsrdeao. Wsn*
are eesa aow the Bost taziof bsidea
oaths fsra psrss. boU ladoors sad
oak so that Itslaad* tersasoo Utat Ibe
tarmac will
ill eeldoB
asldoB be
bo able to pay birbbi
lhaa»t preesal; aor wUl the
asHeairiM of >he week permit as abort
heais at the eUlafo beaeswlle rcqelras
at her helpers. PtaeUeaUy. Ueo. UU
tIBWIlea is tetlled. ead to beat osr
bralM acalasl tUs blaab wall U aoi
The laaadry weth bears spea \J
- ihuai

BSad BOt bs Uflod: It Utm^blcuhare

UtonWOOD^ *^AVomSl'MBU«


I L» BS BemSs . .



^ It


ilsl'. llgr TYs.'
«r'fsal.ruu Usptdsi.rskuis.


Ti-Wphon* 4,


■arael be taatbU to have bot

lie. )m. Oanrn^ri^lSim.

Chicago •- —
I Tt'est Michigan.

frMh- Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages tic.

SW xif;;

•MadBOBly that tarmefue.....................


l^rosch’s Meat Market


■pared the peor aeUi that aea|1it hi*
taper** blase.
fad the hBBtrr Wide Is arister



_ TTFeTiiTiVtiMiBi 1____

In pse For Over 30 Years.

u,., o~.

U* fosad fait lat h


t Bears tlic Sigaature of


The Kind You Haye Always Bought

>n-. -

Behfearbt(haa.U hbesrteseoeo

-«■ hleU

;li:i iliiii



ABfl B
bmbb r»lBod

s«i*Mt nra *«

4i.s=iRereSfl«« riMHSrt

The Kiud Tea Hare Attrayp Boocht. aad srhlrh bha hem
In nao for orw-SO^ooru, haa bonte the aimaiitre of

AND GIRLS, i SS.y.-.S" TCI“.iSS7..-JS

ryoadialoaewoaldiasb berstrasM?
Yet shedeea UU. yea kaowshsdess;
sodsheaadberhashaadars W hlsae.
for la BBSt eshsi she used aoL As to
BSStewsstT IroBlot. that tople U a
raeslDS farm prodM. eU.. a “eheat
Bst," yet halt the Iroelar dose U aiiaoiDUly aeaeeemarri Is oerUls lipbu


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