Grand Traverse Herald, October 05, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 05, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Dr. J. A. Snyder,


__________________i.; I

O. P. Carver

Real Estate


A4<5n-E3TT to LO-A-N .
oomuuti. UMnc,tN«iua.«i. B«L


I cmiiL uniK NSDDK me,


w« •»

yi-M rpw.w*

Anersc7»st Law.


Plate Olaaa. Steam Boiler and Accident Iseuranoe.


Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Merchant Tailor
asd MC tbr •Ictnitl sew lise of
Sprisf Sljrles of Woolese doDO isie. wbleb wUI be msde up
is tbe L^tm biflt*. sDd St
Dsefa Low Price* Mwlll iarpri»e

Business Cards.


MwcaalUt «■'> AlKt.

at J15 Front Street.


atviiri-iiDed to tb.-tr iiet- aud you arc luat

\Vc liav.- tlicin for I.-inja rHliir.-. for


for 8t*-r-

lizini: pur|>-«-i», and for ........................tern ,
Brinif I’rcm-ripti.ins and Family U<-.-i|>.Ti to’




Wc till


riubL with <Itiii«- that are right, at pricce that am n«ht







l^noW thi^?
ThM a e MlUer^ pr«e *tvr <•

ofcw. m »■ ■




.UltetlDW okDi^n cell ler.
Oer Preeenpuee nrpenvrei <•
tbr (ecelCIbnelreJa-erea buj.
ertpusae at* SUM bf arwlf
Oall**B*. PHM raa-> b» bMi

I will paV 16 to SO cents for imwaab-d aVm>I, 8 oeota for hidi-e.
$8 to $3 for liorao lii.l*n. from 26 cents to gl for alit-ep |K-ltH. and
til* liigli*«t iiiurk*t {irii-v fur fur* of all kimls. Ifl*aa.- tr^ pe for yuur



!B0B8. AuarMf^ U.UM>1



Tniene Cit; Sebool of lisle!

—Xoney to Loan

UnitedSUtesBeneiolent Society.

0»lM>i»i»4 (anud rtt;fr«p*n/.

T^e well-kbown
NorMrymah, la

Carpet Cleaning Works

and oeaaoenial

taking oeden for
all kinds of Frtiil

v>lw***.w \v*iit

Sarrejror and CirU Engineer

rsarayirKa’s!.’ s=rii:__

*«U4la(. Tra.«n, OU7,


3Sr-A.C E s

Oi'ar uiio liiinifr.-ti in S'ln-aiidfiil u)>rrali »i in tiiia ciiy
ami aurroun-liiit: .•iiiiinry
.A iiiiaranl-a Iwiul liiiVK
will) i-v.-ry funint-a b.T liy



Front Strsst


Plain and Artistic


. TravctwOily

. B. ooob:,

Trsvsrse City. Micb.

Something Newl



V* M coisf to (ivemwmi
TWBk<a4M< M>nar.arruwairinKI,«M>>l


anahed Into the

. ““--iS'l.-S'u'



Her Setgni«r « C

inlry all of giant c
July dual bent to tbr harmony of D
tnr*. sad -a*ered to and fro like a r.
er. A bird aiogfromU
M —bee
OBI of eight
igbiy .»ecp o
)D. aad a.card I

. JL"."r' 'r'rrl;;,rro,,,;'r.rUrK
___ r
It'atoogood io be true.".aid Ua«

"rbougbl they u d bla taonae -sa

The ni


They d
-but J

keeping time 1.
-robnla. tbe -c
.11 tl

aa loniv^aM


' 5;^'-r;a?;

irlped -ben. mo.r ’ ''beeai a mlatake" rentnred
ard obl'g.Dg, and Hc^.a. i
I aad
ury*r aaeme<
r H-aaie,'. cool
e Irel
anda -a. gmeou, -oman
.hen aa,:b*r y»rtc“.: | II keeping time w
enough f >r bi
Whan ha -aa aouut tbr good land cobblrn ittip '
My for
Tpag.rl . ryaa flaabed. ''Tbl. land !
—in taken for a permanent borne. *be I
■—..i. ..a
On. i,ai'- noting," he^ao.-er^
' *dj^« dbSn^faatn^
goad caiu"0
"B mr c.aini ■
for irv aeeuol
aD**B< adar B.oolb* a- o»
atea. il b*.-yonconld do it legally "
inr j icsprra
TO* »ai
bard iDalur*.] —umao'j^^
frelingat_____ . ..
Tuft parted In good fetle—abip,
wMderrd It I abMld rear g«
laugbiag at thr idra of "JampenIt .
Tbl* <
a*. tuM abaurd tbec >bat au; oa* —ould Mira,
tblnk uf tahlng bu bom*atead—ibr; or tV,
war* it ageb aa out of ihr-waj Bia.-r. Audi Miraoda bad
S-.rangrn -are aca-c*. aed farther on ' yii* lau.ilv ui »,-dio
______ ,.
Uod wa* atlll olrt.t tul
alua. To* la-would make abnri work 1 *
Dunne iba pan aix BooUia. how of
lham. and for a



* opprenw.Tf
uubd -a> ibr
l^l wbiuprr ul tb*
wiod a.
amuna iBc
rraeaea. wboa* bebdiair blade. a*r lb*
aiCB of natiuo. il’tt all
la -Id*
a a-oreBio# r*
s a fODDf girl cats* nd
,of alu-l7 Bp Ibednlr
•be ao.lf trail
Nofealnreofr lb* laodacapr
Bduei: It waa loo famiiar
S\ir did
ibebeatacen ipiena, ah* looa ila> a
Bailor of ooura* mat iB* air abould n*
awcluriec 10 Jj.J. aod ah* aat caib.l.i
iprigbL aiofiii* J-yoSaly aa ,B*
.0 uid DfiBB Uiai bar molt*r lo*ad


>“ Uv'T.’XA'sr.'S'Si'iar
------ --—

.' .be thought,—aarily,
'Tbemihef Ibla BUta
"' t.M boy wo
ttmted in ns incidrnt f
Wber* Bar trail jtiBrd Ibal —taiafa .takro
No—aod than t-.a t-u loor'.v noiti* bo
I look afitr
ad lo Uaino.*r.Ui*. .be uiet old liadd. -omaB baard of diaiaol .-'a.m* Iba'i paopattj
Idea beelaltad London at tbs
tolas Thaeocouoiar-aa ooaurpriw. ,-ere being ;uuiOaJ
i Kbe looga.l forr tbr •0,-iely r
nleaiere yearn, ha wsaL lo n
or tbe; bad aees each aibrr aa isrrr ,-l da -Uu i . Iba lan<', .aka that auBl aa aba bad u,
offinr for work. The foAmaa
ou IP Ibe dialaboe
Tbeir greevibgi Jobe Wa aop-oul I a. in ' c<ia.p aload . Ibrra-a. no-a; to gal L. bar.
Each |
-aaly rrmarkad:
rare »ary cordial, for eompao.onaUip; * uoi M
*H.. >ia Booth, -a. ^uu.L .lay and protect her adopted'
from Aaterlra naaki
I moalapprectaud IB-.dr.y .cailer*-l jup yealarday and Im getting awiBl i claiB. tta>.>r bad not lude a CoBblaDt
,aoz.ou. "
lofbcraust for fear Ibat tbe gsileleia
rtend the art ol ^OagT
-Peara like
jar omight) prri lo-day, ' j "Ua -Mi look out for hiuiaelf,-ra- eonl wouid brlray the aeeiwL
hirpad old Daddy
, torled HaMla.
-Ha n**a* Joai a nilo-! Aoot Miranda', light.ahone clear ten yoB art typeX'

• Pert', so- Baoia for
it,'' laugbedlui
laugBed | ute ha cama of age to get Ibal front tbr ti me-isdrt-. and th.t waa
idy. r»!h.
back tb* girl
•VVuv. Daddy.
I'm ! home*l*ad •
i ao.n-. omfort drew a chair to
eighteen • Id 'I Ul OS my -ay to i
■.%a*ni. n ma y.m're a-fjl uaj .»t. I tbe doer, .nd preparad for a olgbt'. lime act up tbaDC wordt from lha Br
take a botsestrad
She f.-ared that bar oelgtabora cbnntar of J.
Xaa ao)
-Will - -ell ' be dra-led. amiliog
. Kazarath'.' ___ , ___
do-o laWlbe gi'lagiai] face
hey did ibay —oold mo-a npBIO blm. Come aedaea. ’t look atore a dltaen An —bat do
uurb'. toundar.tan
'. land and aawrl poaiemlon.
II 1. sol to ba woQdarsd at that
. 1 lou know that ha . Working .and that c -uld ba nuthiag left fur baf
Fraaklla aaenrad lha pnalUaa.-Cz
ju. I ain't geliiog iL for mi .elf.
ir tan mtnhar '
really. ll aforfatBrr He clerk, uo-n
rfhe i ' It wa* a hot, thick night.
■i—. tbr pmirie that lay. land —indo-.of the two honaaa stood
Ncaalr beard her dliagrre
t one for oiiiite.f
iburagrumbllbg asd ssarrcl
•Iljbayerdad unow
uk .bar eyes at I rr gian*. ra.le.1 on tbr iig. Wnrn
•B at last ibe^ went to bed.
sea bunUled aoclMe.y in ]lbeailrn.-a -a. refreahing.
Id trade It It war# aaalar to raash fw
igeltaer '.
•ir deaerlion and deanla
IVrbap, the beat and the alllinria
imara hr pareaU pnaL Nog la a mar#
kno« .' " tlw an.a.-rad happily tinti
Fur inoBlh, their only ...llola mad* tbe tired girl dro-ar
iroala pastao-ingb. Tbe intamBtloBal
rar out That's the be.; of it had been .now. ra.n aod wind
Stme i»ba koew it .he watdoildg at ber po«t. earcela pnaL a* daralopad atlMlnadrar dream I was wril enough. I time, their padlock. baDgrd a.l .tight' tboujh it waa.lill early. ,A auddan log f
asldm for
1 last —loler. you they long. a. if lha ht'u— had fouod toy. rap at inadi«>r reealiad bar to dsty
af dat^
out to Aunt Mirai.dy » claim
la.m tn
In which they ,>,|i.| mtfa Ihrc.ig., the M,-, heart rum* In bar throat aa ahe sal and rhnrgfo, for •pselal 4i
l.iog wiDiar hour, of dsrkoeM aud sp iiaiehingrto tbr darkness. Tbe rap wa. apaclal
and tor prapayUg
**rt^.yerdad ; ike
ciuerle.l pease the.r loaa.ine-,
l yehnega to tfanaa who Use off tea
look at them□ L-n Ihou,*.'' es
''Wno'* Ih.-r. ' ah'e a.ked (alDliy.
1b. be luat long, to get back.'' an^
I'or a moment no one aaiwered. tbao
___ pay a totaU aam laloaoy poetiiraoda.
woman's mice replied In
ofHce, gat a pnstal can) with the asm
r Ibay c'UldD'l get i
gel money enough ahead II* ha. work
b oinar n •-ay
An'auo ''oomtaoy
ed bard Xoc but we children com >3 po.e thac ac-.-.ed a, unoaighborly ns y <u dylviog''
•— lha door wide open. '1) aad t
do to John Wal-jo
mi hut they took sick, our 'after an
she graened —baa .topped ab- ofilea e^laeU blllir In Ifarminf
olber. and died.
That. <
■ 'b
■tart a farmer's f lit and TigalaUM
oeraT,ta'‘hr Iid’a yVaV .□‘loYyear^or' ' roptly. tnd look It tbr two people
Clerking at Caagroa* iioc't make
city c
"If you bar* boi.hed your aarmon ” ■ yond
pHneely liriog
Fatner i. aa oii.a
the gi-l a.-..—rad. crmsly. I gua,. I'll i
hf the Uttla group ware petrified Hal baodla* lai.DOQ.OQO p
ai he eao be. but be can I aiark I iran
godo-olo H.mmarr.ila for tna ma.l •" with aautni.bment
Atinl Miranda ■daipr.hi
No- you»* -by I m lakiogahon
An hour later sue—a. ,io-lr 1 noting -a* the fir.i to find h*r »olra. "Wbat
1-.-0 tna tiaii. a. .he bad dooVa year !are you doing here Heasir " abe deBa Waatad Bu H4«ht>• Kul you'll bare to li.c on it. He*'
N bad altered in the I otabded.
The panaal of a Uttar raenliy racbacgeles. laod--apr. K*rn tbe mood | ''I-I'm ju.l bold^g^wa John^Wal
Cliy hy Urn post...
a 'inoae eelrsd from Boyoa
"'N^0.eaM.'' .be an.wrrad cnelempi Haforr
y "ibat'. ootbmg
K'l-reu you
ne. Duldt. tbe cla.m nail lo Aunt ' ..({o, firm a fopadnlion. yr mints of
Miraady. ba»n'i b-ao t.kro
sad it ID mind whan .he-buiU her;
boaae rigbl on the line
1 m going to ■
furgui ihgbt-e-e-ehomelaa*^ be
wiilt oaly
113 a co-oaI tb-.ogb
pot n lean-to ngn-n-i b- hooa*. boyon' ha otarbaard
la k or i.ltwly. "but you
: rtMt my Rrathar tl cenU from BallallU
We »
u»a togaiber.
y^. „„
su h. ‘'‘■1°
Mr F M yoa had Batlsr make
don't r>u
l.u t It; ,1 )
ijmo Jobo
j'*lb^'a?l*r’! f>H»er. before br
-Weil.that alniKi oad
admuied ' *gn-.n'
. oerded a*-, p >an.
---------..a.,, tagrib 'I For oae I







Lr"" “i:: i.'ir.s.ui-1 --nr-:

La^ pSCKage «l the Worir* beat L;^ 'I
Ctea^r for a RtckcL Stni grealer econ- Vs 1
aory In 4 powtd package. Made only by

, prain* St .u, 1 s haadiong gsrt tba


„„maotad John.'! aoi a mlnkiiar U the bossa whs can

named Wstsoh
Mr day anasH of t
ighl—it -as m na,






ana-o Danes, w.e• /•.-..--.....-.H,.,.—1.1 f 4


h... 0


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
I..JI as. R..aadSaDC usm pad aaii
. ar» IM people la haMM rea rtgbt.

Best Livery in Northero Michigan.
/fad aad tala ShaUa U fkwaaMhia

'T«lepfaofR« Tfr


- I athamed

I tbe Wa
•e from tl
I'rohablr o happier oth
• nil IP fr.uoi of the pu.
ib.mghi of Jtbp Wai.0
J''T' I l(-r bean u., t ruebed w th piir araVa , ptrty at Watson't looked out -for'ttacD ' Tba story of tbs Ula..
.day aod
^*-1 w
aad h,. j d.ssgrraabl. neighbor. Tbay ware no- aebama for fiaaelag the aaaopbMIfiatad
, nrzi east of Aunt Ml moiber
I don't .-i - a .at 1 on wbrra In tight
I'arbap. Ibay bad at. farmer la fotag lha ronafis of tba Aaaa*
do. .ha thought, woa'u ly. i.utlaa Ian be.-oia* coneiccad nf tbe ri«l iltaa- try pr«aa. A man who fatniinla Rimace fall
• li, h.n bad,,
At all e.eai. they bad dlaap self aa a traeal'ag prnaehar mils aad
eaaid regeeifoily.-'but
.,1.-, ..
.. ... i P**rad
With them Dad gone Jabs'* ' asks to raosain Dear alghv BsM lha

mad, »
The a



'■■“•••"•—SM" ,

a* they anierrd
-bat make, y
)aarri) »ITr,-uoi
Tban belupprd totbag-n
IdiM K,mia ' '
want a





We want « few rplialilr- r
rpprracat tJie BtiontfNt atxl hret
An-identand iDaiirnDi-c
iJompany in llic world. Clainis
•ettl^ witlioDt (t)c iiBaal amuciil
of red tap*-.

iMi« u< it, l«Si Biet





I tl Mvetter aad------

agalii Me by oae. Jh^
fouBd that I waa a himilwi earnd to )ola in I
SBe «B« her hour
bad cum*. e»a 4—_ . i—_ u—.,
rwiore 1 left the c
Then she -a
eanaing n mldnlgbi daaoe paringJ
befo*a tba-i
by ibeta
It waa a bright aodaUgbt
Olgbt wbca UlcpaapIc
of.OMof the
. .
Of.OMlon'l balieea )Ou draar** iL II a*„
h-a be^*’ ”'^'''d*’iT’**''’*

began to collect la the
aaid. ^s.atly, ' but I'm golBg o "I. that Wauog'. place - hagro«lad,
front of the ebUTl hosM. la all
-raeroa>and il.r—Itb yoo in yo .r;w,ibaj-rkof hi. thua.o toward Aunt aini >Vi
.J alike
theaa'•You-'' ga-pad Iba girl
' Hot you
ball! la
can't, anot.r
It wouldn't be anfr to lump -n he, ______
mi^iofjtbeopenapaae aad nnad
len.e your o-o bomratead ''
j Mi.. K<ne "
> ailARaSged AhetaMlrea. maa a

......................he nne-ered alow-.
-Kmc''' t-eanari.
"'»** told me
..............'^POfktA aid*, tonaiag a c
r iitpalaeot 0ileea.
.. ' ibi. ain't a ! down to MacBmer.i:
that tbe empty d., „
—ben ih* circle
xmaeyniora I prored
. tned npla.1 fall ' :ocr beloogad to
lag 00
• i»h, Anot
igt Himndy. you
o*»er told you're a lying to pertiK-:
I* tall
>M* Of
1—anted you to *ci for your !
A': r ght ' ae»—ereu lira..* trying '

Id aoma iauO.cape.41he i
dtb*anglr.ol (rtc .i
leaturea. but u.r IwB! Nebra.ka,


'lag ay bicycle with an.

SOQD b. could beparlDgon bl. boD,e
»taad. while .be mnal -ait throogb
long yean lor ber Uile
AoBt Miranda noticed tbe girl', di.

Trawefee City. Micb.

.l.ihiibon BU k. Plioi

widiout one.

Ta.,.~~a^i.-...«^--—'u ri.r
\o«-..r».,ta«-.1. ua .



• •’:

1 window, ahe look t brief tareey
b^illaecio^l^' Probably ; l ee got to wke'ew
be bade l oeee fnw borne before, and , la lletsg brie ' ahe tl
waa lootDoae '
: --I wlp^r wbat .woo
•He aewds't bare left borne at all if ' aral —
he diaa't want to." retorted Besie , She'baaljly hnlll
lookior away fieun bar asst
- - ibrongb tbr tiny -indo- at her sei
. bor a claim
What ahe *aD wi
-a. Dotiwaahday. Monday
When .be added
IcomforiiDg^ Jobn W tano «i
be* owe npros and anDtionaeL to gi.e
liMtaad of a » kI b
liDa . dai^iic air .be altowad ,
I bad acu^lly bnilt ooeof Inmber.
elf sea br ,f mom^ to gala at the
SB* uoderatood. further, that Lr wm1.
. o.pp.a,
6be I

a .oi^roka
y- ' I ih ok w* oae* *nma oul perform s ommsge aaramoey.
•loa a aama of'
Aodyonaa**d cosme ttam w Tba yoaag c-mpto Join
lisdnv aaxn
>*emla. bay. that wa, Mapmg cosla baodawsd the Urmot aad his wlfis an
-nar, ina,'tr- . >inaa
„f dr* on me h-ad.
I al-ay. felt aa If Mkad lo Sign the oarrlaga amtttsata
' ,
I d kind of )*mi-d roar Claim "
: as irttBsaaaa - Tba earUfimU afterSgretlookad st Duldy uneasily , '.•h
gmoad K*astr___' you sa* tba
..vo, n.-ado'i far; tost wsy any -mrd tarns np as a promlnnary aata.o'l crv. .-mi ■ m-J the . Id rasn. tary-nan I -aniaa
Than .he mad* ,^0** I *r get that all oat my heart at' i,'rc*aavr
f bar klod.y hnt
hot near
"Vg. .r .u
,,,4 »w.1*
------------------------------- '
nea' y uo , .a a. ,1.1 a.p.oatiro
"I racLon -r k o tl .d
.tart i.gnt ayr .firr a m
aha c in
Y-ar- va. '" cried Aapi Himada. ■ Tbe departmralof fishmUaa( Raw.
Mag briiar
Thar,, the*, no.
cu.rd, an-l I .1 at.and lolb* r-al
• That fo k. a -ay. gn a by for .......................................................... ..........................
Iltdoy I,
I-Hked doae at bar - tb ad g,rinr«cd bainr gaear.,aa—ihalr. owi
It itarn I .me t ii*r -its Anlriog ay
ai rood aad light ioside 'am '
> yoB
• Ob. boah. on- " ouarrd -,.
Wbat »on -ant i. a Irar fa.
You sia'l afaarrd to
ul bar*, tbrrr . al—sy. gn,
When a iohstar^
.nhsst.lyoD hi. mim.oo
OTS a dsagbtar of .mhll It hamti by It
Tba girl •—olln—ad
rrlrr. -a* tba and grown a. aa s «o
throat aad smiled d »m ally St bar com ,
fortar. wbilr tbr s*ao' buDiad earafn,
-bicb b^folTbJHrn Claach^ hlrhmt-owfcU I.
tbr raeordonrWJTdad
-d While bar fsUrr

•-r-rgoilt' " be snsoanirad abrarfcl trail." rrpUlord H* ' I'll bob
tbr front .hr becam* a ears* Ita aammit ai
"Natt mat to tba one you -salad' letnWTOw "
At laagib aha
pWlahaa ahest M.OM
• ro.Ml anal gnsaad as Ur d
fonwill b* near y.o'sutil. nod If yon
and aepea-1 boehn a ynar. rraasn 1 l.toa llaly>AM.
-ant anylbieg idd.a yon can rue np ‘o» iwi.
fv. M • u WWW.
, orr. and -a. ordered home 00 a
BagUsd d.otn; Ualtsd MuadB MM.
ir ablp alao
•Tbaek yon.' an.-rr-d tba girl.
amwly. ''loot!
taarler-a bsalU sarriodfr
w b>y ' Aast Miranda I
** '
imad bar worh a cargo of rabbsr wl
andly.nnd want »»ek ,
Batter make <.niitbr
Ur paprra
for *3.000,000.
-That'* rrii'" sigbrd old DsddygwHh
A alagU fesadry la
-W'btn yoa
yoo aaa'i
An boar'- in paming U. win■lUf --Wbrn
gat fir
- js aresml dying mm wars told
" easta ausally M
dew. aba stopped
glaa-ie at the l«o
r Uaskfa! for M^mod ebuicr.r
U*y war* morully 111. Uasy tarmsra asd abssl 4
iraslonsDle bosma
1 tbai
that Ua general'a
geoaral'a daaghi
tbUg." broke in tba agral.
eaad tbr bartst aarrlaa oaar
-lb'll*** bar eyra bbr pat os
talk os a raaelar
itMs are tsaa—mtMg 4be
ndle. -Pl,U,Mlf/pAiu .VU-rduv
aaam nod lonkad agnla
of ur ao-Btry aad laad ■ going
ilightbath liUfisabamths
D John Wl
ika hot caksB '
Hag afioru
afiaru sf Taifdab balM
aoa'i boss*' bmobr mma oat nf t.
"Wall. I urn thackfsl.'' aaiw
aeotblv to sea* rnmtlm
h aa II30. M U aeotblat
Bamla. --aao I aa rml gratafal u
cfyonloryearktndaaaa.fibaamllad waablag waa almady haaglag oa the
yon*lor yonr k
TW mOar W ligbtad tm t
llaa. Befoe* tba door stood two Ime Way-'-SBack apes them an she left wlU a*
mdtbamsrU by O* UgMM
■I fasa that
U boU ItU mU


r-A'.'L, r:;: „xr,:i.','£?.ir" I


■ .S'",?,

•'Ob dmrl Ob daarf- maUrd Asat

-I saat halp tu Aaat Kbasdy.- aba
astd. ucmihi afammsifi. -t laM tssl

.jfsS'-s'T'sr'iS!; ^IS.'SVL.-JKSSsHm
nWj awM, mm. m —,Wt.


g^ finmd Traverse Hera



lAMiaaranWb■mm«I •( lh« Ion) iMfMM «
ioBiltabo fMter •>< «riUiMi< Uw
mmt. lo «ktak omnl ton) boran
Pirtlolootii. Thofoonwonforti
ooiikolenlbMMMbo too* ibnr-,
la^ Tbi Mrti WM wy bo**y.- oo4:
iMtteOOTMM iBOOMlbtllV.
TboliOo^laMirMvM WOO bMrflly

OEAHPirmA.'yMua bbuid, ootobsb s, isdd.

Dr. Fenner’s
Dyspepsia Cure.
Nearly all cbacs of

DyApepslA are

atteBded with

INACTION or TORPIDITY of the Stoi^h. Bowels.
Liver, and other glands connected with the digestive
U lb* t4T tm. C. ft.,ibont ovaad
ot rrwMov *eeb .tfol me—T’
•*1)9 et aio olV. •mtmi. XXifwcot
tbM bad OOMO leonb. Dm BoU«r
a B. olM «oeb «iM

Some of the fnllowing symptoms are always pres,



or tension over 8tomsc)t,

UoatlBg. heartburn, miut enictations, spitting of food,
belching wind, offensive breath, constipation or disr.
rboca, palpitation of .heart, sick or nervous'headache.

ft of Borbor S|iiofft VM tbM. Md'
tbOMobloIbodofBolJ. ovoMbrHr.
m>«b «( iMt d<MM, rt fMb
Tmb/ M.. K H. ■^ftbory'i foldf
UwMdorfOToo IM nblWtlM oa

tW BolMl olitart irm to bo>«
fltn a balaaa •••'oota. bat coaMaat aaba tbo ioOMt o*iaf lotba bad

r I. uPm^ a> an unfalllBi Brmadr for tbiidiwaio.
Or. FMBcr'* t>r*P'|ni«
B* bw
a Itf.-1
aad ba* aequtnd a wurbl > id. r>|mtatlMi tur l.i. >uw»*. rtundlnt bl. pracUe*
Isto eyen Stain of ili.. I muu. Iud.M li I. cuuoa.oilr brllrvnd till prnrika la
t.ltici. r*ar ikai ut Uir urdluarr (i

111* aniliid. <.n ai..llr*l <iudiuu. h*t. iibiaJn.O unlrnrnaJ *p|iniv*l.

Tb*a f*eU ai. a (iiimiii)- i., ib. lOlirW In the t.l.vUi>o

ihii EroMr

WU<« mthrn no Slr,^-tl7 Wad nprMlII; fbr rar«.
Un lit Tuur drairr > ri-ruUr with full docrlpilun *iitl rartlScat.* uf *uaa «f

Um aMBl rrMarkaftIa caraa orer aeUrrod b; Modlclao.
ftoddnPaattofMra.O W OiwUar.
Fw lal* hr Bwbai A Btsbupb. F. W. Xaa* aad t. 0. Jibsw.
TbalOMllr old. r. Caaaraa wm
Vmtir aboebad Frida)' oaaalaf br >b*
aaddaa aad aatc»aMad dwth et Miv ofoapltal. Boa. l*«rrT Haaeab point* to bsild a two (tor; addltl
C H, Daatlor, Un. Oowroa'a aetDar.
Mn. OaadoT had aot baoa (aallaf *•11
< to be eorarod wllb Iroa Tb.
dart^ tba day aad had kaat bar
I aad aroprwBiatl.a of Naw jpMitlon wa* raUrrad to Ih* ootatoltlon
aatll abertif afar • e'oloak. Itirn aa York caplialuu oiplalnnd i
t tb* on Prn and water.
Mr. Oaaaoe aat inrlaf tbr booaa
tar Iowa, aba wU hla that *•>• aa*
laaUadhatMr aad that ah* ibMfbt
MMabaaoaUacnadowa aulra dartba OToalaf. SberUj aftar aeaea Id dOBsneUvDwUa Unaaaln*
rofarred *o tb* elly attorory
CHy Tma*«r*r Wor«bor* a*koa that
Tb* dnt bule*** ot tb* eanoell wm* tbaeonnell appropiUt* tlM to- aim
bow oaddaalr. oaly le tad that Hra
BBStwrof pettuoo*
Dr. A H. Hoi- oOe* help and tb* miaMt wa* laid np
OaaUariw daad.
Mra- Cbwraa bad baaa apatalia a Ildar nabad lor tbe rapnlar rebalo on oo tbe table by nnanlson* eoatosl
Ca« nlBBtaa balora Hr. Oawrao waa U* eenaat walk and bU rrqadat wa*
After the diacatnios rerardlnp tbr
aaUadbom. Bar Botbar >m l^larao franlod.
appelntmrat ot a paraaneol polle.
amt J. U. JobMoD ofloM-wa*-elo*mJ. J. W Patebln p*«
9aMlr tint Hra Oaa»raa tiMarbt aba
woaaaUao. Botaralw ia a fa» ala- wtrepranied pw^mMlOD to eoatintol
1 that aba
40,^ Or.HollldarwiataBawa
OMftbatbaaairlhaldnlb badoi
lod^iaBbaari dlaaaaa aoaa Una
>lfB. DaaUtr'a bow la la Plrwaib.
l£b..batabaal«araw^b*r aaB-

Hri. DuUajwMfl jtara old. aad
tba oMbar ot Uraa abUdrae. Mta. Dr
Filial, d. 8 DaaUaj of OImdao. M. D.. aad Hia. d. F. UoMroa 0

V. r. <Wblaa waal to dlba Hoe
^riaad laft MaetOT oa a baal
.aaaatitpdowa tbtU. E d L
d fry BBMbllatot Uwto H. Tbe<'
aom btaaaa aad bla bcetbw left Hoc«trhka,
. Mio.BoabaaOntr(ard baa ratararo
tote bew la UraaeboieadB, M
alMr a *ldt ot aanral Boatba with Hr*.
L.H. drwdd.
MM Kuo* Oattar baa faaa far m
aoMbdod ftau la Obiaafo aad UrMd

MftaMMlaOeaeefBlkBapld*. waa
tatmeatahlaraalllaraB titaada
MM BaU VlarUat et Bib Raplda.
■oael Baadar la tba eltr rlaltiad HU*
A. d. MoOar bw ffae* t» OtMd
J. W. BMaa iM daaL
daaa, aad aa>
laft Taaadar
A.B.F9MObaaloea eeabaalaatai
BeraMr Ml MeMar
TtMlaaU. wbara ha wiU eoapMa
apaMl hMe(7 mna tbU year.
laaae Poealartaa laft Maedar ter

fad., abara


Bawtoa laft Hoadaj for Uraad
Baftda, trbw bo wUI aerra oa tb«
^*Bw**? a Ceeall laft Moedar
wral^larOtaad Eaplda. wbara tba
Biwd }ar7 wlU te wpaaalad tbU

r.C DaaBaed waat lo Parh Laka
I# Ada Arbor Moeda;.
Aaaa Fe> of TbomwarllU
aie la tbo eltr naltlax bor aoe* A


Mra d. D. Bakar baa rataraad to b«
bow U Sraad Eaf>id*.
MM daalo Ortau laft TbeMaj
KaaaaaOltr. Mn.. vhtraabo will taka
aaaaraael BlUeatadj U tba UoapeJ

Oitr OoaaeU and XlaoBte Boad.
MoMar alfbt'i aaaaloe el tbo eeeeaU
waeM« aad laMaatUf. tba al|.ab
aaaMafta^balattbr pnvond alec
Ma tailwar llae afoeed Ue-aoala

vrits C a HiD. Of kianhan. Mch^ Gviag mof of tbe efika^
Dr. Mila'
Cure. I1 have suf­
fered 20 years from tftait tnxAle,
and became » bad I couid not EL;
down to sleep.. Physidass failed to
he^ roe, and I was advised to try
DrJAfles-Heart Cure, whkH benefited
roe fran tbe StsL I continued udap
kU now am in y^ect bealtb.''

tba pteaaaelB at tdelML^
Mr. dohaaaa Ml^btaaod

atiracUre eoUaclloo of sand baanaSow Ibat ba bM l—ked the rlly
aod oar reaonreea be le roaAdent that
there will br oot Ibreilpblert d flheliy .
ID carrying out the plao* of tbe c. ■
There wMeose lonre dircueelon lD|



......................... ________

Brosch’s .Meal Market

A Choice Line of Teas

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

35c to 5flc a pound.

•lunt UtH-l'ivn). friai

ancM wbicb eboald be adopted before |"*” baring been rou.1 to Up tbr
tbeordinaneneareprioted. Tbr oatMcbnu of oil
ter will be (urtber eonalderrd.
Hra. Sarah Rgeael. the 1» vra*-.,;d
ItwM nearly U o'clock when tbr lady of Sterllnp. walked tbr*. au.l a
eoancll adioeroed
. hal* milre to riait a Dripbbor. and
__________________ _
, b.ok. tbe other day
After Hr. Patebla bad pranestad tbc
A: Detroit little A-yearroId Nellie
At Adrian tbe r^roawel; faml'y .-ocBatter clearly lo tbr eoaocU Boa
Hoaber played with aalebe* aad died alaling of 11 girb. from tbe loiiu.tria.
Perry Hannah wm Ineltad to addreea a little later horribly bsmed
bomr, godr* tbc cbepe.-v’nagr of Ml..
The Wool boot factory at UMtiops Crew, walked lo tbe ciaaker L-iurcta
made booU enonpb iMl week to reach Saiarday
prare of •
ra Mania

H0»rt Cure

the projectora tbat if Uey bad tbe
fnada to bnild aad rqalp tbc llae It
•oald be a dpalmUc IMep lo do. Sc
■latPd tbnl be bad agreed to pfae tbr
eompaay droni g- n- ,1. in thr r-tr and
belleeed mat ib. c . • o -• -fa r^.,
coeoarapeacal to tnr tii.arprae. tla
tnUered tbe dly had now ardeed M a
•tape wbare a aWeet ear llae aeonld be
a pood ibiap tad eeealaaUy bn a good
loeMUneot aad a ptewl beneflt to onr
people and tbe Istareeu of tbe dly.
He aarereily hoped tbe prrjeet woeld
be pnabed thronpb aad belwecd that
both the pnijactom aad tM elty woeld
reap preal bcpetu trtro IL
Hr. Jobaaon rma aaked to addna
tbeeoapeii OP tbeeeb;aeL Brexplaloed tbcelleaUoo rleariy aadatatad that
if tbe elty woeld lead It tbe pfepor eaipearet it rroeid be a aaaeaaa Ha
expialaed that be repreaeeted larpe
ge capitaHaU wboM (eada were



Any kind and apy prir*.
tbe-Brat. I’ri<*ffa tba Low«at.

J-. J. BI?rEZi:tT,Aw.
248 Front Street
TrAverse City.

I Thursday, Fri&ay, Saturday, = |

City Atuiroey lludpe called atlenUop
'Irayllog i. boomiag her oi! lang.
toaereial prMtiy needed new ordio* [and will alek a leal we > at once a-




Tbivc Tnillions in d.-iilv use
rc llic bf't totiiu-'ni.a'i
lo the t-lhciom-y tiurabilily.-wctHioniy. Ix-a'j*
■ ly 2nd conveuieniytif



Famous the world over
for thirty years.

J, -A., MOlsTT-a.Q-'CrE.


Special Openiog in
Our Cloak Department,

bare aneb a railway and be

Uaioa MMwmit laeUula.
Boa.dvW. MlUlbaa. Oltr dtloraej
M.a Dad«aaadProf. C. B. Doakva;
, trara rtalion at tba MapU Oil; t^.


at the reaonrean bare. HewaalDHaci
alee a few yeari ago and alnoe Iben be '
alwayabadao idea that tbe Treeera*
Ciiy replon WM Ilk-HarUlee. an oa '

fresh- Sail and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.


Bamk aad

And in only one Inaiaoce bad he haown ,
■f a falUre
Ha referred U> tbr bnalle !
of the betinesa mro. ih* growicgl
lalereaU aad
irt couotry which a rail
riad wonid dreelnp to tbr iBBepae a<lof tbr city. Hr WM aurprl.-A '

tacod larpaly and It waa qolet 1blerald of fiattlr Orerk;
ilhle to rat maurlal at ilnra Tbry
and Haekiuor Ilrlrull aod lluubleiU.
mportBl that John Tacar c^erad le
Kroa of Kal.Baxw
fnralah that aBonet ot lumlMr. at
cOBmitteeon Bre bdiI water r.-t
tT.M par thoanaad for aadreaaad
oniBrnded that the peiltloo
■atarlal aod lor dreenod
llrodbagrn to ra<ae tbe
Than araa ooMlderable dlaenMloa
feed btrpa be granted,
.Idaraaa Heatacne'e omUob lo;
ut rbaj^. The
lay tbe Bauer oTor. It waa arpnad by | which baa aiie
itradrirtlia rarrtal innh»U preeeo'ed to tbr nutunv of Ss.-tl
lermaa Cook that If tbe loBber | pumiol by. Dr iiettre. naacaunni imua- Tbe balancr ot the t-.e-urer oo Ak-1
B'o-wx ±XL seaBon.
p, wbo otaka oOrre nf free POBI 31 WM reported M SI9.«h3 IS. and '
eeaUbe boopki at tba prlcea aained;
tbcBtatCBrot of tbr board of public'
be no deUy la elonlnp tb. |
tvben )-i
wan BnaUnpa approeed tbe I arc innlrd to •wnte to a woman.- aak workacalled fortl.MV r
On BiUoa thr Bsyorend clerk were
of tbe board of paUk’H*' ""N' qncBion. ' U ito* woman a
work, aad in ihU eoaaeetloa arweed
'<« *'!' ?»■'
» antborlicd to acttlr in fall with Hr.
tK«. ami doe* oot,
Uaf.1 <L.
,f ,b” iw to lie, a pliyaieiaa.
“■ ■"
■I'”aurh advice Eltyden when the I'nioa elreet bridge
To oScr
properly approard.
tbeald tw perebiaed in larpe qnalltlM t* Uecetuul To n
aad bonphloa eo.traet. ttaareby uelap
tar of • yearly bond (or tooreA of i ___
alarp. of B>a.y.
baildinpa wm refeired to tbe coaail-1
Hr. M (Dtapn. tlatad that ha did aot
A ^v B paper-covt-ra will
to ba ^deraiood at oppoaed to'
Aldertaao tiBltb a-wrd that tbr firr white with *BOW frvB nio* locbe. id
a tacpoatloa that wonid ba a baaafli one-cent aUmps to pay end of ^lailipg
p*/r.' in cloth .binding
namm. Adwardentioihe aereral ward, bel a- depth at Cbampias lo -two at >i
lo the city: and tbereforc ebanped bU
dram Dr. R. V. PtanB. Boflalu, M. V.
Uancrl-ea .bo.rird walk.
atneled to Bake iaapretion* In that -loaeph.
maklop a new oat raferrlap
'tral ward, aod to report at tbr next tbroDpbait iDCha of tbr - bragi.fu' '
■BmeadaUdB of-itba biBrd le
«t>ep of tbr ceancil. and tbal ihetr If TraTerir Tiiy Lad a apriakl*. bo«.
tba eoBBittea oo atmeU and walk..
apeoaaUoa b*fi.-,c> per day. Tbe CTcr It was m mneb m rrrr and hardly
Mayor Hamifioo alronply eaderaad

am Hale

d. iW.

The beet Coffee is Arbuckles’. The only Coffee to buy le Arbuckles'.
The rig^ht thing is to insist on having Arbuckles'.


tohwworblalbaioaw ladM- a
oaiy at LleiaaatoM. J
hMabattaof IbaBaalaal dapartaaal.
Mra. La«l* Mastar la rUmar b«r
Wetbn. Jaaaph Miamii at HaAiae.


Arbuckles’ CofFee

It baa act the atandatd of quality r.r all competitors fCr the last thirty years. The atrong*
ertdalm any competitor can make It that hli coffee li “Juat at good as Arbubklea'.”

wblL-b Aldermwn Smah ooJ IlMtlnpa
grped that to* citKe lotereeU be eery
earefally looked elier lo pranllof a
fraaeblee. and lo whirb Aldenoao Monnapee urged that tbc couocU pot forth
Frrrr rPnrt U> eld eneb a coBBrodanle *Bterpriar. Kiually a Bolloo by
Aldrraao UuDlagnr pr.irldlpg that
tbr eonecUrdwIrr Itself Iptn a coidbH.
tee of tbe wbffle lo t-aoaider tbe setter
walk* In frost ot tbtir atereo I
a thirty year fraaeblae for prdhalled. Tbe eogecil will br eol yect
on Front ctreet
I lit city i-f»eu V>r the to tba cell of the tooyor who will pel'
board ot pnblle work* wa.!.r^,
Old tbes together a* ofieD e» ooealhle eofrantod fnrlbnr line to ooapll* Penrr* Hiialea Klactric Eallway. Mr. Peteblo
M to make a report at the next sael-.
aatlnate* oo tbe propoaed water read tba procoa'd ordmaoe*. which
worke lyateai.
prorldaf for the'eiMatir* me hr ihU
flo BotlOB nl Aldemae Haatlpga
pelltloB lo f«rra**l Sicioanih coBpaoy ot the atreeu of Trarerw
C ty AUo-or inripe w»* ioetruclrd to ;
•treat, weat fron I'olon to *Beanle City for an electric line lo aocb atraau proenra acopy of ibr Iraorblte "f t)*|
elraet. alee i rod* oo Ploe atre*l *oulb at the iBproramenl deBanded. aUo c*ty of Vontlac' lobe compared wllli i
SIxtoMih atreeu wa* referred to proridinf for the coonretiona with ISr
H. II. fUmpb*H' war
I eoamittao on ttrecu and walk*.
llae ID Hralnaola lawcablpa* deacribed preaent and aaked the ronncil tn coo i
The board of »bllj work* reported la the proapMstaa. The eeadln; ot tbr
a der the Bauer nf .lexaiioo of elreet i
that they bad ewployed a Mae to ln- ordloMA* waa liauned tn with preat
apnelibe aide walk* ot the t-Uy aod that atlMtloo aad while tbe deuil waa no<
Thled apmed nt tbr .'•uDCii proreed i
OfH-lal bad rrporlM btiy deacripttOB*
ed with Uie repnlar o-drr Tbe enm
In tbe city aninel wnleh
BiUeeon aewere
MRS. AfOlERSOIVS BABV. lanld be bpUl. and ttu
pmatinr the petitmn nf Hi-Jlanvir.
Vmi mubln't <-<Bvtn<T Mn. .tnilmOD
where walk* were lo urpent seed of
I’rlte aod Haekeil who a<ked Vi be rrrrpalm-ot wbicb *bcBld be rrbnUt imic‘^T‘
“ |»r«r«.^hrr lleeedfrara the MWar .atwoioept on
entirely orsi year.
Mn^H C. Aiwlereon Uwrl! known m
idoont rtf tbrlr el-we p--x<B'ty to tb.
to the •onpell to decide wi
Snulli BriUin. Conn., where »hr
ror. Tberep'rt weaar epied
the waikt tbU year. Shi-i.\« l>r Ibrn.-.
cball br done
Kelplire I. me (rtr thr gr..'
The Batter wataal
lop an-l grBcrilBg of K mrlernl>i rtrrr
Bltloc OB atreeu and walk* to report , '
droB. I'olon to Ca«e. the m.iiB llee n- ,
at tbe neit aeetlop. .
ItrerU end waUr ree'^-om-i-nd tbaMored that when we adj •oro. we adpradleg (nr a aldrwtlk he dnnr an.l
>onra to sort neat Uraday ol*b-. to
thala we'k br nrrt-r-d ad bnt Ih*'
tbe report of tbe oosnlttae ''
tba remainder of tbr petifun br do ,
Tbe BOllon preralled.
A petition for n eraae walk acroaa
Tber-vnBiUe-nn pH-ling repdrie.Sprnce on tbe wnvb aide of (|reilicb
blda tor printing inr .-Uv .udionBCralrrci. wu ptaoted.
andebarl-r. Tner '• r ••nioriid--.l th*'
The board ot pnblle work* rmortfd
M tbetirand Tr»r-r^ H'r*.d -M the
that they bad been eooildcrimr the
Inwcel bldderaenoimct (nr l.irm -npiet
ot sou ono fret of aldewalk
be awarded litbai paneHr-n'li-rl •
ber. OorlDptbe peat year prleea

>e roooBBandallon of tbe board of line to Old HlMlOB
lad (aeor. Hr. Heieblo mfermd
pnblle work.. The laat moboa pm*
totbeueeUentatAOdlBpof Hr.' Jobnrelied.
•Bd aiated ttoi tba eSIcare of the.
Howard Wbibap aaked persMlca
railway caapnay bad taken definllr
alepe lo eetabllah tba Hoc aod bad
U Btaia Hor»al at YnlUaU watrtba
mined the neceMiry Braey lo defmy
Inaa laat |-*rBai>erta. Xdlth Mrl.
tbe expeseaof extendinp tbe otpaniiaUa Baaboa aad dUet diklaa.

W. a J>

Two Facts About

had InAaeBoe with aaay wealtOy pareaaa wboae eapital wm lylar -die
Be had k«kad
T eery earefally bem
•ad waa arall pleaaed
eaeed wtlb'^ the proa*
an waU MbaSad that ba
be eoBpaay that If a
Iraacbla* eoold ba proenred ftoB thaj
wenid ne ferlbeoBlap.^
«lt; tba
tb* eapital
B* nU -1 think I ana
ibt whatf do oot tblah than Uaa; ^oabt
tbattba soeewr taod* eaa I
pronrad. bnt for eertaln maaeni. In........................... Sl'taJ nbtloB by
iha elty an iorlUce ba conld am tie',
that Uia Booey waa ahmylnUiy aera
bnt brproB sed that If the frae'-b ..
u praatml Iherr waa ararceiy I
iBan poattblhiy that there w-.gid b. j
T taller.
lie was laeiab .n b<* i
plat of Tmeprae City Md stated tb t;
■a waa tba only elly of Its .'re it |
the coontry. doing a .Imllar .muni of ,


In addition to our own superior stock there will be on ^
^ exhibition sample Unes from two or three Eastern




We will offer some special values from stock at this ^
; time, also orders taken from samples for future delivery.
■ This is a grand opportunity to select an outer garment, and ^
: all ladies are invited to inspect these lines on above dates.

\\^i 1 h e 1 m Sros.


; P. s. - Ewfil Mf IiBSf «r, Oct. J ltd 10.
South Side-Brick Block. ~
a liiifactiieis' sycciil >iw ■> FiaaFin.


fttorotlta tha pr«____________________ td tlm Ilaa aad ao- oUl tcAto 1.700. Brer
laryaiueapacliy to dm alaaa iqaiperoo* rnat ceme.
> tea iroMUl la that thallaa wtll
-ad aad aatk« Mkoel baWUtaooa. W. a dohMa, a «•*
Preok Bodvr awl Peter Rllay. tera^ City to Old
IM wjMlMW«tarTp«<^Blckt York proBotar. oaaa hva aboata ______________________________
cre UHv our Wklukall. bed
HMoo (tbb part alr^y aarr^to ^
h B«a aad baaaM iataraalad IB tba
qnarrel abeat tl
■ ■■lin piiTT' O. C-MoSatt. J. 4
oaatabora of Ua tbaiaaala.Uaebiay at
A Mtst Ptorptoy. obn
Bdyaooad. Rjoar. Harbor. Kwah a■oen, 0W(** Boru Fnah rrMrtek.
*t oork oiu bb boreea. U
omata. Bdfceratar. Old Hlaelaa baaeh raa away, aad toto) White riter. aad
B. B. Po(M. E. W. Koud. Omww 4.
ard Old Utatoe r llace: tbaaee ap the
tetakp lha prr}f«t. TharaaaU^aaa cart abore of tbe Reatoaala to Ue brad
•teMMiD. CtartllBaorlM of ■aaltofi arltb the eririaal of Uc eaat bay aud tbaaee to Yroat
It WM • lav aao^af<
City, to Oaideld
talk arw diapoMd of. M w»U ■■ a oobraa away aadayalecta lale« otU Ue omi Uoa.
tetenWa quality of b»ala«a
a toe a of orrr Ic* pboee pole, ooe of Ua aalmale b
aa. csclaalra of Ue toy Ita Back.
_______ .... I at Ue Borlbara
At Biy Eapide Ue Cblmyo 4 Went
Hlcblraa Aaylam tor Ue lamae. b Hleblyaa raUroad freiybt eraraboi
M tba nauar
rapidly tocraaatog la *lu aad uaport■ aad Board- look tba roBBd erer.
aaer, aad eaetaiacd rby aa eetroalre aad two frelybt care ware ■ fiad H'
loaaa aad U bora
MB a*waa aMiUoaa. Moat of U«
day by bobora. Brery box waa opened
itog dbtnet etreteb-ay oat .
MOT fer l4a addltkaa bod baao paid, lyaaa for tba aan today o c*t thl»*»
Iu lomttOB. raiirtiar aod
bbc nemefoae.hrticiee taken Tbe ealacillUm for treoaportot oo. <u a
aad Ua aaatraotofa baaa oidan fer tba atartad. Be made a tb<
tire Iota It Bot yet keooa. 1 ba Uirrre
1 aad prmparee* maoeftetartoc remt.battbe«cvdaaUada bait aalU ■atloB aad oat to well «Utdad that
ilbbmaau aad cstroe re fermlar hare eot beoe mpured.
tba Bauer waa Bor* drflEllalj leekrd ha at oaaa ntbSad tba dlrcetoca.of
Erary prize lor battor ead Ucme at
upeort. eetoraa Ite rapid proou aad
eoapaay that If a fraoeblM eoald
peraaaaet preaprilty. desoar lie fae- tbe .tale fair oa. e.bbad by yredazf.
red from Traaaraa City to aataad —...............................-)Ur» uwae ia the of the Hleblyaa Asrtealtarei Oolleye.
WcUa. Hlrmaa A
Moon waa 0*aa tba pomr ia tba eoaCbrnmof
Ue K.Joaal l.-aya
CoBpaay. obleh eoMBUee Urea niU
tnet to order tba payaeat of tba alaetrk atroet oar Ilea in
iooe of feat of laobar aaaaall* la Ifac :etoTaB. aad Seat of m. olU
irbaa tba aoaay eaaM daa la eoald aacBi* tba oreeiaary capital. Tba loaBBtaeWreoi baakru and frelt pack
>eadq«artor*at Sayaao.
aaoaat aaadad oaa ailiaated at ptOO,- acee; tbc oral diab fictory of B. tl.
Cbleayo aad Colemaa, aad anolicattooe
000, bat BO mscoloe of taecaaa oaa tbc Ball 4 Coapaay. obkb ooneacera If.reeelrad rremOw..uM>. i (eat of loBbaraaocaUy la Uc
Hao Yo-k party that be afreed to Baaafaclarr of oral dlabre aad other
Harletu. Caro, Vmar. Coldoawr.
« oaa asprtaaad by aaretal of tba maha Ur aBcaat pnoo.oon.
oeodeo ataaalU; aad Ur ra
maatoe. Clare aad Hldlaad. Tbt. erbeard, asd It oaa aotad tbat-oo
A neeUar oat held Moaday aad It Uoa of a peiau aiarab facto .
yatomiloa look tke pIraeef.Ue L'etoo
■aaay ba paid oat aalll tba Beat
oaa rated by raaolatioa to laeraaee the oomaletrd capacity for tbc eonsampiloB of alac Uoaaaad
Uoacaad baahrle
baabrla i locaty Vetereaa' iratoeiira Icayae
Iv of tba board, ohieb will ba bald ea^ial alack U IHO.oao aad ■ofileiaDt
oof eoutoee dally la t
Bast WadDMday araalar.
ufaetare of etarcb aad deltrla.
■aona BOO located oo Ue ilec
Hr. Hoora. tba arobuaet. baa Uad fala addiliooal fee w Ue etate by r<
y arc Bdpeoood. Hooert Bar-, Hiller, v«d to, obo lire, on
appretal of tba balldlaft. aad taa oeoab'ia-oaata. Uid Miaeias aad' Bridye .tract bill. eoIUdad olU •
tract prorUv that tba fell aBoaot ba
Perry Hanaab baa baaa later>loa Braeb. Tluoe arc rapidly pbooepele on SoaU Dirieloa nrcet
paUoltblBtaBdayaof the
: op. •tto oiu Ue poor (aelllfrtqaeoUy apoe Ue fraalbilily
r.e badly brained ebont Ue kaem
laprcai aad aprcce aoo afl^f of tba project, aad be
preeaid the
1 Ub road In oecratioa. Ury aad baede. Ed Calloe of Saad LakA
' Boatterarmbla riaoi.
aldUv tbr will aoea rlae to diet place
•uffrriny from a fraelared ley, amrad
^ faadt eoald ba raiard
betid aad Northcra Htebipaa rcaoru
Ue traia at Ue L'eioe depot aad bad
la addItloB to Ue Immeaae toooace
eqalp Ue lioa. fie wi
be GODTeyed to Uc bmpltal. C B.
of aprlraltarcl predne* fron tarau,
ra the csi
tertba addllkiBa. alaopraaealad a MU ayitaa laU tbc city aad ba freely orebarde. aad rardeae otaicb will dcpead opoa Ub
r of WeUtoyioa aad lAlayette
fvcstnalotbaaBOBBtoKHtM 4a atatadUat H ooald be aa cseelUat
alreeu Ue collided olU aaoUcr rider
tba board oaa aaaarVUno aad acmla Ula( for tba city la caaey oaya. aad
. There are do i____ aod bad to be reaored to bb borne
e rrstoo
bloae for
that tbara ooald be DO axtrat. aoaa of
far fararad Ue plaa at to po before i
Uoacaad ^dye abat- WUllan BarU fell from bb obrel
tbaBoataDOtMtUadoBtUHr Hoora tbc city eoeaea tact blpht la gob|
■DCBU lUee
! broBCnt aerom toke
ridlnr'on EybU eraear orar
.tally aspteload thb aattar. It oaa olU Hr Jobaaoo. J. H. Patebla
Hleblsaa <
Uirbloo eireet. Bb face oae badly
lad by tba elarh that tbaae cstraa
laell U fararably
eoiaad he oaeuoeoaeetone for hoare.
r« tba naalt of tba aeenalty el ad
of praatlap
I'raak diaoade. M yrar* old. mixed in
, . - --------- ---------------------------oeariy
dlUeaal oork oa aeeoaet of tba okaar­ frmoebbe to tbc coBpaay deeerdioeall Ua buUdlaye. lacladley eiaoy bael a colhetOD oo ElboorU arcDae.
ea la tba baatlait lyalam.
ly aa erdiaaaea oaa p;-cparcd aad prr-. oeaa bloeka. arc baili oa cedar pocia
Joeepb Prexbrof Alyoaac. elaima to
Tbaaattw oaa flaaUy aaUlad by aaalad %o Ua cobbcII by Hr. Patebla. obicb arc rapldlr dceeviac aad dccI
liana All be tbe oldcat reeldeot to Sk Clair couabe replaced bye
tba beard totlar that aa aora bi
aattlap forth the aeo
d Ue bey
alons Ue line'
bapald to tba cealrteMra aaUl
aad proridlap lor a drat Ciaw electric
liped olU birthday oa Harcb IS, nwo.
aad loocf
d that tba beard maet railoay maipaaBt la tba city,
iorzbauttiWr eopply of trap aod
Word wae rteelred at Ni1m Uat
tba arohitaet
aad la
praolte bODider roeke of all citra Iron
lead aroaod Ue pcalBaala aa dci
a few ponedi to Iooe la weifhl Three Balpb H Hat'Ueo*. a member ol a
tba baiUiaca aest Hoaday.
A fraaetalaa .corcriap >u year
rocke tem ita> beat laaterlal for baild- oell known Kiln tooaeblp family,
naeoBBlUaaoD oaya arid a
baked tor. TheeooBcH eoald i
lar foaodaliioe cod arc in freat delie ioeUBily killed at Hiaole. Cal. to
raporiad elaiaw U tba ameoat el Pv.o i.|
land for that oarpoac
Thb road otii men.
powder mill ezploaioa.
Ut.41. obkb oara all ordarad paid as- bet rated U lake Ue a
City olU tl
upt tba slaiBB for tba addlUoea.
Mr*. A. W. Wriybt. of Ann Arbor,
ran Rcllro
tiranrt RepI
rbo one mbeioy for Sre daye toii
lolrad Ibalf iauaec
ladbaa. tki
OofarMr Irwt o
'cek. err. foaad ia Ue room, of a
- whole U eoeaidar Ue p
aad the Trcrtrae City
roman doctor obn ueee maeaaye treat-]
at Ue call of the ntyor ae Rtlirnad. el< now ia opera
.y> Trarriee
OlU Ur prr j vied rcol Iro-n
oftoa ae ponlMc eo aa to report
■eat. Sbeelala»Ue7raioypootu.'d.
City to But Hay, Acmr. E>
Kf Seoldi.
Ua rrt-^ir TIm BattaT oaa laki a ap Ue (raaebbe at Ue aarUeat moi
Keoadia. T.rrch I.tkeL Ea«f'1‘0'i:-NorfThs'i:
Tbecadeuat tba Hleblyae Hllltary
laklac Ue fatoia Intaraala of Ue
oo-d. Cbarlerola. Bayabnre. Pctocli>T. Academy tent Ub yreeUay to Admiral
daaUad u do BMre la Uc work of loekand
la maklnf their deIieoey: - We. ae a body ofyeuoyAmeriBf ap Ua iraaBU traen Ua acbooJa
Icaae. eziead to yoa, Ue here of Ha
Ubb had arar baas doaa bcfjtc.
iloocbeea li
alia, oar bcarltelt yrcetioy* aad beat
aadlBBly P.D. Harrta oaa appolated oiu Ub locality aad iu naa;
M tr«aai oHoar tUl tba Bld-ololar ararcial aad reaort adraDtayee •
hHldaye.BtaaalaryefBMaaoBU. Ha belletn that there b 'be pelet
. law darala bb a>Uic tine u Ua
»0rii.a8dHtoba ready to do each
onfctBUatotaraataof Ua aebool
to tba cii;
nay ba dlroalad by Ua mperiBlaedaaa
It aad bcauua that ae aooa ae U
Ue yreateel tribnte ever paid by Waehna elty trcasanr'a rapert oaa rcleU rraate the ftaeebiee lb. lortoa to aoy ladlrldael. After Ue
oHrad aad died.' It ibooa a balaaea Biriiiiry foeda to adraaee aad cot Ue prellmiaary oelcnme to Keo York,
ia Ua tnaaary of $19,404 IP.
Uoae Ue oork will be depoellad la
tteelf aeearpeeead to iu kUd.ll remale____





torrent V

Bapk C B. Bon lare Ua noeUly
mert. obkb alnoa rraalple of aoaMlliaat taitks u Ua anoaat ol IlH.M ter Ua paat noaU.
Tba aatfctUeea ol Ua aaperlbtaadntiB r«taid to tte work of Ua
nbaola. iraraUaa takaoap. Thadrat
oaaiaivardtoUaanplayneat of a
aao Vbdbn ter Ua aaeoed aad Ulrd
madn la UaOaatral baiidlaff. Hr
Han ibooad Ua eroodad eoedlilea of
Um reena. oblek kaka it inpeealbU
terUapapUa <> Ua Third rude to
•at Ua fall dayb laatrwttoo. The
attndaaea belv«« aad Ua Baatiac
aapaUtytt. ealyhaUefUapapUa ara
■ nnHiiiiililil la Ua nonlaf aad
teU la Ua afwraooa. It oaa Ua aaa-

aa addllteoal Maebar to acalat Ue
toaUer o< Ua aacand aad UM ftadae.
AieonHradaallatba Oniral baUdiV.aadUa natur na ba haadlad

ary npiailliia of Ua
naUoMbaildlBf. obarc Ue latobnan



btaUar aad
laUlaoaaplMtoSt ae oM< aa nbaalU

«bo Martrle rmUoay |
vaa lanadaead la Moraa
aoo to a telr Cray to barcallMd beyood


kaak to faeillte Ue work. H
Ual all BOO dcpeade epea U
aeUoe of Ue eoaaeil aad ikat Ue m
b practieally anarod. He bae had i
iai daelarca Ua c
Hr. JobaaoBbae jeat ooaipletcd Ue
OapeOodthipeual project, larolrlar
ato nltUaac ia boade aad ato mlllioBe
la atooln. Tbb project, ohieb nraae
Ueeartotof M miba taeloeen New
York aod Boatoa.bae baaa before Ue
Icftalatare for IS yetre
oee Toto.'Hr.Johawo
<V tba MU paaaad to both hocaai by a
The eoatraetora will
eenplatallto a rear aod a bait aad
illlloB dollar*'
that Uarlll beoenpletcd io Uat Uoe
TbbboBlyoBc of Ue naay torre
Bterprtoaababaacarnad Uioanaod
.be preapeot b Uat ba will be lettramntal to brit^iap lato Ub rctrtoa a
torca anoaat ol eaptul obicb will ulUnaiely darelop tbbcily aad inaaadiate
Bat tba time Unit for Ue rtpht of way
tspired. Roeaa the mailer bae
rarired la a heaiUy BAbber Ur
property ooaera bare oilllayly afTPad
loadboc to Ua onytoal acreetaeav
Theaarrry aloar the aaal eborc bae aei
i batCii* Baftaear Mortbrap.
toooik eionee. NediCralty
-las the
way aionr Uat ponioa of Ue
■ err .-prl.m
The raat
reyrtable Inureau of Ue

ka botere aaotber yrar at Ub Una aa
alaatric Uaa eooiplatoly aroaod tea
pntonla. Tba pn-jaet b to pood
haada, aad ample ecpital b pneV.jreiy
prnibidtotqiip a cosplau Iretfbt
M pannyar Itoe troa tUt city to
Old Hlntoa. toaUtot Hdeawe
Bh-to-oaata. Old HMoo aad
Ua aaat ahora to Ua aaatan cztraatlty
«f I'mt alroat aad Uaaea iato Ue

Tba erlfiaal prrj<ct raaaltod to
Mata ehartor. aad Ue ortaabiilra of
a aonp^ey capital ard fer
ths prime motel* la Ua t
Bioo. J U Eemadell. L. E. Ulbh. Bar­
ry OlbM, Boa. W. B. Poairr.
A Ub e-y.aad
BoIpbCbaa aadJ.O >ptame4 K af*lay. Hr. reatar mired tram Ue eompaaytotoraadbbtBtanat oat ufcn
by i. H. Patahto.
Oa amait tt Ua tortofoacy p( Ua
mnat amrtai aad Urn •aamai
UmaaitonlmpeaalUato totaraetnaItalU earry n Ua •
Uoarb Ua tiybt of oay
(ram hare toOld Hbatoe.
of Ua
paatonlaaadbnk Uacoeaaoay. Boo
Ua ptoaa bare ban rbiaf«d aad Uc
addittaa of larcaly
toaraaard mptST
raly laweaaiil

<d for the hiybeel aed yreatmt In tbr
iW-itl world to Bold oa-. the band of
yreeUey to Ue famoae admire', aad
leJrlB oiU Uepeop'e who are to be
bb fellow clilteo* la Mddiay him oelatloB to m
Stau Neoc Itemi
Preeldeot HeRInlry bae tclesrepbed
Beaator Barrooe Uat be would be at
laioo.'ttet. 17, Ueflratdayof Ue
Tbc committee b

UUIIoca of dollare. U Ue ralne
yaalaed by Mecttoy C. W. Oatfleld preei- placed by Hre Htry Bird. Harriabury,
lod Lead Commlaelceer Preach
fta Cere
It carea all
JemreU Ua'I. a
a 4bd Uraat and lany
tronbiee. K. C Tbompton.*
eakar aad teac> etoe. reberofHara
laty, bad bb ley
Badly Mttea
Dra B 8 to Co. Comiay
boar oblle aucbdiey Ue Harbor Beach
Tbe Dre. B 8 A Co. are beenmlayo'
eirctt (air.
well aad l.rorenly kaowa io oar com
A aeo farcempeay bryiae
mealty Uat It It h^iy aeeratary
ore laao meetloa Ue dale of Uelr
at Port Huron obkb pcombee to rerminy toininre a larya crowd at Ur
olnlioalte Uc far biuiaree Aelock eemitol rarer toerail ibemmlrm of Uelr
paay baa hero formed for oorklay 0.
arkable auii
auiil. Ibjae .
E. Barrtoyton'e patep^proeeae of tactbie aft
. traakly
.akiy told ao. Hao'
olUbalron. oiUoni dee- Bare doctored y,rear* aad bare been
yirra no aa incereole by Uelr frieedt
ireytoy tbe fiber or laeier. Tbe poo(b
endI pfayaieli
pfayaielaat are apeedily aod permamlao mdartd atcU preof.
itly reaured to bealtb. To Uoae
coacera etaru oiU ft baada
o bare, become dlacourayed we
.Id ray, by all meaaa rliit Ueae
UerUa Hadlv- *Ccd 17 ha
—tor. aed obiaia Uelr ooiaton of yon
mbains from bar borne ia Albloa eiaee
If you taarr -oat alreUy doar
B' eo. 1
toat track Tbaraday.
dke eueedad make Uelr to Tre<
KCI'y a
aebool Ual dey aad ofat.e oa her way
Jl woo
I Uem »l Uelr prirate
faomeyare berfacoke to t'frleod. olU
Ue r^aark Uat eke mnei atuad to aa OcLi:. be
a s p.“•m.
■...............................Perraild. Abont dnak.abe oat aeee olU
,lree aad
trieade aad eaid eae ooald be
riybt borne,
bieoe Urn eeereb bat
paaioraiadmael br-irr'faeitltlm tor fa'Ied to rcreal her obereat»aU. bS.
Dr. Olmste«rs Eliiir MoDcol
marketlar aad to additioa to Ub Ue
ire are lartatiyaltor Ue eaae.
pamram Ireae oocld be
At N'llet Dr. Riebardeon'e botiee oae
yraav Bmldee I -e (pberal baelaem
robbed of diamtade aad aileer plate
obicb tba Itoe ooe'd rcerire there u
corixy Ue etreet earairal
tbc dcrehipneotAt the rreorU, obich
Tbe plaeder oae eaat toCaietye by ex
lid be rapid uid eebaiaatial if rail­
tel etolea from Ue booae
road Itrilllltr f-ma th't etly. eoonrcl
a raeoyeUed at Ue ex.
lay OlU Ue onlilde world, were -prwaa oB»r oeattoOil
rlded. Tbe eempaoy bat latned a proeayo aad arrayted a oomaa obo eallad
. of obicb tbe fellootoc b a
for Ue eatebei. Halfadozba bajylarpart:
let bare came to Ilybl
Tbb eompaey oaa eryaalted aad
At Lapeer a d Heyeneiepptd oa a
bartered aadar Ue yeacral imilniad
dclaebed B-ll Ulephoie wire ie hie
laoi of tbe Otota ol Hiobiraa
back yard aad oae Uorkrd Tbea be
Wtb ol Mcrember. A. I) tew
diecorerad Uat « fruit irae
traaehba rcaatoy :
i^y I to I ycy*^
that a chlekea had beea aloctraeatAt iu
1* drat o
oryaa_________ ________
____ ataadard' pawe olU bsiy pocad
He Urco a paU of
raila, I._
_ __
Tiareraa City aloaf Ur tree aed Ue eaxmt from tbe wire fcloaal abora o
of Ue Peatoeola to Old
tratcr back to Ue pall,
HMoe barbor. At a reeaat maetiag
dlreeton of Ua eerporalioe. U kaoeklay it talc piecre aod etockiv carev are.
eeolrrd. aader Ue aaUority him ayato.
Aa Oeetnelaa tree called wuct. all SeeUoe 41 el Ue Railroad to Wftx Utoft ap.
T7o« -akS-ai a baiwaia Banax riaart
UoBotHlefatou. toestead Ur read
Dr W. C Umbertof WyaodotM.ted f tor vajaa wiu err wal toaa. aa4 at I
tram Old Hbeloa barbor to Tlararae
name IraTr lor catcaea It a trto.tra. 1 win
City ap Uc eaat abora of Ur Pealwala
peculiar azpanabca Ue oUer day. oOrr for lair a Car apaa af warea toar arr
tiati^ taM Irmwaie. wRxt tjao. aalj
to Ua polat obarc Praai aircet airtkre
c oaa bcrriadly eemmoeed to a amall aaa
ira paaact 4i«rrror» it torir wrlcai. aa4 toaj
UaUara of Ue raat rad of Uraad
ctawiB*: to»T air taaa4 it rrrrj rr
Tiararm bay: Ueaer ae Fnial alrcrt mllkoat beleaylay to a Orirait yeatlc- •part, rear raad Iran, aa.1 roaM aatr t
baaoiiralXarw waw l wui WJ toa aarrr. if
Utalacaoctthe otai eherr line. Urn maa. to obicb
to tor toll iri dayr. tar BCO. alar
termtofa belt line aiwcad the aatirr bU wife:
Whoa tto doctor left tbe
boat be toft bahtod a ttoy little mite


CbartoeA-lUleT. a Boayb RIdm.hae
leappaarpA Be oee laet ean oa tbc
baaki of tbe St doanb -irar. Be was
beesteoatoaefrf^MOooet *-de of Uc Pnlaaala oaa
■apoadntaad may bare tokn
acPTrybdUto* aad ynda catablbb.
to make a bait Uaa, tbar-br pl^iV aV ripbl of way aanred. bat I
Cmtrr mtbterlloa aad maeb
Prof. WUld^ WtonHt. lUtla aA
eead^ to bH baloea at the Barber
ararMtod at Ual Una pramtod
' mraat telr. dt^Pad toto Uka
hbafionnanbgr (hpi. tarla



camablp liac will aoon be
I betoeea HorUaod, Ore..

s^rc:,______ ,

HaaQa. On. S -The PaarU i
toy. bn bee a tarim oi
«nu the lanryaetoaboai
Betsrd.y. Tbc aaUraa •
oppaerd. by c fermar mayor of Imm.
lod made e yvacrel attack apoo Ibr I
tmericaa Itoee from Imos to Bmoot

d Rear Admin
wt. Tbe fiybilv bv*n «o det-1
arday. obca CApUla Brown look the |
battalioa Uat dwUayuUbrd it-.
-il'enx Dae Hutoieaad Ltra-;
>i KtobraUae'. eeoeu aya-mi a
larfc force of la.eryeau oa <he Herrt
Ore Karl aaa read, aad a yeoer.l ea-i
Beat lollooed
■ Ameneaaa. lylay la tbe mad !
! rice Aelda. kept ap a fire f w an J
bear aad a kalf. obaa re-earo'c -meau |
oqre aaat to ibcra netli aerra r l apaa- ’■
tee were nyayed
Tbe taantyeou re-'
Daiiay tbe eayayrmeDt Urcc Aioer- i
The flybttoy yealerdny beyan olU (
u allaca by Ue. fnaaryeou oa a party I
repairlay Ue leleyrepb Itae*. onctember ol obicb oaa oouaded.
Ueaeral Alrjtedriao aad Ue two |
oUer Pilipiao e*>roy* obo aecompaaird '
retorsec to Aayele. by apmial'

^edally Moihers
Are BtoO emaprnmt to
ra«y. •ccetaem. aod d<UKci-r of fi-rv
—It Sutr. tod to dtMOTM arv am tor
« prepeRto d.
“ yrraJ rkiB rerr.
la pRwvnat.pcfifjr1ay.Md breaiifjiay
Ue cnmplezMB. toadA and beir. tod ta
UrlenselweehwtodrolUkwr lorclrn.
rbefiatVMCrll tt tor meay •toei.rrpcr-

.-are tod puRBt <
............... ,
will prer. of uuni^ox bnvBl

'oirfio/rj /

(Quality (MiDotA at thw alotw.

Oor yr*«t power in “Spot Oub*

purtthaaing iMDo a wonderful teving to yoo
Oar motboda o(
t-nnng the |M^le Ibe benefit irf oor nndarpri<«l |------- »—n
pariKjn. the mhllible t«^w^Me*nltnU<^rlVth
valura gn-ater than aoy liooae io Ihe city
We laa nirntioo cmly a few of oor iperiblly pho«d nitielM:



ra are
arr bora
uerw io
to bon:
'ey.«ho*D. at prieen U>
.-reate a m-u»aliou-aii)ong <-arefal buyefT'*
lAdiV Blnclt HnoYy KnrMy Jnckntn! box frrjrtt,
»“r^•.• I1T1..I. f.rii-.-d anywlirreeloe at »5. but we made



Lndinn'Black KnmnyJnckew.D. w. uji-•to-dau*
menu in .-i.-ry re»)>vt.aintp Aeanied. largi
l.utUvoa, It I,, an l> ja.-ket but goea^wwat................


-. .*5.76
BI* line of Lnmen- Electric Plunh 0»i«n. aenre

lan dalzBlay to be a cowboy from '
Ue olid aid oooly Weal wa* bei-.
aayatoy a crowd OB Ue etreet at Brebi* eleia- They put bim to Ur teat < y
r bim to ride tbe llrerymaa'a tiar i
Week boree otU a ra-iou. temper. Hr
yoi la tbcnddle aod. afur he bad aub
toe aalmal. atrucb ent at a yallop
(or the lYmt Be baaa’i


ailk lin.d tbrougl ..Ught, heavily braided
tnmtii.-.i will, J,.I, fur OD collar, down frvint and roond
b.iiloiu. ii.aiJe l.fcretail anyrliere fiirllO tbe 'Benton
Si.r.eawi.g pri.'e................................................................................ $5,25

millATery department
Herald Office for JDb Printing.




MaltiDg linia and prieiog bate arr

far ditfvreni jihnriec of the williuery buatotma.
You boy
4i. re our iimgniti.-enl .Iik|.Ib> tine, atyliah. natty, Uvroiing
hiite, hale That pleoM-. at the moat aatoanding low pricra—prirei
tliKt'ar.'iifien linii-s half the amoant otbera r«k
(t'a a^iny
ih—e laodeat prirea tlial'a bre-u tlic moking of tbia great niillS.
liery buaituw.,*i of pattern bairs the pnalucbao of oor
.ivii traiued aHieU
You will Ire aatonadml when you ae« the
rich UBieiiald froti whieli our hau are made
We my em-'
pl.aiieall} that «e have ilir targeci and Ivat n>ll««tioQ of trimmrd hats in Northern MicLigau. prii-ed from t3 u|».
birrvt Walking Hats and Fell Sailor* from____50c. 75c^p


Ilw Lw(a>

LADIES'WINTER underwear. '



Ulid.n,r ,ll.,.:r.l..I .-..a


VM. P. JEOCLt.. Pair




Lndi...' Hedvy Ribbed Wool H<ne, elaaUe- U^m.
rplie^-d .l.viible heel Hii.l ti>e, splendid value at :i6e, our

I will have a car-load of horses
here on Wednesday, Oct. 11. They
wiU weigh from 1200 to 1700 lbs.,
and will be a fine lot.
If you want a.good horse at a
reasonable price oaU for

We are prepered brtier tk.a '•
B.ry.ia. Our biy D.
aaee of the lr.1 back

b bxttBOTdin.ry
irr w.ib Ur ba
_l»r»ch. wkirh it
'< nefure Ue public more r.Iue.

QTnsa Block.

TrnYnrao Olty, Mtsh.

There was
Never a Time
wben aboe buyera needed to
exerdae more care in tbalr
footwenr aefectiona than now.
(Quality mokt be tbe wntchwoni, and ypn c4n depend up.
oo it that anality baa bam
appermoat in onr tboaybta
in the preparation of oor (all
line of footwear. Tbeie ia
tbe lieat of arervtbing nbd
everything of tba'beat in Um
Hue .if B-ty^'. Voulhs' and Little G >nty' ahoes we a«U atib« (olliiwiug prir.-s 76c. 66c, 96s 4od *1.16. Too are Invited (o
losperl them

In our Dry Goods Department we offer:
Puh.oo.bIe I'liidt. w
1'. at Uito tele fur
Sbort laoyUi Ie y.rod
qu.lily tur
Sbort l.ayU.ia H->ttl
Cbndrec'a Cameit Hair I oderwear. up frua

Cloaks, Capes, Jackets of all kinds.

Clothing DepartmentHea'.yood Ruaiaeu bnlu la Browo Cubmeree for
.. .•
Cheaper oar If yon waot It at
A lot of itrliUy all wool Hen'a Black Caeriotbniu T J Haracb'a
prieete. fall opeaiey erlcc
Hea'. tienry faete. tbia fall ppceiay tote pner
Hea'a good wr f-iit Wool Orereaayt. at Ul* lair
Cblldrco'. Woji Kire Ptoia. fall opralay tale
. ...
One eaae Hm*. Hrery Kieeced I'nderirear. vie raiar. Ibta rale
Oee cue of Hea t llvura aad Hloe beary flrrer lined Jereey

Shoes, Shoes and Rubbers.
bare adraoeod^St oar
Adraaee la Vice at the^'ew^T^ Btora. ae T. 1 Harerb't baakraDt
ctoek of rnbbera wlll/laat oa Ureoyb UeMaaoo. T^ lorr pnee. wbicb
H « : oa tbe dollar, will be ebared w,u ear----------------Rubbm O^rear.
W. bare plaeed c

a l.'fi* Front St.

Ltd.e.' s: ieeb B ark B -erer Cap> t
LtHe.' E'Cctrtc.lrel Cjil.-rllo., wr:
Ltodien (»jod Drew dkirw. on from


<’'k Rublterefrom iSenp. Wumea’a Rnbbera from
5 26cup.

-. V7-. I i

Tba place to do yoar tall p

KTSw*’Trareru Oity, Xicb.

Practical Sboeman.

for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. J. MORGAN, Prop
If you want horses of any kind no7iByoor
time to buy. as I have a larfre stock on hH«<i
All sizes and prices, from a pony to the hhavy
draft horse. 1600 1 have a large nombsr of
fine farm horses, weighing about IS&OO to 1400,
some well matched teams, and some heavy
draft horses, 1600.

I have an extra fine young mule, weight
1000 pounds, and a good black pony, weight
800 pounds
Two fine yoke of oxen; one yoke weighing
8600. one yoke weighing 8000.
All kinds of stock taken in exchange for
horses. '
Kindly give me a eal^ and see if y<m don't i
find something that suits yon.


I Traverse Herald
TBOB. T. BATSS. Bdttw.

Ttetom Bnab. Wt FMtftedjr tor tataaoaktbaobenHtetoCUMn Few
_____ Ctbtm tte bet that eheoiBa had Urir hooM Bear (Maaca.
Bb. ted LototeBaaaam left jMtm- *^^^Hn J.g.Adam«tedbtehtakMheraakad bate bto tha Mttor
aoU. aad had hope B Mb aatU U wm dayoatteO. B.*Lter a vMt wltb taea have ceae to Barttoed.
ate otter lalmraly Crean UM H died. *ativM to aoatkara HbWcaa.

aboatlte prek
tte waU to^ty yMtarday oo Ua way to . Dabey. aad haociac him
dbd bad a aet
te weald •
W. H. Gala wnt to DaMt n l)it
...forttekolpefUm aatpbhrin.
■L. elthevh the W
O. B A t. oanratn yiitoi ipy.
tba time
Iimr» BMeUtM of tUe
Aateop Delnil rtalton ara' X D.
^ Mtwrf H oWo
Beward ate Hra. Orpba Bewatd.
•Mim •ve> bo-o nlo Mr oHUo. 1>
X Champacoa ate Aba Ohaapana
npenebd tte ooort to Croat a dee
«rkM he Mfoaxtr Mr«4 ko«mind Mtoacer Man; Use U dttas anoUlac the marriace. Chariae
TdimwMtbeataotway tor Mr. Zelr U pmMk laaki. Tbbb tte tmt t mv la
ittoDotrott-n tte
I la whbb a marri««e bae bon
O. B A I czean
lUad. Maay diver e* have
totar. b deoertbmi ho* erer, elt7
Mr. aad Hre. B. H. Praakib. Hia.
lad. botaevar batore 'im a
•old W m»4«
I. nWhr la- riace brcD aaBallod.
ftm wHb (he
Lnlaaaa coaoty tormd a party ter
oadmatheiMBe Uae <>rTte drot of tbe erlmlaal naea o
Detroit yeeterday.
ebea’-.eDanaalaodar tte came op for
Him Flereaae OalaeU bM foae te
trial WM dabbed yeatordiy. aad I
L'aloB City to iprad tbe wbtar.
Itera rmy of Oimaid BarUt **• flalUdayataodeaeitalUodof tba<
Hn leka Aeh brt yeetordoy tor
•iMMd pridat. Md Joekn «w otberrlaiy.
Cbleen where ber brnbate bet beea
AoM w th« oact pUM of BMtiacTte MM bM oeeoplod >be aOeeUn
for come tlare eat where they will
of tboeoart^ aoma Ub'. aad wbea
make ttelr home.
•t to tbe Jory Utv. wm little
Him JeUa Backer left ynurday for
A hteaot T«rdi Lobe avlp Sotar- doe It M te wbat tbe verdiri woold
a vblt b Detroit end Cleve aad.
dmpaarmlarrMolWdia the eeapIMe Tte nee bH bon botly eooteeted
MroetloB el the Wileeo Boaee. tbe tetwaoB Froeecdtor Preii aod J. W. bfaome time vbUlaf rebUvat aad
r betel of that te*». *od the
frieede here. roMraed to Grand Btpida
■alea loleiy of Joho Brmol. om of the atloraeyi ooeaalod tbe toreaeoe yeaterdayjeetmey, eoa w* ve~ •••»« w
Hr. aad Hn Fame aad aoa
jery et t e'eloek, ead the tnt bmllot
alM la e onaeloKne verdict tor
. wkleh awch of tbe
Mba Chrrle Seward
Wboo tbe ewdlet wae
hMdiBf wMitend. AUcfft«h<aB*7
Gned Bepide.
rejaeiof la
pMed thftpwh tUe i«a, aod It le m.vee. there wae
Hn WUIlam Barrb bit yaeterday
tto^htthot tbe beddlof CMCbt die tbe Bkllldey teallv. Wbeo It wae tor a vbU Wlib relaUvea la Cbambrooybt to tbe aotloc of Hellldey that
IbebtNel •aooeaded by eboet « be wae Bot yet to bare hli freedom ae
Hn C. D Btnleu ate ^daaebbr
peepta. Boetof tbea beiac earl Tod be wae held oa aaotber ebarre. tbe Elbe have gone to Detroit to epaod a
to r^flalbeporM of the Qeaena I.eaber rej^dair wae ebaafed
ooapleof meotte.
tt b probable that that tbe other eaee
All of tbea aaped «i>
Hn Albert Peienyl aad Him PeurartoatoJeiyeaoeptdohoBreet. who will be aolle praeaed, boeevcr. ae the
tyi have no* to CUean tor a vblt
ceab already tried wae by tar tbe
wltb relaUvos.
a wheo Bbaet
Hn Jaeob Colmaa. HnHary Sehu^
eef Hemaa Maa wae pat
tea aad Hn r. L. Scbalna aad ebUIbicly after tbe ceaeloaloB of
dien were amenc tbe West tflcblcao
the Ballldsy eaee. Mane wee armted eaconloebb lo Cbieen yeeterday.
•t bob hotter. aadwUl piwbably
Uoee an. obarced with bmUair
L B. Utnhb Detroit tbb week.
etore of B. h
Hn P. Adaow aad aoa Pnak Bedwood aveau. Tbe priaelpal wli
IboheUdiaf <
blom weot to Cbleen yeaterday:
will te tbe eoB of Oeorn GwaUlt
tt wae fear atorlee la hichv tt Id
Him Haaaatord.wbohae baea v!
MetnaadlutaM la depth. It wae
boy It yean of ape- Same of tte tee- iBCboreoaab. Hn W P. Browa.
t eocT fail. tlBoey wa
loraad to Jaehaoaytaterday.
n waa owMd by J.
Hn C. Barrb k vblUac b CbbanMUwaabae. aad H b theacbi
Tte dlvom eelt of Lob Chrpeater
Hn Narka aad daoebter bavr rooa
inmiod. It waa ralaad at aboal $*.■ va. BamUa Oarpoalar wm takn
to Deuait for a few day*' vblt
aad a decree wm craated by tte ooort
UnJaa. Sbaor. Hn S. Wilbelm
iMdlofd Fraak Bbkely wa
tbcfTOsadeot'daaertioe aad aeeaad Hiaa Anna Wlikelm ware amonr
Tiaveraa Oily la oompaay with bb aappoTL
the Cblcapo vieilon yeabrday.
wUaattbeUaaaoftbeftra. Tbe oewa
Tbe petition of Boima Lladaay robHn C Heboa b vbltlac b Jack.
waa M^beoad to Ua by bb aoD. '
ativc to tbe appoloimoBt of b apeebl
m for her mlaor ooo. aad tbe
Hn PreelaodaadHbaAlleePbUllpa
atPMdO, wtUBOlaaoiaaea
bad for bb beaedt wm
waot to Jaclmoo yeabrday lor a
■r. Blakely waa lowoaUp trtaeorcr lowed by ^ cedrt C. C Koowl>
wiu frieede.
a^badlMOlaa traak la tha betol.
d. aad the bead deed
Hn H. H. Klckea bM foee w'Do-

am Hdltb ate Xlee Hebam
be ba days at Jirbani
Hr. ate KiB. A. W. Welt ate chfl■d Pnak Welt wmit to ChlMpe
Hr. ate Hn Piaab WUsey wei
Detroit yeeteday.
HnFraakUteteaadeaa are
be la WllHamitoa
Tte Hteet Uaccb Onrricaa. B

V«y UtUa of lb*



B of Ute
I. Hill A
The Oelobm tom of tba Oinmlt
b la tte city
ooort Bpaaad Hooday Bormiaf with
with J. P. Olt of tte Traverae aty
• Ucht cabadar. dofetal haaea of
Lomber Co.
ad bet ted bain aoulod eat of oomri.
BartttaaaettwMoae of tbe ecearaad BOM of the erlmlaal eaea
aloabewbo weot to Caleaco yeetortinpymoeh tlM -AU of Ite
Cbarlb Bmdtoot went to Debolt m
a waa n delay ia bafflaaiaf the tbeezeereioo yeotarday.
Hra. tieprpe Marahall arrirad yeiter<te lafermal laadlafof tb
day from Peloakey to vbll bar daacblook plaao la the tmlB(. aad Ite telter. Mra. Doff HeOeaald.
Hr. aad Hra J H. Batteabary are
•aaaotd n oeailod oat of ooort:
vbtUac is Ponttae aad Detroit.
■CBud Hobno va. Look WarierHr. aad Hra. Will Bbaer teeo tnt
aky. aonmpaU. Oeein deyaa va. to Poatiae tor a abort vbit.
Weolarm Uakm Talafrapb Oo.. iraapaee
Henry ToBseller hat foae to
oa tte ona. Bdwta «. Hatte vt. -Bntoe Barber to vUlt
flbailn W. Matrill. tmar.
Moaa HcHi
b Uraad Bbplda .vbltiap
aad pleaa of aet faUiy ware ntarcd
^alltetoaa. Aara Hemro eotoied
(too. B. I
a aad H. H. Uarrb
aptaaof c«n9oa jlhe daufe of ea- tort yaeterday for Cblm«o
aMtactteelera of David Wyakoop
Hr. aad Hra. Pred Qlrard have foae
E^alvoattaalithled Hareht. a
ifllat node from tte atora.
'^H.*^ry mod ite Hiaaaa Lonaak BaUlday wae arrined on t
eladaaad Mary Boaby left oa tbe U.
•amaboaltetearnef htiakiaf laio B A L oseoimloB torj^laaw yeatm.
aadrobhIaKikeatera of David Wya. day morabc.
MbaUecfb Field bvlaltlarb Har
eoopofKianlV- Ha mated a plea of
BMnBlP- rraanater Platt appealed baw.
br tte paoplt aad PaleUa A Or
Id with robtery of a a

vb.llBC tricade here rotaraed
yMtarday te JaekaoB.
Hra. W. B Bead bae (one to Detroit
le of a mertnn- fioof waa fivao
> meet bar mother from Beaten, wbe
that Ite omrtnn wae ciree aad p^ wUl ernod tbe wbler wUb ter.
bedera Mr. Bartow had anda tba
Hr. aad Hre. A. H. dmltb of Vaba
ahaea. Ttemntnnbad aever
wre amonr tte C. A W. U. c
Hte*£?b Pain bM nne
aad Hre. Praak Kc

unless we can please you ami save you tnonev as well.
We make no false claims for our gooas hut tell yon
what we believe lo be honest facta', inviting you to
call and inspect* the garments we show—Icam tbe
prices and he vour own judge as to the merits of
our offerings.

,^p^«o-Calb aad wlodtalb. Mr per

We’ve been told

aicbnt . let price eald for eh-ilee
fall aod wbter apalm
___ of all v^eU<e.
1 M. Wbab went to Cblean
11 yon bare aa orchard to sell,
baebeae trip Taeaday.
fall to see aa.
tv s
.A. A. H.Tm
Hr. aad Hn Sal Lebmaa have nee
to Ohio for a Vbit with frieada aad reiPtce T»ur»eey « Krvute

by critical judges of clothing values
- up lG-daie TraverseCily dressers
that our line of

Tbe Hoot aad Sbor Beaortlec CvmBev. Barclay Joam Tetaraad from ^y erteit
_____J. _
B. ^wta
tewb Co..
.. .
the Prieodt ymty meeUacat Kieh -Wear-fieebten" with
paode direct to relailen tbaa aa;
moad ImI evoeiecBcetoD maaalactarcr Get a pt^r at
Mn Ueorce Beyl aad dtorbler left
ycalerday for Wilmoi. Ohio.
Hn Simma Uoldfarb aaaeed tbrooch
dte city yeabrday. on her way from
lome b fib fiaphU to'. Aaa Arbor
aad Detroit
Hn B. a Lyoe aod daurbbr. Hn.
Alba Smith left yaturday for a vbll

New Fall Top Coats
and Overcoats
is ahead of all other clothing stocks
in town as to values olTcred and as
regards correctness in styles. Our
own conbdence in tbegoods prompts
us lo ask your inspection of our line.

Steinberg’s Grand

Hr. aadMnO P Carver left yester­
day for Aacob. laA
Hn. J li. Jetaaaoo left yesterday for
Aaa Arbpr.
Hn XCComptoa b vbltlac rob
Uvea at Btverdale.
WUllaai Goble left yeeterday for Aoa
HlmBihalUiibrn vUllioc b llnraod.
Hn Elmba Packard abd ton Baceae weal te Toledo yeabrday.
Mn Willbm Baymoad aad aaa Lee
bit yeaurday for a vieli to Dan lerMn. I1-. Sawyer left yeabrday for a
VbU at h -r old home ia K^at, Oslo
Hn A V. Priedricb aod too have

trollfora vblt
L Hood and Him OarrU Weed tec

*"Hn..Z. C Eraaaeod daochbr Mar
nrrlie. left yeibrday for a two weeWa
H. Joheooa brt yeabrday
Vbit la Clevelaod.
lo Detroit « P. B Btreb viiltiac la Ovid
Hn X W. Neboa wnt to
a L BiberbleflycebrdBT f^r a
Jackaoo yeobrdi|r.
wltU her daopbbr Harlan at Ana
Wm. H>lbr. wte bae baea vbit.op
>r. Sbe will alao vbltaome of ber
b tbb citr. left yeiurday /or Sbr
eld tebeol friende
City. lad.
Hn J. Pnrbcb west to Ado Arbor
Hn. DeablHatbeoa b vlallli
(^ileanaad Horrb. HI.
Gleo Cnrtis it eej >ylac a vastiee. at
Ueo. Baff Jr . b on] ^iac a vbit le
Ebb. Hieh.
Hn J H HuWI'weot to Byroo yeaLoab Lodwic aad mother of Shet.
aocoiopanied by ber daupbbad are vUiUac la CbinnvUIUaclD
f(^ a vblt
Hr. end

Hn JaUa Bneaew of tbe PoalMBb. bn. Bose aad Alice.
H w. Knoe liter b'asebliac ia tbe
b vbitinp b Cbleaco.
Aaroel Portaerof Sattoaa Bty. <
b tbe city yeabrday oa bb way

Kittle .Cutter.
Cearice A. fincecomb
teDsloC, where he will atleod the
Piaak Aadtowa bM roee
Cbvieaaad Hba Hanobare vtoiliar a. a dabpab fro- Tra..r« Cey.
Uca. B*rtha PeBoiaptoa It vi-niog
le Sarcia. Oat.
Hr. aoAMn Sekrader ate praad. Iho family. fJ A. Peoaiopto. ao teke
Hra B J
Monraa aad daaybbr
rtraee have poo* to Iislrolt. where Uiw
Grace will albod tohool the eomlop
year. Hra. U >rpaa will vbU le Clere.

Hte KU'ieCeUerlcrt yesterday h
I vbll b Cbleaco ate Qiaad Baal to.
L. M. BoBaetl b la Cblean oa ba


Prices are $S.OO to S ’tl.OO.
SEE oi R sms.

.lust Une

Saturday, Oct. 7. STEINBERG’S
Tilt- lirautiful

b>uUi-'u .ANfl Puljri.AR

Tara-vejTse City, Midi.


“On The



Do Kofl Wear Boots?


Have you
. Seen

- —



All New Sju-ciul Scenery!

E^tolla Mayhow


AB Aunt Lindy

A Soft Stock for Wet Weather 6

Introducins Ulesl Coon Songs...
Hear tbe Jubilee Slngere
.Si.;;.;. ^


Hundreds have tried them It's a
Value Received Boot.
We also
carry the BEST ^2-00 Oil Grain

5ci:la-ci.v Wc


3.^ ..........................

________ S

yon mon..;. « jvw.wcar,-


(or vliil.irHO, i'K-.Uji wmlfllGO.'


the Old Keliable.^

Dr. J B Mania will leave tbb moreiDf for Coicapo
J. U. Bbkealee
theC A W H IblBlfb-.
El. NewtoD ralareed lait a«bt from
Grasd Btplde. where be bM tmen serv-

Torameis aiOPotaU Shippeis
Owing to the nnoauAl brjte percemtAge of cnlla ami tmiDerchabtaUe potatoee Ibis aeasoa, we hare
decided in order to make a
(or same, to run our factory

otj m

many of tbb grade oT pobtoee ae
wocan obtAtx
Our factor}-. wbi<-b has a cap-


Boots and Shoes
Rubber Oooda • Specialty


■We are now_

LOCATEDin our new store in the McNamara Block. '-W Front
street. Our tine of Shoes for Fall and Winter is
complete, and we iovue you when in town to call.

We Gao Sorely Save Yoo Hooey
00 AoythiDg io the Shoe Lioe.


DrcAmwra.. .J. K. ..agiga

T?his WeelL.

In the Bazaar Department
aod cloth alaffo-

ibler.lB tbbdeeorimvatovor lb a
a. HALiaUte -

Ci-ty Boolfc S-txD3?©.

Order* for Job Printing loft et the

Ladies' Calf Shoes, lace o button.all solid, good
Children's Grain Shoes.........................................$l.t>0
Men s prow Shoes...................$1 00. $1.26, $160
&ys- Plow Shoes. X-................................................ 76c
Misses School Shbes................................................. 68c
Ladies' Oxfords/formerly sold for $1. f 1.25.
♦ aod S2./for...................... 86c. 60c and 76c

will iwcvlva prompt •tt*.Dm

-W. F.
per day. b now complete
•re ready lo Ukc «ll the cull p»UtoM that are




which we wilt pay their (nil valoe.
Bare all your unmercbaftoble

aria Detiott.


Mra. t. B. Derfaa. wbe tevo thoirway
Uacite Mmmar wltb De.
HtefteaiiUamtea bom toaaMa.1
ate Mra. Dartoa at titer bona
Hr. ate Mra. J.H. Late ate te^-'


lead before ber retara

inp Ob tbe praad jury.
Cbarlee Bturday left yetbrdty for
>r of Maple City. I
Oblo to vblt rclativm.
COM to Chiean. whore te will take <
X D PrUtk aod wife wont to Elk
ooaree In a bootoopatbb acheel o: Rapid* yeabrday far a few day* vUH
Hrv Abram Adelt rcuraed yeebrMn Otb Habo aad^blld of Uelt day from Lm Aapclea. Cal., wkera tbe
aaa eoanty.bft yesterday for a vblt lo hai been for aboat a year
ChlcanAlbert Navatsy aad Pred Browi
Dr. aaiHn Wm. Payee of Batlane
poae to Pblladelpbb aad other eMbra
Bay, pamed tbroapb tte city yaaterpoiDU oa a-pleaeare trip.
day oereeb to Aaa Arbor
' Willlaa WataoB bM peoe u Laados.
Gaotea. for a vbtv
Ttmvarec City vbltor yoabrday.
Eapabe Peckard bM (oae to Toledr
way to
to CblcecoCblcecoaod Hte Mlaale Helber bM
Dr. AodaraoB has beea cbUed
place is Ue oScr of ibe Hamilioo
oo aeeooBt of tbe llleosa of
Co. darlBf bb abMOoc
Hte Prue Gape b prca dlap
Dr. Boeeatbal ThompaoB bae retara
city Kewa Bbod darlnp the
ed from Gread Beplda.
It Kiltie Catbr. who hi
C B TylerofMaatoa. bb the city
vbllbc bb daoebter. Mn
A. W
Hra. F. X Bayae | m iwloreed from
Peca of Bait MIotb etrooL
ddlBoe. Mleb.. where ebe h*« beea
Doe D,-er weot to Cbban yeeterday.
dariof the eammer vUiUop
B H. Horrb bb Cbkan oo hael



morabc forToledo to vblt bb motber.
Ad Xpeaa deatbt took b fi:
tee Vea of the ^beae baedry eiocleday reeeally tor pallbe
weal to Chiean yeeterday to vitil
Applet HaAUd.

ntoaabedttetJoUaaBaaaab be appabtodapaetalCMidba te her aee, yeaterdayk
Hra Edneomb aad
aai motbar took b
wUb powar teeeU orniola ml batau
M. C. (todc« bM rooe to Cblean aad
tbeC. A W. U. eaeei >loa yeatarday.
'o't Wayae oa baalaeae Be will r»
totbbelly tor bb boaoflV A daorec
Hte^Aababr bae reigroed
US WyaoI Tbareday elebt.
albr a vblt vritb Hn. BaymoaA
Hn. B. C. Davb b vbUlDc Hre. X
I............. . ■. .p...... ■
A. tUlre b Draad BaplAe.
P. B. Uoore b vbitbc at bb old
home la teclaaw.
Hn JoBiae Bbfbam b vbUbc b
Ht..aad Hta.
W. L Leraopar of Hi
BoaGoofT* wMi
baa baea vblLbc bb brolbor. Joba
•aly amt of tte
to vbit lelaUvm
tomied. thejery waa: Satb Uabms.
Mrs. Joba A. Wtbea b ritltiac la
iefea B. IbOomb. & BUlea. damoal
^ aoa Laalle Oeireli
fbiHthma. B. K.
Brlakmaa. debo ]”h!^'. L
Mn. J. C Heeraa b apcadlaf a weak
.GkBrtp4a. 0. a. Trarb. doka BaiW. d.
Hre. U B. Ulbbe aad aen ate nley- d ber oU betee U tebMlte. Hbh.
aroUaU. B. B. Allaa. Alhan.Chaae
lacaTbltb Plbt.
HtePloraaeo Eaaada
aad B.B. Aliya.
Mb. Amy XiBcdoe mm to Wallea trort yaateiday.
•. aod Hre Owoa fid
Ite peoMeaUea. toaUlylac to tte
veaiorday tor a vbit Id
that a robbacT wm aommluml.
lory. \ toft tbb meraiar tor Oiioan BrlbAabaadOhm.
•omo of Ite noda ware feaad la wbare^willattaad the
Hra. Ok>a«te loa arwebltiaf U De­
> of Fraak BaUlday. IbeOi
Ooari wm adjooraad
bofme,.Jtte- ^ Hr.
Ai. aad
mm Hn.
mrw- Oenn-Taimar
Hra- JaOM Harvia ate da^htaea.
-art rbM—iitkm
had oalnad
lia Itimt to Mayviu^
tte Hktet Bab. Don ate Iflaab ate
Attar tte wMp^ aad tte
ttofsHl ITM Mlledto Orate aoaArtbvataMstelaraemo time ia
iary wora asoMod. tbe aeon looh op KtpUbterbtebam yeti
the MU to aaaal a laarrlan. Mbbeol
Eettoeht n. Bemaai ZaUaakL The
id that hk wua WM

FOE A fute


an epaBdiac a few days b Cblcapo
Hn. K J. Hiller aad ebildrch I
Taeaday morabc for a vblt with rebtivei b Aorora. !H.
CbaaWeUaad amd daocbier /m
for Bammood. lod Taeaday tor a

daaebtor are vbluac b Cblean
Heary Kebh weat to Detroit oa the
C. A W. H. azsaraloa.
Peter Bbkotby aad A. Knbe
epeadlBpa few day* b CaarleUe.
Barry Dcmbrill aad Wm. Keedl
brt yMterery for YpeibaU,where they
will atbed tbe Normal.
Hr. aad Mn Bovbld of Keiwbk
Hn. M. J. Wi^, who bae beea
vbltlac trteade b Pow’ervUb.
•P«il»r tte
Hn <1. Deaab bM coee lo Aliena
Bartow Bbd family bM relomad to bar
on a VbU.
borne io'Cempolb tor tte wlater.
J.te. ThomM wm lo Delrelt
Hra O. D. Bvaoi b vbltlef frtoade

Hbe 8eeb aod HMter Eepeae Haee
: bM aaek of ibam. aad at hb resoeat
left oa the U. K. A I. yeeterday to rblt
ptnefaetnUVwoioolvodiB aacb
Itaolrcraad pareoUb Detroit.
Hbe Allle WUkiae b eajoylBC a viaU
Bartertl>BrtrUn*w anmined <
with trleada b Hnke
Dr. Osy Koyae lart yatterday tor
eorttt^ Id Detroit.
BOt nlltf Ohd tevtay ao meant tc
Hr. aad Hre. Petboridt aad daefbetdeaaanocmiy. tba eomrt appoiated
tar are la Detroit for a Caw Aaya.
Lonanr at tbe raqe«M of tbe
Hte Pearl BUer weot to Detroit ynWrtUy lor a ebon vbll.
Kasob WM ebaind wUb viola
Hre. Bstiae. who bae beea vblUac
Mm of Ite Uqaor law.
Bb Mwraey.
r. a OUbart. laqoaatad time before oe- bm loft yeaurday lor bor bomo b
aad Hre A. B. Unea.


Mn P. Ooelbc aad two aeoe
Mra FlMtC woat to (}rate Bapida ym- Salt per I
urday for a vblt.
Braa per
Hr. aad Hn Fvmak Voirate aa<
ebildroo ate Hn Matilda McHaaae



yodb money


We also have a complete line of Ladies' and Oentb'

Fine Drees Shoex



Real Estate, Loans. Insurance and
■aaonic Block.

Traverm Dity, Kieb.

Travene City.



AsAJiii 1SAV

Baterad a ruh Dtaaer.

rat Tabs


At olffkt m m. Twmfa;
af Mm. HlcBtea. 419 Weat
Jllsth stM. Mr. A. M. Bmllb. tba
>papalarpestmaBtmotTBba.aad Mrs
Ballaa Beeaor of Ttamm OU;,
1 la maarlmoa;.
Roe. J. W.
Miller was tbe o
AHmaa aUbwam weddlBff bimbfin
r aad Mra SmiU web tba tiM exiralaa trala for Laoriaff aad ether

Tba paopteat tbe aa;lamt»l apoa
•M Rstarde;. ea aeeoaat of a rialaUeaoCIbeAae law. ITbM tbs Qmtmm. tai Frida;. Depet; Game
Wardaa Oaw foaad ea heard i»
POBOdi ec A«b Boaalcaed to oar of tbr
test drairca Tbe Bab were i
alxa aad Drpat; draw aoBCbt
wa; la which to laforee tbe Uw.
tbe maa lo whom UU'Atb were aaiPFFd
bad aetcreaacra them, aad there
ae wa; lo paoUb him lor tbe .1
if tbs Uw whoa tbe fleh bed ester

rtMktht taUlw
of tb*
nrih •wd kadlln. Batito L
af »lo« Citf. la. .TU brb
blfUr Mtwaad U tUwu at; ud vni
■war frW« b«. Tlw «cwpl*
t* at bows 10 tbato trted* at
•01 «Mkl iftoa atraoL
Mn. A. B. Hwltb. tMaraf tba bride
Hich Sebaol Laetan OoBroa.
ud Hr*. B. daaawoB. bar elaca. betb
TlebawarcBoweawlef9r Iba BIffb
<B hU poeaaeiw.
Hr. Craw
el LaUrmaca. lad . ware praaeat at tbc Sebaol Lecuie aad Mask Coaraa. Tbe
peplle or tbe Hlrb ecbool are erUlaf WIcpbeaod lo tbe aUU tame wa
tbc Uckett. wbicb arcfoler faiL Tbe wbe erdeted tbe dib to be eoato
Tbs UataBaw Caoat; Fair
aad aeat to tbe a*;lDB>
a le more popnlar this ;rar tbaa
Gwlaff 19 tU rash ol OD.laeae la
'raearm Cit; tbc loaal ba.laeaa maa
Tba plat am be read; for Uw taearrdid bol bare meeb time to rise to Ibe
aaa coast; fair, which elosad la taCofaeau-oo ibe flat -t October
tu oar be reaereed fo> tba abate
Maple at; Tkareda;. Tbe rabiblu
ine U dwlrad. or for elakla aawbere
br tbe farmers were I'ffbl. bat
were diapla;ed were eredlUble.
_____ime at; U alwa;* eell reprtaeaved at tbe LeeUaaa ooobi; eahibii, mad
“o" ApP'e» »•••> rH,WB A
ererrbod; from bere like, to r» there.
■PpK erapuraior
battbie;ear.eeai.tobe aa off ;dar. Dm»er
tbe bol dloff
This eoedlUoo. bowrrer. I* aot doe to
«>J ‘he oorelt; worli . la
lack of islereot from bere. bet erery-I»p«»Uoo. tbooffta tbc;

all oibrr I
Mo teoK

M aed
•e pale

' I;. ioaiel-.ios''i*cxo

eair palatal aad saj malt acrioul;.

AiebUBwItbof ibtadtraad Bmba
Baua of Uk. Aaa. aara aiarrled Hau
■iAAT >»7


Work baa baaa aaBBaaoedOB tbc r«
balldlacar tba reef of tba portteo of
IbaWareaaUteOo-e block.

>aath*aat part at tbe aoaatrOaerce Blairart la baelaf a
baaaboUioa bla propanr jaal____
OdthadtrW. PhUlpa la dalaf tba
Obariaaberoof tbaaarlawaad Hlai
JiiAM ahwal-f of Klh Bapida ware
■wrriod Moadar b; Bae. B Salabarr
■ftaaCUnCaaaahaa haae apaodlar
Iba auBsar wUh bar paraau taerr. uat
hM ratmad to Oatreit to raaawir bar
•ark todeeaUoa.
daaaa 0. Jobwoa la barlB( plaaa
W«P«i»d for a iaa raaldawa to U
■Mad oa tba asraar of Htalb aad
Wadawertb alraata. aeat atriar
VraokBaU at tba UeraeatUa OaaIMj aad Jaaria Dcabaat of Cold valor,
•wanwriadatibat ^aoa ea Taandar laai aad Praak la pawlaf tba

Farm Baaaa Banaa
Tba farm realdaaeaol Cbarlaa Kelt,
miles dovB tbe ~ereat be; tbore.
beraed Frida; aicbl, »llta Ita eoUre
DU Mr. Fall aed famll;
ava; from borne at Uie time ibe Are
oeeorrad. Tbe; had foae to Klarele;
three di;e balora. where Mr. F<
takia; trMtmaat for caneer. The;
o Ira la tbe boose abSD tbr;
weat awa;.

The Meet teas dieeoTcrad b; B M..
Kraaklle. wboheeaoui door to tbe
'CBideaee. He was OMble to sets
aortblDX fromAbe baildloir as tbe «rc
tads r-eat baadwa; before U was
The leas la.abooiaMO, wjib ao la.urBadly Sbaaan Up
Ao aacideot orearad at tbe Oral
Wood Oob feeior; Ttaaioda; that
aaar msltlaf la the d«atb of E.
Da;, who Hera oe Beat ’Froat street
Mr. Da; was at work oa a aiarlof is
tw bBlldla; bcia; pn> Dp writ ol
tbe mala factor;, whao he loat bia balaaoaaad foil to tbe door, tweet; fMl
below. alnlHar os bit bead asd ahosl'
Ha was eared lor b; bla fellow
weo bdUI tbe arrieal of Dr Wil-

aior; at tbeir ball Moada;elfbl. wbeo their
ffirmbera. This larfc
eddltlos la doe la a ri^t
Orpot; (iuareme (.-blcl
Raetrr CroD'h. wba baa l>ee« at work
la tbe elt; r.jr tbc oaei few worke.
Sercral Kirreeters of Dote from
side tbe elt; were pmeet. iDcIgdlo;
W M Callarbaa. of
Heed Cit;. Fred Uadb<oom ol Maelalee aed A J Akec af Kalataaioo^
tbr loltiatloo. a bacq-iet waf
which ojewre aad bam
aandwltcbre w.
' Gaeala ol Amude Hire -

riMvCunu. - ttMQiUmiunttLi uuoiti.


faaaral larriem Forlaeor Sertbeop weat oeor ibe


w ea the M aUe o( the
aod Wdap Hr. MonkM wUl


went U be
VVien tner VVas ^aVV.
■\DeKbot b nena totwj\rte Vine
b\ ^rm bOt\o

One Vrt ■eXtevds. ZO sX^es \o
b\ 6c
Otte Vo\ beXXer
the Xhirt^ \m scKooV iresses ^ot
chtWreri. a\ 8c ati4 lOc li
SUWbtUefiooisbX 12’,c,
15c, 25c. 60c Vo $8 601&



OurSaTioHS Departmeol

>De ere sHovtrti a bea«*
VtWVXtne e^ VVte nets ^aW votk
lit dArk toVorXrvis aV lOc l4.

^osveriKtW .U .ort V...,

■^VVer T«tAV\Vi.6a.VTAVteADl.

tVostni one Vine Ibc Vtow aV lOC
CVosirtiofte Vtrte bb \o bOc
>owA\ ............................ 18c
Hiff llae* of all klod* of bait ffoeda.

atcca/rr £'.vxyi xi.i.*/i

"Dotv\ Klvss 6\w eVoAK SVock.

DtMill fidUl II rai ii t ittj in im



be secured and maintaine<l hv tbe use of CarbO
eum Avenarius as a coating, of the inside of
cbick«h ctKip. One application is sufiidtnt to ik-stro
lice and keep them away. Prepare for winiir bv umi
now. One Dollar a Qalion, at

360 Dozen
lamp Chimneys
r«-crived by boat.
While they last
WC II sell ihcm for tc. :c. Sc and ua-.
-All 'i/«*6 of ciiimnoy- lor ail si/«rs
Ilf iami-s.


, ! 276 Woven
- Wire Springs

'W'adLVs IPjrcLg S-box*e.

K<-ccivc<l by frciglit.
Selling at
$1 ,v>. I'hosc with coiled'wire sup­
ports for Have ihcm fur
and $4.2;.
1 hrsr arr
fully guaranteed as reprcM-nled.
Money back if not satisfaiti>ry.

Alfred V. Fried Fich
The Leading Shoe Houae.

Some Cry
•'.Sboes of High yoalily'■

: 80,000 Cans
Of Canned Goods

Others Scream
•'Shoos at Loir I’rii-es."


HIGH gl ALlTT 8HOKS ,\T l.ow PHI’ Ks
and this is the only Shoe Store in Trsvere.- L'lly
that fonibinos the two.

For Ladies ■
Or Men


i.s a good many, but that was our
piirciia-e of corn, peas and toma­
toes alone. Takes live full cari to
bring the -i.i. k. One can of corn
will cost you loi -can of tomatoes
i.’c olher grades. 15c and i.'k:.

1 95 Kinds
; Of Tobaccos

The bigifefsl bargain iu town.
Tweaty-fiSe oe« etylee
to selcfl from.

1:1 UO and 41 76 .lualilv Eiao
Kid orligtiiCalfekin'ShoM
For LRdlM. alt new styloa.
$150 A pair

<^00ao<l<17.5.|oslity satin
calf or kid sho--* For Men.
- all afaap>-«uf toe* ............
$1 48 A pAir."

«l7.i and <1.50 .{Dalit; Ladiea' Shoate. genuine kid,
new atylee.............................
$186 A pair

High .{DalitV Mr-n s Work
Shoea. Lat-e. Itu.-k e /ur
CoogreM ..............................
$1.00.$I26.$160 /

U'omen'a valf shoes, soft and
hcbL KMp your f»«t

Wet Weather High Cut
8bo«A. dirt pruif. wau-r
proof, ulmoat wear proof.
$SRttd'$8 60a.pair.

Wa saU UiB Swt Wmu-.
ing OhUdrra’a BtaOM.
Eeerybod; Mjra ao.

DVtu &ewtVmeAV U
Vo Vhe briwt iee& VVima. ^Vt
V\ft4» 0^ bUrtVeVA VWR 46CX*
$6 00
Oim^DTVhUes ^
60j^e $6.00.



Olaetorera of wloea aad apple batter. '
The BiaBarrrt of tbe faelor; expect
> •mploy *11 or Ml baodt Id October. If
Ihr; cao ffelapplea to fire emplo;mcDt

$l 00.'$1 86.’$ 1.50............

atvdi QvftWs.


ef tbr wort*.





Tbe ladles of tbe l/ik U tplda and Old
Mlaeloa birr#. L. u; T H . reiaroed
». Baltlraorr aod Chicayo.
Frida; to* tbeir boBiei. alter bcioff
Ibe ffuesta ol Amaada U rc of ibli eltr.
F. Ndtcr, aod H B UafUnd.
was aa
who have becb apeodio; oomc timr
oleamaloor. aod tbe ralllBK ladles
here cm baiiaaea. betr ffoor to eoalblearecreatlr pleased with the eotcrUUbicaD.
alsmeat rrcelred while la the cit;.
The ladies arrlred Frida; moralor.
aad were aatenalned durlBf tbe da;.
Diaaer aad tapper were aerred b; tlw
local hire, aed tbe da; pamod' rrrj
plaaeaetl;. The work of the him was
Id the afleroooa
After Ihr meetloc of the teal le the
•reolnff. tbe ladlra ealcred the hall.
moat eaii;able lime lollowrd.
A fiac prdrr«B) wa. r<»eo. aod
aad daaciiir were ei J >;ad till a

« takea to bla boma It wm at
Brattearad that be had beaa killed,
bat hie lajeriesare aot aow iboarbtto
w of It mae paaaMi tbraarb tbe be ol a daareroai ebaraetcr.
LaeUnaa Elaetrtc Road m praspeet.
Hooda; oa tbdr wa; from a
Tbr plant of the Tratrrae CU;. Hid
Wibtar Tram Bobaoolae,
aaaqiaaar HasMtoa to Sammii cit;
Trains b^a ta no oa the aew HtmlOB A Feelmala R.ilwa; Co are
Ikarars la ibc aaiplo; of the Stale
loff more rxtaatite proportlooe
ihedole Saads;. oa the (I. B 4 I. aed.
tbe orifteal pro]-ei eoatrualated.
C. A W H. reads Tbe aeroBunoda.
A maptloa was ciraa Tharadar
iMprortded are eaeelleDt eoaslderonalar to Bee. aad Mra. Keaaedr of
iBff U-e Bumbar of traio* oa the roads.
Iba Biipai HolbodUt ebareb. at tba
n«re are two tralea eaeb wa; oa rit; aed Nortbpori
baaa of t. faUar ea Baadolph airaat.
W. F. Crouor reiaraed jeaUrda;
tba U. B. A 1. Tbe Brat trala leares at
A tar plaaat Uma was a»le;rd.
tiilt a m. and tbe aaeond at S.M p. m. tram tmaaieff. where be bad tba orFanaO.UUbartbaa baaa appolatrd Both of tbsaa traio. make eraiwetloBa Iffloal ebarUr of tbr oompas; extend­
■a alfeau aoart aommlsaleoer b; with tralea oa Iba male liar, foloff ed to a* la loclode tbr ritraaloe ol tbr
Oeerraer PlBffraa. He taka the place ponb asd aoQlb -Tba tralea arrtre
ariAsd tbe raat aldr of tbr peola-l
at IL B. Hataa. who raslraed aad loft too p. m. aod S:ao> m . each eoaar
At tbe same tlaw br proearri! a I
tboattyfarkwhaaltb aoma Uma aco- laff abWaltne wl^ traiaa fn.m worth charter for tbe comoabr for a liar
betweea here aod Nortbpert wlib aa
A faU rasa meausd whaler eootem
capital XI »suo,0(K), atidr
tialadkrtba Traesna Ol; D-lriar
from tbe tew 0X1 decldrd.ppua lor the
Baoellaatsarriaa balMfflreBoa 1
Oab. Ustrsar tba maaUar was a
-ifiBal pnj-eu Tdu will make a
. 4 W. M. Trains laata tor tbe too
Wf «•««■« aad Ula ;aar as rqaall;
alack ol •l.ioo.uoi, aod 11
I V:to a m. and 9:U p. m . aad far
aaiiiiifal aariaa af aeaau la aoUel>
pneeni plans maiare both Hart
tbe Dortb at I:no p. m. aad v is p. m
Traiaa arrire from tbr aoalb at Isif" will be seder tbe maDapemeal and
WilHata Betlaer'e saw alu has fiarol of tbe eapie eompaa;. Tbe
asd »:IOa. m.and from tbe eortb
Mlwditaaatot aboat a.MO.oao fealaf at V:ts a. m. aad t:is o. m.
ibere of tbe eotepao; are aaoffaloe
lambaraad baa tbatdo*B lor tbe aaaTbc Bib Rapid, uala arrirea at v;ts of aaTcese aad la a ebori lime forlbrr
■aa. Tba factor; wUI aaaUBae to roa a. m aad 9:19 p Bt. aad learn ter Elk aerotUtloos wMb caaiCTD mpltaliau
Bm wlU ae preapaoi of abattlof Bapida at T«n a m aad I
trill be tekea ep
p. m.
Aboat .xwo ;caie are tbe leadia;
Deaib Bull
pAoperl^ owaera of LaeUaaa coael;;
Tba aabDOBitr Malta owaed be Capt.
Mia. Adcllae F.ckham. m->thar of etrangl; adtoeated the ceaairijcttoo of
Balms loft Taeada; for BaCalo with
Hia W. Cbre; Hell, died at tbe rest- a ratlwa; IdIo tbat eunot;, takinff lo
Ml.«n Isat af maple limber from Wai.
' of Mrs Hell iWarda; ceeaiaff tbe prlDclaal towaa aloo; the caki
Baitaar'S bclor;. CbpL Halm.- will
aboetelx o'cl:«k. Mr* Peekbamwaels abare. aad aelltc atrpa wrre ukea lo i
■paad aoma Ume etaltlBt at Sb former
years of afft. Kbe ba. beaa apeadieff' brU( aboat some defioitc
bama la Maple Clir
immer wlih thr (.mil; of brr
woDld retail ficorably. Tb#
Frol a B. Uor.1 a*, na.a enetber danfblcr. aod ba* beea qelte III tor
oaa deemed feasible se in that
aifool aad atUartar offer
ab»ot three m’mi>e S>ir bee aol beaa
; are seeeral ImporUDi lewt*
Laadea Ooacerrator; ol Music and the well tor a Ion; time, altboofh her
Ur^e area of eolaaUe larmlog
■—mta of a Urre rl we of ffbpilt for
tatb was so'eapreted so aaoa. Urr ooBDiry which e railroad woold dc
«be riolla. baridea a poalikw a. dlrae.
wet is la ».‘utb Heren She clop maierislly.
Th« pn<Jrct w*.
tor. Bariar made this hb permaoaat
ireechlldrer; U-e Ho Inf tbi* dl.r, f teorably oaaldered aad tbe U. R. A I
bema. ba has deallaid.
Mrs Charles Byrr* *'l Soatb H.rrn BsilwxyCo. aeetVucBrlaeer aod ecraad Htddleloa Peekbam of H-etb eral < fli )UI* here to loseeiiralc ibe rr
Baeee. Tbe tooeral was fre m
of the coaety.
Ibe propoeed
at Urn ebareb Tamdaj aeaalaf. at the realdaaee of W. C. Hall Taiada;
rs< cerefally laepecud sad copBlaf at 10 o-dock.aadlbe berial s:derable oats obulaed; bol tbe com
•blah Mma tba loUowlac < Oesra were
la Oahweod ecowter;.
riaetad; Preridcbt.
pea; dlj eoi Urea deem it pnBtablr to
Bprarmt Vbe Praaloeai. Mra ■* F
exued lu lire leio tbs. uolu rt.llow.
E wood C'< d«d Frida; at
B-wee: H»-roUr;, Barbara Ur.bali;
boBM at bObff Lake, alter aa UIbm
r. HdUaBb
ibstsi aodistaot time Leelsaaa «oeabBtataw4a;a He bad beaa aaffar.
. Mr. aad Mra. 3. B. Frlaa a* Bast lB| from aa abe«ia aa hia aide, from
\'hUc tbe efli^ wbo Isep^^tbe
BlfhUstrastwaraawbMu t « eel which Wood poteoativ rmalled.
propooed roate drd not telleTc loimedi
abcaUoa at thalr il.t wmMler aaalabeet «ft; ;eare old aad
Is from soefa sa eaterprUc
■M1V7 kr • larra aamber of thalr leam a *ife aad aerea eblldrea. two
woold warroat the cooitraell-m of s
Maada M eallad apoa them aaex
tbe rssl llriac at
■earn railroad, they freely expreoyed
paeladt; ^araa; erealaf. The; were
tbU partof tbe
tbe opUlce tbat aa cleetrK llae woold
made Iba raelptaaM of aoma ealaable eoBBtr; from ladlaoa a aambar of
be a food thin; aod;U properly bandied
M»aM. bbd maa; food wbbea (o ;ean Bffo. sbd bat made bla borne at
eoome a pa;la* Ueeatmdat.
with them as Uw; mate ea toward Uof Ukearer tfawa
Faaafal eor>
Bach a line woald ceeteioly be of
thalr rddaa wtddlBff.
elete wwe bald at tbe ehaieh .at,
ffreat teasBt to Trse-n« C ty. at the
Loatr Ua^^Seada; reomlor at
Use dtrelop LeeUasa eoeaty.
OBdopesap a rich affrlceltatml aod
eoatloa 6< Ue Satloaal Embalwora »
trait wrritor; ex well ae booeflt the rraealailoa. that beriaa thb m^.
the flr^TaiU a'd m
eocis alooff tbc ibona.
fair aad laaU tear da;a.
Mjmdk; ba Mr.
Mf aatf-Mn. 3 t^auhla. died TkB
----------------------- strooff tew^kUit; that
wUl wIioamUieeoiBrraioec la;iarot da; marah«^lar a Uafoilaff aad Uw FeaUeoU luw will te bailt aad If
tba BOW fvearaowat baUdlar Taaa- «ala
palslel lUassa
Tke 0mpalh; of
proeool pladki
4a;. Wadoeedar aad TbarVa; ba wDI awa; triaada are with the pareata.
ted tbc I-*-!**
aiasad athraada;s laeiarr «v«m ea bat death oamo as a Weamd rahef to be bioacAu aUo.
> amkalwl^ U tba Obb
tba Uuls
Tseurda; I* E. Oibba aad

On the above basis we ask for your trade, confident that we can make it to
your advantage as well as our oivn,
• -


of v» besbela a da;. Owlac w the Uck
Wat Ibrnretall of bleep rn.iid braltb
of apple* the; arc baadlinc at prweat
IsdomlUHe wih xod iremiaduu* roer
ooly l» bo.beU
ry arc not looed wberr Sieamcb.l.<r«r.
neproceaa by wbleb tba frait k KidocyeaDd Bowel* arc oat of order
eraparad for tbe market U me ietereet- II yoa wsDl ibeae qaalille. aod Ibr
aaecaa* they brio;. u*r Hr K’oc't Nc* ,
isf ooe. Tbe opplaa are Bret sorted.
L'.leFilU. Only ::s eeouai^ KWaitvI
oolyUebestof them bcla; wed lor abd J. li JobDtoD'a draf eiorn
the dried frail. .Vimble Baferod |lrU
raa tbr maebUee. eoeb of wbleb o
parr asd core 9<> bu*beU la a day. Ui
erfirle cs> oat tbe I a perfectioaa ai
frelv which U tbee n
tbroarh a bleaeber aadrr which brii
tooeUbareed. TbU bleaches tbe frait,
which Use white after beU; dried aa
' U imoiedUirly afler bela; pared.
After teloffilicrdaBd bleacbed, tbe
fruit U tekea to tbedrykiloe. wbrre It
U aabjrcted lo beat tbat makes It reedy
for packiBff Id from I. to :t boars. U
U than packed is boxm. each ol wbleb
■opoQBd*. aad u lead; for
tbe market.
Tbc poorer apple* asd tbr parioffe are
dried asd preeerted. to te aeol lo oiae-

goes with every purchase made in this store.

'BaeV. vi ^Da^vt«A.
MSlvat'sttrt 'B.vaVvfVDt KLaVt TUqVvt.

K'os'e N.w Di«..»ery i>
cace all traab c* of .br '


Circulation this week 2.275

is the fall business with u&. With greater
ever)’ line than usual, even at this seasoa. we afe prepared to satisfy all demands.
Three ^ings we ask you to bear in mind when you sun out to make your
fall purchases: Qualities, Styles. Prices.
Three other things: Our warrant.

Oeald not expree* tbcr raptare ol
>Dlc E: Kpriacer. rf 1-611x401001^
Etas’. New Uiteotr'y
r of a baekiDS eowb i I frrr mMf

bod;leb«;.aadlllUetio). ba* beeo *^1; ‘..............'■
ffiecB all aammer for aa;tblBf rieepi
10 ftat csopffb to keep the
___ Z________
eloae altesiioe to bs.ltree at home.
Mm. Urrtradc Mlaure a SBUrlaiD
plaai workloff te half ita eapeeit; Tbr
la; ber mother. Hrm E A. I .Ir; o’
wiatar applw will bagla a ■oma
Ooranna. who trill apead tbc wloter
aooD. bowetsr. aad the man
LrUb. Clara aac
tote rannio,
tai. .«padl;i*>»
BrowaU HlBOre, who bate tfeeo aprod.
Wli£u two WM
r rread.
reboeacoBSlracted ioff t
Jeoe 91). i»M Tbe report win be i
miuod to tbc ooard of aaperttaore
moriT oecapiad b; the aarelt; work*,
tbeir eeteloo eexi week. Tbe total e
aod tbe plaai aaa a oapaeit; at praaeat
eoaaldcrabi; leas than tba pretloe*
;(mr aod
has rmdDall;
Traearec Cli; tambarCo. Tawda; b;
each ;ear for asteral ;eara.
a piree <f lamber throws from c
Tba fraffaeat atm^k the ;ear« affo the ei
Otar as boo AU of wbleb
t me oa tbs rlcht slda of
■bow tbat Oraed Trarerm
head fradtariof tbs akall at tba
noaot; U partIcaUri; foitaaale Id bat
Of the bralB.
Dr. A H. BolUda;
lasod asd care all tbe relief ptb- lac (tw wbo aeed pablic aatiataare'
elble at the mUIaod tb. mao rrae thea

In Full Swing. ..

bur oalebraMd 85c and
$1 ftchoolSbOM are all
solid ^iber. They are

Alfred V. Friedrich.


tor the many smokers and users of
line cut and cut plug, tc buys a
small package of smoking tobacco
or you can have the best at $2.10
the j.oi.nd. --Sell you a nickles
worth of fine cxii or a whole pound.

Chairs By
1 The Gar load


only the largest city stores carry
a stork to equal ours Cobbler Seat
chairs. 47 different styles from $1.15
.*,1 styles Rattan'Rockersfrom S24<t.
Dining Room chairs from $3-50 the

to select from. Youd think it a.
thousand before you were through
We want to please our mapy custo­
mers. therefore this enormous stodc.
S').;!; bu>-s an air tight Boss Heater,
to the Range at $55/30.

210 Dozen
Men's Underwearf

man wears but two pieoes-Rt
\'ou can figure' how many
men and boys we’re to furnish and'the sale starts at 45c the piece to
the finest at SI6430 the pair. Cold
we.ither's demands must be headed.

88 Dozen
Mounted Shades
sell at 25c the curtain. Good opa­
que shade cloth. 36 inches wide. 12
different colors.
Can sell you a
felt shade at loc. complete, ready
to hang or make you any size curuin'from the best opaque goods.

Two Big Crates
Of Flower Pols
All sizes from jc lo these 12 inches
in diameter at 60c. This season
tells you to brihg your plants in the house. Don't wail until they are
all killed by the fro^.rBuy now.

81 Patterns
Of Carpets

- .

to buy from. Going to carpet that
sitting room or your bed room;
dining room maybe, or tbe Aairwayi- Got one grade at 25c the'
yard to the best Ingraia at 65c
fmade and laid.)

The Haiuah & La; Hercanie Go.

[*^*ElS^y^r£ I ^

AMHr. icffMT of Twitto Mkf vtaitad ol
W. tAltar^ a*tardv.
Mr. M*7 •rnl to Hroro* C4 or t«-

OBtl 8Mtl>t> kM MM to n
t* ^ •ppl« tar k fi« d>j»
__ X «kav

• Htakar

r« wan nuod to a tirht tall ct
« rrUajr aad Satarday.
ro3d mMjof oar taraala bare b«Hn.&B. OaboTM lo «<*d->c h«r Vaa tbotr pjiatodlnlaf. Tbap tapori
ite^sloior-la-loK. Mn. M I <iiibart. apwcrop
ao farat>oard from
IB. Biraht
»<oa baakiac
-. M eU •velrtbar of

.tta CE eomatke.
Mn. E A. OaBpball waa seaad Wk

ladaB^bad bp^Dwl

It to B{it Jar-

__________ ________ :pas« trwjrk
the loUowlBc wiator.
Mr. aad Kra. Fraak Oaorit Iraa Wla-



I for Hr. B

Lalaad Batardap aad Baadap.
Hlaa Baataa WUaea iwtaraad tma
Ttararaa Otp Wadaaadap. wbara aba

Mbtbaordarof Iba

tMr 4MfhMr. Hn.

tba oaai two Boatta or sera. Itpirs la tta Oetobor
w plaaaaia to atata ttat aboia ttoeopar Uader tta
tta attochBant
aad batter to aaarp wap ttaa aba waa
aU wraktapo aad It la hoped that aha aatp eaBBim tap which riai
at a diataaea of twastp or ttinr
WUI eoBUnea to iBiwora.
ae ttOBpa tta '

a raiatinaatttia


O B. Brooke aad alitor. Mra E i.
Parker, of Cbleape toft tar tholr '
FiMap aftor a Itap
itap of
• ' aaaaial waakt to

Baarj goltfb wUI fo to Datroit tot etlltd ee at toll Sttardap.
a uA
Hr. aad Mra C. B
Goaarml Nawm
Mra. Olarr Daaata la aUiUsf with
at tta
Lra riallei at Oaibaad Poiat alatar of Trarana Cup
Waakaxoo UU weak.
riaodaat dUavaa.
Uarlto eifpaadad ta.ona.coo oa
ror Baadap.
Ctaw Bieek HoBdkrOaaCrtapofOBoaa fare aa a pleaa- Hr. H^TlUtodtrioad* «
Clara Waldnsaa raUrwad — pablleacbooli laat pear.
AUm 8»Jtt J«ft fc«« rtata^y
aat aaU loot iaadap.
Moadap aftor apaadiap hs
laat week.
aoattwsi are
Uk*lht«mntaateD*krelt todv>ka' noaUoa with bar Bother
Mr. aad Mra. Cbaa EaroM wUI ro to A haaklacWai
Wat Hr. SUbbaiH- laal 1
aelilap (or tio a broE Bora ttaa tt
Ur. ud Mn.Wa.OiHidMd UobU FowlaraUle. Mioh . .tedap tor a taa
raaaliad to to baab-{’
WUMMpMt »0«*n tor Ohtotamor dapa- TlalV
broopbt two peon apo.
ri? o7httk.^c2a. w'hteriito
aa toui^M
toUowed 1 Joho BtoekM of TraTwa. Clip
Mtav Mora Dlp'op. LaaraOookaoe r.d.a...«d5C^,Wtl.a
A apadlsta baa beta lorBCd
AapaHoebbla >4 Traaoraa Clip «ara
Garsaap (or tta exploltotloa of t
•aatlar blear rarpwaU.
oLii auaiop.
! m,.
Mra Btekorea asd wa
too^^wtaof Hlaa Marp dtrobai laal
Tha thiaahiar ■aeUaa la to tba
rrato Corr—
On i
Taaadap lor ibalr boaie ia Portlaad. Braaa apatos of wlrmles Mimmphp
oMrtkttrb-ntf Saaalmc ap tta baokBora to Hr. aal Mra. Jeba Otlaod, a led . altor rialtlat tbeir tosaod broto-:
Three lioe eebm raebatlp bora la tta
, ar Bar. Bockoraa and1 (ani
(aBUp (or aer- BeaacarieatOealral Park. Maw York
. Miaar aad JJoha Bwaaap bare ! arai woeka.
Citp. hare ban aiBed Dewe^, Olpspia
Ir. aad Mia. Frad Bebroadar. wbn
tdBOtad baaktotewa datarto Elk Rapid!
a baea rUtUaf (rtoada here tor
aad Haailm
le tlBa. will batbea todap to CSilM-

taraad bosa a/iar a I wo auatba' trip.

Loab ObatUa boaffat Hr. Wllotaokvb botaaaod bam bad totaodato

Mr.HoiaNa had Ua baod eat qalta
aartoaalp trblla tltof a aaw.

ipaad- laraalof.
Mra Wb
. Eotbsera h
top a (aw dipt bar panaia at tta. apeal. t

raoic llBB waa
ttc prladpal

Hr. Rse-t (aallp. who bare beam '
top to the UeBtnlbJa boaer. b
I to tba Walbar hoeae Hr. E *e

of tba

rklep (or Hr. Walker,
a MprtleToapkiDa wkeiaattoed
lap achool to Trareraa Citp, came boar
Fridap Dlpbt to atop orer Baadap.
Mn. Etp Daaa of TiareiaeCItp ria­
Mra. Hawllloohaa rtalroed her poalitod
at Old H lealoo Batardap
tieaaaprtbarp Whar, aod baa foaa
id Baadap.

foae to tba aiato aalreraltp.
Mra- OUBora sada a few farewell
ealto Bawrdap artelBp at l
fellowtop w
aad left dudap f.>r Cbleaco.
BapL—Mra. aiaer
ASV Bapl -P. A. UoVol,

ker. Hr. Brpaa. the aaw Hatbodial
f eajnaWr
ilatotar. praaebed a
WDOe to a larpe coopr

^«Matottki*^5tftaJ to^ibtoTHA, arbara aba irUl joto bar baabaad.
Hap W to^a^^ Wf>7 iif* i
Ula wlah of bar frlaada.
L«ara Uadtop eallad ea (rtoada to

Wa are ftad to hoar tbal Mra Aarara
to qalta wall bfala
Mra. Banltp la ataptof with (rtoada

At the anaaal BtoUefof the CoaprapaliODal
Ltdis- Aid aociair.bald
Hn. E J. BriakBpa'i Wadoslap
‘Tbere will be a eblekee pie ao
aderaooc tbefoUowiar omiara were
tba hall oeat Fridap oMIit' (or U
aleeied for lb* eaaalBp pmi:
at of the aaw eboreh.
Praa—Him. ,A. Hlaer.
Baadap with Hr.
Wb Baplep.
- \WI Pram-Hn
Hn. A
■_ B.
_ Porter.
BoatofUile plaee.
-Hn EJ__________
Hr. aad Hia. Nawaocab of Toba aad
McLaacblla of Cedar mot BaaHr aad Hr*. Bapnoldi riaitod at tba
■______ > I Leliardaadtp.
__ j.. '
tp ie Old HIsiOB

Mm. Bdrad waa at abatbh at Yeba
Tba tbraabtor •aAlpt to at A. H
taalthbledap. Hr. Laplard (m HUItotoa^barr >a dotor the work.
_______ i ptobapa Tetodo bad
patala to tha aoBtbara pariof lhai
TWa waa a baan beat (totardap


^L«kto E^«p toworktor vltb Fred
MM Addla MeMaaaa attoadad ebateh
to^fnaamOvtoataaBdap. Abaroda
A. M. Stoltb WM at WIU

tour '

Wa ara bbttar
bbvtor *«7 aoU waatbto tar

W. K Farriaoa aad wlto took a trip
M«n*aaaa%ltp Iqai araak.
ICaa MlUlMa of Sbaraaaa rialMd
bWda hara tba lataar part of tha waak

E Draw .proearad Are orlita at the
Maple Clip (air (or hia alockof Jeimepa:
tbraa Brat aad two eaeoad.
a aajopad^aile a Uula aaew norm
Biwood Cor paaaed awap toat Fridap
mb, tallowed bp a rarr famt^
Bt aad bto faaUp oored
hare from ladlaaa oeraral paara apoBe wUl be aadlp otoaad la tbto ealpli- aa laeb tbitt ee rato-barrele mad otter
of lUll water.
aad bp a boat of (rtoada aad
Tha reeent baarp (roat bs atda
aad aorae ebUdrae
- .bad
____e tarmen that
bad tbefi^^uf
•oaro their low. Tba faaaral aarelaaa
aearlpripe are beptoaiapto dip
woraeoadoctod bp Joaaibaa Bodpaa.
raparia rarp area aad eleae crop
A tom ooBpaap of (rtoada (oUowad
blB to tba prare. Be waa bortod to
J Raapaapparof Eeat Eaaaoa itan
Loop Lake eeBatarp.
or Caleapo t^ap, waara be expecla t
Hr. aad Mra. Adaaaaara swap rtoiV aeimaae tala akUlu ua homaopatti
iap (rtoada.
Mr. Loaa aad laallp bate peoa
tlaau la tbapaat aad we expect bln tt
Tialt (rtoada.
MaaarBOex. wife aad ebUdof ‘Ibav ba a tarorlto whaa be retomi a fail
ana Uttp raa to tba (aaeial
Baadap - • HH.D.
Berlral BMatlapa bepan Ip tta Em
aadio^ dlaaeratbia totharb. Elijah
■a Braapalleal ebanfa Baadap
Ooi'a. alto Bea Aluau spd ftaillp
Wa wUb ttao
----------------crarp aoooas
Order Bon.
tirtiaallp aad hope for utaB toatlop
ZoraOaaaad tanllp ara bora fro
WtoDa. eallad bara bp tha <
. Blor. .. _
itb Baadap.

Fraak RoC<i« !• baildlaf a rarp a«
laalltoc OB hit (arm, which he reeea
r parehated (roB Mr. Gray, aad I
to fin a
old (rtoada aad aeqaa


k Jalla BrowaMI of Tho
Qaa Clamaat ratomad bos
to bar boM Moadap a(
I' rtolt wHb hto Mothw. Moadap.
Mra. Uarrap reiaraad fros f
■ - bar
laal. waak
aad broaebt
with bar.
Will Earl of WrafaH a
ad Batardap with (rtoada

tar. Un Alar to ^a abU to
abM bto daW attar aa iUaata of at

A. J. Tbot^rp took to tba <
TbMa who took tba Baodap ti---- aloa to ladlaBa laal weak.
Ma* IP Haatotoa ■-« BUa Oasraaap.
Tba Hlatat Wlissar of Traratw
Hap HUllaaa. BtUt OarL JaaiM
■Btob. Albert Oeraall aad WUI Karl.
Fraak Blibp sot with qalta ae aaddeat ooa dap laat weak wblia workiep
to tta weoda. . Be atraek bii aakia
Witt tta ax. aarariap the
a tlsa batora be e
Wabad qalwaaoowatarto Bap
itia. i. r. TMMa baa baaa aalli
at fros bare to U
Mw Ibka bp tba dtbtb of bar brp
at Trararae Clip.



Ktoor Fanaat to aeotaad be ibr

limit Thaiadap.
wUh'Hto B.''BpkM i^p.'. Oev
Bitten' Baatlap.
aad Harp Totiaa (era
ara eordtoUp larliod to altoad.
It of tta aUto fair at Uraad
the Btraet fair

ssa'airissi.nsisr '■
Jtaa. a. Fra.


Fraak t

bat left ttaae paru a 1
paanhFo. All wUI be clad to rlra hit
baarw welesme batt at a nalAbbar.
Wb- WUeon bat baaa rery taceernfa
loetllBd bes treat the ot«t toniBor
1 tte alifonai
aUfertaae to hare
that be had marked la bit owa woode
aad robbed bp partial
psiar dark to Upbl tar tbeir aril daadm
ax tta partiM Isft eridoaea aaoorb ea
t» Rroead br which tta tbiacM can
ba IdaoUAed. Mr. WUaoa propoas bar.
ier them paalabad.
Aa Hr. Drew waa fcaelaf bit ihrshdoaa oa tte Tbarull (ara a aoaple of
wMka afo. two Ban ware teen to pas
Witt as air. sw apd bM blee
(act aurtad not a few of the maa'e aad
bops’Boalba to waMfiBR. ae ttc spIbr la. and
aad aaap aaxleai Rlaaes Acn
est aroand
tbe L
bat wb "


praa bM b
. .

wall-prserred EoBan sup
diacorered oa tta rifbt baak
ttc Marmeta. ie fferxarorto. A aacUoa
loaf bp tro (Ml wide bat 1
traced. Part of the wmllrn fats

ra atlll ttaadlac- hod aaap
otoaailt aad weapoatbare beta doc up.
It a balicrad that ttasBp waa aractod
iottaliaeol (laro.

______aad I

Do Not Sond
For Your Fumituro^


when you have a 6rst-clas8 furniture eWre at home. We
will duplicate any published prices on anything in Fur­
niture, Stoves, Carpels, Sewing Machines, or any goods
you neej to furnish your house, and you will^ not have
to take any chances on their not being right We make
it a rule fo have our pricos lower than any competition
on the same grade of goods. A large, complete stock
fC pick from.

J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,
S 120 Front street.

Traverse City, Mioh.

Fat'fl til.Hi., only
rkniv pla.-vin
Wbrn; lo buy


W| i i nj.nn.. n


Clothing, Hats, x ah

ad J <1 Beejamto
of ,Trararae City and Joba Bklllmia
Tha flni eotloo mill to Kaaaaa
were pasta at the Waakaxoo Hoadtp. aooo eoiamaasoDcraliooilo lodaoepd
Ooldp Ralford bad m rarp plaiaaal aaeC. TIm bIU boildiaR U
irpdae pirea her Batardap wbao a
laat. aad waa doaated tap tha eltircet
—--rof bar litUe (rtaoda rleltod bar
Cloth (aetorim
e eceoaloD oalop bar
blrttdap _
axpectod to tallow. Tba aractioa of
Uiii Bill Btaafoa iBpatoa to coitoo
laaaap S
:rmw of ti
ratoiBR ia Kaaaaa. aad tta eoltoe
Spleedid Haa'a Bsila. ta uo. a oa. t o» ap to
’ tba Gnat aad Oraca Itoka aqa acxl pear will ba laeraaaad *
H»»i Kiexeed l odwwfar. from t»- up.
lool aratotloe. le ba bald
t Bamaap aebool boaaa 'icl. tl. Ii
You tboald tM our
.'.iv- aad tSc Capa
It la BOW milBaud that l.’-uu p
Aadaaebaa BMOrtscot of hIo*m and HlUa for
aaaa periaOad la the aarUiqraks
lOtno—Derotlooal te.ricaa, led
Hea aad Kopi at loc to AI 00.
Alia Hiaar aroand Aidia.
The Aral
J>a. bp Hite Liola Koadall.
aioo Madroxrralto toe. ottertat »e.
aback oecarrad at < o'clock ia'the
alBR nf SrpioBbrr
and Istod 4i> aac
HrsTp all wool Karpp Paau. fi
The rftrew ware 'appalUar. l^rdorop 8uiu. iapartod. only Au.oi
Paper. - Tbc dolr of pi latotawmrde oeda.
tta Baodap aebool." Hn.
Wbola rlltoRm ware complclcly
lief.ire you bar poor wiator ouUU eoBto aod toe
O ecaBloD bp liao.
liao Uai
Itmpad. The earlbqtalia waa fal
B-elutloa br Hallie S.L____
Beleel raadlap bp Hn. Coiria H^- (ar at'Bcio. Hli.ilaoe ai.d BBjm.
Hae. woBCa aad cbildrcn ware boned
le the rulot of their dwclliar piacn
Dtoaar boor.
before ibay raalixad tbeir daoRrr
Nomben of bod is iilll lie bcaslb
1:t0—Uoif hear prmpar srrica bp debtit. Ataoet-un piraoe* were killed
Baadap aebool toaeban. lad by J B.tat Barakaai and tome
at Itooieeli.
wbe c Ihree-fourtta of the bai diar*
fell. There wot proportionate Ise of
EaeltoiioD by
a Bopkioa.
Paper. -‘Tbr aaerai
. -lof auocesia tbr lite la many ct ttetBtller rlllarrr.
Baadiap achoal."
tohnnl " bp
h> Him Leator Cor- Tbeabocke eooUaced alssldaily,
with ao riolenoe Ooe eoatequeac
DlaeqBloa lad bp Hn C Cimlc.
____ __on
lias, bp Hn C. B the earthqaake i> the tabtideoce of the
lerrl of tte' Aidia dittnet by
yardt Bulpbaront ipriaRi bom
Racitaiiae bp Edward
Id tbe'raUey of the Moaader aad tbe
acaoUy beiwMD Aidle and neaixU br
SBC foil of crerie«». out of wb-ch
Oaoeral d
byF L ralhed black, muddy water wii^ •
cieat tame to wtab away a fljcinof
Baporla of aehoota aad yearly repo
of tewaabipoffi-an.


$ 6.50

124 Front Street.

Traverse City, Mich.

I Autumn Offerings for Economical Buy^s l

Blectioa of oMeen

Eabbai tta OraTt.

EotortalaBent free.
J. Emtxxnr. Pram
Uxnriit iimriixa, Sm'/H^azioaVout
Tba artlels ic lae October Foram
r rrmt 1latoratt. a oamber taplof
.• wl(
kojeamea. Seaaifurrctatt tba Prail-

deatial oDalst of iwo with a paper
-Thia Yaar'a Election." which la of si
lotorst toHlehiRma aeopla (i

A iianliBS leeideol it oarratad by
■r of Philadelphia, ai
"1 wat I) te awful eoadliioB.
a aim at yello ». am enni-eo. toarur
cstod. waiu
pain lamriuuelly
coalinoall! lo t
{aids. Doappaiito. rrowtog we
I br. day. TbrM pbyaidaaa bed pirea
taa ap Thea I waa adrtard to
Blacuic Ritton. Tosy (raat j <y.
Ant bjtUa made a decided luon
meal. I cOBtlBned tbeir ote for ibrar
woekl, and am now a well man
■ aaolber

WaoUDdpIitohkprobf«...$lA0to9976EBdnp Z
HquATP horm blukelA. mcb......S6o. 86(1 End 91
*1dUy On" aUblf blABkcta, ntrb... 76c. 90c EBd $1
A good lioe of pweAt pada, ««cb......... ................... 96c
Tbw b«ta whip in tbe city for... 10, 16. 90 End 966 ‘"Z

Tbe aatborof tbe (amoat - Hr Goo-, tbea. Oelp toe . Raaraetoad. at 6 E
Up." Ftolep P. Daeae. bs J )iaed tte I Wait'e aad J. U J toaaoa'e dro« ttorei
literary (ores of Tbc LadiS' B<
<0 IB9
Jcnraal. and wQl create ttu (all la I
--------------------- ---------tttt jaaRatiae a new cbaracur called.
Wiacoaeia boaata of a Blau Hard
••Hollp_ Doaabne: who lies aertM the
eafaRad ia tba laudable

A Rood line of OloTM ESd KUftaiU. AllpriopA ^
A Innrp uwrtarat of BrttAhM and Onnr OembE

I work of IndoeinR paoele to mote from
^ ^ one part of tte ttau to tbe otter.
"badP pcbtlibad

baeamra Boattl]
aaaiber. Boraori
axccllaace. bearioi

an arrap of

8m m^fiTof TruakA at.............9 00,9A0 EBd'99
Ladiea' Hand Baga and Telewopoa. vory low.prieAE. -Z

tab OealAaa't Bart Btaad It

If had had Itohlor Fils Theyupon iu titla-paRe terribly aoi
'IBR; but HnckUc't Arm
. will
... care'the
wrmt COM of Pils
oa earth. It bs eared ib-nuadt. For
lajariat. Halaa or Rodilp Ei
—______ of tteda________
Lheiu tte
the lackp
lacke Aodan
Andes ■<>*.'
Aa October etaRtt-ne
the baal site la tbe world
awalUBR them
,, . -leoa Dew
Core Raarmataed. Bold t
eaadad to pasiac a
liaad 8i MlcL____ papi dot irlOBU to K. V
‘tte hero of Haetto
a ttroarta
tte pan of

My linr of Hameaa and Leatber Oooda U Bp-to-dat*. ^
PricM tbe loweat.maU-riat and workmanahip (be bnl.

;ir.r 151

Singlr buRgy bameau..........................6. 7, 8 EEd $10
Double bn«(Ry bameaa................. ........... 16 EEd $19.

~ MM atr toat

A Rood beary work barnMa rots plvtt for............. $96

D. H. ttopb toUl will raa ahpat two
waw pat ID Aalab tba aat af tai aaa-


Mtoa Ida Farraatwaot toOUlbFtor
W. E Bardp of Trareraa Clip wai aoHBtoWiitibaraabooltodap.
Mr. aad
at Maple llelUap toaaraaa beta a tew dapa laat
GIW vtalW at Md. Btobyto tpdap.
Aera aia two boata at D. B. Dapb H. H. Mallorp of tta Wontoa Groearp
Boata of Oraad Baplde did baalptdk. OMto laadtogwHb laabwaad
aas bare toat Taaadap.
Tba Btb of Btaalap A Yoaap have
Hr. HaiToa of Cbpa Vlaaaat. B. V.
II boaaa aad lot (on
W warad bto tasUp baok bate.
..... Bore
Boretoto Good
Good Barber
Barbertoto tta
r (a tare,
too. aaaaat aad a poonp frlaad.
BbtrtU hat latarW
U Bari of Wexford. ... .
r. whara W baa baao ▼!
psurdap OP tta axeoratoa.
^ IhaPMeln^IrftbmM Fri^

li »>gl|a^attoAdrf tba tab at Bal-

The Busy Corner.

PIANOS .^ND ORGANS bare Wd advaariDR aU]> by
al-p, i.>.u:b by notch, mand by roond. ootit tbry bbre reached tbe
bicbeat atandard of excellence. They hare no BQ(>eruir. Mora thAn
966,000 In dm todAy, and tbe capacity of tbe factory ia twice s much
aiwiy like concern in tbe world. Every inatratSFot ia fnlly enaranieed.
each yniarantee becked by $3,000,000, tuaking it aafe to i^l witb oa Dnn'l
be indnoed to boy an inatruDent QQtil yoo bare ae«D ,oa and learned oar
prioeA Too will confer a laating faror on yooraelf bydaalinj; with be


pealtioB ibbto aeele'a alora.
^^_Or^rtU Bade a trip to Maektaa
OfBBt nwrd waa to Tiaratat a«p
tM dap toot waah.
r. i. Brpaa wlU ptaaM at tba
abareh o£t Baad^!^
Aobeat ntoltortha baMttat tba
- % daadap tebeo) wUl babald at
-aat tTc
----- “ .Atoifabttaodaaoa todM^
Opal Bobka. who to taaabli
- •
lApab Werdta aadrCMrla Haabv
w«a to Kalkaaka toal Batardap.
Dr. aod Mia. Ko* KldctoTefKalkwha rtoltad btooda Wa Saad^.


Tba followler ara tba paaata rapiatend at tha hotel far tta pst____
8 Ooaeana. Oitoaro: Fimak Wst. The­
odora Bebaaldar. WUI Jobatoa. Will


John t. |[ajle_^ |


irBAtraoR, Da rid TroBbell.-EE

nood and wife. Jams
....... B. Caaphall.
Mrm Jaha £ Uaapball,
r. .............
aad wita, Cbaa. Paurtoa. Pate Ctowaoa
Mrm A. Traiaaa. Hla 8 Mootm. W. B
Bardp. Traears City: Hltoa Fraatoa.
E r. Baatlac. H. F. Uoraa and tody.
Arthar MUlar aad wifa. Him Mb GotAOO.C Sbaacar. E aplre: C D Btaalap ft
aad fbte. Sattena Hap: J B BeBjasia.
Hoatott-d,. Oaeta. C 8 Daria. SaRiaaw:
..............1all«. T H. Putter. Grand
S. BarrtpRUr-. Aitot; Mb
. . It BaaHto!r.~l> r. Boxto aad
wftaaad tooTCtos Marwor aad wife.
batoAdc P*tor Barmn. Port Oaahla: i. _

Auythins In thn SmnU Instrument «r SbeM Music Uoe ron wuntP W* cun pleese ft
you both M to qusUty end prioe. AU Uttdn nf Tslktuv Mseblnne.


« N. EVSTRONQ. hi^H.

HJbThad laltop.ef OMtoa) Laha. WUl Bari. Haxto-d: I OaolriMMhH tatobda ad tbh plMa W waak. wpolsa; E On^.

m PiMt SM, Tnm QQ. UcL ft


We abo can npply yon wiU oUw giM« oC HanM At $990.98XN) ami 910M.

I ion taMK 9 lav 1ft Mm



aaui> mtun Biuui, doroatitt B^ ibm.


poUnndnaead la freak daariar
aap of Ue enrada. SaaetBl Baa aad ;
htoataff foUoaed Uea. Next wae i
daonttoudeadbobiadnua boaul-l
tooofeaUorafroaUaOlpatpW- Tbaa <

j.tb*blM)wlMabeM<»ll At
Daaap aod Hapor Vea l*peh. Ua U
■b«* WM wMbtor do«o Me dfrli*
m b»al^ is rroBOoa u tbaaoBtla
. p»*p^i«forUeB<»i««C«>1i«»B»o. tMobln, aad to otlM tba nanlt of aa
lnl»1uil taint to tba blood. 6. 8. B.
aa* fi Ileaed bp three eaprtorn
AMTtaM port Tb# w«M<r to pJ«w to tba oalp lanadp trbkU «on da^ antatalap Dra. Jk oapuioa. Uea >au
Mtly eed. Wbca -at eaten" *aearriacn » autolar Ue adalnl'' far
MBWlot M« aben of iMaiea I •Uod aed
aotalauS Rear Adalral Beatooe mad
Iba Ulto nek of H won Mack
Pie-ldeatUanoabcla-r of Ue anol

I That
I We
Uneeda iHave


*oapto.«heaaaarodMM« fl«a

Borolac- Vielorj
Olaoad la pAitka ourtb of Me Mnb bp tbe lt«bt
e, bei ibc *B«li
taf wbtob baa Me other
aoable le bock tbe tide. The Haerrorr

Ttoe etwBB dtodp Hook, oanp sp
tboBaporaad a«>BB«tMeclac>ad to
beard tbe Ojapto aad
De<r>7 I ■ (be eaa>e of tbe eitp.
apwmrd of a tbaaeand o^ber dtotiL<
re^rd fbrtU aad cBeiaUaboard. I«ti
tbe BeUerp aborUp ifer 10 rrVl.^k
ae Eaai..*““l%a UipBp'a'N laeaeb pev off m .b'
tool hbMd tnublee
« it
it ii
Saadp Book aad c tried the sapui t Ume
froa liicdoeatou«eide tbe upaipie. Tbe aapo> ton. Blood dinaeee are) bepood Ueir
afciU. Salfl'e Spwlfie,

CM ::S


“ "

Tbe eUOBer HooBoalb left tbe fan
of Baetoralreot eborUp after, earrjief
U learoor Buoeeeelt aad eiaff. drlrpatee
(tub tbe aesava aad aiaaabip, Jedpn
of Ibe Coan of AppraU, tbe eoa'
- "ieof tbe elate, (tea
«al>n aad euff. e
Eepaaitoae aad Deaocraileaiaie e
iMoaa. raraai eltte oBecn aad
moatatine of tbe oarel all Itte.
partp aaurad Captaie ' Abertoa'e
aobta. la leet tbaa dee
rotaroad to tbe deck Deoep »or» k
aadal OB hto left bnaet that had aoi
Tbca tbe barer
waeeaUed aloofktde apalB. Adodral
Deerep preeeded tbe aapor dooa Ur
gaapwap. boarded Uc barpe «IU ble.
aod Uep ware Maablpped to Ur
) tbe daadp
Tbe adalral-e etolt
Book .erae laapthp. All Ur aafor'e
pent*. etolUa|i poeenton aad oum
aarelatrodaead u bla. aad Ue adaltal abook baode «IU arerpbodp. Ii
aaalUWakaabeboardai) Ue uad;
At I a'clsek Ueeqaadros-pot oader


reeehee all deep-eealed Wa wtiieb
>>^re norffect upoo. U
to Ue oDip blood remedp puenateed
pureip tepeUUe, and aonleiiu do potaah, bwrcuiTi ....
or ».i.u
otber mlaermL

‘ ss.'Wrji.rj?'

j Something that it Pays to Enow! 1

Tbe new vifer to }»t r^t
(just crisp CDOi^b, jnst
V sweet ctKWgb, just gim■y gery cDongh) and tbe
^a«»l<d. air tight
. ''^keeptiijttstrigfatuQiileaten.
^ Otdinan- ginger cakes and
cookies, sold ;a thj.usiul way,
Y gctmoistaodsoggyindanipu-eaibn
and hard aad tough is dry weatber.

:ipal eoonc.l fulKirro. and alter Uea |
tdalral Hoauoe-a eS «>■.
Tbaa caa - Adairel Saapana and'
Fmideat Woow of Ue b aid of atderaaa. lolloaed by el«k i ■ rrrtom e-o.alular e -aaaod a< - tt n. of Seino- ,
ten'* B et aed lha adai^-'t ataff -Cl ,
Taorarriafra abera-l e-ataio'd
Uc juator - n-era of l -e o rnipia aod'
afar th*av*a* earri.r-* cooia-olnp ,
icnlor rIB cr« <f Ur N-rth Atlaelie '


Vtcadroo. Carrlacniao ab'raat f.!-'
laaed. eoeiaieiep rit-irp puraroi-r*. .
Ue eoaaUier and iror«t«
OeomU Hilra an-l HerrUt atihj
their aide* folloax). and Urn .-amrl
Adalrali Mi rr and Hctlrp
A lonp !
of carriapra fullocen with Bum
ben of Ibe mnnielpal aaaablp and
l•ll^poiebed (ur*l>
The naral bn
radeefue N-rth Allent-r .quad-oe
Seet followed. It war in were batui- ,

Afler then

atdeof tbeOlpapiaoB Ue prriVide.

•>..*« r o.


S. Of ."fATlOS AI.BlWl'It I I





• Cor. front and Cass Sli.

1 raverso C-ly. Mich, i

THE HERALD ;‘»”.TLT,“r,ro^ $ 1.00


Consiiltaiioii and Etamination Fiee and Sniall|i Cdnfideatial.

DKS. li. S. cS: CO.
th. ■

k. uud wua of Ike

Ineiican iNlicil and Surgical listitate of Inskegon, licli
Hoixal •Wla-Afing, Tra-tT-orse Oifcy,


luea from tne Olrupik. It waa smeai
orable progr a. for the eiclorp from
ilmofa tomb tour arch of,triumph in
op .• Tne caplalBt of tbe

rim alm>


ran ^ook them
..V. Von
I "ll tail-'•NIK
intfin all
ail over and ron will
find none t.eUvr for han.l ing pota
potatoes, apple’s, corn
an.i for gerera! use. Thw are froi
from ladiaoa and hand
made. We have all kinds of li.i-tkci*: ii You
one we will show you our line, then yu can Ituv
baskets tif


keeps fresh and de!. -ionsly crisp and
teader Its bigli -jtiaiity is assured
s which Lake Unawda Biscuit.

looannd jiade an
bripadr nf tbr repular arap marched ;
bebiod Wit-I Ibe Weal Point endru Ini
>e lead. F'llowlng tbrcn,enar Ue I
illltlaof (be ranou. i'alea, wiU New*
York IB the ean. and a.maanded bp -

ab'ps IB the fight at Haaila were kian
rheeced heartily.
Sampaoo waa also repea led'pehrered.
-chard C«K-ker and Senator Oepewin
a carriage togclbei

Harioa. lad., and wto baa bnoa Bdf«t>
ttokd for all o>«r abc BoaBtry. waa
fooBd at Hoatpaltor. Obto. Baadap
Bwaiag. HabadbMa kldaapiBd bp
traapo wbo baea otood <*atah o»*r bla
-Iso* be bal taoe tahaa Thto
aorslog all fear o( Uc I
U« bop oaeapad. Bo
wax ip a plUabla oaodlttoa aad mlaeat
currwl. Ba wac baiV bald tor r«-




vbrrr tbe rllp'e peret wae art b;
teottarr coanlUre
Ada ral Urerrp
bp tbe reeepUon
alttor. aad eaeoned tj ti>|aadn>o A
deuil of aonaled roller, pro Tbrn caar tbe Koee of Veterane, fol­
lowed bp tbr .Daioo fCx-Pritoaere of
rredrd ep Broadomp U (hr eltp bal
an aloap ibe eueet Uere arre cheer War aeociagoo. relerate tf the C »il
ircied altbaop orintBltelap oroade. Tbe clip ba’I perk aa>
ecteraBt of the SpeaUbailed U Ur Halt. Tbe pmralallor
look plaeeooaalairorB la froet of U< AnerleaB war. with Colonrl Aitoq aad
Aeur batterp oceopplor a prealdtp ball
AdairsI -Draep alaoel
Then fnliow.J aeecral
happed Itebirr aad patud Cdplalr
a of eolunleara in the Spaalah
Oophlte OB Uie berk
At tirar)
r of.buailreda
■ted Nefalep Ue eroad cheered bnU
Wbee the prwtlBpi acre orer. tbr could be beard oalp occaaloaellp
’ aadt Ibc pmralatlon of tbr oirwogh th> enrerisp Tne crowda ap-

trap aad atartad op Ue barbor. aad here, ail pou cxetaioe ” lie letrodn^
Iba proot parade beeeae a retlitp
ne to the audira<-e aad iben
rinl aaac Ua aoUee Boat Itotrol. Ibe
-Thrae arc tbe mee abn did i(
apax of a aadpe apmd oai bp U
Thate are the mro who rbonld. U
boaaI Nea Yirker aad
aod Vea IVpea Uaaked Wltboat thea I could* d«
wblebfolloaadabreaet. The eira«er Gouior "
' Saadp Hook, wltb Ue aepor and rrp
The bead of the parade uUrted fr.mj
a el tbe dtp. eieaaed aloop- Uraat'ttoab at II I' A pletone-of

■to. IbA.-«h a
BBd «tot bakac
BaUarmla tW ■ toUtIha 1U<
AIbwt Hndtop. «V tai ba«



_ Oct. 12, 1899

OfBc- Bout* frets B a

u. 8IVB

fine Artistic

. traerle ..
Ilr. Fowlera’
Wild btrawbe'rp
Cnrra! .>
A cBrap rrardp for c-iuitm and i-iiida. nau- t
to all rlrbi. but p-u wu-l eoartlrot
'• prompOy. ,
that will rell-ee and rare ihr niun
aereee and dtneerunt r<-«ul»»l tbr.a'
.loaeph StorkfuV
ll-ulrdon. He.
and lanp unoblrt WuM aball peu dov
raied a
lio lo a aararr and a'>ir rrxular eli­
-1 long ua
te? Vrr. if poaeihlri if not pndtibir peara and ei
Wiicb Hi
eno. Uro la e-thrr cov .ukr thr
.(* reardr that haa laen intro-lured



terrea aad paae apprariap
■OTiap Jermae ae ebe' fol.oaea
Dawep'e fltfiblp. Tbe Cbldapo brvnpbt
•p tbe rear of Ibc esioae. Ko'loaiep
tbe Mea York apre Ue'.-pe
tadtoea. HentdiBeeUt aad Teaae.
b Ibc eramr BroUlpo
trofueae aidare eeplaae
, laU
a tU Laaeaa er, a ipp-> of
of Bar
tba Old aaep ecead*. tbre tbe pvoboat
Hanella alU Ue aaiiUlarp cratocr

re itiroet aad lunx troobler
'Hokcher'a Ueraao iSprup." I'
H no.
.i^heaU-aod aUaalat-* tbr t
l^dratroe Uir irrrn) doeaae. but al Uji• DBtaaaUao. ean-ea ea>p exper
Ucn. (irra a p^

Abreadl aieoard tba torpedo boato
odrd aarp praie i-p aU droppott in
Porter. Dapoat, Bnonoa. Wiaelua aad
Oaaalapaad frilralap Uea Uc rare- thr world. Baaple bntUra at Jaa' li
r-arcrae C tp, and It ^B.
aaeeauera Maeolap. Alpoeqals. itrea- Jny>o»-r
Folrp-a. Cedar.
baa. Wladoa aad Oaoodapm.' Next
Pioa H-p Prracber." Brr J.
tme iba InarpofU ttedaiek. MePber- Klrkman.
Brllc K-re. Ill . aapa. -After
nr aad HoOlellaa aad altar Uea Ue anffriipp Iroa H-onehlal^or lunp
beapllalablp Hieeoori.
-roeblr lor ton peara. 1
1 a» cured bp
Itoaabwaatbe drlc aod aarigae Oar MlnclrCoBirb Cure li «
aapnt of tba paiodA ,Tbe Hobb aU.
inrht, coldr. frippr aod i
dplap Ibe dicof Ue euic of Naa Uraat and loap irocblra V. C Tboa
Tflek.ood eorrplap repreaenUUred of
Iba M*al anitla. baadod Ue diridoe.
Rat plenlp. K idol lipipeptla Can
teltowad bp otber boaUalU arabert
ill diffeak abal pon eoL Itearene
oftba aaral alllUa.
of detneeala and
Tbes lolloaod tao abnaat alaetpIblea B B tltable. Vm
alfbt fraoefal and aMaUoaallp ap- ■ape. "It relleeed ae fros i
and cered me It
petaud prieau paUU. led bp tbe Cbr- iDf
friend, r. C. -]
aatr, tba flepablp of (
Plnpoal Horpaa. aad Sir Tboaat Lipore reardp la Ur world ll
once atop itebin.^ of Ur el
teoto paabl Bria. After Ue paebia
pert of the body
Itnen-a On
cant lOOataaaUlpr. alU Urer ttapAt enp dmy aurr. .-.n crau.
ablpe IrUU daple tle.tbaadreeleaaan aerinl. aad tbe reaxlader la Clee
■‘If pea eeoor Ue aorid pou will nrrOf tae.
erBod areaodpequal toOnr Minatr
TbeUledaodlaetdlrtoloe oooelated Coepb Cure." aapa Editor Kackle. of
e( nan tbaa lao Boadeoaelp decoraud UeMleeBorp Fa,Ho.tler- It cored
ap faatip ol LaOrippe e-td aeeM Uonlapa. ya^n. pleaiarr craft, etc.
froa pnrqminla. broornitia.
Tbe parade paeaed Ur Huierp at
ead ell Uraeteed lunc treublee.
IM-aad Ue'
i «u



abaarad aa tbe aanblpa paeaed. Proa
Uaaeaall Ue atp ap Ue rWpr uoiil
■Oraaib toab wae rtaebol there ace a
I of eaUaeiaea

eatalp U orer -qnlel la thto or la
aap oUar eltp Fbc xeof of omp
baOdlat eoBaaaJiar a *lra of Ue

Heeereb orr

tp-eiea atlnn
TB-aaa'a Beln-

Horar. cu’a.
Inauel relief.
II-le oil. At enp drvy

'face our b.>p> <err alia
ahooplnp eoueb. <-.ii
r .uy., Cure


Job Printing


notjHn-r liner in Hu- Miisicu! I.inv 3




The trademark stands for best workm.’.nsiilp 3
and choicest material.


Wc have just added a^car load <il



; No better make known. A large line of small Musical
; Mcrcliandi^ always uo hand. Cad and inspect our stock

The Traverse City Music Co.,


GRICE M..CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor and Manager.
: 2S* Front Bt.



Broach Block.



3 :.,r,r:u^^’'i7:i.:;

a. dJEhlv a»lek*i


» F. C Tl
■oaa. fraa ablcfa Baiiered a Jaire
Aaertees Ate
fke croade on tbe
Jerarpebon were lailpae lerp* aa
Tbr H. * N E K K Co. will
■ UeKea York aide Fb t at li-aotfr endap
rxcuraloo trairo to Haoli
taab waa Ue lar(nt e«er yaUcred
.w>eg da'e-. Map l<
Ju^p u. j:,. Atig
tUm. RIewatdedrira aea hoed alu

«abaee roared, people palled ead Beta
Mdbaadkarebtofa aaead froa aireeia,
f«e(a ead eiadoaa end froa Uonaeada
to BlearaMe perk.

e-*e CilJ a.J'i . m ,
lie. la
Retam. learr Uankiee *•->.
p. au. arrire at Tmaerae C'.tp d..n p iti |
Uraal rate, one fare roasd inp betwern
aUaUtioaa aot u exceed <i £xcarBlOB from Haaiaua oe altemala »ucdapa.
B W CvxinxiiMan. Ageal.
A. MrevHKix. li I’ A

Bea Talk. Sept. M -IV eaperd dap
of Naa York*a oBxlal a.-e«- to
> Adairil Dea«p oooaod e u>i end clear.
. The drat aerea wp aea Ue peraaete-'

Bliel bp Neper Ve. Upeb
latobelfor Ua eUp.
AtTu-ebieb Ua p4Jea bat
will B n^etol toeapil-a
r of St. ae-'
_____ iF^-laap.
WiHIbb MeAdoo Leel F. H-e
OhMoeor H Dapee. Bleberd C .
aad Wema Fmar. atartad for

• It wa.
________ ilracle
Blood Rlit
cored B* of a tomb e
ilBg OBI all orrr tbc
Ibc bode
I aa
e*rp gratefal " Uia Jalta Flinrldgr
Weat CccBwell Osnn
Prraldcai tuor.
Famer'i Haek.lS
ooklpn. Hleh . ba* u-ed tl-Wm'.ll
itle Rarip Riaeri ll-tato famllp for^S
__ ra thrp a
« tittle pi-la care eomiipaU-m.!S
iBea. and all lleer and bowel'■
to F C. TbompsoB

Ite IiABto ud CUUro.

niKUTilibnAhnysBNcM j

"kwlel"!* “

Top But^ffies.
Platform Wagons.
Open Road Wagon^^
and Concords
Bo not miss the chance to buy a srood bu^y at cost
They must ffo. We-need the room for fall and winter goods.

Cor Cars aod Slate Streets.
Both Phones No. 49.

Traverse City. Mich.



criOsnsra- ottt

AtU. Ua aanblpa. Sir Tboa- Up■■It did Be mere good thaa aapthlnp i i
UaVaieaa pecbi Brta aea au- h apI erw aaad.
Mp dptpepaia wcu of:j
pto^ad. air Ttoeaea i
dBoaUt' kUedlBg.
Now I am well.-lj
• 8. B Keener. Hetoiogtsa. K

yaekUBC cep la raaaoaae u aaiatre
•atU after Ue Erie roaedad Uc ur«
taC po'Bl nS Onafe toab There
aen aaap dtoUafetoha
Bed^tohaaa bad oUan •

'•*« W


R t f rn







iCome to The HERALD Office for Job Printing

The Herald Job Office


ssns j'tS;



Largest line ruled and unruled flat,
Linen, A^WUVA
and A.Parchment
CAA \^AAAAAX7AAto pa^Pd.- y »txu*w« ^»www*
per; Envelopes of aU kinds, and
Card board of every description. “ ™r«~3TsS~”

. r .-nri=?.

226 FRONf ST.

toiU«l>tMtAT»bO HBEALP, OOTOBIB 6. IfiPfi.
toMdM papa Bbe'i
m M»b
a poa aU IbbaaBaivto ababaai
Tab. I a-

k paa. Bee-


inoo* Oardoalap.
Mvoatb toolartaa ladoer
ror ordlaarp *aar It to batwr to aao .______
-BOt oot (rOB tbo world of
• eoMoe. at It dooa aoi-at iMt frooaorp doriapaloap wlstcr. lot aa
a *aar-look dlrtf to toor Ut
ealtiroto a Ion of aataral boaatp.
IV bo*o«ar ba prattp aod nro .tod tba Than to alwapa a aaaap wisda*. if
aot a bap. «bon oa a raatlc tUod or
M old oiMoU) oonrad ublo a non or
Iota olaborale roeoptade to plaou caa

^:‘4ss;„ ivi.'-.i-.-'.rt.’T;


I hMWIteltk*
» fa »o— ee ms liartiMi «ky.


Bm*MiUr rlcklid] wniaff.



JUmltkt «kitn'«CBt1(.

la««wleUT«tk«idMl m«e1 bop>
wkleh ii U« oel7 rr»I
lir. It k ■«ti«ir7 to m»k» ••try d*>
k M» b*ra»l^- fttn
Arap for
nm*j^4»y'» mmry wptfkl. r

* * ■JVVwl>wllkk«l«M|iv*»ad*
lo look o»ly to u» *ooi,
Mi l>to nto haolf 10 0 WM to «hlefc
ikon wo M dtoerdt. • laoo <
wiU fro* to bo o port of tbo pool ebono bo(«o wboa "tbo oteralaf
Mftofotborto^.Ikiooi It It OM OIIMIIIT Ici Oil
OMUorof 0407 oroo. Wboa .
aa< oMo of ooro oai tmWo oai
«tet otoan Uko laorllobU worrj
aoMMoloprifkl Ikon. Bltiowo to
BMOMMokiaooad fin onr oil tbo
Miltot tkOMbto to tbo ooro of Ike
ffOMoptritaal pe*on boblod tbo
•«trkL All triU bo oorod to- T
aHMaadcoeawUk tbeaut tklaf to
boAoM. fno tnm tbo boaop dnfflat
•tifki IhfO* tbo »bolo mlad lou
tbo 6rtmt *(11 neb ■ownfi work,
oai thcro *111 eose o tvtet oODoe of
hotaf holpod oad eond to tkol *1U
Mko all tUo«o ookp. ood pea *U1 real
totbatlttaolltraolbal "HotrUlprr
kli aafoii obarfo eoaeoralaf tkee

•at Iho hay Botoof tbo ooetlMtlat
Hiftay Ii tooo. Ifpoo oaeaolloo
te tbo daj^t profiow.

heldtotbaOoed. Ipurr
•eroeae doatUtba ootto
A 1 food It nirlM. ood tb<

M»of IbtpoUleoaieoi n throroat.
Theebaaprat aad tlmplaat boldeltl
^attbc latter ttaad oa til aroond aa old trap, a larpt old plalior. or ano |
tbaadfc. Md tbit to aa a-rtnupo. d a bopk Ue dub. liko a paa. tb otoco,
itooeeotolal. Uaa tba maptaeU with I
blio of brokte potlorp, tboa *ltb amall
loo^V orallfbtlpatanibrd owtio-------- pleoet of ebarooal.
Coror with rteb
leaf sold. Irarlap opaoo at tbo top for
11>o taaeba of jaokata and rt«a ofuo
Uaakelof rariepmtrd mam. Boforo
leart nneb to bo dtoircd it. iti< «tp ol
>e latl It arjoitod. ll aot too difilctat
•ttlec *oll I oBd a *OBiao • ou ec ' * to proenrr. piaal la tbo mold all tbo
ora her appearmaeoahoald br .an I
ear, (airp prowifat that fl.teiltb lo
,lhlo BMUorrlea, wla ^
Aad BO* to anoibor «rnuc
thep eaa
Tba praulrai alooic ood ilir o~i boot
ibr brpattoaad ibt
tkirtaraofloe apotled bp .hr feet that
tbo *atot baod iookt at >1 it bad qoar- IbtHeb'wUd' proVib of ibc *oca?a'
roltd *ltb both. I’lo aop hied of prip aad traasto It lo poor laterlor paror
.OD Bed aotwor. or elte with tiroop Ua aa old orackao platur I btrt ft
bookt aod opto aot that poor tklrt
trrM aoeb a mielatorr Ladoor Joaple at
bloooo an areortd topcibrr. aod i
par* J^paadtnetblDo tomaapawlatbo beltaboro both It alto diioip tt- irt, taowp moath
Aad ihitwatf-laohod to them.
ollbout tbt Ktalbllltp of dralatpe.
TbOM an oolp a fr* topptatloat
A mon tBbilioat ptrdrb it made bp
abeot tbt *robp tidt of a womtD't
UalBP with t oe t woodea box. the dlpoarmaea. {'erbata tbrp B>r be of
mrotioatof woiebtbtll bo determlecd
ta*<Bo>oadrr who will, If tba bolopeo bp tbe pltee la ithleb It It to tiaod.
bar opn at tba walka the ttretu, or ao dtreral tmtU apertarot la the bottom
uoM tbto baton bar at tbr ooocort or will trear* b«alU> to larpor pltnu,
tbtatn, oat mat tbop ara aot oobMd wbleb art to bare tbo •amt aoll at bat
oou draerlbad. In U


Hra. Pael tCrdpar.
Hra. Kraper. *lla of too pmldaot ol
bt Iraaoraal rrpablir m oebaB<
-a either "tide tel ***
dbo it alto ooDooB eaJ. iboupb bar , ,______
rdpe Ire. tradea
aoieat httobaod bat a capital of Ui.eaaila. aad all'tbotc ijalek. bardp
prowtbt that an *o atirtollra. Tbe
heliotrope I* bardp aad a pood bloomer,
prtataal rtfort to tpood
iBt.atodat tbo eapUal it Id praat pap and tbe DWlortlam eta be readlip cultiralod.
Oje wlator the larpe
larpe cebltal
.. ...........................................
IBP lotrrtalt. .To do tbit the *oo d tlealed
wladow .f oar
llbrarp wet e led with a
bare ta lire la aloioat barbaric tplea wladow
- irtloa
-lam, that
dor, but, blow job, tbo erco don bet mopolficeai
cUmbiopoo irellii to tber*c>7 cetllap.
'’*t??nWble that bar aeeir.aobUr ooDilBued for week* a plorloat baralof
bubaad approtao of bor otple of lir uopleal raabaraaee aod color, tbroapb
wbleb the tnoabloe eireamed at
tbroupb a paloted wlodow. But that
plant waa tbe tele oeeopaatof a poV
r bia:
allowlap DO rlral la lu rleeated ihroor.
probable that
VeV eetunibmt frloplop tbe edpe
r<p autb^VUr ~Xra^^?imt
a plant bolder thow the oUDoet fra
roM Into bit prttrat cmiDeeeo
aod beon-p.
Of eoert* a etaod of eeparate planw;
Tbe Ineom
Income of
. $Si,ooo,0(io and lo
where ooe bat room aad time, plee
own cookie
ToI fat* aod fame aod
aad fnt aad ete* preaterteope for fol'ape and bloiacma
a bolllnp tlore lo a hot. hot land ^It dracriplloD U InteodM fur tboae
wbo bare UlUt apace aai
raibrr ibao tprbd the atooep o
maid: Aad oot oolp lo cook, tor
obloprred—aad loeolp lo leoi
Baplltb clrelrt la Atria—that i
ortoB Itkre a baed ic the watblnp aef
balake tcroba aad roll*
riib tbe tkill aad ttreoplb
plo tbe I'hlliopinea
r tbta.
mittlep a terap bit repimeol wat e
Bbe aleo IbtltU opoe maklep
paprd 10. wrllea borne to hU wifr
wo bode Tbit map be benat*
I tee ibep are prepartoc to pit* ot a
:raptr"iieed*aD ealroaUed plllo .. praod bao.ioet when wereinra toOmabeet wllboai a wrlokle to eat* bfm ba TbaVt all riphv bnt I want tomeFom tbe ardooBt daUca ol tehemlap iblop to cat before tbe baiquet come*
j make empln* aad mlllloD*. bet - off. Aod I waei Hat borne
I want it
lb* doe* tbe real of tbe bardwmk
oe tbe table w^ea I pet borne, ton
it probable ebe makea lb* brda itot
Wbat do I weal? Well, bere'e tbe lltl
m the peooy—«r wbalorer ibe mooep
•■SlrlolB tteak. rare.
la that laod.
-Bol bitcalu. aod pleatp of them.
When her batbaad baa eiato poeeu
lo'diDoer. tbit it. lodeed. tbe time Uie ™^loor and milk praep. abxul throe
rood ladp tblBcti here abe ehowa Um uaartt.
•laS of which the It made, aad dote
toaor to ber mlUloea aad hw
«t wife of tbe pntldeov
"Ctix OB eob. eleecB oato.
Not at tbe loot or tbe bead
■•Strlap beana
>ai aod eheeae.
Ibe enr tniti to preat a
"Peache* aod cream.
rmpoBilbUUp. There mlpbi baa Blip.
I mitbap. that tbe ooaloa’t poard
•T want
bo. ablalap aod tpleodld, readp. We bare b
Itb larpe wtalta aproo orer her cm
rracbiDp H4D K>
oa* tom, tbe walla oa each poeav
Dp eooked tbep all tattr
“Sortlp.'' tba arpart. "do boat
>m poartelf, aod doo'l
oaa take can of a potat better U
re been a
prar poo can nor In aop aired pii
Brarp plate la tbta beapad lo perfee- couklap on me
When I pci tbruupi
OB, neb plam heat filled lo tbe br' with tbit bill of fan l U be raadr t
9 Blip bleat with tna aapoat porn
tackle the baoqaeV-Oi>«ihu H’u.i.i
If aapoat to raab onoapb to extol to
"ABBtle" Kraper. aa ererpooe ealli
Old Nawtpeperekar. tbe plorMt of ber wealth aad tbe
. .
form an Importani

DNiao to ont7*btoo to If tbaro
a ftot «ban It won aot. tbo oai
waaU boaab la that oao tpot.
Otoytblaf that to fo W *nek aad
with tbo letotoo toon of food totohoiatbaeor.
.MM that ralaolha aaloomo. Aad tc
Horn la dometUc eooaomp. and ara ate
moaepabebae 1
kola tbtooartMttotoholaltoo
ffll to polltblep wlodow-plateea. for
.-------------jaerevoaeof wbleb the
ileaaiDf lamo cblmoepe. tor taetlep
proadi oaa la wbleb tbe plerlea.
lOd clcaatop fl tt Iroat. and for a dorea
Silaal aad ■atolal.
It to thto:
tbit: That tbe aad tbe preai
itber thtopi
Yoo-wl'l alto aeed beapt
deal bare <
lind bepood tbelr >f them wbeo poa oome to pack awap
idmlaad bodjtotk
tMMA tola a aa* Ufa *hat^ all Uo
Ibe winter e'othlap. XVt clotb moib.
Aad tbai a_______
Ilk* otner etil doara. baa ao aecialon to
aU tbli^ obaU ton paotod a*ay.
allowad tbrm bp tbe
. Ao eacellaot moth proo(
So, poB ere. ihrp
oolp lo tbr cxpratlre lor
■an tbo Book Baht
ibar preat eaptiali
r put I
paper, and eotilDp ootblop. map. be
; **000*1 tafot.'' tod a eeatoapon
eade oa tbe iaeoi
one of
-Mckner^ of oewipaj
to.** llo*aoaaa
'Md adtapoo tl


AMoatoaaief oaroaad ihoacbl
tooppat b* toap a *OMa apoe her
btaSk ailL Maadt batoo bar flatt.
< auMo Hoiliitlp foto a*ap fro* It
wtiboal laUaf a haad rtoa aad look. tactoataU tbo *roacoidc—II *amap
iCflf ttot aspnaaloa to bar taek -i*
-ftatoat rtovof bwoolBaravapb?


«Bla Bat tbo book doat aoteatri
paad ia boMtp or erdor. The hair
■■■ill, •batbar blfk or lo*. u to
...............................a aa aatldp taabtoe. ■


loro tbep
bo ioaa.aad If ar______
to^ van. it to aot 00 thimollp addkO *battro*ooB tbo e*ovb bead

*'{^S^b^ aatldp nlto an often tied

la oaaaatop *ap onr tbo batr
- arm ftotrt ap Mpbo*. 00 Uto tbo
M ito* *bk^aooar tnttoltoov
toU Iho vortd aaaa. to aaplUaf bat

tM^Vtod or eoMld*ad. t
wbloh oafbtlob.
to. AvtodTMod
___ ________ belo of *baae droai to pap-

WEMtb dh-air. Iktotoaado all
■i vaaBO «baa aba drm*t hv

^lanhtof tha dnM.hba waarar ofiaa
«ii3n> 5^*^ patttooatoofbi
aaaiv. WadfMaaaaaaalBip. opt____

WMBb Mtoatdwp, ar atoa a aavvaa
dtfMtodlAlvUib mmy ba naadal bat

iO LttU* To e* a

And elamberiof all orer our keee
Tbep ara a famile el wbleb I will ic
Tbo tamUp of LitU* To-BeV

Ttod Kind Yo«t Bare Alwapa Bo«cfet. ud wlOch kaa to«cm
------------------------------- SO pemru, has borne Ibe aimaliire of

lufanu and Cl

Aod we truat to equitable c

That all


butloem, affairt

Id a eerp itw paore wiu be harried on
Bp tbit familp of Little To Hc'a
Seoirmber tOlb, l«m.
A pleeiiant letirr comet ibit werl
from oot of onr Sgoabloe flrla. Laon
KttaoU. bl CUIllac.
t. It ole* e
Lanra to whir id of bar prattp eotrr

Doan Mu.
-I am wrl
I fo IO eebool and am
ood rradc. W* wcDl with oar teacher
to the wood*; we bad a ei.-e walk aod
food time.
Before tehool beyaa
btd ao eetertalomeot fivco bp tbr
cMIdreo called "OrUlc eoaft of su
aalloo* " I wat a JapaBcteehlla l'
aad broke mp doll tbat olfbv lt<
b)p titter Htrp't doll. Tbe doll tra
peart old. Wb*o mp titter Ilrrd
wat rerp toed of It aod tiecc man

trifle wilb and endanifer the bealth of
r acwlntt Kx|M

CaalorU 1* a ttibsfltuic for Ca*lor OH. I\ireroric. I>ro|W
And N<H.cblnir Sjni|.*. ll it linmih-** and PIntMuit. It
cuntalita Uellher Oiriiim, >lorpblne nor other Naieofie
aulratauce. Ha affr I* li* f>uiwiitee. 11 deatruv* Worana
and alU}'« ><-veH*hDra*. It cure* Dlarrb.ea and Wind
Cnlir. it n-llrvea Teethlia Tnuiblea. .-iirr. C'oualIpatiun
and fTalulciirp. •


TbI* little rofue with bit taofle
... of all tb* fap lov
Aod lb* tlpect
|i| protaablp frow
ui a fcueral
f- —' be.
Or a
prealdebV Ukelp
alp at oov


----------- II

Bears the Signatore of

9 bifb ftror for all t

.The Kind
Yon HaYO Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

‘'vcp'5S«fi#5s«8sn sssse
: ri-II
» W .r.i. b.-teetor.-iT u.nraat
|«*n-'- -.........
1-...111U*..-- u, <ie-D

lak. *a**i

I* »•

... t IP


•r wUl be. [Ixto't K dnrp IM'

Hr* H II ttmob«M
Street, tap.
I H id I) mu'* Kiderp
l^e It to me I bare bero rerp can
I'lll* are aa'ci.-etleut remrdp far w>*kof 11 for eittrr't take
V .u koow
roed .ir .irrr ri.:it*d kidoep* Tbi-y rr
li*r* th* ptlti ID ti>* Pack aod arc rerp
died wbeo tbe wat a littir firi like
I bet* bees Irraled np
1 frit to badip that •utmma t»>atbt me phpaicaat. ear* u~-d other kedorp
anulber oor Jutt like it ribe wean
rrmed *». xod onlp rrenri uj II itn'.
Kidorp I'lll* for t >11011 tioir. tbeo di>
tame cJolbee and we will hare
biribdap ju«t tbe tame uo CbrUt
briMcbt about to* Uruirel mulu
Ber oame u Utltle
utrr partirulart I wil. br pirated V
Mtpbe 1 will com > to aee pou r
fire lo
to ace
aap ladp
la-- cxllidf upon ui* per
«9Bal!p. B.n n*i of idle ,-oriditlr boi li
‘b* reallr ruffrra from her kidorp* and




Traverse City Wagon Works! iii- :ii
A. J. PETERTYL. Proprietor.
MauuCat-ture Kiiv'v’irs. Wov-utit aatl SIriv’L* of all kimlH.
l{*l>Bir VVurk. I{epaiiitiuf. VarnUliitu: am) I'libuialt-riut: promptly

to obtain rrlirf "
1 weal upelairt in tbe btro .verlrrdt.v
Lioao-* Kidorp ^•|;’.a^e f..r »*
and found mp cat with three preup lit­ ail dealer*
I'n.-,-Mi eenia Hai1>
tle kiuebt.
KcUrr-MUburii a. . Hiifftlo. N Y.
t'leam priet tbe trreectar tbe Sou SfraD for tbr Lolled State*
ihlbeClub. Cloud br*.


Nr—ra Cur
T.ii N.yuiele

•turn 3 S

tbe tuu-mealt now brief ounlUb
ed 10 Trarerte City.- wbleb refer tr
M tbU aoewer. it would taibritr




r. iMUof it fnqaeo^p w
Ike alack lo

lol Ualp In TrxTtrp* Cup i
erp Cup mod Town in ih*
If the reader took tbe
' trouble to aek OU fellow roeideolof Tracer*! Clip the aimplr qu*»
tioQ fireo below, br woald obuiii

i •;*££


A recipe for bulllar bam comra from
"Add to Ibe watef ii,
rbich It It boiled a copot clack m> lu
. a few Ciorraaod oeppercorea
Lpt. U
the bam cool id the wsi*r
ia wbleb i( wa

tier oDtllnr
. Coral w.l
torU uf jr<


' ba> been (node ntwlrr hU per*
al MiperrMon aiiiee Ha Infbiwp.
Allow uo one to deceive >-ou In tbla.
All CoonterTrlta, IniiuiUont aod MubsUltitea are but Ex*

io toe woodrbM
Ooiof oo tbe back porch later, the
There arc eor eoldim ood tailora lo loDod there t box with >laU eal1rd|
orer tbe lop. Md peenef in. taw two I
balt-fTOWO Ualtear ca<t
A rouftalpl
Our laapenaod d.
tcrawled paper 1*P oo tli* bo*.
'm preerr torrp poor cat fni killed '
be mp rat plira. to 1 bare br>,ufhl .tun ]
Some little fellow that It biioblia
two Maltim.
I bop* tbix'will mtkr K
alrifbt JotaaWiiaoo"

Alan <n>n>-rat Ulat'kauilliint; nod Fondiur- .
Horsmtior-iov' a 8pt“ ially.
•'Killy’' Alilwtt liua tbar«f ©f tliie
tir-partiDt-at, ami liio rep-iUiiou for fcoowiia bow to do u
U>u Welt kniiM'u Inji***! t-oDnui-iil.

'Hi‘ li
4S2-.'st h

Trt la* ***•«*■ a. dterm tt 1 mil twMe tattt

- - t3^«*rarra«a

•rrra awira*
TV* .•«W**JF I—«I>». tkr prinwc* C.**,(11.* Ik, llw* *f Bker, trJra tt DW



' Tb« plnm, tlie Dfw l>rit-k fui'tiiry at cur. I'Dion and State streeta

p OUr. bMebtrsP

l*«.r\;<..d,..M. ILK.lUat

.. ,'L-""i5r





Ltinr II .................

ilerp. el.
After I




tvfbl pear* old.

<lvl«r Konk .rerp-4*9 *1




.A etorc .e pru ix<*Ki OIL mmA

lu tballbtr* with eakr


Hear n^w tbe wild bird* crjlof
Ftr awap tbrp'il tooo be fipiof.
Slnmber now. mp dear
Soon blci.mti-e oluiii tree If iwera
S**r tbe pol ,,1 Kt-w„,
Tfraofh chrrrr bl .-t-uo bowera
Y- u rball tec tbr t.p.


• - rre.DbMt* <J*WO

sho;rt line

mtkw 9 r.nnM i-r the TTKT f0K f f

■ •n't ibat a qutio' l-ule dapaeeae
e Japaaeae etai.Ureo. laoufb.
loo bad Loura broke b*r dollr,
tre flid.the new one l> jutt at

Him Cora U Hot!
I Honor ha*
wrilteo at a kiad i<
Il*t of nine namea
Where ll will all pe,aooae
u kaowA
welcome tbe Hoooi
Uk* maap Qtbar pieet mill ...
ol Iheaame kind ar* abuot tbe beat: (haak- Him Bolter for ber latercei lo
Ooa Paai atap leaee It to perMW who
tbiar poa oao nae for keepinp erad*
eaiop tbrowlap It swap oi "
aad drlad bvfaa. Thep ara dull aod
wortbp aabjeei* that enrnd and
laaeei proof, aod can be labeled aod
Tbe.alorp we bare found lor our Suoline readera tbU week i> .quite an
Hlnu for eall Siple*
amatlnc one. Yon' all like v-pu
Grape Naotar.
Blaeknlnt rtbboat wilt appear aa
ga. but there D tueb e thief a*
t amballlebmeet lo maap
The ordlaarp wap ot preaerrlap frail
If too maap.
W* tbiak •
jaleeainoweo ptpalar to eerre in dif­
Uoarp etitehed etool ploeae
ferent wapti tollowe aboal the earn*
’ lu tbittlorp mDt.faare found lOw
oalr kUd allowable ' thick,
a* lb oiaklap jelllea. wiia tb* oecVet ber dear leeiof old
toed tboa* are tbe proper to
rp madlfieaUooa Waab and etrm
aav poelilnlp matt be dee
tbe prapee: beat tbe trail *b>wlp. eeeoMd to bare room tor all tbe little
pawt aad lamp trlcamlnpa
maablnp It the wblle. tbea allow li u>
___ at* llolepe an of beaep bat
boll tweolp mlDolrc; etralo without
■1 oaould Moure." tifbed Auat Ckm,
toft eilk Tbit it ated tbit pear rather aqaeexiap ihroapfa two iblekncaae* of
tboa laBela to tbe tklrtt. aad tba beet rheme clotb or a llnea cloth wbleb "I tboold admire to bare aaoibcr eat
eove* for lb* purpoae. To ererp quart like Turn: Be wet jmi tbe tmaricet
tallon aee eioei tatio lo Ua* tb
with, at It bat tbe adTaatap* oi
ot Jeieradd ball a copot rranniatod c«t aed the bqtt mt aod tbe baodtomoo eatllp orer aap kind of a wa
or Juaftofar
Beal tboraufblp and eateat le*er-*ot epee oe—rlrar Haleralle flare jiro.
Wbea waaled to
tlware iatar
trre* hare it ice coH a*d BM erarkrd leee wlttaoela white hair on talm. the
Keek wear It eerp
ice lo the flamrt —.Sclr. Icf.
bablar poa erer mw aod tbe
dear to tbe
e womaob bearv for
koowio'eetcal- it did beat all)"
r oeck often makea
For rrpmf.
womaa't whole tollev aod it
Too bad be eboeld be pixeeed " taid
Bert fat. euet aod eeee tbe coarecr
bebooeea her to be rerp carefol lo ber
Hra. Smith, tpmpeibii.tirl.r
eboloe 0
,1a. rib
etraiord. are nicee fjr trplof ero- Kabbp Urren ba* a eat ttaai't lb* per
nUara. Velm It
ed for
etc. Ibao tbe all demioaol
at look* feta,
iter. The predict
. Ker*r throw awap a morarl aod tbe eap* be‘e food at fold, bat tbe
- •
I. therefore tome
tba oea
eeuiocbelora bp him I don't t'poee
place ewtU TOO oat* eooufh to trplof
ahowB Id the Ittbloo ol *
ebe'd part with him. aorbow "
>elca Tbttcbloektw
Broop l•rlBce aed Nan Bollowap,
T of faoep dealpat. ac
oerraeoairatUap color, wlib tbeom.
' who *•! CO Aaol Cam'* doorstep plapalpoteap etlnt rlbboo.
Tbt loop.
. Dta I .u -I «^ 11 .-kers aed raver praeb aopira.
fiaSp ehiloa boat, which an >.eaer*cd OBfblp do -—.'1 •
ban.e eoarerealior. tod both wub.
Ip pooalar. at ther tolleei tbe face aad a bole la tbe wp >
anhaeomlapto tbe bomeliett eatl of fraaauied tufar. aou rati at bdore ed ibvp coold fied a cat lo ooi
tcalorea. tiill rctaie tbetr'popciaiitp folBf to bed. for bcaieeaca* or aore All the ebiidrcn lorM tb*
laroav Tbe cffrcl to to prodaee feaile dear old IMp who wa* to twtew u>
perepiralloB aad to "edl" tb* toorh
them, alwapt bM a plate oi applce ra
that altera tbe roiee —.Selnlnl.
the Ilf bt tlaad from which poa were
Sploed Otu
»u to each meal, made oat to help poartelf. asd apparaoUp aceer
rl rke. firm .
treeUp will, earo moch aaxlctp M to
failed to hare lafar plaoM ie bet pock­
It pdtrabd
, ----------------from the tml
et. Tbe next morale Kao earn* la
aad cut them laioitrlpt baltaa li
(leemltu tap that it lakea a frcalOT
*l4a and
aad three
tbm or tsar
fspr .Lacht
Laohn loi
mcuei of tofar for prraerret and eae- bOfflDf a baf that iqolrmed. aM
m If pal la wbea tbep befia locook, toawt mm mewed a bit eoPUp
oaa II tdiied ator eoeklec"Ob, Aeot Cbm"' ebe cried, • brra'e
To keep fl.lima* eleaa aod amootb.
-batadra*eo«<a]l-- I* draweoei all
litUe Hall
or of tbt frail, tboald be tbrowa awtj rob tbrm fi-rl Vita a pice* of wax tied birad mao iMt aifki
t pou loelar
a cl. th. and Vier-ard todar them
loowa*^ bp^wa^ fnM elaepar
Tom. aM be. went bo
IB paper »tr*wB with eeanemlV
thi* elBtpar Md u^opM^o^ tiling
r'Johe.~ **ld a dnUof pareet to be* to you. AtaT tbep beccum' aM two
as caaeo of camai badt aod ball aa formaoditlef eoB. -do pea reallp iklek hiUea* do ptUT K9 cu<» tafetber'ouaer of clorea Simmer orer tbe Ire
poo M eat tb*
lb* whole of
M that
^t PM• Yoc dour child • t*id Aaat Cbm.
foraboatan boar, er aetil tbe eicalre
._ tpr- "I inoT kaow.
foMllat tbe kiueot -Jra' 1 he Tbm.
b a bruom alrmw.— ma.'*' reblltd DpooBf bopefal. "bat I
lor all tbe world- -set a • bitr baW oo
ta wiib a*|
Xa aalboHtp oa cDofelar eapa that 'em- Tbaokyo*.
A Oarmao oerlajiea] «
cblekeat- feet, wbea properip laatwd
AM wlUa bto* and a baMful of
tbt rebbar ladatwy la H.
aai preaared. flee a meat dellcBt* flee- foodlea. Nm berried oS to eebool.
aadtba Atrleaa
* mlocteo Benay >
a fooUo oU Meltaoo mH
' tba akta aM aalto bahaa



trlUaai dorra ia tba mllar, ahat old
Tab la tba woodabed. pal oa ber thim­
ble aM weal to tbe tewUf elrele.
Wbea tbe <mme borne at dark ab*
touad a iqclrmlef bar ea ber toot
potak. aM saele from Hra. Smi'b
tacked aader tbt doer ItrcM: “
Kabbp tap* tb* wotldat tpara Timo
tbp loaapbodp bat poo. bat tbt
two kilWot manat bir. to poa map
bar* blm."
Sbe carried tbe bar aod emptied oei
Hr waa. lodeed. tbe ten
moral of Tom. aad ber heart warm*<
to blm at once, ie tpiw of tb* two k t
leoi down In tbe cellar aod U>* old cal

Mt. PlMuBt, xymtmo, tagl*
Bbw.Bny 01^. Dbti^LHow.
•11. AsB Arbor, Toledo m4
poloU BMt bad SevtA. Clla»«
ooBnboUoBfi Bt OopaBlot) with
W. H.Bl

*. .u *.,1 raiuiw* ■*>. *ac ■
enaiad loux. text Yoic-i p..
i, bu.

Fine Artistic

Stove.s. Tinware.
Paints. Oils. Et*.


Job Printing





Dp*« Cream Balm

(-ra*m b.lm
•>'» la. Mwai*. tew*-.-,
errniw B«i»r»D* ii O ,i >■«•*»**. a.
» l: i»e«*WTj.:-i-r
1,0 ,*,di>cr mcrt-n.-^jA Cr ' /r, » «W.I» tl bt-.<-

Carriages, Cutters, Sleigbs, Etc.

‘“eLv ar^UUL'. *. ‘I


Crease -


Horseshoeing and General Repairing Dene

bcl;« the tram. ^Tctwraimi
cxpmac. eddercrpwbcre.


Be-Painting and Upholstering.

THO«. •. BMAOHI * «e«.


T«yM Ceoray Brak Bidf.. DSTBOIT


Stbte Sl, sot Dttkm.







*(fr.dr»*7t*( ml >a, .Adliwcl

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