Grand Traverse Herald, July 20, 1899

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, July 20, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Grand Traverse Herald

■ ■


Tuvaus OITT, KIOB.


Merchant Tailor

Snamess Oards.
• I ;F^1fSaiSrK£SiSMr










■■8aop a mnmst. Fnak-Umt ymac
. . —eCDod.le hlag Mk>w.*- la- lady yoa took IB s dlaas Urday.^
Ual^ alapplar hl« ea the
"Ah:- erM LIbIob. iatwnetlw
bim. BBd SralBr Bp hb oys is nptar*. -b ahe bm eaf«Ue- INd yn

Real Estate
nco27XJ7 ^ro


athortag oe hb (naad'a brow.
"hbeaBbTortte fast hare. I pro.■mo. lUa Bis Ida Kyrtle." ibea«ht
deck, -med I man ^sretBliSn
what I sj o( her doibhip."

lAle- KhU MorelhBd eltsv,
«d St rirla at ihia time 'ol


•Oa. I seeer. sers omld m> to werk
a (seb a mstmeTeriDr wsjr prouet-


Oleelrlcltv will ths £an aada IbM?
master of the highway s wolt Roald
. orapiare Baaalhh Iss."
—k'a thoogbta raala thb wbrns
he peeed the nraodh al ibe Woodlaada at the etid of a l<irtalghle atay

^w' tssTri'afsc,


kkreUiebesedtsMl. MpfokaorMsm
M. hottere, hkrd they tried, oosid (Ml
Is Ion with seb other Is e tlsrle
I I ben Bay id___________
ltmwilUB( Wdo 'my way that made bm hsd throb aad hb
I UBhysfyoBr ensla** iBdy •
“• *'■''*
yesu ■
-a Id tb. ssiety of Kale Hsel
hen BO doebt we mlebi.
laUB's Utrotbed. aod ihoogb be
of Ume. beeome
-- dnply
—jply mtuebed ti
aad ollea foaod r.aek sratehlag
The only dIS wliy I. the
■or BrktBBd istnreflerwerd."
that fa>
He bad Dot (a the!
Jest p,

Horelaad had aeeer by word
-mnetil forsem. Uwe
rmt dsl of thoorbt be hiDied that she ws aware of hU tianl.
broke osk with —.............................

U^ fUlr-" rH “ .-J f! «•.* /'•?«'

Plate Oleae, Steam Beilar and AoM^nt InsoraBoe.


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.'

lobnaoa Block, Phone IS

Travane Oit^. SCicb.
Wh.aiM..ll ..kOI


ral of the hors tram thsabaabsr’"
oaly I________
make them —Itv’m bat w
pnctleaUy teln the prahlam of otra
r. end
aad grstly impron the m
........ ............................. sbaalKo. rads'
MOtOf St

iiirt i. wi,
try maa will ban bb ewa oalose.s. aod tba Meyelo..wl' ' '
raady. toaoaM extant, eai
hone, will la tara be ehelj'wii.m’ntor


Tble bs retber dellste eal^ivl, 1
ksow.- were hb word*, • bpl 1 uisk I
pl^ of all other forme of IrmcUoa.
■ml MbII *■ hbee the rirht Idea bow.
You ds'i
kBom Eete—my e-maia—but aha will
helps, forabe-a Jaatoae of the hst
and dramlflrla
_____ cirlatiln.
tun. . . I'mv
As he walked oa. thb ood artoraooa
r her myaelf. Jaek."
V Oaee benoue aociutoiDPd to Uieir nae and )oo are loat

lime It ws the clam ol bb
"Aqd thro ibat'a the a
wUoa that
without ooe. Wo have them for leuipefatnre, for dairy one, for aterthe Wood
f hu”cbambeiwUdSS! ^
laod*. b it?" sla ,
iiifing porpoaea, aud for tliermoinetera.
beglnoiDg ..
aalo-wBlM vrlll do ths hsvv
m nUy. aad (eollag ntber---------- ir,g-d
Brins-lWripUm and Family Bedpea to oa. We fill them euli .hr nu «uu hu w,MUn.
wboB be tnaod bimtelf likely
.**did, aad
1 ban
■e good ' flies of a lady la bb
rif^t, with dm^.that are i^l. at pricea'Uial are rii;bt.
-red. ys." aaoeeted Llatoa earelt
"I alwaye like to are ’Kalo. ,.
"VOB will do me a favs. 1 kaow. s
conree. aad the Woodlaade ba.nls
, oil friend, Jack'.' I want yoar name
teaveesb city
syon wlllsy lasboala bell- at Ue batlom ol tob paga. Oaa 1
u. fc- UMI Ut hto bBtadae, h. h,^
tmed hb rslT—tVIKn^ ITsMdp.
-lor by that time we will <
s 1 goes be the time '
•Cerutaly.” ntaraed Jack, aad ap-i
IMBdH It witboat qamUcH,. while hb
A ram fs a Ortak.
u .i«h..
Iriesd folded the dsameau enveloped.
A eankm of taad svhleh rrslltnls
eenatlea. aad that t
It. and eratlaaed:
-There ara fonr ladis la thb bans, -seof ^ easktfaiBS in Us larUla
h yoo t
-I.will uke Kau iau omfldoDsaa
«»*> hP^ »* k
ihbSQljH;! immediately afterdlnaer.
igo-l m
--------------- ... HyrUe. whom I
A Preokihmeei
omit ts a reaeon. l%ere's His Bray■•Oh. ym! yuB nuy Uorta end
■e ioUmate wiU all brr ladv
_’lth biffh Joke." Sid Juk Q
b. aad she will .maaaga the affair
-act I oers (pit lea
1 will p., th. IdU muket price, ^.rill- iri.e one Cent • poand____ dfriorouBly^
seinr merry la my life-’'
to meet th> cam la polatr'
than say ootaide traveling man caiTpay you. Caah op. Pleaae ^i. -Wky ihei'i «her« u u," ntsreed sboald be sore u bluuder, yoa kaow."
Juk’s fas ws eo exeeediBgty u- rids aod Itvad at Ue Use U Oerte'
J>w*«« W.aot Ml m- for yoor own benefit 1 moat have the Wool.
"OerulBly." aueoted Ask, msl prestn of -.Ve.’- Uat Kraal
sags to mst Mlu Horelaod. who ws farther. bn( ram. raag the bcll.dollv.
a Joyeaee----------— yoa to pat
--------- ' from for and Bear srfco cBSa
U be bis drlleerer aad friend U the ered the eele to Ibe am
melaacaoly aitae-aad abontaaeb
mtai • aeab- gmtest dilemma of bis life
««p.bra>.n:B»t rmtein
and Uia ckln;r'b^kTnd‘^*^hb
Tpmwwv atg. atre..
Ob oae oeeaekm a whlaby-drlaUag
Whe^be wsiolrodb-od tathedraw.
-body thiaka Tm a kahrtlcs, ig-room. before dlnaer. be sighed la«nUl ltmiimo*to*Mm ehsstai from off Ue Uiass atrl^
d Jsk. with iaereaaai
>Ianlarily. He eoald sot help it. fs
"It'a that that deprtaes .
Jack went u bb ewa room, ud ws
e remembered bb friend Uaum's ad
the Josier maaalea.
Ahoat I tfelert
a a gM faUier. sd I kaow it, • itBUoi fs bs. aad
' Juit in the act of takiog a rath*
UtbemoraUg be awoke wlu a terri­
Bgb 1 hare atreicbed -hb patleas Wythe
anbhly-CTltlsl earvry ol hb i
ble lUrat.
No vratar ene U tAe room
forbraraace a little too fs M aial leedeaeyBe had enr
Ue glam, besam he had die,
tims had left bb e*prcUtlMa-ll ha
>tely Uat IIt looked remarkably paU. aad be ooalda't Bad Ue way dova
oat of Ua
hsaeyot eBebacanles. fellow s
hen Uh ■____
She ws a UU. Uir. haadsme girl,
flood S -liable Ageata for the
•ith so oni (ace. brows rres, aad awsed-UaUn'e bell Imnght blm*“a
Uaitod SUlea Benevoleat Society.
lely a
ite lieootais
pleatyofgoldHi-hnUolhalr. Aer maaiacd Ues lies: .
a driak of watar. but ao ooe assrsad
roabthlagBsl-----------------------------1 did ibi
oer ws nriiralsly fraak aud eordbl.
Ibe largeat, atrodgeaT and moat
•t)a*a Ha rxaa.iu.; I ban i
him. AaoDODdaBd Ulrd UmehosUWt kaow bow It -happeaed.
The s she did the faoaon in hs widower over yoar saddeo reqamt. aad am fraa
nliable CMapaity Lq the worid. (s the ysht were aw.fal, aad (atbe-'e
(atbf • bourn, add welcomed bis gusu eaoagb u sy that my bean tovon I o^lUaoroepoas. FtaaDyhoTollod
wbea 1 came to actile ap ahoat every- iin'al
ly style, that eoairs’od with -~1yoB
I want a 1^ taan to work Em­
Yon have my permimioo t
— ------- uij shamed then
-ntao«l yoa MUwe brlag maadriak
mlneiog waya ol i
my rather, and .expUU Ue clrran
pire and vicinity. Liberal
llhrlfi I am. yoaar girls he remembered
»» IB Up. Or»»« TrsTm.
aem yoa alladed to.
while my boaonble old father aii.
mimiati to the right men. < all on
"Truly vrrata.
ra. who ealM bock that he waa^
daily la bb oUm. worklag for the
oraddre* I. LEiUail.lU. b|L
ImbUse ctepefsiro aersofleM
wealth 1 tcattared."
he note etuaaed him vrlU J« and aad the offs ws robed to «W ass.
I n always kepi o
iseiDSL UatoB ws at hand U A The maa aoder the trs drew a baetot
sort of shaoood
. geoenl
TtmTOfM 01t7, . KiehliiuL
M watar Md lag^ It «p etalia aad
thug." Sid Jsl
I sw yoa loved each oUs.,aad offered adlpperfafu Uo toper, bot he
■ewaatlag preclos time." heUu- paebed It aetde
"Olee it U am oatof
"Yra. 1 dare sy.
I baeea't eeftb- - ,------ .. —----- Go 3d heaves.
the . backet 1 ibe aborm.-ha eald. aad
how I wish Lialoe Pari a..t pick.-d this
lovely womao oui: she-ahe-welt. mbelcn u one"h^faul^ald*ruqnM
Ue boas of bar baad. expUUUg U
thatyoa're earprbedjfi ceeratop
she's Jett divUr—that'aall I SB sy—
^im Ue Bocsalty fs bsu cm yoar
aad her eysareu fall of aoeb %warm,
swss light that they draw oae's heart part, li’eall right: yoa'n woe hm.
yoa am. t uid bs yoa wen i
Aqalteeqoal tolt."
toward her witboat leavlag ooe the
— UuUlri.N..tmll,lMB.4.
you eocutder it sually e srl- pows of rsbUnec. Oh. I caa't stead
os affair, theef Llatoo aaked. ecs- •>b: Aad here she ooms to sit dowp
A KNIFE that «U1 kew aa edee.
balongt to the diansdeuta of ,Ua wo­
leg to UBgb, aad regardiag bm rammldt me and ulk. Oh. dear bm. I
all Made ef Frail
ts carrUr, aad If oae ef Ua fast
A RAZOR ead STROP U>et w0>
-Coald yoar faUbh UetoD—"
i*oMi: KaW'e edsr girl eaoegh.
It b
"We were m> maeh afraM wo oboold bat I gave my bean loBgtgn to that fans to be fouhd U all Taxao.
make ekarlag a plea»re, or
-rwworUfrom >3S U asa.aii^^a:*"Mi*io
BOt ban Ue plesore of weleemlog
Jewel. Ida Hyrile. aad eoA I ban
. toBb OfcAr-lbauenb
. ,
ASHEARaHTtonat tritb, esse
aacd eomaasdryoa to the Woodlaada. He. CbrreU."
PlMOe Watt F-orHIm.
"Heae 1>
Of coarse be_________ she sId. In her graeioaa. BDafleeted
in end key one el Uw ■■ZLXffTUC"
iw my father—laOBlgeot
ay. "Cosla Kraak sId yoa were
be married WgMbs. my boy:--t/
tadtan Int Otaagi BuBk Kemi
aad kudu
Brud. Tliej are the dneet rood.
srd to ooax. aad be hs told s all
__________________ •
elble aad detraU^/l^h^ ^'mUd b
I maeh of year klodaeu aad bravery rhufiSattdehBd
mad* ap. Tbos e.........................
lat we orged him atrnagly to lodus
"Tbo tadiaa b ky ao seas aa wtooBght bim eaddealy aad
Uaet psUoe of alvflrutioa.a
•d rcoo
» toeomr with hlm."
Italy to the Jadgacat ast,
i llell
"Kiodasm aad bravery— marmared
aa ladma Borsaoastal taBL_____
koacrimiaal before bim.
Jsk. ijnlieai
Ijslieamaxed. "I bogr^yoaBre
•Tbta exsoditon of yoar
not making eport of me.
Ueaassl profsioa of Ue delicioos
iBlable. Joba." be remarked, teokiag lead, fs being a aaUraJ a
«b4 at
•Mh Low Prtota aswUI Mrprin






NOBLum ssr...
at 315 Front Street.
. s."irs"iSrK-“S
usrEoNT anuErr



. - s&tsrs







b^aro2I3‘ta ihsTuiIrSIv^ taJ!

' . JAfi. a. JOHNSON,


. men.

- L Hariie coalracnil wiHi a las-


WANTED! 1 hrtish-


200,000 Pounds of Wool

'AtE’-Va-KBS ■


Karas' "'.. “SrS..'5'K;


Tdepbone 130













on^ to Loan

Carpet Ctoanlng Works


lUfirtteHhw tMielliflfkBtm

When you want


— "-I

W. j. SIOBBS, Tnnmaij.


.l.oB Cream- b a elaag term, daoeta
(.eld<n|[. IlUfa.l(MUngiModU»
.e of (he almoBi nu.etaal the <

vrIVMJaaMnad. im. ha or hit vtd-

arM(.M4 «M tnmUm --------------win MTMni AnlUn^aw* torw

l|l|i aB

s ilN
ii I

M «!«• Aww



- Ab. Ime yon do DM like
1 begma: -aad yoor good deeds nslled."
lAdy. emlling. "Bet we were ioterestod la UtUe Hob. whom life yon sved
by rbkiag your own. in the harbor,
whoa be fell from Ue yacht-rail. HU
mother, gntefnl soul. Is boaerkeeper
here, aad yos will find It difficalt u
■eapr her Uaaka. tboagb I'll spare

"'Aad s am I.' be s'd. ia the UrmstpoaaibUtoaa -lamaeilrrsthat you aball marry.
V-m ban
tweysn from college, aed ban
all then b to be sea la yoor
•pbate ol life.
If yoar heart hs aoi
yot bees toached la that Ume by some
rood aad lotable girl, yoa mst b< aa
ISMaalMe aed excroUoBable <
ms,. B. that slVSy.m, deb

I thasderatradt.
I eoald aot
hlicn my rata.
I ripaelad to be rat
--------------- .... ...lyaad
, jBiedaooi
.. .imber aow abnat yoaag
bat I
B>od ofa d
Oruen. The act on my part ws noUthat. yuB kl
lag. ts 1 am a fair swimmer. I shall
LUloa shook hlbhead soioBsly.
be glad to are bb mMber. aad tell her
"It b a deene—thatb a 1st:
Wbs a good fellow her eea >s "
M>r tatbor's a Hcde aad a Peiai
Tbea be diteonred it caeis W go oo
Uaa be bad at firit Uoagbt posibir.
aad foned- biomelf ebattlag so esily
he eoBUBanl. - iV a far more aad mdily wlU bU Isely yooeg Uat he ws qallc aaboyed
immnea to dmam. Uoagh
"Of ooais it U aerloaa." asertad
mo heogiy aa boar befora.
Jack. doUfally: "aad Uut't why I feel
-It-U very ktad of LiatoaUIetme
talk Mbit betrothed.- Jaev tbeaghl.
with yoB.
Be b a hsptubic geous she gave bs bb arm u Ue dUUr
"bat I am aot qailesarcltu
-maa. aad Tm obikrod ur him Is the Is
fs me toaemptiha
VftaUdq: bat ^oTsalk will bo Uat.
>vs. It le too dellgblfa':laU bore everybody, sUee I ea^lget
Aadbe hsvedaelgb ISt he tried
ab 4r«odfol Ihlv oat of my mlad. -Joah.- seialomd Uat^ "yoe U Ufa UU a coagb wbs be found kb
partaev Botleed it.
maa to obey year father,, both (or
Disetly opposiu U him at Ua table
, bB^owa aaka. aed Is hl^’ loo. dsi'l
u hb frtaaa UaVw. wlU ooe of the
very went bile of what Jahh tamed
-wax-srarh.- vbleb Ue UUm had evm
"Bow caa year doer fellow, dOBt be bob-

boeodededihColdDaet. Itmakeeheos
le <d a haled dnpdgrrr. It see. yoor
It. year mooey
11 b better and
roc fr«aial ccuaemy Uiy oaf

The N. K. FairtuhCnmur



Or0Arafor Job Printing loft at fh«





immnLt ano paompt


tbodiara.ty—tho awfal diBraltyr
-Toa-ra act U Ion aad Bess ban
besT Well. I aCTs akqmeud yoa of
IV aad that’s tho truth. Bat sAat of
thair Toa may be U Ion aM yoa
shall bo U love!-<ried LUhs Ua raao-

Hack, Dlis and Baggage Transier Line
•ca w.m. •«.n.«Mm

Best Uvery In NiMthern Michigan.


"h-ow I-m leoktag like aa aalomted
bmvroot." Uoagbt Jack, aagry at
blmmlf fs grawUg bot aad red. "Ob,
bow I Wbh 1 eoald whbUe aad walk
off: RotUat's tbedllilralty with me;
I doe’t kaow bow to beban with a
yraog lady-aad each a yoaag lady.

"Ooyao rOBlly thlah It eos bedeberho aohed aogany.
-tWo’s UtUo
Uso «a dod her.- aad ihms. Mu atight



oaUf^Ue saMfaeoredof oarpaoby Uc prodacUoa of the largst
rlea oo rreord, Hevoral days ^ pie. The poema regrothag hb |------ ley
away will hero to heetorad fersss

to Ue seentary of agricaltare some
berries be had robed at bb plaseo
Wesley Heights, eieenetary Wllsoo,
utOBadS at their sbe. baaded Uam
u Hr. Wm. A Tayls, st>ag poVbt. who took six of them, that
iaqaan box, aad weighed sack
dba will h------------rately. la the pevsaee of W. H
aa. Alloa Dulgr. W P Cois aad
larbt Wm. Baaadera. The
average weight of eoeh
asall eamae U
oanemaed aU eae-hnadrad
umeMarab^ ial
iaCorasodwbs leaBtall
welghlof six. IB t i ooDcs.
• • • foor sac



are many kUde
------------- ---------------- od s to Ua eiw'^
,ws aambar ovs
Ues berrica. wbee It b ksowa Ust a
1 cvea more: the Ui
oae-oaaco berry b nnly seeo ie oar a.RpO: the
A qaart of berris saally
weighs betweuo n and (loaBees,aad
B box of good berris oMtals geaeraily betwsB » and 40. It b doubtfpl
whether a tw»OBBce hem ws enr
abowD at U* departmeBt before.
The veleroa bortiealUrbt. Hr. Wat.
Aro over tM.tno of Uma."-

The BieehUbt esplcye a dngba hb
iatha: ha taksa bogst.Jf Ua tael
will Btaad lb Ue sMI^ aro mtba
Iras pigt of Iras whb^ u tara wme
od from a aow.
- maUaab pab hb work um a
aa, howees. hs Bever
is lsU.aadpao«hss kS^w
bm eqsled.
sis. vrlU B dark rod flsak
MBoe barry ws ehowB ta Bs
____ roroJ rai------------■


-Mwbt of Hr.££!£t

Hutunc BpM
ThMo an aUll t,
>enh fort a mile el
..................ted bythoswbo lonhbUritalapMe. The (ortlffsUs.kBOwa
s Pen Hmmi. ws over a oralory aad
— he hs saUefa^UM^es*fs a bait age atoms by ledtas from
me: Be looki happy, s if he were do Baffalo BBd all bat throe of Ua Prsch
l^a aofale. gsceos OM. Bat ae. I
wera pat to dsU. Thb Um
aad rmraod to Praace. tkc
tad ta Ue attack-ws a wesom
who wsahM from ambsh. whlla gM
tUgapdiedwBUr. Aa Bm>w wbeBad
her heart. The vroU bom which aha
Be ws trowaiw a fcartaUy eem
hb flsb Uat her qasti ■ raealUd him
uhUsir.aadbalaBi ad. Prom that lata that avoll ws Urowa a Utga
omaat BggoM.-PrSeina.


A draw bals 'tOBtnIgbMa mortt.*
)aek to Ufi lb a osb sdby alta to
drtvlag meebUery ttotTtekoy-as
U^d. s airilgblme a bcattaWtoMR
■hMl aro Bead all oeor. a wss tos
paaerfel botgakw aiak.

. . rtagbama geos ansad kytoa



■ :.ts


emAHi) WATMtaMi etoima, my M. im.


to* O^ CTiV «•. ti- •rt*U*lTi

:W^DMOe.l*toidiV»*to • Mir TnwMMdIn aad a»n«
IWto^hf tott*f—l»oe««*»e*4-» tto., TM. *toed»tloc •■!

• MwaCMb
MtoakoMMtoMMlto htokakU.
totoWM » a* »to <■—autoir uk■■toDr. BallU>r^«a<« Md Uw toj,tim wm» .IlMrt to. U.wUI fa*
Actoatt ttaX^w.
nto «!■■ ko U* ■otic* ot to* Hu­ Beldaa. W. d. Metrtoa.
HaUe-r. O. Bnraaa. 'I
ai* iMMUi*k*rt»*Uc tokaa to
IL UanpbelL
tort*4«uM>toffaa*«M oltosto- W.OttorrauitUnwin
bj •
toUtokMforftaatorwhof*. Thtai*
■fartoUr M*toM to* to*, whtto toj«:
-UtoAU fa* aatoirf*!. M *ar Um




da;. Hap 11. l«u wbkto aantoia* l
terOtor'enpartfron tb* **l*et _
BUraadlblrtraanlb* daTarr conproBtee te eoaaralen with tba adaUa
•tea of GalHcrnia teto tb* aaka.

first Time Heri), The WorliTs Two Largest, Richest Shows (Initsd

4-PAW AND m.mThe Gnutest Eier!

•d.“H*rra** lor B

Ciiaiit im Buuen njiiit Dincl tiM SuptsinOj Spladii Wib^b it lid^o'siiun Cuda,Hei.Y«it.

al*o,M*xadteat woaaa. *r*d
rood eoek. waabar. Uoaot aad
. n.M
aad It allfronlba
id ebaraem. Par ] aratejZaT*
qaira at H Oliva atran.*'


“fcai circus. There is no question about that."- .

added. «id fresh from s,fgnp\ successes in New York, Brbokkn and fliiladclol ia

l>«fl»»J^ans- Hippodrom. ,

SHNSATtOKAt. X.XrU,,TArito m


iter tbMarar tote rar. tba pratt;
oUfararaorthasalraad; naarl; aft;
ra*d«Mderer; da; aaw face*
•cee wbteb are qalte apt to ba ton
r. «r MUalX to Ufa*. «*Ufa. faUl or
old frleada ot toe raort.
■ 4*Mtor.urtotoDOtnar*a*l]<rr "
■Mar tb* tetoat arriral* ara__
toaar of to* nun o( tote (UU.
■i*C of old
tartoar plaa* for to* gi
oeaNeUteaed oialt* Pre*le;. wbo
oto*r p*rpo**t toA* far Ito b*U-'
All the Treasure Features of the Show World Merfjed and Marsh.iietl
toe fiMte ot Hr aad Him. H.iai'.intic I
Mraiirie.i v Utlv
will fa* nil for •nfpfaodr to
Jotetrautee. Ifp^lbte.of to* BM at tbeir eoe; oottocc.
VucUc KrJrr.ts>n
r»o C
.......... ..1 „,,,„r-d l„- | L HUl.KV, Pf-iri An liniiiTiaf, In-'
■toad totetow.Mit wni h* *trl
' lb* poaarer tildlar* of
offices Madi-i
Ltw IS
btl-LS. w.'w.
\\ , \\ . COLE. General'
Mjiliaaa-Stiuure < Tilcii. New York.
farad to tote «wt «f to* *UU.
toaortbaThlrip^foarth Hlefa«a* >ol
wito frtead* of other laBBC
PM**r-lfeOar W*ddtoc.
Hn UIbbardMdeon ateo of CbkaA rarfaMW **ddto» took pUo*
roareepeodiar eoBe Ub* at Bdfe»«—■-}■ *i aoea »t to* boto* of toe
Gilt-edged iS-Karat. L’p-to-Datc.
A ReAl l-ive. Vital. Gtlt-edged
JOthCenturVCirrus' More wild a
^nraofto*fand*. Hr. *sd Hra J. bn* Md jote toe retaraa* ot toe idrll
ABOor la*t e*«plar« arrival*
more tents, more performers,
more feats and features, more lu-w ideas more inimals,*niorchorM-s. more.railroad«
W. PfWfar. tM W*fa*Ur iirat Th.
Mdafeeeral teriUUoo will fa* Hr*. Iterkn. . Hr*. q;8rtea Md Htea
innut.iiions anilTcVt-laiioas. 4iid n
prfMp*te<r*r*Ei*ur W. HoOap M axUadedloaU teldler* tetoteaectioa
processional rt.-sources than all other American -Shows comltincd
of fletroll. wbowlll *te; lor
Hte*WlMte pn*f*r. Boto *r* «r*ll wbo **>M Id toe »ar wlto Spate.
SOMK OF THE BIG CENTRE-SHOT NEW \ORK IirrS! Woo.Kvardi Seal ider of tor araaoa.
n«i Sea-Lioii.(>rchi'siri
kteon Md «*rr vopaiv to Tnrrr. Tb*r* ar* iudinUoa* toat tba tdn nap
I'he Marvcl•
ntts iHanlpns--C,S'mnasric
Comets! The Furiously Funi.y Sousa'Clown Harttp' (lormansll.
a». Md whD* to* SArTteir* »•<
leroic fhirty-l ive Horse.
Daatool H
be carrlad eataBeenalall; aad If It te
;hs f amous Dancing Elephants! The 1 )oul.le-Somersault
pt***Mt *wprt*. to to* frUDd. • f bei toteirlM be tbeterrmaDd BMtdtettei-init r •
ir; 8: lianwot ei« 8tete «tr*et.
Tremendous Marshalling of thi
to« wiU *u fa* rtod to «t rod toe ratebed patoeriapof aoMtera erer rttbhe Wonders of the Orient and the Occident i.fAi Rare an.l Costlv T inmf and AVild AnjPrid*r Boralaf ata:W o'clock rraived toe Foartb of Jal;. a ptetol
••^l* toe to**t *toe*r* co*rnUl*' •rad U«Mher te tote pait ot Hlehljrao. aftoraver; intefti lUaeu el eland loaded wito a Waok eartrldge briof
:hing Elef*ants-2oo Marvelous Animal A.iois lou-rnatioital C . rcss i»( Dinihle Somep- .
saint ijcafiing Experts—llh
tora. Tfa* e*rcBoer •»» parfan
I,rodtgious Museum. .Aviary ami .\<|uarium -1 Hrilliant C
9B*ral Wblu b*i laBora. Hr. ItanB ba*
explodrd rira to bte bod;.
Coiniian fs in Star Rings -300
J*henomenal .Mid-Air
^ «•*. WU.J K. Wriffat. M »—
and coaiacd to fate bad te tb*
r Boben* toaltw
ABrootoa widow be* *ucratell;
Utolrtftomrd to* bam pafa' >
Hippodrome, with all its Daring aiur Dibhiii;
itnied three daughter* mod oor eon
- to*«ltr0Bto*l>:40tnlBfarto**o
1 boroi^hbred I'lyera; a Classic Revival
Hr. Kara* fara* bora te Cilffoid. liBldc of a ;ear. Sbe te oow eoDlenip
ival of the Racesand Revels of Aucieiil Rume: Ejfa«nl> as when |uims (. a-sitr^RrJ^
«• totor nddtoc toar.
Co.. Hb. (K.-tobe<
Ab effort «UI be n*de to
at the.Head of His Legions: a Stupendous Mirror of Departed .-Vges All
laUDraterliar a BatriBoatei boreea
-All the Glinering Etiucsirian Stats
Iharraratee**otto* Bor*-Bwid eial White to ararpl m teriUUoo to
ba* rvaldr'd la tote p-ll; abo*t
Including iht; Autocratic Champions. William DeMott "Siic
Beporu have beea received at Duluth
ijHirt and Oscar Enw^nde
MiteMttollr pepetor uu*r to* lo- be praeaU Md to* popalar oSnr wh<t twaat; ;can. te well
f mt>enal f.
I no. the l.aurel-Crowncd
ned May IDavenpi.n.
)avenpi.n. Marietta Corriea and .Emma
: ckiicv Ridf. Pose. Pirouette and
MlfaA*tene(to*t'bora*. fateec Mer­ rseipped to* aoldtera ot HkblfM
Md.b**made a freat bm; wart b; rra*» "*ea tfa»‘ »*•» clinide olgraacSomersault Simultaneously
';a-j .1 hn e Separate Arenas An Imposing aud impressi:
it tnto*r Md drtnr et no*'
frUbd*. Deeeaaed Icnra a wife aa> bMper* allfbtod oa tbe field* te KolU,
of a^ f-arth's •
oacb'paBd *o iialekl;
iarest. Most Renowivcd
'IlfU dnd
Kcmarkable -llunian and .Animal .Arenic 1‘rodigies Sv-Oi ri Uxishly c.vpi'ndi-d
■* fan ban detof to* HtofalfM elrOB* rant Dol aol; to to* joaDfer thrae cblldreoi Hr* Ab; C. A;tewortb N. D. froB tbe Tortle BOMlaio re........... ..
Radiantly PerfcA-iing this Royally Resplendent
**H wito i. T. HMMhte traitor. U C. •oldler* bol to toe old eoldler* wbo of Bad Uaox. Pa.. Ward Berot-of riooResplendent Circi
Circus f'ederation for the Present four The A|«x.and Summit of
I caaeed-the
Arenic Possibilities and i‘
C.. Md *n*r to* netor **U0* h*
1*11; apprndate Ab« ditBc*Ul**
Cbknco Md ttelden W. Beroi o .. .
UfaB**e*ltla* ■* kratoer ea • toifr •qalpplsr a terra bed; of mao lor *et- It;. Otiiar rcteiivc* wbo earrific Mn baraiag ot Fred Foai d'u barn te Uar- Tbe ar«at BUdiMn Square Garden Programme to be Given Here Intact! S.g ai -\A, Ftwt or F.aln
■ will Im. Omill«4). The
faro- dUHtfarm.r Grand
j* bte brotorr. E. W. Bare* Md a'
•»a aarriee.
itentll*. two boraea. cow Md *cvU> pahJjc- view, frvr eu air t.. vv-rj, all liio fu-D8*tio<i*l. pi. tur.-wpi.'. hUlori.-al nii.l buiuiiIu..ii»
'*teter..HrAl.. A. BrvC- both ot tbte
Hie Tite^
oml bog* were cramaud.
■ Oeieaarp Ulnb * Ootug.
ProipiriV to
BuBl.A^ivg«ii..u. lijcreaeed in Everylblng except In the Price Of A,dmie«oa .
Wtoirl^ *<tr**t fm M artieli
I* Brnberaot tb* Oeloear; Clnb ItPboBbe cxaloded 'la differeat
The .^eaeral wa* bald at tb*
<!■■* Da*'* BmU* te ot *Metol •>«' an praparliir to ae)o; to* adtMtor** dracc baoda; aftorAocn al SAu,
of Bareelooa Thacila; BOralar.
■Unite: '
offerad fa; ibelr pratt; Md oOBfecta- CoebllD of toe Goi^reratteeal e.
d*oe. bat toi
.. ---------------------- ------oftlic W.irMV firraii.-et P.iwiM.-TAit.-.I Fxtiibiiifm
~B*e*ra erar proMiet pU****. It te fate dob beat* on toe abore ot Carp
il under till- gr.-alwl eprea.i of .-ei.vae . v.-r t-nvled «i, tl.te or any ..ll..-r c«,tii...„t - I-NUU)
ic teteoec. Theautbonof
Admieeiun5Uv.>uli.;.-]'iflr.-u mdrr dine, p rviite. Rrarrved om,jla-r«l *.;Kte. *111, ba.-k and t...i r-vue, ami will, .uagnili.-.-i.l
-to*ritAktia*to-teUefa Bora dnelr Lak* Md b; naxtnok tb* oatlr* cteb
toe oatrar**
,fvnlr-*nd At-ria' I>iH|ilaye aad m rt ami fiiiteh of llipikiilnnm- Ka.-.». .-ilni Two vonipleu* ••tlii1.iii.,u>i dailv-niln or ■
BirHfnettrafato. Bat 111* aot no;
oatdtted Id tot dab
under a'
AtCemdea.Budolpb Ke;ee;.e lad holuli-iy Waterproof Trtite. . Doc .pen
at ,i and 1 p. u,.-iVrfo.mau.'>-e at J aod 8. i>ay >n.l nigiit eiiowe .Aa. llj alik...
WIU Baud to* Bndcn
t ;rar* of afe. fell troB a 1^ of be;
lut r**r taBUInetC. H. I'erker aad W. J.
At toeB*ellBrof toe boardaot paV
I bnt ot Uobba are alAadp Ibere aad H. b. lie work* stetonteveraaiBC tbe eoolira ipoa tbe tiara of a olu-hfork. Tbe
Cteapball te alae oa toe rroaad aUenl fer toe eracUoo of the propoerd Uetea
ill Station A«. ntefor partirular* reganling ihe tiim-of d.-parinrr imd r-lnni .rf rs.-iiraion train,
■m anttoa* to* M^toat **ar ki
iactotoCteMU aad eomfan of lb* etreel brldfe wee awarded to O 8. tU;- lira la a critical ooeditioacr tefan to* asperto otaupln bapi* to
■f Peuake;. tv >t 5j;.is. Tbte The UatUe Crrak laniUrlBB aircad; would avoid tli.-.-rowd* at II..- ti. k.-l wng..,, «m U... ground, li.k. te niwl r.toTV.d wate , «i. U- olnain.d
i^BCBber*. Hrt. Catepbell will ro'
lanra lAtorUllr. n wba* railroad
■raliutelaur. The taBlIiea ot A. priralaclade* tbevrrcUOD of tkeewee to 17 braaebra. aad aug^r eilifa* of btreet, on the (fay of <-x1iibilion only.
fantoan te bj tar to* fant erar ka<
Jafaraaa.S. L. Ilea. O. K Carrar, batmeaU Md toe bridre proper. The Helraa. Hoot., are maltiof offer* to .si to tf!Srt\f:-'GrilrtW
I'-iuiiKm'iit ot any ehow in i|„. world, Seventy-Four DonWe-Siaod Car. l-ing r.vp,ir.
KellaffrtontabUahaaotoor there
aad H. B. Uatn will J.ila toe other*' lUarteof eaeb for tor approaebd
toe tetter part of toe teeek. All of tor 111 bedoaeb; toecit; oeder to* dl- Mdbewtllprababi;do*o. '
Toeabod'«ol toe Impact of tbe Alleber* will rrmate at the reew
BraiM lMal>7 <
reetteo of tbe board of pablU evorka.
■ to* iadairtet
M Betoor with tbe nartb'a ataoeUse toeladteereBatelerall the
be eoet of tbte porttee ot toe
dtepafate toddMt to to* aaara mate
pber*. wa* dtelteetl) fell at Big Bapprovemept will be abont tl.oqo.
tnBteMW*toM***al. toetarrat ot
Blln aw*;, aad at varioas
total coat ot the bridr*. tiwrafcr* wOl
to*a hartof baM-a*Ul*d naiadar far
bevritoteaverraBAlliamoCBt of the poiaU eoBc report* of * liBilar nature.
ItaTUPUuODapMr. TbeBaaboI Tbe taBUte* ot Atdenaeii OoA Md orlfteal edlmat*. Mr. Bsjden
AribarBoweo. tbe t-;e*r-oId cbild
Jfa«l**d«amt dlSedt W -horrote (Iralltek. will locate te teat* not far praenrt at toe Brattef teat alfbA and ofHr.MdHraJ.F. llowcD of Mea
ana trei tote aid*, aad bMbir ntea troB Ua . Oetonar; dab boaee Md
tooaarad toat ba woald beria pbte. Tean.. wa* blowo fraa * trria oo
tfaiatairhltetote amator faart«* *o ether (ABlltea will eeeo be located la worIcJattBci
toe I’eeaplraai* railroad amrVetry^.trahorantarvfaltoBarep* trill
me localit;. «Ueh te beeonter ba placnl opoB tb* rraead which will laafa atoliOB Md died of bte lejarira
popalar ralraal.
probablpbewlibloa vny few da;*. Utor.
pteia to hava toe bridre eoapletSeal BatJato,
dtepatob frOB Kiel aay* the tlerAntTAl* faoa OaraaBj.
odteiboat thin; dan1 crateer Urier ba* left Cariau,
Ttra farlpfal mu* faor* arrmd to to* Balteac. M Bltea fraa HmIU. Bai
ler bidder* Oo toe work weia Capl.
■Ur Ifaaradar trra Onaaar. Mlar da;. Ha; st. l*M
JeeBeaavBteofCbartevote and
Urral HrllAla la a drmoiitlintioo la beTx'aa.esrs, .
rad* toeaaUr* trip aloM. IVl
Tuthx BhtTOKorraK MoBxitn Bk
balf of tb* forciga ervditorabf that reMMMdtneWaaiar.aaad it an
oai>—Tbtetejtbedrvt chanee we bar
.Aidoxxesr UoffaTiei?n.
Don't BUI
■ted trUl rak« toatr boa* trUfa tbdr bad to let ;ea know where and bow
■MtoBaraM Brraa. Hr. Hraua
AtHIKord Joba niekerier of tbe
aad I bar* aot one-loarth apac* Tber^ara maa; b«;t la tbe eit; wbo
W> h*ve bargate* i* I’il.v Properly. Farm
■ake a refater pracltee of abooUar Fiearaat Valle; etock ftra. baa a
. trill rad toaa -to aaboal tor a !■•
to tell
tkrr. IPropen;. Timber Larxik.atid all kind*
bird*, wbo ara perfaaea ao
etroag Jer*c; cnlteac week old that te
para ate teM fa* vUI an toat to*r
Beraooal Hravert;, (itock* Uer>-biaefara bigb, Md It iaebra loeg fraa
faainra fa tote HMlla. We were OB tbe atoaBer froia toat ft tea poDlthable offcM
Mdtee. AIb'mI *i>;toiog ;oe
Ifabraar; S aeUI Harcb SJ. Ja; B •oar bl-di. To tooae who
Wha Hr. Bpraa rad»*d ward toat Praxn want to tba boapllal oa board
prodocUve eily Md
to* bar* war* aoaUc b* artaacad to ablp rehniar; lii crito t;pbold lerrr. will be uf iotoreet
Wedaeadar to eblldrea fn» ibr
terBpmpen;: we ...
nak* a trip te R*tr Tork to araat i
U* wa* atuirward Ukea with tb* law provide* te retard to toe kllllar of ate pablie tebool at Goldwator
*1*0 lo*0 ISOD- White talarraphiBftoroaCh. to* teat **a*lnMdwedldaot**e biB arate tlarter bird*. ttbaeraB»U toe ao- :at to toelf bomeajn differeat pari*
W«a*n Uaka oBa Haaapar Barr; iBUItoe:itoofHa;attoteplaoe. U« Uec of Ucpal; (teoje WaVdea Craw tb»t oftoeeUte.' Tbr Baaber exeead
eartola bop* have beea te toe habit' toat of aa; other da; ia toebtetotp
tew*lla>* aad read;
to rad* telto to* etoarahlp eenpaar dal,.
illlnp bird* Ifaai protected bp law aad ihoeebooL
b»ratoat'to*bor* rad* to* trip to
We left Haalte tor tb* treat on n Ihi-beaefllof-tbaae tbe followlar At BatUa Craek IJ*mI Park* ponrad
Ltetroorprepert; with Uie mea that do lh>
1to*«raatr*aMraloa*. Hr. lUrrr HiKbPtUiMd we hire eloO* tore xtrmet froB tb* rase law* *111
teorl. DO drooeaorotfnd our t-fli'ee; *lw*;i
gaaollBC oa toe wood te tbe cooi etove
teltoapauel to* atoaattolp lia* fa;
• tbraorbacooddeal-ot mareblor valaablr:
read; lorbiuteera; come io u« lor torgo'ia*.
Frida; aftoraoaa Md toacbed a wiateb
Aep prrwB wbo aball. at Mp time,
trhteh to* *or* eara tren Oarraap
flrbtiar- The finl bm ot
Oorpeople wool toaell Ifyoa bare mootoeenrieMd
wltoie Utte 8iate. kill Mp roWD.airblMd fa* at era wind to* apaat te Hew
e; loyteg idle we cm plare it for ;oa
toe gaeoUee cm exploded Tfar girl
Talk to look atur to* llul* t*1to«*. Uood Prtd*;. A BOBber of toe be;* lark. ***110%. ;e1low bird............... Ba; recover.
oo gilt edge aernrily. If ;oo need
k a work ot B*c- fa** a* tbe raaaoe tor fate lajar; tb* browB tbraaher. wrea. bi
'mooe; we eao gn it foe you: we '
3-;*ar-old child el Jopeph Sofftb of,
to aatlral; ■attefae- toet that tbe aaaber of bte r*a *n* aoodpaeker. bobjllnk o
will hel* yon oot oo aoytblng
Ba; Cit;. waa poaaead apon b; o,Kew-'
bird, or rob tb* bbU of
U«r aad Hr. Bpraa wat land to* extoot cao-be belpe.1 oat. We
foaadlMd dog with wbteb it *•* ploy•ball beralll
' '
para «d a trip to Haw York.
bave.oe pre<IJadice*:Bll
Aeraof. >ball bTfl^td lag. aad urribl; biltea oo ooe ot tbe
. rdolli
Beta bird ao killed, and
treated alike ood to*
A doctor wa* oalted Md aaolertecaeh
beat we koow
teaec hi* eontpMP- After wa bad thecocat; )»il for tea dape. or boto Uad toe woaod*.
captarad tote uwo be eaofbt a awotfine aad i
Bangled bod; of Boward H.
e; nblefa are all blrb1; price. Oarlaat cration
on of toe
Craig. aergoMt of tbe Bixtoaotb cobProraeu far Pratt.
batUa wa* oa Ha; a wbca are wen
l';8.volaoteer*igsa] corpa wa*
Stata M**ra lUB*.
VMHIabltMerap raport te r*cM tearter 8m HeGill lot Baliaar- W<
«* apptaa ladtealn that a lair n«p left tote to»a to ro After to* -nlnna8*riP*w coal dealer* b*v* fixed toe foaad OB toe raUroaA track Bear V.Ile;
at;. M. D. yraterday. Be wa* evl8wond Floor,
Traverao City. Mich.
to to itofat bt tbte Ura Tber* atbMHeUUIaodOonpavAwta to< arice of bard eaal^t K M
raranal iiBpiiteta fraa difterMi advaae* raard wbea we were antnab
Near Warraa. t. Uak***
■Wto ad tb* aUto in retard
iraod 8*tard*;. Tbe old IM; *tap.
ad at 7 o'doek te tbe Boralar. We all
loafbt hard eaUl to'clock la toe atterNBW BUUTE
Two a>tn ware killed te Coaaad Mr*. Uoearr. both aged fa. tb* reelogteal fratarra ot that locallly.
ptaj H toward the don -of toe
will celebrate tl>e*tepeto Moivaraai; Be totelcxearbooaleof iroooae of tbe
Blaerafreeeeree* ibat abeaid be wateb- WISOnSSlN A I'PKKfi PEN'lNilll,
leBoat aad foartonr woeadte.
of toelr Barrtege at Delta Hoed*;,
*A for b; coal dri’Ierw.
ee*epaa;tbe drat IteateaMt
Tbe Boat
■aD tote nor. Abont the ante
U*Be Wardee Horae •*;* tavorable t'pemr HcoL
>pxi*aU*werawoaaded. Ceap
Abb itebor KallrowdCompae;'
•a to bM te haan n lb* Hteb- A captarad tweat; arteoean bad rr . Alex. Bao. ( ytara eld, wbo te 4 loot reporu bava beao received of tbe iaiaebra tall aad weigh* 117 ppead*.
eraaaeof qaail. partridge. Md deer.
A 3-;aar-old daagbtor of rradAobteu.M.wae-and, w,.m,. -.4
eap.arad a larr* aoe. of Cooklte, Ottawa Oa.. pteyad aed wito toe petrol aow -lablteltod
tb* wardeo bopn to ba aWe tj aroUct ‘hr trip Irba Brwokfort
tokfort acrora Uxke ; I*'****
Wnw . _____ __ ______
aboato tab of water aaul aba tall te
,Bew Bigbt traio oa th* Abb/Ar
aM wa* drewaad.
HMtetea. Hr*.
■pnaUnaidfUtorataraaida of to
Will Batepattoffa a belt, fold watch
' to FrMkfarV
'rMktort, airiew Id' Fraok-'
wm n* ataw atab* a raab batter ahoirlB and tllrarcbate fraa ob* nf tte rap>a.a. aad toe ferry leave* ****
rrT— :
ara aad Ul*<teube al no u>!i>*ibrntf.
tfaM too** te tbe Utorter. TWa te
> aucsd toa
wbo wto kilted te lb* MfM- tofdaj
* aai of dtebm a
a. B
. Dr Um r -r. w
- toarfcad alBlterit; batirra tb* pn
LaalTaaMla; Boroug tor dteMa earae
Tbetbroagh da; Bate fraa Toledo :ST’.Lb“i‘S,'___
White aaek'tegrafaffa feoa
fara aad wraoa toe aorak tXm toa to Fraakfort earrira a free recliBlax
ebairoor, aad arrivra la Vr-ew™, ..

■ a ban at SbJoe. IH.. Quo Ftebar faBUyaraaa.
e:i0p B. Oae of toe C
aad Daa Wteogra. two terai
eo ntee h<M*«qd a
A rmi ago Gaorg* X Daria of Boatb ferric* leave* Fraakfort
-are kilted b; ligbtateg.
*<* all Watoblap for bOBc pap*
BavM. waat to toe Kieodifee. Taeada;
atbar ten Pabraar^ aadTcttora wbteb bavabentrapHAr
A two yearold eelt brioagteg to baretaraadboate. rwiaad. te baalto,
•las* weraa* bar*.' Will raeelvad
Fraok crawl of Oa»d«. bad a Uula wttoeralgbtgoae aad baartag bad
of toi* raate to
latter froB'Hr^H^ sad Fraaar b •■to a raUteBithe. Tbe aaake
aad with eal; a few aaggete of goto. toatfHMgtr f«i
raeetvnd a few lettoca. I have alee reBeraaftor be will aot ge.gald hMlteg,
two ot tb*B
bat raraate at baa*.
to Port SaelUat.
Advleaa bava baea rwfaved at BraI not raeaivM m; pa;
. Md Hi* X Laekaa* Btetoa.
toa.Texaa.of two lyacblagv te that
YWaaBdlUaaedaara te tk* ao*
aiaa* teavter Fort SaaUlar bnt axpoct doeerapoa ItaMkUted It.
write: "Oa* Hiaate Oragh Cera , ___
d BBkaowB aagra waa ateaag
aaMtin te. aoraarad wfto M n
a. te Jalp.
Taee-gaarwM ra of WUItea ITIura- wpbyOfaihvwirlete.fqr toa Bandar iiraydra'rtto wp "‘f.*C^^
■■■. to. te ra aMtnl aanaite* w.
POBUCATiaK ertrx or
*B ooafiail to qatrtan bow *rito
Mtaedra. OnebarT.M**.
tbaaarthn nMtin ar aad te uu
ka*B b*t bop* to r*t oat te a faw
ad ator; vriadow aad fractarad bte
■gni. wa* abet b; a arab for
pn W*areallb*pp;MdcnBtjBtod akalL Bte raoDvrr; tedoabtfal.
aa*aallibga BtoeBwa wnrata.
The radIUjfa.*t nto to tba raibera aadbop*,tobe*rfraB
litoMiitea*. to to* rami *omU*b yo*T*a**v*r..
Faraltora bapra at Oraad Raptea
•a. te tba MTiMra aoMtla Pt. and te
kvaaooaptodtbaaew aeate of prtora
■r for all
■oMUIann patolan. to lha
ra of good* aad ara berii
baylag fraaly., or beard of hia ateee Bataray. BW
bara tlM wrai
ea waailii te fa. to lb* M
Bu, Badtey. a pareataaaapoaadbawa. crapteg.abd _
te eara
■ n.'to (fa* aiwbara ra
of OrapM;'8. Thirtg-lrai bte fallow eaapBiaapiMid bawM at ■a.i^',
Dr. Fowlaria Hxtra-t eg'
la^dra bara Ha fara al Ura «** fa* fiaaaX WUdS






Cheap Round-Trip E.\cursions on all Lilies of Travel,

Traverse City, Wednesday, August 2,1899





1 iSi-’SeS


S rrjss-^u!tvt.x:Ti. -z:




----- -






k •UM^t «k« 4o ■«* w (Mr «m
IM..«llfeo«hthV*n**M( M tb.

noog tbc brawny, btuaxed. lanuied
oaag men twtay fctoring tbrir women
kiad and le&lag. for the UoaeaadU
etory cf that, famooe day.
vbo beUece Itet tbr tulrigh wsa
more of a rilppde tbaa a Bebirr when
I Ue pace for tbe cnaniryrUoce
nUa bay. "Ooght to liaw been
h." aaya grimy Joha Koihwidl.
r-» mate, -naif Ue time we
know thnt tbe b-illcrv wonUn't
band and aeod n» all m the rlnnde
to aadWaa a* Iba aalraraltT. Tbia
ae dmdbaad fra.
new foolv. Bnrrint her ho'lera.
Mkaataa Porte fclaaaiaewthare lot
that ibc niMlag lUk waa a weekay.
I aa good a eblp et tbera t» nflmt."
’ Adniltal Dewey-* qualllli-aikiDe
Tba edict prehlbiUac tba export of
latmaarAlUasec arrived at Be­ wltbMit cooslcaace on i
. Dapalf Oama Wardta Baaab of
(be part et tor tbe piveldency. the ullor'* rqiialon
Arabian boraaa fraw Tarbvp baa baaa attie Friday wernlsg trow
>»u eontebody oa board ‘'tbe ablpby Jemee Dnllna llr»»raaelBdad. bat m azporl dalp af (!«
-----------------------------------------------------------Ip- tiukera are dm iDfnqnenilj tbc gnllty
arcuon gnnacr. Iraolag lo negllm-nt
dteeocercd gold fielda of Oape BW-. parttea. With tbelr or olbcn* aid the
a tftaa tre« Ma •siao.'- oa
■ Cllttet The luoulli of a vts-Uicb
Colora were feaad aiwott rvrrpwbera Mowawap geti down Into tbe bold and
stept- K. BcrjWBhi Aadrewa of Ue
' ^Har ThalihanBaada'BaUat iba
drMuyer. are full of trine fetce.
ibroaghoat tbe’aeae. which te 3S wUca «“»* »
~™er te wbith lo acem
That nun." vav* Mr..Dalinn. ~H j:bieern pablic arhool*. baa bnd bit .lifr
■aaotbli aalaaraollwal ataa.
aq«are.aodaearipalla.aaablerraard blntecU »UI tbc re^ te al era. It.
t.i he heniperitr of tbe world, Tliere inaond fortlo.unofor'lbc benefit of a
PortUrtppfaia Jaaapb Plaalarbaa
ain't brrtMuf '
peaaido fondfoe-teaebera.
iwalad aad worbat a tara> ta La
Baodmbaf Bwaara drirtiar dowa
9taBfB towMhia. Oaaa aoaalj. aad
FaMUp fichslinhipt '
tba Yeboe. hnolBC that tba (lellad te differeel fraw Uat of Ue > akoo la
nicad tbal a^»m|>aiilm It. U beo
iwaph ViUarat Poinraa lowaaklp. la
«o<d for any or all membm of e‘
. hr'd '
at wUI brlac tbew that It te black, dae to Irae. U raet h to cooildrrvd what aa enormou
aleaa bahlad hla witk tba neori of
family itoaovroaeae of tbr KntiocM
tbe ela-Mteuil abaki
about «M to tbc oaoec. There waf a thing an AtUntic .U»«r to and how.
CIVge. t‘T F-fly ll.llara. Onlr on
raaliac aaa tarn far Iwaatp-ela peara.
knao ain't niu.-h In fate line. Ar. > Blit
will bergered aad tome for Jn<r
TheRlaadlka asbIbH at tba Park
be'a a Mllur If ecr there lir*jj one
Harahall paat-<a9a baa baaa darlf
lMoler..*rC. call T were '
BKpoalUna arst pear w’n< taelodc
.111.1 Im.w hr d»e lovr a flghi:
C B no Kvatv. Prop
f br the poaloBw.
....----------^ mni during
duringtbe raun*
«h< e 1« wall g.dng Into aelloa
eeaettbarlrfia grid, ralacd a
__,________ ____
of a yrar gel free petetge
Drink arala-ri
StialU of a rarp aliaaga rarirtp bare
od In ooe .ahip or nuoUierMaar order faada
lade tbelr appearaaea alOrgood. lad-___
PaUgkaMiaroaBUaaaaiD B-brlag
L tbongb a steamer Dwer
Mall oB-wa la aortbara Kieblgaa.
Tbata are oaly aaraa alallar eBatala Saa. daapita the Para raralaUaaa. aad aad it I* aaepaadt they were brongbt Vwrai' •n wlilauut a March b<liia
aooireaataiaeoDwreatofplafliw-'- sude t •ec that no nnauUortoed prrtba ami bardaare
They bara
board. Many
WUIIaBLaporta.aal^drlrar w^ rapldlp.
A aamber of ' te buoki-ra aad other aurfa
baacarrM Ua malla baiwara Daw•term bnee beea dmiraped of raurw- ^-fuUy condacti-d
wclU and
^lae aad Ownpolla ter tba peat alaa
.apperaeat aowkeep a riagof '*hur>-; but net a few manage to Mode g<d<l lart- .• riirn.-* a.......I ll. ,
paam.' baa trararyad that road Atl7
d.tevtluu. tod. of courcr. once away
*-t.old late auil ruffirs!- tf. ipoe-w j "W* maai. wav*e«oaie locv
mlt aroood thdr arella to prm
frvia land. Uitlc la feared from dlacov- Mr. TiTi-o.e Mundiy.Mri-man of Ibal®' iU—K Aol DyapMXi*
UMa aadrtraralad eter
u.™ Im. U..1,
raecptioaaad ballMlm bp Oca\3brre U
^la weald taka blai aroat^tba world
arewm! a-vvinai. “Why.
fo'e y.a. I"'‘''‘5”'
tertaa. aad eaadrtb oror. lie b at aral Uadlew la Baraaa waa atlaadcd trying teckterBlaate tbe aaalla aad Uni atpon* aowe aaliont ll U ibai a thr day that wo did
aaall beau lake elaacalgbtlp. oae per- wowawap U a lurkp paMrpgrr te
. paaraold.
fl.v-l hr walk.vl up ao-t Ihr (
ana eflee miehlag fcaw . iw to iw. . carry. &sk«l eocc wbp ll aaa aa uM hriilgv of the rilympte will, a gray
A tbrae-taotflarabaab alUcater-tbat;
Where tba aaalla crawl or ir tbe grata sail nDawered ibal'br oerer bran] of
auli-Ukr you're wearing ti.iw-aud
Tbr Kootaod bboe Keporiiug CimJ. P. Hiptai of Bardwcll. Kp..
OMortbabonofOaMpar* broarht;
thaylmcea phoapbaeaerat g'oe by a ship bring loat that bad a ab>aa«ay
pacy errdit J K. Lewie (c>. maker* id
tidtobe tbc owaer of iba Urr
wbleb tbrp can be traced
Whee aa board. Of cutirae. be bad aa In-Wemi-Ke.i.l«a." wlib *h pping more
IraaUao at Paca P-naa pirk at Adriaa.
feaod tbcpaprtaklemUOB tbem.wbleh •“««»'*! P"lel to ivUte. It waa to U>-' r'my'* guti> To ttilnk of him vliciig gi-od* direct lo rcia'Icr* than nor oiher
01.1- Uem
.t.__ _____________
__ .1. eiirrt Ihal a etowaaap waa dla<«iTcn*l ^11 thol bridge ano.klncrwllh oil.- l.-g Boetoo manufaclorer- lietapairal
•aatep. Darter tba aicbt ba took
almoat Inalaallp.
lo bldlDR on an bulgoliic rmael at
TbaeeacenUea'^tbe Y wag Pbep9tmmik leave aad tba para wUl aaaba
• avitig vver'ihr
over'll..- call, for all Ihr
the wmld
aad eaergy a
Uat IsotiirDI and ejected. Abakl
wn> ellMliclD Vile |>or. h .
Wbaa'aaalar lor Saadaraeboel piaahs pick BapUat-Ueloe of tbc United
F B Rarrlman, proprfetor of tbe
•be coy- Ji,„
lUH- at tioiui-. on a emijuo-r'v
Aiaim aad Cbaada. B la i«w1od >t
.«D1 tba rwaawar heap’
er la ilaallage that 6ral-appeared ager fill'd:
glad you're turn.-d cvruliik*. It wn. l.-autlfiil to m-.- him. Vapor' batb botur at IVUwker. died
Moaday ui- ruiegof neuralgia' of Ue
tbe naUcea. tbae mraad to Ue Uc
daba KaaMat. ac«d ?a yaarv waat to
Paaaengerc retoraing
------------ —.............— glvinc orilera hrrr and thrn-. inklig In •brarl. afMr only n few boors' illne»*.
Oadwtabar Dilarla'o aaHon at Aaa
rroB the Cebaa city ear too macb
*'*“•=** >
Tbe pn>ph-<> «-r.-r> ildiig u lih item- eyra of hi- tbal j
Aibaa. fclardar alrbb aad told hlw ba
waa a promioent and reapeeted citoldUemde UeaaiBg
Tbe craecl ^i-at neohi to lia* tiirough athi throogji yon j'“;n »nd high Maaoo
•MtIbathlaUiaabad eoM. aad ,that tbryptol l ycaro
tie. there,
tw. aad
awl that tbe
tb. An»er}mi^i^
ftnirrlr*. 1dr.
bawirbta*w«n (rt hto rwltii 'rtpdr ofbL Lcala. Ha
bkun. a'nin-teuii}. Mn- wy g.-ml,-.
Tbera bare beea alx dmthaProm loekter hlw. Be waat bwav. ayi
dolag a Uilag at oeee te pUpiag
men. vrlih flu- Imr-Irsi loir oct-r ae.-s
Baw dattep Ibr aifbl saffwad a alraha jiwlatba paat tea dtpi ia Heatoo.
icoc Witb tbeold istillallOBtof Ca>a ______________________
_______ _
a coiirnitliloo a
on lariirnr''ara,
up from a dteh
Tbc cietiwB were bora lejaradia lade- aader the Mmoteb reriaw. aad leel-'^p he rallod. Dora It arW
adaplptiKj. Ha war i
nf pruaift.-* ai.if .I.-n ml te-rf
peadeace dap aeeldaau.
bad Saadap woralar.
deaullp kiirriag op all tbe old yellow nottmi-eld at tbr hllie-rtbai tbr iin. (Iiat .tdinlnit IVw.-. lu... «
After belag Imt la tbe wild* of Brlt- few gem that have lata aadtetarbed tori anaic an-peer under tbr apn-tel looking at a man -.v. if fa,.
WUIa tba t paarwU
iirrMngm.wr .if you ilmii you avic
daba Maaaa at Blrab Raa. wa* alap-. M Cblswbte for cigbtrea daps aad lnlbreoi1«oicaVTbccooiBUInlfrcai firul.-.-Uoii of hravru. aad ibal It te aoniri
who bace brea there te, #4>*<4>lnc lo the prond-oee ihai
mffcrlag territrip. J. «lwardt from
vf''-te.,l|r'a W.-ekly.
lac la tba (raat yard a (arorioat
watrbvi o
UialAwrricseooatraetoTafaaTelerB op ...
New York dwia. raoebed Rowlasi
Uharlw ■
brtdra M ebala wbkb waa haldlec U t
THtet i« Iheiv III:
Tbellnereare erpeeUag war
u>n or T7 moiM coeanioaa. aoe
nruTi-rlilallv uin >«
aad attatbad tba ebitd, laartBr ear
Wfahh a «-ouiaii* lia> i~—u dual-1
abaab la a borrfbU wtaaer bad otbar OrealBHUin. aad iwler eara < .aak.-d
wM watllatlag bar-face. Tba d^ ecery aUcMlM waa te pat tbroagb a
war abet, aad tba doelora Iblak tba aecera drill wiU arwa -to rwiat aa
Ue wb* anrnl.
efxiuldai." ebe mM aerrrrly.
abOd wUl raaoaar.
was ad-ltvatliic-you. te^ilo-re n
TbteUlaca Mnbal at BartfMI ,
bimlM review of the vapeeme lent of
Ukbf Priton. wbleb atood
tblng a man ran .lo ftiai uuii
taorblac eat aa Idea tbto ptar Uat k oVtbe Imlof tbeweeb bernaae wbea Ue Ko'ghu of Haeeabeet. toHnblly ht** amine ootU ic<*nMy. to now la
albaaadtte two wape.
All trawm the bride appeared ready for the eere- opened thte moralag with ^nty-five the hnudi id wraekera M'llhla n few j
Hcnrirlia. > nn ki
whoatHha tewa are arrtaird aad pat Bioaptbeg'-eewobjeelied lo her lew
ipemeeting weeks .(be brlrfca and timlwr wbleb I nutu ran luaosge for f>; or
Mweriielaar.actbaatrnate of warda. eadtadgovB.
Tbc riitnpoae ll wUI be ecattervd. Tbe] bat fit l« wear on any '*<•
Bp tba tlwa the atraaU hare baea
There ware Ml Item Imt r^llaot reporlitlD I' Barker nbovra a net In- prison wa* brongbl to Chicago from
uee -Wrv Rrswm'
tofaodebapatbawwdwm bare b
tebw Indapeodeeoe dap cslebraUoa. creaee to wem »r«hip du'iiig tbe blen- Hlchmond. Ta.. In 1891. but u
edreuugc whatv-rv-r.'aeweotlbcardled JalptiOlbera frew nial pra.od ol tJ.tai. Tbe Inereaat of. nrom of *»r telle* li hai n.w i
10 the entire order. -Web]
It wa* orlgtoally bollt la
Injarlmreceived ibee. teoekjtw'muad tbe dmtbofU
lacladmribeaapreme Unl. grmt m.e 1 >«'•
‘»Imr^ trade In SIcbmnod. It flood oe
Thecolmen Papomtepeti baa bera and ladiea organiintion. dnrieg Ue I
L L. RoUiaaer Haa^ la 74 paaca
TwenUrlb airaei. between Carp atreet
I. Mall pbpaloallpaU dart aot ap- Bold te aa Awereaa tpadlcale for «:><»,• cealAI period waa H.itea I'he membe I nad the dock. Inisni tbe Confederate
000 by Oee. Owptr aanebter^ who bat of the aaoreme teat at' the prtaei ^ gorernnieui actxed It tumii
wiBMUwaalBbardepwit Is the vel- time to I»ii.t3i. tlereral racpoiinepd
Uhby. without coo
cere made, one being Ue ap-.]t
for twtp-flrc pmra.
uacd during the war aa a prleos,
poistment of b board of aaprewe medr i fm
cal exunloon Inatead of one aa-pret- —
. AS many a* 1.200 nfflnat-Sta Fraaeten oa board thetraaf|
grading fVoin lleiilniaat to brigadlrrNewp rt aad Okie, rhop are ao<
TbedmU rateof Uepavt term haa geocral. Were at one Ume ruafin.-d
Tbe tronptam thcArat te
baea alx per Uonaaod. Baport* abow ^ within Ita walla. Tea feet by two
do one dmU ,
the apace allowed lo ench Atbetet mtx Priea bat abbekfd f
‘ Tiir prinioera alepT on (be bare
B.B.WbaalwotPori Barea, baa
only iqe Uttered blanket apiece
ploaonband of>4iO.‘u}S. Tba an
peabatbeebwUebwateanrlad tbro^
to rarer them. Tbe floor* were waabuatkfeipaldfS.Tdi.Mo iaUfebi
nftnriioon. «e that tbey were
. thraa wara. It-waa orl^aallp tba
for Uo pan two paon.
j always damp when tbe n
pnpM el Mr. Wbaaler’a great graad0
Tbe aurrail.* of pr1»ne
telM^wbetengbtaadar Waablagtee
Ctept. Willtew U.
earrlad tba
eurted ter AUaaUe Otp ea Jane 1« to
K ewerteoep food to a cm-' ,
tbroBcb tba rarelatloearp war. ChtHaa
theoeeuie a awtil boat, baa
sf of tbe prterm. form oi
WbaMat carried it all thraagh tbedrilptekadnpatam by the Britteb
war aad Otewaat. Wbaalaf. et Pert
8b waa la aa ai- anMRutaafi'ilaalto
Boaa. earrled It thraagb tba Cabaa' bamtedasd drlrrloaaeaadlUaa.
ibera who have bren^ 1»

Clearing Sale.

Pbria mpaalUea AprU I. laon.
aatp-aaraa waaef tba fte lalhaBaatwl. 8. D . AiehU & I
ter Quaetrs IfagaMaa Tmt I ceaTmi
bT.atatioaadatSaaUaca.diadar pHar. part owner od awall teat abow
that wbea ea eat voyage we tenad
arrmMdeaa ebarge of w
. .VmM ■
’' Be fevrer tbaa 14 o
■oaawaat ia aa tkrt to balld
for kUUat a ••wMarlUk,’ wbUh w
wofM •a*. • Paw Paw
wlfcUlablpbwap IM (rat wide (be aatln
ikU iww alwM T4 orar aa< ■
Iwwtb of tba atata or CDaaaetlea I
Tbetetowwaa white etnaggllag
tbe'm^iirnf aa
rilapaMaaenaMi witlitke
thrirmkheeaweaagry aad eirwdr
to whom tbe
IM aa« mftoUac iri tba crop,
aa tbe bmd with a dab
Tbe freak wowaway U a perpetoal Mluarv.
■aphaal «a) Valte amrad pi Aaa
dUd la a few boara.
It had abowa Tbongb tba atjlcteet watch U fccik
. ArtarHaMaptMlIaaJaaBda Pano
Blao tar I» parpoaa or Ub I PC a aaarae

^ Although^we bare done a tremendoua
business tbls ssason. we find, owing part­
ly^ to heavy purebases as well as eold
weather that Ws are overstocked in some
of our departments of summer goods,
tience an unparalelled Midsummer Clear­
ing Sale, where goods regardless of value
wiill>esold at pricest<i^ose them out at
^ ‘
We quote you only a tew of our few
Bargains Pay us a visit and be convinced.

Silk Cepartmeat


r^. !s?s:s•'is.'rsi'-ix'r'is





■Wash 4oods Department.
We h«Te placed on ■aie in tbi* deputi
excelled .bat paiDB of aeaeoDAble goodR

... '

l<.l l'u,4. in c bite
lot Hwise'UaTut worth l.Sc, to close..'............
I'll' Point d.- Praniw onuodtiH worth lajc.
1..I j-NTtl wid.' Pencil.* *rorth jSc. torluse..................................
lot ynrdjwide Pcroal.- worth lO.-, lo close..... ..4^....

Shoe Department.
I«iliee' Ppniinia lacf> ahnc

i.Hdi.-*' Lv>u.'"i> Udnh.M-,w.

king htolVrif



l.ndieH'll^nu'ola lavJahneb worth $1
Ditci^oU la<^- xl



Ladies and Gent’s Fumi’gDept.


smw Hiti ■■ ■■ ■' ”

imuuv- euiiiii.r-i
.»m.„T .v>-f;sw>-ar«,r ui..............
.1........... ........................ MO ud .dc
I.Bc)iHs' Shirt WniiiU worth "in-, lo
Le-lira Shirt Wbiet* worU. 8!k . to ,
l.nili<-t>' Sliirl WaUU wort). SI
$1 (10. lo
t< cinee................
Shirt WeieU wort). ILfA)
.fA) and 9f.OO,
00. to .'lose.Me
■rnl liXs
111 .M.-ite*. Iridiici'. .Misses and Ohildrens’
-, ({Odd vail
10 and 15c. in close At................

Efc::::::::::::: .S

frhfc Boston Store,



atichlarer, et Haa eoalribulor* for five pear*and upward*
ot«M.0M8alar- te relieve
ieve tbcmfrvja
daywocBiaglaabeUllBParte where
aaprewe ^Ire of
be waa flopping He left tbe aoney
aader htepliinc while be went Inty tba
adpou Ug rorm which waa oecapM by
btewite. When ha twtaraed the naaep
•wtegteilaekpaM ‘Ibeealydiagti
amiaetinglo S:m,700 were
asten baa aettthd down aa p Korte ba felt la tbal it wigbt aaddaalp rtaa
•Me Bate aadir a boat, mprlx* tba wagUn aqalre md aportew^ aad te paid and aloe dtoabilltpelalnuamMstwbwewb-rof tbe grmt laadewa- loglotl.oou DnringUemme period
aaeapaata a»d pMlblp’km aoe
memtwn were InltUted la
IhewwHhltcuiilBita eCxt W
nv bice aad a.
HlUlgan bice.
Tkrra baa baca a wblrl'of onitawcet
The tadibb lAta am awpaai
baaa aaaa aavrral tiwe* tbta aaa
■aappaaia te ba abeal I* feet loag aad
aaa propel Itaair tbieagb the water
UbebaarrM. Thai far rarp tew bare
baaa aMc to get a elma dew el It.

It waa b<d'p brekaa ap bp
iba Lake libove ptwnngrr traia fraw
w^am rUbw er«r H aad data te Uaa- Baek B dge loToMnatraeli a twelve
tnaulm wer • wade alwnal IwpowMe. pear old giri. tiirowlar bw to feet iato
■owe rttpU l.wlrt that tbr bran arc tbe air. Tbe irala w** roatlag lo
tbaaaofBHfB.Bacba yoaag we
Witte aa boor, bat tbe r=-l wai aeiapa-ea. Hevdrmt waa b •-r lora. Her'
awe te I) lia Anery. a-d abe Urea
MpMageaed wa* tbeagbt at^tbc
. Mae te bare bem wardered. . Otben
ear B-«k Bidre.
i^tbaabcIrtmJa ibatelaawa Ic
Harr K< a (vr. ir, • r>r ■ d, of BoAlr.
, agabw.
BoaUaa. waa wawlmuki..- at baauaBMblad Paeite. a tarwcf amr giaadWb.Mliada-9ralo heap away motfalMa.aadtbc Warn apraad to: il>
bwa. wbteb waa toullp dmtropad. t»fctbrr with tba baraw iaaidc It. Aaatharaevarvmm eraaiwllar aniarc Uat
waMtw* 'lMaaaa.wbcreawv< •

hMUagareaad lopol oalUr era be
falldrwsae gbtef kuira and br.dia
; hk wrtab
Tba tea drparia -at pat
•etlba Arc belera tba bara waa hara«d..bat they alaa pat oat tba awadgv.
wrtM tba abUkea Ilea are atill dpiiw

kat Beach, wbm brr poaager'teat'r
beyond brr depth aad waa area,
toalak. Harpaaieklp wmttotbeimeae.aad with dlBeallp breaght bar eteter IB cleea to tbe ebom. Tbra Bary
tell ex bae*l d ia tbe water, and waa
dmd when awUtaace arrived.

Ibrnngb a long tnnnel dog
walh la one' of tbe moat daring nod
tebutioual. Btreigbt and bis fi-IIow*
dug tbe tunoid with only n couple At
old rabekolrc* fry tools nod a ^Itloeo
la itkicb to carry tbe dirt a.
was ebarged at one tltne that
els bnd mined tbe prison and were
ratdy to blow It up wltBill.lto pHaonera rather Uan allow tbeei'to
The bringing of.LIbhy rrisoB fo <
cage rccallt the nffi-r once made hr
UU r.- T. Baraum k> buy ib^espeara’a bonne on Siratford-cm-Amn
nud bring It lo Araerien as an adjunct
to "ihe great and only sho
Tbe passing of I.thby
mores our of (be snddratiatilnurk* of
(be war. arid will ItHp to anften
UegumUofDr. U. M. Parkborst
of' the Wtler metnorir* whir* still
Lake Blog IIL. ter tbe Best Ua days.
ding raund lu luutereo walte—CbleaTbe mectiog te planaad to bring tbc
go TrUinne.

logeUrr for costrrecce npou weibdds
aod Uc awifimt poaaible aolntion of
Uemlooo problem. Papers
girea by Ue
boon Ue oriociplm aad wetbuda of tbe
league Sept J. F. Braat of Laasing.
e apending some Uwc la
tbe cily. racelved yaalerday a Ulegram
aayingUatbte twacr had baea girra
booorary plane on Ue proiraa f. r
is Boraixg. and be left os the C. A
B last night te te praaenl at Ue
ennfereaee. At an mecatice weetirg
ofUe local board it waa decided'lo
hold anoUer aall-mloM league 8bbi

Tba Awertma Bible aoelety hm re­
ceived a report frew Bee. Mr. lawtate,
ha ageel la Japaa. la whM he qeote*
aiiaeat Japaaier aa myiag that
IbeqemtlOBef aeadiag ewigiaata to
Tbe Uildraeof Joaeph diedw of Beee Ptallieptae
Bd street are eaj iplag a new play,
lered. iM If ealyamitable oeaaiag
oumaudeotlogiasl eloeelp raaemfeaad tM fertbeUborlag eUaaea.
will be ready bllogUeboww occipied by oer aseatera. It te Uout UlO feel and tet
bark roof wb'«b makn* Ue ewbeure
A Belbmrar 1 At^lw) lady, wbeae
all Ue more earioss aad nwltotie.
baabaad i^-tife Liepcl- trade, kwt a'
g>dd DBgget brooch tbe other dap whHa
OsafbseaVmaette Cared
oaber wheel.
A At
KUdaboUd-keepw got a pnewm
hte lire tbe a*wv dap. aad took the MepeU to the ebap of tba haabaad afore- SvMaraiMTsW wms >ai* lubv u lanawvs
_!• t. yve kaivarswbllagaeaMer ImpertM Sear-.
mU. wUli aba ruaalt that tbe Wlfeu lae. *aS cave 11 l> vsIImO vbM. OrolImtbrooeh waa aatrlealad tea

Tbe peer aewwlaalea at AJrdtii bad
bmlttrawawoBaewbomU ahe did
■et leal Ilka artilwr far carp warh tai
the - war of paUI
weald likaalewan
- amt te bar
: taiwa. Tkm^aai
Mtewa: A lead or weed, aaek of 8 wr.
am kronw. iwn peaada of balW. two
paaada oT lard. aeap. firv ^wadawf
fCMalalad eagar. aaa beuia caallU.
' mo deaaa acn. tam aeaada teewa
. eagar. two pe^aeoBm. oae paektea I
^ 8|awi.|Jy Mi. two peoaba alataaoi


Ue solid gold I

Wv MO givv Ouv ■ see re* DsUai* Isr auf

tekeauiMud «,s=!Tiars2tirjsi't:*x

prersllx la the Mluleh prnrinee. rays
the Cplro Oeirtlc, IVbenerer a pigrolt Iroiia.- |. t.. he tbe fenabeen
rooahler that tlw pteiety oaed fn lU
te- beked by the

y prvIlmiRsry

f lu censrrve-

Id wn* first eaughl. and to epite of
•truggl.-a. ea* pnt Into an eern
I buroed BllTc. wbtle tbe pottny
• Iwkrd with tbe aid of tbti human
■cauM. Two mea ese of them a
putter fay trade, bace been aireeled OB
ens|il'-WiB of baring taken part In (kto

teulto of
kldrAping of tte Clark cbild. wbteb
psrvsis dta-usKd frvQuenUy at n
llmr. Ibongbtlest et tte trv
lerrst of thrir T-yrar-old
Ismlly I* at it* eouniry bow...___
Ur apead* macb of bis Urns (eedlag tte
n*b la Uv pond wbleb to U b ebaltersd
cook on tte pteee. Tbe other day be
was teiidinc ortr tte wtler waUbhw
semr gelMsb valtag bread eramU
eber. hv saw u the welrr U* exaggecSled ibadoe of a rougbly drsWifi
teaireier wbe bad ceno* uto lbs plsoe
to gvt a drink of vratvr. Turalaw he


$ 5.65
$ 7.65


These comprise our Entire Summer Lines of goods that sold at from $5 00 to ^
$15.00 and Upwards.

Positively from 25 to 50 Per Cent. SaTM on ibOTO. =

FyevBU In our HST OAF, ’ '
SHI&T and PAN! Departments.
, YOUTHS' SUITS that sold from $3 50 to $15.00 put in lots toolose at l|8.88, ^
$3.38.$6.65. $7,66 ani $10,66.




CHILDBEirS DEPARTMEfMT contains handsome goods in Braid lUinmed ^
Suits with vests. Prices from $1 to $3 for goods that sold at $1.60 to $5.
Early buyers have a decided advantage—oopie at your first opportmiity. It
will be easy to show you what we are doing at this sale- Hothing convinces one ^
lik^ seeing tor-himself

^Hamilton Clothing Co. I

206 Front St., Traverse City, Mich.

nMM.nkammmaMkmt mjf_ xlihi.
Hofiter bia %ni bjJii ,rii«h
lllmaa Oatdlali aad 43tapbtba Valor
Mr. aad Mra. A. W. lAttof tfatolagtoaawoalkaea ratartod Ibam A VWl
■obart Oaaa. tormarly ef tkk «Hy.
at BOW u bMtaaaa to-Ooaaaaat. Ohio.
Dr. 3. C. OaaBllat g< BIk Bapjitl. wm
tattoaUrBaadayoB hk wop
ia tto city yoetarday. ,
bar Spriagr. wtoao oa Boaday
Mka Hatol O.bta af HayBald. Ml
rtora took plaea to wbleb Mr. Oai
toarad wlhagraemaad Hia. B M. ^twlttfrlrafc.
Bka. a mOliaar wbo tonaarly ooi
bakaaaa oa Itoath nabm a
•r w.j j—immr.
tkabrtda. BoU an wtol h
Mr. aad His. WOlka 1
barw Thay will taka a waddtog Wtp
aatarday foratrip to tk
tottoBopaadetkarpoUta la aar)
Mkktoaa aad rolara ahor-lrt«'
am Ifoaa aad Bacde AlU Blatoaraaain<irH by
barg arrirad boma yaatantay aftar
thaatawmef Ik* imMAt T>a4«
after rklUag with raUUrto to C
^tkummrm UwUl 4«>bU«M ^
MPMi !• taka ««M» !• tk* wy X
MkaBdytbOrret Oraad
to Mrrtoca oa daly
■< of Bred
rklUag Oaa HeOoy of Biate a
DarldBoa aad Mka AdH.ida
Hro. B. & Baraettof Lake
Uray. Is Bealoe Harbor, kr. aad Mra.
ittodlyyeelerday to ma
•rill nakr U.«-lr bom •eomtog from abroad.
nuotoo. wbera Hr. Da*« Ians hat
T. W. Preaioa. a draggkt. who regm HcOolI haa arf«K^ .fadmiaa for leoattd for aerarml year* TnabrUak oaatly loatsd to Elk Baaidt. w
tba daogbwr of Mr. ard Mra. A. P.
tto city oa baatoaaa ysterday.
Mbaravkara ba«aa Gray of Ito Paatoaok. arnl baa maay
p«toB formerly aoadactad a ba
frteada to Ito ngtoa. a* bw
at Hill oraek.
DartdaoB. wboaa tormar U m
Ctoa. Boaeotbal of tto Beatoa Store,
lalaad aad wboaa broOwr ai
bat rataraed from a trip to Jadado.
f alchti wUb Mta. Me- lira to tbk olty. Tba Il•>tl4> Jrtoa
a 1. Orkay. dty editor of tto Haakottor
<Mlaadtk«y aaaad aaah Bfxlay la
tea Kewt.eama'oa wllb tba Calla la
^aWraataad baaltkfal anrdta botk
tto c^adty of oSdal aoeror.
WUUam Daatola of tfak^ty aad Hto
rkoo aod bride
Btbsl Bektll of Uraat towaablp wrra Taradayareaiog from Oraad Bspida.
Barrtodallkarakdaaeaoftba brldab wbera ttoy were married a wyeb ago
Jely IS. by Jaatlea Daell. yaatertoy.
tarUataflraad eoaaaeUBf wHi
tarn k rrall kaowa Id tbk
W. A.laafaeariMt. »atai^7«B>>T
city aad tba brtda k ooi of Um
iBtbcLewklMtluia.Ohleago, aad C
MMrtfayatkaralatba (raad<«ai
popolar yoaafladka to Uiaat
Blair of Oraad Bafddi ara oe
MBtot «U* k AacMtarlalte of
•Uptog trip ap the Boardmao. tto Bwmta
of V. E. Maaiagaa
Tbaodoro Praeeia
Oraad BapMa
aad Mka Loellyo Batbarierd
Anar roanaaa T<
.plda rrare rroaally oiarriad at tba krkitlag with WUliam Baltaar aad
;Wall»OowBar.a«o»ll» *«4 «"■
family. .
oeof P. W. Baatarla Uueor.
Daanar, raaidlj* «■ «kr aamar of
Him Allaa Gmdricb of Bt. t.eak. Me.,
oarmaa k wall baowa aad popolar
•taalaadSaraaaaMakk baa at laat
k rklUag wUbbergTaadmolber. Mrs
to UoBor aad tba farlda waa formerly
baaahaaa4e(all«<aartaaa yaa^aabtaaldaat of tkk oUy.balo* rrall kaowa. B. Ooodrieb ofJClmweod araeoA
roartaaa ytan ayo
baa rataraed from i
MDaeanbarbaWt hOM
A aary proUy rraddtog took plaea trip to Detroit aad tbroagb the aoath
aaoa^' lalaatiea of raM
yaalorday autratog atsm Waat Haraetb era part of tfar ataw.

Chrlataxa UaM. bat wbaa
atTMtwbea Mim las Wol'al.aad fl.
Uto May Ptar). who baa booa atody
Wtaatoo ware ooitod to
tog moaie la Battle Creek <ot tto paat
ante h«Ba to worry ahoat bla. Hla- Bar. W. K. Wrigfal. Him Leaa Woltel
year, k apeadlag Ito aommer with her
aOyfOalylarwaaaa^ladaad whai aad Hr. Areblc MoPhall «
paraeta. Hr. aod Mra. B. T. Hrarl.
ayaarbadreOadbyaV kepaa et ara aauto tba bidde aad gi
E. Lyoabaagoae to Me-ab-ta-wakto
biw wala kad raalabad. *
prettily trimmed
latMrhaabMaraariradby tka family paaaaad raaaa aad tba diatog tablea
lags. Mra. l>alersoB. BIc]
»am Mta. C. H. OraK. of »• rint ware ako riebly daSoralad. Maay
Prtetaoa. Mra Ororge BRhoop, sad LeAaaaaa. Dalath. aaytnf lhatfWallar
aad ooaUy gifta
UUa Seboop, of Cbkago. will rkit Mra.
Mathmbo-aaaryilL YaalanUj a aiovtd oa Ito baapy eoepla be admirtteboop'a paraoU. Hr. aad
Mwiaawaaraartrad aarlar tkat ba tog trirada aad rrtotiraa.
Krtbbaa at Nortbi
«M battar bat aalata ba Imprvraa
Aflaraeamplamm waddJag dtoaar
tbeeoaalakftforatripleUraad Bap^Matly tka yaraau wUl Uara
Mra. A. W.
r. Feci left yaatarday ter
IMatbte aaa hlak Dativ kla i
Ida. Chicago aod MUwbokao. They Fetoakay aad Bay View. wbe.
- «via«aarcmadlkaaoaaW7 baaafi
'Ul rotore a wMk from tlatarday aad wUl epeod Ike Beat tear waeka.
to tto iwalar iumj aad aarrad alaa mi make thkelty ttolr borne
aklrr. Mka Tyler, will rkit at Haatoo
yBiB.a(l««rbkbba(oeal*adaa boa(K.l ti...a

Ball Beaaoa Opned-

"nTMlmUM b V» «• r*«rt 1

. k to
tba Brat raga tor gaaae of »
pot op by tba Haa'Uara did act appeal
Cordet aad two dao^leia of
auwBgly to tba aetbaatoam of tba Joeal
aad fur Ito Bret time to the
Hr. aad Mra. .A'red Hoeor aad aoo.
oiy et the aatboatoaU of tto olty Haatka heaay aarkat bara.
ktaab aggrogaUoe afaat oat tba bosa Harry, of Oraad Bapida.ara to tbe city,
bnya haarfly aU ora tbaJIallad Stalaa.
tbe gaeau ol Mr. aad Mra. W. J. Far■a 4batiaaUri>laaaadwltbU
Yaalentoy'a fUao riaa a watortoo for
yaatobaa.aad aaya ao pUea
ta-Heallars aad l^y want go;
walbam Ckllferala la battar
defeat brCorc tto ColU by'rear
to tkk yredtobta balama tkaa Oiaad
aa aaeaclate adllor of tbe Weatora Blae
weak plaoaa la tto team wbieh
Oraat qaaaUUaa of boa
agCT Keboc will bara roaadtod :
toa Hto by tka torya babartaa of t
Hr. aad Mra. lasae FeBalagtoo aad
toaaliy toaahtoftkaawoat araaka
daogbter. Bttol. of ladtoaa^la. taito ColU sriM tba game yaaleriUy
Maktaa aad aaaaa timl ara. aold
toraad to ttolr bomr Friday after
by areoreof IS to 0. The rkli
fitotolm. BaatolabdUartkaB n«
riaiUdg mib E.-r- J. Feealagi
ap a alroag. alcady game aod <
Htba hahad yeoda ac« kapi a»Mar
family of tbU elty.
rtoelMa; wbkb to Bot auaage, oa they
ariththahoaay. Tba mltkwaad aoaay
bara pkyed si gamea tbaa far Ihia aaato ««a^y aalMUa tor tbb
aoaaad ItoUaattora bare aol eraa bed
Hr. HaBar atoi ae«ead ■parially
.loos, left Friday morolag I
prpettoe aaa tall leoBL Its
Mra Joarpk F.dil of Ofciliekrllle baa
toa biallinma rad raapharry boaay
ed tbal Wbeeler, formerly
Mtotora. Baaayitha aataral ftora
Me to Ml. Ctomaaa aad lletrait rkiv
aad Ito toot amalror tfalrd baaetothtapartof Hlahlcaa la tka
tpg frlMda.
Btoa to tto aUto. woald joto tto taaai.
' ■bMdiataadtkadaaattertkaprodaewtedly bdkaaable
Hnafhaaayot aay loallty ba baa
UeCall. who era. aagagrd’
reaka to tbk elty. retaraad le.Jolle
■ laaaiaa. atootailed
II. Batardar morelag.
tarlkr: tbarefore tto Boatlera vara
patapto aoaypoad banal,
Haatoy E Newberry, fermerly
M to go Hto Itoir IfBt game to
w of Urkad
itoa detoitor amatp4«a a
oak opadltloa. Tbk will be
Bapidi. baa beea rtalltog 'old trleada
a, bowenr.toraral aaw
Howard Wbitlrg'lsft Taasdsy for
mwlllba eilad oat
Detroit, where to will gUaad tto horaa
•tou K. O. T. H. BtaoUoa.
raam to be told tkere tkk week.
forXtoee yaalcrday re
rtotBai«a.J^ ».-Tha Bcht for
Chaa. U. Paleraoo aad family to<
troai Bd. BIbert of Hagiaaw. a <
Bay aod Omaaa ter
of Ika
kaowa aaeead baae player, aaaoaai
Major Hoyi
week a eatlag.
that to. woald ba bare for today'a
Hto Ubbto Ktbrwaekar of Marios.
Tlbald. aaw with
.IJ. I. rlaitlogtor molboT. Mra. U
pae WUl Ako pnbablr
Mteaeua, of Wmt Ikrasik alraet.
joto tM team la a taw dayr aa Hr,
Mrs £. J. Hammoad aad dugkter
toa wired bln. to eoBWOO. With
Bralya. rreatie Old' Hmakra Wedeeattaaaa addi
Major Bf^toa
dayjjr/i two weal^
wall fortlOad aad able to pat ep a good
wUl hMaftar bo chainaaa of tba
artlela of balU
Hrt. Uao. Bali of Oraad Bbpida. for■Htoa oa appoak oo tba tord of
mrJy of tbk city, k rklUag ' Mrs.
MMtim.wttb tka titla of paat
M hall elrclia. k to I
Caaa. Baelor of Laka Atoaator. Tbla. ttlatkaaykl. wO]
dtyrkltlBgWallerOreUkk.aad yaaMtotoicb powartotkamaaay.
Joba Uatato of Cbarlerala k rialUag
Wlayto eooaaatad to All oo
k graadmotbar. Hr*. M. F. Boraa.
. adtka aBoka o« tka arpaalMk
la right Add. Aad to did rery
Mra. Gm. Peek ft Kaaaoa waa to Urn
IbaamjarweoU ratkar kara baaa
Mra. U. O. Pa
fwotwtad to bk old oBaa aad ba
Bogaraot csosth Harea., raotber aad
iltowUbdrawBptatbattM tka
akteref Mra. W. Carey Hall, arrirad
tmtoa WM Mllad lo ordm.'
Tka debt ma tba aMUMtUr la dha
Taaaday and wUI aaeadatew weaka
With Mra. Hall.
aftbaardv. Tba dlC«
Or.IL e Crsaeof leva HoaBtalit, k
rlalUag trleada to tto city.
af po)ky aatatml iato tka dkpai
BarkMawfllpotacoed Mlary la I
reealCiddat Uaaway k la
toWpMlItBi. bat It k Bot Aaad yrt.
tto city tto gaeat of tto family of
-MfM toa baaa groat raeerd katpar of
Hawioe Fraekito.
Oorabf Lafayette.
■ Ito drdar la Bow York for arraral
.aadMieaUraealtonah of Big Baplda.
pnra' Ba wfll roaera to
Dr laaaam K. Mom of Ikn Ha.
gaaala of ttolr eooato. Mra T.
aaoUfrIaad'W Hajar Boyatoa, raa
laalaBla* lapramt madkal'raaaiiaar
tgaaetoafattatt. It'waa Umwbt
toMto araaU tall wllb ika major.
■kftralwaaDr. OaWolf of ItoiaylU F. Kerkett left tor Cbleago totarday ee baUarna to eakaactloo with
tka otiBc oBaata rrara aiaatad oa M
tbe traltcrop. He will go tbroagb Abe
aoBlbirset to look ap Iralt proa
towa: Sapraam taaaaa kaapm. Obaa.
atbempiaa. hart Baroa; otoplato.
aad will ft> aa tar a* Kaaaae City.
S. to. Tiato. Oalarlo: aargoaat. tt.
Aldarmaa <i. W. Lard’k loft
«. flail, fklltorak; maater of arma.
Aa auracuon. tto repotatlu- .. day tor uUeago oa bMloM to
aUaaaaetiM with trait baylsg.
tiOB ef tbtotrrguera. wl|: ptoy aa eaFradk WelloB. eaahkf of tbe First
■aatVbteieberg'a Oraad. Wedly erielag. Aag. S. Tto cempaoy Kaitooal Beak.. rataraed Batarday
from Fort Bafoe. where ba atu
tbe meeU^ of tba State Bar
moar. Ika brill «et enaMdleaea from
Tbk orMrs. Haam kM goaw to CbariaroU
gaaleattoa kmarattog tor tto Aral
Uma to Amrrka tbe clarer eemady. "A forarkltwttbflbada.
•a womaa.- Uwaatkorabia of whleb
Mra. H. A. B-mWoM of Itotrali.
WUIrad Ctorb'a.
Tba eompaay bar daagbtor. Hto Hatkalk aad aoa
ire rklUag bar akiar. Mra. doka
Mr. Ctorfc'a eomasy. ei
I amay Ulllk.
well-kaows pUyar*. Ito
Datralt: llaataaaat aammaadrr. I
Mrs. doha B. Brows aad aoa of BatB. Olda. Blyrta O.i raaord baapar. Blaa
chlaaea. Kaa .arsto Itoeityltogsmie
H. Meat. Port Boraoi madteal r
Ivwa. "A Wiaa Woman’’ rrcrlrad Ita etUeergrW. Brff aad family.
ta«. Dr. H. H.
Daafank. Pert li.
Mrs. damn Hea^kh teft Friday Ito
Aral prodacboa at the d u- 1 Ttoatre.
LaatoT^wbarr It hea a r wd tif tsr AaboryTark.K J.wtorretow.:
. Baaaaahato^*.
Tbia,ia (end tbr I. Q. B A eowrasUoe b
tawa. B. xVd
l^ta.HMbrlUa.ToaB.iaotgaaal. Mra
Mrs. Harper, a womaa ei ybara ol
«Ma Harodtth. Wabaab. lad imiriroia
glWM.HaryCflaaB. Batta, Meat.; mdanaldealofOoldwalar (or half
Mra. Ballk B. Liaabaaa. Port- aatwry. araa lakai to Ito pur heam Ctoboygaa aad . Mto daaa l.albro^
•-* ■«—Hm. BatUa B: Hal-





Hto daaala Wolf kto Mintod to
Aaa Artorw raaama kto work to tto
aaraaa'drpartmaet od IkB ’aaironlto
Hr. aad Mrs.
Alka.of Maaktoa.aJriradoa tto Cbarlerola Tbaraday aad arc tto gMta of
Wllltom de^mm aad family.
MtoOraoa Ctoalt bat geae for aa
ratotoad trip to DeuoU. Bay Oty. F«rt
Baron aod potou to ftoaadn.
Mrs Alloa Bnbeoeb aad Mto B. Mae
Oratolaafof HIdtaad. wbe bare

Mrs P. W. Kaaeaad aoo toon, 'at
Friday aftereoM for Ortos Bay. Wk.
wbarc thay will rlait ratottoea.

chwed a term of acbtol.
'Mrs. Irrrto. wife af tto G. & A
freight ageat. rataraed Friday from
mil at Haatoa.

%M, wmM^ oa Ita aaw Oahette
aOdlag. wsaWmtobya hkclag bag
He captarsd

^*ww OHr.Mxa.. Jab if. ^
Ito Slata Ttoabara- laatttota B
iroBdTtororaaaad Uolaaaaynatk
wOlbebtodtolbUMliyfromdoly tn
Aagtot lA lollewad ea Aagott 17.1*
mad le by tto Ttadbata' Btamlaattoa
Sept. A. P. Oaeh to Ilkam k to-ba
to mmdnetor. aaaktod by d H. BaU.
^tompal to Hmkrgaa High Stoool.
mk B. Wikaa. a crlik tmek
«■ to Mb Pteamat BormU SebooL
wkmr eoma kigbly r
ad I ameonAdeat that good
If yea tors aerar tore to aa iaaUlie come to tbk eae aad atoy tto rnlife ihirtaea days, for U yoe latoad to
k yoa Wiu aaad tto brlpaadtoiaam chirhyoa wlU beaara to
Ifyoa tore alwaya atleadto
doa-tmto tbk one aad yoa will u
better aebeol for ao dalag.
Good board ma ba oblalaed at
mbabU tataa. and aa tbera k ao enroll.
It fee tbe o<uUy will be email com*
paird with wbal yea reeelre.
Ab) fartbarlBformaUoBwUlbeglad.

Tlirae aad

Siylihli - rp.ti.JsU‘
•eea -BOVratouN

Our Special Sale of ■
Ladies’ Shirt Waists



ban sMrs.-tetl a t^-nt d-al of ntlention the pafR week. Tiie
pTh-j-e^ne v.. )„it on new andetylub waiele an-iateriwl-


lo comp to tbe store w
op the moral grouaik> it
.. DOW
»ow eoUrely
enUraij ■
tbe rceproaiole
Tbe prejudices of the rellglooif
dliirra agslaat the eireot baer been ».

PliccA: Sec.46c.69c.e0c.7^99c,.$l.t8.


-------------------------------- .
•_____ . ■


Tbe W. W K-mball Co.. sss
placed by bk Makar oo rarlh lor ibe’H‘'«'‘- bate rem-ireo aoomplcw lipcuf
sole purpose of dktreiaiar tbe fl-ab,; Phonographic aappllet in addiUuo to
Tbe religion of bate and fear bsa rery | nil the laieat ahm music. Tor phonolargely gireo rray to tbe religion of,graph and grsmaphone are bwxunitir
lore sad
----------------------------aad hope.
Aad wbo can any
my U_.
that tbr popalar Inatrumeau
llik k--tfar
tbe world k nnl all tbr bettrr to?. iC
! only place in enrlhern Miebigsn whrrr
There k no ain ie innoceel plewuie. ; a full anpply of pieces can beprnrnred.
Albcrk the depriration of inn cent i
____________ '
r a SIB—eapecmily sgsinai rhil-1


bid t’uiue Skirts-fomb arrivals in tbeee
Very i>o|mlnr noiide. rricea risht, 1^. ll,tot!t.'>l>

a.oTiiixG v.M.rr-Hf
are ofTenil you by tliu abire. tbsl y«
elHes.'bere. Tilts applie* pnrlkabirly
and yrii-ig.
. '


tbM^“k“s •kl’'to"ki.^'


miias mere plmaurrchildren In s rkit to one of ibri
lag. Alter mooting for flee mites modern circuara of tbe Bnlelaes for I Clear Pork p.-r bbl.
hare a mcnadrfir loon |
^k^per »i...
aroaod tbe coualry we cArted
again for San Hlgoel, where we alnyrd
circu> and llir ar- ! ilbort
lor four di
■IP thrre would he '
natural hisUeo begni
suackto oa the flank.
( and two other men were (lankiog on
tbe left. We bad to bold our pnekloa
to by tbe second
by'rfa* •be ndincegaard.
After AgtaUag for abool
■e "nlggera” ^ad to
>e amembly blew.
Uae again, latbalflgbtwe captured
10 gana foar prieoaeri that were at AIwaa baroto aad then
we morad forward agaio
ODk flaakiagagalcraDd bad moeed OA
ibont boor when tbe "alggera'
denly opened Bre again.
pnmped Steel Into them for about
an'bonr without a qoieer and ibea
they started oo tbe too again with our
men la pnmlL
I don
many I hilled bot I am
oae for 1 aaw him looking through a




Our 5c and
10c Counters





AU Latest Novels, Books
and Hagrazines.
Boole S-t03?0_

Sammtr UUlinny

CTTJlli'Sr 22

Dolls’ Day, Saturday!
to pt'ory ifiri brrrabuolA a pair of

N'o luatler bow Iriu ur bnw Binall the doll

may Ito, we Bball b«vr a pair of ulippera for il (or will nmke
tbeni). if yoa brioi: il to tue atirre tliat ilny, niiil are nccotiipAOied (>y no gdalt.

Traverse City. Hiidi,

We want yoo to of t!ie Ii-etbr-r thnt ban n-vol<ition>
ixnd Uto ■hoc trade of the world—"Vial KID," th«* trenuinc.
made only by Bobert li. Foerderi-r. sod of ''Vici’* DreMlnH,


by bira oo "Vici Kid.**

Vici Dressing
Is b preaerrntive for leather.

It proloiicn tiie lifn of nlioes.

znakeN the sboes look likr new.
"new nliiw"-1lRy.

im—tn ar^ In Antrim epaaly:rm*l) impravemeai; pries pqo.
111,-111 acres In Emmrvi ,”>unt»: good ham wood timbw; 'priee.Stnt
iw—>11 aeree.ln Cherleraix oisniy: eintll imoror'mmi; gixMedll;. pries gSM
lit—(IS aerra in Charlekoix e'-naty; liu ec-m Improrwl: farm WlAiaae! gnaA
sole, only Are nilm frqm EteilJordan; price oety SIO per acre,
m—'tne^rra oaly flrr mlire trota EeriJanlan: price OBlySlo peracra
‘ li«—»-i aerre In Cberleraix cotnlyi berdwnod; price only *5<»

'nien* will Iw no cliargr or coodition of siiy

kind—other tbao tbe above.

hsnilit, adilini; <-lesn sbor^
We will be diaa^iriinted if any i;>fls hereabouts Lave
dolla*witb»iit ulipperu k{u-t SAtunlky.
atore are learbioc abin- esre be
<lay. SB tliey do ■■Very day

thir week.

It in s letiami that
from alioea, for

Frank Friedrich
Tb« XellAbls 6bo« MaD

-FOK OtfOXCKBrLeaee Rik Baplda
toare Old H atktn
Atriec Elk Bipldr.
Tnop m
Leaee tHk Bap>d>..
’rrieeUId Mnaion
T:40p m.
-Bm will U
sniJU One- Ibia ia ia (he beat place in TrsTcrae ('ity. The fsnnera arp a
blm-h. Hetpl Whlllsr aod Park Place
petoislly welouaie.' Tbe bnst Roma at Ibe togeart pri<g.
Stsiic p m. -Haa will alao caaaeel
with hentai lliiod. m FrsItcarwlU BotambM-the PUcM.
be at Bmt Bred .oo Tomdays. Tfaora.
Aay* and Batnrdnya. Paenaagora nad
trail Wtll be takea
at aay polat

Family Groceries, Floor, Ginned Goods, Snairs,1

Ho. ft48 FftmttStne^

mllMfrom city; frame bn Idlng^'gaod oreb^: wnfea.
ehengr seme In part for timber laud or city prop^y.
no—Mieeiyw four mllere-isth from elty-on rood road; under good feape; Imme
Idiega; windmill; nrefaard; good soil; nlrnty ol walex: will eiebanga
-Ity property
proarrly or tcell et«.!«). oae-iAi^ eaeb. balaaeeoB Ume wttb pay- pftonneyrar
““--------------- d Interact et « per eeat
II; price Sl.coo. - Oae-(bl(A crab, tolaoee
lb smell psymeou; Intereri r. per____
17—Hlore building
luilding and lot an I'l
roioe etraet: will
balance can
an be medc In
la tmell peym
i ■

1«>—ITaerralS milra nnrthweei of eit)
Ity; I.onofralltrrwa. meetlytoartagi ^oad
-iety'of praebrA plnme.
■eandaaple*. PrieeSl.Mv. ,


It niakps every day tutooi like

It 6nisbi« the list of clean fni-.A and i-lean

Cspt. J. 17.,KiD0iy.

' sic X m

KijuKHiic Block,

Farms and City Property for Sale,.

Vici Kid Slippers
Fur bpi doll'a frwL

Steamer Onekama

Real! Estate, Loans and CollectiGns;

Urmonilb'r, llist Setunlsy. .Iiily 22li<l. we trill [rivo

thnoe wbo lesrB iL

From yonr brother.
W. A. Larai nrra

bold, all >;»u can get in them.

Prices 48c Up.


Rii-ans double aatufacliun snd dotible

Will elms BOW topUg to haak (ram


We haves good atork of esay onen-JW



imve pTiniM) a aui-iiiMKriil •-x|>iTiment sml erill
Ui-onie a |toniiitiii-iii ile|Mrinii-Bt of our litore.


SeboSeld aad Fraser are with Uie
company. Fraser baa reiarato
company after being sick alaue
SebobaJd weal to ibe fleld boaptial
ymterday, bat
atoy loag. 1 haee beea baeiag a liule
alomeeta tronhle. bot tbe doctor
amrkto me for duty, and bow 1 am all
right Bgalo.
^bt duty here k not ao bad aa
might ba.
Wa go ea oalpnal duly
oaee a week.
« tog
llea.fae ratluaeeacb wmk Theic
are only tea ooapaal
tafaniry aad two troops of earalry
tore BOW ao yoa sec we are BO
Biroag aa wa Bight be. 1 tblak it
ba bard to get ratloea here dariag
rainy raaaoa aa wa are a eoaaiderable
dktanoe from any
All of tto boys are expecUng tto pay
(Bsawr along almoat aay dee
baeen't recelced aar m'oory au
ikied. 1 furgui to aay that we got
foor gana aed two rfll >iale tbe third

VJueet r*k to*2.S6.


Seat day wa ataried for Dnpyaa

bnab andAakiDg mrefal aim. 1 Arad,
went to look tor him aod lonad him
ba a capUlB. 1. of eoarae.rellcrto bim
of bk goods. getUag a belt,
rifle, baodkeieblef. ajnincb of cigarllloa and cu ronada ol ami
We followed Ul* net for a
Bilmwtoa tbe aaseoibly blew again
aad we Maed-op aad took
mlaaim before we moeed forward.
After marchlag for about two boars we
were atiadkto for a third Urns aad
bad a bot flgbt.
Two were bi
and IT woBsded la the flght.
Ucaicaaaigotabot In the lag an
prieate la tbe foot aad aaotberria
Them eeere all from om <
Tbe lieotcnast wae the oaly
r we bad. bet tbe fl^t >
gMt uok^oa tfaroogh to BaUi^
right and wears here yet. We probably
will ramalo here daring tbe rainy aaaMo aad then we will go aftar


I AcernArE

■ruin Boben U Kuerdfrer
diacorered a proccea for lanniag
akin of the elrcna bill and ilo
aestenger. wbrreby tbe aofunt
lorrilml abor that eecradorned
lady't" foot baa been erolred.
-Bob" baa grown Immente'y rich i
I bk find, worth forty millioat now .

After all the bappimt people
tboae rtom some .otbm
-mere CbUdren grown old •• There k !


in alm-k.


A lew yesra ago s gosA wae conrldered good oaly for elesnlng up tbr bill
id garbage dnmpeab-sni town.

Serrik C Osat. ,


HerPAraA (cw alylee.

Stecial Prices » Milliaer).
My enUre stock of anminer tola >111
be placad oo sale at or below coat dar­
ing tbe orxl few weeks Extoa low
rstmoo CIresa Day. Aag. !. It will be
to yonr sdrantagr to mil sad see
St Mrs. F. M. Aaktos'a mllllaery i


Ufa In tba PAll

New Idea

imamr rapalra aad I
are bring amdc to tto siste sormsl
tetool bslldlsga and esmpat at YpeilaaU. Ttomalsballdlagaadtkeeonsorrstory are beingrepala ed sad A'. ■
•uu la being expended oe Uie esmpm

Hr. and. Mra. a. Hcaotky of Wmt
Frost Biraal. left Fri^ tor a tooatfa't
rkit at DowagtoeFraf. E E surer aad tamDr bare Oaa of tto Plaaaoraa Tbal u Oesreat to
' Uia ChUdlab Heart.
goaa to Utaad Baplda for a rkIL

torn la the Pbllipplaaa:
P. I. J
will drop yoo a few
Horn now to let yoo kaew ibat I am
aun allre and well.
We leaded
Maalla March St aod earn pad o
night taking the train for tbe froot the
oealday.' Aitbefall'ot Hol<
were la the raeerre and after
takea we marcbed back to Calooms;
from there we marcbed tbroagb the
mooDlalaa to Aegate fromI wbleb place'
we weot to Sao Beft aad1 jlbon Sack
again to Aagale. We aUyid
latter place for a few dayr aad than be­
gan to inarch again.
At tbe fall of Balinag we were In tbe
flrlng line aod tto aest day. after bc^
ng ie town all aight, we ataried for
laaale. We eUqipad (tore for ■ '
aye and ibeo moeed to Alfoaao.
Ijgoel waa oar a»l poiaA and
Stopped twodaya aad then took a

Everyone Pleased

WhaaPraf. nmbatlmmioa btotoa
icearlim ai Plcmaaal Into Baaday.tto
aratoste faeeto (ram tto balloim aad
e wsa foeato to stay fla mUmlr oaUI
a balloim aUgWto. Be wm aot la-


300 pairs
leealar S2.00


& Smith make



Black'^ Taxu
Half Price





118 Front StTBBt

Th# Old BflUBbto 8bOB Kbm

.•W. -TO". Iril]

320 FRONT st


lAiniia aaiiu. mt M. im.
Twerw Herald,?

tfihWlHia baWMW Npiwsefl kAd





Boa. taiT Bahia tel tmM




'■(tltaAAeartlMr.a North ■*!.
ttii. Jamm Oiara af Biata rb*at U
ru WembmaefBt Fraad.
towhtoAballeaflwaaba aaHaelat bom a amo of pemi^
toatto-bOM with the
toftbe death of -‘Asat which BBftaatB a rtoto tram tbe meek
raaaJt of bar taraarm hator brake
■alUa Waad.- aa aalimabte old tody talka of kOtoc b^. Hra: Dtoaa waa
Oaraar eat the tame aad It to
ttaiHra..TtaWIUwlllb* abla to M* arad 101 paanaad tbraamoatha. Wbea BtoB(Hpaatoaart of aom* *ort la*t
bep.afwr tbe.amlbef bto ^imia. ThBtaap.aadtarafewdap* lboa(bt
lha lalaiad_^baf la a few wm
Ir. Haaaab waa a meesber of the tom- aothltfoflt. Betbar taca bafsa to Otaad Barca partob. a
The laleaniratoalboteJ Feac
■wall aatll It waa dfcmad adrtoaMe to
a larf* partob. offer­
B A. Orach of Otoetoaafl. C
Tbomw Dp of Hia Weed, who wa* hIrhiF raDr. HarUa waa
to'* that toealilp. mil to a ebpHetaa.
or tbe rarr ablli
aea.J. B. Homaa. DaBeflla lad.
aad irmud tbe maa. Hrt.
aldmt pcTM to
and bto aatlriareaergp.
Wtotorbent. a. B Prabedp. B O.'i fam wm badly *0011*8 8atv. ptma bore win be flilcd bp Ber.'John
BBa.Chha(e. The hotel to bow flUad
dap al(bt aad all dap (toaday. Upoe Kettmss. reemllp ordalaed.
bataaeuacetobaiarflBad apae tbala
B. H. Wllllamtoa. a rmertar.
aae of her llpa Hr*. DI<od>
Father Haai wm ordalaad bp Rtf
taeataeaa braeaomod
apaadalitoeemmanatUaaehIa (mad the mark of a alto( which diffme Ber. HtobopBleblerat Uraad Bapida.
Hoalbard-a betel, to oae of thy from the dHKTiplioa of tb* wi
Jose »». less aad atoe* that Umr ha*
■a at the Nor
Baeoarnfal of the frrqeeat^ra of left bp the eomlled ktoilaf
amtotodFatberfea Baaer to HI. Praa-'
aaplam ban Taraap. at whiob time carp Lake Uo.Taaraday Hr William- bat tb* efreett are comrwhat
cto parto>i.ide*oliB( a (rmt deal of hit
the plaaa aad apaelflcalleeto for the
oaarkttl flee Week ba*a.'tero of liar to 40** daccHbed to tba cm
Ume to mtmtoearp work around tbr re
which welfbed al* poaad* each aad which lb* celebrated laaeet bae flror(too. Ileuapoooc maa ot brilliant
Bcmther 7 it poaada.
Tbe latter to tbr ad. While Hra. DixOB aateredeod.
mlUed. carefallp •
lUand tolendid enrryy aod the tori lairmi eearbl to Carp Lab* tbto pem aroMe pato from tbrcllar It to iboofhl
hie work here ha* been attended with
Hr. WilllamaM broaefat bto prine to toot Uere will be ao akora eei loa* rrexeeUeat rrao'w. Hr baa bees rerp
Tbe ftetrdt Frae I
dtp pmtordap to bare it
liar hero aad bit friend* arr lerinn
of Him Harp
Hratdm the bam meal
and erea ouulde Sv Ftanclt church bto
Bldwell of (toUdUto Prof. C. B. Honl.
eurbt l« lart*
Pwacast Surpnu ReoapUna
drpariurr will bedneply ra(retu>d. aliho Tioltotol of Trarerae Clip. Htoa
rerp plaamsi-toriirife rrerptloa
iboarb ererpoane wbo kanw* him will
indwell to the dasrbter of W. C H
The partp flcM bp tbe Wwqse-tosf planaed bp the Yrraar l-e'p'e'e
be (really pleated at the dU tocitoa
well, of Harep etroet. UArelU sad
lab Frldap eeaalsF waa oa« of tbe of iLe k'int tiapUft eboreb. wae
iferrad opoa him by bit adraooelaast la maalaal eirelaa. betof
leaeasleattf ibeeaaeea. About fortp Ber aod Hr*. W. T
of E Wilhelm, in Batl Bi(hth
ooapleaof TraerreeCltp'i lemlloc ew
Bpais'e Oraatmt Head.
•ireet.Tamdapereoloc Theatiraetlre
Bprara* I^U wm. bspoll; earprlMd drip
Hr. K. I’. Ollria uf Hareel-ma. itpala,
*f the £k>* <’Bee «BpU9M beUrdep aajopad .daaelBd oeUl
arndt bit wloiert at dlkrn. s r Wrsk ,,
HBrtasfb'e ercbeotra
•raator et iim«r«l. tb.
rrree bad cautrd arrere paint in (fen.
ue u«mr Kira-iric 't
lot the eAcbratioa o I Hr. Pr»U'» faratobed toe^rief maelc aad tbla ooetiibute to tba creolaf* cnJ»ro>al. back of bit bmd
tokaa loplher with tbe cool weather Ao eierlleai procram waa carried oat RUter*. America'* (rnatmi llloud aod '
birthdep. The •*#•!«
Kerre Remedy, all pato aootoleft bim.
bpa number of poasc ladlaa lo a r
plepioc reox* hhd !■ the resdllo* preralllBr allowed Iboee prceei
Hemp tbl* (raad medieiA It what
pirot ■aeiehl leleeUoa* br dlSerwii membi* country need*. All America know*
laelloa* were raoderad.all with eba
that II core* llerr aod kldary trouhlr.
t ereatoc win be oar of
hen at the aamptmrpuriBra the blood, toara oa the ttommasp that the. club will plre dorlep tor rracr:
aooDUmet for the ereelloa of •
Flano aulo-Htoa Bdaa Holdtworib. aeh. elrenrtkeBt the arrren. pnu rim.
leeueklor the MUhlfM «Mtreh
gnartet—MtoaraAaea Breur. Hernia
and urran nf tbe body. If weak i
Hon bp a Fall
Oo. bhtbMO r<»e to Hrleod < >M>
Koirhuia. Fiabem Hltftoa aad
tired orailier yna ared It. K
Hrm. Hel1ee,asold lade of Baal Bap.
The elhck erlll he >!»*«? feet hl«b. fln
Ur (naraoleil. ur Ip sAorntr
feet la diameter eed will be made of fell dowB the cellar alalraat her Base
Masddito and (ulUr doel-Htoan f..u. JeboaoBaed.s. B Walt.
heller plate.
Work will be atartrd Satardap moreiBcaad broke bar riptit Hnnde CompUD aad Clare Burner.
eooa aad airtedr aome of the oaem- arm Id two placea. Two boaaa
ttopraaotolo-Mtoa Bltoda Umnear)> material le oi
Fiaoo tolo—HiM (Iraee Cosotofl
il. wbn baa b.
C O t
load lime before abe will refale tee
iar la the eapadtp of dap
■ae of her ana oo aoeneat of her apa
BreiUtiop-VlH flimtsoeiol Delroit.
Celambla Hotel for aeearal moaUa. baa
eboaea.wiil bait MCMher rarp
rmloedbUpoelUaeaBd ha* pm* to
Toaraad lb-latter parlol Ib'e erebalowip.
Bead Clip lieorve I.IUlateld of
Id( rafrmbmeou of le* errani aad cake
A pear ape aba fell aad brake ber blp
Leala, Mich., who baa beaa aetier a*:
wereerrred After tbe prorram lb*
aadwaaj wt c*lllB« wall from that
Jlgbt elark tor the paat few .waeke.
1( wa* apaol in aoeiat ee.iopaiaat
iejorp wbea tb* aeooad aeetdeal eetakm hta poeitloo ae dap elerb.
bp telhpoaerabd old.
earrCd peatordaf

Word wa* raeelrad bare Ibaradap
Talepboa* Pleat Bold.
wreler that a ataa bad beea killed
Tbe rbattcl mpnfaire oa tbe plaal
UmC.AW.M bp tbe flyer.
It wae
of the Nortbern Telrpbooe compasp
etta* world.
Imreed that alrbt that a Hr. Uarrctl
forerloaed Tamdap. aod.d9d Sp
I>anlm wiablD^ to eUp o
had beea atraek bp tbe tmla. bat forbp Hr. W. Wheelock for tiv.iiui. A* Trareiu Clip can flod pfm
OurSsTmgB l>epartineat 1
teaalelp reerleed oaljr* tlirht IrjeHm.
biatc at
praal deal of mooep bar bare ezpeodod at
a able to walk, kllboafb italle
le putUoc tbe plant to rood abape. aod
aererolp abakeo ep aad iM^taad.
espeara will be epared to matte the
All mr tloek of aummer mllltoery at
r and: all l>u>ii.r.
«a euooem lo etarp wap. There
There will beamooeUcbt eseoialoe
'^luw cnrl Ladlm.' call aad look
araaad the Itlaad Frldap ereaier. oo will be DO ebaape Id the meoapemeal:
the Ooloaibla. plrea aade^be aatpleea thellee will eillt be fperaled bp the
Hu* y M Aminik.

of the Y. Kd C. B. of tbe CwpecaI
tloaal eboreb. far the beaeSl^of tbr
erreafeod. Ta* fare win bt
Itr be emplnped to Impeore tbe aerrlee
for eblldraa. Tbe mooa will be at Ue amt merit tbe ^Inmareetf the people.
'wine from Julloa damebrll, al the
fall aad Uie ride will be a delldbUal
.•nth Nidn liardware Store and (el
Fine Ttoti Catch




9c a Yard.
In order to finish tip the summer business as we sfarted it («ith a rush) and also
to clean iip what's left iiisuminer stuff, we niake^thisbig reduaion on ibesesoods,

A-Pieces £.6^ 0^ £.v5\t\
that were .:5c ,t yard. We h.tve marked a clean-up price on them at 18c tbe
Yard. ' This is posiiivcK the Ih'si vame ever offered in all-wool goods at this
price, Hon'l wait until the best styles are picked out.


SVance ©xict *5Vi.\s £»vs\
aiiA See

Cihailatioii this week 2.275
Tto« ■*»«• he. r»M w Cfctaieo 4fwr
ria« baa tehee apoatlloB
. to J. W. Water** fralehtof eWe

ieaepl. Booa ami a U



^tfl TriBifflfla ABd VatriBaed

. Aholbm ball fame ttala aliarwMa at
IM Twelfth dteaei I'ark. Traforae
OWpm. Maekdea____________
Hta. J. A. HeHaaea, Mra. Ohirlea
WUbelB aad Hn. rrmak Votraba are
------ r'-f at leet Bep.

pAtii Ortm ABd Bffidi&g Twist.

K W. Itinflaaa. A T. drhoolerafl
HIM BamaioedeBlertalBed the otendad bmeroB aad ^amllp arilb a
beraot b<* Suadap Ikbool elaae Taraday
frtaad tram Uraad BapUa. are •mplaf
eeaalafeerpilellrbtfallp. Tbe poonp
faraeaeatb at fcat Bap.
ledlee were drlrea to Teaeeno Heacb Tberapret aaaeeedkfvl dap near tbe
IbatodlaaoC Amaada Uira.Ke 6«.
a temptlof Uneb waa aereed. dam aod returned with a floe sapclp of
ara pUealat to dried to Klk
good Iliad trool They aeeared arrtodAptorblttbeUOT M there.
fid. *Tbep rawraed bp moaoUcht all ersi flearatotwwe whlib they hare
Thaowhmeroeekama baa raaamed dat&HBpUtep had bad a dellrbtfal kept allre. to take home, where Hr
tteboolcrdTlhataaaHDarlnm la wbieb
karearalvwipafreat OU UMof to liata.
^ VmI Head tor the aeeemmndalloa of
Otrmalao Heoa. opaaad tbelrbraaeb bebtoaflareollrctiuo of brouk tront.
■ WIlhalB. BobOaldirell. IW Bowahd Tbap Norotep toft Moplap
tar BearOraek where lhap will ew}op
a. a meeebaat trem'tha
•auoaa Bap Aatardap.oe the atiaaier
aWaaWahad eapaela to aiaba that
V.A.Oeatoa.apeoW a«aat for the
HatM) Ufa laaaibMe^. of Maw
Vtab. WTltaa that ha win ba la Tth«'aew dkplaafaar dapa to looK b^or
the tokmmu of'bto eoapaap.

Itearp bara at Ne-ah la-waata tbla
with abort ala hraaee aad a*
ripe to aae. It taai
oattom of tbla Arm tt haea
that ptoce aeerp aammw aad tbto pear
thellrarp wUlbeopea
moalba. Joba
ebaw of the bars,

yKx: 15c.
Child s Drawers............
- 10c. ISC. 25c 14. 15. i-> ................
.I.»di^ .Ikir,. Sl«.cial.............
!• me Quality IVarlputums. : t
Colored .md;-K Collars.... .
()ne Iqi 1 lot. Leather J.l- lts. black. St. $,t..5io. for- •.
And one lot 45 .ind ?;oc kind br................................ .................jgc
One hii Ctiloffd, 50c. '»v. :5c. Si,‘lor ; -..................... ....... 59c

Lem it Aflioued

Tbe lorn 00 the balldlap aad seed
•toekof N. H. Kneaep A Heoa. eetoatoeed bp tbe fire a ebort time a(o. waa
raeltol will be rlrea arljutled praterdap. tbr lotol amount
bnn( abonl Sl.uuu, of wbJeh abool
a aember of lha |
fl*<»waato«ooUie beildlor. ibe relocal Boelelan*. The pipe or
maladeroD atoeb. T^ luaraBee wm
ttee here bees a
earrted toato companlca. of which Joo.
R. itaaiAi tbe afcat.
Tbe work of
r^iriep the baildia( will be(to at
Ona of tbe member* uf tbr Arm
bere'to aaatot la toe adioitmeal..
pllmented >b* flra 'dapartmeat '


wi wta a dMep of erreeal
dap afteraoDe aa a reaalt ofthedeatloa with bto aadcrtaklat
raUI^ af th> aacloa at liaalral Lake.
eatoa tomlb Ualea atraat
Tboaartoewaathrowadimdeielp oa baa apeBrad the aarrlee* of aa expert,
' w waa injared aad
raced cloth eaekot workmaa tram
Aatapwaaall^ da
Uraad Baplda aad baa already baraa
bewarar. to aaad
rwHaa Hr. Carter baaabaadaal
to Ui balMlac aad be an

toad the baHaraaaaaimfllUMaAe-

re TheUraeewaaabortof malwbes
>* mterad to* bap.
She look oa

tram toa tam •f^Fmhw.BW M


'ieoo Si^Vet, t«e aai 5»c ' <

WHICH IS pork ciE-M?
January.• 1-ebruary
March- .

......... (iarnet
... Amethyst '
. -lU..od Sume

• • Sapphire

i December.........

.......... Topat . .


......... l-.mefald


September .1..


£,nvo 0^ 'Sanaa ”5e\.t atvdiCoVVaTpueVks
ttvt ’Kewetl 'HcraeVWcs.
^VVxaa^s \\\z Zxmtzi TtVix.

J. w. Milliken.

By tbe Kodak System

I -F'ront Stroot; Tnivcrsi' City. Mich.


• bflcomefl simple and practicAl Tbe
Kodak apatem. ueea film cartr1dgea|^
which can be loadrd and unloaded in if
broad daylight The Folding Focket j y
Kodaka lae fitted with achrcmailc leneee. and' have the ^
impr-vefi automatic abutter are *made of aluminum aodi^^
covered with floe black morocco,

S:oa.a.3EB area. Stxi>iiXi©s at



■OTTai-b’s 3Dx-u-g S-bore.
-Come to the

Alfred V. Friedrich

ilac for Carp
whara tbap will
111 be eaeamped

'Sot \\ve 5VrVs-PvrtV\JiBa
SmaTanieei W 5 laem.


Mae -n H. U
rraat Bai

epeeira that he baa rear kept allre aod
tbep wlllmakearatoable addUloa to
hi* COlleelloe.

Taeadap are. C. B. Horrap aad famnp
Qaartarip HmUbC Apt>olmtD*BU
Tto arw aiaamar IlUacda of tbd U W. Ttokhem aad tamUp. F. A. Bari,
The folIowia(
r aamriatoDdeaU
aamriatoadeau wera
■wlhdra HlablBdaTihaaportaUot
aad tamllp aad Hra. Baraaa aaili appolntod
to) Frtoatto' naetlaAChlt^oaborlaaitripaanb with
fbtara. 1. W. Hllllkea aad tamllp Ub( Satordap:
otbera will }«lo the partp lator.
boaad for the hortbera
abort Nortorap. to Hark Ctawb
emplop at a dHeer.
■ rust aad Nellie palalal aeoldedt
a traak for ear ot
■a at the dork load toe with lamImeobeaBal
rae aatop a batloa
Jaator Badmeor
bar tor the Baatars Vombar 0o.of Ttoaa- book to htoeadaaeor to le
mawda.». Y. Tb* Oral Wood Diah atrapo aod to aome amaaer
mmiiipBmabtof tbaahlameat
Haperiateaflaat Haadap fldhool Work
tllpprd taaHnd off oaa of hie Ibamb
—Llopd Baat.
WbMa ridli'C weal oo rrael atreat aaitoaad bad y tearii
iriawedeatC. B. Worh-Hprtie
aear Ualea awaat Taandap ceealaf
mauhfjid Karena^h aad Itoav Oierb BiAaH waa raa lato bp a
erb Bip'a Cneaeet e-impati.t ihat to to
TacBUB( Fanp'a Visitridtoe towarda the dtp.
appear le Trarerae flifp. Toe-tip ereal imripof dlaUnrutobed Uira
Btabord-e wbaal waa badlp akaphad
tof. AbasU let. win be the (—at meal
aad ba aaatalaad areeral bralam.
of tbe aeaaoB.
Hlachf ird
no board the prat^ paebt (trace, wbtob
n«ib Baltidap wae betara dttiUee Karaaarh will be rr-atemberad aa Ue
Braera Tbaradep moralac toAoewpr to
■atoe Ihroefb
the abarce.of harflaep oa eompUlat of
lake*. Tbe (tortp to heeded bp'
DaddWpmaiapolKMcele^. He made partad bp aeompawpef fl tebadarttota.
Hr. R D flAlr;wbo operate*
aa fill ail aad wae booed eror la the
tbmuee tbaa any other maa 1
MBttmmodthadreBiteoM to Wou
itrp. kaTiB( BaAer bto Imia
aM.badhar rlptat head -adlp I
eoBlrol flfteea papa'.ar play hooi
be a d to at her h-iio • nn
• wee
UhetoMthdtapraJeat U oa loot
paru of to* railed Hiatca.
Moatap araainr flee ea- naenlaUlp
Wblahmap eatpHlab a ayamar liar
el toe mmmny are Hi
takaa to Dr. Hartla. wbo 4rem«l
from bare M.HaAbUqar. Urn later1. Tbe head waa ballpltearaied Htair. Hr. Ouo B. .Ntoeall. (aaeial
Mediate poleta belBf the bap potota.
fir Hr. Htair. aeeompmied bp
aad twe lanre bnim were made bp the
Aarlerdi aad iba Bcaeor Blaadi.
wile, aad Hra. H
dor. TbeUlUarlH will bo deprired
MlUallafberaf the'He.rera, to tbr
of the aeemf ber heed for aome Ume. neiraicaadj K Cuokaoa. maaa(arof
er le the project.
thmtra ia Cleeelaad.
All amarner haae ball laame a<e H~
Oa Hoaday ereaiac Mra. C. T ilrawa Orria flier, mana(er of I*jwert Opep*
taaeied i/ramembar IbaV brrrafier
li-aud Opera Beam aad Reed'*
there a I ee a ebarra for the iM
Beriew elab aod ibeU haabaadi at bar Lake PaTillioa in Uraad Rapid*, aethaTwrU-ielreai baae ball pe
bp hit wife aad Hra. Clark:
na Waeblartdaalraet^ Iieraa a
' AMtoar eamm aad tboae dmln..( to
arealarmadestremoly plracaat alsoHr.Jaeebfltalr. father ot toe twe
■aatbaraaadaare rniaaeied toappip to both beaieae aad (acata
Hr nod (eaUeama maatloaad, (ilard toepaebt
ilac. arrUla( from Uraad Rap
Hra. Orawto^ coon to lean the city
to on toe rTealB( uaia
I raeadap <m aad Him. Ormwa eoaphi tbto
Thapaebt to iaeomaaaddf Ckplato
1 to he ba.l> -iplodtotartato thaclabjtoe
fm. HaSmaa aad a craw of flee aad
laaab/ W^ tba fa^lto Imre te^etr
toe ladlmara atueded by a m
Diaa. oaBUth atraat. Tba^dwtflltoc
Iteam toowand bp Hr. E D fltair aad
wbaB.omdetadwiUbeoai '^p aad wall appoialto lb. dtp aad will add to fbe alirae. fmi ii laarto. built toe
Ihma of tbatpentoaof tbedtp
■e aad piraaare parpnemTae
tinrraermtioa aad a (ood



"Do Hift Sane 'W^otieij on Seerj Stem ''

Cora-, a.v,T........ ................



--- ---------------------------


Our Great Glean Sweep Shoe Sale
lian piinHiiredtbe anmmbr dullnasB
W* arr l>uni.i iix Kxe
oiil nil our SuniraiT Kliom. Otfonle aoU SM|i(u-r«
Oiirat.K k
DUinl l»*cl<-Rr ul all liraktW lute abni our fall eIi.->-r arriv. e.
Tlinl’a aby yon will be able lo get eurh k'r>-nl elue- luircain* f.r
■ Hborl liiih'
Surely iioa'a yoor op|>rinuQi(y
ll a uiou. y iu
your p>M-ki-t. -Com* vbib' we bave your nize.

H'aek or laa, kid. aew etple toe
Ooe lot. cle«e • *eep price -Tie
(lee lot, (1 St *a1ac. at . ■(■«
LAOIEfl' fiae black or tae fliwe*.
l*e«or batloa. ale* aew .trl*.
aad (ood tbIo* at K 00. Clraa
Sweep 1-rloe.........................11 to
LADIES' floe Van Kid Sboe*. to
differaot sirln In Uito let ar*
■bora worth free fls to to ft to
Cleaa Sweep Frier............. Sl.kt
W*'*e a air.- lotof Ladira'Fiae
Sboe*. duriac Ocaa Kwrep flale
wblcbarerelecatk^c. II. In aad
(lae lot floe Kid Sbora. plale to*
or aew rooad to*: Beery pair
(.■'date. BOW--------------- SI to
F rowri. 1 lot, large tiara... .f»r
t lau. hit barralB* at.'.... -SI oo
HBN-fl Satia Cto’JShraa. all atyla
twa. w..>e aad reaed. I.caoreea(ra*». SI n aad K ralara. Ceaa
Sweep I'rta*........................SI »



We name you in the Crockery Department


Decorated Plates (25 designs). Watch Holders, Alt manner
of Vases.i Jardiniera. Celluloid Frames. Pin Trays, Paper
Weights. All manner of Qiass Dishes, Indian Baskets, Rubber
Balld, Children's Oames, Carmelite waro in all sizes. Hund­
reds of other arUcles.

In the Clothing and Dry Goods Department
you get Collars, Cuffs. Suspenders. Collar Buttons. Ladies ,
Ties, aibbons. Laces, Dress Goods in countless designs and z
qualities of goods.

In the Stationery Department
Tablets, Envelopes. Box Paper. Inks. Flaying Cards. Memor- Z
andums. Counter Books, rime Books. Purses. Mouth Organs. £

In the Hardware Department
there are hundreds of articles that are used in every day Z
work and we have not space to enumerate them alL


The same is true of our Grocery Department.


Never in the history of our store have we had so many bar­
gains as at present that we are offering for 10 cents. Ho •
matter what you need in any way. come to our Mammoth :
Bargain Emporium and see what you can buy for absolutely :
the least money of any place in town.

Always PlssM la Prioa




Tk lannali and La) Menpti CO. |

tUMmt, MM.

Srjs1L*s*ii-^^ •

M^liylfc h vWtiHli VMkMroCMBa.Oartaadiprr ^ '
laotwotbnoortlaffM b «l
Trtnno aip trioado.
ThobtaTprolat ban dot# eoaaidarMtdata^le bay that oa< lylaaoB

Ov«^JM » *«r ant of pafart.
MMBWM ii to tOMk Otf oAoM

tar Qaili tta part waab.
Mn Saebora aod an of BreaaaB ar
Mr. aad Mn A Oaan <•. aad (aally
efTratVM OltyrUtad »iR>M. Oar- wita Id
Mn 0 Mooioa.
MtaLUIIoBartaeof « ana Oaatn
U.d. WytaoC loetaralBaUaO.
M rMlUat f.naadt ia A-vh'*; ata la dd eolt Ita. week.
atayta^th Mn Bobt. Uamwt

^ HMfc_»ood oot Ui «an» «• tko

Mn Lottio MlUtr M at werh ferMn

»M Wte* hat tan loA w

ft *<i

m: C. (Mta did btalam la I
W. DepM M fOBolac bM biadar (or
I. W. BorrlDptaa.
T. W.'Uood baa rroannf tnm tta
■aaalea aad la able to do tlfht mrk.
Bo*. Mr. Boebetoa of Kurthportaiald
at Wb. Uood'aSteday BipbV All wan



W. W. Sa lib aad wile et Tn*i«aIU tIUlnut Blrtx. .ta do;. am City
oallrd oJ hta ciualB Mn S
dtavhlcr with hia W. Barria
Barriapioa Friday alpbl aao ntarmdaabasday. Doriac blaatay ta
ealltd epeo tta aalfbbora. Ho oald ta
wBo nry aoefa plaawd with tta
ot Laelaaaw ooBBty.
aana cnr.
awa m mooui
aaeiBi laai
B aooMl
laat c
larpoly aU
loladlili job of melop woo BOt *07
t Ita OoMifao bat a nn ploanal tlm waa
> W nadr *» bjall. Tta proetada were at IT
B O. Mllapw
I tta BOW partaor iba Una ‘
B. F. Doaoaon dren ta ttattOta Boy

a r. rrtak m
MMw ^ r


^ «•. P- W«fc of ’ft»n«oo qt;

T. r, Yooac treat to Tnvom

Mr. atal Mn. B. J. BoUnM »ta
Me. mM M» 0. r. VrlBk took dlsaor
vHh Mr. tad Ha. WIU Oao Bt Sh

Mn e. W. Fralieb MqattOBiek.
- - Ctata.of ■
l>r. Hkair pf 7
owB Friday.
Dan PiekoU't -Oraat CMae WaltarFD. Fridk^otawwtaoL*
cbibitad bare ta«da< '
■all to a pood bcaie.
Mn Oarr orpaaltod bar Blapiap elaaa
non wta protaUta Int Sudta br aat Friday enalap with toa aeaben
WUI Pratt at Bovrin wu la t
- Mm. Mr. MUo oad tataaj aotaS m
tanral tron Ihit jdace took Id
erM ahow at Oadar Haoday aipbL
Mn Wyatt DrWittof Traraipa Qty
liTta^iy bar eomaia E. F. Doaaaon



Ita Btaortoaa to toil
Mn FoirobOda. wbo baa beaa.rWttrooMdbrota hbors lapbarawiar Mn Craaa far aom Una.
ratoraad to bar bam Tbanday.
Joba beatt pan a raportef tta late
___ ■ le Bar TU« Uat taoda;.
pUoaal eeanaUNi at Detroit la
oBday oneiDp at tta C B. naOUalr.
Tba L. T. L. wUl nnt oaxt Saaday
■ta IMO aonr tao loft Mr. rUo*!; attbaaaar’l eberebatalp o'dakoaB


Altart tadrta »ii) aaaa toMh Uo


-------- aaiUb abop at tblo plan
werh M wall oadrr way and wi
-tea ban a diet elaat obop.
Wbaa tta au peu dowa aad darka r. PMmt of Artalo rWWd frtaida
!• Ikb vteWM Bataidor ood tataap.
Mm. Mr. MoUk iiaubil bon 8u-

■ UMoaltahatalo.


ehaatd twofer tbafr halL



M llretad at i
They patao

UUio Utt

A. J. DoTritaaad wife ban ntamd
^tr.BM MoUU boor wUb hit Mj- ^Bollaad. wbare tbay want tore
«rilo 0 MaW tna tbio plan on
MMItiC W Polootar tad olWndlBg fawdayt’___
lin at Sparta.
A fiMaol porta «ta bold ot the
Tta WUllittobatf Tbieptam Oo. tahOM of Mr. aod Ha. Wolhr tool OTta- uadad tbalr Uoa to Aarell laat woek.
taoor of tholr dsotrlitor. Mn.
«MttOBond.ithaiacbaaad birth^
TtaanwaByaow kaaakoat^pbooaa
mmd Mn. Ctao nd on rUtod
IMalhedolMt ~
«r. M. track Mabel wm Badly
waabed: ao aad. ao that the In'-

' •^^sSSr’StaThTfSS?!.^

■taotaaaaesold aot p
aalartalBBeat wbMb they latoi
iBtoad lo

KSS' “ dWb»
nhmmam aowta ttaOloo
' taSSvMMMoa


taka treataeat
naand a

Mr. Atarood Mr. DorUof itauloa
AftarUabta Oo.>wan la iklo borp

with aatartal tarer.
Tta Betel Orepoe i« taklop oo a nr*
teat appaaiaoee la tta way et Iteab

Oood Harbor.
Ijelaad Tripp
Ubih of Tnnm City, passed throoph
the rillapc Satarday en roott fa Ttar
Tta itooe fcaadaUna for L. Vbkocbll’a new boaae la now coapleted. sod

Hanuha. la view ot the leu we. u
aeabna of PealuaU Ormapeof Old
Htaioc. ban autaiatd
.. .
. swplot
tta laet two waaka at Eaaala Uke.
Too aaeb rata for pood haying ArpwiM ur lar «*an>.
by thou wbo V
There bn beea tat nry little hay ee.
Ha. C. A Kahl aad .chUdrea rev...
dtuett W bw: Iberefi
. tali
eared wliboetpaUiep wet. The (ana- ed troa ttalr rlait to Cbarlerolx last aad
Btaolred. That it U bat a
• ^‘wd «
to U
. meBOey et the d<
Wheat U a very Ivbt crap, rye
yberrea ■*1 troa
b nry pood, bay aad oatt are pood,

wbo wa>
ears aad petatoaa are ddap well aad
. worthy of oof reapect aad ro
> ntoraed traa
Md tatr lor a pood crop, ne erop ol
Raaolred. That we eiocetely eoadol
r. aad Mn WUI Jobailaa aad eb.lS^ipaaytaO"9. who tan btaa rlaiUap Mn Blla with tta faaily of tbe decaated oa the
‘niamt proeeede o{ the Ice ereaBi to
le for aoa* weeta.rru.raad ta tbelr dlipanutioB wUb which it bu pirated
rdal plrao bl Mn A. H JtSery-a cUm
DirBc Froroleeee to aflicl tbra, aad
.eia Trarem City Weda
Ofamall boy* waetlO, wbleh add* ac
eoBBead them for eaa*olaUoa to Him
Tta C E.-iopic lor aut
otberllulo the orpaa toad ol tta Sbbwbo order* all tbiap* for the but. aad
ebue elub TbM elabkif yoa v people
wbou eauUaeaeala ara meant ie
froaS tollyeara of apa. nedar the
rat of Hta Mead Polper. ba*
Mta Da
etaraed froa her "Bmirrd. That thl* hcartfeU tali
ntad Booey caeepb to tay a aew or- riptaTrm
moolal of our •ympalhy and
fOB for Ita ebaieb aad eipaei to ban
Hta Myrtle Jobs riilted her panaU forwarded io toe reltllres
It hen lor ttalr out elub BaeUap.
parted friend .by tbe teerelary of IbU
of thU plane Saaday aod Hobday.

Be* Hr.MylB of AlWea called
(rleade ban laat weak.
Mn Wlalen bat tetnraad to her
bos« la Udiau.

Arch Ulbtai aad daapbtor Mabel
la tiraad Bapide Ian week.
Mn Chaa. Taylor aad Mn Oaraci
ot Tranrte City were tta poeate
Mn W. S (Mllette laet weak.
Mn Happle BIIMaad aoa Bertteof
Id Htalea are rbiUap Hr^ KvUpy.
Mn Ueorpe LaUBaa aad
rarerar City epeal Satarday witb bv
aabaad. wbe it------•klop
■- — hen
waa tta
i-mard Brown and HnPI
of Bi>dc« *rare latowa Frid

Hta Allae OIU ntaroad Itoa ber
trip to HUwaakea Saaday.


n ^atler of Jaanrille.
lap b«r pareela. Mr. ■
laa Uill ot this ploae.
r. Skiaaeroepapled R r.Wtaltaan'
erathrM-Blpalpltl itSaadar.
M W. C. T. U. will a n withMn
Ctaae next Tneaday.
■ad Anhi
att pan a
pMy to soar
a» of Ueir
Irieod* last
Hr. aad Hn Iloapbry of Trarerae
City spent eereral day* at ,the Waoka-


5sSt=-JS.i-ri"-‘' taataLd

■ MtaSrJJit'FSd^.’'”




^ rataidad bay-

J. A Bepwa Mad wife are eoalaie-

SSS^'ss!:'“ •*

Mnay MadMoa ol PUlawaU arrind
laat waab.
Be will nmla ben for
m» Use M hr hie aarcral joba of

OataV Booia la vorhUt lor Mr


L. Toolay baa
potato cel lar onr■ceaptnod. Tbe appor part, whlta
iarpe aad eoerealaav will be aaod
_T^oat crop proetlaa to b* la-

whntBDp la well beaded bat la
Joan UiUb M worktap at Mahno Ulatattaproaad.
Ontnoa ttatara of W. B. Bkewa- t^y Btaad. anri^^aeblpb o^tta

K=5i-1=.‘i;,’ T-uTi !iu*^


K:.A.-crjFT e-cteue


The Elephaits are Cwiiiig!

>lDi4 cirro* mceaperir. hippodrummuena. hutar fair and pipnotry
plant, hare brrn nailed lat> oar appm
patioo; where- the mroaperies ari
aboivn topelber lo one prrat'le
sited eaaru pavilion; where
e pive tt
, iDoply
loply Ol
of one ran triple
eaaru and aprciato
Ills the first lime that Ibree , .
herd* ot perfurmiap rl-phaau hare
been exhibited topetber; tbe Brat an.
-Bly liar that twosuiw'b alreelipe
o- parade*, wilt hate taeaaei
he ■imuof thl* city. Itac
. Tbereaa aad Fred Stoke* aeeoo^a- enormnoi affrir thraupkoat
Bled A'nhar L-wlie and faaily froa
It will make luipy wonder how
Bran(too aad arrived here Saaday.
ooocern of -nch eoormou proportion*
Ri*. Ctmae ot Hapl- Ct«y preached
Ukeo proflably tbronlhoh. tta
y. The brat explaoation b tbs
Mr. aad U
.Salibaad iUtU the Ooopn ebatcb laet Saaday.
>y of Ulee . - Miled bar e
Her. W. A. Boekorea. who la rttitinp
1 daaday.
at Maple City. 1* expected to be pone
Ol ■* — wei.
e..i*ie«. -■ lu
Mta Lett* CMnoa baa poor to OIu over another Sooday.
f cipully of uae uioa«aed>
laraalor a weok-* rWl with beranat.
Mn Naefa arn'rad laat Friday alpbt
SB Jhat of Hadlsoe Sqoary Uar
In SbIUi.
for a ri«It with tar attler. Hn Wa. ________. Vork. where thl*
Mr. aad Mn U. Jenua tare am
aprmrni npeaed tbelr preuut o-n
Bto tbelr hooic aear FiaberM doek.
Hra. Tburtell aad daaphtor of C en April luhaed drpeodiap upie tl
land. Ohio, arrived Tbarsday for a rbit faaef- for their alie aad iiaa'ity
their eront^lliB io yi
r eoofideaUy expect a pat
Bopaae FMher waa oat oo Olea Lake
..jweatbsr ba*
■ preporiioBstely
- lately preal
prealer ttao
rltb bM top two daya laat week with a
tba* far that tat very few eiiBaer itat extended to each
■sea of tbru.
them wbea
tocrleu tan nalared a* far aorth a* neparaled. So farther
they barr rrcrirrd
It ia hoped bowerer that,before tbelr reward
fora of crowdi ibat
bare Ux«d tl .pruUy
>U aad U
Ity of t
aeorpo Urady. wlAie w<wklap oa the
OB^ Oo.** dock ynterdoy fell haekto appear ia Trsveru City
■■Father' aad "Hottar- Steele
wardt iato (be lake. As ta weot down
leaded the aaeo^ly^ Bay View Ian Wedneitay. Aapul Sad.
ta threw bte ara* aroaad a pile ■
week, rptaralnp k
U look coaoiderable eSi
rcleaee bis; be rraa raaeaed wi
Ttaakfal word* written br Mn Ada
e Han. of 3roloB. S. D. -Wu Ukeo
Attorarye BeaUnp of Bapba aad
with a bad cold which aetilrd oa my
F am of rratam Cilp-ttpaad the aait
Tbe Bsoy frieade of tbe late Hr* lanp*: eoopb ul ia and flaally tenaia. rerbrda n. BarL befen Be^ nataer
Fo«r floctora
UslTautday. . K«Ba!t.s saalljodp, -oclea OartU wbo read the brief noiice ated la CouampUon
of ha death la year luV
•V taae
desire a panmeap. uylap I eoald lire butt
Beet lataroretBarl..
Cherriei aeaa lo beqelle pteallfaL ..................................................a of thecbarac- short time. I pan ayult op to ay
lor aad et ne wael la aod Savior, deteraioed if I eoald aottUy
Chaa. Hiller had dfioea buhMa picked
cot aaoop tbea for apward* of thirty with ay frteada oo urth, I wonld aeet
from hie tree* yetterday. aod baa a
ay abuBt onee above Uy bubsnd
wu tdriaed to pvt Dr. Kinp'* New Dieare bowera aware Iftat tbe jorery for Couamptioa, Coepta and
,.--^jn oo year eelaBa* aa*t Bake Cold*. I pare .1 a trial, looii la all
It bu cored me. and
Hra Oorta waa a aatin of Cato. ttoakilodlaa nred as'd aa now*
New Turk. Wbee abe wa* stoat tear
>el] aad bulthr woman. Trial'boUle.
year* of ape her parcate aorod to Onlo.
feu at6. E Wait's aad J. U. Jobo.
Thl* Mtheesrltat nrteiy prowa for
Wbea atialnlae aajwity the wu
M's Drop sum
Bepnlar alu »0e
the cnapoBj.
At thl* dale they
■anted to Mr. Hrary CartU ol that aadfll. Coaraateed or price refaaded.
aeariy ready to barnoL
Ate. aad after mldiap there 6n
Ttapotatoerop Mde fair far a larpa yoara the* aored to Wiaeoosla. thence
•aeklBU Ara.ea Bnln.
to l.lieoiL'aad apward* of thirty year*
Tpb Bbot Balvb la tbe world la
'^U. Bralau, Boru. Oleera, Balt
Soou of the itoekboldetB la tbe
RhBBB. Fenr Sdno, Tetur. Ctappta
enaaety are aaxloao tor It to cU
Two daaphten bleaeed ttalr Bar- ‘ I. OhUblalaa. Oewu, aad all BMa
ao they tan <iaia a nabor of «
rlape, Blacta. wbo died at tbe ape of
Bd. BUckbomL wbo M areat for tta alxteu. and Abbie. who married Hr .
leCeraick caapaay. baaaold a ta-fc A Lelphtoo. aad whore priTilrar*
aaberof aowaaaadtdaden Ser- wa* to ala-stor with ran devotion to
■al carlaada have eo«D* to Unwi
tbe dedialap;
of ber aped OMlher.
Hr Cortls.
died abenl twcaly
year* slaee. 1*
I'w comceu With T««P
-Boaityaeaau of pnat lotellecuU
lo lake treataeoL
• Ha
wood tori
Beeeat rlahora to Tiare.
Hr. aad Mn J. L Uibi
Mariaa. Hra Plau Karaaw. Mn Kra
dreaa. Mr* Bobba. Mn Wialen aad
the Mtaca Jeaple aad Alra Maey.

kft hM tta^^ aaoUta.

Traverse City, Mich. ^

mntmmmmmmmmmmfn mntmmmr

* B>*. aad Mn Whliasa went to Uay
ExpMited Here Simaluaeoasly.
View, laat week to atteod tta caap
sprioplap iBio taiap ia a eiphi. t^
:ily of white
while t«
teou nf th* Adaa
Hta Kate Fboaaa. wao hat beta prut city
-■ - ■ ••
" Rroiber* ftem.l
rialUap la Chleopo. raloraed Sooday.
datioD wUI cxUthcre
Hr. aad Hn A W. Porter lefuTbor
tbe followiap day
dayferariail with frieedi la HIIwbl
diuppear .pite a* »uddro'r u i
ku aad other placu la Wtaonala.
■ '. Ooly CBlil (t hueoffleaea poc
They will retan by way of Ladiaptoo.
the Immei^ily of IhU n mb onio.
Artbar Loelle aad lamjly an
ScBOa; to spend the aoaaer la
<-ro ad
Re*. Craae aod wife of Hapic City
Tni* I* the Aral
rhi-re twSprrat >how«, etch in
•' All

StraatftaaalaWaar. M. W. Oark M
oenty Treaoarer O.
W. Clyde aiodktt lodk- p>wer.ooeM aatore'e nnbleaea. wbt
----------......... .......................... the troat rank of
a^mrk now ao tta roads of tta *il- lap after
aftor tte crops oo bM Ian
r eitiaaas aad wbote uai__________
tta beat wtaat la tbla rtaeity.
a always fa pood.
Tba wheat erop wUI be badly daa- aptee-allowed . „
apod ulea tbe taiac atate aooo. t
larpe apoa tta riftaa
wltbpood weaitartta^aaUty wlU
Ma. Itania inpmrkta lo taAth
airsble aaa.
Hn Cai-U*
J..BaW. wbo weat to Vliplala laat
roaaa a* that taanetal*'^
aprtop. la pardeelap aad M preaperiap
a by the apottle
Uae. Solyder aad wile of Mt. PlBMi
Jaaet very
re paeatt at QaM A OretaarM
r. when he tay*:
Per* nliplra abd aa-laflled b
Oaa. tiofisld aaf wife o€ Tam an
thb>: To

Mta Apaaw hat tolahod papatar ^paaeieot Mr. aad Mn Joba OeU.
tta fnbarlea aad w>d ■•*• io ttalr at
bar noaa. wUta lapnnd bar oouafo Mn OcMeU-opanata.
, oNyatah.
Or. L.A Sayderaad faally el _
• oa froa the world.'
PaaiaraU: ata
Wbee alckaea and aorrow rUt-d
ahoaaof her aelpbbora bar hurt
;ly mpooded to Ita call ot baBOaitr aad aoea
aooa wu ao laletllfeBt
Pnf. C. M Ataenea^aad wile
will oeoa atari ap •
riU potbetta (aaltof tta
Mi^Ooab Mataplwwlth Mn Vu
ully aadaretaed
MaM^ tad attoMdl^ ntaal at ' fleet elaat job.

Ma. Oapi 01» aad Ala Mala. «ta
tan baaa rWttaf MoBdt hara. nan
odtaltatr boaola Tranraa City Mot

New Store. 120 Front Street

Hta Btael Uibbi ot Ttarene City te
riaUlap rrlalirn bare.

^ Ste. HadMea baa pat ap a onall

3m- Fawla--------latoW*. UatoaM'

I The EAGLE Wheel I can recommeRd and jguar* antee. I sell them for S25, S35 and S40.

Hr. Skloaer Bade a trip lo Hsy View

Mi. BjBta of Tnoana QM aoUod

a mat to

Mj Repair inaD askeii me the Other (Jay why I did not |
send him mom hicydes tt^ ivpair. it is Itecause I havo sold '
nearly all EAGLE Wheels, and th»;y_dn not neud any re- i
pairs. I sold a few cheap wheels lasf
promised j
^ myself nevei- to suH ^mother cheap wheel and I never will, j

trarlm («rl*<r*Ur*. arr-es. **4 hal.*U
ret ue*d ***iir. ir re* a*rr *«i*ru*r ri—i cr
uy*. ■t*M. try AIM e m Beer II reel. ISr
M rale ma Vim*!*?M**rMloR“‘rra^
te.m am t>r*U4rerei.>e*e.*a<WM0fee

J*'"^w2Xsr,trr“- “*.?r

Great reductions on all our CLOTHING. HATS. FuBNjSHINGS during Julj and Adgust.
Men's Suits worth up to $10 aU go at'$6 50; B't^s' Suits
worth up to $8 60 aH go at $1.76. Best 26c Overalls in Trav­
erse City. Straw Hats for men and boys 6c- Elegant Under­
wear 26c, 36c. 49c. 63c.
Everything good and ^eap at

|.''tr'"S. BENDA fi CO.


The New Store 3
124 Front St. 3

Ti?a“w-©3?se Ci-fcy, Miolt.


^lUiumuimmmuiiu muimuiuiui uiuuiiu uiuiuimiui’

We .bo can .apply yoa with other gnOo. ^Tkirtw* at *6*0, *8.00 .ad *1000.

; kUidiniiliaidSaBvbfllU.




Qnllr a raniatliiD bai n-rrnlly ta<ra
eaii*.-d at Ja«y. in R.tnmanla. by ibe
diraUi of • Mb*. BalK'h. wbo bu«. I>y
h*-r tv-ivn'rlrlllra. f<tr ;
trsrtfd niut'b B.trntlun
ILtofe j-Mir* sEii »he *
lion- VH.Umao. J.y wbwm
daaFliti-r. Afirr a y.rar or (we of marrar- I
rioil Ilf.- *b.. diroreoil him and
llt.rr IUI.<-b. by wb-ni *b<- bad
tu K..*; .ftor Ita Utior'* birth ata ,
k-n tar *oo«i[Hl butlBiuI.
{ f
Fho th.-n wi-nt to •■aria wbor» *b*

<3-obd- I=©oi>XeI

■r. I

Did Ton know we paid lOc for ege« aH


A ■ We did. wbea our cum{>etitor8 paid bnt 8 and 9,

•ward tar Hitl^r.D .ho'noror •ormod
jTitilux bin tho En-*i.-»t hatwlif-n bor xm dU-d «bo wnt
tta Irrir lu hi- fatbor for banal Rbr
tnmod hif dauelitof onl of her bodte.
u.ifiiriiiuBU xiri wa* .mly
k-jit fi
from surratlnn by tta kindnru
.. rriatlrra.
.tfier tta death of her
abroad hi.«>i*n<l the rrtnrtavl to Ronnunu.’wbi-rv ata Umd tn fonipieic ratlrrmont.*'
Bf Ita fait Ibat yta wb* ex-allby ata llrotl tn tta ttxwt
wn irtad BUDoer. and waa c-tarany *
n-puti-il to ta a mta-r. a few <Uya
db*I. When tar danpbttr
FXBbtlta tar takiBCl&Jpi no
trace of mooey ronld ta fooDd. In polop tbronpb her motbor-*. elotblnp !
bowerer. ata Botleed that one'•of tba I
•what .tiff, a* If I
beorily llDe.1 She rlpi-d it open and ;
roimd over axi.oio note* oewed oadrr :'
tta Ilnlnp.
t bT on (he tniA.'0ii4 aO
•r’* petTiraal*. of whVb *ta !'
had aa enonm>u anmber. were exa»- }i
ed. ip nearly every one larce aam* ';
mooey were foond. otnonmiop alto- '
petber to taTwran £JVn.(WD and AbORno tranr*.—Fremdraiblon.

LoaUaaw Ocaaty Toafehera.
CeWitt’e tdttiB Early BHan karflt
Tkejodat latlitau faOraad^T^v
aeeily. Itay leod pestle nuisl'
bel l at TVarene Ci». eo—i—,
enulBp BO pniu or
wa, BeiaamaUy enrio
Jaiy lIKata entiaeTap lerlhirtan
dayss TbHlathedlttrietataee'laaeb- pat^^ nod liror ^aeau
er^aonaalaad ahoold taaUeadedfay
Randy rike»--Did MIcty Honda dl*
threwna^. Ttautrd. BIDyr
voratteadiariairtfl .ep. wbUathe
Billy Culpite—NopeT Very UKintii,
fl( a b* darired laverr prut.
Sandy rUe*--Boi I airray* (bonpht
bopeaad.upeet tha- ~r-y uaebala
HMy had x futfle* ‘palut ahtfU^ v<
Ita eoeaty will attrs'l ard Iha* show
de Dortal eoar
Mat pncnatlve apiril which -very
.> lor.I>y>rapra
------------ *-. taaeha aaat tan. CMu
Bniy CoolcBte~~8o ba did. Randy;
^ etay Mraafk tta
Tin ta heard dr doder wy ta wu
-Ott Tayg^,

We cao't.qnote a prici for this week bot we
will trf aod kwp in the Lead
We waet. jrov
ese;s AOli Also
prodtfee we cad po&siblj;- 4^pose of.
Wecaa’tgire too 18 poands'GrAonlated Spgar for #1.06. bat will sell it as low as is coosi^eat
witb fair dealing..
We still hare that No. I Plae Feed at 87 KC
p’r IftO pDODdfl. Also Hay. Oats, jyfoal. Street Car
Feed aad Bran.
Gire as a trial and we will cooriace yon that
there is-bat one store in tbe citj aad that oae tbe

Enterprise Grocery,
W. J. ROBINSON, Propr.

328 Prow

Fine Artistic

jyy Pi’ia/ia g
at the HBR4^h OPMCE;

MAHW FiUlilM etaAitfl mr iO AMfij

MScst WOBitii

TUal •flhaa bakoeBsaai fMU 4a»
fl|« teer jp* la tba Oamlkea laloai
'ThadmaffatUaMlI torribU la tbe
MtealeOBBtryofMew Sew'b Valm.
BV9 ter oHt of tbe etoek U daaA
It bmU that tber^Uote batwesa
u UaltBl Slates aad BaeaU
rear more IrUodly tte MpeodasL
Sixty miser* were aataabwd b? lb*
oellapaeerafalleryfoBaltlBf from as
^qBaka. Ster Heraa. WBtphella.
Tbe irafteoa tbeaewTcaaa Slberiaa

b'lsf eqnlpped with etary poBlWe

Tta tow* j«Bt«rdfty
4t7 dock *t Ibc l‘4C*t
■»**> ■>•«kM. wMnih.wM e«Md wlUi Wife
katl*. Tbof tUoddlpblobotllioMvT
Wjory 7*m ■Bdorf -isf ropotis.
Tho Newark Md Uw MartdolMod or* U
Tbera ki aolklof of a polUteol mtim
fWiVcnlaUe I^S: tbol reqaire*
tbetpre-ereorudiabiC eblp o. tk*
low*. Md elw will be

• of •
b foTBod. hVTfef
BfTfof eoBpU
Bclor le tbol part of tbe
world. Tbarr ora bIready eaoeffa Wf
; AihethiheKlBUMd Kery deport■MOW It b deoied that the falledelphU
b folaf toOaateBBlate back ep reprele by the United Kutee
acalaat the >laa of tbe UaatewalaB
■ foeeraBoot for refeDdlaf iu debt.
..aartad wUI be delrii

^aerb OD tbe Palladelphb b that, aldkoBfb tbe erabrr baa bero al tbe
■are lol^ yard tbrae week*, set a
•woke of work ha* beeo doo* oa her.
•BdtbadepartBeatwa* Berely oUrriiw ap tbo antboritb* hva.
It waa iBtaadad ooee aflar tbe eleaa
ofboatUUta betwees Hpala aad -Ite
UaUwrttataa to iom a loaadroe of
seelaltoB OB tb* AtUU* oialkB. w
AdBltal Dewey to eoBBaod. tat Uib
yba eoaU aei ho nrrlod oot owiaf
tba traablae wlib tbe rfliptae*.
'Floo Hdfe, B. V-. July It -*•' reMMeta tbecallof KbwUr DeBalOf
, eoaniy. Wyo

iW^BBOof tb* Woaa Bad OboyesBe

wae bUbIb^ He boated delimlefemelcorgenin badfield-ePcTbeplararhrafiaf atBoac K-rnf.
leftattBaWbeXoaod e>e m|kR«gidg^ietbe*yd*rdtqnedyfa» tberc beisf te dealte daily aad maay
Sold by dncfieb nt fiimo per bottfc.
mae*. TbedUeaae h oooqaed
odoeuir wboMwedUoa. The I
tbe AalaUeqa trier*.
It hnllof.
Sapt. K. HmJtBln Andrew* of tbe
KeMnwaoToiobbetjof tit* Ualted cMtal be woald rbit U* nlatcr.
Chkafn pnbik eebooU. bae bad hk II
told be bad traeclcd tbe werld
Inea- d for *10.000 for tbe benefit of
NIlM iB Ibe shBM of B Mo. I iBffe el» aod bad b«ea Berried—bat death had peneioo faad for tcaebeta.
robbed blB of bU wife and child.
ler Bell neb which
the west taoab of tbe Kb JoMpb
Fred Pedee. tbe yoaaf Haebaaaa lar)
nrer jeelerdey Tbei»'Beh wb» rlofwd
Inel Kalordey alfbi dered tbe deetmetloa ot l« too* ol
•alleeiud ia tbr bolllaf roo
Ike eeour mmd
bat beeo
Sir Tbomat L.p-me'* j*m faelory.
lea. OOcer* Tbsrader
There k clrcalaUBf la Berlla
Tbe BBfBlfleeBl Heokey
Emperor lAUIkm k abtol to
Peloikey barely eeeaped deetractloa by aoethweatof Nilteaod B
oafb teareb for tbe body of liiraia efaare .>11 tbe mnelacbe wh'oh bat
AO... tbe bnaw Bartoa. who dieappeared laal March ioof-beea tbe admiraliOB aad doapalr
Loan. K.ow encki M.MU
Uny Whaleo. a tea year old bty of
OB balldlar. and »kwob tbe tooke aod raia. Tooiorrow aaolber tearch wl^l
Wml Soperior, Wk . wbo pall*.
aadapparaiaeurUePelotkey Nonaal be Bade.
■hool arj rlslBf.
Jeaeietlele, danfktrr of. a farmer achiBf urnib with * etriaf. ble
Hra. Hasnab Smltb. llriaf aooUi of ear LtbeililC. diaappcared a month icelh.dmplle allrffrrU of the pbyMil* aw tbe lodbaa lioe, wae biltee Bfo la Coiapaar with Lr-wle Bryouldi liciaa to atop the bemorrbafe.
At LoBdon. Badyard Kioliafe rifbt
Kne lefiOBleiulbiy for Hiibrooke lu uaId tbe opper lip Toreday by tbe
tala employueol It wae allefed that
tlof baf." Medleal atteadaoa
Ber13)‘ wae cwnlleo aod Hbe had beeo kidaapPed.Khe lelef
bore tbe Barka of too inj elicBa. Tbe edfrom. lad . that the bad beeo drayateB is lifted and aeked for money Vitli which
icM tbaa two boora.
■d aad bae only a
The UnUa SlesBehlp Ook later-klA Lipcer nao low bit teBper tbe
tod iiarr. lubu. f.iendered atara while
oUBf day beeaete hli bora* WDoldn'l cUoo of ber traeela
royefe from lirrymnuth to Daneobey hie eommaade. and etrack the ani- John Kalemie an Italian frail
diB. aad ihr 'crcw <if tweetyaix wfld
oeal witb hb A*l- The horae b aUll do- ebaol of llorteoa baa piyeterioukly
eppeared. He left frtore tbe Foanh oat Tbedkaetcr wa* doe to orerlof bMlD<« at the old ataod.
eielt fricadt la Oeiwta latoadlaf
■adiac the rkaael.
aaa b taklof as eaforo-d raeatloa.
the furor of tbe blow bariop broken reiare In two or throe daye. bet it elill
Kiof Ueorfe ot Toafo. wboae elforu
He Icftble baalaeee. w!
eae of tbe booea In hU band.
leeearca wit-were tbe Ulk of
•perooe. la the care ol bii
lafewmoBlba ofo. ba*
HlebaelWateh Bet with a aaddeo
Tbe brwber baa
le*t eoceeeded. bk bride beinf Priaeem
death at tbe KealOB depot ’
Inf from the ycmof maa aao feat* that l.eriala, apd not Prlaecae Off*,
he fir^t dedlared to be hk cbokr
tbroQirfa Um air a dbtanoe of nearly sno
teeu Heath wae Isetantaaeou*. WaUb
esd Speoii
f from tbe kitchen- drew a bif crowd al hifb
lately reiaovrd to Peoton froB Harllaed.aadwaa as a«ol bbs and a re­
the 1.00 rcfvtcd to fifht afi
tired (anser.
pamafT. In which be lore off one of tbe.
bdli'e ear* »ad wae foced benral timeo
Becraury of Ktale Kteame b pivparway tbe littleflrl ran afaiatt the a return. Tbe dkaappolated aaSUaec
iBf to poab iotemtelalBeof Mkbifaa
Ofalael the fceeral foeeroaeDl. eharp iaetramrnl. catt.of a fearful Ibcl^ bectme riotooi
inf to BboBi
Ko ts- faeb la ber tbruat. The UlUr firl will
Andrew J. H*m<
Bordraltiioufli the^tr will alwayr moh^wife ot a frocer, k critically 1
St era. allowed for cMmt paid t
le from time of their allowance
beea'bhtea I
ofbtrlaf been
Tkeodorc Keoker of Kalamazw. de­
tbe lime ot their payment.'' He aaye
other ataloa bare puebed aoch clainu clare* that whilr lyiof aaleirp la bit
Tbecrcainn (aeteued lieelf
hammock the other erealnf be waa iqhvinde^ fiofer aad loflicud aerteatncemofal iteoa
-ml bilm. Hr*. Uemmosd faiated aad
Tbe BcblealaeZriiaBC.or Brealaa.delerbuebend called • doctor who eaelarea that tbe death of tbecxarewlu^.
Urasd Dobe Ueotfr, wbo poeaed away lower Up. HU lip aooa twelled to lerlnio* buleBtU hope other recorery.
Jaly 10. wae doe to a bicycle aoeidest. alarmlQf proportioae and etill firm
Baild* np tbe eytiem; pal* pare, rich
While Wbrellaf oref tbe’blllyr cooolry him taaeh |iaio..a* ihobfh aome eiroof loud io tbe «eLoe: cankee men aod
-omen slrvafand hraltV- Hordock
abootAibr Taman, la the C
Tbli le ibc Srit kn-r'e a ieetaner of tbe
ouJ Itllter*. Al aey druf *toee
imp. r e.lda, a ml-hap cam
klBlBf baf feUiof la lu work la
ancb late o> blood that be died

BBbtsf toward tbe
loBtb Dahl
hM with blB soarty lo» rory
bBebBoftbeKwas ulb-. Kor
■arwal woeka they bar* beoB kUliof
e:y I* WyoBSf.
Bra* Admiral K.hley bae jaet wnui
«ba* BhoriA DoboiIbb awried to ai
iwttboBaadteaadtboeaapoa Boek Ulaedapartyof Uni»er>liy of Mlofai
luUat fab aamBcr home, at
«aok. Ibo ladlBM at Bwlft Bearb
e point, oa tbe eonad
OMBiad. foi oat tbeir'rasa aod
admiral fare a
dorod tbe abwift to ckib tbe errek.
•adw paaidly ofatarUa^ aa tsdias ekeleb of hie life from ble ealialment
when a boy. and spoke perliealarly
tbe battle of Kasilafo aad
AalbeobatiMbadbstieB bob with
leUun of Cereecah fleet.
te bad lo wllbdiaw. aad tbe
Isdbwi booted at biB awd Bred tbair AtMaoUafodeCabe the strict eeCMiatbealr Tbekaad Ihaaourud farcementol Heneral Woed'e qatran
BiBdaanlUry order, leeiiio lo b(
■rthabadlBSdawlaa-.BatbBb poalea
oeaM tearal. aleallsf ob tkelr way repreteiaf the yellow feeoroat. Only
dratta aod three new eaeoe
reported ystlerday. but Iberr here been
wcaemaBooftbe United Buter,
Tbe ladlaae tUak that troopa are
... Many Americaa and Jaatacias
Wt sew arallaU* to Ofbt tbCB. aad
tbaphaeabaeaoarylBpadaatof late. eafraau bare beeo arrmled and taken
laitii i------ Eas . Jaly It
Ueary J. Kolley.rifioae death oenred
at HaotoB recently, woe »i yean ‘
Thome* J ffjnoowa* prmld
r.aoalbwaatwf hwa. It beaoBlaf
of tbe Uoiied Ktate* wbes Hr U.illey
wae born la (Mwefo econty. New
W* lofclBC part la Ue riaoer, whicb and derlofbU loaf fife bad oeeo the
batbeaaroiarooalaMHoB'Uy. Tbe map of the world ebaafeBaoy tlmea
' teoaara. wbo aw aabad aad paialed. tier.;oaapartlclpaal Id three wante**d*aylB.r*o.ted ia saBber* Tbe Ihe Blaek Hawk, tbe aUaffle with
Meslee and (be rlril war.
tlB#aadaaOBtbeiab bootaalBprobraly Bee yraraafo Jeeee Ne
~*WI1^. TW a«eBt hat ordered tbe
■t they refoeco
la Bred City, and allboafh dill•a^eo.aBda4oUch.ent of U..ited fcwleeareb wae kept ap for yean
•lalse troopa boa the w lytbore froB traceof h a waaerrr febad. |le wae
Boomed ae deed. WeJoeaday h.e elaVart OlbecB. I. T.
lee. Hra. J. I. Head of Beott
•uie Mew* IlfBldale.ler from ihe
dot While Praak K.akle brother, dated S.attle. IVtv'i . euUsc
wabaralwa euelt of CaDad* tbUbe waeoB bU way v> A .<ka. for
Ho* la kb bay field, a brasd wa* Mweoad tloee. aad ahooid h • be eae-

■la nary K Wllkiae b «o(ur
EbiI| I Ikli lift I • f-^'T (orbit ia
MwiUwdiaeb plaww at Threnre BSd
wbleb ebe b partiet. Iwly laiMvnud. berr llkief


Tbyrreent falliaf ot a meter
Allcfmn he. ral^ an Isporuat lefal
>ue. ^me of the partim ipier♦•ted b*re-n>e*B la futile Treek »cekiBf an auomej- and lepal adriee.
mra apue who** farm .the meteor
elnlmelk while the two awn who
it suike the fyoond and wbo look .
lion Of the aer^ rieitor claim >t ae
IbcU own. It will be decided In
Coarb, It iea qaralibn that waeai
r .ieed before.
raeeofMr* John Bdfett. who

<lan-ehol*roand*ana powder:bom«.
broieee. •pralne. wouode fcom
WlUh Ue*el KaWe. PoaiUrrly prereaU
bl ol pokooiof.
Beware of coaotrrf..iie
“OeWitVe-k ten. and .
F. C. Tbompaon.


.-wSV m

0« C C C
tsaiire cirraUitioo i* in a .l.-prsrod cimliaMl. TVy
VJ Vx <»•
SIX' a reverv limin a)N.T. the avrtera.
nil. I>uid am ctiri■iintl.r NtppiuK awsy the vitalitr. In e
lilt! {KHSim thuiit
bv etiminnUxl fr m the btikal; usd bu liinouot
uf i-xu-ntsl timUncnt
iint>* sb»ut the morita <>T S. 8. 8.; every elairn
'1 tip atronffly be cunviin^itid
U-stiiuiiiiv uf thuN- u'li-i Lhvo Vent .tired bv it
and tuuw of ila virtuw*
l>y experien.**,
—= iIr.L.J.Clnrt. of iirinKv Court h'tnPo.Va.. write*:
"Fmks Tran I bed n-i ubaiasar. runainc uircr on niy
ankle, whk-ti al time, cauaed Ur inleoap eufferiar. >I wu
eo diaahleJ fer a lu.u ..hik- ilmi I wae wk-II. luifll foe
bueiseta Oneof Ihr l~l durtor. in-alrd en - eomkeDlJy.
fast did me BO iroaJ. I ihes trwl rari.-UH hl->>l rrioedLa.
without tbe Iraat Umrili S S S woe ...
............... that
thatI I.-..ucluJ-d
ai.d Ibr e
ful It arniird
eniiird lo
IO e.-t
tr-t riehl at tl
saJ force tbe’|>>i«in
tbe ’|>>i«in out.

and I .
dill sen aaJ

We Pay $3 to $tf a day


••U »lrr nluWr to—Ul. lo a«r •.■rlrru
Wnw fur


pkuly cured." iiwtn'a Stwcitic—

8. 8. 8. TOR THE MLOOD
—drive* out every trace of imiKirttv in tbe bl>iod. and in this
cures {lennan-^ntly t!i.> mni.t olietimi'U'. deep-wiit.'d
is tbe only blind k"UMrAiiii-.-J pun-lv ve|.vu!
tains not n )iartiL-l«or
' Vd^bie


Company. Atlant^^u

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PETERTYL. Proprietor.
ManuraJture Biiu’U'ics. \Vnc>na and .^l.-idis of nil kind
Repsir Work, ll.iuiintiu;:. Vnrnisbini; ami I'pbuleterini
^Iso (aeneral lilarkatuiiliitu; and Fnririiii;.
BoratmLoeiDk’ a 8]>-'ia]ty.
sTtinent, an.1 lii* rvij'iinlion fnr knomiu: huitr tu d.i
Well known to net*.! .-■•imuent. ‘
Work in the rit| will be .-ailed, f^r ami il.-livcr.d.

We 'have, a nice line of
Cakes anj^Crackers, Saratoga Flakes, in Boxes and
_ Bulk Ginger 'Snaps in 3
pound Boxes,JjUneeda 3iscuits and many other kinds
and tbe Sanitarium Health




(^1! fcS!

Tbe ploro, till- new bri. k fa<-1ory at cor. Uni>rn and Stst.- olreeta


THE ooKKraitt stomm.

Trawsrse Oit^. lficbl|r»s

Wagons' Wagons, Wagons.

Coisullatiin and. Eianiinatioa Free aad Stiidllf Cdnfideatial.


DRS. B. S. & CO.


The oirhriied specietiei*. I .•rmcri} .rf >c» 1 urt.nad wo* uf the

Imericaii ledical and Sirgical Mitote of lnskeSan, licb
Sott»l Wla-itirtg, Tr^yeirse Oity,

Wednesday, - -

Aug. 16,'1899.

Mice Houra from 0 a nt to fi p. a

hoinae Bbuad*. C.-nlerfieU.
lee; -I •uffrred from pile* err
It year* . No remedy fare n
uoKl AWiu'e Witch UiieltUlre.
Ihea a hui ol which perswoenU)
lured me." Suo biu*. bealla*. perfrcl

New Capital Wagons

. C. ihoinpeoD.

The H.A N F. B. B Co. will r
to Hanki
on the


June a I






Come to The HERALD Office for Job Printing

The Herald Job Office

Largest line ruled and unruled fiat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa­
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description.

aad tbaiiae dNapaayciuu
le dollar for doable bsrib?
A dUeaeed etoaech enrely usder
ilaenbealtb. Iioulk Ibe uraia. k.lie
aerej, deelruyi ihe -oerfoe
aad piwdiepotea lo meaoity
All dyepepue uoubiea
inly cared oy Eude
X UbaecureO
and k eunay ibem erery oey.
yrodiesu am en-b tsai It ca
F " '

uae Mftmm mi ‘•me

SafMt, PnaptH CBred

kt 1. Tmist loare Tmr
> «. m . arrire al Haaietee
------—tors, leare Hasklee 4:«i
only for
B.. arrUe al Ttarer*e City e:lu p m
at a time. When la ber rlfhl mlad Mial mte.oaefereroosATripbotween
1 ,^..1 —. -...................... - —
>he bef* pilifally to be- killed. Phyeion f
elelaas eayebemay haec aaolber
mb wltblB foar weebi
Mr* Von Blpfrer of Kortir Uselaf.
trkd the old trick of fl llaf a llflited
■ed fur mootba from eorr
lyaeoliaealorr Tnar>iiey: .rtieelore U
.-Iretrie Oil earrd Be la.
wreekaad Mr*. V.m BIpper wa* ukr boara" H. K (Ikt. Hawes
ea from Ue Uiralaf bouec la a friffal
lolly borned condUlon.
Tbe flmb
from the eaUre riffat aide froB tbe
. AKiiUB K R
waUlaptolbe bead waa eisfed aad
Oo you know that yun can »
nnpiwtlaoiof tbearm ond Iberidm o>
» p. m ria the Aea.Ar
•rrire al Clare al t:il a
ber teer. tb^eeb wae bamed
. Ml I'limeei.i, 7.MSA m. Alma Tine
bale wa*• «oicbnd air.
m . lawaaMivml a m.. Safinaw
and tbe elfhl of oae eye H<
m . Leaelsy iukuab. aad Dei
Nearly a fatal a<
appeaed la
Du you kpow lhal tbk uala eai
tbe town otBoae. Hi* Lather aecend
a *l»plne cnr. whieb roo* IBroByS
ed a Udder loadjeelaome' aettief to
tbe oBUldc of tbe chamber window,
•sae look the percaotioo to lie a ropr
aroaad ber walet. wbleb tbe paaeed
ibtmifb the window to her mother
Iheebtmber KBefialebad ber wo
when esddenly abe taiated aw*y and
rll. Her mother wa* feet belof pull■d loward the window, wbeo tbe eaeb
iiopprd and tbe rope waa beld with
the InaoimaU wobbo denflla^ in inld-




ritiaf macb auratloa al Lai
Ymurdey ebe hed eo far.^<
from ber rdeent ailack
tnalady at to be allowedftbe free

yrrm* w w iw wu


The Traverse City Mnsic Compy

boBta of Barrie sad laa Hadarea W
TberolaafoA Wrat Mbbifan dewnt
BtaapUaty wae beokea Isio ear'y
Vrtdty BDralsf aad toaa Wothlaf aad
■Mataka. Tbe Boery drawer aad
.wtfe wara epeel^ bat wo TalatMra
wroro wosird. Traispa oadnaht'dly
■ooUnv Beoidea lb* Nawtbny. a
pdnadle.1 ^ Bade lu «<p -n
wdorlbeetWoaof Ply Peper.MWtWareeoey appareat. All Ipp^-wt.
ttap. adlUac. olo.. b dOM by Boy
' Aa rsplaakio af gaaea la Maekrtea
Jakoeaaaedaaapbnnralof abMl two
MrBoftboJako'kboUoB. M aad H
IiBioa wBwIa a boat o**r the t|r<t at
fbaliaei aad lb*ir erafi «B tnw^
AboBtlikeafaa'I. tf. jTb*I lakcm*«
fni does all he > pat.
Pltlaw'H fct> a eb4d ol which freal
■iBfea-easpeelwd. . WilHaa Howard


Mbaoa. Perbope three k
Mr* J Aa Mrferl. wbo Ikm wear

A eerpid llrer alaerr pmdaeia dBlIeem
boaldcrtrd eat Bidrr.rom nf derknnato.
aa« IrrllaWllty. Vue ore aU ckmrte a* aaC
leaach k> deadly miiuilr w«in<t en Amrr.
rrpuodeat fhehecayou b*T»timil
ken wm rewel. If kbe hed hm nrvek
Bic would here fCBrdolbrbonolB Wbm
Briber? We> it bn bit •Jinrfa aan-.r
•'It baeafpruiaf fact," aaye Prof,
Mo, k ver her mreblifbc Ibr dnirline
[onion. • Mint la my trarel. in *U
whilr beam of li(bl thet ehot Mreiyht out
Hkr e eereed-tbrsM Uroofh the deikacee.'
-------- . u-------------- ------------------- -.IrbaTlte
tbed aa;
Bob death cren dey la the ymr wbra the olber r. luedy.

A Fine Line of Hif-b Grade Musical Goodx indudiuj- tbr^

ware, eec-wit W.W.TU

■ ‘IX-SS^rS-JS

^ nrrel. «.


with (be



^ked. erlnemnn

AAn be-

m eknaech lokulleo I wmtt

and etotaaeh. aad for o
Sad lor uairUU and
or for peraoa* filllor ufiloe pmitlciaa.
where beadacbee asd peorral badjrel-'
inf* from irrr«oUr
.rr._.- Aucael
____ _ Flower k a yraad rem­
edy. It doe* oot iajare the py*teB by
(rrqueot nee. pud k exoelleat for *onr
bottlea fwe at Jba Ci Jobneonb. Troe»» Ciw. or B E Foley. Crdar.
Sold V deafen la all ririlieed

ary weiMaaw
k maadiiy


“WEST MlCHiG*^- ' ‘V ■
KIAflARA FALLS. *7 00.
luBONTO. **<10.
On Aaroet U tkkett will be teU * y
C A W. M By. areate al abore rake*
for roaad trip R*um HbIl Aaya»i
I7tb. Ttebe4 wUI be aold osly rU
Hiebipae Oatr*l. Detroit to Ktaor*
Fa ir. 8. T C t. AleseadrU Bay aod
CesadUn peeifie toTbrontoaad Hoi
by tr*al Aakamufn-falliafomiloi
by eJTb^ w
Osri DxBenca. G P. A.

aeaiu eM Z,

Erd Pianos and Harps
Farrand & Votey Organs

lew. eacecraue
ter Ibe evfal oSm-u of rarly Ttw aaO tL. n
menaerTUe tea. Teiiew la ii» trmic

Band loatrumeDto, Viuliiu. fraitara, DanjtB, Sheet UaucaadavArioty
oftmali Monic-al MerebrnDdioe. Call and Axamioe onr fpvwU ■ if gt
prices before you porebaae.'

pmxvan 8LOOO ams bkim DifBa.

8BB neMUy. rawpmrl; aM arrwe^tlly

___ __
.T OtJ8*B

I# omaas e*4>


--------fM reeiahil Id- eapyr

OnUn for Toslag Fnaptlr Attandfid to by »
Cemprtfiat Asd SalUUt Tu«r with tiu Bwt ef S

1^7 aeMweee rme eaw ruler
rewak Wnk. eo4 ^J^»*to«» tbrw tor a


■ e.*. wthKealMacae tkai

WflOt abekTRE TO crae aarrm *r


aod kbow that a
o u atroog, bsl will sitdeAvor to pivo o«r
pitrun* valac rwrwiTcd in *11 «U|*. We smI oer acentj wiU «
tHscuaaoi'ta aasseerM i. *.



Ko2u"ju.t H Ik-r a«"i*|m.«Ud 1^ W- P.”” ”

Tar iHfuti Aid CUUnR

DoBOlMUkIm^BDr.Pim. Be
wUI Bi^ ceafiA
BB. fc^tlCBT

"What aif ht baTebaM"—U thstllta eesffb badst kass siffUeiod-k
• sad arfieetkw off thnsaaniii ot sew-


■L L L ft Gi. fniTE in in. Msm. m

' nuTfiTorscIStrleRiceo. .



otinD nun




Mlf K. B. a Bam. Mltw.

.aatiia, JOLT ttt. nm'


■Uzrtke bod anra driUoM a

Idrmwtilatr. Upn.

: ■xssr-iTC-r ■

.‘ssa-.rwa'L-.-Tm «M •

OB • p^:


n* cuTMi^ »“S3fS:,*^i

■m «7 tM #Btod •!«-■«» »«‘t

» sWta sod sll. oem ssf7 aschlta
Sr^DOekosdl ramssp Mar dlM
Tiu s4isthta. Dee-t bMb« MU
eoM TskstUks stovssd All tbta
wtU strsw a^ tabs, paw ows bsd•Mds. tb«r-or be reds, srods sCsiTS.
o«t o< Ibiol . ebop wr bst Ibsp «ai SMWV lbs parfosr. Bell
ebep Us thm sad biMkta la wlU lbs
MpMlMdAlli Joatbr^eanbAtoMd
nta*^? —_
OolraoB'lmr aaairAkiMler Mr
eorbi to CM sl^ St SB szBsass ebkb
klA( It M «n BOXpM. t
k*Md«drsklwap«»-il At tb« rr»M. Bot mkUm . imhiu.. raMBkv.
Uld-.too •hart M
•UMd*Mriaraaai*pod.ido( nklM.
Md la aU trsT* thrM oth .is ws d«U- bet Uers W BO Bead to. It eelp adds
utbseara.sadaeos ioUseoslon.
Djot be sesrsd oboot rsia. A food
tsat WlU a dp eta It wUI shed tbs
Is taap • tired tas sad
rala as well as sap root Aed for tbs
bsBsdtef Us Umid Isl It be aald Ua^
MS tbs__^1?,
tboarbt. "Us. If i



eb dear
lederatsaVeloss U tbs
rs enll briar mors el iMl
■0.* Ooo-t m swv wlU tbs Idas beerielaaUrB
IhM pos hsss ret W L-------whole staos ol trsTsl.
Maktoro «s(B|»ac- Usks sp posr
■lad toAs UtWsaeUsI work poor- slave to UBS ubl«
JOB Will Aid
tsabka. ^liaad


dM to POBISSU sad Us list at pear
psrtp. sad pos will bsTs s Bosi d*ll^itBl Uta BBd *«k csaplsc s too

slossUtbs be

e ssld here Uot Usrs sretrra
psopis wbosboaU BSBsrco
lasikptBC. iBsslIds sad Stall ebUdrsa
iPM.dsddsirbsreto A Tbsrs k bo
■ to bs plee
whole lot el aUeep os
iUla B few asps
- VM^« 7«« *-fc« •»- «,« asaduspsads
asMpensUoa. IWs k aoUlar that a diffsrsBl
dipped from
ptata WlU tbs sslar nksstsilresd Uo
Uo »lw*Y%' tloel TbWWitao
CblUoiBk-plascsd latoa rsarlec eorf
• urod Ue lleoa of Uta atea wboss
taArrol Uk artlels. A iMt k DOl
«M fi*. Ma ptok. Md phk acml*:
bard to proeara Hop AS U It SM bs
atforded; Ultacosdis------ ..-----AMiaUtottfMnP*!
‘r*S?too»oa la. dsreap «tp eapUred
BOtsxBBMies- llrooeaW
—bold bia Ull a poUestaa
-Ulef Md

sad barrowI,.
eaacfatapwiU Ues aodloobhlalB
Ost ••• at Isaal tse bp twtira.
• BMtPkiPM—
wlU a
Ota U-, esiiodp.
t el SUM Iilaad
sod WlU It all
whUb was iwealor
pars Uat it salU for sad a tew ex
alM. pat ioto tbs bsadlsMStlre
_ . tat a( tops abost as Ulsk aa Ue seUl astaal aea arrirad Md tta
Isrsflarer. a bsadred fast or aors ef
of It.
U. Yob bars ao idea bow sonrealeat 'larre
la PaeDspIrMlaa
JUmllle Clitn'fCtHc.
■d two paeac rlrle ,
rrssdtsUa ia a abaet Md lowarcd
kla fraaaaeaoodsl^ w^ow|»IUOm •< th« •
«b*llB el tha edlUr cf lU* dMsrl- bo soao other artkio wkleh poM faocp
ilMbA TWisiattM sansria It k a wks U ap U Ulce
Blear seta rabbar mUMd^^ta't 1st
gUII^ ■liig le tMdh with tiM
MsetofMdBeM OdBM thiachU*
bf£rSSBtlSlTta^aia^s loo>
tar MMne ef tbs BsashtM Qab
tor ol Ailp
asks u;
Ue aklake
aklake of
of nUloc
It ta hwssesMiMl tom of d*- ita-t taka
UfUlea AOM bftath* Bm
VMibcrte (rcMb««
the whole eatdt Uriaks, sad
Ue pita of Harp Wolletoar^fl. a
... ilrbt aoaaUlar haa col to r***
iesD Ibsaeataof thsOrsad Trsr- wap. aad If it aappeat U be UeUat
aoUkarabort ot wealaallp. Look
•BMfsvtaelawUshth* BaaAU>iM thMb
aboMbaforsooUlar spUaUst. AUdellMl?. At orarp “aorsltoo^t^
M< It bw bM S SSMlMt »««• Of Uetadrpkaoll la profo
auaapl Uep, are ael bp Us erp Uat
-------------------- ns AlUrse SIS or bollsw spot ot reu
stroBC eiKarb,
MSb Itabis MUdMths «Mt qsiM Wdiraaballow trstab. Uros or foor tbsp are Bot phpsieJIp
proroklorlp show
wide, allanaad It. that lossisa bst Ue
Wd avsMwtthsta
wsl*. thr ItbsUrdrp
laabte: r*tUk Vseab ae
^ wUb dsw. hansi tasb User elOM to Ue teat ■ poMbU. '* - Stof*“Ai2SuariMSie^a"uBll«
■etbtapes ore data s mWs. bsssdUUs rfta •>»«■» »»*»• “ “
woBaa aa men. aad la oUar o«uoUttfsl tab srtth rear ahDdne. Tbr>partloo k allll^rtktar.
woBd la «sii« to bs tbs bsusr tor H Is aadaa' ' "
tbsMd SDMta« 4s;s wkm tbs baps Asprlerkpi
To LaaadoT Bkiri WaUta
MfbBirf lbs ini III wUl bstabeatriaade
HDk. batter
SMta M s^ tmmm oi tbsfstbisartielaor
Stap wotaB lobrraararieipofUe
Mtb Tm SIS sowatasi MSb tired,





s^’«“.rwvrribsii i--


Take kalta.torbsaad spaoMsloar
aaaekoksof Ueparlp. Oood-ordl.arp wkita tablawara k what k irMtad. It k aasilp eleaard.alwapi looks
o.'m fsU et ears 4
wall; taka it alooraad keep sp self
Ibke rsUa aore Um pw
Mi» BM taryrSort
" aaed, aad dueH lerreti
dtsa-aised platters, s.
iMfw Mstar tboetht or word k ___
«Mlsd.MdU pesantU ssspesrMD- tBBBpdaeprscsUbUdkhes.Ua
kaUabotUar kails aad aasU peuu
tomrsoetbsnde he*s<
V saall ana Urea hatehet wUl be

w Um Ua^aap

oe Uehettta da^ ltL-d,fflceH
rat Uaa proparlp wubed aad Iroai
palUaproetakxIaplaeBoarb (U
lal altatUa U a few AUlk wUl raeoU Is taklsc Ua ablrt wmUt at f tab
aad ae attrs^re ae erar. IfUereate
...............loss or Iriaai

____________ Ilrbt BBd rap.
Tea'll AA s frtsad to jots yes
Aad kelp pos stolt vast AT!
Bst whob Uo world Mt aeoA U
Do Bot ftaa suilts refrMa—
rwUl urt seta eita sA cola w
Aad BOta A U rslB."

naU. toaak
tola ttoasssA

lakd-FAtoke UUU^sarta
peon eU wA Ura M CM WAtoa ako.
SAtaadaia IA tatraadar.ardld la
Ua wlato.
blbart KMto A Blk Kapto 'tat
AUa nd ItaU HarU to Ua dsaU
Abtotalbsr. TbatkaaaatAtSM
r A tads apiewla


like IGnrYso Have
Always Bondii

U Uap are aUll llriac-

Bears the
Ua poor aatrartw body Uat
aA allppA swap to Ua beaaUlel Uad
wbara than k ae pals. BtaoaldaBrro bc«a wall, to art we Bot rIAt
Hk slx-paar^ AUr. wAhA hip dkata atoo. k AtUnr Attor sA
walk a little oa eratUts Bat Ue

IbU rood Uttar ften to oA PloriA
ww wriUM oe Ue PearU ef Jalp.
iTta oaaofoar clrlsoflortar pasn Awspa to«Abar. Wewill aU aend to­
Wa SIS rsrp cIA %o bear froa bar.
lar aasUlna wkba A brr. boplar abf
■oae dap AqglU walL '
k ifTfUae troa Otmcb atp,
s tear Uta
SCO sad
peer ADsblaaClab sad Arastouoa utie aarabal Jot^hlaa Wilton.
Tnrene City.
liA all Ut other
BUel Noffeli
We bsrt Ukas Us Huuld crer slate
Ito '/.UU NoB>larer. 1
Md 1 Blwspt esjtp
list WaltoNoBelnrer.i
rasdiac It aora Um sap eUar paper
1»3 UairpN
wa take. I Ars oalp writtse oaa Ut
ll«l Alria Ni.SeiBrer. latarloeAn
tar to poB Afore sad that was slaiasi
nn UMUeHMebator. Kiorelap.
tareo ptaa era, 1 Uiok. 1 sa Ulrtaa
nas Garlpae drearer. Klor»lep- ,
prkrsoldaow. Alboorb I Are aarpt
last Flora Alls tJsrland. Archie..'
aeeD poo, I leal slataaa If I Aewpoe
nto BensApUarUod. ArebU.
to I. Are basid paps sad asaas
l»e tUsU Doran. Oeboro.
BO olta of poo.
U9T Marcia Dorao, Oaborn.
UW Annie Ooraep. Ulea ilereo.
wriu loUt Uxxti.ii! 1 always like U
ISM Harp Dohop, dies Baru.
read bar Utuis so asA
ItOU OerUe Don^.Ulaa Baren.
expect to ro to Datndt la Asco*
Arable Plowmto. Ulan Barea.
iosiapbpearwiU apsoatMi rati
1«A BesaU Plewtaa, Ulan Haren.
asbool Uara I aa cotar U lake asalc
UOS Braett Carr. Ulan Hares.
.'toe. 1 Are cfadosted troa
HM HeAI Hantor.OlaB Haren.'
saasr rooa ie Onsra Clip
MM VUla Forilqe. dien iUraa. »
Ueltasitp k is DtCtad, six
Hos Jimmie ForUne. dies Hmsb
alia from Are. Hp akUr Amp rUa
HA Harp Anaett. lUm Haren.
orar tbpts oe bar wbaal ararp Ap dsrI«W Marie Beeinell. dlsa ilarea.
lar Ue Ura. At I sa At ttroof
MW UUlto UTack.niea Haren.
aaoerbaalsardBC north. 1 exp«
MIO MMie Miller, dim Uareo.
to Are s lerelp tiat. for Uap bare
Ull Cbnrile Berket, dleo Usrea.
■MP thlncs tbers UM we do not Ar<
lUP Bddte BeCar.dlm Hsreo.
IbastjM, strse
MU UarrepTromm. Tnrene Clip.
MM KenA Kowm, Msplo City.
MU -MoUIe Awrn. Maple City
"Ptolds k a<^ St all like It saod U
MIA Willie Bowen. Maple Clip.
t, to Ue orsBca trees are fri.tra.
MIT Jofannk Aweo. Maple Clip.
WensaJ to Are so
MM Alto Awen. Maple CItp.
eoslda'l rire Uaa away, for sU the
MU Therraa Wripht. Maple City.
people here had all Uep eopld esV
MIO Marfie Clark. Trarenr City.
"Wa Are eaa Jersrp sow, two
Mil uirold 1>« Unw. Mapletoa.
tusnd Ire llult kUteas Tfaa
ItSs Harrep P. maerman. Trar.Ci
int are jatt at Ua eeU are c
Mii BUda PuDmerman. Trar. Cll
Tbap res stosad Md p1sp all Us Ume.
Hit Ida CMfirld. unwn.
"1 wkb 1 eosld ro U tss poa to-dap
Mil Harold Canfield. Trarenc Clip.
wfU all Ue fast 01* Us Ays Md rlris.
Mis Uaorre Cknfield. Traeerae Clip.
bst I SB so tar swap I doo't keo
MIT Betle Canfield. Trar. r« City.
•AU era see peeMia Donald Canfield Trareno Clip.
"I will Art to top now, tor
Hit Dora Oaollrld. Tiararae Clip.
ire ap Uttar will take sp too aueb
Mio Mabel Moll. Acme
»a U Uo Bxk*i.n. Beplnr U r
HK Hallie Uower. Ace Ann.
ap Atton bqforo rarp loaf. I aa
Hit Carrie tValton. Trarenr Clip.
Yean lorlarly.
MU I'eari Wsltoo. Trarene Clip.
BasaiKT H. Fi’LLxn.
ThenkabsAltor rntartobaa U
ton In oar latter bos wbleb Are apt
-"•f'-'"'been solUaL Ana of Uaa
M9T Jeaeph U. Wealrb, AUa
writua far tack In Ue wlaur Md
tprlnr- TAp were, All
dasrrood Utlois sad a •( cladlpisM ti SappttA at Lwi In -Triraraa
ealred. Aaonr Urm Floyd Kerry
WTOU tfast be was tleraa pasn old Md
OeA-aatorA taple srs olton irrila Us fonrU rrsda Ue Aa a rood
near Arbor Dap
wbea be wroU, Md Uep ware rolac
Bta bare Itoblnr FHeaT
laateot ttaaln Ua acbotd yard.
enmrh ^r> tobA;
MsAl BrooA U tersB paan old,
reads Ib Ue flat raada sad gom
^ llchl
SaeAp seboeL - ,
Hard to bear; Artier to
dpolU poor jsmper.
Hlldred PrsUwssUn psaraoldUa
fifU o< Oetebar. For peU aA baa
uS"n~? sad enn a toe«llelt
bird sad a kitUs. TA bird's aaae I
DiekMd- Us hitUn's naas k lf.dreL
relUraAcare It poa
Ue Arise pi a local
RosaU sad Pearl Wbiu aorad

arsaMd of the e
■ wsablar '
h^fal of salt.
________ I aad drplBC It. leaks p
atareb bp dUadriac---------- .------Ihstra^
dry starab ia a qaart of water. Thick
MWms paeetsfrsMi
wbatu aatsad wbere- eaabrie MetaS tboold oeip be sUrek
wiltol U> be eUUad.
UUad. Praasaablp tha
aatlBCk faaebaaCB Mdrwt.
poo raise eoafori) deeH tor- added bdfa UaSBodb of rs* arsbU
>.tid haa, oapsMd cIoUm dtoolrad la water wlU a liule
‘ •ea.UoarbdoUaarteo Wn»C tbs shirtI dry oat of Ua
Id it .bpUe
Mib tab Is tbo bsM issap k:
a tatter as Ua eld ahoae. Back. Oat
>d troa dntof Map. Tbtp Are to walk a mile
rood asltwUI baa
>. sfw toaebool.- FloaaU k in Ut arsl-r>ada
bra Md
la a Uwd aad Md Pearl In tbe alxU crnA
which wriarl
Btta UopklDS wrtUa Uat aA k In
Mdbktad. ThspollUelMW
baaookadeatef doo.._____ ......
tbap are tadp to iroaiar la tA aaranU rndt and auidto artUi
to ■ess ielo s M» bsBSA
irhaa aaeralar- BoUad. broiled or
.TSBtar. phpaUlorr. hklorp. go~-B>otebeMpMraMrhM
—d.aad atluTs AraUa boUUUs psraat aata^ dip Ua asti
spalUnr and wrttlnr.
rrmd erillAUalL tUU pork Md U bbt sufeb and wrtac
OarrU AplatworU U Ulrtaos paan
ttod Two Ublaepoooa of raw aurcb
>.WhMT Bei^bt • beta
wta anraad orar i
law a qaartoi boUlBr watar. wlU • sad laUe faarU rrsA. iMbiUMkr
taksadkh dito
Arid Fox Ilk« bk tchoel rarp
daah otrasi arAUe. fore Ue propat
fasab aaau abodd > brcdlsd oa
UUbBta Dae Ua atareb aa hot a At expaeu U eota U Trstaae Clip
b^pisbesss bsIsMp Ota rlowier soak.
Aa Itea pot. a a____ Ue ws-_ padMe, Md wbea Ua sbirt k wrsai Btxt fall.
•Mtabsltobsta. A'be^ bacMt. a Uar-bMdIad a d
«el UUUt. a
Msod OtborB data sot ll*a at later
k » bedp.s beta k • soM. I Alp Icar-haadlad apooa aad fork.
U as qalckl^as^poB loabaa Uoarb Uat k her pnloOea A
broIUr. a Ua eae. a Ua asffsapet. aad
tas Uba haa SMt ■aoptaan
a eerared Ara-proof jar U wbUh u cleMtst iroD pee bm Aed, pedkh 1'
It elab and to a dear AaxhiBt rlrl.
well wlU a wax eUlb. Md tsafUi
Ataor Ar last wiaUr’t Utter wrtv
hast of It wlU a pUee of wblU paper
eeoUar sttaUa: baiUr hare tee few Pint U« poke. Use Ue oolltr. l6tld< an MaA Md Haslt Ckawtord a
..fbs BU wto ta tbk UsM ot Um too aaap. A ubslar UaUra Md oaUlda Uaa Ua back, front, aad
I Wexford rlrls nlae pasn oldsetaBU baadp.aad k belto Umb last ofall Ua sleem aad nfb. A
Bast MM UM Uap sra Itria ttoahln board Md s slnra board ars rerp
bslpfal, Md: lodsod.UrUttokBDcc tars T%ep wriU:
rise. U]Aca. r«l*«‘"
aMu. It sbooldbs half M lack UUh
-WsAts two stolen UMan
6rs lochM wide, and rradoated so Uat
Ilk wall to Uke aa aeeh ef ~.iuoi it asp At Mp sierra Tbk sbodld bs
ce^taauaad Ua like, aa
I Ota WlU AmboI sad bcsU
Iwt. lor aeoaoap'e sake.
______with whlu aatlln. aawed oa diahn sad sweep Ua toor sad fetch
fasppiarU wUMckAUlaai r'ooa.
Aralp. Wbea Us tlcere k trctad. Up waod aad water. Wa read U Us
brtiClac baakUsabaaet Ua hw k addar a IIUU too aseh ef Ue cook: xtfoke tbs raUan CBoUp wlU Ut As-. aaeoA mdar."
ran,st>d kcsie aaoeth Ue eollsPsad
■li MWBM llki Utbaseal far AUlM kara aarepaa bia.
■asl ArarpaUs to A twlastoUa bbr MM It U wall Bcd U forret tba easrrls swap is
tars ABdbp-Ue-wap.aaMacoara
MUel sebaaUta Utba wapot Jeas
ar asaben. la Ue list riran today
aad>UUB aad uMd Ulars to dalatp Aa Ua a fee ebaa sre not Itkrlp to
Slwu brother bA Btotar. DomU sA
(sUata. Oeat |Am u aahs sap <ta bt eeorasUBt.dir s beta aasr Ua Map
Don OMfleld. We WBBtd IIA to kaow
tersM ^statltto rat sp a UUla Are (p«t s but U It U pea bare eae. U Lead wlad. straer w
Aw old Uap era.
BDWBtoBUl acMaas UeraUa bos
Clara Brdt. of SbUom Btp, w
Ptab wiad, too wind, blewlac to* Uttor U jMaaip. U waUS sA tolls of
la. In eorrred rlsa Jan.
raUbeaaUaMtabad.petaUaraUUsB WlU lasfp broU: FOarferU Uprkk'lka atraask
srmosd tobstbrowB awap. Aap t^ keep sU ritrht Ull WMled. Aa
Iholr Ckrlxttat Ita. UA hA ' to
batr or toH k gooi auwad dewa aUobol siorak shsadpIitUa Ular U Ors^k'Ml^ to M. ■
Ghikttaa rUH a pair ot altta
tbUk. iwsilMif aad toead. aad It barsoawhUh
A ol totfoMO sA aota saAp.
Ua oe (sUp daj
tbta k ealp CM }aUp taaWer fall Ota rlU sadltar askaaes
ikssee sadscsaollae
AAol sA Ctar Bataba. aUo e( Bab
------' Usrs
htol. All Itol taabto. aera It wlU
aa Bap. wreto each a aUa Uttar la
talUdMutes aadtaeklt awapUa
Harab. laUlar abOBl Ualr nk
tab ovkaad tea aallar lOL wlato
No wlBd. Bor ill. BBT reed.
«Mss. U Oerak a MBsa taU Df SMw^
Laaaa Dsm A Bb tepida
UsUllJBlpl •
btato. aaatba ad rad taapbaptiaa. aad
rerp preup latur aboat Ua asta Uta.
taU aeMcd Madi«MAMblhaaall
toltlAA Uaplaaaat wUtarta bA
(bVaUa.baOtM UUkktMa aet tottalMtaaastatp, Haasw_____
riU rkA to Tank UA aA
>M^ tblar U hatB wlae te tbs
laaes SAsald.-'! aarlA 1 joiaA
BeaesUtbs Btill-loBred Irres.
be aushiaa Qab sA weald UA to A
• To SBleb Borehsate B bratsa.
laatbl^ to help It atoac.*
WaUa aaeriSlar aa. A Alas.
Ia atUl Jalp!
tan tocM Ue'^LTaS^I^'u;
Oar) Bebw'iaoa A TrstaM CItp
kaktor Jaato wrato wAlar to jota
idSA*—Osakias. Brsatbs*
is«ala(rto«sr.add ear tAalab. Oari k tear pr.n eld aA
• lit rerrawaat. Stir
tuaad 4 •
BHU tai» rUsrir sad wsU spUsd.
1 cAair to bru hi
■taa l^aadthtaallWsMdpM
iwv pta “
Aaaa Tkaato BrfakaM A OU IOb^ui it k ■
r Ml wW CU aad lbs to
• aB«to be



Always Bought.


Trunks, Satchels, Telescopes at all Prices

Whips. LBpfacH. Glorcfi am] Mittens,
in all grades, styles and prices.




. isa'5^^-

Tr..™ Oitr, niohleM..

Brosch’s Meat Market

r.omumoton. ftlntia^lMitiMliti


^\OfOR PETEffr^

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


B«-Painting and Upholstering.

loeCioBB ot OcpMfittbwUh,


Sute St. seas Oeios.

________ QtatFtaA«t.Talidi,
TtfOU. 0. toMikUMi * OOA


.onto >tott..«lBta. .




0it7. Detroit, B<

poista >Mt tad South. ClOM

_ .

B\»"owX ±jx Seaaoxi.

Horsohoeiiig and M Reidiriiig Dona
Mt. PlBkMBt. Ovewo.



Emh. Salt and Smoked MuU, Smigds£tc.


•11, Amb Arbor. TeMo aad

. ..

fseassE8fiMafi«i b

Choicest Meats, PoultiY and Game.






■ 7rj“s;:zgyft^-.‘2r„?S!?..5r



M. B. Wheeler Electric Co.



Oir Himss Uie tbe Yer; Bat thit M Leillier ud
WortmiisNIp' Cii Prodoct

I bA boeo annopA <
From slorw to rmidtiKO. office to betofj. Tbe)'
for many pasn In
an- «ry uaefol and an- Low Prleod. Too oon
was psrtieulxrlp palnfol aod anoopl
aad wbea 1 weal to W I coald i
pxkiA your own PriVKtO Telopbono.
net on seeoont of Ue afil elloo. I oeei
Wp hare •om.-thini; V«W io Uii* llito. Write
s onmber of ao callA eurca. At Doon'
Oiatmaet k f
lu.for prictk aad in^nnation.
me eotire rel
Uk as It e< rA ms. I am
trosblA no r i Are Bot beae
I aeA Doan'a Ulatmeot. I al wape
sroA word tor it wbro I know a |
aon aoflerlor In Ue aamr war ae
Dosn'e Elddep Pllle are to sale
^1 dealen Pries U_omtt. bUtlA bp

~ Euraka
Harness Oil

- ne<^.
oan nBAran, n..p. a..


jr;r. mrV-A-OTE! TJITB,

BoreA Berame On U toe Ita
limii laUre of are lmtl,w

:sTs la




'asrT "sTs isTV''


St. “S.."**

Chicago .u u—i-w
West Michigan.




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