Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





ftrand TraverMHeraM
rmATvaa ottt.

S :
O. P. Carver
DENTIST Real Estate
■ EsSss
k se




lU L. L L Mta, num L « L bml


la «lacnet 7WU calUac baidea •

■aka r™e Ufa aa (raa has Uav.

ttaar»» aaaat a -aea. u»Mal-aalaaa rDal. vlS saka It 4«ubla




put* OlAM, BtAAm Boiler end Acddeat Zneimnoe.

Merchant Tailor

AuerMT* M Uw,

Sosiness Ctetfds.
m-O. OatM.

OTEJSE'i^rssSiE;.'® NO BLUm Sg5«,„^KJsts.n.r'


Once become aecnrtomed to their oee and joo are lost
without one. We hare them for teinpiTature, for dairy nae, fur ater*
iliang purpueea. and for llieriuunietere
Brins PreKinpUona and Family Becipea to ua. We fill them
riKbt, with (IniRa that are right, at prices that aie right.

in II—1
Blaalea to lire
t wbat wai eo

"‘.U'TK.'Sr I if;
«, b.i


fram e la tba aeasiSR
maul asoal II.
o'clock tba aext msraiar emtiac tor
Tba mabto. wllb
aicbl ireaka. toer of whkb w
... ..1 by aa aarilar train, a^


sn •

ll^wl^toti* ?

Tba Statioe Maator'a Story.


sad Ariaoea that wbaa ea tba warpatb al asaiba tba iraiaa r«aali« fram mat
mpanoedbata abla to aaalatw Hie - aadwrai Is Meats Cario aiw m atwwAto oibara ab a • •'e.ed that tboacb swa baa paU laphM
---------- jIb abUily to m
heUmtlaatmelam earrlac^hm^
aitraordlaary mmehea; to be bme l^,saaa«y to aiaad or Av wiib «•• ar
day and «oo mi' H away
wrilar of Soei Africa. Isa
m tea Loado paper. calU
tba abHltr ai tbr 'Beer to Ureas tw- paar prortdad »-«Tneatr naaomm^.
as erdlaarr tiaopar
hia eanaelty to irate
eat dklasmi with biter In laeredlb''
ortUaw. II
m with tapir m
liabmaa tbcae ^aalli
b .a to CO from Raatoaa <s Faria laatmwl^
' r»d seed
It la by
e -r-: be tbe Uaia da lasa. bat kaad tb«
In ibat BnylASd in U
1 br;<»sld aacaraaaly oaa small ao^ltv
iwUllac to mals^sa
two parseaa.abdlsrlbMted 1
to wan a w
alosr os tbe arm be '
Tba prhw (nr saab
It rlanerd down• at mr. and nceer!. Toe Boer kaowa
Ant clam tie
tiekat waa SU. sad far aaab

aboai. sad dakhad away wtUi It down
d tlM anA. w Uat pat Ihata.
Uia wbipa kurlof to laan trelrht
U look ont tor ibr bridfe.
• SB iutaat I cooldat make at
be wa< abooL bat thaa it all
d am air. sad raciaf aftar bin
ForU^'a aabe. J la. doet
o thai'
iisk of .Nasby"
"Now a _a'l I tbe WDcat fool to my
iin« llbr ibat' At If I'd be apt to
IK of Nanny before be did:
Be bnd tbe ladder kfaimt tba poM

Dudo. bUa.aarfaea .a w

Uaabaad a> aaa al

Trmwerse City. Micb.

Jobnaon Block, Phone 7a

•ad Me tbc ekful sew liM 4
t^iriarStylai ol WoeUa* •«<
ce lale. whteb i#l te bmIc «
Is Ue Utm Blylfa. aad i
■aeh Low tViets mwIII auprii

Ua.a jaa Bi4a a.*a aafu

Mo/ie^ to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.





J...... enerMa^raa.
O, iw (Ta~ a< .Muaa* dar. 1




1\a Soatb Atrlaaa Bear mwA raaa»
Mm ear Amarimn Apaaba la bteahUity




>; <ar


Acnira two Selda 1 eoold aee tbe lit­
tle alataoa poeplnir tbroogb tbe eionaaon asd fold of tbe maolm. half a
mile away,
away. I bad no Idaa aa to wbelber 1 aboBid
lo train tine. I
bad not been Heine t>7 a el' ik for a
month paiL
Knt of one tbi
eortain; I waa not fola^to apail
laat itndl oe Uta laat day of my
Uen by borrylnr atur a trala
stdbt bare no eztalencc.
So I loitered alone, drinkiaf ii
plorioM October air. loonrlsc. baaidr
feneea, and now and tbeo alopping
add another rlew to tboee wbleb w<
to proridr me with as illnal
d of
if myostlnr.
my ostlnr. and finally
0 Ue platform, to bsd. to
. that there had bees
1 tor till

fool is ibeaurrsp.
c rifbl
Ir and bla brad Bad
all tbe lore
H know ibere waa a
family life
, ,
L o= I pan of bia family
Isff rlae for
• to db ' Thes for
Isaust be bral bia brad asd cloaed ba eery bardy.anre fooled kod aff-el
Then. loo. tbit Boer ti a rifle ataol
eyea-Joaiaar Isttani. asd after
Tfol kklil
When be wm boi
be lookrd sp acals asd waited.
abort bteeebra the rifle waa
"Yon nsoemand tbe plao.alr'.'
fait bandt sad be waa made
sat wu it: to tkkr the one rkascabot oi
of sa
fait corncomdied of drOBBloe ne ih» -ah “a"
^ ‘I'*
I a hsodred
>of aaab7pam«d7o’d« him' Ifbe*"®’*^
Hr It tnared to Ur hardahipt
madr so



womaa Ual Uoapb Uair tiebtoa callad
tor M pompartmeai tor two Ua am
bad ^ato-obatorad and New 7 aad A
Uair aeoitam Lo Ua aabatitotod mr.
were to a doable room. TbooUartww
berths ware to be eocaplad by a toaa
asd woman, who would pot ca al Ctaw
naa NalUar eoiraattoanor ladipaatloa
wars of aay trnU. bole qnlsl "Itwlll
ba to your Intorait" had Ue dmlrad «•
fact Tba woman pot Ua raom tor iwa
and Ua paatd Ue extra tip Tka aa*

- “r^b NLrV’.^ ^pp^

rest woald be easy reoopb—Ua elimb
laeladtop A
lep In al Ua window aod aunplnp bar.
In Uacampaipa of im apalnat Ue
"tUa aura
Ilf eonrae. uoder erdina'y clrenm
A Fiaaar.
■taoeea. if Ur had been comiap bfad' EopliabUe Borr took pood earc Uat
00, 1 mean. Ur riik would sol barr hit forcee oerar faeed Ur roemy in tbr -ExrtniHK.
Ba oarer offered opre
boro prmL for. if he mimed, moil like­ opeodeld
Pbaraob as Ortod Fukly he would bare tollen behind peuinp papemeoL Hr eboae bU eyrie la

lltUa more tbeo n pood abakinp npand
TbeoSeial EpypUaa bMapaa^Uff
off lIMoa at___ lo raapeei for Ua remains of kia anaiawaa—: I cm
a few bmtaea. Botaaltwaa—:
. ... asaaalled Mij iba
tellI yoo.
you. air,
Uat Uoapb four miBol
or*. area wbaa UsM are of royal IlwbUI bacamaopmek by rock, i,|a>rmeould
lid not hare paaaad from Ua tie
pa. krapaefa Bay, wbo bM aaaa aa*
■t aipbiedber till aba eamadaU- ibp like a uaka. twIsUnp lo an I <
tauap M da Morpas. Ua Rpyptotof
and not flrinp aatll ba bad a mark
li seemed an aiemlir; abfaal
tL la bit axplaxaUataa. aeca dwaoeraed
d ber come Uundrriop oo 1 rraa
mammy,—baltcrad to be oaa of Ua
liacompoaed by as Uoapb lamed to alone, till I t6i
latter inform
teralbick. as tba want wblixlnp ly,
Ua priia to Cblro.
trary. notblng eould bare been
to wiU my bneda before my face (onbul
■ta roacblsp a rmllmad alatlea be
tba foture. Toere appear* to br mnefa
my mind. I aboeld tbn waate none
ilaiely dacllssd toeswflda btapnl will pay 16 to 80 ooats for nnaraabed w.k>1, 8 cents for hidee. tbe anlendld day. and tbould be able
"Bat baldly foraaeeooil eoaldibare raaaon id Ue amectloa Ual It Enplasd
>«««*• 1«MM4
'‘lake" aeraral of Ue bmoUfsl biu by stood Uat way; I osnat know wbat bad 'drclaraa war Ua blaekdof tionU Africa
ts to $9 for hoiwe bides, from 86 oentR to $1 for eheep pelU, and Wbieb Ue tUUob wat aorrimodrd
happened to bim Brinplop all my lill rite with the Bow aad ^selpltale ibey oomprllad Ua iltoinrmw U
ooeflicl Uat may ba a daemda In swd"1 Ulsk I serer mw a doer piece of aurnpth lo bear. I planctd after Ue
1 a tMhst for Pbaraobna wnU na staa .
the highest market price fur fare of all kinds. Pleaae try me for your road." I remarked to tbe alatioe-i
flylnp Uiop'
(or hImaelL
Eopland b
III).19V tsoare milea ol
" Thank God' them be
bat sot
On rtMbiap Oalro Uam wm trank
own benefit

•itojy lo aon<)aeria the Tmnaraal
yel onl of casAer, for he waa ellarlsc
! while papolalioa It
. ilfleent pempeclire. auaiebtM
to Ue loot of Ue cah byUe coda of
^'Wbat har^yon pMUanr- BcMwh
a »a}.M« all pf«.
die. tor fire milet. w|ib a perfect arcb.
finteia- Conid be bold os ' Wm it tr. .pi.
ipe Fre
i^lcb carried orrr It aa ihUieeetln<
Bible for bim to draw bi-seelf upliPTiTu.
to faror Ua Boert
road, to frmmr It to
1 ret talk lep ineldr Ue window be ' wbleb
*““'*■ is
“ expreied
"Ah. yoa can't pat UM Uiwafk
ih.uwi square mll<
"Vou're riyht. air." be replied wiU
e hr wtkkhaken tif'.'
witbont paylsp dniy.'
Tbe white popalalioa qf totaiaft.O
erident nleatore at my aopreelaiioo.
Bstloactal to bare known tbme
"Bat." orpad Pkanokta ffaa*<>kAand Uere am
"There ian't anoUer aneb bit for Uir
0 miitelea betur ibao U hare feared
•mammle'a aoraly don't bars M My
ly milea "
1. be coQid alwaya make hit arm
Uon combined of Ue two repa'bllen it ‘‘"^UOB-t U^v npliadW aaotolp
“Tbal tiraiRbt mo. uveiber iwlU rifid aa tuel. aad be did U Ues.
one of Ue braretl men Uod erer madr.
"Yoa. IhafU all.air Urttopped ber nearly l.onu.neo ptaplr. of whom mere "wa wlU BM wbat tea laflalw aaya.*
eared a lot of Urea a wbilr back. " be before Ue earre waa reaMfhed. aed
Han ibaaatlra atoS esMalUd US
At Ue preaanl time Ua Boer bta eooadded a moment later.
eared, no mae koowa bow• many Urea "
•ol of Ue water tapoly and food deWbr. Lbla waa aomeUlny
"And Ur eom
IVrll. Jlo did
tested mytelf on a truck, eiaaped my not bare to wall
ote of Ua Tmntraal
Be baa also by Ua admlBBtratlea.
We want • f«* reliable men to
of ih. hridpea and the wetl and
'—Clir.pfi,!,, Eiolf,riv,;
"Wall." Mid Ua oBwr. "wa wUI aaiepn«i-nt tbe •tiougest and beat
tunnel Uronpfa Ua tor Uat M dried flUi daty. Uraa piaa>
Accident and Sick&eu Inauraoce
•jobalUll. IflbaEep
Tba Uorsa in Bailie
-oal of U« •• •
waa eaatlog losy ataadowi. Uen lamed
Uonpanr in tbe world, naime
A releran caralry boma parUkeaof
to my eompanlos.
•ettled without .tbe nanal amount
Ua hopea and fear* 6T bailie JueL tba Boer bM tfaonaanda of mflaa of torri••Goos."J.mld
r eauponr
of red tape.
1^> PMI* 4M*kete la iM-Onu.4 Trawaa
"Well, tir." hr tald. lilliny back Ue -------- u bia rider. Aa Ue column lory beyond into wbieb be can retreat
into line and wnile. Ue borse He la lo poalUon.rif he does not risk all
box OD which be waa eit-dsy. asd foldoarrona orer Ue waltln(.
If onaainple open rnpapemenL to ki e>
bia basdt betaibd
. . hit beadapaioel
Sannp Ue SoMdsa.
-ilia apuD will irembla Ef^land In pnitoll of bImUroupb e- n■a inalde of Ue baepae rx
iral Africa lorapresi many yaart to
Dartop Ua araettoa «d a aaw
r. it aaa jail Ula way.
It waa Joel aod awaai. and yrow apprafarnalre.
If be baa bean an monifaa in arrriea. come. .So Fnaidest Krnper Uinka.
bridpa to allul
I. LUEDUt,lM.Sipl.
leb a day aa Ula. and joal abonl Uia
be koowa erery bugla call
CaodlUooa of warfare bare ehanprd
me of Ue day. too. alraoge
Traveiwe ttty.

the rider
aince mi. bat UeTr<aacaal torritory
feel bim worklnd at Ua bit wiU
bae not ebanped. wlu tbe exception of mil aaleidc (npMbw.
itlara. wfaes J m
uiorna to ral It batweco hit laeU.
- m'Diioord railroad tonaal tbronpb deaf aad tba oUar iaearmUy dam
Polkck. a Rreat ebni 1 of mlar.aod
tar will riibrr er-k I
he Hxji
Hxjaba Hill ranpe
icaa Utrmli
lUaa Uay
ibay ideelarad,
As E<
'aplUb corrmpoi
tooprmt for .... I to bm
aloes sp tbd’olatform
b Ur l"l eami
Hoartap of Uair row. a aym
'I laagi-bad to eyacll wbeslaaw bic caoBoi ooiv, cowerer, j oa lio
carry bim forward, asd after a
lie time of thp y««r to consider I
Uat lim>r of Ue flpbt!!^qoallv
mloltwr wai ittoaaaraB
•aaraa t.________
'rba wcll-ksowi

Ue Boer
talked ________ auadUy tor MU
wanU : aalRbt ol. bet
For tea yeara 1 have handled
"We serer were
re able toeMUaawet
boor oa Ua horron of Baae dm
that line there.
Jim waa a fanny fel­ <ms feel bU sadder raaeita U bmre
asd bare done wlU
aaaooD aa my. Except before Ue flpbt at MaJ aba
"I wtota yoa had ooma a IIUls aaritor.
low In ten.*
acn.* wan
Aa elaan aod
OB hie Bpanda
wMa Ua
takinp ortan l«w
A idta aeldom eria% i
wbro bitio at any time. Asd wfaes UryUonpht. atoiawr finally pamml lor hraaU. **Hb
beat drirer of aa eeciaa is Ue com
all ktods of Frail
a Ue^e we BoUead Uem Uey aad Ueir bonm oo late BOW."
pany. Be araa rotoc to marry Ue oret- the isrmoll of battle.
"NouaMar Mwtod Ua iiiwm
dlaagpaared M if awallowed apbytbe
tiaat little yirl—bni one—wlibls ten Wiu a borne. Fire tmoperi
Over one bnodred in sncceaaful operation in this city
oat of ear
a we a
eonnliaa, and waa bead orar beala in
and aarroaniling country. A guaranUe bond girra
If bit
'wa're Urawa all ear baaaa ••'
lore witb ber. If erer a maa waa. but. Ueir aaddlea wiUinamias
with every fnmace act by.
■p waakeaM
bleaa yon. it I doa'l Ulsk be waa al
plpm lato t' Mul. Ulkklap----------------rery maeb is Ue onea. bnt bot a bl» eorar Bead'am apala. "Ifyoa-UaMa
most aa moeb in lore wiu tbe alcbt of
ed B>er waa to be awrs. Bat e^
to dira ttr 'em. tram pa «• OA';
a track or Ua amell or an eDgioa'a
oace la a while Uare wm Ua crack of
t. we mma to follow 'am!*'
amoka: ( need to pla(ne NanoT abonl
a rifle, and Ibes oor of oar poor boyt
fL bnt aba didn't obJecL not aba; ahr
r. aaatMbfiM kMbwould po oeer. tbe Iloe woald close op
-UaaatoM------held aba loaad Uem aa wail aa hr, aad
ol Uroopb
Uronph Ue bead or heart ibal be and wr woald bep la ebaalap apale tor
1 ballera aba did.
Anyway, tba knew tbol
lea dowo.
doWD. He mat ba fatally woand tbe esrmy we eoald aerer find I
erery cnRiaa and Ua Ume of a»erj cornea
flpbi te ripbi taken prlaoaer ;aal after aeneml
traio aa wallaa br did. waa rtfalarly ad.. bat bobbles out of Ua flpbi
or left and alaoda wiU dro^ia________ Ity waa killed, aad 1 eae my U
ent onlfor a road man e wife
blood brinpi bhn eonld not bare been ireatod belter by
"Sbalirad bare, upUe bill yoodrr.
aay people They were kind to oar
aoA as ba bad a day ofl Jim bad oomr
Tba boras that loaea bit rider aed ta wounded, did net molest tba dead aor
.uapead llwlU ber And yet be
UdB tor Ua pmt fear ar
iBsall nt of Ua llrlnp. I Uisk Uey
— aldb'i beeoaunt Uat loop wlUoat
Mrs ptodanad Haa»U
of fooT* nolll some arc a rery brara pwople. and. m for
oomlng down lo eaat bta aye an and
I him ooL Than be flphUnp. Ury aerm M ko*>w Jast h MB wkoMraatlrradUshaartBeCtba
down Ua road
'Hallo. Jim!' I called onL ‘o>me poet pnlloplnp brre and Urra. nelpb- mmeb abonl It m we do."-E/.-b.iiipr
down u aee If
aliripbi' Well. 1 Isp wiU fear and ala'm. bei be win
writer as aapUaattoa ofekaaDaraadf
SOI leare Ue fleld —ta'rriJi,
otebaua'a laaalfUliia bk kaak
Btlptop AnoUar
•• "TbnVa U.. lorry,'be anawrted; bet
aypractotloa of
Red to aaUrn.
Not a Fitn story
are Uoaa who are ofb
Ues be Uopb
rfaed. Beeosldb'l balp
One day to Ua aariy oph^ ka waa
for other pfSpl*'*lorhekr - that
1 knew wbat be w
efiremdea aoeUwett of Utlta
walklnp aloap Us aids of a Mania a
tj may flod a‘ wny ti
bnrp. Hleb.. Uare exitu a nbeaomr>a kkya. wbaa be csm to altot ta
dow-e Nanny*' l narea't aren ber
. wbleb. WT« ii a-iattod in N>o
> llrad aa old mu ba had kaowa
e laat nlpbL'aaid I
> or Wyom np. woald ba onoied
Boatoa wiU a w(
-Rbe'a all ripbl' Ratal Ual b->
lOp Urprratetiof ottorul cnrioa>
Cneaaort of elosdad orer. asd be aai
Ob tba bask of tbr k'tlamtiM Before they arrlred Ue feUer bad
aal to his baad.
Uy friaad aaM ap,
• ■ ■
down OB Ue edpa of Ua platform yon nrar at Ua polot referred lo. la loet'ei
and Mid to him after a Ht. "I dU Mt
dcr. asd looked away down Ur line.
t tmall aprinp wbieb cxbibita most ooapeak to yoo. Beady, baeaaaa I Uengbt
"It wann'l like Jtm to look plnm. Br
able cbtnpet lo tomp-raure
yon miphl ba al yMi prayan.'
Larta pifkiMa al tba WortTa bast
wia Ue cbeerfolraU moalpoid-naUred
ormtl cjndilioo. If aocb U mty
"Wall aot axaailyUat.^Mld UaaU
dmaairfecaiMdal. SCRI cratoaracewl
.. IL aad maa. "bnt I wUl Idl yoa wha* I wm
fellow 1 rrer came aerom So I eosldo'i properly br called, it alaadt al fl'ly
a lost I ■lap op In daapair.whaa doiap.
bat woodar wbat waa ap. aod preaui four dapreei
•my to 4 pmm* paekafm Made atoy by
Tbit ii oa H lodtr
Brary marnlsp lor ferty yaara
liced a
ry larpa mas wntobiap f hare takas off my boaaai bara to Ue
eiun^^OBly ^ From Ua^tlmr oc
P* iateetly erer Ua top beaety of Ua world r
"Wall, it seemed Ual be aod Naafi>
amaea.*. Lasta. New Yarn, boaaaa: Mtoamnto
bees eosnllBC oo pewlsp married prawtretT ptrceptlb y oo'dtr, aatll oo oi nis oew*pnper Aa aeoa aa be eanpht
-bera astratoad tarwUp toik fwwat
...J. baLUrespbt bclpiwf oat bia ala each tu-cettir- dabbalb a eake of ice ber ryes, ba roM abd eramud qairiily
takP off Uair bawtoue kBMU at
to her.
lar'a bosbaod. ba'd loal a/lot of Ue ta formed aod t mu la U« trytial fla d
worid. It ta Uare Uat wt aay ax• tbrpTdor oardoo." h'»a*d. ••yon
money be bad eared lo po to boaae Jaalwby >t fluu Boaitoebed to Ua
toflai poMt.-Exritoapc
keeptnc: asd aa tar'e alwaya brid Ual aldex or bottom u eae of Ue alnpalar
mas ospbt to marry a pirl till br Uiopt eooeeeud wiu Uia fraak of aalid make bar eomiurubla. with k :ii tore
The maaa of lea ta always of Ua
_ -itaaloaary aaaa Uaa ape WM mu­
aometblnr laid by for a relay day.
mp froa poiat to potot aad^ tba W'd 1MI bees talliai
talliBf bar Uey'd harr
walla wre hit loo(<
a Itrlfe for poaaaaaioo of tbe weekly lap toward Ue lroab.ed
laadad.' ka mya. "aM Hsa Md
"I ama Jon poiop to
•apoly which ta. at tUtod. anitorm addrtaaro bim by name, tbaken haoda
imlrtopoowd aroaad aa I wm
waa dreadfal aorry u
tad WillI welpb tbost
roonla — eordiarly. and aapapad bim la a ternad to wblW wlU black ImUa
loierratlep aad oo
. I o<*sed Nanny a
I't Uapirl
Seaa. aen dartop Uaa oahMA
Clararly arraspad to keep hia misd oe
any taalL whan 11
Jim asddea
1 eeaaa ap. Mash ay ahirt aad
copied. Ual be forpot bie need to laarc
ly pire a praat start aod fix' bta ayea
Exiraoruinary Beli-Rinplnp
an. bito Uair flapaa aM rwa
Ue imiB. aad did aot Ulok erf It tpala
Ilka a eat away down tba raiKl. and ifie
away. A^aad aM Ufa wm dcaa
natll Uey were in Batos
next Inataot be was aaylap in a baaier
icold ballbU
owaa.iae always aya» ay
whisper. "Uod help sa. Oaa whalH
0 idi apidatad bar eharpa lato a earriape. reeeltad bar
\ OartoaraS blwUrr.wlrfa>uirtikai>MllNULtol.IBON <« TIN. Be, a ROOPUiO \
aaerrica ba araa ' ' aaaamacr Uatabe wni perf*«t'y aafa. '’^ur eemaaltokkaoM oU wmm*
■I bad bees ataadlnp with my bwk to Ua roof, aad eba
bad cordially abakaa brr bead, aad
1 Ue trsek. bet ax Uai I wbeeJrd
tba Hohammadaa moextlm.
was abonl to eiote Ua earr.apc door,
amend like s flask
re were U roe ablet perwoM who
raaUtoraU waar. kM kMNraff
" A trator I mlad: -bat wtot trala. mme to ebarafa. and tba ebaat. aanp is whcB aba rrmambared tbattbe had felt
______m, loadd tokatoar, IUU« ay
rSSl7*UA?T> ^ Jimr
I safe la Ue keewlap of U'
laiitoUoa of a paal. eooaiatod of Urea
oklap maa Uat aU bad bm
-- did BotA»«tr me. only made a aamaa. "Jofaa Eraaa. Jobs JeekiM.
I bta aama. BaaiUy patUap
for the Ueket oOee. analebsd a
Jobs Joaaa." boon Jobs Eraaa appear apaintt Ue door, aba said;
.___ imm Ue abeU. asd was toek in
"Pardos me. bat yoa hare rM
a twlakllap. Oaa ptosee waa all be
. ._a Jeal________________
me aacta aarrloa. may I eat kaow
ktos.JobaJoDea- Tnea
I M thaaklapr* ^
Itoa.' aaya ba. atUl in Uatatraape. oad. wbem Ucra wm a mop<
—"•a roles. 'Dae. It's a maaarayes of "Joha JooM. J^ Ji
p Rrooha.-aad Wraadaway.ptoa. eemlap sp backwards at sixty
that werUy bad aetorad.
mitosanboar: OoodUbd: Utaktrbat

at 215 Froat Street.




ijnoW fhi^?


Telephone 130

A"2*aSrij^- WM Ua raply.'






Doited SUlaBeBefoleDtSocietj.





MftWy to Loan

Carpet Cleaning Works


FroDt StTMt.

..... .

Bwrojoraod CItU Engineer

Plain and Artistic,


PmH Bata teed Tfem.





w. J*. SOBBS,

.'oils; 'ir.

TrRy«ne City. Klch.

Something New!

IpiN 5^











{ .-.SV'SS'L-'lJ'Ei.Xfei'.-.U'iiSl:.-’™ ------- f




___ IS

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline

•iU baspaa if It taa't aMp*adr
•*I kaaw weU aaempb what ba masM.
•M my Wood prtw aolA I /kaaw ba
ttlam aad ewe ed •aa Utoktop ^ tba toarm'elsek as

Best UTcry in Northern Michigan.
and ^ BMbto to OwaaaMw.

•rnephon. 7»

wOm as. mud Uat edrws. air—}mt
Asm. aad Uat Ua raaaway weald

I of tba coopraratioa. com
r« acA worU ealUapfor —J

Ttas C^lplB of Tnsbtorafaettkat tkayara
PBto^y^^tol^Sra? Umb
wblekatar way tkay waca tto«ad akoM
tfcarim taw^Mtt^MP tokara-


AihiA banal tWH^ Ml
iblaotbBlBlBB laetbia larva

WbbBlldtat. aad«llblBSnr<aM of

ib«y are iee«bed aed a atom tally te
hepcoaaear/pMad af poiaMB nal
raerf elarrt. la tbe boldisf Fraa beta tbay fd
Tbe asapaey
a trW
to Ibe BUI hnpperoaibe aeaood fl <er
tbe elan aad freely lerealad ttZ
wblehesppliBibe'tBOfraianas Iba
eaplul baaeaaa ibey kaaw ible
floor below. la tbeaa the poiataaB are
be tbe petal beet adapted w lhair
duead Mapalperalobfeae Ibreafb a
baaliiBB Tber barelad rr-r a larfa
ponkw af tbe Celled dlatae la eeareh
of e laeatiea. aad wbaa ibey raaebea
tareb it libeiatad aad waabed oet
TVarerte City they eaw at a f laaoe tbat froatbeflbra
It It tbea takao ep le
Ibey Bead look 09 fartber. Xe', tbe bur Mbe or laekt oa tbo teeoed floor
^aat bat ae.DBed eacb y>oxrrlnaa froB wbloh the waur witb lu load of
that lie Befaltedebeaeera'- d ttloeitbataieb ie rmo tbroQCh loaf tleloot Uko
Boattoioasy aed ellb tbe eierpy af tbaee owd la aeperailef fold. Taree
tbe eoapeay d:.-) ibo re u I'r ^ lor tbe
■•I In rowtveeralaoet Ibe aotire
Bacat poUtoniB ibe world, Ibe M>«bd or -rf tbe bulidlac. nad nt tbe
Ifbo tfIbreb Co ie booed toteoBea____
___ __
water, whleb tfarae a


WOMA*. WhM teWikd tb«
MHar will te tk« <8«n ooui;
arwiBn la tb* aertbM aan of ta»
Wmt pMiMtIa of Mleblfu. *c
mMI telhaeDaatj.aad Is ksri

MmM. IWt tbk beard arruvr
asBUabtodedlesOosef tb* balld
If «a^y»»laa»<rl
’ba H U n '

tealaid. TtetaeoaiBliwc of sIm. bSM^tad bribe BbslrBSS of Ibir
' baMSTbreor^aes eo»alU
H toUem; Tbi
lOTfeM Uw tosrt of tupeie
IbMsel' "

e trea Traeeeor City, two

Idas iselUUos I
idJaMIssoriae Mteblfsa basren'^
taad bleMiaetitii.-aleoeacb oU>
__________Ft e( ibc aiatc J :dlC‘4rjr ••
IbMaayee^arbeel. be ltfortbr>
■aniedd. Tbst iba KBsielpslIiy
MaOllf ed Traeefae City be Ileelied
ia«Ub tbie
.. board IB
«lbe beUd
---------- jd. Tbetibe paopi
t^yylybelaelladui ^
tolbe dlBc'eticB < f U><
I srrmafemaaU
paaidad tor.
AtMr Ue eaaaidarsUoB of bob* otbrr
boriaM la Iba early part of Ibr after
aaaa,(»alnaeBrarrs apMai^ th.
WloBlaf aOBMIttae to arraBfe fi^r thi

feetor lo tbe BaaBfaetarlsf iedtelrWa obre. al^ paeeet' aroiia! ibr ^7.
18 tbe elole. wboee prediic . -Ill fled , -hlcb I. beerier. eetUe. to ibe botioB
Barheutbeworldoeeraadroceaeefelly till It raacbe, e drptb of eeenal lacbee
eeaprte with loreifB pnde-u which i ,, „ delnaie work to keep the eurefa
* : froB fuUawiac tbe —eio: oat of tbe
j „xi. ^d br.-e It oae o! the poibU

la tbit oooofy


FraaMplBibetea w we

BlileUuabaeBaMBMIaiae far ataty

Jutt ferar Bontbe Cfo the pmpariy.
rontmipf of bOd fret froDtapr Ob Hey
•trerl bad ritebdiBK to tbe tbore, wat
traatferred lo lu preerat ownert. the
CeoUeBn wiapeelBf the Mieblcao
diercb Co., aad today the balldlarr.
which bare tpreer «P lo e
earrentlop tbe toaeb of a atfIdan't
ward, are ooaolelcd aad all mdy for
The Bale
be ldlof
IK.IM. two ttorler aed
with a turcb dry bouee eoeUaeiof os
the wst eod. tsioi. three atorlM aod
btwBdbV <Je Ue eael end of (be BtlB
bulldlbf la a Ibree atory AddiiloB
wbleb boldt tbe lirfc waier laok aad
atn-flhe uiehlaery. ji'irU of ibe
male bolldior le the dexiriae bo'idinf,
3cu]|.oo«tlory with boUe- ronia at.
UchrA SlUI Borlh of tbit ball<1iD« I*
tbp c«‘per tbop. which It ea Iroo

where tbe r«pert koo-ledfe of tbe
feoileBro eoapoeiop tbe flra It rei|.i>rtd
Ate tlulce baeoare felt of
. eiareh the water le abet eff Iras It.
aedieedaoip tirnb U eboreled oat
aod plaeid le other bif taekt oo tbe
flretfliorfor farther penflatloB aad
at leal le piBcrl dbroapb e rary flea
tien wbleb ukte oai the laei laeldra. lal laoBritlra which woold dcUrtorate
' It lo Htelil/
Uetiof pietod froB tbo
bnt'ooler tbroepb flee ttob prouBeet
lor porifletiloo It U fleally ready lor
lorylnf. Il I* till le b eeip BoUl eute
. and maet b radaerd lo aaolld. an It le
i pawpod orer iato tbe drylaf departi seat, wberr It p«*>b Umapb a proeeet of drylnp wbleb It a Bartel of lardool'f
Fartoftbl. aachinrry trae
laedr oere by Ibr Trarrrte Cjly IroD
Worbi. eadrr the pervjsal topertleloB

*****>»*— d-d-OBlBe sad prepare .
BTraeeeaBOIly—Tbr«; T llaur

Arbuckles’ Coff^

aoBpaay »ui ka aWe te aanfy eoa>
•an -lU aay rooAt it.ported.
Tbadestelaeaado berfeaa triM
hare a balldlaf ■ipiatolly Aer..:«o to

Is ths Standard of Coffee excellence by which all Coffee Quality la Compared.^

ttoe by
ate of eartals aalda
D itriae
n Iato Ue eoapoaitiaa
tfB aod petite, i
tbeaatpot U Uu departBeat wl I be
froBoae haltto cat ear a day Tbr
fell aaeaelty af tbe departBeat le froa
topo.uoo poiiade dally.

BOUIO turab arc fel
-alee of tbe laeldeoul by p"deeu
eBnfaatam. After e« Ba-h t't-ri. I
aepoaelMe ha* been eepe e-rd <• m'
Ue potaio palp ibere *tll' rraelbb
aebeiy M pereea'. la Ue pulp
palp It pal Into ecpaelal dryUif ny-p i
aa tbe flnt fljor where It |r Bade let ,
e flee qetlity af feed for ato-k Tnerr :
be a larce annaet of U*ae raia i
able food prodecu eoB'ee fron 'hr'
taciory ebortH aed It will b* wru f .r ^
e larBete tr. try Ue *tar f w >ead>ef >
id latleaiDf U*lr tioek of all kindr
will be Btoofaetored la boU (b>
d>y ebd weteUM. end pal op bnu in.,
lu pore form aed alsed wlU a.I rebe ;
frwdlBf qebllty foil ealee.
depariaeat. aad lo ft^i ib< no* >
wbleb alebl woU be called the bet'i
wbleb lea brifhv air* r>na tiut ad ,
ae UaeaobodllMr o' ib* beUdlof
U eqaipp Ml Wrtb al Ue but aod a ~i .
appllaocet lor aBalyiii.' and '
liny lniae-1 to b»*p track and i
eoetral of tbe whole prx.--t* of aaaa- '
faeUre by ebemletl a-it ytlt ai well
iociBia^ materia
aotcelof prodoeu.


Toe esflBe taoute eanoee'ed wl b
Ue faeto-y U one of tbe la >*i coapleU
oJ perf...
luapooia aeoti of any
> b- fuoc
ibetute. tod ie ooder
itb.e manaerdiro I r>| U K
The builriine it of oriel.
|M4k ao'l :r. (eel b.fb ■ 1; ii lureabrd
-iti a d 'U Ue tel u( water tao* Oollert
•uu ftur»ep>--r ao • an rnaioe of
«t I U • h» 1 i.ue.i'-tice

Ne.«». A Butcher s Knife.

No flfl
ALady-s Pen Knife.

Ne.«7. Platuro Prama.

No. AA. A Kitchen Knife.

erf tbe boa-d ae^ d..
BBit re of uae to i.
frm bl« vnasehi
m wwd. 10 defray tbe rap^ s>e

' I. At Aral tbe r»olut..
piiiUil far sea

Csntieman't Watch.
I puap-d 11

oaaldaraUaB (f (be leoen■atp tarolred ,u ihi u<
a. daeided iset the repeat.
heraa^ pepaUr eobretlt-


I jtKirraH<Booiii'.xvnPKK ratcoat.
Tba Bailor e« laturmaee oo Ute see
•MrlbooMWaalbaaobJeet of dlieiu
^••Hyla tbe dey.f Tbe ebsirme.
bidimd Ibat tte BBooat of Ineerenc
dabOdanriad aboald be aboei lis.oi.
iBlbabBildlaf. and *bes foralaber.
***,Oea aa balldlat aad farsitete. Tie
Bailor «aa rafvead bi tbe baildioi
•MBtUaa to praeare Mde lor tbe bnbiieatIbeafUraeeBeaeelao from U.
bfOiefiiad 0. T. IkrTar. ioba K. dee
W. BaeUafe asd K B. Alljr
Iba MBBlIlai
diraeted by th
hMidlaaaaBlaa ibe bide and rrp.-

•eeara) appUBltoBa for Ibe p».t|. t
dCjaallartorlbeeoanboaee.rrr r.
.aad aa BoUaa erf Boperr*.
reraferred loerm
The ebeir

iheetrd butldliur.-XUST

The boiler of Ue laesbert el Ue eoapahy and

tadroj^pe bu»*e a titaated ea*t of
the BbU beildlar. aod •» i-trtu The
htii'dlrei. with th* e»cepti..o of -h*
eooparphop. arc of white b-iek. T c
fruiioipp ha* oruefiaaed in a rapid aoO
Unmeob Bieae'. with A. W Wait i*
.a:erln-eiidpp<. fr m olaoe otade by
Ihe ( fB« r.. f tbr r mptny
Jo*t wr*l
>r lb* other nuiidiee- i> a Beat Hill*
otflw -hieb a h»ydq«triert for Ue
..Beer-; P C. B.uei. orraidenl and
Meraan Wie*aod, rice pre>ldrnt. -bn
•* in the DMra'erlarine of
tbe dlfleiWBlkladtof etarcb. aad who

Ue pntoret workt to a ebano
Afiar belnp dried tbe eUreb
trroaodloa hopp*r eomrwhet elBlIer
to tbai eeed lo roller mill*, aad I* tbra
■ bolted ani at U«l i* rra’ly for packlaA.
I Part I* pul leio neat paetehoard peek.
I area by deft fl'ipered vlrlt. aod told
• for ealioary oarpow*. tod Ue r«*l ie
| orrled lo the fimt fliir -bare It u
|'placed lo btet. welKhrd and it ready
j for loafios int
1 floor of Ur d-yinj drpartnjrnt
I aeted thr bol ai' mtenio -ry
! trifo^l fan carrle. Ue air from a

nerr ib ..ri-r>lf^ uf Ur facUry aad
teoatro'iH U. P.atnn b aeereUty
.nd trranuTrrufihre mptay aad Ulaa
W»v*0,i >. Ur .apiblr book keeper of
ibeeoor. 'P.




UpeofUe flrtl Uioya pot'eed lo aa
•aaptnloBolUe factory

acrrea enrered npeelac ib tbe oauide
walUaU e chambe-lo-eb eh ar* n*er
t.»ua feet of pipea wbleb are eoan-r ed
-IU ibe etntotte of all Ue pamp.
aad eayioea le u~ fac ory aod tbe
“ drlrea'-from Ult iau
Ue drylor roonb abore. Tbi* see of

pBilBaeOaealaad. Spearaod dbepard
WIIUI OB flaaBoe. wayi
BManprelsd brerablyapab ike aa
. Ml p^ort wt tbe aaosiy

leot aod norel arranfeBool for reoelr- «>»
*• a Wod eammple
inf eappliea la front of Ue mala «'»
'■ -nfch eeeryUlo* aboat
balldlacb. doable ooaaeetlpr ■ Ur faeiory b laraed to ou and bothwith Ue C A W. M. M.A N Eaed le« left to fo u waeu.

M M M aaeepied aad died.
Altbeatlaaoea eeeetaa i
V Sae «d OarSald. erae rioetad

t poutoca. eu. which are broMht lb by mil. I Ue factory feu u ruoalBC at li
aad for ebipplnc- All aloec Ue froal ' alar CYacIty
eyacity will be from bne lo
lOfibeballdiarla Ibe haatBeat wa 1. tiarlo^aday. Tbe factory b ec a
aoeewbal lower Uao the .-am. are moR^ that wiU kaiu illrbl adjoe
Bacblecry wheat asd oora
wbleb Ue poutnm from Ue care are eao be uaed laalead of poutoea. aad

I. D


•I 10 role..
Helaee of Flf-

t W. A. WWie of rUe Lake,


PfOt C &. IhKkeray.

a to took after Uo berial
afl wlflltn. aaeerrflaf u
a*. «M aeastdaed alu at lb.
"• ■■■dice.

Tbo law dlreci

MfsoBoaeb lewaefalp aad
Boflaly It aball ba u look
laflM to tbe bartal of drecaa*
ItaKaltheexpeaeeof tbe eoeely
BfolaUfaaaadfriaadeof deaeaee.
■Mhatobo aeaae for defraylo,
k wpaaaa.
Tto ealeetloae

onlcaded Isio blf blat oeder eacb wle- Ue flabbed product will na about tbe
dow. The doort oe Ue bml floor of ;
to .| laBtlty
Tbe facury eab
Ue bDildlBR am oo a lerel wlU Ue ' eaaily oie t lyn bstbrb of poutoea a
eirt. to tbat eomaletcd pradaeu eao day aad cao raa from ual sp lo lu.nui
be melly loaded wiuoot boutlar. Oa bntbeb daily.
Ue weal tide aed eeleodlap aroaad
Ue oorU aide of Ue balldlacb a
plaak road for w«coae. aod oe Ue
weal b a Kairbaok. aeale for welRbloir
wacno loadiof poiatoee On the oorU
are door* la Ue Iwmeol eliallaf U
thpae la (root aed here Ue wapoa* aaload Ueir poutoea lolo Ue baeemrot


fiMlde* elanib Ue
iDaaalaeiare a nomoor of prodaele
: whieboo (ar hare bare eopplled lo tbe
United Siala* by laerrt oaly, >aeb a*
dritriee. faBt. *bd likepreparatioae
Tbe Uieblcaa Stareb Co b preearod
; aad wilt at ooee bepla tbe uaaateetam
; . ( all dt --he arUelw at Uelr o'wa

A dock i»5 (eel looR exteadi oat la
tol'faelof water, ao that pnlatoe*
oao be UIpped le br boat
Oo Ue
•lock are douMr track* aoi poutor*
•hipped la Ul* way will beheaded npoo

work*, aod ii will be Ue fltai aad oaly

(artery lo Ub ooMlry Ibat bae eror
eiumeted to prorfeoe Ueae artlde* la
coBpetllloo wlU
~ —---------—. ■

imm ear* wlU acaptciiy of lU to so.. ,

—Wb. H. Welle.
SrMl4late J. Care.
•eaaa Laho-Wa. K. Heaa
Lew taka- Warree Keal.

TfatBaa Cliy-lat ward. Lone Eob
aetoiMward. K. B. Cbaae; Bed we
Uei •aalt: 4U ward. K. O. Marrla.
BWd, Wb. M. 8a

k. aatU «:M tbto a
MWOB surah Oo.'e Kew rectory
Xkaearee City aaa be eoanted auoet
WaBHtfarUaale dtlrt la Miekiptr
la Baay roei ■ ni, ewe belay Ue boot

la Ibe 0«)tad atatae.
Ue oaly po. ............................7 ia Michldan
Tkaw*}aetar«of Ue oeUrpr M


ba»bel*. kod bcdopht Ulbe bulldtor
by acao* of ae eodleae eheio. where
they will be rspllrd iota Ur baermroi
froB tbe eael lldr of Ur baildipy, aod
Ue car* reUreed aliMR Ue dnubl*
track lo Ue dock. There are thlny of


Wooicn .rewnm-n after «U
anlTi '


The -a'l-rt i.
»ri| ... •
plM w.ih -atei
loer* i. .
-ell. dt> (*et d -ep and -i ta * drp li of i
U fort of pure - tier. — p.eo i* locaud
jirtonrtbof tfaeeoiriar buane aod a
tit-lDcb al*o roil* oat &•*• (ret
leu Ue b*y. fullo-lBf tbe liue uf Ue

A Porcelain Clock.

dock. Ur eadiue bonte
carriee tbe —aur u U' biy taak-ns
Ue roof of tbr mam bui diuy. do
erery (I | ■- of Ur Ound.o/ are ciooec
Aloot at uaeb r-irurr d-r bow. abd
Ue Ixiildielttare »'*. ruuneeuid -itb
Ue. i'water mtioi. >> Ual Ue dau.
peroi dre bet hero reJu.-rd lo e Bio-


rve ytbioi* . Uk>*n fr.iia -i tb.l

ouaid puaaib V 0 w-rkrd la-o ulabir
m.ierlal aod no r^o.r Ibai coouia.
aayUlDR of ralu . I* Jed Id.
rben I.
moeh albamiBou* mailer rx racud
wa.cb w ueeo la aakta^ feed foi tuek
aad by Ur lime Ue water i. ready (or
Uerlrer It I. aliaoat rolirrly rlrar. ;
oaly a ellRhi amouol uf urRaok mailer
aod Biaerai aalt* reauioioR

■I or ora aicxaTrap bar ppnm» aa uia a.csuBorhp



'Hrosch’s .\Ioal Market

Tbe abore brief deacriplioo Rirea a '
(air Idea of the compleupta* aad
maRoiiudr of tbr piaot of ihi* eotcrprlxInR company
A. yet lata poutoea
ba*r beta alu- lo oowor lo. ibe farmere barmR >c*rerly bexoa to bareeat
thair prpdoct. Bnt a. tooo a* Ur rub
hfluUa i.
of Ue '.iadutry
will to aotU
aottebla bsd farmcn before
aaoUer year will roalne Ua cxteoi!
of Ue baoaflu ibey -ill reajlte froal
Ue wUhliabmeel of Uu aourpriRe lo |
Trareraa City
Tbe KlefalRao SurntTCo.-win eotj
oeflae lU -o«k to Ue maoefaciare of! i

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.


bat the brorr- frrxbroed
faU u> aboot foerteca and I

—^ — '
baadllofoe board UetUamin.-k
Ooiumbia Wmx Firai Race
^ ere-^Id xplpadld work and Up Bsr
Kaw Vork. un. II—The Aaerieao ! I lab Craft Bade a brare xiraRRlr f
capdafeader wu aeleaa wiaaer'arar< the trophy, bat tbe Uolapibia oi
ebaBTOck Uia aficroona la Ue J amepofl her from thr xtart
drat of Ue aeriexof-n
Ue cap. I


J-. tJ.
248 Proot Street. .




* V--

_ne bip baaemrat Id-bleh poutoet
am'ainred aptil peaded r* Hntnl, i* (e-t
trieb. a^ b orariy all oeeepird by the^ a capacity of-fln.oni
ba*hc1*- BeteDd-BRUeaetire IrarU
of Ue baaearoi b a cfaaaoel la wbiro
mne an eodleM belt. A* poutoea am
waaled .Ur baa'd* arc Ukea fmB Ue
blof. which ai: tl.ek aaobll
DOUtoea (allapoe Ue belli
r *d to ao elrettor acar the rett cad »f
tbo balldlnr. where Uet am*km by
a ball eloeator ap U Ue flmt floor and




hire ue.-er of Ue U
, aad bu Roee to Hexlco m


TreverM City.


time. By Utx arraoRemeoi. It <x ex- remarkxbl? flte work
It -x* x c
pecud to keep Ue taciory nipalsR Ua tl rbt bat-eee Ue Rrexi yacbu *o
year roaed.
unaol be laid Ual (here -u

B*ot. with a ble below eacb
b boUtiay uacblaery oci Ur nick,
by powyr f.-om the eb(.Br boo»r. -I
abuopedate* Ue rope eoBoeellaf •

Ubw KayinK
Altrliiueo. 'Wmuto DefandsF
Wfl*b r -Ml -b-y a rliilii i-an ' BMch .STriatfar-piScM for
(oij iiiIk <ii tiil> auil ImuiIi-U witli wriuciT b<-lw«vii. Fuids op trtitn
n>ii ill ii.r Barrel Cbunu tlibt iiiake butur making a .plMtnrr.
Frieea tliHt imi ilii-ae aiii<-lt» vritbin till- ixacb of all-

B'o-Wl Ija. SeMOE

6 rath- Sail and Smoked Meats. Sausages Etc.

poutoiurcb exeloairriy.
The plant. caa boai -u a «orarlee r
U rqoipped lo prodnec -but aad com ) .out ardrot adBlrei*
atareb aod a Rraio rleralor -111 to | ’The Colombia eroued Ue lioe
bold to (ariliute that portico of 10 Bioote* aod 14 eecood..
boaloeea uf Ue compaoy
A larRe ele-' ■ flidal tiae. ahead of tbe challeoerr
TBtor will to arreud oo Ue *bom i It wax a aplendid xpeetaclr for Un»r
oorU of Ue factory. Work-ill to to-J wbo were our eoouRb to di.liBex..h
ROD ou>Ulax(roclareabi a: tbe flckt of ' Ue eooteat UraoRb a buty mi»l Tbr
Jaoury to ba ruby for bo.ioru wbu ! wind wu Uybt at lUrtlnR. onir etoul
aaflicieot to kup toe plant




aa>l ex-k i.
well. BO eulter what Ibeir iuimb hi
' It ifi.T* thr r<nr mwiiai; maiaD an
cqael rtuncT wiib ber hrba wBer ead
; at exact], the BBe pier.
The aenaat who am •' Fxrorite Pre
, .ecTirtioo "MX Budetatr price per boQle
^.ped 1.U Ur -aUla. BSahlar. •■ u
»arh »om
moiv itirl.
Itbrl. lo pn wrU tbaa tot
TUouanlmaebcetaak. M feel nmr
mi«t.-«. who cIU io *ti rer-n""-><>«l
all. aad 7 feerfalRh It I* dirided Into ' l^oicUn.
If .to will my^ie pUialr lu
^aOBaartmeau Exuadlsr tbe ea
» B. V. ISerrr. .1 BaSxlo. S. Y..'brr

die mm


We have them higher and lower tbo, of course, but at this ^
particular price we will sell you Garments that
compare with many sold from $12 to $14.98

tire loaruof the uai.wa.baft -lu ! ^ to
aema wbleb are kept to oalle'aal , hnndim! mbrrSS^ and who ha»i»ecBoUoe aaf act not only a. aa aRiiai r . *^l
ovrr (bir.i >w>' wxccwdol petobat propel tbr pMatoe* (niB oae aceHer Irttrr mtti toeoBwJeml whetAawtaa ofthle
ISifa (arae«rfbc] Ue eeae ifar
flaWw—ylauihepoekateof tbe
tewBa e< tbe tactoo by BaUap a Art!

laflMerawutHrrlUbeadaabla ha


> adepaiacB

free from all Rrarrl.akod. nad
'w.i* >„»i™


Are identiEed tbe world
beer by ihi> great trade mark.
AsITyoor dealer lor JEWEL

toi* the toaefll uftto very bat

UUettnek boppor eluaud abore Ibr Brthod itoy here aiwidwl Ur '-exaaio roof at-becMtaadaf tbebeiid- eaiiiutioBi-' and ■ lar.i
• by loal
Bare ate b tbe larp. water uok > *°
wbleb aappUat Ua -ator tot tb.





BpBSl travel^ Herald

H '

Tm ■»! <Mm

rf»h,B*U»ifcr ••««« — »«»
b»hM wwkwktotk* Mud «)f|L_- I-- Th* Ot<M Atluile *
te ttto «t<T ud Mr. Smml wta kMw*
AMwafttatariM TtoMnfHII
kateMd U lit Bulk L'bIm Mra*t
Udwtu b* opM«l M •com m th*
MMkMftf«.«rlikdivlUba la kahol

ruaitfai UU
lk^|f)b..U bu
1 aba Irito-tor
•aeibcaB..].*. TtUBi^ to a.-,abuty pPukluB. Ktlhaab. bud Aa-


•orprtaaderLO T:M.

Attb*»MU«artb*WMBda-( dak

rttaa Frtdaj aaaalar la boear at Hia<

aaorac* babiia btooaUBy aaMtor chDr; iria ooa baiBC roporudi
rrtdar atmaaa
wiauAatkM-waa flm aadar
■•**--«*B.A«e ttoruaUcMBror>«ac Sac* *be ta *e ua^ tea
of Ua auu. aeaably to Oraod BapU*.
tba Waaaab Baapitol et Cbieaca. tbaaWclaadanhla at
Ituarwalar bubtor boaiaato. bol
Obartorota-Mra Made <d cp*ri*
UM ooaalac t
• ■baoCItaha a «>«« la
ito ee ter Ua baordt of tba abU- •oU.
lac. Tba Boahon of Traaaraa Bay
im. tad aadar Ue iBBodlatt aaperCbrboTfu-Mf*. Vioa MieberaiB of
aiTo Bo »l aaaa la rrrj mmtxptet^▼iaioa of lb* taportouadeala aad
i/.ood look aoaaaalDa of tba »Uar.

SoeU rawo >an dar*d. aad
telalyalocbaadadM plalaclaBBir. WaablacM IrHoc. eoc e
n» •an Irfi m ioh«a of tba aaVi
of M‘aa<iacab talloir Baaban of i

ad tool Ibera «

4t eeaiBC dcleca*** i

BtU Whiuai

Orud Tia**-ar—Mr* Cr trod* ilip
o*» nf Tra*e>Be City

■r-hub u alreUoa-w taheo.
Iliad la Ua eboler of to* felte-tac

Ktlkaaka-Mlwrior* Le-U of
AalrlB—Hi*..WIIkiBoe of E k Bap

Will i<ooa Attar Boa-irb

PrBtdeei—Ml* P. J. Booard of PeMe— Miaatoeary Bodoty.
• folto-rd t-o es'ellrnl
Oa Mooday Hra LydUK Oaapbell.
r 'raaee Uc*»lB*of ModaHVr tror*. bf
elate eaeraiary of Ur WoBUb Poroica
of Cbarirrola
Hr* Ik-r* dioekau of iBcrmU. aar
dlBleoary boetely o> >b* HaatUt
oe Tk* Little Pobb rba
ebnreh; ortu aed a -Panber L-fbC
dtroof of Trarciar City
I Spell Ur Tioat. -rltice by Hr* li. d
aoeUtr at tbe boBe of Mr*. Jr>be Ulll'
TreaaareT—Mr*. P J CartltofTrar
la of PrtBk.y. aad read by Hr*
tto atiort- Tbe oe> orraalaaUoa apeat olU aoB* of Ue crBt mea of a
rtatrt paoFtrty ai OoBoaa***™'
tbal place.
rat City.
I oS -ttb biifbl pro-prcla for balleapury *fo
jtanacoKr. Oraata parabtaad froB
Tbe prroldeat aaauid Hr* Eua WbilRBoletkia* -era adopW. dceoei
roMoUac -aa p-ealded o«er by
d p-nmtlar
•iU lb* 0OB*r<|*ret braOeUl fBalta Ue arcoad rice preaideal. Mr*, d C. aaa of NorUport aa dee prealdcat at ie( tkc aray raaieee.
I proBpUy > apaimi the araiipf
-B. aod Mr* W. U. ’foraaraetod larfc. ud the cbolee
OBrert —e ehorra a* folloec:
raudad by Uc eoaeeoUoa
> elect B>bertv ibr MranUi froB riah
Prvcidaet—dr*. Ur*e> M llradley.
Toe follo-iof aopartateedenia -ere
A ataodlhf cobbIuc ob rcoolaUio*
VieePrmid^B' 1l'«-Harriet H laldia.
W,. Ba bat .luadad toaakdarabl.
Coaneii Oiaenaae* rruenia*
OBioated by Ue eiechtlec board, aod —B appolated-lo cneilat of Hr*,
daaretary—III** ti-a-r M Caealaraewr iA lafao**BBoU.aad Baor lott
rhe eoaocii set Pnoay tlfbi la
retibed by tbe.eoeieattoc
| too of Bait Jordaa Mr*. Kcllorc of
ABbaro btao parchaBd by Baallky
IMC of tbe —bole, fur the daeai
Ec»DceIUt>c. Jail aod Priaoo Work— Trarer** City, Bbd Hr* Stocki
Trraaerer-aHla> Edaa B.iUearorUCB<F>* frOB dlStrul fart* of ibr
; Rear «ia
olUedraftel an ordlaaDce reported ' H re. E L Kallofc of Trarerae City
oeoalry. lacladlaca eaBber of rd'ac'
toleotito Tea
Will Uo to Elk Bapia*
. .- prlZB
a-arded, one
flilftBiTn if—T1-------Mr. (irarr*
Mr* Hartiea of Petoakey.
ib, praateal oamber of L T. La
^aperrUor Waraer of tV Uiamabarr
b Boeb latB Btad la tba fotar* of M
Soldier* aodiSallom-Wotk-Hi*. L. aay couly, Ur oUer (or Ue preateat
■Ml l**»e'Sr»BdTr*»er»ecooBiy*buet eoBBlltec had prepared *h ordlai
,B0rt,„d -II tpaad BOoh 0
held, aad
A dial of DrerBbrr ahd coface la
Oaa tbar* la Ibc falar*.
ul tbe —bole. Bltboefb
Laptoc-HiB. Beatie coBBly look both tonaer*.
<b* lieery boaieear lo E k Baplda Re

Iht Baaau. la
lalonoad Ml
. rnak H. ttraa*. abobaabaoa Bitfc
rwMAStaaBBOd Or*ad BapM* fm
a«r»M9 da*7a*n. bat daeWad to
M*w bb ■»~aaclk>o with Mas tod
UMtabbaallreUBt la hit aalotWr

eamecbaacer-rr* toArBlod la
Jenale Haaalap of HrUakey
. After a fe- earoeat -orRa frot
Scbool Sariapa Kuk—Hra llenrade I preaide*i, arptsp tbr
i«-f M bi
r delaiU TaU Ordlsucr
r meabera ol
iorpuiaatkm to < uoUooed BD^
Ihd of Uie coaacU, _Uoafb jatl —bca
Work for Lumberman-Mi* AddU ;cTBaed (alttaloe**. tbe. udieeee aup
ibto of MayBrld
’ -tiod be -iU you 1
jeaBBot Doir be loldr** Ue c
-blob bwaa 7» y»ar* to aodai
Narootlca-Mr*. Puble Qalkln* of ui* tbe coerrouoo
Ibe board of deperrlaor . bat bclleec* I of Uc-bole U.pot yet ready
laManblf of AlncaadarCbBpbrll. aod
-port Ul Uecoeacll
hataee^ brtrhl eoalae- oroepeci
Tbe work of Ue rreordinp aremary.
PrcB and Llteratare—Hra Mary
dome tf Ibr
Rapid* Tbr atabir* eoaula
Ml* N e. Stronp, ca l>d »bi mueb fa.
■ J*B**A.<Htfcldaodaoo JrtaBbl
doaea f rod lleery bora**. Hi« ebaorejabl— baee not yet bcea dedallely Heatoeof Baal Jurdaa
toroble coomeBt.
a. —1- 14*0- Borr tbaa a Bllllor
1‘urUr ud Horlty la Llterothre aad ;
Tbe seal* eerred by tbe local eeiro*
Bnigy Throa-foortb* B>o la Ohio, le
Art—Mr* Alice Ckrpmter of Rcadop. '
Bed date* fw abend oeit^nar.
11^ dcuila-—ill be readily arraarrd.
-ere eaeeptiooal ly Bee.
*«— Ttaiuti aad Kinttt Tboy
K.o-er HiWiOB-Mr* I* J Carlia of
faeurably toward
It b aald Uai Lr-ell S-Mir* of Aapcll' Tee <
Mach of Uc aaccCB of Ue —ark rf
owaMablyaaaoU** daooBloaU.
Trarfrae City
rlU pioBbly be bW orminr pa Ue rraeuacali that I* i
tbe coarratioa -aa dae <0 the (aiUfBl
Medal eoeteata—Ml*. OoraSioekmu
craal b faroi^ by Ue' aim
—ork of Ur prern leperieteadeau Hr*.
tarMBB* added lb* praaaat y<
a.tiee. Tbe etaticr -ill be left opea of Kee^-inla
BbUB of Baet Jordan
A tOBi ebarob hat jBt beta o>
Prueblae—Ml*. Keraa of Cbarle-:
Paapku Pie HoeUl.
(or oUer IIdb tbal B«bt apply lo
laW la Ibatafi* OtJ- *ad wlU bi
The SeetorelaB—111 piee tbeir Brat
that Ue
anw* ^
Btaday at
ChrUtlaa ■ Citiareablp—Hr*. Ltbble ’ . *T?!t.^r--^'7«’«a
aucUl Salerday oifbi. Uctober :i, la U.c of Uc itreeuHiy U
ddetk. Saaday aebool -111 b* held a<
Porc*t«r*'bail. Tbe pro-adi of Ul* eoder Ue direelioB aod permlaaio
f;»e. A rBldoBl ft*tor -U1 be oacacad
In Ue afternoon tbe .derstleaal err- teeu ,
-bleb 1* a pameklb p> aad oobceil. OrdiaaBcc* paBtd by <
a UMla la^. All Cbrbtlaat -bo harr
ice »n* led by Hr*. A. W Boihee el
eoff-etoalal.-llltof- Uo l>Birfltof eitiB bbec bcea eonaidcred. aad
aa rofdar obarea boBt are eordlall;
AOBBOI -h'ch'lhe eltB IpUDda ' City-III demoad Uot B 61*1 cUt* lioe Trarerte City Tbit -aa follo-ed
Jaellad-te -otahlp -Ub U-b.
Usiimooy m-wlinp 1a -bleb muy w.
- - ,
be delepata* j tined.
’ »'i'ii >u.
iplaaad bare a of drat a claaa order. Tb^ thirty year
KbJoyabU Procram.
Hr*. Orcpir <.( C
eaeof eoffrr for t*B :bm Tl)e*e -m | frmneblte mked for by the road
no oyatar Mfpar clrao by lb* logd
tery pibaeipp raeitetioo
Trr Oimm.Ol Trr Otmls-O:
oe aorred froB l:J‘i t Ul aloof lo the ; probaBly be fraaiad. It b boI
TbBplara Uatarday alchl -at* »*ry «•
en came Ue eoaety proaidcau'
I prohaBle that aooie copoeMloa* aty Be
JiyaWaatalr. Tba food-ai dellcloa*
boar. In —bicb reporU —ere reecired
-ill be furAbb-1 hfoigadod is tBe -*y of b Ib* rate of
aad a l*fi*»"*«

•aaav -aa a twiBt fiom tba ataad.
BBaohlapieBocial.araallBaaat cf uio period aac toe rifi l of JAaoay to
other kiodf of pie -111 bo faraiabed to purehOM Ibc Itacaficr a cerlain leoflk
tboae -ho do aoi etre for tba PBOtphio of ume yet to br decided epoa
‘ *“r'i^rna^kv a i-o . i>.«|i.k Tojerio.
pla. Tbe eltaa dealre* t larye




In OOP 8bo« «nd Eabbor 0«p«itm*at, tor
Ta D Data only. w« wlU moke a elMtn awmd
oftha balanM of T. J. JUnobto bonkraM



Mi-a'e ' ’ll (train aoltd W’.irhiiig

Will be


Tbe rrplet a appeal tslt of Aupoai
A fiiT p’*«>»e
naaoaolo-Vaada Moody. .
tfl -bleb - a all lb Piidae afieranOD.
' . Voeal «Ao-Ban<B BlBaeeda.
-a* arttled early Satarday mirainK.
Uallar aod raaodplla doet-Cba*. Tbr Jbry bad bera oat. all blybi. at
at dla Ua'iporaloi -*(e raade -li
»--BJ Lareader.
' eerdlel.
ae-Oarra O'Maal.
ra loey Ubc Ibc Jory at~odnu
<*o ceery ballot. Tbep opr -bo - he
eotley (or the plalallll rreal orer
1W Mle-lac roaolBlIooe
to Ue def <Bte. aod by <i o'clock Ue
•AeptadbytbaioaaatdMrtatW C. T.
reatebaaced Ibelr judcBcal aad Ue
U. aaaroatkBbeld la Ifmraraa City:
rerdiet-a* ready. Jadpe Maybe -u
BBolead. TballhadalacatBof tbe
called, ud a eerdlel-a* baededlR ib
fUlaBlh Auaal OesraktloB of Ue (aeor of tbe defeadaet.
s UpIob
Tbecaa* batbeeaaerry bnily cdpbi«u.
oftbaClOTBlfa Obtrleiof Hlebi
Ualad me. Tec deiaili of Ue aatur
bare already beeerIccB. By U* deCiBdpB bBBltality of tba paopu of elaloB ofurjtry. Mr* Raphael hnldr
Traeatw aty. Ibat -a aairod oor
' ol Uc borer* (or the pratoathamBta tba loaal Calou foe tbeir
alobof -hicb tbe Icfal Ufht baa bere
BboaCblfdl ptofbtoa lor oar eee^^fork
idea. Tbe eaae baa eoet B<^
tb tba troattB of Iba ODOcraraUobAi thu Ua taoB b -ortb.
aaalaty ter Iba ob el tbair MbI aea'Coert-aa adj •araed Itll October It
autloa abaiab. Tba L O. O. T. Ib
baaoUlBl daaoratiaM. To tba bmIcbBa^MbeaUoDbb -boao dellchlrd
B. Tbapaateraof tba abarabB -bo
—a B balptal (d B.
Td Mayor
HhBiUoe -be ao ploaiaatly erreted
m. Tba rapryaaaUtirai of Wotnaa'a
Oaba had Ubrary. To tbe pr.*a of
Abel t. Pape of tlraod U.pda. -aa
TraaaraOtyfer tbdr kiadly BeailvP
aod laparta.
To tba railroada fur re- la tbe city Tburaday oa bie —ay to
Omraa. -bar* he ba* re-ort letcreata,
dMd rata*. To ‘fMpibla Jobatm of
ud —here be —eat to lo-.k after Bat­
M BIB Bar Onaoaav (Mptala Jupaoo
atawaaw Wallor A. CbrUiar. aad le ter* (or tbe -later ud make arrupcatCBia for acit epriac'* trork la Ur
Iba Park Plaoe boB Ub* for reducUoo
-ay ot Improeemeau Be reporu that
of ntra. 1b Mr. Moryaa tor a pleaaaat
oa Ul* year -aa oar of the
driealbroaefa bBuUfal Traeerae Clir.
te'aciory la tbe bletory of Ue
To tba proprUlon of Park Plar* aod
rreurt- There—are fseau at tbe lob
eaterialoBotal Wl
at crery part of Ur I'elted
t asd to all oibeie —bo eoeiribai................ - ' all -boeaBC -wta-«y dead lo tbe.plraiare aad aaoeiB of laat
UAbtad -iU Ue loeau.ia. Hear are
bay aod build, aad a eam
, ByOrdBofPrBldaet
Maa Maar B Hear t.
_______________ l^snpi
Paymost W Datarrod
Tba board of patii-c -orka beld a

lowr Baaww Iktarday Bl«bt ...d d^Uaioo •tract
tkoB balBg the oebrlAcaaod Iba -alar -orka eailmatav
aiy Bwtaear Mor btap bad . aavle•d tbe brldfa aod care a* hit upmloa
ttettberaeaetaack dtaeoerrrd la toe
•ealb abalBBl -aa eot of a Mrlpaa
•ator* Bbd' -oald pot aflret at
■traoetb or darmbdll} of tba av actare.
Ba bad already aeeeplad tba erWea
froB tbe eoatraewr, oa Ib* t b of
r Baydra bB

real eeirw tr*oe<ert —ere .made
dunap Ue eeaaiB
Aiaropiboac -lo
Clio build ai-d oocupj egltepr*
year U John R. Suis of rrareiae
City. -Bo ba* au plan, prepared for a
pret y aesBcr boo-. Hr. IVeiUU of
Oetroll li uotber -bo ha* boartai aad
-lUboiidlB ibe apriop C. E R ebm lod. of tae Uruu tUpide droi of
R^haiuod A Karkiua, irili alau ouiid a

arnee ul rol
rted oe ib Uc r.cimty of WIDiamabnrp
ter aome time. -lU bO elae to


•teraoaai E k Repldirecauily oa
ebarpe of >1*01 iBf baraate ba* pel
aeUorUiea oa Uc ripbl track.
Siereaabaa caefcaaed Ual be ai
paripcr of bla did uc aloallbp.
Tbe 6r*t of tbe Uetu tbat bere
eaaaed eo mueb troable —aaeomoittad
oa the (era of Wiillaa eelkirk
three Veeka apo. Hu pruary
cBtered. ud aereial artielB
•lolcb. oaly afe-oiphu tbereafier.
u empty boeae on Mr. tlelkfrb'a (arm
—aa eatered. ud t-e oeerceau aod
Wedocoday olpbt Uree bi«i -ere
aioica from tbt barn of a mao by tbe
Dame of Ne—eomb. throe mile* from
tor (arm ol Mr. aeikirk. Tbe parucr
u( tHereaajaaaplcieued of beiop Ue
Tbaiadoy bberiff Simprop —ul to
Aepril.—bere tae toaoh, tbe maa —bu
—aa acroeed ol lareeoy Charica U.
Uadapp- -bo—orkad -iu dterraa oo
the farm of Hr. Selkirk dariap Ue
auiaser —aa arraated and broupbt to
Uweity. Heproteeied bia loaoceeec
to Ue ^irrfB. bat,catered a plu of
pnllty. aod -aa eeateaecd lo M daya
1 Ue couBly jail

A lot kit MiJiV IKinW aDit Oraio i^mtbeV^lli'sh^

............ ...............................•................'..esc
Yonr Money Saven ^


Traverse City, Mich.


Orders for Job Printing leftst the

Will receive prompt attention

c rmmuRicN


1 d,^riBr^er7°b7.'V

i „.Kimball Pianos and Organs... I
are made in the largest factory of iu
kind in the world.







Anybody will tell you that these goods are entirely
reliable. Sold at Factory Prices at 129 FrontStreet.

Call and see them before busring.
8t^ 8l Sale 8tAbi«.

Horses for Sale

ilt FMlSMt.TnmiatT,Ul »

Now is Your Time to Get Bargains.

11 toaed. pood —orker*. -e pbt

Tbc/eloeipp day -a* marhwl by
tbe^mpliabmealof-mucb baaioM*.

The dero-.ioo*' eerr-ee at Ue fore
0->' 6nr browa peldiBf. r, year* old.-eipbt isnn aztr* pood draft bot*e
Booo aemlon -at led br Mr* V. E
Trmr a of Trsrdrte City
Taco tbr
T)nr dappto pr»y borae. r rear* old. -aipbt ISOO. hM a imall Wem eh oe oueusrutioa topaa to >*0- lu aupre biad :«P. po.ia-orker Prior, r*.
eiu foe tboae —botaareeerred aotaiUUaewblw oaer*. lOyconold. bloehy pood farm mare.-eipki imo
folly In UeoffluB to-blto Uey bare
Price, fino.
The dmtri-t prBidebt. He* Camp.'
bell, -bo la Itlop eritually iil at htr j *

"»* P*i'’r*Wl»«»-Wtoky tollt. beeey babe. yirH J.,*, c year* old

oe my farm all ummer. Itoo*. tov,


W . W . KlMftALL CO.
* N. E. STRONG. Manager.

B. J. MORGAN, Prop


at Pioneer Livery Stable

reatioB. ruled tto beat that tbe diaIHct tmaerer keo-a
Muy ot Ue
deirpaw* from abr -ad bare already
returned to tbeir bomea. aod Ue reel
-ill Irate today. '


.W,i-i 1.11 Ski; .ii ,„ia...........“ “

- p-S:,

ne pood, blorky be. i. bre-e mare, i year* o
not to kick. Price. VTS
lutare —orfc ot Ur uutricl
Tbe clectlur of >.6i.-cr* fur Ue ep*aOn/pilr rroj prldiora, -elpbt 74ii»: one
lor year iraalted in the cbolee (. r atlir is frool feet. Uey are a pood (arm team, 6
oreeMracy of M-r. P J. ilu-a-d nf
l>toakrr.-bohaedrae aaeb .«reat
One pnod brown
r. -elpht i
>e oe* eye. food <1
—Iirk tbr paal year a* rue ore el. ml at
1 work
Hrlre. ton.
larde. and -ho baa prraldrd au ably at
Odc pair Mark boraea. Bre year* aid.-pipbt «r«n. blioky
I. anr fora.
couape. Cueuec a arc BO- beiop let
l*rle*. »JMi.
byR-r ll.renee S-i(i if L .uaiap, tor paaaed.
Ooe pair bay pr'xiepv I year* old. raspy bsllt. reed, kied worker* aod
bk oe» .oiupeon ig. poiu* hear Uat
The 6 at Ulnp la the day a propood driret* Pnrr ftVi
of Ere Uea K. Hrad-cr. altar oUer rram-aa tbe .r de akioc Ur city to
One pair of mtr* r— d black reldlep*. < year* old. -eipbi rr-io
i bar.
lote hare bUB told, abd the rcacrl la uarrlapw foruiabi-d by B. J Morpu.,
ei Jjyiap a booB -h cb promUB preal Tbia-ae preally appreriaied to Ur worked ibCte bar—, all aaitmer. they ar* oBc ol the bml all-arouod te*ni- I
PO-aed. Price. »>-'
U'Ppa font lo Ue future.

Amapf eottepaa ermpleted doHap
boa* p*U*0tiy -altiac (rr lb* laat
se poet eeaeiB-aa oar (or Mr.'PitrpayBratofVm Tbt board aieo *a>0 of dUbioe Uii aa* oa tbe p >lai.
•BlMd tba krldca aad Ibeir cuoc aa-pedbyMiea EBoia'Ueab. aaa criaW-ere^UartelhOBol tbe eafl- eepihd ua ►aiomer by Mr. Blair of
■aar. Bat to ardor lo be oa ti.r . B«e Ur«ad ftfpida. «ab.tuUaI improreIbay darldad lo -ilbbcld a* Seal
Bak- oe the Ua by lu
fayaaat util tbe aapiralloe of lb* 0-B*r. Abel T. Pepe. dariap Uc aeat-aaly daya preeided Id Iba o alnei
oUrra -III be Bade to Ue
at tbe llBlt of Ubc for paymrot after
tote. BoaUap I* a popator
aba actual of tha-ork- T»p -lU
FOLud ahemoarot aa- aall
AatodbapayBaetBaUl October UJt. baauar* beiap ballt by ibc cottaper*
ulBB tba heard daeldca to Bike tl
toseii •em(B*''eeae. Hr. UrmrB 1*
p yBui aeoaor. -bleb they Bay do
aapUa iaeacb baill. aa
Tbe -alar -orka cailBOU t.m.
—elJ aa a BBiBber of ro-bmia tor tbe
ter eoaeldifahl* dUcBBloa. TLe board baoeei of the paBU at the reaort.
baa raariead Acbtb od alBBt crery.
»ab be eotup , aodrr tbe
abtoceBaptlbaballdtBCof'bc reaar.
p«U*ot ot Mr* 8:iea OanUla el
eolr. Tbey-mbeldaapeal*! otroUai Orud Rapid* —a* l.ldd to eeri6u*top
MSt Tbaraday eirbt to coapleieAbnr
ryu.Up bam tod to
arark aad Bbalal* tbrir
to b.'^cd ep i..r ocovpaoi
------ aeyport of -br
^aawi b) tba eoapdl^bue ih*
■lied -IU Cbl■IrallUeacaaoB.
loap U* >->110*061* iBprorcBeeto
aatlaM of tba oBt of eebain>eUoa are Uoee made by L-iaard M'liealar.
aod Bilartll of tba -ator -»rkc ptoat -bo eooae lime apo raiahaeed proprety
erUl baoeutdarably Itaa' tbaa ui* b
ttaalOBBAahy AUrrmu MuttaCB;______
bw b%bB Mlu Iba BtlBPta Bade - by blwalf
expoadtap bet-ora


fenced hi 3<i dey


llk.ts B^kl \k,i,tL.' Mil»aulk«.Oil<5niin.aiiaoiid.

,:-v '.“LE

I* Cbiidrea Srukr




frieode aod oihert [
lo Jail for Siaaiiog
^aaiiaat.tB -btah U* fa»l'e»H-»-*
-bo -Ub to make tba Aasaal a *oc>
dbarira U Ubimd -ae tr.alfned 1b
prtaa-aa -CO by Joa Woraor. obll*
»»__________________ 'Joeiice Hru-h'e ^iMirt laai-cek ea a
Maria WBsar Birtad oB tbaladle*-



U* parebaaed. la ciBpaor -lU Orll
Obolplai Or«*Bl** Bar*.
Pairbapka. Ue Pooer*’ Leery baraa,
Th* DoolplB of CbriU b*»a* a fr*
ami U* bBclBB* U P»- belar rae by
daja ace tbt JtbUat of Ibtlr orcaa
bad —nb daooBtaaUO*.

-- —! ppgpi

I -alf Shorn. -»rr«nt«l, every’ i*ir: not



L- ■



IM /.utter mime . lu >. p<
•tir Hmenm.l lofr^T
Sure to amd water

any drrirto dcnelip
B. /rmK. tarea efctoi BfO.

Bone mutae-r k
-iwiBr -to
a rb-rnf-a rI.
.>nt<r ap.PiMv and aondllap df ke.
—ua ii—f to lu/iuB

hoo« to Sortbpori, -a* rrmembetod
Oa* Noe pray otai*. 7 year* old.-aipkt liso. p,^ (pr all-ork. .d'oable
by a budaom* pift trooi tbe member* ' Prior.-----'rfuediatriet.aad to*Me.-aa aaade*:
Oee ci'ra pood Mock
life member of Ueatate orpae tatle*. pist

bone. Are year* old. btoeky toilt. -eipht^PM


—»B* I
Ooe pair ton—a Bar*, i rroiaold. —eipbt Mto, pood —erh^ra aed peed
e»|w*Bioe «( Uc tor* aod . rotxxoio. a Ka I pair. Price. »m.
appeecmUoeol Uc membere of tto i
<toe peat pair of toy drirera. » yoar* rPd. areipbi tnoo. «u atep cIbc to 3
Hr*. 8to.«.Ue dlatriet teeB.ret.-lll ’
tTmorelaaalaerttfmrio 0\ir«u Tto’

^ ««
Oae extra pood toy Baere. btoefcy bollv ArayaBr* old.-olpbt l«M.



» rtoraold. -*iphilloe.pQod (arm ■

brtry epaea.

lUoe Uateeedua
Uatcoed Ua earo.
Oe* ale* roaod toUt. deppl* pray Bar*. 7 yaari oU. -olpbt IS<vi ba
felly trrilteeV
-a\apBr oe tto work of tto taacb cm ktod lor tot aot toa*. u extra poed atopto -orker. Frier. tUW.
UT*i Tu
p*ed of traibcd —ork*r* ii
A report of Ule irerk-*e plru by to* I

Tieaewe WW-

Mr*. P. J. OonU of





sm Is Actul exA ntnltd Bleu At Idut tlO p« onr
pe yw wd BikA jm iiiij-weft a wm «f profit
ABdB»tMwtlesia«tAAdefdnd(e7. -

Woild I Crcii Sqnnltr Pi; In?
Bavc > t>u one or mt—c a »wb? Wbai M epor parpe** la
ka oot IPBB* Wbai i* ttoir prodoetP Bo- do yoB eoeor* dad
tblaaredhct* D> Uoy pay yea *ad how Botof Whoa
la ? -BT orrorat ■yrteB? Wbat lla east la Ua*. totor aod rrowP
Wna< tie -trylap. tod niaai a^ eb)>eUeaaWa latoiB Ml
-hat li* ahorVroslaprT Ara yeedoirTlap Aar praARaad do
yea -M to tocreaB this prodt, -iU prealer BriafaellcM Mi
aeo>e pleooar* at tto aaa* Ua*.
. Paraer* alee tot* lerx*

tm£S2rllmxd CettfMB.

Adolph lAjer, SpecUl Sdliog Agent, Good Bute, licL.


traverse HeraW

«S atali tal- eataHAtbMktafi. ipMdlM Paaday


efaMay rrlaWen

MthsalMHHaHsey BaWnoa HA
rraA i 4Aie ad Bk «vMe «M la
a raa.aOty.wbanaba srfll aWt
tbs city yoMarday.

•AMka M the fi»e (or«Mr
mamtmt wffi b. th. t«>lt •< Um •oaapMea
.----------------Ike te4iaa- Uhnrf Soeiel—W—Ml *o «—>*■*■
n«h*» WM well TbeMfSb«*a«t tke apper Aeor b

AtaaaMy bonafar af MaataMqaa.
bo baa baaa alMtlac bla Matb*. i.
. Laraarar oMUa MIy. .lU laaaa tar

j (rn. attaodlay oInaU ao.
PaattiMtar aad Hn Oasya BaB. HHa Lea IbyHr of Ma aayli!an tad


a la Cbli
e aad ClaatUadthaPsai
Oetreil before hb retora.
i C
0 SUalay af SatMae Bay w« la
Hn lylar. who b. beaa ebltiac | tba oHy yeaUrday.
rbltlay nr daaybur. Hn A
W.' Hn. Huue B Onall b la Ma city ;

■Mapvi u tto box Mbtat O'l^
Mt. la wblab aay kiad at a b«a ar
Mta aaa ba .ada aa tba ptaada.
TbtotoabaaypUea dariat tbaaaaana

Riglit fron the faetorr

I tq lit If__

Mn W. Criaata bM yea
bsdya to edtli b. panala.
KnAPteOarotCbtrtaratn.Heda-1 j. w Patahta rataraai




3. C. Horyaa rataraad
Ji>t aS iba b’x depvimeal la tba rlnt at LakaaMa laat'atfbL
Pack, ntaraad to Haatoa yosurdar!
SM b werkiar la Me'
rbare th« priiablaf o{
Mvie br HMe Wllbals. Tbia wm
Mowpaaladby Hn Pack, who wlHluur.i ol Ma Chrk&aa WoBaab'
HI. Hiaola Balia
tiaadptrltl* deaaaad
iMla tiu Saurdar.
I Bjard of HteHaa.
>Wrbt fraaOraadbapUa.
4. BalWtt.- b, Ml.
Ml. tfcapiadiMU an taraad tal ahlalaf
Ada U Walan wlU laare Wadaesday '
Hue Hanr Waroer b. nteroad to
W. C N>lna.adl«ereltbs Ualaaaa
■oicMdMilfbtodsbeMdMMawHb » aadprrfaet. taady for pa^lar Jaat Botarartaa. la la tba city oa
f. Abb Arbor when aba wttl uka a ,
aoc», i, Lake City after a rbli
*Ml •ato.-Obly ta
*«“ aaMatUa'tnx aivklef rooai b Ue
»»paalad by Hn. Kaiaoa.
I Bonlac at Me rairarelty ^ wIM frUadt id Mb city.
D.Eev«b opm. ‘lb. Cmletarboek.
■ roo.. wban tbr raHc
Hra Oaorfs Manball. arbo baa
‘ J A Praainytaa of Iwke Aae wa*
larapaiawdaad iKe flibbiac apaadlaya wash vlib lb« fasUy of
la Me city ynUrday.
bar daaybtar. Hra. DaS Malkiaald.
Mbs Uertrade Moatayac Icit yraier
MvdMad byJlia. f. 4. Da4a la a
Roaa to Chiearo to apabd Ua via
day for Esaao* ‘»ty ter a aeoth e riaii
aad plaariac Maaa«. The |doi «aa
aeaalad br bar daayhi.. Hra.
wIM frlaed*
axpWaad. aad tba dlffataat aeVaa
Rina Hleklry of Smto aty. b
Jadye F W. Mdyea tyiaraad ynur
Mmatad to tba aadtaaaa.
SSB 0. Cooley of Me Sattaaa Bay apaadlay a taw days with Mbs Clan i day fro. La'aod. wbero ba prea-dad In
TbM teUowod tba tOay.fa vrbleb tbr Bodara aad a->splela of tba k'ad la
Styaaorof Uaooodalreet|elreeit eoart. He weat oe to Caarle
R.tiie, la ie Maeity.
thiapan of Hleblyao. d» Idas of lU
J OeVrl. w. la tba city y.terWisdald 8o>U of Me aeyloB. Uft | * iln.
aad at bcM la tba drawMe art.
»tost eao ODly ba foraird by obaerra- day froa WIIIlaBebary.
yealarday tor a BOaM't raettioe. Ba i Or U W Frallek of Maple City was
alar waa traax Sbakaapaara. a I
(lee wbtia the plaat ta In aeilra opara
Dr. 3. U. Ondoa of Haalt St. Hardr. will rbit wIMhUabtereat Milwaskcc.'le towa ynurday aad diaed at Park
•aji frea Obak^aara. la fart.
■toa. lotbla part than are ir aia b le tbe city, riaitad bla panati. Hr. aod wll' apeod aoaie Ume ia aorthera Plan
SaotehofMiB. Loadaa aa Lady I
Tiro aolomaUi latbia. tb* aad Hn WUIiaa Loadoe.
baUwasasScatabyaaeoBld b
lat.t loroPtioo; foar^lded
Hre. C B. Barn left yasurday for a
Mrs. Shaldoa of Saar- Haaeb. iwtara
!i Sroda A Co '*. 11
toor-sidrd Boalder. poey plai
ad hama ynurday. a:
aasadlay M« abort rbit In ManWtoe.
•arytaaeUac. Mn. Baehaat «a
plaaar. abaper. baod saw. rr.«. foror asBBarwlM bar das.- •or. Mrs. loa.
Bee U. U.«ereU lefl y.terday oe a
tta. K>i.MaOaaKhaaJaUat had tally food Tl|^«. yaay borloy
boalBM trip to Uraad Rapids
Wbeatco. Hn Wbaatoa Boaompasi

TSUh, .brOlh.* Pta- «»o.

ya»e.rt traa bar aaatteaataUty. aa« •BortielBC saeblse apd aoreral other bar aoMer. aad will rlalt tar aei
waalad bar Boaaae to elaaa bia baota apparalaa aart In the -00-—'- tlBo at Baad Baaob.
Vblla Mra. BaaaaU aa OpbMla
aad of tba baaie^
Mr. aad Hn Joha U. Bnai
•■Jaat tooawaat tar aaylbiaf.- -aa Ban
Tbaaa aia bat asynatloai r
Etikaaka. an ‘a Ma ally.
tba fnaot of tbs baaloa. of
r. B Bayan aod Ueerya HUler
The dTBMtle laaa na followad br
paay. bni they affjrd ao ida« of the wrot to N irMporl y.lcrday.
AaUfbtfalaolebyMia. 8oU>day.''Lal MabliabBSBi aad abaw tba pobUa
Lm Oaaabarlale. elyht op
taby'fraaBmlaa. aad tba yreria* <OB«tblD« of Iba InaWa aorbloya of the C A W. M mad boau, will loore
M aritb a aolo by Hta. Parey Bolda- gea of oar faclori. which
loday-far Uraad Bepldt. whan ba will
■oaday be moeh laryer.
▼Hit for aoue tine haforo yolap to his
laf ftataia of a rary Aoa Mfa».
Tba pipspeei lor tha «»
peeliloa . openM' at dparta.
laaaoB li vary briybl. aad 1
to tba ofioe mm orders abaad tbao rrow SosCv • Bcoerd.
It of all tba *
CTorbaloro.aiid next aaaa-B.oa
Eayean Packard a baeh at hb d.k
tebrt.lB Trararaa Oty ahlab ar< be baar ar tbao latl rear. Ox aaeoaoi lo tba ofica of Ma IUbIIWb OloMlay
rtHbad arlih baalam aad ynwlar op of tba ordars abaad tba factory
Co alUrstrlptoMeaoaMara part of
wUb tbs towa. taaraaaiat yradsally to ■tart Bp ahOBl throe waaks aar ier \kar
aayaaltr aad aatpat. tba Potato Is- loot year aad will orobab'y no Uter
Mrs. A A. Oldt baa nuraad after
yla.aat Oa. Is aa aatabHabsaat wUel
of IWJO. with a Laryai two week*' rbit la aeoMan UieblymB.
lorea of eBployaa.
Than are oo>
•taa SM of whtak vary IllUa baa baas aboata doaas'Ban at work asd the
MUdarfactbapoatfevyoaca. Wbllr factory will e art ap with a faU forai
It baa aot bs. porUeslarly ararlookad is abeot Ifaraa wreks.
Hr C R Back, tha bsad of the ass
ptoy sod direct aanarer. la aoterprla
Aad vary ta« psayU la U
iny. bolmearafoIbailBSHaaaaqd it

Hba beep Bnoke bae ntnroed froB
a few days' rUlt ie Ma»eb.tarNemeaad Hary Brooks of
MoBcawtar an rlaitlay MeD sblor

eonraa In narelay at Me Won

3. L. Hb>M want U Aldaa laal alybt

HaaOUra B. Wnlb

aarayarPi Mna styl. of ccra ptaatm
faar ttytaa of potato plaatara; two
PVtaaof peerdarynaa. b.kt. bsmt
o. oth. laplsMBU laralaabla to the
dacMrla -tba ralsiBC of ail kladi ol
nyalabUa. frnlt aad etbar aro^
A d.ariptl. of Iba taeiocy wUl ylr.
ahottarldaaolthsazlaatef iba bail
•Mb wbU la soaUaaally ynwloy
man arta^ra. TbabaUdlayHaQaisi
.oatbayroaad fl»
a aad prorldad wiU
lbs ramaiadei
M Iba balldlay. arary fact of apaoa be

Frank Kafka wont U Uraad Ranlda
H la Ms city, bba wiil^a a conn
yeaterday on hartaaB tor Ma Hatcaatlle coBpaay'
Balpb Aadanea. Me yoaac 'oadcr
Ubar. baa ratorMd
froB Cbrear>.
A. Loraayar la back froa a trl.> lo
• ba aluadsd Ma f-aUral aad
aeoarae of laetar. oe oabalm
Sbersaa Kaye of 'Wayftals Was la
Me city y.urday.
Hn LwrI ifacla baa nlaraad froa
M a Uriffib aad E. 1. Dark nlaraSaylaaw whan aba atundrd tba yraad
ad y.lorday froa Ma Qraad Bomap.
lodyaof Ma Etatera Hu* of HlebI
aaalofMa 1. O. 0. P. at Laaalny.
They report a floe yaMardny.
FiadCtna of Ma AsyiBB will boyla
rew TsaaCn** Banr*
BuoM-a racatka loday. Ha will
3. H. Cilffa will Inre ter Haabtoe
Mad pan of Ms Uacal Uraad tUesa. Mb aornlay ea boalaosa
Diek bebosbsryefUdod Harbor la
C. H. Born want to Cadillac ynurday
In Ma dly.
ulaapaet tbaaebo^of Maldty wiM
Balpb Coaaabla was la Uraad Bapida
arpoac of nblay Ma ttaadard ef
affiiUseyUMe-aeboeia hm If oeaBl.
WlUHa Walaot rataraad y
froa p trip le Oaaada.
3. A Body, of Fife Lake, b la tbe

Hr.Vad H

WlUlaa Babbdcr of Lake Ann. Is la
Me dly oa baslnaa
aaUdtalkie porttaa of the baUASr
Hr. aad Hn C A Jobaaca
yeakaohaaaMradtoasepa( oi
id yuup^y fi
ta^ay for Hhapherd aad AUaa.
MawsMaMs of tba.MMi^. abar. u Hbwaako^
Jobaa-a b a dalaysu boa Me fan]
- Mm lBpla.aaB ara taraad eat witl
Fraak F?eldriMi rataraad last atybi
' D F.ioifa to Me Uraad Lodyr
ey at H^ atyMd be wtil kind
MytasUral aod haord Praaibaat H..
Tba HHa. E«.a Boadnaa. Hart
Wiltlas B Jobaan el HMsI left
•baric dlapaea b U MaaUa oa b

Style, Qua%r
Workmanship, Price

reurtftui lac-.

tlfwe four ea*.*atial* if voo i '

At thla etore -A woni aUn

A Ball Buy CoBiny ^

Hu* Loey Brooks
MlBHaryaretVielaa of Hoarae b
Tbitlof bar ao^n, W. B. Salley aad
two woeke.
la IbroByb ali permal • ff irta sod taally.
Hn Keu Dsekery
reed i-idf mint that tba bo.lna. bu
Uoa Vao L ea ef Baium apeat yaadarrlopad ao raoMly aod aabalaotlally tarday wahhb ebiar. Hta'w.'li. Kal8a U ably aaaialad le tha ofl ic by hie

l^haataa. dasa la iba. Wy bHet
ataastara aa W.t Freat atrart, wbid v» Dbarlra; who
J W. a-ffr rotaraod fros KalkaAa
SM erlyiaally ballt for a iraolaaBUli. Caelot and woo. Mlaeu ars daeoied
la»t Blybt.
batwAMbaabaaB l.prarad aatU I
0 craaitap labor eariof
Hba Bardep, larebar le tba daltea*
bad.ltBbly adaytsd la oraty »ay f» darleabaad with saeb sacoa. tbet
Hay uhool. wl la Ma cliy yeaterday.
Iba hsalas. to wblsh It la aoa da tbare an Bsoy tblaye lo Me laeiory
Bay Paalkaar raUraod to bia bOB^
to tnUfy to bit Mrlllfnl r«orta In
I CbarlCTOU y.tarday aftaraooa
addlny to Me eqslpaesi.
fur a plaasaat rlalt wiM hb coaalo*,
fka ' offlosre of
[IMS Ulab aod Myrtle Miller of
tytaetbapoMdeayMnaatU aew l« Pr.ldaa>.
; Heck: rice praldrav
/aabtaytoD elreat.
palpal H wbal .ay ba mtbfnll) C P. Beck; secretary
HIB Hanoa Poboral of Wnl Biybt
ta'Bil vaty haarj darUy tba aaaa. Hllllk08:.I.Btn. I r. Uwo.
tlreet. rrtarned y.urday
Uararal ol Ms laplcaatfii 1
frOB a rbU la Anrera aad »
. It weaU ha a aarpeHa to a yrea
C B Paiya will apaad tba day
May to kaew tba qaastlty of ib
at Bik BapiA wIM her sea Jollaa
aadar rcyaitlat. Rot all of Me proBoa. Perry BaoDab ntaraed to
aad ■blipm to ail parts of tba ooutr< deeta ara Boaberad le the trade aa
from Cbleefo Be
IM fmt. Tba rblaM of baalora aret«1a.laeleaeBU eoM m to daiBpaelad by bb daayfaur. Hn
ra^BBAtad by lUa oak pat aaa bast b slya aad faculty aa well aa food a
Oeerye W Uordoar. of 8s Paal. HlaaMl.itil wbaa It H atatad that ttar
aad ber ehlldAa. wbo will rbIt ban
no atcadily
Ira P. Orrdoe. Me oetalde np
BiBtbi last aaaWB
Darlay dra of aaUUre. left for Me eooM aad i
Clarl. Ererou was eal lad Jo Qere
tbMMBMtreanteMbaada wort taaday la Me latereeta of Ms a
land y.urday by Me aain ef Me
iiaplijiiaadthopayroU dartay tba< aaay which an beeoaiay widcapi
aoddan dnM of bb ouMar.
ptalad atarayad bsarly daso a wark sad ol laeraaelar iaporUBoa
Chart. Broadt <M bae rataraed froB
PartM tba ra.ataderof tha aeaaoa tbr
two weeka rbit at OetrrHl.
dona af aapley. raayad fro. M to 7i
Hr. aad Hra. W. B.
PuUbar a
pamaa, with a preporttoaaia pay roll
Prow mew'a arrora.
MUdreo raiorned lost alfht froa
ThMdyBr.itanrthattUi eaaasrp i>
Htm. ^u. D. BcaM rataraad tail plybl two woaka rlalt at Oblcaye.
froa a riaitto NorMrilla.
oftbadty. TbJt.
Bobert HcEeoxle of tbe aayJoB left
Hr. aad Hn. «. B Bbi
■aa It I* knowt
ynwrdty far a two weake rbll In De­
last alyhv Ire. a rHll at Draytoa
Mat tba ea.paay bwaa tba bbos
troit aad bb eld boau la Boi
deaPBw of peMie ptaaian aaarly twdn Plain.
Hn. Umob tptaraod to bar beau oooly.
y.aa ^a, aad Mat wbaa tbay 0n<
J.O. Di
aed wife of 8a
la Charlaeeis laat oraalay. aflar atdaafcpa.BHiaeftba MMat faetsy
. la Ma city yaaurday.
uadloy Me W. C. T. U.
tba ssstMlBB tana at awploy. wa.
J. L OlblB et Haydid was ia Maolty
Mmty aad Iba plaat was ibaa eaaniad
S S Dally of .Eapln rr. la
dty yeeUnUy.
M.C. T. U. enreatloe.
Hr. aad Hn. A C Brown of Blnybaa
Bar. B Tatoua of Akroa. led., la la
Tnrene Olty eulUn r.Urday.
Ma elty. rltiUoy bli broMaf. Hal Tat
Hn B. W. Paine nunad to her
>rtr tba anatn
boBS yaaurday ^at a two week*
Hn Allaes of Cha
a alao tioB Ba
rUll wlM bar soa. P H. Palae.
laraad lo4ar tama. I
Hn Oao H. Ball, baa rataresd free
epoe ibf M. Ct. L- a
caa Ma ya.t of Hn HaBUnytOB a rbit u Me aoatbora pan of
Haata kaew alao that tba faotor) wUlabM.
dMB oat a yiaatar tartaty of eon ao<
Hr. aadHn dasTboBpaon ratorsHn Vanybaa. Hn 1^ aad Hn
pstatepdasianaadiprapara tbaa %ni
dqnlar. all of Petoaluy. ratsned boss ad laat areoiny troB Varmllliae. Ohio.
......................... la tha aeaattT aad tba
Hr and Hra C. d. yohnaoB aad
laal Dlybt. Tbay here base altaadlay
MiBla tba aaly faatary of Mb klnc
Ma IP. C. T. V. cooradilOB la Mia city Oaocye left rmarday fbr a tan days
laaerthef Braad Bapida, aad
rbit^ Sbepberd bad Ainu. Hr. John
Hr. aad Mn J. H. '
Mraed laat arealay :
B^lroaaad ao^-wlll atuod Uraad ludfe of 1. 0 O.
F. at BayCrty next weak aa a npraHn Walekel of OiarloTeU. nlaraad
nUUra froB Ma lodfe of Mb dly
> bars base beau laat araalay
William B i^ma at Habal was in
Mn H. & Tbalebor rataraad
Mda. aato tba faatory Ma
Maeity ynurday.
aqaipMatwUak prerid. te aa>o Baasoalay.Urday. harlny (oaa 1
A F. Oamane nlaraad ynurday
aesaasd dsMad aod ylr. a yraatar . taapact Ms WoBaa'a Baltof Corps.
froa a trip u Cbleari. whan ha baa
paHty. wbleh baa bseoM iiriiii y
Hiai Praoc Hays anpacta to I
fartMlIneaeManyb Iba yrowtay pepolartty of thr
XB iorCaioayo. waaraaba will
tUa ooBpaay.

Sbb waa a b-Mi,- axu\ opulent Lady wbo
wore a Fur ■fa.-k«*l aLeS tCe Imye oLferen wrrr
io aiyir; but with Ihe miuctino1 in.sir.r
io, I
a n-rra.. For Ja'-k-U an* otfain
bwh fat
They rasmbioe warmlb.
irnbility, (tyle.
Tbe pivaaot p>aBuii 21 ur 26 inrh
Ii is tbe moat
pupolar lejylbBox Iir llerfer
llerfrr Fropt in ibe
populareliapr. Sor oarwiudow.

Ltodiprdaod Hre. W 0 Holden will
Icare today for * tew days auy In
Balpb O. Wbiu ef
le Ma dty y.urday sad look dim

O ciar to * cbaoce In tbe r 'bU nti
eoBoao; billed for Stetobery'* .U-e
X T i.lti<adw lapoailole to «*earr
tbeatinetioe "Is Ureawr New V wk'
□otll Dcxi aesaoe ThI* ha* ylret
Hanayrr dulobery ao opportuoity t>
rM-c'r u>* xic bu of Me of Me keatne
at Park Place.
Will F PCI Ups' eomplKBled c<oie-ly
Hn A. Wsleyaruer and cblldr
-A Bell H .y." for Ih* asm* del*.
arrlrsd froa New Vo'k yteurday
Wedoaaday ereoioy. X-w.
j sir Hr. We'lararuur. wbo b In ebarye Dbt <
of Me dextrine departouet ol Me aceoe.
eSrcl>. aed 1 p-odoerd by a
Hlebtyaa dureb Co* plaat.
anmberiox » arti.t* teeoed
Me coontry
Daadlord John DentUr ef S*i
enncael lolereal, sad Tnreree City
Bay. was In Me cl<y yesunUy
IDcaUr. y .ore wfil b« (lad tbal it b to
Hn Frank SbnUr of Cedar te Id Me be ee-n here.. Tbe ooBoany u
plarlny io thr laryer citln
Beery SslUrae payBaeur for Me 0.
'be heary. all wr
R. A I . bat Park Place.
■ FroDt-8t., Trerei
A. n. Wall
of Ma' WeU
R E Casapball
tbe city.
W. F um of UIU'* Pier b lo tbe dly
■ I'KT KXOiniKi. •
Hre. A Klby et Waxhlnytoo rtrort
b iBproriay afur a wtere sieknaea of

seal iur.
Astrakhan.............. $3R06
French Seal........... 22.(M)

-■*« Me b.1 eoaaible eala.
D a rartrly Mat cu
psrUealar. Prle. an

Jxeily ep lo-d*u *'yli
bar t


'PP.BIl HTsils of


by aprclal nnl-r

want le avick. wr rss
0 a few days eotioa Ti

Helialile tlrr Goods. Carpet aoil Clotliine House.

TnearaaOity Warkav
1* a Ibi of Me eoTtny au.
,y lor yro<

Speciai Cut Prices!

jeras City:

Just Received

l.'kl pain Ijidina' fin,- Kid 8Li'<v«. aevi-ml aij h-a nr-w iia-a.


9l> pairs Voulba' Scbool Sb»n>.solid... ..........................................

riOT TaMssE:.

Wr makr il «
atud) tok..-i>i.|. 111.- liiif.KHWHr anil ihr r.-.|iii

m..rtli tn^.

Si 00

uaitl ,.ur

..fforu in

....... .
»''!> Ilf
iliK W L. !>.>up:l<u Sli->r
toerli-r-l tlir Ial'-s1
I* at i|ii*lily 'if iiislerj
nrr tuBil*- raprrinlly in "or
order, ta>' > i»i ran real aasore<l Uii-y ari- tuadi- riuht. tli nvll ntul
wear (food. -\n inautH-tion will ponvini--' you lliry arr ili*' Ib-ei
•hoes io th<- world for tlir money- prii. i- eiamir-d
Ilir wdr
■ "
of every eboe—and oDr prio^ to all. Ev.-ryhixly la ourtliallt
invited to pee tbem. wbetlier Ibry winh to )my or not

A.10S. mviiJUJ


!«fi paira ludiea' Ikiotoo Buldb-rs. full tiM-. fini <|ualily .. - 24c

f S u

XO pairs Infanu’ no beel Shix-a. all air.>-a...........................................1 6c



HoUtor*. rail*, .tiienlyax
Co . I aroordir- 'n p..\*i|'t. i'


%pir.-roli* 'aod wlortfall*. bie per


TtieOld Kuliahlc Shoeman.

When >0 Tr**rr*r '"'ir to
a A Co . ir:. E'mol -sf

-p A


Tb* Bool aod -Sbor iicmrilny C-iai.
panycri-dllJ H l.rwi» Co , makrr. of
' Wirar.Bnlatrr*." wilh ibipplay morv
««1* dirtrt to malier* Uiaoany olhtr
lirt a pair at

The Lete


Boots anti Shoes

. tbe III
aarad from t
Hinul* Couyk



Eubber Oood* a BpodAlty

Oxen For Sete.
Before SelMting Your

I l.a« - tw. c*-i y-k. ..f .iit-ii
fc.r aalr. w.-iulii
and X'<*J


Fait and Wiater WKSS
Call at our store and inspert our stock
We have everything you need.

“RICHARD. CARVEL," bj Viustoii CborcliUl.
baa had tliv iHiynt aal<- of any boi.A dnong
boston. N'-w York City. Chiifafn. Alimoy. Buffnlo. !>•
Ani^lva. Clotrlaud and ollvr <-iiiHa
Tbr story is in the
HiirioK timos from 1730 lo li'UO and Rivra us an iusiKlit
laio the rhsTAclrra of tin- mni wh<. luadc LiaVjry at Ibat
Tbraentiniruta of the pyrtiavn-are portrayed
aa grsphiratlly aa we find ih'u.- of N'ortb aod Bomb in
“Knl H« k •• The au>ry u tbrillintf sad uHeosaly inter,
astiiu; from rover 11 <-ov. r

"TBE lAElET PLA'QE" bj Barolf Preferic.
A romani-e of the city, a atudy <»f '-liararter io the whirl
pned <if etia-k ji^lery and i-•rpocati'iD joMa-ry—apprariated by men—iaterrwtiotf to all-

"A masterpiece of ims(pnative aenins" A s>iria)iA of
luilay awskes >0 another reolury
The se<|oel to Usii dacade of truale aod eondiioea in eu(p:eate<l —tba dollar is
put before tbe man.

We NemeeFew Prices Betow:

"MT KEHEDT." b, S. R. CiDCiet-gieqf tin litlgi'sIM
. .« II..

t, u.) »t a*x*.<. J

Meji's Plow Shoes........................76c. $1 26. $1 60
Boj6* Plow Shoes................ ... .r..;....................... 76c

CJx-fcy Boole S-fc03?s.

Women's Calf Shoes, lace or liutlon................ $4^.60
Women's Colt Skin Shoes.................................... 00
48 pairs Women’s Button Shoes, formerly

^1 QQ

sold for »l.2S and $1.50..for............................96c

■w. B. TT A BSTT A ,

We have the beit $2 00 Shoes for Ladies
and Oeutlemen.

McNamara Btk.

JaaaafT iS.a. B ISO.-..


Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
WaaonlJ Block,

Travaraa City, Kloh.

Trarm City.




m m ^isrnsTTj-^u ® m



Setting the pace in fashion and economy as never before, demonstrat­
ing unmistakably our ambition to gain a still stronger hold on your
patronage. Aiming to give a still better measure of value than last­
showing by no uncertain signs that we are in the race for leadership
LOWER PRICES THAN OTHERS, or your money back.

Dress Goods Bargains


that are making ihinga.Iiirly in thi’i greatly
increased departmerit. where the newest ami best fab­
rics are shown, at prices which cannot be duplicated in
many instancesjiow at ihe mills. V’alues arc advancing
every day, but our motto is. having bought in the low­
est market, to give our customers the benefit.
Colored Uennettas. fall shades,


Brocaded Wool Filled Xovekies per yard.......................................................................
Pure Wool Uress Flannels. 36 inches wide, cardinal. navy, brown, mixed.............................
Fancy Mixed Novelties, fashion's latest. ;6 inch,
per >-ard.......................................................................
The new large IJomcspun Plaids.

« «_

pe^'^ard........^.......................... ........... 12C


Black Jacquard Weaves, rich handsome styles— ^ q
per yard 1 ?c. i6< and ... -................................... 1 “C
All Wool Black Seric. 3^5 inches wide
per yard..............................
Camel Hair Serges in newest shades. ?o inches
wide per >ard............................................................ OOC
New bright Scotch Plaids for children s dresses. « q
per yard 5c. 7c. 8c. IOC and................................. X<tfC
BI.ACK CREPONS are more in demand than ever
We are showing them as low
.««.j Ae
priced as ...................... ................. TOC EIKI $1
Better grades in Wool and Mohair- a special lot not
St.75 as you would think when you see
them, but only...................... ^.........................
Black Cheviots and Camel Hair Serges. ;o inch.
per yard, up from-.....................
Black Broadcloth. 52 inches wide.
per yard....................................................................... i oC
In this as in the Colored Hress Goods Department, we
are showing superior goods from prices quoted up
to 5=3.50 a yard. No better assortment, no better
values in Northern Michigan.

Stout I nblea* hfii vCotlnn, ;«> liuhes. f*c kind,
per yard
\eiv fall Calu;i>s, t lioiv e styles.? <.ent qualilv,
per t anl
<‘poo«1 fall paiierns Uuiing. ?c sort,
per yanl .
I Sne Batting. fr»-e from specks, always 7c.
per poun<l
•Apron tpinghams, oc quality.
per yard


/\A ^

Yard witle Muslin, neier under 7c..
per yard..............................................................
Strong 10-4 Sheeting, regular i^c goods.
« |-s
per yard
Blue and Brown Demin, you’ll think in cheap at «
i2'jc, our price................................................
Double Thread Ticking.
a flyer at..................................................................
Heavy Nap White Shakersee it at..............................................
Twilled Doubly Nap Sh.iker. usually loc.


Sixty inch Table Dama'-k.
surprise price
............... ^.................
Mill ends in brown and gray double fated Outing. You'd guess 10 , here...............
•- vOC

Hrav\ fleeced. gra\ a;id white. ;:-4
per pair . ... .
(>ray wool five pound Blankets
« OO
per pair
........................................................... X.»<7 .
.All wool .Scarlet Blankets, full ic-4. at the un- q *70
heard of price o^
- .
.A .MILL I’kICE on all wool 10-4 White Blanket; for .
this great outlet sale will sell a limited num- q gr^
ber of these elegant Sj blankets it


Somt of oil leadioe Stylos ii






C«rea »piB •! lordM uta, (itruselj pcpolir UHl pries rUlt.

^PHH intrinsic worth of
1 the e.vcellent'garmcnts
with which this jjr»*at de­
partment IS slocked, is ef the
-sort by which wr have gain­
ed your confiiJencu- I h'_sc
are low priced but iliere
fhe "cheapness' STOPS
\\ here else in th«’ a^' coviiil
\ou begin to maiW' at the
same price'
A Jacket worth
50 is pric­
ed at S2.0S. h is a hand­
some heav> black Heaver
made in the prevailing lx»\
- front style. Phis q QQ
•season sgcioils •

Balti. .«N.»| Tal. C.lUrftle. IJ Marten iHilr.
from.............$6 90 op

Klfi-trif Yoke. Marten
.collar. Iwrtler and tab.
tcD tail- and 2 heads.
at................. ..........$19 50

Black Kersey Jackets, new
up-to-date moiieU. strap.ped seams, large hand­
some buttons, it's an SfJ
garment in most places.
Our special price m *yps


Black Astrachan or Houde Jacket. Iine«i all through
. . wirh .Mercerized Silk, full ne.w bov front, stjaty^ed
on /ront^tlfc. \ ou judge the value. We ^ ’JR
put ihein'Tor lhis sale .............................
* O
‘J'anand Castor Kersev Jackets, lined throughout with
•sdk serge, manniini collar and sleeves, lailoreil
^ tlie prevailing style. .-\ challenge price ^
A Natty Black Kersev.^ox front, inlaid velvet collar,
satin 1 rench face*!, -trapped seams, -ilk serge lin
ing all through, hamisome large pearl iiuttoos
MUn tailoreil throughout. We. fee! conhdent it cannot be matched at

ITelgiom S«-8t iblUreUe
witlT imitfttiuQ Sluae
MarleD Scarf on lop. 4
Hart«n taila
. $10

Beciao Heal Yoke aod
Tab. Marten aearf ef.
foci and lou collar. G
taila. 2 heada, alao in

Slone Martin . :$9 up

6 76

"^avy. Tan. Cantor Kersey lackets. eight times stitched
on front an<l sleeves, silk serge lining.Iiand- m
iOmepearl buttons. Our'undersellnig price * Ov
Black. Castor. New Blue Imported Kersey Jacket, tail.ored in latest styles, stitched on seams, strap darts
'I'heecjual of any Sjj.rxi gartneni in North- es tr/\
ern Michigan. We say.'............... <7.0^




BmIiii S.-«I. Martin . l■llar

( ■ilUrett.- B-jtli

.Ahlrai iian

.\»trai-hnii Ti*ke «rith .Marleu collar and latrder.

V.>ke. Haltic Seal Collar.^^ ^

.'saoK- rollarette, •ritheii: taila................................................ $4 60 up
In luwer plied (‘'.llareMe- »e nave Kl*-«-tri»- H»-«l. ihe
prices range from $1 I''Iv....
.............................. $2 60 Up
.Manet. B ............................................................................................ $2 75 up
Iniiiaiion Stniie Marten Ikwa......................
Kreie'h .Sale-1



- $300

.................................................................. $4 26 up

■ \V^ tale- gr.-al |.ri.le ill aliowiiig th. ae ati|H rn-r g««a!s


Womens HcdVV
H.-i-.fd IdStBi.nk Ho-se.unless, di'ubii* hrei dinl tur-. 1 a. and
\\ onieti - Fvtra Heav v all w iml I K>-e
per |.atr
Children s (. |i>-e Kil be.l
and^ toe. per pair

Pull sweep. Merseri/ed silk lined throughout.' heav IK
braided trimmed w ith jei. fur on collar, down front,
around bottom. Made lo-retail anywhere r% OR
for j^io. For till-special sale we make them 0.^0
Black Boucle Cape. Mecseri/i*d lined all through, gen­
erous sweep, thibbeiliir on front
q qc
Compare it with any-S? caj>e
Crushed I’litsh Cape, lined with ime Italian cloth, full
sweep, thihbet fur on ccdlar and down front. ■The equal in qualitv apd finish of any >s
garment in this vicinity. Special
.... O Ov
Electric Scal^ Plush Cape, generous cut as to length and
sweep, lined, with silk serge, deep Marim fur on
collar and front, jet applique trimming, las cun.
not priced at Si 3.00 as you might think-- n
but...................................... ...................................... «7. I O


Mi eted iloiible



I.adu-s l>lack double nil wool Mil, , lens, jier pair

12, 15, 19c

Ladies black double all wool, fancy bark, p<-r nae
pair up from
Ladies' Heece lined Kid .Nlittens.
up from


Chtldren's Wool Mittens,


Children's fleece lined Kid Gloves,
per pair

., ,

up from


4 e

5, 10, 15c

Boys all wool, extea heavy Scotch Mittees, per a gy
per pair





Our Corset



Consists of the best known makes:
Dr. Warner's. 1-crris' (»ood Sense.
Jackson s Corsets an«i W aisis. • K.
& G.” We have recently a<Kled

Glove Fitting Corsets
which for comfort, tit and durability are surpassed by
few. These corsels sell «ver>-whcrc for Si oo.
In our lower prades we have * hea\ y drill corset. No
b-;o. double steel in front, well shaped, our ,
- ............. ..........
In black and drab 1-rench Coutii wc ha<c a tine model,
stronply stayed, and Mould in most
be priced 7s;c. our outlet price...........
/ Uv;G


Not the slaiy kind, but heavy ribbed, doiiblc lleered.
lbs to dozeni. vests 3;, inches lonp. tajie
and lace on front and neck, a regular ;,Sc
value. Draw-ers to match. Outlet sale price
Ladies' all wool scarlet vests and pants, extra QQ^
fine, c.vtra hea\*>-.....................................................
Children's winter weight camel's hair I nderwear, up .from........................................................... UOC

H.v'clusive styles, not obtain­
able elsewhere. Prices are less
than half, those charged by
any orher house. The styles
asc. the best wc have ever
shown. They are the work of
our own designers skdled ar­
tists in their line.
^'our choice of scores of beau­
tifully 'I'rimtTied Hals, fashion's latest,

" $1.60

Walking Hats in all the i>ewcst shapes and t.olor- lyeings. up from
• OC
Swell line of 'l ams, braided
with feathers, only
25c and...............

50c and 75c
1-25 and up
0|>en work Scrim <in Ecru and
hilc. for • urtains, per > ard ...............................
Nottingham Net tape'IJorder 20c.
wA| I pApep .’ rolls, newest andTiiost ar
■■"Gt I HI Ll|
tisiii Jesigns. per roll ^/s
ODD LOTS.encrt^h i II each lot for small room.
l>er roll - ^ -

Our elegant new patterns and satisfacit>r\ prices are
keeping this department on the jump. 2?c ^ q •
Ingrain, new patterns
Klo^ike Brussels, extra strong, a good variety,
' All wool Ingrains,
per yard .. uOC
Choice new goods at our usual low prices. It w ill p,.y
you to inspect before buying.

76x76 inch. Strapped
Good strong shaped. 72 inch, snap strap.
each-................................. .................................
Wool. Blankets. 7 pound. $4x90 inch, stay un- q OC
under strap, each................................................... «.00


Bring the Imy todav
and get him a newsuil.
The prices quoted''are
in many cases less than
the present manufac­
turing cost.

Twt Ntw»oc«rr
Sv »

Vestee and Sailor Suits
Made in pretty styles, base large sailor collars in con­
trasting colors, and hamlsomely braided, woven de­
signs on collar and shield, patent waistbands, l^w-s
and buckles on pants: come in plain blue and fancy
Cheviots, Cassimeres. etc- sizes
4. '>. S and 10.
prices range, up from 75c. ^i.w, Si..tS, Q QK
S..A0.':^2.oo . ...................................................

Boys’ Reefers
In fancy Chinchilla, double breasted. 6 jx-arl 1 48
burtons, braid on collars and cuffs.upfrom
Double hre.i-ted fancy Chexiots. deep collar. 6 ^^1
button-, well line«|.
(terfecl hi, up
.o...,. .\strachan. Italian cloth lining, well tail­
Heavy fa
ored. silk sewed, deep collar, pearl but- 2,48
tons, up from .................. ...........................

Great Autumn Sale of

For Ladies. Children and Men.

This great fall sale of shoes is t^e feature of each year's
business. <*ur bu\er has purchased liberally from makers, and bought many lots on which
can saCe > ou from one-third to one-half on usual
shoeprii.s However low they are marked you
ran tlepend on every pair for being .good wearing
and fierfett titling
1 ..idles Doiigolj button, stork ti|>. Klondike List, felt
lined, all solid. ; ■ tents Is what wc
you ...


Ladies lace, slot k tip. white kid top tatings. a
McKay sL-we.l........
X *±0
l.atlics Dongok, lace or button, fair smeh. a qq

soft full-slo'.k. ?t sO \ alue
X «»0
Little G'*ntN Shoe-., satin ralf baU. Ltni'l n toe. I.ipaned hooks ami eyelet' in e\.-ry way
equal to *11071 Sf
shoe', here
Youths' and Bovs' Yukon Bov Calf baU l^ngli'h back
strap' a wellbuilt sh.w for roug,h wear, a qq
$1 ;o value this sale.
... 1 ■
Men s C.rjin Creole, warranted .ill xolid a re-ji lar
"Rough Kider' for we.,r
ii'u.i! pn. ••
Si.j:, outlet sale i.rite
Mrn > !^atln c-slt'bals solid l-:..iher soie g>.d
wearer. 1
sho.:!db.-pm ed. spe. ,.t!
Men s Eureka Calf Bali or Congre" soud ..uier and
inner sole counter- Mxlt'n and a qq
s«iviceali!e. uur-specia! price
1 irsi grade C.i'!.ice Kubbers for W ..m-u
Lull line of Wool Boots, f »-.ersocks an<l
Men and W omen

l.eggings fur

Scotch Caps,
^aps. piiii <fi-w n
orotir. tor>.
each .
I'lush Caps, evtra tme qualityeach ...
Corduroy Brighton Caps,
each .
Men s latesi Stiff Hats, brown and black,
up from
Sole agents for the celebrated Roswelle guaranteed hat. late blocks, a regular S4 hat

1 00



Rightly Made
< Clothing..

An interesting stock of new Fall Clothing is here. It's
the pick of the ver>- best makers the pick only.
Men s heavy »weight Working
Pams in Cassimeres. 00Q

means a great .deal more, per­
haps. than you think. A rightly
made, ready-to-wear suit will tit
just as well, look just as well, and
wear just as well and somctin^es
better, than a tailor made suit.
^■ou can’t tell the difference in
the looks, but there's a w onder­
ful difference in the price.

Extra heavy Manland Kersev
Genuine Dickey's Ker- 1
sey Pants, for

.-Ml wool Dickey's Kersey Suits,
heavyflannellined, C A(\
large storm collar U-TIV/

these pdfuuh eheices.

Mens Duck -lackets. up

$5. S7.50 and SIO.

DuckCoafs.sheepskin ^ QQ
Extra heavy Mar)laml KerseySuits. high storm collar,
hcp-yflanncl lined. ^ Q4

All Wool Suits—SaVques or square cut. brown, broken
plaids or gray mixed, well lined, well sewed, perfect
fitting, equal to any $7.50 suit, our pop- g QQ

Sweet. Orr
Co. s famous un­
ion made Pants and Over­
alls, every |»air guaranteed; new pair for
every one that rips; up from
Men's all wool Business Suits; a sensible, well wearing
suit, on the newest cut anti style; choice of Scotch
Che\ iots. Worsteds and Cassimeres., A
^decided bargain at..

Our S7.50 Suits are really $10 values. Have them in all
leading colors ami'styles. Strap scam, neatly tail­
ored. in every respect well adapted for



Our $10.00 Suits comprise all that is newest and-most
nobby iniWorsted SeJges (fall weight) Scotch goods
in heavy) Cheviots, plain aq^ fancy, the new stripes
and broken plaids, beautifully tailored, elegantly
trimmed, faultless in fit; double and single vests.
We take great pride in showing you 1
these goods, purchase or not.............. XV/. W

Double breasted heavy all wool Cheviot
Suits, silk fared, satin piping, tailor- •
cd in perfect ^-to-date style: a suit
fit for any occasion, bought to sell at
Sio; we make them a strong m g'f\
. leader at..................................

Suits in all Wool Cheviots, new fMaids and Checks, some
coats satin lined, silk piped, tailored strictly up-io‘date,latest cut on shoulder and back, collar hugs the
neck—a natty Stoxosuil—as we bought them at a
sacrifice price we give you the benefit and O Rrt
make the ridiculously low price of............V/.CIV/

$7 60

Men!s wool Suits— -black, blue and brown mixed
Cheviots, also greys, dressy, well' tailored and upto-date in ever)- .respect; ordinarily these suits
tkould bring $7.50 without any pushing; Q QQ
our money saving price is .................

We empha--i/e ahe great values in our
t.*' o/. Clay Worsted Su'ts; nobby,
well tailored, perfect in fit. and cut
in the latest prevailing style; l>est of
linings, silk sewed. in a wf>r<l all the
gocMlness of a Si.' suit. Spec- m q/\
ial outlet sale tirice
I -C/v

Business Suits—guaranteed all wool, all colors, in
Checks. Plaids. Stripes and plain black and blue
Cheviots and Worsteds, well tailored. I'rench faced,
satin piping; in fact tailored equal to any ^''.bo
or Sq.oo suits; our 50 i>cr cent, saving ^



Leaiher lined Mitts


Heavy grey .American Pne/e,
well made.good lining, warm
in every way.
serviceable garment, o
O yO

* ^

Black and blue Beavers, as well
cut and tailored, and all the
appearance of $7.50 and S-''
coats, velvet collar, well
stayed, a good wear- ^
er. only.


Men's At Working Gloves.
per pair---Mule Skin Gauntlets,


Heavy Undershirts and Drawers.
each........... .......................
Heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers,


Heavy wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers


Hea^Working Shirts. lace from with


Heavy Jersey Working Shirt,
only........... ........................................................
Heavy Cotton So*.
per pair................................................
Good Fleeced Sox.
per pair..............
c^Ribbed Wool Sox,
per pair................................................................
Extra Heavy Wool Ribbed Sox.
per pair..........................................
We e«rrs' • ron Mae of.....

The McCall
Bazar Patterns,
lOO. none HICHC*. I5c.
H.FMhlM Wbeet- Salted Free.,


Heav> Duck rackets, rubber in­
terlined, tl a n n c 1 1 A fe
lined, up from___

have been made a special fea­
ture of our .^lode^^ .Men's Cloth­
ing Department.



Big line brown, blue and black
heavy all wool Kerseys, lined
with farmers' satin, velvet
collar, strap seams, satin
piping, prevailing back and
shoulders; equal to the best
you usually see at $ij.oo.

.- ^
IV/C< a

■ o^ly


Hea\*y wool Frieze Ulsters, well lined, high storm col­
lar. lap seams; come in greys, blues and ^ RO
blacks, a decided money saver at............. ^.OV/
Better grades in Overcoats and L Kters. but no better
tailored nor cut. prices S8.50. Sio.oo. qq r\A
$i>,oo. up to - .....................






J State Bank.


Pr. a»i.~j-at p.'k ai.~ Wo« i»t.


a th» (UKipte) Mt TMidar ftfWrMoa »t

>r tw MM e( dak ^nlM
M>o«n: C. J. tbe bow rf tin- R. B •»««. asd | to b« bcU la the aty Oaan I
tba Oti; Mam ata
EBMiaad M Mn. K. & I
* Boaidlataalacearridar a •tar. Baaotobar ta.
aSatordar to'w-tiar
fwaiaaa AeaUia'T. wab tba foliow. js. “na aeadatoj adj ilbiar baa
Hlaa ilarab Ut aad I
doora wtu ba epraad at «;»n.
rr«tud aad W II be aaad aa raeepUoa. j u>* Uabat boldan will b- pamlitad to
Prtoidfat Mn. B. B Mn>ar
eloah aad atooblar rooM. Vartoaa ,
tbair raiwmd a>M
tbaaaat HafB<«aead/. aMUr of ibc
fortbeatoaiaaiaatof i' '
Vtaa prtoldaat-Mra. ». B. CrowdL
tea for lb* prim earn'd
•aaoad H. B abarah. oa f'M.r prr•ratatae. aa enbto- ^ of tbolieheL Bo panen afaall be al
grmad a toafTtara eansaer «Ueb
be r*»ao eaeb eveaiar lowed to ftoerre awe ibaa eiz aeau
laltod HMa Mania L. Daaa lluoar.
-------------------------------;.t»p.a. Oaadarwlllbfrtaat »:»i».!8iorl*o(rhl»eaer.awl'l he old at
idaarhtof eTB O. itnmt. aad Mar.
Ooo«r»w} b, Btabop
, Aocika.toa for elab ttekeu Mid all I ^ s*w. .-aad oo aad after Ort. Jr
. Ball, a abat-«raiber of Paw
A laire e om w.a coodraed^
loforatlloo oa; be obto-ead of Prof- ; r^r ibe dret laavarr bj Thoaaa Diaoo.
Praeeh ebareh Soedar
Rt R
>r Manaerb. Cbarla Voder to e
Oaaeltbepnuto.ttoetal aSaIn
BIMUr.ol Uraad Rapidr. bad ebarfa of
o belt*'
to teaeoa waa tbe daDdof part; riraa
Blfb -aa «ae
. - ---------I to fairer war
t Maruwrb't Hall Tharwiar bj tba
Ited at lu o'eloek. aad tbe wwGreaa Uwl«< IB SMeurBittoaolteau. If aayoae aboold fail U’
yeasr aaa of tbe aeylas. Abeai iwaaty dnBatiooterrleafoUowediaaediaWly
Tbefi'ilrii aoeail aoetioc <
tbe ,
0 eatlofaeiory aaai we hope ih.i bTbe ooedroatloD earaeo waa <a MIcbIrae Graad Lwlr*<. I O
f : will lab* it kiaely. It
atterly Iw
llrblful Uaa waa arj lyad aatll a late eeptWaally doe.
barme Itt eecloo It) Bay C ry : potelble for a. to'pro'eat P~>b'»’
_____________ ___
Tea elaea oieilBMi priec'.palir of Arraafraepu bare bean aada for ibr | polar dawe torly <o ibe moreibr, ao-l
D^ Koarlaad
UcHitbiraa yoearptopl*. fbr bu.Ic waea rery aeeoaaodaitoe of S.soo dclrfataa. of ] tboae wbe appear drat nuu of aeo.
diarcb Oo. with tbe lanra-. potato djeleatara
wbeaalarra opabar are ainwdy I" | »ity jet tbe fir.t cho'ee
rbi to tbe faetorr tbla year. It
are arariy a ifaoo
Bir TiBb*r Deal
waea Raral New Ytokar aad weirbed
■Uor Moo
drti elm eeou aad we feel thai
JollorT HoBoab b.. ;a>t eloaed a
»eea It la a prodoct of 0»wne
laller aearlr all will >w fallr eatlided
Blllbrn. aod win be eODrertcd
Toe R*bekab aaaeabiy will berio iu , Aayooe wbo bat failed to yet a ptia
atarcb fo' tbe doctor
■awioa today a‘ea. aod a large repra-'pb,„ „„or delaited toformatiao lo
lee Haber laodi la Lore eoaaty. tbU
I. expected at iu fatberiara ( regard u tbe coane. nay gtl oat at
A aearry party ci j -yrd tbratclrea at
ebon j
A rrmod ball for tbe beaeit of tbe [ ,h« aewe. euad or by applyler W aor
Sfgewtod Toeaday • r.-a|or A daiaty
afu lookiDg after
of I Bigtaecbool eladeat.
Twaa aarrad by Hra. Latbrop
[tbe property briar owoeo by tbe W
tl will be aolieed Uat Ue Dampbiei
Ma>ieand other foroe of erj..
1 E Iltdra ratau Tbe tract euapnaeaiy,■ ■
i gieea 00 circalar for WeDdliag
oeaapleO tbe tiotc selll a lato
j oou ator* aadtoxiUiae about
PnpaU'YoabC Leoy
. i> bi. circalan did oot oom*
The ride bi a .waa a deHcblfnl
feat of plee >Dd baniwood
At Ue Kekapoo ladiaa aedleioe ' ip lime to be bread op wHb the other.
rerealBr'e alracare.
of Ue
t lalatble I
ttaow at beiioet Bay Ub week Hie* M'eodUog'e elrval.n .
Ue cute.
Itebel Deatier. daoebter of Jobe Deiu-jteBarately. ja.t before tbe date dae
by Ue tJaecB Clly gaartot.
ter. WM eoled the m ol pupalar yoaeg ; for bla Irelare.
October 55, will opro at Ue bo* cfBee
A Parewell Borpnto
Iwit lo tbetowa. aod woo Ue prite.

r B H. rrs
la BtelaBerg'e Urpad oexl HoBdey I Tareday eweaiag tbe m uUcra of tbe
. Rered l.y Ue eompaay. There were j
All peraone bofdlBC llekeie Prirod. CbrUtlao Bedraror eocleiy met
may rxebaage ibeo fo- rtoerrad eul at tbe bone of Hit* Chari >lu Helm le
yeelerd.y 01
T D Mebaeu

It trip to Waltop


Charleroi* io Uelolere.1 of the fl-a 7
BfCdweli A Uiadea. bu w>ld bit '


a.a.rr7«aa-Jeei reeelrea
CIreulatiDii this week 2.275
• neater noellar of tbe



| Meimri
Mutie. ganc tod ,


Him Harr

Behle. and I

A TbeBOBd Teagatf

oof expre** ta. rapture o'
Sprioger. of I’bradelpbia
Wbea I>- Kiag't .Sew Ilircurery cared
er of a bac kibg cough Uat fur
t-rar. bed made life a burden
to eotoldrratfcoo^ij^^KJW
laoelety, wbteb Mlu M'.iera ecknowl-i
iay»: "After all other rt-tardle. asd
di-dtora failed It eooo lemotrd the pain
Th- .teaaer Cb.flrral* .rrired at edged la a few feeflog aod well cboaea |
SwrdiaJi Chorea Oeaieauon.
lb port Tieaday rrrelBg bariog 00 wonla

■ueitrcDlDg the dwedbb LaUeran 10 toy ehrttbod 1 caa oow t’eep eoand
eearcely rem
ly, lomeUiPl
aelbipg I can
bmrdl lontorreleolapolewukea froai-------------------------------jehareb oa Waabiagfra
lag before. 1I feel like tooodlag
Howera Harbor aad nuo barrel! Iron {
ialaad 1* Not Bold *
R-* C
V. Veetllog of nnl
ileea tbrouebout
It Ue
uoirerw." Dr
Tbb It tbe bearicateblp.
Srw Ulworery le goaraoterd u
eall troablto of ibe Tlir 4
Rererend! C A ToUd, of Cadillac, cB'eali
soc I
aa Boaeaally larr* qiaatily
be .HuarUe Ulaad to Mr Cbarlea B ' V.ctor Vrzell. Toetta. aad J Koiabrrg botllee loe at B E Wi
I Tbome. eecrclagy of the Chicago I of Haaleiec.
Jobaeop'e drag ttore*
_ Vaebt eiab Kr.'Raeeeil eaye
that I
Be* Q A Tolls dellrerad ao adTbe baalacae of the atrriare
tbrn it no iralb lo the report, that be i drrea la Boglbfa. bu eubjeet belay,
,f ol
of clotbine Ererytblog lo ihd way
deparuaeat of Coaaty Clerk Newtia'a
tderwaar. botlery. taaU. cap. gio.-t
pn-lty good doelag tbe f"**■"'‘■’teg of U* tol*. and Uat I' f>ar Prullcgex ae Cborcb Heaben.’
oBee bta b>
too B-a at Ue oew ttore of S Keadt -1
9 UrMPt r.
if any pre09,154 Kroet St , Trarene City.
t it iraowtol. be bupei tni Tbe i-burcb baa lately abdergoae 1
-ideaee la tbu, aad will



“»» >«“ i ,t wu a l.rely eooto.1

____ .

b permtoewt home la :
Ir U. BrbVl earebaaol the property.

V.< T",

itwHboefar ibU rear aaer.eeu. bear fron ll dedoltely ae*be coatidert rrry iboroayb efeaoliir iailde Bad. ap-

SUoAnk't Ins Kerre


a Ur rc.u'i d liitip .-ndi.l bc.lth
mlU-ilr wil! aii.l tomrodoui
^_____ __ _________
llhctcily and looted (lie rroaad orer. ; carried out
:h Direr,
Tbareday Wr Krleade C B eoei with ibe tli'iorhl of pgrebaeior 'be'
-------------------------------eyiaod llowritare 01
d order
Bdwmrd T- Pnea aad Mia Oraee S. otyaodtbelryriexl.aeiat tbe bone l.laod aea.aatner h-a-’-iuarUn-for|
OeaUl Boll
I you waat Ue*c .|u.iiu<
BeUtraea tetra aarrlod Friday erea- of Mr. aad Hr.. J. U SUotoa oa Set- tbe Calcar., v«bl drb Tee., place [
they inag. u*c Dr K-ng t Sea
Mr. Aryl. Cnddirbwa, wit, of Cba.
1.1, PiU* UDIr jr. eeauat a EWallt
1^ by Bor. Baealay Joan
ODtbtleoet. la bOBOTofUrf^tirliter. tailed perfecilT. the pile *ai
Chddirback of Kier«ley. died aibe.
tad J. II JobaUB'.drygalorct
Then trill be a naatlar 'of ibf MeaCbarlr, Sey,^Y%i7 .ill rr- l.ut IBere wa. oa. lolnr Ihil wt. art, home Salorday.
Hr Tboroe waa aot>
--------------CaiffhM at Pytblaaa toairbt Three tora to ber i)oaa la Caiearo‘o a abort mllaCacUry
tloe oa. , a«l ateial ooar.rtotioa tali, .»ii.d*d wiib ib, till,, aod wt I ’
«*■''<«'«• »»- »a»y yean
MMdatoe for tbe aoentd darrea.
•adetbeer.-alBcpaarerypleaeaoily the deal did aot go tbroayta.
, rnideal of Maydeld. abd well koowa
lha tpdtolaa of Hpaiy Rosla. who
diad Moaday athlaboaeio Haoeel-aa.
..o,-.o K.W.U..
-U•IU be browht to tbli city tor iaies
____r.\..............I... .-L^Uee beea aadeaodHr Uarntt aaia
Mn Mary iiallb of UerS-ld a.eaua.
of aakiaT-Trararee Clty't rlilt
that eo tar at be koowa. there le oi> died Totiadey aoralar of eioaach
Etch mes
imnedlale p.'CiBpre'.'of a tale
Wheo trouble The reipalei were takea to
bar le required to rot lalo Ibe trto*gry
tfar aale la aade. if ll erer It. fir pab H'aad Raoldt'or iBtermeai
lollara mnalta. to preride for a epeeUI |
Ik wiU kaow abnai It. b • atyt
Hn. Albert Hebert dlrd* of blood
HtM Blaa Baram. wae fcai heqy
Jaaloy Lycwam Proyram.
' ontoalng yaterday at bar home id
rialtlM f-r ootolm M«aOortrade Kae*The Btok Renew C ub'waa rety'j Tbe yublor Lyeeoa held a meeting Knwidr.
W S Aodenob left lael
iBtiyaoienaiBadTbarwley after j laairrcaioyafttoaebool le Ur' Hly b > o'dbt to make arraageaeau for Ue
IHM M Bnena today_____
BOOS by Mrm |riU at her rtoldeace oa I rekoal aweably roja tl wfaleb a taill \ faoeral
TMMtey lee. i. A. BrMdy perform
Mn H r. C Htlea read | c«>''d eaj jyed as ncelleDi program.
program. I| fibUler. .
•d Ibe eeramoay tbal eblled la mar talaetloot fma '-Mead
*ad>* '^etai
•'* OM iroaag paa who form, ly Urol
rtace BtotB. Wabater aed Hlai Inera popala* rrork by
extollaal; Cedar Raa. were token Urough Ult
bto Oteytob. both of ikto city.
Ue literary
r City yeeterday be bit brother. Selton
Tb.aa.lcwa. a rery plmelitr le. .8bi,i,r. of ^r R„
Tbe reaerrod aaet plat tew Ur aoOA war el'tod wltb aoeitl a
Ure,UeBarubelBghoar«lT eacrrwl [ w u a rallrotol 00 U, PeaeBtatoto’ Uewra aad Maale Ooam loaaod Ue eaj ^ment of refmbm
wUl be pat ee at tbe Oily Mawa Htaed
Be waa killed at
araion Aibwt Radel for Tboee who lomtebed matir were i)ait, „,^oia railroad
Ltora Parucb who rre 1
Baiaeday atramc at «J<l o’etoek
malieloot deotffc to propertr. broegbt
derrd a pltoo aod mtadollo aolo. Toe ;
tof Jordaa Vieceni. it
BMarday aeaalac Jaatlee Brow i perKitoae Brtody aad Larklet ftrored ,
fcemel a macrlac* oertomy whieb tot for trial la Jeriica ll'owo'a
WiU a doei aod a ebarmiog plaae Kdo.|
Itaom c(
•allad Him LoUee BUltdaae of Bik Oeiobor fs. There Meat lo bare bc«p
toglreo by Carrie Arery
rto..iag brWcM Ue two mep.
liptM. Md ArUar Bobtaoa of Ult
aod VlBtopt elaii^ Uat lael baurday
TToltatioo OB '•dberidaa'. March*' by
BlJrbt R*de< ihrawaclab Uroagb Ue
Herbert Rtymood, foil-iwed by an enIbe ladUa of Uraea Bylaeopal ebareb wladow of ViPtooU tatnae
iayable etuy no "War aad Peace" by
arU haaa a .‘Httanlay Maritet” lo
At ibe pi
SMi«h mwie alon BaUrday altarloala.
taurge" wat a pleialBg npluiloa gi*
■aaa aad wjU aDaUaaa Ua oatwa laKalametro dbirlet took oetoiioo to ee by Ida U'k.M.
apaak la Ua blgbeat urme of Ue ex
R,*. Colby read as laiicanire abBae. Barelay Joaaa parformad tbe
limt work of Roe W A Pryr. pietor atnet^ Ue "Elaeail^a of Cob. "
itoimiay Bataeday Uat oada Ulea A. of Ue Pint M. afetbarch lo Kalamaeto.
"Tbe Wbile Reriew- prored to be a
Uaauur aadMiaato
Hr. Pryr. who tea. formerly raetor of fiaonsltotoa. girea by Mery Barkbaadaadwifa. BiUarawallt
Ua Pint H. B ebareb Ib Uta city. ba.
U tbla «lta.
doee good work la KeUmiire aod fate
Tbe eobjtct ctaoO«B for dlecoarkrej
Irtoode ben rrtll b< picaeed to boar
riaa I
BigktootbaC AWr. H
Haoy .aear Uat he bM to wel. flllod bti aew Aeld p'iselpi^rueJrti^tow"tI?‘i''^®"
eaof Ue Call
0-rW«a Bo.'S of tbe pipo orfaa lot d

BapareUet J. L Wtraar. wro wu la
auradaaaabaraapm tba aeat.u o'
tba buid. waa ealMd Pride, aora
lac to Hllaa. Maaroa aaaaty. to Ue
bMdaof bha amber, who I* eory lew.

Biaaebaiy of WaUoa aoa
•malo Boa of Ballaira Tbegr.a b
tbaaicbtoparatoea W.itoa Jaociloo

Tbeeeealooof tbe e'reali eear( lor
•eUaaa etreoty opeard Moaday at
Lelaod. wlibJadge Prrd W Hayae 00
Tbe eaieadar U a light
there beleg naly tea eaao*. boer
of wUcb arerriaioal. The folUwlog
altom**. arc r>ce*cot from Traerrae
Q-y E d Pratt lisa U tl Cor.
oralD J
A. L-waegef. M. C
im H KoeleraadJ W Palcbla
0-rille C miter of Cralral Lake ta alio
lo aiteodapfc

Taa Uaoali t'Wrary aoaiaty ha’d
torLoalcBiidBal] aad R-9 W^aaop
A pirlia

chicken coop.

Pie.uat CaaroB Eeeot.
Toe CbrUtlM. aoeiely of
UePreobyleruB ehurxh gars . wci.i
Iwt er alog to which they raritod Ibc
■enof the ehareb. Aboot plscly
Tsolmi p.rl of Uc erealag wm
■peat la tb. pl.ylag el gaan Thee
plcMlDg ma*lctl ptegram ^ea.
readersdae folio.

I of H Itkacoa,
laotrameatol Oen-HiatM Ollle asd
fipeMaaUog Ua wboleaale
Bnrl. P*rt^-»
Praak Braadaga of that yiaeo. hoe
Vocal 8 Wnitt LalB Wklaa
laaaud la Ua Oobaa balldiag. e-bara
iMtraoMtol Mo-Ha. Mabal Abdba It
baadllac b
a Ihtocf
Itaacf gam**. ooUes> -eewto
t basdllsg
_____ ___<. Hr dtaUia
V.^ Doat-RtoCU^rrtrbam
aoa bM
tm AlPplAyod
diaateyad kia
hia eaapWi at- RlaaekeXe''o*<V
““i—I ................................
Irm tamaadQtortot^iM^Rai-------Raiaden, “•
His. Oila laeliad to
i wa. Hr. Oeaaabla asd H r. Orotoer.
AriM lha pra«M. Med Mkea asd


A line of Coverts, 46 inches wide, all wooL-are very ' cnn
interesting at..................... ....................QUC
A fine line of of Stylish Skirt Plaids, 56
widths, from.................................

65g to $1.00

The boys and girls will soon want Mit- ICp nnri OKo
tens—good double ones at......
lJu dllu ZJu
Pin isswlmel I. UHC iil Clillilni’s Clans ud IllM^sdiiliin, H»ds Ut aim, Bt.

OTrs OT.n A TT
Shows an immense stock from the ‘chea|K*st lo the loest.
Jacket is a full lined double breasted Kersey al $6,00.
furd Gray, a warm dural.le garment.



BHlkMntUnuill UlMH!.

One notable

Another is an O*-

None Rttor at $2.98.

Ladies who want a g*oU Cape for a wnall amount of money cannot to purchase until ihey have examined our $4.6Q

Boucle. It is a very

wide sweep, trimmed down front and around collar with tbibet and has a
gooii wide facing an'd extra bAivy lining.
A »ur $6.00 I’lush^iHt is assure sale if yon will only examine its tLoy
merits—full sweep. goi« lining.Hhibet trimmed both front and collar.

Money bqck if wanted—it's your trade we're after


W. Milliken.

' IM.000^

td arallable ta aar can

Our Savings Department

The “COMPANY’S” Bill of Fare
Served six days in the week.


Coreoyetert, 15ccsn

BMilleeaosp. lOeoM

CblckcB aoap. I0i'«aa

Mock unit poop. liM eaa

Onecb olirre. ;5c ^ttlt'

RllaBd oatOM

ColaiSbIa rirer Mlmoo> itaak. ICM eaa
Deriird toagB*. tc to 15 eaa

HMUd wogaa Se to ilesu

.i' -

Boa.1 bMf. Mr ran
Hosed turkey, toe caa

Pottod tarkey. MM «u

Vas Camp! pork aod beas!. iGc caa

Carbolineum AvenariUS as a coating of the inside .if yriur
One application is sufficient lo ilestr.»y all

Cbaritojlice and keep them away.
U.rd .od Imrg
• d1*n»t ee while Pr»l Siomt
Ned Tdop looh*d aflc* Ue oeg.l
HIto S irto, wbi btd csttic o
pragram^.rc tor critic'! fc). .ri

We own a quantity of all wool 45 in Serge, very fine
an(t heavy. We count it good value at .............
In iispectlDi oil|i is necessai) 10 comlnce one of its meiiis.

lirniled inackcrel, Tomato eaBca, JOccaa
I'rioe ears boot. Ue «as
Claoi ebosdv. tse eao
Hacbia* R.V lebtier..

Prepare for winter by using it

now. One Dollar a Oallon. at

pVMPSS Stopoga. I«e eaa

W aa.t’B IDi-iig Store.

IrlBb potoues. toe ba

Siraoi Botaloea. i»« lb

Saga, loaf besB! l:ceaB

Soeoleors, lOiaaa
Sugar loaf pete. 15-caa

CblekeB toaalr. I5e

Ho-booB berrtsg KM

Tomato eaUap. 5S -.
CbO« cho«, lib- to

A Lirwly Ruaeway
Tba eaabaey oa tka Btofd f K’ae.'
’BB.n-.r lu-.mi'cd To.aday mnra
Itoa aaaaad by Ua deaU of Co'
ing Uai reeultMl le the Mrlco! ic^urr
pbto Pybaa waa Riled by tb* appotaiolHra N Ball aad <b* .e.rre tbak
maal of W. O Pbate by Ue oayoi
• agapuf Mn Viatk 1,’
Haaday alfbu Ua ooaaeilJ eobdimlag
drirleg aear tbe tolr grouact
wbeo the bone raa toto
' M. C Oe^ tacairad ward da wrda?
barb.^ wire Icaee aed Uroelsg boU
fiam Jadca Aldrieb Uat two la.a earn oecapuaU of Ur Imcyy to ibc grooed
wbIM ba« boaa peadkag la Ur Wet Hn H.1I fell nrer Ur daU board aad
fard aaaaly eoen. were rna-r4 lo
qelu li Jared, tier t«c>
(areraltae Baaaab A Lay Cj
cbnt wore etraloed. thna,b on
IbtJ. R.Gral|iohb>.
mweee brukea. Hrt. I mlor wa.
UrowB lalo Ue fehee. aad be' e nU*.
Tba Purl Ualbarata af the I
lodly tora. bat abide fivm eererr
al lha ebarU Taaaday Blfei- ' iVoadrr w.< ant tonouely hart.
Mod.* a praciM aad ibe aaiiag of Ua
WrUdapaaka reaca plaaaaat faalara.
af tba araalafa procraa

dadgerof bclag .op*rec<l*a by Uom
o' ao arlttocracy"
B»b .Ida were
welt budted. but Ue decltion wac

satisfactioeofliariogihiiigs oo haod when wanted, you will
find better assortments and possibly lower prices this yesr
as there is a scarcity or desirable thidgs in certain linns of
Dry Goods. Our stock was nerer more cdmplete and is un•inestionably tbe larg^ in Northern Michigen.


Health »V/

Maabti ware rawnlac. of whoa aboa
IMbMoR al Ulacity. Tba real waat
aa ta Okarieeeia aad Potoakey

bnng.*.ntirer to«ic time Ao. Wioter Ck>tliii.e u .btolutel; necooarT. VYe b*R.n o,r prepanitiom for the eeaeoti
early, (as early as Iasi Jeoe ie some lines), aod we adrise
early selectioes of Fall aid Winter Goods. Aside from tbe

Hu. Deter [

ree i.ed nearly 5.O-.1 rote., H.u Befalr
absull lOo aad Hit. Sielmel orer »0o

-A. .....

ioba badwlTba^'o****
•I lata-i nboo, wore atrrtad by Jew
^ Browa Moaday

Each Week

Uberklo*. lOe to We

Mixed pickl*.. l->e to aw

l*ar. ollre oil. Ms - We
Dorkae ealad dremlBg. toe to uw

Kiicad piatappl* V-e
Hoparcb mloce pie. lOe cas
Mix'd PBte

Several Hondret Pairs of Sioes to Close Ont at Half Price.
.[ualily ap though vou paid double these prices. Pushing out the
maining: si/es of several kinds of shoes. That’s the reason yon can l>uv
two pairs of shoes for what yon usually pay for

.S’oee .aek pampklo. ICM eas
Drlrd pneb pie. It Ib




Cream caadie. Vi->b

a L Co-! "Be.1' fliurbraad.


Wbol. «beal floor broad. Us tack

orahao fioar bread. Ut eaeb
Prime ebeee*. Klc Ib

lit good

Ladies’ Fine Shoe>,
values—the price now........................................
One I
. _____
Children’s Fine

ei -tSpair
1,'MI pair
ii.HV pair
0. "5 pair

Seieril Other lines at ao Enormous Discoont to Close.

fteai'i Water Wafer., tSe bnx
K*aaedy't Kairy Wafera. tie box
Coeeda BlmalL it box
Wblle R*ek iKager Ale. -jc pisi

Hrommer't Sagtr W.faca. I5< box
Sear. TattI Prattl. MM Ib
I'BeeAa Jlr;>r Wayferm. KM boA
SBoyadl Jaaot Hlaaral. Me


Vleh, Water. Jr>r
Ooloog tea. «oc to Si iv

Yoaeg Byaea. M le TSt

Hopba asd Jata Ooffae. Ue
All good! for meal! delleoMd
tea* asywbore is Us city . . . ,

Voii'll Find it Oir Store tin Vej Sboos joo-ful il Price loci Less i»u^i« tipan
Men’s Wet Weather Shoes, closed tongue, tap sole, great wearers.



xas l^BAr>Il!TQ- eBOB BO’CTSB.

The Haniiah & Lay MemlQe Co.

J HUbb.Sego: JekaM
a Bap: Hard B Mawa

A*"in.“i:sssErE£ __ t'i .

Uwk Baadall,

W-H Grand Traverse i
' Ite ■«• AU a frttiat MMr. «>

■Mk«»thM tfc* a



^ MSI* XelUsw SsU^ W
B.ltk» hoM U MiplWf iMi

ralatlrra bara daadap




•Awl tans »lth«OwMf tb* »th.

■WkIliHiZk BwtaruMMlMr.
af N. r. .hM

as^uSx”"" ■
> bar
___ M«U1 babaUdiaapia ae>
«MC* WI rrUu aaaalsf. Oat- «Otb,
SrtSbbMaevaT^ Bpaertb LMCaa.

aea bara Mlebl-

Mia. Jtaaatu Pack < ' C.haClipa
la towa lact »a»k *1' o« iba L O

Bamaa oewalp farwara Mpolp
Ow aae^Oallao.
argd oat laat apcMpg taka wiM.
aad tram tba fonp bw amw ba (daav
od ba bat )wl Bakbad bartaatgp

w Clip.

Hn. J ■atpaOlar_________________
Mat rridaa (row (HaoAo. whao aha baa
..jpraa ter Iba gird Boatlapoflba
Orow aMtlap bar roUMaaa aad MaaAa Kaweed aad Bl^baw SoadaT Sr*^ - '
AweoiallBa g ha bald at tba Eb
absreb.Oet T7. Itn
Saadap wli
■uBHiae acaoiua
Tba Hliaea Jaaalaaad BaMChoreb
10:00 iMeoUoaal. Bar. B Eog.
are TlBltlBC friaada g Daaroit aad oUar
of walaoaa. Prod RaroU
plaoea g a ntbara Mkalpaa. TWpaaI0;M Blapeaw. Mr. TboBoa
paetg ratara aboot tba trot of MotI0:M BaolUtloe.
I0;U Slapgp.KwwigtgadapaebaDl
H«i Tba Ideal etaadap Scaool. Hr.
A foBlIr raaa! o WM bald at tba
■one of Jap B. C aw a waak ape Iwt
kgrdap. Iba i eaaloa baiap Hr.
Thaw praaoat troa
Troenor Clip a...____
_____ .^aad
rasHp. Jaisaa Cwaa aad (aallp. n
arxaaaijuj. «i
■ - 0^ ro..^
Praka aarrirc I
Paper. Him Bdu
Paper. MIm Laera Lladicp
Kwwig Saadap

g Liralp. aprd 7t paora. dn
oa tba tkwL The eaog of hk
dwg araa bran fallara.
L-Caaflild. a wall-ioAo farm.
Stprr. plekcdaad dalirared g ptrtlet
t Joaapb. a boa of Banrlaei
ttrawberriaa. Sagrdap Bad gr (twrw
ga papa he d off ha weald bara pet
igrmamti a bggipoigi of u



a Saadap ter Ttaraaaa Cltp la
aLB kbvaa.
>«ata.aellr. aad Mn. Brad Baaaau.

ar driaiaf baaaa.

Mr. Bd Ufa. a E. HeSlaala ara
iMvtac beaaa lar Mr. Laaaak.
' E. LQaakaad taanpat MaplaOto
-• ‘'-/
Mr. Dap'aaawaaUl
Ma wlalar.
ChB Mortlaa la (■ tbaatekUat.-

I irhat yo. want aow. Wt haia tham. Air tight, doable «h« .ta.1, CBt tip. S]
^ hinge corrr, cart hinge, draught in front to take anhnn out kanp Sre « honm. (or J
I $5 60. We have a full line of ibe PpoinioUr Heaters. Gwks and Ran|jes.

Al Jwkaoo. Mtm Laora Halekbt
M fcaod le bar roomatga rooldaoec I


pg jrl wg foood lorord part wap oo ?
and It It Iboopbt tba wire wg lurard
Ueorpe Fox. while faodlap a wro ^
While ploopbiap. d. P. Baapiap of
Bedford foeod a waddlep rlap Iwt bp baakar aod tbreddar oa the farm of te
Ulirar Parra jotl aorlb of Elk Btpidr. ' ^
la Bother 7u p«an apo.
Pridap afgraoOB. bid gr miafortaar
At dt. Joboi. Loolt A S'awBao wat
aecMaaUp killed bp a paaabol find bp gnat bit loft head draws log tbr cept V-®
aad bafora gr maeblaa could be agp- •
hit brotbar
At aaarw eoa be Iw'Brd
p-d bit Wboir bead bad boro plgcd to-' ■ '
ibrp did eot kaow that tba wropoa
tbrwdr, eteewigilBK tbrampola
bug News Igma

Hortar la Jo paara eld. eoaolp w
of Oaeeog eouotp. aod oarer bad
gig balldiaf oalll aow. Babw
HeUaa ban joateomptetedaBcw bn.
pogg agroheuaa.

Thrpapan orpaalnap Ibr Chebop
BorLfat,uakM oa u itlaad la gr Me-''
ptb A Pcioahap railroad are ao
lap areb.iialapo deo^ped a rillapr and I
Caatala Bsorp Bored Mr. HaldaD t
laadt of g« Mew York oaplulUu r.txuperaoutprrttbed
MBilp g Trararar Utp oa gr Oeaka- l<w alpaaturro. oBd tbr ortirlw will I o
A tirlhc of li»i ccal aworrt at Fort '
Bled wigg ibr orxi 111 dapt at Lett
I»dpe. la . bg cauoad a for: tamiar. i
cloaiop lueal gboiola.
'Bairkoa >
Tba BtUtr tiliapwof Lepers' itlaod. ^
Bgel KobMIlot B k Lake k rialu^
Hlaa Harp Kolpht baa pona I
friroda hare
wbog gotr.-aor wg receatip murder j
booM sear Hodpa g aprsd a if a
H>rfi. Htdillof Blltwortb k rklUap
after wblcb tba will po W liils
ad. hare bees dralioped bp wgwbipa ■ rlegitp.
aoaed g» wlalar.
aaod of Mpad cooricu from New j
Hra. Harp VarmUlla. wbo baa bare Trial’ it el WllllaBibaTpaallaA;
Caledoog bare bees killed at. Srpoo. ;
lak'a daiB’dap
Tlalliep bar paraota. Hr. asd Mra at J. 1. Priak
w grp bad owo robbgp aad raid- I
Albert Barosa. alariad todap far bar
I bee
The dtp fagan at Uraad Ladpa bare
tollowml ga rttmplr gt bp HatUc
Aaatumpi wg ogtle ID illoucoagr. |
dUiaeof Uapdald. diad
Dae PHak. wbo laVrlap wl^ bk Croak aoma maaga apo aod paaaed
M J , , J KiU Brv. Dr dapdrr. ogwr .
leal TrIdap eipbl afur aa i:
oacia, W L. Prgk. bad gt aliforgaa •‘cblckao ordioaoe." forblddlap fowl.
ol tar Firat Coapr^allODal ebureb of'
aboei foar waaka.
g patbg laC. geab enubad la'ga gr«B at larpa g tbr dctrli
■ • la tba ebarcb at tbU place aopt of gr pogg dippor g badlp got
a aad diwcr brdt.
throdapafur.. I. B-. Hr. Boaadp ol It bad gba a>Bpaggd tatwm g«
] Hall Cstar it rapidip bupiap lead
rrararaaOlip o
Tba rai
Id JoloU
Ur UaaDUell
gr Ulaoo ol Haul, bw mto.raluio I
— - wan
iCgpar ware marriad at Marabou oa
rra 'akro
'akeo lo Iba
the IBfarpraaB
Oerter, ware
lop g be oor ul tbr larpgt laodrd p
Boadap afloratoe
Tbr bride
tor (su
« ^^^-lap f
an Pridap
A alxg member of the Brrnner taallp g prirgn la lirabt Brigia.
,.gaot aad tbop
larpr oaBbar o
< aad bad a rarp be married at i vi o'ciMk p m oa
bar ba- did a poo‘1 dapa
Oct It Tbit aocouoU for tbr mar- ibttw.fe’.faBiip for Pfti.u... cbarrfiop t
It tlaa.

We can lit you out.

J. W. Slater's House Furnishiiii Store,

Spart Euch Geld!


^ Sch.-crc Flccce-Lincd Hcndcn .V I'ntnrh.S.tgenc wcrlh 7.V
^ Gan^wbllene Kameelshaar Hemden..............................................
(rarpwollpne Schwvrc Sockvn Nor....
Gaiizwollene SehrjSchwere Hosen___
Stfhr Hculjpcbe Herrn Anzeujfe Feur. .
N.»'h Uraarirr- Sur ..

Grossartig Feine W
\ irtvr



Alle arten kleider in ^eser au«wahl und neuesten
mustern zu den bUU^ten prelsen finden sfo

Frent St.
C: -----


Traverse City, Mioh. ,



tliacti w.ib atlruauup tar air-eltoDs of
Proper loarllapaTan
eroa nape Ublop place oa buodap
Nontaport UapartBant
lap at. tberhurch.
Oer pwgr koDwi
At Camdao Baa Sgogo wblln rid- ^lasp'kotr.-wbo lasainp fur a dlvoror I
UaeflM lorllr BcaALS
g eoodaei a liralp, ^alpfol anpar
livo B- J.mto Ugrltoa aad Mr.*!
lep 0 bicpele at ge rate of is mil«t ao
B. B. Hack Of dalboia B^p waa la
ewB oe daureap.
ga Kapgaartrrip BeeUnp will be bald
netaatkecbod tbrodder i t ga farm
Aa HaUodUt cbarA Oev »
0 J Powera. oa Pridap 1 Bt. Qaarpa cpodllloo
BitDag wg brokao aod
1 of gk plaoa bad go
Kcigiumal Brunrls,
hk face bgip dUapured
■a MaUp irU) tatlev laMr.
CO batitiMt laat Wadatadap
STToral of tba membart of tba TamUp j
dnwa tog ga ohreddar aad lora la
aad WadaaaTba Daw top bore at Ue Uptat Booac pireea lo tba writt
Ua waw lBB*dl- of B T I'odrrwood of 'iraod Bap dt. i'
UwtU nla- Polal la eaarlap eoBplatioa.
aglp gkao g Dr Uoaatlett'a dCc« warcgrloglp III lag buedap Bigbiji^'ig tbr t
oBd bla baed wg aBpuuud abora the
.p. aad thep brlierr tbrp '’>^larw> ooxt.
Hr It a pouap mao of agrllop
i« pokoaad bp io
worth aod bar maap frleadi wbo apa-.
imthita wig bla. Tbe/Cadlw' Atdao- dap Biphl. Mka Bvelpo Coirmao of j plaMw god tap bat-k g Laaada tbr I>«
rietp of tba BpIacopoJ gsreb of Bik ga choir ot the Park C-nprepatioDal 1 loiiiaat woo gc wtadenop ab.ut
om-a Piar
" '■
- wbl^baka aasW.
There will beabsaklop baa
B oTgr bowl and hlrlap o |boreb. wbo wg a pugt of ihc rB-jkoogoa '
Hlllar'i tana oa Ta^ap alpbt :
_.a forbisdariop bla balp derweod (am Ip. wg aig ill The { Caoada will1 ffurnitb
weather la farorabla.
Otbar pleat an baiap made matter sras repu-gd g Milk loapaetor i ug^ip. for gmer
Tba Ladlaa* BaacBl rocletp B<
Mfa. Md. Oepalaad M at Ealkaaka. Hra. Kau Wilaoa-a aaxt Prfdap aftor
BiebanUoa. aad br w.U make ao g- ..a p,. grm oo
atbaraabawaaeaUadbplbaaarioBUla«i M bar (Mkar. W Ohaan.
Tba Ladtao' t
It la tbr milk -


Large Asiortmont. Lowest Prices. Over .tiHi .lifTcreol «tric R.Vckrrs. ’
7-^ different style Dinin^r Chairs.

120 Front Street

a Barick la rcrp 111 wig tppbeid
k D«b L*d«l«. ratoread
_D BMu^aj. barlw labaa
Laibar Hacp atarwd for tadtaaa te
taoMha--------------dap. whara ba arlll alallrelaUaaa
tkavMalo arop baa baaa parUall}
Mrs. Waat a tba fsati ot Hra.' Bd
fbtaad bp *a traqaai freaia »a ba>*
9 at pUMwa atakata fros
tpMobla abaalfbu traal
b^etSiwarlMf blUlaat ttudap.


At St Qatr. MM., oa bk wap b

odp lerliad

their frlaadc iho^hMbop woald l^p

grre waa ao aaaaaedlar gas word
gep wara ooa op
All had a pood
W«. J. C tbria It caaaaiaiev Oraad ^
boBSUfsI aopp.--------------------- -■
^ammntptor tba Hcblld “
aad a Boa) ebiaa dlaear
aasled g gc brii
P. J. Ha l baa takas bla daaAblar lo
Battle Craek. abars tba alll raealae
traatBasl Is tba SaaltaHaBi
At (be aoeail boalaaw awtlopo
P. B. Brraaa aad laallp apaal baa. <br CtoprnrailoaalebBPCb the follow
ir c BlieTa wrn alaegd
egrk—P A. Doral
Bora to Hr. aad' 1Him. Prad GalKloa.
Troaa.-J C Dll’.
oe BsadaT. a bop.
S . OwooB—Wb. Tnapklaa.
Vrm. O.
J-. Dwooa—P A. Dcral
UaaooDCOb—Hra. Wa Teapkiaa
Mr. Siroap baa B.-rad bit fanllp g
EtUport. when be capaeia lo proaeb
Altboapb ba aed bk wife wUl ba auwad g gr ebnreh work, bit Bbap
friaada wkb hita aueeew la hk paw

I High Orodt. Hlph Ana Sawina lUohlni.
in ■ P -TIT l
guaranteedflrst-clMM,for................................ ^ | Oaf O. •

S. BENDA & CO. Traverse'City, f

■E7er7tbioc IsHB W In this6tore>D0 old ■tock.'*'




MUa BHe Lrallr alaltad fripada
^ Mia. E B. BofTowa baa tataraed
elaad for aeraral d
lia« OaMt. wbara aba »llh bar aklara.
toraiap oa Hnodap <
fUfaaMafila aad BattW Seball. aialtCkarta^wtard Baa taaa lb Iba aa-

roggerop llpfaL
doae iadkaa sea are rkUlep Ua dap alpbt 1
UoBk dsig rataraad fioaObg
lape aad a

M C CaU rataraed froB ladgaa
laat waaV.
8 B Cau k giliap aafAca w
BIlltDaaot Order.
W Dapoe la pottiap a wall aadar
Mr. Uaaaafcwd'a bora.
Tba M A S. B. are peUMp g
water task at Boloa euttoa.
J W. DTkanag U atteodlap can
at Lrlaa't w Joror gk week.
Epwortb Laapaaaaai
Jaaw Whig broopbt gra* bofaw
Saadap areatap.
with him wbaa ba ease (row Ohlc
Praacli B Lcalia will Uha ebarpe
at tba BaoUap of tba V. P. S. C. B.
oail dondap araalap.
Mia. F. Shagr bat poaa lo Trmr
CUpgtiapwig berakgr. Hra. C
battnaa Bap, UBaaa ai
laat Pridap aad datardap
Baa. H D Cbml. praaldiep alder.
’Ill pTMob la ga.Korttapert
bpert Metbodb
—-I daurdap
. - .. aeaoli
. ..lap at 7 p 81
Oat. tag.
aad ea daaday
lanraUp a
IO:U a. m. ton (aait at b:g a a
> rapiap larsatBaev

_____ KM^^ir^B?tbe


vmii laMip bM aaaittBakhad bla
al Ihiadbtac.^ baataada
Mia BaaM BapaelM baa rat

MM.MtoMbmaea. tacSIaL
Aabam AUaaM.OIU w
at lha daA ban iaat Saadap.
Mr. aad Maa. Fiaak Obmi at «bdMMta. «be ba*a baaa rklUaf i
pM laUnM bbaaa laat


Mdp- awwpaatod bp ha
Mr. Wlaaa aada a trip
>p teCbartaroli

a aWtiMtWad
■aadap araaldf.
aterdt la ataklaa


iiararp. aw
I a taw dapa
The Bar- H. li. Cbrrbl. proaldiap

Ojckotap'o Batloew Coll^ gu (all.
’lap beaitlfal fall waaga. oalp a liula loo wara (or eoafon.
raaa. aa waa tgtad laat wrwh
Hr. ood Hra Hllllaaaon aad daopbHra. Asna TiaBalaa of Sorrkrlllr
lar Jala aada a bulBM trip to Saadap lo rloll^ brolber. ’
Clip laat wao>
Cobb Sbr broopbt^k little pi
ha barpo Baad laaaad wig laabar ear bar fatbar
a g< L.OC..............................................
rri a’idoek Sawrdap.
W Ck.DiihrrmaB took a load of wtadowm bame for geir aaw bout------oaorlpa week, t
Daa Wrlpbt hat ragwad from ladlaaa. briailap bk boraa-that ha weal
A frlead came bema wig bis
^ WW aaarip pUpad eat wbaa
Oarld Parka (roa
OMd groopb gwa
rap g BBidwkTUU u
g riait kta aogar
Hw Bma Siaalap k oa ga tick Ikt
Ltoo ft zbp k abaklap haada wig
Haolc Citpfrgara

tab ti3i
ab * Bolwa'a aUl aaiaad
b hara laal «aak IbraM* baeb

barralt tor cola.
Oaorfo Lake kaa
H. M Hallorr of Uraad Bapida waa
Pahar-----Eapaac Piahar
oaw booaa aad bailia la . -wa Ut’ Tar^p.
alee brtek eblaaep oa It la dnriop a
Hra T V YooDp ratoroed (n»
poap U bto wooaaW
f~ad Tkledo. nblu. laat Taaadar.
Hrt Fnrmg at Oadillg k ataltgp
groopboes atragef bardpasi wblcb
fnaodt aad roUUrw bora
•araa lo aadarlia tba whole nllapa.
MrA a B. Ciam-ot ha. poo# g Bm«aarp Naaaee droee groapb gearal ai
plaaa aad tooad rarp aaoallaet pire g ttai.rb-g bar daapbtar a wewb,


'' “**


ol! ip at Maaga -iaiur- igu,g
r oacidad g pjrgaaa | y,, ___


ot load arxi g tbr vil- j ,ocio' u.-fon agrilop. iLcp
be iBucu agd apaieat t ir plop
aod a tiir proaod. rmer
Id Ktiitg prrtoo* eoavtcird
dor to gc dirt deprre an
maladpr. Cedercrrrk wUIbcdaBmrd
be heaped w bent ver gc poveracir tball
ggg forma uiural litblac poad.
aad placM of eaUrglaBaot prepared
oor bg rvi-r aipecd a dgtta worraal,
for aoBBar riaigr^
aad g tbc proigatiarp coauig amop
A Bapioaw ditpagb gpt An Im- priauern under gagacc g w baaped.
Beata quoiltp of cedar It brlap
Uceval MrrriBtiD bat npen-gd gal
broupbl dowo tba DalroU aod Hgklgidiart at tbr Sg i;arlot ladmo gcaag railroad, ud tbrer aggra bapm
cp, Artxoaa uo Frtd.,v oipbi ailaukad
are pieklop ap all gr Um tbrp
ladloDi. bgliop i
Bad at tscealaaacb. doable tbr pHea
gvarrlr tod ibtta bad faaliop amoop i
that wat paid two pran dpo. CMar
Ibt lodtag bg rmoltad. Colooai Ur- I
eampa ara baiap atartrd all ihrouph
tirapor bg Oaao mol g gvgiipog |
ga aorgafe aeeUoa of ga agg.
aad a troop of gvalrp will foilow
Tbr agg boa-d of baalib la adrltad
A grriblr epidrmir of dpgotarp i
that garc air clpbl oaaaa of aaiallpox
tweepipp over Jap^ with (pgi n
la ooa (amitp la Cbrataaiap gwgbip.
tolia OK ftal auutuet tbow tba-. oui
tsaplptw eooBip. There it aUe ear
of'g.utiv prfMBt attacked bp g Srp
eag at Marlor Ciip Tbit maktt (oar
UBbar H orarlp limiu bore died ^
wig a gial of aipblrea
Tbr eatboritim glirntw thei iim....tu
la gr ogg
egg will g rcpor.rd bp gr cos
rarrottbf a Uarlartg dgter for Dcggr.
glllap Bo.tard a a
Frkg advicot
S) per gal of wblcb aoaljrad
doweffer bg m
wbMl biarcb. bg b «e followed bp
gaarraatotgr bead of b abolewr
proeerp firm ot HooobIom for pig-top
The Uup c-caoidxg tpaag ooip Maatbr mgkat ao-ralird --Wlpwam'
Saw rrgligg base bfob'ra oot
tmof largr. kb.lW wa per era
tax-cDuaa sad Heua
Tbr Tbiba.
a ADaaalpek pave «1 per no
gektapai Tacbiao.u bg abdigird.
piggr of park, U. per eret acic
xkrd bp tbianr
and ge
atarefa; oabB of tartar CTpiialt.
Tbr B«w polKp fa ge taljupwitoo
At Batawa. g Arabia Brow o, t
of tbr .IgurpoBU eOegBplalg gc
’do poaop Mrswr,
permoorat occogtloa afreerp poailioe
poUtoglaa Bald aear ga k-pbwap.
takea bp the Amenegi forcowTbc
inorpa Brdaaa dro*r alo^ wftb • eogt gwg wUI Brat g gplu'cd bp
load of wood, la a tpirii of foa
gaaidofgr iBrrastod flgi ooc tbc
Browa grew e bkall pogg at him
poru btovkgad to that tac aiurgcDU
Tba pogg atrack btk rqogelp is 'ba
rlpbi apa. enmhior gr apaball.
rxpeetrd bp ibog operattoo grad
Marg, who attaaded his. gpt grra it
BtJlp g drier tba Fillpiaa gap tog
proat protebilltp of bli loeiop tbai
g« lagnor aed gg force tbem g taralpbt of tba Mber apa ako
roodcf or bcoxBc q»en baodlg
A poBBp pip <mlp a few wrak
oaped froB a paa at Bgwdleb gnr
Bcbbat tbc Snro.
waakt apo aad bg ] gt arrierd i
A a'gil.og lociSroi
Joha Olive: uf f
Oitlaal. bavtap had lo cram, ii
wgalB alprllov.
joaraap. tba B-Br rirar. a larpa
emtod. gla coatiouaUp
etraam. batidg
poBerout ata
■idaa. BO appriig. rrowiap wmaer dap
br dap. Ttarrr phpawiwg bad ffivro
Thea I wg wdvmrd lo cm
Adopkilgd a eboap gioapiap w sc ap
llrcinc B'lgra To bt
Haa^ Boa of i
r-t buttle mo-lr a damdrd
aalaal aad bad It aarrad oa tba (mmilp
■rov I c Dtipord gate an
' la A lS-paar«:d dtupbter wg |b
w Ibrp robbed tbr rnve of aoogrr
Itaglp gkea lU. bg lower liak
Mr oa* abowld {ail g irv
•walliap g iwke gc Batoral tjg. Aa
a Oolp uic. rworaoiewd. g A E
oldar daapbtar wg Uktwma gkaa UL WBlVauad J. U Jjhm
basda broomtap qoig awollra.
Tbop are aaSorgp from Mood pokoa-





I ■

I can say that values at Headle’s ^
are just as-represejiU'd.

--------My plush Uulws af $1.50 to $3 ar^ tlio beftji in
the city.

Blankets for street or slalile at prices within the
teach of all.
Sc«* my extra ;i;ood line of Sweat Pads for only
25 ct*nts (*ach.
All wool knit Gloves and Mittens only - ' jl5c
-A 1*00(1 lined Work Mitten,........................I 16c
Trunks, the hest, for
^$^00, $2 75 and

H ¥

S: Whips for 10, 16, 20 and 26c.
^ They Have No Equal.

Jno. T. Beadle.
Travene City, icich. ^


~\r\V\ I^KTr-i+T-rif^ of every destjription done


Tba W. C T. I
ill mni wig Mro
S B Borka .- ri.iop
eofdUlIp iaelgd.
tboopbt doablMI it ba Heed rarp loop,
Pleaaaat (all wwtbar far tb^paat
bai^ U ^ old Yaiardap ba c^ week aad tarmera era improrlap it aalartap their croaa
Ekaiaaa dtp Iba Iltb.
Cbg. S p of Traratg
Baawia baa toMbad plaatarlac haaig tbatba ooold walk foiralm
gwalgiwnk aoliniti^
dr. Bill told otaa Ci-paar-old aeldiar
W. r. mtaaaot Bdiaauad aaa la Ibal waa reealead at ga Boaa a few gr iotrranluf g. Forta
week apTtwbe bad left a wife aad
kluap arr eooal . .......
•gogwbld babp at boaa
A po
Iiaart Bleg aad Bm* dgalap.
liap Dacia Sea I '
Mra. T F. Yoaap bg hoapbl Ua raWllUaBHalBtaot CbaHeeotzIa ealt.
A...--------.1—.-------...'I ■ I
ut lot bMwrra ga bogi aad Dr. ffia>p friaada baea aad at Bardlob'.
ek-tplan aad will boUdad
Ir. Balmca. la bla-------pc«g. woo a Ml
tbanaalarot tbaaib laat.
oaar oa It lo tbaoprtap.
MMDoM«aMeara «ara
a alaa
alawaj lor
lU la lau. bat h.
M r ac aaaaad g br tba order ot tba
' aad waa
tp iMt week Hr MrLtapalM m-rrad
daaUa la laaa Ba
ban la iMi.
t Ird g amboab bp a|
boog oa kk (arm
Vlaa Praa—Mala & BaM.
I alolor troB
k . gaopbt g ben bora
torwd _g
g _xba
.. few
After a aad B-a morrd
id bp C B. 8 iTTp bat roMbwbila ha Badaaa
pa'rog « bp Hr. B 'lU^or.
Tnataa lar ibraa paai»-g «. Eallp. giatlB* (ora aifa Tbap'1 W
WhUodlppiop g tbaoaatl oa tbo
t Sara
aaUI taat. wbaa ba aold bk
bb (m
m ____
baabe el a lako. Mat Buadap. UtUa
Hapka gtp aad Bond g wbacoW aew
lot Iowa:
of Cold'
Mr. BalBeacMcnll ba coiled M J MaAAaa.l-'baaBerak
HaakM-nwip wo cup log. pot Bpcoiaao
gr; Ckae. B. Eip. J. W. h
I. Omt. aaaxofwffpa «ba took
^rr wUJ eoro tte wwrat ^g el
Arngu. Ob g. L CArk. Tn
r BodOp Bgprlowo t

Mra. D. B. MaMallaa aad 4dd» rti
Mad at Cbaa Oarlaadb Saadap.
laTian CbrroU aad A. C. La rap-


X ill iilly



JMib ----------- - -V------ OIW



mu. M.; A.r BwBlBff.J Qggrp.B^ bap . mb of ygaff g ^
b BB^j^ BW-gHma-teA AH ^A ^sUg. Hjlitekm;
D. Lw^

E. Wmt bbA J. a




cu aapptj




CndM d Hshm nl aSAO, aSOO ami $1000.


. i


ikMat^nk'^auBtmblta^iA it iw«

, Vmtm.« i* -tu fl««« kiwi


•#iffcHi«l»f«i«e~tod.j •• Twrth


- .H4wwHk»Jt»mww>l. itwm^ ■WMim'%


ifWBf, irM «>MO«> « •«»• wt )••

Pimples Turn
to Cancer.

n»j wnwwi «)to* M«<nl Bll«m mi i
•Wpoto rtw Twwi

• try waMtoM mai bu UlicMd kmry \
lomoa tb*
mmd P-mto»T *» tb» 1

wwii^ B>w* •« Vm tif^ wtm.

. ' Oi—ml Otd»J-% Bmnrtmr*wm» h«rm»



ratMl U (fM


. M mt att om Mtl*k1m«.




0*r loM »m» tfcfme :

KUMa. tom ooamAMl mmd OM Botimc-1
itomaml Srtoma'i a>«*amml
bm«o ,

■onmimiHin toaDtusm, V>U Urtr a
Uimir mmiTosi
. ta iniKMiblc to 1»a «bn it will
_____ out la ibatcraof AieadadCui.

N arm rw klHvd mad j

fte—U ■mWwt> dimBwmW iiH> Jicm.
Oar Ainr la F
Wa.hla«u.,.l«et ts

AmMkv mm-rnma trmla trr«m( to
3aaan vklcb wto-ai tnl
■a. Umt 1 ih—«a» voaM

PaMImr w», dfUi-.T«tbf tb<

- wmiar«>«>•>•«• M
qaaaa. H tar mtUsk* bat < boi

TTmatpwlawlU mm vwow
teaaarrttad ai Natal.
Loadaa. Osl. U ~Tha Iteebaar* Talapapb e.ap»B» b« raeaittd a dbfaiahtraoi'CaMToweaaTtoftbat tKe
■ Baarabatabloojapaaitbw aroi9r-l
Umla aarrrlac



arwi oaaj

bucUu iM


Aaraad aalared Baoiroad lerrltoty.


paada mpoa

eury. the mart daufr^e uf minn
Books on Cancer end Hood diee
Baited free by 8eil


Two other tralat crawled with ref

aaaUaaaa tbo trm^.

Halobl^ dm


Ibt railway tlalloo aortb of

Fo art tat BtraaiM. batwatm Vrybair
•ad Kl-barlay.

ikra today at Vickery. Cbpe Col

A diopateb feoai Colca


bare aeaaneeea the trait

oat araud.

lababitaata there art oareriny
1th eoW lead or h~i o ff

tataleloa. bat tb«

probaaimr Ibtt Ojatral CmtJ




Maty Inroraima gillcd.

Maol'a. (>:i H -i.'neral s.-ljoaa'>
eolume tmuof tato !on< fros Da
■aadat Mafaklac. laa toao of tba
ifpol at R.
rraalaal eoararr. but be baa ooly :.»no teatterrd vbe lrti!r^rr.i». eb •are j.rr
reUriof br d ta-hat—U on I
Bta.aH bBiooo of wboa art arrartTbr eordilloo of ibe roadt »
prerrat fartber oerhult.
Ota Sir 'btorp* Suwart. eomm
(iDe bn-dred asd tweet' Gv ol t
ioc la Natal, h aailnatad ti bare aboet Tbirty-tereotb rblBoteeia aeder eo

.Maad bat baraa to ataaalt Ua^•kh^r
CMflatl Badta-Powall. who la lo com


|».aoo ‘aten.

attatebMl ia

Blu- JielioU.

Nwiaav J

Jiiyer Wayfer

Oo the Mora
Rette, Moat.. O-t i: -The tur lier
feet be* become erldemt that for a
ekt a It'fe a>rt> >n -<f the r-lr of \
Bjtle basbr*a alifinr dome bl'1
eambet of U-«e ball inyr and rrsi
w, Inciedinr •
auaaeand Ihr m dea-e of l olted |
Sia'oe Seattor W t f larke. hfe brro'
r-arked asd tasaTrl.
that tbe beildinfadamafrd are loeatrd

I Cor. Front and Cass Sts.

Orders for Job Printing left »t this

Tbai» la



Coisiiltatiiiii aid Eiawaaiioa Fiee ail SIricll) Coiiiliitiil

I>KS. B. S. & CO.
!>.»« p.o.

inericaii Medical aid Sarfical Imlitiile ot lukegOD, licit
Hotwjl ■W'tLitSja.g, Tra-wex'se Oit^,


With toetarea-poBBd raat oeai from
tern to Maftkiat. rraa attack-d

BiBbt oaar iCraat Pu


tall ttta rameead from ibe track After
tba trmla kaft tba track, tba Bjrra 8-ed
' '. laM U tritb artUkry for ball as b«ur
Md ^tmrad It.



Baabmtka aith Hrf hlbc ia lour-



will rwceiv* oromot atte"tioP

nok tbe moaey fr. ra aeder bia. pillow,
dirlded ti.- aod recaped
Frs'lar to fo
Haaila peaail~4.' Btidomcro re
.armed to tbe RUIp aorapitml aod wi
iApr.smed bro-dea of r.|* V.'tl:ei
deuiaree that be a I'l aota'ler tbe
aeaieaoe wbea Ksidomerc
fouod fUilt ..t irra. n



tnm Vrybarr to Mataklat aaB ooi



A ebeap reai.dy for e->iift>s
la all Debt, bai y.-i
r-a want

ODadraMlhia of ibt rrp wt of a i
that will
... red re aod <
and dabrerout rr
1> Haul. aUboag^ maay Boera bare
aad luef troobira tVoi . ahall you d<
•aqaoatleaably crntaid tba border
e nvolar rl
QiBaTowa, Otb IL—Aa armed uala
to Oaodat.

Traverse Oily. Mich, j

, Wash . Oct.
—Ni‘1 ad-1
rieca eay that Baldimera AfulaaWo. |
!ier of the Pillploo leader, r
pen ■«« from tbe Ineu'.rot trrmaaad with flee Merto-s soofbl I


Btesrtaia wbttber to yrret tbe Hoera

KaerortclB. aiatt ba rai

Bccrnoa Ibe wiy fna tbis'Jty m't i •

rirhUaf It atlll

AaHaiakiaclBMteB ><
ly, aMriaa irota tbofa. |

le UaaiUrm'^^U-OBtM. Tbit;

Wmt BotiUi* IV itoi 111- ti<»od l.daty U t-H. K.iliae'ae.Ilf ictb dn>n|»l of.
CmatataBla.a] 9TI; K ■•■«•abitma o,

It it dancaroin to ozpri______ .
I Cantor. Thrditoaor l> l••}and thr >t
at-1 of tdiTtieiana. ti. 8. S. ittho only rii
I lar.-auw it it Uw nOly (aotody whi

lm« Hafahtac.

tntotoaed ablaa ao« aomar~d»’ fa.
tSalt HtoUoall’to. «U1 aCT*-*»l» «•>»
OOU m»n and Ion* 8>' •


at Hahiiior. bat tto Batrt w

of I^rai<aiiltarT aad aatal '<
S-.iumlathr PolHop'n'*. • b-m • I It

Ku5^*OTic»J St

(iMorml BaUar la«aH a a*oa.



Nov. 10,1899.

Office ^ura from Sab to 6 p a

'em'.'t tisal ba* nrea latrodaerd
Cirl 1 il ennntrir* with su r-e»trrr th-oal aarf Inar
rl.e-'a II—
ooly hral.
In deetovy ter erris <fi-eerr. he'•Ileye
ibStiamtlioo. e.n-ae eaiy eipretora.
11 'O. fire* a fond b»f h't'a reel and rarre
Try t»r Mni>e
K r ie
mendrd mary j- ar« • ,r al' drucfin* u
the word ttouipl- bottlra-at Jsa i>
Jo B-oi.V Tiarerae Oty. aodI 11
Pol. y'a. Cedar







_ impiad. At Kraat Faa momea and cbil ^paabatabaaBtaatioCapa Toou. Tbe
goat imftrrad ao belood to the coioe).





Dr p'pnia—baneofh maeezinraer
lardocb Blmd Bl t*«lt ecoinot


Sara oo detaUt if eaaaallhm. Tbr K''kmaa. Belie Birr. Ill , aara. -'A
MUraaBWOt the armtd trmla. rrltb aufferiof from Bwtcblil nr loof
trouble f ir tee yeerv I wai cored by
tba taemptlog of tba drleera. were Car MIboV- C«.|. Cnee
It a pi. Ibai
aodi priaaaefa by Urn Bjeta.
that U claimed for it aad more
eans eoBfba. rol<l», prlap- and all
Tba Beaolw Nawi priaM the follow.
throat mod luof Iroiibira. ,P. C Tbomp
*H)apaTm. Otb It-Aa aratod
-Mala baa baaa dtatrayad aoatbof Hate-

Dyspepsia Cure !
II cure. a.I <
rutaaa Bril^ tromr.
loeaela aod
MlMd. The Boma ahtllad the oraekS B Uambie, V-raoo. Ter .
VOtetbatraiawaadvalM. Boari aaya. “It rellerwd mr from the atai
and carmd me
It >s now my eeerlar
-iB oMo^ lerea ttraaUa Hafiklac: lay Mead. P. C Tbomptoo.

TbaaltmalkmLhataTaryaarieaa. NoatbvM**o^ loRaa away at tb<
paaaaof tba Imparlal cm*afaa>rDi
**A imilread trala earrytaf

rmedy n)aal t.___________
•- aaya IMItor Packle, o
Pia.-Baaller' It com
Or.ppe aod aares tl
aaadi from

: We have just added a car load ol



3 Thoiapaoa.

oamia aad ebildree

IVaa mutabe to Iwaflae thai iteb
lllilNii by a.dftaebmaat of Oelooel lOf pllte can't ^ cure : a mliUUe u
Pomallh (erma aa ter aoath aa Vry barj^ aaSer a day l.«yer thae rou c*o bp>p
Duma'a O eimeat briaya laaU' I relief '
Bbtra tba «apa railway breome



^eMlblafortba'aafety of lu pa
"WbcD otrr boyi were aim el
OapdTbwm.Otb U-Oold baloofiot from wbcopiBf *roufh. oar d.
yaeeOae Ulnoic Cooeb Core Thr
tBthaBMkafArflaa. Siaodard Hack eoeerad rapldlr.'' wrltea P D. B.
Arpyle. Pa.
It ruree e orb*, c..__ _ ,
fripoeaBdall ibrottaad iuBy trooblra. |

ddOfvan Up


Tbe lau to ea'e a ou d atVw cooaamptlop faai fa'teord lU deadly rr p
he laam
Take Or tVooc'a .Sor
Piaa white yet there i« Umr




Tbe M.A N E. B & Go will rao
laday eaeareloa trsioa to Kaatalee
, (he f I'nw Qc da e-. Hay 14, r».
lae 11. St; July K. Jl; Aaf. t, Iti.
hepl. 1.17: Orl 1
Train. Irmr, Trm.
-- .. m .aerltr
, m Betarn. Ira*e Haul................
p. B.. arrlee at Traeera* City d.ic p m
Uaoal rate, oee fare roaod trip betweea
-____ .-I mot to 4 aaeeed Si. Bxraralee from Maeiatoe
B W Cl-lTKiaoHi
F. A. Mm.-aaLt. O. P. A.
■‘It did me more cood tbaa aBythitif
rr»T Btod
Hy deal
Jeaoepaia waa
• e-anir
K.ow 1 am w<^l
writeaS.. B K*reer.
of Bodol
todol Dyapepate Cure
It d
what yoo eat. P C. Thompaoo


N. 4lh Sl, San

TW-wlvo of lay
failed to
r. and droditioa tras
the aliffatest curtlDe
I-fiintM. Tbere is no
d it aved my life."

OR. miLES*

HmmH GurB

Ultaberi.? r..|K Tbemu'Etric OU.
Cae Dr. Tboe
leteetricDlI. At year drargtem.
Prraldeat Knur,
RinohlrB, Micb..
UUleBarly Blaer. Id b» famlle for
yemte Raya they arr the beat
temoB. little pUI. care cppetipaUoi
WnomaacB' and all lleer and bnw.
treabtee P C Tbomatod.

Ber Uhste Axd CUUroA.

The Kiwi BuccMfui aod BciemUScTrayjSBMtof All D>
of K* Skied Poaaibte to OMaix.

: ikO better make known. A laree line of small Musical
: Merchandise always on hand. Call and inspect our stock


T». m*.: •.Jrl.'al.J l.'pnaiW** *11 nt--*.ai.*- it

^ “'3;.vnrr

The taerse City Music Co.,

GRACE M. CUNNINGHAM. Proprietor and Manager.
r 8S4 Front 8t

Broach Block.


DtaOADkSa TU:i m



Top Bu,2:p:ies.
Platform Wmgons.
Open Road Wagons
and Concords

______________ _

DisiaabOiao Ackara
nyrOAOB SALX-ncracLT OAviaa


■r;>,...n.«to.av^ Timliii.l eite O O O w mySfiTt' f


I! Come to The HBRALD Office for job Printing
Do not miss tb^ chance to buy a good bug^ at cost.
They must gp. We need tbe room forfbll and winter goods.

Cor Cass and State Streets.
Both Phones No. 49r


■w a*tw*r w iwtoa. tw Onmd TIliWW CWWW.
umM*. .afwi Ml., ito a • rciaia t m.m
iMi WI a U’wr 1. w Bwicaewa.
raw. weiww. I**r*i« tetwww toto*m«'iw

■wn—b« Uth. lOM.
«w *mw.* B WWW aw.w impm Bw m



The Herald Job Office

[ Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
Traverse City. .Vlich. wj Linen, Bond and Parchment pa­
Elnvelopes 01
of au
all xiuos,
kinds, ana
and |_|Tmmi?*7rL7**"~
per; xuuveiopes
Card board of eveny deecriptioa. »Jgarar.^^rr~

atm nn

i H«BAU. OOtOBBt lb. Htt
_ ^ Bwot HAfoUa Ht ram. aU tolak


® TTrMV/rtr^

mUbU^ta^ blib Utoad yaw.


■M.X. a-0. B*tlK Wtler.
a to tU dMary.

adneeoa oaid.
.» I BO* Aot wBlMi. u'wrara
It* dwy,
«t of aaa
. toroly doed-1
Ueaebtof apple pto-'


^^tooy aariy ata o
a^toblM, aad a Botlay eaUeeu
^^beo aad ooodo. they Modo ^ h
or yoa^rUM^^tMlI

“aeartlBC daya* tU flfto aro abfala. toalr wbla* aro adorablo. tboir
nay Pay ooB|

iM t M riab wiw1


f. Bat thrrr. oao ae i
■aaooBtoc. tb^ au

No owe woo arar ao boaatitol. ao
owaat. ao brictt. Bat aftar tUt it b
”*n«ftoaa ptffw to IM raeaat eapae- dWeraat. A flar. U ladaaa Ur eeoUy
aad crlUebat bar fraaldy-aoaatolaff
wbleh eta aaror U ariaaablo to aoy
____ __ ___


WU tbiortally abeaUet* wui lUk to


eratUa. UalU
MidoBaaae laprlrato
wUaMo it Bowoaa
I Iowa ao one wU

BOt. 11_______________
Bell ao aacal. or a parfeet boaaty.
a BarU of brlllitBCy. bat too
aUdow of (ear;
totaki bo bold* tut oplaioa of bar. No rka oa tu laee
ealtoatyroeofaltoo tU dio
SUtowlIUac toll** aad dio
beeaaM of ibot. Sbe eararad
Stimltblta-WBid to pt
aad ready
lo bln baeaeae U hold Unoa c
Blaaatoc aad wboloaoMO ba_bu
of bar. It it ofUBor toaa a bob kaow*
■i^'bird'to to* bead b worth
that a wonaa lo*« a maa bawaoo ho
to toa boab:’
loTM bor; ylrB bwaolf baoaaac be
■eea* to Dood bor. Aed aow ibay bar*
Lboraorrow or pato:
loan dlabMof poepMO aalaet tboae bee* tao yaar* taarrlod. aad what did
rllltoC I . bold wbat b rirbt
toot boot BOt bocao loobbbco eolor.
ar daar.
Botraettooiaodo eorofally.obd oreid
Dbaadloc toaoeoff or
Tbotoy: Bad b« aot aokad bor bow
oU ooald be *o "Sdrotyr*
WU doraMTu 0U with a boart toafa
be ta wmatod. that boy.
a pretty flrl yooroeHr- Doa* bo aol
tooB to etid walar for fiftue or twee •(MBk larariably ol "all toat
Waaud-A cirl'. oot a bt
oto^melaf did U aot aoy Who ta raoila aed awaet
that U wa* -olopld' la toe Booellrbt
id r> to
oo toe plaoiv aad
l» aad cat a lamp Ho UraUfol pietera. to laafoid aad



3,’."i2Lr- ~w,



I hnr Uif nrsMM »ww».


wbeadooo. dorro toon m ae or —
—. (e ,,4^ or ehopo or hw
M a old# diob wito arid BuaL


4JiiitaM kZteav worfcMd wmriMmtb 1kjr«>«^ torn. Mt l»f
BM wyitwr. O Uni. to hitf Md aforeo-Boat Bad* of a eaplal of Bo*
broad eroBto. bait a eapfol of alaced
beUad hoB or toccao.
---------oaoykloBof ootoojolaa
Bor. aad a
Lay tot 01


tain Btlau BtooMB.
Ubootot aad
browB. Berra eltoer h aa ealraa. a
iBBebaoo or a bmbtaet dleb, or la
plae* of a rafeUbla Chopped eooked


□ rlea to lb* oootoora lashloo and
“TU wool wmj ftofU oot obeol tara It lalo a racetabledbb. Prepare
•toppiof werTT b o wnoff OM.’«riM yoarcraaa pappen a* dlraeted mbore,
Ut fry th*B to batter. Arraaca the
rtof* of UPPtr oe top of too rice, aad
poor OTor tbaa toe bettor to wblcta
toay were eooked. Set to to* oraa for
...— -'teto*. oorared.aad tbaa aarre
laeeo mtoad wtto to* rlea la a
r to raiy tbb dlob.
■r.ta'tiwlok IkatloDoU
UloooU Uoo Iteppoi
Hake a.wa!lwaaaoaad Blaoo of asy
Vojovocolweold MUtU
cold Boat yoa bar* to to* beaao.
toe lop* eC croae poppora 11 to*y are
v*^ Aadlho doeterdooo oet ol- ■Mil. If larca. eel toem to ball- KaWOfOhM* hoBtobolp U«. boooaoo tnel to* aead* aad fill toop*pp*nwlta
tolO iw aad fottaM hMM Uoo to* iBtoea. BiUtBtInc U well with
Pack toe peppere oloa^y to
U b pcoiUU lo IW worry cotoar to a btoiac dl*h
If yoo Urr
. lte«ho> tfartof tbawllL Tbblo ■tore saat toae they will bold, fill
with It to too eUoln betwaaa them
; I -•-!-—
to more frary. Carer eloaely
wtiy. ToohwofMtoroplMaltwMb
aad bake twooiy Blaaua lo half aa
boar. Bead to table to baktof dl*b—
dawrioin NttrAea lfn«nriar.
JtMtf BMteM P>C«b tboUlMD
W Udto* Bow ioanoL "Tkot b
»^Hb 00 ................... fill
«Bbo«oUoot hoBootolof vartTlar.

■ghk. Boir woitU yei ootoboot lU
«Wbt VooU yoo U7 to M0P lU
i to Btaay otoer we
^toe* fall of tooB oa yc
iMbtiii o» f boobobood oorry It oo*
■MU 4oorr BotatolL Tooweald ____________ aad BM them toatoad c. .
keif* or pin for elea iin( year iBcer^ Of«IU UonoU wlodoo
oaUa. Yoo will aooa c*t to prelar toom
iMUtUbUMdooollffbt. Yoo<
t^^tolac otok y^orpB oaaopttoc
MplMOtUdMkMOOVithUCfet. Bolt
tbwtthwnr. TU cBly UMfbb wv They do aot (Bratoh too aa^aTwi
Abort b DO daefor of hartlac year BaUfOtfUodU bto topboolU <
r*ra to toair aaa. u tbar* b la that ol
«MIUdo ^ lU »WI witb tU aoi
Bad ftta <u ol«v> t»
*W whalbo bWOB b ■loiiri oU
■■■MllohbdMlroto UiwUobiioU
JOl U bM to do b to U imHo oU M
■MmbMOboroi^ urMwvwith

laaey rUBware, bat It will do u bars
to ealT attoattoa to tbb «u
aoaae Boar at haod to tU dlab-waoblac
tabu (or tob parpeu
If Batoho* ar* aeerta.aad it b
raatoat or Impoeoibl* to c*l Ih
eao*. do aot at* a bit of twbtod paaar.
r aiodt. tootoy worrylof lo beta wotopdeh t> iraaofer tunjffat
' do foUotMUy OHi oot at Uo BlU tU troB ttor* to lamp, or to* larorte.
Tboil b0 owToat
If to* law baraor c*b atoctod. a
U of lUofbl tut btluo MO— oUUwlow IfyooirUbooltb
Uat dvriloB dlOMOO ottUria
■«■ UK or la otUn.
Doa’t tUok
•UatUortalb obeotaorroad obooi

* Ua* tUB to etoaa eoBba.—they will
•BBp* to* dirt fi:oB baaaato to* uetb.
BO* with Buta. ou.
or dyaa.
yoa, aad r<** tbaaa to to* llul*
oa a raloTl», aad they will bare

ladmoMS. JoMob povobr booh.
II to* baSfalt blowon toat If the
•Tbno lUa la 0 Beak* U ftr
plM otoB beeoaea docfad. aot
UMfbbMroatr iintinli* of tU wyi cleoa ft oat qalebor toaa a b
wr tu Uad IbdoMoot tu body. Bo
at toa kltobea laU* acala.
•wta tu Brltbk Baoaas eao day.
yoa Ur* Ulf a doaaa bite ot eoap too
asall to aaa. abrtac iUb wildly ea a
tootoplek. aad yoa Bay aaa toaB all

»X fot Uwa tu bou.'oayi bo.'<aad **lf to* aotallb brato aaod for to*
■udoB t oawtooaad; aad th«^ la balr cat* dirty dowa Utwoaa the
"plet." aerapa It with a ptek..
la araaUoc ortadowa, they art kaody
to claaa oat to* eeraarB toat orate
kard to cat to* dirt to Icaro.
MIek UlUef toa taffy oe to* oad of
oleaa toothpleka. oad ao daiic^l toe
XbWB-aad bolero 1 bad ciaaoad ball- Uttle oMt. aad balp tooB to keu tUlr
BMa lU Uot of •yttaaiuy Uffaio troB cattlU u ttitoy.—Bvaar.
VB|diaa’ It «•■ borao la ayea ae
IBM 1 M Wriycat U. I oat U
A.PatboOc Borne Leartof.
iMaod oeor tu ucaa. I eaaa tetyidUd lour, road tU aymaiow, dieaoewd tbat I bad tyyUU tour:
Uoo had UIB oBatba. wUboat I
lactei aaadoradrrbalabo I bad tat:
TaiaUte Bt-VlMibdaMa;
taU«*«d.lhatlbadtbat.toa; ba«aa
tOfot latanotod la av oooa. u
Mttilaid M oUt It to tu bonooL

* Obat tu aoatB olaga weald
Mia abeataaolbor fartal(bk
Br^bndUaaalwaoiallarad to dad.
ly to a wdldod lerak aad.«
11 Miffhtll.0
id wltb a

AMtoeUe bomeltariac took place
at BatUe Creak oae day toat week
rony.oa* year* *co Laeia* C Sweet
aad bb wife BOrad lato a aew booee
oe Mato Atraat. It toaa wa* eat of to*
elty. Today It b earrooaded be boai
BB* bloeU with to* lero iBdtoc hoUll
ea to* oppoolu aid* of to* elreel. Tb*
yrepeny baa boceat* toe ralaaUc tor a
roaldeae* aad bat beta oeU aad oxot
ratloa* eOBmaaead (or a btfttow
btoea. Hr. Sweat b dead aad bb wife
HUl Urea. SU hat oaorad ool aad
Partywa* yaar* afo wbea they Botad
late todr aaw borne toay partook ot
toolr flrat Btal, wbtob wat aappar
rrUay Bifht Hr*. Sweet at* bor Un
aappar all alow* to to* old boBoetBd
ea to* OBBO eld table aad theo left to*
prBBbM la toat Ub* tbar* bu beaa
oaly eu death. Ur hatUod. aad oae
Mrtb. bB BOB. wU aew Ur a poaitloo
u a ttalUBore paper. TUroatabade
Hob toat Hr*. Sweat ptoaUd with bar
head* Ura baaa'^ eat dowa (or
HdUdy b^ea toarflll
eld bea* -Daroii Pra Prat

to bu

;■ i7u to'.i*b’“
ramad bert
pat hi* I
______________ _
aqa»r*e yoaiaelf. Jaaa roacaa'ti
aDelfiktaoB io^b wakt aow: It'* i
Be. wao *wor* that *he ooald I
cbaece to hb eye*
Tbochi? She b mbotablr; her I
b breaktor 8be woold not (ell
lor tbe wnrid. bat *be ta eroabed.
And h»—be lo*B bar »9r* toaa aror.
The clamoor of eoactablp b foee. bat
booBt aSeetioe b toor*.
Bb wife U Uttar la him toaa all to*
porld ba*lde
Be oerar doabb aU kaow* It. asd U
wbbM aU woBid U bar ow* dear **lf.
aod Bot*ormmpy; aed be alcb* a* be
tbloke her bcalto say U breakloc
dowo.bat be. aerer cooBwlbH it b
bb laebtaaoe OB the eemmonplaoe
of life aod otatrimoey that bar alt
bor—bb ooaelaat aueraaee of *o a
ol ihoae blaeb. bald trvtbe aboai
aad lore that sea deUrbt to atlerioc.
aed woBoo bat* to bear.
Aod. *toee It b the.taUafled bea
tut makM a ebanal^ wpmaa.
woald U to bb totercal to eoort I
wife, while toe iwalo dwelt opoo U
earth tocetber.—N'lry Jfvir Ibtfi<u

Why b 0 Barea.jbrada*oUrB 111
aloof Brca^fb pool oo POOL
"Uot ^

la Ua baehr' i

'{(o.~ ra^lad ToaoBy.
bow b tbatr- <|raotlraod hb aaela.
-tbaae 1 barre l aay babk. '
Toasy. "aad I Uru't aay bUo)
I eaa't.’
Saall boy to taatoer "My doc «
foar ol my rabMIo.**
Teacher; "Ato. yra meu ~
Small Boy; "Ho, ma'am, oaly foer

Oorflrl: "TUt't aotbloci
lac to U*e my ooot aad ooaai
Om day a lltUe ftfl. aralac
lael part of ODCif UrChnalma
that a arqoel to it weald aooa
Ibpod. called oel to a ptoysa
Elttyt its'l tob alee? My ae<
coto.soral toli:-




e (tar Cuur Oil. Par^orle. Droffa
. It U Banalera Amd^taaeaat. It
or <Zb*r KarvoUe
II It aw^

and ailayn f'ereri

rat MUM

I a a ■ ir*la a*« **rtw car w Oi**<
U»4*k *M drrfla* rar *>* r«*eL Or***
Trmr arriiiM^i 1 pi • B baa atoaear Ow

f Besn tbe Siguitors of

Ttassy; "day. Utbar. b a m
i Holaod a uuf "
ffaUcr; "Yea. my too.’
Tosmj: "WrU. lUo. bam
to Boliaad a Holr'"
Hy llUla abler Mari ■<
top, aaked mother wbeib
Ub*. waa rota
wbee he crr»

bol* aod coorert it iplpal


^L^^wupe r.e«.4.araraurae.

- - West AHchigpn.

, The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Ye^rs.

eablatoeoal mtoia.
Tb* Opioloo* ol Boor** of Dot Fellov


‘-ii.t* 1

Traverse City Wagon Works!


BaiAcotoof Trar.raeC.ty. la* other
AmeriexD cillteu. If saklef au to<
mem waot to U aor* ot
ceutac toa
_____ of toalr____
They waoi to
•fore*. and
koow all toe wbyt aod wborefora.
to a direct ratio to toe rain* , f toe ip
MsDufacture Bu^tm,^Wat(otiB and Sleigha of allAindo.
reatmrm they berrow aod ferret oplll
aatiafled wltb to* collateral. Take aa
U<-|Mir Work. Rvpaiut^, Varaiabiag soil Vpboletering promptly
totlaoc* to toa realm of p-uprietory ar­ clooo
ticle* if we koow of a frlaod who baa
Alsu O^Di-ral Biackamitbini; and FoiviiiK.
bars anrad. wa bare aome laitb to tb*
Homrabto-ioK 4 Sprr.-ialty.
"Billy'' Abbott bag cUfftKe ot thia
preparation, it we koow of two or
tore* oor faith tocreaae*.
If tor enraa dupArtinent, ami bin reputation fur knowiaK boa to do a icood job i*
iracb ro-rra. all wall kpowo cltliep*. loo well known to need commi-nt
' .
aed anyoaa wUatlll malGtalDi toat
Work in th«* city will b» called for and ddlivewd.
toera ta ootolog beyond ordloary marll
lotortald preparation can tafely U No IHO.
left to toe care of bit fallow taxnayi
Tbe place, tbr- new brick factor}- at cor. Union and State •treeta
It be wlibet to pick a suarral w
•jaeetioa ol toalr Jc^gacity. ha baa ample op-

l»*m“ •


'A. 1. PETBETTL, Proprietor.


TrarsyM Clt7. MlehlcBS


$ 1.00

L- !E-iJ^

I ro' 4 mlLr
Al It ml

P.ta P b. nro*4
la m



-A- iil

Doan'* Kidney IMIaare
nil denier* I'riee to eema.
Poster HilUrn Co. HniTslo. H. V..tolr
agents tor lb* Unltod Slnlen
lake 00 other




U as lia
■beam bad
EU*i Cream Balm

: sasi'clLk-


di.Ma»d.fiorItiJc-v li n »t« dryira—I'-r
!■ iiiliriri----- r L*r*rR.U.u***1.asPric






Fine Artistic

Job Printing





Stoves. Tinware.
Psints. Oils, Etc.

Mt. PtOMUt. <

uw.B«7 Qtt7. DotrolUBhW.
•II, Aab Arbor. Tolo4o^ha«
potato Boot mad AoHth. OloM


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

glrt8gl.ey, ACloix.

Horsesboeing tod Gtnenl Repiiriiig Done


Thta llul* glri triad k
Allaaaaad r«>dath-«ld U
oaroral boor*. If peatibU. U(ora they horaotoB.aad nU an
are atad. Tab cira tUa a toiaai u wMU dkdsUaoit
r b a epeeUfyof a
------ a* aaraud. aad taka away lU
araaltoaaeel New ---------rdu taatotoar pro apt to Ura.
wrat to eharab that day.
Tbb b BBiFbTly «ro* ol toattou
'■—baaiebeaptra do aot aUcw r*c- Bat nU aBldat nUnenlaU tU w
ImhadiirfrMla Utta aaUl Ua<
aad tralta to olaU doriac thb
to toa Ura la whlab' tUy are
BBl o^ Ut Ura toaa um
uraad rat
kBBoflataty UU a c«M or e



It U only two day* atoee the Ucoai.o
waa pobltabed. and already wo Ur* reSapahlee orgas fsod
Bra Bopktoaof lotorlocbeo writ** for
haroalf and tittera. auding a oomribu.
tloo. and tola Saurday mareiog came.
bngbt Soaahtoe Uya Louit
Tbobt of LeaUeao eoanly. brioging
aootoer. ae tbar* it a good tlart to toa
ttore of Suotbloe far oar IliUe ttalcr.
Hr. W. U I .amUa. of til Wrbawr
It powalaadt;
•treat, aay*.
aayt. "Aacordiog to By judg
ttoan'i KiCDay
mrnt apd
and caperlaoca
lotedoebea Soeahlee Clob............(
Hilit area good and
I I reliable kdoar
Kra Hopklo* aod ataura
.. .
remedy Por yeai* 1 rr« aoooyrd with
l-oota TbeU...........................................
a wrakoeea sf tor kidney*
I did ool
sakleg $1 40 to all. How you ki
Ur* much bmikache. Ut the action of
we told yoo ool to b* atroid of glrlog tor kldory arcrctloo* wn* irregular
and acDoyiog. gmily diiiorblng my
area a eeet apleoe, if yoo laal Uk* gir rra olgbw.
Doan'* Kidtey i'llla Un
tog at all. tor there are ao many of ua a tabed inia troubir nod If 1 eao aay any
mu* (ram aaefa win make mueb. aod thing to brip .-onrlncr otbera. I mm
todo no. lor
wbatorer we glra, Ull UlUe or mocB. Iglad
. I know I would Uke
I to bat* anyone adriae mr auo
oy our
ataur Soebeam aad added l
a* nba Doan'* Kidae.r Pi'U did me ~

Cream oee-UIf of a caefalof batter;
addtradaalty ooe eaofoHl oadaraad
beat aaUIS'Ud aod eiaamy. Adi the
wall beateo yolta ot tbrae ecfa. oae
Ulf of a uaapooDial of craud aotaep
and the rraUd yellow rtad of oae lam
Add oae eapfal of Soar tbea tbe
wbllaa of toe dm wbip^ to a euff
Now Ud cradually eeSelaU
tlfiod floor to mix to a dooeb aotT
08 -nicb to U Uadlad. Taka a porUoo
of lb* dooeb oat oa a well fimred
board aad roll it oat oowUlf laeh
iblek. Cal iDtoatrloawItb* jacriar
HeVa iaalltUe lew'o 0
iroB, twbt It lalo aay daatrad abapr*.
drop Ipto amoktoc bol tat aad cook aa naoll. Tbe writer eoy*.
tU browa—atoot ato mtoaUa Drala
"Uae of tbe happiaat liule Uya I
oaaaclaaad paotraod dart with po*
aaw Uo cripple aad will aerer
doredaocar.-.Aia<r<m<i A'Urhrn «ii«w
walk. Blalower limb* arc pafolytHl,
aod to* little Ultoirta wheeled aroaod
Wiater Wauu aad Bodwea
to a chair made for bit eepeelal oae.
Old wabu aad bxlioei bare eoas to When 1 flrat aaw bim 1 .tboogbl bow
Uao aoeepud aad oBeotial part of owfol It moat U tor a 7-ye*r old Uy
irwy womao'e wardroU, *0 U ta w«
oot to U able to me and play Ilka oth­
to Uotow a mu* tbooebt epos t
reaeral eSeekaad to aele.Hloc aat*. er cbildreo. aod. without toloklaf. 1
rial aod trlmmlor to bare tbeee wetob OAked;
'Ito't it lorely bare'
malCb tbe toe eklrt to eolor.
Tbb a
yon wUh yoo eoold rnn aed jemer
pitot to to* droay bodloo.
■"YB.'aaid tb* little follow.-I migbt
waUt to wtetor b otaaliy made
Ilk* It. Ut I am Uppy wbora I am.and
wear with Jacket aolta aod aUold »
traal pralUly -OooUr J-odit*' Bm
perU^l mlcbicet hort."
"Tbu I fait rabokod. and tb* lltU*
uy. wblaUlof aod DtaeUlr.
A paletto-kolfe la toe Uodbat lapleplaytog with wUteror ta ri**a him.
moot lor eloaalac a oaooapaa.
11 U ao
too BlootB of lb* boon by which the
flaxibl* that U may aaelly U brat
day* ar* told. Ilk* aonUamt IlcfaU
toacmpotoowboto Uttomatoao
and gladdantof lUe'apatooay.ha* to
Ntrtr allow meat to U plaerrS dlracv
r oa to* toe. a* waUr draw* eat tb* a loraoa to m* orar aloe* 1 flint a
._____ ________ —
____to U..
toy .It U< . him."
wrapped to paper. It ahpold alrraya U
told to a cool porattola batlla.
Bead tola. Uyo, aoi yon will flpd It
a rood laaoc (or|»i—oo
Asmoela b raiy oeefal to tU bi
Boabar altrnya:
bpljt A^w drop* ^t toto^tUo
"1 U*o a atory to toll yen. uyk"the
old doctor aald to tU yoaag people toe
tbe dirt withool lojoripc toe carmeol.
other erenlac. "Ooe day—n looc. hot
11^ b alto exoeUut for cleaabic b '
day, It bad baoa. too—l eaet ay (atoer
broebaa aad eemlm. palat aed marbl
oa toe road toto town
-I wob
Scbool c>rb aboeld U taocbl aot to
wonld taka tola paekage toto to*
earry Uielr booU raeObs ra toalr bipa
Oarrytoc foar or fit* poaadt twtoe a
dayoo eat aide will aooa c<r* a oaaeldad derelopmeot. aad wt l. tf pertbv work, abd Jail oot of toe hay field,
ad to. alotoat eartalely eaoae eoeatderaMe dISareaee ia toe balrbt al toe wber* I bad bora at work aloe* day
Araak. I waa Ured. dnaty and hoogry.
I waoud to cat my onppar aad to waab
Mildew eaa Uremered by robbioc
lUapot with eommoo tail, aad tbae aad dna for atoctoc-dau It wa*
afterward aprtekjlac with powdered Blit* to town. Hy Srat lapnlae wi
chalk, aad Uee mototralac with eold ntno*. aod do it Urnbly; lor I wu
water.- After ihi* tbe artlcla tUold U raxed tut be aboeld oak me after my
dried to tu epra air aad then rtoaU.
If toe apole tlill sbow toe proceee moat loag daY** work. He waa a caatla paUtolold Baa. Bet aomilhing alopped
U repaatod ootll they era resorad.
!%* toob la a bey* ebup tool ebetl Be-aeoetUod'acood angola. 1 toiok.
are aot oBaally el mrah proetira] aaa. ■Of eonma. father. I'll Uke It.' I rale
It b Utter to exprad to* moaey oo t ro boarttly. girtog my tcytoa tooec of toe
o< tbrae raally cool toot* aed add more
a* oceaaloa ariaa aad tUy eao bj al- BOO- He gave a* to* paekag*. 'Thank
yon. fiB.' ktrato. 'I wn* going ay
(ordad. Apy plato woodea U
twai* well Moacb to UId tU
•alf. .Ut aoaaUw I don't frei rary
wUo Uiey art aot to aU
•icoag today.' Be walked with i
et faablea (or ebll. to* mad toat tareod off to to* Wwe.
I aed Sir la addrwt- aod a* U loft U pm hi* Und oi
air olden
Thr «’»l wo“l ye«
tu toalr
*--,r. a»r ag again. Thank yon. my
aad ao toaad
toj airapi aoil
•on. Yon'raalwnyt baoa ageod nonto
a add to*
ae. Jib.' 1 bnrrlad toto town nad back
tee opokaa to. aa "Yu Hr*. Bl^luT" again. When I raa* arar the boata a
■Ho. Botoer." A ohlld aboald aot U
crowd of tara-baad* atoed at toe door.
allowed to rapoad aeraly. -WUir* to
Ou of tboB eamo to bo. too toam tolllowa bta (aea
Yonr tatUrr' ho'
■Be laU dead jael ae U rrarUd
lOBto. TU lut werde U apokc
a hot (at rt
to yon.' I aa aa eld BOB aew.
UllUratoankU Oodarcraad era
BiartlUfatof tU raaat with
a liul* Uttar or pood drlppUc* aad mU. la all toe ynart toat Ura puead
toe* depaad apra lU Jotoato ora.
I toat bear. tUt tbeae Iral word*
Itooe to* preeoM Ittbrald U raaoBk -Yoa'raalwayi bara a good bey
birad. too. toat all rout Boat* aud a
hot otaa to atari wtto Afunrara to*

AU Coantetfrtto. ImltMloBa omd SaUtitatu are bat b.
ItorinteaU that trUe nriUi and rniiii^ir the health tf
TiilWaU aad Chlldraa-ExpeneM

SetfbborV iriri;
"We're cotof to
bare watormeloo ud c>rao ooro for

^^yt aaemt tobolad.
eaadla wltb eart;Bpi oae lo wboae heart toon b hiddoo
WU (altotelly followt btrsUleaep
Hopelel aod
r.edt plraiy to do to toe life the b
Pdlloc lie dotlee with salat eooUal.
Utoer aoraroe or pieaeaav Joat aa
toey are aeot:
Id toe carb of a 4>iaen. or lo Umoopeo
Wbatorer bar oiatloa—b aoedad that

The Klmd Te« Hsu Alwmys BomsM. «UI whkh hU«o«m
la HM for our SO yemra, hu hocM the tdgmmtnn of

w. H. Bunran.
Euillltlw H TOCtllL



Be’Paintmg and UphoUtoring.
Sthte St., aetr Uaioa.






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