Grand Traverse Herald, August 03, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 03, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Sr^od Traverse Herald

Dr. J. A. Snyder,







B 0017HT7. mCHlOAll. AVOOffT 8. 16M.

^, A
i^rO. P. Carver


The TroaMe U Ptaland.
HyaMnatoAataNto' Daetel r. MeXedM A>a Arbor: the
wealthy Raaiaa toAler
toflUeraito betaaee* ^ThMaataaharo aobjeet to aHMlM
< hyalatta lea dtoaeaiy ea|y iSto
be* r* amed ttaei aa a
Yet the two e^
Iripihroopk Ptalaed. aad the
era coaatry aa________________,______
hu fall aueauoa aad (tody ter uearly
The oalieata Ihdc uvM •Ceatad WM
a cat aod a eoaaiy rMnifrilj - Th*
'-Taerehcebe«haaeb aaturpriav oat. which ww ,ata* an^ oU,
Jt>a. I Utor. la. c>
H* weal <.ff with 'em to a polliimaio.
veetloaay*ar aroae'lefi the hay an
S'ril. “bet (eeral'y tbe ffreal a eta
Aa-rleaa people do b>a yet eeap
" — land, aa'itraloed.
it raloed. aa' wl
wbao taepo. .M-ed lu tmlleai eltoiftcaaca. Bor t
after to*
the taj
taiary.-lt '^ked
• thehayr .aaapUed Uefobl
UefobUta. w.iaderfel afleeaee It aay rAcrtevtr
Boeiy, aad the crltten h'prrat p .wer* of Eoropr. There
TheTe ta
swo t eai iv ao' eoae wlator Be bed apetoaryaad* ceciad^ aoUtc ^
boy bv- Be waa ao aabaaed be mud tor ct.r'. policy, be
Dide't bey It aroaod boa. for eeve- liar. aptaUruercueof f
m tka> aej. »-rr toJJ aa
of toe abdoaea aad toe baek at we
before Uaee tb. Lord eet'em apar.laio
aaiaal beiaff tadISwent to deep did a biapla ever buy bey.
------------ '--taaeedUaadtohotaopUeato be drove twelve all*, to tbe city aa' tbeoooatry. Totally
,-«ad t
rot baled bi r. aad broDfbi !■
Aa* «tmd nM..<ngkMM>. «rua.
qoeatloa oae Beat ataffle will tbe Ua woehtaff et toe trael heU al toe
■ ree, i teae.brt, « rroiA.^ |toUi'
'leoa, aad J.lQ
J.le w!
wltD taeia a*
The ull wat paralyaed. bat
' . ee> l.wblaerl about lae teat
Done of toe llaht atraphmd. a* U maal .
WalL cooie
re ep-lof. there waa daooto' djlaif,
va. am atoretue f teat re»
-miB'erery day,Tor sol oslj
am unieek a. eietisf eeudwv malbH
- toe oeater of Sei ,te»qi
bedtaeaixsia;i be bed^aid by Is tbe tleUiapfon
tosk, bat bc’d tat iru.ied bcaic
• •• n»ad •* throat away ap aeat
Iter awhile * c4ly i
otic M. a lubrytatota*
D* alxtore
bla aarprtae'^'iS^ tael* that to* aaltail ooat aa' of laod aad wa<,t*r. ii
d l^oaeof y^jtaveao paalUv* alpai other Um
bi* biAb ailk
' laio'. __
aa- the moi
.■lyaoriffhl, hapl table.
-e di^ toe Benant plrL
ea'd be!d take op wite aoow for laiojly faithful >nd eulipbi
lop eerioo* to eee whetoar toe mt
■us. aod wbat did be do boi op and
. ..
»eld crawl oa all toea. a* oataBeaoT•ell bin Belly, toe ,betl ejw is tor atroap. faanlv
ly d(^ threw
w It from
toe Br*t Sjoeot
barn: 1 tetl yoo. ttabt etroek ne span- low fores.lead. proBiorel^
the taoaae oe to Up paeeaeaL
ky. but I didn't aay BJlbia oraoteo ejei a»Uy pray
aiatur of fact, it alipbud oa all foan.
very inueb •'
biywB or fair hair,
away, aad waa, ooa"Bi io't »ay . ry nmeh." echoed Irvrr —■at* of perMBal fee
freedom aad le
rohnarn Block, Phone 73
Traveree City. Mich.
lap'.ea. braciog hie etoaMer aee« pcoder.x, aod their
'rwao'l sotoia'bo; ker eberiff. ker brraieeof tbe p oud, rerer^fttl epiril
b bal taetad br a
khan IT.
- ker eberiff. fnii
iwed beam
r^, probable
tbe apventb
Tied la Ike I<Mt.te,_ M tool rail 1
toe aplaal eocd at all a- .
wbea that mae eaau af ripbto oeetury that the Piaaatoeh^ ■laeyaptoau werb doe to tb* frlpht
dnr' uR Bel to pay for a •cmi'kib of' ■wbat la DOW Pie:
WlU experleaeed by tbe talteof toeddff. la
u beetle tailid ebat. r»i .r taed ya! tbe Ineakvo,
Xiaff Elie
'Iher word*, tbe eat wi
'if troeblewBlea U b
iSeriac from ae attaek i
la toecxUrpatloDof
Dr. Hlffier't eecoad oa
^e© become aocaetompd to Ui<>ir xue jtnd joa pre loet
aoe op at a laosdry.
•elf la a caaary, wboae eapa, wito toe
vitlsoDt one. We have Uiem (or lewperatare, (dr dair)' nee, (ur ater*
•‘Hedid o)»keispidpr<vreee,"laiish
' Alaal p
Mrd le It. wae palled AoWa fraa toe
1 the lawyer.
&uuia aod b
wall by a eaU bat Or Hiptar later,
iliDDtt parpoe««, aud (or thenmnofters
"itooffrew! I tbonffbi eo when toein
peeed befera
. > toe cat eelita
eeUta It. 1%*
Hrioff PrMrriptioiw and Family Bocipea to Yia. We fill them
I'etfr tbe Orral eait eurjou. eyte upoa alrd lay OB tb* bottom of the eofv,
• SpoUed bj OSo*
It. aad Id nblaiaed poieaatlou ol •Uff wito cold,
©did. bat
b_. wet
_ ravitwl
. by
ri|;ht, with slrui^ that are riyht. at pricat that ane rifffat.
■H7wi(,s.abedwi'( tbiskl-d
of loaeta they had boon g.tia- Kekkholm aod V„lm*a*lraad, aad ait
Iff with eoM wat*-. aflw
• ■
She badd'i bad ttatoln' oe toe yean, later toe woole .
wa* llvaly. aaok ju food wdh
bnt eotauiee as‘Wrou. aa' they
tooled no abaori
ayimd wltb her well eaou«b Tb>e !
toe Japaoree bewid wemu.i bare toe herd iboenla
or* ,iaUl at toe end of toe w»ra
le aileat
tbal cooiMlc
ber dMk aoU
tod. aa' 1 eald we’rt all bseii va.n' oaced
1.0* IV . toe whole of Ptalaad
For Ux weeks toe bird Jeer aUered *
ebelr Is tba *my wise
alOfT* ofi ber
aod 1 ca.4Md that woald do far toe
c Ai*ad taleada
•ou. toea hU eoadlUoe
mdtuoe pa«*to
< Six. end
cawiaodall. Hj weJawM tIU Btaple.'
a Kjala
Blta aaupeeudly aad tot m..-,
nret ruuof mta. wiib'oDv brawer dreeaed up ao' droro off wltb toes
uBoe a*r«
very well.
abooldtf braced awkwardly a(m<Bat
Dtyae'b ffbt be wat roaefo' two or
- “.jr^. where he
the eaalBK of tbe ooter dm, m be three week*, aod 1 tooitrhi I abu ild
looked dowL____
_ elriekrti ailmirala awe
be. wdal er.ty. Paro work auff -rln'
.............. ........... rbUff.o-. ---------uyBptotao.-.Vrw fork
lion at (he Uwjer el
o>w-U -tty a iiyiD’, aud I aaid ebe kfaoe'd
m oftoe eoaatry. aod etIdly fliUor^ lb* <
> beoufbl hotae.' • Bo they loaded ber
1* I'laet from service to the
cooplatot l» a wrlc
IS to a drac aad brouthl her ba-'k
lalao ai
and put he- oe ease i
K«r V y-arr«awia hw kept ber
••sbe ear* l‘d belter elieh to feral
la Ibt^abeep .bed. eo the otbar eeittera
I PietaBd be* been the freeel
•beearel *>U loae moreiotbe lo
I ifill pay the f^l market prioe. I wll ifive oae cent a poond m
bniffetiffoveraed pertot the Rudiop a
me ibaa J eball pakr; bat
bnt aarbody
■ I weet out to aee ber aad dide't be
than any ooUide trarelimr mas can Pay yoo. Uaah sp Pleaae <
I emiwre. Bat toe tabllloat of to* i)Beeua.baok
ik cast
eatoleta. eUbta kaapara
bada't alway* orlet be oe tbe make,
ree la aoT of to .>r aew fanffled ta k
WDlvttr.beveoverruJed buprad* aod bBlebera.
(or yosr on benefit. 1 most bsT* the Wool.'
a but tbe oae wbM oocared they? And there hai to be dberbe-epifaed, orelee the'*.awa lowed
or't aoooa aod lati y**r " '
' patlon aoettooroapfaly
toorolaterataoewlaetoiD" 1 aalt. aod tbey kept op
>* ten___ , ________________
U H'
"OertoiBly, aad tbe citlieDa of a
toeir talk about proeeeuUu' am lor aell troop, for f»a«D
rvtoeta Um Bma j >lly.
dly eurdy.

•brave Ituta
ronly aboard cheerfully aeree tbeir
io'aoow toal tiaia'lbera Ualed. aa'l •lao army.
It u yem old. who earrln
Id fllUop
lopitbe cSlxe preaeribed
tald we'dkbeeb aiieatin' her a Ik aod
“Three week* apo the tenate of no- toe United Suiee aaU ______________
Beb<- —
creaa lor yean, butall tbeulkdldo't Land refused to recoffhizj toe oeier of roelefraa SL JobaetoJlastoivo twie*
ble for office, Bor
--'elhe eow-abedlod.
tor etar and adjeuraed.
a vevk. Thsdtotaooelroa «L John*
•Ibimy ~
ul op tbe^leHeebould
loD^tI Ul
- faere cao be bat o,
Id tbe and of ibe roale la Uiy-tao
'■Jee' *0. 1 mnat remeaber that to
FlBB, are I farlop toeir active load by alien, aod It reHOlree affood dyal of
toll Marl. It may rreoaeUe'liei-to ha.ou* at ■ blp dlcilM»ryT'VefP til
tli 'Utaad*.
Whole viUaceaaredepeO' •toutoeartadoeea. a liberal eo^y of
ae r»e wn*
the time "
•morteaex.Bln oh
"'letoe faleof toe M. -- Mil ooeffdooee aod odaah of toe* of
"Yotir I^Uaate dotlee will aotbf1- i*aidldida't of Uraatdt. toe
be Viol
Vioolab aatloa
eatla wUl
for aay owe to make iha
toa take yns from tbr farm, and I
1 if 'I wu auybody'k •oou be oply a Uliip of toe patl.
faaey yoo are loo well eeitled to be led
"It will not be loop before Byala
lie* Murk*' mall route
•trey by bad c apaay or m go idllac
will briop aalter* to climax and
ae wild aud dewriate
bae mm
boot to aafalfyiop yosr . SI w "
ild‘dd*t atue-to me.,
well it
Eu*y. b*rr«a. a
-'-WaU. I rsaa dol
I'ec olloeetaek oaraly. Aud oue of
Icr^ port M to* Borto
taloou. bl»»k aad bta*ted are weak
rr bum pretty cW. aad I doe'l know
adjtftivm for daoofipUea.
tl.ball hkeabertfiU'alall.
Vou'li kloderlaophiofii-Wrwi
tbe Botop-y.'
suean Abere are. are polaouad wK..
cv ter toll ae wbat tor do.
I don't
Id ol a Topey;
Topay; they
oroeceded toe oxer be i
tee Swedi
Were.Oee. Aervam la tbe Or»»e Tie.eii.
Nivajj lodtaai. aod oeetaiaoDOW BO more bow toiarvea writ tbaa
r. foe tooopb the exuracl
•Uy aa Apaeae. who ha* tatt toe Vav
bat leetla alaap-tall doff oicr there
Toppy or a Dioab

they Ism of boA
eaUea. an *oa*wbaU plaatllal 1a tbat
-aabbot 1 dida’l
I let Uirm
rapwo. bat while bmo very aeldoa
The little aaiaal. rcetcoltioff tbe
low It. So they a
FiaUbd ia ah IndcpeadeBt there, and tbaa only topet toafftad.
• ord doff. wBffffed bi| abort tall
Inallon. and' wbat'ilo you'^htak
eltaeraa^ coppe^^banjitoi^ ,
thy yosbff farm*., iaaebioff a II
tbey foood but a oieer of Caoedlao
Tbe ukaee of the car waaaol
far* hi* atieatloa aa toe i&aB of
Tb* odva
■ntolded tbe doesaenl, raolaioed it. wire a fool loop That poor old crii peeled by toe i-'taaa
elarvio' oo baled ^ay. had ohvnked to Buuta by miablishlac a ml
of vepetaltoo eaa prow tbara
•adraveeipllendirectiaae lo ibeaew
>a aod twallove.l that wire, an'It froourr Oel^MO bvedeaaud N<
Al uip tbe waeterabwderof tolidio.
y aacli-1 ffl-.-ee. •
taopird ar.raad aa' puuebrd
i^Piiax: i t.eooecal to.
"WboU ueT- camefroAa.volee la
joph berieierual aaehlaery. trylnr
ridn Iwlaeawi
>e eoroer aa eeon ay tbe door waa
tn diprat ,lac!l. till i> bad twilled p mr
blooe. ood If.
eld Beuy'e heart all opaoil ooulda't
are oederooB- either a mie*
tbe reply beat BO looper."
atrufcaoa all aloap
the ffoif of Boihataaterriiortal lawyir who ^ roatofi

la map.-.
“Well, tbee they canDot prnu,
Tbe Floor realite that toeir eoootry It
bofM from MU* Bark*’ ntlMP. aad
be fata of aab*
•heUtoeolleet PbyB-mt for the tome
AkNIPE that win keep as adfe.
Where we called foradriak of allk
“No. bat toe Society for toe Bre
mlUlap toatM
aadae* toUeoacta
Bba (auft dhe I* A
c wbra we weredrI.laffT Bla wife
tioaof Oroeiiy u Aaiaal* aipbl
iBUlut. aedoa mkuer t
keeplop ailk cowt oo copp-r w
per m*y eaviroo ber ebe
laaka abaviaf a plMOara, or
Id. aaiaple t
Hut eow toe, toreateo tv praaecoW
to ber death aatU toeai
d ker that daj
A SHEAR oaay to eat wltb, come
itffc* aod vciertoarla aad
^roie^Corom toe She U alway* araad. aaritoMa men
aad so oo. si oiw if yoo wUl atk>'
tolld *b* was tb* eraek •botrtto*
la asd boy oae of the "ZUOTSIC"
eape-e piviu’ ae a de-d of the fai wiieaatada aoraaor- mlolap camp at llarqaa
;a* Mala SbdTDda
UDleal ialutiao of b» clieat. aad
I’ll fflv« him mooey to pav up ao'settle
lul aipBl Uiao tbat “ -Ml* Ant it l•w.wb*ehartbto•r.
alter wee dropped for i bat time
up all these ker aher flla' bill.—boi
a lit-Je villape jutt who tea*
Ua* to* mall earrlar. waa Uh*M
At latervala tbe Sheriff came to the tola ha* r't to rad it"
•outn of tbe take repioo ou the'
Re has
your aberiff feeu." aaid tbe law river. It waa avealep when 1 appruaeb
him here
yer.'eitl tbeyaotbelp to perUy pay ed toe WWD.
I waa aorprimd at toe
“Steve Staplea caat be doioff aoeb expeoa>.r'
ouaberof eeblelee drawn np atoap the
larelair." be wool l aay. “I am afraid
"Tore!' echoed toe woaao. OOB- tidoe of tbe road* pod at toe IitU*
apeerSkenff laapoliiaffa ffobd taranptaoiuly. aad to* aaa aoded b
bOB proep> of peopl* with pale, auataed
r, at tbr lawyer took op kla peoi
facesClutteriap ta the streeia. Haay
"Staple* bae a new foit
1 bardly
of toe womeo were eobbtaff alood. add
keewblawbea ( met bla la tbediy
Til you Ibitrocted me ab-ml. you oibrru Wltb elere. eet face*, elood ibarffta of eabBOO hi
today; be evUeaily erj.ya bla lltUe
DOW; aod I bsio't n-eer p'yt ao pay •ileatiy watcblec tor coaanloa bo
Jooraiya lo the wond "
tawtotM .
ir aarvlc' that, bot there eae't aobody ' re toeir d art, or aided 1a oarrytaff
A tinJe woman fan do a'hiK la ol clr^iniac
Kex- It WB.I -'Saple* te Wtorloff taattoiwd byA*
ly 1 haio'l drewed o9 aa' lived op lo
ladiM from toe hoaaet to toe road.
with IiMir rlliirt aitb Gold Ihiit. It l,<liuna
colored ebaea'ano Ikirr.ateoon liarI* dipally of toe office.''
“-Wedldn'iexooei ber*uearly.'r«tlie^av ol cleai,;nir more tbaa hall aad
“Staplre la aport'bff a biffv bat aad
“That It lie elub-tailed dt
ODdedooeof toe vUleper* to ay tamaa Be etrlkee aa atUtode like Jad^

tbr eBBr." prowled toe woai
tjgiry “We re ffoiap awey,'
poiaribbro UM rmod bit a.
“I etood aaldc aad wauaed toea. It ffrtl (
eSeotor t
Aad ber aaditon laophad odUI tbto PTM
marked oo to-_______________________
Iluiedoff btrked in tvapalhy eod Hte
tbe tlloetloo at
“I woeder whatkU wife tolaka of nhen SUe'eepliMul, “Jeeen: Jee
Utaek eloada were broke*
brokeo aad dtUpo.
of tbr eoadilloD* of the .
remarked Hra Cbarira
ted by to* ottaoepberte omtaronae*,
.''prtnotcld <M.i
:«.1M I Ncpul,l|mn.
.Theqamdoc wsaaeawered by that
wateben etaUooed to otowvi tito
of*tbe nailed ealpealloB of tbe Pu
food woaaa la pareoe aeeerul aoblba
■lia'foimtod tobt toa tbreeteoed
batnerrr kee
A Doatata Stabis
Sh.eaac Tatotbeoaoe early
-a bad baao I lemeot
oer aidaaaaer aeniDff. They both
cattle tublee are kept al •pirlt^eo foemWeh
looked peat aad bo-laea like lo ffiaffily 'wbiUwaibed wtboal
.1 tbe nalpbbartap
dUtrieta ■o*»
. we didn't expect ber oe- laall
aid deal it waeStar.n
iiMl,. '^Vvrrr luSjin^ .lu
aod belweeo tbe two
iaU dmoeoM ao Coiepto M eltte
mriy.' repealed toe viltapar.
-Sbe'e a
a ped raewii
oaioffly. "Come la a t
ol atallaI leaeeotra
paapway fo
.N'orwefftaa. aad we've pot to po to Nor­
of a bay m-t to dislribau
'Tbe oabM* wae loaded with I ewt.
■■Tbe clnibra be wore before be took
of powder and pleflrad with oapdr.-'.
ra.b.,i»Ur..p.d.,.. '
ap eberilSe' are food ceotuh to wear ^JS^iateTro'ooieeidbVtb-e-;.
Tbroopk toe WboU elffht a atrtap After to* aiptaeka. wbleb waavr-------*
wbee be ridra with lae.'' aaid tala wife,
liap preveoled fraa aeeeaa. boi
la lew, beavy rroaef loeea "They arc to eaco oiber'a food la a troapo above of wapoosaed caruwaa caov.affeMi Si‘l7^ta tol^"*Uffht at
auoUy baek aad fortb to toeaeo. Taey
•affood aa aa eao aff >rd. aad, beat of toe
it a Blla btoHop a earroM •!
M aaoper clear 'w.t-r i-eo* froi
from eod carted m wtl y to* effecu of toe men of
all. ibey are oaM lor.
The Utlaffe be
■ aad. aod the v, lUiattoo aad lipbl
coanoeity, lor bat tew erf toe
bad to Bortffaffc th* tana to boy. I
ealUe here twcor
a toe flat loop trip
don’t take do etpek ta aymlf-l doa'l "
feedi dally of aaapet woruei. a
“HaaUooaeW ........... ..................
midday feed of bay. aod Blffht and
'They w
' '
.lop are fed wlu a alxtorcof rape
from Virgin bo* Jaet relarsad from •
aad bras
le eamaur they i
dt ever
to ret
yea how ’awaa We've
protaoped tear taf obearvaaeo ilaeff
Id oet to P'om Toe calrm .
1 we pet eetttod to a h
peoen aeda '
to* Amaxoa river aM It* wibalwtoeS
eqaally ear^ for. aad aim to* ael
ad for toea.'
tode ol M*. which taUea oa toe dal
toT-^edt^af^-^waate. aakiap baeoo of each toper .
ipraaU. aad tbe litbe woal)l not for
Sid be^l qaallty that It it ta Preat deaaad •afledw
■ toe imrroa. dmo- _. !to«to Amtrieaa wood U (ha • . .
le a ee be.
' Bid. (Modt bavioff ba*B lUlea
It that UU
-Ob._Mra Staple* hett^y* ffet
jtted tatt year —^xcfuuKK
loto*t be life of to*
to Piaaito aatioa



ffltlta’ awar fraat—I
aad a
. ----------------------^wbetBadsaew boa
ae' bafffy aa' aU ih* tele'a"The tala'* wa* a paid watch *a'.
ehala aadapold rlap. Jat a. tree a*
yoa live, aad LIT plovm—driviB'fflovta.
oe called 'oa—eed be drlV la ’em. ao
nd'.ae’he rU'.mrTyta'

Real Estate


xcoxT^nr to XiOA.'w.

«DHlaULft.MMl,WMil.ll. H L






Merchant Tailor



■ad m tba eletsst ••• IlM of
BfrlBTSyWaf WooteM now
cs aala. whieh win be Bade ap
ia the LaMst (Hpha. aad at
aneb Low Prtaea aawtU aarprlaa

SnsmaBS Oarda.


ivo BLurjTf:
■ at 315 Front Street.

Plate OUee, Steam Boiler and Aoetddnt Inearaoea.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.




L)o ^oti


^ ■•wsaftsfegsragia-*'
IjnoW fhi^?

•batmmMuiMDrneaief* to





.1 Havlig MotractBd wilh a Bos-

aVi7aT-.-r-fS:'. J

WANTED! T firiisii-




.____ 75

200,000 Poutids of Wool




Telephone 130




Ooml Reliable Aptmte (or the
United Blatea Benevolent Society.
The U^eat, atroi^feat and moat
r^ble oompany in the worid.
I want aKOod man to-workEm­
pire and victnily. Liberal opnimiarion to the riKht men. 4 dl cm
oraddroa J. E UIBUE,Md.lVt:i
TrawM OitT,



■ys.—atony tPliORn


Carpet Cleaning Works
' WKtwar^-


Xk, 5,OOOSC,
Ik# well-kaewB

PlwaOe Wall For Him.

M. F. woirrHRtfP.




«ve |Md M aake W ^ IWeen*

5p4iig .

&S5rS *8jgr{^SS




111 ibOdtU Fiw tl the Bedrti Inid

When you want


•n n«d enUen tl«l evTwl
. Annj foreoanji or
d ^ ites >«o*le wid-

•81 aaMv. doiH!*r*^MnteMcfe









We»Mnq Powder





J wltoSto^Vri?^

Ordarslor Job PrinUng left«th.


I've rn money, betlu-wee'i
Aod to* Oat OaM Sack
fit It to aberiff aroaad oa aafeee I bate
.. loetoe there oaee lived a <a
•avod toe live* of eoae ffrty p«>pl
"Tbat b all pvaper.’ mu' the aaa
law. "Oh. beret av wife.
- bocB taroM oat of a leoeaeot
by ita oWBor. bot two wee>m mlalcMad to meet Hre Staple* aeata. ay
Smr. KowlBla*h*araboBltb*oep«r.
reuroad one alpbt. pot tato toe
’bare It loroMrly livto. aod triad

.StaT- .


Hacli, Bbsand Baggage Transfer Line
Best LWery in Northern Michigan.
#aod aad ■ato itobii In OneiiMlm

_ ._■» toe farm
“Wall twa*
tola __
ar. wbohad
who had-------------------------------------------leftbi* ebalraod
U* eboalds apMaa toe doorfi----------UeaboaldtoopMBatoe
door froM ta
to* old way. wbarvbeeoaU
wbarebeeoeU look down pea Bp. aod taraed toe eat oatof doom
apm to* desk: “All okap then hat A Wblrevaftcr. to* otoaM boy of to*

fa-*, wb-rc wlaler aad eamaar the
meeamaatof Alexeadar U kapideoo
tm toMMM.
rated with flower* and baeaeru by tb* wt flaUh. Qayo wood,
eiUseee. I.
.................................... baeaeprato^ eaa be ^ taMf
direct ica aad ta ao heavy that U Mata

Heiriee ha* bIUs of-n
havtaff added *«« dartap IM.


•* tehee] ^ot*w. which ■

Ttatotal otoaot to* aooi Mil to
toettarUtaebS ' -------------



wtaar their ondto-


ly as t OU amitow baa,

r-‘ /'


___ ■*• oat of every US 8
ip.iM*ffpeeyto have tadktr.

reet of toe alpbt. obd aotlec.
MCiviIltsiiaeof t
“Be mode op orfoamr pot to Us
tape aeWoo* ol to* eat. wbtal
vtf*. to bw tow. heavy vo ee.
..Hawed him ta. The ktrdltal
wood wbleb hsd bate ptaead tabta.
to* Blove bad beta eeatiemd ever tbi taroL
fortobdaaf swi
flaw, aad to* cot n*sb*d ahoor. ffooUy blled.
Tb* i_________
■mtaarhtaff (arm Mehao
"Teo'd alway* bee* dtCcvaot from
^ meWrd at^
rfe.bod with
** toM wtU hoee-a hlph Ohd
way far Umm ta Ih* oow



lake rmriooe weta they eepeelell^f




I iMM.
■alk iwdaa fMpb takea that tor
ara Wto oral b tolad (taakr baaaaae
flfty-eM bM flowtay waU baa
iwaybli^BBbPBaeCaMBeadaa aeU

CMit tpm cni
cbatly krtlad.

na aawbl paaeb atop bHarat aa



Andrew Oerwryb. UKmgb bk totb eeetelary. Prrtrem. bee wired be

toy b larliad
»tv-od too
araatiBft. wbfcb ara brM *»«ry (we
waaln. oa Friday l»
iba Pint H. B. ebarc:>.
raaatlaya araty qaarlar.


A Ito'a Bxparlaaca
______ ■•ttbafH-aBMlMd Awi^
Tbaraday raeralac a •. icbt Uula
to. .Uih I. u. b* to la DaMt ladotuyaaraarriradia »ia eity to
toM U to 17. Mr. Ji
baatad aa Piaak Priadri-k. to wkom
towtbaato •otcmrmmM br U. hawaadifaetadbyraarlj la Cbarla
wtb. toaavorUf W iBlanai tba bto*

ibr to'* »•»*• *• J»*

■tar.M vUeb tto •
1r1------------- *---------• tUa aaulq
OMto. wWlla tha laaal btoa
UbaWaUtoHiaaotUkalj tW <rtU
teM,a«aaaetoe(lbaU.«.r raaaks.

to ba eoM from B-au>a Harbor.
Wbao baarrirad berabr to oaly tae
eoau la hb podiat aad ba wai
aaaroh of bb aaela. Haary B lataa,
ll*M at Baadea. Joa lati Baatoa BarraUlayraraat beaarior CbarIrreU. to ba waa told that that waa
polatto Baadoa Iron I
laka. Praak Priadrleb took tba lad
tow to aaearod bla lodylac at tha
BhUaoa Uowa with Pat Birdea. whore
ba WM wall oarod (or. to ntday
otolor ba

Waa taianaira ma»>. Om a<tM to kaowa aawaaapar
MaiatbaaaaatiTiaCto A. n.rte,
.aaaatoDMrijkaowa aa-iita<wfU«
r^ilaj - Mr. Daaia la eoa o( tb.
acato ol tha Forapaaffc-Srlla I
alraaa towaala .Ika Mty raatarAar
aaelad with the boy** erperiaaea.
------------------ MtavMto arllfc tka
tbortUouaco wblla pUylay oa
walerthaMcato. Mr.
at Beotee Harbor the daafbtar of
BaalB haa ka« aa I
UacapiAlb*' • **Mal fall iato tha
nrer. doe alaa(ad lBh> the wak
raaato ^a rir] to aada a llfeloac
laiwaiill rJ->nr
fritool thalltiUoaeto brr lather.
li«toa«whaaika to a aary ^rb
A law days ar> ha axprraaad tha
ai«Bi«. atoal aatnaallaf to aSf-'- to fO to hb aaeU at Baedaa bat to
ai. IMaMto baM la Iha aaw<
DO Boeay U> aiaka tha trip.
Tba capbtoaMallkklllato tbara ara law
tala of the boat carae (oraard with a
a<tte aafl wbeAa aot kaew Ui
aolatiOB of the problaa ead cffared the
•atobalwaato wrttar ba baa
boyfnrpw* aa far aa bi* boat
wMa aatitoaca aaaoBC tba oalabra- weat, wbleb waaOharlareli. Arririair
tkaatthaaaaalry.lorto la Ua aaatOharierolsUbeaptalBaapelied Us
lairf^ Mara la bla aowapapar work
with soeay. aappoaed to be eeoeyh
defray ibe Pspeoae to hit daetlaaltoa;
betaUbetteaeeeli'wia expew
rmllroad bra

Tba reel of the atory b

Tba ba yeareU aea of Wnlbm
Oampball. a brnmr lleby acar Bleerthrowa Item a berea to
tba Orayoa teea daaira te rwaalkt far
oaaybt hk tenfar bMwaoa hk taetb
b the PkU(ppbea to bate •
toaaaify Wt Itrff.
I tba bleatloe to do eo U t
Dariay a ball oMa at tba Heeeabee
permit them
pmak Bear Coray. Owe eoaaly. Oatalea
eaadbalr famlltae before rotaraief b
Bbr. wbe wee ampiriaw tba
otraek b the face by a
Recalta of tba War.
off tba bat to wee toly tajered.
BeetUa. deiy ».-Tbe' Tlmea prtau
latlmbpaf a enead awmp wbick
wbatporporutobeafell Uat of the
a bill at Deeralold tbara yrowa a
f tteliUaa b tba Amerlraa army la the
twolaebaa la diameter,
tpbea op b Jaae 1. Itweefara- iuihla akrabiae eaUra ol iwampo. * • vtfeof ty
W*r**..K.T-WT4U4t-rot»y«u«. I -1
by Prod V. Bbll. a rrproaeablUoaoe b Boariah la aoeh a a ——— oaffercr rrom drrorpott tad
U*e of tba Haalle PToedom.
poalUoa k aiata'br.
Wtakoumteb. Tb< Uybwta luud prudeec
clalaMbbate ebblaad It from ibe
dMraa. eaouax ocTctvpitB to bt flum:
ily baa made bar Brat coe- uoBolpa*. Kemttirr bow eaivttl of m
rreordaot the aaryaoD caoeral'a oMoa
* - •
atur vtUo*
at Maaila.
The blal bblltka
auto tried
1 el 4UU.OOO bntbalt. be aormel
7M. ebmiflad aa fellowa: SJ offiear
of Ibe eoeaty. lem baa
prlratea aad f •arbea eirUlhM atuchbet will be tUppad bk
ad b tba army.
jepr. Tbe^rtlblpmeati aetlod
A remarkable faabre of tha ablalaat ktkat tha Domberof oamrakiliera ayo. while In New
gd to t tinrlt 0a»« dltgeh
^ b balUa la eat of alt proportion
any eld aya
tba priratra killed.
Fewer oB
Dr. Mils' Kemedls
IromdiaaeaeproportloBably tbas wbleb be bmeybt borne ead kept b
artoold by all dnuprlratea Oat ol tba tweaty-thrae
Ik leeyb waa bee ■
xuuaadrra potlUrr
raporbd deed, abbea were kUled iDcbee. Today It meoiere* nearly tlx tunBU«.dm bottle
Uoa, two were drowned ead Bra
b Iei«b to k kept in e brye brseCuorBoDey rvtandrd. Bookeedlidiedofdkeaee. Of aba prlratra. IV4 wire eeclaeare.
irrvm fret.
Two relkble clllteoe of Uraod
Hc^ee. wbo have been enyayed In be
ara drowto to teeea eomc
llceovery ol patrlfiod race, ymat U.lUdeilM died of lypboU farer.
• Wmley Flebber of Salllva
dket. eio.. for eeretal yean, have bk
alrhlyebe ol am.Il-pox, forty
a broeyht b Iiyfat a bayh yraalte fall adkboceof le feet from e tcaftoldjoy arouod e baro io
of dyaoatery,;twca>y «icht of
bwBbip Wederaday ereaiay. bk beck
t by prealxbaa of meiaflik
waibcokeoto be era* laabaU
died of tariou diaaaaee.
Bepvu from Lielayaloa. a faw milea
Of tbe foBrteee deatba of el
At be Mutkeyon poebSee bare k
eadicdof amallpoxaad tbraa of ^ eoktb of UwUMi. able that be
ebady atream of frail cod celery yrow
yrapp crop k baby breabc
abet wooafa rcecired 1^ aetloa
era and eoamliaioa mao waitioy b yri
wbet k kaowa ae dry rot. Tb<
Cblcayo market prlere. Tbe Americmo
Blob StrUu la lOahocted from theaUay of
Bolee. IdahaJely »I.-Ooe of tbe e bey. ead b b ebflpl time all tbe yreee Hxprem Ca of btt city eay
Myyeat (|oerU diaeorerica b the hta- berriee upon the beach beoome llke- fiyariay a ba hoar day. tbelr pffi,
piyioyoalbbeyrowertfiijuu a
tory of the ebb baa been ma
wke aSeetod.
abjuttl amiaab
Badyerctok. whlahemptiae io'b the
Ma). HarbDtbofl‘oaUac.IoatU br
Bose rieer aboat brae mUm (hk aide
At Blk Baplda Wedoeaday ere
ol the TwIb eprtnya. Tbe dkioTery Cblcayo 8-e la -71. two tworde (hat be aa Mra. Tbomat HIbbell waercturnlnK
valoed blybly. B«
wae made by a proapaetor i
to bar borne, ebe watainoyuo be lip
bu> be poB
PraakHryaatatapoiat oa be
by a bay. Mra. HIbbell found it oora
brae mlleefrom lie moob. Hear* of Oaldwell. ToereeaUpfe eorreepoed- tmry ta poll be bay from her lip. aod
with tbe war department k '
'be etrike retoed Hoke yeabrdmy
wibm a abort Lime tbe lip beyao
be ma)or will yet bk tword back.
twrIL Her bean wa> <erioutly affcci
orealDyto ptowd a dUtlael ■

More Troopejor Maaila
tloo b siolay circlea
A aamb
-Obkaira. Jaly «T.-General Otb baa paople at oaee atarbd oet for be
aalUl aaoltaar b- of be Bear diecorery. to obera will
wUehsahaa three lebatry oryaolxaIt k awterabod that B. B- Aad
maaayer of be Twia dpriaya eompeay
IhaMtoafikato wart Mra. tieaatoeaeearaliy rerli
bet taken optioD for bk eompai
Vittoa. Mra. O. C. Mtotw Mra. W.
t. HMa. Mtoa Mto B. Payat. Jalla ibe Pbiilppiaea. Thk win make foer- blrueoof beelaim*. which embrace
a. MattU Ony. Mabal Balaa to leea raylmeaU of the tweety seTea be beet locaUoae. He hat btd be dt}t
aalhoriied by eoafraae.
ead wkea tMyt mtde. which raa all bi
thmeoryaalaatloBahaea tbelr tellqao- from BM b BUS a toe. ooe pooed of
ta. neralUay will eoetloee aatil the ore from bt eriybal dkjorery yklded
eoloabar force of ».oou mee hare BM b yold. Tbe tecoe of be ae
Of the foe rbaa ted- eoeeiy It oely aboit forty milet from
AAv aatoto
!■ aaaU Bojoy ■ toa ealkbd.
MBkaa alifaat aaayar wa« aaraad.- meakaow bebcoryealted the laryar Bobo. By bk Gme a twarm of fsopk
■toaHabteto MaOattbto larli- portma of foer of them wUl ba eUktad wbo beard be aawi hare Met alybl are
at Maaila. It will be aBeeaaary. bow- oa llie yroeed.
ai lar to part «< tka yroV^aa.
WOhalatopraptoaaraUUy.priol- aaer. breeralt a portloa of tbe fear
Tbeimpopualdkeoeery ooean two
aAaamaak^ at (ha aatoea la tba tors
relaa wbick arc tlx feet wide a
at a paaai wrlttaa by Mra. M. B. C
ne foorbea eolaab
earCaoe aed oaly 100 feet apart,
foree aiay eeai cod weak,. la the eoeb
tora. -Pto -aa (a ’aa." Aftar tba alll fir* tka army an a
aad. k«eUur with the yold predtKBlatbe. end from It m
i Hr. to of le.MO m
9 or Bad- BS.OOO racabra; the blalietrawrth ol bammplm ara Ubed for aaeayt
Iha army wlU be U.4M
tbe aorb *ab ellrer predosleebe.
ifc-'lhapatoia aartto thia othar- the btaatba of tba ad
bet it alao earrlea a larye preeeolay
to bapay raaallac bataw tha larawaU pBib*lubf fenabbthe PUlIppdpm lead. T-beaeaeytebowaaeeereye
IDper eeat lead to fifty ooocet
paUtalhatrtoAto beaorat aaparofallrertobetoe. It k be yold vela,
ead efthewettaaaiMi, at laaat i
ma win be bmi:
boweeer. that aaaaed tbe eemaU
Thk wUI leeee bet !3.400 mee
iDXaryaau PeUed:,
Oeba. Forb Bko. Hawaii, to
eoaalty. which wUI be eBaayh. to the
toalla- Jely »1 —Tbe btaryeau
eaUn oolaatM army will ba ealkbd haer mtde aa aataeaeatfel atbs
ae ai b hare ^ty of troope b pr
rampbre the bwB Ualtmba. o
Bm 4aato (a flaa a waakal aalarto- lyhaDdbihaaltaattoB.
ahenof,LeyaBa de Bay. which be
MataatoraaUAacaatTbe aamfav of raeralm for the'
of Ueaeral Hall aapbred bet
Mahyafthato raatol paopU la Ipplaae ealkbd yaabrday waa
emooB.Tbe nbelt
«a aUr feaaa Uadly prorato to aaalat makby a total of« etl.
mecr' Tba
MtojiiMiaratoh k araarad to
M wtUba a fto aaaaraa
eorb to eoeb.. be Pilipiaoc kpaf**! tolar tka Irai to ai


HMaw blha prarara wfelA Ip Mblaet
aaxt faw daye raffarobr the aoeree of

Ta«l aMe-Hr. P. t. WUtM

ieaa sleamar Failff. bow detalto
■aaila. aad that Fraderlek W. SaUorle.
tcrmarlyotPbnadelpbk will hate b
la apaaahU BwadkA—Hr. A. avoid eoaatrka ha>ln( ——J-—
1th the Uaibd SbUa. ParI aeaadal wlU effect i
■ of Utberb yood ra
air eoeaeetba with the al-

Pawl to MtoJoi

Prom aaoBckl aoarem it k learoed
that SaUerte wa* bet year the AmaiHaamber of the Anatriaa firm of
SplUal A Oa of Hoar Koay. Be boh
load of mm to amuaaltiea.

tobbaWterpUBaara to daraWlI
Ip. Mab-pn^rd wHh a ala-borae

dklraiy b tba aathoritlea.
They ware b a atoall Hritkh etaemer
called the Paely. (•» whkh be aapibd
' iDwerraataaly ohtabed aa Amar

A pi
Joeepb VoDoye. a tometer at Keel- nl. elber by a tiby or Man.
D'letalayle mill, tlx milce aonkweit aidap wai called.
of Lake C.ty. wataerloot'r lo)arcd by
At.UutkeynoiJiiDO.r h. .^awee,
btby tlmuk with * ftllby tree derioy bemtu-'. dropped d.el wbile a.I-x
beblykwiod Wedaeedey eflernooa. lay a load .f wood
Hr wat
He k etill in ae aaeoariom eoadllion of aye aed Iraree a widow and foot
and becbaaeeai
ebnto* Tbe coroner-t jury reodcfo,!
YouDce k !9 year* of aye and bai a eerdici of deetta by apooplexy
boeo married Icoe than a
It U bid bat Cbarlee'Saadt. a popa
Seerebry Storre ft tba tbt* board of
correeilont aad ebariilee bat reueired
leuer from Sit William-Kalltek.
reiary of be Howard AieaelatloD. Loo
doD. 4rbo k oee of tbe foreiosl peaoloyku Id be world. Id wbleb he eayt
bat Hlebiyaa bolde a promlaeal and
very exemplary potitioa amuoytt
Helled fftatm and thr nlber aatloa
be world Ic refereoee b be moat
porbot ,jueaUoDt deallog io be pra
reoUoo of bob crime and paapci'

- Slab Mew* Irnm*.
o Abby waa clmred
Berry Baeley. aa aiytat year old Heflftaet.tbe
I direct b lomlaea bey. waa drowaad b be river
a mrye ehlle ball
a aturward eaaybt by tbeMeCaUoeb.
vlUatotieaVhpbyto typewritby
Many HbUa.L a Badaabato
wBI he (eayht b be pebUe aeboedt.
Qardto. B. L A. Milk. B. SkrbaA
OoBlerewea U Olmad.
Harriaa aeaaty aow baara badkibe
m* «m PattiriT. Ptarato fbaaraar
neBeyae. JalyM. —Tbe luleraatttaa of bUoy be oaly coeety b the
WtotbQyaiarabata Obaboyfaa. aaal peace eoafaraaea mk for He teal
Halted Sblee wlb e
Haahtobkaato Ihiw^ iba lamtoe.

M tha *a at Iba batoa.



and are faeerd:tomibmil to a mwel to daaaifiaex
epeeatlon-the oely tieaimeat whbb> the fi i Mku-hto for Cbeoir. IbedbM
xyuuipUy (vtuns. bdwtnr. and u erne uiuWdkjnaut to ibetnolve btol
Won CbiK'wr u a deadly nekue ia Us bfaud. to an aperabm. pfaelar. or

Mr. Wm Wal|v>le. of Wakbtowa 8 D. myai “A
liUk Untrh
bb^ eUmt be
the to of a pee one toer my taM
eye medually (rooiny kiys. fno wliieb cOeMlacyBlw

Him Ida Forbm. deaybter of Mr. aac
Irt. Alex. Foebea. of HaoDltol. Ho
bat beco atleep tiaoe Monday a weal
eyo. wlb be excepiloe of toe or SI
■era mieoto latorrak. amoeaUay iej
all to aboat aiae bonra.
At Bitl bo I

ailaurvabrnn iBBlIdiiVrtwM I ■—— i- - - - - - - ■

tocoa-olird a (r.u ds-hw. wbo pnmuimwd k Cbento.
cut out. but bk I coaid eat eem■n Biy l.ical tiaper of a cura effected by
to try It. ■ Itarasi
charm toniae et flrw irrluM. and i(m« dbchwyiafi
rerv ftvelr. Thu
TTii* yradatlly
yiew tern and thee d' - —
filmed aliiweber. Iraeiilox acmatiwwb w.
d.dT and wow .sir a healthy Uttle erar
ilratoned• Io deWroT
life .mce held fall ewaj
Ptorriy Ibe only rtiR for Cbaeer k Swirib.Hpicdat

bypnotixed, bat bey
taeeoadlUoa kdne i
A priytto letter from Geaeral Lndlow
in HeTaoa. to a f|iea4 la Wttbiayi
yleea a very eoeMrayiay accoant of I
be bealb aaodiUoax of the city
eeeb at to learc tbe doctoi* wiiboat |
emaloymeat to a yreet vxto»V_Tbe I


to erarb tbe MM
- ----------A eatirkU otofat
dura not reach be hl.xid -the mil sal ............................. ................... ................................
I n>f iiiray hsM u|»i> BUS; i.utkiBir caa take lu
to br
^ H^cto. afa^r^ o,

S.SUO iroopc in be Baraat s^bmaad ‘
are la exoelleat coaditloa.
Ledlow teak eery mech eaoui
eboet be yoeerameat of be city aod :
ayx be reform* iatUiutcd by bei
tmerleaa* are workTo* toecmefuUy.
ItatcTaylor. ataw Bleral be Star,
aw mill, tayt to Fhiladeipbia Tlmea. |
ratbevleUm ofafrlyblfal aeddeat’
aad aarrowly eecaped wlb bit lift |
Ttylur k «u yean old and weara a loay
beard. He wat eayayed ia adjattiay
.an oil cap when hk beard ctnyht la
be ebafUny. aroaad which it oara■ueoeed to wind. Hit bsul wat drawn
ayaiatt a rapidly reroliiny emery
wheel, wbleb cat eevaral loay yatboa
iDbiefaceUlUebeao. With a miyhty
wraoch Ttylor tore looae, Icav ay a
portloa et bk beard auaahed to ba



- to maUad tram to aoy eddto ^ .

Beal Estate,




.^£033.07- XiCjanerfiB


We have baryalae la City Froptoy. Farm
Fmpeny. Timbre Undo, aad all bladt
I’craoDkl Property Sloekt Harcboe. ilmoelaayblnyyaa

Tbr party of aelaalklt wbd weat to
Alatka a atooth ayu at yaeis of K. H.
jlarrimaa of New York, arc mertiay
wiib uouealiSedeucecat. Tbej made
trreral importaal dkoorenra. Amoay
brer it an Imicutte toy exteadiay lalead over tweaiy milee Albe uaper
ead uf be bay Ihry bare ditorereda
ycvaPylacier, lofenor oaly to Mair
ylocirriaeke Turn bay wae named
:4owa toy.
• which b
el of D-tcoe
bty. oppwite Ctrru I t yiaeier. aa Im.
mratey.acier brae ituarlera of a mile
ia.widlb. wot ditcrverad and aamad
lltiTiiaao't (lacier.

•e oaea from « la to
BOblay eaUl« ia
ba avcMay.

:.klyoar ptwparty erib tbe maw tot do to
work; no dtoard aroaad owroBlaai alwaya.
readyTor baaiaom: ceeee to oe far baryalaa
Oarpcoplewaattoaell Ifyoahaevmoaeylaylay Idle wrepB placoltferyoa
no (III cdyv aocarity. U yon aaad
inoery wr caa (rt *t for ytm: era
• ill help yna oat oo aayblay.
ibaicea tofarlprd oat Wa pradjtdkca; all
tnaicd-alike and to


l-rtif. Himbell. of -Vorb Adnniv
profb-iooal aerDoaui. made a baliuou

8«cend new.

TnTwp* O^, Vlch.

Job Printing

A imoob fakir wotkad Camden pao

sHopses for Sale

-Mr. and Mra. Adam Cart of Bieb- ale wlb c new tehame. He carried
xmall tbrab ia a llyblly co<
moDdrlllc traBoaeted reel blate
OCM before JatUce Weet of Deeker- and claimed It to to a Cntoa
fare '-doiac" be towa to |
Tllle bk week. Hr*-Cart
yeare old lut Jeoe. aed k bale aad uaoee of cheap prrfome M
tmart. Tbe old conple are perbape be
loaybt married of aoy livioy la be etrouy odor would fill be room. Tbe
■iouritt' taid tbe odor radlawd from
They were weddr
clyhty-tbree ybr* ayo aed bare raked br pleat coallaaally aod eold a larye
^aotily ol leadal t for tu ceaii. He
a family of K. The oldbt child k pew
ceau dowo oa each aale aod
tl. Tbe yraad cblldreo. aod yreai promiaed to retarn a
yrasd cbildrea. woeld make a popnk- and if be aaed* were yrowloc ■
factorlly would eolleelaaolher Hcartor. |
UoD fora whole lowoehlp__
Geaeral Newa
Seoabr Furaker'a mother died Prl
d«y aiUniaboro. 0
dbe had bera
ill for be pbt few moabe .
By no exploeloe of yu at ibeoolliery
ol box Broa alllsnayer. Pa , one a
tea* killod aad eix aerloaely injared.
The poorboatet In ferty-Bve


eoaetiea are empty, end ia birty flre
c raeiirn there It not e eetc ea
criminal deckel.
The trip from St Pelctd\Miry t
aaeiera bouadry of Beeak can oe
made partly by rail. parUy wlb
ek. forabeet BIM.
Tbere were lit eatet to 12I deaba
from beboBiC playae at Fooea. iadir
oa Wedeeeday. 1-heeaeee iaclade four
The fltb Moaolal eoeveat-«a of be
Wrrld'i Womta'a Chrktiaa Temper,
eaee Uekv w>«
meat at Bdlabery.
beeilto. Heeday. Jeec a. i»^

eoloay watcempeaed laitoy

be owlich Irrco eadci ba CDOtrol f
U men coold oely rrtlbc bow mO a

at Pioneer Livery Stable
B. j; MORGAN. Prop.

le da-o{ > Ikon'trorgvtttafiplMMtolookforMOodbwcBlaalBboipMH.
t eaik-' I ajwfiyfi k«ep 8 IfiiM fitock OH hBOd to Mlwt freiB. Mop*
laartor-1 *yriviof fiTwy ^w4k. I hfiv* in fitock dwf:

Tha Baakia e»«parative eeloay
Babia. reaa.. hae reairil b axial, be
lead. I.Tuu aerea batiaf b^e eoU. Tbe

Uea. J. B. Coxey bae pare]
oldwteel plaet of Urwff A Ca. at Millrele. Fa. to will remove it b Meeoil.
loB, O.. where be will oraet e larye
ttaal plant at a osi of IlMkoao

To. medt luroed oat to br of b. nweet |

gcldiogl. S yeWf oM. «pi«bt 87*0.

A nice pair (rf bfiyb. 0 ye*n tdd,
, 8GOO.
du oui ortitci
ti _________________
«„o«u,i.,oiri<idi=iyur~-ii ufKatocm i
• Iwplim b ilmplr f.
, TbUPapmiwttl
f ttfd It pHvtw p>

> ioD( and


A ifood. blorky bailt gi»y mare.d yian <4d, vrigbt 1800.
A nice, black marv.C yeara old, wriubt ISOa

<iood ai^e of

A pair of pice driving {lay Poeiafi. vMi^tFOO;.
Thtac arc Kpeciala.

Havo Iota oTotliar buraad.

8mm tfood,


FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS a few fcre BArgatBi >0 £
Secood-band aod little osed Organa, as followB;
. £
Oae Clongb & Warren Boi Organ........ ........................................... ...........-$1800 5
Odc good «econd-batd KimbAll Organ, bigb top. watnat caw.............. .^86.00 5
One Kimball Organ, like new; bas bi:«B oot aboDt BIX raonthB; darkcaw:
conplers. mirror aod all improrementa................................................ ;.$47 60 8

One Small Melodeon........

Capk 8. BartfatV of ba aiea

exploreta. Thrae wf bk broben have
died eoeb of be Artie circta

_____ __


At Battla Oaek Praal
farm hto, wae irerrcami by beat
atwarbbABaldto hk
Cemmea ficnac Mcdietl Advkm k

tha tbaprahlMtbytbe U

|Pto «bA PM aaary totottaa
bb la «ba baOdar to tba owaar. Hr.

irl«iia IT FHBT IS

L'orvilk Wlleoxim. who reecev
ly married Mkaaalra Joeerbiee Feolc
Ghiraya bat amamed Btoo.oollta
yold aed ertdito la the Klondike wlb
laellttlcorwroacyear Al be wed.
dlay be bride wore a eakiBe bteseb.
be ylft of be yroom, made oetlrely of
(Old aaryeit. la be akapeof a wladlaon. wlb rope, backet to yold pan


Ttr Z. ^ wt*5SiJ

Iba krkl trip «t (ba kaaeb
MaBa Itoaiktaly aWra (ba V.ra
laptoal Priday atoto to

t balldley.
e eitlxeaa
will bold a mi« meeUay to pern
letlOBa la eommemocatioB of bk phllaetbreplcyin.

Ae(eletoi1 maa. it be duroverer ofa,
or I of U joaer ore o’f yreat ricboma la ,
■<h»ttt connly. cal. While loebiaf up
aicetsloD el Ihr Kaiybb
vorne valuable oU ba tlambled aeroaa i
picolc at Uilltdale Tburtday. Tbe btl
bi. cupper drpuilb He at <
looo drifted ovrr e
ad <u-i aerrt. asut 1^ milai from be .......................... ......................................
be prufretor fell and wat drowprd br
Uiikdale cooely eta boaet of a
fort aultuace c .uld rracb him.
milkinypiy. Cowa beloDKlayloUeerye
body bb aot yet breo rrcoterrd.
Hewitt aqd ikear Httai hare
,urmont z >irv uf uuaper ore. ruaaia .-1
Al Mt-CIrmeo* iberv ii 'Fhtl miirlil
ea yleley their niaal ejuanUty
pereebt ol pare eupxar
milk of Ule. A rklt to be paotore be lermrd ae epldrmlc of berylar y Clark of Moabe* ba* oecurod a biy ia ‘
Tbere bb bece e taoutrraid rvery eiyta
I’tcd Is fiadlay e ply eiuiny .
icre*t la tbe a«w mlae aad develop |
far more thae a week.
haBDcfaee, drawiay milk from
■aeal It tu to (irea al oaea
Tbe’ de |
eiybt be ymny kept np be record by p jelt appeart to br almoet iaexbtoeti.;
’-eadder. At aooa at the ply h
If iaio be
and rxperu nay b* or* will raa ^ I

Haul Bower, be l year-old deaybter
of Jobs Bower of Bcoree. wet
deablly ebot by her brother. Ffew dejm ayo. ebd it io * terlom
dilioe. The two cbildres were pitylay with aa air yae. and le tome way.
It wai ditebaryed, b* ball eotorioy
rsrcetiy bbkby that bey
be ylrrtrtot cheek Jott below be
coelwe be Amartoat by attaekby eya It w'te foaad deeply Imbedded le
from two pobik at oaea
tbe fleeb. to blood pekoaley k a^w
It wae noteran aeceamry b employ tmred.
be whole Aewrteaa force W dnre be JoaepV vaintble jewelry and
PUlptam op Two eempaaka of be
moaey. from peanlea Xo fa yold piecee.
TwnvBrel bfaatry. aw| tad of ee
' arc foaod very oftee at ba paper in
ry tlA oea yaa toMto b repeke (k
Watte yeper and tbe malacl^ aaed
tark from be aorb. wbik be *00
maklay paper elo brown lab a larye
of be Waahbytoa reyimeet. eomprkraeepUcle wbleb mixea be eooteak
lay part of Ueaeral Hall’* eommaad. very boroBybly. All oeary tebatasc.
>l of cavalry drove c S
aa fall lelo a place below aad bii 'll
be rebak wbe bad adraaeed from ba cleeto oat every week. Friday m
lay wee foeed a Sae opal riay bat jew­
Tbe Iota of be btaryaab b
eler* bare etUmab b be exccediayly
kpoWB. Tbe Amaricaa l<me a*

maa killad to aovae woaadad.
tob be eeadltba of be eo
camsd by the raeaat lalm be .memy
Wtoinyba. Joly II —Geaeral Otk
reportaberpirteof the FIlIpboe b
ntahe Ckbmka ea followt:
-The laceryaab b eeasidecAUe
bree appeared b be vielelty of (
I ead wara, paakbed aed drl<
e« by Oeaeial BalL
Oar caaoali
’ore oar killed to aevea woaaded.
-OtplaiB amptes of be Bixb bfaatry ptraek a rebbro- bead b tbe
Nayraea <m bet Prtdty. kpiby ababaa. Hk foraaa aafferad ae c

toT at Maarato, tha^^
MlbaBaltoBeMBBUdi^ Oa. with
ifePBtoly. Tbabaaibaotoaalad
Uarltim to njeebd tha earyo.
altotoMt toarlal. wlU alakal
heeoeldaaallydkpoae of It at dbyaytto^tol irlulati to iha
Bore. to be fleally oamaeded b a
tou WHh aadar to Mpla.
by a permit tram the Cbbew ofieUb
b rmhip Iha yaae to ether war
reedy bdepert. They deeire b deby
Mitaraft b aaaarad wWh aa aMr
tamomrw b raeelva thedr moably pay. Thk bat baea fsrmlbad
Id that to h>

of Cbeboyyat. bat
parrbatrd be Puode mub. cooiktloy
of Ufitio aerot of hardwood laadi
k bid bat be will errcl a larye plaoi
in bet r-llayr for tbr purpjtr of turniey oat btrdwood furniture from Ibr


'. Joeeph D. Seyreaof Texaa
the Brat federal Bey capierad by tbe
eoafederatee la be *rer of be
Be bleeda prmeetiey It to to
Bute Bkterteml Beekty.
ernnlay. toarkU dkeotei'cd Medome Morel to bar deaybter ei
Mtoami Moral
,•aed.barekaltbeviey beee traeritoberdeeyhtorwaa badly

New Goods at Factory jPrices I


We Meet ANY Prices Made ia the World, goality Considered. EVBgY IN­

Sheet Music aod Small Go


« M knx,I


uu, ATOttfl* • ilflM.'
MraBotetaatool t
Mra eFtaak Otem a^ deaf
•my irf (Msliai Imks am vWItof
raak BkworUalllt W«l MifhU

We now carry All Styles in

•a Ikeaafto- left Moteay afteteMaadaa.Hkb..eaa baelaaee



U»lUd flfttti lefftUoe. dncfiftf irito that pmpde who had pwmmel I
Uto the efiwe detailed te take Ub viawe wiU Admiral Dewey at 1
ftr mD to 4h* Wtatw k
eaetedf. Ike eAeere, however.
that tha •
^MalLMtortowtoato to*
ftWetotftkethe prlecMr oeuid^
■dtoUmam toeoRoev Bad
—«11 Tifkt. m4 thw the l^ftltoft doote. Oalled t
lwi«»«MCtU(r«» toltonhik*
m the UUted Ste.>m
«B«ViMtotUa^M<Uiili ft feed eetto ol the oBoem ei>d
toMtofeeatcd Ale*kft,ow the toe.
Bmateally the Baytto •
fsva way tethepretaeti ( Mr Howell r«l Dewey aaeartad Uat Ckptato OofhMtowtotororiprlivteMtfttor two aadOeVIrlerweeBelfti 1 «>>rty.
laak worda at Ue Uaiea leafu haaMm fMft Tm mm ieftve hme te
rf the CalUd Suir< IcfaUea. qeat to New York
•Mwtefthfft. AfTafttmoaffe te ft
heead eo eoythtof be had eald. toa<
-feiM wttoftFtetor et toa cr el^t
May Aamax Oorva
macb ae Captabi Gi«UaB wae atvar I
teadnddeUftratoweth cet ftftd leee
Vtelerto, B. C. Aef. * -The OMae- hkcDmpaoy. _______ ,
to.theead. Itiftve deM toirty weU. ktbeheUeydofBhearhei. totheUv
lUeet. Aax- .-Tbe Uattod fluwa
teteeaUhftveatftUftlhoMfthd des*
tot keaa teealvad by tod y v eb auui.
ikar0.ympia. AdaUaal OoweykAaff^fteweUftod pnteMy hotter, el- toyeererela-Jea keertel^ la Corea eaIte^Ithtok I wIIJ eeme eat ell ltotJapaaerBatotodeelereproMeto- ehip, which arrived here f oly to from
to tbe Ueiiad .flietae.
rifht. VahftteftdhlBepeoad a
rate. The Ktof hee ooly two <
Belled beaee at t o'clock Uli eticr
oecatobla. Be nett yreit e
taltoBaadparltoBeater aueaere the
miml Oevey loeeived fereweU
taofM^ -lemwltb • Omad Btr aeabere of the ladepeed.wee deb.who
vUlU from a aopUer ot offidal* i
'itomuftftdaMtem OheriaveU. It
hotel, after which be boaidod
aaataaflMftad wa ewa elaUm
ItkaotHkaly tbatOorr> will loof
•imwOrafthaaddld weU (here thie Mftto ladeeeadwit. It ii more ptob- Olympia at t:ta
aeolUeaeifom worn toje^ by
war. Uearfroud la o>ly rwd
that Boeda or dapae wUl before
wa teee eaee^ te tet ee iwaaty able
loaraBaeitbeeoaetry. TbeJapaaeee
' yeara. My yartaar. the Ot^ Btidde am pfodomtoaet. Bveo eow
■M. aed myeaU have ever K eUlwa
are Aedlftf foU all anmad aa fleet k tear aad their Ueopa alwaye It It apdamtoed bare Uat Admiral
hatdaat haew how maeh yew .U ready to
Dewey wUI tooob at Nepled. Ueoca.
Bat whoever aaaoxet the CBaatry Toatoa. aed Uibcaltar, aad Uto pro­
tokm tern two te three yaaie te did
feorceUlfyeehamreedleek. Yoe WUl fled tha
ceed to New Vorh.
aadt eaa* M d «kia te laae the • tloo belAby fordfaere trow all parte of the
wtheydee-it>ey. It world. The Jmpaaeee have tbo rell- Weebtoftoe. D C Aef. t.-fieemkMytoaateaMdactoottell takae roed eeaeeetloae, bet Ibe Bumleae. tory Umf eeyt It k aot Ue-dPteatloa
grit to etay hara.It k aa Iheofh >oe were Freaefa and Eaflieb bare einilar ofUe
MWaalapkea. nemaalaBWlU rffhle. Otowaae hold torfe mtotof; AUaatlc wiiudm toerqe* the AUenUe
aad eaeort Admiral Dewey back to hk
kraaardaraadifotaiyclalwe reeord. rifhla.
Dative land. Uie lateoi^ed Uat Ue
•dtemyfoadleaha. Wehaveafeed
aaty. raprmeoud by Ue NarU Atlas
•bBMte wMeh evarythtoc aad If
Ue eqaadroa. eh^l take parUo tbe
thwa k a tad wa wm he eere te fat >B
aueedlof hit bOBie-comiaf
a valeaiie addiUoe to
It k Ue preeeat totcDtiOB to have Ur
bklerkal-raeorde of Ue Ute war.
fleet at Hamptoe roade. or lo Ue vlctoTaMardaywaea VFkal elrem «
Bort thae
wateawwdawhWiBaifadtato t
Ue period trow Uy otNew York harbor, to five tbe
Um (wety morvaaliatiee la Hey. Admiral a Baatlcal freetlof.
•■Naplm-waeUe eiofle word eosto \be dtebaadiDC of
eOBtoitUto Id Hareh. ItW The. atato- taloed to a telerram dated Trieekead
^ kaw the atreeta ware ihit .
It of Ue tteaearer ebowi
il Dewey. It mease that
withmaa.weema aed ehildrea. aad
■aatottoeh eootriboUeae roeeivotl
tbe Olympia bet eaUed from Trimt to
faaMto, yef^aera aed rad lemooadr
•mttt. The ex|
•WI.4N. Itodef e balaaoeef fllt.»U Naples.
. There waealeef dielay to The total asoaot of eoU rooelvcd
that Uere
•1 of the Adam Foreyaafh- bpm Ue aoxUlary eoBtalttoee
I tern Patoakay. oa
of wbleh dtll.Trt vtoe.ex- it daarar of demtaiuatioee acaisel
Mtefa aktoka to the dietaaee ptoded, Itovtof a balaaee of III.SO. the Olyopla at Italiao porta oa aoeoast
iatotha tweto atoadale, the dk- Thrae hoodred aad eixty.eix Uoaeeod.
toflvm boa Petekey betof aely Sve haadred aad atoety flve dollar*
atoataadlef ahoet IM alUea. wae expeaded foreawp tnepilea. Gamp
elalteO.B.A.L Ttedelay a
has raiaroed
ThaaaereseivlDf Ue laifeel a
to the
aiai^iallai ililij In
Ihi bif yaiade prtaUea. aad Oeba aext. Bo mport from Chleafo.
> wm aetfivaa aatll abeat 1 hee beee received JromUe -leldef
Urv J. B. Hirtto reUraad Toeaday
• alao delayed. eat- to Ue Pbmpptoee. ea Ue
from Bay View.
fegaaet wae abertar
J. F. Serf of Oaadee. Hletu. k vklt
tof mlaUvea here.
Him Bda Btetoberf mtareed Teeeaataeae dneraM te the ddldree.
day from B»y View.
nchitof Brlfaad*
tkmUoove^of Toledo k vtoltiot .bk
ABf. t.-Tbv aatl-brifftod coaain, Dr. Soyder..
totewA. Thefweald aaa the whole
toBoalfe. wbloh hae raealtod to Ue
ahewaafhew. Ulhk
Mke Battle Hanlaeao it vkitiaf
• Uf^waedafoed ahew aed Ue eaptareorkiUtof of eifb^ brlfaade frleada aa<t mlative* to NorUport.
wiUto a few weeba. wae Uoofbt
B.^aaettaod wife, of Brifhtoa.
bavepraeUeallyatowped oat Ue Bk- am to Ue elty rlilltof i
aatltoa rtkh the adi
loiL bet Ue auat lerrlblv UkraoD, L.!!. HeBOCti
. abeet a.000 per- ehlef Id (krdloiL
haae to (he aato teat, the aaattoc ee ef Ue fcrifead leadere. Moat, aad bk Hahloa Board ot Toledo, ie ‘vUIttof
fototo batof taxed to Ik etaeat. while baadaieetmattorfe.
Ue fan ly of Jaa Bcbofleld.
Heal la a mea of the
ttaMdatekoeweradUad. The.
Hio. U. P. NorUrap bae rose
ablUty. aadedly. aad ereelty. E
.tof erawd aaabarel aWt t.Odo.
ChleafOtovkithernoUaraod eieter.
' The aiiifii i of thMoeabtoed wiUhk baad. baa kUlod Ulrty-o
Ob her way back ebe will vklt friesdt
ptoeoae w)Uto Ue pael «iffat yeai
to Orasd Bapids.
Ow) U. Stearee of Watoat atraat ha*
lire (»«.aoo| epee hk baad, bat. deVito teeeet«iapae;tioato Baeoo Brap A
gad attaalira The herd of riaphaaia Ua ftel Uat all of tbe military forore bycm mill at Aldoa. ae aawyer.
of (iardtoto am aew eoaWaed to
Lee aalotaoa hat retarabd from LifUb dowH, he deflw eaptnra.
UwaeUoafbtbyUe Bllltaiy that
) yeelerdey
Wlltoa Bebbell .r
My had Ub aad hie
m Ne.ah.ta-waela where
I to the bif (aet
^liX^aaftdoro n Fife Uke eeittewaiiwod by Hoai
Barry Leverafe of
I axUbl- etad Balled to a Uorch do
HcraevUlc. N. Y-. k vtolUef J T. 8outo which Ue brlf^ chief de­ ahall aad family ot SixU etreeti
m. baaaclared war apca hk eaeaieB. M feaF. D. Uhoe^U and wife of Bmpim
pollee. Blllbuy. aad eUare. drove to Ue eity yeeterday.
Bev. OaUbert. wile aed eieter of Elk
raeaetly Heal addreate a lauar to bk Ka^de, attended the
aejeety aaktof te aate eetoloet aad ae Boaey'a Boye eeeeort Tkeaday <


d aeaeaall plattea thee
Amhic H. Oviatt aad wife
Waaied u OUoafo.
toraad treaUau vklt
f ahoet 100 toot, wm om of Chltofo, Aaf. t.—Tbe keahem of dale.
the fell
EaUeBawltofeof KInfaley k ileltilUatAdBifU
dweadetfal-bfthe taatorae.
lef HarioB Seoehall of Sixth etraet..
Mra b. UeDooeld aed cieee. Ula*
. Aaaabarof i
Adelaide Bey of Empire, am vieKISf
d ea a plattheklmei Beoecal.
teaaariteaeaa aiaataa they
Looke aad BerUa Sector leave todty
aaadedtheaaktoPtattoetleaof the ■ mHaa of an tofonoal act
for a vklt at Boyac Fella Ihcy
rffaet that the admiml will
toa wheU aaitlaet They Ptoyed It k expected Uat Admiral Daw«y hereae aboei two weekt’ aad
ateeto leahiaiiate. abet At«rai, will arriveto New York
lea tamllr reoalon.
aaeBCa.tothairewBpaeaUar way.
will eoead Uree or foer deya to Jeaeph Byiaaa aad daafhUr ot Cl
to vartom aalla aad dkplayed
etoaati ham mtaroed home after
that city. From them he will fo
aad Hn. B. Bymae ot
wWahahewa the pemlbUIlka whkh Waehtoftoa. wham a eword will
aaf beieaebiabythofealtoof .aaa. pram ted teUiD by Ue people ef that A. J. Doyle bae foee oa a boi
miy. October T bee beeo eeleeted a*
The *ew wae a Hf OM aad every
the date for Ue admlraVe departom
■m TtAliT nf leiakiiiililhiii
teCblCBfo. Oa tbe aame day Uat W. amikea. Hre. Ooyle.wlU vklt to
LediiiftoD doriof Mr. Dpyle'e ebe
Mr. aad Hio. A. £. Wlltord, Hr. and
Kiel tratot prapaiod for Ue
hen by trim trea aearly all ef the
will leave Uat Uty.oee bear, Mm. L4.E C0lUa.asd Biiter asd Mra
ae to the Waters lax Ue iptoldeet asd Ue membem ot W. E Campbell took to Ue dmiu
a^ valley todleata that a wide hie eabtotoysad Ue oUer Ue jedfee
retoaapebMhveadeaa to the ^ Ue SaproBe ooon aad oUer proeilL tovtied foeete. The Uree trUne Hite Mery Asao^ of .Otasd Beplde.
k vitlUnf mlstivet to Ue city.tlAvel over dlfrereat re
A a>eettof_oMhe federal tomaiittee Mm 3. a Grldlay of Peplarvllla
■111 be held thIe week aad i3 tovlia- Hlm..tovklliBf bar Uetar. Mrs Jae.
wa. aad Bebraaka. la lawa a tarriUe tloe will be eeal to Admiral Cervera. ti. Jobstea. \
Uroafh Htoktar Store-, who wUl he Mratilarvey Oertk will leam Uk
atoftU hk toflaeaee to heU mrstoir lor E'ledley. O.. aad oUer
^fiaia. aiid where tbe tha admiral aeeept the tovitatSea.
potok 1* 1*1*11..C1 it7 »•>' vkiie wi'h
^aacadldWea< •ttoetolal lea mlraU Seapaaa aad Sehlar elrmdy
kfaftthaMtotoeatowadlttoe thet have boaa tovttad. aad tbe
hepae that Ue foor admkale will
Meelly ftoee e» hape et eevtof heU the
Ae toviuttoB will bo teat
alM to ex-Hrealdaoi tkafaed B. Dole of Mra. J. CThematasd iwo ehOdree
* oa frifidUy aad the Bawoll, Utoofh flaa Fraaekeo.
o( Ottawa. III. aad Mm. W. H. Power
deaaat at dkaeuraett Tha eamaklw which wui <
of Eatomazio. am vtolUaf Mm.
a aed Seeth-Da. Ua tovUeUcB of Ue fo
Demtof of E*at BifbU ttmot.
bate The rato wae teoMd to elarp.
t. vrWbeae
adfad haU to aaay pleea awd to tleet iBf the week.
Htk U
toataat the fiato with alaat ae evU imrtem alioady have heea made, aad XDeelesd, retsraed to Uek I
______ I__________ ________
erosd Bapld. ymtorday m
J. U Kymer ood wife bsm b*ee
teeBBbaaeade.iat it k aaw. dar. te Ue aty of Haxieo.
I eaeagb to ear that tolly tolt a:
at Torch Imke. 1h
yoothokway 0 their home I
From DeweyAof. I.-Aceordlaf to the OroBd Beplde.
.t ftato to Beta__ Naac mea.
tipb Bselett.(ermeriyof Ukdtrbet
d dat by tha wte aad
r located to Albaay. arrived la tows
daad thiwwB toto teddy


kUt Setofd^ temvkUwlU (rkmde.
Hre. Blvla Osek of Itbaea. Mich.
leteapoaUeeseamkates waah'a
vklt WiU Mato.
Mrs. j: «. Palehtok aktor. Mra
.eUaUa of Abb Arbw. k vWItof
te a wmk or two.
mVeribarfSBd Fred Piatt re.
Utoed Friday Blfht tram tbe re<
Oroad Bepkk.
Mke Asae SmlU bae reUrasd to hrr
ome at PlalawaU sfte a vklt
her brother, Beery SotiU. aad Hlat
EitUe Ontte.
Boa J. O. n'eiimlin. A. V. Frtodrieb.
W. B.UBtoraad Pater Werabarf av
taaded Ue bryaa roeepUoa Toeaday
Eldfar Ledyard weal to BeUatm Toes,
day koralar oe Ue way to hit bom*
to Ovid, lie bee beeo vkitiaf Him. E
E. Wail aad P. B. Bare.
Hiae Qem Poaad la aaterteialaf Ue
MUtee Lilltoa Betel aad Mabel PbUllpa of Grood Kepide.
Mra J. D. Sheraeo aad (fwirfe Potot Elmwood arenee.
Be*. Wiley K. Wrifbt aad family
left Toeaday for a moaUa vkit
KorUfleld. Maea
Mra C. L Bell haa mtareed to I
borne toMeadoo. alter vUitiaf her
moUer. Mra C. Oermetoe.
Jeaeie 0. Bsrrey aad- tva N.
Krauer have retsraed from a week's
vklt with frieade at Omeae.
Mra W. A. C. fkrpeater aad daofbler Flore of Oroad Btpldi. am Tkitief
--.r* C. W. Keoit.'
Mra Geo Bliae aad' eoa Oeoifa of
Mra. S. E Wait mad family.
Mae Leas FUff reuraed from KU
haeka Friday evealac. altar epaodtof a
tew daye wlU bar pereate.
Mra N. Cbattardoa of W^Ulaftoa
jaetkeDterteiaiof Ue Mktm Mery
aad Te'ne Lewkcl Reed City.
Mra. J. Vt' OeaaUett ha* rvieraed
fromavUltla Detroit.
Mr. aad Mra A. S.vFrymaa am
tertatotof Mr. Frymse'e mnsto. Hies
St Paul.
Mke FreoeeeMalDeavol EniJjrdee.
'kTklltoflherrreadpareeU. Hr. aed
Mra U. L Hiller
laialBf their daarhtcr. Mra Joe Bet.
aad twoebUdreaof Ne> York eitf.
I B iiktof Ht Pl»***at Is vkitiaf
hk deofl
deoebte^, Mra. Dr. Htoor.
Hk* BdyU Orr. who bet beee vieitiaf Ulm Um McCoy, retarded
home to Oraad lUpidt HoDdey.
' Mra. H. D. Wood of Webster etre^t
reioraed Selardey from a week's vkit
at the Soo aad Hackiaac Iilead.
Hr. aad Mr* J. J. Ueader*
Ue rsMru.
C. d. aad Will Ebaer are ealerUlp.
lac Ueir ektar. May Rtwer of Draytoa
PtolaaMiek. Sbe'artUed MoedayemaHies Dtliy Btlead fsm aa eloeatioa
iloriatoaMatat Old Mkeioa Hoadey
evaeiac for.Ue beaeflt of tbe Ceafrefa
iloaal ehorcb efthel
Mra I4COB Ooodepced ot Oriad Rap­
id* I* ikUlBf her aoUer. Mra Catheriae Btcker..
,Hka Clara Chew el Joliet. reUrned
home Saturday aflar a plceeent vklt
wiU Fraace* Urcilick.
Hf^ W. P. Itoweo aed mother Mra
Norrieh. mtorood from a two weeks'
rkitat Fraakfort Moaday :
Ber. J.' C Cannva of Ii
paaerd Uroofb the dly oe hk| way to
Nortbport fw a week's vaeatioB.
Mra Geo Shedp. ton and dk^bler
and Mra. Beaty, all ot Cbieaco. 1
vkltlof Mr. Armttroac of O ilc Perk.
Hie* Meric Diioa left Hoadey
meralac for Seriae* to epcada
vkitiaf bpr old home.
Harry P»Uer be* mlnroed to Grand
RaiddeeftertpendiBce wmk vkittoc
Dr. U. M. Chaee It eolertalntof bk
braUer. Look S Chaee of Sefiaew.
Dectir of Manktee
vUlUof Him Uertiie Brktol ot NieU
Mke Anoa Keraa of Ml Pleesaet k
be rneet of ber ektar. Mery Eerae.
Mke BdiU J. Gray of Chleafo, li
vkitiaf her pareatv Mr. and Mra. A
P. Gray.
P. £ Bayaae and Seaator J. W
Hlllikea retaraed Selardey aifbt from
a trip to New Voik, Clevelead aad
othareltiee. parttoeeinf a fall etoek ef
cloeka aed ether food* for Hr.
ken'e etora
Pcerl Taekeberry wk. cellei 1
Moe io Three Rivera Setarday
cooet of Ue Ulaem.or her motbt
Mra Etta Biatpeur. Hit* Sophie aad
leary Hinspeterof O.
tof Mra Biwpetar'e daafbler. Hn.
9. SaUhery.
Mra Grace Fita'dla of NorU Star
it vkUtof Mra G W. Lerdk.
Bert Boxle ol Ana Aroor k
Mra A. L lUvitoad aad ether

sad Mra- F. L lirofcry of 't'oU. an vkitiaf 'Mr aad Mra C H.
Beora Hr. Or^ury k eoaBoeUd wlU
Ue Toledo Bee.
Mra. OCX and toe ot Ml. Pteaeat
Ua foeeto of Mra P. Rerry.
Hr. aad Mra C L Whitney am aalartaiainr Clark Grave* ef Detroit.
Mra. G. U White of
1a Us city mthlBf ao exteaded vkit
wiu bar eoa. E E Waita.
Hie* Uroe* Oerrafh hai mteraed
er hime to Bif Reside afler ev,
wiU Mr aad Mra. T. U. OeaMa.
MkeTeae Lethrop of Gread Bepidi
mlaroed home Setarday after vklUef
C E Vederaad family te Ue

MraJ B. Beeebef Tiiedok vkitiaf
Ue famUyof Dr. J. A. Sarder.
Mra T. H Sproel of Oread Sepidt k
vkiltocwlU har'deafhtm. Mra C M.
Beraa of TwalfU ettoM.
Hr.aadHra FiaakHoCmea of Ted . H. S. Bonhse rolsisad from tkl
ata vWI^ thsir skte.
I of tha blnilili toAe.ahto.tUMhka^mto hoM k ■mUi. Hkh..
MUMks hte aa toulam
jauWiMOMl. thkel^.

HfO. Freak Yoakh aad two UUdroa
left te Aim* Saterday to eoead a
•oaU WiU trkada
Him B. D. Ydrk sad Uiat chUdM.
Ftaseae, Mark aad (meUla ef Umad

instock. Price for sny Pattern,

Eaeetoad. '
k J. W. Skier haa foae rto Ah
Bepida aelkd by Ue eerkat lUaa
ber aktor, Hca J. D. Slpier.
Rev. A. E Walk aad mmber left
* Ue Charlevoix te a visit to tactwa
Jesob Sleleberf. broUer of Jallae
stetohorf. he* retaraed to hk home ip
Cherk* A. Betaaftod aoi fern ly ace
' Bf U. E Caem aad wile
ItL Mra. Chaee b aoitier of
Ir. Haoaalord.
J. M. Btoehew, J. W. Stoterk ealaemte, ha* miarood from bk vaoailoa la
Uroad Itopida
Mra. ttowkinaaad Mra BaaryBaaee
of Mt. P.eaetpi. cam) to oa tae H.
K. E. Taaraday aifbt for a v.*it wita
F. D Marvia aad teoily.
V Ctomaoe Saask. wao bae beca tUtof acomoirreielcoaraeat Velparia*)^
lad., pamed tbe city Taur»daj
a Bk way w hk boms to Urawa
Mr*. Jea Eraoe u viaitiBf frieodelivl
De*Moloea It.
Mr*. Merie Prjidrieh apd . 1^
LjakaFretoriebarrived raar*dlyfron
Umad K*pld* for a vkii wlU frieato.
Mra. W. A.;S*U ol Milweekve k Ue
facet of releUvel hem.
Mra Jacob Farteeh aad Mke Lean
em retarned from Ado Arbor.
HkiHemie Betoieebot Chicafjjetbc
faeetof the family otJeoo Cuimta.
Hr and Hre. L W Uobbell a-id tm
ealldraa e*mj loua tha Coe-leroix
from- Fcaekfort Taoimdey. Hr. Bab
maater^lfred weal throuxa
IVeltoa. aad' Hr*. Hobbell aad'daafbter. Ratb. remeleM in Ue cl y ootil
be'urdey rkltiaf Irienda
WiaifreJ UtrUMomew. of Cberle-eaix, Alberta Ueoiek. of JerkeOB. Viff.Bk Fi*k of Tokdo. and Recbael Mc^
Eeerie of Abb Arbor, an rkltiaf Gerirade Hootafoe.
Mra ('1. E Ray of Marystllla k * tHinfU Hoetafae aad family.
State Hew* Hems. ‘‘
Frvd Trane, ased n;. wrn; la hathiDf ia i'ercsplae toae aad w^drowL-

Accurate, Stylish, Economicel. lltned to any address with­
out extra charge.


all StTHMER WASH GOODS at Special Cut Prices.
7cand8cgoods......................... 6cyard .
laoxood*.;:..: :■

This does not include Whit® Ooods. or DMk CsmbricE

Special Prices

Ladies’ Shirt Waists !

It'll pay you to see these goods, at

ezrse OitT-, 3t£l(3l3.isa3n..


----- .

73 pair Ladies' Hand Tam Sboefl,' Pimeree" make, worth $960. now... ....... $1 00
132 pairLadiea* OxfordB.-'PinfrrM’' make, worth t2XX), now.................. .... $1 00 .
69 pair Miflees' Kid Shoes Pingree make, worth $ ..... $1 ooi
110 pair Ladies' Oxforda, all kinds, worth $1.60, now............
40 Dfltlr Menk NetUeton Psteot Calf Bala, worth $6 00. now..!.............
$4 60t
22 DSir Men's Khttleton Tan Kid Bala, worth $6 00. now....................... ......... $3 76
74 D%<r Wen'fl "Fineree” Shoes, small aizea. worth $4.00, »ow................. ....... $2 00
50 pair Ladies' -PinBree" Jnlieta. amaU sizes, worth $3C0. now.......... ....... $1 00
96 natr MIbbss Tan Shoes, worth $ 1.76 and $2 00. now................. ........ ...... $1 00
300 balr Miaaea' and CbUd'e, aU aizee. at..................................................... .......
60 nair Infante’ Shoes, ell eizea. now...........................
WoW* Sllppara at........... T................ ................................. 16.22c. 3fcc. 60c. and 76o
BoTfl'Bfioea at................................................ (..'rTT........ ........60c. 76c.•1.00. aad $NM
Men’s Sboea at.:....................... ................ ............... 66c. $1.00. $1.16. $1.46 and $169
Women's Bicycle Lenrinirs. all atylefl, now..... ........................................
TouthV Shoes from.............................. ......... .......................................

Lmlir Waff of Caetor UiwoUlp.SsnlUccoanty. waearowned at l'«;atVlJword* Sunday.
AtHaaiitov. Ueary Iveraua. tlre<t
ear cOodoctor, bad bk rifa( lef terri­
bly croebed lo aa aecidaei (iuBde;.
HaeMCalumbBt. ::^moaUi old. bet
beva oaconecloo* for eifbt weekt at
Kelamliw. lie k eulferinf from i-erobroapmal menlnfukTueaday several tboneaed colored
peraooi from eunlbrra Hielilfan aurl
BorUern ladlana wera In .Nile* attond.
iDf the EmaaeipatloD Day celeb aiwu
aad havtocaJiDy lime.
Carl aad Bay Uoward. two I'lalowei;
lade, pleyed baffler wiU freel eucci-*
the oLber aifht- Rey wa* tbe borfii r
ead Carl Ur ofllmr. Bay bae ao uylj
wound la Ue face eaaead by Carl flnaf
a blank cartndfe al looil me ranfr
Albert Sowlea. efrd
of Geiceaurf.
bed a rnkuadcratoadine wlU a yonar
lady lowkniibrwe* rery moito eiUchtd. Be bade ber food bye. aad.
ridiBf bk wbevi to the Kalam.eou
river, deliberately waded to aa
drowned bimeeir
Nrar Walkerville Grorfe Beddlny.
farmer, tereral wMk, afo reoled b
farm, team and wsfon to a eiraafcr
Therefalar adrenked price of ad- ,
Tbeelraafer worked abont bk farn:
fortbrrewerktaadtbea disappeared, mieeloa to tbe circa* which ri.Ited thie j
laklof wlU him Ue tram and wifon. city reatordey wae fifty ceau, bat e ;
firat meoy wore eomaelled to pay,
aad taaas-l beeo 6eard of tioee.
elely eeal* la order to be able to fetj
by Ue Citocfe likalaeee Mea *'Balloon inelde the toai io time to ser the ehow.'j
Tbe ticket wafoa did not befto buai-;
AatocUUoo tbe acronaDl's arrve fa
eemoatil ebiut three o'clock and a
him et Ur leal moment and be w<
ra^t Uranf we* forced to tued sboni
on* way and another, lo
IHaeyo U y and had never foor c
Ur meftDlime ledependenl ticket arilOD* elve coold be fonad who i
ehaoee Ur trip, to Ur eommlltee te era ttatiooed oouidr iodaced tanadreda
at eiely eeak each to ea
cored e bar. which they eeal op Tl
to be tar« of a eboicr aed to erold tbr
balloon came |l°wa ia Ue KekOiei
river aad Ue bof wa* drowsed. Nu roib. The city eooocll ehonld create ‘
Ue bninaar people of Ue vilkfe m ep ordiaeoce
Uat not aooUcr bof will be allowed ehow adrrrtke* a fireo price la Ui*
eity Ur ticket ofti-r tbell be opra to.
raeblr palroae to secure tickc-le al Ue ^
price* adrcTtked. before Ur time Jlot.
.Tbe elesb of Ihtereet io "A Kn
Ur ehow ti b-fia
The Forepaofhnma-'wtaicb-willbeUe aeat Mi
Iloa et 8toio’>enr-, Grand, tietnrdey tiellt Hraa circat k a food show, bat it}
foodcooafhlo ettlafy the pro-'
Aaf S. k broaf bl aboat by Ibr fact ttaa
Ue erd Itora of a yooBf college 6iadre< pir of ibie refioo f.r beiof ohlifod
have panned blai nalof Iowa aadUa enbrait to thie tort of boelarea
the firl be loves baa done-'llkrwiae. It
Thrbret kaowe aad m »t ptpalar
k eaay to be aeea ibal comic e-mpllea
Irinb chtrecirr on Ur Amrriean etafe
I* Mra. St Georfe Bueacy. who baa
tbiera It remalai tobeaeea. ofeoormr
her* in well kaowa atuactiona
wbeUer Ury bare been takeo adrao
bbe will appear in ti-.elnberfe Graed
tofcof. Lrarlof Ue plot
•a Ur IC'.b-of Uk mte'.h in -Hr* <1.
oat of Ue qaraiion. bowerer, Ue piece
iWaab Ladn.
I* eald to brief apoa Ue atafe a freat
maay peaplc who bare made him to TheSorUw-ew
Vraat Cimpaay of
UeIr time and who bare been broofhi oad do lac. Wia •ad cbieafo. 111., are ; _
tofcUer for tbe flrat time In "A Breesy Dt afaln Uk
ik year
ar dialrihalief
diilrihatiof free; tam*k*__«' Uk aew lam-oat V
r k harrfly a meu. wo
or child ia Ipe rai-.ed Stale* not (ami- ;
TcDvoneOitr lUikaa
low k a Ikl of the baytof and__ orltc bread reiear. Ton "t Ui* far- (
l8f pricoft of yealarday tor fioaorka
-----kkoe and larm prodoek to. Tr*v

See them—Inspect them-Buy them of

.niANK FKIEDRICH, The Old .IMiidile.


Just rec^ved I'iOO Yolnmes oflate
Ixwkfiforour slock besides'over 30i> volomes ' for
township and school libraries. We are doing more
business in books than ever before in oijr hUlorf. .

Wc will get in soon, but if there is ,i ■rthini; »{rcciAlly you want, better .sugg^'st it now
Mail orders given prompt, careful attention.

i Our ue* lOc Bazsai Store is jest opeoeil—latliiBe
tret IDc la the eatiie store.
C!±-fcy Bools; Sdsoire.

:! Real Estate, Loans and Collectioh^.

Ca« ofTbaaxa.
The -if*, family aad rilatlre* of the
tote Wlltoa Boathdetir* to thank, eiarely, Ueirirknl* who aa kindly (aidUem In Ueir late terrible aflUetioa.



Hasonic Block,

TraTorse City, Xich.

Farms andXity Pro|)6rty for Sale.

to Emmattcrnalyi food hardwood Umber;
- . K-nOry. beinf |K> loaner ii
in Charleroix eoanty: small imiworemroi: |
employ of UeTrarereeaty MaeicCto .
Ue latter wil’ not be reepaaelble lor 914—liS a. B io Charlerdix eoualy'; looser** improved;___ ___
/ vre milo* from East Jordtn; price otly 110 per tcra
roBeaet oM oo bl* par, to Utlr
IK—240*enm«nly Ivemilet from
Jorda-i:. .prkenDly
____ lyiiept
lie per
Goan M. Ci'XXia«.B*H,
Ili-tOtcro* toCharlevoIx-----—
------- --------*-«*—
inty; '—
IM—*0 tcret ia Charlevoix
----------------- iiprkvM

lAtto. Ototk. SBfUU Camlca

Te those who wkh any epceki w



teacher prorvled I me
twofh to woRBat IV
it. «
1; yoa^nf"aey
nail aad *vt par tai

\ .

btUdtofa; wtodmlll: orobawi; e............. ........................
te dty nroprrtr ar tell at fll.too. OM-Ulrd etth. kaiaaet na (I
mMk of Btoo a year aad latrvrot at t per mi
1—Booae aad two lam «a FifU ttoanti pelt* fll

■ rs'ji-rqtc:: ‘

fl^baUAtofaadtol____________ .
4lennn ms hn m^ tanmall p^atenta

OiOftu tainaiii iijJtAtB. ItiftoW a. IIM.
tboMleftarloeiobootoa iMh ami
hsU. L>wk;)k»«w<Md. bat iMt
rtBBh Ooodrisb lataroad laM airhl
aeaair.lortit.aaD. rbe lala »aa M4a
to Oebb A Mltebell o< CMIlloa. Tbr
aadar aad bardoood.
tmi ba

drat Batarday moralac. Two Bofan
aad tba tbamb wara rat off bb rirbt
baad la lcati« a saw mllorlar raw
aoma aaaldratal maaaar ba rot
aloaetotbaraw wllbtbareenit elated.
aaldraiwd tba Injiry.
Teaierday afternooB wblla oa her
•ay to Iba eireoa (ronada Hra. Joaapta
aiBkley aoUerd a yraay Iodine aqnaw
plek BP a faaadtome ladlm' raid walnb.
wbiehaemoraabad laat. Mra Hloklay fai^ ptaaaaaioa of tbe wateb aad
lanad It orer to eUaf of PoUea Beaaia
who will aaak tba owaer. -

aarr. 0>—Ihta la tbr
a aMaaaOa-Oraaaa AMak

Batarday meraiac the aleam tmeya
P. W. P.alebar arrlead la thit port and
ea a earyo of loeb hardWilliam Baitoer.
Mfysed 10 tba T. Wllrn Oo. la Cblaala Uaa (ban toa booia tot eio feat
lomW wia laadad. Teit
prarioot reaorda la IsadUy
of Umber.
C A. Barker, lormarir of tbe Trar-


IfaW rtald 0TW.M1.

os % rwtr asH Toa»
drapay.aftaraaae^ QUraa. Daaaa
ad wae Myaonofayc aad Iraede
wile aad (oar ebUdraa.JeUa aad Bat.
Hr. Orelliek same to tbit aeettra U
lit aad baa elnoa bora Idratlfled wid
the preyrom of tbb part of tbr roytoe.
Hawatablyblyrmpcetad atUara aad
rarafal b
Ha wae eayayed U tbaUtf
wiik bli brx^kera. U thy fl
The faamal erlll taka plaaa .h
rowofloraooB at t o'eloA from tbe
family reeldeaas. W. B. Aadmoi

the elty Mraday rMttoy Fr. Baaerof
tlt.Fraadi«hareb.belarer>fBy*o bli
fleUafUbraat ths Bmem- ~
aada Fr. Ztyelder bae baee at Pt
tar the pact frar yaarc aad U
. .r to the Bearer IrUbde to eao
Fr. OaUayber tbe eaopla will mbe
maeb. Tae people of Ue Uaede
bareehanered Ue boat Haeklcy to
Fr. Bayelderb • ffecie wbleb
beeblppedfrom Cntloat 8^ to Ue
Bearer leUade Wtdn.cder. Pr. KamewUI raeeeed Fr. Z lyaldar at Prore*
G. A'a A

LKtUtw.-tra'yairoldJaeimlU. too
of draaoh BmlU. ■
OrawB. wao terribly rat by a aeyUr It
Uo haadf of hM brother Tbareday
loreoooa. Tbe beyC ley. aboro
kaae. wat Jaearaled U aborrlhle a
aer. beUyooeta that be came amly
blaadiny Is deaU before medW aeriauoee arrired. Tbe boy wai
bit broUer. who wae at work. aeeideot bappeand. The pareata.
were in Ue elty. were natlBed i


Lratfallu-bom aad SUlay ap
ynuiofNellOUlayber of Ur Boa
^aliode were eoafiatatrd by Ojpoty
diataOtmeaai Fmb Warden Brewiier
aeoraaallryed rloletioa of Ur I
t O- O. T. Blrenon.
Id eoldlen
Sthiey law. Oaltayber claimed that {
At (be rleeUoa of ofljan
Anyaat IC.J7 and la Coamaedrr B>b- bit property wae wrcaytally eeii-d aod ^
O O T. iodye Friday aiyht tba follow- eria UBeaaead Ut auff appoiau
a abort tim* ayo taayae a aait*tor i
UyoflUerewerceboaec: .
ae foUowr:
C T.—B J Laeaader.
>laat.Geaeral-W B
8elarday la i
V. T -Hra Hayou Laamtler.
Cal No.
io. la, Trareree''tty.
lead tbr jciy dieeyrrrd
P. a T —feaale Cnrtlra
rbeallaracy yeaeral of Ue eUie de
F. 8 -Oito Panach.
froded Ue caer aad frar depoty gomt '
Secretary-Clacd Paircr, ’
wsrdeaa were preaeet
Aaa'taaeratary—fmale Bara.
Poet No IS. Trererac City.
Spraaoe Uha Vildflto.
Treaeurer—Bert Wood.
Amittaat UaarirrmeoWr Ueaeral—
Ton can't keep a yood ihioy down .
Marabal—Joe. Wrraer.
W. B. C art. P»t No. ts-i. Fife LUe
Sewa of it trarrle fact. Wbee tblay> ‘
Deputy matnhal—Rsrtba Brown.
Chief of 8WF-E. B. Uroea. Pott Ka are'-the beet" ibry breotnr "the t ' '
Oeard-C. H Laoeaeler.
___ ..
Ab'____ _____
IS. Charlaroia
drayy»t-of BrlleTillr. u. wriua:"l
Scoliaol-Boy Loediny.
laieector Gaaetml-4. O.
trie B.tlenare the beatarriiay bi
Cbablalo-WUt aeaa
Peat No. I7D, Pcioakey. 1 bare rrer baadled in my tv yrara raOryaatat-OoraV. 8aekatl.
Ctaaplala-Bey- A. U Tbnnum. perleaee” Vookatrwwbjv hodtdia
eaeet berla Udliorderais tbeelomaeb |
Narrow Eeoape
irrr. kIdary. bowrla blood aad nerir^ j
yeoa Geacral—8. D. Baoeem. Peat Biretrk-biller, tooee up the aiomacb. ’
Harrr Edwardt. eer«A year eld aoe
-eyulatee llrrr, kidnrya and bewr)., I
of Mr. and Hra Fred Blward*-rf H.y- No Pit. LUe City.
perifira tbr blood, .tn-niribra* the nrr
He with aaether
ny Vac.
derrortwere playiay la
a tbr I'raooat Harbfaal—Uaa W. D’ckiaaae.
Poet Mj U. Harbor Sprlaya.
mill pobd mad tryiay to JoUs
tOoenla. Sold by J. i
when Uawyal
UawyaUoped aad fell Uto
B Wall, drnyyiau. ynaranteetL
tbe alarm Prai No.. 10. Maacel.
•• Uieaompnalo
8eryeaot HaJ.r—A. J. Siroad. Prat
with ibr reaull that Arch OIbba c
o 40L Horton. Key.
aad palled tbe boy Bat
aboni aloe feet el wntar with a pike brnlrrf Aide
pole- The boy wm etaadlny nprlybi. I. Ka kaUa.
Aidede<imp-D. Blakely. Pott Mo.
Hr aibbaaad eererel oibera-worked
over the boy abont bo boar and a half »r. Bulporl.
AWr-dr^p^W. Faryaaoa.Poat No.
before be retarned
Altbonyta weak aad pt1e tbe boy -wae JVt. Wexford.
aWe to be oat Monday.
Po.t Na att.-CbdUlae.
Talapbonaa A. Parker. Poet'
Tbe Mleblyao Telephone Oomoaoy
MelMimdanew dlroetor,»conlalolny Aide-drCamp
Lstlla. Poet ifo.
a Ilet el all lt> enbeeribera la MiehUrna. SW,I. MoeUpoM.
N It bae »<■ phoaee U me U tbe city
•. Jodeoa.
the preeent time. In ad li ion to which, Nr-. 3TS. ll.TIiala.
Our SRvinBs Pepartmeirt
the followlny are belay pnl la: Wp.
BreryUlay la belay dona, to aaW
I. C. H. Prall. 8. H. KrOwn. H. la Ue matt aaeoeaefnl O a' B
A Uayworitay. Jaoob Partraa<''Cliae. yalbnjoy brld brm la yeara Tbe
H. Petenoa. U P. Perkett. Dr: Fred- groBoda betwera Elereoih aed Blyhth;
atreete, rrill be oona-ctrd with tbe city
wAicr workeaad.wlU be ligbied by
electricity Arranyemeald bare beaa
eompletrd fora one-fare rale oo all SfltirDefHtltiaUrattUTnlnNit (•


teyparnilaythcBawmlll at Bteyham.

Cinuilalioii thU week 2.275
tiara to Hr aad Mra. Cd. Mawlea. i

VaUer VIerr. Kjr. He. Barker atataa
that ba la niuir at Iba Uirea bIIU («1ir feat of bardareod.
Slowa YalomtieU wae badly UJar^

■a delleery warra
ds7 at areooo.
I. at tbeO
tbe O B A 11. da■helaarodorar »tO Tsaa> tec Wmoa tpcaac ie front of U
to prolart K wiieo ba waa in
and trampled andar the
.•a boofa UU lejarira
aare dreaaad bp Dr. Martin,
tin. Ha at
arad a bad col oa tba back of the bead
aad palnfn) tnlaaa on hit bodp and


Tberadap tbe r««n)ar. train on tbe
Ml A H. B bronrbi orer loo rnear.loalaU wboctaa north.oa tbe T. A A. nTraroiaaatr Lodffotia tu. B P. 0. aaialon aad aaotber pirtr jatne at e p.
& arUI bold a raralar Baotiiw teoKht m. on a tpccial. There were orer loo on
thminat train aad manp of tbem rami
to tbe dtr for a arblle. and otben
polota fnnfarr oortb. Tbi
Tarner’e ufiw. H. A. Lsderir’e
ararp year and tbe low mtan enable
Meade to adae oortb to rialt Irianda bicycle ebnp, and OetJamae BrawUy
« K. Benrbap * On are larftnf tba
laof of Iba Intft ^Ueo aroaod Ibalr,
aHraaaOaatatreat. .
LatUaBmanbwaliaot Haalitae.^
taheatbapaaiUeanloeUkda Ml*
iar tba Tiaaaraa City Made Oo.
. r. M. dawatt brlafa tba Uaa4iJ> Baa
apoelB^ of KarIMb HnirlUn ebarrita

Prank Priaddah waa;tbe etcMm of a
dreoaday tblrf yaatarday aticraooe.
Wblla wnilfaclatberreat arowd for
the ticket wacon to beirln bnalnraa be
itmmedlatbeniaBot people for
time. After be bad eeeered fait
tlekeu aad Ukan a food lonp breath
that tba dial
oea aea-Jy clipped from
thpiplralof ib moaat Tbe atODr

Tba Mmbam of Urn Mwadtnb Letberaoaborefearapiaaalnfftor a Bae
aeat to ba ylfaa Uaboata month.
Tbe.]ke*ttoaof Soedaybaae' ball la
F. 'W, Bleaa of Old Hlmiaa baa nrene Qty bat been eetUed latUrae«mbt (ba Old Mlaalaa atace rants aad inrllj. There wat a yema played at
arOl raa tba ttaca himinifi haraafiar.
ly fair yroend, loet Seoday. bnt wben
m of dt. the Heatlen traod there wat e etrnnr
lay they dodded to bare no more
Ibo Braeer Ulaada Friday for I
ymmee hare oe tbai day. Tble deeWon
wlU meet tbe approral of a larye eUee
of oar eltitara aad m,ekc frlrade tor thr
ttaanaotaU wmlba by Ueyallau at HaetUra Tbti qeratloa belay that
pMod by Iba aoaaell anbort tiiAa affO.
raomae naaaaaaaary to see
meat Into a«aet Friday.
»oauay mljtlBy of tba rbedred by tbe Hanaut.
taaaab Oamauiy Improramaat doBarly Cloaiay HorementTbr early cloalay moeemrot la belay
ayiUtad aameetly aad aomo of the
Tbbaday etoalod, haa employee from
are iradUy the ptta thalr
WUbeimBraa.aiore«aaltsd:at far
Boooe tm^dr elotley
aHUloraeraatlea aad a r»d
arary day exerpi Tneaday and
Batarday erralayi aad etheri are will,
TbsaaMbeaer daaa P.llroVar of Beat iaytomakaeeaeeaeiooelor the beoedardaa, baa been takiaf oa a lead of
bat4>eed lambor fur tba HeOeratlak
.Oa. of ChlOBdO. at the Traeetra
LambmOo.’edoek >
beneBt of tbr amployea asd the
* paUiioa la baiac mroalBUd to be ployrra and arc elmlaUay aa at
prartdiny for tbe elaelny of tbe
ytraaal^ to tbs aaaaail. raqaccUar
I at T p. en. rzoept oa Toeeday
adrlakl^ foastata
and Satarday aad tea daya prec^UyCbriatmae.
dt Iba meoUae at tbs pipa.. orran
aammlttaa of
aharaa Headay aifat. a earn of taaaka
IMB flraa to Ida yonac people ,wbo
lialad la Iba raeaateoarart.
«of Ibatamtlteof Baaater t. W.
ijuukaa. r. U. Baraam. P d. Bari.
L. W. TUkham- and C. B. Harny. ralaraaiBOtardayafiara Jdly raatoa of


A. Kbabam. arbo hat oaaa a lift
toBcaiareaaUM. aadia aow woririaf
tar iba Wylla Qoopa(n«« On at later.
le*aa, bad tba rad of tba tbamb of
bb rlfbt haad rat oF Headay aftar-

Lob* Trip for aa latemew
Budalota Hioeh. adltor of tbe Ulaiirated edliioo of tbe New York baaday
Joaraal. emv In Iba city Monday on
ble #ay to U.d HpekMi- Blacreand le
to Utarrlew Ber. Cbaa H. Sbrldoo,
f of '-lo U» blapa." rcyardioy
tbcaelr of tba book in BagUod. Mr.
tfheldoB-e famoae work ha. here need
pramieccottely by tbr E lyileb peb:l«t»
erabecaneetbe work waiooteopyrlybted. HP B.och-e rielt le aaiiloetraiiM
el the ealarprlieot the New York Joerit ie eeldoa that a n'w.p.per
------ arapnweotatlre a tboaiand inilea
to Ut^ew a peraoa. Hr. Bweb araired IB BonlQy, droee to Old Hleeioa
aad started bick to Mew York oa H>e
allernooD tri ia.

Flaaaaai OnUa*
Altbonyb tbedaily rarareloaeon tbe
bay line of etaamen hare atwaye braa
pipnlar. they hare Barer bapa eo well
^troBltedaatblaeBmaM-. Hardly a
d^ paeern witboat aeraral plraiaat
-------■«. aad Me-ah-u-wanu le a
tfor thaee pleamat oatjoya.
irn'ridc on Ue bay beUy
of Ue miat ri>J lyablr feature. Tbe
Trteene Bay Uae of ateam.ra off wa a
rmrirty of daily azralblpra.ylriB* from
two boara to orer bait a^y'a outiDy.
lornlayranrmioD of two bourn,
la made by toklay Ue eteamrr at mIQ,
reachlayNe-ab-ta-waaUaa^oBr later
aad eoaaectlny with tbe Crmc'ot. rbtaraiay to Tra*erw_Ciiy at lu:ts Tbia
yirena p’.eaeant jile of twraty-lonr
If aloayarride le wlebed. tbe
tn be extended to Satloar Bay.
Omua or Noribpart wbard after a
ebwt tlmMpeat la alyfat eralay. eoaaoet on^in made wlu -Ue CoInmMa.
retoralay to.‘l;r*rerae City at 4 p. o
TheafteraaeBexnnlra le almllar U
Ue morniny one. Irarlny beta at » p.
A Oood fUoora
m. OB Ue Colamblo. and CBBaecUay at
• JalloeT Htonao'. p-?m .loy little Naab-ta-waatarriUUe Ctoacoot. raL. C K . It doturalny at 4 p. m.
tbe racmthle year At Uraad Bapida
ToaoBort' laetltnte.
d;ll V to*:m<
a ihle nreel- Tee Uoebrre' laetitaie fir Gted
Ume la lb* »:Id n
wUnlsy tar Trarrroe ooaoty beyu H today
two brwta.
brwta, ibe
Ibe ether
heat belay
-eiac in tba amstably ro>m of th*
a^eu*:ieb 8oe took teeoad moecy Ulyb eubool with 09 ladloe and eight
to tbercoe. After tb - eecood brat
iatarferrd in ihe r«-.. w'biefa pmb
ably prraeoied L. C K 'ram UkUp attbeeadof Uu time there w.U I
Bptmoa^. 8aa wae the ftrorlte with
I N't-.ieC. Cray, eoaety aebool
L. C K. bat lakae aaeoad money ta
Imioaer. bat ebarye, atiiateJ bf
ereeraeeetbleBeraoD. liraod Baplde. Ur brat iraebrea la Ua aUU. Pral.
Albert P Cook, anperlaleadent of Ue
le Ihrd:l4 race today.
Itboea aebiola it

Uarara want traat dAlkc
tUtaU Oork-B Union.
lii,rr>eraak yaatarday ami.aama 'naBilaQClerfet'namabaldaa la IrtlDiagdeparlmeatie belay ylrea by
« 11 aU Bsc oaae. ooe . ( ibam terastlay m eetiay Monday eeralay acd Him Lralae WUaoa ofUe ML P.eaaaat
la lancta
1 t&e foUowlay oflisen tor Ike Dormal eebool. and Ue prUeipol of
High aebool. Prof- J. |L
PrnaUeoi-A. t. Btymoad.
Boll. K teoehiag pbyelet aed botany.
Pirat Vioe Prraiarat-Jaa.
The work haia* 4aae bow rmbroM Aimet la pbyaiea. gramawr.
debaBolaayad DatralbrapraaeatiaF O-MlaL
•d Vloe PraaUrat-d.
alyebrm. meaUl ariUmetle.dril yor
■ dbaOairait dlblatle dab baaa ball
team, waalB tba ehy Batarday frr tbe POBCD. V
J ■ -FarpeatofarreaclBCaaerlesof
raphy. yoBeyal bietory aad U.
IsdataalirttbtbeBMllara MofodcBnlta
tary. The work belay dene la Urae
la Ue elamgaury
' walnaablyaare teat tba u
Uaa. -raralal attratieo briay paid U
work la Ue amt foar yrodeo. It M a
Afreicbt Irmla coiaf ap Britaarb
-r. B. Hayaaa; U t. Baddy.
ireMeeteaBdUe traebI Ud beet meUodt for
Itbarmeawe/aad raa
raainBU a eery
ilay^bawert In Uair eebolara
tatoalecftaftea^ TWe.waa ora- raUalaAory m
There la now be- BeUdmUe
raaalderaWa dai^ aad (ba wtaak
wUfaeor of tba
yirra OBd rarreai eeeete
dilay^ tnfl rati alfbt.
are leriewad. Some of Ue abort rab•BramiMaoaibdaabara at li p. «.
)oe>a wBl ba U^t Lira lew deyi aad
ttoBMbertwUllahoUrirplaea. Thto
mtoyiawkaUc T p. m.. raaapt l^^hrU^BUarrabieebi BsaOed by


Ball, PrasICrat; Pno T brisei.. B J
PmiCscv,; r.sU W.llor

lb Arbor la rUIlUy


r.. VUr

.Is of SIojY Growth
Advertising ^d8 as bargains whtio they are
not does not tend to inspire confidence. The following good
vhlues will not, we believe, disappoint any purchaser.

< '
* '

54.50 white Duck Skirts at . S2.88
51.50 white Duck Skirts it
25 Cent Undervests, 3 for......SDc
Others. 3 for
Still Others, 3 for ...........lOc
$1.25 and $1 60 Silks, short add waist lengths, for 79e

Extra Quality P^^ids, 5 Cts.
lOc 1212c, 170,
GOODS VALDES, aoc. 25c. 29c and 45c

SUMMER to close at low prices JACKETS Invostlgato-

- g:^:bsco A corset that CANNOT BREAK AT THE
•WAIST LINE must be more eatisfactory
to the wearer than the breakable sort- ^
Buy a -Cresoo" Corset-contentment Is
sure to follow. New stock all In; size
range complete.

I^rice $X.OO.


>U..Ja*. T. Brutr. B J
IW O.e. U-ark. 0.4

J. W. Milliken.

%y the Kodak System

Front Street, Traverse City. Mieh.

beconiBB simpls hod praeUcal^he
Kodak By*t«m qb»« film cartridge*
which canbeloodtd and unloaded in
broad daylight; The Folding Pocket
Kodak* ore flttwi with achromatic lensea, and have the
Unpreved automatic ebuttor. 'ore made of alumiuum and
covered with fine block morocco.
Kexa^^za aizicL Si3-i5i»X±os'a,'b

The Hannah and Lay Mercantile Go.

Wall Paper

This Is the seuon when It'e
hard to find a good assortment.
But we have some brand new
gooda JThey're 'beauties and


Not a day pasees but we’re
busy makiug curtains. Good
workmanship pleases the moat
exacting. We have goods that
will fit any window no matter
how big.


HoetUngallttaetime. 'Oauae
wbyf We've got the stock to ae.lect from. The “Imow how” to
make them. and turn our orders
out when promlaed.


Some wiU say the Mason la
over, but we're eelUng carpets
all tbe time. J net received some
of the newest patterns in! Body'
Brussels. Boyal Wilton Velvet,
Tapestry Brussels, Hoquette,
Come and see them eveb if yon
don’t buy.


Just unpacked tbe most ex-j
quiiite imported hand
China ever displaped. Our stock
is ikhe most complete it has ever
bMnatthis season of the yeart
fitop in at any time and look it

Umj-g S-bore.

Alfred V. Friedrich

of Pleased
bare bought ebuee here doriog Our great

Clean Sweep
Sfioe Sale

to everyuDo It to a cplendid
thinu'to bare, bat yoD d<io'l
have to “triifi in lock” when
yoD bay yoor aboee bare. We
always earn- tbe boot <)oality
aadaell at the loweat price.



8ge. ^

A big Htving on erery pair.


Reasonia we are aellisc elegant l’>99
■tylea, shoee af t be beal make,
at the prir-e of tbe audriiirable and poorly piade kiod.

760. BSc. *126..
Sara raying of 23 to 60c a pair.
88c. *1.16, *1.86,
They alwaya weir well

88e and «1K6. .
aolid, aay atyle, cobgrea*. lace or battos.


Buy now and—^
You’ll Save Money"
A 1 -Prod. -V. TPTrifsri-rrir,-h
rr alwayb pays to tbade hbrb.

The HaonahandLay Mercantile GO.





A.H. Ji««7 Mtto atiilDnaa»«e
BanMTirf Mnib «ke
Ml Wadba4lr
M hMiMMUa «*atrf<}. M. DaM fer
aboat two «mMb. Mt Isr Mr hcmm

Grand Travefse Aegion;

Kra. A. a HaawaU. whi baa bM
Meh aoM tMa, li alUl a»4ar tba doe-

W> lie eiriie SOB! EnrniNiHr) Biitiiitii inilwi.
Stoles. Ijjiicles, libt Carriages. Seeieg IsAIn
'ill all liiOs of Noose forolshlig Goals at

1 iTtW aotaBeaof Ite
la whiWtMAi..
•oauaadtaall aalla. T
Uaa B»rd baa BMiaaarba.
iMioearM. p
«aU raeaaaaaM. b
ahortbbloryof tba work of Ibe
tbaybaloBfad. Hn
trytowbiab they
raaM CarBU aaamTcd la tba aereieaA. M. iMlla Bude a baMaaB (Hp to
Oblaaro Saaday. aapaeUay----------—
arlib a Tbataday
Mr. Vae Lareaar
Hr. aad Mm. larmaoll of Traeeeaa
Mr.BaiMCCbad taaiDyMee
re bare rMUar Hr aad Hn. Joe BtP

Oltj Bauil
lar. Mra.
HM Bual doaad a aa
..dwol 00 MUM BUI
»itba pksle la iha 1
. baa a MW MoOor-tak
. aad Ufa. Rltek 9 and daubter
weal lo Maple City
Mra KUebea-a paraoi
Barr Jaaea of Trawiaa aur
Mr. aad Mra Wm. BaaaattM Olra
bare Batantoy.
aeaa paMed tbroarb to«a WadoMayast Moedar wlA
---------■— rrlab aad Oraadva a^
- ■'
art <ori '
MM Made BUM bai
The farm formerly owned I
to la Mrrtla- 0*1OB* la TrarerN City.
Miller 00 Miller Hill r------------Mr. Bbaldae M auftariat aitbaain
a With 'Mia. 3.

ae^lly to meet him.
weet to Trarerat'C:
Br». A U. Carrier of Oberlla Theo
Ir^c^ Semtoy wUl^o«py

ooearred laat
A terrible aeel
la thsi
SUbb'jm. wbUe eariay
lor bU horwa. wu kicked la Use cbm
oTcr the heart ad iaetatly killed.
Hr. btebblqi bat may trieisdc lo
adaWtreasaoBBiol ^
MMMMWMMaefTia>«mqtr>* (fOB arr ruwi ID aoioia^.
tbit plioe.
yIMMMr MMd* M UM aalckboibqed.
ar t doek Halarday aralay.
,Mra. MaadBodseawrrt toBkEap1 rrieeed at bla asdabocked
iW Wrdaraday. raloralaf how the
Be leavaa a wife and tm>
eaU. Mr. ad Mtv Oordon Barl.y«lar- ebl'dre:
dren, asoleer ad broitaer to Boara
Mia. rraak Taylor haa beta qalU
Bsaa Bedyra of Beart la elail(af faeraaet. Mra. Hasif Uodyta.

MM TUly JohBfto aed MMEIIth
tbice woeke- emit w

Hale to
Mda wUh
Odod balpaoald Bad work at


lUe Barry Bdwarda. a bob of Hr.
Hn. Will fcdwarda. aarrowly aa
MPTi* drowalny Baoday afterdooD.
BlfWaataae^ ontba pood wlU a
IMar MorrMoab mw baaat le pro- playBata aad la aoBM way i^alo the
oaeadM toaly.
ItwUI beoM aore Mter. The -al»rai wae draa aad ha
wia raacoad barely la tlaa lo ihrahla
ptapla beoba tall


oand ooaoeobatof loo math ralo lo

Wm. Mairsld-a laUat child la eary

csyS'i** *"

Albvt Mekor rUai a MW wheal.
MM Celia BbMoo la warklo* at »aah-ta-waaia.
MM Ula Johaaoo la aUeadlaf the
iatUtala at Tbaearaa
MM Blale Klebard of Trarataa City,
who baa beea a^adiac tba weak wlih
har boat yMtorday.
Mra. 0 U. DeOrawbaaKOoe toSi
te-Maria 10 rlalt her too Arable.


. H. Porter ad famny arc eaaplav
oat aboot a laUe aerib of here, oaar
. ei j Tine
•To iba I'un- a
wawr. They _____
teem__to be
to the folleat ezUnl. allboaye they
they plied the yroerr erolvely.-New Tofb



' Hr. Wfeaatoo aad family hara moeed
lato tba old brick eehool baildiD*.

FrodTabberer la borne acpla fr«a
- p.dv where he baa Menwsool.
A. K SUBtea aod MM
raid madeaabort call at Aca^

I Wtf have a larec. complc’c stock, and if you wilt need aoy:.4iooda in a y«»r It 1
will pay you t«(4iuv now. .Wv have everything to furnish yopr house.

Card or Thoka
We tloerrely tbaak oar frieed* and I
0 fTT Use kind
iriery ibe lieknaae and death of oar
itte darllay Clyde, aliwjor t^
b tb 'w'c^ r”
"from kind aiid'aympa-;'
tbetle IrM...
llaavix Tcix-xa
Musiena Ottre ^war.

\ OI C.WXOT AFl'ORl) TO SF,\1*^\VA^!
* for B<K>ds I hantilti. ns I w ill DUPI.ICATi-: ANY PKICF. yuu Kct in the I'nfted i

ja ,

f 2: cl 1 a)

wboarruot afraid to be rrerrona to ! te
Ibe needy ad anfferinr. Thr'propri
tof^ of Ur. KiCft'e New Itiaeorery f>
Conaumptson, Cotsrba and iJoliia. ha'
■ SD away o*»r teis mlUi- —
and bare
of thU great medld-se.
medidUse aatbfactKin ol kui wing it baaabUslolaly cared iboabanai. of hopaicaa
Akthma. Hroochltl*. Iloaraet
tbeir berearemeoi
eov Tba tenera'. aerr Data ad all diaeaare of Use Throat.
lea* ware held from
the M E oharcb
Qseat ad l.uaga are aarely cnml by
Friday. i,oe>aetad by Bee. P. K Wbit- it call on Ibr Dragglaia S F.. Wait
maa, ad waa larrelyetiended.
ad get a ..................
trial bov
a^d• XI
• --.Jol
Begnlar aike MIC aod II.
t gnarale«d,or price
. Sonaay School Aa»
B^port of' Use Urat ani Green Lake
Bneklaa Atniea Ba.ya
saday School ABoclatidn. held at the
lorday. Jnly ti,
a BatT SaLvx in. the world
Uraiiea. Scraa. 01' ire. Salt
lied to order by
Horning meeUBg
ilbialaa.Corna.aod all Skin
se prctldrnv
.tonal meetls
led by Bar. L Alcr. B^icg fro
Crngitiona. and gM’tieal^ '
____ par reqnlred. It ta gaarenteed
Ing. walOng oa Use prombe of tbe «glTa parfact.aalbfaetion or monar
Lord. An addrea* of welaome waa gir-. elondad. PrM ttcenuper box. For
cn by G. W. HeWeiby, aad waa re- nlehyd.t}. Johnaoeadri Wt<aponded to by tbe pmidrot.
Tbe apiril of prayer being In on'
mewUng. we bad a eeatoa of genemi
er. led by W. Taller. We usen lb
d to aour eery good loairumrntal
ic by Use Ulieee illlle and Bettie
Wilbur Tullrr gaee at a
good Ulk on what arc ibe greateei
of Use booilay achool today.
dIaeamloD led by Her. L Abr.
Batea ad oth-rv.
... followed >y
by Ullb and ll.aaie Falcbum
SlDging Ko. 1 cloacd uur muroiisc ee*
aion. We then hadajf.-od had.bakbotitsilfol dioiier and aoeial boor
ar*,.ior waa opened
mnatc by Ullie
.. Tbb wae fnl •cd byaB
Inr, ruljscV ••tVitd.iim for Tri
Ing." by Be*. Babeuck. in Use
..t Bee. Smith, lire, ttitseucx


' 3. II. Ciouar'k and B. Car
era atertalnl* a namta
wboae aamte da did pot It
.laerma of Use firmollmaiBroa.b*ttold bi* loleUet In. tbealpre
•foaetoNew York City.
Mr ad MM I
Mn. H HeCarlhy and 1^ A"*.*
•l.irth'we tbak him eery nsiica.
100 made a
Prayer, led by Bet L Alar, followed
Acme lael Ttietday.
by oUien.
Paper by Mn C.‘E O.born. -rtme
fita of the Home DepartnseisV" folio ecd
byditcu»lem. led by I' S Ultinger.
eobarg'i booae.
Becliet oa by HrvUddea.
Singing. No. 8.
etoek to Use abop lomorl
- er by Hn. Wheav "Helpa 1
Adam Bleb ae a paiat abop■ "
.......... bool Work
Mr. aod Mn D. E. Wynkooo arill
takeintsaezeunlonto Klarara Falla
They Biart from Traear
in the :ScbOol ”
ItIbU lo
aod llnile Faipbt
Hntie by (illle
' abow Its
Beporta from the tcboula
In good condition.
they expect t
Co'loetioc waa Uken np.
latara home. Thay leaee
wbo wUh Usam aeccaa
of Hi. Harney Iherr
atownabip home deptriRsentarc
ry e eetedT Mra C. B Dye being
arty oa b
art, wbo reeoUyeame here from the eleeted to dll that olUaa.
libera part of tb«
Delegalea el«lod 'O eo
lion at Old Hiaaioo, M
a te a abort t
’Committee appointed t
sr b Oinsalderiisr Use edriitbillty
nahip oanner
eellnr a faelory te makinr crelaa lownahip
t: S Ol
3. 6. Brown baa U» frame work of ad Mra.
Tbi araaioo cloard by aloglng N i S'
ktooewboDta npaadhopaa lobeable
Brenlng—Song aer»-oe led by Mre
o to oecapy• It
BorUre. aeriptare raasdlag.fii^yer .ad
.tretinsonj meellng, latenperaed with
TcaTetae City Sandayed In Klnceley.
^^ig*Dg by qoartat.
Becttalion by Mr. HeWelhj.
C 3. Aadenoe aad wife are paeklny
Paper by Mr.-^fcWelhy. -What are
lebcBt moUirdewf laacoing Use In
snt elaaa.Diacnaaioa lad try Mra
jrwwn'. bat do not haow wheOsar
el.ll.Mle Uscra. Wcaraagnyto
Singlag by qurtal
BeeliaUon by Lillie Beat «. "A min­
gle headbtwbeav"
Morthpen DapartBalSelect reading. "Tbe Sen lay achool
iatewaMtday by Hre C B Dye.
BeciuUon by Allen Wlgbtoan.
SingiBroamber S9.
. BaaHngaaf Ghtaagom^UBg
- •
imud beoedletioBby




A.i.Oe«br«f T



a qaila Mek

» bat the
tall Iron
Boatrael for earnriar the Ball
Old MMioa U *a?etM Oty lor tha
aazt foOT yeara.
Qalla a aaBbar of tba yoao^ ladltt
from tba rcaort aUeadad tba bo^
Old Htailea laat Kriday aeaBiac.
Mra. B dpbaaoe'a three alatm fn
MM Asm Waad ol Tiaaana Oty la
lalhen Mhbkrao are rialtlBy b...
eo of wbcMB aha baa aot aeea for a
amber of ycmra.
MM Xetlle DaOtaw, wbe baa been
tWUbc bar father, retaraad to bar
BOBie la OreearUlclaet
P. F. Lardleb aaw oaMaca Mb Iblif
of beaaty aa well aa eomfort. aad U
gta^ eajoyed by bla wUa aad laralld

SS^TlIllwriM hoBa Maaday

^F. BarearM. Ires Mohawk. lad.,
wbelaapeadlar the aamawr with bla
wife ad daaybter el bla tatber-iolawb, la aary alek.

fte. SiBOMMMoB^ fialB ter

_______ City IBM Friday.
3. Fiddler proehad at Use FMaaA
abMah Friday aeala*.
B. B. Da Fraaea wUI more into Mra.
UbUa DeaaeBOn'aboaaa on Bl(fa atreet.
Mra-ChMOariaad a
Tba U T. U will at Bczr Soaday
A tba Oar’lmbansh.
I W. C. T. 11- awill meet with Mra
■iB. Jm. Warraa la aatartaUlar Britton arzt Friday, keg. nih.
MM Vmia SteMaa will teach Use
yoaar ideaa bow te aboot in Maplo
City the eemlar term of Mbool.


Ma KtUar «f fUat

3. W. ElBBerma waa lo
la Use lolerMt of E
TteVaiae aty.
W. H.l
aty are apeadlnf


Mr. aadMn. Akaraad aaof Olea Harea Saoday.
-A t
tbia bare yreterd^waeaaaUoreat
MMHayme McIntyre tpMt Saaday
B. D Campbelland wife of TYmecme
a"San^oiw W'atiood’tl
wiUs her pareata at Foreat HllL
at* arere tbe gaeob of Mr. aad Mre. B.
MM liolda of Use Park Plaee hotel A. Cbmpbellafawdayalaal week.
la Traeene aty paaaed tbroarb bare
Geo Larimer and aea Arlbor of
Satarday on her way to OUa brea
Bapide. .Iowa, who. apat tbe
akit MM AIM Day.


Data saaar aewotaw * araad to
Bola aad


rraaaa wtu h



TSS,—Mtt. .Sa'CSd... nwlj



ThaC B toplefor Aag.e hU-Drifl.
and Hib. Bart Lohare laat lag." Load*. MM Winifred BBTabii,
Dale Woodworth of

Wa all went to oar rerloni
feeling that tbe crereelloB ba
ae uplift to ox. that we bad r
iditnereby. T '
lexaed si throoi
le meeting. MS*ehem:>re
work aa Sdoday '
failhf ' •



s to oal

....................... - . 7 50
.................100 tv 3 75

FistioDibleOHlDIlm, 3
m FroDl Stral ' 3

6c. ilSd.

BSrnnd 50o
................... 86e. 36e. 50c. 75e
. .85c, 40c. 50c. 75c, 1 00
................................. 60e.75c.ft6c
ll uiaUorii liutUltle wltal yiiiLtrub in t1«‘ a*y of W.mrisig Ap(mrs-I,

We Batc it At the £igbi PrioM.



Ob f rinting
KldtacT or BUddor TrotsMaa.
ttyea .uFw fiCm kboer, bladder ar arteary Imblea. or fiow loo freqoeet w acaiy

Berate F..._____
ebbed aa moaleTbe aext conreaUoe wUI' I

re b wbas yoa r
IldiwB U atedlly c,
a yoreriel raw '

lasTiia UrnMixH. Sac’y.

For Ike HrraM.
ad h
tei^en W^'o^ay, July icn. ai
nine mooiba ud :S daya Uecea
wae oaly aeriosaly asck 84 honn. It
gaaUoD eat lo. wblels malted In Use
pnlnfat death of tbeir darling, whom
they had learned to lore with lecb fer-


M^ W. T. Maaea wUl atari tOMorHn Mhmaaad 'daMblarefChhmge:
rewM a Wf^od trip to Oread Bap- are bare rWUag Mre RHehaw.
He mA thtag aa ri
WOl Wbltama of Soath Band U the Malai- wham Dr. Fowlw
C. B. Haedwotih. od MM Qydo gnaalef Hr. aad Hre. Feed Mam'
Wild Sirewbarry b kawt
Moedwertbef Ft. Wayae w« vWi^
tanab rtmady te ONgy la
IMb MMB. Mb. B. llwAtPBtk.

Ksl Una. rt

"* KtKhl I


aaty ec Waeortiy ad (bam. Wa bnbwi aeold
g^ayb^y teaMaWteMrelaa






V (liinking
Ig o
of buviii
tying A nict* 8niU H*l ot oome rs'sl

Wry olognnt atul milibj: Suile fortwAn.^................. .. .............
K.-atitjrii] lila'-k’Dri-as Suitu, srorlii #biUO. rrdtiivtl to .
V<iya' Suita, ni/.-s. 4 Ui i<>. Abifwl any >lroiiralilr- color, trnui..


Mra. Obarlle Kabl and acmofTi
area Oty arrired Tbataday aad are
Card of Thanka.
Itlng fiiteda ad relaUraa hore.
We wbb te aprma oar boartfelt
Brooklyn. H ' Mr. nnd Hn. Bexb ad aoa Leeward
greUtada lo tu nelghbon and Triaadx
Hre. A. B. loft Friday te tlaJr bomi in LMaA
Mn. BotOtaad daughter, wbo bare who ao kladly anabted la the barial of
. a. tew weeka le Ihb ear leead oae. Wallace Sirbblaa
B. T. MeLdaa. who haa
haoa apandA
. Haa AsKiM Sremnixa.
left manday
te thalr hoam la
•dahlMteaeoaplaof w,
Hm. boanua sastuiiia.

Mn. C Amy el Gtaod Batsldx b
lar hw Bother. Mra. Voabarr-

HM-F.vt*a.t 1 ■. n. V b boose fiso
Cbleago for a *bit withW paral
ad friendi of Uib plaee.
Mra Been of Cbarleridx ar__________ arday lor a riait with thoir
aagkter. Mre. U B Habl.
The pleab gl*a b* tM Ladlee' Aid
_sdety at Use hr>ma of doe Tbomae waa
wall attrodod and a *aiT IPmd tlma




acsseiT cmr.

Traverse City, Itich. J

Tr-a-troj?so Cltsy, SUdlLcla..

wna a aweet liula child, bclored by
wbo knew him. 8c area alwaya
rery patient, with a lot ing diap sItJon
Uu' moeh Uicy feel tbe ahaenca o
■1log none oat God. wbo know
tblngv can know, bat they
k.. V tbeir darUng .*-cafe In the arm,
of Jrasa" ad b amsag the nageli
aroand the great white itarone. te th>
Lord hai reld "Saffer liule ebiidrre to
eoma atome.teof aneh U the klogdim of beara."
Tba ball area beasUfnlly decorated
bylorlaghaada. --------------------------------m'araa preaebad ^br. Swlfvand
------- ^•—I •*-eholr. A ertoa aad wreaU of Bowi
were inneirrd ffi
ad arnatha from
aty ad boeqi
Gteea Lake ad laterloeba. all of


• laat “
.rmaa and f.nslly^arr


^outtiuiuuuuuiiuiu mmmmm luuiuiuiiUR


Hka KcbelU Hebert lx atayinf at
bo«M te bar MMUoa.
week with Him. Sd. Kehl
Mr. SUieklaad. the AmarlaM 8. 6.
DMMM lodya 1. a 0. T. bald ^
My: and Hr*. S W. Porter ratarned
MM waab wm faU of talaraai. Tba Uahm BMlooary. talked to the ehfldren^al the Oari eharcb Thanday fnim tbeir rialt us Wlaeoeeln Meaday
Ctsaa. Pbeesalz ad fanUly of CbMn
llaat Baaaar
IBS hired a lleaiy rfaf]
arrired at the ffaakaxoo Satarday to
aad Mr. Aa- day ad tool
sk hM lamU) bat for a
a few weeka.
ore ride, bat use ao _______ led to
_ _ Kma Tilley aad ehildra of
to take a part in it
«■ One of_____ Bearer UUad arerlalUar rctaUree ad
rot tired ud layde t
ad rolUd lato IrieDde oftbli|daee.
Glen Ukeaad It took four or dra ma
O H. Dame Bade a bwleeB trlpto
to ret him where he eoeld reav aad
Good Harbor
Wadnaaday. ratarp.
Mr. Yeaor fwt a frcob home ad came
sr walklnr aorne dUtaeee for
B Oamptell baow drirtnr Use
«diaaamBbarwUtoMaMthaelrMastTrmaaraaaiy tsmsorrow.
Hr. aamai aad ^wUc elUted at Glea ■tare balweea bare ad Ulaad three

■jmBayaf OlaaBay -

-•116 DRIVE IN*-


' :*s;p.-rs*5.-K



MMth^ laBatroB h


ae Albaaj rX- Y.) .
_ la Ma»»
Mn. Mlbara TartMaad «ai«hlar. a prcBlemi ritlareL
biaaa la U«
tke barm.
kan. braiali« IM haai MM BaaaM. of Otenlaad. aha haaa cia B a.............
aM aatUar tba Bjah toiwaaa tba bawtMratBtoolMta.W. Wnaasaad
thaab aMlvar.
rartBaatala aa (a«l^. lari Wcdaaadaj.
TbaJaalarC.aBecdatr haU a ray




a-e5o<a. I*ooi>XoI
WbM Mablnc qooB
Tbe Root and Shoe
—. ftaporilng Omoany credit J 8. Lawb
Co . maken of
Wear-Baabten. " wiU) ablpplng more
lailare Usa ay other
gcaida direct to retail
Boatoa maafactarer
arer («-tapalrat
Get a pals
The moat drUgblfal arey Us reach the
L pper Paolnanla onw l» rb Frenkfort
^ Ou AoQ .^rbor Ballrood Compaq
eh too parte 00 the Upper PeelP'



the trip from Freahfoet aeeoaa Labe
Miebiga b made dari^theday.^Tha
aew Bight
iek earriaa aalaaiagca
B- B.whiel
In PrenkI
Toledo to Prukfort.
fort at 9:10 a m- and the terry learaa
ad OladMoa at P.W
^^Usroagb daylreln
itet earriaa a free redtalng
— . and arrirae In Frakfortat
«:10 p. m Oae of Use Comnanyb oar
facriaa learaa Pruktort dally, aneapt
Sanday. at »J0> m. te Knwn

faraa are Mrar 1

Did you know we paid lOc for
all lagt wfek?
We did. wTien our competitors paid but 8 and 9..'
We can't quote a price for this week but we
will try and keep in the Lead. We want Tonr
eggs and also ail tbe produce we can possiblj dis*
pose of.

We can't ^ive 70°
pounds Granulated Sn^ar for $1.00, but will sell it as low as is coosistent'
.with fair dealio]?.
Wewtill have that No. 1 Pine Feed at 87!>ie
100 poaods. Also Haj. Osts, ileal. Street Car
Peed and Bi;aa.
. J
Give os a trial and we will conviace job Ahat f
there is bnt one store la the citj and that oae the • a

Enterprise Grocery,»

W. J. aOBIXSOK. Prapr.

928 Fniat ai.


dome to The EXBatDOnM tbr Job I

OA-RT^rma vsod
budiT «ooUt>
tb* gtarj ar rmor Hnao'* Roma^ B»
Inuu hla bailOB band mty dar and
•a fnr Urtlow to fm«t lb*7 w«e Rappad cafoadDBallf. TIctnHoco’aacBtnapoliit «»• BoR rtrlil; dnenr«djfor
a«|»*li«KaaMrtk*alMnl tfrirngt
•««**• fpmn of
MMMtnavhk* an »U tQ W
Hr. and Mia laaac K«ar at Wtfaad


Saarty at ablidraa and

. Ai BMtalaaa Part, tba T-yaaraW
«n«(aiwa>dMBM.a wall to do
tatobifdaalar.waadfDwaod Tbaradaf
tflMoaa wbUa dtblaff la tba rirtr.
■a Oortaaa. watobaaa tor tba
Tteyto Uasbw a .wp»ay af Ha*bar»
)aaa>aar.waa badly teaUed by atona
andhanowMaaaaaaapaaytor fto.

Tfafntl^l^ (mw nn^^
bwf and («oUto noee. cnwleu. BUk
Rnacar. aenard and etwcaa.
vblPfa ba awaltovad npldlp aad la 1BBBoapta while drtoktof coffee.
Bosstal tad net been aUe to aee bis
for all yMn «•
bla dratb. Br vaa a blK>opoUsiu la
iroaam. JolM yaals would bnak
down any
wbb-b bralfblhappmoalL Ike AtrtranlnD of Alnunda- *'-------- ’ —

eaJete wltbovl luakluc a Bfbi. and for
two fond ronstas- Ilf Ibe firet place
wc w ould liscc cor Ibe s
If «e Id Ibea sluae they wooU
do OS a foud siTrlce.
"PluiTtly aflrr dawn aae Baaday ev
•tire cook borei in upoa as witb tbe
wws Ibai wr wxeyitioul to lie attack-


Criercd when be could no loafer too
am bl( *uina<«. Tbeophlle Gentler



wwsMTe'rt!^ *S.Vr*ertS rt Crssd Ih^s
moHsem's star sner ns , si w> sSks
an. C.*W?. O

whole matter to tbe ______ .
to tom wrote to tbe aecretiry of tbe
aery. UeanwbDe &>h bad written
boae. and bis atrall-Uced old pafeatf
were filled wItb wralb and berrorTake don tbe Lord's prayrrl Ni
tfltoaaral CHtotaa daeldad that ta
n>ey epresd tbe news, and tbe
MataweataaadaBUdftaataU ta attown held ao
line a ••( of snllry rrsolotlota
AMtoawtertacUbaaoCarad to cl*e tbe preddcBI btoawir. Tbe reanlt of
It wia tbsi a appcUl onto
tor a pabUa
patdto Utoary
Htoary to 8aa
pcrattltoc the pram lo
OaL. Ua Bto ta donated aad tbe placky cadet pot tbe honorary title
of't'irtiltof IkiU' Tbctlllewiw*. aid
so did Uw prayer. I taw U only tbe
^■eiBbetotosnralaaatbnra I
other day In Kranf oM qnartera-rooa
Si. corridor a'—New Ortoans TliiieaaW^a.
OMtal Shattor.aedar OB tbe adeiae

............ ....


yttats mat a

^ Barry a aaa wta alayad at boae.
E^ertHaasla stofto-

r An ItrlCBtlta rairedr to eorar T.- tbr recetable worU It Ibe winter reat.
TO aata at taaeroce d^ at *b
a ao many forms of recruilta ra­
^ ataialatoc table bat Ureto..........................
ta tbe aRl uretber with the dor.
s------ squirrel* and
wCtor. reqalrtor a dam lU faat
ears. All trees and abnb* hibernate.
bleb, to to ta natawastod ta tta Katu
Some Ideal* fo to sleep etwry
be Bliaosa. or eensiilre pUm. I
tl Otto taa aotided tba war Uebt opras It* riBfU* leam which
tafd at wmb ealtof. abaorbtoc
tataftbatalltvettbe itbarA I4T eBean aad aaa of tba tbe carbonic acU of tbe air Into
food. J nlfbt Ibe mimosa tieepe
dlfrsls 'bat It baa" mini, and Ufa

M urt^doable SEalnel meh
' ilnm droop* and the leaf to
limp and appstenily dead.
The wood eom-1 In daytime

trlcBdly nlattoat balwaan tta powart.
e new oatiero work* of iba Waatlaifboaee Klectric eompaBy to
H- army wr
Uebary. I
lac fair lime. An Irr-inilar pnicta Of
late rhasaday afternoon boyUack 10 fret whlc and doiihlv as Iraic
twaruiluf si-williy toward
lac a aumaar of workmen la ita raiaa.
Joecpb yfi.tlar wa* billed oatricbi and
dlstarM ly «
flee Otbera were eoriouely lojered.

re of tallcD comrade*. 'The wrlcicoftbehisfi-lloi l•ecalBr has riois the nchl
ly- afu-r an effort. «
a dcspehite tort
I while wbat llii

parte of tbe wor]
yearm. I hare «ei
aaed Ureen'sAufwst ffloweT ibae
I. .1 fiad foruiurtote aod taleemen.

esiti. Ibat
I'S Anrusl
Aimsl ytower It a rrand remV
sot injore
Injore tbe tyiiea
sytlea by
and It eaoelleat lor tour
_______ ____J todicBtioe.'’
olUea free at dee. U Jobatoa's. Traeree CHy. or B. E Koley. Cedar.
Sold bydoaletetoall eiriiisud ooutrtoa.

lac* from Irrefutor
’Utor habiU

The Traverse City Music Co,

. . aoeh tblac aa -summer m>mptoiat" where D . Kowler's Itolraelaf
Wild Sirawberryli kept baaoy. Basre'e^medy for ei

Ho. SM4 Front St.

Ilyspepets Cure cure, dyppep
iU iBCicdichW are
that Itcao'l help du>nc sm. "The
lie M r^upoB It as a

Irtunb npon a leportrd caw of Prof. Ibrra- btoiecif-to tbr yrnuud to roll bis
At UatoarUla. Me.. t<w trtalra year Totfier. to which It It aald be leetored lonaeiRor to death. A eincle active
aUataolJetaMotana dUad a plaw a dtad man to life fay opralof the tbohave Bved Ibe puor
■wlatto* the heart Tta wrrti-b. but tbe atupeOed. '
rally more siartliiif to
■ talk U did Bot aapleda
than to tbe medical
vlrtlm bluseir
' tata aa tta bey tboefat li abMid i
iraal of tbe toe eraird with acoay B arrk oib-f
ta toobad late Ik Ha waa ewaek to Americaa Wertlcal I
. “for 'weaO t j*D lortaai tellef. FTnoi a eltcbi
Cta baa ata badly bacaad. toetof . both
natU certain cbsmlr cfa
1 know tbr poor
iakc idtrr to Tltal bsenet they are pot

Blriy apd riit|cl|0|ial>r dead ba­ tsk* bonrs teki
Tltbtatata taOtosud tbat a.uauoM
the pDwIbUlty ot
raslly I hystaader lecatard bis
•baap tara died to Baw itoath Walaa
itany physiflaas cs'c recsll casra at rf!• and ru
ruslwd Into the midsi of ib*
'BTOatoddtbadrtatb Ikto year. Tbe
rlml efter apinrent <1l*w1ulloB I7
toStotarolta;apto tbatwltay lair.TOTOlawtbaatMyaaieacB. Otbar
.-eicue came too tale. Tbr victim beuiMviBsciatU- Bl* TriTrty. broda
was a pink mas* of raw taliee.
Tta Bawaltoatotoadt bate beta rk.
TWesan Mis* Dr Banc pet op fypa M’beo be came to tbr bospllaL be w
Imnad haad aad f.p>i. a mantoe. who
tally ataben by aa aartbqaabe. aad tbe piano cracefaUyr

noiloa -was tbai be wpa I
“Ob. yea; I am always so pleased to
Maaoa boa. ta Hawaii, eoatlau i to
lire by aau.--Xrw York Bua.
M-r do lt.--|-bltodelpbU BuUrtto
amptwi- DiBica by tta aaniq aba
TOtaBtod ffobabiy to •M.tta.
wwe wa. hmaebt by the ataaaer
M td%MW wbat ImperialT~Mbto*. Bias daye trea Haaolnto
'|Bfal'*totroa aa eleestlea ol ba
•Btaa IkTOaad M.Oto laekTbaaa.Ib- toy-tafcy

•nwbta]people ten pear cnousb to we
and know mcb Mlwr wdl
mdhaailOtonaaet tta eekuo ar* •ttoc'eydim-CfarleliaB B<«iawr.
•aei^Wtattoparto. aBd-tta eoaatry
onadMaata.btato praatlailly deTbme wbo tabf tbe law la Ibfir enro
baa^apd Iraeb a emuiael arecaihy
Qrltaial adrtoto lay that a terrlbto
of doatie marder-tto'i bare Ulkd
barrtoaaa awaai tba Jepiaaw
both tboXitoBtoe) aad Ibe tow. They
Maadalylto II la UsMJ‘asa
cry tat acaiaei (be crime of aautbto
iQy. dtotrtot. K.sblat prRtaWr.^ bta
the, lepmt
• thta
■d a*ay m
aad *p^

toto. —
m kUlad
bUlad a<
and to ___
italac that God
taJatoBcy. l«atadl*irtoi.4tata
caa Bhre ot. fo Biasarif to lore, aad It
to tbe craateto .tblac we en pie* to
TOtara. a la^lda eaaarsad ea tta
wwlac talbe haaey

leCouch Cnrsquiekly «r«*
immer uuucbt aud euids. "I
bsider 11 a.
kk and Ml

shown in'this city.

give you cltaS blood, steady ueme, a
clear bralp and a healthy appeUta V.

m abol of tbe WesM.

Wednesday; - -


stock comp1ctc7gDods the finest, and terms the best.
You never hear-any kick bn our instniments—we
give the-manulacturers’ guarantee.

Proprietor and'Managcr.



Util U ta the brat pUce in'Tnvfirta ('ity. Tbe famu-rfi'firp ttutde ra,pei ifiUy
, welooiue. The
'he brat

uoude‘ al tbe lowrat

B.mmnlMr the Flue.


sttog*,_blB*.: eoratebea.


id oafe sppUcauta lor loriared fl sb.
iwaraof eonaterfelta ff. C Tbomp



Tta M. A N. B. B. S Co. will
Baaday cseurrita traia* B Haatotoe
OB tbe f..l ow.Bg dales; Hay t«. n.
Jane ll. to: Jeiy s. «; Aag. A ‘
A 1?; tick I.. Trains leaee Ti

Traverse City Wagon Works !
A. J. PETBETYL. Proprietor.
■MfioiflacMire BnKgira. WfiKoufi aod Kleish* ot all kintU.

Itrtpdir Work. Itepdintiiig. VaniUhiiig and Upbolrtering pronpUy
Aldo Oeaeral
n1 BlficksmitbiDR ud ForRiag■iDR a 8pe>ialty. “BSlIy'' AbboU b«d cbfirR« of tfaia
111 bis ivpTUtioti for knoviBR bo* to do • good job id
o well known to..........
Work in the dty will be c«ll«d for doil delivered.



Tta Mato BaeOBtfulBi

isrrs Piwasw ol to Kye. Usr. N . Thpsu ssS_Los>.-J»<nisai, taigbr* fltoamm. am



s ^es« to^^^by^p


V sll carssw ssesUM 1
• ssd tossstou* .


a^bSe(aI Ann FO
Tbe ptaoe, tbe new brick fnrtory at o r. Union And Btote gtreeU to
iSs ssm sttote ol earl;
^SiKkniBBA. Tp



TnwAftar Oltr. WtoblckB
^tokly eon <0



Family Groceries, Floor, Canoed Goods, Sngars,

No. S48 Front Street



Aug. 16, 1899.

Oaee Boon Iria 8 a. B. to B p. B

New insljumcnts coming, in

A full carload of Organs j«Rt received.

■Gar baby wasslok lor amoptb wllb
msb and oaiairtial leeer.
we uied numy^^roBicdlcssta bejigei-

He wa* standing to tbe
nrmy of auu and,waa u^lstractcd
0 be did

Bottool 'WJaJ.ti n g, TxtA v OA'iio 0±t!3r»

■ The finest variety of Pianos and Organs‘ever,



u.tonadtlywf K*w Vtfk.sadaawwtsta

r. hfaiu. a struuc.
re* him fit for tbe

w^bo wa* broiutbi to a boaplul to Cough Cure.—It rtlirvM stoacc and
Oua.-ts abortly before my rrtura cored ber to a few«eya“-8. L. Naoer,
V. The mao was.a ceoUr who bad Prla. Uuih debool. B.ufloale, Tesss.
Ctd oe a cocna pUoutluo Id a mwk
Car from Caraiaa
yoUowiBc a
DeWiU's Uittie Early Etoeiadid me
baUI of aetae of bla cuoatrymem
more rood (baa ail tuuod medietoes
eoollc. OWIDC to the beat, bad IrP
sad^itar pUto." wrilta Uoo. U Jacobs
imi^and stretched faimself <m
of fbosUieoB. (.toau. Prompt, plraeaai.

BMfty iblrty dee ysain.

DRS. B. a&co.
imericu lediol ud Sitgical lodUtnte ot -liBtetN, W-

rlcuroue body-eaiUe anue.


CoQsuitaiios ifld EiaiHiflatioi Free aid Strictlif Onfileitiik

Broeata Block.

Tle ODlj Oyto-Dite lisic Store
Id this part in 11^ sltle.



toe. of course, that tbe mau relies on
hU rutaral nxsios of defeoec-bls
UShdi and fert. I ran best lUostrals

® ®
We referjiii 10 a f» ivks ire isiie it:
Masonic Temple, Chicago.
Auditorium Hotel, Chicago.
‘ '
Hotel Savoy. Kansas City. \
Union Trust BuUdiaig. St Louis. -

cema. eeaju nraa, eieca.
of tar wkiD ol any
lasu lly ruliered. pvrmaaesuy vuced.
d lai'i-pl u|i the «-ull|ie>ls and srwiiBlmout. At ally urug eWtu.
>na and Hards and a uraatula
Kodol Uysprpiia Cure
CysUfoi.U wilaoUlBid t
oca. auffet Uir ssme Uu
quarts Baeulfyinc cLaas.
ores tUa eeceasm uignuee orcaos.
bodko of dead tuts still dune to ibetr
IS the only nmedy uisl does tmlb uf
foe. bmin bis back, from bis kca.
tac tUtofe auu CBU te rellta upou u
from wbrrprer there wa a chance for
cace dyspepsia.
a liolA tbebodWof anu daaelcd,boidtnyoa. I enpinse. by their leoib.
Croup tosl.a.iy reliercA tir. Tbom~ncrba|ia you wonder wbat wstth]
t Benciri. U.i. t'rrtve:lyasfe Nrr
tmppra to a laati who would ondc^
(sLe to flehi BO army of auu. aasnm- rfsUs. Alaay d-afs oca-

firtalld 1M.TO paaea to relleea tba
the ebrll-ka
dtotf— ad tta paapla wba ware drtmo epetk .
three toafieu. earb with mldrlba tbat and cries of a uua l»-«r>ny aroused
trato thair laandatod baaaa by tta
suffeet to tbr carnal BUnce tbe poa- tbr iumatce of tbe camp, wbo
■lldllty Of toldtof. Aad that Is lust to Iran tbe cause.
wbat they do. Each leaf foUs orer en
It fiowen kept open eold aud calllBC for belp. w4illod be eqnlrnimebta the fmata alfbt' nip
Tbi haim “f-1[----------—‘ »—»■—
tolly M <d Iba lanteat C«U amtof
boeey and poUea. w Ibcy at*
p^pnrttoi to Iba UalMd dalaa aad UttaiHna (bat eorer up their bearto
dprtac tbe dark bouti.


is something new and
be beat to
cleaning finished wood work, and taas noaqnal
for cleaning and polishing fumitiuw. Here are
a few of the articles you can use It on: Glass,
Harness, Carpets. 8llks. Patent Leather Goods,'
Clothing and^many other things.


waal^idUbymacBlytontatoc a waa.


‘IbcraBOrtftaardlartbe focBalita
ot a Cbleo-Japaaese sUlaaoe are wbIoa.-ially deatod. aad It to aaaerted (bat

msv safel) esilrt-l tl
bot rlielJItU-litoi-k wi

> mmied a pUcc aaoai obiae UtrrA raaaway lac wala af ablray-*** ary fodt: Benaa. UaupaiaaDt naaipproacb
aan.»dtoratUeiaMotiao aOlee aa bect aad Sarrey weia aiao to be iben
Thcie ansi liarr be«o rallllons upi«
baar.aadatblaciliealy b« leaidaau
allUnos nf mile aoldlers man-blaf blp
■ ibe atber day.
> blp \t tbr towd uurcM llie had«aa4yda>aUed aad tba ean wart
On weal Ibe sniiy. U)i (be pole
aaetotod law blndltaf waad. wbUa ibe
aald a rMler from tVaahlnfton.
f«aa «C Ibt ibaafc tbraw lafa taar tba BBtarr In wbleta ■fltbUBf BoV
dadtladatoatoraaeafal hodrad tael Braut of Ibe Iowa 'really (ol the ta la all •Ilne-ili.D* ronnlBC ImudmI. of
bngodl. II wtt coined to (be Annap- lUllc aitacklBf parties. Ttic camp was
At Lapaar Oaecfa ObaRbm wae aU> achod diye fraa a pecnltor Inrl- aa oil! pain (bsicbed affair arutao tofcarnl with sr-ortilua*. cvmlipnis and
kmadTbandayas tba aaealy «ara denu BlieB yo(Uf Bob etanrd for tba
sphlera Uial-We bad been op tbr (wliu
tad Urad tor twRre year*. aqedeay bit molbrr. who wae rery
■ dcatroylBC U. .Now. '
"root, care bla a aaall framed copy
Be aad beta la tba taU aadI apta rw
tbe Lord'* prayer and told bla to
.tod topaa*
I UKiv'fure they w.»re
T bl* bed. So aa aeoner
tbintad a yard wbara a - rietona
ac. Tbe auu swanned
nned up tb
tfai- lotola
d tbe dry liwr.r
lUs. and w
tadbrobtalnaaa. Maota mw iba drore a Ball In (be wall wlib a iboa
tracady. tat wbaa tba dand aaa waa heel and followed order* to ibe letter.
me yon may know, the ralee at
dta^Itwnaaaparaattbnt tba ball.
I^anaa apta bla nddanly. aad af- AnaapoUt are eery atrlrt to tesard M
taa kawWni bla down bad paaaelnl Toao decoratlooa and notblBf If al: tbe recBlatlon ktt—Iren bed.
ttaUbtatedAia witb Ut bocaa.
d. and b few other aecenaaty
Pral. A.'a Stoda.el Aaa Artwr. tba ■rtk-lM. ConieijoeBtly when tbe petty
' Wl-kaowa nalborlty ta aatual Ue- iBfpecitof ofBcer - etme around be as blf
CtatoUnebiaapialM that tba promptly ord<-red Boh to take down He darted oat of a bole like
tbe pnypr. *1 won't do it.’ eald Bob, ktreak. eTideotly tructlne to bl
iCbwaad toraaffUaf bay
ud Ibe Imaeotor. afliaet. oenl for tbe and eapcflor str<-uftli to ran I.___
lahaabBfa. Beeayetba aaparetle
otBeerof tbe-day. Ttet dlftilury ar- tbe eaemy'a ranka. Boi tiw.dkih'
Hred. led wllb todlfnailon. 'Yank II three fort before be war stoppul. Atta
orderly-'- be roered at U* aaalKl- literally etnered him. I!r turned on
blitacir aad iwet>l Uirta rn»n bU Iru-fc.
but before
'ore he
be h
bad trone aoutbn- tliree
> was burled beticaUi aaolber
>1 aaoac. etaomoai (be offeodlBf Ublet and ««ore be
of bis lart-fcy a
iRi tbe fare of the Snt maa
a wttbtat «tar.
a fi^ to
the death. Aca^
The Incldral waa ao
ItalMimabaC. witba prehaele l
and acato be ewnit hi* larmebcora
y anpreeedeoied ^hat t

—sse s.-js.'ss;-----

re wortb Bareaaerrppartbuaaeolae.

elon did not prereat

baada canid not reach aioond

a a. uLLva.
PrtsSMre Be.yn—tM Q

lly. ata «»•


anardaBeB" froa belac
Tny piaiiip. Be ale three teefneake
where any other fal man ale aae.
Salste-Heare eaw ble ahdotnen balte
ant BDder bit loatec. The tooet frrtlla
e like a Aupsbead I

wlikfa rfto caa rtctaad BpoBrtofato
fata a w«rU «Tt^ hSaiTTS
^ootaflabir. Sod to ta fer Ota
fitalUlratcrt loot "BefaK BfiW^
tooTO ior $f a bonk,

to, SSS ssrasssrtl,






»!a5S!aii°s'sz.“j‘gsaa SSSJtto*-'

tad le

rrgnpeBoraeaeeala DeWitfs U^e
Early Rtoon. F. C Tbompeea.

sllbsr esi, saMstoj tmed.tos wd a* fsssueart dastoim
mssU feta ysaismi to-

ttotaCotaplalm* aad H

sms, so*
Wt OfsBtwrtig TO CC8B talta ds
pslilewl, to esslui ayas. ptoTflsw. uMss : huay. vsrUsssto. totomrs- stsss, auM asst*
law,. Urals* lav ssl to m lute, srlto. saS sU USssy saS MSSSst iwaassa
Stoaua war
tsar aaei
*a« aaa
aad aii
all masf
tobar ay*
ays apwa-1
spera-1 c*T**«B
^.^Tanaa OPTM
navwa 80**.
bma beta
bSMWm tad

tune. Iboucbllm
itieel ot (brtr J-ytwr^d *00.^ Tbe
De. risiir'i 8
dhseve Tta*. 1
Imsrtivd Bwvm.1

II* spead* much at hu time f^lnmtbt
fish U the poad which to la a sbrltrted
Rook on tbs place. Tbe other day he



or s

.th'^'ta ■ .‘iTm

IB cvi a drink of water. Twretoc, 1
sww the maa. whsse aspect wae tetri
mac to tb* to A aad wwi* rueb^ 1

pBBly ear

NS L s t n. smiTi m icLfuiicN. i

mad It took hi* aeottaer
. Siruaadi blB4bal be was
girl wbe^tye sb*


Vta lifctai BBS Okfliita.

k-w. -W. 31C





320 fflOiCI 5T.


WPpjWfc""'''''"'':'' ' ■ ^




■«. H. B. O. Bfiw. attw.




-Vdl. ItofT.- «« to «« Ui fooa

Tb* IwraMtfaa «bM tram Um M
liMtob gooo ■»■ <tot ^ tbnwucpf
iU«Bodm wTlMoa bMitk. te
»Mk Mml._ artwo.
JaTm toU tu lawfol O'
___ Fi ntb BObn *1 I**t »Un*d ap (om
IknM^ all ito e**r«> ' (bt
itoto to lamt
a aatoUtau
Bhleb I*

m’n Mtote tto n«t

ikt VI UH A>Mto tto HM Ii9
Mtool; poanaolliTtbotoB.-------XntMl liT tb
t»ti tto^
ha* a wboel ato tto run bonA
•nrp rruap Uf%l.


BarrtoB BarfoataBd C

b*U Mbna «ej ip all tto oaaoblBo tbop
ns. B*VBlB*rniaBld Bi*
kdrad aad to oBd bb liul* tolar.«to
I* t*a paai* oU lira Bith
BatUd DeUraw', who UvB at HapU
in. to a wn Uttie fellow wbo wa
.la* bopbobad that we wll:

Flwa Belle and Eena ftop Gvlaal
lee oot far hOB Arable and are
wKkahlMM. MvtwtBT.
hreepearaoldTtov ha.e-'two
>*rlh Um
it* oolor is ito e»p ud '------------------U
('wrd*ttotro*loclBt bp.
SWi|-'-r*r "
U* eolnr U oftoi 4e.1*. elffbt little kituos aad a black
i of Urd* iB tha OOBBP
rt*to IfoB • WBn* to* lesooral Use ”^uSiatf*«* 10 tons* lb.oi^ai* t»earip papPPllord. dolsc *"»y *«llrdP »>U
.tiff oTieoUs* aad na*a* 1b*t
‘■BsBdrad* of dsirdrap* to ffraat tbc
ttot *n ttorc .
odred* of bar* to UMparpleclorar. datole* er aap other dnlred.
. ' lb. loot BBodrad.of baiirraiai oa tba lava.
era «s(cr ceauM <»( n)cfobc Bilk _________________
broider wltb bottoubole (iltca ai
Bat oolp oae moiaer. tto vid* world tto e^ lilip^ cat
poisu btolod tto. e*ra. are trioimrd
,lslM *s smj. BSd oil** Uej
-------- id the edr* «ltb sdalotp r*B •
W^JimfMsad brbto >*
* DOT* imiij ssttir*. Tbersl
pattern a
blaek felt iTie aaaii pierea bs]
Palp 29.18W.
cut iato >t-ip* end plaiird toert
lUlp BO llolot
Thrp h.T« *b*oluUlpB0
Tbc loot ot Palp. BBd we are aliaadt oiaklnff oat* for varloo* anielea
irbalrter la oc*l caM*. altboaffl
raadp to bcffls oar aew J*mt% work,. «ri ““
with Ue beffiBBlBff of tb* acl
to** bon **t OB adpe bp the
wbleb wltb laaap of Ihca wUI
Thl* Old QaesUon Ba* lo be Aatverod
Slot talk OB lb* *ab^t. »sdlto oot. wnbto. asd rrplaoed The eollar
Cudiaip bp Traverse Cup People
OBOtbior to dnsk tb*l
ter * leltere U oot larffe, pet far t»
iWbat do tbr people
of Travel
1*0* la It b*d beeoB* or
ptp think...................................
think of tbr
[p*lor tb<»*~iyp « »bo
. larpe to pot lo a Booth'* aaBbera '
d beiov
tbeBasai.u. Dear litUe letter* tb«p
for more eobrlaeloff prool'.'
io troal."
.but thep wUI have to beeoo
d »oeb erideoee?
till tber* will aot be Bueb let
Invcaliff.tlon will l............
BwMt-Ooru Maal
' I* Treverar C.lp proof f
■ botbil* b
,r lo ColorBdo **«€<••• ,*be ten left lo them. Hot there are dapi
<* Citp pevple
The *«
while we espeeloor floe
Idnof rat
_______froB *d«lt*r*iio«. sre »« oolj
•hlneClob to keep riffht on r®*lo«
srmsW* to aM*t pwpl*. tot sr. OMBl, aad
pel It U not likelp we shall bare Sftera
kniUilu] M wsll. AhoBepnpsrstiDS
Hr*. B t> Urndeil
itmmr’- ."Foral—_ loadrto
et Inili ]ato*. Is nrietj, Bdj be b*d
• tbc iBprtnioo ttot tweeter re
bp *rB7 toBUj -Ullap to prep»«
inocD we'd like to:
Mr letter*. Amooff then torerlneVone ffrendehiid, three pesre
e'd. broke oat in creption* which iitvr.
frOB Lluie moefaeoBb
_____'0 pspw to MSlsde ttoltett. ssd
slip' eorered, hi* f»cr. seek, ear* aod
Barilett. wbo U elffbt pear* old: Uracle under bin biir
Deapilr the aee
lirownol V*ba,wbo ietblrtoeo; Bn*le aalvB aad oiolBento aad .medic
than oor doctor darlnff
laadb'nale Cook of Maple Clip, wbo
- hod* froa odoxea or
Heap c
ten aod el* peart old. and are beio ffrealer part of the aummrr, be >
silo* BBd roBo** tto **ee*i eo* frea ate*
-A tsUMrt BOttoc." nU Vn
ala* *we<t«ore
■w*. t-core Beal!”
rrallp wore* lo the fall than *op o.
" " Ktbn BiSBi**
little niwfalaeta: Olive Aablep o part of the pear. TBe oorearplit i
Maple atp, who U thirtsea aad loe^ oe w*a IB *ucb *l*erp that be icrrani'
oJl^^t^eal. ndtoer* ta oe ^It
loabt that it M^ireoodd •
seboolndetadp. Pearl towr of Maplr rd all dap and conid not virep at aKhl
.Vc were Lndoced to tr}- Umo'* Ulal.
•Bt*r ta dtoolnil. MlirUd santooUpi
nit ki^ dtp wroteaniea little letter aad to arnt.
The fir*', appliwtlon wav mi
••si taiUBC bot Bsd sUsd «be isr.oo it< iB tbb socffBUoo. ^T^etp that did Rina Brooks
«-KSblDff that tbe ebi d alepi tbe eaiire
b**d uUI eooL
Ke'llie Tbatoer wroU fron tontiap olffBU A* we eoolioard tto trealmml
UBOn sr* pimred U the n~
wbera sbe vlaitod la the wlsier and me eraptiooe ffralualip dtoaDpeaPvd
BOlil floallp tto appearance of'lhr
Ib^Chip vbers plaated.-P'orei end
bad a ffood lime.
• at e»lar*I.
Por a neiffhbor'v
piat wllbBot b* too mseh.
11*1* of CbrtoBst affl.eted In the *t*r war after

Tb* Very Beat..
preeeau wbleb have not pel
____________________r [atb*lr*eaB» asd
Her* I* a retopei for
tor wu
tha auff af^ tif*. pHoled. Cor* BarUett of Kortbport l.iand llma'e Uii imeci
Bboold be ijutiM isto terrle* for tbi*
wllb oar ffreodi i!jd, I creward
I Mb
eall* the bnt toead had a oew dren. B writloff UWel.
parpeB*. Barrin aead bat little bollstreet, appi
aad a cape
pair of vtockiDff*. three baadkere^.efi olffbt lb me .
Jaice will be
three Cbriataia* card^ a tbeetef motir tofjre orveo o'eloek the urxt m .reioff
Aadtf root mnanan ton to Ito
aad ffrape* i
wolhrc wa* at the draff ttore for a
waU wBSbed. aad tto i
It eurrd ber babp lO a few day*.
BiselliUeseeoDB'-of ber bolldap rltlta
to be boUad aboaid
Doan'* vtln'mrei 1« oor prepaoetioD
IB a little w^
UOB. ‘^pBoatb
alto; Bnltb WInoaoombof llirtlettffo wbleb so'* Opon
inter, and add eaouch warn, ^
a itorp book for Cbrlat®**. which
...______ balllUleaafarab Bid be Bilk ti Bake a soft deoffb. 8Ur
Ip and let la war* plaoo to n*e. Wbea esjop* readiBff vary macb. Uerlrudc
for sale bp
addU.'bot d»B«OT>* and ffrapaa
Iloao'e Kidarp I
irt* of
Van Bolt of Omeoa bad lor
Mailed bp
OOP* of aarar to two aaari*
all dealers. Price! _______
or fO Bisbaaffaad
o dralo,
Haffalo, N. Y..eole
pair of mltteot, two baadkei
litJ.aVSlIttofflo.tore-rl.e. BakeU
tire* the
a wUeb Otodetate
.me, Doaa'a.

. jSSiTSi

riwplar boon toreto v



AtoTu^^*n to riffcwd. «to



»n to*^to* ton tonUlml nls.


Aad tto se^B V s toMtUsl klvtit.Astostod M W «toB, wlths*BlU



rs* at .tb* tBok of tb* Book, bat----

,ij u,. b.
l~ua» . -Jou.j «».■ uui.

Ato*to>nnlj t
' tattoal^oltor tklsnVr ton.

“srs xr.~s.-rs:;;


V* to bftoahttot m’d I

-A «lnrt nottor i* nnr Bbd.



foiitn yn rtstoto poo


•haifeop bouer, add
owB *a«*r. ooe-half
offar, two effpa well h


la Unbotb 8toaii Ftolpf Uttl^ baVded atfirat. bat wbca atreloed
fy. »T>« Msioaa* ol tto Tato.” to o tto Jaloe aboaid be btriled aatll ol prep- wi& two cap* floor, add-on
V flavor tat the bereraffe.
milltn- llUloUtwUto Bnla
a*e trait Jaleea eaa later be aade
BlllBfvnekM. Net.tail.OB*of the
____ folatisA if



nnyltrlt a
to. BooayototoaH
anttoni antoUa t* an Mto aot
to^aaylhtotatBOMa. BlfbM
Ab amp atoae wbo has latolp re«aa Mto oaV tto Xnd auto nnlolk*
mod to ' faditoflee fM Cabalsto to«aat>a<r. tot *oto*l Upoa Ion
•na.vtotottooddBT toa'rootopfot
• W0ar ^taan to to ter ^ asd
laoffaaffe before *bi
B*anap. Ttoptoakiadotbopa.
.taaloa. ^ffbe^barael
anara. Bad tovatoto tolbarad ap foaad bar IffBoraa-------------------nBibtobpttotTBOBiB. TtopBsad •BbarTa>*tSf. asd ake np* ft fsv*
■■tbablee*’' sot to be able lo aakr
paltiB'. Bad tneta' aad atrtols- tto
1 tb* ebUdreo—or tbe cat—aader
rWht anp. aad boar tow tbep fool
d ber. Oae dav. sbe said, lost beartoa tbbpl* a Bite tok. asd fs wear tereboeUil
bosUIIUn'bad cob* toadcflaite
was Martled bp tbe BBaxpeetan Upoa aappeasd ttop ^dsa- asd. shew
at bar Cobas Isasdreaa. Tb*
k aad Bot V> lap sotblk- wbn
________was laleoselp essltod. libe
mUeolated asd talked. Tbe aar*e
dldsotkBowawordotwbat ebseald.
bst tbc
paaiooilBe filled her with Wc
Tha Cobas'*
apeak of as aliaek *
etsfood hoobaad. toar. Bor tber* of woBsdad BOO batebered
M a SlUiior. aor tobaror. aor batto-. eat to ribbon. Tbe aaree wa* frastle.
on to tto -Baaha frea* Fairtorbor Sbe BBt kaew tto werat. Is tbe bo*,
nr la. .poor eat
Pb rap food ot pitol was SB eflieer ve^UI'with tppBOH lever, an* uew se aaoereic
HpaBlab. Oalp is a iBatUr of life
death woold tbe distarb blia. bat t
a Better'
of life or
or death
She led tbe Cabas croBSa to the bedaids. and there tbe eterp wai i
Tb* offiter .........
... latnU;
- -uU«h>*l,dMd2u.d~u
Bare* held ber bmth. The Oabao
seated. Tbealek BBS ureed bU b
-Ube eap^'
p*^ fwb1p._^'^
the et^ls




nt-T. ^a'f,
BUT ibl* Into tto totu*

of tide coohs
Uo of perfBae,
oaadp sad oat*.
Of wriWop pi
Nettle Lowrie of Blaffbam bad tan
baadkereblef*. a tbtmble. two bair
ribbon*, a toothpick dish and as a^oo
Lillie prallek of Kowick ffot a larffr
doll and s bqadkercbief.
verp prond of onr hoetblnr
bop* asd bs*e h»d such ffood letters
mer Uawiep Uvea at Wl|lism*barff
asd 1* siffbt pnr* old. Ue bae
brotherau Uerble, wbo to *eTea.
ire. aad all arc pan-

Berrp Mi
AwtoratanTaad toatweJl ------

Id paTWaboettwoetp Blnotet -hur*
ew Afoeorl

Oxen for Sale
at PiineeiUieni stable.
I hari'two tiin* pair. Ob'* p»»r
..................................... uiir |*ir about

» Wbi|»B. Lashes. Gloves aod Mittens. :
- in all grades, styles and'pficefs. '





luora in ioRBttTBi Lk


TnwmrM Oitr. Mlehlgfln.

Br6sch's Meat Market

i« at e m:

o*e*v a**



Choicest Meats, Poultryj and Gajne.
trl. Aa. Booboo..






Wagons and Buggiiis for Sale





Al, nao atoll nn 00 Uto hi* aano
Ylaa arfU aet war It towB.

Stob-es, Tinvrare,
Paints. Oils. Etc.

giTisaiey, :s^c±i„




-%.■!?£: SStSU”*^

Harness Oil


•tto loltowtoff radpes. la wUto Bap
to aaad to feed adraataffo a cap of


at Pioneer Livery Stable : IKsu--;;:::::: :;v^.rr::

^falter Bunas livB St Old



T .;



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.





ill iS “srriii-


B. J. MORGAN, Prop.

W.-r. tod a totoP 1U«


im ii» Its
* B. 11 *» » 1* _


MtoioB asd to |te
oldHe to
OertoasMoetsidL TVKf
i' mik
•Ice Sireeblse bop lor he bsjpa bto
half eap dry
BSBW* "loto.” That to Aee. He bae Bt tor mo a
leashof nit iand white *offa
aad *
loen capdaneor, aad~OM^rto
plffht Boatbe old. She to a^real
0(H> riatrorm
li •calc, newly .paintrd Aocl
■r wbwlc.
Fresh PaffbSDtes of Blair to too
to *ak- a tblB'pabto-rdiaerfcoa Kiiek*
Pric e $3600.
pern old and ballarcs baartllp la '
One 3 bprinc Wagon, 8 aeatA, in good rwpair. Price $$6.00,
flonablae Clnb wbleb be lUehl all I
One Top Buggy. «ilh pole. r*r> good abape. Price $M.00.
Heap workBea IB tto
“**■ aadcirlsonffhttohrljnffto. Be ha* a
dee own blades.
patent BSmed Tommp, aafl Sffood old
One Top Boggy, wilii ahafU. newly painted. Price
dec naood Kixer.
Leoe Mbl* ot ComOdc S-.ScBt Trap, in bne oondiliun< Price $66 00.
auck.- EaUmxtoo eoaatp. aod
Two LUbt Lumber WagoiiA narrow tire* $10 each.
Ilf the bretber Arthar are faracr boya asd
Boiled eaWBffe to BOredellealel
One PbaetOD Buggy, all io good ahap*. Price $4000.
ater to ebaafod while eookloff.
bad late ot fan alidioff dewp a Uff bill
on tbtir fara. Tbep have for pels, i
doff, s' plff sad three llnle chicbeaf.
b j
1th InfsBlrp. dtto la Porto
saps bto BOtber tap* h* to a belter bop
aiaeebe joined tbc floatblaeClab We
The Ctar**
tblak be Boat have been a preClp ffeod
he Otaad Do
of a doll wtm rmh to
boy before tbn. Boland Mata of Hato’irith It.*—
breto HarasM nil
tb* «m
with priealen anoralde aod pletoa was twelve year* old wbe
cold I
wrote but bto next birthday wa*
14ABtbe aver^apeed of a earrtar ptffeaa tstb of June. He i* qaite iaterested is
. Bar* Death to Freokle*.
etlm-weather to pardsaslaBofflleb woBwo wllb their fair com _.J
With B etrooff wind ie the diree- btofla^sp aebool.
Less BrUloe of Maple Qtp Ilka Suapleslon
are nere liabletotove
to I
Sloeof fliffbteoae pi*eom* hsvq^ooear.
lea. or -aoBBor epols,’'
- a*itheUenaaB*
ed l.«00 pard* e atlDBis.
dap aebool too.
Mbs had a bird tbat
eall tb*B, tbae tbe wobsi
Tbc moat osstip Hece of rallwap line wae foartna yean old bst it died ibto
la tb* world to probablp 'Aal betweeo wlBlsr.
UMea Tbomaa of Nortbpirt
tbe Maaelcm boese asd Aldffato ela- ^■vv krolbmeaBdeaeatotor.
! beoB ____________ --..otpio 1
d tn. Ito editor of thl* iMparv enUp wnttea lo a woi___
baa twin brothsn who are alaoettsD
exnadltnre of clcae apoo fllO.
taror et Kew Terk. wbo i
d «as «eoto In thdr ffoodsore.
sioattae oM
Sbe lovae to help iBr
per Bile.
tto eaperioritp
■ • p o
of ber sea
B >tber take ean of tbea before aad
on eap -aetar. aalt. flavor to taala.
isfur kebooL
near to nil oat as aofl 0* poaaibta asd
have sBoita
the Istorlvtter*
wriun la Jane from a school U OtrBBtiffbUp apot* I*
flsU lowaa
ll^qaaMof aeap of ebe
a* faUeoa:
Soask. a:k<
• ^Bg^Uaetoreo Fraaee womea ai
tottBndrtoptBff. three fooBdlBC
TbMr lettoc*
Uabop bootblaeha. Tbep w------________aad add
liar carh. not anlike thatof Ue i
show a food Barber and brlfkr echolqaartotelderflownor
of Mercy,
■rep. woKB
wbleb reahere
icaoiiv ui<
Ueir ■
an. Daisy Basil wrltas:
ant and aMrsctlva.
___ __ .
to tan en^ aad qolto thWuat tbep ten drets ot Uaetara of Bprrh
______r them atUad to Ueir verii w
anlpa tew- drop* of ffipewlae I* as iBpnm
tebopi amd lotaad to have s piesle tbs
WBV d »tUe of this tboald be sf ffloved baada
last dap.
I wear mp B. Y F. bsUn m. iflMMt,’^®flfl®. »*»*
BllsdVdhslae* two er three tine*
n too BOOffe wj ua
~ vm*. u>« um d^ ea a soft towU. iniaad of waahla
tosaboalsvsrydapWs have elaarad
lla»." esW t____________
•ad of a vreeh ttoip Will to tottnJhaa. with plats waUr.
rpiBC. -bat I dn-* Utah i
ap Us echoed yard this saBmar t
richt tiaep wbatto did ~
at flret. ead. earn fre*h. ar^>£«to.A \Aaolharteednishto-be siadiatbe
Arbor Dap we act ntoaoM treoa
arMtoiliWii wbiebtojp'tontohad
tore lois ol raaea la tdooB agw.
wtoh ttot poB ceaU an ibao*. Uty.
■ PtepOahn Ooeeapef
tOl tto aeot dap. ttoa etrals tbrooffb
ofpaUt.qA*«to«< oaiar. two oflia. bail a eop bosUb. wbn it will be rcadp for oae.
Oarwade Sbaoe writw -Up ttadtos
~K. Y. TMbaa*.
«( nMn or, oatvaato. flavor, laU. floor
HreFre^a FaUer of (Alcan, fornMtoh^oatornka. Orepfon
ABOVihetbler* deeto the Wes aev1p Mtot Imara Maya, a daoffhter of
plll^MSto ffroooad tre* gaits w«n •s'* ForciffB Hintoasrp Boclctp la the the late A 8 Bapv. ba* reeoivad Uo
•nf Fan. A*t- Tolada.
lietantol ar^lteet ter Us WmTU V Mfs-A. W. Walfa taw Orlntar* the Beniacootet the flnt


L. BvaviiM.
Ar tvarerwOf



of which thep are very
(•ad. We wosU Ilk* to know If they
have rstosd asp Itule sblojieB* thl*
tpriaff. It I* nto* for boji and ff.rU to
bs latermted la oUekeo ratolaff and
theretoBaeb,profltlatt iflttowiaelp
eoedacted. We eball have to talk aboni
Uii*<ned*p. E.mrr'tstoter bae foor
doUa alee


I Trunks, Satchels. Telescopes at ail Prices


.-KleciuT Kir*'* /dre-

•ed at afferm-



vttb care, well waabMl. tto ateBAblo*.
MB aad* aad all apeeka aad bral***
amd. aad allowed a boll asUI
flatortaeitraelad froB tbea.

toondto* to tto MBT. «to<
thtot* dcBlrel. asd
ent drlaha. thep ■
•‘Tn. lhB«b ttot ihoot Baaqr Bolt.
I «tU nr toV to aaplhlar. tot. to'*
folte tonUonp.
fa olBOp*


1 Oor Hiness Uie tbe Ver; Best tbit Gjiod Leilber ud
■ * WorliDusblp Cm Produce.

K“r.a ,wu. >',>.isv2rsA":'rx:

Chicago •«,.
West Michigan.

atYhe busy corner.

“o'oe pinri'^bole wheat «»•;. n*





«]irM n«p «to*to ^ U*
n a*ui "-r-*— •tnis tbmrb •’ <•>>
•telsr Btot to 4oif»fdio* iM ijSs^'urt22i‘.a^to«-2s?,s


You Have
Always Bjgight.


Ato Ito'ton toulsr c


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

to houMlieepon-

Extract of Beef

COOKBOOKdriidcai dtotoa.
UaMc'i-y.O Bee*m.,«*Vt«fc-

buiutiM tf Mebm



Horseshoeing end General Repuring Done

nnallUetlna Tb*




AAW. Bfly Oi^. 0«treit,Bew.
•U. Ana AFtoor. Tolflde utf
point* Bflflt ABd SontlL Q
ooBBAOtioDfl At Oopmfflhwltk
K. * ■. X. By.
. ,

W. H.BxraBn'.





ilsBalldlaff atUeimaotofliatoFsir.
be bcM St I
ttoolofficaioeheol for w i b la. tto fltot reBry to Hia. PoBov Palaar a* was
qiaa. aod wn Ua ttbd prtas la Ua
soB^tHln fsrdsatffn farUa Wob■1”----------- fl 1-- WocUtoPt

r toladlaelttotoaaCtoto



B«-Paintmg and tTpholstwing.
State SL, oar Uaioa.


jaas to* JmSLet gugaas




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