Grand Traverse Herald, November 23, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 23, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ruAw.ttmnrrv awAijn TH.AVCT«r. mnKTT. mcHiQAJi. NOTEMBgR23. I8»e

Grand Traverse Herald


Dr.J. A. Snyder,

O. F. Carver

Hn L*s)«'*

W B«a U* Covt Com* Bo«

Real Estate

;a> Prat 8tmt.




-So^fv let bim <

arsed to lirkoW
BkHCk more of k rik't ibv
ko' Im^tfoa^l nui

‘ ,rb«f
; RtRR-^ tZIri
H.r*» BOU.T- DO.
OrkasT Hokin* mu


ll «*kA k

with JOB ]'

frofB to B.. frrl
Brr El
Phroof.- ft* skid

k**mf k.i.iw»

T kod Miib diniiif

l* ckasol b. eompMtml
' of exKtIladr kl thk
lb* eoadiUokk le SoeLh

Pki»iir*n tu ibr T'l'
: mmi. •
on- bkfto m ft..

ikr -ord. -lia 'h. r

traverbs oitt.

, TO! on. rreiioe

Avrodro «itt poll, ka,

ibv fold mii*.'" kr» «n ,-leldl4 mttS
nroporuov tbko k fmr

BuUAvltp EDd md;,n
T0» prokpcci

tbr lvT<*t on record kl tb« 0«arar
irwaiin k.e,
la CrippI, Owk kcul otbvOelL Sk.lT Hoar ^.Blol
oTkdo dikUheu the iket**k«l lo prodvUoo 1* retnkrlckbl* CaUfonifS. tco. bsk
1 pl«ni.i of wkier. where fv two
^“rt^Akeh*. •uflemd from dn>«rst.





OAPn AL $100,000



.\1. illi;i.l,M.A,\TKI.

tbe porch bol ft.- cluu
eve wi t R II pvltkrr
»brn M-. Turarr mi

Plats Glass. Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance

.bt miol^ eeslOTkot Ike
ItMrrf* lAeee
■ prepktk. 0-. a
OB k rrknd Mlikle..
“ •
eeakiti. IB
J;, f-r kt k-»ow mtlB
* -her-the A., yield ■
The .fold m.r
P'ou3.M tbe Ikrreel
bey bk«e
evr recorded

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Merchant Tailor^

e, w.

AtluriMJ* kl lAM.

Business Cards.
.ueh Ijjw l-ricm k. will terpriv

< lii.-r(I.,„t,

at 215 I-ront .Street.

a,.-..r-iom-d lo tii-ir iik"


It, Skily Kck'Oi
ly CiT ber dkrtei

W.. liHvr ll....,,

U— l[»•>■





lin t

ritfliL Wilh •Iriuf- 'liftt atr n.;lil.

Do void


30}'» kdnur.Bj e
wkoi to psi y,-..
Aterpewed I
R ho uiDf tbe ra
low rcu your rooiii kn‘
ttaerkvl down by ihr...<


mt: piirj»*“e, and Inf llim
Ilriiiu' I'rihf riplioiui smi Em


kbinc tv fell

Traveree City. Mich.


NO BLurn sss',


kdj'i rup^of J..V U' uv.


Mut mW> *'



jfgyei-se (jity Wagon Works!



.'Kn.iay Comyn,

Mr* Tarnerkkl uyoeMiucbcB •
[.law repkirlsg JobCB} • kVOOBd I
I ccmi. Tbe roum wk, bri^bt kBd che
I kSd k deliyuUin »oicy (rktrkB..e^ ft:

l**to ber^tBolher

» iDelBdlQC Ikl
" Mblch best tJ
u. by kl
e lotkl


i*t—kbowk Stf.uoo.uoo. or ma iacrasM

et'VdV "ri;’;

The KBkkiki, ffl'er*
> kl
kr« rktbkrdlBCB(tU.*»Bfe iBlbrakt-. ----------------produetioD Tbe p.ekc Slbkrise pikOeik
I kre reoeivlsc more tbkk their khsre of
.kUeelloB. kod tberMekl bdkey launiton jr.1 keep
IfTkUon iBto Kiben, it mskisf itvll
rlwtien U" the meu ij my p
' (ell Id other dlrecilonk
ppeved bet ud«e<: with Mr, Tara-T. P*'‘.«S« ''i.ude. nirm.-'h n,\ K
m huiyyekr,. , Tbe TrkOktkel kbowed ke oetpel ter
I tbe eml etrbl moethe of tbl* y*v of
l.jok kV ihe ' 01 li!e dk", « rn TOU
>9ri.’.fT..d>:. wbieb MhrkiDol klmokl
.1 oVrtr *1 do»! -In- (O’.RS > .g knew, kOd U>/l..r..
.1,.- k>; LirinioetyoupoorUeo.ibefL' P" “



en.,.,. ™.,

I..»nt.y IJo.

IbT'llJnk'oe dm

.5 r '
.oJ-k •• inrouib


ko'w>b roB I"V

k“^ "k*‘b I

liroom, kod bnitbak were aede of
e,er i|ulek to eee kad to deeelop
biBf ibkl woald bcoeSl hM skUve
ilry. noted k lew keedt of broom
00m bkDCinf 00 ks Irnpmtml breeb..
lle-pICBted ibete ktedk kad'raiked tome
■t tbe oom. kud Tbome* JeBeieoe
Ilkeeci broom core kmoDf the pcodmeof Y.rrUile Is KTl
By Ule time
j people bkd plksled It. Init ae e*etemktkplksof releleir broom eors for
ibr mkoatMtereof broom, wee made
BBUl Ifvh. when Leri Diekeaaoe. s
VkBbre tvmerof Ukdiey. Meek., plaalrd bklf kC sere
From iblk be made
belwres ose Sbd two basdred brnemk.
Which be-pedddled Ink borm cart la
ikIdbboniK WwBk Tbe iBdektry eriU
lim coatioued to prc«rMe, and dsklly

mllm to be kk tvn se the eefeala asM$
sMtof Ekrope; It fa aMfiy W ttSMi M
1^ M^O^MtktoW balshAMh

IhM the 1MM ihlS*^

■ iiiBiii tbafcto a
Orasd Trarmt stood tar Is tbs
■ato ansirlatlaai ia to a
Soarlablap oOBdMss. botor ool od
debt tor to* Scat tin* to y<sra, asd
with a food aan et May to tbe I
ary. Urmnd Trarorae wa* sot
boaartd by aacnrlac ib* ^sar.
os* of It* srciBisaat Sasday actoial
wee her* wa* tlactcd to to* o«tc
Tie* preaidrat. Tbe oOcetear* a* tol-

Tbe Eminent Kidney

•mSMB OWast Wral^.. Ini Tt.»
TbeMsMsesantaares ibt ^ertaa
wa. as addrra. h, DMrtcl Depeiy Jaa
B. Kslaaa* of Orasd ftaptda. who ti
Ul-ated Traecre* Oiy Lodf* three
y*an SCO. wbaa It ctarted wlto a nes
wrmblp Of iweaty tea Mr Melane.
atllsed to* biatory of toe o>d«r. Im
objaet asd basetia. asd oompliB^ie.

k'JU' ' ’h^i

There mutt be a
good reason why the coffee
lovers of America buy millionb of
' pounds of ARBUCKLES' COFFEE in prefer- '
ence lo any other kind. The reason is found in ’

toe local lodreapoo balar toe basoer
lodr* of toe dblrfct.^ cortbers Mice
Dariathbreaiarke Mr MeTBeo

II—Prof. G H (ieereey. Blil*-

its rich drinking qualities in its permanent good-

Prn'decta—Kiln Rwabadbar.
BattlaOreek tir 3. (I. Kell^. Haul*
>t' Kllllkeb. Trernee City
IVpr. TrrBOMrb. Rr* H
Uarbenoii. Teioolt.

J. Borrowi

cart disc* t. jne.rr.en
poekly are c'icn T.r leaud of kidney
II Ifc-lle I! .hewed lo adc« me 1
Pouc-.ed t ood will aitacfc

• Chrk' ler ib* rabjiei. vbleh kb*
ittrj ptaMli
J*^ ud
J*B*r*' m* r>««B by u«ruade a*ni*.
-Banlnd. Tb»t trwu »r* bu«flel*l '
to lb* p«ipla.~ WM lb«*abjcet chowD
iw d*tet*.
B«lb *Mm wen kbly
kaaUed. by Jean HlUibke. .
tffdik Keealf tor Ut kBrski
Wkye* Wkton ud flerberi

ew of ictonotsd too rim tppbcatioo to btoincs. ll (ivr me |n<np(
ithd wftbout luvicy u.v uspltaaisl
cficcla Tto roull wu bendidal *sd
Un>t«. I bcartily rodorv u.”

ftrioter, Iteuoii
<’■ C Kiefer, Urend Kip dr
I. II r., Kal-matao. J U Hsnpb
R'e> tDd.J If Stoekweli l•oba•c
H W hrorrir, Adrleo osi yiar
I Wei«'B»





I'nreoBi. tfaierrleil. Jne.
|Johon>n. Ray I'lty
> pper PcDto*a>i.
Tbrrrreerr. t I. Wrifbi. Haoeoci.
Uipbee, Harqueite
Two yrarr.
Harkoofi Krr. Ei|,
im tbe m«f«Ur*. Ue*ek Ullean kpobe
Ooeyear R L Parselee. Iroo Movo
to (b* feewkl dlaeMktoe lev U>e aetk
ta s Her K Bacsall. Sault Ste. Mar e
Itoa Th*d*ebdoaol lb* >dc«* <
Mr Rvcagieea *OB« tslrratioc d«
nad«nd Is toror et tb* DmUrc.
i> erf.l 1-v ..II
on {u«i»ninr,
ni.1 U.ulr leuri.i. -e e.un.T k..t
urn 00 llie work of toe dueday nboo •
Ib* alUc-k report wa* rirea by H
bo.,k ..n bcirl T..1 acrrci >rnl lcr<.
Uiroujtuiultoe ilaie. IT . of toeeo
Or. Mdn M*d>cal Cemp*H|, Elkhart. Ind.
lire eopulatlos
Tb* Wkuw Work* QovkUoo.
toe deod*y *cbool*. aod 3'. per (wpl .
Tb* Br>t dtfiell* kct of tb* cUy ward to eaeb year with plraaorablr of tbe *ehool populatioo
There are
oesadl else* tb* report of lb« I
asllelpallobr. panicolarly by tor boi- i.Mobuoday uebool* with ••o.too teach
^btkworki toeblBC toward
baodk aod prsUroieo rrlatire* of tbe <*e aoO Hbeen *od • total iDriutwr«b;p
■wlUto eeUlSMSt of tb* wswr work* c'aburmbrr.. Thii le toe ooc
There are Itii borne Ue.
Sktiep. we* B*d* Hosd*y e*ei
itoo IB Ibr rrir at wblcb tor B<
with l.Tto eerofled
Mssialtoe we* Isirodaoed by
permitted to omei witta tor dob
couBtle* are ornaitod. learlns only 11
B*a aailb liwtr«eltoc lb* kprcikl i Id a bcidy aod at tone tiaee the ladle* uDorjan <-d towoibip eOBeestiuot
vsMr worlB oommltto* to
drmooilratF fircloly toe aim* asd hare beeo held durlay toe paat ye*p.
,B.D. (bapbell la referd totbepor ;obj“c’w of ihrir fr-wlDf orpaoi'tUon lireod Trareraetowaebloe harifip held
dbSMOfbb ayktets of weler work*.
Kriday oigbi wa* no rtetplioo to (be
Tblk eoaaitu* t* to report at tb* oei rule and deaplle Ibr dresebloy raio
Bis ideeUDS ofElki
■oetiacof ibesoBsell. a* to tb* pnr early la toe riraing there wa* a laryiTboclay wea* red Icltar day for
«bs**prto*tbatwoeU be aooeptod by a-.tcodanen of tbe leedinr bnaloee* asd
Tf*rer*e City Ltoje. No Jil. B P c>
Itr. ftoapbell. Is m* tb* ooaocll aod
Klkiaad toe Beisberebrp wa* loereaaed
•weere of tbe preeest ayatan of
toe dob Tnr rcceptloD wa* beld is
•orb* oaa arre* npos * purebaae price tbe larpr aod atlracllre parlor* of Hark to IH. toe laws* oorrelled aiiBl>erle|
tortboplaak tbe oistur will probably I'lace Ho-.el. wbeee toe frarrance of to likely tber* oaa be so afrer carokuoa*. Ibi- club flower. perBeetod
toast, a beard of arbitrelloa may
lb* air aoJ tor beauty of
saUadla.a*prertoe*ly*acr<*tod T
weaeebaBee.1 by a profuaioool ehrytaoe eecBiog. toe prelitsioary toaiaeosell wa* a ult a* to tba adrfaabil toemtiro*. of tor club colo'i. yellow
bar ny been diapoaed
ily of thta eeara* of *cttoB. toe tot
ftm asd Bay* balac aaanlaxma.
deeoted to ibr derorallon
A raaelaUoe waa lelrodocad by
with the rrquialie aaUrra
Aansaa (toilto. protkllag that
lad toem lo racagnillon in toe fraleri
Mayer <U by appolstmeol tbe place uo
Aflcr Ih- IMtiatory ,
grand aonal leadion waa
rfl TBCast by tbe expiraCily
Opera Uonac. where
BofAlderBaa f C U
ebarmed eltrlr
3‘ki peraona
■oleliOB wa* adoptod
At theeoLiaa.-r Utile Mieuam Rbea
The ioii.aii>ry ecremon
9M. Alderaae Baatlsffa MarilB dlrecicil Ibe Rucal to toe (Irtaatended with the iBp-aMi
la hi* oplnl
iBf roome asd at the head o( toe »laitMUraly Mw eosaKto* aboald be ap- way dalaly Hlalnaa l>jn>tby ConoabU oaual to toe order a0'1 tl
toe largeat eeer Initiated i
Mayor Baalli
abowed tbe way to toe room where
tbe aiatc
Tbe work waa conducted by
toiMB TT W. Snub to the
a were to br laid
RoUi Ibeae
Gkballed Kulcr I- C liBaaXrr. K
a reeeited I
cbarmiof yoooR laoie* were pfelUly
Ualtad Slatto toeaior HeHlllao. to re- arrayed lo whilr aod their oalnral le.tned l.vnurlny Kilgatn.-o Knf
laff and Leading Kaighi Barneat Coen,
fvdte Ibe reeaet teetriettos of toe frecet were del ir»ifully diaplayed.
all of Mamalee l.rdgr No vt''
oesaell, Mkla* tor a breakwater to
At toe eotraoce to tbe parlor*
work waa admirably e> ruled before
lha bay. B* aaasred tb* city of bl* rfIbr ltr(r»i gaiberlBg of K k» eeer eon
tort* ia fator of to* project at toe oral
grevated here The following eaodi.
toaalBC of Oesfra**. asd aayceatod tbai





by eclL
ires of me t l; vC—-be arbiBitan
arid he tufirrer haa Bnffat'a
moral form of kiOfiei rro-ble
- a 5was>p>RoO( ihe nr* diw
ir-ae^tpcoj.c (Of k.doei b.adder

nopelea. caaea al-r- a.I uihcr
have failed i' diuer»«
lllar a .-es. A Wile mii free
by mail aiac * ao». teihin about SwampRooi anc n> m.i,Jeil.i. c.rt.
Dr. KiLmer A C- Bmphamton. N Y alto

Ko lowlBf were p earsi
HeCkraar'l R'xr"
treasahao. K C ticboolry. Htoe
1 Heier.r Aufual
fid M.f;ii
•'rler liiaeaoilr*-. R L
■' u
, Kiralafl .Soah W Mottioyrr
J oi
' ii.w.on t Kiriacborr. J.m HerrMas BauBse. iiarrey Ih A.
ware. Wn Rai. i*;, H H U .y. J k.
McParlao Haa Inutr A K H l:.a >
too. Wb TbOBaa- iw Swreiisa'
r'nd 1 rireachrr. lieorfe I'oriaiitca n
'Cbaa t'hrlaliaeaoa JohB Thorp. J.Cortm, John l.racb. Wm AtoncB. I' .V
.arc X
Uoo I- Houd. baio huiitom I
S C' Aaeeeao.
Deircit-Al l Newman
Cbarleeou Robert i-aidweM. Rr-o



' ness. The quality never changes. Whether you buy^
of a big coffee dealer or at a little grcK'crv store '
' around the corner, you get the same coffee, the same good- }
r ness, the same value for your money.
You can’t be^
I deceived if vou buy

Roasted Coffee


-Rau.cBed Ixeadiey Koiyhi. of •• aid
Rapid* lodyr. Ueorr* H. Se/
Loui* llrili.J if I'erkiu
Cadillac—B B. Aldncb. B I. Mnh
rny. t'. H.
Rurtoo. »r
Rost WilaOB. tv. H. I'ari.h. lieo.a'r
N.chela. Hermao floyle. I. \ aoMet. r
J 11 Ulaboo. Williaai Hayr*. Ilx..
Keybolih. •
R Sicoitb
Hell l.a.i.,
Krabk Jaroac
Petoakrt —daoeb hluble. Kraok -l.o
c alf. J t liillinan. Then K-nn,.a-id
wiili ibr ncceaaary ('rank KotchoiaB. 1. M B <waiu
authoriiv to col eel tbr 6oea Iiupoaed
ll.' J I. 'iaaotietl, T K hoarp v
•r f..r iDfra..
lace. Elk Rapid.. Maruo btoi'l

It is prepared by an .nd.v: ;
: r-f. jipo value their reputation too
highly to endangt-:
ia '. c: '.it: the standard of their coffee.
up in pni kages by people of
ll is'hermeticaii\ .-^eal'-d .i
, many yc.irs expenenre aiu ;m'-st reliabilitt’. It is not grouod
I because ground coffee iuse Aii-’.h.irAls of its flavor before reach^ ing_ the cons'.imer. It ; not'.iold in bulk because of
possibiiities f!' -idulteration
It is not -soUi at a high price
because it is better to .sell millions of pounds of coffee at i
asmull profit than hundreds of pounds at a large profit, f

A Michigan Miracle



< fnreUta- A Moet*(ue. SaoLoaod Hitt Baehu*.
it tb* city.
<>uoc throucb the eoirasce ail lormal
by water
laid aaide and ttar proeerblal
tea tbrearh tbla porv asd othar at
ioeideolal to a raiheriac
Darby. Kalkaaka. W Pariah. Cbarlea
Mra that weald belp^ as U
'• club ladlea waa dialloctly
R BBltb.Jobo A Harry. Trank Janoe.
Baetfeat In toe oareairaioed aoclablliIleorge IV N .-bjit, r K. Coaa.Iier
iblch preeailrd. Mutual letrodocCadllla. Dr. I.eorge Keecrafl. Herman
Uoua were ^1**0 *»<! old atqualalAOce*
K. Engle. A B. Sheiria. 1. M Howard.
aod frteodablM were rcoewed
Bbteyasla Btrtbclay Party.
William Nainatock. i’etoakey S. a.
foel that
Tba aasaal Wnbday party of
Wallace. Tbomaa K. Sharp. E'k Ranlda
r»d to meat toe ladle* of toe


Beoday aebeol bald
liMrge Naearre. tV c Uull. C H
aocial ODoeerae at leaat ooce a year aod
Vrlday alcbt at tba abenb. wa* a
Hear*. WilliaB Broach. R V Oarland.
objret of toe reeepUoo wa* ebaratoss staally plaaaast affair. It 1* toe
V. Hetcriyl. Cbarlea Broadfool, Cbarlea
Lofly demooatralee.
laiplar ec4*r la thi* tabool to
Roaentoa! aod Sam Kenda. of Trarerae
mUk S party *aab tall, all tbe nca
1(00 aod eiaitlDC toe prealdeot. Hr*
a( lb* teheel to tsaaoBbor tb* oocaaioo
ll wa* after 11 o'clock when to* Uki
Bob«rU. called the falherto* to
marcBed from toelr lodge rooma into
orderand lo ^tea well cboaeo re
lain hall of Uc City lipera Uou.e.
where fie* long table* were apread
1 foro
Tba saBbar prniBt at tbe party
good totnga which Elka know
Ur* R iberu defined tee objeeu
laM eaaslat wa* sot bi larf* aa
right well haw to diaptwe of. Tour of
of toe dob aod eeotorrd tbe
•esU bar* baea bad It sot baee tor
the tabic* were arranged Irnglbwlie
toat It w*e a Kood Ibiac 'or
lb* tbraatoslsr weather, bet tbit dla
of toe ball while toe sfih waa art at
to Rct witoie the Ibtollectnal
BM Uader tb* eejoynast of tbe >
the leaat ooce t yeai
da the Elk* filed
tola wlae toe mesber* were eoabled to
Vattoatforat of aBBeemest* dlled
Prof E. K. Knrtangb'a
reae tbeir pueau wlto toe ealoe
ap tba Ua*. wbU* tbe tead* to tor
oKbealra rendered a tpirlted
r work aod efloru for tbe upllflla;
birthday box were balsf aornaeted
march which ealirenad tor occaaioo
enllrbtoseot of tbe weaker *ex
Baparlatudeat MUllkes aseoeocnl
and gaea a toretoatc of a good pro
t tbe clone of her reenrka Hr*
that Iboa* who were pot sreaeat woald
gram. Before being aeaied the time
*l>pre.-iB1r- .rtir IxaI-.' .nAMija'
Roberu ielrodoced Mrv A. it Helli.
ba allotrad asd were reqeaetod to
honored enatom of drinking a loaai to
day. who faeoreul the conipaoywiit toe
Weetero Dpfendpr
laniBbir tbe Batter witb toair eostbaeol Vrotoer* waa obaerrrd. when
pretty aolc.
•ibsUao* sat Sesday A aabataatlal
toe entertainer* aod gueau fell to and Wpib
»*> A . iiild rail -iin ll
B«ncb Wria^r /fiA-'r <'■
cflatle oleaaloc manaer Mm. Holliday
bassSt lor tb* Sasday aebeol wi
made a eigoroua attack tipan toe menu
I till*
auiM.Aj.kri. • ith armg.-i ie iween
K"ld» up wueri
followed by an cnlerlainli
IbareaeUof to* party
wblcb waa prepcrr.1 by <iui Lnraoo
. by Ml.
lea stetoberff, wbcae tbeme
Barral Chump iliM uihk.- Duller maliiia: a picaai.r.
Oaa** of rartoa* klad* ferslabed
chef at Hark Place
iamiac tbe Haby. ' aod whoae
anawBsat tor tb* yooef people pr**lliai pul there arii.-l-e wiilmi tl;. iHtrh ..( all
pleaaiar eloeuilonary arnomplUtaa
mx. asd dertof toe *T«>toc seeH.f
ere sasifeatea.
tout tor tb* laser Baa wa* ferslabed
A lOOfet procram wa* prepared,
owing to oolda aod other Boaeoidablc kro«-. wUrn In. tiiiir m*. ..uiu
appceriifd. tl toe way to wblcb it
cobditiooa tooae wbo were to panlciiHtoppaarad I* asy Isdicatioe

: r;. ....







iINK 8




Cutters, Carriages, Robes,
Blankets, Farm Implements,

. .i >u,. Sin.,.

Traverse Cilv. Mieh.

lur„uiurru.u..ul............................................................... .

tJ. O'.

949 From Biroet

Tbs prorraa wa* rery asjoyabir.
Aftor a abort Hoe of aociabillty tbe
asd toaaaatarl «ob* rery oelqae ftw
rotoU were mrUed Into tor large
tsrea. It wa* opeaad wito prayer by
la*. A. A. Wall. Prod. Boreft Jere*. diolng room* where two long labltt
iprrad. witb (llateolor ailei
Oa orebaotra played to e deltcbtfol
tod abinloe ebina Icndlef
■saner, ead were thoronybly eppreei
deligbUul rooiraat to Ibe deooraiioea
atod. Tbaa followed e rery pKsator
of eareaUona urer mo aai dowo
eeaal deet by Kin Seeadere asd Hrr
toe table* The Beoo waa temptior
BayMs. Blasebe Baskell aasr to bar
oleely aerved.aa foUow.

•Bd OaMr Bbadeb
Tbaa* who bad ebarge of toe *r
iMgaMal* of toe party dea r* to
thaak ail wbe awtitad la ib* ceealat'a
ptpgraa aad ia etoar wayp.

Tbaapaaal raaapUoa of toe Trae
^ wm 09 Woaaab elab b baeomiag a
a ttea ertfiaary
■ paPBt la kpohad lor




W*> Spjpct Thepe

I will pat 16 to 90 ceou utiwoefaed Wivil. 8 CPDU for ' :i
t£ to $3 lior*.' lilclee. from 96 MOtp to f 1
«)ie hufbept market prue f..r fur- ,,f all kiiij*.

A MS psrV WM pretUly reprtesBtad
byasaBberof ebUdree u ibr plattsrm.
Tbpy took tbsLr para rery
Srlbabed eonetolar to toe pleaeere of
lbS«*aBiaC- Mdlto TuBlto wee boetoe*.
asd tb* rotot* •err JolU Kelley.
Hoeelle Boasott. Beni*. Berths. Qraor
asd no^ MaHlebaal.Vtrlae Oardsar.
■arsla* Aldn. Belaa Bauaa. Loll*
Bale. Laara Kyaelba sad Paarl Wll.
bain, rrito Lceto* Patebls acllaf a*
peatnas Tb* rtolto playtac by Selee
■assaa asd tb* reeltatloe by Hrr*iir
BassaU were eapeetally pleaaier
saabanos toll sart of to*

Trpv*rp« City Mich

Wonderful Values in___

l„r alieep


BepreponLPtivf VaIupp

[- Ita. i

I’leoa.- ir> nie f.,r t

$6.00 ^

oaii liwiiellt

After toe d:

in of the repaat to*
to toe parlor*,
wa* apeot briara

Tberaeapiloo waaadBirab’e plasoed
aod deUgblfolly carried
ladlee were well amlated -by Uadiord
Mr* floldro
.'^oooa Bon 501 Asiociation
, ■•Idei'l of toe Cbooly
Baaday School Aeeoetalloe. aad Bobt
Ra.raey. eeeretary of the aaaoc atioe. retorecd Priday ICoa
Hattie Creek,
where they aliceded the state Saorfay
rebool Coem'tioe. Tory report It aoe* of tor beat and largeat atleodcd ia
toe biatory of the ornoi/ttion. aad
are prood of the fact that lirand Traeera* again leriira* tbe ereoad Imoarr.
which waa cotopeted foe by a.) to*
teanUc* In toe orgaaluaUoa. Tb*
baaaer* are awarded lor tor beat all
aroniid work, oear forty tblon b*4»'
lakaa lau cnraidaratoB (a toa dacM-

' t ‘ *I:.| (K

Telephone l.'O


rca(«.,1eT ..f pccadta. ^
Iwrr u liable llw ami

At $8 and 810 1™';:!,::”;“"
J"!.I,ruad hr-nct. f, mg. -nra wide aaUti
l.ipir,.; -ra .ala.w
,i„, Liuj<. plain *t.'l fawr-t iio- •
ibL' I'f lA'al lualili. *. all • lAii-Tiiiii ‘f ■••tJ-r deUll II


: ‘ 83. 83.60. 84 ;;
■. Ilefw We bpTe DC




-----!hOl TU SIDE.

Wilhelm Bros.

Mib. Utaad Mbtaal U b aab rrpb
StforM an I! •
to.kUa What
hwtfMaaoM a nldabia «ap»ll «d
ekeo latarrlaw, bap* that aba ba* to do abeal eQ wail a|Bl%Ui»^ la
Mtr on two Bllaa watb of i
• to adaaaUoa Aaeprta. iBftp CM. T»t
I will ptebabiT a*l biB a forwaa. alraadj
al taatHoMoM <B tba IMAe oeoal. aad wast aUtp feet lato tba ttwaadi atrock

fftvBrs6 Moral
Bf I ' ;
K- '
m ' .

will riKM Sard-

t*« »!«•■» of ■•«••< tkaeOBUc*- Mr. aad Wti. Joba Raoaadp bar«
«w of M aai* by I>«p«V7 «oim Blialaraiaea Suadap Boralaf.
poUea aad parcai* ar* mablar a dlliopletea
■ aluT fWoBbla. bM Mlrrod op »
«Bra tcfet la tbpt dl7 pod M tvtof la that tbr bop* wrrr drowaad While
hV, wMra torn* of Um caaca ai* ipkaa plapleraroaad Ibrdocka Tbrlr
«ar trial.
1lM Boat iaiperuol arUarc UiB* iar
PBda waa at ObarUaolo rwaaUj arhera
Ka taeh poattaalaa of orar tbrae too*
•ab aad look ibata to iha Bootb
Op. of Paloabrr- H««atal bcb
iBplieatad ia tb* aaUafa. aad all of
lba« bar* azproaaad a dateralaaiioa
10 tebt u» o»Uar to tba aad
ban aaearad coaoaal. aa^ »m put up
abard a*bv Tbap data* Ibal tbe>a bp tba I' 8 lUb

. Bdorft MAtpCini. ^hito dmialT t»t^
MdM •Itb a load J wood, will b]p
Ihta bWida Ua:
kallct troB a I

•Tficffl laoSTCljr


|> el. lie 1 raeeleed IroB tba paoBal ronraBesi

band wt
beoke oat. aad
eaed Cor tbe tiia.pBeat

'triubarp OjtncDereUl tell* bow
at of tbal Tiilafc bad a lot of
faa racratlp. Wbile bU wile tna awap
•eeatal dap*' »l*lt be earjied all

the faraltare out lato tUe pard aad itaea
I: At Hroekipe. while 6eo Reper
back aptiB leto tbe aooee.
‘ pear-old lad. aad a coapaaloB
Waen aaked wbp be did tbi* appareat' ' bnatiac rabblU. aad
ip loulteb act,'be a*id ihat be waalad
I reaee. a rail rolled wub IbcB. dtarbarp
•" Al SleiDOerge liri
iBcaruB. tbe ebaive fO'n« tbroueb
Tbe Harke Uroi l)..*ai*l
act aroaad to boa* bin
>P*or Rrper* baud below the bnl Oorrr
pleaaed at Haa.eie-*0 well
-V.. —. vher (1,.^ broupi.t hi,.,- an.* .hCheater Hall, tbr leebaia coea'p baee beea epecial'^ i eaca(-d
for *o
^ ^
>e Bener, loaj
Caleb dadu* the cluaa; »ieeper. wE—e cbief occupatioe lor
g B .1 Hoadap.
wil. Blake three be anipaiated
ol obtalalnp I
b„ bero to .ierp anrt w bo ba*
» thiopal.
apawB tor tbe I
rhu •
lowed bp tbe pnaaatlaw. rta tbI* wife la*i loan eai.orb to cat. b*a beerpoor
piOBBd tbep will baae their defeaae.
paa to liBproer aoh a abir to gel out
; Hoiaoierr
beeermi other caeaa baee beea *eetir- aad do a iitllr worn
. nf I
Aoolk.-r lo»•dbp Mr Brewatar. Uav will onioe up haB e aalp •leep'r \ Mila Map tVblie. certaiah ■ eerp itroi
r to Kaikaaka
fortdal la tbr oaor fatarr
>>se ol ac<d :t. who lit< > *l Mcidemr. Wbaa Tbe Mark* Rro* eoiop
at dieiBbeqi'' 'iraed i
tbe eaaea waa triad at Peioakrp Wad
Br*t Ukci
t-o week*, be^.k.
• Baeid* WM a ;
BBdap. bet rtealtadlB a dlaarreesaat i called, but tbepeunp womai
w ratdad.
A 'i Pairbaak* aad wile weal t
tered ioto a aoaad k.iiiuber
Trare-ae Cup baiordap



N.t* Bill left Wedaeadip afieroooo ! wbo wa* ei.iilar ber
for Taaoaaaae where be will epead lbe|B^. „d foaed .e-ed

Tbe arl elet -a ire Norember North

-le .: \|.-Da a
-*'.> Wri^l.u in .pit.
oBiiov: F


- .i.g

::e< Boot uf Belea dewed the seel
lage here .Saiurdap ettBiop
Kiopd and Pred Rrowa »re v
work at Prap A Ki»er e .-amp

1* deierofaed to p,ei--e IBr luarailoe el
tbe biebMt poiat poaaiole. both id tbe
.lalot eoouibulore aad toe rberacter
of their wnrhvicr* Tbe eOBlribulore
j a
are of dieerae Dai'oae.'tir* Anmicao. ' ; :ib |o>v to
llrlii»o, Kreocn. Buieiao. Boumaaiaa. , Kultoo
while thep Include meor peruoaaree of
the hipbni dleiiociioa eoeb aa the ,

.ecartlle** of vrftle*


' ::.

atlendlBC php..e,an aaa ab'e to aaak
ea ber
lti*»alrlher pbp*i-al er-BOl
w.^ {{|ie Barbee bae foee to llraad'llioeitrerp mu. b iispri.eed. bo'. >DI
Rapid* for * ei*.t with frlead.
■jatJII aleep* r>o uBJUiurbed e»vept *1
Hta. H
Blackwaa w*a called
Cbarle'toli paatwdap bp the death
BirfUpIdaibe •henir Mopdap.

$4 60


. $3 50

• nret tain-.
Mir l'U>- a. -1

T.I auile of all wu-'l I nhuirlml M-:.-..
Ill . h.. ke. Bad atnpe. „f lii.- w..«
I»«-rv». It.. t«eti.-! \aiiit-. -uoao ai
uur 11 uloai 11ng |ir, r

w of Cealn

| clolbra abe wore Bear!
Hrv O. Roa* of babla. apeal re*ler-1
u> baee beea *u.leB
dap (boapiar in tbe dtp
1 airbl bp burriar* froia t
Mrvd.J Potter aad Mia* U l■arkerj„, s„nBpi

the Houee of triumon*. two ii.eBi ber*
* •' 'frl
of the .ate CoBferene el tbe Hague o.* tbe .nth
the director of the Uiioedie Praoeaiee, b i daa«bler
eolec for Maeof Perrj. I
tbe pu'chaec of a home aad other*
, ueoke Wes
Attraclire Tbaokeririar Brno
forbinaell Mre ('oaaen w*e a rue*l
, Moadep le
..........................Table I*’
d»pt eUltlar frlead*.
of lb.- Heed*, and u le erirteai tb»t *he
Hearp Souf uf IteDDieoa le ell
icb earielp VBal oae laalmoat at a loe*
H A-Darla rauiraed Vo lirawa l*a
to CDl
lur reader* eae oblaie a
cBloroformed II
mideal nf ihl* place
•eaoloraftaf* «•- ■‘•r* '»
free • ppir eopp of ibl*
tbi* maeai.oe
maeai.O' Bp
B. A. Holden of Lao*iog. aa old l.®i
aendloB Ibelr name aod addrea* n Ta'; J L tVaroer banded
, raaldeolof Uraod Trarerae. wa* la th.
lao UKlap remarked iba bIrTalk I’Qbliahinr Co . Pbiladeipbia. i Uoa ta tbe town board Seturdae
I’*Lowei: Sour* waa appoialed lor lb«
ellp peatardap
Mr Holden *llll owo.
lewou.d r« boBe Tver
A brigbl. readable maor ae. de-I ■xa'adcr of the pear
aOBa rood propertp weat ol lowa aac dip bad act *u*Be
■ aitbuorb '
------------------------*i*ord for pe-.ple whulc.ire ooiblor 1
waa here to look alter it
wa* the belief of
hearp but plenip of amuaior and lour ' Tea IhouaaBit demon* raaw-or *'
eeilnrBctioo aod articln to Bilalei* , at one* riul* enu Idol be Boi-h w.
Jamea Raaeal ct WllllaB-burr aai war. doae bp eoiae
ure boor u fouod iB F.rrrpbodp’* Mag than the loriom of Itchiag p,.-*
la tbe dtp oa buaiaeaa peaterdap
-r, iberr't a .-orr
lioaB't Ulatmeoi n.
J. B. MeOjagb retorned la*t nlrbl three mile* wat of C
fros Uraat. when be bae loaded * cei isjured HoBd*y tcort
Mra Margaret K. banr*ter wbo for.
wlthpoallrp for New York
Ur ooi mg klump* oae d -w I
• I had d.nprpaia Bftp a
arre- found permaaeot _____ ____
larper'a ilir ir. baa retigi
. la thto ear t.tuo Inwi
Q*ed Kodol llpaprptia Core
Now I
on and j i.oed Ihe'ediu
Geaer*. Sewi.
well aod feel I ike a new m*o." wi
rar l.aaie* Horn.
.1 FlL-mior. Muirap. Neb
CharlM P Bo;k I* m Aon Abnt dirciaol known
Carr* *111'
promlaeal .Icrarito,
cea. jimp beeau*e;of wtan-iU
baelnr *>'• np*» l«»l*d for rlaeae*
;'T iod,re*tioB
P-ip«ici*n* rrerp «
ww th* Mlchlraa football raiae
Smallpo* ha* i>ro«moot m the Forprm-ribe it. F- C. Thonifwoe
tp cigcith rertmeo' •Morea, at saa
doe riaok. wbo ba* beea baplnp
iurwap t-.o
tatoe* la Haatoo. reluraed to the cilp
Aa extranTdiaarr .l«m*od and a
cold, dowi
roaari* [viiuu. to a coal f*niHra. F Bi*ard of firawn wa* in
lar at Boalon and oi
eup pralerdap
'd me 111 I.
Mn. A H Widri* of Hendon
Maap lamlikw ..f
t Uaw....
Urned boae l*at eeeaiae after hei
N'latb Infantrp.ucie .m
ipan on•* pre I '
are reported to be m
'V a.'c.'ptahle
P Porter who ba* been
ursameat -o'
claace. at WaterUiwu
tb* pael week alteDdlar t
womea *lr
rataraedboBe peeterdap
a.,,,. H ood Bill
pub'labed e:
ip h, Th.
eri.„d.*parl i
Rapid* lor tb* p»«l three week
obulard <
Germaa empire, hnldmr a a.iu-iar pm..
taidlarbarsitherwhowa* rer
loB to Kaearia. wa* dui-uired
o reer te. la
Mtaraed beea* l**t nlrbl
iaau'v of th
The St Cbar'r* hurl and ii
Hw* Oora Orawlord ol Grawo w
mamiDir w ck'
in •uTf Hatfa^ aeiLina '
uildiar* bariied at tVagvmer
tb* eltp paaterdap elaltiar friend,
unir of autoMlB Cora Wheal of drawn re i
.lOinMa foi; p-iapecta. ol ibe ; .'uag trouble*
boaeHaateTeatoc after Larlor *peal
Tbeixlor* Tboma* ha* refuted il
three Boatb* la tbe dtp
To Cure a Coid in One Day.
rllationof the d.rwdtora ol tbr
HU* C Hoptof tlrawa wa* li
■ipopition wauead the *how becauae
i.lColumbu* Ar.'DUe. Il.wtee. Ma*a ;
HlB Uarloe Baeker left l**t erenler of bw di»aptOTal of the llrerlo.



AU «i|ea>ui. <>o all kind* of men-baodiee. wr , .niim-uixi t.i l>ijt
uur fall aaj wtoW Konda oil mi*otl>. b^o.
W r Uout-fil adtaa
Uirtwcualy but imthri hwdvy
Tlie Vealber liaa Wn fTvAlIt
atlBiUel DC. the reeolt i» «•, «r- ui rr»li.-L*.i f*r




F.rr .'I:; and si . «.•
llli,'. lUaiie .if tllr |wT.t

i ..,ir ,


.. ,.i



$12 UO aad $16.00
. -I


.!• ul ,'t. 11 I

S3 96
- 1..I* J M- .

1111I.0..I11H. pn. f luHk'-



" $e$o

> >Hr!Ull'l " 1

l-i-t, Knr..

I- r« r.wlu.'fi I.


■ t Istrra 'e-iii

$6 60
$6 60


ETery lt«m



our ClothiDR lAppamneot embracini;

Mea a. Boys and Cbildreo B Clothiag bas been reduced
l a saendee to uaload 0






rut V.irrH S.-iiMl’AM'iN

for OfSWB wb*re tbe will tpeod naadap with Hi** Cera Wheat of
um Oora Woodruff of ilrawn
ba* bOBO In town abool twe> mo
retaraed boaie ta*i eeeolor
Fr«d BrowD and Albert Nfieotny
rataroad l**i nlgtat froaa Uip Uiroagb



Death « Vice PreMOent Hi bart.
Pataraoe. N J.. .Vu» d.-V ce pre*.
daat Garret A: Uj tart died at'll ihl

SeeoBd A.*l»lanl seereurr of Stale
Adee ia laid np at bit borne in Wa»b.
Hr fell off bla bicpne aad
dlalceated biaaboulder.

Eeaarelwl Moridr wbnwa, .ulckra
With beart failure le K*a*a« Cup. ba*
arured at b:« home la Kmt N wtadrld.


about illen’s

So plea
d pour war
ireat lor the I

■ :m
------- .k u.r am

■ Jraverse Cily,

Bu comrae on
le of Mr Whi
at I catae in a
rampbo.'k am
y nrb'. prupr

The board ol managera of miflaTori
' tbe Epiacopai ebun-b bat deeidrd
BOD *rrrT**iT,- ■Dikihwarp work .0
Cu*!*. Porto Bl.-.. »od ibe POil-ppioe*.

Successors lo
Traverse Cii)f lumber Co.

. U..VH<b.


Ai.;.li mL'

Toe lower part-of A-i .-u. and I'.ra-

cam- i»-r lli-


□ », tbe port of Ai‘. n* « -e floodrd
tlbrretullof hr**/ -an-* luodap
Sevrral hootea harr 'al cn and lorn
gnoda and catl’e ti«-e Beea *«ept
B attack ol aarla pccloria.
There ba* oeeii -..rue lu** of
fe and ruilwap cowiiiiunu-*:loo it in
Mr*. Newtoa. i
Caban leadrra wao- Ueb t^ee
aad a aaraa i
lien Wood apniinti .1 eomuiaader of
patUat'a bedalde eoaataatly fmis
the American fo;ce* in tbe inaod when
tiae be became aecoaacioua
At-: 30 Mr Hobart', aecreurp called tbe Cubaa* are rirer authoritp to a'ect
prp>ideat. roagrr** and other oBl
ap the Wklt* Hon»e bp telephooe
ciala (or aelf-roeeromeal. which tbep
10 la Frti
BoWtwa* dpiitr V'.ar* thronrfaoul hope to do




Uaa* . Breatlg imprered ia beaiili.
Are BOW oa tal* bp ageau r
itcago A Weal Michigan Rr
tp ^nr.d ralea lo point* in r.
T Souihem ao
Apple to Agee'
amengrr Agent 1

■wralnr- He bad. bwa failiair »laci
lau peaterdap aad at mldalrbt b -came

TRUSStS. 65c, S!.25_ANUUP


Given Free!


-ffdots in bln. *r sn.l lai,-. .ilk i
l-ps. S-ot.-li -ula— \


vatietj .if uitUi •


rhow* III l>..\ -al/. willow tAD calf Ami -uaii,.-!


l-ail- r

-ul-i*. u.-w tcea- ntibl At iL- l.i). in »tyl. bud il- jm-. »

U./m, style, iniAD..................................$2.00l«$400
Fifty slt-l-s in blaris

Try Ormia.OI Ter OrmJa-0

$119 to $3.60

Itiy a I«D aud bim k..................................98c to'SS.OO

Men's River Shoes

I dir

tiiui innMii.,;,. .•-■urdj>i-w. ami.-«
Th-> sr-.impl. in (.r-imrhii.,i, and f..r ili..
..f int-du. lOu-tli-m u..wi,|-r .-.r-l- ;! iiiTeih.
1 diwriuiiuatio.; Ii .iiwk-..j»-rB wh.,
. ..f d-l|. lu.i- 1*1,;.. (J,Lw-tlib
■' wt -II,i„ half pri, - ,,[T.-r le iint-ie


lliiblmr- t.. tit all lli- Isi-si eiyie eliiw...



lolled darlar tbr to
tcUrraB* of coodoienc
Aliaoat tbe Brat ol li
Prceldcat aod Mra Md
Oarrcl Ansuttut Hob

ii-.izsk'ib-iiis isiri?-


and All -f m-vi w—k 1.. -v-ry |.u'. |ia,-r .f nNK ]«, k*i..e ,,(

136 Front Street

The Practical Sbo*> Man

it (All 1.. Bek y..iir
; '..r a fr— pA-sa..-•
3l.r-l <'.k-«iiiir w|,.„ nur.-baeimr j.,ur I/-ia
I I- Ml ■.j>p..rtcioiiy i;,Bi will II ,1 b- pr-w-Dt-

*bd ctadaated fntm KiititcTacol ere i
1W9. For acrcral pear* ihi:-afte
wbilc teachiDfr echool be atudird a
aad wa* admitted to the bar lu l~.

Hi^'HiWhat a Dollar Will Do

pjiwta w ) fo'low
Ibe ieerrleapto, ,
and pou a-.r ai.i.d i

A Montreal dlapai

..*.a: [Tbep
tbla place and waa elected citp C3'
U irti. meoiberol the >tate l..»i.
iwpraaentaUrra from Ift to l-tlaraaapeaker la 1-t*. *l«ie >..i
bwB Iitv to ;*.s, beiDg pre. de.

bare agfcd lo coup rale to pf»»«
tbe apread ol tbr diM-aar bp ti.i luJii

the aeaate le l''l.
Hr. Hobart wa. rmlaeetlp ii.
both IB palitic. aad in bualar -



'! u-rr. ...r

T«Avgaae e

..- .s.(

CAl.Xa*KA 1




Thr eoD.iaat re ar- rr th.- .'epar-i
. f Krill* r Iran.-..ii.
^i-aMp ul the foo.1 >upp .r* *a.pM n
Ibe coniracurra, la u .waioiiing * m-i
d*I aua great Ifidtgnaiion
The Am
on Thu-aday bad to be driape.!

BteUamaa naGl hi* eleciioa 11 *,
From 1*so lo l«oi
at tbe baM) of tbr auir rrpul. i.
faaUalloa in New Jetaep aaa p
■MD* brillipat camaalgna. Fr..
W law. be wa* a member ol tbUees ObUonaJ eaeealleecommiii

p.'uad* of rotlea c-ionia.
BittuoB bad to be replaced

be,-l a_..

tbr j

""" j
.b,„ u,,

theeoBBtry and at the Ume ol hi* elec
Uae** etc* prealdeat be wa* direrioe
etaixtp different aompania*.
Hr. Bobarlwa.a popular prsidiag
ottaor aad a good aarliamealarian H t
■aaeer w*4fi-in Hrleacea
batoaecblid. Garret A.. Jr..
Tb* taacml will probablp be



I (Dw

cry plate
It deaigo*.


in'cBiotraB*''i^rt'witb mik Th-ro ar« few p«opl« frae from thie dia«A»a. which develops
e of d-orriprettp eh,;


year Old child of Scett Cardwell waalrp. arUUerr. lefaBirp. etc
plarlag ID the paril 1:'e.. .nio an old I atrlklaglp Mutiful acd wil
ciitera. The m .ther
lu, cblld fall j
.T*"* “I*?®*"

-*■»»., cu.

Inconble conditione

G. H. SNOW. M. 0., Specialist

aedraaoataad jampwi ,n after I* L. Il 00 ^0,*
r^n>*fkALIv .occmaful iu llie tri-atm
rtwbed op lo her cb.a. aad ery ttnrea tbroaghoni tbe coaBVry.
ni-tbrxi* ar>‘ 111.- rtwoh of citenai.r study aud rtpwneii— id tni* field,
abe bold the eblld abote her head frr 1
Bp aeadmg year oasteand aadrawe lo ‘end will be fOQOd to give CTcet relief la all. aoil io llie majority of

hour cr^og for heia II-r
For dollar b- will ftmuali rwe moorh'a irestineBt
ib«J?.''»oa. beeomiag eihaoai. w,apprr» -r 10 eta in .laoo* to
for any
of _qa«l. IhiMal or bron. bial -aurrh. iD-lti-liut: all serr.
ipelled to drop
1-0* and ail medi-iti-* rwa^ni
child and taee berwlf She rcmalacd
Tl.ed.wMor aleu irrmtt all rhitmir du>es.-uwnnd dia-anee of vGmen,
ia the well for three boor* after tbe benaUtnl mlondsr.
SB well as diaemen of lli* eye. ear. noa* and ibrosl. He bha beet
child waa drowned, uatil ber baabasd.
vety Kuxmefnll in trestiitK cencer and aetb:
-I wonldaY be wltbooi DeW:
'oar, who had gone to tbe wood*, mamed
bom* sad tnaceed her. Tbe mciber i*
la a criUml eemdilloa from^apoem,^^^ sod ^la^

S'iMl'flMlIl FitW. Teetli tnraciBl eilfeoiil |iii.2Sc.


Offloe ta Hnwriltoa * MnnH— BAoek, Oms Dbi



We also «n sopply jtm with other imdee of BsnMHi at $6,60. $6.00 end $10JMX



ttAWPinUtWiM ■MUtP, a0flMUaM>8. ItM.
Jealak rUa. wka diad at kM
aaar Tata. »of. U. waa e4 jmn aid.
aadtadbaaaaiMidaBtet tklaaoaair
far (waa« roan. Mr. Ufa waa hlfUr
I br aU wke kacw t
Ufa had baaaa aaeat asaa.
Ha waa a brotkar af W.B Fife of Yaha
aad Mia. M. P. Baraa of tUa «ttr—iMtlBl Ct >■■■*. —< Ut ■

rMdhadharaHowawMrahaiiiad hk
Mmaat FFtUaa Faijr
libaok aad ft.TV. all tka mower
Ik bar paramm. Mr. a
Thar^ Traeaeaa Ot^Dodca. Ma
TiCaicbtaaf Pptklaa. daddod apoa baked. Warbeaad Noiaak taller Mia. J
Hia. Cteim Walla aad aaa loiarwad
tkcdataettkaaaaaalaedal parbr «t
ettr- Bowi
Bowa la aaU he bate
rday aoaalac tn
bem Ladlafioa
Ikelodca. TbeooMt will ba oaa ed
ra t^ baea kaaavi
tkabrtllMat aoelal fapoekma of tke
from Warhe aad wham ba atiaaad hta
e. aad Ilka an wortooi •
r tka aaapteea of the lodca. will
aad eoeld fad aeilkar of tkeaa.
of Mr. Ckub'ta aicaad J.. whan Ui wife bat t
hr tka lollowiaf.wMim Hr. Ovt myt
ace aliaadr la ipraciaae aad ao (ft
will be tpaiwd to make Mm tbe m

Mm vtU OMV ta lov WMkt.
eajTabla of asp almUar onaaloa
daacblor. waa aaabla he raaah
UMTIk* bMtaas s( tk* bmUbc tbe fasml. bat apeot a few dara with dartkedlreetlea of tke Prtblaaa.
WM taUad. tka coaapaaj aajorad
oet will be OBC of tke aotioUi«
tbe tamllr tbW wMk The la
tkMaMaaa te a lealai war. A
irm. Tbe dale ftaad epoe It Dee.
trtaode are eery
tor tbe leader
dMr coed «M waa iadalfod la.
■r liL The loUowiac oo.
aflarwkl^tkaeMpaara* ^ewa '
appoiatcd to eairy oat tbe
aad aelrbhon darinc Mr. rf»-a m<
a taaqaat, la wklah erMan toaad
wMh to axpnaa ikrlr riaUlada (a detail.
Baaeptioe-E B HeO>r.
(kla Baaarr
Smltb. difrtd Newmaa.
Matte—A W Biekard. Mat Tatmaa
B. 0. Udd. MarolaiT
B. I Eaapp
rarMaa* laaUtata. haa raaairad adrke
Baeqaet—C E Ckrle, A D btielrae.
that tkara wlU ba a aaw ptaa adopted
EC C.ta.pvm. J.O.Birdaall
la Iha taalHala amDteBaaU Ihia wbieb fare
jaar. The eoaetr laaillatt will ba to ble taau, bat a earree-.ioa of what
haU ia tUa dir
^ *'•*’raarraad Ike prerraa will aoaieae
(wodara. Piarteoi to tkavdata. bo*
•ear. tkara will be two autre, oea at
netUkaoaDaoaaibarsikaBd aoelbMalMowoaOaetaroB IkaSlk. Tbara
at* feed prociBoa for all of tkew
thaaaw pUa wlU ba alMaded wtlb
heaadrial aad more widapraad roaalta
Cboreh of OkflaL
ThaChBKhot Ohrtol (DiadelM' la
tallr emaliad aad wUl bold ateaUaca
•earr Uri't Dar la Uraora bal
reaar atadaat of Hope Oollafa baa
baaaaaaaiooaapaaior. The Eider li J
E Baam. probabtr the r>««C~l
tor la the aUU.

Btoaacon are alarare waleoma. aod
Ihoaewltboataoberebboaaare corelaUr tarlMd to woimblp with ibfa
•karok. Saadar eebeol at tito. Praaeh.
lac at ike aiaal hoar. & E at « •«
arerr Lerdb Dar
AaaaaJ Oklekea PU Sapper
The tadlae did eodetr of Ike CbeCrecatlca obarah wUl flea tbalr ao
aaaldUIAaapianpDerlathe parlon
at Iha Aarek Wadaeadar afUroeoa
aad aaaalac. Noe. te. Sappai will be
awead tre« 1 40 e p. n. The price
erill ba It eaaie aed the proeaad* wUl

U farli like to br
boBtlDC for de«f with hli
when be haara a ikoi aod ai toe
Ume felt a aboek aod a tilof of 1


I You Can’t Do-'Better
Thu n nine to THIS STORE for ronr CIOIK POtCHlSa ^

MtmBtalt Dna. tka Bifb •
Parry, t
: H-iuw., Will OrtWe.
Joa Newi
Jol a Allan. W. Tbnratoa.
!. left yeatardny tor her borne
B B Daaa. 1 Kl bride. A Rrow G.
tbara part of tbe etaie. wban
R- Riemameo. B.Djnolof. K ADfeoet
UEidmrd.fl. Gokey. P Kraal. Alii.
laralaf to bm daika
MeDoafall T II Flrld. Fred Ooooer.
a V Wariaf made
UJfke. W U -Bartoo. Woi noal.
loGadUlae yeeterdar
Dan Doonbae
m Byde of Eaai Jordan. M tbe faetl
Hew Mail deHraoit.
of C E Lake.
arranfod for pabMrt. W A Raymoed left ytatetday
iiowtBf. toe wiB for aabort rail at Seilalie.
1 A. Moo
ler aebedale of arriral aod departare
of aa.)*. taaiaf . Beet Nor. let. 1-v.Sbennaa yaatrrday to attcod I
Mali rloaee for tb. *00 lb air ■<
t oral of K B Hoc

Btfb School Election
Tbe leolb frade held a meeunf »
Te.wday after tchool for tbe purpoee of'
Offtnlfinf tbelr claee eo ae u be able i T
to aid tbe eeaior dem by ooolnbouof | _

m . . 'lo
nena Inp to Empire
For tbe c
Hra..J U EamidrllwesltoManletee
up m
yratrrday to elplt redaU*«e
For HaoJ
Will Wrlfblman baa rctorned from
iped I “1 PDft aeked of them for the AnniTal
eorered that ba bad oarrewlr
ForCkdlllac ■‘ummllCity Mayfield I Mayfield
belBf abot for a deer
Be tooad a bol-1
bnl- **“d>
aad Klofsiey at 1>.
a m aad^wi p. I NitA Vena dteAne of Ulaad. la m
bole throarb bit bat aad a fee ,abcat tbe time acbooi ia cioecd oeal
the city
locki of bair aeatlr dipped from bit
For«.d Miaaion Maoletoo and Arcb
Prank Goodrich left last nlfbi
After the eleeUoe ef Artbar /.lameraddtlloB to a (alol tcmleb.
boaineaa trip to Fetoabey
tbe danftr man ai temporary cbalrmao aod Belee
For KejaloDC and Walton at
Htoel aa temporary eeeretary me Inter' Mrs. A J DeVrmeof W
by dear
I was In the city ycelerday
eaaeed bio
Mn. Henry dteflena of Lelnnd wai
After the abot be emrebed far oflicera wbicb finally mulled aa lol, Traverse City visitor yoaterdav
aod near for the party who fired it. bet
D. E 1 Pellii of Manlon. ia at l
Pmident—Addle dolea
Vlee pmideat—Bereey Tripp
•rovemoot.j Hotel CelnoMla
rUvtlle at
B, K foley of Cedar G In Ihe city
ttecretery—Ida Larklea
C. S. CavG baa returned frum a bu
Tremaorer—Ealph Boacoc
■ l''> I
For Neal at ■->» p 1
Toeadaye.^ bm trip aortb
Tbe aenlor clam edilorv of tbe Aoprored fatal.
K. Btroof bae returned from »
. Taylor aod blaaoo eaaeed tauet- nsal held a meeliof rreenUy after
Mails arrive from the aoelb at
vGIt to Cbeboyfao.
lof aod peiaroH borne, arrirlnf Wad- school aod made aome defielte arranf emeota Id refard 10 the Apenal Tbe
Robv Caldwell £*me down
oriiday ntfhl. each with a deer.
From nenb at v rt a m a
edilor-ls'Cliief bos diTided tbe Aaeual
Cbarlevoir yeetorday to alUod tbe a;
■oto fire deparimoeu aod aaaifeed
meeiiofol tbe Boardmaa Hirer
Death Koll.
Frooi CAdillac. dummitCily. Mayfiel
labeepuu I’ortafr Prairie a
LIf bt A Power Co.
aaaoelaie ealton their detmrimei
e remalna of Mra. Minnie ProTlo
i wmi of Ml«a SDd fa.metr, bi
aod KlOfiley at 1 9u aod T ’4> p. m
of Graed Hapida. were laid lo real In
Keyatoue and Walton at 1 id p m.
| rro* T»,ir.aeT • u eeoro
r-d for luuluai pmtertioti
panmenu may be added later
Oabwood cemetery Thursday
From Haslalee at im'.<. a m and I
El Pblllipe of Urawo G
li U Hoot of MeuilOD. reii
■a aeeeral aotj.'cu under
body wae attended by a larfe nomber
3.’. p. m
; week frum llu- I'hll'po'Der
He iv ler.
The foUowiof are the I
of frienda of ibedeceaaed, and pamer
From <>d Mlaaion. Maplelon aotf. J. W WJlUamaoo of Cocl Ha-bor' ibao i> years of afe but baa tw. u
floral IribBlea adorned tbe eaakel.
: waa at the Wblun* yee-erday
arouod the • irit
He rDlie-jm le . ..
aeber\ and Archie at 11 00 a m
Blauiry of aefaoola.
Fro® Nortbport. Omeoa and Sotlooa;
M J. Eoppock. C b Collier and 1. Fourth 1 S. mfauiry bui *a» d>
Frank Vnabsrf died Satnrday at bl
ay at II m.
Frank Bronson returned to tbelr bomev ,-barred after be res. ti.d Mam!a .ip.ii>
home In bummit City, aped 4B years
From buttona Bayi lulasc.
Prove | in E'raekfori yesterday, after attendelulav.i ..I bia pareuU a > to bta aftJ OffnnlratloDaof Hifhaehool.boib:
Tbcfnneral waa held Id the SBmmIt
lOnt. North Mani'.oe. K.-awlca,
Klof ; iof tbe Masonic acbooi 01 inalrvction
Tbe uu.i..Leet coal hand .iiir nia.-b n
literary aod atblelle.
City ebnreb banday at I M o'clock
*■ Cooley of the button. Bay
^..eo p.,i „ ,.,-.rat.o.. at
4 Sccini ereou of Hlfb
From Neal atJO p m. Tueadayv. I Beroo. ■» lo Ibe city
Co umvl Tlicre are 1 r.a-ant.e
Tburadayaand balordaya
W I. Porter returned last rrcoicf ria operated by ateai;.
1... i. .mr dr..t«.
r.. iirinda ai
i.M. W Bwi. ••iwlmaeler Ifr.m Hellaire. where be baa been ,nt.. a’barge un.ler .1 an.i -»ope up
Pbyeieai Ciiiinre id ,»oboola.
Paste ibia in your bal
' ependiuf a few Caya atteodinf to bun- ^
danfhtiT aor»l»e her, her bu«baod
le pbyalcal culture work of tbe
bariee been dead for some years Tbe
Frank Medlaod. .vmvractor of tb.
fnneral ooeorred at tae Wllhamabarf city acbooli bad bMO fteen a frmatcr
Tvr.l., . R„.«,o
annua. lueet-Oir .
impetut than erer before tbroufb the
I eouoly court booae. baa returned fruo
eborch dnaday atlernoen at 1.10.
ri, .V.i I
Peter W’urrburf la In >leef0 oeupiy! Grand Kipidi.
eSerta of
Prof Flynn, ibc pbyeHollIbnam Id a few momeate aad


and I lotiniv I loi.v




e^IT DOESIT'T F.A.'2'^v-i

Mtribatad tor tke poor. Thoee
Mablr ladload, wbe d«lre to haee
ir learo U*dr
haebali at the dhareh ee Ike craaiac
ad tha ffth or wrlr tka followlBC BO
taraadthaald eoelatrwUI attrad

Leri Mnoeey.apionrmr of tbir rvfion. aicwl oaltore apreiallat. Pivf. Flynn
died iiatnrday at bla borne t mUm aoulta baa bees enfnfod in tbla style ■ f work
Of tblaclty 10 tbe Bins ley neiebborboud for the Met U yeora. Ba haa done V.
bfoneomonlaafed-.iyearv Mr Manacy M. C A. work doriBf a Lnrfe akare of
waa a relerao o’lbe rebellion aod a that time, and bn> met with freat aocmatair Bobool read
member of MePbrreon I'oet. He baa ena.' Laeleommerha eondocted tbla
I appertieaewat of the pHmi
been a Snodar icbool worker for orcr branch of the work of tbe Hay View
yeaia aod waa euperisteodec' ef tbe Aeeembly
I raealead r«e<erdar
Be baa been firiof prieaU lea»oo»
daotof PabUe limtroe- Binniey Haaday acbooi. He lewne
1 t>r Depatr OoBOlr wife and iwoaooa. K do. wbo la tenc^ for some time In Ike city, barlnf
Inf tbe Birmiey acbooi. and Leave
amoof bli snplK a larfe oombe
wbo tonewdeer bootlnf lo tbe
tbe teaebera of tbe eeboola. At
Tbe fonaral was
mall of a auffeaetloo from one of bla
from the HirmlDy aebool bonac
poplla. be eolunteered
Whale «e Ke. la.
teaebera of all the frade roome lo
rt caiWi eledee
Benuol 01 tnitruc-uen
city lo the pbyaleal coltore work
Tbe Masonic lodfe of tblaclty aa well ia already belnf doer in every roao
•ariDitInf delefalea from aorraaodlnf the acbooU. For tbe pant t*o weet
eltiea. eojryed as uonaual.y pleaanot more be baa done tbla. with marked
lime at the lodfa room* Tuesday eren Improeemaoi mnitits lo tbe wo
isf. the oeeatloo beiuf ibe acbooi of la- He OSM only the refolar Ume fireo

tka dMrttpatloa




iSMtr::::: S

Artkar M. Clah

this work in each room
At tbe clone of three


TbeF. C. aod M. M. defrees ware
oouforrod on Joueph Baaser of Uedar.
After tbe work of the ereelsf,
Tliitan aed local membere aat down lo Fiyna, while medalS'-are also
iptaona baa^aot. with eoTere lor riven to Individual popila wbe ebow
the frastmt proficiency
The foUowluf rialtort were prmenl:
Ooe pnpU from each fl the rooms !•
Bberman Lodfe. Na ITT -W. B. le be ebDsen to form a ipeclal clam,
Id panr oic. d W. H. dbaeer Geo. B Taylor, Ed Wnaeler. wbieb will be trained capcclaliy tor ■
pebllc rxbibitloe. TbG will ocenr Ic
tbe near future at Btolnberg't liraod.
Vieltr Parker.
Elk Btpida Lodfe. No. ;T9.-S. B. and will aeeampaoy tbe loclnre on pbyad the (cepartr and aHaln of tbe
aleal culinrc riven by Prof Flynn
•aapaar Ip tkli dir- Thar ardrad from
rafeakor Ute Taeidar alfht Id twc
0. W. Muehell and T. J. White
prieala ears aad aarir r*et«rdar d
•hart lime afo a party earned
Cryatnl Lodfe. No TTj, of Frankfort.
lac bacaa to leoa eear the cffeeu
Jacob Waybo reported that be bad
H. J.
at Iha aoapaar la the fralchi boaw — F W. KrownaoD. »li»at
beeataeidnplo Ueelanan eonaty nod
Hoppoek and C. B OoUler.
Bellalre l^odfe. .Vo lv->—Dr. C V roboed of eome money. Be wcot be
Hiamaa. Ei Hadeil and C. I. Cleee. fore tnellce Gage to ewear out a warMto the Para M
agalsat W H. Cork, etaaremg
lidt for tbe aoatb rBlaidar anarsooe.
highway robbery. The judloe could
Tba party ooaalitad of OeBoral Mae
ee that tne case warrsoled a more
acer Ckaa. M. Baald. aad Oto. F
aerloee charge ibao aauult wUI
Wladaaa. Mcretair of the Norik
Bear Lake l«df«. No ti
teat to rob Alleged faem le the
MkhMaa Uaei Uofearal
McKaen and Hufb lirodia
have beeo gradoally coming te
Mt i. K. V. dcaaw. Uaaaial Paaaeaccr
Allefan—4>eo White
and BOW Mr. Cork makee a (Utement
ACMt Oaem Da. Baeaa. d«leiael
ImaeAun—N K. Dccno
doialliog tbe circamaiaeuau which im
Mfparlaleadaut r. M Dntlca. dapaiie
pllcslc him 10
iocldent Tbe
d Motlea Powar H. Baahell
Imirortani Kailroan Improeamenu.
Bntvriti. G lo receipt of tbe elalemeol
r dcaat BaoMll Wallaoe.
Tbe C A W M railroad U eofafad at Mr. Cork explaluieg the tiloailoo
tapailutaiMlaet of Tradca Jobe D»r''.
la tbe cDoiiroctioo of aome improre- la a maeocr that does not reflect mueb
TlaeaUac Frdcbl dpaai Croae
maou to their property lo tbla city, credit upon Waybo. whose reputaUon
Iba oullav of do(e net teem l-j hav. beeo of
ttaeaUaf Mirlaaar.
htgbe«t order
f tbe property
Mr. Cork autea in bG etatescot that
Exsttikc Fool BaU Uoateat.
ha aaw bie name in print to coenecUoo
Oaa of tke doant. moat axeldac
For aome lime a Uai 9 baa baeo ■
with tbe case aod proeaeda tn 1
Mellr enateamd comae of toot hall l .
•ork. flUlof le OB tb.
certain corrvcUcmt which ten.
«aa la tkle part of tbe ttau wat
rlrer In U( mr of the new warehouae julify hG cDuree lo tbe mi
Ctapad at Katkaaka datardar.
of John AodaACo .julDonbof Eifbtb aed he deelrea to give ae explanation
* tka Blfb aekoel I
alreaL Tbe aaod for ibu Improremaot IP tbe B>.'.ki. He aaya he bad earployMtr
doers bafera a atatlar
haa baan taken from tbe rifbl of way ed Jacob Waybo to bG Jember camp
ad Kalkaaka. Tba fsau
jnal Donb of tbe blf dll near the iborc and on Ue lub Waybo railed for bG
Tneaaod b'loaded
aad Mr Cork paid bim wbat was
eery rapidly by tbe ancaealer or
dne bim. M>. Cork dr-laree tbti WayakOTcl." It la damped by maani e
larro*Uas plow.
Tba work of flIUnf lo near the *i
—. —
•oeapa uwr were oabenaa baa bees ■
•rooriaied a new salt of m
CMihC ID waakea anr tba aad oM£e
work being pubad at present G
oolitde abirt aad a bat. t
laaikau. The
pi*r,dW lu
fillGigipaltbeJong bridge from
Cedar aod bIrod a team from Mike
Mrith. aad.tKalkaska-4rpfi bavaM
round bokMacrOBi the river aad the Nulae'e livery u uba bim lo Traverm
mpatpatapa Aade tka bap
lYiii part of the rnad G City. M. Cor^puira teat wkee Hey
MrartlaU of teetkall. Traeaeae nip
to ke eompletely filled with tke cxeep- bowev by the amp h* .Cork, wai
ikd U
of tba river aod a narrow drive­ ptmriog to drfee to rraecree City ta
ttMdoteleaaberaBadlpd. tker will
way. to permit tke I'algbom Maaufae nave bim arvesied Befollowod Waypiar»laatCd-o
Mrtng Co- baallag the mill wood from bound overtook bim a abort dGianoc
diatancoma nlU ba plarad bare
tkelaetaryto tbe plaoe 00 tbe flam from the camp aad atoppod tke
la tke Twalftk tweet park Pndar
bore Ud wood la plkad.
Then. It G dvcmrad. Waybo gave ep
afleewoca. aad a kotMr eoalaet dtar tke work now lo pcc^ura G the article* he ban takes.alao tkefil.TS.

I ill


to Geo Esaemoeeu. Mr Cork'i
paaioD. ai reporlod In the Kkeut o.
Mr. Cork alio elntea ibat Waybo did la East Jordan, bat abost au
A aide track U to be pul In'from tka make ago h. ram. from tool*, wbrar
-nek lo tkeahore of tke lake aortb of ; n g declared krAl jrat AaGbed aervtbe big eat. ter tbe Fnlghnm Maeufam mg on. yrar tor ateallag a yoke of
.art.* Omwonable mem « get tbelr jSL. It T aim, Id uie".til
* •i»Uar meal of Mr. Cork that Waybo g« a
—nn-odHUlHo-eto^^-IMi bl.
to WUUam Batov.
to Traverae Oiy aad that baton ikay

00 butinees
: Mra C E PeteruoB of Muekefon 1
J E Uonaer. for von..
o.fbi \ f iaitlof aer brother. Aodevw I’elvrao.
operator at tbe > .v W M rouod bouse o'
left yesterday witb on family for CanMr and Mra E>aok
eDG of a hue baby boy
U F Boufbey has fooe oo a bus.
Wclmer. mutber of Mrv
neae trip 10 Oieefo oonoty
Fraok Weiteo, baa returned from a
Mice MyrUe bouiball haa fooe for ao three monina viiH lo Beoloo Harbor
eatcodedv-aitto Eaflc. WG
F Prnat of llelrolt. wbo baa
A F. Little of the Hap.d Cilr Krnmba I
.it.nfMra A SeoU of Norll.
waaa Traver>e City vitiior veaterday
I port the oaat two montbe. returned
John Wilbelm G at tbe Soo 00 bu
I bomv yeeterday.


Tl.e Ceniury l'n..k 11-^1.
The Sew Herald Centor. ....k


1 auy new and ta.uab.e rec.p>.a a
i booh of I.

Malea haa been Ibiv new . oh
. Hiaa liracie Piirkiuof NoMhporl left b-xik for aeeera' mon-.ha. and th<-Bra.
M. I'ark.r left yealerday f.r Ibeji^, ,„u!nff for lietrull. -here ihe mp'eus.l be Dii.^hr.! fium ibr prr»
ib.a week
Every new and n'd >ub
or peninaula. 00 a deer hunlinf,
the winter w|U Mra I
•enber of the Herald will be entitled ti>
a .v'pr nf iiiG hanCkirr
lion, ti G Corel, left yealerday 1
4 A Harrie'of KeodoD r
the eeaelon of Uie blaie Hjard of P.
dona at loeia
preparing and piiiMr and Mrs H Montague. M
'ierlrude Montague aud M.» Eire.
I Ilberg bia accepted a paa.l.oo 1
.-an 1-fu'cabed
; Morgan returnee yeaier Jay from C


H.m Moolacue bat G
leg ee.
a C.vy and
•he waa met In Chi.-ag.i by her oarenu |
SDd HG* H irgao

■ ft nilscrti.rr* wl»
cbarle. WaUh left yeeurdsy *or »
be eoir

Meo’e Ki-ll Bi»iG riu.l hiifb-onl Hob1k*ra .
Women'e Kelt Bata


.............. 76c. I 00 aad

Men'* Felt B.uiG ami tiiuli nit Uulibcn
Wonirn u wtnn tl.-ex-r ,'<li|>Tu re

$2 00
1 68
1 26
2 26

OOc, 76c.


Xii-n'-Koit Hoot, and litgli Dui-k Kubbere


Wmiieu'e i iv.ntaitvr............... 20c, 36c and


Br-Ul Loinl«Ttn.-n'e S..X
Leggintfs 111 .lersi'ya....


60c and


.. 76c, 1 00 and


Wutnvii • Kanrj- ■•□lii-la, all




Wnraborg Block.

Tiaierst Cily Mich.




:ng pric<» of yesterday for grorerie*.
prov.»iuii* aod farm prvvduela id Trsr

For. per fb
Cut Fork
Short Cnt Fork pet h
. U L A Co best
Bye Flour. BLA
Hral. B. L. A Co E
- 1, H I* AOe I



lAid per ft
Hetier per h Daiir- Creamery Butter m.

Frank Friedrich’s,
116 Front RtxMl


McNamaii Blocl.

Cold Weather Footwear!
Mi'd'h Kr-nver Bala, ujhil uoiee

Our Hmited apace allowe un to meiuioD
OBly B few of the nivny barEBioB we
have, but we iavite you to call and
look over our line aod be convinced that

Men'e i.eattae^Top Rubber*. . .$2 M6,i|S,60 and tS76
Meo'n Felt B^^-Cod Rubber*..................t2.00aod tS.60
Men'* knit wo.iI Boou with rolled *dt(e
For very cold wMther a pair of thoae Bb**p*kln
Boou la tb* prop*r thing
...... .......................$1.60
An elegant aaaortioeot of Lumbermen'*
Ovartox at...................60c. 76c, $100. $lJi6 and $1A0
Heavy Camaa Leggina...........................

Woile Id fa.oago 1

they attended tbe rnso opera
I couise in the V’alparsGo oollege. id
Manager Wbeelock of the NorikevD
Telepboneexrbange r .i 1 go to Chicago
on bnaloraa tbit morolDg
Hr*. E I'aacoe who ba* beeo vitlllpg
per cos. Ueory P*tcoe of E k Kepdt
9 FTaii has amvad 1
for tbe past week, mu rued to ibc city
auiptoiba eoeik
laal evrnlBg
Mrs. G. Hawk of East Jordae la In
Mr*. Josrpb KargeoD. wbo It dtad al
Ike City vieiUog Mr* A
Murarec of
Hootreal. Wur , al tor age of H't yean,
W HyGofEvsl Jornao arrlred le had manr reUUre* .n Michigan
Mn Geo iiRourke of F idI a few
the city last eveniog to »Gli J E
dayt ago rso a beooie in her fool
Hiv H Arluand daughter Mauiie.
located by mean* of SB V ray ma
Fleeber- chine aod removed

Buy your WiniBr Footwaar wber« you
u E8L tbe beat aeaortmnnt of

ES^S/bUrFloureerbbJnenne 1
1 per bn
Onu. No. 1. per '
Oora par bn.........
tiorapef bn
Ey*. per bu
:wbrat ^

toe* e


r^lra^*^ n^ wisdtalla. !'>• per

Kaaonic Block,

TraTerse 0tt7, Xioh.

fabk and oitt pbo^btt fob bale.


So*?l0. lit. *is
S. Bead* A C
Froal SU, Trsemne CHy, Mich


MM lUrj Claf
«( FnwaM, *mi Mr J«Ma Btne« of
HoweoOwMr. mm aorrM ol «ko
wridMwof lohB KIBC. to tmmcoi.
1%« wpoinoy WM porfonud Or &rr.
J. Pmlart'’B.

KlkwoOd 4<MdW
Tbar Lias OraaS TrararosDMIhofArB. Fail*Vbd
pdWM oi U«S**MtkaMBlHW
,! i- >- tbOMB of Druolt. caaarBi Wb»Olsd. Bt Obbtw. ColoTBalo. BdpUa
IB. ISM. AlapT* H. PsffB. wM of IfadM la U>» Bia*aa« aMaoB* bMaai! sIUh a«M(. aad & Bsraa Bahv of
iraraai ' TBantfap, Vi. HaaMaa. bh^m. ropraaatlH Us
B. PH*, la Mr M(b ymi. Hn.
HacowUlbBrrassbarodbrtMB oariy
aatUara of tM <lmad Trararaa rafWa by U
1 la lha cUy.Moaday abbwiH
BBtha dsarblar of tba lau Daaooa Blffta •ebool. Tbs tollovlac offiearB i ihair proparty

Paao. OBCof tb* old ploBocraof Xvtb• lb* WMh oeor OIM Ho*M.
pora Mrv l•B(e. *lUi bar haabaBd.
MaM o* M<nuU* ofMrowio
rra dtd aaby yean at Omtaa About
OMfoUc tWwU b/ (h* tOE Mbnl* TO ytan ho Ibry aio»*d from imobb
Lou 8be i> obUJcrwl ud U bo* to Colorado
ir LoBdB of Durcb
lOOdlBf lor
: boBiBaaa <
Two Nsw RoBidanor
B lltackBBO rnodf b Ibt«i- atalpaBBt
MUblsaBBtOKb Cd..rm'la
lu Ib1bbe7.
J H B.BbaBlrr aad Praok Haads '
of plUtOM OB Wf llUnoU UnBaBr
laaAlly b» rraliiad *bSB U f
n.l bolb band aasdaoBS raaldaoesa '
«v«Bln(. Tbo r-m*LEBm*Bt.eaM'il*d
sd tbat wliblD lbs past *aM ib
of (.OHO boSh*l>. *u0 *Bt •bipp'vl I''
r-i.m Iwn r>-m.
CbIobto Tbo »»»r«*r prior p*ld for
ratbar Tt fra* fr»o« bj iBi fart d»Bp
thru *B»B»«>o’ 51 rra>^
buodrrd too.
Tbs JoBBUOa II a dcl^aital OBa.' and
'Btlodar t

A forovr'l Karpri«<. pr-'i) •»* flToii tbs bBlIdiBfi *tl bs la karplBC *ilb



N«w» bBi fOBshod h»r» o» B a»-riB'«
liaacnr Muad In IK-lrali to MIm M u-.r K
.10 i»-f K JobMio of H-.ln
rUI*. forasrly of Ltl.llt •
Thn n-»B
BBBBOrprlf li th- (rlBBd. ol

- ...... .J ■ II * 1

■ • I

K. E.BBrB«..^.c...................
B OBtor millhea'BBlorr. botpurcbBorO
lb- reBldBBor oa WBitalsrtoa ttrart
to* MlBf owBpinl by tVillaa L c-

' «j_e;______


il.y ooBtirueied for s


Btesiiar of lor I.tdies

trlD around

Some extra good thin^

I said

noMBM B«rl Bed


of th.- well

'ueroiaDy aad 1'

■MdB Friday.
UMbBB WM Meed Tbnnday f-jr ihr
Barrlayr et ABywt Raaeaan. aym


.MdJBllA *r*tt. aee nt. bith of PmiaHla towpBMp._______________ .
CbrUBawAld. a laborer oa a farm
••M tbe elly. CBt an ayly ywb in hia
'tootBatarday. Dr. Moon dreaten the
iBlarod Bembar._____________

FiMk Kay bHBB Botley kU b. uaehotd BtBM to e>k Rapids Horday
•MlwlU alart bka an* Bant mtrkel
flMMflaf Uto weeb

Frad iBCTBBaa. tarsarly of Cbdtllac.


Bm taken a poaltios In tba tine of
JallM BWlabcry and bryao bla n<»
Batlaa Taaaday mornlay.

this which err shown bv rrs.'enl I
analyr's UM-oi.taio slum
Uouaekeepers ao.l shouil.-ui ibe llsls.ul
anil ke«-0 .1 fur reference

II .111. !a»r‘T
Uirouyb tbe
iril war, wtarro be did raUabla ser
Ice. Ills fatber was a rrleran of l>lf
The fnneral was held at hbrrmao
Bodt^ under the direction < f tba Ma
Tb* TTaeBrae Bay linwiiiy Clrc'r will pathy and yood will for M> s Koiisb.
)Blc lodyeof that pisce of which dewboaa hBsbBBd^at k lird by llyblMat Friday atternooB »Ub Mrs A
Tl.r k. id nriyh- I*•* •
B. Wllaos on Waat Traih aireei
All aloy aomr time ay '
MMlban are reqatalrd to be ptw.i.bL nors husked oerr '--i busl.e
lb- bereasrd wi.|..«
Tba Mlablfac Vssreb U. clovd a ibresmlieaand sv ir.-l i p
eOBtfmetTaoadayBlybif.r l.«i u.n. of
MBTOb to yu to .Sc r V.. h aod H stoa
IkMsabttiVi Iona o.w noutracted

Tbefrtaeda of Mias Lsatae s-ctor
faOB her a rery pleaaaBl sucptlse
~TaMfl»y nTBBlBf Aonmbarof baodMMB prataau were lefi by the yuBis


wound was drrs.e.l > .

Tba larmara near tb.- t

-h oLyht for two weeks nas pul mr
of llempseyuiwo. IV They're


Our SaviDiis Oeparttnent
rreei.e- d-ic.ji. ol

li .

.. ^

-i,.sru. sn-

8il«| Dtmll K«M II rai il i laitit mi


proof and the prices

Wo have tilt -Gold Sear
ami -Ajax." Thv V an- leakriy.'ht, at

‘W‘ai±*fc’s IDir-u-g S-tore

. s —------------------------------------------------------------


Tka QseBD L-iy lajartri •

.sldrrs.rd yen

I'ur Quality Never l'i>appoints.

I Wynien sSI.98 Shoes,

laat vrac-ful wa'i. -r» w.r. .^-,-i.■lse-a-i.lyol-li.„y '
1 i|-t wi.i br 1)0 eAnib'ii-ju It a
laya al tbs Kj.Son .icr.-


TbeTeperUot tbe bwioiB ^tbe
eoapany darlay tbr paal yMr wi-r*
aatlrtbetory aad the varlooa is-


.......... \ u I Kill o|.lll.-lllllMl 1
1... .iren. w.,.- Vii-i
r iliiii. l-rigtil - .ilf-ki'i
- U’llil ll-'LV \ -.l-e Ml- !
i-.ll sLnJW-e '-.r elr-rl



' u ,\TKKi’l{i inF >1)1 IF> f.

Si i'l.

.M"11E SH,\1-ELV i

Shoes that leap oat the wot.
lovli.-- elliw-- lilHt el's, srel.'ipr s.f Hlld W'Ct liu'.'llile.
lull iiin-l.' of ligiil i-nlfekiii
diet W.-Il ,111.1 trill el;.t
Wifi 1.11.1 pliaN, . ¥1 i'.,?!
eiul ikjTN .a
.\ SPLEXPID SHOE (urnirii.
wnt«T|>n»>f. nil untin.^aiirf, tup eole. grriil t..
u-ar. il .'HI H peir

The Hannah & Laj Mereantile Co.


jn.l tinriir--s Ilf .nir larL.-ts arr llir|.|.-..siiii: .;o.iliiiPs 'Dial - vli> «r ur||
-..imiiiu, llir
l.i.K«'t iiMilr
u. t : a.ul tt,-ai «rll .iwL --11 at
1 .1
1 111- liiit^ K.'i-.'t i,-r
u • siiid tile lii'lil ijii .ll ‘ •.).
l lir |.uLri ii.vcK imr.l Ithi-port
liLri lur «-ri .iiul a han.l
Miini- iiuc lit l’U< k A lift loi- from -'i ■
t<> . V.
lirv- d>M>rtinriit nf Clul
dn-'i b |a< kris III all inairnal- troni
-• tij \\ r i/iir sjir. ijl atirntl'jn In
I in'- ilc|idi Imtint

calls for" warm woolens that wear
vtell woten with warp and woof well
1 all iiljteci to meet with welcome by
all who will wear^rtiem. Tha biggest
s' llrr IS our wool, lieeced lined under«rar at ;oc tha garment. They give
l«erfnt satisfaction.
•'There are
• •tiuTs
Sstitb Ctmdc ixx). Geisha
iitgitni. 1 nion Suits yoo, Michigan
Ktiiiting Co s goods 4.00. jersey RibIx'd, all wlkjI. fleeced lined. 63».

Wisdon Applied
To Practice
. ili.-.l P'l .|rn. 1- W'wj
man pra.— re-,ii. ;.hu' - l-.v.iu
-Hir ..,r-,.nd!-..nd i-.titik: - • l..r a
1 nr a ..Istt'i UI i‘ ' iiiir
pii-t fur
a Kci-a-) uteri uj'..
1 nrt ..rr iti,.,l.«ell thr> i->,k wrll ,.-..1 st—i u.-il
( ..-Miierrs

' Ua-rn llj. kv

I'ur IVices

II,. .1,-,- iliiii l,.,w-


Eiecirlc Liybi Coe^.am s Eieciicu
The bsrvers . i the cy »apr -i I .BTursdsy D.ybt tbi anausl mcetiey ol
4>l(*lBa yrand bunt Tnanksir'laC the BiV-dman Riser R crln.- Light .t
My. Htdanarato be chaaet and at Power Co was held and otli.-ers elected
Iba oloac ol tbe day. ibe Icaers will lor the eaiiuioy year
Tbe oSi -er. are
fnmU* a bangBel tor tbe wiimer.
as before and with one rs-'
A BMiai will bs y.rM by the ladles srntloc the board of ilirev-to-s is Ibe
Tbe ei-.-«pL--o o in tbe riec'.on
ml tke Emt Hetnodtel ebareb Nu. Ts
alihohotaeof Esr J A ll-aai}- t •- ofLisIsK lirriuck ii. the place of h.. ,
Tne ofli.-era
WakaMrttraeV A food prof ram « . lather recrotiy de.--as.-d
ka fleaa. aafl ralreafameau will b.- and direct-j s are as 1 - -wPrealdeal—WiHam i. i I n
Vice peoaldeai—llo-arj in.ii
F-B Bolt isop.-aiuii . U..V (roopTy
Secretary—A }' Pr.edricii.
Mara oa tba coraer of Ninth and Hoatb
Troaaarer—Sam -.srland
UalaaatrMts. He wtli bayio busirtw
inreetora—Wi.liBui l-iodOT. How-rd
tba Btddla ol fwkl waek aad car
Irtoh. A V. EeieJrch. ham i.i-laad,
«tau Has of aiapla aad fsa...
WIlbelB A
Hariak. Boben
Caldaell. U»H E Or>llick. J

HMWia^re«iMSBcrayrai.t..l Tbb
Bay'to David R. Biaaa of tvi laanla
towaaklpaad MM Nora A. H> per ol
tay. aaa to Osear Borai.aoa of
4 aM MM Raaa al



of Ualjr BMical (rirads w
aa Taealay erenlay b.r l'r->f an : Ura
C R- B'wal. Mas'c was mj ycd I-. ll e


thifijib in a i-ick
They art- iifUiu-r c.n:'o<l ti.r
ami reliffi- mori'-I'amn '.lian al­
most anr uther a|)|i:i,invf in the
druff iint'.

r acbool

from 3c up.


are amori: itu iiw-l fu-t-nliai

II .

Tbara nre aUll plenty -I y.e»l sea a
Arraoyci.i ou are a
. arallabla at tba City tif.-ra
tbariiorlalemeni by M-m Ida U uf-y for tbe mask Ull si i
IB the ai(h B boo UctuirLourse.Srr Bouse on Tnsaksyis'iii
the au.pu-eso' lb- Her
lb of ll
Named Hoabay aftrrsobB bk
■ Uau. WiCurtls at bis ofllce lo u
MIM baildiny

immense, and prices run

Jtafl* Teuy Aytlb

Hot Water

siani1iByonaloy.holrt1p.-mrrry .barp'‘“‘>>‘*'‘'y
hr f II .11.ft/ the a( ton W E ise. cbrrylny oo tbe d ruy bus
as oader tbr
syaiDsI tberlybi'ey «".e. l c Koer ]
m .1 boir
yasb nrrr eikiii in- u*. la;
I- Ruse wt.
le was bmuyhi t-. r.- ciiy I
br'cbiapseiass. wbo hat .tooped ihe and was a iron self uiade man. briny
fine-of blood at wr'l a. .. ..s bir, end ;‘kfown on his.iwu rraourers al a eery


Our regular stock is

!Tiire*r, alum has beca made IlleyaJ
Pii.lowlny arr the namca of aomr of
tbr brands of Uavioy powder aoL! ,o


81 00 values for 49c.

____________ _______
Vou should see mos.-.rieysoi Men .

■e for many yeari

lo thi. coBDUy.
Hicblyas. i>

Dsaui n e H Rei
H 11 Bise a promocc t bBSln-st
BBB of Sh-rmsa and forn-'iy in bj.
seas In this diy. died at b<s borne lo .
Sbri'iiao Balurdtr. atir* s l-.ny lUarsa
Hr. Rtae was an old m- dent sf SNer
BaB. He was at one time in bnslneas


t'esef. Croup, Wboo| loy i.iuyh
•->band >■
Trial buttles 1-k- at » k
Wan's and 3 li J-ilmsoo s dray stores

most r;r.;;v'i-------- -


tbaewaar of tbs wrll kae*a laeer
."•hieh bBPBrobaaad of E.
|L Yort* ofEsstJurdan ____

poalllTelt yuaracu-wl tu^ cure aii dis
' e*»ee <« Throal-Chest sod Luays. m

Hnnrnfler ll.r norrLee ..f the Oiris- her f-om a fearful dralh
an Silfnllau will I-l.rl-l 1B Ihr liar l
>k bulldl..y up-lOatb l‘ni.iu sireet. Ini
Traversa Cii.t vs KUbaska
wms nttrd up fur them The puhllct I. ircrs uf I >ot ball wi>. Bare tli
it inrllrd l-iattohd thr srrricr. on portuaiiy »( urrlny Ibr yamc pit)
iuyaaud Wedoenday rsrnlay. ' earnest tomorr.iw afteroooo at
TbeoprniDy aeir.c- lo the n.-.. lo mi o’clock at llir Two'fib slreel nark,
held laat rr. inny
. leb-ii. b. roini
lua ^eaui and tba
•llfbschtxil of Ibis city
auulberij pari »l Lbe stale, wiirrr he plated last sal.irday St I
will spend-a m. nib in a Hiurouyb study
. snd tbe ysme wa. t'lr elnaea
of the laleai arcbltociurai de-lyns Be
|hoi ,v contraird ytmeseen in ll
**'* , liNKlV^vLEH"""
has ukra bis camera and sSI
i Hon of the stair this season, T
pboloyrapbi to aid bim in I
lns‘*AlBiB ■
knsWairam woo b,v n smyie
lie may take » trip ibn
d b.Br iB miBd
down, tba only one made
• late of New V-.ik before his
I that alum maksaechrsp bak-nypowthe leeol team I. delrrrnlord I
aoif thr p'.ar wil' be hot from U
wbilr’cr^a’T o’^ts T
utr that tbr game beyip.
Tbe «ittBlltr of lbs pnw'dsr Is Ibrrrfors
Ab admlaeiun of "- nrou <
usually ledleai«.l br h* price
ebaryrd at ihr ya'r

Mr Warner baa i.sirn.c
( of tbs A- O soisbiBof Wbltewairr i
I HoalArae ball totaorrew

Mitbl. All BaBbent are
fHBMMd to be preoBal.

sold cheap. This bargain
lot includes both Ladies'

ukiay t

Keptueky aod arr
Ircdl leyislation lo '
eral other state
rrferroee lo tbr
r of Bum bakmy
powders ha. a
bee-0 I'ficele.l

^ »e,eraj of ikese
os tbeir sale is proniblied Ubieae
sre uranded to
ihey coBtalo alum, and in
L-1 of luiuHibU under tbr

OBt to tbr Brooks farm yralerday
_ ,
ntbBred a <,uantliy of arhatas
• ""-f k.rdy ha-f Um. to ap-ay oack wbrn
-----s-rrre aceldcot u, a fotmrr fiarrisr the well ... -r *h .-li siic Hal a iBjmrnt
D.B Nrwoombof Veba Bade a rre- C ity bibb, Aown Su-pau. who i. n-.w . u.ijce Sl.s>d. Atrd m with a craan bbO
erdraoMUy by plowlay tan arr-. aod in Cbicayo
Wnil*—rt,,ny lu a mil
|..„.ny » .grtac; ..pciuoy II" or
■iBPly-flre redt In tklnymli hours
in Ibal city, hr ban )sw Imne brek
rpci a>-coss
n by a pine of board «•» fr,.m . fc- ,),cp, »od was pu
narlHlka peat BOBlb Caldwell ,t
Tiir bon.- wa. iK.ik.-B in |ab.-ii Hirer ycarsayoai
UmsAos bseertlpiBd
aeuof sir.yfa.
two places, au.l tw- ..f the wto were Sovn -uy but toe .ick .o-jremrrils and
t« ewkMI parta of Borlhern Mlrhlyan
_________ __________
presence of mind if Mr. Pr.-k .nred
MatolBUoH of trmpalby were sent
(• tk» pBiMie Bod other relatlrr. nf
MM Nnllla Earraot. by bor aehisl-

in broken lots will be

embir laiiuroaot siz nr
. beany .wnt Wm 1< Mu.
isd. u
to ea early yr.rc
e baa a fata, luoy u-.uu

. Circulation this week 2.450

lOBda of pouioae Hoeday. toor brley 11-, carry M*a 'syrrs belwees u. s po.i.l ibsn the iejury to ihi- herd
•m aaad potaiosa.
laod Walton n
ihae forarrly.
A Nsrruvr Esca|>e
PaslBl Abaaabae bae opabad
..... .
fipoery. MsVroBteiraei. wllb a cbj* nerrow escape yesThaolisyiriny dint.c. at Uic town bell '
^Uta lUe of»e* coe«»(
All are iBfiteO lo Urday morblny frnm s Icrnbir death
for the new t-burcb
Tkm *m be a i»eeilae of the
bbe bean) a ruml-liey li.r ihuoOer aod
cjnr and bare a yood <1
Knlrhti of IVtblaa ihla ereafay Two
eirpped oui of doors lo asrrrUIn the
MdUatee for tbe third raak
i-.use anil lU doioy ai steppt.) upol

Before you buy your


srHlStiENT PciyD LAW

Ariistii aou sppiupi.s.e msllaliort
baer Wea itSBsri I >r tbr TBB&ksyi..i y eacepr fro in srrioui lc;urr
Tarrob ,
party of ihr Wieone Club to be n. ld sboladi
ia tbe City llpers tf juer. Wrdueedsy yuo. a fawo and a buck
-ubiolu tbr Baeufacturr or aale of
rrreiny. Koerinticr
This will he blad bjiu
Ur turned aad Bred, but
ly ariu-lr iBleoded for food or to be
Tba tUaoab A Uy Co. flour m
oae of (be moat plrassol awial affairs ; (hr yuc rzplodsd lb bis bands, and
____ _____
j one ut Ibr hands was Injured Tbrruo
miains aluuf. arsroic. ammonia, etr.
Tba jBBlor Workera of tirade ebareh
aers that stale ia tbr lead In the uiaP
wUl ylet tbelraBBaaldoU sale Wedoaa
niluB me brsDib of I aad tbat be is st l. btintiay. wiib s
r uf laoltary leylalaiioB
d>Ly.P«t*inber l.
Tur.dsy. sr.d frala-hl ] new yun which he ooiaiacd
Be serins
Law. resirlcllny tbr use of alum In
J. C Mof^B A don abtpped flsr ear coaduelu* liordoa will now be prepsird ' lo ri-yrel Uie loss of the deer more
lb forte lb Kaylaod


Winter Underwear.

tlz mytUal raUbne

Hi. i>uo EipioasQ
:oryaii Is la reoclpiof a letter
SOD Tberoh. wbo i. bentlBy
,copper b.oii)su;s..e coapaay

Wepard rodelppi;d“T;;;«.Virirr


Don’t Wait

ir frcui bay points by bost and
aod poiou Ot rail Nskl year tbe
-by wij; purebaae or balJdatteam
of their owe witb wbicb to
r Ibr slock to be raeel.ed

liaranH. Brrirrd MoBday oirbl.
H.:KrldBcBffirU>.l.l> hrf ,unt.
H Hmuil. BBd fBiBiiy
Mr Mcl
*eBl la lh« Bpprr proloBslB Ic
Mf- Itrlalol no hi. l.oniinp trio

B. BrsdB a Ov -

a> VBII-Uot'
1. *.BUIr> -Ooi-

I reoUaoieB arr ivo < f thr Bast proatiJaaet Holes of H.lwaaksa Tkeir la. prsaslooi, which are eery faeorabla.
' base basB foraod frou. a careful ob' aarTmliue od esnoBS arctioas from bL
Joteob Borth to rraeerse I'.ty

Wary Aaaoclal.oa riatorday afismooo
leterosLlnc eaiertalum;oi wat fnro
tbs oUsr haodtoois ra.:dsor-s oa 'bai
siup»eBis _
Itbad by Hr. C J Karnaod aad, Mrs
Work -,1. orris lbE. $. Pnti. woo aiiruded ibe isdcuuy
Toe Njrib Bur Potato Sour.
of lbs Stale Kederai.oo of Wooiao .
Tu> plBBS aed si
aatprodBCl ol tbe factory, la bsloc Qabt to Jseksoo. Mr. Korriso.l yarr
prepared by A-ch lect K
shlppodesirBsIrcly lBadditiob to tbe » „p,n of Ibe TurwlsT sod Wsdars
Pearl braod. which is laryeiy i
dayAreueya. wb.cb ill .r.i.-d a yreai
; BaoufaTtorihy AH Ibr local rroeeta deal of laluao.s mlor jiiii lo
B'.OKbi a KcBooner
abc fo
f'apl C K Chase bs''. purebasod I I - are eellloy ibc potato Boor. < bieb la lowed tbr procesC;oyi c.Os.-:y aod b«r
inoooer Barery RsBSume. lately oe - aaprrlor to cora ttarcb for i Bllloery f,,-,r'wasas snlertao.ay ai ;l *a.
ad oyCapUifl lialiagBsrof tbs Bo - ourpoeei aad ir already dodii y fasor salaable.
err Tbe Btosooic Is s .iauuci a I aioouf bouses, irn of tbe cu.r
Mrs Hratt read a oapiroaari. which
Tbee-iansoy I
UiB little eraf; aed *
ylraa at Ipc BrelUir by Mrs
I lake poru , Ibr BOtatOM tbey ( a baadlc • of Irrifbl I
SbermaB of V
Id was or- sat. fbe Isf-ory

iMlemloc for Kr»ol< WoiitiBiid Ua
llyof WtboUr iwa-t. *bn -i'l lr*r«
liiBSWr folorr for • torn;' bcbi
A rrry pli>»fti.i
ar Ola

• Icaaee CBarMoBkl and
unCtarwIaBki of Hilwaakaa. Ir­
is C*ar*iBBbi is Sea sod peliBB eon-

..el sii.w
llml lit iiii-ett nli.l bnv.. all
111. Mine-Hrnnr.. -.f .. -W.«., still very
(i.rletil.. nil.I "i-oM.|>r■ if
¥1 .-k. ¥1 7-V #-.’m

.Audh-r, ;
tte J.i es.vll ui .iiieliljr and
inriety uf alylee end luaii.«e Ilf pri.-v.
SV'p III end
e.-e ll).-Ul It will Iw " idfkeiire t., l..,k et tlicui .>k'.
:.‘e . N«-, ¥1, #1 iV 11 ,SI


I ne lilfiM SkM Hnsi.
Tbiik if Shies uf lu Thnk it Us.

We Are
Like Charity
W'r lifter IliI tu iilraur o.-r tils
'...iH-r- if ihrt tiam ta'.lrs
Ivit. K'-n
tahlr-. IroDi : a . rn’rr lahlt-' t-niti
;t llinmif IvtKrti ta'ilcv '■ innl ntf nsioii < julileti < 'ak Mni-n truni . 71
I'aflnr taiilrs. ai! mannrr .i( -hai-»-s
stylf- and bnishiiv tr-.m : u>.

"A Little
It belieteii >-ofneiimeu. bm if you sre
ho» much yarn--and -Satony yarn at
that wc sell you for 5c. you d know
we arr ^ivinif you the ^fatest value*
S Ou can hav your i hoi. e of all tolom al cc thr -kein

are- someiimev put up tii small packSo with i.ur Canned ^upa.
chuk-n, Boulltop. Oyster, Vegetable
.It IS the ran
Same price buys
\'ine Sui.h Mimr Meat, New Englaii'l I'ljiiipkin. \ an Camp s I'ork and
I'.raris Vienna Sausage. Sweet Com
Lh.itt 1 hots. Mixed I'lckles, Olives.

1 >-|Vi-!£irn; ,s Iteing ronstantly in. rrasr.rwiiii goods that are needed.
letter Files at ;sc.
kiilcs 11 yt K.'.-’^c, Counter Books
Kublwr Hands from icic thr
l-i\ ai; ir.annt-r of Blank Books, all of Ink. 'I ablets, all sues and
priceKvrrj'ihmg needed.

Mill olitttrar footwear bought elscwherr
\A'e mean the (irej- Bros
i.adirs Fine Shoes.
The ioside fin­
ish IS as good as the outside finish.
These iittlr extra attentions are aJl
included in the regular pricet.voo. j.50
and iou.

The Hannah & Lay HercanHIe Co.

MiMmjatfMM tmutft

tt, im

Pnd Aadmmm. b t


•a toft laat WMh tor Osbd
r* he wlU wmk Anrlaf tb*

Grand ti^ventd Beglon.
hara^T^detow'^t^t b«*

—^ bSiTysSrijr^



dioM to TMf«Ma«r a

Hr* H. DarU
• dtonar party
tb* AU Meuv lart*H«dB«*d»y.
Hr. Piutor^ talk* fro« aiMthara


SS85..-Ef “

iCtolr* *WM t«toU<

a l^wli'toolbar ««f

BmUS Harbor


: Hu^ to Uk pto
rrtaraed to bar I

MBoallar at Hodr* l>

1. Bosarieh I* balldlaf ■ B

Tamday on baalam
The t1.yMr^ aoa
Mra. WUI Wllnan rklmd triemta to Benrdalay, a farmer lletay foar miiea <
Traeerae City ImI week.
from Lakeekw. waa aeetoaatlj abet ii
Tbe *taam barre Alice U. Uill arrlr^ the arm and ley while hoouay
ed hare Satarday erealny attar a oaryo cllmbinco
.. .
Hshl Broa. for Chkant
Ptod StebbiBs. fora
w last ilatar- a cn«de*i of thia pleae.
8ne* Xzplsmi
home k at preaeet at Heare
Uke Stnaiey and Umninto
IB tow* maktoy a rlait with
Depa* ii turakbiny Wf to frlMda
li harder lo oenraome Haiar
ueoar and tbe lamber
wbo attended tb* K ,
Ap“ e»d Typhoid dk.aee
Jam** White ha* opened hk lamber <I T. H. rtrlea Satarday ereniny eo thaa earaye cannilBl.: bat tboi
enmp with K maa.
;eyod * rery plea*aal time
Kelreah-1 *“»• 'food that B.eeirlc Bitten a
Hr. Saier of Sattooe Bay aad
^ were eereed altar tbe rwotor j *”'**'*°/
Berry of Proremoel are at work ot
lot eeolb of J W Uickerman
Hr*. LllUer hei mored gear Haple
conTiooe ton
City to lire with her daaybler. Mr* 11
.Sell of Webb. Il: . wnlm
J Wriybl. lor the wiater
t Kebi. wbo ba* beeo e
dreo •offerM for more ib*e * year k*
Oeo. Kerjami
I with chill* aod lerer ibeo two boitira •)
of Slectric Bitten cored loem • UMy
I Detroit apeot fO eesl*
Trr them
Unaraoteed ^
' Tsiiday aod t
ly iB -Vorthport Sold by S E Wi
W HOrveraod wife d
landf oaodsy
Paoday aod were ibe yoeeu of
Card 01 Ta»Bk*
,Ur and Hr* [I F Hoit'.e of tb*l
We. me aodenlyoad, da
Hra Forttoc made a
teod oor cioeerc itaok* lo

a berr from dbcl-

.b BCW borne at W;
wlllyrow faaterU
Cbaa Ullbert't Dcphcw aad Baa*
•ak* arrired berc Hooday of laat WMk
Tbr netartaoat*
diad Satorday
Ha father
laarea a wife ai>d lataol
came leteadioc to taka to body bom*.
bat looad Ibert a
Hwltb. Sothrybarlad
wllboul bb wtf* or ebi


Trarene City,
ttarouybooi tbe wigter
John Lerak west to BardlekriUr
l>r B C Flood of Trarene City rblaat Snaday on bla wheel
lied >0 Nonbport Tneoday aod WedomLawSaKirlcy eatbla ka*a oo a aa,, We
we are hariny
narinc flae
BB* weather
wontoer new
bow bat
oat day. the yuml of Hr aad Hr* A dobs.
Hr. aod Mrt C. U Thoma* aurt
Bbd It ta laytor blB «P for a few daya.
t tAe ptayea left here on
OMyear ayo^e
ai,*»er Camminya aloppod at
f<w Callforota Wadoraday
Fbey «
bat It la fowlsd
■» («*«»•alelyha.
amt Tneaday aod osloadw frelybt
•peod the wtater there.
Tbe Ureyory, which the wind dnwe for the merebanie bere
- K
- U
Urommoo. loet a raluabl* et
HnooBibei-ior* the Ttb of'Norember. ,
Hoerman. k, eper of Fox Uland
It yol
yol off
off Itak Dooo.
I 1,1,bl. It in lowo for a few daya
A. f Ames aod H H Thoratoe made
Hra Cole .
a trip to Uooor Toeaday.
mother. I
,aebool tor danciny and
. .
D W Proau baa morad lalo Hr
Hlnor Farmnt aod bb two akteia j matraelioot lo a lary* eiaae
Tratwaa Otj trUada Uat Saoday
Thomaa'i bona, aad will oare lor the
Tromaa Aa«y b plowlaf lor A H. place durlac the abuoce of Ibe
Job. HeDoaald and wUa drore to
TMaana Ofty oat day iaat week
of bu crop* .
Trasas Aeary *»ora to Trarera* City
Heary Oykemao wbo bat baa
Lay La a camp ocar Hoaor. '
Tb* Yah* toUta ar. fetUaf ready lor orer by a pair of troeka aad a
They axpvl to bare a Uoa iDjarod latt Saturdar
aad a rood time, atpeelally the yoaep

Albert N

baa rataraed to May

It laet week, la abir to be lo camp
lb week
Wm Beoaett
id aon Frank made a
bnainee* trip i
Trprerae City laal
Hm Hillie Steffen* II aiek

*..■ »


Hr aad Hr*. Sieeaa* rlaliad at
KlMSUaBU Alanadarof Troroia* B UrUraw-a Saaday
Ot^Hapaadiaf baraa«atk*i wUb bar
P. i\ Lanlle aad wife rUltad friend*
at Old HiBloo pBBday.
J.B. BalBMaad wUa ar* eiaiUoc la
toathto* MIehloa.
po’a family reeeally.
■a*. Laal Alar wUl d*ll««r a
aae* amoe at lb* H. K. ebi
•liter Saoday
Him HlPBle Coartade of Bait Bar
bar* elaaed
ai the fMt of HIti
Hill Lais Johai
few daya lah week.
Hr aod Hr*. Hrli
r alek liii tbe paat moatb.
•lowly ImortPTiay
•ehool Tbaok^Tioy
_d!ayiren at tbe Oydeaybary
Mr. bad Hr*. Hany Vaabarrb bate
■oaad talo W. B. Bdaead’a boM*
yreal maay fi.h are briny eaoybl
Atopbaa Cbreell baa toM to work
at Bower'i Harbor.
Bred L. JobOMe
eaaybta sice tnmt wbilr Biblny for
e from iba

beet recbatioB* rendered i

A quiet weddlny took place at tbe
tMidenceolH C. Van S'yek Inel Wed
neaday ereniny. John Eyker and Urs
Stella Oarla "«t* loloed iB the oonda . 1
matrimony Bcr Hr. Crabe performed
We wbb them a lany.
Tmperrni and happy life
Mist Nellie Fairaat of Cedar, wbo
bad beeo ntwodiay acbool in Trareroe
City, waa taken auddeoly ill aad waa
brooybl borne about one
a*M lermioaied In p_____
d nnlil laaaWedoaaday m
• She le
_________ ________ _____________ r to monrn
ibeir Imi beaidea a boat of fnenda. The
family hare tbr xympatby oftbeeommnnity In their berearemeot.
Tbr loliowiay are tbe yoeau reyif
Prank Kroupn, Bor Hllliker aad oth'
Artb*r HeHaa**
relaleJoo. era are aoeeeaafal hantiny la the rlclB' larad at the hotel the part week
ward Pirmty aod wile. Berman Bay.
<H»oU-a boat* tU*
Ity of tbe liybtbeaae.
Wm Bar D'en Arbor. H B Hloea.
data La*r*ll hu
daw buUaf
B Pradriekioa baa moeed oa bli Toledo. J C Wrlyht. ilreeorille.-iieo
Haary Voabarph foea to Sammlt City
Barton Col*in. H
tkla Bcalac to altMd the faaarBl of
occapy U* alor* bo
or the winter.
Thomaa. Traeerae C
kaikaaka: L 0
D Wa
Warner. Seourille. B.
^eba^Oamdl loat ae* of bla boraet
Fred Hortoa ipeeu to lea re ao
E Llnee. Sam Ulewm, Jobn HarabaU.
Seattle. V
> look U
Port Oaeida; Bofat Shea. Kmplre.
Ml*. C. A. Heataya* aad ebUdras II be li lacceMful bkfamllv will a
a. Honro* Can
baa* foaa to Harylaad to rklt bar par there in tae aprloy
(. Raodall. BordlekeiHe
aod family will eeeup
Konhpon Depart

and the load |---------1 orer bli
„ a.
Dr Holliday w
’ dosed tbe (raeiarr
Prod Howard k at work
oij:> AWbiK
GbarU* (kawteed hairatBTMd from
theai '
Wm Eitcbcou baildtoy an addliioa
Penl OUroy of Ctooe rialtod trtesdi
bar* yaaiarday.
Profemor Crase it Bamny a aery
rennk Otoaaland k axpaeiad born* to-


a*. J J Haakeetadol Suliorw Kay ' “J
preached to tke l.utbcraa ebnreh SondaymoriilBf

1 76 ap
6 0Oap
1 76 Bp
5 00 up
4 76 ap
4 26 up
1 60 up
9 60 up
100 up
a 60 up
1076 up
7 60 up
3 00 op
76c up
76c up
4 76 up
10 76 up
12 76 up
6 76 ap

Kitrbeo ‘ .clnni-ie.
iliffi'r-m atjiea, fri.m
Kil.'b-ii Tal'.'-a. < .liff.repl -tylea, fr..(
lillfrreui eljl.r, frui,
> .-n--: I Ml,.
.'i7 .litT. •. UI -iH 1.-. fruni
I.ihri-ry Tai-ir-e. It ■lif!*-fetji *:y
I'.r .illf-r, n- .1
H,.i. Kii k-. !'• -tyiro., fi-.i
I •inir;.- Hn»ni < 'l:*ir- ll liilTi--. ot »ii i--« p>- - t fruiu
Hiilb' hnii., .•7.l,:r,-f. ut-i.ier, f.,«
i«c« L-r». >•' ■iirT.-’-nt-It
■ .o.-li.- .'m .hffvr.-Ilt ett',— f-.M. ....
[{■■■i !.--iitu;--'. " !itler.-a' Mne*. fiiKO
I' •: c-r Sun-. 1" .litTer.-ni rl)..
t| ir-i' ' tiaire.*- cliiT.r» i,i .lrl..o. fr-iii; K--l-.r-re < heir- U .nd;** >-«iLer^-- a»-itim-nt of Ka- i- fi.iti,
i;. ah~.r'nieiit iif .N rrrot fr- ui
I Jirfie aHeortaie-nl ..f I’l- lure, niul J- -i tij-i. fruiu
l‘i-liir- b ram»—OiB-1- lo ,>r<J-r. apv »,
.. . lOc to $1 2.00
•ianllliier.e frutii




klllilt > if >i|ifa.>.<1rfini.96c up
1.60 up
26c up

fr-ui .................
... 2bc to $3 60

lOe to 1200

All Kail Ordan Eacaive Our B««t AUeotion
I preacribe :l sod 6*J


J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store,

g 120 Front Street

Great Slaughter Sale

Traverse City, Hick

Bplk.-Q at thlr Blur.-


Men’s Fine
"Winter Suits

rvlieniliee, «biili <■
A hill of I
U-. .-I>t ttir'.ii..-li
clelliy in ellipilletll. aocl lu-ld iij Ur Mltiju.-! Ici ghip)li'r
lioiir. They fiare Wire.) in. 'Dispose of foods best you iso ‘
Havittif upeurti t-aiM-e eu.l pie. • <i 1 li- iriaivifl lu elr»-k. a fii.')i
i-uiieial uf nwir. iip-i.^-dste D.'v
I'luiiuDL; &d<! >hurr wr
If niruady
y Iiliuiti^l epav i- nvi-r- r .wdi-l and inii-l



ruirrr, K.-'iO, >^7 .kl, S|.I

l)ii.-k < ■•mte. wai-f.pruol,


s:!ia.. »d;.i
I'vi.'k < '.ml*. rl|.--p
l••-|J line,


I'u.i.-rwt-ar Itoi


Unparalleled Slaughter Sale

Sii.-li n variety at iV-.o.I .’khy.iu will eot find iuaay other

(innl Staodar.) I’
•, pec yii.
lieet i 'arpel Warj
1 Ihi' rluUarilb-l ~»le. pr-r III
Uu.Ki Aprou Cfiugliein. Ht
t line
ItiiB eiauu'l
'-r aah
aal. , [wr yd
HcA'v white Outing Klaunel. at line rlnughtwr aal-. jwr yl 3jC
!.a<li-«' »H wu.ll .Mitu, at this alaug!il-r a«ll
Laili—' rihtwd H-.-V lui-<l I'ud-rw-ai at ihie elnuL'IiU-r Ml- 14c
Mrn'r a 1 «o..l S.jx at tine elaiight-i -dil.......................7c
lul if .Men * and Vuulha' EadIa. w.I ! liy T -I Marw-li
aa hicli nr $1. alaaghl-r ani- pn -____
77c. 93c. $1 23

Milta *n.l (ilove-

S. HEN DA & CO.,
124 FroBl Streei.

TraTaroa City. Kleb.

N-ti .loor to A V



hd Olilldr-U - I'
On- fnartli ulf ,ju Ladies'. K
Jai'kela and Cullairlta-e
n il) all w.x)l K-r*-y .Inek-X eilk iiii<«i thruiigli.iir low pri..- war 'i L^i ..ti--fuurlli uff mI$4 90
Ledi-a h-nvv lJ.-ai.-r -laek.-le, oor luw pru. war :< I''.
une-f.-urlL off enlr............................................
I.*fliefi' El", trie .Seal Pluah f*n|>-». nog- rn fur trimm-d
eollaf HOvi fr.»nt. full ew—p, .lur low pn,>- ^
on-.founb .iff sale.................................
Ledi-e' heavy B-nver. .-xtra lung. ni- . ly tmnm-d r-np-.
fourth .iff sal-................................................................


UJtJ ^ I iiiiiiiy


$4 96




®very dtseription don^

.$1 89

Come tiret and g-l yuur chui.-«

W Jabrana waaayni
r Tnreday.

I can Bay tliat values at Beadle’B ■
arc just as represeuied.

.The Traverse City Music Co.
uuved to it* now I’ianu Parlura, 112 WhSl Front atroet, will-li Uav- i—n Uau.Uvjm-lv
litted up, and wher- they will k- glad lu m—l Ui.-ir fn-a-le. old and u.-w

i-aii-i to th- larg- new atuvk of

Pian.jr !



Tbe Itoamer Lou A Coffimlaya mlled
.. J.l_____ ...
oaw lllaaaaof hk father, the oaea fa- Thnraday lodelire:
BOM adya tool Bahar of eoalhwa
Be k now la bli toih year
The addilloe to the Uimber Co "a
Bd Bann and family bora Bored to •tore li nearly compi
'd A duelny
TcnaatM City.
my wai held la it
.arday rreaioy.
Mr. HUaoa hM motad from Boriami
Mr. Jibraui.
0 dateclyar maa
^ ranlfMd ^^eaof poatu^.
n Trareia*
pamed ibn
♦* It anllafaetorlly
■B laat Weda

Wi* giv-you cv-ry uppoiiuuity to
Iborourhiy te*t the iivtruaeDto


new, -xaujute and 3

our ahow

nut doubt llmt yon will Iw pleew-vl with the

ruonia. and

d.. ^

tun*, tong- ami 4



The exterior


atyle* are ri‘pr««-otoil_





I'ricew ar- moderaic. .

faehiooAhl- 3

My plush Holies at $1.50 to $8 an* the ln;^t in
tlic fity.
Hlankcts fur street or staiile at prices within the
iea<-h of all.
See my extra 200<1 line of Sweat Pads for only
25 cents each.
All wool knit Gloves and Mittens only
- . I5c
A i»(X)d linod Work Mitten, . - - - . 15c
Trunks, the hast, for - $2.00, $2.75 and $-3.50


ber all

Hr Bnrfcen ba* beea yrsuad a de­
served peoaion wf te-per maatb. wl '
_ A- Cbawtmd k baOdto|X>>e* *•* will be a yiael beip u> the crid yet
Baa. Hr. Aim Wek'~dtoMr at J


I ■.illlluoiilliin IWte p.U'i Bunk
ll .liffereoi -t. lea. fr..t
tkoLl pla'a I.*' .IlffrreDI kltl<-a. ffmi
l-r..|.-a- Ih-akr (i..m
T>le aiil-r Ih-aL- i !iiff--.pim,.!iff.r-nl .lyl.a
Kiii'heiii iiiibnanU.„ii I. . fruiu . from

laioment In tbr* Town ballon 'San '
'' ^
day ereoloy. Dee ittb
, .
Brami Cook, wbo baa beenridliny
I’r 6 H
eia lather at Fonek. returoed home ' < think I
.Sunday e.ening
.apiendlnm. dicloe

Upp. r & W M
aait week
Tb* Boatlaf Saaday araaiac at the
A rery unpleaMoi lookioy tramp
abarek waa aary Baeb eajayad by all
tid to camp lo ao aokaowa rarioe
lb. Baatfar* arary *o)Dyabia tolk itaMe part*
Ur la Men at lUted 1
larrali alwayi oo bii way to towa.
Vallry. eyed loor. hi
bli ley broken juot
juit ibelow tbe km
while attempUay to cl
rlimb OD a load of

$12 76 ap
OUil Uri-ecT*. We have .'>7 differkDI «tylae
While KtiHCDr-l Dn«*>-r>. 17 dcfft-roBl *tyltm.*rooi.........................
Ir.n lte.1. |7 .liffervnt .tyl»*k frxio) . .....................................
Wocal Kikle. >ki tlifferval »lyle*. ftvMli.......................................
,\ll kiovU of Sprinya frpm {he <-beala-.l to the beat
til kin<U Ilf MaltrevcM-a. from

Wm.. porkei.. f.«uiun'.
mei., ...(..Deta c*ou' toilet cme.. ladiea'.Irneioy tabim. foldlay lau'
•ew.oy maeccee* -• v ,r :arai.-.e-d I. w ,
i t. , .-t » aacCoe *. lOr-e ..
n *,od, of arwloy o
ecjoe oeed.n .lui.i., featherc p...o-. b..i o ataeia two aprenda. pillow aham bolder*. rheolUe aaiA
A uprelry
inbie ipreada. cheo.,.e lapealrt ami la« . urtaiav, window ahadm ,o al. aiylea aad -e make ai; aliea
Mlea and hraaa rod* a,, a le* ano to-aSea ca-peu rayi oil c.oth mattioy art >.|a*re%. aiorr o i clotl. i
d tlnyliah
•a.Mjar- m hoard*. a. I «i nda r-f d label f rr ni I he <-c nuroo « h ite ware to I be heal deeoraiid
t a* I i*h dianer
d laner •<
larye line of Ibe I'eninaolar tu.e*. eook aUrre* aad rabyea A yood
ewk alore.
aloee take. i. ,
d eemk
E Walt * ^ for I'. i»i
A yood ci.k aiore. <*«•• :| o-s wood, fjr v f. no- of the oeat bu iiyhi toatera mad
abeetaleei eaai bieye top. caai luaye front door. wi, l keep «re
hour* for t 1-1
hot atorea few ts - .

Hra. Seou b yalniag. bot eefr alow.

•ibOT^ for fall plowiac
Hr Clemaol drore in>r Trarcrae City waa
Qao. Latati
ra Improrlaf Uta Una.
aeta with Mra. Stafford here receally
.Vo one CM oomplalo of
Miaa Asoa K'alow tpebi laal week at
thb fall.
er borne near Waltoe.
Pfowi Qr*af* WM wall alteadad
k boldini.:reritala
Him Betber
Tae l^im’ Aid will meat with Mrv
bM WMk by mambwa from all paru of
Ib Cedar itaia •
theoeaty, aad a rery asjoyahla aod Arch liibba thla week.
Tbe H H. miety me; at Hra Ubbte
peettobto Ubm waa had.
UiB Kaatetl aod Hiae Noruta of
rarerae City were roceta of Hr* J. L. Denamore’* Ibai Friday
ibba reeanlly
Hra. Voaoy and Hr*. Ubble DeuFHak WadMa^ aod Thaiaday.
Neal Keooedy baa beaa aU-k, bat la more draee to o <)v i*U yesterday.
MleHe*. H. CbUdaof OmmI Lake, wbo
pbooe aod be able lo talk with the
waaatlaodtbc lb* Or*ac«*ad wai '
raalofHr. bad Hr* J L Prfak.
tok«a awT lU Wadoaaday abrbt i
J \t /. mmeemaa of Trarera* City
M«r*lf1ae{tbealOB»eb. Bba w*ai
waa bere lo the iolereii of the Hercaa
lay a boat* f<
.nUaato b«l wm aot *bU to b* bi
tile Co laat Tbarsday
eo Bu
eoooly «
Praokaod Will Tayllor bare rataraed
Arlhar bad B«
rbarlea Hueland Hist EUxabelh Fox
hciue from Krraqae Ii
were married yeeteeday
iterday Err Hr Borthey bare beeo buotioy.
ouyb performed the
Hr* T FrallvEeaytie aad aoa are oe the al:k II*
Copembh rUlted
Wrwt aad Hlaal* HOllBas of ataiaa
day aod WekMaday
or* aWliar ralaUtM aad frleada bare aoos mure to Trarera* City, fa
Hal SaUlrH bad the mbforlBoe to
farewell party tialarday aifbt.
break bb collar bon* laet Thnraday
Amoof Iba raeeat riilioca loTrai
ereniny while wreeillny with tbe boy*
Cnty were Mr. aod Mra J L Uibba aad I>r Frallek nttended to tbe fracture.
HIb Harioo. Hr* A Uibto. Hr. aad
Rrt Hr Crane aod wile nttended
Hr*. Harrv Ilrae aaf AUeo Cjdls.
Mo^af lor Chkbfo. wbere be
the dedication aerri-e* In Nurtbport
tb* wialar.
latt Sanday and K.der Wil lama lonk
HartU Btook sad* a baaiaaa trip to
bb place her* in the Ccoyrayaliona)
Tt*f«na Oty Uat waak.
Pouioee roae to St. eeala laat weak
e tnteet at tbe CoByre
lb* Harbor

A of Urand Bnpid*. Hj m
>>re bnaamani Mtoo ti.,a]l pacKM '
I faioliare. Thk U«*lher with 1
aoaey oe anythlay yna WMt la <

Editor tt V Barr
. la exploriny
lOLh Care.
cted a aerere a ae of File*. ...
cure ihronyb moy ll^ckleo*


Hr. Panl hnt hk paw bent* e
^*Md and bai moaad tote lb
btosn baa alao morad to bar i

' room k foar dam
HatOo fvIi my
my waiahonee
waiahonee k
k two
two Aoen KaltT h.. and as
........................I fall
I bay meaUy ia carlimd lot*, that meet hnybl. which k a lary* Item
, the enriend dkenaat ptoeca me where 1 defy .ompetlllor. aad ena ease yon
yonr horn


tMdy tor aat bafar* loaf.
Howard Watotar asd d*«*bt*^U«e
rWtad ralatlrat aaar BioAbam Tban^aadPrtday.
Tba tMcbar aad papUa of tb* Ntck'
anew aebocd boataar* plaaatof to hart
a QbrtotBaa ira* at tb* ■etaool boaw

Pmaklto ai Tmecrae '
lUay b
tor a few


«bao> Bbyakiaaa

I J. W. Slater’s Bouse FarnisMog Store

H. C Oat* took Mr. Oabb aad ebU'
droa to Hertbpon yraurday.
L*n toBoudiad iMl Wrdataday at
I. Hobto of Tr**at*c City pat a
U bOO« Mar Bodr*. aflrr U Ulaa**
r aboat liro irodn. afad *> yaara

wlrStor ha> • BOO taad eatlar.

Mto Bditb Wabalar apaat Satarday
aad Haadsy
wlu ear
bar ^laBia
>day Wlta
t.B it
1. haalLaf la
tombar lor
Oaa* A
A Orowm’
Orawm- «■
Ula waaa.

Hk* Vtictoto QMmm *< Ihk place,
who bM baoB iWHW trkmdi to Trmrore* CUy and BatMM
for aaeaeal
_ Bay
Tkwaday aranlmy.
Xorthpert itondny
Lorn A. Ctuamto^ lowed
Mr. and Hra. Lam A. Oampball ef
' a larM rah of Um to thk pin PilarBmM*p**tB*ndnyto-------■ ^
1 day far Kabl Bnia from the
Tba Hmm*r lUtook >
ar Oat


n* Many (rienda of Him Nv.lle.
OB'y danyblarot Hr. and Hi* Uarsbel
Farrwni ef Cedar. - -..........................
e pained to learn
of ber deeib.
ipalhiae wit* b«r

T two thinf* in roo<ie<-t>oo with oor e-tliug

.^MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS...cummand )-our att-ntion.

Win Oaob k on tb* M IkL
Md MOSBU pmbaabat. bat wUI not

Tbe 401«0 atore nt E F K«y, with a i
neball nbxre. ia beiny bmlias take
street, toatced of oppoaite the Bar tae. .. v_.___._7Ij

who had r«ed of the
ami* that were to toll to • ahower *■
«tet wetod & wtol by tb* tor*^ the
the IS A. U th or isih. rewaaU aato* that* or to Borknn *• w* , malaod
hM a food anpply ef pototoa* an : wltm

Fir*l—tbr eap.-riur quality o( the gvxjdr. aii-i

n-il —

tile prior.
The fact that an inaUnmeDI—lary- or email—u permitted lo form pan of oor atock i* a guarantor of ita -icr Imre

£ 'WTiips for 10, 16, 20 and 25c
^ They Have No Equal.

Jno. T. Beadle.
Travane City, Hich.

Too eu easily appreciate the smallnre* of ibewe price*.


.„....... ■T;3§.'ri=S'H£^3


ri» I f.H aoeAer .» r.oreerf

For In&au u>d CbiUrcs.

Tw 13ir< eoeeat m


Tbi KU Yu Han Aivafs Bngfct

^ The
Cruel Knife! I


KWuran of


rt-od» d.r. , t u. -. if Iri
R.,.toii meaol* t>i‘-r
--------u«o NolenJ. fUrUi.
wl'r'hed pile t
Wiieh Hetrl .self., .-ur
icel eelre In Aurrii 3

pOR BALE^--—• '



imraBTAMT T bA9IBS-l': .~rr»MS .to-r
..•1.11.1.—e.r I.f.1 ,.r lr..3f —j f
I b, .l..^f. o-fir- ,. OUT* abOSBOlT T...
I, .ivr..,- ►, -«■- I~eli
__ ar.1 e> .>
Ooneolieiiei. Pre. eed •mnlr Owndd.euel

“ *"

iiiiib-'2Eii54‘»44.4. TO
-----. e-pifirir


gcesfi jSflf™
,98 BIHSHS3.M sun :s:“jr',v.;


« i*£5=i3:^j ,

■ntoas OMWrerUl bf melM trw

« A O. l^k rtlMM M.



tou.g a«d

-------------------- —


---- 3^,

.j-.r.'ii'ii/s "aTL,.-.


........... .



' “

M it I* Uw ooly mard; vl.Kih fOM
to tte eerr bolloDi uf U>r l.l.>d end
tiaeM e^t cTcrp iruv • •

dpurH, <.•Br^ebi^
poueli. mrreur;.


BTW .oJ .i.r-e--;
fW C-^m, ,_____ ...______________________ i......
..... ____
"A''tirBtAlB AVO
CUk> w erfeer..; .....i.eii^c r-.i»rf<
B—rr... I'..l

—.......... ------

~ “ _______ ^

j^jAiuBm? tt Ttm.

.ROISO f eksnea la
aoelnee la. mm*
aaat akealj aaaa at Or.t. oob » la < ease, ar ansa itaa.
farred). weica elli Taaat** a rerf*f 1 fbae.ire. aad B.rroaaaa
a amun aeeljaM eiU W r»a rateoaa raiaad la baelia t. astaen


‘'“‘i-i'r.r.TBiJ.M’l. Jea.eri
TM oip. I3ee.i.> 1.


1 P»nj <TPdit J II l.-» i
•DrKieal oi*p»Uon b- ron> p.n.-pr. of
•nj Dlber blugd diMM TlnM-ruPllr
•Ttucb tnaUBP&t i* in ihr
•Unnlai; Dumber of doelh. el.n-h to■alt fn>m It Tlie dieMur ■> u> Ihr
>««» cell out !»• .-Ill out.
n tbr eurnroo’*

I»U.. I»00.


» MUrnD (rooi Ik* ti •
Obln* xlamliiK ibit
Otoo H»f. b*; _
... .
wit hw bees e(*cr«'»tcd KSd
fact we-ml rtleu bn »e*o Adn>‘r»l
Oearrej >'1M ead ibe laopriei >'o(Dne ‘




33S-S.: £1:3343 KH3n23?K™i^


fomm u, iM.

Mome cHEEk.
A . .JSS l> U* bMh-klB MM»

SI. bStiSr'wUl.; *.d w« tow
WMarS'MtoWhK «ttk. tettond
Bto ^wk WM» dwa. Mti. Uatod

At ttaUS' tt kl. out. tkroii»h
r«a «SatU’tt!r«.. Mleato ttol of
BtonSr^bOMotoorto tb.-w.ofhl.

A. h. WM bliBMlf. b. dofllT —rrtod
U It •wa.llMn.of IblaoM MMld
SMdtoo. tmi pto*. %ni top..


POMtto. tai eomb. lor

nop wlw*tii •rrmi ool with hi
tnaUtor too^
■•W- Umw MAbl IB bto 11» th»t
I howht. tnO. U) bBTC i. .tore,
I wtoh I hod boBfbt . trifl. morv
^ h. VMt from Bp kitobeo doer.
“H. w— <Bly » poddtor." wf B.tobbor
B«itoj of b.
BotlMMBtbW that be did set
Aad By Btod i. IroobM »od w4
at—B win amr
apiaf tb. trifle y<
TM.apMrl to hta .ye. ibol .1
Afloihed Um ... wb«
A bop., Uk. -B. .tor Is
Tbto^Mthl^J uatebed from the
, a. b^tar wa. bA bat • lord. 1
la tb. (art of a poddtor. ib. laob el
Hyaa^^^OebarfblB to—r«wl

oae. KBia: By b—rt eaa

Wbfl.To^tbl.trt*.Byr>ia ».»♦«

Jlmatlt €IU«t’*Ci»lc.

_____an laadB- A Itula aa
to oTUe ayraaabto.
aU or cely aeaaa ol tb. abon aamad
emlaUa Bay b.and tw tbt. to
aS otbete b»t b. addwf or aab
telod. nabiBy It )bM wbat lia ease
pit— a Btoed Tcy.table mo.
IVnale Map—Thb. oce piat
oUarad atoek. oea l.rel ia»toooofal
rayar. two eup< .traiead toaiato. ■
a CmSo 00 Ue aton aod
tba boiitoy potato add ibe
tomatoe.. aoyar. —It aad
laate. aad ayalo let U eomr iTuiTbol
toy poiat aad eerre wilb II
of braed, broweed to bnitr
OwTot ttoop—Take ear qoart 1
Mb. oar teetpo;,BfBl ol eoyw. per
Ball oaloo. *llwd bee. oae plot car
>U. eat to >s.ll eobe.. ooe table
apooofel rlee. ull ud pepper to taete
Boll tbe ooloD. rice aao earroia eiyor
lor .boot loenly mloulee or ueider. .lirrioy oocMloDally with i
thaa drmlo aad add to tae .lock
1 ba* beea broorbt up to tbe boiltor poiat
Add igyar. —It aad pepper
-oiaeto. aad aeree.


)m Utatat^ttiH.

, iblMlttMUtha *M*a bto«W» #
iedMad •MtotataaaihainylAW A
kakc It took llkatk. kalut^. Baa \
lha yara atoaad Iha kola. Anwtoy It
apaiuua. TWrva..................


•BcaaltacloraiAtoan______ -_____ _
taa BMdU aa a UMla at DM Moot tba
beUoB of lbs raak aad work a akatoauuk aloay tkaolda to Ika Uf. nn-

Bath Bola^ Tiaa«o» aty.
All—MlUar. T—tona aty.
viola 1. rail, rWnwoA
LalB A. roll, r—aweoA


U wall apoe bar ktodly.
apes my am;
II ^ ^ronjaatly aad kaap bar

b aUMk
maUieb eaa
ilay the work to the wroey
aide aad
Bat wbn I thlak
ktoy a row aeroaaoo the aachr aid.
of tbe thr—da It to oftao emenaleet Bald Be'l^ ^l^o^
to omaad tbe kaan aad eapoaad parta
Bll aad etraay.
of eblldrea’m etocktoya ia thto way. aa
tbtok It woald be wto— to Iw her
it doeaa't ebow ilka tbe ordinary di
pHde aad ] >y
By beloioy bar my eery beat wl
*fo kolttloy eblldrae-m •tocklaya
a lllUe hoy "
knee, will wear aaob loayar If yoo
inra the work aroaad wbeo wllhla
two or three autebea of the warn
aeedle aod -purl back to wltbla two or 9Tbn* dark Sorember daya b.
thrae mlilebaa of the aaam aaedle on
tbe other tide, tbeo Btro 11 to the rtybt
11. aorelopea. broByet to the
e ayalo and anil aroaad me befora
1 bay. almoat alway* twice ■
tbto im repeated two or three Umaa to
1 you fancy bow your pr—1
itllny oeer tae kaee. that .Irataod
Uybtoeaa that caaaae ttoeklaicm to
deal watebea for tbe hlae uoifom aad
ihroueh —
—••• ‘
bow weteome >• tbe lap ot tbe door
lb.ll followM by the —II of -Mair
Prooably Bhc Maaot
I Tbeo pre—eOy ab<

DoUa P. Dorhy. Porowood.
Aik. H. Derby, fa—wood.
Arehla Palm Pa—wood.
Qaiwitii B Wrlybt. Po—wood,
t Po^y K WHyhI. Fenwood.
I Oyda H. LaDnke. Pr—wood
I MyrtlaB LbOoKo. Pa—wood.
, Haltia Mabapeaea. Fenwood.
Be— 0—tar. T—tetae CUy
I No—S—bcook. T—tmneCltt.
' Kllth Oleaon. T—re—e Oiy
' tUda Twaddle. Fr—wo>d.
. VK-at Wilhelm. Fc-wV>d


The Kind Yon Have
Always Bou^it
Bears the

fttHMtes DieesboikCterifiii*
ons AKi Rrat £ontaits naOkr
Ojmim.Monitoac lax >fajdL

WiUir Starreti. Bartlett
Ariel Smith. Kmrtlrtt.
WlllieJohsMie Kartlrtl
Tom Bmito. Bartiett.
BoyJobBMo Kanlett.
Kdat Smith. Hartlrlt
LvB 1 - Machay. Bartlrtl


eo the will, abe
will, toncm. | kliebea If u to mMaioy. or from bai
oo'i." to
a line
whiet mMy -d-k to tb. afkrrBooo. and look, to lb.
hr I'.i'ormauon Contatuad in thi* Cii
meo hate quoted of many worn.. Tb«lpr—lam ebair bt the dooewbenbi
—ytoy it ofieo uaj Jel. and tbe woman !f
woera oa
to often jumtibed. hot now and tbeo the 1 •>** •
throwioy down bto letter!
to Tratria* Cuy Prop:*
j and papein Tbeo to wbeo tbo »ua
Beea Soup—Take oo* ,,u*rl .tock, cao die parteetly
Wbeo a r—idant of T——e Cuy
Not may ayoa fact exnrewa. j ,hio. creep, out and it doomo t yo aw,y.
DC b.ll cap white >—■— preelooaly
whota ilalemeBt app—n below,
•oeked tor two or three boara. one po­
wbo bb* oo monetary or otaar in
tto. ooe lablcapooplDl cecb ol toralye.
In tbe article which be an
loed and oeeer uoderelood. hot a* i «•““ <“»«
ibeJ or lUced. aad
dora—. who it anxiona to do hi* ac
Wbat do yoo think el
In mpad alony
Cook Uie area. fo<
unaiDlanee* and fellow reaidcou a
riter Itmoddaoly left tba —ill.
,»ter. odd the pjtoto. turalp eod par
(Odd turn, who pcb-iabea in tnim
•alp. eabed or eliced. ead eooked aaUI
. much a —raful
paper bi* eipcrirnc* w.tb Dtwo •
all are leader Toeo add ibl. mlxiare
Kidney Pil«—tbat ciiria ooml
tom of tbe riter
bate rood and avffirieot reaMD fur
Within tbe care tbere wan lome satdomy to
fhc fu.luwinr abootd
nral eoofutloo. Men. women aad Inncta
crery day to aehooi
I hate been t
Noodle Soup Bake . reretoble Wup
M.bore deer bed, or lotnelo Map. u>

■“ larbool twenty
I will try to
wbieb add, tea loiootr. belore.erelor.
line by oae tbe ocenpanu of toe rear ^ be a yood yl/l
Boodle* s>Mc ». f
Beal ooe eyy. —e emiricated itamaeltae
from tbe i
MMoBley It with nlk aod B.ta>n°r mau. and aouybt for mean.
Uo-t toai a dear
Add fltor rery yradually, .Ur while etaoebtay tarioni woi Of CO—pe. I
Hay It with m mpu <o ootll yoo eao «ur
ia*i^ ! Welcome to you. Iiulc Winnie
by broken ylaM K»err exit waa jmmon‘ooyer aod a little b.ll i* formed. med ilybt Jn«t tbeo. In lb* mlitot of
Aod here to a .Snnahine boy from
Ibeo wtib tbe bMk of the mpooD add
ioobt and eonfnmlon. roee a wom- Hto. Taylorto lebooi at BarUctidjur rrry .lowly, mori ol koeadtoy It
In emphatic demland
name to Vernon B Duell
BtllootTcry thin, loer and oar.
"1 think aaayood manyaf myeel
rocr. uo a board miiybtiy djored. aod don't let
1. ni
let It lie Ibere oolil drt
.■naleaare jotnlny tbe Sooafaine Clab I
ir clolb. af----------- -------------i would like to ;>10 too. I mtuOy read
alkiny Iruoi toe boua
taro koife
k i oftoo bad to pr—
Potato Piae
iny. epelllny. ambmel.c and wriuny.
h—i toeetber two labl—poonemuyar, |Toe pr—cber toot preachta at our my haodm acraa* tb' loiom fo' the mma
ooe of II rur and tbrae ayye.*add aaajnchoo] booae etery two week, to toe amount of aid it aff itded. ibct
tmali eup maabed potato, one email I „

t « ■* me 1 waa unable to yo farl'irr t
Tyraut fi.tiy Harnaoo
cop milk and bake le one cruml.
Bowerx. I lit. on . larm but
£z l-mideot Uameoo bad a wearlPotato cocoanol pie—Add to one i I Iblnk Mmetimea I wou.d like to lire Uoan'm Kidney V^» and" hry aoBe ocean royaye on bl« way Dome larye maabed potato, one cup euyar. I |g town '
The family parly coomUted ot ton
D—ni Kidney I’liltarr '
Ctoroilneiieiyerof K ,„tlet wrltm a
aarrtiOD. the baby. tw<
all deaJe— I'ftce S" eebU.
a ralel at d aeeereiar
Mtoac^Mk^ll one plo^^f mUk* i
"‘U* letter and mrodm toename* Fueler Milburn I'o. KuPalo .S Y .toli
yale before
ayroia for'thc United State,
t of mlyl

witb froatiny and ooe—nut
iaaytorywiil try u> follow the rule,
Remember toe namr liuaD*. aoc
inmbed i
d look
T'ue ymte ioereaaed.
id. aod
able to Itare her
ork warn remchod
Semi Ibc yolk* of^lwo eyym. e^lHiI-•alt'aod I Mary Totten of (ileu liaTcn la a true
the wer It'y yare g;> tbe baWle aod tbe one .mar toampooD lemon exlracl. fneod of tola depaftmetii. .so, wmem
Beal all well toyetber and bake in ooc I...

jLTh?.rb*p7lnJd“-\a tre*«“‘y!*’”

FsrlntBatruid ChiUrai.


Apcifcyi Remedy for Cnyrmtip.-

You Have
Always Bought.



West Alichigan.



: 'j I luism UD loBmisnn .l i.

I itliMHTKLiis |s

To Cm U firipiM In 24 Nsm.


-r .,'1,^..'-^,--'^, s:j

1h«a ba. laldoB eem. to tb. editor',
-tabtoahti of eb—r botb aomforttov
on. the maid aod tbe batn
wbitMof tbe two eyya aad
and two
jdhle-1 ter. a. 1 bate not aritir-a on* In a loo|
thaa tbto. a eUpptoi that ba. bei
Brht It oul. rbe maid
.......I yo to tooool eery da, and 1
W.lerluoat break'i
la tb. Bdlkwlal toble draw
____ ./
like to yo
My itudiem are aritomeuc.
out. but tbe baby wamo I miek. not a Dll
to^ tkalltB arlrto ba. bM. forr
writiny. apellmy. readiny grammar,
ol It
It to OTldntly oat of the bald, of ■
tbe paimaye tbe
mother ahould tol t (real pain* to Pbyaloloyy, (r lyrapby and btotory
tbto«. bat ladMd to whole mod
:b her cblldren b rt^ aloilri ac- For
Por pela
pru I bate two cau two doyt. an<i
ptoto la III b—eUfBl Ibmo:
pony that pspoyot for m*mm* and I
<'.eoI cipeoded in eolli—tlny Ibe eolce
-Bow aaeh pi—Mr* aba .an
,............................leek, tbe yono. •
I bare '
iloyioe. and yet .j.ilte at
fatoaiWUttto thtoca. ’
■ter demanded loat the be ukeo "oli
|r*n ,
,ure may be/ pleen by tbe
mebool anil pieciny » L
doorm." and tbe mboM. miouk rr«>- who r—dm aloud li . pie—lay m
-WtelUulatbtof.^ laakad.
erary quill,
and kept bnutc for mamma ! •'-.mle* • ni.
So attempt Deed I • made at cic
•<Ob. aaab little thlof. aa eblUr
lOC'C died
tbe cbihl eoold ool Itaod. a* Uv a* the word to or< oarily
. . . t '
flay; a fliaap of thtB to all the ra ora
r dinolered ibrouyh
0 Septembei
dittiocl otte—nee aed proper rmpbaelm.
al lb. imtobow daaelBr aroaad a baed
; her father bad to —rry her
>by tu
Day after tbe b—rer tbr m—n'iny ot tbe meotcooagaa. aad toafUay aa b—rtlly a. aay
I pawed by your .qb
. dlynifled CM read, are all
oftbMat tb. aatUB of tbaBoakey: day. wllb bat awr, and
nuiaeekBy ooe lO
Tbe i"•ryury I
black coat laiu dtpplny in toe wind.
».aoaMlo aa)oyoa. of tbalr jeka. Harrlaoo atayyered and r—led up aad br able to r—d
ontkeabore yet. aod there
with a. BoA yaoto a. if tee yaara aad
clinelny to rooM
lereo lilil* loya at work at
•at two aeem had paaaed oear bar
yneea abe will lie tne— *11 w
bead. A fliBBBt “Good Beraloy" tn the b—cloy
Leal bot ool le—f it a l<
Amony children'* cute asylnya I
dellybu Sbe kept
laaTBaaMltoea her Upa ferae
lollowioy anecdote to—latod
A In
itplayiny the
tbe dual partol t
Rutb Uarllny Jackaos of ou
afiaid. flha to - IcBd of flo
baby carriaye alt Ibc bl—aed way boy wa* told by bto lather, on i
'departure of the latter fora leny
9TO— tbe pond.
• (baflWnaaMatbaManaoBe to bn
Summit City. .Nor
Wbeo the ateamer r—ehed Sew Vork ened abrence. to take — ot mamn
ayaato oraUtada teraelaatorof .In"I leare mamma." maid the coefldi .
pier. UarrtooB marcbeo down the —ny
pto htoaBOB.. I hare kaowa bar to .planb lookmy bayyard and weary
In parent. -In your chatye ' That nlyht Am I w* barmy a lorely. tuombioy
atoai to aa eaMaey of dallybl at a
bto arm* waa tbe ramrtwu year old when the y>nny hopeful kDcli. a* wa* au-.umo tbto y—r • i yuemm tbe w—tber
at a abaa— bird aote. Sbe to alwaya baby, -lookiny a. trriyfat aa a new bto emrtom. by bto mother'* koee be prophet b— yjieed tbe Sanablee Clob
Hr* Barriron warn *—roely prayed.
"Plea— Lord. bio*. yranlmamiBa If beb—bei* ooder a little clood to­
able to walk to tbe earriaye. and maid,
anh-«aaa Bada by the OBBllybt ralel. nnree and Mcretary looked a* aod take ca— ol ber; bleee letber and day
"Wr all hare Mivie clomlt orer bi
thia^ tba flalevl^ laaraa- A bit of faded a* the dreo—lion, on a year old lake — of him; bat you oeedDl aometim— But we cab mead moambine
trcubl* about mother, becauie 1 am
Inmpbal arch—
■atoa, a baaatital (aa.. a uedv uBile.
thronyh them if we try nard
yolny to tax* ea— of her "—Srir^irtl
a briybt IboaybL tb. aw—p aad twtoy
Wiley and Miem Knlyht. oar. t—cheri
Spar* tbe Little One* all alike tladv to the
a— Soeabioy too. They were yoioy to
HraSaOB* Renirdy
Doo't poke fsD at your ayly dsfkfltotof bw appradattoa. hbe .trtkM
Take b piece ot fr—b b<
llay Better for that UDforlnnate to the
aer y—terdmy ao we could baee one
tpud. loollab mother who ibloki bar root I tbe older root* *— be
*r—pr or y—to ,rry t neatmell por- mo— picnic beta— winter, but it w—
tiob of it. Bold It to tb>e Doaeaod tolff moat tooctid aod elnudr for the Imie
forcibly. Rep—l oflcB unlU —llered.
Tbto wilt prodoce » *c ewbai nopi—e'We're yoloy to
aot Mnaalioo at A—i. ut otualtywlll aod played yamee and M» Wiley and
for Nellie'* feet.'' bruuybl
tte ladyBoata of U
of lauyhu '
- —Here the h—daeb
I bare Mia* K tiyhi told □* a u .-r mtory. and
kDOws tbto to —Here rery re—rr
111* the
Bowden brought u a larye aack of
bid* her oreryrown ped- where other —medim (»ilrd.--,r
IB of wboB wabad b—aap-biey.
popeoin. ao we bad a nice aonahuir
duca. blioklny at toe tear, of
I kaow bv Ufa wa. alBoat iMOKnrt'
time II tbe— uc— cloud* out doo—.
would DOI be re
Aimona Qinaorbreaii
able; that Oa —rrtod a brokas baart
--------------- Hlyyio. ' waa ton
tiur Snnabioc Clubii yolny to bare a
A drllcioo* bot ylnfferbread warn
aadar bar Baatle of yood eater., aed
en to anolber yonoyeater at
eerred at * home Inoebeoo tbe other mnml—Ic aud inrlte the molhe—-to it at
nominy period of leetolny tor
ttet ah. waa trytoa to flybi w
I <
d lime and wbo Anally b^ day. It wa* freebdroB tbe o—b.aplcy
OBUtoy (aa. a WttMor battle than aoy
and lender, and oo beiny brokeo It
prored to be lull of .aimond* They
etore-eled by the ay— la the -«e
from home wbao
bad beea aplit low bal—* ae w a
-litUe thtoya- of Ufa aaeBermted.
er Inability '
amtlcale bar food be b—rr esooyh to alnk to the be
thronyh potato diyriny becauac
iiybi be oommentetl uooe
abe leaad Mraaytb aad booe Uod pity
Little tolnyt to c— orer. we exclaim, of tbr donyb dorioy Ibe conklny proc of ni bad to pick up powtoc*
tba aaa or wobbb. 1 aay. wbo And. do
with toe wlmdoio of added y—r* but e—. Tbe i-omblnallno of dtro— to to moat allot tbe falben paid lb.
)ey to a—b UUto ibl^ aa tb—r. wbo Ob' ao bly to the btb, tecilBg* they be recommeaded -.<'in(..i
d—n for It. The Boy and I ea—ed ome; krmwor
will aot tot tbaa baeoBc tbe ollaytoy --mod
money aad we will mend yon s;
'Did yon e'
otoaa that eoror tbe relaa of life aed
1 * clumiy To P—rent New Shoem from Squeak.
In tbt. letter for onr little mtoter
ctalld "" aald aa exaape—ied mother
baart arttb poroeatol baa.tyl
declare. I b> Here abe alsmb — orer the
If the cblldren'am
•o toae it to that life to foil of ibtoyt flyoraelL tbe carpet. ' And the child
log too much, lakea amaJI'ytalci
b—a on—ed op
Dai.y Dean
that ata doeta oel to poaeo to booa— of yrow* more clammy io ber effort! to bo— a tew bol— half war thronyh
pr—iornt oow
treahlaaad woartoeoa. - UttleUlnta.- arold chair layi aod foot-atoolm loycn- aole tram the leaide of tbe aboe. 1
Your loelny
wa aaU tbaat. hot. to too brlytatv llybt lODil, lying ID wai for bar. aad yrow* yirea.B eeat for the air between
p an awkward, uoyaloir woman, laye— ol aole I—tber aDd will atop
e< the ttaaa to OOBO wbaa ool of aartb't
bom* few;udlcioo» word*, Inatoad ol borHblc eoued —Sru- u-i
twOlyataball rtoe tbe dawa of eleraal
rnataol fault fisdiny. miybl bare
tbr Uwle almlrr Snub—m a oryao
lade yraoefn;
day. woabaU doobUoM ooe that they




[irosch’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
£'o-wtri in. Honeon.

tresti Sail and Smoked Meals, Sausages Etc.

Mt. PlMMdt, OWOMO, BAfi.
BAW.Bay 0it7, DatroU.HowAll, Ann Arbor, Tolodo nad
polDUSMt ud Booth. dMO
oonnActioaa nt Oep«mi*hwltb
*V B. By.

Kemourcclul '
lha world owoa anb. aad Buaa
II you." aa
Ctoaaa owoa Btoh to freak BiaaloB'B hnny up
.0 bi*
boe aod for tba
abaaiT wm tbat to alwaya aBbedtod became the man with the pilcbfo—:
Saaablaa. Bara to wiBatblay to aat tba “I're yol U —eoureefnl—i wile le the
bull biame<
waah to uaa for aa aU:

vve” ru*r teb

the-Sunbeam* Inai a——ran
tor Rrm aad I will Mod
OMW to help ,

s —mo— lowiny mnehin* oil alaint
tbr mtaia with eweel oU or lard aod
It aland for aerr—I boon, then
b ll Id *—p and eold wawr.
fotn' to aay to that my wife oaed to col
all my pantadowa far lilt e Harr, an I
lltGrberoaMC oil —bbod brtokfy
toll yoo It waea mybtr bly aa< '
oeer tbe apola oo dark motblay wUl
But of conrae when he yot U
bnyklen tbr yarmnem aod —twer
*«aar tba bitrda air ttoyto'
fnetabr couldn't flx orer mr*o1d
- ' • almoei llkr mayte. The I
for him aay mo—, yli
'It tbe
tbr ae—r
nreer .i^nlt
will e-po-ie q.lcUy ami I
tbtnkio' for a mionte. an'
o' yUtorday abe
of Darr'i
are'* panto that
Vre.alr doae
iJ ool of her own b—d
. ,
1 baayit toflnd the
odeSan^awch. oae ptol^^^Uiw
lioe abr ecan't take adn
wam. OM-foertb-eap eaob of oaloe.
aw aiMboTui BomL
lb If ahe al
t rfeh>
I la hoowiay
a— randy w pet o tbe Arat warm
rBf eaa day brtoya aa lortew
llakaltrtybk aa'aay.
Tba aea ll abtoa lo-aorrow
JaMtoiheol . brlybtway "








cosTj TOb aoTmae



EuBifiattoi Af Teictot.


«.-t'’'sEAR8. BOEBUCk''* CO.' inc. Chicago. III.



m ,£l*tlm< trprnra— ml ,*. —nr.mad
,<K —> CL oelaU



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

To clean ***^ ■




FiaonrI iBoold t

-Doat wony 'beet the worr at allDaattoek hayowd tbe bare.
iee any bor ahoot upTn'^my UlV TbI—
Btoa Lord'owraaato' of Ik
yea—ayo be wa'n'tso blyyer'o a Jay
Aa' llyhllB' ap tba atara.
of apple bolter.
lie'* nearly a bW

Ihil Iho —op otoieb aad tb* btdllay
* lo^Uao' t f Ike Utoriorof BbllHa
«rMar late a k—U* oa the alo—. and wear ablnaAad hau mad* ol the kmrK
DM to_a hoU- add all the of a tree, wfakb to *—bed la water to
pad Aa. aad atsmar —l—D
m tho
Abar aad tb— -b—wa to
b«m Ma.half w



Mima Ueilm Shook 0

Green M
ad —nd


F. BB080HA8ON8.


Pnow. tf Homed in eold ■
will look brlybWr

•ri— Mmu—•


•~"|E]y's Cretin Btim

Krarytoloy^toiny it compa—vh
an tbo yraat tbtoye of tile, aad thu
lehiilmto 'yrowonp*'
aara. aaxlely. worry aad yrtolw ooly
re meunlalna 1 little folk*, and
tbadowa (aUlay to ear path bttewr ly tbetr email
wiloya a— a* aeu
Mfataad. b.iwM. It aad tb. ..a tbat
tad a* worthy of
to toely sbtotoy all lb. wblla


tor —Btribnuen* are tea cmw
from Mary TWMaa.d B«aie Far-1
of UlM Harem, iwaoiy-fl— erot.1
each from Rath Darltoy JacfeiDB aM |
Boy. twonty-A—cMt. tram Maad
Pole—, aad twaBly fler ceat* f— IM
Happy B—SnoabiaeCiob.
By thw
—. Boppy Heart. Wmnto RieL
made a. % can. aad of —o—* we bad a
UtU* eiell
Oor oryaa faad mow


Stoves, Tinwar^,
Paints. Oils. Etc.


..... Cm.,

——* wUl r— a lllL*. then abe |

TKO«. .. .mAOUS A .OA.


Horsestioeuig and General Repairiiig Done



Re-Paintmg and Upholstering.


SUte Sl, sear Uaio«.






■*.. DCTK.IX

•g«o'> MWET

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