Grand Traverse Herald, March 02, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 02, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



O. P. Carver sss-r-

Dr. J. A. Snyder,




wBjk. BBd wbra
aprtboM J »«>.•: wr wbUe sbf I1T«4. bb4 ef bar brMbwh-rvutiir/nr. came tc ,ikit ber t^tr : le-lBW BBd tbt oUldfva tor awr««I
..................................... -Itf


Moaf •> l(r« Tark.

I, worker ««d I
.' but he WM M
tWk abtot yoar ffaMmU. GtaCM'a
•a Ibej beard t»e oew» kb* cave V>1; r*t d-»Jl wbeatl
wbea it e*a
ilM w piBBBiac-If. Itakk iDdeJttbB wM-B m llkie- .burtoc (orj^allj
bdO owbW k rmllroMl lyou^kbr
AreiboMbk^ *>*pped
a at work dicflac MmSm bid
ll.MMLu^t-bTl •ta.UuMe. ■'r t. or
. Ibry forr 7t Ibe rrlup o«-. ot 8»r»h'k kmacU.
wkil* w* min -eniUlBf ap DM U*
knUy ,>lw.
Spaniard. b««aa to Sra aad Un bellcu
Blrbl Bt*rly k 7MT
V <U-K)U JI&I4. B>4M
1 kB btraid
Ikrrely oa ber
<a bad. kba BtM Ue coBpaaj UCt coaUal bar* kata
• tbem
them bel.
bri.err d^kt t'eclr Jobs {were locked kllrr. tbr clock woesd
o**r 1.
Seruromfbtto baraMklB
Wka rery
rrry arcBdUy
urcBltby kcd wca pekinc kk k ‘ knd Ur doon locked, ked etepben v»fc
ealUtatall. He waaalwayceniaplalapoor BkS to
tOkl IBta rcUuee* to kcuw , k iskUb
ikUb to
li^l bik IkBp
Usp to ro
fu to b*l. UK aed kicklac aed at the ftial tea
wbo to l«»rr hit ('
, - Acwtbckk akid
rbrrdiT dcxk
II dkt 3Jr*. Heorr keel ' ' Mepbec. I wkbt to hkre k Iklk with down be weal oa hla fao* aad lay
■e Uae *( Ue are ktekod Ub. bat
Mrk urpbk
bk'a .be bkd oo’. beee I' oi^bv '
lidn i aiir. Tbe* aloaf can* Cha(_____(Of otoBlb. kod kcrpriked
_ _____________________________
cool aad aaty. ■--*...........
ktl br the cordlkl mmoorr ic whtcb tbr ' pajr .-itephre (rll like b boj
wa,m»n. leC like ....1..,
F wbo bkd
-Hcllu. tWwa. . Chaffee.
urfed I'oclr Jobo uj .pend m pkrt ol : brefi ckufbl plariof trukkl kbd <
. yoc
-c fellow
fellow down
bit liar wlU ;brui
{<bc rersweuldrd ' Jered wbkt tar bkd dobr
.•Irr. kb ki. r'rwkd-mil kr
•i up aod bffbi
brbt with your ooBpaay.
ooBpaoy.blip (ur
Ibem otlro. kF
.Irelhukk k»l down ksd piul
- -No. I vaa i,- whlacc Uc kid.
ibourB br cocid out rrt
iberutbrior i-ikir towtrd Slepbro, to be kkt
' ' '
•y* Caafft
- -Tee.joBpi,
iriWfl before. kc4 1B<
i bim to go k’
te ireach and ba
itt kdernooc kbd
1 dtome old
Stopbeu. I ckBBol klkj
ir niatlcr ■
frieodk kiitr«
4lijt II
it wka k cold drt. • c icrr.' the kkid
caair Areyouhu —
day. kbd hikrbeummi.kB ipkikc e».
Stepbee' ibe tulid wrU tUpped
-•■So. air. pay. t
e lu- ool goir^g. Ut'oirb he bad to kwtr fnne
Be He
c' ' ■
afraid of ffeuiax hL_
pfoDiar to roeodn "to r*> rid o( brr," uo'.i kak ic k keipir..
vtft o( way
-Well, you're a Ba« koUlar.' «jrc
IC uid
The seal Bjroiap liter were
VVai '
tbe reaeral.
Thea ta* looked bl tea
■rbrq Mfk .Ikmck' S«.w.A-eit.ti.k hreiUled. bd unit
buyUb face of Ur kidaod bla taoa kind
<MC,.,b»>b J! b,k kvw.Mrr Mik. .
ikSe kCd ibtlkled | Ihiar kub ber
I luppoar you oaal balp
nib her
At .br
Wei. I niky kk well tell you ibe
br aaid.
. ain't *o BBCh yaar
a CBkDr .vetr. kbe trulb
I'ruplr are Ulkinc
I expacled
Il l‘d like
bold of U* Mlow
■ tb all kiDd. uf ;tbrr woold. bul 1 Uuucbt U Wkk sr tbci look you Into
oUe army .irBptlbicr.wilb him duty lo Ukr ckrr of Uc cbildrra. kod
- oUer reaeral would
LatMt Ideu nod Applinoces
te any
! hiB kk hr needed of-of you
Urckuae you know we.
U* kid to Ue raar la diaAiu, wou ounnni^cu.
Tbls oanrotoK the auB wae iihisisr kDd (bat ik Ibr t h.ldrea ksd you Bad 1. rmee aad Uai would bB*e b**a Ue
tbr rain bad aakde Ibr rr'^uad a >fl ku i era kL Ibrre la 1 ft. 1 tbuufbl I uauiu ead of it. but Cbaffm etood there wUb
Blork. Firm. 7
B d prrd b.a ort-.-n l> .1.. ar.d hr ' buld up aic brad kbd aol mled wbkl Ue tmUatoklylyiar arouadklBbaaid*
cauld out ka.-t'pt bn .....i.fT.r
llul' ybrr kkd.'but Ihr clulareo al kebm. tbe boy.wbo haderouebeddowaarala.
.he Bkdr bmi iiroB w to po wiU her . nr‘leliin* .Nellie wbkl Uey bear a- aadUonrbi. with biaebiala kk haW.
to u.e. cl'.r t n her io h.IBS rwii lu c ' borne. klUou<b our dear litUr Sell u Hf aa^b) bejiul kla kbbd oD Ue boye'
fcBunk .p{i Mlik-.. 't • prl rid of ber
■ too yuunp and lonoeeni to uaderclaed
I'ar.r John kbd MV ii'p-ia wonder , woat Ihrt mcko."
'Tbere iaa'l a* much daar*r a* you
ed wbkl bad ohcovrd. thnr relkti.r. a...
Now. if Mepben waa a poor cklcola .
kfor,- betaid
Now. yoa r*t aa
.uddt'olykad rrerydk.r brouphi M>sr tor. iir »kk a rwL huaewt mai add
yoerruBkad tekt ad
of wnadrr.
and prr.. totrd h k bomr kbd ubildvo. aad bad
nr lailoD.
and off.
offer, of Ibr ibr mo.1. profuuad rewpart for Miw
me Ibl.-k and faal
ihukk and fully apprec-ated wbkl
flivtiwlumid to tlifir iiw autl >••« nreloat
p yeark Iwlore ibu my.lery
ban door for lilm. la f.i-l tar bkd
vitbout <jUf. We hii\v lliem for t>.inp.T«tur<-. (or tUiry um'. Ft bWlakrc n«r» ciinforl La Ur pkal few
- rhal k pretty biffb.- aay* U* ffaanltuir I nrlr .lohn bad mohlba
Biohlbk tban
than ere
rare before
For Sarkh
iliziii^|WrpaB»F,'«ii(i for tliernitiiueton.
nl. -Keep cool aad try ayala.'
tiillr ndary-ouiof bl. .had beea .|i.ito a
doho cud Mua Ar«ua«a Jonea torrd >|B
"Well. air. la 'brae mlaotaa Uat
Brin*: l’rnu-1i|)tiouK niil Fnmily IUvip.M t.> iin. Wr till lli.-m Uncle
bad madec brr aerruu. tad
r llBr of
birt kid wtafl.kUty llkcaraUibB
Tbukk Wk. patient aur!
cool at a encumber, aad wbaa Ba
' TVoOlrok now
ucc-womtbr >0 Mkrvb three etlm wk. r luyb ao.1 ttour
I curcrTtl with ebeerfu; wlU Ur ohildrrb
Ur could
w it Ue yrbrral atartad oo.

*11 Ibiee
bleb kMIl be Bade up
riut'k kO.I bramblra
II a lew khad - ,ouly tar
--‘Yoa'reall riybtaow. mTboy.'lw
end of tbr rir •; - l au .ure I rlu aol haow what w«
irera.^in it waa i
lUrBlhe LaUat Sljleu. »nd »1
-Voa-ll make a yood aMdlar.'
rrrted to Jan i»k and llrnry W______
rr wbrre a Ibrrly i
could br had >bkU do witboat you." and weal upneb l4jw ivicM bbwIU rarpriM
" -Udd biam you *ir,"e*ld U* pnaar
k urpbk Kt>o.ild. Tbry
each war too jktairk witbucl acr liffbl, and Mb*
-Von eared me from wan* U*S
wordid klikr ricepl l a tk«aD Ur bilik. laradvw.
inounUlDk tut ' ArrUukk taid toberaelf
dcaU.-aad be jraepntt) clear locryNrpbrw.
8> iFrar the other aid,- Tbrr
,ia de,prookr
- Wbkl foolkaOBr sea are "
rmrinr on oo« •kitin
r» tbevwk*k- IVkir Mepbro lay awake ararly all
le tbe order caaM to raI kci fetuoK old kbd luce
ra^iojr torrent in ll
)H-ine aadwaa'ai^ni tryiuy to plan bow be could
ireaeh.aad wejaMhMI'
k, kbd bulk of in) Bklier Ikuri uore drt ic Uc .Biiiitirr
UM'd toiae ot' aiake a home for tbe childrcB. At laat to collar tb* kid bad haal him away by
__ re.
1 WkBl totfuboenru. dir kod
tut a. r,a. tbe ; nr ^ce ll up aad weal to aleep. when tbe neck to (al bim to ralraal wlU bit
klcep ic Ute ol.l t'burcbybrd w.ihniy
dit* ,
llrinr .orisr : be awoke thr .un wee ahiolBR brl(bllc. eompaay. And. at that be' rot a balTbe people whi. iDkdr k bonir
bad a
lake kbd a ac.l wbru be ff»l down alalr. Aual irl tbroayb Ue ffeaby partotbltataa)'
r .tour and ! Tbuto and thr children were Bniahiaf der an boar before,
le tbe real af U*
purpwe.. out: tbe.r breakfatt
bar* wa*B..........................................
I ^Ib Bir prii.Uin. If .luu cko t:i^e .vuiic
t-io-m-d Ibr
Nrllir went around
table to hi.
the wild tcrape emrkorer it. On .locidy i and e.elaiBr>l
from bim from that day."—BnAuapt.
Auhn Will
lia.rk hr lilted out toy boaU. anJl
-Oh. papa. Aunt Thu.a la'(uiag
Forty !»i!|uar* liue* ofWboat.
ui^p kite, aaej fiaiupk fui tomrkwiui;.. ' toarr B.’
a.’ My raiuiBa
maiUBa ik
it .fone.
^one. and
and. if
1 they li
-ifr wi
Ibrrrwund will out
e ifOi-k t.kt, 1 know I cannot 11**
Wbat it aaid to b* Ua laryaai atari*
.11 want to di*. Ha wbaat field la BMliforala ooran sear
I It for pi,-ole. and 1
le way Mcoai her U. "..onti acrae, or forty mjaan mil**.
biB. and lit
I ground for tbr children of
Tbit eoormoat field m lotated aa U*
ttie kuulL »<> luDi^lie .
jfaBilir. who iMiur to kpend
)’»rtir«al(niUiar polau bBTlbr Bl
mnkaof tbe aaaJoaqala rleaa. near
.lupabirr lurr at Kiierbebrt "
lUkk. aed kbe ar-ioally blu.bcd. Jie towa of ClutI*. le Maden ooaaty.
Ueury wi
bl. cojl
oneriar lu earli .prinir ! ncle John
r rot *eiT re.) alao. 1 br fbe field Ik pan In Freaao coeatyamd
TBM L B MlUor-o »ro( I.
jdrcir were ail noi.y lot., am
waa worklo,.'in bi. iiark.a. be eaUrd . lirre Ue; boU Ihuiirbl of thr aelf oart la Madera couatv
bad to make a bumr far bi. wifrVauni, il. IlikOld frentlllip .I'l.tife bad been - aasr tbin'c.
~-Tiicsfcji^ man whe H pstMar
w'ho wck out raay to fei alontf wlib, kj •peodiny
.prodiDtf tbr winter In Cwliforaia with*
Vi-k. Nellie.''
Nellie. aaid ba." I will try my ______. rant at'n^.aad be ba* aadarhr feared be'wouldn't 6nd a plrkaanl aik-tfiMYtoer and bad rriiirord bdlnr tbe ’ beat. You pal oa your bat and fo aaa taken one of Uc larraat yob* UU aay
pla.e wlU blio
Widow ttryuoltl.
- -......................
ilualtokend utwMue potatoea Ui. maa ba* yet don* in CdlHorala.
I i- y "
Tbe Uori* field U almoat aa fiat M a
b-ar I'acle Jobo- I ckUbol b
carrieil bi* ebair o*er aad floor. WlU a reatie slope toward Ua
clone between AreUnaa aad
Tbr ontcr Una* of U* fl*M
bar baa
ir It almotia parfact *4aan. KaeS
wrapped in a paper-«ll but Ue leya
' bnlb of bl..
k a litUe o*er alz inltaa. and It U*
and kiay wiU Dk we will feel
'-Avv’iur aepbew.'and tbrir fami-1
"Tbusa. I'do aoi
iw bow I
I* clear ercry pan of Ua fiaU eaa
a. Ihoueb V..U wrredoinr uk a fkeor
i*ka.k.uda»eerr-a.hrdUr j-,dye.|lire witboat yon,
oea from any etber part.
duaot bare lodcbof with a lu-rrr twinkle io hi. eyr
: mke Uk all fur yonr
be a baaoUtai alybt worU aaaiar wbas
It but we wi.l not takr kiic iMrr from
Mib. yrk. .ail I neir .l )bo. "Ih.iiiyb ' of o*. for we .-aouol let yon yo'"
all Ur yralB U op aad ware* (astiy la
you tbtn wr will be obliprd to h**r t< I ii«»rr knew what n-ttoii Hirer wa.
j .-ill not tell yon whSV ae»t wat Ur brae*** of aprlayUme. Tbata an
nelp alony
We all work and an- w-iil U • .uiMrn rh»n.-r la ll.riij '
Va d or di«, , bil preeeotly llltlr Tom no road* In Uc Clcr*t> wheal field.
lap tokhkrr .witli you
iT.aior )o.i,
-l-crhiB- 1 .-471 rn .yliten y-»u on that .«,d
b to be on* eolid atrelcb of ml*, aad
lOtf iurc».‘
cOBpaoy. Voiir lono
• ubjrcU >>ne-lay about r».i yrarra.-t
-I'apa. ilk. me. to..."
ercry tt)aar* foot of tbe iaad la to b*
Iwakkiltiny out on my pon-b rrailiny. I ThutoPallrrl Ue lItU* fellow o*er atllired
•lone buy. were playlby I'u Ur walk,.oa brr lap and bayyed bim and SleI'lonyhlay and planliay baffaa la Ua
init .ittlr Turn tVilliam.. Ilriiry'k. bur, ;obra bcyyud Uem boU. Jubt Ue* biff wbat field about Ua lalddla of
Ilcorria to New Haupablrt
Wk. wilb Unu. I heard bim **y to ’ Nrllie came, aad iivepbrn lodHMr on lut Joly and wUl hardly be aompladad
will tell you toiaetoiur about bin
'toiir'k bwj. You neml n-Jl feel *o bip oli knee and bayyed all three oTUem. beiorc U* Best two moaUa at laaBt.
your yraodpa died aod left you |]r aaid
iarchlnr Tbroiirbliwoiria' wiU Sher' ut the yralb wUl all oatan aboai
tn be wa. left wick sad wounded in
HI aamc time.
Then wUl eoM Ua
All OMtl ordpra r«««.ivp prompl
farathuntp aaonr Ur Blue liidrr lotan di«w I am yolny* to bare a bltok ■ u. atay wiU u* Ihily ebe wlU br
ereulean talk of barratlay lu
- wayoa of toy own I
,Urf now to vou aed little Tom"ouatala.. Heforr br yul wyll the war rviny and a
WiU tbe bly Improrcd maeblsecy it
. - railroad '
I'M.-. V" ; r-.j...r„ f-rrry, Mi.v
uover, bifonly bryUrr wa. dead. II, or
look aa Uoayh Uan wa*
"That •Itornooo
baraprat ee plaallaff aad hsrmneb •rork
only rbild of tbr kind .tld .-ouplr whi
' field Batauppoaoaamas
Ui. B i«yJ-ifenuned biia Uroucb bl. Inny illoeat
. —-idU Urerup.
U* erup, if
i aaeb wan
s.iaimrr aod winter Ur pope it bad tobaadU
tin «. Klpeeatb 81.
ny. fiL-----fir a.kH
-- me if .> ---------------oi
Ibst hr kUyrd a. a ion ;o Inw to .poloyi/' ny,
poalblr. bow loay would It Uk* btmr
ilnrrwt In a Vilrtmil. I toio t r. ' J awak* al^' oc^lora in
One year after be wrote boteSoppoM lb* fiald maemmU* wtda
a.ked if you i.woed en.v r,
that hr bad bunrd bit younff- wife and
aad (orty mlla loaf, aad U* oa* maa
I k*id 'ye. ay* n -l.ul be m . .
Uelr baby
Hit little niece Orpht
of Italian or l.atle poetry
wrote a load, lo.ibff inter to him T'lrr ptrdon me if I did not frri at liberty I oi(fii a piece
OUBbBctor for
year* after kbe wrote araln. M-iliay to talk about roar affair-, a* von had - to du
U* field la Baa Praafilai*
fore-----hlBi that tbe would toon be married
>U towud 8u Job*, afila•But 1 reuteml>*red how your laryr iearly *km in the chapel in bu on
and ioTltlnr bim to toe Vwldler
alia ncB b* waald haU
«m)u*(uUIUB4a.iu*»«rk, »Mi»liau«t,
He aokwrird ber inter and tent i
tweofy dollar rol« plw for a wrddin*
preaeaL Tbenlbry drifted apart, anc after hi* death and cheaied ibr;r ai.lrr I accommodate the •laltor* wbo hart '
.int ot brr
■r .oarr, to I aaid
taid ii*;:i b» a ; crl*ed ocrmianon
ocrmiknoa to
o be prrarnl I>rw»I>r»
___________Jt of work woald ealy bet
luy for you and Hro-y io be ' ed in a oaiaoek of pore wtaitr a click
»'U til tbkl wkk left of hi. lam yood
a tiny aoratab (oar fat wid* alaay oa*
,cle '•
. ,.f know.white hair Uowlny beanU
>d to r>i<t uncle
il)—bit uipce tad tali two nrpbewk yood.
aide of Ua Mkaert fiaU. a^ Ua praeaa
1 a lauyh l- Ur while akoll ap. or brrelU, thr
Tbr two o d m-D
wb* r<»*w«f him eordiklly. kuowiny
poaM baeu to be rapatad at laaal 1*00
pope i. keen ho1d:n( a tll»er uperuory.
*ier. thro t oclr John ,-aid
Urt Heed not be bolbrred wiin bim
Urnea. maklay a lolal af ab«at IMAM
lay orer to your .apr.akliny holy water on tbr aiarmbled
Hi* niece and ber bova were dcUrbieo
cake niy will
1 worahipcr*. and au ninU ib barmcay
to bk»e bin wilb Harm, and br nvir
frit that br bad a home aad.lotmp want Ornha and tb-biv. to bare wbat with hi* •firroondiBf* to Uto fi^r*

DENTIST - Real Estate


OfflM IIL. L t. BdMiM,


OAMTAA »liK).000
SUKPU>8 M.0O*l

A 6BHU. UIU6 Buynss OWE,

MU L I a K L




Plnt« Oinu. Steam Boiler nod Accident Inenmace





Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.



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o*«». “*'■ ** *•**“■ ^~* •*

G'iS55i'i;jS4s~.5.air;. -


Merchant ^Tailor

r.-r'i; .


■ JA8. xi. JOHNSON.


M WMk.Tr«»tr».Wf,W>0

at ai5 Front Street.

IMnXLU-r^ OMaMl W prabM*





Apples, *ny (tmdo.

Beans, Hand picked or screened.

i::;'!:;.:?'. .



whu”' '

PotEtOeS, Empire. Bural and B. Hebrt n


Seed Potatoes,

'iiTJ, 1


Highest Prices Paid.



diSm lUU Biork.



•iMUBoBUf au>4.

. w utiirTtM w



TrtTerse City Scbool Df luic!
'ommt m>i M< Obm BU.


.'-..S.",,,,: r.,



Chicapo Ericfs Paiil. It will l>c for your
iK'ncfit to try me. It doesn’t i-ost yon aavtliin;;. Addri-s.s.
7i2 Kast Front Street.
, .
Telcppnc 130.

Travel sc City, Mich

F.m! PAINE. Florist

V^—lloney to Loan


Surreyorond CiTil Eagineer.

Carpet Cleaning Works
^rt»M IMlIB^r^T BM

MfM> ■••f •» B>


81-50 PER DAY.






UlhtHtllFinr «I tk Buili Init.

Provident Life
and Trust Corapany


1^1. painfiTM, Nsnicr agut,

A KNIFE Uat will keeo aa rdrr.
A RAZOR and STROP that *d1
lake tbariar a pleaaurr. or


A SHEAR'bay to cot wiU.coeae


ia at-.dibuy oar of Ue "ILICniC-'

They are Ue fioptl r»«ia

madeaad tally warraaled.

HOBBS. Tnwaeity.



R. SCIl()MnEKpi-:R.

. .. .^ .


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Lina

Dr. Imu's Compnil,
] Tie iMliisBlODd Mer.

Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
d>«d and Sale 8ubl* U noaeattlea,



iHtkluhlM W Omu barf«l

. Anoibrr old friend. Judy* Kldrwl
wbo bad been bl* boy rkum aoA li*d
marebed by biavidr natil br bad (aUrc
of Ur rankk. cad who would bar.
a bit brolbrr if bit oldrr auirr bar
diny. came to vee bim and offered him
a ktoiar
llotMrv i>rpha tod tbr bora
would not brar u Uiat
In tart. I arn
.lobBkooa betmmr koutrl.i: that tor)
wondered bow Ur* bad r*er yot aloae
wilbeui kim
i>u Monday aiuriiiny br
hrJpe.1 wiibtke waabiny. br kept the
wood-N-i and Ur water pan
iriinmed Ur ueeu. built a p ■rub o*er
r lonib door aod Bkinled tNr bouw.
planted tbr yardrn aed tended Utt
dO-pha'. flow.rk. hr rarerd .,elle a
. of moitey doiny odd }iba far Ur
Bclfbl«r>—Wat buty errry minoM
l*k* It wat t (wrmr day. then hr
ad bit old trirPd. Judyr K!<lrrd
|>8* day at they *al in Ue 1 btary br
took aom* paper, out of bi. porkri and
told to bit old Irtrad
-I want Ukbow you wbrre 1 in***
ad aomrof my moor*
Vo. do p<
know Uat 1 am a hra.y ctockbolder <a
a railroad, aed bad upectad com* daj
to be a Bllllonairrr'
Jual Uan Ue wlaU blew Ue door
abut Uat opened......................................
Hip* Aialbnaa Ji
*o ibr did nM bear Uat
road «r*a anrreyed bnl oe*cr buUl beeaaae a dltbonai oOh-ial took Ur
rytoEuropc. Him Arelboa bad____
- eery rr-iBantle ylH aad bad md more
oerit lli.B you oosl J r.ntni''
Kbe miyht baee Bad a ^ttofiJ 1
had eaeaunerd aomr oi ifie plain <
try la^ wbo Bad tnrd to ■ makr u
bar. for abe wa* (ood lookliir
■toman." Bat when ebe w«* yonay ator
waaalwtoyadramlayof aad rzpatlay
a "priace la dl^utoc. Hdtny oa a coal
blark etaarree." wbo aeeer «tomc Now
abe wae pact fifty aad 4aa kept boaee
ferJadfC Bdred tar ten y*an ' She
bad .,eH teaoklec for (he pnaoE^t


(at o*er Uc ia..ou> mlla woald tab*
nain. *r.Ynod my nnn when I bJ
t.fM day* To plant wonld taka abMt
hr rbrutoattom latelr. I fee: Ua.
-U* aamc Urn*, makiny a total of Ifi.•uybi t" brad Ur w*roiay and tot m* 'tanra.. nr com, down from Ur freaeoa
MX) daev or aaariy Ulrty yaara
Iionar lu order "
'ion Ur wall, and ehona oa u»." Imiae- would W like apendiay a Ute tlm*. aad
iior wrek from Ibal day Uey laid I diatrly after aylay maa himaelt
tb* dtolaaa ta»*l*d waald be aqairahem on tbe bill.ldr to airep with hi., hears a aeeond oqt aid by a prin
to yoiby arouad U* world (oar
The rbrumailaln went -to bi» cb-p!*in. Tbr aeeond maa* of toaal
I And all io on* CalUornia wheat
uan and .looped 'i. twa-.ioy
iffi-ny briny Unubed. an arm-ehalr to
When I ncle John', modat will wa. oronyht an-l Ueepiatle aid*,
aoeompllU the at_____ ,________
read Jamr* and John and Ihr .r fam ; and U* p.ipr I. aeatod All praaaol yo
at work Witaln Ue-Umt al tola dlaaeaal
Hr* fall trry much abaaed. and amnoy forward in turn, to kneel at bl* feet,
- owaar of Ue Cloei* wkatfield ba*
Urmarira a-d bim an old im ».tor 1 k-m hi. hand aad rcoel** coibbubIob.

and her bola ill runted tor him .inrrer '
Wd n Jobo il-vooM. died he left a j
bumble L«r and a .mall life 1
ao Win KrroolOv Ue oldat aoa. I
■ ■ i.lork. edue*tl'» aod w*. j

At i'".'.-loek Ue arerrtary of atal# to
in eoatuitation wiU Ur Boly tether.
and Ui. enferenee la*l> uat'.l about
I: . but on Teeaday* aad kridaya Ue
uodrr-tocreta'y ooefen with..................
while t-" ■"

duty of re
Cl to tbr Aynrim
The cHtyre
ncle JobD Bad lai»ybt 1 luliaoa aod loreiyaer* Tbe
aod ; mlloBa of oa
renori rayala*l7'
about yard
barely II................
w . ,.r. kfi h>«ct maller Ua
after Johnny I wbeo we *taU Uat all Ulayt
Ue admiulateaUoB ofaeburch
aud mi
imb.riay perbap* .'iio.onu.utn are
F to ere elded amoey Ueee e
.e k-eto I toe.
re aetaak
« ina.l C* aad •
imp I when Uat additional U* spda
hi* av
IO 1. dyiny wiU c
. nut I ientloB aad hto atreaytb'^ aeoldad. It
a west yon to w
m*. aliu remata* trae. a* Ue aaUor laat
omforuble b»*ta
oald ' ueoted aaartk. Uat bl* -toolielMd* ax
old Iriend
rad* to e*«ry dloeoa^ ailaioa OjB
I my brotbrr t

er ooy. eoi

htmTi mi


eft bomr

....... —

aad may oouai on twee
* of life. If onaecidrot bappeaa.ate.
I want to lire and die in ' ' a

Isri^Bd b* an Ilea with yoa until be yeoatdieiialUawmlaloBaryHIartmarrtoa. aad Urn be caa Ilea la my
Japaa wat orifUaUy eIrttUad by
farm home-"
way of Chlaa. Ttwtey Japan aaad*
bbcaecrptod htooffer.and aold ber aeaolar* and maa ot aeb
propert* for a alec bit of -m may. aad UaAlaaac.
Ilea Uk* a lady la Ue Uy boaa on
tf all Ue »ai>oBlalaa.lB-.te*»oHd
U* bill, all beaua* abe did tb* bat
me leealad. Ue aearayjf^^tet •« te
Aa eoos a* abe c»cld yot away aae UeeaaUtorber l.'aeU Joh*.
ad woBld rtM aaariy
■------------- - to etolt be* frtovd. Elia
;8«a*l*. who wa*Mra. Hearr William*'
. .
tbit to aaeUar atory.A* Radaaat. 8b* waaariU oOd lady aad Hr*. yard eeaald aay.
Bat wu maat yet
Bory waa bar aaJy rMaUt* aad «*• Mto* AaUaadaaa aaulad kadara w*
paaaad u iahartt bar ■«■*(. a* ui*y
UGwaad aAa*
pM^wtUHaMd MUImJ
ikataMM *BM af te aib-

bema^I aearnl uma of My aiaeblaery —l.'rrAunpr
lany a n
tecaraol< nyto
In Portal
Portaytol a boy of I

'*Ta' Vf»^"ui'MMm™b*i".'*ad
U* woman it. la Balyiam U* law
**iT 8pala tb* lataadad habasd maat
bar* paaaod hi* ItU yaar aad Uawoabitaad ttoVo!
ar* allowed la mafry.
laAB^a -maa-aaos "wiimn-

of II.

Tarkry aay yoaU aad matdaa
oaw^k poperly aaddaaaadm.
___ d Uc aaoxoary roUftea aarrioa.
an allowed to be aallad tor Ufa.,
A "Racilaa* Otarumaa
Tbe Saw Yorkoia an tatUaffaMaar
oUarof ayood >okaee U* Ba*. Jatoa
Wol0 Brow*, roelar ot ■ATbOMat'a
ehareto Bin p^ la te mwsmaaial of te Fafat-Wkltaar waddle *m ta
md U* aarela
Bluer be bad karfcad te wraaff

te nmaiiatUi* aad tejdla.*



Id Ue elpte udaaHBed aaaratap aad adioemad w
HoetMTaa bail *m taxed loittBt•eat aapaeltt Pridar araoisr to a<
Bodata tba rsaak wbo aUaodad tba
Bnateala riraa br tba popllaet tba
Tiararsa Cltj School of Moale.afltV
tartar arldaooa of tba aauaa la wUab
la bale, aad tboaa
• ••4»o«luU
MMMsnu. Tk*4>«»forU*n«
m *M fls>4 tat Hoadiy. H»rt* ll.

14tfe ta»utsb«v'*0«Mil
» Oiij Beri »t



Port tetd. rot. «« -TM WUMport
r ■ —I tnm Sow York Tla01br*lur.
Iterlaf •bevdktelklltaaof Uw (ktMtMBlk UtoBUT tti tb« Tfe>rB <DUt%rr, triirod \o6tj. ot^ «»BiB tat

:uiarBM«. tnom ud



a ooBBttUa to walaaaa tba
racau e'taalBtad of Braira HorfU,
.................OrawB, IraoaI Sulaba
Sulabarr. Ida
Urblaa. Onoa WUbals. Aaaatu Baraam. Bvl’r Oroirell aad Haa Pack,
arko tolSIled ttaclr oSaa rraoelallrTkoM oboparilrtaolpd la tba aceBlo(-a roUrUloBaat ararc Etael Uibba
Qaurretta Morraa. Pnrt WUbalB.Marfaar^c Eraaa. A trod Wllbala, Hlaalc
Voirnba. Jo«pbtoe D.cla. Bordr Hielb
berr. Mabel UIbba. Tbao Elsa. Katbrr» Parranl, Halao Sarlar. Florcsot
HllUr. MarlaaUIbtaa. Mar (Oroar.

ABirtB OMStf OoBT»ad>BB.
Th.ABtri.«»BVB.pB^ «« PoBod, Slaocha Banaaa iLoeiac Vacb.
aad Lola calkloa.
VMUdB R^BlBBtrd Jo*. B>
Pbe prorroB "aa loar bat rcaderad
itoooBBip BeBalakHMrofBBbool bd4
frtin dlapateb aad eaaa. IdeklitF tba
BlBMBd tbB talleirlBr d*l«r»l«:
8s»l*—P. a. WUliBBa, In^dBSB. E aBatcar^oaillraoofun cfaararirrtiuc
of raeltala. Ta« eeliro profraa abow
' :dBdielBl-a n DcBrl>*rl7. C. L. (dlboroarb preparatloe aadeooMleotba part of both Ibai
,>•11.7. C a Ombbb*, W. W.
' iUrfe, L. a ttaaiBr. A. U Dnrbcrtj, icacbaraaod tBr pnpiUaad wu trair a!
lovlcal fnaL
llfB AdBBB. a W. BbtiA. D B OrlBtl,
Pnok lUailteaaoIrcd thaacDtlBcet
,aa waiaau, it.. J aJeeklM. a
M. Dbw«7. Jbbb WlIIiBB*. Brai
llrarj of all pmcnl to a fair worda of
indailoo for tba School of MoaU
•rbteb be eooaldera a rerr It

itioB. defact^taonrarataB of odoeai

. B. a

ralopiBC lalcat talent lo the roalb of
inaltr'Arbor. irb«ra b* otuadod iba Q
Senior Lturnrr Procram.
ha^tdt^O. O.W..B dal^Bto Iroa
Tba Uirb school Saaler Litanrr
. 3mf d*l«|mts to tba ooBTeatleo datr met Prtdar araalac la tba blrb
aabool room and U.uned lo a abort boi
C rUm of Abb
lualcal erIrelioDi eoaaiated oio
aiaao eolo by Maude Moody and a eoiml
AMonajel OodlllBe.« UBiwMd UroDd solo by E. £ Wbita.
r. wbteb
t* tbr hlfbMettle Ulcaaoa rendered a bus
wteOoB is tbtrttlof tbrOnad Lodf. drclametlon eatilled ' Boallc Court•blp," rery pleaeaaUr
in bold as cScr
a ealuable loforBatioe of “Jap
la ibBOtBadUdd*. aadid tU bli pnboBC ms" was rlrao by Hiw
ffUda Uraon la an ewir upon that

OrtBt Wtotar Sport.

laa boaUaf^ vb* b»r baa bm oor
; sMbaaBBI asjopabltoatofdouraporu
for aBVBnt dapt «aai. Tbata arc bott
iBsbaaMOBtba bar tbU acaaoB tbao
IbBTBbara baae la asr prcciOBiato
tmaad Ualaa U elcarar fros aso«
tbaaBBBal. 8atBid«rit vaa cBtirr);
Amt aad owDcn of In boata 'l
faatan of tbs blfS oiod biowlDf ao<i
' lhar aad tbalr Criaada aaiorad aaar
rtdaa ap aad dowo tba barI Blom drifiad asow oa tbc In
tbla iBtbrfcraa to aosa cilaBl wUb
Ua apaad of tba ioB boau.
. Skala aallliMt la aUo a farorlU paat
ittaa ABoac roaar .peopla sod baa
baas fraaur asjarad dortoc tba paai



Soboei of tsatraeUob.
tWMboolof iotlraetloa lor Tra>.
WM OII7 Cbaptar, Order of Ibe Baataro
Blar. TbBtadar attarsaoa, arai
hr tfctatr-Ira BiBbara, fdaB-Joalro.
bfTpallasU. Wortbr Or^d Matron.
B»»idad and atordad Uu .

ibc obalr; uaporanlr-

W. M. t

ataUoe H.C. Carla, T. W. Buoloao
U. W. Ctootar oara appolaiad on
B etaOcailala aad J.U. Bata
Sjm Jordas aad P. R. Zara Mbb

Soolaty Eeania
HoDdayrecaioratioai ((.ttymeaben
of tbc CoBiean.ufia af Porratenplasnei
anrprbe parly on Hr. and Mrs J. E
Cameron at tbelr pleaeaut boms
Praoklio atraet, the oocaaion belor

aoalreraary of tbelr Barrlare.
e a eoBplrta aurprlae aod tbr
neolDC waa driltbtiuily apeut
CtBCi. muaie and aarlooa oibrr fura»
•Boarmant. Deinty rcfraabi
■r. XlBar'E Johason of Boras airireacrecd. As a lokea of iba a
•ad Hlaa Oon D>lbent of tkii
wbicbtbryare bald. Hr. aad
talp araaa naltad Wedaradar; Feb.;
•t tba bom of tba brida a pareaU. Mr. CoBeree wen preeented with a b
Bad Mm. Aadraw Colberr of Webater (o! roraedabandauae China pliober
alNsk iBtaedlaW raUUrta aa<
HrBbera of the Epworlb Learea
Mr alarba from Wilhelm Broa.'
tba Pint H. E cborcb tendered Mr
aad Boa. J. A. Braadr aad arils
Hio. Elmer Jobnaon n reecpUoi'
gaiiti prsiaat. Hr. Braadr partormed Mooday eeaninr al tba boms of Rai. J
bp aoetal tldUlar sad kindred pUaa.

Ttao Prrttr Waodlnra

tbat anaaiBOta nod* tel peuBBuiu aad j;
are msabU or BPerilU^ to .enneet

Uadlrtte^Ui............ _
AwMIba pMsape ol aieeolete
cult aloap party llaea. tba rapt.______
are is lbs Bs)orfty. aad we fnakly danllap wlU tbe beet sapnr bouety

It baa bacoaae apparent that tbe op-^
oalUoe w ua Cbeaew blU la practlcJly wHVrut aey Sxed plaa ot aetkm i
aad It wlU aot be aartirtaiBC it Ibe ta-'
IfodartapUM babald aperpose. Tbat tareeta aSreted dceltat to
Baa for Ula oSce will proee
and -tbe daaper of Iftfartaaam ewe nan
laek of tel, knowledpe eaadeat-,e.d
decided upon Aa ooeeorponti .

PmU^ !eJf, taaiJSrurte

prracnl our e^oteotioB ",
BrpFraentatiTr Foster wh<»e artiri'y
W blscanstiiuteBlsaad a*> oe tbr
of tb> b.iuse bss Wua'bl him ietn
Cbarle*oU-0. W; CkosWr. W. J.| Wai
art aornr factory baa
> tbjyn ordiaary pr.iio oraee. has
I already bMo pat ta oparatloa at Bay
palueO sew b-oraAr the.iolr.iducllisn
ofa'm-esure ea'cclatrit t> esmuirail
■ L-Bderwood,
; forMd and.'
bin) le tta^ fav irable ootis-e of wheel
Leelasaw—Jobs Sbaoe. Ny* lordap. I
Waxusa. It baa tawn ahown ronrlu.
otrr Me t'sCre slate.
Ua BoUoa Ua eoeaeallOB adidunrd. iairriy tbat tbr pr^aciion of beet aupai

Tbs ooBBiitae 00 credenuais
d the foilowiac named geni'em
Vlad toacau in tor anrenUoa
Aatrlu-P. U Zorn. J. E Wa«Iey.
June 'Ma.B. B B. ifodaon.
oouoty waa caUlled to -alxteen dalefatce, but ualy tbaaa four were oertid;
d ta
Caarleeolx-A. D. Cruicktbaek. 8
1'. Kaoa. W. J. Lawli, A. F. Uerrao.
. 8 MtoB. F. E Boaatnear. F. Mar
Uuek. J. H. Eatotf. U V Bartboloouw.
U. VV. Cruuur. tV. E. Hampton. M. M.
HarabaB. D. J. Proaarr. Wm, Finncac.
Uraad Trarerae—K. L. Sprapur. U.
C. Cana. W. U. Cslor. ioe tkewladt,
C. t Coaper. H, W. (Jodarwood. C. U.
MeMuliea, John tVilbalB. C U. Ken­
yon. Wb. Wander. W. U. WUcox. A.
K Palroanka. C 8 Wyneoep. P. liorJan. C Fowler. U. U. Htllar. J
lUaadrll. Andrew Willaxer. Wa Kcea.
U. C. TnoBfwm. S. Poller. H. Utlrls.
lan, t'boa Huuia-

•Wlate 1 7SO.



D.U..,, u. L.„u„u.


Tbe old ac

___________ _ ____
that_it is Ibe aease
,----------,-------------uuu from pear- - Icplslalore that no c^aope be o
tlcinp madlclor. treatltta or beallor tbr exlstlnr booaty opno Wt
wbo laBota praduatc ol a repolar .
the preaeat teaalua of tbe leptalcnu
medical collepe. When the qataUoa
A BolioD to eoamlt. also amoiloc to
up two yean apo Hr. Cbcntar ap
before tba law aakan and lay OB table,were both lout l»t 1 ■- Tbe
made uuefa brilliant aod nuasawBrable eoleou tbe rteolotlp^ carried Broro.
BryBBCBU tbat tbs rerulan were da- Orabam. Ueald. Bumpbrey^' Latimer,
Leidmae. Looala. HrUullea. Maitland.
MinikeB aod Cbas Mmith eotiop for.
> tbey please to atwadI Ibem IB and LyoB, HonapbaB. FdrTln, Potter
Wafer aad Ward afatnai
lltnasa aod aasiat Ibem Into and out of
world. Tbe rrpulara are asyUlap
bat pleased lo taire Mrs. Chester Spbtlop tbelr measure aa abr » credited
WlU baeiep ibe pow^ of bypno laiap
the wbole^lepiatature and IDsreby carrylep ber^toL


rabodylnr bla ,iewa and
a lot of details caU-ulaied
tba bars B.iar of tbe bouse wl
to show Inr>|ia1illa In asarsoirota and
flial boussclrauluc. BBd adj laraed no- are' eseapiox taxatloD
In the ai(u
til next Koeday nirhl at u o’eloek.
[taent he said Ue preaeat system, nerer

---------------ifond. has ihrouth rrowth of the lisle.
Tba aaaata bald a brief aaakioa lhia^eoBeinade<}uale.lolber»su!remenii,

Dr. Fenner’s
Dyspepsia Cure.
Kearly all cases of Dyspepsia arc attendcil with
i^’ACTIOX or TOKPIDITV of Iho Slomoch. Bonris.l
Liver, and other xlumls cunncctetl with the digestive '
system. '
Some of the following symptoms arc always pres,
ent: Tneasiness, wele!itt «r tension over stomach,'
Moating, heiirthurn, sour eructations, spUtinR of food, i
belehinn 'vind, offensive hreuth. constipation or diar.'
rhiea, fialpitation of heart, sick or nervous headache. :


Mma D»w BkAaix.
Btarbisf. S. Y.


THl BEST WISHIBE MICHIIE OB THl IHKET. That ia (be O -*st Wasteni Washer.
We bare sold a creat
nomb-r of them aod they baee given good satufaetion. We can
Bell you a good' Wringer to «o with (be waebing machine cheap.

^ia Fills


s Taiita.


Oa.. klktart.te


will receive flrst attention aud our Special
Sale in this line will begin on or about
March 1st.
The showiug will be the best we ha-te
ever attempted, aud every good housekeep­
er should prepare to take advantage of
this sale,

^ ...Wilhelm Bros... 5


For toe SO daya our aaia will be on Ken'a, Boya’ and C

Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods.
Ibla win b> the frF«aiaat alaughtar atle you have aver known.
At tha plsoa
we are going we neea not handle any cIotblDg, ao we havo decided that •vary doJlar'a worth muet be sold
Pricea guaranteed to auit everybody.
This 20 days' aale will be bargains upon bargains.
We do not give yon ITsv
York prices but we do givs you our prices.
In regard w prices and quality, no
mercbsDt can beat ua.
Whether ready to buy clothing or not come and'see onr bargains


Look at our Suits at '


Other znerchaotB' price, $6.00

Come and see our Black
Cheviots for


$7.03 goods.

Take a look at'our all wool tailor
made Clay 'Worsteds for $6.00
Others'price, $10.00 ■
Look us over in tbe line p'f Overcoat* and
color and eyery kind at
prices tbat‘will make'them go. Buy for^
next winter—It will pay you.

See our Birdseye Worsted, a
$12.60 Suit, for^. - $6.24
Colors. Black And Bltia.
Our goods mnst be sold rvgardleea of menafaotarere' prices.' This Is she *«"«»
when you will make $200 for $1.00. Don't mlse this sals
Soxn.ezza.'bex' ■tii.e

844 Front street
TBSi aosNsna. bto^lbi.





Miles' Nerea aad

■t so aay pmoa
aoea peaial




A Ulal pukare of Dr Hllaa' faeertta


w BltOBOB ft BOHB.

Our Buyer is in.__




' this week inspecting the products of the
best manufacturers.

> yceterday’a adjocro-' commi

Trawate Olty. Iflebirsp

Ue nereea a

T-Jteorie 4

..New York..

Tbeaub ouBBitlee of tbe bly cab
bioatloD baelor is ebarfe tbe matter
ol taxation of corporations other than
rmllraada. telapboDce. etc., madrarr
pon to the larfer coo
this nuira-

A, J. PBTEETTL, Proprietpr.

■ I was neretBa. reatleas, irrttai
aad al-xrether oat oPaorta. ' It waa
Uapua.ib e to retaay Balera! alcep aod
1 became a/waak and exnaustad that I
could BobHrase my bed. Ptnal y 1 oobmeoced taktoc Ur. M is' Nere ne aad
1 barae to Improre from tbr E-ni d aa
ataiwt UiM my baalU waa eoa.

F'o'taw'l 1-n. Season..

Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages Fic.


Traverse City Wagon Works!

Suorns heafu'**'


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

.. "iiiTK;:.'.-’,?;

After aome aiaouaalOB the BOBlaallob
to dll tbe eaeancy caused by tbc death
of Judpe Corbett waa left with Ua CamiiUee,
'A. V. Prtedrieh. D. E Wyokoop and
Nyc Jordan were appointed a>r. F;i-iini-r'f.
1 iin- 1- ..If.t.-.' u. ai. i.iifatilin* l:.-im,l, f,.f tl.i-]
teelj luform Mr. Prauot bu nomlaanu cuBducitaiBi to the ball.
and 1,41 ai-vulnd a u-u ul-»id- r.-ipiiuiuui (Ji L.-. .u.-,-—. .-«i. i.iliiiii l.i- |.r.,.-iliv
Prau appeared nod wta recelecd
Imii. imi.,^ it 1, .yiiiiidi-iiilv l.-ll.-iM lil* |,ik<iii-u In
aad lb
tkr-wi dlae«SM«
lua'IiiBl'- >rar iti-.i i.f tlu- imliiiury ^■rarHll..l.^'r 1 ri a
maouer ixprcaard bia apprecialloB ol
and pladpiop Bla
llfi'ilme. III. unili.u. .Ill III..Ii.-al 1,11.-!,.Ill- uulv.r.*! «|Hi-iivuI.i
bealaffoTM to do bla wbela duty if
Thi— f»el« an- 4 *cr»i4ui> lu Uu- allll. l.e iii lli- n-I,. ii.iu u< 11,(, l:. r,„ey
* 1 taUrh tawLw. - dlr^^ly wwd e^wedll, fee rwro.
Tbc followlBP itaolauoDt ty^-ncr |
Lei uf iuui dialer s elTiilsr uilb full d.-w;r,pu.ia and e.rilli.-ii,a .J w>Be of
seated by Mr. Underwood, and wete'
Abe -W.« re—rkte. t«ai. eter «^W.se4 by -edlcime.
a motwB. adopted:
TtrSaiah, Sagbrn A Rjsbarfb. F. W.
art 1. 0. Jobnau.
Wr. Ur dcBocraU of the TtalrueaU
Judicial Circuit. IB coBreuUoB
eemblud, declare u>) Ue pw.p.e ibel we
car. uuua.liy eau<e
w^reo ivpr
preaeat to
.aa rulers of Uu .cK'uil aa 1
ebd well qualiSrd lawyer, Asmb by
masy yean uf able aau BuBuraUe «x..........................f circuit yoUfe,
la ue peieoa of
IMWID b. Pratt a ubb well quati
cy lefnl learaidf aod inicftity of
■I purpuac aad one wau would fuiiy
9ct Ue
,uf a
. opneat aad
ManDfsetare BuK^icd, Wasoiu tud Sleisbi
IB of bH kinda.
Uepair Work. UepauitiDg, VaroiahuiK and UpholaUriog proniptlv
We wouf'd r
iftal it .calag and uoqnesuused idl
and Porcine.
Also General Bla^kBoilhinR And
r.iy uupBt to be luSuprOsable .

Aftsr the Orip-WlistP

Brosch’s Meat Market

LtealDC. Fab. »4 —Dr. Apsst CbaaWiiiBkaa. Tbr rmUlsp of
pmmiaes to
u «*®.
Ue 'armrra
farmers aa new :
ar. Ua eelsbraud maatal aclantlal
aclaBtlai P^““;
^ opeo «
■----- '•-■jlr braocb of industry, and. !
». lulu.1 K.u.„_,
ir upitatloo of tbr repr.'. [
— __________ ... tba afore aairi boiiali
Pbyaiciaiia aad SarpeoBs ta repreaeal has already
ilrMy” made capita^
them before the lecltlalurr trbea Ue oo* oeeeklac Ibe propi
I- y i.'oeered e itii snow.


aato Ufary ap.lety aad U
Mteiy ad^ baa baae ,
0 rMdayalrbt. March 1


iei exyrenaad ll tada.r "We do not ear*
M —a —e
aopy of Ua etaolo- to be beard UBtil tbsre Is seme bafk ol
Um -our.
ot .11 •••oea
.hOu VI
of p
:n« foUawtap
.W.MU o,
.iiiieai .----------------—■ —
lion, to aid oa alner BcB-partte ! ttan:
proposed lepislatbiB upon wbleb wa
A to well aod ably dU tbc ebalr ao, WnittaA Br elrtne
umy rxpreea demaleea.
Wbea Ula
Ptiy mad. eacaat be tbw trmrle ««,
commlttee'bw fornulated-lU ptapuaid
and aaiimely_________
paliBrty d^U^M .
I of ^ .tat eplMlCrd faiu U
taemed and truly boeeat
laore we dwtira' to oonsldar lu
L CortatL
-lu aod. If need be. we wUI Urs

Bready on b.xlb street. The eeei..
tba Uula brotbar of tba bride. Oleo 8
r waa pleasantly apaot In aocta
UoraetboeinK a Specwllj-.
"Billy" Abbott baa ebaree of thb
OolbBT. Ab alaborau Baddlar anp canrermaUaB eod lirhi refreehmeob uinulaa ot aay maa's cuaiacter m
departmeul, bdiI bU repnUtioD for knowing ho* lo do a
job i, par wna aaread. Maar baaatffol
aerred. Ciee* No.
of wblei. aspirea lu tbat boaurmble sad imeo
lUik cfll
too well known lo need comment.
asM arara raoafTed. Tba boose
JoboaoB was formerly leaebry,
. is. by fore
uarbiprattUr daoontad wiu rmm. 0
is Ibe city will be called for and deliven-d.
Telepbon-preaedted the cataemrd eoaple with a
y. Bom 10 u
tea aad aeacrraaat. The bappj
at. Mr. aad Mra JohnTba plac«, Ibe new brick factory at cor. Union and BtaU- BtreeU
roaar ae«pU arUI laaea oaxt Taaadar
left Toeadey moraine for Uiyne
. tar tbalr fatara bocaa la Boros Cilr, Ciiy, where they will lireln Ue foiare
ul Ue flineta oi prupuaed a
whan Mr debnaon la aararad la
Monday oornlnc IHila Dceald He- luraoeh an uffice, ougbi aot 10 c a*
Uclraciiuo. aod ualUaeaoeof
Ictoeh eelebratad bit stb Untadey anjuo*e abuald be fllied by Ue
WnitaB Bcadrieka and Hha Mrn
ry at Hlaaea Bllllacs and Our
■taltb both of tbla dtr. ware nalud
fee's kiadcrrartao erhool.
U(fal re■affian Tbartdar eesDlat br Brr. J.
iiae.ta were aerred. C maid fare
I A. Snmdr is tbelr fatara faoBr 00 Bar each of ibechllilreo e IllUa eoarlmr
low swart, which U alrradj forebbed. end they eij
e.j y
yad tba moralae
The happr roaar ooopla will cob bappycemea _____
Von iboufbt yon bad Ue best of Ur'
rip aad yuu drieimiaed to wear it uff;
Members of tbe I*
sl.segsebuw It dues loi wear <fla,
We wish to info'm those who railed <m us dorini; the past
Uaoola Litanrr Boatatj.
yutt.-ApeiU-d Yuu pasa rca Iwa, sieip,
mouth to pore, aae Wuhine .MaeliiD>4. while we wt-n- out, that
leaa alrnu and fei ap le the mocsiug
TbaUaeola Utararrsoeiatrbud a
we bare mvieed tbe maehinea, aod can anpply you with
I eaip Utaraatlar ataaUer Satsrdar the borne of tbelr pestor, Bcr.’ W. K L, Iiof more rxbausu d ibau ware yua
Uamce arere relir.d. Yuu are Irriialle and eerToaa
•tear at wbleb tba lollewlor pro* ■ riebt on State street.
aad Baev no appetite lur year (oud.
ijiyednedioeerFM and cake were Vou fo aioui la a ti>il sa. haif-besrtad
Mwt uf way, aud crcryibiof you uodartake to do aecBs lo go aroag. Oj yua
Aboot thirty mtisMa of claama a know that yog are 00 tbe Terre . 1 ner>
PorBt,’ br Lalaad Trip.
and a of the Mrtbodlat Sewday rues pruatraiioa? Yuane.-d a. Ip: yuo
barair aaiorad. Tba qaaaUon box acbool were eatartalBed last erealnp ~ ' d it morn sow Use you did waea
rrtp was at iu woriL
pawtod a eaty asBaScial faeUx. after by tbelr um-bera P. i. Wbltaan and
ir Mica- Nerelae Is t£c best mediorU^ Caariai Baaata read a ear
elae you can ret to build up yuer sOaltarrd orrsMaad reaum yuer waattar
Battel Park."
aireorU. It laenrlably idauina sound
About tweaty-Sre Bembera of the sl-epand cieeatBa oeeinirnar neieca'
pworth Leepue of the tkeoad Hetb- Uelraalnrsl re*t
It makt* Ue appa'
odlat cborcb enjoy.-d a aleirbride party UB been, lac l-taUk Ue dlreaut
••Ur Wila.* br Mean Oilbart.
WiU Soaahall farerad Iba aodev FtldaT ereolac. They want oat lo tbr
of Joba Biralry, six mUae aoelb
wUhapoaBaatlUad-Tba aaa
•Imad Iba ItalB.'
TbsdtaeBaak>o.‘'8taoleed. That
Oaltad Stataa aball owa aad ooetnl
aU tba railnmda. telarrapba aad teleAbout tftaee of tba fir! friends of
EOaOarriaoB core her n dellcnUol
iMiMiUte waa baadlad by
aerprtae party itaterd
• tardayereolornlbet
■ Oilbtat.
itacton atreaU Iba oo-


^ rewdatloB. atatad that ta ta-

u for Ibe perpuae Of cacoeraplnp

SOB. Carl llrBStbas. John W. Sanne.
Jobs Ucuater. F. C. Uoldanudl. S. 8
bulks. JoBB Joan Uakaa
eerp. 0. Saoar. W. BuUlraa.
Tbc report was accepted aad adoptad.'
W. J. LewUaadW. H. Cmlor were
appolatad teUAi aad Ua oSloera of tba
ooBeaoUoa took Ibk custocaary oalb of
»nbj Cl.
' Oa BOtiOB a call of oobbiIbs was or
dered tor preaeatatbia of naBw ol
-■Esperlaace la Uooaekeeplnr'"
le eolJ'Cl of Peony Uroaaeiaao'e candidataa. Aoirim paaaad. aeu wfatu
orlrioel eiory nnd wee folloaed by
OBamruix waa called A. C. CrolckiBiioa of -Tba Voltar'a Satorday Blrbt" by Mey Utrlt.
The oreiioD of ibe erealar wai
llrrred by tars Peraairorib aad
J.U. Basadcll reanonded for Otand
ealttltti ■'Tba Power of TboorbW
rrarerar eodoralap Mr. Pratt and waa
HleeBaeeSeedrk sraeae^od totpeet followed tyMr. rudurwood.aBd by Mr
rxtcBPoreaaoody opoa Ibe aobjecl
llarla wBupatdMr. I'.ait a BipB Irinuta
-■Ureema" MIm Sbedak staled Ibal of praise and makiap a plcaaaai referas aba neeer bad any dreami abi
to tbe loap and cJuae buaieeta rela
> taai Bad cxiakd nteween Hr. Pratt
ouablc to apaek tf them.
rnaaloo wae. "Eaeolred. Tbat and btBHif. Mr. Sprmpuc. cBalrmaB
-tibo of deadly inatruBe
of tbe deUwaiioB. said Be bad bcaitaled
of war la tba birhnt factor wa b
loapaak uecauae of tbe family reinlionauip with Hr. I’ratl bat be Iwllrrlor peaee."
Ibadeiupailon a-aa ubaoiajna la tba
Btadsbe Urblaa wai tba laader
the affirmaUee able: her asaletabl.
rr. Nye Jonlas supported Mr.
Pratt's DomiBalioD tor Leelasaw couBWill Sooebell. beier abaaal. abe
crartad bar aide elane enf laa eery aat- ly. aad uposmoiioB of W. Al. Uuuar
lalactory BiBaer too.
Ueaecretaiy waa laaiructod to east
Cnarlta' OorbeU aad Aoaa Merrill
aere aprbkera for the Mreilee, bu>
Him Merrill waa detataedoo aecoooloi
waadooealib the appiaus^ ol
aickaaea. aad Uroee Eidred read bci tbe dr.e..alca

c debate betwree tbla aoelety
tba LlocolB Literary aockty. w.
frnlaa from Mra. Joaira.
10 bees taken, plpoe m et Friday
Tbo haaUsda of tba ipdlM asoied
drealnir. March a, baa been poatpoiM
uotU Marefa lOlb.

rood tbiara tba eoapaar ntarard
lha pariori and a ptorraB ofaoi
. asd radtatloaa waa raadered. foUoocd

aDaBoaaalta eoacaBWcB of tba
Tbirtaaatb jadlelal almti, bM
Tbwadar afursoaa la Oraa«a kail
aad B. 8 Prau of tbs Stb of Pn
Carta Boaaaaed bf aealiBaUot
Cirpait ladra to ataaaad tba lata Jsdfa
aooeroBtlea eras oaUad to eidar
br CbaVr^ A. V. Frtadrtab. take sailad A. 0. OplBkabash of Cbarlate

Brosch Block

" Traverse City, IQcIl

H. B.—Tbe Store Pixteres Sbeleea, Coosteia, Mtmra, Dsak, ete,
lor sale at tha end of 80 days


ORAMD TBAV3BW gKRAtJ). mSOB 8. j»99.

Traverse Herald

ba baa aeooBplUbad oo fate turn aad te
oBlotdabt. lathe (aoa e( 11 all wbo
will aaaol that tarBlmy doea aot pay?
AJ Daalrl Wetaater aald of rloqaaaea.
pair of horeaa oaa day laat woab.
"it l< ecteu al all. It moat cxwt I

oa., Before tba diaaoTcey of Oae Mlaatp
lly Ooayb Care. Blateiore ware rraaUy

- ------ --•dbaat. b
rwbo try > iBlteU aad



... !Si..

i." Hotaaeaaala farmiai
wheat baa aot wioteradaowell U tea
lha Baa. la—the elesoa
axial IL____________
-_______ «ad ia Uw aaaaaloB. The latter two yeare.pad lb«y are toeliaf pralty
BaaaiSaleyi ilo W)«B moat be bora aad derrloped by aad
oat of tba man. The uaa wbo sa
Depoalu ot lead o( a aoperfcw qoalUy
«TM la Uwa
SfotW Beo'n failorea, or*wbere other bare beea dteeoerred oa a lar» la
IMtn rfnhe Ayraa tlitk tire• BMt aeoareoly b^ Ormattoaatirip. HaraaOo . while drilllaraad
VM«r^ !w. r. Ofll «f OUl'i PSar


drarflat____ ________ __ ..
Will a LitUe Early Blaerv the tamoeIttUekiUa. ) O

lay a well.
Aaear Ut Lai^ people *l>o wer
hpr* Wedoeadaj erere Maean. Reaji
ala. Bella. Malata aad Blackwood.
Hta Mrrlla Holla Iroa Ba-^»iallo
Mrada bat* PrMay.
Wa. Om« of Hlncbaa rcriaurad a
tha Panar hotel Thaaday.
E. OUlia ot HlBchaa waa la tewi
'Jack LI-—-•
Mlba O
! Hr. aad Him. iiaB Cooley
towa Prlday.
Hr. Banaar. a elMblar draaan
frea aerelaad. waa al the Panar
Taawlay and Wedaeaday.
Hra SMbUna baafoae toPraelaed.
Hleh.. le rlall with frieada.
Hra. PalB. who waa ealied here oo
Mwnal of her Bothrr a lllaeaa. with
tar .It lcdanchterUladri. rete
bar tMima la OadlUae laat ;lator<l
d froB aaarlatia
laat daiarday. The hi(h
I the reyslar aeaaii
tbe rcfoUr acaaloa. ao that l
—‘--iti noB popila will pot
Bstil foar o'clock.
Lou la tbe aftarooos of Prlday the


CodaerallmadUeaare belaylrur the
hiyktet prioe rear kaown le Mlebicaa.
aa BMh aa ?' reala apin-e barlay beea
y!da|! “iff
WadoeaI in Baay placea.
aad v;b.
enlcBt ateTB of rala. wlod and
ball paaaed oeer (laritoa yaaterday afwri>(K>nav.
tt*n<e». tahfwkiny wiadowa. oaruofiar
S n. B —Artdraaa of wrleoBe b
Baatorof AMliaBabary-rraapa.
. man aad blowioy dowa treea.
Krapoaaeby D. H. HcMaUea. ■
The pytato evap >raUay worka
Korlb Breach baa b.wa cloaed forr
-How beat to raa a aautl U
Praak E Urowo. .
acetoD. baelay aaed op all tbe pouton,
-Suwlar aod uarketiay poui
to be parehaeod in the aetobburbood.
Lowrll doara.
The beaey wind duaday droee a b
-SBall fralta—are th-r the Boat
llallr? ' I). H. McMvlIoD.
C - field of ler aaBorr al LrxlBytdn, cac
‘.*a»« fotHa
“Are the I
loy abaci'I.toddamaye to W II Hb<
A^ricol on
Ice »M aitfl up fifteen ' i
Cilirfre Kadoaaet
r«8d>?' Ueol wbyooir
.................. K n LaO<
wt hlyt *
>d ri>N t
Hut trill ixd nlwaya 4a- alile lo off.T you
'Sbocld onr beat 'beya
A irretMj^jraDDty. farBer la«l week f
kewtoo the
lb fam? Aad boW • Hr., f
For a few tUya
ii-li nnjuuiits at llit-ae priorw.
aold hU [arm at auadraoce of t'-'oi veer ' ^
B. HeBaa.
■ taidr ti.-urc at which he bad held > i
tt> ftive vou ;
EatarUiaioeBt by Ue
of Wlll.aeaakari rraoie.
lu pouadH Urenalatedsayar .........
eipeclad te te
OI pouada C Suyar
iDecllaUoo of

I We are Still
I Selling Goods..

rai KMH«
beat dcalraetioa oi

............ buioiay
non tbe all
apretaiee ceremoor.

:l pouada Brown huyar... I................

riereral farmen of Unnith
their potetonCdrlay the cold aaap by
a'aciny atoen lo tbeir c'llara
jar cached ia pita aa a rule
(ror.r aolid and will bcatoial lura.

-M! pound aaek Iteokera Salt

. --clr.oB
»r the' water readerod the hoow .Uaceaaboald the f
baJo dehialyht. tkaa Bak JobaOortua. Dlin
IbdV Bob
be faslly to aeek
' Hr. dieele'a par. liep-y.'/'A. I'

After eatioy tieartUy ofa lurkc
*°Waohlaftoa'a birthday •
'^"toort.ioy lu)
aham. which I
the fata'.e of AaatLo Kaatiek,
lick, of 4
la the achoola by tbe prtBi
Brat aad makrt Ike Boel.
______ -or
| jiinjnyioo.cvoaiaiiQy of aereo pere»o».
.aiUay lor owaer? Which U bear,
Borolap eierelaaB la the pHsary_____ Itad or 1-t It oo abartt?" Nel-Mo pro. I wereacir.ed with aymptOBs of pola-joTba prortan aoaatated of appropriate
• Pral. «Kidli
proapnita.' ; ioy. ll>-lor» aaiad ibeia
aoaita aad a brief aketcb of Waahloa JoboOm
Ida-a aarly ilfa.
"Why do aot we yraayert oeyacre
Edward Jaoi ». n( hi Joarph. I
by'Or Pra­ aad co-nprrete Bore than we do?" h
A telefrmB waa
re> need over frj.iniu
aa part of bla abarr
lieh. telllwrof tbe
ia d<
death of Hr.Wrlpbt B.Sayler.______^_____________
He. aad Hre. Wrlpbi
la the eatate o( kla uncle, wbo
Suoday Sedool Cocv«uu»n.
aBri.ijb^-ol.lbe >4t*ndard
•>.! Co.
ba' beoae.
beoae. row
Bcporl of tbe coaceotiea of tbe Kaal Three cbllclren of Jaenbt receiei' CT.raai,
rbaa. oa aeeooat o
aevled wl
Kay aad Blair Koaday eeh"ol aaaix.-ia'
ifafir clothinr aad edueaiioo.
. .
•« raary UOD, held In the Uiriole
Wrtebfa..........lo Aea
Arbur to be treat
lar bis to to to
Pab T
Harnard. Smith .v Oo , ol Jaekaoo. oo
«d. Altbooirb be waa here bat a abort
Saturday parekaaed s»i alrel raoyev
_ be
- made
- a a Kraat taaay frienda
eickaeon the coarra- Imma l>?lr it firm
Tala la rlalmrdwho wOl mUa bla.
tioo waa aot auradrd by noiar. but tbe to be thr biyyi at lot eeer auld lo a 4
Prlday Bvaloc—Ptraacer: Wbatli
obool bouae wu Slled juat tbe easr
ihat awa aBakler bandt with ereryIt ukea i»
r all bad come wbe tipeeled to. I dealer inalde the alate
[body for? Hat be brra
■a awav a Inoi
Im'l kaow where we woold hare pot frriyhi can lu mure them there
tau> bau<iwrern bofly
A few daya ayo tfaree Saod >leardi
taoalwap lit
AUm aleylDy ae appropriate Dumber
b1 haadabahe. There la tob
the deeoUooal eaercUea were coaduct- nute atepped no tbe aeale aart tippcci
aa at tbe towa hall tbia af ie««i
the beam at ' 11 pouada. The namea
> m —The dalefalea to yn lo Cd by are. llermaD Smith. Tbe lewoa
waa tekeo from the IVtib paalm <
are JobnIillbrrt. Alea IVracnU aad
_______ ara
Hem W. H Nelaoo. W
addrea. of welcome waa yieea llerioaaUutacb. AlvaaaraAe waa tbr
,P. om,
om. w.
W. a. Bioi—.
Bleela. C
. I. Joyau Jay byThe
Jwel Muaey. HU cordial wurda
iPMBara. Allae Bordm
helped lo oakr each oar feel at borne boy aa he only weiybed f' i pouada.
laadJ. «aabora.
.loarph. Aayual Inaynr, aced \
Oae H. Stellf died ot heart fallore
___ report of tbe
the laat
lut r iDecDtlOD 11, died Monday from the cifecta
of |
'hlblaaea'a hoaia. Tuaaday, Pab .ti. at
yaara aad 4 da>t Hr.

B 'a
le UerBuay
Oermuay le lejr..
Tbe followiey oAf.-era were after a
apaat bU boyhood daya.
lacted for ll
tbe left luoy wat lu a deca.viay condit
wm tbat of a abepberd
Prmldeatwhile the r!ybl liioy waa allybU]
IWt. with hb wife aad children.
Vice Prceldrnt—llavjd U'lUah.
alTecled llkewiae.
aaBO dlredUy lo Morlbport.
Beeretary—tirece SUyht.
ibaa teade bta borne, pi, .
'J'reaaurer—Urece W.Uaey.
le Bret «-ar!a»d of furnilore for the
: tbrae yaara ar>- Pl*a of blaeblldree
A n .|ue*t waa made tbat a psi
poaHeaalona'wIll lca>c<iread Rap
' Mretea biB. oaa aoa aad fotrr daaih
Ida loniyhl
I c coaaiata of a full car o' .
; Mta. ibraa of wboB Ur* lo Norihpon
: aad oaa danybur lieea la Wlaooaain aa chairman.
coDtlyned by tbe Valley fur
______ J'bla
.. . Ilowioywere
Co. to Maclla. and tbe afaiptneni I
-' Baaliy tharedty afiara roo. The taBlDaeU Kooab, ehalPBan: k
will,be hurried weatward ov,^ tbr |
: to lBV^_a tya^tey^ the KBianBiwr-EorreatTvl.
Ke road to rracb Saa Krencl«co '
The Potter aebuol yaee a
n tbe aeii eoneenUoa lo ae Bern
for tbr Brat trecapin.
Doca Panuay Pay? Lai Un See
there- Tbe invluiioa waa ace-pted.
-yratu from Baraanah. Ha . rrTweaty-oac yean ayo I flreh riailed
Lloyd Kaat waa abaeai oa aocoAil of
Wb. L WHaoa. foar sllaa eael and ickaoaa, ao we did ool bare bla paper. celred at St Jnaepb Monday luorninp.
OBC B le aoath of Klay>l«y.
of Robert H
Tbe somlay aeaalnc waa clo»ed by
' aa ba thee had ho acra paid for
lie ilayloy So :u
Spick. .Ur. Spink waa owner and keep
L llTod laa lc« boaac. bad a Ijy hare,
Ar-Ti:axi'- a eK«»icmr
erof tbe famoaa Spink'a aummer re I
r aad aboat ttftceo acra clearwl. lacid
r»b. waa conducted by aort oB'T1i(~8r Jeaepfa rieer fur tbi I
I : bla trait trwa to act 9n acre* or loora
imilh. Hr-Safllh la»ar' Tba treea abow tbat Ibey bare bad tbe le> Uwa
riayinyaeery tier
e a«lo.
aolo.. A* pitl twenty year*, aad waa pmbabit ;
bat of attaatluo aad col '.ore.
oeeoft.'r he<rt known hotel m> a li> !
Today Hr. WilMB bat io: aara.wuol
Sonthweatern Michlyar and llliDola
. It la Uaba. 4u oot telly cleared, aaod and aeeeral aoaya w . _______
I'ol iwlay ibia u eery pleaMt aud
a Mtara. aad the beJ.biM. IT? aera.
Tbe fnnerel of Capt. doba A Mar o' |
lalBt losoaora Seida well feoeed. aalmcllee talk waa yiren by J. K Uraad Raplda. wbo bad been cm I
Uplaaoftbc tocbooa auadeafiee ttaraey oa tbe Hose OepartmeBI. Hr.
traaa boaaa. two rlla eaeb iltte feet,
I. E. .V I..took place ’Kireday afterboth two olonaa. alltr aader the aaaae aubject.
A Tory loaebloc recllalloa waa reawbolaotnaell Hkdnay betweeiathc
from tbe rraideneeand the later
ataddlay It t$ Utbedaad plaaied: ih'u dere.1 by Aaaa Kobrer. eaUUed -To
mraa in Villey City cem-tery
aaka a petioct dead air toaec faeiwaa the Kad ■any by Kay Hinalry. Alice Roueb CtepUlB May waa well kaowa in Treetba twdplaterad walla ThUeecora
erae City aad bad maer old lime Irieode
aoolaaa la aasBcr aad wanaib la aad UeoryU Raker,
gueatlon box
wiour, Set lOB frat yrU la tbe boae
ill reyrel lo learn uf bi»|
A (aw tat back of tbe boere aiaadt a
’ I
wabkooea. isiielal. jiiolay lithe
At Si. Ctaarlea. Mllborn W.iMn ayec I
woadboae. Iflu: tat.
To the aide
AadalItU bonhot tbe booa ataodi
S. yean, employed at tbe s -n-r, coal I
Ua wiadslll aad water tab boaee
mlae. la orcpariay to.dre.wBd tbe air I
■aid home H isti: feet; the Lank wltBHr. t'eaBlaytuD c ' beioy prneat. abaft aleoped OB the r.'tffold before ae-1
ta bolda loo barrrli ot water.
Pros Hr. blea yaee a talk ua the naaer
lltothebuak. Tbr acaff-jld be {
tUa taak the ooadoiu to the bonae.
retiay talk waa yiwB by Ree.
beta bare, cattle yard. eio. areall
uataooked by tbe we«bl aud i
SBitb. followed by x tratlBoUida daap aad earefally a to aoturnei edyewtte. tbfowlny him to the
tlaaia parfatooedlUoa
aea Ibrllar
bottom, a diaiaace of !••• feet, breakeara watahae wl btbe wtada II a that we bad oMalacd macb yooiRroB
lay kU aecu. arvaaed leya He lemeea
thMMaabUeipeaM- ha aot oe.-arred the euneeatloD.
oaitiD thelalaeren yeara. aad oot
a wife and one cinid *
may upeaae oa the e . .dalB a'a:- UId.
A little farther to toe aortb of tbe
artadalil I* tbe loolmhnp, lliii- feet
School Report.
Aarea tbe barayanf froa ae I ebop.
aUhdiBC le a row Bret oo tbe eat are tbe wl er term eodtny Keb 4
tba bof pea* aad eltaybleT haaee.
Water Would OotaOirt and Orep oa
Saa.-.rr of daya Itturb'. UT.
I«ltt taot. U toota addlay: aeii
tbaneer. DoctorOould Not Reliera.
rr of
-. pupl'a
. ...............
earoUed. t:
crib balldlay. >«i:i (at. aadeof it
Tbiwe ataadlny blyueat la IbeV renret Appliotbon CUTICURA Stoppad
loot pi (Bk pi and aad .lt>d aad p iced apec«»e yrodre: Kirat yrad*. Lumaa
•prlcbi. the leeide l aed with that Boyi': neeund yrade, Eca Harrhaa
Betwea the crenarj pnl c >rn- tbl'dy ade, Lily J-ac-a. foortbyradi
arlbUtbe wayoaabed. in.M feet.ei. Ckailry lliehardaor. flf I, yrade. Lewi
taMlay to the rear aad a I c' i.eed Clark and Marrin KeMahna; aixt
wilbrae alayleroot.
To their fant yrade. Streh A'lry; arraclb yredi
wat ntaa<
ataadt tbe bora barn. 4o«.-.? J jba Clark; eiyblb yradr. J >bn Carl
aad weet
. Tbe bora vt.ble.
(aat. wtooi a
L-wia r'lark waa pnwent »e V? Hat
mio tael, la le
tauynt; ulan wiaabteul ueedar
Melt la '
atbrluldr f
of apriny term of rHi.dar*
ly aad (hedbelwaa the a
xaVirkEwereSa. S.
dlaywltb otariar. Iiarldos frr*ti
tba ileble There la a t^et'aao iH nap
Oealarea CauBol be CureC
gyjrt water.
Tbe bara floor It inttii
_______ bllable forth



T^ carrtafe m>B oa the nmb end
H Iteid fat. Oar tbe doom to the
oar-layc rooB end tbe etable na kta«
ben an. one i?«if. tbe other dtlf.
Urda tbe rm .iaye rooB in n e-II >i
laiafat.H fwi dap. atoee welled,
the wnll eiaided Intide aad ebe ted
with lacb beo I wk twice. eoaHay .the
Jalataot the flretwlth ibeee.-iea a
ariay a twe.lacfa_drad t't ebn'Tibe la
Thia altar • a> led
__________ ____ a flilad with liae tad
aaod BO-tar brl' way 'np the >
Jotet. lb>« d'oBle floored, beet __
Jolata. A track b laid down then pt.
........................... lo.tekea^l byh-rae




J. u. Johamra.



lu bara yood Lwundry Soap......................................................................... ...

l pjuad spear Head Tokaeco



1 pcuud Aaerieaa Iteyle or dlaodanl Na^ Tobacco...........
Sice l■teBlc Hama. per pound


Reyular Hama, per pound.................... .................
hter'a Itail.Creckera. per pound.
Ill pouada yood Ccitee....................



ami many ntb-r bareaioa equally ns cotnl lUnt y»ii will

timl by tfiviid! ua a call.

Kemrinlwr tbe plm-e,
prnjuiv HB we .-nil |KMsib1

II buy ae luiu-li of V"lir

Enterprise Grocery,.
228 Fruut Street

W. J. ROBINSON, Fi upr.

A Tiling of Beauty
Is a Joy Forever!
I’lrttKiiu; I- ill'- evi- nml |>.-r(i» l pi.-tiir'-H nti- lli- iiiniiy ii
.i.-piirlpl'-lll -if tile ll.'Hl
in»( ifixrli. daily
(.Viiiiiiiriiciiu; in iriir lJr,-ai- 1.1 hU i1> |mrt ii'-nt u- woi
i'hII yuiii' (ittriitii>ii I" llioM-

.Vh- I" II
l'••hl■'<l Itnn'li-w. ami l»l''-i
1 ami I'
Hhliu FRUiii-a. I.ilnrlv SaliDsaml
8W.-11 Dov.-llxw III il«dr
. , 1‘l'lH'- l.adi*'. Siiiri \VMlK!^
iijmliii ptii
1 'iiui'-.- Hint ifru d>'i‘ii;iin
„ ~ al (niiml.
F.irdbt- i:.-ntleiii'-ii «•- liav.- jmtt r.'i-''iv.vl a

e ifuiiraiitewl ntid |»'jnslnr

“Roswelle” Hats
wbii-b fur
excels Aiiytliini; nolil aurwb'-ri' f-r (4 OU S>n
111 all tbr lalfSt shaden.
W.- alm< liandli- liir i." iiuim
-.lubn B Strlaoti- Jlala in all llir latiwl styl.-n nii'l
»l><-<'ial pricrOTlir luuj; exji« twi Swrrl. Orr A I 'u i«"|>ulHr

Onion Made Never Rip
Pants and Overalls
arc Itt-re - Tiirne i^iwxis an abaululrly i1,'tiHiaMli-eai and |">-itiv.
rvplai 'd willm iirw (mir, if not rat
renniiii.' ill prirc from 'I*.-, $1 X'l. tl -V). f2 iM

Do You Know That
We Handle Wall Paper?
Y-t Hiiolber Di'W dr^iArtiiirnt bar (>mi niid'-d to "iir i
" Rl'k'krel iMtlarv of Iranjainn.
VW imil. v-ur ins(»
■ -l.-CTUt. new and d.--i,;n»
ajiriuK |(att'Tiie uf Wall J’nm-r.
«i>o rv,»Tyttiim: '-U'hiii-Ut will )k-,'oiiir piipufar by
iU lo'
,b^r. j» or eittiuu'-0.0111 i•r apriiii; it ' .11 i*y you to B-r- tl

Til-new TKI-ON-F.A SHOE is Bltracliiik' ijrni
Tur urw onra a^ tli-j<k-U uf "-X'-rlleucr.Blylr and WurknihUnlilp,
al tlie v.-ry Moderate jirio.; of #2 60. well worlb $4 00

Our Buyer Down East
Has Telegraphed Us:
"Have pureliaA»8 taflavy for apriog aod fiummer.
Don't atop at anytbing: aell pood* at prioee that will
move tfadm: moat baw eaata ud yon xnaitnifiJte room."
We bat-r (h'-rrfrre ala<lte'd uur atr. aiiv DOWRST PRICES
atiywbrrw. and if you wanl an Overroal. I'Uicrnr .Suit NOW is
tuur time tu inveat. NVtrrin tbe bistun ufCloUiiin-h^trc M*!'brw-n sold ao cheap The mark-down on our IToakc and Jarl uos and you cauu-jt rualizr
t imleaoyou iDTesUi;at<'.
Call aarly and aecore n-rt a
lainary faaivaiii. but a

The Boston Store,
TfiHflii— City. sunk..

^!ASrSI&b Mr. WllM BKHM

We have leased forty feet from the rear of
E. McNamara's shoe building, connecting it by an
archway to our main room in the rear half—this
gives a very light handsome room-A systematic
arrangement of our departments necessitates
changes of lines of goods. We shall close out
ma,ny entire lines, adding those from other
houses to make our stock more desirable. This
addition to our large salesrooms above and below
gives us the most attractive rooms for Clothing,
Furnishings, Hats and Caps in this section.


2nd--Sell Out...
We will for a short time make the cleanest
sweep we have .ever made in Clothing, Men's,
Boys’ and Children’s

Team Rm

unir Miiwn wiTit that tii*T.

V ;.;r; T,:



to bare Laaox, Jaxoaor LlybUmuMSuap

In Our Shoe Deoartment

Sot one eblld dtea where tea forteerle died from rmap I’cxple bare learued tbe ealaeof Oae Hleule Couyh
Core aad aae it (or «eeere lory and
a la theaio
barej M
throat troublea
It immedlak ly alopa
w alBl le 00
llaeeerfxila J.ti.J '
, of Ma aoath ah’eaao U Itn-d <m li
aUcof tbeataddlayaad Cllea bai
thaalitdliac with Bimar
In r •■o*
iBlo It la Iht rr I laat wt«tb-« whe - tbe
Bkaek m la. te lika atepplae te< <a - ibaar atai'wphcre la a latSS 'e ' attaebmeatto tb*waate«ta( tob I.ara
Hr. W lawatoraa bla (arm m.rb< wy
Ooaarcied with thi« attaebB -m aad
auedtayef tan aontb laaya 1 - aad
abUHled roof abed t: feel wi le, (he
Sheer. Bedalla. Mcl, eoedaetoroe .
- aaaieebed tbro exlendalA ll>-aa
iteleatreet ear^e. wriiea tbat hlal
loti. Aa> > (net tUrfat board (ea«e
roudalba taalteceof tbe at-ek y
Hal^ la^^oaUaaoaa auptly » ia
(ar I btee de-e-ibad -noa«M baiiHBCi
H' w 1-OH haa
•oidbarteUtBa. Kbaalel afle



For the Neid Two Weeks
Ist-Eolarge our Salesrooms.

Everthing on our First Floor
will, if possible, be converted into'boflb:
Men's Suits divided into four classes.

Class!, 3.75
Class?, 5.00
Class 3, 7.50
Class 4,10.50


These goods this year


25 to 50
Per Cent. more.

Take your choice-tliey can’t be beaten in price
______________________ s

Children’s Goods
suffer the same rate of reduction, regardless of
cost—worse than cost.

Class 1,

- 1.25

Class 2, “

2 00

Class 3, - - 2.50
Class 4,


sold from 26 to 60
Per Cent more.i


This means an actual loss to us, but recent
purchases demand this unparalleled cut in prices
to make room for the tmusually large stock to
New goods coming daily, but are not included
in this sharp and quick sale.


MABQg 8. IBto.


werfad bp C J. Bbaar. m Oawatroah..
Tkep aea hM pradawbeak aad tor
bwatp. dvAlilp aad
1--------ewabdaad. Uap taka Ua lead.

. rrpe aad fnw
e taptoatop oalG Ue aad. wkw Bip
paa^d al bk eld hewe aftor kk

Jaatorkoriatp of niikllai Badaar- TaiaeParBaraefOiaad Ttateraa Op
IwlUpatUe ktptaat wab petoe tor
Toaap Peeple'aaaetoip o< (WiHlaa

Idlp told toel a^i
OraadkpBdward B. Frpa. Ike
*8^ a
’---------- -- ------------

- ^37t***

•- w Pkd



Special Sale

Ckaa M. B*i>n.TranrM atp. Hleb.

T:iSfk B.
ed aaoBff Ue delepalaa la Ue eoatalitea ea itaolalioea
A Brkl laatlaf
eetatal been wae palled oS. Ue eee
aflaallp adopUav aa e^alnwal
raUoetor e^aal Uiatloa aad
kaoaklBceataUrelaraaaaie Ue Atttiaeae bill.

Ue prtodaal cAaiweUra ao waU Ibat
-Atenper'- al BteiBberp^
Ue Uraad of the etorp ww ael leal
The Bolite UriUlap tlrapb eterr
Data Ue wlator t wGI atMBd l
foraatoataaldartopUe aattra Ptap- pood lota eteep Uai wa* etar wriiua
Be pare tbe Boat Btoato altoa k broopbtOQt wiUetartItof eSeet

-------------aaawBeed'loekaa. Hkb., C. P. Fi'UJta
oUa lllUa BaaawkBW of U<
to appear at Sieipbeepb
Uraod aext I
ebaraetotc to a raalktle etple wblah

_ . '^^rsr2t,'si.“‘r.rfss

• bp Mr. Joirpb Jeffer
who ba* atade blaealf laaoaa
ebaraeler of Bip Van Wtokla After
Ua preaeaUtbB ol tbe plap. Mr. Prpe
---------------------• ■............. ...........--0 of bamrawbleb addad I
asoelkaee of tke aaMrUlaaeal.
Tbk talap Uelaat of Ue
Oenuer i« FneBdlf.
Mboo) leetare eoaiae. Prolewor Gi
IkaacUooof U«r««iy»» wllb
tolled Ue opporMBltp lo Uank the
lav hm w»i»Up» fitHD PBUWdsc
careware Bede perAaoeaLllM eoan
patroa*1 o<
of Ua eoerw for Uelr pen<
, wbleb baa made It
leowet W la««M> IB the liUad
Welte of Detroit aaned
Be alao proaked U
WalrMllkercpora of .Ike BOBlt;
CUtalae B. Ormnl, 8 Cslproee prM- oezl pear'a eoorae woald ooetala'^ore
elOinBinyloirBrdithl* eoulr;
and be ap to Ue etaadard
VeaddealkwbMf) eakd aad «rlU«D
_______ r-.-j_____I .LI________
(TeatappUyer;K B Celwab ol Kela
•baatpaMlUeeoapllcBtiOMvitk I
olUat eitp.
■ur«nr the PiJUpplBiB. tat Ike
B P. WUbelB Renpu
MtaMloewiUta boiled wltk m
a l»U • hicb ud ««U d* Loak platlorm. Ua wkdea of BepabUMTTvd eeapUMl u> om of Ike eblai eaa priaelplee. ooU etaadard aad Ua
MiecMjeis ibeeircmlt. Tbe Hualv adoUkiralloe.
Asd Uep alao aaloka* coir kind andt
gUedUaeoidlereot Ue war aad n
for Xr. Pnu. M U beaonkU clUua.
1 that ear lapklalora poaa
»feed UwrvMd • pmoae) «rteDd.


Wtauw ao; b»ee t

OaranaT'e MtlBeaU loworde
■oeansMl dartac ikc peel jmi.
io« tkbt It U poller <«■
IB frtoBdlr rBloOoo* w
M: IkediptataMsefUfiato hae •


SMDVtaofUeAri&rTta pnBBBt etresvtb of the rrVBler
ararlBBteBt sea. Uad
law of iBBt aprtav tUe wae to be r»
«aaad«eU.oaoalUi elaeof tke war.
ThtpBMfBof Ike Hawter bUi
iBltalbs rsTBlar araj at lu p
emaltatloa. *ft aBtatitaua for tkr

kare Ike aerrlae. It wUl rlreoppor'
taallr for tkoee rriu> d«^ to letoaie
la Ike Pbaipplaaa to rwaalM la tke


pralalnp lie Berit*.
la Fianee------------ --wben the
friead. The elorp deal* to a Boat roP"*"
manlk wap min Ue liTeaof tke torn
..., .................
aad womca who are laperaoealed, aao
UeatapeapriroBiaePl t* eneb a* to W ua« ••* eekie* leu**;
eattiap to Ue ptaee. ,
r«»wi.w u>mt -ii.»re. ^ m p.
mat eattii
czpenee be* beep ■,
eecb detoU a* 'nearlp perleet a*
nia Mr. Griffiib wnoae-Faoat" Bi
biB taBon* bae la tbk plap a m
cunproial role. It li that of a earal
«BO I* eeer readp to defend bk mini
and bik friend. TbtoiKboet Udre i
el nation* of bea
He k eopporled bp
markable alrenpU,
Eatbrpo Purnell, and

of Ike adjetaat rsaeral the eScetlre
We^tk of Ike nfalar trmf
OtalllBf Blah aad-woaaded. k Sl.av;.
Of Ikeea. M.eoo.ara la tke ratted
tala, U.wr ia caba, tt,70« 1;
PUUpptoea or oa Ikalr waj tkara. aad
«.m la Psno Uao. ike aew
raarya^alkie bUl doa aot ebaafe
tka Bias eorpa, aad aaba ao rna’
ikaiWB la Ike ortaaiMUop of reflaaM of aeakp aad Ubattr- I
llapiBtii tka iraaafw of ataap of the
ilfBlan'BUUiB Ui* aoaaur to tkr
PkOMaa aad tka aalkUBaat of ai.

SacBsta Haa Ratocaed


Madrid, Mareb I.—Preulw Hataato
taaoiav. Tab.
eoB. M.-Tbe
raelU of tkr
bae baaded tbe reelcBaUoa of Ue ulalaakBaa-Malna of Ike i
e lodar
ktrp lo tbe qaaea rapeaL Tbaroeeraaa prakabtr
at men tar n
bada oarrow eaeape tros detaal
• lhaatJ
eaeeaUOB Ue bill aalkorietoc
iaai aiteofitat bodp.
» of Ua Pblllpploaa u the Oi
•nepMOB of are. arerp aeaiber e
adduiee. Tbe naaeare wu paw
kh tmV OUlaao aoeed a lake
beroTersBeaibed a mejoritp of
tke lakU tke OHImen Cheerfr bill
oalp two. ue toteibainr
baizip J»
MO to
etalch FUrrariMaan aaeated of hickS%e eaWael
ie k etpeeted to laet
IW lata Ike hooa aad before idtalrlor aererel dape a-. It will be
foeUeiioeca lareat
political leedeie. Tbe ebaaiberi erUl
aeead-uaBBbBilwiB that ibe o
adjeare aetll a ae* Blaklrp k fonatd
aUMebUIpreparadbr bk ntHdirk~
BleleterlalUte boat Uat Ue
tea af Ike Wc taaaUea aoaadtb
rccebt will aapport daa
tahaa troa tke able la Ik alaad.
la aad dieaolte Ua etaBbcra
IhaaeltoabrCbaBbartala %e lake
lVaahto(tOB..Hareb t.-duu deparlap tka eahatUaiB waa lai br a ra
watoBeiale belleta Uat Ue raalirBaaap«eWof tl toS».d aaUoaWtakeBp
UoDofUe tafaato eablaal daea Ml
IkaOtaera AUlaaoa bUl wa ihaa earaeaeaaarilp totolee Ua tallore of Ue
nep bellaee that the
iloet will Bad
hlad tka p
. aoead to plaa
tka Atkiaaa biU apoa Ik laaadlau
pMaca Ctaabp aotad u all oS tka
Soaa a Ikai aobodp mlfi.1
aadafurtkatklidiadlar of Ue bill,
Iht tala ea lie paaafe reaalMd
ihaaffartaar. Irraa. Bareh. Barfool.
Baakirit. Ckrloa Cbaadlar. Obraa.
Oaltp. Oelrla. Ctaebp. Dark. Diekea-ata. DtorUr. Dorl*< Skfebes. I'aur.
eUlaa. OllUUa. UoedaU. Ooodriota,
Oeedrear. Orar. Oanla. Ball. Baa
aead. Bataeatala. Beak. BelaeaBa.
Banic. BoSaakta. BoweU. Kaep.

fareelataaotPraaeaaB Wlllardube
plaoed la atataarp baU to Waahlaploa.



' —Menb brown, cbecked worblnp
cut and well Bade, ktronp and
ble EepBlar,/»aloe»«,.i.. Thl.
ialeloatqpaale .


|,^ . —Meo'e
brow* pUita
Value ti« in



-Men'* hears wonted *oiU. niee Wale *^ren AUo floe biue d.aponal rh.;.

Una * bearp all wool ri
and also la faaep pi
• wool cberlo
erlou. All are
-a well trimm-Kl \ *lcee ■
IS to AT KaTbietpacial cloiiura*

lomabeUe production

Bittern. Scrofaloa*
Blood Bitt.
-d Bp bodp.
leeesrd brpuidi
wd care
toUp well
, H B. B baa made ae a perfeeUp
/ Wirman." Mra. Cba* Baiun. BerriUe.
i Utch.


A- AI*o 10 blu ■





- Mea'* floe Scotch cbertot **Ua.ia faocp prrp ■
AI»o browa twi*t eaMlmere eulu, Uor- •
■I. ro i* epet-lalclaalnraalr
*f>et-lal ClMlnr aalr ' iW UI to W

The above aoodeareall of thi* ae^son'e purchaaee and are correiA in
^ style and materlala. NotaUai - ^i r ve lou. but a jood ataortmeni of iizes 1
in'tliewholepffeploK, andwecAi. - ,v u out to pleaae yoo

C0M£ EARLIf. for the earlier you come the better choice you’ll havo •
Tliia Is not ao ordinary sale and it will pay you to look Into Jt.


5^-. j-.,.

Overcoats and Ulsters at Strictly Sacrifice Prices.
Foi Greatest faliiet oo Desirable Merebandise, come lo

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.


Mr. Wllbela flrat qitoiAd Ue es
plop of Qaaaah.^p A Co. » pear*
npo. at a elerk to tbe proeeip departBt. Be held m raepooaible poeltloo
ttat department about Ae« pear*
a -wa* p^aallp adraneed.
there be waa prumoled to Ue caeb
detk. which poaltlon be held two pear*,
la Uoae dap* Ut ea*b for the aniee ol
Btlre ooncera paaeed Uroapb hi*
a It wa* oot a* It k bow, wbui
•eerp deparuaenl ha* Ik own eaabler.
Tweatp-alpht pear* apo Mr. Wllbela
wae adraneed to Ue manapemeal of
Uedip rood! and eloUinp
which ba* prowa to ampab


ThepripkeUII bare.
Uea taada Tboma* Sand* and
Baarp EoUklck ara baoliaf lop* to
BbUob* Bap. aad brinplnp back lorn-

al°Sf h. j"

Deaib Reoord.-________________n______
to aattoni
Bala natll
nati; hi*
Hre. PoUp Tajlor. oac of Ue nio- Fndap, where be will rcBaia
' "
1* froa Ua boa|
saraaad e blpblp reapMlad woBaaof Arbor.
Etofelep. dkd at bar boM Frldap
The topic for ttesrat aeetiop of U
etealnf. «e. 7z paara. Beeldee a boat Y. P. b. C. E k "Gala* oi Zion " Lem
eade aba laaeea A prooB ehUdree. ar. P. a. Dark.

loaiaadUroa dauptura.
taaarml waa bald kaadap i
Walarbair. Weraa. Waiar: Weur.
ti^BUeM B Bbarek at Kli
RIacalep. anAlra J. Harrep ha* returoed from
WbaaUr. Weed. Woodraft.
dar Ue dlreetiOB of l.'adi
OetrolV Wher* ata tpeal eose Ua* rieXare-ksdetaoa. BrowaeU. Bardlek,
lUap nItUr** Uat ata bad aot **«b
«klda«U. Chaatarlaia. Cjlllea. Dadlep.
tor iweatp pear* Mar laUm-. d Print,
Tha taaeiml of Uia Patrlek Mamp. eaau wlta Wand will rlalt hk broth
DaS. Ootaee. Baap. KoUp, Karr. Ueho dlad Tbaradap •entop of eop- ar. Andrew Prkel. and oUer relaUrn
Oallaa. UeRap. Uoota. PhlUlpa. 3. B.
. Bari of Wexford, fonnerlp ol
Grant, waa (irtekea with paraIpak laai «aek. tat k aoa* taitar Ui*
B* ba* maep tricno* bare
Darld Crawford retaraed to hi* borne
to BW kapldc Htadap.
He wa* e*11«i
here bp tbe deaU of hk faUer and Ur
Uto«a* of bk mouer. who, we are pled
to tar. k laproTlap. alUoaph it be b *
' HkeSbub eloead a •aoecMlal ter
lanerealnp Uat ra* w<ll ai________ adeeUdaaoaFleUMeeata bp
all who were tkara


Ablpkaro beloaptop to t. K. Ueh
- Miepapibea
tepapIbeespeaMelaearrad bp Ua taraed at OoaaUaUna. Proapt aelaaladlartelk for pbeelaiaB aktaaee bp Ua dee ^aaap aatad eatoral balldtope ea adjueat ptopertp.
____ Ul bt Ue botae at bar eoe
A Qraad Bataa Baa faead twoaub- BamecT. k able to be oat opala: 1
WUlk ItoiWp k alto tatter.
Bead Btata omaaai are allaaptia
akaad a diBO to Ua crop of a ohMna
’telaiiBdaMabillu tbat«klaural
bektlladUeeUar dap. aad bow be k
' haealkaaaMadtbatDwataaaradie iradtopallkk fowk tar eUwapfUe
flaiBw BtaU- Tbep alalw ibat tko MBa beard aaUe


From 6 cents a Double Roll Up.
J This is absttiulelT the lowest price pajKT on
I the market this-season.

H. E. Gibbs’ Bicycle Factory.
Bicycles Built to Order.

Buy a Home Made Bicycle!
One thbl to built afroBB and dontble. am! ae hamlaome ai any
made, (fuiranteed fully (or one year.
My new'Vil SlodcU ar<rrady, both in 2^ ami 3(^ioch wbei'l*.
The Urgtat stork o(
\Yli,-eto iD tW l ity

Prices from S2S up to $50.

Sixty-flve Second-hand Bicycles


In addition to our alreadv enormous Spring Slot'll
able to V
J pick up 5500 Double Rolls at a wonderful bargain, and tjhis we bavc markefl to sell ^


Geoepa L. Ukp atteaoad tke c rereaUoa at Lelaao datordap a* a delepat*
from Uk towasblp.

Wall Pai^er!


tniitadand oompetaot emplepe* aed
dortop hkearaarba* aecumulated .a
eoBfortable tortaBa.a partioa of wbleb
k lereated la ibe itoek of the eoapaap.
Mi. Wilbelo) k a ooBauedable cx

He k aa nteemad elUiea, Ue head
oteaaof TrererteCitp'a ao*t cbiia
top ftmlllM. and he bai wall aarard a
lonp raev wbleb be deolaree be will
BOW «|}0P.


?:S I? Sonlething
Something more

Wheat, old. perbu....
Beeld** tke poalUon* BeaUonad Mr.
Wiieai. new. per bo..’.
WlIhelB wataboaiaeraa pear* ape. Oau. No. I. per bo. (M
elected toeatnrer of Ue oomorBUon Corn, per ba..
par bu..
and ba* terred la Uat capaeilp crer
Back wheat .

tWlrtophetakeewUhblBUe faipbeet
B, noiWBlp of hk emplopen. bet
of ararp OBO of kk BMOclatM la tbe



iKUjae rai<B.

Mra Hetarer of Cbaspaipa. aUla praa plaee Balardap. Feb. tlU.
tdeatof Ue W. C T. U.. preaaaiad Ue
BarU and Hit* Mpru Barth
• alof Mr.
r. ••taellp
bill toGorerDorNortbeaUtebkalVM
tare UreUer wlU a blpblp decorated
peeboldar. wlU arbleb be alraad Ue
he ^oaeral

elaloaa at bar hoBa at •allow Bap
Baad. U. W. Bad. Kalkea. WaUrn
Walk. Wkllaep aad kpaaker Adaae. WM bald Iron that plaea Saunlap
Ataaet. naUhaaar, Barv Korlae. BunlBf. Daoaaaad waa W pwra of
Baidvaekraad Wlap: n pa
aapa. aad I aot praaat.
Mra. L. £. BaUe of katlow Bap died
TW kOBM aad Mala hpra aaah ad Tbartaepofueprip. Tbefaawml will
JaBraadoearaalUTbaradap. Meat of
ak piaaa Uare Boadap
tka MMbm will auaad tke ataie BeUttie Claraaoe naakUa. Ua Mpht
pabUnaasataaUaa at Jaekeoa Wad■watba old tabp of Mr. aad Mra. Jwtat Lsae of Mapfcld Wwatalp. dtod
TtaBaidkciKalMbUllawUeh Ike Fftoap. Srb tiU.
9B af tka MIb are leur«M wa
Tbe raoaal bwtp ratoe bate
IP lalaraadkp Ike foeeraer lo ike
Ue wheal teldi to (klboaa aeaalp
eaHasdbpUtetara lo Ue a
WlU water, aad Ua drop k Uable to
fiparlal lha oeaferaaee aoai

Bunched Into half a dozen 4ou. like thia:


Effecu of Cold la SaataekpLtoakTlile, Kp.. Fab IT.—Tka r
eeeara WtaUerdtd fiaat lajarp U ooe
ol tbe DM»t prodlable ladaelrtas la
Bcporujoatreoeleed Irea UraarboatUe aUte ebow ibat BlIlloDa of
beta were killed darlap UatapeU. aed
uit kobep-BuklBr baa pracueallp
rea exierBlaeted la Uk aUU for
irerel peare at leaet.
Tbe beat pMled bee aee to Todd.
Fepctle. SooU, and meap oUer hoaeppn^ndav eeaatlac cap Uit Uelr
MBM wUI be ezoeedlaplp bearp.
Tbe be« erere killed aot lo db


. ___________ .-HforP
date ebalB medek for Au. a
tralle chain model* for {
Eboer. apent. m Careatreet.

I ooe.
for Ue dm tlae lo Ul*

P. WUbals bw rwlpoto hi* pealttwM tareiaaa ol Ue drproodiaBd
Penp Powart ol CadUlae aamad
deUlap deparuawt of Ue Haasab A
Jadpe HcAlrap of LedlacUp HereaatUrCo.
ue waa aleo preeealed.

Tta Beat Ullot akowad: Aldrieh.
BoedrDea, Wi Deboll. 77: Oraat
Sit; Ball. Hi Hapoard. 1*0; VaaP.ile.

Seoood ballot-Aldtieb. tt; Baodeataa. It; Oeboll. 71; Great. MS: Ball.
SI: Mapaard. Ml; HcAleap, «;
Zae. IM
Satlaaw atartad a elaupeda oa tbe
third ballov cbaaclap U rotM froai
Deboll to Uraat. wlU Ua fdllowtar
Aldricb. AS: Beedenai
Daboll. lA; (ireav S7>: Hall. 11; Hapaard. Hi; HeAUep. «; VaaZUa. 111.
Tl^ etampadc to Oraat beeaiaa <
deaile la tbe foartb ballot aad
aoiloa be war bp aerlaaietlna
eUred Ue aooioM.
B. s. Oaaa of Waabeataw aad Bt P.
tjattOB of Detroit were aooiloaU
veaU bp aoelenaUea.

Of Sermty^Te Good Winter

in good running ordar

I have «*ly-fiv>* S-.vm<l-hand Bii-yrl-n that niiint I-mile! at
once in^irder t.i make roum (or nt-w wti-rl*
In ord. t to niov-tW wLerla, (or the Aext 30 Lay* 1 will aell Hem

From $8.00, $10.00 and$ll00.
Don't mto* tbi* ebano
doua low price. Conn- ^oi
will toon pu at tbn^ pritvi

a Bii ycir (or Borh a tremen-


"We are USTot

BUT we do believe io SIGNS when they are as convincing' at I
those which point to the increasing demand for our “BEST* !


Steinberg’s. Grend®'''**™'''''•i mu’*

Repairing Department.
bad nertaiary maebioery to give yon Im
io tht>
r repair li_.
lioe in the city.
............ ............................................
'WO—I am prepared to do
all kinda of
Latbc tarniDK. tuch ai Coaaa. C’opd, Hhafta, etc. C
Can dupHrate
any part to oldbicyclea. aad niy pricea are tbe moi
It will pay jron
yon to
me before ffolep eleewbere.
MperienoM help employed.

In Eoamelinp and Deeoratinp I am anre I no glee yon the
beat of aaltofiirtioa or no chArge.. Will make yonr ^ wheel
look u Din AS a aew one (or A litUe>xpMW.
Call and aee
aatnpW of eoameUnp. lonr chaioe in colon at tfaeMOM price.
tialtofac-UoD OuaraDtetul.

important Engagement
T!.r Rcmaiitir Actor.

Mr. John Griffith
l-riBtatlbp Ue bkterianl eUy.

812 South Union Str^t,
OppomtoCA W. H. Depot.


Onel-Foortli Off
Shoe Sale
Has saved our costomen money, and gave
them value received,
Ifyou have not taken advantage of this
‘sale you can doao end get the celebrated PIHw

‘tHE AVENGER”p^-*“""“‘”““"“
ururi PUMEu

Iteinember tbe Place......

will rM*Sa prompt >ttpi<1ipp

Wednesday, March 8th.'

.Of rM«r*BP

Enameling Department..



Red Letter Night

My repairiiui deparim-nt to romp!


MB,wnat bBiijn.

TMi Salrbill-CoiDne Um’l Miitl ISli



aaAHb nuVtetej^ALt). lu&ct ft.
PfMr BoodMsa. «bo left bM« la»t
■ otMUn SPM ftMMlOW
Tb* (oUeoftW pn«m b** b**W
>w wlH b» rit«B fcy B**. Bsr>
ilT tar BestUs. WaMlsgus. hM l*f»
els7JflBM«l Um rrlMdk
SkaMfa. then olth s rwV of pnopolon tar tb* msgol tor eeaaM«*a»nt asm
lor tb* gTsdastUg «i*a of-w;
Tht BiM am* «m gives S«s4st •««>•
Isf ssS IS* nk>M •**: "Wmsm sai
tMrtrMpe*Ut«i.Mll fes* b**e. U.

saftsfcclS b*.-_________

CrtMOfWkluTb* M. B K. K. nUrasd eoapur v* oswr hsd • esnoo Mosp* frosd*irsighMstag iMr (r**k MV lb* bsj
:lios br«r« Uosdsy mm. Tb*
Mts. >Tb*lr isig* »ll* drlw froa tr* slsnad srosad Me Ihlable Is lb*
HftsMc* hM bMS broogh I b«« to work ebtase; *»d rss sp b*to**s tb* foreo lb* Job. Th* MO trsek oill W bslU lUoM lo th* stUc. bsrslBg at
sloag tb* bMcb ior * wMlftirsW* ftl»- ■Mm befort It eoajd b*
Ffsab totlb It u b«\ld »
MO rMtd*M*stU**arB*r»f B>tbth
Tb* sMraa of Hr. Haba^ MostsissdUb* svtes*. OS ibrief
’IfM.saMlarpsBdgMatl assMoref
•Ith* HsBbsh * '
MOOS* *111 b*of eelMlsI *^1* sad «T,elst os

; ttoo. Coogb* aad ColM. TbI* I* ihr
wooderfal reaedy that ii prodatieg
The esledleucp aod alalstap wDI eaeb a farar all over theooaaup by lu
be dMeralM bptharaoerda
Tb* i
» akeoluul.

etoet trill eheeee ibdr btotorlae sad n7tltif^toi"?eto.‘^.SrT-b"1
propbev Th* aasie aad •ptskrrv wUl j JJd
b* ptotidad for tour.
aadgvtatrlalbotilr.Kicu.orarega.toc ele* tor Su eeau aad Sl.uii
Jubfor Lpo*BB~
or prior rrlaad**
Tb* iMlor Ipeaea held '**» of tbair
regalarBeeUag* to the Blgh tebool

The ftat aeaber wa* a pHaneolc bpi

: to tb* Vobbs Meo'e eeers*. wo* i
theverpbMttolbeeerl**. Ilwa^fell
.sir Ihsc Nrwtoo By Barty fUeprea.
Touto** laeh s J*|so la pHa jaaOat- of belpfal iboagbleaed geed eaggeaMabel Warwick rvsd*f«d» pl*a*lB|
ds; ssd the fa Igfaal prla of th* aesaoB Uoa*. ahd froa begtaalag lo **d wa* leelaBati*B*nUU«d. ■ Vlrglataa.' .
o*t M>d Om load sold tor it **sa ■■Bcotp" a* wall a* eetortalaiag.
(oprodecUoa. "Wasderlagofa Tram^" ’
sad oifaen fa M. Tb* tters eoapt^
wall glvsa bp Heed Hoodp. a* •*** i.
>. Wilbrla
oaeobstesaad it oaaU to fait
also a drcIsBtUoa eetlUed ■•Mae ‘ Lit-1'
Mid. Tb* ngalar aarkti rat* oi* b*to*«B M asd io.
Hr*. A. ti.ria* of' Wat
•tiMt, obolaeciee to laaa tb* dir. ptoesd lo rbsrge of Ibe clOlbleg d»dtllgfatfa’l) aaUrtslBfd a f*w frtosdt p*rta*at. Bb. WIlbelBerlM ha<
. dtes*r r**l*rd*r.
Tb«s* pfoaesl
rtaat rlu* la tbr dry good* d*•*■ aadsaa Moaro*. Abbott. Vail pertaeal
.Hue Hooker will rvaiala,
aad K K-werv. lor tavral year* with
e. Pirtr. Seolt A Cc of CUaage.
bet for a lew ■ oath* with the llostoa
Tb* Blau eaap of lb. KraUmal
Hgftlc Orel* art la Uraad Kspidt
patadap. Aa iotar*Mlag portloo of
tegto -111 »
tbepregraa oaao abl* paper *atlU*d
at of \b* r
•Tb* tvaalu of iBtataaa." bp C J
Kbawoftbbeltp, obobabo«le*r la



Clroilatioit this week 2.200



a silrright bM b*w gisaud as
lBcr*a**treaMMSIusMlblB fab
Hn. Will Tfalrlbf el Bast Klgfath
Mr**tl*<>MaB*dh> ba^ boa* oa soooaatefaleh^ea.____________
Tb* Aa*rl*as baaa Issedrr b bar-

boa* of Ual* W*bba oa l«k« ***.
Tb*** will b* ifara os^ldata la
tbethlfdrssfa at tb* **st*bUoo
tb* KBlgbUofl»ythU« UI^***alBg.
At KhpUd Tatedar. tb* Bill aad
b*Ha*a pU*n o*r* rlo**d oa aesoaol
•f tb* faaiBl of litti* Viola Karasa.
Mr*. A. W. H*d( olll *atortalB all
6m aeabaa of th* Ckacra Clah
rrfdar tfsolag at bar boa* oa
._____________ '

Ihslodlaad Aaaods
flva mt of tbair pepet*r.U04aal aappaa PrUap •vealag. to b* tellow*d bp
a good aedhl tiaa.
Tbs advaoM eal* of aaate fter th*
•■Atahgar,'* to b* gl«M M U* etb. la
tmibergb UiMd. wUl begls at tb*
CMm Hep b** arrived (mb Pi*MMk Hleb.. aad wUt *«ebt bit k
or Praak Hap la tb* Chisago W*a*
Boa**, aad attod tebool b*i«.
Tb* «taart*r fw tb* retail derkb
BBiM hb* airitad aad tb* orgaaluUM
«rlUb*p*rtoeudataB*vtiag la
•sta'i baU Hoadap *vMlag.
P. H. HargM I* U tb* elip aaklag
artMtaaoBM far Jobs Onnth-. gral
s*okM la Buuberf. "o tb* »Ui.
Tblfboa* hBaW >uc. bw> beaa
ptOMd lotb*eaia*of dtrsab Una A
ABioii*. tb* *aadp ■aaafact.r.rt. bp
JiMMgor Itorrpefib* HIMlgM T*lw


Ta.i* T. B*T>.>

B. B. Oooh, tb* aell-kaown
rpioaa. 1* oh hi* roiiad* uklagijri

■VDedintsiLa.^ 'WlomTv^, KI&tcVv "SItsV


V New Stables an4 Livery. |

dtorea*M U«
love of BlUtarp glory.' proved
laUr«*UBgiabJ*et for d<


iving bouebt the John
•2* HbVir
^ i»unn.
Dunn. utoiy known n« the 5
>>u.|, uid .UW.. o« 8U.. JP

*“™' tl„ n.w lot ot hor.™ .n
8rv*ral pimtoat took pan
ral dUcBBioB oa both tide*, bat prlaclpallp for tb* MgaUr*. Tht dvcltloa
given la favor af tbr aegativ*.

N.w Briok Bloch.

ud nm prepared to meet

&oods SaVe


livery outo day or night.
A apeclelty will be made of 1
the care offarm teame. Hav V
Ing been a farmer all my life.^ ^
I know what you need. Whp" -

KLort bUrseVive wt brU btU.
. StvncTi &\Abb *>oi^VvAa.
p* s
VCTUBTi.......................................... U^C



parebau froB Ron l-*rry
y<,urs for busioei
A earprour* daloe wa* forard la*l
>b of two loUoB toeaartb aide of
Blgbi to C b l‘. b ball bp B K Wear-.
•or. Tta* aew orgenlrettoa etarw with Kruol ttreal bttweee K 8. I'rattV
.weaipwlgbl ebarter aieiDberasad will •mall framk halldiag and toe Front
Hr Markham baa la
brabraoebot Ibe Uolted Hrotaerbood tireel bridge
coeUaplallan the crocUoa of a two
of carpeaurs aed Jolaers of Amerlsa.
Aaotber areilag u perfm the or- ptotp aod bateiaent tlructur* (or
gaalteUoo will be held b»»oOD a* Ibe liusab Krda. A AmiolU.tbe randy man
■factaron wbo hav* receatlp^Boved
aerur arrires.
"Traoblag aad Kdiool Baporvbloo."
Mutkegoo. IVbil* toe
A aectlu to orgaalie a msaea'* aad ben
will be the •oblaet of th* aeal lerwrv
plaa* are not pet complete It 1* proV
Id the pooDg BeBb eovra 1b l.lbrarp bricklayer^ oaloo w)U b* held ia C
able that they will be prepared la a
. s. ball ocal WedaMJsp cvealog.
hallTaeadapevcsIsg. ProfeeacirHcKisfewdapa. It » da*lgsad to ettber pot I flU t| GftlilU,
aep. orlBcIpBl of the C*BUal Mlehlgaa
abuildleg (or tbe enclu.Ue u.« of
Plaeeaatlr burpn^
•chool, faB* klBdlprM|>oBd*d
Aboul twenty live
Para*ur« »ad the eaodp minafartarers.
U tb* ^ilatloa of Profaaor ilraoa to
'double buildlug. If tbit plan l* fol­
gl«* Ihb tortBTT.
lowed oat tbr oaorty pe-.ple will oecupy
eveoleg upon Andrew bbeffer a
bom* no tClawond ***0** to help biB oee btflldiag entire and tbe top dour of
eel*brau bit dfiv-firsi birthday saol. toe olber. wbito tbe remalolag floor*
SoeUlp pke«rred tb* •igbueetb sbbI
be renUd. It i* niicaaUd tbflt lb*
rerearpof U>*fosadlagi.r tb* orgsel
of toe building will b* abuui
Although *Btir*lp uocipreted.
BoUep bad ebarg* M
ga«*u w*rc DOB* the lea* weleum*
Th* ralob
•fUr Ibelrarrlv*! tb*p V



■0 wc\v BVUvwen\bb\t 4hm8»V.


eB]''yiag thriuMlve* at ■Brd/'aad varlnpc( e/ri i jiAAi rAit/i
i. L. Oerter he* drddvd to elo*e
hU *lock of f*rall«r«
Hr Bod* that
b* ha* oot th* rooa lo «*rrp ttai
of feraltar* wfaisfa tb* u*d* d*B*sd«.
together with bb large elock oi
eral eappliee, aad will tbrrefor* doar
oat hi* laraltar*. aad devou bte <
tide to Ibe uadartaklag bukloca

dleglpg aad dainty tofrtabii
r*r* dellgfatlnl features ofefiUrUlvDeal. Hr. 8beff*r was toereelptoai
>f oometou* pmaato. aBoag whkb.
rerea paperbaafkarebtofaBd a nerk-

ttiiKtoaid ut Wbu(
span wfaltWlbe very ragaglog
mt which ln(»uat*B all devote**
oftbe.'sllealgaaie" to being atadled
and eojoped at Uielr iveekip atotlag*.
fay tbr ito Brgle Whtot Club, reoentip
organited aod oaottotiag of twri.c
• wboareaoud for their .kill.
Tb* India* are proimog bp lottroclIoB
gives bp Hr. Hitchrll of HaniiUe. and
to*.v deem toeaaelvM very (orluntu
la barlafM-aOBbeUat a tutor. There
> otoer lattruclot oftb* gam* la
Hlcblgaa north of Uraad Btpldtaad (or
a*d*tb*dlttapoe to aftraa mlaai
foaoD toe meaibcn fliucr toem
iMng Ml ther puaed over eavoral
«raekttoth*lo*wllboutdiajaltp bat aelvee-toat they are espeetally favored
The elob to a aoane of great pltaaore
tbair lotara they bed i|alu
enurtalOBaal for the avabers
toeir coateaU are looked forward
B. Bogan, for ***** pear* ec
to with ploatarabto aatlc patloii*. The
offiesraaf toeorgaalratioB are: Preall*Vo.
dent. Hn. W. Carey Hall: treaaarcr,
of tb* 8o*loa elore, bae beea •agsged Mrs H MOBUgae
(orlludrp '
A Pr«t(y W*aair«

aable to tor depart­
HoedM Blgbt tb* ooapletlM of tbr
wUtaUoa of TiB**ra CItp Osart. No
iPi. Nobl* Order of Htlllffk
KBigbu ^ PpthUe ball.
Portp Baadldsu* war* laltlaltd
Ah* work adairablp •aeaplIBed. Tbit
lieblEalgbU uf Pptblae are *11.

All Biabaw ar* r*.ja*al«d to be proAbt aad esbaiar* aetdlallp tovlted.

* ooeeerted
with B E M.ller-. drag
Taodap **<blag Hits Ula Bela
•eerip owned bp C. A Ueadrlcka. bat
•btanatoed tb* Hie*** Plot* Wart
ebapgedhaadt -Bert Miller ba* beta
Md MaoeB Qarpaur at tb* boa* of
iBlag to* bu*to*M alae* toot fall.
Hr* B. J. HemBeBd.
Tb* erralag
. BOW it bae beta told to J W Jack
»•* »l*B*aatJp epeal la aaklog aad •oa, aa eepart eaodp Baker of Kicb
d. lad., who arrived la th* elly a
dapi ago .rito eappiie* aad ap
CaptalB (too. BoberuM of li-sad
B*«ob. wa* to lb* dtp m bae'n*** tov pelBtaMou for aa eBUaalv* '


WIIIUb Headrickiasd MtotMprtto
8mlto of Ihl* clip vrerc nalud la mar
rlag-i iMt Tbarsdap •veoiog in nhrlr
sea Ip furnltbed. bum* oa Ht'low
auaet. Whilr a pretty wedding marto
being played the bsppp coapl*
Bsrebed to toe parlor, followed by tor
maa and biidnmsld aad father
and Bother of to* brid* aad groom,
where Be*. Hr Rrvsdy-oerlorded toe
eefcDoop making them msB and wife.
The bride wore a dor* oolorsd dren
trlBBcd wito drilcau lace and rib
eamatloBvaadrmet Thrbridn
amid wa* dnaaed la white trimmed
I. C M Bo*klrk of Big Kspbto.
iBiaedtoU relatlvea aad near frtoada
wrrcgucau- Hanr btsalitalaad cjvtly preM^l* were rcrelv.A
Aa rial* rwrddiag topper wm terred (or It
Tlie himtr wad prettily dcsAie.1 with n serv. palm, and everg-.-ro* Tbeirmaap friend* with Unm
happy life.


JndA* Ito 'ey. 74 (iwl, io lenglb. aad
on* fnr M.'U. Rwratotngli, 1* (ert <e
'length Tbe eagloe* were made bp II
S'arbu'k of Maer-lnaa. who ta*. f.iria'
*d a parinerto.p with Hr. Feller'y In {
: boat huUding and eagtar


8b* pvt

Tto*»tyl*«to*v*« ArmBfotoTb*



i Jp



%x\rm Vvnt ^wtWeWcV


l.AI'IKV K d Shoe*, alee *»yle*.
HBUnt Lestber Tips'huttOB or laee.
r*gaUr*l.U8ho»a. '
f l«di*t' Shota
■ITlea. rvgulai
uiand •fou.

WeHw Ibe BeslWeviDi
Cbildniiis SbMS in Tom....
Kverjb Ay ao
•bo* ap lb* f»Bi<j now at cal prieev tW
andrvaa ^ DoBgo-a KM Batu* o
L*o*8bo*a. new lr«* wito Um ngvla
•I »abo*a.ealuB»e
8** car* at 7»c. 89c and 81.19.
cat piiraa




• WO bAT9 plM9d OO tobtm, a81«9d

Th9 Popmtor SkM Bmm.







Sbnr*. New Tcw*
Iwalber Tip*. Ol-e
4warers.regaiar !>.■
■peclal cut to

»bT 4«wn......................................




In Cu hit It lisuit.







Xow is the time In jircjiaro vnur {Hiullrv lipu.n's aitdinsl
tkf ravages of lice.
. One application of Carlxtlincum Avenariusto iW in­
side of a chicken cooi> is sufficient to destroy all licv ami
keep them aiyay. Results; Healthy chickens ami pleniy
of eggs.
• '

For sale only at

N-w Bw Hoil.diag Finn.
I am Fetteri) retaraed Tanday |
frum Man •elms, wfaerr be baa|
t-n do- gavtUae
lanochec. oa* (or

ihuealie CBIdwcllA Loadoa'* bolldiag. **a of tb* cold along*
to tb* Ira at 8 ltw< b OB Ho d
to* top vbor* and Mr.
bOBorcaaSTaad it wa. foaad 1
Peturlv win Baaagr tbto *od efto*
UewtoG bpalBsa ot Trarera* Clip,
•tmpad. If* Hobto. (oraarly of ibt*
wbll* Hr totrhnek will*.
alee Newt agr«t« to* Urtad lUpdtp. oaatoaer. BH pboM«r^. gmltlBB* BaBufactariag toe esgtae*
ladiaaa road
torpvr*ed*etrt>p*d Th* aatirr 1
>r aadaoartablp foUowtd. a»d
MatSi.tuu. Hotoeafaae*
Kaowlm aad dpalmaa were aa
Mr. Fetuelj will ube .............. .
laatweab ia KatoBatm
ttobaildlBg today aad will baguitt
Rawtop A Bbarp of tUk Rapid* h***
^ IMcto—d adahlaitoebed ausarr at
Hn*li E darter w . called to b»r
yMHwaabM. which lb*p will **• *>• (rid boou. oar UCr«-*. W.a. a few
aadeatp for nver parpoa betoaa day* ago to ia* her awtoW. Mrs. rioba
BerideatototbeSra ha* *rvBwI.
- Ailto sal Bdlalr*. Aaolha >i**B*r BcadtopwboaeUblediipalred of. Mrs
craft U taUd. laeladlag Uae4ei
•B) pip batwaa Bik BapU* aad Al- Brsditp Btolotor s ealtor door for saraw beau.
otosr AsorasbantlB* age aad foil
'AttbaBspablUaaOmveaUofiof Tm- dowa B fl gbt of aUM. aostolatog a Belipat Halor A Boat Oa.' Is add!toUB BBObtp.baldSetsfdapfo La'**d. bod traaton of to* *s^l. Aa opecaUdh to to* eaastnetlaa at mw enft
ftb* tollowtag ddegiiB were *l«et*d to
WB* perforaad TMsdap bat a
-B Win d**«* maaklatabli
«B fn>B Hra CbrUr *taU* that tcatloB lo rapalHsg.
Ttop bave ia
hie dtp. Jei
toer* la ao hop** of to* ratovary of eoaUBpIaiiae a 44 (uot aalUag patot
«. F.OU. A B B«llla|
Mrs. Biadtoy. Hrv Oarur wUI aot n- to to e*« of to* taeat ta ttoi* paru
OM. 8. W. B
tora beta* tar BOB* Ub*.' Mrs. Brad- Tb* UUrvw af to* *aMM wtU to
toy M 7S ywtnola aad bar age M
•d coBBtotoly la 8a* i>«ti| aad'
agatottfasaraUataalls. bum U to*
p f.ciorp la KslamsioD

SiMj DftpHlI B«M ti nil III t«T In


.......... toe '


ed W*toan of Wekaur •tr«*t.
.r*r*lp iBjurBl Prtdap wbila oatUeg
H.«.Lwlwlek..wboU*Maboal two
p Ic* tor BopIda* B.-ga. at tooir toe
■a** aertb at AeB*.*a fared a dWoaaa* OB toe E*tt aid*. While tiaad•httoa of Ui tatl aboalder
Hoadap lag oa toe chau b« •llopMl' aad fell
bight, bp lb* e*sr taralag of th* eletgh baadtattotorgroaod. a dletoaetof
to obleb b* wa* ridiag
sboat twelve feet
Bb right ebouldar
TbafabeatalolUuebar^ ehoir of wo* dtolocaUd aad he eoelala^ severe
bralBM abo«l the b««d aad seek
HMCtoMvwattohal diareh aadrr
WUleb toad. wUl b* Pndap at 7 , _ Uaraer drvoeed hi* Irjaria

ordap. Cbprala Bobrr'aoa wa> a' am
Ub* to eoBBaed of the Alto* K (IIU
•bd will raa tb* tlidBep O .S>« for
ftaOteb Hroa th* evailar aas.oo


UttI* Harrp N*«k*l rntfarUhed a
ealoref fab fHcsd* Tandap «r*eliic
•l hi* ^B* 00 Blau *tMt. Th*c
«apa**rp happp oa* lor th*.
tolfateed OM rival* boaorolWaro'*
wveath birthdep. H* oa* th* rrclpltoatof Baep pretty praroU from hi*
r frtvod*.

Herbert Aldrich U ooallawl l
home OB Weet Kliitb tlrart wlU InbasahlorC..C. Ohluatdas of <bdItrit* r*e*lv*d natardap aoralag
tllaa. faa boM aealaeted to
theC A W. H. track* wblle rrpalrlag
/adg* Prod H. Aldrleb la lb*
JadMal Weelt.______________
tektdaototUv Bii blp
HbBa Uae Plagg. aad Aap Towa*
d. bat be bad tb* prceeaoe of
of Kslksafab. aad Bdsa Qapp of. tbb
roll elT tb* track and Ant
alW, bav* aaursd tb* Tra*a«*
tadaea OoUaga.
^ Tb*MU;pB*tUagoftb*Wo<
fOamaimr aaeoelattos will b* held tbb
r bfUMBCo la tb* Udia' Ubrarp par-


t., t»*f» sr* 1*0 a*
„ sad eaicTpriaiag Ibi a 8 E. Wall aad
** 'J. U. Jehaeoo oho P*i« BO paint to
, Mear* th* bat e< * rrcptblag la ibdr

We have just received a large and ftili stock of
Field Seeds comprisiug tbe following:
tfammotb Clover Seed. Medium Clover Seed, Al­
falfa Clover Sepd. Alsyke Clover Seed. Crimson Clo­
ver Seed. Timothy Qraas Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Red Top Oraas Seed. Lawn Grass and Whits Top

A Full Assortment of Garden Seeds
in Packages and in Bulk.
We always pay the best price for seeds and get
guaranteed 8eed«-seeds that wiU grow.
Is poor
economy to buy cheap seeds

Be Sure and Gome to Us and
Get Prices Before You Buy.

Tte Huinah & UiJItoi. Ga.


- .



WAHD xs«vwia^n|^. maboh t. ie«».
■1 aad



MaaadAi^ lielBeea at* hand-


asBfen trea the ffite the eaMwtatcr.

Hr* ■ateaaHsa^ ttetaaBBl <
Hr* BoalMr at EbBlep Taaedap.

a JaraM «Mt W T>mf«rM 0(f Mav


Eae tsiAA

Mr. Salrtt
A tiitiM* VtP
Xil^ W«lM*dr^.
M TM*«n* Clt7 0Atart«7-

•obW of people bat* 1

tlAlUMT hi* Broiban
Mtb. ChAAdlar. who ba* baaa *
Mn. 8. OiAorB 0I Otm* Lak* Mi Ul. i« lut a little beilai. . Sb* **r*'
«e TnwM Olv MobIa; ler a vWt faaU IbABkhtl w> tba Balfbbor*

Hft. Brns*"* par*o»*.wV>liairab*«
aWUw bar tba p**i »a* ■oath*, r
toa^ to ibair h. B* Satanlrj.
Hr. O'da bae balll a amall bka t
hHpibwaoatbof Hr. Bosbarrj'a.
m roof ea hi*
Hr. favia* baa 1
r* will b* B
------------------M aaary alWyta


A-*af^to*wsapl>*a Hia.CT.0ad.
..staee Satordap eioBtep. it bM bar
xrtb blrtbdsT. Tbs OTSBlap was apwt Hr* E Ooxof Loop Labs waaoBbaod
Hra. Jeeaph Baa* of Boath Haaitoe te nsittep aad paaa*
Aa alabsate 0 take ebarpe of .tb* aarne* at tb*
ilaad. who ha* beee nntlar bcr relw
basal. Tber* will be aoeUbp apate
apread aad aU' aa}op*d
tire* la ihia rlclallp. left for hoeae ea
1 twe week* Uareh tib.
Wrdncedap. 8b« wUI nalt at Empire
Hr* C PowUI to patel^ *arp
Ur* HcOUl aad H>a dree* to HapBOA bar wap beta*
deld laat weak to etolt her daaphler.
Hi* U Lamar to dowa with rbeamaHr* Barrep. who ha* bean rarp pi
a Ghbaa to petttep
Mr. aad Mr* H. CoeUte rklted bar
tether. FYaakEcwar* of
dap laat week.
Tbe rcBAlaa of Hit. Job* Nadnl as
eld realdeat aad ploaaer of tbto place,
who died at ber bOB* te lUteoU. arBl'BlllCSVlUA.
edar Rue 00 Fridv laaui
last- *ed bp her daaphler.
—r. Ur*
-- who.
wl ■___' lired

Ur* prtp.
■ PM) (antU Sb* waa takeo to 1
John Docerp oalled a frtead* bcr*
Hr* Lamar also 1
TBlt wttD
iBks Abb.
oa Saadap ea roet* to Hapte CIW- Brtel tarrteaa were held oa Saterdap,
Braea'^oacka- cldBt Alld to daaparemdaeted bp Bee A. F Jeeae. she
Eelderhoaae caUed h
waalald toraatbealdc barhosbaodi*
r. WllltoBp waa booa c
tea AlBka eamnarp.
Bdape- etoltiHt waak.
pooBpobted Hlaa
Walter Aabtep
Kelderhoaae and I a taroihar loUiao
place dalaidap. Feb. S^ib.
tUeee peeterdap.
bulli Baker
a down
last Bipht te
Tba anew esme
week with ber
the depth of a foot.
cterm! *cb<Iar* bare base allpao
Hr. Oiaaato of SUphts wa* bm pasto slap out ol aebool oe aoooaat ot tb<
^ ll wealber.
ibteh froa Ulae Uk*
Hr* J. L. QIbb* Ur* Aieh. <iteb*.
Hr* Geoipe Harrap aad Hi* Aaa
Andrew BradlpaB of Trarerae Clip to
:iaa Blanche Kallrp and the Mimes
dall or Traerraa Clip apaet Tbtraoaj
workiBp for J. O. Neaaeo A Oo. at this
la Gibb* attaaded tb*
at He* & L.OIecp'*
We were all retp
r. Tbosaa aa emplop* te tbe mill alpbt.
Soodap Boratep to b >*r oi ti

■wall............................ V »“■ •
Hfa. a & Haluaaa. wba ha* b*ao
Bnr'- ler tba la*« thra* eraak*. rataraadhcMaabd*;.
Tbt Yebaer
Mtaa l«aa Baaold aaB* bane fm Prld*7 teralBC wa* a aoeora*
TnawMOV^jM Wadaaadar far* law toe ^lUait wa* rabed to proem
earpeloprdla for tbe tebool Hr. Noteware, tbe traebtr. *cem* to be* boat
0>7H tkaraaatetMraad Mr* Cb**. ter for drirlBC tbieet aloaf aad wr
tbtek ha b fltliic pood iatblaetioi
Jaha EIAtB. <
H-e C 8. Allea b ttlll ooefle.
art. oAB* boB* laat Wad- ber bed. bbe tMia* rerp poorip fo.
ta^»*Ter*l TaaraTot- aaada7abdl*atpaaaBtqaUa*l<
tba frlBbop* for her aeeedj leeorarp and
Ur. aad Mf*. Cha* Klar aad
aaf* Joarerp.
Martha SatoU alaltax with (riaei
W. H. File boe tba alek Ibtat prra
Sertbbcat laat Wwlotadv aad Than
.t Hra B JBiaoop Boa
e bad oot
eat. We poea* tbe roaawap be r*pr
rteeerd teat week 1* tba eaa*e of It rarp w. 11 for aoss Urn* A abort 1
Wa hope to aee bin aroaad le a few tpvsbe was lakes with the pnp_____
was jarlpetUnp oter It wfaaa aba wa>
Maada la Bswood «ta»d*7.
eaddeolp takeo w<wae aad died wltblo
S. B Areu'd U rltltlap la the *onib > few 0*7*
era part of tbe alata Be will b* hoB
la aboBi two week*.


Hr. aad »
Mr* D. iteUltBB of Ulorteehea
Jobs aad Will HslB bae* ballta aew
a boaae and are aew tUtep It with called te Cedar Baa le pap the la
of re

_____________________ Fred of Freak-

The prtp to raptep te thto rWAltp
Hr* HoipmB to Tvp atek with
prlp. Hr. Hotpaa kadaelipbt att
Mt to raptelp Isprortep.
Hra Br<« of Treraree Clip la naltler
Mr* Will Hardp af Baawlea I* rtolv
lie F. JobeaoD for a few dapa
lap ber ralaUee* aad old friaad*
■d. Bmorr bt* get tbrootb kb wiaHia'Qaoipe Blipbt to oa tkaatek lisL
iTb>>aatK*]ka*kaaad baaretenicd
Besrp Brodbapaa wa* ooBptlted to
tee op bis work pa acopest af aa laJ. B Elaee. who fall obabw aad
Mbadlpealoathe ter b dotef well

Hr. Uwtoe to hose wIUi hto tamUp
' w dap froa asp.


Gilt this out and send it to us with $3.00 and we
wiU pack and ship to your address one of those large
comfortable Reed Arm Rockers. I do this to get ac­
quainted with you and to extend business by getting
yoUj^for a steady customer.
Headquarters and lowest prices on'everything to fur­
nish your house.


________ - id Saadap a
faneral eerTicas will be held this after


•dapple Dona to qalta aiek a
maaef her prandmotber. whai
raa etoiltep.

Wehav. IwughlagnwlliigJotur Mena Hate

HadaBa BnabBar* It wr >» **4
harMaed* aredeabOalef ^
Mb WOl Baaeb BMbar. ct
fltUad bar laat weak.

B. K. Brtabt—.
Bloaaat Mk Bapldt.ap*at
CbBrl*7 BlUi H talkiaced bojladr the


Drew ha* ratontad fras Baai

■d. Ebott hat BOB* tB help (k


MHa LeH Cbrea waet to WUII
barv Frtdap. rataralec Blardb7.
Mb a. IBM* retaread bon* Hed■aadaj afav apeedlaf a anepla «f
waeba with bar datwbter. Hi*. W. D
■leedtanll of Traretea U^.
Mr. aad Hi*. Fred FI7* of Ballairr


Jm Bawlrp of AUaa apret a tew
^7* at laat waak with Mb KaU

Mkaaa Deaea. Udabad Alia* Boer.

^ 8ae>bae

...A Snap in Men’$ Fine Suits...

Ate Talk « HoBW Ueporuaaov
1. Baraep.
Uia* lea WetTer came heme tre
Solo. Eeoa Cbareb.
riaTerse Citp teat Fridap. wbera a
Tim HUlpol btotboBb eat off last BM taaea nalUapfrieed*
S:00 UuaUOealioti* aod dallm of
B. J. Holleabaek aad teaaa retaracd eeek at tbe mill. We
Mr* Duo:
IroB tbe loieber wood* Bear BUtwortb aim more becaare it
Diacaealop oFened bp^p Jaduoa
Hatardap btpht.
<Ai7, b* sot belDp ao emplopet at tbe
•;M Ltallnp iBpreaaioiu of
. tbe Su
SunOiabdae Friak retaroed frOB Elb
dapeebiml work. Him J I.ABpwortb
worth HoBdap. where the bbt Bw
Alra Loop ralarBod'
Duel Btabche Kellep and
binp tbe peat two weeks.
Wpakoop aod temllp teat Saadap.
Viekibarp last Hjsdap.
The iBfwief* of the oelpkborhood omi
Hr* A. Norrtoaad -Mra BatUe Sethas had tbe parUltea
at the aebool hooee Hoodap alphtfoi
rSaar* joai reeorarinp from a *e»er*
tba parpoae of prpaoltlBp epraope.
attack ol tbe pnp.
a BOT* pleaAaal Abd e
!*t»per BcaUep Tberadap Bipht
tbe bosa of J. E. Wlaun.
7:w Hoaic.
a. Liztte trwlB waa ia tewa orer jab
Baorp Herer ol Baekt waa 1b Mort> >rcr dbedap to rtolt her brother. Fred
Frank Bererlp to apate able to be
lUlOB Hoodap 0* boaloeB
KarraBl. who to te Tsrp poor beallb.
oat arouod bat- to not feelibp *erp
Tboodore Goper of Baoka apeat tbe
Hr*. Ttplor. peaerallp knows * elroap pet.
* Prof. Bora of Trare
•jtter BTt uf laat week IB tbb rietelt} tact Pol,
ollp Tsplor,
.... died laat liaCBrdaj
Toe eemll tell ol enow teat ceaDiop
Ib the lottrcai of tbe Grasp* Ha alec •Buralepbbd
------- wa*
bariad from th* H.
nai preatip Impreted ibeeteipblop aad
rerpbodp to eordtellp teTllad V
ABbted Ib orpaDltlop ea Uosdap < oborcb or Klapalep
oBdap. Hra tbe lambermeo are ImproTlnp eeerp
raplor waa r: psai* o
well kaowu •pj^taaitp u complete tbalr wlaler'a
______ piBd to eaj that both Hr. Bar
loead hp all wbu
the tret seiUer*
Hr* Gao. OoodbBc a;e mneb better.
J. B. Orap. our moel extensi** ternGood looks are realtp more U an
bsnaoa. baa a larpe amoaat ol lop* pei deep, dcpeadlnp ealirelp oo a ues
to be drawn aad reporu *0 ter lor a coodltioe oi all tbr ntal orpant
Brilloo. Wb.. whom •
TI rp laltefaetcrp wioler'e work.
the lierT be iaacllT*, too hare a billon*
for foortceo pear*.
bare Bol
ttoelp p-iaop folks eea. Tbe partp
look; ir poor slomach be disordrrrd.
eat la boaor of Hlaa Eima Sopdar.
Tbe WablaptoB eotorteloBeBt pir
roahaTesdrspepik look: 11 roar kid
e* bp the aebool oo Wedoeadap slpki
Earl Case sad John HeCartbp s^st
or}-* be afficled, poo bare a piocbi '
waa a decided aaeeeaa.
I abort TseaUoo at borne.
look. Secart pood hesttb. and pou
mUI there.
willaarelp bare pool looks. "ElrcU
-iricChIPeaaa tooa the sick list, o
____rr*' Is
Isa .pood AlleraUre and Tom
the netlBu of teprlpp*
T. C, Sbnpari. oor eompeteat aad Bitters'
the stomani. lirer *Bd
sacreasful blaeksmltb. baa beta kept Acu directijr
. _____ f« the beoedl ol
... For
. jrlflte the blood.
Dimrei; baap all wlaier. but owlap le kidae]'*
Motebea aad boU* a: 1 pier* a
pior baaltb baa bad lo tare awap coe 1
;0e puarHr* Fteldtep WaUoBtoee tba atek alderable . work he woold otherwise
■eea pleased to bare dooe.
I Chase baa been eerp low with I E. Walt aod J. G. Jobasoa
W. .A^twdea to cooBaad t
ionla. bat tbaak* to tbe
re of tba doctor aad earcfai
Little Gtedpa Prap baa haea eerp
baa 00 a rblt. bet the prtp tented
Ip of Ur* Ol
>r*p aad other triends
tick with laapferer. bat to better sow.
him to atep a llttla leaper aad he baa
BOt brea hack alace.
loll* OaU, Bratoaa. Sore* Oleer*. Salt
tb* f«ib iB Flap's ball.
Ler WlBBie baa poee rWttep w
dee-1 Bhaam. Ferer Soraa, 'TaUer. Chapped
a Botomera leet a pood bora* a tew
Bat little hope waa ati.B• a - Baade.ChUblaiaa.Caras.aad all ekte
daps apo: Oaatel Taplor lost a pood
poalUrolp eaie* PUe*
AiBha IBBAD baahlred petto Mr*.
rtateed ter tb* reeoeerp of
now laat week.
or DO par reqoired. It te poataate '
Btebbraa lor eext aoBBor.
Stella Ware*
C rteford weatto Tearerae Cljf loa made iB itera* teplt* BBfect sattoteeUaB or bob
rtfaadad Price HobbU parbox. F
aate bp J e. JohaaiB and B. B Walt
Bell* WaiaoB waat to Traeene Clip
re kept bp A. C. Wyaboop.
to etolt friaiuls a few dap*
eraaected wUhJb*

Oeotpe Bplow baa oproed a blackGeorpe Barrteea of Trs*ata* Clip
I te aap wap aad doca not keep
Tea am maktoe * ermi
is sot
aalthabopattba Pieraed haa pleolp
alte^bar* Ike fih.
pf werb to do. aoBrUB** betep *0 ba.)
EaBBlr'a camp baa aloaed for Iht wto- Ir* L. a* te b* ebllped to hire help.
tr oa aoeonat of
harlap aaoapb boitemil
Oar aMd eojoped a raaaUoa ee
Wedoeadap. H belw Waabteptoa'a
Cba* Saaaloaa of Kalkaska haa jwt to r*i^* lo,W**hte|tL^^tB?tofam- ls55Jir?rCiirtoJOTm2JiIi’''l^'tM ^OT
etohed Bonap a boos* for B. Waiaoe
Hr. Hperb fasiUp. who have heeb
banapa tnatJe with tbe prlp.aie pi*d. ■jewa mil* and plaeed It oa the epot lo
■allp iBproTtep.
E>U Farrew'weDl to E'teBapidal
rork at tbe Lake V.ew Bowl.
Sid Wartpet Uloadtep lopaal Barker
Creek for John Haeoo
> Ctorl Haatlaps was qalla Mek
lapi back. bau> better bow.
red ai to be a
B BoUaere west to Kalkaska to
a few daps apo.
p pate BOW.


MHa CbealB wtU elln* a aaeo
«BB at aebool at Barlnr Ckeel
ZthaabaB arraaced b haT* tb*dehat* batwaa* Barker C-erk aad Salhad^ wbleh waa pa>lpierd. at tba

Baarp Bbaaeript lUUe bop It fel-

era eerd
tented to oob*. aad .
pHMata^piedtabU tlBcteezpccv
A food MB? bare are pattlac ep lee.
the laa la te 8a* eoalUlB aad errrphadpwlU btabteloaeeanafeodaaw
Mb Katit Lardla la aariOBlp DL
Bar BolbB. Mb Sdward CbnoU. b rw
awiartat r^ip.
<Ih*OaedT*Bplar*»Ul 8alah haal-


aalha aewhall teaabort Ub* bow:
awteantb* lBBb*rte*teeied.aada

Oitir 250 garmente (Shirts oaly> worth <&- ni 3bo.'



Agoa 12 to 10. with
▼eat mud short or
long psoU. Big line

Oot a big lot of them
at BOe, $1.26. $1A0
and $2.00.

New Styles

Prices fay down
THB BALANCE of onr Kent Winter Ov

I raiiat guat unce—Come

in —if we got yuar size you'll buy—we make the pri'-e Hint way.

Always the

It at the New Store ot

I let stalk
i about
1« bicy cles

Now js tbe time io get the
good points and ded^
what wh^ to buyI have tbe agency for

Farms for Sale! «

J. Lllsrp B
Qtp Sa^ap.
Mr. SiaotcB. traraltep a
Hilwaohaa. made par towa


till bet*. Oaarip* St
tb It BOW,
_____ __________ rcuraed lo-dap froa
. baate*** trip to Fra* 80U.
J. Laaprtek Is OUtep Mr* Todd's tee
«a*c with tee.
Hia. Wb BaaBaa aad Hi
i BBplre rlalled Hr* Fraal
Hla* Dabb eloaed a rrrp *i
re Boelba' term of school teat Fridap.
Lake Mieblpaa te o^ apaia. Tbe
bap I* bearlp tree of te*. th* hearp
aOBlk wlad pesterdap taktep It aoetb.
Ed. aad Fred Fiabrr aad Oeorre
t»da eroBid the te* to North Haai>0 test TharodaptretarBlap Fiidap.
Altboatrb it wa* a tlevaom tramp tb*p
bad a jrllp Ume at the Ulaod. A daeoe
wa* potteo BB for them aod their rlalt
Bade ver; ptca*aat.
Todd, who with bar two aoe*
--loChiapo aeatlp e X paaia apo.
wTlies that abc teiced* te retar* o*
tb*8mba*t. Bbe will
bar bold
apaib. BeraPBOimrlet. wbohb* pr*eUeed BedieiBe te Cbieapo tor tb* last
two j**i*. will opes a deetorb o'
ber* We abail weteooo Uwb b

pri.-r $7 00.

A Good Thing in Men’s Underwear-



twe 7*an. laUiaad te bar beaae tbla

Black, brown, gray—aniU which aell the world over at #10)00,


Mtaa Oatr* Q-Kral. tha wall kaowi
aleaatleelBt, of Ttarann atj, will rirr
aaatBlaleBaBt at tha bead ball FrI
dap ATBlac of (hi* weak.

•ae* r> lele >ht orfaa faa
Baead Uha Lllararr aodatpOwtaf to tba laeh of toon_______
eMai<7k«haallncb**oee*ed. Tbrrr
are a rraet saap loft pat ia Ib*
Mb BaMr* Btlta Tbllrd h* haw
bead at BiHwortb orer Saadap.
Mr. aad Mb Fred ddla* rltltad Ibr Tber* were aix killed te ose dap the
Tbep 1—
MMar** pareaB eear LeetarlU* Sea fore part of laxt week.
pM wGnp; batep bt and Jakp 1

all alylro.-,

all coliira—hla<'k. limwo. gray, inisml—tbr brel yiHi ever, saw at
aoch a liiw priiv. Tbry are well worth $1.5(1and murr. but w«> put
thi- whole lot on sale toxtey -i hoi<v $1 00.

and. u*«b I. u«».

HHaOarB OdtaUerij laaiil! **>7 U>
«1«7 Upbchltaaar.
, Draptes 8jltoo ease hoB* teat week
lap It ImpoBlble to baol hearp load. froa Bellalre. wtaof* b* hat baaa tor
Fred Hlaar baa c
•eraral aeetb*
weeda ta atar eatU than HWa ABO-:
.Tslebea. tbe reenlt of aa 1
^too^t^taaB b* hat baea driaitoani tuLTOx.
Mb. UUIaaad Caar* Hlear weal

I'his Is
To You!

O. D. WUIebeetoaerpHik.
Hi* OOtea to MU ae baei«.
Patetea* are feted la at a lapU
r. Oota be^htaeow el A.C Wpa-

Hi* Louto HeOanpaad


160 Acres
12 milea aoath of town. kaovB a* tba Cookm farm; a Xo. 1 bam. 40x60
with LbAanent na^er tbe wboU;
srind mill


frame boaae; a good orrbanl;

Serantj aerea improred and free from stompa;

fanDiog coanirp; moatJF Gennana

is a food

Will aell tbe 160 acres or will

diride it aortb aod aootb and aell the eighty aerea with tbe improrem«DiA


which woald

on ^ front 90.
tertalalBp tba poeau wUb 1
Jobs Olt. Jr., moraed (raa h
pleaanr* trip eomblDod with baalsa
at UUwaoke* aad reports hsrlap
retp Btee Ub*.

gire abdat fiO -acre*


from stompa

Price for 80 with baildioita and-orrdiaid. 12.000; the


A little early
perjiaps. but—

Til© T*3?icee ar©
Sec wbat we have for '99.

Crescent Bevel Gear Chainless. SOO
Crescent Chain Models - - 35
Crescent Juveniles.................. 25

5 Handledl aclnsively—bManse
there is no neeU of a Cheeper Bicycle—CrcKente S
are guaranteed equal to any. Samples of Cbainless and Chain Models now ^
:xbibitioa. CaUlogne on application.
on exbibitioa.

other 80.1600.

40 Acres


Walter Siclael to OP U* atek ItoL
W* BBdeietAPd that tbs
thaal sKdap Bekooi will bo
One mile treat of OiTter's mill in Lelaaaw cosntF; 30 acres cleared,
ssesaAllD the aebool bPBA*
^ iiu
Hto* Haed Peck apeat 6atanteT apd aome timber.oaongbfo wood; a good two-storr boue; eight acres
oot to aman fruit; large spring creak mas t£roogb north part uf 40:


115 Cass oiiccsStreet

splendid place for market garden and fruit growing.




Trarerae City, Mich, j

Price 12.000-

Bop CbdbAB relaraed to bto aeW
HoBdap. it banap bcea eloaed tor aoi_
Um* pesv ewtep to hto ewitbcr'a deelh
aad hi* ratber'e receet Uleea*
Aa effort Wiu be mad* v> ha»d
Chtbolie eoseeat here te Ute Bear f. Foarmilea from La^ Ann; 30 sens improved; amall trame boaae
ter* Tbrp will commrDoe tb* baeland bare: 40 acrer of timber tm tbe place; will exchange this plaoe

80 Acres™'"'"-.'

Ed. Fiaber beard 8*taid*p of
aethatthTbelMiaF tea be*pat^^ death of Hi* Tat Harrap. wife of ooe
of fal* e -Biede* at the U S. & Bd.
for Traverse (Sly proper^.
5,Bd taak-^TI- Bteejn-hC
Mr* L.
BaUe. wife of the merrxtPBdibI* ipapathp te tba
baat L,E Batal* died Thandap o'
w the hall to nap]
While Eapwoe Dmhe wa* drittep ■at week afler a abort -Uiese*
dowB tbe Hilter HOI dapwap Iwdap
M«Hp all tba Mat* wall or ra<
with a beorp load on<«« ea ble aleipb.
atter (leB the crip.
tb* Back poke btike: bb eooteea* aad
BatbteMriplwafate bioaeoB*.
pnwBoe of afbd te caratep bb luwa**
aoBtef tteMWopl* hare hare baaa
h tbe bask aiterud what ailpbt bar* after bet a few boei*' IU^m. **» wm Oa Hannah Avenoe; one acre of land; good w«D of water; booaa n
baeoa Bertee#aeeld*et. Tbt wdpht Barned aboet twe Boetb* apo aad *r eanUy painted and pUatorod and imt in Ko I ahapa.
x tbe bocea* ep tba
tbahlli death wa* wp aad aed aaddea.
Mb Baht. Oertoad la U) at tete di
Bmtp Seehr aad Mr OQWU of Tia*.

W$ are Glosinic Out our line of
ssTt™. ™

r;;5. s--:? x«wr-


A Nice flouse and Lot


m this sseUon and aeU St the lOTSst Piiom.


HI. Ij.aAJRT?EB!,-,
-..... —-T—



«*w» u

' k ^ b tte'vtac «■» «|

Tbe Bar. a B. Twwpa e< Sow Tvh
■Ulcvaa a priooe nMoa at Battle
rook. Tboaatbor.Ucaat Jaekaeb aad
leaUareteaoUfptbeBrt. Towaa oU
wa^e la adraaee ot tbr diieharte of
aB ^taeoan. aad thop are to be rbllad
aadtboeawbodeainiwin be firap
taBpormrp hoBc Iberr.
All el tbe
eberehea le the •'

Them an
two Bia>


lag. The death rtaoed la
ta thirty lor tbc week. Repone traa
theeoBBtep IQwaagirB a elnllartiia
' Dole hare been cleaad
• raragee uf the dkbad^*^
^h' are

If: M

tiraad Bam la at preaeat li
tbroca of aa elpctrie road raeitn
A fraocblae boa breo rraatad
Utaad Etpide epadlBte tor the bofldlap of aa eleetrle rsod oa Oraad Uarea
,wbUb _
Him. Ksak W. Obwrar. «U* ot U* atreoL Io oouiact Irraad Btreo with
Ul> M4U»le ter forener <• tka
ttraad R«pk;a.paaaiDC tfaroarb SMar
WbUlea rtekM. dM et Au Artar
Seatea. Cn-pnariUe. LeBoat
aad TallBadca.
Delip aad Irelpbt
poe late
eonetraiphoa elaoit btfuiL row arr awarr
tCT~«« *L Bowe. the alM mb is Indea will be raa orer the rood
ol It. UK Mbrr ta wbca tbe tnmhle b al
IvbweMBV. aat protaMjr om el
Dartog the paet ST pean tbr auBber lut diacorerrd mmi follp irallard lo'girc
theolaeMMeKMUtke BUM. tidewl ol clear dape ia Kpreb haa arrracwl
broorblti rad Uwm
oelpeix.'TbUbaeoordiog lodau el
A.XEeBB*U »m resore tnm Unit the wralhor obaerreral Graod Birea
imr mar nre moolh. nf Ker-re Jllmeat March darlar thie perC^ tekra
to UU(7 U tke eerlj eptlec mad feeee
erss fm the «hrr hand if ihr illera. hai
7t, wlib aa aratagrol
dr almdy ewcar epon you. rad poo fiad pooriBBhoBl 4.000 MSTM at Iwd etrwd br
The eoldrat ewath wee le l-TS, wlf wsatvBi-d. wa«i-d aod diKsnuierd. dr
.'UeeoapM/. far the parpcae of pee
BMkwrbope TbeirK.mrdinortbetwin
ehea the taBprmorr ereraKrd S3 de erruiBlrVd
- •*- ----------------brilih
>rr poo to bralihrad
toetaod of Abr aao»I roUo etoriea greaa. Tbe lowrct UBprralure reeord- B-aras'ttTsviraTw*
Dteween arur. I V Piter. Kn . of nart
thle jmr the etete p^weon telllec of
HsonrC.i.oku la .ererot Irttmo IK. B V
Uareb «t.
eaekee that ere roehier the aeaeoB.
Hm.r of nrf.t.., W. V •• TIK Jeror. «.l«d
>ald McDieald. aped lov aad bie
fear loot blaerMernekiUed at Pli
•rile, aped »■'ol Lane, were iDarried
obacr Ule week,
io heoUaed io IMO, 0>- peue aao. mod rmr
At (trejllac. while workoMO w«
eled their aaDirbrearj- leet wrrk.
aeOCed la dritiaro wallet the bOB
Tbeoldei'UpledaBced elkTrhlaDd fliep
tf, efCeriiiBeBialacMa. thef etraek
I soaad ot thr piprt
I'hr; bare
flewlBA well at the depth of St leet.>
(L^ldrea. 1! hope and pirie, all
..BI frr- f..i tbr hare C0.4 of n------ - which hae a ehbwisr ot oU.
OB are llrlnd ead proeprrooe
PaaUec paople arldeoUp heltere Id
Thr; hare H4 craadehildrro 'aad ::4 rirrer-. lif, l..n*V5t>rrieojre with the
thr k
r- •’ nriaia Wakt ead do act keep thakr
irrcat-cbildrcD. eomr ol wbua lire la
apan aaeb lapiar afoaad looaa. leeU
fCarwrite Inhini
Maa; rslaebir
wiU be w-ei in^a pkio
did cniclopc
he«« rteltad bj bi>r«lan la the pMt
were firre >o the aped
tier of cbei^.
M waaha ealp •>: M waa eaeered.
11/ tbr dealb ol t wwaltllrMildai
Dr.d. A-Baat^ttaaolHeoUact will
aeU grata were eaten bp tbe etarei-g
M«tatetboKlaadlkere(rlooiBa lew
people Mra boloataa Vcrbockt. Ur*, Ibdiaoa. .The gorernmen-. laaeeclon
dapa. The doctor willloealo at Bapic
•lataa abd Joba Doaker ^re be- aodemolopesdld not riail tbe model
cup. ea the Aaerlaa aide, when be
le beMb to aa etlate ralurd at bl'>v.- •rttlemenl In tbe spring, axibeamalltUataa that be bae
' '
That fall a
io that ooaatr;. Tbr mate two pov •.eared tbem swap
-nmeel egrnl weat to inepert tbe
thuoleeraal doe larau aad a latr«
AVCbUwaler J. M. Caebmaa. bae
lowlaad Dear the era cuael. aeltlemraL bnl could •not bad e
sat with aaebdaaaeUleueoaea la rale- rbe drceaaed aDat was a memticrol
The; had mored to healtbler
b«Uuetrawberrlre tor aiarket that the Bollaad eobillt; aad the <iraad loeatieni or jtdoed otbrr tribee Ur
be hae abipted the plea ol eoreriitc
a Uip hs-rori dr*. wereSeened bp ibe gorersmrnl to
hie nrawberrp rlBeewitb acorerpl'
to ret tbr
1 arUlcd latll rrlora tbe IndlaD. to thi> atAUemeet.
aitew, lee aad nwdoet.
Ibev dHfted swap Tbe impleladoTT
Tbctarauraol Jaclm eooot;. oo
Her. A. B^enoa I Pootlac. le Dot meet^> rotted asd (rll span aad lodap
arnoog the bu.ura are tbe Urea,
ep talar their potato plte. are fipdlar •oat^ aatoar the
Itetaotio Bwa; of the tabere hare htert. bet be hae latel; ahowe hie plow benm.. anril., old aawa and eatboara. Ibe fioale ol the g.ireroId ^ treat at bad bece oa- auilipioplre a lorld roan wbeb tbr
ncel'a atteinpt to eirt!lrr Ihr ladlana.
Ueriar the late
frirld tpall be wat afra.d bie crlUr —Pnrvil Kreo>ng X»wa




Uoaqre KewbcrrT ol IbU; Ot; would-frerre A ft" orercoat wai
to rarer a berrol ol polawee.
drore latoOser Hatarda; olcbt aad
paliad a tea fro« tba Uok ol ah bep- baadliartbecoat acme loo.e aatobea
poekrt were icaited.
Bora lor the firr
foead a raleed orercoat mod ■
«blak He will die.
cel of roaeted potatoes.
Oafloe Salkbof BnrtoD towatblp,
Laaaiaf police oScen an
Ihlaba Mock talamrtha b«t pajiap
for a dark haired tramp abcu
baidwee baoaa OBOrr i> Oeed bit
ot age, wbo le euppeaed In bare killed
aowa Ual waek fare birth to
three faorece belooglcg u John haraaiem. all of which are bealtbp aad
kao. a larBer liricig dre B'leirailof
thatellp. Tbe IrWBp appliiw to Kairarmen who thiak their IraU
kao for lodglag acd waa refokrd. He
bB«a baaa UUod b; the laU cold
awa; Botterlog reupeaBee. lo
will do well Bo^to col them duwa pet
the anroiog Karkaa faooa thrrr faorsea
awhOa. ^ ^7 map aaa before the
dead la tbe bare, tbe auaw coder
eeaaoo le errr their leee precipitate
barlog beea eet oo Bre. II >• be' abtfhbore plcklnr trait from traca
llered that tbe boraee were Rret poiienrdmadUie elraw Bied .Vo trace of
Braad Eapida le ehlpplac rwBlIae tbe ttwup caa bo loBod
laaaehee to Kerepa. aad ao are <
WniiBB Bkellengcr k without dbubt
ABBHran Bakera Brliuiae rtap rale
>e r.ldeel aao ia tbe oouatp of leala.
the werae, bat the boat aol rale tbc
lataatdorleealiiriUlBC thaa.
Lade He wae N pean old Feb. IS. ie»U.
llree id bmpraa w«h hie eoada-law. A.
BaaaaUII boldbUowa laaiaA
J. Dlebraa Hr k> enger le bale OBd
r alUaaa
hnartp lew Ode o hi. adrparrd age. Be
Oa the beach ot IbIb Mleblraa
hae bees la rflleeauatlBaa'Ir either as
Otaad Barea baadrede ot dwi daeke
ilpeberiff ofceoateblelnr orer i"
•ad aea falla erne be loaad. Tbit' hat
1. and Ibr rutr.-r s>l O. a • to ri baaeabard wlaler oa the birda. mi
•bip propose to/'leet bim robeuble 11
tben bae beea little c^wa wav
be llree to be ISO. wbicn toep all hope
Lake Hlehlcaa aad the poor ereat
ba will da. l eele WllliaB ae be b
wmWc to oatok deb aad Bloaewe. bare
1. wa* bora oa tbr aamr dap a>
Abraham Lioralo. and waa a I.IbcoIb
Aa arldeaac of the ■•llrbtBlac maa aad alwapa a Krpobllean.

Tba Meal ruc<
who hare beea caaTBeelap Baroa eoaat7 are cald to bare cold ouwe taaa MM)
•aa(ee there at priata aboat 1» par
•eat bicbar tbaa bove pwrebaau
WDaidaek.Aad to hare taken toiaetblarUkeUS.tna la «ub oat ol tbr
Oaorre IHiet. a tariUKr pear Hudene.
laMwaehbbotaad killoda bald eaple
- paid with tba lataaliOB el nmar
Tbe bird moaeared aU
Intaadalsiaobea froa tip to tip with
wlaca acteaded. aad of a apratca
•eat eaaa ia that aaetioa.

da.ri the wind wat working geaThe loll e

Al Bradlog. Pa., al the wwooer's ia
iioe.t Into tbe csoeeof the raddea death
of Mn Sneaa Uea. who woe fonod yiog deed npon the floor of ber eleepiag
Ibe bed urldaaibla a moat .Ingoiat
While ehe Waa Baking ber
bed .hr wa. arl.rd with an attack of
r*riigoabd. ia falling, a aenrf arouod
brr arck enugbt on Ibe bedpost in lecb
fore aaktaacr arrired
Tblrty dpaniarde arrired in New
York Snaday on tbe Canard liner I mbrta
Meet of tbe men arr laborer.
a<al are ablr to rend and write- All o'
> are going to different minlnf
.1 la tbe -eat. Tbep were heir
inreatigntioo by the iahlgrant
anrial. to determine wbelber they
here to work under eontraei.
iBBigratioa anlhoiiUee cay that
aiace tbe rloae of the war with SpaW

&nd,m f& &II
H&men vrho undergo
& nervous str&in. &re
compelled to regret­
fully w&tch the grow­
ing pOilloT of their
checKs. the coming
wrinkles &nd thinness
that become more
distressing every dey.
Every wom&n
knows th&t ill-hjelth
is s fetal enemy to
I beauty &nd ^at good
f health gives to the
plainest face a.n en\ during attractiveness.
Pure Wood and strong
nerves — these are the
secret of health and
Dr.Williams* Pink
Pills for Pale PeopJe buU^ up and purify the blood, and
strengthen the nerves. T* the young girl they are invalu­
able. to the .mother they are a necessity, to the woman
f approaching fifty they Me the best remedy that science
has devised for this crisis of her life.

M.r-I. It-,pl.-el;-, . r:.l I .i-.i c-u r.



5S.5* srsss rsrpass

.V'.-r,,. . .■ -t.. ; ■ ,-urueu«i-

iw U. r>r>ra. .4 U.rallM ‘K tmO. I.

.ira C1U. ra. rara rara*. B ra< law. W.
..r^ira eryw^^^^^jraiuy^taraM aw ra

iP.f l |

NOBTaAOh BALK-aunxA. ucrauLT


.Iiirara. uur.Knm. .1, .iiv.4 as. •'nratt w
•raa Iwa. uraM Srsarav UWMI. MarSIraa, 1.
arai. a^w.rai. w Tniww inu.u rail,-—am,
.biraraa.w.inM'«w raiiir.J II IS. taraW
i.f Uawtur* vt iwaw 10 ra. lAralu w uarae

Consultation and Iiaminalioo Free and SUIciIf Conlidential.

DRS. B. S. (S: CO.

wierawiM.. ra«raraii w a*ra.naeMra b


1 Aiericdn Medical and Sorgical Institiite of Mosketoo, licli.
nriu. Bx AT

Kot«l "W'li.itiia.g, Xira-vreirse Ottiy,


-■ -

March 16, 1899.

■rrac. But I. u. nix W rrmrara UIX kM.
ra*i^.^ra irara ara mm waraiee asatarau
Xxku Bay of Apnl. A. D IBM.
£ uib. rwrauw or raw 4io. vwwi
raw wnuiK. U. Iiirnaid ■— eawiao- — M

asic.'Boure from e a m tofip B

roeib-rt l.'rt)" l-u. of coil at Crlte. "•'“‘■IK
Mealla. aakfng that point a first clara |
coaling itallon for tbe me of L'nlted lag'tbc period

The Only Cure.



S3.".ra‘:i:s.{s-.,-«;;£Traw sra

i; .i-:-


rafMia.ra*>w rrarTrararaeeraBraOnrtrae
Rh) 44wr..ra4Mrara wawaa (raw any-era.

KxyllCiI.: imo.




:^^^jrssJtTL:sz:jz,sf. ■
DR.SPIMNET_^.v.'.-i::T;^ /



Any adslt euff ring frorea crJrt rat
ed on tbe breaet. broerbiik. throat
■ lung iroubc* of any aatur*. wb*

w thu a eUsdiaeara,
choe'e lr**ra«n Syrnp. free of charge
(Islyope botUe gi.ea lo oor p
and none pi eblMreti wl^out
from pareru
So thrrwl or 'ung remedy eeei
|aeek a--ale aa Itoarhech'fereneabTrap


14(h AiV Of Ayetl. A. O. IM*.

age •nillioni o* bottler
• yuar rtrngg<.’e
nely Throat aad l^ing
tile 'art-arewl
eadrreed by pip
p->ysiR' gre-rall*
c'ar. OeeT^reiU battle wl'l'cerc
>»' ^Id by dralm*

IBOMlOfiOBB rm .
irl. .4. ra.4 U4 mn

....ibckK„ 5S,S;5S'«i‘i?S..TiSU7,'aiSi-S£ CASTOR

tbalranoBipt io dribra
aaUaooftbc Urgta' tra
wnodlpMlehlgneart omprkeeahoui
bra limber. lotbel
Soora the
eaa trt <rf tb IS tract
k 'Ailtariogwblck! Z)U*t «iiBet Utal BnalieBtioM «( eU>>tBraWCgC«^f2^^£ZZcitk
nraeoBoeB UinTlaKtodiae rtliage. le BOBpoBadoalTrtUarureEeraBB. TSiy
—-Ip the turfece. while tiie'dL*'tine df- =
aaaTbatadarfraaaatiBd eta k.
l•M-4* tbr goTcnBCBt draldnl
eeaMlaada peaatHj of aaet
Cirat prariicBl deBooetratloa i« tbe
-bimi rrpreoaiTalckaahoTt Mat tba world bow ihk towmmrot cirllUrd
MBB wete ealaed at btoa.


.. jr;




rraaalr Wrat




porVdta Ibk UbbI UoatiDB aod far- 4, u,, obIt «xra and wniiraufinUa BWta
■oarly s d*mF« pwa- ne
akbrd wtih boraea. eatUr, eragota asd -ra.i—U k far abnd of all
trlgbhorhood of Alburi W.^k agriruliaral ImpirairtiB. Tbe rilUgc
‘ '

• lllaBdB-imofMr.
rbadtator iraoBd tta
tMbUWBwril Bad as tzamlaiMsB
i^MartCtSBlast Itot Ihs hefip tt •

ua nm-rt :u L. klw. - L* a.

Rear-Adru'.nl glewey hae iafarm'd:
the narr der.rtmeatMhBt hr ba* de I ly eoothicK an

>o solw lo baS tb'ir mineral i lizuiree c -e danutmtis
ddriag tbe enrerat tr
itoUon. The
A Urge cocnectioo by tb.
enable k ’to**
il» the. bUod, aad
------- --- high re«i»an-e
SpeciSo-te the otdp
- —*■’—^
Ibctdvp.h'o cxlia on oar wbiefa can read
aUe ot the alraet aad with a hydraet ^
oadol pipe raoaer-ed
with ih'i
mala off the other. Ihe circait tba'.
Batbet aoBBe
formeff waa along tbe cwi iron or lead
It otakiap prepare toe
pines which were fr icn.
Tl(c high
aba»pa.-aaoale ■pile ol tbe d eat
the low TolUge and tbr tat.
aOeeU of tb(
dd weather OB
calty watererae suScienl to Bake
lUe title will r--wi>w4l7 plpra warm and thaw them oot ia frtitn
pia<*orap. Wbl
Aeareaac taa dca
dewtaad for Irib nart'
fire to tea bIboUb.
■p will eBOlop a* naap
North wot of !ik Igotse aemr KIg
Hanktlqur lake, k a practical illustram fOTBerlp.
Uopuf the “White aeo's bardrn," in

rauall tribe of


•ra mra
w urraa. Hw:. Ti.<ww isu. Bwai
era. .ara. Urmam B.1; -'B. la. era. « Mioao B.


The >vond.cTfol success of this remedy h^s Udt to
many attempts at imitation ahd substitution.
sure that the full name is on
the paeV-Agt. for sale at alt
druggists. OT sent postpaid,
by the Dr. Williams Kedicine
Schenectady, H.V.
P I . f^ODfF
Price fifty cents per bo*.

Be Prepared!

Aar danaf a rtrteot
«brt pataed erar tboae ptrfa Itatraek
the etaaeleaB-lwBa-hail ot U fell to
abe feeaad. Tuere wereaereral pimap
ladM la the chareb at tba tiBa
eaa waa ban.

fWBcra aad
«elltD.Baaiace<.rBatalk<hrwr eedlartbaBte taotr eqalaea aril .-e If
IheiaiBwBpearB aBct on
Or. J. L. ChBpbeU. of lUrsiafABJ
Wt OBC bona Taradar aad ap


Irar'ea^ ^UK''!«r‘Vrar jra*a£!ra'uw
n«.i. rai .«t .ara.rn. uta. trai rat tkraoM

London Dclly Mail tape: -Well
Informed pertoni here aseurr me that
the health of Emperor NiehoIa«-l. far
General Kewi
from good and that bk condition rx. it'i thr grarent aolieitude. A longIbrealcned ailmeai anumed acriliral
form soon aflcr Ihe itanauce ol the
aide ol tbe lake al M^ehifemn Center.
manlfeelq In behalf of the limiUUon
of armamenu aod tbe cur ia now proa
Al Ken Freneiaen thr ooamlnione
inted Tbr malady i. <f lucb a char­
if teolrteu Hate park hare arcepted i
acter ai to forbid all liole’leielual rxOffer by Claas Spreekela Ui 'reel a me
ertioo. Hii partlclpatioa io Ihe gorMr or granite isneie ataedtocoal a
mcrel; formal, s-oufioed to
Irra Iban t*!” »>i.
•igaingaocumenu of whoee cootcnle
Rowr. wbo baa jit.l died
be I. igadrant. Tbe lined fluke
ke. l-a . aerred thrangbout tbe
thr rxecatire power,
clrll ws'.aad wae one nf the mra who
and all gorerameBl dreiiiooi arearbroke la the doors of Libby priaoo and
rlird at without thr crar'e co-opera
-ied the priMBera onl. tlon orknowledge. '
he wood'nware fralo-in of Sagir will con.njne Ifi.oon.ono feet of
baedwood log. the eaiulag rrar.'wb'ch
.11*. . r.-i.u-1>. .m*. u......IMU. ■..■I..
cotniap down by n‘l fr.-rm the
northera section of the elate.
ThebcanDR '
Childm. ts
At U»rne. KwlUerlanrt, .<• men were (Bch a very i
killed Saiorday elgfai hp a dmamlte rlooe uulrel
:p<aelon at tbe Rtger tnaoel work, ou
le Joagfran railway. It i. loppoaed
e e*p!o»ioB wai the result of so accidetiL

' asi?*^ ‘‘fS


Adrlraa troa tbe Ckgrtse Islaaai.
ISnailce from Kiagatoa. Jamaica, a
to tbe trrrlble atora of Feb I) aad 14
•geet and uV
of thr lababi1. tbr raa. alaest orerwbelBlag
Ulaoda Timragfaout Ibe entlrr

any that it a

Mra. John A. Imgan ieaerion.’y ill at nervoo»re*«. the cnlical hour will Iw ■
her home In Waeblngioa. Kb* u enf- liered of much pain, and Ubor sill be
feriog from afiecond attack ot la grip brief. KecupcraUoB wiU be rapid, aed
all after-dauRck* Will he avoided.
There are aboat 40ii old aoldirn le Rbe bae here nnahle to leere her hooe
M »p dnctlw. <w *1 • bank.
•n n week and brr<-ondilalkaika oouBiv. aed Culonrl Baker
murh alsrm.
poet, of Kalkeeha. had a f oe ball boiU
prare ag >al a i-oaiof or.r >c.i.«».
, • .-rk l-o b.-p. e- *e killert,
tbr orgao’uiloB locnrHeg ao ‘D-irbt- another Borlally inJiTed and .-rerai
It you hare •
•.of orrrBMu..
Tbb hart been othen more or leas ecrWralp Ir ju-ed bp tatlon. weak -lui
rrdered to tiwi. bnt
a terrible exploaien fletarrtep lo one of difttcull breatblur.
Beet, let ne .aggeel One Minute Cough
dragged, owlcg to I
tbe mixing room. In a Wilding ■ f the Cure. Aiweya reliable mod uafr. '
) mad the larrra log age mod ia- NordllngerK:bnrltoB Fire Work. Cob- JohneoL.____________________
Braltp of tbe reteraoa A grand ral'r pany at UnnUerille, K. I
. (jijtek remedy aod oor
cl ihcrtdauldlen 1
Al Mnnitb Mn Ida Vt-.erp aged “T.
"J ra'e forchlldreo let m
died dsiurdap afterB-<on of eon-amp
:nougk to leanre tbe llqeldationof that
lion H-rr akUT. aged in ^ird last
longalandfag iodebledBeea.
Moadayof the enme dlaeaw
Haring read tbal Inaen pipn eoald
I tbe eraeoD ol tbe y<«r hen paeueaBcsesafelly thawedont bp
moQla, U grippe, ssre Ihn i,
eleelrldtp. Benrp Moiier. cM
eolrt*. catarrh,. branch
a lospeclor. aecared the
Ibe gnanlod
At Howeqoa. 111.. Mira Grace haaper. troublee
ste eapert rleetrickae aad pro­
aohatltulr.- will
daughter of a wealthy farmer, commlt- polbing
rer the pnrpoee." or la -ju.l Si
ceeded to Omw out Rip Utp. Be met
tedau.cldebp Itkiog .iryebhlne while
a* yje Hieute Cough Cure. Thai
with inch phenouienal iboccib that
« the on* iafallabl. reowdy for ail
It doobtful it arpltalag other ibao eleclurg; throat or bronchial iroubie. latricltp will erer be sard la tbe fuMre
U Tigewrrusly upra haring If If -some
• lag elra" k offered you. J. G. John
lor thawing onl pipes oodrr- grouirf.

kaeaeU B. OerawaU ol Phlladelpbla
leetaradla Halrerntp ball at
The party took a tranafonniw
la a
Arbor aatteaabj art of -Aowe
wagon and went from placd'lo piece
DIaBoada.- TbeCaoDbe rrtedee.
where the plpre were froten
AttarbInga wire *0 the wirri of tbe iecaeoiw
oeot circuit whererer they ought b«•trang near, the railage waa rrvlnnsl


Tbtboaeeol Daniel Bektoa at Waltoa, laf. erM blown tepiaoae baadep
by»natanlgaee>ploeh>o Tbe aoiee
wae beard for ml ae. Kca.-Sok>oe wa.
borrlblplrjarad and kdnag. Mn. Jntie'WeaU kaleo dylag. Willie Cob
lean. Jreaie Csbienu aad Cbarln Bfbtoaareall more or leee injured, bet
will raoorrr. Tbc Cobleatt lemily ar
rired al the Bektoae fe ipead bandey
Jntt before tbe seetdeat



mmm: cBHS£f

m. awa sgs.--.55!a . MB.LLtte,nminniiti.


>U3M« 8, 18W.
m Uasbatb




Mahes Ite food «oce defidouH Md «i

arlMn the tatrr F*laea« !■ UddM. a>d
■ujr k-lp Ba la retara barte bar aaelbar. the Qiaaau who «aapa ter bar 1«lb
aurfaeaa palaoa at p4ak flaaa."
tbattba aaelbar weaM baad erartbe
lltUa atlek aba bad -CBi la the

Aalett Md *a» Ipwarf tfcaww

d«T«r„ I .MaqaaM. a»d lb* •**».«'

MCW Irt—

).-«• -M

B.1 w

ehUd. «be. oida-dyad and aatniaralood waiUar to raaaira iv aad «be
laoBTd tba iraod pUe la
at tba aMBBtaiaa. wb
asd IsaorB eoperlor
Mha ware rtalbU to the tjm Ur elodtee.
Uerelopa rlcor, BClIltp. asd cnea of
ehUd. ealnaM with tbe aterp. bodp. akUl of BBsipoUtlM. kressoB
bar eira alabocbtioat of U. of obeerratloa, raaolocaeof lascnace.
UUelo dBlCD.nntriatbow'.
areaid sot ralura till th* hour lor dla liCbt IB ttaecobd and bceuUto
av. aad tbaa aba *oaU eoma la. clearDe. •
- .................. ...
lac abd rrilb so appetite; wblU tba
..... ..................—
raeltre asd
- ualci
- -i power*
powen ol
of per: ouiUier. who bad baea wlthoat therea band,
ptios eod cOocepUoB. *r *
atien iDlerrppUosa of aa BBaaap Uttir
Clri. waaasfar to creel b»r-".

-■Oae alotber. who reaaqtip pCared le
e eonstry. lahlac »p a clalai In a
tblekareodlasd.aad aeadlac bar aareapear-old bop to a aeboel Urae qaarleia
M oM» that an tipped efamlic dlataat, tbroach tba Oobreh-

aa wooda. had the treat alosc tba path
atadiatapeeof arerp
dred feat with llule laceeda of
lk>r »eai <d ^
*•“’ aort/'^Dev bop, Hal. tbU U tba path
bow.*’ "Oeiae rlcbt op tbit litUe bill.
dcB fellow." "Kow peu tore ben aai
—>■» rliwr
ooiBeXm." “fieftp op, poo dear rBeeal.'
ttohaip*ao»»»7>««'*V ben.
IfcV apert of a la»d wh« tb«a la BO •Dea l be lata lor diaaer.- -MaBora’.
waltlac for poo." -Joel a bit oiora aso
pea are—*<--BoBe:" Tba laat soiificarir-rof Ul.«i.j'SiU b— i™u».



OoB Wonebt blB to the elaarloc asd
ibe aiebt of the little hoaiaBo. all
the wap alOBC tba woode. when the
daak falle aarip la wioter time, ibe lit­
tle child wta eoazod aad c<>b>ed aod
ohoerbd with lore mnaacea.
woaider that bit tael nfatad toatrap
B tba beaten path, and that be ran
aisclec or baniilp ibiokliic a bepb
af. lose tboaebU** till borne wat
aelaallp rtaebtd."
a Uon-u.

Balffa^ »a o»a» the rlear wida,
aataoa Ua oihar atda.

Ooa'tcire aesall Rioia tba appeartee af orerdaeoratloae. eraa tl Ibate
re a iinasUlp of new omaBaoM r
IMIfladlf VMa lhfoa«h the aaaaat
riradae CbrlatBatfifU wblaban
ba fires a promlneat plaea to abc
Sm^ ttat taA
tblfflSWaad loaa,wbo haeafooe
AMtlSTinlamt foraaoe the
->-«Ua Moctew trail




carpet Is a rooa when the faraltan
' dall. old or of beatral UnU.
Doe-t larsleb e Bortb
ip otbar cold color; «
Doe-te bare fbaodellen or bascioc
taope. with noBU of low ocUlsc; sm
aids bracketa or table lampi la aaefa

bcarp portiere peer a
; ccDerallpepcaklnc.baac
lace an oat <of plaaelaaaaaU booae
tm Ue ^aaa with loelar werh aad
or irllh email----------Des'tBll tbeceaurof tbp room so
tcB thank plebtp of epaoaca all aide*;
ootblnc offende cood UeU ao eorlosalj
Sai%bwlpIltB^tarwbal aoa
ae tba iasae of bclnc “oluturad sp"
l>oB't hart too moeb of oae kind
.tios is the hoBSe: tiro rooms ap
______ earns caseral patura are qalu
fa SB
esonch-aa Isdlrldual echeaa tor each
borodBaitOaltaro. whiab. bp tba wap.
apartment b betur.
k *MdUp wlaalBc It* plaea aaoBc tbf
tioB’l forest that dowan and basd
bMonbaaacakaHof tba dap. la aa
anMa OB tbe tralslbC «< dilUree. pnaln*t^ mn^ ol the ebeap brie-a
brae aod imlutloa autaat; asd while
arhMIaof craatralaetoall tUsklsi tbe UtUr will cbeepas asp room, thr
foraur will c>rt ae air of reftoemeni
te to tbemoeleeasulplar-

U y ****"*?^.***
e f



Ilapcaace. rcadlBcasdepemoc.


2: ‘7.'.;£2m”.s.'2d’ ■'“■vTb.,
srbapa, aod poa.lblp sol U tbe
iboce off Impa­
.jmpm, Sioc tbclr eboce
rt at qulcklp a* I some bappp.
iisTSafti-cir ab^ w-,u“ber;I:if!.::
to eebool asd fab Iracber b rerp
Ip waarmbla coodlUob bp tbe s
to him. ao we ksow Ctpde b a food
moralscIf •T*a7 ooe woald IsiBtlbaHC
Ue atodUo readiac- wrilioi:,
ur two ol cood dees oeu, aod k

•pemoe. cram.

r rallara and abe

aa( tat dlaaar if poo laa^ all tbnoeb
«IN Wp.' dad toe addiBBOd banell
OM wre to tba ediara Tbe
bar crew aUU baacrlB^ at tba poaaltaUkpadaeqairlacieod craw dla. asd be
aat down bcarllp Is tbs dlslsc-reea
Mr. aatalcm of a baadaebe. asd
woadartoclfbawMColsc toerp. He
M a UtUe Masd wUh blB.aad tba
Mead aCar^ VpapaUp. It haspesed


------ •-—’-'-t*# alenkaow^
as axeall
llaat ni
sad bulk
Uta and eombtsattoea not foaad
MP ethar frs-t. asd tbep are alao eaV
pad as the brat of losloa and appelia
Added to thaac e'erlloc qaallllB
______ . tbe leUat certified UibuU to
tbeir effiebsep Is preeealloc tbe crip.
One laBilp who beer tbae far been laBBBC from tbe preealliac epldca c
eook tbs bacriee Is plestp ol waUr aad
keep tbe sprup OB bend at all tlmsaa*
a drisk. Thee declare that tbe add of
Ibe berry b fullp ae a
oaada. aad moat emca,
malarial tnsblaa.*

tbM. bark«a pasavatlsc aad blfbaltebad aefaa. bla wordi naehad U tbe
Tbbb anoV- —- -..................
teawWrwoea. wfaera.- Isa lall Is tbe lob eoaeba and that made at beau will
-------- .V- tbe
B eesdp bae the fl.
. _
. to
A masafaetsi
-•YoB'd batter eoaa aad bar
gseroeae told tbe
the wi
writer r '
^ ap aaaaa with aa.- sail
r had aa oosea of
that be bad
>d herb la tab fact.
Mshd. -Wbaal aoaabeaa abesapa: Cesnise borebona.
b eaodp. ^t make a
-■aBaaptoal. I CWBP bopb hsn To make
rsaberetrasr tea of tbe herbs aod bollgap; Uba'UlacaMba'llcstacUBaf lac water, tbea add oae pooai
idol I
tmk aad a aeohla.** Boaa aaaBae alaud or eoffee C aarar, to <
plntof lbcua.aad boll aoUl It w
ernek wbro triad la cold eraUr.
ioU shallow, well bsiured pace. a<
wbee searlp oeld mark UU aqnana
bars.' One oaa eooo ull bow atrooc
make the tea Tbe fresh barbs are protbacM wbo bad
raboks Bade tbe brat of tbeallsatka, ferabla bat tbe dried packacos oea
tbedracttorswIU doslcclp................... .
brndf wbUatbe
1k» Utebsa to reqaaat aoob to col
foodp. a Mall basqsol of' tbo oert bope

: a poor
told work
toda dbaotMtoUodlarbopoodber
oMoftb. pot BbO wae aoror too boap
tegatapseaia tHttoaabrai fon

ablbaoeitalef aboapdep. Bba taeb
taU aa boor to start tbe alalc 1
Wkdat la tbe plapboaee; orabeb«ae
the boUdlsc of a fort aad cot eel tbe
taftaldlofa; ortho took a ttiak. 11 Uo
aoratoc wao la aaaaar. aad addn>«ed
ttlhsa; ■•Yoolookllkaaatkk.bat
aa; rmllp a little ahapberd bnp wlib
laMT brows balr hasclsc doero poor
Tea andnaaad lacoataklao.
aad poo bare a pipe la peer Boatk. oe
arMeb poo eaa plap tbe Boat beastlfnl
amaa Orar peadar an wild and
if BOastaloa ipelatiaf to ^ a
fitoaad tbabUloaba bp the or.*ardl.
bwl tbare an ao ................ la Ibea to
•Od that pee do sol fcsow tbri
rao wbkb poe ease
•MLasdwtebaD pnbeMp caod the


-• “

puuluy Ula. for he came. Be baa
aad atlll bare wblu cloUee and 1 sick a dap ainre became back.

liwr ■

'. VLiiU!*?Viiih.^ir


Arthar ioibea. Elk Rapida.
Jnllaa Kobler. Elk Rapida'
Bmeison Hacker. Kmwlek.
/ mmeraas,


kpatfci Rcfnedy TorCMisiipation.^ur StoinKti.DiarrtocA.
WonnsjCoovubions FesTrishts*'and Loss or SLEEP.

Della Zimmermaa. fCeawick.
fioptl J. Weba. KBwUk.
Mamnet Weba Keawlek.
Laosard Rorera. Kswiek.
Robin Borrra. Rcawirk.
Earl Rccera. Keawlek.
Willard SUime . (inltona Bap.





Kea McManw. Archie.
Lealle KeUon. A/cble,,
Hopd Gray, Archie.
Barlle Nelaos. Archie.
Lirxie DuRek, Arcbia


Winter Needs

Myrtle Clapp. Archie.
Ollee Borklpi. Arebir.
Willie Uopklnt, Archie,
Ethel Utay. Archie.
Both Freaeb. Archie
lleriMUfPbb. Areble
ksreerp Ademi. Archie
Willie Uawklae, Archie.
Hi^he Bawklne. brehle.
Uawrenee l>rll, !4miimll City.

ar Ba Kaa;4>
ar_^~rw< I,

A Bubla Bleokat for 76o and up.
A large llaa of Wool Squara Blaokau.
Pluab, Wool and Fur Eobaa, all prioaa.

riaurt Taller, Traerrse City.
George Willett. Monroe CenUe.
Waller Fort, K.swick
1‘earl Well*. Keawli-k.
Heatp (iroeaaer. Kawlek.
Ubairtcep Mailman. Keawi. k
lieorcr Gerard. Keawick
UlcaT.mmrrtnto. Keawlek.
Matilda /.immrrman. Keiwick.

Cloves and Miltens is all Crades aod Prices.

lea who wUl cl«a
fo*‘ «flk “
-bieh eallast asiMiliaadaMaf hapws Boar to,aav datbaotoa.
Watosa OM haew tba piiaoth bat oeoortew Uo asd stf bile




proceed Muaal is Sweeping I alwapi. Uoogh ho li bigger and older than I,
aquaeae aewepapers/oui of bot water 'asd Laald lo him tbb murslng. "liap
wlU a few drops af ammosl^asdjoai-,
,«nd la
.’**y*' J

1 euu ue eu,«,^ '■'YnrAdeb.
, eu, aueu, »i
if jb
you Uink
drawn wk u me^d i H wUl make a good bop of me.
matalal. UblecloUi and sapklna I daar edilor. I don't want jon
Wb«i mended at fleet break wlU tbeir ! n,,i e,t ta a bed bop. bst be





Trararaa City, Michigan.

Orders for Job Printing left at the

^ will receive prompt stte'-llor

I’otaU bitlli- Karicb rold auaUrd poUtoee with beaun .egg polk, make In
u Ull-; place on e butured pan. make
e depreaelos In tbe top of eecn ca«e,
put a bit of bulUrln the dtpreuion'
and brown in the oren.'

rsMBMlff Ui*M



Monuments, | ’leaaaDt. Owoaflo, tagl.
City, l)atrolt,Ho«A .
Headstones | aaw.Bay
all, Ann Arbor. Totado aad
polDta Eaat and 8ou&. ClOM^,
Markers 1 ooDDacUona atOopamiahwith

You cai^el ; II the Conrincmg I

K.AIT. E. By.
OsB’IPaaB.AtC TelBda.

Wc handle all grades of OtanlU. Marble Bed Huor Woric. aad rn, daeior alwey* to keep our price, low, coaeideriag Ue quality of work
w<-ere furoiablnf. Oar exuneiee bandllag of moeumeaul work eaable. u. lo aeeore stock oo Ue mo*l adrenUgeoua terms, and Ibc beoeking of buy.
' flt tba. obulned rrreru to oor caatomere It you are Ulokli
or drop n» e
' Ingeoyih lag lo oor llae. U would be well for yo
I cerdbefoi e pleeiog your order.


Buiiiiiitioo m leiclien.


» Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, j


II. D. ALlEV-^Proprletor.

----- •

. I
r j

•I 401
kUda of dnea maurlal
There la i tow*alwaya aeam u do
wmreely any kind of gooda but tbe { wrong ^isg. If be Urowa a aux
thi^a win be' Ilroni eor^ork to mend , u
io break a window. Ue alwepa

’ .

"1 *:i!r

lionu, wLii'li Bi<- uffertkl Bl luri-dl 4x>8Bibl>i ]ii'ii'i'e.

A lewdropiol turprntioe iprlokled
where rockroacbca . oogn-gatc will ea
urmloau Urni at once, wclle It will
alM) rid pou of red aad black anta.

Whes tbe reader want* asp ar'
ele of raloe be salorallp prcleia .
deal with eome one he can depesd
If muidup in any Uw aniG i
good, reliable lawyer la geseraU'
tbe flrat seceeaity cough
'? lost ••a a pr^rle.
prairie. dlfes.£loss
m aaetller could brralird
a auasgrr

•*u»d'. I

luw,i u-> . <

1 Bill HhowiDt’ A hittulBuine lim- of tij.-iK' KWkU. nil niiw sule.-

159 Fpobt

t lar »



I to ault alt teataa at !
Truoka, Satcbela aod Tal
prlcaa that ioaura raady aalaa.

A Gaud Cbncolave CakeAn excellrct eboculau- cake that



In Blutets, Roba, Glotes anil Vitleai.

City Papers

u aik for better eridesc

^uVr x'.amxi
u.m . ..c II

agrti I . .. Ibe

ai'a’i‘’.*>*'vrulr< Cra4,rarudcetaa bl
.rll-j 'la^ir.LIM I* rrmrapbr,


n ei




Oaau SauceA SaUeloae cane Bsee. tbat-wpe,
isat taeerlu of the leU Jellet Conoa.
_ Bade bp tboroBCblt Bldsc a heaptac tablaepooBfal of drp manard wlib
a c^ of earraat irilp aatU oaltber
Bs be parealred from the otbu. Thb
ebc was woat to daclan -tba beat

Chicago ... .—
West Michigan.

Always Bought.

yrw voRK.





MehM IfoMfs, Wsrtd A Fair
OaM Madal. MMwlater Fair


are Claede aad WHbar. I goto
. My tesebrr'e same
Addle Raker asd 1 Ilka bar perp


Carriages, Catters, Sleighs, Etc.

Horseshoeing and Gaieral Repiiiing Done.

4TT. AbdrawHocimuad Blagbm
4TT OtwOareUB. Btvbam.
«T« rasslr FatrbasMa. HabeL
4T« ■pwa FabrWIa. MabaL


■' ''il:.

Ul. a
.r. . ,L W- we*, fw e>wa4Mmm Uw
iMUew S.W la. B.eAU« TTlllle


Vholesale Prices
-EYorjbodj. MW.MWV e»*«.b ..wyaUiWBete-


Dill GenVill Caulopn
.—^Biyer s Giiidi

Re-Painting and Upholstering.

1 am la tbe airtb gisde.

Maama pf Memben of Ue H. T. F.
Saaabtse Ooo^


.c-*r..?.Tr.<r'. ak7>ir. i>Heer.'e.«<eer-



foasd alBoat aa cood aa sew.—MenI

, L lorawom-.L e ST t_Orae4Aaaite

You Have

tuSWe StfioAiure of

Jallua Sulmei. Sottosa Bap.
Oarr Brdl. dnitoo* Bey
Li^eK l«h, SuttoseBap.
Jimmie DunloJI Trarerse City.
Hand Olaeoo. Kawlek.
Hut HcUanua Archie.

B. dealer In Choice Tamili
Ifpaorme Sod anyUlac broke, they
' Front
: 1 know Bay bad tbi
laoT pv.ple ■
Baby 1 Sboet.
k he crer loidalte. i
Kianep I’ille. for 1 know they
When babv-e draeaea are ebortesed , eeerpbodp likea him. When tVllHe goBd remedy
I wea conaidc
d with m.
mp beck and tboogbl:
4 Mt at onoe pot him Into atiff aboea
u Cnha are ehUdraa were here Iroubled
la from the kidney
,e pain was
oai where iboae
iboee organ
- re. located.
from ebamola ekmarealto eerp a lea »boot him asd begas
I reodabiui and knew pemosa who
ike lb<
can mal
cried too. for we were afraid WillU bad aaed Dms'a Kidney PilU. and ibb
of the tope of ddfealsci
induced me U tip them Tbepa'
would dla Willie'* plctore
troak asd Bap thooght If we looked at esed me ap in e abort Ume. •
acaloe of me kidney aecreiioc
l we woald feel betur. ao be get tbe reedered rego'ar and aormal
qaart of floor rab two heapkey. triad to opca tbe trash, asd broke
Tbe OarsuB metbod of cooking ea
eapfal of aacar, two Uaapoos- ou la U aetaaa aa lIgbUpaa poaalbV
1 again r
Ue lock. Now, dar edilor. if you are
fabolbaklac powder, eec qsart Kidney Pilla. asd since Ueo 1 bare bad
.. sp the
a capf^of c^sad t arranu. Brai
no trouble of thli kied. Afur tbi. ex‘;clab. I woald
' eoe I am glad lo adeiu tbeir une
aS*'aUrlaU iBedTp mixtara. addlac
samet are Adah Breitbeapt.,
-a in eeed of a good kldaep medi:
Bore Bilk If siDBiant to mix U a soft
Balt aad waUr. weed aa a garrle. la a ! ><>1 LltxU, are' T; Bajmasd. age
doBCb. BoUosiaetorbbeail
> laJeears foracra
it map beiOlie.
age U "
jOUe. ageUto tbrve-laeb
tbree-laeb aqaana
' ' a kalfa rab
Mailed by
tbe top of- eaeb
ea^ ease with a BlxUra of
de asydasb
roeur-Milbors Co Bnffalo. S V. Sole
k aad aacar asd baka Is a bot oeaa.
ageuoaretob.deyoe.eblldreBr Aad
U<m wUI ba aUapad •
we are glad Indeed to hare him fora
Bam -mbar Ue name
le Doan's and lake
for he la a goad boy. le soacbetluu.
To Raaaeau aif’'«r OannaaL
Ray. asd be le golsg^get all oear
i braakiag tUag* pretty aooa.
s be eoaasd baek
, HeggU Rersee wriua: "Uyb<
aka bp dBBpealac tbe far thoroacblatPoitOaelda.
My mamma died wbea
ha wet bruab, tboa oobUsc eat
i I was flve years old. I am Uiruaa
oantellp. iritb a aew coarse e. ..
wcrklac alwsrs Is tbp dlractlos that
[yasraold sow. I bares broUer asd
tbe far satsralip Ukae.
Shake wail,
loqeelaUT. Uey SK boU older ibas 1
aad habc ap arbare It will not be auj e«; (belr names are Heary aad LiUle.
leaW onia qaiu dip. wbas It will be

neat er breUad bird ar tertay.-SelieroMarwbanthe Idadasdcood peopU ad.

l~ e

.‘Sm-r ,“.r 2,.“.S£iS/-y


, ^;e?TrSe«fiVfi£ffi«£l

To deairoy Isercu In wooden furnlur^, wipe oTsr tbe anriecewiin par.b u nee a large tub. plaelnc Ue floe ha^ffe* eo a"!*
U«T l»- 8n or tnrpeatloe. end wi4b e pen le
clotbaa aad suined aapklaa ted ubie- loac to our club. Urar Auntie Batea. aert either ol tbe ebore tcu tbe larger
Coaalant Bgbllog will be i
aoa top. I•onro»eracaldlnf waur,,*„,o„ ,i the train tbe nlcht oni
ary w enUrsly ilatrop the peat
*0^ mpielf, pa and ma sud my
dubM waabad. corerinc tbe tub: gnedua and Anal l.irxie from Milwith bearp oomfortablra the minete | waakec were all there waiiiag foe a



ffiS = £teAliSF£A Zt£MSb&Elj

Beais the

ans«ndnst£ootaiiB DCiU»

CJarabel Wrickl, RIk Badldt.
UUIie Shuler. Elk Sapl.U.
Sbirlep Shuler. Elk Raplda
Eddie Bueber. Elk Rapida
John Aihlrmas. Elk Rapida
Earl Harwell. »k Rapida
Ethel Kramer. Elk Rapida.

aorblac It tbd oau awell eosaldenbly , p„.-trd, Eihlpa.

let eund until breakfeal b orir aud ,

'.a*-eMwe —»

Tbe Kind You Have
Always Bou^t

NaU Oeaeoe. WlliiaaeborcBra I

■ r.4fi

, iscsFd snasiBs sfs «s

Tw^Tw^wUr^ C^ndrtn.

Lpdta HeWarth. Will
Das Palrbaska, YlabeL
Ada Falrbaoka. BabeL
Trask UcLoecblls. Rik BapMa
Charlie UeUachUs, Elk Rap-

loaf, and one wba'b Ibe rrcl^ wriUr
ibJpw'wiraSnal “a*Bd‘‘'SJ'me^5 ^ff^apAp. There an thirty firaechol- up* b sure U) come out aatttfaulor,lp.
d ooe-balf
uoe balf cupful
pattioc tbeir eboce in cood coaditioe , arsia tbe wbool. Clvde bae one broth- b made from one and
dl lump of bulU
wlth eerp lllOe trouble end 1.............
rr asd tour ableis.
Iibvder a ba
s ae tbe a
mkeof eboeula-.e lo half acupof warm
waUr. Heat Into the creamed buuer
-o-lhlrde full of oeu. shake Klob b eery oicr and Ucolac
It twosad augerabelf enpfu)
■ down
then tie In a baodaer-1 keep thernlea.
Whes tbeen-oUebr
aod the beaun pulka
chief a pareal of oat* ae lerse a* eao br I „
eery btppr la tblsklncof Cbrbt Ueaaure a letel teaapoonful of . _
I loU Ibe Up of the eboce to All >
of thr laet dap of r.-bool when
asd add half to two cup* ol wqiu dour
spam and put toe
re tbel ■* *
awapoolil w^anied TBe'oaU aWrb Ibry wm coioc toapeak pieces
r bell with
tbe aobiurc In tbe ataoee. aod is sb : iii.>pe pno had aa sloe a time a. pou

ra tbap. aad we cl** 1^
that tbap wUl be balpfal to
(haaoaa lorlac. aaaIcBa notbar

lathed ep imawbat laapatinitJ.
daat Iblak tbant a tUaf lor poo.
Kvt.'abanid. •It’s aU aeaaaaaa.aapYoa-Il

Claad Lpdell, WmiaaebarcBalt VIstca. Willlaatbeic.
tiraea Wllle. WllllaBabarrKatie Btirta. WUHtaabaiT.
Barrieoa Vialoa. WilllaBabori
OnrI Vlatae. WlUknubartr
Vera Viataa, tTiOlaaubarc.,

„ 0~,»

leept the al
iforUble atlffoeat pleaae .voo aa much aa it did pour preaipraraou that nneomfortabl,
aad ricldilp alwapi nolle
wbes Idrsv
leathar bat Wb wet A Hit
iToiiblr Xorrieellle: She lapa.
oare of thb ton will aa
telsal was! wsa olaarip reuocBlcrd bp
Ubmtpl "Dr.tHKmiuii-MpllUle'ebler [.'/.rle
aU probai
Americas aboriclsea. who ued U
lac fcrn> S a^ mpulf -will wriu ben togelbar.
-d UtUa hot CMM borne fro> aebool
pan poaltloaa nsde from them to win aare masp B eora from '
hardened . (rgr we both want to join tbe Snnablne
aliwdapa lIuU axtrset tba easom from woaade made ad bp tba preeanre of shot
I Club, end we wilt both Irp bnrd u lire
with polawsad arrows os the tame prls- Iroa daiopsaa —S, r,,
hapa wCU ba ea aaah aeaaaloaa
elplaae thapare bow olua aaed sea
x>I da arltb I aoald haraaem



• we ue.c vuj;
u.w.h.i w,
A boae eret iwori for poor tal
Who lolU dap asd slcbt
For poo wUb deUcblTo help her all paUt rrer take *
'erk. we wen oat
card*. 8o tberebadubeewalUaCr:--,
to aesd ewsp for acre, asd to hare
thea printed when tbcp csbo. b
wbp v" an wnltloc, d«ar Snsehlsara.
eoae of poo, asd wooderisc wbp pen
do not bear fraa poor pmideat.
klsd asd arlf-drpeodeoi.
that le all riebt sow asd bp ibe tlar
Cblldrea are ooUblp 1
roB read tbla we hope aU wlU be anp'dl
KiBdercartco IsBaeooe;
Uooe an reodered more ecou. end
tbrpere brller traloed for more ad-'■14
Tbask* to one c
-eseed endee of etudp.
WoDtacoe, who bse clrvl) bi a qoBSUSir.
boodep eebool paMT
fllub Ttaepwillall
M?*e^d“ba?(S>ou“‘d^Joae*B"‘of | And a place when tbcp are Beaded,
rood bablu end es lodrpeadcBl aodleooB.
re.poseltie eberecur. wUbool Isiortoc ;
tbe radlrldael powers.
VoodrarlitUe letur writers'
na all hand. It le edoltted tbst Kls-1
,bo an Bade u wait for a place,
dercerteo trainlcccoeUce cblldree to ,
.|i. w.n
CO tbrooch tbe recolmr eebool eoutee
P“‘ ?<>“
tboT- to br peUent boneof tbedsilB ofa
Bors rapidly,
puplit. with better ; bnnebibe bop or c>rl. asd ihb b a rood
panote. bnd aore , p,^
Irani tbe lerauB.
We will beSfA
proti U> tbemteleM
eelloD b e eerlDC of from ooe to two bar. lr.<».
“‘Iwl D«»l» “d
sbur B^ele^
wltblsecirro Uoe.orecr^t eerlop : Wexford, wrlle* ' Our ptpa hae tall&
of repraufor ednsUoa.-A'ir.drrpor-,
BaaaiA, ever eioee we
ber and we would not ksow bow to cat
i alosc wlibool it
We like u read the
When the Sbpc* bra tlaiBp
IPOBSC falba' Inure and an clad there
Uaeb adrlct b cl'«h froB tiBS to
Use to recard U the can of tb< gone dn ao Baop pousc folks to wriu.
M<from fourcbool; oar teaeher'tDame b Hlu
eurs' abuee at tbrp uoBt I
ecbooI. wrl tad sU-tbapro fruB eoa- Bllih WebaUr; we like her eerp much.
tact with wat parriueau aad tbcaa- We are clad poo ar* r>>sc to orcxblu
oopfaaead wadlaf la paddlaa. wbkb b
•ara lodalicbutba heart of the eBsll a bosehisa Club, aad aa we bar#
bop. bat with all thb adriM aboal us uibsBxaau, before wa would
keeplBC the ehlldras'e eboB Is .--C«>d .lilt*Id baeoBO seBbera. so wa will
ooodllloa. iboee bclosclbc to Itao older
pbople are aenellp allowed to take care
YloaTaplofaf Rlpcelep telle about
af ibaBeelfB. tboech tbep
tbep —j
map beofj
be of
-- --idqaluaejbrr e.-hool
bbe atadlra arithmetic.

TL. mil,.,


Breie cooper, WmiaawbaiK.






wlU idcwamfro- te»7'





«M Oa»a La^wtrthp.


e><. TStTm-i . .WP7 u |«sl SB* ww*

State St. Bear UmioB.





III te IX* bwcipm AmLCw. b

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