Traverse City High School Yearbook, “Traversensian," 1900

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Traverse City High School Yearbook, “Traversensian," 1900


School yearbooks.


Annually published work of Traverse City High School, which would become Traverse City Central High School. The name, "Traverse City High School," would be reused by the alternative high school in the region beginning in 2001. The title, "Traversensian," would be superseded by "Orion," "The Black and Gold," "The Annual," "The Pines" and "Pines," as the title for the yearbook. Contains photographs and articles commenmorating school activities, students, and faculty.


Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


Original held at Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Senior Class of Traverse City High School.




Students, Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


CC BY-SA 4.0












Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


• Ar

Firs t IMUia
of the


High &vivo


Parm C. Gilbert,



Both Phones, 103.
Munson Block.


: :

Traverse City,


Dr. E. B. MINOR,

Z. 13. Evans, 111. D.,

Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Friedrich Block.
Office Phones,
Bell 126, new 59.

Bell 230, new 59.

W. P. Crotser.

J W. Patch i n

...11ontague Block.

Pratt eiv Davis,

Dr. J. _H Snyder,

City Opera House Block.

it it Dentist,
High Grade
Dental Work



for painless extraction of teeth. : :

Phone, 170.

& Dentist
Bell Phone, 226.



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Northern Telephone,
No. 74.

Traverse City,

Adv. at the bottom
Professionally on top.

Office Hours, ri a. m. to 8 p. m.

Beadle Block,
Bell Tc I. No. 244.


Dr. E. L. ASHTON, D.D.S.

I. B. martin, m. D.
Office, 205 E. 'Front St.,

Dr. 11. B. Garner,


First National Bank.

Traverse City, klich.


Dr. 0. E. CHASE,

Office, North Side

OFFICE, Over First National Bank.

Over Dr. Kneeland's Office.


Geo. fl. Cross,


Traverse City, - Mich.




Dr. Anderson,

No Washington St.,

Life and Fire Insurance,
Loans and Collections•
Rooms 7 and 8
Hannah & Lay Building,

traverse City, Mich.
Have you examined tile

metropolitan Life ins. Co.,


G. M. CHASE, M. D.,


per cent., 20 year Coupon Gold Bond Policy.
ritten in amounts of s5.000 to Stoo.000. Full information will be given by calling at the Branch
Office or addressing

B. V.

tionnceopathic Physician.
Glasses scientifically fitted.

Asst. Supt. in charge. Office in

Rooms 3 and 5
New Munson Block.


534 State Street.
TRAVERSE CITY, New Munson Block.
Both Phones in Residence No. 70.

•••••••••••••••• ••••


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place to get guaranteed, first class, up-



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New Phone, 188.

Bell Phone, 312.





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4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Union Street +
No. 318.
No. 4 3.


'Funeral Director and




Every Detail of the Profession
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. Looked after in the most
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E. D. Curtis

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at 410

Lady Embalmer
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Open all night.
Phone 110 19.

Ralph Anderson

Plants and Cut Flowers for Sale. Orders
Taken for Flowers of any kind.

Northern Phone No. 172.

+4-1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +

The ruin +













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Delivered in the city, per week,



+ BATES & HANNEN, Publishers,
4. J. W. 1IANNEN, Editor and Mgr.





Published from Office of Grand Traverse Herald. .1.


Established 1865.
Incorporated 1898.

business is publishing.
We have the
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in the Grand Traverse
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to 4* 4 44 IA
Drop us a Card
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Eagle Press,


Traverse Citp, 111ick


-1-1111 1:112S1 ANNUAL

Nr_1\1101-? CLASS or

The Traverse City MO School




whom. unttrtng tiforto to the past ata oo much
to matte the 1110 'A,thool what
tt now to, WC,

Cllr ,f+rittor etao#,
rropretfullp brIntatr
tbta bolutor.



Associate Editors.


further perusal we would claim your attention
LJ for a moment, feeling that a word in regard to this
little volume would be fitting at this time. A High
School annual is, strictly speaking, a class book, representing to a great extent the efforts and interests of
the Senior Class. In a broad sense it is a High School
book, a history of the literary, social and athletic events
of the year. There exists in every High School, to a
certain extent, a feeling on the part of the first and
second year classes that the older classes look down
upon them. Often such a feeling exists between the
Juniors and Seniors, which is a fact greatly to be deplored especially in small High Schools. We believe that
an /Annual does much to do away with this feeling.
If all the classes are made to contribute some part
toward it, they look upon it as " our " annual and a
spirit of MIN springs up as a result. This has been
the aim of the present class in publishing this volume,
and we feel we have accomplished it to some extent.
We do not boast of our efforts; WC have clone the
best we could with our limited experience, and trust
that future editors may succeed in making the "Trayersen.sian" an annual of which Traverse City may be
Justly proud.


Glories T. Grown, 13.Pd., M.N.


OR fifteen years the public schools of Traverse City
were under the supervision of Mr. Chas. T. Grawn.
Under his management, during that time, they have increased from twelve teachers to over forty. Their growth
in tone, efficiency, and influence was no less conspicuous,
giving them a good name throughout a wide region in Northern Michigan. Good buildings were erected, and peace,
harmony, and progress prevailed. These schools are a
monument to Mr. Grawn. What better monument can man
Mr. Grawn was born in Washtenaw county, Mich., Oct.
4, 1857. His parents were Swedish pioneers. His boyhood
days were spent on a farm in Kent Co., where he took many
of his lessons in nature sludy. His toil was that of the
ordinary farm boy, when not in school. For several months
each year be was required to learn to read Swedish, Danish,
and Norwegian, but in the winter he attended the district
school of the neighborhood. When he was seventeen years
of age he entered the Newaygo High School, which he
attended for one year. While in this school he did janitor
work and chores to pay the usual expenses of board and
After attending the high school for one year he began
teaching. His first experience was a term of four months
in a district school at twenty dollars per month, boarding
around. In the spring of 1876, he entered the State Normal
School, and was graduated from that institution in June,
1880, having completed the classical course. During these
four years his summer vacations were spent on the farm,

earning money to pay his school expenses. After completing his work at Ypsilanti he went to Plymouth, as Principal of the public schools, where his real career as an educator began. For four years he taught in the schools of
Plymouth with ability and devotion. The people there
have not forgotten him and they still turn to him for advice
and counsel in educational matters. During a part of this
time he was Secretary of the Wayne County Board of
School Examiners. It was during this time, also, that he
began a home for himself. On Nov. 25, 1881, he married
Helen J. Blackwood of Northville, Wayne Co., who had
been a student with him in the State Normal School. Thus
was begun a happy home life which has grown with the
In the fall of 1884 Mr. Grawn came to Traverse City
as Superintendent of her public schools. Since that time
he has labored here and grown with the growth of the city.
On the presentation of two theses in 1892 the State Normal College conferred upon him the degree of B.Pd., and
the M.Pd. was added in 1897 by the same institution. The
State Teachers' Association claimed him as its president in
By hard study and frequent attendance at professional
meetings of all kinds Mr. Grawn has kept himself fully up
to the times. Besides being successful in school he has been
very successful in business ventures, and is one of the few
teachers in Michigan who can show financial results for
their labors.
Personally Mr. Grawn is pleasant, genial, sincere. He
is greatly esteemed by his patrons, teachers, and pupils.
His heart is warm and bright, and the generous kindness of
his nature shines out from every feature of his open countenance, and his presence is like a benediction that is not
soon forgotten.
In June, 1899, Mr. Grawn was appointed Superintendent of the Normal College Training School at Ypsilanti.

He began his work there in the following September, and in
a few months had won the hearts and confidence of both
students and faculty, when, on the resignation of Principal
Charles McKenny of the Central State Normal, the State
Board of Education again showed their high appreciation
of Mr. Grawn by electing him to succeed Prin. McKenny.
He entered upon his duties as Principal of that young but
vigorous institution in April last. The reception given him
by the students, teachers, and citizens of Mt. Pleasant is
prophetic of a long and successful administration in this
important position.


Charles Henry Horn, MA.


HARLES HENRY HORN, Superintendent of the Traverse City Schools, was born in a log house in Eaton
Co., Mich., January 6, 1865. During his boyhood days his
educational advantages were confined to a little red school
house in the country district, but it was here that his ambition for an education began. As he was not very strong
physically, his teacher suggested to his father the advisability of sending him to a High School. His father was
pleased with the suggestion, and accordingly Mr. Horn entered the Charlotte High School at the age of sixteen,
where he graduated, valedictorian of his class, in 1885.
During the early part of Mr. Horn's struggle for an
education, he admits that he fell in love frequently and desperately. He determined, however, that he would not
let any girl stand between him and an education. The result was that he lost all the girls, as he would not ask them
to wait for him, thinking they should take the hint without
being asked.
Before finishing the High School Mr. Horn taught one
term in a district school and after graduation he accepted
a position as teacher in the grades at Vermontville, Mich.
During the winter he was severely afflicted with the rheumatism, so that he was obliged to give up teaching, and in
the spring left Michigan for California, thinking that a
change of climate would benefit him. Returning from California much improved in health, he taught school winters
and worked on the farm summers for nearly two years.
About that time he was employed by the Home Missionary
Society, and spent one summer in Dakota doing missionary


In 1888 Mr. Horn entered Olivet College, and, with the
money lie had saved, together with that which he earned
during his course, graduated A.B. in 1892.
During his college course he was much interested in
literary work, and during his junior year won the first prize
in the regular oratorical contest. It was during the latter
part of his college course that he fell in love for the last
time, and fatally.
Shortly after his graduation he was elected principal of
the Eaton Rapids High School and served in this capacity
for one year. His work in Eaton Rapids was very satisfactory and he was urged to remain for a longer time, but hav
ing received a call from Traverse City, he decided to accept
the position as principal of the Traverse City High School.
A short time before coming to Traverse City Mr. Horn married Miss Hila Meads, of Olivet. After spending a short
time at the World's Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Horn came to Traverse City and have remained here since.
As principal of the High School, Mr. Horn has been
very successful, winning by his good judgment, tact and
fidelity, the respect of all with whom he comes in contact.
During his life as principal he found time to pursue studies
along advanced lines, especially in History and Latin. In
1895 Olivet College conferred upon him the degree of M.A.,
as evidence of the completion of the advanced studies required for this honor.
Last year upon Prof. Grawn's resignation Mr. Horn
was appointed to fill the vacancy as superintendent. Mr.
Horn is not only a thorough and devoted schoolman but
he has always manifested a deep interest in whatever pertains to the social, moral, and spiritual welfare of the community in which he labors. His influence on the young people is always that which goes to make up the highest type
of Christian character. He will be remembered by his associates and students as an inspiring and helpful friend.
Long may Traverse City be able to retain him as Superintendent of her Public Schools.

Edward H. Ruder.
FDWARD H. RYDER, Principal of the Traverse City High
I-- School, was born in Northville, Wayne county, Mich.,
August 9, 1871. He attended school at Northville, and
completed his High School work there at the age of sixteen.
Two years later he went to the Normal College at Ypsilanti
from which he graduated in 1893. After graduation Mr.
Ryder spent four summer terms doing advanced work in
science and mathematics at the Michigan Agricultural College.
In 1893 he was engaged as instructor of science in the
Traverse City High School, remaining four years. He then
received a higher position as principal of the Plymouth High
School, where he taught two years. Mr. Ryder was engaged
for a third year at Plymouth, but resigned on being recalled
to Traverse City as principal.
December 23, 1896, Mr. Ryder married Miss Georgia
Smyth of Marshall, Mich., who, after graduating at the
Normal College, taught in the Traverse City schools two
His work in the school has been very satisfactory, and
during his year as principal, he has won the respect of the
students who feel they have in him a warm friend and true


ii 471v4t41 1Vd1aN121d

Marie McLaughlin.


ARIE McL AUGHLIN was born in Allegan county,
Mich. She attended the Otsego High School and
afterwards the Michigan Normal College at Ypsilanti.
She came to Traverse City, March 10, 1888, and has been
here since.
She began her work as teacher of the sixth grade, and
has taught all the grades from that up to the High School.
Her line of work since teaching in the High School has been
principally mathematics, although at one time she taught
English and the elementary sciences At present she
teaches mathematics.


Helen A. Norton. (


A. NORTON was born on a farm near Hudson,
Mich. She attended the district school near her home
and later entered the Hudson High,School, from which she
graduated in the famous class of seven girls. She then
taught in a district school near Stillman Valley, in Northern
Illinois, for nearly three years
Miss Norton then entered the Normal College at Ypsilanti, Mich., and remainea there three years, or until 1893.
She left her school work in the spring of her Senior year to
accept a position as principal of the Decatur High School,
which position she held for two years. Miss Norton later
came to Traverse City, where she has been five years as
teacher of the Latin and English branches.

Harriet L. Bouldin.


L. BOULDIN was born in Clare county, Mich.
Soon afterwards her parents moved to West Saginaw,
which place has been her home since. She graduated
from the Saginaw High School in the Latin-German course.
After teaching two years in a village school near Saginaw,
she entered the Normal College at Ypsilanti, from which
she graduated in 1896, after two years work in the LatinGerman course. Since then she has taught Latin and German in the Traverse City High School.
Last summer she attended the Sauveur School of Languages, Amherst College, Mass., taking special work in
Latin and German. This summer she intends to take special
work in Latin at Cornell University.

Beulah Week. (11)
REULAH WEEKS was born in the country and brought
LI up on a farm five miles from Decatur, Mich. She attended a district school for a number of years, then entered the High School at Decatur, attending there for four
years. At the expiration of that time she completed the
work, graduating with honors. After teaching one year in
a district school, she went to California, where she entered
the Leland Stanford Junior University for one year. Miss
Weeks then returned to Michigan and entered the University in the fall of '96, graduating in June '99.
Miss Weeks was appointed, last December, to fill a
vacancy in our school. She teaches the ninth grade English
and one class in tenth English.

Lillian I. Downing.


I ILLIAN I. DOWNING was born in Romulus, Wayne
I--- county. Mich., where she attended school until fifteen
years of age. Later she attended school at Ypsilanti for
two years, then taught in a primary school until she entered
Olivet College, in 1891. She attended this college one half
of a year, then taught kindergarten at Bangor. In 1895 she
again entered college at Ypsilanti, graduating in 1897, then
came to Traverse City High School, where she teaches history and literature.

E(lith utRin. (



ATKIN was born in Lyndondale, Orleans county,
N. Y. Later her home was at Petoskey, Mich., where
she attended and graduated from the High School. She
afterwards attended the Normal College at Ypsilanti,
graduating from there in 1896. After teaching three years
in Petoskey she came to Traverse City, where she teaches

E. P. Swill. (


R. SWIFT was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He attended

E* school at Olivet, where he graduated in 1897. The year
following he attended the University of Michigan. He
has spent two years here teaching Botany, Physical Geography, Physiology, Geometry and Algebra.

Ltiphcmio Jicliling.


UPHEMIA JICKLING was born in Canada, her early

E school days being spent at Youngsville, Ontario. She
afterwards came to Michigan, where she took the teachers
examination and taught in a district school for some time.
She was then engaged as primary teacher and later as principal of the Chase school in Lake county, where she spent
two years.
Miss Jickling then entered the Flint Normal College,
where she studied stenography. She afterwards attended
the Ferris Industrial school, graduating from the Commercial course. She was engaged as assistant teacher of the
same work until she came to Traverse City in 1897. Her
first year here was spent in the High School where she
taught the Commercial branches, Physiology and Physical
Geography. The last two years have been spent as special
teacher of penmanship in the grades and of the Commercial
branches in the High School.

Myron A. Cobb.


YRON A. COBB was born near Ypsilanti, Mich. He

M attended school in his home district for ten years, then
entered the preparatory department of the Normal College, graduating from the College in 1896. Mr. Cobb came
to Traverse City in the fall of '97, and has taught the
branches of Mathematics and Science since. During the
summer of '98 Mr. Cobb attended the summer school at the
University of Michigan.

As We See Them.
MR. H—N: The gentleman is learned and a most rarespeaker.
Miss McL—N: A calm and gracious element,
Whose presence seemed the sweet income
And womanly atmosphere of home.
A full rich nature, free to trust,
Truthful and almost sternly just.
MR. C- B: A silent, shy, peace-loving man,
He seemed no fiery partisan,
To hold his way against the public frown._
Miss A—N: A perfect woman, nobly planned
To warn, to comfort and command.
MR. S-T: His good was mainly an intent,
His evil not a fore-thought done.
The work he wrought was rarely meant
Or finished as begun.
Miss B— N: Revealings deep and clear are thine of
wealthy smiles.
But who may know
Whether smile or frown be fleeter ?
Whether smile or frown be sweeter,
Who may know ?
Miss D—G: She is so free, so kind, so apt, so blessed
a disposition, she holds it a vice not to do more than she
is requested.
MR. R—R: Thy face, my friend, is like a book wherein
men may read strange matters.
Miss J—G: Her brothers, too, tho' they loved her,
Looked upon her as a paragon.

Board or Education.
FRANK HAMILTON, Mayor, Ex-Officio Chairman.

First Ward,
0. C. MOFFATT, Second Ward,
W. 0. FooTE,
A. E. BINGHAM, Third
Fourth Ward,
- Fifth Ward,

May 1, 1901

Standing Committees.
SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS—WT. 0. Foote, George A. Stearns, E. H. Pope.
WAYS AND MEANS—O. C. Moffatt, Frank Friedrich, Geo. Hoyt.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS—Richard Rounds,W. 0. Foote, J. A. Moore.
Moffatt. A. E. Bingham.
TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS—D. Cochlin, .1. A. Moore, 0. C. Moffatt.
Superintendent Ex-Officio Chairman.

Traverse City Public Schools.
educational institutions of any community are a
heritage. The character of these institutions
determine very largely the intellectual and moral tone of
the people who sustain them. As in a community so in a
nation, schools are an essential consequence and the standards of morality and intelligence which they set up are
the bulwark of the nation's political institutions. The life
of the public schools will be continuous with that of the
nation, when they perish the nation will perish also.
It is the peculiar pride of Traverse City that her citizens have always manifested a deep interest in the welfare
of her public schools. Public education was one of the first
solicitations of the pioneers who, nearly a half century ago,
settled upon the shores of the beautiful Grand Traverse
Bay. From that time to the present her interest in education has not waned.
It would be interesting, if time and space permitted, to
trace the history of the public schools of Traverse City
since 1853, when all the children of the settlement were
comfortably quartered in small log school house on what is
now East Front St., down to the present time when over
twenty-two hundred are enrolled in beautiful and well
equipped buildings. But it shall be our purpose in this
brief article to trace their progress more especially since
From 1853 to 1880 the schools of the village were organ- •
ized under the general school law as an ungraded district;
in the latter year, during the superintendency of S. G.
Burkhead, they were organized as a graded school district,

which plan was continued until 1895, when Traverse City
was incorporated as a city under a special charter.
In the fall of 1884, the schools of Traverse City occupied a six-room frame building situated where the Central
Building now stands; three one-room buildings on the corner of Park and Washington streets; two one-room buildings on the corner of Elmwood Ave. and Randolph street;
and the small one-room building on the corner of Union and
Tenth streets. The enrollment of pupils for the year 188485, as shown by the records of that year, was 480, about
fifty of whom were enrolled in the High School department.
At this time thirteen teachers were employed; eleven in the
grades and two in the High School. At the present time
the schools occupy four large, commodious and well-equipped brick buildings and two small, wooden structures, all
built and equipped at an expenditure of about $110,000.00.
The enrollment for the present year is something over
twenty-two hundred,—three hundred and thirty five of
whom are enrolled in the High School.
In 1884 the equipment of the schools, aside from the
general school furniture, consisted of a library of less than
fifty volumes, a set of outline maps and a globe. To-day
there are few schools in the State better equipped for doing
thorough work along secondary lines. The special library
for the High School contains about 1200 well-selected volumes, and in addition to this, grade libraries are established
in each building, containing books especially designed to
supplement the work in geography, history and science. A
small but well-selected pedagogical library for teachers has
also been established. The physical and chemical laboratories are stocked with apparatus, so that these courses can
be carried on in accordance with strict laboratory methods.
Fourteen years ago the High School contained but one
course of study—the English. Since that time the former
lines of work have been extended and new studies added
until at present five thorough and comprehensive courses

are maintained, any one of which gives a thorough training
for the active duties of life or fits for admission to the State
University, the Normal College, the Agricultural College.
and the various denominational colleges of the State.
In 1889 an application was made by the Board of Education, through the superintendent, for a committee from
the State University to visit the High School and examine
its course of study, equipment, strength of teaching force
and so forth. After a thorough investigation, the committee reported the school as doing work of a high character
and that it was thoroughly prepared to enter into academic
relation with the University. Since that time the University relation has been continued so that graduates from the
High School have been admitted on their diplomas without
the formality and annoyance of an entrance examination.
The first class to graduate from the High School was
the class of 1885, and consisted of five members. Since
then two hundred seven have graduated from the various courses. The record which the graduates have made
in all departments of human endeavor in which they have
engaged is a source of pride, not only to those who were
responsible for their instruction but also to the citizens of
the city who so generously maintained the institution which
sent them forth.
The public schools of Traverse City have played an
important part in the material, social, intellectual and
moral progress of the community, and it is hoped that the
high standard they have reached will be maintained in the
coming years.
" Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to
good government and the happiness of mankind, schools
and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."


Traverse &o y.

OUTSIDE, a sweep of waves and winds that roar
Beneath storm-threatened skies;
But here a harbor sheltered by a shore
That circles crescent wise
Like some young moon that left its aerial lands
To shape and spill its silver on these sands.
I stand and watch the line of liquid blue,
Where skies and waters meet;
The long green waves that crowd the nearer view,
And break about my feet.
The waters lift and heave, then drop away
Beaten and breathless, sweeping up the bay.
And all the wonder of this wind-swept sea,
And its tempestuous sky,—
Its hidden past, its unknown history,
Its centuries gone by—
Rise and proclaim the infinite, until
The doubt within my heart grows hushed, then still.

The Alumni.

4g 7y SCHOOL is known by its Alumni." Such being the
I-1 case, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the
TRAVERSE CITY HIGH SCHOOL holds a very enviable position among the schools of the State Among the Alumni
we have no State's prison convicts. We have, however, a
few lawyers, editors, drummers and insurance agents. Advancing up the scale, we have a few doctors, some merchants,
several mechanics, a great many teachers, some farmers, a
few ministers, a number of wives and not a few mothers.
A very much alive Alumni Association is kept up, in
which the honor of the Presidency is exceeded only by its
expensiveness. An annual meeting is held in which the
Alumni orator invariably speaks to a "crowded" though
not a " full " house. Old acquaintances are renewed (to
some extent) and old corns are trodden upon (to a very great
extent). The class that has just completed the course think
of how the school has improved since these old classes were
graduated. The older graduates think, "How little these
youngsters know compared with those of us who were graduated in the good old days when solid work was done!"
The officers of the Alumni Association are at present as
follows:—President, Parmius C. Gilbert; Vice-President,
Stella Schneider; Secretary, Minnie Wait; Treasurer, Mrs.
George W. C. Navarre. All members of the Association
being so willing to do all that is asked of them in the way
of work, and pay all that is asked of them in the way of
Alumni dues and assessments, the work of the officers of
the Association is very simple and easy indeed.
Fortune has been kind to those who have finished the

work of the TRAVERSE CITY HIGH SCHOOL. The world has
a right to expect more from a graduate than from one who
has not had that advantage. It does expect more and is
not disappointed. Few indeed are there of our number who
do not occupy responsible, honorable positions in the world.
Here one in the gaze of the public is doing a man's work and
getting a man's reward. Risking all for the right, gaining
all by the right, another has thrown himself into the breach
where wrong seems on the point of conquering right. Hard
fighting brings many scars, but scars received in the cause
of right are nobler decorations than any rank or medal conferred by royalty. Here in quiet seclusion the mother in
the home is moulding the young life intrusted to her into
the image of God, to teal ain to all eternity—glorious. In
the little country schoolhouse the teacher is doing a work
compared with which the building of the pyramids is a sim
ple task—building character that will endure when the
pyramids are worn away by the drifting sands blown by the
desert wind. From the sacred desk another pleads for
higher character, purer thought, nobler aspirations, godlike life.
The death angel has not entirely passed over us. Some,
in the glow of young life and the flush of youthful hopes
and ambitions, have gone to the other country, where call
ever so loudly, they can never answer us till we too pass
the border land; till the gate so dark on this side, swings
open and permits us to pass through, where all is light and
life. Who can say that those who have gone on•before are
not the most highly favored of all ? What great work of
broader usefulness they may now be engaged in—ah! who
can tell
Then here's to the alumni. May we ever honor our old
school, and ourselves, our country and our God. And as
the years drift us.farther and farther apart, may we,each in
his own place, be doing work that is worth doing. The old
graduates—God bless 'em, every one.



T. C. H. S. Alphabet.
A—is for Atkin, who's not very small.
B—for Bouldin, so stately and tall.
C— is for Cobb, who is very well read.
D—for Downing, a favorite 'tis said.
Also for Dean, whom we've missed many weeks.
E—is the English every one speaks.
F—is for Foolishness known to us all.

G—is for Grawn, who hangs on the wall.
H—is for Horn, the chief man of learning.
I—the Instructors, most discerning.
J—is for Jickling, oft' seen in the hall.
K—the Kitten that frightened us all.
L—is for Latin, that puts us in pain.
M—McLaughlin, who muddles the brain.
N—is for Norton, who's quite hard to please.
0—the Outings for which we all tease.
P—is for Ponies, oft' rode by the boys.
Q—the Quiz, the least of our joys.
R—is for Ryder, with lectures galore.
S—for Swift, so speedy but slower.
T—is for Trials thro' which we have passed,
Also the Triumphs attained at last.
U—is the Unity we hold so dear.
V—The Vacation now drawing near.
W—is for Weeks, give heed to her call.
X—the Xam, so dreaded by all.
Y—is for Youth, that so soon will have flown.
Z—the Zeal we've not always shown.

Our Soldier Rous.

FEW years ago it was learned that there was a vacancy
in the Michigan National Guard. This inspired a
great many of the young men of the town, several of
whom were members of the High School, to organize a
local military company. They met with very little success
at first but a few months later a rousing meeting was held
at which time new officers were elected whose experience
and enthusiasm predicted a bright and prosperous future.
After some consideration the company was named the
Hannah Rifles, in honor of its benefactor, Hon. Perry
Little did any one think that these boys would ever see
service, and much less be called to foreign soil to fight for
the liberty of the oppressed. But when a call came, only
a week after the destruction of the Maine, the patriotism
of every American heart was stirred to its depths and soon
the Hannah Rifles mustered for active duty.
Preparations for departure were hurriedly completed
as Saturday evening came to a close, for on the following
Monday, May 12, they were to leave. "The Sabbath
dawned with a strange unrest and hurrying to and fro."
Mothers and sisters were busy over the last loving service
they could render for how long—no one knew. Never before did a patriotic song sound so nearly like mockery as
when the words, "Sweet land of liberty " were sung. After

a sleepless night the town arose at the sound of the long
continuous blast of whistles, to say good-bye to her soldier
The streets were soon crowded with throngs passing
hurriedly to the depot to join the hundreds already waiting.
There were brief and broken farewells—at length the moment of parting—then the train pulled slowly out and our
soldier boys were gone, leaving behind them thousands of
anxious hearts, true as the stars of heaven though clouded
by the sadness of the hour.
That which did most to bring the reality home to us as
students and classmates, was our return to the school room
where were the seats vacated by the boys who had enlisted.
With the memories which these thoughts brought to life,
tears came unbidden and words remained unspoken—the
language of the heart held full sway.
When Commencement night came all were saddened to
see the central chair draped with the Nation's colors in
honor of Amil Nerlinger, the president of the class.
The gallant Company M boys were hurried on from
place to place, at length reaching Newport News. There
they embarked on the auxiliary cruiser, Harvard, and
landed on Cuban soil the first day of July. From that time
the real hardships of war were experienced to the full.
Within a few hours after landing, preparations were completed and a march begun to the front along the muddy
Cuban trail, which tried the strength and endurance of the
strongest, yet only three Company M boys fell by the way
—one never to regain his regiment. At the break of day
the tired troops of the 34th got within sight of Santiago
just as the battle was renewed, and for the first time the
boys saw and heard a real battle. They were placed in reserve immediately. Soon Company M was selected to hold

one of the most dangerous posts before Santiago, and well
did they perform their trust.
At the news of the home-coming of the boys the dark
cloud that had hovered over all so long began to scatter.
Every possible means of welcome was carried out. At last
after the crowd had waited until four o'clock in the morning the train rolled in amid continuous shouts of welcome.
But what a sad sight. Young men of the High School who
went away erect in form and vigorous in health, came back
bent from hardships and their systems saturated with mala ri a.
Although not fully recovered from the Cuban fevers, all
returned to complete their High School work with the exception of Eugene Hargraves, John Scott and Will Roberts.
Many of the boys were unable to enter at the first of the
term. With the help and encouragement of teachers, together with their own persistent efforts, Don Morgan, Ro-.
land Boughton and Verlin Thomas were enabled to graduate with the class of '99. The two remaining soldier boys
of the High School, Robert Walter and Will Nash, graduate
with the present class of 1900, which is very proud of the
fact that two of its members are real soldiers and helped
in no small degree to bring liberty to the Cubans.

Sunior Class Officers.



V ice-President

Class llotto.
Ad Astra per Aspera: Through difficulties to the stars.

Class Colors.
Nile Green and Pink.

Class Flower.

Class Yell.
Who, who, who are we ?
1900, don't you see ?
Ki—ro, ki-re, Zip boom zin,
1900's sure to win.

The Class History.

the evening we had been studying and planning how
ALLto write
the history of the Naughty Naughts. Had they
any history? Ask them and we could learn nothing. What
were we to do? We had thought of this, we had thought of
that, we had contrived, studied and wondered, and at length
in despair had given up. We decided to tell this best and
worst class that they must look elsewhere for the historians.
Our minds were not broad or deep enough to look back
nor even to make them look back and tell us what to write.
The fire in the old fire-place had nearly died out while
we sat pondering it over. The bed of coals was bright yet,
here and there sending forth a spark. Suddenly a number
of these sparks seemed to take life, and there, before us, stood
a band of tiny men, sprites we might call them. They wore
long black robes with flowing sleeves and on their heads
were tiny mortar-board caps. One seemed to be the leader.
He held in his hand a wand and looked very wise and dignified as he stood before us. This little fellow seemed to•
be in deep thought and did not notice that we were present
until a sudden flash of the lamp attracted his attention
toward the table where we sat. He seemed startled at first
and stepped toward his band as if in defence, but after a
moment he turned and said—"Good evening; what are you
thinking about?" Neither of us answered. He stood a
moment gazing intently and appeared as if reading our very
thoughts. Suddenly lifting his wand he came a little nearer
and said, "Ah, I have it, you are endeavoring to trace the


history of the class of 1900 in the Traverse City Schools.
I, and my band, will lend you our aid providing you will
solemnly promise not to reveal to a living soul where you
obtained the information." We took the oath gladly. Following is the history as he told it:
"I shall take you back but twelve years, when the class
first began to seek the knowledge so essential to success in
life. It was the first day of school in the year 1888 when
twelve of the present class were assembled in the first
grade room. As it was necessary for the teacher to know
their names and ages, she called each one to the desk. First
came a bare-footed, chubby little boy from the back seat.
Upon being asked his name be replied, Edgar Keith, but
my mother calls me Eddie.' How old are you ?" Six years
old.' Now take your seat Edgar.' Next went forward one
dressed in blue, with striped stockings and very little white
hair. She gave her name as Mamie Despres, and while in the
first grade it was a common occurrence for her to sit on the
dunce's stool. As soon as Mamie was seated, without any
request, up sprang little Bertie Montague, who appeared
very anxious that the teacher should know his name. He
was quite a large boy, eight years of age, and very neatly
dressed. Seated across the aisle from him were two boys
who belong to the race that is noted for its money making,
Joe and Hiram Russky. Hiram started to go to the front,
but being timid he turned and taking Joe by the sleeve they
moved forward very slowly and bashfully.
" The teacher was now interrupted by a knock at the
door. On opening it, she espied a boy holding a little girl
by the hand. He said she was his sister Florence Thompson
and that she was old enough to come to school. Florence
was given a seat but soon began to cry, so a brave little boy,
Freddie Smith by name, offered to take her home. Fred
was always a good boy and the teacher knew by his face
that she could trust him. He is still trusted as is proven
by the little heart that he wears on his watch chain. The

Naughty Naughts expressed a like faith in him when they
made him business manager of the Traversensian.
"As the door shut behind him a sob was heard from
Edna Holdsworth. On being asked what was the matter,
she said `Joe Ehrenberger is pulling my hair.' That night
the teacher made Joe stay after school. Having given him
a box of slate pencils to sharpen, she fastened the door and
told him the janitor would let him out when his task was
completed. Joe sharpened three pencils then opened the
window, climbed through and ran home.
"There are now left five other children, Edna Murrell,
Frankie Novotny, Eva Thacker, Flora Caldwell and Edith
Hastings. From this time on Edna Murrell was punished
repeatedly for her persistent whispering. But time makes
great changes, and now she is the artist and prophet of the
class. Frank's characteristic fault was tardiness, but he
has long since outgrown this childish failing. Eva Thacker
was a fat little girl, and on account of this, during the heat
of the summer, it was deemed necessary for her to have her
hair clipped. Flora was a freckled faced little child, whose
controlling passion was a love for mischief. This she has
never outgrown. Edith always liked the boys. It was then
no trouble—nor is it yet—for her to secure some easy means
of getting to and from school.
" The latter part of the week added the last child who
has attended the Traverse City Schools twelve consecutive
years. A tall lady brought her. She had long golden hair,
blue eyes and red cheeks. Do you know her? Her name is
Nellie Grant.
" The second year passed off very smoothly, with the
exception that a number were compelled to be absent on
account of having the measles.
"On the Monday morning which opened the spring term
of the third year, Frank Walton was added to the class. He
wore leather boots, pants neither long nor short, and his
hair was uncombed. But under this unpromising exterior

there was a fine intellect, and Frank soon showed marked
ability in number work and has developed into an excellent
" The sixteenth member of the class was George Chase,
a slim, slow moving lad, who was very irregular in his attendance at school, and it is said often remained a way without good reason. As in childhood, he now thinks slowly,
talks slowly, walks slowly, and upon good authority it is
stated that when he calls upon a young lady friend he is
very slow about leaving her.
" The next year Will Snushall and Frances Caffrey
joined your band. Will was good in athletics and this won
for him many boy friends, and the fact that his picture may
now be seen among the football eleven shows that he has
fulfilled the promise of his youth. Frances, when very
young, thought she could reach heaven and so one day
started. She claims to dislike the opposite sex, and also
says that she is the youngest in the class, but we sprites
know some things.
" In the sixth grade, Winifred Fuller, a very sweet little
girl came among you. She has always been a favorite with
the teachers because of her good scholarship. This accounts
for her being salutatorian, she having been excelled by one
only, Florence Thompson, the valedictorian. Winifred's
love is in the junior class. A boy? No, not this time; but
a girl and the two are inseparable.
"About Christmas time Lucile Theobald first put in her
appearance. She was then a quiet, dignified girl, which
may account for her intense love for study. Lucile enjoys
household duties, is a very good cook, sews neatly and
doesn't object to washing dishes, a fact which the boys
should heed.
"The members of the class had now reached the age
when they should have put away childish thoughts and
actions, and attained unto the stature of men and women,
but it was not to be so. An explanation of this is found in

the fact that one was now to join you whose principle of
life was Be a child as long as you can.' James Hilliard
Wilson Hubbell, called Hillie for short, joined the class the
year before entering the High School. At present he is
very much interested in a certain golden-haired, rosy-cheeked
girl, whom the sprites all love.
"At this time Fred Dago, a timid lad wearing a homespun suit, also came among you. That he was then so bashful that words seemed to choke him will be a surprise to
those who heard him represent Gobbo ' when the English
Literature class studied The Merchant of Venice.'
" When the class entered the High School it was joined
by four others, Calista Dunbar, Will H. Nash, Robert Walter, and David Jickling. Calista Dunbar, whom the boys
thought as pretty as a doll, can boast that she has never
been reproved by a High School teacher. Will H. Nash will
always be distinguished by his characteristic Roman nose
and jolly disposition. Of all his subjects he enjoys history
most, and while serving in the army was called Historical
Nash.' Robert Walter, your president. who was also a
soldier boy, is highly esteemed, especially by one whose
name you know. She has dark brown hair and eyes and
many, many messages have I carried to her in the years
gone by. No class can boast of as fine a cook among its
male members as can the Naughty Naughts. David Jickling
has won this enviable reputation, and has proven his skill
by the cakes, pies and oyster stews which you have enjoyed
at your social gatherings. The same indomitable energy
and perseverance which characterized him while learning
to cook he has carried into his school work, with very satisfactory results.
" The second High School year, Maud Robertson, a
quiet, modest girl, was classified with you. She has always
studied diligently and as a result her record is one of the
best. At the time when the Naughty Naughts ran away
from school Maud objected at first, and said she would not


go unless all were excused, but when the day came she repented and went.
" At the opening of the Junior year, Moses Gilbert and
Marion Pratt entered the class. Moses received his name
from Moses in the bull-rushes, and who dare say there is no
connection between this and the fact that he will never pass
or read even a business note during school hours. We sprites
know that he is bashful, but even this may be a blessing in
disguise. That it has proven such to him is shown by his
fine scholarship. Marion Pratt is a tall, dignified and decidedly independent young woman, yet one whose winsomeness has won her many friends. She, as editor-in-chief of
the Traversensian has spared no time or labor in making
it a success.
"In the last semester of the Senior year, there was
added to your number yet one more, Alma Oviatt. The class
has not yet become acquainted with her, but we know her
as a kind-hearted girl and an excellent student.
" I have now completed the history of the thirty-one
members composing the Naughty Naughts. As a class, it
has been troublesome, but if it be true that mischievous
children win the heart most readily your place is assured.
In one thing your class stands unrivalled by the records of
previous years,—you count among your number more boys
than girls, the proportion being sixteen to fifteen.
" With a wish that I and my band may be of service to
you in the future, I bid you adieu." And before we were
able to thank them they disappeared from whence they

Class Oration.

Nahum wrote of chariots resembling torches, which
would rim through the highways like lightning and with
terrible collisions, he may have prophesied the locomotive;
but earlier still, by nearly a thousand years, Job inquires
if the lightnings cannot be sent to convey intelligence.
Three millenials pass away, and Morse proves that they can.
The prophecy of the bible is not only fulfilled but has
been so enlarged and added to, that besides the transmission of intelligence from shore to shore and from continent
to continent, at a rate which encircles the globe seven times
per second, great enterprises depending upon these lightnings now furnish the means of support to over 1,000,000
people. From the time of Adam they have waited for man
and invited his inspection, but not before Thales had discovered the peculiar property which amber possessed, when
rubbed with silk, was the subject presented to the world in
a form to be developed into the science of all sciences. Like
many other discoverers, he little knew what he had found
nor dreamed what the outcome of his wonderful discovery
would be, and man in his ignorance allowed the dark mantle of mystery to enshroud it for nearly 2,000 years more,
when another and greater thinker appears in the person of
William Gilbert. He solved some of its mysteries and rendered it a science worthy of the study and deepest investigation by all the philosophers of his time, and the time to
come. Owing to its origin, he named it from a Greek word

meaning amber, and henceforth we know it as electricity—
the terror and yet the most obedient slave of man. Such
is the birth of electrical science in the knowledge of the
Another 300 years is employed to prepare it for the
future. During this time such men as Davy, Faraday, Galvani, Volta, Ohm, Ampere, DuFay, Oersted, Coulomb, and
Franklin, have discovered certain laws and investigated its
properties with the result that galvanic electricity, magneto
electricity, electro magnetism, thermo electricity, and induced electricity, are produced and form the foundation of
our present advancement. To the tireless research of these
men we are indebted for what we now know. Through their
efforts we are privileged to enjoy the advantages of electricity.
In forcing its way to the front, electricity has had to
contend with opposition hard to overcome, in the form of
public opinion, caused by the deep mystery, in some cases
almost amounting to superstition, with which it was first
introduced into the world, together with the knowledge that
they had next to no knowledge concerning its nature, but
once overcome, this opposition has only served to make its
position firmer and now to many people anything electrical
is a possibility.
The year 1876 is known to us as a time when the nations
of the world sent to Philadelphia specimens of their handiwork to be exhibited as the best representative of their advancement along the lines of art and culture. Of the vast
multitudes that thronged to that place, a very small part
perhaps noticed a department where various electrical novelties were exhibited. Less than twenty years later another
and a greater exhibition is held at Chicago, and this
time the nations assemble to witness the development which
these two decades had produced. Wonderful is the change.
One sees erected to the science of electricity a structure
magnificent in architecture by day, fairly ablaze with 138,-

000 electric lights at night, and.ever rumbling with the whirr
of electrical machinery, whose horse-power passes into the
thousands. This is the advancement that marks the dawn
of the electrical age. The world has passed through the
ages of stone, bronze and iron, and now stands on the
threshold of a new one which may surpass our highest expectations, and when our houses may be lighted with electricity without wires.
Our forefathers lived and prospered without electricity,
but their living is not our living and their prosperity is not
our prosperity. We live in a different age. The world has
changed. It has advanced and will not be content without
further advancement. The slow going methods of olden
times no longer supply the requirements of modern industries. It once took weeks and months to send messages
any great distance, but the telegraph made it possible to
send them in an instant, later to send seventy-two messages at once over the same wire, and finally telegraphy
was carried on without wires. Our ancestors used torches,
lamps and candles to supply light, but now the arc and incandescent lights take up the sun's work, and there are
10,000 electric lighting plants in our country to supply the
current. If the dynamo and motor were the only products
that electricity had given us we would be greatly indebted
to it, for in these is realized the aim of the engineers to
transfer and transform energy with little loss together with
great power and small space to be occupied. The dynamo
runs the motor and the motor runs anything from the dentist's little drill to the heaviest factory machinery. There
are automobiles propelled by steam and automobiles propelled by gas, but they are all slow compared with the
electrical variety, as was well 'demonstrated in the New
York races. Unfortunately the medicinal powers of electricity have been exaggerated, but slowly some of these exaggerations are becoming truths, and so successful that Mr.
Crotte in New York, in dealing with consumption by elec-

tricity has cured all the cases in the first stage that he has
tried, seventy five per cent. of those in the second stage,
and thirty per cent. of those in the third stage or hopeless
cases. Not long ago the whole world was interested in
another discovery which, besides being useful to science in
general, was particularly so to surgery. Thales or Gilbert
could not have dreamed of taking photographs of the interior organs of the body, but Roentgen made it possible and
opened up a new field of investigation. To enumerate all
the uses of electricity would require a long time, even if we
left out heating, cooking, baking, frying, boiling, roasting,
ironing, electrolysis, electroplating, electrotyping, mining,
fusing everything, and welding iron, copper, nickel, steel,
annealing armor plate, production of carborundum (nearly
as hard as diamond), fire alarms, burglar, clock, water, heat
and all kinds of alarms, railway, marine, army and navy
signaling, regulators, torpedoes and search lights. These
we could leave out, but we would not leave out the telephone, the pride of electricity, for in it we see one of the
seven wonders of the world and the beauty of science.
Such wonders as these have become common to the public, and it takes them as-matters of fact. But the scientist
demands an explanation and with this in view has for some
time applied himself to the deepest investigation. First,
it was believed that electricity was composed of two fluids,
having positive and negative properties, but such serious
objection arose to this theory and so complex did it become
that for some time it was considered a mystery too deep to
fathom. While in this state of perplexity, the molecular
theory, the result of experiment after experiment and the
theory upon which light, heat and gravity also depend is
developed and leads the scientist to believe that all space
is permeated with an ideally elastic and incompressible fluid
called ether, so thin that it penetrates and circulates through
the finest steel, glass or diamond. Also that all matter is composed of minute particles called molecules, so small that
were a drop of water to be magnified to the size of the earth

its molecules would be about as large as the ordinary shot.
Impossible as this may seem, let us remember that the microscope, though far from powerful enough to reveal these
molecules, does disclose in the densest or smoothest object
pores large enough for the movement of millions of molecules,
and so by magnifying farther and still farther we would
finally find that there are no pores but that all matter is
made up of these minute particles and that they are constantly moving at a rate of from a few inches to 5,000 feet
per second. Upon these two facts the theory is based that
electricity is due to undulations or waves in the ether and
the vibrating molecules in the grosser matter, each having
a direct relation to each other, that is, the vibrations cause
the undulations and these in turn cause the vibration. So
closely are the theories of light and electricity connected
that light is now known to be only a different form of the
electrical phenomenon.
If waves are produced in this ether which vibrate at
about 1,650,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second chemical
effects are produced. If the rate is from 395 to 831 trillion
vibrations per second light is noticed. Heat appears at 129
trillion and electricity at 100 million vibrations per second.
Such results as these are the products of master minds
of science, who for the last forty years have been studying
these phenomena, and as yet much of the exact nature is
unknown, but the start has been made in the right direction
and it is possible that the next forty years will produce a
complete solution, for as science advances and men advance
in science and their knowledge broadens, once complicated
matters reveal themselves in beautiful simplicity that indicates the planning of a Master Mind, infinitely greater than
ours. We see but dimly into nature's methods and understand less, but as our investigations into the mysteries of
heaven and earth progress, God reveals to us their solution
as our minds become prepared to receive it.
We have seen why we may call this the dawn of the
electrical age. Fads come and go, but when electricity came

it came to stay. It is not the result of a single century's
preparation, but has required for its present development
over two thousand six hundred years. We may imagine
the future and guess what it will produce, but here we must
stop, and with the belief that nothing has a brighter future
than electricity, while doing our best to make it so, give to
future generations the result of our labors to fulfill the
prophecy that we are now living in the beginning of a great
and glorious age when electricity will take the place of
stone, bronze or iron.

Commencement Program.
I "caz ie

I. Music—Gloria,



3. Music—The Vesper Bells,

- Eichberg





CLASS ORATION—Electricity,


6. Music—Happy Miller,





8. Music—Violin Solo.




Music—The Revel of the Leaves,





President Board of Education.
12. Music—Class Song, -



CI(Ns Prophecy.

I N ONE of the most familiar books of the land it is written that, " In those days there shall be prophets and
false prophets." And behold those days are at hand, for
by uncontrollable events, even I, the weakest of the class,
have been appointed to foretell the destiny of my mates,
and the wonders that shall surely come to pass. So hear,
O hear Ye, class of 1900, the joys and sorrows, the successes and failures of your future, as here set forth. For
it shall come to pass in the days following the graduation
of the class, that the members thereof shall be scattered, as
seeds caught by the four winds of the earth and blown
thither and yon. And in the many changes of time and
periods, you are each to have a part.
For behold, I see before me many islands, grouped together in the Pacific Ocean near the main coast of Asia.
And on one of these islands there is a city, and flags float
throughout like unto the flag of America. At the outskirts
of the town, are many tents, set in rows and at intervals
are guns stacked up together. In one tent from which a
flag floats, and upon which a sign bears the words " General's Tent," I see two men. They are seated at a table
with maps and papers spread before them. And one is arrayed in uniform while the other wears citizen's dress. And
the one in uniform is Moses Gilbert, and the other is William Nash. And Moses speaks thus, "One in the position
of Governor General has great responsibilities and must
deal with them carefully." " Yes, "says Will, " and regard-

ing those plans, I cannot decide now. I will think it over.
Come to me to-morrow at three."
In another part of the city, there is a church. The
cross upon it shows that it is Catholic. Near by is a large
building which is evidently a mission school, for many
children play round about. A figure of the priest in a long
black coat and three-cornered cap, comes out for a morning
walk, and I recognize him by his slow moving steps. It is
none other than Geo. Chase. The bell now rings, and the
children hasten indoors. Now I see them inside with hands
folded, waiting for the teacher to open the exercises. And
now as I look, Lucile Theobald says, " Let us begin the day
by singing 'America'."
The Philippine scene is gone now, and lo. I see in its
place, the coast of Alaska. It is Cape Nome, and the tide
is out. Down at the edge of the water, as far as the eye
can reach, are many people all along the shore. They are
not far apart,' and each has a pan. They are mining.
Among the number I see the familiar figures of Mamie Despres, Calista Dunbar and Joe Ehrenburger. The tide begins to rise, and they to retreat. Each carries back a little
sack of gold dust secured from the ocean during the
day. And there is a happy look on their faces, as if
they were satisfied with the reward of their hard day's
A change comes over the nature of the scene. A city
at the head of a bay comes to my vision. As it grows
clearer, I recognize it, for I have seen it before. There are
many familiar objects. A large red court-house; a statue
of a soldier on guard near by, and a massive structure,
which looks like the old Central, grown to an immense size.
And there are many new things, strange new streets, new
buildings, new parks. And running on the principal streets
of the city, electric street cars. I see them plainly. They
stop at a corner where several people get on, now they
start once more. I see the inside. Fred Dago comes down

the aisle in the dress of a conductor, and says, " Fare,
please." The car stops at the public square, and many
people alight and make their way to an open place and
wait. Now I hear in the distance the noise of a drum and
the footfalls of marching pilgrims. Then the sound of
singing strikes my ear and I distinguish these words, " Are
your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you
washed in the blood of the Lamb?" By this time they are
near and the banner which they carry declares them to be
the Salvation Army. They hold a meeting here in the
square, and then Captain Francis Caffrey, says, " Lieutenant Caldwell will now pass among you and take
up the evening offering."
Darkness falls on the city, and when it is again light,
I find other things which I did not notice before. A great
manufacturing establishment attracts my attention. Upon
the outer walls this sign is painted: " Improved Roentgen
Ray Machine Works." As the building comes nearer, I see
a window whereon I read, Fred Smith, President; Joe Russky, Director; Hiram Russky, Secretary. I now see the
inside. Fred is explaining the invention to a visitor. He
says: " Yes, they are widely used, Supt. Novotny has one
in his office by which he measures the mental development
of students. It is a great success. It takes the place of
examinations entirely."
As I glance about the city, I am attracted by bill-boards
of brightly-colored pictures. There are ladies on horseback,
jumping high fences, Japanese boys upon high ladders, and
great cages of wild animals. At the top of these pictures
are the words:
" Wilson Hubbell's
Great Railroad Shows."
Night comes and when daylight next appears, all the
city dwells in quietness. In one of the most beautiful parts of
the city is an immense tabernacle, the roof of which is in

the form of a dome, and shines like silver. 'Tis the day of
worship and hundreds of people enter, and become silent,
waiting for the hour of service. The organist appears followed by the choir. Then the minister takes his place and
announces the first hymn. While the huge waves of music
float out from the pipe organ, I look at the minister and see
in him our old friend Edgar Keith. My eyes next seek the
choir, where the sweet soprano voice of Nellie Grant has
attracted my attention. She stands, as of old, with a faraway look in her eyes, and her voice made sympathetic
through sorrows, has wonderful power
The church is gone and lo, a new scene is brought near,
and I see a great city. 'Tis the capital of the AngloSaxon Alliance. In the midst of it are the large govern.
ment buildings. In the chief office of one of these, are
seen, eagerly talking together, David Jickling and Wm.
Snushall. And David is the greater of the two. He is the
chief ruler of the Alliance. He is the Mikado. And under
him, William has charge of the American division, and he
is called the Tycoon. Another building nearby contains the
greatest library in the world. It has in it hundreds of
thousands of books. In a large armchair sits a figure reading a newspaper. And 'tis the form of a lady. She has
black hair. She seems familiar, yet I am not sure, she looks
at the paper so closely I cannot see her face. The paper
which interests her so much is entitled The World's Christian
Chronicle, edited by Robert Walter. Now she seems to have
finished reading. She looks up and I recognize the
features of Alma Oviatt. She goes to a table and begins
to write. Now I look about the room. On one side I find a
case filled with books in a peculiar tan and brown binding.
These are the titles of some: "Theory of the Lost Art of
Preserving the Attention of Children," " Science of Sentiment in Condensed Form," " Fountain of Perpetual Youth
discovered in use of Liquid Air." And all these books have
the words, " Oviatt Series," on their covers. In another

case, I see among the poet's works, a shelf of books bound
in blue and grey. Some are dramas, some lyrics, some
epics, and Eva Thacker is their author.
Gradually this scene fades from my vision, and I see
before me "Tacoma the Beautiful." Great grounds are
here laid out, whereon many buildings are builded, and over
the entrance to the grounds this sign is fixed, "World Fair,
1925." Within are crowds of people looking at their foreign brothers and at their displays. The buildings also are
crowded, and much is to be seen. One great building is
for exhibits of women, and many dainty articles are found
therein. Among the exhibits is a collection of fine needlework. This is greatly admired, not only by ladies, but by
gentlemen, and none of it would they have seen had it not
been for our old friend, Edith Hastings. This building is
in charge of another of our schoolmates, Marion Pratt, who
is assisted in her duties by Maud Robertson.
In the Art Gallery, among the most beautiful of the
famous pictures, fsee an animal piece in which horses and
dogs are conspicuous. The fame of this is greater than the
fame of all others! And the artist's name, Florence
Thompson, is passed from one to another of the spectators.
The Sculpture Gallery next attracts me. I see in it
many fine statues. The most striking piece here and the
one which attracts the most attention was made by Winifred Fuller. And great is her fame therefrom.
In another building are collected together the great inventions of the world. And here I do see much machinery.
One little machine is of great value to medical science, as
it is designed to give warning, when disease germs become
too numerous. It has made the fame and fortune of Edna
Holdsworth permanent.
There is also a large invention on exhibition. It is a
means of conveyance, which is to be used between the earth
and the other planets. It has already made several suc-

cessful trips to the moon and is called, " Montague's Un limited Transit Propeller."
This scene vanishes and yet in another part of the
grounds I behold the inside of an immense building. And
many people are therein, and a great hush rests over them.
And now a mighty voice speaks, and the people listen
intently. And the speaker tells the people of their vices
and crimes and proclaims to them the ruin of their children, the destruction of their cities, and the downfall of this
great nation, if they continue as they now live. He 'does
say there is one thing more than all others which is the
cause, and which if removed, would benefit not only this
country but the whole world. He speaks with a powerful
voice, and the people are sore afraid and do tremble, and
fear to breathe. " What is the cause of all this misery?"
says the speaker. " Liquor and nothing but liquor. Fathers, if you would save your boys, help the city, and prevent
the destruction of your country, put down the liquor." I
stared spellbound. I can scarcely believe that great strong
voice proceeds from that slim little man in whom I have for
some time recognized the features of Frank Walton.
And now, verily, verily, 0 ye class of 1900, know ye
that these many changes that have been portrayed to my
vision are to be your future experiences. And I do hereby
prophecy, that you shall each attend to your separate callings, singly and without a helpmate. And although the
walls of the Central Schbol Building may crumble and
decay, and the waters of Grand Traverse Bay be dried up,
your futures are herewith foreseen or I am a false prophet.

Class Song.

Motto: Ad Astra per Aspera.
E HAIL the day that marks for us another vict'ry won:
The sweet reward of years of toil. of tasks and lessons done:
But while we feel the thrill of joy, regrets will mingle still,
And hearts with deep emotion swell, and eyes with tears o'erfill.
For we must sever tender ties, must part with friends grown dear,
And leave the scenes we've learned to love with every passing year.


No more for us the clanging bell may sound its summons loud:
No more o'er desk and problem deep our aching heads be bowed:
But life holds problems deeper still than any we have met,
And lessons harder far to learn than we have mastered yet.
The way is long and steep and rough that leads up to the stars—
But who would be a conqueror and wear no battle scars ?
Let courage then our hearts inspire—chase tears and gloom away.
Let youth and hope and joy have sway on this our festal day.
We'll pledge once more a brimming health to friends and teachers dear,
And to our Alma Mater give one loud and rousing cheer.
Yet let us sing one parting song to happy days gone by,
Then turn to meet life's duties stern with purpose true and high.

Farewell to happy school days on dear old Traverse shore,
In memory aye we'll treasure them and con their pleasures o'er.






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Class Wi I I.

E, THE SENIOR CLASS of the High School of the
city of Traverse City, county of Grand Traverse and
State of Michigan, mindful of the uncertainties of class
life, do make, publish and declare, this, our last will and
testament, in manner following, That is to say,—
After the payment of our just debts and funeral
charges, we give, devise and bequeath all of our property,
both real and personal, as follows:
First. We give, devise and bequeath to our beloved sister, the Junior Class, our name and the honor and dignity
which come of its possession.
Second. To said sister do we also bequeath, unreservedly, the right to publish an " Annual," thus honoring the
school, and preserving her name and record for ages to
Third. To Junior, and Junior only, we give the cherished right of absenting herself from school, a half day
next winter, for the purpose of taking a ride to the Bingham schoolhouse, or to any other schoolhouse she may wish
to visit.
Fourth. Mindful of past narrow escapes from untimely
death in the mad rush for seats on the first day of school,
we bequeath to our youngest sister, 1903, a number of life
preservers, now in charge of Mr. Curtis.
Fifth. We, furthermore, bequeath to the dignified Seniors, to be, the back row of seats in the assembly room, on
condition that they be never known to whisper, pass notes,
or eat pie in school.


Sixth. Believing that our other sister wishes to carry
on the good work we have commenced, we give to 1902, a
roll of crepe paper and some brass-headed tacks to be used
in adorning the mantel in the assembly room. 1902 may
also replace the old, faded green ribbon on mantel drape,
with a new one.
Seventh. The future chemistry class is entitled to all
test-tube racks and broken test-tubes found in the vicinity
of the laboratory. Said class is also authorized to cause
explosions whenever it wishes to.
Eighth. F
wills to Mr. Cobb, the right
to choose some one, each year, who will, without hesitation,
fill the sodium bottle with water.
Ninth. F
regretting that she must so
'soon leave laboratory-chemical and enter laboratory kitchenical, bequeaths to L
, her laboratory desk
with the black marks on the ceiling above it.
Tenth. H
, about to become a magician,
bequeaths to C
, the privilege of sitting on
the front seat during an entertainment at which Karl Germain will appear, and assisting the magician in deceiving
the public by concealing a rabbit inside his coat during the
performance—this being the first lesson necessary in studying the magician's art.
Eleventh. R
reluctantly wills to the
president of the future Senior Class, the right to open any
dinner boxes which may be found in rooms where class
meetings are held—especially boxes found in room 4—and
to feed fried-cakes found in such boxes to the class while in
Twelfth. M
and J
, beginning to feel the advance of age,
now that they are about to leave school, will to the High
School students, fond of playing in school, their share in
the ownership of the Senior portion of the school play-

ground;—said portion is namely:—S. E. and S. E. * of N.
E. Sec. 6, Central School grounds.
Thirteenth. The base ball and foot-ball boys of our
class,relinquish all claim to the highly-prized laurel wreaths
won in games last year, said wreaths to be found in a
burglar fire and moth-proof box which is locked in a
draw of the case near Room 3.
Fourteenth. To the Honorable, the President, and
members of the School Board, of the City of Traverse City,
we gladly bequeath the right to close the city schools on
the 22d of February, in this way implanting in youthful
hearts a patriotic spirit.
Fifteenth. To the benevolent and far-seeing person or
persons, who first conceived the brilliant idea of making a
park of the Central School grounds, we bequeath our reserved seats on the woodpile for viewing said park, also the
ladders used in climbing to said seats.
Sixteenth. To certain members of the noble and generous Alumni we will a copy of YElsop's Fables,—on condition that they read the fable entitled " The Fox and the
Finally. We commend to the care of the Faculty, the
Juniors, hoping that said Juniors will follow the example
of their departing sister and live in peace with the Faculty,
the School Board, the Alumni and mankind in general.
In witness whereof we set our hand and seal, this, the
first day of April, A. D., 1900.
CLASS OF 1900.
Signed, published and declared by the said class of
1900 to be her last will and testament, in the presence of
us who have signed our names at her request, as witnesses
in her presence and in the presence of each other.
Witnesses, - JOHN

Class Poem.
Ad Astra per Aspera.

clearly in the distance,
List! It is the bugler's call,
Sounding at the dawn of morning,
Urging forward one and all.
Onward! Onward! is the signal,
Now press forth with all thy might;
Do not tarry vainly waiting;
None but thee canst win the fight.
God has given us a mission,
Each a work that we must do;
Strive to do it, do not falter,
Ever faithful, ever true.
Think not life is always sunshine;
Clouds may often hide the sun,
And the night tide come upon us
Long before the journey's run.
But if thou choos't so to make it,
Life with sunshine overflows.
Note the beauty all around you
Count the joys and not the woes.
Grow not weary and estranged,
When grave foes and fears invade;
Let thy courage never waver,
Not disheartened, nor dismayed.

Then let not thy heart be troubled,
Tho' thy post be in the rear
Of the van, all can't be leaders,
See'st thou not thy duty clear?
Faint not neath thy heavy burden;
Bear up and fresh courage take,
Tho' thy comrades round grow weary,
Thou needst not thy way forsake.
May the Naughty Naughts be faithful
'Til their work on earth is done;
' Til at last the conflict's ended,
And the final victory's won.


(BARENTS, schoolmates, friends, we bid you welcome.
There are few words more beautiful, few more cherished, yet we greet you to-night with a full realization of
its deepest, truest meaning. We are glad you are here, glad
because we know you are interested in us and we give you
most cordial welcome.
We have sought earnestly for fitting words with which
to greet you, yet found none so fraught with meaning as the
one word, welcome. What then is its message? What the
hidden depth of our greeting? We sought diligently, and
at length there appeared encircling it the beautiful words,
welcome every one. Still not satisfied, we looked within
and there found its character meaning. We bring you earnest welcome, loyal, loving welcome, a cheery welcome would

we bring. Again our welcome is outlasting as the stars,
and yet it is a modest welcome. We give you earnest welcome. We stand to-night on the threshold. Behind lie our
school days, the period when the course of our lives ran
smoothly; when thoughtful, loving care was given to our
development, when all the rough places were made smooth.
But now the world of active life opens before us, and each
must put forth earnest effort if he would win. Our school
days have, in some measure, not only prepared us to live,
but they have shown us what life really is. Their training
has made us feel that life is real. And so while we stand
for a moment on the threshold, looking back with reluctant
gaze and then forward with clear, hopeful glance, we pause
to give you earnest welcome.
And, again, with hearts overflowing with gratitude
toward you who have done so much for us we give you loyal,
loving welcome. You have been our helpers and have given
us encouragement. When, perhaps, we would have fallen
you have inspired us with new energy and cheered us on.
Our ideals are high, because you have inspired them, and
have shown us only the good and noble in life. You have
seen that notwithstanding our many imperfections, there
was that within us which, when fully developed, would
make a strong, noble character. It is said that when Sostratus, the sculptor, had completed the famous watch-tower
of Pharse, in Egypt, that he carved his name on the wall
of it. This he covered with cement and to please the king
he engraved the monarch's name on the cement. The storm
dashed and beat against it, the cement crumbled and the
king's name faded; but the name of Sostratus, the sculptor,
shone out clear and bright, for it was carved in the imperishable rock. Thus have we allowed little faults and weaknesses to hide the impress of the Divine. But you have
been the agents who have labored with true courage and
patience to remove all blemishes in order that the imprint
of the Divine Architect might shine forth clear and bright.

We can never repay you. yet we trust that the loyal, loving
welcome that we bring may express in some measure the
depth of our gratitude.
Then, too, we bring a welcome of good cheer. We would
feel alniost despondent at the thought of separating from
all the old associations, of leaving behind our school days,
if it were not that the future invites us to broader, higher
duties. We dismiss the joyous past, but look forward
hopefully. We have worked with sincerity and tried to
accomplish all the tasks assigned us, that we might be the
better fitted for the great work of the future. We are not
fully equipped for life's work, yet the years spent in the
school room have developed our abilities and shown us that
the strength which lies hidden within will come forth when
necessity requires. The demand for workers is great and
we stand ready to answer it. With so much beckoning to
us, we cannot but make our greeting a cheery one.
We would not give you a formal greeting but our welcome is outlasting as the stars. We no longer think of you
as men and women apart from our lives, with duties and
pursuits in which we cannot join. The time has come when
We are one with you, when all our sympathies and aims become one with yours. Our welcome to-night brings to a
close the period of preparation and opens the door to the
broad, active life of the future. We have been fitting ourselves for this, and now we must enter. To-morrow we
shall become a part of the great, busy world, in which you
live. And so our welcome reaches out into the future, and
yet it is a modest welcome. The knowledge that the whole
world has opened before us does not make us feel elated
and over-confident. When we see the heights to which some
have climbed, and the great deeds that have been accomplished, we are humbled and made to realize how much still
lies in the future. We feel in some measure equipped for
life, and yet when we try to imagine all that might be attained, all the great possibilities for us to make realities,

our preparation seems but to have awakened us to a conception of how great the world is and how small our present
attainments. Our fund of knowledge seems great now, but
when we think of all the learning and wisdom of the ages,
we realize that we have made only a beginning, have laid
only the foundation of a broad education. The thought that
the whole world lies before us and that our opportunities
are boundless gives to our salutation a greater depth of
meaning and makes the welcome that the class of 1900 extend to you a true one.


OOD-BY carries with it the idea of sadness; but to-night
I desire to give you a newer, a more joyous interpretation. What then does the word good-by mean? Webster
defines it as the act of taking leave. Instead of its meaning the leaving of all that is good and beautiful and dear to
our hearts, let it mean the opening of a door through which
one may pass leaving behind all that is mean and ignoble,
and reaching forward to a grander, nobler life. Can it be
Nations and individuals have made it a threshold to
better things. One need not look far to find instances of this.
When the English people, through the Commons, denied
the divine right of kings, and rose in revolution, they made
good-by to tyranny the threshold to justice and freedom.
The American colonies said " Taxation without representation is Tyranny." Then rising against their mother-land,
and declaring that all men are created equal, they threw
off the yoke of oppression. Look at our late Civil War.


By a great river of blood, our land was cleansed from the
dark blot of slavery. During the first part of the sixteenth
century, Leo X, Pope of Rome, found himself in need of
money to carry on his various undertakings. Accordingly
he made a grant of indulgences. About this time Martin
Luther became convinced that the entire system of ecclesiastical penances and indulgences was wrong. So when
the indulgences were brought into Germany, Luther drew
up ninety-five theses, or articles, in which he stated his
views respecting them. These theses were at first nailed
to the church door at Wittenburg, then scattered by the
press throughout all Europe. As he grew bolder, he
attacked other teachings of the Roman Catholic church.
The entire continent was aroused. The Pope issued a bull
against Luther, declaring him a heretic, if he did not
recant within sixty days. In reply Luther publicly burned
the papal bull. By this act he said good-by to the power
of Papacy and welcome to the freedom of worship.
To-night we stand on the threshold. Behind lie both
failure and success. In what have we failed ? In many
things besides recitations and examinations. We have all
failed in developing perfect character. Bad habits have
been formed; the cultivation of good habits neglected.
Yet this should not discourage us, because we have succeeded in many things. With the help of teachers and
friends, we have strengthened our character and grown into
a broader more useful life. But saying good-by to all our
failures, can we not, with the strength we have gained, like
the chambered nautilus, form for ourselves upon our former
life a character which is far beyond anything we have yet
attained. How beautiful an illustration of this has been
given us by our own poet, Holmes, in " The Chambered
Nautilus" :

Year after year beheld the silent toil
That spread his lustrous coil;
Still, as the spiral grew,
It left the past year's dwelling for the new;
Stole with soft step its shining archway through,
Built up its idle door.
Stretched in his last found home, and knew the old no more.
Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,
Child of the wandering sea,
Cast from her lap forlorn !
From thy dead lips a clearer note is horn
Than ever Triton blue from wreathed horn !
While on my ear it rings,
Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:—
Build thee more stately mansions, 0 my soul,
As the swift seasons roll'.
Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
'Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea !

May we not take this to ourselves? The character of
each is yet lacking in some thing. It may be in honesty or
in courage, in self-control or in loyalty to duty. A character, to be complete, should possess all these. Such an one
is worth more than rubies or diamonds. It is priceless to
its possessor. Even if one lacks natural genius or a fine intellect, or if he is slow of speech and hesitating in the
choice of words, yet if he has a strong character, he will
succeed in the end. The power of his influence will be
great wherever he goes.
One essential element in such a character is honesty,
not only in word but also in deed Little reliance can be
placed upon a person who is not honest. In the business
world this is especially noticeable. Although he who carries on his work in this way, may find it difficult to get a
start, yet if he has the necessary pluck, he will gain slowly
but surely until he stands in the first rank. He who is dis-

honest often gains wealth very quickly, but just as often
he loses it as quickly. Even if he is able to keep it, yet he
never enjoys it with that peace of mind with which an honest man does his rightly earned possessions. "Honesty is
the best policy," is an old but truthful maxim. It has been
tried by many and has always proven true. The most renowned men in the history of the United States have often
been quoted as instance of this. From this trait of character, one with whom you are all familiar, received in his
youth a nickname which not only clung to him throughout
life, but one which is connected with his name at the prestime,—Honest Abe Lincoln. Whoever is really what he
seems to be, always wins a place for himself.
But it ta.-Ees courage " to walk honestly in the sight of
all men," and also for many other things. It is often very
hard to do what is right, when one can see something easier
near by. But every victory strengthens one and makes the
next task lighter. Courage is needed to break down bad
habits and to form good ones. The courageous " No," has
many times saved a man from falling under the tyrannical
power of some bad habit. But the person who has the courage
to stand for what he knows is right. in the face of opposition
or mocking has a powerful influence over others. Before the
Civil War, William Lloyd. Garrison, the editor of The Liberator, was one who dared to stand for the freedom of the
slave in spite of bitter opposition and even persecution.
These things show how necessary to a good character are
honesty and courage.
And to these let us add self-control. For as some one
has said, " self-control is the root of all the virtues.- It is a
hard thing to gain and difficult to keep, but is of great value
to its possessor. Perfect self-control means a constant
guard over thoughts, words, and deeds. He who thinks of
nothing but that which is pure, never says anything wrong
or unkind, and never does anything which he knows to be
wrong in the sight of God, has learned perfect self-control.

Although few, if any, ever reach this ideal standard, yet all
may strive for it. According to the Book of Books, " He
that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that
ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." Every step
taken toward this goal is one more step in the building of
a good character.
But there is still another point, without which every
character is incomplete. Loyalty to duty. How much
meaning there is in these three words! Few there are who
have not sacrificed something for this, and many have given
up leisure, happiness, wealth, friends, home, and even life
itself for duty's sake. Washington gave up the comforts
and retirement of his home-life again and again, because
he thought it his duty to serve his country. One's duty
must be determined by his conscience and carried out by his
will. He who does this is not a reed swayed by every changing current, but a rock to which weaker ones cling for support. Truly the abiding sense of duty is the very crown of
We thus, in part at least, see what each character
should possess. Honesty, courage, self control, and a sense
of duty are essentials. These combined with a trust in God,
will go to form a beautiful character.
Classmates, we must say good-by to-night. But to what?
Instead of saying good-by to the good things behind, can
we not make it a good-by to failures and low ideals, and
a welcome to a stronger character, a nobler, grander life.
Teachers, we wish to thank you for your earnest work in
our behalf, for your sympathy and help at all times. 0, do
not say good-by to us, but rather welcome us into a closer
union, a higher life. We shall still need guidance and
advice. Will you not help us to perfect our characters, that
we may become strong and earnest men and women ?
Classmates, shall I say good-by ? No. Rather let me
say welcome. Welcome to more earnest endeavors, higher
ideals, stronger characters, and into a grander, nobler life.

7~rcl gives.
ROBERT WALTER: He of their ways, shall admonish
them and before them set the way of righteousness.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. President of class
of '99, during Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years.
President of class '00. Manager of Base ball and Football teams in fall of '99. Member of Annual Board of
NELLIE GRANT: Her voice was ever soft, gentle and
low—an excellent thing in women.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. Vice-president of
class of '00. Member of Advertising committee of Annual.
EDNA HOLDSWORTH: She's a lily of the vale — not
a rose.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. Secretary of class
of '00. Secretary of Senior Lyceum one semester. Served
as President of the class for short time. Writer of Class
FRED SMITH: Fate tried to conceal him by naming
him Smith.
Entered T. C. H. S. in Fall of '95. Treasurer of class.
Managing Editor of Annual. Vice.president Senior Lyceum
one semester.
FLORENCE THomPsoN: The weight of intellect is in
her brow.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Valedictorian of
class. Chairman of committee for class yell.
WINIFRED FULLER: Courteous tho' coy,—gentle tho'

Entered the T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. Salutatorian of
class. Vice-president of Senior Lyceum. Chairman of
music committee of Senior Lyceum. Member of reception
committee at Junior Reception. Member of committee for
Gipsy Encampment.
WILLIAM NASH: Manly his voice, and manly was
his air.
Entered the T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Member of
Annual Board of Editors.
JAMES H. W. HUBBELL: He takes too much for
Entered the T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. President of
Sophomore class. President of Senior Lyceum one semester. One of class historians. Member of Advertising
Committee for Annual.
EVA THACKER: I am not learned enough to be thought
a good student.
Entered the T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Class poet.
Member of Annual Board of Editors. Secretary Junior
Lyceum, '98. Assistant class prophet.
FRANK WALTON: He's gentle and not fearful.
Entered T. C. H. S. in the fall of '95.
FRANC CAFFREY: That's true, I am short, but look
how much chance I have to grow.
Entered the T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Chairman of
committee for Junior Reception, '99.
FRED DAGO: A youth light-hearted and content.
Entered the T. C. H S. in January of '97.
EDITH HASTINGS: To be merry best becomes you for
out of all question you were born in a merry hour.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. Writer of class
history. Member of Annual Board of Editors.
WILL SNUSHALL; His hair is crisp and black and long.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.

EDNA MURREL: A nkl she the artist of our crew.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Secretary of Senior
Lyceum one semester. Writer of class prophecy.
MOSES GILBERT: Do you think a certain meekness
you have mentioned in his looks, is a kind of chronic weakness that has come from reading books?
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '98. Member of Annual
Board of Editors. Chairman of committee to arrange
debate with Manistee club.
MAMIE DESPRES: Silence is more eloquent than words.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Member of committee for Junior Reception, '99.
EDGAR KEITH: He stands erect:
He steps right onward, martial in his air,
His form and movement.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95. Member of Annual
advertising committee. President of Senior Lyceum.
MAUD ROBERTSON: I know her by the quiet faithfulness with which she does her duty.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
FRANK NOVOTNY: He was of stature, passing tall,
But sparsely tall and lean withal.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
LI'CILE THEOBALD: Me tho't thy very gait did prophecy a royal nobleness.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Member of Annual
advertising committee. Chairman of music of Junior
Lyceum one semester.
DAVID JICKLING: He had such real fancies in his
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '97. President of Junior
Lyceum one semester. Chairman of music committee of
Junior Lyceum.
ALMA OVIATT: But still her tongue ran on.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '00.

Short of stature he was, but
strongly built and athletic.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
HIRAM RUSSKY: He for what special fitness I scarce
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
MARION PRATT: A daughter of the gods, divinely tall
and most divinely fair.
Enter T. C. H. S. in fall of '97. Editor-in-chief of the
JOE RUSSKY: Grave was his aspect and attire
A man of ancient pedigree.
-Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '95.
BERT MONTAGUE: Greater men than I may have
lived, but I doubt it.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96. Member of Annual
advertising committee.
GEORGE CHASE: He felt a langour creeping
O'er his young and weary frame.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
CALISTA DUNBAR: Thou art not for the fashion .of
these times when none will sweat but for promotion.
Entered T. C. H. S. in fall of '96.
FLORA CALDWELL: You cannot think what a rogue
she is, so fond of fun and frolic.
Entered T. C. H. S.

Junior Class Officers.
Vice President



Class Notto.
We Can I"'cau'e NVe think We Can.
Class Yell.
l'es we are; yes we are,
Noisy juniors heard afar.
We are gritty, we are gay;
High school Juniors win the day.

Junior Class Histoiv.

I N the school year 1897-8, what is known as the Junior
class consisted of about ninety freshmen. The members
of the class, looking far, far back into the past year, when
they were members of the eighth grade, remembered all the
trials of that early period: and philosophizing that those
early struggles were only so many foundation stones in the
tower of their future characters, they set themselves to work
on the lessons of the day with very commendable diligence.
Sophomore year for the class saw the ranks thinned a
little, the membership being reduced to seventy-five. The
majority of the members were pursuing either English or
Scientific courses. As the classes in recitation work became
smaller more and better work was done and greater satisfaction given to all.
Aiming to maintain the standard of the tenth grade
work, the class continued the Junior Lyceum, which had
been organized by the Sophomores of the previous year.
The programs of the Lyceum were modeled after those of
the Senior Lyceum of the High School. No doubt many a
Lincoln in debate or a Patrick Henry in oratory will, in the
future, date the birth of his great powers from the day on
which he gave a three or five minutes talk from the rostrum
of the old High School room. The results of the good work
done by this Lyceum are shown by the strong work of the
Juniors in the Senior Lyceum during this year.
From the ranks of the Juniors comes one who, if not the
first, has no superior in the debates which take place in the

High School life. He easily won first place among the six
speakers who took part in the debate of December 15, 1899,
between the Manistee Franklin Club and our Senior Lyceum.
Again came Commencement time, and again the beginning of a new school year. Ranks are thinned still more.
Out of the seventy five Sophomores forty-five or six students
take up Junior work. Many students must remain out of
school this year to earn the money that we hope will bring
them back next year. These students have been missed
both by their classmates and their instructors.
The Junior class met and formally organized near the
middle of the year. Chas. Salsbery was elected president
of the class; Lottie Nash, Secretary; Wayne Waters, Treasurer. We, as a class, have followed the example set by the
last two Junior classes, of giving a reception to the Seniors
and the High School teachers. This has come to be one of
the pleasing features of our Commencement time.
We as a class are proud of our girls. Very much of the
best work of the High School is done by the young ladies.
Committee work, in the social life of the school, is done to
a great extent by them, because they know so well " how
to do things " and " the boys are so stupid " you know.
Boys always are when there is work to be done. In the
literary work as well, our girls are leaders.
We hope that very few of the class will find out, at the
time of the final examinations, how terribly they may be
suffering from that old, old affliction, sore eyes; for we want
to see every Junior coming back next September, wearing
a hat like those the Seniors support, a number nine. May
the fates be propitious to us, one and all. When the new
year shall have arrived, may we be permitted to assemble
once again at the call of the old school bell and carry forward the labors of the final year to a pleasing and creditable close.

Sophomore, CI(Ns ORi(ers,









Class Motto.
Not Finished; just Begun.

Class Colors.
Green and White.
CRISS Flouter.
Lily of the Valley.

Class Yell.
Hi, He, Ho; Hi, He, Who
Are the class of 1902 ?
Here we are as may be seen
With our colors white and green.
Rah, Rah, Rah; Zip Ba Boo,
Hurrah for the class of 1902.

The Sophomorc

I N THE northern part of Michigan, at the head of the
beautiful Grand Traverse Bay, is situated the thriving
little city of Traverse City with its many mills, churches and
schools, the latter of which are noted far and near, as the
instructors faithfully strive to do their duty to the hundreds of children who are to be the future men and women
of our country.
But it is not of our school as a whole that I would write
but of a class of eighty or more who graduated from the
eighth grade in eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and who
at this writing are about to finish the tenth grade. As they
entered the high school they felt that they were starting out
upon a new era of life's work, and that they must be more
thoughtful, more studious and more dignified if they were
to be enrolled as students of the High School. But, alas
for human nature, when the students are young and full of
life, the novelty soon wears off, and although this class
meant no disrespect to their teachers, they were soon the
same fun-loving, mischievous set that they were in the
eighth grade. Although the teachers were as patient as
teachers usually are, I fear they were often puzzled to know
what to do with such a set of unruly young people. But
remembering the old adage " Satan finds some mischief still
for idle hands to do," they rose to the occasion and said,
" we must give them more to do, we will organize them."
At this time we had our Junior Lyceum with its music
recitations, and debates, but as our numbers were so many,

each individual was called upon so seldom that we still had
much time upon our hands. Therefore, November 21, 1899,
a meeting was called and class officers elected. At one of
our meetings in order that our future members of Congress
might be drilled in parliamentary forms and usages, a mock
senate was formed and the " Honorable members from the
different States discussed and voted upon the leading questions of the day in a manner worthy of the august assemblage." At another meeting committees were appointed to
select the class yell, motto, colors and flower. The colors
chosen were green and white; the white symbolizing the
purity of our friendship both for our teachers and classmates; the green, the freshness in which these memories
will be held. The class flower chosen was the beautiful
Lily of the Valley. As the yell is a necessary adjunct of
every class we chose the following:
Hi, He: Ho, He: Hi, He; Who
Were the class of 1902?
Here we are as may be seen,
With our colors white and green,
Rah, Rah, Rah, Zip, Ba, Boo,
Hurrah for the class of 1902.
Last, but not least, was the class motto, which must be
something to incite us to better work and fill us with a
desire to overcome all obstacles, and to reach a high standard of excellence. Realizing that even after graduation,
we shall only be starting on life's journey, we chose for our
motto, "Not Finished. Just Begun." We trust by keeping
this in constant view we may in time reach that point of
excellence where we will be not only an honor to ourselves
but a benefit to all those with whom we may associate, and
that when we reach life's close we may say Not Finished,
but just prepared to enter upon the new life Just Begun.


Freshmon Class History,

MMEDIATELY after the spring vacation, the' eighth
grade pupils began to learn the songs and the individual
parts which were to be given at the eighth grade commencement exercises. After the promotion exercises we
had three long months in which to prepare for entering the
High School.
When school opened in September seventy five pupils
from the eighth grades of the city, together with about
twenty from the country districts, entered the ninth grade.
The new pupils had more or less difficulty the first few days
in finding the way through the halls, locating the class
rooms and getting accustomed to the new surroundings.
One of the difficult questions for the individuals of the
class to settle was the selection of a course of study. Of
the one hundred members about one-third chose the English
course, while the others were about equally distributed in
the Latin, Scientifid and Commercial courses.
The majority of the class have continued in school
through the year. Sickness has compelled some of the
members to drop out. Death has entered our ranks once
during the year taking from our midst Nellie Farrant, who
had won the friendship of all during her short stay in
We have had no class organization thus far, but when
the Editors of the Annual asked for our cooperation we
gladly contributed a picture of our class.
Many interesting experiences have come to us during


the year. It seemed very strange to us to hear the ringing
of the electric bell at the close of a class hour. The long
periods of forty five minutes for study and recitation, also
so many teachers in the course of the same day, were strange
experiences to u-: but in a month or so we became accustomed to our new surroundings and felt quite at home. As
the first year of our High School experience draws to a close
we begin to realize how little we know and how much there
is to learn.


10(11-(1 or lAlitors,



Managing Editor

Associate rditors.






Literary Organizations
Class of 'oo
Social Events







HE TRAVERSENSIA N is a. presentation of our excellent
schools, their history and growth and all matters of interest
from a social, athletic, literary and educational standpoint. For
embellishment, wit and sarcasm predominate. This is in conformity with the fundamental ideas of the class of 'goo. And it is to
be hoped that the influence of such ideas is for the elevation of
our schools and not to their detriment.
That it contains errors and mistakes is no more than is to
be expected. We ask the public to remember that we have not had
any experience in this line of work, and beg them not to be too
harsh in their criticisms. We wish to make no apologies, for all
have done their best. To the many friends and co-workers, who
with great kindness have assisted, we express our genuine gratitude, and 'lope they have profited by the experience. Nothing in
these pages has been written against anyone intentionally, but
everything to arouse interest. No radical changes have been
made in any of the manuscripts, except a few insignificant corrections affecting the form but not the sense.
The spirit of good as well as revolution is contagious, and
that spirit of independence has impelled us toward a complete
emancipation, from the past, and it is hoped that such independence is appreciated by the students and people of this city, and
that encouragement will be given to the life of THE TRAVERSENSIAN for future years.
The Editors wish to thank all who assisted in any way in
making the Traversensian a success; especially those persons outside of the school who contributed articles ; the teachers who rendered valuable assistance in correcting manuscript ; the business
men who advertised so liberally, and the artists who furnished


I T was a pleasant afternoon in June in the year 1925, and I
found myself enjoying the time in a famous art gallery of a
western city. Hour after hour passed rapidly by, and I was
beginning to think of going home, intending to return another
day, when my attention was drawn toward a book of sketches
that lay on a table near by. I thought I would stop and glance
at it, but on reading the title I was forced to stay, my interest
being too great to leave, for the book bore the title, "Traverse
City High School, 1896-19oo." Turning to a lady standing near
by I asked if she could tell me how this book of sketches came
to be there. "Oh, yes," she said, "those sketches were drawn by
the artist, Edna Murrel, shortly after her graduation from that
High school. Of course, after she became famous, some of her
early sketches were collected, and these High school scenes were
among the rest. The sketches are very interesting even to one
who knows nothing of the school, but if you ever attended school
there you can judge of the accuracy of the drawings."
The sketches were splendid and true to life as I remembered
school. Evidently the artist had tried to picture some of the incidents of her four years of High school life, and she had succeeded
admirably. The first scene was of the school-house; a large white
building in the center of a square, surrounded by tall, stately trees.
I could not but think of the tall, pleasant but solemn-faced man
whose word was law in that small realm. Yes, there was his
picture. As I gazed at it, instead of thinking, as I should, of the
success he had achieved and the help and inspiration his life had
been to so many, my mind travelled back to the many, many times
he had warned us, "there must be no more snow-balling on the
school grounds" ; or that "the rules in regard to the basement
must be enforced." But he left for other and broader fields of
labor and another ruled in his place. Not a stranger, tho', but
he who for years had been the Great High Priest of the High

School, and whose law was as unchanging as that of the Medes
and Persians. There he was in a picture entitled, "The first day
in the High school."
How well I remembered my first day in the High school.
The bell finally tolled the hour of nine, and with fear and trembling, we "freshies" marched into chapel. There on the platform
sat a small, black-eyed man apparently wondering just how good
we were. First came singing and prayer ; then our new curiosity
rose to his feet, and repeated those words with which we became
so familiar in after years. "Girls come up single file on the right
side of the stairs." "There must he no whispering in the halls
between the first and last ringing of the bell." "No one must
speak or leave the room without permission." "The following
books are due in the library," or "The following persons please
•see the librarian in regard to books."
The next scene was of the library. Along one side were
shelves filled with books, and tables were scattered around the
room. All, many remembrances flashed through my mind. There
we used to gather for "good times," but they were stolen pleasures.
It seemed but a day since the small but dignified principal tiptoed up to the door and requested that certain persons leave the
room. It is needless to say they went. But to come back to the
picture. Several of the pupils were gathered around the tables
and sitting on the ledge. One of them was apparently in the act
of throwing a note, but was transfixed by the horrified look of
the principal, who stood in the doorway. How his presence
always impressed us with a feeling of "studiousness" when he
said, "All those not doing strictly library work, leave the room."
When the small, black-eyed principal assumed chief control
another had to be procured to fill the place he had vacated, and
at last the right man was found. He, too, was not a stranger,
but simply one promoted from the ranks. There were two pictures of him. Number one was as he appeared before becoming
principal—the first morning he came back to school after his marriage and the boys showered him with rice. Underneath the picture was written, "When a man marries his troubles begin." Num-

ber two was of a later date, for underneath it was written the
words, "Prof. Ryder makes his maiden speech," and the date
"i9oo." It must have referred to the speech in which he requested the pupils of the High school that they meet him "half
The next picture puzzled me. There was nothing written
underneath it, and what it was I could not imagine. It showed
a group of gay, young people surrounding some one who seemed
to be the center of attraction. Then it dawned upon me : it was
the popular teacher of history and literature, at one of her many
surprise parties.
The next picture was of a class'in penmanship. The teacher
had just put a copy on the board, and from personal recollections
of the class, I had no doubt she was saying, "Students, attention.
We will now take a few minutes' practice in ovals. 1-2-3-4-5-6The next scene was drawn by a master hand. It was a class
in Latin ; underneath was written, "Drawn shortly after the
monthly examination. The teacher had just said, 'Now, where's
your excuse, Jimmie? Examination is just over and some of you
have only passed 25%. Back in first Latin is where you belong.
You lack self-appreciation. I'm sure I can't see what ails this
class. I hate to scold all the time, but you must do better."
The next picture was of an Algebra class, presided over by
a pleasant-faced lady who, by her own example, taught us to be
thoughtful and accurate. I almost fancied I could hear her saying,
"Now there are some little children in this class who should study
articles 151 to 155." Long ago she won our respect, and I hope
we were worthy of hers.
Next came a characteristic picture of a young professor who
used to hold forth in number six. He instructed his pupils upon
the subjects of higher mathematics, and oftimes from across the
halls these words, in thundering accents, smote my ears : Please
rise, please, and expand out this equation."
On the next page was a picture of a Junior Geometry class,
underneath which was written, "Now, class, there are seventy

more theorems and just thirty more days; that, taking five days
out for tests, makes three theorems a day, and no time for review,
and the class must finish them or I can't pass you. Is that clear?"
The next was a picture of a dapper little man who instructed
the pupils in the manufacture of "parlor matches." How many
were the times I had seen him rush into the high school room, his
head down, his necktie awry, his coat-tail flapping, and jab ferociously at the electric bell which had refused to call us, with its
familiar jingle, from the miseries of a dry recitation hour. Meanwhile the black-eyed professor stood in the back part of the room
with a look on his face that seemed to say, "Thou canst not say
I did it ; never shake thy locks at me."
Following this was a picture of a class in number five. The
teacher sat looking severely over her glasses at the class. Underneath the picture was written, "Admonition," and she surely must
have been saying, "On this examination, Quality not Quantity
will count."
Next was a picture of a timid-looking little lady, who came
late in the year to battle with the terrors of Ninth and Tenth
English. The poet must certainly have meant her when he said,
"Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low ; an excellent thing in
woman." Her kindly nature was shown in the fact that she
wished to take some of her salary and buy an old gray horse,
for which she felt sorry, a week's vacation. However, at times
she could rise to the occasion and expel bad boys from the room
with a severity one would hardly expect from so modest a person.
After partially reading a lesson she would say, "Each one will
please learn these lines for himself."
On the last page was a sketch of a sweet girl graduate, the
date May 3o, 19oo, and these words :
"Look not mournfully upon the past.
It is gone—it comes not back.
Employ the present, it is thine.
Go forth to meet the future with a
glad heart and without fear."

•521VI15111 1001135 119111 1111




%INA \

The Li bra ru.
NE of the pleasing features of the Traverse City High
School is its library, well lighted and pleasant in all its
In 1884 the nucleus of the present library consisted of less
than fifty volumes, now our shelves are filled with more than
twelve hundred volumes. Previous to 1893 books were added
as funds were appropriated by the Board of Education for that
purpose. At that time the High School Lecture Course was
established, and since then the profits derived from this source
have been used in the purchase of books. An average of seventyfive dollars a year has been expended in this way, and thus the
library has grown until it has reached its present proportions.
It is well supplied with books for research work along the
various lines of study taught in our schools. Foremost among
these are books on literature, history, science, language, both
ancient and modern, civics, pedagogics, biography and books of
general information. There is also a good supply of encyclopaedias and books of "ready reference." Our standard writers,
both English and American, are well represented, the entire
works of most of them being in the library.
Magazines, bound and unbound, are found on its shelves.
For the current year the Outlook, Forum, North American Review, Cosmopolitan, McClure, Success, IVeek's Current, and
Timely Topics are the periodicals taken by the students.


The Old Laboratom


O with me down a flight of stairs, closed in on either side by
a dark, foreboding wall. This passage-way opens into a
large, windowless room, but by groping closely to the sidewall ,which is so broken as to form a deep alcove, we come to a
locked door.
Have you a hair-pin, or a hutton-hook ? That is all that is
necessary, and we are now inside of a room known as the laboratory. It is very much like the dens of the ancient Egyptian
alchemists, with whom the science of using crucibles and alembics
of calcining, subliming and distilling originated.
Six small windows admit of a few slanting rays of sunlight.
It has, indeed, a dark, spectral appearance. Listen! A strange
sound comes from that dusty, dingy, ill-kept desk : "Many masters
have been stationed behind me to deal out the secrets of natural
philosophy. I have seen things of strange character occur. One
master once tried to fill this long iron pipe with water by using
this small beaker, but his continued efforts were fruitless. He
thought it possessed with an evil spirit, notwithstanding the student's feet were soaked with the water that issued from an aperture in the lower portion of the pipe. Another master of more
dignified type once came, but found no eager seekers after truth
awaiting him. He rushed frantically back to seek his students,
but nowhere were they to be found. Seized with alarm, thinking
they had been captured by spirits of the air, at last, disheartened,
he returned and found them seated calmly in their places."
That soup-plate has a strange tale to tell : "Once some fairylike maids used me that they might boil some syrup to the propel
constituency for taffy. They put me over a Bunsen flame, and



just as I was on the point of being forced violently upward and
broken into a trillion pieces they surrounded me with a magic
circle and, with their sweet, zephyr breaths, extinguished the
mischief-making flame."
In that corner at your left is the ever revered cobra-like hood
—cobra-like because of the many hissing sounds issued therefrom. This table seems to have something important to say:
"One by one I have had different proprietors. Some have kept
me scrupulously clean, others have left me disgracefully untidy.
I was once the scene of what narrowly escaped being a terrible
tragedy. My mistress was very frightened over a slight explosion ; some of the poisonous chemicals got into her mouth and
pains were distinctly felt. Confusion, visions of hacks, doctors
and nurses were before me ; hut all danger was averted by an
antidote, and that same mistress lived to be implicated in the
instigation and perpetuation of a crime that nearly caused the
death of a noted professor. He came into the room and found
the skeleton of a human being dressed and placarded as an affectionate valentine.
"This drawer that I possess has been the receptacle of confections, pop-corn, nuts, fruit, and so forth."
I see you are deeply interested in that door yonder. We did
not enter there. That leads to the ventilating shaft. W. W.
Rascal* and G. B. Greatdaret once sent fumes of H2S from
here to a crowded lecture room above. I understand that they
were interviewed, but still live, which is one of the mysteries of
the nineteenth century, classed with the disappearance of Charles
Now it is time to go. Farewell, thou dear old "Lab." Thy
name is from the French—a place to labor—and very appropriate is the significance. It has been made so by efficient and
earnest work of instructors, and appreciative application of the
many students that sought after truth within thy walls.
Footnotes—*Wild and Woolly. tGreat

•%2101V2109V1 1001I3S 119141

The La boratoru.


HE collection of apparatus and material for science work has
been growing steadily each year. This is the result of the
liberality of the Board of Education and the efforts of the
various science teachers and the superintendents. The collection
has been enlarged by construction of parts of apparatus by the
students and many contributions. The recent contributors are
Sara Chase, J. M. Loudon, and Walton Gray.
As the result of these forces, the school is in possession of
two well lighted and well equipped laboratories and material for
work in Botany, Geology and Physiology. The physical apparolus
is sufficient for demonstrational and individual work in mechanism, heat, electricity, sound and light. The apparatus for electricity is especially good, while the dark room enables one to study
and appreciate the phenomena of light.
The chemical laboratory is supplied with water, gas, 16 desks
for individual work and the ordinary accessories. The student
spends much time in this as well as in the physical laboratory
where he is brought face to face with conditions he must vary and
control. He must use his hands and be responsible for the touch.
This age is a scientific one and in order to keep apace with the
new developments, the needs of the laboratory must receive careful attention. Many pieces for exact physical work, a larger supply of chemicals, more cre of rooms and a special room for
botanical work are some of the needs. The Alumni can assist
much in enlarging our material by contributions and taking an
active interest in this department.

"The year has been made up of days,—the days have been
4.—School opened,-282 pupils ; one new teacher.
7.—H. S. Athletic Association organized. Prof. Horn elected
President, Herbert Somers, Secretary and Treasurer.
12.—Collection taken during morning exercises for subscriptions
to magazines.
14.—Senior and Junior Lyceums meet and elect officers.
i6.—Annual reception to teachers and pupils at Congregational
21.—Seniors meet and elect officers. Decide to publish an Annual.
4.—First meeting of Senior Lyceum.
20.—Leslie Smurthwaite of Manistee visits Sr. Lyceum and challenges to a debate with Franklin Club.
2 1 .—Seniors give Pumpkin pie social. Grand Success.
24.—Sr. Lyceum decide to accept challenge to debate with Franklin Club.
27.—Schools are "over-run" with Frankfort teachers.
3E—Hallow-E'en—High school boys have a spread and remain
out all night
ra—Board of Editors for Annual elected.
13.—"The prepared man has a chance." Prof. Ellis of Olivet
College addresses the H. S.
i4.—Prof. Swift gives a talk on "star-gazing," anticipating the
coming shower of meteors.


15.—Miss Dean absent on account of sickness.—Vacancy filled by
Mrs. Minor.
i8.—H. S. Football team defeated at Kalkaska.
22.—Sophomore class organize.
24.—H. S. team win in game with Kalkaska Football team, at T. C.
28.—Prof. Flynn gives talk on physical culture, to H. S. students.
29.—Students have two days in which to eat turkey.
1.—Miss Downing's classes do not meet on account of sickness
of Miss D.
5.—Prof. Ghearhart gives third number on H. S. Lecture
Course :—" The Coming Man."
7.—Juniors organize.
12.—The two Lyceums meet and elect officers for second semester.
15.—Debate between Sr. Lyceum and Franklin Club. Sr. Lyceum
21.—Seniors elect class historians, prophetess and writer of class
22.—Miss Downing gives talk on "Emancipation." Amil Nerlinger
and Ed Thirlby, class of '98, visit school. School closes
for vacation.
8.—First day after vacation. Miss Weeks takes place of Miss
to.—Students find most of their books removed from their desks
to the east end of hall. Did you do it?
'I.—Skating is the order of the day.
12.—Seniors have class meeting and make arrangements for commencement. Decide to invite Prof. Grawn to give short
15.—Several new books are added to the library.
i6.—"And now the melancholy days have come," in other words,
"Examinations begin."'
17.—Seniors tell how much they don't know in Algebra.
22.—Second semester's work begins.

24.—Advertising committee for Annual is appointed.
25.—Seniors meet and decide to give "Gipsy Encampment" for
benefit of Annual.
29.—Seniors give "Box and Cap social."
9.—Seniors brave the displeasure of those in authority and take
a sleighride to Bingham.
14.—Prof. Dinsmore gives a short address to H. S. students during chapel.
19.—Rev. Cochlin, Mayor Hamilton and Editor Hannen visit
22.—P. C. Gilbert gives a speech on "Patriotism." Never-the-less
we have school on the "Father of his country's" birthday.
23.—Gipsies begin to arrive in town.

2 and 3.—Gipsey Encampment in City Opera House. Grand
6.—Seniors have class meeting ; choose poet.
9.—M r. Horn talks to the boys on "Temperance." Senior girls
and one boy drive out to the Gunton school house to a
17.—Seniors slide down hill and afterwards eat bread-and-butter
and onions, at Winifred Fuller's.
21.—Mr. Bacon of Harvard gives talk to H. S. students.
22.—Mrs. Friedrich takes place of Miss McLaughlin for a few
28.—Sophomores have class meeting and decide to have picture
for Annual.
29.—Seniors surprise Miss Downing and are themselves surprised.
N.—Spring vacation begins.
3.—Miss Downing entertains Seniors. And we play marbles for
9.—School opens. Seniors are on the home-run.

to-2o.—Class and class officers spend most of the time getting
pictures taken.
Now that the snow is gone we hear the oft repeated warning.
"Keep off the grass, keep on the walk; don't run, don't trot, just
keep on the walk."
23.—The annual receives a name, "The Traversensian."
25.—Mr. Cobb gives a talk on "wireless telegraphy."
I.—The voice of duty does not whisper loud enough to be heard
by several H. S. boys who spend the day fishing.
5.—The Juniors closet themselves and talk of how they may
honor the "Dignitaries."
8.—Lawyer Dodge talks to us (luring morning exercises.
7.—Ye editors wear a worn and troubled look.
18. — Receptio Juniorum pro Senioribus, Montague Aula, X TV
ante Kalendas Iunias, McKinley et Hobart consulibus._
27.—Baccalaureate sermon.
3o.—Commencement exercises.
1.—Alumni Banquet.
And we are seniors no more

A Surnposill111.
I N sending out the first annual from the Traverse City High
School, it was thought well by the editors to obtain the opinion
of former graduates in regard to such a publication. That all
the classes might be represented, a letter was sent to one member
of each. No answers were received from some, while answers
from others came too late to be published. But those that were
received were of much encouragement to the editors, and we trust
they voice the sentiment of the majority of the Alumni.
I received a card from you asking my opinion of the publication the High School is about to issue. It affords me great pleasure to say I am in hearty sympathy with the move, and I will endeavor at all times to give you such assistance as I can. Such a
work will be of great help to the students and interest them in
their work. I wish you success.
Very truly yours,
W. H. FOSTER, '85.
I feel sure that 1 am voicing the sentiments of the Class of
'86 when I assure you of my interest in the publication of "The
Traversensian." We are all proud of the high place accorded the
T. C. schools among the schools of the state, and the publication
of a class annual is but another instance of the enterprise and
energy of her students.
Success to the class of 'oo in their efforts !
In regard to your intending to get out an annual, I should
think it was a good idea, indeed. Many schools not half the size
of yours get out annuals, and it certainly is all right for you to do
so. I am sure yOu can get up a good one.
Wishing- you success with this work, 1 remain,
Yours truly,
T. A. CONLON, '87.

Replying to your inquiry of the 24th inst., I wish to say that
I approve most heartily of the publication of the Annual as proposed by your class. It is a step that should have been taken
here long ago, and I promise you every encouragement within my
limited efforts to give.
Wishing you and your colleagues success, I remain,
Yours truly,
P. C. GILBERT, '89.
In reply to your request, I will say that I believe that )our
undertaking in publishing an annual is a very praiseworthy one,
as it means much perseverance and enterprise. If it prove a success, as I feel assured it will, it will be a pleasant feature to look
forward to each year at Commencement time.
Wishing you all success,
Any plan that has for its object the deepening of interest in
the Traverse City High School has, I assure you, the best wishes
of the class of '94.
That the present class is editing an annual is indicative of
the push and enterprise that does honor to the school.
Yours truly,
To the Class of Nineteen Hundred :
As a member of the class of ninety-five, I congratulate you
upon the energy and progressiveness displayed in the preparation
and publishing of an annual.
Sincerely your friend,
Life gives nothing to mortals without great labor. No more
fitting legacy than an annual could be chosen by a class as the
crowning effort of their four years' work. It should be a treasure
of thought and inspiration for every person who has any ambition for success. It cannot fail to be fruitful of high aims and
exalted character, and will undoubtedly stimulate many a youth

to seek labor in the broader field of learning. In heartily indorsing the efforts of the class of 1900, I feel that I voice the sentiment of those interested in the advancement of education.
Yours very truly,
In the name of the class of '99, greetings and congratulations. The fame of our younger brothers and sisters has spread
abroad in the land, and finally has come back to the ears of us
at home. No longer shall they be without honor in their own
country ; we recognize their talent and ability, and do most heartily congratulate them.
We know—we knew—if our Dear dignitaries undertook anything, it must he a success, and we are not disappointed.
Best wishes to the Naughty-Naughts.




utLEN R. niTcncock.



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From first School Teachers.
HILE the early days here have a fascinating interest for the
rising generation, and the log school-house seems to them a
nucleus from which evolved the present fine and commodious school-buildings, to me it is mere matter-of-fact. The days
came and went, long, pleasant, but often weary ones, because our
great variety of text-books—no two being alike—made proper
classification so difficult that time of teachers and pupils was
wasted daily. Fortunately for me, I could look back to the old
stone school-house in Vermont and recall that it was simply "study
of facts" that we wanted, and we must obtain those facts as well
as we could. I had been a pupil in many schools, favorably
located for educational advantages, thus learning by my own
experience the advantage of plain study which does not extort
from nerve force, over the "red-tape" and "entertaining" methods
then being introduced into many schools to increase their popularity. So we reconciled ourselves as best we could to our disadvantages.
The second summer of my teaching was becoming interesting
to me, because the scholars were older and more numerous, when
sickness interfered and the school had to be closed.
The woods were too dense and unknown for us to venture
into,` so the children's play-ground was between the school-house
and the river. We seldom saw a passer-by. Once I heard yells
and hurried hoof-beats. A company of Indians, returning from
a hunt, appeared with their ponies loaded with accoutrements,
swam the river near the present G. R. & I. R. R. bridge, and galloped at full speed up Squaw Point till out of sight.


While visiting my brother, Perry Hannah, in the spring of
1861, I taught school in the school-house where Park Place Annex now stands. The seats were placed upon either side of the
room, two rows on a side. No walks had yet been laid, and we
walked to school through sand ankle deep, often stopping where
the Mercantile Company's block now stands, to pick blue-berries
or a spray of pretty wild roses.
I made Julius Hannah his first pair of pants that spring. He
was a wee bit of a laddie then, but I am sure he has never felt as
large since as he did the first day when, armed with his primer
and clinging tight to my hand, he stepped inside the school-room.
Little Johnny Rennie (now big Chief of Police Jack) was there,
with the cleanest of aprons and faces ; his hair combed in a big
curl on the top of his head.
One day three of my dear boys went out never to return to
the old school-room until they came in their coffins. Johnny and
Tommy Green and Sedgewick Stevens—son of Gen. Stevens of
Washington—thought to take a swim in the Boardman about opposite the present "Cottage Home," and the treacherous undercurrent of the stream held them down until life was extinct.
My school closed shortly after that, and I went away to
occupy a new home of my own. Many years have passed since
then, but the joys and sorrows of those few months have never
been forgotten.
The summer of 1862 will be remembered as one of the most
exciting periods of the civil war, and Traverse City, though so
far removed from the varying scenes of its activity, now and then
felt the depression, and heard the echoes of, the bitter strife. The
depression would come when some of the young men sailed out
of the bay to join the defenders of the Union; while the echoes
of the conflict were heard at rather uncertain intervals, when the
old propeller Alleghany arrived at the (lock, or the weekly mail
was distributed to the eager seekers of news.
At this date in the history of Traverse City, I taught school

in the small one-story school-building, one of the most pretentious structure the little hamlet possesged. The room was,
small, but the play-ground surrounding it was not circumscribed,
it being simply "all of out-doors," and certainly a healthy one, for
it was dry white sand to the right and to the left, at the front and
in the rear, broken only by an occasional huckleberry bush or by
a spear of sorrel, here and there, with the one exception of a
small sapling, which is now the large oak tree standing in front
of Mrs. S. C. Moffat's residence. Good as my boys were, I discovered them robbing birds' eggs from the little tree, it being
so slender they could bend it almost to the ground. I wanted to
impress upon my pupils the crime of breaking up birds' nests, and
told them I would punish any one who did it. Not long after
that, Arnold Adsit held up his hand, asking permission to speak,
saying: "Anna Green broke birds' eggs." Now, the announcement was startling, for Anna (now Mrs. Bert Hoxie) was one of
my brightest and best pupils. Anna was asked to make her defense, and amidst tears and sobs she managed to say : "Arnold
Adsit put the eggs in my hand and said, `Squeeth 'em tight,
Anna ?' And I squeethed 'em tight, and they broke, they did.:'
The school-room was a cheerful one, and, though small, easily accommodated all the pupils of Traverse City and the sparsely
settled outskirts. I always recall that summer as one of the most
satisfactory periods of my school-teaching life. After an experience of ten years, this was my last term in that line of work, and
the consciousness of having accomplished much for my pupils
was a source of great gratification. Almost without exception
the material I had to work upon was excellent, and, with the
younger ones especially, the advancement was rapid. They were
interested in their work, and I remember one mother saying to
me :"My boy comes home spelling, goes to bed spelling, and gets
up spelling." That boy has been for years a prominent business
man in Traverse City.
There was one temptation which then, as now, it was
very bard for Traverse City boys to withstand. The waters of
"the bay" and "the Boardman" were wondrously attractive on a

summer's day, and more than once when a youngster, coming to
the session late, was questioned as to the cause, the truth was
badly mutilated, as I well knew, by the dripping locks and the
sandy feet, and while I had sympathy for the boy (1 would like
to have gone in swimming myself) I had also a sympathy for and
a duty toward the parents, who were in a chronic state of alarm
lest their children would find a watery grave, and a duty toward
the public as well, for a boy or two more or less made a very perceptible difference in the census returns at that date.
The school house did duty as church and public hall, and
occasionally collisions would arise, which usually resulted in the
school having to vacate. I recall an experience in this line. An
"appointment" had been "given out" at a Sunday service, stating
that a meeting of ministers of the whole region would be held
on a certain week-day afternoon at the school-house. I sought
an interview with the director, and, in answer to my question, he
replied with great emphasis, "You are not'to dismiss the school."
That settled it. When the afternoon came, I told the pupils that
in case any visitors should honor us with their presence, I hoped
they would not be disturbed, but move right along precisely as
though we were in the habit of entertaining callers every day, attending strictly to business. At about two or half-past, a revererend gentleman from Northport arrived. There was an evident
look of surprise on his face as he noted the situation. I received
him cordially and proceeded to make him one of us by handing
him, from time to time, a book, that he might note what the class
on the recitation form was doing. As one by one the "brethren"
came, they were treated in like manner. If the pupils had understood the situation they could not have done better. Their lessons were perfect, and their studiousness and attention to business
so impressive that one might almost have heard the proverbial
pin drop. All the uneasiness evident was on the part of the "visitors." Promptly at four o'clock the session closed, after a few
remarks by the resident clergyman, which, at my request, he could
hardly refuse to make. Just what "remarks" they made or felt
like making, after, at last, having the room to themselves, could

only be imagined, but we had gotten in our half day of good work
'while the ministers looked on.
The schools of Traverse City are very dear to me. I look
hack across the years, almost forty of them now, to the early
spring days of 1863, and see the one small school-house, its walls
still fragrant with the scent of freshly-cut pine, standing knee
deep in a tangle of brakes and bushes, the sweet pink and white
arbutus growing close under its windows and an unbroken outlook from its doors across a stretch of yellow beach sand to the
great blue bay, with its borders of hills on either side, forest-lined
to the water's edge, clear to the horizon's line, miles and miles
Within, the village schoolma'am reigned supreme as superintendent, principal, and full corps of teachers, from kindergarten
to high school, with none to molest or make afraid. The brighteyed boys and girls of those far away days are many of them
gray-haired men and women now. And their children have finished and are finishing their school days, as the old century ends
and the new one begins. In all these years a loving interest has
followed the evolution of our schools every step of the way, with
pride in their achievement and their promise, and to-day as many
times before. I say most earnestly, "God bless the schools of
Traverse City."
(MRS.) M. E. C. BATES.

Advertising Solicitors.
I. JAMES H. W. HUBBELL, Chairman




HE advertising solicitors did their work faithfully and well,

and contributed no small amount of success to THE TRAVERSENSIAN, as is evident from the number and quality of the adver-

tisements that appear in this publication. They rightly deserve all
the credit that can be given them and their work has been fully
appreciated by the Managing Editor.


The Senior Luceum.





The Senior Lyceum was organized at the beginning of the
school year of 1893. It was first known as the High School
Lyceum, but when the organization of the Junior Lyceum took
place, in 1897, it became necessary to change the name in order
to distinguish the two societies. It has since been known as the
Senior Lyceum.
This society consists of the members of the eleventh and
twelfth grades. The enrollment for the present year was about
seventy-five members. The officers, consisting of President, VicePresident, and Secretary, are elected by the society semi-annually.
The meetings are held in the High school assembly room on
Friday evening of every two weeks. Each member has the privilege of inviting one person ; this restriction being necessary that
the room be not over-crowded.
The general supervision of the society is under the Faculty
of the High School. Each teacher in turn has charge of a program, after the rendering of which he gives a criticism, pointing
out the merits and demerits of the parts given.
The programs are made up of musical selections, essays, reproductions, original stories, developments, orations and discussions on topics of the day. During the second semester's work of
'93-'94, impromptus were introduced ; these are usually well treated and are a source of much pleasure to all—the speaker excepted.

The Junior Luceuin



V ice-President.

The Junior Lyceum was organized at the beginning of the
school year of 1897. The work of the Senior Lyceum had
always been hampered by the inexperience of its members in public speaking. As the older society included only the Seniors and
Juniors, there was no opportunity for practice in this line until
the third year of the High school course. To fulfill this long-felt
want, a society known as the Junior Lyceum was organized from
the members of the tenth grade.
Each member of the society is expected to deliver two parts
a year, the nature of which is determined by the Committee on
Programs. The proceedings show all the order and dignity of
parliamentary usage, and the literary work is of the highest order
The work of the Lyceum is of the utmost importance to the
students, for, besides fostering his ability along literary lines, it
enables him to stand before an audience, of however great size,
without experiencing what is commonly called stage-fright.

" I am the representatIve of a considerable number of people.'

Joint Debate.


NE of the most interesting and important features of the
work of the Senior Lyceum during the past year as the
was the debate between the Franklin Club of Manistee
and the Senior Lyceum, held in Traverse City, Dec. 15, '99.
One evening while the Lyceum was holding one of its regular meetings ,a representative of the Franklin Club challenged it
for a joint debate, which was readily accepted. A committee of
three was appointed to make proper arrangements for the contest ; later a preliminary debate was held for the purpose of choosing the debaters. This resulted in the selection of Moses Gilbert,
Chas. Novak and Chas. Salsbery. The question for discussion
was : Resolved, That the policy of the United States in the Philippines is justifiable. The Franklin Club took the affirmative.
Wilson Hubbel, president of the Lyceum, presided and addressed the audience, stating the nature of the debate, the conditions governing it, and introducing the judges and debaters.
Ile debate was opened by Manistee. They argued that the policy was justifiable because it was constitutional and the Islands
were legally acquired ; that education, religion, commerce and
all the things that tend to make the world better, would be introduced into the Islands by the United States ; and that the American people favored the policy. Much of their argument was
based upon the report of the Philippine Commission. The
Lyceum on the other hand maintained that every nation is justified for fighting for its independence; that the case of the Philippines was parallel to that of the American colonies in 1776;
that education, religion and commerce could be introduced into
the Islands without holding possession of them, as in the case of
Japan ; that it is not safe for a republic to enter upon a colonial

policy and carry on wars of conquest, that the possession of the
Philippines meant the entanglement of the United States in
European politics, which would tend to make her a great military
power and thus destroy the liberties of the American people ; and
that the Philippine Commission being appointed by the President
would surely approve of his policy. In addition, many minor
points were brought forth by both sides.
According to the decision of the judges, which was based on
argument only, the debate as a whole was given to Manistee by
a close mark of 21 to 19 points. Chas. Novak was awarded first
honor among the individual debaters, and Ray L. Swift second,
the decision being based upon composition, argument and delivery.
Although the Lyceum apparently lost the debate, yet, taking
all things into consideration, it could hardly be called a defeat.
The representatives had become thoroughly familiar with both
sides of the question, having spent weeks in careful preparation,
and were as a result prepared to meet the arguments used by
their opponents. In short, they proved to the Manistee debaters
that they were "foemen worthy of their steel.

High School Lecture and Music
HE High School Lecture and Music Course has become.
an established feature of the school year. Each season a
large number of our citizens look forward to the numbers of
the course with anticipations of pleasure and profit.
The history of the course is brief. The first attempt to
maintain a course under the auspices of the High School was
made only seven years ago. The first course was the result of
the efforts of Supt. C. T. Grawn and Prin. C. R. Horn. The
remarkable increase in attendance from three hundred fifty season tickets to eight hundred fifty is evidence of the high consideration with which the course has been held from year to year.
It also has enabled the management to double the number of lectures and entertainments, and, at the same time, to bring the
course within the reach of a larger number of our citizens by
reducing the price of the tickets to a very low figure.
Space does not permit an enumeration of all the able lectures.
and accomplished musicians and entertainers who have been
brought to our city through the instrumentality of these course:,.
but only to make reference to the strongest and the most pleasing
ones, among whom are the following lecturers : Dr. A. A. Willets, Dr. Dixon, Dr. Copeland, J. J. Lewis and Mr. Wendling,
and entertainers, Ladies' Military Band, Ariel Quartette, Sym.
phony Orchestra and Miss Benfey.
The supreme purpose in conducting the course has been to
make it an educational factor in the community by supplement;ng the existing educational influences of the city. The work of
the public schools has thus been very strongly reinforced. Our


young people have been enabled to hear elevating and instructive
lectures by strong thinkers of today. Their minds have been
directed to the greater things of life. Their eyes have been
opened to the larger sphere of human activities, and to the deeper
significance of education. Many a seed thought has been sown
whose germination and fruition shall appear in the years yet to
come. To the more mature, the courses have been profitable in
many ways. We have been entertained, but above all our thought
has been stimulated, our minds have been aroused. We, as a
community, have become more and more appreciative of the best
which modern thought and culture can bring to us.
Each year the course, in addition to paying the expenses,
has brought a small profit. This profit has been expended upon
the High School laboratories and library. For the latter about
seventy-five dollars a year have been expended. This has increased the size of the library from about four hundred volumes
to twelve hundred, and has enabled the library facilities to keep
pace with the rapid growth of the High School attendance.
We append the numbers of the course for the season 189919oo :
Lecture, "The Battle Cry of Freedom"—Rev. Thomas
Dixon, Jr.
Entertainment, "Les Miserables," Hugo—Miss Ida Benfey.
Lecture, "The Coming Man"—Mr. G. A. Gearhart.
Entertainment, "A Man About Town"—Mr. Hoyt L. Conary.
Concert, The Bostonian Ladies' Symphony Orchestra.
Lecture, "A Wonderful Structure"—Prof. Thomas Dinsmore, Jr.
Concert, The Ariel Ladies' Quartette.
Lecture, "Mirabeau and the French Revolution"—Mr. Geo.
R. Wendling.



j,L1 m




THLETICS in our High School have not reached a high
standard, clue, perhaps, to several reasons. They have not
been encouraged very much, and the relation between the
'Egli School Athletic Association and the base ball and foot ball
teams is not definite enough. Athletics are not organized as they
should be. The foot ball players organize in the fall and the base
ball players in the spring, and each organization works for the
interests of its own team alone. Of course they want the High
School to win; but under the circumstances the High School as
such will not make athletics a success until they are thoroughly
organized and conducted under one head. A good plan would
be to effect an organization more permanent, with duties more
clearly defined, and ask the Faculty to take an active part in the
directorship. Sometimes students, becoming enthusiastic, neglect
their work, but under wise direction all this could be remedied.
Certain marks could be required, below which should a student
fall through neglecting his work he could be cautioned and then
removed from a team.
Track athletics have never been attempted, though the High
School has good material, as is shown by what students have
done when they have gone from the High School to higher institutions. High School records should he established equal to those
of other high schools.
Three or four years ago the High School was interested in
a field day, in which the H. S. and Dockery's Business College
"smashed" the Grand Rapids High School records, but a report
of it was not available for the annual. With this exception the
High School has never been interested in a field day. It was
talked of this spring, but nothing was accomplished. Perhaps
another year the High School can have a field clay and invite a
neighboring High School to compete with them.
The students appreciate the help given by Superintendent
Horn along the line of physical culture during the past year.
They hope that in the near future our High School may be provided with a gymnasium, where physical can be developed along
with the mental and moral. The plea for a gymnasium is timely.

Plea for a Gymnasium.
HE need of physical development is one that is apt to be
overlooked in an institution whose prime aim is the development of the intellect. 1he fact that too many graduates of our
educational institutions are turning out hollow-crested, pale-faced,
round-shouldered young men and, women is perhaps natural
enough, but it is a fact none the less to be deplored. 1 he gradbest pJssible
uate of a high school or college should represent
development, not alone of the mental, but of the physical and
moral natures as well.
Of the agencies in schools that tend to physical development,
few are entirely free from objectionable features. Some are, from
their very nature, Confined to one sex. Others must of necessity
be confined to a very .few individuals. Base ball can hardly furnish physical development for all the young men, and is of no
physical profit to the young ladies, as they are debarred from the
game. "1 he same thing applies to foot ball, with this additional
objection, that it is too hard on the bones and muscles for many
of the boys in the school who need physical development the
Of all the forms•of physical training that are open to a high
school, there is but one that is absolutely without objectionable
features. This is the training to be obtained in a well equipped
It may be of interest to note that an appropriation was once
made by the school board,_ looking toward the arrangement of a
gymnasium for the use of the pupils of the school. The plari was
to prepare for use the room in the Central School building above
the second floor. The appropriation was not a large one, being
only $ioo, but it would have served as a nucleus for larger
things. It must always be a 'matter of regret that this appropriation, on account of the fact that the expenditures for that year
went higher than was anticipated by the school board, was used
for another purpose, and no start for a gymnasium was made at
that time.
It is certainly evident to all that the school now needs a
gymnasium. Nothing elaborate need be done at first. The pupils
of the school would be more than willing to put in such apparatus as is actually needed at first, and the benefit that would
accrue to the young- men and women of the school would he
almost incalculable.


It remains for the school board to see and appreciate this
need, and make some appropriation to fit the room for use. This
is all that would need to be done at first. Other things could be
added as opportunity offered. But the matter should certainly
not be delayed another year. The physical needs of the pupils
,of the schools along this line should no longer be disregarded.

Organization of the High School Athletic Associatioil

R IN. HORN having announced in Chapel, through request,
that there would be a meeting for those interested in foot
ball, No. 5 was given up for a session, which was called to
order by Steven Lardie about 3 :45 p. m. Sept. 3o, '96. The
meeting resulted in the organization of the High School Athletic
Association, with the following officers :
President—Walton L. Grey.
Vice-President—Wm. A. Leighton.
Secretary and Treasurer—Robert Walter.
A committee of five, including the president, were appointed
to select players for a foot ball team. They were Steve Lardie,
Herbert Johnston, Verlin Thomas and Ike Pennington. It was
agreed that the team, when selected, should choose their own captain by ballot.
A manager was then talked of, and it was suggested that
Prof. Beeman would make a good one. Prof. Beeman was then
called for and invited to be in attendance. His appearance was
applauded, and he stated that he "wanted to see a good team"
and "would help what he could." It was then carried that if Prof.
Beeman would accept the position he should be manager. This
he did in a few remarks in the interest of the association. Through
him a dressing room was secured in the basement, the business
men were approached regarding suits, and the team gotten under
Later a committee was appointed to order suits, and a dozen
were bought, sleeveless jackets having been decided upon. Sweaters were secured, a foot ball purchased, and the team was ready
for practice, having in the meantime chosen Walter Grey captain.
Some idea of how much the boys knew of the game can he
gathered from the fact that when McKenzie, U. of M., came tip
by request to tell them about the game, he found it best to begin

with what the gridiron is, how laid out, etc., then on the board
to show the position of the teams and players, with names, and
the objects of the game. He then outlined a few plays, and the
boys went to work with a will.
Ike Fless, an instructor at the Business College, was hired
as coacher, and did much to get the boys in shape.
On Oct. 13 a meeting was called, and Manager Beeman read
an offer from Cadillac High School to play them on their home
grounds Oct. 24. It was accepted.
Black and gold were chosen as High School colors, and at
noon of that date the boys left on the G. R. & I. for Cadillac,
accompanied by Manager Beeman and Prin. Horn. Speeches
were given from the car steps by various members of the aggregation. There was singing, and the boys had a good time generally on the way down.
Cadillac was reached soon after noon. It is needless to say
that the boys were a little nervous, it being their first game. The
opposing team was sized up with a good deal if interest. The
boys were determined to play hard.
The team lined up about two o'clock.
The second pass Lardie went around the end for a touchdown ; but failed to "heel" when he came out across the goal line
with the ball and it was lost. This may be said to be a history of
the game right through. The boys played good ball, especially
for the first game, but they were not up on technical points. Principal Horn in speaking of the game before the High School the
following Monday morning said that it made him think of the two
fellows who went fishing—one wasn't very good at figuring but
he could catch fish. When they came to "figure up," however,
the Other fellow figured that most of the fish were his. The team
was not discouraged though defeated. The score was 8 to 12.
Upon their return home they practised hard and after Cadillac had defeated Manistee, Reed City and Ferris Industrial, and
claimed the High School championship of northern Michigan, our
team defeated them at 12th St. Park, 16 to io, and Cadillac forfeited her claim to the championship.
The '96 team made a fine showing for being the first High
School team, and having to learn the game from its rudiments.
Johnston and Lardie played faSthalves, and everybody looked
for alternate gains from them. With Nerlinger at center, Pennington, Leighton, Gane and Gray made a strong line. Erb at
full played a good game, and Garner developed into a fine end.
Thomas at quarter did not have a fumble to his credit during the

'96 rootball Team.























Right Guard
Full Back
Left End
Right Tackle
Right End
Left Half
Quarter Back
Right Half
Left Guard
Left Tackle

The '97 Football Team.
FIR01-1ABLY '97 had the best material for a team that it has
V ever been the High School's good fortune to possess. Unfortunately the first game, played with Cadillac, came early in
the season before the team was in shape, and the High School lost.
This seemed to discourage the team and they failed to show the
interest manifested at first, and did not report regularly for practice. Individual playing could not make up for team work, and
though the two succeeding games, played with Manistee High
School, were close, we suffered two more defeats. The defeat
administered by Cadillac was not taken so seriously when a little
later that High School defeated the Grand Rapids City Team.
The score of the game played with Manistee on our home grounds
was 6 to 4, and the return game resulted in their favor, the score
being I() to 6.
The last game of the season was played at 12th St. Park on

Thanksgiving Day with a city team, and resulted in favor of the
High School. Score, 6 to 4.
The line-up of the team was : Oscar Thomas, George Raff,
Right End ; Will Leighton, Charles Walsh, Righ Tackle ; Ike Pennington, Right Guard ; Amo Nerlinger, Center ; Laura Buck, Left
Guard ; Walton Gray, Left Tackle ; Charley Garner, Left End ;
Walter Trumball, Left Half ; Stephen Lardie, Righ Half ; Herbert Johnston, Full Back ; Verlin Thomas, Quarter Back.
Gray was captain at the opening of the season but resigned
later and Trumball was chosen captain.

The '97 Second Football -ream.
HE only redeeming feature of the season of '97 was the work
of the second team. They administered a defeat to Kalkaska
in a closely contested game, the score being 4 to o. The game was
played at Kalkaska, Supt. Luther playing full-back on the Kalkaska team.
Following is the write-up by a couple of those who went,
which appeared in the Daily Eagle at that time :
There were only a few streaks of gray light in the eastern sky
Saturday morning when the boys of the second team began to
gather for the trip to Kalkaska. Their hearts beat fast, for sunset
would find them either vanquished or victors. About an hour
after they had gathered Cadham and the veteran Lardie were seen
approaching rapidly from the western horizon. The latter's well
eye looked rather sleepy. (There were others also who seemed
to have but recently recovered from dreamland.)
The morning stillness was broken by the yell—
"Beans, Pork, Oyster Stew,
Wire, Briar, Rubber, Glue,
Traverse High School No. 2,"
as they pulled out about 6:30.
Their ride though long was not wearisome. There were
beautiful stretches of farm land and the autumn foliage gave a
delightful tinge to the.landscapes. The village was eagerly looked
for. There were several false alarms but finally the court house
and High School building were seen and just before noon the party
arrived at the village. The boys, twenty-four in number, discussed a fine meal at the Manning House, with all the vim of foot-

ball ardor. Stewed chicken, or "Chewed sticken," as Capt. Northrup called for, was in demand and some feared that the pioneer
rooster who had sacrificed his existence for the satisfaction of
craving appetites would not fulfull his purpose. Cadham did not
take his usual football diet of "cold stewed potatoes" as at Cadillac
last year ; but all knew that Morgan was in his usual form when
he called for bean soup.
Dinner over the boys donned their uniforms and after some
preliminary practice, the game was called at 2:3o with a line-up
as follows
Full Back
Will Gane
Prof. Luther (Capt.)
Right Half.
George Raff
D. McAlpine
Left Half.
Karl Northrup
Bert Ford
Dean Lewis
Quarter Back
Jesse Johnston
Right End
Ralph Thacker
Walter Flye
Roy Gibbs
Harold Lehner...... ...Right Tackle
Left Tackle.
Roy Cadham
Moses Cohen
Boyd Colson
Right Guard
Robert Walter
Left Guard.
Chas. Corbett
Don Morgan
John Woolperf.
Subs—Pennington, Gray. Nerlinger and Clark.
Traverse City High School won the toss and took south goal.
Kalkaska kicked off and the ball was downed on the 25-yard line.
Traverse by quick end playing and good line work advanced the
ball within 10 yards of their opponents' goal when Kalkaska made
a plucky stand and the ball went to them on downs. By snappy
end playing they gained the center of the field when time was
called. In the first 25 minute half neither side had scored.
After a Io-minute intermission time was again called. Traverse kicked off and the ball was downed on the 30-yard line. Kalkaska tried to work the line but the Second Team stood firm and
the ball went to them on-downs. Traverse slowly forced the Kalkaska line hack for a touchdown by Gane. Owing to the position
of the ball he was unable to kick goal. Score, 4 to o in favor of
Traverse High School.
Kalkaska kicked off and Johnston made a big gain assisted by
a strong interference. The teams struggled for supremacy in the
center of the field. The ball changed sides several times on downs,
'Traverse being on Kalkaska's side of the gridiron when time was
called. The game was won. Score, 4 to o.
The teams were evenly matched and the game was closely
contested. Traverse High School had a slight advantage in
weight. Lardie and Arnold alternated as referee and umpire.

In the evening a reception was tendered the players and visitors. The boys had noticed some of the young ladies wearing
black and gold during the afternoon. There were colors in profusion at the game, and more than one snap shot made by the everpresent kodak fiend. The Traverse boys seemed more than ever
in demand and some were afraid that a few of their members
would be retained indefinitely after the reception was over. Mrs.
Luther favored the company with a vocal solo and Supt. Luther
responded to the encore with words of welcome. Mr. Net-linger
in a few well chosen words, expressed the thanks of our boys and
the wish that a return game might be played and our boys entertain as well. Conversation and games caused the time to pass
rapidly and after light refreshments had been served our boys left
for their homes feeling that they had had a very pleasant time and
that Kalkaska High School girls and their teachers were delightful entertainers.
.At the time appointed to leave for home, it seemed for a time
that the suspicions in regard to the retention of some of our members were going to be confirmed. Northrup was the last one to
arrive. His absent mindedness and frequent exclamations seemed
to indicate a depth of impression not to be easily erased. In his
short naps on the way home a fairy form seemed to float ever
before his vision. There were others who enjoyed the same
delightful hallucination. Our boys reached Traverse City in the
wee small hours of the morning, hungry and sleepy ; but with
increased enthusiasm for the game as played between educitional
The yell for a while will be—"What did we do to them ?
Who won ? Traverse City four—Kalkaska none.A. N. and R. W.
The following Saturday, October i6, 1897, Kalkaska was to
play a return game. The girls of the High School invited the Kalkaska girls to accompany the team and arranged to give the visiting team and friends a reception in the High School Assembly
room, which the Board of Education kindly placed at their disposal. The day was rainy and the Kalkaska team did not come.
The students and faculty met in the assembly room in the evening,
however. The evening passed quickly away with singing and
conversation. and will long be remembered for all had such an
enjoyable time with the teachers. They were young again. Prof.
Grawn entertained with sleight of hand and Prin. Horn helped to
keep the air full of notes from whole notes to sixteenth and thirtysecond notes, leading the students in singing old college songs.
Refreshments were served.
No other date was arranged with Kalkaska.

Athletic Association Officers.


EGINNING with the officers at its organization in the fall of
'96 officers have been chosen as follows:
President—Walton L. Grey.
Vice-President—William A. Leighton.
Secretary and Treasurer—Robert E. \VOter.
Manager Football Team—Prof. C. E.


President—Stephen D. Lardie.
Vice-President—Robert E. Walter.
Secretary and Treasurer—Elsworth Hale.


President—Stephen D. Lardie.
Vice-President—William A. Leighton.
Secretary and Treasurer—Robert E. Walter.
Manager Football Team—Carey Hull.

OF '98.

President—Prof. E. R. Swift.
Secretary—Fred L. Smith.
Treasurer—Theron Morgan.
Manager Football Team—Elmer Brown.


President—Supt. C. H. Horn.
Secretary and Treasurer—Herbert Somers.
Manager Football Team—Robert E. Walter.

'97 rootboll Team.--No. 2.














. Manager
. Captain
Right Guard
Left Tackle
Right End
Left Guard
Right Tackle
Right Half.
Left End
Quarter Back
Left Half

The '95 13(Leholl Teorn.


H E baseball team of 1898 was organized early in the spring,
with Ed. Thirlbv as manager and Frank Novotny as captain.
The candidates for the team were then given a good deal of
practice and several practice games were played to ascertain their
individual ability and to enable the manager to select a team. The
following players were chosen to represent the High School:
Steve Lardie, Alfred Avers. Cpsal Hobbs, Will Leighton, Bert
Montague, Torn Wilhelm, Chas. Walsh, Ed. Thirlbv, Frank
\ovotny and Joe Ehrenberger.
The first regular game of the season was played with the
strong Manistee High School team, at the t2th St. Park, on May
1st. Owing to the absence of part of the team substitutes had to
he put in. Walter Trumbull started to pitch for the T. C. High
School, but he was wild and Thirlby was substituted in the fourth
inning, after nine runs had been scored 1w Manistee. He held the
hard-hitting lanistee aggregation down to three runs for the rest
of the game. Although defeated by a score of 12 to 7, the X. C.
team showed ability and a good knowledge of the game. The following gives the make-up of the team : Lardie, catcher ; Trumbull, pitcher and right field ; Novotny, first base ; Wilhelm. second
base ; Thirlby, pitcher and left field ; Montague, right field and
leftfield ; W. Thirlhy, center field ; Ehrenberger, third base ; Hobbs,
short stop.
Owing to financial difficulties, no more regular games were
played on the home grounds. The only other game of the season
was played at Manistee. It was the day of the Odd Fellows' big
celebration and the game was played before a large crowd.
The Traverse City team played a good game in the field, Lardie doing exceptionally well behind the hat, but they were defeated,
to to 2, owing to their inability to do business with the delivery of
the Manistee pitcher. The Traverse City team lined up as follows : Novotny. first base Hobbs, second base : Ehrenberger,
third base : Wilhelm, short stop ; Ayers, left field ; Leighton, center
field : Walsh. right field ; Montague, right field ; Lardie, catcher ;
Thirlby, pitcher. The honor of securing Traverse City's two runs
belonged to Hobbs and Thirlbv.

'95 Baseball Team.









7. Tom





First Base
Second Base
Left Field
Right Field
Short Stop
Third Base
Center Field

The '95 Football Team.


HE team of '98 began the season quite early. The first two
games were played at the Cadillac Street Fair. A city team
made up partially of college players was played instead of a
High School team as was expected. The High School had to go
down before superior weight and lost two games.
Elmer Brown acted as manager and Will Gane as captain.
The team line-up was—Charley Corbett, Will Snushall, ends ;
Ralph Anderson, Walt Murray, tackles; Clarence Slater, Archie
Novotny, guards ; Cal Langworthy, center ; George Raff, Ralph
Thacker, half backs ; Jesse Johnston. quarter back ; Will Gane, full
Later in the season games were played resulting as follows:
Kalkaska High School, 5 ; Traverse City High School, 18.
On home grounds.
Kalkaska High School, 6; Traverse City High School, io.
At Kalkaska.
Manistee High School, 16; Traverse City High School, o.
At Manistee.
Mancelona High School, o; Traverse City High School, 12.
On home grounds.

Petoskey High School, o ; Traverse City High School, i 1.
On home grounds.
Toward the latter part of the season there were some new
players on the team, among them being Rob. Davis, Tiny Rokus,
and Charley Walsh. The team put up snappy ball all of the year
and won the majority of games played.

The '9 rootball Team.
ASEBALL was interesting the boys this last fall so that the
team was not organized very early. The city team took a good
deal of the interest as some of the older players in the High
School were practising with them. Many of the team were new
men ; but through diligent practise, assisted by Rob. Davis, '97,
who was kind enough to spend considerable time coaching them,
they were soon in fair shape. A date was secured with Kalkaska
High School, November 18, on their home grounds. The boys
drove over, starting early Saturday morning.


The game was very close and exciting and neither team had
it won until the last minute of play was ended. Kalkaska's team
showed unexpected strength, and put up snappy ball throughout
the game, though they were beginning to weaken near the end of
the latter half. The High School team showed a little weakness
in interference. ( Something which was remedied with good
results, as succeeding games showed.)
At 2 o'clock the game was called by Referee Arnold of Kalkaska, with Will Rennie acting as umpire. The teams lined up
as follows:
B. Wright

R. Barnard
R. Travis
G. Larson
0. Moyer
J. Thomas
R. Ridgely
A. Woolpert
D. Lewis (Capt.)
J. Woolpert
R. Halcro.

Left End
Left Tackle
Left Guard
Right Guard.
Right Tackle
Right End
Quarter Back
Left Half
Righ Half
Full Back

J Slater
R Walter
C. Maynard
H. McIntosh
W. Vogelsong
H. Despres
C. Hurley
G Raff (Capt.)
C Leighton
W. Snushall
C. Langworthy

Raff kicked off for the High School, and the ball was secured
by Snushall near the center of the field. The ball was advanced
rapidly for a time, when Ridgely tackled Leighton for a loss, and
the ball went to Kalkaska on clowns. Ridgely made a long gain
around left end, and was pulled down by Langworthy. A little
later the ball was lost on downs.
Snushall made two short gains for the High School but the
ball was lost on downs. A foul tackle was claimed, and should
evidently have been allowed, Ridgely tackling Snushall high.
Ridgely made another long gain around left end and was
again stopped by Langworthy. Kalkaska then lost the ball on
Little gain was made by the High School till Kalkaska made
a gain of a yard and then fumbled. Snushall was on the ball in
an instant, and the first half closed with the ball in the High
School's possession near the center of the field, and no score made
by either team.
Kalkaska kicked off in the. second half and stopped the run
on the High School's t5-yard line. Snushall had no interference
and was tackled for a big loss, and the ball went over to be lost
immediately by Kalkaska on a fumble.
Then began a series of fine line smashing by Snushall. Seven
times in succession he struck the line, making a gain each time.
Then Leighton was sent against the line twice for gains, when the
ball was lost on a fumble.
By a very clever double pass (it worked for one anyway)
from Lewis to Halcro, the ball was sent over the line for a touchdown, and Kalkaska went wild. The ball was brought out and
Lewis kicked a goal in fine style, making the score 6 to o in favor
of Kalkaska.
Raff kicked off and Ridgely got the ball, but was stopped.
On the next play the ball was lost on a fumble, and Raff got it.
Snushall did some more fine line bucking, but the ball went over
at last on downs, while very near to Kalkaska's goal, so near, in
fact, that it looked as if this would be a touchdown.
With 30 seconds to play, Kalkaska made a double pass, and
Halcro again went around the end and started for our goal. But
Maynard, who had been distinguishing himself all the game by his
line work, caught the fleet-footed little Kalkaska full back, and
the play stopped with the ball in Kalkaska's hands, and that High
School a winner, 6 to . o. .
Our new men had been tried, however, and the weakness in
the team showed up. Steps were immediately taken to remdy this
with what rsults the two succeeding games show.

The Return Game with Kalkaska High School—
Score, 22 to 0.

WEEK later, Kalkaska played us a return game at 12th St.
Park. Our boys worked hard to remedy defects showed up
by the first game and lined up to wipe out the former defeat.
This they did with scores to spare. Kalkaska High School had
possession of the ball but four times, and not at any time did they
make the required five yard gain. At one time on the last down
they had lost to yards instead of gaining five. They got the ball
on downs but once.
'The visitors arrived on the I :3o G. R. & I. All was ready
for the game at 3 o'clock and it was called without delay. Dean
Lewis, Kalkaska's plucky little captain, and R. Halcro for the visitors played great football. They were in the game at every play.
Other members of the team put up good ball but their case was
hopeless and they went down before the Black and Gold without
a score to their credit.
Our line resisted all the attacks of Kalkaska with apparent
ease. Every man on the team played good ball. Morgan at center opened up some large gaps for the backs to go through, and
Raff at quarter put up his usual game. But Will Snushall, Tom
Wilhelm, and Jack Slater especially distinguished themselves, each
of them putting up fast, steady football. The team worked
together and won the game. No player can play successfully
without support—probably the one thing hardest for our High
School teams to learn.
In the first half, T. C. H. S. kicked the ball off and it was
downed on the visitors' 15-yard line. Three attempts resulted in
a loss for Kalkaska and our High School took the ball.
Five center plays in which Wilhelm and Snushall carried the
ball alternately, resulted in a touchdown by Wilhelm, who kicped
goal nicely, and the score was 6 to o.
The visitors made a beautiful kick off, Wilhelm got the ball
and was downed on our 16-yard line. Snushall made a pretty end
run, but was stopped in fine style by Lewis. A double pass from
Wilhelm to Snushall resulted in a long gain, and Wilhelm made
another like it around right end. Some center plays resulted in
gains for us, and then Snushall went around left end for a long
gain, Raff playing fine interference. The ball was within a few
feet of the goal, and with the next play Snushall carried it over
the line for a touchdown, and Wilhelm kicked goal, making tilt


score 12 to 0.

Again the visitors kicked off, and the ball was caught by Snu-


shall, who made a fine run through a broken field, to within five
yards of the center. On the next pass, Wilhelm made a long punt,
and as the Kalkaska man caught it he was downed by Slater before
he had gained a foot. Kalkaska made a center run, and was
downed back of the line for a big loss. Lewis tried right end but
made no gain, and the ball was secured by Maynard on an unsuccessful attempt to punt.
T. C. H. S. made some good gains, then lost the ball on a
fumble and the half ended with the ball in Kalkaska's possession.
In the second half with the game secure, our High School
played less of the regulation plays, and used trick plays to advantage. The ball was crowded rapidly to within a few yards of Kalkaska's goal, and then lost on downs. K. H. S. made a yard by
a center play, then fumbled. Slater got the ball and was sure of
a touchdown had not Wilhelm mistaken him for a Kalkaska man,
and tackled him. Snushall put the ball through the center for a
goal between the posts, but Wilhelm failed in his attempt at goal,
and the score was 17 to o..
Again Kalkaska kicked, and the ball was carried by Wilhelm
to within five yards of the center of the field. There McIntosh
had his wind knocked out, and H. Despres took his place, playing
well to the close of the game. The ball was rapidly forced down
to within a few feet of the goal, when within only half a minute to
play, Wilhelm went through the line with a touchdown. He
failed in an attempt at the goal, and the score was 22 to o.
The utmost good feeling prevailed in the game and there was
no slugging nor fouling. K. H. S. was heartily cheered at the
close. The boys were at the train to see them off and again
cheered them.
Following is the line-up of the game :
J. Slater
Left End
C. Maynard
Left Tackle
C. Leighton
Left Guard
D. Morgan
W. Vogelsong
Right Guard
H. McIntosh, H. Despres . . Right Tackle
C. Hurley.
Right End
G. Raff
Quarter Back
T. Wilhelm
Left Half
W. Snushall
Right Half.....
A. Novotny
Full Back

B Wright
B. Clark
R Travis
G Larson
C White
M. Ferguson
J. Albert
J Woolpert
D Lewis
A Woolpert
R. Halcro

. A date was arranged for a return game with Kalkaska but
was declared off later as the weather would not permit it's being





'99 rootDall Team.







4. TOM






8. En.




Right Guard
Full Back
Right End
Left Tackle
Left H alf
Right End
Left End
Quarter Back
Quarter Back
Right Tackle
Right Half
Quarter Back
Left Guard
Left Tackle

Last Game of the Season.

N Thanksgiving Day, the Petoskeys met their Waterloo at
2th St. Park and the High School added another to its list
of victories.
The team from the sea-serpent city arrived on the 9:3o train
and after a good dinner were on the grounds promptly at 2:30
ready for the game.
A good-sized crowd was present and there was no delay in
starting the game. Our High School had a slight advantage in
weight which told somewhat in mass plays, but the game was won
on its merits.
No visiting team has ever played a more clean, straight-forward game here. They were gentlemen and won the friendship


of the spectators, and especially of the High School team. They
played ball all of the time too, and were in the game to its close,
never ceasing to play hard and fast.
At the opening of the game the hoiiie team kicked off, and
the ball was downed on Petoskey's 20-yard line. The visitors
made a good gain around the end, when on the next play Snushall
passed the interference, and downed the ball for. a loss of five
yards to the Petoskeys. Then the ball went over on downs.
The play was opened for a long gain around right end, Maynard. the new half back, carrying the ball. The play was fast all
the time, and Maynard and Snushall alternated carrying the ball
for good gains around the end or gaining steadily through the
line. till at the end of 7;4 minutes, Maynard made a touchdown
right between the goal posts. He was thrown and the ball fell
from his hands, but Vogelsong fell on it. Novotny kicked the
goal handily and the score was 6.
Petoskey kicked off, and the ball was caught and carried to
the center of the field by Langworthy. Then Petoskey got it on
a fumble, but lost it at once on downs, Snushall again tackling the
half back in the rear of the line. Snushall made a good gain
around the end and another through the center, when Maynard
took a run around the end for a gain of 25 yards, Snushall playing fine interference. A series of line bucks and Maynard made
a tounchdown through the center. Novotny made a pretty kick
but the ball struck the bar, and the score was it.
Again Petoskey kicked to Langworthy, and the ball was carried to within four yards of the center of the field. Snushall made
a great gain around the left end, and was booked for a touchdown
had it not been for a tackle by Gix. But the touchdown was
made a little later by Langworthy, in a fine run around right end.
It was a hard place to kick the goal, and Novotnv's failure was
perfectly excusable. The score was 16 for the home team. It
required but 3;/2 minutes for this touchdown.
Again Petoskey kicked to Langworthy, and the ball was carried nearly to the center of the field. A double pass was tried,
which resulted in a loss of five yards, but the loss was more than
made up by a long end run of Maynard, in which four men in succession were foiled in their attempt to tackle him, he going down
before the fifth. Snushall made a long end gain and was very
near the line when downed. He crossed it in another play, and
the score was 21 as \ovotny failed to kick goal. The half ended
as the touchdown was made.
Petoskey began the second half by a kick off to Snushall, who
made a fine run. Alternate plays by Snushall and Maynard carried the ball rapidly almost to the visitors' goal. A funible threatened to lose the ball, but Boyer, the little quarter back who played

in this game for the first time, fell on the ball and in another minute Novotny carried it over for a touchdown. He kicked a nice
goal and the score was 27.
Again the ball was kicked to Snushall, who fumbled, but Maynard fell on it. Several long gains by Snushall and Maynard
carried the ball to the visitors' io-vard line. A double pass from
Langworthy to Hurley carried the ball back of the goal posts, but
the referee decided that it was a forward pass. and the ball was
brought hack. Snushall made a long end gain on the next play
and a touchdown was scored. Novotny kicked low, the ball hit
the bar, making the score 32.
Again Snushall got the ball on the kick off, and made a good
gain. Some good gains were made through the line, then
Novotny punted. The ball went to Gix, who failed to hold it, and
Langworthy carried it over the line for a touchdown. Petoskey
claimed the catch was interfered with.
Petoskey kicked to Novotny, who carried the ball almost to
the center. A wedge play in which Snushall carried the ball, made
a long gain, then the ball was passed to Langworthy, who made a
long run and crossed the line. But it was a forward pass, and
Petoskey got the ball.
Then the most exciting plays of the game began. Perhaps
the fastest work of the entire game was done here by Petoskey.
A gain was made around right end, another around left end, a
good one through the center ; but in the next, Vogelsong downed
the ball hack of the line for a loss. Then Babcock tried a 30-yard
place kick, and missed a goal by only a few feet. The ball was
secured by Novotny and Petoskey wanted a score of 2 on account
of a touch back. Referee Westgate was doubtful of its being a
touch back ; anyway, as the rules gave no authority for scoring on
a touch back, the score was declared 38—o in favor of the Black
and Gold.
Maynard showed his efficiency as a half hack during the game
and ought to make a strong man for the team next year.
Following is the line-up of the two teams :
Cal Langworthy
Left End
L. Smith
George McKenzie ......... Left Tackle
H. White
Curtis Leighton
Left Guard
C. Pratt
Herald McIntosh
B. Severance
Will Vogelsong
Right Guard.
E. Partridge
Harry Despres
. Right Tackle
J. Lignian
Clarence Hurley
Right End.....
A. Hinz
Cliff Maynard
Left Half
G. Gix
Will Snushall
Right Half
B. Babcock
Archie Novotny
. Full Back
G. Caskev

The team of "'oo" expects to organize earlier than 'oo did.
The team of '99 showed what practise and team work can do.
While some of the old players will not be hack next year there will
still be plenty of good material in the High School for a team, and
with practice they ought to win some games. Plans now are to
organize the afternoon of the first day of school when the session
is dismissed for classification. The boys realize that good, clean
athletics are the best all around, and intend to enter into football
and studies to win. Good clean athletics ought to be encouraged.

'00 hascholl IcanA.

















Second Base


Short Stop




First Base


Right Field




Third Base

Baseboll in the roll of 1599 and Spring of 1900
iE baseball season of 1899-1990 opened for the High School
team very soon after school commenced in September. On
September II, the enthusiasts met and elected High School
Athletic Association officers as follows :
President—Supt. C. H. Horn.
Secretary and Treasurer—Herbert I. Somers.
The organization was effected with the ever present aim of
interesting athletics in the various departments.
No large association of this nature can do any amount of business without financial support and after Robert E. Walter and
Frank Novotny had been chosen Manager and Captain, respectively, of the team to be, they set about to replenish the treasury
with funds, raised by popular subscription among the High School
players. In a few days enough wherewithal was collected to buy
a new second hand baseball, and a meeting for the inspection of
the baseball tossers was announced to take place on Twelfth Street
Park immediately after the afternoon session of the school. This
meeting was largely attended and proved to be very interesting
to many. A foraged pump-handle was extracted from the clothing of a manly looking student and soon the newly purchased
horsehide was once again bounding over the diamond, nipping a
finger here and there and avoiding being caught as much as possible. The first night's practice developed perplexing questions,
along with sore fingers, to Captain Novotny. Enough players to
compose several very amateur teams were present. However,
these difficulties were cleared the next night when only a few extra
players reported for work. For several days following good
work was accomplished and some good practice games were
played among the students, notwithstanding that the line-up on
each side was irregular every time. Soon, however, the team was
chosen and an invitation to a contest with Ilenda's Twirlers was
accepted, though the latter had been playing all summer. Their
advantage in long practice was clearly seen in that first game,
when the High School boys were defeated by two scores, the finish
being 5 to 7.
More practice was heaped upon the students and every player
was urged upon to be present at the next game with the Twirlers.
This came off on a Saturday and also proved fatal. A number
of the High School team failed to appear, and another game was
lost, 9 to 6. This aroused the ire of Manager Walter and after
that it behooved every player, who cared for his position, to be
ready for practice exactly four minutes from the time school was
out, every night. No dates were arranged for a week. For five
nights the pitchers received their "bumps" without a murmur, and
every player received his blessing when the ball was dropped with-


out making an audible reference to the fault of his glove or mitt.
Toward the end of the week it was officially announced that another game with the Twirlers would be risked on Saturday. The
hour of the game found every player on the bench, trembling with
excitement and wondering to himself if this would not be the last
chance he would have to defend the Black and Gold. Catcher
Dunn was the first to bat and promptly sent the ball on an excursion into left field while he made tracks for second base via first.
With this mortgage on the game at the start, each student player
added heavy interest and at the end of the seventh inning, foreclosed their rights to victory 8 to 4, with hardly an error to their
The following week they performed a similar feat against
the same opponents, the score standing 9 'to 5. The next game
between the Twirlers and the High School took place one night
after school, and was given to the former on what has since been
termed a "technical point." The High School team was last at
bat with two men out, three on bases, and only one score behind,
when Coacher Wilhelm, chief strategy coacher, pretending he was
a base runner, ran from third base toward home plate. The ball
was passed hurriedly to the catcher, who missed it and the real
base runner at third base came home. The catcher endeavored
to catch the second base runner at third base, and here again the
ball was fumbled and the runner reached home safely, bringing
in the winning score. But the other man was caught between
second and third and the side was retired. Then commenced a
series of complaints that the two scores brought in during those
plays were illegal because they were made on a play retiring the
side. Nothing would pacify the complainants and finally Captain Novotnv's good nature bade him give the decision in favor
of them.
The last game to be mentioned is one that would hardly be
recorded with consent of the players, if the High School had been
the losers. This time the "Invincible Armadas" were the contestants for honors with the High School team. Manager Walter had been rather dubious about the advisability of arranging
dates with this team, considering them, from their title, something
too strong for the High School team to handle. However it was
proved that invincible sometimes, once anyway, meant convincible,
for during the entire nine innings not an Armada crossed home
plate and very few saw first base. The students pitted twenty
During these series of games the batte,-y for the High School
was Somers and Dunn.
!Kalkaska High School and Elk Rapids were written to for
games but they did not organize in the fall. Old Mission could
give us no game as they disbanded with Catcher Lardie's depart-

ure for the University. Several dates were arranged with the
asylum team but the High School was disappointed in getting a
game with them.]
The season opened the latter part of April and officers for the
team were elected as follows:
Manager—Frank Novotny.
Captain—Tom Wilhelm.
Much interest was manifested in getting a team started again
this spring and a large number of old time players and some new
ones reported for, practice each night. The main difficulty presented this season was in the fact that other aggregations were
slow in getting organized. No regular matches have yet been
played, but excellent prospects for games with outside High
Schools are in view.
May to, 19oo.

What Some of Our High School Students Have
Done in Athletics.
BYRON HOLDSWORTH, '96, with "oo" of M. A. C. has won
three medals in running events while representing M. A. C. at
inter-collegiate meets ; winning medals for a mile and a half mile
race at I-Tillsdale in '97 and a medal at a meet in Lansing in '98.
He has done something on local field days besides.
RALPH HASTINGS, with '96 and with "cm" M. A. C., is a well
known bicycle rider and won a mile and a half mile in '98 while
representing M. A. C. Besides winning three medals and having
three consecutive Decoration Day road races to his credit, he has
won all kinds of prizes in racing events in this part of the state.
CHARLEY BUCK, '95, has taken several prizes in local events
as a rider and a sprinter. He has also played on the city football
team and played on H. S. team as supply in '96.
ROLAND BOUGHTON, '99, made the West Point team this, his
Freshman year. He has a ten mile road race to his credit.
AvIIL NERLINGER,,,President of '98 and center on the football
teams of '96 and '97, has been playing center on his class team at
the U. of M. this year He is in the law department.
JOHN LAUTNER, '9o, has a gold medal which he received for
a hammer throw at the University. He has been instructor in
German at the University and at present is studying at Leipsic.
Junius M. WILHELM, M. D., with '91 and '95, University of
Pennsylvania, rowed on his class team and received a "P" sweater
for broad jump.
LEVI T. PENNINGTON, '94, is somewhat athletically inclined.
He has played baseball and football and has records for running,

jumping and pole vaulting. Being an all around athlete he enjoys
showing up at the last minute and beating the other fellows just
for the fun of defeating them, entering each event in turn in local
JEROME WILHELM, '92 and University of Pennsylvania '98,
played on his class team during his Freshman year and on the University Baseball team during the remaining three years that he was
in college. He was reported by Walter Camp as the best collegiate infielder in '98. He played football on his class team, and
in '96 was on the track team, winning silver cups for first in the
high jump and too-yard dash, and for second place in the hurdle
race. He graduated President of his class, the C. E.'s, and at
present is in the employ of the G. R. & I. R. R., where he has just
been made captain of a baseball team organized by Supt. Stimpson.
HARRY KYSELKA, '96. "Ever since Harry Kyselka entered
the University in the fall of '97 the football coaches have been
urging him to get out and practice. if he would do this he could
without doubt make the 'Varsity eleven. He, however, prefers to
devote his entire time to study. He is a medic and one of the best
in his class."—Grand Rapids Herald.
HARRY KNEELAND, '97 with "02" M. A. C., has defeated some
of the best tennis players at M. A. C. He pitched and played first
while in the High School. He is Society Editor on the M. A. C.
Record and President of his class.
BERT JENNINGS, an old Traverse City High School student,
now a resident of Grand Rapids, won the Strength contest at Yale
several years ago ,and is now one of the greatest men in the country in his line of athletics. His record at Yale has just been defeated, but until a few weeks ago was unparalleled.
STEVEN LARDIE, '98, who was twice President of the H. S.
Athletic Association and played half on the '96 and '97 teams, is
a sprinter, as all players know who ever attempted to overtake him
when he had the ball and any kind of a show. He was always
interested in baseball playing on the H. S. and his home (Old Mission) team. He is in the law department, U. of M., having entered in '98, and will undoubtedly make the 'Varsity team this
spring. Last year he caught on his class team.
WALTER TRUMBALL, with '98, who was captain latter half
of season and played half on '97 team, was captain of his class
team and played end on Trinity this year.
TRACY GILLIS, '90, has won four medals for bicycle racing
and taken a number of prizes.
CHARLEY RENNIE, '97, is a strong local rider and has several
races to his credit.
EDWIN L. TH1RLBY, Secretary of '98, was always interested
in athletics while in the High School, pitching on several of the
teams. He is a Freshman Medic at the University this year and
is playing second base on his class team.


"And Gentle Dullness Ever Loves a Joke."


SENIOR—One of whom 'tis said, "Seen ye'r study once but
never seen ye'r again."
STUDENT (in chemistry)—"Why isn't night air healthy?"
PROF. CORI3—"Night air is as healthy as any other kind of
H. RUSSKY (translating in German)—"He observed his fellow workman with both his hands on his hack."
CAFFREY—" I don't think Frances is pretty, do you?
going to change my name some day."
SWIFT ( in physical geography class)—"Where does the rain
FRESH 1\ I N —" Most of it gathers in the rain barrel."
PONY—A diminutive animal often found upon students.
STUDENT (in exam.)--"Miss Downing, will you please read
the sixth question? I can't see it, your head is in the way."
Miss Dow NING—" I will remove my head then."

Conti—"To use barium nitrate, we usually dissolve it in water.
Here I have some dissolved in a bottle."

SWIFT (explaining higher mathematics to Sr. Geom. class)—
"Now possibly 5 X I= I= 5= 5-"
HORN (to youth about to disappear thro' the main entrance)
—"Here, young man, were you excused?"
YOUTH (pale with fright)—"Oh, yes, yes, yes sir, yes, I was
excused."( ?)
GEOMETRY (Geom-e-tree)—A species of the tree of knowl-

STUDENT (in botany)—"Mr. Swift, shall we draw these beans
life size?
SWIFT (testing flour for proteids)—"Only substances containing proteid turn yellow when nitric acid is added."
Pu P I r..—"Has Fred's pants got proteid in them? They turned
yellow when you spilled nitric acid on them."
Miss OvIATT--"There isn't a single inhabitant in Greenland,
is there, Mr. Cobb?"
Miss A. (on the Sr. sleighrides )—"Nell, do you like hilly
country ?Miss B.—Yes, but she likes hilly bubble (Hillie Hubbell)
NOTE—A peculiar literary production to which teachers

SWIFT—"Now, I will heat this to get it hot."
ENTERPRISING JUNIORS (planning for the annual Senior reception)—"Let's ask some of the Seniors about it, they would
know better what ought to be done."
(Hubbell reads the description of "Morpheus' Abode.")
Miss DowNixc (to the rest of the class)—"Wouldn't the
reading of that almost make you go to sleep ?"
Miss — (one evening on the ice)—"Mr. Swift, have you
seen Miss Morris this evening?"
SWIFT (pointing to a star)—"Oh, no, that's not Mars, that's
Quiz—An instrument of torture applied by the faculty.
Miss BouwiNG—"What is second sight?"
AI.LEN—"It's when you can shut your eyes and tell what time
it is."

M iss WEEKs--"What is theology ?"
FRESHMAN—"Theology is the study of the stars."
SF.T.cloit (in chemistry class)—"How do they make parlor

matches ?"
guess each one will have to find that out for them=
Ai.iiEBRA—The study of the ex-wise (x, y's).
"TEACHER (to visiting professor)—"Are you married?"
Corn—"What is the use of the two outlets ?"
NASH—"One must be an inlet, I guess."
Students (the Annual Editor and especially the editor-inchief) are cautioned against leaving their shoes in the aisles for
the teachers to stumble over.







13v Their Words Ye Shall Know Them.
MR. R-D-E- : "Please see me in the library at the close of
Miss A-K-N- : "Is that clear?"
MR. S-t-T : "Well I am not prepared to say just now." "Now
iss j-C-L-N- : "You get as much out of this work as you put
into it...
I)-w-;-G: "I feel that's a happpy way of expressing it."
"\\11 I think so."
: "That is quite a bit, perhaps."
N-R-o-: "Heed my admonitions."
"Now there are some little children in the
room we will have to wait for."
MR. H-R- : "There's a little matter I want to call your attention to this morning."
lervey Allen's face in repose.
Moses Gilbert with a girl.
Eva Thacker not late.
Seniors skipping school.
Chase working.
Miss B. grinning.
Swift (lancing.
Horn on the lawn.
Miss N. as an Editor's wife.
PROF. COBB : "How is NH4 produced ?"
J. RUSSKY "By the decay of vegetables."
PROF. HORN ( in rhetoric)—
"In words as in fashions the same rule will hold
Alike fantastic if too new or old.
Be not the first by whom the new is tried,
Nor vet the last to lay the old aside."
BAD Boy (in stage whisper)—"Notice Prof's new tie."
ENG. LIT. TEACH ER (speaking of Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth)—"It is simply terrific, that is the only word that will express
it. It makes your blood run cold in your veins."
j. EHRENBERGER (soliloquizing)—"I think I will buy me a
pocket edition of that play for next summer."

STRA NGER ( having been told that the Asylum is in the south
western part of the city, stops at the High School and walks into
the Supt.'s office i--"We should like to see the patients if you
PROF. Cooll—"Describe the different stages of sulphur when
"At too° it is a yellow liquid,
At 200° it presents a black appearance,
At 300° it becomes thin again,
At 400° (after hesitating)—I guess there isn't anything
left of it."
Miss ATKIN (to student who has worked what he could of
one problem and then gone on to the next)—"I want you to do,
what you do do."
PRES. OF JIB. Ll-CEL" NI —"We \\ill next listen to a vocal duet
by Miss
PRoF. Coon (explaining the angle of refraction of light)—
JuNtox—"I don't see how that makes the angles any lesser?"
In Cicero (translation)—"He convinced three ears."
Miss D.—"How does the barbarous Indian build his wigwani ?"
FREsti MAN--"He lets his wife do it."
TFAciiER—"What can you say of Lowell's ancestors?"
Pt- i,o.—"I don't think he had very many."
(Ai No—A painful operation, to which innocent and unsuspecting persons are subjected.
Enrrok—" It will cost you $1.50 to get the first hundred pro.grams printed and after that only 5oc. per hundred."
MOSES GILBERT—"We will take one of the hundreds after
PROF. Cori; (thinking of the preparation of phosporous from
bones)—"Given a bone what would you do first?"
WILL NASH (who hasn't forgotten his army experience in the
last campaign)—"Pick it."
ENG. His-r. TFAcHF--"How did Henry VIII. retaliate for
what the Pope did ?"
\VILE. SNI-snAt.t.—"He drove the Monks from their monasteries, took their valuables and smashed the windows."
Only one more payment to be made and the janitor will own
the whole school building. Then the Board of Education will
have to get his consent to open school in the fall.

Catching Hies
tiooa d e vomeetings ., I'll be hanged "


Parson-a. e

Geo. Chase

Robert Walter..


midnight oil

Grinning I?)

"Some one else
have done
1...„., „

Growing a

Records lost

.t. ,4 ea.rmo

mustac. e

Edgar Keith

Girls (?)

" I coulan't
find it "



Moses Gilbert

The Faculty

"Ohl I know "


Alma Oviat. .....


Riding a pony

Dave Jickling.... . Sweet .6




Men (any kind)

Goose eggs

The Soviet

His speed


ig ni



Too distant





A Sweet heart

A little
more dignity

Not yet

A bean

A partner

A cottage by
the sea

Time to think

Her own way

A spanking

Time to get to
Randolph St.

More work

A High chair


A rattle



.. That gait"

Leanil g
' Baptists Volubility

Hard to tell


Love for private



Too numerous
to mention





" Granting" it
Two much


Has none


Chewing the rag


" For the
land's sake ,,

•• I can't tell "

Answering notes

" What do Lorue ,,

" I don't kno' "

" 1 cant give it -




Nell Grant.. .....

Flounce Caldwell. Sauce-age




Will Snushall

" Gee "

Fleeing from
the girls


Bert Montague
A calm one

,, Don't care "

Chewing fingernails

" Nothin'"



Three months. Writ ng Notes


Francis Coffre

Wilson Hubb,II



MISS BOULDIN—"You haven't your lesson very well, how
much time did you put on it?"
JUNIOR—"Seventeen and one-half minutes."
Mr. Buller had been reciting on the conditions of the land
during the Eozoic age.
PROF.—"Now. r. Chase, you may tell us what became of
the land when Mr. huller left it."
MR. SWIFT (going to the steam pipes and turning on the
steam)--"I don't know whether we can get any heat from these
registers cr not."
SUPT. HORN—"Do not throw any scraps of bread or meat on
the floor. It makes a bad litter, extra work for the janitor, etc.,
etc. Be sure and put them in the receptacle provided for them."
(Later to the janitor) : "Have James bring those scraps over
to the hens."
Miss BOULDIN—"You may translate, `Satis diu vixisse
STI'DENT—"Say, you've lived long enough."
" A chiefs among ye taking notes, and faith he'll prent it."
JumoR--There endless strife, there dire ambition reigns."
Miss B.--Give the principal parts of do."
STUDENT (in a whisper)—"Flour and water."
Sometimes heroic measures are taken to preserve the works
of nature and of art. A case of heroism unparalleled in the history of educational institutions came to notice during this last
year when a janitor put up a notice to keep his superintendent off
the lawn. Students coming out of the north entrance saw at the
right the notice—

deep on theWd111(.11.11orn

Peal rstate Transfer.
Furnished by jesekiah \Vorthmore, proprietor of the Grand
Traverse County Abstract office, April 25, 190o.
Board of Education to Harvey Curtis, Central School Building and grounds. Consideration—that lie do the janitor work.
Mr. Curtis will take complete possession June i, 19oo. Being
a public spirited man he will allow the building to be used for
school purposes next year ( though the property is now in his
name), providing the students keep on the walks and leave the
building promptly at 3 :30 p. m.

/ ..k



01? Soc,






-r• %Lilac




Instructions to New Students.


You are supposed to walk single file through the halls.
Go down the stairs one step at a time. Keep to the right.
Follow the same rules in coming up. Under no considerations
slide down the banisters. The girls will please keep this in mind.
The boys are cautioned against putting their feet on the desks
when eating.
Students from the country Nv 1 1 please notice that we have no
recess, so when it's convenient for you to get warm dinners bring
no lunches. We wish you to refrain from eating pie in school.
Keep off the grass. The janitor wants it to grow so he can
cut it again.
It is positively against the rules for anyone but a teacher to
chew gum.
Do not leave doughnuts for the teachers on the spindles or the
desks. They have troubles of their own where they board.
Boys in the High School room are cautioned against making
any disturbances whatever, or the superintendent may conic down
upon them like a ton of brick.

New 13ooli5 on Old Subjects I)iJ Well Known
(to us) Writers.
Four Great Americans.
Montague, Hubble, Gilbert & Keith.
The Little Minister
E. Holdsworth.
The Coming Man
A. Oviatt.
A Bachelor Maid
M. Pratt.
Little Men
F Caffrey.
The Pace That Kills
G Chase.
Letters to Young Ladies
D Jickling.
The Man in Black
L Tlicuhald.
Comedies of Courtship
R Walter.
If I Were a Man
E. Murrell.
Midsummer Night's l)reani
N. (:rant.
The Man Who Laughs
\\ Nash.
VVe Two
\V. Snushall.
The Wandering Jew
J. Russky.
Innocence Abroad
F Dago.
The One I Knew the Best of All
F Smith.

In Regard to the Basement.
All persons wishing to use the basement will need to provide
themselves with a lantern.
Whistle no tunes, much less attempt to sing in the basement,
as it resounds thro' the building.
Do not scuffle. It is very undignified for High School students, besides you are liable to tear your clothes or loose buttons,
thus making extra work for your mother.
Do not hang hats or wraps in the basement. This was spoken
of before and several boys have gotten raps there since, so the
janitor reports.

44" •

fr's, '*- •.z./
A •/ cb ty -4)°,0


Class Socials.
X S early as the month of October the Seniors commenced to
/A think of plans and preparations for the Annual. For this it was
necessary that we should have money in the treasury, so a
Pumpkin Pie Social was decided upon for the purpose of starting
this fund. We held the social in Foresters' Hall the evening of
October 22d, and a large crowd patronized the tables, showing the
high appreciation of the public for pumpkin pie. The evening was
a very enjoyable one. Mr. Horn had the honor of devouring the
most pie. It was a complete success both socially and financially.

One monday night in January the Seniors and others gad-rued in the old K. of P. Hall for the purpose of enjoying a box
social. The hail was found by the girls as the boys had hunted
in vain for a stopping place for one evening, and as the door to
success is labeled "Push,- they failed.
The early part of the evening was spent in playing carroms
and jolly social chats around in the corners which had been made
attractive by screens and other decorations. Lawyer Gilbert appeared upon the scene and the night-caps were given to a merciless auctioneer who sent them flying to the right and left. Then
what fun the boys had finding their partners for supper, but soon
the girls appeared bedecked in crimson, yellow, pink, blue and
every other colored bonnet imaginable.
After lunch we spent the time in playing jolly games and at a
late hour we wended our way homeward feeling that a profitable
and enjoyable evening- had been spent.




m 1) me11 t.

NI( ),NG the varied undertakings of the Class of 19oo, none deserves greater commendation, or proves more clearly their
energy and perseverance than the entertainment given in the
City ( )pera House the evening of March 2 and 3.
The name though suggestive can give but a faint conception
of the novel and picturesque scene that greeted expectant visitors.
In appearance, the opera house had been transformed into a veritable gipsy camp with tents. camp fires, wagons, and the ever necessary accessories of gipsy life, dogs and stolen chickens. A tour
throut211 :1w camp revealed dark-eyed maids offering for sale a
"Drink from Sunny Spain ;" "Zingarella, the Flower Girl," tempting the unwary to buy just one flower or many from her basket. A
real Spring maiden, Azucena, whose hearts, darts and mittens
proved favorite souvenirs. Here a group of singers attracted
attention, there men in gipsy dress lounged idly around the camp
fires, while others called lustily from covered wagons, "Luck packages for sale, here's where you get your luck." At every turn a
new surprise awaited the uninitiated until in imagination you were
far away amidst the real life of these interesting people. As soon
as the curiosity of the spectators had been gratified, a program
was rendered in true gipsy fashion. This consisted of songs, recitations and tableaux, a wand drill by sixteen gaily dressed maidens
being one of the prettiest features.
All the characters deserve commendation, yet this sketch will
permit the mention of only the more prominent. Among those
were Zarca, the chief : Zingara, the fortune teller ; Zingarella, the
flower girl ; Azucena, the heart, dart and mitten girl : the fiendish
hags and the beautiful gipsy queen.
The financial success of the first evening seemed to justify
its repetition and accordingly with some variations the entertainment was repeated. Had there existed any doubt regarding the
appreciation of the audience or the success of the entertainment
from an artistic standpoint they were utterly put to flight 1w the
liberal patronage accorded it the second evening.
The purpose of the entertainment was commendable. It was
planned with a view to raising funds for an annual and in this the
Class was not to be disappointed, as the entertainment netted them
the neat sum of ninety dollars.

That it proved so successful was due largely to the untiring
efforts of the Class, though they received valuable assistance not
only from the members of the High School and the teachers—
especially Miss Downing and Miss Bliss, also, from Mrs. J. B.
Martin and others not directly connected with the school. The
plan was new and the ingenuity of those who proposed and executed it, was everywhere in evidence. Everything from the gay
parade to the gipsy program was instructive and entertaining,
proving beyond a doubt the resourcefulness of this most resourceful of classes.

Sleigh-ride to N1401(1111.
NE thy in the cold month of February the naughty-naughts
decided to run away from school. They came bright and early
that morning, each having his lesson, thinking that that would
surely pardon him from any guilt of the day. They made a great
deal of noise, tittering and whispering. and the faculty stared and
wondered, but could not imagine what the "Dignitaries" were
going to do. But the mvsterious.—the unknown,—did not remain
in the dark long ; it was revealed when the bell gave its last toll
at noon. and the ones in authority looking up the rows of seats
noticed that every senior, excepting an exceedingly brave one, was
missing. Just then their attention was called to a sleigh load of
youths with much cultivated brain matter crying out in a loud
voice. "Razzle ! Dazzle ! Buff Boom Bah ! Traverse City High
School. Rah. Rah. Rah !" Then the faculty turned to their classes,
and on went the jolly sleigh load.
They were absorbed in the beauty of the country ; the woods,
the bay, the wide stretching hills. But the hilly t Hillie) country
was especially admired by one of the girls. Finally these scenes
passed from their view and before them in all its glory appeared
the knighted town of Bingham. Xo time was spent in viewing
the town, for ahead of them, just back of a hill, was the little school
taught by the Long and Short of it : this was the place they were
desirous of reaching. The teachers came forth and in an embarassing manner greeted the surprise party, while about forty or
fifty little urchins stood in the background viewing the scene with
knowing countenances. Some of them decorated their faces with


a broad grin, when they saw the seniors carrying large sacks and
one, a large can. After the children had departed, a search for
a cook (or cookie) was the next thing on the program. Finally
an experienced one was found, who could demonstrate geometry
problems and cook oysters at the same time, which he did in an
excellent manner. After eating a bounteous supper, some of the
"Dignitaries," remembering that they were to appear on the Lyceum program that evening, after much persuasion succeeded in
getting the others ready. After singing a favorite song they
started on their homeward trip, reaching the city in time to hear
a few closing parts of the Lyceum program.

Sicloh-ride to Gunton Schoolhouse.


NE bitter cold night in March, two, the Senior Class was to
meet at Wait's drug store to drive out to Gunton's Schoolhouse to a box social. At the appointed time the girls of the
class were there bat to the astonishment of all only the boy who
was to sec about the team was present.
The girls being equal to the occasion said : "The boys needn't
think they are the whole thing, we can drive and we will go anyway."
One of the members showed great skill in driving and everything \vent nicely until about a half mile from town when they discovered that they were on the wrong road and the horses had to
wade about knee deep in the snow for some distance.
They finally reached the school-house, however, and were
royally entertained by the teacher and others.

Coasting Party.
N the evening of two the 16th of March, a very cold night, the
thermometer registering nearly zero, the Senior Class came
together with toboggans to slide down hill. They found a hill,
a large hill, and slid down hill with all the swiftness the hill would
give them. At about ten they went to the home of Winifred
Fuller and had a feast. The menu, furnished by the Class, consisted of onions, frankforts, coffee, cookies and bread and butter.
Enjoy themselves? No they didn't. In the wee hours of the
morning they sang—
"Sweet hunch of onions, Brought from the dell,
Kiss me once darling, ( )nions won't smell," etc.,
and went home.


Class Party.


E went to a party at Miss 1)owning's and :\liss Atkin's home
We knew we were going before we were invited, because we
called in a body one Friday night and found them writing invitations to the party which was to he given on Friday evening,
April 6th. April 6th came. To the party we went. What fun we
had ! Two pretty girls met us at the door, and showed us just
where to put our wraps, so we wouldn't get lost or make any mistakes. When we were all there the fun began. It was "marble
season," you know. We didn't play marbles for keeps, but we had
a marble hunt and there was a winner and a booby in the game,
each of whom received suitable prizes. Next we saw ourselves as
others see us, in character sketches. We had refreshments too. My
but they were good ! The boys were all glad they went. So were
the girls. 0 yes, and there was music in the air while we refreshed ourselves. After we had eaten all we wanted we had our
fortunes told. Some of us will be old maids and bachelors, some
will be nuns, one is going to invent a geometry lubricator, another
will be president, still others will marry.
Well, it was kind of late then, so we went home. We'd like
to go again. Maybe some of us will he Seniors next year just so
we will he invited to another such party.

Reception Given by Young People's
N E of the most profitable and enjoyable events of each school
year is the annual reception given the teachers and pupils by
some one of the church societies. This affords an opportunity for parents, teachers and pupils to become better acquainted.


Junior Reception.
"17-1E Junior Reception to the Seniors was introduced as a High
I School function in May, eighteen ninety-eight.
The class of ninetv-nine—then Juniors—was unlawfully
barred out of the annual Senior-Junior Party, and to heap coals
of fire upon the heads of the august Seniors and to display its
ability in a social Nt ay. introduced a new function—a reception to
the Seniors and High School teachers.
The first affair was such an event socially that the class of
nineteen hundred took up the affair in May, eighteen ninety-nine,
and outdid the originators. The popularity of this reception has
caused it to become established as an annual social event.
One of the pleasantest social events during the Senior year
was the reception given by the Juniors, May the 18th, at Montague
Hall. The invitations were written in Latin. The Hall was
artistically draped with the colors of the two classes. Easy chairs,
couches, rugs, and potted plants added to the attractiveness of the
room. An interesting program of music and recitations was
given. From a booth in one corner two charming little maids in
pink and green served frappe and angel food. The Seniors will
always be reminded of the happy occasion by the dainty souvenirs
they carried away with them.

EMMA RICE, Principal.
C. T. GRAWN, Superintendent,

Gr6duates of the HO School.
Class of




Traverse City
Matilda Bartak — Mcitanys
Chicago, Ill
Mayme E. Fairbanks -Bu.tes
Traverse City
William H. Foster
Graduate State Normal School, 1887; University. 1890.
Traverse City
Lunie M. Paris
Prentiss E. Whitman
Graduate State Normal School.

Class Of
Mabel Bates

I M6.

Ed. Dept. Gd. Traverse Herald,
Traverse City
. Traverse City

Bertie Billings..
4. .
Mamie I. Cameron—Mottiat
Flora Campbell—Hobbs
C'y School Commissioner,
Nettie C. Gray

Graduated State Normal School, 1890.
West Superior, Wis
Nina B. Payn.
Graduate State Normal School, 1888.
Traverse City
Emma T. Saylor— Wilhelm
Monroe Centre
Frank Hamlin...



Thomas A. Conlon....... ....Student Ann Arbor Law Dept.
Traverse City
Anna Gilroy
Traverse City
Lucy Gannett
Stenographer Northern Asylum,
Charles E. Kenyon
Traverse City
Supt. Indian Schools,
Frank Kyselka.
Fort Bellknap, Montana
Mt. Pleasant
Hanna Shorts
Carrie J. Steward
Traverse City
Perrin Whitman.
Grand Rapids
Edith M. Walker—Kritzer.....
Grand Traverse Co., Mich
John Fairbanks
Ferdinand Rehder
Physician...Manitowoc, North Carolina
Herbert Thurtell
Graduated University of Michigan, 1892.

Class of 1555.
Herbert A. Session
Carrie M. Travis—fierce
Carrie F. Lindley (Married)
Alice Wright—Dean
George Selkirk

Atwater, Cal
Traverse City
Chicago. Ill
Traverse City
Portland, Oregon



Class of 1559.
Life Insurance and Real Estate,
Traverse City
Parmius C. Gilbert.
Graduated University, 1892.
Mary Rutner
Ella Keltner
Kate Steinberg—Rosenthal.

George Cram
Ernest H. Allyn

Class of 1590.
Gussie Schryer—De Witt
Edgar W. Buck
William Caldwell.
Tracy H. Gillis.
John Lautner
Cascie R. Montague—Ray
Alice T. Roberts
Sadie E. Prall

Iron Works.
Student in Europe.

Traverse City
Albion, N. I'
East Jordon
Chicago, Ill

Traverse City

Class of 1591.
Bertha B. Bushee—Johnson,
Alice L Crawford l'eek
George L. Crisp
Alma Despres.
Laura E. Friedrich - Smith
Louis A. Pratt
Frank T. Trude
Nettie Helm—Drury


Traverse City
Moline. Ill
Traverse City
Atlanta, Georgia
Ann Arbor
.Traverse City
Chicago, Ill

Class of 1892.
Traverse City
George B. Douglas
Grand Rapids
Frank M. Gardner
Traverse City
Cynthia E. Hall—Douglas
Mechanical Engineer...Florence. N. C
Percy M. Holdsworth
Graduated University of Michigan, 1898.
Traverse City
Frank Holdsworth..
University of Michigan, 1900.
University of Michigan
Ray A Jackson.
Grand Rapids
Kate Loudon—Gardner
Music Teacher....... ....Sutton's Bay
Pearl McCool
.Traverse City
Julia A. Prall
Civil Engineer Grand Rapids
Jerome Wilhlem

Class of 1893.
Chicago, Ill
Maggie L. Campbell—Tilley
Cleveland. Ohio
Wilbur S. Crowell...
Grand Western Reserve University
Record Compositor
Traverse City
Franc C. Gage....
Florence Jackson
. Archie
Mabelle Montague.
.Traverse City
Ella Steinberg
Edmund W. Wait
Minnie B. Wait

Class of 1894.
Viola Maud Corbin—Lackey
B. H. Gorball
George B. Kilbourn
Daisy Belinda Roland
Winnie Douglas—Gunton
Estella Holcomb
Loyola E. Kendall
May E. Shunk
Edith May Gibbs
Lee Hornsby
Levi T. Pennington

Los Angeles, Cal
Bookkeeper and Sten'er, Traverse City


Ann Arbor

Student State Normal...Traverse City
Student State Normal....
Reporter Morning Record

Class of 1895.
Edith M. Holcomb
Traverse City
Florence McFall—McQueer
Martha E. Miller
Traverse City
Lulu M. Bushee
Grace M. Bragdon—Lewis
Sarah Roby Dean—Holc/worth
North Carolina
Jennie M. Smith
Traverse City
Evarts Sayler
Simma Goldfarb
Elk Rapids
Fannie Yalomstein
Eva L. McIntyre—Hunter
Clara S. Foote—Driscol
Grand Rapids
E. Winifred Despres —Navarre
Traverse City
May B. Pollock
Jennie C. Curtis
Grace E. Bushee (Married)
Alma Gitchell
Long Lake
James M. Loudon
Ste. Marie
William E. Clune
Normal College ..........Traverse City
Atley E. Thomas
Arthur J. Burgeon
James A. Hamilton
Student U. of M
Traverse City
Charles P. Buck
Potato Implement Co....
J. Otto Kyselka
*Kate Vlack
*Eugene Packard.
Collector North. Tel. Co.,
*Albert J. Haviland
State Bank
*David A. Yalomstein
•Two Year Commercial Course.

Class of 1 896.
Hettie May Miller
Traverse City
Mabel Mead Northrup
Mt. Morris
Marian S. Roberts
Student U. of M....
Traverse City
Gail DeCamp Roland
Henry L. Brakel
Student Olivet
Traverse City
Anna E. Hendrich—(Married)
Winifred May Curtis—€'mur/mile
Hulda B. Evans.
Sumner A. Gilbert
Byron H. Holdsworth
Santa Paula, California
Harry B. Kyselka
Student, Ann Arbor .... Traverse City
Ada Virginia Montgomery
William P. Needham
Student, Normal
Clara Peterson - Douglas
ue E. Pratt
Virgil Pierce
Died March 25, 1898
Edith E. Somers
Student Normal
Traverse City
Ada Smith
Rosamond Shadek
Arthur Hilliker
Newspaper man
*George Thirlby
Traverse City
* Two Year Commercial Course.

Class of 1597.
Harry R. Dumbrille
Student Normal
Traverse City
Ethelyn M. Dunn
Robert W. Davis
With Oval Wood Dish Co.. 64
Edith J. Earl
Student Normal
Harold S. Kneeland
Student M. A. C.
Mabel A. Lignian
Will Mersman
Justina O'Brien
Kingsley, Mich.
Helen F. Moore
Traverse City
Grace M. Pulcipher
Yuba, Mich.
Rose M. Sackett—Armstrong
Grawn, Mich.
Frances L. Greilick
Traverse City
Student Normal
William Harris
Elsworth C. Hale
Chicago. Ill.
Lucy Hawkins
Archie, Mich.
Jeanette E. Smith
Traverse City
Estella C Schneider
Student Normal
Roy C. Thompson
Mary I. Young
*Charles H. Bare
Mercantile Co.
*Addle L. Moore
*Claude L. Pulver
*Ida M. Reese
*Charles E.Rennie
*Frances Rutner
Student T. C. H. S
*Two Year Commercial Course


Class of 1898.
Student Normal
Traverse City
Stenographer and Book-keeper,
Traverse City
Edna Eleanor Clapp
Student Vanderbilt U. of
Walton LaVerne Gray
Mt. Morris
Mabel Garfield Gray—Northru
Traverse City
Ethel Marie Hoxie
Student Normal .... ......
Emma M. Bushee
Died April 24, 1899
Roy Cadham
Traverse City
Edith Marie Greenough
Jessie Mae Gilmore
Opal Mauele Hobbs
Traverse City
Florence May Holmes
Teacher .
Iva Nell Kratzer
Student U. of M
Old Mission
Stephen Douglass Lardie
William Augustus Leighton. Farmer
Sara Agnes Mahn
Student Normal
Traverse City
Katherine D. Moore
Rose JaneCameron McDonald,Student U. of M.
James Frederick Munson
Student U. of M.
Lucile O'Neal
Orton Andrew Smith
Amil Frank Nerlinger
Student U. of M
Grand Rapids
Harry Forbes Parker
Florence Adell Shunk
Traverse City
Mona Lucy Shields
Edith Thomas
Student Normal. .Barker Creek, Mich.
Traverse City
Edwin L. Thirlby
U. of M.
Rozella Voglesong
Charles M. Walsh...
Alice Bertha Aikin
Byrde Beryl Boon

Class of 1899.
Lucy Brown
Florence Annette Barnum
Roland W. Boughton
Charles M. Corbett
Edwin Ray Chapman
May E. Davis
Grace B. Eldred
Inez S. Farnsworth
Student Normal
Frances L. Fuller
Sara E. Greeno
Esther M. Greeno
Mabel M. Greeno
Maude M. Gillett
Bertha Holcomb
Maud E. Hall
Leona C. Horton
Robert Jickling
Student U. of M
Blanche N. Lignian
Dora B. Marvin
Winifred M. Marvin
Leslie B. McWethey
Donald S. Morgan
Business man
Anna M. Merrill
Esther A. Parker
Myrtle M. Stanton
Verlin C. Thomas
Student at Chicago

Traverse City


West Point Cadet
Traverse City

Traverse City




Flint, Mich.
Traverse City


Traverse City


Traverse City








' fix

13 :-.


.t =




,4 V's


American History
Civil Government

Elementary Algebra
American History

Physical Geography
Gram. and Composition

Media.,val History
Caesar and Prose

Ancient History
Caesar and Prose

Elementary Algebra
American History
Latin 11

l'hysical Geography
Gram. and Composition
Latin I

American Literature
German I

Mediaeval History
Caesar and Prose

Ancient History
Caesar and Prose

Elementary Algebra
Latin II

Physical Geography
Grain. and Composition
Latin I

German II

Mediaeval History
German I

Ancient History

Ancient History
Civil Government

Elementary Algebra
American History

Physical Geography
Gram. and Composition

Geometry and Algebra
English Literature
English History


Commercial Law
Mediaeval History

Ancient History
Corn. Cor. and Book'ng

Civil Government

Elementary Algebra
American History

Physical Geography
Gram. and Composition
Pen'hip and Bus Forms


Ancient History

German 1
Cicero and Prose

German II

Geometry and Algebra
German Ill
Eng. or Amer. literat'e
Review Amer. History


American Literature
Mediaeval History

German II
Cicero and Prose

Geometry and Algebra
German III
English Literature
Review Amer. History
Review Civil Go7ernm't


Modern History 4

Geometry and Algebra
German Ill
Review Amer. History
ReVirlt. Ciiil Governm't
Eng. or Amer. literat'e


Geometry and Algebra
English Literature.
English History 4

English Literature
Review Grammar
Review Arithmetic


English Literature

Plane Trigonometry
German IV
English Literature
Review Arithmetic
Review Grammar
Review Arithmetic
Review Grammar


German IV.
Rhetoric and Compos'n

German IV
English Litentture
Geology III.
Review Arithmetic
Review Grammar
Re.../e7i, rithmetic
Review Grammar




•0 5.
V. c


2 r,


75 0



Tyl 8
v at











OtI are Invited


Co inspect our flew Line

"Composite" Shoe at
Gloria Shoe at
Governor Shoe at



We Sell the Celebrated F. Mayor School
Shoes, the S. B. Lewis Wear Registers,
Herrick's Hard Hitters, Beam's Ventilated
Shoes and the Ridge Custom Made Footwear.
Yours in Shoes,

We have moved to Our new Store...




traverse City, Michigan

... ••• •



' • - "---'111
Fire Insurance. i
Rates Low.
*- •




• Bros.,






Prompt and
Careful Attention.








Real Estate


In all Parts
of the City.










Johnson Blk.


Phone 73.



If II kinds of supplies at


Kodaks a nd Cameras. Chompson's Drug Store,
Connelier Block.




S. E. Wait,

The Up-to-Date. . .






For Honest Dealings. •

4 Our Ooods are Right.





So are the Prices. . .


Lewis Davis si Co.,


William's Ice Cream Soda. + 158 E. Front St.,
Traverse City. t
Uernor's 6inger Re.
northern Phone 22+.

4.- • .4.• • -••• •

• ••• • 4. •

Cemple 'fashion.

J. W. Morse, Proprietor.


Fine Millinery
and Fancy Goods. ;

M. E. Morse, Manager.

•- • • • . • . - . • • • • • . • • • . • •-•-•-• .

239 Front St.

Northern Phone 9

-.• • • -a- • • • .• . . • . . • . •


ji Word
f or the Advertisers
HAT The traversensian has been
published is largely due to the
liberal patronage of the advertising department by the business men of
this city. They have contributed no small
amount to its success and have shown an
interest in our schools by helping this new
project along. The advertising matter far
xceeded our expectations, showing that the
business men of our city appreciate all
advancement for the betterment of our
s:hools and their educational work. To
the people of this city and the surrounding
country we recommend and heartily endorse all advertisers in this book and hope
they will receive a liberal patronage from
all our readers. AAAAAAAAAA
A A Again we thank all who advertised in
the traversensian and for their substantial
•A A A A
support in this work. A A A


I T is time you were "Off with your Old Shoes
and on with the New" for this season

All that is best of Shoes You will find

the flew Chirp

135 Front St., • • • • Traverse City


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4 0




in *

Your Prescriptions


Og .91




VF4100041010011.** 000, 00000, 0,4•11,0410 lin000in000,01C-1


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HACK and

has tablets
paper, inks


crayons and


pens for
school children's


Leave Your Orders fiere and get








BEST STORE ot .4 .4 .4 .4

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••Prove your Wisdom,
Life is short."



P. K.


A * aa


AA *a‘ditlisNtA

Finest Work
Artistic Positions
Latest and Best


ME shall preserve all negawLtives made by us for the
"Bnnunt" and will be prepared to make Photographs
from them at any time .

Northern Phone
No. 208

When You Need

Old Reliable City Book Store


Come to us for

Jas. G. Johnson's Drug Store


F. Gardiner
Dealer in


est styles. All tow,
ralors will be thoroughly st,I.
before using. Come and get the In
and cheapest






00 TO

no. IS .•



J. N.
De jeweler

What You Want in
New and Stylish





Repairing of Tine Watches and
Chronometers a Specialty

217 Front Street

trading Place


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Original Format

Bound volume.


6 x 9 inches

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