Traverse City High School Yearbook, “Orion," 1902

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Traverse City High School Yearbook, “Orion," 1902


School yearbooks.


Annually published work of Traverse City High School, which would become Traverse City Central High School. The name, "Traverse City High School," would be reused by the alternative high school in the region beginning in 2001. The title "Orion" would be superseded by "Black and Gold," "The Pines," and "Pines," as the title for the yearbook, and preceded by "Traversensian" and "The High School Annual." Contains photographs and articles commenmorating school activities, students, and faculty.


Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


Original held at Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Senior Class of Traverse City High School.




Students, Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


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Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


u1(;I•l SCHOOL

1902 .0.4

Published by the Senior Class
Traverse City High Sebool,..4


professor )Ebwarb 114. 1ROcr
Principal Craverse Cit2 'Mob ZCI300i
Cbto tinite0 effort of the ESentor Class in bebalf of the
IMO E•cbool to beblcateb.




1—Charlotte A. Nash.
2—Herbert Somers.
3—Louis Birdsall.
4—Hervey Anderson.
5—Ida Larkins.
6—Orpha Cressy.
7—Louise Buck.
8—Reno Colby.
e—Addie Soles.
10—Rtliel Pope.


CHARLES H. HORN. Superintendent of the (i i schools, began his work in the High School in

1893 as Principal, holding that position until he was chosen Superintendent in 1899.
9. EDWARD H. RIDER was engaged as instructor of sciences in the High School from 1893-1897.
He then received a call to a higher position at Plymouth. Mich., but remained there only two years, when he
was recalled to Traverse City as Principal, which position he has ever since held.
4. MARIE McLAuGHLIN, instructor of Mathematics, has taught in the city schools since 1888.
7. EDITH I. ATKIN has held the position of Instructor of higher Mathematics since 1899.
1. LILLIAN 1. DOWNING, instructor of English and Literature, has taught in the High School since 1897.
3. HARRY R. DUMBRILLE, instructor of Civics and Sciences, has held this position during the past year.
8. H. CLYDE KRENERICK has been for the past year employed as instructor of Physics and Chemistry.
10. HARRIET L. BOULDIN, instructor of Languages, has served in this capacity since 1896.
11. ANNIE E. COOK. Grammar and English instructor, has been thus employed since 1900.
5. FRANCES RICHARDSON, instructor of Latin and History, has likewise taught in the High School
since 1900.
2. 'Wm. P. NEEDHAM. instructor in the Commercial Department. has held this position during the past

J. W. PATCHIN, Mayor, Ex-Officio Chairman


.T. A. MONTAG t "E

First Wald
First Wald
Second Wald
Second Ward
Third Warl
Third Wa rd
Fourth Ward
Fourth Ward
Fifth Ward
Fifth Ward

A. Stearns. E. H. Pope.
WAYS AND MEANS:- O. C. Moffatt. Geo. E. Hoyt.
liumnixt;s; AND GROUNDS:-- Geo. E. Hoyt. J. A.
Montagne. W. O. Foote.
W. W. Fairchild. 0. C. Moffatt F. G. Herman.
H. Ryder. 0. C. Moffatt.
SUPERINTENDENT:—Ex-Officio Chairman.

. . . COMMITTEES . . .
Birdsall, Florence Walton, Claude Carter, Nita
Bugbee, Roy Wynkoop.

COMMITTEE ON ATHLETICS:---Reno Colby, Edward Boyer.
Irving Murray. Fred Bailey.
COMMITTEE ON JOKES:-- Addie Soles, Floyd
Beach, Arthur Wait.
Carter. Herbert Raymond.


Cleo► i (liampney, Lizzie Pa rmalee.
SOCIAL EVENTs: Ida Larkins, Cora Pierson.
Nellie Bingham.
ADVERTISING:--Hervey Anderson. Charles Ashton, Roy Scofield.

The Senior Class of 1902 takes pleasure in presenting to their friends and the public, this little volume.
the second Annual published by the Traverse City High School. Deep interest in the progress of our High
School inspired the effort, and honest, faithful work on the part of those interested, has been the means of
securing whatever this, the successor of the "Traversensian" attains. The collection of the manuscripts
preparatory to the publication of the Orion has not been a light or easy task, yet it is far from the
intention of the Seniors to take upon themselves the credit for all that has been accomplished or to claim this
as a class boOk. Difficulties and discouragements that endeavored to defeat our purpose and proclaim us their
victims, have been met with, face to face, in the preparation of these pages, but never have they succeeded in
spelling "Failure" and writing it across our efforts. For in these dark hours of trouble there CitI11e to us
those most comforting and best of all stimulants, the encouragement of our teachers and the co-operation of
our fellow students. And while it was the Seniors who undertook the management of this Animal, for which
reason there has been more space devoted to them, the Orion has been compiled for the purpose
of illustrating what our students can do, and that no school is more up with the times than our own Traverse
City High School.
That future editors of the High School Annual may meet with as much kindness and encouragement
as we have, is the best wish of the Orion Editors.



HE schools of Traverse City have
always possessed an enviable reputation. This fact is due first of
all to the desire on the part of the citizens to offer to the young people of the
city the very best possible educational
advantages. This reputation has been
attained by the hearty co-operation
which has ever prevailed between the
citizens and teachers. Under the leadership of able superintendents and loyal.
conscientious teachers, a splendid school
system has been established.
This system had its beginning on a
small scale in the early days of the city's
existence and has been enlarge► l as
the necessities demanded. The rapid
growth of the city during the last few years has required remarkable expansion of its educational facilities. It has called for the erection of several large buildings, and the purchase of the necessary equipment
essential to the best teaching. For these purposes, the people of Travers6 City have been very liberal.
The system now requires four large buildings-- Central. Elmwood Avenue. Boardman avenue, and Oak Park.

I )e:-;ides two small buildings - South Primary and Boonville. Each of the large
buildings is equipped with a good sized
library to supplement the work of the
grades and furnish the pupils with access to some of the best literature. In
the High School is to be found an additional library of 1000 volumes, selecti•cl especially for the needs of the High
School work. and purchased almost entirely from the proceeds of the Lecture
.114 .t:
Course Fund. From year to year. con• oifr
siderable money from this fund has been
used to purchase equipment for the laboratories. This money, together with
small appropriations from year to year
from the Board of Education. has given
the High School adequate laboratory facilities for the work
But the buildings and equipments do not make good schools. They are the means to such an end. Our
good schools are due to the earnest efforts of teachers and pupils. Great care in the selection of teachers
has secured the services of well trained and experienced teachers, whose hearts and minds have been given to


their chosen work. Long may the citizens of Traverse City continue to hold lofty ideals for their schools and
demand that their yoUng people shall have the very best training which good judgment and money can place at
their disposal.

The High School Lecture and Music Course has been in successful operation. for nine years. The
ready sale of tickets each year is proof of the high regard in which the course is held. For the past three years
about nine hundred season tickets have been sold annually and from them the course has realized such large
profits, that this year the managers decided to give a complimentary number, a concert by Stewart & Steffens
The paramount purpose of the course has been to enable both young and old to hear elevating and
instructive lectures, thereby developing in them a love for noble things. Their eyes have been opened to the
affairs going on in the great world around them and they have been brought to realize the deeper significance
of education. Now and again have occurred entertainments, which though not so instructive to the majority of
people, nevertheless, have been greatly enjoyed. They have been the means of arousing interest and helping us
to realize the value of the voice and other talents with which God has endowed us.
This year the profits of the course have been even greater than in previous years, and as a result we
have placed in the assembly room of the High School, a new Kimball piano, in the commercial room two fine
office desks, also the usual number of voluMes in the library, thus filling all the available space afforded by the

It has king been the desire of the students as well as some of the patrons, that a separate building
might be erected to be used exclusively as a High School library. The hope still lingers within our hearts.
that some time in the near future a benefactor shall arise, who will fulfill the requirements of our wish.
We append the numbers of the Course for 1902.

Nov. 13- - Stevenson String Quartet.
Dec. 5, Lecture, "Work of the Roycrofters" Elbert Hubbard.
Dec. 19, Lecture, "Wireless Telegraphy, Liquid Air and Modern
Scientific Wonders."- W. J. Clarke.
Jai►. 13,-- Ottumwas Male Quartette.
Jan. 29, Impersonation, "David Copperfield" Leland T. Powers.
Mar. 10 - Lovett's Boston Stars.
Mar. 20, Lecture, "Python Eggs and the American Boy"--.John
B. DeMotte.
Apr. '21, Concert - Stewart & Steffens Orchestra.


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the Lyceum. It accomplishes that toward
(late of the greatest educational factors in school life today
which the work of the school room has been only a stepping stone, namely. the power of being able to address
Large audiences either in debate or ortAlry.
The Lyceum is a connecting link between school life and the great whirl going on in the outer world of
existence. The young man or young woman is trained to pres:.nt and maintain an argument: to acqmint himself with the great problems of the day: to think for himself and to express what he thinks; to write or deliver
any part worthy the effort of a High School student. This is the primary object of the work of the Lyceum.
Nor has the Traverse City High School been found wanting this year in its material for excellent Lyceum
work, and as a result some fine programs have been given, which have shown thoughtful. pa instaking effort on
the part of the student, and equally careful work on the part of the teacher in charge.
The following are the officers of tike Lyceum for the year 1901-02.


Edward Kyselka
Fred Bailey
Nita Bugbee


- Emil Lederle
' nips Ashton
- Orpha Cressy

"Youth Proclaimed McKinley as a Hero; Time, a Statesman; Love, a


Man; Death has Crowned Him as a Martyr."


In the vigor of robust manhood: at the very In+Oit of his powers: in the possession of all his faculties:
at a time of profound peace. when nothing was occurring to excite the passions of men; when we were engaged
in a celebration of the triumphs of art, science. lite:ature, commerce, civilization. and all that goes to make
up the greatest prospnity, advanc,, ment, and happl1n33. tie world has ever known: surrounded by thousands of
his countrymen, vying with each other in demonstrations of friendship and good-will. the President of the
United States, without a moment's warning, was stricken clown by an assassin, who, while greeting him with one
hand. shot him to death with the other.
Washington saw the beginning of our national life. Lincoln passed through the night of our history.
saw the dawn. McKinley beheld his country in the splendor of its noon. Truly he died in the fullness of
his fame. Great in life, he was surpassingly great in death.
"Let us think that his dying eyes read a mystic meaning which only the rapt and parting soul may know.
a farther shore. and
Let us believe, in the silence of the receding world, he heard the great waves breaking
felt already upon his wasted brow the breath of the eternal morning."
His religious faith solaced him in life. and did not fail him when the supreme test came. When the
dread hour of dissolution overtook him, and the last touching farewell had been spoken. he sank to rest murmuring "Nearer. My God, to Thee." This was his last triumph and his greatest. His whole life was given to
humanity. but in his death we find his most precious legacy.

The touching story of that deathbed scene will rest on generations yet unborn like a soothing benediction. Such Christian fortitude and resignation give us a clearer conception of what was in the apostle's mind
when he exclaimed. "0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory?"
"Quiet, dig,nified, modest, considerate of others: ever mindful of the long service of the leaders of his
party, true as steel to his friends: unhesitating at the call of duty. no matter what the personal sacrifice;
unwavering in his integrity, full of tact in overcoming opposition, yet unyielding on vital principles; with a.
heart full of sympathy for those who toil, a disposition unspoiled by success, and a private life equally spotless
and self sacrificing, William McKinley stood before the American people as one of the finest types of courageous. persevering, vigorous, and developing manhood that this Republic ever produced."
Though 'Washington's name is ever first in the people's thoughts, Lincoln's ever immanent as a glorious
martyr to a great cause, the name of McKinley crystalizes an epoch, the most signal in the history of the
Republic, surpassing in its achievements, under his administration, the most brilliant efforts of the past, and
dazzling in its possibilities for the future of the people, and of the Government for the people and by the
McKinley was the great American patriot, soldier, lawyer, orator, statesman, and president. He had
traversed the rugged pathway from the obscurity of a humble American home to the very pinnacle of earthly
"From the top of fame's ladder, he mounted to the sky."
But it was God's way, that he should live through days of agony, to fight in the presence of all the world
his last, hopeless, unequal battle. It was God's way that the people should be transported to the mountain tops
of joy over his recovery, and plunged into the very depths of grief over his death. It was God's way to reveal

to the millions how William McKinley could live—how William McKinley could die. It was God's way
that the American people should pause to study the lesson of that blameless life, and with their mind's eye to
search through all the past for the great ideal, pausing a moment in its sweep over the gentle life of Abraham
Lincohi, then sweeping backward through the ages, to rest in the presence of that matchless life going out upon
a cross in Galilee.
It is fitting that we should reflect upon that majestic power for self sacrifice, which won victory after
victory until it reached its greatest triumph in conquest over death itself. The nation mourns for McKinley;
his death has extinguished the last embers of sectional bitterness; the North and South together kneel at his
bier; the whole world sees a weeping but united nation.
We, pupils of Traverse City High School, joined with the multitude of people, who were endeavoring
to show due honor to the honored one who had just passed into the valley of the shadow of death. So, on the
18th of September, 1901, we rendered the following memorial program, which was given during chapel hours:
Emil Lederle
McKinley as a Youth
Earl Bennett
Telegrams of Condolence cKinley as a Soldier
Cleon Champney
Reading of "Lead, Kindly Light" - Miss Downing
Mrs. Dayton
eKinley as President
Ethel M. Pope
Solo, "Lead, Kindly Light"
C. H. Horn
McKinley as a Man
- Lottie Nash
Death of McKinley
Solo, "Nearer, My God, to Thee"
Mrs. Dayton

.. DEBATE . .
One of the most interesting and important features of the work of the Senior Lyceum during the past
year was a joint debate between the Lincoln Literary Society and the Senior Lyceum. both of Traverse City.
About two months prior to the debate the challenge was presented to the Lyceum from the Literary
Society, and was accepted. A committee was appointed to make all necessary arrangements. At the next
Lyceum meeting the report was made, and in turn another committee consisting of Mr. Ryder, Miss Downing,
and Lottie Nash was appointed to choose the debaters. The result was that Reno Colby. Ethel M. Pope and
Hervey Anderson were selected to represent the Senior Lyceum.
The debaters chose the subject for discussion, which was: Resolved. That Congress should not pass the
proposed Ship-subsidy bill. The Lincoln Literary Society took the affirmative, and were represented by Roy
Scofield. Earl Adams and Roy Wyncoop.
The debate took place on February 28, 1902. Emil Lederle and Orpha Cressy, officers of the Lyceum.
presided at the meeting. The challenge was read, also the report of the committee. Then the president stated
the question, and the basis upon which the debaters would be marked.
The debate was opened by the Lincoln Literary Society, who sought to prove that it was unconstitutional; that the promoters of the bill, and not the farmer and producer would receive the greatest benefit: that it
would operate to establish a monopoly; that it was unjust because it was a measure to tax the n►any in order to
subsidize the few. The Lyceum endeavored to show that with the passage of the bill, our ship-building industry would increase. and the United States would reap large financial benefits; that hundreds of trades would
feel the stimulous of the prosperity that would follow the American construction of the ships we need for the

transportation of our imports and exports: other nations have
subsidized their ships. and have found it expedient. so why
should we not subsidize; that by the law of competition freight
charges would be lowered and save the money to the Anieric:►.ns.
Many other interesting points were brought out on both sides.
The judges. Messrs. Davis. Welton, and Stout then withdrew. Upon their return, Mr. Welton gave the score of each
debater, the basis upon which they were marked being, argument 60; diction 20; delivery 20; The result was as follows:
Roy Scofield. opening 83; closing 93: Earl Adau►s. 93!1:
Boy Wynkoop 91!. Total for Lincoln Literary Society 3604.
Reno Colby, opening 89: closing 87A: Ethel M. Pope. 100:
Hervey Anderson. 864. Total for Senior Lyceum. 363.
On account of the peculiar statement of the question. Mr.
Welton announced that the affirmative had won. However, he
soon rectified it, and the members of the Lyceum fully illustrated the old adage. "He laughs loudest, who laughs
But although the representatives of the Senior Lyceun'
won over the debaters of the Lincoln Literary Society. it was
by so narrow a margin that if there is glory i►► the victory, there
is no disgrace in the defeat.

Any one who goes through the High School and fails to visit the library has certainly called in vain.
Especially is this true at the opening of a new school year, for it is then one will learn most astonishing facts.
For instance, he will learn that Franklin is the author of "Saturday Evening Post." that Boyer is a famous chemist; or he may hear a call for Milton's "Prologue," or for Chaucer's "Fairie Queen." The library slips, too
reveal strange things. According to them Hawthorne himself was an imposter, for it was a sophomore girl who
wrote "Twice Told Tales," usually attributed to him.
What strange tales of wondrous doings those tables and chairs could tell; tales of billet deaux and other
things of little NOTE; of private lectures from a stern librarian; of TETE-A-TETES by the score, and of surprise
and sudden departure; tales of things which the faculty never dream of, even in their wildest flights of imagination.
The library itself is a well lighted room, supplied with papers. magazines and reading tables. There are
about thirteen hundred books upon the shelves, awaiting the perusal of the eager student. There are books
on Psychology, Physiology, Mineralogy. Histology, Geology, Poetry and on ninny other subjects of large importance.
Lack of space prevents our giving amore detailed account of this most interesting room and its pleasant
associations. We can only mention the stormy interviews that have taken place and the laughable incidents
that have occurred within those dear old walls. And now before you go--a word from the poet.
When you're foolin in the library
And havin' lots of fun
A laughin' and a jabbiii'
As if your time had come,

You'd better watch your corners
And keep kinder lookin' out
E'r the librariau'll get you,
Ef you don't watch out.

The purpose of the laboratory is mainly, to make knowledge real. I i is a Nnuptratively modern source
of information. We need turn hack but a few years to find physics. botan it lid others of the Sciences. purely
text-hook courss. Today, however. we believe the laboratory to be as essential as the class-room to a correct
knowledge of the subjects. The old style of instruction, which dealt with facts alone, has given place to the
new. which maintains that ability is preferable to mere knowledge.
The advantages of the science laboratory are of a two-fold nature. First: It is generally conceded that
to train the hand is to develop the brain. In our present methods of education, we see its application in the
kindergarten and in the introduction of Manual Training in many of our public schools. Second: Because of
a practical demonstration and verification of the laws and principles found in the text, the interest is aroused.
and the subject matter more thoroughly understood. The knowledge the student is seeking becomes more real.
as he is gaining it for himself, as nearly as possible at first hand. or as the product of his own thinking.
The needs of the laboratories must receive constant attention in order to keep pace with the advances
and discoveries in these lines. The laboratories of the High School are fairly equipped for the study of some
branches. in others quite deficient. They are conveniently placed and well lighted. The chemical laboratory
is supplied with water, gas. hood, and the apparatus and chemicals necessary for quite a thorough course in
qualitative analyses. Sixteen students can be accommodated at the desks. The physical laboratory is well
supplied with apparatus for demonstration and individual work. During the year, sixty experiments, largely
quantitative in nature. are given. covering the work in mechanics, heat. magnetism, electricity. sound and light.
In botany. because of the increase in required work and large number of pupils. a great need is felt for a special
room and more apparatus for microscopic work and pha► t analysis.

One of the most interesting departments of the High School is the Commercial department. Through
the untiring efforts of Mr. Needham, the present instructor, many valuable improvements have been made, and
the work has become more practical and interesting.
Until about three years ago, the book-keeping students occupied but one table in one of the smaller class
rooms on the second floor. Now, one of the largest rooms on the first floor is used for the Commercial work.
The number of students who are taking Book-keeping this semester, is about fifty. This does not include the classes in Penmanship and business forms.
The beginning classes in Book-keeping use the Ellis Tablet System, and the advanced classes, the Actual
Business System. The latter is interesting and practical, as the students not only transact business with
one another, but also with other schools.
A valuable addition to the Commercial room is the banking outfit, consisting of nicely arranged offices
and the following books: Cash book, Individual ledger, Collection file, Collection register, Draft register, and
Discount register.
The rapid growth of the Commercial department in our High School shows in this, as well as in other
schools all over the United States, the growing demand for a practical business education.
It is to be hoped that in the near future this department will rank as one of the best of its kind in the

A pleasing feature of the High School is the Chorus under the most efficit.nt leadership of Mrs. Dayton.
The Chorus. for the most part. is composed of the members of the Ninth and Tenth grades, who have taken music before, or who are familiar with the work of the grades. It has about one hundred and fifty members
and meets twice a week for about half an hour each day. For those who have never taken music, there is a
Beginner's class which meets once a week.
The work of the Chorus has been excellent. During the first part of the school year and until about six
weeks before Christmas, a book. Songs of All Lands, was used, which contains the National airs and other
favorite songs of many nations. About six weeks before Christmas, the rehearsals for the cantata, Queen Esther.
were begun. Perhaps this was the best work of the Chorus, and in Mrs. Dayton's opinion, the most beneficial
to the members. An excellent spirit of co-operation was shown among the members. and this greatly encouraged Mrs. Dayton. who was untiring in her efforts. During a short time each day, for about four weeks, she conducted the rehearsals.
This year. as has been the custom during the preceding years. the Chorus will take part in the Commencement exercises. The Choruses that were chosen are. Red Scarf by Barnby. Gloria. from Mozart's
Twelfth Mass, and Soldiers' Chorus from Grunod's Faust. Since Christmas, the work has been rehearsals of

. . . DRAWING . . .
Drawing is the only school subject which educates the head. heart and hand. It is the only subject
practical enough in its nature to enable a child to earn a money return for his study. One pupil in the eighth
grade has been able to earn her clothes for the past year by using the knowledge and skill gained in the drawing class, another earned ten dollars by the help of a single lesson in gate designs, and other children have
fomal a ready sale for their valentines, easter-cards, and souvenirs and in this way have earned many an extra
dollar. Few occupations offer such inducements for young people. In many places there are not enough
drawing teachers to supply the demand, yet in every high school may be found a dozen young people who
would excel in such a vocation if they could spend a year or two in preparation for it.
Drawing began its history here, two years ago, when the foundation principles were laid in the grades.
and at the suggestion of Prof. Horn, classes were also started in the High School. Color work was given in
the grades, but owing to the limited time of only twenty-five minutes each week, devoted to drawing in the
High School it was only possible to give pencil and pen work.
The rapid advancement made along this line during the past two years cannot be other than gratifying
to the parents and teachers, and not only to these but to all who have the welfare of our schools at heart.
Last summer an exhibit of drawing work was made at the N. E. A. at Detroit. and after being inspected
by Prof. McFarlane and other competent authorities, it was decided to give one term of college credit for a
year's work of High School drawing. This is a privilege few high schools enjoy and places Traverse City on
an equal footing with Detroit and Chicago in this line.
At the Michigan Teachers Association at Cadillac last November an exhibit of our work in color study

was given and received high commendation from leading educators throughout the state. President Leonard,
head of the Michigan System of Normal Schools and Colleges, expressed the sentiment of all present, in a
recent letter to Miss Woodman, in which he says, •'I am perfectly sincere in saying I have seen no drawing
work which has pleased me so much as the Traverse City exhibit at Cadillac."
The exhibit given at the Central School building in March was exceptionally fine and would compare
favorably with like exhibits in larger cities. The excellent character of the work was a great credit to the
Traverse City schools and called forth words of highest commendation.
The high grade of work and the rapid advancement made during the past two years is due to the earnest
work of Miss Woodman, through whose untiring efforts it has been possible to make the drawing work so successful. The work done in the High School and in the Boonville School has been voluntary on her part, it
having been undertaken solely because of her love for the work and her interest in the advancement of the
The Senior Class is also greatly indebted to Miss Woodman for her kind assistance in the decoration of
the Annual, and will always hold her in grateful remembrance.

The Last of the Du Fonts.
The DuPonts were one of the oldest of the noble houses of France. The motto of the first of their line.
Henry the Crusader, had been, "Non nobis solum- (Not for ourselves alone), and it was the motto under which
generations of succeeding DuPouts had lived and died. Not only had the name DuPont ever stood for all
that was true and honorable in man, but it had stood also for all that was noblest. purest. and best in woman.
-Non nobis
But reverses and misfortune had come. "the mig,lity had been put down front their seat." and the only
remaining members of the proud old family lived in a little cottage in the village of La (layette. in southern
France. These were Madam DuPont and her grand-daughter Catherine, a girl of 18, with all the beauty and
the nobility of character, which were hers by inheritance.
Catherine's accepted suitor was Jean Belcour--a medical student in Paris. Jean did not come of gentle
birth, but he and Catherine had known each other since childhood, and their friendship had grown into something deeper and stronger. and when Jean finished his medical course they were to be ►carried.
Three years passed by and Madam DuPont had died but Catherine still lived in the little cottage. ira
company with a faithful old servant, waiting the time when jean might claim her as his bride.
One day there came word to him that Catherine had been stricken with a strange and sudden illness,
and before he could reach her bedside she was dead. She had left him this parting message:
"Jean. I shall never see you again for they tell me I am dying. .Jean. my life has been so worthless.
what have I done worthy of the name I bear? But perhaps in death I may accomplish what I failed to in life.
It is but little I know. Take my body and use it for the best interest of medical science. •Non nobis solum.' "

Her request was granted and with his own hands Jean dissected the body. and mounted the skeleton.
In after years .Jean► became a noted physician. and it seemed that he, too, must have caught the spirit of
the motto Of the DuPonts. for he went about everywhere doing good. forgetful of self, living only for others.
Doctor Belcour never married and when he died after a severe illness brought on by over work, a great ninny of
his personal effects were sold, and among them, to a firm in America, a skeleton the romantic history of which
none ever .►uessed.
Today. all that remains mortal of Catherine DuPont is what the High School students know as "the
skeleton.- It has often been an object of derision, but what better motto could one take for his life than the
L. E. M.
one which prompted the action of the last of the DuPonts.--"Non nobis solum?"

The following extracts from sev(.1.::1 of the leading newspapers of the state furnish a brief history of the
proceedings of the Senior Class:
Traverse City, Mich., Sept 27,—(Special)—A base ball game between the Faculty and the boys of the
Senior Class, something new in the history of the High School, occurred today. It was a great victory for the
Seniors, although the Faculty deserve praise for their heroic efforts to save the day. Special mention should
be made of Mr. Dumbrille's running, Mr. Krenerick's pitching. Mr. Horn's catching, protected by the "muzzle."
and also of the fine work of "Prof." Beach.—Grand Rapids Evening Press.
* • *

Traverse City, Mich., Oct., 5. - (Special) - The Seniors have a good joke on the Juniors. The enthusiasm created among the students of the High School by the Faculty Senior ball game resulted in the boys of the
Junior class challenging the Senior boys to a game. This was gladly accepted but when the appointed time
arrived the Juniors were conspicuous by their absence. It is rumored that they started but when they saw the
enemy in all its strength they turned and fled.—Manistee News.
* • *

Traverse City, Mich., Oct., 11,—(Special)—Great preparations were made by the Senior Class for Field
Day but alas—"The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley." Just after the crowd arrived the storm,

which had been threatening all day, burst forth, and most of those who could carry themselves and the added
weight of the adhesive soil, wended their way homeward.—Detroit Tribune.
* •*
Traverse City, Mich., Dec. 24,—(Special)—The Senior Class enjoyed their first class sleigh ride last
night and this morning. They went to Acme where the girls served a delicious supper in the hall, which was
followed by entertainment furnished by members of the class. Some excitement was caused on the way by the
attempt of the horses to keep up with Louis Birdsall while he was being chased towards Acme by one small
dog. The fine morning proved too great a Omptation and the ride home was longer by three or four miles
than it was supposed to be.—Ypsilanti News.
* •*

Traverse City, Mich., Jan. 0,—(Special)—The Faculty were surprised this morning to see a '02 flag
floating from the flag staff. The class is certainly making a record for its self.—Charlevoix Tribune.
* •*
Traverse City, Mich, Jan. 7,—(Special)—The assistant janitor attempted to remove the Senior's flag, but
those who hoisted it seem to have a genius for tying knots.—Cadillac Globe.
* •*
Traverse City, Mich., Jan. 8,—(Special)—This morning the janitor was still on the roof and his friends
feared •lie would have to remain for a day or two; but this afternoon he succeeded in removing the flag of
•Naughty Two."—Cadillac Globe.

Traverse City, Mich.. Jan. 21, - (Special)—The Joy of the Seniors over the close of examinations found
v(-nt in a sleighride to Bingham last night. This event is wrapped in mystery. as those who went refuse to say
anything whatever on the subject.—,Suttons Bay Bazzoo.
* *
Traverse City, Mich., Mar. 28,—(Special)—The girls of the Senior Class conducted a bazaar at the Central building yesterday afternoon and today. They have mefwith great success and the boys of the class can
no longer claim the credit of raising all the money for the "Annual."—Detroit Free Press.


is never tempted to levity, or impatience."
2— IDA LARKINS -"My heart is sair, I dare not tell,
My heart is sair for somebody."
3 - -CORA PiERsoN--•
"A friendly heart, with many friends."
4—HERVEY ANDERSON-"In her ear he whispers gently."

"She has the natural tendency of excellent people to place others in subjection."
"She trips so airily through the hall,
She never even trips at all."
7--Louis BIRDSALL.—
"I rise to a point of order
8—LottISE BUCK-"She is one on whom I built an absolute trust."

"Her soul is as a star, and dwells apart...
1O—ORPHA CRESSY-""fis a matter of regret.
She's a bit of a coquette."
11—Env BoYER—
"She was his care, his hope, and his delight.
Most in his thoughts, and ever in his sight:"
12—LIzzIE PARMALEE -"A modest maid, whom nature bath not slighted."
13—HERBERT SOMERS-"I love its giddy gUrgle.
I love its fluent flow,
I love to wind my mouth up,
I love to hear it go."
14 NELLIE BINGHAM --"I want my man to be submissive without looking so."


-True eloquene: indeed, dogs not consist in
2:- IRVING MURRAY"There is a great deal of oratory in me, but I do
not do my best in any one place,—out of respect
to the memory.of Patrick Henry."
3:— ART WAIT- - -To love one maiden only: cleave to her!"

stOO(l on the bridge at midnight."

Who eats his grub and minds his biz."
8--CLEON CHAMPNEY--"He muttered, mumblingly and low
As if his mouth was full of dough."
9—Roy SCOFIELD -"Blessings on thee, little man."
10—ETHEL POPE- - -

-In her slender shape are seen
Health and promise of stately mien."
"Every man however small. cuts a figure in his
own eyes."

5--EDWARD KYSELKA--- -He was schort schuldred, brood. a thikke
There was no lore that he nolde heve of harre."

12—RENO COLBY -"Behold the child! By nature's kindly law,
Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw."

0--ADDIE SOLES."Ideas of her own hath she.
And with herself, she cloth agree."

"A maiden never bold,
A spirit still and quiet."

7—Roy WYNKooP-"A solemn youth with sober phiz,

"I would the Gods had made me handsome!"


Business----Tripping to Bingham.
Condition--Seriously melancholy.
Wishes to be insured against--Sleigh loads.
Risk --- Doubtful.

Business - Tending to Business.
Condition --Short.
Wishes to he insured against-- -Girls.
Risk Immense.
Condition---(H) andy.
Wishes to be insured against - Undertaking.



Condition--Living in hope.

1Vishes to be insured against--Chemistry.
Risk- Exams.
Business --Visiting.
Condition- Prosperous.
Wishes to he insured against-The other fellows.
Risk - Shiner.


Business- Guy-ing.
Condition- Everything love-ly.
Wishes to he insured against- The Blues.
Risk -- Groundless.

Condition- Settled.
Wishes to be insured against--Senior girls.
Risk-No good.



Business Tapping pencils.

Business -- Scrapping.

( 'ondition Kicking.

Condition Still young-.

Wishes to be insured against Noise

Wishes to be insured against Freshman girls.

Risk (ireat.

Risk All in.

Business Flirting.
Condition---Looking for victims.

Condition- Murmuring,

Wishes to be insured against--Fatalities.
Risk --Certain.

Risk --Afflkin.



Condition—a( K INasbing.
Wishes to be insured against--Teachers wrath.
Risk - 1(X) per cent,

• Wishes to be insured against--Being alone.


Busittess- -Blushing.

Wishes to be insured a
Risk --Noone knows,

Wishes to be insured against -- Trigonometry.

Condition --Rosy.

School boys.

Wishes to be insured against—Librarians,
Risk -Flattering.

Business--Running Beach(es).
Wishes to be insured against — Misappropriation
of her name.
Risk--Not any.
Wishes to be insured against
Risk— Hasty.



Business--Arriving late.
Condition--Making up time.
Wishes to be insured against Boys!
Risk Heavy.


Business— Hustling.
Wishes to be insured against Senior socials.
Business--Slowing up.
Wishes to be insured against Speeding.


Business - Sleeping.
Wishes to be insured against--Waking up.
Business--Soaking somebody.
Condition- -Prosperous.
Wishes to be insured against -- -"Slow" boys.
Risk- —Light.
Business—Eating, Turkey preferred.
Condition --Warm.

Wishes to be insured against—Cadillac girls.
Risk--In corresponding.
Business --- Strolling.
Wishes to be insured against — ( H )arms.
Risk Charlie's.
Wishes to be insured against—Expansion.

• Risk--Shy.
Business—Giving Readings.
Wishes to be insured against--Opposite sex.
Wishes to be insured against—Cut Outs,

„n Monday evening. December
twenty-third. the Seniors went on a sleighride to Acme. They chartered
the town hall and the boys soon had a roaring fire burning. As soon as
they had become somewhat thawed out after their haig ride. the girls prepared the supper. the 1}()ys adding a few dainties such as saur-krant. limburger cheese. and crackers.
When every 01w had eaten all that 1w could comfortably hold.
and some more. Louis BinNall was asked to respond to 'the Joast
Our Girls.” Glowing tributes Were paid to the younng ladies. showing.
how very little he knew about the subject. Orpha Cressy was then asked
to respaal to the toast. -Our Boys.' which she (lid to the best of her
Claude Carter the] arranged an impromptu program requiring every
one present to contribute to the evening's entertainment. While this was

in progress, some of the, more adventuresome young inen hid the sleigh. which caused quite a little consternation among the young ladies: however it was soon recovered. and the miscreants escaped punishment.
The program consisted of a recitation. ••How Bet,-;ey and I Killed the bear.- by Roy Scofield: ••Mary's
Lamb.- by Nita Bugbee; a ghost story. ••It Floats.- by Flog- Walsh. told in the most awe inspiring manner: a
solo. "Now I am Sorry,'' by Louis Birdsall: the latest fancy steps. ••Ach du Lieber Augustine,'' by Addie Soles
and Nita Bughee: and, ••Sparkin' Down East." and. -Mumford's Pavement,- by Orpha Cressy.
Just before the party broke up. two flashlights were taken by Irving Murray. On the way home, the
ii()ys sang such appropriate songs as, -Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.'' -Blest be the Tie that Binds." and,
I [is Aria is Strong to Rescue.- They also sang Page 50.
When everybody finally reached home. "The wee SEIM . hours were not so sum as they had been.- Vet,
-All's well that ends well."
QUEEN ESTHER—Perhaps the most interesting as well as the most profitable entertainment undertaken by the class of 1902 was the presentation of the beautiful biblical story of Queen Esther in the form of a
cantata, given by an excellent cast of characters, assisted by the High School Chorus. It was presented to a
large audience in Steinberg's Grand Opera House, December 12. and was repeated by special request December.
The pmluction was under the direction of Mrs. Adelaide Dayton assisted by Mr. Francis Russell of Mt.
Pleasant. Mrs. White had charge of a chorus of Jewish boys. and Miss Paton a chorus of small girls. Stewart and Steffen's Orchestra furnished the music.
The folhwin , is the cast of characters:
Esther. the Queen -

Mrs. Dayton

Ahasuerus. the'King

Mr. Russell.

Mr. Reno Colby
Mr. Ralph Haslett
Haman, the King's Counsellor
Mrs. Rowley
Zerish, Haman's Wife
Miss Margaret Holliday
Zerish's child Mordecai, a Jew, the King's Gate Keeper—Dr. A. H.
Queen's Pages Lucile Holliday and Esther Snyder
Holliday. .
Willie Earl and Charlie Clement
King's Pages Miss Grace Hastings
Mordecai's sister
Queen's Maids Misses Maude Moody, Iva LangMiss Ethel Gibbs
worthy, Florence Miller, and Barbara Corbett.
- Miss Blanche Haskell
A Median Princess
King's Guards—Messrs. Reno Colby, Fred Bailey,
Miss Estella Jahraus
A Persian Princess
Robert Chase, and Frank Green.
Mr. Louis Birdsall
Scribe Chorus of Persians.
of Jews.
High Priest
- Dr. J. A. Snyder
As an entertainment the production was a complete success, and many of the participants deserve special
mention. The part of queen by Mrs. Dayton was exceptionally well rendered in spite of the fact that she was
compelled to take the part on short notice, owing to the illness of Miss Alice Roberts. Mr. Russell's part
was also very commendable. Mrs. Rowley and Mr. Haslett acquitted themselves in their usual pleasing manner, Mrs. Rowley's being especially impressive. The work of Dr. Holliday and Miss Hastings was also very
fine. Other parts which were equally pleasing were the choruses of the little boys and girls, Mr. Pennington's
solo, and the songs by little Margaret Holliday.
U rent credit is due to the efficient work of the High School Chorus, and Stewart & Steffen's Orchestra.
In a large measure the success of the Cantata was due to the persistent efforts of Mrs. Dayton and the
class committee, who with the help and support of energetic workers, directed the Cantata to a financial and
social success.

SENIOR SLEIGH-RIDE NO. II.--On Monday evening, January twentieth, the Seniors went on
another of their enjoyable sleigh-rides, this time to Bingham. As the night was stormy and some of the more
conscientious did not wish to neglect their lessons for the next day, only about half of the class was present.
Upon the arrival at the Bingham Hall, the boys found something extremely interesting down stairs, and
left the girls to amuse themselves as best they might. After suffering untold miseries from "ennui" the girls
finally persuaded the boys to return.
Supper, which was eaten in true picnic fashion, was then disposed of, and some very lively games were
indulged in until midnight, when the tired and sleepy party started for home.
While on the way, sonic of the girls had a rather exciting time, as was evidenced by such remarks as,
-Now Floyd you mustn't, that's naughty," and, "Why, I think - you are just awful."
They finally reached home in safety, however, and that day in chemistry class, when nearly every one
"flunked," and two or three actually dozed, Mr. Krenerick generously maintained silence.
SENIOR CLASS CONCERT—On Friday evening, February twenty-first, Stewart & Steffens' Orchestra
gave a concert under the auspices of the Senior Class, for the benefit of the Annual fund. Because of the many
other attractions in the city on that evening, the concert did not receive the patronage which it deserved.
The following is the program given.
Overture, Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna—
"The Wizard of the Nile"
Scene de Ballet, Violin Solo - C. E. Horst
E. E. White
Vocal Solo, "May be"
Waltz, "Jolly Fellews"
- Orchestra
W. H. Steffens
Piano Solo, "The Last Hope"
Vocal Solo, "The Sweetest Dream of all" C. A. Skelcher
Quartette, "Old Folks at Home,"--Messrs. Skeleher,
Cornet Solo, Lizzie Polka.
White, Chamberlin, and Pennington.
S. B. Chamberlin
Hungarian Melodies
A Trip to Coney Island, Descriptive.
- Orchestra


de de


Mr. Ryder. -Where was King Henry at this
Roy Wynkoop. "He was sick abed."
Miss Atkin's definition of division of fractions.
Invert the terms of the divisor and multiply •In the
Usual Way.'
(Day after Ottumwas entertainment).
C. Carter. (Eng. History). "France never had
a lady King.
He. "Do you understand German?"
She. -Only, Ich liebe
At a meeting of the Jokes committee.
s. "What colored eyes has — ?
h. "Her father has red hair.F
s. "Well, then she must have blue
k. -How does the sea become salty?"
F—d S----s. "Why when rivers flow over beds

de de

of salt they get salted.- (Simms shifts his posit ion
and shakes his book).
Don B

. "The corners of the leaf are rou I id."

. "In taking the readings
Nov. 27. Prof. K
of the barometer why should we take the teinp► 'rature indoors as well as out doors?"
Guy Pratt. "The temperature inside is liable to
be different from that outside.. Fred Simms. "Liquid air is made by passing
air through a tube into a tank and then letting it
Mrs. Dayton. (Drilling chorus for Queen Esther). "You might just as well get used to looking
to your left, for Haman will enter there. Now, all
ready, here comes Haman." Ed Kyselka at this
moment enters the door at the left.
Mr. Krenerick. "What is your answer. Mr. R?"
"One and two-fifths.Mr.

Mr. K-----. "Has any one a different answer?"
Pat Thacker. "I have, one and four-tenths."
Early in September Mr. Dumbrille made this remark: "I am going to be very careful what I say, so
that they can't put anything about me in the Annual."
Note the result.
Mr. Dumbrille. "What is the area of the United
States Government?"
In Chemistry. "Mr. Boyer, do you agree with
Mr. S. that it is N2 0?"
Mr. Boyer. "N O."
One day Earl Adams was walking to school with
two yoimg ladies: Pat T. overtook them and this is
the conversation which took place.
Pat T
. "Why aren't you fishing off the dock
this morning, Earl?"
. "Oh! I am fishing, in the usual way."
011ie B. (Translating). "Lucius Sulla partly
killed Gaius Marius and partly drove him out of the

Albert K- a. "Given any line A B required to
BISECT the line A B into ANY NUMBER Of equal parts."
Mr. Ryder. "Now you can get several more
points from an article I shall read to you before the
bell closes."
Fred S (In Chemistry). "Ozone is caused by
sparks from thunder."
"We are so fresh that even the grass
Turns pale with envy as we pass."
Question: —"How were Stephen, Richard I. and
John related?"
Jim Milliken. "Do you mean to tell the relation,
or who was each other's mother and all of that?"
Somers. (Chem). I thought ozone was caused
by electric sparks passing through oxygen. I don't
see where sparks would come from in the country."
"Albert, How's Mex? I haven't seen him but

once or twice this year. I feel awfully lonesome, but
(loll't tell 111I11 so''.
Evidently Mex is very popular with those of the
gentler sex.
Mr. Dumbrille. "What is a. civil case?"
Young lady. "A case tried for breach of
promise." (Blushes and Stammers) "I mean a
breach of contract." Voice from back seat. ••Its all
the same thing."
Miss D —n—g. "Although the roads were impassable one could get there."
Beach (In Lyceum). I move, Mr. President,
that a committee be appointed to decide the matter—
and that it be decided in favor of the affirmative."
About 11:30 P. M. after a. party.
H. H. A
. "
A. B. S. "No, I can't. I must hold up my
I-a L-r--- - -s. (In Virgil) "And Ulysses dumb
down a rope."

"Fire clamp gas is explodable."
H. H. A. I Later). "Why. damp generally means
any thing that is damp."
Mr. D. "Why should the Supreme Court Judges
not be elected by the people. Mr. Somers?"
Somers (Dreamily). "During good behaviour."
V. C. (In Eng. Hist). "Why, when Langton
came into the country King John ordered him not to
enter the country."
Art. Z
r 11.
thought of his."

didn't just catch that last

In Physics.
Question:—"Give the reading of the draw scale."
E. Thatcher. "Between 8 and 12 half way."
"How do we get distilled water?"
"You can buy it by the bottle at the Brewery."
Miss Atkin. "5-2-6."
Polygon: "A figure bounded by a straight line."

Mr. Krenerick. -One hydrogen of atom contains

Mr. Krenerick. "How did we collect oxygen?"
Miss Soles. "In bubbles.**

iam's den th ?F. S. "When they were going to bury William
they had him in a coffing."
In English Literature.

C. Hale, telling of the time when Queen Anne
was forced to leave England.
Mr. Ryder. -What happened to the Queen?"
C. Hale. "The QUEEN FLEES to Scotland.-

Miss D (explaining meters) "Come and trip it
as we go, On the light fantastic toe."
"Milton could never have done that without
some knowledge of feet."'

Mr. K- ---. "How is velocity measured. Mr.
Heber Stout. "Yes, I think so."
Mr. K
Heber Stout. "Yes, that is my opinion."
In 1915.
A graduate of 1902 to another graduate. "Where
is Nita Bugbee now?" "Oh! she is in South Africa
making fudge for the heathens."

Teacher. Iii writing this story don't let your
imagination carry you above the clouds, just write
what is in you.
Freshie handed in his paper which read thus:
In me there is a heart, lungs, stomach, $.05 worth, of
chocolates, an orange; two apples, a piece of lemon
pie. and my dinner."

Orpha Cressy (English Literature). "She wore
a riding skirt with spurs on her feet."
Mr. Ryder. "What happened right after Will-

. Is a chemical test a sure one for
Prof. K
the purity of water?"
Art. Z (rising like an old man with wrinkled
brow) "Why, a chemical test is the surest test we

Mr. R . "Mr. Beach, there is a lady waiting
for you in the office." (Who can it be?)
Mr. Dumbrille, sending pupils to the microscope.
"Now those on the first seat may pass" (Talks to the
rest of the class until they return) Now the second
row of seats may pass...
Mr. Ryder, reading announcement of Foot-hall
party in chapel, "The party will be given in the Old
Fellows new hall."
Bright young Lady speaking of a young man.
"He had a mouth, and oh! my! he looked just awful."
Miss D. "When I took literature I had fifty or
seventy-five men by heart."
Diamonds when found are covered with an outside covering.
Teacher (in tenth English). "What does Gerrymander mean?"
Pupil (who does not know). Once there was a
miller named Jerry and he got into a scrap with a
gander and people in speaking of it. at first called it

the Gerry. gander scrap. but later got it mixed with
the miller's business awl called it the Gerrymander."
Teacher. "\Vli'
. I am surprised."
Prof. K — . said.
Beach said "Wood wouldn't."
Prof. K— . said. ••Wood would?"
Colby said. "You said. wood wouldn't and now
you say wood would."
Ed. Boyer.
In figures and signs he takes delight
And with them seems intent,
Still on a figure more fair and bright.
His eyes are often bent."
"Well, Heber, where did you get that new tie?"
. I made a bet that I could get
Heber S
all of my Virgil for last Friday:. that was the day
Beach had his lesson."
First Senior. "They say Florence is going with
a Business College student. Is that straight?"
Second Senior. "Yes, that's Strai(gh)t, and so is

Miss B. (in Virgil). "The shades in the under
world are represented as filling the same stations they
held on earth."
Small boy (in knickerbockers). "Well whose
wife would Helen be, she had three husbands?"
Student. "Elimination means to throw out."
Miss D—. Would it be correct to say, -I will
eliminate the truth from the boy."
Ted Southard. "I think that is impossible."
Mr. Dumbrille. "What does the sheriff do?"
Soph. "Arrests every one."
Mr. Krenerick's correction in a young lady's
note book. "Method of osculation (kissing) not
quite right. See me about it."
Teacher. "Is it all right to say," "He got up
early this morning?"
Harry Roscoe. " It depends on whether it was
a voluntary effort or not."
Teacher (in Botany). "What does a plant do
when it wilts'?"

Mr. Milliken. "I thought wilting was like a.
man, let him go without water and he will a—a—" (as
if to say wilt. The class laugh and Mr. M
"He will die of thirst."
Mr. Dumbrille. "Miss Kehoe, you and Miss
Pulcipher sit on the front seat and you won't be
quite so thick there."
Miss Downing, (when the girls of English Literature were discussing Shakespeare's witches) "We'll
give the young men a chalice to recite soon; we're
nearly through with the 'witches.'
In Geology class topic under discussion is mineral springs.
Mr. Milliken. "Which springs are the ones that
cure rheumatism'?"
Mr. Krenerick. "I am not a doctor."
Beach is that part of the country about a sea
that is never covered by water, it is just adjacent to
the water. Somewhat different from F. K. B., he
takes an annual.

Mr. K—. "What salt would be formed from
potassium and hypochlorous acid?"
Miss Buck. "It would be a chlorite salt, but
don't know what you would do with the hypo."
"Mr. Ryder in History class. "Who was the
mother of the Gracchi?"
Bright Senior (sotto voice). "Mrs. Gracchi."
Miss D—"Have you read 'Littte Lord Fauntleroy?' "
Mr. Boyer? "It is a story for SMALL boys."
Freshie. "Fire heats water, water becomes
steam, steam becomes machinery."
In Review arithmetic class, George Deitz explaining a problem. His answer had "feet" in. Ethel
Savage's did not. so raising her hand she said: "Has
George got any feet?"
Miss D -n-g. (holding up a 6x9 book). Here
is a life size picture of Shakespeare."
Teacher in Rhetoric. "I don't believe by education you can make a Shakespeare or a Milton."

Mr. Lederle. (Who is 6 ft. 1 in. tall). "You
can make a Longfellow."
Mr. Ryder. "Now I will read the subjects of
the 3rd hour P. M., letting Trigonometry lie as it
Mae Coveny, (in Caesar). "They came to Caesar,
sitting on the pretense of business."
Ed. Boyer. "His aim is to win the highest office of the Catholic church. (Pope)."
Miss Atkin, (Review in Algebra). "Can you divide this piece into 5.25 equal parts?"
. "It isn't big enough."
Roy S
Teacher. "What does the probate judge do'?"
Pupil. "He looks after the estates of deceased
persons, and sees that they go to the right place."
Mr. K—. "How is charcoal formed?"
F. 5—. "They pile hardwood sticks up and
then build an air tight wall around it, but leave a few
holes in the wall to let the air in."
Mr. Krenbrick (holding a bottle of H. 02 in

his hand). "This has of late years been used much
in medicine, and for bleaching."
Student (to neighbor). "I believe I'll use that
stuff after this."

B—u-d-n. "The Trojans so hated Ulysses
that they called him the crafty. the cruel and almost
every epitaph (epithet) they could think of."

Mr. K—. "Name some -ite salts."
Student. "Sodium chlorite, sodium indite. andx11(1 sodium dynamite."
Mr. K—. "Ic is always in what relation to

Notice: Enjoy bathing and skating while the
has announced that
bay remains for Mr. K
"Traverse City is to lose her Bay."
What's the difference between a glass of water
and a dish of ice cream?
Ten cents.
Mr. Horn (explaining fire drill). "If one line
happens to be a little fuller than the other, those
students in room five can divide."
The arrival of Germany's Henry (henery) into
America caused a drop in the price of eggs.

* * *


Fair orchards glow with rosy snow.
The fields with daisies gleam:
soft wandering breezes come and go,
Or in the meadows dream.
The world is sweet, with lingering feet
We fain would wander still,
Where sped youth's happy hours so fleet.
And young life had its will.
-But hark the call, "Heave-ho! heave-ho!
Up anchor and away.
Beyond the harbor's shelt'ring bar,
Beyond the placid bay."
Above our heads the sky is blue,
The wind is blowing free.
The mystic isles gleam fair and bright.
Far out—far out at sea.


The mystic isles where fortune smiles
Through golden mist clouds fair.
That hide from sight the wondrous light
We know is surely there.
The light that fills our souls and thrills.
Unseen though it may be;
rn !mot stay, we must away,
Beyond the unknown sea..

Oh! hark the call, "Heave-ho heave-ho!
Up anchor and away.
Beyond the harbor's shelt'ring bar.
Beyond the placid bay."
Above our heads the sky is blue.
The wind is blowing free,
The mystic isles gleam fair and bright.
Far out—far out at sea.

There's stress and strain upon the main,
There's tempest, toil and wrack:
But courage, comrades, once again
Fair peace we'll welcome back.
From out the gales, we'll furl our sails
Beside the mystic isles:
Oh! youth was sweet, but grand, complete.
The future stands•and smiles.


hark the call, "Heave-ho! heave-ho!
1'p anchor and away.
Beyond the harbor's shelfring bar.
Beyond the placid bay...
Above our heads the sky is blue,
The wind is blowing free,
The mystic isles gleam fair and bright.
Far ont far out at sea.

High School Chorus
Gloria—Front Mozart's Twelfth Alnss
Rev. W. T. Woodhouse
Soldiers' Chorus—Front Goutxl's Faust — High School Chorus
- Charlotte Nash
SalutatoryEdward Boyer
Oration—"The Great American Problem"
Boys' Glee Club
Anvil Chorus—VerdiAddress—"The Meaning and Method of Education"
Supt. C. H. Horn
a—The Spinner Boys' Glee Club
b—Dickory. Dickory. Dock
Floyd K. Beach
School Chorus
Red Scarf—Veazie
0. P. Carver
Presentation of Diplomas
Class of 1902
Class Song
Rev. W. T. Woodhouse

Class Song--"I Need the Money."
Herbert Somers—"The Only Pebble on the Beach.'
Ethel Pope 1 "We Two" or "Blest be the Tie That
Edd Boyer 1Vera Carter--"Still as the Night."
Orpha. Cressy—"Oh! I Am Such a Naughty Little
Roy Wynkoop—"Just Behind The Times."
Florence Walton—"Has Another Won Thy Heart."
Floyd Beach—"Baby, Baby."
Irving Murray—"He Gets There Just The Same."
Hervey Anderson—"Heaven's a Great Way Off."
Louis Birdsall---"Flirting in the Starlight.Louise Buck "Her Bright Smile."
Nellie Bingham—"Parlor Sofa Politics."
Fred Bailey—"My Darling May."

Lizzie Parmalee —"The l "II protected Spinster.Reno Colby--"I Want My Money Back."
Ida Larkins—"The Girl Who Is Loved By All."
Lottie Nash— "Somebody Has My Heart."
Claude Carter—"More Work For The Undertaker."
Nita Bugbee - "Nita is Sad (
Cleon Champney—"Kiss Me Honey, DO.Cora Pierson— "My Young Man."
Herbert Raymond—"I Don't Care If I Never Wake
Roy Scofield--"Shall We Ever Be Able to Fly.Charlie Ashton "Only Wait A Year or Two."
Arthur Wait—"Hall Caines Look Alike To Me.High School Chorus-- "Lost Chord."
Addie Soles--"Pride of the Ball."
Edward Kyselka—"Back, Back, Back to the Woods."

In the name of the High Priests of learning. Amen.
I, Class of 1902, of the Traverse City High School, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make, declare, and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made of
whatsoever name and nature.
First, I direct that my funeral services be conducted with much sorrow on the roof of the school-house;
and request that the sermon be preached by Harry Roscoe.
Second, Furthermore, I request that I be buried under the large pine tree on the south side of the
grounds, where the girls may drop an occasional tear.
Third, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved brother, the Junior Class, the sole right and privilege of challenging the Faculty to a base ball game, the proceeds of same, to pay for my monument, said monument to bear the following inscription:
"Kind friends beware as. you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you will be,
Prepare, therefore to follow me."
Fourth, I give, devise and bequeath unto the Senior Class, to be, the privilege of raising its class banner, "Long may it wave," to the top of the north flag-staff, and further to justly punish he who attempts to
lower it.
Fifth, I give and bequeath unto the Class of 1904, one year's subscription to the Delineator, that said

class may find some suitable style for dressing the skeleton.
Sixth. I direct that the Faculty donate a new picture to be hung on the east side of the chemical
Seventh, I. knowing from experience, the timidity of the Freshmen, do give, devise and bequeath unto
them the sole right and privilege of keeping the dust fron► the piano and the images on the mantle.
Eighth. I direct that a copper collection be taken some morning early in September: the same to be
used for purchasing a new ribbon and drape for the shelf on the north wall of the High School Room.
Ninth. And lastly, I leave to the world my good will.
I hereby nominate kind appoint my witnesses as executors of the above.
CLASS '02.
Signed, sealed, delivered and declared by above Class of 1902 to be its last will and testament in the
presence of us. who at its request. and in its presence, and the presence of each other, have subscribed our
names as witnesses whereof.

1. And it came to pass in the second year of the reign of Charles II., that the little band of Seniorites.
belonging to the tribe called the Naughty Onedes held a memorable council meeting.
2. It being the season of the year when all nature was awakening to life and motion, the Seniorites.
catching the spirit of the times, became filled with exceeding unrest, and a desire to give vent to their long suppressed emotions in some new and strange manlier.
:3. So, therefore, on this particular occasion there was great anxiety among them all which led to many
differences of opinion and much clamoring of tongues before it was finally agreed upon as to what course should
be pursued.
4. But, albeit, each person was determined to have a voice in the matter and was vainly striving to make
himself heard above the din created by his neighbOrs.
5. There was great commotion and the sound of their voices was heard afar off, mingled with the noise
of the leader as he destroyed volume after volume by beating it loudly upon the side of the desk in a fruitless
attempt to reduce the band to subjection.
(3. Suddenly there appeared a great calm; and a hush fell upon all the people as there arose in their
midst, a meek but solemn prophet who reasoned after this wise saying:
7. Since ye cannot agree as to what ye shall do. I have a plan which I shall make known unto you.
8. Now there is, by the village of Keystone. a stream which yieldeth up fish in abundance, and there-

fore. verily, verily. 1 say unto you. let us arise early upon the morning of the first day of May and betake ourselves there unto.
9. This saying made all the Seniorites exceedingly glial. But they tarried not long to express their
delight, knowing that the matter must be kept secret from the Elders for fear of incurring their displeasure.
10. But they hoped to appease the wrath of the Elders by bidding them to a banquet prepared in their
honor upon the return of the host.
L Now it came about that Charles II. fell ill and Edward I. reigned in his stead.
2. And Edward I. being opposed to the plan of the Seniorites. did summon privately the chief, together
with several others of the tribe and expostulated with them.
3. Now the Seniorites who did greatly reverence Edward I., were very ready to grant his request. And
had it not been for the threats of some of the other Sovereigns would gladly have done so.
4. But many of the other Rulers were much displeased, and on the day before the Seniorites were to
make their escape did set laborious tasks before them for the following one, and charged them strictly not to
absent themselves upon that day or they should never be allowed to pass forth from thence.
5. Now this saying of the Elders provoked the Seniorites to anger, but, nevertheless, they were wholly
undaunted by it. They held another council and agreed together that they would assemble as usual on the
morning of the First day of May to complete the tasks set for them and go upon the day next following.
6. So therefore, upon the morning of the appointed day, each Seniorite was found in his accustomed
place. And many did array themselves in sombre garb and look exceedingly sorrowful.
7. Moreover, the Elders rejoiced that the Seniorites remained.

1. Now on the morn of the Second day of May, the Seniorites arose very early. even before it was yet
day. But they took not their departure from the city until about the sixth hour.
2. And as they passed through the streets they made a joyful noise before them. Their glad shouts
mingled with thrilling blasts from the trumpets, rang throughout the air until many people came forth from
their dwellings in great consternation, and stood amazed to witness the passing of the host.
3. Thither they journeyed, after this same manner, till they came to the stream whereof the prophet.
had spoken unto them.
4. Then they forthwith, proceeded to cast their nets and to practice that noble virtue, patience. sacred
only to fisherman, while awaiting the result of their labors.
5 What success crowned their efforts they promised to reveal unto no living person, though many
could exhibit exceeding large specimens of a peculiar variety, known as "German Brown Trout."
(-1. And now the sun had risen high amidst the Heavens; and the fishermen being very weary withall
and filled with exceeding hunger, resolved to rest for a time and refresh themselves with the contents of the
baskets which they carried.
7. After they had partaken of this food they betook themselyes to another place called by the name of
Slights Siding. Here they sojourned for awhile, and spent much time in merrymaking, yea even till the sun
was low, when they turned their weary footsteps to their own land.
8. While pursuing the journey homeward, they lingered long upon the way that they might fully enjoy
and appreciate the beauty of the scenes about them; and often, as the steeds halted to rest, alighted from the
chariots and journeyed for some time on foot.

9, When they were again safely sheltered within the walls of their own city, each bade farewell to the
other and departed to his own dwelling to meditate upon the pleasures of the day and make ready for the morrow when all should meet again.
1. On the morrow when the Seniorites returned, they found Edward I. and all his host exceeding wroth.
2. And Edward I. did summon the Seniorites, one and all, into a secret chamber where he exhorted them
after this manner saying:
3. "Well ye know that I most stearnly forbade ye to depart from these dominions and now by your own
acts ye have called down my vengeance upon you. There yet remains but one thing to be done, and that—to
bow down yourselves and ask forgiveness for this great wrong which ye have done unto me."
4. For a time deep silence reigned among thema when suddenly their tongues became loosed and they
began to inquire of him after what manner this atonement should be made.
5. He answered them, saying that at this time he was. not yet prepared to explain unto them how it
should be done.
6. Then many of the Seniorites who were very sorrowful to think that they had so grieved Edward I.
proceeded to express their feelings to him.
7. With these apologies he was not content, but saidst that he deemed it very necessary for them to
beseech pardon before all the people.
8. This many of them were unwilling to do, and after they had discussed the matter at length he allowed
them to depart, with the hope of receiving their final decision upon the morrow.
9. In this he was doomed to disappointment, and, being mightily angered at their obstinacy, he secretly

enlisted in his behalf the sympathy of the chief magistrate, together with the other high officials of the court.
10. And they sent forth unto him a decree proclaiming the punishment which would be visited upon
the. wicked Seniorites should they still persist in their evil ways.
11. In the meantime the news had been heralded abroad that the Seniorites had fled, and upon returning were compelled to bow low before their rulers and humbly entreat forgiveness of them.
12. This false report exceedingly angered the Seniorites and made them more unwilling than ever to
make any atonement for their deed.
13. When they next assembled themselves together they were straightway brought before Edward I. to
render unto him their final decision, which was still the same as it hitherto had been, namely, that they could
not and would not make any atonement for their deed, as they failed to see wherein they had committed such
unpardonable sins.
14. And they inquired of him what should be dOne with them if they did not do as he desired.
15. Then Edward I., mightily enraged, spake unto them, saying:
16. "By persistently refusing to obey my command, ye compel me to read this parchment which I hold."
17. And he then proceeded to make known unto them the decree he had received, and which read thus:
18. "Whosovever shall not bow down himself to obey the will of Edward I. shall have no part or lot in
this kingdom, but shall be compelled to depart from it until such time as he can comply with the requirements
of the command sent forth."
19. After delivering this message unto them Edward I. went out from the presence of the Seniorites,
leaving them to themselves for a little time to meditate upon what they had heard and charging them to report
unto him the result.

20. And in the meantime he summoned into his presence the chief magistrate and one of the other high
officials, who, as soon as the Seniorites made their appearance, did also undertake to reason with them and spew
them the error of their ways.
21. But it was all to no avail. Though two of their number had submitted and had already regained
favor in the king' sight, the others still refused to do so.
22. The decision that the Seniorites had rendered seemed as unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and
the Persians: and the command of Edward I. was likewise the same.
23. So after having wisely reasoned and pled with them until his patience was completely exhausted
and he could control himself no longer. Edward I. exclaimed: "Ye have heard what path been decreed and yet
ye will not submit to my authority, so. therefore, depart from me ye workers of iniquity. I will have no more
dealings with you until such time as ye can see fit to sufficiently humble yourselves to obey the command which
I have given unto you.24. After hearing these words the Seniorites were permitted to go forth from the presence of Edward I.
and his counsellors, and quickly gathering together their few belongings they went on their way rejoicing.
at the thought of being free, but soon, however, they began
to sigh for the daily tasks to which they had so long been accustomed.
2. And it came to pass, while they were thus alienated from the kingdom, that they held many councils
among themselves and endeavored to resolve upon what they should do if they did not become reconciled with
Edward I.. though they still remained steadfast in the decision made.
3. When suddenly there came to the rescue a "gocd Samaritan." who, having suffered likewise, was

thereby better fitted to "bind up their wounds.4. And this he straightway proceeded to do by placing in their hands a parchment which contained
simply a clearly worded, frank expression of the sentiments of the Seniorites, but which he believed could not
fail to satisfy the demand of Edward I.
5. But now it came about that Charles II. had somewhat recovered from his long continued illness and
desired to have the difficulty between Edward I. and the Seniorites happily adjusted at once.
6. And he therefore summoned to his place of abode the remaining Seniorites in company with Edward
I. with the hope of bringing about the desired reconciliation.
7. So at eventide all of them assembled according to his request. Here other fierce disputes arose and they
all tarried an exceeding long time, yea. even till past the midnight hour, when a compromise was finally effected.
8. Edward I. agreed to part of the ideas set forth in the
parchment held by the Seniorites and they in turn accepted a
/ 6/
part of his.
9. So thus the strife was ended and the Seniorites were
all exceeding glad.
10. On the morrow they all returned to the kingdom and
were again restored into favor, and there was great rejoicing
throughout all the land.
11. Though many difficulties continually beset their
pathway, the Seniorites ran with patience the race that was set
before them and found that -labor bath its sure reward.-

Mr. Horn--"Have you had permission to leave
your room?"
Mr. Ryder—"I'll take that note please."
Mr. Krenerick—"This 'ere point will fall •sowers' about here."
Miss McLaughlin—"That's a nice little point to
look up for tomorrow."
Miss Downing—"Well! I agree with you."
Mr. Needham--"If you don't stop that, you are

liable to leave the room faster than you came in."
Miss Atkin—"Pupils in the grades could do
Miss Bouldin—"Girls! be careful!"
Miss Richardson--"That's a little far fetched,
Mrs. Cook--"Have you that excuse today?"
Mr. Dumbrille---"I'm sure this lesson was not
too long."



Mrs. Adelaide Dayton has been employed in the city schools as Music Instructor since 1900.
Miss Emma Woodman, Instructor of Drawing in the city schools, has occupied this position for the past
two years.

The Junior Class of 1902 entered the High School about one hundred strong. The usual in ktakes were
made during the first few weeks, but like our predecessors we soon became accustomed to the strange environment; so that when we became Sophomores we felt perfectly at home.
As had been customary in previous years. we carried on the work of the Junior Lyceum, giving to the
public the usual number of interesting and instructive programs. The earnestness with which we entered
into the work and the benefit we reaped has been clearly demonstrated by the active part we have taken in the
Senior Lyceum of the present year.
When we entered upon our Junior work in September our members had diminished to about fifty. In
February a meeting was called for the purpose of organization. This resulted in the choice of Arthur Wells
for President: Earl Adams, Vice President; Della Gillett, Secretary. and Mae Coveney, Treasurer. In March a
second meeting was called and committees were appointed to choose our class colors and yell. They selected
bottle green and old rose for our colors and the following class yell.
"Rickety. Rackety.
Zip, Zuni, Zee.
Juniors, Juniors,
Naughty Three.Later in March the Junior girls were asked to meet with the Senior girls to plan for a bazaar. In this
we gave our hearty co-operation.

Aside from the regular class work, and the part we hav taken in Lyceum al a class, have not been very
active this year. Yet our aim has not been ignoble, for we
Live for something. yes and something.
That is worthy of our strife.
Something that will well repay us.
At the closing of our life.







4 4

DON'TS. 4 4

Don't ask why we have chapel only once aweek.
Don't believe all H. H. A. tells you.
Don't mistake Birdsall for one of the Faculty.
Don't leave any notes on your desk. They will
mysteriously disappear.
Don't leave your horses loose.
Don't mistake R-y S-o--ld for a Freshman.
Don't let Prof. Krenerick put you to sleep.
Don't start E-r-e A-a-s talking. There is no
end to his tongue.
Don't send F-ed Ba—y after watermelons.

Don't (when you are a Senior) break your neck
to get to school on time.
Don't complain of examination umrks. Th
teachers know more than you.
Don't take one of Claude P's "short cuts.
Don't ask to be excused the third hour; it's "no
Don't ask Miss BouMin "Why."
Don't ask Curtis about the, flag.
Don't mention it.
Don't borrow Herb Somers' hat, you will get lost
in it.

Sophomores! How strange that word sounded when we first realized that we were tenth-graders. A few
years ago we had looked upon the tenth-grader as one who had nearly perfected his education, but now --how
different! Instead of thinking our education almost completed. we understand that it is just beginning.
In the lower grades we had been (just as the •Juniors and Seniors before us) an unruly, mischievous set
of girls and boys, always indulging in those pranks which teachers do so detest. After graduating from the
eighth grade all our thoughts were centered on our first entrance into the High School. We im a git►ed ever su
many peculiar things would occur. but, upon con► int into the High School rooms for the first time. we were
completely bewildered and everything differed from what we had expected.
Although very much embarrassed and perplexed the first morning, within a few days. having become accustomed to the new ways, we entered upon a course of hard study intermingled with boyish pranks. Our first
year's work in the High School was far more pleasing and interesting than all the grade work, and upon entering
the tenth grade we did so with a higher and better view of life. and with a resolution that it should be our banner year. Since we have had no Junior Lyceum or other special work, more time was found for study. and consequently better recitations have been made.
In the early part of the second semester, the Seniors kindly requested us to organize and elect officers, so that
a class picture might be taken, and other things done for the benefit of the Annual, which the twelfth-grade were
endeavoring to publish. Of course the sophomores were willing to do anything to oblige the noble Seniors, and
therefore a meeting was called one night after school and officers elected. Nothing further however was done at

that meeting, but we hope at the next one to select a class yell, motto, colors and other things of equal importance.
The work so far this year has indeed been very gratifying to us, and, knowing that our schooldays are the
happiest period of all our life, we pledge to strive for the realization of the highest attainment both individually
and as a class.
It can be truly said that the desire and ambition of every sophomore of Nineteen Hundred Two is to graduate from the Traverse City High School with honor and by earnest endeavor rise to a prominent place in the
world where they can. by filling positions of trust in later life. reflect credit upon our dear, old High School.

oc GRAPE-VINE. eat oe
A Sunday school teacher recently told her class
about the cruelty involved ill docking horses. "Can
any little girl tell me," she said, "of an appropriate
verse of Scripture referring to such treatment?"
There was a pause. and then a small girl arose. and

said. solemnly: "What thx1 hath joined together. let
no man put asunder."
* *
Little Georgie was taken by his aunt to see the
newcomer, aged one day. He was duly and profound-

ly impressed with the specimen, and asked where the
little brother came from. "God sent it," answered
the aunt, reverently. The answer made a deep impression on Little Georgie, for that afternoon he was
seen out in the back yard gazing up into the deep blue
sky and spreading out his diminutive apron expectantly
as he said: "Dear God, please throw me one down. too...


Georgie ate a watermelon
-That had grown beside the gorge:
With ten seeds in his appendix.
Georgie's parents planted George.
In the spring Pa sold ten melons
That had grown most wondrous well.
Tho' Pa knew that Georgie'd helped 'eni,
Something told him not to tell.


Cholly Gayboy: "I understand you wemahked
that no girl would evah be likely to marry Gussie
Whitless or me because we are too fastidious?" Miss

Sharp: "Oh. no! You misunderstood me." Cholly
Gayboy: "Oh—aw then you didn't say that?"
Miss Sharp: "No; I said you were two lust idiots.


Said the teacher to the grammar
To which our boys belong:
"The horse and cow is in the field.
Now. what in that is wrong?"
"The cow and horse is in the field:.
Spake one in manners versed:
"Because, you know 'tis more polite
To mention ladies first.* *
The poor. benighted Hindoo.
He does the best he kindo:
He sticks to his caste from first to last.
And for pants he makes his skindo.


An Irishman has summed up the meterological

year of the Emerald Isle, as follows:
Dirty days hath September.
April. June and November.
From January up to May,
The rain it raineth every day.
All the rest have thirty-one
Without a blessed gleam of situ;
And if they all had two-and-thirty
They'd be just as wet and twice as dirty.
* *

Druggist: "Pills, my young man? Young Man:
"Yes'm." Druggist: "Anti-bilious?" Young Man:
"No; nwle."
* *

A High School young lady from Michigan.
To meet her I never should wichigan,
51w ate of ice cream
Till with pain she did scream,
Then ordered another big dishigan.


Oh! the Roman was a rogue,
He (Tat, was, you bettum,
He ran his antomobilis
And smoked his cigarettum;
He wore a diamond studibus.
An elegant cravattum,
A maxima cum laude shirt.
And such a stylish hattum!

He loved the luscious hic-hmc-hock,
And bet on games and equi;
At times he won; at others, tho,
He got it in the nequi;
He winked (quo usque tandem?)
At puellas on the Forum.
And sometimes even made
Those goo-goo oculorum!

He frequently- was seen
At combats gladiatorial.
And ate enough to feed
Ten boarders at Memorial:
He often went on sprees.
And said, on starting honms,
"Hie labor—opus est,
Oh, where's my—hie—hic—domus?"

Altho he lived in Rome
Of all the arts the middle
He was (exeuse the phrase)
A horrid individl:
Ah! what a ditrrent thing
Was the homo (dative, hominy)
Of far-away B. C.
From us of Anno Domini.

Last year we eighth graders looked forward with great anticipations to the time when we should become
High School students.
We began practicing for our eighth grade exercises soon after the spring vacation; and when these were
given in the High School Assembly room under the directions of Prof: Horst and Mrs. Dayton, we began to
think ourselves a part of the High School.
But it was not as we expected when on the first morning we were called "Freshies" by those who had been
there before; and on entering Chapel for the first time we were clapped and laughed at our insignificimee was
made complete.
About one hundred students entered the High School at the beginning of the year as ninth graders.
Most of us came from the ward schools of the city, but some from the country and surrounding villages.
It was with great confusion that we arranged our classes and study hours for ourselves. The many rooms
and teachers did not tend to lessen this state of affairs. As a result we were seen at all hours of the day, wandering through the halls or entering some Senior class-room only to withdraw in amazement and enter some
other. But at last we became masters of the situation.
We were about equally divided among the six courses of study. Most of us have kept up well in our work
while a few on account of sickness or other hinderances have been absent and so dropped behind.
We have been called upon to contribute our share towards the 1902 Annual. We have readily responded,
feeling that we may sometime wish the assistance of other classes. Though it is but little, it makes us feel our
kinship with the High School and realize that, though we have not been here long, it will be only a few short
months until we too, will be entering larger. broader fields of labor.

Sept. 2. School begins with two
w teachers.
Mr. Krenerick and Mr. Dumbrille. A ne)A- matting
on the upper floor.
Sept. 3. Dog desires instruction. Mr. Ryder
Sept. 9. Monday.
Sept. 10. First day after Monday.
Sept. 12. Hans Beach and Hervey Anderson
strike a match in chemistry. Mr. Krenerick does not
approve. Result I ?)
Sept. 13. Senior girls dress the images on the
Sept. 16. Commercial teacher arrives.
Hamilton speaks to students in chapel.
Sept. 17. Rev. Mr. Miller discusses the value of
classical languages and literature. Seniors elect officers.
Sept. 18. Memorial exercises in honor of McKinley. Mr. Krenerick has some explosions.

N() school.
Sept. 2-1. Seoiors make plans for annual.
Sept. 2 ' I .
Ilior lyceum elect officers. juniors


Sept. 27. Faculty and Senior boys play ball.
Faculty defeated.
Oct. 1. Nothing happened.
Oct. 2. Same thing occurred.
Oct. 11. Field day. School begins at 12:45 and
closes at 3:00. H. S. foot ball team give party at Odd
Fellows' hall.
Oct. 15. First appearance of the sun in four
Oct. 16. H. S. 6; Asylum 5.
Oct. 17. First snow of the season.
Oct. 18. H. S. 11 go to Kalkaska. Claude
Pound, guide. Leave 4 a. in.; return 4 a. m. H. S.
0: Kalkaska, 0. Hervey Anderson treats the girls in
the laboratory. to cake.

Oct. 22. A mirror for the girls placed in the
physics laboratory.
Oct. 23. Class No. I. in civics wilt review questions to Class No. II. Review History Class presents
Miss Richardson with a box of candy.
Oct. 24. Rev. W. K. Wright spoke in chapel.
A. W. and C. B. excused from Chem.
Oct. 25. Kalkaska 0: H. S. 11. Hurrah!
Oct. 29. Rev. Mr. Morey of Ypsilanti addressed
High School. In honor of the occasion we sang.
page 50. L
e B--k whispered in Chem. Result
Oct. 30. First meeting of girls' gymnasium. Mr.
Krenerick elected coach.
Nov. 2. At Cadillac. T. C. H. S. 0: Cadillac. 6.
The Cadillac girls sympathize with T. C. boys. Nice
Nov.. 5. M—x K
a. C
e, B
r. and
h are allowed to leave Chem. First
Senior Lyceum.
Nov. 13. One of our number is resorting at Sea

Serpent cottage.
Nov. 18. Nothin' doin'.
Nov. 22. Team No. I. 28: No. II. 0.
Nov. 23. Senior "My One Passbalk" social.
Loss, $0.35.
r returns from the Resort.
Nov. 25. Claude B
Nov. 27. Hurrah! No school till Monday. Patriotic celebration down stairs.
Nov. 28. Cadillac. 0; T. C. H. S., 0. Great
Dec. 3. First day after the second.
y. you
Dec. 5. (In Chem.) "Good-bye H
must leave us.- Lecture by Elbert Hubbard.
Dec. 7. Senior and H. S. teams play. Sens. 2:
H. S.. 0. Large words and a little temper.
Dec. 9. Mr. Dumbrille absent. Herb S. attempts to take his place in Civics, but is forced to retire.
Dec. 12. Perry Shorts and Mr. Russel visit us.
Mr. Russel recites several selections for our entertainment. Queen Esther.

Dec. 13. Queen Esther repeated.
Dec. 16. C
e B---- r bought and actually
wore a new tie which could be seen for miles around.
Dec. 17. "Tonnity" C-- - y found "Pat" T---r's
cap and gloves in her desk. Prof. Krenerick absent.
Dec. 19. Senior Lyceum.
Dec. 20. Lecture by Mr. Clarke. Prof. Krencrick returns and wishes us a merry Christmas and a
hot fourth of July. School closes.
Dec. 23. Senior sleighride to Acme. "We won't
be home 'til morning."
Dec. 24. Mr. Dumbrille goes to Ypsi. to see

Dee. 25. Mr. Krenerick receives a bushel of
Jan. ti. School begins. Mrs Cook sick. (Lottie Nash takes her place). '02 hammer floating proudly from the flag staff.
Jan. 7. Tuesday 4:00 p. um. (Jas. Parker.) "We

will take down the flag or the pole." Tuesday 6:00 p.
"Had we better stay on the roof, Charley, or come •
over before school in the morning and take her
down?" 9:00 p. nm., still there.
Jan. 8. Wed. 9 a. m. "Say Mr. Curtis. I guess
this flag will have to stay up. The gol darn thing
ain't down yet, and I don't think I can get it." 11:00
a. m. The flag came down but not without the pole.
Jan. 9. Fire drill. A match accidently lighted
(?) in Chem. class. A-t W to had to sutler for it.
Jan. 10. N-- a B----e and A--e S-1 s washed the windows in the Chem. laboratory. Fred
Bailey, wrapt in pleasant thoughts, went to the wrong
Civics class.
Jan. 15. The long looked for Exams. are here.
Jan. 20. The second semester begins. The
Seniors lose that worried look and take on one of
great misery or great elation.
.Jan. 20-21. Senior sleighride to Bittglulum.
Jan. 23. Miss Downing absent.
.Jan. 24. 'Miss Downing returns.

Jan. 27. Miss McLaughlin gone to southern
Michigan. Mrs. Raine takes her place,
Jan. 28. All the boys wear red ties. Mr. Ryder
forgets to comb his hair. Beach "gets it."
Jan, 29. Mr. Dumbrille is sick. Entertainment
by Leland T. Powers.
Feb. 3. A NEW PIANO ! ! in the High School
room, also a picture of President McKinley.
Feb. 4. Arthur Zimmerman actually made a
quick move.
Feb. 6. Irving Murray returns after a siege of
the mumps. The piano dedicated, Miss Vader furnishing the music. Juniors elect officers.
Feb. 11. Senior Lyceum elects officers. Mex K.
surprised the school with a hair comb.
Feb. 18. Announcement of the resignation of
six of the High School teachers.
Feb. 21. Sophs elect officers. A concert held
in the High School room after school, which closed
by the audience singing page 50. Concert in evening by Stewart & Steffens' orchestra.

Feb. 28. Debate between Senior Lyceum and
Lincoln Literary society. Senior Lyceum won.
March 6. The clock in room 3. becoming frightened, stopped when the fire gong sounded.
March 7. Boys removed their coats while working in the chemical laboratory. Eventful day. Florence Walton is burned. E. Lederle cut his hand.
March 10. Lovett's Boston Stars appear on the
lecture course.
March 13. Manistee High School challenges
the Senior Lyceum to a debate.
March 14. Lyceum held immediately after
school. Challenge not accepted.
March 17. St. Patrick's day.
March 18. Third appearance of Mr. Ryder and
his performing dogs.
March 20. We sing page 50 in chapel. Why?
Seniors select ministers for commencement program.
March 22. Senior social. Reno Colby gets hit
in the face with a ball.
March 25. Fred Simms changes his seat. Why?

March 26. Superintendent Gilbert visits the
March 27. Prof. Loomis of Mt. Pleasant gives a
short address in chapel.
March 28. Winter term of school closes. Exhibit of the work of schools. Senior girls hold a
bazaar in connection with the exhibit.
March 29. Exhibit continued.
April 7. Spring term begins.
April 8. '02 flag again raised.
April 9. Our Annual gets a name.
April 14. Ryder has his hair cut. Claude

Baker visits the school.
April 15. '02 flag taken down.
April 20. Nothing unusual.
April 25. Junior and Senior reception to the
April 28. Mr. Horn takes his famous ride.
May 1. Many absent.
May 2. Seniors are entertained by Mr. and
May 16. Junior reception to the S:_sniors.
May 25. Baccalaureate sermon.
May 30. Commencement.

THE " 0 0."
It may have been the taste of gypsy life which thy got in the winter of 1899-1900 when participating in
the gypsy encampment given for two nights in the City Opera House to help provide funds for the Traverse
suggestion to camp at
City High School's first Annual that made the class of 1900 take up so readily with
Edgewood last summer. Class interest and class friendship has always been strong with "00," however, and
when in their senior year they voted to have a class reunion in 1905 when all should make a special effort to be
present. and all are looking forward to a very enjoyable time then. But the word was passed around. "Must we
wait until 1905 before having a class reunion?" and the general reply was "No." and "Let's camp out this summer.
So after a preliminary meeting or two to decide the time and place, make up lists of supplies needed,
provide for dishes, etc., a certain Saturday moniing in June saw Smith, Hubbell, Walton, Snushall and Joe
Russky starting out of town as though to emigrate to the west. They went east and north however, and halted
at Edgewood near Sunset Cottage. where in a pleasant grove near the bay, of which Miss E. Pauline Johnson,
the Indian Princess of the Lecture Course left us such a gent in "Traverse Bay," and on the "dear old Traverse
shore" of our class song written by our beloved Mrs. M. K. Buck, the shores associated with such happy memories for us all, they pitched their tents. One for Prof. M. A. Cobb and wife, who were to act as chaperones, a
large one for the girls, and one for the boys, while a tent for the eatables and a large "fly" over the improvised
table made a small "white city... which looked very pretty among the trees and in the glimmering moonlight.
There were glorious sunsets which were enjoyed to the full. One vantage point with its rustic seat

which seemed quite popular, was named "Sunset Nook." When evening came the bright camp fire lit up the
scene and shone out over the bay. hurrying those who must work daytimes and were on their way to camp.
The first evening was enlivened somewhat by the arrival of a load of Lincolnites, out on a pleasure jaunt,
who attempted to carry off one of the class, a member of their society. They were compelled to retreat, however, and some of them bore the marks of battle. Had they returned later they might have had a reception not
entirely impromptu.
When the shades of night had gathered round and it was time to sleep, trouble began in the boys tent.
The girls seemed to get along nicely; after chatting a little while and singing a few songs they were in dreamland. Proximity to the chaperones' tent may have assisted them somewhat. Not so with the lxtys however.
Sonie must needs show their athletic powers. and such songsters as were present! When these were quieted
however, troubles (lid not cease. The mutterings of Joe and Hiram Russky, with their attempted sales of
Steinberg's dry goods and &milli's hats, and the hoarse "gettups" of Hubbell, who was then driving a delivery
wagon for a local firm, compelled taking to the hammock or seeking rest in true gypsy style, rolltAl up in a
blanket, with some brush for a pillow and the blue sky for a tent—if you could get the blanket. for the two
young men mentioned didn't want their stock lessened.
Boats had been procured and there was boating, and bathing in the cool waters of the bay, There was
sailing too, and in some rather rough seas. If the girls do as well on the "ocean of life"---face its seas
with as much calmness and courage, and are as brave in all the exigences of the voyage—they will deserve, and
undoubtedly achieve success.
There were athletic sports, running and jumping and ball playing; morning spins were indulged in, and
Snushall's horse, alarmed by the cries of the gathering crows, showed' itself still the possessor of considerable

vitality by the merry chase it gave the boys on its run to town, thereby breaking all records for wheels and
horses between Edgewood and the city.
Exploring parties searched the shores and neighboring woods for specimens of rock and wild flowers. In
their rambles two of the girls discovered, high on a hill, a strawberry patch where the luscious fruit was spoiling on the vines. 'Twas then, if it had not been accomplished before, and there is truth in the old adage, that
the boys* hearts were won, for we had some delicious short cakes, made by the girls and baked in the camp
A "white collar Edict" was enforced to the discomfiture of a number including Montague and Novotny,
and as a result of the afore mentioned edict Walton took a swim and Snushall did not come out much better.
The class of '01" was entertained one evening when the camp fire and a marsh mallow roast, together
with boat rides etc. made the evening pass pleasantly and quickly. (The fish wouldn't bite that day or they
would have been served some of the finny tribe). Senator and Mrs. Milliken were also present and brought
with them some water melons, the first of the season, which were much enjoyed. (They are invited to come
Twenty-three were present all or a part of the time that we were camping. Tho' but a little more than a
year had passed since graduation, death had entered our class circle and George Chase, who had been studying
at the University, came home to his family and classmates, unable to speak with them again here, and preceded
us to the Great Beyond. This leaves fifteen boys and fifteen girls in the class. One has gone and we are
bound the closer by class ties. We begin to value our class friendships and to realize how happy were our
school days, and that the stern realities of life come all soon enough. We are interested in each other and in
our Alma Mater, and shall continue to be.
We wish 1902 the success she deserves in her commendable effort to continue the publication of the
Annual. If 1900 camps out this year you will be welcome.

The numerous friends of Supt. C. H. Horn throughout the city were happily surprised as well as much
rejoiced, on Friday evening, April 25th, at the announcement in one of the local daily papers that he had lase►►
elected to a splendid position in Iowa College. Mr. Horn had been summoned to Chicago on the previous day
to confer with the authorities of the institution and it was while there that he received his election.
When Monday morning came, the young men of the High School were anxious to demonstrate in some
forcible manner their regard for Mr. Horn and their appreciation of his good fortune. Accordingly they planned to meet him on his arrival upon the afternoon train. But Mr. Horn stole a march on his friends and entered town earlier than he was expected. Nothing daunted by their disappointment, during the noon hour. the
boys secured a carriage which they gorgeously decorated with the High School colors. At 12;50 they drew
this equipage before the residence of Supt. Horn. Hastily summoning him to the street the boys quickly instated him in the coach with its many steeds and proceeded to give him such a ride through the si wets of
the city as seldom falls to the lot of any maa► to take.
Rapidly down Seventh street through a gauntlett of young ladies of the High School the vociferous
"Steeds" proceeded with their charge. 'North on Union, east on Front, south on Park, west on Washington.
south on Union, west on Eighth, north on Union and west on Seventh to the School building where a brief
speech was given by Supt. Horn. This speech was frequently punctuated with the high school yell. After removing the perspiration from their "ruddy" faces, the boys went to their class work with a vengeance and were
able to complete their usual duties by 3:30 at which time they were dismissed, all newspaper reports to the contrary notwithstanding. This incident was closed by a happy little speech by Mr. Horn at chapel the following
morning amid most enthusiastic demonstrations from the HighSchool body.

Mr. Harvey C. Curtis. the congenial janitor of the Central. has occupied this position for the past ten
years and during this time he has made many friends among the students of the High School aid the pupils
in the grades. Honest, faithful work and careful attention to duty, have won for Mr. Curtis the reputation he
is now enjoying. He will remain with the school after we leave, and lie will ever have the good will and
Best wishes of the class of 1902. •

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a study !It of the High School, of a frc,
and unfettered nation, to pursue the study of Chemistry it is time for action.
This nation cries out in protest from the doors of the Mexican habitations unto the northernmost
threshold of a Maine hencoop.
In this era of refinement and culture, this age of prosperity and politics, nothing so nearly approaches
the unparalled martyrdom of the 13th. Century, as the inexplicable suffering of a student posing for his first
Chemistry examination.
Much has been said and unsaid of the barbarous Spanish bull fights and the ignominious practice of
cock fighting: but it is well, indeed, that the monstrocities carried on in the chemical laboratories never leak
out into the public ear.
But such is life that those who are bound by the steeled chains of fate are forever shut off from their
more fortunate mortals and are hardly ever, if at all, extended the tattered ray of sympathy.
"Build thee more stately mansions, 0! my soul.
As the Chemistry experiments about me roll."
"Lead, kindly light, amid the laboratory din.
It was not ever thus; but pray that thou shouldst lead me on."

The one event of the season in High School athletics was the Senior-Faculty Base Ball game.
The first person to suggest such a trial of skill, was Prof. Horn, who thought that since the members of
the faculty knew more about Algebra or History than the students did, they might also teach them something
about the art of tossing a ball. The seniors were not slow in grasping at the chance to prove their superiority
along this line. As there were only five male members in the faculty, the "boys" magnanimously allowed Mr.
Ryder to choose by lot enough Senior boys to fill out their quota of nine. Mr. Needham was called to keep
score. The faculty did not consider the students learned enough to keep track of the tallies which they expected
to run in.
The game was called on Friday afternoon after the close of school, since the teachers would require as
many (lays as possible for rest before returning to their labor of training the young minds. That it was a great
event was evidenced by the large crowd collected at the grounds long before the time for the commencement of
the game. The Profs. were enthusiastically cheered when they appeared in clothes suited to the needs of the
ga me.
Seniors at bat and Faculty in the field was the first thing on the program. and then the ball began rolling. The greatest danger which the hatters encountered was death at the hands, or rather from the curves, of
Pitcher Krenerick, who tried to pilot the ball past the batter into the hands of Cat dier Horn: but many times
the bat got in the way, so often, in fact, that at the beginning of the third inning Boyer went into the box,
where he was also punished.
Of course the game was not all favorable for the Seniors, as the Faculty did a few things to the ball when
it was their turn to wield the stick. The base running of Mr. Dumbrille added greatly to the excitement, and

it will long be remembered as one of the finest exhibitions of speed ever shown on the local diamond. But the
day was ill-fated for the teachers, and the score resulted 9 to 7 in favor of the "boys.BATTERIES :
Faculty Krenerick. Boyer and Horn.
Seniors-- Somers and Coll)y.

As it is necessary to 11;1 V(' money to publish an Annual, the Senior Class decided to hold a "Field Day,"
the contestants in the various cv(uts being High School students. The "Field Day" was held one Friday afternoon, school closing early for the benefit of those taking part in the contests and those of the High School
wishing to attend.
The events and winners were as follows: 20 yard dash, Ed Boyer; pole vault, Herbert Somers, 7 ft.
40 yard dash, Ed Boyer; running broad jump, James Milliken, 17 ft.; running high jump, Ed Boyer; 4 ft.
5 in.; 100 yard run, Ed Boyer; Girls' race, Barbara Corbett.
Following these events was the football game between the First and Second teams. The game was commenced and play continued until the First team had scored 7 points, when a rain set in. Though this caused a
rather abrupt conclusion of the scheduled events of the day, it did not interfere with the attraction carried on
near the back fence, which was in the nature of a "scrap" between two small boys, or, to use the dignified
language expected of Seniors, they were engaged in a disgraceful encounter with fists.
This display of skill and muscle concluded the day's contests, but in the spring another "Field Day"
was held, the chief attraction of which was the second Senior-Faculty base ball game.

TEAM OF 1901.

F;‘)\\ - ARD BOY Eli. Captain.

CLAUD POUND. Right Half.
JOHN ALBERTS. Quarter Back.
ROY WYNKOOP. Right Tackle.
LOUIS HEIGES, Left Tackle.

FRED SIMMS, Right Guard.
FRED BAILEY, Sub. Tackle.

TEAM NO. 2--1901.
HALE. Coach.
ADAMS. Right Guard.
CHAMPNEY. Left Tackle.

A NT. Left Guald.

A N I WES( )N. .\iniiager.
li..\1".\1( >ND. Eight Tackle

ASHTON. Right End.
BAKER. Left End.
SOUTHARD. Left Half.
COLBY, Full Back.

THOMAS. Right Half.
STOUT, Quarter Back.
\VAIT. Substitute.

0 S ilephcrd

4 4


It is probable that '01 had the best material for a football team the High School has ever possessed.
The boys began the season early, and by some hard practice games against the second and third teams, and the
earnest work of the coach, soon had themselves in excellent condition.
Letters were written to the neighboring High Schools asking for games, but at this time teams had not
been organized and it was unfortunate for the Traverse City team that they secured their first game with the
Northern Michigan Asylum on the 12th street grounds. On Oct. 5th the light High School team lined up
against the heavy weights of the Asylum. A large crowd was present to witness the game. and one could read
in their anxious faces predictions of inevitable defeat for the H. S. Such were the feelings aroused when the

spectators beheld the N. M. A. with their 180 lb. average and four men on the line that weighed Over MOO lbs.
pitted against the High School with an average of 130 lbs. The N. M. A. kicked off to the H. S. au►d the ball
was downed, but the Asylum team could never get lined up before the -kids.- as they called the High School.
would be carrying thee► down the field. This could not continue long since the N. M. A. would soon gain
possession of the ball again. They began to send their heavy mass plays against the light High tiehool line,
but to no avail: the quick backs of the H. S. gave them no chance to get started around the end. The game
proceeded with the ball changing hands a number of times, but at the close of the second half, the ball was on
the Asylum's five yard line.
This game greatly aroused football enthusiasm in the High School. and also among citizens who are
lovers of the sport. It also revealed the weak points of the team. With their experience fresh in mind, a few
nights of practice put the boys in better condition than they were before for a struggle upon the gridiron.
The N. M. A. too, were indulging in some hard practice with the expectation of visiting revenge upon the H. S.
boys. The opportunity presented itself on Oct. 16 at 12th street park. The N. M. A. with their heavy weights.
confident of victory, again ►net the H. S. team, which possessed the quickness and science so essential to good
foot-ball. The spectators. as they saw the teams lined up for the struggle. made the same predictions as at
the former game. but after ten minutes of fine playing, the High School secured their first touch down of the
season. Goal was kicked making the score 6 to 0. During the remainder of the half the ball changed hands a
number of times, but to the advantage of neither team. In the beginning of the second half, the heavy mass plays
of the N. M. A. began to tell on the light H. S. line, and the Asylum slowly carried the boys down the field
until they reached the four yard line. Here the H. S. made a final stand, and the N. M. A. could go no further.
The ball went over to the H. S. on downs. and they punted from behind their own goal. thus placing it out of

danger. The N. NI. A. again gradually carried the ball down the field. although at every yard they were meeting with strong opposition. At last the N. Nl. A. had the ball one foot front the High School's goal line.
llere it was that the 11. S. made its last desperate resistance. and played the best foot-hall of the soason: twice
the Asylums hurled their heavy line smasher against the H. S. line. but they were as readily hurled back. But
on the last down, the N. NI. A, scored a touch clown. The goal was missed and the gain" ended with the H. S.
the victors. score 1; to
so crippled the H. S. team that they should not have played another game for at least two
This ga
weeks, lent owing to peenliar circumstances they were obliged to play Kalkaska at that place on the following
Friday. This game. interesting and exciting throughout. would have been an easy victory but for the exhausted
eondition of the boys.

As 11 was neither side' scored.

. n t1ci 271 a return game was secured with Kalkaska on the local gridiron. The' visitors upon their arrival ahom p. in. w ont at once to the 1:!th street Park. The Evening Record of that date gives the following
description of the game: lit two of the finest twenty minute halves ever played on the local gridiron. the H.

S. of this city administered to the Kalkaska city team a very decisive defeat by a score of 11 to O. beating them
to a standstill, and showing conclusively that the two teams do not belong to the same class. It is pretty hard
to say unpleasant things about a defeated team but sometimes it can scarcely be help.-1.
There was not the gal feeling and cleanness of play that characterized the recent .games between the H.
S. and the Asylum hen'. The game at Kalkaska a week ago produced considerable bitterne3s. and the playing
hen' was tine, accompanied with little or no slugging or fouling.
Kalkaska did not get the admiration of the crowd to any great extent: in fact they were tilt-fated to a

great deal of roasting. especially near the close of the first half when they walked off the field on account of an
adverse decision of the referee.
In the first half Kalkaska kicked off and Boyer failed to catch but picked up the ball and made a fine
run half the length of the field, carrying the ball twenty yards past the center into Kalkaska's territory. The
ball soon went over but on the first pass White lost it for a big loss. Goss, Milliken, and Simms of the H. S.
had their arms wrapped around it, until no Kalkaska man could get within a yard of it.
Lederle made a big gain through tackle. then Boyer made a long end run, being stopped by Dean Lewis.
captain, and full back. The ball soon went over, however. and Lewis punted. making one of the prettiest kicks
ever seen here. Albert. getting the ball, made a good rim. but he was downed well into Traverse City's territory.
Then began a series of line bucks hi which Lederle, Milliken, Thacker. Boyer and Pound took turns in
carrying the ball until in five minutes the ball was within six yards of Kalkaska's goal.
Then Thacker went through the line for a big gain. but lost the ball and Boyer leaped the line, and fell
on the ball, clasping it in his arms, while at almost the same time, Upsal Hobbs of Kalkaska. got his hands on it.
The referee gave the ball to Traverse City. but it was so evident that there would be a touch down if the ball
remained in the hands of the local team that Kalkaska marched off the field, and refused to continue the game.
It was finally decided to let Kalkaska have the ball in order that the game might be continued and the crowd not
Kalkaska made no great gains, however. and the ball soon went over, but the time was so nearly up that
the half closed without a touch down.
In the second half it was apparent to all that it was all oft with Kalkaska. Thacker made a beautiful
kick oft and Lederle came down the field and downed the ball almost in the tracks of the man who caught it.


~ ;'

Kalkaska gained scarcely a yard. and the ball went over. Boyer went around the end for a big gain that was
almost a touch down. Thacker was sent through the line twice for good gains. when Lederle smashed the line
for a touch down, scoring 5.
The ball was carried out. but Alberts failed on the try at goal. Kalkaska kicked off. and the H. S. began
the fiercest kind of line bucking and red-hot end runs. On a delayed pass, Thacker made a long run, and was
stopped by the crowd that had pushed across the lines. Lederle. Thacker. Milliken and Lederle was the way
the mass plays were led then with big gains through the line every time. Then Thacker went around the end
for a large gain.
Then came the climax of the game, Lederle was sent against Kalkaska's right tackle. He ploughed
through the line leaving a string of men behind him. Three Kalkaskans seized him but he twisted and struggled out of their grasp. Another struck him sideways, but he got away and made for the goal. A man struck
him from behind but failed to bring him down and Lederle went over the goal line and downed the ball right between the posts. Then he was carried about the field, the crowd joining in the High School yell that could have
been heard a mile away: Albert kicked goal, making the score 11 to 0 in faVor of the High School, and both
the half and the game were over.
After this game the team was in poor condition for any further games. but a date had already been secured with. Cadill ic for November 2.
Alt11c-ugh the local team was thus crippled, yet the game at Cadillac was one of the best of the season. It
was a hard fought contest, resulting in a victory for Cadillac of 5 to 0. Too much credit can not be given to the
Cadillac High School for their generous treatment of the visiting team. The game was won by good playing.
and it was a well earned victory.

The last game of the season was with Cadillac on the local grounds. Intense interest was manifest as the
Thanksgiving game is always the banner game of the season. At last the day came. the grounds were in the
best of condition. The teams, as they faced one another for the contest, were evenly matched in every way. and
both entered into the ga► ue with a determination to win. Through the long twenty-five minute halves the teams
snuggled desperately. neither side gaining any advantage. Undoubtedly the home team was prevented front
scoring by the star punting of Cadillac. Many times they put their goal out of danger by those forty yard punts.
The visitors showed then► selves to be gentlemen in every way. and they played an earnest and straightforward
The High school team of 1901 deserves much credit for the clean playing which characterized their games
for it is the feature which removes foot ball front the realm of the brutal and makes it a game fit for the p:► rticipation of gentlemen. The only unpleasant game of the season was the one with Kalkaska and this was expected
since_ the Kalkaska team, totally ignorant of the science of football, began the game with a mean spirit.
The High School team owes its success to three main reasons, namely: the support of the High School
faculty. the gentlemanly lot of players. and the earnest work of the coach, Walton Gray. To the latter too much
credit can not be given. His work has been much appreciated by the team.
By present indications the team of 1902 will be a strong one, for there is a large amount of good material
in the High School. and many of this year's team will return next year. Thus we have abundant reason for believing that the High School will be more loyal than ever to the black and gold.
Football was an exceedingly popular game in the Traverse City High School during the fall of 1901-2.
This was due largely to the presence of an unusually large number of boys who were interested in and adapted
to the game. The enthusiasm was so great that a second High School team was organized.

This team had many practice games with the first team, and in the latter part of the season challenged the
first team to an exhibition game. The teams lined up on Nove:nlwr 21st at Twelfth street park. rte second team played a strong game, but the boys were no match for the first team. as the score of 28 to 0 shows.
This game, however, did not discourage the High School No. 2. for they secured at once a game with the
Cadillac High School team No. 2 at that place on November 30. The game there was very interesting and exciting throughout and ended with a score of 4 to 0 in favor of the Traverse City High School No. 2.
The line up of the second team was as follows:
Reno Colby. full back: Berne Reynolds, left half; Jack Corbett, right half; Ted Southard. quarter back.
Charles Ashton. right end; Cleon Champney, right tackle: Herbert Raymond, left tackle: Frank Grant. right
vuard: Earl Adams, left gmard: Carroll Hale. center.

Nothing stands still; each year is an advance upon the one preceeding. Thus 1902 has brought its changes
even to the august body known as the Alumni. One of the interesting features is the fact that the class of '01
has been with us, rubbing against the ragged edges of experience, thereby gaining discipline for life's struggles.
even as we have done and are still doing. The question comes, has this constant friction served to polish us,
rounding our characters, or has it dwarfed and crushed. Each answers for himself.
And as I glance hastily over the names of graduates published in the Annual of 1900, a kinetoscope with
many changing views appears before me. I see college halls in which are busy students with hopes and ambitions lighting up their familiar faceS.
Now it is the office in which many are working steadily and unceasingly with prospects bright for the
Again, I see the store; and here are varied scenes, for many different wares are sold by our busy alumni.
The school room claims its share of our members, and who can tell of the good these patient souls are
Then there are the newspaper men and women, the ministers, artists, engineers and farmers, all doing
his or her best to reach a goal, or to make the world better or happier for their having lived.
And last, but by no means least, the home-keepers, wives and mothers, who are so truly fulfilling noble
missions in life.
In this hasty review, we find since '00's Annual, (we reckon time thus now), that Captain Cupid has
been pretty busy in our ranks. I count fifteen marriages: and be it whispered, for it is heard front Dame
Rumor, nearly as many engagements. Let next year's Alumni scribe confirm the report.
Three of our brightest and most promising members have been called to the beautiful home beyond.
They have completed earth's course; they are the Alumni from life's school.

Now we are privileged to welcome into our midst the class of 1902. and we do welcome you most heartily.
Our interests have been the same. The dear old High School has sent us forth better equipped for life's duties.
There we formed friendships with teachers and pupils. which we realize are as true and lasting as any we form
afterward. Our members are scattered. but there are cords which will ever make us feel a fellowship for each
So. 1902. may we reciprocate our experience for your enthusiasm and may our li ves echo Emerson's inspiring lines.
The sun set. but not his hope:
Stars rose; his faith was earlier up.
11. WAIT. ”




r //, .


4'4 4/4°°e

Y ,).-



The success of this Annual has been largely due to the liberal patronage of Traverse City's business
men. Through their ready co-operation the financial department has been a success; while without it all efforts
to raise so large a sum would have been unavailable. Therefore we wish to thank our patrons for the liberality
with which they have contributed to our undertaking.

'C. Uri tbirlbr
Successor to G. A. Holliday.
Office over Barnum & Earl's Jewell y Store.
Both Phones No. 1


324 Union St.

Both Phones 92.

City Operalbooiic SISIoch.
F. E. Lallyni

H 0. Joynt

F E. ',alum, Manager.
All hinds 01 Light and Ileavy DrayBaggage and Parcels.
Ildth Phones 44 305 East Front St.
All Orders given prompt ;itt,ottion.


b.. C. Carter


Tuneral Director



Traverse City

Geo. A. Cross

Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.


Attorney - At

Traverse City, Michigan.


Tra'berse City, Michigan.

First class in all its appointments

"funeral Director

Advertisement at the bottom.
Professi anaby at the top.

Traverse City, Michigan.
Both Phones 43.

318 Union Street.


Beadle Block

the Orion

Grand traverse berald
and the Cuening Record.
The EN-cuing Record is the
lilting in several counties.

dully newspaper ill Nort.lieril


Latest Telegraphic news Report. Complete Local news Service.
The Herald is 'Michigan's Best and most Popular Weekly Family Newspalier.

The Eveilii4,7- Record-- Io reins a week, deii,-cred
year. The /Jerald —$1.00 a year.



siS„,.( H)



W. E. Williams Lumber Co.


0 F" I IE I— CIO , Mgr_


Lumber. Lath. Shingles. Doors. Wilidcm,. A1,011(1111gs. Lime. Cement. Hair and Buihlin ,.


-Materials of all kinds.

Fashionable Clothiers ,4

Office and Yards 515 Lake Avenue.
"[Inverse ('it

Wholesale and Retail

Al ichigan.

Hatters and Haberdashers in the city.

Enterprise Grocery


Whell Full‘Va lit S0111(411114; -nice for tea or

Ice Cream, Sherbets
....._and Fruit Ices.

afternoon parties get some of National

Cor Front and Park Sts.

Biscuit Cos. sweet package goo(k at the

Enterprise Cash Grocery
C,,r. ( 111011 illld Stilie.

Traverse City.

Wholesale and retail
dea:er in

Hay, Straw
oe and Grain.
°thee and Warehouse Corner Sth
Street and Pere Marquette R. R.
Telephone N. 1118.


Choice Groceries
and Provisions.
248 Front St.

Pioneer Livery
and Sale Stable
Hack and baggage called
for on short notice.

Always Remember

For Footwear.

Traverse City Wagon Works.

Julius Campbell

A. J. PETERTYL, Propr.
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and
Horseshoeing, Repairing, Repainting
and Trimming.
Traverse City - - Michigan.

Hardware, Stoves and Ranges,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Bicycles and
Sporting Goods,

$3.00 and $3.50 Shoes

)ffice of C. & W. M., 0. R. & d , M. & N. R.
Transfer Line.
Branch Stables at Neahtawanta and ()myna

Union Made.
It will pay you to examine the W. L. Douglas Shoes and see for yourself that they are
just as good in every way as those for which
you have been paying $5 to $7. For style, comfort and service they cannot be surpassed by
custom made shoes.
Sold exclusively by us in the city.
A. S. F ryma n
Practical Shoe Man

lin Front Street.

We Will Save You Money
On reliable qoalities of Dry (foods, Ladies
and Misses' Suits, Skirts, ete. Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Furnishing Goods, etc., for men, young
men and boys.
You always get correct styles here.

Reliable Department Store.

Bell Phone 229, Citizens 558
417 South Union Street.


Park Place Livery, ,t
Importers of Fancy Deicers and
Draft Horses. City Hack Line.
Open day and night. Telephone
No. 79.

Q. E.
and F. P. V3OUGHEY

Choice Groceries and Provisions
l'.v rythin

Strictly 1•'iri-it -Class

TH(.1 ,1,.. your Orders.

Both Phones,
ont and Oak Sts.
New Phone '0, Bell Phone 3,7.

Goes with every purchase

money Cheerfully

Traverse City,

If you ask it.

One Price

Dr. E. B. Minor
Office in A. V. Friedrich Block.
Special Attentiorz Given to Diseases of the
Evc. Glasses Scientifically Fitted.

Parm C. Gilbert
Attorney at Law

Loans and
Real Estate
Tral,erse City, Mich.

Traverse City
State Bank ,4

to you—to everybody.

In buying—buying direct from
manufacturers and importers in large quantities.

for cash only—you don't have
to pay the other fellow's bad


Capital, $100,000
',.rry Hannah, President.
A. Tracy Lay, Vice President.
J. T. Hannah, Cashier.
Garland. Asistant Cashier.
Howard Irish. Assistant Cashier.

oz FIRST ,Az
Traverse City.
Capital, $59,000 Surplus, $25,000

Quick Sales

Footings. $500,1000

and Small Profits.

is the Story
That tells why we have the
lion's share of the business.

rbe Boston Store.

Savings Department

Per Cent.

-- II. S. 11,1l. Food, 11,,,,/
urlIc. .11. IL c•.1, II, I:
e 'hos. V.
11,1, 1.(isli

Drs. Garner 0 Swanton


Painting Class
Lessons in Water Colors, 9 to 12

miss Emma Woodman

Office Over First National Bank

Studio: 339 Sixth Street.

\I \Is I It ,


N. E. Strong, Manager Traverse City
Branch Store.


Aerated Milk
BERT KILMER, - Proprietor
Sell Phone 409

Barney Anderson

We want your

\ I


Fire Insurance
Perfect Indemnity.
Correct Underwriting.

Y. C. B.





Watches, Cocks and
Repairing a Specialty.
137 Front Street.


Farm Implements
and Machinery&
Buggies, Wagons, Harness
Bicycles, etc.

E. W. Hastings 0 Son
125 Front Street.

Special attention given to neat and tali
office stationery, catalogues, booklets and cards.
1 15
Cass Street
Citizens Phone

Traverse City.

123 Cass Street.

Traverse City, Mich.


Best Things:

cad Ribbon Coffee
New Moon Tea
Sleepy Eye Flour

1E. Mit beim .
Fine Dry Goods
Clothing and Millinery.
or. yront ana union.


Prescriptions oc

.9 .4 71r h JEWEL ER
You find only first-class goods at 1he
lowest prices, such as Diamonds,
Watches. .Jewelry and Optic Goods.
Repairing fine Watches and Chronometers a specialty.

a. V. flbartineht
'1'1.1 verse ( 1 ity.

217 Front Street.


Will be filled exactly as the doctor ordered,
with first-class quality drugs and by an experienced pharmacist if taken to

Bugbee 0 Roxburgh,
City Drug Store.
Tra'berse City, Mich.

a. 1R. Mattineh

Groceries, Provisions, Cement. Lime, Hair,
and Land Plaster, Paints. Oils, Varnishes
and Brushes. .0 .0

Cor. Front and Cass Sts.

Traverse City.



if. lb. flbeabz


%outb %i0e

Dispensing Druggist


Ilrarerse City = fllJichieian

156 Front Street.

Amos E. Bingham

A Good Place to Buy
School Tablets, Examination
Paper, Pencils, Pens
and other School Supplies
at the Savings Bank Bazaar.

W. N. Bingham

and Meat Dealers
147 Front Street.
Telephone 64.

Traverse City.

Wholesale and Retail

Bak e ry
402 Union St.

Traverse City.

Branch at 233 Front St.

Drug %tore.
trarerge City, Mid).

Traverse City, Mich.

••• •• • ••• ••• •• • ••• •• 1 • • • . • .. • .. • .

Trade with the Jackson Candy
Co. .A Fresh home-made Candies always on hand. 4 The
very best Ice Cream. ,4





Choice meats

z Groceries and Provisions

413 Union Street.
Bell Phone 233.

Citizens 393.

406 So. Union Street.


Pratt 0 Davis



dittorneys at Law

and Fitting Glasses a

S. E. Wait & Sons



i'llote supoll. iliams' 1,, ( .1,,a m
V,roer, (iio,r Al,






Traverse City


Fire Insurance
as we offer you at such
ridiculously low prices.


207 E. Front Street.

GB. TRAVtiff 11110 IOU CO.
Offices Over First National B ik.


INI T I S "r

Office North Side Front Street
207 S. Union St.

Straub Bros. & Amiotte.
s ii.;,, A. li Ev,Ty l'i,,,..

Be witiwut such

rliGrI = C[A5S

:1111 , l'a ,.

z Chocolates
Are Made Only by



Viletta, Marie, Bermuda
and Favorite Chip

Ober Dr. Kneeland's Offce.



References First National Bank and
Traverse City State Bank

Farm Lands and City Properties.
Loans Negotiated.



Citizens Thom, MS. Bell Ph.ffl.•

Modern Homes.

No Study is Required

Dr. W. 3. biggins
Office over Parker's Shoe Store.

W. 31. Dean, iirchitect.

McNamara Block.

Traverse City.

to pick out the "only" place to buy
Tablets, Pencils and School Supplies —It is the

to be sure.
Full stock Athletic Goods always on hand.

rh L u cky Curvy ®
Not a base ball curve, but the BEST FOUNTAIN PEN made. Parker's pen is the
pen to buy if you would be happy. A written guarantee with every pen. What can

Parker's be fairer? These pen's are sold by

R AS-TA I—I—, Jewe Ie r.

Lewis & Lemon


ea 9b Orocer9.


Goods the best—Prices the lowest—Orders called for and delivered—Both Phones.
226 East Front Street.

oteAContractor and Builder.4.,4
Promptness, economy and aecomodation to patrons are my desire.
618 Front Stn...
Bell Phone 254.

Our business — Retailers of choice
Our policy—Selling goods of known
merit at popular prices.
Our purpose—To merit your good
will and patronage.
T. G. GUNTON, Front Street.

'here's a Zatiaaction
in being Well 3Dresseb
\Vhich is the same as saying then , s
isf; u


in wearing our clothing—nevi , t•

wen , nicer patterns shown, or more popttlar styles garments
:31 2.00. St15 00

for fine

Prices. S11).00.


Clothing Company.

:f6tach taffeta
:;1; inches wide, at $1.00, S1 ..)7).
sl.:)0 the yard

a. gua. mittiken.

We are showing exceptionally fine
stocks of Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps. Dry Goods,
Carpets, Linoleiuns, window
Shades, Lace Curtains and Draperies, Trunks, Baby Carriages and
The lowest prices on first-e1;
merchandise will be•our aim.
Come and see us.

R. B. Anderson

Go To

Smith & Price
Cut and Hot House Flowers in all
shapes and designs.
Both Phones 43.
316 Union St.



E. D. Curtis

for the

s Funeral Director
and Licensed EndmImer, assisted
by Clara S. Williams.
Northern Phone 154.

Bell Phone 330,

312 Union Street. ot


Latest Things in Mounts
Most Artistic Positions.


J. Wilhelm WOOD, (041 AND Mt "Artist's Proof ?"

South Side Brick Block.
Car. Union and ', III its.

411 S. Union St.

422 W. FRONT ST.
-t I^s 1=1 1-1 rt


PHONE 208.

Highest Honors

Chainpilev & Gillette

at the


Pan-American Exposition

Agricultural Implements
Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Whips, Robes, Blankets,
McCormick Harvesting Machinery, Plows. Harrows,
Rollers, Cultivators, Wind-Mills, Wood Saws, haying
Tools, Empire Grain Drills. ,At

Received the

T. Pearson's


113 Front Street.

Old Ea a
.- i®

Drop in



We have started out to do the clothing
Scientific modeling, graceful and
stylish lines. beautiful leathers
and thorough workmanship.

business this spring. We have got the


stock to do it with, so don't buy a spring
() you know that handsomer and bet-


ter fitting shoes may now be hail al
$3.00 than was possible at any pri,, a
decade since? Paying more is extravagance.. Let us prove the fact by fitting
you with a pair of these "gold medal

AMU V. illitDVGI

Agent for Queen Quality..A

suit before you see us.

Kolb & Son's Honest Made Clothing

miller Bros.
Beadle Block.

157 Front Street.

Mich. Phone 379.
Citizen's Phone 121.

Front Street

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Original Format

Bound volume.


9.5 x 6 inches

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