Traverse City High School Yearbook, “The Annual" 1908

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Traverse City High School Yearbook, “The Annual" 1908


School yearbooks.


Annually published work of Traverse City High School, which would become Traverse City Central High School. The name, "Traverse City High School," would be reused by the alternative high school in the region beginning in 2001. "The High School Annual" would be superseded by "The Black and Gold," "The Pines" and "Pines," as the title for the yearbook, and preceded by "Traversensian" and "Orion" . Contains photographs and articles commenmorating school activities, students, and faculty.


Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


Original held at Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Senior Class of Traverse City High School.




Students, Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


CC BY-SA 4.0












Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


The High School

T4r Annual

Published by the



getting up this annual we have
to show a true picture of High School life, ideals and
studies. We have attempted to
make the reader personally acquainted with the teachers and
members of the graduating class
and to show their characteristics.
The merchants and professional
men have contributed advertising
very liberally and it is thru this
means that we are enabled to present this book to the public. We
will consider it a favor if the people
will mention to our advertisers
that they have seen the advertisements, for it will help the next
class to get out their book. ,.,4 .4 ..:4

Editor in Chief
. Assistant
Music and Art
Society Notes
. Jokes
. Athletics
JULIUS A. MARTINEK Business Manager


'upt. J. B. Clbrrt


President--L. D. Castle
Vice President--Don W. Bingham
Secretary--Mayme Sullivan
Treasurer--Charles Clement

Class Colors--Red and White
Class Flower--Rose
Class Motto--"The world exists for the education of
each man"
Class Yell--Gee haw, wee haw, wixie wate,
We're the class of 1908



GERTRUDE ATWELL, Class Nuisance_

"Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone."
Authority on Giggling.

"To be silent, Ah, what is that but to
be thoughtful."
Authority on Deutsch.

LUCY ARNER, "DOC," Class Pet—

"Heart on her lips and soul within her
Soft as her clime and sunny as her
Authority on Slang.

MAE ALWARD, Class Jester—
'With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come."
Authority on "the merry Ha Ha."

'She who hears much and talks not at
Shall be welcome both in bower and
Authority on (New)berries,

"Life's a funny proposition after all."
Authority on Photography (Clifford.)

DEAN HOBART. "WINDY," Salutatorian,
"Even a great man may be mistaken."
"I envy no man who knows more than
myself but pity them that know less."
Authority on Anything.

HARRY HANSON, "SWEDE," Class Prophet, Local Editor, Treasurer Ath. Assn.—
"And both were young and one wa-s
Authority on Love.

"Woman's at best a contradiction
Authcrlty on Quietness.

"If she will, she will, you may depend
upon it."
Authority on four years of Latin.

ID:'N BINGHAM, "BINGO," Class VicePresident—
"To make a sweet lady sad is a sour
loithority on Ferns, Rubies and Buds.

L. D. CASTLE, "D," Class Orator, Class
"There is a great deal of oratory in me
but I do not do my best at any one
time out of respect for the memory
of Patrick Henry."
Authority on Lawyers' (daughters.)

CH ,RLES CLEMENT, Class Treasurer_
"Blessings on thee little man."
Authority on Mischief.

"Maidens should be mild and meek,
Swift to hear and slow to speak."
Authority on Impudence.

RUBY GRAYSON, "RUBE", Class Jollier—
"The truth is to be told to all but men."
Authority on Reddies.

ERNEST LAUTNER, "ERNY," Class Philosopher—
"There was never yet a philosopher
That could endure the toothache patiently."
Authority on Philosophy.

DOROTHY LARION, Class Star, Society
"We cannot all be stars, nor all stars
Cannot be truly followed."
Authority on Select English.

Business Manager.—
"Love is blind and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies that themselves commit."
Authordty on Good Clothes.

ROY Mc GARRY, "MAC," Class Artist—
"A man has power to begin love but
not to end it."
Authority on Jewels.

CLAUDE MILLARD, "STUB," Class Pugilist—
"Have more than thou showest,
Speak less than thou knowest,
Lend less than thou owest."
Authority on Masters.


"I want to do something real bad, but
cannot think of anything bad enough
to do."
Authcrity on English Lit. (?)


"The female mind is too practical to
be methodical."
Authority on Laughing.

MARIE KELLOGG, Class Beauty, Assistant

"Her voice was ever soft, gentle and
low, an excellent thing in woman."
Authority on Manners.

"A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad one tires a mile."
Authority on (To) pink eyes.


"Time is a bad thing to waste, and, being wasted, can never be recalled."
Authority on Commercial Subjects.

MAYME SULLIVAN, "MAME," Class Secretary—
"Frame your mind to mirth and merriment,
Which bars a thousand harms and
lengthens life."
Authority on Talking.

ALICE TURNER, Valedictorian, Literary
"Make doors upon a woman's wit and it
will out at the casement; shut that
and it will out at the keyhole; stop
that and 'twill fly with the smoke out
at the chimney."
Authority on Mirrors (German, Spiegel)

'A quiet soul is the joy of man."
Authcalty on Poetry.

"The soul's calm sunshine and the
heartfelt joy."
Authority on Music.

PEARL WILHELM, Class Histor an, Music
"Marriage comes by destiny and we
cannot avoid our fate."
Authority on Relatives.

NEIL MILLER, "NICK," Class Scientist—

"Some men are born great, some
achieve greatness, and some have
greatness thrust upon them."
Authority on Varied S[dences.

FRED PIERSON, "PIERY," Class Athlete,
Editor Athletic Dept., Pres. Ath. Assn.,
Capt. Track Team—

"I had a hat, it was not all a hat,-Part of the rim was gone
Yet still I wore it on."
Authority on Parrots (Perrotts).


"A smile that breaks from out the
cloud of thought."
Author'ty on Something.


"The mildest manners and the gentlest
Authority on the Simple Life.

"A heart unspotted is not easily daunted."
Authority on Arkechumology.

Top row. left to right—Messrs. Nye. Davis. Ruggles, Hornbeck, Wiley
Bottom row. left to right Misses McLaughlin, Koenig. Mrs. Hess. Misses Osborne. Ferguson. Brownsos,

The Faculty
Mr. Nye is the personal friend of every student in the High
school. As a teacher in mathematics he Is certainly a success and
one of the noticeable things about him is that he very seldom has any
trouble with students in his classes about their markings, while a
great many of the other teachers do. He has always supported all
kinds of athletics and is a strong advocate of practice in public
I Wish We Might Have Less Visiting.

Kalamazoo College and University of Chicago
Those who are best acquainted with Mr. Wiley have the highest
regard for him. He is very strict about order in his classes and insists on undivided attention, for he has no patienze with those who
try to get their credits without working fcr them. His success as an
English teacher needs no explanation fcr &lice he has been here our
school has won places in two oratorical contests.
Now I want it positively understood that there is to be no whispering.

hlichigan Agricultural College
The friend and advisor of every student in the High School. He
is thoroughly posted on a very wide range of subjects and when any
one is at a loss to know what to do. he always thinks of Mr. Hornbeck first. His success as a tea.:dier of Chemistry and Botany has
raised the standard of the High School quite an extent.
I Wish You Might Hear Dr. Kedzie Explain That.

H. A. DAVIS. A. B.
Olivet College
An all around good fellow and a good teacher who knows his
business and tends to it. An excellent foot ball coach and an advisor
in all kinds of athletics and sports. What more do you want?
This is the last time I am ever going to go over this.

Cleary Business College
Mr. Ruggles' work in the Commercial Department is one of the
features of the High School. A department of this kind is extremely important and is not the easiest thing in the world to manage, but
Mr. Ruggles has proved himself equal to the occasion.
There will be a lot of you doing the same work in here next year.

Ypsilanti State Normal
Teacher in Mathematics, has been here longer than any other
teacher. Her success has given just occasion for her long stay
in this school, and any one who shows a reasonable amount of interest will find that she is one of the pleasantest teachers in the High
Oh, such a boy!

University of Michigan
Our congenial German teacher with a smile and a word of encouragement for every one. She has made a success in teaching which
has been equalled by few, and although she is not so strict about order as some of the others yet she commands the respect and attention of all the students with whom she comes in contact, and they
get more enjoyment out of the studies they have from her.
I'm so sorry you didn't understand it that way.

University of Michigan
most valuable acquisition to the High School faculty. Her
classes are remarkable for their order and attention, although Miss
Osborne herself does not seem to make any great effort to keep it.
She is well versed in anything which pertains to English or the History of English Literature and has always been willing to help us in
one way or another in the publi: ation of this annual.
For tomorrow take 116 pages in advance and commit to memory
pages 20 to 80. Now, is that clear?

University of Michigan
One of the High School's best teachers is Miss Ferguson, an instructor in English and Ancient History. In her simple and unpretentations way she gives one a thorough course and makes plain all that
the subject contains. Miss Ferguson is strict about her work and requires her students to do their best; but she teaches with such a win-

ning manner that it is a pleasure to be under her instruction. Her
presence is ever welcomed by the High School pupils.
I don't believe you understand my question.

Ypsilanti State Normal
Although but entering the High School this year, Miss Koenig has
won friends not only among the German and English students but
the High School as a whole. Her manner may sometimes impress
one as being too strict, yet we cannot help but admire her charming
personality. We are fortunate in securing the services of a German
born teacher who can without doubt give us the pure and correct
German accent.
Germany is the greatest nation in invention, science, education,
law, etc., etc., etc., etc., of the present day.

Olivet College
Miss Elizabeth Brownson has been on the High School faculty
only a year, yet in that short time she has made herself admired and
respected by all, through her ability as a teacher and her character
as a woman. She is just and conscientious in her school work, and
always willing to assist wherever she can and by her example exerts a
good influence upon all with whom she comes in contact. Miss
Brownson is very thorough in grammar and construction work, and in
translation work encourages a striving for unity and an appreciation
of the passage as a whole.
I think Caesar had great confidence in his own ability.

Class History

1. And it came to pass in the reign of good king Nye, that a
young tribe of Traversians, about one hundred strong, directed their
steps toward a beautiful edifice called the Central High School.
2. And in this place they found many others, who scorned them
and called them Freshmen, and they were sore afraid.
3. But they heard a voice saying unto them, "I say unto thee,
be not afraid, for thou art about to enter upon great duties."
4. Directly all fear left the tribe.
5. A new spirit starred within them.
6. And they dared turn around and look upon their superiors and
shun their remarks.
7. And the teachers saw this spirit grow; to their sorrow.
8. For henceforth these youths and maidens did create much
9. This pleased the tribe, but many times they were sent from
the rooms of learning.
10. Through the whole year many joyous hours were spent.
11. But it came to pass that in the month of May, they did go
from this edifice of learning.
12. And they rejoiced greatly.

1. After the summer had passed they again assembled there to
obey the laws of the king and his counsellors.
2. And they were renewed in spirit and prepared to labor.
3. And they were now called Sophomores,
4. After a few days they assembled in the court room and chose
a man named Pierson for their chief ruler; and a maiden named
Thacker to be vice-ruler.
5. And they did choose another man, named Palmer, to record
events, and a tax-gatherer chose they called Hobart.

6. The recorder departed from this place of learning, whereupon the tax-gatherer did both record events and gather taxes.
7. And it came to pass that no taxes were gathered.
8. Also the chief left the tribe and thus the duties fell to the
9. One day a proclamation was sent forth, calling the tribe together for the discussion of a sleigh-ride.
10. It was decided to have one.
11. And many times did the tribe assemble to make arrangements.
12. And many arrangements were made.
13. But while the tribe did thus consider, the snow melted.
14. Whereupon they set up a mighty wailing.
15. And it was called off.
16. And they sorrowed some more.
17. Henceforth they labored diligently, leaving all thoughts of
pleasure aside, and absorbing knowledge for the final exams.
18. Thus ended the second year in the school of knowledge.
19. And the tribe went forth with much rejoicing.

1. When the tribe next assembled they were called Juniors, but
their number had diminished to eighty.
2. They were accustomed to the ways of the world and had gained much knowledge.
3. And it came to pass that the tribe did choose Julius Martinek,
chief ruler; Castle, vice-ruler; Mayme Sullivan, tax gatherer; and a
maiden named Mary (Kellogg) for recorder.
4. The Juniors and the Seniors did gather in the month of January, 1907, and did give a reception to their wise counsellors, and they
did shake their feet.
5. And there was much rejoicing.
6. The Seniors were great in their own eyes and they called the
Juniors slow.
7. But the Juniors smiled in their sleeves and held a great mass
meeting, at which they decided to heap coals of fire on the heads of
the Seniors.

8. And they did meet much and decided to give the best reception to them that was ever given to a Senior Class.
9. And they did.
10. And the Seniors said that it was the best ever given since
the creation.
11. Previous to this a great strife had arisen between the Juniors
and Seniors about the class pennant.
12. And the Juniors tried to raise their pennant on the flag pole
but were prevented by the ever-wise Seniors.
13. And Jerry got ducked.
14. So the strife continued, but neither side gained a victory.
15. The Juniors did then challenge the Seniors to a "class rush"
to take place on the school lawn.
16. And after a great struggle, during which a number were
wounded and much clothing ruined, it was decided that the Juniors
had won.
17. Thus ended a very eventful year and the tribe left the school
to meet again after vacation.

1. Now the tribe again assembled and were very learned, and
were called Seniors.
2. The rulers chosen were: chief ruler, D. Castle; vice-ruler,
Don Bingham; tax-gatherer, Chas. Clement; recorder, Mayme Sullivan.
3. And it came to pass that an entirely different spirit prevailed
in the school of learning.
4. The ling and counsellors commanded that all fooling be left
aside, and that everyone should study.
5. And the Seniors, being a very obedient class, did as they were
commanded and studied diligently, and great were the results.
6. And it came to pass that thirty-five of them were considered
wise enough to enter upon the duties of the world.
7. And the class honors were given to a studious maiden named
Turner, and a youth named Hobart.
8. Thus the school year has drawn to a close and the tribe will
'always look back upon their school days in T. C. H. S. as the happiest ever spent.

-:- Class Poem -:NELLIE M. THACKER
How dear to our hearts grow the hours spent in High School,
When fond recollections o'erflowing with joy,
Come crowding upon us with memories grown dearer
Of fellowship sweet, which no time can destroy,
And how dearly those memories come flooding about us,
When faced with the fact that our school days are few,
To the beloved old school house which must soon be without us,
As time now approaches, we must bid adieu.
'Twas happy and gay that first year of our training,
No tho't but enjoyment, no aim yet in view,
Yet modest at first, with timidity reigning,
No cares to surround us, no ideals to pursue,
But with passing of time did we scholars grown bolder
Return to the happiness of our second year there,
And often arousing the teachers' suspicions
Manifested ability to do and to dare.
And day after day as the moments sped onward,
We toiled ever upward e'er striving for gain,
Walking close in the footsteps of revered predecessors,
Our rewards unrestricted, our toils not in vain.
Tho' with all concentration intent upon learning
Yet with pleasures commingled, we drew near to our goal,
And now at the last in our fond retrospection
See blessings unnumbered unceasingly roll.
How many and dear are the friends we have won •here,
Our class mates, our comrades, in work and in play,
How dear are the ties which bind them all to us,
And which will continue to bind them for aye.
May the links of our friendship which were forged in the High
Remain e're united, not in part but in whole.
May each one in his striving in the pathway to honor
Find full satisfaction when he reaches his goal.
And then, too, the teachers who daily have striven
To guide to the pathways of duty and truth,
With their gentle reproofs and their wise admonitions,
Have moulded and fashioned the form of our youth,
We will proudly remember thro' all time and all ages,
For to them •be all praise for good in the past,
And tho' oft it has seemed that the planting was futile
May the seeds sown in springtime yield rich harvest at last.
And now as the day, that last day, approaches,
When we leave forever these ancestral halls,
Our hearts become saddened, for we can linger no longer
Within the protection of thair sheltering walls.
How fondly we'll view that dear shrine of our labors,
Where daily we've come at the toll of the bell,
And tho' far removed from the loved habitation
Long will linger the memories of those we love well.

Class Prophecy


R-R-R-R" suddenly resounded upon my tympanum. It was
with some reluctance that I could believe that the rosy,

blushing aurora was upon me. But looking at my ever
worthy time keeper, I discovered to my horror that the small palm
was on the ten spot. With Herculean effort I sprang to my feet and,
presto change, quicker than it takes to tell it, I was a transformed
homo. Like 'Charles I, after Ms execution, I grasped for the comb and
proceeded to unsnarl my golden locks.
I looked for the mirror. There was none in sight. What was I to
do? The thought of presenting myself at breakfast table, before the
beautiful and fascinating Miss Turnstile without a semblance of a
balanced forelock was exasperating. I could not, I would not, I must
not, lose the first and possibly the only chance for marital life.
Something had to be .done. Perchance my future presented itself in
. the little closet at the right. I opened the door and with a cry of joy
I brought forth a mirror, the salvation of my life. Taking out my dilapitated nose applicant I dashed away the dust from this relic of the
prehistoric ages.
Thus my hopes were not in vain. I yet might hold the key to the fair
damsel's heart. But as I looked into the speculum, I saw other than
my .pilferous head. My own perspicacious ego at once developed the
theory, that a strange coalation of circumstances had happened, and
brought forth a miracle. A series of conjugate foci upon the spectrum
revealed to me the sight which for twenty long years had been the
object of my attainments.
The comb which I held in my hand snapped, when upon following
the development of the image like that of a photograph in the same
process, the forms of my old associates greeted my recondite self. With
a deathlike grip I clung to the miraculous reflector, as if some unknown power was ready to snatch away this first sight of those whom
I knew in the happy long ago.
As I gazed into this seeming emptiness I saw two persons singing
"Won't You Be Mine," as if mad into a large Victor phonograph. I
became interested. My very eyes seemed to be pulled from their sockets, when I beheld Harold Jahraus alias Moses Mulvey and Lucy Arner. My next look took the very breath from my lungs, when I beheld
on the stage at Dreamland C. Blackburn Castle, appearing before an

enthusiastic audience in the one act play. "A Young Man m the
Further down and I sank upon the chair. Between several loaves
of bloated bread stood Dean Hobart, an ideal model of human nature
worn down by the exertions of advertising " Fleichmann's Compressed
Yeast". And there coming down the broad estroda was a merry widow hat and a Mexican sombrero. The people stepped from their
path in horror as they passed.
Dorothy Larion and Charles Clement. Charlie is as tall as ever, and how Dorothy looks up to him!
My, my, but strange things do happen in this world. Old traditions
say that people who love should not live in glass houses. But here we
see the Honorable Don Bingham who is directing a gang of pavers,
and he has a pathmaster's badge on his coat. Next we come to Clara
Aemissegger who is teaching German in the Traverse City High
Through the influence of former president Roosevelt, Jess Roscoe
and Jess Caldwell have secured a position with S. H. Knox & Co. on the
recommendation that two Jesses ought to make a good team, and I can
see them now in gingham aprons behind the counter.
As I look still farther there appears to my intense astonishment
two young and beautiful ladies, who are gracefully acknowledging the
appreciations of a small audience, for a program which they have just
finished. One of them is a soloist, and is accompanied by the other on
the piano. The announcement reads "Alward and Stearns," in a creation of their own.
Of late the evil habit of young men and women under the twenty
year mark, inhaling the night air after eight o'clock, has been steadily growing. Great force has been brought to bear upon the subject
and many of the older people have taken up the affair. Those whom I
see at present are Hazel Gordon, Nellie Thacker, and Gertrude Atwell.
Success is sure to attend their mighty efforts, since they are unmarried and are able to spend their wthole time on the subject.
A school room may be seen. With a long hickory in her hand
stands Alice Turner. How changed! How sedate,how dignified! She
moves so gracefully that the very air seems in tune. The scene whizzes by and a house is brought into view. Mary Kellogg has decided to
try farm life for a short time at least. Mary always did like the
grassy meadows.
The people need have no fear of the return of their laundry now
in time for church Sunday morning, for Nita Wright has become
united to a man named All and the partnership name reads, "The AllWright Laundry Co." Everything will come out all right in the wash
My, but who is the young lady at the stove, in the bleak northern
woods? Can it be Mttyme Sullivan? Of course. She has now become

a woman of science in the world of cookery and has entered the profession. This being her first position of honor at which she is earning
three dollars per and board.
Ah! my very constitution is being run down by the excitement
of the hour, but I must not falter. The spectacle brought before my
eyes holds me as if bound to the place. The person who next comes
before my vision brings back to me the prophetia, which I had entertained long years ago, before the final separation came. The young
man I am about to mention has started upon a successful career of
lumbering and is making hardwood flooring out of pine logs manufactured in the chemical laboratory by Nell Miller. Can you guess who it
is No? Why, it is our friend McGarry. Mr. Miller has accomplished
the impossible, defied the laws of science. and can now make anything he wants to in the laboratory.
As I turn my elongated caput to the south, I witness a catastrophe
which bespoke fright to my tender constitution. Coming from a music
store was a young girl, Ruby Grayson, by name, under intense obligations, as under each arm she carried one hundred and twenty copies
of Mendelssohn's corapogitions, the only available copies in town. But
for the timely assistance of Josephine Halverson, Ruby would have
been buried, but as it was the precious treasure reached home in
The old world contains many great mathematicians but let us
visit one who has not been heard of until late. With a meter stick he
began to trace the Cissiods of Diodes and Folia of Descartes in the
sands of Lansing, Mich., before the line of aspides of the earth's orbit
had moved twenty-two minutes of an arc from its original position.
With Apidus Tyrannus of Sophoclese under one arm and a neat package of Asymptotes, conjugate points, hyperbolic functions and the diatonic scale under the other he flashed like a Biclod Derolite over fair
Suttons Bay. But inclining at an angle to the X axis, he fell along
the brachistochrone in Keystone, where the natives greet him with
great admiration. Fred Pierson appears before you.
I also see two miles further up the railroad, Sigrid Johnson, who
who has become the shining light of Slight's Siding and suicides are
becoming quite frequent among the braver sex in that locality.
But there at a glance I recognize a young woman whom I had
nearly forgotten in the person of Laura Kyselka. She was caught in
the toils of matrimony by a young man named Topinka and from all
appearances they agree quite well.
From all appearances, the progression of the class goes still onward, as a short ways down the line, a large sign hangs out into the
street reading, "The Consolidated Chewing Gum Co." With an early
foresight in the future, Frances Albright, Miriam Hayden and Lucy

Amer banded together and secured the agency for Zeno chewing gum.
Ab, but my heart leaped when I beheld in the pulpit of the First
M. E. church Claude Millard, a reformed personage. Julius Martinek
is traveling with the great Forepaugh and Sells consolidated menagerie, exhibiting giant monkeys, captured In the wilds of Greenland and
offers a prize to anyone who has courage enough to step inside the
The influence upon Hazel Knapp and Emma Pybus by Mr. Dye
when he spoke in chapel of the conditions in Africa among the natives
led these two young ladies to embark for the land of the black.
In the fading spectacle I espy Ernest Lautner, the incomparable
orator. He appreciated the loneliness of Mr. Martinek and accepted a
position as announcer for the high class entertainment. The sdght is
going away faster and faster and I must hurry to complete my survey.
Yes, there is another, Pearl Wilhelm. She is running a candy store.
All the candy being made by John Bauman, who is assistant chemist
to Nell Miller in the laboratory.
But here is where the advancements of the illustrious class ends.
Here is Harry Hanson, a dejected, despised person, peddling matches
and shoestrings in the street. A perfect specimen of degradation. He
was overcome by the effects of prophecying the future of this wavering class of beings and never fully recovered.
Now the image has• faded away and the only object present in the
image is my own self. With the remaining portion of the comb I
placed the finishing touches upon the soft blond hair and headed for
the dining room full of glorious tidings.

Bingham's girl's first name was Fern.
Thoughts of her made his heart burn,
'Till one day the pair got mad,
And the parting; oh, how sad!
Lester and his little lass
Had a scrap one day.
But they thought they'd let pass
And come out and play.
Pierson loves a little lass
Who is not in the Senior class,
Not even in our lovely town.
Surely this makes Piery frown.

Class Will

E IT KNOWN to all men: Whereas, we the graduating class
of the Traverse City High School having full possession of
our senses and being in the best of spirits at the prospects
of getting- out of school a week early, do hereby make the following
disposal of our earthly property and goods.
To all fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh year students remaining in
the High School we do hereby give and bequeath.
1. The Physics Lab. to be used for studying, fooling, shooting
taffy at the teacher, jollying Sophomores of the opposite sex, or for
anything else except physics,
2. The zoology specimens with cook book instructions for
eating them.
3. The magnificent induction coil which may be looked at but
never used.
4. The free and unrestricted right to chew gum, wear diamonds
or pins belonging to Sophs and Freshies; to bone and cram, to get
out an annual, to wear loud spring clothes (also red, white and blue
sox) to discard hats or to perform any other weak minded action
which would brand you as a Senior.
To the faculty we do hereby give and bequeath:
1. All the good will which it is possible for a body of students
to conceive of.
2. Hopes that the unmarried ones among you will heed the example of two well-known scientific men and tie up soon.
To Timantheous Pilatus, the much respected citizen of the stock
room, in recognition of his faithful and true services to the school we
do hereby give and bequeath:
All the money remaining in the class treasury, to be expended
for a dress suit so that he will be able to go down unblushingly and
vote on local option next election, also that he may stand with more
manly bearing before the physiology class.
To the Sophomores we do give and bequeath the right to give a reception to the teachers.
To the Freshmen we do bequeath the right to jolly the Freshmen
to be.
To the Freshmen to be we do extend the privilege of attending
the High School.
Sworn at and subscribed before me on the 23rd day of March,
of T. C. H. S. Court.


By Dean E. Hobart

HD CLASS of 1908 and their friends are met together for the
last time In the school career of the class. It is my place to express verbally the general gratitude of the class for the interest which has been manifested in them by the friends of the school.
I know of no way to do this fittingly, Words are empty and meaningless on such occasions, and empty meaningless things are better unsaid. We have been told that we are now stepping out into life and
must prove our capability. If this is true, then each indidvidual member of the class should make his best endeavor to deserve the kind
attention which has been bestowed upon him.
Up to the time of our graduation from the High School our actions have, in a measure, been guided by those of more experience
than ourselves, but now it remains for us to decide what the next step
shall be. Some will enter college, others will get a position or situation somewhere and all will fit into the great mechanism of the world
according to the different qualities of their usefulness. But this usefulness should not and cannot be judged by the excellence of the work
done in school. Many times those who have shown no special aptitude, are the ones who really accomplish the most later; and often
it is those who show the greatest aptitude that accomplish the least.
The purpose of the High School is not to teach so much Latin and
so much mathematics, but the training acquired in these studies is
necessary to prepare one for the future struggle in life. In this way
the struggles of the future are made easier to grapple with, and the way
is opened to higher possibilities, which would otherwise have been
too far away to ever realize. The student who does the most work in
school is the person who will do the most work out of school, and that
is the person that the world wants. The man who understands how to
work and who follows out his understanding, Many perhaps would
not know how to work to the best of their ability if they had not had
the advantage of a high school training, for it is here that the student
learns how to concentrate his energy in the right direction.
In this way the value of the education and training which the
members of this class have just finished is seen. Thus the value of
the aid which the parents and friends have given is understood, and
for that reason formal thanks no matter how well expressed, could not
show the greater gratitude for this help which is soon to prove its



MENDS of our High School days, we are gatherel here to bid
you farewell as a class. Nothing do we realize more fully than
the truth of those words of Solomon. "The thing that hath
been, It is that which shall be; and that which is done, It is that which
shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun." To you the
lights, the music, the flowers, the exercises, the presentation of diplomas is all an old story. Only to us who are here upon the stage is
any part of the evening's program new. Valedictories have been written and delivered years before we were born and will continue to be
given after we die. I can say nothing new to you tonight. As Schopenhauer remarks: "Everything has been thought, everything has been
done, everything has been written, everything has been said."
But to us tonight everything is novel. We have seen at all before
but tonight we are participants. There is an air of expectancy. We are
waiting for we know not what. Only the coming years can tell. This
is in truth a commencement for most of us. Up to this time we have
been carefree. We have not known what real life meant. But now we
are to find out, to experience for ourselves what the world has of joy
and happiness—of pain and sorrow. We are to •lave our lives to the
best of our ability "in that state of life unto which it shall please
God to call us."


There is no one of us here tonight who is fully satisfied with his
High School course—no one of us who does not feel that if he could
but begin anew he would do many things differently. We will always
look back to our High School days with pleasure. But as to the regrets we must "let the dead past bury its dead." There as a future
ahead of us to which we must give some thought and more than that
must we live in the present—do our duty each succeeding day as we
see it.
There is no one of us who does not have some plans for the future, however vague and indefinite—of necessity subject to much
change. Some of us expect to enter college this coming autumn and to
have an added four years of school life to more fully prepare us for
the duties of real life. Others of this class of 1908 are planning to step
out into the business world tomorrow to prove by experience that
which in the last four years they have been learning in theory.
Thoreau says, "If you have built castles in the air your work
need not be lost; that is where they should be; now put foundations
under them." In one sense we have been laying foundations in the
past four years. We have been gaining that which is the best stock

in trade that a person can have. But 'in another sense it has been a
period of air castle building. Like small children we have said "When
I get big I am going to do thus and so." Now has come the time for
us to fulfill the promises made to ourselves. Now is the time when
we must put foundations under our air castles.
But it is not ourselves alone who are to be considered this evening. Our High School course has meant much hard work and sacrifice
for us, but it has cost our parents infinitely greater self-sacrifice. In
behalf of the class tonight I thank the mothers and fathers whose
unselfishness has made possible our education; whose love and sympathy has tided us over the hard places; and whose encouragement has
more than once raised us from the depths of despondency.
To those students is special honor due who without father and
mother to cheer them by their own perseverance have paid their way
throughout the entire four years in the face of many difficulties.
There is no doubt as to their success in life. Concerning them one
may say, not "They should," but "They will."
And to the teachers also do I express my grateful appreciation of
their never-failing interest arid kind consideration. We owe much to
their unselfish devotion.
This is the last time we will all be together as a class. Many of u.
will probably never see one another again. But the friendships which
we have formed during the past four years will never be broken and
forty years hence we will count as our truest friends those of our
High School and college days.
After tonight we separate, some to go one way, some another,
on our journey through life. May we so live that when we reach• the
boundary between the known and that vast unknown we can truthfully say that we have done our duty as we saw tit. To my classmates I would say: "May the clouds in your lives be neither so large
nor so black as to completely obscure the sun, but may there be just
enough of them to make a beautiful sunset."

4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Breathes there a boy with soul so dead,
Who never to a girl hath said,
"May I come 'round again tonight?"
Whose heart hath never faster beat ,
As, turning his footsetps down "Her street,"
Her well known face he hopes to meet?
If such there be, go mark his face,
For, to the school he's a disgrace
High though his marks; his standing good,
The wretch whose head must 'be of wood,
Living, shall forfeit lots of fun,
And frightened from the girls shall run
Back to the woods from whence he came,
S'kidooed, lemoned and stung.
(Abject apologies to Scott.)

Literary Department
Reminiscenses of a Tramp

s THE days go by, one by one,--as the years go by at the same
rapid pace, the ranks of our daily occupation become more crowded and the requirements for the position are getting to be so great
that only men of ability and great tenacity can hold it. It is all on account
of those four-eyed inventors, who increased the speed capacity of the
human carriers so that it is the railroad track for us now, instead of
a nice bed on a carload of hay. If you do happen to find a door open
and crawl in to shake the dust off your eyelids, when you wake up
the exits are closed. Maybe they are not opened for several days. Maybe they are opened at once and you see the light too soon and feel the
sting of the brakeman's rawhide boot.
This is indeed a strenuous life. It is entirely different from those
little jobs that come to the hands of the dudes who work their brains
out one day after another. No, sir. Nothing like going from one
back door to another asking for something to stem the tide of hunger.
But let me tell you a little incident that would make you shed a
bushel of tears and die laughing. I was in a small burg in northern
Michigan last summer (I think it was Traverse City). It was my
first visit north, and a sorrowful time it was when I ever struck out
in that direction. But to continue:
I happened in on a through
freight one Tuesday morning and struck out for breakfast. You know
it brings a good appetite (when you haven't one already) to go out
for your meals. Otherwise I would take mine at a hotel.
I was not long in reaching the residence district and the first
thing that met my eyes on coming to a large house was a row of the
most delicious pies you ever saw. You know I am a pretty good judge
even from a distance. Well, those pies seemed to my liking and I proceeded to take them. There was a tall fence around the back yard
but that was no obstacle considering the experience I had gained
climbing fences, box cars, passenger coaches and telegraph poles,
even playing a tune upon a wire clothes line on one occasion to save
myself from a bull dog's ferocious appetite.


Well. I got over the fence onto the porch, had one pie in my
mouth, another in my shirt and still another in my hand and was
starting for the gate and freedom. But what did my eyes behold! A
palir of glittering greenish-red eyes, two rows of pearl white teeth, and
a mouth like that of a rhinoceros emerging from a barn door.
I was terror-stricken. He knew it. I jumped. He jumped. I ran.
He ran. 1 climbed. He did not .1 did'nt get any further. He did.
He reached the seat of my trousers. I yelled. He growled. Two contestants. Two to one on the dog. Many takers, One to two on the
man. No takers. Well, I wasn't exceedingly comfortable, and to my
intense relief a woman came to the door. She says, "Here, Ado, we
don't need any more beefsteak until tomorrow. The last we had was
tough enough." The dog let go and I crawled down from my perch.
As she looked me over she appeared puzzled. She grinned, she
smiled, she screamed and fell into my open arms. Now, what would
you do in a case of that kind? I never was stuck on old maids. I
spoke soothingly to her but to no avail. She had hysterics. "0,
John!" she murmured, " my darling boy, you have come back to your
•own dear little girl."
Now what do you think of that, calling me her own darling little
Johnnie. I couldn't stand for that and I started. But she clung to me,
—worse than the bulldog did. Again she cried, "0, Johnnie, my dear,
dear Johnnie! Won't you stay now and not run away again?" To think
of that. Just as if that Irish face ever belonged to me. It was certainly a case of mistaken Identity. I told her so. She wouldn't have it
thus. I would. I carried her tenderly into the house and started to
leave. She cried and cried. I wasn't used to it and maybe I would
have cried, too, if I had stayed any longer.
So I says: "Madam, you are very kind and considerate to a gentleman like me, but looking into your beautiful semiglobular face I
can't—stand the pressure. Good-bye! !"

The Message of the Violets.
J.A. M.
S THE last Long, Lean Counsellor looked gravely over his
glasses at the Princess, an inward sigh pulled his thin lips
down at the corners and drew his bristling eyebrows into a
knot over his eyes. Regarding him with equal gravity, the little
Princess wondered how that nose could ever have belonged to a baby—it was so long and thin like the rest of him—and when would he
release her from that stiff, straight chair, and where did that faint odor
of violets come from. It had been a long, tiresome session; she knew
she had been on the throne for hours, and she was so weary and


sleepy that she drooped in the big chair, like what she was—a tired
little child.
"That is all," said the Long Lean Counsellor, "except that I feel
it my duty to request again that Your Highness choose some one manner in which to sign your name to state papers and always to sign
them that way."
"Must I?" the Princess sighed, gazing at him with wide, shadowy
blue eyes.
The Long, Lean Counsellor looked away hastily, and after a moment went on: "It would be a more convenient method—or I might
say—lack of mehtod. I should recommend it: it is very necessary,"
he concluded an a tone which supplied the grim firmness which the
courtly words lacked.
"But it is so monotonous," the little Princess protested, "there
are so many papers, and I never can remember how I signed the last
As she slowly raised her heavy eyelids, and looked at him,
great tears trembled on the lashes, and the rosy under-lip quivered
pathetically. Drawn by those wide pleading eyes the Long Lean
Counsellor looked and was lost.
"Perhaps not; we will see," he growled, working his grizzly eyebrows up and down like a gorilla, "It isn't imperative."
The Princess breathed a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad," she said.
"I thought you were going to preach me another dreadful sermon on
sacrifice to duty, and I was going to cry."
The Counsellor's eyebrows came down in a ferocious scowl.
"Is that all?" the Princess inqured in a meek, timid little voice.
"For the present, yes, your Highness."
The Princess bitightened and the Counsellor's eyebrows descended
"Then when you go," she said, "will you please tell her Grace
that I wish to be alone here a little while " (The throne was very
comfortable when one could curl up in it). "I think I shall read."
The gorilla eyebrows went up suddenly as the man regarded the
formidable volumes placed around the room.
As he bent over her hand in a hinge-like bow, the child almost
giggled. She had never seen Ms nose at that angle before, and the
perspective added another .inch, reminding her of the fairy tale
Prince, whose preposterous nose barred him from the affection of his
beloved Princess. How 'could the Long Lean Counsellor ever have
been a baby?
When the curtain dropped behind him the Princess lifted off her
dainty crown, and let the long velvet robe drop from her shoulders.
Reaching around behind the throne she drew forth a well worn blue
covered book, and curled up on the wide seat, preparatory to resuming the delightful adventures of Prince Charming.

Again she sniffed the vague, yet subtle odor of violets. She
yearned to be out among them again—among real violets that one
found on mornings when one had run away, in cool green woods,
still wet with the dew—tears shed when their fairy sweet hearts had
left the mat daylight. She remembered the last time she had seen
them, that spring morning, long, long ago, when they had brought her
here to shut her up in this big palace; and she imagined herself back
in the blue valley, bidding a tearful farewell to every wild thing that
she loved and must not think of again, stepping daintily so as not to
crush the tender flowers. She never liked to pluck them—it was too
much like uprooting a tiny soul.
Why, that was only a year ago! It was cruel to be tortured with
those memories, when she had been brave so long.
The predious odor came to her again on a breeze that wandered
in through an open window. Droppng her book, the Princess jumped
up, and ran to the casement. As she looked out a wild little cry of delight escaped her. Just beneath her window was a stand piled with
blue and purple violets—real violets that had come from her own
dear woods; for was not the flower girl dressed in quaint, shortskirted country costume, Sylvia, her companion of the woods?
There was no one else near, so she leaned out and called softly.
The girl looked up and started to throw a delighted kiss, but
changed it to a queer little courtesy.
"Slyvia !Sylvia! aren't those our violets? Aren't •they dear Sylvia?"
"Yes, your Highness," answered the girl, dropping another
"Oh Sylvia! Can't you throw some up? I haven't had any for
years. I want them so much." Her little heart cried out for the beloved flowers. She wanted to hold them very close, to crush them
against her.
"You may have all you want. I know they missed you, your
Sylvia tossed them up to the outstretched hands until the Princess called her to stop.
"Dear, dear, Sylvia! They brought you, I know they did." Unclasping a gold chain from her neck, s•he dropped it down to the girl
below. "Keep it,—not for the violets, for they are minte too—but for
coming here when I needed them so much, and good-bye, dear Sylvia,
With the precious messengers clasped in her hands, she ran back
to the throne, and curling up in the spacious seat, hurled her face in
the cool masses of purple and blue.
Thus they found her at sun-down, fast asleep; but the bright
drops on the little flower faces were not violet tears.

J. A.M.
A coaxing wind, a laughing sea,
A staunch old ship, our hearts carefree,
Where can be found, save
On the ocean wave,
As merry a crew as we.
The storm o'ertakes us, the sky is gray,
"A bad nor-east," we hear the skipper say.
Through spray and unknown mist arolling
With shortened sail o'er surges bowling,
We head toward homeland, far away.
Once more "Land ho!" the sailors cry,
Conies down from the watchful lookout high,
Departed now is all care and sorrow,
With lighter hearts we think of the morrow
And home with the friends of days gone by.
J. A. M.

Ein Wandrer von dem Vaterland.
0, war ich nur in Deutschland,
Das land des Rheins, des Weins;
0, sa ich nur die Berge an,
Der leucht'nden Sterne hellen Bahn,
Dann wa ich glucklich zwar.
WJeil Deutschlands Himmel am blausten ist,
Die Flusse brelit und tief;
Der Berge Gipfel funkeln schon
Im letzten Abensonnenschein;
Die Luft ist kuhl und klar.
0, war 'itch nur in Deutschland,
In Deutschland, Schatz. mit dir;
Dein braunen Augen sa ich an,
Dein warmen Lippen fuhlt ich darn
Das war mein Gluck vollkomm'n.
Alice M. Turner.

Class Oration
...The Power of the Ideal Man...
Self sacrifice is the essence of true manhood. It is the purity of
Marcus Aurelius, the tolerance of a Constantine, the piety of a Gladstone, the sympathy of a Lincoln, and the simplicity of the Nazarene,
that enshrines their names in the universal heart of humanity. Love,
the supreme manifestation of the omnipotent, is the guiding star of
civilization. It is not the butchery of a Herod, the brutality of a Nero, nor the fiendishness of a Robespierre; but the humanity of a
Christ, the gentleness of a Socrates, and the self-denial of a Wesley
that has been the means of progress.
Pelf and power, since the dawn of history, has been the end and
aim of material man. Merrily has he bargained vice with virtue. Yea!
by the very sweat of his brow and the very sacrifice of his soul,
blindly and eagerly, this man of self has struggled, climbed, and fallen in his mad, unbated zeal for merely the pomp and pleasure of a day,
Though the vast majority have reveled in sin and sensuality; though
the cause of wrong has seemingly prospered, yet the trend of civilization has been onward and upward. It whll ever be so. Evolution is the
divine plan. And why? In every epoch there has been born a man,
who has lived not for himself, but for others. Blessing those that
cursed him; forgiving those that hated him; and returning good for
evil in a simple, humble way, he has played his little part, "suffering
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," and the whips and
scorns of time, knowing the inevitable fate of martyr and reformer.
His contemporaries have called him fool, fanatic, and heretic; posterity calls him blessed, and civilization calls him the ideal man.
Born in a poor peasant cottage, reared in servile poverty, and
knowing the bitter pangs of want and work, was one whose cause was
the cause of humanity. This man cursed by heredity and environment
climbed slowly and painfully life's rugged path. Neither fate nor fortune smiled upon him, yet with irresistible perseverance and constancy he achieved success in its truest sense. He became rich in material wealth, rich in friendship, and rich fin character. Seeing the
wants of young men he founded an institution known to the world as
the Young Men's Christian Association, and which today thrice encircles the globe. Its scope has become as broad as humanity and its
results are manifest in the rapid increase of human character. An institution which has done more for the upbuilding of moral and ma-

terial man than any other single organization on the earth. He who
founded this mighty institution believes in the religion of mankind—
his church was the world—his creed was love—he ever sought to be
his brother's keeper—he believed that in order to have many friends
one must be a friend. That love was greater than hate, that in order
to live an ideal life one must make life ideal for others. And though a
business man, his life was ever controlled by the golden rule and not
the rule of gold. That man is Sir George Williams.
Righteousness exaltest a nation and nations are made righteous
only by the character of their men. That character must embody the
principles of altruism. Without, the altruistic spirit true government is
impossible. Laws are made only when men become willing to recognize their mutual obligation, and place the common good above individual selfishness. They are the formal statements of the rules
by which men agree to be governed; the transcripts of law written by
the tongue of experience upon the hearts of the people. Hence their
nature must depend upon the character of the men who made them.
Ancient Ninevah and Babylon with its hanging gardens of artificial splendor, losing their morality, fell and became mere relics of the
past. Great Rome given to sensuality was soon numbered with Ninevah and Babylon. And thus do we see that human character is the
pulse of a nation. The national pulse has grown weak. Nations have
waxed selfish and immoral and the -world has become a silent graveyard. Beneath the accumulated dust of centuries, slumber cities and
civilisation. Majestic columns and mighty pyramids stand •as melancholy monuments of fallen empires. And why have they gone? They
died not of old age, but of weakness brought on by tyranny and injustice; they fell not upon the battlefield, but in time of peace: not
for the lack of men, but for want of manhood. Therefore, that
kingdom which is to endure forever must be established upon the
characters of a noble people, and that character must embody and exemplify the eternal principles of Him who spake as never man spake.
And thus on the power of righteousness and on the strength of unversal brotherhood depends the hope of any nation.
If the crumbling ruins of Egypt, Athens and Rome, magnificent
in their very desolation speak aright and if we do not misinterpret
the signs of the times, then it tis essentially true that the ideal man is
a potent example in the course of civilization. He is absolutely necessary, and without him there is no civilization.
Among the various problems confronting the young men of today
is the problem of graft and greed. Bold, defiant, and ever growing It
stalks rampant over this nation. As an outcome of greed and graft
we have our sweat house abuses, where the slaughter of children
goes on unceasingly; the social evil which rivals the sensual days of
Rome; and the permeation of graft in our various public offices where

men are swayed by the glitter of gold, and the fear of the "interests."
Who then tis the man to overcome these problems? Surely not the
unscrupulous politician who crosses the land of his ambition upon a
pontoon bridge made of down-trodden fellow citizens; not he who
erects his throne upon a pile of gold unjustly wrung from hands made
hard with honest toil. But he who truly loves his fellow men and
battles for the welfare of right and equity. When the twilight of time
shall have faded into the dawn of eternity; when the omniscient Rewarder of men s•ha.11 inscribe on the eternal roll of honor the names
of those who love their fellow men; then high on that eternal roll
in letters of immortal light shall stand the names of those who championed the cause of character and played the part of the 'ideal man.

...The Books We Wrote...
Albright, Frances.
The Newberry Mystery. A ripping good detective story. Price
10 cents.
Alward, Mae.
The Cheerful Life. If you want to be cheerful, here Is your
chance. Bound In cloth, price $.40.
Arner, Lucy.
Wee Lucy's Secret. Graphically told. Price $.50.
Atwell, Gertrude.
The Fortunes of Harry. A simple story of American home life.
12 Mo. Cloth, price $1.00.
Bingham, Don.
An Essay on Ferns. Details author's experiences while studying
this subject. Bound in cloth. Price $1.50.
Castle, L. D.
Select Orations. All representatives and congressmen should
have a copy of this book for reference. Cloth, 12 mo., $1.23.
Caldwell, Jessie.
The Pleasures of Studying German. This subject is very well
explained and is one of interest to anyone who is engaged in
this pursuit. Free to all applicants.
Clement, Charles.
Confessions of a Little Man. These confessions are both interesting and comical. 12 mo., price $.50.
Halverson, Josephine.
The Art of Teaching. No teacher should be without this little
book. 16 mo., price $.75.

Hayden, Miriam.

The Science of Common Sense. A treatise on this subject is always useful as well as ornamental. Price one cent.
Hanson, Harry.

How He Won HER. Speaks for itself. Paper, price 13 cents.
Hobart, Dean.
Library of Universal Knowledge. 14 volumes, price $40.00.
Jahraus, Harold A.
A Little Journey to Kingsley. Very exciting. Price $.12%.
Johnson, Sigrid.

"Miscellaneous Essays," On various subjects, mainly H. S. Bound
in cloth, price $.50.
Kellogg. Marie.
Sweet Simplicity. A southern romance of that variety which
keeps the reader interested all the time. Cloth, 12 mo., 2 vols.,
Knapp, Hazel.
The \lan in the Case. Tells how the man won out in a court
trial of long duration. 12 mo., paper $.27.
Kyselka, Laura.

Topinka's Love. "Neff sed." Price $1,000,000,000.00. Only one
copy in existence.
Larion, Dorothy.
The Stage and the Star. The Courtship (of Miles Standish)?
Both are extremely interesting and are books which every student should read. Price 10 cents.
Lautner, Ernest.
Science and Philosophy. These books are gotten up mainly for
college use. 16 Vols. Price $16.00.
McGarry, Roy.

Williams the Conqueror. This book is so well known that any
explanation of it is unnecessary. Price cloth $1; paper $.50.
Martinek, Julius,

Robert's Rules of Order. For household use. Must not be confused with Read's Parliamentary Practice. Price 50 cents.
Millard, Claude.

How to Become a Pugilist. Explains in detail how to hit a man
when he is not expecting it and then make a face at him.
Price $1.

Miller, Neil.
The Science of Electrostatic Action. Text book prepared with the
especial object of H. S. use. Cloth 12 mo., price $50.00.
Pybus, Emma.
Notes. (out of print.)
Roscoe, Jessie.
How to Write an Examination. Every student should have one of

these books and read it just before taking an examination instead of studying. Price $.05.
Pierson, Fred.
Happy Tho' Broke. Tells how to create a happy disposition even
tho' one has not mazuma enough to take a trip around the
world. Paper, price 30 cents.
Stearns. Zada.

The Difficulties of a High School Education. This book also
needs but little explanation. Price $?.00.
Sullivan, Mayme.

Love for an Hour is Love Forever. Tells how an interesting
young man won the love of a young lady against great odds.
Paper bound, price 10 cents.
Thacker , Nellie.

Criticism on Poetry. Rivals even such a great writer as Cole.
ridge. Should be in every High School library. Price $1.00.
Turner, Alice.

How to Become a Good Student. By one who is in a position to
know. Also contains a short essay on the efficiency of big men
in a foot ball game. Price 200 lbs.
Wilhelm, Pearl.
Lectures to John. Humorous and interesting. Price $1.00.
Wright, N ita.

Beginner's Book in Music. Easy selections for the little folks.
Well bound to withstand wear. Price 40 cents.
Grayson, Ruby.
1001 Jollies. New edition. Price 15 cents.
Gordon, Hazel.
The Mystery of Claudius the Cliff Dweller. An ancient detective
story. Not yet on sale.
Aemisegger, Clara.

Treatise on German. Am. text book series. Price $1.10.

Oh the gay and festive Freshy has appeared
upon the scene,
'Tis not the monster jealousy that makes
him look so green;
'Tis not the fumes of rum that gives his nose
that ruddy glare,
But the boy has caught hay fever from the
hayseed in his hair.


The Sophomore's bold, defiant air
Wins fame for him most everywhere.


A junior reading may be seen
But notice 'tis a magazine.

No sines or tangents hurt his
For he is sure to graduate.


Music and Art
Miss Lou McManus, one of the most popular of Traverse City's
young women, is the present instructor of music in our public
schools and of the High school chorus. After a two years' course in
the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin, Miss McManus began her work
here last fall.
It can be well said that we have one of the best High School choruses. The chorus consists of about sixty-five voices and is one of
which we can be proud.
Most of the first semester was spent in studying and drilling
upon the cantata entitled "The Rose Maiden," adapted from the German. On the 27th of March "The Rose Maiden" was presentd to the
public. The large and enthusiastic audience heartily expressed their
interest and appreciation of the work done by the chorus. The blending of voices and unity of time displayed are worthy of our praise.
Much talent was shown in the work done by individuals, who took the
leading parts in the solos, duets and quartets.
At present the chorus is working upon three selections in preparation for Commencement Eve. The numbers which will be rendered
then are "Oh, for the Wings of a Dove," by Mendelssohn, "0, Great is
the Depth," from St. Paul, by Mendelssohn, and "Comrades Awake,"
composed by Staub.
The music in our High School is growing better each year and it
is hoped that the same interest will be exhibited in the future that
has been in the past in this particular line of work.
Miss Jessie Stout was born in Marshall in the southern part of
Michigan. She is a graduate of the public schools there and after
completing her High school course entered the Western State Normal.
She graduated from the art department, receiving a life art certificate.
"ART is but the mirror of life."—Heine.
The class in drawing, which meets twice a week, met for their
first lesson with Miss Stout last September. The work taken up at
that time was nature work, studies in landscapes, flowers and fruit.
Just before Christmas a special line of work was introduced by Miss
Stout. Arts and crafts is something altogether new in our High
school drawing, but the leather tooled pocket books made by the
class proves the value of this particular kind of work.
Some time was devoted to the study of still life. Later on construction work, accompanied by applied designing, was given atten-

tion and proved to be highly interesting. The baskets made are still
further evidences of the practical value of such handiwork.
Landscape work done lin charcoal, and Japanese studies were also included in this year's course of drawing. The exceedingly good
work which has been produced proves to us that our High School
ie not without artistic talent, skill and originality. Much credit is
due to the instructor who can obtain such excellent results from her
Those who have had training before along this line and those
who have taken it up for the first time this year, must certainly feel
that hours spent with art have not been in vain.
Art has existed Since time began and from the crude work of the
novice in the early centuries, it has developed 'into the marvelous
paintings and sculpturing of the great masters. Good art is like good
music, it refines, cultures and ennobles those who take the pains
to interest themselves in it and who make a study of it.

Jerry wrote a limerick
'Bout a great invention;
But the patent wouldn't stick
More I will not mention.
Harry loves a little maiden
From the bottom of his soul.
Guess you'll never catch him tradin'
If we blieve what we are told.
Charley's one great aim in life
Is to understand the reason
Wlhy it is he is so small
Though he's lived through many a season.
We have one boy whose name is Neil,
Of himself he thinks zu viel.
Ought to give us chaps a rest,
Telling us he is the best.
Never giving us a show
To tell the teacher what we know.
There is a boy whose name is D,
It isn't so very long, you see.
His hair is black, his eyes are brown,
And he loves all the girls in town.
But there is one he loves the hest
'Cause she is different from the rest.
As to the name of his dear mate
It seems to me 'tis Bess Smurthwaite.

Amo Te

I love thy hands, I love thy hair,
I love thy dainty quiet air;
Your manners satisfy my heart,
Your eyes to me are like a dart.
And most of all, but last to tell,
I love thee for thy ldttle self.

Thy soul is mine own guiding star,
Which, gleaming, leads me from afar.
The light which it imparts around
Illuminates my hallowed ground.

My heart is by your glances blest;
My thoughts are all to you expressed
And tho' they may not now be great,
Yet when they are, they'll come by
D. H.

1Rules for teachers
1. Teachers who have not been here as long as the Seniors have
must be respectful in the presence of the latter.
2. Teachers who have been out of college more than one year
may not apply for a position.
3. History and English teachers are asked to remember that
those subjects are not the only ones taught in the High School.
4. Teachers who occupy room 7, are requested to keep the room
in order.
5. Teachers of mathematics are requested to have patience with
students who don't do any work.
6. Any teacher who uses more than two per cent of slang words
will be reprimanded by the Class Pet.
7. Teachers who have not been, at some time, on a farm need
not apply, because those who teach Freshman subjects must know
how to shoo the chickens.
8. Young lady teachers are requested not to make eyes at the
Senior boys.
9. History teachers shall not have more than 14 open books on
their desk while,teaching.
10. Teachers will not be allowed to promenade the halls because
this is exclusively a Sophomore privilege.
11. Teachers will be allowed to fire any Senior from class if he
can not answer any question they can ask.
12. Science teachers will positively not be allowed to talk at a
rate of more than 30 miles an hour.

'Rules for ffreshmen
1. Freshmen must be respectful to the Seniors and say "Mister"
when addressing any member of the aforesaid class.
2. Freshmen must be respectful to the teachers and not be
saucy to Mr. Curtiss.
3. No Freshman girl shall invite a Senior boy to a leap-year
4. It is desired that Freshman girls should keep company with
Soph. boys, since it keeps up good feeling between the two classes. (?)
5. Freshmen shall not congregate in the halls as they are in
the way of the Seniors.
6. Freshmen must not bother the Seniors, when the latter are
working, by asking them the way to go home.

7. Freshmen ought not to monkey with the electrical apparatus.
It is dangerous.
8. Freshmen must have due respect for the skeleton and bow at
an angle of 45 degrees when coming into its sacred presence.

Milc for %opbmores
1. As a special permit, given on account of a certain person in
the Senior class, any popular Soph. girl will be allowed to keep company with a Senior boy.
NOTICE--Freshy girls must not think that they are Sophomores.
2. Soph. girls must pass in at least one subject in order to remain in the High School.
3. Sophomore boys will be severely reprimanded by the Pres.
of the Senior class if they try to cut out any Senior boy who is taking advantage of rule 1 of this set.
4. ,Soph. boys are ordered not to smile on the Senior girls. The
latter want to study.
5. Sophomores must not think that they own the H. S. This is
a Senior privilege.
6. All Sophs. must obey Freshman Rule 1.
7. Soph. girls are forbidden to chew gum in English class.

1Rutes for auniors
1. Juniors are positively forbidden to tease the Freshmen.
2. Members of the Junior Sorority must not blame the editor for
their membership tickets. The editor is not a printer.
3. Juniors must not sass the teachers down stairs.
4. If a Junior boy takes a Freshy girl to more than two parties
in succession he must tell the Vice President of the Senior class
whether or not he is engaged.
5. Juniors are requested not to ask the Seniors how to work
their Algebra problems. It embarrasses the latter.
6. Juniors must not pick quarrels with the Sophomores or interfere wth their love affairs. The teachers will do this.
7. Juniors are forbidden to organize class rushes against the
8. Juniors must not cut their initials on the desks in room 1.
9. Juniors must not congregate in the Physics Lab. The Seniors
want to use the apparatus once in a while.

1iquIc6 for Zenior6
1. Seniors will be allowed to wear derbies without fear of interference from other classes.
2. Seniors may roam around the building at large without being reprimanded by any of the grade teachers.
3. Seniors may sass the teachers all they want to, provided the
teachers don't care.
4. Any Senior who lowers his dignity so far as to look at a
Freshy will be suspended from the class.
5. Senior boys may stand around the halls and look wise, if
they have no lessons to make up.
6. Seniors will be allowed to think that they own the High
School as long as they do not try to mortgage the building to buy
clothes to graduate in.
7. While Senior boys are not required to associate with Senior
girls, they ought at least to dance with them at the receptions.
8. Any member of the Trig class who works more than one problem a week, will be allowed to wear a star in his triangle.
9. Seniors need not pay any attention to the teachers down

vie 4 4 4 4 4 4

Old T. C.
With apologies to Ben King

Of all the towns that just suit me
From Thompsonville to Manistee,
There's one old place I can't forget.
It aint a monstrous place, and yet
'Twill be pretty sizable maybe,
All in good time—that's old T. C.
I don't pretend to write, and aint
One of them there chaps that paint.
If I was, I'd tell of scenes that lie
Stretched out afore a feller's eye;
It is the place where I will be
When I'm at home—that's old T. C.
I've seen folks gather there in crowds,
Just to watch the golden clouds
Changing shapes and sort of glowing,
As the light still fainter growing,
Brought the thoughts of home to me
And to dearest old T. C.
—D. H.


Wilhelm's Traurigkeit
Wilhelm traumt von seinem Gluck,
Aber als die Stimme zu ibin kam,
Von einem Liebeslied verging
Sein Lacheln, und ling zu reden an.
"Es erinnert mich an eine Liebe,
Die hat versprochen mein zu sein;
Und wenn tich daran denk', vertrubt
Meine Seel; das ich allein musz sein.
"Ihr blau'n Augen, die echten Spiegel,
Glanzten heller als die Sterne;
Ihr gold'nen Locken waren immer
Als ob frisch von der hohen Ferne.
"Ihr iStimme lautet wie das S'ingen
Der Engel im ewigen Paradies;
Die Vorte eines Liedes klingen
Aus ihrem Mund gar wunderlich.
"Als wir allein am Ufer waren
Zusammen den Naturen Blkk,
Den schonen aufgehend' Mond besahen,
Bestatigt ich mein hocst€e Gluck.
"Endlich kam der droh'nde Tag
Wann sie von mir trennen muszt;
Als die hand des Todes auf ihr lag
Sah ich meinen grosz' Verlust.
"Als sae noch am Rande war
Des Todes und des Lebens, blieb'n
Die Augen wunderlich wie klar;
Als ob sie war' schron druben.
"So wann ich ihre Lieblingslied
Von Munde andrer Singer hor'
Betrubt mean Herz und eilend zeih'n
Hervor die Thranen —ach wie schwer."


Manistee dropped in upon ms Sept. 28, 1907, to play a game of
foot ball, and as usual, were defeated, but enjoyed the hospitality
and entertainment offered them after the game. The locals were equally well received when they visited the Salt City later in the season.
On Nov. 27th, the younger girls gave a leap year party and individually invited the boys. They left the older girls out, claiming that
this said party had undue hypnotic influence over the braver sex, but
the latter not to be outdone, gave a masquerade the evening before,
and those who were fortunate enough to attend both had an excellent
An entertainment was enjoyed in the High School room, it being given for the benefit of the High School in general, and the boys
Athletic association. Every number on the program was enjoyed immensely, all receiving encores. The science teacher was overcome by
the soothing qualities of a reading and entered "Dreamland," until
a brother professor restored his equilibrium.
It is to be regretted that we could not play the return games with
the Manistee and Kalkaska basket ball teams. With the regular team
working together, great hopes were entertained for the championship of Northern Michigan, but so many obstacles were presented
that the game was given up.
The junior-senior reception to the teachers was held at Horst's
academy Feb. 7, 1908. The affair was a great success, proving to be superior to those of former years. The room was decorated in the local
colors and the walls were covered with emblematic pennants representing many different schools of the country. After a few well chosen words by the class president L. D. Castle, welcoming the teachers, the program proceeded. Every number was greatly appreciated,
especially the violin duet by Mozelle Bennett and Prof. K. E. Horst,
and the piano solo by Miss Turner, the three being recalled repeatedly. Dancing then reigned for three and one half hours, refreshments
being served during the meantime at the Palace. Prof. Davis and.
wife were greatly missed, being absent on account of sickness, but

the rest enjoyed themselves throughout the evening, although Mr.
Ruggles seemed rather lonesome without—Oh, you know I mean
Miss—Miss—Oh! Yes, that's her. Well school will soon be out.
Good luck to Mr. Ruggles.
The "Spy of Gettysburg," given by the Science department, April
5th, at the Grand opera house, was rendered in a very satisfactory
manner, and the casts were spoken of very highly by the audience.
During the first of the year the school bought an induction coil. The
best they could get for its size, and the agreement of purchase was
that the school board should pay half and the Science Department
should pay the rest. In order to raise their half, the latter gave the
play mentioned above. They made more than enough to pay their
share and with the rest of the money will buy other apparatus, which
is needed very much, since much of the material in use at the present time is pretty well used up. Much credit is due to Mr. Hornbeck,
who worked harder than any one else to make the play a success,
and the people of Traverse City can congratulate themselves that
such a man as Mr. Hornbeck is a teacher in their schools.
A short time ago we were given a musical treat which will not
soon be forgotten. Mr. Phipps, who has been traveling from school to
school giving entertainments, held the scholars and faculty spellbound for half an hour in the morning, and his work was so well appreciated that a large audience greeted him after school. Indeed if
in no other way, we can judge his work by Mr. Nye. The latter gentleman was so completely overcome with the effects, that fully ten
minutes elapsed before he was restored to his normal attitude.
The Seniors met in the large room, on December 21, 1907, and decided to have a Ohilstmas tree on Friday evening, before vacation.
No definite place was settled upon, although we had hopes of securing
the Physical Laboratory. But our hopes were dashed away, when Mr.
Davis judging this timid class by that of last years' senior class, refused the request, as he was afraid the skeleton would be fed something disagreeable with its constitution, and therefore upset its normal condition. We therefore used the basket ball hall. Everybody
had a good time, and presents all the way from a baby cab to a rattle box were given out. The hall was left in good condition for one of
the unlucky seniors, who holding an office in the basket ball association, spent two lovely hours the next day clearing up the floor of
refuse, to pay for his dignity.


...The Mock .1

On Monday evening, April 27, the case of People versus Harold
Jahraus was pulled off with great enthusiasm in the High School
assembly room. Previous to this "Bernie" Pierce had slapped Mr. Jahraus on the nose, which so angered the latter worthy that he considered it necessary, in order to preserve his dignity among the
Freshmen, to clean up the sod with• the offender. Mr. Pierce immediately swore out a warrant and Sheriff Bingham captured the culprit, who, after hot remonstrance, was taken before Judge Lautner
in the laboratory. Judge Lautner decided that it was his sacred duty
to hold Jahraus for trial on $200 bail, which was immediately signed
by Hobart and Prof. Davis.
Prosecuting Attorney prepared for the trial and Mr. Jahraus hired
Umlor & Martinek to look after his side of the case.
The night of the trial came around and the preliminaries, such as
selecting the jury were done away with without a hitch. Sheriff Bingham had chosen his men well.
Mr. Pierce was the first witness and he stated that although he
was not an eye witness to everything it was only on account of his position at various stages of the game that prevented this, but he said
further that his testimony could not be ruled out on this account,
since he had felt all he had not seen. All this took about an hour.
Then some more witnesses were called who verified this, but one,
Mephistophelis by name and a composite by nature, added what appeared to be at first rather valuable testimony. He swore that he had
heard Mr. Jahraus say that "he would feed fat his ancient grudge."
He knew it was Jahraus and he had been but three inches from him
at the time, the distance being known because Mephistopheles' nose
was touching Mr. Jahraus' shoulder at the time. The cause for the
words was the fact that Pierce had cut Jahraus out and was taking
the latter's girl home. However for some unaccountable reason this
testimony was not used in the attorney's plea. More witnesses were
called and the trial at last dragged to an end and the jury went out
in the Sheriff's charge.
The jury, intent on justice, could not agree for some time. They
were three for acquittal and three against it and appearances were
that they would stay so all night unless something happened. But
finally McGarry had a happy thought. They flipped a 50 cent piece.
and Mr. Jahraus was guilty.
No one was more surprised than Jahraus himself when Judge
Lautner sentenced him to thirty days in the laboratory studying the
moral make up of the bug.

District Oratorical

The Oratorical Declamatory contest of the third sub-district of
Michigan was held in the First Methodist church of this city on the
evening of March twentieth. The following schools were represented: Manistee, Frankfort, Gaylord, Cheboygan, Traverse City.
In the oratorical contest our representative, Mr. Eldred, received
second place. This showed much work as well as ability on Mr. Eldred's part. He was working against odds as most of the other contestants had given the same orations in similar contests in previous
years. His hard work in preparing for this year's contest was not in
vain, however, as i•t will stand him in stead for next year's contest
in which he has an excellent chance of winning the state contest as
be is an orator of no mean ability,
The winners in the oratorical contest were as follows:
1st. Frank Pennell, Cheboygan, subject, "Reign of Graft."
2nd. Andrew Eldred, Traverse City, subject, "Education as an Essential to Progress."
3rd. Glen Smith, Gaylord, subject, "Emancipation of Russia."
In the Declamatory contest Arthur Spenser certainly did the
school full justice. He gave his selection, "The New South," by
Grady, in an exceptionally pleasing manner,
Second place was won by Harold Johnson of Manistee, who gave
Patrick Henry's "Appeal to Arms" in a very stirring manner.
The winners in this contest represent this sub-district in the district contest to be held in Muskegon at a latter date.
The judges on composition were: Supt. Butler, Central Lake;
Mrs. J. L. Gibbs, Mayfield; Miss Grace Tennant, Holland.
The judges on delivery were: Supt. McGee, Cadillac; Supt. Bell,
Boyne City; Thomas Meggison, Central Lake.

Iducation As An Essential
.. To Givilization

1. Introduction.
1. Condition of the people during the Middle Ages.
2. Darkness signified a new day.
3. The Renaissance.
A new birth; New forms of learning. New languages.
Advances an knowledge.
II. Discussion.
1. Changes resulting from the Renaissance.
Learning has become universal.
2. Education as a factor in civilization.
It tends to advancement.
3. Purposes of education.
The old countries compared with the new.
4. Patriotism a concomitant of education.
Russia compared with the United States.
5. Individual examples of patriots.
Franklin and Lincoln.
III. Conclusion.
1. True meaning of education.
Forerunner of civilization.
Tendency toward a greater future.

Education as an Essential to Civilization
The darkest epoch in history was the period immediately preceding the Renaissance. It was an age over which hung the pall of
ignorance and superstition. It was as though all Europe lay sleeping
under the hypnotic power of some unseen being. It was a period of
tyrannous, yet powerless kings; quarrelsome, yet cowardly nobles;
active, yet sensual clergy; sturdy, yet oppressed commoners ft was
an age when freedoom of thought was unknown, when teaching was
In the hands of a few bigoted monks, and they, subservient to an ignorant.mediaeval church, held sway over Christendom.
But this was not destined to endure for all time. The darkest
hour of the night signified the approach of a new dawn, the forerun
ner of victorious day. Mighty factors were at work which would ultimately throw off the iron yoke, and man would stand forth free, exultant, and powerful.
The dawn of this new day was the Renaissance. It meant that
civilization had at last awakened to a new birth. When the scholars of this period, those pioneers of knowledge, openly sought the
old classics and demanded a change in learning, a new epoch was
begun. But the influence of the Renaissance was exerted over a large
number than the mere handful of men who inspired it. Their ambition
and example were compelling. Their spirit became a national spirit
in that their writings were done in the vernacular, thus bringing into
existence national forces of great import. Europe soon became acquainted with printing, with gunpowder, with astronomy, and with a
new religion; knowledge which was destined to revolutionize the
world. And in addition to all ibis she became acquainted with a land
beyond the seas.
This crowning result was a step toward a higher life. It
meant that no longer mere existence was satisfactory, but that the
why and the wherefore must be revealed; no longer was the monastery
to touch a special class, but that every man must know. Learning
must be universal. Thus civilization had shaken itself free of its
shackles, and proudly said, "Seek knowledge for yourself; be a personality." It reared and fostered these mighty agents, individualism,
organization, self-restraint and liberty.

Thus the new age produced the best blood of Europe; the stern
Puritans of England; the heroic Huguenots of France; the sturdy Luth
erans of Germany; and the stubborn Dutch of the Netherlands; a
race of men who knew no superiors. And this blood was transferred
to the new world. Would that first shot, which was heard round the
world, ever have been fired without their free-thinking, their demand
for principle, their dauntless courage,—all results of the Renaissance?
No. We proudly point to Saratoga, to Valley Forge, and to Yorktown
and acclaim that our forefathers were willing to fight, yea and to die,
that the principle of freedom might endure. And behind their spirit was Intelligence.
When the democratic spirit of France, on the other hand, threw
down the gauntlet, executed a king, and creed, "Liberty!" it was the
result of ignorance, of.selfishness and a blind following of ill-chosen
leaders. It was a backward step in our civilization. But we must remember that this peope had developed under the dwarfing influence
of persecution, of over-taxation, and of oppression by church and
state, which had dulled their finer perceptions and perverted their
ideals. Do the French, today, point proudly to the triumphs of the
guillotine? Would their forefathers have died, or even suffered, for
the principle of freedom? No. For men of their stamp cannot think
and cannot realize that victory is won only by intelligent sacrifice;
that liberty is attained only by restraint. Did their misgovernment
long endure? History denies it. The difference between the success
of our revolution and the failure of theirs is that we were strong in
our training; they, weak from lack of it. We were educated; they
were not.
To bring to pass, then, the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of people, to make a country a national force, the citizens
must be intelligent, must be trained, must be educated. These are the
instruments that move the world and aid a man in becoming a benefit
to himself, to his country and to his age. We are apt to regard as
the educated man, him, who is versed in ancient languages, in higher
mathematics or in occult sciences. Milton was such a man, yet he,
classic extremist that he was, said: "I call a complete and generous
education that which fits a man to perform justly, skillfully and
magnanimously all the offices, both •public and private, of peace and
war." It is then, that which makes a man's work potent.
Education and education alone, is the means which leads to that
success which makes a man better prepared for his life work. Its
purpose is to inspire, to enlighten, to stimulate. The great ideal of
education is not research, but propagation of knowledge. Its mission is to help others, not ourselves alone; to raise others, as well
as ourselves, from the material to the real things in life.
The true intent of education is toward a more complete life, and
this means a higher civilization. In this time, Egypt, Babylon, and

Phoenicia were without rivals. Yet why is it they are remembered
today? The military projects of Egypt were gigantic; the armies of
Babylon well nigh irresistible; the sailors of Phoenicia fearless. But
aside from the fact that these .countries disseminated knowledge,
they were magnificent failures. Now Egypt lies buried in her pyramids; the very site of Babylon is disputed, and Phoenicia is but a
name. The narrow, selfish policy of these countries caused their ruin
but the value of the lessons we derive from them is immeasurable.
Greece under Alexander conquered the world, only to fall before the
invincible legions of Rome, and though each in its time was supreme,
were it not for the culture and intellectual achievements of Greece
and the laws and internal improvements of Rome, their other deeds,
taken by themselves would have had but little influence on the world's
real progress. Civilization is not material wealth or temporal power.
It is life itself:—that which endures,—that which increases. Its truest
grandeur is in its high ideals, results of pure, upright and intelligent
Patriotism is truly a concomitant of education. Among an aboriginal people the purpose of the individual is self-preservation, even at
the expense of the clan. True, he supports the clan but from a desire
of personal gain, not from patriotic devotion. In the civilized state,
as a result of this process which we call education, the individual
has developed to that point, where he feels the call of something higher and purer. That something we call partiotism. True education,
we hold, is an essential to true patriotism.
Russia today is considered a strong world power. Measured in national wealth it ranks among the first. Materially, the Russians are
our peers. But in real power and in true civilization we are superior to them as the trained soldier is to the raw recruit. The Russians
are brave and loyal; but, as a nation, they lack that one essential,
an educated middle class.
As it is in the nation so it is with the individual. Two of America's best loved men, men who did more, perhaps, than any others in
the establishing and preserving of our national government, were
Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Ilncoln. They were truly educated
in the school of adversity and experience. They were not unread or ignorant; nor were the contents of their books their education. The
work they contributed was the result of a training that had caught
the true spirit of an education. Neither sought for rewards or honors,
yet today each is heralded throughout the world as a true American.
Now what is the meaning of all this? That education is ever the
forerunner of civilization. That ideals which tend to raise the standard of our fellow men are inevitably the results of education. It lb
no waste of words to say America is progressing. It is a self-asserted
fact. To what forces, then, shall we ascribe this? To her schools,
to her colleges, to her universities, and to her political freedom which
give every man a chance to gain a practical experience in every phase
of life. Therefore is our whole tendency toward a greater future, a
future foreordained by the fathers of this republic; a future cherished
by every true citizen of every state; a future in which shall be proclaimed the praises of the greatest nation sullying for the greatest

T. G. H. S. Athletic Ass'n
In the spring of '07, near the close of the school year, the Athletic Association met in room one to elect officers for the following
year. Old Spiegel presided over the meeting and gave up his position
with much grace and amiability, and at the same time offered much
For the year endring with June, 1908, the following officers were
Fred Pierson—President.
Claude Clifford—Vice President.
Glen Stanley—Secretary.
Harry Hanson—Treasurer.

In the fall of '07 the foot ball team was under the management
of the board, consisting of: Mr. Nye, Mr. Davis, George Whiting, Harold Jahraus, and L. D. Castle. They also managed the Basket Ball
team, so that both were successful in a financial way and it is hoped
that the track team will do as well.

-:-Prospects of 1908 Track Team-:The loss of sonic of the heavy men of last year's team, such as
Spiegel and Fellers, will make much difference in the weights, and
the loss of Miller will be realized in the dashes. However, the team
of '08 has a very bright outlook. Most of the old men will be back
again, and with such men as McGarry. Simpson, Cressy, Slater, Harkness, Bingham, Pierson, Cleveland, Whiting, and Jahraus to start with
a good team ought to be turned out.
A meeting was held by the old track team to elect a captain for
this year. Pierson was chosen and the above named men will make a
strong effort to win again the championship of Northern Michigan.

-:- Base Ball Many of the boys have shown a decided liking for base ball and it
is expected that a very good team will be turned out this year. This
game has been dead in the High School for the last few years, and
it is hoped that enough enthusiasm will be aroused this time to liven
up some of the fans who are interested.

Benefits Received From H. S. Athletics
Probably no one notices these benefits as much as the student
himself, but it is nevertheless true that the young fellow that gets
out after school for a night's practice in some kind of athletics, feels
much better for it. His mind is taken from his studies, and the blood
which has been supplying his brain with nourishment all day, now
goes to his muscles and relieves the brain from the stress which it
has been subjected to.
He can not help but feel better when, after a strenuous practice
at foot ball, he comes into the dressing room and takes a hot shower
immediately followed by a cold one and a brisk rub down. It sets his
blood tingling, his face takes on a healthy pink color and he feels
free and light hearted as you can tell by the rollicking songs he
sings and the boisterous way in which he sings them.
A person cannot say that this exercise is not good for a young

fellow. Of course there 'is such a thing as too much of it, but if he
has common sense and a good coach, this is avoided. The work he receives after school refreshes him and makes him more capable of taking up the next day's studies.
These are only a few of the many benefits and are mostly physical ones. Others are to be had, such as self control on the foot ball
field, ability to think rapidly when in a tight place and others of like
character. Therefore it must be true that a High School student may
receive much benefit from the athletics allowed in the school.

-:- Rhymes and Jingles -:This little boy went to Trig class,
This little boy stayed to home;
This little boy got an awful good mark,
And this Mttle boy got none.

When a High School girl is working hard,
She's very fair to see;
And teacher thinks no little girl
Could any sweeter be.
But when the girl stops studying
She romps with such a noise;
That teacher thinks she's really worse
Than half a dozen boys.

Did you ever see a lobster ride a flea?
Did you ever see a Senior work till 3 (a. m.)
Did you ever? No, you never,
For it simply couldn't happen, don't you see.

Top Row Pierson, ihonk, Sirr pson. A mtsbueehler, Feller, McGarry, Slater. Middle Row--Waite. Miner. GeteFell.
- VValker. Cleveland.

The Meet at Reed City I

N THE morning of May 29, 1907, the 10:50 train on the G. R. &
I. took with it on tits southward journey one of the best track
teams that the Traverse City High School ever produced.
There were fourteen fellows 'in the bunch and every one of them
trained down to the very last degree of perfection. They went without coach or trainer, as Mr. Davis could not leave his classes for the
next day, but in spite of this fact they took excellent care of themselves and showed that they were a bunch of fellows to be trusted.
They arrived in Reed City that afternoon and immediately secured rooms at the King House which was very gay, the next day,
with bright ribbons and banners. The meals at the hotel were excellent for the boys and fixed especially for them. Only once was there
a dtisturbance at the table and that was when Capt. Spooch took a
plate of cake from the waiter, and then something was doing for
On May 31, after a light dinner of eggs and toast the boys made
their way to the track where the events were to be pulled off. They
fixed up a dressing room in one of the sheds and were soon ready
to defend the Black and Gold against the other schools represented.
There were five schools present, and, placing them according
to the number of points won, were as follows: Traverse City, 78
points; Reed City. 26 points; Evart, 17 points; Bug Rapids, 11 points;
and Greenville 0 points.
It was simply a walk away for Traverse for they won nearly every first and many second places. Several of the old school records
were broken. Amtsbuechler tossed the shot 39 feet, 6 in., threw the
hammer 128 feet and whirled the discus 104 feet. Pierson broke the
local broad jump, clearing 19 ft., 11% inches.
The events were as follows: Foot ball punt: Wait, Traverse, 115
ft; Tindall, Big Rapids, 109 ft. 100 yard dash, Marks, Big Rapids,
10 4-5 seconds; Miller, Traverse, second place. Running high jump—
Pierson, Traverse, 5 ft., 6 in.; Ballacker, Reed City, 5 ft., 4 in. 440
yard dash—Fellers, Traverse, 57 4-5 seconds; Voelker, Reed City,
second place. 12 pound shot put—Amtsbuechler, Traverse, 39 ft., 6
in; Whiting, Traverse, 38 ft., 2 'in.
Running broad jump—Pierson, Traverse, 19 ft., 11% in.; Whiting,
Traverse, 19 ft., 3 in. Pole vault—Pierson, Traverse, 9 ft., 6 in.; Slater, Traverse, 9 ft., 4 in. 220 yard low hurdles—Miller, Traverse,
28 4-5 seconds; Whiting, Traverse, second place. One half mile run


_Beardsley, Reed City, 2:16%; Stipeck, Evart, second place. 12
pound hammer throw—Amtsbuechler, Traverse, 128 ft.. 1 in; Gilbert,
Reed City, second place. 220 yard dash—Simpson, Traverse, 24 sec.;
Miller, Traverse, second place. One mile run—Stipeck, Evart, 5 minutes, 21 sec.; Beardsley, Reed City, second place. One half mile bicycle race—Starr, Big Rapids, 1 minute 29 4-5 sec.; Shoemaker,
Reed City, second place. Base ball throw—Shore, Evart, 304 ft., 51/2
in.; Fellers, Traverse, second place. 50 yard dash—Miller, Traverse,
51,4 seconds: Simpson, Traverse, second place. Discus throw—Amtsbuechler, Traverse, 104 ft. 1 in; Tindall, Big Rapids, 99 ft.
Officials—Referee, Chas. D. Morgan, physical director Y. M. C. A.,
Grand Rapids.
Judge of TimeEd Whitney, Cadillac.
Judge of Finish—Supt. Whitney, Reed City.
Clerk of Course—O. Davenport, Reed Oity.

Original Rhymes and Jingles
There is a young man in Pierres
Whose arms grow out at his ears.
He doesnt' care much
For autos, and such.
'Cause it jiggles his brain when he steers.
A dentist who lived in NPW -ork
Tried filling false teeth with cork,
But his patients all said,
They felt light in the head
And couldn't eat much with a fork.
A frisky young cat o'nine tails
Once ate a Welsh rabbit from Wales.
It was heavy as lead
And made his eyes red
And sat on his stomach like nails.

Top Row. left to right--Hanson. Nelson. Kehoe. Petertyl, Jahreus, Simpson. LaFontsee. Waite. Harkness. Ludl
Middle Row--Cleveland.
McGarry. Davis Coach. Pierson. Bauman. Bottom Row—Monroe, Snip mascot. Evans. Hall.

Foot Ball Team
OF 1907
HIS TEAM was butilt up out of almost new material very few
old men coming back to school. Those who left were Amtsbuechler, Fellers, Coplan, "Reddy" Hunter, Ellis, Miller, "Pat"
Heiges, "Blink" Moore, and Chervenka; and all that remained were the
following: Kehoe, Jahraus, Simpson, Pierson and McGarry. However,
with these old men and a bunch of new men Coach Davis brought
about a team which accompltished something that had not been done
for five years, and that was to defeat Petoskey.
The team at the first of the season started out successfully by defeating Manistee five to nothing. Then followed a streak of bad luck
which seemed as though it would follow the team through the rest of
the season.
Coach Davis rearranged the team and did everything in his power
to strengthen things, but the fault did not ltle in the weight and ability of the men to play individually. It lay in the fact that the team
could not play together. But along at the end of the season they finally conquered this difficulty and the consequences were that we
beat Petoskey.
The team owes very much to Prof. Davis for the faithful and constant assistance he gave them while workang. This team was made up
as follows:
Left End—Hall and Waite.
Left Tackle—Bauman.
Left Guard—Harkness and Cleveland.
Right Guard—Nelson and Monroe.
Right Tackle—Hanson and Pierson.
Right End—Simpson and Ludka.
Left Half—McGarry.
Full Back, Pierson and Kehoe.
Right Half—Lafonsee and Ludka.
The team as a whole passed a very successful season and few
were hurt. Simpson got a little rap on the head at Petoskey and Hank
Monroe got his ltittle finger badly injured. However, except for these,
no one was hurt and a good season enjoyed.


The prospects for a 1908 foot ball team are very good, the only
men leaving on account of graduating being McGarry, Pierson and
Jahraus. All the rest of the regulars will be back and a good team
is assured. "Chub" ErVans at quarter will probably make a whirlwind next year as his record for 1907 is a splendid one for the cool
way in which he ran the team and the way he received the bumps of
the big fellows twice his size. His grit and ability to play was shown
time and again. Simpson is a good man, being a line sprnter and Bauman with his line hitting abilities ought to make good next season.
Lafontsee the boy ground-gainer, will be back and show them all how
the game is played. Petertyl at center with Harkness and Cleveland as guards will make a center line hard to break. Ludka by using
his sprinting abilities and cool head ought to make the turf fly some.
Thus as a whole the team of 1908 should be a very strong one and
add more victories to the list for the dear old black and gold.

Oh the Roman was a rogue
He erat was you bettum;
He ran his automobilis,
And smoked his cigarettum;
He wore a diamond studibus,
An elegant cravatum,
A maxima cum laude shirt
And such a stylish hattum.
He loved the luscious hic haec
And bet on games and equl;
At times he won; at others
He got it in the nequis.
He winked (quo usquetandem)
At puellas in the forum,
And sometimes even made
Those goo-goo oculorum.
He frequently was seen
At combats gladitorial,
And ate enough to feed
Ten boarders at Memorial;
He often went on sprees
And said on starting homus,
"Hic labor—opus est,"
Oh where's my hic-hic-domus?"
Although he Lived in Rome
Of all the arts the middle—
He was (excuse the phrase)
A horrid individl;
Oil what a different thing
Was homo (Latin hominy)
Of far away B. C.
From us in Anno Domine.


Basket Ball Team

This team was organized along in the forepart of December,
1907. The prospects for a successful season were most encouraging
and unbounded enthusiasm accompanied the opening practices,
The players selected to represent the school were Cuy Hall and
Walter Hanson, baskets. George Whiting center and Fred Pierson and
Harry Hanson, guards. All were new at the game, but with the ex
cellent coaching of Mr. Ruggles were soon prepared to meet thctir opponents.
The first game was played at home in Campbells' hall on Jan.

Top Row--Whiting. Hall, McGarry. Middle Row--Hansen. Ruggles. coach, Pierson.
Bottom Row—Cleveland, Hanson.

10, with the fast East Jordan H. S. team. They easily conquered
with a score of 17 to 11. Every player put up an excellent game.
On Jan. 17 the team went to Manistee, but Whiting missed the
train and therefore the team work during the game was broken up
and with the assistance of umpire conditions, imposed by the Manistee officials, the game was lost.
The game with Kalkaska on Jan. 24, 1908, was also played under
a bad handicap. The absence of Pierson and Whiting necessitating
the playing of Cleveland and McGarry, both new men at the game
and also resulted in a defeat.
The team was scheduled at Petoskey for Jan. 31, but the objections of the home faculty caused the game to be cancelled and the
team disbanded.
Without doubt if the season had not been so full of bad luck the
team would have made a better showing. As it was it made quite a
good showing, considering that this is only the boys' second attempt
at the game.

Sing a song of secants,
A blackboard full of sines,
Four and twenty tangents
Standing up in lines.
When the lines were broken
And multiplied by pi;
Wasn't that a pretty thing
To have before your eye?

...The High School Band...
This organization which has made itself very much in evidence
Juring the past four years, has had for its chief characteristic its
ability to get there regardless of the "goods". As a music making
body, its reputation has always been of the worst, but as a means
to organize and increase High school spirit, it has always supplied
the demand. To advertise football games and field meets it has ever
been a success; never failing to let the people know that there was
something doing in the line of sports. In the contests and games, at
which it has been out, it has stirred the hearts of the athletes and
inspired them to greater deeds. Let us hope then that the support of
the band will be offered to the track and field meets for many years
to come.
H. J.

H. S. Societies

Purpose of the Order--To assume a graceful and at
the same time comfortable position during Physics
Motto--"Lego dich auf die Stuble."

Most Sacred Imperial High Lobster
Royal Clam
Grand Frog
High Turtles
Keeper of the Animals




Bingo. Piery
. Davis


H. S. Societies '4

Purpose of Order--To be good girls.
Motto--A hug and a kiss.
Oh my, what bliss.
Pres. Geraldine M.
Vice Pres. Roberta L.
Secy. Artice B.
Treas. Lesteritia S.
Charter Members-Bernice H.
Frankie A.
Rosie R.


H. S. Societies


Purpose of the Order--To learn Trig.
Motto—Tri, Tri, Agen.
Yell--Go get a tangent, go get a sine.
Go to the board and stand in line.
the square root of one plus
cosine y divided by two.


High Sine
Chief Tangent
Keeper of Log Tables
Log Hunters .
Royal Cosine
Most High Secant
Principal Surveyors

. Wait
. Bingham
Hobart. Jahraus
Jahraus, Martinek, Hobart

Results of Survey--Distance to Island =-- one mile.
Correct distance, 8'. miles. Slight error due to friction.

H. S. Societies

Purpose of Order--To debate well.
Motto--"Gimme liberty er gimme death."
Password--Pat Henry.
Vice President
Secretary and Treasurer
Karl Umlor


. Julius Martinek
Andrew Eldred
Neil Miller

Program Committee
Arthur Spencer

Critic on Delivery
Critic on Composition

Don Bingham


Mr. Nye
. Mr. Wiley

Results: Lost one debate to East Joa non. Error due
to overtraining.

slarsiszcAs—. •




1st end man—"Hello, Bingham, is that you down there on the other end?"
2nd end man—"Yes, Mac, is that you?"
1st end man—"Yes, but how did you know?"
2nd end man—"You just told me." (Loud applause among the
2nd end man—"Say, but I made the awfullest break the other
1st end man—"Why how was that?"
2nd end man—"I had just treated my girl to a $5 dinner when
she said, 'Bing, you're the dearest fellow in the world,' and guess what
I said."
1st end man—"Give it up."
2nd end man—"Well sir, I forgot myself and told her that she
was the dearest girl in the world and she hasn't spoken to me
FIVE DOLLARS REWARD to any Freshman who sees the point
to this joke.

H. E.
Manufacturers of

Fine Repair

A Diploma from the Traverse
City High School is a Possession Much to be valued
but an education is incomplete without the daily installment of fresh history to be found in the most
up-to-date newspaper.

The Evening Record
is the best daily newspaper circulated in the Grand
Traverse Region, and as a daily history is reliable
and up-to-the-minute.

Extract from an oration heard in chapel:
The Egyptian darkness was promulgated by an ethereal halo encircling the tombs of acquiescing reality.
Wiley (in Am. Hist.)—"Miss Crotser, what is the preamble of the
Miss U—"1 don't Know unless its that little first verse."
Mr. Davis (in Phys. Geog.)—"Mr, Whiting, in what state is St.
Mr. Whiting (quickly)—"Minneapolis."
Teacher (in Am. Hist.)—"On what committee was Benjamin
Hobart (Sotto voce to Mac, who is side-tracked)—"Ways and
Mac (with confidence)—"Ways and means committee."
Bing (With emphasis)—"That's it, ways and means committee."
But be wasn't.
Castle (In Physics)—"Whee, whoopee wow!"
Davis—"Now see here, Mr. Castle, there's no call

of oratory

Teacher (in Eng. Lit.)—"In that sentence about brooding darkness, how is darkness used?"
Senior—"It is birdified."
Harkness (excitedly in debating club)—"If one ship, ships 120
tons of water going from Cuba to Florida, how much will a whole
fleet ship in time of war, with all ports closed, going from Florida
around Cape Horn?"
Junior—"What you readin'?"
Senior—"Procter's Chaulog."
Mr. Wiley—"All we have in the test will be reviewel in class."
Fraser (despondently)—"We might review the whole book."
Jan. 15: Staid Senors all excited over the advent of a new girl
in room 6.
Jan. 27: Heart to heart talk by Mr. Gilbert, subject, Why we
Mr. Wiley—"Miss Parr, discuss the Albany Congress."
Miss P—"The Albany Congress met in New York City." (suddenly blushes.)

Take an Interest in Glothes
See what the best tailors are making. Styles, patterns, clothes, were never better for the money.

Our Suits, Top Goats, Gravenettes
at $10 to $22, customers think are the beet obtainable.
See what you think.


Both Phones 87
The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank in
Northern Michigan

Traverse Gity State Bank
Traverse City, Michigan
is prepared to serve you satisfactorily in
every department of banking .
1Ve solicit your account.

Evans (waxing eloquent)—"A great battle was fought and the
British mutilated our army."
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Nine. I spreken ze English.
Wiley (in Am. Hst.)—"What kind of a man was Tallyrand, Mr.
Mr. E—"He was a very Alley man."
Fraser (in Frig. Lit., sidetracked)—"In Beowulf the knights would
get killed at the feast and they got killed every night, but they were
different knights every night."

... Our Question Box ...
We regret that our question box had only one question but this
is answered in the following lines:
Yes, Mr, P.— , girls are very inconstant creatures. You should not
depend on them to treat you decently. The best way to get the favor
of a girl in your case would be to stay away from her as far as possible, for you remember the old saying that "absence makes the heart
grow fonder." You made the mistake of hanging around and looking
sad too much. Girls don't like that kind of courting.
Bingo (excitedly discussing exam. in Chemistry)—"Hornbeck said
that was amphorbus sulphur."
Mr. Wiley (liberally in Am. Hist.)—"Now I am going to give you
some notes on the bank."
Holcomb (authoritatively)—"Standard oil is sold the same place
it is raised."
Pingo (ind.gnantly in debating club)—"Any sane man that says
that is insane."
Mrs. Hess—"I am going to give you five lines less than usual tomorrow."
Jerry—"Gee! what will we do with all the extra time we'll have?'
Mr. Hornbeck—"Rubies containing more than two molecules of
water are not good gems."
Umlor—"What makes them change color?"
Ruby Grayson (hoarse whisper)—"O shut up!"

The Hobart Co., Proprietors



221 E. Front

Fine Watch Repairing a



Prescription Specialists

219 E. Front St.

Sweets to Eat. Sweets to Drink

Meeboer, the Tailor
Maker of Men's

Also Cleaning, Pressing and
215 E. Front

Phone 910

The Palace
for your

Ice Cream, Confectionery
and Baked Goods
and you will make no mistake
130 E. Front St.

A. WILDMAN . . Proprietor


Queen City Implement Co.
L. 0. RICE, Manager

Park Place Livery
And Automobile Line


importers of Fancy Drivers and Draft

Buggies, Harness and Farmers'
Supplies of All Kinds

City Hack Line

Citizens Phone 761
Bell Phone 102
131 State Street

Telephone No. 79 Open Day and night

Bingo (who has taken two years of German In vain)—"It
wouldn't do to call the Annual by a German name, because we couldn't
translate it."
Miss Osborne (in Eng.)—"I don't want you to write more than
1200 words."
(Suddenly attracted by a groan in Bill Fraser's direction.)
There yet may be peril but no man is able
To learn how to swim on his library table.
Davis (in Physics)--Now if the potential difference between
points A and B was equal." (There wouldn't be any difference.)
Mr. Bell (Eng. Lit.)—"The poem 'Eve of St. Agnes' was written
in prose."
Mr. Davis (Civics)—"If a mortgage was foreclosed and the property sold for the amount of the mortgage, what will the owner get."
Class (in unison)—"Not a cent."
Davis—"Yes he will, he'll get off the place."
Nye (Angrily)—"I don't know of any reason on earth or any other place why you should be tardy all the time."
Teacher (in Eng. IX)—"What is the pronoun in 'Mary milks the
Freshie—"Cow. It stands for Mary."
Davis (disgustedly surveying Ancient Order of Invertebrates)—
"It's a good thing that we have zoology in the school; we can classify some of you and you wouldn't all be vertebrates either."
Some Freshy ran away with Mr. Davis' Physics text book.
Wanted to get wise.
Eng. Teacher—"Mr. Blaski, compare the adjective `glad'."
Mr. B.—"Glad, happder, tickled."
Davis (in Physics)—"Now if the surface of a body of a person of
average size is 18 sq. Inches." (Becomes confused.) )
Teacher (in Algebra IX)—"Now, Children, repeat your rule."
Children—"Change the sign of the subtrahend
And add the result to the minuend."

J. MacNett Fred G. Heumann

Dr. F

Specialist of




( arise. Fitt, a

Wilhelm Block


A. J. McPhail




Both Phones

Over Johnson Drug Co.


118 E. Front Street


Over E. E. Miller's Drug Store
220 E. Front

Over Barnum & Earl's

S. S. Smith

H. I. Knapp



State Bank Building

South Union St.
Fine Repairing is My Eliwohilt

0. P. Carver & Bro.
Rooms 1-3.5

Sutherland Block

Oldest agency in city representing reliable companies only

Mr. Millard (in Hdst)—"One large state might have more electrical votes than some small states."
Miss Osborne (Eng. XII.)—"After he got through with his life."
(Suddenly becomes confused.)

... The Four Classmen
There was a tittle Junior
A sitting in the sun.
Along came a lesson
And oh, how he did run!
There was a little Sophomore,
A lying on the lawn
Down came a lesson,
And lo, Where has he gone?
There was a little Freshman,
A getting on his bike;
Down came a lesson,
And oh, how he did hike.
And last there was a Senior,
A working hard, you know;
Trying hard to see how far
That new base ball would go.
Mr. Wiley (in Eng. XI)—"I don't want any of you people to think
that you can pass this subject without ever studying."
Jerry (translating in German XII)—"Tie the boat loose, Johnny,
before the great storm comes up the valley and blows it on."
Teacher—"You shouldn't waste your paper so."
Soph—"It doesn't cost me anything."
Freshy—"No, I guess not, the way my tablets are disappearing."
There is always something doing
In the lives of famous men.
There is always something doing
That will pop out now and then.
Such as Bingham talking Dutch
And Bill Fraser working much.
These are incidents that happen (but seldom)
In the lives of famous men.

Pioneer Livery


B. J. MORGAN, Prop.


Hack Calls Promptly Make


Best Livery
Saddle horses that you all can
ride with safety


1 .

api. ) Everything
,;.orii.:4-,;,---- 47



- President
V,ce President
Vice President
C. A. HAmmoNn Cashier
optd,GarBneen): IF'hililbar;nitr: 0. Crotser,





in the

Realm of Music
The Piano that is Making Detroit Famous

Grinnell Bros.
Corner Can and Front S.

Traverse City

The Seniors have reserved this space,
worth from three to four dollars, to thank
the Juniors for their elegant reception.
and hope that the Juniors (next year) will
do as well.

Mr. Hornbeck (Chemistry)—"I tell you if a man falls on his
back and cracks his spinal column, there is no hope for him. He will
die sooner or later, generally sooner and without exception always
Sage Senior to Soph—"If you don't quit swearing, you will never
enter the pearly gates."
Soph (recklessly)—"I don't care. I've got friends in both places."
Miss 0—"What did Byron write?'
Mr. B—"Byron wrote prose."
Miss 0—"Name them."
Mr. B—"I used to know, but I have forgotten."
Miss 0—Well, that's too bad; you are the only one that ever did
know and you have forgotten."
Mr. Nye—"What were the principle gods?"
Mr. Vinton—"Cupid and Hymen."
Teacher—"Now, Mr. Staake, stand up and tell us what you
Mr. S—"I don't know anything."
Teacher—"Correct. Sit down."
Pierson (meditatively)—"Let me see, three invitatons at twelve
cents each, (quickly) Oh, yes, that would be 24 cents."
Wiley—"If I am not mistaken he is a sister to Queen Anne."
Wiley (in Hist.)—"Miss Parr, what did you find out about the execution of Peter's son."
Miss P—"I find he died before he was executed."
"Johnny was a good boy, taken as a whole."
"A person was running the engine with great presence of mind."
"He kills the animals and leaves them to die. After awhile he
comes back to get them and in all probability they are still alive."
"A crash was heard and the top of the theater was in ashes to the
"He rushed home and put his aching heart to bed."
"Duncan in Macbeth was killed before he had time to play an
important part."
Freshy, in Eng. (with eloquence)—"Many a life his man has
sold." (Many a man, etc.)
Description of an Indian: His lips are thicker than a white person.

This is an Invitation
It is extended to every man who is interested in good clothes and who wants
to buy a spring outfit that will do credit to his taste and return him daily dividends of pride and comfort for his investment.
vitation is for you to see the new spring suits and overcoats which
Our in
comprise our purchase from L. Adler, Bros. and i ..., of Rochester, whom we represent exclusively in ibis locality. They are wi•il worth coming to see, for they
mirror the latest fashions faithfully and are wit hoot a peer in the ready-made field.
We hope for your early aceeptanci.




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Ladies' Outfitters

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CLOAKS :: SUITS Groceries :: Dry Goods
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Citz. Phone 239

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Tailor-Made Suits
You'll find no prettier styles anywhere than those we are

showing for Spring and Summer

Steinbero Bros.

Translating German—"Sie winkte mi zu folgen." She winked me
to follow.
Miss P-rr (Am. Hist.)—"The South was beginning to find that
slavery was a poor investigation," (investment.)
Overheard in German class: Teacher—"What's the word for turnip?"
Freshy-4"Uhr," (watch.)
Teacher in (xeom.—"Explain how AB equals K, Mr. Smith—, I
mean Mr. Simpson."
Mr. Davis (in Civics)—"For instance, here is a mob after a man
who is in jail. Now when will they lynch this man?"
Kansas—"When they get Mm."
Mr. Davis—What was in Daniel's cell?
Senior (sotto voce)—Lions.
Atkinson (side tracked)—Um-um-Mumble-mumble.
Mr. Wiley—"Wait a minute. I don't quite understand."
Atkinson—"Um-um, mumble-mumble—neither do I."
Davis—"A bullet reaches its highest point just before It begins
to descend."
Nye—"Let me hear you keep quiet."


Julius Campbell Co. Queen City Floral
The best place to buy your


Furniture and

Floral Baskets, Fresh Flowers
and Blooming Plants
318 S. Union St.

Both Phones 43

123, 125 and 417 Union St.

The Best of Everything

Just Remember that

The Economy Store

W. R. roote





Dry Goods, Notions, Tin and Granite Ware, China, Etc.
W. H. Brownell, Proprietor
Traverse City

241 Front St.

Archie A. Miller

R. J. Mercer & Co.



113 West Front St.
Exclusive Sale of Kuppenheimer

Edward Lautner

Reliable and Up-to-date

119 Union St.

Steam. Hot Water and Hot Air
Tinning and Sheet Iron Work

Capital Boilers. Boynton Furnaces
and the Forde Gas Machine
Both Phones 430

223 E. Front St.

Our Majestic goods are
guaranteed par excellent ar money refunded.


Traverse City

Are Always


The Rembrandt Studio
Makes a specialty of photos that look
natural, not posed.
Special attention given to children's
All work guaranteed satisfactoty.

W. F. Jackson . . . . Proprietor

Bugbee's Drug Store We're after your shoe

Let Clement or Ludka sell
them to you.

If you get
'" ' '! ,, your shoes
here they'll
be right.

Bachant & Roscoe

Prokop Kyselka Let us fill your
Sells the hest
. .
The Finest of Paints Always
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Corner Front and Case Sts.

Johnson Drug Co.
12.5 E. Front St.

Traverse City, Mich.


D 12 LAM LA Isi D
...„-Aci.:),. .
Graduate and Sophomore
Nifty Styles in Suits, Hats, Initial Belts,
Neckwear, Etc.
E. WILHELM, Front Street

"Moneybak" Silks
The kind that do not come back because they
are not satisfactory. We have sold these for
several years and have yet to find a dissatisfied
customer. They are ALL SILK. When you
want a good silk buy "Moneybak." Fcr sale
only by


Hamilton Clothing Co.
in all the uew designs for spring. 2, 3, and 4
button fronts; new lapPls; novel pockets; welt
on pants; turn-up bottoms; college styles; very
attractive colorings Ederheimer, Stein & Co.'s
and Hart, Shafner & Marx's newest fads.

Boys, come and see them.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

K. L. Horst
For Best Music

For Best Dance-Floor

Telephone 1134, 1 and 2 Rings

,, American Kandy
American Drug u




East Front Street 1 y


East Front Street

A. .T. WILI-I I-, :LM


Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings

Carpets, Cloaks, Ladies' Suits and Skirts
Linoleums, Oilcloths, Window Shades and Lace Curtains
Union Street



Traverse City, Mich.


3-8 Maple Flooring
5-8 Maple Flooring
3-8 Plain Oak Flooring
7-8 Maple Flooring
3-8 Beech Flooring, Dark and White 7-8 Beech Flooring
3-8 Beech Flooring, all Red
I 1-8 Maple Flooring
W. E. WILLIAMS, President

L. H. DE ZOETE, Sec'y-Treas.

Traverse City, Michigan

Watches :: Diamonds :: Jewelry
Lockets, Neck Chains, Watch Charms, Rings,

Bracelets, Fobs, Garnet Jewelry.
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The Old Reliable Jeweler

21 7

Front Street

Amil F. NerlinAer

Prepare for the
Teachers' Examination
in August
The Needham
Business College

2 I 2 State Bank Building
Citizens Phone 696


Style Milk Chocolate
k \ I

----- Viletta Bitter Sweet ----ARE MFOD. BY

------ Straub Bros. & Amiotte


Middle Man—"Why are rich men's fortunes
like the stars?"
First End Man—"Give it up."
Second End Man—That's easy.
they fade away when the son comes up."
(A long pause of stillness and then the
Freshies are suddenly convulsed with laughter.)

A Problem in Algebra
Couldn't be worked out easier than the problem
of where to find the

always works
X...out to be...


- - -

And now at last we say farewell
But hope that we may ever dwell
Kind friend, in recollections old
Until the wheel of time has told
The fortune which to us is due;
And at that time we'll think of you.
Our school work stops, our course is done,
And yet real life is but begun;
Great battles still before us lie
And' till they're won we say good-bye.



Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Bound volume.


6 x 9 inches

Item Relations

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